ATI -TT^ ,'Yv " A.--V. •P&k^> ■..-■■■ ' ■••• • y'/.?'&.'-'v;'y.: :■■■■ '' '. '■■:i:V'* !;&*!'■;■•■;-.'■•■' '###.; '•:■:■;■;■■:. :'-v; . .1 ■;. mf. ■;■■■■ J,■>.' -'A' ,,.-'i',7< '.V,'.',. • ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D.C. INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP THE SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES A.RMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. Yol. I. A — BERLIN SKI. WITH A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF PERIODICALS INDEXED. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1880. *L- C- ... 11 ^ / A r M ^ v..! ?. • r J ...L L a A F. '* ... i_^. .J...... w .^ K.J War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C, June 1, 1880. General Joseph K. Barnes, Surgeon-General, U. S. Army: General : I have the honor to present herewith the first volume of a Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This Catalogue includes both authors and subjects—the names being arranged in dictionary order in a single alphabet. Under the subject- headings are included the titles of original articles in the medical journals and trans- actions contained in the Library, for which reason the Catalogue is commonly spoken . of by those who are familiar with it as the "Index«Catalogue", and the name has been adopted as being brief and at the same time distinctive. The form adopted is essentially that shown in the " Specimen Fasciculus" published in 1876, and it has been selected after a careful consideration of the criticisms and suggestions brought out by that fasciculus. The great majority of physicians, and especially of American physicians, who have given their opinion, have expressed a decided preference for this form; and although a librarian might find a complete separation of the catalogue of authors from that of subjects a little more convenient, the demand on the part of those who are to use it is very decidedly for the combination here given. The following points have been kept in view in the selection and arrangement of the subject-headings: I. Those titles have been selected for subjects for which it is presumed that the majority of educated English-speaking physicians would look in an alphabetical arrangement. II. Where there is doubt as between two or more subject-headings, cross-references are given. III. Where both an English and a Latin or Greek word are in common use to designate the same subject, the English word is preferred, and references are given from the others. IY. As a rule, substantives rather than adjectives are selected for subject-headings. Exceptions occur to this in anatomical nomenclature, as "Lachrymal duct"; "Thyroid gland". Y. In names of subjects derived from personal names, the latter precede, as "Addison's disease"; "Eustachian tube". YI. Local diseases or injuries are as a rule placed under the name of the organ or locality affected, as " Kidney (Abscess of)"; " Neck (Wound of)". There are exceptions to this, in accordance with Rule I; e. g. "Abscess (Pennephritic)n. Ill IY VII. Cases in which one disease is complicated with or immediately followed by another are placed under the name of the first disease with the sub-heading " Compli- cations and sequela;". VIII. When the main subject of an article is the action of a given remedy in • general, or its action in several diseases, it is indexed under the name of the remedy; but if it relate to its action in but one disease, it is indexed under the name of the disease. IX. The amount of subdivision made under the principal subject-heads depends very greatly upon the number of references to be classed. X. As a rule, the references are given from general to more special heads, but not the reverse. It is presumed, for instance, that those who wish to consult the literature on "Aphasia" will turn to "Brain (Diseases of)" and "Nervous System (Diseases of)", as well as to "Aphasia", without being directed to do so by a cross-reference under the latter title. XI. Under the name of an organ will be found the books and papers relating to the anatomy and physiology of that organ. Following this usually come the abnormities and malformations of the organ, then its diseases, then its tumors, and, lastly, its wounds and injuries. Anonymous works or papers are entered in regular order under the first word of the title not an article or preposition. Russian and Japanese titles are transliterated, and a translation is usually appended. Greek names are transliterated for the sake of uniformity in type. In indexing journals and transactions, the general rule has been that only original articles should be taken, but occasionally important papers are indexed in several periodicals; and sometimes a reprint is indexed when the original is not in the Library. The. List of Abbreviations of Titles of Periodicals prefixed to this volume shows the journals and transactions which have been indexed to the present time. The right- hand column exhibits the volumes or numbers possessed by the Library, and, nega- tively, the deficiencies, which it is my earnest desire to fill. The List of Abbreviations is separately paged in order that it may be bound by itself, if desired, for use with succeeding volumes. Some of the abbreviations of names of places, especially in the United States, might have been still further shortened if the Catalogue had been intended for use only in this country. But an analysis, by subjects, of so large a collection of medical periodi- cals is, necessarily, useful in St. Petersburg, for example, as well as in Washington, its measure of utility in any locality being the extent of the collection of medical periodical literature therein. Intelligibility to foreigners, therefore, has been regarded as a quality essential to the abbreviations in question. In indicating pagination, the rule is that where the article does not exceed two pages in extent the first page only is given. If it exceed two pages, both the first and last pages are noted. The work of preparing this Catalogue began in 1873, and has been carried on persistently, and as rapidly as the amount of clerical aid available and the nature of the work would permit. V The present volume includes 9,090 author-titles, representing 8,031 volumes and 6,398 pamphlets. It also includes 9,000 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets, and 34,604 titles of articles in periodicals. I wish to specially acknowledge the valuable assistance which I have received from Dr. Robert Fletcher in carrying this volume through the press,—assistance which has gone far beyond mere routine or the limits of office-hours, and without which I should have found it impossible to have done the work and to have performed my other official duties. I am also indebted to Dr. H. C. Yarrow, and to Dr. James R. Chadwick of Boston, for much valuable aid in reading proofs. In conclusion, permit me to call attention to the fact that this is not a complete medical bibliography, and that any one who relies upon it as such will commit a serious error. It is a Catalogue of what is to be found in a single collection,—a collec- tion so large and of such a character, that there are few subjects in medicine with regard to which something may not be found in it, but which is by no means complete. It is hoped, however, that the many physicians, both in this country and in Europe, to whom the Library is under obligations for contributions and influence, will find in this volume a proof that their aid and sympathy have not been wasted. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. S. BILLINGS, Bvt. Lt. Col. and Surgeon, U. S. Army. VI MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OF IN THE CATALOGUE Abschn.....Abschnitt. abstr.....abstract. Abth.....Abtheilung. Afd.....Afdeeling. app......appendix. Aufl.....Auflage. Bd......Band. c......Special deposit from the Con- gressional Library. cah......cahier. cent.....centuria. ch......charts. col......colored, column. diag......diagram. Diss.....Dissertation, etc. Ed......edited, edition, editor. 6p......6poca. Ergnzngsbd. . . Erganzungsband. Ergnzngshft. . Erganzungsheft. ct al. .... . . . . et alii. et sequentes. extr......extracts. fasc.....fasciculus. fig......figure. lift.....Hoft. Hlffc......Halfte. Hrsg.....Herausgegeben. interl.....interleaved. Introd.....Introductory. Jahrg.....Jahrgang. 1......leaves. Lfg......Lieferung. livr.....livraison. n. date. n. place of publication. P.......Pamphlets. p. 1......preliminary leaves. P., v. ... . . Pamphlets, vol. pi......plates. Port, or Portr. . Portrait. pp......pages. Pr......Panegyric, Procancel, Program- ma, Prolusio, Propempticon. pt......part. Ropr.....Reprint. Samml.....Sammlung. spec.....specimen. suppl.....supplement. Suppl.-Bd. . . Supplement-Band. Supplhft. . . . Supplementheft. Suppl. v. . . . Supplement voL t.......tome, tomo. tab.....tables. transl.....translation. unp.....unpaged. v.......volume. V. p.....Various places of publication. Versamml. . . . Versammlung. *......Academische Af handling, Proef- schrift; Inaugural Abhand- lung, Dissertation; These, These pour concours. t......A case. tt.....Two or more cases. fol. Folio; 4°. Quarto; sm. 4°. Small quarto; 8°. Octavo; roy. 8°. Royal octavo; sm. 8°. Small octavo; 12°, 16°, etc. GP Tho German method of indicating an ordinal number by adding a period to the figure has been adopted in all cases. Thus: 2. v., 5. F., 10. e"d., indicate 2d vol., 5te Folge, and 10me Edition. ALPHABETICAL LIST or ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OP MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE INDEX-CATALOGUE. EXPLANATIONS: The abbreviations are prepared as far as possible in accordance with the following principles: 1. To follow the exact order of the words of the title. 2. To make them as brief as is consistent with clearness to those who are familiar with medical literature. 3. To follow strictly the orthographical usages of each language. This disposes of the question of capitalization. 4. To attain uniformity. Some exceptions to this last rule have been found expedient. An abbreviation which is quite intelligible in the body of a title is not always suitable as the first word, and the context may make an abbreviation sufficiently clear in a long title which in a short one would appear obscure. The convenience of the reader is regarded as of more importance than a rigid adherence to uniformity. The following minor details, with the list of single-letter abbreviations, will assist in the comprehension of the scheme: The article with which a title commences is invariably omitted. Prepositions as well as articles are omitted in English titles, but in other languages their entire elision would lead to obscurity, and is not warranted by usage. The place of publication is not added when it forms an integral part of the title; in such cases it is given without abbreviation, except in instances of constant recur- rence, as London, Paris, Berlin, etc., which are condensed into Lond., Par., Berl., etc., on all occasions. Nor is it added to the titles of Transactions or Journals the places of publication of which have been changed from time to time, as the references in each instance furnish the locality. The reader seeking explanation of an abbreviated title will find it under its first word (article excluded) in its alphabetical place in the list, but cross-references have been added when, as in the case of Societies, the first word of the title may not be sufficiently distinctive. [2] Two exceptions have been made to the rule of strict adherence to. the order of the title: La Lancette frangaise, gazette des hopitaux, and Jahrhiicher der in- und ausldndischen gesammten Medicin, are everywhere known as the Gazette des hopitaux and Schmidt's Jahrhiicher, and have been abbreviated under the latter titles. a. alia, auf, aus, aux, etc. d. das, degli, del, der, die, din, etc. f. for, for, fur. h. het. J. Jornal, Journal. k. kaiserlich, koniglich, koninklijke. k. k. kaiserlich-koniglich. 1. las, les, los, etc. M. Medical, Medicine, Medico, etc. N., n. Neue, new, nouveau, nuova, nya, etc. n. F. neue Folge. SINGLE-LETTER ABBREVIATIONS. o. och, oder. Q. Quarterly. R. Eaekke, Reeks. r. reale. S. Surgery, Surgical. s. series; e. g., 1. s., 2. s., etc. series. t. ter, till, tot. u. und. u. fiber. v. van, von, voor, vor. z. zur. n. g., New A. Abeille, Brux. Abeille med., Montreal. Abeille med., Par. Abbandl. u. Beob. d. aerztl. Ge sellsch. zu Minister. Abhandl. u. Beob. v. einer Ge- sellsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb. Abhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle. Abhandl. d. naturh. Gesellsch. zu Numb. Abhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Phil.-hist. Abth., Bresl. Abeille (L'). Revue medicalo et scientifique, ou choix d'articles puis6s dans lea journaux de m^decine fraucais et strangers. Bruxelles. v. 1-4,1834. roy. 8°. [For continuation, see Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux.] Abeille (L') m<5dicale. Journal de l'Ecole de m6decine et de chirur- gie de Montreal, de PH6pital H6tel-Dieu, de la Maternit6 Ste. Pelagie et des dispensaires. Moutr6al. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Abeille (L') meMicale. Revue des journaux et des ouvragea de m^decine, de chirurgie, [etc.] Paris, v. 1-35, 1844-78. 4°. Abhandlungen uud Beobachtungen der aerztlicheu Gesellschaft zu Munster. v. 1, 1829. 8C. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen aus der Arzneygelahrtheit von einer Gesellschaft von Aerzteu in Hamburg, v. 1, 1776. 8°. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. Origi- nalaufsatze aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Naturwissenschaf- ten. Halle, v. 11-14, 1869-78. 4°. Abhandlungen der naturhistorisehen Gesellschaft zu Numberer. v. 3-4, 1866-8. H-. Abhandlungen der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Erlan- gen. v. 1, 1810. 4°. Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Kultur. Abthellung fiir Naturwissenschaften und Medicin, 1867-73. Breslau. 8°. Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterliindische Kultur. Philosophisch-historische Abtheilung, 1867-74. Bres- lau. 8°. *" Acadeuiia Ciesarea Leopoldino Carolina naturae curiosorum. [-See Acad. nat. curios, ephem. Also: Acta Acad. nat. curios. Aim: Auserl. med.-chir. . . . Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Nurnb. Also: ^Vlisc. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. Also: Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips. Also: Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios. Also: Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios.] Academia Caes. reg. Josephina medico-chirurgica Vindobonensis. [Sec Acta Acad. Caos. reg. Joseph, med.-chir. Vindob.] [3] Acad. d. belles-lettres, etc., de La Rochelle. Seance de----. Acad. nat. curios, ephem. Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. [See Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio do Jan. Also: Relat. d. trab. . . . Acad. imp. do med. do Rio de Jan.] Academia y laboratorio de ciencias me'dicas do Cataluiia. [See An. Acad, y lab. de cien. me'd. de Cataluiia, Barccl.] Academia do medicina do Buenos Ayres. [See An. Acad, de med. do Buenos Ayres.] Academia de medicina y cirugia. [See Compilador me'd., Barccl.] Academia do medicina, cirugia y farmacia de Jaen. [See Bol. de med. y cirug. de Jaen. ] Academia de medicina do Madrid. [See Siglo me'd., Madrid.] Academia de medicina de Megico. [See Peri6d. Acad, de me'd. de Megico. ] Academia m6dico-farmac6utica de Barcelona. [See Encicl. mecl.- farin., Barcel.] Academia me'dico-farmaceutica escolar. [See G6nio me'd.-quir., Madrid. ] Academia me'dico-quirurgica Jerezana. [See Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid.] Academia nacional do ciencias exactas, existente en la Universidad do C6rdoba. [*S'ee Acta Acad. nac. do cien. exact., Buenos Aires. Also: Bol. Acad. nac. de cien. exact., C6rdoba.] Academia real das sciencia,s de Lisboa. [See Mem. Acad. r. d. sc. de Lisb.] Academia Rheno-Trajectina. [See Ann. Acad. Rheno-Traject. ] Acade"mie des belles-lettres, sciences et arts de La Rochelle. St- ances publiques de 1872-7. La Rochelle. 6 nos., 1873-8. 8°. Academic impe"riale de me"decine. Paris. [See Bull. Acad, de me'd., Par. Also: Mem. Acad, de me'd., Par.] Acad6mio imp6rialo des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. [See Me"m. Acad. d. sc. de Dijon.] Acaddinio impe'riale des sciences de St. P^tersbourg. [See Me- langes biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. P6tersb. Also: M6m. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. P6tersb. Sc, polit. hist, et philol. Also: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. do St. Pe"tersb. Sc. math., phys. et nat. Also: Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Pe- tersb., Riga.] Academics Caesareo-Leopoldinao naturae curiosorum ephemerides, sive observationum medico-physicarum a celeberrimis viris turn medicis, turn aliis eruditis in Germania et extra earn communi- catarum centuriae i-vi. Cum appendice. Francofurti et Lip- siae, 1712; Noribergae, 1715-17. 3 v. 4°. [With cent, iii the word '' Carolines " is added to title. ] Academic de La Rochelle. [See Bull. Soc. de me'd. et chir. de La Rochelle. ] Acad6mie nationale de meclecine. Paris. [See Bull. Acad, de me'd., Par. Also: M6m. Acad, de m6d., Par.] Acade"mie royale dechirurgie. Paris. [SeeM6m. Acad, roy.dechir., Par. Also: M6m. . .. pour les prix do l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par.] Academie royale de me"decine. Paris. [See Bull. Acad, de me'd., Par. Also: Mem. Acad, de ru6d., Par.] Acad6mie royale de me"decine de Belgique. [See Bull. Acad. roy. de me'd. deBelg., Brux. Also: Compt.-rend. Acad. roy. de me'd. de Belg., Brux. Also: M6m. Acad. rojr. de me'd. de Belg., Brux. Also: M6m. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux. Also: M6m. couron. Acad. roy. de me'd. de Belg., Brux.] Acad6mie royale de Prusse. [Sec M6m. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon.] Acade"mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Bel- gique. [See Annuaire Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux. Also: Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux.] Acad6mie des sciences. Paris. [See Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.] Acade"mie des sciences de l'lnstitut de France. [See Mem. Acad. d. sc. de l'lust. de France, Par. ] W Acad. d. sc. de Montpel. Mem. de la sect, de med. Acad. d. sc. de Montpel. Mem. de la sect. d. sc. Acta Acad. Caes. reg. Joseph. med.-chir. Vindob. Acta Acad. nac. de cien. exact., Buenos Aires. Acta Acad. nat. curios. Acta Helvet., Basileae. Acta med. Berolin. Acta med. Hafn. Acta med. Suecic, Holmiae. Acta phil.-med. Soc. Acad. (Has- siacae). Acta. reg. Soc. med. Havn. Acta Soc. med. Havn. Actes Cong. med. de France, Par. Actes Soc. de med. de Brux. Actes Soc. med. d. hop. de Far. Actes Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Prag. Academic des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. Mdmoires do la .section de me'decine. Montpellier. v. 1-4, 1849-71. Fasc. 1, v. 5, 1872-6. 4°. Acade"mie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. M6moires de la section des sciences. Montpellier. Fasc. 2-3, v. 6; v. 7; fasc. 1- 4, v. 8, 1865-75. 4°. Acaddmie de Stanislas. [See Me"m. Acad, de Stanislas, Nancy.] Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. [See Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila.] Accademia nsio-medico-statistica di Milano. . [See Atti Accad. fis.- med.-statist. di Milano.] Accademia medica di Roma. [See Atti Accad. med. di Roma. ] Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. [See Estr. di mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Also: Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Also: Resic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara.] Accademia medico-chirurgica diNapoli. [SeeRendic. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli. ] Accademia reale medico-chirnrgica di Torino. [See Gior. d. sc. med., Torino.] Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. [ See Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Also: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. ] Acta Academiae Caes. reg. Josephinae medico-chirurgicae Vindobo- nensis. v. 1, 1788. 4°. Acta de la Academia nacional de ciencias exactas, existente en la Universidad de C6rdoba. Buenos Aires, v. 1; pts. 1-2, v. 3, 1875-8. fol. Acta physico-medica Academiae Caesareae naturae curiosorum ex- hibentia ephemerides, sive observationes, historias et experimenta a celeberrimis Germaniae et externarum rcgionum viris habita et communicata singulari studio collecta. Norimbergae. v. 1-10, 1727-54. 4°. Acta Helvetica physico-mathematico-botanico-medica. Basileae. v. 1-8, 1751-77. 4°. Acta medicorum Berolinensium, in incremeutum artis et scientia- rum collecta et digesta. Berolini. v. 1-10 (decade 1, 1717-22); v. 1-10 (decade 2,1723-29); v. 1 (decade 3, 1731), 1717-31. 12°. [v. 2-3, decade 1, are 2. ed.] Acta medica Hafniensia. Prodromus praevertens continuata Acta medica Hafniensia, quae per clementissima regia auspicia, ad ve- neranda majorum exempla, in sincera incrementa quarumcum- que scientiarum, quae ulto modo forum medicum spectant quo- tannis a Collegii medici regii membris, ex suis et sociis aliorum operis public! juris hunt. Hafniae et Lipsiae. v. 1, 1775. 4°. [n. ed.] Acta medicorum Suecicorum. Holmiae. v. 1, 1783. 12°. Acta philosophico-medica Societatis Academiae scientiarum princi- palis (Hassiacae). Francof. a. M. v. 1, 1771. 4°. Acta regiae Societatis medicae Havniensis. 1829. 8°. Havniae. v. 1-7, 1783- Acta Societatis medicaB Havniensis. Actes du Congres me'dical do France. mddecine. Paris, v. 1, 1846. 8° Actes de la Socidte" de m6decine do Bruxelles. Actes de la Soci6t6 m^dicale des hOpitaux de Paris 1850-64. 8°. Havniae. v. 1-2, 1777-9. 8°. Session do 1845. Section de v. 1-4,1806-12, rt'-\ 1.-6. fasc, Actes de la Soci6t6 do m^decine-pratique do Montpellier, contenant les travaux lustonques de cette sociSte'; et les rnemoires des prix ?S1V^8 Pir 6l,e; th1S des reSi8tres de cette soci6t6. Annies 1804-b, v. 1. Montpellier, 1807. 4-'. Aerztlicho Berichte des kais. konigl. allgemeinen Krankenhausos zu Prag von den Jahren 1875-6. Prag, 1877-8. 8°. Aerztliche Gesellschaft zu Miinster. [See Abhandl. u. Beob. d. aerztl. Gesellsch. zu Miinster.] [5] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Bezirks- Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karls- ruhe. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl. iXJsculaap, Amst. iBsculap. Reg., Phila. Albany J. Neurol. Alger med. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis. .Allamorvos, Budapest. Allg. Arch. d. Gsndhtspol., Han- nov. Allg. balneol. Ztg., Neuwied. Allg. Cholera-Ztg., Leipz. Organ des deutschen 1872-78. 4°. [After Aerztliche und pharmaceutische Kreis-Vereino im Konigreich Sachseu. [See Cor.-Bl. d. iirztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz.] Aerztlicho Veroino der Rheinprovinz. [See Cor.-Bl. d. iirztl. Ver. d. Rhein-Prov., Bonn.] Aerztlicho Vereino in Wien. [See Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver. in Wien. ] Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhausos zu Wien, fur die Jahro 1849; 1855-66; 1868-71; 1874; 1877. 8°. Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. Bezirks-Krankenhauses Wieden. Vom Solar-Jahre 1854; 1855. Wien, 1856-7. 8° & 4°. Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. Krankenhausos Wieden. Vom Solar- Jahre 1857. Wien, 1859. 4°. Aerztlicher Verein zu Bremen. [See Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Bre- misch. Aerzte, Bremen.] Aerztlicher Verein zu Miinchen. [See Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Miinchen. ] Aerztliches Corrospondenzblatt fur Bohmen. Organ des Vereines deutscher Aerzte in Prag. v. 2, 1874. 8°. [Continued as: Prag. med. Wchnschr.] Aerztliches Intelligenz-Blatt. Organ fur Bayern's staatliche und offentliche Heilkunde. Miinchen. v. 1-26, 1854-79. 4°. Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden. [Title, after 1857, of: Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe.] Aerztliches Vereinsblatt fur Deutschland. Aerztevereinsbundes. Dresden, v. 1-5 1876, published at Leipzig.] JEsculaap; een vaderlandsch Tijdschrift voor theoretische en praktische Bijdragen, in het Gebied der genees-, heel- en verlos- kundige Wetenschappen. Amsterdam. Jaarg. 1-2, 1834-6. 8°. ./Esculapian (The) Register. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1824. 8°. Akademija Umieje,tno6ci w Krakowie. [See Pam. Akad. Umiej. w Krak6w. Also: Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej. w Krak6w. Also: Sprawpz. Kom. fizyogr. c k. Towarz. nauk. krak6w., Krak6w. Also: Zbi6r. wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umiej. w Krakdw.] Albany Institute. [See Tr. Albany Inst.] Albany Journal of Neurology, devoted to physiology, phrenology, medicine, and the philosophy of mesmerism. No. 1, v. 1, July, 1843. 8°. Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv f iir Ophthalmologic [See Arch. f. Ophth., Berl.] Alger medical, v. 1-7, 1873-9. 4°. [Want no. 10, v. 3.] Alienist (The) and Neurologist, a quarterly journal of scientific, clinical, and forensic psychiatry and neurology. St. Louis. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Allamorvos. MelleTdetul a Gydgyaszat folyoirathoz. [State me- dicine; a companion to Gy6gyaszat, (containing official instruc- tions, etc)] Budapest, v. 1-3, 1876-8. 8°. Allgemeiner iirztlicher Verein zu Kiel. [See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. Ver. baltisch. Aerzte.] Allgemeiner iirztlicher Verein von Thiiringen. [See Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar.] Allgemeines Archiv der Gesundheitspolizey. Hannover, v. 1, • 1805-6. 8°. AUgemeine balneologische Zeitung. Monatsschrift fur Balneo- logie, Hydrologie und Klimatologie. Neuwied. v. 1-3, 1867- 70. 8°. [A continuation of: Arch. f. Balneol., Neuwied, and continued as: Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien.] AUgemeine Cholera-Zeitung. Mittheilungen des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten fiber die asiatische Cholera. Leipzig, v. 1-5,1831-2. [Continuedas: Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz.] Allgemeines Krankenhaus in Hamburg. d. allg. Kraukenh. in Hamb.] [See Ann. d. chir. Abth. [6] Allg. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneyw., Gotting. Allg. med. Ann. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. Allg. med. Ztg., Altenb. Allg. med.-chir. Monatschr., etc., Drlang. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien. Allg. Repert. d. ges. deutsch. med.-chir. Jour., Leipz. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg. AUg. Ztg. f. Chir., Miinchen. AUg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brn- schwg. Allg. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol., Er- lang. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl. Aim. f. Aerzte u. Nichtarzte, Jena. Aim. d. movimento med.-chir., Napoli. Am. Ann. Deaf & Dumb. Am. Architect, Bost. Am. Chemist, N. x~. Am. Clin. Lect.. N. Y. AllgemeinesMagazin fiirdie Wundarzneywissenschaft. Gottingen. [Title of v. 3 of: Mag. f. d. Wundarzneyw., Gotting.] AUgemeine inedicinische Annalen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Altenburg. v. 1-32,1801-30. 4°. [18U1-16 tit Altenb.; 1K7- 19, Altenb. & Leipz.; 1*20-30, Leipz. Continued as: Allg. mod. Ztg., Altenb. In years 1811-15 published in two parts : Annti- len der Heilkunde and Annalen der Heilkunst, respectively.] AUgemeine mediciuische Annalen des Jahres 1800; als Fortsetzung der mediciuischen Nationalzeitung fur Deutschland und als Eiu- leitung zu den Allgemeinen medicinischen Annalen des 19ten Jahrhunderts. Altenburg. v. 1, 1800. 4°. AUgemeine medicinischo Central-Zeitung. Berhn. v. 11-48,1842- 79. fol. [A continuatiou of: Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg.] AUgemeine medicinischo Zeitung mit Berficksichtigung des Neue- sten und Interessautesten der aUgemeinen Naturkunde. Alten- burg. Nos. 1-4, 1831. 4°. [A continuation of: Allg. med. Ann.] AUgemeine medicinisch-chirurgische Monatschrift, ffir Wundlirzte des CivU- und MiUtiirstandes. Erlangen. v. 1, 1840. 8°. AUgemeine militar-iirztliche Zeitung. (Beilage zur Wiener medi- zinischen Presse.) Wien. v. 6-20, 1865-79. 4°. [A continua- tion of: Mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien.] Allgemeines Repertorium der gesammten deutschen medizinisch- chirurgischen Journalistik. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1, 1827. *-'. AUgemeine Wiener medizinische Zeitung. v. 1-24, 1856-79. fol. [v. 1-2 is 2. ed., published in I860.] AUgemeine Zeitung fiir Chirurgie, innere Heilkunde und ihr6 Hulfswissenschaften. Miinchen. v. 1, 1841; v. 3, 1843. 4°. AUgemeine Zeitung fiir Militair-Aerzte. Zur Forderung und Aus- bildung des militair-iirztlichcn Standes, zur Besprechung seiner Iuteressen und zur gegeuseitigen Mittheilung aus der dienstU- chen Praxis. Braunschweig, v. 1-6, 1843-8. 4°. AUgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Epidemiologic Erlangen. v. 1-2, 1874-5. roy. 8°. AUgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medicin. Berhn. v. 1-36, 1844-79. 8\ Almanach fiir Aerzte und Nichtarzte auf das Jahr 1794. Jena. v. 1. 8°. Almanacco del movimento medico-chirurgico per l'anno 1876: bio- grafico, storico, pratico. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1876-7. 12°. Altalanos magyarorszag gyogyszerc'szegylet szakfigyeinek kozlo- nye. (General Magyar Pharmaceutical Assoc.) [See Gyogysze- rdszi hetil., Budapest.] Ambulatorist ho Kliuik zu Halle. [See Jahrb. d. ambulat. Klin, zu HaUe.] American Academy of Arts and Sciences. [See Mem. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Cambridge. Also: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost.] American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. Hartford, v. 1-24 1*47-79. 8\ [1847-61, Hartford; 1868-79, Washington! D. C] b ' American (The) Architect and Juilding News. A weekly journal of constructive and decorative arts. Boston, v. 1-2, 1876-7. fol. American Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Proc Am. Ass. Adv. Sc] American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. [Sec Proc Am Ass. Cure Inebr. Aho: Quart. J. Iuebr., Hartford, Conu.] American Association of Instructors of the Blind. [See Proc Am Ass. Instr. of Blind, Bost. Also: Proc. Convent. Am. Instr. of Blind, Indianap. American (The) Chemist. New York and Philadelphia, v. 1-7 July, 1870-March, 1877. P. ' American Clinical Lectures (A series of). New York. v. 1-3, [7] Am. Cycl. Pract. M., PhUa. Am. Gas Light J., N. Y. Am. Homoeop., Chicago. Am. Homoeop., Chicago. Am. Homceop. Obs., Detroit. Am. Homceop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc. Am. J. Electrol. & Neurol., N. Y. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y. Am. J. Homceop. Mat. M., Phila. Am. J. Insan., Utica. N. Y. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. Am. J. Micr., N. Y. Am. J. Obst., N. Y. Am. J. Ophth., N. Y. Am. J. Otol., N. Y. Am. J. Pharm., Phila. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, N. Haven. Am. J. Syph. & Dermat., N. Y. Am. Lancet, Phila. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y. Am. M. Gaz. & J. Health, N. Y. Am. M. InteUig., Phila. American Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine and Surgery: a digest of medical literature. By Isaac Hays. Philadelphia, v. 1-2, | 1834-6. 8°. American Dermatological Association. [See Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y.] American Ethnological Society. [See Tr. Am. Ethn. Soc, N. Y.] American (Tho) Gas Light Journal and Chemical Repertory. New York. v. 10-13, 1868-70. fol. American Gynecological Society. [See Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc] American (The) Homoeopath. Chicago. [Title, after 1878, of the following:] i American (The) Homoeopathist. A monthly journal of medical, surgical, and sanitary science. Chicago, v. 1-6, 1877-80. 8°. [After 1878 title became: Am. Horuceop., Chicago, v. 5 pub- lished at New York. ] American Homoeopathic Observer. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of homoeopathic physicians. Detroit, Mich. v. 1-6, 1864-9. 8°. [Continued as : Am. Observer, Detroit.] American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological and Otological Society. Session 1878. Cincinnati, Ohio. 8°. American (The) Journal of Electrology and Neurology. New York. [Homceop.] v. 1, 1879-80. 8b. American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. New York. v. 1-9,1846- 54. 8°. [No. 1, v. 1, title: New York Journal of Homoeopathy. ] American (The) Journal of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Phila- delphia, v. 1-9, 1867-76. 8°. [After Aug., 1876, merged in Hahneman. Month., Phila. ] American (The) Journal of Insanity. Utica, N. Y. v. 1-36,1844- 80. 8°. American (The) Journal of the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia. v. 1-26, 1827-40; n. s., v. 1-78, 1841-79. [A continuation of: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc. Feb., 1828, Phila. Month. J. M. & S. merged in this journal. July, 1829, Am. M. Recorder, PhUa., merged in this journal. ] American (The) Journal of Microscopv and Popular Science. New York. v. 1-4, 1875-9. 8°. American (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Woman and Children. New York. v. 1-12, 1868-79. K1-. American Journal of Ophthalmology. New York. v. 1, 1862-3, and nos. 1, 2, v. 2, 1864. 8°. American (The) Journal of Otology. A quarterly journal of physiological acoustics and aural surgery. New York, v. 1, 1879. 8°. American (The) Journal of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. 2. s., v. 1-18, 1835-52; 3. s., v. 1-18, 1853-70; 4. s., v. 1-9, 1871-9. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Phila. Coll. Pharm.] American (The) Journal of Science and Arts. Now Haven, Conn. v. 46-50, 1843-5; 2. s., v. 1-60,1846-70; 3. s., v. 1-18, 1871-9. 8°. American (The) Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. Devoted to the consideration and treatment of venereal and skin diseases. New York. v. 1-5, 1870-74. H '. American (The) Lancet. Philadelphia. Nos. 1-4 and 7, v. 1, 1833. 8°. American Medical Association. [-See Tr. Am. M. Ass.] American (The) Medical Bi-Weekly. Louisville, v. 6-11, 1877-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. M. Weekly, Louisville] American Medical Gazette. New York. [Title of v. 9-12 of: N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health.] American (The) Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. New York. [Title of v. 6-8 of: N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health.] American (The) Medical Intelligencer. A concentrated record of medical science ami literature. Philadelphia, v. 1-4, 1837-41; u. s., v. 1, 1H41-2. 8°. [A continuation of the following, and continued as: Med. News & Libr., Phila.] [8] Am. M. Libr. & InteUig., phila. Am. M. Month., N. Y. Am. M. Month. & N. Y. Rev. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y. Am. M. Recorder, Phila. Am. M. Rev., Phila. Am. M. Rev. & Index, Anna, ni. Am. M. Times, N. Y. Am. M. Weekly, Louisville. Am. Month. Micr. J., N. Y. Am. Naturalist. Am. Observer, Detroit. Am. Pract., Louisville. Am. Psych. J., Cincin. Am. Psych. J., N. Y. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N. Y. Am. Q. Micr. J., N. Y. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. An. Acad, y lab. de cien. med. de Cataluiia, Barcel. An. Acad, de med. de Buenos Ayres. American (The) Medical Library and Intelligencer. A concen- trated record of medical science and literature. Philadelphia. Specimen-sheet. Nov., 1836. [Continued as the preceding.] American (The) Medical Monthly. New York. v. 1-18, 1854-62. 8°. [In July, 1860, Buffalo M. J. merged in this journal. See, also, the following:] American (The) Medical Monthly and New York Review. New York. [Title of v. 14-15 of the preceding.] American (The) Medical and Philosophical Register; or annals of medicine, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. New York, v. 1-4, 1810-14. 8°. American (The) Medical Recorder. Philadelphia, v. 1-15, 1818- 29. 8°. [v. 7-12, title: Med. Recorder, etc., Phila. After no. 2, v. 15, merged in: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.] American (The) Medical Review and Journal of Original and Se- lected Papers in Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia. [Title of v. 2-3, 1825-6, of: Med. Rev. & Analect. J., Phila.] American (The) Medical Review and Index. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of scientific and practical medicine. Anna, 111. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1878. 8°. American (The) Medical Times. Being a weekly series [in con- tinuation] of the N. York J. M. New York. v. 1-9, 1860-64. 4°. [In July, 1860, the N. York M. Press merged in this journal. ] American (The) Medical Weekly. Louisville, Ky. v. 1-5, 1874-6. 8°. [For continuation, see Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville.] American (The) Monthly Microscopical Journal. Now York. v. 1, 1880. 8°. American (The) NaturaUst. A popular illustrated magazine of natural history. Salem, Mass. v. 1-14, 1867-80. 8°. [In 1867- 75, at Salem; 1876-7, Boston; 1878-80, Philadelphia.] American Neurological Association. [See Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass.] American Observer. A monthly journal devoted to the dissemina- tion of homoeopathy, "the medicine of experience". Detroit, Mich. v. 7-16,1870-79. 8°. [A continuation of: Am. Homceop. Observer, Detroit.] American Ophthalmological Society. [See Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc] American Otological Society. [See Tr. Am. Otol. Soc] American Pharmaceutical Association. [See Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass.] American Philosophical Society. [See Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila. Also: Tr. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila.] American (The) Practitioner. Formerly Western Journal of Me- dicine. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Louisville, Ky. v. 1-21, 1870-80. 8°. American (The) Psychological Journal. Devoted chiefly to tho elucidation of mental pathology and tho medical jurisprudence of insanity. Cincinnati, v. 1, 1853. 8°. American (The) Psychological Journal. New York. [Title of v. 3, 1875-6, of: Psych. & Med.-Leg. J., N. Y.] American Public Health Association. Reports and papers pre- sented at the meetings of the . . . New York. v. 1-3 (1873-6") 1875-7. 8C. " American (The) Quarterly Microscopical Journal, containing tho transactions of the New York Microscopical Societv. New York v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. J American Veterinary Review. New York. v. 1-3,1877-80. 8°. Amtlicho Berichte fiber die Versammlungen deutscher Naturfor- scher und Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1828-47 (7.-25.); 1852 (29.): 1854- 60(31.-35.); 1862-5(37.-40.); 1877, (50.) 29 v. 1829-77. 4°. Anales do la Academia y laboratorio de ciencias m^dicas de Cata- luiia. Barcelona. Nos. 1-6, 187s. 8°. Anales de la Academia de medicina do Buonos Ayres. No. 1. Au- gust, 1823. 4°. j , u [9] An. Asoc. circ. med. Argentino, Buenos Aires. An. Asoc. Larrey, Mexico. An. de cien. med., Madrid. An. med. homeop., Madrid. An. r. Acad, de cien. med.... de la Habana. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid. An. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. An. Soc. espan. de hidrol. med., Madrid. An. Soc. fisiol. escolar, Madrid. An. Soc. ginec. espan., Madrid. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago. Analekt. d. Chir., Berl. Analekt. ii. chron. Krankh., Stuttg. Analyst, Lond. Andalucia med., C6rdoba. Anderson's Q. J. M. & S., Lond. Anderson's Q. J. M. Sc, Lond. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid. Ann. Acad. Neerl., Lugd.-Bat. Ann. Acad. Rheno-Traject. Ann. Anat. & Physiol., Edinb. Ann. de l'anat. et physiol. path., Par. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio de Jan. Anales de la Asociation circulo me'dico Argentino. Buenos Aires. v. 1-2, 1877-80. 8°. Anales de la Asociation Larrey. Mexico, v. 1-2, 1875-6. 4°. Anales de ciencias m6dicas. Revista nacional y extranjera de me- dicina, cirujia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid, v. 1-7, 1876-9. 8°. Anales de la medicina homeop&tica. Publicados por la Sociedad Hahnemanniana matritense. Madrid. 2. s., v. 1-6,1851-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Bol. ofic Soc. Hahneman. matritense, and con- tinued as: Criterio me'd., Madrid.] Anales de la real Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Revista cientifica. Habana. v. 1-8, 1864-72. 8°. Anales de la real Academia de medicina. 8°. Anales de la Sociedad anat6mica espaiiola. 1873-9. 8°. Madrid, v. 1, 1879. Madrid. Ano 1-6, Madrid. Anales de la Sociedad espaiiola de hidrologia me'dica. v. 1-2, 1877-9. 8°. Anales de la Sociedad fisiol6gica escolar. Madrid. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Madrid. 1-5, Santiago, v. 17-36, 1860-70. Anales de la Sociedad ginecoldgica espaiiola. 1875-9. 8°. Anales de la Universidad de ChUe. 8°. Analekten der Chirurgie. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1837-9. 8°. Analekten fiber chronische Krankheiten. Zusammengestellt zum Gebrauch fiir praktische Aerzte. Stuttgart, v. 1-2, 1839-40. 8°. Analyst (The), including the proceedings of the " Society of Pub- lic Analysts". A monthly journal of analytical chemistry. London, v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Anatomical and Surgical Society. [See Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc, Brooklyn. ] Anatomisches Institut zu Rostock. [See Untersuch. a. d. anat. Inst, zu Rostock. ] Andalucia (La) me'dica. de ciencias accesorias. Revista m6dico-quirurgica-fotogri£fica y C6rdoba. v. 1-2; nos. 1-2, v. 3, 1876-8. Anderson's Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. [Title of v. 3 of the following:] Anderson's Quarterly Journal of the Medical Sciences. London. [Being a new series of the Quarterly Journal of Foreign Medi- cine and Surgery.] v. 1-3, 1824-6. 8°. [For title of v. 3, 1826, see preceding. ] Anfiteatro (El) anat6mico espafiol; peri6dico de medicina, cirugia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid, v. 1-7, 1873-9. fol. [Jan. 1, 1876, Pabellon me'd., Madrid, merged in this journal.] Annales Academici [Neerlandi; Academia Lugduno - Batava; Academia Rheno-Trajectina; Academia Groningana; Athenae- um Franequeranum; Athenaeum Ainstelaedarnense; Athenaeum Daventriense; Seminarium Theologicum Augustinae confessionis Amstelaedamense. ] Hagao - Comitis et Lugduno - Batavorum. 1837-8—1871-2. 25 v. 4°. [Continuation of the following:] Annales Academiae Rheno-Trajectinse. Trajecti ad Rhenum. Ann. 1815-16—1836-7. 22 v. 8°. [Continued as the preceding. ] Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. Edinburgh. Nos. 1-3, 1850, 1852, 1853. 8U. Annales-de Fanatomie et de la physiologie pathologiques. Paris. Nos. 1-8, 1842-3. 8°. Annals of the Anatomical and Surgical Society, Brooklyn, N. Y. v. 1-2, 1878-80. 8°. Annaes Brasiliensos de medicina. Jornal da Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Janeiro, v. 26-31, 1874-80. 8°. [With v. 30. the "s" in "Brasilienses" changed to "z".] [10] Ann. d. Char.-Krankenh. . . . zu Berl. Ann. d. Chem., Leipz. Ann. d. Chem., Leipz. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Ann. de chim., Par. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., Mi- lano. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par. Ann. d. chir. Abth. d. allg. Kran- kenh. in Hamb. Ann. d. chir. Clin. a. d. Univ. zu Erlang. Ann. de la chir. franc,, et etrang., Par. Ann. d. chir. Klin, an d. hoh. Schule zu Wien. Ann. clin., Montpel. Ann. clin., Montpel. Ann. clin. de Montpel. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli. Ann. clin. d. osp. d. Pellegr. di Napoli. Ann. de Cons, centr. de salub. pub. de Brux. Ann. du Conserv. d. arts et me- tiers, Par. Ann. de demog. internat., Par. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par. Ann. de 1'elect, med., Brux. Ann. d. Entbind.-Lehranst. a. d. Univ. zu Gotting. Ann. franc, et etrang. d'anat. et physiol., Par. Annalen des Charitd-Krankenkauses und der iibrigen koniglichen medicin isch-chirurgischen Lehr- und Kranken-Anstalten zu Ber- lin, v. 1-15,1850-69. 8°. [Continued as: Charitd-Ann., Berl. ] Justus Liobig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig und Heidelberg. v. 1-200, 1832-80. 8°. [Title of v. 1-32, 1832-9, was: Ann. d. Pharm. Title of v. 33-168, 1840-Sept., 1873, was: Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Title of v. 169-172, Oct. 4,1873 - July 3, 1874, was the following: ] Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Leipzig und Heidelberg. [Title of v. 169-172, Oct. 4, 1873-July 3, 1874, of the preceding. ] Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Heidelberg. [Title of v. 33- 168, 1840-Sept., 1873, of: Ann. d. Chem., Leipz. After 1854, published at Leipzig and Heidelberg.] Annales de chimie, ou recueil de m6moires concernant la chiinie et les arts qui en d6pendent. Paris, v. 1-96, 1790-1815. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. de chim. et phys., Par.] Annali di chimica applicati alia medicina cioe alia farmacia, alia tossicologia, all'igiene, alia fisiologia, alia patalogia ed alia tera- peutica. Milano. 3. s., v. 54-69, 1872-9. 8°. Annales do chimie et de physique. Paris, v. 1-75, 1816-40; 3. s., v. 1-69, 1841-63; 4. s., v. 1-30, 1864-73; 5. s., v. 1-17, 1874-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. de chim., Par.] Annalen der chirurgischen Abtheilung des allgemeinen Kranken- hauses in Hamburg, v. 1-2, 1828-33. 8°. Annalen des chirurgischen CUnicum auf der Universitat zu Erlan- gen. Von B. N. G. Schreger. 1. Jahrg., 1816. 8°. Annales de la chirurgie francaise et dtrangere. Paris, v. 1-15, 1841-5. 8°. Annalen der chirurgischen Klinik an der hohen Schule zu Wien. v. 1-2, 1806-9. 8°. Annales cliniques, ou journal des sciences mddicales. Montpel- lier. [Title of v. 18-29, 1809-12, of: J. de me'd., chir. et pharm., Montpel. ] Annales cliniques, ou recueil periodique de me"moires et observa- tions prdseutds, etc. MontpelUer. [Title of v. 30-38, 1813-15, of: J. de m<5d., chir. et pharm., Montpel.] Annales cliniques de MontpelUer. v. 1-5, 1853-8. 4°. Annali clinici dello ospedale incurabili. Nuova serie. Napoli. v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Annali cliuici dello ospedale dei Pellegrini di NapoU. v. 1-3 (1871-3), 1871-5. roy. 8^. Annales de Conseil central de salubrite" publique de Bruxelles. v. 1-5 (1841-50). 8C. Annales du Conservatoire des arts et m6tiers. Paris, v. 1-10, 1860-77. 8°. [v. 1-9, title: Annales du Conservatoire imperiale des arts et metiers.] Annales du Conservatoire imperiale des arts et metiers. Paris. [Title of v. 1-9, of: Ann. du Conserv. d. arts et metiers, Par.] Annales de de"mographie internationale. Recueil trimestriel de travaux originaux et de documents statistiques, et bulletin bi- bliographique special. Paris, v. 1-3, 1877-9. roy. 8°. Annales de dermatologie et syphiligraphie. Paris, v. 1-10 1868- 79. 8U. ' Annales de l'61ectricit6 m6dicale. Revue internationale do 1'oTec- tricite', du galvanisme, de r61ectro-puncture, du magn6tismo et de 1 hydrologio appliques a la nnSdeeino et a la chirurgie Bru- frellfo;. V>. V~Vh 187°-725 v- 15, 1874; v. 16, 1875-6. 8°. [v 15, 1874, title: Rev. internat. de l'electrotkdr., etc., Brux.] Annalen der Entbinduugs-Lehranstalt auf der Universitat zu Got- tmgen vom Jahr 1800 nebst einer Anzeige und Beurtheilune neuer Schnften fiir Geburtshelfer. Von Friedrich Benjamin Osiander. Gottmgen. v. 1-2, 1801-4. 12°. Annales francaiscs et 6trangeivs d'anatomie et de phVsiologio, ap- pliquees a la medecine et a l'histoire naturelle. Paris, v. 1-3 1837-9. 8°. ' [Ill Ann. d. Geburtsh., etc. Ann. d. Geburtsh., etc., Winter- thur. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe. Ann. d. ges. Med., Leipz. Ann. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Tu- bing. Ann. de gynec, Par. Ann. de gynec. etpediat., Brux. Ann. d'hyg., Par. Ann. Inst. med.-clin. Wirceburg. Ann. d. k. klin. Inst, am St. Jakobshosp. in Leipz. Ann. d. klin. Anst. in d. Julius- Hosp. zuWiirzb. Ann. d. klin. Anst. d. Univ. zu Bresl. f. Geburtsh. Ann. d. klin. Schule an d. Ent- bind.-Anst. zu Wiirzb., Leipz. Ann. d. klin.-chir. Inst. a. d. Univ. zu Bresl. Ann. de lit. med. etrang., Gand. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y. Ann M. & S., Lond. Ann. M. Soc. County Albany. Ann. d. mal. de 1'oreUle et du larynx, Par. Ann. d. mal. de la peau, etc., Par. Ann. Med., Edinb. Ann. de med. beige, Brux. Ann. med. beiges, Brux. Annalen der Geburtshulfe Uberhaupt und der Entbindungsanstalt zu Marburg insbesondere. Leipzig, v. 1-6, 1808-13. 8°. [v. 6, 1813, at Mannheim. ] Annalen der Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinderkrankhei- ten, fiir die Jahre 1790-91. Winterthur. v. 1-2, 1793-4. 8°. Annalen fiir die gesammte Heilkunde unter der Redaction der Mitglieder der grossherzoglich badischen Sauitats-Commission. Karlsruhe. 1.-4. Jahrg., 7 Hfte. in 2 v., 1824-32. 8°. Annalen der gesammten Medicin als Wissenschaft und als Kunst, zur Beurtheilung ihrer neuesten Erfindungen, Theorien, Systeme und Heilmethodon, von August Frioderich Hecker. Leipzig und Berliu. v. 1-3, 1810-11. 8°. Annalen der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Tfibingen. [Title of v. 1, 1836, of: Ann. d. Staatsarznk.] Annales de gyn6oologie (maladies des femmes, accouchements). Paris, v. 1-13, 1874-80. 8°. Annales de gyndcologio et de pe"diatrique; journal sp6cial d'ac- couchements, et des maladies des fommes et des enfants. Bru- xelles. 2. s., v. 1-2, 1840-42. roy. 8°. [See Ann. d'ocul. et gynee., Charleroi, for 1. s. ] Annales d'hygiene publique et de m6decine legale. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-50, 1829-53; 2. s., v. 1-50, 1854-78; 3. s., v. 1-2, 1879. 8°. Annales Instituti medico-clinici Wirceburgensis. Wirceburgi. v. 1-2, 1799-1801. 8°. Annalen des koniglichen klinischen Institutes am St. Jakobshos- pitale in Leipzig, v. 1, 1810-12. 8°. Annalen der klinischen Anstalt in dem Julius-Hospitale zu Wfirz- burg fiir die Jahre 1800-1801. Von J. N. Thomann. WUrzburg, | Arnstadt und Rudolstadt. v. 1-2, 1803-5. 8°. Annalen der klinischen Anstalten der Universitat zu Breslau, fiir Geburtshulfe und Krankheiten der Weiber und Kinder, hrsg. von J. W. Betschler. Breslau. v. 1, 1832. 8°. Annalen der klinischen Schule an der Entbindungsanstalt zu WUrzburg. Hrsg. von Elias von Siebold. Leipzig, v. 1, 1806. 8°. Annalen des kUnisch-chirurgischen Instituts auf der Universitat zu Breslau. v. 1, 1814-15. 8°. Annales de litt6rature mexlicale 6trangere. Gand. v. 1-19, 1805- 14. 8°. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. v. 1-4, 1823-46. 8°. Annals (The) of Medicine and Surgery, or records of tho occurring improvements and discoveries in medicine and surgery, and the connected arts and sciences. London, v. 1-2, 1816-17. 8°. Annals of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-51. With biographical sketches of deceased members by Sylvester D. Willard. Albany, v. 1, 1864. 8°. Annales des maladies de l'oreille et du larynx (otoscopie, laryngo- scopio, rhinoscopie). Paris, v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. Annales des maladies de la peau et de la syphilis. Paris, v. 1-4, 1843-52. roy. 8°. Annals of Medicine, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Edinburgh. Lustrum 1, v. 1-5, 1796-1800; lustrum 2, v. 1-3, 1801-4. 8 v. fK [A continuation of: Med. «&. Phil. Comment., Lond.] Annales de mddeciue beige et e"trangere. Bruxelles. [L'Abeille, et L'Observateur medical, r^unis.] v. 1-72, 1835-52. roy. 8°. Annales me'dicales beiges. Journal sp6cial de maladies de Fenc6- phale et du systeme nerveux, de maladies mentales, de meMecine legale, de to"icologie et d'hygiene. Bruxelles. v. 2, 1843. 4°. [Continuation, after no. 15, v. 2, 1843, of: Ann. nieU-leg. beiges, Brux. ] [12] Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Roulers. Ann, de la med. physiol., Par. Ann, di med. pubb., Roma. Ann. di med. stran., MUano. Ann. de med. vet., Brux. Ann. med.-chir., Roma. Ann. d. med.-chir. clin. Inst, zu Gotting. Ann. med.-leg. beiges, Brux. Ann. med.-psych., Par. Ann. Mil. & Nav. Surg., Lond. Ann. d'obst., Par. Ann. d'ocul., Brux. Ann. d'ocul. et gynec, Charleroi. Ann, di ostet., MUano. Ann. di ottal., MUano. Ann, d. Pharm. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz. Ann. d. sc nat., Par. Ann. Soc d'anat. path, de Brux. Ann. Soc d'hydrol. med. de Par. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc med. de l'arrond. de Neufchateau. Ann. Soc. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand. Ann. Soc. de med. de Liege. Annales meVlicales de la Flandre occidentale. Roulers. v. 5-10, 1851-60. 8°. [Prior to 1851 title was: Ann. Soc. me'd. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers.] Annales de la mddeciue physiologique. Paris, v. 1-26, 1822-34. 8°. [In 1835 merged in: J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. me'd., Par.] Annali di medicina pubblica, di medicina e farmacia teorico-pra- tiche: giornale medico di Roma. v. 7-10, 1872-5. 8°. Annali di medicina strauiera. Milano. v. 1-2,1814; v. 3-4,1815; v. 1-4, 1816. 8v. 8°. [See Ann. univ. di med., MUano, for con- tinuation.] Annales de nie'decine ve'te'rinaire. BruxeUes. v. 1-28, 1874-9. 8°. Annali medico-chirurgici, Roma. v. 9-13, 1843-6. 8°. Annalen des medicinisch-chirurgischen cUnischen Institutes zu Gottingen. 1. St., 1801. 8°. Annales me'dico-legales beiges. Journal special de maladies de l'ence'phale et du systeme nerveux, de maladies mentales, de nie'decine legale, de toxicologic et d'hygiene. BruxeUes. Xos. 1-15, v. 2, 1843. 4°. [Continued, after no. 15, v. 2, 1843, as: Ann. me'd. beiges, Brux. ] Annales m6dico-psychologiques. Journal de i'anatomie, de la physiologic et de la pathologie du systeme nerveux, destine" par- ticulierement a recueUUr tous les documents relatifs a la science des rapports du physique et du moral a la pathologic mentale, a la me"decine legale des ali6ne"8 et a la cUnique des ne"vroses. Paris. [1. s.], v. 1-12, 1843-8; 2. s., v. 1-6, 1849-54; 3. s., v. 1-8, 1855- 62; 4. s., v. 1-12, 1863-8; 5. s., v. 1-20, 1869-78; 6. a., v. 1-2, 1879. 8°. Annals of Military and Naval Surgery and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: being an annual retrospect embracing the experience of the medical officers of Her Majesty's armies and fleets in aU parts of the world. London, v. 1, 1863. 8°. Annales d'obst6trique, des maladies des femmes et des enfans. Paris, v. 1-3, 1842-3. 8°. Annales d'oculistique. Bruxelles. v. 1-82, 1838-79. 8°. [v. 1-6* form 1. s., and every 6. v. begins a new series.] Annales d'oculistique et de gynecologic. Charleroi. v. 1 (1838-9). 4°. [Continued as: Ann. de gyn^c. et pe"diat., Brux.] AnnaU di ostetricia, ginecologia e pediatria. Milano. v. 1,1879. 8°. Annali di ottalmologia. MUano. v. 1-S, 1871-9. 8°. Annalen der Pharmacie. Heidelberg. [Tkle of v. 1-32,1^32-9, of: Ann. d. Chem., Leipz. In 1832 was published at Lemgo and Heidelberg. ] Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Leipzig, v. 41-60, 1837-43 • v 145-160, 1872-7; n. F., v. 1-7, 1877-9. 6°. 8°. [Incomplete.] Annales de la Socie"t6 d'anatomie pathologique de BruxeUes. BuUe- tin nos. 21, 24, and 26 (1872, 1874, 1877). BruxeUes. 8°. Annales do la Socie'te' d'hydrologio me'dicale de Paris. Comptes- rendus des seances, v. 1-24, 1854-79. 8°. Annales de la Soci6t6 imp6riale de nie'decine de Lyon. [Title of 2. s., v. 4-17, 1856-69, of: Ann. Soc. de meU de Lyon.] Annales de la Soci6t6 de nie'decine d'Anvers. [In 1840 was published at Bruxelles.] v. 1-40,1840-79. 8°. Annales de la Soci6t6 me'dicale de l'arrondissement de Neufchateau. Neufchateau. Annee 1-4 (1874-7)', 1874-9. 8°. Annales de la Soci6t6 me'dicale d'emulation de la Flandre occiden- tale, etabhe a Roulers. Annee 2-4, 1848-50, 3 v 8° Tin 1851 title became: Ann. m6d. de la Flandre occid., Roulers.] Annales de la Socie'te' de nie'decine de Gand. Annales de la Soci6t6 de nie'decine do Liege. v. 1-57,1835-79. v. 1-5, 1847-54. 8°. 8°. [13] Ann. Soc. de med. de Lyon. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. de med. de St.-Etienne et de la Loire. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Mont- pel. Ann. Soc. d. sc med. et nat. de Brux. Ann. Soc. de sc nat. de Bruges. Ann. d. Staatsarznk. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Ziillichau. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen. Ann. di statist., Roma. Ann. de therap., Par. Ann, d. univ. de Belg., Brux. Ann. univ. di med., MUano. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Mi- lano. Annalist, N. Y. Annee med., Caen. Annuaire Acad. roy. d. sc de Belg., Brux. Annuaire med.-chir. d. h6p. de Par. Annuaire de la syph. et mal. de la peau, Par. Annual Rep. Dis. Chest, Lond. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond. Annales de la Soci6t6 de m6decine de Lyon. 2. s., v. 1-26 (1849- 78), 1851-78. 8°. [2. s., v. 1, 1849, title: Annales de la Soci71 • v. 3-9, 1^73-9. t;\ • » i Archivio di chirurgia pratica di F. Palasciano. [Was running title of: Arch, di mem. ed osserv. di chir. prat., Napoli.] Archives de Tart des aeeouehemens, conside're' sous ses rapports auatomique, physiologique et pathologique. RecueiUies dans la literature6trangerc Strasbourg, v. l-2,anIX-X(1801-2). e>-\ Archiv f fir Augenheilkunde. Wiesbaden, v. H, 1,-79. tinuation of: Arch. f. Augen-u. Ohrenh.] Archiv fiir Augen- und Ohrenheilkunde. Hrsg. in deutscher und englischer Sprache von H. Knapp in New York und S. Moos in Heidelberg. Carlsruhc Wiesbaden, v. 1-2, 5-7 l,<69-78 *~ [Want pp. 49-112 in no. 1, v. 2. Continued as: Arch. f. Augenh. ] Wiesb.; and Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., as separate publications! See, also, Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y.] Archiv fiir Balneologie. Neuwied. v. 1-4, 1862-7. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Balneol. Ztg., Wetzlar, and continued as: AUg. balneol. Ztg., Neuwied.] 6 [Con- [15] Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux. Arch, beiges de therap., Mons. Arch, de biol., Gand. Arch. f. Chem. u. Meteor., Niirnb. Arch, de la cirug., Barcel. Arch. clin. ital., Roma. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. Arch. Comp. M. & S., N. Y. Arch. Dermat. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag. Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetz- geb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Erlang. Arch. Electrol. & Neurol., N. Y. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena. Arch. gen. de med., Par. Arch. v. Geneesk, Amst. Arch, gerichtl.-med. v. d. Konigr. Hannov., CeUe. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena. Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl., Niirnb. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Arznk., Niirnb. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz. Arch. f. d. hoUand. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. HeUk., Utrecht. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Mi- lano. Archives beiges do m6docino militaire. BruxeUes. [Title of v. 3-30, 1849-02, of: Arch, de meU mil., Brux.] Archives beiges de th6rapeutique. Revue mensuelle des medica- tions. Mons. v. 1-3, 1874-7. 8°. Archives de biologic Publides par Edouard van Beneden et Charles van Bambeke. Gand, Leipzig et Paris. No. 1, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Archiv fiir Chemie und Meteorologie. Niirnberg. v. 1-9, 1830-35. 8°. [A continuation of: Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl., Niirnb.] Archivo de la cirugia. Barcelona, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Archivio clinico italiano. Giornalo di medicina e chirurgia pratica per i medici condotti. Roma. Nos. 1-4, v. 10, 1880. 4°. Archives of Clinical Surgery. A monthly periodical devoted to surgery in all its special departments. New York. v. 1, 1876- 7. 8°. [After no. 5, v. 2, Aug., 1877, Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., was united with this journal, and title became: Hosp. Gaz. & Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y.] Archives (The) of Comparative Medicine and Surgery. A quar- terly journal of tho anatomy, pathology, and therapeutics of the lower animals. New York. No. 1, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Archives of Dermatology: a quarterly journal of skin and vene- real diseases. New York. v. 1-5, 1874-9. 8°. [After 1878 pub- lished in Philadelphia. ] Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Prag. v. 1-5, 1869-73. 8°. [Continued as: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien.] Archiv der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologic. Neuwied und Leipzig, v. 1-9, 1858-66; no. 1, v. 10, 1872. v. 1, 4°; v. 2-10, 8°. [Nothing published in 1867-8; in 1869, united with: Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., and became title of v. 16-17, 1869-70, of that journal. No- thing published in 1871.] Archiv der deutschen Medicinal-Gesetzgebung und offentlichen Gesundheitsprlege fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Beamte. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-3, 1857-9. 1 v. fol. Archives of Electrology and Neurology : a journal of electro-thera- peutics and nervous diseases. New York. v. 1-2, 1874-5. 8°. Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. Leip- zig, v. 1-12, 1873-80. 8°. Archiv fiir die Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und neugebohrner Kinder-Krankheiten. Hrsg. v. J. C. Stark. Jena. v. 1-6,1787- 96. 8°. [Continued at: N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena.] Archives gdndrales de me'deoine Paris. 1. s., v. 1-30, 1823-32; 2. s., v. 1-15, 1833-7; 3.s., v. 1-15, 1838-42; 4. s., v. 1-32, 1843-52; 5. s., v. 1-20, 1853-62; 6. s., v. 1-30, 1863-77; 7. s., v. 1-4, 1878- 9. 8°. Archief voor Geneeskunde. Amsterdam, v. 1-5, 1841-6. 8°. [In Aug., 1846, merged in: Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht.] Archiv gerichtlich-medicinischer, vor den Assisen des Konigreichs Hannover verhandelter Fsille. Celle. v. 1, 1851-2. 8°. Archiv fiir die gesammte Medicin. Jena. v. 1-10, 1840-49. 8°. Archiv fur die gesammte Naturlehre. Niirnberg. v. 1-18, 1824-9. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. f. Chem. u. Meteor., Niirnb.] Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Bonn. v. 1-20, 1868-79. 8C. Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Arzneykunde, in ihrem ganzen Um- fange. Niirnberg. 1. St., v. 1, 1790. 8°. Archiv fiir Gynaekologic Berlin, v. 1-15,1870-80. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl.] 8°. [A con- Archiv der Heilkunde. Leipzig, v. 1-19, 1860-78. tinuation of: Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg.] Archiv fiir die hoUiindischen Beitriige zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Utrecht, v. 1-3, 1857-64. 8°. Archivio italiano per le malattie nervose, e piil particolarmente per le aUenazioni mentali. MUano. Anni 1-16, 1864-79. 8°. [16] Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl. Arch. f. laegevidensk. Hist, i Danmark, Kj0benh. Arch. Laryngol., N. Y. Arch. f. Magnet, u. Somnamb., Strasb. Arch. Med., Lond. Arch. Med., N. Y. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux. Arch. med. beiges, Brux. Arch, di med., chir. ed ig., Roma. Arch. d. Med., Chir. u. Pharm., Aarau. Arch, de med. comp. (Rayer), Par. Arch. f. med. Erfahr. Arch, de la med. espan., Ma- drid. Arch, de med. mil., Brux. Arch, de med. nav., Par. Arch. d. med. Pol., Leipz. Arch. med. de Strasb. Arch, di med. vet., Milano. Arch, di mem. ed osserv. di chir. prat., Napoli. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes, etc. Arch. f. off.Gsndhtspflg., Strassb. Archiv fur KinderheUkunde. Stuttgart. Nos. 1-6, v. 1,1880. 8°. Archiv fiir klinische Chirurgie. Berlin, v. 1-24, 1860-79. 8°. Archiv for lsegevidenskabens Historie i Danmark. Kjdbenhavn. No. 1, 1823. 6°. [No more pubUshed. ] Archives of Laryngology. Ed. by Louis Elsberg. New York. No. 1, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Archiv fiir Magnetismus und SomnambuUsmus. Strasburg. v. 1, 1787-8. 8C. Archives of Medicine: a record of practical observations and ana- tomical and chemical researches connected with the investiga- tion and treatment of disease. London. Nos. 1-17 (v. 1-4; no. 1, v. 5), 1857-70. 8°. Archives of Medicine. A bi-monthly journal. New York. v. 1- 2, 1879. 8°. Archives de la mddicine beige; journal des sciences me'dicales, physiques et naturelles et de mddecine vdtdrinaire. BruxeUes. v. 1-48, 1840-54. 8°. [vols, for 1853-4 are marked v. 50-58.] Archives me'dicales beiges, organe du corps sanitaire de l'armee, des prisons et de l'administration des chemins de fer de l'dtat. Sciences meilico-chirurgicales, pharmaceutiques et ve"terinaire8. Bruxelles. [Title of v. 31-34, 1863-4; 2. 8., v. 1-14, 1865-71; 3. s., v. 1-16, 1872-9, of: Arch, de me'd. mil., Brux.] Archivio di medicina, chirurgia ed igiene. Giornale mensUe redatto in Roma da una societa medico-chirurgica. Organo del Comi- tato medico romano. Roma. v. 6-7, 1874-5. 8°. Archiv der Medizin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. Von einer GeseU- schaft schweizerischer Aerzte. Aarau. Jahrg. 1, Hft. 1-4,1816- 17. 8°. [Also with title: Sammlung von Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in der Medicin, etc. ] Archives de m6decine comparde (Rayer). Paris, v. 1, 1843. 4°. Archiv fiir medizinische Erfahrung. Leipzig. 67 v., 1801-32, 1834. 8°. [After 1832 pubUshed at Berlin, v. 7-10, 1805-7, title: N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl. v. 10-20, 1807-11, also appeared under title: Arch. f. prakt. Med. u. Klin., Berl.] Archivo de la medicina espaiiola y estrangera. 1846. 80. ' * Madrid, v. 1-2, Archives de me'decine militaire. Journal des sciences me'dicales, pharmaceutiques et vdterinaires. Bruxelles. v. 1-34, 1848-64 ; 2. s., v. 1-14, 1865-71; 3. 8., v. 1-16,1872-9. [Fortitleof v. 3-30, 1849-62, see: Arch, beiges de m6d. mil., Brux. After v. 30,1862, title became: Arch. med. beiges, Brux.] Archives de me'decine navalo. Paris, v. 1-32, 1864-79. 8°. Archiv der medizinischen Polizev mid der gemeinniitzigen Arznei- kunde. Leipzig, v. 1-6, 1783-7. 8°. [After v. 3, the word "PoUzey" changed to "Polizei". Continued in 1789 as: Boytr. z. Arch. d. med. Pol., Leipz.] Archives me'dicales de Strasbourg, v. 1-3, 1835-6. 8°. Archivio di medicina veterinaria. Giornale bimestrale deUa regia scuola superiore di medicina veterinaria di Milano. Anni 1-1 1876—9. 8°. ' Archivio di memorie ed osservazioni di chirurgia pratica, su la climca chirurgica, le conseguenze terapeutiche deUa neutrality dei fenti m guorra, l'igieue degli ospedali, la vaccinazione ani- mate, 1 eterizzazione ed altri argomenti. NapoU. v. 1-10, 1866- Palasciano 1Unmng *itl6'' Archivio ** chirurgia pratica di F. Bonn. v. 1-17, 1865-79. Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomie. 8°. Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes et natnielles. Pu- h™ PJr/°,/,C«^™h0%nrt?i8e des Bci«"»* * Harlem La ?£ei8r""4r£? S ■ ^1866-'5pu<>lishedatLaHaye; *toZ3l£tl!*^&&^J** iD Elsase-Lothringen. [17] Arch. f. Ohrenh. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl. Arch. Ophth., N. Y. Arch, d'ophth., Par. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y. Arch. Otol., N. Y. Arch. f. path..Anat., etc., Berl. Arch. f. d. Path. u. Therap., Hamm. Arch. d. Pharm. Arch. f. d. Physiol., HaUe. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien. Arch, de physiol., therap. et hyg., Par. Arch. f. prakt. Med. u. Klin., Berl. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl. Arch. f. Psychol., Heidelb. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino. Arch. Sc. & Tr. Orleans Co. Soc, Newport, Vt. Arch. Scient. & Pract. M. & S. Arch, sudebnoi med., St. Pe- tersb. Arch. f. Syph. u. Hautkr., Berl. Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Wfirzburg. v. 1-15, 1864-79. 8°. [After 1873 pubUshed in Leipzig. ] Archiv fiir Ophthalmologic. Hrsg. von Dr. Albrecht von Graefe. BerUn. v. 1-25, 1854-79. 8°. Archives of Ophthalmology. New York. v. 1, 1879. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y.] Archives d'ophthalmologie, comprenant les travaux les plus im- portants sur I'anatomie, la physiologie, la pathologie, l'hygiene et la the'rapeutique de 1'appareU de la vision. Paris, v. 1-6, 1853-6. 8°. Archives (The) of Ophthalmology and Otology. Edited and pub- lished simultaneously in EngUsh and German by Prof. H. Knapp, in New York, and Prof. S. Moos, in Heidelberg. New York. v. 1-7, 1869-79. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., and: Arch. Otol., N. Y., as separate publications. See, also, Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Carlsruhc] Archives of Otology. New York. v. 1,1879. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y.] Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie, und fiir kli- nische Medicin. Berlin, v. 1-10,1847-56; n. F., v. 11- 20,1857- 60; 2. F., v. 21-30, 1861-3; 3. F., v. 31-40, 1864-6; 4. P., v. 41- 50, 1867-9; 5. F., v. 51-60, 1870-73; 6. F., v. 61-70, 1874-6; 7. F., v. 71-77, 1877-9. 77 v., 1847-79. 8°. [Each series v. 1-10.] Archiv fiir die Pathologie und Therapie. Hamm. v. 1, 1851-5. 8C. Archiv der Pharmacie. Eine Zeitschrift des Apotheker-Vereins in Norddeutschland. Hannover. 2. Reihe, v. 17-150, 1839-72; 3. Reihe, v. 1-15,1872-9. 8°. [Hannover, 1839-67. HaUe, 1868-80. ] Archiv fiir die Physiologie. Von D. Joh. Christ. ReU. Halle. v. 1-12, 1795-1815. 8°. [Continued as: Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle.] Archiv fiir Physiologie. (Physiolog. Abthlg. des Archives fiir Anatomie und Physiologie.) Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Archiv fiir physiologische HeUkunde. Stuttgart. 1842-56,14 v.; n. F., v. 1-3,1857-9. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz.] Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. Paris, v. 1-11. 1868-79. 8°. [v. 6 is also called v. 1, 2. s. A continuation of: J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par. ] Archiv fiir physiologische und pathologische Chemie und Mikro- skopie in lhrer Anwendung auf die praktische Medicin. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Gelehrten des In- und Auslandes, als Fort- setzung der von Simon in Berlin gegrfindeten Zeitschrift, hrsg. und redigirt von Joh. Florian HeUer. Wien. 1844-7; n. F., 1852-4, 6 v. 8°. [A continuation of: Beitr. z. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Berl. Suspended from 1847-52.] Archives de physiologie, de the'rapeutique et d'hygiene, sous la direction de M. Bouchardat. Paris. 2 v., 1854. 8°. Archiv fiir praktische Medizin und Klinik. Berlin. of v. 10-20, 1807-10, of: Arch. f. med. Erfahr.] [Was title 1-10, Archiv fiir Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten. Berlin 1868-80. 8°. Archiv fiir Psychologie, fiir Aerzte und Juristen. Heidelberg. Hfte. 1-3, Jahrg. 1834. 8°. [A continuation of: Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., and continued in 1837 as: BI. f. Psychiat., Erlang.] Archivio per le scienze mediche. Torino, v. 1-4, 1876-80. 8°. Archives of Science and Transactions of the Orleans County (Vt.) Society of Natural Sciences. Newport, Vt. v. 1, Oct., 1870- April, 1873. 8°. Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine and Surgery. Nos. 1-2, Philadelphia; 3-5, New York. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1873. roy. 8°. Archiv sudebnoi meditsini i obtchestvennoi gigieni; izdavaemii meditsinskimdepartamentom. [Archiv. med.-forensis and gene- ral hygiene, issued by the med. dept.] St. Petersb. v. 5-/, 1869-71. roy. 8°. Archiv fiir Syphilis und Hautkrankheiten, mit Einschluss der nichtsyphilitischen Genitalatfektionen. Berl. v. 1-2,1846-7. 8°. [2] [18] Arch. f. d. Theor. d. Heilk., Niirnb. Arch, de tocol., Par. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk. Arch. d.Ver. f. wissensch. Heilk., Leipz. Arch, vet., Par. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl. Argos, Leipz. Arkansas M.Month., Little Rock. Arkansas M. Rec, Little Rock. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond. Ars-Beratt. om Svens. Lak.- SaUsk. Arb., Stockholm. Art me'd., Brux. Art med., Par. Arznk. Ann., BZopenh. Arzt, Hamb. Asclepiade, MarseiUe. 'A6K\rjTtiEiov, Berl. 'Adx\-q7ti6$, AQifvai. Asmodee, Par. Aspiracion med., Madrid. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend. Archiv fiir die Theorie der Heilkunde. Niirnb. v. 1,1804. 8°. Archives de tocologie, des maladies des femmes et des enfants nou- veau-ne"s. Paris. Ann6es 1-7, 1874-80. 8°. Archiv des Vereins fiir gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Gottingen. a v. 1-6,1854-63; n. F., v. 1-3,1864-7. Leipzig. 8°. [Title of n. F., v. 1-3,1864-7, was the foUowing:] Archiv des Vereins fiir wissenschaftUche HeUkunde. Leipzig. [Title of n. F., v. 1-3, 1864-7, of the preceding.] Archives ve'te'rinaires. Paris, v. 1-5, 1876-80. 8°. Archiv fiir wissenschaftUche iftid praktische Thierheilkunde. Berlin, v. 1-6, 1875-80. 8°. ' [A continuation of: Mag. f. d. ges. Thierh., Berl.] Argos: Zeitschrift fiir Kritik und Anti-Kritik auf dem Gesammt- gebiete der Medicin. Leipzig. [Title of v. 6 of: Med. Argos, Leipz. ] Arkansas Medical Monthly. Little Rock. No. 1, v. 1, April, 1880. 8°. Arkansas (The) Medical Record, a monthly journal of practical medicine. Little Rock, Ark. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1878. 8°. Army Medical Department Reports for the years 1859-77. Lon- don. 19 v., 1861-79. 8°. Ars-Berattelse om Svenska Lakare-Sallskapets Arbeten. Stock- holm. 1810-41, in 5 v. 12°. [Want vols, for 1833-4.] Art (L') medical. Interfits sociaux, scientifiquea et professionnels. Bruxelles. Ann6es 1-16, 1865-80. 8°. [Want no. 21, v. 2, Dec. 2, 1866.] Art (L') medical. Journal de m6decine ge"n6rale et de mddecine pratique. [Homoeopathic] Paris, v. 1-51, 1855-80. roy. 8°. [Want v. 36-37, 1873.] Arzneykundige Annalen von D. Johann Clemens Tode. Kopen- hagen. Hft. 1-8, 1787-8; Hft. 13, 1792. 8°. Arzt (Der). Eine medicinische Wochenschriffc. Hamburg, v. 1-12. Parts 1-2 are 2. ed., 1760; parts 3-12, original issue, 1760-64. Ascl6piade (L'), journal de me'decine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Mar- seUle. Nos. 6-8, v. 2, 1823-4. 8°. ' A2KAHIIIEION. Allgemeines medicinisch - chirurgisches Wo- chenblatt fiir alle Theile der Heilkunde und ihre Hiilfswissen- schaften. Berlin, v. 1-4, 1811; v. 3-4, July-Dec, 1812. 12°. [In 1812, pubUshed also in HaUe.] 'A^SKAHIIIO'2. ~2vyypctfiiJ.a. itepioSiubv rfjs kv A0f/vai5 iarpixri$ ercupiaS. v. 9-12, June, 1870-74. 8°. Asmodee. Revue des journaux, ouvrages de me'decine, chimie, pharmacie et sciences accessoires. Paris, v. 1,1845-6. 4°. Asociacion circulo me'dico Argentino. [See An. Asoc. cfrc m6d. Argentino, Buenos Aires.} Asociacion Larrey. [See An. Asoc. Larrey, Mexico.] Asociacion m6dica Pedro Escobedo. [ See Observador m6d., Mexico. ] Asociacion me"dico-quirurgica Vallisoletana y de la de Valmaseda (Vizcaya). [See Fraternidad meYL, Vallad.] Aspiracion (La) medica, revista te6rico-cUnica, eco de la clase me'dico-escolar espaiiola. Madrid, v. 1, 1867-8. fol. Associacao- medica do Rio de Janeiro. [See v. 4 of: Rev me'd Rio de Jan.] ' "' Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothecaries of England and Wales. [SeeTr. Ass. Apoth., etc, Lond.] Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's CoUege of Physicians in Ireland. [ See Dublin M. Tr. Also- Tr Ass. King's & Queen's CoU. Phys. Ireland.] Association francaise pour l'avancement des sciences. Comptes- rendus. Paris, 1873-4. Sessions 1 and 2, 2 v. roy. 8°. [19] Assoc. M. J., Lond. Asylum J. Ment. Sc, Lond. Athenaeum, Jena. Atlanta M. & S. J. Atti Accad. fis.-med.-statist, di MUano. Atti Accad. med. di Roma. Atti Ass. ottal. ital., MUano. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. Atti r. 1st. d'incorag. a. sc. nat. . . . di Napoli. Atti . . . r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett., MUano. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzeneyw., Berl. Auserl. med.- chir.- . .. Abhandl. d. rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb. Austral. M. Gaz., Melbourne. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. Austral. Pract., Melbourne. Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Avisos, Madrid. v. 2-3,1855-7. Association Medical Journal. Edited for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, by J. R. Cormack. Being a new series of: Prow M. &, S. J. London. 8 v., 1853-6. roy. 8°. [Want pp. 429-30; also, 717-718, in 1853. Continued as: Brit. M. J., Lond. ] Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. [See Proc. Ass. Med. Off. Am. Inst. for Idiotic & Feeble-Minded Persons.] Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. [See Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond.] Associazione medica italiana. [See Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital.] Associazione ottalmologica itaUana. [See Atti d. Ass. ottal. ital., MUano. ] Asylum (The) Journal of Mental Science. London. 8°. [Continued as: J. Ment. Sc, Lond.] Ateneo de alumnos internos. [See Ge"nio me"d.-quir., Madrid. ] Ateneo propagador de las ciencias naturales. Madrid. [See Res. trab. Ateneo prop, do las cien. nat., Madrid.] Athenaeum. Monatsschrift fur Anthropologic, Hygiene, Moralsta- tistik, Bevolkerungs- und Culturwissenschaft, Pjidagogik, kohere Politik und die Lehre von den Krankheitsursachen. . . . Organ des legalen Directoriums der Kaiserlichen Leop. -Carol. Akademie. Jena. v. 1-2, 1875-6. 8°. Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal. Atlanta, Ga. v. 1-6, 7A, 7B, 8, 9 A, 9B, 10-17, 1855-80. 8°. [Suspended after Oct., 1861, tUl March, 1866, and after Aug., 1868, tiU April, 1871.] Atti dell'Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano. Nuova serie. Anni 15-27, 1859-71; anni 29-33, 1873-7. 8°. Atti dell'Accademia medica di Roma. v. 1-4, 1875-8. 8°. Atti dell'Associazione ottalmologica italiana; riunione di NapoU. Milano. 1 v., 1879. 8°. Atti del Congresso generale dell'Associazione medica italiana. 3. Cong., 1866. 5. Cong., 1871. 7. Cong., 1876. V. p. roy. 8°. Atti del reale Istituto d'incoraggiamento aUe scienze naturali, eco- nomicho e tecnologiche di Napoli. 2. s., v. 8, pt. 2, 9-14, 16, 1872-9. fol. Atti della fondazione scientifica Cagnola. Reale Istituto Lom- bardo di scienze e lettere. Milano. v. 3-5, no. 1, v. 6, 1860- 72. 8°. Atti del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venezia. 3. s., v. 14, disp. 2-10; v. 15-16; 4. s., v. 1-3; 5. s., v. 1, 2; v. 3, disp. 1-7, 1868-77. 8°. Aufsatze und Beobachtungen aus der gerichtlichen Arzeneywis- senschaft. BerUn. Samml. 1-8, 1783-93. 4 v. 8°. Auserlesene medicinisch- chirurgisch- anatomisch- chymisch- und botanische Abhandlungen der romisch-kaiserlichen Akademie der Naturforscher. Aus dem Lateinischen in das Deutsche tiber- setzt. Niirnberg. 20 v., 1755-71. 4°. [In vol. 1 of the Cata- logue, a few vols, of this publication were indexed under the abbreviation: Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf. Med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl., Niirnb.] Australian (The) Medical Gazette. A journal of medical Uterature and science. Melbourne. Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7, 18, 21,22, and 23 of v. 1, 1869; nos. 25 and 29 of v. 2, 1870; nos. 36-47 of v. 3, 1871. 4°. AustraUan (The) Medical Journal. Edited under the superinten- dence of tho Medical Societv of Victoria. Melbourne, v. 1-23, 1856-78; n. s., v. 1, 1879. 8°. [Want v. 4, 1859.] AustraUan (The) Practitioner, a quarterly journal of medical, surgical, and sanitary science, for the AustraUan Colonies. Mel- bourne, v. 1, 1877-8. 8°. Auszug aus der Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Voriinderungon der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur. Jahres- Bericht der medicinischen Section. Breslau. 1838-54; 1856-58. 4°. Avisos (Los). Periodico quincenal de medicina. Madrid. 1877-9. 4°. v. 1-3, [20] B. Baier. Ann., Sulzbach. Balneol. Ztg., Wetzlar. Bait. J. M. Bait. M. J. Bait. M. J. & Bull. Bait. M. & PhU. Lycaeum. Bait. M. & Phys. Recorder. Bait. M. & S. J. & Rev. Bait. Month. J. M. & S. Bait. PhU. J. & Rev. Bait. Phys. & Surg. Barth, Malta. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eck- hard), Giessen. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanz., Bresl. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl. Beitr. z. Geburtsk., Wiirzb. Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., ■Wiirzb. Beitr. z. Gynak. u. Geburtsk., Tubing. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga. Beitr. mecklenb. Aerzte z. Med. u. Chir., Rostock. Beitr. z. Med.-Statist., Stuttg. Beitr. z. off. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Frankf. a. M. Beitr. z. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Berl. Badischer aerztlicher Verein. [See Mitth. d. badisch. aerztL Ver., Karlsruhe. ] Baierische Annalen fiir Abhandlungen, Erfindungen und Beobach- tungen aus dem Gebiete der Chirurgie, Augenheilkunst und Ge- burtshulfe. Sulzbach. v. 1, 1824. 8°. Balneologische Zeitung. Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Ge- seUschaft fiir Hydrologie. Wetzlar. v. 1-11, 1855-62. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. f. Balneol., Neuwied.] Baltimore (The) Journal of Medicine. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1881. 8°. Baltimore (The) Medical Journal; a monthly record of medicine and surgery, v. 1-2, 1870-71. 8°. [In v. 2 title changed to the foUowing:] Baltimore (The) Medical Journal and BuUetin. A consolidation of: Med. Bull., Bait., with: Bait. M. J. [Title of v. 2 of tho pre- ceding. ] Baltimore (The) Medical and Philosophical Lycaeum. v. 1, 1811. 8°. Baltimore (The) Medical and Physical Recorder. v. 2, 1808-9. 8°. v. 1, and no. 1, Baltimore (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Review, v. 1- 2, 1833-34. 8°. [Continued as: N. Am. Arch. M. & S. Sc, Bait.] Baltimore (Tho) Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, v. 1, 1830-31. 8°. Baltimore (The) PhUosophical Journal and Review. No. 1, July, 1823. 8°. Baltimore (The) Physician and Surgeon. PubUshed monthly under the auspices of the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons, v. 1-6, 1872-6. 4°. [Title of v. 1, 1872-3, was: Physician and Surg., Bait. ] Barth (II). Gazzetta di medicina e scienze naturali. Malta. Anni 1-4, 1871-6. 8°. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie (Eckhard). Giessen. v. 1-8, 1858-78. 4°. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen. Hrsg. von Ferdinand Cohn. Breslau. v. 1, 2, Hft. 1, v. 3, 1870-79. 8°. Beitrage zur Geburtshulfe und Gynakologic Hrsg. von der Gesell- schaft fiir Geburtshulfe in BerUn. v. 1-4,1870-76. 8°. [Con- solidated with: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg., form- ing: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.] Beitrage zur Geburtskunde von Franz A. Kiwisch, Ritter von Rot- terau. Wfirzburg. Abth. 1,2,1846,1848,1 v. 8°. [Continued in 1853 as the foUowing:] Beitrage zur Geburtskunde und Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von F W Scanzoni. Wfirzburg. v. 1-7, 1853-73. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding. ] Beitrage zur Gyniikologie und Geburtskunde von Johannes Hoist TUbingen. Hft. 1-2, 1865-7, 1 v. 8°. Beitrage zur Heilkunde. Hrsg. von der GoseUschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. v. 1-4, 1849-60. 8°. Beitrage mecklenburgischer Aerzte zur Medicin und Chirureic Rostock und Schworin. v. 1; Hft. 1, v. 2, 1830-31. 8°. Beitrage zur Medizinal-Statistik. Hrsg. vom Deutschen Verein fur MecUzmal-Statistik Durck Drs. Schwcig, Schwarz und Zuel- zer. Stuttgart. 1.-2. Hft., 1875-6. 8°. Beitrage zur offentUchen und gerichtlichen Arzneikunde furt a. M. 2. St., 1802. 8°. Frank- Beitrage ziir physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie und Mi- kroskopie in ihrer Anwendung auf die praktische Medizin. Un- terMitwirkung hrsg. von Dr. Franz Simon. Berlin, v. 1 1843-4 80. [Continued by J. F. Heller, in Wien, as: Arch, f physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien. [21] Beitr. z. prakt. Augenh. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz. Beitr. z. Reform d. San.-Wes. a. Westfalen, Arnsberg. Beitr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl. Beitr. z. theor. u. prakt. Ge- burtsh., etc., Hamb. Belmont M. J., Bridgeport, Ohio. Beob. u. Abhandl. Aerzten, Wien. . . v. osterr. Beob. u. Bemerk. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Gotting. Ber. ii. d. Arb. d. arztl. Sect. d. nied.-rhein. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. zu Bonn. Ber. ii. d. Ereign. in d. k. gynak. Univ.-Klin, zu Konigsb. Ber. d. Gewerbeschule zu Basel. Ber. d. Gsndhtsrath___in Zurich. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Ber. . . . a. d. k. sachs. Entbind. - Inst, in Dresd., Leipz. Ber. d. naturh. Ver. in Augsburg. Ber. d. naturh. Ver. in Passau. Ber. d. naturw. Gesellsch. zu Chemnitz. Ber. d. naturw.-med.Ver. in Inns- bruck. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk., Giessen. Ber. . . . d. Offenbacher Ver. f. Natu:k. Beitrage zur praktischen Augenheilkunde von Dr. J. Hirschbere. Berlin, 1876; Leipzig, 1877. 1.-2. Hft., 1876-7. 8°. Beitrage zur praktischen HeUkunde, mit vorziigUcher Berfick- sichtigung der medicinischen Geographie, Topographic und Epi- demiologic. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1834-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. KUn., Leipz.] Beitrage zur Reform des Sanitats-Wesens aus Westfalen. Arns- berg. v. 1, 1849. 8°. Beitrage zur exacten Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Sanitiits- PoUzei. Berlin, v. 1, 1860-62. 8°. [A reprint, with new pagina- tion, of nos. 4-12, v. 2, of: Monatschr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl.] Beitrage zur theoretischen und praktischen Geburtshulfe und zur Kenutniss und Kur einiger Kinderkrankheiten. Hamburg, v. 1-3, 1798-1808. 8°. Belmont (The) Medical Journal. A monthly periodical, pubUshed under the patronage of the Belmont Medical Society. Bridge- port, Ohio. v. 1-2, 1858-60. 12c. Belmont Medical Society. [See Belmont M. J., Bridgeport, Ohio. Also: Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio.] Beobachtungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der gesamm- ten praktischen Heilkunde, von osterreichischen Aerzten. Wien. v. 1-6, 1819-28. 8°. [In 1829 merged in: Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien.] Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen aus der Geburtshtilfe und ge- richtlichen Medicin, nebst fortlaufenden Nachrichten fiber die Ereignisse in der konigUchen Entbindungs-Anstalt in Gottingen. Gottingen. v. 1-5, 1824-8. 8°. [v. 4-5 also have title: Zeit- schrift fiir die Geburtshulfe in ihrer Beziehung, etc.] Bericht fiber die Arbeiten der iirztlichen Section der niederrheini- schen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. Fiir den Zeitraum vom Mai 1851 bis zum December 1853, in der Sitzung vom 7. December 1853 vorgelegt durch . . . Dr. C. W. Wutzer. Bonn. 1854. 8°. Bericht fiber die Ereignisse in der kon. gynakol. Universitiits- Klinik zu Konigsberg in Pr. wiihrend der Zeit vom 1. Nov. 1874 bis 1. Nov. 1877. Konigsberg i. Pr. 1 v., 1879. 8°. Bericht fiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie in den Jahren 1869-71. Als besondere Abtheilung der Zeitschrift fur rationelle Medicin. 8°. [See Ztschr. f. rat. Med.] Berichte der Gewerbeschule zu Basel, fiir die Jahre 1868-9 bis 1871-2. 4 nos. 4°. Bericht des Gesundheitsrathes an die Hohe Regierung in Zfirich fiber das Medicinalwesen des Cantons in den Jahren 1836-51. Zurich. 16 nos. 8°. [Continuation of the following, and con- tinued as: Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes. d. off. Kran- kenanst. . . . Zfirich.] Bericht an die Hohe Regierung fiber die Verrichtungen des Sanitats-Collegiums im Laufe der Jahre 1821, 1826-8. Zfirich. 4 nos., 1822-9. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.} Bericht der k. k. Krankenanstalt Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien vom Jahre 1865-70,1873, 1874,1876-8. 11 v. 8°. Bericht des k. k. Krankenhauses Wieden. Vom Solar-Jahre 1854- 5,1857-9,1861,1863-5,1867-71. Wien. 14 v. 8°. Berichte und Studien aus dem konigl. sachs. Entbindungs-Insti- tute in Dresden, von F. Winckel. Leipzig. 2 v., 1874-6. 8°. Berichte des naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg. 9., 1855; 18.-23., 1865-75. 7 nos. 8°. Bericht des naturhistorischen Vereins in Passau. 10., 1871-4. 8°. [Continuationof: Jahresb. d. naturh. Ver. in Passau.] Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen GeseUschaft zu Chemnitz. 1.-5., 1859-74. 8°. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Inns- bruck. Jahrg. 1-8, 1870-77. 8°. Bericht der oberhessischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Giessen. 1.-17., 1847-78. 8°. Berichte fiber die Thatigkeit des Offenbacher Vereins fiir Natur- kunde. 1.-18., 1859-77. 8C. [22] Ber. d. San.-CoU. v. Basel-Stadt. Ber. ii. d. San.-Wes. v. Basel- Stadt. Ber. ii. d. Sitz. d. naturf. GeseU- sch. zu HaUe. Ber___d. St. GaUischen naturw. Gesellsch. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. naturf. GeseUsch. zu Freib. i. Br. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch.. Irrenarzte. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. GeseUsch. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. Ver. bal- tisch. Aerzte. Ber. ii. d. Veterinarw. im Konigr. Sachs., Dresd. Ber. ii. d. wissensch. Vortr. d. med. GeseUsch. zu. Leipz. Berkshire M. J., Pittsfield, Mass. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg. Berl. Samml. z. Beford. d. Arz- neyw., etc. Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth. Beytr. z. Arch. d. med. Pol., Leipz. Bibliot. med.-castr. espan., Ma- drid. BibUoth. f. d. Chir., Gotting. BibUoth. d. deutsch. Med. u. Chir., Wiirzb. Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kj^benh. BibUoth. me'd., Brux. Berichte des Sanitats-Collegiums von Basel-Stadt vom Jahr 1870. Basel. 1872. 8°. Bericht fiber das Sanitiitswesen von Basel-Stadt. Basel. 1874. 8°. Bericht fiber die Sitzungen der naturf orschenden GeseUschaft zu Halle, in don Jahren 1S70-78. 4°. Bericht fiber die Thatigkeit der St. GaUischen naturwissenschaft- Uchen Gesellschaft, wahrend der Vereinsjahre 1866-7, 1867-8, 1870-71, 1871-2, 1872-3, 1875-6, 1876-7. 7 v. 8°. Berichte fiber die Verhandlungen der n aturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. Br. Hft. 1-2, v. 5, 1868-9. Freiburg i. Br. 8°. Bericht fiber die Versammlung. deutscher Irrenarzte. BerUn. 1860-61, 1864,1865. 8°. Berichte fiber die Versammlungen der ophthalmologischen Gesell- schaft. Rostock. Stuttgart. 10.-12., 1877-9. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Sitzungsb. d. ophth. GeseUsch., Stuttg.] Bericht fiber die dritte Versammlung des Vereins baltischer Aerzte, erstattet von dem aUgemeinen iirztUchen Verein zu Kiel. 1866. 8°. Bericht fiber das Veterinarwesen im Konigreiche Sachsen fiir die Jahre 1877-8. 22. u. 23. Jahrg. Dresden. 8°. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftUchen Vortrage der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, in den Jahren 1875 und 1876. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. Berkshire (The) Medical Journal; devoted to the interests of rational medicine. Pittsfield, Mass. v. 1, 1861. 8°. Berliner GeseUschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urge- Bchichte. [See Verhandl. d. Berl. GeseUsch. f. Anthrop., Berl. Also: Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl.] Berliner klinische Wochenschrift. Organ fiir practische Aerzte. BerUn. v. 1-16, 1864-79. fol. [In Jan., 1865, Preuss. Med.- Ztg., Berl., merged in this journal.] Berliner medicinische Central-Zeitung; vom Neuesten und Wis- senswerthen aus der gesammten Heilkunde des In- und Aus- landes. Berlin, v. 1-10, 1832-41. 40. [Continued as: Alltr. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.] h Berliner medicinische Gesellschaft. [See Verhandl. d. Berl., etc.] Berlinische Sammlungen zur Beforderung der Arzneywissenschaft, der Naturgeschichte, der Haushaltungskunst, Cameralwissen- schaft und der dahin einschlagenden Litteratur. BerUn v 1-10, 1768-79. 8°. BerUner stadtisches Krankenhaus im Friedrichshaiu. [Sec Mitth. a. d. chir. Abth. d. Berl. stadt. Krankenh. im Friedriehshain. ] Berner pathologisches Institut. [See Arb. a. d. Bern, path., etc.] Bernisches Correspondenzblatt fur Aerzte und Apotheker. Bern. y. 1-3, 1850-52. 8°. [v. 2, 1851, title was: Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u Xth Bern"] ' ' ^ WM: Scbweiz- Cor.-Bl. f. Aerate Beytrage zum Archiv der medizinischen PoUzei und der Volks- EKfSS. PotllipZ]1"8' 17W'm- 8°- ■£<>«*'■««««" Biblioteca medico-castrense espaiiola. Madrid, v. 1-8, 1851-2. Bibliothek fur die Chirurgie. Gottingen. Hrsc von C T M Bibliothek for Lseger. prior with this journal. ] ^StJT u^™1*' ?aiti0Dale et ^rangere, publide par une r," 1 J>ndeJl1,S<.lec?11.8 b¥eV». BruxeUes. v. 1-5, 1824-8 8o Hygie, Par.] [In 1829 united with [23] BibUoth. d. prnLchim., Par. BibUoth. f. Phys., Med. ogCEko- nom., Kjobeiik. BibUoth. d. prakt. HeUk. Bidr. t. Sveriges off. Statist., Stockholm. Bijdr. t. geneesk. Staatsreg., Amst. Bijdr. t. theor. en pract. ge- neesk., Amst. Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Bre- misch. Aerzte, Bremen. Birmingh. M. Rev. Bistoury, Elmira, N.Y. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop. BI. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zurich. BI. f. Heilwissensch., Miinchen. BI. f. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. BI. f. Psychiat., Erlang. BI. f. Reform d. San.-Wes., Wien. BI. f. Staatsarznk., Wien. Eoerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Gra- venh. Bol. Acad, nac de cien. exact., Cordoba. Bol. Col. de farm, de Barcel. Bol. Inst. med. valenc, Valen- cia. Bol. de med. y cirug. de Jaen. Bol. de med., cirug. y Madrid. Bol. med. escolar, Barcel. farm. Bibliotheque des philosophes chimiques. [RecueUlie par Guil. Salmon.] Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrig6o . . . par M. J[ean] M[augin] d[e] R[ichebourg]. Paris. 3 v., 1741. 12°. Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og OEkonomie. Kj0benhavn. [Title of: Phys., oaconom. og med.-chir. BibUoth., Kjobenh., from 1798-1800.] Bibliothek der praktischen Heilkunde. Hrsg. von C. W. Hufo- land. Jena. Berlin, v. 1-86, 1799-1843. 8°. [The first two years only published at Jena. ] Biennial Reports, etc. [See Reports, etc. ] Bidrfig tiU Sveriges offlciela Statistik. K Helso- och Sjukvarden. I. Sundhets-Collegii Underdaniga Beriittelse. Stockholm. Aret 1861-77. Nos. 1-17. 4C. Bijdragen tot geneeskundige Staatsregeling. Amsterdam, v. 1-3, 1842-5. 8°. Bijdragen tot theoretische en practische geneeskunde, uitgegeven door het genootschap, onder de zinspreuk: Arti salutiferao to Amsterdam. Amsterdam, v. 1, 1810. 8°. Biographische Skizzen verstorbener Bremischer Aerzte und Natur- forscher. Bremen. 1844. 8°. Birmingham (The) Medical Review, a quarterly journal of tho medical sciences, v. 1-8, 1872-9. 8°. Bistoury (The). A quarterly medical journal devoted to the expo- sition of charlatanism in medicine and the education of the peo- ple upon medical subjects. Elmira, N. Y. v. 5-15, 1869-80. 8°. Blatter fiir gerichtUche Anthropologie. Fiir Aerzte und Juristen. Erlangen, 1850-52. Ansbach, 1853-4. Nfirnburg, 1855-62. v. 1-13, 1850-62. 8°. [Continued as: Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb.] Blatter fiir Gesundheitspfiege. Dem Volke gewidmet von der Ge- seUschaft der Aerzte des Kantons Zurich, v. 5-8, 1876-9. 8°. Blatter fiir HoUwissenschaft. Miinchen. v. 1-4, 1870-73. fol. Blatter fiir Medizinal-Gesetzgebung und offentliche Gesundheits- pfiege. Wien. [An appendix, in 34 nos., of: Wien. med. Presse, v. 9, 1870.] Blatter fiir Psychiatrie. Erlangen. v. 1, 1837-8. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Arch. f. Psychiat., Heidelb.] Blatter fiir Reform des Sanitiitswesens. Wien. 1869, nos. 1-16; 1870, nos. 1-2. 4°. [A supplement to: Wien med. Wchnschr.] Blatter fiir Staatsarzneikunde. Beilage zur: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., Wien. v. 1, 1868. 4°. Blad van de Sectie voor Genees-, Heel- en Verloskunde. [Sec Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- enHeelk. to Amst.] Boards of health. [See Rep. Bd. Health.] Boerhaave. Tijdschrift voor Genees-, Heel-, Verlos- en Artsenij- mengkundc Gravenhage. v. 1-3,1838-41; n. s., v. 1-7, 1842-8. 8°. Boletin de la Academia nacional de ciencias exactas. C6rdoba. pts. 1-4, v. 2, 1875-8. 8°. Boletin del Colegio de farmaceuticos de Barcelona, v. 1-3,1877-9. 8°. Boletin del Instituto me'dico valenciano. Valencia. Jan., 1863- April, 1873. 6 v. 8°. [Want March, 1868, Jan., 1869, June, Aug., 1871.] Boletin de medicina y cirugia de Jaen. Organo oficial de la Academia de medicina, cirugia y farmacia de Jaen. Revista quincenal. Jaen. Nos. 8-16, v. 1, 1879-80. 4°. Boletin de medicina, cirugia y farmacia. Madrid, v. 5-6,1838- 9; 2. s., v. 2-6, 1841-5; 3. s., v. 1-5,' 1846-50; epoca 2, v. 1-3, 1851-3. fol. [In Jan., 1854, united with: Gac me'd., Madrid, forming: Siglo me'd., Madrid.] Boletin me'dico escolar. Barcelona, v. 1, 1879-80. 4°. [A sup- plement to : Independ. me'd., Barcel.] [24] Bol. de med. nav., San Fernando. Bol. med.-farm. d. Litoral, Bar- cel. Bol. ofic. Soc. Hahneman. matri- tense, Madrid. Boll. d. priv. manic. Fleurent, Napoli. Bordeaux med. Boston J. PhU. & Arts. Boston M. InteUig. Boston M. & S. J. Bowdoin Sc. Rev., Brunswick, Me. Brain, Lond. BrazU. Biogr. Ann. [Macedo], Rio de Jan. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr. Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond. Brit. &For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond. Brit. J. Homceop., Lond. Brit. M. J., Lond. Brit. Rec Obst. M. & S., Man- chester. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal. Brit.-Am. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Montreal. Boletin de medicina naval; peri6dico oficial dol cuerpo de sani- dad de la armada. San Fernando, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Boletin nie'dico-farmace'utico del Litoral. Revista mensual de me- dicina y de farmacia. Barcelona, v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. Boletin oficial de la Sociedad Hahnemanniana matritense. Ma- drid, v. 1-5,1846-51. 8°. [Continued as: An. med. homceop., Madrid. ] BoUetino del privato manicomio Fleurent a Capodichino in Na- poU. v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. [Want nos. 1, 4, 7, v. 1, 1875.] Bordeaux (Le) medical, v. 1-7, 1872 - July 30, 1878. 4°. [Aug. 3, 1878, united with: Gaz. me'd. de Bordeaux, forming: J. do me'd. de Bordeaux. ] Boston City Hospital. [See Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.] Boston (The) Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, intended to ex- hibit a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, mechanics, chemistry, geology and mineralogy, natural history, comparative anatomy and physiology, geography, statistics, and the fine and useful arts. Boston, v. 1-3, 1823-26. 8°. Boston (The) Medical InteUigencer. v. 1-5, 1823-8. 4°. [Then united with: N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., forming: Boston M. & S. J. The title-page of some vols, reads: Medical (The) InteUigencer. ] Boston (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 1-101, 1828-79. 8°. [Formed by union of: Boston M. InteUig., with : N. Eng. J. M. &S., Bost.] Boston Society for Medical Improvement. [See Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve.] Bowdoin (The) Scientific Review. A fortnightly journal. Bruns- wick, Me. v. 1-2, 1870-72. 8°. Brain : A journal of neurology. London. v. 1-2, 1878-80. Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Biographical Annual [Macedo]. 1876. 8°. Breslauer aerztliche Zeitschrift. Breslau. v. 1, 1879. 4°. 8°. 3v. Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Societv. Soc] & * [See Tr. Bristol Med.-Chir. British Annals of Medicine, Pharmacy, Vital Statistics, and Gen- eral Science. London, v. 1, 1837. 8°. British Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Rep Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond.] British (The) and Foreign Medical Review, or quarterly journal of practical medicine and surgery. London, v. 1-26, 1836-47. 8° [In Jan.; 1848, consoUdated with: Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond form- ing : Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.] British (The) and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, or Quar- terly journal of practical medicine and surgery. London v 1-60, 1848-77. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Brit & For' M. Rev., Lond., with: Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond.] British (The) Journal, of Homoeopathy. London 79. 8°. v. 1-37, 1843- British Medical Association. [See Brit. M. J., Lond.] British Medical Journal: being the journal of the British Medical onsr^jrio46"'1857-79- ^-^ co««™«« British (The) Record of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery- consist mg.of original papers on midwifery, and the diseases of women and children, by the most eminent living practical obstetricians a coUection of rare and valuable monograph of?ancK iSfci modern writers, [etc.] Manchester, v. 1-2; 1848-9? so. British-American (The) Journal, devoted to the advancement of SLT^a3.1 °?d ?hy8iCal SCiences in the British-AmeSi Pro- vinces. Montreal, v. 1-3, 1860-62. 8°. no" 10 v 7 S £ t, 4 anil 8"• tWiint uo- 10> v- p> and no. in, \. 7. Title of v. 6-7 was the foUowing:] [25] Brit.-Am. M. & Phys. J., Mont- real. Buffalo M. J. Buffalo M. & 9. J. Buffalo M. & S. J. Builder, Lond. BuU. Acad, de med., Far. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. BuU. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux. BuU. clin., Par. BuU. de l'Ecole de med. de Far. BuU. Fac de med. de Par. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par. BuU. de l'intend., etc., Par. BuU. internat. d. Soc. de secours aux mil. blesses, Geneve. BuU. M. Sc, PhUa. BuU. med. beige, Brux. BuU. med. du nord, Lille. Bull. med. du nord, Lille. BuU. med. et pharm., Par. BuU. de la med. et pharm. mil., Par. British-American (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Montreal. [Title of v. 6-7 of the preceding. ] Buffalo (The) Medical Journal, v. 1-15, 1845-60. 8°. [In July, 1860, merged in : Am. M. Month., N. Y. Nos. 1-13, v. 15, running title: N. York Month. Rev. M. Sc. & Buffalo M. J. For title of v. 2-15, see the foUowing:] Buffalo (The) Medical Journal and Monthly Review of Medical and Surgical Science. [Title of v. 2-15 of the preceding.] Buffalo (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 2-19, 1862-80. 8°. [For v. 1, 1861-2, see the following:] Buffalo (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Reporter, v. 1, 1861-2. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Builder (The). An illustrated weekly magazine for the architect, engineer, etc. London, v. 1-35, 1843-77. fol. Bulletin de l'Academie imp6riale de nie'decine. Paris. [Title of v. 19-35, 1853-4—1870, of: Bull. Acad, de med., Par.] Bulletin de l'Academie de me'decine. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-36, 1836- 71; 2. s., v. 1-9, 1872-80. 8°. [v. 1, 1836, to v. 13, pt. 1, 1847-8, title: Bulletin de l'Academie royale de me'decine. v. 13, pt. 2, 1847-8, to v. 18, 1852-3, title: Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine. v. 19-35, 1853-4—1870, title: Bulletin de l'Aca- demie imp^riale de medecine. ] Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de me'decine. Paris. [Title of v. 13, pt. 2, 1847-8, to v. 18, 1852-3, of: Bull. Acad, denied., Par.] Bulletin de l'Academie royale de me'decine. Paris. [Title of v. 1, 1836, to v. 13, pt. 1, 1847-8, of: Bull. Acad, de me'd., Par.] Bulletin de l'Academie royale de me'decine de Belgique. BruxeUes. v. 1-16, 1841-57; 2. s., v. 1-9, 1857-66; 3. s., v. 1-13, 1867-79. 8°. Bulletins de l'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. 2 v., 1863-4; 2. s., v. 19- 44, 1865-77. 8°. Bulletin clinique suivi d'une revue analytique des sciences medi- cales. Paris. . v. 1-2, 1835-8. 8°. Bulletin de l'Ecole de medecine de Paris et de la societ6 etablie dans son sein. v. 1-6 (an XIII (1805-6)—1810). Paris, 1805- 10. 8°. [See, also, J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par.] Bulletins de la Faculte de medecine de Paris, et de la Societe eta- blie dans son sein. 7 v., 1804-21. 8°. BuUetin general de therapeutique medicale et chirurgicale. Paris. v. 1-97, 1831-79. 8°. Bulletin de l'intendance et des services administratifs de l'armee do terre. Recueil de documents officiels concernant les fonction- naires de l'intendance et les officiers d'administration des bureaux de l'intendance, des hopitaux, des subsistances et de l'habille- mentetducampement militaires. Paris. Nos. 1-327,1856-79. 8°. Bulletin international des Societes de secours aux militaires blesses, Geneve, v. 1-10, 1869-79. 8°. BuUetin (The) of Medical Science. Philadelphia, v. 1-4, 1843- 6. 8°. BuUetin medical beige. Journal de medecine, de chirurgie, et des sciences accessoires. Bruxelles. v. 1-8, 1834-41. 8°. [Want no. 5, v. 1, May, 1834.] Bulletin medical du nord. Lille, v. 1-8, 1846-53; 2. s., v. 1-19, 1860-79. 8°. [Nos. 1-3,1846, "pubUes par le cercle medical de LiUe". After no. 3, 1846, "publies par la Societe centrale de medecine au departement du nord". For title prior to 1873, see the following:] Bulletin medical du nord de la France. [Title, prior to 1873, of the preceding. ] Bulletin (Le) medical et pharmaceutique. Revue mensueUe des progres de la medecine et de la pharmacie en France et a l'etran- ger. Paris, v. 3-8, 1871-6. 8°. [Want nos. for Dec, 1873, Sept., 1874, and Dec, 1875.] Bulletin de la medecine et de la pharmacie militaires. RecueU de tous les documents officiels relatifs a la medocino et a la pharma- cie militaires. Paris. Nos. 1-266, Nov., 1852-79. «'■'. [26] BuU. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. BuU. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. BuU. etmem. Soc. de therap., Par. Bull. mens, de la clin. ophth., Par. BuU. N. York Acad. M. BuU. de pharm., Par. BuU. d. sc. med., Par. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. Bull. Soc. beige de micr., Brux. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. BuU Soc. imp. d. nat. de Moscou. BuU. Soc de med. d'Angers. BuU. Soc. de med. de Besangon. BuU. Soc. med. de Chambery. Bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de La RocheUe. BuU. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par. BuU. Soc. de med. de Gand. BuU. Soc. med. du Haut-Rhin, Strasb. Bull. Soc. med. homceop. de France, Par. BuU. Soc. demed. deLaRocheUe. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. deBelg., Gand. Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society of New York. New York. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, Nov., 1878-Juno, 1879. 8°. [In Aug., 1879, con- tinued in: Physician & Pharmac, N. Y., with separate pagina- tion. ] BuUetins et memoires de la Societe de chirurgio de Paris, n. s., v. 1-5,1875-9. 8°. [A continuation of: BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par. ] BuUetins et memoires de la Societe medicale des h6pitaux de Paris. 2. s., v. 1-15, 1864-78. 8°. Ok Bulletins et memoires de la Societe de therapeutique. Paris, v. 1-5, 1867-73; 2. s., v. 1-5,1874-8. 8°. Bulletin mensuel de la cUnique ophthalmologique du Doctor Badal. Paris, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 4 v., 1860-71. 8°. Bulletin de pharmacie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1809-14. 8°. [v. 6, 1814, title: Bulletin de x>harrnacie et des sciences accessoires. Con- tinued as: J. de pharm., Par.] BuUetin de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. Paris. [Title of v. 6, 1814, of the preceding. ] BuUetin des sciences medicares, redige par M. do Fernion. Troi- sieme section du Bulletin universel des sciences et de l'industrie, pubUe sous la direction de M. Le Bon de Ferussac. Paris, v. 1-26, 1824-31. 8°. [Want v. 23, 1830.] BuUettino deUe scienze mediche, pubbUcato per cura deUa Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna, v. 1-12, 1829-35; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1836-41; 3. s., v. 1-24, 1842-53; 4. s., v. 1-24, 1854-65; 5. s., v. 1-24, 1866-77; 6. s., v. 1-4, 1878-9. 8°.' Bulletin de la Societe anatomique de Paris, v. 1-54,1826-79. 8°. [v. 1-9, 1826-34, is 2. ed.] Bulletins de la Societe d'anthropologie de Paris, v. 1-6,1860-65; 2. s., v. 1-12,1866-77; 3. s., v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe beige de microscopic. Proces-verbaux des seances. BruxeUes. Nos. 12, 13, 14, 1877, 3. annee; nos. 1-12, 1877-8, 4. annee; nos. 1-5, 7-9, 11-13, 1878-9, 5. annee; nos. 1-3, 1879-80, 6. annee. 8°. Bulletin do la Societe de chirurgie de Paris, v. 1-10, 1848-59; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1860-71; 3. s., v. 1-3, 1872-4. 8°. [Continued as: BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. See, also, the foUowing:] BuUetin do la Societe imperialo de chirurgie de Paris. [Title for years 1865-70 of the preceding.] Bulletin de la Societe cUnique de Paris, v. 1-2, 1877-8. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe imperiale des naturaUstes de Moscou Nos 3, 4, v. 40, 1867; v. 41-53, and no. 1, v. 54, 1868-79. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe de medecine d'Angers. Annee 1 1841-2. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe de medecine de Besancon. 2. a no 3 in- nees 1868-72. Besancon, 1873. 8°. ' * ' Bulletin de la Societe medicale de Chambery. No. 4,1859-74 • no. 5, 1875-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Compt. rend. Soc. med de Chambery. ] Academie de La RocheUe. Section de medecine. Bulletin de la Societe de medecine et de chirurgio de La Rochelle. 2. s. nos 2Zi,J8T3~S,- 8°: tThe society became the section of medicine of the academy in 1871.] Bulletins do la Societe medicale d'emulation de Paris n s fasc. 1-5, v. 2, 1867-74. 8°. v. 1 , 1-46, 1835-79. 8° Strasbourg. Fasc Bulletin do la Societe de medecine de Gand. ■> BuUetin do la Societe medicale du Haut-Rhin 2-4, v. 2, 1861-4. 8°. Bl??'^EJ^o i6t|nmi.mi.&w3 Connecticut State Medical Society. [See Communicat. M. Soc Connect., N. Haven. Also: Proc. Connect. M. Soc] ConseU central de salubrite publique do BruxeUes. [See Ann do Cons, centr. de salub. pub. de Brux.] UAeues- L*ee Alm- d<> ConseU superieur d'hygiene pubUquo. Rapports adrosses a MM feSTSt lTisu-eet jU8tLe- Bruxeu- ^ ciS3SS2££3,art8etm6tiera lSeeA3m'duConserv- Conservatore (II) deUa salute. Repertorio popolare deU'ieiene e fella medicina preventiva. NapoU. v. FJJlSlST fc^nd Contemporary (The) Review. London. BJmd'lnianap11]11"' ^ AU°: **"■ Convent' **• ***• of [33] Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte im Gross- herz. Meckl.-Strel., Neustre- Utz. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Be- zirks-Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz. Cor.-Bl.d. arztl. u. pharm. Kreis- Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Ver. d. Rhein- Prov., Bonn. Cor.-Bl. d. aUg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Anthrop., etc., Brnschwg. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Psychiat., etc. Cor.-Bl. f. d. mittelrhein. Aerzte, Darmst. Cor.-Bl. d. Naturf.-Ver. zu Riga. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Ba- sel. Cor.-Bl. d.Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. HeUk. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, WeUburg. Correio med. de Lisb. Corresp. med., Madrid. Corresp. med. de Paris para Bo- Uvie, etc, Par. Country Pract., Beverly, N. J. Courrier med., Par. Criterio med., Madrid. [See Proc. Convent. Phys. Ohio, [See Tr. [Title of Convention of Physicians of Ohio. Cincin.] . Cork County and Citv Medical and Surgical Society CorkM. & S. Soc, Dubl.] Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Bern. v. 2, 1851, of: Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth.] Correspondcnzblatt fiir die Aerzte und Apotheker des Grossherzog- thums Oldenburg, v. 1-3, 1860-65. 8°. Correspondenzblatt fiir die Aerzte im Grossherzogthum Mecklen- burg-Strelitz. NeustreUtz. Nos. 1-10, Jahrg. 1860. 4°. Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen Kreis- und Bezirks-Vereine im Konigreich Sachsen. Leipzig, v. 1-27,1866-79. 4°. [For title of v. 1-24, 1866-June, 1878, see the foUowing:] Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen und pharmaceutischen Kreis- Vereine im Konigreich Sachsen. [Title of v. 1-24, 1866-June, 1878, of the preceding. ] Correspondenzblatt der iirztUchen Vereine in Rheinland, West- phalen und Lothringen. [Title of nos. 13-18 of the following:] Correspondenzblatt der iirztUchen Vereine der Rhein-Provinz. Bonn. Nos. 1-18, 1867-76. 8°. [See, also, the preceding.] Correspondenz-Blatter des aUgemeinen arztlichen Vereins von Thiiringen. Weimar, 1872. Leipzig, 1873-9. v. 1-8,1872-9. 8°. [Want no. 1, v. 1; nos. 8-12, v. 3.] Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Braunschweig. 1871-9. 4°. [Bound with: Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg.] Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologic. Neuwied. Berlin. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1- 23, 1854-77. 4° and 8°. [With v. 16, 1869, Arch. d. deutsch. Ge- seUsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied, united with this journal, and the title of v. 16-17, 1869-70, was: Archiv der deutschen GeseUschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie verbunden mit dem Correspondenz-Blatte. Continued in 1879 as: Centralbl. f. Ner- venh., Coblenz.] Correspondenzblatt fiir die mittelrheinischen Aerzte. Epidemiologie und offentUche Gesundheitspflege. und Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1866-8. 8°. [Continued as: Epidemiol., Darmst.] Corresxiondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. 1870. 8°. Correspondenz-Blatt des niederrheinischen Vereins fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege. Koln. v. 1-8, 1871-9. 4°. Correspondenz-Blatt fur schweizer Aerzte. Basel, v. 1-9, 1871-9. roy. 8°. [Want pp. 457-464 in 1872.] Correspondenzblatt des Vereins fiir gemeinschaftUche Arbeiten zur Forderung der wissenschaftUchen Heilkunde. Hannover. Ol- denburg. Marburg. Nos. 1-65, v. 1, 1853-63. 8°. Correspondenzblatt des Vereins nassau'scher Aerzte, fiir die Jahre 1856-9. WeUburg. v. 1. roy. 8°. [Want no. 9, 1859.] Correio (O) medico de Lisboa: publicacao quinzenal de medicina, cirurgia e pharmacia, Lisboa. v. 1-8, 1871-9. 4°. Correspondencia (La) medica; sanidad civil, fuerza deun pensami- ento. Periddico dedicado a" las clases medicas de Espana. Ma- drid, v. 1-14,1866-79. 4°. [Want nos. 1-20 (aU prior to Janu- ary 8, 1867).] Correspondencia medical de Paris para BoUvie, BresU, [and other portions of South and North America, etc.] Paris, v. 1-2, 1873-4. fol. Country (The) Practitioner; or, New Jersey Journal of Medical and Surgical Practice. Beverly, N. J. v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. Courrier (Le) medical et la reformo medicale. Paris, v. 19-29, 1869-79. 4°. Criterio (El) medico, 6rgano oficial de la Sociedad Hahnemanniana matritense. Madrid. 3. s., v. 1-20, 1860-79. 8°. [Continua- tion of: An. med. homeop., Madrid.] Organ fiir Darmstadt Ztschr. f. 1867,1869, [3] [34] Croix rouge, Brux. Cion. d. manic, di Siena. Cron. me'd., Valencia. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana. Cron. oftal., Cadiz. Cursalon, Wien. Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai. Cycl. Pract. M. (Tweedie), PhUa. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y. Czasopismo towarz., Lwow. Croix (La) rouge. Annales de I'ceuvre internationale de la Croix rouge et des societes humanitaires similaires: revue d'hygiene mUitaire publique et privee. Bruxelles. v. 9-15, 1873-80. 8°. Cronaca del manicomio di Siena. Pubblicazione bimestrale. v. 5, 1879. roy. 8G. Crdnica (La) medica. Revista quincenal de medicina y cirujia pr^cticas. Valencia, v. 2-3, 1878-80. 8°. Cr6nica medico-quirurgica de la Habana. Revista mensual de medicina, cirugia, farmacia y ciencias auxUiares. Habana. v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. Cr6nica (La) oftalmoldgica. Organo oficial de Instituto oftalmico de Madrid y de la chnica oftalmoldgica de C£diz. v. 3, 4, 6, 7-9, 1873-9. 8°. Cursalon (Der). Zeitschrift fur Balneologie, Klimatologie und Hydrotherapie. Wien. v. 10-11, 1876-7. fol. Customs Gazette. Medical Reports forwarded by the surgeons to the customs at the treatv ports in China. Shanghai. Nos. 1-13, 1871-7. 4°. [Continued as: China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai. ] Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine; comprising treatise on the nature and treatment of diseases, materia medica, and therapeu- tics, medical jurisprudence, etc. Edited by Forbes Tweedie, [et al.~\ Revised by Robley Dunglison. PhUadelphia. 4 v., 1845. 8°. Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. Edited by H. von Ziems- sen. Transl. by R. H. Fitz, C. P. Putnam, [et al.~\ A. H. Buck, editor of American ed. New York. v. 1-8, 10-19, 1874-9. 8°. Czasopismo towarzystwa aptekarskiego. Lwowie (Lemberg). v. 5-8, 1876-9. 8°. D. Decadas de med. y cirug. prat., Madrid. Decadas med.-quir., Madrid. Decadas med.-quir. y farm., Ma- drid. Denkschr. d. deutsch. Ver. f. HeUwissensch., Berl. Denkschr. d. med.-chir. GeseU- sch. d. Kantons Zurich. Denkschr. d. vaterl. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte . . . Schwabens, Tu- bing. Denkschr. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Par. Detroit Lancet. Detroit M. J. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. [See Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sc] Decadas de medicina y cirugia pr^ticas. Madrid. 5-20, 1822-8, of the following:] [Title of v. [See Decadas medico-quirurgicas. Madrid, v. 1-20,1821-8. preceding; also the following:] Decadas medico-quirurgicas y farmaceuticas. Madrid. [Title of v. 2-4, 1821, of the preceding.] Delaware County Medical Society. [See Med. Reporter, W. Ches- ter, Pa.] Denkschriften des deutschen Vereins fiir Heilwissenschaft. Ber- lin, v. 1-3,1845-7. 4°. Denkschrift der medicinisch-chirurgischen GeseUschaft des Kan- tons Zfirich. Zur Feier des ffinfzigsten Stiftungstages, den 7. Mai 1860. 4°. ° ' . Denkschriften der vaterlandischen GeseUschaft der Aerzte und Naturforscher Schwabens. Tubingen, v. 1, 1805. 8°. Denkschrift des Vereins deutscher Aerzte in Paris. Zur Feier des zehnjahrigen Stiftungsfestes, von der Redactions-Commission. Paris, 1854. 4°. Detroit (The) Lancet. A monthly exponent of rational medicine. v. 1-3, 1878-80. 8°. [A continuation of: Detroit M. J.] Detroit (The) Medical Journal. Published monthly under the auspices of the Detroit Medical and Library Association, n. s., 7u \ 8J7' 8C" tA consolidation of: Penins. J. M., Detroit, with the foUowing, and continued as: Detroit Lancet.] Detroit (The) Review of Medicine and Pharmacy, v. 1-11 1866- 76. 8°. [See, also, the preceding.] Detroit Medical and Library Association. [See Tr. Detroit M. & Libr. Ass.] [35] Deutsche KUnik, Berl. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. Deutsche mU.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urge- schichte. [See Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Anthrop., etc., Brnschwg. ] Deutsche GeseUschaft fiir Chirurgie. Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Psychiatrie und gerichtUche Psycholo- gie. [See Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied.] Deutsche Irrenarzte. [See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Irrenarzte. ] Deutsche Klinik. Zeitung fur Beobachtungen aus deutschen KUniken und Krankenkiiusern. Berlin, v. 1-27, 1849-75. fol. [Want No. 52, 1874.] Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Mit BerUcksichtigung der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege und der Interessen des arztlichen Standes. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1875-9. 4°. Deutsche militairarztUche Zeitschrift. BerUn. v. 1-8,1872-9. 8°. Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. [See Amtl. Ber. ti. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Also: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte] Deutscher Verein fiir medicinische Statistik. [See Wchnbl. f. med. Statist, u. Epidemiol, Berl.] Deutscher Verein fiir Medizinal-Statistik. [See Beitr. z. Med.-Sta- tist., Stuttg.] Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege. Braunschweig, v. 1-11, 1869-79. 8°. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Zahnheilkunde. Organ des Cen- tral-Vereines deutscher Zahnarzte. Wien, 1861-6; Niirnberg, 1871-2; Leipzig, 1876-7. v. 1-4, 1861-4; v. 6-7, 1866-7; v. 16- 17, 1876-7. 8°. 8°. Deutscher Ver. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg. Ber., etc., Brnschwg. Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., HaUe. Diet. d. diet, de med., Par. Diet. d. diet, de med. (Suppl.), Par. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. Leipz. v. 1-12, 1872-80. Leipzig, v. 1-5, Deutsche Zeitschrift fur praktische Medizin 1874-8. 4°. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde, mit vorziiglicher Berficksicktigung der Strafrechtspflege in Deutschland und Oes- terreich. Erlangen. N. F.. v. 1-29, 1853-72. 8°. [A continua- tion of: Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk.] Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin und vergleichende Patholo- gie. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. Deutscher Aerztevereinsbund. [See Aerztl.Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl. ] Deutscher arztlieher Verein zu St. Petersburg. [See N. Abhandl. d. deutsch. iirztl. Ver. zu St. Petersb.] Deutscher Chirurgen-Verein fiir Meddcin, Chirurgie und Geburts- htilfe. [See Norddeutscher Chirurgen-Verein fiir Medicin, Chi- rurgie und Geburtshulfe. ] Deutscher Verein fiir Heilwissenschaft. Berlin. [See Denkschr. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Heilwissensch., Berl.] Deutscher Verein fur offentUche Gesundheitspflege. Berichte des Ausschusses fiber die 1.-6. Versammlung des Deutschen Verems fur offentUche Gesundheitspflege, 1673-8. Braunschweig. 6 nos., 1873-9. 8°. [The words "des Ausschusses" do not ap- pear on first " Bericht."] Deutsches Archiv fiir Geschichte der Medicin und medicinische Geographic. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Deutsches Archiv fiir kUnische Medicin. Leipzig, v. 1-25,1865- 80. 8°. Deutsches Archiv fiir die Physiologie. Halle und Berlin, v. 1-8, 1815-23. 8°. [Continuation of: [Reil's] Arch. f. d. Physiol., HaUe, and continued as: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz.] Dictionnaire des dictionnaires de medecine. Par une societe de medecins, sous la direction du dr. Fabre. Paris. 9 v, 1840-51. 8°. [v. 9 constitutes the foUowing :] Supplement au dictionnaire des dictionnaires de medecine. Paris. 1 v., 1851. 8°. [See, also, the preceding.] Dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences medicales. Paris. 1. 8., 23 v.; 2. s., 13 v.; 3. 8., 7 v.; 4 s., 5 v. 48 v., 1869-79. 8°. [36] Diet. d. etudes med. prat., Par. Diet, de med., Par. Diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par. Diet. d. sc. med., Par. Disc PhUa. Co. M. Soc. Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Doctor, Lond. Doctor, Lond. Dominion M. J., Toronto. Dorpat. med. Ztschr. DubUn Hosp. Gaz. Dublin Hosp. Rep. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc. DubUn J. M. Sc. Dublin M. & Phys. Essays. DubUn M. Press. DubUn M. Press & Circ. DubUn M. Tr. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc. Dwutygodnik med. pub., Kra- kow. Dictionnaire des etudes medicales pratiques. 8°. Paris. 4 v., 1838-9. Dictionnaire de medecine ou repertoire gener.ale des sciences medi- cales sous le rapport theorique et pratique. 2. ed. Paris. 30 v., 1832-45. 8°. Dictionnaire de medecine et de chirurgie pratique. Paris. 15 v., 1829-36. 8°. Dictionnaire des sciences medicales. Paris. 60 v., 1812-22. 8°. Discussions before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, at the conversational meetings, from October, 1861, to March, 1862. PhUadelphia. roy. 8°. Dnevnik Obshestva vrachei g Kazani. [Minutes of the Medical Society of Kasan.] Nos. 1-14, 1872; nos. 1-7, 10-14, 17, 18, 20, 25-30, 1873; nos. 1-20, 1874. 8°. Doctor (The): A medical magazine. Lond. v. 1-5, 1832-7. 4°. Doctor (The). A monthly review of British and foreign medical practice and literature. London, v. 1-8, 1871-8. 4C. Doctoren-Collegium der medicinischen Facultiit in Wien. [See •Jahresb. ii. d. wissensch. Leistung. d. Doct.-Coll. d. med. Fac. in Wien. Also: Oesterr. Ztsohr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien.] Dominion (The) Medical Journal. A monthly record of medical and surgical science, devoted to Canadian and foreign medicine, Uterature, and news, and the independent organ of the profession in these provinces. Toronto, v. 1-2,1868-70. 8°. [Continued as: Canada Lancet, Toronto.] Dorpater medicinische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von der Dorpater medi- cinischen GeseUschaft. Dorpat. v. 1-6, 1870-77. 8U. Drake Academy of Medicine. [See Tr. Drake Acad. M., Evana- viUc] DubUn (The) Hospital Gazette: a journal for the cultivation and improvement of practical medicine and surgery. DubUn. v. 1-2, 1845-6; n. s.,v. 1-7, 1854-60. roy. 8°. [Want no. for July, 1845. Continued as: Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.] Dublin (The) Hospital Reports, and communications in medicine and surgery. DubUn. v. 1-5, 1818-30. 8°. DubUn (The) Journal of Medical and Chemical Science; exhibiting a comprehensive view of the latest discoveries in medicine, sur- 9 gery, chemistry and the collateral sciences. DubUn. v. 1-28, 1832-45. 8°. [Want nos. 48, 49 (Jan., March, 1840). Con- tinued as: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. v. 9-28, title as follows:] DubUn (The) Journal of Medical Science. (New series), [3.] v. 53-68, 1872-9. 8-\ [Continuation of: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. Also title for v. 9-28 of the preceding. In 1875, Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., merged in this journal.] DubUn (The) Medical and Physical Essays, comprising disserta- tions and detaUs on medicine and surgery, with their collateral branches of science. DubUn. v. 1, 1807. 8°. Dublin (The) Medical Press: a weekly journal of medicine and medical affairs. Dublin, v. 1-42; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1839-65. 4°. [In 1865, title: Med. Press, Dubl. In Jan., 1866, united with: Med. Circ, Lond., forming: Med. Press & Circ, Lond.] DubUn Medical Press and Circular. [Title of: Med. Press & Circ [Lond.], in v. 1, Jan.-June, 1866.] DubUn Medical Transactions, a series of papers by members of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Dublin, n. s.. ot 1 v 1 1830. 8°. ' F ' ' DubUn Obstetrical Society. [SeeProc Dubl. Obst. Soc] Dublin (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science; consisting of original communications, reviews, retrospects, and reports, in- cluding the latest discoveries in medicine, surgery, and the col- hateral sciences. Dublin, v. 1-52,1846-71. 8°. [A continuation oi. DublinJ.M. & Chem. Sc, and continued as: Dubliu J.M. Sc] Dwutygodnik medycyny pubUcznej. Organ Towarzystwa lekarzy KSHR wU[^Te¥y ^edical J°urnal5 orSan of Galici»n Medical Society.] Krakowie. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. [37] E. E. Tennessee Rec. M. & S., KnoxvUle. Ebd. clin. di Bologna. Echo med., Neuchat. Echo d. Soc. et Ass. vet. de France, Lyon. Eclect. M. J., Cincin. Eclect. Repert., PhUa. Ecole de med., Par. Edinb. J. M. Sc. Edinb. M. J. Edinb. M. & S. J. Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc. Edinb. Rev. [Am. ed.], N. Y. Effem. d. sc med., MUano. Eira, Goteborg. Emulacion, Merida. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel. East Tennessee Medical Society. [See the foUowing:] East Tennessee (The) Record of Medicine and Surgery. Published underthe auspices of the East Tennessee Medical Society. Knox- vUle, Tenn. v. 1, 1852-3. 8°. [After May, 1853, merged in: South. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Knoxville, Tenn.] Ebdomadario (L') clinico di Bologna. Anni 1862-4. fol. [Con- tinued as: Riv. clin. di Bologna. ] Echo (L') medical. Journal suisse et etranger des sciences medi- cales, pharmaceutiques et veterinaires. Organe des societes medicales de Geneve, de Neuch&tel et du canton de Vaud. Neuchatel (en Suisse), v. 1-5, 1857-61. 8°. Echo (L') des Societes et Associations veterinaires de France. Lyon. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Eckhard (C.) [See Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eckhard), Giessen. Eclectic (The) Medical Journal. Cincinnati, v. 1-39, 1836-79. 8°. [For v. 1-7, see West. M. Reformer, Worthington, Ohio.] Eclectic (The) Medical Journal. Atlanta. [See Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta.] Eclectic (The) Repertory and Analytical Review, Medical and Philosophical. Quarterly. Philadelphia, v. 1-10, 1811-20; n. s., nos. 3-4, v. 1, 1821. 8°. [Continued as: J. For. M. Sc. & Lit., Phila.] Ecole (L') de medecine. Journal des cours et des cUniques. Paris. Nos. 1-198, 1874-8. 8°. Ecole de medecine de Paris et de la Societe etablie dans son sein. [See Bull, de l'Ecole de med. de Par. Also: J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par.] Edinburgh (The) Journal of Medical Science, exhibiting a com- pendious view of the progressive improvements and discoveries occurring in practical medicine, practical surgery, midwifery, anatomy (human, comparative, morbid), physiology (human, comparative), pathology (human, comparative), chemistry, pharmacy, botany, materia medica, and medical jurisprudence. Edinburgh, v. 1-3, 1826-7. 8°. Edinburgh (The) Medical Journal: combining the Monthly Jour- nal of Medicine with the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. Edinburgh, v. 1-35, 1855-80. 8°. Edinburgh (The) Medical and Surgical Journal: exhibiting a con- cise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medi- cine, surgery, and pharmacy. Edinburgh. 82 v., 1805-55. 8°. [v. 1 is 2. ed. In July, 1855, united with: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., forming the preceding.] Edinburgh (The) Monthly Journal of Medical Science. [Is run- ning title of nos. 1-8, v. 1, Jan.-Aug., 1841, of: Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb.] Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. [See Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc] Edinburgh (The) Review. [Am. ed.] Now York. v. 133-150, 1871-9. 8°. Effemeridi delle scienze mediche. MUano. v. 1-15; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1836-41. 8°. [Medicina (La) misontologica, etc., was an ap- pendix to this journal.] Eira. Tidskrift for Helso- och Sjukvard. Goteborg. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 12°. Embryologisches Institut der k. k. Universitat in Wien. [See Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien.] Emulacion (La). Peri6dico de la Sociedad medico-farmaceutica de Merida. v. 1-3, 1873-9. 8°. Enciclopedia medico-farmaceutica. Revista cientifica y profesio- nal. Organo oficial de la Academia medico-farmaceutica de Barcelona, v. 1-3, 1877-9. 40. Ephemerides Academiae Csesarege Leopoldino-Carolinae naturae curiosorum. [-See Acad. nat. curios, ephem.] [38] Ephem. d. HeUk., Bamb. Ephem. med. de Montpel. EschoUaste med., Lisb. Escuela med., Caracas. Escuela de med., Mexico. Esculape, Par. Esculapio, NapoU. Esculapio napol., NapoU. Espaiia med., Madrid. Essays & Obs. PhU. Soc. Edinb. Estimulo, Habana. Estr. di mem. d. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara. Estr. d. mem. d. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara. Estudio, Mexico. Ethn. J., Lond. Experience, Par. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. med. de la MoseUe, Metz. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Im- prove. Eyr, Christiania. Ephemeriden der Heilkunde. Bamberg und Wfirzburg. v. 1-8, 1811-14. 8°. Ephemerides medicales de MontpelUer. v. 1-9,1826-8. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Memor. d.h6p. du midi, Par.] Epidemiological Society of London. [See Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. ] EschoUaste (0) medico. Jornal dos facultativos militares. Lis- boa. Pt. of v. 4 (June, 1852-Dec, 1853), and v. 5-19, 1854-68. 4°. [Want, also, no. 135, Aug. 15, I860.] Escuela medica. Periddico medico-quiriirgica. Caracas, v. 1-2, 1874-6. Suspended after July, 1876, until Sept., 1878. 2. epoca, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. [With 1878, sub-title became: Revista quin- cenal de las ciencias niedicas, fisicas e historia natural. (Organo de la Sociedad " Escuela medica ".)] Escuela (La) de medicina. Periodico cientifico, dedicado a" las ci- encias medicas. Organo de la escuela de este nombre. Semi- monthly. Mexico. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, 1879-80. 4°. Esculape (L'). Journal des specialites medico-chirurgicales. Paris. v. 1-3, 1839-41. fol. [In 1840, Gaz. d. med.-prat., Par., united with this journal.] Esculapio (L'). Giornale deUe scienze fisico-mediche. NapoU. v. 1-27, 1827-49. 8°. [Want aU prior to March, 1827, being Gior- nale medico napolitano; also pp. 208-225 in v. 16, 1834. See, also, the foUowing:] Esculapio napolitano; giornale di medicina, chirurgia e farmacia. Napoli. [Title of v. 9-27 of the preceding.] Espaiia (La) medica, Iberia medica y cr6nica de los hospitales. Madrid, v. 4-11, 1859-66. fol. Essays and observations physical and Uterary; read before the Philosophical Society in Edinburgh, v. 1-2, 1754-6 ; v. 3, 1771. 8-\ Estimulo (El). Periodico cientifico dedicado a* los estudiantes de la real Universidad Uteraria de la Habana. Habana. v. 1-2, 1861-3. 8°. Estratto di alcune memorie scientifiche lette neUe ordinarie adu- nanze deU'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara, nel corso degU anni 1836-9. Bologna. 1 v., 1840. 8°. Estratto deUe principaU memorie lette neUe ordinarie adunanze deU'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara, negU anni 1853-5. 1 v., 1858. 8°. Estudio (El). PubUcacion mensual de los trabajos leidos ante la Sociedad medico-farmaceutica de Puebla. Mexico. Ano 1-2, nos. 1-19, 1875-6. 4°. Ethnological (The) Journal. A monthly magazine of ethnology, phrenology, and archaeology, considered as elements of the sci- ence of races: with the appUcations of this science to education, legislation, and social progress. London. Nos. 1-11, v. 1,1848- 9; n. s., v. 1, Jan., 1854. 8°. Evansville (The) Medical Journal. A quarterly record of the mecUcal sciences. [Was running title of first signature of: In- diana M. J., Evansville.] Experience (L'), journal de medecine et de chirurgie. 1-14, 1837-44. roy. 8°. 6 Paris. Expose des travaux de la Societe des sciences medicales du de- partement de la Moselle. Metz. 1830-69. 8°. [Wantpp 105- 176 of 1861; also vol. for 1863. In 1830, title: Sommaire d. trav. de la Soc d. sc. med. de la MoseUe, Metz.] Extracts from the Records of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement. [Published in medical journals.] 6 v., 1848- Eyr. Et medicinsk Tidsskrift. Christiania. v. 1-11,1826-37. 8°. [39] F. Farm, espan., Madrid. Farm, mod., NapoU. Federat. med. beige. Compt. rend., etc. Feldarzt, "Wien. Filantrop. Ugebl., Kj0benh. FiUatre-sebezio, Napoli. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sam- mank., Stockholm. Food, Water, & Air, Lond. Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kris- tiania. France med., Par. France med., Par. Frankf. med. Ann., Frankf. a. M. Franklin J., PhUa. Fratemidad, San Luis Fotosi. Fraternidad med., VaUad. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb. Faculte de medecine de Lyon. [See Rev. de la clin. de mal. d. femmes de la Fac. de med. de Lyon, Par. ] Faculte de medecine de Paris. [See Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., etc.] ' Farmacia (La) espaiiola. Madrid, v. 1-11,1869-79. 4°. [Want v. 8, 1876.] Farmacia (La) moderna in rapporto al progresso deUe scienze mediche. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Federation medicale beige. Compte-rendu de I'assembiee generale et annuelle tenue a l'Hotel de ville de Bruxelles. 12 nos., 1866- 71; 1873-7. 8°. [In 1868 published in Liege] Feldarzt (Der). Organ fur wissenschaftUche und sociale Interes- sen der Militiiriirzte. Wien. Nos. 16-17,1869; nos. 6, 7,10,1870; nos. 1-8, 11, 1872; no. 1, 1873; no. 1, 1874; nos. 1-24, 1875; nos. 1-26, 1876; nos. 1-25, 1877; nos. 1-19, 1878; nos. 1-20, 1879. fol. [A supplement to: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.] Filantropisk Ugeblad. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. FiUatre-sebezio (II); giornale deUe scienze mediche, contenente la clinica e la statistica deU'ospedale de Santa Maria di Loreto. Napoli. v. 24, 26, 27, 29, July, 1842 - June, 1845. 4°. [Con- tinued, together with: Liguria med., Genova., as: N. Liguria med., Genova.] Florida Medical Association. [-See Proc. Florida M. Ass.] ForhandUngar vid Svenska Lakare-Siillskapets Sammankomster. Stockholm. Oct., 1841-Dec, 1878. 8°. Food, Water, and Air in relation to the pubUc health. London. v. 1-3, 1871-4. 4°. [Want no. 1, v. 1.] ForhandUngar i det Norske medicinske Selskab i Kristiania. 1866- 79. 8°. v. 1-26,1854-79. fol. [For v. 1-7, Paris. [Title of v. 1-7, France (La) medicale. Paris. 1854-60, see the following:] France (La) medicale et pharmaceutique 1854-60, of the preceding. ] Frankfurter medicinische Annalen ffir Aerzte, Wundarzte, Apothe- ker und denkende Leser aus alien Standen. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1, 1789. 8°. FrankUn Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. [See Franklin J., Phila.] FrankUn (The) Journal, and American Mechanic's Magazine, de- voted to the useful arts, internal improvements, and general science. Philadelphia. Under the patronage of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, v. 1-4, 1826-7. 8°. [Continued as: J. Frankl. Inst., Phila.] Fraternidad (La). Peri6dico de la Sociedad medica de San Luis Potosi. v. 1, Jan., 1874-June, 1875; nos. 1-6, v. 2, 1875-6. 8°. Fraternidad (La) medica; peri6dico cientifico quincenal, drgano oficial de la Asociacion medico-quirurgica Vallisoletana y de la de Valmat.-eda (Vizcava). VaUadolid. Nos. 5-13, v. 1, 1879; . nos. 1-4, v. 2, 1880. sm. fol. Friedreich's Blatter fiir gerichtliche Medicin. Niirnberg. v. 14-23, 1863-72. 8°. [A continuation of: BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop. Con- tinued as the foUowing:] Friedreich's Blatter ffir gerichtliche Medicin und Sanitats-PoUzei. Niirnberg. v. 24-30, 1873-9. 8°. [A continuation of the pre- ceding. ] ft. Gac cient. de Venezuela, Cara- cas. Gac de hig. y climat., Cadiz. Gaceta cientifica de Venezuela. Caracas, v. 1-2, 1877-8. 4°. Gaceta de higiene y cUmatologia. Cadiz. No. 1, v. 1, 1880. 8°. [40] Gac med., Lima. Gac. me'd., Madrid. Gac. med. de Cataluiia, Barcel. Gac. med. de Lima. Gac. med. de Mexico. Gac. med. de SeviUa. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid. GaUlard's M. J., N. Y. raXrjvbi, AOfjvai. Galvani. Galveston M. J. Galveston M. J. Galveston & Texas M. J. Gavan. Pokrov. RodU. Prioute, St. Petersb. Gaz. d. eaux, Par. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Mont- pel. Gaz. d. hop., Par. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb. Gaz. lek., Warszawa. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger. Gaz. med. da Bahia. Gaceta (La) medica. Revista mensual de medicina v cirugia. Lima. v. 1-4, 1875-8; nos. 9-10, v. 5, 1879. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Gac. med. do Lima.] Gaceta medica. Repertorio de los progresos de la medicina, ciru- gia, farmacia y ciencias auxiUares. Madrid, v. 1-9, 1845-53. fol. [In Jan., 1854, united with: Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, forming: Siglo med., Madrid.] Gaceta medica. Mexico. [Was also title of: Gac. med. de Mexi- co.] Gaceta medica de Cataluiia. Barcelona, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Gaceta medica de Lima. Organo oficial de la Sociedad de medi- cina. Lima. Nos. 1-274, Aug. 15, 1856-June 15, 1868. fol. [Want nos. 1, 33, 34, 37, 58, 88, 89, 90. Continued, in 1875, as: Gac med., Lima.] Gaceta medica de Mexico. Periddico de la seccion medica de la comision cientifica. Mexico, v. 1-14,1864-79. roy. 8°. [Title on title-page of some vols, is: Gaceta medica, Mdxico.] Gaceta medica de SeviUa. v. 1, 1879. sm. fol. Gaceta (La) de sanidad militar, periddico cientifico y oficial del cuerpo de sanidad del ejercito espariol. Madrid, v. 1-5, 1875- 9. 8°. GaUlard's Medical Journal. (Formerly the Richmond and Louis- ville Medical Journal.) New York. Nos. 5, 6, Nov. & Dec, v. 28, 1879. 8°. [Continuation, after no. 4, v. 28, 1879, of: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville.] raXrjvbs, larpiKOv dvyypamux Hard ddfifiarov ixdiSous- vov vnb ra>v iarpcov. [A. Georganta, S. Skiadarese, N. Makka, N. Dellaporta.] AQf?vai,"EroS A'-F., 1879-80. 8°. [2 vols. per year. ] Galvani (II). Giornale di elettro-, idro- ed aero-terapia. Urbino, 1873. Bologna, 1874-5. v. 1-3, 1873-5. 8°. Galveston Medical Journal. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. 8°. [See, also, the following:] Galveston (The) Medical Journal: a monthly record of medical science. Galveston, Tex. v. 1-5, 1866-71. 8°. [Want pp. 85- 88 in No. 2, v. 5: Resumed publication again in 1880 as the pre- ceding. Title of no. 1, v. 3, was: The Texas Medical Journal. See, also, the following:] Galveston (The) and Texas Medical Journal. 4, v. 3, of the preceding. ] Gavauskii Pokrovskii Rodilnii Prioute. Otchete odvijenn rodove Be 7. Sept. 1876 g po 1. Maja 1878 g. Dr. med. E. Lebedeff. [Labor cases at Pokrov. Lying-in Asylum.] St. Petersb., v. 1. 1879. 8°. ' Gazette des eaux. Revue hebdomadaire. Eaux minerales, hy- drotherapie, bains de mer, climatologie. Paris, v. 17-22.1874- 9. 4°. [Want, also, v. 21, 1878.] Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Bulletin de l'enseignement medical, publie sous les auspices du ministero de l'instruction pubUque. Paris, v. 1-10, 1853-63: 2. s v 1-16 1864-79. 4°. ' ' ' Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences medicales de Montpellier Montpellier. v. 1, 1879.' 4°. Gazette des h6pitaux civils et militaires (La Lancette francaise). [/See Lancette (La) francaise.] Gazeta dos hospitals militares. Publicada sob os auspicioa do mimsterio da guerra. Lisboa. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 40. Gazeta lekarska. Pismo tygodniowe poswicjcone wszystkim gale- ziom umiejetnosci lekarskich, farrnacy i i weterynaryi. [ Medical Gazette a weekly paper devoted to all branches of medical 2^,7866^79'P8o™aCy'andVeterinaryart>] Warszwa- v. 1- Gazette medicale de l'Algerie. Alger, v. 1-24, 1856-79. 4°. [Title of nos. 2, 3, [41] Gaz. med. beige, Brux. Gaz. med. de Bordeaux. Gaz. med. de Lisb. Gaz. med. de Lyon. Gaz. med. de Montpel. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constanti- nople. Gaz. med. de Par. Gaz. med. de Strasb. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse. Gaz. d. med.-prat., Par. Gaz. obst., Par. Gaz. obst. et gynec. de Par. Gaz. obst. de Far. Gaz. obst. de Par. Gaz. d'ophth., Par. Gaz. de sante, Par. Gazz. clin. d* sped. civ. di Pa- lermo. Gazz. d. frenocomio di Reggie Gazz. med., MUano. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Fi- renze. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano. Gazette medicale beige, journal hebdomadaire, de litterature, de critique et de nouveUes medicales. Bruxelles. v. 1-7, 1843-9. 4°. [In 1850 merged in: Presse rndd. beige, Brux.] Gazette medicale de Bordeaux. Recueil scientifique du sud-ouest. Bordeaux, v. 1-7,1872 - Aug. 1,1878. 8°. [Aug. 3,1878, united with: Bordeaux med., forming: J. de med. de Bordeaux.] Gazeta medica de Lisboa. v. 1-2, 4, 6, 7,10, 1853-4, 1856, 1858-9, 1862; 4. s., v. 1-7, 1873-9. fol. and 8°. Gazette medicale de Lyon. v. 1-20, 1849-68. 4°. [In Jan., 1869, united with: J. de med. de Lyon, forming : Lyon med. ] Gazette medicale de Montpellier. fol. and 4°. Montpellier. v. 1-8, 1840-48. Gazette medicale d'Orient. Publiee par la Societe imperiale de medecine de Constantinople, v. 1-22, 1857-80. 4°. Gazette medicale de Paris; journal de medecine et des sciences accessoires. Paris, v. 1-3, 1830-32; 2. s., v. 1-13, 1833-45; 3. s., v. 1-26, 1846-71; 4. s., v. 1-6, 1872-7; 5. s., v. 7, 1878; 6. s., v. 1,1879. 4°. [A continuation of: Gaz. de sante, Par. Jan. 1, 1831, CUnique, Par., united with this journal.] Gazette medicale de Strasbourg. Fondee par une societe de mede- cins et de pharmaciens. Strasbourg, v. 1-38, 1841-79. 4°. Gazette medico-chirurgicale de Toulouse, v. 5-11, 1873-9. 4°. Gazette des medecins-praticiens. Paris, v. 1-2,1839-40. 4° and fol. [United in 1840 with: Esculape, Par.] Gazette obstetricale. Paris, v. 1-8, 1872-9. 8°. [Title of v. 1- 2, and nos. 1-6, v. 3, 1872-4, was: Gaz. obst. de Par. Title of nos. 7-24, v. 3, and v. 4, 1874-5, was: Gaz. obst. de Par. et Gaz. de Joulin reunies. Title of nos. 1-4, v. 5, 1876, was: Gaz. obst. et gynec de Par. ] Gazette obstetricale et gynecologique de Paris. 8°. [Title of nos. 1-4, v. 5, 1876, of: Gaz. obst., Par.] Gazette obstetricale de Paris. [Title of v. 1-2, nos. 1-6, v. 3, 1872- 4, of the preceding. Then united with: Gaz. de Joulin, Par., forming the foUowing:] Gazette obstetricale de Paris et Gazette de Joulin reunies. Jour- nal de l'art des accouchements, des maladies des femmes et des enfants. Paris. 8°. [Title of nos. 7-24, v. 3, and v. 4, 1874-5, of: Gaz. obst., Par.] Gazette d'ophthalmologie. Paris, v. 1, 1879. 8°. Gazette de sante, eontenant les nouveUes decouvertes sur les mo- yens de se bien porter, et de guerir quand on est malade. Paris. Annees 1773-80. 4 v. 4°. [La 1830, continued as: Gaz. med. de Par.] Gazzetta cUnica dello spedale civico di Palermo; organo deUe cUniche universitarie. Palermo, v. 3, 1871; nos. 1-4, v. 6, 1874. 8°. Gazzetta deUe cliniche di Torino. [See Osservatore, Torino.] Gazzetta del frenocomio di Reggio. Reggio-EmiUa. Anni 1-3, 1875-7. 8°. [A supplement to: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- EmiUa.] Gazzetta medica. Milano. [Title of v. 1, 1842, of: Gazz med. ital. lomb., MUano.] Gazzetta medica itaUana federativa lombardia. MUano. [Run- ning title of 3. s., v. 1-2, July 15, 1850 - Aug. 4, 1851, of: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica itaUana federativa toscana. Firenze. 2. s., v. 1- 4, 1850-54; 3. s., v. 1-3, 1855-7. 4°. [A continuation of: II Pro- gresso; and continued in 10. year as: Lo Sperimentale, Firenze.] Gazzetta medica itaUana lombardia. Milano. v. 1, 1842; v. 2-6, 1843-7; 2. s., v. 1-3, 1848-Feb. 25, 1850; 3. s., v. 1-6, March 4, 1850-55; anni 15-20 (4. s., v. 1-6), 1856-61; anni 21-27 (5. s., v. 1-6), 1862-7; v. 28 (6. s., v. 1-6), 1868-73; v. 34 (7. s., v. 1-5), 1874-8; 8. s., v. 1,1879. 4°. [v. 1, 1842, title was: Gazz. med., MUano. v. 2-6, 1843-7, title was: Gazz. med. di Milano. 2. s., v. 1-3,1848-Feb. 25,1850, title was: Gazz. med. lomb., MUano.] [42] Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. di MUano. Gazz. med. d'oltremonti, Vene- zia. Gazz. med. d. PugUe, Bari. Gazz. med. di Roma. Gazz. med.-vet., Milano. Gazz. d. osp., Genova. Gazz. d. osp., MUano. Gazz. sicula, Palermo. Gem. deutsche Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk. , Weimar. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll., Koblenz. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. San.-Verwalt. im Konigr. Bayern, Miinchen. Genees-, heel- . . . Verhandel. v. h. k.-nederl. Inst. v. We- tensch., etc., Amst. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep. Geneesk. Bijdr. Geneesk. Bijdr., Harlingen. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel. Geneesk. Mag. Geneesk. Mengeling., Amst. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. Geneesk. Tijdschr., etc, Rotterd. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zee- magt, Gravenh. Genio me'd.-quir., Madrid. Gazzetta medica itaUana, provincie venete. 1858-79. 4°. Padova. v. 1-22, Gazzetta medica lombarda. Milano. [Title of 2. s., v. 1-3,1848- Feb. 25, 1850, of: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica di Milano. [Title of v. 2-6, 1843-7, of: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica d'oltremonti. Venezia. [Title of the numbers composing v. 1 of: Gior. di med., Venezia.] Gazzetta medica delle Puglie di Ettore D'Urso. Bari. v. 5, 1874. 8°. [Want all prior, being: Gazetta medica di Bari.] Gazzetta medica di Roma. v. 1-5,1875-9. 4°. Gazzetta medico-veterinaria; dedicata ai progressi deUa medicina e deUa chirurgia degU animali domestici. Milano. v. 1-6, 1871-8. 8°. [Want nos. 5-6, 1875.] Gazzetta degU ospedaU. Giornale di scienze mediche. Genova. v. 8, 1865. 8°. Gazzetta degli ospitali. Milano. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Gazzetta sicula, dedicata alle malattie del corpo e deUa mente, di- retta e compilata da Bernardo Salemi-Pace. Palermo, v. 1-2, July, 1876-June, 1877. 8C. [Continued as: Pisani, Palermo.] Gemeinsame deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. Weimar, v. 1-7,1826-32. 8°. [Continued as: N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl.] General-Berichte des konigl. rheinischen Medicinal-CoUegu. Ko- blenz. 16 v., 1830-45. 8°. General-Bericht fiber die Sanitats-Verwaltung im Konigreiche Bayern. Im Auftrage des k. b. Staatsministeriums des Innern aus amtlichen QueUen bearbeitet von Carl Friedrich Majer. . . . Miinchen. v. 1-10, 1857-75 (1868-78). 8°. Genees-, heel-, vroed-, schei- en natuurkundige Verhandelingen, der eerste klasse van het koninklijk-nederlandsche Instituut van We tensch appen, letterkunde en schoone kunsten, te Amsterdam. 4 v., 1824-7. 4°. Geneeskundig Archief voor de Zeemacht. Nieuwediep. v. 1-4, 1872-5. 8°. [A continuation of: Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zee- magt, Gravenh.] Geneeskundige Bijdragen. Door C. Pruys van der Hoeven. Delft. v. 1-3, 1825-30. 8°. [v. 2-3, published at Rotterdam.] Geneeskundige Bijdragen. Maandschrift onder redactie van J. Menno Huizinga en W. H. L. Borgerhoff Mulder. Harlingen. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Geneeskundige Courant voor het Koningriik der Nederlanden. Tiel. v. 1-33,1847-79. fol. Geneeskundig Genootschap, onder de zinspreuk: Servandis civi- bus. [See Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst. ] Geneeskundig Magazijn. Delft, 1801. Hage, 1802-3. Levden. 1803-15. v. 1-5, 1801-15. 8°. ' Geneeskundige Mengelingen. Uitgegeven van wegen het Genoot- schap Arti salutiferae te Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1818-24. 8°. Geneeskundig Tijdschriffc voor Nederlandsch Indie; uitgegeven door de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geneeskundige Weten- schappen in Nederlandsch Indie. Batavia. v. 1-19, 1852-79 8° [For title of v. 1-5, 1852-8, see Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav.] Geneeskundig Tijdschrift, of VerzameUng van ontleed-, heel- artzeny- en natuurkundige Waarnemingen en niewe Ontdek- kingen. Rotterdam, v. 1-4, 1767-70. 8°. GeinaeS^n^? ^d8r£rift voor de Zeemagt. Gravenhagen. 1-y, 18b2-71. 8C. [Continued as: Geneesk. Arch. v. He Ze°mn. Nieuwediep.] General Medical Council. London. Educat., Lond.] Genio (El) medico-quirurgico. Periddico de ciencias medicas con- sagrado al progreso de las mismas y bien estar de los professores. Organo oneial de los escolares medicos. Ateneo de alumnos in- oiro2Si^Cnde?1la m<5dico-farmaceutica escolar. Madrid, v. 41—40, lo/O—». fol. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht] [See Min. Gen. Council M. [43] Georgia BUster & Critic, Atlanta. Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta. Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta. Georgia M. & S. Encycl., San- dersvUle. Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl. Gesundheit, Elberfeld. Genootschai) Arti salutiferae te Amsterdam. [See Geneesk. Men- geUng., Amst.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Heelkunde te Amster- dam. [See Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Also: Yerhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. ] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [See Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Also: Ver- handel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [See Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. ] Genootschap, onder de zinspreuk: Arti salutiferae te Amsterdam. [See Bijdr. t. theor. en pract. geneesk., Amst.] Georgia (The) BUster and Critic. 1854-5. 8°. Atlanta, v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, Georgia Eclectic Medical CoUege. [See Eclect. M. J., Atlanta.] Georgia (The) Eclectic Medical Journal, and Organ of the Georgia Eclectic Medical College. A monthly journal. Atlanta, v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. Georgia Medical Association. [See Proc. Georgia M. Ass. Also: Tr. Georgia M. Ass.] Georgia (The) Medical Companion: a monthly adviser, devoted to the science of medicine and surgery. Atlanta. [Title of v. 1-2, 1871-2, of: South. M. Rec, Atlanta.] Georgia (The) Medical and Surgical Encyclopaedia. SandersvUle. v. 1, 1860. 8°. Gesammelte Beitrage zur Pathologie und Physiologie von Dr. L. Traube. BerUn. v. 1-3, 1871-8. 8°. GeseUschaft der Aerzte des Kantons Zfirich. [See BI. f. Gsndhts- pflg., Ziirich.] Gesellschaft von Aerzten in Hamburg. [See Abhandl. u. Beob. von einer GeseUsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb.] Gesellschaft zur Befdrderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. [See Schrift. d. GeseUsch. z. Befdrd. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Also: Sitzungsb. d. GesseUsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. ] GeseUschaft ffir Geburtshulfe in BerUn. [See Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl.] Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshfilfe und Gyniikologie zu BerUn. [See Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.] GeseUschaft fiir Geburtshfilfe zu Leipzig. [See Mitth. . . . d. Ge- sellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz.] GeseUschaft fur Gynaekologie. [See Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg.] GeseUschaft fur Mikroskopie zu BerUn. [See Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl.] GeseUschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. [-See Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Dresd.] GeseUschaft naturforschender Freunde zu BerUn. [See Mag. f. d. n. Entdeck. in d. ges. Naturk., Berl.] GeseUschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. [See Beitr. z. HeUk., Riga.] GeseUschaft practischer Aerzte zu St. Petersburg. [SeeN. Abhandl. d. deutsch. iirztl. Ver. zu St. Petersb. Also: Verm. Abhandl--- v. einer GeseUsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb. ] Gesellschaft schweizerischer Aerzte. [-See Arch. d. Med., Chir. u. Pharm., Aarau.] Gesundheit. Zeitschrift ffir korperliches und geistiges Wohl. Elberfeld. v. 1-4, 1875-9. 4°. [In v. 3, 1877, sub-title be- came: Zeitschrift fur offentUche und private Hygierne. Organ des Internationalen Vereins gegen Verunreinigung der Fliisse, des Bodens und der Luft. In 1880 pubUshed in Frank- furt a. M. ] [44] Gesundheitswacht, Leipz. Gior. anal, di med., MUano. Gior. di anat., fisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento. Gior. crit. di med. anal., MUano. Gior. di farm., etc., Torino. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Na- poli. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., MUano. Gior. d. mal. d. occhi, Napoli. Gior. di med., Venezia. Gior. di med. anal., MUano. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze. Gior. di med. mil., Roma. Gior. di med. mil., Torino. Gior. med. di Roma. Gior. di med. vet., Torino.. Gior. d'oftal. ital., Torino. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. Gior. d. r. StabU. d. folli in Aversa. Gior. d. razze d. animali e di med. vet., NapoU. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino. Gior. d. sc. med.-chir., Pavia. Gesundheitswacht. Zeitschrift ffir Gesundheitslehre, Natur- und HeUkunde. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1876-8. fol. Gewerbeschule zu Basel. [See Ber. d. Gewerbeschule zu Basel.] Giornale analitico di medicina; o sia guida al medico nella pratica. Opera di una societa di medici italiani. Milano. [Title of v. 9- 15, 1828-31, of: Gior. crit. dimed. anal., Milano.] Giornale di anatomia, fisiologia e patologia degli animaU. Pisa. v. 1-11, 1869-79. 8 v. 8°. Giornale di chirurgia-pratica. Trento. v. 1-8, 1825-9. 8°. Giornale critico di medicina analitica. Composta da una societa di medici itaUani, e compilato dal dottor Giovanni Strambio. Mi- lano. v. 1-15, 1826-31. 8°. [A continuation of: AnnaU deUa medicina fisiologico-patologica. Want all of: AnnaU, etc.; also pp. 371-388, v. 4, 1826. Title of v. 8, 1827, was: Gior. di med. anal., Milano; title of v. 9-15, 1828-31, Avas: Gior. anal, di med., Milano. ] Giornale di farmacia, di chimica e di scienze affini. PubbUcato deUa Societa di farmacia di Torino, v. 25-28, 1876-9. 8°. Giornale intemazionale delle scienze mediche. NapoU. Nos. 5-10, v. 2, 1878; n. s., v. 1-2, 1879. 4° and 8°. Giornale itaUano delle malattie venere e delle malattie deUa peUe. Milano. Anni 1-14 (v. 1-20), 1866-79. 8°. Giornale delle malattie degli occhi. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Giornale di medicina. Venezia. v. 1-13, 1762-76. 4°. [v. 13 is also caUed v. 1, 2. s. The nos. composing v. 1 appeared, under the title: Gazz. med. d'oltremonti, Venezia.] Giornale di medicina anaUtica. Milano. [Title of v. 8, 1827, of: Gior. crit. di med. anal., Milano.] Giornale di medicina, farmacia e veterinaria militare dell'esercito italiano. Firenze. [Was running title from 1867-74 of: Gior. di med. mil., Torino.] Giornale di medicina miUtare. Roma. v. 10-27, 1862-79. 8°. [Want v. 1-9. Title of v. 10-22, 1862-74, was the following:] Giornale di medicina miUtare del corpo sanitario deU'armata itali- ana. Torino. [Title of v. 10-22,1862-74, of the preceding. From 1867-74, running title: Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze] Giornale medico di Roma. v. 1-6, 1865-70. 8°. Giornale di medicina veterinaria pratica e di zootecnia della Societa reale e nazionale veterinaria. Torino, v. 23-28, July, 1874-80. 8°. Giornale d'oftalmologia itaUano—Stati Sardi. 1858-60; v. 5, 1862. 8°. Torino. 1-3, Giornale dellarealeAccademiadi medicina di Torino, v. 1-6,1838-9; nos. 1-2, v. 10, Jan.-Feb., 1841; v. 14-24, 26, 28, May, 1842- April, 1847; 2. s., v. 13-18, 1852-3; v. 49-54, 1864-5; 3. s., v. 1- 26,1866-79. [Title of v. 1-6, 1838-9, nos. 1-2, v. 10, Jan.-Feb., 1841, was: Gior. d. sc. med., Torino. Title of v. 14-24, 26, 28, May, 1842-April, 1847, was: Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di To- rino. Title of 2. s., v. 13-18, 1852-3, was: Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino.] Giornale deUa r. Accademia medico-chirurgica di Torino. [Title of 2. s., v. 13-18, 1852-3, of: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. ] Giornale del reale Stabilimento de' foUi in Aversa per l'anno 1826 4°. Giornale deUe razze degli animali utili e di medicina veterinaria (seguito dell'Archivio della veterinaria itaUana). NapoU. 3. s v. 3, 1874. (v. • ' Giornale deUe scienze mediche. PubbUcato deUa Accademia reale medico -chirurgica di Torino. [Title of v. 1-6. 1838-9, nos. 1-2, v. 10, Jan.-Feb., 1^41, of: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di loriuo. ] Giornale delle scienze medico-chirurgkhe. PubbUcato a Parigi da alcuni medici iramesi, e tradotto per cura di varii medici itaUani, ton niimeiose aggmntc risguardauti principalmente la mediciua in Itaha. Pavia. v. 1-16, 1834-42. o-' [45] Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia. Gior. per serv. a. storia rag. d. med., Venezia. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d'ig., MUano. Gior. d. Soc med.-chir. di Parma. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino. Gior. veneto di sc. med.,Venezia. Glasgow M. Exam. Glasgow M. J. Greifswalder med. Beitr., Dan- zig. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond. Gynaek. og obst. Medd., Kj0- benh. Gyogyaszat, Budapest. Gydgyszereszi hetifl., Budapest. Giornale per servire ai progressi deUa patologia e della materia medica. Venezia. v. 1-7, 1834-7. 8°. [In July, 1850, united with: Memor. d. med. contemp.,Venezia, forming: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia.] Giornale per servire alia storia ragionata della medicina di questo secolo. Venezia. v. 1-10, 1783-95. 4°. Giornale della Societa italiana d'igiene. Milano. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Giornale della Societa medico-chirurgica di Parma, v. 1-15, 1806- Giornale delle scienze mediche deUa Societa medico-chirurgica di Torino. 8°. [Title of v. 14-24, 26, 28, May, 1842-April, 1847, of: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino.] Giorm/e veneto di scienze mediche. Venezia. v. 1-5, July, 1850-52; 2. s., v. 1-23, 1853-64; 3. s., v. 1-29, 1864-78; 4. s., v. 1, Jan.- June, 1879. 8°. [A continuation and consolidation of: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, with: Memor. d. med. con- temp., Venezia. After June, 1879, merged in: Sperimentale, Firenze. 3 Glasgow (The) Medical Examiner: a journal of medical science, with a leader on general medical and sanitary topics, etc. Glas- gow, v. 2, 1869-71. 8°. Glasgow (The) Medical Journal, v. 1-5, 1828-32; n. s., [2.], v. 1-13,1853-66; n. s., [3.], v. 1-2,May, 1866-April, 1868; n. s., [4.], v. 1-12,1868-79. 8°. [n. s., [4. ], commencing in 1868, edited by a committee of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Medical Asso- ciation. ] Glasgow and West of Scotland Medical Association. [-See Glasgow GraeveU's Notizen, [etc.] [-See Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte, etc., Berl., n. F., v. 1-20, 1857-76.] Greifswalder medicinische Beitrage. Unter Mitwirkung der medi- cinischen Facultiit zu Greifswald hrsg. von Dr. Hugo Ziemssen, Danzig, v. 1-3, 1863-5. 8°. GrossherzogUch badische Sanitats-Commission. [-See Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe.] Guglielmo da Saliceto. Giornale di medicina, veterinaria, farmacia e scienze affini. Piacenza. v. 1, 1879-80. roy. 8°. Guy's Hospital Gazette: a students' journal of hospital news, medicine, and surgery. London, v. 1-7, 1872-5; n. s., v. 1-4, 1876-9. 4°. Guy's Hospital Reports. London. 1. s., v. 1-7, 1836-42; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1843-53; 3. s., v. 1-24, 1855-78. 8°. Gynaecological Society of Boston. [-See J. Gynaac Soc, Bost.] Gynaekologiske og obstetriciske Meddelelser. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-2, 1877-9. 8°. Gyogyaszat. Az orvostudomany hazai es kulfdldi fejlddesenek, kuldndsen a gydgygyakorlatnak kozldnye. [Medicine, or com- munications and observations to promote cUnical knowledge.] Budapest, v. 16-18, 1876-8. 8°. [-See, also, Allamorvos, Buda- pest, a companion to this journal.] Gydgyszereszi hetilap. A gydgyszereszeti tudomanyok fejlddesenek s az Altalanos rnagyarorszagi gydgyszereszegylet szakfigyeinek kozldnye. [The Weekly Pharmaceutist. The official organ issued by the General Magyar Pharmaceutical Association.] Budapest, v. 1-10, 1862-71; v. 15-18, 1876-9. 8°. II. Hahnem. Hosp. Rep., N. T. Ha lineman. Month., PhUa. Hamb. Mag. Hahnemann Hospital Reports. New York. v. 1,1871. 8°. Hahnemannian (The) Monthly. PhUadelphia. v. 1-14, 1865-79. 8°. [After Aug., 1876, Am. J. Homceop. Mat. M., Phila., merged in this journal.] Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammelte Schriffcen zum Unter- richt und Vergntigen aus der Naturforschung und den angeneh- menWissenschaften uberhaupt. Hamburg, v. 1-26,1747-62. 8°. [46] Hamb. Mag. d. ausl. Lit. d. ges. HeUk, etc. Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Erlang. Handb. d. Kinderkr. (Gerhardt), Tubing. Handb. d. spec. Path. [Ziems- sen], Leipz. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genoot- sch., Amst. Handworterb. d. Physiol., Brn- schwg. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. HeUk. Hannov. Monatschr. Hasonszenvi Kozl., Budapest. Heidelb. klin. Ann. Herald of Health, Bloomington, 111. tlititonparrj'i, Rotterd. Hist. Soc. de med.-prat, de Mont- pel. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par. Hist. Soc. roy. d. sc. a Montpel. HoUand. Beitr. zu d. anat. u. physiol. Wissensch., Diisseld. Homceop. J. Obst., N. Y. Homceop. Q., Buffalo. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y. Hamburgisches Magazin der auslandischen Literatur der gesamm- ten Heilkunde und Arbeiten des arztlichen Vereins zu Hamburg. v. 1-30,1821-35. 8°. [Want v. 25,1833. Continued as: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb.] Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen Chirurgie mit Einschluss der topographischen Anatomie, Operations- und Verbandlehre. Redigirt von Drs. Pitha und Billroth. Erlangen u. Stuttgart. 13 v., 1865-80. 8°. Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Hrsg. von C. Gerhardt. Tu- bingen. 6 v., 1877-80. 8°. Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie. Bearbeitet von Drs. Geigel, Hirt, Merkel u. s. w. Hrsg. von H. von Ziems- seii. Leipzig. 16 v., 1874-9. 8©. Handelingen van het geneeskundig Genootschap onder de zin- spreuk: Servandis civibus. Amsterdam. 10 v., 1776-92. 8°. Handwdrterbuch der Physiologie mit Rficksicht auf physiologische Pathologie. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. von Rudolph Wagner. Braunschweig. Lief. 1-28,4 v., 1842-53. 8°. Hannoversche Annalen fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Eine Zeit- schrift. Hannover, v. 1-5, 1836-40; n. F., v. 1-7, 1841-7. 8C. Hannoversche Monatsschrift'' Wider die Nahrungsf alscher!" Or- gan des Untersuchungsamtes fiir Lebensmittel, etc, in Hanno- ver. Hannover, v. 2, 1879. 8°. Hasonszenvi Kdzldny ds nepszerii egeszsegi tanacsadd. A Mag- yar hasonszenvi figypartoldk t^rsulatanak lapja. [Homoeopa- thic Organ; a popular publication of the Magyar Homoeopathic Association.] Budapest, v. 1-2, 1877-8. 8°.' Heidelberger klinische Annalen. Heidelberg, v. 1-10, 1825-34. 8°. [A supplementary vol. with v. 4. Vols. 4-10 also with the title: N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, that journal having merged into this in 1828. Continued as: Med. Ann., Hei- delb.] Helvetische Gesellschaft correspondirender Aerzte und Wundaerzte. [-See Museum d. Heilk., Zfirich.] Herald (The) of Health. A manual of practical hygiene, or guide to health. Bloomington, 111. v. 1-2, 1878-80. 8°. 'ImtoKparrji. Magazijn toegewijd aan den geheelen Omvang van de Geneeskunde, beschouwd als Wetenschap en Kunst. Rotter- dam, v. 1-8, 1814-28. 8°. Histoire de la Societe de medecine-pratique de MontpelUer. [Title of v. 13-17, 1804-8, of: J. de med., chir. et pharm., Montpel.] Histoire de la Societe royale de medecine avec les memoires de medecine et de physique medicale, tires des registres de cette societe. Paris. Annees 1776-89. 10 v. 4°. Histoire de la Societe royale des sciences, etablie a MontpelUer, avec les memoires de mathematiques et de physiques, tires des registres de cette societe. Lyon et MontpeUier. 2 v., 1766, 1788. 8 . Hollandische Beitrage zu den anatomischen und physiologischen Wissenschaften. Dfisseldorf und Utrecht, v. 1, 1846-48. 8°. HoUandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. [-See Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Holland. Maatsch. d. wetensch. te Haarlem.] Homoeopathic (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women ?S& o^1^11, New York' Chicag°, and Philadelphia, v. 1, Lo7y—8U. 8°. Homoeopathic (The) Quarterly. A journal devoted to the inte- rests of pure homoeopathy. Buffalo, v. 1-2, 1869-70. 8°. Hospital (The) Gazette. A weekly journal of medicine, surgerv, and the collateral sciences. New York. v. 6 1879 4° [Title ?f TiJ75' ^71~3 yas: Hosp- Gaz- & Arch.'Clin." Surg., N. Y. In 1880, v. 7, title became: Med. Gaz., N. Y.] Hospital (The) Gazette. A monthly journal of medicine and sur- !?+>/ a^tT nyT\ ^t1^' 7' *> 1877- 4°- [Then united with: Arch. Chn. Surg., N. Y., forming the following:] [47] Hosp. Gaz., N. Y. Hosp.-Medd., Kjpbenh. Hosp.-Tid., Kjpbenh. Humboldt M. Arch., St. Louis. Hyg. Cong, i Kjpbenh. Beretn. om Mod. og Forh., etc. Hyg. & M. Rep. U. S. Navy, Wash. Hyg. Medd., Kjpbenh. Hygaea, Kjpbenh. Hygie, Brux. Hygie, Par. Hygiea, Stockholm. Hygieia, Amst. Hygiene pour tous, Par. Hospital (The) Gazette and Archives of Clinical Surgery. New York. 8°. [v. 2-5, April, 1877-Feb. 27, 1*79. Formed by consoUdation of the preceding with: Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. Title of nos. 1-5, v. 2, 1877, was : Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. After Feb., 1879 (no. 9, v. 5), title became: Hosp. Gaz., is'. Y.] Hospitals-Meddelelser. Tidskrift for praktisk Lsegevidenskab, udgivet af Oveikeger ved Kj0benhavns Hospitaler og i Armeen. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-6, 1848-o3; 2. R., v. 1, 1856. 8°. Hospitals-Tidende. Optegnelser af practisk Laegekunst fra Ind- og Udlandet. Kjdbenhavn. v. 1-16, 1858-73; 2. R., v. 1-6, 1874-9. fol. and 8°. Humboldt (The) Medical Archives. A monthly journal of medical science. St. Louis, v. 1-9, 1867-73. 8°. [After v. 2, 1868, title: Med. Arch., St. Louis. In September, 1869, St. Louis M. Reporter merged in this journal.] Hygieiniske (Den) Congres i Kj0benhavn. Beretning om M0- derne og Forhaudlingerne. Insendte AfhandUnger og andre Meddelelser. UdstUlede Sager. Kj0benhavn. 1 v., 1858. 8°. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Hygienic and medical reports by medical officers of the U. S. Navy. Washington. 1 v., 1879. 8°. Hygieiniske Meddelelser. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-8, 1856-74; n. R., v. 1-3, 1875-80. 4°. [For running title of v. 1-8, and title of v. 6-8, see the following:] Hygieiniske Meddelelser og Betragtninger. Kj0benhavn. [Run- ning title of v. 1-8, and title of v. 6-8 of the preceding. ] Hygaea. Et laegevidenskabeUgt Tidsskrift. Kjdbenhavn. v. 1, 1827. 8°. [A continuation of: Nye Hygaea, Kj0benh. In 1828 united with: BibUoth. f. Larger, Kj0benh.] Hygie. Bibliotheque medicale nationale et dtrangere. Melanges critiques, historiques et plulosophiques. Journal redigd par une socidte de medecins beiges. Bruxelles. v. 6, 1829. 8°. [Want, also, pp. 129-184, v. 6, 1829. Title, after 1828, of the following:] Hygie. RecueU de medecine, d'hygiene, d'economie domestique; extraits d'ouvrages nouveUes des sciences; melanges critiques, historiques et Utteraires; revue generale des journaux de mede- cine, de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires; bulletin de biblio- graphic generale. Paris. Bruxelles. Annee 4-6, 1826-8, 5 v. 8°. [In 18^9, BibUoth. med., Brux., united with this journal, and title became as above. ] Hygiea. MedicinskochpharmaceutiskManads-skrift. Stockholm. v. 1-41, 1839-79. 8°. Hygieia. Weekblad voor de Gezondheidsleer in Nederland. Am- sterdam. Jaarg. 1-2, 1874-6. fol. Hygiene (L') pour tous. Revue de litterature medicale hebdoma- daire. Paris, v. 1-5, 1876-80. 9, see Rev. de Ut. mdd., Par.] fol. [For title of v. 1-4, 1876- I. 'Iarpixr) 'Ecptjfi., ASffvat. 'Iarpixr) MeXidda,'ASffvai. Idrol. med., Bassano. Igea, MUano. IUinois & Ind. M. & S. J., Chi- cago. 'Iarpixrf 'E(pr}ixepiS. Ev ASf/vaiS. v. 1-2, 1858-60. fol. 'Iarpixr) MeXidda (lH kv 'A5f?vaiS). Svrypajujua Ttepiodt- xbv kxSiSofxsvov aitaZ, rov firjvoi vito A. N. rovda. v. 1-6,1853-9. 8°. [In 1864 continued as: MeXidda rfov AStj- vaSov. ] Idrologia (L') medica, gazzetta deUe acque mineraU, dei bagni ed ospizi marini, deU'idroterapia propriamente detta e deUa clirna- tologia, in ispecie deUe stazioni di cura, in ItaUa. Bassano. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Igea (L'). Giornale di igiene e medicina preventiva. MUano. v. 1-10, 1862-72. 8°. [In 1873 continued as: Medico di Casa, Mi- lano.] IUinois (The) and Indiana Medical and Surgical Journal. Chi- cago and IndianapoUs. v. 1-2,1846-8. 8°. [For 1. s., see IUi- nois M. & S. J., Chicago; for continuation, see Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago.] [48] Illinois M. Recorder, VandaUa. Illinois M. & S. J., Chicago. Illust. med. Ztg., Miinchen. Elust. Vrtljschr. d. arztl. Poly- tech., Bern. Imparziale, Firenze. Impfgegner, St. Gallen. Independ. med., Barcel. Independ. Pract., Bait. India J. M. &Phys. Sc, Calcutta. India J. M. Sc, Calcutta. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. Indiana J. M., Indianap. Indiana J. M. & S., Madison. Indiana M. J., Evansville. Indiana M. Reporter, Evansville. Indipendentc, Torino. IUinois (The) Medical Recorder. Vandalia, 111. v. 1,1878-9. 8°. Illinois (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1844-6. 8°. [Continued as : Illinois & Ind. M. & S. J., Chicago.] Illinois State Medical Society. [-See Tr. Illinois M. Soc] Illustrirte medizinische Zeitung. 8°. Miinchen. v. 1-3, 1852-3. roy. IUustrirte Vierteljahrsschrift der iirztUchen Polytechnik. Bern und Leipzig, v. 1, 1879. roy. 8°. Imparziale (L'). Giornale degli interessi scientifici, pratici, mo- rali e professional! della classe medica. Firenze. v. 1-19,1861- 79. roy. 8°. Impfgegner (Der). Zeitschrift gegen Impfung und Impfzwang. St. Gallen. v. 1-2, 1876-7. 8°. Independencia (La) medica. (Antes CompUador medico.) Re- vista quincenal de medicina y de farmacia. Barcelona, v. 1- 11, 1869-80. 4°. Independent (The) Practitioner. (Formerly The Practitioner.) Baltimore. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. [Title of no. 1, v. 1,1880, was: Practitioner, Bait.] India (The) Journal of Medical and Physical Science. Calcutta. n. s., v. 1-7, 1836-42; n. [3.] s., v. 1-2, 1843-4. 8°. [A continu- ation of: India J. M. Sc, Calcutta.] India (The) Journal of Medical Science. Calcutta, v. 1-2, 1834- 5. 8°. [Continued as: India J. M. & Phys. Sc, Calcutta.] Indian (The) Annals of Medical Science, or Half-yearly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Calcutta. Nos. 1-37 (v. 1-19), 1853-77. 8°. [Want no. 3 (Oct., 1854).] Indian (The) Medical Gazette. A monthly record of medicine, surgery, obstetrics, jurisprudence, and the coUateral sciences, and of general medical intelligence, Indian and European. Calcutta, v. 1-14, 1866-79. 4°. Indiana (The) Journal of Medicine. IndianapoUs. v. 1-6, 1870- 75. 8°. [ After Sept., 1875, united with: Cincin. Lancet & Obs.] Indiana (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgerv. Madison. No. 1, v. 1, 1855. 8°-. [Want no. 2.] Indiana (The) Medical Journal; a quarterly record of the medi- cal sciences of the South and West. Evansville. No. 1, v. 1, 1854. 8°. [Running title of first signature is: Evansville M. J.] Indiana (The) Medical Reporter. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. EvansviUe, Ind. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Indiana State Medical Convention. [See Proc. Indiana M. Con- vent., Indianap.] Indiana State Medical Society. [-See Proc Indiana M. Soc. Also: Tr. Indiana M. Soc] Indipendonte (L'). PubbUcazione periodica su la medicina e la chirurgia pratica, le scienze affini e gli interessi professionali del corpo medico (continuazione della Gaezetta medica di Torino). Torino, v. 5-10, 1874-9. 8°. [1874 is 25. year of whole series. In 1878 sub-title became: Gazzetta medica di Torino. ] Institut fiir Physiologie und Histologie in Graz. [-See Untersuch. a. d. Inst. f. Physiol, u. Histol. in Graz, Leipz.] Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturelles. [-See Pub. de l'Inst. roy. gr.-ducal de Luxemb.] Instituto medico valenciano. [-See Bol. Inst. mdd. valenc, Va- lencia. ] Instituto oftalmico de Madrid y de la clinica oftalmoldgica de C£- diz. [-See Crdn. oftal., CMiz.] Institutum medico-clinici Wirceburgense. cUn., Wirceburg.] International Medical Congress of PhUadelphia, 1876 Internat. M. Cong.] International Ophthalmological Congress. Ophth. Cong. Lond.] [-See Ann. Inst, med.- . [See Tr. [-See Rep. Internat. [49] Internat. homoop. Presse, Leipz. Internat. Rev., N. Y. Investigateur. J. de l'lnst. hist., Par. Iowa CatUn. Iowa M. J., Keokuk. Ippocratico. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl. Irish M. J., Dubl. Irrenfreund, HeUbr. Ital. med.-chir. BibUoth., Leipz. International Otological Societv. New York. Internat. Otol Soc. 1876, N. Y.] [-See Rep. Cong. Internationale homdopathische Presse. Leipz. v. 1-10,1872-7. 8°. Internationaler Verein gegen Verunreinigung der Flfisse, des Bo- dens und der Luft. [-See Gesundheit, Elberfeld. Also: Ver- handl. d. internat. Ver. gegen Verunreinig. d. Flfisse, etc., Leipz. ] International (The) Review. New York. v. 6-7, 1879. 8°. Investigateur (L'). Journal del'Institut historique. Paris, v. 1-7, 1841-7. 8°. [Continuation of: J. de l'lnst. hist., Par.] Iowa (The) CatUn: a journal of medicine and surgery. PubUshed monthly. No. 1, v. 1, Osceola; no. 2, v. 1, Davenport, 1878. 8°. Iowa and Illinois Central District Medical Association. [-See J. Iowa & 111. Centr. Dist. M. Ass. ] Iowa (The) Medical Journal. Conducted by tho faculty of the medical department of the Iowa University. Keokuk, v. 1-5, 1853-69. 8°. Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical Society. [-See Proc. Iowa M. & Chir. Soc. Also: Tr. Iowa M. & Chir. Soc] Iowa State Medical Society. [-See Tr. Iowa M. Soc] Ippocratico (L'). Giornale di medicina e chirurgia. Fano, 1862- 71; Forli, 1872-3. [Title of 3. s., v. 1-24, 1862-73, of: RaccogU- tore med., Foril.] Irish Hospital Gazette. A journal for the cultivation and improve- ment of" practical medicine and surgery. Dublin, v. 1-3,1873- 5. roy. 8°. [A continuation of: Dublin Hosp. Gaz. On July 1, 1875, merged in: DubUn J. M. Sc] Irish (The) Medical Journal. Dublin. [Title after 1869 of: J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl.] Irrenfreund (Der). EinepsychiatrischeMonatsschrift. HeUbronn. v. 6-21, 1864-79. 8°. ItaUenische medicinisch-chirurgische Bibliothek oder Ueberse- tzungen und Auszfige aus den neuern Schriften italienischor Aerzte und Wundarztc Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1793-9. 8°. J. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond. J. de l'anat. et physiol., etc., Par. J. Anthrop., Lond. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond. J. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. J. Chem. Soc, Lond; J. de chim. med., etc., Par. J. de chir. (Desault), Par. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl. [4] Journal (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. 1866-80. 8°. London, v. 1-14, Journal de I'anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologi- ques de l'homme et des animaux. Paris, v. 1-15, 1864-79. 8°. Journal of Anthropology. London, v. 1, 1870-71. 8°. [Continu- ation of: Anthrop. Rev., etc, Lond., and succeeded by the foUowing:] Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ire- land. London, v. 1-9, 1871-80. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Journal of the Anthropological Society of London, v. 1-8, 1863- 71. 8°. [Issued with: Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., and the pre- ceding. Want pp. lxxUi-lxxx (sig. "f") in 1664.] Journal (The) of the Chemical Society, London, v. 1-36, 1848- 79. 8°. [Title of v. 1-14, 1848-61, was: Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond.] Journal de chimie medicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie. Paris. v. 1-10, 1825-34; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1835-44; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1845-54; 4. s., v. 1-6, 1855-60; annees 47-50, 1873-March, 1876. 8°. [After March, 1876, united with: Repert. de pharm., Par., and title became: Repert. de pharm. et J. de chim. med. reunis.] Journal de chirurgie. Par M. Desault. Paris, v. 1-4,1791-2. 8°. Journal de chirurgie. Par M. Malgaigne. Paris, v. 1-4, 1843-6. 8°. [In 1847, united with: J. de med., Par., forming: Rev. med.- chir. de Par. ] Journal der Chirurgie und Augen-HeUkunde, hrsg. von C. F.« Graefe und Ph. von Walther. BerUn. v. 1-39, 1820-50. 8°. [50] J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. ge- richtl. Arznk., Jena. J. compl. du diet. d. sc med., Par. J. compl. d. sc med., Par. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par. J. Cutan. M., Lond. J. d. Erfmd., etc., Gotha. J. For. M. Sc & Lit., PhUa. J. Frank!. Inst., Phila. J. f. Geburtsh. J. gen. de me'd., chir. et pharm. Par. J. Gynaec. Soc Bost. J. Health, Cincin. J. hebd. de med., Par. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par. J. d'hyg., Par. J. de l'lnst. hist., Par. J. Iowa & HI. Centr. Dist. M. Ass. J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl. J. f. Kinderkr. J. Mat. M., New Lebanon, N. Y. Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Geburtshulfe und gerichtliche Arzney- kundc Hrsg.vonJ.Chr.Loder. Jena. v. 1-4,1797-1806. 8°. Journal compiementaire du dictionnaire des sciences medicales. Paris, v. 1-44, 1818-32. 8°. [With v. 37, title changed to the following:] Journal compiementaire des sciences medicales. Recueil encyclo- pedique de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, contenant la clinique medico-chirurgicale des hopitaux de Paris, avec un ex- trait de tous les journaux de medecine qui paraissent en France et a l'etranger. Paris. [Title of v. 37-44, 1830-32, of the pre- ceding. ] Journal des connaissances medicales pratiques et de pharmacolo- gic Paris, v. 26-27, 1858-60; v. 41-46, 1874-9. 8°. [In 1879 became 4°.] Journal des connaissances medico-chirurgicales. Paris, v. 1-20, 1833-52. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par.] Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Diseases of the Skin. A quarterly record of dermatological science. London, v. 1-4, 1867-71. 8°. Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widersprfiche in der Natur- undArzneiwissenschaft. Gotha. v. 1-13,1792-1812. 8°. [Pts. 25-44, additional title: Neues Journal, etc.; pts. 45-52, additional title: Neuestes Journal, etc ] Journal (The) of Foreign Medical Science and Literature. Being a continuation of the Eclectic Repertory. Quarterly. Phila- delphia, v. 1-4, 1821-4. 8°. [v. 1 and nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1821-2, were also called v. 11, 12 of: Eclect. Repert., Phila.] Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania; devoted to the mechanic arts, manufactures, general science, and the recording of American and other patented inventions. Phila- delphia, n. s., [2.], v. 1-26, 1828-40; 3. s., v. 1-78, 1841-79. 8°. [For 1. s., v. 1-4, 1826-7, see Franklin J., Phila.] Journal fiir Geburtshfilfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinder-Krankhei- ten. Frankfurt am Main. v. 1-17, 1813-38. 8°. [A continua- tion of: Lucina. After 1838 united with: N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl. v. 14-17, Leipz.] Journal general de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou re- cueil periodique de la Societe de medecine de Paris, v. 15-111, an XI [1802]-1830. 8°. [A continuation of: Rec. period. Soc. de m6d. de Par., and succeeded by : Tr. med., Par.] Journal (The) of the Gynaecological Society of Boston. A monthly journal devoted to the advancement of the knowledge of the diseases of women. Boston, v. 1-7, 1869-72. 8°. s., v. 1, 1844-5. 8°. [Con- Journal of Health. Cincinnati, u tinuation of: Cincin. J. Health.] Journal hebdomadaire de medecine. Paris, v. 1-8, 1828-30. 8°. [Continued as: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par.] Journal hebdomadaire des progres des sciences et institutions medi- cales. Paris, v. 1-12,1834-^6. 8°. [Continuation of: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par., and continued as: Presse med., Par. In 1835, Ann de la med. physiol., Par., merged in this journal.] Journal d'hygiene. Climatologie, eaux minerales, stations hiver- nales et maritimes, epidemiologic Bulletin des conseils d'hy- giene et de salubrite. Paris, v. 1-4, 1875-9. 4°. Journal de l'Institut historique. Paris, v. 1-12, 1834J40. 8°. [Continued as: Investigateur. J. do l'lnst. hist., Par.] Journal of Iowa and Illinois Central District Medical Association. Davenport, Iowa. v. 1-2, 1878-80. 8°. Journalof the Irish Medical Association. Dublin. Nos. 1-6, 8-49, 113, 116, 1867-70. 4°. [A supplement to: Med. Press & Circ, Lond. After 1869, title: Irish M. J., Dubl.] Journal ffir Kinderkrankheiten. Berlin. Erlangen. v. 1-59,1843- 72. 8°. [v. 1-10, 1843-8, Berlin, v. 11-59, 1848-72, Erlangen.] Journal (The) of Materia Medica. A monthly journal devoted to materia medica, pharmacy, chemistry, and new remedies. New Lebanon, N. Y. n. s., v. 1-18, 1859-79. 8°. [51] J. de med., Brux. J. de med., Brux. J. demed., Par. J. de med. de Bordeaux. J. de med. de Bordeaux. J. f. Med. og Chir., Kjpbenh. J. de med., chir. et pharm., Montpel. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par. J. de med., chir. et pharm. mil., Par. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par. J. de med. et chir. de Toulouse. J. de med. de Lyon. J. med. de la Mayenne, Laval. J. de med. ment., Par. J. de med. mil., Par. J. med. de la Neerl., La Haye. Journal de medecine; publie x>ar la Societe des sciences medicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. [Title of v. 1, 1843, of: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol.] Journal de medecine, publie par la Societe des sciences medicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. BruxeUes. v. 1-2, 1829-30. 8°. [After 1830 suspended until 1843. In 1844 title became: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux.] Journal de medecine. Redacteur en chef, M. Beau. Paris, v. 1- 4,1843-6. 8°. [In 1847 united with: J. do chir. (Malgaigne), Par., forming: Rev. med.-chir. de Par.] Journal de medecine de Bordeaux, v. 8-13, 1850-55; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1856-63. 8°. [A continuation of: Journal de la Societe royale de medecine de Bordeaux, which was a continuation of: Journal de medecine pratique, ou recueil, etc. ] Journal de medecine de Bordeaux (Bordeaux medical et Gazette rnddicale reunis). Bordeaux, v. 8-9, 1878-80. 4°. Journal for Medicin og Chirurgie. Kjobenhavn. v. 1-9,1833-5. 8°. Journal de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou Annales de la Socidte de medecine-pratique de Montpellier. Montpellier. v. 1-38, an XI [1803]-1815. [For v. 2-12, 1803-8, see Ann. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel. For v. 13-17, 1804-8, see Hist. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel. For v. 18-29, 1809-12, see Ann. clin., Montpel. Forv. 30-38, 1813-15, see Ann. clin., Montpel.] Journal de medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Paris, v. 1-95, 1754-93. 12°. [v. 1-7 were published as: Rec. period, d'obs. de med., chir., et pharm., Par.; of these, v. 1-3 are reprinted with title: Journal de medecine, etc. 2. ed. Continued as the following:] Journal de medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Par les citoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer. Paris, v. 1-40, 1801-17. 12° and 8°. [Continuation of the preceding, and succeeded by: N. jour. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par. v. 9 et seq., 1805-10, contain: Bull, de l'Ecole de med. de Par. ] Journal de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires. Prris. [Title of v. 1-2, 1815-16, of: Rec de mem. de med. . . . rail., Par.] Journal de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie de Toulouse. [Title of 2. and 3. s. of: J. de med. et chir. de Toulouse] Journal de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologic; publie par la Societe des sciences medicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. v. 1-69, 1843-79. 8°. [Title of v. 1, 1843, was: J. de med., Brux. -See, also, J. de med., Brux., 1829-30.] Journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques. A l'usage des me- decins praticiens. Par Lucas-Championnierc Paris, v. 1-50, 1830-79. 8°. [v. 1 is 2. ed.] Journal de medecine et de chirurgie de Toulouse, v. 8-9, Aug., 1844-July, 1846; n. s. [2.], v. 2-7, 1850-55; 3. s., v. 1-5, 1856- 60. 8°. [Title of 2. and 3. s. was: J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse.] Journal de medecine de Lvon, publie par la Societe de medecine. v. 1-11, 1841-6; 2. s., v. 1, 1847. 8°. [In Jan., 1869, united with: Gaz. med. de Lyon, forming: Lyon med.] Journal medical de la Mayenne. Fonde et redige par uno reunion do medocins, veterinaires et pharmaciens. Laval, v. 1, 1873- 4. 8°. Journal de medecine mentale, resumant au point de vue medico- psychologique, hygienique, therapeutique et legal, toutes les questions relatives a la folie, aux nevroses convulsives et aux dd- fectuosites intellectuelles et morales, k l'usage des medecins praticiens, des dtudiants en medecine, des jurisconsultes, des administrateurs, et des personnes qui se consacrent a l'enseigue- ment, par M. Delasiauve. Paris, v. 1-10, 1861-70. 8°. Journal de medecine miUtaire. Publie par ordre du roi, fait et redigd par M. De Home. Paris, v. 1-7, 1782-8. 8°. Journal medical de la Nlerlande, publie par une societe de mede- cins. La Haye. v. 1, 1844. 8°. [52] J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes. J. de med. et pharm. de l'Al- gerie, Alger. J. Med. Soc. Maine. J. de med. vet. mil,, Par. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon. J. Ment. Sc, Lond. J. de microg., Par. J. mil. off. J. Morb. Anat., Lond. J. f. naturgem. Gsndhtspflg. u. HeUk. J. d. Naturw. u. Med., Frankf. a. M. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago. J. dlya normal, i patol. gistolo- gU, St. Petersb. J. d'obs. de med., chir. et pharm., Calais. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par. J. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. J. d'ophth., Par. J. de pharm. J. de pharm., Par. J. de pharm. et chim., Far. J. de pharm. e sc. access, de Lisb. J. de. pharmacol., Brux. Journal de medecine de l'ouest. Publie par la section do medecine de la Societe academique de Nantes, v. 8-13, 1874-9. 8°. Journal de medecine et de pharmacie de l'Algerie. Alger, v. 1- 4, 1876-9. 8°. Journal de medecine de Quebec [-Sec Quebec M. J.] Journal (The) of the Medical Society of tho State of Maine. Hal- lowell. No. 1, v. 1, 1834. 8°. Journal de medecine veterinaire mUitaire. Paris, v. 1-14, 1862- 77. 8°. Journal de medecine veterinaire et de zootechnie. Lyon. 3. s., v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Journal (The) of Mental Science. London, v. 4-25,1857-80. 8°. [A continuation of: Asylum J. Ment. Sc, Lond.] Journal de micrographie. Histologic humaine et compare.—Ana- tomie vegetalc—Botanique.—Zoologie.—Applications diverses du microscope.—Optique spedale, etc., etc. Revue mensueUe des travaux francais etraugers. Publiee sous la direction du Dr. J. Pelletan. Paris, v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Journal mUitaire officiel. Paris. 1872-7, 24 v. 8°. [In 1874 at VersaUles. ] Journalof Morbid Anatomy, Ophthalmic Medicine and Pharmaceu- tical Analysis; with Medico-Botanical Transactions, communi- cated by the Medico-Botanical Society of London, v. 1,1828. 8°. Journal fur naturgemiisse Gesundheitspflege und Heilkunde. Cdthen, 1853-4. Berlin, 1855. v. 1-3, 1853-5. 8°. Journal der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin. Hrsg. von F. J. Schelver. Frankfurt a. M. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1810. 8°. Journal (The) of Nervous and Mental Disease. Chicago, n. 8., v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Chicago J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.] Journal dlya normalnoi i patologicheskoi gistologU i kUnicheskoi miditsini. St. Petersburg, v. 10, 1876. 8°. Journal d'observations de medecine, chirurgie et pharmacie, com- mence le 1. Janvier 1763, et continue jusqu'a la fin de decembre 1786, par le Sieur Denis. Calais. 1 v. [1786?] 8°. Journal d'oculistique et de chirurgie. Paris. Annees 1-7,1873-9. 8°. [Two years to a vol. ] Journal fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege. Populiire Zeitschrift ffir sanitare Interessen. Wien. Nos. 1-2, v. 4, Jan., Feb., 1880. 4°. Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. [-See Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.] Journal d'ophthalmologic Recueil pratique de medecine et de chirurgio ocidaires. Paris, v. 1, 1872. roy. 8°. [For 2. s., see Rec. d'ophth., Par.] Journal de pharmacie d'Anvers. [Running title of the foUowing:] Journal de pharmacie. Publie par la Societe do pharmacie d'An- vers. Bruxelles. v. 31-35, 1875-9. 8°. [Running title is: Jour- nal de pharmacie d'Anvers. After 1876, published at Anvers.] Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. Paris. 2. s., v. 1-27,1815-41. 8°. [Continuation of: pharm., Par. In v. 8-27, title, also, "et BuUetin de la Societe de pharmacie de Paris". Continued as the following:] Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, contenant une revue de tous les travaux publies en France et a l'etranger, sur les sciences physiques, natureUes, medicales et industrieUes, ainsi que le bulletin des travaux de la Societe de pharmacio de Paris. Paris. 3. s., v. 1-46, 1842-64; 4. s., v. 1-30, 1865-79. 8°. [For 1. s., v. 1-6, 1809-14, see Bull, de pharm., Par. For 2. s., v. 1- 27, 1815-41, see the ]receding.] Jornal de pharmacia e sciencias accessorias de Lisboa. Years 1-32, 1848-79. 8°. [Every four years a now series begins; 2. s. began in 1852; 8. s. in 1876.] Journal de pharmacologic Publie par la Societe royale des sciences medicales et naturelles de BruxeUes. v. 2-35. 1846- 79. 8°. ' [53] J. f. Pharmakod., Toxik. u. The- rap., Berl. J. PhUa. Coll. Pharm. J. Physiol., Lond. J. de physiol. exper., Par. J. de la physiol. de I'homme, Par. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wund- arznk. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. 7. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. J. f. prakt. Heilk., Tubing. J. d. progr. d. sc. med., Par. J. Psych. M., Lond. J. Psych. M., Lond. J. Psych. M., N. Y. J. Pub. Health, Lond. J. Pub. Health & San. Rev., Lond. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond. Journal ffir Pkarmakodynamik, Toxikologie und Therapie in phy- siologischer, klinischer und forensischer Beziehung. BerUn. v. 1, 1856-7. 8°. Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. PhUadelphia. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, v. 1, Dec, 1825, May, 1826, Sept., Nov., 1827. 8°. [Preliminary nos. of the following:] Journal of the Philadelphia CoUege of Pharmacy. Philadelphia, v. 1-6, 1829-35. 8°. [-See, also, the preceding. Continued after March, 1835, as: Am. J. Pharm., Phila.] Journal (The) of Physiology. London and Cambridge, v. 1-2, 1878-80. 8°. Journal de physiologie experimentale. Par F. Magendie. Paris. v. 1-11, 1821-31. 8°. [Want nos. 3, 4, v. 11. v. 2-11, title as follows:] Journal de physiologie experimentale et pathologique. Paris. [Title of v. 2-11 of the preceding.] /Journal de la physiologie de I'homme et des animaux. Paris. v. 1-6, 1858-63. 8°. [Continued in 1868 as: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par.] Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. Hrsg. von C. W. Hufeland. 1. R., v. 1-7, Jena, 1795-9; 2. R., v. 8-27, Jena and Berlin, 1799-1808; 3. R., v. 28-39, Berlin, 1809- 14 ; 4. R., v. 40-47, Berlin, 1815-18 ; 5. R., v. 48-57, Berlin, 1819- 23; 6. R., v. 58-81, BerUn, 1824-35; 7. R., v. 82-93, Berlin, 1836- 41. 93 v. and 8 supplementary parts, 1795-1841. 8°. [Want no. 5, v. 69, Nov., 1829. In v. 8, 1799, et seq., additional title was: Neues Journal, etc. Title of v. 13-93, 1801-41, as fol- lows:] Journal der practischen Heilkunde. Berlin. [Title of v. 13-93, 1801-41, of the preceding. Additional title: Neues Journal, etc. ] Journal ffir praktische Chemie. Hrsg. von Otto Linne.Erdmann und Franz WUhelm Schweigger-Seidel. Leipzig, v. 1-30,1834- 43. 8°. [A continuation of: J. f. techn. u. dkonom. Chem., Leipz.] Journal ffir praktische Chemie. Hrsg. und redigirt von Hermann Kolbe. Leipzig, n. F., v. 5-20, 1872-9. 8°. Journal fiir praktische Heilkunde. Tfibingen. v. 1, 1845. 8°. Journal des progres des sciences et institutions medicales en Europe, en Amerique, etc. . . . Par une association de medecins. Bi-monthly. Paris, v. 1-18, 1827-9; 2. s., v. 1-3, 1830. 8°. Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. Edited by Forbes Winslow. London, v. 1-13, 1848-60. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Critic & Psych. J., Lond.] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. Edited by Lyttleton S. Forbes Winslow. London, n. s., v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. [A continuation of: Med. Critic & Psych. J., Lond. ] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine. A quarterly review of diseases of the nervous system, medical jurisprudence, and anthropology. New York. v. 4-6, 1870-72. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y. In July, 1874, pubUcation resumed as whole no. 23, n. s., no. 1, v. 1, title: Psych. & Med.- Leg.J.,N. Y] Journal of Public Health and Monthly Record of Sanitary Im- provement. Published under the sanction of the Metropolitan Health-of-Towns' Association. London, v. 1-2, 1847-9. roy. 8°. [-See, also, Liverpool Health of Towns' Advoc] Journal (The) of Public Health and Sanitary Review. London. Edited by Benj. W. Richardson, v. 1-4, 1855-9. 8°. [v. 3-4, title: San. Rev., Lond. The Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London for years 1855-8 are published with this journal.] Journal (The) of the Quekett Microscopical Club. London. v. 1-4, 1868-77. 8°. [Want 1., 3.-6. reports of society.] Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society; containing its trans- actions and proceedings, with other microscopical intelligence. (Bi-monthly.) London, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Hrsg. von Fr. Oesterlen. [54] J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Lond. J. d. sages-femmes, Par. J. Sc. & Ann. Biol., Lond. J. Sc. & Arts, Lond. J. d. sc. med. de Lisb. J. d. sc med. de Louvain. J. d. sc. med. de Montpel. J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, Edinb. J. de la sect, de med. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes. J. Soc. gaUic. de med. homoeop., Par. J. Soc. med. de la N.-Orleans. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de l'Isere, Grenoble. J. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel. J. Soc. sc med. d. Bucuresci. J. Soc d. sc med. de Lisb. J. Statist. Soc. Lond. J. f. techn. u. okonom. Chem., Leipz. J. de therap., Par. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et chir. prat., Par. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par. Jaarb. v. de k. Akad. v. Weten- sch., Amst. Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Miinchen. Jahrb. d. ambulat. KUn. zu Halle. Jahrb. f. Anthrop., Leipz. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. London. 8°. Journal dos sages-femmes. Paris. Annees 1-7 (v. 1-3), 1873-9. 4°. Journal (The) of Science and Annals of Biology, [etc. ] (Monthly; formerly: The Quarterly Journalof Science.) London. 3. s., v. 1, 1879. 8°. [Title of no. 1 was: Quart. J. Sc, Lond. Title of nos. 2-12 was: Month. J. Sc, Lond.] Journal (The) of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Royal Insti- tution of Great Britain. London. Nos. 1-5, April, 1816 - April, 1817. 8°. Jornal das sciencias medicas de Lisboa. [Title of v. 1-2, 1835, of: J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb.] Journal des sciences medicales de Louvain. v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Journal des sciences medicales de Montpellier. v. 1-2, 1834. 8°. Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society. Edinburgh and London. (Quarterly.) Nos. 43-46, 1874-5; nos. 55-56, 1878. 8°. Journal de la section de medecine de la Societe academique du departement de la Loire-Inferieure. Nantes, v. 1-42, 1825-06. 8°. [v. 12-38 called n. s.; v. 39-42 called 3. s.] Journal de la Societe gallicane de medecine homceopathiquo. Paris, v. 1-8, 1850-57; 2. s.,v. 1-4,1857-60. 8C. [Continuedas: Bull. Soc med. homoeop. de France. ] Journal de la Societe de medecine de Lyon. [Title of v. 2 (com- posed of 6 nos.) of: Rec. d. actes Soc. de sante de Lyon.] Journal de la Societe medicale de la Nouvelle-Orieans. v. 1,1839. 8°. [The same.] Nos. 1-4, 7-12, v. 1, 1859-60; also, nos. 1-8, v. 2, 1860-61. 8°. Journal de la Societe de medecine et de pharmacie de la Haute- Vienne. Limoges, v. 1-3, 1876-9. 8°. Journal de la Societe de medecine et de pharmacie de l'Isere. Gre- noble, v. 1-3, 1876-9. 8°. Journal de la Societe de medecine-pratique de Montpellier. v. 1- 16, 1840-48. 8°. Jurnalul Societatii sciintelor medicale din Bucuresci. Anul 1, 1880. 8°. Jornal da Sociedade das sciencias medicas de Lisboa. v. 1-24, 1835-July, 1846; 2. s., v. 1-43, July, 1847-79. 8°. [v. 1-2, title: J. d. sc. med. de Lisb. ] Journal of the Statistical Society of London, v. 34-42,1871-9. 8°. Journal ffir technische und dkonomische Chemie. Leipzig, v. 1-18, 1828-33. 8°. [Continued as: J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz.] Journal de therapeutique. Paris, v. 1-6, 1874-9. 8°. Journal universel et hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institutions medicales. Paris, v. 1-13, 1830- 33. 8°. [Continuation of: J. hebd. de med., Par., and con- tinued as: J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. mdd., Par. -See, also, the following:] Journal universel des sciences medicales. Paris, v. 1-58,1816-30. 8°. [In 1831 united with the preceding.] Jaarboek van de koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, ge- vestigd te Amsterdam. 12 v., 1866-77. 8°. Jahrbucher des arztlichen Vereins zu Miinchen. 8°. Jahrhiicher der ambulatorischen Klinik zu Halle. 1824. 8°. v. 1-4, 1835-42. v. 1, 1820, v. 2, Jahrbfichor ffir Anthropologie und zur Pathologie und Therapio des Irrsinns. Leipzig, v. 1, 1830. 8°. [A continuation of: Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz.] *• Jahrbuch fiir Balneologie, Hydrologie und Klimatologic Wien. v. 1-8, 1871-8 (1872-9). 8°. [Continuation of: Allg. balneol. Ztg., Neuwied.] [55] Jahrb. f. Deutschl. HeUq. u. See- bader, Berl. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Jahrb. d. HeUq. Deutschl.,Wiesb. Jahrb. f. Kinderh. Jahrb. f. d. Lebens- Magnet., Leipz. Jahrb. d. Med. als Wissensch., Tubing. Jahrb. f. MU.-Aerzte, Wien. Jahrb. d. nassau. Ver. f. Na- turk., Wiesb. Jahrb. d. phU.-med. GeseUsch. zu Wiirzb. Jahrb. f. Physiol, u. Path. d. erst. Kindesalt., Prag. Jahrb. f. pract. Aerzte, Berl. Jahrb. f. prakt. HeUk., Tubing. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Niirnb. Jahresb. d. chem. CentralsteUe f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Thatigk. im Coiner stadt. Biirger-Hosp. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. in- u. ausl. Med.,Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. Med., Erlang. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Phar- macog., etc., Gotting. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. phys. Wissensch. v. BerzeUus, Tu- bing. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Dresd. Jahrhiicher ffir Deutschlands HeilqueUen und Seebader. Berlin. v. 1-5, 1836-40. 8°. Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 18;>,")-40. 8~. [A continuation of: Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Berl. ] Jahrhiicher der HeUquellen Deutschlands, insbesondere des Tau- nus. Wiesbaden, v. 1-2, 1821-2. 8°. Jahrhiicher der in- und auslandischen gesammten Medicin. [See Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz. ] Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde und physische Erziehung. Wien, 1857-66. Leipzig, 1837-79. v. 1-7, 1857-65; n. F., v. 1-14, 1867- 79. ri~. [Want v. 8, 1865-6.] Jahrhiicher fiir den Lebeus-Magnetismus oder neues Asklapieiou. Allgemeines Zeitblatt ffir die gesammte Heilkunde nach den Grundsiitzen des Mesmerismus. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1818-23. 8°. Jahrhiicher der Medicin als Wissenschaft. 1806-8. 8°. Jahrbuch fiir Militiir-Aerzte. 1878-80. 12°. Tubingen, v. 1-3, Wien. v. 3-5, 1867-9; v. 13-15, Jahrhiicher des nassauischen Vereins ffir Naturkunde. Wiesbaden. v. 19-22, 1860-68; v. 25-30, 1871-7. 8°. Jahrhiicher der philosophisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wfirz- burg. v. 1,1828. 8°. [Want all subsequent, being: Neue Jahr- hiicher, etc.] Jahrbuch ffir Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters. Prag. v. 1,1868. 8°. [Continued as: Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien.] ' Jahrbuch ffir practische Aerzte. (Fortsetzung von Graevell's Noti- zen.) Berlin, v. 1-2, 1877-8 (1878-9). 8C. [Continuation of: Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte, etc., Berl.] Jahrhiicher fiir praktische Heilkunde. Tubingen, v. 1,1845. 8°. Jahrhiicher fiir Psychiatrie. (Neue Folge des psychiatrischen Cen- tralblattes.) Wien. v. 1, 1879. 8=. Jahrbuch der Staatsarzneikunde. Frankfurt am Main. v. 1-11, 1808-19. 8°. Jahrhiicher der teutschen Medicin und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Besten aus der ausliindischen medicinischen Litte- ratur. Niirnberg. v. 1-3, 1813. 8°. [Want no. 2, v. 2. Con- tinued, in 1819, as: N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn.] Jahresbericht der chemischen CentralsteUe fiir offentUche Gesund- heitspflege in Dresden. 1.-5., 1871-5. roy. 8°. Jahres-Bericht fiber die chirurgische Thatigkeit im Coiner stiidti- schen Bfirger-Hospitale, wahrend des Jahres 1875. Coin. lv. 8°. Jahresberichte fiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1872-8. 8°. [Continuation of: Bericht fiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. ] Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der gesammten in- und ausliin- dischen Medicin, im Vereine mit . . . hrsg. von Alexander Goe- schen. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1842-4. roy. 8°. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der gesammten Medicin in alien Liindern, im Vereine mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. von C. Can- statt. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-25, 1841-65. 56 v. roy. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Jahresb. fi. d. Leistung. u. Fortschr. d. ges. Med., Berl.] Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Pharmacognosie, Pharmacie und Toxicologic Gottingen. [Neue Folge des mit Eude 1865 abeeschlossenen Canstatt'schcn pharmaceutischen Jahresbe- richts.] v. 1-13, 1866-78 (1867-79). rt~. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften von Jacob BerzeUus. Eingereicht an die schwedische Akadcmio der Wissenschaften den 31. Miirz 1829, etc. Aus dem Schwedi- schen fibersetzt von F. Wohler. Tubingen, v. 9-17, 1829-37. 8°. Jahresberichte der Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und HeUkunde in Dres- den, 1848; 1850-66; 1869-79. 8:. [56] Jahresb. d. k.-bohm. GeseUsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Jahresb. d. kurmark. Hiilfsver. f. Geisteskr., Neustadt-Ebers- walde. Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-CoU., etc., Dresd. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. ... in d. Anat. u. Physiol., Berl. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. ges. Med., Berl. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. in d. Kriegsh., 1860-65, Wiirzb. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. MU.-San.-Wes., Berl. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. Ophth., Tubing. Jahresb. d. Mannh. Ver. f. Na- turk. Jahresb. d. naturh. Ver. in Pas- sau. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Stei- ermark, Graz. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.- Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.- Wes., d. off. Krankenanst. . . . Zurich. Jahresb. u. d. -wissensch. Leis- tung. d. Doct.-CoU. d. med. Fac. in Wien. Jahresh. d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. in Wurttemb., Stuttg. Jamaica Phys. J., Kingston. Janus, Bresl. Janus, Gotha. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., Jena. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz. Jahresbericht der kdniglich-bdhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften, ausgegeben am 12. Mai 1876. Prag. 8°. Jahresbericht des kurmiirkischen Hiilfsvereins ffir Geisteskranke fiber das Jahr 1874. Neustadt-Eberswalde. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jahresbericht des Landes-Medicinal-Collegium fiber das Medicinal- wesen im Konigreich Sachsen. Dresden und Leipzig. 1.-9., 1867-77. 8°. Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der Anato- mie und Physiologie. Hrsg. von Rud. Virchow und Aug. Hirsch. Berlin. Berichte ffir die Jahre 1873-4; 1877-8. 8°. Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte der gesammten Medicin. (Fortsetzung von Canstatt's Jahresbericht.) Unter Mitwirkung . . . hrsg. von Rud. Virchow und Aug. Hirsch. Ber- lin. Jahrg. 1-13, 1866-78. 26 v. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Jahresb.' ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. Med., Erlang.] Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen in der KriegsheUkunde im Jahre 1860-65. Wfirzburg. 8°. Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem Ge- biete des Militair-Sanitiitswesens. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-5, 1873-8. roy. 8°. Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologic. Tubingen. Jahrg. 1-8, 1870-77 (1872-80). 8°. Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Vereins ffir Naturkunde. Mann- heim. 32.-40., 1866-74 (1866-76). 8°. Jahresbericht des naturhistorischen Vereins m Passau. 1.-2., 1857-8; 4.-9., 1860-70. 8°. [Continued as: Ber. d. naturh. Ver. in Passau. ] Jahresberichte der schlesischen Gesellschaft ffir vaterliindische Kultur. Breslau. 45.-51., 1867-73; 53.-56., 1875-8. 8°. Jahresbericht des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. v. 1-13, 1863-76. 8°. [For title of v. 5-11, see Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz; for title of v. 12-13, see Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. ] Jahresbericht fiber die Verwaltung des Medicinalwesens, die Kran- kenanstalten und die dffentUchen Gesundheitsverhaltnisse der freien Stadt Frankfurt betreffend. Hrsg. von dem aerztlichen Verein. Frankfurt a. M. Jahrg. 1-22,1857-78(1859-79). roy. 8°. Jahresbericht fiber die Verwaltung des Medicinalwesens, die dffent- Uchen Krankenanstalten und den allgemeinen Gesundheitszu- stand des Kantons Zfirich in den Jahren 1852-69, nebst Mitthei- lungen aus der Praxis der Aerzte und Thierarzte, erstattet von der Direction der Medicinalangelegenheiten. Zurich, 1853-70. 8°. [A continuation of: Ber. d. Gsndhtsrath. ... in Zfirich.] Jahresbericht fiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen des Docto- ren-Collegiums der medizinischen Facultiit in Wien. Nos. 1-4, 1850-53. 8°. Jahresheffce des Vereins ffir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wfirt- temberg. Stuttgart. 6. year, 1850; 8. year, 1852; no. 3, 10. year, 1854; no. 3, 12. year, 1856; no. 1, 13. year, 1857. 8°. Jamaica (The) Physical Journal. Kingston, v. 1, 1834. 8°. Janus. Zeitschrift ffir Geschichte und Literatur der Medicin. Breslau. v. 1-3, 1846-8. 8°. [PubUcation resumed as the fol- lowing:] Janus. Central-Magazin fiir Geschichte und Literargesohichte der Medicin, iirztUche Biographik, Epidemiographik, medicinische Geographie und Statistik. Gotha. v. 1-2, 1851-3. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding. ] Jefferson Medical Association. [-See Med. Bull., Phila.] Jefferson Medical College. [-See Coll. & Clin. Rec, PhUa.] Jenaische Annalen fur Physiologie und Medicin. Jena, v 1-2 1849-51. 8°. ' Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Hrs«- von der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen GeseUschaft zu Jena. Leipzig, v. 1-7,1864-73. 8°. [For v. 8-13, see the fol- lowing:] [57] Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft. Leipzig, v. 8-13, 1874-9. 8°. [For v. 1-7, see the preceding, v. 8-13 also caUed n. s., v. 1-6.] Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Studies from the biologi- cal laboratory, session 1878-9. Baltimore. No. 2, 1880. 8°. JuUus-Hospitale zu Wfirzburg. [-See Ann. d. klin. Anst. in d. JuUus-Hosp. zu Wiirzb. ] K. Kansas City M. J. Kansas City M. & S. Rev. Kansas City Rev. Sc & Indust. Kansas M. Index, Fort Scott. Kentucky M. Recorder, Louis- ville. Kin-Le I-Letzu, Yedo. Kl. Schrift, d. naturf. GeseUsch. zu Emden. Klin. Beitr. z. Gynaek., Bresl. Klin. Mitth. v. d. med. Abth. d. Allg. Krankenh. in Hamb. Kaiserlich deutsches Gesundheitsamt. [-See Veroffentl. d.k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl.] KaiserUch-kdnigUche GeseUschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. [-See Anz. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. Also: Med. Jahrb., Wien. Also : Verhandl. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. Also: Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien.] KaiserUch-kdnigUche Krankenanstalt Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien. [-See Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien.] KaiserUch-konigliches aUgemeines Krankenhaus zu Prag. [-See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag.] Kaiserlich-kdnigliches allgemeines Krankenhaus zu Wien. [-See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. aUg. Krankenh. zu Wien.] Kaiserlich-kdnigliches Bezirks-Krankenhaus Wieden. [-See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Bezuks-Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Also: Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, Wien.] KaiserUch-konigliches Krankenhaus Wieden. [-See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Also: Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenh. Wieden, Wien.] Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-natur- wissenschaftliche Classe. Wien. [-See Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien.] Kansas City (The) Medical Journal. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1-5, 1871-5. 8°. Kansas City (The) Medical and Surgical Review. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1, 1860. 8°. Kansas (The) City Review of Science and Industry. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1-3, 1877-80. 8°. [Title of v. 1, and nos. 1-4, v. 2, was: West. Rev. Sc. & Indust., Kansas City.] Kansas (The) Medical Index. A monthly journal, devoted to medicine, surgery, and allied sciences. Fort Scott, Kansas. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. 8°. KayserUche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Petersburg. [-See Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Petersb., Riga.] Kentucky Medical Recorder. Louisville. [Title of n. s., v. 3, Sept., 1853-June, 1854, of: Transylv. M. J.] Kentucky State Medical Society. [-See Proc Kentucky M. Soc. Also: Tr. Kentucky M. Soc] Kieler physiologisches Institut. [-See Arb. a. d. Kieler physiol. Inst.] Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn. [-See Rep. Kings Co. Hosp., Brooklyn.] Kin-Le I-Letzu. [Tho Modern Medical News. Edited by Stuart Eldridge, M. D. Japanese text. ] Yedo. Nos. 1-3, v. 1,1874. 8°. Kleine Schriften der naturforschenden GeseUschaft zu Emden. Nos. 16-18, 1872, 1875, 1879. 8°. Klinisch-chirurgisches Institut auf der Univcrsitiit zu Breslau. [-See Ann. d. klin.-chir. Inst. a. d. Univ. zu Bresl.] KUnische Beitrage zur Gynaekologic Breslau. v. 1, 1862-5. 8°. KUnische Mittheilungen von der medicinischen Abtheilung des AUgemeinen Krankonhauses in Hamburg aus dem Jahre 1858 bis 1863. Hamburg. 5 nos. 8°. [58] Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., HaUe. Kliniek, Utrecht. Konigsb. med. Jahrb. Kozeg. 6s Torveny. Orvos., Bu- dapest. Kong. med. Selsk. Skr., Kjp- benh. Kong. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 19. Aarh., Throndhjem. Kong. Sundhedskol. Aarsb., Kjp- benh. KUnische Monatsbliitter fiir Augenheilkunde. v. 1-17, 1863-79. 8°. [Want v. 3,1865. Published at different periods at Erlangen, Stuttgart, Rostock, and Cassel. ] KUnische Schule an der Entbindungsanstalt zu Wfirzburg. [-See Ann. d. klin. Schule an d. Entbind.-Anst. zu Wiirzb., Leipz.] KUnische Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie und Augenheilkunde. Halle. v. 1, 1836-7. 8°. Kliniek. Tijdsehrift voor wetenschappeUjke Geneeskunde. Utrecht, v. 1-4, 1844-9. 8°. Kdn. gyniikol. Universitiits-Klinik zu Konigsberg in Preussen. [-See Ber. ii. d. Ereign. in d. k. gynak. Univ.-KUn. zu Konigsb.] Konigl. MecUzinal-Collegium zu Posen. [-See San.-Ber. d. k. Med.- Coll. zu Posen f. 1830.] Kdniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. [-See Sitzungsb. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen. Also: Sitzungsb. d. math. phys. CI. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. zu Miinchen. ] KonigUch-bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Prag. [See Jahresb. d. k.-bdhm. GeseUsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Also: Sitzungsb. d. k.-bdhm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag.] KdnigUch klinisches Institut am St. Jakobshospitale in Leipzig. [-See Ann. d. k. klin. Inst, am St. Jakobshosp. in Leipz.] Kdniglich preussisches statistisches Bureau. [-See Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bureau, Berl.] Kdniglich rheinisches Medicinal-CoUegium. [-See Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., Koblenz.] Kdniglich siichsischer MiUtair-Sanitiits-Dienst. [See Veroffentl. a. d. k. siichs. Mil.-San.-Dienst, Berl.] Kdniglich-sachsisches Entbindungs-Institut in Dresden. [-See Ber. . . . a. d. k.-siichs. Entbind.-Inst, in Dresd., Leipz.] Koniglich-sachsisches statistisches Bureau. [-See Ztschr. d. k.- sachs. statist. Bureau, Dresd.] Kdnigliche Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. [-See Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha.] Kdnigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Au- gust's-Universitat. [See Nachr. v. d. k. GeseUsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg -Aug.-Univ., Gotting.] Konigsberger medicinische Jahrhiicher. Hrsg. von dem Verein fiir wissenschaftUche Heilkunde zu Konigsberg. v. 1-4, 1858- 64. 8°. [v. 4 pubUshed in Danzig.] Konigsberger physiologisches Laboratorium. [-See Mitth. a. d. Konigsb. physiol. Lab.] Kozegeszsegfigy es Tdrvenyszeki Orvostan. Melieklet az Orvosi hetilap. Budapest, 1876-9. 4°. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs. [-See Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kj0benh.] Kongelige (Det) medicinske Selskabs Skrifter. Ny Roekke f0rste Bind indeholdende de permanente Comiteers Arbeider i Aarene 1846 og 1847. Kj0benhavn. 1 v. 4°. Kongelige (Det) Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter i det 19. Aarhundrede. Throndhjem. v. 2-7; nos. 1, 2, v. 8. 1824-75 4° and 8°. Kongelige (Det) Snndhedskollegiums Aarsberetning, 1843-77. Kj0benhavn. 8°. Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Let- terkunde en schooue Kunsten, te Amsterdam. [-See Genees- heel- . . . Verhandel. v. h. k.-nederl. Inst. Amst. ] wetensch., etc., Komnkhjke Akademie van Wetenschappen. [ -See Jaarb. v de Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst. Also: Proc-verb. v. de vergad d k. Akad. y. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk., Amst. Also: Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst. Also: Versl. . . . d. k. Akad v. Wetensch., Afd.,Natuurk., Amst.] Krankenhaus zu Miinchen. [-See Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen. ] ° [59] Krit. BI. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Med., Leipz. Krit. Jahrb. z. Verbreit. ... in d. Geburtsh., Leipz. Krit. Repert. Berl. f. d. ges. Heilk., Kritische Blatter fiir wissenschaftUche und praktische Medicin. [Wochenschrift.] Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1866-7. 4°. Kritisches Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung der neuesten Entdeckungen und Befdrderung der Auf kliirung in der Geburtshfilfe; nebst An- zeige der neuesten wichtigsten Schrifteii dieser Wissenschaft. Leipzig, v. 1, 1802. 8°. Kritisches Repertorium fur die gesammte Heilkunde. Berlin. v. 1-32, 1823-33. 8°. [Continued as: Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.] Kurmarkischer Hiilfsverein ffir Geisteskranke [-See Jahresb. d. kurmiirk. Hfilfsver. f. Geisteskr.,Neustadt-Eberswaldc] Ii. Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk. Lancet, Lond. Lancet, Tiel. Lancette beige, Brux. Leavenworth M. Herald. Leistung. u. Fortschr. d. Med. in Deutschl., Berl. Lens, Chicago. Liguria med., Genova. Lit. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl. Liverpool Health of Towns' Ad- voc Liverpool M. & S. Rep. Laitopise khirurgicheskago Obshestva v Moskvai. v. 1, 1873-5. roy. 8°. Lancet (The). A journal of British and foreign medical and chemical science, criticism, literature and news. London. 113 v., Oct. 5, 1823-79. 8° and 4°. Lancet (Het). Maandschrift voor practische Genees-, Heel- en Verloskunde. Tiel. v. 1-8,1860-67; n. s., v. 1-12,1868-79. 8'J. Lancette (La) beige. Bruxelles. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Lancette (La) francaise : gazette des hdpitaux civils et militaires. Paris. Nos. 87-100, v. 2, Jan. 9-Feb. 9, 1830; v. 3-12, 1830-38; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1839-48; 3. s. [v. 23-52], 1849-79. 4C. and fol. [-See Gwz. d. h6p., Par. -See, also, Introductory remarks, in rela- tion to ihis title.'] Landes-Medicinal-Collegium im Konigreich Sachsen. [-See Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll., etc., Dresd.] Leavenworth (The) Medical Herald. A monthly mirror of the medi- cal sciences, v. 1-3, 1867-70. 8°. [v. 4-5, title as follows:] Leavenworth (The) Medical Herald and Journal of Pharmacy, v. 4-5, 1870-72. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding, and suc- ceeded by: Med. Herald, Leavenworth. ] Leistungen (Die) und Fortschritte der Medizin in Deutschland im Jahre 1832. [Also years 1833-6 inclusive.] Berlin, v. 1-5. 8°. Lens (The); a quarterly journal of microscopy and tho allied natu- ral sciences; with the transactions of tho State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1872-3. 8°. Library of Practical Medicine. Philadelphia. [-See Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila,] Liguria (La) medica. Giornale di scienze mediche e naturali. Genova. v. 1-15, 1856-70. 8°. [In 1871, united with: FiUatre- sebezio, Napoli, forming: N. Liguria med., Genova.] Literarv and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. [-See Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Liverp.] Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. [-See Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester. Also: Proc. Lit. & PhU. Soc. Man- chester. ] Litterarische Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Berlin, v. 1- 24,1825-32. 8°. [Continuedas: Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.] Little Rock and Pulaski County Medical Association. [-See Tr. Little Rock & Pulaski Co. M. Ass.] Liverpool Health of Towns' Association. [-See J. Pub. Health, Lond. Also: Liverpool Health of Towns'Advoc ] Liverpool (The) Health of Towns' Advocate, published under the sanction of the Committee of the Liver-pool Health of Towns' Association. Nos. 1-19, 1845-7. 8°. [-See, also, J. Pub. Health, Lond.] Liverpool (The) Medical and Surgical Reports. London, v. 1-5, 1867-71. 8C. [In 1873, amalgamated with: Manchester M. & S. Rep., forming: Liverpool & Manchester M. & S. Rep.] [60] Liverpool & Manchester M. & S. Rep. Liverpool M.-Chir. J. Lond., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc. Lond. Hosp. Rep. Lond. J. M. Lond. M. Exam. Lond. M. Gaz. Lond. M. J. Lond. M: & Phys. J. Lond. M. Rec. Lond. M. Reposit. Lond. M. Rev. Lond. M. Rev. Lond. M. Rev. Lond. M. Rev. & Mag. Lond. M. & S. J. Lond. M., S., & Pharm. Reposit. Lond. Student. Louisville J. M. & S. Liverpool (The) and Manchester Medical and Surgical Reports. Manchester. Liverpool, v. 1-5, 1873-7. 8°. [Formed by amalgamation of: Liverpool M. & S. Rex>. with: Manchester M. &S. Rep.] Liverpool (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal, a record of practical medicine and surgery. Liverpool, v. 1-2; no. 1, v. 3,1857-9. 8°. London (The), Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. London. 3. s., v. 36-37, 1850; 4. s., v. 1- 18, 1851-9; v. 29-46, 1865-73. 8°. London (The) and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Edinburgh, v. 1-20, 1841-55. 8°. [Want pp. 259, 260, 547- 556, v. 2 (in March and in June, 1842). Nos. 1-8, v. 1, Jan.- Aug., 1841, title: Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc. After v. 4, 1844, title: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. In July, 1846, North. J. M., Edinb., merg\ed in this journal. In v. 20, title: Month. J. M., Lond. In July, 1855, united with: Edinb. M. & S. J., forming: Edinb. M. J.] London (Tho) Hospital. [-See CUn. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp.] London Hospital. The reports of the medical and surgical regis- trars for 1875. London. 8°. London Journal of Medicine. A monthly record of the medical sciences. London. Nos. 1-46, forming v. 1-4 (bound in 8 v.), 1849-52. 8°. [Incorporated with new weekly series of: Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., forming: Assoc M. J., Lond.] London Medical Examiner, Monthly Review and Statistical Journal of Practical Medicine, v. 1; nos. 1-11, v. 2, 1850- 52. 8°. London (The) Medical Gazette; a weekly journal of medicine and tho collateral sciences. London, v. 1-48, 1827-51. 8°. [In 1852 united with: Med. Times, Lond., forming: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.] London (The) Medical Journal, v. 1-11,1781-90. 8°. [-See Med. Facts & Obs., Lond., for continuation.] London (The) Medical and Physical Journal. London, v. 33-55, 1815-June, 1826; n. s., v. 1-14, July, 1826-33. 8°. [Want Dec, 1830 (in v. 9, n. s.); also, pp. 145-152, v. 14, n. s. (Feb., 1833). A continuation of: Med. & Phys. J., Lond.] London (The) Medical Record. A review of the progress of medi- cine, surgery, obstetrics and the allied sciences, v. 1-7, 1873-9. 8C. [Title of nos. 1-6, v. 1, was: Med. Rec, Lond.] London (The) Medical Repository. Monthly Journal and Review. v. 2-20, 1814-23; n. s., v. 1-3, Jan., 1824-June, 1825; n. s., [3.]. v. 1-6, July, 1825-June, 1828. 8°. [Continuation of: Lond. M., S. & Pharm. Reposit. Continued as: Lond. M. & S. J.] London (The) Medical Review, v. 1-2, 1808-9. 8°. London (The) Medical Review. [Title of v. 7-8 of: Lond. M. Rev. & Mag.] London (The) Medical Review: or monthly journal of medical and surgical science, v. 1-3, July, 1860-June, 1863. 8°. [Want no. for Jan., 1862 (in v. 2).] London (The) Medical Review and Magazine, by a society of phy- sicians and surgeons, v. 1-8, 1799-1802. 8°. [v. 7-8. title- Lond. M. Rev.] ' London (The) Medical and Surgical Journal: exhibiting a view of the improvements and discoveries in the various branches of medical science, v. 1-2, nos. 1-3, v. 3, July, 1828-Sept., 1829: [n. s.], v. 1-5, 6, 6*, 7, 7% 8-10, 12, Feb. 5, 1832-Dec 16 1837! 8°. [A continuation of: Lond. M. Reposit.] London (The) Medical, Surgical, and Pharmaceutical Repository, Monthly Journal and Review, v. 1,1814. 8°. [Continued as: Lond. M. Rexiosit.] London (The) Student. Nos. 1-5, v. 1,1868. 8°. Louisiana State Medical Association. [-See Proc. Louisiana M Ass.] LouisvUle (Tho) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Nos. 1-2, v. 1 t8??' *8™ ^ «Jan'' 1840' revived> and consolidated with: West! J.M.&llrys. Sc, Cincin.,forming: West. J.M. &S.,Louisville.] [61] Louisville M. Gaz. Louisville M. J. Louisville M. News. LouisvUle M. Reporter, Hender- son. Louisville Rev. Lucania med., Potenza. Lucina. Lyon med. Louisville (The) Medical Gazette. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, 1859. 8°. Louisville Medical Journal. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1860. 8°. Louisville (The) Medical News; a weekly journal of medicine and surgery, v. 1-8, ls7(i-9. 8°. Louisville (The) Medical Reporter; a weekly journal. Henderson, Ky. No. 1, v. 1, 1874. 8°. Louisville (The) Review. A bi-monthly journal of practical medi- cine and surgerv. Ed. by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. v. 1, 1856. 8°. * [A continuation of: West. J. M. & S., Louis- ville. In Jan., 1857, united with: Med. Exam., Phila., forming: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila.] Lucania (La) medica. Giornale degl'interessi scientifici e profes- sional! della classe medico-lucana. Potenza. v. 1-2, 1873-4. 8U. Lucina. Eine Zeitschrift zur Vervollkommnung der Entbindungs- kunst. Leipzig, 1802-8. Marburg, 1809-11. v. 1-6, 1802-11. 8°. [Continued as: J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M.] Lyceum of Natural History of New York. [-See Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y.] Lyon medical: Gazette medicale, et Journal de medecine, reunis. Lyon. v. 1-32, 1869-79. 8°. m. Madras Month. J. M. Sc. Madras Q. J. M. Sc. Madras Q. M. J. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz. Mag. f. Geburtsh., Leipz. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Berl. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk., Sten- dal. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. Mag. f. d. ges. Thierh., Berl. Mag. f. d. n. Entdeck. in d. ges. Naturk., Berl. Mag. f. d. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Altona. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. Maandblad voor Natuur-Wetenschappen. [-See Werk. v. h. Genoot- sch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst.] Maatschappij ter bevordering der veeartsenijkunde in Nederland. [-See Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Amst.] McDowell Medical Society. EvansvUle, Ind. [-See Tr. McDoweU M. Soc., EvansvUle. ] Madras Government Lying-in Hospital. [-See Med. Rep. Madras Gov. Lying-in Hosp. ] Madras (The) Monthly Journal of Medical Science, v. 1-7, 1870- 73. 8°. [A continuation of the following :] Madras (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. Madras. v. 1-12, July, 1860-Mar., 1868; 2. s., v. 1, 1868-9. 8°. [Con- tinued as the preceding.] Madras (The) Quarterly Medical Journal. Madras, v. 1-6,1839- 44. 8°. Magazin vor Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1775-8. 8°. [Continued as: N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz. ] Magazin fiir Geburtshelfer. Leipzig u. Frankf. v. 1, 1794. 8°. Magazin ffir die gerichtUche Arzneiwissenschaft. BerUn. v. 1-2, 1831-2. 8°. [Continuedas: Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz.] Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medizinische Polizei. Stendal. v. 1-4, 1782-8. 8°. [Title of v. 3-4, 1785-8, was : N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal.] Magazin ffir die gesammte Heilkunde mit besonderer Rficksicht auf das Militair-Sanitats-Wesen im kdniglich-preussischen Staate. . Berlin, v. 1-24,1816-27 ; n. F., v. 25-66, 1827-48. 8°. Magazin ffir die gesammte Thierheilkunde. Berlin, v. 1-40,1835-74. 8°. [Continued as : Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl.] Magazin fiir die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammten Na- turkunde. [Gesellschaft naturforschonder Freunde zu Berlin. ] BerUn. v. 1-5, 1807-11. 4°. Magazin ffir die pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. Al- tona. Hft. 1, 1796. 8°. Magazin fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelen- kunde. Wfirzburg. v. 1-10, 1829-33. 8°. [After 1832, v. 8- 10, title: N. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. Continued in 1834 as : Arch. f. Psychol., Heidelb.] Magazin ffir Physiologie und Medizin. Frankfurt a. M. [Addi- tional title of v. 8-10, 1803-9, of: Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M.] [62] Mag. f. physiol. u. klin. Arz- nmttU. u. Toxikol., Leipz. Mag. f. spec Therap. u. Klin., Jena. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. Med., Frankf. a. M. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneyw., Got- ting. Magy. orv. 6s term.-vizsg., Pest. Maine M. & S. Reporter, Port- land. Manchester M. & S. Rep. MarseUle me'd. Maryland M. J., Bait. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait. Maryland M. & S. J., Bait. Maryland & Virg. M. J., Rich- mond. MarysvUle M. & S. Reporter, San Fran. Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk. Magazin fiir physiologische und kUnische ArzneimitteUehre und Toxikologie von J. Frank. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1845-54. 8°. Magazin fiir specielle Therapie und Klinik, nach den Grundsiitzen der Erregungstheorie. Jena. v. 1-2,1802-3. 8°. [v. 2, title as follows:] Magazin fiir specielle Therapie, Klinik und Staatsarzneikunde. [Title of v. 2 of preceding. ] Magazin fur die Staatsarzneikunde. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1842-6. 8°. [In 1846, united with: Ann. d. Staatsarznk., forming: Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br.] Magazin zur Vervollkommnnng der theoretischen und praktischen Heilkunde. Frankfurt am Main. v. 1-10, 1799-1809. sm. 8°. [Title of v. 6-10, 1801-9, was: Mag. z. Vervollk. d. Med., Frankf. a. M. v. 8-10, 1803-9, title, also: Magazin fiir Physiologie und Medizin, Frankf. a. M.] Magazin zur Vervollkommnung der Medizin. Frankfurt a. M. [Title of v. 6-10, 1801-9, of: Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M.] Magazin fiir die Wundarzneywissenschaft. Gdttingen. v. 1-3,1797- 1803. 8°. [v. 3, title: AUg. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneyw., Gotting.] Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgaldk . . . gyiiiesenek munkala- tai. Pest. 1., 1841. 8°. 8., 1847 (published in 1863); 13., 1869; 15., 1871; 17., 1875. 4°. Mahoning County Medical Association. [-See "The Transactions", Youngstown, Ohio.] Maine Medical Association. [-See Rec. Maine M. Ass., Portland. Also: Tr. Maine M. Ass.] Maine (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Portland. Nos. 1- 11, v. 1, 1858-9. 8°. Manchester (The) Medical and Surgical Reports. Manchester. v. 1-2,1870-71. 8°. [In 1873 amalgamated with: Livorpool M. & S. Rep., forming: Liverpool & Manchester M. & S. Rep.] Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association. [-See Rep. Man- chester & Salford San. Ass.] Manicomio di Palermo. [-See Pisani, Palermo.] Mannheimer Verein fiir Naturkunde. [-See Jahresb. d. Mannh. Ver. f. Naturk.] Marion County Medical Society. [-See Oregon M. J., Salem.] Marseille medical. (Ancienne Union medicale de la Provence.) Or- gane officiel de la Societe de medecine. Marseille, v. 6-16,1869- 79. 8°. [Title of v. 1-5 was: Union medicale de la Provence. ] Maryland Academy of Science and Literature. [-See Tr. Maryland Acad. Sc. &Lit.] Maryland Medical Journal. Baltimore, v. 1-6, 1877-80. 8°. Maryland (The) Medical Recorder. Devoted to medical science in general. Baltimore, v. 1-3, 1829-32. 8°. Maryland (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Official Organ of the Medical Department of the Army and Navy of the United States. Published under the auspices of the Medical and Chi- rurgical Faculty of Maryland. Baltimore, v. 1-3, 1840-43. 8°. Maryland (The) and Virginia Medical Journal. Richmond, v. 14-16, 1860-61. 8°. [For v. 1-13, see Virginia M. & S. J., Rich- mond (v. 1-5), and Virginia M. J., Richmond (v. 6-13).] MarysvUle (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. San Francisco. No. 1, v. 1, 1858. 8°. Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society. [-See Pub. Mass. Eclect. M. Soc] Massachusetts Medical Society. [-See Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Also : Pub. Mass. M. Soc, Bost.] Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. [-See Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc] MateriaUen fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heil- kunde. Jena, 1800-1809. Meiningen, 1819-24. Samml. 1-11 (in 5 v.), 1800-1824. 8°. [Samml. 9-11, 1819-24, also called: Neue Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk., Meiningen.] [63] Med. Advance, Detroit. Med. Aehronlese, Osnabruck. Med. Aim., Berl. Med. Ann., Albany. Med. Ann., Heidelb. Med. Arch., St. Louis. Med. Arch., Stockholm. Med. Argos, Leipz. Med. BibUoth., Gotting. Med. Brief. Med. Briefwechsel, HaUe. Med. Bull., Bait. Med. Bull., PhUa. Med. u. chir. Berl. wchntl. Nachr. Med. Chi on., Montreal. Med. Chronik, Wien. Medical (The) Advance, an illustrated quarterly journal of medi- cine and the allied sciences. Detroit, v. 3, 1879. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: West. M. Advance, Detroit.] Medicinische Aehrcnlesc Eine Zeitschrift fur die wissenschaftlich- practische Gesammtheilkundc Osnabruck. Jahrg. 1-10, 1856- 65. 3 v. 8°. Medicinischcr Almanach ffir die Jahre 1836-61; 1871; 1875-6. Berlin. 29 v. 8°. [Title of vols, for 1847 et seq. was: Sachs' medicinischer Almanach.] Medical (The) Annals: A journal of the Medical Society of the County of Albany. Albany. No. 1, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Medicinische Annalen, eine Zeitschrift heraiisgegeben von den Mitgliedern der grossherzoglich-badischen Stanitats-Commission in Carlsruhe und den Vorstehern der medicinischen, chirurgi- schen und geburtshiilflichen Anstalten in Heidelberg, F. A. B. Puchelt, M. J. Chelius und F. C. Niigele. Heidelberg, v. 1-13, 1835-47. 8°. [A continuation of: Heidelb. klin. Ann.] Medical (The) Archives. St. Louis. boldtM. Arch., St. Louis.] Medicinskt Archiv utgifvet af liikame vid Carolinska Institutet i Stockholm, v. 1-3, 1863-8. 8°. [v. 3 contains, also, Tillagg- shiifte, 170 pp., called no. 1, v. 4. Continued as: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm.] 8°. [Title of v. 3-9 of: Hum- r. 1-6, 1839-45. 8°. [Title of v. [See Tr. M. [-See Proc. M. Ass. [-See Tr. M. Ass. [See Tr. M. & Phys. Gottingen. Medicinischer Argos, Leipzig. 6: Argos, Leipz.] Medical Association of Southern Central New York Ass. South. Central N. Y.] Medical Association of the State of Alabama. Alabama. Also, Tr. M. Ass. Alabama.] Medical Association of the State of Missouri Missouri. ] Medical and Physical Society of Bengal Soc. Bengal, Calcutta.] Medicinische Bibliothek, hrsg. von J. F. Blumenbach v. 1-3, 1783-95. 12°. Medical (The) Brief. A rnouthly journal of practical medicine, chemistry, and pharmacy for physicians and druggists. Wilson, N. C. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-7, July, 1873-9. 8°. [Want Nov., 1873-Dec, 1875. After 1876 published in St. Louis, Mo.] Medicinischer Briefwechsel, von einer Gesellschaft Aerzte heraus- gegeben. Halle. Pts. 1-2, 1785-6. 8°. Medical (The) Bulletin. A journal of medicine and surgery. Bal- timore, v. 1-2, 1868-70. fol. [Want no. 24, v. 1; nos. 21-24, v. 2. In 1871, merged in: Bait. M. J.] Medical (The) Bulletin. A journal for physicians and students. Edited and published by the Jefferson Medical Association. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1879.' 8°. Medicinische und chirurgische Berlinische wdchentliche Nachrich- ten von D. Samuel Schaarschmidt, nebst einer Vorrede von D. Friedrich Hoffmannus. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1738-40 (1742). 4°. Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. [-See Maryland M. & S. J., Bait. Also: Proc. M. & Chir. Fac, Maryland. Also: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac, Maryland.] Medical (The) Chronicle; or Montreal monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Montreal, v. 1-6, 1853-9. 8°. Medicinische Chronik. Wien. v. 1-3, 1793-4. 8°. Medical (The) Circular. A journal of practical medicine, surgery, and therapeutics. London. [A new series, in Jan., 1864, of: Med. Circ, Lond.] Medical (The) Circular. A weekly journal and retrospect of medi- cal progress. London. [Title of v. 14-19 of the foUowing:] [64] Med. Circ, Lond. Med. y ciruj. centro-am., Guate- mala. Med. Comment., Lond. Med. communale, Seregno. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Med. Communicat., Lond. Med. contemp., MUano. Med. contemp., Par. Med. Convers.-Bl., HUdburgh. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg. Med. CounseUor, Columbus. Med. Counselor, Chicago. Med. Critic & Psych. J., Lond. Med. Denkwrdgktn., Berl. Med. eclairee. Par. Med. Eclect., N. Y. Med. Enquirer, Liverp. Med. Ephem. v. Berl. Med. Essays, Bureau M. & S., U. S. Navy, Wash. Med. Essays & Obs. Soc. Edinb. Medical (The) Circular and General Medical Advertiser: a register of the sayings and doings of the medical profession. London. v. 1-27, 1852-65. 8° and 4°. [With v. 14, title changed to the preceding ; with v. 20, to that of the following; with v. 24, Jan., 1864, a new series commenced, title: Medical (The) Circular. A journal of practical medicine, surgery, and therapeutics. In Jan., 1866, consolidated with: Dublin M. Press, forming: Med. Press & Circ, Lond.] Medical (The) Circular and Journal of Practical Medicine and Sur- gery. London. [Title of v. 20-23 of the preceding.] Medico (El) y cirujano centro-americano. PubUcacion mensual de medicina, cirujia y los ramos colaterales. Guatemala. No. 1, v. 1, 1880. 4°. Medical Commentaries, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Collected and published by Andrew Duncan. London. [Title of v. 7 et seq. of: Med. & Phil. Comment., Lond.] Medicina (La) communale. Giornale popolare di scienze mediche applicate al prosperamento fisico-inteUettuale-morale delle molti- tudini. Organo del comitato medico del circondario di Monza. Seregno. v. 1-3, 1863-5; v. 12-18, 1873-9. 8°. Medical Communications of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, v. 1, 1790-1808; v. 2, 1809-13; v. 3, 1822; v. 4, 1829; v. 5-11, 1836-74; nos. 1-5, v. 12, 1875-9. 8°. Medical Communications [of the Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge]. London, v. 1-2, 1784-90. 8°. Medicina (La) contemporanea; nuova rivista itaUana e straniera. Milano. v. 1-4, 1878-9. 8°. Medecine (La) contemporainc Paris, v. 16-20, 1874-8. 8°. Medical Convention of Ohio. [-See Proc. M. Convent., Ohio.] Medicinisches Conversationsblatt. HUdburghausen. v. 1-3, 1830- 32. 4°. Medicinisches Correspondenz-Blatt bayerischer Aerzte. Erlangen. v. 1-11, 1840-50. 8°. Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt rheinischer und westfaUscher Aerzte. Bonn. v. 1-4, 1842-5. 4°. Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt des wtirttembergischen arztli- chen Vereins. Stuttgart, v. 1-49, 1832-79. 4°. Medical (The) Counsellor: a weekly gazette of the medical and physical sciences. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1-2, 1855-6. 8°. [Ohio (The) Medical Gazette was running title of this journal.] Medical (The) Counselor. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1879-80. 8°. Medical (The) Critic and Psychological Journal. Edited by Forbes Winslow. London, v. 1-3, 1861-3. 8°. [A continuation of: J. Psych. M., Lond. Continued as: J. Psych. M., Lond.] Medicinische Denkwfirdigkeiten aus der Vergange iIkm " und Gegen- wart; ffir praktische Aerzte in monatlichen Lie:erungen hrsg. von Dr. Albert Sachs. Berlin, v. 1, 1834. 8°. Medecine (La) eclairee par les sciences physiques, ou journal des decouvertes relatives aux differentes parties de l'art de eudrir. Paris, v. 1-4, 1791-2. 8°. fe Medical (The) Eclectic; devoted to reformed medicine, general science, and literature. New York. v. 1-6, 1873-9. 8°/ [Title in 1878-9, was: New York (The) Medical Eclectic] ' Medical (The) Enquirer: a monthly journal and review. Organ of the National Medical Association for the abolition of the State regulation of prostitution. Liverpool, v. 1-4,1875-9. 40. [v. 4 is also caUed new series, and it became quarterly.] Medicinischo Ephemeriden von Berlin, v. 1, 1799-1800. 12°. Medical Essays: compiled from reports to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery by Medical Officers of the U. S. Navy. Washington. v. 1, 1872. 8°. 6 Medical Essays and Observations. Revised and published bv a society in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, v. 1-5, 1733-44. 8°. [65] Med. Exam., Chicago. Med. Exam., Lond Med. Exam., PhUa. Med. Facts & Obs., Lond. Med. Gaz., N. Y. Med. Gaz., N. Y. Med. Herald, Leavenworth. Med. Herald, LouisvUle. Med. Indep., Detroit. Med. Invest., Chicago. Med. J., Chemnitz. Med. J. v. Baldinger, Gotting. Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh. Med. J. v. Tode, Kopenh. Med. Jahrb., Wien. Med. Jahrb., Wien. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nas- sau, Wiesb. Medical (The) Examiner. A semi-monthly journal of medical sci- ence, devoted to the educational, scientific, and practical inte- rests of the medical profession. Chicago, v. 13-16, 1872-5. 4°. [Continuation of: Chicago M. Exam. In Sept., 1875, united with: Chicago M. J., forming: Chicago M. J. cV Exam.] Medical (The) Examiner. London, v. 1-4,1876-Sept. 12,1878. 4°. Medical (The) Examiner. Philadelphia, v. 1-7,1838-44; n. s., v. 1-12,1845-56. roy. 8° and 8°. [Want no. 23, v. 7, Nov. 16,1844. In Jan., 1857, united with: LouisvUle Rev., forming: N. Am. M.- Chir. Rev., Phila. -See, also, the two foUowing:] Medical (The) Examiner and Record of Medical Science. Phila- delphia. [Title of v. 7, and n. s., v. 1-12, of the preceding.] Medical (The) Examiner and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia. [Title of v. 5-6 of: Med. Exam., PhUa.] Medical Facts and Observations. A sequel to The London Medical Journal. London, v. 1-8, 1791-1800. 8°. Medical (The) Gazette. (Formerly Hospital Gazette.) New York. v. 1-6; nos. 1-15, v. 7, 1876-80. 4°. [Title of v. 1 and nos. 1-5, v. 2, was: Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. Title of v. 2-5, 1877-9, was: Hosp. Gaz. & Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. Title of v. 6, March-Dec, 1879, was: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y.] Medical (The) Gazette. A weekly review of practical medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. New York. v. 1-6; nos. 1-6, v. 7; 1807- 71. 4°. Medical (The) Herald. Leavenworth, v. 6-9, 1872-5. 8°. [A continuation of: Leavenworth M. Herald.] Medical (The) Herald. LouisvUle, Ky. v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. Medical (The) Independent. A monthly review of medicine and surgery, and journal of microscopical science. Detroit. [Title of nos. 2-6, v. 2, and nos. 1-3, v. 3, of the following:] Medical (The) Independent and Monthly Review of Medicine and Surgery. Detroit, v. 1-3, 1856-8. 8°. [In April, 1858, united with: Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., forming: Penins. & In- dep. M. J., Detroit. -See, also, the preceding.] Medical (The) InteUigencer. [-See title-page of: Boston M. InteUig. ] Medical (The) Investigator. (Homoeopathic) Chicago. Nos. 1-9, v. 2, 1861; n. s., v. 1-11, 1863-74. 8°. [In 1875 united with: U. States M. & S. J., Chicago, forming: U. States M. Invest., Chicago. ] Medicinisches Journal fiber aUerhand in die Arzneywissenschaft und deren Ausfibung einschlagende Materien. Chemnitz. Theil 1-5, 1767-70. 8°. Medicinisches Journal von C. G. Baldinger. Gottingen. v. 1-9, 1784-96. 8°. [Continued as: N. med. u. phys. J., Marb.] Medical (The) Journal of North Carolina. Published under the auspices of the State Medical Society, by Edward Warren, editor. Edenton, 1858-60; Raleigh, 1861. v. l-3», 3b, Aug., 1858-Nov., 1861. 8°. Medicinisches Journal von D. Johann Clemens Tode. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1793-1804. 8°. [v. 3-5, 1798-1804, title: Med.-chir. J., Kopenh.] Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche GeseUschaft zu Jena. {-See Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz.] Medicinische GeseUschaft zu Leipzig. [-See Ber. ii. d. wissensch. Vortr. d. med. GeseUsch. zu Leipz. Also: Verhandl. d. med. GeseUsch. zu Leipz. ] Medizinische Jahrhiicher. Zeitschrift der k. k. GeseUschaft der Aerzte in Wien. v. 1-20, 1861-70. 8°. [A continuation of: Ztschr. d. k.-k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, and continued as the foUowing:] Medizinische Jahrhiicher. Hrsg. von der k. k. GeseUschaft der Aerzte. Wien. v. 1-9,187J.-9 8°. [A continuation of the pre- ceding. ] Medicinische Jahrhiicher ffir das Ilerzogthum Nassau. Auf Auf- trag der Landes-Regierung. Wiesbaden. Hft. 1-23, 1843-6(5. 10 v. 8^. [5] [66] Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staa- tes, Wien. Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls- Hosp. in St. Petersb. Med. Lit. f. pract. Aerzte, Leipz. Med. Mag., Bost. Med. Mirror, Lond. Med. Miss. Soc. in China, Lond. Med. Museum, Lond. Med. Nat.-Ztg. f. Deutschl., Al- tenb. Med. Neuigk., Erlang. Med. News & Abstr., PhUa. Med. News & Libr., PhUa. Med. Obozr., Mosk. Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. med. konfer. v Mosk.) Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Moskov. med. Obsh.) Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk.) Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. phiz.-med. Obsh. v Mosk.) Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond. Med. otchet rodovsp. zaved. Imp. Moskov. Vosp. Doma. Med. & Phil. Comment., Lond. Medicinische Jahrhiicher des kaiserl. konigl. dsterreichischen Staates. Hrsg. von den Directoren und Professoren des Stu- diums der Heilkunde, an der Universitat zu Wien. v. 1-6,1811- 21; n. F., v. 1-3, 1822-8; n. F., v. l-.r>7, 1829-48. 66 v. 8°. [In lf-29, Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, merged in this journal. -Sec, also, Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien.] Medicinischer Jahresbericht vom Peter-Pauls-Hospitale in St. Pe- tersburg fiir die Jahre 1840 und 1841, von II. Thielmann. St. Petersburg. 1843. 8°. Medicinischo Litcratur fiir practische Aerzte. 1-12, 1781-7. 8°. Leipzig. TheU Medical (The) Magazine. Boston, v. 1-3, 1832-5. 8°. Medical (The) Mirror. literature and news. A monthly magazine of current medical London, v. 1-7, 1864-70. 8° and 4°. Medical (The) Missionary Society in China, with minutes of pro- ceedings, officers, etc. Also, an appendix, containing a brief ac- count of an ophthalmic institution at Macao for the years 1827- 32. London. 1839. 8°. [-See, also, Rep. Med. Miss. Soc. in China. ] Medical (The) Museum: or a repository of cases, experiments, re- searches, and discoveries, collected at home and abroad. By gentlemen of the faculty. Loudon, v. 1-3, 1763-4. 8°. Medizinische National-Zcitung fiir Deutschland und die mit sel- bigemzuniichstverbundenenStaaten. Altenburg. v. 1-2,1798-9. 4°. [Continued as: AUg. med. Ann., Altenb.] Medicinische Neuigkeiten, ein IntelUgenzblaUt fiir praktische Aerzte. Hrsg. von Dr. Kastner. Erlangen. v. 1-29, 1851-79. roy. 8°. [-See, also, the following:] Medicinische Neuigkeiten ffir praktische Aerzte. WdchentUche Mittheilungen von wissenschaftlichen Neuigkeiten und allem In- teressanten aus dem Gebiete dor arztlichen Welt. Erlangen. [Title of a new series, in 1870, of the preceding. ] Medical (The) News and Abstract. (A consolidation of the "Medi- cal News and Library" and the "Monthly Abstract of Medical Science"). Philadelphia. Nos. 1-4, v. 38,1880. 8°. [Forv. 1- 37, 1843-79, see Med. News & Libr., Phila.] Medical News and Library. Philadelphia, v. 1-37, 1843-79. 8°. [A continuation of: Am. M. InteUig., Phila. In Jan., 1880, Month. Abstr. M. Sc, Phila., united with this journal, forming: Med. News & Abstr., Phila.] Meditsiuskoe Obozrainie, ejemaisjachuni journal. Moskva, v. 5- 13, 1876-80. 8°. Izvlechenie iz protokolov zasaidanie meditsinskich konferentsii pri Staro-Ekaterininskom otdailenii bolnitsi dlja chernorabo- chich v Moskve, za 1878 g. Moscow. 1879. 8°. [Published with: Med. Obozr., Mosk., and has separate pagination.] ProtokoU Moskovskago meditsinskago Obshestva. Moscow. 12 nos. Nov. 1, 1875-March 15, 1879. 8°. [Published with : Med. Obozr., Mosk., and has separate pagination.] Protokoli zasaidani Obshestva russkich vrache v Moskve. Mos- cow. 1880. 8°. [Published with: Med. Obozr., Mosk., and has separate pagination.] Protokoli phiziko-meditsinskago Obshestva v Moskvie, sostoj ash- ago pri Imp. Moskovskom Univcrsitetie. Moscow. 5 nos Jan 31,1877-May 7,1879. 8°. [Published with: Med. Obozr., Mosk., and has separate imagination.] Medical Observations and Inquiries by a Society of Physicians in London, v. 1-6, 1757-84. 8°. Meditsinskii otchet rodovspomogatelinago zavedenija Imperators- kago Moskovskago Vospitatelinago Doma za 1876 i 1877 godi. Sostavlennii Dr. F. K. Gugenborger. Moskva. 1878. 8C. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. By a society of physi- cians in Edinburgh. London, v. 1-20, 1774-95. 8°. [2. ed. v. 7-20, title: Med. Comment., London. Continued as: Anu. Med., Edinb.] Medical (The) and Philosophical Register. Philadelphia. [-Sec Phila. M. Museum.] [67] Med. & Phys. J., Lond. Med. Press, Dubl. Med. Press & Circ. Med. pribav. k morsk. sbornkiu, St. Petersb. Med. Q. Rev., Lond. Med. Rec, N. Y. Med. Rec. Austral., Melbourne. Med. Rec. Private M. Ass., Lond. Med. Recorder, Memphis. Med. Recorder, etc., Phila. Med. Reform, Berl. Med. Reformbl., Leipz. Med. Reg. & Adv., Anna, El. Med. Rep. Madras Gov. Lying- in Hosp. Med. Reporter, W. Chester, Pa. Med. Reposit., N. Y. Med. Rev. & Analect. J., Phila. Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. Med. Siles. Sat., Wratisl. Medical (The) and Physical Journal. London. 8°. [Continued as: Lond. M. & Phys. J.] Medical and Physical Recorder. & Phys. Recorder. ] v. 1-32,1799-1814. [Was running title of: Bait. M. [-SceTr. M. & Phys. Soc. Medical and Physical Society of Bombay Bombay. ] Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. [-See Proc. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Also: Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta.] Dublin. [Title, in 1865, of: DubUn M. Medical (The) Press. Press. ] Medical (The) Press and Circular, being the incorporation of the journals hitherto known as [Dublin] M. Press and Med. Circ, Lond. A weekly journal of medicine and medical affairs. Dublin, 1866-8. London, 1868-79. v. 1-28, 1866-79. 4°. [v. 1, Jan. - June, 1866, title: Dublin M. Press & Circ. On Dec. 4, 1867, J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl., was issued as a supplement to this jour- nal.] Meditsinskija pribavlenija k morskomu sborniku, izdavaemija pode nablioudenieme Flota Generale-Stabe-Doktora. St. Pe- tersburg. 1861-6; 1868-73; 1875-6; 1878. 8°. Medical Quarterly Review. London, v. 1-3, Oct., 1833-Jan., 1835. 8°. Medical (The) Record. London. [Title of nos. 1-6, v. 1, of: Lond. M. Rec] Medical (The) Record. A semi-monthly journal of medicine and surgery. New York. v. 1-16, 1866-79. 4°. [Became weekly in 1875.] Medical (The) Record of Australia. Melbourne, v. 1-3, 1861-3. 4°. [After v. 3, suspended till Feb. 27, 1875, when no. 1, v. 4, was issued, title: Melbourne M. Rec] Medical Records and Researches, selected from the papers of a Private Medical Association. London. 1. pt., 288 pp. 1798. 8°. Medical (The) Recorder. Memphis. [Title of v. 1, 1852-3, of: Memphis M. Recorder.] Medical (The) Recorder of Original Papers and Intelligence in Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia. [Title of v. 7-12 of: Am. M. Recorder, Phila.] Medicinische (Die) Reform. Eine Wochenschrift. Berlin, v. 1- 2, 1848-9. 4°. Medicinisches Reformblatt fur Sachsen. Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1848- 50. 4°. Medical (The) Register and Advertiser: a quarterly journal of scientific and practical medicine. Anna, 111. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1875. 8°. Medical (Annual) Report of the Madras Government Lying-in Hospital for the years 1876-7 and 1877. Madras. 8° and fol. Medical (The) Reporter. A quarterly journal, published under the direction of the Chester and Delaware County Medical So- cieties. West Chester, Pa. v. 1-3, 1853-6. 8°. Medical (The) Repository. New York. v. 1-23, 1797-1824. 8°. [-See, also, the two following:] Medical (The) Repository of Original Essays and Intelligence rela- tive to Physic, Surgery, Chemistry and Natural History. New York. [Title of v. 16-23 of the preceding.] Medical (The) Repository and Review of American Publications on Medicine, Surgery, and the Auxiliary Branches of Philosophy. New York. [Title of v. 4-15 of: Med. Reposit., N. Y.] Medical (The) Review and Analectic Journal. Philadelphia, v. 1-3, 1824-6. 8°. [v. 2-3, title: Am. M. Rev., Phila.] Meditsinskii Sbornik; isdavaemir Kavkaskim meditsinskim obshestvom. Tiflis. Nos. 1-22, 1866-76. 8°. Medicorum Silesiacorum Satyrae, quae varias observationes, casus, experimenta, tentamina ex omni medicina? ambitu petita exhi- bent. Wratislavise et Lipsiaa. Sx>ec 1-6, 1736. 8°. [68] Med. Spectator, Lond. Med. Summary, Lansdale, Pa. Med. & Surg. Month., Memphis. Med. & Surg. City. Pioneer, Kansas Med. & Surg. Reg., N. Y. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Medical Society of Connecticut. [-See Communicat. M. Soc. Con- nect., N. Haven.] Medical Society of the County of Albany. [-See Ann. M. Soc. County Albany. Also: Med. Ann., Albany. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Albany. ] Medical Society of the County of Kings. Brooklyn, N. Y. [-See Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn.] Medical Society of the District of Columbia. [-See Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb.] Medical Society of Kasan. [-See Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Also: Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Also: Trudi Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Also: Zapiski Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. ] Medical Society of King's CoUege. London. [-See Tr. M. Soc. King's Coll., Lond.] Medical Society of London. [-See Mem. M. Soc. Lond. Also: Proc M. Soc. Lond. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Lond.] Medical Society of the State of California. Calif. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Calif.] [-See Proc. M. Soc. [-See Proc. M. Soc. Medical Society of the State of Georgia. Georgia. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Georgia.] Medical Society of the State of Kansas. [-See Tr. M. Soc. Kansas. ] Medical Society of the State of Maine. [-See J. Med. Soc. Maine.] Medical Society of the State of New Jersey. [See N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington. Also: Proc. N. Jersey M. Soc Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey.] Medical Society of the State of New York. [.See Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. ] Medical Society of the State of North CaroUna. [-See Med. J., N. Car., Raleigh. Also: Proc. M. Soc. N. Car. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Car.] Medical Society of the State of Oregon. [See Proc. M. Soc. Oregon. ] Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. [-Sec Tr. M. Soc. Penn.] Medical Society of the State of Virginia. [-See Proc. M. Soc. Virg. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Virg.] Medical Society of the State of West Virginia. [-See Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.] Medical Society of the State of Wisconsin. [-See Proc. M. Soc. Wisconsin.] Medical Society of Tennessee. [-See Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee] Medical Society of Victoria. [-See Austral. M. J., Melbourne.] Medical Society of Washington Territory. [-See Proc. M. Soc. Wash. Ter.] Medical (The) Spectator. London, v. 1-2, 1791-Feb. 23, 1793. 8°. Medical (The) Summary. Pa. v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. A monthly journal, [etc.] Lansdale, Nos. 1-6, Medical (The) and Surgical Monthly, Memphis, Tenn v. 1, 1866. 8°. Medical (The) and Surgical Pioneer. A monthly record of medi- cine and surgery. Kansas City, Mo. Nos. 1, 2, v. 1, 1866. 8°. Medical (The) and Surgical Register. Consisting chiefly of cases in the New York Hospital. New York. v. 1, 1818-20. 8°. Medical and Surgical Reports of the Boston City Hospital. Bos- ton. 1. and 2. s., 2 v., 1870 and 1877. 8°. Medical (The) and Surgical Reporter. Burlington, N. J. Phila- delphia, v. 9-11,1856-8. 8°. [For v. 1-8, see N. Jersey M. Re- porter, Burlington, v. 11, 1858, pubUshed at Philadelphia.] [The same. ] 8°. A weekly journal. Philadelphia, v. 1-41, 1858-79. [69] Med. Sc Surg. Rev. [Austral.], Melbourne. Med. Tidn., Stockholm. Med. Times, Lond. Med. Times, PhUa. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys. Lond. Med. Tribune, N. Y. Med. Unterh.-BibUoth., Leipz. Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb. Med. World, Bost. Med. World, N. Y. Med. Ztg., Berl. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Pe- tersb. Med.-chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tubing., Berl. Med.-chir. Aufs., etc., Altenb. Med.-chir. BibUoth., Copenh. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. Med.-chir. J., Kopenh. Med.-Chir. J.,Lond. Med.-Chir. J. & Rev., Lond. Med.-chir. Monatshefte, Erlang. Medical (The) and surgical Review. [Australasian. ] Melbourne. Nos. 1-9, 12, v. 1, 1863-4; v. 2, 1864-5; nos. 1-11, 13-16, v. 3, 1865; 2. s., v. 1, 1873-4. 8° and 4°. Medicinsk Tidning. Stockholm. Nos. 1-20, v. 1, 1818-19. 4°. Medical (The) Times. A journal of English and foreign medicine and miscellany of medical affairs. London, v. 1-21,1839-June 29, 1850; n. s., v. 1-3, July, 1850-51. 4°. [Jan. 3, 1852, united with: Lond. M. Gaz., forming: Med. Times &, Gaz., Lond.] Medical (The) Times. A semi-monthly journal of medical and sur- gical science. Philadelphia, v. 1-2, 1870-72. roy. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Phila. M. Times. ] Medical (The) Times and Gazette. A journal of medical science, literature, criticism and news. London. 56 v., 1852-79. 4°. [Formed by consoUdation of: Med. Times, Lond., with: Lond. M. Gaz.] Medical Transactions, pubUshed by the Royal College of Physi- cians of London. 6 v., 1785-1820. 8°. Medical (The) Tribune. A monthly journal, devoted to medicine, surgery, and the coUateral sciences. New York. v. 1-2, 1878- 80. 8°. Medicinische Unterhaltungs-BibUothek, oder CoUectiv-Bliittcr von heiterem und ernstem Colorite ffir alto und junge Aerzte. Leip- zig, v. 1-10, 1838-43. 8°. Meditsinskii Vestnik; eshtshenedelnaya gazeta. St. Petersburg. v. 1, 1861; v. 3-9, 1863-9; v. 16-19, 1876-9. 4°. Medical (The) World. A journal of universal medical science. Boston, v. 1-2, 1856-7. 4°. Medical (The) World. A monthly journal of American and foreign medical, physiological, surgical, and chemical Uterature, criti- cism, and news. New York. v. 1, 1871-2. 8°. Medicinische Zeitung. Hrsg. von dem Verein ffir Heilkunde in Preussen. Berlin, v. 1-26, 1832-57; n. F., v. 1-7, 1858-64. fol. [n. F., v. 4-7, title: Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl.] Medicinische Zeitung Russlands. St. Petersburg, v. 1, 1844; v. 3-17, 1846-60. 4°. [FoUowed, in July, 1861, by: St. Petersb. Med. Ztschr.] Medicinisch-chemische Untersuchungen aus dem Laboratorium ffir angewandte Chemie zu Tubingen. Berlin. Hft. 1-4,1 v., 1866- 71. 8°. Medicinisch-chirurgische Aufsatze, Krankengeschichten und Nach- richten. Eine Fortsetzung des Taschenbuchs fiir deutsche Wundiirztc Altenburg. v. 1, 1791. sm. 8°. Medicinisch-chirurgische Bibliothek von Johann Clemens Tode. Copenhagen, v. 1-10, 1775-87. 8°. Medicinisch-chirurgisches Centralblatt. Organ der praktischen Aerzte. Wien. v. 11-14, 1876-9. 4°. [With supifiement: Medicinisch-chirurgische Journal-Revue. ] Medicinisch-chirurgisches clinisches Institut zu Gottingen. [-See Ann. d. med.-chir. clin. Inst, zu Getting.] Medicinisch-chUurgische Gesellschaft des Kantons Zurich. [-See Denkschr. d. med.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kantons Zfirich. Also: Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Zurich.] Medicinish-chirurgisches Journal. Kopenhagen und Leipzig. [Title for v. 3-5, 1798-1804, of: Med. J. v. Tode, Kopenh.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Journal: or quarterly register of medi- cal and surgical science : including memoirs of naval and mili- tary medicine. London, v. 1, 1818-19. 8°. [A new series of the following:] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Journal and Review. London, v. 1, 3-4, 1816-18. 8°. [For continuation see the x>receding.] Modieinisch - chirurgische Monatshefte. Kritisches Sammel- journal fiir praktische Heilkunde. Erlangen. v. 1-14, 1857-63. 8°. [A continuation of: N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen.] Medico-Botanical Society oi' London. [-See J. Morb. Anat., Lond.] [70] Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond. Med.-chir. Rundschau, Wien. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond. Med.-chir. Ztg. Med.-chir. Ztschr. f. Landarzte u. Chir., Miinchen. Med.-Gesetzgeb., Berl. Med.-polit. BI., Niirnb. Med.-topog. Sbornik, St. Pe- tersb. Medecin, Far. Medico di Casa, MUano. Medico vet., Torino. Mediziner, Berl. Medycyna, Warszawa. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc de St. Petersb. Melanges de chir. etrang., Ge- neve. Melbourne M. Rec. MeXidda t&v 'AStjv&v. Mchysico-math€matique de l'Acaddmie impdriale des sciences de St. Pdtersboure;. v. 1-5, 1849-65. 8°. Melanges de chirurgie dtrangne, par une socie'te" de chirurgiens de Geneve, composee de J. P. Maunoir, [etc.] Geneve. 2. v., 1824-5. 8°. Melbourne Medical Record, v. 4-5,1875-6. 4°. [Want, also, nos, 14-17, v. 5. For v. 1-3, see Med. Rec. Austral., Melbourne.] MeXidda £H) rc&v 'AStjvojv, dvyypa/njna TtepioSixbv kxSiSo- Iievov dita^rov /.irjroS. v. 1-2, 1864-5. 8°. [Continuation of: Iarpixr) MeXidda, 'ASrjvai.] [71] Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.- Petersb. Sc math., phys. et nat. Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.- Petersb. Sc poUt., hist, et phUol. Mem. Acad, de med., Par. Mem. Acad. r. d. sc. de Lisb. CI. de sc. math., phys. e nat. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. Mem. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon. Mem. Acad. d. sc. de Dijon. Mem. Acad. d. sc. de l'lnst. de France, Par. Mem. Acad, de Stanislas, Nancy. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Cambridge. Mem. Anthrop. Soc Lond. Mem. et buU. Soc. de med. de Bordeaux. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon. Mem. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc Man- chester. Mem. M. Soc. Lond. Mem. et obs. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. Mdmoires de l'Academie imperiale de medecine. Paris. [Title of v. 17-29, 1853-70, of: M6m. Acad, de me'd., Par.] Memoires de l'Acaddmie imperiale des sciences, arts et beUes-lettres de Dijon. [-See Mdm. Acad. d. sc. de Dijon.] Memoires de l'Acaddmie imperiale des sciences de St.-Petersbourg. Sciences matheinatiques, physiques et naturelles. 6. s., livr. 1-2, v. 1, 1830. 4°. Memoires de l'Academie imperiale des sciences de St.-Pdtersbourg. Sciences poUtiques, histoire et philologic 6. s., livr. 1-2, v. 1, 1830. 4°. M6moires de l'Academie de medecine. Paris, v. 1-31, 1828-75. 4°. [v. 1-13, 1828-47, title: Mdmoires de l'Academie royale de medecine. v. 14-16, 1849-52, title: Mdmoires de l'Acad6mie na- tionale de medecine. v. 17-29, 1853—1869-70, title: Memoires de l'Acaddmie imperiale de medecine. ] Memoires de l'Academie nationale de medecine. Paris. [Title of v. 14-16, 1849-52, of: Mdm. Acad, de med., Par.] Memorias da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. Classe de sci- encias mathematics s, physicas e naturaes. n. s., v. 1-5, 1854- 72. 4°. Memoires de l'Acaddmie royale de chirurgie. Paris. 74. 4°. 5 v., 1743- Memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine. Paris. [Title of v. 1-13, 1828-47, of: Mem. Acad, de med., Par.] Memoires de l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique. Bru- xeUes. v. 1-4; fasc. 1, v. 5, 1848-69. 4°. Memoires de l'Academie royale de Prusse. Concernant I'anatomie; la physiologie; la physique; la mineralogie, etc. Avignon et Paris. 9 v. in 10, 1768-74. 12°. Memoires de l'Academie imperiale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. 2. s., v. 6; 12-16,1857,1864-70; 3. s., v. 1,1871-3. 8°. [In v. 16, the word "imperiale" dropped.] Memoires de l'Acaddmie des sciences de l'Institut de France. Paris. v. 24, 1854. 4°. Memoires de l'Academie de Stanislas. Nancy. 17 v., 1860-76. 8°. Memorie dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. 2. s., v. 7-10; 3. s., v. 1-8; fasc 1, 2, v. 9, 1868-78. 4°. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston and Cambridge, v. 1-4, 1785-1818. 8°. Cambridge and Boston. n. s., v. 1-9, pt. 1, v. 10, 1833-68. 4°. Memoirs of the Anthropological Society .of London, v. 1-3, 1863- 9. 8°. Memoires et bulletins de la Societe de medecine de Bordeaux. Annees 1869; 1870-71. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Mdmoires et bulletins de la Societe de medecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. Fasc. 1-2, annees 1874; 1876; 1877. 8°. [A con- tinuation of tho preceding. ] Mdmoires et bulletins de la Societe medico-chirurgicale des hdpi- taux et hospices de Bordeaux, v. 1, 1866. 8°. Mdmoires et comptes-rendus de la Societe des sciences medicales de Lyon. v. 1-17, 1861-77. 8°. Memoires des concours et des savants etrangers, publies par l'Aca- demie royale de medecine de Belgique. Bruxelles. v. 1-7; fasc. 1, v. 8, 1847-74. 4°. Memoires couronnes et autres memoires publies par l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique. BruxeUes. v. 1-4; fasc. 1-4, v. 5, 1870-80. 8°. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Warrington, v. 1-3,1785-90. Manchester, v. 1-5 (21-25 of whole series), 1862-76. 8°. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. Instituted in the year 1773. 6 v., 1787-1805. 8°. Memoires et observations de la Societe de medecine d'Anvers. v. 1, 1836. 8°. [72] Mem. . . . pour les prix de TAcad. roy. de chir., Par. Mem. r. Acad. med. de Madrid. Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. CI. di lett. e sc. matemat. e nat., Milano. Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. CI. di lett. e sc. mor. e polit., MUano. Mem. r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti. Mem. Soc. d'agric ans. d'Orle- Mem. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. Mem. Soc d'anthrop. de Far. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par. Mem. Soc de med. d'Anvers. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy. Mem. Soc med. d'obs., Par. Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb. Mem. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Mem. Soc. med.-farm. de Toluca. Mem. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. de Geneve. Mem. Soc. d. sc nat. de Cher- bourg. Mem. Soc. d. sc phys. et nat. de Bordeaux. Memor. d. hop. du midi, Par. Memor. d. med. contemp., Vene- zia. Memor. de sanid. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid. MemorabUien, Heilbr. Memoires sur les sujets proposes pour les prix do l'Academie royalo de chirurgio. Paris. Nouvclle edition avec notes. 5 v., 1819. 8°. Memorias do la real Academia medica de Madrid, v. 1, 1797; v. 2, 1862; pt. 1, v. 3, 1870. 4°. [Title, in v. 2-3: Memorias de \a real Academia do medicina de Madrid.] Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze o lettere. Classe di lettere e scienze matematicho e naturaU. Milano. v. 10-13; fasc 1, v. 14 (3. s., v. 1-5), 1865-78. 4°. Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di lettere e scienze morali o x>olitiche. Milano. v. 10-12 (3. s., v. 1-3), 1865-73. 4°. Memorie del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Ve- nezia. pt. 2-3, v. 14; v. 15; pt. 2, y. 16; v. 17-19; pt. 1, v. 20; 1869-77. 4°. Memoires de la Societd d'agriculture, sciences, belles-lettres et arts d'Orieans. 2. s., no. 4, v. 11; nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 12; nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 13; v. 14-19; nos. 1, 2, v. 20; no. 1, v. 21; 1868-79. 8°. Memorias leidas en la Sociedad anatdmica espaiiola. Madrid. Alios acaddmicos de 1872-3—1875-6. 4 v. 8°. [Want pp. 65- 68, v. 1.] Memoires de la Societe d'anthropologie de Paris, v. 1-3, 1860-72. 8°. Memoires de la Societe de chirurgie de Paris, v. 1-7,1868-74. 4°. Memoires de la Socidtd imperiale des sciences naturelles de Cher- bourg. [Title of v. 2-15 of: Mem. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cherbourg. ] Memoires de la Societe de medecine d'Anvers. 1 no., 1838-9. 4°. Memoires de la Societe medicale d'emulation do Paris, v. 1-9, 1796-1826. 8°. Memoires de la Societe de medecine do Nancy. Annees 1871-2; 1873-4; 1875-6; 1876-7. 8°. [A continuation of: Compt. rend. Soc. de med. de Nancy.] Memoires de la Societe medicale d'observation. 1837-56. 8°. Memoires de la Societe de medecine de Strasbourg, 79. 8°. Paris, v. 1-3, v. 1-15, 1850- Memorie della Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna. 2. s. 5, 1838-57; fasc. 2-7, v. 6, 1862-77; fasc. 1-4, v. 7, 1871-7: 1, v. 8, 1875. 4°. v. 1- fasc v. 1, Memorias de la Sociedad medico-farmaceutica de Toluca. nos. 1-2, v. 2, Sept, 16, 1875-Oct. 15, 1876; 1875-7. 4-\ Memoires de la Societd nationale des sciences naturelles de Cher- bourg. [Title of v. 16-21 of: Mem. Soc d. sc. nat. do Cher- bourg. ] Memoires de la Socidtd de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Ge- neve, v. 19-22; pt. 1, v. 23, 1867-73. 4°. Memoires de la Societe des sciences naturelles do Cherbourg, v. 1-21,1853-78. 8°. [Title of v. 2-151 Mdmoires do la Socidtd im- periale, etc.; v. 16-21: Memoires de la Societd nationale, etc.] Memoires de la Societd doe sciences xihysiques ot naturelles de Bordeaux, v. 5-10, 1867-75: 2. a., v. 1-2; cah. 2, v. 3, 1875-9. 8°. Memorial des hdpitaux du midi, ot de la cliniquo de Montpellier. Paris, v. 1-2, no. 1, v. 3, 1829-31. 4°. [A continuation of: Ephem. med. de Montpel. In 1831, merged in: Row med. franc. et etrang., Par.] Memorialo della medicina contomporauea. Opera periodica meu- sile, diretta dai Adolfo Bonvenuti e L. Paolo Fario. Venezia. v. 7-13, 1842-5. 8°. [In July, 1850, united with: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, formiug: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia.] Memorial do sanidad del eiercito v arniada 1858-60. 8°. Meinorabilicn aus der Praxis. and s . Heilbronn. Madrid. Alio 1-2, v. 1-24, 1856-79. fol. Memphis Medical College, [.Sec Memphis M. Recorder. ] [73] Memphis M. Recorder. Mercurio d. sc med., Livorno. Michigan M. News, Detroit. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Ar- bor. Micr. J., Lond. Midland M. & S. Reporter, Worcester. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birmingh. MU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien. MUitaerarzt, Wien. MU.-Wchnbl., Berl. Min. Gen. Council M. Educat., Lond. Mind, Lond. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Fran- cof. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips. Missouri CUn. Rec, St. Louis. Missouri Dent. J., St. Louis. Missouri M. & S. J., St. Louis. Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver. in Wien. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe. Mitth. a. d. chir. Abth. d. Berl. stadt. Krankenh. im Frie- drichshain. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien. Memphis (The) Medical Recorder. Published bi-monthly by the Memphis Medical CoUege. Memphis, Tenn. v. 1-6,1852-8. 8°. [Title of v. 1, 1852-3, Avas: Med. Recorder, Memphis.] Mercurio delle scienze mediche. Livorno. v. 1-10, 1823-8. 8°. [For continuation, see N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno.] MetropoUtan Health-of-Towns' Association. [-See J. Pub. Health, Lond.] Michigan Medical Association. [-See Proc. Michigan M. Ass.] Michigan Medical News: a semi-monthly journal devoted to x>rac- tical medicine. Detroit, v. 1-2, 1878-9. roy. 8°. Michigan (The) University Medical Journal. Conducted by the Faculty of the Medical Department. Ann Arbor, v. 1-3,1870- 73. 8°. Microscopic (The) Journal and Structural Record for 1841-2. London, v. 1. 8°. Microscopical Society of London. [-See Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond.] Midland (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter, and Topogra}ihical and Statistical Journal. Quarterly. Worcester, v. 1-3, 1828- 32. 8°. Midland (The) Quarterly Journal of the Medical Sciences. Bir- mingham, v. 1-2, 1857-8. 8°. MilitararztUche Zeitung. (Beilage zur Wiener Medizinal-Halle.) Wien. Jahrg. 1862-4. 4°. [After 1864, title: Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien (Beilage zur Wiener medizinischen Presse).] Militaorarzt (Der). (Beilage zur Wiener medizinischen Wochen- schrift.) Wien. v. 1-13,1867-77. 4°. Militair-Wochenblatt. Berlin, v. 57-62, 1872-7. 4°. Minnesota State Medical Society. [See Tr. Minnesota M. Soc] Minutes of the General Council of Medical Education and Regis- tration of the United Kingdom; of the Executive Committee; and of the Branch Council. London, v. 1-12, 1858-75. 8°. Mind. A quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. Lon- don and Ediuburg. v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Miscellanea curiosa medico-physic a Academia? naturae curiosorum, sive ephemeridum medico-physicarum Germanicarum annus quartus et quintus, anni 1673 et 1674, continens celeberrimorum virorum turn medicorum turn aliorum eruditorum in Germania et extra earn observationes medicas physicas chymicas. Fran- cofurti et Lipsiee, 1676. 4°. MisceUanea curiosa medico-physica Academiae Caesareae Leopol- dino-CaroUnae naturae curiosorum. Lipsiae. 9 v. 1670-1705. 4°. Mississippi State Medical Association. [-See Tr. Mississippi M. Ass.] Missouri CUnical Record; a monthly journal of medicine and sur- gery. St. Louis, v. 1, 1874-5. 8°. [Continued as: St. Louis CUn. Rec] Missouri (The) Dental Journal; a monthly record of dental science and art. St. Louis, v. 1-11, 1869-79. 8°. Missouri (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Saint Louis, v. 1-4, 1845-8. 8°. [In Sept., 1848, merged in: St. Louis M. & S. J.] Mittheilungen des aerztlichen Vereines in Wien. v. 3, 1874-5. 8°. Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. v. 1-9, 1871-9. 8°. Mittheilungen des badischen aerztlichen Vereins. Karlsruhe, v. 1-291,847-75. 8°. [After 1857, title: Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe. ] Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Abtheilung des Berliner stiidtischen Krankenhauses im Friedrichshain. Leipzig. 1678. 1 v. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem emhryologischen Institute der k. k. Uni- versitat in Wien von Dr. S. L. Schenk. Wien. 1 v., 1*77- 80. 8J. [74] Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. ges. HeUk., Hamb. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. HeUk., . Leipz. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc Mitth. . . . d. GeseUsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. Mitth. a. d. Konigsb. physiol. Lab. Mitth. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Bern. Mitth. a. d. Osterl., etc., zu Al- tenb. Mitth. a. d. path. Inst, zu Miin- chen, Stuttg. Mitth. a. d. thierarztl. Praxis im preuss. Staate, Berl. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. Mitth. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, WeUburg. Mitth. d. Ver. nordl. d. Elbe, etc., Kiel. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.- Coll. Mitth. d. wurttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frau- enkr., Berl. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl. Monatschr. Berl. d. San.-Pol., Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Heilkunde. Hrsg. von einer medicinisch-chirurgischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. v. 1-2, 1830-33. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde. Leipzig, v. 1, 1845. 8°. MittheUungen aus4em Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Phar- macie; in Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerr.ton und Phar- maceuten der Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstcin, hrsg. von C. H. Pfaff. Kiel. v. 1-9, 1832-43. 8°. [v. 3-9, published at Altona. v. 3-5, title: Prakt. ii. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona; 6-9, title: Pfaffs prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., Altona.] Mittheilungen iiber die Thatigkeit und die Verhandlungen dor Gesellschaft fiir GeburtshuUe zu Leii>zig, im 12. Jahre ihres Bestehens (1866) 1867. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Konigsberger physiologischen Laborato- rium. Konigsberg. 1 v., 1878. 8°. MittheUungeu der naturforschenden GeseUschaft in Bern aus den Jahren 1869-77. Nos. 654-936. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Gemeinschaftlich hrsg. vom Gewerbe-Vereine, von der naturforschenden GeseUschaft und dem bienenwirthschaftUchen Vereine zu Altenburg. Nos. 1-2, v. 18, 1867. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Miinchen. Stuttgart. 1 v., 1878. 8°. MittheUungen aus der thierarztlichen Praxis im preussischen Staate. n. F., v. 1-4, 1874-8 (1876-9). 8°. [A supplement to: Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl.] Mittheilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Nieder-Oesterreich. Wien. v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. Mittheilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. [Title of v. 12-13 of: Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz.] Mittheilungen des Vereins nassau'scher Aerzte an seine MitgUeder. WeUburg. 4 v., 1851-5. roy. 8°. Mittheilungen des Vereins nordlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung na- turwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. Kiel. Hft. 1-9, 1857-68. 4° and 8°. Mittheilungen fiir den Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. Kiel. Hft. 1-4, 1866-72. 8°. Mittheilungen des Wiener medicinischen Doctoren-Collegiums. Wien. v. 1-5,1874-9. 8°. [A continuation of: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien.] Mittheilungen des wiirttembergischen aerztlichen Vereins. Stutt- gart, v. 1, 1833-4. 8°. Monatsblatt fiir medicinische Statistik und offentUche Gesund- heitspflege. BeUage zu Gdschen's Deutscher Klinik. Berlin. 1856-75. fol. . Monatsblatt fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege. Hrsg. von dem Verein fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege im Herzogthum Braun- schweig, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. Berlin. v. 1-34, 1853-69. 8°. [A continuation of: N. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Berl., and continued as: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.] Monatsschrift fiir Medicin, Augenhoilkundo und Chirurgie. Leip- zig, v. 1-3, 1838-40. 8°. [A continuation of: Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb.] Monatsschrift fiir Ohreuheilkunde. Berlin, v. 1-13, 1867-79. fol. [After 1875, the words "sowie fur Nasen-, Rachen-, Kehl- kopf- und Luftrdhreu-Krankheiten" added to title] Monatsschrift fur exacte Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Sanitiits- l'ohzei. Hrsg. von Louis Pappenheim. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1859- 62. 8°. [Nos. 4-12, v. 2, appear, also, under title: Beitr. . . . d. San.-Pol., Berl.] [75] Monde pharm., Far. Monit. d. hop., Far. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par. Monit. scient., Par. Monit. therap., Par. Moniteur. J. de med., etc., Par. Monitor de la salud, Barcel. Month. Abstr. M. Sc, PhUa. Month. J. M., Lond. Month. J. M. Lit. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. Sc, Lond. Month. J. South. El. M. Ass., Cairo. Month. M. News, LouisvUle. Month. Micr. J., Lond. Month. Rev. M. & Pharm., PhUa. Month. Stethoscope Sc M. Re- porter, Richmond. Montpel. med. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep. Montreal M. Gaz. Morgagni, Napoli. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipe. Monde (Le) pharmaceutique. Journal desintercts scientinqueset pratiques, moraux et professionnels du corps pharmaceutique. Paris, v. 4-10, 1874-9. 4°. [In Jan., 1877, the words " etmd- dical" added to title.] Moniteur (Le) des hdpitaux. Journal des progres de la me'decine et de la chirurgio pratiques. Paris, v. 1-9, and nos. 1-42, v. 10, 1856-62. 4°. [Suspended by decree of court, Aug. 11, 1859; continued Aug. 23, 1859, as the foUowing, forming a second series of the periodical; v. 7 being composed, in part, of v. 1, 2. s.] Moniteur (Lo) des sciences mddicales et pharmaceutiques. Paris. [See the preceding, v. 7, Aug. 23, 1859,. et seq.] Moniteur (Le) scientifique. Journal des sciences pures et appli- qu6es; compte-rendu des academies et socidtes savantes et revue des progres accompUs dans les sciences mathematiques, physi- ques et naturelles; travaux publids a l'dtranger; revue des in- ventions nouveUes et industrie manufacturicre des arts chimi- ques; journal mensuel fondd et dirigd par le Dr. QuesneviUe. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-5, 1857-63; 2. s., v. 1-7, 1864-70; 3. s., v. 1-9, 1871-9. 8°. Moniteur (Le) the'rapeutique. Recueil mensuel des mddications nouveUes. Paris, v. 1-6, 1873-9. 8°. Moniteur (Le). Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et dethdrapeu- tique. Paris, v. 1, nos. 1-45, v. 2, 1876-7. 8°. Monitor (El) de la salud. Revista quincenal de higiene publica y de higiene y medicina domdsticas, con seccion especial dedicada £ los ninos enfermos y £ los enfermos de pecho. Barcelona. No. 1 (May 15), v. 1, 1880. 8°. Monthly (The) Abstract of Medical Science: a digest of the pro- gress of medicine and the collateral sciences; being a supple- ment to the Medical News and Library. Philadelphia, v. 1-6, 1874-9. 8°. [In Jan., 1880, united with: Med. News & Libr., Phila., forming: Med. News & Abstr., Phila.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medicine. London. [Title of v. 20, 1855, of: Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medical Literature, and American Medical Student's Gazette. Boston. Lowell. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. - March, 1832. 8°. [With no. 2, title changed by dropping all after the word "Literature", and inserting "and the Litera- ture of Science", and published at Lowell.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medical Science. London and Edin- burgh. [Title of v. 5-19, 1844-54, of: Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc In 1846, North. J. M., Edinb., merged in this journal. In July, 1855, united with: Edinb. M. & S. J., forming Edinb. M. J.] Monthly (The) Journal of Science, [etc.] [Running title of 3. s., nos. 2-12, v. 1, 1879, of: J. Sc. & Ann. Biol., Lond.] Monthly Journal of the Southern IUinois Medical Association. Cairo, 111. v. 1-2, 1877-8. 8°. Monthly (The) Medical News. Louisville, Ky. [Title of v. 2-3 of: Semi-Month. M. News, LouisvUle.] Monthly (The) Microscopical Journal. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and record of histological research at home and abroad. London, v. 1-18, 1869-77. 8°. Monthly Review of Medicine and Pharmacy. Philadelphia, v. 2, 1879. 4°. [Continuation of: Phila. Druggist & Chemist.] Monthly (The) Stethoscope and Medical Reporter. Richmond, Va. v. 1-2, 1856-7. 8°. Montpellier medical. Journal mensuel de mddecine. MontpeUier. v. 1-43, 1858-79. 8°. Montreal General Hospital. Pathological report for the year ending May 1, 1877. v. 1,1878. 8°. Montreal (The) Medical Gazette; being a monthly journal of me- dicine and the collateral sciences. Montreal, v. 1,1844-5. 8°. Morgagni (II). Opera periodica di medicina e chirurgia. NapoU. v. 1-21, 1857-79. 8°. [Nothing published in 1859 or 1861.] Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte.. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. [76] Moskov. med. Gaz. Moskov. vratcheb. J. Moskov. vratcheb. Vestnik. Mouvement med., Par. Movimento, Napoli. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich. Moskovskaya meditsinskaya Gazeta; izdavaemaya obshestvom russkich vratchei. Moskva. 1866-8; 1K76-8. 6 v. 4°. Moskovsk. meditsinsk. Obshestva. [-See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Pro- tok. Moskov. med. Obsh.)] Moskovskii vratchebnii Jurnal; izdavaemU A. Poluminim. Mos- kva. 1854-9. 5v. 8°. Moskovskii vratchebrdi Vestnik; izdawaicmii sostoiashtchim pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete, fizikomeditsinskim obshestvom. Moskva, v. 1-3, 1873-6. 4°. Mouvement (Le) mddical. Journal international de mddecine, de chirurgio et de pharmacie. Paris, v. 10-17, 1872-9. 4°. Movimento (II) medico-chirurgico. NapoU. v. 1-11,1869-79. 4°. [1879 is also caUed 2. s., v. 1, and became 8°.] Museum der HeUkunde. Hrsg. von der helvetischen Gesellschaft correspondirender Aerzte und Wundaerztc Zurich, v. 1-3, 1792-5. 8°. IV. N. Am. Arch. M. & S. Sc, Bait. N. Am. Homceop. J., N. Y. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y. N. Am. M. Reporter, N. Y. N. Am. M. Sc S. J., Phila. N.Am. M.-Chir. Rev., PhUa. N. Am. Rev., N. Y. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Ge- neesk., Zwolle. N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena. N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl. N. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte, Leipz. N. BibUoth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Hannov. N. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Geb. d. HeUk. . . . d. schles. Gesell- sch. f. vaterl. Kult. N. Denkwrdgktn. f. Aerzte u. Geburtsh., Gotting. N. -diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par. Neue Abhandlungen des deutschen arztlichen Vereins zu St. Pe- tersburg. [-See Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 7. Samml.] North American Archives of Medical and Surgical Scicnco. Bal- timore, v. 1-2, 1834-5. 8°. [A continuation of: Bait. M. & S. J. & Rev.] North American (The) Homoeopathic Journal: a quarterly maga- zine of medicine and tho auxiliary sciences. New York. v. 1, 1851. 8°. [Continued as the following:] North American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. New York. v. 2-18, 1852-70; n. s., v. 1-10, 1870-80. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding. Suspended from Nov., 1853, to Aug., 1^56. After Nov., 1861, U. States J. Homceop., N. Y., merged in this journal. ] North American (The) Medical Reporter. New York. v. 1, 1858-9. 8°. North American Medical and Surgical Journal. PhUadelphia. v. 1-12, 1826-31. 8°. North American (The) Medico-Chirurgical Review. Edited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. Philadelphia, v. 1-5, 1857-61. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Med. Exam., Phila., with: LouisvUle Rev. ] North American (The) Review. Nieuw Archief voor binnen- en buitenlandsche Geneeskunde in haren geheelen omvang, door Dr. I. van Deen. Zwolle. v. 1-4 1846-51. 8°. Neues Archiv fur die Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinder- krankheiten mit Hinsicht auf die Physiologie, Diiitetik und Chi- rurgie. Jena. v. 1,1798-1800. 8°. [A continuation of: Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena.] Neues Archiv fur medizinische Erfahrung. Berlin. [Title of v. 7-10, 1805-7, of: Arch. f. med. Erfahr.] Neues Archiv der praktischen Arzneykims' fiir Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Apotheker, von verschiedenen Verfassern, hrsg. von P F Ph. Meckel. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1789-90. 8°. Neue BibUothek fur die Chirurgie und Ophthalmologic Hrsg. von C. J. M. Langenbeck. Hannover, v. 1-4, 1815-28. 8°. [A continuation of: BibUoth. f. d. Chir., Gotting.] Neue Breslauer Sammlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde, hrsg. von der medicinischen Section der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Kultur. Breslau. 1 v., 1829. 8°. Neue Denkwurdigkeiten fur Aerzte und Geburtshelfer von F. B Osiander. Gdttingen. v. 1, 1797. 8°. [Want all i.revious, beingMedicmisch-geburtshulfliche Denkwurdigkeiten.] Nouveau dictionnaire do mddecino et de chirurgie pratiques. Rd- digd )»;irIVrmitz, Boeckel, Anger, Bailly, [et a'l.] Paris, v. 1-27, 1864-79. 8'. [77] N. Eng. J. M. Sc S., Bost. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost. N. Eng. M. Rev. Sc J., Bost. N. Eng. Q. J. M. 8c S., Bost. N. Folge d. Gsndhts.-Ztg.,Wien. N. gior. internaz. d. sc. med., NapoU. N. Hampshire J. M. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir. N. Jersey Eclect. M. Sc S. J., Newark. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burling- ton. N. Jour. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl. N. Jour, de med., chir., pharm., etc., Far. N. Liguria med., Genova. N. lit. Nachr. f. Aerzte, etc., HaUe in Sachs. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz. New England (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the col- lateral branches of science. Boston, v. 1-16, 1812-27. 8°. [Title of v. 16: N. Eng. M. Rev. & J., Bost. United with: Bos- ton M. InteUig., forming: Boston M. & S. J.] New England (The) Medical Gazette. A monthly journal of homoeopathic medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Boston, v. 1-14, 1866-79. 8°. New England (The) Medical Review and Journal. Boston. [Title of v. 16 of: N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost.] New England (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Boston, v. 1, 1842-3. 8°. Neue Folge der Gesundheits-Zeitung. Wien. v. 1, 1837. 8°. [A continuation of: Pop. osterr. Gsndhts.-Ztg., Wien.] Nuovo giornale intemazionale delle scienze mediche, inteso ad informare i medici esergenti dei progressi della medicina. Napoli. Nos. 1-11, v. 1, 1877-8. 8°. New Hampshire (The) Journal of Medicine. Concord, v. 1-8, 1850-58. 8°. [v. 6-8 pubUshed at Manchester.] New Hampshire Medical Society. [-See Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc] Neue Jahrhiicher der teutschen Medicin und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der medici- nisch-chirurgischen Litteratur des Auslandes. Bonn, 1819-21. Elberfeld, 1822-3. Hamm, 1824-7. v. 1-12 and 2 suppl. vols., 1819-27. 8°. [A continuation of: Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Niirnb., 1813. v. 1-7, 1819-23, also under title: Rhein. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Bonn. v. 8-12, 1824-7, also under title: Rhein.-Westphal. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Hamm. In 1828 merged in: Heidelb. klin. Ann. ] New Jersey (The) Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal: devoted to liberal medicine, general science and literature. Newark. v. 1-2, and nos. 1-2, v. 3, 1874-6. 8°. [Suspended after Oct., 1876, till June, 1877 ; then resumed as : N. York Eclect. M. & S. J., no. 1, v. 4.] New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter. A monthly journal of medi- cal and surgical science. [Title of v. 8 of the following:] New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter, and Transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society. Burlington, v. 1-8, 1847-55. 8°. [Continued as: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila. -See, also, the preceding. ] Neuestes Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzeneikunde und Geburtshiilfe, von C. L. Mursinna. BerUn. v. 5, 1815-20. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Journal fur die Chirurgie, Arzeneikunde und Geburts- hiilfe von C. L. Mursinna, of which it is v. 5. Also, with addi- tional title as foUows:] Neues Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzeneikunde und Geburtshulfe, von C. L. Mursinna. [Additional title of v. 5, 1815-20, of the preceding. ] Nouveau Journal de mddecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Rddige" par MM. Beclard, Chomel, N. Cloquet, [et al.~\ Paris, v. 1-15, 1818-22. 8°. [A continuation of: J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., par les citoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer.] Neues Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. Jena und Berlin. [Additional title of v. 8-12, 1799-1801, of: J. d. pract. Arznk. und Wundarznk., Jena.] Neues Journal der practischen HeUkunde, von C. W. Hufeland. [Additional title of v. 13-93, 1801-41, of: J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena.] Nuova (La) Liguria medica. Giornale di scienze mediche, con- tinuazione deUa Liguria medica e del FiUatre-sebezio. Genova. v. 16-19, 1871-4. 8°. [For v. 1-15, 1856-70, see Liguria med., Genova.] Neue litterarische Nachrichten fur Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Natur- forscher aufs Jahr 1785 und 1786. [Also for 1787.] HaUe in Sachsen. v. 1-2. 8°. Neues Magazin fiir Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-20, 1779-98. 8°. [A continuation of: Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz.] [78] N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal. N. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. N. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond. N. med. u. phys. J., Marb. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen. N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Li- vorno. N. nord. Arch. f. Naturk., Arz- neyw. u. Chir., Frankf. a. O. N. Orl. J. M. N. Orl. M. J. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz. N. Orl. M. Rec. N. Orl. M. & S. J. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J. N. Orl. M. Times. N. Orl. Month. M. Reg. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. de Ge- neesk., Gorinchem. N. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Be- vord. d. Heelk. te Amst. N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Ab- handl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz. N. Samml. d. auserl. u.'n. Ab- handl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Syd- ney. Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medicinische Polizei. Stendal. [Title of v. 3-4, 1785-8, of: Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk., Stendal.] Neues Magazin fur philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. Wiirzburg. [Title of v. 8-10, 1832-3, of: Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb.] New Medical and Physical Journal; or annals of medicine, natural history, and chemistry. London. Whole no. 56, June, 1815 [no. 6, v. 9]. 8°. Neues medicinisches und physisches Journal. Von Baldinger zu Marburg, v. 1-3, 1797-1802. 8°. [A continuation of: Med. J. v. Baldinger, Gotting.] Neue medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitung. Miinchen. [A new series, in 1840, of: Med.-chir. Ztg. In 1857, continued as: Med.- chir. Monatshefte, Erlang.] Nuovo Mercurio delle scienze mediche. Livorno. v. 1-4,1829; v. 1-2, 1830. 8°. [A continuation of: Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno.] Neues nordisches Archiv fiir Naturkunde, Arzneywissenschaft und Chirurgie. Verfasst von einer GeseUschaft nordischcr Gelehrtcn. Frankfurt an der Oder. Parts 1-2, v. 1, 1807. 8°. [A conti- nuation of: Nord. Arch. f. Nat.- u. Arzneiw., Kopenh.] New Orleans (The) Journal of Medicine, v. 21-23, 1868-70. 8°. [A consolidation of: N. Orl. M. & S. J. with: South. J. M. Sc, N. Orl.] New Orleans (The) Medical Journal. Devoted to the cultivation of medicine and the associate sciences, v. 1, 1844-5. 8°. [Con- tinued as: N. Orl. M. & S. J.] New Orleans (The) Medical News and Hospital Gazette. A semi- monthly journal, v. 1-7, 1854-61. 8°. [For continuation, see N. Orl. M. Times. In March, 1854, N. Orl. Month. M. Reg. merged in this journal.] New Orleans (The) Medical Record. A semi-monthly journal of the medical sciences. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1866. roy. 8°. New Orleans (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Devoted to medicine and the coUateral sciences, v. 2-20, 1845-61, and 1866- 7. 8°. [For v. 1, see N. Orl. M. J. Suspended with v. 18 (May, 1861), until July, 1866, when v. 19 commenced. Formed by con- solidation of: N. Orl. M. J. with: Louisiana (The) Medical and Surgical Journal, projected by W. M. Carpenter and J. Har- rison. ConsoUdatedwith: South. J. M. Sc, N. Orl.,forming: N. Orl. J. M.] New Orleans (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. New series. v. 1-7, 1873-80. 8o. New Orleans (The) Medical Times. A monthly journal. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1861. 8°. [A continuation of: N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz.] New Orleans (The) Monthly Medical Register. Nos. 1-5, 7, 9-11, v. 1; nos. 1, 4-12, v. 2, Oct., 1851-Sept., 1853. 8°. [In March, 1854,merged in: N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz.] Nieuw practisch Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskunde in al haren Om- vang. Gorinchem. v. 26-27, 1847-8; also, n. R., v. 1-6, 1849- 54; also, n. s., v. 1-2, 1855-6. 8°. [For v. 1-25, 1822-46, see Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinuhem.] Nieuwe Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-8, 1809-38. 8°. [A continuation of: Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. to Amst. ] Neue Sammlung der auserlesensten und neuesten Abhandlungen fiir Wundarzte. (Aus vorschiedenen Sprachen iibersetzt.) 24 pts. inl2v. Leipzig. 1782-9. 12°. [Continued as the foUowing:] Neueste Sammlung der auserlesensten und neuesten Abhandluu- geu fur Wundarzte. (Aus vorschiedenen Sprachen iibersetzt.) 7 pts. in 3 v. Leipzig. 1790-94. 12°. [Continuation of pre- ceding.] New (The) South Wales Medical Gazette. Published under the auspices of the Association of medical officers of the volunteer force at headquarters, and edited by three of their number. Sydney, v. 1-5, 1870-75. 8°. [79] N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. N. wissensch. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl. N. York Eclect. M. & S. J. N. York J. M. N. York J. M. & S. N. York Lancet. N. York M. Gaz. N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health. N. York M. J. N. York M. J. N. York M. Mag. N. York M. & PhU. J. & Rev. N. York M. & Phys. J. N. York M. Press. N. York M. & S. Brief. N. York M. Sc S. Reporter. N. York M. Times. N. York M.-Chir. Bull. N.-York. med. Monatschr. N. York Month. Chron. M. Sc S. Nieuwe VerhandeUngen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-5, 1808-36. 8°. [A continua- tion of: Verhandel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] Neue wissenschaftUche Annalen der gesammten HeUkunde. Ber- lin, v. 31-33, 1835. 8°. [A continuation of: Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.] New York Academy of Medicine. [-See BuU. N. York Acad. M. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M.] New York (The) Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal. New York. v. 4-6, 1877-80. 8°. [For v. 1-3, 1874-6, see N. Jersey Eclect. M. & S. J., Newark.] New York Journal of Homoeopathy. [Title of no. 1, v. 1, of: Am. J. Homceop., N. Y.] New York (The) Journal of Medicine. [Title of 3. s., v. 1, of the following:] New York (The) Journal of Medicine, and the CoUateral Sciences. v. 1-10, July, 1843-June, 1848; n. s., [2.], v. 1-16, July, 1848- June, 1856; 3. s., v. 1-8, July, 1856-June, 1860. 8°. [For con- tinuation, see Am. M. Times, N. Y. With 3. s., v. 1, 1856, the words "and the Collateral Sciences" dropped from title-page. The N. York M. Times merged in this journal.] New York (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery, v. 1-4, 1839- 41. 8°. New York (The) Lancet, v. 1-2, and no. 1, v. 3, 1842-3. 8°. New York (The) Medical Eclectic. [Title of: Med. Eclect., N. Y., in 1878-9.] New York (The) Medical Gazette, v. 1-2, 1841-2. 8°. New York (The) Medical Gazette and Journal of Health, v. 1-12, 1850-61. 4° and 8°. [v. 6-8, title: Am. M. Gaz. & J. Health, N. Y. v. 9-12, title: Am. M. Gaz., N. Y.] New York (The) Medical Journal. Conducted by Daniel L. M. Peixotto, John R. Rhinelander, and John Jas. Graves. New York. v. 1-2, 1830-31. 8°. New York (The) Medical Journal: a monthly record of medicine and the coUateral sciences. Edited by Wm. A. Hammond, Ed- ward S. Dunster, Wm. T. Lusk, and James B. Hunter. New York. v. 1-30, 1865-79. 8°. New York (The) Medical Magazine, pubUshed annuaUy, and edited by Valentine Mott and Henry M. Onderdonk. v. 1 [in 2 nos.], 1814-15. 8°. New York (The) Medical and PhUosophical Journal and Review. v. 1-3, 1809-11. 8°. New York (The) Medical and Physical Journal, v. 1-9, 1822-30. 8°. [v. 8-9, April, 1829-Jan., 1830, are also caUed n. s., v. 1-2.] New York (The) Medical Press: a weekly journal of medicine, sur- gery, and the collateral sciences, v. 1-3,1859-60. roy. 8°. [Iu July, 1860, merged in: Am. M. Times, N. Y.] New York Medical and Surgical Brief, a practical monthly cUnic New York. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. New York (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter, v. 1, 1845-6, and nos. 1-10, 12-16, 18, v. 2, 1847. 8°. New York (The) Medical Times, v. 1-5,1851-6. 8°. [Merged in: N. York J. M.] New York Medico-Chirurgical BuUetin. v. 1-2,1831-2. 8°. New-Yorker medicinische Monatsschrift. New York. v. 1,1852-3, 8°. New York Microscopical Society. [-See Am. Q. Micr. J., N. Y.] New York (The) Monthly Chronicle of Medicine and Surgery, v. 1, 1824-5. 8°. New York (The) Monthly Review of Medical Science, and Buffalo Medical Journal. Buffalo. [Running title of nos. 1-13, v. 15, of: Buffalo M. J., N.Y.] New York Obstetrical Society. [-See Tr. N. York Obst. Soc] New York Pathological Society. [-See Tr. N. York Path. Soc] [80] N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl. Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.- Univ., Gotting. Nachr. v. d. Leben . . . teutsch. Aerzte, HUdesheim. NashvUle J. M. Sc S. Nashville M. Rec. NashvUle Month. Rec. M. & Phys. Sc. Nat. Bd. Health Bull., Wash. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Ne- gri. Indie, Batav. Nat. Hist. Rev., Lond. Nat. M. J., Wash. Nat. M. Rev., Wash. Nature, Lond. Neue Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. Berlin, v. 1-33 1834-52. 8°. [A continuation of: Gem. deutsche Ztschr. f. Goburtsk., Weimar, and continued as: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frau- enkr., Berl. After 1838, J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., united with this journal.] Naclirichten von der koniglichen GeseUschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universitat, aus den Jahren 18138-78. Gottingen. 11 v. 8° and 12°. Naclirichten von dem Leben und den Schriften jetztlehendor teut- scher Aerzte, Wuudiirzte, Thierarzte, Apotheker und Naturfor- scher. HUdesheim. v. 1, 1799. 8°. NashvUle (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery, v. 1-21, 1851- 61; n. s., v. 1-24, 1863-79. 8°. [Nothing pubUshed between Nov., 1861, and July, 1866.] NashviUe (The) Medical Record. [Title of v. 2-3 of the foUow- ing:] Nashville (The) Monthly Record of Medical and Physical Science. v. 1-2, and nos. 1, 2, v. 3, 1858-60. 8°. [-See, also, tho preceding. ] Nassauischer Verein fiir Naturkunde. [-See Jahrb. d. nassau. Ver. f. Naturk., Wiesb.] National Board of Health BuUetin. Washington, D. C. v. 1, 1879-80. 4°. Natuur- en geneeskundig Archief voor Neerlandsch Indie. Bata- via. v. 1-3, 1844-6. 8°. Natural (The) History Review. A quarterly journal of biological science. London, v. 3, 1856. 8°. [The same.] v. 1-2, 1861-2. 8°. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Lon- don. [-See Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc, Lond.] National Eclectic Medical Association. [-See Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass.] National Medical Association for the abolition of the State regula- tion of prostitution. [See Med. Enquirer, Liverp.] National Medical Convention. PhUadelphia. [-See Proc. Nat. M. Convent., Phila.] National Medical Journal. Washington, D. C. v. 1-2,1870-72. 8°. National Medical Review. Washington, D. C. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. [-See Proc. Nat. Quarant. & San. Convent.] Nature. A weekly illustrated journal of science. London, v. 1- 21, 1869-80. 4°. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. [-See Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Basel.] Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern. [-See Mitth. d. naturf. Ge- seUsch. in Bern.] Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig. [-See Schrift. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Danzig. ] Naturforschende GeseUschaft zu Emden. [-See Kl. Schrift. d. na- turf. zu Emden. ] Naturforschende GeseUschaft zu Freiburg i. Br. [-See Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. Br.] Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Halle. [See Abhandl. d. naturf. GeseUsch. zu Halle. Also: Ber. ii. d. Sitz. d. naturf. GeseUsch. zu HaUe. ] Naturforschender Verein in Briinn. [.See Verhandl. d. naturf.Ver. in Briinn. ] Naturforscher-Vorein zu Riga. [-See Cor.-Bl. d. Naturf.-Ver. zu Riga.] Naturhistorischer Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. [-See Abhandl. d. na- turh. GeseUsch. zu Niirnb.] Naturhistorischer Verein fiir Anhalt in Dessau. [-See Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. f. Anhalt in Dessau. ] [81] Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Hol- land. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem. Nederl. Arch. v. Genees- en Na- tuurk., Utrecht. Nederl. Lancet. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst. Nelson's Am. Lancet, Platts- burg, N. Y. Nelson's North. Lancet, Platts- burg, N. Y. [6] Naturhistorischer Verein in Augsburg. [-See Ber. d. naturh. Ver. in Augsburg.] Naturhistorischer Verein in Passau. [-See Jahresb. d. naturh. Ver. in Passau. ] Naturhistorischer Verein der preussischen Rheinlande und West- phalens. [-See Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal.] Naturhistorisch-medizinischer Verein zu Heidelberg. [-See Ver- handl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb.] Naturwissenschaftliche GeseUschaft zu Chemnitz. [-See Ber. d. naturw. Gesellsch. zu Chemnitz. ] Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. [-See Sitzungsb. d. naturw. GeseUsch. Isis in Dresd.] NaturwissenschaftUcher Verein fiir Schleswig-Holstein. [-Sec Schrift. d. naturw. Ver. f. Schlesw.-Hoist., Kiel.] Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Verein in Innsbruck. [-See Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck.] Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. Uitgegeven door de natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie. Ba- tavia. v. 1-38, 1850-79. 8°. [1. s., v. 1-3, 1850-52; 2. s., v. 4-10, 1853-6; 3. s., v. 11-14, 1856-7; 4. s., v. 15-20, 1858-9; 5. s., v. 21-25, 1860-63; 6. s., v. 26-30, 1863-7; 7. s., v. 31-38, 1869- 79.] Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie. [ -See Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav.] Natuurkundige VerhandeUngen van de HoUandsche Maatschap- pij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem, v. 18,1830; 2. s., v. 1,1841; v. 22, 1865. 8° and 4°. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Washing- ton. [-See San. & M. Rep. U. S. Navy, Wash.] Navy Medical Department, United States. [-See Med. Essays, Bureau M. & S., U. S. Navy, Wash.] Nebraska State Medical Society. [-See Proc. Nebraska M. Soc. Also: Tr. Nebraska M. Soc] Nederlandsch Archief voor Genees- en Natuurkunde. Onder Mede- werking van P. Q. Brondgeest, [et a/.] Uitgegeven door F. C. Donders en W. Koster. Utrecht, v. 1-5, 1865-70. 8°. Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. [-See Versl. . . . Nederl. Gasth. v. OogUjders, Utrecht.] Nederlandsch Lancet. Tijdschrift aan de praktische Chirurgie en Oogheelkunde. Utrecht, 1838-45. 's Gravenhage, 1845-56. v. 1- 7, 1838-45; 2. s., v. 1-6, 1845-51; 3.8., v. 1-5, 1851-6. 8°. [In Aug., 1846, Arch. v. Geneesk., Amst., merged in this journal.] Nederlandsch miUtair geneeskundig Archief van de Landmacht, Zeemacht, het Oost- en West-Lndisch Leger. Utrecht, v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, tevens Orgaan der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. Amsterdam, v. 1-8, 1857-64; 2. R., v. 1-15, 1865-79. 8°. [A continuation of: Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Ge- neesk. ] Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Heel- en Verloskunde. Utrecht. [A new series, 1854-69, of the foUowing:] Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Verloskunde, Ziekten der Vrouwen en der Kinderen. Utrecht, v. 1-16, 1846-69. 8°. [v. 6, 1854, is: n. s., v. 1, title as the preceding.] Nederlandsch Weekblad voor Geneeskundigen. Amsterdam, v. 1-6, 1851-6. 8°. [Want pp. 33-48, v. 3, 1853.] Nelson's American Lancet. A monthly journal of practical medi- cine. Plattsburg, N. Y. [Title of v. 7-12 of: North. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y.] Nelson's Northern Lancet and American Journal of Medical Juris- prudence. Plattsburg, N. Y. [Title of v. 4-6 of: North. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y.] [82] Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach. Neuigk. a. d. Med., Chir. u. Ge- burtsh., Berl. Neurol. Contrib., N. Y. New Lond. M. J., Lond. New Preparations, Detroit. New Remedies, N. Y. Nice-med. Nord. Arch. f. Nat.- u. Arzneiw., Kopenh. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Nordamer., deutsch' med. Zt- schr., Buffalo. Nordamer. Monatsb. f. Nat.- u. HeUk., PhUa. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania. North Car. M. J., Wilmington. North of Eng. M. Sc S. J., Lond. North. J. M., Edinb. North. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y. Neue (Der) Chiron. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Wundarzneyknnst und Geburtshulfe. Sulzbach. v. 1, 1821-3; v. 2, 1825^-7. sm. 8°. [Sec, also, Chiron, Niirnb.] Neue Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heilkunde. Meiningen. [Additional title of Samml. 9-11,1819- 24, of: Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk., Meiningen.] Neues Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Gotha. [Additional title of: J. d. Erfind., etc, Gotha, pts. 25-44.] Neuestes Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Gotha. [Additional title of: J. d. Erfind., etc., Gotha, pts. 45-52.] Neuigkeiten aus der Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. Berlin. Years 1-4, 1860-63. 4°. Neurological Contributions by William A. Hammond, assisted by WilUam J. Morton. New York. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1879. 8°. New (The) London Medical Journal. London, v. 1-2, 1792-3. 8°. New preparations: A monthly journal of medicine devoted to the introduction of new therapeutical agents. Detroit, v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. [Continued as: Therap. Gaz., Detroit.] New remedies. A retrospect of therapeutics, x>harmacy, and allied subjects. New York. v. 1-8, 1871-9. 8°. Nice-medical. Climatologie.—Mddecine pratique.—Hygiene. Or- gane officiel de la Socidtd de mddecine et de climatologie de Nice. v. 1-4, 1876-80. 8°. Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. [See Ber. ii. d. Arb. d. iirztl. Sect. d. nied.-rhein. GeseUsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. zu Bonn. Also: Org. f. d. ges. HeUk., Bonn. Also: Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn. ] Niederrheinischer Verein fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege. [-See Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln.] Norddeutscher Chirurgen-Verein fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Ge- burtshiUfe. [-See Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb.] Nordisches Archiv fiir Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Kopenha- gen. v. 1-4, 1799-1805. 8°. [Continued as: N. nord. Arch. f. Naturk., Arzneyw. u. Chir., Frankf. a. O. v. 2-4, title as fol- lows:] Nordisches Archiv fiir Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft und Chirur- gie. Kopenhagen. [Title of v. 2-4 of the preceding.] Nordiskt niediciniskt Arkiv. Stockholm, v. 1-11, 1869-79. 8°. [A continuation of: Med. Arch., Stockholm.] Nordamericanische, deutsch' medicinische Zeitschrift fiir praktische Heilkunde. Buffalo, N. Y. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1865. 8°. Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fiir Natur- und HeUkunde. Philadelphia, v. 1-4, 1850-52. 8°. Norsk Magazin for Laegevidenskaben. Udgivet af Laegeforenin- gen i Christiania. v. 1-10, 1840-45; 2. R., v. 1-24, 1847-70; 3. R., v. 1-9, 1871-9. 8°. [Want pp. 229-232, v. 6, 1843; pp. 577- 592, v. 15, 1861.] Norske medicinske Selskab. [-See Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania. ] North Carolina (The) Medical Journal. Wilmington, v. 1-4, 1878-9. 8°. [The same title was also running title of: Med. J. N. Car., Raleigh, 1858-61.] North of England (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. London and Manchester, v. 1, 1830-31. 8°. Northern (The) Journal of Medicine. A monthly survey of the progress of medical knowledge at home and abroad. Edinburgh. v. 1-4, 1844-6. 8°. [A continuation of: Scottish & North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb. Merged in: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond.] Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine. Platts- burg, N. Y. v. 1-12, 1850-56. 8°. [v. 4-6, title: Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y. v. 7-12, title: Nelson's Am. Lancet, Plattsburg, N. Y. ] [83] North. Ohio M. Sc Sc. Exam., Cleveland. Northwest. M. Sc S. J., Chicago. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, Minn. Notice d. trav. Soc. de med. de Bordeaux. Notice d. trav. Soc. roy. de med. de Bordeaux. Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte, etc., Berl. Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios. Nye Hygaea, Kjpbenh. Nye Sundh.-Tid., Kjpbenh. Nyt BibUoth. f. Phys., Med. og CBkonom., Kjpbenh. Northern (The) Ohio Medical and Scientific Examiner. Cleveland. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, 1848-9. 8°. [Nos. 4-9, title: Ohio M. Exam., Columbus.] North-Western Association of the Medical Officers of Health. [-See Proc. North-West. Ass. Med. Off. Health, Birkenhead.] Northwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Chicago and Indianapolis, v. 5-14, 1848-57. 8°. [For v. 1-2, sec Illinois M. & S. J., Chicago. For v. 3-4, see v. 1-2 of: Illinois & Ind. M. & S. J., Chicago. For continuation, see Chicago M. J.] Northwestern (The) Medical & Surgical Journal. A medical monthly devoted to the interests of the Northwest. St. Paul, Minn. v. 1-4, 1870-74. 8°. Notice des travaux de la Socidfcd de mddecine de Bordeaux. An- nee"s 1859 et 1864. 2 nos. 8°. Notice des travaux de la Socidtd royale de me'decine de Bordeaux. Ann6es 1823-8. 8°. Notizen fiir praktische Aerzte iiber die neuesten Beobachtungen in der Medicin, mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Krankheits- Behandlung zusammengestellt von F. Graevell. Berlin, v. 1-9, 1848-56; n. F., v. 1-20, 1857-76. [Continued as: Jahrb. f. pract. Aerzte, Berl. ] Novorum actorum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Ger- manicae naturae curiosorum. Tomi tricesimi quinti, seu decadis quartae tomi soxti. [Text in German.] Dresden. 1868-70. roy. 4°. Nova acta physico-medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae naturae curiosorum. [Text in German.] v. 9-17; pt. 1, v. 18. 4°. [v. 9, ErlangaB. 1818. v. 10-14, Bonnae, 1820-29. v. 15-18, Vratislaviae et Bonnae, 1831-6. ] Nye Hygasa. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-8, 1823-6. 8°. [Continued as: Hygaea, Kj0benh.] Nye Sundhets-Tidende. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-2,1782-3. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Sundh.-Tid., Kj0benh., and followed by: Sund- hdsbl., Kj0benh.] Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og ffikonomie. Kj0benhavn. [Title of: Phys., ceconom. og med.-chir. BibUoth., Kj0benh., from 1801-6.] o. Observador med., Mexico. Observateur, Courtrai. Obst. Gaz., Cincin. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. (Am. suppl.), PhUa. Obstetrique, Par. Oberhessische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und HeUkunde. [-See Ber. d. oberhess. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk.] Observador (El) mddico. Revista cientifica de la Asociacion mddica Pedro Escobedo. Mdxico. v. 1-4; nos. 1-5, v. 5, Nov. 1, 1869- Sept., 1879. 4°. Observateur (L'). Journal des sciences mddicales. Courtrai. v. 1-3, 1851-3. 8°. Obshestva. [-See Protok. zasaid., etc. Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk.)] Obstetric (The) Gazette, a monthly journal devoted to obstetrics and diseases of women and children. Cincinnati, v. 1-2, 1878- 80. 8°. Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland: including midwifery and the diseases of women and children. London. v. 1-7, 1873-Jan., 1880. 8°. Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland: including midwifery and the diseases of women and children. With an American supplement. Phila. v. 1-7, 1873-Jan., 1880. 8°. Obstetrical Society of London. [-See Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond.] Ohstdtrique (L') par M. le Dr. Antoine Mattei. Journal mensuel. Paris. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Odontological Society of Great Britain. Brit., Lond.] Oesterreichischer Aerzte vereins - Verband Vereinsztg., Wien.] [-See Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. [-See Oesterr. arztl. [84] Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien. Oglethorpe M. Sc S. J., Savan- nah. Ohio M. Exam., Columbus. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin. Ohio M. Sc S. J., Columbus. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus. Ohio M. & S. Reporter, Cleve- land. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Univ. te Leiden. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch. Ophth. Beob. u. Untersuch., Bre- men. Ophth. BibUoth., Jena. Ophth. Cong, zu Briissel, 1857, Ber., etc. Oesterreichische iirztliche Vereins-Zeitung. Organ des Oester- reichischenAerztevereins-Verbandes. Wien. v. 1-3,1877-9. fol. Ocsterreichisches Jahrbuch fiir Paediatrik. Neue Folge des Jahr- buches fiir Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters. Wien. v. 1-8/1870-77. 8°. Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, als Erglinzungsblatt der medicinischen Jahrhiicher des kaiserlichen-kdniglichen oes- terreichischen Staates, Wien. v. 1-12, 1841-8. 8C. [-See, also, Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oesterr. Staates, Wien.] Oesterreichische Monatsschrift fiir Thierheilkunde mit Beriick- sichtigung der Viehzucht und Landwirthschaft. Wien. Years 2-4,1877-9. 4°. [Years 1-2, 1876-7, formed v. 1.] Oesterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissenschaftUche Veteri- narkunde. Wien. v. 19-52, 1863-79. 8°. [A continuation of: Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien.] Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Kinderheilkunde. Wien. v. 1-2, 1855-7. 8°. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir praktische HeUkunde. Hrsg. vom Doctoren-Collegium der medicinischen Facultiit in Wien. v. 1- 19, 1855-73. 4°. [In Oct., 1874, continued as: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll.] Offenbacher Verein fiir Naturkunde. [-See Ber. . . . d. Offenbacher Ver. f. Naturk.] Oglethorpe Medical and Surgical Journal. Savannah, Georgia. v. 1-3, 1858-61. 8°. Ohio (The) Medical Examiner. Columbus. [Title of nos. 4-9, v. 1, of: North. Ohio M. & Sc. Exam., Cleveland.] Ohio (The) Medical Gazette. Columbus. [Running title of: Med. Counsellor, Columbus.] Ohio (The) Medical Recorder. Columbus, v. 1-4, 1876-80. 8°. Ohio (The) Medical Repository of original and selected essays and intelligence. Cincinnati, v. 1,1826-7. fol. [Mergedin:*West. M. & Phys. J., Cincin.] Ohio (The) Medical Repository. Cincinnati. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1835-6. 8°. Columbus, v. 1-16, New series. Colum- Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. 1848-64. 8°. Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. bus. v. 1-3, 1876-8. 8°. Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. [Homoeopathic] Cleveland, v. 1-11, 1867-77. 8°. Ohio State Medical Society. [-See Tr. Ohio M. Soc] Onderzoekingen gedaan in het physiologisch Laboratorium der Universiteit te Leiden, v. 4, 1878. 8°. Onderzoekingen gedaan in het physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrecht'sche Hoogeschool. Utrecht, v. 2, 5, 7, 8, 1849-56; 2. 8., v. 1-3, 1867-70; 3. s., v. 1-4; pt. 1, v. 5, 1871-8. 8°. Ophthalmologische Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen oder Bey- trage zur richtigen Kenntniss und Behandlung der Augen im gesunden und kranken Zustande von K. Himly. Bremen. Er- stes Stuck, Jan., 1801. 8°. [Continued as the foUowing:] Ophthalmologische Bibliothek, hrsg. von Dr. Karl Himly und Dr. Joh. Adam Schmidt. Jena. v. 1-2, 1802-4. 8°. [A continua- tion of the preceding. ] Ophthalmologische (Der) Congress zu Briissel vom 13. his 16. Sep- tember 1857. Bericht im Auftrage des Kon. Hannov. Ministe- riums des Innern von Dr. C. MiiUer und Dr. CI. Vogelsang. Hannover. 1 v., 1858. 8°. Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft. sch., Stuttg.] Ophth almologische Gesellschaft. ophth. GeseUsch., Rostock.] Ophthalmic Hospital Reports. lowing:] [-See Sitzungsb. d. ophth. Gesell- [-See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. [Title of certain vols, of the fol- [85] Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. Ophth. Rev., Lond. Oregon M. J., Salem. Oregon M. & S. Reporter, Sa- lem. Org. d Centralver. f. Naturheilk. in Sachs., Chemnitz. Org. f. d ges. HeUk. Org. f. d. ges. HeUk., Bonn. Orosi, Firenze. Orvosi hetU., Budapest Orvosi Tar, Pest Oss. med.-prat, e chir. di val. clin. ital., Imola. Osservatore, Torino. Osservatore med., Palermo. Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kj0benh. Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. London, v. 1-9, 1857-79. 8°. [Title of certain vols, and also running title was: Royal (The) London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, and Journal of Ophthalmic Me- dicine and Surgery. -See, also, the preceding.] Ophthalmic (The) Review: a quarterly journal of ophthalmic sur- gery and science. London, v. 1-3, 1864-7. 8°. Oregon (The) Medical Journal. A quarterly journal of medicine and surgery. PubUshed by the Marion Co. Medical Society. Salem. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1876-7. 8°. Oregon (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Salem, v. 1-2,1869- 71. 8°. Oregon State Medical Society. [-See Proc Oregon M. Soc] Organ des Centralvereins fiir Naturheilkunde in Sachsen. Chem- nitz, v. 1-5, 1873-7. 8°. Organ fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Hrsg. von dem Vereine rheinischer Medico-Chirurgen. Aachen, 1852-6. Berlin, 1857- 62. v. 1-11, 1852-62. 8°. Organ fur die gesammte Heilkunde. Hrsg. von der niederrheini- schen GeseUschaft fiir Natur- und Heil-Kunde zu Bonn. v. 1-2, 1840-43. 8°. Orosi (L'). Giornale di chimica, farmacia e scienze affini. Firenze. v. 2, 1879. 8°. Orvosi hetilap. Honi s kiilfdldi gydgyaszat ds kdrbuvarlat koz- ldnye. [With the following supplements: 1. Kdzegdszsdgiigy 6s Tdrv6nyszdki Orvostan. 2. Szemdszet.] Budapest, v. 20- 23, 1876-9. 4°. Orvosi Tar, kiadjak: Bugaf Pal ds Fldr Ferencz. Pesten. July- Dec, 1838; July, 1840-Dec, 1842; 1845. 8 v. 8°. Ospedale incurabUi. [-See Ann. cUn. d. osp. incur., NapoU.] Ospedale dei PeUegrini di NapoU. [-See Ann. clin. d. osp. d. Pel- legr. di Napoli.] Ospitale civico di Trieste. [-See Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. di Trieste.] Osservazioni medico-pratiche e chirurgiche di valenti clinici itaU- ani del secolo xviii. Imola. v. 1, 1793. 8°. Osservatore (L'). Gazzetta deUe cUniche, giornale ufficiale deUa Societa di medicina e chirurgia di Torino. Torino, v. 9-15, 1873-9. 8°. Osservatore (L') medico; giornale siciUano. 4-9, 1874-9. 8°. Palermo. 3 s., v. Oversigt over det KongeUge Danske Videnskabemes Selskabs Forhandlinger, og dets Medlemmers Arhcjder, i Aaret 1856-79. Kj0benhavn. 8°. P. PabeUon me'd., Madrid. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran. Pacific M. & S. J. Sc Press, San Fran. Pam. Akad. Umiej. w Krakow. Pam. Lek. Warszaw. Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc N. Y. PabeUon (El) mddico; revista cientifica y profesional de medicina, cirugia y farmacia. Organo oficial de la Academia mddico-qui- rurgica espaiiola. Madrid, v. 14-15, 1874-5. fol. [Jan. 1, 1876, merged in: Anfiteatro anat., Madrid.] Pacific (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. San Francisco, v. 1-22, 1858-80. 8°. [v. 10-20 also called n. s., v. 1-10. In April, 1865, San Francisco M. Press was merged in this journal. For title of v. 8-9, 1865-7, see the foUowing:] Pacific (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Press. San Fran- cisco. [Title of v. 8-9, 1865-7, of the preceding.] Pami^tnik Akademii Umiej^tnosci w Krakowie. Wydzial rnatema- tyczno-przyrodniczy. Krakowie. v. 1-4, 1874-8. 4°. Pami^tnik Lekarski Warszawski. Warszawie. v. 1-2, 1828-9. 8°. [Continued, in 1837, as the foUowing:] Pamhjtnik Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Warszawskiego. Warszawa. v. 1-75, 1837-79. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding.] Papers read before the Medico-Legal Society of New York from its organization. First series, revised edition. New York. 1 v., 1874. 8°. * [86] Paris med. Path. Tr. Chicago M. Soo. Pau med. Penins. & Indep. M. J., Detroit. Penins. J. M. Penins. J. M., Detroit. Penn. Hosp. Rep., PhUa. Peoria M. Month. Period. Acad, de med. de Md- gico. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest. Pfaff's prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., Altona. Pharm. CentralhaUe, Berl. Pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz. Pharm. Post, Wien. Pharm. Ztg., Berl. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb. Pharmacist, Chicago. Pharmacist, Chicago. Paris meilical. Me'decine et chirurgie pratiques. Paris, v. 1-5, 1875-80. 8°. [2. s., 4°, began June 5, 1879.] Pathological Society of Dublin. [See Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.] Pathological Society of London. [See Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.] Pathological Society of Philadelphia. [-See Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. Also: Tr. Path. Soc PhUa.] Pathologisch-anatomisches Institut in Krakau. [-See Untersuch. a. d. path.-anat. Inst, in Krakau, Wien.] Pathologisches Institut zu Miinchen. [-See Mitth. a. d. Path. Inst. zu Miinchen.] Pathologisches Institut zu Ziirich. [-See Untersuch. a. d. path. Inst, zu Ziirich, Leipz. ] Pathological (The) Transactions of the Chicago Medical Society. No. 2, Jan., 1877. 8°. Pau mddical. Bulletin thermal des Pyrdndes et climatologiques du sud-ouest. Pau. Years 1-3, 1877-9. 4C. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. [-See Rep. Peabody Museum, Cambridge] Peninsular (The) and Independent Medical Journal. Devoted to medicine, surgery, and pharmacy. Detroit, v. 1-2, 1858-60. 8C. [Formed by consolidation of: Med. Indep., Detroit, with the following. Continued as: Penins. J. M., Detroit.] Peninsular (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-6. Detroit, 1856-8. v. 1-5,1853-8. 8°. [In April, 1858, united with: Med. Indep., Detroit, forming the preceding.] Peninsular (The) Journal of Medicine. Detroit, n. s., v. 1-4 [v. 9- 12], 1873-6. 8°. [A continuation of: Penins. & Indep. M. J., Detroit. Consolidated with: Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., form- ing: Detroit M. J.] Pennsylvania Hospital Reports. Philadelphia, v. 1-2,1868-9. 8°. Peoria (The) Medical Monthly: a Journal devoted to Medicine and Surgery. Peoria, 111. Nos. 1-2, May-June, 1880. 8°. Periddico de la Academia de medicina de Mdgico. Mdgico. v. 1-3 (Julio 15, 1836-9). 8°. Pester mediziniscli-chirurgische Presse. Wochenschrift fiir die ge- sammte Heilkunde. Budapest, v. 14-15, 1878-9. 4°. Peter-Pauls-Hospital in St. Petersburg. [-See Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls-Hosp. in St. Petersb.] Pfaff's (C. H.) praktische und kritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie, fortgesetzt von W. F. G. Behn, G. B. Giinther, [ct al.~\, redigirt von J. Samson. Altona. [Title of v. 6-9 of: Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Kiel.] Pfliiger's Archiv. [See Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn.] Pharmaceutische CentralhaUe fiir Deutschland. Berlin, v. 1-14, 1859-73; v. 17-20, 1876-9. 8°. Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leipzig, v. 1-26, 1830-55. 8°. [In 1850, title became: Chem.-pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz. Con- tinued, in 1856, as: Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz.] Pharmaceutische Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. [-See Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb.] Pharmaceutische Post. Zeitschrift fiir die Gesammtinteresson der Pharmacie. Wien. v. 9-12, 1876-9. 8°. Pharmaceutische Zeitung. Bunzlau und Berlin, v. 21-24,1876-9. fol. Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift fiir Russland. tischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. 18, 1862-79. 8°. Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Record. Chicago. [Title of v. 1-5, 1868-72, of: Pharmacist & Chemist, Chicago.] Pharmacist (The). Chicago. [Title of v. 6-11. 1873-8, of: Phar- macist & Chemist, Chicago.] Hrsg. v. d. pharmaceu- St. Petersburg, v. 1- [87] Pharmacist & Chemist, Chicago. PhU. Arzt. PhU. Arzt, Frankf. a. M. PhU. Tr., Lond. Phila. Druggist & Chemist. PhUa. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc. Phila. M. Museum. PhUa. M. & Phys. J. PhUa. M. Sc S. J. Phila. M. Times. PhUa. Month. J. M. Sc S. PhUa. Month. Mag. Pho';. Rev. M. & S., PhUa. Phrenol. J. Phys. u. med. Abhandl.- d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. ' d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Pe- tersb., Riga. Pharmacist (The) and Chemist. Published by the Chicago Col- lege of Pharmacy. Chicago, v. 1-12, 1868-79. 8°. [Title of v. 1-5, 1868-72, was: Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Record. Title of v. 6-11, 1873-8, was: Pharmacist (The), Chicago.] Pharmacologischos Laboratorium zu Moskau. [-See Arb. a. d. pharmacol. Lab. zu Moskau.] Philosophischo (Der) Arzt. [Motto: Non omnia discimus omnes.] Frankfurt, Hanau und Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1775-7. 8°. [v. 2-4 published at Berlin and Leipzig.] Philosophischo (Der) Arzt. Von M. A. Weikart. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1-3, 1798-9. 8°. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Abridged to the end of the year 1700, 3 v.; abridged from 1700- 1720, 2 v.; abridged from 1720-33, 2 v.; abridged from 1733-50, 4 v.; v. 47-169, pt. 1, v. 170, 1751-1879. 4°. Philadelphia County Medical Society. [-See Disc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila.] Philadelphia Druggist and Chemist. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1878. 8°. [Continued as: Month. Rev. M. & Pharm., Phila.] Philadelphia (The) Journal of Medical and Physical Sciences. Supported by an association of physicians, and edited by N. Chapman, [W. P. Dewees, J. D. Godman, and Isaac Hays.] v. 1-9, 1820-24; n. s., v. 1-5, 1825-7. 8°. [Continued as: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.] Philadelphia (The) Medical Museum, v. 1-6, 1804-9; n. s., v. 1, 1810-11. 8°. [A subdivision of each number, entitled: Medical and Philosophical Register, is, after v. 2, paged separately.] Philadelphia (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Collected and arranged by Benj. Smith Barton, v. 1-3, 1804-9. 8°. Philadelphia (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by James Bryan, v. 2-6, 1853-8. 8°. Philadelphia (The) Medical Times. A weekly journal of medical and surgical science, v. 3-10, 1872-80. roy. 8°. [For v. 1-2, see Med. Times, Phila.] Philadelphia (The) Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by N. R. Smith, v. 1, and nos. 1-3, v. 2, 1827-8. 8°. [After Feb., 1828, merged in: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.] Philadelphia (The) Monthly Magazine, or Universal Repository of Knowledge and Entertainment. Nos. 1-3, v. 2, 1798. 8C. Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. [-See Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc] PhUosophical Society in Edinburgh. [-See Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb.] Philosophical Society of Glasgow. [-See Proc Phil. Soc. Glasg.] Philosophisch-medicinische Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. [-See Jahrb. d. phil.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.] Phiziko-ineditsinsk Obshestva v Moskvie, sostojashago pri Imp. Moskovskom Universitetie. [-See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. phiz.-med. Obsh. v Mosk.)] Photographic (The) Review of Medicine and Surgery. A bi- monthly illustration of interesting cases, accompanied by notes. Philadelphia, v. 1-2, 1870-72. 8°. Phrenological (The) Journal and Miscellany. Edinburgh, v. 1- 20, 1824-46. 8°. [With v. 11, 1838, the word "Miscellany" dropped from title, and the words "Magazine of moral science for the year", etc., added, v. 11, called n. s., v. 1. v. 11-14, 1838-40, published at London.] Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlungen der kdniglichen Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Lateiuischen und Franzdsischen iibersetzt von J. L. C. Miimler. Gotha. 4 v., 1781-6. 8°. Physikalische und medicinische Abhandlungen der kayserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Petersburg. Aus dem Latei- nischen iibersetzt von J. L. C. Miimler. Riga. v. 1-2, 178t'-3. [88] Phys., oeconom. og med.-chir. BibUoth., Kjobenh. Physiat. BI., Dresd. Physician Sc BuU. Med.-Leg. Soc, N. Y. Physician & Pharmac, N. Y. Physician & Pharmac, N. Y. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich. Physician & Surg., Bait. Physicians' & Surgeons' Invest., Buffalo. Physio-Med. J., Indianap. Physiol. Lab., Univ. Coll., Lond. CoUected papers. Physicalsk, oaconomisk og medico-chirurgisk BibUothek for Dan- mark og Norge. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-27, 1794-1806. 8°. [In 1798 title became: BibUoth. f. Phys., Med. og ffikonom, Kj0- benh. In 1801 title became: Nyt BibUoth. f. Phys., Med. og ffikonom., Kj0benh.] Physiatrische Bliitter. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Naturheilkunde und zur Mitarbeit bei den ndthigen Reformen auf den Gebieten der Krankheitslehre (Aetiologie und Pathologie), der Heilkunde (Therajiie) und der Gesundheitserhaltungslehre ( Hygiene ). Dresden, v. 1, 1867. 8°. Physician (The) and Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society. A monthly journal devoted to practical medicine and medical ju- risprudence. New York. v. 13,1880. [For title of v. 1-3, 1868- 71, see Physician & Pharmaceutist, N. Y. For title of v. 4-12, 1871-9, see Physician & Pharmacist, N. Y. Nos. 8-12, v. 12, ti- tle: Physician & Pharmac. & BuU. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y.] Physician (The) and Pharmaceutist. New York. v. 1-3, 1868-71. 4°. [See preceding. Continued as the following:] Physician (The) and Pharmacist. New York. v. 4-12, 1871-9. 4°. [Want nos. 2 and 4, v. 5 (Nov., 1872, May, .1873); v. 6, 1873-4. A continuation of the preceding. In Aug., 1879, BuU. Med.-Leg. Soc, N. Y., became a part of this journal, with sepa- rate pagination, and title became as follows:] Physician (The) and Pharmacist and the Bulletin of the Medico- Legal Society. A monthly journal of medicine and pharmacy and medical jurisprudence. New York. [ Was title of nos. 8-12, v. 12, 1879, of: Physician & Pharmac, N. Y. Continued as: Physician & Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y.] Physician (The) and Surgeon. A monthly magazine devoted to medical and surgical science. Ann Arbor, Mich. v. 1,1879. 8°. Physician (The) and Surgeon. PubUshed under the auspices of the CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons. Baltimore. [Title of v. 1, 1872-3, of: Bait. Phys. & Surg.] Physicians' (The) and Surgeons' Investigator. Buffalo, N. Y. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Physico-Medical Society of the Imperial University of Moscow. [-See Moskov. vratcheb. Vestnik. Also: Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. phiz.-med., etc.)] Physico-Medical Society of the State of New York. [-See Tr. Phys.- Med. Soc. N. Y.] PhysikaUsch-medicinische GeseUschaft in Wiirzburg. [-See Ver- handl. d. phys.-med. GeseUsch. in Wiirzb. Also: Wiirzb. med. Ztschr.] PhysikaUsch-medicinische Societat zu Erlangen. [-See Abhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Also: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Also: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Also: Wissensch. Mitth. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang.] PhysikaUsch-okonomische GeseUschaft zu Konigsberg. [-See Schrift. d. phys.-okonom. GeseUsch. zu Konigsb.] Physio-Medical (The) Journal. IndianapoUs, Ind. 8°. [For title of v. 1-2, see the foUowing:] v. 1-5,1875-9. Physio-Medical (The) Journal and Reform Advocate. 1-2 of the preceding. ] [Title of v. Physiological Laboratory, University CoUege. lected papers. 1874-5. 8°. London. Col- [-See On- Physiologisch Laboratorium der Universiteit te Leiden. derzoek. ged. in h. Physiol. Lab. d. Univ. te Leiden.] Physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrecht'sche Hoogeschool. [-See Onderzoek. ged. inh. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch.] Physiologische Anstalt zu Leipzig. {See Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz.] [-See Unter- Physiologisches Institut der Universitat Heidelberg such. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb.] Physiologisches Institut zu Breslau zu Bresl., Leipz.] [See Untersuch. a. [-See Stud. d. physiol. Inst. Physiologisches Laboratorium in Wiirzburg. d. physiol. Lab. in Wiirzb.] [89] Pisani, Palermo. Plumber, N. Y. Pop. Mag. Anthrop., Lond. Pop. osterr. Gsndhts.-Ztg.,Wien. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y. Pop. Sc. Month. Suppl., N. Y. Pop. Sc. Rev., Lond. Porvenir, Mexico. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem. Practitioner, Bait. Practitioner, Lond Prag. med. Wchnschr. Prag. med. Wchnschr. . Prakt Arzt, Wetzlar. Prakt. Geneesheer, Hertogen- bosch. Prakt. Handb. d. klin. Heelk., Gorinchem. Prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona. Prakt. Landarzt, Mitau. Praticien, Par. Precis de la const, me'd. d'lndre- et-Loire, Tours. Precis d. trav. Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Precis d. trav. Soc med. de Di- jon. Physiologisches Laboratorium der Wiirzburger Hochschule. [-See Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Wiirzb. Hochsch.] Pisani (II). Gazzetta sicula di freniatria e scienze affini. Organo del manicomio di Palermo. 2. s., nos. 1-2, 1878. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Gazz. sicula, Palermo.] Plumber (The) and Sanitary Engineer. New York. v. 1-3,1877- 80. fol. Popular (The) Magazine of Anthropology. London, v. 1,1866. 8C. Populare osterreichische Gesundheits-Zeitung, zurWarnung fiir Nichtkranke und zum Troste fiir Leidende. Wien. v. 3, 1832. 4°. [For continuation, see N. Folge d. Gsndhts.-Ztg., Wien.] New York. v. 1-16,1872-80. 8°. New York. v. 1-3, Popular (The) Science Monthly Popular (The) Science Monthly Supplement 1877-8; no. 1, new issue, 1879. 8°. Popular (The) Science Review. A quarterly miscellany of enter- taining and instructive articles on scientific subjects. London. v. 1-15, 1861-76; n. s., v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Porvenir (El). Periddico de la Sociedad filoiatrica y de beneficen- cia de los alumnos de la escuela de medicina. Mdxico. v. 1-3, 5, 1869-73. 4°. Practisch Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskunde in al haren Omvang, uit de nieuwste buitenlandsche Tijdschriften, uit oorspronkelijke Bijdragen van nederlandsche Geneeskundigen, en uit eigene Waarnemingen, inzonderheid ook ten Dienste van jonge Artsen en van Heelmeesters ten platten Lande verzameld. Gorinchem. v. 1-25, 1822-46, and 6 supplementary vols. 8°. [Continued as: N. pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem.] Practitioner (The): an independent monthly journal, devoted to medical, surgical, obstetrical, and dental science. Baltimore. [Title of no. 1, v. 1, 1880, of: Independ. Pract., Bait.] Practitioner (The). A monthly journal of therapeutics. London. v. 1-23, 1868-79. 8°. Prager medicinische Facultat. [-See Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gut- acht. d. Prag. med. Fak.] Prager medizinische Wochenschrift. Organ des Vereines prakti- scher Aerzte. Prag. Nos. 1-52, 1864. imp. 4°. Prager medicinische Wochenschrift. Correspondenzblatt der deut- schen Aerzte Bdhmens. Prag. v. 1-2,1876-7. .8°. [Continua- tion of: Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag.] Praktische (Der) Arzt. Eine Monatsschrift. Wetzlar. v. 1-20, 1860-79. 8°. Praktiserende (De) Geneesheer. Hertogenbosch. v. 1-5,1868-73; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1874-8; 3. s., v. 1, 1879. 8°.' Praktisch Handboek der kUnische Heelkunde in haren geheelen Omvang. Stelselmatig bewerkt volgens de nieuwste Mededee- lingen der voornaamste Heelkundigen van alio Landen. Naar het hoogduitsch. Omgewerkt en vermeerderd door F. W. Krie- ger en M. Polano. Gorinchem. Parts 1-11, v. 1, 1845-50. 8°. Praktische und kritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Me- dicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. Altona. [Title of v. 3-5 of: Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Kiel.] Praktische (Der) Landarzt. Eine Wochenschrift. Mitau. v. 1-2, 1773-4. 8°. Praticien (Le). Journal hebdomadaire de m6decine. Paris. No. 1, annde 1, Dec 16, 1878; annde 2, 1879. roy. 8°. [Years 1-2 form v. 1.] Precis de la constitution meelicale observde dans le ddpartement d'Indre-et-Loire. PubUd par la Sooidtd mddicale de Tours. 2. and 3. trimestres, 1826 ; 3., 1827; 2., 1828; 1., 1829; 1. and 4., 1830; 1. and 3., 1831; 1. and 2., 1832. 8°. [Continued as: Rec. d. trav. Soc. me'd. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours.] Precis des travaux de la Socidtd mddicale de Boulogne-sur-Mer, depuis sa fondation au 1. juin 1836 jusqu'au 1. Janvier 1839. 1 v. 8°. Prdcis analytique des travaux de la Socidtd mddicale de Dijon, pour les anndes 1833 et 1838-41. Dijon. 1837-43. 8°. [90] Precis d. trav. Soc. roy. d. sc. de Nancy. Presse med., Par. Presse med. beige, Brux. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl. Preuss. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Berl. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. Proc. Am. Ass. Cure Inebr. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. of Blind, Bost. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., PhUa. Proc. Am. PhU. Soc, PhUa. Proc. Anthrop. Sc Ethn. Soc. Lond. Proc. Ass. Med. Off. Am. Inst. for Idiotic Sc Feeble-Minded Persons. Proc. Ass. Municip. Sc San. En- gin., Lond. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. Proc. Convent. Am. Instr. of Blind, Indianap. Proc. Convent. Phys. Ohio, Cin- cin. Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sc. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc. Proc. Florida M. Ass. Proc. Georgia M. Ass. Precis des travaux de la SociCte" royale des sciences, lettres et arts de Nancy, de 1819 a 1823. Nancy. 1825. 8°. Presse (La) mddicale. Ancien journal hebdomadaire. Paris, v. 1, 1837. 4°. [A continuation of: J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. me'd., Par.] Presse (La) mddicale beige. Bruxelles. v. 1-12, 1848-60; v. 26- 31, 1873-9. 4°. [In 1850, Gaz. me'd. beige, Brux., merged in this journal.] Preussische Medicinal-Zeitung. Berlin. [Title of n. F., v. 4-7, of: Med. Ztg., Berl. In Jan., 1865, merged in: Berl. klin. Wchnschr. ] Preussische militariirztUche Zeitung. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1860-62. 4°. Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het Genootschap ter Bevor- dering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-6, 1791-1807. 8°. [Continued as: N. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord d. Heelk. te Amst. ] Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1865-73; pts. 1-2, 1874; 1875-7; pts. 1-2, 1878. 8°. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston and Cambridge, v. 1-8, 1846-73; n. s., v. 1-5, 1873-8. 8°. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the annual meetings, 1848-78 (1.-27.) V. p. 8°. Proceedings of the annual meetings of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. V. p. 1870-72 (1.-3.); 1874-5 (5.-6.) 8°. Proceedings of the first meeting of the American Association of Instructors of the Blind, August, 1872. Boston. 8°. [-See, also, Proc. Convent. Am. Instr. of BUnd, Indianap.] Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association, at the annual meetings. Philadelphia, 1852-77(1.-25.) 8°. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Philadelphia, v. 1- 17,1838-78; nos. 102-105, v. 18,1878-9. 8°. [Want nos. 1, 6-10,12, v. 1; no. 38, v. 4 (1847); nos. 49, 50, v. 5 (1853); nos. 61, 63,64, v. 7; no. 66, v. 8; nos. 68-74, 76-79, v. 9-10; no. 88, v. 12.] Proceedings of the Anthropological and Ethnological Societies of London prior to the date of amalgamation. 1871. 8°. [An appendix to no. lof: J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.] Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. PhUadel- phia. 1.-4. sessions. 1877-9. 8°. Proceedings of the Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engi- neers and Surveyors. London and New York. v. 1-3; v. 5, 1873-9. 8°. Proceedings of the President and Fellows of the Connecticut State Medical Society in convention, for the years 1818-19 (27.-28.); 1824(33.); 1830-79(39.-88.) Hartford. New Haven. 8°. [With additional title-pages for 1860-75: Proceedings and Medical Communications of the Connecticut Medical Society, 2. s., v. 1-4.] Proceedings of the Second Convention of American Instructors of the Blind, August, 1871. Indianapolis. 8°. [-See, also, Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. of Blind, Bost.] Convention of Physicians of Ohio. Journal of the proceedings of a convention of physicians of Ohio, held in the city of Columbus, on the 5th day of Jan., 1835. Cincinnati. 8C. Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Davenport, Iowa. v. 1; pt. 1, v. 2; 1867-77. 8°. Proceedings of the Dublin Obstetrical Society for the 34.-37. sessions, 1871-5. 8°. Proceedings of tho Florida 1874-5; 1876-7; 1878; 1879. ville, Fla., 1877-9. 8°. Proceeding Augusta Medical Association. Sessions of Charleston, S. C, 1875. Jackson- of the Georgia Medical Association, session of 1868. Ga. 8\ [91] Proc Indiana M. Convent., In- dianap. Proc. Indiana M. Soc. Proc Iowa M. Sc Chir. Soc. Proc. Kentucky M. Soc. Proc Lit. Sc PhU. Soc. Liverp. Proc. Lit. Sc PhU. Soc. Manches- ter. Proc. Louisiana M. Ass. Proc. M. Ass. Alabama. Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio. Proc. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Proc. M. Soc Calif. Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. Proc. M. Soc Georgia- Proc. M. Soc. Lond. Proc. M. Soc. N. Car. Proc. M. Soc Oregon. Proc M. Soc. Virg. Proc. M. Soc. Virg. Proc. M. Soc Wash. Ter. Proc. M. Soc. Wisconsin. Proc. Michigan M. Ass. Proc. N. Jersey M. Soc. Proceedings of the Indiana State Medical Convention. oUs. 1849. 8°. Indianap- Proceedings of the Indiana State Medical Society. Indianapolis. New Albany. 1.-6. annual meetings, 1850-55. 8°. [For con- tinuation, see Tr. Indiana M. Soc. ] Proceedings of the Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical Society at the 2. annual meeting, 1851. Keokuk. 8°. Proceedings of the Kentucky State Medical Society. Meeting for reorganization held at Louisville, April 2 and 3, 1867; also, 13. and 14. annual meetings, 1868-9. V. p. 8°. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Nos. 2, 3, 6, 13-15, 18-31, 1845-78. 8°. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manches- ter, v. 3-15, 1864-76. 8°. Proceedings of the Louisiana State Medical Association. New Orleans. 1. and 2. meetings. 1878-9. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama at the annual meetings, 1850-55 (4.-8.) Mobile. 8°. Proceedings of the State Medical Association of Arkansas. An- nual sessions, 1871-5 (1.-6.) Little Rock. 8°. [FoUowed by: Tr. M. Soc. Ark.] Proceedings and Medical Communications of the Connecticut Medical Society. [Additional title in 1860-75 of: Proc. Connect. M. Soc] Proceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio, for the years 1835, 1838, 1839, 1841,1842, 1845-50. V. p. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, at the monthly meetings Jan. 5, 1833, to May 3, 1834. 8°. Proceedings of the Convention for the reorganization of the Medi- cal Society of the State of California, and of the first annual meeting; together with the constitution, rules of order, and code of ethics. Incorporated Nov. 1, 1870. San Francisco. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of the County of Kings. Medi- cal and scientific papers, reports, discussions and notes, pubUshed monthly in the interest of the profession of Kings County. Con- ducted by the council of the society. Brooklyn, N. Y. v. 1-4; nos. 1-3, v. 5; 1876-9. 8°. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Georgia. Savannah. 2., 4., 5. annual meetings, 1851, 1853, 1854. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of London, v. 1-3, 1872-7 8°. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina. V. p. 1., 9.-11., 13., 14., 20. annual meetings, 1850-73. 8°. Proceedings of the annual meetings of the Medical Society of the State of Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 1875-6(2.-3.) 8°. [-See, also, Proc. Oregon M. Soc. ] Proceedings of the Medical Society of Virginia, held at Richmond. Annual meetings, 1852 (29.); 1853 (30.) 8°. Organization (The) and the proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Virginia (incorporated Jan. 14,1871). First session, held in Richmond, Nov. 2 and 3, 1870; to which is appended a copy of the constitution and by-laws, and an alphabetical regis- ter of fellows. Lynchburg. 1870. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of Washington Territory at the annual sessions of 1873 and 1874 (2.-3.) Olympia. 8°. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Wisconsin, at its annual session held in Madison, commencing January 30, 1856. JanesvUle. 1857. 8°. [Imperfect. Want pp. 1-15.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Michigan Medical Association for the years 1849 and 1850. Jackson, v. 1, 1850. 8°. Rise (The), minutes and proceedings of the New Jersey Medical So- cietv. Established July 23, 1766. [Transactions of the society from 1766-1800.] Newark. 1875. 8°. [U2] Proc Nat. M. Convent., Phila. | Proc. Nat. Quarant. Sc San. Con- vent. Proc. Nebraksa M. Soc. Proc. North-West. Ass. Med. Off. Health, Birkenhead. Proc. Oregon M. Soc. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasg. Proc PhUa. Co. M. Soc, PhUa. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Proc San. Com. Madras. Proc. South. Car. M. Ass. Proc Texas M. Ass. [Proc. ] Therap. Soc. N. Y. Proc Westminst. M. Soc Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. de med. de Strasb. Proc.-verb. . . . Soc nat. de med. de Marseille. Proc.-verb. v. de Vergad. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Afd. Na- tuurk., Amst. Progres dent., Par. Progres med., Par. Progreso med., Madrid. Progresso med., Rio de Jan. Progresul med. roman, Bucure- sci. Propagateur d. sc. med., Par. Proceedings of the National Medical Conventions, held in New York, May, 1846, and in PhUadelphia, May, 1847. Philadelphia. 1847. 8°. Minutes and Proceedings of the National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. V. p. 1.-4. annual meetings, 1857-60. 2. v. 8°. [Title of first: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Quarantine Con- vention, held at Philadelphia by invitation of the Philadelx>hia Board of Health. The word "National" does not appear untU 3. meeting.] Minutes and Pro'ceedings of the Nebraska State Medical Society, at the 1., 2., 4., and 5. annual sessions, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1873. Omaha. 8°. [Proc. of 3. session not published.] Proceedings of the North-Western Association of the Medical Offi- cers of Health, for the years 1875-6. Birkenhead. 8°. Proceedings of the Oregon State Medical Society. Portland, Oregon. Annual meetings, 1877 (4.); 1879 (6.) 8°. [-See, also, Proc M. Soc. Oregon.] Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Dublin, v. 1, sessions of 1840 to 15. Dec, 1849. Dublin. 1849. 8°. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, v. 1-3, 1860-70. 8°. [For continuation, see Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.] Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. No. 4, v. 6; nos. 1-2, v. 7; 1867-70. 8C. Proceedings of the Philadelphia County Medical Society. PhUa- delphia. v. 1, 1878. roy. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of Lon- don, v. 1-7; nos. 1-8, v. 8; 1856-78. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. No. 4, v. 7; no. 49, v. 12; v. 19-22; nos'. 156, 163, v. 23; v. 27; no. 190, v. 28; 1854- 78. 8°. Minutes of Proceedings of the Sanitary Commissioner for Madras, for months of March and April, 1877. Madras. 1877. fol. Minutes of the Proceedings of the South Carolina Medical Associa- tion, at its annual meetings, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1855, 1869, and at the extra meeting in 1854. V. p. 8°. Proceedings of the Texas State Medical Association at the annual sessions of 1869-73 (1.-5.) Galveston. 8°. [Continued as: Tr. Texas M. Ass. ] [Proceedings of] the Therapeutical Society of New York [organ- ized Nov. 2, 1877]. New York. pp. 1-97, 1877-9. 8°. Proceedings of the Westminster Medical Society. 1848-9. 8°. Nos. 1-3, session Proces-verbaux des sdances de la Socidtd de mddecine de Stras- bourg, v. 1-12, 1858-78. 8°. Proces-verbaux des sdances puhliques tenues le 3. ddcembre 184*, 1849 et 1850, et comptes-rendus des travaux de la Socidtd na- tionale de mddecine de Marseille, jiendant les anneds mddicales 1848-50. MarseiUe. 8°. Processen-verbaal van de gewoone Vergaderingen der koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkundc. Am- sterdam. Years 1865-6—1877-8. 8°. Progres (Le) dentaire. Paris, v. 1-6, 1874-9. 8C. Progres (Le) mddical. Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie. Paris, v. 1-7, 1873-9. 4°. Progreso (El) mddico. Revista de medicina, cirugia, farmacia, ciencias auxiliares, higiene y medicina legal. Madrid, v. 1-2. 1876-7. fol. ' Progresso (0) medico. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-3, 1876-9. 8°. Progresul medical roman, gazeta de medicina, farmacie si me- dicina veteriuara. Sub directia Dri. Vladescu si Chabudianu. Bucuresci. Auul 2, 1880. 4°. Propagateur (Le) de.s sciences mddicales, ou recueil encyclopcdique de mddecine, de chirurgio et do pharmacie, pour la France ot l'dtranger. Paris. Nos. 33-34, Aug.-Sept., 1825. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: L'lndicateur mddical.] [93] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Odesskich vrach. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v St. Petersb. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Prov. M. J., HaUfax. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond. Przegl. lek., Krakow. Przegl. post, nauk lek., War- szawa. Psych. & Med.-Leg. J., N. Y. Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien. Pub. Health, Lond. Pub. Health, N. Y. Pub. Health Mag., Montreal. Pub. de l'lnst. roy. gr.-ducal de Luxemb. Pub. Mass. Eclect. M. Soc, Bost. Pub. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Pubb. d. r. 1st. di studi sup. . . . in Firenze. Sez. di med. e chir. Protokol zasaidaniya Kavkazskago medicheskago Obshestva. Tiflis. 6.-15. year; nos. 1-3, 16. year, 1869-80. 8°. Protokoli Moskovskago meditsinskago Obshestva. [-See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Moskov. med. Obsh.)] Protokoli phiziko-meditsinskago Obshestva v Moskvie, sostojash- ago pri Inq). Moskovskom Universitetie. [-See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. phiz.-med. Obsh. v Mosk.)] Protokoli zasaidani Obshestva russkich vrache v Moskve. [-See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Obsh. russk. vrach. vMosk.)] Protokoli zasaidanii Obshestva Morskich vrachei v Kronstadt, 1876-9 g. 8G. Protokoli zasaidanii Obshestva Odesskich vrachei. Odessa. April, 1868-Dec. 16, 1872. 11 pts., 1869-73. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Obshestva russkiche vrachei v St. Petersburg za 1874-8 g. (41.-44. year.) 4 v. 8°. Protokol zasaidaniya Obshestva vrachei g Kazani. Kasan. Nos. 10, 11, 13, 14, 1870; nos. 5-14,1871; nos. 1-9, 13-15, 1872. 8°. Provincial (The) Medical Journal. Halifax. Nos. 2-3, v. 1,1868. 8°. Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. London. [-See Assoc. M. J., Lond. Also: Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond.] Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. London, v. 1-16,1840- 52. 8°. [On Jan. 7, 1853, Lond. J. M. was incorporated, and a new series commenced, with title: Assoc. M. J. v. 4-7, title as follows:] Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. London. [Title of v. 4-7, 1842-44, of the preceding. ] Przegla,d lekarski wydawany staraniem oddzialu nauk przyrod- niczych i lekarskich c. k. towarzystwa naukowego krakowski- ego. Krakowie. v. 1-10, 1862-71; 15-18, 1876-9. 4°. Przegla.d postepu nauk lekarskich. Warszawa. Nos. 1-2, for 1874 [published in 1876]; and nos. 1-5, for 1875 [pubUshed in 1877]. 8°. Psychological (The) and Medico-Legal Journal. A monthly re- view of diseases of the mind and nervous system, and of medical jurisprudence. New York. n. s., v. 1-3, 1874-6. 8°. [-See Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y. v. 3, Nov., 1875-May, 1876, title: Am. Psych. J., N. Y.] Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Hrsg. vom Vereine fiir Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologic in Wien. v. 1-8,1871-8. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien.] PubUc Health: A journal of sanitary science and progress. Lon- don, v. 3-7, 1875-7. 4°. PubUc Health. A weekly journal devoted to the preservation of health. New York. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, 1879. 4°. Public Health Magazine and Literary Review. Montreal, v. 1-2, 1875-7. 8°. Publications de l'Institut royal grand-ducal do Luxembourg. Sec- tion des sciences naturelles. v. 11-17,1869-79. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Soc. d. sc. nat. du gr.-duchd de Luxemb.] Publication (The Annual) of the Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society, containing an abstract of the proceedings. Boston. 1 v., 1861-72. 8°. Publications of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, v. 1-3, 1856-71. 8°. PubbUcazioni del r. Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezio- namento in Firenze. Sezione di medicina e chirurgia e scuola di farmacia. v. 1, 1876. 8°. Q. Quart. J. Calcutta M. & Phys. Soc Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Calcutta Medical and Physical Society. Calcutta, v. 1; nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1837-8. 8°. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Chemical Society of London. [Title of v. 1-14, 1848-61, of: J. Chem. Soc. Lond.] [94] Quart. J. For. M. Sc S., Lond. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond. Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y. Quart. J. Sc, Lond. Quebec M. J. Quarterly (The) Journal of Foreign Medicine and Surgery, and of the sciences connected with them. London, v. 1-5,1818-23. 8°. [Continued as : Anderson's Q. J. M. Sc, Lond.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety. Published under the auspices of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. Hart- ford, Conn. v. 1-3, 1876-9. 8°. [Publication commenced at Binghamton, N. Y.] Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London, v. 1-8, 1853-60; n. s., v. 1-19, 18(51-79. 8°. Quarterly (The) Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. New York. v. 1-3,1867-9. 8°. [Continued as: J. Psych. M., N. Y., from 1870-72. In July, 1874, publication re- sumed as whole no. 23, n. s., no. 1, v. 1, title: Psych. & Med.- Leg. J., N. Y.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Science. London, v. 1-7, 1864-70; 2. s., v.' 1-8, 1871-8. 8°. [With n. s., v. 1, 1871, the words "and Annals of Mining, Metallurgy, Engineering, Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Technology" were added to title. In 1879, 3. s. began, with title: J. Sc. & Ann. Biol., Lond.] Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. [-See National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention.] Quebec (The) Medical Journal, v. 1; nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1826-7. 8C. [Also caUed : Journal de mddecine de Qudbec ] Quekett Microscopical Lond, ] Club. [-See J. Quekett Micr. Club. R. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Ren- dic, MUano. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Ren- dic CI. di lett. e sc, mor. e poUt, MUano. Rac di oss. clin.-patol., Torino, RaccogUtore, Fano. RaccogUtore med. di Fano, RaccogUtore med,, Fori}. Rap. gen. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Seine, Par. R. Accademia medico-chirurgica di Torino. [ See Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino.] Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Rendiconti. MUano. 2. s., v. 1-10, 1868-77. 8°. Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Rendiconti. Classe di lettere e scienze, morali e poUtiche. Milano. v. 1-4, 1864-7. 8°. R. Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento in Fi- renze, [See Pubb. d. r. 1st. di studi sup. ... in Firenze. Sez. di med. e chir. ] R, Universita di Pisa. [-See Clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa (Fe- deli).] R. Universita di Roma. [-See Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma.] Raccolta di osservazioni clinico-patologiche dei dottori Giambat- tistaBoreUie Giovanni GareUi. Torino. Fasc. 1-4,1853-4. 8°. RaccogUtore (II). Opera periodica di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini. Fano. [Title of v. 1-24, 1838-49, of: RaccogUtore med., Forll. The running title of some vols, was: RaccogUtore me- dica. ] RaccogUtore (II) medico di Fano. of: RaccogUtore med., Forll.] RaccogUtore (II) medico. Giornale indirizzato al progresso della medicina e chirurgia pratica, e degU interessi morali e profes- sionali specialmente dei medici-chirurghi condotti. Forli. v. 1-24, 1838-49; 2. s., v. 1-24, 1850-61; 3. s., v. 1-24, 1862-73; 4. s., v. 1-12, 1874-9. 8°. [Title of v. 1-24, 1838-49, was: Rac- cogUtore, Fano. Title of certain vols, of 2. s., 1850-61, was: RaccogUtore med. di Fano. Title of 3. s., v. 1-24, 1862-73, was: Ippocratico. ] Rapport gdndral sur les travaux du ConseU d'hygiene publique et de salubritd du ddpartement de la Seine. Paris. 1820, 1828, 1846-66. 4°. [In 1820, title: Rapport gdndral sur les travaux du ConseU de salubritd. In 1828, title: Rapport du ConseU de salu- britd de la viUe de Paris et du ddpartement de la Seine. From 1846-8, title: Rapports gdndraux des travaux du Conseil de salu- britd.] [Title of 2. s., v. 1-24, 1850-61, [95] Rap. sur les traitements ortho- ped., Par. RealbibUoth. d. HeUk., Leipz. Rec. d. actes Soc. de sante de Lyon. Rec. Maine M. Ass., Portland. Rec. de med. vet., Par. Rec. d. mem. Rec de mem. de med. Par. mil., Rec. d'obs. de med. d. hop. mil., Par. Rapport adressd a Monsieur le ddldgud du gouvernement provisoire sur les traitements orthopddiques deM. leDocteur Jules Gudrin, al'hopital des enfants, pendant les anndes 1843, 1844 et 1845. Par une commission composde de MM. Blandin, P. Dubois, Jo- bert, Louis, Rayer et Serres; president, M. Orfila, Paris. 1 v., 1848. 4°. Rayer (P.) Archives de mddecine comparde. Paris. [See Arch. de mdd. comp. (Rayer), Par.] Real Academia de ciencias mddicas, fisicas y naturales de la Ha- bana. [See An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana.] Real Academia mddica de Madrid. [See Mem. r. Acad. mdd. de Madrid.] Real Academia de medicina. [See An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid.] RealbibUothek der Heilkunst oder Darstellung der Fortschritte der praktischen Arzneykunst und Wundarzneykunst im 19. Jahr- hundert. Leipzig, v. 1, 1803. 8°. Reale Accademia di medicina di Torino. [See Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino.] Reale Accademia medico-chirurgica di Napoli. [See Rendic. Ac- cad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Also: Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Na- poli.] Reale Istituto d'incoraggiamento alle scienze naturali, econo- miche e tecnologiche di Napoli. [See Atti r. 1st. d'incorag. a. sc. nat. . . . di Napoli.] Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. [See Atti . . . r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett., Milano. Also: Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. o lett. CI. di lett. e sc. matemat. e nat., Milano. Also: Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. c lett. CI. di lett. e sc mor. e polit., Milano.] Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venezia. [See Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti. Also: Mem. r. 1st. Ve- neto di sc, lett. ed arti.] Reale Stabilimento de' foUi in Aversa. [See Gior. d. r. Stabil. d. foUi in Aversa. ] Recueil des actes de la Socidtd de santd de Lyon, depuis fan pre- mier jusqu'd, la fin de l'an neuf de la rdpublique; ou mdmoires et observations sur divers objets de chirurgie, de mddecine et d'histoire naturelle. Lyon. v. 1-2, an VI [1798], and an X [1802]. 8°. [v. 2, composed of 6 nos., title: Journal de la So- cidtd de mddecine de Lyon.] Records of the Maine Medical Association at the annual meetings, 11.-13., Portland. 1863-5. 8°. Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire. (Nouvelle bibliotheque mddi- cale, 2. s.) Paris, v. 1-8, 1824-31; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1832-43; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1844-53; 4. s., v. 1-10, 1854-63; 5. s., v. 1, 1864; v. 9-10, 1872-3; 6. s., v. 1-6, 1874-9. 8C. [v. 3-8,1826-31, title: Re- cueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire ot comparde. From 1832-53, title: RecueU de mddecine vdtdrinaire pratique. ] Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire et comparde. Paris. [Title of v. 3-8, 1826-31, of the preceding.] Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire pratique. Paris. [Title, from 1832-53, of: Rec. de mdd. vdt., Par.] Recueil de mdmoires, ou collection de pieces acaddmiques, concer- nant la mddecine, I'anatomie et la chirurgie, la chymie, la phy- sique expdrimentelle, la botanique et l'histoire naturelle, tirdes des meilleurs sources, et mis en ordre par feu M. Berryat. Paris. v. 1-16, 1754-87. 4°. [v. 1-2, 1754, Dijon and Auxerre; v. 3, 1769, Dijon and Paris; v. 4-5, 1770-74, Paris; v. 6-16, 1781-7, Paris and Lidge. ] Recueil de mdmoires de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires, faisant suite au journal qui paraissait sous le meme titre. Rddigd sous la surveillance du conseil de santd, par Biron et Fournier. Publid par ordre de s. exc le ministre sdcrdtaire d'dtat du ddpartement de la guerre. Paris, v. 1-61, 1815-45; 2. s., v. 1-23,1846-58; 3. s., v. 1-35,1859-79. 8°. [Title of v. 1-2, 1815-16, was: J. de mdd., chir. et pharm. mil., Par.] Recueil d'observation s de mddecine des hdpitaux miUtaires. Paris. v. 1, 1766; v. 2, 1772. 4°. [96] Rec d'ophth., Par. Rec. period, d'obs. de med., de chir. et pharm., Par. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par. Rec. period. Soc. de sante de Par. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France, Par. Rec. de trav. Soc. med. aUem. de Par. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. de Ge- neve. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indre- et-Loire, Tours. Rec. d. trav. Soc. de med. de Niort. Rec. d. trav. Soc med. d'obs. de Par. Relat. d. trab. . . . Acad. imp. de med. do Rio de Jan. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Rep. Bd. Health Bait Rep. Bd. Health Bost. Rep. Bd. Health Brooklyn. Rep. Bd. Health Calif. Rep. Bd. Health Chicago. Rep. Bd. Health Co. Hudson, N. J., N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health Colorado. Rep. Bd. Health Dist. Columb. Recueil d'ophthalmologic Paris. 2. s., v. 1-5, 1873-8; 3. s., v. 1, 1879. 8°. [See J. d'ophth., Par., for 1. s.] Recueil xidriodique de littdrature mddicale dtrangere; ou suppld- ment au Recueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris. v. 1-2, an VII [1799]. Recueil pdriodique d'observations de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie. Paris. [Title of v. 1-7,1754-7, of: J. de mdd., chir., pharm., etc., Par.] Recueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris, v. 2-14, 1797-1802. 8°. [For v. 1 see the following. Continued as: J. gdn. de mdd., de chir. et pharm., Par.] Recueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de santd de Paris, v. 1,2. dd., an V [1797]. 8°. [For v. 2-14, see the preceding.] Recueil des travaux du Comitd consultatif d'hygiene pubUque de France et des actes officiels de l'administration sanitaire. Paris. v. 1-7, 1872-8. 8°. RecueU de travaux lus a la Socidtd mddicale allemande de Paris. 2 v., 1856 and 1865. 8°. Recueil des travaux de la Socidtd mddicale de Geneve. Annde 1, 1853. 8°. Recueil des travaux de la Socidtd mddicale du ddpartement d'Indre- et-Loire. Tours. 2. s., 1.-3. trimestre, 1833; 1., 3., 4., 1838; l.,2., 4., 1841; 3., 1842; 2.-4., 1843; 1844; 3., 4., 1845; 2., 4., 1846: 3., 4., 1847; 2.-4., 1848; 1849-50; 1., 2., 1851; 1.,2., 1852; 1., 2., 1854; 1855-6; 1858-60; 1862-3; 1865-72; 1876-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Prdcis de la const, mdd. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours.] Recueil des travaux de la Socidtd de mddecine de Niort. 1837-45. 6 nos. 8°. Recueil des travaux de la Socidtd mddicale d'observation de Paris. v. 1-2, 1853-63; 2. s., v. 1-2, 1865-70. 8°. Regia Societas medica Havniensis. [See Societaa medica Havni- ensis.] Relatorio dos trabalhos academicos de 30 de Junho de 1875 a 30 de Junho de 1876 apresentado a Academia imperial do medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Pelo Secretario-Geral Dr. Jose Pereira Rego Filho. Rio de Janeiro. 1879. 8°. Rendiconto delle memorie dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara lette neUe adunauze degli anni 1840-52. Bologna. Fer- rara. Venezia. 8 pts. 8°. Rendiconto delle adunanze e dei lavori dell'Accademia medico-chi- rurgica di Napoli. v. 1-26,1847-72. 4°. [With v. 13, 1859, the word "reale" is added to title. Continued as: Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli.] Rendiconti delle sessioni dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Anni accademici 1867-8—1877-8. 11 pts. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of Baltimore to the Mayor and City Council, for tho years 1857-60, 1865-6, 1868-79. Balti- more. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Boston, to the Mayor and City Council. Boston. 1872-3—1878-9(1.-7.) 8°. Report of the Board of Health of the City of Brooklyn. 1873-4 (1.); 1875-6—1876-7 (2.) 8°. Reports (Biennial) of the State Board of Health of California. Sacramento. 1870-79(1.-5.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Chicago, to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, for the years 1867-78. Chi- cago. 8C. Report of tho Board of Health and Vital Statistics of the County of Hudson, New Jersey, for the year ending December 31, 1877. New York. 1878. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Secretary of the State Board of Health of the State of Colorado to the Governor of the State. Denver. 1876-7(1.-2.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the District of Co- lumbia to the .President of the United States. Washington. 1871-2—1876-7 (1.-6.) 8G. [97] Rep. Bd. Health Georgia. Rep. Bd. Health Kentucky. Rep. Bd. Health Louisiana. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Rep. Bd. Health Maryland. Health Mass. Health Mich. Health MUwaukee. Health Minn. Health N. Haven. Health N. Jersey. Health N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health NashvUle. Rep. Bd. Health PhUa. Rep. Bd. Health Pittsburgh. Rep. Bd. Health Rhode Island. Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond. Rep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y. Rep. Dis. Chest, Lond. Rep. Health Dep. Cincin. Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis. Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong. Rep. Kings Co. Hosp., Brooklyn. Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lond. Rep. Manchester & Salford San. Ass. Rep. Med. Miss. Soc. in China. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd., Lond. [7] Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the State of Georgia to tho Governor of the State. Atlanta. 1874-6(1.-2.) 8°. Report (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky. 1878-9 (1.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana to the General Assembly for the years 1846,1849,1850,1856,1860, 18G7-75, 1877, 187t<. New Orleans. 8°. Report (Biennial) of the State Board of Health of Maryland to the General Assembly of Maryland. Annapolis. 1874-9(1.-3.) 8J. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts to the Legislature. Boston. 1869-78(1.-10.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Michigan to the Governor of the State. Lansing. 1873-8(1.-6.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Milwaukee. 1869-73(3.-7.); 1876-9(10.-13.) Milwaukee. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Minnesota to the Legislature. Saint Paul. 1872-8(1.-7.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of tho City of New Ha- ven. New Haven. 1873-9(1.-7.) 8°. Report of the Board of Health of the State of New Jersey. Tren- ton. 1877-9(1.-3.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the Health Depart- ment of the City of New York, to the Mayor. New York. 1870-75 (1.-6.) 8°. Report (Annual [and Biennial]) of the Board of Health to the City Council of the City of Nashville. Nashville. 1874-5—1878 (1.-3.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia, to the Mayor. PhUadelphia. 1860-76(1.-17.) 8°. Report (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Pittsburgh, for the years 1853, 1871-7. Pittsburgh. 8°. Report (Annual) of the State Board of Health of the State of Rhode Island. Providence. 1878(1.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Saint Louis. 1867-77(1.-10.) 8°. [Continuedas: Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis.] Reports of meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London. 1831(1.); 1832 (2.); 1842(12.); 1870(40.) 8~. Report of the first Congress of the International Otological So- ciety, New York, September, 1876. New York. 1877. 8°. Reports on Diseases of the Chest. London. [Title, after v. 2, 1876, of: Annual Rep. Dis. Chest, Lond.] Report (Annual) of the Health Department of Cincinnati. 1867-79 (1.-13.) 8°. Report (Annual) of the Health Department of the City of St. Louis. 1877-9 (1.-2.) St. Louis. 8°. [A continuation of: Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis.] Report of the International Ophthalmological Congress. London, 1872 (4.); New York, 1876 (5.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Medical Superintendent of the Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, to the Commissioners of Charities of Kings County, for the years 1853-4, 1839-79. Brooklyn. 8°. Report of the Local Government Board. 1871-2(1.) London. 8°. [Continuation of: Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council, Lond., and con- tinued as: Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council, Lond., n. s.] Report of the Committee of the Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association; being a summary of their proceedings for the years 1861, 1862, 1864-7, 1869, 1870, 1872-6, with appendices. Man- chester. 8°. Reports of the Medical Missionary Society in China. Macao, Can- ton, Hongkong. 1838-41 (1.); 1841 (2.); 1841-2 (3.); 1844-5 (6.); 1858-77 (20.-39.) 8°. Report (Annual) of the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board for the years 1876-8. London. 1878-9. 8°. [Supple- ment toAnnnal Reports of the Local Government Board. A con- tinuation of: Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council, Lond.] [98] Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council, Lond. Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council, Lond. Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health, N. Y. Rep. Mississippi Bd. Health, Jackson. Rep. Peabody Museum, Cam- bridge. Rep. Roy. Soc Tasmania. Rep. San. Admin. Brit. Burma, Rangoon. Rep. San. Admin. Punjab, La- hore. Rep. San. Com. Bengal, Cal- cutta. Rep. San. Com. Bombay. Rep. San. Com. Centr. Prov., Nagpur. Rep. San. Com. Hyderabad. Rep. San. Com. India, Calcutta. Rep. San. Com. Madras. Rep. San. Com. North-West. Prov., Allahabad. Rep. San. Com. North-West. Prov. 8c Oudh. Rep. on . . . san. improve, in In- dia, Lond.' Rep. on san. meas. in India, Lond. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash. Repert. chir. u. med. Abhandl., etc., Leipz. Reports (Annual) of tho Medical Officer of the Privy Council (to the Lords of Her Majesty's- most honourable Privy Council), with appendix. London. 1858-70(1.-13.) 8°. [Continued as: Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lond.] Reports of the Medical Officer of the Privy CouncU and Local Government Board. New series. London. Nos. 1-8, 1874-6. 8°. [Continuation of: Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lond., and con- tinued as: Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd.] Reports (Annual) of the MotropoUtan Board of Health [New York City] for the years 1866-9. New York. 1867-70. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Mississippi State Board of Health. Jack- son, Miss. 1877-9 (1.-2.) 8°. Reports (Annual) of the trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass., to the President and Fellows of Harvard CoUege. Cambridge. 1872-9(6.-13.) 1873-80. 8°. Reports of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1863-77. 8°. Reports (Annual) on the Sanitary Administration of British Burma, for the years 1867-77. Rangoon. 8°. Report on the Sanitary Administration of the Punjab, for the years 1867-77. Lahore, fol. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for Bengal for the years 1864-5 (1.); 1865 (2.); 1868 (1.); 1870-71 (3.); 1872-7 (5.- 10.) Calcutta, fol. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for the Govern- ment of Bombay, with appendices and returns of sickness and mortaUty amongst the native troops, the prisoners in jaUs, and the general population of the Bombay Presidency, for the years 1865-77(2.-14.) Bombay, fol. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for the Central Provinces, for the years 1869-78 (2.-11.) Nagpur. fol. Report of the Sanitary Commissioner of the Hyderabad assigned districts for the years 1875-7. Hyderabad, fol. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner with the Govern- ment of India; with appendices and returns of sickness and mortaUty among the British troops of India, and also among the native troops and prisoners in the Bengal Presidency for the years 1868-77 (5.-14.) Calcutta, fol. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner of Madras; with appendices containing medical returns of the European and native troops, and prisoners in jails; also the mortuary returns of the civil population for the years 1864-78 (1.-15.) Madras. fol. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner of the North- Western Provinces, for the years 1868-76 (1.-9.) Allahabad. fol. [Continued as the following :] Reports (Annual) of tho Sanitary Commissioner of the North- Western Provinces and Oudh. Allahabad. 1877 (10.) 1878. fol. [Continuation of the preceding, and of: San. Rep. Oudh, Lucknow. ] Reports on measures adopted for sanitary improvements in India; together with abstracts of sanitary reports forwarded from Ben- gal, Madras, and Bombay, for the years 1867-73 (1.-7.) Lon- don, v. 1-6, 1868-74. fol. [Continued as the following:] Reports on sanitary measures in India. Together with miscellane- ous information. London, v. 7-11,1873-4—1877-8. fol. [Con- tinuation of the preceding.] Reports (Annual) of the Board of Regents of tho United States Smithsonian Institution, to the Congress of the United States. Washington. 1847-77 (1.-32.) 8°. [Want 2. and 3. ] Reports (Annual) of the Supervising Surgeon of the Marine Hos- pital Service of the United States to the Secretary of the Treas- ury for the years 1871-2—1874-5; 1876-7; 1878-9. Washington. Repcrtorium chirurgischer und medicinischer Abhandlungen fur praktische Aerzte und Wundarzte aus den wichtigsten und neuesten engUschen Zeitschriften. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1792-1801. 8°. [v. 4, 1801, is also called: Neues Repertorium, etc.] [99] Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par. Repert. f. d. ges. Med., Jena. Repert. Jalisc de med. y cirug. pract., Guadalajara. Repert. de med. dosimet. Repert. med. extrang., Madrid. Repert. med.-chir. et obst., Brux. Repert. med.-habanero, Habana. Repert. med.-habanero, Habana. Repert. f. d. off. u. gerichtl. Arz- neyw., Berl. Repert. de pharm., Par. Repert. de pharm., Par. Repert. d. Thierh., Stuttg. Repert. univ. de med. dosimet., Par. Repertorium, Amersfoort. Res. trab. Ateneo prop, de las cien. nat., Madrid. Res. d. trav. Soc. de med. prat. de la prov. d'Anvers. Resic Accad. med.-chir. di Fer- rara. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Na- poU. Resoc. san. d. Osp. civ. di Tri- este. Restaurador farm., Barcel. Rev. d'anthrop., Par. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel. Rdpertoh-o gdndral d'anatomie et de physiologie pathologiques, et de cUnique chirurgicale, ou recueil de mdmoires et d'observations sur la chirurgio et sur I'anatomie et la physiologie considdrdes dans les tissus sains et les tissus malades. Paris, v. 1-8, 1826-9. 4°. Repertorium fiir die gesammte Medicin. In Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten hrsg. von Heinrich Haeser. Jena. v. 1-9, 1841-4. 8°. Repertorio Jalisciense de medicina y cirugia praoticas. Guadala- jara. Nos. 1, 2, 6, v. 1, 1874-5. roy. 8°. Rdpertoire de mddecine dosimdtrique. Par le Dr. Burggraeve, avec la collaboration Ubre des mddecins de tous les pays. Paris. Gand (Belgique). v. 1-7,1872-9. 8°. [In 1874, title also: Rd- pert. de thdrap. dosimdt., Par. In 1878, title became: Rdpert. univ. de mdd. dosimdt., Par.] Repertorio mddico extrangero; periddico mensual de medicina, cirugia, veterinaria, farmacia, quimica y bot^nica, dedicado es- pecialmente a" los conocimientos utiles en la ciencia y el arte de curar, con arreglo a" los descubrimientos modernos, por Don Josd De Lletor Castroverde. Madrid, v. 1-4,1833-4. 8°. Rdpertoire mddico-chirurgical et obstdtrical, ou choix de mono- graphies, theses, mdmoires, etc., sur la mddecine, la chirurgie et l'art des accouchements; pubUd sous la direction d'une socidtd de mddecins. Bruxelles. v. 1-4, 1836-7. 8°. Repertorio mddico-habanero. Habana. 2. s., no. 1, July 16,1842, to 4. s., no. 4, Oct. 15, 1843. 4°. [In Nov., 1843, united with: Boletin cientifico, forming the following:] Repertorio mddico-habanero y Boletin cientifico. Habana. Nos. 1-7, 9-15, v. 2, Nov. 1, 1843-June 1, 1844; nos. 1-6, v. 3, July 1-Sept. 15, 1844. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding.] Repertorium fiir die offentUche und gerichtUche Arzneywissen- schaft. BerUn. v. 1-3, 1789-93. 8°. Rdpertoire de pharmacie. Paris, v. 1-18, 1844-62; n. s., v. 1-3, 1873-5. 8°. [After March, 1876, J. de chim. mdd., etc, Par., was united with this journal, and title became as follows:] Rdpertoire de pharmacie et Journal de chimie mddicale rdunis. Paris, v. 4-7, 1876-9. 8°. [For title of v. 1-18,1844-62; n. s., v. 1-3, 1873-5, see preceding. ] Rdpertoire de thdrapeutique dosimdtrique. Paris. [Additional title in 1874 of: Rdpert. de mdd. dosimdt., Par. ] Repertorium der ThierheUkunde. Stuttgart, v. 37-40,1876-9. 8°. Rdpertoire universel de mddecine dosimdtrique. Paris. [Title of v. 6-7, 1878-9, of: Rdpert. do mdd. dosimdt., Par.] Repertorium (Het). Tijdschrift voor de geneeskunde in al haren omvang. Amersfoort. v. 1-7, 1847-54. 4°. Restimen de los trabajos en que se ha ocupado el Ateneo propaga- dor de las ciencias naturales durante el aiio acaddmico de 1874 ii 1875, leido en la sesion inaugural del curso de 1875 a" 1876 por el secretario Angel de Diego y Capdevila. Madrid. 1875. 8°. Rdsumd des travaux de la Socidtd de mddecine pratique de la pro- vince d'Anvers, pendant le courant de l'annde 1840-41, fait dans la sdance gdndrale du 12. juillet 1841; par le Dr. H. Van Berchem. Bruxelles. 1841. 8°. Resiconti delle adunanze dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. Nuova serie. Anni 34-36, 1861-3. 3 pts. 8°. Resoconto delle adunanze e dei lavori della reale Accademia medico- chirurgica di Napoli. v. 27-33, 1873-9. 4°. [A continuation of: Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli.] Resoconto sanitario dell'Ospitale civico di Trieste per l'anni 1873- 6. Trieste. 1876-8. 8°. Restaurador (El) farmaceutico. Barcelona. 8°. Revue d'anthropologie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1872-7; 2. s., v. 1-2,1878- 9. 8°. Revista de ciencias mddicas. Periddico mensual de conocimientos mddicos. Barcelona, v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. v. 14-35, 1858-79. [100] Rev. de la cUn. de mal. d. femmes de la Fac. de med. de Lyon, Par. Rev. clin. Soc. d. museo anat- patol. d. hosp. Juarez, Mexico. Rev. d. cours scient, etc., Par. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par. Rev. esp. de oftal., sif., etc., Ma- drid. Rev. gen. de cien. med. y de sanid. mil., Madrid. Rev. d. hop. civ. de Metz. Rev. d'hyg., Par. Rev. internat. de l'electrother., etc., Brux. Rev. de Ut. med., Par. Rev. med., Guadalajara. Rev. de med., Far. Rev. med., Rio de Jan. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Ma- drid. Rev. de med. dosimet., Madrid. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par. Rev. med. hist, et phil., Par. Rev. med. de Limoges. Rev. med. du midi, Montpel. Rev. de me'd. et pharm. de l'Em- pire Ottoman, Constantinople. Revue de la cUnique de maladies des femmes de la Facultd do mddecine de Lyon xiendant le semestre d'dtd de 1878 (service do M. Laroyenne), par Joanny Rendu. Paris. 1879. 8°. Revista cUnica de la Sociedad del museo anatomo-patoldgico del hospital Juarez. Mdxico. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1^74. 8°. Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de l'etranger. Phy- sique—chimie—zoologie—botanique—anatomie—physiologie— gdologie—paldontologie—mddecine. Paris, v. 1-2, 1863-5, and nos. 39-50, 1869. 4°. [See Rev. scient., Par., for 2. s. ] Revue des deux mondes. Paris. 2. pdriode, v. 85-108, 1870-73; 3. pdriode, v. 1-24, 1874-7. 8°. Revista especial de oftalmologia, sifiUografia, dermatologia y afec- ciones urinarias. Madrid. Nos. 18-30, Jan. 12, 1879-Jan. 15, 1880. 8°. [These nos. form v. 1-2, ano 2, and v. 1, ano 3.] Revista general de ciencias mddicas y de sanidad militar. Perid- dico oficial de cuerpo de sanidad del ejdrcito. Madrid. [Title of v. 4 of: sanid. mil. espan., Madrid.] Revue des hdpitaux civils de Metz. Journal d'ocuUstique, do md- decine et de chirurgie pratiques, par J. B. E. Defer. Metz. Nos. 1-13, 1852-7. 8°. Revue d'hygiene et de poUce sanitaire. Paris, v. 1, 1879. 8°. Revue internationale de l'dlectrothdrapie, de thdrapeutique md- dico-chirurgicale, de x>harmacie et d'hygiene, publide par H. van Holsbe'ek et B. Dux>uy. Annales de l'dlectricitd et Echo mddical, rdunis. Bruxelles. [Title of v. 15, 1874, of: Ann. de l'dlect. mdd., Brux.] Revue de Uttdrature mddicale. Paris, v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Hygiene pour tous, Par. ] Revista (La) mddica. Periddico cientifico de la Sociedad de medi- cina de Guadalajara, v. 1,1871-2; nos. 1-8, v. 3; 1875 - Oct., 1876. 4°.' [Title of society also appears on covers as: Sociedad md- dica de Guadalajara.] Revista de medicina. Medicina, cirugia e pharmacia. Paris. Anno 1, 1879. 4°. Revista medica. PubUcacao quinzenal. Redigida por estudantes do medicina. Rio do Janeiro, v. 1-4, 1W73-7. 8°. [v. 2, sub- title : Jornal de sciencias medicas e cirurgicas. v. 3 is v. 1, n. s., title: Revista medica do Rio de Janeiro; jornal de sciencias medicas, cirurgicas e naturaes. v. 4, sub-title: Organi de As- sociacao medica do Rio de Janeiro. Want nos. 11-14 of v. 4, 1877.] Revista medica do Rio de Janeiro; jornal de sciencias medicas, cirurgicas e naturaes. [Title of v. 3-4 of the preceding.] Revista mddica de ChUe. Publicada bajo la redaccion de la Socie- dad mddica. Santiago de Chile, v. 1-8, 1872-80. 8°. Revista de medicina y cirugia prdcticas (nacional y extranjera). Organo oficial de la Academia mddico-quirurgica Jorezana. Ma- drid, v. 1-5, 1877-9. 8°. Revista do medicina dosimdtrica basade en la fisiologia y exx>eri- mentacion clinica. Madrid, v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. Revue mddicale de f est. Nancy, v. 1-11, 1874-9. 8°. Revue mddicale francaise et dtrangerc Paris. 162 v., 1822-79. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. mdd. hist, et phil., Par. In ls31, Mdmor. d. hOp. du midi, Par., and in 1834, Tr. mdd., Par., merged in this journal.] Revue mddicale historique et xdiilosophique. Paris, v. 1-6, 1820- 21. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. mdd. franc, et dtrang., Par. v. 4- 6, 1821, contained: Bull. Soc. mdd. d'dmulat. de Par.] Rdvue mddicale do Limoges, v. 1-4, 1867-74. 8°. [After no. 8, v. 3 (Dec, 1869), suspended till Aug., 1872, when sub-title be- came : Journal choisi par la Socidtd de mddecine et do pharma- cie de la Haute-Vionno pour la publication de ses travaux. ] Revue mddicale du midi. Montpellier. [Title, after no. 19, v. 1, of: Rev. mdd. et pharm. du midi, Montpel.] Revue do mddecine et do pharmacie de l'Empire Ottoman. Con- stantinople, v. 2, 1876-7, roy. 8°. [101] Rev. med., pharm. et hippiat, Liege. Rev. med. et pharm. du midi, Montpel. Rev. med. de Toulouse. Rev. me'd.-chir. d. mal. d. fem- mes, Par. Rev. med.-chir. de Par. Rev. med.-farm, de Puerto-Rico. Rev. med.-phot. d. hop. de Par. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires. Rev. med.-quir., N.-Y. Rev. mens, de med. et chir., Par. Rev. mens, med.-quir. de N.-Y. Rev. mycol., Toulouse. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par. Rev. de sanid. mil, espan., Ma- drid. Rev. de sanid. mil, y gen. de cien. med., Madrid. Rev. d. sc. med., Par. Rev. scient., Par. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par. Rev. de therap. du midi, Mont- pel. Rev. f. Thierh., Wien. Rev. d. Wien. Med.-Halle. Revue mddicale, pharmaceutique et hippiatrique. Lidgo. v. 1, 1847-8. 8°. Revue mddicale et pharmaceutique du midi: journal des connais- sances pratiques et des intdrets professionnels, rddigd par uno socidtd de mddecins et de pharmaciens de cette rdgion. Mont- pellier. v. 1, and nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1875-6. 8°. [After no. 19, v. 1, title: Rev. mdd. du midi, Montpel. ] Revue mddicale de Toulouse, publide par la Socidtd impdriale de mddecine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Toulouse, v. 1-13,1867-79. 8°. Revue mddico-chirurgicale des maladies des femmes. Paris, v. 1, 1879. 8°. Revue mddico-chirurgicale de Paris. Journal de mddecine et Journal de chirurgie rdunis; sous la direction de M. Mal- gaigne. Paris, v. 1-18, 1847-55. 8°. Revista mddico-farmacdutica de Puerto-Rico. Nos. 4,7, 14-15, 1877. 4°. Revue mddico-photographique des hopitaux de Paris. [Title of v. 5-8 of: Rev. phot. d. hop. dePar.] Revista mddico-quinirgica. Buenos Aires, v. 1-16, 1864-80. 8°. Revista mddico-quirurgica y dentistica do los Sres. Wilson v Gon- zalez. Nueva-York. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1868. 8°. Revue mensueUe de mddecine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Revista mensuel mddico-quirurgica de Nueva-York, conteniendo extractos de los nuevos descubrimientos y adelantos practicos que se han hecho en la ciencia mddica, y formando un compendio de las mas escogidas pubUcaciones de los mejores mddicos de Europa y Amdrica. Nueva-York. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. Revue mycologique; recueil trimestriel iUustrd, consacrd a l'dtude des champignons. Toulouse and Paris. No. 1, v. 1, 1879. 8°. Revue photographique des hdpitaux de Paris. Bulletin mddical pubUd sous le patronage de Fadmiuistration de l'assistance x>u- blique, par les docteurs Montmdja, J. Rengate et Bourneville. Paris, v. 1-7; nos. 1-6, v. 8; 1869 - June, 1876. 8°. [Title of v. 5-8 was : Rev. mdd.-phot. d. hdp. de Par.] Revista de sanidad militar espafiola y extranjera. Madrid, v. 1- 4, 1864-7. 8°. [v. 4, title: Rev. gen. de cien. mdd. y de sanid. mil., Madrid, v. 3, title as follows:] Revista de sanidad militar y general de ciencias mddicas. Periddico official del cuerpo de sanidad militar. Madrid. [Title of v. 3 of the preceding.] Revue des sciences mddicales en France et a I'dtranger. Recueil trimestrial analytique, critique et bibliographique, dirigd par Georges Hayem. Paris, v. 1-14, 1873-9. 8°. Revue (La) scientifique de la France et de I'dtranger. Revue des cours scientifiques (2. s.) Paris, v. 1-17,1871-9. 4°. Revue scientifique et administrative des mddecins des armdes do terre et de mer. Paris, v. 1-9, June, 1850-Dec, 1879. 8°. Revue de thdrapeutique mddico-chirurgicale, publide par le dr. A. Martin-Lauzer. (Journal des connaissances mddico-chirurgi- cales.) Paris, v. 1-46, 1833-79. 8°. [Suspended from Sept. 15, 1870, till April 1, 1871. For v. 1-20, 1833-52, see J. d. conn. mdd.-chir., Par.] Revue de thdrapeutique du midi. Journal de mddecine, de chirur- gie et de pharmacie pratiques. MontpelUer. v. 1-11, 1850-57. 8°. Revue fiir Thierheilkunde und Thierzucht. Wien. v. 1-2, 1878- 9. 8°. [Beilage zur Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien.] Revue der Wiener Medizinal-Halle. Jahrbuch der gesammten I>raktischen Heilkunde des In- und Auslandes. Wien. v. 1-2, 1860-61. 8°. [A supplement to: Wien. Med.-Halle. For con- tinuation, sec Med.-chir. Rundschau, Wien.] [102] Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerz- te, Koln. Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., LouisvUle. Richmond M. J. Riforma clin., NapoU. Riv. clin. di Bologna. Riv. settim. di' med. e chir., Pisa. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio- EmUia. Rocznik Ces. Krol. Towarz. nauk. krakow., Krakow. Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf. Med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl., Niirnb. Rohrleger, Berl. Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond. Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat- przyr. Akad. Umiej. w Kra- kow. Rheinische Jahrhiicher der Medicin und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der medicinisch-chi- rurgischen Literatur des Auslandes. Bonn, 1819-21. Elberfeld, 1822-3. [Additional title of v. 1-7, 1819-23, of: N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn.] Rheinische Monatsschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Koln. v. 1-5, 1847-51. 8°. RheinischwestphaUscho Jahrhiicher der Medicin und Chirurgie. Hamm. [Additional title of v. 8-12, 1824-7, of: N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn.] Rhode Island Medical Society. [See Communicat. Rhode Island M. Soc. Also: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc] Richmond (The) and LouisvUle Medical Journal. LouisvUle. v. 6-28,1868-79. 8°. [For title of nos. 5-6, v. 28, Nov., Dec, 1879, see GaUlard's M. J., N. Y. A continuation of the foUowing:] Richmond (The) Medical Journal. Richmond, Va. v. 1-5,1866-8. 8°. [Continued as the preceding. ] Riforma (La) clinica. Giornale e dizionario di medicina. NapoU. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Rivista clinica di Bologna. (Continuazione deU'Ebdomadario clinico.) Bologna. Anni 4-9; 2. s., anni 1-9; 1865-79. 4°. Rivista settimanale di medicina e chirurgia. Pisa. Nos. 1-9, April-June, 1879. 8°. Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e di medicina legale in relazione con l'antropologia e le scienze giuridiche e sociaU. Reggio- EmiUa. v. 1-5,1875-9. 8°. Rocznik Ces. Krdl. Towarzystwa naukowego krakowskiego. Kra- kdw. v. 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 1867-72. 8°. [This abbreviation has been employed in a few instances in the first volume. The correct form wiU be found under: Auserl. med.- chir.-, etc.] Rohrleger (Der). Zeitschrift fiir die Vorsorgung der Gebiiude mit Licht und Warme, Wasser und Luft. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 4°. Rotunda Lying-in Hospital. Hosp., Dubl.] [See CUn. Eep. Rotunda Lying-in [See Med. Tr. Roy. CoU. Royal CoUege of Physicians of London. Phys., Lond.] Royal Commission on the sanitary state of the Army in India. London. 2 v., 1863. fol. Royal (The) London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. [Title of certain vols, and also running title of: Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. ] Royal Medical and Chirurgieal Society of London. [See Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond. Also: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond.] Royal Microscopical Society. London. [See J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond. Also: Month. Micr. J., Lond.] Royal Society of London. Soc Lond.] [See PhU. Tr., Lond. Also: Proc Roy. Royal Society of Tasmania. [See Rep. Roy. Soc. Tasmania.] Rozxirawy i sprawozdania z posiedzen wydzialu matematyczno- przyrodniczego Akadeirui Umiej^tnosci w Krakowie. v. 1-5, 1874-8. 8°. Russlands medicinische Zeitung. Petersb.] [See Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. s. Salute, Genova. Sachs' medicinischer Almanach. Berlin. [See Med. Aim., Berl.] Saint Joseph Medical Society. Missouri. [See St. Joseph J. M. &S.] Salute (La). Giornale d'igiene popolare e di altre cognizioni utiU. Genova. v. 1-14, 1865-79. 8°. [v. 1 is 2. ed. plement was added under the following title:] In 1875 a sup- [103] Salute (suppl.), Genova. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak. Samml. f. d. HeUk. d. Gemuths- krankh., Elberfeld. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . Gesch. San. Engin., Lond. San Francisco M. J. San. Francisco M. Press. San Francisco West. Lancet. San. Jour., Glasg. San. Jour., Toronto. San. Jour, for Scotland, Glasg. San. & M. Rep. U. S. Navy, Wash. San. Rec, Lond. San. Rep. Oudh, Lucknow. San. Rev., Lond. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Po- sen f. 1830. San.-Gesetze u. Verord., etc., Wien. Sanitarian, N. Y. Sante, Brux. Salute (La). Giornale di scienze mediche, con speciali riviste de medicina, chirurgia e terapeutica. Genova. v. 1-5,1875-9. 8°. [A supplement to tho preceding. ] Sammlung von Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in der Medicin, etc. [Additional title of: Arch. d. Med., Chir. u. Pharm., Aarau. ] Sammlung gerichtsarztlicher Gutachten der Prager medicinischen Fakultat. ZusammengesteUt und hrsg. in Vollmacht der Fa- kultiit von Dr. Josef Maschka. Prag, 1853; 2. and 3. F., Prag, 1858-67; 4. F., Leipzig, 1873. 4 v. 8°. Sammlungen fiir die Heilkunde der Gemiithskrankheiten. Elber- feld. v. 1-3, 1822-30. 12°. Sammlung klinischer Vortrage in Verbindung mit deutschen KUni- kern, hrsg. von Richard Volkmann. Chirurgie, nos. 1-53; Gyniikologie, nos. 1-52; Innere Medicin, nos. 1-61. Leipzig. 1874-9. 8°. Sammlung von Natur- und Medicin- wie auch hierzu gehorigen Kunst- und Literatur-Geschichten. Breszlau. Leipzig und Budissin. 1717-23. 5 v. 4°. [In 1717-18 at Breszlau; 1719-23 at Leipzig und Budissin. Additional title : AnnaUum physico- medicorum, oder Geschichte der Natur und Kunst. ] Sanitary (The) Engineer, with which is incorporated The Sanitary Register; a monthly record of sanitary news, together with re- ports of proceedings, original articles, correspondence, notes of the month, etc. London. 1. s., nos. 1-3,' v. 1, Jan.-March, 1880. 4°. San Francisco (The) Medical Journal. Devoted to medicine, sur- gery, science, Uterature, and news. San Francisco. No. 1, v. 1, 1856. 8°. San Francisco (The) Medical Press, v. 1-5, 1860-65. 8°. [In AprU, 1865, consoUdated with: Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., forming: Pacific M. & S. J. & Press, San Fran.] San Francisco (The) Western Lancet. San Francisco, v. 1-8, 1872-80. 8°. [Title of v. 1-7 and nos. 1-3, v. 8, was: West. Lancet, San Fran. ] Sanitary (The) Journal. Glasgow, n. s., v. 2-3, March, 1878-80. 8°. [Continuation of: San. Jour, for Scotland, Glasg.] Sanitary (The) Journal. Devoted to pubUc health. Toronto. v. 1-4, July, 1874-80. 8°. Sanitary (The) Journal for Scotland. Glasgow, v. 1, March, 1876- Feb., 1878. 4°. [Continued as: San. Jour., Glasg.] Sanitary and Medical Reports for 1873-4, by officers of the U. S. Navy. Prepared for publication under the direction of the Surgeon-General of the Navy, by H. C. Nelson. Washington. 1875. 8°. Sanitary (The) Record. A journal of pubUc health. London. v. 1-10, 1874-June, 1879; n. s., v. 1, 1879-80. 4°. Sanitary Report for the Province of Oudh, for the 1. to 8. year. Lucknow. 1869-76. fol. [Continued as: Rep. San. Com. North- west. Prov. &Oudh.] Sanitary (The) Review and Journal of PubUc Health. London. ' [Title of v. 3-4 of: J. Pub. Health & San. Rev., Lond.] Sanitats-Bericht des konigl. Medizinal-CoUegiums zu Posen fiir das erste und zweite Semester 1830. Posen, 1832. fol. Sanitats-Collegium von Basel-Stadt. [See Ber. d. San.-CoU. v. Basel-Stadt.] Sanitats-Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir die im Reichsrathe vertre- tenen Lander und specieU fiir Nieder-Oesterreich. Wien. n. F., v. 1, Jahrg. 1870-71 (1872). 8°. Sanitats-Verwaltung im Konigreiche Bayern. [See Gen.-Ber. ii. d. San.-Verwalt. im Konigr. Bayern, Miinchen.] Sanitiitswesen von Basel-Stadt. [See Ber. ii. d. San.-Wes. v. Basel- Stadt.] Sanitarian (The). A monthly journal. New York. v. 1-7, 1873-9. 8°. Santd (La); journal d'hygiene pubUque et privdo, salubritd pubU- quo et police sanitaire. Bruxelles. v. 1-10, 1849-59. roy, 8°. [104] Sante pub., Par. Savannah J. M. Sborn. sochin. po sudebnoi med., St. Petersb. Scalpel, Liege. Schat d. Gezondh. Schles. GeseUsoh. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl. Schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Arbeiten, etcf Bresl. Schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. PhU.-hist. Abth., Bresl. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz. Schrift. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Schrift. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Danzig. Schrift. d. naturw. Ver. f. Schlesw.-Holst, Kiel. Schrift. d. phys.-okonom. Ge- seUsch. zu Konigsb. Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel. Schweiz. Arch. f. Thierh., Bern. Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., Bern. Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. Mil.-, San.- u. Med.-Wes., Sarmenstorf. Schweiz. Monatschr. f. prakt. Med., Bern. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen. Santd (La) pubUque. Hygiene et mddecine populairos. Paris. n. s., anndes 1-4; nos. 97-112 annde 5; 1872—(5. fol. Savannah (The) Journal of Medicine. Savannah, Ga. v. 1-4, 1858-61; n. s., v. 5,1866. 8°. [Nothing published from 1861-6.] Sbornik sochinenii po sudebnoi meditsinie, sudebnoi psichiatrii, meditsinskoi xiolitsii, obtchestvennoi gigienie, exndemiologii, me- ditsinskoi geographii i meditsinskoi statistikie, izdavaeinii Me- ditsinskim Departamentom. St. Petersburg. 2 v., 1876; 3 v., 1877; 1 v., 1878; 3 v., 1879. 8°. Scalpel (Le); organe des intdrets scientifiques et professionnels do la mddecine, [etc.] Lidge. v. 4-32, Aug. 10,1851-80. fol. Schat der Gezondheid. Een Tijdschrift voor alio Standcn, tot Be- vordering van Volkswelvaart, door Verspreiding van eenvoudigo Beginselen van Gezondhcidslecr en openbare Gezondheidsrege- Ung en hunne Toepassing op het individueel en maatschappelijk Leven. Haarlem, 1858-63. Amsterdam, 1864. Gorinchem, 1865-6. v. 1-9, 1858-66. 8°. [These abbreviations have been employed in a few instances in the first volnme. The corrected form wiU be found in the suc- ceeding section. ] Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Kultur. [See Abhandl. d. schles.Gesellsch. f.vaterl. Kult. Abth.f.Naturw.u. Med.,Bresl. Also: Abhandl. d. schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Phil.-hist. Abth., Bresl. Also: Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Vcriind. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Also: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Also: N. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Geb. d. HeUk. . . . d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Also: Uebers. d. Arb. u. Veriind. d. schles. Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl.] Schmidt's Jahrbucher. Leipzig, v. 1-184,1834-79. roy. 8°. [Title of v. 1-40, 1834-43, was: Jahrhiicher der in- und ausliindischen gesammten Medicin. ] Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Bef drderung der gesammten Natnr- wissenschaften zu Marburg, v. 9-10; pt. 1-3, v. 11; 1871-7. 8°. Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, v. 1-3; pts. 1, 3, v. 4; 1863-78. 8°. Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Schleswig-Hol- stein. Kiel. v. 1-2; pt. 1, v. 3; 1873-8. 8°. Schriften der i>hysikalisck-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigs- berg. Jahrg. 1-17; pt. 1, Jahrg. 18; 1860-77. 4°. Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel. v. 2-25, 1855-78. 4-\ Schweizerischer Apotheker-Verein. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen.] Schweizerisches Archiv fur Thierheilkunde und Thierzucht. Bern. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Schweizerische militararztlichc GeseUschaft. [See Schweiz. Cor.- Bl. f. Mil.-, San.- u. Med.-Wes., Sarmenstorf.] Schweizerische naturforschende GeseUschaft. [See Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch.] Schweizerisches Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Bern. [Title of v. 3, 1852, of: Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth. ] Schweizerischos Correspondenz-Blatt fur Militiir-, Sanitiits- und Medizinal-Wesen. Organ der schweizerischen militiirarztlichen GeseUschaft. Sarmenstorf. v. 1-4, 1855-8. 8°. Schweizerische Monatschrift fur praktische Medizin. Bern. v. 1, 3-5, 1856, 1858-60. 8°. Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Pharmacie. Im Auftrage des Schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins hrsg. von C. W. Stein. Schaffkauseu. v. 14-17, 1876-9. S->. [105] Schweiz. Ztschr. f. HeUk., Bern. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Mod., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Zurich. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. Science pour tous, Par. Scottish M. Press, Edinb. Scottish & North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb. Select. Rec. Gov., North-West. Prov., AUahabad. Selecta med. Francof. Semi-month. M. News, Louis- vUle. Sentido catol., Barcel. Siglo med., Madrid. Sitzungsb. d. GeseUsch. z. Be- ford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Math.-naturw. CI., Wien. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Ge- seUsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. CI. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen. Sitzungsb. d. naturw. Gesellsch. Isis in Dresd. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesell- sch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zuBonn. Sitzungsb. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. Smithson. Inst. Misc. CoUect., Wash. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Heilkunde 8°. Bern. v. 1-3, 1862-4. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Medizin, Chirurgio und Geburts- hulfe. Hrsg. von denmedizinisch-chirurgischen Kautonalgesell- schaften von Zurich und Bern. Zurich, v. 1-12, 1845-56. 8°. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Ziirich. v. 1-3, 1834-8; n. F., v. 1-3, 1838-41. 8°. [In 1836-8 published at Heilbronn.] Science (La) x>our tous; revue hebdomadaire illustrde paraissant le samedi. Astronomie, mdcanique, physique, chimie, travaux publics, chemins de fer, agriculture, expositions, hygiene, mdde- cine, physiologie, voyages, histoiro naturelle, gdologie, socidtds savantes, mines, etc Paris, v. 17-22, 1872-77. 4°. Scottish Meteorological Society. [See J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, Edinb. & Lond.] Scottish Medical Press. Edinburgh. Nos. 1, 2, Oct., 1868. 4°. [A supplement to: Med. Press & Circ, Lond.] Scottish (The) and North of England Medical Gazette. Edinburgh. v. 1, 1843-4. 8°. [Continued as: North. J. M., Edinb.] Selections from the Records of Government, North-Western Pro- vinces. Allahabad. Parts xl and xUi, n. s., no. 2, v. 2, 1864 and 1869. fol. Selecta medica Francofurtensia, anatomen, inprimis practicam, chirurgiam, materiam medicam, ipsamque universam medicinam tarn clinicam quam forensem variis casibus et observationibus, etc,illustrantiaet digesta in hoc. Francofurti ad Viadrum. v. 1, 1736. 12°. Semi-monthly (The) Medical News. Louisville, Ky. v. 1-3,1859- 60. 8°. [v. 2-3, title: Month. M. News, Louisville.] Sentido (El) catdlico en las ciencias mddicas. Revista mddico- practica. Barcelona, v. 1, 1879. 4°. Siglo (El) mddico. (Boletin de medicina y Gaceta mddica.) Pe- riddico oficial de la real Academia de medicina de Madrid y de la Sociedad de secorros mutuos. Madrid, v. 1-26, 1854-79. fol. [Want no. 552, July 31, 1864.] Sitzungsberichte der GeseUschaft zur Befdrderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Jahrg. 1866-77. 8°. Sitzungsbericht der kaiserUchen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Dritte Abthei- lung. Enthalt die Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Physio- logie, Anatomie und theoretischen Medicin. Wien. v. 65-79, 1872-9. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der kdniglich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Miinchen. 6 v, 1868-70. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der kdniglich-bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften. Prag. Jahrg. 1868-78. 8°. Sitzungsberichte. der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der kdniglich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. v. 1-8, 1871-8. 8°. Sitzungs-Berichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. Jahrg. 1868-78. 8°. [Want nos. 1-3, 1868; nos. 10- 12, 1870; no. 4, 1872.] Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. 1869-71 and 1879. 8°. Sitzungsbericht der ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart. 1863-75. 8°. [Consecutive pagination in: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. Continued by: Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. GeseU- sch.] Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Er- langen. Hfte. 3-5, 1870-73; Hftc 8-11, 1875-9. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang.] Sitzungsberichte des Vereins der Aerzte in. Steiermark. Graz. [Title of v. 5-11 of: Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. ] Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Collections. Washington. v. 2, 1862. 8°. [See, also, Rop. Smithson. Inst., Wash.] [106] Sociedad anatdmica espanola. [See An. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. Also: Mem. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid.] Sociedad espaiiola de hidrologia mddica. [See An. Soc espan. de hidrol. mdd., Madrid.] Sociedad centro mddico-farmacdutico CasteUonense. [See Union mdd., CasteUon.] Sociedad "Escuela mddica". [See Escuela mdd., Caracas.] Sociedad filoiatrica y de beneficencia de los alumnos de la escuela de medicina. [See Porvenir, Mdxico. ] Sociedad fisioldgica escolar. [See An. Soc. fisiol. escolar, Madrid.] Sociedad ginecoldgica espaiiola. [See An. Soc. ginec. espan., Madrid. ] Sociedad Hahnemanniana matritense. [See Bol. ofic Soc Hahne- man. matritense] Sociedad mddica de Santiago de Chile. [See Rev. mdd. de Chile, Sant. de Chile] Sociedad mddica de Guadalajara. [See Sociedad de medicina de Guadalajara.] Sociedad mddica de San Luis Potosi. [See Fraternidad, San Luis Potosi.] Sociedad de medicina de Lima. [See Gac. mdd. de Lima.] Sociedad de medicina de Guadalajara. [See Rev. mdd. Guadala- jara.] Sociedad mddico-farmacdutica de Mdrida. [See Emulacion, Md- rida.] Sociedad mddico-farmacdutica de Puebla. [SeeEstudio, Mdxico.] Sociedad mddico-farmacdutica de Toluca. [See Mem. Soc. mdd.- farm. de Toluca. ] Sociedad del museo anatomo-patoldgico del hospital Juarez. [See Rev. clin. Soc. d. museo anat.-patol. d. hosp. Juarez, Mdxico.] Sociedad das sciencias medicas de Lisboa. [See J. Soc. d. sc med. de Lisb. ] Sociedad de secorros mutuos. [See Siglo mdd., Madrid.] Societa di farmacia di Torino. [See Gior. di farm., etc., Torino.] Societa itaUana di antropologia e di etnologia. [See Arch, per l'antrop., Firenze. ] Societa itaUana d'igiene. [See Gior. d. Soc ital. d'ig., MUano.] Societa di medicina e chirurgia di Torino. [See Osservatore, Torino.] Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna. [See Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. Also: Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna.] Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna. [See Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna.] Societa memco-chirurgica di Parma. [See Gior. d. Soc med.-chir. di Parma.] Societa medico-chirurgica di Torino. [See Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.- chir. di Torino. ] Societa reale e nazionale veterinaria. [See Gior. di med. vet., Torino. ] Societas Academiae scientiarum principaUs (Hassiacss). [See Acta phU.-med. Soc. Acad. (Hassiaca?).] Societas medica Havniensis. [See Acta med. Hafn. Also : Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn. Also: Acta Soc. med. Havn. Also: Soc. med. Havn. collect.] Societatea sciintelor medicale din Bucuresci. [See J. Soc sc. med. d. Bucuresci.] Socidtd acaddmique du ddpartement de la Loire-Infdrieure. [See J. de la sect, de mdd. Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes.] Socidtd acaddmique de Nantes. [See J. de mdd. de l'ouest, Nantes. ] Socidtd d'agriculture, sciences, belles-lettres et arts d'Orldans. [See Mdm. Soc. d'agric . . . d'Orldans.] [107] Socidtd d'anatomie pathologique de BruxeUes. [See Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux. ] Socidtd anatomique de Paris. [See BuU. Soc. anat. de Par.] Socidtd d'anthropologie de Paris. [See BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. Also: Mdm. Soc. d'anthrop. dePar.] Socidtd beige de microscopie. [See BuU. Soc. beige de micr., Brux. ] Socidtd de biologie. Paris. [See Compt.-rend. Soc de biol., Par.] Socidtd centrale de mddecine du ddpartement du nord. [See BuU. mdd. du nord, LiUe. ] Socidtd de chirurgie de Paris. [See Bull, et mdm. Soc do chir. de Par. Also: BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par. Also: Mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par.] Socidtd cUnique de Paris. [See BuU. Soc. clin. de Par.] Socidtd gaUicane de mddecine homceopathique. [See J. Soc. gal- lic, de mdd. homoeop., Par.] Socidtd helvdtique des sciences naturelles. [See Verhandl. d. Schweiz. naturf. GeseUsch.] Socidtd hoUandaise des sciences a Harlem. [See Arch, nderl. d. sc. exactes, etc.] Socidtd d'hydrologie mddicale de Paris. [See Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. mdd. de Par. ] Socidtd impdriale de chirurgie de Paris. [See BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par. Also: BuU. et mdm. Soc de chir. de Par. Also: Mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par. ] Socidtd impdriale de mddecine de Constantinople. [See Gaz. mdd. d'Orient, Constantinople.] Socidtd impdriale de mddecine de Lyon. [See Socidtd de mddecine de Lyon. ] Socidtd impdriale de mddecine de Bordeaux. [See Compt.-rend. Soc. imp. de mdd. de Bordeaux.] Socidtd impdriale de mddecine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Toulouse. [See Rev. mdd. de Toulouse.] Socidtd impdriale des naturaUstes de Moscou. [See BuU. Soc. imp. d.. nat. de Moscou.] Socidtd impdriale des sciences natureUes de Cherbourg. [See Mdm. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cherbourg.] Socidtd de mddecine de Marseille. [See MarseiUe mdd.] Socidtd de mddecine d'Angers. [See BuU. Soc. de mdd. d'An- gers.] Socidtd de mddecine d'Anvers. [See Ann. Soc. de mdd. d'Anvers. Also: Mdm. et obs. Soc de mdd. d'Anvers. Also: Mdm. Soc de mdd. d'Anvers.] Socidtd de mddecine de Besancon. [See BuU. Soc. de mdd. de Be- sancon. ] Socidtd de mddecine de Bordeaux. [See Mdm. et buU. Soo. de mdd. de Bordeaux. Also: Notice d. trav. Soc. de mdd. de Bordeaux. Also: Notice d. trav. Soc. roy. do mdd. de Bordeaux. Also: Union mdd. de la Gironde, Bordeaux.] Socidtd de mddecine de BruxeUes. [See Actes Soc. de mdd. de Brux.] Socidtd de mddecine de Caen et du Calvados. [See Annde mdd., Caen.] Socidtd de mddecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. [See Mdm. el bull. Soc. de mdd. et chir. de Bordeaux.] Socidtd de mddecine et do chirurgie de La RocheUe. [See BuU, Soc. de mdd. et chir. de La RocheUe. ] Socidtd de mddecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Toulouse. [Se< Compt. rend. Soc. de mdd. . . . de Toulouse] Socidtd de mddecine et de climatologie de Nice. [See Nice-mdd.] Socidtd de mddecine du ddpartement de la Sarthe. [See Bull. Soo de mdd. de la Sarthe, Le Mans.] [108] Socidtd de mddecine de Gand. [See Ann. Soc. de mdd. do Gand. Also: Bull. Soc. de mdd. de Gand. ] Socidtd de mddecine de La Rochelle. [See Bull. Soc. do mdd. de La Rochelle. ] Socidtd de mddecine de Lidge. [See Ann. Soc. de mdd. do Lidge] Socidtd de mddecine de Lyon. [See Ann. Soc. de mdd. do Lyon. Also: Compt.-rend. Soc. de mdd. de Lyon. Also: J. de mdd. de Lyon. Also: Rec. d. actes Soc. de santd de Lyon.] Socidtd de mddecme mentale de Belgique. [See BuU. Soc. do mdd. ment. de Belg., Gand.] Socidtd de mddecine de Nancy. [See Compt.-rend. Soc de mdd. de Nancy. Also: Mdm. Soc. de mdd. de Nancy.] Socidtd de mddecine de Niort. [See Rec. d. trav. Soc. do mdd. de Niort.] Socidtd de mddecine de Paris. [See J. gdn. do mdd., chir. et pharm., Par. Also: Rec. pdriod. Soc. de mdd. do Par. ] Socidtd de mddecine et de pharmacie de la Haute-Vienne. [See BuU. Soc. do mdd. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne. Limoges. Also: J. Soc. de mdd. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges. Also: Rev. mdd. de Limoges.] Socidtd de mddecine et de pharmacie de l'Isere. [See J. Soc. de mdd. et pharm. de l'Isere. ] Socidtd de mddecine de Poitiers. [See Bull. Soc. de mdd. de Poi- tiers. ] Socidtd de mddecine-pratique de Montpellier. [See Actes Soc de mdd.-prat. de Montpel. Also: Ann. cUn., Montpel. Also: Ann. Soc. de mdd.-prat. de Montpel. Also: Hist. Soc. de mdd.-prat. de Montpel. Also: J. de mdd., chir. et pharm., Montpel. Also: J. Soc. de mdd.-prat. de Montpel. ] Socidtd do mddecine pratique de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. de mdd. prat, de Par. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de mdd. prat., Par.] Socidtd de mddecine pratique de la province d'Anvers. Etablie a Willebroeck. [See Ann. Soc. de mdd. prat, do la prov. d'Anvers. Also: Rds. d. trav. Soc. de mdd. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers.] Socidtd de mddecine pubUque et d'hygiene professionneUe. [See Bull. Soc de mdd. pub., Par.] Socidtd de mddecine de Rouen. [Sec Union mdd. de la Soine-Inf., Rouen. ] Socidtd de mddecine de Saint-Etienne ot de la Loire. [See Ann. Soc. de mdd. do St.-Etienne et de la Loire.] Socidtd de mddecine de Strasbourg. [See Mdm. Soc. de mdd. de Strasb. Also: Proc-verb. . . . Soc. de mdd. do Strasb.] Socidtd mddicale allemande do Paris. [See Rec. d. trav. Soc mdd. allem. do Par. ] Socidtd mdcUcale do rarrondissement de Neufchateau. [See Ann. Soc. mdd. de l'arrond. de Neufchateau. ] Socidtd mddicale do Boulogne-sur-Mer. [See Prdcis d. trav. Soc. mdd. de Boulogne-sur-Mer. ] Socidtd mddicale de Chambdry. [See Compt. rend. Soc. mdd. de Chambdry. ] Socidtd mddicale de Clermont-Ferrand. [See Compt.-rend. Soc. mdd. de Clermont-Ferrand.] Socidtd mddicale du ddpartement d'Indre-et-Loire. [See Roc. d. trav. Soc. mdd. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours.] Socidtd mddicale de Dijon. [See Prdcis d. trav. Soc. mdd. do Di- jon.] Socidtd mddicale d'dmulation de la Flandre occidentale. [See Ann. Soc. mdd. d'dmulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers.] Socidtd mddicale d'dmulation de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. mdd. d'dmu- lat. de Par. Also: Mdm. Soc. mdd. d'dmulat. do Par. A Iso: Rev. mdd. hist, et phil., Par.] Socidtd mddicale de Geneve. [See Rec d. trav. Soc. mdd. do Ge- neve] [109] Socidtd mddicale du Haut-Rhin. [See BuU. Soc. mdd. du Haut- Rhin, Strasb.] Socidtd mddicale des hdpitaux do Paris. [See Actes Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par. Also: Bull, et mdm. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par.] Socidtd mddicale do la NouveUe-Orldans. [See J. Soc. mdd. de la N.-Orldans.] Socidtd mddicale d'observation. Paris. [See Mdm. Soc. mdd. d'obs.,Par. Also: Rec. d. trav. Soc. mdd. d'obs. de Par.] Socidtd mddicale du Panthdon de Paris. [See BuU. Soc. mdd. du Panthdon de Par.] Socidtd mddicale du premier arrondissement de Paris. [See Compt.- rend. Soc. mdd. du prem. arrond. de Par.] Socidtd mddicale de Reims. [See BuU. Soc mdd. de Reims.] Socidtd mddicale de la Suisse Romande. [See BuU. Soc. mdd. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne.] Socidtd mddicale de Tours. [See Prdcis de la const, mdd. d'Indre- et-Loire, Tours.] Socidtd mddicale de l'Yonne. [See BuU. Soc. mdd. de l'Yonne, Auxerre. ] Socidtd mddico-chirurgicale de Bruges. [See Ann. Soc. mdd.-chir. de Bruges. ] Socidtd mddico-chirurgicale des hdpitaux et hospices de Bordeaux. [See Mdm. et buU. Soc. mdd.-chir. d. hdp. de Bordeaux.] Socidtd mddico-chirurgicale de Lidge. [See Ann. Soc. mdd.-chir. de Lidge. ] Socidtd mddico-pratique de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. mdd.-prat. do Par.] Socidtd nationale de mddecine de Lyon. [See Socidtd de mddecine de Lyon. ] Socidtd nationale de mddecine de Marseille [See Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. nat. de mdd. deMarseiUe.] Socidtd nationale des sciences natureUes de Cherbourg. [See Mdm. Soc d. sc nat. de Cherbourg.] Socidtd de pharmacie d'Anvers. [See J. de pharm., Brux.] Socidtd de pharmacie de Bordeaux. [See Bull. Soc de pharm. de Bordeaux.] Socidtd de pharmacie de Paris. [See J. de pharm., Par.] Socidtd phUomatique de Paris. [See BuU. Soc. philomat. de Par.] Socidtd de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve. [See Mdm. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. de Geneve. ] Socidtd royale de mddecine de Bordeaux. [See Socidtd de mdde- cine de Bordeaux. ] Socidtd royale de mddecine. Paris. [See Hist. Soc. roy. de mdd., Par.] Socidtd royale de mddecine pubUque du royaume de Belgique. [See BuU. Soc. roy. de mdd. pub. de Belg., Brux.] Socidtd royale des sciences dtabUe a MontpelUer. [See Hist. Soc. roy. d. sc. a Montpel. ] Socidtd royale des sciences, lettres et arts de Nancy. [See Prdcis d. trav. Soc. roy. d. sc. de Nancy. ] Socidtd royale des sciences mddicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. [See Ann. Soc d. sc. mdd. et nat. de Brux. Also: Bull. Soc. d. sc. mdd. et nat. de Brux. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. mdd. et nat. de Brux. Also: J. de mdd., Brux. Also: J. de mdd., chir. et pharmacol., Brux. Also: J. de pharmacol., Brux.] Socidtd de santd de Lyon. [See Socidtd de mddecine de Lyon. ] Socidtd de santd de Paris. [See Rec. pdriod. Soc. de santd de Par.] Socidtd des sciences mddicales du ddpartement de la Moselle. [See Exposd d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. mdd. de la Moselle, Metz.] Socidtd des sciences mddicales du grand-duchd de Luxembourg. [See Bull. Soc d. sc. mdd. du gr.-duchd de Luxemb.] [110] Soc. mdd. d'Amiens. BuU. Soc. med. Havn. coUect. Soc de med. leg. de France. BuU., Far. Soc. de med. leg. de Par. BuU. Soc. med.-chir. in Modena. Re- soc. Soc d. sc. nat. du gr.-duche de Luxemb. Sommaire d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. med. de la MoseUe, Metz. South. Clinic, Richmond. South. J. M. & Pharm., Charles- ton. South. J. M. & Phys. Sc. Socidtd des sciences mddicales do Lyon. [See Mdm. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. mdd. de Lyon. ] Socidtd des sciences mddicales et naturelles de BruxeUes. [See So- cidtd royale des sciences mddicales et natureUes de BruxeUes. ] Socidtd de sciences natureUes de Bruges. [See Ann. Soc. de sc. nat. de Bruges.] Socidtd des sciences natureUes de Cherbourg. [See Mdm. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cherbourg.] Socidtd des sciences physiques et natureUes de Bordeaux. [See Mdm. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux.] Socidtd des sciences physiques, natureUes et climatologiques d'Alger. [See Bull. Soc. d. sc---d'Alger.] Socidtd de thdrapeutique. Paris. [See BuU. et mdm. Soc. de thdrap., Par.] Socidtd vaudoise des sciences natureUes. [See BuU. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne.] Socidtds mddicales de Geneve, de Neuchatel et du canton de Vaud. [See Echo mdd., Neuchat.] Socidtds pharmaceutiques de Lyon, du Rhdne et de l'est. [See Bull. Soc. pharm. de Lyon, etc.] Socidtds de secours aux mUitaires blessds. [See BuU. internat. d. Soc. de secours aux mil. blessds, Geneve. Also: Confdr. internat. d. Soc. de secours aux blessds mil., Par.] Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowl- edge. London. [See Tr. Soc Improve. M. & Chir. Knowl., Lond.] Society of Physicians in London. [See Med. Obs. Soc. Phys., Lond. ] Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge. London. [See Med. Communicat. Soc. Promot. Med. Knowl., Lond.] Society of PubUc Analysts. London. [See Analyst, Lond.] BuUetin des travaux. Amides 1-17, Socidtd mddicale d'Amiens, 1861-77. 8°. Societatis medica? Havniensis coUectanea. 5. 8-\ Socidtd de mddecine ldgale de France. BuUetin. 1873-9. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Havniae. 2 v., 1774- Paris. v. 3-5, BuUetin. v. 1-2, 1869-72. Socidtd de mddecine ldgale de Paris. 8°. [Continued as the preceding. ] Societa medico-chirurgica in Modena. Resoconto delle adunanze tenute nel mesi di novembro e dicembre 1875; gennaio-giugno 1876; novembre e dicembre 1876; gennaio-giugno 1877. 8°. Socidtd des sciences natureUes du grand-duchd de Luxembourg. v. 7-10, 1864-8. 8°. [Continued as: Pub. de l'lnst. roy. gr.- ducal de Luxemb. ] Sommaire des travaux de la Socidtd des sciences mddicales du dd- partement de la Moselle. Metz. [Title, in 1830, of: Exposd d. trav. de la Soc d. sc. mdd. de la Moselle, Metz.] South Carolina Medical Association. [See Proc. South Car. M. Ass. Also: Tr. South Car. M. Ass.] Southern (The) Clinic, a monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and new remedies. Richmond, v. 1-2, 1878-80. 8°. Southern Illinois Medical Association. [See Month. J. South. IU. M. Ass., Cairo. Also: Tr. South. 111. M. Ass.] Southern (The) Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy. Charleston. v. 1-2, 1846-7. 8°. [Continued as: Charleston M. J. & Rev.] Southern (The) Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, Nashville, 1853-4. Knoxville, 1855-7. v. 1-6, 1853-7. 8°. [After May, 1853, E. Tennessee Rec. M. & S., KnoxviUe, merged in this journal. In Dec, 1857, East Tennessee Medical Times announced as a continuation of this journal.] [ill] South. J. M.Sc,N. Orl. South. M. Rec, Atlanta. South. M. & S. J., Augusta. South. Pract., NashvUle. South.-West. M. Advoc, Mem- phis. Sovrem. med., Warszawa. SpaUanzani, Modena. Sperimentale, Firenze. Spitals-Ztg., Wien. Sprawoz. Kom. fizyogr. c. k. To- warz. nauk. krakow., Krakow. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond. St. Joseph J. M. Sc S. St. Louis CUn. Rec. St. Louis Cour. Med. St. Louis M. Reporter. St. Louis M. & S. J. St. Louis Probe. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr. Southern (The) Journal of the Medical Sciences. New Orleans. v. 1-2, 1866-7. 8°. [In Jan., 1868, consolidated with: N. Orl. M. & S. J., forming: N. Orl. J. M.] Southern (The) Medical Record: a monthly journal of practical medicine Atlanta, v. 1-9,1871-9. 8°. [Title of v. 1-2,1871- 2, was: Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta.] Southern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Augusta, v. 1-2; nos. 1, 3, 5-12, v. 3, June, 1836-Sept., 1839; n. s., v. 1-17, Jan., 1845-Oct., 1861; 3. s., v. 1, July, 1866- July, 1867. 8°. [After end of v. 3, suspended tiU Jan., 1845, and again, at end of 1861, tiUMay, 1866.] Southern (The) Practitioner, an independent monthly journal, de- voted to medicine and surgery. NashvUle. v. 1,1879. 8°. South-Western (The) Medical Advocate. Memphis, Tenn. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, July-Nov., 1847. 8°. Sovremennaya meditsina; ezhenedailnaya gazeta dlya vrachei. Warszawa. v. 17-20, 1876-9. 4°. SpaUanzani (Lo). Rivista teorico-pratica di scienze mediche e naturali. Modena. Anni 10-17,1872-9. 8°. [This journal com- menced, probably, in 1863, with title: Rivista di scienze mediche e naturaU. In 1872 it assumed the title: Lo SpaUanzani, and Rivista di scienze, etc., became sub-title. In 1878 (being unable to supply back vols.), it was decided to consider 1872 as v. 1 of Lo SpaUanzani, and accordingly 1878, v. 16 of whole series, is caUed anno 7, 2. s. In 1873 sub-title: Rivista teorico-pratica, etc.] Sperimentale (Lo); ovvero giornale critico di medicina e chirurgia per servire ai bisogni dell'arte salutare. Firenze. v. 1-44, 1858-79. 8°. [A continuation of: Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze. In July, 1879, Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, merged in this journal. ] Spital zu Basel. [See Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel. Also: Jahresb. ii. d. med. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel.] Spitals-Zeitung. Wien. Nos. 2-52,1864. 4°. [A supplement to: Wien. med. Wchnschr.] Sprawozdanie Komisyi fizyograficzndj bylego c. k. Towarzystwa naukowego krakowskiego obejmuja.ce pogla,d na czynno£ci do- konane w cia,gu roku 1871-8. w Krakowie. v. 6-12. 8°. [v. 7 et seq. appear under authority of: Akademija Umieje,tnosci w Krakowie. ] St. Andrew's Medical Graduates'Association. Transactions. Lon- don, v. 1-6, 1867-73. 8°. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. London, v. 1-15, 1865- 79. 8°. St. GalUsche naturwissenschaftUche GeseUschaft. [See Ber. . . . d. St. GaUischen naturw. GeseUsch.] Saint George's Hospital Reports. London, v. 1-9,1866-78. 8°. Saint Joseph (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery; a bi-monthly journal, devoted to the advancement of practical medicine and surgery, under the auspices and supervision of the members of the Saint Joseph Medical Society. St. Joseph, Mo. Nos. 4, 5, v. 1, March, May, 1859; nos. 1, 2, 4,- 5, v. 2, Sept., Nov., 1859- March, May, 1860; nos. 1-3, v. 3, Sept., 1860-Jan., 1861. 8°. Saint Louis Clinical Record; a monthly journal of medicine and surgery, v. 2-6, 1875-80. 8°. [A continuation of: Missouri CUn. Rec, St. Louis.] St. Louis Courier of Medicine and Collateral Sciences. St. Louis. v. 1-2, 1879. 8°. St. Louis (The) Medical Reporter. A semi-monthly record of me- dicine and surgery, v. 1-4, 1866-9. 8°. [Merged in: Hum- boldt M. Arch., St. Louis.] St. Louis (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Nos. 1-9, 11, 12, v. 1, 1843-4; no. 12, v. 2, 1844-5; v. 3-19, 1845-61; n. s., no. 1, v. 1; no. 6, v. 2; v. 3-14, 1864-77; whole v., 34-37, 1878-9. 8°. [In Sept., 1848, Missouri M. & S. J., St. Louis, was united with this journal. Suspended after 1861, till Jan., 1864.] St. Louis (The) Probe, v. 1, 1850. 8°. [Want no. 5.] St. Petersburger medicinische Wochenschrift. v. 1-4,1876-9. 4°. [112] St. Petersb. med. Ztschr. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond. Statist. Ber. u. d. stadt. Kran- kenh. zu AUerheiligen in Bresl. Statist. Rep. Health Navy, Lond. Statist. San.-Ber. d. k. k.Kriegs- Marine, Wien. Stethoscope, Lond. Stethoscope, Richmond. Stethoscope 8c Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond. Stud. d. physiol. Inst, zu Bresl., Leipz. Students' J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Sud-ouest med., Bordeaux. Summ. d. Neuest. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz. Summ. d. Neuest. a. d. in- u. ausl. Med., Leipz. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissens- wiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz. Sundh. og Underhold., Kjpbenh. Sundhdsbl., Kjpbenh. Sund.-Jour., Kjpbenh. Sundh.-Tid., Kjjzflbenh. St. Petershurger medicinische Zeitschrift. v. 1-17,1861-9; n. F., v. 1-5, 1870-July, 1876. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb.] Saint Thomas's Hospital Reports. London, v. 1, 1836; also, n. s., v. 1-9, 1870-78. 8°. Stadtisches allgemeines Krankenhaus zu Miinchen. [See Ann. d. stadt. aUg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen. ] Stadtisches Krankenhaus zu AUerheiligen in Breslau. [See Statist. Ber. ii. d. stiidt. Krankenh. zu AUerheiligen in Bresl. ] Stammverein fiir volksverstandliche Gesundheitspflege. [See Ztschr. d. Stammver. f. volksverst. Gsndhtspflg., Chemnitz.] Stark's (Johann Christ.) Archiv, etc [See Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena. ] State Medical Association of Arkansas. [See Proc M. Ass. Arkan- sas. ] State Medical Society of Arkansas. [See Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas.] State Medical Society of Michigan. [See Tr. M. Soc. Mich.] State Microscopical Society of IUinois. [See Tr. Micr. Soc. Illinois. ] Statistischer Bericht fiber das stiidtische Krankenhaus zu AUer- heiUgen in Breslau. 1863; 1864; 1867-9. 6-. Statistical Reports on the Health of the Navy for the years 1830- 43; 1856-76; 1878. London. 8°. Statistischo Sanitiits-Berichte der k. k. Kriegs-Marine fiir die Jahre 1870, 1871, 1*72, 1873, 1876. Wien. 1872-8. roy. 8°. Statistical Society of London. [See J. Statist. Soc. Lond.] Stethoscope (The). A quarterly review of the modern practice in consumirtion and chest diseases. London. Nos. 1,2, Oct., 1862, and Jan., 1863. 8°. Stethoscope (The). Richmond. [Title of v. 4-5 of the following:] Stethoscope (The) and Virginia Medical Gazette. A monthly jour- nal of medicine and the collateral sciences. Richmond, v. 1-5, 1851-5. 8°. [For title of v. 4-5, see preceding. In Jan., 1856, united with: Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, forming: Virginia M. J., Richmond.] Studien des physiologischen Instituts zu Breslau. Leipzig. Hfte 1-4, 1861-8. 8°. Students' (Tho) Journal and Hospital Gazette: a fortnightly re- view of medicine, surgery, science, art, Uterature, and the drama. London, v. 1-7, 1873-9. 4°. Sud-ouest (Le) mddical. Revue de mddecine, de chirurgie et d'oculistique. Bordeaux. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1*^0. 8C. Summarium des Neuesten aus der gesammten Medicin. Eine sys- tematisch geordnete Uebersicht aller literarischen Erschcinun- gen in der arztlichen Wissenschaft und Kunst. Leipzig, v. 1- 12,1828-31. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Summarium des Neuesten aus der in- und ausliindischen Medicin. Leix>zig. v. 1-9, 1832-4. 8°. [A continuation of the x>reced- ing, and continued as the following:] Summarium des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der gesamm- ten Medicin zum Gebrauche practischer Aerzte und Wundiirzte. Leipzig, v. 1-27,1835-43. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding.] Sundhed og Underholdning. Ved D. Johan Clemens Tode. Kj0- benhavn. Nos. 1-24, v. 1, 1786-7. 8°. [A continuation of the following:] Sundhedsblade. Kj0benhavn. Nos. 1-51, v. 1, July 26, 1785- Aug. 11, 1786. 8°. [A continuation of: Nye Sundh.-Tid., Kjp- benh., and followed by the yjreceding.] Sundhcds-Journal. Et medicinsk-diaitetisk og underholdendo Ugeblad. Af D. Johan Clemens Tode Kj0benhavn. v. 1, 1794. 8°. Sundhedstidendc. Et medicinskt Ugeskrift af blandet Indhold. Ved Johan Clemens Tode. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-3, July, 1778- June, 1781. 4°. [Continued as: Nye Sundh.-Tid., Kj0beuh.] [113] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl., Stockholm. Synthese me'd., Far. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond. Syst. Pract. M. (Tweedie), PhUa. Syst. Surg. (Holmes). Szemeszet, Budapest. [See Ars-Beratt. om Svens. [See Forh. Svens. Svenska Lakare-Siillskapets Arbeten. Liik.-Siillsk. Arb., Stockholm.] Svenska Lakare-Siillskapets Sammankomster. Lak.-SuUsk. Sammank., Stockholm.] Svenska Liikare-Siillskapets nya Handlingar. Stockholm. 2. s., v. 1-3; pts. 2, 3, v. 5; pts. 1-2, v. 6, 1866-75. 8°. Svenska MUitiirlakare-Foreningen. [See Tidskr. i mU. Helsov., Stockholm. ] Synthese (La) mddicale Organe du Colldge Ubre de mddecine de Paris. Paris. Nos. 4-5, v. 1, Aug.-Sept., 1879. 4°. Edited by J. RusseU System (A) of Medicine, by various authors. Reynolds. London. 5 v., 1866-79. 8°. System (A) of Practical Medicine, comprised in a series of original dissertations. Arranged and edited by Alexander Tweedie, with American notes and additions bv W. W. Gerhard. Philadelphia. 5 v., 1840-41. 8°. [CaUed, also: Library of Practical Medi- cine.] System (A) of Surgery, theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors. Edited by T. Holmes. London. 4 v., 1860-64, 8°. '[The same] 2. ed. New York. 5 v., 1869-71. 8°. Szemdszet. (MeUdklet az Orvosi hetUap.) Budapest. 1876-9. 4°. T. Tabib, Beirut. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Telegrafo med., Barcel. Texas M. J., Galveston. "The Transactions", Youngs- town, Ohio. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. Thierarztl. Jahrb., Leipz. Thierarztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe. Thierarzt, Wetzlar. Tidskr. f. Lak. o. Pharm., Stock- holm. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stock- holm. Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kjpbenh. Tijdschr. v. alg. Gezondh.-Re- gel, en geneesk. Pol., Gravenh. Tabib (Al). Beirut. Nos. 1-36, 1874-7. 8°. Tageblatt der Versammlungen deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. V. p. 1840 (18.); 1841 (19.); 1850-51 (27.-28.); 1853-4 (30.-31.); 1861 (36.); 1863-4 (38.-39.); 1867-9 (41.-43.); 1871-6 (44.-49.) 18 v. 4°. Telegrafo (El) mddico. Periddico de medicina, cirugia y farmacia practicas. Barcelona, v. 1, 1847. 8°. Texas (The) Medical Journal. Galveston. [Title of no. 1, v. 3, of: Galveston M. J. ] Texas (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal devoted to medi- cine, surgery, and the coUateral sciences. Galveston, Texas. Nos. 1-7, 10, v. 1; nos. 2,9, v. 2; nos. 1, 2,4, v. 3; v. 5-8; 1873- 9. 8°. [With v. 3 became quarterly. ] Texas State Medical Association. [See Proc Texas M. Ass. Also: Tr. Texas M. Ass.] " The Transactions". Published bi-monthly in the interest of the Mahoning County Medical Association. Youngstown, Ohio. v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. Therapeutical (The) Gazette (Continuation of: New Prepara- tions.) Detroit, Mich. n. s., nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. roy. 8°. Therapeutical Society of New York. [See [Proc] Therap. Soc. N. Y.] Thierarztliche Jahrhiicher. Universal-Repertorium der Leistun- gen und Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Veterinarwissen- schaften. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. ThieratrztUche MittheUungen. Organ des Vereins badischer Thier- arzte. Karlsruhe, v. 11-14, 1876-9. 8°. Thierarzt (Der). Wetzlar. v. 2, 1863; v. 15-18, 1876-9. 8°. Tidskrift for Liikare och Pharmaceuter. Stockholm, v. 1-7, 1832-8. 8°. Tidskrift i mUitar Helsovard. Utgifven af Svenska MUitarlakare- Foreningen. Stockholm, v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Tidsskrift for Veterinasrer, udgivet under Medvirkning af Lsererne i Veterinaerfaget ved den Kgl. Veterinser- og Landboh0jskole og red. af Dr. H. Krabbe Kj0benhavn. 2. R., v. 3-9,1873-9. 8°. Tijdschrift voor algemeene Gezondheids-RegeUng en geneeskun- dige Politie. 's Gravenhage. v. 1-2,1853-54. 8°. [8] [114] Tijdschr. v. Gezondhdsl., Gra- venh. Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied. en Physiol. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Amst. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Ne- derl. Indie, Batav. TiroUsche Arzt, Innsbruck. Toledo M. & S. J. Tr. Albany Inst. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y. Tr. Am. Ethn. Soc, N. Y. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. Tr. Am. PhU. Soc, PhUa. Tr. Ass. Apoth., etc., Lond. Tr. Ass. King's Sc Queen's Coll. Phys. Ireland, Dubl. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridge- port, Ohio. Tr. Bristol Med.-Chir. Soc Tr. Canada M. Ass. Tr. China-Med.-Chir.-Soc, Vic- toria. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond. Tr. CoU. Phys. PhUa. Tr. Colorado M. Soc Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsleer. Tijdschrift voor alle standcn, ter bevordering van volkswelvaart en huiselijk geluk. Onder redaktie van C. P. Pous Koolhaas, 's Gravenhage. v. 1-5, 1867-72. 8°. Tijdschrift voor natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie. Amster- dam, 1834-36. Leiden, 1837-45. v. 1-12, 1834-45. 8°. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. 's Gravenhage, 1850-51. Arnhem, 1852-6. v. 1-4, 1850-53; v. 6-7, 1855-6. 8°. [Continued as: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.] Tijdschrift voor veeartsenijkunde en veeteelt, uitgegeven door de Maatschappij ter bevordering der veeartsenijkunde in Neder- land. Amsterdam, v. 10, 1879. 8°. Tiidschrift der Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geneeskundige Wetenschappen in Nederlandsch Indie. Batavia. [Title of v. 1-5, 1852-8, of: Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav.] TiroUsche (Der) Arzt, eine medizinische Wochenschrift fur seino Landsleute, von Klaudius Martin Scherer und Franz Niedermaier. Innsbruck, v. 1-2, 1791-2. 8°. Toledo Medical and Surgical Journal, v. 1-3,1877-9. 8°. Transactions of the Albany Institute for the years 1830,1833,1867. Albany. 8C. [Vol. for 1867 was caUed v. 5. ] Transactions of the American Dermatological Association. New York. 1877,1878. 8°. Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. New York. v. 1-2, 1845-8. 8°. Transactions of the American Gynecological Society. Boston. v. 1-4, 1876-80. 8°. Transactions of tho American Medical Association. PhUadelphia. v. 1-30, 1848-79. 8°. Transactions of the American Neurological Association. New York. v. 1-2,1875-7. 8°. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. New York. 2.-14. meetings, 1865-78. 8°. [The Transactions of 1. meeting were not published in separate form. No meeting in 1872.] Transactions of the American Otological Society. 2.-12. annual meetings, 1869-79. V. p. 8°. [The Transactions of 1. meeting were not pubUshed in separate form. ] Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at PhUa- delphia, for promoting useful knowledge, v. 6,1809; n. s., v. 1-2; pp. 1-382, v. 3; v. 4 ; 1818-34; v. 9,1846. 4°. [Want, also, pp. 141-316, v. 4 ; plates 15-38, v. 9.] Transactions of the Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothe- caries of England and Wales. London, v. 1, 1823. 8°. Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's CoUege of Physicians in Ireland. DubUn. v. 1-5,1817-28. 8°. Transactions of the Belmont Medical Society. Bridgeport, Ohio. 1847-55. 8°. Transactions of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. Com- prising abstracts from the proceedings for the four years 1874-8. London, v. 1, 1878. 8°. Transactions of the Canada Medical Association. 10. annual meeting, Sept. 12 and 13, 1877. Montreal, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Transactions of the China-Medico-Chirurgical-Society for the year 1845-6. Victoria, Hong Kong. v. 1, 1846. 8°. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London, v. 1-12, 1868-79. 8°. Transactions of the CoUege of Physicians of Philadelphia. Pt. 1, v. 1, 1793; v. 1-3, 1841-50; n. 8., v. 1-4, 1850-74; 3. s., v. 1-4, 1875-9. 8°. Transactions of the Colorado State Medical Society. 6.-8. annual conventions. Denver, Col., 1876-8. 8°. [A continuation of the following:] [115] Tr. Colorado Territor. M. Soc. Tr. Cork M. & S. Soc, Dubl. Tr. Detroit M. & Libr. Ass. Tr. Drake Acad. M., EvansvUle. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. Tr. Georgia M. Ass. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. Tr. Iowa M. & Chir. Soc. Tr. Iowa M. Soc. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc Tr. Little Rock & Pulaski Co. M. Ass. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc Bengal, Calcutta. Tr. M. 8c Phys. Soc Bombay. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. Tr. M. Soc County Albany.' Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. Transactions of the Colorado Territorial Medical Society at its annual sessions, 1.-5. Denver, Col. 1871-5. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Transactions of the Cork County and City Medical and Surgical Society. Dublin. 1864-9. 8°. Transactions of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. PubUshed quarterly by the association. Jan. and April, 1879. 8°. Transactions of the Drake Academy of Medicine. EvansvUle, Ind. v. 1, 1874. 8°. Transactions (The) of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. Ses- sions 1868-9—1877-9. 8C. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. Instituted Aug., 1850. For the sessions of 1855-77. London, v. 1-2; pts. 2-3, v. 3; pt. 1, v. 4. 8°. Transactions of the Georgia Medical Association, at the annual meetings. V. p. 1869-79 (20.-30.) 8°. Transactions of the Hlinois State Medical Society, for the years 1852 (2.); 1855-60 (5.-10.); 1863 (11.); 1864 (14.); 1867-74 (17.-24.) Chicago. 8°. Transactions of the Indiana State Medical Society, at the sessions of 1856-79 (7.-29.) IndianapoUs. 8°. [Want 1865 (15.) For previous meetings, see Proc. Indiana. M. Soc. ] Transactions of the International Medical Congress of Philadelphia, 1876. Edited for the congress by John Ashhurst, jr., Phila- delphia. 1877. 8°. Transactions (Tho) of the Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical Society, at its sessions, 1852-3 (3.-4.) Burlington. 1854. 8°. Transactions of the Annual Meetings of the Iowa State Medical Society. 1851-3(2.-4.); 1856-8 (7.-9.) Also, 1 v., 1867-71. Keo- kuk. Davenport. 8°. Transactions of the Kentucky State Medical Society, at its annual meetings. 1851(1.); 1852 (2.); 1856(5.); 1868-78 (13.-23.) 8°. Transactions of the Little Rock and Pulaski County Medical As- sociation. Little Rock, Ark. 1873. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama. 1862-79(22.-32.) 8°. Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Missouri. v. 1-2, 1851-2, and from its reorganization in 1867 to the an- nual meeting, April 29, 1869 (1.-3.) ; also 1872-9 (6.-13.) V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Association of Southern Central New York. V. p. 1.-15. annual meetings, 1847-61. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, at its annual sessions, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1859, 1873-9. Baltimore. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bengal. [Cal- cutta.] Oct. 6, 1838-Oct. 3, 1840. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Nos. 1-10,1838-50; n. s., nos. 1-2, 1851-4 ; nos. 4-6,1857-60; no. 8, 1862; no. 10,1870. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, v. 1-8, 1825-42; pt. 1, v. 9, 1845. 8° and 4°. Transactions of the State Medical Society of Arkansas, at its an- nual sessions. Little Rock. 1877-9(1.-4.) 8°. [See, also, Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas.] Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of California, for the years 1870-75 (1.-5.); 1876-9 (7.-9.) 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, from June 10, 1851-June 14, 1870. Albany, N. Y. v. 2, 1872. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the Countv of Kings, (N. Y.) Brooklyn, v. 1-2, 1858-65. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Washington, D. C. v. 1-5, 1874-8. 8°. L116] Tr. M. Soc Georgia. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas. Tr. M. Soc King's CoU., Lond. Tr. M. Soc Lond. Tr. M. Soc. Mich. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. Penn. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg. Tr. McDoweU M. Soc, Evans- vUle. Tr. Maine M. Ass. Tr. Maryland Acad. Sc. & Lit. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc. Tr. me'd., Par. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb. Tr. Micr. Soc. Lond. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc. Tr. N. York Acad. M. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc, Lond. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Georgia, at its annual meetings, 1852-4 (3.-5.) V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Kansas, for the years 1867-9; 1872-6; 1878-9. Leavenworth. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of King's College, London. Winter sessions. London, v. 1-2, 1856-8. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. Pts. 1 (1810) and 2 (1817), v. 1; n. s., v. 1, 1846; v. 1-2, 1861-2. 8°. Transactions of the State Medical Society of Michigan, at the annual meetings, 1859, 1867-76, 1879. V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of North Caro- lina. Annual meetings, 1850 (1.); 1855-60 (6.-11.); 1866-79 (13.-26.) V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New Jersey, 1859-79. Newark, N. J. 8°. [For 1766-1800, see Proc. N. Jer- sey M. Soc; for 1847-54, seeN. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington.] Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York. From its organization, in 1807, up to and including 1831. Al- bany. 1 v., 1868. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, for the years 1815, 1817-21, 1825, 1827-79. Albany. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, for the years 1850-60, 1862-79. PhUadelphia. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of Tennessee for the years 1830; 1832; 1835; 1838; 1840; 1842-4; 1846; 1850; 1851; 1853; 1856; 1858; 1869; 1875-9. NashvUle. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Virginia. An- nual sessions, 1870-79 (1.-10.) Richmond. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of West Virginia. Instituted April 10, 1867. Annual sessions, 1868-9 (1.-12.) WheeUng. 8°. Transactions of the McDowell Medical Society for the year ending Nov. 4, 1874. Evansville, Ind. 1875. 8°. Transactions of the Maine Medical Association, at the annual meetings, 1853-79 (1.-27.) Portland. 8°. Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Science and Literature. Baltimore. Pt. 1, v. 1, 1837. 8°. Transactions of the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. Cam- bridge. No. 1, v. 1, 1878. 8°. Transactions mddicales; journal de mddecine pratique, et de littdra- ture mddicale, dans lequel sont pnblids les actes de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris; rddigd par A. N. Gendrin. Paris, v. 1-14, 1830-33. 8°. [A continuation of: J. gdn. de mdd., chir. et pharm., Par. Merged in: Rev. mdd. franc, et dtrang., Par.] Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, v. 1, 1824; v. 2, 1826; pts. 1-2, v. 3, 1828-9. 8°. Transactions of the State Microscopical Society of IUinois, 1872-3. [See Lens, Chicago.] Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London, 1853-68. 8°. Transactions of the Minnesota State Medical Society. Annual meetings for the years 1869-79 (1.-11.) MinneapoUs. St. Paul. 8°. Transactions of the Mississippi State Medical Association, at the annual sessions, 1868-79 (1.-12.) Columbus and Jackson, Miss. 8°. Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Concord. 64.-88. anniversaries, 1854-78. 8°. Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine. New York. v. 1-3,1847-71; n. a., v. 1-2, 1871-6. 8°. Transactions of the New York Obstetrical Society. New York. v. 1, 1876-8 (1879). 8°. Transactions of tho New York Pathological Society. New York. v. 1-3, 1876-9. 8°.. Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. London. 21 v., 1857-77. 8°. [117] Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. Tr. Nebraska M. Soc Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa. Tr. PhUa. Obst. Soc. Tr. Phys.-Med. Soc. N. Y. Tr. Prov. M. 8c S. Ass., Lond. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. & Chir. Knowl., Lond. Tr. South Car. M. Ass. Tr. South. HI. M. Ass. Tr. Texas M. Ass. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky. Transylv. M. J. Trav. ConseU d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde, Bordeaux. Tribuna med., Par. Tribune med., Par. Trudi Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Tubing. BI. f. Naturw. u. Arznk. Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association. New York. v. 1-3, 1870-71 — 1873; v. 6, 1877-8. 8°. Transactions of the Nebraska State Medical Society, at its 6., 7., and 8. annual meetings, 1874-6. Lincoln, Neb. 1877. 8°. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. 78. 8°. v. 1-20, 1859- Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain, for the years 1856-68. London, n. s., v. 1-9, 1868-9—1876-7. 8°. Transactions of the Ohio State Medical Society, for the years 1846- 79. V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. 1846-79. 8C. r. 1-30, v. 4-8, Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. 1871-9. 8°. [For v. 1-3, see Proc. Path. Soc. Phila.] Transactions of the Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. New York. v. 1-6, 1869-78. 8°. Transactions of the Physico-Medical Society of the State of New York. New York. v. 1, 1817. 8°. Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. London, v. 1-19, 1832-53. 8°. Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. London, v. 1-3, 1793-1812. 8°. Transactions of the South Carolina Medical Association, at the extra meeting in Greenwood, July 18, 1855, and at the annual meetings, 1856-7; 1870-70. V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Southern Illinois Medical Association. Du Quoin, 111. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Transactions of the Texas State Medical Association at the annual sessions 1874-8 (6.-10.) V. p. 8°. [For 1.-5., see Proc. Texas M. Ass.] Transactions of the Vermont Medical Society for the years 1864- 78. V. p. 8°. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Let- ters. Madison, v. 1, 1870-72; v. 3, 1875-6. 8°. Transactions of the Wisconsin State Medical Society, for the yeara 1868-79. V. p. v. 2-13. 8°. Transylvania (The) Journal of Medicine and the Associate Sci- ences. Lexington, Ky. v. 1-12, 1828-39. 8°. Transylvania (The) Medical Journal. Lexington, 1849-50. Lou- isvUle, Ky., 1850-54. v. 1-2, June, 1849-June, 1851; n. s., v. 1 - 3, Aug., 1851-4. 8°. [n. s., v. 3., Sept., 1853-June, 1854, the title was: Kentucky M. Recorder, Louisville; it was called v. 1, n. s.] Travaux du ConseU d'hygiene publique et de salubritd du ddparte- ment de la Gironde pendant les anndes 1849-77. Bordeaux, v. 1-19. 8°. Tribuna (La) mddica. Periddico mensual. Paris. Ano 1-3,1873- 5. 2 v. 8°. [3. year contains but 3 nos. ] Tribune (La) mddicale. Paris, v. 7-12, 1874-9. 8°. Trudi Obshestva vrachei g Kazani. 1871-2. 8°. Pts. 1-3, v. 1; pt. 1, v. 2, Tiibinger Blatter fiir Naturwissenschaften und Arzneikunde. bingen. v. 1-2; no. 1, v. 3, 1815-17. 8°. Tii- r. U. States J. Homceop., N. Y. U. States M. Invest., Chicago. United States (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. New York. v. 1- 2, 1860-61. 8°. [After Nov., 1861, consoUdated with: N. Am. J. Honireop., N. Y.] United States (The) Medical Investigator. A semi-monthly jour- nal of the medical sciences. [Homoeopathic. ] Consolidation of the United States Medical aud Surgical Journal, v. 10, with the Medical Investigator, v. 12, commencing Jan., 1875. Chi- cago, v. 1-10, 1875-9. 8°. [118] TJ. States M. Sc S. J., Chicago. TJ. States M. 8c S. J., N. Y. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Verand. d. schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kj0benh. Ungar. med.-chir. Presse, Pest. Union med., CasteUon. Union med., Par. Union med. du Canada, Mont- real. Union med. de la Gironde, Bor- deaux. Union med. de la Louisiane, N.- Orl. Union med. d'Orient, Constanti- nople. Union med. et scient. du nord- est, Reims. Union med. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen. Union pharm., Par. Union pharm. d'Orient, Constan- tinople. Untersuch. a. d. anat. Inst, zu Rostock. Untersuch. a. d. Inst. f. Physiol. u. Histol. in Graz, Leipz. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere. Untersuch. a. d. path. Inst, zu Zurich, Leipz. Untersuch. a. d. path.-anat. Inst. in Krakau, Wien. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. in Wurzb. United States (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. [Homoeopa- thic] Chicago, v. 1-9, 1865-74. 8°. [After July, 1874, united with: Med. Invest., Chicago, forming preceding.] United States (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. New York. v. 1-3, 1834-6. 8°. [After no. 2, Sept., 1834, pubUshed at New York and Philadelphia. ] Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veriinderungen der schlesischen Ge- sellschaft fiir vaterlandische Kultur in den Jahren 1847 und 1849. Breslau. 2 v., 1848-50. 4°. Ugeskrift for Larger. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-10, 1839 - June 30,1844; 2. R., v. 1-43, July, 1844-1865; 3. R., v. 1-28, 1866-79. 8°. Ungarische medizinisch-chirurgische Presse. Monatsschrift fur die gesammte praktische Heilkunde. Pest. v. 1, 1865. 8°. Union (La) mddica. Revista cientifica, profesional y econdmica. Organo oficial de la Sociedad centro mddico-farmacdutico Caste- llonense, consagrada al progreso de las ciencias mddico-farmacdu- ticas, y £ la defensa de los intereses de los profesores. CasteUon. v. 2, 3, 5, 6, 1873-7. 8°. Union (L') mddicale; journal des intdrets scientifiques et pratiques, moraux et professionnels du corps mddical. Paris, v. 1-12, 1847-58; 2. s., v. 1-32,1859-66; 3. s., v. 1-28,1867-79. fol. and 8°. Union (L') mddicale du Canada. Revue mddico-chirurgicale. Montrdal. v. 1-8, 1872-9. 8°. Union (L') mddicale de la Gironde. Journal choisi pour les publi- cations de la Socidtd de mddecine de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, v. 1-8, 1856-63. 8°. Union (L') mddicale de la Louisiane. Revue mensueUe. NouveUe- Orldans. v. 1, 1852. 8°. Union (L') mddicale d'Orient. Constantinople, v. 6, 1879. 4°. Union mddicale et scientifique du nord-est. 9. 8°. Reims, v. 1-3,1877- Union mddicale de la Seine-Infdrieure: Journal de la Socidtd de mddecine de Rouen. Rouen, v. 12-18, 1873-9. 8°. Union (L') pharmaceutique. Journal de la pharmacie central© de France. Organe des intdrets scientifiques, pratiques et moraux de la profession. Paris, v. 15-20,1874-9. 8°. Union (L') pharmaceutique d'Orient. Constantinople. Nos. 1-3, v. 6, 1879. [Supplement to: Union mdd. d'Orient, Constantinople.] Universidad de Chile. [See An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago.] Universitat zu Breslau. [See Ann. d. klin. Anst. d. Univ. zu Bresl. f. Geburtsh. Also: Ann. d. klin.-chir. Inst. a. d. Univ. zu Bresl.] Universitat zu Gottingen. [See Ann. d. Entbind.-Lehranst. a. d. Ijniv. zu Gotting.] Universitat zu Kiel. [See Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel.] Universitd de Belgique. [See Ann. d. univ. de Belg., Brux.] University of California. [See Bull. Univ. Calif., Oakland.] Untersuchungen aus dem anatomischen In stitut zu Rostock. Hrsg. von Fr. Merkel. Rostock. 1874. 8°. Untersuchungen aus dem Institut fiir Physiologie und Histologie in Graz. Hrsg. von Alex. Rollett. Leipzig, v. 1, 1870-73. 8°. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. Hrsg. von Jac Moleschott. Frankfurt am Main, 1856-9. Gies- sen, 1860-70. v. 1-10, 1856-70. 8°. Untersuchungen aus dem pathologischen Institut zu Ziirich. Leip- zig. Hfte. 1-3, 1873-5. 4°. Untersuchungen aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institute in Krakau. Von Alfred Biesiadecki. Wien. 1872. 8°. Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Institute der Univcrsi- tiit Heidelberg, v. 1; Hft. 1, v. 2, 1877-8. 8°. Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium in Wiirz- burg. Hrsg. von Albert von Bezold [und von Richard Gscheid- len.] Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1867-9. 8°. [119] Upp. Canada J. M., S. & Phys. Sc, Toronto. Upsala Lakaref. Forh. Upsala Univ. Arsskr. Med. Untersuchungsamt fiir Lebensmittel, etc., in Hannover. [See Hannov. Monatschr.] Upper Canada (The) Journal of Medical, Surgical and Physical Science. Toronto, v. 1-3, 1851-4. 8°. Upsala Lakareforenings ForhandUngar. v. 1-14, nos. 1-2, v. 15, 1865-80. 8°. Upsala Universitets Arsskrift. Medicin. 1861, 1862, 1863, 1866, 1868; nos. 1-2, 1869; no. 1, 1870; nos. 1-2, 1873. 8°. V. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., N. Y. Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine. New York. v. 1-21, 1869-79. roy. 8°. [After v. 19,1878, the word "Eclectic" dropped from title. ] Vatorliindische Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Naturforscher Schwa- bens. [See Denkschr. d. vaterl. GeseUsch. d. Aerate . . . Schwa- bens, Tiibing.] Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geneeskundige Wetenschappen in Nederlandsch Indie. [See Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. ] Vereeniging tot Verbetering der Volksgezondheit, opgericht te Utrecht gedurende de Cholera-Epidemie in 1866. [See Versl. v. de Vereen. t. Verbet. d. Volksgzndht., Utrecht.] Verein der Aerzte in Nieder-Oesterreich. [See Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien.] Verein der Aerzte in Steiermark. [See Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. ] Verein badischer Thieriirzte. [See Thierarztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe. ] Verein baltischer Aerzte. [See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. Ver. bal- tisch. Aerzte] Verein deutscher Aerzte in Paris. [See Denkschr. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Par. ] Verein deutscher Aerzte in Prag. [See Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag.] Verein fiir gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Forderung der wissen- schaftUchen HeUkunde. [See Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk. Also: Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. HeUk.] Verein fiir Heilkunde in Preussen. [See Med. Ztg., Berl.] Verein nassau'scher Aerzte. [See Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, WeUburg. Also: Mitth. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, WeUburg.] Verein nordQich der Elbe zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. [See Mitth. d. Ver. nordl. d. Elbe, etc, Kiel.] Verein fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege zu Hannover. [See Ver- handl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. zu Hannov.] Verein fur offentUche Gesundheitspflege im Herzogthum Braun- schweig. [See Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg.] Verein fur offentUche Gesundheitspflege in Magdeburg. [See Ver- handl. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb.] Verein pfalzischer Aerzte. [See Verhandl. d. Ver. pfiilz. Aerzte.] Verein fiir physiologische HeUkunde in Breslau. [See Ztschr. f. kUn. Med., Bresl.] Verein fiir Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologie in Wien. [See Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien.] Verein rheinischer Medico-Chirurgen. [See Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.] Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. [See Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel.] Verein fiir Staatsarzneiwissenschaft in BerUn. [See Verhandl. d. Ver. f. Staatsarzneiw. in Berl., Erlang.] Verein fur vaterliindische Naturkunde in Wiirttemherg. [See Jahresh. d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. in Wurttemb., Stuttg.] [120] Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Genees- en Heelk. to Amst. Verhandel. d. Genootsch. t. Be- vord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. We- tensch., Amst. Verhandl. d. Berl. GeseUsch. f. Anthrop., Berl. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. Verhandl. d. Cong, bayer. Aerzte zu Miinchen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. f. Ge- burtsh. in Berl. Verhandl. d. internat. Ver. gegen Verunreinig. d. Fliisse, etc., Berl. Verhandl. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. Verhandl. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Leipz. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. zu Hannov. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb. Verhandl. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Basel. Verhandl. d. naturf. Ver. in Briinn. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. f. An- halt in Dessau. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Ge- seUsch. in Wiirzb. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. GeseUsch. Verein fur wissenschaftUche Heilkunde zu Konigsberg. [Sec Konigsb. med. Jahrb.] Verein wiirttembergischer Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer. [See Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg.] Vereinigte iirztliche Gesellschaften der Schweiz. [See Verhandl. d. ver. iirztl. Gesellsch. d. Schweiz, Ziirich.] Vereinte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staats-Arzueikunde, unter Mitwirkung der Mitglieder der staatsarztlichen Vereine im Grossherzogthume Baden und Kdnigreiche Sachsen. Freiburg im Breisgau. n. F., v. 1-12, 1847-52. 8°. [Formed by union of: Ann. d. Staatsarznk. with: Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Continued in 1853 as: Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang.] VerhandeUngen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Ge- nees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1841-63. 4°. VerhandeUngen der Genootschap tor Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-8,1791-1805. 8°. [Continued as: N. Ver- handel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] VerhandeUngen der koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, v. 11-18, 1868-78. 4°. Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Eth- nologic und Urgeschichte. Berlin. 9 nos., 1870-79. 8°. Verhandlungen der Berliner medicinischen Gesellschaft. v. 1-8, 1866-7—1876-7. 8°. Verhandlungen des Congresses bayerischer Aerzte zu Miinchen, vom 2. bis 8. October 1848. Erlangen. 1848. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Chirurgie. BerUn. 1.-7. Congress, 1872-8. 8°. Verhandlungen der GeseUschaft fiir GeburtshiiUe in Berlin. Jahrg. 1-22, 25; 1846-69. 8°. Verhandlungen des internationalen Vereines gegen Verunreini- gung der Fliisse, dm Bodens und der Luft. 1. Versamml., 1.-2. October 1877, in Coin. Berlin und Leipzig. 1878. 8°. Verhandlungen der k. k. GeseUschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. 2 v., 1842-3. 8°. Verhandlungen der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, v. 1, 1863-4. 8°. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Vereins fiir offentUche Ge- sundheitspflege zu Hannover. Hft. 2, 1877. 8°. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des Vereins fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege in Magdeburg. Hfte. 2-7,1874-8. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb. ] Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Hfte. 3-4, TheU 5; Hfte. 1-4, TheU 6; 1871-8. 8°. Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereins in Briinn. v. 1-6; 9-13; 15; 16; 1861-78. 8°. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins fiir Anhalt in Des- sau. 28.-29. Bericht, 1869-70. 8°. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens. ' Bonn. Jahrg. 3-28, 1846-71. 26 v. 8°. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Hei- delberg, v. 2-6,1859-72; n. F., Hfte. 1, 3-5, v. 1; Hfte. 1-4, v. 2; 1874-9. 8°. Verhandlungen der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft in WUrzburg. v. 1-10, 1850-60; n. F., v. 1-13; Hfte. 1-2, v. 14,1868- 80. 8°. [For years 1860-67, see Wiirzb. med. Ztschr.] Verhandlungen dor physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Erlan- gen. Hfte. 1-2, 1865-70. 8°. [Continued as: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc zu Erlang.] Verhandlungcn dor schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. "Actes de la Socidtd helvetique des sciences naturelles". Jahrcs- versauimlung, 52-50; 58-60,1868-77. 8J. [121] Verhandl. d. ver. arztl. GeseU- sch. d. Schweiz, Zurich. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg. in Magdeb. Verhandl. d. Ver. pfalz. Aerzte. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. Staatsarz- neiw. in Berl., Erlang. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Ge- seUsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb. Verm. chir. Schrift., Berl. Veroffentl. d. GeseUsch. f. HeUk. in Berl. Padiat. Section. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsnd- htsamtes, Berl. Veroffentl. a. d. k. sachs. Mil.- San.-Dienst, Berl. Versl. . . . v. h. geneesk. Staats- toez., Gravenh. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. We- tensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst. Versl.. . . Nederl. Gasth. v. Oog- lijders, Utrecht. Versl. v. de Vereen. t. Verbet. d. Volksgzndht., Utrecht. Versuche . . . a. d. clin. Anst. v. Tubing. Vet. Gaz., N. Y. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond. Vetensk. - Handl. f. Lak. o. Faltsk., Stockholm. Veterinarian, Lond. Vettensk.-J. f. Lak. o. Faltsk., Stockholm. Vichy med. Virginia CUn. Rec, Richmond. Virginia M. J., Richmond. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. Verhandlungen der vereinigten arztlichen GeseUschaften der Schweiz. Zurich. Jahrg. 1828-30. 3 v. 8°. Verhandlungen des Vereins fur offentUche Gesundheitspflege in Magdeburg. Hft. 1,1872-3. 8°. [Continued as: Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb.] Verhandlungen des Vereins pfalzischer Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1841 (2.); 1845-53 (6.-12.); 1855-63 (14.-21.); 1865-76(23.-33.) V. p. 4°. Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir Staatsarzneiwissenschaft in Berlin. Erlangen. Hft. 1, 1855. 8°. Vermischte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der HeUkunde von einer GeseUschaft practischer Aerzte zu St. Petersburg. Samml. 1-8,1821-54. 8°. [7. Samml. also under title: N. Abhandl. d. deutsch. arztl. Ver. zu St. Petersb.] Vermischte chirurgische Schriften, hrsg. von Johann Leberecht Schmucker. BerUn und Stettin, v. 1-3, 1776-82. 8°. Vermont Medical Society. [See Tr. Vermont M. Soc] VerdffentUchungen der GeseUschaft fiir Heilkunde in BerUn. II. OeffentUche Versammlung der padiatrischen Section am 24. u. 25. April 1879. BerUn. 8°. VerdffentUchungen des kaiserlich deutschen Gesundheitsamtes. BerUn. v. 1-3, 1877-9. fol. VerdffentUchungen aus dem kdniglich sachsischen MUitair-Sani- tiits-Dienst. Hrsg. von Dr. Wilhelm Roth. BerUn. 1879. 8°. Verslag aan den Koning van de bevindingen en handelingen van het geneeskundig Staatstoezigt in het Jaaren 1866-72. 'a Gra- venhage 1867-73. 7v. 8°. [Want pp. 561-634 of 1870. ] Verslagen en MededeeUngen der koninkUjke Akademie van We- tenschappen. Afd. Natuurkunde. Amsterdam. 2. a., v. 1-13, 1866-78. 8°. Verslag (Jaarlijksch) betrekeUjk de verpleging eu 't onderwijs in het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. Utrecht. 2., 3., 4., 7., 10,, 11., 14., 15., 17., 18., 1861-77. 8°. Verslagen van de Vereeniging tot Verbetering der Volksgezond- heit, opgericht te Utrecht gedurende de Cholera-Epidemie in 1866. Utrecht, v. 1-8; pt. 1, v. 9; v. 10-11; 1866-78. 8°. Versuche fiir die praktische Heilkunde aus den cUnischen Anstalten von Tubingen, von Prof. J. H. F. Autenrieth. Tiibingen. v. 1, 1807-8. 8°. Veterinary (The) Gazette. A monthly journal of practical veteri- nary medicine and surgery. New York. No. 1, v. 1, May 20, 1880. 8°. Veterinary (The) Journal and Annals of Comparative Pathology. London, v. 1-9, 1875-9. 8°. Vetenskaps-HandUngar for Lakare och Faltskarer. Stockholm. v. 1-7, 1793-1805. 8°. [Continued as: Vettensk.-J. f. Lak. o. Faltsk., Stockholm.] Veterinarian (The), or monthly journal of veterinary science. London, v. 1-52, 1828-79. 8°. Vettenskaps-Jornal for Lakare och Faltskarer, utgifven af J. Ber- zeUus och E. GadeUus. Stockholm, v. 1, 1806-10. 8°. [A con- tinuation of: Vetensk. Handl. f. Lak. o. Faltsk., Stockholm.] Vichy mddical; hydrologie, mddecine, physiologie, hygiene, etc. Vichy, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Virchow's Archiv. [See Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.] Virginia (The) Clinical Record. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Richmond, v. 1-3, 1871- 4. 8°. Virginia (The) Medical Journal: combining The Stethoscope and Virginia Medical and Surgical Journal. Richmond, v. 6-13, 1856-9. 8°. [Want no. 3, v. 6. For v. 1-5, see Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond; for subsequent vols., see Maryland & Virg. M. J., Richmond.] Virginia Medical Monthly (Richmond). 80. 8°. Richmond, v. 1-6, 1874- [122] Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond. Voice, Albany. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb. Vrach, St. Petersb. Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. Vrtljschr. f. Psychiat., Neuwied. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Vete- rinark., Wien. Virginia (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Richmond, v. 1- 5, 1853-5. 8°. [In Jan., 1856, Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, united with this journal, forming: Virginia M. J., Richmond. For continuation, see Maryland & Virg. M. J., Rich- mond. ] Voice (The). A monthly devoted to voice culture. Albany, N. Y. v. 1, 1879. 4°. Voyenno-meditsinskii Journal. St. Petersburg, v. 1-136,1823-79, 8°. [Want v. 73.] Vrach. Ejenedelnaja med. gazeta, etc. St. Petersburg. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, 1880. 4°. Vrachebniya Vaidomosti. St. Petersburg, v. 1-4, 1876-9. fol. and 4°. Vierteljahresschrift fiir Dermatologie und SyphiUs. Neue Folge des Archives fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wien. v. 1-6, 1874-9. 8°. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche Medicin und offentUches Sani- tatswesen. BerUn. n. F., v. 16-31,1872-9. 8°. [A continuation of the following:] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtUche und offentUche Medicin. Unter Mitwirkung der kdnigUchen wissenschaftUchen Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen im Ministerium der geistUchen, Unterrichts- und Medicinal-Angelegenheiten hrsg. von Johann Ludwig Cas- per. Berlin, v. 1-25, 1852-64; n. F., v. 1-15, 1864-71. 8°. [A continuation of: Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., and contin- ued as the preceding. ] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir die praktische Heilkunde, hrsg. vondermedi- cinischen Fakultiit in Prag. Prag. v. 1-144, 1844-79. 8°. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Psychiatrie in ihren Beziehttngen zur Mor- phologie und Pathologie des Central-Nervensystems, der physio- logischen Psychologie, Statistik und gerichtUchen Medicin. Hrsg. von Max Leidesdorf und Thdr. Meynert. Neuwied und Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1867-9. 8°. Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissenschaftUche Veterinarkunde. Hrsg. von den Mitgliedern des Wiener k. k. Thierarznei-Institutes. Wien. v. 11-18, 1858-62. 8°. [For continuation, see Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veteriniirk., Wien.] w. W. Virg. M. Student, WheeUng. Wchnbl. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. 'Wchnbl. f. med. Statist, u. Epi- demiol., Berl. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Vieh- zucht, Augsburg. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz. Wenk. en Meening. omt. ge- neesk. Staatsreg., etc, Amst. West Virginia (The) Medical Student: a monthly record of the progress of medicine, surgery, and the alUed sciences. Wheeling. v. 1, 1875-6. 8° Wochenblatt der Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. v. 1-3, 1855-7; 1861-2; 1864-70. 8°. [After 1866, the words "der Zeitschrift" dropped from title] Wochenblatt fiir medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie. Or- gan des deutschen Vereins fiir medizinische Statistik. Berlin. Nos. 29-52, v. 2, July 31, 1869 - Jan. 8, 1870; v. 3, Jan. 15- July 17, 1870. 8°. Wochenschrift fur die gesammte Heilkunde. Unter der Mitredac- tion von M. H. Romberg, A. W. v. Stosch, E. Thaer, hrsg. von J. L. Casper. BerUn. v. 1-19, 1833-51. 8°. [A continuation of: Krit. Repert. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., and continued as: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl.] Wochenschrift fiir Thierheilkunde und Viehzucht. Augsburg, v. 20-23, 1876-9. 8°. Wdchentliche Beitrage zur medicinischen und chirurgischen Klinik mit vorziiglicher BerUcksichtigung epidemischer, endemischer und epizootischer Krankheiten. Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1832-4. 4°. [Continuation of: AUg. Cholera-Ztg., Leipz., and continued as : Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz.] Wcnken en Meeningen omtrent geneeskundige StaatsregcUng en algemeeuo Geneeskunde. Onder Medewerking van eenige va- derlandsche Geleerden verzameld en uitgegeven door J. P. Heije. Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1838-9. 8°. [123] Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Be- vord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. West. J. M. West. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Cincin. West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle. West. Lancet. West. Lancet, Cincin. West. Lancet, San. Fran. West. M. Advance, Detroit. West. M. Gaz., Cincin. West. M. & Phys. J., Cincin. West. M. Reformer. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk. West. Q. J. Pract. M., Cincin. West. Q. Reporter M., S. 8c Nat. Sc, Cincin. West. Retrosp. M. & S., Evans- vUle. West. Rev. Sc. Sc Indust., Kan- sas City. West Riding Lun. Asyl. Rep., Lond. West. & South. M. Recorder, Lexington, Ky. Westminst. Rev. Am. ed.,N. Y. Werken van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Natuur-, Ge- nees-en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [Contents: 1. Blad van de Sectie voor Genees-, Heel- on Verloskunde. 2. Maandblad voor Natuur-Wetenschappen. ] v. 2-3, Verslag van het verhandelde in de Sectien 1871-2; 1872-3. Amsterdam. 8°. Western (The) Journal of Medicine. Cincinnati. Indianapolis. [Title from no. 7, v. 2 to v. 4 inch, of: Cincin. J. M., and con- tinued as: Am. Pract., LouisvUle.] Western (The) Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Edited by Daniel Drake. Cincinnati, v. 2-12, 1828-38. 8°. [No. 1, v. 12, beUeved to be the last pubUshed. For v. 1, see West. M. & Phys. J., Cincin. In 1835, West. M. Gaz., Cincin., merged in this journal. Jan., 1840, revived, and consoUdated with: Louisville J. M. & S., forming the foUowing:] Western (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Daniel Drake and Lnnsford P. Yandell. LouisvUle. v. 1-8, 1840-43; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1844-7; 3. s., v. 1-12, 1848-53; n. s., [4.], v. 1-4, 1854-5. 8C. [A consolidation and continuation of the preceding with: Louisville J. M. & S. Continued, May, 1856, by Drs. Gross and Richardson, as: LouisvUle Rev. ] Western (The) Lancet; devoted to medical and surgical science Cincinnati, 18-12-4 and 1847-57. Lexington, Ky., 1845-6. v. 1- 18, 1842-57. [Title of v. 7-13 was: Western (The) Lancet and Hospital Reporter. After April, 1843, West. & South. M. Re- corder, Lexington, Ky., merged in this journal. In Jan., 1858, united with: Cincin. M. Obs., forming: Cincin. Lancet & Obs.] Western (The) Lancet and Hospital Reporter. Cincinnati. [Title of v. 7-13 of the preceding. ] Western (The) Lancet: a monthly journal devoted to medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. San Francisco. [Title of v. 1-7, and nos. 1-3, v. 8, of: San Francisco West. Lancet.] Western Medical Advance and Progress of Pharmacy. An illus- trated quarterly journal. Detroit, v. 1-2, 1871-3. 4°. [In Jan., 1879, continued as: Med. Advance, Detroit.] Western (The) Medical Gazette. Cincinnati, v. 1-2,1832-5. 8°. [United with: West. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Cincin.] Western (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Original and eclectic. Edited by Daniel Drake and Guy W. Wright. Cin- cinnati, v. 1, 1827-8; no. 1, v. 2, May, 1828. 8°. [No. 1, v. 2, believed to be the last published. In AprU, 1828, West. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Cincin., was commenced by Daniel Drake, and is regarded as a continuation of the above, the vol. for April, 1828-March, 1829, being called v. 2. In April, 1827, Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin., merged in the above.] Western (The) Medical Reformer. Worthington, Ohio. [Title of v. 1-7 of: Eclect. M. J., Cincin. v. 4-7 published at Cincin- nati. With v. 7, the words "and Eclectic Medical Journal" added to title. ] Western (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal. Keokuk, Iowa. v. 1-2, 1850-53; no. 1, v. 3, Jan., 1854. 8°. Western (The) Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine. Cincin- nati. No. 1, v. 1, June, 1837. 8°. Western (The) Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical and Na- tural Science. Cincinnati, v. 1-2, 1822-3. 8°. Western (The) Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery. Evansville, Ind. v. 1, Jan.-Dec, 1872. 8°.» Western (The) Review of Science and Industry. Kansas City. [Title of v. 1, and nos. 1-4, v. 2, of: Kansas City Rev. So. & Indust.] West Riding Lunatic Asylum at Wakefield, York Co. Medical Reports, v. 1-6, 1871-6. 8°. Western (The) and Southern Medical Recorder. Lexington, Ky. v. 1, 1841-2; nos. 1-4, v. 2,1843. 8°. [After April, 1843, merged in: West. Lancet.] Westminster Medical Society. [See Proc Westminst. M. Soc] Westminster (The) Reviow. American edition. New York. v. 97-112, 1872-9. 8°. [124] Wien. Beytr. z. prakt. Arznk. Wien. KUnik. Wien. med. BI. Wien. med. Monatschr. Wien. med. Presse. Wien., med. Wchnschr. Wien. Med.-HaUe. Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl. Wissench. Mitth. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr. Wienerische Beytriige zur praktischen Arzneykunde, Wundarz- neykunst und Geburtshilfe. Hrsg. von Joseph Mohrenheim. Wien. v. 1, 1781. 8°. Wiener k. k. Thierarznei-Institut. [See Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien.] Wiener Klinik. Vortriige aus der gesammten praktischen HeU- kunde. Wien. v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. [A monthly supplement to: Wien. med. Presse.] Wiener medicinisches Doctoren-Collegium. [See Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll.] Wiener medizinische Blatter. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte HeU- kunde. Wien. v. 1-2, 1878-9. fol. Wiener medizinische Monatsschrift. Wien. Nos. 1-9, Jan.-Sept., 1789. 3 v. 6y Wiener medizinische Presse. (Fortsetzung der Wiener Medizinal- HaUe.) Wochenschrift fiir praktische Aerzte Wien. v. 6-20, 1865-79. 4°. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 1-29, 1851-79. 4°. Wiener Medizinal-Halle. Zeitschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Wien. v. 1-5,1860-64. 4°. [Continuedas: Wien. med. Presse] WUlamette University. [See Oregon M. & S. Rexiorter, Salem.] Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. [SeeTr. Wis- consin Acad. Sc. ] Wisconsin State Medical Society. [See Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc] WissenschaftUche Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Berlin. v. 25-30, 1833-4. 8°. [A continuation of: Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., and succeeded by: N. wissensch. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl.] WissenschaftUche Mittheilungen der physikaUsch-medicinischen Societiit zu Erlangen. No. 1-2, v. 1, 1858-9. 8°. Wiirttembergischer aerztlicher Verein. [See Mitth. d. wurttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg.] Wiirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift, hrsg. von der physikalisch- medicinischen Gesellschaft. Wiirzburg. v. 1-7, 1860-67. 8°. [Continuation of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., and in 1868 same title resumed. ] z. Zapiski Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Zbidr wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umiej. w Krakow. Zodiacus med.-gall., Geneva. Ztschr. d. aUg. osterr. Apoth.- Ver., Wien. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen. Ztschr.f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode. Zapiski Obshestva vrachei g Kazani. 1874. 8^. 6. year, 1873. Kasan. Zbidr wiadomosci do antropologU Krajowdj wydawany Staraniem komisyi antropologiczndj Akademii Umiejetnosci w Krakowie. Krakdw. v. 1-2, 1877-8. 8°. Zodiacus medico-gaUicus, 6ive misceUaneorum medico-physicorum gallicorum titulo recens in re medica exploratorum, unoquo- qne mense Parisiis latine prodeuntium annus primus, scilicet MDCLXXIX. Authore Nicolao de Blegny, R. G. C. O. Acces- sere ejusdem traciatus duo utiUssimi; prior de herniis, posterior observationes circa luem veneream continens. Also for years 1680-83. Geneva. 2 v., 1680-85. sm. 4°. Zeitschrift des allgemeinen dsterreichischen Apotheker-Vereines. Wien. v. 6-17, 1868-79. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte Leipzig. v. 1-2, 1875-7. roy. 8°. [United with: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., the anatomical part of: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz.] Zeitschrift fur die Anthropologie. In Verbindung mit Beneke [and 24 others] hrsg. von Friedr. Nasse. Leipzig, v. 1-4, lc^3- 6. 8°. [A continuation of: Ztschr. f. psych. Aerzte, Leipz., and continued as: Jahrb. f. Anthrop., Leipz.] Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. Miinchen. v. 1-15, 1865-79. roy. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Chirurgen von Chirurgen. Osterode und Goslar. v. 1-3. 1841-46. 8 . [125] Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol., Darmst. Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk., Berl. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. prakt. Med., HaUe. Ztschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., etc., Kassel. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Tubing. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bu- reau's, Berl. Ztschr. d. k.-k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl. Ztschr. f. d. . . . krankh. Seelen- zust., Berl. Ztschr. d. k.-sachs. statist. Bu- reau's, Dresd. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Ge- burtsh. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Un- garn, Oedenburg. Zeitschrift des deutschen Chirurgen-Vereins fiir Medecin, Chirur gie und GeburtshiUfe. Madgeburg. v. 3-8, 1849-54. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., and contin- ued as: Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh.] Zeitschrift fur Epidemiologie und offentUche Gesundheitspflege. Organ des allgemeinen arztUchen Vereins fiir Thiiringen, sowie der arztUchen Vereine des Mittelrheins. Neue Folge des Cor.- Bl. f. d. mittelrhein. Aerzte. Darmstadt und Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1868-71. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Erfahrungshoilkunst. BerUn. v. 1-5, 1847-52. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Therap.] Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie. Organ der Berliner GeseUschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. BerUn. v. 1-11, 1869-79. roy. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir GeburtshiUfe und Frauenkrankheiten. Unter Mit- wirkung der Gesellschaft fur Gynaekologie in BerUn hrsg. von E. Martin und H. Fasbender. Stuttgart, v. 1, 1875-6. 8°. [Consolidated with: Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., form- ing: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.] Zeitschrift fiir die Geburtshulfe in ihrer Beziehung auf die ge- richtliche Medicin, und fiir die gerichtUche Medicin uberhaupt von Dr. L. Mende Gottingen. [Additional title of v. 4-5 of: Beob. u. Bcmerk. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Getting.] Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshulfe und Gyniikologie. Unter Mitwirkung der GeseUschaft fiir Geburtshulfe und Gyniikologie zu BerUn hrsg. von C. Schroder, [e* al.] Stuttgart, v. 1-4, 1877-9. 8°. [A consolidation of: Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., with: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg.] Zeitschrift fur Geburtshulfe und praktische Medicin. Eine Samm- lung eigener und fremder Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen von Wilhelm Hermann Niemeyer. HaUe. No. 1, v. 1, 1828. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte HeUkunde und die Medizinal-Angele- genheiten Kurhessens. Vereinsblatt kurhessischer Aerzte und Wundarzte. Kassel. v. 1, 1842-4. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Medicin. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Hospitalpraxis und ausliindische Literatur. Hamburg, v. 1-45,1836-50. 8°. [Want no. 1, v. 40 (Jan., 1849). A continu- ation of: Hamb. Mag. d. ausl. Lit. d. ges. HeUk., etc] Zeitschrift fur Hygieine, medicinische Statistik und Sanitilts- polizei. Tubingen, v. 1, 1859-60. 8°. Zeitschrift des konigl. preussischen atatistischon Bureau's. BerUn. V.-12, 1872. 4°. Zeitschrift der kaiserUch-koniglichen Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Jahrg. 1-16, 1844-60. 20 v. 4° and 8°. [Continued as: Med. Jahrb., Wien.] Zeitschrift fiir kUnische Medicin. Berlin. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1879. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir kUnische Medizin. Mit dem Verein fiir physiolo- gische HeUkunde in Breslau hrsg. von Fr. Giinshurg. Breslau. v. 1-10, 1850-59. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir die Beurtheilung und HeUung der krankhaffcen Seo- lenzustande. In Verbindung mit . . . hrsg. von Max Jacobi und Fr. Nasse Berlin, v. 1, 1838. 8°. Zeitschrift des kdniglich-siichsischen statistischen Bureau's. Dres- den, v. 12-24; Hfte. 1-2, v. 25; 1866-79. 4°. Zeitschrift fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. Magdeburg, 1855. Magdeburg und Leipzig, 1856-8. Leipzig, 1859-68. v. 9-15, 1855-61; n. F., v. 1-7, 1862-8. 8°. [A continuation of: Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb.] Zeitschrift fur Mikroskopie. Organ der GeseUschaft fur Mikro- skopie zu Berlin, v. 1-2, 1877-80. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Ungarn. Mit gleicher BerUcksichtigung fiir Naturforscher, Sanitiitsbeamte, Aerzte, Wundarzte und Pharmaceuten. Oedenburg. Nos. 27-52, v. 5; v. 6-12, 1855-61. imp. 4°. [126] Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth. Ztschr. f. d. organ. Phys., Eise- nach. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk., Jena. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk. u. Med.- Wes., Hannov. Ztschr. d. prakt. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Miinchen. Ztschr. f. prakt. Vet. - Wissen- sch., Bern. Ztschr. f. psych. Aerzte, Leipz. Ztschr. f. rat. Med. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang. Ztschr. d. Stammver. f. volks- verst. Gsndhtspflg., Chemnitz. Ztschr. f. Therap. u. Pharmakod., Freib. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. v. Lbns- mttln, Eichstatt. Ztschr. f. Vet.-Wissensch., Berl. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Therap. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg. Zeitschrift des norddeutschen Chirurgen-Vereins fur Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe, unter Mit-Redaction von . . . hrsg. von A. W. Varges. Magdeburg, v. 1-2, 1847-8. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb.] Zeitschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Wiesbaden, v. 8, 1879. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh.] Zeitschrift fiir die Ophthalmologic, in Verbindung mit vielen Aerz- ten hrsg. von F. A. v. Amnion. [Quarterly.] Dresden, 1831-3. Heidelberg und Leipzig, 1835-7. v. 1-5,1831-7. 8°. [In 1838, continued as: Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz.] Zeitschrift fiir die organische Physik. Eisenach, v. 1-3, 1827-8. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenkunde. Jena. v. 1-4, 1869-75. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Physiologie. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehr- ten hrsg. von F. Tiedemann, G. R. Treviranus und L. Ch. Tre- viranus. Heidelberg, v. 1-5, 1824-35. 4°. Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, unter Mitwirkung von . . . hrsg. von F. Hoppe-Seyler. Strassburg. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir praktische HeUkunde und Medicinalwesen, mit be- sonderem Bezug auf Hannover und die angrenzenden Lander. Hannover, v. 1-4, 1864-7. 8°. Zeitschrift der praktischen Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe fur Landarzte und Chirurgen. Miinchen. v. 1-3, 1831-5. 8°. [Afterv. 1, title: Med.-chir. Ztschr. f. Landarzteu. Chir., Miin- chen.] Zeitschrift fiir praktische Veterinair-Wissenschaften. Bern. v. 4, 1876. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. Vet.-Wissensch., Berl.] Zeitschrift fiir psychische Aerzte, in Verbindung mit. . . hrsg. von Fr. Nasse. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1818-22. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz.] Zeitschrift fur rationelle Medizin. Ziirich, 1842-3. Heidelberg, 1844-57. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1857-69. v. 1-10, 1842-51; n. F., v. 1-6, 1851-5; 3. R., v. 1-36, 1857-69. 8°. [The same. ] Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Phy- siologie in den Jahren 1869-71. Leipzig und Heidelberg, v. 1- 3, 1870-72. 8°. [Continued as: Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz.] Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Erlangen. v. 1-88, 1821- 64. Also, 47 Ergnzngshfte, 1823-58. 8°. Zeitschrift des Stammvereins fiir volksverstiindUche Gesundheits- pflege. Chemnitz, v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Therapie und Pharmakodynamik. Freiburg. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1844-5. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Untersuchung von Lebensmitteln und Verbrauchs- Gegenstiinden. Eichstatt und Stuttgart, v. 2, 1879. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Veterinair-Wissenschaften. BerUn. v. 5,1877. 8°. [A continuation of: Ztschr. f. prakt. Vet.-Wissensch., Bern.] Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftUche Therapie. BerUn. v. 1-5, 1853- 62. 8°. [v. 2-5 pubUshed at EUenburg. A continuation of: Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk., Berl.] Zeitschrift fiir Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer. Im Auftrage des Vereins wiirttembergischer Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer hrsg. von F. Hahn, C. HeUer, C. Hubbauer und B. Rocker. Stutt- gart, v. 1-25,1848-72; v. 27, 1874. 8°. ADDENDA. Jahresb. u. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel. Jahresb. u. d. med. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel. Jahresbericht iiber die chirurgische AbtheUung des Spitals zu Basel. Basel. 1870-78. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die medicinische AbtheUung des Spitals zu Basel. Basel. 1869-75. 8°. OATAL A. (E. E.) Ozonized cod-Uver oil and its medici- nal administration, especiaUy in consumption; with observations on other ozonized oUs, as also on the introduction and use of simple cod-liver oil. 2. ed. 31 pp. 8°. London, Hughes & Butler, 1861. P., V. 725, 812. A. (Pedro). See Tratado de las fuentes inter- mitentes, etc. 8°. Santiago, 1781. Aabec. Morton fN". K.) Aabec bush. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, 425. Aachen. See, also, Hospitals {Descriptions and Reports of); Hospitals {Military); Insane (Asylumsfor); Verein der Aerzte des Begierungsoezirks Aachen. de Bey (H.) Graphische Darstellung der Bevolkerungs-Bewegung in Aachen in dem sechzig-jiihrigen Zeitraum von 1816-1875 mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die epidemischen Krankheiten. broadside. [Aachen, 1877.] -----. Die intermittirenden Fieber und ver- wandte Krankheitsformen in Aachen in den Jahren 1830-1865. 4°. Aachen, 1877. Blondel (F.) Thermarum Aquisgranensium et Porcentanarum elucidatio et thaumaturgia. 4°. Aquisgrani, 1688. Diemer(L.) Abhandlung iiber die HeUwir- kung der Aachener Schwefelthermen in constitu- tioneller Syphilis und QuecksUber-Krankheiten. 8°. Aachen, 1862. Hoepffner (E. H.) Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit iiber die Mineralquellen und Bikler in Aachen. 8°. Aaclien, 1819. Lange (C.) Sc Hauptmann (A.) De genuino acidulas Egranas salubriter usurpandi modo. 4°. Lipsiw, 1651. Le Drotj (N. T.) Ddmonstrations mdchaniques des operations et eifets, que les eaux mine'rales chaudes d'Aix-la-Chapelle produisent par leur usage intdrieur et exterieur dans le corps humaiu. 12°. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1749. Le Soinne (T.) * De thermis Aquisgranensi- bus. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1738. VON Liebig (J.) Chemische Untersuchung der Schwefel-Quellen Aachen's. 8°. Aachen und Leip- zig, 1851. Lucas. Essai sur les eaux mindrales et ther- males d'Aix-la-Chapelle et de Borset. Traduit de l'anglois par O. Kean. 8°. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1785. Monheim (J. P. J.) Die HeUquellen von Aachen, Burtscheid, Spaa, Malmedy und Heil- Btein, in Urren historischen, geognostischen, physischen, chemischen und medizinischen Bezie- huugen. 8°. Aachen und Leipzig, 1829. Reumoxt (A.) Die Aachener Schwefelthermen in coraplizirter SyphUis. 8C. Jena, 1858. Bepr. from: Fkoriep's Kotizen, 1858. Wetzlar (L.) A practical treatise on the medi- cal properties of the Aix-la-Chapelle hot sulphure- ous waters and the mode of their employment. 8°. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1862. OGUE. Aachen. Wildenstein (R.) Die Burtscheider Thermen bei Aachen. III. Analyse der heissesten QueUe. 8°. Aachen, 1862. Zitterland. Anleitung fiir Brunnengaste zu erfolgreicher Benutzung der HeilqueUen zu Aachen und Burtscheid. 16°. Aachen, [n. d.] Bluff (M. J.) Uebersicht der Krankheits-Constitution in Aachen. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1833, ix, 375-382; 1834, x, 602-610. Contin.: Med. Ann. Heidelb., 1835, i, 464-471; 1837, iii, 106-112.—B urow. Ueber die Scbeibler'sche Seife zur Herstellnng der Aachener Biider. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 254.—Hahn. Des eaux thermales d'Aix- la-Chapelle et de Borcette considerees comme moyens th6- rapeutiques dans les maladies chroniques. J. d. conn. m6d.- chir., Par., 1845-«, xiii, 180; 233. Also: Ann. demed. beige, Brux., 1845, ii, 303-312; iii, 152-167.—Hartnng. Bericht iiber die Bader zu Aachen wahrend der Jahre 1858,1859 und 1860. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1861, n. F., iv, 162; 170; 178; 188; 194; 204.—Helfft. Die Thermen von Aachen und Burt- scheid. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 170.—Ijcrsch. Die Thermalcur zu Aachen und Burtscheid im "Winter, Friih- jahre und Herbste in climatischer Hinsicht. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 474; 481.—Neumann. Ueber die Thermen von Aachen und Burtscheid. Org.f.d. ges.Heilk., Bonn, 1840-1, i, 436-443.—Renmont. Ueber die Einrich- tung von Gasbadern zum Einathmen der Dampfe und Gase der Aachener und Burtscheidter Quellen in chronischen Brust-Krankheiten. Bhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1848, ii, 329-333.—Beumont (A.) Aachen's Schwe- felthermen. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1855, xii, 201; 209. Also, Reprint: -----. Beobachtungen iiber die "Wirkung der Aachener Schwefelthermen in syphilitischen Krankheitsformen. [12 cases.] Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1859, xvi, 169; 177. Also: Deutsche Klinik,~Berl., 1862; xiv, 157; 162; 178— Renmont (G.) Beobachtungen iiber die heilsamen "Wirkungen der Schwefelquellen zu Aachen, in den letzten Jahren gesammelt. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1817, 4. R., xlv, 3-67.—Schuster. Ueber das Verhalten der Korperwarme in den Aachener Thermal-, Dampf- und Duschebadern, sowie in gewohnlichen "Wasser- biidern. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xliii, 60-83. -----. Bemerkungen iiber die Art der Einwirkung der Aachener Schwefelthermen bei Hydrargyrose und bei Sy- philis. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 164. —:---. Unter- suchungen iiber das elektrische Verhalten der Thermal- wasser von Aachen und Burtscheid. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1872, xiii, 83-89. -----. Das Aachener Thermalwasser als Vorbereitungsmittel zur Beseitigung der Tiinien. Ibid., 1873, xiv, 570-573.—Spengler. Ein Besuch in Aachen: eine balneologische Skizze. AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1853, xxii, 341; 349.—Strater. wie badete man . . . zu Aachen im Jahre 1520? Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 41.—Wclandcr (E.) N&gra anteckningar fr&n Aachen. [Analysis of the water.l Hygiea, Stockholm, 1876, xxxviii, 493-497.—"Wetzlar. Die Aachener Schwefelthermen in Verbindunsr mit Jodkalium, ein Heilmittel iu eingewurzel- ten Fallen von Syphilis. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1860, xvii, 209; 217.—Wildenstein (R.) Die neue Ana- lyse der Burtscheider heissesten Quelle. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 160.—Zander. Das Trinkwasser des Landkreises Aachen. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1878, vii, 63-71.—Zitterl and. Bericht iiber die HeilqueUen zu A achen und Burtscheid in der Saison 1835. Jahrb. f- Deutschl. Heilq. u. Seehader, Berl., 1836, i, 87-114. van Aalst (James Outman). *De x°^V7to^V^1- 31 pp., 41. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, S. Sr J. Lucht- rnans, 1758. Aaiiwijzingr ter bewaring van de gezondheid, en ter voorbehoeding van de aansteking van den Aziatischen braakloop of cholera. 16 pp. 8°. Gravenhage, ter algemeene Landsdrukkerijl 1831. P., v. 202. AANWIJZIXGEX. 2 ABATTOIRS. Aanwijzingen voor bezoekers van de tentoon- stelling van Linnaeana, in Nederland aanwezig. 10-14 Januari 1878. 21. 8°. [n. p., 1878.] Bound with: Oudemans (C. A. J. A.) Rede, etc. 8°. Amsterdam, 1878. Aarau. Zschokke (F.) Beitrage zur medicinischen Statistik und Epidemiologic des Bezirkes Aarau in den J. 1833 und 1834. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Zurich, 1834, i, 332-343. Aargau. See, also, Aarau; Baden, Switzerland. Schinuziser. Gesellschaft der Aerzte des Kantons Aargau. Verhandl. d. ver. arztl. GeseUsch. d. Schweiz, Zurich, 1828, i, 214-216. Aarhuus. See, also, Insane {Asylums for). Weis. Udkast til en Betaenkning angaaende et fore- bedret Vandforsvningssystem for Aarhuus By. [Plan for | water-supply.] Hyg. Medd., Kjebenh., 1867-8, v, pts. 2 , & 3, 97-111. | Aarland (Georg). * Electrolyse der Itaconsiiure. 17 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Metzger S: Wittig, 1872. Aaron {Isaac). Obituary of I. Aaron. [1804-77.] Austral. Pract., Melbourne, 1878, i, 67-69. Aaskow (Urbanus Bruun). [1742-1806.] Disser- tationis de dysenteria epidemic a Hafniae et Sise- landiae anno MDCCLXVI grassante particulam iidam proponit. . . defendente Erasmo Topp. pp. 33-47. sm. 4°. Havniae, lit. X. Molleri, [1768]. -----. Diarii medici navaUs in expeditione Alge- riensi conscripti annus primus. 1 p. 1., 147 pp. 8°. Havniw, typ. X. Molleri, 1774. See, also, Traductionanalyseeet commenteeparleDr. A. Le Roy de Mericourt. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1866, v, 337. See, also, IJe Boy de mericourt. Abach. Lang (J. H.) * De aquis medicatis Abudiacis observata qusedam specimen. 8°. Erlangce, [1795]. Abadie (Ch.) Traite" des maladies des yeux. Tomei. & ii. 1 p. 1., 501: 489 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Bain, 1876-7. Abadie (Jean-Baptiste). * Des divers traite- ments de l'affection typhoide et de ses complica- tions. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 228, v. 491. Abadie (Jean-Francois). * Essai sur la de"li- vrance. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 86, v. 207. Abadie (Jean-Marie-Charles). * fitude sur la myopie stationnaire et progressive. 140 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 240. Abadie (Pierre). * Dissertation sur le rhuma- tisme. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 158, v. 158. Abadie (Pierre-Andre'). * Recherches historiques et critiques sur les mouvements du cerveau. 145 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878, No. 452. Abafour (Alphonse). * Du traitement chirur- gical de la pierrc dans la vessie chez les enfants. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 190. Aba no. See, also, Hospitals {Descriptions and Reports of). Andre jewskiy (E. S.) * De thermis Aponen- sibus in Agro Patavino. 4°. Berolini, 1831. ron Andrejewskiy (E.) Die HeilqueUen von Abano in physicalisrh-chemischer Hinsicht untersucht. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 550-611.—Escursionedi Mon- taigne a' bagni de Abano, di S. Pietro e della Battaglia (1580-81). Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859, ii, 49-53. de Abano (Petrus). See Petrus d'Abano. Abarbanell. See Medicinischer Almanach. Abarbanell (Adolphus). *De natura para- sitica contagu. 26 pp., 2 1. sm. 8°. Berolini, Schletinger, [1849], ! Abarbanell (Eduardus). * De polvi rhachitica. 27 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, Schlesingcr, [1844]. Abas-Tuman. Ananora (S.) Abas-Tumanskiya mineralniya vodni. [Mineral waters of Abas-Tuman.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1870, No. x, pt. 1, 21-16.—Skorova (M.) Abas-Tuman- skiya i Uraveliskiya mineralinuiya vodni v estestvennom otnoshenii. [The mineral waters of Abas-Tuman and Uravelo.] Ibid., 1866, No. ii, pt. 1, 87-116.—Struvc (G.) Abas-Tumanskiya mineralinuiya vodni. (The mineral waters of Abas Tuman.] Ibid., 1873, No. xvii, pt. 1, 1-28. Abattoir Brighton, appartenant a la soci6t6 des bouchers, pour Fabatage et la fonderie. xii, 20 pp. 8°. Boston, Rand, Avery et Cie., 1878. Text in French and English. Abattoirs (Paris and Brussels). Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 7 June 1889; —for,'' copy of report compiled for the health committee of Liverpool, by the borough engineer, James Newlands, with reference to the establish- ment of the abattoir of La VUlette in Paris, and the abattoir of Brussels." 40 pp. fol. [London, 1839.] Abattoirs and Slaughter-houses. See, also, Phthisis {Treatment of). Abattoirs (Paris and Brussels). Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 7 June 1869. fol. Bericht der zur Berathung der Trichinen- Frage niedergesetzten Commission dor medici- nischen Gesellschaft zu BerUn iiber offentUche Schlachthauser. Berichterstatter Dr. A. C. Feit. 8°. Berlin, 1864. Brighton (The) abattoir owned by the butch- ers' slaughteringandmeltingassociation. Erected under the direction of the state board of health of Massachusetts, U. S. A. 8°. Boston, 1878. Text in English and French. Bulletin des lois. [Ext.] Ordonnance du roi portant reglement sur la boucherie de Paris. No. 12742, le 18 octobre 1829. 8°. [Paris, 1829.] Charter of the slaughterhouse company. 8°. Nexo Orleans, 1876. Clark (H. G.) Inspection of the slaughter- houses of Brighton. 8°. Boston, 1866. Creation d'un abattoir general [en BruxeUes]. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] Duties of the inspectors of meat, slaughter- houses, and cow-houses, within the city of Lon- don. Prepared by the medical officer of health, and adopted by the court of commissioners. 12°. London, 1871. Hennicke (J.) Bericht iiber Schlachthiiuser und Viehniarkte in Deutschland, Frankroich, Belgien, Italien, England und der Schweiz. fol. Berlin, 1866. Horsford (E. N.) Report on an investigation of the sources of the offensive odors ... as- cribed ... to the hog-slaughtering establishment of John P. Squire & Co. 8°. Cambridge, 1873. Letter from a committee of citizens to the Pennsylvania RaUroad Company on the proposed Schuylkill droveyard and abattoir. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1874. Rauch (J. H.) Correspondence between Dr. J. H. Rauch and citizens of PhUadelphia. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1874.] Also: Sanitarian, N. T., 1874, ii, 557-564. -----. Letter to a committee of citizens on the proposed SchuylkUl droveyard and abattoir. With medical opinions on the subject. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874. Revised, edition of preceding. Regulations for the sanitary government of the abattoir. (Adopted by the Mass. state board of health July 30, 1874.) 8°. Boston, 1874. Regulations for the sanitary government of ABATTOIRS. 3 ABATTOIRS. Abattoir* and Slaughter-houses. , the abattoir. (Adopted by the board of health of the city of Boston.) 8C. Boston, 1877. Report of the joint commission, consisting of the board of harbor commissioners and state board of health, . . . devising a plan for the abatement of the Miller's river nuisance, . . . &•-". Boston, 1872. Report (A) of the medical officer of health and borough engineer of South Shields upon city and borough abattoirs. 8C. South Shields, 1^76. Report on slaughter-houses. To the board of works for the Strand district. By Conway Evans, Aug. 1, 1856. HJ. A second report Sept. 22, 1857. 8C. Appendices to hygiene reports of the Strand district. Rules and regulations for slaughter-houses within the city of London. Amended by order of the court, Nov. 28, 1871. 8°. London, 1871. Schlachthauser (Ueber), mit besonderer I Riicksicht auf die Verhliltnisse in der konigUchen Residenzstadt Hannover. 4°. Hannover, 1865. Society of medical officers of health. Metro- politan slaughter-houses, and metropoUtan water- supply. 4°. [London, 1876.] State of Michigan. File No. 98. House of Reps. No. 296. A bUl to amend chapter 35 of the revised statutes of 1846. 1 sheet, fol. [Lan- sing, 1879.] Tyler (John M.)cf al,. . . vs. John P. Squire et al., . . . The official record of the state board of health, of Massachusetts; together with a re- port of the evidence and arguments. 8°. Cam- bridge, Mass., 1C74. Villi: de BruxeUes. Creation d'un abattoir general. Reunions des delegues des communes de l'agglome"ration bruxelloise. Projet et proces- verbaux. 8°. Bruxelles, 1877. -----. Reglement pour le service de l'abat- toir et la poUce des marches aux bestiaux, aux peaux et au suif. 8°. Bruxelles, 1877. Abattoirs publics pour les pores. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1850,1. s., xliii, 210-214.—Algemetnc slachthuizen ("abat- toirs"). Hygieia, Amst., 1874, i, No. 6—Blatin & Car- tea ui. Les cruautes de l'abattoir. Rapport fait a- la societe protective des animaux. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 97; 113; 129.—Blutb (H.) Der stadtische Schlacht- hof zu Bochum. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1878, viii, 167-172— Bredt. Ueber j ofl'entliche, ausschliesslich zu benutzende Schlachthauser im Allgemeinen und deren Errichtung in Barmen. Ibid., 1674, iii, 173-179.—Brighton (The) abattoir, etc. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1875, vi, 187-203. Also: Reprint.— Carson's (Dr.) mode of slaughtering cattle. Lancet, Lond., 1800, ii, 315.—City (The) slaughter-houses. San. Kec., Lond., 1874, i, 421.—Commerce (Le)delaboucherie: hygiene publique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 321-323.—Conseil de salubrite du Bas-Rhin. De la ladrerie du pore. Mesures k prendre a l'abattoir de Stras- bourg. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 93-99.—Crowel 1 (H. G.) Sanitary regulations relating to abattoirs. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N. T., 1877, hi, 16-23. Also: Re- print.—Darbyshire (A.) On public abattoirs, with spe- cial reference to one recently erected at Manchester. Builder, Lond., 1875, xxxiii, 113; 145—Del Valle (A. G.) Rasrros; proyecto de su translacion 4 la chorrera; conside- rations respectivas & la zanja dentro de la poblado de la Habana. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1870, vii, 31-37.—Diclamen de la Academia de medicina acerca del proyecto del nuevo matadero. Gac. med. de Cataluiia, Barcel., 1878, i, 327-333.—Discussion sur la question de l'abattoir. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1870, xxxi, 523-548.— Dnchatelet (P.) Des chantiers d'ecar- rissage de la ville de Paris. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1832, viii, 5; 153.—Dudfield (T. O.) Slaughter-houses of the future. San. Roc, Lond., 1875, ii, 365.—Dugdalc (J. J.) Abat- toirs. Pub. Health Mag., Montreal, 1875, i, 65-68.—Dun- hill. Sanitary evils from slaughterhouses in towns. J. Pub. Health, Lond., 1848, i, 244.—Feit (A. C.) Ueber ofl'entliche Schlachthauser und ihre Vorziige vor Privat- schliiclitereien. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1858, xiv, 199-231.—Girardin (J.) Sur lecoulement des eaux fournies par les abattoirs de la ville de Rouen. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1840, xxiv, 84-86.—Gobbin. Ueber ofl'entliche Schlachthauser und die Einfuhrung des allgemeinen Schlachtzwanges sowie der obligatonschen j Abattoirs and Slaughter-houses. Fleischschau mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ent- schiidigungspflicht der Gemcinden den Schliichtern Segeniiber. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., irnschwg., 1876, viii, 85-96— Godefroi (M. J.) Het stedelyk slachthuis te 'sHertogenbosch. Versl. v. d. Vercen. t, Verbet. de Volksgzndht., Utrecht, 1869. iv, 72; 76.— Giittishcim. Die neue Schlachtanstalt zu Basel. Deutsche Vrt\jschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1870, ii, 48L-492.—Grossh. Hessiscbc Verordnungvom2. Oct. 1838 'Zur Veihiitung des Schlachtens und des Genusses vonungesundem Schlachtvieh.' Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1839, v, 131-134.—Hamont. Des abattoirs de la villede Paris. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 499; 504; 512; 516; 524.—Hennicke. Ueber Anlage oflentlicher Schlacht- hauser. Vrttjschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1877, n. F.. 376-387.—Ilornemann (E.) Sagen angaaende Opferelsen af et offentlig Slagtehus og om Qvffigtorvets Hehteggelse i Nrerhedcn deraf. [On public slaughter-houses.] Hyg. Medd., Kjebcnh., 1858-9, ii, pt. 1, 84-92. -----. Et Bidrag til at fremme Sagen om et offentlig Slagtehus. Ibid., 1862, iii, pt. 3, 267-273.—Huzard. Sur les abattoirs generaux de la ville de Paris, et sur les viandes qui en Sroviennent. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1848,1. s., xxxix, 380-391.— lymans (H.) Rapport sur les regies a suivre dans le transport du betail destine a l'abatage, afin de pourvoir: a) k la securite de la voie publique; b) a la sante de l'animal. Cong, internat. d'hyg., Brux., 1876, i, 474-483.—Instruc- tion fiir die Schlachtvieh- una Fleischbeschauer im Gross- herzogthume Hessen. Jahrb. d-ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1839, v, 485-490.—Janes (E. H.) The management of slaughter-houses. Sanitarian, N. T., 1874-5, ii, 289-295. -----. The sanitary questions concerning abattoirs and the slaughtering business in New York. Ibid., 1877, v, 315-321.-----. Sanitary view of abattoirs and the slaughter- ing business in New York. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N. Y., 1877, iii, 24-31.—London private slaughter-houses. San. Rec, Lond., 1874, i, 435-437.—London slaughter- houses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 416.—Medicmal- polizeiliche (Die) Gesetzgebung des Kantons Zurich in Bezug auf das Viehschlachten und den Fleischverkauf. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vi, 125-136.— lUeriam (J. N.) The Brighton abattoir. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1874, v, 155-169.—metropolitan (The) board of works' regulations for slaughter-houses. San. Rec, Lond., 1874, i, 345-347.—Uliiller (C.) DieBedeutung eines offentlichen Schlachthauses fiir Magdeburg. Ver- handl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1875, iii, 1-84.—New (The) abattoir at Brighton. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, lxxxix, 92-94.—New regulations for metropoUtan slaughter-houses. San. Rec, Lond., 1871, i, 280.—Nothwendigkeit (Von der) bestimmter Gesetze iiber das Schlachten der Kalber. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835, i, 3. Hft., 28-43.—Pauli. Ueber die "Wichtig- keit oflentlicher Schlachthauser und Einfuhrung des allge- meinen Schlachtzwanges fib- die ofl'entliche Gesundheits- pflege. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1874, n. F., xx,339;365.—Popper (M.) DieSchlachthausfrageinPrag. Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 84-88.—Pos (A.) Rapport. In hoeverre kan, met het oog op de volksvoeding, de oprigtinj* van eene stedelijke slagtplaats wenschelijk geacht wordenl Versl. v. de Vereen. t. Verbet. d. Volksgzndht.,Utrecht, 1867, ii, 78-87.—Preussen: Polizeiverordnung, das Schlach- ten der Pferde, Esel und Maulthiere betretfend. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg.. Erlang., 1858, ii, 305.—Ramirez (J.) Casas-mataderos de la Habana. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. ... de la Habana, 1869, vi, 90-95.—Rapport sur une boucherie nouvelle constitute au Grand-Sablon. Ann. Cons, centr. de salub. pub. de Binx., 1847, iv, 123-130.—Rapport sur la voierie de Montfaucon. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par.. 1786,198-226.—Reclam (C.) Fleischbeschau und Schlachthauser. Gesundheit, Elber- feld, 1875-6, i, 147-151.—Report (A) by the medical officer of health and borough engineer of South Shields upon city and borough abattoirs. San. Rec, Lond., 1876, v, 92.— Report of the sanitary committee on the concentration and regulation of the business of slaughtering animals. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y., 1876, v-vi, 764-788.—Schiilke. Ueber Schlachthaus-Anlagen. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1871-2, i, 157; 162.— Scbultz (J. S.) European abattoirs. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1874, v, 170-180.—Slaughter-bouses in the metropolis. Med. Times & Gaz.. Xond., 1872, i, 737.— Smith (S.) On the concentration and sanitary regulation of the business of slaughtering in cities. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1874-5, ii, 193-197. Also: Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1874-5, iii, 71.—Special report of Gustavus Devron, sani- tary inspector, on the Crescent City Live Stock Landing and Slaughter-house Company to the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana. Rep. Bd. Health, Louisiana, N. Orl., 1876, 247-253, 2 pi. Also: Reprint—Thouret. Rapport sur le service des voieries. Hist. Soc. roy. demed., Par., 1786, 227-237.—Tian. Rapport d'une commission nominee pour l'inspection de l'endroit propose par la municipality de VI."" cercle pour la construction d'un abattoir public. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1867-8, xi, 113-115.— Wirtz (A. "W". H.) De qprichting van openbare stedehjke ABATTOIRS. 4 ABDOMEN. Abattoirs and slaughter-houses. slachthuizen in Nederland, in het bijzonder met betrek- king tot de gemeentc Utrecht. Versl. v. de Vereen. t. Verbet. d. Volksgrndht., Utrecht, 1877, x, 1-55.—Wolff (C.) Ueber Schlachthauser. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Ge- setzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Erlang., 1858, ii, 4; 12; 21. Abaza (Gregorius). * Ueber die Darmtubcrku- lose. 30 pp., 1 1. sm. 8;. Berlin, G. Schade, [1870]. Abbadie (Ferdinand). * De la compression digi- tale dans lo traitement des an6vrysnies chirurgi- caux. 44 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 117, v. 626. Abbadie (H.) Memoire sur le vin de quinquina. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, Guillois et Cie., [n. d.] P., V. 460, 469. Abbadie (Stanislas-Dominique). *I. Delagra- veUe sous le point de vue de la symptomatologie. II. De la rupture tardive des membranes, de ses inconvenients, et des moyens d'en operer la rup- ture artificieUe. III. [etc.] 36pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 114, V. 369. Abbal (Gratien). *Des principaux caracteres cliniques de l'h^moptysie et en particuUer de l'h6moptysie supplementaire a la menstruation. 74 pp. 4°. Montpellier, Malar et, 1865, No. 16. c. Abbas Haly. -See Haly, filius Abbas. Abbatius (Baldus Angelus). De admirabiU vi- perse natura et de niirificis ejusdem facultatibus. 12p. 1., 186pp., 131. 16°. HagwComitis,S.Brown, 1660. Abbe. Ueber die Bestimmung der Brechungs- Verhiiltnisse fester Korper mittelst des Refracto- meters. 10 pp. 8°. [Jena, E. Frommann, 1879.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., 1879. -----Ueber Stephenson's System der homogenen ImmersionbeiMikroskop-Objektiven. 15 pp. 8°. [Jena, E. Frommann, 1879.] Eepr.from: Sitzungsb. d. Jenaisch. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw., 1879. Abbe (E.) Beitrage zur Theorie des Mikroskops und der mikroskopischen Wahrnehmung. [Ext. ] pp. 413-480. 8°. [1873.] Abbeville. Societe mddicale d'Amiens. Topographic md- dicale du ddpartement de la Somme. Abbeville, Gamaches, Montdidier. 8°. Amiens, 1857. Abbiategrasso. See Hospitals {Descriptions and reports of). Abbildung und Beschreibung der in der Berliner (Jholera-Heilanstalt No. II eingefiihrten Erwei- terung und Verbesserung des Schncidcr'schen Dampfbad-Apparates. 10 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, J. A. List, 1831. C. Abblart (Jules). *Quelques considerations sur l'angine de poitrine. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 175. Abbot (Joel). An essay on the central influence of magnetism. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1814. Abbott (Francis). Catalogue of plants under cul- tivation hi the Royal Society's gardens, Queen's Park, Hobart Town, Tasmania. 43 pp. 8°. Tas- mania, Gov't Printer, 1865. ■-----Results of twenty-hve years' meteorological observations for Hobart Town, together with a two years' register of the principal atmospheric meteors, and aurora australis. To which is added a meteorological summary for Adelaide, Mel- bourne, Sydney, etc. xn, 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Ho- bart Town, printed for the Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1866. ■-----Results of five years' meteorological observa- tions for Hobart Town; with which are incor- porated the results of twenty-five years' observa- tions previously published. 37 pp. 4°. Tasma- nia, J. Barnard, 1872. Abbott (Frank). Caries of human teeth. 20 pp. [n. p., ■«. d.] Eepr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1879. Abbott (James). The hand-book of idiotcy. 2. ed. 76 pp. 12°. London, Trubner $• Co., 1857. P., v. 496. Abbott {James B.) Smith (A.) Obituary notice of J. B. Abbott. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc., Manchester, 1871, 106-108. Abbott (S. L.) Abstract from the report of a commission on questions regarding the origin, endemic prevalence, transmissibiUty, and propa- gation of cholera. [International sanitary con- ference at Constantinople.] 11 pp. 8°. P., v. 215. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1866. See, also, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal; also, Cholera. Iteport to the international sanitary confe- rence, etc. Abbott (Samuel Warren). *Veratrum viride. 15 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Boston, D. Clapp, 1862. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J. Abbottabad. Tnson (J. E.) Report on the station of Abbottabad as a residence for Europeans. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1865-6, x, 162-165. Abbreviations of titles of medical periodicals to be used in the subject-catalogue of the library of the Surgeon-General's Office, iv pp., 11., 96 pp. roy. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1878. Abbt (Ferdinand). * Ueber die spontanen Rup- turen des Herzens. 38 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge 4- Sohn, 1875. ABC (The) sewage process, being a report of the experiments hitherto made at Leicester, Totten- ham, and Leamington on the purification and utilization of sewage. Published by .special re- quest. 30 pp. 8°. London, E. Stock, 1868. See, also. Reports of rivers pollution commissioners. Second report of second commission, appointed April 6, 1868. fol. London, 1870-2. Abd-el-Kader. See Medicine {Military, History of—Campaigns, etc.) Abdomen. See, also, Pelvis; Peritoneum; Viscera. Driessen (P.) *Exhibens et icone Ulustrans nervos musculorum abdoniinaUum et superficiei inguinis. 4°. Groningce, 1775. Gazza (F. N.) # . . . II. QueUe est la dis- position des aponeuroses de la paroi ant6rieure de l'abdonien? ... 4°. Strasbourg, 1838. Glissonius (F.) Tractatus de ventriculo ot intestinis. Cui pra?mittitur aUus, de partibus continentibus in genere; et in specie, de iis ab- dominis. 4°. Londini, 1077. Hooper (R.) Anatomical plates of the tho- racic and abdominal viscera, ... 3. ed. 12°. London, 1809. Kauffmann (J. E.) * De prseqerdiis. sm. 4°. Erlangce, [1753]. Ludwig (C. F.) Icones cavitatum thoracis et abdominis a tergo apertarum. fol. Limiai, 1789. ' Ludwig (C. G.) De situ viscerum in infimo ventre nonnulla proponit. 4°. [Lipsiw, 1755.] von Luschka (H.) Die Lage der Bauchorgano des Menschen. fol. Carlsrulu; 1«73. Pleenn (J.) * De mechanismo musculorum ab- dominaUum. 4°. Hales Magdeb., [1736]. Sylvius (F. de le Boe). Dictata ad Casparis BarthoUni Lustitutiones anatomicas. Liber I. Do infimo ventre. In his: Opera omnia, fol. Geneva, 1681. pp. 675-682. Not otherwise published. Abdomen. Diet, de med.. Par., 18?2, i. 102-223.— Axenfeld et al. Abdomen. Diet, encycl. u. sc. med., Par., 1859, i, 72-194.—Beclard <£ ltcrard. Abdomen ABDOMEN. 5 ABDOMEN. Abdomen. (anatomie). Diet, de med., Par., 1882, i, 102-127.—Ber- nutz (G.) Abdomen. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 36-102.—Dunran (J. M.) Kemarks on the retentive power of the abdomen. Edinb. M. J., 1865, xi, 516-525.—Emmert <£• Mooring. Ueber die Veran- derungen, wclcho cinige Stoffe in dem Korper sowohl her- vorbringen als erleiden, wenn sie in die Baucnhohle lebender Thiere gebracht werden. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1818, iv, 497-536.—En gel. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Lageverhaltnisse der Baucheingeweide im gesunden Zustande. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 553; 585; 601; 641; 673; 705; 737.—Gerard fils. Considerations sur les aponevroses abdominalcs. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1823, iii,67-80,1 pi.—Hej&ar(A.) SaugpnanomeneamUnterlieb. Arch.f.Gynaek., Berl 1872, iv, 531-536; 1873, v, 177-181— Holden(L.) The abdomen. St. Barth. Hosp. Bep., Lond., 1870, vi, 70-78.—Lonsdale (E. F.) On the action of the recti muscles of the abdomen. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838-9, n. 8., i, 415-417.—Odcbrccht (E.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom intraabdominellcn Druck. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 175-178.—Panl. Etudes anatomiques nouveUes sur la region hypogastrique. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1862, xxxvii, 318-3S0.—Poncet (F.) Des apon6vroscs do l'ab- domen. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 521.— Retzius (A.) On the semilunar lines of Douglas. Edinb. M. J., 1858, iii, 865-867.—Bigaud (P.) Abdomen (pathologie chimrgi- calc). Diet. d. etudes med. prat., Par., 18S8, i, 42-76.— Scnctelig (A.) ELurze Bemerkung iiber die chemischen Eigenschaften abdommellcr Fliissigkeiten. Ibid., 1876, ix, 152.—Sibson (F.) Influence of distension of the abdomen on the functions of the heart and lungs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 105-108. Abdomen (Abnormities of). See, also, Bladder, Genitals, Intestines, Liver, Peritoneum, Viscera, etc., Abnormities of', Corsets; Monsters from defect of abdomen. Caldemeyer (F.) * Qusedam de vitus circa abdomen congenitis. 8C. Halis Sax., [18C8]. Fried (G. A.) * Foetus intestinis plane nudis extra abdomen propendentibus natus. 4°. Ar- gentorati, 17(30. Jung (CD.) * Symbola ad doctrinam de vitus circa abdomen congenitis. 4°. Bonnw, [1825]. Kuhn (R.) * De nssura abdominaU congenita. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1863. Ludwig (C. G.) De causis praeternaturaUs viscerum abdominaUum situs, dissert. 4°. [Lip- sice, 1759.] -----. De medendi methodo in prseternaturali viscerum abdominaUum situ exponit. 4°. Lip- sice, [1760]. Scholz (C. B. E.) * De evolutionibus retar- datis, adjecta exomphali singularis observatione. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. Troschel (G. H.) * De morbis ex aUeno situ partiumabdominis. 4°. Francof.adViad., [1754]. Also in: Haller, Disp. ad morb., iv. Allard. Observation sur une disposition singuliere de quelques-nns des visceres de l'abdomen. J. de med! chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1803, v, 317-319.—Amyand (C.) A child born with the bowels hanging out of the belly. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1719-33, vii, 516.—Botteri. Feto a termine, mcuennto dcllc pareti abdominali. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 4. s., i, 337.— Brickett (G. Ji) t N. York M. J., 1869, viii, 288.—Briggs (W. T.) Foetal monstrosity with eventration. !Nashvule J. M. & S., 1860, xviii, 1-4, 1 pi.—ISrodic. Congenital deficiency of the anterior wall of the abdomen. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 233- 235.—Campbell (S. R.) t Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1836, xix, 2U9.—Canton, t Med. Times, Lond.,' 1850, xxi, 147.— Cbanning (W.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1858-9, lix, 274- 277.—C fa «'• bocuf. Conformation extraordinaire observed, apr6a la mort, chez une fille do vingt ans. J. gen. dc mM., chir. et pharm., Par., 1813, xlvii, 362-366.—Chereau (A.) Eventration. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1844-5, xii, 245.— Congenital deficiency of part of one of the abdominal muscles. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, 9.— Crowtber (B.) Congenital absence of anterior abdomi- nal wall, with displacement of viscera. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 737.—Cnrrcll (T.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1837, xxi, 5sl.—Bavy (H.) t Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1875, ii, 185.—Dehn (M.) Eine Missbildung mit Eventration. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1864, xxiv. 175-199,1 pi.—Bonis (P.) Mtmoiro d'un hoiumo qui vecut 82 ans, priv6 de l'usage do la inoiti6 inferieure du corps, atrophieo ct denuee de ses ouvertures nat urelles, ne rendant lias, par cons6quent, dc matieres fccalcs ni d'urino. In his : M<'m. sur train genres ditferens do cas rares, etc., Paris, 12°, 1828, 23-48.—Bepaul. t Bull. Soc. anat.dePar., 1834, Abdomen (Abnormities of). ix, 186.—Besgranges. Description d'un vice de confor- mation, observe k la region hypogastrique ini'6rieure d'un ieune allemand. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxiv, 470-i88.—Bickie (J.) Congenital deficiency of the hypogastric region. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 573.— Dixon (J. M.) Curious congenital malformation. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1876, i, 214.—Ellis (C.) Defi- ciency of the abdominal parietes. Extroversion of the blad- der. Extr. Bee. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1862, iv, (suppl.) 134.—Eventration ou hernie ombilicale congeniale par absence d'une portion de la paroi abdominalo. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 46.—Fear (W.) Congenital ex- trusion of abdominal viscera; return; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 518.—Fredigke (G.) Ectropium intestinorum. Chicago M. Exam., 1869, x, 16.—Frcund (W. A.) Missbildung an Bauch und Becken eines 23- jahrigen Madchens. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iii, 381-413, 1 pi—Getchcll (F. H.) Case of monstrosity. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1866, n. s., iv, 189.—Goyrand. Eventration ombilicale congenitale enorme qui a laisse vivre l'enfant pendant deux mois et demi. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1844_, 2. s., vi, 43.—Greene (F. V.) Case of conge- nital deficiency in tho abdominal parietes, with partial ex- trophy of the intestine, and hernia into the umbilical cord. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, n. a., iv, 197.—Haber- sh on (S. O.) Malposition of the abdominal viscera in rela- tion to the causes and diagnosis of disease. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859, 3. s., v, 164-172, 1 pi.—Hallctt (C. H.) . . . anatomical structure and physiological history of mon- sters with eventration. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1847, lxviii, 303- 342,3 pi.—Hamilton (H. A.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1835, xi, 93-96.— Hamilton (W. R.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxii, 291.—Hodges (R. M.) t Ibid., 1854, n. s., xxviii, 394.—Horniblow. t Tr. Obst. Soc, Lond., 1871, xii, 247.— Hiiter (V.) Ein Fall von Eventratio umbilicalis conge- nita. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1865, xxv, 230-2t8.—Hnmby (W.) t Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iii, 137.—Klein. Beschreibung eines seltenen miss- gestalteten Kandes ohne Bedeckung der Underleibs-Ein- geweide. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1817, iii, 391-395, lpl.—Kreiss (E.) ZurCasuistikderangebornen Missbildungen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1878, xiii, 287-290.— Kristeller. Kind mit Hypertrophie einzelner Bauch- muskeln. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1870-2, i, 90.—Lacroix (E.) Observation sur un foetus presentant une eventration congenitale, suivie do consid6rations sur le ■ nisus fonnativus. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. ct inst. med., Par., 1836, iii, 173-179.—Mason (W. K.) Singular case of congenital deformity. [Operation; cure.] K.Jer- sey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1853, vi, 282.—Mellet. Observation sur un enfant venu au monde avec toutes les Sarties flottantes hors du bas-ventre. Rec. period, d'obs. e med., Par., 1756, iv, 359-362.—ITIilroy (A.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 275.—Ifeugebauer. Ueber das Auf. treten der Leber im Nabel, als Fehler der ersten Bildung. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kultur, Arbeiten, etc., Breslau, 1850, i, 145-150.—Ogle (J. W.) A child having the greater part of the stomach, duodenum, and all the intestines ex- ternally. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 236.—Paterson (G. H. H.) t... extroversion of abdominal viscera. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1852, xv, 169.—Bamscy (S.) t. .. entire want of development of the parietes of the abdomen. North- west. M. &S. J., Chicago, 1857,xiv, 450.—Raymondaud. Eventration ombilicale congenitale guerie. Bull. Soc. dem6d. et de pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1868, 297-308, 1 pi.—Rizzoli (F.) Vasto sventramento congenito onfalo- epigastrico in un neonate Disfacimento dell'amnio awol- ente il sacco che conteneva i visceri protrusi; cica trizzazione ella aperta parete addominale. Bull. d. sc. med di Bologna, 1877, 5. s., xxiii, 81-^01.—Robertson, t Congenital defect in the abdominal wall. Glasgow M. J., 1878, x, 235.—Rob- inson (A. C.) t Maryland M. & S. J., 1842, ii, 1G2-165.— Rodgers (D. L.) t Med. Reposit., N. T., 1822, vii, 365.— Scliacffer. BeobachtungeinesangebornenLeber-Bauch- Bruchcs, nebst Nachschrift des Professors Oken. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1814, i, 215-227, 1 pi.—Tait (L.) Caseof congenital deficiency of the peritoneum, resulting in intestinal obstruction and simulating an abdominal tumor. Proc. Roy. M. &. Chir. Soc, Lond., 1875, vii, 363.—The- besins (G.) Histoire d'une fille qui, sans le secours de ses pieds ni de ses mains et avec son ventre, imitoit le bruit dun tambour de guerre et des marechaux qui battcnt sur une enclume. Rec. p6riod. d'obs. de med., Par., 1707, vi, 243-248.—Tott (C. A.) Missbildung des Unterleibes. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xxxi, 534-537.—Vogler. Fall von angeborenem Defect der Bauchdecken. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1839, xxviii, 27S-284.—Walsh, i N. York J. M., 1854, n. s., xii, 384-386.—Wendrykowski. Voii'all der Bauch-Eingeweide eines Kindes wiihrcnd der Geburt. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi, 174.—Wilson (J. S.) t OhioM. &. S. J., Columbus, 1851-2, iv, 122.—Windsor (J.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1821, xvii, 561-564. Abdomen (Abscess and phlegmon of). See, also, Abscess {Iliac, Lumbar, Perivesi- cal, Psoas); Appendix vermiformis (Diseases, ABDOMEN. 6 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Abscess and phlegmon of). etc., of); Calculus {Biliary); Fever {Typhoid, Complications and sequela; of); Intestines ( Ulcers and perforation of); Liver, Pelvis, Spleen, Abscess of; Omentum {Inflammation, Abscess, etc., of); Perinephritis; Peritoneum {Pus in); Peritonitis {Complications and sequela; of); Feri- typhUtis; Spine {Diseases of); Stomach {In- flammation of, Phlegmonous). Borrello (A.) * £tude sur les phlegmons pro- fonds de la paroi abdominale ante"rieure et plus Rpe"cialement sur le phlegmon sous-ombilical. 4°. Pans, 1878. Buck (G.) On abscesses in the lower abdomi- nal cavity and its parietes. 8°. Xew York, 1876. Eydam (W.) *Zur Casuistik der Unterleibs- abscesse. 8°. Erlangen, 1868. Fabricius (P. C.) Prograroma, quo inorbum . . . juvenis praegrandi musculorum abdominis inflammatione et periculosa puris in cavum illius effusione laborantis . . . considerat . . . sm. 4°. Helmstadii, 1749. Henkicus (H.) $ Nottnagel (G. L.) De ab- scessu mesenterii et musculorum abdominis plane singulari. Halm, 1712. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., iii. Jobert (de Lamballe) (A.-J.) * Des collections de sang et de pus dans l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1836. Kob (P. C.) * De abscessibus retroperitoueali- bus. 8°. Regiomonti Borussorum, 1854. Labtjze (J.) * Des abces deYeloppes dans la game du muscle grand droit ant^rieur de l'abdo- men. 4°. Pans, 1871. Poisson (L.) 'Contribution a l'6tude des phlegmons de la paroi abdominale ante"rieure. 4°. Paris, 1877. Saltzmann (L.) *Qua abscessum internum insignis magnitudinis cum hydrope et ahis notatu dignis in muUere . . . observatum. 4°. Argen- torati, 1671. Vaussy (F.) * Des phlegmons sous-pe'ritone'aux de la paroi abdominale anterieure. 4°. Paris, 1875. Vinkhuuzen (C. G.) *De phlegmone extra- peritonaeali. 8°. Hagcs Comitis et Amstclodami, 1847. Wedrychowski (E.) * Contribution a l'^tude des abces de la paroi abdominale ant6rieure. 4°. Paris, 1879. Abces abdominal simulant une hernie ombilicale et traite comme tel. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1847, j xviii, 206.—Abces des parois de l'abdomen consecutif k une ancienne hydrocele. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1814, xxix, 248-250.—Abeille. Du phlegmon retroperitoneal. Son histoire, son traitement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 161; 175.-----. Phlegmonr6tro-p6ritonealdela fosse iliaque droite. Terminaison par resolution. Ibid., 218. -----. Abces par congestion k double poche, l'uno dans l'hypo- condro droit, l'autre dans l'hypocondre gauche, . . . Cour- riermed., Par., 1874, xxiv, 202.—Abscess (An) mistakenfor impaction. Michigan M. News, Detroit, 1879, ii, 154.— Alley. 1 . . . pointing at the umbilicus; discharge of a small oval body; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1855, Iii, 182. Also: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1856, ii, 183.— Anhornins (S. S.) De abscessu abdominis singulari. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1707, dec. 2, 89-92. Also, transl.: Collect, acad. de mem., etc, Dyon, 1766, vii, 425- 427.—Armieux. Phlegmon retro-peritoneal. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 218.—Arnould (J.) Phlegmons sous-peritoneaux; perityphlite et pericystite; clinique et etiologie. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1877, xvii, 229-248.-----. Remarques sur les phlegmons sous-peritoneaux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1877, 4. s., v, 489; 501.—Aron. . . . abces des parois abdominales avec issue de gaz fctides. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 577.—Barol. Observation sur un abces froid au bas-ventre, presentant plusieurs caracteres des abces par congestion. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1801, ii, 145-151.—Bauchwassersucht, Nabelabscess; Genesung. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1858, xv, 209.—Beck (F.) Peritonealabszess nach einer abgelau- fenen Peritonitis. (Heilung durch schichtenweise Durch- trennung in der Linea alba.) Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 484.—Becker (N. W.) Von einem Abscess in dem Abdomen (Abscess and phlegmon of). Gekrose, und einem Vorfall der Gebarmutter. Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl., Niirnb., 1756, ii, 67.—Begin (L. J.) Memoire sur l'ouverture des col- lections do hquides purulents ou autres, developpees dans la cavite de l'abdomen. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1830, 2. s., i, 417-440.—Bennett, t Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1801, vi, 294.—Berend (II. W.) Plotz- liche Berstung von Abscessen in Brust- und Bauchhohle. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix, 761-763.—Bern- heim. Abces retro-p6ritoneal ouvert k travers le dia- phragme dans, une bronche. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1874, l, 152-157.—Bernutz (G.) Des phlegmons de la paroi anterieure de l'abdomen. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1850, 4. s., xxiii, 129; 290. Alio, Reprint.—Besnicr (J.) Contri- bution k l'etude du phlegmon sous-peritoneal ot de la perito- nite idiopathiquo suppuree. Arch, gen de med., Par., 1878, cxlii, 257-285.— Blackman (G. C.) t Am. J.M.Sc.Phila., 1845, n. s., x, 60.—Blandin. Abces de la paroi abdominale anterieure ayant fus6 dans le scrotum. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. 8., iii, 249.—Boinet. Abces enkyste de la paroi abdominale gauche simulant un kyste de l'ovaire. Cour- rier med., Par., 1876, xxvi, 478. Also: Union med., Par., 1876, i, 816-818.—Boudet (G.) Observation d'un phlegmon de la paroi abdominale. Rev. med. de Limoges, 1867-8, i, 38-44.—Bourienne. Observations sur les absces qui ont lcur siege dans l'interstice des muscles du bas-ventre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1775, xliii, 64-80.— Bricheteau. Vaste suppuration . . . sous-peritoneal, communiquant avec des abces du poumon; perforation du diaphragme. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1832, xxx, 322-324. -----. Des abces dans le tissu cellulaire sous-peritoneal. Ibid., 1839,3. s., vi, 435-442.—Bronson (J. O.) t . . .. Gan- grene of the integument; ascites; peritoneal fistula. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xii, 22-27.—Broom(W. W.) t South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1855, xi, 261-267.—Brown (V. A.) On abscess in the abdominal parietes. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1859, vi, 337-340.—Brown (W.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835, xliv, 285.—Briickmann. Beobachtung eines Entziin- dungshebers mit einer Verstopfung des Leibes, Verhaltung des Urins und nachher erfolgter Vereiterung der Fetthaut des Unterleibes. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Leipz., 1825, 472- 477.—Bryant. Abdominal abscess, apparently communi- cating with gall-bladder. Extraction ot gall-stone. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 682.—Brydon (J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1862, vii, 828.—Bach. Casuistische Betrachtungen iiber Bauchabscesse. [38Falle.) Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1879, iv, 360-394.—Buckingham (C. E.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1855, Iii, 194-196.—Budseus (G.) De cachexia k corrup- tione viscerum, cum abscessu et gangrana- mesenterii. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios., FrancofT & Lips., 1712, cent. i-ii, 217-220.—Burckhardt. Phlegmonose Entziindung des Korpers unter besonderem Hervortreten der Bauch- decken. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1847, i, 176-183.—Carrasco (R. M.) Fiebre gastrica; gastro- entero-hepatitis intensa; absceso en el abd6mendelvolumen de un melon mediano; curat-ion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 339.—Case . . . Large local collection of pus between the liver and diaphragm simulating emnyema. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855; n. s., xi, 264.—Celli (B.) Un grande ascesso interepiploico. Morgagni, Napoli, 1868, x, 861-863.—Channing. t Boston M. & S. J., 1850, liv, 159- 161.—Ciconj (G. D.) Storia d'un ascesso gastrico. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1827, xliii, 291-294.—Coliqne ter- minee par un d6pot qui parait s'etre ouvert dans le tube intestinal. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1808, xvi, 168-171.—Collection of matter . . . between spleen and diaphragm. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 817-820.—Coni. Derrame de raaterias fecales en la cavidad abdominal en forma de coleccion; peritonitis cronica. Rev. med.- quir., Buenos Aires, 1877, xiv, 152-154.—Constantinides (P. C.) t Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 377-381.— Coote. Abscess in the abdominal walls, in connection with cancer of the stomach. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 122— Corlicu (A.) t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 150.—Cousins (W.) t ... in the abdominal walls, com- municating with the intestine. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864,ii,280.—Crowther (C.) t ... abscess in the abdominal muscles. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1806, ii, 129-131.—Cullen. t Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1870, x, 344.—Dance. Memoire sur l'odeur f6tide et stercorale que prescntent certains abces doveloppes dans l'epaisseur des parois ab- dominales. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1832, xxx, 147-167.— Delaporte. Terminaison heureuse d'un abces, situe dans 1 abdomen, par une ouverture spontanee qui s'est faite aux environs de I'ombilic. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1819, lxviii, 332-335.—DeLeon (D. C.) Ex- tensive chronic ulcer supervening on an abscess between the layers of the muscles of the abdomen. N. York J. M., 1845, iv, 35-38.—Dcsmet. t . . . Sortie d'un fragment d'os; gu6rison. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1866, xliii, 448.—Deutsch. Pcritonaal-Abscess; Oeff- nung nach der Bauchwand; Heilung. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 236. -----. Peritonaal-Abscess; Oeffnung in den Bauchfellsack; Tod. ibid., 255. -----. Extraperitoneal- abscess in der Regio pubis. Ibid., 1857, xxvi, 0. -----. Peritonaal-Abscess; scheinbare Heilung; Tod. Ibid., 46. -----. Peritonaal-Abscesae; Resorption; Heilung. Ibid., ABDOMEN. 7 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Abscess and phlegmon of). 65.—Drew (P. P.) t Dublin M. & Phys. Essays, 1808, i, 117-120.—Dubois (M. P.) Collection purulento formee dans l'abdomen; evacuation du pus par la partie sup6- rieure de la cuisse. J. do med. et chir. prat., Par., 1841, xii, 4C-S.—Dumas (A.) Du phlegmon profond des parois abdominales. Union med., Par., 1862, 2. s., xv, 185-189. Also: Montpel. med., 1877, xxxviii, 97-107.— Eddison (B.) t . . . following peritonitis. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 164—Ellick (J.) t . . . ?ns . . . voided through the urethra. Lond. M. & 'hys. J., 1824, Iii, 278-281.—Emmons (E.) Abscess of 'the peritoneum. Boston M. Latellig., 1823, i, 141.— Erichsen. t ... in abdominal walls. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 91.—Eulcnburg. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i, 215; 219; 223; 229.—Faggc (C. H.) t Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 213-255.—Fauverge. tf . . . dont la matiere de l'un s'est fait jour par l'anus, et celle de l'autre, repandue dans le bas-ventre, s'est 6coulee par les urines. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1817, lxi, 194-201.— Fergnsson. t . . . [in anterior wall] simulating retention of urine. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 118.—Filhol. Terminai- son heurcuse d'un abces forme dans la cavite du peritoine. J. gen. de mod., chir. et pharm., Par., 1820, lxxi, 192-196.— Fischer (C.) Metastatischer Bauchwand-Abscess mit Vorl'all einer Diinndarmschlinge. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 215.—Furstenau (J. H.) t Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1737, iv, 477-479; 1740, v, 542-545.—Genii ades (G. S.) 'ItTTopia a7rocmj;uaTos e'n-i- ireptTovaiaKOv r)fL., A6r)vai, 1859, i, 265-268.—Geschichte (Eine) eines Bauchabscesses und von Lumbricis eifractoribus zugleich. Von D. [Mit einem Zusatz von Baldinger.] N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1784, vi, 54-57.—Crime. Note sur l'efficacit6 du seton dana un epanchement purulent de l'abdomen. J. d. conn, med.- chir., Par., 1842, x, 236.—Grafflns (C.) t . . . et post septem lumbricorum exitum feliciter curatus. Acta Acad. nat. curios., 2. ed., Norimb., 1727, i, 294.—Graves (R. J.) t . . . opening externally, and communicating also with the stomach. DubUn J. M. 'Sc, 1838-9, xiv, 357-360.—Grosser retroperitonealer Abscess in der Hohe der Flexura Coli dex- I tra; Incision; Abstossung eines Stiickes des Dickdarmes; Heilung. Jahresb. chir. Abth. Spit, zu Basel, 1875, 32.— Grubcr (J.) Ueber Abscesse in der vorderen Bauchwand. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu "Wien, n. F., 1860, iii, 305-307.—Gruber (W.) Ueber Abscess im Cavum prae- | peritonealo Retzii. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 182-187.—Griibelius (J. G.) Abdominis abscessus recidivus curatus. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1690, dec. 2, 95-98.—Gunsolus (K. L.) t ... of the abdomi- nal walls. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1871, vii, 209-211.— Guyon (F.) Phlegmons et abces des parois abdomi- nales. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1859, i, 177-183.— Guyot (J.) t ... do pleuresie puridente et do phleg- mon sous-abdominal ouvert par I'ombilic; dix-huit mois do maladic; guerison. Union mod., Par., 1876, xxx, 546; 562; 572— Habcrshon. 11 Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 406.—HaUe. Observation sur un abces d'une etendue pen ordinaire, trouve k l'ouverture du cadavre d'une femme morto phthisiquo. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par., 1786, 112-116.—Harris (T.) t . . . whence hairs, teeth, and other substances were discharged. Med. Re- posit., N. T., 1811, 3. s., ii, 216-218.—Hayward (G. sr.) Abdominal abscess. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i, 256.—Heine (G.) Fall einer in Eiterung iiberge- gaugenen Entziindung des Musculus abdominis oblique descendens. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xxv, 487-493.—Heppner. Fall von Abscess im Cavum pra> peritonealo mit Durchbruch in die Regio inguinalis. St. ] Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1871, n. s., ii, 293.—Heurtaux (A.) f Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1877, iii, 641- 664.—Hcyfelder (J. F.) Empyema cysticum abdo- | minis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., I860, xii, 492.—Hoff- mann, t Leistenbruch oder Abscess in den Bauchdecken. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1868, v, 265.—Houts (S. B.) Ab- j scess in the ischio-rectal fossa. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1879, ; v, 274-276.—Howard (G. P.) Phlegmonous innamma- ] tion of the abdomen. Boston M. & S. J., 1839, xx, 8-10.— Howship (T.) Caseof local inflammation and abscess connected with the peritoneum. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1809,xxi,365-367,lpl.—Humphrey(W.T.) Obscure... abdominal mural abscess. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1872. xiv, 15-21.—Hutchinson (J.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 296—Jameson (H. G.) t ... ter- minating in a fistulous affection over the stomach, and escapeof matter through the diaphragm, lungs, and trachea. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait., 1831, ii, 306-308'.—JTauehius (J. A.) t Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1742, vi, 209- i 211—Joly. t . . . simulant une retention d'urine. J. de j med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1844, ii, 252-254.—Jor- don(F.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 230-232.—Kennedy (H.) t . . . attended by very obscure symptoms. DubUn M. Press, 1860, xliii, 75.—Kite (C.) t . . . seated between tho peritonaeum and abdominal muscles, from which the matter appeared to be discharged, sometimes by the ex- ternal opening, and at other times by expectoration. Med. Comment., Lond., 1790, ii, 46-53. Also, in his: Essays & Abdonien (Abscess and phlegmon of). Obs., Lond., 1795, 295-304.— Krcysig. Eine ungeheure Driisengeschwulst auf der rechten Seite des Unterleibes unter der Leber, durch kiinstlich herbeigefiihrte Vereite- rung gehuilt. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1839, Ixxxix, 1. St., 9-35.—Kurrer. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868, xxxviu, 105.—Eaubius (H.) Lien- teria ex abscessu mesenteru magno. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1730, U, 242.—Lawrence, t Lancet, Lond.,1827,xi,367.-----. ... abscess between the abdominal muscles. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, n. s., Ui, 506.—Eediard. t Abdominal abscess discharging through bladder. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 359.—Eeishman (\V.) [Cases.] Glasgow M. J., 1866-7, 3. s., i, 119; 440.—Lever (J. C. W.) tt Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1852, 2. s., vui, 30-36.— Licvison (F.) Luftfyldt absces i underlivet, simulerende pneumothorax. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1876, vui, no. 20, 1-4.—Eindncrus (C. T.) t Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1737, iv, 287-293.—Eisfranc. t Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1826, i, 206-210.—Eutz. fA protrusion of smaU intestine without a covering, in the groin, situated about the internal abdominal ring, midway of Poupart's Ugament and half an inch above it.] St. Louis M. & S. J., 1677, xiv, 473-470.—Eyell (R. W.) t . . . (due probably to vertebral caries) which had been mistaken and treated for hernia; reUeved. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1876, ii, 178.— McConnell (J. F. P.) t. . . communication with gaU bladder; extraction of three biliary calculi; re- covery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi, 237-239.— Mackenzie (F. M.) Abscess between the anterior waU of tho bladder and abdominal parietes; death. Ibid., 1872, vii, 208.—McKown (J. M.) A case of epiploic abscess resulting in acute diffuse peritonitis. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1879, n. s., i, 461-404.—Manley (I.) On abscesses of the anterior abdominal wall. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xiii, 139; 185.—Marten. Ueber das Empyema abdominis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiii, 181-185.—Martinet, t J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1767, xxvii, 244-249.— Meglin. t . . . gu6ri par l'ouverture faite par incision. Ibid., 1811, xxi, 442-454.—Mellersh (A. H.) Notes on some of the subacute phlegmasia) of tho pelvis and abdo- men. Med. ct Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 243.— Mercicr (A.) t N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1844-5, i, 631.—Meurs. t Abces enkyste de la paroi abdominale gauche simulant une affectionde la rate. J. de med. et de pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1877, i, 146.—Miguel (M.) Observacion de una peritonitis terminada en una ascitis ; mucrto producidapor la avertura natural de una bolsa formada en el ombhgo. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1845, 2. s., vi, 233.— Morgan, t [Aspiration.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1870, x, 80.— Neumann (E.) Ein FaU von Retroperito- nealabscess mit amyloider Degeneration der Unterleibs- organe und sekundarer Sarkombildung in den Abscess- wanden und dem Peritoneum. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1869, x, 221-225.—Nied (A.) Abscessus abdominaUs. In his: Casus pract., 8°, Vindobonae, 1840, 49-51.—Ober- Ntadt. t Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, 1851, v, 515- 523.—Oppolzer. Pathologie und Therapie der Entziin- dungen des subperitonealen Bindegewebes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1863, xni, 81; 97: 1864, xiv, 5; 17. Also: Memorabilien, HeUbr., 1863, vni, 80-83.—del Papa (G.) Tarda minis aperitio magni abscessus geniti intra hypogas- triuin in virgine, quso jamdiu larga laborat puris scaturi- gine ex eodem loco. In his: Cons, med., Roma, 1743, i, 239.— Pauli. Eigenthiimliche Erscheinung bei einem Abscesse am Unterleibe. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1839, U, 203-205.—Pignc. [Newmode of opening.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, xi, 204.—Porta (L.) As- cesso aU'ipocondrio destro guarito coUa paracentesi. Ebd. cUn. (U Bologna, 1862, 3.—Ramsey (F. A.) t ... result- ing from constipation. South. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Nash- vUle, 1854, ii, 341-345.—Rayger (C.) t .'. . ingenti et rarte magnitudinis feUciter curato. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Francof., 1670, 16-18. Also, transl.: Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl., Niirnb., 1757, iv, 25-27. -----. t . . . von welcher der Eiterendlich (lurch den Nabel ausflosse. Ibid., 1756, Ui, 434-436.—Raymannus (J. A.) t Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1737, iv, 35-43.—Re- naud. t ... at umbUicus; escape of gaU-stones. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., iv, 208.—Rendu (J.) CoUection purulente enkystee entre le foie et lo diaphragme; ponc- tion; ouverture consecutive dans les bronches; niort; au- topsie. Lyou med., 1875, xx, 607-611.—Riddell (T. J.) Abscess 18 inches in circumference in the epigastric region of child. Virginia CUn. Rec, Richmond, 1872-3, U, 274- 276.—Rigal. Cas do peri-hepatite suppuree primitive, avec formation d'un abces fetide situ6 entre la face inferi- eure du diaphragme et la face superieure du foie. Union med., Par., 1874, ii, 699-701. Also: BuU. et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1875, 2. s., xi, 190.—Ripoll. t . . . communiquant avec les voies nrinaires; operation; gueri- son. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1875, ix, 65-73.—Ritter (B.) . . . Bemerkungen iiber Abdominalabscesse. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1840, xxix, 49-65.—Riviugton. [Cases.] Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1877, ii, 359.— Robert, t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, xv, 597.—Robiczek. Zur Kasui- stik der Unterleibsabszesse. AUg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1874, x, 91.—Robinson (R. R.) t . . . discharge ofpus from ABDOMEN. 8 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Abscess and phlegmon of). the rectum and bladder. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xvUi, 342.— Roche (L.) t. . . Ouverture par I'ombilic; guerison. BuU. Soc. med. do l'Yonne, Auxorro, 1873, xiu, 37-44.—Rod- gers (J.) t South. J. M. 183°- Cesalpinus (A.) Artis medicse liber VII de morbis ventris. 12°. Homes, 1603. Canz (T. E. F.) * De morbis neuricis, prseser- tim ea specie, qu.-e ex infarctibus abdominalibus exoritur. 4°. Tubinga;, 1791. Chapman (N.) Lectures on the more impor- tant diseases of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. ... 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. Delorme (C. E.) *Essai sur la physiologie pathologique des phlegniasies abdominales. 4°. Paris, 1829. Elvert (J. F.) * Novae observations de in- farctibus venarum abdominalium internarum, eorumque resolutione per enemata potissimum instituenda. ... sm. 4°. Tubingcs, [1754]. Forestus (A. P.) De mesenterii, et intesti- norum affectibus. . . . Libri xxi of his: Obs. et curat, med. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1596. Friedrich (G. G.) *De abdominis plethoras causis et eii'ectis. 4°. Lipsice, [1825]. Habershon(S. O.) Pathological and practical observations on diseases of the alimentary canal, oesophagus, stomach, caecum, and intestines. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. -----. The same. 2. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1879. -----. Pathological and practical observa- tions on diseases of the abdomen, ... 2. ed. 8°. London, 1862. Henoch (E.) Klinik der Unterleibs-Krank- heiten. 3. Auil. 8°. Berlin, 1863. Hinze (J. F.) * . . . sistens inflammationuiu chronicarum latentium organorum digestionis ab- dominalium symptomato graphiam. 8°. Dorpat, 1830. Johnson (J.) An essay on morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels, as the proximate cause, or characteristic condition of indigestion, nervous irritability, mental despondency, hypo- chondriasis, &c, &c. ... 4. ed. 8°. London, 1827. Kampf (J.) ... Krankheiten, die ihren Sitz im Unterleibe haben, besonders die Hypochondrie, . . . 12°. Dessau und Leipzig, 1784. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12°. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1787. Koch (D. A.) *De infarctibus vasorum in infimo ventre seu caussa plurium pathematum chronicorum speciatim eorum, qua? sub mali hy- pochondriaci nomine veniunt. 4°. Argentorati, 1752. Koechert (G. G.) *De morbis occultis ab- dominis. ... 8°. Dorpat, 1815. de Larroque (J. B.) De quelques maladies abdominales qui simulent, provoquent ou entre- tiennent des maladies de poitrine. 8°. Paris, 1831. Laue (J. C. F.) *De sanguineis viscerum ab- dominaUum infarctibus. 8°. Halis Sax., 1816. Leake (J.) A practical essay on diseases of tho viscera ; . . . 8°. London, 1792. ABDOMEN. 11 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Diseases of). Lefeuvre (C.) * Etudes physiologiques et pathologiques sur les infarctus visceraux. 4°. Paris, 1867. Loeper (L. A. F.) *De topicorum medica- mentorum abdomini illinitorum modo agendi. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1757]. Ltjtheritz (K. F.) Der Hausarzt in den Krankheiten des Unterleibes. ... 2. Aufl. 8°. Meissen, 1824. Matthaei (J. C. G.) *De plethoras abdomi- nalis causis et sequelis. 4°. Gcettingce, [1790]. Naumann (M. E. A.) Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie der entziindlichen Brust- und Unter- leibskrankheiten. 8°. Borlin, 1848. Pemberton (C. E.) A practical treatise on various diseases of the abdominal viscera. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1807. ------. The same. l.Am. ed. 8°. Worcester, 1815. ------. The same. With notes by John Hayes. 8°. Richmond, 1830. Percival (E.) Report of certain morbid con- ditions of the abdominal viscera, in some varie- ties of maniacal disease. 8°. Dublin, 1817. Eietschel (N.-F.-G.) * Observations sur quel- ques maladies du thorax et de l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1834. Sembder (C. B.) * De afiectu mirachiali. sm. 4°. Upsiae, [1734]. Sicard (F.-D.) *Parallele de quelques affec- tions abdominales. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805]. Siebert (A.) Diagnostik der Krankheiten des Unterleibes. 8°. Erlangen, 1855. Strahl (M.) Die Kurorte Marienbad, Carls- bad und Kissingen in ihren Heilwirkungen auf Unterleibskranke. 12°. Berlin, 1839. -----. Enthiillung des riithselhaften Wesens der Unterleibskrankheiten, ... 5. ed. 12°. Berlin, 1840. Vogt (T. C. A.) . . . de vitiis systematis chy- lopoetici mechanicis et organicis agitur partie. I.-II. 4°. Vitebergce, 1804. Adams (J.) A case of round sloughing ulcer above the pubis in a man aged 54. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, vui, 319.—Axenield <£• Potain. [Abdomen.] Patholo- gie medicale. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1859, i, 98- 136.—de Bcrger (J. J.) Circa adfectiones quasdam imi ventris adnotationes practicae. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1777, i, 61-75.—Beyerle (F. J.) Ueber die Folgen vernach- lassigter und verborgener innerer Entziindungen, vorzug- Uch des Unterleibs. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Niirnb., 1813, Ui, 83-101.—Blanc hard (H.) Abdominal diseases as observed during the summer of 1870. Boston M. & S. J.,1873,lxxxvU,425-428.—Bowditch (H. I.) Enlarge- ment and disease of the Uver and spleen; concrete pus in the heart, hemorrhagic abscess in the back, etc. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i, 142-145.—Boyd (R.) Table ... of 132 cases of abdominal diseases. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1843, lx, 156-158.—Brefeld (F.) Therapeutik bei febrilen Unterleibs-Afiektioneu. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 97; 103; 107; 111.—Eristowc (J. S.) Affections of the abdominal lymphatic glands. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1871, Ui, 258.—Clos (J. A.) Memoire de medecine- Sratique sur les inflammations aigues des membranes ab- ominales. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1804, iv, 213-250.—Coatcs (R.) Abdomen—diseases of. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., PhUa., 1834, i, 72-86.—Cowley (J.) Case ... of almost total disorganization of the . . . viscera. Lancet, Lond., 1834, i, 887.—Ellis (A.) Clinical lecture on . . . Ibid., 1835, U, 753-757.—Fabre. Des pheno- menes nerveux consecutifa avec affections abdominales. Marseille med., 1879, xvi, 142; 193.—Gaste (L.-F.) Memoire sur des phlegmasies simples, compUquees, et meconnues, de l'abdomen, faisant suite au compte rendu des maladies observees a l'hopital mUitaire do La RocheUe, pendant le deuxieme semestre de 1828. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1829, Uv, 257-298.—Criuntini (B.) Secondoprospetto della maggior parte deUe malattie del ventre curate nel periodo cu anni 8. N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1830, ii, 3-83.—Habershon. Disease of the abdomen in which the diagnosis was obscure. Proc. M. Soc, Lond., 1874-5, ii, 59-61.—Hemtner (F. W.) Einige Falle von heimtiicki- schen und schneUtodtenden Entziindungen des Unter- leibes. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1828, iv, 255-265.—Huss (M.) Lefverns och mjeltens sjukdomar. [Disease of Uver and spleen.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1844, vi, 404-411.—Kronen- Abdomen (Diseases of). berg (A. H.) Ueber Unterleibskrankheiten, und beson- ders uber die Schleimhautaffektionen des Digestionsappar rats im kindUchen Alter nach den im grossen Kinderspitale zu Moskau gesammeltenErfahrungen. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1845, iv, 164-176.—Lasscrre (J.-J.) Memoire et observa- tions sur quelques points de doctrine relatifs aux sympa- thies pathologiques des membranes muqueuses abdomi- nales. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xvUi, 257-283.— Liichtenstadt. Ueber die verspatete Entdeckung krankhafter Metamorphosen in der Unterleibshohle. Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1833, xxvU, 161-175.— Liippert. Seltener FaU von Verwachsung der Unter- leibsorg^ane nebst ungewohnUcher AnfuUnng der Gallen- blasemitGaUensteinen. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835, xi, 474-477.—Mahe (J.) Mala- dies de l'abdomen. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1871, xvi, 97- 190.—Merkwiirdige Verwachsungen der Organe der Digestion. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Bert., 1809, ix, 343-345.— Morehead (C.) . . . pathology of the abdominal viscera in some forms of Indian diseases. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1832, xxxvU, 308-324.-----. On the pathology of the abdominal viscera. [With cases.] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1834, vU, 19-58.—Mursinna (C. L.) . . . Entziindung der Bauchhaut. N. Jour. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl., 1820, i, 410-423.—Niemeyer (F.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vU, 275.—lVussbaum. Krankheiten des Un- terleibs. Handb. d. aUg. u. spec Chir., Stuttg., Ui, 2. Abth., A, 165-212.—Ogle (J. W.) Disease of the abdomen, with comments on fistulous openings through the waUs of this cavity. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, vU, 133-168.— Painter (A. B.) Remarkable atrophy of abdominal waUs in the female. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, 1879, i, 59- 61.—Beisinger (J.) Wiirdigung der Molken-, MUch-, Wasser-, Luft-, Licht- und Weintraubencur, bei HeUung der meisten chronischen Krankheiten, vorziiglich des Un- terleibes. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staates, Wein, 1843, xlui, 7; 144.—Bowe (M.) Obscure disease of the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1841-2, U, 10.—Schmidt. . . . Section, bei welcher fast aUe Organe des Unterleibes sich erkrankt fanden. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1828, xxvi, 188-104.— Tott (C. A.) Zurrichtigen Wiirdigung chronischer Unter- leibsleiden. Ibid., 1834, xliU, 148-102.—Trolliet. Me- moire sur le globe antiperistaltique des voies digestives. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1825, xxxix, 268-289.—Van Bibber (W. C.) An analysis of a few cases of abdominal disease. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, 1876, 125-138. Also, Reprint.—Virchow (R.) Historisches, Kritisches und Positives zur Lehre der Unterleibsaffectionen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1852, v, 281-375.—Ward (S. H.) On diseases of the abdominal viscera. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 143-145. -----. [Cases.] Ibid., 1870, i, 470.—Wcale (E. H.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, n. s., U, 464-466.—Work- man (J.) On certain abdominal lesions in the insane. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. V., 1863-i, xx, 44-60.—Zaunini (V.) Sopra un caso di adenopatia mesenterica da sifiUde. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1877, i, 155-163.—Zeroni (H.) Ueber einige dem Anscheine naoh entziindtUche Unterlcibsleiden des Weibes. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, Ui, 497-572. Abdomen (Elephantiasis of). Burne (J.) Elephantiasis of the abdomen. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, n. s., U, 55. Abdomen (Emphysema of). See, also, Peritoneum {Air and gas in). EHughes (H. M.) . . . emphysema of the abdominal parietes from perforation of the rectum. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1856, 3. s., U, 66-70, 1 pi.—Eediard (H. A.) Emphysema foUowing perforation of the bowel. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 121— O'Ferrall. Abdominal tumors, resonant on percussion: abdominal subcutaneous emphy- sema; its characters; its origin in diseases of the recuim, in hernia, in Ueo-caecal abscess. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 33-35. Abdomen (Enlargement and protrusion of)- See, also, Abdomen {Tumors of); Obesity. Allshorn (A. H.) On protuberant abdomen, an outline of its causes and treatment. 8°. Lon- don, 1875. Coester (P. E. H.) * Ueber Venter propen- dens. 8°. Marburg, 1865. c. Frankum (R.) Discourse on the enlarged and pendulous belly; showing it to be a visceral af- fection. .. . 12°. London, 1841. ------. The same. 2. ed., augmented by a dis- sertation on gout. 12°. London, 1842. Glais (J.) * De la grossesse adipeuse. 4°. Paris, 1875. Meckel. Observations anatomico-pathologiques sur l'enflure extraordinaire de l'abdomen, procedant tie diversea causes. (Traduitdu latin.) [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. ABDOMEN. 12 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Enlargement and protrusion of). de Berl., 1758.] CoUect. acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon et Par., 1770, ix, 339-348.—Schneider. Uebermassige Fettigkeit im Unterleibe. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1847, 189-191.—Townsend (W. E.) Singular hypertrophy in a colored woman. Boston M. & S. J., 1855, Ui, 379. Abdomen (Exploration of). See, also, Auscultation {Abdominal); Preg- nancy {Signs of); Rectum {Exploration of). Ballard (E.) The physical diagnosis of diseases of the abdomen. 8°. London, 1852. Also in: Lond. M. Gaz., 1851. Benit (E\) * I. Du volume du ventre dans ses rapports avec la s6m6iologie, et de la mensuration abdominale. ... 4°. Paris, 1843. Carbonel (J.-J.-X.) * De la percussion appli- qu6e au diagnostic des maladies de l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1844. de Clinchamps (E\) * Essai sur la percussion mediate abdominale. 4°. Paris, 1835. Couillault (L. C. Z.) * De la symptomato- logie organique grux., 1838, i, 196. Also: Ann. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1838-41.—Xieale (C. A.) On intra-recto-abdominal exploration. Tr. N. York Acad, of M., 1874, 2. a., i, 359- 867. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viU, 599.—liCich- tenstern (O.) PhysicaUsch-diagnostische Bemerkungen zu "Luschka's Lage der Banch-Organe des Menschen". (Review.) Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1873, xxv/ 237; 245; 259; 265; 277: 305; 313; 321; 329.—IiOomis (A. L.) Lec- tures upon the phvsical exploration of the abdomen. Med. Rec,N. Y., 1867, u, 388; 438; 534.—Mader (J.) Einleiten von Wassur oder Lnft in den Dickdaiin als diagnostisches Hilfsmittcl. Wien. med. BI., 1878, i. 109-112.—Milliot. De la splanchnoscopie par transparence. Cong. Med. In- ternat. de Paris, 1868,493-496.—Mosler (F.) Zur'Casuistik der Reibegeriiuscho am Unterleibe. A rch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1863, iv, 271-273.—Benauldin. Sur lo diagnostic de quel- ?ues maladies . . . de l'abdomen. Bull. Fac. do med. de •ar., etc., 1811, U, 126-128.—Schramm. Die diaphano- skopische Untersuchung der weibUchen Beckenorgane. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1876, 81.—Simon (G.) Ueber die manuale Rectal-Palpation der Beckon- und Unterleibsorgane. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 425-428.—Skerritt (E. M.) On latency of symptoms in acute abdominal affections. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 308. -----. tt Dulness in tho dependent parts of the abdomen changing its site with alterations in position, without fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Ibid., 1879, i, 855.—Skoda (J.) Anwendung der Percussion bey Untersuchung der Organe des Unterleibes. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staates, Wien, 1837, n. F., xiv, 236; 410.—Smoler (M.) Die Untersuchung des Unterleibes. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1863, lxxx, 92-158.—Sommcrbrodt (J.) ... zur Auscultation des Abdomen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 485.—Sono- rite abdominale (De la) comme element du diagnostic differentiel de l'ascite et des kystes do l'ovaire. J. d. med. et chir. prat., Par., 1870, 3. 8., xU, 25.—Widcr- hofer. Semiotik des Unterleibes. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1870-1, iv, 249-269: 1872-3, vi, 1-19.—Williams (C. J. B.) On the physical examination of the abdomen, in health and disease. Lond. J. M., 1851, Ui, 1; 97; 193: 1852, iv, 1.—Willkamp (T. M.) A case of abdominal exploration per rectum. Cincin. M. News, 1874, Ui, 305- 309.—Winckcl. Ueber Auscultation des Unterleibes. Jahres*. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1874, 40-44. Abdomen (Foreign bodies in). See, also, Abdominal section; Intestines {Foreign bodies in); Intestines {Ulcers and perforation of); Peritoneum {Foreign bodies in). Bar-well (R.) A foreign body [catheter—used for abor- tion] impacted for twenty months in the female pelvis; recovery after removal [per rectum]. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1874, vii, 280.—Bower (M. N.) Knit- ting-needle case ten inches long, found in the abdomen. Lond. M. & S. J., 1835, vU, 700.—Breschet. Corps etrangers dans l'abdomen. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1813, vii, 57.—Bryant (T.) Foreign body discharged through the Abdominal parietes. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1872-4, i, 162. Abdomen (Friction of). Quelmalz(S. T.) ... de frictionibus abdomi- nis. Lipsioi, 1745X In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., vU, 317-322. Abdomen (Gangrene of). See, also, Abdomen {Abscess of). Bertrand (A.) Observation sur une operation cesari- enne spoutanee, duo k la grangrene. BuU. Fac de med. de Par., etc., 1819, vi, 321-345.—Bucking. [Gangrene of the abdominal wall.] N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1783, v, 17-25.— Dickinson (W.) . . . sloughing of tho abdomiualparietes, with exposuro of the intestines. Boston M. & S. J, 1858-9, lix, 34-36.—Fischer (K.) Gangraen der Bauchdecken in Folge von Eisbehandlung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1876, vi, 454-456.—Hirszla. t Gangrena scian brzus- znych. __ Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1842, vU, 248-251.— Eiaugicr. Guerisou d'une gangrene au bas-ventre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1760, xu, 44-53.—Kan* ney (H. D.) Gangrene after labor—a singular case Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1852, xiv, 132.— Varasscur (P.) . . . case of wet gangrene of the skin of the abdomen, foUowing the application of a seton in the right hypochondrium. Trausl. by J. O. Bronson. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1856, vi, 1-11. Abdomen (Gas in). See Peritoneum (Air and gas in). Abdomen (Malformations of). See Abdomen {Abnormities of). ABDOMEN. 13 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Milky fluid in). See, also, Lymphatics (Diseases of). Abell(T.) Remarkable case of abdominal tumor; milky discharge. Boston M. & S. J., 1833, vii 13.—Kallmann (H.) Ein FaU von Ascites adiposus. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv, 275-277.—Bergeret. Sur l'ascite huUense. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol!, Par., 1873, ix, 586-592.—Bossn. Observation sur un epanchement considerable de matiere laiteuse dans la capacite de l'abdo- men, gu6rie par la ponction. J. d. med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 283-287.—Hughes (H. M.) d- Bees (G. 0.) .. • Abdominal effusion, resulting from mesenteric tu- mor. . .. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1841, vi, 297-303.—lie Pelletier. Observation sur un epanchement laiteux dans la cavite abdominale, gueri par la paracentese. J. de med., chir., pharm.. etc. Par., 1785, lxiii, 496-501.—Lorain. Examen chimique d'un Uquide laiteux obtenu par la ponc- tion pratiquee sur une jeune fiUe de 8 ans. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol, Par., 1859, 2. s., v, 162-166.—Martin. Obser- vation sur une hydropisie laiteuse. J. demed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 555-565.—Milleret. Observation sur nn epanchement laiteux. Ibid., 1774, xiii, 231-240.— Popham (J.) Chronic peritonitis, with an enormous amount of fat in the effusion; fatty degeneration of Uver; free fat in blood; fatty contents of both ovaries combined with hair and bony matter. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xvii, 467-471.—Quincke (H.) Ueber fotthaltige Transsudate; Hydrops chylosus und Hydrops adiposus. Deutsches Arch. f. 'klin: Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 121-139.—Sandifort (E.) De lacte in abdominis cavum effuso, alUsque in cadavere puerperaa, nono a partu gemeUorum die mortuaB, observa- tis. In his: Observationes anat.-pathol., Lugd. Bat, 1781, iv, 1-21, 3 pi.—Stevenson (T.) "Milky "fluids from the abdomen. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1872, 3.8., xvii, 231.— Van Camp (F. L.) Observation d'une ascite; opera- tion de la paracentese; sortie d'un Uquide d'un aspect laiteux; analyse par M. Michiels. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1842, iii, 86-91.—Wearer (F. W.) A case of ohylous dropsy. Lond. M. Reposit., 1814, ii, 377.—Wilks aracentesi iuprimis feliciter curatus. 4°. Er- angce, 1755. Abdomen (Paracentesis of). Borgialli (M.) Patogenia dell'idrope con re- lazione di un' ascite superata dopo la 45.a estra- zione delle acque per mezzo della paracentesi addominale, da cui scaturirono 4500 libbre mediche d'acqua. 8°. Ivrca, 1837. Briot (F. A.) *Des accidents dans la para- centese abdominale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Festy (G.) *De la paracentese abdominale. 4°. Paris, 1873. Friedreich (N.) ... VorzugedesBauchstiches in der Bauchwassersucht. 8°. Wiirzburg A1817], Also, in his: Gesammelte med. Progr. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1824, 46-62. Friedrich (E.) Die Paracentese des Unter- leibs bei Darmperforation im Abdominaltyphus. 8°. Berlin, 1857. Gander ax (C.) * La paracenthese de l'abdo- men dans le cas d'ascite primitive,... 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Grundmann (C. A. A.) *De paracentesi ab- dominis et vulneratione ex ea orta. 8°. Lipsice, 18.4. Kaiser (F. F.) * Ueber die operative Behand- lung der Baucbempyeme. 8°. Freyburg, 1875. Kiessltng (F. E.) * Ueber die Paracentese des Darmes. 8°. Leipzig, [1862]. Lassis (S.) *. . . sur les avantages de la paracenthese pratiquee des le commencement de l'hydropisie abdominale. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803-4]. Moebius (J. G.) *De virgine ascitica post paracenthesin purpura maligna exstincta. 4°. Lipsice, [1725]. Also in: Halleb, Disp. ad. morb., iv, 329-352. Moure (R.) * Des accidents de la paracentese abdominale dans l'ascite. 4°. Paris, 1873. Nowack (J.) * De punctione abdominis ejusque tumorum, casu quodam adjecto. 8°. Fratislavice, 1866. Schmidt (P. G.) Historia medica hydropici, subsidiis internis et paracentesi, plusquam quad- ragies instituta, semel curati, sed elapso anno cum quadrante, et quod excurrit, recidivam passi, et tandem extincti, observata a . . . sm. 4°. Gedani, 1743. Sphutus (J. F. C.) *. . . sistens disquisitionem varise rationis paracentesin abdominis in stituenui. 8°. Jence, [1794]. Aguilar (J. M.) Caso muy notable de ascitis, que dur6 diez y siete aiios; curacion mediante la paracentesis, con saUda ds ciento once cuartiUos de Uquido. Arch, do la med. espan., Madrid, 1846, i, 419-4-8.—Ames. Immense dropsical effusion. [Fourteen hundred pounds of wctcr drawn in forty-one operations.] Boston M. & S. J., 1847, xxxvi, 146.—Aschendorf. Einige Bemerkungen uber den Bauchstich, nebst drei Beobachtungen von Bauchwas- sersucht. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1823, v, 462-469.— von Attcveld (N.) Abdominis punctio in ascite, quae morbi effectum non causani toUit, non raro tamen ad pienam praedisponit sanitatem. In his: Quaes. Med., Traj. ad Rhen., 1811, 15-17.—Banks (J. T.) ... recovery after . . . paracentesis had been repeatecuy performed. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. 8., vi, 33-35.—Begin (L. J.) Memone sur l'ouverture des coUections do liquidcs purulents ou autres, developpees dans la cavite de 1'abdomen. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1830, i, 417-440.— Birkett (J.) Description of a contrivance by which any length of vulcanized india-rubber tube mav be fixed to a canula when the operation of paracentesis abdominis is per- formed. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 427.—Bonafos. Para- centhese abdominale; cirrhose du foie. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1800, 3. 8., v, 29^-297.—Borgialli (MT) Ascite superata dopo la 45.* estraziono deUo acque per mezzo deUa paracentesi addominale, da cui scaturirono 4500 Ubbre mediche di acqua. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1837, 2. s., iv, 28-34.— Briinninghausen. Ueber die Para- centese durch den Nabel bey der Bauchwassersucht. Med.- chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1810, U, 401-415.—Canula (Dr. J. A. Wood's) for paracentesis abdominis. Modiiicd by R. A. Harris, M. D. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 139.—Carter (T. A.) . . . improvement of paracentesis abdominis in cases of ascites. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1800, U, 253.— Casus feUciter paracentesati hydropico-ascitici cbirurgi. Acta med. Berolin., 1721, dec. 1, ix, 68-71— Chaullard. ABDOMEN. 14 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Paracentesis of). Observation sur une hydropisie ascite durant laqueUe on a pratiqu6 soixante-quinze fois la paracentese, suivie de l'ouverture du cadavre. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, U, 339-343.—Conradi. Merkwiirdiger Sectionsberichteiner wassersiichtigen Frau, welche iiber 40 mal abgczapft worden und auf dreytausend Maass Wasser verloren hat. N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc., Jena, 1801-2, ii, 531-537.— Daguin. . . . guerie par la paracentese. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1771, xxxvi, 237-241.—Danger (On the) of wounding the epigastric artery in the opera- tion of tapping for ascites. Lond. M. & S. J., 1835, vi, 95.— Dassow. . . . cured after four tappings. In his: Med., Chir. & Anat. Cases. 8°. Lond., 1758, 193-201.—Bay (W. H.) Ascites in a young child; treatment by para- centesis and copaiba; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1877, x, 160-166.—Erdmann (E.) Bauchstich durch den Nabel. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl. 1823, lvi, 4. St., 108-112.—de Carta (A. J.) Ascite dependente de lesao hepatica; operacao da paracentese (pela segunda vez) seguida de peri- tonite; cura. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1867, i, 270.—Forget. De la ponction ombilicale dans l'ascite; accident non prevu par les auteurs. BuU. gen. de therap., etc. Par., 1850, xxxvui, 481-487. -----. De la hernie de l'epiploqn, comme accident de la paracentese abdominale. Ibid., 1856, U, 545-549. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1856, xvi, 248.— Franck (J. P.) De paracentesi in ascitica muUere gravida suscepta. In his: Opuscula Medica, Lips., 1790, 179^183.— Hayden (T.) . . . paracentesis abdominis, in cases of cirrhosis of the Uver. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, Ui, 69-71.—Hesse (L.) Beobachtung einer Wassersucht der Leber (Hydrops hepatis), sowohl in phvsiologischer als pathologischer Hinsicht lehrreich, nebst Verrichtung des Bauchstiches durch den Nabelring. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1829, U, 868-879.—Hidropiquc (Sur un) k qui on a fait cinquante-sept fois la ponction en moins de deux ans, et dont les eaux avoient souvent la couleur ou l'odeur des aUments qu'U avoit pris. [Repr. from: Mem. A cad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1721.] CoUect. acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon etPar., 1774, v, 336.—Hitehcock (H. O.) Case of puncture of the in- testine in paracentesis after a previous operation. Boston M. & S. J, 1856-7, lv, 317.—Hofmcister. Paracenthese bei einer Schwangeru. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., Koblenz, 1837, 120.—Hubbard (T.) On paracentesis of the abdomen. Boston M. & S. J., 1833, vU, 101-108.— Hunter (W. B.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 558.— Jougla. Bronchorrh6e sereuse a la suite d'une ponction abdominale. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1877, xi, 353-358:1878, xU, 13-24.—Lange. Punctio abdominis bei einer an Wassersucht leidenden Schwangern. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1860, xU, 89.—Ijccard. . . . sur les accidents locaux consecutifs k la paracentese abdominale, et sur les moyens d'y remedier. Rec de mem. de m6d. . . . mU., Par., 1865, 3. s., xiU, 376-394.—IiObstein. Ascite idiopathique gu6rie par la paracentese. CUnique, Par., 1830, ii, 382.—Lyons. Tapping in some cases of abdominal dropsy. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 15.—Mac Swiney. . . . death from peritonitis, consequent on . . . tapping for dropsv. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, Uu, 131.—Marchcselli (C.) Di un istrumento piu acconcio a praticare la paracentese addomi- nale. Ann. univ., MUano, 1862, clxxxU, 632.—Mar- tin (E.) The superior advantage of tapping at the navel. Med. Reposit., N. T., 1805, U. 383-389.—Melion. Zur Punction bei Abdominalwassersuchten. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 1037-1040.—Mettenheimer (C.) Ueber die Paracentese des Abdomens. MemorabiUen, HeUbr., 1873, xviu, 529-535.—Michel. Hernie de l'epi- ploon a la suite de la ponction abdominale. J. d. conn. med. - chir., Par., 1851, 2. s., xix, 99.—Monckton (M.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 250.—Monro (A.) Improvements in performing the operation of the paracenthesis. Med. Essays &Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1733, i, 214-222.—Morrill (F. G.) On paracentesis abdominaUs. Boston M. & S. J., 1874, xc, 57.—IV a gel (L.) Kritische Bemorkungen iiber die seit den altesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten geubten Operations- methoden der Paracentese des Unterleibes. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1855, ix, 51-81.—Para- centese abdominale (Do la) par I'ombilic BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1834, vi, 89-91.—Parcet (J. B.) Peritonitis con ascitis consecutiva despues de una puncion; curacion completa. CompUador med., BarceL, 1867-8, Ui, 417.—Forro (E.) Paracentesi addominale, praticata 354 volte in un caso di cistovario. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1878, ccxliU, 5-16.—Schaufuss. Etwas iiber den Nabelstich in der Bauchwassersucht. Med".-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1794, i, 385-398.—Schiissler. Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung der Paracentese bei der Bauchwassersucht. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 119-123.—Schupuiajin. t . . . Paracenthesis durch den Nabel. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1832, lxxiv, 4. St., 128- 130.—von Scckendorft". Ein EaU von Ascites [in which paracentesis was performed fifty times during a period of tbirty davs; death from sphacelus of the navel]. Beitr. z. prakt. HeUk., Leipz., 1834, i, 359.—Seeds (R. Z.) t . . . death from peritonitis the thud day. Ciucin. M. Repert., 1870, Ui, 358.—Sims (J.) Ou the paracentesis. Mem. M. Soc, Lond., 1792, iU, 472-479.—Smith (J. A.) Spontane- ous paracentesis abdominis. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Keokuk, Abdomen (Paracentesis of). 1856, 26.—Smith (J. R.) . . . after the operation a sUver tube introduced. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1849, ix, 142- 140.—Smyth (J. C.) On the danger of wounding the epi- gastric artery in the operations of tapping. Med. Com- municat. Soc. Promot. Med. Knowl., Lond., 1790, U, 482- 487.—Southey (R.) . . . by gradual drainage with a single fine canula. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 176.—Spiegelbers (O.) Beitrage zur diagnostischen Punction bei abdominel- len Fliissigkeitsansammlungen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871-2, iU, 271-282.—Storer. Posture of the patient in paracentesis abdominis. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 75.—Sumeire. Observations sur le danger du defaut et de l'exces de compression dans l'operation de la paracentese. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1781, lv, 153-159.—Traube (L.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Punctio abdominis als Heilmittel. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, Ui, 529.—Troschel. . . . mit todt- Uchem Ausgange. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi, 146.—"War- rick (C.) An improvement on the practice of tapping; whereby that operation, instead of a reUef for symptoms, becomes an absolute cure for an ascites. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1743-50, xi, 1030-1034.—Weiss. Bauchstich durch den Nabel, von einer wassersiichtigen Frau otters selbst verrichtet. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1821, U, 471-473.— Will. ... suitesfunestes(funeparacentese. J.demed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1777, xlviu, 63-65.—Van Burcn (W. H.) Protrusion of omentum after the operation of paracentesis abdominis. N. York J. M., 1849, ii, 332-334.— Vogel (S. G.) t J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1795, i, 2. St., 255-276. Abdomen (Pulsation in). See, also, Aneurism (Aortic, Abdominal); Liver (Pulsating). Albers (J. A.) Ueber Pulsationen im Unter- leib. 8°. Bonn, 1803. Anke (N.) Beitriige zur Lehre von der Blut- bewegung in den Venen, dem Venenpulse und der Abdominalpulsation. 8°. Moskwa, 1835. Boetticher (O. L.) *De pulsatione epigas- trica. 8°. Halo;, [1825]. Burns (A.) Observations ... on preternatu- ral pulsation in the epigastric region ... 8°. Edinburgh, 1809. Clarus (H. J.) *De pulsatione abdominali imprimis epigastrica. 4°. Lipsice, 1841. Heine (S.) *De pulsatione abdominali. 8°. Berolini, 1826. Hohnbaum (C.) Ueber die Pulsation in der Oberbauchgegend, als begleitendes Symptom der Indigestion. 12°. Hildburghausen, 183H. Lavit(U.) * Des battements gastriques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. de Magnus (G. H.) * De pulsatione abdomi- nali. 8°. [Dorpat], 1827. Scheunemann (J. G. J.) * Nomiulla de pulsa- tionis epigastrica* causis et diagnosi. 8°. Halw, [1835]. Sergeant (L.) *Des palpitations art^rielles idiopathiques de l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1874. Albers (J. A.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1807, iU, 8-12.— Asson (M.) Storia di un tumore pulsante aUa regione precordiale. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1855 2. 8., vi, 213-233.— Baillie (M.) Upon a strong pulsation of the aorta, in the epigastric region. Med. Tr. Roy. CoU Phys. Lond., 1813, iv, 271-277.—Bardonnet. Note sur une tumeur pulsative siegeant a la region precordiale. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1859, xi, 318.— Bchier. Batte- ments hepatiques; dilatation du ventricule et de 1'oreUlette droite, de la veine cave inferieure, dea veines sus-hepatiques; insuffisance tricuspide. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1872, 2. s., xvU, 233.— Bonnar (G. L.) Cases of abnormal abdominal pulsation; one arising from excessive depletion, treated with tonics; the other from the increased action of the heart, treated with venesection. North. J. M. Edinb., 1845, Ui, 341-349. -----. Abnormal pulsation in the abdominal aorta, the result of excessive depletion. Lancet, Lond., 1845, U, 449-451—Chauffard. Observation d'une gastio-enterite accompagnee de battemens singuliers dans la region sus-ombUicale. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, lu, 205-210.—Clark. Pulsating tumour of the abdomen, that had been mistaken for aneurism. N. York J. M. & S. 1840, Ui, 438.—Colcy (J. M.) Case of an enlarged and tuberculated Uver, a part of which having formed a pul- sating tumour in the epigastrium, was mistaken for an aneurism. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1807, xvUi, 485- 493.—Dawson (J.) Pulsations in the abdomen. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1844, U, 399-405.—Durrani (C. M.) Ab- dominal pulsation following peritonitis. Prov. M. & S. J., ABDOMEN. 15 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Pulsation in). Lond., 1850, xiv, 255.—Faussctt (W.) Violentpulsations of the aorta in the epigastric region, and their treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1837, xi, 439-454.—Keate. Preternatu- ral abdominal pulsation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, i, 482.— Kindt. Pulsatio abdominaUs. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg, 1861, i, 129-i:i3.— lieriche. Du epasme et de la convulsion des arteres; battemens nerveux de l'aorte ventrale; errenrs de diagnos- tic Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 330.—Macario. Dos Sulsations abdominales idiopathiques. Ann. Soc. med. 'emulat. de la Flandre occici., Roulers, 1852-3, ii, 385-427. Also: Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 81. Also: BuU. Acad. I de med., Par., 1868, xxxUi, 608-615. Also: Gaz. med. de I Par., 1874, xiv, 509; 522: 1877, n. 8., v, 502; 550; 563; 601.— Maselli (L.) Caso di gravissimo tumore pulsante celtico dentro la cavitA addominale, emulante un tumore aneuris- matico vinto, colla cura antivenerea e co' bagni di mare. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1850, 3. 8., xvUi, 193-195.— Mott (V.) . . . pulsation in epigastrio, with an inquiry into its causes. Tr. Phys.-Med. Soc. N. T., 1817, i, 339- 366.—[Pulsating tumor of the epigastric region.] Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1860, v, 232.—Bagucs (P. V.) La enfermedad en Cuba con el nombre de padrejon. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1875, i, 128.—Sandras (S.) Pul- sations abdominales idiopathiques. Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 81.—Tott (C. A.) Ueber abnormo Abdoruinalpulsa- tion. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1854, vni, 208-212.—Vanoye (R.) Memoire sur les pulsations ab- dominales. Ann. Soc. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1851, 5; 77; 180.—Wolff (A.) Obscure abnormal pulsation in the abdomen treated by tonics. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 43. Abdomen (Puncture of). See Abdomen (Paracentesis of). Abdomen (Rheumatism of). Langlebert (E.) *I. Du rhumatisme des parois ante"rieures et lat^rales de l'abdomen. . . . 4°. Paris, 1843. Massd? (J.-L.) * Essai sur le rhumatisme ou la n6vralgie rhumatismale des parois abdomi- nales. 4°. Paris, 1837. Strebel (L. A.) *De rheumatismo musculo- rum abdominis adjectismorbihistoriis. 8°. Bero- lini, [1835]. Betz (F.) Rheumatismus epigastrii. MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1869, xiv, 297.—Cabaret (F.-J.) Rhumatisme pre-abdominal. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1865, 507- 512.—Cabaret (J.-P.) Rhumatisme pr6-abdominal. Rev. de th6rap. du midi, Montpel., 1855, viu, 367-376.—Oenest. Recherches sur quelques cas de rhumatisme des parois ab- dominales qui peuvent etre confondus avec la peritonite general*,. Gaz. med. de Par., 1832, iu, 739; 759; 772.— Oppert. t Arch, f med. Erfahr., Berl., 1820, i, 84-99.— Tott (C. A.) FaU '■«* hartnackigem Abdominalschmerz bei einem Kinde. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1842, xU, 252-255.—Wolff. [Cases.] Ann. d. Char.-Krankenh. .. . zu Berl., 1852, Ui, pt. 1, 1-41. Abdomen (Rupture of). See Abdomen (Contusions and ruptures of). Abdomen (Tumors of). See, also, Abdominal section; Aneurism (Aortic, Abdominal); Ascites; Colon (Impacted); Diaphragm (Tumors of); Faeces (Impacted); Groin (Tumors of); Hydronephrosis; Mesen- tery (Tumors of); Omentum (Cancer and tumors of); Ovariotomy; Parovarium; Spleen (Dis- eases of); Vena cava (Obstructions of); and under names of organs. Bose (E. G.) ... coalitus viscerum ventris his- toriam tradit. 4°. Lipsice, 1776. Bright (R.) Clinical memoirs on abdominal tumours and intumescence. Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep. Ed. by G. H. Barlow. 8°. Lond., 1861. Burkmann (A.) *De tumoiibus cavi abdo- minis explorandis atque diagnoscendis nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, 1861. von Butkewitsch (R.) * Ueber die Differen- tial-Diagnose der Nieren und Eierstockscysten. 8°. Breslau, 1871. Cauer (J. L.) Insignis cujusdam physconiaB steatomatosae exhibetur exemplum. 8°. Dresdce, [1810], Abdomen (Tumors of). Coppini (F. C. A.) *Tmneur volunnneuse de l'abdomen tres-remarquable sous les rapports du sie'ge, du diagnostic. Autopsie. 4°. Paris, 1^77. Dumoutier (J. N.) * Essai sur le diagnostic differentiel des principales tumeurs chroniques qui peuvent se ddvelopper dans la cavite abdomi- nale, ... 4°. Paris, 1833. Eickholt (A.) * Ueber die Differentialdia- gnose der Tumoren in der Regio ileoccecalis. 8°. Bonn, 1873. EttmUller (M. E.) . . . de tumore abdomi- nalis. 4°. [Lipsice, 1725]. de IIaen (A.) Historia anatomica-medica morbe miri iucurabilis. Hage, 1744. In: Halleu, Disp. ad morb., vii, 722-733. Hilscher (S. P.) ... de tumore ventris ob- longo post partium farcimiui simili. 4°. Jence, 1741. Hodge (H. L.) Note book for cases of ovarian tumors, and other abdominal enlargements. 8°. Philadelphia, 1875. Hoffmann (J.) * De caussis physconi*. 4C. Francofurti ad Viadrum, [1794]. Hoppe (J. C. F.) * De natura et divisione tumorum, qui physconiaB dici solent, viscera ab- dominalia insolito modo prementium. 4°. Vite- bergce, 1804. Kapuscinski (B.) * Retroperitoniial-Sarcome. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Marion-Bussy (E\-G.) * . . . diagnostic diffe- rentiel de quelques tumeurs d6velopp6es dans la region 6pigastrique. 4°. Paris, 1831. Miltenberger (J. T.) *Du diagnostic diffe- rentiel des tumeurs ddveloppees dans Fhypochon- dre droit. 4°. Paris, 1850. Penard (L.) * . . . diagnostic des tumeurs intra-abdominales. 4°. Paris, 1848. Pleuss (L.) * De diagnosi tumorum in supe- riore abdomiuis parte. 8°. Berolini, [1865]. Pohlius (J. C.) ... historiam steatomatis proponit. 4°. Lipsice, [1778]. Pollau (P. L. F.) * Sistens intumescentias ventris sa?pe graviditatem mentientes. 4°. Wirceburgi, 1799. Rathery (F.-R.) * . . . diagnostic des tumeurs intra-abdominales chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1870. Royet (L.-E.) * Considerations sur quelques tumeurs abdominales. 4°. Paris, 1861. Sandrart (P. D.) * . . . tumoris hydropici in abdomine cum flatulentia et mola coniplicati casum quemdam notabilem. [Cumcontinuatio.] 4°. Halce ad Salam, 1765-6. Schworm(G.) * Ueber Unterleibs-Geschwulste. 8°. Heidelberg, 1869. Wells (S.) Note-book for cases of ovarian and other abdominal tumours. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1868. Willi (N.) Stupendus abdominis tumor. Basilea', 1731. In: Hallek, Disp. ad. morb., iv, 441-473, 1 pi. Abdominal tumorinvolvingthemesenterio glands, the retroperitoneal glands, and the waUs of the colon. Med. Rec, N.T., 1879, xv, 348.—Aikin (J.) ... case, . . . after deUvery, . . . which soon after . . . disappeared. Med. & Phil. Comment., Lond., 1784, U, 2. ed., 300-302.—Albers (J. F. H.) Operation der Geschwiilste innerhalb der Bauch- hohle durch das HaarseU. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xvi, 589-601.—Allison (W.) Dry tapping. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, iv, 495.—Anomalous tumour in the abdomen. Lond. M. & S. J., 1836, i, 997.—Archer (R. S.) t . . . autopsy. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, Ui, 164-166.—Arnott (H.) Large lymphoinatous tu- mour connected with the colon and omentum of a chUd, and accompanied by secondary growths in other parts. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 150-155.—Ash ford, t Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., 1875, U, 31.—Raaletta (A.) Estirpazione di un singolare tumore dtlladdome. Ann. univ. di med., MUano. 1825, xxxv, 85-97.—Basset, t [Fibro-coUoid.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855. xxx, 325- 328.— Bergcr (£. T.) De steatomate 134 Ubrarum, cum ABDOMEN. 16 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of). hydrope ascite. Acta Helvet., BasUeas, 1767, vi, 160-163.— Bcrtholl. [Osteo-calcareous tumor of right hypochon- driac region attached to diaphragm. 1 BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 318-3,20.—Black (C.) A remarkable case of tumor in a chUd. Detroit Lancet, 1878, n. s., i, 491.— Boguis. Observation et reflexions sur une tumeur lymphatique. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxvi, 445.—Bolingcr (J.) Three cases. . . disappearing under treatment. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1860, xvui, 301- 304.—Bourdon. Corps fibreux sous-peritoneal com- pUqu6 de grossesse: kystes du corps de Wolff. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 332-337.—Bousquet (F.) i MarseUle med., 1870, vii, pt. 1, 302-365.—Boyc (F.) Om den praeperitonaedle Svulstersoperative Behandling. Hosp.- Tid., Kjobenh., 1873, xvi, 177.—Bradneld (W. A.) Ex- tirpation of a fibroid tumor from the abdominal cavity. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1874, 74.—Brad- street (N.) Account of a . . . soUd, bony tumor, ... in the . . . abdomen. Boston M. & S. J., 1828-9, i, 36-38.— Brandes (R.) Examen d'une tumeur trouvee dans l'ab- domen d'une femme. J. do chim. med., etc., Par., 1839, v, 26.—Braun (G.) Beitrag zur differcntieUen Diagnostik derUnterleibsaeschwulste, mitspecieUerBeriicksichtigung der anomalen Harnblasen-Ausdehnung. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1862, vU, 45; 49; 61.—Brinton. A series of tumours, probably of a scrofulous character, from beneath the perito- neum. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1848-50, i, 279.—Broad- bent. Abdominal tumour, probably maUgnant growth of kidney. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, U, 799.—Brown (A. R.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1844, n. s., i, 692.—Brown (B.) Intra-abdominal fibroid tumour attached to the rectus mus- cle successfully removed. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 31.—Brown (V. A.) t . . . in . . . right lumbar region, with autopsy. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1876, ix, 6-9.— Buckncr (P. J.) t [Extraordinary size.] Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1851, 55-58, 1 pi. Also: Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1851, iv, 213, 1 pi. [See Delamater (J.)]— Bulley (F. A.) . . . largo osseous tumor . . . with . . . autopsy. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, Ui, 385-388.— Bnntzen. Peritoneunis VulnerabiUtet, naermest med Hensyn til Operation for de prffiperitoneale Svulster. Hosp.- Tid., Kjabenh., 1868, xi, 157; 161.—Cady (H.) Spontane- ous disappearance of an abdominal tumor. Boston M. & S. J., 1855, Ui, 392-396.—Cannti (C.) Tumori in varii punti deU'addomo scomparsi repeutinamente. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologua, 1842, 3. s., i, 363-369.—Carvallo (V.) . . . un caso raro . . . Rev. med. de ChUe, Sant. de Chile, 1877, vi, 186-193.—Cases. ... in which the orifice of the cystic duct was . . . obUterated. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1808, iv, 277- 280.—Removal of a tumor fifty-six pounds in weight, ex- tending from beneath the umbiUcus to the anterior border of tho anus. Lancet, Lond., 1831, U, 86-89, 1 pi.—J. de med. et clnr. prat., Par., 1841, xU, 217-220.—Series of cases. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 10; 57; 111; 159; 258.—Two cases of fibro-nucleated tumours. Ibid., 1857, xiv, 487.—Ibid., 1870, i, 007. —Atlanta M. & S. J., 1871, ix, 224.—Enormous abdominal tumour. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1876-7, v, 473.—Challicc (J.) t. . . simulating pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1847, ii, 408.— Channing (W.) f Boston M. & S. J., 1828-9, i, pt. 2, 785-789. -----. Sudden disappearance of an abdominal tumor. Ibid., 1859-00, lxi, 309-315.—Chomel. Observa- tion sur une tumeur abdominale, fort dure, et d'un volume considerable, qui a presque completemcnt disparu. N. Jour, do med., cMr., pharni., Par., 1821, xi, 117-120. -----. (Des tumeurs abdominales.] Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 9. -----. Tumeur daus la region hypogastrique; ht-mor- ragies uterines; grossesse douteuse. Ibid., 237.—Clark (C. C. P.) t Med. Rec, N. Y., 1809, iv, 21.—Coats (J.) . . . sarcomatous tumour . . . probably of supra-renal origin. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, 332-337.—Conrato (L.) TumoreUeo-ipogastrico in puerpera. Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1862, 121; 129 : 1863, 137. -----. Di uu caso di neoplasma peritoneale difluso. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1879, xiii, 339-351,1 pi.—Coulfeon. Fibio-nucleated tumor on the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 508.—Cutclific (H. C.) Retention of urine; discharge of pus with urine; rapid development and subsidence of an abdominal tumour. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1809, iv, 237.—Da Costa (J. M.) ... on the diagnosis of abdominal tumors, with a case of omental tumor. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1801, n. s., v, 495-497, 1 pi.—Danforth (J.) t N. Hampshire J. M., Concord, 1850-1, i, 204.—Dawson (W. W.) [On abdomi- nal tumors.] CUnic, Cincin., 1872, iii, 254-257.—Bay (W. H.) ... on tho pulmonary and cardiac compUcations of ab- dominal tumors; with remarks on blood-letting alter surgi- cal operations. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1875, vii, 353.—Bejaeghere. t . .. simulant une grossesse. Arch. de la med. beige, Brux., 1848, xxv, 81.—Delamater (J.) (Case, same as reported by Buckmcu (P. J.), q. v.] Cleve- land M. Gaz., 1859-60, i, 31-10.— Dc la Vigne. Bedcu- tendo Geschwulst im Unterleibe eines 8jahrigen Madchens durch Leberthran geheilt. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.- CoU., Koblenz, 1842, 71.—Bendy (W. C.) t Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1846, n. s., i, 70-86.—Desnos <£• Baric (E.) Des diilicultes de diagnostic que peuvent soulever certaines cunieurs de l'abdomen a apparition intemiittente en iap- Abdomen (Tumors of). port avec la menstruation; rem mobUe. Ann. de gynec., Par., 1876, v, 99-103.—Diagnostico differencial entre los tumores del vientre y los quistos ovdricos. Siglo med., Ma- drid, 1860, vU,441.—Dix (J.) A faUacy in the physical diagno- sis of abdominal tumor. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, i, 5.— Dohlhofl'(G. E.) t . .. welche durch eine Operation be- seitigt wurde. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1833, i, 513-528.—Dolbcan. [Free fibrous tumor in abdominal cavity. Discussion.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 455. -----. Des tumeurs de l'abdomen. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 297-299.—Durand. t J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1769, xxx, 258-269.—Dnsmukcs (J. L.) t Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., LouisvUle, 1874, xviii, 156- 159.—JEdis (A. W.) Cases illustrating the diagnosis of ab- dominal tumours. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878, vi, 65-73.— Freoliani (L.) Storia di un vasto steatoma deU'omento osservato. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1836, v, 349-372.—Fsniarch. [CasesT] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 714-718.—Eve (P. F.) t ... in a girl of eight- eon. Nashville J. M. & S., 1858, xv, 127.—Faivre (E.) a Christot (F.). . . hypertrophiesgangUonnanesdansleurs rapportsaveclaleucocystose. Mem. Soc.d., 1867, xv, 86-105.—Ferrall. Obscure abdominal tumor. Malposition and disease of the kidney. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl, 1841, i, 114.—Fisher (J.) t Lond. M. J., 1786,vU, 287- 294.—Fortin. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 307- 311.—Fournier. t J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1812, xxiii, 279-285.—Frecklcton (G.) t . . . opening through the integuments communicating with the Ueum. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, xxii, 382-384.—Frommann (J. C.) Mola abdominis sinsularis. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. et Lips., 1071, ii, 32. Also: Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf.,Med.-chir.-... Abhandl.,Niirnb., 1756,U,37. Also: CoUect.acad.demem., etc., Dijon, 1755, iU, 50.—Gabagan (M.) . . . case, . . . from indurated and enlarged glands. Med. Comment., Lond., 1790, dec. 2, iv, 281-290.—Gallier 7j/u., A9r)va.i, 1860, U, 43.— Archer (R. S.) Abdominal cancer simulating aneurism. Dubl. J. M. Sc, 1879, lxvii 385-390.—Atlce (W. F.) . . . case of malignant tumour of the abdomen . . . resembling, and... mistaken for, one of extra-uterine pregnancy. Am. J. M. Sc,PhUa., 1879, n. 8., lxxvUi, 153-156.—Ballard (E.) Case of very extensive gelatiniform cancer of the perito- neum, involving the lynipatic glands of the abdomen and ovaries, and simulating ascites. Med. Times, Lond., 1848, xvii, 461. Also: Lond! M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vi, 517. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1848, xxxi, 119-134.—Bamberger (H.) Acuter Krebs der chylopoetischen Organe. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1857, iu, 133-136.—Banks. Encephaloid tumor in the epigastric region. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, ix, 204. -----. t DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1855, U, 91.—Barth. I [With bUiary calculus.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 261-263.—Barziali (C.) Car- cinoma splenico; peritonite ncoplastica; ripetizione di neoplasmaneUa cavita addominale. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1876, xix, 377-381.—Beatson (G. T.) On the diasnosis of maUgnant abdominal tumours. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xU, 17-26.—Beck. Encephaloid disease of the peritonaeum. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 121.—Bchier. t J. gen. do med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxxxvUi, 361- 307.—Belfield (W. T.) Case of amyloid degeneration of Uver and kidneys, with caries of lumbar vertebrae. Chi- cago M. J. & Exam., 1877, xxxv, 155-157.—Bcllinghain (O^B.) t DublinM.Press, 1845, xiii, 118-120.— Bcrgmaun (E.) Ein GaUertkrebs. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1865, x, 81-94, 1 pi.—Bernard (J.) Peritonite cancereuse; disparition de l'epiploon; cancer du foie; paralysie intestinale; mort. MarsoiUe med., 1877, xiv, 67-72.—Bigger. Cancer gcla- tineuse of tho abdominal viscera; dropsy. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1842, i, 193— Blakiston. t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, v, 130.—Boarman (C. V.) MaUgnant dis- ease of Uver and pancreas. [Specimens and report.] Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1877, iv, 82.—Boisseau. Cancer coUoide de 1'ombiUc et de la paroi abdominale an- t6rieure ayant envahi la vessie. Union med.. Par., 1868, 3. s., vi, 418-425.—Borland, t Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxV;379.—Bourne ville. Cancer pi imitifdu peritoine; injection iodce. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1872, iv, 111- 114.—Bradbury. Case of coUoid cancer of peritoneum and right ovary; ascites; death; necropsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 580.—Brighain (W.) Case of pulsating abdominal tumour. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 470.—Bristowc (J. S.) Primary scirrhus of the perito- neum. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1852-3, iv, 159-164. -----. Encephaloid cancer of peritoneum, associated with an ovarian cyst. Ibid., 1863, xiv, 104. -----. CoUoid cancer of peritoneum. Ibid., 165-167. -----. Colloid cancer of the peritoneum. Ibid., 1866, xvii, 135-137. -----. t Ibid., 1870, xxi, 193-198. -----. t Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1871, iU, 253-257.—Brocn. t'[Ablation.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxvui, It4.-Brown (J. H.) A case ABDOMEN. 19 ABDOaMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant). of medullary cancer of the stomach, liver, mesentery, and omentum. Clinic, Cincin., 1877, xii, 73.—Buchanan (A. B.) Case of maUgnant fibro-cellular tumour involv- ing tbc ileum. Glasgow M. J., 1804-5, xU, 52-58.— [Bucquoy.] t Mouvement med., Par., 1875, xiii, 346-348.— Callender (G. W.) MeduUary cancer involving the transverse colon. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 98.— Capozzi (D.) Carcinoma eUnfosarcoma retroperitoneaU. Morgagni, NapoU, 1870, xU, 692.—Cases. Large and Srobably maUgnant tumour in the abdomen, occurring uring the course of syphiUs; death. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, >n. s., ix, 467.—. . . IUac nerve involved in cancerous mass. Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1860, i, 25.—Case and specimen. Ibid., 43-45.—Chauvcl. Cancer du rec- tum et de la vessie. BuU. etmem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 791-793.—Chomatianos (S.) 2dpfia trTpoyyv\OKi>TTapov rov pLMrevrepiov. VaA-qvos, Aflijvoi, 1879, A', 401-403.—Chomcl. 1 BuU. Fac de med. dePar., etc., 1815, iv, 253-260.—Chvostek (F.) Primarer Scirrhus des BauchfcUes von enormer Miichtigkeit uud fliichenhafter Ansbreitung; Scirrhus des ZeUgewebes um das Rectum; Markschwamm der Leber und einzelner Driisen in der Bauchhoble; kleine Krebskniitchen in der Milz, in der rechten Pleura und am Herzbeutel; Peritonitis. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1806, xU, 731, 751.-----. Ein sehr grosses retroperitonaales MediUlarcarcinom; Mark- schwamm der retroperitonaalen Driisen; starke Verenge- rung der V. cava inf. in Folge von Compression durch die Markschwamm-Massen; consecutive Thrombose der V. Uiaca ext. und cruraUs dextra; Thrombose der V. jugul. comm. dextra; Markschwamm des rechten Hodens und Markschwammknoten unter dem Peritonaum; Hydro- thorax; Peritonitis; Pericarditis; Scorbut. Ibid., 771; 791.—Clark (A.) Encephaloid diseases of a chUd. N. York J. M., 1854, n. s.,xUi, 227.—Cohen. It . . . Sections- Resultaten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1834, iU, 633; 652.—Colin, t Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1868, 2. s., v, 713.—Concato (L.) Strozzamento deUa vena cava ascendente da carcinoma delle glandule retroperitoneaU. (Masse retroperitoneaU del Lobstein.) Ebd. cbn. di Bologna, 1862,105; 113.— Cotting( B. E.) Abdominal cancer; sup- posed by the patient to be pregnancy in third to fourthmonth; accompanied by apoplexy ot the meduUa oblongata; death. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M". Improve., 1807, v, 235.—Craw- ford. Case of cysto-sarcomatous tumor. Brit.-Am. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1849, iv, 317.—Crawford (J. S.) &■ Liongstreth (M.) [Case of coUoid tumor of abdomen.] Tr. M. Soc. Penn., PhUa., 1878, xU, pt. 1, 318-325.—Crede. FaU von Krebsgeschwulst im Bauche mit Durchbruch nach dem Dunndarme und der Gebarmutter. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1851, 705-717.—Crisp (E.) Cancer of the omentum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1875, xxvi, 123-126.— Croly (H. G.) t . . . situated on the abdomen of a girl. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1868, xlvi, 270.—Crossen (H.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1874, xix, 177.—Cullen (J. S. D.) t ... thrice tapped, each time with the removal of two or three gaUons of thick gelatinous amber colored fluid; death; autopsy; coUoid cancer. Virginia CUn. Rec, Richmond, 1873-4, Ui, 318-320.—Cutting (F.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1843, xxvU, 398-400.—Darlnc. Observation sur un squirrhe invetere dans les intestins, gueri par l'usage de la beUadonna, prise interieurement. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 499-522.—Darrach. Cancer of the great omentum, pyloric extremity of the stomach and the smaU intestines, with fibrous tumour of the uterus. Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1860, i, 152.—Davies (W.) . . . maUgnant disease of the abdominal viscera; obscurity of symptoms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, i, 444.—Degeneres- cence cancereuse de la presque totaUte du peritoine, compUquante une grossesse; accouchement spontane a cinq mois; mort; question de l'accouchement artiflciel. Gaz. d. h6p.. Par., 1857, xxx, 286— Demarquay. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1844, xix, 131— Depaul. [Cancer- ous degeneration of rectum and diaphragm, etc.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 501-503.—Discussion . . . Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1878, v. 15-20.—Down- ing (J. L.) t ... with purpura hemorrhagica. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1865-6, vUi, 129.—Brake. . . . com- SUcated with phthisis pulmonalis. Canada M. &. S. J., [ontreal, 1876-7, v, 110-113.—Drysdale (T. M.) t Col- loid cancer. PhUa. M. Times, 1878, viU, 593-595.— Do* breuilh (C. fils). . . . encephalolde envahissant les deux ovaires: mort; autopsie. Union med., Par., 1849, iU, 511.— [von DiincIi (T.)J t Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. HeUk., Gotting., 1863, vi, 86-90.—Dq Val (E. R.) t Proc M. Ass. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1874, 29.—Eckard. t . . . nebst einem Knochenstiick im Ostio venoso ventriculi sinistri. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. neilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 623-629.—Ellis. . . . cancerous mass arising from the subperitoneal tissue, between tho kidney and liver. Boston M. & S. J., 18C8, lxxviU, 332. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve, 1870, vi, 02-04.—Ellis (E.) . . . carcinoma in tho cellular tissue surrounding the left kid- ney, in a child seven years of age. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 63.—Eve (P. F.) . . . coUoid cancer developed in the Abdomen (Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant). connective tissue of the peritoneum, embracing the omen- tum, Uver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, rectum, colon and stomach. N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 718-723.—Fillitcr (W.) Encephaloid cancer of the spleen, Uver, lacteal, and lymphatic glands. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 130.—Fin- fer. t Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 18G1, lxxi, 97.— 'leming. t Dublin Hosp. Gaz.v 1855, ii, 58.—Flcury (L.) . .. mort; cancer du foie, du peritoine et du pancreas. Arch. mod. beiges, Brux., 1863, xxxU, 80-86.—Fournaise (J. B. P.) Cancer du p6ritoine et de quelques visceres abdominaux. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1873, li, 176- 180. Also: BuU. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1873, xl, 355.— Francis (T. E.) <£■ Homans (C. D.) CoUoid cancer in the neighborhood of the ccecuni; extensive perfora- ting ulcer of the stomach; old peritonitis. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1862, iv, 74.—Frissell (J.) Encepha- loid cancer, centre of abdomen. [On spot originaUy weak- ened by pressing against the knob of an instrument.] Tr. M. Soc. W. Virginia, WheeUng, 1874, 597. -----. t Ibid., 1875,102. -----. MuitUocular encephaloid tumor of the ab- domen with cancerous disease of the left kidney. Ibid., 1875, 107-113.—Froriep (R.) Ueber Entwicklung scirrhoser Knoten im Peritonaeum. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1834, iii, 40-42.— Fuller, t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1849-50, ii, 224. -----. MaUgnant disease of the peritoneum, with ascites; quickly fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1863, U, 221.—Gage (T. H.) Primary encephaloid disease of the lymphatic glands of the abdomen. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1854, n. s., xxvii, 353. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1856, U, 41.— Gairdncr. Diffluent cancerous tumors of the abdomen and testicle. Glasgow M. J., 1867, 3. 8., U, 68-71.—Gaird- ncr (W.) t Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx, 74.—de Gallez. Cancer du foie, de la rate, du pancreas et des ovah'es d'une femme de 62 ans. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1878, xxx, 92- 98.—Gantier. Noyaux cancereux secondaires dans une hernie epiplolque de la ligne blanche; cancer primitif de la petite courbure de l'estomac, sans vomissements et sans tumeur appreciable. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 537- 539.—Gilcwski. Carcinoma diffusum peritonsei et glan- dularum lymphaticarum abdominaUum; ascites, exsudatum pleuriticum dextrum probabiUter e scirrho pleura'; ectasia bronchorumin pulmonesinistro, etc. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1868, vU, 293; 301.—Gillette (W. R.) A case of pseudo- ovarian cyst. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 87-89.—Gooch. Cancer of the pylorus, peritoneum, caecum, colon, omentum, and pleura. Prov. M. &. S. J., Lond., 1852, 015.—Gosse- lin. Symptomcs de cancer rapportes faussement k une peritonite chronique traumatique; conclusions. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 1161-1163.—Goupil. t With pul- monary tuberculosis and obUteration of inferior vena cava.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 37-39.—Gris- com. MeduUary cancer simulating an ovarian tumor. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila., 1853-6, U, 126-131.—Gross (S. D. [Cases.] N.'Am. M.-Chir. Rev., PhUa., 1860, iv, 866-869.— Grossmann. t Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1865, xix, 34.—Gueneau de Mussy. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 117; 121. Also, in his: CUnique med., 1875, ii, 28-39.— Haldam (D. R.) Case of cancer of lumbar glands, simula- ting abdominal aneurism. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xii, 147-153.— Hallin (O. F.) t Hygiea, Stockholm, 1871, xxxUi, 375.— Hare (H. B.) Cancer of the Uver, stomach, and pancreas. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1874, iv, 36.—Hartigan (J. F.) Ma- Ugnant disease of abdominal viscera. [Specimens and his- tory.] Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1877, iv, 83.— Hay den. t . . . perforation of the Ueon. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1873, lv, 486-488.—Head, t Ibid., 370.—Hecquin. . . . tumeurs encephaloldes 6normes developpees dans le tissu ceUulaUe retro-peritoneal, sur le detroit superieur du bassin et sur la colonne vertebrale; mort le cinquieme mois k partir del'apparition des tumeurs; necropsie. Rec. de mem. demed. . . . mU., Par., 1847, 2. s., Ui, 187-193.—He- denius(P.) Carcinomagelatinosumperitonaei. UpsalaLa- karef. Forh., 1874, ix, 634-636.—Helmick (A. S.) JDeath from a disease simulating "encephaloidcancer ".] Stetho- scope, Riohmond, 1855, v. 717-723.—Henoque. t Bull. Soc. Par., 1863, xxxvUi, 59.—Hicklin (W. C.) t Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, 1855, 87.—Holmes (T.) Cancer of the peritoneum, implanted upon the surface of the Uver. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861, xU, 94—Homans (C. D.) Col- loid cancer in the neighbourhood of the ccecuin; extensive perforating ulcer of the stomach; old peritonitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1860, lxU, 21-23—Hopkins (H. R.) tt . . . with autopsies. Ibid., 1877, xcvii. 649-651.—Hunt (E. M.) t t Dyspeptic symptoms. Med. Rec, N. V., 1874, ix, 422.—Hutchinson (J. H.) t PhUa. M. Times, 1876, vi, 385-387.—Hyde (F.) [Cases.] Tr. M. Soc N. T., Al- bany, 1870, 139-153.—Jackson. . . . case . . . from . . . a child; . . . value of the microscope in the study of mor- bid growths. Boston M. & S. J., 1870, lxxxii, 261.—Jc- mois. Squirrhes k l'estomac, au niesentere et au foie. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1791, lxxxvi, 157-1CG.— Jenkins (J. F.) t N. York M. Times, 1851. iii. 12-15.— Jimenez (L. M.) t Gac. med. de Mexico, I860, ii. 285-287.— Kallmann. Markschwamm in der Bauchhohle und Melanosis. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, xv, 20.—Kerr (T. F.) ABDOMEN. 20 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant). Medullary sarcoma; death; post-mortem. Penins. J. M., Detroit. 1876, n. s., i, 13-16.— Kneeland (J.) [Cases.] N. York J. M., 1853, n. s., xi, 340-349.—Kratschmcr. Ein Fall von Carcinom des Magens, Pankreas und beider Nebennieren. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 552-554.— Lamb (I). S.) t Tr. M. Soc. Dist, Columb., Wash., 1877, iv, 86.—Law. Scirrhous disease of stomach, in- testines, and uterus. Dublin M. Press, 1803, xUx, 59.— Leasurc (D.) t . . . resulting in artificial anus in the . . . ileum. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1863, xiv, 263-266 — Ledentu. Tumeur encephalolde de l'abdomen; tumeur du tcsticule; fongus cancereux et caUlots trouves en dif- ferents points du systeme vasculaire. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviU, 251-255.—Leudet. t [Induration of liver; cancerous matter in the splenic vein.] Ibid., 1852, xxvU, 529.-----. t Compt. rend. Soc debiol., Par., 1853, iv, 189.—Le vizey. Myeloid tumors of the abdomen involving the head of the pancreas. Proc. Path Soc. Phila., 1860, i, 190.— Lewis (T. C.) t . . . autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 495.—Lincoln (G. C.) t Boston M. &. S. J, 1801, lxiv, 471-473.—Livcing. Cancer of ovaries . . . peritoneum and umbUicus; compression of the common bUe-duct; jaundice; death. Lancet, Lond., 1875, U, 8.—Lorcy (J. B.) t Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf., 1864, Ui, 35.-----. Carcinomamedul- lare hepatis et carcinoma alveolare ventriculi. Ibid., 1865, iv, 52.—Lugol. Sarcocele et tumeur encephalolde enorme dans l'abdomen. CUn. d. hop., Par., 1829, iv, 49.—Luneau. iln liver, and extending to other abdominal viscera.] iuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, xiv, 356-360.—McC arty (W.) 5ts tou intvtvrtpiov. Ta\ijvo^, AOfivcu, 1879, B', 17-19.—Thilow. Von einer durch ein Krebsgeschwiir erfolgten Austretung eines grossen Theils des diinnen Darmes, welcher drei Tage vor dem Tode, ausserhalb der Bauchhohle, die wurmformige Bewegung fortsetzte. Allg. ABDOMEN. 21 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cancerous and malignant). med. Ann., Altenb. u. Leipz., 1817,1184-1202.—Thomp- son (H.) Subcutaneous maUgnant tumor, containing me- lanotic matter. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 485.—Thompson (J. F.) t (Autopsv: CUn. Path. Soc. Washington, D. C.) Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1869, n. s., lvii, 113.—Troisier, t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xUv, 118.—Trousseau. Anasarquo; epanchement thoracique; insuflisance tricus- pidc; cirrhose hepatique; cancer du peritoine et des ovaires; embolic pulmonaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiU, 577.— Vanden Corput (E.) Analyse d'une tumeur cancereuse. Presse nied. beige, Brux., 1851, iii, 173-176.—Van der Byl. CoUoid cancer of the peritoneum, involving the great omentum, the ovaries and the surface of the liver and gall-bladder. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 207-209.—Van Gieson. t Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, x, 473.—Verneuil. t [Incomplete obliteration of vena cava.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 197.—Veys- siCrc. Sur le cancer coUoIde du peritoine. Ibid., 1873, xlviii, 857. — [Walthcr.] Peritonitis purulenta, car- cinoma mcduU. glandul. retroperiton. et partis peritonaei. Arch. d. Ver. f. geiu;insch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1860, iv, 211.—Watkins. t . . . encepha- loid tumor . . . weighing 30 lbs. N. York J. M., 1850, v, 337-340.—Willard (De F.) Pancreatic induration re- sembling scirrhus; involvement of mesentery, supra-renal capsules, and tissue surrounding kidneys; simUar growth upon heart. PhUa, M. Times, 1877, vii, 496-499.—Wil- liams (C. J. B.) Carcinomatous disease of the abdomen. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., i, 919-925.—Woodhouse (T. J.) Colloid cancer of the peritoneum; . . . autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1861, U, 230.—Woodman (B.) Carcinoma of peritoneum involving bladder and smaU intestino; death. Ibid., 1877, ii, 87.—"Workman (F.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, U, 509.—von Ziemssen. Carcinom des Netzes. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1879, xxvi, 233. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic and hyda- tid). Barthel(I. F.) *De hydrope saccato. (Cum appendice.) De line arteriarum earumque cum veris anastomosi. 4°. Lipsice, 1792. Behrend (M.) *De cura radicali hydropis eaccati. 12°. Regimonti Pr., 1846. Brera (V. A.) Tabula anatomico-pathologica ad illustrandum historiam vermium in visceribus abdominis degentium, hydropem-ascitem, vel graviditatem simulantium. 4°. Vienna;, 1819. Camerarius (A.) Biga observationum medi- carum. 4°. Tubingce, 1716. Chassaignac (E.) *Des tumeurs enkystecs do l'abdomen. 4°. Paris, 1851. Also, in his: £tudes d'anat. etdepath. chir. 8°. Paris, 1851, vol. 1. Chayron (L.) *Sur un cas de kyste sero- hematique intra-pe'ritoneal. 4°. Paris, 1877. Cheever (A.) History of a case of incisted dropsy; with a description of the several cysts: as communicated to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jan. 31, 1787. 18°. [Boston, n. d.] Chevallier (P.) * Essai sur l'hydropisie enkystee des parois abdominales. 4°. Paris, 1872. Desbans (P. P.) Specimen practicum de hy- drope peritonei saccato memorabili casu con- nrmato. sm. 4°. Gottingce, 1761. Gerard (F.) Des kystes hydatiques du p6ri- toine. 4°. Paris, 1876. Horn (J. G.) *De hydrope peritonaei saccato. 4°. Giessa; [1790]. Huidiez (E.) *Qu'est-ce que l'hydropisie en- kystee du peritoine 1 4°. Paris, 1864. Lueddeckens (E.) *De echinococcis in abdo- mine habitantibus. 8°. Gryphiswaldice, 1864. C. Mercklinus (J. A.) *De hydrope saccato. 4°. Altdorffi, 1695. Moller (J. E.) Nogle anatomiske Jagttagel- ser. Proveskrift. 12°. Klobenhavn, 1776. Rippmanx (G.) *Eino serose Cyste in der Bauchhohlti mit einem Inhalt von 50 Litres Flus- sigkeit. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Schf.ffler (J. C.) <('• Jacobus (C.) Historia hydropis sacciiti. Altorf, 1724. In: IUi.t.f.r, Disp. ad morb., iv. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic and hyda- tid). Slevgot (H.) ^- Steube (J. S.) De infelici hydropis saccati curatione. Jence, 1721. In: HaVLLEE, Disp. ad morb., iv. Steube (J. S.) *De infelici hydropis saccati curatione. 4°. Jence, [1721]. Theune, (J. C. G.) *. . . tumoris tunicati interni exemplum quoddam memorabile referens. 8°. Hallce, [1788]. Adams. Hydatid cyst in the parietes of the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 455.—Albers (J. F. H.) Mit wahrer Lymphe gefiiUte Sacke des Unterleibes; Hydrops cysticus lymphaticus abdominalis. In his: Beob. a. d. Gebiete d. Bath., etc., Bonn, 1840, iii, 101-105.—Allaire. Hydropisie enkystee. . . ouverture spontanee. . . recidive... paracen- tese; .. . guerison. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1835-6, Ui, 458-460.—Andricu. Observation sur une hydropisie enkystee. J. d. med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1709, xxxi, 350-352.—Annandale (T.) Case of a large hy- datid tumour of the omentum treated successfuUy by a free incision, with antiseptic precautions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 99.—Archambault. . . . chez un enfant de sept ans. Union med., Par., 1876, i, 85; 113; 131.------. Epanchement enkyste, occasionne par une p6ritonite limi- tee au flanc gauche. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1876, xlUi, 477.—Arnoald (J.) . . . de la paroi abdominale. Rec. demem. demed.... mU.,Par., 1868,3. s., xxi, 346-349.—Atlee (W. L.) Congenital tumour, composed of numerous cysts. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1844, vU, 84-88.—Bailey (F.) En- cysted dropsy of the abdomen, or hydated ascites. Lonu. M. Reposit., 1826, xxv, 141-144.—Bailey (J. S.) A case of Upomata. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1873, vi, 38-42— Baldini (O.) Caso di voluminoso echinococco del tessuto perireuale simulanteunacistiovarica. Rev. cUn.di Bologna, 1878, 2. s., viU, 163-160.—Ball. . . . tumeur kystique adherente k plusieurs anses du jejunum. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 400-403.—Ba'lme. Fievre hectique laiteuse, pen- dant laqueUe furent rendues des hydatides par lea seUes et par le vomissement. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1790, lxxxiv, 339-358.—Bang (B. L. F.) Luftholdige kyster i vaggen af Ueum og i nydannet bindeviir p& sammes se- rosa. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1876,vUi, no. 18,1-16.2 pi. —Bantock (G. G.) t... chronic pneumonia; ... high tem- perature; . . . disappearance of the cyst,, and recovery. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875, Ui, 489-496, 1 tab.—Barck (H.) t Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, vU, 614- 616.—Baron (J.) Very large abdominal tumour, with displacement of the stomach; rupture of cysts into the alimentary canal, and the cavity of the abdomen; abscess in the Uver, passing through the diaphragm and lungs. Midland M. & S. Reporter, Worcester, 1830-1, U, 415-423.— Barret. . . . une hydropisie enkystee dans l'abdomen. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1828, Ui, 223-236.—Beauchct. t Ibid., 1852, xxvU, 20.—Beauvais. Observation d'une pleuresie purulente determine, chez un tuberculeux, par la rupture dans la cavite pleurale droite d'un kyste hydatique situe entre le diaphragme et le foie. Ibid., 1844, xix, 147-163.—B6sin (L. J.) Observation sur un kyste hy- datique, d6veloppe dans la region epigastrique, et ouvert a l'aide de rinstrument tranchant. Rec. de mem. de med____mU., Par., 1830, xxviU, 300-329.—Bertherand (A.) Tumeur hydatique de la r6gion inguinale; . . . injection; . . . guerison. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1862, vU, 75-77.—Bessiercs (L.) Rupture d'un kyste hydropique; epanchement . . . resorption. Experience, Par., 1844, xiv, 65-67. Also: Ann. de la chir., Par., 1844, xU, 371.—Birkett. t Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 621.—Bixby (G. II.) Cases of cystic tumors of the abdomen and pelvis. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Bost., 1876, i, 326-339. Also, Reprint.—Blasius (E.) [Cases.l Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., HaUe, 1836-7, i, 159-175.— Boinet. Du diagnostic difl'erentiel des tumeurs du ven- tre avec les kystes des ovaires. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1860, vU, 7 ; 69; 102; 149.—Borland. . . . recovery from supposed rupture of an abdominal tumor, foUowed by par- tial peritonitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, lxxxvU, 455-457.— Bornet. . .. ayant produite la compression de la veine cave ascendante. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1844, xix, 283- 291.—Boys de IJonry. Tumeur hydatique abdominale; guerison par la cauterisation; discussion. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1849, n. s., iU, 319-343. Also: Re- Srint.—Brickcll. t ... operation; recovery. N. Orl. I. & S. J., 1848-9, v, 681.—Bright. . . . cases of acephalo- cyst hydatids. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, 432-492, 8 pi.—Brinton. t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1849-50, U,-225.— Bristowe (J. S.) Cases of cystic dilatation of hepatio and pancreatic ducts from stricture; and of hydatid cysts of abdomen. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, n. s., iv, 141-162. Browne (H. W. L.) t . . . of the pelvis and abdomen. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1876, v, 200-202.—Can© (D.) . . . puncion e incision; saUda de mas de 300 cuerpos hida- tiformes; curacion. Bol. domed., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1852, 2. s., ii, 414.—Case. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 11.—Chevalier, t . . . qui a dure six ans. J. de ABDOMEN. 22 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic and hyda- tid). med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1761, xv, 58-66.—Chvostek (F.) Ein FaU von Echinococcus des Peritoniium. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1806, xii, 717-720.—Clark (A.) Encysted tumors in the peritoneal cavity. N. York J. M.. 1800, 3. s., vUi, 97.—Clanzurc. . . . kyste pileux abdominal. Bull. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par., 1807, n. s., i, 64-71.—Clossins. t N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1788, x, 543-540.—Cochon Dupuis. t [From: Hist. Acad. r. d. sc. do Par., 1698.] Rec. d. mem., Par., 1754, i, 220.— Conrato (L.) Sopra un corpo intra-addominale. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1872, 2. s., ii, 1-5.— Corrigan. t . . . ab- dominal tumour; fremissement in abdomen; mode of its production. Med. Times, Lond., 1840, xiv, 151.—Conrty (A.) . . . vaste kyste hydatique de l'abdomen. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1855-6, Ui, 2-4.—Crowthcr (C.) t ... in the peritoneum. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1826, xxv, 49-51.—Davies (G.) Specimen of abdominal cyst in a newly born female chUd. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1878, xix, 5.—Beguise fils. Kystes multiples de la paroi abdominale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1858, viU, 459.—Be la Chand. t . . . du p6ritoine. Mem. Acart. rov. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 447.— Bixon (E. H.) [Cases.] N. York J. M., 1845, v, 357-360.— Buperie. TubercuUsation pulmonaire; kystes hydatiques multiples du peritoine simulant une generaUsation tuber- culeuse. BulL Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 1, 840-843.— Du. play, t [Between the peritoneum and abdominal wall.] Ibid., 1864, xxxix, 501.—Ellis (C.) . . . case of echino- coccuscyst. BostonM.&S. J., 1874,xc,553-559,1 pi.—Fano. ... tumeurs enkyst6es de l'abdomen traitees par la m6thode de M. Recamier. Union med., Par., 1849, Ui, 421; 425; 430.-----. t Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1866, xxxix, 542.—Flnrin. Tumeur hydatique . . . developp6e dans la capsule grais- Beuse p6ri'-nephritique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1862, xxxvU, 419-421.—Forster (J. C.) Fibro-fatty tumour . . . weighing 55 pounds. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858, xix, 246- 248. -----. Blood cyst in abdominal wall; tapped. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, 3. s., xix, 18.— Fnssell (E. F.) t . . . spontaneous recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 6.— Gahrliep (G. C.) t Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips, et Francof., 1695, dec. 3, ii, 71-79, 1 pi.—Gairdner (E.) t Ediub. M. & S. J., 1821, xvii, 406-109.—Gairdner (J.) Case of abdominal disease, in which the substance of vari- ous viscera was destroyed by an entozoon, not hitherto described. Ibid., 1844, lxu, 269-277.—Gidatidni v brush- noi polosti. Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, no. vi, pt. 4, 7-12.—Gode- lier. t . . . attaquee par la ponction sur la Ugne blanche. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1825, 1. s., xvii, 224.— Gonzalez (D. C.) ... puncion e incision; saUda de mas de 300 cuerpos hidatiformes; curacion. Gac. med., Madrid, 1845, i, 193.—Goyrand (G.) ft ... consideres au point de vue chirurgical. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, ii, 235-253.—Graham (\V.) A large quantity of matter or water contained in cystis's or nags adhering to the peritonaeum, and not communicating with the cavity of the abdomen. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1732-44, ix, 187.— Greene (W. W.) t . . . autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 141.—Greenhow (H.) Large hydatid cyst of, abdomen, communicatingwiththegall-bladder; tapping and removal of 248 ounces of biUous fluid; rapid refilling of the cyst; fatal result; interesting autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1862, u, 470.—Gregory (G.) t Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1823, i, 443- 446.—Grigs <£ Cowell. t . . . repeatedly tapped; injec- tion of a weak solution of iodine; rapid recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 876.— Hamilton, t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1868, xlvi, 230-238.—Hcidenreich. t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 449-455.—Hcschl. La der Bauch- hohle freiUegende Cyste; Defect des rechten Ovariums und der rechten Tuba. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., "Wien, 1862, vui, 377-379.—Heusinger. t [Eine grosse mit Hy- datiden angefiiUte Geschwulst hatte aUe Eingeweide des Unterleibes voUig aus ihrer Lage verdriiugt. ] Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1811, ii, 452-464.—Hiarne. Do anatome viriprohydropicohabiti. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. etLips., 1688, iv-v, [1673-4], 199-203, 3pi. Also: Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl., Nurnb., 1757, iv, 257-262, 3 pi.—Hoffmann. Lango Lebensdauer bei selten umfangreicher organischer Storung. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1844, 265-270.—[Holmes.] Hydatid cyst confined entirely to the abdominal waU. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 391.—Horner (W. E.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1845, n. s., x, 323-327. — Huntington (T. R.) t . . . containing hair, teeth, etc. Butt'alo M. J., 1852-3, vui, 161.—Hutchinson (J.) t . . . discharging itself at inter- vals per vaginam. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 296. -----. . . . surgical treatment of hydatid tumours in the abdomen. Ibid., 1864, i, 197-201,1 pi.—Hutton. Extra-renal tumour. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1848, vi, 447-449.—Jones (C. H.) t t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 420—Joslin (E. M.) Adventitious fibroid sac in abdomen; dropsy; paracentesis; twelve hundred and seventy-five pounds ot fluid drawn off in thirty-one operations; post mortem. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa.. 1869, n. s., lvu, 96-99.—Klemm. Eine seltene Unterleibscyste bei einem Kinde. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1867, i, 89-94.—liacombe. Kystes hydatiques multiples de l'abdomen. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1872, xlvii, 425-427.— Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic and hyda- tid). Lane (W. R.) t . . . rapid disappearance, with excessive urinary discharge. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 419.—Lnu. bender, t AUg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1803,70.—I- tenneur. ft... kystes abdominaux tubaires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xx'xu, 50.—Mackintosh (A.) t . . . co-existing with pregnancy; obscure diagnosis. Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 397.— MclVab (D. R.) <& Fowler (T.) t Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1871, xii, 407.—Malhcrbc. t J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., 1860, xxxvi, 127-142.—Martini (C.) Mittheilung zweier FaUe von operirfrn Echinococcencystender Unterleibshohle mit Heilung. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 31.—Mcrck- lein (G. A.) t . . . cine ausserordentUch grosse Geschwulst . . . und doch darzwischen glucldich gebahr. Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf.. Med.-chir.-. . . Abhandl., Numb., 1769, xviu, 70-72,1 pi.—Mcrz. Kyste presume de l'ovairo droit; tumeur ac6phalocyste et abces du foie. Alger med., 1874, ii, 228-230.—IHorand. Sur des sacs membraneux pleins d'hydatides sans nombre, et attaches k plusieurs visceres du bas-ventre. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1722.] CoUect. acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon et Par., 1774, v, 362, 2 pi.—Morlcy (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845, U, 290.—Mor- ton (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1828, i, 19.—Moses (G.) t [With discus.sion and report.] St. Louis M. & S. J., 1878, xxxv, 203: 208.—Moshcr (B.B.) t ... chUd of five years. Chicago M. Times, 1871, iii, 101-103.—Moutet (F.) Des kystes hy- datiques de la paroi abdominale anterieure. Montpel. m6d., 1871, xxvU, 298; 447; 562.— Uouton. t... entre le peritoine et les muscles du bas-ventre. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 445.—Miiller. t Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1858, xU, 117-120.—IXolaton. Tumeur de la region epigastrique; hydatides. Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1845, 2. s., vU, 118; 178.—Obre. t ... in the peritoneum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 302,1 pi.—Observations sur quelques cas de tumeurs abdominales formees par des hydatides. J. de meU. ct chir. prat., Par., 1841, xii, 400- 405.—Palamidcssi (C.) Guarigione d'una vasta ciste idatigena del bassoventre. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1865, xv, 193-207.—Park (J. S.) t NashvUle J. M. &. S., 1858, xv, 120-125.—Pcnfold (O.) On a case of omental hydatid, with reference to change of composition of the cyst-fluid after operation. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1878, xxiU, 102.—Peters, t J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1822, Uv, 3. St., 22-26.—Philippe, t J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1852, x, 466-470.—Pick. Enormous fatty tumour of the abdomen. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869, xx, 337-341. — Piechaud. Kyste hematique du petit epiploon. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1877, 133-140.—Pingault fils. Acephalocystes de- velopp6es dans l'abdomen et sorties par I'ombilic; gueri- son. BuU. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1835, no. 1,28-32.—Pol k (J. J.) t West. J. M. &S., LouisvUle. 1841, 2. s., iv, 34-30.— -----. t West. Lancet, Cincin.. 1856, xvU, 405-407.—Por- ter (J. G.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1837, xx, 204.—Po- tain. Rupture of au hydatid cyst into peritoneum ; sec- ondary ascites; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 120.— Pretty (W.) . . . case ... an enormous hvdatid, etc Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1823, 1, 267-271—Quackcnbush (J. V. P.) t t Sub-peritoneal cystic tumor. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1875, 203-207.—Ramonct. Kyste migrateur sous- peritoneal, k contenu lactescent granulo-graisseux. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1878, xxxiv, 445-453.—Bibes fils. Kyste communiquant avec l'estomac affecte de can- cer latent.^ Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1831, Ui, 29-33.—Richardson, t . . . slow diminution in size dur- ing three years. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 11.— Bichet. Des kystes traumatiques de l'abdomen; kyste sero-sanguin traumatique de l'epiploon gastro-hepatique; autopsie. Union med., Par., 1877, 3. 8., xxiv, 82; 130.— Rippmann (G.) t . . . mit einem Lahalt von 50 Litres Fliissigkeit. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxU, 267 ; 278; 289; 298.—Roberts (D. L.) ... cyst successfuUy re- moved by abdominal section. Liverpool &. Manchester M. & S. Rep., 1873, i, 190-192.—Roberts (L.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 48.—Roloff. t ... in welcher die Punktion in einer bisher noch nicht erhbrten Hautigkeit wiederholt wurde. Rhein.-westphal. Jahrb d. Med. u. Chir., Hannov., 1825, x, 1. St., 72-70.—Rupp (J.) Opera- tion einer grossen Balggeschwulst. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1852, v, 508-513.—Russell (J.) t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1837-8, xU. 238-243.—Schrockius (L. jr.) t Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1090, dec. 2, vui, (1689), 559-564.—Schwcikert. t . . . nebst der Leichen- oflhung. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gericht. Arznk., Jena, ABDOMEN. 23 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic and hyda- tid). I 1806, iv, 448-457.—Seerig (W.) t ... die ans der Unter- I lcibshohle einer Jungiiau geschnitten wnrde. Schmidt's ] Jahrb., Leipz., 1834, i, 90.—Simmons (S.F.) t Med. Com- I municat. Soc. Promot. Med. Kiiowl., Lond., 1784. i. 101- 100.—Stanley. Serous cyst between the abdominal mus- cles in the left Uiac region. Rep. bv L. Holden. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, u. 8., Ui. 506.—Stans'ki. t Gaz. med.. Par., 1852, 3. s., vii, 629.—Stein (J.) Eine colossale Blntcyste des Abdomen. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc.. Berl., 1870, xlix, 136-142.—Taylor (F.) t . . . simulating ovarian disease; treated successfuUv by operation. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869. 3. s., xiv, 235-240.—Thornton (J. K.) Re- moval of hydatids of the omentum and from the pelvis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, U, 505-567.—Trousseau. I De l'acupuncture multiple comme moyen d'obtenir lad- j herence entre les parois de l'abdomen et les kystes conte- nus dans le ventre. BuU. g£n. de therap., etc!. Par.. 1862, ! lxui, 517-523. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1862-3. xxvUi, 78-85.—Tubbesing (J. W.) Ueber die Sackwas- ! sersuchten der Bauchhohle. Org, f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, I 1855, iv, 209; 257.—Turner (J. W.) t Med. Times. Lond., ] 1848, xvUi, 154.—Urban (A.) t Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Miinchen, 1835. i, 182-198.—lrclten. t . . . einer 53jahri- gen Frau. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1839. 523.— Verhaeghe. t Ann. Soc. meU.-cbir. de Bruges, 1842, iU, 189-192.—Watmough (W.) Unusual course and ter- mination. [Rupture and discharge of over 50 smaU fawn-rolored stones.] Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond.. 1865, U, 628.—Weber (C.) Sackgeschwulst des Unterleibes von i seltener Grosse als Folge einer vernachlassigten Eier- stockentziindung. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1856. x, 109-111.—Winship (A.) t . . . with a ] dissection. Mem. M. Soc. Lond.. 1789. U. 368-372. 1 pi.— j Wolflcr (A.) Incarceration einer Abdominal-Cyste im rechten Leistencanale; Operation: Heilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi, 432-441, 1 pi— Wolff (M.) Opera- i tive Behandlung zweier Unterleibs-Echinococcen, nebst einigen epicritischen Bemerkungen iiber fiinf friiher in der hiesigen KUnik operirte FifUe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. J 1870, vU, 53; 66.—Zicglcr. FaU eines Bauchschnitts mit Entleerung von Hydatiden. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1824, xvi, 407-416. j Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). j Bigot (T.-C.) *Dissertation sur les tumeurs j graisseuses exterieures au peritoine qui peuvent qnelquefois simuler des hernies. 4°. Paris, 1821. I Corxils (C. P.) *De nonnullis iibromatis tegu- minibus abdominis. 4°. Kilia, 1865. Dardel (G.) "Observation clinique d'un fi- brome de la region sus-pubienne. 8~. Berne, 1865. c. Dewclf (L. J. A.) * II. Des tumeurs qui peu- vent occuper la paroi abdominale ant6rieure. 4°. Paris, 1839. Langenmantel (A.) * Exstirpation einerneun- zehiipfundigen Geschwulst. 8°. Miinchen, 1847. Suadicani (E.) *tlber Geschwulste in den Bauchdecken und deren Exstirpation. 4C. Kiel, 1875. Agnew (D. H.) Fatty tumor just above crest of Uium. Phila. M. Times. 1872, iii, 121.—Anderson (A. M.) A case of congenital multUocular cyst of the abdominal waU. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 225— Andrcini (R.) Abla- zione di tumore traumatico abdominale del muscolo retto sinistro. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1876, 5. s., xxi, 255- 263.—An 5c lot. Tumeur coUoIde. Rev. mC-d.-phot. d. hop. de Par., 1874, vi, 157-160, 1 pi.—Railey (J. S.) t Buf- falo M. &. S. J., 1872-3, xii, 302.—Ralme. Observation sur une plivsconie externe. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1804, vii, 99-117.—Ranks (G. G.) t N. Orl. M. J., 1844-5, i, 63.—Rard (L.) Fibrome aponevrotique intra- parietal . . . Lyon med.. 1877, xxvi, 301-305.—Bartho- low. Epigastric tumor. Clinic, Cincin., 1876, xi, 184.— I Bellamy (E.) Tumour from tendon of transversalis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870, xxi, 340.—Bcltran (F.) Li- poma fibroso del epigastrio. An. de cien. med., Madrid, 1879, vii, 29.—Bennett (R.) t Autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii. 328.—Bcrtheraml (A.) Lipome volumineux au flanc droit; diagnostic differentiel; ablation; gu6rison. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1859, iv, 113.—Borland. t Boston M. & S. J., 1803, lxviii, 461.—Boulcngcr. t BuU. Acad, demed., Par., 1842-3, viU, 050-058.—Bouque (E. F.) [Une tumour carcinomateuse k la region epigas- trique.] lnhis: Clin. chir. de Gand, 1873, 64-76.— Bragaglia (L.) . . . voluminoso tumor fibroso escito daUe pareti addominaU di giovane. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1857, 4. s., vU, 96-100.—Bryant (T.) Pendulous fibro-nucleated tumour developed on the skin of the abdo- men. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, vUi, 388. AIso: Lancet, Lond., 1857. ii, 35.—Burguct. Tumeur sur l'abdomen; Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). discussion. Mem. et bnU. Soc. de meU. de Bordeaux, 1870, 288.—Cady. t [Three inches above the umbUicus.] Bos- ton M. «fc S. J.. 1863, lxviii, 284— Caffc. Tumeur . . . de l'abdomen tresremarquable . . . Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1854-5. xx, 524-530.—Cameron (H. C.) Recurrent fibroid tumour. Glasgow M. J., 1875, n. s., vU, 121-123.—Cavaz- zani (G.) Estirpazione di un tumore delle pareti ventraU ed escisione di porzione deUe pareti deUo stomaco. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1879, xxii, 99; 107.— Chomel. Phlegmon de la fosse Uiaque. Tumeur deve- loppee dans les parois de l'abdomen. Diagnostic differen- tiel. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 373; 386.—[Clark (A.)] t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, U, 494.—Conat. Enormous tumor of the side. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 218.—Cooper (A.) t... successfuUy extirpated. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond., 1821, xi, 440-444.—Critchett. t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, i, 337.—Belaunay. Fibrome de la paroi abdominale, adherent au peritoine; difficultes particu- Ucres de diagnostic; operation par morceUement et abla- tion incomplete. Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s., U, 651-653.—Bcspres. t Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 647-050.—Dittel. Exstirpation eines Fibroids. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1867, xU, 61.—Bobie (W. M.) . . . excision; cure. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb.. 1853, xvU, 424. — Braper (F. W.) t . . . ex- cision. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxix, 23.—Bnbreuilh (C.) t Mem. et buU. Soc. demed. de Bordeaux, 1869, 219- 224.—Evans, t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 548. —Perrant (C.) Fibrome 6norme de la paroi abdominale, implante sur la partie anterieure de la fosse iUaque droite; raisons qui font que cette tumeur est inop6rable. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1878, xiv, 341-343. —Ficber (C.) . . . Exstirpation; Einriss des Peritoneums; HeUung. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, vUi, 813 ; 839.—Gallozzi. As- portazione d'un sarcoma riprodottosi per la terza volta al- ia regione ombeUcale di un uomo. Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 486-489.—Gauche (J.-B.) Fibro-sarcome de la paroi abdominale, volumineuse, avec transformation calcaire par- tieUe et kystes hematiques. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, 4. s.. Ui, 371-374. Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 45.—Ger- suny (R.) t... Operation; HeUung., 1874, xxiv, 788-791.—Gibb (G. D.) Adipose tumour over the left Uium above the hip, the size of a large fcetal head, growing 17 years, and mistaken for a ventral hernia ; suc- cessfuUy removed. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1857, iv, 450- 454. — Gosselin. [Case of Upoma, containing erectile tissue.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1842, xvii, 208.—Gon. rand, t Ibid., 1862, xxxvii, 263.—von Grate (C. F.) t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxU, 25.—Gross. t Proc Path. Soc. PhU., 1860, i, 189.—Gussenbaucr (K.) t . . . von der Scheide des rechten geraden Banchmuskela ausgehend und mit dem Peritonaum verwachsen ; Exstir- pation ; HeUung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiU, 172-175.—Guyon (F.) Tumeurs enkystees des parois de l'abdomen. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1859, i, 183- 188.—Hall (C.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1831, viU, 536- :>:!?.—Bodges (R. M.) . . . excised. Boston M. & S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 231.—Homans (J.) . . . monstrous growth of fleshy substance in a chUd of five years old. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1821, x, 125.—Hortcloup. t Myome. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, iii, 256-258.— Bin Ike. t... attached to the fascia transversalis. Lancet, Lond., 1870, U, 215.—Hunt. [Removal of a large cancerous growth upon the abdomen. Rep. by M. S. French.] Cincin. Lancet & CUnic, 1879, n. s., U, 487.—Jahn. Geschichte einer bosartigen Verhartung aUer Bauchmuskeln der einen Seite und deren schwierigen Operation. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1826, lxiU, Suppl.-Hft., 52-78.— Kidd (A.) Removal of large tumour. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. s., xxU, 5. — Langenbcck (B.) . . . Exstirpation . . . Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, U, 222.— Laroyennc. Tumeur peripelvienne; ablation; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1809, xUi, 450— I^etaillieur. . . . de la Ugne blanche; operation; guerison. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 623.—Liipome de ia paroi ab- dominale ; ablation au moyen de la galvano-caustique ther- miquo; guerison. France med., Par., 1869, xvi, 773.— liisfranc. Tumeur des parois abdominales; . . . ouver- ture spontnnee; guerison. Gaz. me'd. de Par., 1837, v, 342.— EiOtzbcck. Angeborene Cystengeschwulst in der Bauch- decke. Arch. f. path. Anat.,' etc., Berl., 1858, xv, 383-387.— Mason (F.) PapUlary growth of abdominal waU. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 229.—ITIenzel (A.) Melano- sarcoma deUe pareti addominaU, nato da una macchia pig- mentata congenita. Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste, 1876, ii, 119-122.—Missa (H. M.) Memoir sur une tumeur skir- rheuse. situee entre le peritoine et la partie superieure de muscledroitettransverse, qui occupe l'hypochondre gauche. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1755, ii, 2. ed., 99- 104.—IVicaise. t Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, ni, 624. -----. . . . ablation; guerison. Ibid., 1878, iv, 618- 622.—O'Grady (E. S.) t . . . closely simulated a hernia; recovery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lx, 35, 2 pi.—Pa- get. Fibro-nucleated tumeur of the abdomen of four. teen years'growth; removal. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 625. —Pauas. t Fibrorinyome des parois abdominales; ope- ration; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 977.— ABDOMEN. 24 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Tumors of, Parietal). Paul, t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxUi, 324-326.— Paul (J.) Vascular tumor on the parietes of the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1839, i, 270.—Petavel. [De la region sus-pubienne.] BuU. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1872, vi, 100.—Prevost. [Un Upome congeni- tal de la_region abdominale enleve avec succes.] Ibid., 105.—Prizzoli (F.) Cancroidc neUa regione epigastrica I comprendente il peritoneo; sua csci.sione; guarigione. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1873, 5. s., xv, 341-353.—Beibel. t Proc-verb. . . . Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1807, iv, 120-128. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 115.—Koig. j Historia cUnica de un mixoma hialino en la region pubiana; estirpacion y curacion. Cron. med., Valencia, 1879, U, 230- 235.—Saez (A.) Estirpacion de uno tumor escirroso situ- ado en el espesor de lasparedes abdominales. Bol. de med., cirug. y fann., Madrid, 1848, 3. s,, Ui, 193.—Sappey. ] Tumeur volumincuse de la regione ombiUcale, de nature j fibro-plastique, prise pour une tumeur encephalolde; extu:- pation; . . . guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., U, 29.— Starley (S. F.) A case of vascular tumor. Tr. Texas M. Ass., MarshaU, 1877, ix, 176-178.—Stokes (W.) Removal of a fungus from the abdominal waUs. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 35.—Stone (W.) [. . . two inches above the umbilicus ; removed.] N. Oil. M. &. S. J., 1849-50, vi, 420- 422.—v. Sydow (F.) <£■ Hedenius. t Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1SG7-8, iii, 649-655.—Symc (J.) Melanotic tumour; removal; recovery. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1838, 1, 385.— Szcparowicz (J.) t . . . wyzdrowienie. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1876, xv, 93.—Thomas (T. G.) Fibroid tumor developed from the sheath of the abdominal muscles; . . . removal, and recovery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1879, xii, 598.—Tan Goudoever (L. C.) t . . . een enorm fibroid in den buikwand. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1864, xiv, 53-66.—Virchow (R.) Ein Fibroma moUuscum cvsticum abdominale. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxiU, 566.—Ward (H.) . . . adipose tumour of the abdomen weighing four pounds and a half, avoirdupois. Med.-Chir. J. & Rev., Lond., 1817, Ui, 5-8.— Wciglein. . . . Chondrosarcoms in den Bauchdecken. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staates, Wien, 1833, n. F., v, 402-405. Abdomen (Tumors of, Phantom). Boeclerus (J,) Ad exteros medicos, occasione fraudulent.* mulieris, quae per totam fere vitam ficto nionstroso ventre omnium decepit oculos, conscripta epistola. 1728. In: Hallek, Disp. ad. morb., iv. Broca (P.) Sur une prStendue grossesse extra-uterine, traitee avec succes par l'electro-puncture. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 001-603.—Carter. Phantom tumour. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, U, 543.—Chadsey. Phan- tom tumors. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, xi, 240.—Cullen (J. S. D.) t Phantom tumor, supposed to be ovarian; autopsy revealed no disease of uterus or ovaries, but chronic in- flammation of stomach. Virginia Clin. Rec, Richmond, 1871-2, i, 153.—Ba Costa (J. M.) CUnical lecture on spurious or "phantom" tumors of the abdomen. PhUa. M. Times, 1871, i, 449.—Brysdale (C. R.) [Phantom tu- mourwith hysteria.] Med. Press&Circ, Lond., 1873, xvi, 543.—Grecnhow (E. E.) On "phantom tumours "of the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1857, l, 58-00.—Istoria voo-ov Tivbt irepUpyov. [Fever tumors appearing and disappearing in various parts of the abdomen tor 4 months ; recovery.] 'laTpmrj MeAiOtTa, 'ABrjvai, 1854, U, 109-177.—Jcnner. t . . . aphonia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 337.—Lyons, t Dublin M. Press ange (E. A.) Contusio or- ganorum abdominaUum; peritonitis cum exsudatione. Tijd- schr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Lndie, Batav., 1853, U, 315-321.—Eanghornc (J. M.) t Tr. M..Ass. Alabama, 1873, Selma, 1874, 70.—Larbaud <£ Maubland. [Cases.] J. do chir. (Desault), Par., 1792, iv, 14S-153.—Iiarcade (J. A.) t N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1874-5. U. 825. -----. t Ibid., 827.—Larrey. [Cases.] Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 241.—Earrey fils. t BuU. Acad, dc mod., Par., 1840, v, 253.—Earrey (H.) M6moirc sur les plaies Senetrantes do l'abdomen compUqu6es d'issue dc l'epiploon. [em. Acad, do m6d., Par., 1845, xi, 064-682. Rap. M. GimeUe, Bull. Acad, do m6d., Par., 1840, v, 459.— Earzclerc (J. R.) t Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1873, n. s., xvi, 654-657'.—Eaugier (A.) t . . . compUqu6e do division double do l'intestin; r6duction de celui-ci sans suture; gas- troraphie; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Montpel., 1841-2, ii, no. 8.—Eaura (S.) t Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1873, 3. s., xiv, 410-123.—dc Eavachcrie. t Rev. mod., pharm. ct hippiat., Liege, 1847-8, i, 389.—Ecautaud. t J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xviii, 174-177. -----. Observation sur des contusions qu'uu jeuno houuuo a recues dans tout lo bat-\ eutie. avec de grandes douleurs. Ibid., 1764, xx, 355-358— Ecavitt (T. L.) t [Gunshot.] | Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864-5, xU, 105.—Eebcrt. j 1 . . . prodijite par un coup de corne. de vaebc, avec issue d'une portion considerable d'intestin, suivie d'une prompte Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). gu6rison. AbeUle m6d., Par., 1864, xxi, 289.—Eeclerc (L.) t . . . avec issue de l'6piploon; gu6rison. Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1859, iv, 1.—Eedwich. t Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 83.—Eefever (J.) t Calif. State M. J., Sacramento, 1856-7, i, 467-469.—Eegroux. . . . cas d'empalement. . . au moyen d'un 6chalas qui a travers6 le ventre et la poitrine; anus contre nature. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1834-5, U, 34-40.—Eemaitre. Observation d'une 6ventration caus6e par un coup de comes d'un taureau furieux. Ann. de la m6d. physiol., Par., 1823, Ui, 120-125.—Eeney (J.) t . . . gunshot. .. DubUn M. Press, 1849, xxU, 292.—Lenox (L. F.) t Gunshot. . . buUet passed per anum; recovery. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, y, 112-114.—Ecpine. t . . . ayant donn6 issue a l'estomac, a l'arc dn colon et a l'epiploon; gu6rie en 21 jours. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1843-4, ix, 146-149.—Eeva. t Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1846, 95.—Eewis (Z.) t . . . gunshot. .. Stetho- scoped:. Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1851, l, 624.—Eiebault. t . . . a>pec issue des visceres, et divers autres accidens graves. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1807, xiii, 3C-38.—Eisnevski (I. I.) t Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1874, 392.—Eister (J.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, U, 56.—E is ton. t Gunshot. . . artificial anus. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, 236.—Eittrc (A.) [3 cases.] [From: M6m. Acad. r. d. sc. do Par., 1705.] Rec. d. m6m., Dijon, 1754, U, 220-223.—Eloyd (C.) Removal of long iron hook, 74, inches, from the cavity of tho pelvis. Ladian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1876, xvUi, 122.—E'ffiillcy. . . . plaie d'arme k feu. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1769, xxx, 549-551.—Eong. t Dublin M. Press, 1847, xvU, 121.—Eong (J. A.) t South. J. M. & Phys. Sc, KnoxvUle, Tenn., 1857, vi, 341.—Eong (R.) Extensive wound . . . with protrusion of the bowels; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 1846, xv, 134.—Eongmore (T.) See Todd (R. C), infra.—Eove (J. H. H.) t Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, n. s., iv, 271.—Eumniczer (A.) t Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 40.— McDonald (J.) t Gun-shot ... Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Raleigh, 1874, 92-94.—MacDowell. . . . extrusion of a portion of tho great omentum; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1873, xv, 3.—dc Macedo (F.) Urn trata- mento do epiplocele traumatico. Correio med. do Lisb., 1871-2, i, 2-5.-----. Epiplocele traumatico; nao-reduccao do epiploon; cura. Ibid., 199.—Macewcn (W.) t Glas- gow M. J., 1875, n. s., vU, 1; 115.—MacGillivray (P. H.) f Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866, U, 357.—JlcGuirc (H.) Gun-shot and other wounds of the peritoneum. Tr. M. Soc. Virginia, Richmond, 1873, 72-81.—McLeod (K.) On the frotrusion of the pancreas through an abdominal wound. ndian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 301.—MeNutt (W. F.) t CaUf. M. Gaz., San. Fran., 1868-9, i, 57.—Macquct (J.) t Gaz. m6d. dePar., 1847, 3. 8., U, 746.—Malic (P.) [Cases.] Rec. de m6m. demed___mU., Par., 1837, xlhi, 271-281.— Ma- ria (D. S.) t. . . with symptoms of injury of the intestines; heahng ... in seven days. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, Ui, 751.—Markoe (T. M.) BuUet wound. nosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iv, 71.—Marsdcn (A.) t Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 398.—Marsh (O. E. B.) ... with protru- sion of a large amount of intestine, foUowed by traumatic delirium and erysipelas; recovery. Ibid., 1878, i, 901.— Martinez (M. V.) t. . . saUda de una porcion deomento; excision de este; compUcacion de una peritonitis traumatica. Bol. demed., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1847, 3. s., U, 25.— Martins (B.) t Correio med. di Lisb., 1874, iv, 80-83.— Martins Costa (M. J.) Feridas d'arma de fogo no ven- tre, compUcadas com ferimento dos intestinos, curadas sem operacao. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1839, ix, 23-30.— Martz. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxU, 284.— Maternus de Cilnno (G. C.) De in- testini coU portione o vulnere hypochondiii sinistri extra abdomen propendente, nee tamen ab aero per longani an- norum scriem corrupta. Acta Acad. nat. curios., 1754, x, 15-21.—May (G.) . . . treatment of injuries . . . of tho ab- domen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i. 298.—Maybcrry (G. M.) t Dublin M. Tress, 1842, viU, 375.—Mead. Wound of abdomen waUs, with protrusion of hum. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1878, v, 46-48.—Mcdrano (N.) t Tel6grafo med., Barcel., 1847, i, 101-111.—Meldon. t . . . gunshot . . . Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, i, 53. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872, UU, 297.—Menschcl (A.) t [Gunshot.] Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1852, v, 269- 273.—Mcnzel (A.) t Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste, 1876, U, 114.—Metz. t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., Koblenz, 1837, 142.— Michaclis. t [Gunshot.] Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 920-923.—Michaux. t . . . par instrument contondant; traitement antiphlogistiquo 6ner- gique ; guerison. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, iv, 113- 116.—Michel (A.) t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxx, 207.— Middlcton (W. G.) t Canada M. J., Montreal, 1806, U, 4">:i. Also: Canada Laucet, Toronto, 1870-1, iii, 258.— Moe (E. C.) t Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., 1855, ix, 88.—Mokritskii (P.) t Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1876, iii, 331-330.—Moll, t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi. 2.VJ.— Monro (0. E.) t Med. Exam., Lond., 1878, Ui, 287.—Mo- rain!. Plaie au bas-ventre. In his: 0]>usc. de chir., Par., 1772, ii, 147-149.—de Morgan (C.) t I'.rit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 55.—Moublct. . . . acconipayi6e d'accidens extra- ABDOMEN. 29 ABDOMEN. Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). ordinaires. Rec. p6riod. d'obs. de med., Par., 1757, vii, 282-294.—Mourray (W. F.) Notes of a case of crocodUe bite, with removal of a large portion of omentum. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xu, 245^—Miiller. t Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg, 1863, U, 42-45.— Munro (P.) t . . . strangulated omentum and mesentery. Montreal M. Gaz., 1844, i, 269.—Mutru. t . . . avec sortie de l'6piploon; . . . guerison. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1843-4, iv, 44.—Nagel. t Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1855, i, 257.—Nelson (W.) t Bayonet-... Montreal M. Gaz., 1844, i, 163-173.—Nettle (W.) t . . . protrusion of the omentum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 433.—de Ncuf- ville (W.) t Arch. f. physiol. HeUk., Stuttg., 1849, vUi, 114-116.—Neustadtl. \ [Gunshot.] . . . BUdnng einea anus praeternaturaUa. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1865, x, 83.—v. Nick. 11 Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1838, vui, 279.—Nicolls (S.) Extraordinary case of suicide. DubUn M. Press, 1854, xxxii, 214.—Nieto (A. M.) t Siglo mod., Madrid, 1878, xxv, 457-479.—Nihoul (G.) t [Hernie do l'epiploon.] J. de m6d., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1858, xxvi, 39.—Nockher. t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1839, 700.—Norcom (F. B.) t Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvU, 397-401.—Nunneley. Portion of omen- tum removed . . . under the supposition that it was a piece of protruding lung. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 109.— von Nussbaum. t Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1869, xx,230-233.-----. t Ibid., 1870.xxi,308-314.— Obcrstiidt. t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., Koblenz, 1842,104.—Odevaine(F.) t.. .with protrusion of the pan- creas. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 258\ -----. t Ibid., 1878, xiii, 43.—Oesterlen. Schussverletzungen von Bauch und Becken. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1871. xU, 57-62.—Olivieri (0.) [20 cases.] Ann. clin. a. osp. d. Pellegr. di NapoU, 1871, i, 135-158. -----. [25 cases.] Ibid., 1872, ii, 318-363.—On ate (J.) ... por armade fuego, a. g. Observador med., M6xico, 1871, i, 231.— Opitz (R. E.) . . . oberhalb dem Nabel, durch welche ein betrachtUcher TheU des linken Lobi der Leber herausge- faUen. Repert. f. d. off. u. gerichtl. Arzeneyw., Berl., 1793, Ui, 140-145.—Ozeune. . . . hernie de l'intestin grele (1 metro); guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, U, 787.—Pack- ard (J. II.) t [Gunshot.] PhUa. M. Times, 1873, Ui, 259.— Pages, t J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1767, xxvU, 585-588.—Parfeneuk (A. G.) t Protok. zasaid. Kav- kazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1872, 523. -----. t Ibid.. 1873, 638.—Parrish. t . . . baU traversing . . . lower portion of the abdomen without. . . injury . ■ • of the viscera. Tr.Col. Phys., PhUa., 1841-6, i, 254.—Patissier. Plaies de l'ab- domen. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xliU, 31-57.—Patron (J. D.) t . . . producida por una cornada; peritonitis con- secutiva; curacion. Emulacion, M6rida, 1873-4, i, 57-59.— Patry. t BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1862-3, xxviU, 785-804. Also: Union med., Par., 1804,2. s., xxi, 408; 469.—Pattison (G. S.) Rapport fait a la Societe m6dicale d'6mulation sur un m6moire ayant pour titre: Observations on abdominal wounds, with cases, etc. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xiii, 241-252.—Pazos (L. E.) t Bol. de med., cirug.y farm., Madrid, 1846, 3. s., i, 375-377.—Pazos y Parga (E.) t Gac. med., Madrid, 1846, ii, 503.—Peabody (J. H.) t Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Omaha, 1870, 23.—Pcan. t Lan- cet, Lond., 1874, i, 308.—Pearl (W.) t Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863, v, 581.—Penetrirende . . . Bruch ' mehrerer Rippen; Zermahnung des rechten Vorderarmes; Bruch des rechten Oberschenkels; Reposition desNetzes; Amputation des Oberarmes: Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kranken- anst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1870, 176.—Pepere (P.) [15 cases.] Ann. clin. d. osp. d. PeUegr. di NapoU, 1871, i, 38-55.—Petrequin <£ Foltz. Extraction par l'ombUic d'une sonde de feinme introduito par les voies genitales. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 1253-1256.— Pica- chy (D.) t . . . foUowed by artificial anus. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1855, U, 687-689.—Pigne. Observation d'une d6clurure faite par la come d'un taureau aux parois de l'abdomen et de la matrice chez une femme grosse; sor- tie du fcetus ct de ses d6pendances par la plaie. J. do nied. et chir. prat., Par., 1836, vU, 417.—Pitha. t Vrtl- jschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1848, iv, 121-123.—Plaie | do l'abdomen, suivie de 1'etranglement de l'anse intestinale contenue entre les deux feuUlets apouevrotiques du muscle droit. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1863, lxiv, 273.— Plaie abdominale donnant issue a une portion de l'6pi- ploou; gu6rison par tamponnement epiplolqne. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1857, liii, 85.—Plaie penetrante. J. do med. et chir. prat., Par., 1842, xiU, 450.—Po- drazki. Schuss durch die vordere Bauchwand, dieLober, das ZwerchfeU, die Lunge; Verletzung des Herzens; Tod nach 10 Tagen. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1863, viU, 121.— Poincelct. Observation sur une eventration consid6rable faite par la corno d'un taureau. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1787, lxxi, 290-297.—Polano (M.) t . . . uitzak- king < 'n terugbrenging van dunno darmen; hechting der uit- weudige bekleedsels met geknoopte naden; buikvliesont- Bteking; buikbreuk; onvolkomen afsluiting van ingewan- deu; dood. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1860, iv, 161-165.—Pollock (G.) Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 2. ed., N. I Y., 1872, U, 619-707.—Poncet. Observation de plaie p6ne- ! trante de la poitrine et de l'abdomen par baUe de revolver; ! Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). mort; autopsie. Bull, ctmem. Soc. d. chir. de Par., 1877, n. 8., Ui, 431-434.—Pooley (J. H.) t Gunshot... Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1870, iv, 1.—Poppcl. [Selbstmord mittelst einer Stich- wunde gegen den Untorleib.] Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxvU, 69-73.—Poreggcr (A.) t AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1860, v, 135.—Porter eG.) t ... di- vision of tho left renal artery. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi, 103.—Post. Stab in the abdomen and knee. AnnaUst, N. Y., 1846, i, 26-28.—[Post (A. C.)] t N. York J. M. & S., 1839, i, 453-455. Also: N. York M. Gaz., 1842, ii, 20.—Potter (J.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, U, 196.—Price, t Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta, 1871, i, 531.—Pricger. Bauchwunde. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1861, n. F., iv, 285.— Purdon (C.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 94.—Quain. t Gunshot... Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i, 0-8. —Randolph (J.) t Med. Exam., PhUa., 1838, i, 242.—Bankin. t Buflalo M. J., 1858-9, xiv, 467-469.—[Raphael (B. J.)] t N. York J. M. & S., 1841, iv, 116.—Rau (O.) Verletzung des Peri- toniium mit gliickUchem Ausgang; Laparoraphe. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1851, 12-14.—Rawson (C. H.) t Gunshot. . . Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, vUi, 16.— Raymer (A. T.) t Gunshot. . . NashvUle J. M. & S., 1860, xvUi, 204-200.—Rea (J. C.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1874, n. s., lxviU, 147-150.—Rees (J.) t Gun-shot... Lond. M. & S. J., 1834, iv, 605.—Reinhold. t Wchnschr. f. d. §es. HeUk., Berl., 1843, 228. -----. Stichwunde der Len- engegend mit Netzvorfall. Ibid., 229.—Rezek. t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1858, viU, 358-300.—Ribbcutrop. . . . Bauchwunde mit. . . Vorfalle oberflachUch verletzter Ge- diirme, nebst Bemerkungen uber Baucbnaht nnd Ruck- fuhrung von Darmvorlallen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 79; 83.—Richardson (T. G.) t N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1875, U, 825.—Richcrand (A.) Observation sur l'obscurit6 du diagnostic dans les plaies p6netrantes do l'abdomen. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1801, ii, 352-361. Also: Mem. Soc m6d. d'6mulat. de Par., 1803, v, 443- 448.—Ricochon. Plaie pen6trante de l'abdomen. Gaz. hebd. de in6d., Par., 1876, 2. s., xUi, 724-726. —Ro- bards (II. R.) Wounds of the abdomen. Memphis M. Recorder, 1857, v, 412-415.—Roberts (J. V.) t Gun- shot . . . Am. J. Homoeop. Mat. Med., PhUa., 1875, ix, 91-93.—Rogers (H. R.) ... with protrusion of the bowels and laceration and removal of a portion of the Uver. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1875, xxxU, 884-886.— Ross (A.) f N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1870-1, i, 44-48.—Roth (A.) t Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 1239- 1241.—Roudier. . . . avec issue d'une portion consid6ra- ble des intcstins greles et de l'epiploon. J. de m6d., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1772, xxxvU, 452-455.—Roux.. .. lesion et issue d'une portion des intestins; mort 48 heures apres. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1835, ix, 1. -----. Cas remarquable de fistule penetrante de l'abdomen par cause traumatique. Ibid., 415.—Roy. t J. dem6d. do Lyon, 1843, iv, 390-401.— Rulison (W. H.) t Gunshot. . . Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1863, vU, 242.—Rul-Ogcz. t Solution de continuit6 par in- strument tranchant sur le cote du thorax constituant une plaie p6netrante, et du ventre avec division du diaphragme; gu6rison. J. de m6d., Brux., 1843, i, 571-574.—Ruridle (W. I.) t . . . lodgement of the buUet, and its escape after a period of seven years and a half into the aUmentary canal, causing internal strangulation and death. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 300, 1 pi.—Santa Maria. Herida penetrante del vientre y otro de uno & otro horde del antebrazo derecho; muerte & las veintisiete horas. Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1849, v, 08.—Sta. Maria (D.) . . . con sintomas do ofensa de los intestines, curada por ad- hesion inmediata, en siete dias. Bol. do med., cirug. y fann., Madrid, 1843, 2. s., iv, 11.—Sayre (L. E.) t Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1855, iv, 179.—Scharn. t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1843, u. 7-580.—Schcnek. t MU.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1804, no. v, 22.—Scholz (W.) Zur Kasuistik der Unterleibs-Verletzungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1806, vU, 257; 726; 742.—Schusswunden des Unterleibs. Preuss. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, Ui, 86.— Schwa be. Selbstmord durch eine todtliche Sehuss- wundo des Unterleibs mit VorfaU mehrerer Eingeweide. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., HaUe, 1836-7, i, 378-383.— Scidcl. t . . . durch ein spitzes gliihendes Eisenstiibchen verursacht. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1854, vUi, 363-365.—[Seidel (W. A. G.)] t Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb. u. Leipz., 1862, n. F., i, 141-145.—de Sena (M.) Commozione generale, fondato sospetto di rottura d'organi contenuti neUa cavita addomi- nale; morto dopo poctii minuti deUa sua venuta. Ann. cUn. d. osp. d. Pellegr. di NapoU, 1872, U, 501.—Senvrc. Peritonite traumatique a\ec ascite et epanchement de bUo dans le peritoine. Bull. Soc. med. de Rheims, no. xiv, 1870, 63-66— Shackelford <£• Happel. t . . . gun-shot . . . Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1873, viii, 338-341.—Shah (C.) . . . with protrusion of smaU intestine, 3 feet long, treated by ice, carboUc oU, and opium; recovery without peritonitis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 297.—Shaw, "\7ounds of tho stomach, jejunum, and abdominal aorta, from a pistol-shot. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 108-170.— Shaw (W.) t Am. M. Recorder, PhUa,, 1818, i, 20-22.*- Shearly. t Lancet, Lond., 1828, U, 181.—Shearman ABDOMEN. 30 ABDOMEN, Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). (E. J.) t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., .845, 545.—Sheets (L. D.) t Gunshot . . . Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864-5, xii, 445.—Smith (A. A.) t Tr. Georgia M. Ass., Atlanta, 1878, 222.—Smith (D. J.) t Cincin. Lancet & Cbnic, 1879, n. s., ii, 128.—Smith (H. II.) t ... in- cised wound. Med. Exam., PhUa., 1838, i, 242.—Smith KJ.) A penetrating wound extending from back of thigh through ischio-reetal fossa into the abdominal cavity; perforation of Ueum. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 311.—Smith (W. J.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 724.— Soltesz (M.) t Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Ungarn, Olden- burg, 1860, xi, 57-59.—Soule (E.) [Cases.] J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1850, vui, 65-75.—Spath. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 220.—Spencc (J.) 11 Edinb. M. J., 1860, vi, 414-420.—Spencer (P. C.) t . . . puncture ... in the scrotum and groin, by a stick weed. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1851, i, 439.— Speycr (A. F.) t Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1841, vii, 624-630.— Spilsbary. t Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1835, vU, pt. 2, 467.—Stables (J.) t. . . in the omentum. Med. &Phys. J., Lond., 1803,x,350.—Stanley, t Lancet,Lond., 1850, U, 397.— Standenmaier. Heilung einer bedeutenden Bauch- wunde. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1841, xi, 241.—Steavenson(W.E.) t Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 694.—Steenstra Toaswaint (A. J. D.) t Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1852, i, 147.—Steppan (J.) t AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 558.—Stewart (W. D.) .. . recovery with artificial anus. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1871, vi, 140.— Stichwunde am Bauche; penetrirendundcompUcirt; En- teroraphie; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stif- tung in Wien, 1869, 238-240.—Stickney (C. D.) t . . . gun- shot . . . Boston M. & S. J., 1854, li, 360.—Strieker (G. A.) Eine durch eine Bauchwunde bewUkte Darmeinklemmung. Org. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1859, vui, 337-346.—Stillert. t Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1832, xxxvU, 287.—Stuart (W. J.) [Cases.] Gun-shot wounds of the abdominal and of the pelvic cavities. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1860, n. 8., no. v, 34-37.—Sussi. 11 J. demed.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1777, xlviii, 132-140.—Sympson (T.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, U, 463.—Swetelsky (A.) . . . DarmvorfaU; Darmwunde; HeUuntrnach 20 Tagen. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 112—T. t Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1813, n. s., i, 387-389.—Tad- lock (A. B.) t Gun-shot. . . Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 9.—Tavignot. t [Gunshot.] Experience, Par., 1840, v, 313.—Taylor (A.) Penetrating wound of the abdomen, with protrusion of the taU of the pancreas. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 258k.—Taylor (J. N.) Abdominal wounds. NashvUle J. M. & S., 1874, 2. s., xiii, 351.—Teaguc (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1849, ii, 666.—Ten- nent (J.) t Dublin M. Press, 1844, xu, 91. Also: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1844, iv, 453-456.—Tew (H. S.) Case of artificial anus, the result of a sun-shot wound. Ca- nada M. J., Montreal, 1865, i, 358.—Thompson (S. M.) . . . puncturing the descending colon. Tr. M. Soc. Tennes- see, NashvUle, 1876, 124.—Thorp (H.) Cases Ulustrative of the beneficial effects of the opium treatment, in injuries and operations interesting the intestines and peritoneum, with remarks. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 161-166. -----. . . . protrusion of large intestine and omentum, with ob- Uque wound of the former; opium in fuU doses, subse- quently combined with calomel; artificial anus; recovery. Ibid., 1858, iv, 162.—Todd (R. C.) ... transfixion ... by a bayonet; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, 1, 328. Also: Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1861, Ui, 482. Con- tin, by: LONGMoiiE, ibid., 1862, iv, 508.—Toland. Punc- tured knife-wound of the abdomen ; peritonitis; recovery. West. Lancet, San. Fran., 1876, vi, 657. -----. . . . gunshot wound of abdomen, foUowed by occlusion of femoral artery and gangrene of right leg; amputation; recovery. Ibid., 1877, vi, 235.—Tolmatschcw. t Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1869, x, 394.—Tomas. . . . coup d'epee vers la r6gion ombUicale. J. de m6d. mil., Par., 1786, v, 244-252.— Toulmouchc (A.) Des blessures morteUes du ventre, 6tudi6es au point de vue medico-legal. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1858, 2. 8., x, 123-155.—Townsend (S. D.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 18.32, n. a., xxiii, 120.—Travcrs (B.) A case of wound with protrusion of the stomach. Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1820, i, 81-96.—Trele* (M.) t Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1845, i, 43.—Trenerry (C.) t Lancet, Lond., 1862, ii, 478.— Truchsess. . . . bei einem 4jahrigen Miidchen; VorfaU und Einklemmung eines Stuckes der Leber; Reposition nicht moglich, daher Unterbindung. AU. med.-chir. Monatschr., etc., Erlang., 1840, i, 10. Hft., 145-150.—Tuck (H.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1837, xvi, 302.—Turnbull (L.) t Gunshot . . . Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1863, x, 130.—Turpin (T. J.) t . . . gunshot. . . Louisville M. News, 1878, v, 69.— Tiiske. t [Gunshot.] AUg. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1805, vii, 118; 122.—Tutt (G. M.) t South. M. &. S. J., Augusta, 1847, iii, 656.—Van Buren (W. H.) t N. York M. Times, 1854, iU, 95.—Vandorpe. Remarques sur les epanche- ments dans le bas-ventre, a la suite de la lesion des viscercs provenant de causes externes. J. de med., chir., phami., etc., Par., 1783, Ux, 46-62.—Van Volxem. t J. denied., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1873, hi, 488.—Van Wage- ningen (P. J.) ... naar buiten treding en beklemmmg van een gedeelde van het net; afbinding; genezing. N ederh Abdomen (Wounds and injuries of). Lancet, Gravenh., 1845-6, 2. s., i, 764-770.—Vargcs (A. W.) Uber die HeUung mehrer penetrirenden Wunden der Un- teileibswandungen, mit gleichzeitiger Verletzung des Magens. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode, 1845. iii, 229- 235. -----. t Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1801, xv, 164-168.—Vater (A.) Part of the colon hanging out through a wound for 14 years. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1719-33, vii, 515, 1 pi.—Velarde (A.) . . . por arma de fuego, con salida del omento 6 intestinos; gangrena del omento y per- foracion intestinal consecutiva; curacion de esta, mediante un metodo particular. BibUot. m6d.-castr. espan., Madrid, 1852, vUi, 49-00.—Verdier. t . . . avec des remarques sur la ligature de l'epiploon. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1757, iU, 67-77.—Vcrdoja (M.) DeUa cura e consequenze della ferita aU'addome. Published with: Indipendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, 8 pp.—Verges. Plaie d'arme k feu penetrante dans le bas-ventre. J. de clur. (Desault), Par., 1791, U, 60-71.—von Vcring (J.) Eine durch die obere Bauchgegend eindringende geheUte Schusswunde. Med.- chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1819, iu, 319.—Vial. . . . par un coup de pointe de sabre qui a penetr6 dans la poitrine et dnns l'ab- domen. Rec. de niem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1824, 1. s., xv, 323-327.—Vincent, t Lancet, Lond., 1828, ii, 184.— Vizerie. Observation de plaie penetrante de l'abdomen, du rein et de l'intestin. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1861, vi, 337-341.—Vockc (A.) Zur Casuistik der penetrirenden Bauchwunden. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1870, n. s., i, 41-43.—Voisin. Plaies de l'abdomen. Gaz. med. de Par., 1832, iu, 432. -----. t Ibid., 1834, 2. 8., U, 443.— Voormolen (A.) . . . met uitzakking van dunnedainien. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1860, iv, 579.— Vosbnrgii (II. D.) t . . . gun-shot . . . West. Lancet, San. Fran., 1875, iv, 584.—Wade (W. M.) t Dublin M. Press, 1844, xU, 25.—Wahlstab (C.) Behandlung einer sehr schweren Verletzung der Brust, des Unterleibes, und des Rtickgrads, durch das HcrabfaUen eines starken Blocks Schifl's-Bauholzes vernrsacht. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1818, xlvi, 3. St., 68-79.—Wales (P. S.) t Gunshot. . . Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1863, xiv, 380-382.—Waltz, t Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1817, U, 347-351.—Wanzer (H.) t Chi- cago M. J., 1866, xxiU, 396.—'Warren (J. M.) t In his: Surg. Obs., Bost., 1867, 569-572.—Watson (E.) t Glasgow M. J., 1872, 4. s., v, 19-26.—Watson (J.) t . . . stab in the abdomen. Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1877, no. xxx, 30.—Weickert. t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1847, xxxvU, 430-432.—Wcinreb. . . . VorfaU von Gedarmen; HeUung. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvU, 606.—Werner, i Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1864, xxxiv, 189-191.—West, t Rifle shot... Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1862, U, 10.—'West (J. F.) Non-penetrating gunshot wound of the abdomen; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 203.— Westmoreland (W. F.) t Atlanta M. & S. J., 1877, xiv, 667-670—White (P.) Bavonet wound. Med. Press &. Circ, Dubl., 1867, iii, 326.—Whitehead (W. E.) Gun- shot . . . Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1870-1, iv, 103- 165.—Wiehe (C. G.) Case of protrusion of the intestine, and recovery. Tr. M. .]. J758. [P., v. 777.] Abhandlung iiber die Kenntniss und Heilart der Schlagiiusse. 264 pp. 8°. Langensalza, J. C. Martini, 1775. Abhandlung: von der Moglichkeit einer Univer- sal-Arzney, ihren richtigen Begriff, und deren wirklichen Existenz in dem Ailhaudischen Pul- ver. 23 pp. 16c. Straszburg, Christmann und Levrault, 1769. Bound with: Ailhaud's Universal-Arzney. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen der arzt- lichen Gesellschaft zu Miinster. I. Bd. xviii, 416 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Miinster, Coppenrath, 1829. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen aus der Arzeneygelahrtheit von einer Gesellschaft von Aerzten in Hamburg. Herausgegeben von Paul Dieterich Gieseke. 3 p. 1., 357 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, C. TV. Meyn, 1776. Abhandlungen der koniglich-bohmischen Ge- sellschaft der Wissenschaften. 6. Folge. v. 2-8. 4°. Prag, 1868-77. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zu Halle. Originalaufsiitze aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Hft. 1, 2, Bd. xi; Bd. xii; xiii; Hft. 1, 2, Bd. xiv. 4°. Halle, H. TV. Schmidt, 1869-77. Abhandlungen der naturhistorischen Gesell- schaft zu Niirnberg. 2. Hlfte. Bd. iii; Bd, iv. 8°. Niirnberg, TV. Schmid, 1866-68. Abhandlungen und Notizen iiberE. A. Groux's Fissura sterni congenita von den beriihmtesten Aerzten Europa's. 48 pp. ^c. TV'wn, Seidel, 1857. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Hamburg, J. E. M. Kbhler, [n. d.] Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., x, 1., 2. Hft. [Also,in: P., v.334.] See, also, Sternum (Abnormities of). ------. The same. 56 pp. 8=. Hamburg, Seidel, [1857]. [P., v. 812.] Abhandlungen der physikalisch - medicini- schen Societiit zu Erlangen. v. 1. 4-. Frank- furt a. M., F. Wilmans, 1810. A 2. vol. was pubUshed at Niirnberg in 1812. Abhandlungeu der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterliindische Kultur. Abtheilung fur Na- turwissenschaften und Medicin. 1867-73. 7 pts. 8°. Breslau, J. Max und Komp., 1^08-73. ------. Philosophisch-historische Abtheilung. 1867- 74. 8 pts. 8°. Breslau, J. Max 4' Komp., 1867- 74. Abicllt(W.) Der Kirschen-Arzt. Belehrungiiber die Anweudung der Kirscheukuren gegen viele hartniickige und langwierige Krankheiten, be- souders gegen alle sogenauuten Unterleibsbe- schwerden oder mit Fehlern des Magens, der Leber, der Galle, der Milz, etc., verbundene krankhafte Zustiinde. 120 pp. 16°. Nordhausen, E. F. Fiirst, 1845. Abildgaard (Petrus Christianus) [ -1808]. *De venae sectione in suppressis menstruis. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Havnia', lit. N. Molleri, [1768], Abingdon Abbey. See Insane (Asylums for). Abiogenesis. See Generation (Spontaneous). Abitianus. Tlepl oxjpoov itpccynaveia dpidrr/ roil daqjcordrov itcxpa. fikv 'IvSot? "Ayyrj "Ennvi rov IZiva f/zoi "A\ viov tou 2£ i va- in : Phvs. et med. Graeci niin., ed. J. L. Ideler, Berol., 1842, ii, 286-302. Abl (F.) See Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Pharmacie. Abl (Friedrich). Milch, Butter, Kiise, Hillsen- friichte. Nebst eiuem Anhange, iiber die Desiu- fection. 53.pp. 8-. Berlin, T. Gricbrn, 1873. ABLAIXCOUKT. 37 ABOETIOK d'Ablaincourt (Jacques Jean Bruier). See van I>eventer (H.) Manuale operatien, [etc.] Ableitner(K.) Die Verschneidung (Castration) der Hausthiere des mannlichen und weiblichen Geschlechts . . . xii, 210 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bremen, M. Heinsius, 1879. Abies (Wilhelrn). Die Arzneien und ihre Heil- tugenden, nebst einem Anhange enthaltend: 1) Die specielle Receptirkunde. 2) Die neuesten Erfahruugen im Gebiete der Pharmacologic. 3) Eine Receptensammlung beruhmter Aerzte. xii, 722 pp. 8C. Wien, C. Gerold, 1845. Abnormal conditions and Abnormities. See Anatomy (Human, Abnormities of); Ana- tomy (Pathological); Deformities; Monsters; and under the several organs. Abo. Baeck (M.) & Raiilman (J. A.) De aqua medicata Kuppisensi. 4°. Aboce, 1818. Schwanck (A.) Die Mineralwasser von Kuppis bei Abo wiihrend der Saison 18.56. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1857, xiv, 164-166. Abound. See Pharmacie de Lyon. Abord (Lazare). *I. De l'efficacite' de l'emploi des sudorifiques dans le traitement des syphilides, [etc.] 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 380, v. 335. Abortifacients. See, also, Asarum; Cotton; Ergot; Juniperus sabina; "Labor (Premature, Induction of); Oxyto- cics; Quinine (Action of, on uterus); Ruta; Tana- cetum. Abtreibung der Leibesfrucht durch lebendiges Queck- sUber. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc., Altona, 1835, Ui, 1. 2. Hft., 73-79.—Bartsch. TJeber die abortive "Wirk- samkeit einer Mischung aus Aloesaft und Branntwein. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1844, xlviu, 203-211.— Chemische Untersuchung mehrerer Gegenstande in der Voruntersuchungmit M. C. wegenLeibesfruchtabtreibung. Samml. geriehtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak., 1858, 2. F., 327-329.—Dorien. Sind der Saltan und dio griine Seife Abortivmittel ? Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1858, xui, 72-91.—Gr ii ne Seife (XTeber) die als Abortiv- mittel. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1858, 5. Hit., ix, 72-75.—Hufeland (C. W.) Ueber Abortivmittel und Befbrderung des Abortus. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1822, lv, 5. St., 3-10.—Manzette. Effet abortif d'un morceau d'alun dissous par m6garde dans une tasse de caf6. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1871, 3. a., xUi, 23-25.—Olivier. Observation sur la vertu que la racine de fougfere mile a de procurer l'expulsion des foetus hors de la matrice. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1760, xU, 129-131.— Pfaff (E. B.) Die Abortivmittel der Araber in ihrer forensischen Bedeutung. Aus den alten arabischen Originalen zusam- mengestellt. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1868, n. F., xxvi, 125-137.—Pyl. Ueber PiUen, welche Abortum bewiirkt hahen soUen. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1789, 6. Samml., 147-150—Tott (C. A.) Es giebt keine speciflschen Abortivmittel. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk, Berl., 1835, ii, 65-69.—Wassmann. Bliithenstaub der Pinus sUvestris als Ursache des seuchen- artigen Verwerfeus (Abortus) der Stuten. Cor.-BL f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg, 1861, i, 12-14. Abortion. Sec, also, Foetus (Death of); Haemorrhage (Uterine); Labor (Premature, Induction of); Placenta (Detachment of, before delivery). Ali.ard(0.) *De abortu. 4°. Leodii, 1830. Appelus (J. J.) *De abortu. 4°. Erford., 1702. Barde (A.) * De l'avortement, au double point de vue de l'art des accouchements et de la m6de- cino legale. 4 .• Paris, 1859. BAHDEXiiErr.R (B.) *De partu praematuro. 8°. Berolini, [1884]. Bacr (I. U.) * De partu praecoci. 8°. Tubingce, 18m. Becker (J. G.) *De abortu. 8°. Gcettingce, [1798]. BEHRF.ys(E.) *Dc abortus symptomatologia et a-tiologia. 12c. Dorpat., 1833. ' Abortion. a Bergen (J. G.) * De abortu. 4°. Francof. ad Viad., 1697. Besel (L. R.) * Ueber den Missfall. 12°. Mergentheim, 1821. Bicking(A.) *Deabortu. 4°. Erford., 1781. Bingham (J.) *De abortu. 8 . Glasguce, 1795. Blom (C. de). *De abortu. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1863. Bocage(P.-F.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1817. Boeiimer (F.) *De partu immaturo. 8°. Berolini, [1858]. Bohn (J.) *De abortu salubri. 4°. Lipsice, [1707]. Brieu (J. J.) *De l'avortement spontane" et accidentel proprement dit. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. Bruzelius (R. M.) *Om Abort. 8°. Stock- holm, 1863. Capon (J.-B.) 'Dissertation sur les fausses couches. 4°. Paris, 1826. de Cerf (J. H.) *De abortu. [n.p.], 1782. In: Louvain Diss., U, 206. Chevatllier (E.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1865. Cohn (A.) *De abortu. 8° Fratislavice, [1849]. Cooper (G.) *De abortionibus. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1767. Cramouzaud (F.-X.) *De l'avortement ou fausse couche. 4°. Paris, 1837. Deserces(M.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1852. Desormeaux(M.-A.) *De abortu. 4°. Paris, 1811. Desortiaux (J.-J.) *Sur l'avortement ou fausse-couche. 4°. Paris, 1830. Draper (A. C.) Observations on abortion. With an account of the means . . . employed to produce that effect . . . 12°. Philadelphia, 1839. Ducasse (J.-L.) *Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1820. Dupont (F.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1851. Eigen (W.) * Ueber Abortus. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Esser (F. C.) *De abortu. 4C. Berolini, 1830. Eude (P. A.) *De l'avortement. 4J. Paris, 1853. Evrard (J.-J.) *De l'avortement ou fausse couche. 4°. Paris, 1846. Eyriaud (M.-C.-A.) *Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1831. Fayolle (L.-F.-A.) De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1851. Ferdut (E.) *De l'avortement au point de vue medical, obstetrical, me'dico-le'gal, 16gal et tMologique. 4°. Paris, 1865. Filhon(C. P.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1821. Garimond (E.) Traite" . . . de l'avortement considere au point de vue medical, chirurgical et medico-legal. 8°. Montpellier, 1873. Also, in: Courrier m6d., Par., 1874, xxiv, 177-179. Gautron (P.) *Sur les fausses couches. 8°. Paris, an XI [1802]. Genaspe (R.) *De abortu. 4°. Jence, 1697. Getjssenhainer (F. H.) *De abortu. 4°. Jence, 1741. Gigaud-Laplaigxe (J.-B.-J.) *De l'avorte- ment. 4°. Paris, 1850. Glaeser (L. G.) *De partu prajcoci. 8°. Lugd. Bat., [184(i]. Granville (A. B.) Graphic illustrations of ABORTION. 38 ABORTION. Abortion. abortion and the diseases of menstruation ... 4°. London, 1834. Greuling (D. G.) *De abortu. 8°. [n.p.], 1849. Gringore (N. -F.) * Dissertation sur les fausses couches. 4°. Paris, 1819. Groskurt(J. H.) *De abortu. 4°. Gottingce, 1738. Guibet (A.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1856. Harris (R.) *De abortu. 8°. Edinburg., 1762. HasenOhrl (J. G.) *De abortu, ejusque prae- servatione. 8°. Vindobonce, 1775. Isaac (J. C) *De abortu, variis ejus causae momentis atque curatione piincipiis Brownianis fundata. 4°. Vitebergce, [1802]. Jollet (H.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1858. Kanold (J.) * De abortu et fcetu mortuo. 4°. Halce Magd., [1704]. Koester (J. D.) *De abortu. 4°. Gissce, 1788. Krumpholz (J. A.) *De abortu. 4°. Nebra- Thuringce, 1768. Kuntzsch (C. G.) *Analecta ad abortus pa- thologiam. 4°. Lipsice, 1824. Lafforgue(D.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1854. Langguth (G. A.) De poculo abortionis aut amatorio ad 1. xxxviii. s. v. D. de pcenis disserit. sm. 4°. Vitembergce, 1747. Lattry(G.-X.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1852. v. Lazeczko (J.) *Die Friihgeburt. 8°. Miinchen, 1847. Ledieu(J.-B.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1836. Legendre (A.-J.-B.-S.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1855. Legrand(F.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1848. Lepelletier (J.-D.) *Des fausses couches. 4°. Paris, 1857. Losonczy(J.) *De abortu. 8°. Pestini, 1836. Maigrot(J.-A.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1852. Manes (C.) * De l'avortement, de sa frequence, et de quelques-unes de ses causes. 4°. Paris, 1854. Marggraff (F.) *De abortu. 8°. Berolini, [1843]. Mathieu(C-J.-B.-C) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1850. Maulius (J. P.) *De abortu. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1686. Maydelohn(J. G.) *De abortu. 4°. Erford., [1730]. Mayzen(H.-L.) * De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1847. Meinhard (G. C.) *De abortu. 8°. [n.p.], 1823. Murray (J. B.) *De abortu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1787. Passerlni (F. F.) *De abortu. 8°. Vindo- bona, [1781]. Also, in: Eyekel, Dies. Med., iv, 53. Pensens(P,) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Peyton (V.) *De abortu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1754. Pignoni (A.-P.-F.-F.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1851. Piquand (D.) *De l'avortement en general. 4°. Paris, 1836. Power (J.) Essays on the female economy. Abortion. 1. . . . 2. On a species of abortion not hereto- fore described ... 8°. London, 1821. Rau (F.) *De abortu. 8°. Gryphice, [1845], Reinhard(J. W.) *De abortu. sm. 4°. Stutt- gardia, 1782. Resseglet (J. B.) *De l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1852. Richter (G. F.) De abortu crebr6 redeunto commentatio. 4°. Lipsiw, 1779. Riecke (J. V. L.) Ueber die Einsackung und Einsperrung der Nachgeburt und eine hiiufig vorkommende Art des Abortus. 8°. Stuttgart, [1834]. Riou de Kerprigent (E.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1854. Rivallee(A.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1818. Robinson (S.) *De abortu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1772. Roessler (C. A.) *De abortu eiusque praeca- vendi curandiqueratione. 4°. Vitebergce, [1815]. ROUSSE (V.) * De l'accouchement premature. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. c. Rucloux (L.) *De abortu accidentali. 4°. Leodii, 1826. Sabry (I.) *£tude g6ne"rale de l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1872. VON Schaller (J. L. K.) * Ueber den Abortus. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1841. Schirmer (F. G.) Quaedam de abortu. 4°. Lipsice, [1786]. Schonbauer (J.) * De abortu. 8°. Viennce, [1778]. Stahl (G. E.) $ Kanold (J.) De abortu ct fcetu mortuo. Halce, 1704. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., iv. Stelnmetz (C. W.) *De abortu. 4°. Jena, [1788]. Steitz(A.) * Ueber den Abortus. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1837. Streeter (J. S.) Practical observations on abortion. 8°. London, 1840. Targier (J.) *De abortu. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1687. Teillard-Chabrxer (M.) *De la fausse couche. 4°. Paris, 1858. Thau (J. G.) *De abortu habituali. 4°. Halce, [1772]. Thibaut (J. H. J.) *De abortu. 1796. In: Louvain Di66., iv, 484. Thorer (S. T.) ' *De abortu. 8°. Berolini, [1818]. Trastour(A.) * Sur l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1825. Trillerus (D. W.) *. . . praemissa exercita- tione medico-critica ad emendandum obscurissi- mum hactenus et corruptissimum quendam Hip- pocratis locum ex libro de septimestri partu de- sumtum. 4°. [n. p., 1772.] [Incomplete.] Vallender(J. A.) *De abortu. 8°. Berolini, [1833]. Vanuxeem (J.-B.) * De l'avortement mddical. 4°. Paris, 1867. Vermeulen (F.) *De partu praecoci. 8°. Lugd.-Bat, 1842. Vernejoul (P.) 'Causes et traitement do l'avortement. 4°. Paris, 1870. Veslingius(A.) *De abortu. 4°. Luqd. Bat, 1703. J ' Villeneuve (E. A.) * Des causes et des suites de ravortement. 4°. Paris, 1838. Vogelbuscii (G. F.) *De. abortu. 12°. Ro- stoch., 1817. Vogt (T. C. A.) *. . . terrorem pergrauem abortus caussam esse, nupero exemplo probatur. 4°. Vitebergce, 1802. Voigt(M.) *De abortu. 8°. Desia via', 1851. ABORTION. 39 -ABORTION. De abortu. 8°. Gryphice, Abortion. Wachtel (E.) Waite(T.) *De abortu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1779. Weber (C. H.) * De abortu. sm. 4°. Erfor- dice, [1678]. _ „, „ Wegehaupt (A.) *De abortu. 8°. Vratis- lavice, [1866]. . Werther (G. C.) * De abortu salnbn. 4°. Lipsice, [1707]. Whitehead (J.) On the causes and treatment of abortion and sterility ... 8°. London, 1847. _____. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. See Review of . .. Brit. & Por. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1848, i, 214; 461. deWlnd(P.) *De abortu. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1735. , . Witte (H. T.) * De abortu epidemico. sm. 4°. Jence, 1697. Zander (W. F.) * De foetus immaturi exclu- sione. 4°. Rostoch., [1748]. Zedelt (0. J. C. E.) *De abortu. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1866]. Zornn(B.) *De abortu. 4°. Altdorffi, [1663]. Andrews (A. A.) On abortion. Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1875, vii, 289-291.—Beatty [J.] Letter on a species of premature labour, etc. Tr. Ass. King's & Queen s CoU. Pbys. Ireland, Dublin, 1824, iv, 31-36—Bell (C.) ... on abortion in the early months of pregnancy. Edinb. M. J., 1865, xi, 120-133.—'Bliss (J. C.) ... on abortion. N. York J. M., 1846, vii, 377-382.—Bracket (J. L.) Ob- servations sur l'avortement partiel dans le cas de gros- sesse multiple. [From: J. de med. de Lyou, 1848.] Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1848, U, 266—Broers (H.-J.) Over miskraam. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht, 18ol, iV) i_i9.-----. Miskraam. J bid., 1859-60, x, 149-164.-----. Over miskraam. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873 2. reeks, ix, 1. afd., 597-609.—Burns (J.) Obser- vations on abortion, In his: Obstetrical works, 8°. .LV York, 1809, 1-66—Channing (W.) On a species ot premature labor. N. Eng. J". M. & S, Bost., 1825, xiv, 151-156.—Coles (W.) Abortion: its causes and treatment. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1875, n. 8., 251; 281; 341; 453; 565— iCnales son los signos del aborto en el cuarto mes del embarazo ? ; es inevitable el aborto ? j Cuales son los medios de favorecerlo ? Observador med., Mexico, 1871, i, 353-355— Depaul. De l'avortement on fausse couche. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1876, iv, 145; 153; 161; 169; 177. Desor- nieaax. Avortement. Diet, demed. de Par., 2. ed.. 1833, iv, 457-474.—Bevilliers (C.) Avortement. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par., iv, 1866, 304-339.— Duncan (J. M.) ... on missed abortion. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 729-731.—Durand. Reflexions et obser- vations en reponse au memoire k consulter sur l'avorte- iiicnt, insere dans le 25e vol. des Ann. clin. de Montpel., p. 371. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1811, xxvi, 140-154— E-Iep (W.) An essay on abortion. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1853-4, 20-26.—Fataner. . . . Abhand- liuis iiber die itzt so oft vorkommenden MissfaUe und Friihgeburten. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh, Jena, 1788, i, 4. St., 117-126: 1790, ii, 4. St., 51-72.—Fournier-de-L.cmpds. Memoire sur l'avortement. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1811, xxvi, 344-362.—Gardien. Avortement- Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812, U, 472-482.—Garimond (E.) Des phenomenes constitutifs et de la pathogenie de l'avorte- ment. Montpel. med., 1866, xvi, 481-504; xvU, 132-156: 1867, xvui, 121-144. -----. . . . de l'avortement considere au point de vue medical, chirurgical et m6dico-legal. Cour- rier med., Par., 1874, xxiv, 177-179.—Genselins (J. A.) De abortu et tempore animationis foetus. Samml. v. Nat. u. Med., etc., Leipz., 1721, xi, 207-209.—Gucniot. Sur laccouchement premature, dit spontane. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 849; 977.—Guillemot (P.) (Des avorte- niens periodiques et des pertes uterines cachees.) Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1836, 2. 8., xi, 294-318.—Hale (E.) ... on abortion. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost,, 1829, iv, 357-388.—Heming (G. O.) Abortion. ning. Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Abortus. Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., "Wiirzb.. 1873, vU, 213-228— Isnard&Bicu. ... sur l'avortement. Expose d. trav. dr la Soc. d. sc. med. dela Moselle, 1846, Metz, 1847,141-143— Jacquemier & Tourdes (G.) Avortement. Diet. encyl. d. sc. m6f>. Sourdet (J.) * Accidents et complications des avortements spontanea provoqu6s et crimi- nels. 4°. Paris, 1876. Albrecht (J. P.) Vom herrlichen Nutzen der Mutter- zapflein in sehr starken Blutsturzen aus der Mutter. Rom.- kais. Akad. d. Naturf, Med.-chir.-. . . Abhandl, Nurnb, 1770, xix, 122-128.—Alonso (F.) De las presentacionea anormalea en los fetos abortivos. Au Soc. ginec. espan., Madrid, 1875, i, 289-293.—Baart dc la Faille (J.) Te- tanus post abortum. Nederl. Tijdschr. -\ Geneesk, Amst, 1871, vii, 1. afd, 77-88.—Banga (H.) Fatal tetanus ac- companying retention of a segment of the placenta four weeks after miscarriage. Am. J. Obst, N. Y, 1879, xii, 143-147.—Barnes (A. F.) ... violent recurrent haemor- rhage, and subsequently phlegmasia dolens. Med. Arch, St. Louis, 1869, iii, 207-211.— Boeters. Zur Behandlung der Blutungen nach Abort. Mitth. a. d. chir. Abth. d. Berl. stadt. Krankenh. im Friedrichshain, Leipz, 1878, i, 65-70.—Boyd (M. A.) Case of tetanus foUowing abortion. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, lvii, 583-587. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1874, n. s, xvU, 486. Also: Irish Hosp. Gaz, Dubl, 1874, ii, 178.—Breslau. Zur Lehre vom unvoU- kommenen Abortus. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vU, 955; 979; 1003.—Bryan (J. M.) A case of protracted miscar- riage at the seventh or eighth month; ultimate escape of the foetal bones per anum. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1858, i, 885.— Byrne (J. A.) Caso of retention of piece of ovum after abortion; severe hemorrhage; removal; recovery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, n. s, 1,105-111—Campbell (W.) Abor- tion in the sixth week, fatal on the third day, with the ap- pearances on dissection. Scottish & North of Eng. M. Gaz, Edinb, 1843, i, 161.-----. Premature labour; uterine hae- morrhage ; death from an overdose of calomel. Scottish & North of Eng. M. Gaz, Edinb, 1843, i, 199-201—Chad- wick (J. R.) Acaseof recovery from septicaem ia foUowin g abortion. Boston M. Successful treatment of chronic abscess with iodine injec- tions. Med. Times t Phila . "VT. T.ttias 1871 ii 87 -Rnrk. ABSCESS. 52 ABSCESS. Abscess (Iliac). Thirault(D.) *Des phlegmons et abces des fosses iliaques (suites de couches). 4°. Paris, 1874. Vivien (J. B. G.) * Du diagnostic et du traite- ment du phlegmon de la fosse iliaque interne. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Abeille. De la peritonite partieUe; abces Uiaque et tumeur stercorale; diagnostic diffiferentiel. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 253; 258.— Aquilar (J.) Absceso por congestion de la columna vertebral emigrado en la region crural. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1876, xiu, 251-253.— Ashhurst (J. jr.) t Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1874, iv, 238— Aubry. Luxation du femur due k la communication de l'articulation coxo-f6morale avec le foyer d'un abces de la fosse iliaque, ouvert lui-meme k l'hiterieur. Arch. gen. de m6d.. Par., 1843, 4. s., ii, 178-185—Bamberger (H.) Die Entziindungen in der rechten Fossa iliaca. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1853, iu, 369; 404; 419; 436; 455.—Barthelemy. Abcfes des fosses iUaques; point d'61ection pour leur ou- verture. Ann. de la chir., Par., 1841, ii, 288-304. Also, Reprint.—Barthez. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1837, xii, 62-66.—Bartolozzi (D.) t Sperimentale, Firenze, 1N04, xiv, 126-137.—Battcrsby (F.) Report on the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of abscesses of tho iliac fossae. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1847, iii, 515-539.—Baucliet. Sur les abc6s de la fosse iliaque. Rapport sur un travail de M. le docteur Collineau. Gaz. hebd. do m6d. et do chir., Par., 1862, ix, 35; 07— Bcatson (W. B.) Hiac abscess, evacu- ated by incision . . . recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i,*61.—Bcnoft (J.) Cas rare d'abc£s urineux de la fosse iUaquc. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1857, xi, 367-374.—Bissoa. Abces de la fosse iliaque et du tissu cellulaire perinephretique; ouverture spontan6e de l'intes- tin ; gu6rison. Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., I860, 2. 8., ii, 934.—Biaachetti (C.) t Gaz. nied. ital., prov. ve- nete, Padova, 1805, viu, 272.—Boinct (A.) t ... A la suite d'un bubon ; injections detersives et iodees; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viu, 605.—Bonuafont. Triple abefes par congestion, occupant les fosses iliaques droite et fauche, aiusi que le petit bassin. Rev. in6d. franc, et traug., Par., 1851, ii, 385-400.—Bonncinaison. Du phleg- mon iliaque. Toulouse, 1873, v, 121; 129.— Bouquc (E. F.) t In his: Clin. chir. do l'univ. do Gand, 1877, 21-25.—Bonrdeaux. t Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1873, iv, 73-82.—Brichcteau. t . . . perforation do l'iu- testin et evacuation du pus par l'anus. Arch. g6n. de mC-d., Par., 1838, ii, 409-414. -----. t . . . perforation du colon. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, 2. s., iv, 525.—Buck (G.) t N. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 143. -----. Post-fascial abscess originating iu the iliac fossa, with a now method of treat- ment. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., ii, 147-163. Also, in his: Abscesses in the lower abdominal cavity, etc., N. Y., 1876,1-19.-----. Abscesses originating in the'right iliac fossa, with statistics. Tr. JT. York Acad, of M., 1876, 2. s., u, 1-14. Also, Reprint.—Badseas (G.) Abscessus inguina- lis, innumcrabuia ovula seu vesiculas continens, curatus. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. &. Lips.. 1712, cent, i-ii, 214-217.—Cabassc. t Gaz.d. hop.. Par., 1867, xl, 471.—Cal- das (M. M. P.) t Gaz. med. de Bahia, 1866, i, 113.—Capuri (A.) Adeuite inguinale; ascesso della fossa iliaca destra e del perineo; perfora/.iouc intestinale; morto; necroscopia. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1868, 5. s., vi, 175-194.—Car- net. t . . . lievre hectique; injection iod6e; . . . guerison. Monit. cl. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 606.—Cases. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1844-5, i, 035.— . . . chez un enfant, ouvert dans la vessie et plus tard dans la region lombaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 577.—Abces dela fosse iliaque s'ouvrant k travers la paroi de l'abdomen. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1847, xxxiii, 59-61.—Ventral hernia as a consequence of Uiac abscess. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 308.— . . . escape of fiecal matter by the wound; rapid recovery. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, ii] 709—Caylcy (II.) II"- ab- scess. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 14—Char»ton (E.) t t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1841, i, 329- 334.—Chassagnc. Abces considerables dc la region fes- si^re droite et de la fosse iliaque gauche; pericmlite intercniTcute; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxx\«, 538.— Chassaignac. Abc6s do la fosse iliaque en amfero du coecuni, suite dune perforation de cet intestin. Ibid., 1843, 2. s., v, 501.—Chatard. t J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1859, 2. s., iv, 335-339.—Chauffard. Ueber die Entziindun- gen in der Fossa iliaca bei Wochnerinnen. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1808, xviii, 1456-1459.—Choniel. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. «., v, 129: 1844, vi, 173; 202. Also: Med. Exam., Pliila., 1843, vi, 109.—Colin. Observations do tumeurs phlegmoneuses do la fosse iliaque droite. Monit. d. sc. nied. ct pharm., Par., 1862, 2. s., iv, 171-174.—Col- lin (L.) t Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1854, 2. s., xiii, 358-309.—C'ondie. Abscess of the iliac region in males. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila., 1853-6, n. s., ii, 510.—Corso (F.) t SpaUanzani. Modena, 1874, xii, 289; 337; 385.—Crane (J. J.) t . . . treated antiseptically. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1877, ii, 155.—Balnias. t . . . issue du pus par lo coecuni et l'anus; gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii, 347.—Bavainc. T . . . pourritured'hopital; mort. BuU. Abscess (Iliac). med. du nord, LiUe, 1863, 2. 8., iv, 18-23.—Bavid. . . . sur un depot situe k la partie snperieure externe de la cuisse droite, survenu ii la suite d'une maladie de repine. Rec. d. actes de la Soc. de sant6 de Lyon, 1798, i, 155-159. — Daw. son (J.) t Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1841, lvi, 182-185—van Been (I.) Een merkwaardig absces in deregio iUaca. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Geneesk., Zwolle, 1851, iv, 207- 214.—Begaille. t . . . ouvert dans la vessie et lo rectum; . . . autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 123.—De> pan I. Abc6s de la fosse uiaque. J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1878, vi, 405.—Be Sanssurc (H. W.) History and diagnosis of abscesses of the iliac fossa, with cases. Charles- ton M. J. & Rev., 1848, iii, 382.—Besprcs. . . . sur une variete d'abces de la fosse iliaque; adenite iliaque sup- ' puree. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1874. xlvii, 545-547.—Devaux (E.) Sur la difficult^ du diagnostic des abces de la fosse iUaquc. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc, Par., 1844, xxvi, 440- 444.—Bevillc. [Observations on the effect of the apon- euroses on the direction of pus.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 97—Buclos. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 447.—Buhamel (V.) t . . . ouverture clans divers or- ganes; . . . autopsie. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1866, 2. 8., iii, lK.t-185.—Bapny. t Gaz. d. hoj>.. Par., 1857, xxx, 451.— Bupuytren. Abces iliaques. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827, i, no. 74. -----. Abces phlegmoneux aigus ou chroniques clans la fosse iliaque droite. Ibid., 1829, iv, 85. -----. On abscesses in tho light iliac fossa. Lancet, Lond., 1833, i, 044-646.—Burodic (F.) Pelvi-peritonite; abces de la fosse iliaquo droite; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1877, vi, 75-77.—Frdmann. Geschichte eines Abscesses I im innern Darmbeinmuskel, nebst Sectionsbericht. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1806, n. F., iu, 83-87.—Esmarch I (F.) Chronisch-rheumatische SpondyUtis mehrerer Ruck- en- und Lendenwirbel; Senkungsabscess unter dem Unken I Poupart'schen Bande; totale Resorption desselben nach I vierwciehentlicherEisbchancUung. Arch. f.klin.Chir., Berl., 1861, i, 317.—Evans (G.) t . . . communicating with the ccecum. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1854, n, s., viii, 346— Ewart (J.) t Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1873-4, xvi, 159-103.—Fnarcs. t . . . guerison; huit mois aprts, ... antopsie. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse 1852, n. s., iv, 176-184—Fayrer (J.) t Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1865, no. xviii, 110. -----. t Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 193.—Fergusson (W.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1876, ii, 35.—Filiatrault (C.) Abces iUaques. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1877, vi, 102-110.—Flochon. t . . . injections iodees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 282.—Forster (J. C.) Abscess over crest of left ilium; local empyema. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875,3. s., xx, 60.—Fouquicr. AbccisUiaque. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, u, 289. -----. t . . . consecutif ! k un accouchement laborieux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 53.—French (J. G.) t . . . opened below Poupart's I ligament; success. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1876, xviii, 41-43.—Frillcy. t Rec. de iu6m. cie med. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s., xviii, 91-104—Gockclius (C. L.) De ab- scessu inguin:s periculoso curato. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1705, dec 2, iv, [1685], 219.—Grisollc. Histoire I des tumeurs phlegmoneuses des fosses iUaques. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1839, i, 34; 137 ; 293.—Hammer, t Hum- boldt M. Arch., St. Louis, 1808, ii, 281-284.—Hargrave (W.) t . . . presenting some of the characters of ventral | hernia, . . . cured. Dublin M. Press, 1856, xxxv, 341.— Hawkins (C.) t ... following parturition. Lancet, Loud., 1851, ii, 25-28.—Meaner, t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1850, n. s., vi, 214.—Hcnckels. t .. . ayant dcbut6 par unci inflamma- tion du tissu cellulaire prevesical. Arch. mod. beiges, Brux., 187?, 3. s., xi, 183-189.—Hulkc. Abscess pointing at the groin, occasioned by cancer of the duodenum. Lancet, I Lond., 1878, ii, 510—Kenney (E. C.) Typhlitis, and peri- typhlitis or disease of the ea?cum, and vermiform appendix, resulting in inflammation and abscess in the right uiac fossa. Proc Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1879, lxxxviu, 92-100.—Krackowitzcr (E.) t Tr. N. York Acad, of M., 1876, 2. s., ii, 15.—Laha (A.) t . . . opened below Pou- part's ligament . . . death from congestion of the lungs. IndianM.Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 246.-L.andon (H. A.) t Ileus. Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, IS". Y., 1865, i, 428.—Liarrcy (H.) t . . . issue du pus par le gros intestin; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842,2. s., iv, 135.—leaver an. Abces sous-apon6vrotiquo cie la fosse iliaque droito ouvert dans lep6ritoine. Rec. do mem. domed.... mil., Par., 1843, liv, 353-358.—lAclong. t [Ostitis of vertebra?.] Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1866, xU, 396.—Longchamp. t mod. de la Sarthe, Lo Mans, 1853, 41-13.—Meniere (P.) Memoire sur les tumeurs phlegmoneuses occupant la fosse iliaque droite. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1828, xvii, 188; 513.—Moore (W. D.) t . . . opening into tho intestine; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1857, xv, 572.— Murney (II.) t Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond, 1870, u. s., ix, 248-2j0.—Papillaud (L.) Contraction musculaire avec phlegmon intra ct cxtra-pclvieii, paraissant etre des symp- tomes syphilitiques consecutil's. Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi,'404.—Potier-Buplessy. t Progres med., Par., 1875, iii, 54-56.—Prades (V.) t t Osservatore, Torino, 1876. xii, 529-532.—Roseau, t . . . drainage; ouverture consecutive dans IS iliaque du colon; iistule stercoro- ABSCESS. 53 ABSCESS. Abscess (Iliac). purulente; guerison temporaire; retour des accidents . . . essai do cure radicalo trop tardif. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1874, xlvu, 410-412.—Bostan. t Ibid., 1846, viu, 194; 221. -----. Du phlegmon do la fosse iUaque et de son traite- ment. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 387-390.— Roux. t . . . d6termine par la rupture des muscles psoas et iUaque; con- siderations sur les abces de cette region. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. 8., v, 39.—Russell, t . . . communicating with the rectum and the bladder. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1846, 220.—Salazar. t . . . dUatacion; compresion graduada; curacion. Gac m6d., Madrid, 1849, v, 66.—Scottini (P.) Sc Scolari (G.) Due casi di ascesso Ueo-lombare curati e guariti col arenaggio. Comment, di med. e chir., Milano, 1874, i, 69-71.—Segura (A.) Dos palabras acerca del moclo cie ubrir los abscesos de la fosa iliaca. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1873, viii, 108; 113.—Shattuck (G. C.) jr. Deep- seated gangrenous abscess of the right iUac fossa. N. Eng. Q. J.M. & §., Bost., 1842-3, i, 423-426—Shipulinskii (P.) t Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1864, iv, 399.—Simeons (A.) Beobachtungen iiber die Entziindung und Veroiterung des Psoas und Hiacus internus. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1832, viii, 264-292.—Si neon (M.) Sur les abcfcs et les engorgements chroniques do la fosse iUaque. BuU. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1844, xxvi, 81; 166. Also, transl.: BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1844, 3. 8., v, 159; 262.—Socked (A.) t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, 3. s., ix, 709-716—Sollcs. t . . . se d6vcrsant dans le gros intestin. Mein. et buU. Soc. do med. de Bordeaux. 1869, i, 103.—Sonrier. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 331.—Spinal abscess. Richmond &. LouisvUle M. J., LouisviUc, 1876, xxii, 143-147.—Stan- ley, t . . . disappearance of the abscess by absorption of its contents. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., iii, 504.—Stone (J. O.) t . . . breaking into the bowel; its new formation on the outside of the Uium. In his: CUnical cases, 8°, N. Y., 1878, 91-95—Stnrgis (F. R.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1807, lxxvi, 241-243.—Swayne (A. C.) t . . . communicating with the rectum and bladder. DubUn M. Press, 1862, xlvui, 17. — Symonds. t . . . implicating the appendix vermiformis._.. autopsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, n, 242.—Tcallicr. Memoire sur des tumeurs et des abces iUaques. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1829, cvui, 7-27.—Ticknor. t N. York Q. J. M. & S., 1840, u, 469-471— Trclat. Du phlegmon Uiaque. Progr6sm6d., Par., 1876, iv, 589-590.—Tumenrs phlegmoneuses de la fosse iUaque. CUn. d. h6p.; Par., 1828-9, Ui, 135—Van Holsbcek (H.) t . . . evacuation du pus par le csecum et l'anus; guerison. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1860, 2. s., viii, 27-32— Vclpeau. Abcfes par congestion do la region inguinale ; son diagnostic etson traitement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 118.—Vigla. t . . . survenu lentement aprfcs nn premier accouchement naturel. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1837, xii, 197-204—Wendell (A. G.) t Post-fascial . . . Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1877, ii, 290-293.—Werner, t Ztschr. f. M undarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1867, xx, 100-110. Abscess in infants. Sec, also, Abscess (Multiple). Arlt. Ueber die Behandlung der Bindehautentziindung bei Xeugobornen. Jahrb. f. Kmderh., Wien, 1857-8, i, 21- 43.-Bonchnt. Des abces multiples du tissu cellulaire chez les nouveau-nfis et chez les enfants a la mameUe. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1876, u, 330-337.—Cordts (H. W.) Ausgebreitete Abszessbildung im Zellgewebo bei einem lijiihrigen Kinde. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1844, u, 321-324.—Guersant fils. Des abces qui se d6veloppent chez les enfants. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 201: 1851, 3. 8., iu, 194.—Henoch. Ueber AbscessbUdung bei Kin- dern. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1850, 385-395.— Hcrvieux (E.) De la diathese purulente chez los nou- veau-nes. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1853, i, 412-432— Stevenson (J. G.) Case of ceUular inflammation of the ami in an infant. N. Eng. M. Rev. & J., Bost., 1827, i, 205-211. ' ' Abscess (Inguinal). See, also, Abscess (Iliac); Abscess (Psoas); Bubo. de Blegny (N.) Abscessus in inguinibus verminosus. Zodiacus med.-gaU., Geneva, 1680, i, 84-86.—Bavy. La- pides ex abscessu inguinis erumpentes. Ibid., 118.—Bres- sel. Apostasis inguinaUs. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1831, u, 133.—Kriiger (L.) Abscessus inguinaUs. Arch. f. med. Erfah., BerL, 1831, u, 622-626—Linde (C.) Two cases of inguinal abscess. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Mil- waukee, 1876, x, 112.—'Wallace (J. R.) t . . . communica- tion with abdominal cavity and peritonitis after operation; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 17—Wolf- fius (J. M.) De abscessu in ingnine rupto, indeque pro- deuntibus lumbricis, flatibus et cibis semicrudis. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii, 473-475. Abscess (Intracranial). Bradley (S. M.) On intracranial abscess. Med. Prees Sc Circ, Loud., ^7S, n. s., xxvi, 97.—Callcndcr. Intra- cranial abscess containing air. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, U, 56.—[Case.] Abscess between the dura mater and the skull. Abscess (Intracranial). Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 228.—Celliese. Observation sur un abces dans lo sinus frontal et dans le crSne, accompagn6 do la paralysie de la paupi6re superieure, et d'autrcs symp- tomes tres-rcmarquables. J. d. med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1806, xi, 516-523.—Bavidson (A. D.) Atrophie des nerfs optiques d6termin6e par un abeda intra-cranien, gueri par la trepanation. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1877, lxxvu, 38-43—Gay. Abces sous la dure-mere, gueri par le tre- 5an. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1797, ii, 170-172— Eamilton. Abscess between dura mater and arachnoid; paralysis of right and left sides successively; softening of optic nerve, with inflammation of eye and loss of vision. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxui, 164—Hinton (J.) Abscess beneath the dura mater in connection with caries of the Setrous bone. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xvui, 10.—IaC Klanc. Observation sur un abces de l'inte-rieur du cr&ne, qui s'est vuide- par les oreiUes et par le nez. J. de med., chir., phai-m., etc., Par., 1762, xvii, 455-468.—Noycs (11. D.) Abscess beneath the dura mater rcUcved by trephining. Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., LouisviUc, 1875, xix, 517-520. [Boss.] Case of abscess between the cranium and the dura mater, simulating occipital neuralgia. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1876, iv, 308-310.—Smith (N. R.) Abscess within the cranium. Bait. M. J., 1870, i, 705-707, 1 pi- Thomas (L.) Remarks on a case of intracranial abscess, with otorrhcea, causing atrophy of optic nerve, relieved bv trephining. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, u, 820.—Watson (P. H.) Intracranial abscess foUowing injury successfully treated by trephining. Edinb. M. J., 1870, xvi, 40-45. Abscess (Lumbar). See, also, Abscess (Inguinal); Empyema (Com- plications and sequelae, of); Spine (Diseases of, Com- plications of). Abernethy (J.) Surgical observations on tu- mours and on lumbar abscesses. 8°. London, 1816. Bauer (B. B.) *De abscessu lumbari ejusquo sanatione, ... 4°. Jence, 1804. Bazerque (E. B.) *I. Des diverses especes d'abces dans la r6gion lombaire. 4°. Paris, 1840. Courbon (A.) Memoire sur les abces de la fosse lombaire. 8°. Paris, 1873. Macleod (M.) *De abscessu lumbari. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Miller (A.) A probationary essay on lumbar abscess. 8°. Edinburgh, 1831. Mueller (H. F. V.) *De abscessu lumbali. 8°. Berolini, [1839]. Keye (G. C.) *De abscessu lumbali. 4°. Jence, [1789]. Taylor (C. F.) On the management of lum- bar and psoas abscess. 8°. New York, 1870. Abbot (S.L.)& Tracy (S.) t . . . earlyopening; speedy recovery. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1867, v, 48-50.— Andrews (E.) The necessity of more heroic treatment in cases of lumbar abscess. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1878, xxxvii, 357-363—Ash hurst (J. jr.) t ... in which death was directly caused by profuse arterial hemorrhage. [Ulceration gluteal artery.] Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., Ui, 79— Anchincloss (W.) t . . . opening into rectum, and point- ing behind trochanter. Glasgow M. J., 1829, u, 162. -----. t . . . simulating inflammation of the kidney. Ibid., 1830, iii, 220.—Baciocchi (G.) Strano modo di guarigione di ascesso lombare. Imparziale, Firenze, 1870, x, 103-105.— Banchfellentziindung in Folge von Caries des Hurt-, Kreuzbeins und des letzten Lendenwirbels mit Abscess- bUdung im Beckenraume; Durchbruch nach Aussen, in den Mastdarm und die Bauchhohle. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenh. Wieden (1865), Wien, 1866, 182—Bauwelcers. t Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1809, xx, 280-299.—Borrowe. t . . . remarkable for the circumstances attending tho dis- charge of pus. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1798, i, 371.—Bow- ditch, t Boston M.&S. J., 1855, Iii, 180.—Brandiconrt. Pleuropneumonie termin6e par nn abces k la r6gion lom- baire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 504.—Brooks (J. N.) Lumbar abscess. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1851, i, 104.—Cady (C. E.) f . . . opening into the bowels Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, vi, 95.—Carter. Lumbar abscess. Montreal M. Gaz., 1844, i, 69; 108.— Cases. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1828, xiii, 233-237— Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., 1853, i, 3.—Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1872, xu, 346.—Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874, i, 40.—Clark (A.) t . . . with perforation of tho diaphragm. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1861, ii, 13—Con- cato (L.) t Riv. din. di Bologna, 1868, vu, 12-19.—Coul- son. t . . . cured by iodine injections. Lancet, Lend., 1856, i, 482; ii, 460. Also: Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, i, 62. -----. t . . . treated successfuUy by injection of tincture of iodine. Med. Circ, Lond., 1862," xx", 78.—Courbon. t ... produit par un cmpy^nie simulant un an6vrysme. Gaz. cl. ABSCESS. 54 ABSCESS. Abscess (Lumbar). hop., Par., 1870, xliu, 237.—Cunningham (J. S.) An in- teresting case of " strumous abscess " (?) of the lumbar mus- cles. "The Transactions", Youngstown, Ohio, 1879, i, 22— Cutbush (E.) t Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1802, v, 277-280.— Ba Camino (F. S.) t . . . feUcemente curato. Gior. veneto cU sc. med., Venezia, 1853, 2. s., i, 35-43.—Bavis (N. S.) t N. York J. M., 1845, v, 314-318—Belaporte. t J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1819, lxix, 308-315— Bimcy. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiu, 201-205.— Bacasse fils. t . . . lequel s'est fait jour en partie paries bronches. Rev. m6d. franc, et Strang., Par., 1827, iv, 24-33.— Farradcsche-Chanbassc (J. B.) Observation sur un rhumatisme chronique, termin6 par un abces k la r6gion lombaire gauche, et qui renfermait pres de six cents hyda- tides. Ann. clin. Montpel., 1813, xxxu, 148-154.—Fer- gnsson. t . . . successful practice with repeated punc- tures. Lancet, Lond., 1841, i, 193.—Fleming (C.) t DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 315.—Gairdner. t .". . open- ing into intestinal canal; pus in urine. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 380-388—Galvagni (E.) t Riv. cUn. di Bologna, 1872, 2. s., u, 354-360.—Green (T.) The gut punctured in open- ing a lumbar abscess; fatal. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, u, 650.—Gunn. Abscess of posterior chamber of fascia lum- borum. Med. Indep., Detroit, 1857, Ui, 469-471.—liar- grave (W.) t . . . presenting in the right gluteal region. nbUn M. Press, 1856, xxxvi, 226.—Hcyfclder (F. <£• O.) t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1851, ui, 524.—Holt (B.) Treat- ment of chronic lumbar abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1855, u, 54. -----. Large lumbar and subsequently pelvic abscess successfuUy treated with carbolic acid. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 223.—Horner (W. E.) t . . . attended with artificial anus in the groin. PhUa. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, 1820, i, 141-147.—Hutchison (A. C.) On lumbar abscess. In his: Pract. Obs. in Surg., Lond., 1816, 157-161.—Hyde (F.) Dissertation on psoas or lumbar abscess. Buffalo M. J., 1849-50, v, 249-267.— James (S.) t Boston M. &. S. J., 1833, vu, 247.—Jones (P. W.) Case of pleuritic effusion and lumbar abscess communicating with the kidney, in which the spleen was excessively smaU. Lancet, Lond., 1863, u, 160—Jones (T. E. R.) t Ibid., 1845, i, 12.—Key. t Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, vi, 253-256.—!.allemand (F.) t . . . par suite d'une carie du sacrum. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1822, xxviii, 248-254.—[de i.angenhagcn (O.)] 1 BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 326^328. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1861, viii, 135.—L,a Peyrc. Abc6s k la region lombaire. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1785, lxv, 375-386.—Lath am (J.) On abdominal tumor, originating in lumbar abscess. Med. Tr. Roy. CoU. Phys. Lond., 1813, iv, 329-342—Ia chert. Abscess der linken Weichengegend mit Durchbruch in die linke Lunge, marastischen und paralytischen Erscheinungen, nebst sehr copiosem Eiterauswurf und aUmaliger Heilung Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1858, xiii, 184-186.—JLendrick (C.) t . . . under the influence of the gouty diathesis. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1832-3, ii, 242-249.—Mac- farlane (J.) t . . . above 400 ounces of purulent mat- ter discharged. Edinb. M. cialement du pouco et de l'auriculaire. 4°. Paris, 1856. Camus (M. J. N.) '* Les abces me"tastatiques sont-ils le resultat de la phl6bite ou de la r6sorp- tion purulente? ... 4°. Paris, 1835. ABSCESS. 55 ABSCESS. Abscess (Metastatic). Furstenberg (M.) *De viscerum abscessibus qui capitis vulnera sequuntur. 8°. Berolini, 1840. Kerstens (J. C.) * Formidolosi rheumatismi biliosi triplici abscessu metastatico a?gre demum sanati historia. 8°. Eilice Holsat, [1792]. Obermayer (J. A.) * Idiopathia vomicae pul- monis lapsum excipientis per singularem obser- vationeni demonstrata cum annexis aliis selec- toribus anatomicis; 4°. [Heidelberg, 1759.] Paquet ( F. ) * Essai sur les suppurations e"loignv. 'larpiKT] 'E^., Afloat, 1859, i, 291-293.—Watson (J.) An inquiry into the pathology and treatment of secondary abscesses, and other consecutive disorders resulting from injuries and surgical operations. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1837, xxi, 37-74.—%Vcgeler. Metastatischer Eiter im Gehirn. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rheiu. Med.-CoU., Koblenz, 1841, 72.—Werner. Spontane Abscessbildung an verschiedenen Kdrperstellen; Tod unter pyamischen Erscheinungen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1859, xxix, 73-75—Williams (W.) t South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1846, n. s., ii, 517-519. Abscess (Multiple). See, also, Abscess (Metastatic). DE Castelnau (H.) & Ducrest (J.-F.) Re- cherches sur les abces multiples. 4°. Paris, 1846. Friant (L. J.) *Des abces multiples idio- pathiques ou de la diathese purulente. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1852. Laurent (A.-A.-M.) *Des abces multiples spontan6s. 4°. Paris, 1879. Zimmermaxx (J.-B.) * Des abces multiples du tissu cellulaire & la suite d'erysipele. 4°. Paris, 1876. Aran (F. A.) Recherches sur les abc£s multiples. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1846, i, 1: 156.—Baucek (F.) AUgemeine AbscessbUdung, mit dem Tode endigend. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1846, 582.—Bouchut. Des abefes multiples du tissu cellulaire chez les nouveau- n6s et chez les enfants a la mamelle. AbeiUe m6d., Par., 1876, xxxiii, 307-309. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xux, 705-707.—Berby (G.) Multiple abscesses. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, lxxx, 56.—Bcsmcrtct. Observation sur un lait repandu qui a parcouru differcntes parties du corps. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1784, lxi, 488-491.— Qarrcau (L.) Abcds multiples (do la hanche, du coude, de la cuisse. do la plevre, du diaphragme); variolo; mort; autopsie. Gaz. m6d. do l'Algerie, Alger, 1871, xvi, 98.— lVankivell (J. H.) A report of cases of abscesses sym- metrically formed in the body. Lancet, Lond., 1849, ii, 149.—Pistocchi (F. S.) enn., PhUa., 1878, xii, pt. 1, 161-160—Milroy. t . . . double . . . Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1825, xxiv, 16-19, 1 pi— Moore (CD.) t ... double . . . from injury to tho verte- bral column, caused by a faU. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1855, xx, 232-234—Miillcr(P.L.) EinLendenmuskel-Abscess,ohne Eroffhung desselben gliicklich geheUt. Rhein.-wcstphal. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1825, ix, 2. St., 105-107. -----. t Ibid., 1826, xii, 3. St., 21-24.—Miinchmeyer (E.) t J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1839, lxxxviii, 6. St., 90-96— Murray (J.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1833, xiU, 233-237—Nowak (J.) t AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1801, vi, 108—Owen (E.) * ... a new method of treatment. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1876, n. s., xxii, 393.— Paschcn (J. A.) t Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1820, vU, 182-192.—Pcrrochaud. t . . . con- secutive k un accouchement; ouverture . .. dans lo peri- toine. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1837, xii, 205-211—Pctro- nio (F.) Sull'ascesso detto psoas-iUaco; storia clinica e considerazioni. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1872, xxvi, ll; 29. Also: Morgagni, NapoU, 1872, xiv, 200- 209—Pfcufcr (C.) t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 565-585.—Polnillon. Uno embolic cardiaquo qui a cause la mort subito dans le cours d'une psoitis sup- pur6e. BuU. et mem. Soc do chir. do Par., 1879, n. s., v, I Arjjet (F.) Koto sur un nouveau sigue patbo- gnomonique de.s ... J. do chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1843, i, 70-72.—Bartlicz. Des abces syuiptomatiques. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1846-7, vii, 20; 33.—Bocamy. ... traitement . . . par les injections iodees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 589.—Boiuct. . . . traitement . . . par les injections iodees. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1850. ABSCESS. 60 ABSCESS. Abscess (Symptomatic). xxxix, 349-359. Also: Gaz. med. do Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 795-707. Also: Mem. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1851, ii, 454- 480.' Also: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, i, 788; 794. -----. t Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 301.—Bourdin. Del'avantage des larges ouvcrtures dans le traitement des... Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1847, Ui, 65-70.—Bourcly (J.) Sur les abces par congestion. Gaz. m6d. de Montpel., 1840-1, i, no. 8.—Bourjjot Saint-Hilaire. Sur les abces symptomatiques qui accompagncnt les d6nudations et les caries du rachis, et sur les signes qu'offro le si£ge ext6rieur de ces coUections purulentes pour remonter par la voie anatomique k la designation pr6cise des vertfebres affectees. Rev. med. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1834, iv, 172- 201. Also, Reprint.—Bouvier. . . . sur la guerison par absorption des abces symptomatiques du mal vert6bral. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1857, i, 5-22. Also, Reprint.'— Broca (P.) t . . . gu6ri k la suite d'une seule injection iodee. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 178-182.— Brouzet (G.) Des abcfes par congestion. Gaz. m6d. de Montpel., 1840-1, i, no. 4—Cador. t Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvi, 298-310.—Cas interessants d'abc^s par congestion; faut-il fairo une largo ou uno petite ouverture ? BuU. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1845, xxix, 134-136.—Chabrely. t J. de m6d.deBordeaux, 1859, 2. s., iv, 651-668—Berassc. En- kystementd'un . .. beiges, Brux., 1875, 3. s., viii, 175-179.—B upl ay (S.) Sur une collection Uquide de l'aine de provenance obscure, avec hstule rectale sus-sphincterienne (sacro-coxalgie suppuree). Progres m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 913.—Finco (G.) t . . . aUacosia destra. Gazz. med. ital. prov. venete, Padova, 1802, v, 62-64.—Fleury. . . . sur les injections iodees dans . . . Gaz. med. dePar., 1850, 3. s., v, 732.—Forget. Considerations sur . . . Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1837, xi, 222; 233—Gallard. t . . . du thorax. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1873, v, 73-77, 2 pi.—Gimcno (A.) Aplicacion del metodo de Lister al tratamiento de un abceso estenso y profundo del muslo. Cr6n. m6d., Valencia, 1879, ii, 518-526.—Gross (S. W.) On the treatment of spinal abscess. Med. News & Libr., PhUa., 1878, xxxvi, 109- 113.—BTancke. t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1839, xxvUi, 284-294.—Kicbeau. t . . . ouvert aux lombes et dans la plovre; operation de l'empyfeme. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1849, i, 417.—aLcB€1c(J.) De la sni6rison des abc6s froids I symptomatiques ou ossifluents. BuU. Soc. de med. de la Sarthe, Le Mans, 1877, 35-42.—Lielong (A.) De quelques points controverses du traitement des abces par congestion, et en particulier des injections iodees selon la methode de M. Boinet. Arch, beiges de med. nul., Brux., 1852, x, 5- 26.—lAOveqne-Ijasourcc. Observations sur ... J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1809, xvU, 260-269.—OT an e (F. J.) t . . . sintom&tico de c&ries vertebral. Independ. med., Barcel., 1874-5, vi, 284.—Markwick (A.) A new treatment of . . . Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, 529— Martin. Des avantagee du visicatoire comme substi- tutif k la ponction dans les ... J. de m6d., Brux., 1843, i, 613-618.—Michel. D6terminer les meiUeures modes de traitement applicables aux abc&s par congestion symp- tomatique d'une lesion de la colonne vert6brale. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, v, 395-500.—lVotta. t . . . gueri par l'injection iodee. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, U, 20.—Pain (A.) Sur le traitement des . . . BuU. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1857, Uii, 21; 110; 197.—Pancoast (J.) Spinal ab- scess, pathology and diagnosis. PhUa. M. Times, 1878, ix, 103.—Paradis. t . . . passant snecessivement du tho- rax aux fesses, au genou droit et k l'6paule droite; carie de Ia4mcc6tc; ... sortiedumalade. Gaz.d.h6p.,Par., 1835,ix, 289.—Panli (A.) Bemerkungen iiber . . . Mag. f. d. ces. HeUk., Berl., 1820, vu, 383; 434.—Payan. [Cases.] BuU. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1840-7, vi, 341- 350. -----. . .. sur le traitement des . . . Rev. m6d. franc. et etrang., Par., 1847, u, 305-340. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1847, iu, 231; 389.—Polano (M.) . . . omtrent do behandeUng van . . . Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst., 1867, iU, afd. 1, 257-260—Schoemaker (A. U.) Waar- door worden congestie-abscessen na hunne opening ge- vaarlijk? Hoe moeten zo behandeld worden ? Ibid., 417- 426.—Soltmann (O.) Zur Kenntniss der ersten Woge | der . . . Centralbl. f. d. med. "Wissensch., Berl., 1872, x, | 657-659. -----. Die Ausbreitungsbezirke der Conges- tions-Abscesse bei der Spondylarthrocace der Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1874, vii, 267-295.—Stein. Om Congestionsabscesser og Pusudbredninger. Hosp.-Medd., Kjebenh., 1850, iii, 380-408: 1851, iv, 77-96.—Traitement des . . . BuU. Soc. do chir. do Par., 1864, 2. s., iv, 470— Ustariz (J.) Un tratamiento particular de los abscesos osifluentes por medio de los c&usiicos. An. do cien. med., Madrid, 1877, iii, 97-101.—Van Crombruggc. t Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1876, 3. s., ix, 340-342—Van-Bckecrc (L.) t Clin. d. hop., Par., 1827, i, no. 8. Abscess (Thecal). See Tendons (Sheaths of, Diseases of). Abscess (Treatment of). See, also, Aspiration. Bardenheuer (B.) Indicationen zurAnwen- dung des scharieu Loffels. 8°. Coin, 1877. Abscess (Treatment of). Bibal (L. C. N.) *.. . II. Doit-on ouvrir tous les abces phlegmonous ? ... 4°. Paris, 1843. Bouttatz (F.) * De abscessuum curatione. 4°. Goitinga', 179(5. Brunner (F. E. A.) *De abscessibus solito rarius aperiendis. 12°. [Herbipoli, 1693. ] Chabalier (A.) * Quelques mots sur l'aspiro.- tion continue dans les abces h, parois mobiles. 4C. Montpellier, 1875. Chanceaulme (A.) 'Contribution h l'6tude du traitement pr6ventif du phlegmon diffus. 4°. Paris, 1877. Clare (P.) An essay on the euro of abscesses by caustic, [etc.] 8°. London, 1779. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1779. Commentz (J. G.) * De variis abscessus aperi- endi methodis. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1820]. Hancke (J. W.) Ueber Erofmung der Eiter- gesdnviilste nach verschiedenen Mothoden. . . . 8°. Breslau, 1829. Joseph (H. G.) * Joseph Lister's antisepti- sche Behandlung der Abscesse. Bericht iiber die Erfolge, welche mit diesem Verfahren auf der chirurgischen Klinik im St. Jacobshospital zu Leipzig erzielt wurden. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Lallart (A.-J.) *Du traitement des abces. 4°. Paris, 1845. MaVNIere d'ouvrir et de traiter les abces, a portde de la main du chirurgien et des secours do la chirurgie. 12°. Paris, 1765. Mariotte (L.) * Du traitement des abces par la r6union primitive. 4°. Paris, 1860. Meder (J. C.) *De l'emploi du vesicatoire dans le traitement du phlegmon diffus. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856. Miska (C. G.) *De damnis ex retardata ab- scessuum apertione. 4°. Halce ad Salam, [1765]. de Olnhausen (C. H.) * De optima abscessus aperiendi methodo. 4°. Gottingce, [1788]. Pineau (E. V.) * Des abces en g6neral, et de leur traitement par la cauterisation au moyen du nitrate d'argent. 4°. Paris, 1859. Sonner (F.) * De oncotomia. [Ludovico- Maximilianea.] 8°. Monachii, 1835. Souchotte (C.) *. . . sur l'ouverture des grands depots. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Abscesse. Behandlung theUs nach Lister, theUs mit der von Prof. Bohm modiflc. Pasta; rasche Heilung unter identischen Erscheinungen. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1869, 312-314—Alquic (A.) Bons effets de l'injection d'une solution tres-etendue de sulfate de fer pour combattre et pour prevenir les effets putrides qui suivent l'ouverture des vastes abc&s. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1856-7, iv, 251-254. -----. Du seton de fil simple et do 1'aiguiUo ordinaire dans le traitement des ad6ni6s suppurtes, etc. Ibid., 321.—Ashhurst (J. jr.) On the treatment of deep-seated abscesses and on peri- arthritis. Med. News & Libr., PhUa., 1879, xxxvii, 49- 59.—Atkinson (A.) Abscesses and their treatment. Bait. Phys. Sc Surg., 1875, iv, 35—Barlow (W. H.) t t . . . treated by carbolic acid. Manchester M. & S. Rep., 1870, i, 37-40.—Bcukcma (T. W.) Belangrijke phlegmone manus ct antibrachu, met gunstig gevolg behandeld door aanwending van permanente creosootbaden. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1868, iv, 1. afd., 561-563—Bohm (C.) Ueber Professor Lister's Methode der Behandlung von Abscessen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, 989-992.— Brainnrd (D.) Treatment of empyema and other ab- scesses, by injections of iodine. Tr. IUinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1860, 128.— Cullender (G. W.) ... by hypor- distention with carboUsed water. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 579. -----. Hyper-distention of abscesses. Med. Rec, N. T., 1879, xv, 25-27.—Chassaignac. Traite- ment des abc6s. [Discussion.] Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1851, i, 679; 688; 697. -----. . . . par le lavage et l'occlu- sion. Ibid., 1853, iv, 24.—Cittadini (L.) Strunieuto per apriro gUascessi guturrali. In his: Nuoviprocessioperat., Arezzo, 1841, 51-53, 1 pi.—Clebornc (C. J.) On carboUc acid in the treatment of . . . Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., n. s., 1868, lvi, 579.—Cosmao-Bumencz. Remarques sur les bons effets do l'emploi des injections iodees dans les abces chauds. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1862, lxu, 545- 550.—Courtin (E.) Abces ganglionnaires; injections d'iode. Gaz. nied. de Strasb., 1854, xiv, 75-80.—Coutts (J. ABSCESS. 61 ABSINTH. Abscess (Treatment of). A). Cinchona in the treatment of abscess. Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vii, 316-318.—Cunningham (J.) On anew and successful mode of treating extensive abscesses. Med.- Chir. J. Sc Rev., Lond., 1818, v, 272-278.—Bavid. Memoire sur les abces. [Couronn6 en 1764.] Mem. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1819, iv, 121-207— Be Morgan (C.) On the operation and on the plan of treatment by ''drainage". Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1859, xUi, 243-246.—Brapes (R. L.) On the treatment of phlegmon. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1818, xiv, 178-183.—Bu- breuilh (C. Ills). Reflexions et observations k l'occasion de la discussion qui vient d'avoir lieu a la Societe de chirurgie de Paris, sur les injections iodees dans lo traite- ment des abces par congestion. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1850, vui, 598-609.—Buck worth (D.) On the treatment of strumous abscesses by a carbolized catgut seton. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, 277.—Ellis (R.) A new system of abscess drainage by spual wire tubes. Lancet, Lond., 1869, U, 115,1 pi.—Frichscn. Injection of abscess with iodine. Ibid., 1857, ii, 84.—Fleming (C.) On the drainage treatment of abscesses. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 24.—Forget (A.) Sur le traitement du phlegmon ot des abces. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1841, xx, 346-354; xxi, 41-55.— Fosbroke (J.) On the ntUity of the early opening of suppurative tumours. Lond. M. Reposit., 1824, xxii, 104-111.—Girou de Buzareingucs. Sur l'usage des canules en ivoire ramoUi dans lo traite- ment des abces sinueux ou profonds. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 335. Also, Reprint.—CJrccn (N.) Tonico- astringent injections into a suppurating abscess. West. J. M. Sc S., LouisvUle, 1841, 2. s., iu, 343-347.—Oncriu (J.) Sur lo traitement abortif des tumeurs phlegmo- neuses, par l'incision sous-cutan6e. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1844-5, iv, 810-846. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1845, 2. s., xUi, 830; 850.—Hard (H. M.) Injection of tincture of iodine into suppurating cavities. Buffalo M. J., 1848-9, iv, 531-533.—Hargrarc (W.) On the pre- sent mode of opening sonio abscesses, and suggestions for a more improved practice. Dublin M. Press, 1847, xvii, 340.— Henry (M.) On the use of the drainage tubes of Chas- saignac in suppurating: cavities. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 8.—Herdt (P. J. C.) Du phlegmon diffus considere sous le rapport de son traitement. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1849, x, 80; 99.—Hildebrandt Ueber die HeUung der Abscesse ohue Scbnitt. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1797, i, 633-657.—Hildwein. t ... Einspritzung mit Kali hypermanganicum. Wien. Med.-HaUe, 1864, v, 147.— Hodge (H. L.) The hyperdistention of abscesses. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xvi, 154.—Houzc de l'Aulnoit. Du traitement . . . par l'eau sal6e. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1878, xcv, 243-253. Also: Courrier m6d., Par., 1878, xxviii, 238-243.—lAedwich (T. H.) Treatment of acute and chronic abscess by . . . "drainage tubes". Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1857, xxiv, 301-313—Iieriche. Des- divers raoyens . . . pour l'ouverture des abces. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1850, U, 72-76. -----. Sur un nouveau moyen pour ouvrir les abc6s, sans laisser de cicatrices apparencies. Rev. med.-chir. do Par., 1850, vu, 285-288—Iiisfranc. De l'ouverture des abc6s. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 549. Also: BuU. sen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1845, xxix, 16-24. -----. Regale praticho intorno l'apertura degli ascessi. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1845, 3. s., viU, 110-116—Slo- gan (S.) The principles regulating the natural evacua- tion of abscesses. N. Oil. J. M., 1869, xxu, 47-50. Mac Ewen (W.) [Cases.] . . . antiseptic treatment of ab- scesses. Glasgow M. J., 1878, x, 193-197.—Margot (E.) NouveUes considerations sur le traitement des abces, sur la fluctuation et sur les engorgemens qui environnent les kystes. Rev. med. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1827, i, 425-453— Moll. Over kunstig huiduitslag on huidzweren. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1823, ii, 1; 97.—Mo- rcaa-Boutard. Essai d'un nouveau procede pour ob- tenir le rficoUement dans les foyers puruleuts. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1844, ii, 358.—lVnnn. t Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 256.—Obissicr (H.) Coagulation du pus dans les abces, par des pulverisations d'ether k l'aido de l'appareil de Richardson; difliculte de pratiquer Inspiration dans cette circonstance. Bordeaux ni6d., 1877, vi, 92—Pas- qualini (T.) . . . traitement au moyen des caustiques. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 535-538.—v. Patru- ban. Die Behandlung der Abscesse nach Chassaignac. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1861, vu, 17-19— Pellctan (G.) Des inconvenients de la presence de l'air dans les foyers et des moyens d'y remedier, avec envoi d'un instrument. BuU. Acad, do med., Par., 1836, i, 237.—Petit (A.) . . . sur une nouveUo methode de vider les d6pots par la ponction et les ventouses. Rec. d. actes do la Soc. de sante do Lyon, 1798, i, 103-171.—Pineau (E.) Traitement des abces . . . cauterisation r6petee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 209.—Plouvicz. . . . doivent-Us etre ouverts avec l'instrnment tranchant ou avec la potasse caustique ? Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, iv, 361-372. -----. L'ouverture des abeds par le bistouri est-eUe preferable k ceUe faite au moyen do la pierre k cautere ? Ann. m6d. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1851, i, 498-509.— Prall (S.) . . . treated by hyperdistension with diluted carbolic acid. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1876, u, 679. —Price (P. C.) ... Abscess (Treatment of). drainage tubes of Chassaignac in suppurating cavities. Lancet, Lond., 1859, n. s., i, 211.—Removal of pus from abscesses by aspirator. Med. Rec, N. T., 1873, vui, 595— Bezzonico (A.) 11 DeU'iodio e deUa tintura jodata neUa cura degU ascessi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1858, clxvi, 58.—Boser (W.) Zur Kritik der Lister'schen Abscess- behandlung. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1869, x, 165-171.— Saisset (H.) . . . depots considerables, vid6s par la Sonction et les ventouses. Ann. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de lontpel., 1807, ix, 290-298.—Schuurman. Omtrent het openen der ettergezweUen. Hippocrates, Rotterd., 1816, ii, 102-110—Skey (F. C.) On intiltrating forms of suppuration and treatment of abscesses. Med. Circ, Lond., 1859, xiv, 12-14—Smethurst (T.) On opening scrofu- lous abscesses by leech-bites. Lancet, Lond., 1840-1, i, 883.— Solly (S.) ... pressure in the treatment of extensive ab- scesses. Ibid., 1855, i, 361.—Thcrapcias (LUpi) rav \eyii.ovi>v Sla tijs diros rStv noputvtou Sepnaros. 'luTpi/crj M«'A«r. ... 4°. Hamburg, 1729. Lucas (H. J.) *Experimenta circa faniem. 8°. Bonna; 1824. Pourcy (E.J.) * Dissertation sur l'abstinence. 4°. Paris, 1819. Eayger (C.) *De inedia. 4°. Argentorati, 1664. Richter (G. G.) Pr. do jejuniorum acnimiae sobrietatis noxis. 4°. Gottingoe, [1752]. Eitter (J. J.) De impossibilitate et possibili- tate abstinentiae longse a cibo et potu, occasiono puellae frutingensis dit bernensis inediam longam simulantis. Basileae, 1737. In: Hallek, Disp. ad morb., iii. Rolando (L.) & Gallo (L.) Necroscopia di Auua Garbero asita per lo spazio di 32 mesi 11 giornii... 4°. Torino, 1828. Struve (F. C.) *De inedia? noxa atque utili- tate. 4°. Halce Magdeb.,,[1739]. Teuber(J. J.) *Dejejuuiivotoetusu medico j vom Nutzen des Fastens oder Hunger-Cur zur Gesundheit. 4°. ■ Halce Magdeb., [1747]. Verrier (J.) *... sur l'abstinence prolong6e. 4°. Paris, 1814. Viebeg (G.) *De multorum atque magno- rum morborum remedio. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1714]. Viringius (J. W.) De jejunio, et abstinentia ; medico-ecclesiastici. sm. 4°. Rigiaci Atrebatium, 1597. Voltelen (F. J.) Diatribe, memorabilem septeuuis apositiaj historiam exbibens. 8°. Lugd. Bat et 'Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1777. Wedelius (G. W.) Pr. de quadragesima me- dica. [Of the40days'fasting.] 4°. Jence, 1G88. Akerinan (N.) Berattelso om en periodisk 15§xig luertklappning, botad genom Sviiltkur. [Heart disease sequela ot hunger-cure.] Tidskr. f. Lak. o. Pharm., Stock- holm, 1834, iii, 412-416.—Alard. Histoire d'un vomisse- ment extraordinaire et d'une abstinence de quatre mois, qiu n'ont pas emp6ch6 uno femme grosse d'amener k | terme un enfant bien portant. J. de ni€d., chir., pharm., i etc, Par., 1814, xxix, 380-393.—Alcott (VV. A.) Absti- nence from drinks. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1843, xxvUi, 19.— Allcit. . . . sur une abstinence de trente-trois jours, I avec des circonstances singulieres. J. de med., chir., i pharm., etc., Par., 17C2, xvii, 432-439.—Argcnti (A. F.) I Nevrosi corobro-spinale istcrica, acconypagnata da un di- | giuno di 37 giomi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1838, lxxxvi, j 5-38.—Aschendorf (H.) Eenigo ervarmgen aangaande Winslow's Hongerkuur. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1841, xx. 70-82.—Backiller (J. J.) . . . un ! caso raro cie cxistencia sin comer ni beber. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1851, 2. s., i, 175; 183.—Bail- larger. Abstinence; gangrene des poumons. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1843, i, 177-179—Balliu (A.) t Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1800, xv, 510-516.—Barber (H.) [Cases.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 544.— Bcnncwitz. . . . Ent- I ziehungs-Kur. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1837. Ixxxv, 1. St., j 89-98.—Biett. Abstinence Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1813, ! iv, 170-174.—Blair (P.) ... affidavit made in Scotland, j concerning a boy's living a considerable time without food. : PhU. Tr., Loud.', 1719-33. vii, 668—Blatchly (C. C.) An ] essay on the beneficial use of occasional fasting. Med. Re- posit, N. Y., 1818, n. s., iv, 246-254. —Boivdich (S.) An account of a woman who had lain covered with snow | six days without nourishment. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700-20, v, 358. —Brookes (W. P.) t Med. Times, Lond., 1849, j Xix, 396.—Bailey (F. A.) Cavauagh the impostor: his proceedings and confession. Lancet, Lond., 1841, i, 338- I Abstinence and Fasting. 340.—Buxtorf (J. L.) Inedia X dierum in melancholico. Acta Helvet., BasUeae, 1767, vi, 236. — Campbell (R.) Concerning a man who Uved eighteen years on water. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1732-44, ix, 238—Carvillc Sc Boche- fontainc. Note sur quelques lesions anatomo-patholo- giques, consecutives k l'inanition, observees chez deux chiens. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 314- 319.—[Cases.] [M6m. Acad. r. d. sc, 1769.] CoUect. acad. cl. mem., etc., Par., 1787, xiv, 331.—Eine wahnsin- nige Hungerleiderin, [welche etwas iiber voUe zwolf Mal vierundzwanzig Stunden nichts genass]. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1825, xix, 299-301.— . . . abstinence com- plete, pendant deux ans, huit mois et onze jours; ne- cropsio. (Jour. d'Omodei, octobro 1828.) CUn. d. hfip., Par., 1828-9, iii, 190.—Casper, t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1844, 361-367.—de la Chapclle. t [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1774. ] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc.. Par., 1787, xv, 365-367.—Collard de Martigny (C. P.) Recherehes exp6rimentales sur les effets do l'absti- nence complete d'alimens soUdes et Uquides, sur la compo- sition et la quantite du sang et de la lymphe. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1828, viii, 152-210.—Consbruch. Geschichte einer achtzehnmonatlichen Enthaltung von aUen Speisen und Getriinken. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. "Wundarznk., Jena, 1800, ix, 2. St., 115-123—Davies (H. H.) Sc Thomas (L.) Tho Welsh fasting girl. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 685- 688.—Dc Missel (F.) Relation d'un cas d'hysterie, com- pliqueo d'amenorrh6e et d'hemoptysie avec abstinence pen- dant dix-neuf mois. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1849, i, 498-529.—Devillicrs. . . . mort volontairement causce par abstinence. J. do m6d., chir., phami., etc., Par., 1803, vi, 517-525—Derilliers (D.) Histoire de la celebre infenne de Ganzar. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1840, Ui, 99-109. —Dickson (T.) Case of mono- mania accompanied with an obstinate refusal of food for four months. Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 512.—Docu- nicnto curioso. Siglo in6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 191.— Dorsey (F.) Voluntary starvation for forty days, foUowed by death. Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., Louisville, 1870, x, 449-452.—Dunn (J.) [On extraordinary abstinence.] Med. Sc Pbvs. J., Lond., 1813, xxx, 103-109.—Eccles (J.) An extraordinary abstinence; first thirty four days, and Boon after fifty four davs. Med. Essays Sc Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1744, v, pt. 2,'471-477 ;'[with a second case], 477-480.—Ex- trait d'uno lettro . . . sur une fiUe qui a et6 pr6s do onze ans sans prendre aucun aUment solide. Bull. Fac de mGd. de Par., etc., 1814, vii, 151-153.—Ford (A.) Protracted abstinence from food. Chicago M. J., 1873, xxx, 400— Forry (S.) Case of limosis expers, superveningon chloro- sis, with remarks. N. Am. Arch. M. & S. Sc, Bait., 1835, ii, 305-370.—Fowler (R.) The presence of fat and absence of attenuation of tho intestines in the bodv of Sarah Jacob, the Welsh fasting girl. Lancet, Lond., 1870, u, 150-152— Freiwilliaer Hungertod. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karls- ruhe, 1828, iii, 2. Hft., 155-157.—Gadersuann (J.) Ganz- Ucho Enthaltung von Speiso und Trank dreiundzwanzig Tage hindurch, ohno dass der Tod eintrat. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1848, lvi, 196-206.—Garcia (C. L.) Observacion de una variedad de epilepsia en quo hi enferma ha estado 77 dias sin tomar alimento. Bol. do med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1848, 3. s., iii, 313; 321.—Gautier (CO Observation sur un enfant qui vit depuis deux ans sans boiro ni manger. J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1762, xvii, 438-443.—Gerlach. FreywilUger Hungertod, nebst Sectionsbericht. J. d. pract. Arznk. ii. Wundarznk., Jena, 1800, x, 3. St., 181-190.—Granger (B.) Some account of the fasting woman at Titbury, who has at present Uved above two years without rood. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1809, v, 319-326: 1813, ix, 323-326. -----. On unusual cases of anorexy. I bid., 1813, ix, 157-159.—Grant (F.) Tho Mar- ket Harborough fasting gill. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 152—Green (C.) t BuffaloM. J., 1848-9, iv, 729—Griffith (T. T.) Case of survival of twelve davs' abstinence from food. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1820, xliii, 99-102—Hall (M.) Abstinence. Cycl. Pract, Med., Phila., 1845, i, 42- 45.—Harris (J.) A remarkable case. Cincin. M. Obs., 1850, i, 199.—Hays (I.) Abstinence. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1834, i, 125-134.—Held, t Mag.' f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1823, xv, 114-117—Henderson (A.) Ob- servations on tho case of Ann Moore. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1813, ix, 74-83. Also: Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1813, xxix, 109-118.—Histoire d'un cas remarquable comniuniqu6 k la Soci6te philosophique de Cambridge; fillo de 17 ans; fievro typholde, suivie d'engorgement des visceres abdomi- naux, de suppression de toutes les fonctions abdominales; abstinence complete dcpuis 4 mois, sans diminution de volume. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, Ui, 283.—Hoclast- lnerkwiirdiges Beispiel von siebzehntiigiger Ausdauer des Lebcns mehrerer Meuschen ohno Nahrung, in der Kiilte und dem offnem Meere preisgegeben. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1811, xxxii, 3. St., 116-119—Hufcland (C. W.) Freiwilliger Hungertod, von dem Verhungerten selbst be- Kchrieben; mitgetheili von . . . Ibid., 1819, xlvui, 3. St., 95-103.—Jewett (W. E.) Some pathological details of the "remarkable case of fasting," etc. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1875, xi, 65-67.—Joullietton (J.) . . . sur une abstinence volontaire de toute espece de nourrituro et do boisson, pen- ABSTINENCE. 65 ABSTKACT. Abstinence and Fasting. (hint onze jours; et d'aUmcns solides, pendant plus de sept mois. J. domed., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1804, viii. 3-23.— Knndiuann (J. C.) Von zwoen Wcibs-Personen, da die cine in 10 Jahren weder gcgessen noch getruueken, die audio ebener niassen 3 Jahre gefastet, und dieses noch biss dato also contiuuirct. Samml. v. Nat. u. Med., etc., Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxiii, 298-306.—Lann (O.) Ueber die Grosse des taglicben Gewieht.sverlu.stes de.s mcnschlichen Kcirpcrs bei vollstaudigem Fasten und bei regeliuassigei' Ernahrung. Cntersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1857, ii, 278-284.—Lewis (T.) The case of a young girl who is said to have fasted for the last seventeen months. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 373: 18TO, i, 27-29— Linden (C.) ... voluntary starvation; death on the tenth day. Ibid., 1870, i, 384.—Liissaaer. Ueber den Puis wahrend des Fastens. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1863, vi, 577-580, 1 tab.—Mackenzie (A.) . . . woman in the shire of Ross living without food or drink. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1777, lxvii, 1-11—ITl'Naushtoii (J.) . . . man who Uved on water for fifty-three days. Tr. Albany Inst., 1830, i, 113-120— Magdgcn (Von einem), so bey 25 Monat lang gefastet, und bald sehr schwer, bald sehr leichte ist. [From: "Clef du cabinet des princes ", oet., 1722, art. 1, p. 237 seq. Text French, accompanied by a German translation and remarks.] Samml. v. Nat. u. Med., etc, Leipz. u. Budissin, 1724, xxi, 101-105. — Maragliano. Igiene della fame. Salute, Genova, 1871, vi, 97-101.—Marcr (L. V.) Note sur une forme de delire hypochondriaque consecutive aux dyspep- sies et caracterisee principalement par le refus d'aUments. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1860, 3. s. vi, 15-28.— Marrotte. Etude sur l'lhanition resultant de l'abstinence prolong6e dans les maladies aigues. Bull. gGn. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1854, xlvii, 313; 369; 508—Mercadier. Lettre sur une jeune demoisehe qui a ete environ six mois sans prendre ?resqu'aucune nourriture. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., 'ar., 1765, xxiii, 133-141.—Millar (J.) . . . case of a girl, who lived for eighteen days on a ban-en moor, and in a cold climate, without anv other subsistence but water. Med. &. PhU. Comment., Edinb., 1790, iv, dec. 2, 360-362.—Mu^erte por abstinencia voluntaria. [2 cases, one from Hufeland's, the other from an English journal.] D6cadas de med. y cirug. prAt., Madrid, 1828, xviii, 175-183.—Nicholson (D.) On the body-weight and urea in a case of starvation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 4-6—IVorris (J. N.) t Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 268.—Observation curieuse d'un enfant ne avant terme, qui resta pendant deux mois sans prendre de nourriture. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1840, xi, 259—O'Grady (J.) * Dublin M. Press, 1840, iv, 117— Pierce (J. L.) Caseof abstinence for three mouths. Am. J. M Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 571-573.—Piorry (P. A.) De l'abstinence, de l'alimentation insuthsante, et de leurs dangers. J. hebd. demed., Par., 1830, vii, 161-185.— Pistelli (£. M.) Rinessioni fisiche sopraU digiuno. Ann. univ. di mod., Milano, 1822, xxiii, 161-170.—Plynipton (E. S.) Extraordinary abstinence attending chronic peri- tonitis. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1839, xx, 333.—Beligioas fasts. San. Rec, Lond., 1875, ii, 289.—Bolando Sc Gallo. Exemple remarquable d'une abstinence! absolue d'aUmens et de boissons pendant trente-deux mois ct onze jours; autopsie. (Extrait.) Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1829, xix, 247-254—Boss (J.) t Ann. Med., Edinb., 1801, v, 380-383— Bostan. Abstinence. Diet, de med., 2. ed.. Par., 1832, i, 283-308.—Bush (B.) History of a case of death from long continued abstinence. Phila. M. Museum, 1806, ii, 184-180—Santpsonius (H.) De ab.stincntia insoUta. Misc. Acad. nat. curios.. Lips, et Francof., 1681, iii, [1072], 281.—Santa (La) de Benavarrc. Siglo med., Madrid, 1859, vi, 88.—Schilvcr. An extraordinary case of abstinence, nearly fifteen months in duration. Lond. M. Rev. Sc Mag., 1799-1800, ii, 484-^89— Schleifcr (A. M.) Siebzehntagiges freiwilliges Hungem. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., "Wien, 1843, 645-648.—Schmalz (E.) Zwei Geschichteu von Frauen, welche angeblich sehr lange ohne Nabrung zu sich zu nehmen ibr Leben Yortgesctzt haben. J. d. pract.TBeilk., Berl., 1829, Ixix, Suppl.-Hft, 216-235.—Schniidtmann (L.J.) Ueber die Anna Maria Kinker zu Borgloh. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1801, xii, 2. St.. 1-15.—Schoneiunnn. Hunger; Hungerkur. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1829, i, 215-230— Nchaumian (J. B.) t Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1837, xvi, 289-299.—Scltene Krankheitsge- schiebte. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1820, ii, 28-32.—[Silver (D. R.)] t Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxu. 340— Sloan (C. F.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xv, 264 ; 389—Stute. Die Entziehuug als Kur. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 243- 245—Taylor (J. S.) tt Am. J .M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxi, 55-61.—Thomson (R. D.) ... case of abstinence for 71 days; death. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 456-459— TritlI»iit dva dnya pod suaigom. [Thirty-two days under the snow.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1861, i, 67— Tracliscss. Fiinfwochentliches Fasten eines Madchcns. Mod. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1841, xi, 227.—Ulrica. . . . Geschichte einer einjahrigen Enthalt- samkeit von alien festen Speiscn. Rhein. Jahrb. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, 1820, u, 2. St., 189-193.— Vandcrmonde. . . . sur une abstinence de vingt-six ans. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1700, xiii, 15b-100.—de Varennes. Sur une fille qui a et6 pr6s de onze ans sans prendre aucun ali- r, Abstinence and Fasting. ment soUde. BuU. Fac. de m6d. de Par., etc., 1814, iv, 151- 153.—VclschiiiN (G. H.) De abstinentia ementita pueUae Augustan;e deprehensa. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips, et Francof., 1072, Ui, [1081], 47-31—Vicarius (J. .1. F.) De dsito novem dierum. Ibid., 1095, ii, dec. in, 266-279.—Voit (C.) Ueber die Verschiedenheiten der Eiweisszersctzung beini llungern. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1866, ii, 307-305, 1 tab.—v. Walther (P. F.) t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxi, 343-360.—de Wcnckh (J. B.) Hydro- phobia siugularis. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios., Noiib., 1717, cent, v-vi, 51-54.—Whiting (L. E.) "The woman who lives without eating." Boston M. & S. J., 1859, lx, 109-111.—Whitney (A. A.) t Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1875, xi, 10-13—Whitney (W. W.) t Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1875, x, 231.—Willan (R.) t Med. Communicat. Soc. Promot. Med. Knowl., Lond., 1790, ii, 113-122— Wil- liams (S. "W. D.) ... on the refusal of food in the insane. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1864-5, x, 366-380. Abstract (An) from the account of the Asylum, or House of Refuge, situate in the parish of Lambeth, in the county of Surry, for the recep- tion of friendless and deserted orphan girls, the settlement of whose parents cannot be found. 35 pp. 12°. [London], VIM. Abstract of annual accounts of the city of Edin- burgh parochial board for the year 1866-7. 8°. Edinburgh, 1867. Abstract of annual mortuary report. By the health officer of the health department of Cincin- nati. For the year 1875. 4°. [Cincinnati, 1876.] Abstract (An) of the evidence given before a committee of the House of Commons respecting adulterations, sophistications, and substitutions of drugs, chemicals, and medicinal preparations: ■with similar facts from other sources. 15 pp. 8°. London, General Apothecaries Company, 1856. j Abstract of health laws governing quarantine at the port of Philadelphia, containing instruction I relative to the duties of owners of vessels, cap- tains and pilots, arriving at said port, or de- tained at the lazaretto. (By direction of the I board of health.) 28 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, j Crhsy cj- Marlcley, 1860. [Also, in: P., v. 339.] Abstract of the population of Ohio for the year 1H~0, compiled from the returns of the seventh census, under a resolution of the Ohio constitu- tional convention [by the secretary of state]. i-5 pp. 8°. Columbus, S. Medary, 1851. Abstract of proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Special communication Aug. 6th, A. L. 5875 [1875], in reference to Winslow Lewis, M.D. pp. 88-386. 8°. Boston, Rockwell $ \ Churchill, 1875. ------. Winslow Lewis, M.D. pp. 396-402,1 pi. 8°. Repr. from: New England Freemason, 1875, U, no. 8. Abstract of the proceedings of the Obstetric Society of Edinburgh for 1850-1, session 10. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4" Knox, 1851. See, also, Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh. Abstract of the proceedings of the Plinian I Society, from its first meeting, Jan. 14, 1823, to July 25, 1826. 8°. Edinburgh, 1826. [P., v. 115.] See, also, Plinian Society. Abstract of the proceedings and reports of the international sanitary conference of 1866. (Com- piled by A. H. Leith, president of the sanitary com- mission, Bombay presidency.) ix, 118 pp. roy. 8°. Bombay, prtd. at the press of the revenue, 1867. Selections from the records of the Bombay government, no. ci, n. s. Abstract (An) of the proceedings of the Veteri- nary Medical Association during its annual ses- sions, lst-5th (1836-7 to 1840-1). 5 v. 8°. London. See, also, Veterinary Medical Association. I Abstract of receipts and expenditures of the Croydon local board of health, for the year 1869-70. 8C. Croydon, 1870. ! Abstract from the report of a commission on j questions regarding the origin, endemic preva- lence, transmissibility, and propagation of cholera. ABSTRACT. 66 ACADEMIA. Abstract from the report of a commission, etc. [International sanitary conference at Constanti- nople.] ByS. L. Abbott. 11pp. 8°. [P., v.215.] Repr. from: Boston M. . Halce Magdeb., [1795]. ! Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Ja- neiro, lielatori.) dos trabalhos academkos de 30 Junho de 1*75 a 30 de Junho de 1H76. Apre sentado 6, Academia imperial de medicina do Eio de Janeiro em sessao magna de 30 de Junho de 1876. Pelo secretario-geral Dr. Jos6 Pereira Rego Filho. 340 pp. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, E.& H.Laem- mert, 1879. ACADEMIA. 67 ACADEMIE. Academia y laboratorio de ciencias mddicas de Cataluiia. Anales de la Academia y laboratorio j de ciencias mddicas de Cataluiia. Is'os. 1-6. 8°. Barcelona, 1678. Academia de medicina de Buenos Ayres. Anales de la Academia de medicina de Buenos Ayres. No. 1. Agosta de 1623. 99 pp. t^?. Buenos Ayres, imprenta de Hallet, 1823. Academia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. Cenni storici intorno l'Academia medico-chirurgica di J Ferrara. 10 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1840. ------. Estratto di alcune memorie scientifiche lette neUe ordinarie adunanze dell' . . . nel corso degli anni 183. 1836-9; 1853-5. 8°. Bologna # Ferrara, 1840, 1858. -----. Programma di concorso al premio provin- ciale di una medaglia d'oro del valore di scudi cento. Tema. Contribnzione alia istiogenesi eti- ologia e terapia del cancro. Condizioni. 21. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] -----. Regolamento per 1'. . . 10 pp. 8°. Fer- rara, 1861. -----. Rendiconti delle adunanze dell' . . . degli anni 1840-52. 8°. Bologna, 1841-5; Ferrara, 1844-53; Venezia, 1846. -----. Resiconti delle adunanze dell'. . . 1861-3 (anno accademico xxxiv-xxxvi). 8°. Ferrara, 1861-4. Academia medico-chirurgica di Genova. Prima relazione quinquennale deU'Academia medico- chirurgica di Genova, latta dal segretario gen. G. Massone. Liguria med., Genova, 1859, iv, 337-374. Academia medico-quirurgica espaiiola. Regla- mento de la Academia medico-quirurgica espa- iiola. 22pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, Berenguillo, 1873. Academia nacional de ciencias exactas. Acta de la Academia nacional de ciencias existente en la Universidad de Cordoba, v. 1; v. 3, entregas 1, 2. fol. Buenos Aires, 1875-7. ------. Boletin ... v. 2, entregas 1, 2, 3, 4. 8°. Cordoba, 1875-8. Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. Col- leccao das medalhas e con decoracoes portuguezas e das estrangeiras com relacao a Portugal perten- cente ao torn iii, part ii, das memorias da Aca- demia real das sciencias de Lisboa, coordenada pelo socio effectivo M. B. L. Fernandes. 51 pi. 4°. -----. Memorias . . . Classe de sciencias mathe- maticas, physicas e naturas. Nova serie. v. 1 (1854-5); part 2, v. 2 (1861); v. 4 (1867-70); part 1, v. 5 (1875). 4°. Lisboa, 1854-75. ------._ Memorias . . . Classe de sciencias moraes, politicas e bellas lettras. Nova serie. v. 1-4 (1854-77). 4°. Lisboa, 1854-77. ------. Sessao publica da . . . 12 Deer. 1875. 15 Maio 1877. 2 nos. 8C. Lisboa, 1875-7. See, alio, Journal de sciencias mathematical, physicas e naturales -, pubUcado sob os auspicios da . .. Academia? caes. reg. Josephinae medico-chirur- gica? Vindobonensis. Acta Academia? caes. reg. Josephina? medico-chirurgica? Vindobonensis. v. 1. lxiv,376pp.,llpl. 4°. Vindobonce, It. Graffer et soc, 1788. Academiae leopoldino natura curiosorum Vratis- lavia?. Historia morborum, qui annis mdcic. iudcc. mdeci. Vratislavia? grassanti sunt, a collg. Acad, leopold. nat. curios. Vratislaviens. in lucem edita. Opus variis casibus et cautelis practicis judicis item de remediis, et vera curandi ratione instructum. Accedit appeudicis loco tractatus de experientia, in quo natura experientia? de- scribitur, et quam caute comparanda ea sit, ex- plicate. 8 p. 1., 318 pp., 3 1., 3 pi., 39 pp. 4°. Vratislavice $• Lipsice, C. Bauchii, IV 06. Bound with: Bidloo (G.) Exercitationes, etc., 1708. -----. Historia morborum, qui annis mdexcix., mdec, mdeci., mdecii. VratislavisB grassati sunt a collg. . . . Opus variis casibus et cautelis ; Academiae leopoldino natura, etc.—continued. practicis, judiciis item de remediis, et vera curandi ratione instructum. Accedit appendicis loco : I. Tractatus de experientia, in quo natura experi- entia? describitur, et quam caute comparanda ea sit, explicatur. II. Observationes practica? de hydrope pectoris. Prafatus est Albertus Haller. [Editio altera.] x, 480 pp. 4°. Lausannce $• Gcnevce, sumptibus M.-M. Bousquet et soc, 1746. ------. Observationes practicae de hydrope pec- toris, in quibus de signis et causis occultioris hujus morbi, ac curandi ratione disseritur, a . . . editae. 8, 62 pp., 11. 4°. Vratislavice et Lipsice, C. Bauchii, 1706. Bound with: Bidloo (G.) Exercitationes, etc., 1708. ------. Sammlung von Natur- und Medicin- wie auch hierzu gehorigen Kunst- und Literatur-Ge- schichten, so sich an 1719,1719-23 in Schlesien und andern Landern begeben, etc. Ans Licht gestellet nunmehro von einigen Academ. Natura? curios. in Bresslau. 1717, 1719-23. 4 v. in 2. 4°. Leipzig und Budissin, D. Richter, 1717-24. Also, under: Annalium physico-medico, oder Ge- schichte der Natur und Kunst. Academiae Rheno-Trajectina?. Annales Aca- demia? Rheno-Trajectinse. Anno 1815-6—1836-7. 22 v. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1817-37. Academici [Neerlandi; Academia Lugduno- Batava; Academia Rheno-Trajectina; Academia Groningana; Athenaeum Franequeranum; Athe- naeum Amstelaedamense; Athenaeum Daventri- ense; Seminarium theologicum Augustina? con- fessionis Amstelaedamense]. Annales xxxx, 1837-8—1871-2, 25 v. 4°. Hague-Comitis $ Lug- duni Batavorum, 1840-75. Want vols, for years 1838-9 and 1839-40. Athena;um Franequeranum and Seminarium theologicum AugnstinsB confessionis Amstehedamense dropped after the first vol. 1840-9 in 1 v. Academician (The). Published semi-monthly by Albert and John W. Pickett. Nos. 4-25, v. 1, April 9, 1818, to Jan. 29, 1820. 399 pp. roy. 8°. New York. Want Nos. 17, 20, 23. No. 25 last pubUshed. Academie d'Alger. Sdance solennelle de ren- trde de l'Ecole proparatoire de mddecine et de pharmacie d'Alger pour les annees 1859-61, 1864-9, 1872-5, 1877. 8'. Alger, 1859-77. Academie des belles-lettres, sciences et arts de la Rochelle. Seance publique. 1872-7. 8°. La Rochelle, A. Siret, 1873-8. Academie impdriale de mddecine. See Aca- demie de mddecine. Academie impdriale des sciences, arts et belles- lettres de Dijon. See Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. Academie impdriale des sciences de St.-Pdters- bourg. Mdmoires de l'Acaddmie impdriale des sciences de St.-Pdtersbourg. Sciences mathd- niatiques, physiques, et natureUes. 6. sdrie, 1. et 2. livraison, v. 1, pp. 1-220, pi. 3. 4°. St- Pe'tersbourg, M. Graef, 1830. ------. Mdmoires . .. Sciences politiques, histoire, philologie. 6. sdrie, 1. et 2. livraison, v. 1, pp. 1-204, 2 pi. 4°. St-Pe'tersbourg, M. Graef, 1830. ------. Mdmoires biologiques tirds du Bulletin physico-mathdmatique de . . . 1849-65. 5 v. 8°. St-Pe'tersbourg, Eggers et Cie., 1853-65. ------. Mdmoires prdsentds a 1' . . . par divers savans, et lus dans ses assembldes. 1. livraison, v. 1, pp. 1-95, pis. 1-2. 4°. St.-P6tersbourg, M. Graef, 1830. ------. Physikalische und medicinische Abhand- lungen der . . . Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt von J. L. C. Miimler. 2 v. 18, 572 pp., 6 pi.; 4 p. 1., 474 pp., 4 1., 10 pi. 8°. Riga, J. C. Hart- knoch, 1782-3. ------. Repertorium fur Meteorologie, herausge- ACADEMIE. 68 ACADEMIE. X Academie impdriale des sciences, etc.—cont'd. gebenvonder . . . redigirt von II. Wild. v. 1-5; j. 6, Heft 1. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1870-8. Academie de mddecine. Bulletin de l'Acaddmio de mddecine. v. 1-36, 1836-71; 2. sdrie, v. 1-7, 1872-8. 43 v. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere ct fils ct G. Masson, 1836-78. Current. - —-•• ----. Discussion sur les rapports a dtablir entre-sJ\ la mddecine et la pharmacie dans l'armde en rd- ]\ ponse aux questions posees par M. le ministre de la guerre. 210 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. ----. Extrait d'un rapport [sur l'examen des remedes secrets] prdsentd a S. exc. Mgr. lo mi Academie de Nancy—continued. veinbre 1869, et le 15 novembre 1871. 8°. Nancy, Vve. Raybois. Academie nationale de mddecine. See Academie de mddecine. cademie de la Rochelle. Section de mdde- cine. Bulletin Se. la Socidtd de mddecine et de chirurgie de la Rochelle. 2. sdrie, nos. 2-4. 8°. La Rochelle, 1873-8. ----. Socidtd de mddecine. travaux de la socidtd. No. Compte-rendu des 1. 26 pp. 8°. La nistre secrdtaire d'dtat de l'intdrieur, par l'Aca- ddmie royale de mddecine. 22 pp. 4°. [Paris, de Vimprimerie royale, n. d. ] Mdmoires ... v. 1-31,1828-75. 31 v. 4°. Paris, J-. B. Bailliere etfils et G. Masson, 1828-75. ----. Ordonnances relatives a l'Acaddmie royale de mddecine. 7 pp. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Bound with: Ordonnances du roi, etc. ♦ ----. Ordonnances du roi, arretes et reglement pour l'Acaddmie royale de mddecine. 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. [Paris, Rignoux, 1822.] Projet de reglement. 15 pp., 41. 4°. [Paris, imp. de Chaignieau fils, n. d.] ----. Projet de ordonnance sur la vente des sub- stances vdndneuses. 14 pp. 4°. [Parts, Rignoux, n. d.] Rapport de la commission chargde de rd- diger un projet d'instruction relativement aux dpiddmies. Exposition des motifs et du plan de ce travail. 46 pp. 4°. [Paris, Rignoux, 1828.] Rapport fait a cette acaddmie dans Ja sdance du 22 octobre 1839, sur les pieces patho- logiques modelldes en relief, et publides par Fdlix Thibert, auteur d'un nouveau procddd. Par une commission composde de MM. Andral, Breschet et Cruveilhier. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, F. D. Frercs, 1839. Rapport sur la rdorganisation du service de santd militaire en rdponse aux questions de M. le ministre de la guerre. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. [P., v. 801.] -----. Reglement. Exposd des motifs. Sdance du4 septembre 1821. 27pp. 4°. [n.p.,n. d.] -----. Sdance du 10 mai 1831. Rapports sur I'anatomie clastique du docteur Auzoux. Coni- missaires: MM. Adelon, Dubois, Cruveilhier, Breschet, Hte Cloquet, Ribes, et Baft'os, rappor- teur. Prdcddd d'une notice sur ses travaux ana- tomiques. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, M. Auzoux, 1837. -----. Titres prdsentds par le Dr. A. Le Roy de Mdricourt a l'appui de sa candidature a une place dans la section des membres associds libres de P . . . 8 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1873. See, also, Plaies (Des) d'armes a feu. Communications faites kl' ... Academic de medecine. Bailliicke (J. B.) et fils. Histoire denos rela- tions avec P . . . 1827-71.—Lettre adressde a MM. les membres de l'acaddmie. 8°. Paris, 1872. Rouhaud (F.) Histoire et statistique de l'Aca- ddmie nationale de mddecine depuis sa fondation jusqu'a ce jour. 8°. Paris, 1852. Also, in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 433; 445; 457. [Chaaflard.] Rapport sur la reforme du reglement de 1' . . . Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1874, 2. s., iii, 1041- 1073.—Dubois. Representation exactement de la saUe de l'Academie nationale de m6decine, et de deux tableaux qui y out ('.Us places par Dubois. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s.. ii, 403.—Durcau (A.) Note pour servrr a l'histoire de 1' . . . Gaz. med. do Par., 1874, 4. s., Ui, 593; 605; 621; 645.— Reglement (Le) de l'Academie de medecine. Union med'., Par., 1874, 3. s., xviii, 729-731; 741. Academie de Nancy. Rentrdes solennelles des facultds de droit, des sciences, des lettres et de l'Ecole de mddecine et de pharmacie de Nancy, le J6 novembre 1867, le 18 novembre 1868, le 16 no- Rochelle, Z. Drouineau, 1871. Continued as BuUetin No. 2. See, also, Societe de medecine et de chirurgie de la RocheUe. Academie royale de chirurgie. Mdmoires de l'Acaddmie royale de chirurgie. 5 v. 4°. Paris, C. Osmont, Delaguette, P. A. Le Prier, P. F. Didot, 1743-74. -----. A Mdmoires ... 15 v. 8°. Paris, 1771-87. v. 1, 1781; v. 2, 1780; v. 3, 1780 ; v. 4, 1787; v. 5, 1787; v. 6, 1787; v. 7, 1771; v. 8, 1771; v. 9, 1771; v. 10, 1783; v. 11, 1784; v. 12, 1784; v. 13, 1774; v. 14, 1774; v. 15, 1774. -----. Mdmoires . . . Nouv. dd. avec notes. 5 v. 8°. Paris, Menard et Desenne fils, 1819. -----. Mdmoires sur les sujets proposds pour les prix de P . . . Nouv. dd. avec notes. 5 v. 8°. Paris, Menard et Desenne fils, 1819. -----. Memoirs . . . being a collection of obser- vations and experiments, made by the most emi- nent surgeons of France, and others; and con- taining a great variety of very extraordinary cases in the principal branches of the art. Trans- lated from the original by George Neale. In 3 v. v. 2. xii, 448 pp. 12°. London, J. Rivington <$• J. Fletcher, 1759. Want v. 1 and 3. Academic royale de chirurgie. Dubois (F.) Deux episodes empruntes k l'histoire in- t6rieure de V . . . lues k 1'Acad6mie de medecine. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1855, 3. 8., x, 619-629. -----. Documents pour servir k l'histoire del' ... Premiere partie: Des travaux et de la personne de Louis. Mem. Acad, de m6d., Par., [1852, xvi, pp. i-lxxviii. -----. The same. 2" partie: Cor- respondance oflicieUe et administrative, premieres nomina- tions d'associes strangers. Ibid., 1856, xx, pp. i-xxix.— Guardia (J. M.) Les archives de Y . . . Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1808, 3. s., xxiii, 207; 263; 307; 323; 5'J5; 567; 663; 1869, xxiv, 13; 153.—Ilistoirc de 1' . . . depuis son 6tabUs- sement jusqu'a 1743. Mem. Acad. roy. de cliir., Par., 1768, iv, 1-120.—Verncuil (A.) Documents in6dits tires des archives de l'ancienne Acad6mie de chirurgie. [Paris.] Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1860, vu, 387; 433; 449; 465; 529; 546. Academie royale de mddecine. See Academie de mddecine. Academic royale de mddecine de Belgique. Bulletin de l'Acaddmie royale de mddecine de Bel- gique. 1. sdrie, v. 1-16 (1841-2—1856-7); 2. s., v. 1-9 in 10 v. (1857-8—1866); 3. s., V. 1-12 in 13 v. (1867-78); with 1 v. of index for 1. s. and 1 v. for 2. s. 41 v. 8°. Bruxelles, 1842-78. Current. -----. Compte-rendu des travaux de P . . . 1841- 2—1845-6,1854-5. 6 nos. 8°. Bruxelles, 1843-56. -----. Mdmoires de P . . . v. 1-4 (1848-63); v. 5, fasc. 1, 1869. 4°. Bruxelles, J. B. J. de'Mortier, 1848-69. -----. Mdmoires des concours et des savants dtrangers, pubhds par P . . . v. 1-7; v. 8, fasc. 1, 1874. 4°. Bruxelles, J. B. de Mortler, 1847-72. -----. Mdmoires couronnds et autres mdmoires publidspar P . . . v. 1-2 (1870-4); v. 3, fasc. 1-6 (1*74-6); v. 4, fasc. 1-6 (1*76-8); v. 5, fasc. l-'i (1878). 8°. Bruxelles, U. Manceaux, 1870-8. -----. Prix proposds pour . . . 1859. 2 1. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1858.] -----. Proces-verbaux de P . . . 1841-77. 36 nos. 8°. Bruxelles, 1841-77. -----. Programme des questions, mises au con- cours pari'. .. 1856-7. 3pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1856.] ^IjuSciM-'U ACADEMIE. 69 ACADEMY. Academic royale de medecine de Belgique. \ Crocq. Compte rendu gdndral des travaux de Pacademie fait a Poccasion du 25me anniver- j sa ire de sa fondation. ^ -'. Bruxelles, 1866. Repr. from: BuU. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., ' 2. s., ix. Academic (L') de m6decine et les ecrivains beiges. Gaz. med. beige, Brux., 1843, i, 229; 233; 237.—Sauveur. . . . Compte-rendu des travaux de 1'academie pour l'annee 1842-3. Arch. med. beige, Brux., 1843, xu, 117-132. Academie royale de Prusse. Mdmoires de l'Acaddmie royale de Prusse. Concernant I'ana- tomie; la physiologie; la physique; l'histoire natu- relle; la botanique; la mindralogie; &c. Avec un choix des mdmoires de chimie & de philosophic spdculative; des discours prdliniinaires, & des appendix, oil Pon indique les nouvelles ddcou- vertes. 9 v. in 10. 12°. Avignon Sr Paris, J. J. XUI, 1768-74. Academic royale des sciences. Rapport fait dans les sdances des 26 septembre, 7 et 21 novem- bre lr-2.", sur un mdmoire de M. Costa, ayant pour ] litre: Considdrations gdndrales sur Pepideniie I qui ravagea Barcelone en 1821, et sur les mesures I que notre gouvernement avait prises pour en j garantir. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, F. Didot, 1826. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Annuaire de l'Acaddmie des sciences, des letters et des beaux-arts de Belgique. 1865-7^. 10 v. 12°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1865-78. -----. BuUetins de P . . . 1863-77. 28 v. 8°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1863-77. -----. Centieme anniversaire de fondation de P. .. (1772-1872), i-ii. 2 v. rov. 8°. Bruxelles, , F. Hayez, 1872. -----. Instructions pour Pobservation des phdno- menes pdriodiques. 15 pp. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Academie des sciences. Comptes-rendus heb- ilomadaires des sdances de l'Acaddmie des sciences. v. 1-22, 24, 29, 30, 34-39, 70-88. 50 v. 4°. Paris, 1835-79. Current. J -----. Rapport sur le concours pour le prix Montyon (mddecine et chirurgie). 11 pp. 4-. ' Paris, Gaulthier-Villars, 1872. Repr. from: Compt. rend. hebd. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv. -----. Rapport adressd a M. le ministre de Pin- ] tdrieur (de Belgique) sur la situation de Penseigne- ntent de la gyinnastique en Hollande, en Alle- luagne et dans les pays du nord, par MM. Braun, j Brou-w ers, et le eapitaine Docx. Soumet a Patten- tion de Pacaddmie par M. le baron Larrey. 11. J 4°. Paris, Gaulthier-Villars, [n. d.] Repr. from: Compt. rend. hebd. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, lxxvUi. Academic des sciences. [Begin (L. J.)] Rdflexions sur Popinion de M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, dans la question de candi- dature pour la place vaeante dans l'Acaddmie royale des sciences, par le ddces de M. Des- champs; par M. Bil . . . docteur en mddecine. j " . [Paris, 1^2").] Flonrcns. Historical sketch of the . . . (Transl. for j the Smithsonian Institution, by C. A. Alexander.) Rep. Smithson. Inst., "Wash., 1862, 337-357. Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de ! Dijou. Mdmoires de l'Acaddmie impdriale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. 2. s., v. li. U-V\; 3. s., v. 1 (lKi7; 1864-73). 8°. Dijon, lKirt-73. J In v. 16 the word "impdriale" dropped. ' Academic des sciences de PInstitut de France. Mdmoires de l'Acaddmie des sciences de PInstitut de France, v. 24. 4°. Paris, 1854. Academie des sciences et lettres de Montpel- lier. Memoire de la section de mddecine. v. Academie des sciences et lettres, etc.—cont'd. 1-4 (1849-71); v. 5, fasc. 1 (1872-6). 4°. Mont- pelUer, Boehm etfils, 1849-77. -----. Mdmoires de la section des sciences, v. 6, fasc. 2, 3 (1*65-6); v. 7 (1*07-71)^ v. h, fasc. 1, 2, 4(1871-5). 4'. MontpelUer, Boehm etfils, 1;-'65-76. Academie de Stanislas. Mdmoires de l'Aca- ddmie de Stanislas de Nancv. Anndes l~od-71, 1873-6. 17 v. 8°. Nancy, 1861-77. 1870-1 called exxu annee, 4. s., v. 4; 1873-6, caUed exxiv-exxvii, 4. s., v. 6-9. -----. Rapport a P . . . pour Pannde 1870-1, par M. Poincard, secrdtaire annuel. Sdance publique du 23 mai 1872. 8°. Nancy, 1872. -----. Tables alphabdtiques des matieres et des noms d'auteurs contenu dans les trois premieres sdries des mdmoires de P . . . 1750-1866. 300 pp. 8C. Nancy, Vre. Raybois, lb07. < Academie stratdgique, gymnastique et d'dqui- tation, pour le perfectionnement de l'dducation civile et militaire, dtablie a Paris, H6tel de Bou- illon. [Analyse des differentes branches d'in- struction adoptdes pour le perfectionnement de l'dducation, Paris, le ler sept. 1826.] 15 pp. 4°. [Paris, A. Coniam, 18'26.] Academy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, v. 1, pts. 1, 2; v. 2, pt. 1. 8°. JYeir Haven, 1866-71. Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. Brief his- torical sketch, and constitution, and by-laws of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. 19 pp 8°. Cincinnati, 1855. -----. The same. 19 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1865. -----. The same. 13 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1869. -----. The same. August, 1877. 18 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1877. See, also, Cincinnati Academy of Medicine. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, vui, 19-21.—Organization of the . . . March 5. 1857. Rep. by C. B. Hughes. Cincin. M. Obs., 1857, ii, 457-460.—Proceedings of the . . . Rep. by J. A. Thatcher. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1860, n. 8., iii, 22-27. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merriheic $• Thompson, 1849. -----. The same. 38 pp. 8-\ Philadelphia, Mer- riheiv <$• Thompson, [n. d.] Bound with: Meigs (J. A.) Cat. of human crania. -----. Addresses delivered on laying the corner- stone of an edifice for the . . . October 30th, 1872. 29 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1873. Bound with: Proceedings for the year 1872. -----. Annual report of the board of trustees of the building-fund of the ... to the contributors to the fund. January, 1878. 11th (1877). 13 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1878. -----. By-laws. .. Adopted May 25, 1869. 22 pp. 8~\ Philadelphia, Merrihew <$• Sons, 1869. -----. Journal ... v. 1, nos. 2-6 (June-Oct., 1817); v. 2-5, v. 6, pt. 1 (Jan., 1821-June 7, 1829); v. 8, pt. 1 (July 12, 1836-Jan. 7, 1840). 8°. Philadelphia. -----. The same. 2. a., v. 3-5 (1855-63). 4°. Philadelphia. -----. Members and correspondents . . . 1877. 4* pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1877. -----. Notice of the ... with an appendix. 3. ed. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. P. Gibbons, 1836. -----. Proceedings . . . 1865-70; pts. 2-3, 1871; 1872-7; pt. 1, 1878. 12 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1865-78. -----. Proceedings of the biological department . . . 1858. 28 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Academy of Xatural Sciences of Phila- delphia. Foulke (W. P.) Discourse in commemoration of the founding of the . . . by . . . delivered March 20th, 18^4. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. ACADEMY. 70 ACCARIAS. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia. Johnson (W. R.) Address delivered on laying the corner stone of the . . . May 25th, 1839. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Ruschenberger (W. S. W.) A notice of the origin, progress, and present condition of the . . . 8°. Philadelphia, 1852. -----. The same. 2. ed., revised and cor- rected up to January 1, 1860, by the author. 8°. Philadelphia, 1860. Academy of Science of St. Louis. Constitu- tion, charter, and by-laws of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 16 pp. 8°. 1857. -----. Transactions ... No. 1 (1857), 2 (1858), 3 (1859), v. 1; No. 1 (1863), 2 (1866), v. 2. Acajou. Latonr & Cazcaeavc (P.) Recherehes chimiques but le hois d'acajou. Rupert, de pharm., Par., 1875, n. s., iu, 417-421. Acakia [or Akakia] (Martinus). [— 1551.] See Galen. De ratione curandi ad glauconem. 8°. Lugduni 1547. For his Life, see Rayle (P.) Hist. & Crit. Diet, (transl. Des Maizeaux), Lond., 1734, i, 170. Acakia (Martin, Jils). Rayle (P.) [Lifeof Martin Acakia fils, 1539-88.] Hist. Sc Crit. Diet, (transl. Des Maizeaux), Lond., 1734, i, 171. AcaEephse. Greenhow (E. H.) On the treatment of local irritation caused by contact with certain species of acalephas. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1861, i, 7. Acanthoccphala. Schneider (A.) Ueber den Bau der Acanthocephalen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1868, 584-597. Ac anas. See, also, Hair (Parasites of); Scabies. Niccol (R.) The sugar insect: "Aearus sac- chari", found in raw sugar. 4°. Philadelphia, 1868. Dcvergie (A.) "Valeur de l'acarus dans la constitution de la gale. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1853, i, 105; 138; 171.— Donuadien (A. L.) Essai d'une classification parallele de l'ordre des acariens. J. del'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1876, xii, 598-602.—[Estor.] Aearus du cheval. Rev. phot. d. h6p. dePar., 1873, y, 196, 1 pi—Galatea (I. S.) IcrropiKT) Trpayfiarda Trepi tov ifiiopixoi a/capeios. 'Iarpixr; 'Eton., 'ABrivm., 1859, i, 261; 268.—Husemann (T.) Aria- toteles und die Kasemilbe. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 105.—Krscmcr. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Leptus autumnalis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lv, 354- 367, 2 pi.—dc magalhaes (P. S.) Novo acariano. Pro- gresso med., Rio de Jan., 1877-8, ii, 85; 213; 241—Megnin. Memoire sur l'acclimatation des acariens psoriques des animaux sur d'autres especes animales et sur 1 homme. France med., Par., 1876, xxiii, 166; 175; 190; 198; 206.— OTognin (J. P.) Sur un nouvel acarien psorique du genre symbiote. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1872, viii, 337-358, 4 pi.—Mcgnin (P.) M6moire sur l'org^anisa- tion et la distribution zoologique des acariens de la famille des gamasid6s. Ibid., 1876, xii, 288-330, 2 pi. -----. Note sur la facult6 qu'ont certains acariens avec ou sans bouche de vivre sans nourriture pendant des phases cnti6res de leur existence et meme pendant toute leur vie. Ibid., 603- 606.—de ltfontmcja. Aearus du fromage. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1873, v, 235, 1 pi.—Robin (C.) Sur I'anatomie et la physiologie de quelques acariens de la famille des sarcoptides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1862, 3. s., iii, 231-257. —;—. Note sur un nouveau genre d'acariens. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol.. Par., 1869, vi, 197-207, 2 pi.—Robin (C.) Sc Mcgnin. Memoire sur les sarcoptides plumicoles. I bid., 1877, xiii, 209, 2 pi.; 391,4 pi.; 498, 4 pi,; 629.—Squire (B.) On the diseases of the skin caused by the aearus. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1865, ii, 14-17.— Stieda. TJeber das Yorkommen von Milben in der Mar- mclade. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1869, xvi, 261-264.— Troupcau. Des acariens de la farino; moyen de les reconnaitre d'une maniere sure et rapide. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1876, xxxii, 93.—Tumouze (A.) & Robin (C.) Sur les acariens des genres cheyletns, glyciphagus et tyroglyphus. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1867, iv, 505; 561, 4 pi.—Vizioli (F.) Osservazioni microscopiche sopra alcuni noduli sottocutanei dei polli, e descrizionc di un nuovo genere di acaridei parasite degli uccelli. Gior. di anat., flsiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1869, Aearus. i, 257-271,1 pi.—Williek (A.) Beschreibnngeiner neuen bei Tinea Favus beobachteten Acarus-Species. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1855, xiv, 129-132.—Ziirn (F. A.) Eigenthiimliche Kratzmilben bei Vogeln. In his: Zoopath. n. zoophysiol. Untersuchungen, 8°, Stuttg., 1872, 43. Aearus folliculoruna. Kiichenmeister (F.) Aearus folliculorum und seine Hiiutungen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 376.—l*e- blanc. Sur l'acarus folliculorum. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1850, i, 91.—Neumann. Praparate von Aearus folliculorum, aus der Haut von Hunden und einem Schweine angefertigt. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in "Wien, 1878-9, 34.—Oreste (P.) Sul demodex folliculorum o sulla dermatosi che determina nell'uomo e nel cane. Gior. di anat. flsiol. e patol. d. animali. Pisa, 1869, i, 5; 81; 193: 1870, ii, 125-138.—Rouycr. Eruption cutanee due k l'acarus du ble. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1869, 4. s., iv, 178.— Simon (G.) Observations sur des scares vivant dans les follicules pileux de I'homme. Arch. d. med. cornp. (Rayer), Par., 1843, i, 45-59, 1 pi.—Sparks (E.) «n a dis- ease of the skin produced by the aearus folliculorum, illus- trated by cases observed in the dog. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1874, lvi'i. 239-246, 1 pi.—Wedl (C.) Ueber die Haarsack- milbe. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1847, ii, 177-193, 1 pi. Acauan (Manuel Marques da Silva). * Das van- tagens e" inconvenientes que resultam da accli- macao. 66 pp., 11. 4°. Bahia, impa. Economica, 1874. Accademia d'agricoltura, commercio ed arti di Verona. Memoria dell'Accademia d'agricoltura, commercia ed arti di Verona, v. 38. 8°. Verona, tipogr. Vincenti e Franchini, 1861. Accademia hsio-medico-statistica di Milano. Atti dell'Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano. Nuova serie, v. 5-7, anno xv-xvii, (1859-62), anno xviii-xxvii (1863-71), in 4 v.; anno xxix-xxxiii (1873-7). 8°. Milano, tipog. di T. Gareffi, 1860-77. 1864 called anno xix and xx. See, also, Cenni storici e nuovo statute organico della Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano; coll'elenco dei suoi membri effectivi, onorarj e corrispondenti. Atti Accad. fis.-med.-statist. di Milano, 1863, xviii, suppl., 5-34. Accademia medica di Roma. Atti del 1'Acca- demia di Roma, compilati dal segretario Cesare Brunelli. Anno i° e ii° (1875-6), fasc. 1°, 2°; anno iii (1877-8), fasc. 1°, 2°, 3°; anno iv (1878), fasc. 1°, M°, 3°. 8°. Roma, 1876-8. See, also, Scalzi (F.) Notizie delle accademie di medi- cina in Roma nei secoli xvii e xviii. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1875-6, i, 54-67. Accademia medico-chirurgica. Rendiconto delle adunanze e dei lavori dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica. v. 1-32 (1847-78) in 5 v.; v. 33 (1879), fasc. 1°, 2°. 4° Napoli, 1847-79.. . Current, "di Napoli" added to title after the word "chirurgiea" in v. 6. "Resoconto" from 1873. Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Indici generali dei dieci tomi della seconda serie delle memorie dell' . . . pubblicati dal 1862 al 1870. 45 pp. 4°. Bologna, tipi Gam- berini e Parmeggiani, 1871. Bound with v. 10, 2. s. -----. Memorie dell'Accademia delle scienze del- l'Istituto di Bologna, v. 7-10, 2. s.; v. 1-8, v. 9, fasc. 1, 2, 3. s. 4°. Bologna, 1872-8. -----. Rendiconti delle sessioni dell' . . . Anni accademici 1867-8—1877-8. 8°. Bologna, tipi Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1868-78. Accaire (Bartholemy-Mathias-Fre'de'ric). 'Dis- sertation sur la peritonite en g6neral. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 3, v. 190. Accarias (Adolphe-Romain). *De l'emploi des medications stupefiante et anesth^sique dans le traitement du tetanos. 28 pp. 4C. Parts, 1853, No. 156, v. 534. Accarias (Ernest). *I. Complication de luxa- tions, [etc.] 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 252, v. 335. ACCARIE. 71 ACCLIMATION. Accaiic (Henry-Fre'deric). *Essaisurunnoaveau traitement de la hemic ombilicale. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 167. Accassat (Henri-Louis-Victor). 'Dissertation sur la phthisic tubcrculeuse. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 91, v. 185. Accettella (Fr.) See Campania (La) medica. Accidents. See, also, Avulsion; Drowning; Falls; Medi- cine (Popular); Railroad accidents. Bertherand (E.-L.) Les secours d'urgence: guide pratique des comites et postes d'assistance aux blesses, naufrag^s, noyes, asphyxias, aux victimes d'accidents sur les chantiers publics, chemins de fer, dans les 6tablissements industri- els, theatres, incendies, fermes isolees, communes rurales, etc., etc. 8°. Poligny, 1876. Bosworth (N.) The accidents of human life; with hints for their prevention, and the removal of their consequences. 12°. New York, 1814. i Coxseils pratiques de sante' et premiers secours h dormer en cas d'accident avant l'arrivee du me"dccin. 16°. Paris, 1867. Corue (A.) La pratique de la chirurgie d'ur- gence. 12°. Paris, 1872. First help in accidents and in sickness. A guide in the absence, or before the arrival, of medical assistance. 8°. Boston, 1871. Howe (J. W.) Emergencies, and how to treat them. The etiology, pathology, and treatment of the accidents, diseases, and cases of poisoning which demand prompt action. 8°. New York, 1871. Malavasi (L.) Manuale dei casi urgenti in medicina. 8°. Modena, 1840. Manuel des premiers secours en cas d'acci- I dents et de maladies subites, pre"ce"d6 d'un apercu j de l'organisation des secours m6dicaux publics dans la ville de Bruxelles. 12°. Bruxelles, 1875. Mayor (M.) Anleitung, wie man sich bey Verwundungen, Blutungen, Beinbriichen . . . zu benehmen habe ... 8°. Zurich, 1833. -----. Popular surgery; being plain direc- tions for affording relief in all cases of accident, dangerous disease, poisoning, etc., in the ab- sence of a regular practitioner. Translated from the French, with notes and considerable addi- tions, by Thos. Cutler. 12°. London, 1836. -----. La chirurgie populaire ou l'art de porter de prompts secours, et d'appliquer des moyens simples de pansement, dans les accidents graves, et en attendant l'arriv6e d'un chixurgien. 8°. • Paris, 1841. Oke (YV. S.) Practical examinations on the immediate treatment of the principal emergen- cies that occur in surgery and midwifery, sys- tematically arranged . . . Pts. 1 and 2. 2 v. 8°. London, 1831-5. Pezet de Corval (H.) Die erste Hilfe bei Verletzungen und sonstigen Unglucksfallen zum Gebrauche fiir Offiziere, freiwillige Heifer, Feuer- wehrmiinner, Lehrer, und Eisenbahnbeamte. 16°. Carlsruhe, 1869. Plain directions for accidents, emergencies, and poisons. By a fellow of the College of Phy- sicians of Philadelphia. 80th thousand. Dis- tributed to its policy holders by the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. 12°. Neto York, 1874. -----. The same. New ed. 12 . New York, [1875?] Schaible(C. H.) First help in accidents; be- ing a surgical guide in the absence or before the arrival of medical assistance, for the use of the i public, especially for the members of both the military and naval services, volunteers and tra- vellers, etc. 12°. London, 1864. Accidents. Shaw (E. B. L.) The medical remembrancer, or book of emergencies; in which are concisely pointed out the immediate remedies to be adopted in the first moments of danger from poisoning, drowning, apoplexy, burns & other accidents; with the tests for the principal poisons, & other useful information. Eevised and improved by an American physician. 16°. Ncio York, 1845. ------. The same. 4. ed., enlarged by Jona- than Hutchinson. 32°. London, 1856. Smee (A.) The house surgeon, or, tho doctoi at home; containing instructions for the prompt treatment of accidents and emergencies . . . 12°. London, [n. d.] ------. Accidents and emergencies: a guide containing directions for treatment in bleeding, cuts, stabs, bruises, sprains, ruptures, etc., with alterations, corrections, and appendix, by Dr. R. T. Trail. 12°. New -York, 1850. South (J. F.) Household surgery, or hints on emergencies. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1850. Swain ("W. P.) Surgical emergencies, together with the emergencies attendant on parturition and the treatment of poisoning ... 8°. Lon- don, 1874. Thomas (L.) Traite" des operations d'urgence. . . . 12°. Paris, 1875. Troussel (J.-F.-A.) Des premiers secours h administrer dans les maladies et accidens qui menacent promptement la vie ... 8°. Paris, 1823. Houzc de l'Aulnoit. De quelques moyens propres k pr6venir la mort prompte qui survient & la suite des grands traumatismes chinrrgicaux ou accidentels. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1878, 4. 8., vii, 372-374.—Cavallce. Acci- dents par l'explosion des syphons k eau de Seltz. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 715.—lioiset. Acci- dents occasionn6s par les appareUs m6caniques dans les ateliers industriels. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1850, xliii, 201-289, 1 tab.—Secours aux noy6s, asphyxias, ou bless6s. Rap. gen. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Seine, 1849-58, Par., 1861, 250- 268.—Skey & Paget. Cases of injury received during the late illuminations and procession. Lancet, Lond., 1863, it 414.—Smart (W. R. E.) On accidental deaths in the navy and army. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 357-359. Acclimation. See, also, Anthropology; Climate; Geo- graphy (Medical); Health-resorts; Meteo- rology (Medical); and under names of countries. Acauan (M. M. da S.) *Das vantagens 6 in- convenientes que resultam da acclimacao. 4°. Bahia, 1874. Ancinelle (A.) *De l'acclimatement; des modifications diverses qu'il peut imprimer a la sante"; des precautions hygieniques qu'il exige. 4°. Paris, 1844. Aubert (R. L.) Essai sur l'acclimatement des Europeens dans les pays chauds. Avec une carte de la mer Rouge. 8°. Paris, 1854. Barton (E. H.) Introductory lecture on accli- mation ... 8°. New Orleans, 1837. Carre (C. J.) * Quelques considerations sur l'acclimatation dans les pays chauds. 4°. Paris, 1862. Claverte (J. B. A.) * Quelques mots sur l'ac- climatement. 4°. Paris, 1863. Dumontier (F. N.) 'Considerations sur l'ac- climatement des Europeens dans les pays chauds. 4°. Paris, 1866. Franzos (D.) *De acclimatisatione hominis. *°. Pestini, 1835. Lacaille (L. P.) * De l'acclimatement des Eu- ropeans aux regions e"quinoxiales. 4°. Paris, 1851. Ollivter (P.-E.) * Observations faites en Al- gerie, Chine et Cochinchine, ayant rapport a l'ac- climatement dans les pays chauds. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1864. Perrin (N.) * De l'acclimatement. Des modi- ACCLIMATION. 72 ACCOUNT. Acclimation. fications divcrses qu'il peut imprimer k la sante'; des pr6cautions hygi<5niques qu'il impose. 4°. Paris, 1845. Pichot (A.) *I. Do la modification imprimee kI'homme par un pays humide, [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1839. Ricotjx (R.) Contribution k l'dtude de l'ac- climatement des Francais en Algerie. 8°. Paris, 1874. b Romain (J. B. A. H.) * Essai sur l'acclima- tion humaine. 4°. Paris, 1863. Soulages (J. M.) * Etude sur l'acclimatement des races humaines. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Tennent (J.) Physical enquiries, discovering the mode of translation in the constitutions of northern inhabitants on going to, and for some time after arriving in southern climates, [etc.] 8°. London, 1742. Acclimation, and tho liability of negroes to the epi- demic fevers of the south. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz., 1858-9, v, 78-87.—Aclimatacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1858, v, 401-417.—Alfonso. Aclimatacion. Ibid., 1859, vi, 14; 42; 58.—Aubcrt-Roche. Sur l'acclimatement des Europeens dans les pays chauds. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxi, 5; 317: xxxii, 8&-120: 1845, xxxiii, 21-57: xxxiv, 304-335: 1846, xxxv, 5-26.—Bennett (I. H.) On tho un- favorable influence of sudden change of climate. Lancet, Lond., 1863. ii, 217. Also: Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1863, lxv, 241-246.—Bertillon. Acclimatement. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, i, 270-323.— Ronnafont. De racclimatement den Europ6ens et de l'existence d'une population civile romaine en Algerie demontrees par l'his- toire. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xi, 145; 193; 229; 385: xii, 13: 121; 157; 169. Also: Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 122-129. Also, Reprint.—Boudin. Re- cherehes sur l'acclimatement des races humaines sur divers points du globe. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1860, 2. s., xiii, 310- 341. -----. L'Europeen peut-il s'acclimater dans la zone tropicale& degrandshauteurs au-dessusdu niveau de lamer? Rec. de mem. demed.. . . mil., Par., 1862, 3. s., vii, 105-108. -----. Sur le pretendu acclimatement du n6gre blanc et du n^gre aux Antilles (et discussion). Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1864, v, 828-845. -----. Sur l'aeclimate- mentdesEspagnolsaux Antilles. Ibid., 895-902.—Carlier (A.) De l'acclimatation des races en Amerique. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1867, iii, 25-76. Also, Reprint.— Clemens (A.) Ueber Akklimatisirungsprozcssc und Akklimatisirungskrankheiten. Ztschr. f. cl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1855, lxix, 20S-240.—Coindct (L.) De racclimate- ment sur les altitudes du Mexique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1863, x, 777; 817.—Delery (0.) Conseilsaux6trangers non acclimates. Union m6d. de la Louisiane, N. Oil., 1852, i, 141.—Fernandez.Caro (A.) Apuntes sobre accli- matacion. Bol. med. nav., San Fernando, 1878, i, 140; 161; 198: 1879, ii, 25; 61.—Vlcury (L.) Quelques mots sur racclimatement. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 49.—Fried- niann (S.) Einiges iiber Akklimatisation in den Tropen- liiudern. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1850, ii, 1-18.— Oirard de Cailleux. De l'acclimatation et particu- litirement de son influence sur la constitution, la gu6rison et la mortalit6 des alienes de la Seine transt'6r6s dans les asiles departenientaux. J. do med. ment.. Par., 1862, ii, 125-134.—Griraril dc Bin lie. De l'acclimatement de la race blanche dans l'lnde orientale (et discussion). Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1865, vi, 105; 128.—Helm. Von der Akklimatisation der Europaer in den Tropen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 303; 315.—Hcijmann (S. L.) Een woord over acclimatisatie. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. Indie, Batav., 1846, iii. 311-3J9.—Impossibility (The) of acclimatizing races. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, v. 623.—Jcanncl (J.) Variabilite et flcxibilite orga- niques; acclimatation. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxv, 17; 65.—Joardanetj Do l'acclimatement sur les altitudes du Mexique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1863, x, 824: 1864, 2. s., i, 103.—Lobato (J. G.) La aclimatacion considcrada en cuanto k la higiene; enfermedades paludeanas. Obser- vador med., Mexico, 1873, ii, 208; 340.—Medical (The) Ad- viser, No. 1. Advice to the stranger on landiug in India. India J. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1835, ii, 335; 376.—Nott (J. C.) Thoughts on acclimation and adaptation of races to cli- mates. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1856, n. s., xxxii, 320-334.— Poagio. De la aclimatacion en Canarias de las tropas des- tiuadas k ultramar. Rev. de sanid. mil. espan., Madrid, 1867, iv, 207; 289; 353; 385; 429; 460: 517; 554; 591.—Puzin. Dc 1'acclimatai.ion des Francais en Algerie. Gaz. mO.d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1871, xvi, 99; 115.—dc Quatrefages (A.f L'accliihatatinn des races humaines. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1K70, xc, 595-611.—Bameau. Notes sur les modifications subies par les Europ6ens transplantes en Amerique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1861, ii, 615-630.— | Rochard (J.) Acclimatement. N. diet, de m6d. et de j chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 183-208.—Simonot. L'acclimate- Acclimation. ment et l'acclimatation (et discussion). Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1864, v, 780-815—Thompson. Could the natives of a temperate climate colonize and increase in a tropical country? Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1843, vi, 112-138.—Thomson (A. S.) On the doctrine of acclima- tization. Madras Q. M. J., 1840, ii, 69-76.—Vazquez (S. G.) Aclimatacion. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1859, vi, 47; 115.—Williams (P. C.) On acclimation. Med. Exam., Phila., 1850, n. 8., vi, 439; 499. Also, Reprint. Accommodation (Visual). See Eye (Accommodation of). Account (An) of the baptisms and burials, of the united episcopal churches of Christ Church, St. Peter, and St. James. By the clerks and sextons of the said churches. Also, an abstract of the baptisms and burials of the various con- gregations in the city and suburbs of Philadel- phia for the years 1811, 1814, and 1815. broad- side, fol. [Philadelphia, 1812-6.] Account (An) of the benevolent institution for the sole purpose of delivering poor married women at their own habitations. 32 pp. 8C. London, 1783. -----. The same. 16 pp. 8°. London, [1800]. -----. The same. 23 pp. 8°. London, 1801. -----. The same. 24 pp. 8°. London, 1806. Account (An) of the foundation of the Royal Hospital of King Charles II. near Dublin. For the relief and maintenance of antient and infirm officers and soldiers serving in the army of Ire- land. Begun by his Grace James Duke of Or- monde, anno 1680, . . . and compleated by his Excellency Henry Earl of Clarendon, Lord Lieu- tenant of the same, in the year 1686. 2 p. 1., 136 pp. 16°. DubUn, prtd. by E. Sandys, 1713. Account (An) of the late Captain M . . .'s case. [Wound in the right axilla, just below the in- ferior edge of the pectoral muscle, by a sword, which passed under the shoulder-joint, and came out betwixt the neck of the humerus aud the neck of the scapula.] 7 pp. sm. 4°. [n. p., 1783.] Account (An) of a medical controversy in the city of Cork, in which five physicians are en- gaged ... To which are subjoined two letters from Dr. Mead and one from Dr. Frewin ... In a letter from a gentleman there to his friend in London. 60 pp. 8°. London, R. Dodsley, 1749. Account (An) of the origin, symptoms, and cure of the influenza or epidemic catarrh, Avith some hints respecting common colds and incipient pul- monary consumption. 80 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. H. Porter, 1832. Account (An) of persons remarkable for their health and longevity ... To which are added authentic cases of recovery from many severe and protracted maladies, with the means successfully employed; a definite plan for the removal of that peculiar affection of the throat, to which clergy- men, and other public speakers, are liable; and maxims of health, for the gouty, paralytic, and asthmatic. By a physician. 2. ed. xii, 313 pp. 8°. London, Simpkins <$■ Marshall, 1829. Account (An) of the present state of the prisons and houses of correction in the home circuit. Taken from a late publication of John Howard by permission. To which is prefixed, an intro- duction, stating the acts lately passed for improv- ing the prisons in this kingdom . . . xvi, 19, 7 pp. 8°. London, [1789*] Account (An) of remarkable cures, performed by the use of Maredants antiscorbutic drops pre- pared by John Norton. 30 pp. 12°. London, 1774. Account (An) of the rise and progress of the In- dian or spasmodic cholera. With a particular description of the symptoms attending the dis- ease. Illustrated by a map, showing the route ACCOUNT. 73 ACHAED. Account (An) of the rise, etc.—continued. and progress of the disease from Jessore, near the Ganges, in 1817, to Great Britain in 1831. 48 pp., 1 pi. 8°. New Haven, L. H. Young, 1832. Account (An) of the state of medical education in Germany, France, England and the United States. 17 1. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Account (An) of a strange and wonderful dream. Dedicated to Dr. Al----d. 2. ed. 20 pp. 8-. London, jjfi\i\ fm. J. Roberts, 1719. Account (An) of the tenia, or long tape worm, . . . Being a translation [by S. F. Simmons] of a memoir published at Paris, entitled "Traitement contre le tenia ou ver solitaire, pratiqu6 a Morat en Suisse, examine" et e'prouve' a Paris, publie" par ordre du roi". xvii, 61pp., 3 pi. 8°. London, J. Wilkic, 1777. -----. The same, xvii, 77 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Lon- don, 1777. [P., v. 551.] -----. The same, xvii, 61, 29 pp. 8°. London, 177K [P.. v. 665.] -----. The same. 2. ed. xxi, 77 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Wilkie, 1778. Accoutrements. See Armies (Clothing and accoutrements of). Accum (Frederick). System of theoretical and practical chemistry. 2. ed. 2 v. xxiv, 393, xxiii, 489 pp., 6 pi. 8°. London, prtd. fox. the- author, 1807. -----. A practical treatise on gas-light; exhibiting a summary description of the apparatus and ma- chinery best calculated for illuminating streets, houses, and manufactories, with carburetted hydrogen, or coal-gas ... 2. ed. xvii, 194 pp., 7 col. pi. roy. 8°. London, R. Ackermann, 1815. -----. A practical essay on chemical re-agents or tests. 204 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, prtd. by M. Carey $ Son, 1817. -----. Chemical amusement, comprising a sketch of curious and instructive experiments in chem- istry ... 3. ed. xlviii, 360 pp. 12°. London, T. Boys, 1818. Plates wanting. -----. A practical treatise on the use and appli- cation of chemical tests, with concise directions j for analyzing metallic ores, earths, metals, soils, ! manures, and mineral waters, illustrated by ex- j periments. 3. ed. 527 pp., 2 pi. s». 8°. Lon- I don, T. Boys, 1820. -----. A treatise on adulterations of food, and culinary poisons. 2. ed. 360 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst $• Co., 1820. -----. The same, xii, 269 pp. 12°. Philadel- phia, A. Small, 1820. -----. Culinary chemistry, exhibiting the scien- tific principles of cookery . . . With observations on the chemical constitution and nutritive qua- lities of different kinds of food, xxii, 356 pp., 2 pi. 8J. London, R. Ackermann, 1821. Accphalocysts. See Hydatids. Acephalus. See Monsters (Acephalous). Acer platanus. Erable (L') faux platane. Acer pseudo-platanus. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1869, 350-352, 1 pi. Acerbi (Francisco Enrico). Delia vita di Giam- batista Monteggia. 92 pp., 1 port. 4°. Milano, Dora, 1816. -----. Annotazioni di medicina practica. Anno primo. 2*0 pp. 8\ Milano, G. Silrestri, 1*19. For his Obituary, see de Filippi (G.) Elogio del F. E. Acerbi. 8°. Milano, 1828. Acetabulum. See Hip-joint. Acetabulum (Fracture of). Sec, also, Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Complica- tions and sequelae of). Aadci-Non (A. D.) Fracture of acetabulum and dislo- cation of femur. Glasgow M. J., 1855-6, iii, 433-435.— Bardinct. De la fracture du rebord de la cavite cotylolde. Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 253; 258.—Beech (J. H.) Frac- ture of the rim of the acetabulum. Toledo M. & S. J., 1877, i, 111-115.—BtrrUrl (E.) Fracture de la cavite coty- lolde par chute sur la hanche, simulant une fracture du col du f6mur. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1872-3, xxxii, 237. Also: Mem. Soc. de mM. de Strasb., 1874, x, 245-24!).—Bran- miiller (J. "W.) t Ztschr. f. "Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 210-212.—Bruch (Ueber den) der Pfanne (Fracturaacetabuli). Ann. d. chir. Abtb. d. allg. Krankenh. in Hamb., 1833, ii, 131-141,1 pi.—Burrall (F. A.) t N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., iv, 244.—[C!a»e.] . . . simulating fracture of the cervix femoris. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 877.— Favell. Fracture of the rim of the acetabulum. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1876, xix, 318-320.—Gama. Obser- vation d'une rupture de la cavite cotyloide, suite d'une chute sur le cote externe de la Rec. de m6m. de med. . .. mil., Par., 1838, xiv, 309-316.—Holmes l- ------• LVber die therapeutischeu und physiologischen Wirkungen der Carbol- oder Pheuvlsiiure aiif das Haut- orgau. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867.'xii, 120. -----. Ueber die Wirkung der Carbolsaure auf den thierischen Organis- inus, auf pllanzliehe Parasiten und gegen Hautkrank- heiten. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag, 1869, i, 424- 442. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1869, xiv, 223.— ACID. 77 ACID. Acid (Carbolic). Nickerson (L. H. A.) Some facts concerning carbolic acid, with special reference to its value when associated with lime-water. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1878, viii, 121-123— Olivi (D.) Sulle applicazioni dell'acido fenico allaterapeutica; osservazioni teorico-pratiche. Ippocratico, Fano, 1S68. 3. s., xiii, 337; 401; 433; 473; 513.—Orlowski (A.) Fcnol czvli knas karbolowv. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1873, xv, 261-265. — Parzhnit'ski (P.) Nablyndeniya nad daestviem karbolovoi kislotui na chelovaeka i primae- nenie eya v perenuzhayushcheisya likhoradkae. [Observa- tions on carbolic acid and its use in intermittent fevers.] Med. sbornik, Tiflis, 1874, no. 20, pt. 2, 1-30.—Patchctt (W. A.) Effect of carbolic acid on the urine. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 20J.—Peltz (A.) Ueber die Natur der Car- bolsaure. Cor.-Bl. d. Naturf.-Ver. zu Riga, 1869, xvii, 43- 49.—Pflflncr (F.) Die Cai boltieber-Pandemie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1875, v, 61-65.—Piakham (J. I G.) The internal use of carbolic acid. Boston M. & S. J., ' 1869, lxxxi, 161-166.—Plugge (P. C.) Reactie op carbol- zuur. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, ii, 63.-----. Rotting- en gisting- werende werking van carbolzuur. Ibid., 82; 97; 113; 135. -----. lets over de physiologische werking van carbolzuur. Ibid., 137-139. -----. Ueber den Weith der Carbolsaure als Desinfectionsmittel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, v, 538-565.—Pringle (G. H.) ... cases illustrating the advantage of the use of carbolic acid in compound frac- tures, &c. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1869, xiv, 136-140.— Badcliflc (S. J.) ... effects of carbolic acid in a large dose. Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 210.—Bobin (A.) Dela i reduction du phenol dans l'organisme, consideree au point e vue physiologique et clinique. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 301.—Hubio (F. G.) The use of carbolic acid in Columbia. Med. Times 8. 2. s., ui. 418.—Dize. Observations sur la preparation de Tacide citrique concret. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1797, u, 430-437.—Fleischer (E.) Ueber die Zusam- mensetznng der Citronensaure. Arch. d. Pharm., HaUe, 1876, 3. Reihe, ix, 320-343.—Schneider (G.) Resultate der HeUwirkung der Citronensaure gegen Hvdropsien. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1847, vui, 236; 250. Acid (Cotamamic). Liegg (J. W.) Observations on the physiological action of the hydrochlorate of cotarnamic acid. J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond. & Cambridge, 1871, v, 257-265. Acid (Cresotic). Buss (C. E.) TJeber die antipvretischen Wirkungen der Cresotinsaure. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., .1876, xui, 445- 447. Acid (Cresotinic). See Rheumatism ( Treatment of). Acid (Cryptophanic). See Acid (Kryptophanic); Urine ( Chemistry of). Acid (Fluoric). Hill (J.) Observations on the newly-disco- vered Swedish acid, and on the stone from which it is extracted. 8-. London, 1774. Graber (I.) EigenthiimUche Wirkungsart der Fluss- saure als atzendes Gift. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staates. Wien. 1832. xi, 241-246.—Bees (G. O.) On the Supposed existence of fluoric acid as an ingredient in certain animal matters. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1839, iv, 381-384. Acid (Formw). Jackson (C. T.) Formic acid in the blood ... reply to Dr. Lee. Boston M. & S. J., 1856, Uv, 242.— Iiee_(C. A.) Chloroform and formic acid. Ibid., 214.— Liorin. XouveUe preparation de Tacide formique tres- concentre. Monde pharm., Par., 1875, vi, 97. Acid (Furfuric). Statmann (C.) * Ueber die Darstellung der Furfurinsaure und ihres Alkohols. 8°. Braun- sehweig, 1867. Acid (Gallic). See, also, Acid (Pyrogallic); Acid (Tannic). de L'Arbre (W. F.) * Ueber die Verbindungen einzelner Alkaloide mit Gallensiiuren. 8°. Dor- pat, 1871. Wuttig (J. F. C.) * Versuch iiber die Gallus- saure. C-. [Dorpat], 1*06. Aide. De Tacide gaUique comme hemostatique. Mar- seille med., 1869, vi. 331-333.-----. Acide gaUique. Ibid., 1874, xi, 134-136—Bayes (W.) On gaUic acid: its reme- dial power in the hemorrhagic diathesis, and in diseases characterised by relaxed fibre or excessive secretion. Assoc. M. J.. Lond., 18.54. i, 506-509. Also, transl.: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 738; 754. -----. De l'emploi tbera- | peutique de Tacide gaUique. BuU. gen. de therap.. etc., Par.. 1857, Iii, 529-535—Gairdner <\V. T.) Notes on the administration of gallic acid, especiaUy in haemoptysis and in albuminuria. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 179-182.— Homburgrr. Einiges iiber die Gallussaure. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1848, U. 137.—»ale (R.) CUnical notes upon the use of gaUic acid in various dis- eases. Med. Times \ Gaz.. Lond., 1855. n. s., x. 458-460.— Primavrra (G.) SugU effetti che risente Tuiina dal- 1 auuuinistrazione dell'acido gallico. X. Liguria med., Genova, 1871, xvi, 557.—Bobiqaet. Notice sur Tacide gaUique. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1836, 2. 8., U, 401-111. Acid (Heptylic). Mehlis (T.) * Ueber Heptylsiiure aus Oenan- tholundeinigeihrerDerivatc. - . Erlangen, 1876. Acid (Hippuric). Sec, also, Acid (Benzoic); Urine (Chemistry of). Chase (H.) *De acidi hippurici excretione in homiue. f°. Berolini, 1865. Hoffmann (A.) * Uber die Hippursiiure- bildung in der Niere. 8 -\ Leipzig, 1877. Bange (G.) & ."Jchniiedeberg (O.) Ueber die BUdung der Hippursaure. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876, vi, 233-255.—Chase (II.) Ueber die Aus- scheidung der Hippursaure bei Versehluss des Ductus chole- dochus. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1865, 392-394.—Da Silva Amado (J. J.) Considerations sur Tacide hippurique et sur la relation qui existe entre son d6pot spontan6 et les vomissements dans les lesions organi- ques de Testomac. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxui, 408; 422.—Dnehek (W.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Hippur- saure im Harn des Menschen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prae\ 1854, xuii, 25-32.—Jaarsveld (G. J.) Sc Stokvis (B. J.) Ueberden Einfluss vonNierenaffectionenauf die BUdung von Hippursaure. (Nach der Dissert, des Dr. Jaarsveld . . . Leiden, 1879.) Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1879. x. 268-300.—Keller (W.) 'Hippuric acid in the urine produced by eating cranberries. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1876, Ixxii, 39-41.—liiickc (A.) Ueber die Anwesenheit der Hippursaure im mcnschlichen Harn und ihre Auinndung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xix, 196-199.—von Maack. Zur Genesis der Hippursaure im Organismus. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. HeUk., Gotting.. i860, iv, 158-161.— Mattschersky (P ■ Zur Entstehung der Hippursaure. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1861. xxviii, 538-544.— Odling (W.) Note on hip- puric acid. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1865, i, 276-280.— Bouesin. Note sur Tacide hippurique, et sur son absence dans quelques urines de cheval. Rec. de mem. de ni6d. . . . nul., Par., 1856, 2. s.. xvu. 435-444.—Schultzen (O.) Ueber die Ausscheidung der Hippursaure bei Verschluss des Duc- tus choledochus. Arch. f. Anat.. Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1863,204-210.—Stadelmann (E.) Ueber die Umwandlung der Chinasaure in Hippursaure im Organis- mus der Sangethiere. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878-9, x, 317-323.—Verdeil & Dollfus. De la presence de Tacide hippurique dans le sang. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1850, i, 187-189.—Weiske (H.) Unter- Bnchnngen iiber die Hippursanrebildung im Korper des Herbivoren bei Verabreichung verschiedenartiger Futter- mittel. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1876, xU, 241-265.— Weismann (A.) Ueber die BUdung der Hippursaure beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. n. Heidelb., 1858, 3. Reihe, U, 331-343. Acid (Hydrobromic). Fothergill (J. M.) Note on hvdrobromic acid. PhUa. M. Times, 1876, vii, 103.—Hamilton (A. M.) Hydrobro- micacid. Ibid..'il.—SqnibbfE.R.) Note on hvdrobromic acid. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Syracuse. 1878, 173-182.—Wade (D.C.) Hvdrobromic acid in prescriptions. Detroit M. J., 1877, L 737-741.—Woakes (E.) Hydrobromic acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 773. Acid (Hydrochloric). Demler (J. F.) *De cicuratione acidi mu- riatici usibus quibusdam chirurgicis ... 4°. Tubingce, 1787. Fordyce (W.) A letter . . . concerning the virtues of the muriatic acid ... in the cure of putrid diseases. r*~. London, 1790. Gallisch (F. A.) De acido salis ejusque de- phlogisticatione. 4-. Lipsice, [1782]. Hilscher (S. P.) *De notabili observatione circa susceptam destillatione spiritus salis com- munis, sm. 4-. Jence, [1V4:J]. Kolb (P. J.) * Ueber die medicamentiise An- wendung der Salzsiiure. 8=. Landshut, 1HI7. Prioleau (P. G.) *On the use of the nitric and oxygenated muriatic acids in some diseases. sJ. Philadelphia, 1-05. "Wehrle (A.) De historia acidi muriatici. f^J. Viennce, [1819]. Bourlier (A.) De Taction de Tacide chlorhydrique du commerce sur les sciatiques et les nevralgies. Alger m6d., 1876, iv, 52. — C'aron (C. A.) Sur les proprifetes thera- peutiques de Tacide hydro-chlorique administr6 a Tinte- rienr, dans diverses affections gastro-intestinales. Rev. med.-chir. do Par., 1850, vu, 65-70. -----. NouveUes consi- derations pratiques sur Tacide chlorhydrique employe a Tin- terieur. Ibid., 1851, ix, 267-274. -----. Note sur'Temploi de Tacide chlorhydrique dans les dyspepsies. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi,* 254.—Copland. An account of the U- thontriptic power observed in muriatic acid. Mem. M. Scxs. Lond., 1799, v, 71-8o.—Davy (H.) Researches on the oxy- muriatic aciil, its nature and combinations; and on the elements of the muriatic acid. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1810, 231- ACID. 82 ACID. Acid (Hydrochloric). 257.—Griffiths (W. H.) Acidnm hydrochlorieum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1876, ii, 87.—Humboldt (F.) Let- tre sur Tinfluence de Tacide muriatiquc oxygene. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat., Par., an vi [1799], i, 302-310.—Kapp. Ueber die iibersauie Salzsaure im aUgemeinen und deren HeUkriifte insbesondere. Arch. f. med. Erfabr., Berl., 1807, n. F., vi, 312-322. — Kbchlin (J. R.) Von den Siiuren als Hcilmittcln im Allgemeinen und der Salzsaure und Salpetersiiure ins Besonderc. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxi, 631-649. —Masius. Einige Erfahrungen von clem Nutzen der Riiucherungen mit Salzsaure zur Ver- hiitung ansteckender Krankheiten. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk.. Jena, 1804, xviii, 4. St., 43-51.—Mcttcahci- mer (C.) Ueber die Salzsaure, als Mittel, die Verunreini- gung des Bluts mit kohlensaurem Ammoniak zu entdecken. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. cl. wissensch. Heilk., Gbtting.. 1854, i, 605-608.—Pacchiani (F.) Schrei- ben des... an Herrn Loreuz Pignotti iiber die konstituiren- den Elemente der Salzsaure. Med. -chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1805, ii, 347-352.—Pacchioni. Discovery of the composition of muriatic acid. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1805, i, 393-396.—Bosen- berg (O. C.) Ueber oxygenirte Salzsaure als ein vortreff- liches Kindermittel. AUg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1822, 853-855. Acid (Hydrochloric, Toxicology of). KOhler (A.) * Ueber Vergiftung mit Salz- siiure. 8°. BerUn, [1873]. Atkinson (A.) t San Francisco M. Press, 1860, i, 19. —Blondlot. t J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1860, 4. s., vi, 28-32.—Budd. t . . . half an ounce proving fatal in eigh- teen hours. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 59.—Caventon. Rapport sur une note de M. Devcrgie pour reconnaitre Tempoisonnement. Bull. Acad, d m6d., Par., 1838-9, iii, 579.—Collas. t Ann. d'hyg., Par., 2. s., 1858, ix, 209-216.— Beutsch. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 227-229.—Dora- bliith. t (rerichtlicb-medicinischesGutachten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1837, 537; 556.—Fox (W.) Ulcer of stomach caused by swaUowing hydrochloric acid. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 239-241.—Gucrard (A.) ♦ Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1852, xlviii, 415-426.— Johnson (G.) Poisoning by a drachm of hydrochloric acid; tracheotomy; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 221.—Kuby. Ver- giftung mit Salzsaure. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1878, xxix, 443-459.—£>egg (J. W.) t St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, 230-232.—Nagcr (G.) Eine Salzsaure- und eine Aetzkali-Vergiftung. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1872, xiii, 213-225, 1 pi— Orflla. Recherehes medico-legales sur Tempoisonnement par Tacide chlor- hydrique. Ann. d'hyg^., Par., 1842, xxviii, 317-347. -----. Memoire sur deux ahaires d'empoisonnement par Tacide chlorhvdrique. Ibid., 1848, xl, 137-190.—Paul (C.) t Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxxi, 364-369.—Pierard. Reponse au travail de Vanden Broeck, sur Tanalyse faite ii Toecasion d'une accusation d'empoisonnement par Tacide bydrocblorique. Gaz. ni6d. beige, Brux., 1847, v, 113.— Price (D.) t . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 113.— ((aekett (J.) t Lond. M.'Gaz., 1839, i, 285-287.—Steven- *on (T.) t Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, 3. s., xiv, 270.— Taylor (A. S.) t Ibid., 1850-1, 2. s., vii, 211.—Vanden Broeck (V.) Accusation d'empoisonnement par Tacide bydrocblorique. [See, also, Piekaud.] Gaz. m6d. beige, Brux., 1847, v, 94; 99; 102; 105; 169; 175.—Viscarro (R.) Suicidio por el itcido clorhidrico; gastrorragia con expulsion del exofago; inucrte & las 45 dias. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1878, xxv, 667.—Zimmcrmann. t Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Ver. d. Rhein-Prov., Bonn, 1873, no. xii, 21-29. Acid (Hydrocyanic). See, also, Amygdala amara; Amygdalin; Angina pectoris (Treatment of); Lauras; Phthisis (Treatment of). Alquier (J.) *De Taction physiologique de l'acide cyanhydrique. 4°. MontpelUer, 1875. Brenner (W.) *Die Blausiiure und ihre Prii- parate. 8°. Regensburg, 1840. Coullon (J. J. A.) * Considerations m6dicales sur l'acide prussique. 4°. Paris, 1808. Dittmer (L. F.) * De vera acidi hydro-cyanici in organismum efficacia. 8°. [Berolini, 1822.] Elliotson (J.) Numerous cases illustrative of the efficacy of the hydrocyanic or prussic acid in affections of the stomach. 8°. London, Dub- lin, Edinburgh, 1820. Expehimkms lately made by several eminent physieiaus on the surprising and terrible effects of almond water and black cherry water. 8°. London, 1741. Fiechter (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Blau- siiure auf Fermentvorgiinge. *J. Basel, 1875. Acid (Hydrocyanic). Gazan (F. E.) * Essai sur les effets que l'acide prussique, et les substances qui le contiennent, exerceut sur l'dconomie animale. 4°. Paris, 1815. GoeppekT, (H. E.) De acidi hydrocyanici vi in plantas commentatio. 8°. Vratislav'ue, 1827. Granville (A. B.) Further observations od the internal use of the hydrocyanic (prussic) acid. 8°. London, 1819. -----. An historical and practical treatise, on the internal use of the hydrocyanic (prussic) acid. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1820. Lewin (W.) * Historisch-kritische Untersu- chung iiber die physiologische Wirkung der Blausiiure. 8°. BerUn, [1870]. Liebinger (S!) *De acidi hydrocyanici usu interno. 8°. Berolini, 1827. Lignac (L. V.) 'Dissertation sur l'acide prussique ou hydro-cyanique. 4°. Paris, 1820. Magendie (F.) Recherehes physiologiques et cliniques sur l'emploi de l'acide prussique ou hydro-cyanique dans le traitement des maladies de poitrine et particulierement dans celui de la phthisie pulmonaire. 12°. Paris, 1819. -----. The same, transl. into English. 8°. Netv Haven, 1820. Mf.unier (A.) *Doit-on employer l'acide hy- drocyanique dans quelques affections de poitrine ? 4°. Paris, 1823. Muller(G. H.) *De acido hydrocyanico. 8°. Hagce Comitum, 1835. Papilsky (J.) * Ueber die Einwirkung der Blausiiure auf Kreislauf und Blut. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1877. Pfizmaier (A.) *De acidi hydrocyanici et aquae pruni laurocerasi virtutibus medicis. 8°. Pragce, [1835]. Picard (H.) *De l'acide cyanhydrique. 4°. Paris, 1868. Preyer (W.) Die Blausiiure. Physiologisch untersucht. Erster Theil. 8~>. Bonn, 1868. Also, transl. in: Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 70-81. Roch (E.) "De acidi hydrocyanici puri in variis morbis efficacia novis observationibus coni- probata. 4°. Lipsice, [1820]. Rohland (R. J.) *De acidi hydrocyanici na- tura et vi medica. 12°. [Dorpat, 1835.] Schmidt (J.) *De acido hydrocyanico. 8°. Pestini, 1^25. Scholz (F.) *De acidi hydrocyanici natura et usu medico. c^. [Berolini, 1823.] Theer (V. G.) * De acido cseruleo Beroliue:if.i. sm. 4°. Vitebergce, [1811]. Wahl (F. G.) *De vi et effectu acido hydro- cyanato ad curationem attribuendis. 8°. Bon- ne?, 1865. Windemuth (A.) *De acido hydrocyanico. 8°. Marburgi, [1827], Allen (J. A.) Cases illustrative of the medical virtuea of prussic acid. N. Eng. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1822, xi, 37- 40.—Alnten (A.) Om Dliisyrans igenkiinnande. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1871, vi, 385; 537.—Amory (R.) On the action of hydrocyanic acid. Boston M. 7-272.— Fischer. Blausaure. das hiilfreichste der bis jetzt gegen das Asthma der Brustwassersfichtigen bekannten Mittel. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1824, i, 93-100.—JFIeischer j (S.) Die Wirkung der Blausaure auf die Eigenwarme der ] Saugethiere. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 432- 444.—Frenzel (C.) Ueber das Amygdalin als Ersatzmit- tel fiir Blausaure enthaltende Priiparafe. Med. Ztg., Berl., I 1844, xiv, 237.—Gaalt (A.) Observations critiques sur Tacide cyaiihydrique du Codex. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1875, iii, 168-172.—Gereckc. Neue Versuche an Thieren mit Blausaure. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1846, I 613-616.—Giese. Bemerkungen fiber die Bereitung und den Gebrauch der Blausaure. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1820, j 1431-1435.—Goppcrt (H. R.) Ueber die wirksamen Sto'ffe in der vegetabilishen Blausaure. N. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Gebiete d. HeUk., Bresl., 1829, i. 410-422.—Granville (A. B.) Some observations on the action of prussic acid. Lond. i M. Reposit., 1H5, iv, 177-179.—Gucrin de .Tinnier*. Des irritations encephaliques et rachidieunes sous le rap- port de la thdrapeutique ct spexialement de l'emploi, dans • is maladies, de Tacide hydro-cyanique et des bains par allusion. Ann. de la med. physiol., Par., 1825, vii, 322-384.— Gutierrez (I. U.) El iicido prusico 6 cianhidrico, no ex- i iMcenel bnmo del tabaco en cantidad apreciable por los reactivos mas sensibles de la quimiea moderna. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1873, ii, 180-198. —Handsel Griffiths (W.) Aciduni hydrocyanicum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1876, ii, 111-113!—Harless (C. F.) Bekannt- machung und Empi'ehhmg einer neuen, zuverlassigeren, und vorzii«lichen Bereitungsart der Blausaure, zuni arzt- lichen Gebrauch. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, 1821, iii, 2. St., 195-203. -----. Bemerkungen und Wahrnehniungen fiber die Wirkungs-Verhaltnisse, ver- schiedenen Bereitungsweisen, unci die Anwendung der Blausaure. Ibid., iv, 1. St., 150-203.— Hay ward (G.) Remarks on the use of prussic acid. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1829, iv, 49-53.—Heineken. Ueber die Anwendung der Blausaure zum innern Gebrauche. J. d. prakt. Heilk. Berl., 1820, li, 1. St., 25-64.—Heller. NouveUes recherehes sur l'emploi de Tacide hydrocyanique dans differentes mala- dies. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1823, xi, 361-379.— Ilenning. Blausaure. J. d. prakt. Heilk., Berl., 1821, lm, 4. St., 46-87; 6. St., 3-26. -----. Erfahrungen fiber ' den Gebrauch der Blausaure in trockner Gestalt. Ibid. 1823, lvi, 0. St., mi-121.—Hiller (A.) &. "Wagner (E.) I I elier die Wirkung der Blausaure. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877. xv, 577; 593.—Hoppc.-8eyler(F.) Ueber die Blausiiure als antiphlogistisches Mittel. Med.- I chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tubing., Berl., 1867, I 2j8.—Hiinefeld. Einige Bemerkunsen zur chemischen Ausmittelung der Hydrocyan- oder Blausaure. Arch. f. ! med. Erfahr., Berl., 1829. i, 437-450. AUo, transl.: 3. j Acid (Hydrocyanic). compl. du diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1829, xxxv, 224-232.— Huizinga (111 TTeber den Nachweis der Blausaure, im IJlutc mittc -1st Wassci stotfsuperoxyd. Centralbl. f. d. med. VVissenscb.. lterl.. ]86s, \'i, H65.—Jaeger. Erfolgreiche An- wendung der nach der Ittnerschen Methode zubereiteten Blausaure. N. Jalirb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1822. v, 2. St.. 125-134.—Jager(G.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung der Blausiiure und der Vitriol- und Arseniknaphtha. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1826, i, 161-187. Also, transl.: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1827, xxvii, 330-348.—Johnson (J.) Observations on the use of hydrocyanic acid in the treatment of pneumonia and phthisis. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1854, viii, 643.—Jones (J.) Experiments illustrating the direct action of hydro- cyanic acid upon the medulla oblongata. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 457-459. — Knie (A.) Sc Boehm (R.) Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen der Blausaure und den angeblichen Antagonismus von Blausaure und Atro- pin. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1874, ii, 129-148. — Krimer (G.) Observations et remarques sur la maniere d'agir de Tacide hydrocyanique. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1827, xxviii, 33-44.— Krimer (W.) Bemerkungen fiber die Bereitung und Anwendung der Blausaure. Mit einem Zusatz vom Heraus- geber. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, 1821, iv, 1. St.. 133-150. -----. Bemerkungen und Wahmehmun- gen fiber die Wirknngs- und Anwendungsweise der Blau- siiure. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1826, ii, 416-425.— Kiinzli. Observation sur l'emploi de Tacide prussique. J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1827, iii, 175-178.—Earning (R.) On medicinal prussic acid, and cyanide of potassium. Lancet, Lond., 1831, ii, 388-390: 1833, ii, 623.—Eanyon (R.) Cases illustrative of the sanative effects of the hydrocyanic acid. Ibid., 74.— Eecorche & Meuriot. Etude physiologique et th§ra- peutique sur Tacide cyanhydrique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1868, i, 529-551.—Eonsdale (H.) An experimental inquiry into the physiological action, the poisonous proper- ties, and the therapeutic effects of the hydrocyanic acid. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1839, li, 39-69. Also, Reprint.—Eii- dikc. Einige Beobachtungen fiber die Anwendung der Blausaure in Nervenkrankheiten. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1819, xlviii, 1. St., 73-80.—Maclean (D. J.) Cases in which the vapour of prussic acid was employed for the cure of ophthalmic disease. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 538.— Macleod (R.) On a new property of the hydrocyanic acid taken internally. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1821, xlvi, 359- 361. -----. Remarks on the use of prussic acid in affec- tions of the stomach and heart. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J.. 1823, xlix, 4('2.—iVlagairc (R.) On hydrocyanic acid. Lond. M. Kepo.xit.. 1*21. xv, 277-281.—Mahla (F.) Hydrocyanic acid should be stricken from the list of othciniil prepara- tions. Chicago M. Exam., 1860,i,589-59L—Manzoni(I. A.) Neue Erfahnnmen iiber die Anwendung der Blausiiure. Mitgetheilt you Bohr. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1819, xlviii, 2. St., 4u-.">9.— tlazza (G.) Sull'acido idrocianico . . . e sui cianuridi t'erro e di potassio. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1869, ccviii. 592.—JTIialhe. Note sur le mode d'action de Tacide cyanhydrique. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiii. 785-788.— IVuaaeley (T.) An experimental inquiry into the effects of hydrocyanic acid, produced upon animal life. Tr. Prov. M.Sc S. Ass., Lond., 1847. xv, 1; 362.—Obermayr. Vorschlag der Blausaure gegen Hunds- wuth und andere. Krankheiten. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1819, i, 399.—Oldberg (O.) Emulsio hvdrocyanata vs. acid, hydrocyanic, dilut. Nat. M. J., Wash., 1871-2, ii, 158-161.—Orifilsi. MemoiresurTacidehvdrocyanique. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1829. 1. s., x, 487-531. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1*29. xx, 386-399.—Petit (A.) Sur la conser- vation et le dosage de Tacide cyanhydrique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 20; 68.—Balph (S. T.) Obsen-ations and experiments with the microscope on the effects of prussic acid on the animal economy. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866, xi, 7-18.—Becamier. Emploi de Tacide hydrocyanique contre les affections chroniques des poumons. Notes par L. Martinet. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1826, iv, 426-429.—Bemer (W.) Beitrag zur Anwendung der Blausaure. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl.. 1818, xlvi, 5. St., 3-15.—Byan (M.) Remarks on the use of hy- drocyanic acid in angina pectoris and other diseases of the heart, and in bronchitis, phthisis, and dyspepsia. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1824, li, 369-375. -----. On the therapeutical effect of hydrocyanic acid. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1832, n. s., i, 490-493.—Sandras. Memoire sur Taction de Tacide hy- drocyanique sur I'homme sain et sur I'homme iualade. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1830, ex, 289-329.—Sa- vage (J. H.) On the prussic acid. Transylv. J. M., Lex- ington, Ky., 1830, iii, 157-166.—Schneider. Die Blau- saure. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1840, xci, 3. St., 83-97.— Sibergundi. Eiue Beobachtung fiber die nachtheilige Wirkung der Blausaure bei denjemgen chronischen Brust- krankheiten, welche in einer Abdominal-Plethora begriindet sind. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1823, vii, 1. St., 41-49.—Simon (M.) Recherehes cliniques sur Taction de Tacide hydrocyanique, et des preparations de cyanogenedansdiversesmaladies. Bull, g6n.deth6rap., etc., Par., 1839, xvii, 137-145.—Stewart (D.) Observations on ACID. 84 ACID. Acid (Hydrocyanic). the preparation of hydrocyanic acid, and some of the forms in which it is exhibited. Maryland M. & S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 264-266.—Strainbio (G.) & Bestelli (A.) L'azione di alcune sostanze medicamentose (. . . acido idrocianico) inda- gata con esperimenti sui bruti. Gaz. med., Milano, 1846, v, 253-258.—Struve (H.) Recherche de Tacide prussique. Monit. scient., Par., 1874, xvii, 538-545.—Turner (E.) On the tests of prussic acid. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1829, xv, 142-144.—von Velsen (W.) Anwendung der Blausaure in verschiedenen Krankheitsformen. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1822, ii, 20-22. -----. Wirkung der Blausaure gegen eingewurzelten trocknen Krampfhusten mit schlei- chendem Fieber u. 8. w. Ibid., 22-27.—Victz (F. B.) Kurze Darstellung mehrerer physiologisch-pathologischer und therapeutischer Versuche mit der Blausaure an Pfer- den und Hunden. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1814, ii, 3. St., 113-121; 4. St., 43-67.—Weese (K.) Beobachtungen fiber den medicinischen Gebrauch der Blau- stoff-Wasserstoffsaure. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1821, x, 64; 412.—Weitsch. Einige Beobachtungen den thera- peutisehen Gebrauch der Blausaure betreffend. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1821, ii, 264-280.—Wittcke. Einiges zur Wiirdigung der medicinischen Wirkung der Blausaure. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 201; 207.—Wober (A.) Bemer- kung fiber blausaurehaltige destillirte Wasser. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1842, 409.—Wutzer. Bemerkun- gen fiber die Anwendung der Berlinerblau-Saiu-e als Heil- mittel. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1818, iv, 472-479. Acid (Hydrocyanic, Toxicology of). See, also, Amygdala amara; Amygdalus per- sica; Potassium (Cyanide of, Toxicology of). Andrissen (H.) * De veneficu acido hydrocy- anico inducti signis et remediis. 8°. Berolini, 1829. Becker (C. J. F.) *De acidi hydro-cyanici vi peruiciosa in plantas. 4°. Jence, 1823. Bonjeax (J.) Faits chimiques, toxicologiques, et considerations medico-legales, relatives k Tem- poisonnement par l'acide prussique. 8°. Cham- bery, 1843. Callies (J.-A.) "Essai sur l'acide prussique, consid6r6 dans son action d6L3tere sur l'dconomie animale. 4°. Paris, 1816. Judell (G.) Die Vergiftung mit Blausaure und Nitrobenzol in foreusischer Beziehung. 8°. Erlangen, 1876. de Keyzer (M.) *Bijdrage tot de kennis van het blaauwzuur, met drie door den schrijver waar- genomene gevallen van vergiftiging door blaauw- zuur bevattende zelfstandigheden. 8°. Leyden, 1856. Poterin du Motel (E.) * Determiner si les avantages qu'on retire du chlore gazeux et du gaz ammoniac, dans l'empoisonuement par l'acide cyanhydrique medicinal, sont le resultat d'une action chimique exercee par eux sur l'acide. 4°. Paris, 1841. Strauss (G. L.) Remarks and comments on the medical and chemical evidence adduced at the trial of Johu Tawell. ri°. London, 1*45. Antidoton xard tt}s Sid tou vbpoicvaviKov ofeos JijAijnjpid- ereous. 'Iarpi/cij MeA«r(Ta, AOtjpai, 1854, i, 525.—Baaks (J. T.} On the efficacy of the cold affusion in tho treatment of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1837, xlviii, 44-46.—Baumgartncr. t Med.-chir-. Ztg., Inns- bruck, 1829, i, 377-384.—Bishop (E.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 315.—Bonjean (J.) Experiences chimiques et toxi- cologiques, suivies de considerations m6dieo-legales rela- tives k Tempoisonnement par Tacide prussique. J. de med. de Lyon, 1843, iv, 53 ; lol. Also, transl.: Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1842, xv, 10-55.—Boyrenson (T. A.) t Brit. Ann. Med., Phami., etc., 1837, i, 714.—Brame (C.) Acide cyan- hydrique retrouve dans un cadavre huniain trois seinaines apre.8 la mort. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1855-6,36-41. Also: J. de chim. med., etc.,Par., 1855, 4. s., i. 73-75.—Barman (W. M.) t Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 39.—Carmichael (W. S.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, i. 647.—|Oases.] Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, viii, 759; 795.— Ann. d'hyg., l'ar., 1833, 1. s., x, 180.—Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1843, i. 3*.i.—Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, xi; 82.—Lancet, Lond., 1843, i. 381: 1873, ii, 522.—Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1845, v, 707-717.—Edinb. M. & S. J., 1847, lxvii, 598.— Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1858, xvi, 36-38.—Gac. med. de Mexico, 1869, iv, 201.—Chistovich (Y.) t Sudebno-medi- tsinskii sluchai. [Poisoning by prussic acid.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863, iii, 349-364: 1864; iv, 91.—Christison (R.) t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1850, x, 97-99.— Acid (Hydrocyanic. Toxicology of). Clark (H. G.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1854, n. s., xxviii, 103. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Improve., 1856, ii, 78— Crisp (E.) t Lancet, Lond.. 1844. i, 751.—Daniel I (J. B.) t Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1848, 428-131.—Eckman (H.) Nya reactioner p& chloroform och bblsyra. Upsala Lakaref. Fork., 1868-9, iv, 213-217.—Fleming (J. G.) t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1846-7, n. s., i, 12-20.—Frank. 11 Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. citf. Med., Berl., 1868, ix, 179-184.— von Franquc (J. B.) t Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nas- sau, Wiesb., 1846, 273-290.—Fremy. t J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1825, i, 482.—Gachtgens (C.) Zur Lehre der Blausaure-Vergiftung. Med.-chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab.... zu Tiibing., Berl., i868, 325-349.— Gathgens. Studien iiber Blausaurevergiftung. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xv, 322-326.—Gaulticr dc Claubry (H.) Dun nouveau proc6d6 propos6 par MM. O. Henry fils et Humbert pour rechercher liicide cyanhydrique dans les cas d'empoisonne- ment. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1857, viii, 231-235.—Gendrin (A. N.) Note sur Tempoisonnement de sept malades par Tacide hydrocyanique, et remarques sur les preparations cyaniques. J*, gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, ciii, 367-379.— Gcoghegan (T. G.) t Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1835, viii, 308-324.—Gerhardt. Empoisonnement par Tacide prussique. Reponse aux observations de MM. Delaharpe et Mialhe. J. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1843, vii, 162-164. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, 2. 8., xi, 272.— Gierl (J. M.) Leichen- und Sectionsbefund des phariua- ceutisehen Gehiilfen G., welcher sich durch eine unge- wohnlich grosse Quantitiit . . . bereiteter Blausiiure selbst vergiftet hatte. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1829, i, 396- 400.—Gill (S. L.) t Lancet. Lond., 1861, ii, 419—Glen- denning. On prussic acid poisons. Lond. M. & S. J., 1832, n. s., i, 363-369.—Godfrey (J.) t Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1844, 398.—Gbppert. Das Verhiiten der Ver- giftung durch blausaurehaltige Fliissigkeiten. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi. 123.—Graff. Gutachten eine Vergiftung mit Schwefelblausiiure und Blausaure betreffend. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1838, xxxvi, 1-41.—Griffin (R.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864. ii, 434.—Guy (W. A.) t . . . recoverv. Med. Times, Lond., 1846, xiii, 169.—Hall (H. C.) t Am. 'J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1868, lv, 277.—Heller. De la necessit6 de ne point trop insister sur l'usage interieur des excitans dans Tempoisonnement par Tacide hvdrocyanique. J. g£n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxxxvi, 2894)04.— Henry (O. fils) Sc Humbert (E.) Recherehes medico- legales sur Tacide cyanhydrique et ses composes. Bull. Acad.demed.,Par.,1856-7, xxii, 3504156.—Herbst (E. F. G.) Ueber den Nutzen der kalten Begiessungen bei Vergiftungen durch Blausaure. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1828, iii, 208-218. Also, transl: Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1829, n. s., vi, 3874191. Also, transl: Hygie, Brux., 1829, vi, 5974500. Also: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d.. Par.. 1829, xxiii, 13-20.— Hickman (W.) 1 Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 310-311.—Hicks (J.) tt Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., i, 458; 5*8; 628. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 98.—Hicks Sc "Waterworth, t Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, i, 8934S96.—Hoppe-Seyler (F.) Ueber die Ursache der Giftigkeit der Blausaure. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1867, xxxviii, 435.—Hufeland. t J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1815, xl, 1. St., 85-91.—Hunt. Recovery from effects of prussic acid (bitter almonds). Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 37.—Ilott (J. W.) The case of poisoning at Bromley. Med. Times. Lond., 1846, xiv, 196.—Jochncr. t Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang,, 1851, 43. Ergnzgshft., 175-202.— Itastner (K. W. G.) Die Blausaure als Gift fiir Ptlanzen, das Wurstgift, etc Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl., Numb., 1824, i, 482-489.—King (R.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873, xxiv, 99.—GSLriigcr-Hansen. t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 86-92.—Lalande (J.) Note sur Tacide hydrocvanique. J. de chim., med., etc. Par., 1837, 2. s., iii, 228-230.—I^arocque (A.) Ex- periences sur un nonvel antidote de Tacide prussique propose per le docteur Smith. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 638-640. — Lassaignc (J. L.) Recherehes chimiques sur les moyens de reeonnaitre la presence de Tacide hydro- cyanique chez les animaux empoisonnes par cette sub- stance. Rev. med. franc;, et etrang., Par.. 1824, ii, 354- 371.—r.eithead (T.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 640.— I,etheby (II.) Poisoning by prussic acid. Ibid., 497 ; 638. —Leuret. t . . . chez un bohime ivre. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1830, 1. s., iv, 422-430.—Lcuret Sc Lassaignc. Re- cherehes experimentales, dans le but de decouvrir la presence de Tacide hydrocyanique, long-temps apr^s la mort, chez les animaux empoisonnfes par cette substance et . ^"^ exhumes. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1820, ii, 561-565.— l.idell (J. A.) t N. York M. J., 1867-8, vi, 407.—Merk- wiirdigcr Fall einer schnell tbdtlich gewordenen Selbst- vergiftung durch Blausiiure. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1813, 510-513.—Mertzdorf. Cas d'enipoisonnement par la cigue et par Tacide hydrocyanique. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1823,' xvii/3614(72.— MertzdorflT. tt Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1823, ii, 51-65.—Meyer (H.) Die Vergiftung durch Blausaure. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1843, ii, 249-265.—Murray (J.) Remarks on hy- drocyanic acid and opium with reference to their counter- poisons. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1822, v, 6114314.— i IVach weisung (Ueber die) der Vergiftung mit Blausaure. ! BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1855, vi, 4. Hft., 75-77.— ACID. 85 ACID. Acid (Hydrocyanic, Toxicology of). Niemann (A.) Vergiftung durch Blausaure. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1862, lxxxiii, 174-176—IVnnneley (T.) t Prov. M.& S.J., Lond., 1845, 461; 481; 517.—Ornla. Recherehes medico-legales relatives a Tempoisonnement ! par Tacide hydrocyanique. Diet, de med., 2. 6d., Par., 1835, ix, 522-527. -----. Empoisonnement par Tacide cvan- hydrique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1841, xxvi, 399-427: 1843, xxix. 103-148.—-I(ao. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1841, iii, 3.184162. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1842, 30. Ergnzngshft.. 3124142.—Packard (J. H.) Blood of a suicide bv prussic acid. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. 8.. lviii, 432-437. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1871, iii, 109-114.—Pernoz Sc Nonat, Sur le chlore, comme anti- dote de Tacide hydrocyanique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1830, iv, 435-437.—Platner (C.) Consnlta medico-legale sopra un preteso avvelenamento per acido idrocianico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1865. 5. a., iv, 49-57.—Poisoning at the Bristol intimiarv from prussic acid. [Error in prescrip- tion.] Med. Times. Lond., 1839, i, 109.—Pooley (C.) t Lond. M Gaz., 1845. n. s., i, 859.— Preyer (W.) Dio Ursache der Giftigkeit des Cyankaliuni und der Blausiiure. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xl, 125-142. -----. Ergebnisse bei Vergiftungsversuchen mit wasserfreier Blausaure. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphalens, 1868, xxv, 20. -----. Einige Ergebnisse der mit wasserfreier Blausaure angestellten Veigiftungsver- siuhe. Sitzungsb.d.nied.-ihein.Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. zu Bonn. 1869, 15. -----. Vergiftungsversuche mit wasser- freier Blausaure und ihr Nachweis im vergifteten Blute. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1869, ii, 146-156.—Ran- dolph (J.) Some observations on the deleterious j effects of the hydro-cyanic acid. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1821. iv. 456-460.—Begnauld (J.) Note sur un enipoi- j sonnemeut par les vapeurs d'acide cyanhydrique. Ann. d'hvg., Par.. 1852. xlvii, 455-459.—Bieckher. Unter- suchung einer Vergiftung durch Blausaure. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Ansbach, 1854, v, 2. Hft., 66-70.—Boecker. t Ztschr. f. Wundarzteu.Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1852, v, 215-226.— Bossbach (M. J.) Sc Papilsky (J.) Ueber die Einwir- kung der Blausaure auf Kreislauf unci Blut. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gezellsch. in Wiirzb., 1877, n. F., x, 205-219.— Biispini (G.) t Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1851, 3. s., ii. 102.—Schaaeasfeia. Vergiftung durch Blausaure. Wchnbl.d. Ztschr. d.k.k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1857, | iii, 33-37.—Schneider. Medizinisch-gerichtliche Unter- suchung einer zufiilligen Selbstvergiftung durch den Genuss ' eines alten und verdorbenen Nusswassers. Ztschr. f. d. j Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1825, ix, 399-418. -----. Versuche mit Blausaure an Pferden, in besonderer Hinsicht auf die i Wirkung des Ammoniums, als Gegengift. Ibid., 1827, xiii, j 423-428.—Schneider (J.) Die Blausaure, als fiircliter- ] liches Gift und als vortreflliches Arzneimittel, mediciniseh- i polizeilich betrachtet. Ibid., 1830, xx, 237-273.—Schu- mann, t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 831.— Selmi (F.) Osservazioni pratiche pel riconoscimento dell'acido cianidrico nei casi di avvelenamento. Mem. Acad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1873, 3. s.. iv, 53-55, 2 tav. -----. Del riconoscimento dell'acido cianidrico nei casi di avvelena- mento. Aun. di chim. appl. a. med., Milano, 1873, 3. s., j lvii, 338-341. -----. Sul processo per estrarre l'acido cianidrico dai visceri. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1878, 6. s., i, 100-105.—Sewell (S. C.) On the time required to I produce death by a fatal dose of medicinal hydrocyanic acid. Brit.-Am; J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1847,'iii, 169.— I Shaplcigh (E. B.) Case of suicide bv hvdrocvanic acid. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1869, n. s.. iv, 290-292. Also: Am. J. M. Sc. Pliila., 1869, lviii. 421.—Siegel (H.) t Arch. d. Heilk.. Leipz., 1868, ix, 332-337.—Skae (D.) t Trial of John Tawcll.. . North. J. M., Edinb.. 1844-5, ii, 396-400.—Skor- kowski (A.) O doebodzeniach otrucia knasem pruskim na zwlokaeh. Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1876, xxi, 263-265.— Smith (J.) & Smith (J. H.) Sulphate of iron combined I with an alkaline carbonate, an antidote for prussic acid. I Lancet. Loud., 1844, ii, 41-43.—Stevenson (T.) t Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, 3. s., xiv, 259.—Suspicion d'em- poisonnement par Tacide prussique; acquittement de Tac- euse. J. de chim. med., etc, Par., 1843, 3. a., ix, 268-274.— Swedmark. Likbppnings-feuomenen hos en, som aflidit af intagen blasvra. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank. (1844-5), Stockholm, 1846, 15.—Taylor (A. S.) t Guy's ! Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1845, 2. s., iii, 39-70; app., 71-75. -----. t . . . powers of volition and locomotion . . . exerted after a large dose. Ibid., 1846, 2. s., iv, 489-492.—Taylor (T.) Treatment of poisoning by prussic acid; good effects of cold affusion ; recovery after large doses. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845. n. s., i, 103-105.—Toulmouche. t . . . reflexions sur l'emploi de Tammoniaque comme antidote. Rev. med. I franc, et etrang.. Par.. 1825, i, 26.5-274.— Tripe (J. W.) t Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1877. i, 11—Turner (E.) On the tests of prussic acid. Edinb M. Sc S. J. l*2.-\ xxx, 344-346.— Uhl_(D.) tt Am. M. Month., N. Y.. 1854. ii. 22-24.— | Varick (T. R.) Urticaria produced by hydrocyanic acid. N. York J. M.. 1847, ix, 40.—Volz (L.) Blaus'aure- Verffiftung mittels Blutlaugensalz und Salpetersalzsiinre. Vrtljsch. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1877. xxvi. r.7-64.—Wil- son (F. W.) t Lancet, Lond.. 1869, ii. 30.—Witlacil (A.) t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1862, xii, 231-JJj—Woodcock Acid (Hydrocyanic, Toxicology of). (W.) Poisoning with prussic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 640.—Wright (W.) Medico-legal essayin fatal doses of prussic aeict Brit.-Am. J. M. & Phys. Scf. Montreal, 1848, iv, 94; 117: 145. Acid (Hydrosulphuric). See Hydrogen (Sulphuretted). Acid (Iodic). Kohlcr (H.) Ueber dio Wirkungen der jodsauren und iodigsauren Alkalisalze. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1878, v, 349: 362.—Bonssin (Z.) Note sur Tiodate de chaux et sur Tacide iodique. Rec. de mta. do med. . . . mil., Par., 1855, 2. s., xv, 382-385.—Sodini (G.) Sul pro- cesso per attenere l'acido iodico, facendo reagire il cloro sulTiodio sospeso nell'acqua. Pub. d. r. 1st. di studi. sup., etc., in Firenze, Sez. di med. e chir., 1876, i, 223-225. Acid (Itaconic). Aarlaxd ((Jr.) * Electrolyse der Itaconsaure. 8°. Leipzig, 1872. Acid (Kdkodylic). Schmidt (C.) G5. Berthe. Sur Tacide quinique et Tether quinique. Monit. scient., Par., 1859450, ii, 429-432. Acid (Kryptophanic). See, also, Urine (Chemistry of). Pircher (J.) Ueber die sogenannte Kryptophansaure J. L. W. Thudichum's. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1871, ix, 3224124.—Thudichum (J. L. W.) Ueber die Kryptophansaure, die normale freie Saure des Hams. Vorlau'tige Mittheilung. Ibid., 1870, viii, 195; 209. -----. Dr. J. Pfrchei 's Versuch iiber die sogenannte Kryptophan saure. Ibid., 1872, x, 81-84. Acid (Kynuric). Voit (C.) & Biederer (L.) Ueber die Ausscheidungs- verhaltnisseder Kvnureu-Sauie im Hundeharn. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1865, i, 315-321. Acid (Lactic). See, also, Diabetes (Treatmentof'); Lactates; Sodium (Lactate of). Borszczow (E.) * Nachweisung der Milchsaure als normalen Bestandtheiles der lebenden Mus- kelfaser. >"0. Wiirzburg, 1861. Burix DU Buissox (A. M. B.) Quelques mots sur l'acide lactique et les lactates alcalins et terreux, sur leurs r61es dans l'e'conomie animale et spdoialement dans I'acte de la digestion. 8°. Lyon, lette. Goltz (G.) 'Wirkungen der Milchsiiure auf den thierischen Organismus. 8°. Berlin, l^ti^. Noethlichs (G.) * Untersuchungen der Milz u. Leber auf Milchsaure. 8-. Erkelenz, 1860. Kaucii (C.) Ueber den Einfluss der Milch- saure auf das Endocardium. c^u. Dorpat, 1860. Seeholzer (A.) * L)e acido s. d. lactico. 8°. Ingolstadii, 1830. Wegxer (R.) * Experimenteller Beitrag zur Wirkung der Milcksiiure-Injection auf die leben- den Knochen. 8°. Greifswald, lt<76. Auerbach (A.) Zur Schlaf und Beruhignng erzeu- genden Wirkung der Milchsaure und des milchsauren Natron. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1877, iv, 5334)36.—Cap & Henry. Recherehes sur Tacide lactique. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1838-9, iii, 220.—Dureau. Sur l'emploi de Tacide lactique dans le traitement de Tangine couenneuse. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1868, lxxv, 223.—Fischer (F.) Zur Frage der hvpnotischen Wirkung der Milchsaure. All;;. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1877, xxxiii. 720-727—Goltz (G.) Melliturie nach Milch- siiure-Injection. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.. Berl., 1867, v, 705.—Hei.«N (E.) Kann man durch Einfuhrung von Milchsaure in den Darm eines Thieres den Knochen anorganische Bestandtheilo entziehen? Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1876. xii, 151-169.—Jackson (S.) On the uses of sugar and lactic acid in the animal economy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., xlix, 358457).—Laiifenauer |K.) A tejsav mint altato szer. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876. 610-613.—Lipowitz (A.) Chemisch-physiologi^elier ACID. 86 ACID. Acid (Lactic.) Beitrag zur Milchsaure. Beitr. z. physiol. u. path. Chem. n. Mikr., Berl., 1843-4, i, 93-97.—Mendel (E.) Milchsaure als Schlafmittel. Verhandl. d. Berl. mod. Gesellsch., 1876, vii. 1. Theil. 96. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 427. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876. ii. 193- 197.—ITIollcr. Die Milchsaure-Theorie des Rheumatismus und Richardson's Experimente. Konigsb. med. Jahrb., 1860, ii, 277-307.—JVctwald (J.) Medicinisch-chemische Abhandlung iiber die Milchsaure und das milchsaure Eisen- oxydul. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxvi, 257-273.—Beyher (G.) Zur Frage von der Erzeu- gung von Endocarditis durch Milchsaureinjection in die Peritonealhohle von Thieren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xxi. 85-106.—Smith (G. M.) Lactic acid as a cause of disease when employed as a remedial agent. Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1874, 2. s., i, 219-225.—Spiro (P.) Bei- trage zur Physiologie der Milchsaure. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1877, i, 111-118.—Veratti (G.) Uso del- l'acido lattico nella cura del croup. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1871, 5. s., xi, 54.—Vogt. Ueber Wirkung der Milchsaureauf Knochenwachsthum. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 473. Acid (Malonic). Fixkelstkix (B.) * Ueber Malonsiiure und deren Verbindungen. 8°. Marburg, 1865. Acid (Meconic). S'-i'l.—IVoyes (H. D.) Amblyopia produced by osmic acid. Tr. Am. Ophth.Soc, N. Y., 1*866, iii, 34. Also: N. York M. J., 1866, iu, 269-2,6—Baymond (F.) Empoisonnement par Tacide osmique. Progres med., Par., 1874, ii, 373. Acid (Oxalic). See, also, CXxalurin. Klostermaxx (T. H.) *De acidi oxalici in organisinum animalem efficacia, experimentis novis illustrata. sm. 8". Berolini, [1824]. Walter (P. K) *De combinationibus acidi oxalici cum alcaliis. 6-. Berolini, [1830]. Arnold (J. W.) Versuche zur Erforsehung der Wir- kung der Sauerkleesaure. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb., 1835, v, 189-202.—Clendinning (J.) Memoire sur Tacide oxalique. Trans, med., Par., 1833,xiii, 206-212.—IVeubaucr (C.) Ueber Oxalsaurebildung. Arch. cl. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. cl. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting.. 1860, iv, 1-17.— Bave 6c Klostermann. Ueber die Wirkung der Sauer- kleesaure auf den thierischen Organismns. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1827, 2. Sppl.-BcL, 177-201.— Beichardt (E.) Ueber die Bildung von Oxalsaure bei der Einwirkung von Kupferoxyd auf MUchzucker in Gegenwart freien AlkaU's. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1864, i, 234-238.—Seligsohn (M.) Zur Casuistik unci Theorie der oxalsauren Concrementbildung. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1875, lxiv, 327-356.— Tripier (F. M.) Note sur la presence de Tacide oxalique dans les champignons. Rec cie mem. dc med. . . . niU., Par., 1838, xhv, 380-380.—Van JVIclckcbckc (E.) Note Acid (Oxalic, Toxicology of). Sec, also, Potassium (Oxalate of). Kuhn (C. G) [Pr.] de salis acetosellse venenata virtute. 4°. Lipsice, 1821. Perky (L.) * De acidi oxalici vi venenata. 8°. Edinburgi, 1&2.1. Vexa'ules (E.) A lecture in which the nature and properties of oxalic acid arc; contrasted with those of Epsom salts . . . and the treatment to bb adopted, when oxalic acid has been introduced into the stomach. 8C. London, 1822. Allison (W.) t Lancet, Lond., 1850. ii. 502.—Babina- toa (T. H.) t Lend. M. Gaz., 1841. i. »7o-872. Also: Dub- lin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxviii, 503.—Barham (C.) t Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1847. 544.—Barker (T. H.) t Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, ii, 1073. — Bcale. t Autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 394.—Berlin (N. J.) Tvenne forgiftningar med suit oxalsyradt kali. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1842, iv, 358.—Binz (C.) Ueber cUe Giftigkeit der Oxalsaure. Pharm. Post, Wien, 1878, xi, 101-103.—Boyd, t Edinb., M. &. S. J., 1842, lvu, 279.—Boyrenson (T. A.) t Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Loud., 1837, i, 716.—Bradley (T. AV.) t . . . with remarks on the alteration of the voice as a consequence thereof. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 293.—Brash (J. R.) t Lancet, Lond., 1846, ii, 39.— [Case.] Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1862, vii, 46-48.— Christison (R.) Sc Coindet (C. W.) An experimental inquiry on poisoning by oxahc acid. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1823, xix, 163; 323. Also, transl.: J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1823, ui, 274-300.— Also, transl.: Arch. f. med.Erfahr., Berl., 1823, ii, 100; 255.—Clarke (M.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1848, xxxvui, 23.—Colli* (M. H.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vii, 353-355.— Beaac (J.) t Prov. M.-&S. J., Lond., 1851, 344-346.—Ellis (R.) t Lancet, Lond., 1864, u, 265.— Finnell. Presented to N. Y. Path. Soc. specimens to illus- trate poisoning by oxahc acid. Med. Rec, ii. Y., 1871, vi, 260. —Frascr (W. W.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1818, xiv, 607-614.— Gastritis froni poison (oxaUc acid). [Case.] Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836, i, 351.—Geogbegan (T. G.) On poisoning by oxaUc acid. Dublin M. Press, 1846, xv, 209-211. A Iso: Med. Times, Lond., 1846, xiv, 45.—Hanks (H.) Do leeches die when applied to the skin in cases of poisoning bv oxalic acid? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, i, 165.—Hazeltine. J Boston M. & S. J., 1845, xxxi, 39.—Hebb (W.) t Lond. M. Reposit., 1824, xxu, 475-477.—Hewett, t . . . inflam- mation of the brain. Lancet, Lond., 1828, i. 447.—Hnnt. Recoverv from effects of oxalic acid. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 37.—Jackson (C. T.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1844, xxx. 17-19.—Jackson (J. B. S.) t I bid., 1875, n. s., xvi, 445-447.—Jerome (J. H.) t Tr. M. Ass. South. Cen- tral N. Y.. 1852, i, 74.—Johnson (G.) t Lond. M. Reposit., 1816, vi, 474.—I.etheby (H.) t Lancet, Lond., 1844, ii, 103.— Littlejohn (H. D.) t Edinb. M. J., 1861, vii, 13-20, plate. -----. t Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1862. xxi, 231-238.—Mollan (J.) t DubUn Hosp. Rep., 1818, ii, 329- 333.—Myers (D. B.) t . . . successful treatment. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1878, ii. 345.—Ogilvy (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 205.—Osborn (H.) t Med. Times, Lond.. 1850, xxi, 115.—O'Shea (M. K.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845. ii, 293.—I»age. t I bid., 1860, ii, 509.—Perry, t Glasgow M. J., 1870-1, iii, 120-122.—Poisoning bv oxalic acid. Ca- nada Lancet, Toronto, 1876, ix, 96—Babnteau. Con- tribution a Tetude du mode d'elimination et des effets toxiques de Tacide oxaUque et des oxalates. Conipt.-rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1874, 6. s., i, 59-69.—Bobarts (W.) t Lond. M.. S., & Pharm. Reposit., 1815. iii. 380-389.—Boy- ston (W.) t Ibid., 1814, i, 381-386.—Bul-Ogea. t Ann. Soc de med. d'Anvers, 1858, xv, 18-30.-----. t J. de chim. med., etc, Par., 1859, 4. s., v, 139-144.—Scott (D.) t Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1825, xxiv, 67-69.—Scimple (R. H.) t Lancet, Lond.. 1840-1, ii, 187.—Shillito (C.) An account of a case of poisoning by oxalic acid, and of several cases by alcohol, with remarks on the action of these poisons. Lond. M. Reposit,, 1815, iv, 459-464.—Skinner (T.) t Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1860, i, 107-109. -----. Reply to I )r. Thudichum's re- remarks. Ibid., 186-188.—Smith (R.) t Lond. M. Re- posit., 1819, xii, 18-21.—Starr (L.) t Phila. M. Times, 1871, l 458.—Syme (J.) t Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1835, xUv. 17.— Tapsoa (A. J.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, i, 491-494.—Tay- lor (A. S.) t Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1838, iii, 3534166.— Thompson (H.) t . . . evstitis; morbus renum; reco- very. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 88.—Thndichum (J. L. W.) Experiments on oxalic acid and oatmeal-gruel. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 391. -----. Remarks ou Dr. Skinner's case of suspected poison itm bv oxaUc acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, i, 127-130.—Todd (R. B.) t Lancet, ACID. 88 AC ID. Acid (Oxalic, Toxicology of). Lond., 1842, i, 697.—Tolefrcc (R.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1835, xii, 158.—Trial of Mary Strath. Edinb. M. J., 1862, viii, 93-101.—Upmann (J.) Ueber cUe angeblicheGiltig- keit der Oxalsaure. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1877, xlvi, 609.—"Van dc Vy vcre. Sur la presence de Talloxan- j tine, dans l'intestin dune personne empoisonnee par Tacide i oxalique. Rap. de M. Depaire. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. I de Belg., Brux., 1876, 3. s., x, 19-21. Also: J. de pharm., j Brux., 1876, xxxii, 258-262. Also: Liege, 1876, xv. 149-152, (rap.deF. Putzeys).—White (J. I C.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1870, lxxxii, 57-63.—Williams (J.W.) t Lond. M. Reposit., 1819, xi, 20-23.—"Wood (A.) t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xiv, 227-233.— Woodman (B.) t. . . recovery alter taking half an ounce. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 386. Acid (Pectic). Torrey (J.) On the pectic acid of Braconnot, and its identity with sclerotin, a peculiar principle existing in the tuckahoe, or Indian bread. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1827, vi, 481-490. Acid (Permanganic). Hiincfeld. Ueber die Wirkung der Mangansaure, der Kohlenstickstoffsaure, der cyanignen Saure, des Cyans und der pbosphorigen SSure, auf den thierischen Orga- nismus. ZusammengesteUt aus brieflichen MittheUungen ... an Wagner. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1830, ii, 854- 865. Acid (Phenic). See Acid (Carbolic). Acid (Phosphomolybdic). Struvc (G.) Primaenenie phosphoro-moUbdenavoi kis- lotui pri sndebuo-khimicheskikh izslaedovaniyakh dlya otkruitiya alkoloidov. [Use of phospho-molybdic acid in detecting alkaloids.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, i873, no. xvii, pt. 4, 1-9. Acid (Phosphoric). See, also, Phosphates. Bassenge (J. F.) * De acido phosphoreo usui therapeutico rite accomodando. 4°. Lipsice, 1799. Krumsieg (II. G.) *De acidi phosphorici usu i medico. H°. Dorpat, 1825. Leconte (C.) *De l'emploi cie l'azotate d'uranium dans la recherche et le dosage de l'acide phosphorique et des phosphates. De Taction toxique et physiologique de l'azotate d'uranium. 4°. Paris, 1853. Renard (J. C. G. A.) Verus periostei usus, nee non observationes quasdani circa acidi phos- phorici ad necrosin cariemque ossium sanandas utilitatem. 4°. Parisiis, 1808. StrCbing (P.) * Uber die Phosphorsiiure im Urin unter dem Einllusse excitirender und depri- mirender Mittel. (--. Greifswald, 1876. de Vries (P.) *De acido phosphorico. 8°. Groningce, 1807. Zenker (F. E.) * De quibusdamad rationem, quae est inter acidum molybdicum et phosphori- cum, pertiuentibus. 8°. Dresdce, 1853. Andrews (J. B.) The physiological action and thera- iieutic uses of the '' acidum phosphoricum dilutum ". Am. J. jisan., Utica, N.Y., 1869-70, xxvi, 113-129.—Belohoubek (A.) Ueber eine neue Methode zur mausanajytischen Be- stimmung der Phosphorsaure. Sitzungsb. d. k. bohm. Ge- seUsch. d. Wissensch. 1876, Prag, 1877, 143-152.—Bocker. Wirken Phosphorsaure und phosphorsaures Natron, inner- lieh genommen, veriindernd auf den Puis and die Warme- bildung ein? Arch. f. wissensch. HeUk., Gotting., 1856, ii, 165-181,13 tab. -----. Ueber die Wirkung der Phosphor- saure und des phosphorsauren Natrons aut den menschli- chen Organismus. Ibid., 182-247,17 tab.—Bocker (F. W.) Ueber die physiologische Erstwirkung der Phosphorsaure und des phosphorsauren Natrons, vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1854, xliv, 117-175,1 tab.—Breed (D.) Phos- phoric acid in some of its relations to physiology and pa- thology. N. York M. Times, 1852, u, 35-37—E ngclniann (G. J.) Sehwefelsiiure- und Phosphorsaure-Ausscheidung bei kcirperlicher Arbeit. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Leipz., 1871, 14410.—Hammond (W. A.) On the excretion of phosphoric acid by the kidneys. N. Am. Med.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 730-737.—Henninp. Gros- ser Nutzen der Phosphorsaure, bei Heilung eines Knoehen- bruches. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1822, ii, 412-414.— Herder (W. G.) Erfahrungen iiber die Wiiksamkeit dea innern Gebrauchs der Phosphorsiiure. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1800, ix, 3. St., 148-176.—Joulie. Etude Acid (Phosphoric). sur le dosage de Tacide phosphorique dans tous les produits qui iutercssent Tagricult ure et la physiologie. Monit. scient., Par., 1872, xiv, 212 ; 531: 1873, xv, 563-584.— den- tin. Von der Wirkung der Phosphorsaure bey der Caries J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. geiichtl. Arznk., Jena, 17S7. i, 555-557.—Lcydcn (E.) & Munk (P.) Ueber cUe Wir- kungen der Phosphorsaure. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1864, 659.—Mendel (E.) Die Phosphor- saure im Urin von Gehirnkranken. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1872, iii, 636-672.—Ore. De Taction qu'ex'cercent les acides .phosphoriques monohydrat6 et trihydrate sur la coagulation du sang. Compt. lend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1875, lxxxi, 990.—Peters (J. C.) On phosphoric acid. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1862, xvui, 173-180.—Pincus. Maassanalytische Bestimmung der Phosphorsaure durch essigsaures Uranoxyd. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1859, xvi, 137-146.—Prat. Methode generale de separa- tion de Tacide phosphorique pour servir au dosage de ce corps en nature. Assoc, franc, p. Tavance. cl. sc, Compt.- rend., 1872, Par., 18i3, 367-375.—Selmi. Sul modo di ricoiioscere traccie di acido fosforico nelle rieerche tossico- logiche. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1876, 31.—Smith (T. C.) Phosphorous acid: its compounds, and their therapeutic value in nervous diseases. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1874, iv, 688-698.—Storkvis (B. J.) Zur Kenntniss der Phosphorsaure-Ausscheidung bei Arthritis. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii. 801-803. -----. Nadere bijdragen tot de kennis der phosphor- zuuruitscheiding by arthritis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1876, xii, 565-576.—v. Stosch. Beitrag zur Pharmakodynamik der Phosphorsaure. Wchnschr. f. cl. ges. Heilk.,'Berl., 1836, 97; 116.—Wcigel & Krug (G.) Ueber die veischiedenen Wirkungen reiner und veran- reinigter PhosphoiHdure, Ibid., 1844, 455-459.—Wood (L. H.) Researches on the influence of mental activity upon the excretion of phosphoric acid by the kidneys. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. N. Haven, 1871, 197-222.—ZapolsSty (N.) Ueber Ausscheidung der Phosphorsaure bei vcrschie- denen pathologischen Processen. Med. Jahrb.. Wien, 1870, xx, 223-255.—Zuelzer (W.) Ueber die Ausscheidung der Phosphorsaure im Urin bei lieberhaften Krankheiten. Chante-Ann. 1874, Berl., 1876. i, 673-688. -----. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Phosphorsaure zum Stickstoff im Urin. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxvi, 223; 282. Also, Reprint. Acid (Picric). See Acid (Carbazotic). Acid (Piperic). Kemskn (I.) * Investigations on piperic acid and derivatives. 8°. Gottingen, 1870. Acid (Pyrogallic). t'oulicr. Note sur les proprietes toniques de Tacide pyrogallique. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3." s., xxvii, 399.—Bovet (V.) Des proprietes antisept iques de Tacide pyrogallique. Lvou m6d., 1879, xxx, 37; 76.— Jiidcll (G.) Ueber das Verhalten der Pyrogalhissiiuro im thierischen Organismus. Med.-chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tiibing., Berl., 1866-71, i, 422-435.—Schlag- denhauflcn. Sur Toxydation de Tacide pyrogallique. Union pharni., Par., 1874, xv, 8-13. Acid (Pyroligneous). KtJBNER. (II. E.) * De acido pyrolignoso. h°. Berolini, 1834. Bochardt (L.) Heilung einer, von dem Einathmcn heisser Hulzessigdampfe cntstandeneu eonvulsivischen Krankheit. AUg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1827, 302-312.^- E vans (J.) Use of diluted pyroligneous acid as a garble. Northwest. M. Sc S. J., Chicago, 1851-2, viii, 419 — Bo- tondi. Relazionedegli spcrimenti fatti. . . colTacidopiro- legnoso. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1820, xvi, 129-144.— Simmons. Obseivations sur l'eflicacite de Tacide pyro- ligneux contrela gangrene, les ulcercsetlofongus nematode. J._eompl. dudict. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxviii. 405-408.— Binions (T. Y.) Observations on the use of pyroligneous acid in the treatment of gangrene, ulcers, and fungus hajuiatodes. Am. J. M. Sc," Phila., 1829, v, 310-313. Acid (Pyrophosphoric). Gamgec (A.), Priestley (J.), Sc Larmuth (L.) On the action of pvro-phosphoric acid on the circulation. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., LoncL, 1877, xi, 273-284. Acid (Pyrotartaric). Gruner (T.) De acido pyro-tartarico et de modo illius exhibendi. 8°. Gvttingce, 1831. [ Acid (iSalicylic). j .Sec, also, Acid (Benzoic); Ammonia (Salicylate of); Antiseptic surgery; Diphtheria (Treat- ment of); Foot (Perspiration of); Rheumatism | (Treatment of); Salicin; Sodium (Salicylate of). ACID. 89 ACID. Acid (Salicylic). Bexoit (P. E.) *De l'acide salicylique et du salicylate de sonde. 4-\ Paris, 1877. Buss (C. E.) * Ueber die Anwendung der Salicylsaure als Antipyreticum. 8'-. Leipzig, 1875. Dixxevf (A.) * Etude sur la metrication sali- cylee: inconvenients, dangers, accidents. 4°. Paris, 1877. Douglas Hogg (W.) *De l'usage the'rapeu- tique de l'acide salicylique, ses compos6s, et ac- cessoirement de la salicine. 4°. Paris, 1877. FCrbrixger (P.) Zur Wirkung der Salicyl- saure. ho. Jena, 1875. vox Heydex (F.) Die Salicylsaure und ihre Anwendung in der Medicin, der Technik und im Hause. 8°. Leipzig, 1876. -----. The same. 16°. Paris, [1*77]. Lavtemaxx(E.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Salicylsiiuren. 8°. Marburg, 1861. MrsY (J.-J.) * L'acide salicylique et le salicy- late de soude. 4°. Paris, 1^77. Nathax (A.) * Ueber die Bedeutung des Natron salicylicum als Antipyreticum. 4°. Eiel, 1875. Petit (A.) * Etude sur la medication salicy- lique, particulierement dans le rhumatisme ar-- ticulaire et la gouttc. 4°. Paris, 1878. Schuster (W.) * Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung der Salicylsaure. 8°. Erlangen, 1878. Squibb (E. K.) Note on salicylic acid. 8°. Brooklyn, 1875. Wirkuxg (Ueber die) der Salicylsaure als Arzneiinittel. Drei Abhandlungen von K. Font- heim, H. Kolbe und F. A. Ziirn. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. ' Repr. from: J. f. prakt. Chem., xi. Abelin. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit der SaUcylsaure im zarteren Alter. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1877. i, 19; 35.—Acido (El) salicihco. Gac. cient. de Venezuela, Ca- racas, 1877, i, 9; 37.—Acland (T. I).) On sahcylic acid . . . effect produced by the drug on the elimination of urea. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, n. s., viii, 385-410.— Almcn (A.) Karbol- och salicylsyrereaktioners olika kansUghet. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 393-405.— Ananof (S. I.) Kovoe antisepticum. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1874, xi, 286.—Balz. SaUcylsaure, salicylsaures Natron raid Thymol in ihrein Einfluss auf Krankheiten. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz 1877 xviii, 60; 344, 1 Taf.—Balz (E.) Ueber SaUcylsaure und Thymol. Ibid., 1876, xvii, 378.—Bartels. Ueber die therapeutische Verwerthung der SaUcylsaure und ihres Natronsalzes in der inneren Medicin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 399; 411; 423; 435.—Bcrthold (A.) Therapeutische Erfolge der Salicvlsiiure bei ver- Bchiedenen Krankheiten. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1876 xvii, 261-264.—Bczold (F.) Hie SaUcylsaure in der Ohren- heilkunde. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1875, ix, 89; 101.— Biach (A.) Ueber die bisherigo Verwendung der Salicyl- saure. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien 1878, iv, 185-189. — Binz (C.) Zur Salicylsaure- und Chininwirkung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol Leipz., 1877, vii, 275-316.—Bjornstrom (F.) Om sali- cylsyrans terapeutiska egenskaper. Upsala Lakaref torh., 1875-6, xi, 406-421.—Bias (C.) He Tacide salicy- lique. J. d. se. med. de Louvain, 1876, i, 205; 241; 346- 388. — Bochefontaine Sc Chahbcrt. Sur Taction physiologique du salicylate de soude. Compt. rend. Acad d. sc, Par., 1877, Ixxxv, 574-577.—Boggs (A.) The thera- peutic value of saUcyUc acid. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1878, ii, 558.—Bohr (C.) Om SaUcylsyrens Indtiydelse paa Kedi'or- derjelsen hos Hunde. Hosp.-Tid., Kjabenh., 1876 2 R ui 129-138— Boyland (G. H.) On the treatment of venereal disease by saUcyUc acid. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1875 cxL 413-415. ——. Practical notes on saUcyUc acid. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875, ii, 98-101. Also: Med. & Sure Reporter, PhUa., 1875, xxxii, 301.—Buch (M.) Ueber Sahcylsaurelosuug als Mundwasser. St. Petersb med Wchnschr. 1878, iu, 90 -Buch (R.) Hio Salicylsaure! AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1876, xiv, 385.—Buhl. Ueber Anwendung der Salicylsaure. Deutsche Ztschr. f Thier- med., Leipz., 1878, iv, 52-63.—Buss (C. E.) Ceber die An- wendung der Salicylsaure als Antipyreticum. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xv, 457-501, 3 pi. _____ Ueber Ersatzmittel der Salicylsaure bei innerlicher An- wendung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, xui, 503- 518 — BuU }.EA Die antipyretische Wirkung der Salicylsaure. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiu, 276.—By- assou (H.) Etudes sur la transformation de Tacide salicy- Acid (Salicylic). lique inhere par I'homme. J. de therap.. Par., 1877, iv, 721- 727.—Caizcrgues (K.) De Tacide salicylique et dc son a< tion sur le pouls. Montpel. med., 1877, xxxix. 103-112.— Callcnder (G. W.) Experiences with salicylic acid. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1876, ix, 9-12.—Cnrpcuc' (A.) Studii sulle propricta deU'acido saUcilico. (lior. veneto di sc. med., 1876, 3. s.. xxiv, 145-183.—Castillo (A. B.) Estudio de l'acido salicilico i sus compucstos. Rev. iu6d. rle Chile, Sant. do Chile, 1877-8, vi, 3; 44; 94.—Casse (J.) Apropos de Tacide salicylique. Presse med. beige, Brux.. 1876, xxviii, 345.—Cavafy (J.) On the antipvretic action of salicylate of soda. Lancet, Lond.. 1876, ii, 633.—Cell! (B.) Alcune osscrvazioni sperimentali intorno all'azione del- l'acido saUcilico. Morgagni, Napoli. 1875, xvii. 676-682.— dc Cerenvillc. De Tacide salicylique. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1875, ix, 190-198.—Chirone (V.) Sc Petrucci (S.) Ricercho sperimentali miU'azione biologica deU'acido salicilico e del saUcilato di soda. Com- ment, clin. di Pisa, 1878, ii, 14; 242— Coinpton (J. W.) Poisonous effects of salicylic acid. St. Louis M. &. S. J., 1878, xxxv, 80-86.—Costa (C.) Algumas palavras sobre o acido salicylico. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1876, iii, 366; 406.— Cotton (S.) Action de Tacide saUcylique sur le sang et en particulier sur les globules. Lyon 'med., 1877, xxvi, 557- 560.—Crcde. Kurze Mittheilung iiber Anwendung der Salicylsaure. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1875, vii, 567.— Dessau (S. H.) On the'therapeutical uses of salicylic acid and its salts. Med. Rec, N. V., 1877, xii, 212.—Dic-hl (G.) Zur antipyretischen Wirkung der Salicylsaure. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1876, xlvi, 33-36.— Drasche. Therapeutische Versuche mit Salicylsaure. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1875, xxv, 569; 857; 877; 900; 913; 953; 980: 997.—Drasche (A.) KUnische Untersuchungen iiber Salicylsaure und salicylsaures Natron. Ibid., 1876, xxxvi, 1049-1052.—Dubois (H. A.) Some uses of vasoline and salicylic acid in obstetrics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 198.—Edmistou (D. W.) Solvent for salicylic acid. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1877, xxxiv, 131.—Edwards (A. M.) SaUcyUc acid as a therapeutic agent. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 329.—Ewald. Antifebrile Wirkung der SaUcylpraparate. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. GeseUsch., 1876, vii, 1. St., 38-40.—Ewald (C. A.) On salicylic acid as an antipyretic. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xv, 200-205.—Fch- ling (H.) Ueber Anwendung der SaUcylsaure fur geburts- hiibficho Zweeke. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1875, vui, 298- 311, 2 tab.—Fescr. SaUcylsaure und ihre therapeutisch wichtigen Eigenschaften. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1875, i, 53-65.—Fescr & Fricdberger. Versuche iiber cUe Wirkungen der Salicylsaure. Ibid., 156; 221: 1876, ii. 133-219.—Fienga (A.) Esperimenti suU'aziono deU'acido salicilico. Movimento, Napoli, 1875, vii, 97-101.—Filaton"(A.) Ueber Vaginaliiijectioiien mit SaUcylsaure im Puerperium. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1876, ix, 467.—Firor (S. V.) SaUcyUc acid in septicemia. Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1875, xu, 349-354.—Fischer (A.) Zur antipyretischen Wirkung der Salicylsaure und des saUcylsauren Natron. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1875, 433-441. Also: Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1876, 12-14.—Fleischer (li.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Salicylsaure auf den Harn. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 529; 547. -----. Ueber das Schicksal der Salicylsaure im thierischen Organismus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xix, 1. St., 59-81. Also: CentralbT f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv. 628-630.— Fontheim (K.) Ueber die Wirkung der Salicylsaure als Arzneimittel. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1875, n. F., xi, 211-213. Also: Monit. scient,, Par., 1875, 3. s., v, 833. Also, Reprint.—Freudcnberg (F.) Ueber ein neues Arzneiexantbem. Berl. khu. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 630.— Fudakowskicgo (H.) Kwas sahcylowv i Tymol jako lekarskie srodki. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1875, xviu, 353- 361. Also: Medycyna, Warszawa, 1875, iii, 353-360.— Fiirbringcr (P.) Untersnchuugen iiber die antifebrile Wirkung der SaUcylsaure, in Sonderheit iiber ihre tempe- raturherabsetzendo Kraft bei septischem Fieber. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 273-276.— G. (P.) Un caso de enveneuamiento por el acido saUcilico. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1877, i, 545.—Garcin (C.) Notes sur Tacide saUcylique. J. de th6rap., Par., 1876, iii, 725-733.— Ged I (M.) Ueber den Einfluss der Salicylsiiure und des saUcylsauren Natrons auf die normale Temperatur des Men- ■ Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv, schen. 403.—Gcissler (A.) Ueber dio antipyretische Wirkunj der Salicylsiiure und der saUcylsauren' Salze. SckniidtV Jahrb., Leipz., 1876, clxxii, 185-202. —Gerrish (F. H.) Salicylic acid; the experience of Maine physicians in its use. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1876, v, 395-407: 1877, vi, 148-165. AUo, Reprint.—Gihcrtini (D.) DeU'acido salicilico. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., MUano, 1875, lxi, 65-70. — Goltdainiuer. Zur inneren Anwendung der Salicylsiiure. Berl. khu. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 47— Guu- Iher (R.) A few words about salicylic acid. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1876, n. s., xiu, 354— Giirbski (K.) Kwas sahcylowy w gosceu. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1877, xxiii, 257-263. _ -----. Ieszcze o knasie salieylowym. Ibid., 1878, xxiv, 129; 151.—Hemiplegia; 'involuntary dis- charge from the bowels; saUeylic acid as a deodorizer. ACID. 90 ACID. Acid (Salicylic). Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, xi, 363.—Hempel (W.) Beitrag zur Beurtheilung der Salicvlskuiefrage. [From: Ber. cl. deutsch. chem. Gesellsch.' zu Berl., 1875.J Jahresb. d. chem. Cent.-alstelle f. off". Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd., 1876, 148-154.—EZenocquc (A.) Emploi de Tacide salicylique en therapeutique. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1876, 2. s., xiii, 594. -----. De Tacide salicylique comme agent anti- septique et antiputride. Ibid., 609 ; 642. -----. Action physiologique de Tacide salicylique et du sahcylate du soiide. Ibid., 707. -----. SaUcylique. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1877, 3. s., vi, 278-316.—Hoffmann (L.) Sali- cylsaure gegen Neuralgien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 494.—Horsford (E. N.) Salicylic acid [as an anti- septic]. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, xcu, 115. — Hugues. Acide salicylique et saUcylates. Nice-med., 1877, ii, 40-47.— Istomin (W.) Ueber Salicylsaure; vorlauflge Mitthei- lung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, U, 341. -----. Ueber SaUcylsaure. Ibid., 1878, iii, 181.—Istomin (W.) &. Weliki'(W.) Ueber SaUcylsaure. Ibid., 10.— Jahn. Die Behandlung fiebeihafter Krankheiten mit Salicylsaure. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1875, iv, 6674177.—John- ston (W.) SaUcyUc acid. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jack- son, 1878, xi, 48-62.—Hhomyakof (M. A.) K'voprasu o ponizhayushchem likhoradochnuyu temperaturn daiistvii ealitsilovoi kisloti. (Effect in lowering temperature in fevers.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi, 177; 191.— Kinsman (D. N.) SaUcyUc acid and its salts. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1877, ii, 145-151.— Kirk (R.) On the external use of salicylate of iron. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 707.—Kwberle. lies propri6t6s th6rapeutiques de Tacide salicylique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1876, 2. s., xui, 769- 772.—Kohlcr (H.) Zur Pharmakodynamik der Salicyl- Baurepraparate. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1876, iii, 239; 251, 1 pi. -----. Salicylsaure und saUcyl- saures Natron physiologisch untersucht. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.,'Berl., 1876, xiv, 161; 195. -----. Wei- tere Studien iiber die Wirkung des saUcylsauren Natrons auf den thierischen Organismus. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1877, iv, 125; 137.—Kolbe. 1st an- haltender Genuss kleiner Mengen SaUcylsaure der Gesund- heit nachtheiUg? Wien. med. BI., 1878, i, 527. —Kolbe (H.) Ueber eine neue DarsteUungsmethode und einige be- merkenswerthe Eigenschaften der Salicylsaure. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1874, n. ¥., x, 89; 213. Also: Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz., 1875, 3. F., vi, 169-176. Also, transl.: Monit. scient., Par., 1875, 3. s., v, 233; 830. Also, Reprint. -----. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber Wirkungen der SaU- cylsaure. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1875, n. F., xi, 9-23. -----. Ueber die chemische Natur der SaUcylsaure. Ibid., 1875, n. F., xu, 151-157. -----. Abweisung nicht begriindeter UrtheUe von Halbchemikern iiber die antisep- tiseheu Eigenschaften der SaUcylsaure. Ibid., 161-178. Also, transl.: Monit. scient., Par., 1875, 3. a., v, 995-1002. Also, Reprint.—Korczynskiego. W plyw kwasu saU- cylowego i salicylanu sodowego na cieplote ludzi niego- ri},czku.jaoych. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1876, iv, 381; 397; 413.—Kraase. Ueber SaUcylsaure, deren Bereitung und Anwendung in der Medicin una im Haushalte. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Mugdeb., 1876, 4. Hft., 75-85.—Labor de. Sur Taction physiologique du sahcy- late de soude. Tribune med., Par., 1877, x, 378; 411.— Landerer (Z.) Osservazioni intorno aU'azione antipe- riodica deU'acido salicilico e salicilati. Gior. d. farm., etc., Torino, 1879, xxvni, 109-111.—Lapper (E.) On tho antiseptic power of saUcyUc acid and certain of its compounds, compared with other antiseptics, therapeuti- cally considered. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876, lxi, 321; 362.— IJe Canu. De Tacide saUcylique et de ses composes; leur emploi pour la conservation de certains medicaments. Annee med., Caen, 1877, ii, 141-143.—Leonhardi- Aster. Beitrage zur Wirkung der Salicylpriiparate. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1876, 367-370.—Letzcrich (L.) Ueber die Wirkung der SaUcylsaure auf die Dipk- therieorganismen. AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1875, xliv, 193.—Eevy (F.) Nogle bemajrkninger om salicylsyren. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1878, 3. R., xxvi, 1-5. *-----. Salicylsyre som antisepticum og antipyreticum. Nord. med.'Ark., Stockholm, 1878, x, no. 18, 1-72.—Long (W. II.) SalicyUc acid. LouisviUe M. News, 1879, vii, 268.— Kiussana (F.) & Ciotto (F.) Sul passaggio deU'acido salicUico libero nel succo gastrico e neUe orine. Gazz. med. ital., prov., venete, Padova, 1877, xx, 227-232.— Mader. Salicylsaure und salicylsaures Natron. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 40. —Maactti (L.) & Muso (G.) L'acide saUcyUque dans Tindustrie de la laiterie. Monit. scient., Par'., 1876, 3. s., vi, 755-771.—Ma- rais. L'acide saUcyUque et les salicylates. Annee med., Caen, 1877, ii, 147-15L—Maury. Pharmacologic de Tacide salicylique. Lyon med., 1875, xx, 45; 80.—Meding. Ueber SaUcylsaure, besonders im Wochenbett. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 456-461.—Mendelssohn (M.) Quelques observations pour servir k Tetude du traitement I salicylique. Alger med., 1878, vi, 97; 137.—Meniere (P.) j De l'acide saUcyUque; etude chiuiique, physiologique et therapeutique. Moniteur, J. de med., etc., Par., 1876, ! i, 5; 20; 37; 51; 67; 105; 138; 362; 376: 1877, u, 6; 26; 40; I 56; 71; 78; 97; 116; 140; 218; 231; 252; 267; 284; 300; 316.— Acid (Salicylic). von Meyer (E.) Sc Kolbe (H.) Versuche iiber die giihrungshenimende Wirkung der Salicylsaure und anderer aromatischer Siiuren. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1875. n. F., xii, 133-151. Also: Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz., 1875, 3. F., vi, 537; 554. Also, transl.: Monit. scient., Par.. 1875, 3. s., v, 941-951. -----. Ueber die antiseptischen Wirkungen der SaUcylsaure und Benzoesaure in Bierwiirzc unci Ham. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1875, n. F., xii, 178-203. Also, transl.: Monit. scient., Par., 1875, 3. s., v, 1003-1016. Also, Reprint,—Meyersona (S.) Ozastosowaniukwasu salicy- lowego w chorobach goraczkowveh. [On the use of salicylic acid in fevers.] Pam. Towarz. Lek., Warszaw, 1877, lxxiii, 221-236.—Miller. SalitsUovaya kislota. Med. pribav. k morsk. sbomiku, St. Petersb. xviii, 501-524.—Moeli (C.) Ueber den Ersatz der Salicylsaure als Antifebrile durch das salicylsaure Natron. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1875, xii, 517- 519.—Moore 57, i. 122-146.—Buitenge- wone hoeveeUieid ureum en acid, uricum als onderken- ningsmiddelvan een chronisch nierUjden. KUniek, Utrecht, 1844, i, 132-136.—Charcot. Influence des alterations h6patiques sur la formation et l'ehiniiiation de l'acide uri- que. Progres med.. Par., 1876, iv, 449-451.—Cloctta (A.) Harnsaure im Lungengewebe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853, vii, 168.—Colasanti (G.) La formazione deU'acido urico (osservazioni sperimentali; comunicazione preventiva). Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1877, xxv, 59-63.— Bidclot. Recherche del'aeideurique. pharm., Par., 1876, iv, 389.—Esbach (G.) Des precedes de dosage de l'acide urique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1877, xcui. 358; 395. Also, Reprint.— Fokker (A. P.) Eine neue Methode zur Harnsiiurebestimmung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, x, 153-162.—Gaehtgens (C.) Ueber Harnsaure-Ausscheidung im Fieber. Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1871, i, 237-246.—Gaethgens (C.) Zur Frage der Aus- scheidung freier Siiuren durch cien Harn. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1872, 8334335.—Gigot-Suard (L.) L'action pathogenique del'aeide urique; chscussiou. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1873, xviii, 176-198. Also, Reprint.—Harcourt (W. V.) On the solvent treatment of uric acid calculus and the quantitative determination of 'iric acid in urine. Chem. News, Lond., 1MJ9. xx, 171-174. Also: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, U, 4K2-184.—Hardy (E.) Sur quelques reactions caractGristiques de l'acide urique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1864, 4. s., i, 43-46.—Hcinfz (W.) Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung I der Harnsiiure. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, n. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1846, 383-398 —Jones (H.) Peculiar form of uric acid crystals. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1852-3, iv, 203.— Kelly (B.) Urea asd uric acid: their relation to health and disease. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1868, vi, 72; 93.— J Kuclz (E.) Ueber Harnsanreausscheidung in einem FaUe von Diabetes meUitus. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. i wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1872. 293-303.—Ii Tons (R. D.) j Ou a variety of uric acid crystals. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, j 1852, xiii, 12&428.—Magnier'de la Source (L.) Dosage de l'acide urique dans l'urine au moyen de l'hypobromite de sodium. Repert. de pharm., Par., 1874, xxx, 291-295.— I Main (P. T.) The uric acid group. Chem. News, Lond., 1878, xxxvui, 259-261.—Maly (R.) Zur Bestimmung der Harnsaure. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 201- I 206.—Mann (F. P.) Pathological importance of uric acid i and its combinations. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 604-611.— I Martin (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen des Harnsaure- I Infarctes in den Nieren der Neugeborenen. Jenaische . Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., 1851, ii. 126-146.—Mitchell (S. W.) Observations on the generation of uric acid, and its crystalline forms. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 121-125.—Moore (J. W.) Note on an uncommon form of uric acid crystals, observed (I.) in the expectoration, and (II.) in saccharine urine. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 218.—Mulder (E.) Sur quelques corps derives de l'acide , urique, ou ayant des relations avec lui. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes. etc., La Haye. 1875, x, 289-323.—IVannyn (B.) Sc I Riess (L.) Ueber Harnsaureausscbeidung. Arch. f. ! Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 381-399.— | Oertniaau (E.) 1st Harnsaure ein Nahrungsmittel ? Arch. 1' (1 ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877, xv, 369-381.—Ord (W. M.) Snnir experiments relating to the forms assumed by uric acid. St. Thomas's Hosp. Ren., Lond., 1870, u. s., i, 335-348. -----. On some points in the natural historv of uric acid and urates. Ibid., 1874, n. s., v, 261-267, 1 pi.— Paivliaoflf (C.) BUdungsstatte der Harnsaure im Orga- nismus. Centr.-Bl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 241. Also: Arch. f.path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lxu, 57-81, 1 pi.—Phillips (S. E.) The uric acid group. Chem. News. Loud., 1879. xxxix, 28410.—Prout (W.) Descrip- tion of an acid principle prepared from the lithic or uric acid. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1818, cvni, 420-428.—Salkowski j Acid (Uric). (E.) Ueber die Bestimmung der narnsanre. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1872, v, 210-222. -----. Zur Frage iiber das Verhalten der vom Darmkanal resorbirten Harn- saure beim Hunde. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1877, viii, 527-529.—Seholz (F.) Ueber das Verhalten der Harn- saure zuiu Chamaleon minerale unci eine darauf gegri'indete Methode, die Harnsiiure auf maass-anulytischeni Wege quantitativ zu bestimmen. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Fcird. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1858, ui, 44-58. -----. Maassanalytische Studien iiber die Harn- saure. Ibid., 3124J18.—Seligsohn. Ueber Einwirkung von Wasserstoff-H\-peroxyd auf Harnsaure. Arch. f. Anat.' Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1878, 341-343.—Smith (G. M.) The acid diathesis as a cause of Bright's disease; uric acid deposited in the kidnevs. BuU. N. York Acad. M., 1871, iv. 38-41. Also: Med. Bee, N. Y., 1870, v, 106.— Stadion (B. H.) Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Harnsaure im menschUchen Harne mittelst Salzsaure. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1869, v, 66-78.—Storkvis (B. J.) Bydragen tot de physiologie van het acidum uricum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1859, in, 587-607. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. Holland. Beitr. z. Nat.-u. HeUk., Utrecht, 1860, u, 260-269.—^enables (R.) On the crystal- line modifications of uric acid. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., lt>58. n. 8., xvu, 465-468.—"Virchow. Ueber Harnsiiure- Abscheidung beim FStus und Neugebornen. VerhancU. d. GeseUsch. f. Geburtsh.. Berl., 1847, ii, 170-204.— "Vogel (A.) & Schmidt (C.) Volumetrische Bestimmung der Harn- saure im Harne. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 385-387.—Zabaidin (J.) O produktakhraspade- niya mochevoi kisloti vnutri zhibotnago organizma. [Pro- ducts of decomposition of uric acid in the animal organism.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v, 101-104. Acid (Valerianic). Cercsoli. De l'acide valfirique et des valerates de qui- nine et de zinc. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 31413.—Giacosa (P.) Sulla fennentazione deU'acido ossi- valerianico., Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1878-9, iu, no. 13.—Liiebig (J.) On valerianic acid and a new substance produced from caseine, and on vinous fermentation. Lancet, Loud., 1846, i, 265-267.—Pierlot. Formiue pour l'emploi therapeutique de l'acide valerianique et du valerianate d'aniuioniaque. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1856, U, 359-363.—Schmidt (E~.) Ueber einige Salzeder inactiven Valeriansaure (Isobutvlameisensaure). Arch. d. Pharm., HaUe, 1878, ccxui, 193-^212. Acid (Zootic). Lemoxius (P. F. H.) *De acido zootico. sm. &y Berolini, [1819]. Acids. See, also, Teeth (Action of food on the). Blester (J. P.) *De natura et usu acidorum. 4°. Jence, 1C92. Bontekoe (C.) GrumL-Siitze der Medicin, oder Die Lehre vom Alcali und Acido . . . 12°. Franck- furt unci Leipzig, 1691. Boutin (J.) *De acidorum usu. 4°. Gcet- tingce, 1799. Breitenbach (C. F.) 'Sistens morbos ab acido seu noxam acidi in corpore humano. 4J. Erfordice, 1720. BUchnerus (J. F.) *Quae sistit meditationes quasdam de elixirio acido Christiani Democriti ejusque actione in corpus huinanum atque virtu- tibus. 4°. Erfordice, 1748. Camerarius (E. R.) De acidularum usu ex- terno; respondente Jeremia Cunrado Cellario. 4°. Tubingce, 1677. Crueger (J. H. F. A.) * De toxicationibus ex acidorum mineraliuin abusu ortis. 8J. Halce, [1854]. ' Eisfeld (J.) * Ueber den "Werth und die Ver- wendung des Sauerstoffs in der Therapie. 8-'. Halle, [1869]. E ylandt (T.) * De acidorum sumptorum vi in uriiue acorem. 8°. Dorpat, 1h.">4. Feist (F.) *De acidi et salsi usu dnetetico. sm. 4C. Halce Magdeb., 1750. Floerckii's (G.) *De acido insonte. 4°. Vitembergce ad Albim, 1716. Foerster (D. A.) *De usu et abusu acidu- larum in affectibus spasmodicis et hypochondri- acis. 4-. Rintelii, 1731. ACIDS. 96 ACIDS. Acid§. Gausbrand (J. F.) *De acidorum, imprimis nitrosi et muriatici, dulcificatione. Helmstadii, j 1782. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, opusc. med., 8°, Ticini, 1786, ii, 217-252. von Gerichten (E.) *Dio Thcorio der Siiu- ren- und Salzbildung und die electrochemische Theorie. 8°. Erlangen, 1875. Heller (J. F.) *De acido rhodizonico etkro- konico nee non salibus eorum. 8°. Prag, 1837. Hexckel (J. C.) * De dulcificatione acidorum. 4°. Hala> Magdeb., [1746]. Horn (J.) #De spiritibus acidis. 4°. Jence, 1720. Kirwan (E.) An essay on phlogiston, and the constitution of acids. 8°. London, 1787. Kxuth (P.) * Ueber eine neue Tribrombenzol- sulfosiiure und einige ihrer Derivate. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1876. Kovacs (P.) *Alcalo'idea et acida. 8°. Pes- tini, 1837. Kreschelius (J. P.) * De acido insonte. 4°. Vitembergce, 1715. Lange (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Oxysauren. 8°. Erlangen, 1874. Lange (J. C.) * Sistens tractationem generalem de acidorum natura et virtutibus nee non de acido aereo insonte. 4°. Hafnice, 1754. Leonhardi (J. G.) * De acidorum mineralium et vegetabilium iusigni ratione virium medica- tarum discrimine. Pr. i-iii. 4°. Vitebergce, [1783]. Lindenhayn (J.) *Probabilia aliquot do aci- dorum in corpus humanum viribus. 8°. Regiomon- tii, [1829]. Loeber (E. C.) & Geussenhainer (M. F.) Dis- putatio . . . cxhibens historiam morborum ex acido. 4°. Jena, [1724]. Mahnert (C. A.) *De acidorum in corpore humano generatioue morbosa. 8°. Jence, [1841]. Maly (R.) Untersuchungen iiber die Mittel zur Saurebildung im Organismus und iiber einige Verhaltnisse des Blutserums. 8°. Wien, [n. d.] j Repr. from: Sitzungsb. cl. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, Juni, 1877, Ixxvi, 2. Abth. Marbach (G. B.) * De dulcificatione spirituum acidorum minerahum. 4°. Francofurti ad Via- : drum, [1743]. I Martin (D.) De natura acidi ct alcali, genu- ] inaruui sanitatis et morbi causannn. 12°. Lugd. \ Batav., [1676]. Mitsciierlich (C. G.) De acidi acetici, oxa- lici, tartarici, citrici, formici et boracici effectu in aniiualibusobscrvato. 4°. Berolini, 1845. Piotrowski (J.) *De quorundam acidorum organicorum, in organismo humano mutationi- bus. 8°. Dorpat, 1856. Prioleau (P. G.) *On the use of the nitric and oxigenated muriatic acids, in some diseases. 8°. Philadelphia, 1798. deRhoda(F. G.) *Deacidulis. sm. 4°. Jence, [1695]. ! Scepin (C.) *De acido vegetabili, quod cum annotationibusbotanicis. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1758. Schaefekxbkrg (I. A.) * De acidis dulcifica- tis. 4°. Hala- Magdeb., 1743. Schiffkl (F. G.j *De acidis concentratis et dulcificatis speciatim de vegetabili fumanti et dulcificato. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1759]. Thizy (J. P.) 'Dissertation sur l'emploi des acides en mddecine. 4°. Paris, 1823. TiTirs (S. C.) De acido vegetabilium clemen- tari, ejusque varia moditicatioue. 4°. Lipsice, [1788]. Walter (F.) * Untersuchungen fiber die Wir- I kung der Siiuren auf den thierischen Organismus. I 8°. Dorpat, 1877. Acids. Willius (W. L.) *De acidorum dulciflcato- rum respectu ad sanitatem, morbos et sanationem. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1748]. (J.) Observations on the combi- nations of acids, bitters, and astringents; being a refutation of some of the principles, contained in Dr. Percival's essay, on bitters and astringents. 8°. Philadelphia, 1793. Acidi (Degli) considerati in patologia, medicina clinica o legale. Gaz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859. i. 417- 421.—Barach (A.) Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung des ausserlicben Gebrauches der HaUer'schen Same. Oesterr. nied. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 57-63.—Dumoulin. Sur Taction locale des acides dilues. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1877, xxix, 329; 337; 347; 353.—B-arand-Fardcl. Note sur l'usage dictetique des acides organiques. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par.. 1865, lxviii, 289-294.—Geuther (A.) Untersuchungen iiber eiubasische Kohlenstoffsiiuren. Jenaische Ztschr. i. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz.. 1866, ii, 387- 420.—Girard. L'utilite des acides administies dans quelques maladies. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1812, xliv, 41-55.—ten Haatr (G. G.) [Over de zuuren.] Handel, v. b. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1781, vi, 73-128.— Haiixrliiiami (N.) Beitrage zur Auffindung eines Ge- setzes iiber die local-therapeutische Einwirkung der Sauren. Wchubl. d. Ztschr. cl. k. k. Gesellsch. cl. Aerzte in Wien, 1802, xviii. 73; 81.—Hofbauer (P.) Ueber den Einfluss veidiinnter Siiuren auf Blutkreislauf und Temperatur. Verhandl. d. phvs.-nied. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1878, xU, 125-138.—HofnieiMter (F.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Sauren aut' den thierischen Organismus. Prag. med. wchn- schr., 1879, iv. 73-76.—Jaillard. De la methode volume- triquo indirecte pour le dosage des acides. Rec. de into. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1875, xxxi, 67-71.—Kane (R. J.) Remarks on some properties of the hvdracids. Dublin J. M & Chem. Sc. 1832, i, 265-280.—Konig. Vergiftung durch blaues Fiirbewasser. Ztschr. f. cl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1835, xxix. 154-162.—Kruinpclman (E.) [Over de zuurenl. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1781. vi, 131-166.—dn Moulin. Sur Taction locale des acides dilues. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1877, 3. s., xi, 707-750.—Or Ala. Recherehes medico-legales sur l'absorption cie certains acides mineraux et vegetaux. J. de, chim. med., etc., Par., 1842, 2. s., viii, 266-273.— Rabutcan. Methode gen6rale pour la recherche des acides libies dans les expertises medico-legales. Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1875,6. s., i. 96-100.—Salkowski (E.) UeberdieWirkungderSaurenimOrjranismus. Arch.f. exper. Path. u. Phamiakol., Leipz., 1877, vii, 421^128.— Schonbcin. "Fortsetzung der Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss des Sauerstones." Sitzungsb. d. k.-bayer. Akad. cl. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1860, 75; 272.—Schultzcn (O.) Sc iiriibf (C.) Ueber das Verhalten del' aromatischen Siiuren im Organismu::. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Leipz., 1867,166-172.—Spoil it seer. Von der Saure, besouders im Magen. J. d. Erfind., etc., Gotha, 1795, iii, 10. St., 20-68.—Walter (F.) Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkung der Sauren auf den thierischen Organis- mus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1877, vii, 148-178.—ITpey (A.) [Over de zuuren.] Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1781, vi, 1-69. Acids (Biliary). See Acid (Cholic); Bile. Acids (Fatty). Beckmaxn (F.) Ueber die Fettsauren von der generellen Formel (O H'2)„ O4 unci ein neues Glied derselben; Hordeinsiiure. 8°. Dorpat, 1855. Boehm (M. F.) * Examen acidi piuguis. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1769. Knape (D. H.) *De acido pinguedinis ani- malis. 4°. Gottingce, 1754. Sebauer (L. T.) # Experimcnta aliqua de acidi adiposi effectibus in animalia. 8°. Berolini, [1827]. Sczelkow. Dio fliichtigen Fettsauren des Muskels und ihre Veriinderuug wahrend des Muskeltetanus. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 672-677. Acids (Fruit). See, also, Acid (Pectic). Brunner (H.) Sur la formation des acides des fruits. BuU. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1874, xui, 341-356. Acids (Mineral). See, also, Disinfectants, and under the several acids. Eberhardt (J. P. H.) *De acidorum mine- ACIDS. 97 ACKEKMANN. Acids (Mineral). ralium natura atqnc proprietatibus. 1\ Got- tinga', 1757. Falqikt (J.-P.) * Propositions sur lVmpoison- nement par les acides mindraux. 4U. Paris, an XII [1804]. Acidi mincrali. Ippocratico, Fano, 1867, 3. 8., xi, 460- 472.—Buchner (L. A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ver- giftungen durch iitzende Siiuren und deren chemischcn Ausmittelung. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. med., Niirnb., 1866, xvu, 186-198.—Jortlens. Ueber die Mineralsiiuren und ihre Wirkung auf den menschlicheu Korper im gesun- den und kranken Zustande. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wund- arznk., Berl., 1802, xiv, 4. St., 90-128.—Orfila & Bar- ruel. Suspicion d'empoisonnement par nn acide mineral. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1833, x, 126-146.—Ziliotto (P.) & Naniias (G.) Due casi di venelicio, uno per acidi mi- neraU, Taltro per sublimato corrosive Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1869, 3. s., x', 66-84. Acids (Vegetable). Brandcs (R.) Untersuchungen iiber einbasischeKoh- lenstoffsiinren. Jenaische Ztschi'. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1867, iii, 25-40.—Dclioux (J.) Considerations gene- rales sur Taction physiologique, et thdrapeutique des ac.des vegetaux. Gaz. meii. de Par.. 1851, 3. 8., vi, 338-341. Also, Reprint. — Darand- Fardel. Sur Taction physiolo- ' giqueetl'usagedietetiquedesacidesorganiques; discussion. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1864-5, xi, 133-144.— IVIialhe. Note sur la dietetique des acides k Toccasion des dernicres remarques de M. Durand-Fardel sur le menu: sujet. Ibid., 264-269.—Tracy (S.) Vegetable acids, as correctives of ac idit y of the stomach and some ot ber dyspeptic affect ions. Boston M. & S. J., 1849, xxxix, 360-362. Acincta. Mertwig (R.) Ueber Podbphrya gemmipara nebst Bemerkungen zum Ban und zur systematischen SteUung der Acineten. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1875, i, 20-82, 2 pi. Ackens (W.) *I. De bains alcalins dans les maladies de la peau. II. Les principales causes des deviations late"rales de l'dpine. III. [etc.] 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 178, v. 383. Acker (Georg N.) * Ueber Injectionen in den Nasen-Rachen-Raum und in die Tuba Eustachii. 45 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, T. Schade, [1877]. van den Acker (Johannes Henricus). * Drio ziektegevallen, door den schryver waargenomen. 42 pp. 8°. Leyden, Gebroeders van der Hoek, 1856. Acker (Ludwig). *Zur Pathogenese der Ge- schwulstmetastasen. [Erlangen.] 37 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfcld, 1873. van Ackeren (Eduardus). *De genesi rheu- matismi nonnulla. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bounce, formis Fr. Eruegeri, [I860]. Ackerley (G.) On the management of children iu sickness and in health. 3. ed. 78 pp. 8°. New York, Bancroft <.y Holley, 1836. Ackerman. Projet de voyage a. Madagascar, pour y contiuuer des travaux (l'histoire naturelle, de philologie et de topographie mddicale. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, Madame Huzard, 1838. [P., V. 473.] Ackerman (P.) Memoire et observations sur le cholera observe" a. l'hfipital de Sahit-Mandrier, de Toulon (du 23 juin au 25 aout 1835). 2. 6d. 32 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Paris, impr. de Madame Vve. Bouchard-Huzard, 1843. -----. Re'sume' historique de la chirurgie militaire en France, comme complement du inemoire sur l'appareil portatif connu sous le nom de sac chi- rurgical, pr6sent6 a l'institut (Academic des sci- ences). . . . (Ext. d'un travail pre'sentc' aux minis- ters de la guerre et de la marine, de 18.34 a 1838.) 24 pp. 4C. Paris, Gide et Cie., 1844. Ackermann. See Deutsches Archiv fiir kUni- sche Medicin. Ackermann (Adam Werner). *De soda ut morbo srepe gravi. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., ex off. Hendeliana, [1762]. Ackermann (Adolf). LiterarischerWegweiser fiir die ofl'entliche Gesundheitspflege und das Wohl der Menschen . . . Enthalteiid die Schriften und Journalartikel der letzten 20 Jahre (1854-74). 53 pp. 8°. Miinchen, A. Ackermann, 1874. 7 Ackermann (August). * Ueber congenitale Pulnionalstenosen. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle, W. Plotz, [1869]. Ackermann (Caesar Isidorus). *. . . sistens aneurismatis arcus aortas observationem. [Univ. Dorpat.] 50 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Pctropoli, C. Kray, 18-33. Ackermann (Carl). * Aetiologie der Ilysterie. 28 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, J. B. Fleischmann, 1876. Ackermann (Christianus David.) *Animad- versiones de resolventibus. 40 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Langenhemiana, [1751]. For his Life, see Quelmalz (S. T.) Ackermann (Fridericus). * De prosoposcopia medica. 40 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Langenhe- miana, [1748]. For his Life, see Hcbcnstreit (J. E.) Ackermann (Friedrich Jacob). * Ueber den Mechanismus der Geburtswehen. 35 pp. 8°. Giessen, W. Keller, 1856. C. Ackermann (Gebhard). * Dc inflammatione nonnulla. 29 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nie- tackianis, [1839]. Ackermann (Georgius Guilielmus). Prcesagia medica ex prsecordiis. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. sm. 4°. Gcettingce, typ. J. F. Hageri, [1752]. Ackermann (Jacobus Fidelis). Ueber die kor- perliche Verschiedenheit des Mannes vom Weibe ausser den Geschlechtstheilen. Uebersetzt, nebst einer Vorrede und einigen Bemerkungen, von Joseph Wenzel. 150 pp. 12°. Koblentz, J. K. Huber, 1788. -----. Ueber die Krankheiten der Frauenzimmer. 14 pp. 12°. Koblentz, J. K. Huber, 1788. -----. De combustionis lentse phsenomenis, quse vitam organicam constituunt. vi, 26 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Maukianis, [1804]. -----. Infantis androgyni historia et ichnographia accedunt de sexu et generatione disquisitiones physiological, viii, 112 pp., 5 pi. fol. Jence, Maukianis, 1805. -----. De construendis, cognoscendis et curandis febribus epitome vol. I. Quod theoriam gene- ralem febrium et febres splanchnicas conipre- hendit. xv, 415 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Heidelbergce, Mohr et Zimmer, 1809. No more pubUshed. -----. Von der Natur des ansteckenden Typhus; dem Wesen des Ansteckungsstoffs, der Art sich gegen denselben zu sichern, und der Methode die Krankheit zuheilen. xvi, 318 pp., 11. 8°. Hei- delberg, Mohr und Zimmer, 1814. Ackermann (Joannes Carolus Henricus). * De scrophularum natura. 19 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Sommeria, [1787]. For his Life, see Hose (E. G.) Ackermann (Joannes Christianus Gottlieb). * De dysenterise antiquitatibus. Dissertatio prior. 3 p. 1., 32 pp. 4°. Halce, typ. I. C. Hendel, [1775]. -----. *Detrismo. 5p. 1., 48 pp., 2 1. 12°. Gcet- tingce, J. C. Dieterich, 1775. [P., v. 139.] -----. De dysenteriae antiquitatibus, liber bipar- titus. xxxii, 154 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lipsice et Schleizce, J. G. Maukius, 1777. Abhandluns; iiber die Kenntniss und Hei- lung des Trismus oder des Kinnbakkenzwanges ... 2. Ausgabe. 3 p. 1., 207 pp. [interleaved with MS. notes]. 12°. Niirnberg, M. J. Bauer, 1778. ----. De Antonio Musa, Octaviani Augusti me- dico, et libris qui illi adscribuntur, commentatio. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Altorfii, ex off. Hesseliana, 1786. ----. Regimen sanitatis salerni . . . Edidit studii medici salernitani historia praemissa. 178 pp. 12°. Stendalice, sumpt. D. Ch. Franzen, 1790. ACKERMANK 98 ACLAND. Ackermann (J. C. G.)—continued. -----. Institutiones historian medicinae. 6 p. 1., 404 pp., 5 1. 8°. Xorimbcrgce, in bibliopolio Bau- ero-Manniano, 1792. See, also, van den Bosch (J. J.) Historia constitu- tiones epidemicse verminosae. 8°. Norimberqa?, 1779.— liepccq de la Cloture. Medicinische Topographic der ganzen Normandie. 12°. Stendal, 1794.—Screnus Snmonici (Quintus). De medicina praeceptasal uberrima, etc. 8°. Lipsice, 1786. For his Life, see Baldinger (E. G.) Ackermann (Joannes Fredericus)1. Sistit vo- cem natures, seu sensus internos variae corporis indigentias adstrictos. 51 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingae, ex off. Hageriana, [1751]. -----. De incognito apud veteres instrumen- torem physicorum usu. xvi pp. 4°. Kilonii, lit. G. Bartschii, [1760], -----. Oratio professionis medicinae extraordi- nariae adeundae caussa in academia Kiloniensi A. D. xx Sept. 1760. 24 pp. 4°.~ Kilonii, Bartsch, [1760]. For his Life, see Brendeliux (J. G.) ----- & Feuerlein (Georgius Guilelmus). Praesagia medica ex prsecordiis disp. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 4°. Gcettingce, typ. J. F. Hageri, [1752]. Ackermann (Joannes Fridericus)2. * . . . sis- tens exemplum hydropis pectoris in femina lxxi annorum per ipsas naturae vires maxima ex parte sanati. 19 pp. 4°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, Winter, [1780]. Ackermann (Johannes Georgius). * De epi- lepsias motuumque convulsivorum infantum cau- sis praecipuis. 20 pp. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, typ. A. F. Rose, [1765]. Ackermann (Joannes Henricus). For his Life, see JLoder (Just. Christ.) Ackermann (Joannes Samuel). * De sterili- tate mulierum. 50 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Mul- lerianis, [1734]. For his Life, see Hilscher (S. P.) Ackermann (Reinoldus). * De hydrocele sper- matica. 30 pp. 8°. Halis Saxonum, formis Plcet- zianis, 1866. Ackermann (Theodor). * Ueber placenta praevia. 32 pp. 8°. Rostock, Adler's Erben, 1852. -----. Beobachtungen iiber einige physiologische Wirkungen der wichtigsten Emetica. Habilita- tions-Schrift. 44 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Rostock, Adler's Erben, 1856. -----. Anweisung zur Erkenntniss und Behand- lung der wichtigsten iiusseren Verletzungen und inneren Krankheiten auf Seeschift'en . . . viii, 166 pp., 11. 8°. Rostock, G. B. Leopold, 1869. -----. Ueber die Wirkungen der Digitalis. In: Samml. kUn. Vortr., Leipz., 1872, No. 48. (Innere Med. No. 18), pp. 389-410. Ackley (H. A.) [1813-59.] An introductory address, on the progress of the science of medi- cine. Session of 1849-50. 23 pp. 8°. Cleveland, press of M. C. Younglove ftJ II, 8 1. 18°. Harlem, J. Lenavrtsz, 1598. The original edition was Seville, 1590, in 4°. Acosta (M.) * Quelques considerations sur la mort surtout au point de vue 6tiologique. 131 pp. 4°. Paris, 18(54, No. 54. Acoustics. See, also, Audition; Ear; Telephone. Aberle (A.) * Die Tauschungen in der Wahr- nehnmng der Entfernung der Tonquellen. 8°. Tubingen, 1868. IJAKTUOLOMiEUS (J. C.) * Surdus do sono judi- cans. 4°. Jena', 1090. Bose (G. M.) Hypothesis soni Perraultiana ac iu earn meditationes. 4°. Lipsice, 1734. Bukdach (D. C.) & Reisig (J. B.) De vi aeris in sono. 4°. Lipsice, 1767. Du Bois (G.) *De sono. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1725. Eulerus (C.) Dissertatio physica do sono. 4°. Basileae, 1727. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select, vii, Funk (C. B.) De sono et tono disserit. 4°. Lipsice, 1779. -----. Disquisitionem in doctrinam de sono et tono continuat. 4°. Lipsice, 1782. Gavarret (J.) Acoustique biologique; ph6- nomenes physiques de la phonation efc de l'audi- tion. ft-. Paris, 1877. Martiu8(E.F.) *Detono. 4°. Jence, [1661]. Pansner (J. H. L.) & Pencer (H. C. F.) * Sis- tens investigationem motuum et sonorum, quibus lamiiiie elastic* contremiscunt. 4J. Jena; 1801. Radau (R.) Wonders of acoustics, or the phe- nomena of sound. Transl. by R. Ball. The Eng- lish revised. 12°. New York, 1870. Sciiwenck(J. S.) De echo. 4°. Lipsice, [1649]. Sillig (J. B.) *De sono. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [ 1690]. Somers(E.) * De sonis et auditu. 8°. Edin- burgi, 17ft3. Taylor (S.) Sound and music, ft-. London, 1873. Tyndall (J.) Sound. A course of eight lec- tures ... 8°. New York, 1867. [Weitbrecht (J.)] Sermones in solenni Aca- demia; scientiarum imperialis convent u die xxix. Aprilis, anni mdeexlii, publico recitati. 4°. Pe- tropoli, [1742]. Winklertjs (J. H.) . . . tentamina circa soni celeritatem per aerem atmosphasricuiu. 4°. Llp- sia>, [1763]. Wi'iNscn (C. E.) &. Weichhardt (T. T.) Ini- tia nova) doetrime de natura soni. 4\ Lipsice, [1776]. Baumgarten. Ueber die Tone, welche durch die Reflexion von Gerauseh mit gleiehmassig geordueteni Schail- falle entstehen. Ber. d. naturw.-nied. ver. in Innsbruck, 1877, vii, 116-121.—Berard. Do la perception des ondes sonores par les nerfs de la sensihilite generale. Monit. d. hop., 1853, i, 625-629.—Berthold (E.) Analyse der im Nehengerausch einer intermittirenden StiniingabeJ enthal- tenen Tiine. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb.. ls.9, viii, 106- 109.—Blake (0. J.) Summary of results of experiments on the perception of high muscular tones. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. Best. 1872, v, 74-79] -----. The use of the membrann tympani as a phonaiitograph and logograph. Arch Ophth. &. Otol., N. Y., 1*76. v, 108-113.—Bonders <1<\ C.) Zur Klangfarbe der Vocale. Arch. f. d. hoUand. Beitr. z. Nat - u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 446-448.—Erharil. Ueber die cUnischo Bedeutnng derHelmholtz'srhenScbwingungs- lehre. Allg. med. Centr.-Zts?., Berl., 1865, xxxiv. 13? 21.— Gararrct. Le9ons sur Tacoustique biologique. Cours de . . . ficole de m6d., Par., 1876-7, 1-22.—Orohmnnn. Die Psvchasogie dor Tone. Mag. f. d. phil., mod. u. ge- richtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb., 1829, ). Hit., 25-27. — lEenry (J.) On acoustics applied to public buildings. Rep Sn:ithson. Inst., 1856, 221-234.—Ilenscn. Ueber d.e Tonoiupfin- dung. Mitth. d. Ver. nordl. d. Elbe, etc., Kiel, 1866, vU, 37- ACOUSTICS. 103 ACRODYNIA. Acoustics. 53.—Lambert. Sur la vitesse du son. Mem. Acad. roy. do Prusse, Avignon. 1874, ix, pt. 1. 344-363.—Much (E.) Ueber einige der plivsiologisclien Akustik angeborige Er- scheiuungen. [From: Sitzungsb. d. uiath.-naturw. Klasse d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch.] Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mcnsch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1865, ix, 507-529. -----. Untcrsuchunjren iiber den Zcitsinn des Ohres. Ibid., 1870, x. 181-200.—Monnik (A. J. W.) Tonometers en tonome- tries Versl. . . . Nederl. Gasth. v. OogUJdcrs, Utrecht, 1869, x, 55-96. -----. Ein neuer Tonometer und sein Gebrauch. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1870, xvi, 49-89, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Miillcr (J. J.) Ueberclastische Schwin- gungen. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz., 1871, v, 1-3. -----. Ueber die Tiiiieniplindungen. Ibid., 1872, vi, 1-10.—Norr (C.) Experimentcllo Priifung des Fechner'- scb<*i Gesctzes auf dem Gebiete der Schallstarko. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1879, xv, 297-318. —Politzcr (A.) UebersiibjektivcGehorscinplinduiigcii. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1S05, xv. 1217; 1233; 1312; 1693; 1707; 1835; 1869.— Benz (T.) Sc 'Wolf (A.) Versuche iiber die Untcrsehei- duug ditl'erenter Schr.Ustarkcn. Arch. f. physiol. LTeilk., Stuttg., 1856, xv. 185-193.—Stronbal ("V .) Ueber cine besonclcro Art der Tonerreiung. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. j GeseUsch in Wiirzb., 1878. n. I'\, xii, 199-296. 1 pi.— Taylor (W. B.) On recent researches in sound. Am. J. Se. Sc Arts. New Haven. 1876, 3. a., xi. 30; 94. Also, Re- print— lTrbnntsehitsch (V.) Din Beitrag zur Lehre von der SchaUperceptiou. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1872, x, 114. -----. Ueber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit der Seballenipfmdungcii gerinjjster Intensitiit. Ibid., 1875, xiii 625-628.— Vest. Ueber den Toustrahl. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien. 1819, v, 3. Hft., 86-97.—Vil- lari (E.) & Tin rati goni. Acustica. Ricerche sul limite della percezione dei suoni in liguardo alia loro durata. R. 1st, Lomb. di sc. e lett., Rendic, Milano, 1869, 2. s., u, 719- ! 724. i Acqui. See, also, Hospitals (Military). Ivaldi (L.) Relazione sugli esiti ottenuti colla cura termale neUe malattie curate nella stagione balnearia 1863 nello Stabilimento Nazionale per gli incUgenti nella eittA, d'Acqui. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1864, 2. s., xlix, 129-155.—Belazionc sullo stabilimento balneario miU- tare d'Acqui nel 1874. Ann. di med. pubb.. Roma. 1875, x, (App. BuU. idrol.), 17-21.—Schivardi (P.) II clima dei bagni d'Acqui. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1870, 6. s., iii, 241-245. -----. Le terme d'Acqui. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1870, xxvi, 254; 371; 484: 581. -----. Rendiconto della stagione termale dell'anno 1870 ai bagni d'Acqui. | Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1871, 6. s., iv, 89; 111; 120: 134; 145; 149; 157; 165.—Violini (A.) Rapporto siill'andbniento del servizio nello stabilimento balneario- | militare di Acqui durante la stagione termale del 1874. ] Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1875, xxiii. 10-118. —---. Rela- zione suU'andamento del servizio neUo stabilimento bal- neario militare di Acqui durante la stagione termale j dell'anno 1875. Ibid., 1876, xxiv, 729-773. Acraraia. Sir Monsters from defect of brain. Acrel (Ericns.) De utilitate plantarum quarun- damsvecicaruin. Periculum med. 9 pp. sm. 4C. Upsalia; Stenhammer ct Palmblad, 1*VA. Acrel (Olof.) Genaste siittct at inratta och un- dcrhalla et lazaret eller sjukhus, sa at det innom la ar matte iirnaen ausenlig tilviixt. 18 pp. 8-. Stockholm, tryckt hos L. Salvius, 1746. ------. Chirurgiske hiindelser anmarkte uti kongl. lazarettet, samlade och genom utdrag af dag- boken til trycket befordrade jr.i hcigloiligekongl. lazarets directionens befallning. 10 p. 1., H79 l»p., 91. h . Stockholm, L. L. Grefing, 17";9. -----. The same. Heelkuudige waarneemingen, aaugetekend in het koninglyke hospitaal te Stockholm. En op bevel, van deszelfs directeuren ! uit het dagrcgister by een verzamelden uitgegee- ven. Uit het Swerdsch vertaalt, met eenige an- dere waarneeniingen van dor schryver, en ver- j scheide byvocgselen vennecrderd, door Eduard Samlifort." xx, £81 pp. 8°. '« Gravenhage, P. ran Cleef, 1771. ------. The same. Chirurgische Geschichte im koniglichen Lazarethe zu Stockholm augemerkt. Mit einer Vorredo von Zacharias Vogel. 7 p. 1., :{** pp., (51. H-. Liibeek n:id Leipzig, C. D. Dona- tius, 1772. -----. The same. Nach der zwcyton . . . Aus- ' gabe . . . iibersetzt von J. Andreas Murray. 2 > Acrel (Olof)—continued. ! v. 3G pp., 7 1., 479 pp.; 4 p. 1., 472 pp., 12 pi. 8°. Gottingen, J. C. Dicterieh, 1777. -----. Tal, om de lysande Framsteg, som Liikare- Vetenskapen tilvunnit sig i Sverige, inom de senare sextis aren ; ballet tor Kongl. vetenskaps Academien, vid prtesidii nedlaggande, den 5 Junii 1793. 28 pp. 8°. Stockholm, trickt hos J. P. Lindh, 1793. Acrell (Joh. Gustavus). *Morsura «erpentum. 8°. Upsalice, 1762. In: LlNN. Diss., v. 6. -----. * De rheumatismo. 28 pp. 4°. Upsalice, [1764]. Acrodynia. See, also, Dengue; Foot (Painful); Pellagra. Clairat (L.) * Considerations sur la maladie epidemique qui rcgne a. Paris. 4°. Paris, 1829. Miramond (P.-R.) *Sur l'affection epid6- mique qui s'est manifesteo a. la caserne de la rue de l'Oursine dans le mois de septembre 1828. 4°. Paris, 1829. Rochette (J. G. F.) *De l'acrodynie. 4°. Paris, 1871. Rue (A.) * Essai sur la maladie qui a regno" 6pid6miquement & Paris, depuis le commence- ment de l'annee 1828. 4°. Paris, 1829. Azcarate (M.) Consideraciones acerca de la enler- medad de Azaiion ; por un aficionado k los estudios epidemi- ologicos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1873, xx, 113-116. —Barn- del. Recherehes sur l'acrodynie sporadique. Rec. de mem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., 367-380. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1862, 3. s., xvii, 617; 631. — Bayle. Note snr l'epidemie qui regno fi Paris. Rev. med. tranc. et fctrang., Par., 1828, iv, 445-453.—Beau. Un cas d'acro- dynie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 302.—Bodros (A.) Relation d'une petite epidemie d'acrodynie observee au camp de Sartory, en juiUet et aout 1874. Rec. do de mem. de med. . . .' mil.. Par., 1875, xxxi, 428-440.—Cal- marza (J. B.) No confundimos en Espana la pelagra con la acrodinia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1861, viii, 659; 676; 691. — Chardon fils. I)e l'acrodynie, ou epidemie qui a r£gn6 a Paris et dans les environs depuis l'annee 1828, Rev. med. franc:, et etrang., Par., 1830, iii, 51; 374. Also, Reprint.— Charvet (H.) Etude sur une epidemic aui a sevi pai-mi les ouvricrs employes k la fabrication de la fuchsine. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med., Lyon. 1864, iii, 223-253.— Chaveriat (A.) [Deux cas d'acrodynie.) Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1850, ii. 19-21. Also: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 71 —Choinel. Sur la maladie actueUemeut recnante k Paris. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1828, xviii, 12?.—Bance. Acrodynie. Diet, de med., 2' ed., Par., 1832, i, 515-526. — Be Maeyer. Raphania; ghitagia; acrodynie; contrac- tures musculaires, ou maladie de Saint-Bernard, guerie par les vomitifs et les purgatifs salins. Ann. Soc. med. d'An- vers, 1846, 443; 447.—Francois (D.) Notice sur l'epide- mie regnante k Paris depuis le mois de juin 1828. J. gen. de med.. chir. et pharm., Par.. 1828, cv, 360-365.—Geufest. Recherehes sur l'un'ection epidemique qui regne maintenant ii Paris. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1828, xviii, 232-251: 1829, xix, 63; 357.— Cogne (G.) De l'acrodynie et de la peUagre. Un nouveau cas d7; peUagre. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 375-377.— .], 1554. Also, in: Mediche artis principes, 1567. ------. De actionibus et affectibus spiritus ani- malis, eiusque victu, libro II. Nunc primum in lucem prodeunt, lac. Goupyli beneficio, qui nobis eorum exemplum dedit. 2 p. 1., 151 pp. 12°. Parisiis, apud M. Iuuenem, 1557. Greek text. Also, in: Medice artis principes, 1567. ------. De spiritu animali libri duo: prior De actionibus et affectibus spiritus animalis, poste- rior De spiritus animalis nutritione: ad Josephum Racendytam. Julio Alexandrino Tridentino in- terprete. 101. fol. 1567. MEDiCiE artis principes. -----. Auvovapiov TtepiEVEpyEieov uai TtaQSbv rov ipvxixov itvEvnaroi xai rrji nar avro Siairrji Xoyoi /3 quorum altcrum e Paris, exem- plo Martini juvenis alteram e Cod. Monacensi cum variatate lectionis nunc primum in Germa- nia edidit Joh. Frider. Fischerus. xiii, 130 pp. 8°. Lipsice, J. F. Langenhemii, 1774. ------. Ilepi evepyeicbv uai ita^obv rov ipvxi*cov TtvEVfiaroS xal rr/S xar dvzb biairr}1* Xoyoi. In: Phys. et med. Graecimin., ed. J. L. Ideler, Berol., 1841, i, 312-386. ------. To itEpl ovpcov rov 6oq>ooTdrov. In: Phys. et med. Graeci min., ed. J. L. Ideler, Berol., 1842, u, 3-192. i ------. Tlspi SiayvtibdewS 7ta3a>v. ; Ibid., 1842, U, 353-463. For his Life, see Bayle (P.) Hist. & Crit. Diet, (trans. Des Maizeaux.), Lond., 1734, i, 99. Acupressure. See, also, Arteries (Compression of). J ackowitz (L. H.) * Ueber die Acupressur der Artcrien. 8°. [Dorpat], 1861. Pernet (J. H.) * De l'acupressure comme mo- yen hdmostatique. 4°. Paris, 1868. Simpson (J. Y.) Acupressure: a new method of arresting surgical haemorrhage and of accele- rating the healing of wounds. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. ------. Notes on the progress of acupressure. 8°. Edinburgh, 1867. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburqh, 1867. y ' Aiken (N. J.) Compound acupressure. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1865, 1, 276.—Ashhurst (J. jr.) Cases in which acupressure has-been employed. Ibid., 1866, Iii, 66- 71. -----. Case in which acupressure was applied to the femoral artery at the fold of the groin. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1867, n. a., iv, 218. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., j 1868, lvi, 134.—Bassini (E.) L'ago-torsione quale mezzo per chiudere l'estremitii, delle grosse arterie neU'amputa- zione degU arti e le ferite lacero-contuse deUe arterie. Ann. univ.dimed., Milano, 1876, ccxxxv,401-118.—Billroth (T.) | Ueber Acupressur. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii, 1; 17; 33; 49: 1871, xxi, 1040. — Br am well (J. P.) Treat- ment of wounds of the radial and ulnar arteries by acu- pressure. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 811. — Bryk (A.) Ueber den Werth der Acupressur als BlutstiUuugsmittel bei Amputationen. Oesterr.Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1870, xvi, 265; 281; 297; 368; 429; 445; 529; 561; 593; 609; 630; 640; 660; 673; 709; 741; 829: 1871, xvii, 81; 112; 181.— C'allendcr (G. "W.) Note on acupressure. Lancet, Loud., 1867, i, 597.—Creus. Del valor do la acupresion como medio hemostatico. Siglo med., Madrid, 1866, xiii, 241-245.—Oix (J.) On the advantages of acupressure over the ligature. Med. Times T)p.., 'Ai^vai, 1859, ii, 113.— Churchill (F.) Effects of ether spray upon the skin in Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 317- 320.—Clark (U. H.) Addison's disease. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1869, n. s., xii, 589.—Clarke (F. E.) t Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 336.—Cotton (C.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 33. — Courvoisier (L. G.) t Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1872, ii, 297-299.— Cummings (J. B.) t . . . with biliary obstruction. Am. M. Weekly, Louisville, 1876, iv, 258-260.— Dainelli (L.) t Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1867, xv, 841-849.—Dal la Bosa (E.) t Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1869, viii, 231-234.—Walton (E. B.) A critical examination of the disease known as bronzed skin, or disease of tbe supra-renal capsules. N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 297-316.—Banner (L.) De lY'tat actuel de nos connaissances sur la maladie bronz6e d'Addison. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1857, i, 34-54.—Ma- rin. 1 . . . hud i forening med sjukdom i binjurarne [pre- ceded by kidney -disease]. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sam- mank., Stockholm, 1862, 251.—Dawson (J.) . . . bronzing of the skin, a diagnostic mark of disease of the supra-renal capsules. Ohio M. Sc S. J., Columbus, 185.8-9, xi, 188-190.— Be Bruync. Maladie d'Addison. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1871, liii, 405-407.—Bechambrc (A.) t Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1856, iii, 869.—Be la Porte, t Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxii, 409- 412—Bcmangc (E.) t Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1876, v, 283-285. -----. t . . . avec. alteration des capsules sur- renales et de la nioelle lombaire. loid., 1877. vii, 72-78. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1877, 109-116.—Dick- inson, t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865. xvi, 243-246.—Down (L.) t Ibid., 1869, xx, 388-390, 1 pi.—Dreyfous (K.) i Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 3. s., x, 645-649.—Duclos. De la maladie bronzee d'Addison et des fonctions des cap- sules surrenales. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1863, lxiv, 97-113.—Dufley (G. F.) A case resembling one of Addison's disease. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiii, 258-273. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1877, xxii, 202.—Dumas (A.) t Gaz. m(-a. de Par., 1859, 3. s.. xiv, 575-577.—Du- pont. Peau bronzee dans 1'espe.ce bovine. Union med. do la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1857, ii, 105-110.—Dyster. t Lan- cet, Lond., 1864, i, 22.—Ellis (C.) t Boston M. &. S. J., 1863, lxviii, 361. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost, Soc. M. Improve., Bost., 1867, v, app., 35-37.—Embleton (D.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 181.—Eppinger. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom "Morbus Addisoni". Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prajr, 1875, iii, 259-261.—Erichsen (J.) t St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1863. iv, 1-21.—Espagne (A.) t Anu. clin. de Montpel., 1856-7, iv, 278; 311; 343.—Fabre (S. P.) Quehjues considerations cliniques k propos de deux cas de maladie d'Addison. Union med., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxvi, 954; 970; 977.—Fallot. Maladie bronzee; mal de Pott; tumeur du cervelet. Bull, et m6m. Soc. mGd. d. hop. de Par. (1877), 1878, 2. s., xiv, 166-172.—Faurc. t . . . ex- aincn histologique. Ibid., 1867, iii, 178-181. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., liii, 376-378.—Feigneaux. t Art med., Brux., 1868-9, iv, 243-248.—Fenwick & Smith (R. D.) t . . . autopsy. Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 658. — Fcrcol. t Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 866; 876.—Fereol. Scleroderma with vitiligo; Addison's dis- ease. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 220.— Ferris (J. S.) t ... post mortem . . . Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 553.—Finlayson (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1870-1, iii, 433-446.—Fletcher (B.) Cases . . . illustrating a form of anaemia. Assoc. M. J., Loud., 1856, ii, 1010-1014, 1 pi.— Fonnan. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 57.— Frcsiic. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 317.—fiage (T. H.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1865, lxxi, 69-71.—Gnirdner (W. T.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 224.—Gcmclli (S.) Reflessioni sul morbo bronzino di Addison. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. s., ii, 380.—Gerhardt (C.) Broncekrankheit. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1866, ii, 429-433.—Oilliam (D. T.) Identity of Addison's disease and degeneration of the gas- tric tubules. Med. Sc Surjj. Reporter, Phila., 1871, xxiv, 473- 475. Also: J. demed., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1871, liii, 402-405.—Girard. Maladie bronzee; mal de Pott; tumeur du cervelet. Union m6d., Par., 1877, 3. 8,, xxiv, 459-462.— Gordon (C. A.) Addison's disease, Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1870, i, 281-283.—Gould. Addison's disease of the supra-renal capsules. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1857, lvi, 480.— Gould (A. A.) Bronzed skin; disease of the supra-renal capsules. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., Bost., 1859, iii, 114.—Gouriet. t . . . remarques sur les fonctions des cap- sules surrenales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 50.—Gray (E. B.) t . . . autopsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 237.— Greenhow (K. H.) [Cases.) Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 269-271: 1864, xv, 228-232: 1865, xvi, 247-250: 1866, xvii, 304: 1868, xix, 404-406: 1873, xxiv, 224-237. Med. Times A- Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 643. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 8. -----. Croouian lectures for 1875 on Addison's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 327; 361; 395; 429; 463; 532. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of vagabond's discoloration simu- lating the bronzed skin of Addison's disease. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1876, ix, 44-47. -----. Addison's disease in a very early stage, associated with lneuionhage into both supra- Addison's disease. renal capsules ; interstitial pneumonia: and a varicose con- dition of the lymphatic vessels of the pleura. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. (1876-7), 1877, xxviii, 231-235.—Gromier. t Gaz. ined. de Lyon, ix, 1857, 257; 282.—Gull, t . . . without me- lasma, from rapidity of progress to a fatal termination. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 116; ii, 535.—Gnssmann (E.) Morbus Addisonii. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1863, iv, 570- 575.—Habershon. t . . . autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 269. Also: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1804,3. s.,x, 78-83,2 pi.— [Mannequin.] t Bull. Soc. med. de Rheims, 1867, no. iv, 26-30.—Hardwick. t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 221- 224.—Hartung. t Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxv, 419-421.—Hayden(T.) On supra-renal melasma. Dub- lin Q.'J. M. Sc, 1865, xxxix, 81-90, 1 tab.—Hayeni (G.) t . . . alteration caract6ristique des capsules surrenales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 3. s.. x, 577-587. Also: Pro- gres med., Par., 1876, iv, 37-40.—Hedenius (P.) Bidrag till casuistiken af morbus Addisonii. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1866-7, ii, 4-28.—Ilenrot (H.) Des alterations du grand svmpathique et du systeme lymphatique chins la maladie hronzfee. Union med'. et scient. du nord-est, Reims. 1879, iii, 200-212.—Henry (F. P.) Diseased supra-renal capsules from a case of Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 211-213.—Hermann (A.) Ueber Morbus Addisoni. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 69-71.—Hervey (R.) t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, 5. s.. viii, 215.—He*chl. [Cases.] Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 765: 789.— Hcslop (T. P.) t Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 800.—Hodges (R. M.) Addison on the symptoms and treatment of dis- ease of the suprarenal capsules. Boston M. & S. J., 1856-7, lv 133; 158; 178. -----. t Ibid., 1858, lviii, 19.—v. Ho- nigsberg. Addison'sche Krankheit. Wien. Med.-Hille, 1862, iii, 198.—Holt (R.) t Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii, 454, 1 pi.—Hooper (D.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1H60. ii, 40—Houghton (J. H.) t Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 119.— Housley (J.) t Ibid., 1860, ii, 80.—Howe (F. A.) Addi- son's disease. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1861, lxiv. 308-310. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., Bost., 1862, iv. 200-202.— Hubbard (S. G.) t Proc. Connect. M. Soc. (1868-71), N. Haven. 1871, 2. s., iii, 281-286.—Huber. Zur Casuistik der Acldison'schen Krankheit. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1866, i, 635: 1868, iv, 613.—Hughes. A specimen of . . . Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, fiv, 266.— Hughes (J.) On diseases of the supra-renal capsules or morbus Addisonii. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1865, xl, 361-370, lpl. Also: Med. Press, Dubl., 1865. liv, 391-394.—Hutch- inson (J.) Series illustrating the connexion between bronzed skin and disease of the supra-renal capsules. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 593; 622; 647: 1856, n. s., xii, 60; 188; 233; 518: 646; xiii, 290: 1857, xiv, 7 ; 35; 86.— -----. ... in a boy. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 414- 417.-----. Some particulars of a case of marked bronzing of the skin. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1858, ii, 36- 40.—Imbert-Gourbeyre. Note sur la maladie bronz6e d'Addison. Monit, d. hop.. Par., 1856, iv, 882-884.—Jac coud. BronzGe. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat.. Par., 1866, v, 676-734.—Jacolot. t . . . observe en Islande. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1865, iv, 480-482.—Jaquct (E.) Note pour servir k l'etude de la maladie d'Addison. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1878, 2. s., v, 679-691,1 pi.— Jcrzykowski (S.) [Cases.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1874, xvi, 118-122.—Jonnwsnn (H.) t . . . with fatty degenera- tion of the heart. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1865, x, 343- 356.—van Kleef (L. T.) Morbus Addisonii. geneesk. Arch., etc.,Utrecht, 1878, i, 376-380.—Kohlcr (R.) | Beitrag zur Lehre vou del- sogenannten Addison'schen Krankheit. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxii, 89; 97.—Koster (W.) tt Nederl. Arch. v. Genees.- en Natuurk., Utrecht, 1866, ii, 165-168. Also: Med. Press & Circ, D'ibl., 1866, ii. 305.—Krans (G.) t Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1862, i, 29-32.— KrnuHe. t Sitzungsb. cl. Vor d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1870-1, viii, 103-107: 1872, ix, 22-24.—Krause (W.) t Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1859, n. a., ii, 137; 201.—Kuhl- niann. t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 481.—Kunkle (C. D.) t Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 24.—I,a- dret. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 334.—Lasch- kcwitsch (W.) EinesondcrbareBeschaffenheitderrothen Blutkorperchen iu einem Falle von Morbus Adissonii. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1871, 425-427.—I.ediard. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 4j>.—Leech. Specimen from a case of Addison's disease: characteristic changes in left, and atrophy of right, supra-renal capsule: peculiar distri- bution of pigmentation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18f9, i, 628.— Leeming (R. T.) t Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 87.—Legg (J. W.) Sc Ormerod (J. A.) ... in a boy of 15. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1876, xii, 257.—Lere- boullet (A.) t Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1862, 2. s., ii, 105- 107.—Le Rossignol. . . . post-mortem. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond.Hosp., 1866, iii, 183-185.—Little, t Tr Path. Soc. 1 Loud., 1862. xiii, 247: 1866, xvii. 301.—Lombard (L.) t Mo- nit.d. hem., Par., 1858, vi, 182.—London (B.) tOester.Ztschr. | f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1863, ix, 649-654.—Ittackall (L.jr.) Addison's disease. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1874-5, i, 76.—Mackenzie (M.) ♦ Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862. i, 430.—Ml acker, t ... necropsie. Bull. Soc. med. du | Haut-Rhin, Strasb., 1862, ii, 132-136.—Madcr. t Ber. cl. ADDISON'S DISEASE. 113 ADDOMS. Addison's disease. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1878, 276.— JTIalnistcn. Morbus Addisonii. [Bronzed skin.] Fiirh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk., Stockholm, 1863, 207.—dc Man (J. C.) t Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1859, iii, 4-7.—Marowsky (L.) Zur Lehro von dem Wesen des Hautpigmcntes bei der Broncekrankheit, Deut- sches Arch. f. khn. Med., Leipz., 1868, iv, 465-475.— Marshall (A.) Supra-renal capsules from a case of Addison's disease. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1*73, xxiv, 221.— Uartin (A.) t Brit, M. J., Lond., 1858, 389.— de Martial, t Rendic. Acad, med.-chir. di Napoli, 1857, xi. 34-36.—.Tlartius (('.) Kritischer Bericht iiber das Melasma suprarenale, Med. Nenigk., Erlang., 1855, v, 401-403. Also, Reprint.—IVIarx. t . . . tumeur du foie. Mem. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1866, i, 110-114.— Mazzi (C.) t RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1876, 4. s., vi, 521- I 527.—Klein hardt. Ueber die Addison'sche Krankheit. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii. 10; 39; 75; 109; 177; 211; 237. ] Alio, Reprint.—IT!essiter (M. A.) t Birmingh. M. Rev., j 1877, vi, 59-62.—Mettenhcimcr (C.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 483. Also: Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1857. I iv, 23.—ITIinot. t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1867-8, lxxvii, 38.—Monro (YV.) t Assoc. M. J.. Lond., 1856, ii, 848. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 597.—Montgomery (E.) t Tt. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xiii, 245.—Morbo dell'Ad- dison. Clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa (Fedclii, 1878, i, 178-196.—Morbus (Ueber) Addisonii. Prakt. Arzt, Wetz- lar, 1871, xii. 1; 25; 49.—Morris (E.) 11 Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 510.—Morton, t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 531.—Moxon. t Ibid., 1859, n. s., xix, 455.—Miiller (E.) Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Bern, 1871, i, 308-313.— Munro (R.) Morbus Addisoni. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 47.—Mur- chison. t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866, xvii, 396-401: 1867, xviii, 258: 1868, xix, 406.—Murney (R.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 228-230.—Namias (G.) Su la malattia bron- zina, o dell'Addison, e le capsule soprarrenali. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1857, 2. s., ix, 216-236.—TV ic hoi won (J.F.) Addison's disease. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 120.— Occhini (F.) t Sperimentale, Firenze, 1866, xvii, 53-75.— Odicr. t Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1866, 2. s., xii, 391.— Oppolzer. Addison'sche Krankheit. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 153; 157. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 1261; 1278: 1292; 1308; 1323; 1337; 1405; 1423; 1439; 1483; 1501,—Oulmont (P.) t Bull. Soc. anat.dePar., 1875, 3. s., x, 499-504. Also: Progres med., Par.. 1876, iv, 4-6.— Pasqualini (T.) t... toniques; hydrotherapies guerison. Montpel. med., 1864, xiii, 181-186.—Payne (J. F.) t ... pig- mentation of pia mater of spinal chord and of skin of geni- tals. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 281-283.—Peacock (T. B.) t Ibid., 1859-60, xi. 278-280: 1875, xxvi, 207: 1876, j xxvii, 287-290.—Peacock Sc Bristowe. t Med. Times & | Gaz., Lond., 1860, i. 446.—Pepper (W.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 75-85. -----. Addison's disease, and its relations^ it h anscmatosis (essential anaemia). Ibid., 329-358. -----. Clinical lecture on a case of . . . Phila, M. Times, 1877,viii, 97-99.—Perci val. t. . . autopsia; couside- razinni relative. Osservatore, Torino, 1873, ix, 324: 337.— Perret. t Mem. Soc. d. sc m6d. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 130- 135.—Peters (J. C.) Addison's disease. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876, iii, 681-684.—Ploss(H.) t Ztschr. i f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1863, n. F., ii, 127-137.— I Pokrovskii (V.) t t Med. Vestnik, St, Petersb., 1868, viii, 387-390.—Pouchct. t . . . lesion de la capsule droite etendue au rein et au foie. France hied., Par., 1864, ii, 236.—Poulsen (J. P.) t Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1860, iii, 1>5.—Purdon (11. S.) On lentigo and Addison's disease, i Med. Minor, Lond., 1870, vii, 8; 15—Rye-Smith, t . . . I autopsy. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1875, vi, 66.—Pyc- i Smith (P. H.) t t . . . which ended with cerebral syinp- I toius. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 740-742.—Quain (R.) t i Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 280.—Bcvillout (V.) t . . . k marche rapide. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 587.—Biehardson (It.) t Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 602.— Bisel (O.) Zur Pathologie des Morbus Addisonii. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, vii, 34-66.— Bootes (S.) t . . . autopsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 637.—Bootes (W. S.) Connexion of bronzed skin with disease of the supra-renal capsules. Ibid., 1856, n. s., xii, 581.—Boseustirn (J.) Die Harnbestandtheile bei Morb. Addisonii. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lvi, 27-38,2 tab.—Boss (G.) t Tr. Canada Med. Ass., Montreal, 1877, i, 119-130.—Bossbach (J. M.) Addison'sche Krank- j heit und Sklerodermie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, 1, 566-591, 1 pi.; li, 100-122.—de Saint-Moulin. t Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1875, no. 24, 128-130.— Saltor. Melanodennia; enfermedad bronceada de Addi- son., Barccl., 1870-1, u, 127; 136.—Sander- son (B.) t Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1869, xx, 378-384.—Schmidt (F.J.J.) lets omtrent het wczen der Addison'sche bijniei- ziekte, naar aanleiding van eenige ziektegevallen waar- I genomen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1858, ii, I 657-662. -----. Also: Arch. f. d. Holland. Beitr. z. Nat.- | u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1860, ii, 166-185.—Schiippcl. Sec- tionsbefund der Addison'schen Krankheit. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1870, xi, 87-92. — Sccond-Fcrcol (F.) t Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1856, 2. s., iii 23-41.— Seitz (F.) [0 cases.] Beitrage zur Casuistik der Addi- j Addison's disease. sonschen Krankheit und der Leucamie. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 113; 124; 135; 145.—Scux. t Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 620-623.—Severini (L.) t Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1866, v, 39; 110.—Sibley, t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 266-268.—Silva Ataoado (J. J.) Urn caso de melauose; diathese melanica manifestando; sc nos tecidos muscular, fibroso, e osseo, e ainda no parenchyma de algumas visceras e orgaos glandulares; degciieraefiodas capsulas supra-rcnaes sem cor bronzeada da pellc ; mclauu- ria: retlexoes. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1862, 2. s., xxvi, 409-424.—Sinclair. Addison's disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, lxxxvii, 98.—Siredcy (F.) t Union med., Par., 1867, 3. s., l, 199; 210. Also.- Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1867, iii, 355-372.—Smith (P.) Zur Casu- istik des Morbus Addisonii. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 502-507. — Sohet (E.) t Ann. Soc. do med. d'Anvers, 1870, xxxi, 302-308. — Sommcrbrodt. t Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur, Bresl., 1868, xlvi, 185.—Spender (J. K.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 274. — Stark (T.) t Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1864, i, 479-484. Also, Reprint.— Stcdman (C. E.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xcvii, 470.— Sturges(0.) t Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 569; 601.—Takacs (E.) Morbus Addisonii*. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1878, xxx, 487.—Tanturri (V.) (3 cases.] Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 529-537.—Taylor (I. E.) On the sunburnt appearance of the skin as an early diagnostic symptom of suprarenal capsule disease. N. York J. M., 1856, 3. s., i, 145-171, 3 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Thomas (A.) 11 Bull. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1865-6, 91-96.—Todd. Addison's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 62— Torrcsini (M.) t Gaz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. s., ii, 335.—Trousseau. Sur hi maladie de peau bronzee. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1855-6, xxi, 1036-1056.—Trubiger (A.) tt Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1874, xv, 417-429.—Tuckwcll (H. M.) A plea for the English view of the nature and pathology of Addison's dis- ease ; in answer to the most recent German doctriue. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, vii, 73-86, 1 pi.—Tungel (E.) t Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xviii, 511-513. — Valerani (F.) DeUa malattia di Addison. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1866, 2. s., lv, 21; 168.— Valnuani (E.) Patologia; contributo alio studio della malattia d'Addison. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett., Rendic, Milano, 1877, 2. s., x, 124-130.—Van den Corput. Ma- ladie bronz6e d'Addison. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. do Brux., 1862, 121. —Vccchietti (E.) t Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1866, 5. s., ii, 73-119. -----. In risposta alia nota critica sul morbo d'Addison pel Dott. F. Vciar- dini. Ibid., 346; 390.—Verardini (F.) Nota critica sul morbo d'Addison. [See, also, Vkcchietti.] Ibid., 180- 195.—Vulpian. Exanien microseopique de la peau d'un malade mort a la suite de la maladie bronzee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1850, 2. «., iii, 155.—Wallace (R. Q.) t Assoc M. J., Loud., 1856, ii, 1035.—Wclford. t Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1858-9, x, 273-278.—Wertabert (J.) t Student's J. Sc Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1878, vi, 195.—White- ford (J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1866, xii, 57-61.—Wiener (R. G.) t Hosp. Gaz., N. T., 1878, iv, 207-209.—Wilks (G. F.) t Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1857, ii. 6-8. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, 523. — Wilks (S.) Diseased su- pra-renal capsule and bronzed skin. Lancet, Lond., 1859, l, 538. -----. t Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859. 3. s., v, 89; 375, 2 pi. -----. t Tr Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 218-221. -----. Historical notes on Bright's disease, Ad- dison's disease, and Hodgkin's disease. Ibid., 1877, 3. s., xxii," 259-274. -----. On disease of the supra-renal capsules. Guy's Hosp. Ren., Loud., 1862, 3. s., viii, 1-63.— Williams (S. W. D.) Case of melanchoUa associated with, and perhaps due to, Addison's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 138-139.—Wolff (M.) [Cases.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 173; 183; 194; 223.—Wyatt. t Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, i, 113.—Wylic (J.) A case of Addison's cUsease, with pregnancy and rheumatic fever. Glasgow M. J., 1878, x, 401-403.—Vouug (A.) t Chicago M. Exam., 1867, viii, 5. — Zeroni (H. sen.) t Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1873, xviii, 57-63. Addison's keloid. See Morphcea. Additional faets and observations relative to the nature and origin of the pestilential fever. By the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 99 pp. sm. 4°. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1806. Additioaas to the British pharmacopcEia of 1867 published under the direction of the general council of medical education and registration of the United Kingdom, viii, 9-25 pp. 8°. Lon- don, for the general medical council, 1874. Addoms (Jonas Smith). An inaugural disserta- tion on the malignant fever, which prevailed in the eity of New York during the months of Au- gust, September, and October in the year 1791. ADDOMS. 114 ADELMANN. Addoms (Jonas Smith)—continued. (Queen's College, New Jersey.) 37 pp. 8°. New York, ptd. by F. and J. Swords, 1792. Address (An) to the alumni of Hahnemann Medi- cal College and Hospital of Chicago, 111., by the faculty of the college. 24 pp. 8°. Chicago, Culver, Page, Hoyne A- Co., 1879. Address (An) from the Auxiliary Sanitary As- sociation of New Orleans, to the other cities and towns in the Mississippi valley. 20 pp. 8°. New Orleans, L. Graham, 1879. Address of the board of health of the city of New York, to their fellow citizens, [June 1, 1818]. 8 pp. 8°. [New York, G. L. Beach A- Co., 1818.] Address of the board of trustees of the Massa- chusetts general hospital to the public. 14 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Belcher, 1814. Address (An) by the Citizens' Association of Pennsylvania to the people. [Soliciting contri- butions towards the establishment of an inebri- ate asylum. Philadelphia, July 2, 1866.] 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, 186(5. Address (An) to the citizens of Baltimore and its vicinity, containing a concise account of the i Baltimore general dispensary, its by-laws, and other matters worthy of notice. 40 pp. 8°. Baltimore, B. Edes, 1812. Address (An) to the citizens of Boston and vici- nity, on the subject) of a rural cemetery. 7 pp. 8°. Boston, Eastburnh press, 1850. Address to the citizens of Edinburgh. [On the election of a professor of the practice of medicine in the University of Edinburgh to succeed Dr. Rutherford, who desired the liberty of naming his successor.] 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1764. Address (An) to the citizens of Philadelphia on the subject of establishing an asylum for the cure of victims of intemperance. 14 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Brown, Bicking A' Guilbert, 1841. -----. The same. [P., v. 419.] Address to the committee for the erection of a statue of John Hunter by the president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, March 29, 1859. 29 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes A- Sons. [P., v. 336.] Address of the committee to promote the passage of a metropolitan health bill. New York, Dec, 1865. 68 pp. 8°. New York, J. W. Amerman, 1865. Address to the community, on the necessity of legalizing the study of anatomy. By order of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 27 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, Perkins Ar Marvin, 1829. Address delivered at the opening of the new home for aged indigent females, June 25, 1863, by Henry B. Rogers, president of the institution. With an appendix. 43 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Wil- son and Son, 1863. Address (An) to druggists and apothecaries, and their clerks and apprentices. Adopted by the American Pharmaceutical Association at its meet- ing in Cincinnati, Ohio, July, 1854. Published by order of the association. 11 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Merrihew Sr Thompson, 1*54. Address of the faculty [of the Syracuse medical college (eclectic) in defence of their system]. In: Announcement for 1853-4. Address of the governor of Massachusetts on the cattle disease, called pleuro-pneumonia. De- livered before both branches of the State legis- lature, May 30th, 1860. (With report of the commissioners for the extirpation of the disease.) 25 pp. 8°. [n.p., I860?] [P., v. 377.] Address of the governors of the New York hos- pital to their fellow citizens. 24 pp. 8°. New York, W. C. Bryant A- Co., 1852. Address of the governors of the New York hos- pital to the public, relative to the asylum for the insane at Bloomingdale. 8 pp. 8°. New York, M. Day, 1821. Address (An) to the guardians of the Washington asylum, and the members of the board of alder- men and common council, by a physician. Iu re- ply to an address by Thomas Henderson. 16 pp. 8°. Washington city, 1827. [P., v. 206 and 827.] [Address having for its object the establishment of a new school of medicine and surgery in the city of Manchester, England, Oct., 1825. ] 26 pp. 8C. [n. p., ptd. by Robinson and Bent, n. d.] Address to the inhabitants of Manchester and Salford, by the Health of Towns Association. (Why are towns unhealthy?) 7 pp. 8°. Man- chester, Cave A-Sever, [1*45?] Address of the managers of the Baltimore Asso- ciation for Improving the Condition of the Poor, to the public, January, 1872. 8 pp. 12°. Balti- more, office of the association, [1^72?] Address (First) of the Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association. To the working classes. 4 pp. 8°. [Manchester, Beresford and Gait, n. d.] Address to the medical profession of the State of Georgia, with the proceedings of the first meeting of the State board of health,held in the eityof Atlanta, June 9, 1875. (Printed by order of the board.) 14 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Herald printing office, 1875. Address to a medical student [on the duties of the medical profession]. 2. ed. 167 pp. 12°. Oxford, J. H. Parker; London, J. Churchill, 1850. Address (An) to members of the American legis- lature and of the medical profession, from the British, Continental, and General Federation for the abolition of state regulation of prostitution, and the National Medical Association (Great Brit- ain and Ireland) for the abolition of state regula- tion of prostitution, on recent proposals to intro- duce the system of regulating or licensing prosti- tution into the United States, with the history and results of such legislation on the continent of Europe and in England. Edited by J. Birkbeck Nevins. iv, 5-98 pp. 8°. London, F. C. Banks, 1*77. Address (An) to the members of both houses of Parliament, on the legislative measures necessary for providing an adequate supply of human bodies for the purpose of anatomical instruction. [A friend of science and of man.] 8 pp. 8°. [Bath, ptd. by George Wood, n. d.] Address (An) to physicians, by the executive com- mittee of the board of managers of the New York City Temperance Society. 22 pp. 8°. New York, J. A J. Harper, 1829. Address to the physicians of Philadelphia, on the present decline of the medical character, and the means of advancing professional respectability. 39pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Address to the public respecting the establish- ment of a lunatic asylum at Edinburgh. [Royal Edinburgh Lunatic Asylum.] 8 pp. 4°. Edin- burgh, J. Ballantyne and Co., 1807. Address of the students of medicine to the right lion, the lord provost, the magistrates, and town council of the city of Edinburgh [urging removal of Gregory and appointment of Cullen]. 8 pp. 4°. Edinburgh, 17(Ki. [P., v. 632.] Addresses on the death of Thomas Illman. 36 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 234.] Adelheim (Edmund). * Forensisch-chemische Untersuchungen iiber die wichtigsten Aconitum- Arten und ihre wirksamen Bestandtheile. 46 pp. 8°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1869. Adelmami. See Gemeinsame deutsche Zeit- schrift fiir Geburtskunde. Adelmami. Yerbesserte Extensions-Schwebe fiir Unterschenkelbriiche. 8 pp., 1 pi. 8°. I WUrzburg, Stahel, 1872. ADELMAN^. 115 AD1P0CEEE. Adelmami (Adolph Leofrid). * Ueber Seebader. 40 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, F. E. Thein, 1846. Adelmami (Damianus Gustavus). De fractu- ris ossium pelvis. 42 pp., 1 1., lpl. 8°. Fuldce, typ. Muellerianis, 1835. Adelmami (Georgius). * De conditione vitae materiali ejusque in morbis dignitate. 56 pp. sm. 4°. [ Wirceburgi], F. E. Nitribitt, [1801]. Adelmami (Georgius Franciscus Blasius). De steatomate proprio tumorum parasitorum genere. Comment, pathogenetico-chirurgica. 39 pp. 4°. Marburgi, typ. Elwerti, 1837. -----. Annalen der chirurgischen Abtheilung des Landkrankenhauses zu Fulda wahrend der Jahre 1*35, 1836. xxxii, 221 pp. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1840. -----. * Uebersicht der im zweiten Semester 1841 und im Jahre 1842 in dem chirurgischen Klini- kum der kaiserlichen Universitat zu Dorpat be- handelten Krankheiten und vcrrichteten Opera- tionen. 18 pp. 4°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1843. -----. Untersuchungen iiber krankhafte Zustiinde der Oberkieferhohle. 2 p. 1., 64 pp., 11., 3 tab. 4°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1844. Adelmami (Philippus). Tractatus de aneurys- mate spurio varicoso. 30 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Wiirce- burgi, F. E. Nitribitt, 1821. Adelon (Louis). * Quelques observations rela- tives a l'influence de la grossesse dans certaines maladies preexistantes. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 162, v. 612. Adelon (Nicolas-Philibert). [1782-1862.] Dis- sertation sur les fonctions de la peau. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 46, v. 75. -----. Physiologie de I'homme. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Compere jeune, 1823. -----. Programme du cours de nie'decine legale de la faculty dem6decinede Paris. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, L. Martinet, 185*.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1858, 2. s., x. See, also, Annales d'hygicYne publique et de mddecine legale, Par., and morgagni (J. B.) De sedibus, [etc.] Paris, 1820. For his Obituary, see Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xx, 324; 338; also, Gaz. med. de Par., 1863, 3. s., xxxiv, 757- 776, (A. Tardieu). Adelon (O.) Portrait. Maurir del. Rosselin publisher. In: Portraits of celebrated French surgeons and physi- cians, No. 2. Adelson (Josephus). * Casus singularis morbi tuberosi in nosocomio medico-chirurgico Gottin- gensi observatus. 54 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Gottingce, C. Herbst, 1822. Adelt (Gustavus). * Atrophia? circumscriptae to- talis casus. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1862]. Adelung (Carolus Anhardus). *De prolapsu intestini recti pro tuberculis haemorrhoidalibus perperam habito. 28 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1740]. Adelung (Joannes Jacobus). *De moralitatis vi medica. 161. sm. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Groschi- anis, [1709]. Adema (J. B.) * Des fievTes intermittentes. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 24, v. 466. Aden. See Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of). Aden (Ulcer of). See Ulcers (Endemic). Adenaw (A.) & v. Karen (A.) Die Baracken- Lazarethe des Yereins fiir den Regierungs-Bezirk Aachen im Kriege 1870-71. 1 p. 1., 74 pp., 11., 3 pi. 8°. Aachen, J. A. Mayer, 1872. Adenia, Adenoid, and Adenoma. See Glands (Tumors of); Lymphadenoma. Adenitis. See Bubo; Glands (Inflammation of).. Adenocele. See Breast (Tumors of). Adenoid vegetations. See Nose (Adenoid tissue of). Adenot (Gaspard-Abel). *I. Phlegmatia alba dolens, [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 264, v. 369. Adenot (J.) 'Dissertation sur la dysenterie. 49 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 52, v. 155. Adenot (Jean-Baptiste). * I. Maladies de la peau qui consistent dans une coloration anor- male, [etc.] 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 31, v. 335. Adeptus fatalis, das ist: Geld, spricht die Welt. 151. 12°. Frcyburg, 1721. Bound with: Medicinische (Der) Bernhauter, 1720. Ader (Guilielmus). Medici, enarrationes, de segrotis, et morbis in euangelio ... 12 p. 1., 458 pp., 31. 12°. Tolosce, Dominicum et Petrum Bosc, 1621. Ader (Joseph). *De la luxation sus-acromiale de la clavicule. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1672, No. 487. Ader (Petrus Marinus). * . . . sistens observa- tiones quasdam medico-practicas. [Acad. Lugd.- Bat.] 32 pp. 8°. Trajecta ad Rhenum, Kemink etfil., 1851. Adersbaeh (Gerson). *De animi alienatione e venenis. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halce, formis F. Grunerli filii, [1819]. Adet. See method of chemical nomenclature. 8°. London, 1788. Adet (Petrus Augustus). An partium durarum nutritio, eadem ac mollium? Resp. Martinus Nouguez. 4 pp. 4°. Paris, Quillau, 1748. See, also, Priestley (Joseph). Reflexions sur la doc- trine du phlogiston. Philadelphie, 1797. Adhesions. See, also, Membranes (Serous, Diseases of); ■Wounds (Repair of). Hebexsteeit (J. E.) & Springsfeld (G. C.) Disputatio de partium coalescentia morbosa. 4°. Lipsice, 1738. Also, in: Haller, Disp. ad morb., vi. Omond (R.) A probationary essay on the nature of adhesive action. 8°. Edinburgh, 1832. Traube (L.) Ueber den Einfluss starker und anhal- tender Diarrhoen auf die Gestaltung peritonitischer Adha- sionen nebst Bemerkungen iiber pleuritische Adhasionen. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 86- 102.—"Virchow. Die histologischen Elemente, nament- lich die Xerven in Adhasionen. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. GeseUsch. in Wiirzb., 1850, i, 141. Adhesive plaster. See Plasters. Adiantum aureum. Schmitt (J. C.) Adiantum aureum, Goldhaar, gemei- ner "Wiederthon. Med. Cor.-Bl. Bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1841, ii, 577-586. Adiekes (R.) *Zur Histologie des Bindege- webes. 22 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Gottingen, Druck der Gebriider Hofer, 1872. Adie (Alexander.) Description of the patent sympiesometer, or new air barometer. 10 pp. 8-. [n. p.], Neill A- Co. [n. d.] Adipocere. Wetherill (C. M.) On adipocire, and its formation. Read January 19, 1855. fol. Phila- delphia, 1855. Dnlton. Bemarkable case of adipocere. X. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 375.—Gibbes (G. S.) On tbe conver- sion of animal muscle into a substance much resembling spermaceti. Phil. Tr. Lond., 1794,169-176: 1795, 239-245.— Kletzinsky (V.) Fettwachs, Leichenfett. Arch. f. ADIPOCERE. 116 ADMINISTRATION. Adipocere. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., "Wien, 1853-4, vi, 66-68.— j Kratter (J.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Adipocire auf Friedhbi'en. [From: Mitth. d. Ver". d. Aerzte in Steier- mark.] Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1879, iii, S7 ; i 109.—Mansfield. Account of a remarkable case in which a considerable part of a female body was converted into fatty matter. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iii, 10.— Morat (F. V.) M6moire sur'la formation de l'adipocire dans rhomnie vivant. Mem. Soc. mGd. d'emulat., Par., 1806, vi, 400^111.—Tripp (B. H.) Adipocere. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, lxxxvii, 41-44. — Virchow. Adipocire. Ver- handl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1852, iii, 369.— WetheriU (C.) Notice on adipocire. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855, n. s., xxix, 271. Adipose tissue. See Fat. Adirondack. Bell (J.) Observations on the Adirondack mineral spring. Med. Kec, N. T., 1870, v, 33. -----. Note on Ad- irondack mineral water. Phila. M. Times, 1871, i, 144. Adjutant general (Reports of the). See Army (United States). Adler (Bernhard). Chemischo medicinische Ab- handlung vom Eger'schen Gesundbrunnen. 1 1., 95 pp. 12°. Eger, J. M. Fritsch, 1785. Adler (Carolus Frid.) *Noctiluca marina. 8°. Upsalice, 1752. In: LINN. Diss., v. 3. Adler (Christianus Fridericus). * Observationum e praxi medica desuntarum specimen I. 26 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. F. A. Brockhusii, [1830]. ' Adler (Emanuel Jacobus). *De nephritide ejus- que morbis secundariis. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1839], Adler (Emil). * Ueber Pemphigus. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1876]. •idler (Hans). Die wiihrend und nach der Variola auftretenden Augenkrankheiten. 1 p. 1., 88 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1874. Repr. from: "Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1874. Adler (Henr. Guilielmus). * De hydrarthri in go- narthrocacem exitu. 32 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Schimmelpfennigianis, [1832]. Adler (Hermannus). * De thoracocentesinonnulla. 20 pp. 4°. Kilitr, ex off. C. F. Mohr, 1866. Bound with: Schrift. der Univ. Kiel. Adler (Ignatius). * De morbis tubse Eustachianae. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Pestini, J. Beimel, 1832. Adler (Joann. Conrad. Fred.) * De polypis uteri. 41 pp. 8U. Halce, typ. Grunerti, 1822. C. Adler (Joh. Christ. Friederic.) *De incubo. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, formis Briischckianis, [1827]. Adler (Julius A.) * Ueber die Gefahr und Letha- litiit der Verletzungen der Blutgefasse. 58 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1857. c. Adler (Karl). * Beitrag zur Lehre von den Krank- heiten der Mitralklappe. 51pp. 8°. WUrzburg, F. E. Thein, 1840. Adler (Leopold). Die Leichenverbrennung, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die osterreichische Gesetzgebung. 31 pp. 8°. Wien, G. J. Manz, 1874. Adler (M. & H.) Les dents artificielles. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, 1874. -----. The same. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, 1875. -----. De la prothese dentaire, description du nouveau systeme de dents et dentiers. 2. ed. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, [n.p.], 1875. Adler (Rudolph). *Der Dolomit und seine Entstehung, nebst einigen Versuchen iiber die Bildung desselben. [Erlangen.] 22 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Regensburg, Demmler (M. Wasmer), 1878. Adler (Sigismundus). * Nonnulla de morbis ar- terite pulmonalis. 32 pp. 8°. Vratislavice, L. Freund, 1855. Adloflf (Franz Johann Rudolf). *Die osteopla- st ische Amputation im Fussgelenk nach Pirogoft'. 36 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Halle, W. Plbtz, 1868. Adloff(Rudolphus). * Dc ruptura cordis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietaekianis, [1839]. Adlung (Jacobus). For his Life, see Wncherer (Jo. Frider.) Adlung (Joannes Christophorus). *Febris in- fantum purpurata. 12 1. sm. 4°. Erfurti, typ. Kirschianis, [1676]. Administration generale de l'assistance pu- blique a Paris. Budget de l'exercice, 1861. 185 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1860. -----. Compte financier de l'exercice pour les annees 1873-5. 4°. Paris, 1874-6. -----. Compte moral administratif de l'exercice, 1858. 149 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1859. -----. Compte moral de 1'administration de l'as- sistance publique pour l'exercice, 1864-6, pre"sente" au conseil de surveillance par le directeur de cette administration. 4°. Paris, 1865-8. -----. Compte des recettes et depenses et regle- ment d^finitif du budget de l'exercice, 1859. viii, 243 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1860. -----. Formulaire a. l'usage des bureaux de bien- faisance de Paris. Arrete's et cifculaires con- cernant le service medical et pharmaceutique des secours & domicile. 110 pp. 8°. Pan's, P. Du- pont, 1868. -----. Instruction sur la comptabilitd des bu- reaux de bienfaisance. 148 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1860. -----. Instruction pour l'execution de l'arrete' du 20 avril 1853, portant organisation du service du traitement des malades a. domicile. 26 pp., 10 blank forms. 8°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1855. -----. Instruction generale sur le service des en- fants assisted du ddpartement de la Seine. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1860. -----. Memoire au conseil de surveillance sur la proposition d'un nouveau r6gime alimentaire pour les malades des h6pitaux. 38 pp., 2 tab. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1866. -----. Memoire au conseil de surveillance sur le traitement a. domicile. Annee 1858. 26 pp. 4°. Parts, P. Dupont, 1859. -----. Rapport a monsieur le se"nateur pre"fet de la Seine sur le service des enfants assisted en 1853 et provision des depenses pour 1860. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1859. -----. Rapport sur le service des enfants assisted du ddpartement de la Seine, pendant l'annee 1867, pr6sent6 par le directeur . . . a. monsieur le s6uateur, preTet de la Seine. 35 pp., 12 tab. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1868. -----. Rapports sur lc traitement des malades k domicile pendant les anuses 1862-1871, pr6sente" au conseil de surveillance de l'assistauce publique, par le directeur de cette administratiou. [Three reports.] 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1865-72. -----. Reglement administratif sur les secours a domicile dans la ville de Paris. (j(i pp. 8°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1860. -----. Statistique mddicale des h6pitaux de Paris. Mesures relatives h son organisation. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Dupont, 1860. Administration generale des hospices et se- cours. Reglement pour le service sanitaire des indigents a. domicile, dans la ville de Bruxelles. 8 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Labroue et Mertens, 1861. Administration des hospices et secours de la ville de Bruxelles. Compte moraux de . . . 1868-76. ri-\ Bruxelles, 1869-77. -----. Statistique financicre, 1858-68. 227pp., 16 tab. 4°. Bruxelles, Vie. J. Baertson, 1874. Administration (The) of medical relief to the poor, under tbe poor law amendment act, andother legislative provisions for the public health, con- sidered in the reports of the poor-law committee of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Associa- ADMIKESTRATIOX. 117 ADEIAXT. Administration(The) of medical relief—cont'd. tion. To which are appended certain clauses suggested for insertion in the contemplated bill for the further amendment of the poor-laws. 136 pp. 8°. London, Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1842. Admiraal (D. J.) Over schedelbeleedigingen. i Waamemingen uit het binnengasthuis te Amster- dam, viii, 92 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Dordrecht, Bluss6 en van Britain, 1871. -----. Barakkenbouw. Een woord naar aanlei- ding van art. 7 der Wet, houdende voorziening tegen besmettelijke ziekten. 97 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Dordrecht, Blusse en van Braam, 1873. Admirables (Les) qualitez du kinkina, con- firmees par plusieurs experiences, et la maniere do s'en servir dans toutes les fievres pour toute forte d'age, de sexc, ct de complexions. 12 p. 1., 164 pp., 11. 12°. Paris, M. Jouvenal, 1689. A transl. from the English of R. Talbor or Talbot. Admiralsgarten - Bad. Bade-Anstalt in Berlin. 8 pp. ia°. Berlin, C. Berg A- v. Holten, [n. d.] Admiralty islands. See Ethnology. Adnet (Eugene). *De la vascularization de la conjonctive dans la conjonctivite'. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 157. Adolescence. See Puberty. Adolf (Jo. Traugott). De nervorum longitudine in compensationem multitudinis et vice versa. Altorfii, 1769. [P., v. 59.] Also, in: Scbiptores neur. min. sel., v. 4. -----. Pr. academicum quo capsam petitianam pluribus cruris complicate fracti casibus aptan- dam proponit. 12 pp. 4°. Helmstad, 1760. In: Sandifort'6 Diss., v. 1. Adolph (Georgius Guilielmus). *De rarissimis I ct gravissimis tympanitis extra intestina specie- | bus. 30 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. Hcndelianis, [1755]. Adolph (Joannes Traugott). *De commodis ex scapularum mobilitate homini oriundis. 2 p. 1., 52 pp. 4°. Halce, stanno Schneideriano, 1759. Adolphi (Christianus Michael). [1676-1753.] * De tono et atonia. 111. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Gozianis, [1700], -----. De frictione. Respondente Goth. Rothio. 32 pp. 4°. Lipsice, typ. I. Titii, [1707]. -----. De aere Lipsiensi. [Resp. S. G. Hein.] C6pp. sm. 4°. Lipsice, lit. I. Titii, [1717]. -----. De incolatus montani salubritate exerci- tatio. Respondens Christ. Gott. Griinwaldus. 43 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Schedianis, [1721]. -----. * De fonte soterio Kukussensi in Bohemia. Respondente Georgio Henrico Weissio. 60 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsice, A. M. Schedii, [1726]. -----. * De thermis Hirschbergensibus. Respon- dente Johanne Christiano Ottone. 64 pp. 4°. I Lipsice, A. M. Schedii, 1726. -----. Trias dissertationum medicarum ad diaete- ticam potissimum spectantium, quarum I. de segrotantium conclavi, II. de frictione, III. de balneis particularibus. inscribuntur. 173 pp. 4°. Lipsia', sumpt. hered. Grossianorum, 1726. -----. Tractatus de fontibus quibusdam soteriis; nimirnm I. de thermis Hirschbergensibus; II. de fonte soterio Kukussensi in Bohemia; III. de fontc sic dicto Molari ad Caxolinas thermas. Quarum descriptionem auctor antea iu Academia Lipsiensi tribus dissertationibus pubUcis uariidit. 252 pp. 12°. Lipsice A- Vratislavice, sumpUbu? J. J. Kornius, 1733. Adolphus (Edwin). Inaugural essay on the pathological characters of the urine, as indicating the presence and extent of disease. 2 p. 1., 91, 22 pp.,6col'dpl. 8°. Edinburgh,ptd. by J. Stark, 1838. Adolphus (Edwin)—continued. -----. The same. 91, 22 pp., 6 col'd pi. 8°. London, J. Lee, 1838. Adolphus (Ernestus Siegfried). * De collo viri- lis vesicae eathetere et unguentis illi inferendis. 46 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. J. C. Langenhemii, [1745]. For his Life, see Ilebenstreit (J. E.) Historia natu- ralis insectum. LipxUv, 174.">. Adolphus (Joseph). Remarks on the use of the Indian bael or bela in dysentery, diarrhoea, etc. 12 pp. 8°. London, H. Jackson, 1853. [P., v. 60.] Adolphus (Simon). Theses inaug. anatom.- niedica? miscellaneae. 26 pp., 21. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1730]. Adonis. Succow (L. J. D.) [De cultu hortorum adoni- dis apud Graecos.] fol. [Jena], 1742. Bubnow (S. A.) TJeber die physiologische und thera- peutische Wirkung der Pflanze Adonis vernalis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 1; 256. Adoption (The) of the metric system of weights and measures by the U. S. marine-hospital ser- vice for purveying medicines, and for other official medical purposes; tog«ether with rules for con- verting terms of the U. S. apothecaries' weights and measures into their respective equivalents in terms of the metric system; and suggestions for writing metric medical prescriptions, etc. 40 pp. 16°. Washington, govt, printing office, 1878. Adoption par la ville de Geneve, du projet hy- draulique dc M. l'ingenieur (J.-M.) Cordier, do B6ziers. 28 pp. 4°. [n.p.] (imprimcrie deBache- lier), [n. d.] [P., v. 495.] Adreon (Stephen W.) A discussion of charges preferred in the Dugan controversy, being a reply to a publication of Dr. Franklin Knox, entitled "A vindication of character," [etc.] 22 pp. 8°. St. Louis, T. W. Ustick, 1846. -----. An exposition of the testimony and argu- ments used in Thomas I. White's late pamphlet, on the Dugan case. 48 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., T. W. Ustick, 1847. Adres aan zijne excellentie minister van binnen- landsche zaken, betrekkelijk de uitoefening der geneeskunde ten Plattenlande, door vijf medicina? doctores en Plattelands heelmeester. [W. M. S. Junius, H. P. Buchner, C. A. Lutgert, H. B. Van Rhyn, G. Merz, H. J. Reyers.] 14 pp. 8°. Ley- den, H. W. Hazenberg en Comp., 1842. [P., v. 766. ] Adresshueh fur Vegetarianer. Zusammenge- stellt nach Beschluss des Dresdener Vereinstags vom Vorstande des deutschen Vereins fiir natur- gemiisse Lebensweise (Vegetarianer) E. Baltzer, L. Belitski, S. Rosenthal, in Nordhausen am Harz. 5. Aufl. 56 pp. 16°. Nordhausen, 1876. Adriaans (Henricus Marinus). Specimen patho- logico-anatomicum inaugurale continens descrip- tionem pelvis oblique-angustatse atrophica?. 3 p. 1., 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lugduni-Bataverum, C. C. van der Hock, [1855]. Adrian. Sur la preparation du chloroforme des- tine' a l'anesthe~sie chirurgicale. 8 pp. 8C. Paris, pharmacie Page, Adrian, [n. d.] •» Repr. from : Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1864. -----. Recherehes sur le bromure de potassium au point de vue de sa composition et de sa pre- paration a l'6tat pur. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, phar- macie Page, Adrian, [n. d.] Repr. from: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869. Adrian (Adolph). Ueber die Funktionen des Plexus cocliacus und mesenteric us. '28 pp. 4°. Giessen, BruhVsche Univ.-Buch- und Steindruckerei, 18(51. C. Adriani (Arius). * De subtiliori pulmonum struc- tura. xii, 81 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, Eemink el fil., 1847. ADEIANI. 118 J3GYDIUS. Adriani (Joh. Adam. Goeritzius). [1651-1734.] * De tumoribus testium. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Erebsianis, [1706]. For his Life, see Crausins (E. G.) Propempticon. Jena, 1706. Adriani (Johan Marcus Busch). *De eclampsia parturientium. 5 p. 1., 120 pp., 5 1. 8°. Gronin- gce, R. I. Schierbeek, [1835]. Adriani (Marcus Jan). * Verhandeling over de te korte navelstreng, ende daardoor te weeg ge- bragte nadeelen. 3 p. 1., 44 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Huber, [1861]. Adriani (Roberto). Delle malattie mentali cu- rate nel Manicomo Provinciale in Fermo nel tri- ennio 1870,1871,1872. 59 pp. 8°. Fermo, tip. di C. Ciferri, 1875. Adriani a Lecuwen (Mcolaum). See IleurniuH (Joannes). In praecipuos liber Hippo- cratis, [etc.] 4°. [Lug. Bat], 1609. Adrianople. Cazalas. Rapport sur la constitution mddicale d'An- drinople. Rec.dem£m. dem6d. ... mil., Par., 1854,2. s., xiv, 1-54.—Lespiau (H.) Huit mois de s6jour k Andrinople (Turquie d'Europe). Ibid., 1860, 3. s., iii, 294; 457. Adrien. Memoire sur les effets therapeutiques du mon6sia. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, 1842. Adrien (A. Carolo). *. . . de dysenteria. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1807, No. 105, v. 68. Adrien (Alexandre). * Essai sur l'hygicne des professions qui exposent a l'influence de l'eau. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 64, v. 137. Adrien (C.) *. . . sur l'affection scrophuleuse. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 263, v. 290. Adrien (Philibert-Alexandre). "Considerations g6ne"rales sur la gastrite ou inflammation de l'esto- mac. 25 pp. 4°. Pans, 1817, No. 225, v. 127. Adrien de la Bruffiere (L. J.) "... sur l'andvrisme vrai. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 91, v. 62. Adshcad (Joseph). Hospitals and convalescents. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Manchester, Cave A- Sever, prs., 1860. Adulteration. See Analysts; Chemistry (Analytical); Drugs, Food, Liquors, Medicines, Spirits, Wine, Adul- terations of; and under names of the several articles. Adulteration of coffee. A verbatim report of the proceedings of a public meeting held at the London Tavern, on Monday, March 10th, 1851. To which is appended comments on the subject. 40 pp. 8°. London, T. M. Inchbold, 18bl. [P., v. 524.] Advena (Florianus Maria). *De metrorrhagia. viii, 72 pp. 8°. Gryphiae, F. G. Kunike, [1838]. Adventures (The) of a gentleman in search of a horse. By Caveat Emptor [pseud.] xxxv, 392 pp. 8°. London, Saunders A* Otley, 1837. Advertencias dos meios que os particulares podem usar para preservar se da peste, con- forme o que tern ensinado a experiencia princi- palmente na peste de Marselha em 1720, de Tou- lon em 1721, e de Moscou em 1771, compiladas por hum Socio da Academia R. das Scieucias, e por ella mandadas imprimir em beneficio da sande publica. 2. ed.; a que se ajunta o opusculo de Thomaz Alvares e Garcia de Salzedo sobre a peste de Lisboa em 1569. xi, 37, vi, 68 pp., 2 1. 16°. Lisboa, typog. da academia, 1801. Advertising. See, also, Ethics (Medical); Physicians (Duties, etc., of). Distributing medical pamphlets. Richmond & Louis- ville M. J., Louisville, 1871, xii, 724-726.—Metlical adver- tising. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 181—Physicians' ad- vertisements. Boston M. & S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 302-304.— [Keport of a committee on the subject of immoral and in- jurious medical advertisements.] Chicago M. Exam., 1866, vii, 1-10. Advice to the officers of the British army. With some hints to the drummer and private soldier. 9. ed. By G. K. iv, 170 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Lon- don, G. Kearsley, 1787. Adye (Radulphus). *De sanguinis circuitu viri- busque eundem facientibus. 92 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1778. Adynamia. See Debility. Aehy (Ch.) *Die Symphysis ossium pubis des Menschen. Nebst Beitragen zur Lehre vom hyali- nen Knorpel und seiner Verknocherung. [Basel. ] 88 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Leipzig A- Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1858. -----. Die Scheedelfornien des Menschen und der Affen. Eine morphologische Studie. viii, 132 pp., 7 pi. 4°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1867. -----. Der Bau des menschlichen Korpers mit besonderer Riicksicht auf seine morphologische und physiologische Bedeutung. Ein Lehrbuch der Anatomie. xxiii, 1003 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1868-71. -----. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Mikrocephalie zum Atavismus. Vortrag in der zweiten allge- meinen Sitzuug der 51. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Cassel. 26 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1878. See, also, Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. JEdceopsophia. See Bladder, Vagina, Gases in. Aefner (Joannes Fridericus Rudolfus). * De do- cimasia pulmonum nonnulla. 32 pp. 8°. Bero- lini, G. Schade, [1861]. iEgagropila. See, also, Calculus (Intestinal). Welsch (G. II.) Dissertatio medico-philoso- phica de aegagropilis. 4°. Augustce Vindelicorum, 1660. ----—. De segagropilis. Qua; nunc primum priori auctarij vice accedit. 4°. Augustce Vinde- licormu, 1668. -----. De segagropilis. Cui secundahicedi- tione emendatiori, auctarij vice altera accedit. 4°. Augustce Vindelicorum, 1668. Cloquet (J.) Memoire sur les concretions intestinalea (ent6rolithes, 6gagropiles, etc.) Iu k TAcad6mie des sci- ences, stance du 29 Janvier 1855. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1855, 3. s., x, 74-78.—Raymond. Des 6gagropiles. Eev. phot. d. hop., Par., 1871, iii, 33-35, 1 pi. iEgidi (Augustus Ernestus). * De pilorum ana- tomia, physiologia, pathologia et therapia. 42 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. C. A. Plateni, [1819]. JEgidi (Carolus Julius). * De ruptura perinapi. 46 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis T. Briischckc, [1819]. JEgidius. Tractatus aureus Egidii Romani de Formatione corporis humani in utero ... cumtrac- tatu ejusdem de archa Noe: correctus . . . per... Johannes Benedictus Moncetus de Castelione Are- tino. 50 ff. sm. 4°. Parisius, 1515. iEgilops. Hunerwolff (J. F.) *Deaegilope. 4°. Jence, [1695]. ° V JEgineta. See Paulus iEgineta. JBgophony. AllendorfV (F.) * De segophonia. 8°. Be- rolini, 1836. CSobec (C.) Over spgophonie. Nederl. "Weekbl. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1854, iv, 73-76.—Wetter (H.) Du mecanisme de formation de l'6gophonio; pr6cede de quelques r6flexions sur rauscultation do la voix cng6neral. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 4-6.—Stone (W. H.) [3 cases.] On aego- phony. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, n. s., ii, 187- 194. I iEgydius dc Vadis. Dialogus inter naturam ! et filium philosophise. Tabula, diversoruin me- ^GYDIUS. 119 AEEZTLICHE. iEgydias de Vadis—continued. tallorum vocabula, quibus usi sunt veteres ad artem celandam, explicans. In: Theateum chemicum, ii, 1059, 81-109. iEjmclraus (Christen). * Arbor toxicaria ma- cassariensis. 11 pp. sm. 4°. Upsalice, lit. J. Ed- man, [1788]. Aekle (Joannes Augustus Ernestus). * De typho ejusque praecipuis formis. 50 pp. 4°. Lipsiw, typ. Richteri, 1812. For his Life, see Kuhn (C. G.) De eclampsia. Lipsice, 1812. Aeltere Nachrichten fiber Leipzigs Bevolkerung 1595-1849 und iiber den Bevcilkerungswechsel in den Jahren 1868-1871. Sechtes Heft der Mitthei- lungen des statistischen Bureaus der Stadt Leip- zig. Heraiisgegeben von G. F. Knapp. 38 pp. fol. Leipzig, Dunckcr und Humblot, 1872. Aenee (Wiglius Schultetus). * De haemorrhagiis uteri in graviditate. 2 p. 1., 24 pp., 3 1. 8°. Gro- ninga; [1841]. Aenstoots (Franz). * Zur Aetiologie und Symp- tomatologie des Diabetes mellitus. 31 pp.' 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1869. c. van Aenvanck (Jacob. Franc.) * De cerea- lium productis. 1790. In: Louvak Diss., iv, 266. Aepli (Alexius Theodoras). * De membrana tym- pani. 16 pp., 11., 1 pi. 4°. Gynopedii, typ. By- gelianis, 1837. Aepli (Theodor). * Die Hernia inguinalis beim weiblichen Geschlecht mit besonderer BerUck- sichtigung eines Falles von sehr grosser Hernia labialis. (Strassburg.) Ip. 1., 23pp. 8°. Leip- zig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1878. Aeplinius (Christian. Ludovicus). . * De solu- tionis corporum chemicae fundamento. 23 pp., 41. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1736]. Aeplinius (Georgius Fridericus). * Sistens segruni incubo laborantem. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, cere Krebsiano, 1678. -----. * De catarrho suffocative 48 pp. sm. 4°. Jena', typ. vid. S. Krebsii, [1680], van Aernsbergen (Petrus Hermanus Hubcr- tus). Specimen medicum inaugurale, continens observationes quasdani clinicas. [Lugd.-Bat.] 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Noviomagi, 1854. Aerolites. HoCHSTETTER (J. E.) & HOCHSTETTER (C. F.) De lapide fulminari, quern multi alias crepant, hie vero negatum eunt. 4°. [Altdorf, 1701.] Aeroscope. See Air (Chemistry and microscopy of). Aerostation. Davidson (R. O.) A disclosure of the disco- very and invention, and a description of the plan of construction and mode of operation of the ae- rostat ; or a new mode of aerostation. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., 1840. Despreaux (P.-P.) *IV. De l'Squilibre des corps flottants dans 1'atmosphere, et en particulier des aerostats. Phe"nomenes physiologiques ob- serves dans les voyages ae"rostatiques. 4°. Paris, 1841. Jeffries (J.) A narrative of the two aerial voyages of Dr. Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard; with meteorological observations and remarks. The first voyage, on the thirtieth of November, 1784, from London into Kent; the second on the seventh of January, 1785, from England into France. 4C. London, 1786. Kratzenstein (C. G.) L'art de naviguer dans l'air. sm. 8°. Copenhaven, 1784. Lambert (E.) *I. De l'e'quilibre des corps flottanto dans l'atmospherc, et en particulier des a6rostats; phenomenes physiologiques observes Aerostation. dans les voyages aerostatiques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1839. Lindsay (0.) Plan of aerial navigation, with a narrative of his explorations in the higher re- gions of the atmosphere, and his wonderful voy- age round the moon. Edited by J. L. Riddell, M. D. See Riddell (J. L.) Narrative (A) of the aerial voyage of Mr. Wil- liam Sadler, across the Irish Channel, from Porto- bello Barracks, in the neighbourhood of Dublin, on Tuesday, July 22d, 1817. To which is annexed a chart of the channel, showing his course and place of descent. 8°. Dublin, 1817. Riddell (J. L.) Account of a new mode of aerial navigation, embracing a narrative of a voyage to the moon, by Orrin Lindsay. 8°. Louis- ville, 1847. Aerotherapia. See Air: Climate; Health-resorts. van Aerschodt (Bernard- Guillaume). Brocckx (C.) Notice sur B. G. van Aerschodt. [1808- 68.] Ann. Soc. de med. dAnvers, 1869, xxx, 430-446. Aerssen (Joannes Theodorus). * De atropa bel- ladonna ejssque usu medico. 2 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Lugduni-Batavorum, J. W. van Leeuwen, 1847. Aerts( Josephus Joannes). * De erysipelate. 1782. In: Louvain diss., ii, 350. Aerzte- und Naturforscher- auch Geologen-Ver- sammlung in Greifswald. 18^^50. 72 pp. 16°. Berlin, A. W. Halm, 1850. [A poem.] Aerztekammer von Mittelfranken. Protokoli der Sitzung der Aerztekammer von Mittelfranken, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerzte-Kammer vonNiederbayern. Protokoli der Sitzung der Aerzte-Kammer von Niederbayern, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerzte-Kammer von Oberbayem. Protokoli der Sitzung der Aerzte-Kammer von Oberbayem, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerzte-Kammer fiir Oberfranken. Protokoli der Sitzung der Aerzte-Kammer fiir Oberfranken, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerztekammer fiir die Oberpfalz und Regens- burg. Protokoli aufgenommen in den Sitzungen der Aerztekammer fiir Oberpfalz und Regensburg in Regensburg, 1873, 1874. roy. 8C. Aerztekammer der Pfalz. Protokoli der Sit- zung der Aerztekammer der Pfalz, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerztekammer des Eeg.-Bezirks Wies- baden. Fridberg (E.) Die Aerztekammer des Eeg.-Bezirks "Wiesbaden. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Leipz., 1877, iv, 3-7. Aerzte-Kammer von Schwaben und Neuburg. Protokoli der Sitzungen der Aerzte-Kammer von Schwaben und Neuburg, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerztekammer von Unterfranken und Aschaf- fenburg. Protokoli der Verhandlungen der Aerz- tekammer von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg bei ihrein Zusammentritt am Sitze der konigl. Regierung zu Wiirzburg. 1872 und 1873. 19, 47 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, 1872-3. Protokoli der Sitzungen der Aerzte-Kam- mer von Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg, 1873, 1874. roy. 8°. Aerztliche Berichte iiber die Irren-Anstalt Fried- richsberg und die Irrenstation des allgemeinen Krankenhauses vom Jahre 1861; 1865-74. fol. Hamburg, [1862-75]. Aerztliche Berichte des kais. konigl. allgemei- nen Krankenhauses zu Prag von den Jahren 1875; 1876. 8°. Prag, 1877-8. AERZTLICHE. 120 AERZTL1CIIER. Aerztliche Berichte des k. k. allcgemeincn Kran- kenhauses zu YVien von den Jahren 18."i5-66; 1868-71; 1874; 1877. Im Auftrage des k. k. Ministeriums des Innern veroffentlicht durch die Direction dieser Anstalt. 8°. Wien, 1857-78. Aerztliche Berichte der Privat-Heil-Anstalt des Doctor Albin Eder, von den Jahren 1868; 1875-7. 4 nos. 8°. Wien, 1869-78. Aerztliche Berichte iiber unsere Irrenanstalt zu Liibeck. Iter (Juli 1858 bis Dec. 1859); 2ter (Jan. 1860 bis Dec. 1863); 4tcr (Jan. 1869 bis Dec. 1873). 4°. Lubeck, 1860-74. Aerztliche Berichte iiber die Wirksamkeit der Irren-Heil-Anstalt zu Siegburg. Erstattet vom Director der Anstalt fiir die Zeit vom 1. Oct. 1844 bis Ende 1861. 4°. Koln, 1847-62. 7 reports bd. in 1 v. Aerztliche (Das) Concordat. I. Das illegitime Biindniss der Staatsgewalt mit den Dogmcn der Impfarzte. II. Das legitime Biindniss der Wissen- schaft mit der Staatsgewalt. 62 pp., 11., 2 charts. 8°. Stuttgart, A. Schaber, 1861. Aerztliche Cur-Nachrichten iiber das konigliche Bad Oeynhausen aus dem Jahre 1853, insbe- sondere fiir auswiirtige Aerzte, herausgegeben von der koniglichen Bade-Verwaltung. iv, 60 pp. 8°. Minden, J. C. C. Bruns, 1854. -----. The same. Fur 1851. 2. Auil. 36 pp. 8°. 1852. Aerztliche Gesellschaft zu Miinster. Abhand- lungeu und Beobachtungen der arztlichen Gesell- schaft zu Miinster. [Containsstatutes.] 1. Band. xviii, 416 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Munster, Coppenrath, 1829. Aerztliche Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Jahresbericht (13.) der arztlichen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg, vom 19. Jan. 1831 bis zum 25. Jan. 1832. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1832, lxxv, 6. St., 72-82. Aerztliche (Der) Hausfreund. Von R. Froriep. Band 1. March, 1853-July, 1854. 1 v. 944 pp. 8°. Wdmar. "Want nos. 4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 20, 45, CO, etc. v. 2 was pub- lished in Erlangen in 1857. Aerztliche (Der) Hausfreund. Organ fiir Ge- sundheitslehre, Natur- und Heilkunde. Hrsgr. und Redacteur Alfred Moschkau. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-6, Jahrgang 4, Jan.-June, 1876. 48 pp. 4°. Dresden. Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden. See Mit- theilungen des badischen aerztlichen Vereins, 1858, etc. Aerztliche (Der) Personalstand Wiirttembergs im Januar 1866. Nach amtlichen Quellen heraiis- gegeben. iv, 57 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, C. Belser, 1866. Aerztliche und pharmaceutische Kreis- vereine im Konigreich Sachsen. Richter (H. E.) Die arztlichen Kreisvereine des Konigreichs Sachsen in ihrer vierjiihrigen Wirksamkeit. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Aerztliche (Der) Stand und das Publikum. Eine Darlegung der beiderseitigen und gegen- seitigen Pflichten. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1875. Aerztliche Vereine der Rheinprovinz. Corre- spondenzblatt der arztlichen Vereine der Rhein- provinz, Nos. 1-18 (Miirz 1867—Sept. 1876). 8°. Bonn, 1867-76. Title of No. 13, Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen Ver- eine in Eheinland, "Westfalen und Lothringen. Aertzlicher Bericht iiber das aUgemeine Kran- kenhaus in Hamburg, fiir die Jahre 1858-65, 1867- 72. fol. [Hamburg, 1859-73?] Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. Bezirks-Kran- kenhauscs Wieden, vom Solar-Jahre 1854. 100 pp. 21 tab. ri . Wien, A. Pirhler's Witt we A- #o/ih, 1856. See, also, Berichte des k. k. Krankenhauses Wieden. Aerztlicher Bezirks-Verein Algiiu in Kempten. Statuten des iirztlichen Bezirks-Vereins Algiiu in Kempten. 4 pp. 12°. Kempten, T. Dann- heimer, [n. d.] -----. Verzeichniss der Mitglicder des . . . bei Griindung desselben. 21. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] For Tr. of this soc., see Aerztl. Int.-BL, and Aerztl. Vereins-Bl. f. Deutschland. Aerztlicher Bezirksverein Miinchen. Statuten des arztlichen Bezirksvereins Miinchen. 1 sheet. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Tr. of this soc. publ'd in: Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen. Aerztlicher Bezirksverein fur Regensburg und Umgebung. Satzungen des arztlichen Bezirks- vereines fiir Regensburg und Umgebung. 8°. Regensburg, Demmler, 1872. Aerztlicher Bezirksverein in der Stadt Leipzig. Geschiiftsordnung des iirztlichen Bezirksvereins in der Stadt Leipzig. 4 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. Grober. Tr. of this soc. publ'd in: Aerztl. Cor.-Bl., Leipzig. Aerztlicher Bezirksverein Weiden. Satzungen des arztlichen BezirksvereinesWeiden. 8pp. 8°. Weiden, 1872. Aerztlicher Bezirksverein zu Wiirzburg. Sta- tuten des arztlichen Bezirksvereins zu Wiirzburg. Revidirt in der Sitzung am 20. Januar 1872, nach den Ministerial-Verordnungen vom 24. Juli und 10. August 1871. 5 1. 8°. [n. p.], Bonitas- Bauer. [No transactions]. Aerztlicher Centralverein. Zehnte Versammlung des arztlichen Centralvereins inOlten [24. Oct., 1874]. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1874, iv, 629-601; 692.—Ziele (Feber die) des arztlichen Centralvereins. Eine Sylvesterbetrachtung. Ibid., 681-685. Aerztlicher Kreisverem Karlsruhe. Standes- Ordnung fiir die Mitglieder des iirztlichen Kreis- vereins Karlsruhe. 8 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1876. Aerztlicher Kunstverein. Statuten des im Jahre 1811 geschlossenen arztlichen Kuutsver- eins. 26 pp. 8°. Altenburg, Druck der Hofbuch- druckerei, 1812. Aerztlicher Taschenkalender mit Tagenotiz- buch. Hrsg. von Dr. Holzer. Jahrgang 3, 1876- [ 12°. Wien, M. Perles. Aerztlicher Verein in Frankfurt am Main. Sat- zungen und Geschiiftsordnung des arztlichen Vereines in Frankfurt am Main, 1845. 15 pp., 1 1. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] -----. The same. 1865. 15 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., C. Naumann, [n. d.] For Tr., see Jahresb. ii. d. Verwaltung d. Med.-"Wes. d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. Aerztlicher Verein in Hamburg. Gesetze des iirztlichen Vereins in Hamburg. Revidirt im Jahre 1830. 26 pp. 4°. II. G. Voigt. -----. Gesetze des . . . cutworfen im Jahre 1816. Revidirt 1830. Neu revidirt 1843. Mit den bisherigen Verandeiungen neu aufgelegt 1874. 29 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Plessc ur un nouvel aesthesiometre. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1874, ii, 104.—Brown-Sequard. Recherehes sur un'moyen de mesurer l'anesthesie et l'hvperesthesie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1849), Par., 1850, 'i, 162-164.—Burq (V.) De l'exploration de la sensibilite dans les maladies neiveuses. Franco med., Par.; 1856, iii, 346; 355.—Goltz (F.) Ein neues Verfahren, die Scharfe des Drucksinns der Haut zu p -iifen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1863, i, 2(3-276.—Iiiegeois. De la distinction des diverses sen- sations tactiles k l'aide d'un aesthesiometre nouveau. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1869, 2. s., ix, 3-9.—ITIanouvriez fils. Nouvel aesthesiometre a pointes isolantes; perfection- nement apport6 k la mesure de la sensibility tactile. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1876, 2. s., iii, 757-763.— Mosler (F.) Ueber Sieveking's Aesthesiometer. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1864, v, 87-89.—Ogle (J. VT.) The aphe- metric compass; an instrument for measuring the degree of discriminative power, as regards contactile impressions. Arch. Med., Lond., 1859, i, 321-331.—v. Patruban. 1st Delabarre's Anaesfhesimeter in der Praxis anwendbar ? Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., "Wien, 1861, vii, 33-37.— Seguin(E.) The aesthesiometer and aesthesiometry. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1867, i, 510, 1 pi. JCthusa cynapium (Toxicology of). Buch have (R.) iEthusae cynapii in corpore humano effectus nocivus. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1783, i, 51-66.— Jlarley (J.) On the action of fool's paisley [aethusa cy- ^ETHUSA. . 122 AFEICA. stilus a cynapium (Toxicology of). napium]. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, n. s., iv, 63-88. 1 pi—Meyer. Vergiftung mit aethusa cynapium, bei ueun Kindern beobachtet. N. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Gebiete d. Heilk., Bresl., 1829, i, 178-191.—Pie van i (S.) Dcll'aethusa cvnapium. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1878, 3. s., lxvii. 5-8.—Thomas (E.) Cases of poisoning by aethusa cynapium, or fool's parsley. Med. Times, Lond., 1845, xii, 408.—Tott. Gerichtliche Unter- suchungen einiger FaUe von Vergiftungen. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1839, v, 183-186. Aetius (Amidenus [or Antiochenus]). Librorum medicinalium tomus primus, primi scilicet libri octo nunc primum in lucem editi. 3 p. 1., 177 ff. fol. Venetiis, 1534. [Greek text.] ------. Libri xvi. in tres tomos divisi, quorum primus et ultimus Jo. Bapt. Montano... secundus Jano Cornario Zuiccaniensi . . . interpretibus Latinitate donati sunt. 31. in 1 v. fol. Basileae, in off. Frob., 1535. ------. De cognoscendis et curandis morbis, ser- mones sex, jam primum in lucem editi. Inter- prete Jano Cornario. De ponderibus & men- suris, ex Paulo Aegineta, eodem interprete. 6 p. 1., 441 pp., 1 1. fol. Basilece, in off. Frob., 1533. ' Books viii to xiii of the preceding. ------. Medici Grgeci contractae ex veteribus medi- cinae tetrabiblos, hoc est, quaternio, sive libri universalis quatuor, singuli quatuor sermones complectentes, ut sint in summa quatuor ser- monum quaterniones, id est, sermones sedecim, per Ianum Cornarium medicum physicum latine conscripti. 17 p. 1., 1032 pp., 91. fol. Lugduni, Godefr. et Marcell. Beringer, 1549. ^Same work as the preceding, but afresh translation, the first edition of which was Basileae, 1542. It is also in the "Medicas artis principes", Paris, 1567. ---—. See, also, Hebenstreit (J. E.) Tentamen philologicam medicum super Aetii Amidini synopsis medicorum veterum libris octo quos Aldus Manutius Venetiis MDxxxiv e vulgavit. Qui super sunt nondum editis ex manuscripto Gunzii sistens libri seu sermonis novi aliquot capita Graece et Latine. 4°. Lipsice, 1757. Weigel (C.) & Reinhold (L.) Aetiana- rum exercitationum specimen. 4°. Lipsice, [1791]. Affile (Francois). * Dissertation sur la dysenterie aigue et chronique. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 217, v. 169. Affleck (John G.) See Belmont (The) Medical Journal. Afforty (Petrus). An solum in statu morboso fer- mentatio? proponebat Lutetiae Michael Peaget. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, J. Quillau, 1715.] -----. An feminis eadem, quae maribus, corporis et animi exercitia? Eespt. Ludovicus Jacobus Pipereau. Dispt. 4 pp. 4C. [Paris, typ. Quil- lau, 1735.] -----. An, pro distinctis aegris; aegritudines di- versae ? Respt. Antonius Ferrem. Dispt. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, typ. Quillau, 1737.] See, also, Silva (J. B.) An seminis, etc. Paris, 1713. A ffre (fimile). * De l'operation de la hernie e'trangle'e sans ouverture du sac. 126 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 497. Affre (J. B.) * Essai sur le scorbut. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805], No. 560, v. 59. Affre (V.) *I. Pourriture d'h6pital, [etc.] 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 113, v. 335. Affre (Victor). * Des kvstes thyro-hyoidions. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 377. Afghanistan. See Medicine (Military, History of—Campaigns, etc.) Africa. See, also, Abyssinia; Algeria; Cape Colony; Dahomey; Egypt; Fernando Po; Guinea; Liberia; Madagascar; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Medicine (Military, History of— Campaigns, etc.); Morocco; Mozambique; Sa- hara; Saint Helena; Senegambia; Sennaar; Sierra Leone; Sleep (Abnormal); Soudan; Transvaal; Zanzibar. Boyle (J.) A practical medico-historical ac- count of the western coast of Africa; embracing a topographical description . . . with the causes, symptoms, and treatment, of the fevers of West- ern Africa, [etc. ] 8°. London, 1831. Bryson (A.) Report on the climate and prin- cipal diseases of the African station. 8°. Lon- don, 1847. de Castlenau (F.) Renseignements sur l'A- frique centrale et sur une nation d'hommes a queue qui s'y trouverait, d'apres le rapport des negres du Soudan, esclaves \ Bahia. 8°. Paris, 1851. Daniell (W. F.) Sketches of the medical to- pography and native diseases of the Gulf of Guinea, Western Africa. 8°. London, 1849. Delahousse (R.) * Essai sur l'influence du climat d'Afrique. 4°. Paris, 1840. Ducoux (F. J.) Esquisse des maladies epi- de"miques du nord de l'Afrique, suivi de consi- derations hygi^niques applicables & l'arme'e d'oc- cupation. 8°. Paris, 1837. Dudon(J.-C) Notes et observations sur les affections palude'ennes k la cOte occidentale d'Afrique. 4°. Paris, 1869. Ford (H. A.) Observations on the fevers of the west coast of Africa. 8°. New York, 1856. Fritsch (G.) Das Clima von Siid-Afrika mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Culturfahigkeit des Landes. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Repr. from: Ztschr. d. Gesellsch. f. Erdk., iii. Horton (J. A. B.) Physical and medical cli- mate and meteorology of the west coast of Af- rica. 8°. London, 1867. Knox (R.) Inquiry into the origin and cha- racteristic differences of th°> native races inhabit- ing the extra-tropical part of Southern Africa. 8°. Edinburgh, 1822. Labarre (J. M.) 'Considerations sur les fievres intermittentes d'Afrique. 4°. Paris, 1838. Leones (J.) Africae descriptio ix lib. abso- lute. 24°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1632. Pancrazj (J.-T.) * Reflexions sur quelques maladies du nord de l'Afrique. 4°. Strasbourg, Reynhout (M. J.) Beschrijving van de na- tuur der koorts, welke de aankomelingen uit Europa, a an de kust van Afrika aantast. Als ook derzelver geneesmiddelen. 8°. Amsterdam, 1819. Ricard (F.-P.) * Hygiene des entreprises & la partie intertropicale de la c6te occidentale d'Afri- que, baseo sur l'observation des faits hygie"niques les plus communs. 4°. Paris, 1855. Stanley (H. M.) How I found Livingstone. Travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa: including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone. 8°. New York, 1872. Allan (J. B.) Observations on some of the predomi- nant diseases of the African islands. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1841, i, 545-570, 1 pi— Althaus (J.) Krankheit und Volksmedicin in Siid-Afrika. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 399; 411. -----. Fieber in Siid- Afrika. Ibid., 1860, xii, 1-4.—Augniot (J.) Constitu- tion medicale du Rio-Congo. (Cote occidentale dAfrique.) Montpel. med., 1864, sui, 201-216.—Bertherand (E. L.) Considerations pratiques sur les maladies de TAfrique. J. domed., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1850, x, 34-40—Bur- ton (E. J.) Observations on the climate, topography and diseases of the British colonists in Africa. Prov. M. I & S. J., Lond., 1842, iii, 249; 265; 287; 306; 323; 346; AFRICA.. 123 AGASSIZ. Africa. 365; 392.—Central Africa in its medical aspects. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 18-20.—Clymer (G.) No- tices of the African station. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxviii, 366-389.—Corre (A.) Analyse microsco- pique des eaux stagnantes et de l'air de quelques localites msalubres de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Arch. d. med. nav., Par., 1877, xxvii, 450-459.—Danicll (W. F.) Some observations on the medical topography, climate, and dis- eases of the Bights of Benin and Bia'fra, west coast of Africa. Lond. M Gaz., 1845, xxxv,435; 515; 582.—Fritsch (G.) Die herrschenden Krankheiten Siidafrika's. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1867, 733- 770. Also, Reprint.—Gascoyen (G. G.) Fevers of the south-east coast of Africa. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 437.—Ilartmann (R.) Reiseerinnerungen aus Nordost- Afrika. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 19; 87; 221; 224; 324. -----. Medicinischo Erinnerungen aus dem nordost- licken Afrika. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1868, 90-133.—Haync (L. J.) On the endemic fevers of Africa. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 280-282. -----. Hints for preserving health on the west coast of Africa. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 94.—li aver an. Documents pour servir k l'histoire des maladies du nord de TAfrique. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1842, Iii, 1-114.—Leach (H.) South Africa as a resort for pulmo- nary invalids. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 714; 752.—Legrand (M.) En Afrique. Union med., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxv, 205; 241; 285; 321; 385; 441; 453; 497; 533; 585; 621.—M'Cor- niac. Note on theNiger expedition. Edinb. M. &S. J., 1845, lxiv, 341-345.—Meycr-Ahrens. Die Krankheiten auf den ostafrikanischen Inseln. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1837, ix, 1; 3; 17; 22; 35; 41.—Moreira (J. J.) Memoria sobre as molestias endemicas da costa occidental dAfrica, feita. e offerecida ao conselho de saudo naval. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1842, xv, 121-152—Oldficld (K. A. K.) On the diseases of the natives resident on the banks of the river Niger. Lond. M. & S. J., 1836, viii, 403-407.— de Pietre-Santa (P.) Lettres africaines. Union med., Par., 1859, 2. s., iv, 385; 561: 1860, v, 305-313: vi, 529; 593: vii, 224; 385; 529: viii, 17; 145; 193; 337; 513.— Ritchie (D.) Medical topography of the western coast of Africa. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xiv, 322; 402; 515.—Boss (J. A.) South African colonies as a home for the consumptive. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lx, 1; 104.—Sutherland (G. W. J.) Medical topography of the coast of the Congo. Statist. Rep. Health Navy Lond. (1868), Lond., 1870, 201.—Thompson (E. S.) [20 cases.] On the elevated health resorts of the southern hemisphere; with special reference to South Africa. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1873, lvi, 285-324.—X. (Z.) LettresdAfrique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 121; 229; 409; 551; 571; 737; 837; 937. After-Mrth. See Labor (Complicated and difficult) from ad- herent or retained placenta. After-pains. See Labor-pains; Labor (After-treatment of). Afzelius (Petrus Johannes Ericus). See Berlin (Nicolaus J.) Circa prseparata chemica pharmacopese suecicae. Particula ii. 4°. Upsala, 1836.— Also: Hwasser (Israel). Om cardialgi. 3.Delen. 8°. Upsala, 1838. Agabeg (J.) De l'epilepsie et de sa guerison . . . (Traduitdel'anglais.) vi, 40 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1869. Agallochum. Reinboth (J. E.) *De agallocho, Paradiess Holtz. 4°. [Erffurt, 1712]. Agard (Leonard). * Recherehes statistiques sur la mortality par la phthisie h, Paris. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 424. Agardh (C. A.) Conspectusspecierum nicotianse. Niigra ord om Tobaks Odlingens Forbattring. [Swedish text.] 21 pp. 16°. Lund, Berlingska Boktryckeriek, 1819. Agardh (Jacobus G.) & Schagerstrom (Theodorus). Novitiae florae Sueciae ex algarium familia, quas in itineribus ad oras occidentals Succi;e annis 1832-5 collegit. 1 p. 1., 16 pp. 8°. Dundee, C. F. Berling, 1836. Agaric. See, also, Amanita muscaria; Fungi. Neale (G.) Some observations on the use of the agaric, and its insufficiency in stopping hae- morrhages ... 8°. London, 1757. Agaric. Barbnt. Observations sur l'agaric, appell6 en latin fungus laricis. J. de. med., chir.,pharm., etc., Par., 1777, xlvii, 512-519. — Fagct. M6moire sur l'agaric. Rec. period, d'obs. de med., chir., etc., Par., 1756, iv, 63-66.— Flcury (G.) Sur deux produits de l'agaric blanc. Rec. do mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxiv, 343-345. -----. Recherehes sur l'agaric blanc. Ibid., 1877, xxxlii, 417-423.—Ford (J.) An account of the success of agaric, and the fungus vinosus, in amputations. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1755, xlix, pt. 1, 93-95.—Kletzinsky (V.) Analyse von Agaricus piperatus. Arch. f. phys. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., "Wien, 1853-4, vi, 288-294.— Latterman (J.) Extracts of two letters concerning the effects of the agaric of the oak, after some of the most capital operations in surgery. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1755, xlix, pt. 1, 36-38.— [Morand.] Sur l'agaric astringent. M6m. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1757, iii, 1-6.—Rochard. Observations sur differents effets de l'agaric, employ6 int6rieurement et ext6rieurement. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., 2. ed., Par., 1752, iii, 39-48.— Schneider. Der Fliegenschwamm, ein Mittel zur Hei- lung der Lahmungen una anderer Krankheiten. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klinik, Leipz., 1832-3, i, 337-349— Sharp (S.) . . . experiments made by agaric upon the amputation of the legs of two women in Guy's Hospital. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1754, xlviii, pt. 2, 588.—Warner (J.) The history of a case relating to the effects of the agaric of oak in stopping of haemorrhages. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1754, xlviii. pt. 2, 590-592. -----. A short history of the effects of the agaric of the oak in stopping of bleedings after some of the most capital operations in surgery; with an account of the manner of its acting. Ibid., 593-598.-----. Two letters concerning the use of agaric, as a styptic. Ibid., 813-818.— Watson (W.) Some observations upon the agaric, lately applied after amputations, with regard to the determining its species. Ibid., 811. Agaricus muscarius. See Fungi (Toxicology of). Agassiz (Alexander). The development of floun- ders. 4pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College. No. vii. Revision of the echini. Pts. i-iv. xii, 762 pp., 1 1., 92 pi. 4°. Cambridge, university press, 1872-4. ----- & de Pourtales (L. F.) Zoological re- sults of the Hassler expedition. I. Echini, cri- noids, and corals. Part i. of No. viii. pp. 1- 23,10 pi. 4°. Cambridge, Welch, Bigelow A- Co., 1874. No. viii of Must. Cat. of Mus. of Comp. Zool., at Har- vard CoU. Agassiz Institute of Sacramento. Proceedings of the Agassiz Institute of Sacramento. With the constitution and by-laws and the names of the officers and members. Incorporated Nov. 12, 1872. 20pp. 8°. Sacramento, Cat, E. G. Jefferis A- Co., 1872. Agassiz (Joannes Petrus). * De therapia manias. 42 pp. sm. 4°. Erlangce, typ. Zeltnerianis, [1785]. Agassiz (Louis Jean Rodolphe). [1807-73.] Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centrale. Embryologie des salmones par C. Vogt. 326 pp. 8°. Atlas, 7 tab., 4°. Neu- chdtel, Petitpierre, 1842. -----. An introduction to the study of natural history, in a series of lectures delivered in the hall of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Also, a biographical notice of the author. 58 pp. 8°. New York, Greeley A~ McEl- rath, 1847. -----. Twelve lectures on comparative embry- ology delivered before the Lowell Institute in Boston. 104 pp. 8°. Boston, Redding Ar Co., 1849. ------. The diversity of origin of the human races. 36 pp. 8°. [n.p.], 1850. Repr. from: Christian Examiner, for July, 1850. ------. Importance of the study of natural history as a branch of elementary education. 19 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: The Massachusetts Teacher, January, 1850. AGASSIZ. 124 AGE. Agassiz (Louis Jean Rodolphe)—continued. -----. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. 4 v. 4°. Boston, Little, Brown A- Co., 1857-62. Contents:—1st monograph, in 3 parts: 1st, Essay on clas- sification; 2d, North American testudinata; 3d,'Embryo- logs of the turtle. 34 pi.—2d monograph, in 5 parts: 1st, Acalephsin general; 2d, Cteuophora'; 3d, Discophorae; 4th, Hydroidea; 5th, Homologies of the Radiata. 46 pi. For his Obituary, see I., use (J. P.) Agassiz, the lessons of his life. 8°, Louisville, 1877. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1873, iv, 200, (J. W. White).—Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1873, 198-210, (R. P. Stebbins).—Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1874, iv, 608-618, (R. Bliss, jr.)—Nature, Lond., 1878-9, xix, 573-576.—Also, Agassiz (Louis) memorial meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Agasson (Jules). *I. Nevralgie sciatique, [etc.] 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 132, v. 383. Agats (Gustavus). * De morbo Hungarico. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1840]. Agatz (G. J.) Atlas zur chirurgischen Anatomie und Operationslehre. 136 Tafeln in Stahlstich und 52 lithographirte Umrisstafeln, groessten- theils nach der Natur gezeichnet von Dr. Jos. Greb. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1860. Agave. Colla (A.) Fioritura d'un' agave fetida nell'orto bota- nico deiruniversiti di Ferrara, 1834. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1835, lxxiii, 444-446.—Ellis (A. N.) The American agave. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1875, xviii, 8.—Criadorov (V.) Osservazioni medico-pratiche sull'iiso di alcuni rimedi vegetabili indigeni (astro montano, contra il veleno vipe- rino; agave americana, contra l'idropisia). Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1837, lxxxii. 5-22.— Hamilton (W.) Some account of the agave Americana . . . Phila. Med. Museum, 1805, i, 308-310,1 pi— Perin (G.) Maguey, or agave Ame- ricana; a remedy for scorbutus. N. York J. M., 1851, vii, 179-183. Agde. ITIoiitOH fils. Constitution medicale du second semestre de l'an xii [1804], observfce k Agde. Ann. Soc. de med.- prat. de Montpel., 1804, iv, 257-272. Age. See, also, Children (Hygiene, etc., of); Infants; Longevity; Puberty. Besold (M.) * De variis vita? hnmanae periodis. 8°. Monachii, 1834. Budaeus (G. H.) * De aetates mutatione mor- borum causa et remedio. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1728. Caldwell (C.) Thoughts on the effects of age on the human constitution. A special introduc- tory. 8°. Louisville, 1846. Doering (R. A.) *Depueritia. 4°. Lipsice, 1841. Duraxd (J. C. L.) * Essai sur les differens Ages de 1'homme. 4°. Paris, 1816. Esparron (P. J. B.) * Essai sur les ages de I'homme. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Esteve (F.) * Considerations generates sur les Ages, 6tudi6s clans leurs rapports avec I'anato- mie, la physiologie, la pathologie et l'hygiene. 4°. Paris, 1859. EttmOller(M. E.) ... deingenioprajmatura. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, 1725. Gabor (J.) *De astate diversa. 8°. Budce, 1836. Heda (A.) *De primo vita1, stadio evolutionis anatomice, phvsiologice et pathologice conside- rate!. 8°. Pestini, [1822]. Herpix (J. - C.) * Considerations physiolo- giques et pathologiques sur l'enfance et l'adoles- cence. 4°. Paris, 1826. Jameson (T.) Essays on the changes of the human body, at its different ages; the diseases i to which it is predisposed in each period of life, [etc.] 8°. London, 1811. Kerr (G.) *De mutationibus corporis hu- mani ex state pendentibus complectens. fc:. Edinburgi, 1814. Lokfler (E. R.) *De causaprobabilidiversos Age. vitse setatum characteres sistente. 4°. Lipsice, [1838]. Luebbert (F. W.) * Von den Menschenaltern. 8°. WUrzburg, 1818. Meerburg (P. C.) *De aetatis et sexus dif- ferentiis. 8°. Lugd.-Batav., 1833. Mitaixe (J.-J.-B.-G.) * Considerations gene"- rales sur l'age de l'adolescence. 4°. Paris, 1819. Mortagxe (R.-P.-M.-D.) * . . . sur les ages. 4°. Paris, 1830. Moure (J. G. A. P.) * Considerations gene"- rales nie"dico-hygieniques et philosophiques sur les ages. 4°. Paris, 1834. Osterreicher (G. P.) *De vita) humanae tempore et aerate sub hac mutationibus et in- firmitatibus. 4°. Wirceburgi, [1740]. Plaz (A. G.) Pr. spec. ii. juventus. 4°. Lipriie, [1783]. I'LOUCQUET (G. G.) & UlILAND (G. E. J.) *Sistens aetates humanas earumque jura. Tu- bingce, 1778. In: Frank (J. P.) Delect, 8°. Ticini, 1789. vii, 381-434. Rexaud (D. P.) * De hominis, per varias vita? aetates, progressibus, mutationibus et morbis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Schmidt (B.) & Mavius (A. V.) De hominis SBtatibus. 4°. Lipsice, 1655. Schwarzmaxxus (J. P.) De praestantia qua- rundam rerum per vetustatem consequenda. 4°. Altorfii Noricorum, [1723]. Symoxds(J. A.) Age. 8°. London, 1835. Repr. from: Cycl. Anat. & Phys. ^ Tableau do l'age des animaux domestiques. Age du cheval, du bceuf, du mouton, et du chien. fol. Paris, [n. d.] Wallaxd(F. X.) *De aetate. 8°. Vindobo- nce, [1836]. Wesexer (F. W.) * Specimen historia? homi- nis varias ejus vitse periodos complectentis phy- siologico-pathologicum sistens. 8°. Wirceburgi, 1804. Diday (P.) De la d£seqnilibration senile. Lvonnifd., 1878, xxviii, 585-592.—Fardel (D.) Ages. Diet. cl. diet. (suppl.), Par., 1851, 1-16.—First (The) three years of chilclbood. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1879, xiv, 591-599.— Griffith (R. E.) Ages. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1834, i, 238-260.—Kriiger. Naturheilkraft, betracktet in den verschiedenen Periodcn des Lebens. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med.^etc, Altona, 1837-8, v, 5.-6. Hft.. 28-41.— Lorain (P.) Ages. N. diet, de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 406-426.—Medrano (N.) De la innuenciay variaciones que en la economia humana determina la edad.. Bol. demed., cirug. y fann., Madrid., 1852,2. s., ii, 195- 198.—dc Mcis (A. C.) Le eta dell'uouio. Morgagni, Na- poli, 1860, iii, 400-405.—Rcnauldin. Age. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812. i, 177-191.—Rogct (P.M.) Age. Cvcl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1845, i, 57-67.—Rnllier. Ages, Diet. de med., 2. ed., Par., 1832, i, 575-623. Age (Jurisprudence and signs of). See, also, Age (Old); Cadaver (Jurisprudence of); Foetus (Jurisprudence and viability of). Lixck (J. G.) Medico-juridicae animadvor- sioues in D. Christiani Gottlieb Ludwig institu- tiones medicinae forensis, cap. iii, de setatum privilegiis. 8°. Lipsice, [1788]. vox Meyexdorff (F.) * Einfluss des jugend- lichen Alters auf die strafrechtliehe Zurechnuug. 8°. Ziirich, 1862. Platxeru.s (E.) . . . quaestiones medicina? forensis vii. de venia aetatis observatio. 4°. [Lipsice, 1800.] -----. . . . quasstiones medicinae forensis, xii. de excusatione aetatis observatio. 4°. [Lipsice,, 1801.] Uhlaxd (G. E. J.) * Sistens aetates humanas earumque jura. 4°. Tubingce, [1778]. Aitkcn. On physical indications of age from 17 to 25 years. Army M. Dep. Rep., Loud., 1869, ix. 374.— AGE. 125 AGE. Age (Jurisprudence and signs of). Feststcllung (TJeber die) der Zurechnungsfahigkeit nach dem Lebensalter. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Numb., 1859, x, 1. Hit., 68-78.—Kanzlcr (J.) Zur gerichtlich- medicinischcn Skelets-Necropsie. (Auf welches Alter der verstorbenen Person lassen die aufgefundenen Knochen schliesscu?) Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1854, v, 206-261. — Legrand du Saullc. Influ- fluence de l'&gej 6tat mental; actes civils ot criminels. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 455; 467. -----. Age du dis- cernement; criminalit6; suicide; folie. Ibid., 503; 523. -----. Etude medico-legale sur les enfants et les vieil- lards. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1868, 2. s., xxx, 385-422.— Mac donald (W.) Disquisitions on diagnosis, being an at- tempt to show the manner of ascertaining the relative ages of mankind in cases where the records or testimonials of birth have been lost. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 775-779.— Saunders (E.) The teeth a test of age. Ibid., 1838, ii, 492- 496.—Tourdcs(G.) [Age.] Consid6rationsm6dico-16gales sur les Ages. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1859, ii, 146- 185. -----. Du poids speciflque des os qui forment la voutedu crfine, considers comme signe d'age. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1871-2, xxxi, 1-3.—Ziliotto (P.) L'ctk di fronte alia legge. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1868, 3. s., viii, 664-674. Age (Old). See, also, Cornea (Fatty degeneration of); Cra- nium (Atrophy and absorption of bones of); Heart in old age; Longevity; Semen. Ballot (A.-L.) *Des phenomenes anato- miques, physiologiques et pathologiques qui s'ob- servent chez I'homme depuis la fin de l'age viril jusqu'a. la vieillesse confirmee. 4°. Paris, 1822. Beard (G. M.) Lecture ... on the decline of the moral faculties in old age. 8°. [n.p., v. d.] -----. Legal responsibility in old age, based on researches into the relations of age to work. 8°. New York, 1874. Behrisch (C. G. W.) *De caussis senectutis in genere. 4°. Lipsice, 1761. Belloir (V. L.) * Considerations sur les rap- ports de l'enfance et de la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1817. de Berger (J. S.) *Senex valetudinis suae custos. 4°. Gottingce, 1757. Blaevoet (E\) * Quelques considerations sur la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1854. Blume (J. H.) * De senectutis praesidiis. 4°. Helmestadii, 1699. Bride (F.-D.) * Hygiene applique"© a la se- conde enfance. 4°. Paris, 1854. Brossard-Ysabeau (L.) * Considerations sur les caracteres de la vieillesse, et sur les affections qui sont propres a, cet Age. 4°. Paris, 1815. Chaussard (F.) * Recherehes sur l'organisa- tion des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1822. Delphin-Lamothe (J. B. M.) De I'homme consid6re~ sous le rapport physiologique et mddi- cale, dans la derniere p6riode de sa vie. 4°. Montpellier, 1806. Delseries (J.-P.) * Essai sur l'organisme des vieillards. 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. Drugbert (E.) *De l'hygiene des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1862. Estorge (J. L.) * Hygiene de la seconde en- fance. 4°. Paris, 1863. Fa vale (E.) *De la vieillesse dans ses rap- ports avec le traumatisme. 4°. Paris, 1877. Fischer (A. F.) Das Alter und dessen Ge- brechen und Krankheiten oder griindliche Dar- stellung derjenigen Krankheiten, welche Manner und Frauen im Alter zu befallen pflegen; nebst dem dagegen einzuschlagenden Heilverfahren. 8°. Leipzig, 1834. de Fischer (J. B.) De senio eiusque gradibus et morbis, nee non de eiusdem acquisitione trac- tatus ... 2. ed. 12°. Erfordice, 1760. Gernet (I. H.) *De siccitatis senilis effecti- bus. 4°. Lipsice, 1753. Habermaxx (B.) *De tertio vitae stadio de- crementi, anatomice, physiologice et pathologice considerato. 8°. Pestini, [1821]. Age (Old). Hagemeyer (J. A. L.) *De fibra senili. 4°. Lipsice, 1746. Hexrv (J.) Considerations gen^rales sur la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1817. Heraud (H.-S.) * Considerations ge"ne"rales sur la vieillesse. 4°. Paris, 1821. Higginbottom (J.) On syncope senilis, arising from gastric irritation. 8°. Nottingham, 1856. Hoffmannus (J. A.) *De illis qui vitae ter- minum a Mose (Ps. xc. 10.) statutum per vi. an- nos proximo elapsos supergressi sunt, h. e. Von den alten Miinuern und Weibern, alten Junggesellen und Jungfern, die in den letzverflossenen 6. Jahren dieses Seculi iiber 80. Jahr alt worden sind. 4°. Lipsice, [1711]. Huebxer (A. J. A.) * De nuptiis senum secun- dis raro secundis. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1743. Hutter (J.) Senectus ipsa morbus. . . 4°. Halce, 1732. Jaxin (H.-F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des vieil- lards, ou de l'influence que les choses physiques et morales exercentsurles personnes ageos, et des moyens de les conserver en sante\ 4°. Paris, 1813. Kxoll (A.) *De senio. 8°. Vicnnce, [1833]. von Langexmaxtel (W. J. E.) * Das Greisen- alter. 8°. Augsburg, 1851. Lautour-Vauxhebert (L.) * Essai sur l'hy- giene des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1830. Lemoixe (P.) Contribution k l'6tude du rein senile. 4°. Paris, 1876. Lichtenst^edt (I. R.) De commodis senectu- tis commentatio. 4°. Vratislavice, 1822. Liefmaxx (M. F.) * De adynamia artis medi- cae in senibus. 4°. Erfordice, [1737]. VAN LlMBURG BROUWER (P.) & VAN VOORST (J.) * De senectute. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1816. Ludwig (C. G.) ... de sanitate senili. 4°. [Lipsice, 1759.] Madeline (G.) * De l'hygiene des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 18.33. Martix(J.) * De fato senili. 4°. Lugd. Ba- tav., 17 Al. Mauvif-Moxtergon (M.) * Considerations physiologiques sur la seconde enfance. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Moulixet (C.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des vieil- lards. 4°. Paris, 1818. Nitschius (M. F.) *De valetudine senum tu- enda. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1725]. Patexostre (A.) * Etudes sur les alterations de la peau chez les vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1877. Philites (C. A.) * De decremento altera homi- num aetatis periodo seu de marasmo senili in spe- cie. 8°. Halce, 1808. Piesbergen (A.) * Ueber die Veriinderungen des menschlichen Korpers im Greisenalter. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1870]. Poexitz (F. A.) * De animi functionum imbe- cillitate senili e corpore solo derivanda. 4°. Vite- bergce, [1800]. Postel (N. C.) * Considerations physiologiques sur la vieillesse, et application des regies de l'hy- giene a cet age. 4°. Paris, 1819. Prixgle (J.) * De marcore senili. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1730. Reports (Annual) of the board of managers of the Samaritan Home for the Aged, New York City, to the subscribers and the public. lst-3d (1867- 9); 5th-8th (1871-4). 8°. New York, 1868-75. Reveill^-Parise (J. H.) Traite' de la vieil- lesse hygie'nique, m6dical et philosophique, ou recherehes sur l'6tat physiologique, les facultes morales, les maladies de Page avance", et sur les moyens les plus surs, les mieux experimente~s, de soutenir et de prolonger l'activit6 vitale a. cette epoque de 1'existence. 8°. Paris, 1853. AGE. 126 AGE. Age (Old). Riciiter (A. G.) *De senectutis praesidiis. 4°. Vitcmbergce, [1724]. Richter(G. G.) . . . dc constantia senilis vale- tudinis. 4°. Gottingie, [1752]. -----. . . . de commodis senectutis inprimis seniUsatietatevitaedisserit. 4°. Gcettinga\ [1764], -----. The same. In das Teutsche iibersetzt von I. I. K. sm. 4°. [n. p.], 1765. Roche (P.) * Contribution a. l'6tude du mouve- ment de d6sassimilation chez le vieillard. 4°. Paris, 1876. Schelhass (C. F.) * . . . exhibens valetu- dinarium senum. Resp. J. A. Schinid. 4°. Jence, [1718]. Smith (J.) The portrait of old age. Wherein is contained a sacred anatomy both of soul and body, and a perfect account of the infirmities of age incident to them both. Being a paraphrase upon the six former verses of the xiith chapter of Ecclesiastes. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1752. Tautier (C.) * Quelques mots sur l'hygiene de la seconde enfance. 4°. Paris, 1867. Texox (J.) Otfrande aux vieillards, de quel- ques moyens pour prolonger leur vie. 8°. Paris, 1813. Terrier (F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene des vieil- lards. 4°. Paris, 1817. Thorin (C.) * De sensibilitatis perversione in senibus. 8°. Landishuti, [n. d. ] Vax Ovex (B.) On the decline of life in health and disease; being an attempt to investigate the causes of longevity, and the best means of attain- ing a healthful old age. 8°. London, 1853. Vater(A.) *(Economiam senuum ex speciali organorum sensoriorum, et sigillalim, et papilla- rum nervearum textura mechanica demonstrat. 4°. Vitembergce, [1717]. Wertheim (L.) *Das Greisenalter in seiner Wesenheit. 8°. Miinchen, [1837]. Alibert (J. L.) Diss, pour servir de reponse au mcemoire du Dr. Walli, sur la vieillesse. M6m. Soc. m6d. d'ckuulat., Par., an v [1803], i, 201-215.—Beangrand. [Age.] G6ne- ralit6s physiologiques. Diet, encyl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1859, ii, 135-145.—B«"'gin (L. J.) Memoire physiologique et pathologique sur la vieillesse. J. compt. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xix, 97-110.—Berger. . . . iiber einen zu Brandenburg verstorbenen 102jahrigen Soldaten, nebst Obductions-Bericht. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 67.—Bre- schet (G). Note sur I'anatomie des vieillards. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1826, x, 97-101.—Cardan (J.) De senectute. In his: Opera, Lugduni, 1663, vi, 242-298.— Chew (S. C.) Notes on old age. Bait. M. J., 1870, i, 651- 657.—Curran (W.) A few more words on centenarianism. Edinb. M. J., 1872, xviii, 149-158, 4 tab.—Cutler (S. P.) Physiology and chemistry of old age. N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 96-104.—B. (R.) Some account of John Gilley, who died in Augusta, Maine, at the age of 121 years. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxx, 432.—Empis (G. S.) De l'atfai- blissement musculaire progressif chez les vieillards. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1862, xix, 407; 535.—Gibb (G. D.) The vocal organs in living centenarians. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 669-671. -----. Autopsy of the Tring cen- tenarian, who had attained the age ot 111 years. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 159.—LiCttre sur la question desavoir s'il est mieux de reunir les vieillards dans les hospices, ou de les placer en pension k la campagne. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1832, vii, 218-230.—Maragliano (E.) L'organismo senile. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1877, 3. s., xxvi, 511-533. Also, in his .■ Lezioni di clin. med., 8°, Venezia, 1878,1-23.— ITIassy (R. T.) Autopsy of a centenarian. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 642.—OTcrat. Vieillesse. Diet. d. sc. med.. Par., 1822, lviii, 1-41.—Mort (De la) senile ou Shysiologique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 619-622.— Iiiller (F. W.) Ueber das Greisenalter. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1875, xxvii, 19; 28; 43—Nagcl (E.) Die Greisen-Mctamorphosc. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1876, xxi, 443; 453; 460: 1877, xxii, 11; 19; 27; 39; 46; 56; 73; 91.— IVaglc (J. T.) Centenarians. Med. Rec, N. V., 1875, x, 317-319.—Neumann (J.) Ueber die senilen Veriinde- run"en der menschl. Haut (vorlaufige Mittheilung). Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag, 1869, i, 316-319. -----. Sur les alterations de la peau chez le vieillard. (Extr. Bull, de l'Acad. d. sc. de Vienne.) Ann.dedermat. etsyph., Par., 1872, iv 191-205.—Nichols (W.) Old age. N. Jersey M. Repor- ter, Burlington, 1851, iv, 75-85.—Pennock (C. W.) Note on the frequency of the pulse and respiration of the aged. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1847, u. s., xiv, 68-75.—Pinel (P.) Age (Old). Considerations sur la constitution senile et sur son influ- ence dans les maladies aigues. Arch. gtsn. demed., Par., 1823, ii, 5-15.—Piorry. Sur la vieillesse et les moyens de la combattre. Union med., Par., 1870, ix, 1; 25. — Post mortem examination of the body of a lady over one hun- dred years old. Boston M. & S. J., 1837, xvi, 44-46.— Beveille-Parise. Modifications seniles des organes de la respiration; sont-elles le point de depart de la vieil- lesse? Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 200-202.—de la Biviere (R.) An sensibus vinum parcius, dilutius ? Pro- ponebat J. V. des Moles, [1743]. In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Qua;st. med. Paris., Tubingse, 1789, i, 207-211.—Rolleston (G.) Notes on the post-mortem examination of a man sup- posed to have been 106 years old. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1863, xxxi, 505-515.—Roux. De la vieillesse; notions anatomiques et physiologiques. Marseille med., 1878. xv, 321; 397. -----. Du traumatisme chez les vieillards. Ibid., 455-462.—Bush (B.) An account of the Btate of the body and mind in old age; with observations on its diseases and'their remedies. In his: Medical inquiries and observations, 8°, Philadelphia, 1793, ii, 293-321. Also, Reprint,—Seiler (B. G.) Ontleedkundige beschouwing van het menschhjk lighaam in eenen vergevorderden ouder- dom. Verhandel. en Waarn. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., etc., Leyden, 1804, ii, 249-259. -----. Ueber die Zergliederung des menschlichen Korpers im Alter. (Anatoniue corporis humani senilis specimen, Erlangas, 1800.) Arch. f. d. Physiol., HaUe, 1805, vi, 1-119.—Ven an zio (G.) Sulla vecchiaja. Atti r. 1st. veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1871, 4. s., i, 1172-il82.—Vulpian. Sur l'alt6rationgraisseuse s6nile des vaisseaux de l'enc6phale chez certains mammifcres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1864, 4. s., i, 13.—Whit- taker (J. T.) Senile gangrene and senility. Clinic, Cin- cin., 1873, iv, 265. Age (Old, Diseases and injuries of). See, also, Asthma; Bloodletting in infancy and old age; Dementia (Senile); Fever (Typhoid) in old age; Gangrene (Senile); Marasmus; Pneumonia in the aged; Prostate (Enlarged); Prurigo. Auchier (L.) * Des maladies de la vieillesse, d'apres Hippocrate. 4°. Paris, au XII [1804]. Beteux (P.) *De morbis senectutis. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1726. Boisseuil (J.-A.-P.) * Etude sur la pleuresie des vieillards. 4C. Paris, 1876. Bourdelais (O.) * Sur quelques observations de scrofide chez le vieillard. 4°. Paris, 1876. Camberogue (M.) * Introduction a l'e'tude des maladies de la vieillesse. 4°. MontpelUer, 1873. Caxstatt (C.) Die Krankheiten des hoheren Alters und ihre Heilung. 2 v. 8°. Erlangen, 1839. Carlisle (A.) An essay on the disorders of old age and on the means for prolonging human life, 8°. Philadelphia, 1819. Day (G. E.) A practical treatise on the do- mestic management and most important diseases of advanced life. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1851. vax Diepen (C.) * De senectute morbosa. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1768. Du rand-Fardel (M.) Traits pratique des maladies des vieillards. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1873. Friis (C. L.) *De morbis senum secundum Hippocratis aphor. xxi. sect. 3. 4°. Havniae, 1739. Geist (L.) Klinik der Greisenkrankheiten. 8°. Erlangen, 1860. Gross (T. H.) * Quid sit, quod consent, genus humanum setate provectum debilitate augescente atliictuni esse. 8°. Berolini, 1845. Guyetant(S.) Der Arzt fiir die spiitere Le- bensperiode. Nach dem Franzdsischen von C. J. A. Venus. 8°. Weimar, 1837. Haexel (C. H.) De morbis ex senio. 4°. Lipsice, 1777. Herold (K.) *Lebensalter mit Beziehung auf die vorziiglichsten Krankheiten desselben. 8°. WUrzburg, 1844. Hofmann(P.) * De morbis senum. 4°. Vitem- bergce, [1693]. AGE. 127 AGE. Age (Old, Diseases and injuries of). Juxg (A.) *De senio ejusque morbis. 8°. Berolini, [1835]. Juxgius (J. C.) * De valetudine senum occa- sione aphor. Hipp, xxxix. sect. ii. ventilabatur. 4°. Erfordice, [1725]. Kallmeyer (T.) * De praecavendis senum morbis venae sectione. 4°„ Erfordice, [1768]. Kletsch (F. A.) * De marasmo senili. 8°. Lipsice, 1833. Klose (C. L.) De senectutis in officiis medi- cis tarn clinicis quam forensibus ratione recte habenda commentarius. 4°. Vratislavice, 1828. Louis (M.-E.-E.) * Observations sur la diffi- cult6 du diagnostic dans les maladies des vieil- lards, suivies de l'hygiene propre h cet age. 4°. Paris, 1834. Ludwig (G. M.) *De morbis ex acrimonia senili ortum ducentibus adnexis thesibus chirur- giam et artem obstetriciam spectantibus. 8°. Tubingce, [1822]. Maclachlan (D.) A practical treatise on the diseases and infirmities of advanced life. 8°. London, 1863. Meier (C. T. M.) *De morbis senii nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Mettexheimer (C.) Nosologische und ana- tomische Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Grei- senkrankheiten. Eine Sammlung von Kranken- geschichten und Nekroskopien eigner Beobach- tung. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. Michaelis (J. C.) * De senum affectibus. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1710], Nettekovex (M. J.) *De morbis senii non- nulla. 8°. Berolini, 1835. Eanis (S. G.) *Peculiares sistens observa- tiones de sene lethifera cachexia correpto. 4°. Jence, [1746], Schlipalius(C. F.) *De morbis senum propriis. 8°. Lipsice, [1848]. Schuster (A. E.) * Sistens pathologiam vita? decrescentis. 4°. Jence, [1822]. Scuddeb (J.) * ... on the diseases of old age, as connected with a plethoric state of the system. 8°. New York, 1815. Secretaix (A.) * Propositions et reflexions sur quelques maladies des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1827. Seiler (G.) Pr. de morbis senum pra?fatus. 4°. Vitebergce, [1806-7]. Trillerus (D. W.) ... prsemissa exercita- tione altera de senilibus morbis diverso modo a Salomone et Hippocrate descriptis atque inter se comparatis. 4°. Wittebergce, [1771]. Vinache (A.) * Essai d'un commentaire sur l'aphorisme d'Hippocrate concernant les maladies des vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1816. Annandale (T.) Notes of successful operations on aged patients. Edinb. M. J., 1872, xvii, 829-831.—Anstie (F. E.) On certain nervous affections of old persons. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1870-1, xvi. 31-41.—Beau (J. H. S.) Etudes cliniques sur les maladies des vieillards. J. de m6d., Par., 1843, i, 289; 330; 353. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, iv, 97; 192.—Charcot. Maladies chroniques; maladies des vieillards. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix 257; 273; 293. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, 245; 463. Also, Reprint.—Chrastina (J.) Beitrage zur Pathologie des Greisenalters. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1864, x. 237; 261; 293; 401; 795; 875; 894: 1865, xi, 1035; 1057: 1866, xii, 357; 399; 501: 1867, xiii, 40; 61.—Christison (R.) Case of tubercles in the lungs in extreme old age. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835, xliii, 268.— [Cummins (W. J.)] Case of remarkable tenacity of life in old age. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1861, xxxii, 217-222.— Esquirol [etal.] Note relative k quelques conditions que doivent presenter les hopitaux destines a des individus ages de plus de 60 ans, et inflrmes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1833, ix, 296-307.—E wens (J.) Some operations performed successfully on aged persons. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 85.— Falk(P.) Studien iiber Irrenheilkunde der Alten. Allg Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxiii, 429-566.— Fayrer(J.) Rapid union in fracture in an old man. Med Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 617.—Gans (D. S.) Dis- Age (Old, Diseases and injuries of). eases of old age. Cincin. Lancet &Obs., 1863, n. s., vi, 521- 540.—Gillette. Vieillesse (maladies de la). Diet. d. diet. (suppl.), Par., 1851, 869-901.—Hourmann & Drcham. bre. Recherehes cliniques pour servir a l'histoire des maladies des vieillards. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1835, 2. s., viii, 405428, 1 pi.; 2. s., ix, 338-357: 1836, 2. s., x, 268- 296; 2. s., xii, 27; 164. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1836, i, 117-133; iv, 148-169.—Hutchinson (J.) Sym- metrical central choroido-retinal disease occurring in senile Sersons. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, viii, 231-244.— ahn (F.) Ueber die Verwandtschaft der Greises- und Kinderkrankheiten. Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xii, 129-155.—Jarrot (R.) Amputation from gangrene of foot, successfully performed on a negro, at the age of one hundred and two. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1849, iv, 301- 303.—XiOos. Ueber den Gebrauch drastischer Purganzen bei hohem Alter. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1810, xii, 190-194.—Mettenheimcr (C.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zustande und Krankheiten des hoheren Alters. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1863, viii, 1-3: 1864, ix. 121-124. -----. Fernere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zustande und Krank- heiten des hoheren Alters. Ibid., 1873, xviii, 104; 145; 193; 249.—TVcucourt (F.) De l'etat du cceur chez le vieillard, d'aprfes des observations recueillies k la Salpetriere. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1843, 4. s., iii, 1-24. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, iv, 14-21.—Philites. Von clem Alter des Menschen uberhaupt und dem Marasmus seni- lis insbesondere. A;ch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1809, ix, 1- 128.—Pierson (A. i.) Two cases of disease and dissec- tion in old age. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1829-30, n. s., ii, 67-74.—Prus. Recherehes sur les maladies de la vieillesse. [Rapport par M. Piorry.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1837-8, ii, 445; 661. ---'■—. Lettre sur quel- ques points de la discussion qui a eu lieu a l'Acaddmie de m6aecine, k l'occasion du memoire sur les maladies de la vieillesse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 317.—Prus (R.) Recherehes sur les maladies de la vieillesse. Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1840, viii, 1-27.—Pnrdon (H. S.) Star tistical details of the diseases of advanced life. Med. Mir- ror, Lond., 1868, v, 662-669.—Bcveillc-Parise. Conside- rations g6n6rales sur les maladies de la vieillesse, sur leurs causes, leur caractere et leur traitement. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc, Par., 1851, xl, 385; 481.—Bollett (E.) Ueber Bluthusten im Greisenalter. Wien. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 3; 33.—Willie. Die Psychosen des Greisenalters. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 18734, xxx, 269-294.— ITandell (L. P.) Old age; its diseases and its hygiene. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xvii, 100-110. Also, Reprint. Age in relation to disease. See, also, Age (Old, Diseases and injuries of); Children, Infants, Diseases of; Phthisis in rela- tion to age. Abelles (J.) * De morbis aetatum vitae hu- manae. 8°. Pestini, [1835]. Albert (G. F.) * Qusedam de morbis setatum. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Condoidi(P.) * De morbis aetatum. 4C. Lugd. Batav., 1732. Dallidet (J. L.) *Apercu sur les maladies qui surviennent aux differentes pe"riodes de la vie, depuis la naissance jusqu'a. l'age adulte. 4°. Paris, 1815. Dehaxxe (A.-E.-J.) * . . . sur les predominan- ces organiques relatives aux ages, eonsid6r£es comme causes pre"disposantes de maladies; sui- vie de quelques propositions de chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1831. Delannoy(A.) * Quelques considerations de physiologie pathologique sur les Ages. 4°. Paris, 1823. Dereins (J. B.) * Etudes premieres sur les maladies des ages. 4°. Paris, 1860. Edwards (J.) * De morbis singulae aetati pro- priis. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1725. Gendrin (A. N.) * De l'influence des ages sur les maladies 8°. Paris, 1840. Happerswerger (J.) * Die Lebensalter und ihr Einfluss auf die Krankheiten. 8°. Miinchen, 1843. ab Heimexberg (P. D.) *De variis aetatis variae morbis. 4°. Harderovici, 1762. Hoxlet (L.) * . . . de morbis cuique aetati maxime familiaribus, eorumque causis. 4°. Pa- ris, 1807. JArrEAU (D.-A.) * Des Ages et de leurs mala- dies en general. 4°. Paris, 1835. de Lemolxe (C.) * Essai physiologique sur AGE. 128 AGORAPHOBIA. Age in relation to disease. les ages considered dans leurs rapports avec les maladies auxquelles ils disposent. 4°. Paris, 1823. Leseble (N. M.) * De l'influence des ages sur | les maladies en gdndral. 4°. Paris, 1827. Moxier (A.-F.) *Apercu pliysiologiquc sur les predominances organiques relatives aux ages, consid6re"es comme causes pre\lisposantes des ma- ladies. 4J. Paris, 1825. Moysex (M.-B.) *Des ages, et de leur influ- ence sur les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1824. Muller (A. F.) *De ratione, quae morbos inter et aetates diversas intercedat. 8°. Berolini, [1828]. Prieur (J. B.) * Considerations generates sur les medications propres h, chaque Age. 4°. Paris, Prosch (T.) * De physiologica morborum ra- tione ad diversas vitae periodos. 8°. Halce, 1821. Rose (J. C.) * De varia medendi methodo | pro setatum diversitate. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1752]. de Schepper (P. A.) * De morbis cuique aetati maxime fauiiliaribus eorumque causis. 8°. Lou- vain, 1764. [In: Louvain Diss., i, 24.] Schramm (F. H.) *De morbis adolescentium et juvenum Hippocratis. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, [1722]. Stewart (G.) *De morbis ab aetatum muta- tionibus oriundis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1753. van Voorst (J.)& Ooghe(J.B.) *De morbis setatum. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1816. Waxmann (C. G.) *De corporis et animi cuique vitae aitati proprio habitu quatenus medi- cinam forensem spectat. 8°. Vratislavice, [1842]. Adradas (L.) Analogias y diferencias entre los estados morbosos de la vejez, de la infaneia v de la edad adulta. An. de cien. med., Madrid, 1877, iii, 257; 302.—Butcher (A. P.) A lecture on age; its influence in modifying the effect of disease. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.,'1866, xv, 369- 373.—Gendrin. Des rapports qui existent £ntre l'&ge des malades et les affections inverses dont ils sent atteints. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xix, 377; 389; 413.—Sedgwick j (W.) On the influence of age in hereditary disease. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1867, xxxix, 466-496; xl, 438- 472. Agenda, me"dical pour 1861. 12°. Paris, P. Asse- lin. Agenda, therapeutique, formulaire et memorial. Prime du Moniteur thdrapeutique. 60 pp. 12°. Paris, 1876. Agents' (The) manual of life insurance. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. 153 pp. 16°. [New York, Wynkoop A- Hallenbeck, 1867 *] Aglaias* Poeme grec ine~dit attribiuS au m^de- cin Aglaias, publie' d'apres un manuscrit de la bibliotheque royale de Paris, par J. Sichel. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, [Bclin-Mandar], 1846. Aglietti (F.) See Giornale per servire alia storia ragionata della medicina. Agnano (Lake). Pascalc (L.) Rapporto intorno alia relazione sul lago d'Agnano e sul influenze morbose. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1868, 3. s., v, 645-658. Agilely. De la r6forme mddicale en France, lettre au congress m6dical de Paris. 32 pp. 8C. Lyon, Savyjeune, 1845. Agnely (Andr6-Horace). *I. De I'augmentation de pression sur une grande partie du corps, [etc.] 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 294, v. 335. Agner (Carolus-Fredericus). Semiotices medicas generalia commentata. 40 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Klauberthiis, [1780]. For his Life, see Plaz (A. G.) De officiis medicorum, etc. Agnes (Jacques-Adolphe). *De l'hemorrhagie cerebrate. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 177, v. 243. Agnew (C. R.) Ophthalmic notes. 30 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Wood ugat (M. G.) fitudes. 8°. Paris, 1853. Ahmedabad. Sproule. (Annual sanitary report for 1841.) Tr. M. & Phys. Soc., Bombay, 1842, v, 159-163. Ahmed-IVadini. * fitudo sur la dysenterie. 130 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 402. Aliniednuggur. Barra. Topographical and statistical details of Ah- mednuggur, &c. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1839, ii, 160; 169. -----. (Meteorological register from July 1, 1835, to June 30, 1836.) Ibid., 246.—I,eith (A. H.) Re. port on tho sanitary condition of the town of Ahmednug- gur. (Inspected in September, 1865.) Rep. San. Com., Bombay, 1866, pp. 85-89.—Wyllie (D.) Annual report of the civil surgeon of Ahmednuggur, for the year ending 31st March, 1853. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1855, n. s., ii, 73-86. Ahoml (Joseph). *De la pleuresie purulente comparee a la pleuresie tuberculeuse. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 338. Ahrendts (Franz). * Die pleuritischen Exsudate und ihre operative Behandlung. 51 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Hache, 1866. c. Ahrens (Fridericus). * De rheumatismi acuti pa- thologia. 32 pp. 12°. Berolini, typ. Hachtman- nianis, [1839]. Ahrens (J. H. H.) Unmassgebhcher Entwurf von der Beschaffenheit und Abhelfung der im Holsteinischen wiitenden Horn-Vieh-Seuche. 8 1. 4°. Flbn, gedruckt bey J. C. Wehrt, 1745. Ahrens (Theodoras Henricus). * De varioloidum complicatione. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, typ. BcenU schianis, [1829]. Ahrensen (Arnoldus Andr. Bull.) [1807-60.] * De methodo endermatica particula prior [et posterior]. 2 p. 1., 267 pp. 8°. Haunice, ex off. Trieri, 1836. See, also, ITgeskrift for Laeger, Kjobenhavn. For his Obituary, see Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1860, iii, 153. Ahrnds (Eberhardus). *Eationales de virginis partu cogitationes. 2 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Ham- burg!, typ. C. Neumanni, [1695]. Ahronheim (Albertus). * De pathologia et the- rapia articulationis coxae segrotantis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, 1866. c. Ahrweiler. Apollinaris-Brunnen (Der) im Ahrthale. Seine Bestandtheile und Heilkriifte. Eigenthii- mer Georg Kreuzberg, Ahrweiler (Eheinpreussen). 16°. Ahrweiler, 1869. Apollinaris-Brunnen (Der) im Ahrthal in Rhcin- preussen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix, 588.—Bi. schof (G. & C.) Die neue Miueralquello zwischen Ahr- weiler und Jleppingen im Aartbalo. Der Apollinaris-Brun- nen. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Wcst- phal., 1854, xi, 365-371.-Eau(L')d'Apollmaris. Unionmid., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxv, 528.—Kraut*. Der Apollinaris-Brun- nen im Ahrthal, Rheinpreusscn. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg 1879, xxiv, 322— Thilenius (G.) Der Apollinaris-Brun- nen bei Ahrweiler. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879. v, 198. Ahrweiler (Jonas). *De nonnullis casibus morborum cerebri in clinico medico Bonnensi obscrvatis. 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bounce, C. Ar F. Eriiger, [1841]. Ahusquy. Fontaine (La) dAhusquy. Progres med., Par., 1878. vi, 866; 888; 905. ... Aibling. von Strausky. Mittheilungen ans den bayerischen Badern und Curorten nach Ablauf der Saisone 1859, 1861, 1863, 1864 und 1865. in. Aibling. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miin- chen, I860, vii, 303: 1862, ix, 212: 1864, xi, 197: 1865, xii, 267: 1866, xiii, 256. Aieardius (Paulus). See .Uercurialis (Hieronymus). De morbis cutaneis. 4°. Venetiis, 1601. Air kin (Thomas). * De podagra. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, Schlesinger, [1842]. Aigle. Uezencenet. Les grands bains d'Aigle. fita- blissemeut hydiotherapique. &K Lausanne, 1873. AIGNAN. Aignan. Le prestre medecin ou discours physique sur l'etablissement de la medecine. Avec un traite du caffe & du the de France, selon le systeme d'Hippocratc. 17 p. 1., 263 pp. 16°. Paris, L. D'Houry, 1696. Aigner (Franciscus). * De metastasibus lacteis. vi, 7-39 pp. 8°. Vindobonce, A. Pichler, 1826. Aigre (Douglas). * fitude cUnique sur la metallo- scopie et la metallotherapie externe dans l'anesthe- sie. 2 p. 1., 88 pp. 4°. Versailles, Cerf et fils, 1879, No. 237. Aiguier (Joseph-Marcel). *De la mortalite au bagne de Toulon. Contribution h l'etude de la reforme penitentiaire. 56 pp., 2 I. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1868, No. 59. c. Aiken. Aiken, South Carolina, as a health resort. 8°. Charleston, S. G, 1877. Coffin (A.) and Geddings (W. H.) Aiken; or climatic cure. 8°. Charleston, S. C, 1869. -----. The same. 8°. Charleston, 1872. Aiken as a health resort. Boston M. & S. J., 1874, xc, 223-225.—Burnett (W. J.) Considerations on a change of climate, by northern invalids, and the climate of Aiken, S. C. Ibid., 1852, xiv, 269-274.—Coffin (A.) On climate in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, &c, with especial reference to that of Aiken, S. C. Ibid., 1869, ii, 321-324.— Craillard (E. S.) The climate and topography of Aiken, S. C, in their relation to phthisis. Confed. States M. & S. J., Richmond, 1864, i, 179-181. -----. The climate and topo- graphy of Aiken, South Carolina, in their relation to phthisis. Richmond M. J., 1866, ii, 16-23.—Geddings (W. H.) Aiken as a health station; a contribution to medical clima- tology. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1877, iv, 284-293. Also, Reprint.—Mutter (T. D.) Thermometrical report of the climate of Aiken, S. C. Med. Exam., Phila., 1851, n. s., vii, 360.—Nichols (A. H.) Aiken, South Carolina, as a health resort. Boston M. & S. J., 1878, xcviii, 228-233. Aikin (Charles E.) Jennerian discovery; or a concise view of all the most important facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the vaccine or cow-pock. (2. Am. ed., with important appendix.) 143, 15 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, J. Bioren, 1801. 1. ed. was London, 1800, 8°. -----. A concise view of all the most important facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the cow-pox. 3. ed. viii, 143 pp. 8°. Charles- town, printed by S. Etheridge for E. and S. Larkin, Boston, 1801. Aikin [J.] The artsofUfe: 1. of providing food, 2. of providing cloathing, 3. of providing shelter ... 144 pp. 12°. Boston, S. H. Parker, 1803. Aikin (John). An essay on the ligature of arte- ries. In: White (Charles). Cases in surgery. 8°. London, 1770. -----. Thoughts on hospitals, with a letter to the author by Thomas Percival. 98 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1771. -----. A specimen of the medical biography of Great Britain; with an address to the public. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 4°. London, J. Johnson, 1775. [P., v. 753.] -----. Biographical memoirs of medicine in Great Britain from the revival of literature to the time of Harvey, xi, 388 pp., 6 1. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1780. See, also, Armstrong (J.) The art of preserving health. 12°. Walpole, 1808. For his Life, see Aikin (Lucy). Aikin (Lucy). Memoir of John Aikin, M. D., with a selection of his miscellaneous pieces, biographical, moral, and critical. 2 v. 1 port., x, 416, 462 pp. 8°. London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1823. Aikin (Nathan J.) See Illinois State Board of Health. Nathan J. Aikin vs. John H. Rauch, et al. 8°. Chicago, 1878. AILHAUD. Aikin (Thomas). Observations upon the nature and treatment of cholera. 60 pp. 8°. Dublin, T. Deey, 1854. Repr. from: DubUn M. Press, 1854. Aikin (William E. A.) University of Maryland. An introductory lecture, delivered before the medical class, November, 1837. 20 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. D. Toy, 1837. -----. An introductory lecture. Delivered be- fore the medical class of the University of Mary- land, September, 1840. 32 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. Murphy, [n. d.] -----. Valedictory address to the graduates of the University of Maryland. 20 pp. Baltimore, W. M. Innes, 1864. [P., V, 256.] -----. A review of "Prof. Eeese's review" of the Wharton trial, with a brief notice of the Schoeppe trial. 20 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Ar Co., 1873. Aikin an (John). On re-vaccination. 15 pp. 8°. [ Glasgow, Dunn Ar Wright, n. d. ] Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1875. Ailanthus. Giratjd (B.) *De l'ailante glanduleux. 4°. Paris, 1875. Ailante (L'). Ailantus glandulosa. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1863, [xi], 294-297, lpl.—Meschter (G.K.) Supposed cases of poisoning by the ailanthus glandulosus. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1872, xxvi, 159. Ailhaud (Johann). Universal-Arzney oder Abhandlung von dem Ursprunge der Krank- heiten, und dem Gebrauche des abfiihrenden Pulvers. 38 pp. 16°. Straszburg, J. Lorenz, 1765. 1. ed. was Paris, 1740, 8°. -----. Abhandlung von der Moglichkeit einer Universal-Arzney, ihrem richtigen Begriff, und deren wirklichen Existenz in dem Ailhaudischen Pulver. 23 pp. 16°. Strassburg, Christmann und Levrault, 1769. Bound with the preceding. -----. A treatise on the origin of diseases, and the use of the purging powder. 2. ed. 119 pp. 12°. London, J. Winning, [1769]. See, also, de Vega (P. L.) Censura critico medica. 4°. Puerto de Santa Maria, 1745. And de Zuniga (J.) Con- sulta politica. sm. 4°. Pamplona, 1750. -----. See, also, Carta, en que el Doct. D. Juan Ailhaud, se quexa al Lie. D. Juan de Zuniga, sobre perinitir este, y aun dar materiales k el P. Fr. Vicente Ferrer, Frayle en Toledo, para que en desdoro de dicho Doct. y de bus polvos purgantes, escriba el papel en nombre de D. Vicente Perez, con el especioso titulo de "Promotor de la salud . . . y remedio universal", sm. 4°. Pamplona, 1750. In: de Zuniga (Juan). Consulta politica, 1750. Carta segunda: del medico de Aix, en la Provenza, con que muestra al Lie. Zuiiiga el gozo, que le ha causado la resurreccion de su polvo purgativo en el secreto, que el P. Fr. Vicente revela en nombre del medico del agua. sm. 4°. Pamplona, 1750. In: de ZuSiga (Juan). Consulta politica, 1750. Kurzer Auszug der merkwiirdigsten Gene- sungen so durch die Ailhaudischen Pulver gewirket worden, aus den drey en Theilen der deutschen Genesungs-Briefe gezogen, und nach dem Titul der Krankheiten in alpha- betische Ordnung gebracht. 16°. Straszburg, 1768. Kurzer Auszug des Systems des Herren von Ailhaud iiber den Ursprung und die Heilung der Krankheiten, wie anch der Einwiirfe, und der Antworten zu welchen dieses System Gelegenheit gegeben. 16°. Straszburg, 1766. AILHAUD. 132 AIR. Ailhaud (Johanu)—continued. de Zuniga (J.) Consulta politica, sobre crisis medica, sobre los polvos de Aix, en la Provenza. sm. 4°. Pamplona, 1750. Avis sur la poudre du sieur Aillhaud. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 469-470.—Ayraud. Lettre sur les poudres d'Ailhaud. Ibid,., 1771, xxxvi, 25-32.—Ayrault. Lettre sur quelques effets des poudres purgatives d'Aix. Ibid., 1772, xxxviii, 419-432.—Dupuy. Lettre sur la mort d'une femme, huit heures aprcis avoir pris une dose de poudre dAilhaud, k la suite d une fausse couche. Ibid., 1763, xix, 502-518.—Extraitde quelques lettres concernant les poudres dAilhaud. Ibid., 1764, xx, 531-550.— Geoflroy. Avis sur un ecrit intitule, M6decine universelle, concernant la poudre du sieur Ailbaud. Ibid., 1761, xv, 459-461.— Lettre k M. Vandermonde, au suiet de deux personnes empoisonn6es par l'usage des poudres dAilhaud. Ibid., 462-467.—Lorentz. Lettre sur la poudre dAilhaud. Ibid., 1772, xxxviii, 315-334.—Ostend. Lettre touchant quelques effets do la poudre dite purgative du sieur Ailhaud. Ibid., 1773, xl, 260-268. Ailhaud de Brisis (A.-L.-H.) *I. De l'eti- ologie du choiera-morbus epidemique. II. Deter- miner si l'anevrisme arterioso-veineux doit etre traite par l'6p6ration. Eu cas d'affirmative, faire connaitre cette operation. III. Des vices de con- formation de la vessie. IV. Comment constater la presence du sucre dans l'urine des diab6tiques f 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 55, v. 352. Aillaud (Felix). * Etudes sur quelques formes d'inflammation simple do la peau dlcrites sous les noms de: pityriasis, dermatite exfoliatrice generalisee, e"rytheme desquamatif scarlatini- forme, eczema, etc. vii, 8-62 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1876, No. 67. Aillet (Antoine). * De la pustule maligne. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 180, v. 612. d'A illy (Antonius Joaunes). *. . . exhibens nou- nullos peritonasitidis casus, in nosocomio Aniste- lodameusi suburbano observatos. [Acad. Rheno- Trajectina.] viii, 50 pp. 8°. Amstelodami, J. C. Sepp etfil., 1853. Aima Tomaton: or new cupping and punctilring apparatus. Manufactured by L. M'Kay. 11 pp. 8°. Rochester, N. Y., Express printing house, 1870. Aime Lair (Pierre). Essai sur les combustions humaines, produites par uu long abus des liqueurs spiritueuses. 100 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, an VIII [1800]. [P., v. 516.] Ainhuni. Despetis (L. P.) *£tude sur l'ainhum, mala- die particuliere k la race noire et alfectant les petits doigts des pieds. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Alpini. Bo ainhnm na Abyssinia. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1877, iv, 17-22.—Bcrthe'rand (E.) L'ainhum. J. de ni6d. et do pharin. de rAlgerie, Alger, 1877, ii, 40-42. Also, transl.: Progresso med., Rio de JTm., 1876-7, i, 514- 517.—Collas (A.) Note sur la maladie decrite sous le nom d'ainhum observ6e chez les Hindous. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1867, viii, 357-368. Also, Reprint.—Corre (A.) t . . . k Nossi-136. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1879, xxxi, 136-141.— Grombie (A.) "Ainhum." Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 200-203,1 pi. -----. 'Ainhum," orspontaueous amputatiou of the toes. Ibid., 1874, ix, 144.—Fox (T.) & Farquhar (T.) On ainhum. In their: On certain en- demic skin and other diseases of India, etc., 8°, Lond., 1876, 25; app., 16; 113.—Guiuiarars (J. P.) Observac;ao sobre um caso de "ainhum ". Kclat. de trab. . . . Acad. imp. de med. do Rio de Jan. (1875-6), 1879, 8-10. -----. Do ain- hum. Ibid., 158-161.—iVIenzel (A.) Dattilolisi spontanea (aiuhum). Resoc. san. d. osp. di. Trieste, 1876, ii, 154-161.— 1TI011 i-or vo dc F igueircdo (C. A.) Um caso de ainhum. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1874-6, ii, 101; 140; 260; 290; 305; 322 j 339; 354. Also, Reprint. Also : J. Soc. cl. sc. med. de Lisb., 1876, xl, 200; 233. Also, transl.: Arch, demed. nav., Par., 1876, xxvi, 127-154.—Pereira (iaimaraeit (J.) Do ain- hum. Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio do Jan., 1875-6, xxvii, 97; 135; 221: 1877-8, xxix, 267-269. Also: Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1876, iii,T; 57; 113; 169; 225: 1877,iv,4-7.— Pirovano(L) t Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1876, xiii. 342-346. Also: Gaz. med. da Bahia, 18T0. 2. s., i, 541-548. Also: Progresso med., Rio de Jan., 1876-7, i. tii-72 — Potoppidan (E.) Ainhum. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii. 303.—da Milva Lima (J. F.) Estuclo sobre o ''ainhum'; molestia ainda nao descripta, peculiar a raca Ethiopica, e affectando os dedos minimus dos pes. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1867, i, 146; 172, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Arch, de med. nav.. Par.. 1867, viii 128: 206. Ainhum. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prapj, 1870, ii, 289- 302.—Warden (C. J. H.) Caso of "ainhum . Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 210.—Weber (H.) (1) On the affection of the small toes of negroes, called "ainhum". Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xviii, 277-280, 1 pi. (2) The little toes of a negro affected with "ainhum ". Ibid., 1868, xix, 448-451.—Wucherer (O.) TJeber Ainhum, eine der afrikanischen Race eigenthiimliche Krankheitsform. Nebst Nachtrag von Prof. Schiippel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lvi, 374-383. Ain-lVouissy. Pchcaa. Analyse de l'eau minerale d'AIn-Nouissy et de l'eau du puits do la Macta (province d'Oran). Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1865, 3. s., xiv, 354-359.-----. Eaux min6rales d'AIn Nouissi (province d'Oran). Gaz. m6d. de Algerie, Alger, 1866, xi, 5. Ainslie (Alexander). * De vomitu idiopathico. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. 4°. Edinburgi, apud Hamilton, Balfour, et Neill, 1753. Ainslie (Daniel). *De hepatitide. 23 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et socii, 1801. [P., v. 19.] Ainslie (Jacobus). * De ictero. 29 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Hamilton, Balfour et Neill, 1754. -----. The same. [P., v. 737.] Ainslie (Joannes). *De corporum humanorum temperamentis, morbisque nonnullis, quibus ho- rum quidque maxime pateat. 2 p. 1., 41 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellic, 1787. Ainslie (Whitelaw). Materia medica of Hin- dostan, and artisans and agriculturists' nomen- clature. 5 p. 1., 391, xlviii pp. 4°. Madras, government press, 1813. ------. Observations on the cholera morbus of India: a letter addressed to the honorable the court of directors of the East India Company. 90 pp. 8°. London, Eingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, 1825. [P., v. 512.] ------. Materia Indica, or some account of those articles which are employed by the Hindoos, and other eastern nations, in their medicine, arts, and agriculture, comprising also formulae, . . . names of diseases in various eastern languages, [etc. ] 2 v. xxiv, 654, xxxix, 604 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, [etc.], 1826. Ainsworth (J.) See Ransome (J. A.) Syllabus of a course of lectures, [etc.] 8°. Manchester, [n. d.) Ainsworth (James). Obituary notice of J. Ainsworth. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 203. Ainsworth (Radulphus Fawsett). * De cornels humani corporis excrescentiis adjecta cornu pne- putialis observatione. 26 pp., 11., 1 col. pi. 4°. Berolini, formis Nictackianis, [1836]. Ainsworth (William). Observations on the pestilential cholera ... as it appeared at Sunder- land in the months of November and December, 1831. 2 p. 1., 172 pp. 8°. London, Ebers A- Co., 1832. Air. See, also, Anemometer ; Gases. Barlag (W.) *De aere respectu diastetico considerato. 8°. Pesthini, 1836. Bohn (J.) & Thomasius (G.) *Deaere. 4°. Lipsice, [1683]. Bo vie (J.) Exercitiuni experimentale duo- decimum. De aeris elasticitate secundum. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1696. Boyle (K.) Nova experimcnta physico me- chanica de vi aeris elastica et ejusdem effectibus, facta ... in nova machiua pneumatica. Accessit, Defensiodoctrimedeelatereet gravitate aeris . . . adversus objectiones Francisci Lini. 16°. Rotero- dami, 1669. ------. Tractatus . . . ubi 1. Mira aeris rare- factio detecta. 2. Observat a nova circa dura- tionem virtutis elastica} aeris expansi. 3. Ex- perimenta nova de condensatione aeris. 4. Ejus- dam quantitatis aeris rarefacti et compressi mire discrepans extensio. 16°. Londini, 1670. AIE. 133 AIE. Air. Boyle (R.) Exercitationes de atmosphaeris cor- porum consistentium; deque niira subtilitate, de- terminata natura et insigni vi effluviorum. Sub- junctis experimentis novis, ostendentibus, posse partes ignis et flammae reddi stabiles pondera- bilesque. Una. cum Detecta penetrabilitate vitri a iionderabilibus partibus flammae. 16°. Londin i, 1673. -----. The same. 16°. Lugd. Batav., 1676. -----. Tractatus ... I. Suspiciones de laten- tibus quibusdam qualitatibus aeris, una cum Ap- pendice de niagnetibus cceletsibus ... II. Anim- adversiones in D. Hobbesi problemata de vacuo. III. Dissertatio de causa attractionis per suctio- num. 16°. Londini, 1676. Brame (C.) Essai sur Fair atmospherique dans ses rapports avec l'hygiene et l'agriculture. 8°. Tours, 1850. Brenner (A. R.) * De communicatione che- mica inter plantas et animalia per aerem atmos- phasricum nutritione ac respiratione effecta. 8°. Halis, 1845. Calisius (A.) & Seidemann (M.) *De aere. 4°. Lipsice, 1651. Cheekes(W.) *Deaere. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Claussentus(P.) Deaiire. 4°. Havniae, 1712. Colthurst(P.) *Deaere. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1734. Conradi (E.) & Laurentius (J. C.) Ex phy- sicis de acre. 4°. Wittcbcrgw, 1662. Cowan (A.) Tentamen medico-physicum de acre atmospha?rico. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Duchon (E.) * De influxu atmosphaerae in cor- pora terrestria. 8°. Pesthini, 1832. Geigel (J. H. L.) * De aeris gravitate elastici- tate etpressione, ratione et experimentis-hydro- et aero-teclmicis comprobata. 4°. Herbipoli, [1768]. Gron (M.) Novum circa aeroscopiam tentamen, quo ex gravitate et elasticitate aeris omnes ejus motus derivantur. 4°. Rintelii, 1731. -----. De aere. 4°. Rintelii, 1732. Hartshorne (J.) * An inaugural essay on the effects produced by air upon living animals. 8°. Philadelphia, 1805. Heilbkonner (J. C.) Specimen histories aeris in quo prssclpue de aere ejusque proprietatiblis inventa experimentis comprobata recensentur. 4°. Lipsiw, 1740. Heus(M.) *Deae're. 4°. Argentorati, 1743. Lavoisier. Essays on the effects produced by various processes on atmospheric air; with a par- ticular view to an investigation of the constitu- tion of the acids. 8°. Warrington, 1783. Mangin(A.) Das Reich der Luft. Das Welt- all, v. 4. 8°. Berlin, 1886. Muller (J. L.) *De aere sive tentamen novas methodi medicinam per principia physica scien- tilice tractandi in aeris exemplo exhibitum. 4°. Erfordice, [1713]. Murray (P.) *De aeribus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. J ' Renner (H. L.) * De aere atmosphserico mero, atcpie inquinato. 4°. Berolini, [1825]. Reyher(S.) *Deaere. 4°. Eilice, 1670. Robertson (H.) * De aere atmosphasrico. 8°. Edinburgi, 1H01. Sanden (T.) *De atmosphaeraa natura et ef- fectibus quibusdam. 8°. Edinburgi, 1774. Schxer (J. F.) * Propositiones quasdam phy- sicas de acre. 4°. Tubingce, [1761]. Siefvert (J. V.) * Aer habitabilis. 8°. Up- salice, 1759. van Singerlandt (J.) Exercitium experi- mentale quartum decinmm; quod est de aeris gravitate primum. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1697. de Tertils (J.) De curiositatibus physicis tractatus. In quo natura stramentorum i'oena- Air. teorum, et qualitates odoris, et effluviorum, ele- mentorumque mutatis, et praecipue aeris exa- minantur. 12°. Lugd. Batav., 1686. Thomasius (G.) * De aeris gravitate ad aquam comparati. 4°. Lipsice, [1684]. Thomson (T.) #De aere atmosphserico. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Voorhoff (S.) * Exercitium experimentale septimum decimum; quod est de aerese elastici- tate et resistentise passivee effectis. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1698. Wedelius (G. W.) . . . de mutationibus aeris. 4°. Jence, 1719. Air (The). Its composition and properties, physical and chemical. Students' J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1875, iii, 205; 229; 242; 280.—Amclung (P.) Ueber den Einfluss der Atmosphare auf den menschlichen Korper und ihre Ruck, wirkung auf Geist und Gemiith. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1826, 2. Hft., 201-228.—Gavarret. Air. Diet, d. diet, (suppl.), Par., 1851, 37-49.— Gavarrct (J.) Atmos- Shere. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1867, vii, 111-170.— lermbstadt. Atmosphare. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1820, li, 1. Hft., 5-34.—Kraus (L. G.) Die atmospharische Luft. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1874, xix, 347; 366; 376; 439.— liallemand (A.) Sur la polarisation et la fluorescence de l'atmosphere. Assoc, franc, p. l'avance, d. sc. Compt.- rend., Par;, 1873, 278-282.—iAncoIn (D. F.) The atmos- phere. Cycl. Pract. Med. (Ziemssen), N. V., 1879, xviii, 599-733.—Morlcy (E. W.) On a possible cause of variation in the proportion of oxygen in the air. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, New Haven, 1879, 3. s., xviii, 168-177.—Nysten. Air. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812, i, 225-285.—Pickford (P.) Untersuchung iiber die atmospharische Luft, nebst einigen nachtraglichen Bemerkungen iiber die "Wirkung des Schwe- felathers. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1851, n. P., i, 240- 254.—Recknagcl (G.) Theorie des natiirlichen Luft- wechsels. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1878, 424-504, 1 pi. Also: Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1879, xv, 1-68.—Richardson (B. W.) The uses of nitrogen in atmospheric air. St. An- drew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond., 1868, ii, 236.—Rod well (G. P.) Of the supposed nature of air prior to the discovery of oxygen. Chem. News, Lond., 1863, viii, 113; 186; 246.— Sinec (A. H.) The air we breathe. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. (1873), Lond., 1874, 486^89—Soyka (J.) Ueber die Bestimmung der organischen Substanzen in der Luft. Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Miinchen, 1877, 1, 349-351.—Sozinskey (T. S.) On atmospheric therapeutics. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 265-268.—Tar- dieu (A.) Air. Atmospherique. Physique et chimie. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 455-474. Air (Analysis of). See Air (Chemistry and microscopy of). Air-bags and Air-Cushions. Coale (W. E.) Air cushions for the sick. Boston M. & S. J., 1858-9, lix, 318.—medico-chirurgical uses of vulcanised india-rubber. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 64-66. Air in the blood. See, also, Blood (Gases in); Death (Sudden) in pregnancy; Heart (Air in the); Suicide (Cases of); Tracheotomy ( Complications and sequelae of). Amussat (J. Z.) Recherehes sur l'introduction accidentelle de l'air dans les veines, et particu- lierement sur cette question: l'air, en s'introdui- sant spontanement par une veine bless6e pendant une operation chirurgicale, peut-il causer subite- ment la mort ? 8°. Paris, 1839. Asmuss (G. H. L.) *De aeris introites spon- taneo in venas, in nonnullis' operationibus ob- servata. 8°. Dorpat, 1836. : Blochmann (A.) *Aer in venis causa mortis. 8°. .LVesaa', [1843]. Bossano (F. L.) * I. Determiner s'il est possible de reme"dier aux accidents qui r6sultent de l'in- troduction de l'air dans le cceur par l'o overture d'une grosse veine. 4°. Paris, 1841. Bouillaud (J.) De l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. 8°. Paris, [1838]. Cotjty (L.) * Etude exp6rimentale sur l'entree de l'air dans les veines et les gaz intravasculaires. 4°. Paris, 1875. Dietrich (W.) 'Ueber den Lufteintritt in's llcrz. 8°. Erlangen, 1878. AIR. 134 AIR. Air in the blood. Esleben (A.) *Plotzlicher Tod in Folge von Lufteintritt in dio Uterin-Venen. 8°. Marburg, 1876. Gain (G. G. A.) *De aeris ingressione in ve- nas. 8°. Berolini, 1865. Greve (C.) *De casu, quo aer in parte pree- maturo instituendo, injectionibus in vaginam factis in venas uterinas intravit. 4°. Eilioe, 1866. Kattchie (G.) *De ortu aeris spontaneo in vasis sanguiferis. 8°. [Dorpat], 1851. Kettler (T. C.) *De vi aeris in venas ani- malium hominumque iutrantis. 8°. [Dorpat], 1839. La ville (A.) * De l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. 4°. Paris, 1850. Maguin (A.) * Etude exp6rimentale sur l'in- troduction forcee ot sur l'entr6e spontanee do l'air dans les veines. 4°. Nancy, 1879. Marchal. Note sur l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. Explication nouvelle de la mort par suite de cet accident. 8°. Paris, 1843. Meric (J.) * Recherehes sur l'introduction de l'air et des gaz qui le constituent (oxygene, azote, acide carbonique), dans le systeme veineux. 4°. Paris, 1866. Meyer (H.) *De aeris in venas ingressu in operationibus chirurgicis. 8°. Berolini, [1834]. Nietsch (0. F.) * . . . aeris in sanguinem vias sistens. 8°. Gottingce, 1815. Putegnat (E.) * Essai sur l'introduction de l'air dans les veines pendant les operations. 4°. Paris, 1834. Schmitt (G. C.) *De actione aeris in sangu- inem humanum. 4°. Gottingce, [1747]. Studer (N.) *De aeris sub operationibus chi- rurgicis in venas introitu. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Valkenhoff (P. F.) *De aeris in venas in- gressu ejusque enectu lethali. 8°. Schoonhoviae, 1840. Velpeau (A.) Lettre sur l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. 8°. Paris, [n. d. ] Amussat. Introduction de l'air dans les veines. [Dis- cussion.] Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1836, i, 894; 899: 1837-8, ii, 269; 363; 461. -----. Quelques mots de response k la lettre de M. Velpeau sur l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 156-158.—As- uiusn. Zur Casuistik des Lufteindringens in grossere Vcnenstamme. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 104.—Barlow (J.) An attempt to remove a tumour on the neck. En- trance of air in vein; sudden death. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1830, xvi, 28-35.—Berard ain6. Mecanisme de 1'entrGe accidentelle de l'air dans les veines. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1830, xxiii, 169-184.—BesMema (J.) Mort subite & la suite d'une injection d'eau chloruree dans la matrice; presenco d'air dans les veines. Ann. Soc. do med. d'An- vers, 1849, x, 65-74.—Borclimann (A.) O vkhozhdenii vozdukhav' veni v' sudebno-meditsinskom otnoshenii. [En- trance of air into the veins, from a medico-legal point of view.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 113-115.— Bouley. Introduction accidentelle de l'air dans la veine jugulaire gauche d'une jument. . . mortfoudrovante. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1838-9, iii, 465: 1840-1, vi, 178-186.— It ii smc (F.) Ueber das Eindringen deriiusaern Luft indie Blutadern des Menschen und der Thiere. Mag. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, Iii, 3-85. -----. Lettre sur l'introduc- tion de l'air dans les veines. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1839, vii, 261.—Cappelletti (G.) Riflessioni teorico-pratiche sul- ringresso spontaneo dell'aria nelle vene. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1841, xcvii, 26-47.—Ceradini (G.) Dellamor- te da sommersione e da iutroduzione d'aria nelle vene. Im- parziale, Firenze, 1873, xiii, 193; 225; 257; 289; 321.—Chas- saniol. Observation de l'entr6e de l'air dans les veines, pendant 1'amputation du bras, clans son articulation scapulo- numerale. Union med., Par., 1869, viii, 428.—Coolidgc (R. H.) Case of sudden death from entrance of air into the jugular vein. N. York M. Gaz., 1841-2, i, 305. Also: N. York J. M., 1847, ix, 199-201.—Cooper (B. B.) Case of alarming syncope from the admission of air into a vein, during amputation of the shoulder-joint. Lancet, Loud., 1843, f, 448-451. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1844, xxvii, 41-51.—G'ordwcnt (G.) Delivery whilst standing; im- mediate death. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond., 1868, ii, 143.-----Qn sudden death, by entrance of air Air in the blood. into uterine veins. St. George's Hosp. Rep., 1871-2, Lond., 1873, vi, 79-84.—Cormack (J. R.) The entrance of air by the open mouths of tho uterine veins, considered as a cause of danger and death after parturition. Lond. J. M., 1850, ii, 928-951. Also, in his: Clin. Studies, 8°, Lond., 1876. ii, 111-137. -----. On the presence of air in the organs of circulation. Ibid., 9-64. Also, Reprint. -----. Remarks on a case of suicide, published by Dr. P. D. Handyside, intended to show that he has erroneously ascribed the'eause of death to air in the organs of circulation. In his: Clin. Studies, 8°, Lond., 1876, ii, 65-81. Also, Reprint. -----. Case of death from the entrance of air by a rigid vein in the neck opened accidentally by a seton-needle. [From: Lond. J. M, 1850.] In his: Clin. Studies, 8°, Lond., 1876, ii, 83-102. -----. Extracts from Paris Thesis, entitled: "De l'entr6e de l'air par les orifices b6ants des veines ut6rines consideree comme cause de danger et de mort su- bite peu do temps apr£s la d61ivrance. Ibid., 103-110. -----. Note on Dr. George Cordwent's paper, entitled "On sudden death by the entrance of air into the uterine veins." Ibid., 139-149.—Couty. Etude experimentale sur l'entr6e de l'air dans les veines. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1876, 6. s., iii, 17-19.—Death irom air entering a vein in the neck, divided whilst inserting a seton. Lan- cet, Lond., 1848, i, 426. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, n. a., vi, 608-610.—Dc Bruler (J. P.) Does air enter the ute- rine veins during labor, or shortly after, and cause death? Chicago M. J., 1858, xv, 114-117.—Delaporte. Extirpa- tion d une tumeur situ6e au cou; introduction de l'air dans le systeme vasculaire. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1836, i, 132.—Denot. Lettre sur la manidretoute physicjuedontla mort arrive dans les cas d'introduction d'air dans les veines., 1837, 2.s.,v, 726-728.—Eindringen (Ue- ber das) von Luft in das Gefasssystem. Mitth. d. Dadisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1852, vi, 137-140.—Elliott '(J.) Modo in which air entering the veins causes death. DubUn M. Press, 1844, xi, 53.—Entrance of air into a vein du- ring an operation; recovery. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 164.—Entrance (On the) of air into tho veins, &c. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond., 1847, xxiii, 443- 467.—Erich sen (J. E.) On the proximate cause of death after the spontaneous introduction of air into the veins, with some remarks on the treatment of the accident. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1844, lxi, 1-24. Also, Reprint.—Fischer (H.) Ueber die Gefahren des Lufteintntts in die Venen wahrend einer Operation. Samm. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1877, No. cxiii [Chir., No. 34], 905-922.—Forget. M6- moire sur les accidents causes par la presence de l'air dans les voies circulatoires. Trans, med., Par., 1832, x, 75-93.— Crirbal (A.) Note sur l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1852, iii, 39-44. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viii, 44-46.—Grandi- Icvskii (M.) O prichine smerti pri vchojdenii vozducha ve krovenosnuiou sistemu. [Cause of death from entrance of air into veins.] Protok. zasaid. Obshch. russk. vrach. v' St. Petersb., 1874, xii, 390-400.—Greene (J. S.) On the presence of air in tho veins as a cause of death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1864, n. s., xlvii, 38-65.—Gunn (M.) Syncope from entrance of air into the facial vein. N. York J. M., 1852, n. s., viii, 356.—Handyside (P. D.) Account of a remarkable case of suicide, with observa- tionson the fatal issue of the rapid introduction of air in large quantity into the circulation during surgical operations. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1838, xlix, 209-221. Also, Reprint— Uvckford (N.) Four cases of entry of air into the circu- lation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, 137.—Helfft. Von den Folgen des Eintritts der Luft in die Venen des Uterus. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxx, 316- 321.—Hitchcock (H. O.) Death from air in the circula- tion introduced through the uterine sinuses. Tr. Am. M. Ass., 1864, xv, 83-102.—Irtigo (N.) Algunas considera- ciones sobre la entrada del aire en las venas. Mem. Soc. med.-farm. de Toluca, 1876, ii, 17-24.—Introduction of air into the veins. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond., 1838, vi, 456.—Kostlin (O.) Ein Fall von Luft im Herzen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1858, xxviii, 182- 184.—Iiaborde. Effets de l'introduction do l'air dans la circulation arterielle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1873, 5. s., v, 84-87.—Lane (G. F.) On the admission of air into the veins. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., x, 926-932.—Ean- kester. Transfusion of blood; air in the veins. Lancet, Lond., 1841, i, 342.—de Eavachcrie (V.) De l'opportu- nit6 de l'extraction des tumeurs du cou non susceptibles de resolution; reflexions sur l'introduction de l'air dans le eoeur par des veines ouvcrtes accidentellcment. Mem. Acad. roy. do med. de Belg., Brux., 1849, ii, 325-376. Also:,1849, 3.s.,iv, 141-144.—Eeroy [d'EtiollesJ (J.) Note l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1823, iii, 410-415. Also, Reprint.—Eionet. Sur un cas de mort prompte apr^s un accouchement naturel, sans cause connue, et avec pr6sence de l'air dans les veines. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1845, iii, 234-238.—McIMiarlin (E. J.) Death from entrance of air into the veins in a casi' of compound fracture. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1S78. iii, 20.—Jlngeiulie. Snr l'entree ivcci- dentelle dc l'air dans les veines. J. de physiol. exper.. Par., 1821, i, 190-196.—Manzolini (A-l Su I'introduziww AIR. 135 AIR. Air in the blood. dcU'aria nelle vene. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853, 3. s., iv, 109-112.—.TIarchal. Note sur l'introdnction elite spontanea de l'air dans les veines. Ann. do la chir., Par., 1842, vi, 296-305.—Ulassart. Etude nouvelle sur l'entree de l'air dans les veines, daus les cas de plaie ou d'operation chirurgicale. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1854, xv, 5; 57; 113. Aho: Arch, dela med. beige, Brux., 1854, lv, 85; 172: lvi, 1.—May (G. ir.) Cases of death with air in the veins. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, ii, 603. -----. Cases of sudden death after parturition with air in the veins. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 477.—May (J. F.) On the admission of air into the veins during operations. Nashville Month. Rec. M. Sc Phys. Sc, 1858-9, i, 65-71.—Mayor. 11 Introduc- tion de l'air dans les veines. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1838-9, iii, 934.—Meeh (J.) Luft im Blute. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1861, xxxi, 150.— Mercier. Un nouveau moven pour prcvenir la mort causeo par l'introduction de l'air dans les veines. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1838, xiii, 37.—Mercier (A.) Reflex- ions nouveUes sur l'introduction de l'air et des autres gaz dans les veines. Gaz. hebd. do m6d.. Par., 1863, x, 321.— Mercier (L. A.) Observations sur l'introduction de l'air daus les veines et sur la maniere dont il produit la mort. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, v, 481-187.—Meyer (T.) Case of injury of the veua jugularis interna; entrance of air; sudden collapse; recovery. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1869, iii, 408-410.— Miner (J. F.) Tumor in the neck; ad- mission of air into the vein; death. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1864, iii, 336-338.—Miiller (E.) Vom Eintritt der Luft in die Venen bei chirurgischen Operationen. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 304-313.—Miiller (P.) Eine Bemerkung iiber Lufteintritt in die Himsinus. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxii, 712-714. —Olshausen (R.) Ueber Lufteintritt in die Uterusvenen. Mit Erziihlung eines todtlich verlaufenen Falles. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1864, xxiv, 350-374.—Osterloh (P. R.) Drei Fiille von Tod der Entbundenen durch Eindringen von Luft in die Venen des Uterus und des iibrigen Kiiipers. Ber. . . . a. d. k. siichs. Entbind.-Inst, in Dresd., Leipz., 1876, ii, 79-84.—Piachaud. Mort par introduction de l'air dans une veine, pendant l'ablation d'une tumeur du J sein avec ganglions dans l'aisselle. ficho m6d., Neuchat, 1857, i, 768.—Picard (P.) Sur les injections d'air dans la veine-porte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1876, 6. s., iii, 251-254.—Ficdagnel. Heuioptvsie; passage de l'air dans le systeme sanguin; sortie de l'air par une saign6e. Union med., Par., 1859, 2. s., ii, 105.—Bauch (J.) Luft- eintritt in einen verletzten grossem Halsvenenast und seine Folgen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 199-201.— Kemarks on cases of death from air entering tho veins. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii, 11.—Bey (A.) De l'innocuite de l'introduction accidentelle de l'air dans les veines apres les saign recentioris prima} lineaj. 4°. Lipsice, [1781]. Scherer (J. A.) * Sistens eudiometriam sive niethodum aeris atmosphaerici puritatem salubri- tatemve examiuandi. 8°. Viennce, [1782]. Scott (G.) *De acido atniosphajrico, sive aereo. 8°. Edinburgi, 1786. Simoxsen (L. S. W.) * Momenta analyseos chemicae aeris circumterreni; nee non commoda, quae de exacta atmosplneraj exploratione pro prac- ticis sperare audeamus. 12°. Havniae, [1804]. Vetter (F. G. A.) *De constitutionum at- mosphaerae varietatibus. 8'-. Berolini, [1828]. Bachhoffner [et al.] Abstract report of au examina- tion of the air in the tunnels of the Metropolitan Railway. Med. Press &. Cue, Dubl., 1867, iv, 451.—Baring (W.) Versuch einer maassanalytischen Bestimmung der oxydir- baren Luftbestandtheile. Ztschr. f. prakt. Ileilk. u. Med.- Wes., Hannov., 1867, iv, 1-4.—Bericht der von der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu "Wien bestimmten Kommission zur Ausmittelung des angeblichen Salpetersiiure-Gehaltes der atmospharischen Luff. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu wien, 1851, ii, 743-751.—Bertholet. Observa- tions sur l'air. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1776, xlvi, 441; 531. — BouMsingault &. I.eroy. Observa- tions simultan6es faites ii Paris et k Andilly, pres Mont- morency, pour rechercher la proportion d'acide carbonique conteniie dans l'air atmospherique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xviii, 473-476.—Casarcs (A.) Anilisisdel aire de una sala del hospital dc venereo dc Santiago. Siglo med., Madrid, 1872, xix, 9.—Constitution (La) de l'air atmospherique a-t-elle vari6 I Influence du sol et de la cul- ture sur l'ethnologie. Uniou m6d., Par., 1872, 3. «., xiv, 341-345.—Cunningham (D. D.) Microscopic examina- tions of air [of Northern India]. Rep. San. Com. India, Calcutta, 1872, ix, app. A, 1-54, 16 pis.—Description of Mr. Humboldt's anthracometer, or an instrument for mea- suring the quantity of carbonic acid contained in the air. Med. & Phys. J.. Lond., 1800, iv, 179, 1 pi.—Dixon (E. M.) Analyzing air impurities. San. Jour, lor Scotlaud, Glasg., 1876,'i, 133.—DmniiN & BousMinganlt. Recherehes sur la v6ritable constitution lair atmospherique, (1). J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1841-2, ix, 3-12. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1841, 2. s., ix, 401-108. -----. Analyse de l'air. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, 1. s., xxxv, 182. —Eiselt (T.) Eiterkorperchen in der Luft: eine aeroskopische Studie. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1861, xvii, 97-100.—Elmer. Dissertation on the different properties of the air contained in the atmosphere. Proc. X. Jersey M.Soc, (1766-1800), Newark,]*;:., 68-73.—Kiom (G.) Kiserletek a lakiisok levegojet szenyezci azervi es szervetlen AIE. 136 AIR. Air (Chemistry and microscopy of). anyagokkal g6rcs6i vizsgalat alapjdn. [Minute organisms in air.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, 712; 731; 748.—Escher- ich. Die quantitativen Verhaltnisse des Sauerstoffes der Luft verschiedcu nach Hohenlage. und Temperatur der Beo- bachtungsorte. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1876, xxiii, 453- 457: 1877, xxiv, 221; 499.—Eulenbcrg (H.) TJeber Luft- untersuchung und Lufterneuerung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878, n. F., xxix, 150-162.—Ferguson (J.) On some of tbe constituents of the atmosphere. San. Jour, for Scotland, Glasg., 1876, i, 181-185.—Fleck (H.) Ein neuer Aspirator fiir Luftuntersuchungen. Jahresb. d. chem. .CentralsteUe f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd., 1872, i, 36-38.— Forster (J.) Untersuchungen iiber den Zusammenhang der Luft in Boden und Wohnung. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen, 1875, xi, 392-407.—v. Gallois (F. L.) Ueber Aero- skope. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 229— Oationi (J.-C.) D6terminer quels avantages la mddecine peut reti- rer des decouvertes modernes sur rart de connoitre la purcte de l'air par les differens eudiometres. Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1789, x, pt. 2, 100-140.—Hayne (L. H. J.) On the amount of carbonic acid found by experiment in the air on board wooden frigates. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1874, lvii, 179-185.—Hclin. Considerations medicales sur la presence de l'animoniaque dans l'air atmospherique et sur la forma- tion de l'acide nitrique par les eclaires pendant les orages, comme neutralisant cet alcali. J. de, med., chir. et phar- macol., Brux., 1850, xi, 408^12.— Heller (J. F.) Die Sal- Eetersiiure ein constanter Bestandtheil der atmosphiirischen uft, und die Verhaltnisse jener zum Ozon. Ztschr. cl. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1851, ii, 739-742.—Hesse (W.) Zur Bestimmung der Kohlensaure in der Luft. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1877, xiii, 395-405: 1878, xiv, 29- 33. — Hoh. Dio quantitativen Verhaltnisse des atmo- Bpharischcn Sauerstoffes. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 329.— Jencken (F. E.) Atmospheric dust. Is its total interception absolutely necessary lor the preservation of health? St. Andrew's Med. Grad.'Ass. Tr., Lond., 1870, iv, 184-190.—Jurine. Determiner quels avantages la medecine peut retirer des decouvertes modernes sur l'art de connoitre la purete de l'air par les differens eudiometres. Hist. Soc. roy. do med., Par., 1789, x, pt. 2, 19-99.—Lic- blanc (F.) Note sur la composition de l'air dans quelques mines. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1845, xxi, 164-170.— Iiefort. Recherehes sur la composition de l'air des pis- cines. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1854, 2. s., i, 1080-1082 [1040-1042]. —dc 1.Hna (R. T. M.) Etudes chimiques sur Fair atmospherique de Madrid. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1861, 2. s., xv, 337-391.—Maddox (R. L.) Ob- servations on the use of the aeroconiscope, or air-dust col- lecting apparatus. Month. Micr. J., Lond., 1871, v, 45-49, pis. 73-74.—marie-Davy. Note sur les poussieres orga- niques de l'air. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1876, lxxxiii, 1304-1306.—Moss (W. A.) Estimation of nitrogen- ous organic element in air. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 627-630.— Miiller. Einfacher Apparat zum Einfangen der atmo- sphiirischen Luft, behufs mikroskopischer Untersuchung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 268.—Miiller (D.) De- monstration eines einfachen Apparats zum Einfangen der atmospharischen Luft, behufs mikroskopischer Uutersu- chung. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. GeseUsch., 1876, vii, 1. Hft., 71-73.—Notter (J. L.) On the analysis of air. San. Rec, Lond., 1876, v, 164-166.—O'Fargal. Estudios quiinicos sobre el aire atniosferico dc Madrid. Siglo med., Madrid 1860, vii, 362-364— Oidtmaun (H.) Die Untersuchung dor Lult in geschlosseneu Raumen. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1873, ii, 211-219.—de Pedro (M.) Conferencia sobre cl exsimen microscopico del vapor atmosferico de la enfermeria, Siglo ra6d., Madrid, 1872 xix, 404; 418; 435. —v. Pcttenkofer (M.) Ueber den Kohlensiiuregehalt der Luft in der libyschen Wiiste iiber und unter dei- Bodenoberttiiche. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen 1875, xi, 381-391.—Popper (M.) Der Staub in der atmo- spharischen Luft. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien 1H72, xviii, 755; 775; 791; 807; 823.—Batlray (A.) An an- alysis of ship air and its effects. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond. 1873, lvi, 157-188, 1 pi.—Regnault. Composition de l'air atmospherique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1848, xxxix, 447.— Riddell (J. L.) Plan proposed to be pursued, to investi- gate the organised matter, contained in the atmosphere, during the prevalence of yellow fever in New Orleans. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1850-1, vii, 172-176.—Salgado (J.) And- lisis de la atm6sfera del manautial de las aguas de las Cal- das. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1855, ii, 227.—Schneider (C. F.) Apparat zur Luft-Analyse. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1861, xvii, 149-152.—Schon- bein (C. F.) Ob die Atmosphare freie Salpetersiiure als I regelmassigeu Bestandtheil en thai to? Ztschr. f. rat. Med. Heidelb., 1851, n. F., i, 400-405.—Seguin. Observations sur un memoire do M. Jurine, relatifa la question propo- s6e en ces termes par la Societe de medecine: Determiner quels avantages la medecine peut retirer des decouvertes modernes, sur l'art de connoitre la purite de l'air par les differens eudiometres. Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1789, x, pt. 2, 147-160.—Seybert (A.) Experiments to ascer- tain tho purity of the air in different situations. Phila. M. Museum, 1808, v, 201-205.—Smith (li. A.) On the air of towns. Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1859, xi, 196-235. Also, Air (Chemistry and microscopy of). Reprint. -----. On the composition of tho atmosphere. Mem. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc. Manchester, Lond., 1868, 3. s.. iii, 1-56. -----. On organic matter in the air. Chem. News, Lond., 1870, xxi, 64; 78. -----. A search for solid bodies in the atmosphere. Mem. Lit. Sc PhU. See. Manchester, 1871, iv, 3. s., 266-270.—Stodder (C.) Air, and some of its impurities. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1871, ii, 395-408.— Tidy. On air analysis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 317.—Tordcux (A.J.) Analyse d'un air impropre ilia com- bustion et dans lequel on peut encore respirer. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1839, 2. s., v, 559-561.—Watson (R.) Obser- vations on the suspended matters in the land and sea air at Netley. Army M. Dep. Rep. (1869), Lond., 1871, xi, 529, 6 pi.—Young (I. G.) Apparatus for finding the amount of CO2 in a given atmosphere. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1875, xxxii, 224. Air (Cold, and cooling of). Maisoxxeuve (J.-G.-T.) * Essai sur les influ- ences de Fair froid sur I'homme; pre'ee'dd de quelques considerations sur la chaleur animale. 4°. Paris, 1828. Harris (C. H.) Cold, dry air as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1875, xiii, 262-264.—Martin (S.) De l'emploi de la glace pour rafraichir l'air atmospherique. Bull. g£n. de therap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxv, 172-174.—Prince (W. H.) Air cooler and purifier. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 336-339.—Rolfls. Die kiihle und kalte Luft als Heil- mittel, vorziighch als Antipyreticum betrachtet. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxxix, 297-348. Air (Compressed and rarefied). See, also, Air (Pressure of); Altitude; Chest (Abnormities of); Deafness (Causation of); Di- vers (Diseases of); Haamospasia : Meteorology (Medical); Mines; Mountains. Bucquoy (E.) * Action de l'air comprime' sur l'e~conomie humaine. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Colladox (L.-T.-F.) Relation d'un descente en ruer, dans la cloche des plongeurs. 8°. Paris, 18*6. Ducrocq (G. F. O.) * Recherehes experi- mentales sur Taction physiologique de la respira- tion d'air comprint. 4". Paris, 1875. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1875. Foley (A. E.) Du travail dans Fair comprime': 6tude mddicale, hygie"nique et biologique fait au pont d'Argenteuil. roy. 8°. Paris, 1863. Jamixet (A.) Physical effects of compressed air, and of the causes of pathological symptoms produced on man by increased atmospheric pres- sure. 8°. St. Louis, 1871. Milliet(J.) De Fair comprint an point de vue physiologique. 8°. Lyon, 1856. Smith (A. H.) The effects of high atmospheric pressure, including the caisson disease. 8°. Brooklyn, 1873. Babington (T. H.) Paralysis caused by working uuder compressed air. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxv, 312-318.—Barella (H.) Du travail dans Fair comprime. Bull. Acad. roy. de nied. de Belg., Brux., 1868, 3. s., U, 593- 647, 1 pi.—Bauer (L.) Pathological effects upon the brain and spinal cord of men exposed to tbe action of a largely increased atmospheric pressure. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1870, n. s., vii, 234-245.—Bert (P.) Une communica- tion relative k la composition de l'air confine dans lequel rrmurent des animaux, quand cet air est comprime k plu- sieurs atmospheres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1871, Par., 1873, 5. s., iii, 66. -----. Communication sur les effets de l'air comprime, les accidents qu'il occasionne, leur cause et les moyens d'y remedier. Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonne (1872), Auxerre, 1873, xiii, pt. 2, 48-55. -----. Influence de l'air conrprinie sur les fermentations. Ann. de chim. et de phys., Par., 1876, 5. s., vii, 145-155.—Bertillon. . . travaux execute dans l'air comprime; effet de ce niiUeu sur les ouvriers. Union m6d., Par., 1861, 2. s., x, 346-350.—Bor- dier (A.) De, l'influence dela pression atmospherique sur l'organisnio aux temps prehistoriqnes et de son role traiw- formiste. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 109- 114.—Clanny (W. R.) Compression and rarefaction of air on the human body. Lancet, Lond., 1836, ii, 359-303.— Clark (E. A.) Effects of increased atmospheric pres- sure upon tho human body; with a report of thirty-five cases brought to city hospital from the caisson of the St. Louis and Illinois bridge. Med. Arch., St Louis, 1870-1, v, 1; 295. Alio, Reprint. [See Hodgin (J. Ti]—Davies (H. N.) The recent catastrophe at Tynewydd coUiery, near I'ont-y-Pridd. Brit. M. J., Lend., \bll, i. 5MI-5S2.— Detuiold (W.) The physiological effect of highly-con- AIK. 137 AIE. Air (Compressed and rarefied). dcnsed air on the human body. N. York J. M., 1843, i, 185-ls.i— I>rosdoff. Ueber 'die Wirkung der Einath- niung von verdichteter und verdunnter Luft. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiu, 773; 785.—Fran- cois. Des effets de l'air comprime sur les ouvriers. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1860, 2. s., xiv, 289-319.—Olas (O.) Luft-tryckets oiler barometerstandets inflytande pa aUmiin- befinnandet och pa vissa sjukdomar. [Effect of atmospheric pressure on the bodyin health or disease.] UpsalaLakaref. Forh., 1867-8, ui, 403-406.—Guerard (A.) Note sur les effets physiologiques et pathologiques de l'air comprime. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1854, 2. s., i, 279-304.—Guichard. Observations sur le sejour dans l'air comprime ct dans dif- ferents gaz d616teres, asphyxiants ou explosibles. J. de l'anat. et de la physioL, Par., 1875, xi, 452-476.—Heiberg. Autopsie d'un malade mort en sort ant de l'air comprime (travaux du pont sur le Limfjord). Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vii, 540.—Heiberg (E. T.) Sygdomsformer hos Arbejderne ved Fastbroankcgget over Limfjorden. [Diseases of workmen subject to compressed air.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1876, 3. R., xxu, 377-386.—Hirt (L.) Gewerbe-Krankheiten. Die in Folge der Einathmung ver- schicdener Gase, Diimpfe und Diinste auftretenden gewerb- lichen Erkrankungen ("GasTnhalations-Krankheiten"). Nebst einem Anhang iiber den Einfluss der comprimirtcn Luft auf die Gesundheit der Arbeiter. Handb. d. spec. Path. [Ziemsseu], Leipz., 1874, i, 381-468.—Hodgen (J. T.) Effects of compressed air upon the human body. (A criti- cism of Dr. E. A. Clark's article.) Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1870-1, v, 219-226—Hoppe (F.) Ueber den Einfluss, wel- chen der Wechsel des Luftdruckes auf das Blut ausiibt. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1857, xxiv, 63-73.—Junod (V. T.) Recherehes physiologiques et therapeutiques sur les effets do la compression et de la rarefaction de l'air, tant sur le corps que sur les membres isoles. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1834, in, 350-368. Also, Reprint.—Lange, Ueber die Wirkungen der com- Erimirten Luft auf den Organismus. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. Nat,- u. HeUk. in Dresd., 1867, 33-37.—Lewis (G. L.) The effects of compressed air upon the human system, as evinced in the sinking of bridge piers during the construc- tion of the Atchison bridge over the Missouri river. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas, Topeka, 1875, xi, 10-21.—v. liiebig. Der / Gasaustausch iu den Lungen unter dem erhohten Luft- drucke der pneumatischen Kammer. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1874, xxi, 151-154.—v. liiebig (G.) Ueber das Athmen unter erhcihtem Luftdrucke. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1869, v, 1-27.—Littleton (T.) Effects of sub- marine descent. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 127.—Mayer. Bericht iiber eine Versuchs-Sitzung in comprimirter Luft. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1869, xvii, 359-364.—Michaelis. Ueber die Wirkung des erhohten und verminderten Luft- druckes auf den menschlichen Korper. Sitz.-Ber. d. na- turw. Gesellsch. Isis in Dresd. (1872), 1873, 37-42.—Mil- liet (J.) De l'air comprime au point de vue physiologique. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1856, viU, 172; 197.—Pan'uisi (P. L.) Untersuchungen iiber die physiologischen Wirkungen der comprimirten Luft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1868, i, 125-165.—Payerne. Influence de l'air comprime sur I'homme, sous quelques points de vue in6tudies. Mem. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cherbourg, 1853, i, 145-151.—Pol (B.) & Watelle (T. 1.1.) Memoire sur les effets de la compres- sion de l'air appUquee au creusement des puits k houUle. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1854, 2. s., i, 241-279.—Pravaz. Note sur la pression atmospherique dans ses rapports avec le m6canismede la respiration, le ph6nomene de l'hematosc et la circulation capiUaire. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1849- 50, xv, 520-532.—Pravaz fils. Effets de l'air comprime. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1861, vui, 71.—v. Ricsc. Ueber den Gebrauch comprimirter Luft auf Eisenbahnen. Ver- handl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., 1862 xix, 100-106.—Runge. Zur Theorie der Wirkung com- primirter Luft auf den Organismus. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xui, 99; 107.—Scott (E. J.) Deep water diving—a curious paralytic affection. China Imp. Customs Med. Rep. Shanghai, 1877, 72.—Simonoff. Ueber die Wirkungen der verdichteten Luft auf die Respirationsorgane. St. Pe- tersb. med. Ztschr., 1872, n. s., iii, 269-275. -----. Ueber die Wirkung der verdichteten Luft auf den allgemeinen Ernahrungszustand des Korpers. Ibid., 1875, n. s., v, 258- 261.—Thibaut (L.) Sc Le Boy de Mericourt. Note sur les accidents observes pendant l'usage d'un scaphandre dont le tuyau injecteur d'air, en caoutchouc vulcanise, ve- nait d'etre renouveie. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1864, i, 225-239.—v. Vivcnot (R. jun.) Ueber die Veranderu'ng der Korperwarme unter dem Einfluss des verstarkten Luft- druckes. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1866, xi, 113-146.—Wille- min. Remarques sur l'emploi do l'air comprime dans les travaux d'art. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1860, xx, 179-183. Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. See, also, Haemospasia; Phthisis (Treatment of). Bertin (E.) Etude clinique de l'emploi et des effets du bain d'air compriiue dans le traitement de di verses maladies scion les proc6de"s nie'dico- Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. pneumatiqucs ou d'atmospherie de M. Emile Tabari6. 8°. Paris, 1855. -----. The same. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1868. Blegboroigh (R.) Facts and observations respecting the air-pump vapor-bath in gout, rheumatism, palsy, and other diseases. 12°. London, 1803. Bogaslof (V. S.) O vozdukhae kak vrachev- nom sredstvae. [On air as a curative agent, with appendix on pneumatic apparatus.] §°. Moscow, 1876. v. Els.esser(C. L.) Zur Theorie der Lebens- erscheiuungen in comprimirter Luft. Mitcinigcn Notizen ueber die pneumatische Heilanstalt des Herrn Dr. R. Gmelin in Stuttgart. 12°. Stutt- gart, 1866. Fleming (L. D.) The air cure; or atmos- pheric therapeutics. 16°. Rochester, N. Y., 1867. Fontaine (J. A.) Effets physiologiques et applications therapeutiques de Fair comprime. 8°. Paris, 1877. Franchet (P.) *Des effets physiologiques et des applications therapeutiques du bain corn- prime'. 4°. Paris, 1873. Grand (A.) * Considerations physiologiques et therapeutiques sur Fair condense (pression comprise entre une et deux atmospheres). 4°. Paris, 1877. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Lambert (J.) * Etude clinique et experimen- tale sur Faction de l'air comprime et rarefie dans les maladies des poumons et du cceur d'apres la methode de Waldenburg. 4°. Argenteuil, 1877. Rengade (J.) La medecine pneumatique. Ses applications au traitement des maladies des voies res'piratoires. 12°. Paris, 1873. Roussaux(A.) * De Faerotherapie. 4°. Paris, 1868. [Royce (W. A.)] Disinfection of vessels and hospitals by the use of compressed air, method of abating yellow fever, etc. 8°. New York, lb73. Sandahl (O. T.) Des bains d'air comprime. . . . precede d'une description de l'etablissement medico-pneumatique de Stockholm. 8°. Stock- holm, 1867. Simpson (A.) Compressed air as a therapeutic agent, in the treatment of consumption, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases, with a preface by William Macleod. 8°. Edinburqh, 1857. Stahl (G. C.) *. . . de aeris in praxi medica usu. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1694]. Stembo (L.) * Beitriige zur physiologischen Wirkung der comprimirten Luft. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Torreill (A.) .*Considerations sur les effets physiologiques de l'emploi medical de l'air com- prime. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Vages (F. W.) *Die Luft als Mittel zur Diagnose und als Heilmittel. 8°. Marburq, 1866. von Vivenot (R.) Zur Kenntniss der physiolo- gischen Wirkungen und der therapeutischen Anwendung der verdichteten Luft. 8°. Er- langen, 1868. Waldenburg (L.) Die pneumatische Behand- lung der Respirations- und Circulationskrank- hciten im Anschluss an die Pneumatometrie, Spirometric und Brustmessung. 8°. Berlin, 1875. v. Basch (S.) Ueber den Einfluss der Athmung von comprimirter und verdunnter Luft auf den Blutdruck des Menschen. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1877, 489-499,1 pi.—Bertin (E.) De l'emploi du bain d'air comprime dans le traitement de la surdite. Montpel. med.. 1865, xiv, 289-318; xv, 29-49. Also, Reprint.—Bicdert (P.) Beitrage zur pneumati- schen Methode;. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 164-189. ---—. Ueber Ausathmung aus clem pneumatischen Kahinet in ^ewohnliche oder verdi'mnto Luft. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvu, 1693-1697.—Bjiirn- AIE. 138 AIE. Air (Compressed and rarefied) as a remedy. strom (F.) En fcirenklad pneumatisk apparat och om pneumatoterapicns indikationer. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1875-6, xi, 62-72.—Blumbers (A.) On the use of com- pressed and rarefied air. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 241.— Bordier (A.) Emploi medical de l'air comprime. J. de therap., Par., 1876, iii, 905; 948: 1877, iv, 24; 62; 100; 132.—Bricheteau. Des effets physiologiques de l'air comprime ct de ses applications k la therapeutique. BuU. sen. de. llieiaji., etc., Par., 1868, lxxv, 203-208.— Brodowski (\V.) O wplywiczgeszczonegopowietrzana organizm ludzki w stanie zdrowia i choroby. [Effects of compressed air in health and disease.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1866, i, 257; 277. -----. Spostrzezcnia tyczace sie. dzialania scisnionego powietrza, tak pod wzgledem flzyologiczuym jak i terapeutycznym, pocynione w zakladzie pneumatyc- znym. Ibid., 1868, v, 1; 2i; 53; 86; 100; 118.-----Pnen- motorapia racyonalna czyU leczenie sciesuionem powietr- zem w gabinetach pneumatycznych na ten eel zbudo- wanych. O niepodobienstwie zas°ta.pienia takowej przez przyrzady (Hauke'go, Waldenburg'a it. p.) do sztucznego oddychania. Ibid., 1876, xx, 49; 81.-----. O ruchu chorych w Instytncie pneumatycznym. Ibid., 1878, xxiv, 280-282.— Briinniche (A.) Om Pnevmatometri og pnevmatisk Behandhng. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjehenh., 1876, 3. R., xxi, 385-395.—Budde (V.) Om anvendelsen af det transpor- table pnevmatiske apparat ved behandlingen af diabetes meUitus kompUceret met lungeemfysem og leverhyper- aemie. Ibid., 353; 369.—Caflfe. Du travail dans' l'air comprime; etude medicale, hygienique et biologique faite au pont de Kehl et au pont d'ArgenteuU; nouvelle et puis- sante ressource therapeutique fournie par Fair comprime. Rapport. Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xix, 548; 585. Also: Bull. Soc. m6d. d'emulat. de Par., 1867, n. s., i, 159-171.— Cassagny. NouveUe methode de compression metho- dique realisee par l'intermediaire de l'air ou de l'eau. Lyon m6d., 1876, xxii, 602-607.—Castiglioni. Sopra im suo nuovo apparecchio pneumoterapico graduatore. Atti Ac- cad. med. di Roma, 1877, iu, fasc. 2, 20-32.—Cohen (J. S.) On the therapeutic uses of compressed and rarifled air. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila., 1876, 3. s., u, 105-111. Also, Reprint.— v. Cube. Ein pneumatischer Doppel-Apparat zur me- chanischen Behandlung der Respirations-Krankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 41-44, 1 pi. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1874, xxiv, 617; 638.—Be Cock (H.) Heeft de pneumatische methode een toekomst bij de be- handeling van zieke schepelingen ? Nederl. mU. geneesk. Arch., Utrecht, 1878, ii, 1. Hft., 1-22.—Bevay. Du bain d'air comprint dans les affections graves des organes respi- j ratoires, et particulierement dans la phthisic pulmonaire. | Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1853, i, 152-155.—Biihrssen. Zur mechanischen Wirkung des transportablen pneumati- i schen Apparates. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 121- ! 124.—Bu Mesnil (O.) Scaphandre Cabirol, etc. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1868, 2. s., xxix, 212-225, 1 pi—Edlund (E.) Om Prof. Waldenburgs transportabla pneumatiska appa- rater. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1879, xii, 295-298.—Emploi (Sur 1') des bains d'air comprime dans les cas do deforma- tions du thorax et de la colonne vertebrale cons6cutives k un epanchement pleuretique ancien et r6sorb6. BuU. gen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1851, xU, 488-495.—Erpcn- beck (H.) Die kiinstliche Luft-Verdiinnung als HeU- oder Hiilfsmittel in mancherlei inneren und ausseren Krankheiten. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. HeUk., 1839, iv, 471-496.—Etheridge (J. H.) Compressed air. Chicago M. J., 1873, xxx, 166-171.—Fischer (G.) Der Luftcom- Eressionsapparat. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Gross- erz. Oldenburg, 1865, iU, 69; 81.—Fontaine. Nouveaux appareils pneumatiques pour administrer le bain d'air corn- prune. Assoc, franc, p. l'avance. d. sc. Compt.-rend., Par., 1873, 219; 225; 1047, 1 pi.—Ford (J. A.) The ex- hausting air treatment of chronic diseases. Cincin. Lancet aipiK?)s KaTaaTacrews ejrl rfjs vcr€u$, ttjs iroptias ical T7j« flepairct'as toiv vou4, ii, 675.—Hulke (J. W.) Lodgement of a tracheotomy tube in right bronchus; extraction. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1877, lx, 85-92.— Hunt (W. I.) Case of bronchotomy. successfully performed for the removal of a pebble from'the trachea. * Ibid.. 1823, xii, 27-36.—Hutch- inson (J.) Portion of bone inhaled into the trachea, and expectorated four months afterwards. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1862, xiii, 26.—Ill (E. J.) A shawl-pin lodged in the left bronchus for thirty-three days. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiu, 129.—Jackson. Screw swallowed by a child, and thrown off after having been in the air-passages for three years. Boston M. Sc S."J., 1855, liii, 510.—Jacquart. Corps etranger (haricot) introduit dans les voies aeriennes chez un enfant de quatre ans; tracheotomie; gu6rison. Clin. cl. hop. d. enf., Par., 1842, u, 179-183.—Jaksch. In die Lurtwego geratheno Bohne; Pneumonie; Tod. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1864, 119-122.-JalIand (R.) Case of tracheotomy, for the removal of a marble from the wind pipe. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, viii, 41.—Jameson (H. G.) Case, in which a water-melon seed escaped into the trachea . . . bronchotomy; success. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix, 286-288.-----. Extraction of a Sebble from the trachea, bv bronchotomy. Am. M. Recor- cr. 1824, vii, 36-41.—Jarsinski (L.) ZufaUiges Einath- meh einer Nahnadel; Verschwinden derselben innerhalb der Brustorgane; ganz geringe und ganz kurz andauerndo Beschwerden damach. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 574.—Jcbc. Tracheotomie paa Grand af fremmed Legemo i Larynx. Norsk Mag. f. LsBgevidensk., Christiania, 1862, xvi, 783-785.—Jcflray. Fatal suffocation in a coal miner from a fragment of coal impacted in the glottis. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1835, xliv, 108, 1 pi.—Jobert de Lamballc. Recherehes sur les corps etrangers clans les voies aeriennes. Union med., Par., 1851, v, 250; 253; 258; 262; 269; 274.— Johnson. Foreign body in the trachea; tracheotomy. Virginia M. &S. J., Richmond, 1853, i, 31.—Johnson (G.) Lecture on foreign bodies in the air passages. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 501; 537.—Johnson (W. H.) 1 Penins. Sc Iudep. M. J., Detroit, 1859-60, ii, 81-84.—Johnston (D.) Foreign body in the air passages; tracheotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 600-602.—Johnston (S.) Removal of a toy loco- motive from sub-glottic cavity, by tracheotomy au'd thy- rotomy; recovery. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1876, i, 211-. 214.—Jones (T.' E.) Umbrella-ferule impacted in the left bronchus for two months. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 653.—Kapff. Tod nach sechzig Tagen in Folge einer in die Luftrohre gelangten Bohne. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1845, xv, 319.—Kebcr. Erstickungs- tod durch einen bei Lehzeitcn in die Luftrohre gedrungcnrn Spulwurm. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1852, iv, 195.—Key (A.) Fall af plotslig dcid genom indragning af magkontenta i luftstrupen. [Death from contents of stomach entering trachea.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1877, xxxix, 247-250.—Key- lcr. Tracheotomie, durch einen in die Lnftrohro gefallo- nen fremden Korper veranlasst. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1832-3, i, 157-159.—Kien. t Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1876, xxxv, 114. Also: Mem. Soc. de m6d. do Strasb., 1877, xiii, 96-102.—[Kieselstcin in der Trachea.] Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1858), Wien, 1859, 248.—King. Tracheotomy for foreign body in the air passages; death. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., AIRPASSAGES. 147 AIR-PASSAGES. Air-passages (Foreign bodies in). 1863, i. 87.—Kinglakc (R.) Two cases of the destruc- tive etl'ects of a foreign body admitted into the trachea. Med. A: Phys. J., Lond., 1810, xxiv, 269-271. — Kins- man (D. IL) t Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vi, 113.—Kirch- hotT. In die Luftrohre gefalleno Canule. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz.. 1870, iii, 487.—Klaatsch. Plotzlichcr Tod durch einen in die Luftrohre gerathenen fremden Kill per veranlasst. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvi, 568.—Kosciakiewicz. Ilabichuela tragada por una nhia de quince meses; opcracion de laringo-traque- otoniia k los veiute y un dias de su introduction eh las vias aereas; espulsion del cuerpo estraiio; curacion. Bol. do med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1848, 3. a., iii, 178-186.— Kotxonopulos (E.) IlepinTuxn? TpaxeiOTOjutas evepyr)^(ia~ri^ np'os e£aipeaiv aWorpiov ju.aTos iv tuj Aapuyyi enneaovTos. \ulsion spontaneo le dix-huitieme jour. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 323.— Russ (L.) Er- ofinung der Luftrohro zur Entfernung einer Bohne. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1842, xii, 144-152.— ISuycr. Corps .etranger 86journ6 dans la trachee-artere pendant cinq mois. Rov. m6el. franc}, ct etrang., Par., 1832, iv, 183-186.—Saint-Germain. Corps etrangers des voiea respiratoires. Ann. d. mal. de 1'orciUe et du larynx, Par., 1870, ii, 312.—Walter. Tracheotomy for the removal of a pebble from the trachea. Boston M. & S. J., 1857, lvi, 82- 84. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve, 1859, iii, 76- 78.—Wand (A.) Ueber Frenidkorper in den Luftwegen. Deutsches ftrch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 330-373.— Santesson (C.) Fiamniando kropp i luftrciret; tracheo- tomie,; helsa. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1854, xvi, 647-649.— Schlesinger (J.) Tod durch cine in die Luftrohre ge- kommene Griitc. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 183G, 150- 159.—Schmidt (M.) Extraction eines Fremdkorpeis aus | Air-passages (Foreign bodies in). der Trachea von obenher. Arch. f. kUn. Chir., Berl., 1875. xviii, 186-189.—Schmit (P.) Corps etrangers dans les voies respiratoires. Bull. Soc. d. sc. m6d. du gr.-duch6 do Luxemb., 1867, 125-127.—Schiiz. Frenido Kiirpor in der Luftrohre. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 45.—Schuh. Stein iu der Luftrohre mit ZeUgewebsem- physem am Halse und Gesichte; Tracheotomie; Heilung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1859, ix, 1-3.—Scott (J.) Extraction of a grain of corn from the trachea. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1868, xix, 145.—Sen (B. M. C.) Foreign body in the trachea; removal; recovery. Indian M. Gaz.,Calcutta, 1873,vui,395.—Scntex. Corps 6tranger des voies aeriennes; deiix operations do tracheotomie, etc.; guerison. Mem. et bnU. Soc. do m6d. do Bordeaux, 1869, 195-202.—Shcppurd (J.) Death from a foreign body in tho bronchus. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 71.—Sinks (1.) A piece of oyster sheU lodged in tho trachea fifteen months. Med. Herald, Leaven- worth, 1875, viii, 113.—Skey. Tracheotomy performed for the removal of a tamarind stone from tho trachea. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 110.—Slaughter (M. G.) Tracheotomy for the removal of a foreign body. Atlauta M.-& S. J., 1856, i, 449.—Smith (II. H.) Tracheotomy successfuUy performed for tho removal of a grain of corn, which had remained seven weeks in the trachea and had commenced to germinate. Med. Exam., Phila.. 1856, xii, 457- 459.—Smith (S. C.) Impaction of a smaU whistle in the right bronchus; recovery. Lancet,Lond., 1876.u, 148.—Smyly(P. C.) Ascaris lumbricoides in the trachea. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xU, 284-288,2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Spitta(R. J.) tt Foreign bodies in the air-passages. Lancet. Lond., 1876, U, 391.—Stanski. Epi do fausse avoine introduit dans les voies aeriennes et rejete au- dehors k travels les parois thora- ciques; mort a la suite d'une phthisie pulmonaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, v, 409.—Stein (J.) Ein Fremdkorper in den Luftwegen. MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1864, ix, 109- 174.—Stcinbriick. Zwei Fiille von fremden Korpern in der Luftrohre. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1835, 241-244.—Stevens (G. B.) A case of foreign body in the air-passages. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1876, xcv, 463.—Stone (W.) Tracheotomy for tho removal of a foreign bodv, with remarks. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1859, xvi, 737-741.—Stone of sugar-apple in one of the bronchi. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 126.—Strnve. Geschichte einer gebrann- ten Kaffebohne dio sich eilf Monate in der Luftrohre eines dritthalbiiihrigen Miidchens auf hielt. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1801, xiii, 1. St., 101-105.—Sudden death from suffocation after a blow. Reported by C. J. Gibb. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii, 259.—Suesserott (J. L.) Foreign body in the trachea. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1868, xviii, 41.—Swain (J.) t . . . spontaneous ex- trusion after 108 days. Chicago M. J., 1863, n. s., vi, 116.— Taylor (J. M.) t It. Mississippi M. Ass., Columbus, 1872, v, 56.—Terry (H. R.) Spiral spring remaining in the trachea for more than a year; death and autopsy. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1860, n. a., iv, 4.—Thilo. Fall von Tracheotomie bei gemuthmasstem fremden Korper in der Luftrohre. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 362.— Thompson (J.) Foreign body in the trachea... reUoved by tracheotomy. Med. Times, Lond., 1848, xviu, 72.— Thompson (J. W.) Tracheotomy for the removal of a pin. Richmond Sc Louisvillo M. J., LouisvUle, 1871, xii, 13.—Thomson (J. B.) Suffocation from a pea in the windpipe. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, i, 146-148.—Tom son (J. J.) On the use of looped wire in the removal of foreign bodies from tho air passages; with a report of two cases. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1861, ii, 25.—Toothaker (S. A.) Foreign body in tho right bronchia eleven months and five days. Boston M. & S. J., 1859, lx, 160.-----. Foreign body in the bronchia; morbid effects; recovery. Ibid., 1862, lxvi, 83.—Torcnt. Traqucotomia por un cuerpo extraiio. Arch. de la cirug., Barcel., 1877, i, 405-407.—Tracheotomie fait avec succes pour i xtraire un corps etranger de la trach6e-arterc. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1844, xxvi, 292-294.—Tracheotomy for the removal of a plum-stone lodged in the air-passages; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, 445.—Travers (B.) Removal of a fish- bone from the air-tube i .i., vears after its admission. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833, xi. 7'V>.—TVoscbH. Eine Tuehnadel in dem rechten Asto der Luftrohre. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 34.—Trousscl-Delvincourt. Corps etranger arrete dans les voies aferiennes, retire au moyen do la tracheo- laryngotomie. N. Jour, de med., chir., pharm., Par., 1820, vii, 101-106.—Trowbridge (A.) Caso.of successful tra- cheotomy, for the purpose of extracting a foreign substance. Med. Reposit., N\ Y., 1820, n. »., v, 79-83.—Valat. Ob- servation do corps etranger (haricot) de la trachee. Lyon m6d., 1878, xxvii, 271-274.—[Valcttc.] Corps etranger dans la trachee; tracheotomie; guerison. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1857, ix, 87. — Van Buren. Tracheotomy for tlie removal of a foreign body in the air passages. N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s., i, 237. — Vaulfegcard & Londel. Observation sur uno operation de laryngo- tracheotoniie, pratiqu6e sans succes pour l'extraction d'un corps etranger arrete dans les voies aeriennes. J. g6n. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, civ, 301-312.— Vicq-d'Azyr. Observation sur un haricot pass6 dans la trachee-artere. Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1780-1, AIR-PASSAGES. 149 AITKEK Air-passages (Foreign bodies in). 319-320.—Villarct. Observation d'operation do tracheo- tomie, necessiteo par l'introduction de plusieurs fragments d'ecaiUes d'6crevisse dans les voies aeriennes. Rec do mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1851, 2. s., xii, 239-250.— Vital (A.) Observation do sangsue dans la trachee ar-; bronchotomio; guerison. Gaz. med. dePar., 1838, 2. s., vi, 138. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1838, ii, 48- 50.—Tolland. Beitrag zu den Fremdkorpern in den Luftwegen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Boil., 1878, iv, 109 ; 122.—Voltolini. Eine Nussschalo 10 Monato in der Luftrohre; ein neues Speculum fiir lctztere; Operation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 71-74.—"Wagner (E.) Zur Casuistik der fremden Korper in den Luftwegen. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1864, v, 347-352.—Wallace (T.) Foreign body in tho bronchial tube. Boston M. & S. J., 1837, xvi, 205.—Walter (A. G.) Tracheotomy for the re- moval of a largo copper cent, impacted in the larynx. Cincin. M. & S. News, 1862, iii. 78-81. -----. Tracheotomy for tho removal of foreign bodies from the air passages; with cases. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1863, xiv, 56-63.— ■Walters (J.) Removal of foreign bodv from the left bronchus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, l, 141.—Von Wallhcr (P.) Krankheitsgeschichto eines jungen Mannes, in dessen Luftrohre eine Krebsscheero cingedrungen war, welche in den rechten Bronchialast hinabfiel, sieben Jahre darin liegen blicb, und wahrend dieser Zeit eine ganze Reihe der sonderbarsten ZufiiUo verursachte. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828, iii, 379-398.—Wandesleben. Fremder Kor- per in der Luftrohre. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU. (1834), Koblenz, 1837, 159. -----. Fremder Korper in den Bronchien. Ibid. (1840), Koblenz, 1841, 63. Also: Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 203.—Ware (C. E.) Screw ejected, after six weeks' retention in the neighbourhood of a child's larynx. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855, n. s., xxix, 357.— Warren (J. M.) Foreign bodies in the air passages. Boston M. & S. J., 1847, xxxvii, 389-396. Also, in his: Surgical observations, Boston, 1867, 96-108.—Webster (J.) Caso of a boy, who recovered after a cherry-stone had remained sixty-eight days in tho bronchi. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1826, n. s., i, 430-432.—Wegener. Eine Bohne in den Luftwegen eines Kindes von J Jahren; Tracheo- tomie ; Ausstossung der Bohne; Heilung. Pract. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1879, xx, 1.—Weiss. Sur deux cas de mort subite par des bols aUmentaires obstruant l'orilice larynge. Rov. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1875, ii, 335.—Weist (J. R.) A contribution to tho statistics in relation to foreign bodies in the air passages. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1867, xi, 70-84.—Wells (T.) Tracheotomy for the removal of a foreign bodyfrom the trachea. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1832, x, 28-31.—Werner. Tracheotomie wegen einer in dio Luftwege eingedrungenen Bohne; Tod und Verblutung wahrend der Operation. Med. Cor.-Bl."d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868, xxxviU, 88; 112.—West (J. F.) La- ryngo-tracheotomy for removal of a shiUing from the larynx. Lancet, Lond., 1877, u, 722; 760.—West (J. W.) Case of foreign body in the air-passages, producing fcetid ex- pectoration. Prov.M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1843, vi, 327.—Wheel- house (C.) Tracheotomy for the extraction of foreign bodies. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, ii, 882-884.—Whitley (G.) [Caseof damson-stone in tho trachea.] Med. &Phys. J., Lond., 1818, xxxix, 100-102.—Whitley (W. H.) Foreign bodies in the air passages. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1867-8, i, 342-346.—Williams (J.) t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxv, 470-473. — Woodward (B.) [Case of a piece of hickory nut-sheU in tho trachea of a small girl; slow reco- very.] Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago, 1856, xiu, 59-61.— Woolvertou (T.) A case of foreign body in the bron- chus. Boston M. & S. J., 1875, xcu, 258—Yandcll (D. W.) Three cases of tracheotomy for foreign bodies. Am. Pract, LouisvUle, 1875, ii, 284-287. -----. Case of tracheo- tomyfor foreign body. LouisvUle M. News, 1876, ii, 43.— Zaringer. Langsamer Tod in Folge eines eingeathmcten Pflaumensteins. Mitth. d. badisch. arztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1*53, vii, 184-187.—Zimmer. Erstickung durch eine in dio Luftrohro gerathene Bohne. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1844, xiv, 199. Air-passages (Medication of). See Inhalation. Air-pump. A Bergen (C. A.) * De vitando errore in diju- dicandis phamoiuenis antliae pneumatica. Re- spondens Joh. Christianus Lindner. 4°. Franco- furti ad Viadrum, [1741]. Cutbertson (J.) & Champnets (J.) Verza- meling van eenige fraaio proeven, voor de tafel- lugtpomp, benevens eene beschryving van twee zulko werktuigen, zo als dezelve gemaakt wor- den. 8°. Amsterdam, [1770]. Laxgius (P. C.) * Anthae pneumatica? phe- nomena prima, quibis vulgo machinam hanc ten- Air-pump. tare solent, explicata atque dissertatione acade- mica proposita. 4°. Tubingce, 1705. Murray (J.) Observations on the medical and surgical agency of the air pump. Eead before the British Association in 1835. 8°. Dublin, 1836. von Sanden (H.) *De antliia pneumaticis. Respondente Melch. Philippo Hartmanno. 4°. Vitembergce, [1704]. -----. The same. 4°. Vitembergce, 1739. Schuciiardus (J. B.) De antlia pneumatica. 4°. Vitembergce, [1714]. Busch (H.) Quecksilberluftpnmpe. Arch. f. d. ges- Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 445-448.—Murray (J.) Observa- tions on the medical and surgical agency of tho air-pump. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836, i, 553-588. Air as a remedy. See, also, Air (Compressed, etc.); Inhalation as a mode of treatment. Jourdanet (D.) Aerotherapie. Application artificielle de l'air des montagnes au traitement curatif des maladies chroniques. 12°. Paris, 1863. Kuhn (C. G.) De receutiorum physicorum circa aerem doctrina in remedica magna; utilitatis. 4°. Lipsice, 1785. Urquhart (A.) * Qusedam de aeris in morbos effectibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Fleckelcs (I.) Ueber die Beniitzung des freien atmo- spharischen Luftmediums zur Heilung chronischer Krank- heiten. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 129-139.— Oreiner. Erinnerung an den Gebrauch der Luftbader, und der Frictionen der Haut. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1811, 204-226.—Jones (C. H.) Clinical lecture on hyper- ventUation in certain diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 417; 451.—von Kaczoro wski. Die kalte Luft als Anti- pyreticum und Antisepticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 15; 25; 37; 49— Merrick (C. H.) Sun and air baths. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 507- 509.—Theodor (C.) TJeber den Einfluss dor Temperatur der umgebenden Luft auf die Kohlensaureausscheidung unci die Sauerstoflaufnahme bei einer Katze. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1878, xiv, 51-56.—Voit (C.) Ueber die Wirkung der Temperatur der umgebenden Luft auf die Zersetzungen im Organismus der Warmbliiter. Ibid., 57- 160. Air in ships. See Air (Chemistry, etc., of); Hygiene (Naval). Air-spaee and Air-supply. See Respiration; Ventilation. Air in the veins. See Air in the blood. Aird. (Joannes). * De dysenteria. 2 p. 1., 38 pp. 8°. Glasguce, II. f A. Foulis, 1772. [P., v. 662.] Aire (Joannes). *De febre communi BritannisB contagiosa continua. 57 pp. 8°. Edinburqi, Creech, 1802. [P., v. 20.] Airy (George B.) On the undulatory theory of op- tics : designed for the use of students in the uni- versity. New ed. 2 p. 1., 159 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London and Cambridge, Macmillan 4- Co., 1866. Airy (Hubert). Report on the sanitary state of Sutton Veny (Wilts). Feb. 13, 1872. 5 pp. fol. [London, 1872.] -----. Report on diphtheria in parts of the Long- benton sub-district (Tynemonth Union). Juno 13, 1872. 4 pp. fol. [London, 1872.] Aisenstadt (Samuel). * Ueber die Nitrumbe- handlung des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus. 35 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, C. J. Becker, 1875. Aitken. See Review (A) of . . . outlines of the theory and cure of fever, [etc. ] 8°. [London, n. d. ] Aitken (John). Essays and cases in surgery. xvii, 17-241 pp., 7 pi. 8°. London, E. &• C. Dilly, 1775. -----. Medical improvement: an address read to the Medical Society. 35 pp., 1 1. 8°. Edin- burgh, J. Bell, 1777.' -----. Elements of the theory and practice of AITKEN. l.r)0 AJELLO. Aitken (John)—continued. physic and surgery. 2 v. Port., 581, 606 pp. 8°. London, C."Di'lly, 1782-3. -----. Principles of midwifery, or puerperal medicine. 2. ed. xxiv, 216, 9 pp., 1 1., 12 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, [17t\">]. The 1. ed. was published in April, 1784. -----. An address to the Chirurgo-Obstetrical Society : delivered at their iirst meeting. 15 pp. 6°. Edinburgh, J. M'Benzie, 1786. -----. Essay on fractures, and on luxations, xi, 173 pp., 11 pi. 8U. Edinburgh, 1789. [P., v. 116.] -----. The same. New ed. xi, 173 pp., 1 1., 11 pi., 1 port. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1809. Aitken (Lauchlan). Case of pelvic hematocele. 12 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4. -----. A commentary on the dysentery: or bloody ilux. Translated by John Ryan, M. D. 2 p. 1., 93 pp. 8°. London, F. and J. Noble, 1767. [Also, in: P., v. 557.] van Akerlaken (Antonius Allardus). *De pleuritide. 1 p. 1., 26 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. # H. Verbeek, 1731. Akcrly (Samuel). Observations and correspon- dence ou the nature and cure of deafness . . . 20 pp., 1 pi. 8°! New York, E. Conrad, 1824. -----. Address . . . introductory to the exercises of tho pupils of the New-York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, with an account of the exercises. 32 pp. 8°. New York, E. Conrad, 1823. See, also, Medical Repository, New York, 1797-1824. Akerman (Carl Rudolph). Sec Glas(Olof). Om angina pectoris. 8°. Upsala, 1851. AkcH'nian (Jacobus). * Sciagraphioa nervorum capitis descriptio. 26 pp. 4°. Upsalice, exprelo vid. J. Edman, [1793]. Akhalzikh. Karpovicha (V. M.) O mineralenuikh vodakh Akhaltsuikhskago uaezda. [On the mineral waters of the district of Akhalzikh.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1869, no. viu, pt. 1, 1-9. Akin (James). Facts connected with the life of James Carey, whose eccentrick habits caused a post-mortem examination by gentlemen of the faculty to determine whether he was hermaphro- ditic. ' 8 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Akolutla (Carol. Gottl. Eman.) *De kali tar? tarico acido boracico. 14 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jence, ex off. Schlotteriana, [1801]. Akyab. See Syphilis (Hospitals for). Alabama. Sec, also, Cahawba; Cross Keys; Education (Medical); Huntsville; Insane (Asylums for); Lowndesboro; Marion; Medical Association of the State of Alabama; Mobile; Montgomery; Prattville; Selma; Sumterville; Wetumpka. Haines (H.) The State of Alabama : its mine- ral, agricultural, and manufacturing resources; embracing a sketch of its early history and pro- gress. 8°. Paris, 1867. Anderson (L. H.) Report on the diseases of Sumter countv. Proc. M. Ass. Alabama, 1851, Mobile, 1852, v, 95- 104.—Bankiton (J. S.) Jackson county diseases. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1874, xxvii, 390-392.—Bassctt (J. V.) Report on the topography, cUmate and diseases of Madison county, Ala. In: Fenner's South. M. Rep., N. Orl., 1849, i, 256-281.—Bates (F. A.) Report on tho pre- vaUing diseases of Dallas co. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1849-50, vi, 178-188. Also, in: Fenner's South. M. Rep., N. Oil., 1849, i, 256-281.— Boling (W. M.) An examination of the "reply"', etc., of P. li. Lewis, M. D., ... to the review of his medical history of Alabama. N. Orl. M. lapsu, integro abdomine sanates. Halce, 1727. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., iv. -----& Havighorst (Joh.) De singulari mer- curii dulcis usu in desperatis quibusdam morbis. Halce, 1745. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., vii. -----& Schuller (J. G.) De morbo Hungarian hagymaz, ejusque cura praecipue per speciticum. Halce, 1726. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb, v. Albertus (Salomon). Orationes duae, prior de studio doctrinae physicae, et eo libello, qui do anima inscribitur: posterior de bile oxcrementicia, num e suo folliculo in intestina profnsa ammiscea- tur cremori ventriculi, in eadem illabenti suaque ipsuni contagione contaminet. Adjuncta est quaestio, an ventriculus suo cremore vere nutria- tur. 47 1. 12°. Witebergce, exc. C. Schleich cj- A. Sclibn, [1575-6]. -----. De sudore cruento. Adjuncta est quaestio, cur pueris non sit interdicendum lacrimis: et, cur in lacrimis suspiria et gemitus fere conjungantur. 75 pp. 16°. Vitcebergce, typ. Z. Lehmani, 1582. -----. Historia plerarumque partium humani corporis, in usum tyronum edita. 6 p. 1., 94 pp., 11. 12°. Vitcebergce, exc. Z. Lehman, 1583. 1. ed. bound with Dresserus (M.) De partibus cor- poris humani, [etc.] 12°. Witebergce, 1583. -----. The same. 8 1., 121 pp., 1 1. 12°. Vitce- bergce, ere. hceredes J. Cratonis, 1585. -----. Disputatio de lacrimis. 32 pp. 4°. Vite- bergce, 1585. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select., iv. -----. Tres orationes. Prima de cognitione herbarum . . . secunda de moschi . . . natura . . . tertia de disciplina anatomica, [etc.] 95 1. unp. 12°. Norimbergce, 1585. -----. Oratio de snrditate et mutitate: quaestio an, ct quid Grandini in sue cum schorbuto in homino sit commercii. 251. 16°. Noribergce, [off. E. Gerlachice], 1591. Albertus (Wolfner). *De rhenmatismo articu- lorum acuto. 27 pp. 8°. [Pragce], typ. J. Pospischil, [1843]. Albertyn (Carolus Fridericus). * De febri scar- latinosa. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. expr. G. schade, [1865]. Albertyn (Friedericus). *De nonnullis morbi renum, quern dicunt Brightii, varietatibus. 29 pp. 8°. Halis Saxonum, formis Ploetzianis,1868. c. Albespy (Francois). * Considerations sur l'6ti- ologie et le traitement de la pourriture d'h6pital, particuiierement par le perchlorure de fer. 32 pp. 4J. Paris, 1860, No. 98. [Also, in: P., v. 51.] Albessard (Erienne Denis). *De la cystite chroniquo chez les vieillards. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1^75, No. 255. Albicu* [or Albik] (Sigismund). v. Ilnancr (J.) [Life and writings ofl Sigismund Albicus (orAlbikl. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1866, xc, 19. k Albini (Giuseppe). Lezioni di embriologia nel- l'universita di Napoli, in un corso straordinario nell'anno 1867. 1 p. 1., 144 pp. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Albinos and Albinism. Blumenbach (J. F.) De oculis leucaethiopum et iridis motu. Comment. 4°. Gcettingce, 1786. Ernst (C.) *De leucosi. sm. 8°. Gcettingce, 1830. Gerdessen (J. G.) *De anomalo animalium albidiore colore quaedam proponit. 4°. Lipsice, 1777. Hansen (J.) * Einige Beitraege zur Casuistik des Albinismus partialis. 4°. Kiel, 1869. Mansfeld (D.) Ueber das Wesen der Leuko- pathie oder des Albinoismus, nebst Beschreibung eines in Braunschweig lebenden Albinos. 4°. Braunschweig, 1822. Sachs (G. T. L.) Historia naturalis duorum leucaethiopum auctoris ipsius et sororis ejus. 8°. Solisbaci, 1812. Arcoleo (G.) SuU'albinismo. Gazz. cUn. d. sped. civ. di Palermo, 1871, ui, 71-86.—Arcoleo (J.) Sur l'albinisme en SicUe. Cong. ni6d. de toutes les nations, 1869, Florence, Bologne, 1870, U, 328-331—v. Biiicnspruiig. TTeber VitUigo und Albinismus partiaUs. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 4; 15.—Beigel (H.) Albinismus und Nigrismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xlui, 529-533, 1 pl.; xUv, 482, 1 pi.—Bemerkungen (Einige) iiber Albinos oder Kakerlaken und iiber Nigrinos. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1866, xlvii, 357-365.—Beschreibung zwcyoi Kakerlaken, die sich in Mainz betinden. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1791, U, 376.—Billard. Notice sur trois enfants albinos. J. do me.d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1812, xxiv, 36-41.—BriOre (A.) Note sur l'albinisme r6sultant de mariage entre consanguine. Echo med.,.Neuchat., 1859, iii, 414.—Broca. Sur un ceU d'albinos. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1864, v, 141-145. Also: Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1864, xxxix, 258-26L—Cassan (A. S.) Canitie ou albi- nisme. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1827, xiii, 75.—de Cas- tillon. Deux descriptions de cette espece d'hommes qu'on appelle nfegres blancs. M6m. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon, 1774, viii, 102-114. Also: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1774, xU, 37-42.—Chardel (F.) Observation d'un albinos, improprement appelo negre-blanc. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1806, xi, 18-20.—Cornaz (E.) Quelques mots sur l'albinisme. Ann. Soc. de meil. Srat. de la prov. d'Anvers, Malincs, 1851, ix, 30-37. -----. »e l'albinisme. BuU. Soc. de med. do Gand, 1854, xxi, 214- 224. -----. Do 1'albinisme. [15 obs.] Ann. Soc. de m^d. de Gand, 1855, xxxui, 209. -----. De l'albinisme. Ann. Soc. domed. d'Anvers, 1856, xui, 278-290.—Corre (A.) Albiuismo sur deux freres jumeaux de race malgache. Arch, do med. nav., Par., 1878, xxx, 410.—Coxc (J. 11.) Account of an albino. PhUa. M. Museum, "1805, i, 151-156.—Faure (L.) Des pr6tendues varhites de l'espece humaine et de l'albinos. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1858, Ui, 192-194.—Fol Iter (W.H.) Case of a remarkable albino. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 795.—Cueniot. Observation d'une femme albinos. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1864, xxxix, 261-263.—Guyon. Quelques cas d'albinisme qui existaient k Alger. Gaz. med. dePar., 1839, 2. s., vii, 730.—Hervicux. Delaleucopathie partieUe accidenteUo ou albinisme local accidental. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1847, i, 510-517.—Herzig. Fall von Leukose mit Nacherzengung des Pigments. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1836, v, 124.—Hutchinson (J.) Albinism in a brother and sister; defective vision aud oscillation of globes in both; hypermetropia. Boy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1871-3, vii, 37.—Jeaflrcson (C. S.) Observations on albinism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii. 224.—Jefferiss (W. R. S.) Case of albinism. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 294.— Jellinek (L.) Albinismus partialis. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg. 1857, viii, 300.—Jones (J.) Cbservations and researches on albinism in the negro race. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1869, xx, 687-730, 5 pi.—Knee- land (S.) On albinism. Boston M. & S. J., 1860, lxu, 253- 259.—Iiicbreich. Ungewohnlichc Form von Albinismus. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1863, i, 516-518.— Maestri (A.) Omitologia. Osservazioni del dott. ... in- torno aU'albinismo ed al melanismo di diversi ucceUi rac- colti nell'agro pavese. R. Ist. lomb. di sc. e lett., Rendic,, Milano, 1871, 2. s., iv, 643; 681. — Mansfeldt. Ueber die Leukopathie als Hemmungsbildung. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1822, ii, 371-378. Also, transl.: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1823, xv, 250-253. -----. Etwas iiber Hennnungsbildungeu im Allgemeinen, und fortgesetzte Un- tersuchungen iiber die Leukopathie oder Leukose als Hem- niungsbilduug im Bcsondern. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz... 1826, i, 96-104.—Marcy (S. L.) Notice of the Capo May albinos. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1839. xxiv, 517.—Mauz (W.) Ueber albinotische Menschcnaugen. Arch. f. Oplith., Berl., 1878, xxiv, 139-170, 1 pi.—Meyer. 11 Leukose. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1834, ui, 189. — Newsom (A. R.) Siugulai ALBINOS. 158 ALBOM. Albinos and Albinism. change of skin ; albinism. N. Orl. M. &S. J., 1859, xvi, 741- 745.—Observation* »ur cotte, anomaUe qui se rencon- tre quelquefois dans la race des u6gres venus de l'Afrique, lcsquels bien que noiia, procureiit de loin en loin des cnfaiis blaui-s appcles albinos. J. de med., chir., phami., etc., Par., 17.S1), Ixxix, 249-252.—Oesicur (J.) Cas d'al- binisme complet. Ann. Soc. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1849, iii, 390-393. — Porte. Observations d'albinismc recueil] ies dans 1'Amerique du sud. Rev. d'an- throp., Par., 1872, i, 160.—Bichardson (15. W.) Mam- mary areola in the pregnant albiuo. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1856, iii, 73.—Hanson. 'Albinisnie et consanguinity. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., I860, 2. s., i, 473^478.—Schlegel (J. H. (r.) Darstellung der bei vier Albinos aufgefuu- denen Eigenthiimlichkeiten. N. Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk., Meiningen, 1824, ui, 1-148.—Schmidt. Beschreibung eines Kakerlaken. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1801, ii, 254-256.—Simon (T.) Ceber Albinismus par- tialis bei Farbigen und Europiiern. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 399; 407.—Strack (K.) Nachricht von einem Kakerlaken. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1808, iii, 413. -----. Nachricht von einem Kakerlaken. Ibid., 1814, iv, 287.— Talko (J.) Albinismus und Leucosis oculorum. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1875, xiii, 209. — Trclat. Albinisnie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, ii, 401- 414.—Vincent (L.) Sur quatre cas d'albinisme observes au Gabon dans une nieme famille. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par , 1872, 2. s., vii, 516-519.—Wood (H. 0.) Cases of leucynosis. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1866, n. s., iii, 190-204, lpl. Albinus (Bernhard). [1653-1721.] * De epilep- sia. [Acad. Lugd. Bat.] 51. sm. 4C. Francof. ad Viad., lit. C. Zeitleri, [1676]. -----. * Do catalepsi. [Acad. Lugd. Bat.] 5 1. sm. 4°. Francof. ad Viad., lit. C. Zeitleri, [1676]. -----. De poris humani corporis. 79 pp. 4°. Francof. ad Od., 1685. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select., iii. -----. Do salivatione mercuriali. Francof. ad Viad., 1689. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., i. -----. De catarrhacta. Tab. 1. Francof. ad Viad., 1695. In: Haller, Disp. chir., u. -----. Von der Entziinckung oder Hinfallung. See l'etrsEus (A.) Curiose Gedancken, [etc.] 8°. 1701. -----. Oratio de ortu et progressu medicinae. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Batav., apud J. Luchtmans, 170;>. See, also, Walbuys (H.) De pleuritide. sm. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1710, For his Obituary, see Boerhaavc (H.) Oratio acade- mica do vita et obitu ... i°. Lugd. Batav., 1721. Also, Jar nus, Bresl., 1848, iii, 313-315, (J. S. Lowcnstein).—Portrait. CoU. of Ports, of Phys. & Men of Sc, 108. Albinus (Bernhard Siegfried). [1697-1770.] Oratio inauguralis de anatome comparata. 1 p. 1., 46 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., apud H. Muhlhovium, 1719. -----. Index supellectilis anatomicae. Quam Academia) Batavae quae Leidse est legavit Jo- hannes Jacobus Rau. Quam et vitani ejus et curationem quam calculosis adhibuit instrumen- torumque figuras addidit. 17 p. 1., 48 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud H. Mulhovium &■ F. Sehuyl, 1725. -----. De ossibus corporis humani ... 5 p. 1., 309 pp. 16°. Leidce Batavorum, apud H. Mulho- vium, 1726. -----. Historia musculorum hominis. 696 pp., 4 pi. [-with outlines]. 4°. Leidce Batav., T. Haak et H. Mulhorius, 1734. -----. The same. Ed. altera. Notis aucta. 604 pp., 7 1., 8 pi. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsice, T. Govbhardt, 1784. -----. Dissertatio de arteriis et venis intestinoruni hominis. 10 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Leidce Batav. et Amsteladumi, T. Haak et H. de Leth, 1736. -----. Dissertatio secunda de sede et caussa coloris ^Ethiopum et cseterorum hominum. 16 pp., 1 1., 1 col. pi. 4°. Leidos Batavorum, apud T. Haak, 1737. -----. lcones ossium foetus, accedit humani, Albinus (Bernhard Siegfried)—continued. osteogenic brevis historia. 162 pp., 1(5 tab. 4°. Leidae Batar., J. et H. Verbeek, 1737. -----. Tabuhe sceleti et musculorum corporis humani, cum explanatio. Tabulaa ossium hunia- norum 34. Tabuhe anatomica; musculorum hominis 25. Tab. vasis chyliferi cum veua azyga arteriis intercostalibus aliisque vicinis partibus 1. Tab. uteri mulieris gravidas 7. fol. Lugd Batav. et Leidce, apud J. et H. Verbeek, 1747-53. -----. Tables of the skeleton and muscles of the human body. Transl. from the Latin. 46 1., 28 pi., 12 outlines, fol. London, J. Sr P. Enapton, 1749. -----. Academicaruni annotationum. Octo li- bra in 2 v. 4°. Leidce, apud J. $ H. Verbeek, 1754-68. -----. Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Bar- tholom. Eustachii. 295 pp., 47 tab. fol. Leidce, J. et H. Verbeek, 1761. -----. De sceleto humano liber. 489 pp., 3 1. 4°. Leidx, apud J. # H. Verbeek, 1762. -----. Index supellectilis anatomicae: rerum anatomicarum; turn phialis contentarum in liquore liinpido, turn exsiccaturum. Quam suos in usus summa cum peritia atque dexteritate con- fecit, [etc. ] Cujus iu una in massa conjunctimque publica net veuditio in aedibus defuncti. D. xviii. Oct. 1771. 1 p. 1., 65 pp. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, P. Delfosjun. et J. Douzi, 1771. See, also, Albinus (Frid. Bern.) Do natura hominis. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1775.—Complete (A) system of the blood-vessels, fol. London, 1758.—Suringar (G. C. B.) De school van Bernhard Siegfried Albinus. Nederl. Tnd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, ii, 1-21. Also, in his: Bij- drage tot d. . . . Leidsche Hoogschool. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] For his Obituary, see Med. Times, Lond., 1845, xi, 150. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Albinus (Christian Bernhard). Specimen iuau- gurale exhibens novam tenuium hominis intesti- noruni descriptionem. 29 pp. sm. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud H. Mulhovium, 1722. -----. The same. 57 pp. 8°. Lugd. Batav., H. Mulhovius, 1724. -----. Dissertatio physica, de igne. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Lugd. Batav., H. Mulhovius, 1725. Bound with: Specimen anatomicum, etc., 1724. Albinus (Flavius). See Ccnturia rariorum problematum historico-medico- physicorum. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Albinus (Fridericus Bernardus). *De degluti- tione. 79 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, H. Mulho- vium, 1740. Also, in: Haller, Disp. anat., vii. -----. De natura homiuis libellus. Accedit su- pellex anatomica Bern. Siegf. Albini. viii, 259 pp., 19 1. 8°. Lugd. Batav., P. Delfosjun., 1775. -----. Supellex anatomica Bern. Siegfr. Albini. 3 p. 1., 242 pp., 15 1., 1 pi. 8°. [Lugd. Batav., apud P. Delfos jr., 1775.] See, also, Houiston(T.) Deinflammatione. 4°. Luad. Bat, 1767. For his ObituaryTsee Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, ii, 2-5. Albinus (Johan. Samuel). *De pleuritide. 7 1. 4°. Jence, ex off. Steinmanniana, 1638. van Alblasserdam (Janus Marianus Herfst). See Herfst van Alblasserdam (Janus Marianus). Alboize (M. M.) & Marquet (A.) Les prisons del'Europe. 8 v. in 4. 4°. Paris, administration de librairie, 1845. Albold (Christophorus Ernestus). * De aniliui salium vi physiologica. 36 pp. sm. 8°. Bero- lini, G. Schade, [1866]. Alboill (Sueno Ericus). *. . .sistens sciagraph- iam studii medici. Cujus partem alteram, pp. 27-54 [interl.] 4°. Aboce, typ. Frenckellianis. [1810]. ' ALBOSIUS. 159 ALBU. Albosius (D. Joan.) Lithopaedii Senonensis. Icon, cuius historia et exercitatio problematica de istius indurationis causis in extremo commenta- riorum Cordai in Hippocr. nepl yivaiKEiaov habetur. In: Si'ACinus (I.) Gynseciorum, etc. fol. Argentina; 1597. p. 479. Albrecht (Benjamin Gottlieb). *De aromatum exoticorum noxa et nostratium praestantia. 23 pp. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Heringii, [1740]. Albrecht (Carolus Augustus). *Ars medendi homceopathica ejusque cultores medicamenta ipsi praeparantes coram tribunali juris et politiae medi- ca?. 79 pp. 4°. Lipsice, typ. Breitkopfio-Haerte- lianis, [1828]. For his Life, see Guenther (Car. Frid.) Programma. Lipsice, 1828. Albrecht (Carolus Theodor.) *De struma. 39 pp. 8U. Gryphiw, F. G. Eunike, 1849. Albrecht (Christophorus Christianus Daniel). *De nitro flammante. 19 pp. 4°. Altorfii, ex. off. J. P. Meyeri, [1799]. Albrecht (Detloft'Wolder). Disquisitio theoriae Crawfordianae de calore animali cum quarundam hypothesium examine. 39 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingce, typ. J. C. Dieterich, [1787]. Albrecht (Eduard). *. . . sistens casum singu- laremilei. 31pp. 8° BeroUni, G.Schade, [1847], -----. Klinik der Mnndkrankheiten. Erster Be- richt, 1855-60. 90 pp. 8°. BerUn, A. Hirsch- wald, 1862. Albrecht (Eduardus Gustavus). #De polypis narium. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halis Saxonum, typ. Heynemannianis, [1855]. Albrecht (Franciscus Fridericus). * De usu prin- cipiorum chemicorum in theoria artis medicae. 27 pp., 21. 8°.. Gaettingae, in off. Barmeieriana, [1801], Albrecht (Frid. Guil.) *De diagnosi Esthonicse leprae cutanea;. 71 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], ex off. J. C. Sehiinmanni, 1825. Albrecht (Fridericus Ludovicus). *De ossifica- tiono durae meuingis singulari observatione con- firmata. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Halce, cere Beueriano, [1764]. J Albrecht (Georgius Davides). * De ischuria. 3 p. 1., 45 pp. 4°. Gcettingce, ex off. Schultziana, [1767]. Albrecht (Gunt. Ant. Henricus). *De natura, se ipsam nunc vindicante, nunc destruente. 3 p. 1., 19 pp. 4°. Gottingce, lit. Hagerianis, [1737]. Albrecht (Hermann)1. * Historia litis de venae- sectione in pleuritide. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1846]. Albrecht (Hermann)2. * Zur Anatomie des Knie- geleukes. Facultat zu Bern. 22 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1876. Repr. from.- Deutsch. Ztschr. f. Chir., vii. Albrecht (J. F.) Lehrbuch zur sichern Heilung aller syphilitischen Krankheiten, oder von der venerischen Ansteckung und den Mitteln, sie selbst zu heilen. 7. Aufl. viii, 110 pp. 8°. Qued- Unburg und Leipzig, Ernst, 1875. Albrecht (J. F. E.) Die Ruhr, ihre Erkenntniss, Zufalle, Ursachen, Vorbauungs- und sichere HeU- mittel. 1 p. 1., 58 pp., 1 1. 12°. Hamburg, G. Vollmer, [1811]. -----. Hoste, Kathar og Snue. Deres Kjendetegn, Forskiellighed og Behandling, samt Midler til at forebygge, lindre og fuldkommen helbrede dem, [etc.] Oversat af H. C. Lund. 2 p. 1., 48 pp. 12°. Ei^benhavn, trykt hos B. J. Bendixen, 1820. Albrecht (J. G.) See Petermann (Andr.) Scrutinium icteriex calcuUs vesicuke, [etc.] 4°. Lipsice, 1696. Albrecht (Jacobus Hermannus). * De anatomica pra;cipuarum partium administratioue. 42 pp. 2 1., 1 pi. 4C. Lipsice, lit. Brandenburgerianis, Albrecht (Jacobus Hermannus)—continued. -----. * De experientia fallaci. 55 pp. 4°. Lipsice, lit. Brandenburgerianis, [1710]. Albrecht (Johann). * Medizinische Topographic der Stadt Dillingen mit besonderer BerUcksichti- gung der Fieberepidemie des Jahres l^JH. [Wiirz- burg Univ.] 48 pp. 8°. Miinchen, 1*29. Albrecht (Johann. Frid. L.) Comment, in qua proponitur recensus eoriun alimentorum et medi- caminum, quibus, sive tubo alimentario sint in- gesta, sive communibus corporis integumentis applicata, ingressus in systema vasorum sangui- ferorum aut concessns a natura, aut negatus sit. 65 pp. 4°. Gottingce, H. Dieterich, [1806]: Albrecht (Johann Gunther). * Scrutinum icteri ex calculis vesicuhe fellis occasione casus cujus- dam siugularis. 19 1. sm. 4°. Lipsice, excudebat C. Fleischer us, [1696]. Albrecht (Johann Melchior Friederich). * . . . experimenta qusedam in vivis animalibus praeci- pue circa tussis organa exploranda instituta. 2 p. 1., 14 pp., 11. 4°. Gcettingce, typ. G. L. Schulzii, [1751]. Albrecht (Johannes Petrus). See Bontekoe (Cornelius). Neues Gebaude der Chi- rurgie. 8°. Franckfurth und Leipzig, 1697. Albrecht (Johannes Sebastianus). * De asth- mate. 18 pp. 4°. Jence, lit. Erebsianis, 1717. -----. *De cerussa. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. J. F. Ritteri, [1718]. -----. Sapientiam vim et providentiam divinam in aliis corporis humani partibus ab aliis diversis temporibus demonstratam nunc ex capitis hu- mani situ ejusque partium coucinno ordine deli- neat. 7 1. 4°. Coburgi, ex off. Ottoniana, [1750]. For his Life, see Wedelius (Joan. Adolph.) Propemp- ticon inaugurate. Jence, 1718. Albrecht (Johannes Wilhelmus). *De morbis epidemicis. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Gro- schianis, [1727]. -----. De vitandis erroribus in medicina mecha- nica prolusio academica. 8 pp. 4°. Gottingce, apud A. Vandenhoeck, [1735]. Albrecht (Julius). * Quaedam de paralysi. 28 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835]. Albrecht (Magnus). * De metastasibus. 23 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1826]. Albrecht (Otto). * Nonnulla de incisionibus in hydrope anasarca. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1831]. Albrecht (Otto Godofredus). * De morbis cerebri ex structura ejus anatomica deducendis. 27 pp. 4°. Erfordice, typ.Heringii, [1741]. Albrecht (Paul). * Beitrag zur Torsionstheorie des Humerus uud zur morphologischen Stellung der Patella in der Reihe der Wirbelthiere. 1875, vii, Med. viii. 66 pp., 4 tab., 2 pi. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1875. In: Schkifien der Universitat Kiel, 1875. Albrecht (Philippus Guilielmus Urbanus). * De dolore. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Elaubarthia, [1792]. For his Life, see Gehlcr (J. C.) De capitis foetus, etc. Lipsice, 1792. Albrecht (Rudolphus). *Detesticuli iu hydro- cele degenerati casu memorabili. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. M \ Regimontii Prussorum, G. Greis, [1832]. Albrecht (Staatius Julius Augustus). * Medica- meutorum saturninorum et jovialium historia ot usus. 44 pp. 4°. Gcettingce, lit. J. H. Schnhii, [1772]. For his Life, see Vogel (R. A.) Observationes binas, etc. Gottingce, 1773. Albrink (Joh. Herm.) *. . . physiologica caloris sistens animalis theoriani. 48 pp. 8°. BeroUni, formis Bruschckianis, [1827]. Albu (Isidorus). * De methodis placentam aufe- rendi. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1862]. ALBU. 160 ALBUMEN. Albu (J.) Der Schutz gegen die Cholera. 17 pp. 12°. S. Mode, Berlin, 1866. -----. Die ofl'entliche Gesundheitspflege in Berlin. Fur Behordeu, Baumeister und Aerzte unter Be- nutzung des gesammten amtlichen Materials. xiii, 304' pp. 8°. BerUn, E. H. Schroeder, 1877. Albncasis. Incipit liber Servitoris liber xxviii. Bulchasin Benaberacerin: translatus a Simonc Januensi, interprete Abraam iudeo tortuosiensi. In: Mesuk(J.) [Opera.] fol. Venetiis, 1484. f.272b,sig. ii2. AIso, in: Mesue(J.) Cum expositione Mondini, [etc.] fol. Venetiis, 1495. ff. 309i>-320. Ibid., 1502, flf. 335-345. Ibid., Leyden, 1510, sig. TiiU-x, 10 1. -----. Liber theoricas nee non practicae Alsahara- vii, qui vulgo Acararius dicitur. 319 pp. fol. Auguste Vindelicorum, S. Grimm et M. Vuirsung,lbl9. -----. [Mathodus medendi.] Lib. tres. Bound with: Piuscianus (T.) fol. Argent., 1532, a. v. At end: '' Explicit liber chirurgiaj quern transtuUt M. Gerardus Crcmonensis in Toleto, de Arabico in Latinum ", etc. -----. Gynaeciorum, sive affectus aliquot muli- erum gravissimas, praecipue qui ad chirurgiam spectaut, curandi ratio: ex praestatissimis inter Arabes medici Albucasis medendi methodi libro ii. In: Gyn^eciokum, hoc est, demuUerum affectibus. 4°. Basil., 1566. pp. 187-214. Ibid., 1586, U, 489-500. Also, in: Si'ACHius (I.) Gynasciorum, [etc.] fol. Argentince, 1597. pp. 442-447. -----. De chirurgia. Arabice et latine. Cura Johannis Channing. 31. in 1 v. xxix, 642 pp. 4°. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1778. -----. La chirurgie d'Abulcasis. Traduction fran- caise du Dr. L. Leclerc. In: Gaz. med. do VAlgerie, Alger, 1858, ui, 37; 57; 77; 117; 135; 149; 165; 197: 1859, iv, 1; 65; 81; 113; 145; 161; 177: 1860, v, 1; 37; 57; 73; 93; 109; 125; 141; 157; 173; 189: 1861, vi, 1; 17; 33; 49; 65. See, also, Camper (P.) Aanmerkingcn over do veran- dcringen welke de steenen in de pisblaas, [etc.] 8°. Am- sterdam,17S2.—licclerc (L.) Abulcasis; sonoouvre pour la prcmidre fois reconstitu6e. Gaz. hebd. de med. et do chir., Par., 1874, xi, 2. 8., 537; 569. Also: Gaz. med. d'Ori- ent, Constantinople, 1874-5, xviii, 81-98. Albugo. See Cornea (Opacity of). Albumen (Chemistry and physiology of). See, also, Albuminuria (Chemistry and scmciology j of); Milk; Paralbumin; Perspiration. Aronstein (B.) * Ueber die Darstellung salz- | freier Albumiulosuugen vermittelst der Diftusion. 8°'. Dorpat, 1873. Also, in: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, vUi, 75-94. Birot (J.) * Essai sur les albumines patholo- giques. 4°. Montpellier, 1874. v.Boeck(H.) Untersuchungen iiber die Zerset- zung des Eiweisses im Thierkorper unter dem Ein- flusse von Morphium, Chinin und arseniger Saure. 8°. Miinchen, 1871. BrCcke (E.) Uber das "Verhalten einiger Ei- weisskorper gegen Borsiiure. 8°. [ Wien, 1867. ] Repr. from: Sitgunsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch., "Wien, 1867, lv. Buchheim (R.) * Meletemata quaedam de albu- mine, pepsino et muco. 4°. Lipsice, 1845. De Bary (J. J.) *Physiologisch-chemische Untersuchungen iiber Eiweisskorper und Leim- stoffe. 8°. Tubingen, 1864. Denis (P.-S.) Demonstration experimentale sur l'albuiuine et sur les substances inorganiques qui l'accompagnent, consider6es hors du corps, pour determiner les fonctions qu'elles remplissent pendant la vie, chez I'homme sain et chez I'homme malade. 8°. Commercy, 1839. Girgenshon (L.) * Beitrage zur Albumino- metric und zur Kenntniss der Tanninverbindun- gen der Albuminate. 8°. Dorpat, 1872. Also, in: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1873, xi, 613-€16. Iltgen (P. J.) *De chloroformio, aliisque reagentibus in albumen, deque albuminuria, num existat, normali. 8C. Bonnae, 1858. , Albumen (Chemistry and physiology of). Krause(H.) * Ueber Darstellung von Xan- thinkorpern aus Eiweiss. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Masing (E.) 'Beitriige zur Albuminometrie. 8G. Dorpat, 1867. Nencki (M.) Ueber die Zersetzung der Gela- tine und des Eiweisses bei der Fiiulniss mit Pankreas. 4°. Bern, 1876. Odermatt (W.) *Zur Kenntniss der Phenol- bildung bei der Fiiulniss der Eiweisskorper.^ 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Poerner (C. G.) 'Experimenta de albuminis ovorum et seri sanguinis convenientia ad decla- randamnutritionisrationem. 4°. Lipsice, [1754]. Secretan (A.) 'Recherehes sur la putrefac- tion de l'albuiuine et sa transformation en graisse. 8°. Geneve, 1876. Smee (A. H. jr.) On the artificial production of fibrin from albumen. 8°. London, 1863. de Witticii (H. G.) De hymenogonia albumi- nis. Commentatio. 8°. Regimontii, [n. d.] Wurtz (A.) fitudes sur l'albumine et sur la fibrine. 4C. Strasbourg, 1843. r Adamkiewicz (A.) Farbcnreactionen des Albumin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, ix, 156-162. Also: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharm., Leipz., 1875, ui, 412-426.— Babington. Experiments and observations on albumi- nous fluids. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, 534-543.— Kallmann (E.) Sc Briegcr (L.) Ueber die Entstehung von Kresolen bei der Fauluiss. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1879, In, 149-155.— Bcchamp. Sur les albumi- nes du blanc d'eeuf. J. do pharm. et de chim., Par., 1874, 4. s., xx, 261-264.—Bechamp (A.) Sur quehjues particu- larity de l'histoire de la cas6ine et de ralbumine, k propos d'une note de M. Commaille. Ibid., 17-20.—Becquerel (A.) Recherehes physiologiques et pathologiques sur l'albumine du sang et des divers Uquides organiques; description d'un albuminimfetre. Arch. gen. de mod., Par., 1850, i, 52; 156.—Bird (G.) On certain new combinations of albumen. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xviii, 764-767.—Birot (J.) Recherehes sur les albumines pathologiques, ... les moyens do doser l'albumine, . . . etralt6rabilit6desmati6res albuminoides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, lxxix, 1503-1509.—von Boeck (H.) Untersuchungen iiber die Zersetzung des Eiweisses im Menschen unter dem Einflusse ■von Quecksilbcr und Jod. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1869, v, 392-409. Also, Reprint. ---*-. Untersuchungen iiber die Zersetzung des Eiweisses unter dem Einflusse von Morphium, Chinin und arseniger Saure. Ibid., 1871, vii, 418-432.—Baedeker (C.) Ueber die Quantitatsbestim- mung des Albumins in dessen Losungen durch "Wagung und Titrirung. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3. II., v, 320-330.—Bornhardt (A.) Die quantita- tive Bestimmung des Eiweisses durch das speciflsche Gcwicht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 364-366.— Briegcr (L.) Ueber dio aromatischen Produkte der Faulniss aus Eiweiss. Ztzchr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1879, iu, 134-148.—van den Brock (J.) Druivensuiker in het wit van boendereijeren. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1851-2, 3. s., i, 645-649.—Commaille. Note sur la diffu- sion des Uquides albumineux au contact de l'eau distilhSe. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvii, 467- 473.—Commaille (A.) Recherehes sur la constitution chimique des substances albuminoides. Monit. scient., Par., 1866, viii, 897-914.—Bonhoff. Geringe Faulniss- fahigkeit des loslichen Hiibnoreiweiss. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1876, 236.—Bogicl (J.) Zur Kenntniss der Eiweissreactionen und von dem Verhalten des Albumins der lichtbrechendcn Medien des Auges. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1878-9, xix, 335-342, 1 pi — Dollius-Gallinc (C.) Blood-albumen; its value and mode of production. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1870, i, 33-37.—Brechsel (E.) Ueber dio Einwirkung von verdiinnten Sauren auf Albumin. In: Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol, als Festgabo C. Ludwig, 4°, Leipz., 1874, 83-93. — Bupont (M.) Sur la constitution de l'albu- mine. Bull. Soc. philomat., Par., 1877, 7. 8., i, 118-120.— Eichwald (E. jun.) Ueber die eiweissartigen Stoffe der Blutniissigkeit und des Herzbeutelwasscrs. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xv, 239-261.—Erlcumeycr & Schiif- fer (A.) Zersetzungsprodukto der Eiweisskorper. Ver- handl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1859-62, ii, 9-11.— Eabach (G.) Dosage pratique de l'albumine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1874,6. 8., i, 33-35. Also: Bull. gen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1874, lxxxvi, 37; 68.—Fluggc (C.) Ueber das Verhalten der Eiweissstoffe des Waizena im Organismus der Hiihner. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. n. Heidelb., 1869, 3. R., xxxvi, 185-194.—Forster (J.) Bei- triige zur Lehre von der Eiweisszersetzung im Thierkorper. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1875, xi, 496-531. -----. Ueber den vermeintlichen Euitluss der Muskelthiitigkeit anf den EiweisszerfaU im Thierkorper. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thier- ALBUMEN. 161 ALBUMEN. Albumen (Chemistry and physiology of). med., Leipz., 1878, iv, 302-312.—Fracnkcl (A.) Ueber den Einfluss der verminderten Sauerstotfzufuhr zu den Geweben auf den EiweisszerfaU im Thierkorper. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxvii, 273-327.—Gnlippe. De l'acide picrique comme rcactif d'albumine dans les essais cUniqucs. Gaz. med. du Par., 1873, xxviii, 122.—Greene (J.) Leth-albumeu. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879. i, 696-699.—Guyot. De l'emploi du lactoscope du docteur Donn6 comme moyen albuminom6trique. Unionm6d., Par., 1855, ix, 121.—Haas* (H.) Ueber das optische unci chemische Verhalten einiger Eiweisssubstauzen, insbesondero der dialvsirten Albumino. Arrh. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xu, 378-410.-----. Ueber Eiweissbestimmung im polarisirten Lichte. Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1876, i, 344-349.-----. Ueber die Eigen- schaften des salzarmen Albumins. Ibid., 639; 659; 676.— Ilamon (L.) J5tude sur l'albuminog6nese. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxv, 294.—Hayden. On tho physiological rela- tions of albumen.. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 311-313.— Keller (J. F.) Quantative una quantitative Analyse albu- minciser Fliissigkeiten. Arch. f. phys. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1844, i, 192-199.—Hcynsius (A.) Over eiwitdiffusie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1860, iv, 49-56. Also: Arch. f. d. hoUand. Beitr. z. Nat.-u. Heilk., Utrecht, 1860, ii, 306-328.-----Ueber die Eiweiss- korper des Blutes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, u, 1-49. -----. Ueber die Eiweissverbindungen des Blut- serums und des Hiihnereiweisses. Ibid., 1874, ix, 514-552. Also, transl.: Arch. n6erl. d. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1875, x, 1-46. -----. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Eiweisses in thierischen Fliissigkeiten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, x, 239-246. Also, transl.: Arch. n6erl. d. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1875, x, 47-55.-----. Ueber das Albumin und seine Verbindungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, xi, 624-626: 1876, xU, 549-596. Also: Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. "Wetensch., Amst., 1877, xvii, 1-42, 6 tbls. -----Sur 1'albumino du serum et de l'oeuf et sur ses combinaisons. Arch. n6erl. d. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem, 1878, xui, 257-304.—Hofuaeistcr (F.) Ueber die Riickbildung von Eiweiss aus Pepton. Ztschr. f. phy- siol. Chem., Strassb., 1878, ii, 206.-----. Ueber ein Ver- fahren zur volligen Ahschcidung des Eiweisses aus thie- rischen Fliissigkeiten. Ibid., 288-295.—Hoppe (F.) Ueber dio Bestimmung des Eiweissgehaltes im Urino, Blutserum, Transsudaten mittelst des Ventzke-SoleU'schcn Polarisa- tionsapparates. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1856, xi, 547-560.—Hoppe-Seylcr (F.) Ueber den Ort der Zerset- zung von Eiweiss- und andern Nahrstoffen im thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873, vU, 399-417.—Huizinga (D.) ZurDarsteUung.desdialysirten Eiweisses. Ibid., 1875, xi, 392-402.—Johnson (G. S.) On certain compounds of albumen with tho acids. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 673.-----. PecuUar albumen. Ibid., 1876; i, 381.—Jones (H. B.) On some properties of a combination of albumen with acids. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, n. s., i, 288-290.— Knop (W.) Untersuchungen iiber die Eiweisskorper. Cbem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz., 1875, 3. F., vi, 395; 411; 426.— KoschlakoflT (D.) & Bogonioloff (J.) Unterschied zwischen der Pettenkofcr'schen GaUensaure- und Eiweiss- reaction. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 529-531.—Eiatschenberger (J.) Ueber einen eigen- thiimUchen Einschluss eines Hiihnereies. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xii, 359-363,1 pi.—Lcwiit (W. B.) The practical value of certain new tests for albumen. Mod. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 319-323.—Xiborius (P.) Beitrage zur quantitativen Eiweissbestimmung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1872, x, 319-378.—JLicbcrkiihn (N.) Ueber die Koagulation des Eiweisses. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1848, 285; 323. -----. Ueber die Einwirkung der Essigsaurc und der AlkaUen auf das Albumin. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1852, v, 162-169. — liocw (O.) Ueber Oxydation des Eiweisses durch den Sauerstoff der Luft. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1878, xiv, 294-296.—Marcher (M.) Zur Bestimmung des Stickstongehaltes der Eiweissstoffe, nach Untersuchungen von Dr. 0. Abesser rcferirt. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, viii, 195-212.—Martin (S.) Albumine de 1'fEuf: un mot sur sa dessiceation. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxxii, 552. —Masing (E.) Beitrage zur Albuminomctrie. Die Eiwcissprobe von Prof. Vogel. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1868, iv, 229; 303.— Mchu (C.) fitudo sur les divers proced6s employes pour doser ralbumine. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1869, i, 257- 274.—Mialhc. Do ralbumine et de ses divers etats dans l'economie animale. Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 322; 325; 335; 345; 361. Also, Reprint. — Monoyer (F.) L'eau caniphree cst-eUe un reactif de ralbumine 1 Non. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 38.—UTassc. Ueber den Stickstoff der Eiweisskorper. Ber. ii. d. Sitz. d. naturf. GeseUsch. zu Halle, 1872, 16-19; 1873, 31.—IVasso (O.) Studien uber.dio Eiweisskorper. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 589-610: 1873, vu, 139-155: 1874, vui, 381- 390.—IVovii reaktiv na bailok. [New reagent for albu- men.] Vrach. Vaiclom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 92, 1.— Parkcs. On the precipitation of albumen by acids and neutral salts. Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 6.—Parkes (E. A.) The coagulation of the albumen of tho scrum in the presence of acetic acid and a certain amount of chloride | 11 Albumen (Chemistry and physiology of'). of sodium. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. a., i, 84.—Piazza (P.) Alcuni studi chimico-medici suU'albumina. Bull. d. bc med. di Bologna, 1861, 4. s., xv, 260-268. -----. Alcuni studi chimico-medici suU'albumina e scoperta di un nuovo emostatico. Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1863, 201-204.—Poe- senti (G. B.) SuU'albumina, e sulla flbrina, studi chimici comparativi. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1856, 3. s., ii, 345-347.—Puis (J.) Ueber quantitative Eiweiss- bestimmungen des Blutserum und der Milch. Arch. f. d. gee. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xiu, 176-196.—Babutcan. Re- cherehes sur la coagulation de l'albumine de l'ceuf par divers sels; de l'emploi de cet antidote dans diverses intoxi- cations metaUiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1873, Par., 1874, 5. s., v, 341-343.—Bcichert (K. E.) Beobachtungen uber eine eiweissartige Substanz in Krystallform. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1849,197-251, pi. 2, fig. 6.—Bitthauscn (H.) Ueber den Stickstoffgehalt der Pflanzcn-Eiweisskbrpor nach den Methoden von Dumas und WUl-Varrentrapp. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1877, rvi, 293: 1878, xvui, 236.—Budzki-(R.) Die Syn- these der Eiweissstofl'e im thierischen Organismus. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1876, no. 29.—Salkowski (E.) Ueber eine neue Farbenreaction des Eiweiss. Arch. Lpath. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxviii, 405-407.—Salomon (G.) Ueber BUdung von Xanthinkorpern aus Eiweiss. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 320.—Sansoui (A. E.) The carbolic acid test for albumen. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, u, 420.—Schmidt (A.) Untersuchung des Eierei- weisses und des Blutserum durch Dialyse. In: Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol, als Festgabe C. Ludwig, 4°, Leipz., 1874, 94-115. — Schiitzenbcrgcr (P.) Untersuchungen iiber die Eiweisskorper. Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz., 1875. 3. F., vi, 614; 631; 648; 666; 681; 696: 1876, 3. F., vii, 280-286.— Shchcrbatov (A.) Reaktziy bielkovych vieshtchestv i ich otnoshenio k produktam pishtchevarenia. [Reactions of albuminous substances.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 9; 21; 33; 45; 57.—Silvcstrini (G.) SuUe albumine pa- tologiche. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, etc., 1875, xviii, 101.—Soyka (I.) Ueber das Verhaltniss des Acidalbumins zum AlkaUalbuminat. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xU, 347-377. — Spiller (J.) Egg-albumen from a chemical point of view. Chem. News, Lond., 1868, xvu, 222.—Stokvis (B. J.) Hiihner-Eiweiss und Serum-Eiweiss und ihr Verhalten zum thierischen Organismus. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1864, u, 596-598. -----. Sur la non-identit6 de ralbumine de l'ceuf et de l'albumine du sang. Art. mM., Brux., 1865-6, i, no. 4, 5-7.—Tappeiner (H.) Ueber die Zersetzung des Eiweisses unter der Ein- wirkung des iibermangansauren Kali's. Arb. a. d. phvsiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1871), 1872, vi, 57-59.—Theile (R.) Ueber Albumin und dessen Zersetzungsproducte durch Kali. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1867, iu, 147- 180.—Tidy (C. M.) On a new test for albumen. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 691.—Tyson (J.) On testing for albu- men. W. Virg. M. Student, 1875, i, 8-13. — Under- wood (J.) On a newly-discovered characteristic of albumen, with particular reference to the possibUity of its being mistaken for caseine. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 415.—Virchow (R.) Ueber ein eigenthiimliches Ver- halten albnminoser Fliissigkeiten bei Zusatz von Salzen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853, vi, 572-580.—Vogel (A.) Eine neue Eiwcissprobe. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1867, in, 143-161.—Vogel. Ueber den Was- Eiweisses. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. BI. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1877, vii, 285- 291.—Voit (C.) Ueber den Eiweissumsatz bei Zufuhr von Eiweiss und Fett, imd iiber die Bedeutung des Fettes fiir die Emahrung. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1869, v, 329- 368.—Vulpian (A.) Note sur une reaction pouvant con- tribuer k l'etude de l'albumcn. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1857, 2. 8., iv, 185-188. —Weyl (T.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss thierischer und pflanzlicher Eiweisskorper. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, lt.76, xii, 635-038. Also: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strasb.. 1877, i, 72-100.—Wino- fradoff. Ueber Darstellung und Eigenschaften salzfreier iweisslosumrcn. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, xi, 605-610.—v. Wittich. Ueber Eiweiss-Diffusion. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, ir. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1856, 286-310.— -----. Gewinnung eines dem VitcUin nahe verwandten Korpers durch Dial vse des Albumins. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1864, ii, 306-308.—Zahn (F. W.) Un- tersuchungen iiber das Serumalbumin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1870, ui, 74-80. Albumen (Digestion and absorption of). See, also, Albuminoids; Gastric juice; In- testines (Absorption by). Diakonow. Ueber die Verdauung der Eiweiss- stoffe in kunstlicheni Magen- und Pankreassafte. 8°. Tubingen, 1867. Huenefeld (F.) *De albuminis succo gas- trico facticio soluhilitate. 8°. Gryphice, 1859. Schwerin (E. A.) * Zur Kenntniss von der Ver- dauung der Eiweisskorper. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1867]. ALBUMEN. 162 ALBUMINOIDS. Albumen (Digestion and absorption of). C'orvisart (L.) Kritische Bemerkungen iiber die Verdauung der Albuminoidkcirper durch das Pankreas. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1859, cii, 244-246.— Be Bary (.1.) Untersuchungen iiber die Verdauung von Eiweisstofleii. Med.-chem. Untersuch. a. cl. Lab. . . . zu Tiibing., Berl., 1866, 76-84. —Gieseler (R.) Ei- weiss, als Cholagogum empfohlen. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1854, n. F., v, 253.—Hainmarsten (O.) Om odigcrerad agghvitaa resorption i tarmen. Upsala Lakaref. Fork., 1872, vU, 622-625. -----. Beobachtungen uber die Eiweissverdauung bei Neugeborenen wie Dei saugenden Thieren und Menschen. In: Beitr. z. Anat. n. Physiol, als Festgabe C. Ludwig, 4°, Leipz., 1874, 116- 129. Also, transl: Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1874-5, x, 222- 243.—Herzen (A.) Sulla digestione dell'albumino etfet- tuata dal succo pancreatico e sulla funzione deUa milza. Imparziale, Firenze, 1869, ix, 641: 738: 1870, x, 97-102.— Heynsius (A.) Over serum- en eieralbumine en hare ver- bindingen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. Phvsiol. Lab. d. Univ. te Leiden, 1878, iv, 1-56.—Hofmeister (F.) Ueber die Riickbildung von Eiweiss aus Pepton. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1878, iii, 271.—Koopmans (R. C.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Verdauung jler eiweissartigen Korper des Pflanzcnreichs. (Aus dem "Nederlandsch Lancet" von Donders mitgetheUt.) Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M., 1857, ii, 158-206. -----. Ue- ber dio Verdauung der pflanzlichen eiweissartigen Korper. Arch. f. d. HoUand. Beit. z. Nat.- u. HeUk., Utrecht, 1858, i, 1-46.—Liossnitzer (T.) Einige Versuche iiber die Ver- dauung der Eiweisskorper. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1864, v, 550-565.—Meissner (G.), Buttner (C), & Thiry (L.) Untersuchungen iiber die Verdauung der Eiweisskorper. Ztschr. f. rat, Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859, 3. R., vii, 1- 26: 1860, viii, 280-303: 1861, x, 1-32; xii, 46-67: 1862, xiv, 78; 303.—Miiller & Schwann. Versuche iiber die kiinstliche Verdauung des geronnenen Eiweises. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1836, 66-89.— Mulder (G. J.) On the changes which the albuminous substances undergo in tbe. stomach during the process of digestion. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1848, viii, 260- 263.—Pererabotivanii (O) bailka v' zheludochno-ki- Bhechnom kanalai i obrazovanu i vwidaUenii krakhmahiago sakhara v' organizmo. [On the digestion of albumen and the formation of starch sugar in the organism.] Med. Vest- nik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 13.—Popof (M.) Ob obrazova- nu zhira iz bailkov. [On the conversion of albumen into fat.] Ibid., 1869, ix, 327-332. — Schiitzenbcrgcr (P.) Note sur un nouveau derive des matieres albuminoides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 124-126.— Shcherbakof (A.) Reaktsii bailkovikh vishchestf i ikh otnoshenie k' produkam pishchevareniya. [Reactions of albuminous substances, and their relation to the products of digestion.] Ibid., 1866, vi, 9; 21; 33; 45; 57.—Tarkhaaof (I.) Otnoshenie bailkov k' peptonam, pitatelnoe znachenie ikh v' tailai i metamorphoz ikh v' organismai. [Relation of albumen to peptone] Zdorov., St. Petersb., 1876, u, no. 32, 51; no. 33, 80.—Thomson (R. D.) On the digestion of vegetable albumen, fat, and starch. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 550-553.—van Tieghem (P.) Sur la digestion do l'albumen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 578-584.—Tschiriew (S.) Per tagliche Umsatz der ver- fiitterten und der transfundirten Eiweisstofife. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. (1874), 1875, ix, 292-307.—Uspens- kii (P.) Vliyanie povarennoi soli na vsasivanie baUka zheludno kishechnim kanalom. [Effect of salt on the ab- sorption of albumen in the alimentary canal.] Med. Vest- nik, St. Petersb., 1866, vi, 333; 345. Albumen (Waste of). Voit (C.) Bemerkung iiber die sogenannte Luxuscon- sumption. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1868, iv, 516-530. Albuminates. Bielicki (R.) * Qusednm de metallorum albu- minatihus, eorumque effectu ad organismum animalium. 8°. Dorpat, 1853. v. Bamberger (H.) Ueber hypodermatische An- wendung von ldsUchem Quecksilber-Albuminat. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1876, xxvi, 241-247.—Biakonow. Ueber Platincyanverbindungen der Eiweisskorper. Med.- chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tiibing., Berl., 1867, 228-233.—Lehmann (J. C.) Ueber das Essigsaiirealbu- miuat. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1865, iii, 865-867. -----. Studien iiber das Essigsaurealbuminat. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 110-124.— Morner (K. A. H.) Stndier bfver alkalialbuminat och syntonin. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1877, xii, 475-575._____. AlkaUalbuminatets fbreningar med alkaliska jordarter och koppar. Ibid, 1877-8, xiii, 24^6. -----. Studien iiber das Alkalialbuminat unci das Svntonin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol Bonn, 1878, xvii, 468-547.—Platner (E. A.) Ein Beitrag zur naheren Kenntniss der Albuminate. Ztschr. f. Biol. Miinchen, 1866, ii, 417-424.-rSeegen (J.) Sc IVowak (J.j Ueber Bestimmung des Stickstongehaltes der Albuminate Arch. f. d. gea. Physiol., Bonn, 1873, vii, 284-296. Albuminoid disease. Sec Degeneration (Albuminoid). Albuminoids. See, also, Degeneration (Albuminoid); Pep- tones. Bechamp (A.) Sur les substances albumi- noides et sur leur transformation en ur6e. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856. Bouchard at (G.) * Histoire ge"nerale des matieres albuminoides. 8°. Paris, 1872. Ducom (L.) *Eecherches sur les matieres albuminoides. 4°. Paris, 1855. Also, in: Monit. d. h6p., Par., 1856, iv, 463; 466; 476; 486; 501; 517; 533; 537; 546;. 557. Gautier (L. A.) * Des matieres albuminoides. 4C. Paris, 1865. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1865. Joacqueme (C.) * Des matieres albuminoides. 4°. Paris, 1870. Koopmans (R. C.) *Experimenta quajdam de digestione corporum albuminoidum vegetabilium. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1856. Lossnitzer (K. G. T.) "Einige Versuche iiber die Verdauung der Eiweisskorper. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. Melsens. Deuxieme note sur les matieres albuminoides. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] Ritter (C. E. E.) De l'albuminose. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Schmidt (A.) Die Lehre von den fermenta- tiven Gerinnungserscheinungen in den eiweiss- artigen thierischen Korperfliissigkeiten. Zu- sammenfassender Bericht iiber die fruheren, dio Faserstotfgerinnung betreffenden, Arbeiten des Verfassers. 8°. Dorpat, 1876. Albuminous crystallization. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1853, xii,'349-365.—Bechamp (A.) Recher- ehes sur l'isom6rie dans les matures albuminoides. Mont- pel. m6d., 1874, xxxu, 47-56. Also: J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1874, 4. s., xix, 177-182.—Briicke (E.) Die albuminoiden Substanzen des Blutes. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1859, iv, 286; 302; 310.—Commaille. Recherehes sur la constitution chimique des substances albuminoides. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1866, 3. 8., xvii, 145; 249.— Commaille (A.) Note sur les matieres albuminoides. Ibid., 1874, xxx, 612-615.—Cannal (F.) Memoire sur l'hydropisine, nouvelle inatiero albuminoide, confondue jusqu'a- ce jour avec ralbuuiiue. Gaz. med. de Par., 1858, 3. s., xiii, 373-375.—Giannuzzi (G.) Die Einwirkun-j der Eiweisskorper auf Wasserstoflfhyperoxyd. Arch, f! path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865. xxxiv,' 443-449.—IIoppc- Seyler(F.) Sur les principes albumineux. Monit. scient., Par., 1866, viii, 342-346.—Lecontc (C.) Sc dc Goumoens (A.) Recherehes sur les corps albuminoides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1853, Par., 1854, 1. s., v, 223-233. Also: Arch. gen. de nied., 1853, Par., 1854, 5. s., i, 681-690. Also: Gtz. med. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 488-492.—Mialhe. Mem-tire sur la digestion et l'assimilation des matieres albuniinoH"*. Union nied., Par., 1847, i, 481; 485; 490; 497; 503. Also Reprint. [Onimns.] De l'intiuence des substances albu- minoides sur les phenomenes electro-capillaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, lxxviii, 643-645. Also: Repert de pharm., Par., 1874, xxx, 195-197.—Pauum (P.) Neue Beobachtungen iiber die eiweissartigen Korper. Arch f path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1851, iv, 419-467.—Picard (P.) Sur les matieres albuminoides des organes et de la rate en particuUer (abst.) Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1878 Ixxxyu, 606-608.—Ploeas (P.) Ueber die Eiweisskorper der Blutfliissigkeit. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl. 1870, vui, 227-230.—Prat. Troisiemo m6moire sur les albuminoides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1876), Par 1877 6. s. Ui 142-144.—Roi lett (A.) Ueber die Eiweisskorper des Bmdegewebes. (Aus den Sitzungsberichten der Wie- ner Akad. d. Wiss.) Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vii, 190-203.—Schmidt-Mul- heim (A.) Untersuchungen iiber die Verdauung der Eiweisskorper. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, 39-58.— Also, Reprint.—Schmiedeberg (O.) Ueber cUe Darstel- lung der Para-Nuss Krystalle. Ztsolir. f. physiol. Chem., Strasb., 1877, 205-208— Schutzenbcrger (P.) Recher- ehes sur les matieres albuminoides. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1875, 4. s., xxi, 186-191. -----. Note sur un nouveau derive des matieres albuminoides. Ibid., 1877, xxv, 163-167.—Seegen (J.) & IVowak (J.) Zur Frage uber die Methode der Stickstotfbestimuiuug in den Eiweiss- korpern. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, ix, 227- 244.—Settegast (H.) Ueber den Stickstoffgehalt der fnanzen-Eiweisskbrper nach den Methodeu von Dumas und Will-Varrentrapp. Ibid., 1878, xvi, 293-301.—Thorn- ALBUMINOIDS. • 163 ALBUMINUBIA. Albuminoids. son (R. D.) On some animal substances aUied to albumen. Lancet, Lond., 1846, u, 213.—Ville (C.) Des matieres al- buminoides, des transformations qu'ellcs subissent dans l'economie. J. de m6d. de Lyon, 1845, vui, 394-398. Albuminuria. See, also, Anasarca and GLdema; Blight's dis- ease; Cantharides and Cantharidin; Cantha- rides (Effect of) on urinary organs; Convulsions; Convulsions (Causes of); Dropsy; Hip-joint (Diseases of, Complications and Sequelae of); Kid- ney (Discuses of); Lead-poisoning affecting the kidneys; Puerperal convulsions; Pustule (Ma- lignant); Retinitis (Albuminuric); Scarlatina (Complications and sequelae of); Small-pox (Com- plications and sequelce of); Spine (Diseases of, Complications and sequelce of). Baade (G.) * De albuminuria. 8°. Berolini, 1841. Banaston (P. S. C.) * Etudes sur quelques points de l'histoire de l'albumiuurio. 4°. Paris, 1853. Becquerel (A.) & Vernois (M.) De I'albu- minurie et de la maladie de Bright. 8°. Paris, 1856. Also, in: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 609; 617; 625; 637. Berthault (L.) * Considerations sur I'albu- minurie, dans ses rapports physiologiques et pathologiques. 4°. Paris, 1853. Blackall (J.) Observations on the nature and cure of dropsies, and particularly on the pre- sence of the coagulable part of the blood in drop- sical urine. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1818. Boyer (A.) * Considerations ge'ne'rales sur l'al- buminurie et ses complications. 4°. Paris, [1868]. C^emmerer (G.) *De albuminuria, sm. 8°. Jence, [1847]. Catelan (A.) *De I'albuminurie dans ses rapports avec d'autres manifestations morbides. 4°. Paris, 1872. Cayrol (L.) * Quelques considerations sur I'albuminurie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Chateau-Degat (P.) * Essai sur ralbuminurie latente. 4°. Paris, 1875. Christ (F.) *De albuminuria, seu morbo Brightii. 8°. Berolini, 1848. Courtin (P. J. C.) * Etude sur la physiologie pathologique et la classification clinique des albuminuries. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Deroye (A.) * Etude the"orique et pratique de ralbuminurie et de quelques nephrites. 4°. Paris, 1874. Dickinson (W. H.) On the pathology and treatment of albuminuria. 8°. New York, 1868. -----. Diseases of tho kidney and urinary derangements. Part II. Albuminuria. 8°. Lon- don, 1877. Eaton (E. M.) * Ueber Albuminurie. 8°. WUrzburg, 1872. Excel (L. C.) * Recherehes historiques et critiques sur I'albuminurie et la maladie de Bright. 4°. Strasbourg, 1844. Ewermann(A.) * De urina albuminosa. 8°. Berolini, 1846. ' Genaudet (A.) * Do la nature et de l'6tiologie de ralbuminurie; des indications therapeutiques qu'elles fournissent. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Genet (G.) * Contributions a l'<§tude de ralbu- minurie latente. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Harley (G.) Albuminuria, with and without dropsy: its different forms, pathology, and treat- ment. 8°. London, 1866. Heye (F. A.) *Quaedam de hydrope in uni- versum, nee non de urina in hoc morbo coagulabili signo renuui labe affectum pathognomonico. 4°. Lipsice, 1831. Heymaxn(E.) * De albuminuria. 8°. Bero- lini, [1839]. Albuminuria. Krage (W.) * Ueber Albuminurie und Glyco- surie nach Morphium. 8°. Anklam, 1878. Leneveu (C.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des maladies chirurgicales a urines albumineuses au point ^e vue de leur siege, leurs causes, leurs symptomes et leurs lesious. 4°. Argenteuil, 1878. Leroux (L.-H.) *De I'albuminurie dans ses relations avec les affections nerveuses. 4°. Paris, 1867. Lippert (H.) *De albuminuria adjecta de morbo Brightii commentatione. 8°. Halis, [1845]. Mayer (F. J.) Ueber Albuminurie und ihre Behandlung. 8°. Tubingen, [1845]. Moreau(E.) * De I'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Motjrlet (C.-P.-E.) *De la nephrite dite albumineuse. 4°. Paris, 1846. . Pardo (E.) * Recherehes sur le chlorure de sodium; quelques mots sur I'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1878. Petit. * Etude sur I'albuminurie transitoiro. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Plate (E. F.) * De hydrope albuminoso. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Scheimann (L.) *De hydrope albuminoso. 8C. Berolini, [1837]. Solon (M.) De l'albuniinurio ou hydropisie causae par maladie des reins. 8°. Paris, 1838. Also, in: Experience, Par., 1839, iii, 121-126. Thomas (G. F. L.) * Nonnulla de albuminuria. 8°. Lipsice, [I860]. Abeille. Quelques reflexions sur I'albuminurie 6ph6- mere. Gaz. med. de Par., 1853, 3. 8., viii, 605.—Albumi- nuric. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, 1868, Wien, 1869, 168-177.—Ancelon. Albuminurie. Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 17. — Andrews (G. P.) Albuminuria. Detroit Rev. Med. Sc Pharm., 1874, ix, 99; 659.—Bailey (W.) Al- buminuria. Tr.KentuckyM. Soc, LouisvUle, 1874, xix, 148- 159. Also, Reprint.—It aird (J. B.) Acute and chronic albuminuria; or, Blight's disease of the kidney. AtlantaM. Sc S. J., 1874. xi, 675—Barclay. Albuminuria and its treatment. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 38.— Barlow (E.) On dropsv. with coagulable urine. Mid- land M. Sc S. Reporter, Worcester, 1831-2, iii, 249-257.— Barlow (G. H.) Account of observations made under tbe superintendence of Dr. Bright, on patients whose urine was albuminous; with a chemical examination of the blood and secretions, by G. O. Rees. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1843, 2. s., i, 189-316, 9 pi.—Bartels. Die Albuminurie als Krankheitssvmptom. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte., Kiel, 1872, 4. Hft., 41-90.—Beckmann. Druck- steigerurfg im Arteriensystem uud Albuminuric. Ver- handl. cl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1859, ix, 142.— Bcgbic (J. W.) On temporary albuminuria, more particu- larly as concurring in the course of certain febrile or other acute diseases. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1852, xv, 321-335.—Benavente. De la albuminuria. Siglo med., Madrid, 1868, xv, 225-227.—Bofflto (R.) Albuminuria. N. Liguria med., Genova, 1871, xvi, 349; 365.—Bouchut. Albuminurie passagere. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1849, Par., 1850, 1. s., i, 4. -----. Traitement de ralbuminurie chronique avec anasarque par la fuchsine ou chlorhydrate de rosanUine. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 57; 65. 'Also: AbeUle med., Par., 1879, xxxvi. 25; 42. -----. Therapeu- tique do I'albuminurie par la fuchsine ou chlorhydrate de rosanUine; 20 guerisons sur 23 malades. Paris med., 1879, 2. s., v, 89-92. -----. Du traitement de ralbuminurie par la fuchsine. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 43.— Brachet. R6sume des lecona sur I'albuminurie. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1852, ii, 577-599.—Bright (R.) On renal disease accompanied with the secretion of albu- minous urine. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 338-379.— -----. Observations and 24 cases illustrative of renal disease accompanied with the secretion of albuminous urine. Memoir U. Ibid., 1840, v, 101-161.—Brunton (T. L.) Symptoms, pathology, and treatment of albuminuria. Practitioner Lond., 1875, xv, 352; 426.—Bulkley (H.D.) Clinicallecture on albuminuria. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1862, iv, 201; 215.— Cartaz. Ulceres des jambes chez les albuminuriques. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1877, 29-32.—Castan. Note sur la nature de ralbuminurie. Montpel. med., 1864, xiii, 1- 12.—Cfiino sull'albuiniuuria. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 1838, xxiv, 103; 165.—Clark (A.) Albuminuria. (Dis- cussion.) Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1862, i, 461-544.— Clarke (A.) Remarks on albuminuria. Am. M. Times, N. V., 1862, iv, 314: v, 4; IK: 30; 100: 115; 128; 142; 186; 213; 227; 211; 255; 270; 282— Constantin. Albuminu- ALBUMINURIA. 164 ALBUMINURIA. Albueniuuria. rie. Theorie do M. Barthe. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1862. vii, 8-15.—Cofrnil (V.) NouveUes obser- vations histologiques sur l'etat des ceUules du rein dans I'albuminurie clue a la nephrite parenchymateuse et la nephrite interstitielle. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1879, xv, 402-448. 5 pi.—Correnti (A.) Studi critici e con- tribuzioni alia patogenesi deU'albuminuria. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1868, xxii,97: 193.—Danjoy(L.) De I'albuminurie dans l'encephalopathie etf l'aniaurose saturnines. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1864, i, 402-423.—Dickinson (W. H.) The Croonian lectures on the pathology and relations of albuminuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 467; 499; 559; 588; 653:683. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 521; 560; 627. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1876, i, 355; 399. Also: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 461; 490; 516; 682.— Dukes (C.) The albuminuria of adolescents. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, U, 794.—Duniontpallier (A.) Existe-t-U une al- buminurie chronique btiiigne! Union med., Par., 1869, vu, 132.—Empis. De I'albuminurie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 257. — F. Considerations sur la nature et lo traitement di6tetique de I'albuminurie. BuU. gen. de therap., Par., 1863, lxiv, 193-201.—Feltz. De la fuch- sine'dans le traitement de I'albuminurie. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 330-332. —Ferrand (A.) Hydropisie H6e aux troubles de la secretion urinaire; pathogenic Union m6d., Par., 1870, ix, 413; 465; 1090. —Finger. Einige Worte iiber die Albuminurie und die Brigkti- sche Krankheit. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1847, iii, 27-39.—Flint (A.) Remarks on albuminuria. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 298; 312. -----. "Clini- cal lecture on chronic albuminuria." N. York M. Rec, 1873, vui. 609.—Forget. Lettre sur l'albuminnrie (mala- die de Bright). Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, v, 609-617.— Franceschi (C.) L'albuminuria e la morte. Ippocratico, Fano, 1864, 3. s., v, 3; 97; 193; 409; 497. — Frick (C.) Dropsy and albuminous urine. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xii, 81-88.—Gianipicoli (A.) Osservazioni sopra uu caso di albuminuria con anasarca. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1850, i, 790-816.—Gigon (C.) Recherehes expi rimentales sur ralbuminurie normale chez l'honinio et cliez les animaux. Union med., Par., 1857, xi, 499; 508.— Rlax (J.) Ueber Albuminuria renalis. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879, xv, 251; 27].—Grasset (J.) Etude critique sur ralbuminurie et le mal de Uriglit. Montpel. med., 1875, xxxiv, 109-140.—Graves (R. J.i Albuminuria or albuminous nephritis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1841-2, xx, 393-1199.—G regory (J. C.) On diseased states of the kid- ney connected during life with albuminous urine;; illus- trated bv eases. Ecunb. M. Sc S. J., J rf:il, xxxvi. 315-362: 1832, xxxvu, 54-94.—Gubler (A.) Albuminuiie. Diet. encycl. d. sc med., Par., 1809, ii, 434-544. — Gneneau de Massy (N.) De quelques albuminuries clependantes de la congestion renale, et de leur traitement. In his: Clinique med., Par., 1875, ii, 210-228. -----. De I'albuminurie latente. Union m6d.. Par., 1874, xxviii, 49-55. Also, in his: CUnique ni6d., Par., 1875, ii, 229- 238. — Guepin (A.) Note sur des phenouienes iusidi- eux dus a I'albuminurie et sur lo traitement de la chlorose albumiuurique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1860, lvtii, 169-172.—Hamburger. Ein Beitrag zur.Lehre und zur Therapie des Bright'schen Scharlachhydrops. Vrtl- jschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1861, lxxix, 24-43.— Hamon (L.) De la nature nevrosique de I'albuminurie, fieuves k Tapped de cette doctrine, puisnes i\ la source do albuniinoiuetrie, do l'urinonietrie, de la physiologie, de la pathologie, etc. Gaz. med. do Par., 1861, 3. s., xvi, 111; 139 ; 152; 220; 277; 328; 356. Also, Reprint. -----. Nature essentielle de i'albuminurie. Rapport de M. Craninx. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 660-671. -----. Etude sur la forme hydiorganique de I'albuminurie. France med.. Par., 1862, ix, 549; 564; 581; 598; 613; 644; 661.—Heatou (J. D.) Clinical lecture ou albuminuria. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1849, 169; 203.—Efeidenreieh (F. W.) Wassersucht, Bright'sehe Krankheit, chemische Untersuchung der entleerten Fliissigkeiten und mikro- chemisches \ erhalten verschiedener Arzneistoffe gegen verdiinntesEiweiss. Med. Cor.-Bl. Bayer. Aerzte., Erlang., 1844, v, 1; 25.—Hrrzka (J.) Albuminurie. N. York J med. Monatsschr., 1852, i, 45-50.—Heynsins (A.) Over de in de urine voorkomende eiwit-verbindingen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1874, x, pt. 1, 545-557.—lets over de nieuwere leer der erases in het algemeen, en die der albumineuse (veueuse) crasis en den M. Brightii in het bij- zonder. [Case] KUniek, Utrecht, 1846, ii, 455-490.— J ac- ' toud. Albuminurie. N. diet. do chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 517-591!.—Jacqueiue -505. -----. Erklarong in Betreff des Eiweissharns. Arch f d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 187."., x, 151-153.—Scpulveda di.) De la albuminuria. Unv. med de Ch.le, Sant. de Chile, 1874, ii, L'63-282.—Skoda. Zur Diagnose und Prognose der Albuminuric AUg Wien. med. Ztg., 1863, viii. 394.—Steiger (A.) Ueber Albumi- nuric Schweiz. Monatschr f. prakt. Med.. Bern. 1859, iv, 24v>-262. Also, Reprint. —Stokvis. Albuminuric van Bence Jones. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. cl. Nat- Genees- en Heelk. te Amst,. 18,1-2, 9-11.-Stokvis (B.J.) Bijdragen totde kennis der albuminurie. Nederl. Tijdschr. u. Geneesk., Amst., 1860, vi, 395-407. Also: Arch. f. d. ALBUMINURIA 165 ALBUMINURIA. Albuminuria. nurie. HoUand. Beitr. z. Nat.-u. HeUk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 296-31011 tab. -----. Quelques mots k propos do la broch- ure doM.leprofesseurCorrenti, relativeal'albuminuric J. de medi Brux., 1870, li, 238-243.—Todd. CUnical lecture on dropsy with albuminous urine. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., ii, 1443; 1494.—Tomniasi (S.) Lett era intorno l'albu- minuria. Ippocratico, Fano, 1864, 3. s., vi, 289-294.—Tor- resini (M.) Epilessia guarita in seguito ad albumi- nuria. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1861, 4. s., vi, 169. — Trotter (J. W.) On albuminous urine in con- tinued fever. Lancet, Lond., 1854, i, 639. — Unraa (P.) Albuminurie wahrend der Stvraxcinreibungcn Kriitzigcr. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., lt-78, Ixxiv, 424-428.— Various stages of albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 18.">9, i, 159.—Verheyen. Albuminuric chez le chcval. Arch. do la med. beige, Brux., 1843, xi, 320-334. — Violi ((r. B.) Cura deU'albuminuria coUa fucsina; casi cliuici raccolti all'nopital des enfants-malades di Parigi. SpaUanzani, Modena, 1879, vUi, 391-398.—Weir (W.) Albuminuria. Glasgow M. J., 1853-4, i, 203-205.—v. Wittieh. Ucbcr Harnsecrction und Albuminurie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1856, x, 325-345. Albuminuria and Alcoholism. Fiirstner (C.) Ueber Albuminurie bei Alcoholisten. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 187(1 vi. 755-764. Aho: 1'erl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiii, 409.—Pauehon (A.) Etude sur quelques conditions du developperuent de I'albuminurie et en particuUcr sur 1'alcooUsme, consid^re comme cause dc ce phenomene dans le cours des maladies aigues ou chro- niques. MarseUle med., 1873, x. 339; 420.—Voisin (A.) Deux cas d'albuminurie passagexe k la suite d'intoxications alcooliquo^et copahique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 101.—Weinberg. Ueber transitonsche Albuminurie bei dem Delirium tremeusund iiber Therapio desselben. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1876, xUi, 465. Albuminuria and Brighfs disease (Treatment of). Beylot (J.) * Du traitement de la maladie de Briglit. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. de CpouiiENS (J. F.) * De ralbuminurie et de sou traitement par les Amissions sanguines et les touiques. 4°. Paris, 1861. Delalande (L. P.) *Du traitement de la nephrite albumineuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862. Donkin (A. S.) The skim-milk treatment of diabetes and Brighfs disease. 8°. London, 1871. Hughes (F.-ll) * Essai sur I'albuminurie, et dc son traitement par le perchlorure de fer et le seigle ergote". 4°. Paris, 1862. Monfeuillard (P.-E.) * De l'emploi des iodures dans le traitement de I'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1869. Schmid (T.) *Die Anwendung einer aus- schliesslicheu Milchdiiit bei Bright'schem Hy- drops. 46 pp. 8°. Tubingen, 1864. Vogel (J.) * Ueber Sublimat als Heilmittel im Morbus Brightii. 23 pp. 8°. Ludwigsburg, Aneelon (E. A.) Note sur lath6rapeutique de la mala- dio de liright. Gaz. cl. hop.. Par., 1853, xxvi, 101.—Ander- son (W.) Eucalyptus in albuminuria. [With discussion.] Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879, iv, 190-193.— Artigues. Observations de nephrite albumineuse traitee par lo lait k haute dose. Kcc. cie mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1802, 3. s., viU, 190-197.—Barlow (G. H.) Ten cases of albuminous urine Ulustrative of tho efficacy of tar- tar emetic, in combination with other antiphlogistic reme- dies, in the acute form of this disease. Guy's Hosp. Rep. Lond., 1840, v, 167-184.—Baudon (A.) Observations temoiguant des bons effets de l'iodure de fer dans le traite- ment do ralbuminurie recent©. Bull. gen. de thcirap., etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 560-563. -----. Albuminuric; traitement par l'iodure de, potassium k haute dose; deux succes; un liisucces, niais guerison prompte par l'ioduro de calcium. Ibid., 1868, lxxv, 457-402.—Beui-Barde. Du traitement do l'albuniinurio par riiydrotherapic (With discussion.] Ann. Soc d'hydrol. m6d. dp Par., 1875-6, xxi, 282 ; 313; 363. Also, transl.: Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1878, vii, 117- 119.—ISinnen 2 dagen outstuandc algemcene huidwater- zucht en nephritis albuminosa, spoedigc hcrstelling door diaphoretica, wederinstorting na, (waafschijnlijk door) het toedienen van murias ammonia?; finale ketstc llino- Kli- niek, Utrecht, 1847, iii, 470-470.—Bouchut. Eiticfc-ite du tannin clans un cas giavo d'albuminurie scarlnf ineuse avec anasarque et hematurie J. de med. et de. chir prat,, Par., 1802, 2. s.. xxxiii, 490-492. -----. Traitement de 1 albmninurie par la fuchsine ct la rosaniline Gaz d hup., Par., 1877, 1, 393.-----. Traitement de ralbuminurie Albuminuria and Brighfs disease (Treatment of). * chroniquo par la fuchsine; ureraio sans accidents ur6- miques; anasarque; guerison. Ibid., 1878, li, 332.—Brun- ton(L.) Arsenic in the treatment of albuminuria. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1875-7, iii, 181-183— Brunton (T. L.) Ar- senic in albuminuria. Practitioner, Lond., 1877, xx, 427- 435.—fiiudde (V.) Om behandlingen af den kroniske diffuse uyrebctaeudelso med' saerligt hensyn til hydro- perne og albuminurien. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh.,1875, xix, 3. 11., 233-241.—Compton (J. W.) Iodide and bro- mide of potassium in albuminuria. Med. Sc Surg. Repor- ter, Phila., 1879, xii, 70.—Corfe (G.) Observations on the treatment of acute and chronic albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 489-491.—Corrigan. Treatment of dropsy connected with "Brighfs disease" by iodide of potas- sium. _ Dubhu Hosp. Gaz., n. s., 1855, i, 369-373.— Dickinson (W. II.) On the treatment of albuminuria in children. Proc. Boy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1864, iv, 355. — Finnicrt. Eine Wahrnchmuug beim Gebrauch des Liq. amnion, succinic, in dor typhoscn Albuminuric MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1860. v, 201.-----. Liq. am- nios, succinic, gegen Albuminurie. Ibid., 1803, viii, 278.—Ettori (B.) Morbo di Bright curato con l'acido nitrico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 122.—Fabritius (J.) Das Chloralhydrat als Heilmittel gegen Bright'sche Nierenerkrankung. Wien. med. Presso, 1873, xiv, 661-663.—Farre (F.) The influence of arsenic on albuminuria in a case compUcated with psoriasis and | lichen. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 68.—Ferrand (A,) Albu- | niinurie. Traitement par la diete lac-tee: guerison. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1867, lxxiii, 372-377.—Fleck- les. Ueber das Vorkommen der Albuminuric bei verschie- denen chronischen Leiden und iiber cUe erfolglose Ther- malbehandlung der chronischen diifusen Nicrenent/.iindung in Carlsbad. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1870, ii, 223- 225.—Forget. Du traitement de ralbuminurie oun6phrite albumineuse, par l'acido nitrique. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1847, xxxu, 5-14. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1847, i, 178-187.—Oallegos (J. F.) Una indicacion accrca del tratamiento do la albuminuria cronica. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 486.—Oauiberini (P.) Albuminuria guarita inerce' l'uso interne del tannine) in unione aU'estratto aleoolico di noce vomica, Imparziale, Firenze, 1861-2, ii, 49-52.—Garcia y Alvarez. Eni'er- medad de Bright curada por el tartrate de potasa antimonial. Telegrafo med., Barcel., 1847, i, 330-332.—Cobee (C.) Al- buminuric, onder het inwendig toedienen van acid, nitri- cum hcrsteld. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1856, n. s., ii, 365-368.—Crublcr (A.) Traitement dc ralbu- minurie. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxviii, 241- 251. Also: France med., Par., 1866, xui, 302; 312; 317.— Crueneau de Mussy (N.) Etude sur le traitement de quelques albumiuuries. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1871, xliv, 473; 477; 481.—Guillauinot. D'un nouveau mode d'adminis- tration du tannin dans I'albuminurie grave, liev. m6d. franc;, et 6trang., Par., 1872, i, 106-112.—Outbnod. Einige Worte, dio Anwendung des Jodeisen in der Bright'schen Krankheit betreffend. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. ■wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1842, xii, 311.—Mall (F. de H.) Treatment of acute albuminuria. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xvii, 101- 107.—ISanaon (L.) Essai sur les effets de la medication perturbatrice, appUquee au traitement de ralbuminurie. France nied., Par , 1861, viii, 326; 343 ; 359.—Hartsen (F. A.) Bemerkungen iiber dio Diiiten bei chrouischer Albu- minuric uud die wcitere Behandlung dieses Uebels. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lix, 529-531.—Hcrvienx (E.) Nephrite albumineuse chroniquo traitee par l'extrait de ratnnhia et les bains dc vapour ; gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 3u.—Clirtz. Quelques considera- tions sur le traitement do ralbuminurie et particuliere- ment par l'emploi des diuretiques. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1864, lxvi, 145-155.—van Holsbeek (U.) De l'emploi du tannin dans un cas d'albuminurie cohicidant avec une hypertrophic du cceur. J. de med., chir. et fharmacol., Brux., 1854, xvUi, 523-525.—Hugues. De emploi du perchlorure de fer et du seigle ergote dans les diverses maladies, ou Ton trouve de l'albuinino clans 1'urine. M6m. soc. d. sc. mod. de Lyon, 1862, i, 279- 299.—Jaccoud. Regime lacte ct iod'uro de potassium dans la maladie de liright au debut; guerison. J. cie med. et chir. prat., Par., 1876, xlvii, 11-13.—John- son (G.) On the treatment of acute and chronic Blight's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 135-137.—Keen (W.W.) On the danger attending the use of opium in Brighfs disease, illustrated by a ease of opium -poisoning. Phila. M. Times, 1877, vii, 145.—de Keghel(E.)L'albuminurie: son traitement. Bull. Soc. ch med. de Gand, 1868, xxxv, 11- 36.—Kennedy (H.) Twocasesof albuminous urine, treated by mercury. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi, 83-86.— E&cJi-- ncr (M.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Therapie der mit Albu- minurie verbundencn Krankheitsformen. Mcmorabilicn, Heilbr., 1861, vi, 268-275.—Labus. Caso complicate) d'al- buminuria guaritucoU'acido nitrico. (laz. unci, di Milano, 18)(i, v, It; 1-166.—Tjandsbcrg. Ucbcr einen Fall von Heilung cvi (M. R.) t Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1870, 3. s., xii, 209-222.—Lewis (F. W.) t t Med. Exam., Phila., 1855, xi, 7-17.— MacGregor (R.) t Glasgow M. J., 1853-4, i, 74-86.—Marce. t Guerison. J. de la sect, de m6d. do la Soc. acad. du Loire-Inf, Nantes, 1853, n. s., xxix, 50- 54.—Marcaka. t Bull. Soc. de med. do Gand. 1841, vii, 87-93.—Maurice, t Ann. Soc. de med. de St,-Etienne et de la Loire, 1872, St.-lStienne. 1875, v. 45-48.—Mavro- geny (S.) Spasmes tetaniformes avec albuminurie. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1863-4, vii, 180-183.— Mayer, t Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 33.— Meade (R. H.) t Intermittent albuminuria. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 15.—Monette (G. N.) tt Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1874, ix, 86-88.— Monneret. t t Gaz. d. hc">p., Par., 1842, xv, 567.—IVamias (G.) t Gior. ve- neto di sc med., Venezia, 1868, 3. s., viii, 3-21.— IVamias (H.) t Anasarca. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1863, viii, 117. — Nephritis albuminosa ; hydrops anasarca. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1847, iii, 576-586.—IVewman (J. M.) Albuminuria, independent of organic disease of the kidneys. Buffalo M. J., 1857-8, xiii, 589-607.—Nolan (P.) t N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s., i, 370; 414: ii,.479.—Paul. Cas do fi6vre larvee albuminurique ? Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1860, xxvii, 224-246. — Pauli. t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx, 219.—Perry, t Boston M. & S. J., 1835, Uii, 38-40.—Piccirilli (L.) Su di una cronica albumi- nuria atipica (strana nefrite cronica diffusa). Indipen- dente, Torino, 1878, xxviu, 261.— Pirovauo (F.) Sairuio suU'albuminuria. Ann. univ. di mecl., Milano, 1873, ccxxv, 449-506.—Portugal (A.) t t Progresso med., Rio de Jan., 1876-7, i, 354; 385.— Prudentc (F.) tt Morgagni. Napoli, 1862, iv, 258-275,1 tav.—Bobert (15.) t Compilador med., Barcel., 1868, iv, 458; 482; 403.—Roche (L.) Eelamp- sie albuminurique chez une jeune fille de quinze ans. Bull. Soc. mecl. de l'Yonne, Auxerre, 1877, xviii, 22-34.— Schreyer (F.) t t Med. Aehrenlese, Osnabruck, 1862. vii, 556. — de Sequeira (J. A.) t Uremia; cura. EschoU- aste med., Lisb., 1804, xv, 366. —Singh (F.) t Cured by ergot and iron. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1866, i, 64.— Smith (F. G.) t t Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, v, 523-528.—Smith (O. G.) Cases of albuminuria treated at the New York hospital during the three years ending Nov. L 1856. N. York J. M., 1857,3. s.,ii, 68-82.—Hmoier (M.) KUnische Studien iiber Albuminurie in einigen acuten unci ALBUMINURIA. 167 ALBUMINURIA. Albuminuria (Cases of). chronischen Krankheiten. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1864, lxxxii, 46-114. —Stacquez (H.-I.) t Arch.,Brux., 1853, xi, 370-375.—Teissier (B.) Albuminuric d'origino nerveuse. Gaz. hebd. dc m6d., Par., 1877, xxiv, 615-618. — Todd. CUnical lecture on a case of chronic gout accompanied with albuminous urine Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., iv, 1073-1076. — Westmore- land (W. F.) t Atlanta M. & S. J., 1873, xi, 513—Wi- nant. t ... chronique. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux., 1875, 3. s., vui, 252-256.—Zalabardo (J.) t Siglomed., Madrid, 1873, xx, 37. -----. t Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1877, xxiii, 415. Albuminuria (Causes and pathology of). Badin (A.) * De I'albuminurie consecutive aux applications de teinturo d'iode chez l'enfant. 4°. Paris, 1876. Bosi(L.) Lezioni sull'albuminuria. 8°. Pisa, 1868. Cornil (A. V.) *Sur les lesions anatomiques du rein dans I'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1864. Fabrics (E.) * Reflexions sur la pathogenic de I'albuminurie et del'urbane. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Germe (L.) * Qu'est-ce que I'albuminurie? ou de son analogic avec les secretions se"reuses se"ro- plastiques et les hemorrhagies qui se font soit a la surface, soit dans l'e"paisseur des organes. 4°. Paris, 1864. Goursolas (F. A.) * Du si6ge de I'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1853. Jaccoud (S.) * Des conditions pathog6niques de I'albuminurie. 4°. Paris, 1860. Lecoquierre (P. L. A.) * De l'influence du froid et de l'humiclitd sur la production de I'albuminu- rie. 4°. Paris, 1869. Ollivier (A.) * Essai sur les . . . produites par l'61iminatiou des substances toxiques. 4°. Paris, 1863. Picot (J-.J.) *Des lesions r6nales observers dans I'albuminurie, clinique mddicale de Stras- bourg, 1863-4. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Sigaud (P.) *l5tude sur i'albuminurie dans I'erysipele et la lympkangite. 4°. Paris, 1876. Stadion (E.) *De ratione, quae intercedit in- ter suppurationes et morbum Brightii atque albu- minuriam, quibusve symptomatis amputationis indicentur. 8°. Regimonti Pr., [1864]. Tenckhoff (A.) * De causis albuminuria} me- chanicis. 8°. Gryphiae, [1855]. Wollner (G.) * Ueber Albuminurie nach der Schmierkur bei Scabies. 8°. Erlangen, [1868]. Zantiotis (M.) * Relations qui existent entre J'albuminurie et les affections chirurgicales. 4°. Paris, 1869. Ayres (P. B.) Contributions to chemical pathology. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 119-121. -----. On tho pathology of albuminuria. Ibid., 761.—[Beau.] Albuminurie con- secutive k la suppression de la sueur; anasarque conside- rable; hydroth6rapio; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 569.—Bright. Tabular view of the morbid ap- pearances in 100 cases connected with albuminous urine. With observations. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 380- 400.—Browning (R.) On diphtheritic albuminuria. Ab- stract of paper read at Canterbury, May 23. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 95.—Calniettcs (6.) Recherehes experi- mentales sur I'albuminurie produite par l'injection de sub- stances organiques azotees dans le sang. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1870, Ui, 26-42.—Delarucllc. Pleu- resie ; albuminuric; caillots dans les veines r£nales; causes de I'albuminurie. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1846, xxi, 304.— Dcsnos* Sur un cas d'hfemorrhagio do la protub6rance annulaire avec albuminurie et accompagneo de symptomes simulant ceux de l'ur6mio. Int6grit6 de la substance des reins. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1870, vi, 5-12. Also: Union med., Par., 1809, vu, 241-246.—Dickin- son (W. H.) On diseases of tho kidney accompanied by albuminuria, considered in relation to their origin in change occurring in the tubes or in the intertubular structure. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1860, xUii, 225-246, 3 pi.: 180L xhv, 169-187,1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Dumas (L.) Sc Bechamp (J.) Observation d'albuminurieUeo k une6ruption cutnnee; nature speciale de l'albumine excrete; zymasurie. Mont- pel. med., 1876, xxxvii, 17-32.—Fabrc. La 16sion renale est-eUe cause ou effet dans ralbuminurie! France med., Par., 1864, ii, 314; 323; 330.—Fountain (E. J.) Patho- logy of albuminuria. What is the proximate cause of the dropsy? Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa,, 1861, v, 613-615.— Albuminuria (Causes and pathology of). Fourcault. Recherehes snr les causes de ralbuminurie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xviu, 857-859.—Gal. lavardin. Albuminuries produites par l'arscnic. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 55.—Griffith (G. De G.) Ec- centric, irritative, or reflex albuminuria. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1878, n. s., xxv, 149; 190. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xx, 13-16.—Hamon (L.) Quel est dans ral- buminurie le v6ritable si6go do la protopathio ? France med., Par., 1864, ii, 402-404.—Inglis (D.) Albuminuria considered in relation to the minuto anatomy of the kidneys. Detroit Rov. Med. & Pharm., 1874, ix, 647-654.—Johnson (G.) On tho etiology of albuminuria, as deduced from the analysis of 200 consecutive cases. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond. 1873, vii, 176-179. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 112. -----. The relation between arterial tension and albuminuria. Ibid., 1874, i, 606; 706.—Johch (C. H.) On the morbid conditions of the kidney, giving rise to al- buminuria. Lond. J. M., 1852, iv, 401-414.—Lasaar (O.) TJeber den Zusammenhang von Hautresorption und Albu- minurie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxvii, 157- 171.—1> ay cock (T.) Arc morbid functional states of the cerebeUum, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord, causes of albuminuria and Blight's disease? Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1873, ii, 30. —■---. On neurotic albuminuria and ha>maturia; more especiaUy in relation to thermic neuroses and to taking cold. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, 3. s., xxxi, 1- 23.—Lehmann (J. C.) TJeber die durch Einspritzungen von Hiihnereiweiss in's Blut hervorgebraehto Albuminurie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 593-598.—Mc- Donnell (J. O'M.) A case of malarious (?) albuminuria successfuUv treated. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 257.—McDonnell (It.) (Physiological causes of albu- minuria.) Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, ii, 27-30.—Mahomed (F. A.) The relation between arterial tension and albumi- nuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 679.—Martin (S.) Lesion renale de I'albuminurie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1839-40, iv, 229; 328.—Mcilhac (P.) Albuminurie k la suite d'un eczema generalis6. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 271.—Mitchell (S. W.) Arsenical albuminuria. N. York M. J., 1865, i, 169-174— Munk (P.) A Iicyden (E.) Ueber Albuminurie und fettigo Degeneration nach Vergiftung mit Schwefelsaure und anderen Siiuren. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1864, xlix, 469-472; 1, 481-483.—IVuss- bauni (M.) Ueber die Entstehung der Albuminurie. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., xxiv, 248.—Robin (E.) De la cause immediate do I'albuminurie. Rev. med. franc;. et etrang., Par., 1868, i, 289-290.—Robinson (G.) Re- searches into the connection existing between an unnatural degree of compression of the blood contained in tho renal vessels and the presence of certain abnormal matters in the urine. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1843, xxvi, 51-79.— Runbcrg (J. W.) Om albuminurins patogenetiska vil- kor. (C. R. Des conditions pathog6niques etc I'albuminu- rie. Nos. 19 et 25.) Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1877, ix, no. 16, 1-33; no. 21, 1-45. -----. Ueber dio pathogeneti- schen Bedingungen der Albuminurie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878-9, xxiii, 41; 225.—Stockvis (B. J.) Notice sur la pathog6nie de ralbuminurie. Art med., Brux., 1865-6, i, no. 15, 7. -----. "Recherehes experi- mentales sur les conditions pathog6niques de ralbuminurie." Bull. Soc. roy. d. Sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1866, 118-125. Also: J. d. med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1867, xliv, 13; 121; 213; 293; 406; 516: xiv, 20; 116; 205; 326; 438; 534.— Terrillon. Albuminuric traumatique. Rev. mens, de med. et do chir., Par., 1877. i, 206-211.—Volkcnstcina (A.) Ko voprosu o proischojdenii albuminurii vsUedstvie razdrajenija Kogi. [Cause of albuminuria following disease of the skin.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1876, exxvi, 1; 161; 179.—Walther (A.) Eiweissausscheidung im Harne bei obwaltender Milchretention und Sistirung der Milchsecretion nach der Amputation der Unken Brust- driise. Arch. f. physiol. HeUk., Stuttg., 1847, vi, 75-83. Albuminuria (Chemistry and semei- ology of). Desir (A.) * De la presence de l'albumine dans l'urine, consid6re"e comme phe"nomene et comme eigne dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1835. Dumas (J.) *De I'albuminurie consid6re"e comme symptome. 4°. Paris, 1853. Haebler (M.) * Eine neue Methode der quan- titativen Eiweissbestimmung imUiin. 8°. Ber- lin, 1868. Hue (C. C.) *De I'albuminurie, comme symp- tome dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1859. Kerbert (C.) *Do urina albuminosa et albu- minuria dignitate diagnostica. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1839. Krause (A.) De urina albuminosa quaedam. 8°. Halis, 1840. Meuveil (F.) * Considerations sur les urines albumineuses. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. ALBUMINURIA. 168 ALBUMINURIA. Albiiminuria (Chemistry and semei- ology of). Moussette (P.-G.) * De l'albuminurrhde., con- sid6r6e dans ses relations avec les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1855. ObermCller (H.) * Beitrage zur Ckemie des Eiweissharnes. 8°. Wiirzburg, lh?X Oppen heimer (!>.) * De I'albuminurie, comme yympt6ine dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, 1810. Peiriga (P.-M.-H.) * Se"m&ologie des urines albumineuses et sucrcSes. 4°. Paris, 1850. Petri (J.) * Versuche zur Chemie des Erweiss- harns. 8°. Berlin, 1876: Rouby (F.-A.) * De ralbuminurie, comme symptome dans les maladies. 4°. Paris, l-<55. Sixapiax (G.) *De I'albuminurie; indiquer les diverses maladies dans lesquelles on la ren- contre. 4°. Paris, 1843. Stuart-Cooper (D.) *De l'urine des albu- minuriques. 4". Paris, 1846. Widal (H.-V.) * Des urines albumineuses; 4°. Paris, L*51. Abeille. De I'albuminurie passagfere sans lesion r6- nale, se montrant clans une foule de cas morbides differents. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1859, vii, 285-287.— Albumen in urine. Brit. Sc For. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1853, xii, 46-60.—Balfour (G. W.) On the diagnostic value of albumen in tbe urine. Edinb. M. J., 1856, i, 606- 624.—Barlow. Remarks on certain specimens of urine, imitating albuminous urine. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 401.—Baylon. Note sur la presence de l'albinninose dans les urines. Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1860,2. s., ii, 649.—Brunton (T. L.) & Power (D'A.) On the albuminous substances which occur in the urine in albu- minuria. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, xiu, 283- 311.—v. Dusch (T.) Notiz iiber das Verhalten von albu- minhaltigem Harn zur Salpetersiiure. Arch. f. wissensch. HeUk., Leipz., 1864, n. F., i.—Edlcfsen (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Eiweissstoft'o des Harns. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, vu, 67-74. — Fiihry- Nnethlage. Leber die Menge des ParaglobuUn im 1 lame bei Albuminurie. Ibi^., 1876, xvii, 418-436.—Fur. bringcr (P.) Ueber einen eigenthiimUcheu Albuniin- kcirper im Harn ; ein neuer Beitrag zu der Frage: Fallt das Eiweiss saurer Harne in der Siedehitze nothwendig aus ? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 85-87.—Gerhardt (C.) Ueber die Eiweissstoffe des Harnes. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, v, 212-216.—[Gigon.] Les urines normales contieunent-eUes de l'albumine ! Franco med., Par., 1857, iv, 386-388.—von Gorup-Bcsanez (E. F.) Ueber ein eigenthiimhehes Verhalten des Albumins im Harn. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1846, Ui, 10-16.—Gowers (W. R.) On a pecuUar form of albumen iu the urine. Lancet, Lond., 1878, u, 3.—Graves (R. J.) Albuminous urine. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1837, xi, 396- 400.—Heller (J. F.) Ueber das Albumin als Bestand- theil des Harns in Krankheiten. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1852, v, 253; 281; 332; '361.—Heyn- sius (A.) Over het globuUne-gehalte van eiwithoudende urine. Onderzoek. ged. in h. Physiol. Lab. d. Univ. te Leiden, 1878, iv, 274-279.—Johnson (M.) Albuminous urine. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 487.—Kjellberg (A.) [4 cases.] Om hematuri och albuminuri hos aldre barn till fobd af njurgrus. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1870, no. xxv, 1-13.—Hopff (L.) U\yngi nad oznaczenieni bialka w moczu, w szczegolnosei sposobem Stolnikowa. [ Albumen in urine; StolnikofFs method.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1878, xvu, 175-177.—Kunze (C. F.) Ueber den Nachweis von Ei- weiss im Harne. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1874, i, 217.—L.assaigne (J. L.) Recherehes sur la com- Sosition d'une urine albumineuse rendue dans une affection es reins. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1845, 3. 8., i, 8-12.— Lauffenaner (K.) Adatok az isz&kosrezgorjongok feher- nyevizelesehez. [Tests for albumen in the urine.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1877, xxi, 357; 387.—liee(C. A.) Albumen in urine: its value in diagnosis. Ohio M. Sc S. J., Columbus, 1833-4. vi, 97-101.—I^ee (H.) On albumen in the urine, some- times in conjunction with the coloring matter of the blood, as a consequence of surgical diseases and operations. Lan- cet, Lond., 1869, ii, 262.—Legrip. Urines albumineuses: moyen de determiner facileuient la quantit6 d'albumine qu'eUes contieunent. J. deehiui. med.,etc., Par., 1S44.2.S., x, 360.—Lehman 11 (J. C.) Zur Chemie des Eiweissharns. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 125-133.—I,cu- be (W.) Ueber das Vorkonimen vou Eiweiss im Harn von Gesunden. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1877, 187-189.-----. Ceber die Ausscheidung von Eiweiss im Harn des gesunden Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878'lxxu, 145-157.—.Vlarsh (L.) Coauulablourino in acute diseases. Lancet, Loud., 1845, ii. 702.—.Vlatccr (W.l On the coagulabUity of urine as a diagnostic and therapeutic Albuminuria (Chemistry and semci- ology of). sign of dropsy. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1837, xlvii, 68-97.— >Iunn (J.) Albuminuria in persons apparently healthy; with the proper method for detecting it. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1879, xv, 297.—Parkea (E. A.) On the value of albu- minuria, as a symptom of kidney disease. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xviu, 6.—Pclloggio (P.) Dell'albu- minosideUe orine. Arch, di med. vet.,"Milano, 1877, U, 181- 186. Also: R. Ist. lomb. di sc. e lett., Rendic, MUano, 1877, 2. s., x, 330-335.—Petit (A.) Recherche de petites quantites d'albumine dans l'urine. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1872, LxxxUi, 359-363.— Roberts (W.) On the estimation of albumen in urine, by a new method adapted, for cUnical purposes. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1876, viu, 48-50. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1876, 2. s., xU, 141-147.—Roberts (W. C.) On the value of albumen in the urine, as indicative of renal dis- ease. N. York M. Gaz., 1841-2, i, 97-99.—Robin (E.) Sur 1'albuniinnrie et rinsensibilite considerees comme indi- ces d'un etat asphyxique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 458. -----. Reclamation de priorite au sujet de I'albu- minurie et de l'insensibdit6 considerees comme indices d'un etat asphyxique. Union med., Par., 1859, 2. 8., ui, 59- 62.—Rottgcr (J. H.) Einiges iiber Ham, in welchem die Gegenwart eines eiweissartigen BildungstheU's das charac- tenstische Symptom darstellt. Arch. t. Chem. u. Meteor., Niirnb., 1835, ix, 141-144.—Schleisner (A. E. M.) Om en sikker Methode til at paavise minimale Maengder Albu- min i Ui in. Ugesk.f. Lager, Kjebenh., 1878, 3. R., xxvi, 129- 132.—Semmola (M.) DeU'^buniinuria, studu chimico- patologici. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU, 1850, iv, 7: 28; 50.—Simon (F.) Ueber den eiweisshaltigen Harn. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 61-63.—Stocks (A. W.j" Spontaneous coagulation of urine. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 59.—Stolnikof (Ta.) O novom sposobae Borngardta dlya kohchestvennago opredaeleniya baelka v' nioehae. [Bo'rngardt's method for determining the quantity of albumen in tho urine.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1876, exxv, Apr., 337; May, 76-80.-Sum- mers (T. O.) Phosphatic deposits, and their relation to albuminuria. NashvUle J. M. Sc, 1874, 2. s., xiii. 129-134.— -----. Phosphates in albuminuria. Ibid., 1875, xv, 72.— Tanret (C.) Recherche et dosage de l'albumine dans l'urine. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc.; Par., 1877, xcii, 308- 312.—Tomowitz (J.) Praktisch-arztliche Beurtheilung der Nachweisungsniethoden des Albumins im niensch- Uchen Harn. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Ungarn, Oeden- burg, 1859, x, 57.—Toulmouchc (A.) Remarques sur l'inceititude des signes diagnostiques de 1'albuminurie, k l'occasion de deux observations cliniques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1839, 2. s., vu, 113-117.—Ultzmann (R.) Mikro- skopisch-chemische Diagnostik der vcrschiedenen Formen von Albuminurie. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xi, 81; 100; 126; 161; 177; 187; 196; 201.—Wells (W. C.) On tho presence of the red matter and serum of blood in the urine of dropsy, which has not originated from scarlet fever. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. &Chir. Knowl., Lond., 1812, iii, 194-240.— Williamson (T.) On some diseases in which albumi- nous urine occurs. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1841, lvi, 364-378. Also, Reprint. — v. Wittich. Albuminurie und Ham- secretion. (Entgegnung auf A. Hevnsius's Theorie der Harnsecretion.) Konigsb. med. Jahrb., 1860, U, 1-11.— Zimmermann. Ueber den gerinnbaren Harn. Wchn- sehr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 345-350. Albuminuria in children. Carpio (L. H.) Albuminuria por arenas en los ri- nones., Mexico, 1867, iii, 176.—Caspari. Teber das Eiweissharnen bei Kindern. Deutsche. KUnik, Berl., 1870, xxu, 250.—Dickinson (W. H.) On the treatment of albuminuria in children. Edinb. M. J., 1864, x, 195-199. Also: AUg. Wien. med.Ztg., 1864, ix, 392-401.— Discusion sobre la albuminuria en fos ninos pidio la palabra. Siglo mecl., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 762; 792.—Englisch (J.) Ueber Albuminurie bei Neugeborenen. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doet.-CoU., 1876, U, 85-90. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 716.—Gufrsaut pere. Anasarque chez un sujet atl'eete d'une maladie de Bright et de tuberculisation pul- monaire. Quelques considerations sur la maladie do Bright dans l'enfance. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 473-475.— Helm. Albuminuria in a child seven weeKS old. Lan- cet, Lond., 1868, i, 85.—Hcrapath (W. B.) Case of gene- ral anasarca, with albuminous urine, in an infant ten weeks old. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Loud., 1848, 511.—Hcuser (W.) Brighfs disease in a child twenty months old. Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1865^ i, 144-150.—Ril- liet (F.) Memoire sur l'cncephalopathie albuminurique daus l'enfance. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 18");!, xiv, 257-265. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 1036; 1050; 1091. Albuminuria (Complications and seque- la of). Set- Amaurosis from kidney disease; Brighfs disease (Complications of). ALBUMINUKIA. 169 ALBUMINUEIA. Albuminuria and Diabetes. Abeille (J.) Traite des maladies a urines al- bumineuses sucr6es, ou de I'albuminurie et du dia- bete sucr6 dans leurs rapports avec les maladies. 8°. Paris, 1863. Pfotenhauer (A.) * Morbus Brightii cum dia- bete mellito collatus. 8°. Berolini, [1839]. Bccquerel (A.) Etudes' cliniques sur lo diabfete et ralbuminurie. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857,1. 8., v, 849; 857; 873; 882; 889; 898.—Clarke (A.) Brighfs diseaso suc- ceeding diabetes. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 179.— Espina (A.) Un caso de diabetes leucomuriea. Anal. do cien. med., Madrid, 1877, iii, 445; 551.—Ijca (M. C.) Pathology and treatment of glycosuria and albuminuria (Note on the). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, Uv, 273.— Rayer. La presence do l'albumine dans l'urine des dia- b6tiques est-ello toujours un signe favorable ? Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1851, Par., 1852, 1. a., ui, 44-46. Albuminuria and Diseases of the eye. See Amaurosis from kidney disease; Brighfs disease (Complications and sequelce of); Retinitis (Albuminuric). Albuminuria and Heart disease. See Heart, Kidney, Diseases of. Albuminuria and Intermittent fever. 5ee Fever (Malarial, Complications and sequelce of). Albuminuria from lead. See Lead-poisoning. Albuminuria inpregnancy and the puer- peral state. See, also, Puerperal convulsions; Puerperal convulsions (Causes of). Cahen (M.) *De la n6phrite albumineuse chez les femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1846. v. Dishoeck (A. G. L.) Waarneming van een geval van morbus Brightii by eene zwangere. 8°. Leiden, 1860. Petit (C. H.) * Recherehes sur ralbuminurie des femmes enceintes. 4°. Paris, 1876. Wertheimer. * Ueber Morbus Brightii und Eclampsie bei Schwangeren, Gebiirenden und Wochnerinnen. 8°. Miinchen, [1853]. Abbot (S. L.) Albuminuria at the seventh month of Sregnancy; severe gastralgia; induced labor; recovery. oaton M. & S. J., 1877, xcvn, 331-334.—Anasarque et 6clampsie albuminurique pendant la grossesse; traitement mixto par la saignee et le chloral; accouchement il terme d'un enfant vivant; guerison. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1876, ui, 740-742.—A ho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 977.—Barker (F.) Albuminuria as affecting pregnancy, parturition, and the puerperal state, with discussion. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1866, ii, 67-82. -----. On the induction of premature labor in the albuminuria of pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 449-459.—Remiss (S. M.) Four cases of al- buminuria complicating pregnancy. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1873-4, n. s., i, 207-219.—Blot. Urines albumineuses san8 nephrite albumineuse chez une femme en couches. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1849), Par., 1850, i, 24.—Bradley (E.) Caso of albuminuria occurring in a female soon after con- finement. N. York M. Press, 1860, n. s., iii, 119.—Bro- chin. Anasarque et eclampsie albuminurique pendant la grossesse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xUx, 1043.—Bucquoy. Albuminurie de la grossesse; eclampsie; accouchement premature; orysipelecontagienx; guerison. Ibid., 1879, Iii, 803-805. -----. Album nurie puerp6rale; ur6mie. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1875, u, 652-657. Also: France med., Par., 1875, xxU, 713.—Chiara. Dispnea asmati- formein donna albuminurica nel 6.° meso di gravidanza; minacciadi morte per anoxiemia; injezione ipodermica di forte dose d'etere solforico; parto forzato previa la iatero- stomatomia; guarigione. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano 1878, ccxliU, 366-392.—Chronis. Des affections oculaires consecutives k I'albuminurie pendant la grossesse. Rec d'ophth.. Par., 1S76, iii, 130-139.— Church (A. S.) Al- buminuria in pregnancy. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1869, iii, 318-32*.—Coc (A. S.) A contribution to the patholcv of puerperal albuminuria. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878 xi^727- 735. — Collamorc (G. A.) Puerperal albuminuria; in- duction of premature labor. Toledo M. Sc S. J., 1878, ii, 1- 5— Correnti (A.) Sulla condi/.ioue patogen'ica che'da luogoall albuminuriauellagravidanza. Imparziale, Firenze 1870, x, 452-465—Elliot (G. T.) The relations of albu- Albuminuria inpregnancy and thepuer- peral state. minuria to pregnancy. Am. M. Times, N. Y.. 1863, vi, 13; 25. Also, with discussion: Bull. N.York Acad. M., 1866, ii, 21- 40.—Far re. Albuminuria and anasarca in a pregnant wo- man; recovery after the birth of the child. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 6.—Friedlcben (A.) Zwei Fallo von Brigbt'scher Nierenkrankheit in Schwangerschaft und Wochenbett. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1861,vi, 1-5.—dross (J.) Insucces do la medication lacte contro l'albuniinurio des femmes enceintea eten couches. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1878, vii, 100-104.—ISafncr (G.) Einiges uber Nephritis albuminosa der Schwangem, mit Bezugnahme anf zwei dcrartige, bei einer Frau in zwei aufeinanuerfolgenden Schwangerschaften vorgekommene FaUe. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1856. xxvi, 268-271.-----. Morbus Brightii bei einer Frau in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Schwangerschaften; Heilung von der ersten, Tod iii dor zweiten Krankheit; Section. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1856, vi, 715.—Ilainon (L.) Essai sur l'albuniinurio lieo k l'etat do gestation. Rev. med. franc. etetrang., Par., 1861, i, 385; 461; 524. -----. Albuminuric survenue vers lo7m mois de la grossesse; gu6rison; expulsion cons6cutlvo, k 8 mois do terme, d'un fretus mort-n6. Ibid., ii, 193-199.—Mar ley (G.) & Gcgcnbanr (J.) Untersu- chungen des Harns und Blutes einer an Hydrops uud Albu- minurie leidenden Schwangeren. Beitr.' z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., 1854, i, 206-218.-Haynes (S.) Albu- minuria in the sixth month of pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 639.—SScckcr. Drei FaUe von Albuminurie Schwangerer mit und ohno Eclampsie. Verhandl. d. Ge- seUsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1853, vii, 61-78.—Becker (C.) Ueber Harnstoffgehalt pleuritischer Exsudate bei Kindern, namenthch bei dem todtgebomen Kinde einer an Albuminurie leidenden Mutter. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1855, ix, 305-307.—Jones (P. E.) Puerperal albuminuria; convulsions; induction of premature labor; recovery. Toledo M. editae indi- ceni. 2 v. in 1. fol. Francofurti, 1615. Lully (II.) Opera ea quae ad inventam ab ipso artem universalem . . . pertinent. Ut et in eandem quorundam interpretum scripti commentarii. 8°. Argentorati, 1617. Neander (M.) Lapidis indago totius philoso- phise et niagiae naturalis uuica et praecipue Margarita. MS. 4G. [n. d., of the 16th century.] Paracelsus (A. P. T.) His Archidoxes . . . together with his books Of Renovation & Restau- ration. Of the Tincture of the philosophers, [etc.] Englished by J[ohn] H[ester]. 12°. London, 1661. Particular*: ex Universali. Oder kurtzer Ent- wnrft' einer sonderbahren Artzney so auch in denen gefahrlichsten Kxanckheiten Wunder thut ... Yon eiuem der die that eines wahren Phi- losophi mit nameu fuhret. 12°. Augsburg, 1677. le Pelletier (J.) L'alkaest ou le dissolvant universel de Van-Hehuont, re"v616 dans iilusieurs traitez qui cu decouvrent le secret. 16°. Rouen, 17 U4. See, also, Starkey. -----. Suite du traite" de l'alkaest oil Ton raporte plusieurs endroits des ouvi ages de George Starkey qui de"eouvrent la maniere de volatiliser les alcalis, A: d'en preparer des remedes succ6da- n6es, ou aprochans de ceux que l'on peut preparer par l'alkaest. 12°. Rouen, 1706. Bound with his: L'alkaest. Bouen, 1704. Philaletiies (Eirenaeus). Ripley reviv'd: or u exposition upon Sir George Ripley's herinetico- poetical works. 12°. London, 1678. -----. Three tracts of the great medicine of philosophers for humane and metalline bodies. Transl. into English. 16°. London, 1694. Platz (A. C.) * De metallorum transmutatione et imprimis de chrysopceia oder Goldniachen. Disputatio II. 4°. Lipsice, [1673]. Quercetanus [Duchesne] (J.) The practise of chymicall, and hermetitall pbysicke, for the preservation of health. Transl. by Thomas Tiuinie. 4°. London, 1605. liiumelius (I. P.) Medicina spagyrica tri- partita oder Spagyrischc Artzneykunst in drey Theil getheilet. 12-. Franckfurt, 164d. Spectrum Spagiricum, das ist: Der guldene Irrwisch oder Spagirische Wauwau. L2°. [u. p.], 1721. Bound with: Medicinische (Der) Bernhauter, 1720. Splendor Salis ct Solis; ein Discurs von der wahren quinta Essentia und Artzney-Kralt der -< Alchemy and Hermetic medicine. Vegetabilieu und Mineralien: sondcrlich vom Auro Potabili. 12°. Neu Hanau, 1(377. Starkey (G.) Liquor alkaest ou discours tou- chant le dissolvant immortel de I'aracelso et do Van-HGlraont . . . traduit en Francois. In: Ui Pelletieii (J.) L'alkaest. 1G°. Bouen, 1704. pp. 189-256. Teichmeyerus (H. F.) Pr. de rhythmis Basilii Valentini. I-XXII. 4-. Jence, 1733-43. Theatrum chemicum. Praecipujfe selecto- & rum auctorum tractatus de chernia/ et lapidis philosophici, antiquitate, veritate, jure, praestan- fl^ . <~ -.' tia, et operationibus, continens. 6 v. 8°. Sivao •*A~rA*Kirt~&H juu#, 1659-6/ x 1/ ff Thurneisser zum Thurn (L.) Quinta essen- / tia, das ist, die hochste Subtilitet, Krafft und / Wirckung, beyder der furtrefiiichsten, und / menschlichem Geschlecht am niitzlichsten Kiinsten, der Medicin und Alchemy, [etc.] fol. Leipzig, 1574. Wedelius (G. W.) Pr. de tabula hermetis smaragdina I-III. 4°. Jence, [1704]. -----. Introductio in alchimiam. 4° Jence, 1700. Wilder (A.) New platonism and alchemy. 8C. Albany, N. Y., 1869. Anciennc (L') guerre des chevaliers, ou le triomphe hermetique. BibUoth. de phU. chim., Par., 1741, iu, 181- 321.—Artcphius. Le Uvre d'Aitephius, ancien philo- sophe, qui traite de l'art secret, ou do la piene phUosophale. Ibid., ii, 112-174.—Dialogue (Le) de Marie et d'Aros, snr le magistere d'Hermes. Ibid., i, 77-84.—Flamel (N.) Lo Uvre de Nicolas Flamel, contenant Implication des figures hye-rogliphiques qu'il a fait mettre au cimetiere des SS. In- nocens k Paris. Ibid., ii, 195-202. -----, Petit traitcS d'alchymie, intitule Le soiuniau'e phUosophique de Nicolas Flamel. Ibid., 203-284. -----. Le desk' desire de Nico- las Flamel. Ibid., ii, 285-324.—Ceber. La somme de la perfection, ou l'abrege du niagistere parfait de Geber, philo- sopho Arabe. Divise en deux livres. Ibid., i, 85-384.— Hermes. La table d'emeraude d'Hermes, avec le commen- taire de l'Hortulain. Ibid., 1-15. -----. Les sept chapi- tres attiibuez k Hermes. Ibid., 16-76.—liully (K.) In- cipit Uber prime distinctionis secretorum nature seu quinto essentie ... ad corpora humana ad opera terribilia totius artis medicine preservanda. In: 1>E Gram (J. M.) Con- ciliorum, Venet., 1514, ff. 103-113 [111-121]. -Lnmitrc (La) sortant par soi-mesme des tenebres, poeuie sur la com- position de la pierro des philosophcs. traduit de l'ltalieu, avec un commentaire. Biblioth. d. phil. chim., Par., 1741, Ui, 322-522. — JTlercnrint* sophicus delarvatus. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii. app., 233-268: 1748, vui, app., 121-178: 1752, ix, app., 141-172.—IVEorien. En- tretien du roi CaUd, et du philosophe Morion sur le magis- tere d'Hermes, rapporte par Galip, enclave do co roi. Bi- bUoth. d. phil. chun., Par., 1741, ii, 50-111. — Synesius. LelivredeSynesius, sur i'ceuvre des philosophes. Ibid., 175- 194.—Tourfoe(La) des phUosophes, ou I'assembiee desdisci- pies de Pythagoras, appeUeelecodcdeverite. Ibid., 1-55.— Trcvis'an (B.) Le Uvre dc la philosophic naturelle des metaux do Messire Bernard, comte de la Marche Trevi- sanne. Ibid., 325-399. -----. La parole delaissee, traite phUosophique, de Bernard, comte de la Marche Tre- visanne. Ibid., 400-436. -----. Le songe verd, vc;ridiquo et veritable, parce qu'U contient ve'ritc. Ibid., 437-440.— Valentin (B.) Les douze clefs de philosophie de here Basile Valentin, reUgieux de l'ordre de S. Benoist. Ibid., Ui, 1-83. -----. L'azoth, ou le uioyeu de faire l'or cach6 des phUosophes. Ibid., 84-180.—Zachairc (D.) Opus- cule de la phUosophie natureUe des metaux. Ibid., u, 447-558. Alciatus (Andreas). See Calcnus (Claudius). Dc compositione medicamen- torum, [etc.] fol. Basilete, 1530. Alciplii'ODi, "the modem Athenian". Physic and its phases; or, the rule of right and the reign of wrong, iv, 76 pp. £'-■. London, Simpkin, Mar- shall «)'• Co., 1iS57. Alcken (Carolus). * De affections systematis gastrici idiopathico-dynamicis. 4>i jip. t-. Bero- lini, formis Bruschekianis, [1826]. Alcock (Rutherford). A summary of the results recorded in a series of lectures ... on the nature, progress, and treatment of complicated injuries of the extremities, and on amputation and its ef- ALCOCK. 173 ALCOHOL. Alcock (Rutherford)—continued. fects in civil and military practice. 24 pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] [P., v. 729.*] -----. Notes on the medical history and statistics of the British legion of Spain, comprising the re- sults of gun-shot wounds in relation to the im- portant questions in surgery, vii, 101 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1838. See, also, Trcvclyan (Charles). Metropolitan medical reUef. 8°. London, 1877. Alcock (Thomas). Practical observations on fractures of the patella and of the olecranon, [etc.] 20 pp. 8°. London, S. GosnelI, 1823. Repr. from: Tr. Asa. Apoth. & Surg. Apoth. of England & "Wales. -----. An essay on the use of chlorurets of oxide of sodium and of lime, as powerful disinfecting agents, aud of the chloruret of oxide of sodium more especially as a remedy of considerable effi- cacy, in the treatment of hospital gangrene; pha- gedenic, syphilitic, and ill conditioned ulcers; mortification and various other diseases. 1 p. 1., xvi, 152 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Burgess and Hill, 1827. [P., v. 728.] -----. Lectures on xiractical and medical surgery, comprisiug observations and reflections on surgi- cal education; on the investigation of disease; and on the ordinary duties of the surgeou. 9. ed. 64 p. 1., 302 pp. 12°. London, Burgess & Hill, 1830. -----. Zoology or four plans of animal creation. Lectures V-VIII. See Science lectures for the people. 1st series. 8°. Manchester, 1871. See, also, II a den (Charles Thomas). Practical obser- vations on the management and diseases of chUdren. 8°. London, 1827. Alcohol. See, also, Absinth; Allylene; Beer; Brandy; Distillation; Gin; Liquors; Wine. Blondeau (C.) De rexistence de l'alcool nor- mal dans le sang et dans les principales humeurs de l'eeonomie. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Bonnet (H.) Action de l'eau rcSgale sur l'alcool. 8°. Paris, 1807. [Chevne (John).] A letter on the effects of wine and spirits, [anon.] 2. ed. 8°. A second letter on the same. 8°. 1829. Circular of the State board of health of Mich- igan. The entailments of alcohol; being the an- nual address of the president. 8°. Lansing, 1874. Closius (S.) *De spiritu vini. 4°. Jence, 1697. -----. The same. 4°. Jence, 1707. Erbereeldt (H.) De spiritibus ex vegetabili- bus per fermentationem paratus. 4°. Helme- stadii, 1674. Greeniteld (W. S.) Alcohol: its use and abuse. 16°. New York, 1879. Haan (J.) Spiritus viui atque acetl examen. 4°. Argentorati, 1708. Haller (A.) *Thdorie generale des alcools. 4°. Paris, 1879. Hevelius (J. A.) * De spiritu vini ac alto Boer- haavii alembico. 4°. Halce Salance, [1759]. Keller (S.) De poculis sanitatis, poculis mor- borum ct mortis. 4°. Vitembergce, [1738]. de Pre (J. F.) Vom Brauch und Missbrauch des Brandteweius. sm. 4°. Franckfurt und Leip- zig, 1723. Reinick (J. E.) * De potu vinoso digestionem inipediente magis. sm. 4°. [Argentorati, 1736.] \Vi:stpiial (I. G.) *De natura partis intiam- mabilis spiritus vini. sin. 4G. Regiomonti, [1785]. Wukzer(F. J. R.) *Dealcohole. 8°. Mar- burgi Cattorum, [1826]. Albcrtoni (P.) & Lussana (F.) SuU'alcool, suU'al- deide e sugU eteri vinici. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1874, Alcohol. xxxiv, 408; 563; 722, 1 pi.—Alcohol. Brit. & For. M.- Chir. Rev., Lond., 1861, xxviii, 89-108.—[Alcohol (On). Edit,] Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 542.—Alcohol (The) question. Pop. Sc. Month, (supply, X. Y., 1878, no. xx, 138-152: 1879, n. issue, no. i, 12-57. [Front: Contempo- rary Review.]—Alcohol, aud spirit drinking amongst soldiers. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 101-104.— Association francaise coutrc Tabus des boissons alcoo- liques. Union med., Par., 1872. 3. 8., xiii, 361-303.—Atchi- son (T. A.) Public address on the uses aud abuses of alcohol. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1879, xlvi, 59- 67.—Balard. Meraoiro sur l'alcool amyhque. [Extr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xix, 034-641.—van Bccclacre. Hanger de l'abus des boissons alcooliques et moyens d'y remedier; statistiques relatives a cet objet. Faut-il recourir k des dispositions legales ou reglementairesl Dans Taffirniative, fomiuler un projet de loi ou de regle- ment. Con" internat. d'hyg., Brux., 1876, U, 673-731.— Bcigel (H.) Ein altos Gedicht iiber den Branntwein, nebst einigen historischen Notizen iiber denselben. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1804, xxx, 246-251.—Bcrnajs (A. J.) Tho moderate use of alcohol true temperance. Pop. Sc. Month, (suppl.), N. V., 1878, no. xx, 148-152.— Bevande (Le) alcooliche. Salute, Genova, 1870, v, 65; 81; 129.—Boe'ns. Mesures legislatives qui devraient etre Frises en Belgique pour reglementer l'usage et reprimer abus des boissons fermentees et distillfees. BuU. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1879, 3. 8., xiii, 264-267.— Buckncll (S. E.) Alcohol. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1878, xxxiv, 170-182.—Burns (li.) Vital statistics in relation to the use of intoxicating liquors. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc, 1864, Lond., 1805, 539-545.—Chateau (T.) M6moire sur les falsifications des alcools. Monit. scient., Par., 1862, iv, 441; 617.—Chironc (V.) Sugli alcooU omologhi attenuti per fermeutazione. Sperimentale, Fi- renze. 1876, xxxvii, 597-607.—de Claubry (H. G.) Ho l'emploi de l'alcool et de Taction, sur Teconomie animale, des uquides etheres provenaut de la preparation des ful- minates. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1839, xxii, 305-312. -----. Sur des moyens simples de r6connaitre la nature des sub- stances ajoutees k 1 alcool pour eu operer la deuaturation. Ibid., 1850, xliv, 49-71.—Couche. Moyen de distiuguer les alcoolatures des temtures. Mem. Soc, d. sc. nied. de Lvon, 1871, x, 7.—Biscussion on alcohol. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1878, lxv, 69-70.—Bodge (L. P.) Use and abuse of alcohol. (Report of committee.) Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1878, x, 100-120.—Buckworth (D.) On the moderate use of alcohol. Practitioner, Lond., 1879, xxii, 101-167.— Bujardin-Beaunictz & Audigc. Recherehes ex- perimentales sur les alcools par fermentation. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., 1875, Par., 1876, 2. s., ii, 86- 142. Also: BuU. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1875, Ixxxix, 210; 265; 311; 357; 404.—Fournier (E. H.) Annual ora- tion. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1877, xxx, 94- 117.—Garvin (L. F. C.) Alcohol. Communicat, Rhode Island M. Soc, 1865-72, Providence, 1872, i, 24&-260.— Hurt (G.) Alcohol. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1870, ix, 413- 419.—Jaillard. Sur Telectrolyse de l'alcool viDique. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1804, 3. s., xii, 145- 149.—Jansen (A.) De l'usage et de Tabus des alcooliques. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1878, xxviu, 97; 193.— Jorge (V.) Efectos de las bibidas fermeutadas. Anfi- teatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 115.—Kennedy (I. C.) Alcohol: its effects in health; its remedial applications in disease. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1877, xx, 30-39.— Lacour (E.) Recherehes sur le degre alcoonietrique desalcooles employes dans les hopitaux militaires. Ree. de ni6m. de med. '. . . vail.. Par., 1879, 3. s., xxxv, 210.— Lawson (W.) The drink difficulty. Nineteenth Cen- tury, Lond., 1879, v, 405-417.—Lcjcune. Note sur un nouvel alcoometre (pese-alcool Lejeune). Arch, de mecl. nav., Par., 1873, xix. 141-140.—Long (J. F.) Use. and abuse of alcohol. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1879, xxvi, 87-100. Also: North. Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1879-80, iv, 85-98.—McKinley (S. E.) Oinology. Cincin. M. Repert., 1871, iv, 53-61.—Maercker (M.) Fabrication des alcools. Monit. scient., Par., 1877,3. s., viii, 995-1034.—Man- cini (S.) L'alcool: studio bibliografico critico. Raccog- Utore med., ForU, 1875, xxxvui, 328-342.—Melsens. Sur les boissons alcooliques glac6es port6es k des temperatures tres-basses et sur lo refroidissement et la congelation des vins ordinaires ou moussoux. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. . .. de Belg., Brux., 1873, 2. s., xxxv, 685-709; xxxvi, 148-159. Also, Reprint. -----. Sur la congelation des Uquides al- cooUques. Ibid., xxxvi, 148-159. Also, Reprint.—Ogston (F.) An address on the use and abuse of alcohol. Brit. M. J., Lond., Is78, ii, 655.—Paget (J.) The contrast of temperance with abstinence. Pop. Sc Month, (suppl.), N. Y., 1878, no. xx, 138-143.—Pctithan. .Suppression de la vente de l'alcool dans les casernes. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1878, 3. 8., xiv, 449-452.—Pray (T. J. W.) The reasons for modem alcoholic stimulation examined. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord. 1878, 91-105.—Richard- son (B. \V.) Social life and healthy life. San. Jour., Glasg., 1878, ii, 37-43.—Salomon (G.) Ueber das Vorkoinnien vou Traubenzucker in den Riickstiinden kauflichcr Alko- hole. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv, ALCOHOL. 174 ALCOHOL. Alcohol. 388-3*9.—Ncharling (E. A.) Om Alkoholbasemo og disscs Forhold tU Here af vore vigtigste Naeringsst offer og Laegemidler. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1866, ix, 9—Schcnck (W. L.) Alcohol. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1*6/, n. s., x, 575-582. -----. The use and abuse of alcoholic Uquors. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas, Topeka, 1875, 28-48—Siegen (T.) Gegen die Alkoholfurcht am Krankenbett. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, Ui, 591.—Serdechnii (Ya.) Phar- makologia alkogolva. [The preparation of alcohol.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1868, viii, 223; 231; 239.—Smith (J. H.) Experiments on the chromic-acid, test for alcohol. Brit. alicmand (L.) Du role de l'al- cool dans l'organisme. Union med., Par., 1859, 2. s., iv, 179-183. -----. De Taction comparee de l'alcool, des anes- thejsiques et des gaz earbones sur le systeme nerveux c6r6- bro-spinalc. Ibid., 1860, 2. a., vii. 483-488. Aho, transl: At- lanta M. & S. J., 1801, vi, 253.—Levin (L.) Ueberdie Wir- kung des Alkohols auf den thierischen Organismus. Cen- tralbl. f. d. mecl. Wissensch., Berl., 1874, xii, 593-595.— Ijiscnivich (V.) Gigicnicheskoe znachenie spirtnikh napitkov. [Hygienic importance of alcoholic drinks.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 70,1.—Lombard (J. S.) On the influence of alcohol upon the animal tcni- peraturo. N. York M. J., 1865, i, 174-182.—Lotbrop (J. R.) Action and uses of alcohol. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1862, ii, 355-369.—Lucas (J. C.) The internal administration of absolute alcohol. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, u, 334.—Lucas (T. P.) The physiological and chemical ac- tions of alcohol. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 612-014. -----. The action of alcohol on the animal economy. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1875-7, iii, 199-203.—McElroy (Z. C.) On the disposal of alcohol in human bodies. Cincin. M. News, 1877, n. s., vi, 671-686.—Maclean (W. C.) The spirit ration. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 332.—Magnan. Action prolongee de l'alcool chez les chiens. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., 1871, Par., 1872, 5. 8., iu, pt. 2, 41-47.—Marcet (W.) An experimental inquiry into the action of alcohol on the nervous system. Med. 'Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1800, i, 214; 264; 312. Also, Reprint.—Mar vaud. Dc Taction physiologique et therapeutique de l'alcool. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1869, 301-4G9.—Matkicwicz (F.) Ueber dio Wirkung des Alkohols, Strychnins und Opi- ums auf cUe reflexhemmenden Mechanismen des Frosches. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1864, xxi, 3. R., 230-208.—Maughs (G. M. B.) Inconsistency in the use of alcohoUc stimulants with chloroform. St. Louis M. Re- porter, 1800-7, i, 109-176.—Mayo (T.) On the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 783-788.—Mays (T. J.) Alcohol as food. N. York M. J., 1873, xvii, 401-407.—Means (A.) Alcohol. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1847, iU, 59-82.—Mitscherlich (C. G.) Ue- ber die Einwirkung des Alkohols und Aethers auf den thierischen Organismus. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, 87; 91.— Mulvany (J.) Alcohol as a generant of thermo-electric cur- rents in the syst em: oneofitsmodesofaction. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 164-1G7.—Mnnroe (H.) Alcohol not food. Med. Mirror, Lond., 1807, iv, 327-332.—Mussey (R. D.) The effects of alcohoUc liquors in health and disease. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1855, vui, 573-588.—IVcw (The) alcoholresearch of M. Subbotin. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, vUi, 365.—Ober- uier (F.) Zur Kenntniss der Wirkungtii des Weingeistes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1809, ii, 494-510.—Ogilvic (G.) The dietetic value of alcohol. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1870, x, 40-42.—Opium and alcohol: their comparative effects on tho system, described by one who experienced them in his own case. Boston M. & S. J., 1854, xUx, 341- 348. Also: N. York M. Times, 1854, iU, 37-46.—Palmier (A. B.) On the effects of alcohol in health. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 481-486.—Parkcs (E. A.) Reportonthe issue of a spirit ration during the march to Cooinassie. Lancet, Lond., 1874, U, 238; 263. Also, Reprint.—Pcrrin. De l'alcool; desadestructiondansTorganisme. Unioumed., Par., 1863,2. s., xx, 582-587. -----. De Tinfluenco des bois- sons alcooUques prises k doses moderees sur la nutrition. Recherehes experimentales. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 18G4, 2. s., i, 565; 598; 627. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 370.—Phiziologichcskoe i terapevticheskoo daiestvio ylkogolya. [Physiological and therapeutical action of al- cohol.] ' Vrach. "Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 1, 3.— Physiological (Tho) effects of alcoholic drinks: tem- perance and teetotalisiu. Brit. Sc For. M. Rev., Lond., 1847, xxiv, 515-548.—v. Pommcr (C. F.) Ueber dio ktinst- licho Berauschung pilanzen- und fleischfressender Siiuge- thiere, und die physiologischen uud pathologisch-toxikolo- gischen Wirkuiigen derselben. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Zurich, 1834, i, 27-68.—Pope (A. C.) On the action and uses of alcohol. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1879, xxiu, 137-152.—Rabow (S.) Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkung des Alkohol auf die Korpertemperatur. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, vui. 257-200.—Rabuteau. Con- tributions & Tetude iles ett'ets physiologiques ct th6rapcu- tiquesdel'alcool. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., 1870, Par., 1871, 5. s., ii, 124-126.—Rajewsky (A.) Ueber das Vorkom- men vou Alkohol im Organismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, xi, 122-127.—Reveil (O.), Perrin, Sc Be. Alcohol (Physiological effects of). hier. Alccol. Diet, encycl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1869, ii, 572-611.—Bichardson (B. W.) Physiological research on alcohols. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1809, ii, 703-706.— -----. On alcohol. Lond. M. Rec, 1875, iii, 62; 77; 93.— dc Bidder (L.) De l'alcool. Ann. Soc. de med. d'An- vers, 1872, xxxUi, 605: 697. —Biegel (F.) Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Kcirperwarme. Deutsches Arch. f. Idin. Med., Leipz., 1874. xii, 79-111, lpl.—Binger (S.) The influence of alcohol on the temperature of non- febrile and febrile persons. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1866, v, 209-211.—Ritchie (C.) Physical effects on the human svstem of the habitual use of distilled spirit. Glasgow M. J., 1831, iv, 280-296.—Bollo (J.) Effects of chinking pure spirits, in repeated and large quantities. Lond. M. J., 1786, vii, 33-37.—Ronchi Sc Salvioli. Dcl- Tazione dcU'alcool. Soc med.-chir. in Modena, Resoc, 1875, 1-3.—Boss (J.) On the action of alcohol. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, U, 395-397.-----. The physiological and chemi- cal actions of alcohol. Ibid., 1874,'u, 742.—Buge (P.) Wirkung des Alkohols auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870. xlix, 252-266.— Salazar (M.) El alcohol, su acciou fisiologica y tera- peutica. An. de cien. m6d., Madrid, 1876, i, 153-159.— Schlossbcrger. Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen analog zusaimnengesetzter organischer Materien. Arch. f. physiol. HeUk., Stuttg., ix, 1850, 267-269.—Scbmiede- berg. Ueber die Wirkung des Alcohols und Chloroforms auf den Stoffwechsel. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xiv, 93-97.—Schulinus (H.) Untersuchungen iiber dio Vertheilung des Weingeistes im thierischen Organismus. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1866, vii, 97-128.—See (G.) Ef- fets physiologiques de l'alcool sur la temperature, la circu- lation et la respiration. Union m6d., Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 37.—Smith (E.) On the action of alcohols. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc, 1660, Lond., 1861, 540-556.—Sten Stcn- bcrg. Einige Beitrage zur Beleuchtung der Frage iiber den Einfluss, den dio Verunieinigungen des Branntweins auf (lessen physiologische Wirkungen haben. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phamiakol., Leipz., 1878-9, x, 356-397.—Stevens (J. P.) Some of the effects of alcohol upon the physical constitution of man. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1857, n. s., xiii, 451-462.-----. Does alcohol afford nutrition to the animal tissues? Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1876, xiv, 65-73.— Subbotin (V.) Ueber die physiologische Bedeutunj; des Alkohols fiir den thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1871, vu, 363-378.—Tham (P. V. S.) Om alko- hols inverkan pft kroppstemperaturen. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 635-640.—Use (The) of alcohol. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1876, lviii, 1-15.—Wnlstou (R. L.) Tho action of alcohol upon the human system. Chi- cago M. Exam., 1867, vui, 257-270.—Whitford (A. W.) On the effects and uses of alcohol. Tr. M. Soc. King's CoU., Lond., 1857-8, U, 116-134—Wood (H. L.) Is alcohol a food? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, ii, 785.—Woodman (B.) Modern researches on alcohol. San. Rec, Lond., 1875,.,Ui, 234; 247. Alcohol as a remedy. See, also, Pneumonia, Phthisis, Treatment of; Stimulants; Wine. Alden (E.) Medical uses of alcohol. 8°. [Boston, 1868?] Autellet (M.) *De Taction antipyrdtique de l'alcool employe" dans la fievro thypho'ide. 4°. Paris, 1871. Bidard (R.) *De l'influence de l'alcool sur la temperature et le pouls dans la pneumouie. 4°. Paris, 1868. Bouvier (C.) Pharmakologische Studien iiber deu Alkohol. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Cambon (J. B.) * Considerations sur l'emploi de l'alcool en thdrapeutique mddicale. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1873. Cassaignes (A.) * fitude sur Faction physiolo- gique et les effets thdrapeutiques de l'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1870. Dubois (R.) * De l'influence des liquides alco- oliques sur l'action des substances toxiques. 4°. Le Mans, 1876. Faliu. De l'action physiologique et thdrapeu- tique do l'alcool. 8°. Anvers, 1874. Faugeykon (G.) * De l'emploi de l'alcool dans le traitement des suites de couches. 4°. Paris, 1874. Also, in: Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1874, U, 112-126. Faure -Favier (P. M.) * De l'action thdrapeu- tique de l'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1868. Gazin (A.) *De l'alcool dans les pneumonies adynamiques. 4°. Paris, 1874. ALCOHOL. 177 ALCOHOL. Alcohol as a remedy. GixciEOT (P.) * Essai snr l'emploi thdrapeu- tique de l'alcool chez les enfants et en gdndral sur le r61e de cet agent dans le traitement des mala- dies aigues fdbriles. 4°. Paris, 1867. Also, in: BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1867, lxxiU, 97; 155. Godfrin (A.) * De l'alcool: son action physio- logique; ses applications thdrapeutiques. 4°. Paris, 1869. Guelle (A.) * De l'utilitd de la mddication alcoolique dans quelques dtats morbides. 4°. Part'*, 1863. Heslop (T. P.) The abuse of alcohol in the treatment of acute disease. 8°. London, 1872. Joffroy (A.) De la mddication par l'alcool. 8°. Paris, 1875. Juif (P.) *De l'anesthdsie alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 1875. Jung (E\) *Des effets physiologiques et thd- rapeutiques de l'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1869. Lee (W.) The use of brandy and salt, as a re- medy. 12°. Boston, 1855. Legras (A.-B.) * Contributions a l'emploi thd- rapeutique de l'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1866. Lindsly (H.) An essay on the origin and in- troduction into medical practice, etc., etc., of ardent spirits. 12°. Washington, 1835. Moreno (J. E.) *Apuntes sobre el empleo terapdutico del alcohol. 8°. Mexico, 1871. Nicolet (V.-J.-A.) * Considdrations sur l'em- ploi de l'alcool dans les maladies aigues. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Remarks on the use of alcohol for the prepara- tion of medicines. 8°. Boston, 1849. Rillaud (P.) *De l'emploi thdrapeutique de l'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1860. Sandford (W.) A few practical remarks on the medicinal effects of wine and spirits, sm. 8°. Worcester, 1799. Schmidt (F.) * Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen und die therapeutische Verwendung des Alkohols. 8°. Halle, 1873. Sherrill (H.) A temperance medical lecture on the injurious and dangerous effects of stimu- lants and alcohol in many states of disease. 12°. Neiv York, 1859. Trall (R. T.) Der Alkohol als Medizin. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Trepant (L.) Etude sur l'action physiologique et l'emploi thdrapeutique de l'alcool. 4°. Paris, 1872. Vieillard (L.) *De l'injection minime d'al- cool dans les collections sdreuses. 4°. Paris, 1873. Action (The) of alcohol. Brit. M. J., Lond,, 1874, i, 457. — Alcool (De T) en therapeutique. Cong, period. internat. d. sc. med., Compt.-rend., 1875, Brux., 1876, iv, 38-j5. Also: BuU. gen de th6rap., etc., Par., 1875, lx\xix. 289-294. — Althaus (J.) Ueber die therapeu- tische Anwendung des Alkohol. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1861, xi, 357; 372; 389.—Anstie. On the theory of alcohoUc stimulation in pyrexial diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1868, i, 120-122.—Anstie (F. E.) On the physiological and therapeutical action of alcohol. Ibid., 1865, ii, 343-345.— Battles (W. S.) Alcohol. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1878-9, Ui, 529-539.—Reale (L. S.) On "deficiency of vital power" in disease, and on support; with observations upon the action of alcohol in serious cases of acute disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 385-390.-----. Concerning the propriety of prescribing alcohol for the sick, and on the medical declaration respecting alcohol. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 391.—Bchier. Note sur l'emploi in- terne de l'alcool a hautes closes dans les phlegmaaies et dans les maladies febriles. BuU. gen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1865, lxviii, 145-154 —Bell (J.) On the relations of alcohol to medicine. Tr. Am. M. As3., Phila., 1869, xx, 239-350. Also, Reprint.—Bessey (W. E.) The therapeutic value of alcohol. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1872-3, i, 25; 49; 73; 103.—Beule (L.) Emploi des stimulants et notamment de l'alcool dans des cas graves de maladies aigues. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 242.—Binz (C.) Ueber die anti- pyretische Wirkung von Chinin und Alkohol. Arch. f. 12 Alcohol as a remedy. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, li, 6; 153.—Burdel (E.) De l'emploi des spiritueux dans le traitement des iievres pa- lustres. Union med., Par., 1860,2. s., vu, 578-581.—Burns (D.) On tho medical declaration concerning alcohol. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 88.—Carpenter (A.) An address on alcohoUc drinks: as diet, as medicines, and as poi- sons. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1878, i, 699-704. Abo: Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1878, xxv, 399; 419; 439; 462.—Chiamenti (A.) Degli stimolanti alcoolici. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1878, 3. s., xxviU, 31; 153; 286; 390.—Coles (W.) Alcohol in therapeutics. Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 163-165.-----. Discussion on alcohol in tho St. Louis Medical Society. Ibid., 191-193.—Criticisms on tho stimulant practice of tho late Dr. Todd. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 72; 110.—Crothers (T. D.) The medicinal use of alcohol as an exciting cause of inebriety. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 416-419. -----. Dangers from the injudicious use of alcohol in the sick room. Ibid., 1878, xxxix, 48-51.—Danet. De Tun des roles de l'alcool en therapeutique. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1871, xliv, 418; 421. -----. De l'alcool dana le traitement des maladies puerperales, suites de couches et des resorptions purulentes. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1872, i, 555; 581; 614; 651; 682. —Des- guin. Rapport (et discussion) sur la question de l'al- cool en thdrapeutique. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med., Compt.-rend., 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, iv, 38- 55.—Duckworth (D.) On the medical injunction of stimulants in disease and health. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 660-602.—Eastwood (J. W.) A note on the use of alcohol in health and disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, u, 755: 1872, U, 266-268. — Faliu. De l'action physiologique et therapeutique do l'alcool. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1873, xxxiv, 646-655: 1874, xxxv, 13; 65; 233; 345; 417; 473.—Francois (H.) Emploi de Tal- cool pour combattre la pneumonic chez les enfants et meme chezles enfants a la mamello. J.demM. et chir. prat., Par., 1871, 3. s., xiii, 66-69.—Gairdner (W. T.) On the use of alcohoUc stimulants in hospital medical practice. Edinb. M. J., 1861, vi, 961-968. -----. On tho Umits of alco- holic stimulation in acute disease. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 15-38. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 198.— Goytt (J.) De l'emploi de l'alcool comme m6thode abortive des fi6vres d'accds. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 465- 472.—Gros (L.) De l'emploi de l'alcool dans le traitement de la pneumonie et de la broncho-pneumonie, en particulier chez les enfants. Union med., Par., 1869, vui, 172; 182.— G ubler. De l'alcool et de son emploi the.rapeutiquo. Bull. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1868, lxxiv, 49; 97.—Guller (A.) Alcool. AbeiUe med., Montreal, 1879, i, 179; 199; 253.— Hawthorn (F.) Alcohol, its action and its use in disease. N. Orl. M. & S. J.. 1875, ii, 680-684.—Higginbottom (J.) On the treatment of diseases without the use of alcoholic stimulants. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 237. -----. On the non- alcoholic treatment of disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, ii, 274-278.—Hunt (K. M.) Alcohol in its therapeutic rela- tions as a food and as a medicine. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Phila., 1876, 452-461. Also, Reprint—Hutchinson (J.) Medical use of alcohol and alcohoUc liquors in the pre- vention and cure of disease. Proc Connect. M. Soc, N. Haven, 1874, lxxxiii, 225-232.—Hyatt (E. II.) The- rapeutics of alcohol. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, 1873, xxviii, Day- ton, 54-67.—Jeanty. Quelques considerations sur l'em- ploi de l'alcool dans les affections pulmonaires. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1870, xii, 151-155.—Jolly. Etudes hy- gi6niques et medicales sur l'alcool et ses composes. Buil. Acad, de med., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 490; 808. Also: LTnion med., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxx, 22; 34: 605; 620. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1866, xxi, 235-240.—Kerr (G.) The use of alcohol medicinally and sociallv. (With remarks in PhU. Co. Med. Soc.) Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 337-349.—Kerr (N. S.) The use of alcoholic stimulants in workhouses and infirmaries, and in the treatment generaUy of the sick poor. San. Rec, Lond., 1876, v, 51-54.—Langnutre (J. C.) Alco- hol in fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1805, i, 494-496.—Lea- venworth (D.C.) Officinal alcohol as a stimulant. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xii, 111-113.—Leclerc (A.) Lettre sur le danger des spiritueux k Tint6rieur, et sur-tout dans les affections du poumon. J. de med.,chir., pharm.,etc, Par., 1775, xliv, 56-63.—Leriche. De l'emploi de l'alcool k 55 degres comme methode abortive des fievres mtermittentes. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1861, xiii, 80-82.—liewin (L.) Ueber die Verwerthung des Alkohols in tieberhaften Krankheiten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 564-574.— Iiivcins (R.) The physiological and therapeutical action of alcohoL Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, u, 21.—L.ynk (J.) Alcohol as an anaesthetic Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1876, xix, 409-416.—McElroy (Z. C.) Alcohol viewed by the eye of science as a therapeutic agent. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1869, iii, 329-349.—OTartius (C.) Brietliehe Mitthei- lungen iiber die englische Behandlung der Fioberkrank- heiten mit Alkohol. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 487- 491. Also: Union med., Par., 1856, x, 71.—Marvaud. L'alcool: son action physiologique, son utilite et ses applica- tions en hygiene et en thdrapeutique. Rec. de m6m. do med. . . . mil, Par., 1872, 3. 8., xxvUi, 1; 113; 225. Also, Re- print.—mays (T. J.) The therapeutical and social aspects ALCOHOL. 178 ALCOHOL. Alcohol as a remedy. of the alcohol question. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 238- 249.—OTedicaldeclarationrespectingalcohol. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1871, xu, 555. Also: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, u, 778: 1872, i, 43; 58; SS; 662.—del iTIoral (J. D.) Una palabra mas sobre el acohol del aguardiente en el tratamiento de los afectos puerperales. Progreso m6d., Madrid, 1876, i, 33; 42.—Morris (J. C.) On the use of alcohol in the treatment of disease. Phila. M. Times, 1875, v, 433-436.—ITIoxon (W.) On the medical declaration concerning alcohol. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 21.—Jludge (H.) Alcoholic stimulants in fever. Ibid., 1863, U, 630.—Parkes (E. A.) The medical declaration respecting alcohol. [With comments by Dr. F. E. Anstie.) Practitioner, Lond., 1872, viii, 82-90.— Pomfret (J. E.) Alcohol as a remedial agent. Tr. M. Soc. County Albany, 1861, u, 61-64.—Potter (L.) Alcohol as a medicine. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1876, xix, 787-793.— Poulet (V.) NouveUe contribution a, T6tude des effets therapeutiques de l'alcool k haute dose. France m6d., Par., 1872, xix, 258; 266; 274; 284; 290; 299; 306; 322.—Pride (D.) Remarks on alcohol. Glasgow M. J., 1866-7, 3. s., i, 305- 312.—Rabuteau. De quelques proprietes nouveUes ou peu connues de l'alcool du vin ou alcool ethyUque. Union med., Par., 1870, x, 154; 165.—Richardson (B. W.) Notes on the administration of alcohol in the treatment of disease. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 6; 122.—Riedel. Ueber die Nach- theile des Branntweins und die zur Verhiitung derselben bestandenen und noch bestehenden Massregeln. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxvi, 129-153.— Robertson (F. M.) On the use of alcoholic stimulants as articles of diet and medicine. South. M. & S. J., Au- gusta, 1850, n. s., vi, 193-206.—Rovida (C. L.) DeU'alcole etiUco neUa febbre. Morgagni, Napoli, 1871, xiii, 523-539. Also, Reprint.—Russell (J.) The use of alcohol in the treatment of disease. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1878, vii, 55-63.—Schenck (W. L.) Medicinal action and uses of alcohol. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1868, n. 8., xi, 65- 72.—Schmitz(A.) Der Weingeist als HeUmittel. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iU, 255; 261.—See (G.) AppUcations therapeutiques de l'alcool. Union m6d., Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 140-143. Also, transl.: Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 347 ; 364; 376.—Singleton (J.) Alcohol as a medicine. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1874, xix, 321-330. — Smith (E.) On the mode of action of alcohol in the treatment of disease. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1801, i, 1-22. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 80; 132; 212.—Stokes (T.) The medical declaration concerning alcohol. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i. 88.— Strassburg (G.) Experimenteller Beitrag zur Wirkung des Alkohols im Fieber. Arch f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lx, 47L476.—Tait (L.) On the medical declaration concerning alcohol. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 88.— Terrier (L.) De l'emploi des alcooUques dans les maladies aigues, et en particulier dans la diphth£rite et la pneumonie des enfants. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1865, 369- 373.—Timms (G.) Remarks on alcohol in some clinical aspects: a poison; a remedy. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1878, n. s., xxvi, 370; 385.—Todd (H. G.) AlcohoUc liquors as a medicine. Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1872-3, iU, 463- 474.—Trastour (E.) Des indications des alcooliques a. hautes doses dans les maladies aigues et en particuUer dans la pneumonie. J. de la sect, de m6d. de la Soc acad. Loire- Inl., Nantes, 1865, xU, 199-226.—Turner (J. W.) Alcohol inconsiderately prescribed. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 52.—Use (On the) and abuse of alcoholic Uquors. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1851, vU, 46-83.— Whitmire (J. S.) Alcohol: its therapeutic action and remedial agency. Chicago M. J., 1875, xxxii, 172-178.— Wilks (S.) Clinical lecture on the indiscriminate use of alcoholic ^stimulants in disease. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 505- 507.—Winn (J. M.) Brandy in pleuro-pueumonia. Med. Times 4. Dezwarte (A.) *De l'influence do l'abus des alcooliques sur la marche et le traitement des maladies aigues. 4°. Paris, 18o0. Dujardin-Beaumetz & Audige. Eecherches expdrimentales sur la puissance toxique des al- cools. 8°. Paris, 1879. Also. Rev. by L. Magnier: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 216. Ebel (F. A.) *De spirituosorum imprimis immodice haustorum effectu. 8°. Berolini, 1826. Fuhri (A. D.) *De potuum spirituosorum effectibus nocivis in corpus humanum. 8°. Lugd. Batav. et Amst., [1849]. Gandil (F.) * De la cirrhose alcoolique. 4°. Paris, 1867. Gladbach (J. A.) *De ebrietate assidua hydropis causa. 4°. Erfordice, 1701. Goy (L.) * De la pneumonie chez les alcooliques. 4°. Montpellier, 1874. Hitchcock (H. O.) The entailments of alco- hol. 8°. Lansing, 1874. Labarthe (E\) *De l'influence de l'alcohol dans la production des maladies, et de son emploi hygidnique. 4°. Paris, 1829. Lobry (B.-S.) * Essai sur l'influence des bois- sons alcoholiques, considdrde comme cause de ma- ladies. 4°. Paris, 1821. Percy (J.) An experimental inquiry, con- cerning the presence of alcohol in the ventricles of the brain, after poisoning by that liquid; to- gether with experiments, illustrative of the phy- siological action of alcohol. 8°. London, 1839. Rush (B.) An inquiry into the effects of ardent spirits upon the human body and mind. 7. ed. 12°. Boston, 1812. -----. The same. 8. ed. 123. Boston, 1823. Schmidt (J.) * De specifica, qua} abusu potuum spirituosorum exoritur morbosa dispositione ejus- que in morbus febriles effectu. 8G. Berolini, [1841]. Schmidt (P. A. O.) * De spirituosorum abusu. biu. 8°. Berolini, [1865]. Zeller (C. M.) *De noxis ex abusu potuum spirituosorum in hominem sanum et uegrum re- dundantibus. 4°. Tubingce, [1767]. Alcohol: its friends and foes. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1874, UU, 16-43.—Alkoholvergiftung (Ueber). BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang., 1852, iii, 3. Hft., 74-80.—Alkoholvergiftung (Von der). Ibid., Numb., 1857, viii, 5. Hft,, 75-80.—Anstie (F. E.) On tho uso and abuse of alcohol by women. Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vi, 87-96.—Ashhurst (J. jr.) Case of acute poisoning by alcohol (death; autopsy). Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1862, ii, 125-127. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1803, xlvi, 128-130.— Auflordernng zum Trinken; Tod. BI. f. gerichtl. An- throp., Niirnb., 1801, xU, 209-213— Basham (W. R.) On the effects of alcohol, or spirit-drinking, in diseases of the Uver. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 2; 28.—Borchard (M.) De Tempoisonnement par l'alcool et les boissons spiritueu- ses. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1860, 2. s., v, 264-276.—Bro- sius (C. M.) Alkoholvergiftung oder nicht? Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1854, n. F., iv, 57-119.— Case (A) of alcohoUc poisoning. Statist. Rep. Health Navy (1871), Lond., 1873, 199— Crothcrs (T. D.) Re- lations of inebriety to public health. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1875, ui, 398-402—Da Silra (P. J.) O alcool e a uiole- cula organica em toxicologia. Discussao entre trea medicos e um chiniico. Correio med. de Lisb., 1878, vii, 121; 154; 207.—Davies. Case of coma from alcohol; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz,, Lond., 1866, ii, 472.—Davis (N. S.) A brief paper ou the pathological influences of alcohol, and the nature of inebriation. Proc. Am. Ass. Cure Inebr., Phila., 1871, 14-25.—De JHarmon (P.) Report of three cases of poisoning by whiskey in children, with rcimirka on alcoholism. N. York M. J., 1870, xii, 521-541. Ah,,: Leavenworth M. Herald, 1870-1, iv, 337-359. Also, Re- print.—Deutsch. Vergiftung durch Alkohol. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 137.—Dickinson (W. H.) Al- cohol as a cause of renal disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ALCOHOL. 179 ALCOHOLISM. Alcohol (Toxicology and pathological I effects of). de med. d'Anvers, 1872, xxxiii, 678-686.—Rosch. Ueber | die Vergiftung durch Weingeist und die Veriinderung, j welche dieselbe in der Lek lie hintcrlasst. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1850, lx, 241-279.—Santlus. Akuter AlcohoUsmus lethalis; Section und tiutachten. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1856, iU, 169-172.—Schnueuburg (C. H.) Acute Alkoholintoxica- tion mit todtlichem Ausgange. Vrtljschr. f. Psychiat., Neuwied u. Leipz., 1867-8, 217-226.—Schwartz. 'Tod in Folge zu starken Brandwcingenusses. Org. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1859, viii, 94.—Scott (J.) Case of death after the pumping of rum. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1809, xxii, 31-33—Seaverns (J.) Fatal effects of New England rum, in an infant. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1857, lvi, 99.—Shil- lito (C.) An account of a case of poisoning by oxahc acid, and of several cases by alcohol, with remarks on the action of these poisons. Lond. M. Reposit., 1815, iv, 459-464.— Stadler. Seltne Wirkung des Kartoffelbranntweins auf I einen kindUchen Korper; mit einer Nachschrift von Heusin- | ger. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842,449-456.—Ste- venson (T.) Acute alcohoUc poisoning. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, 3. s., xiv, 268.—Tagert." Stomach of a man whose death was caused by drinking a large quantity of ardent spirits. Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 293-295.—Taylor (A. S.) Poisoning by alcohol: fatal effects of brandy on a chUd. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1804, 3. s., x, 191—Trotz- scher (J.) Akute Alkohol vergiftung; plotzlicher Tod; Sek- tions-Befund. AUg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1864, 60-62— Uhde (C. W. F.) Acute Vergiftung eines Kindes durch Kornbranntwein. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 424.— Untersuch ung einer Vergiftung mit Branntwein. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Ansbach, 1854,v, 2. Hft., 70-75.—Van Bibber (W. C.) A case of fatal poisoning by alcohol. Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1856, vu, 101-103.—Ver- giftung zweier Kinder mit Alkohol. Samml. gerichts- arztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak., Leipz., 1874, 4. P., 239- 245.—Voltolini. Ueber Alkohol-Vergiftung und eine eigenthiimUche Farbung der Herzklappen bei derselben. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1857, xxvi, 51. -----. Sectionsbericht iiber einen an Branntwein-Vergiftung gestorbenen 18iah- rigen Burschen. Arch. d. Ver. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Getting., 1801, v, 289.—Wad ham. Case of acute alcohoUc poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 13.—Ward (T. O.) Convulsions in a chUd from an over- dose of brandy. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, i, 269.—Wil- liamson (W.) On poisoning with alcohol. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 395.—Willshire. Two cases of acute alcohoUc poisoning in a high degree; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1802, i, 325. Alcohol (Toxicology and pathological effects of). ii, 573. -----. The morbid effects of alcohol. Ibid., 604: ls73, i, 8. -----. On the morbid effects of alcohol, aa shown in persons who trade in Uciuor. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1873, lvi, 27-59.—Diirr. Sectionsbericht einer, vorgeblich durch das Trinken zweier Stutzgliiser Brannt- wein plotzUch verstorbenen Frau, nebst beigetugtem, in diagnostischer Hinsicht merkwiirdigen Gutachten. AUg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1813, 339-345.—Dunlop. Case of coma from alcohol and extravasation of blood upon brain result of violence; no fracture; death on the 13th day. Glasgow M. J., 1879, n. s., xi, 151— K His ton (G. S.) Al- coholic poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond,, 1871, i, 144.—Emlen (S.) Remarks upon the mischievous effects on society of spirituous Uquors, and the means of preventing them. N. Am. M. & S. J., PhUa., 1827, iu, 267-276.—Emmcrt. Ver- giftung durch Branntwein. Med. Cor.-Bl. d.wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1848, xviii, 71.—v. Faber (E.W.) Vergiftung durch Branntwein; Abnormit&ten der Schadelknochen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1870, n. F., xxviU, 119.—Fall von Alkoholvergiftung. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1861, xu, 238-240.—Ferber (R. H.) Historisches uber das S. 248-251 mitgetheUte Gedicht iiber den Branntwein. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 464.—Finck. Tod durch akute Alkoholvergif- tung. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1871, xxv, 165; 184.—Finnell. Sudden death the result of drink- ing a large quantity of whiskey. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 451.—Gaupp. Acute Alcoholvergiftung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1866, xxxvi, 231 — Hawkes (J.) Report of a case of alcohoUc poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 89.—Hayes (A. A.) On the poison found in alcohoUc spirits. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1860, lxui, 168-171.—Heinrich. Seltener Leichenbefund nach Alko- holvergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1868, ix, 359-366.—Higginbottom (J.) Alcoholic rheu- matism from daUy imbibition of fermented alcoholic liquors; and its remedy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 26.— Hooper (D.) The alcohol question. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 507-509.—Houssard. Observations pratiques sur l'usage et Tabus du cidre et des Uqueurs alcooUques, la colique v6g6tale et le tremblement des buveurs. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1862-3, xxvui, 53-59 —Jackson (J.) On a peculiar disease resulting from the use of ardent spirits. [Arthrodynia.] N. Eng. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1822, xi, 351- 353.—Jansen (A.) De Tabus des alcooUques dans la classe aisee. BuU. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1878, xiv, 464-466— Johnson (Z.) A case of poisoning by alcohol. DubUn M. Press, 1853, xxix,. 65.—Knecht. Tod durch acute Alkoholvergiftung. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1874, xv, 82.— Licnte (F. D.) Remarkable case of alcoholic coma. Rich- mond Sc LouisvUle M. J., LouisvUle, 1877, xxui,14-18—Iieu- det. Etude sur Tictere determine par Tabus des boissons al- cooUques. France med. et pharm., Par., 1860, vii, 211; 218; 227; 235.—Kiidell (J. A.) Acute poisoning by alcohol; death in twelve hours. N. York M. J., 1867-8, vi, 402-405.— IUanford (A. H.) A case of poisouing from drinking whisky, successfully treated by stimulation and revulsion. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1858, xv, 723-725—Marcet (W.) An in- quiry into the influence of the abuse of alcohol as a predispos- ing cause of disease. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1862, xxix, 485-501.—Marseille. Empoisonnement par l'alcool; emploi de l'acetate d'ammoniaque; guerison. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1839, 2. s., v, 128.—Marshall (H.) Obser- vations on the abuse of spirituous Uquors by the Euro- pean troops in India; and on the impohcy of uniformly and indiscriminately issuing spirit rations to soldiers. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1834, xii, 19-32—Masehka. Vergif- tung zweier Kinder mit Alcohol. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1860, vi 130: 147.—Mitscherlich (A.) TodesfaU durch Alkoholvergiftung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxvui, 319-323.—Morin (B.) De l'alcool, eonsidere sous le rapport toxicologique. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1851, 3. s., vu, 163-166.—Morton (T.) The mor- taUty referable to alcohol. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1878, n. s., xxvi, 448-452.—Nicol (J. I.) Case of death foUowing the excessive use of ardent spirits; dissection; with medico- legal remarks. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1844, iv, 449-453.—Oppolzer. Ueber Alkohol-Vergiftung. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864,281; 289; 297.—Otto. Alkoholver- giftung. MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1868, xiu, 164. -----. Tod eines 4£jahrigen Kindes durch angebUche Alkohol- vergiftung. Ibid., 1872, xvu, 14; 57—Paton (R.) Re- port of two instances of poisoning by alcohol; in one case death, and post-mortem examination. Lancet, Lond., 1848, 11, 148.—Peri Tjjs irpocryivontirqs - dani complectens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1807. Pohlius (J. C.) . . . de callositate ventriculi ex potus spirituosi abusu disserit. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1771]. Prochazka (J. G.) *De morbis potatorum. 8°. Pragce, 1842. Racle (V.-A.) *De l'alcoolisme. 8°. Paris, 1860. Reber (L.) De l'alcoolisme chronique. 4°. Paris, 1853. Renault (A.) * Sur l'influence de l'alcoolisme dans le developpement de plusieurs groupes d'af- fections cutanees. 4°. Paris, 1874. Report of a joint special committee [of tho Massachusetts legislature] appointed to consider the matter of inebriation as a disease, and the expediency of treating the same at Rainsford Isjand. May 1, 1868. 8°. Boston, 1868. Richard (L.) * Un mot sur quelques rapports de l'alcoolisme et de l'epilepsie. 4°. Paris, 1876. Rosenthal (M.) *De abusu alcoholicorum. 8°. Vindobonce, [1837]. Ross (A.) * De intemperantia et morbis inde derivatis. 8°. Edinburgi, 1809. Sabatie. * Influence de l'alcoolisme sur la pro- geniture. 4°. Montpellier, 1*75. Sal van (C.) *ALcoolisme et traumatisme. Considerations sur le traitement des plaies chez les alcooliques. 4°. Paris, 1879. Seufferheld (G. N.) *De morbis bibonum. sm. 4°. Altdorfii, [1720]. Stephens (C. R.) Inebriety, or vini morbus, a disease, and to be treated as such. 8°. Salem, Mass., 1877. Sweetser (W.) A dissertation on intempe- rance. 8°. Boston, 1829. Taubnerus (T. C.) *De morbis generaliori- bus ex usitatissimis potulentis. 4°. Halce Mag- deb., [1774]. Thomeuf (L.) * Essai clinique sur l'alcoolisme. 4°. Paris, 1*59. Tiffany (W. H.) Prize essay on the relations of temperauce and intemperance to life insurance. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Trotter (T.) An essay, medical, philosophical, and chemical, on drunkenness and its effects on the human body. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1804. Troyon(J. F.) * Quelques mots sur l'alcoolisme. 4°. Paris, 1873. Vedel (L.) *De la valeur diagnostique du reve dans l'alcoolisme chronique. 4°. Paris, 1878. Voelckel(P.) * Ueber den Alkoholismus. K\ Wiirzburg, 1863. Vogelsang (E.) *De alcoholismo chronico. sm. 83. Berolini, [1865]. [ Willett (J.)] The drunkard's diseased appe- tite; what is it? If curable, how? 8~. Fort Hamilton, 1877. Alcoholism. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1874, liii, 293-306.—Alcoholismo. (lac. med. de Mexico. 1872, vii, 77; 97; 184; 202; 214; 245; 261; 279; 322; 360.—Alcoo- lixino cronico. Clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa (Fedeli), 1878, i, 234-237.—Aldrich (C.) Taquet on hcedi'y in al- coholism. Lond. M. Rec, 1878, vi, 8.—Aldrich "(P. K.) Additional analysis of evidence as to the use and abuse of intoxicating liquors; beer-shops and prohibitory laws. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Boston, 1873, iv, 133-144.—Alko- holismus (Ueber den) in tten Armeen. MiUtterarzt, ALCOHOLISM. 181 ALCOHOLISM. Alcoholism. Wien, 1874, vUi, 130.—Allen (N.) Effects of alcohol on the offspring. J. Psych. M., n. s., Lond., 1877, iii, 209-214.— d'Ancona (N.') Del fosforo nella cura deU'alcoolismo cronico. Gaz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1877, xx, 105-109: 1878, xxi, 18-23.—Annan (S.) Idiocvfrom intem- perance. Maryland M. Sc S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 333.—Anstie v kclkuiv anoTe\«rp.dTv6iK&)v Ttpo(3XrfnctToov. In: Phys. et med. Graeci min., ed. J. L. Ideler, Berol., 1841, i, 3-80. -----. TIepi nvpET&v. In: Ibid., 81-106. [Both of the above are probably by Alexander TraUi- anus.] See, also, Aristoteles. Secreta secretorum, [etc] 16°. Lugduni, 1528.—Schcckius (J.) De causa contiuente. 12°. Tubingce, 1540.—Problemcs d'Aristote, etc. sm. 8°. Lion, 1554. Alexander (Disney). A treatise on the uature aud cure of the cyuanche trachealis, commonly called croup. 79 pp. 8°. Huddersfield, J. John- son, [1794]. [P., v. 723.] -----. An answer to the enquiry, if it be the duty of every person to study the preservation of his health, what means are the most likely to answer that end, and to which recourse may be had by all classes of people ? 31 pp. 8°. Manchester, S. Russell, 1804. Alexander (Fredericus Sigismundus). * De tu- moribus nervorum. 2 p. 1., 56 pp., 2 1., 4 pp. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, Haak et Socios, 1810. Alexander (Fredericus Sigismundus)—cont'd. -----. lnwijdingsrede over de verbinding van de studie der vroegere geneeskunde met van lateren tijd. 42 pp. 4°. Amsterdam, 1*4:?. See, also, IVcdcrlandsch Lancet. For his Obituary, see Xederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1843-4, vi, 639, (DompeUng). Alexander the great. Caillan (J. M.) Memoire phUologique sur la mort d'Alexandre le grand. Ann. chn., Montpel., 1810, xxii, 194-211.—Occhambrc (A.) Caracteres de la figure d'Alexandre, eclahes par la medecine. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi. 717 ; 745.—Bollet (J.) Des caracteres par- ticuliers et du traitement de la blessure recue par Alex- andre le grand dans le combat contre les MalUens. Lyon m6d., 1877, xxiv, 477; 513. See, also, Aristoteles. Secreta secretorum. 16°. Lug- duni, 1528. Alexander (Gulielmus). * De partibus corporis animalis qiue viribus opii parent. 2 p. 1., 125 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1790. Alexander (James). Rheumatism: its nature, causes, and cure. Gout: its nature, causes, cure, and prevention, xvi, 366 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1858. Alexander (Joannes Car. Ferd.) * De glandulte thyreoideae officio. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. G. Schadii, [1818]. Alexander (John). Medical commentaries on puerperal fever, vermination, and water in the head, vi, 69 pp. 8°. London, Longman #■ Co., 1836. Alexander (L. G.) See New medicines. Alexander (Nicolaus). Liber de compositione medicamentorum secundum loca. Translatus e Graeco in Latinum a. Nicolao Ehegino. Calabro ante hac nusquam impressus. Cum brevissimis annotationibus locorum difficiliuni Joannis Agri- colas Ammonij. 2661. 40. Ingolstadii, Alexandri Vueissenhorn, 1541. Alexander (Rudolph). * Untersuchungen iiber einen Fall von Cystosarcom des Untirschenkels. 41 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Greifswald, Carl Sell, 1877. Alexander (Salomon). * Ueber die Wirkung kleiner Gaben Arsenik. 36 pp. 8°. BerUn, Thormann $ Goctsch, [1873]. Alexander (Siegmund). * Observationes quae- dam circa variolarum iusitionem. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Duisburgi, typ. viduce Benthoniana; [1797]. Alexander (Thomas). L< ate (The) cUrector-general of the army medical de- partment. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 368.— Obituary of T. Alexander. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, i, 112. Also: Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, I860, vi, 818-820. Alexander ^Trallianus)^ De siugularum cor- poris partium/ ab hominis coronide ad imum usque calcaueum vitiis, asgritudinibus et iniuriis, libri ad unguem facti V. Per Albanum Torinum Vitodurensem recens latinitate donati. 18 p. 1., 342 pp., 2 1. fol. Basileae, H. Petrus, 1533. -----. MXeqa.y8povTpaA.Aid.vov iazpov fiifiMa. dvoHaiSeua. Lib. xii. Rhazae de pestilentia libellus ex ISyrorum lingua in Grsecam translatus. Jacobi Goupyli in eosdeni castigatioues. 2 p. 1., 259, 39 pp. fol. [Greek text.] Lutetice, ex off. R. Stephani, 154H. -----. Libri duodecim; lo. Guinterio interprete; cum Rhazei libro de pestilentia. 3 p. 1., 662 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, Remigius Guedon, 1549. -----. Libri duodecim. Razae dc pestilentia li- bellus. Omnes nunc primum de Graeco accura- tissime conversi, multisque in locis restituti et emandati, per Joannem Guinterium Andernacum, 7 p. 1., 247 If., 11. 12°. Venitiis, H. Scotum, 1555. -----. Libri duodecim, Graeci et Latini . . . Jo. Guinterio Andernaco interprete . . /^adjecta? sunt per eundeni Aaria> exemplarium lectionis observa- tiones, cum Jacobi Goupyli castigationibus. 12 p. 1., 85* pp., 11. 8C. Basilea; H. Petrus, 1556. With MSS. notes by D. TrUler in 1720. ALEXAOT)EE. 187 ALEXIUS. Alexander (Trallianus)—continued. ------. L'onziesme livre, traittant des gouttes, traduit de Grec en Francois par Sebastian Colin. Avec une briefue exposition d'aucuns mots, pour fakement entendre l'autheur, faitte par le trans- lateur. Plus, la practique & methode de guerir les gouttes, escritte par Antoine le Gaynier traduitte de Latine en Francois. 15 p. 1., 190 pp. 123. Poitiers, E. de Marnef, 1556. ------. De arte medica libri duodecim. Jo. Guinterio Andernaco interprete. 58 pp. fol. Francofurti, 1567. In: Medics artis principes. ------. De lumbricis epistola. In: Mekcukialis (H.) De puerorum morbis, Franco- furti, 1584, 443-468. ------. lis pi eAj/ivSaov. In: Phvs. et med. Graeci min., ed. J. L. Ideler, Berol., 1841, i, 30o-311. See. also, Farge (d'Angers). Note sur Alexander TraUi- anus. de medicina. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1863, x, 295.— Puschmann (Theodor). Alexander von TraUes, [etc.] 8°. Wien, 1878. Alexander (William). Experimental essays on the following subjects: I. On the external appU- cation of antiseptics in putrid diseases; II. On the doses and effects of medicines; III. On diure- tics and sudorifics. viii, 219 pp. 8°. London, E. and C. Dilly, 1768. ------. The same. To which is added, Observa- tions on the external use of tincture of cantha- rides. 2. ed. viii, 238 pp. 8J. London, E. and C. Dilly, 1770. ------. The history of -women, from the earliest antiquity to the present time; giving some ac- count of almost every interesting particular con- cerning that sex, among all nations, ancient and modern. 2 v. in 1. 4 p. 1., 368 pp., 7 1.; 344 pp., 7 1. 4°. London, Cadell, 1779. Alexandre. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages d'Alexandre. [1694- 1781.] Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1782-3, 200-202. Alexandre (F.-D.-A.) *De l'influence des ali- niens excitans sur I'homme, considers comme cause de maladies, viii, 9-24 pp. 4C. Paris, 1822, No. 103, v. 172. Alexandria. See, also, Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of). Cerf-Mayer (J.) *Deux annees de sejour & Alexandrie d'Egypte. 4°. Paris, 1869. Alexandrie. [Medical geography of.] Arch de m6d. nav., Par., 1869, xi, 321-327.—Castro. Statistiche con- cernenti le malattie e la mortaUti d'Alessandria d'Egitto. Ann. univ. di med. MUano, 1868, ccui, 62.—Oregson (T. L.) Some observations on plague, contagion, elephantiasis, and other disorders prevalent among the population of Alexandria. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1838, 1, 81-84.—Kay (W. T.) Kemarks on the climate of lower Egypt, particularly Alexandria, and the plague that appeared there in 1835, 1840, and in 1841; Ulnstrated by officialreturns for ten years. Med. Tunes, Lond., 1847, xvi, 31-33.—Kulp (O.) Jahres- TabeUe der Bevolkerungsvorgange der Stadt Alexandrien in Egypten in den Jahren 1877 und 1878. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1878, U, no. 20, Beilage, 1879, iU, 82. Alexandrinus (Jul.) Paedotrophia, sive de puerorum educatione liber. 19 ff. 12°. Tiguri, apud C. Froschouerum, 1559. Bound with: Fienus (Thomas). De cauteriis Ubri quin- que, [etc.] 12°. Lovanii, 1398. Alexandrinus (Stephanus). Ilepi jpudo noii'ai. See Oruner (Christian Godofr.) 4°. Jence, 1777. Alexandre See Zecchius (J.) De urinis brevis, [etc.] sm. 4°. Bononice, 1613. Alexandropol. Qnrko (G.) Kratkoe mediko-topographicheskoe opi- Banie G. Aleksandropolya. [Brief medico-topographical cle- scription of the city of Alexandropol.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1870, no. x, pt 1, 47-88. | Alexipharmics. See Poisons (Antidotes to). Alexis Pedemontanus. De secretis libri, miraqua- dam rerum varietate utilitateq; referti, longe cas- tigationes et ampliores quam priore editione. Jo. Jacobo Weckero Basiliensi medico interprete. 6 p. 1., 354 pp. 12°. Basilece, apud P. Pernam, 1560. ------. De secretis libri septem, a Joan. Jacobo Weckero, ex Italico sermone in Latinum conversi, et multis bonis secretis aucti. Accessit hac editione ejusdem Weckeri opera, octavus de artificiosis vinis liber. 6 p. 1., 480 pp., 23 1. 12°. Basilece, apud P. Pernam, 1563. ------. The secretes of the reverende maister Alexis of Piemount: contayning excellent remedies agaynst diuers dyseases, woundes, and other ac- cidentes, with the maner to make dystillations, parfumes, [etc.] Translated out of French into Englishe, by William Warde. 6 p. 1., 117 ff., 11 1. 12°. The seconde parte, 75 ff., 51. The thvrde parte, 75 ff., 91. 1 v. 12°. [Black-letter.] Lon- don, John Wight, 1566-8. ------. A verye excellent and profitable booke conteining sixe hundred foure score and odde ex- perienced medicines, apperteyning unto phisick and surgerie [etc.], which he termed the fourth and finall booke of his secretes, [etc. ] Translated out of Italian into Englishe by Richard Androse. 16 p. 1., 56, 64, 56 pp. 12°. [Black-letter.] Im- printed at London by Henry Denham, 1569. Bound with his: The secretes of the reverende maister Alexis of Piemount. 12°. London, 1566-8. ------. Weiber Zierung vom mancherley nutzlichen und bewerten Artzneyen, den Leib zierlich und wolgestalt zu machen. Jetznndt newlich auss Welscher und Lateinischer Sprach in gemein Teutsch ordenlich zusammen verfasset. Durch Hansz Jacob Wecker. 3 p. 1., 231 pp. 12°. Basel, Peter Perna, 1575. Bound with: Marinellus (J.) Vier Biicher von Pech- ter. Augipurg, 1576. See, also, Wecker (Hans Jacob). Der wolerfaren Herzen, [etc.] 16°. Basel, 1569. Alexisbad. Behr. Ueber die Wirksamkeit des Alexisbades im Herzogthume Anhalt-Bernburg. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1829, lxvUi, 6. St., 101-121.—Blnsius (E.) Alexisbad im Harz. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1867, xix, 385.—Curtze. Ideen, Bemerkungen und Erfahrungen iiber die "Wirkungen der Eisenbader, mit besonderer Klicksicht auf die "Wirkun- gen des Alexisbades. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1819, xlvUi, 4. St., 46-78; xUx, 5. St., 3-34.—Curtze (G. L.) Ueber Alexisbad, seine Eigenthumlichkeit und sein Verhaltnisa zu andern Badern. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. HeUq. u. Seebader, Berl., 1836, i, 115-138.—v. Oracfe (C. E.) EiickbUcke auf Alexisbad und dessen Litteiatur. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl.,' 1831, xv, 1-19.—Kurtz. Erfahrungen und Bemer- kungen uber das Alexis-Bad. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1815, xl, 5. St., 56-88.—Paldamus. Das Alexisbad im Selkenthale am Harze. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1812, i, 389-394.—Schaner. Alexisbad und seine "Wirkungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, Ui, 181. Alexisco (George N.) * Ueber embolia arteriae fossae Sylvii sinistrae. 18 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker'sche Buchdruckerei, 1864. c. Alexis-Espanet (R. F.) Clinique de Staoueli (Algerie) en 1850. 256 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1851. Bound with: Rapou (Aug.) De la fievre typholde, [etc] 8°. Paris, 1851. Alexius (Alexandrus). Consilia medica, et epi- tome pulsuum ... In quibus methodus accurata cum praxi theorica coniungitur: et est tabella consiliorum, et index rerum notabilium in eis contentarum. Addita sunt in hac secunda edi- tione eiusdem multae lineae, duo consilia, epitome urinarum, et post editionem menda potiora ad finem libri emendata. 4 p. 1., 117 pp., 4 1. 4°. Patavii, typ. P. Frambotti, 1660. Bound with: Thonerus (A.) Observationum medici- naUum, baud triviaUum, Ubri 4. ------. Preservatione dalla peste e historia della ALEXIUS. 188 ALGERIA. Alexius (Alexandrus)—continued. peste di Este. Dedicata alia celebre communita della medesima patria. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Pa- dova, di nuovo ristampata, e di molti errori emendata, P. Frambotto, 1660. With: Thoneeus (A.) Observationum medicinaUum, haud triviaUum, Ubri 4. Alexopoulo (Georges). *De l'infection puru- lente ou de l'infection putride aigue (septicemic aigue). 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 151. Alfaro (Nicholas M.) 'Propositions de mede- cine. 8 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 201, v. 254. -----. * Propositions de chirurgie. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 115, v. 160. Alfermann (P. Franz). * Einige Untersuchun- gen iiber die physiologische Wirkung des javani- schen Pfeilgiftes(Upas-Antiar). 48 pp. 8°. Mar- burg, J. A. Each, 18155. c. Alff(Christophorus). * De febrium causa proxima. 30 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835"|. Alff (Ludwig). * Ein Fall von Leukaemie bei gleichzeitiger Lebercirrhose. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1876]. Alfonseca (Jean F.) *De l'eiephantiasis des Arabes developpe dans les organes genitaux de I'homme. 128 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 306. Alfonsi (Jean-Paul). *De la gastrectasie. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 28. Allbnsine (District of). Oamberini (P.) La topografla medica deUe Alfon- sine. Kendic. Acad. med. chir. di Ferrara, Bologna, 1844, 14-19. -----. Rapporto topograflco-statistico-clinico del comune di Alfonsine dal 1° ottobre 1840 a tutto il 21 giugno 1845. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1846, 3. s., ix, 5-30. Alfort. See Medicine ( Veterinary). Alfriend (Shadrach). An inaugural dissertation on cholera infantum. 20 pp. 8°. Baltimore, B. Edes, 1815. [P., v. 380.] Alfter. Bemerkungen iiber den richtigen Ge- brauch der Wiisser vou Oeynhausen fiir Curgaste, nebst einer Tabelle der Analysen der verschie- denen Brunnen. 30 pp. 12°. Minden, Druck von J. C. C. Bruns, [n. d.] -----. Bericht iiber die am Bade Oeynhausen be- handelten wiihrend des Schleswiger Feldzuges verwundeten und erkrankten Soldaten. 25 pp. 8°. Minden, J. C. C. Bruns, 1865. Alfter (Joannes Adam. Lud.) * Nonnulla de mor- bis valvularum cordis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1842]. Alga?. Agardh (J. G.) & SchagerstrOm (T.) Novi- tiae florae Sueciae ex algarium familia, quas in itineribus ad oras occidentales Suecia? annis 1832- 5 collegit, 8°. Lundce, 1h:5<>. Farlow (W. G.) Remarks on some algae found in the water supplies of the city of Boston. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Bull, of the Bussey Institution, 1877. Hkdwig (R. A.) * Treniella nostoeh. 4°. Lipsice, [1798]. Hooper (J.) Introduction to algology; with a catalogue of American algae, or sea-weeds, ac- cording to the latest classification of Prof. Har- vey. 8°. Brooklyn, 1850. Ruiz (H.) De vera fuci natantis fructifica- tione. Commentarius. 8°. Matriti, 1798. Wood (H. C.) Prodromus ofa study of North American fresh water algaB. 8°. [n.p.], 1869. -----. A contribution to the history of the fresh-water algae of North America. 4C. Wash- ington, 1*73. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, no. 241. Cohn (F.) TJeber parasitisehe Algen. Beitr. z. Biol. d. I'thuiz., Bresl., 1870, i, 2. Hft., 87-108, 1 pi—Fleisch- niann juu. Medicinische Eigenschaften einiger Algen der venetiauischeu Lagunen und der GaUertc, wclcho sie Algse. liefern. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg., 1834, iii, 239-241.—Hine (F. B.) Observations on several forms of saprolcgnieae. Am. Q. Micr. J., K. Y., 1879, i, 18, 4 pi.; 136.—Hunt (J. (i.) Specimen of algse that polluted the Camden (K. J.) drinking water, summer of 1873. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iv, 72.—Jacquenie. Faits relatifs k un protococcus. MarseiUe m6d., 1873, x, 18-23.—Kiitzing (E. T.) Die Umwandlung niederer Algenformen in hcihere, sowie auch in Gattungen ganz verschiedener FamiUen und Klassen hoherer Cryptogamen mit zelUgem Bau. Natuurk. Ver- handel v. de Holland. Maatsch. cl. "Wetensch. te Haarlem, 1841, i, 1-120.—RosanoflT (S.) Observations sur les fonc- tions et les propri6t6s des pigments de diverses aigues sui- vies de quelques donnees relatives k la structure des for- mations protoplasmatiques. M6m. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cher- bourg, Par., 1867, xiii, 145-240. Algaier (Christianus Heinr.) *De cholera mor- bo. 24 pp. 4°. Erfurti, typ. Heringii, 1733. Alfyay (J.-B.-Hippolyte). * Des injections io- dees, comme methode generale de traitement, dans les maladies chirurgicales et quelques affec- tions internes. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 181, v. 550. Algemeen rapport der commissie tot het onder- zoeken van den aard en de meest geschikte wijze van behandeling van den Aziatischen braakloop. 174 pp. 8°. Gravenhage, ter algemeene Lands Drukerij, 1832. Alg'emeen verslag der sub-commissie voor den Aziatischen braakloop geheerschhebbende te Eot- terdam in 1848 en 1849. 83 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Van Wacsberge en Zoon, 1849. [P., v. 186.] Alg'emeen verslag der sub-commissie voor de zaken den Aziatischen braakloop aangaande te Rotterdam: aan de hoofd-comniissiein de pro- viucie Holland. 99 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Rotterdam, P. van Waesberge, 1833. Alger medical. Comitd de redaction nomme par les membres de l'ficole de medecine, la Societe de medecine et 1'Association des medecins de l'Alge- rie. Le secretaire-gerant: P. Jaillard. [Monthly.] Annees 1-6, April, 1873, to Dec, 1878. 6 v. 8°. A Iger. Current. Want no. 10, v, 3, Jan., 1876. Algeria. See, also, Academie d'Alger; Association des medecins de l'Algerie; Arzew; Biskra; Bona; Bougiah; Bugeaud; Calle (La); Castiglione; Coleah; Constantine; Education (Medical); Gar-Rouban; Guelma; Hammam-Melouan; Hammam-Mescoutine; Hodna; Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of); Insane (Asylums for); Jrjeli; Kabylia; Medeah; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Medicine (Military, History of—Campaigns, etc.); Mescara; Metidja; Milianah; Nemours; Oran; Orleansville; Ouargla; Sahara; Saint-Cloud; Saint-Denis- du-Sig; Saint-Donat; Sidi-Bel-Abbas; Soci- ete des sciences physiques naturelles et climatolo- giques d'Alger; Taenia; Tebessa; Tlemcen; Tuggurt. Alix(C. £.) Observations medicales en Algerie. 8°. Paris, 1869. Armand (A.) Medecine et hygiene des pays chauds et specialement de l'Algerie et des colonies. 8°. Paris, [1853]. -----. L'Algerie medicale: topographie, cli- matologie, [etc.] Avec une carte. 8-. Paris, 1854. Cambay (C.) Traite des maladies des pays chauds, et specialement de l'Algerie. Premiere partie. De la dysenterie et des maladies du foie qui la compliquent. 8,J. Paris, 1847. Clamagren (J. J) L'Algerie : impressions de voyage (17 mars-4 juin 1873). la°. Paris, 1874. Coindet(L.) * Considerations sur les fievres de l'Algerie. 4°. Paris, 1851. Contrejean (H. A. A.) * Des fiovres intermit- ALGEKIA. 189 ALGERIA Algeria. tentes de l'Alg6rie, et de leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1849. Creutzer (J. P. J. C.) *Des phenomenes morbides de la cachexie paludeenne en Algerie. 4°. Paris, 1853. Drapier (P.) * De l'acclimatement en Algerie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Exploration scientifique de l'Algerie pendant les annees 1840, 1842, 1844. Sciences medicales. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Paris, 1847. Fix (L. A.) * De la mortalite en Algerie. 49. Strasbourg, 1843. Gremaud (J.-F.-A.) * De l'acclimatement en Algerie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Guyon. Examen des quatorze observations de M. le general Duvivier, sur le dernier memoire du general Bugeaud, avec cette epigraphe : Vox clamantis in deserto! 8°. Paris, 1843. Haspel (A.) Maladies de l'Algerie, des causes, de la sympt6matologie, de la nature et du traite- ment des maladies endemo-epidemiques de la province d'Oran. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1850-2. Helye (A. M.) De la maladie en Algerie et dans les pays chauds. Premiere partie. Apercu sommaire de l'endemie de l'Algerie et des pays chauds. 8°. Paris, 1864. Herrmann (L.) De morbis qui Algerii occur- runt eorum natura et sanatione. 8°. Herbipoli, 1833. Jacqi'OT (F.) & Topin. De la colonisation et de l'acclimatement en Algerie. 8°. Paris, 1849. Ricoux (R.) Contribution k l'etude de l'accli- matement des Francais en Algerie. 8°. Paris, 1874. v. Sch5nberg (A.) Skizze iiber Algier in medi- cinischer Riicksicht. 8°. Eopenhagen, 1837. Trolliet (L. F.) Statistique medicale de la province d'Alger.^ 8°. Lyon, 1844. Vital (D'A.) Etudes de pathologie algerienne. (CEuvres posthnmes.) Recueillies et publiees par le Dr. Sistaeh (de Bone), b-. Paris, 18*0. Acclimatement (De 1') dans les pays chauds, et de racclimatement en Algerie en particuUer. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1850, i, 360-380.—Aruiand. Esquisse topo- graphique de l'Algerie. Gaz. mecl. de Par., 1853, 3. a., viU, 29; 57; 143. -----. De la saison des chaleurs en Alg6rie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1853, i, 165-170: 1854, U, 197-203.— Beanlien (P. L'R.) Le recensement de l'Algerie, en 1877. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1878, xxiii, 74-78.— Bennet (J. H.) On the climate of Algeria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 527.—Bernard. £tudes sur la petite Kabvlie; donn6es climatologiques et medicales sur le cercle d'el-MUiih (KabyUe orientale). Eec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1872, 3. s., xxviii, 417; 529.—Bertherand (A.) Etude de climatologie algerienne. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1856, i, 2; 15; 29; 77; 110. -----. Les sources sulfu- reuses de la foret du Esoenna (cercle d'Aumale) d'apres MM. GUet, Amsler et Perron. Ibid., 1879, xxiv, 7.— Bertherand (E.) De rinsensibiUte physiologique de l'Arabe. Ibid., 1874, xix, 140. -----. La population europecne en Alg6rie. J. de med. ct de pharm. de 1'Alg6rie, Alger, 1876, i, 70.—Bertherand (E.-L.) Les Arabes en AUemagne pendant la guerre de 1870-1871, au point de vue de 1'inuuenee du climat. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1873, xvUi, 19; 29.—Bertherand (E.) Note sur la long6- vite algerienne. Ibid., 1877, xxii, 53.—Bodichon. QueUes populations doit-on appeler en Algerie ! Gaz. med. de Par.. 1849, 3. s., iv, 790-794.—Bonnafont. De 1'accUmatement des Europeens et de l'existence d'une population civUe Komaine en Alg6rie demontrees par l'histoire. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xi, 145; 193; 229; 385: xii, 13; 121; 157; 169. Also: BuU. Soc. d'anthrop.. Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 122- 129. Also, Reprint.—Boudin. Etudes sur la mortalite et sur l'acclimatement de la population francaise en Alg6rie. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1847, xxxvU, 358-391. Also: Bull. Acad. de med.. Par., 1847-8, xui, 927-936. -----. Colonisation francaise en AlgGrie. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1848, xxxix, 321-363. -----. Do l'occupation des Ueux eieves con- Bid6r6e comme raoven do diniinucr la mortalite en Alge- rie. Ibid., 1849, x'li, 93-127. -----. Histoire statistique de la population en Algerie. Ibid., 1853, i, 281-314.-----. Lettre snr 1'accUmatement 9, iv, 18-22.—Fcnillet. Alger et les stations d'hiver du midi k propos des affections chroniquesdepoitrine. Ibid., 1865. x, 17; 31.—Foley (E.) Sc Martin (V.) De 1'accUmatement et de la colonisation en Alg6rie au point de vue statistique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 3. s., Ui, 505-515.—Foncqueron (J.) Essai topo- graphique et medical sur la r6geuce d'Alger. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1833, xxxiv, 1-104.—Goldorp. Lettre aur l'acclimatement des Europ6ens dans 1'Algerie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 2. s., iU, 518-520.—Gnyon. Note sur quelques maladies qui out regne en Algerie, pendant les six premiers mois de 1839. Ibid., 1839, 2. a., vu, 721- 724. -----. Note sur l'etat sanitaire de l'Algerie pendant l'annee 1841. Ibid., 1841, 2. s., ix, 698: 1842, 2. s., x, 535.— Haspel (A.) Des maladies du foie en Algerie. Rec.dem6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1845, IviU, 1-231. -----. Colonisa- tion alg6rienne. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1848, 3. s., Ui, 583. -----. Constitution medicale de l'Algerie. Ibid., 1849, 3. 8., iv, 135; 153; 937. -----. Lettre sur les maladies de l'Algerie. Ibid., 1854, 3. s., ix, 629-631.—Histoire me- dicale de l'Algerie. Rec. demem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1844, lvi, 1-184.—Jacquat (F.) De l'acclimatement et de la colonisation eu Alg6rie. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1848, 3. »., Ui, 311; 323; 683; 703f 763: 785: 1849, 3. s., iv, 144. -----. Le m6decin et le malade chez les populations africaines de l'Algerie. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1849, i, 125; 161. -----. L'Algerie medicale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 515- 521.—Judas (A.) Nouveaux documents sur la frequence du taenia en Algerie. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1854, 2. s., xiU, 230-307.—Kjclbcrg (N. G.) Reseanteck- ningar fran Algeriet. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1874, ix, 487- 528, 1 map.—Laeger. De la maladie appel6e sellema et beqla paries indigenes de l'Algerie. Rec. de m6m. de. m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1845, lx, 222-232.—Landowski. Le cUmat de l'Algerie. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1878, xxiii, 4. Also: J. de therap., Par., 1878, v, 16-20. -----. Project einer Winterstation in Algier. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., "Wien, 1879, viii, 157.—Laveran, Alg6rie. Diet. encycl. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1869, ii, 748-779.—Leclerc (L.) Lettre sur quelques points de geographic aneienne et mo- derne de l'Algerie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1849,3. s.. iv, 86-88.— Lesrand (M.) Fondation, sur la cote d'Afrique, d'un 6tablissement destine au traitement de la phthisie pulmo- naii-e. Union m6d., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxU, 497-500.—Mahl- inann (H.) Algerien und dessen Hauptstadt, mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf die Gesuudheits- und Sterbliehkeits- Verhaltnisse. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1856, 53; 61.—Maladies de l'Algerie. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.,Par., 1844, iii, 491-508.—Martin Sc Foley. De 1'accUmatement et de la colonisation en Algerie. R6ponse k M. le doeteur Boudin. Gaz. ni6d de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 814-817.—Monard, freres. Rapport sur les maladies ob- serv6es k Alger, en 1838, a l'hopital mUitaire du Dey. Rec. demem.demed. . . . mil., Par.. 1839, xlvii, 193-238.—Morin. Le climat de l'Algerie. France m6d., Par., 1855, ii, 275; 291; 307; 323; 355.—Mortalite (La) enfantine et l'industrie nouriciere en Algerie. Bull. Soc. d. sc. ... d'Alger, 1870, vii, 5-13. — IVccrologie d'Alger. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1873, xvui, 11; 47; 83; 119: 1876, xxi, 11; 47; 83; 131. — Nouvenux documents relatifs a l'his- toire medicale de l'Algerie. Ree. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1842, Iii, I15-J9ij.— Observations meteorolo- giques. Alger, d6cembre 1872. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1873, xvui, 12.—Observations niet6orologiques faites k l'arsenal d'artilleried'Alger. Ibid., 24; 36; 48: 60; 72; 84; 96: 120; 132; 144: 1874, xix, 12; 24; 36; 48; 71; 72; ALGERIA. 190 ALIBERT. Alg-eria. j 84; 96; 120; 134; 144. — Observations m6t6orologiques faites a. l'arsenal d'artUlerie d'Alger. BuU. soc. d. sc. . . . ' d'Alger, 1874, 12 sheets foUowing p. 732.—Observations meteorologiques de l'bopital miUtaire du Dey (Aljjer), pour mois de nov. 1875 k dec. 1876. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1875, xx, 142: 1876, xxi, 12; 24; 36; 48; 60; 72; 84; 96; 108; 120; 132; 142; 143.—Payn. La maison centrale de l'llarrach (Alg6rie). J. de ni6d. et de pharm. de l'Al- gerie, Alger, 1878, Ui, 123; 154.—Payn (A.) Causes et prophylaxie des affections automnales, en Alg6rie. Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1858, Ui, 77-79.—Pericr (J.) Effets de la misdre et typhus dans la province d'Alger en 1868. Rec. de m6m denied. . . . mil.. Par., 1869, 3. s., xxii, 449-520: 1870, 3. 8., xxiv, 461-535.—Perier (J. N.) De 1'accUmatement en Algerie. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1845, xxxUi, 301; 338: xxxiv, 21; 41.—Pietra Santa. Le climat d'Al- ger au congres dc; Ueneve. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1877, xciii, 410-413.—Puziu. Considerations pratiques sur lecUmatde l'Alg6rie. Bull. Soc. d. sc. ... d'Alger, 1864, i, 14- 19. Also: Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1864, ix, 25-27. -----. L'hygifene et le climat Sg6rien k propos des colonies agricoles de 1849. Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1864, ix, 74-76. -----. De l'acclimatation des Francais en Algerie. Ibid., 1871, xvi, 99; 115.—Roux. Une visite k Alger. Union m6d., Par., 1848, U, 575-577. Also, Repriut.— Scriziat. Histoire m6dico-chh'urgicale de la colonne du sud (province de Constantine), aout 1864—avril 1865. Gaz. med. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1870, xv, 25: 49; 87; 115; 139.— Sezary. De la temperature de la viUe d'Alger, au point de vue des maladies chroniques de la poitrine. Bull. Soc. d. sc. ... d'Alger, 1872, ix, 125-141. Also: Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1872, xvU, 97-100; 110-114, 1 chart.— Texte du d6cret portant reorganisation du service des hopitaux civils en Alg6rie. Alger m6d., 1875, iii, 263-267.— Thomson (W.) Notes on the climate of Algiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 427.—Tallin (E.) Du mouvement de la population europ6enne en Alg6rie. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1876, xiv, 409-446. — Vedrenne. Climatologie g6n6rale de la Grande KabyUe, et topographie physique et medicale de Tizi-Ouzou. Rec. de mCm. de m6cl.... mil., Par., 1859, 3. s., u, 213-278.—Vczien (E.) De l'influence des mala- dies de l'Algerie sur la colonisation et des moyens de la combattre. J. de m6d. et de pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, i, 55-60.—Tital (A.) Propagation et perp6tuit6 de la race europeenne en Alg6rie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1852, 3. 8., vii, 679; 701. Algeria (Mineral waters of). Bertherand (A.) Eaux minerales de l'Algerie. Con- siderations g6nerales. Gaz. m6d. de l'Alg6rie, Alger, 1856, i, 38-40. — Bertherand (E.) Des sources thermales et minerales de l'Algerie au point de vue de l'emplacement | des centres de population a cr6er. BuU. Soc. a. sc___de j 1'Alger, 1875, xii, 101-130.—Guyon. Analyse de quelques eaux thermales de l'Algerie. Gaz. m6d. dePar., 1841, 2. s., ix, 424; 681.—Henry (O.) Rapport et analyses au sujet de l'eau de plusieurs colonies de 1 Algerie. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1853-4, xix, 756-760. Alg'eria (Phthisis in relation to climate of). Bourlier (A.) * De la phthisie k Alger. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. Dobranici. Du climat d'Alger, de sa valeur au point de vue de la tuberculose comme station hivernale. 8°.. Paris, 1873. de Pietra Santa (P.) The climate of Algiers in reference to the chronic affections of the chest. Being a report of a medical mission to Algeria, presented to the minister of Algeria and the co- lonies. 8°. London, 1862. Bonuafont. Sur l'influence du climat d'Alger sur la frequence de la phthisie. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1842- 3, vui, 936-938.—Boyron. Note sur la phthisie pulmonairo a Oran. Gaz. ni6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 9.— Champouillon. L'Algerie et les phthisiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 365.—Costallat. Note touchant 1'innuence du cliniat d'Alger sur la phthisie. Bull. Acad. de m6d., Par., 1836, i, 43.-----. De l'influence probable du climat d'Alger pour la gu6rison des phthisiques d'Europe. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1836-7, iv, 156-174.—Feuillet. La phthisie en Algerie d'aprds une enquete ouiciello soUicit6e par la Societe de cUmatologie d'Alger. Gaz. med. de l'Alg6no, Alger, 1873, xviii, 73; 85; 97; 109; 121: 1874, xix, 13; 24; 37; 49; 61; 73. Also: BuU. Soc. de sc. . . . d'Alger, 1874, xi, 203-350. Also, Reprint. Also: Alger m6d., 1874, U, 203; 224.—Prison (V.) La phthisie en Alg6rie. Alger med., 1874, ii, 3-6.—Guyon. Note sur la phthisie dans le nord de 1'Afriquo. Gaz. med. de Par., 1842,2. 8., x, 337-339.— Hellft. Ueber das seltene Auftreten der Tuberculose in Algerien. Ein Beitrag zur medicinischen Geographic. Ztschi-. f. kUn. Med., Bresl., 1856, vii, 462-467. -----. Das Klima Algiers und der dortige Winteraufenthalt. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 349; 361.—Jespersen (C.) Byen Alger som Vinteropholdssted. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1872, Algeria (Phthisis in relation to climate of). xv, 1.—Landowgki. L'Algerie au point de vue curatif, dans les affections consomptives. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 110; 121; 134: 1877, xxii, 2: 14; 38; 86; 98. Also: J. de therap., Par., 1876, iii, 645; 695; 772: 1877, iv, 11; 86; 171; 283: 441.—Masse. La phthisie en Algerie. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 17-20.—Mitchell (A.) L'Alg6rie: son climat et sa valeur curative. Ibid., 1856, i, 166: 1857, ii, 4; 22; 36; 52; 81; 103; 117. Also, transl.: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1856, xvU, 194-226; xviii, 194- 207.—Bayer. Rapport sur la phthisie en Alg6rie. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1842-3, vm, 931-938.—Sierputows- ki. La phthisie en Alg6rie. Gaz. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 41; 52; 67. Algeria (Public hygiene in). Charles (L.-L.) *De l'hygiene des Arabes et de leur therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1854. Perier (J. A. N.) De l'hygiene en Algerie suivi d'un memoire sur la peste en Algerie par A. Berbrugger. 4°. Paris, 1847. Bertherand (E.) Examen des eaux potables en Alge- rie. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1874, xix, 79; 88; 115.— Challan. Notes medicales sur l'hygiene chez les Arabes. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1870, vii, 145-152.—Clavel. Considerations hygi6niques sur le mode de culture le plus en harmonie avec la salubrite et la prosperite de l'Alg6rie. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1849, l, 161-184.—Espa- net (A.) Hygiene et maladies de l'Algerie. J. d. conn. med.-chir., Par., 1849, xvU, 91-99. Algerus (Laurentius M.) De frigore. Disput. physic. 3 p. 1., 55 pp., 1 1. 12°. Upsalce, excudit H. Curio, [1684]. Algesia. _ See Hyperesthesia. Algfhisi (Tommaso). Dal trattato della litotomia. In: Disconsi di chir., etc. 12°. Venezia, 1840, pp. 13-68. Algidity. See, also, Chill. Radouan (C.) Contribution k l'etude de l'al- gidite centrale. 8°. Paris, 1873. Hervienx (E.) De l'algidite progressive chez les nouvcau-n6s. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1855, ii, 559-571.— Lowenatainm. Algor progrediens. Med.-chir. Centr.- Bl., Wien, 1876, xi, 520. Alglave (E.) See Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de l'etranger. Algometry. Algometrie (De 1') electrique chez les aUen6s. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1867, 4. s., x, 514. Alhama. Carril (A. F.) Accion terap6utica de la gran cascada termo-mineral en las termas de Albania de Aragon. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1866, xui, 723; 775; 808.—I^abat. Der Curort Albania de Aragon in Spanien. Nach einer von . . . der Soci6t6 d'hydrologie medicale in Paris iiberreichten Studie. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1879, vUi, 8-10.— Parraverde (T.) Descripcion de tres curaciones muy notables obtenido con las aguas y baiios minero-termo- medicinales de Alhama de Aragon. Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iu, 220.—Salgado (J.) Nuevos datos de las aguaa de Alhama de Aragon. An. Soc. espan. de hidrol. med., Madrid, 1878-9, U, 377; 399. Also: Siglo mod., Madrid, 1879, xxvi, 279; 293. Alhiet (Francois-Antoine). 'Considerations de physiologie pathologique sur le nerf facial, sui- vies de deux observations, l'une de paralysie double de la face, l'autre de paralysie d'un seul cot6. Avec hypercousie et alteration du gout du c6t6 correspondant. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 171, v. 517. Alhoy (L.) Promenades po6tiques dans les hos- pices et hopitaux de Paris; d6diees a. M. le Comte Chaptal. xlviii, 327 pp. 8C. Paris, C. J. Trouve, 1826. Ali Ben Abbas. See Haly Abbas. Alibert. See Dupau (J. Am6d6e). Lettres physiologiques et morales sur le magn6tisme. 8°. Paris, 1826. Alibert (C.) * Quelques considerations sur le inecanisme des contre-coups de la tete. 43 pp. 4U. Paris, 1843, No. 115, v. 397. ALIBERT. 191 ALIMENTATION. Alibert (Constant). Des eaux minerales dans leurs rapports avec l'economie publique, la me- I decine et la legislation. 1 p. 1., 90 pp., 11. bJ. Paris, Victor Masson, 1852. Alibert (Eugene). * Quelques considerations sur la pneumonie tranche du sommet. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 301. Alibert (Ismen). * fitude des sympt6mes de l'he- morrhagie cerebrale. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Pa- rent, 1^69, No. 9. Alibert (Jean-Louis). * Dissertation sur les fie- | vres pernicieuses ou ataxiques intermittentes. xi, 159 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Richard, Caille et Ravier, an VIII [1800-1], v. 2. -----. The same. 5. ed. xxxii, 414 pp. 8°. Pan's, Caille et Ravier, 18'20. -----. The same. 3. ed., revised, corrected and enlarged. Translated from the French, with an introductory discourse, occasional notes, and an appendix, by Charles CaldAvell. 5 p. 1., 263, 116 pp. sm. 4°. Philadelphia, Fry &■ Krammerer, 1807. -----. Description des maladies de la peau ob- servees k l'bopital Saint-Louis et exposition des meilleures m6thodes suivies pour leur traitement. xxii, 45 col. pi., 208 pp. fol. Paris, Barrois Vaine' etfils, 1806. -----. Eloges historiques composes pour la Soci- ete medicale de Paris, suivis d'un discours sur les rapports de la medecine avec les sciences physiques et morales, viii, 454 pp. 8°. Paris, Crapart, Caille et Ravier, 1806. -----. Nouveaux eiemens de therapeutique et de matiere medicale, suivis d'un nouvel essai sur l'art de formuler et d'un precis sur les eaux minerales les plus usitees. 2. ed. 2 v. xii, 704 pp.; ix, 779 pp. 8°. Paris, Crapart, Caille et Ra- vier, 1808. -----. The same. 3. ed. 2 v. 3 p. 1., 1, 704 pp.; x, 808 pp. 8°. Paris, Caille et Ravier, 1814. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 1, 709 pp.; vi, 816 pp. 8°. Paris, chez Caille et Ravier, 1817. -----. Precis theorique et pratique sur les mala- dies de la peau. 2. ed. 2 v. xvi, 437 pp.; 387 pp. 8°. Paris, Caille et Ravier, 1822. -----. Physiologie des passions, ou nouvelle doc- trine des sentimens moraux. 2 v. lxxv, 372, 472 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 182b. -----. Precis historique sur les eaux minerales les plus usitees en medecine, suivi de quelques renseignemens sur les eaux minerales exotiqucs. xxiv, 636 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1826. -----. Monographic des dermatoses ou precis the- orique et pratique des maladies de la peau. Se- conde edition, revue, corrigee et auguientee de planches coloriees representant environ trente especes ou varietes de maladies. 2 v. lxxix, 528 pp.; xii, 752 pp., 9 pi. &°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1835. -----. Nosologic naturelle, ou les maladies du corps humain distribuees par families. Avec 33 planches coloriees. lxxxviii, 616 pp. fol. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1838. See, also, Pasta (Andre). Traite des pertes de sang chez les femmes enceintes, [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1799.—Rousscl. Systfeme physique et moral de la femme, fete.] 83. Paris, 1805. For his Obituary, see BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1S37-8, ii, 164, (Pariset); Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1838, i, 251- 254; Gaz. med. de Par., 1839, 2. s., vii, 193-198. For Portrait, see Portraits of Celebrated French Sur- geons & Physicians, No. 1. Alibran (Felix). I. Des causes de la peritonite, [etc.] 28pp., 1 tab. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 86, j v. 352. Alice-Frauenyerein. Eigexbrodt. Der Alice - Frauenverein fiir Krankenpflege, seine Entstehung und leitenden Gruudsiitze, seine Leistungen una Ziele. 2. Aufl. 8J. Darmstadt, 1877. Ali Cohen (Levy). * Zoologia? pharmaceutical brevem conspectum. [Acad. Groningana.] 46pp., 2 1., 4 pi. 8°. Meppelce, S. J. Bolt, [1840]. Ali-Ebn-Abbas. -Sec Haly-Abbas. Alienation (Mental). See Insanity. Alies (B.) PossibiUte d'amoindrir considerable- ment les ravages du cholera; rectification de queFques prejuges populaires relativement a cette maladie. 2. ed. 21 pp. 8°. Luxeuil, J.-C. Doc- teur, 1853. [Also, in: P., v. 481.] Alies (Francois). * Dissertation sur la dvsente- rie. vi, 7-40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. ^146, v. 139-140. Alimann (Petrus Henricus). * De inflamma- tione. 45 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], ex off. academ. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1820. Aliment. See Diet; Food. Alimentary canal. See Abdomen (Diseases of); Digestion; In- testines; CEsophagus; Stomach; etc. Alimentation. See, also, Diet; Enemata (Nutritive); Food; Nutrition. Bodier (J. -B.-L.) * Considerations snr l'influ- ence de l'appareil digestif et de 1'alimentation en pathogenic et en therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1856. CsikY (P.) * Alimenta respectu diaetetico con- siderata. fcJ. Pestini, 1836. [Hungarian text.] C yk (J.) Traite de l'alimentation dans ses rap- ports avec la physiologie, la pathologie et la the- rapeutique. 8°. Paris, 1869. Hebray (A.) * De l'influence de l'alimentation insuffisante sur l'economie animale. 4°. Paris, 1829. Langlais (P. C.) * De l'alimentation par les narines. 4°. Paris, 1*75. Rizzetti (G. F.) Deidauni che derivano dal- l'iusufnciente e cattiva alimentazione delle classi popolari e dei mezzi per rimediarvi specialmente coll'impiego della carne di cavallo. »■*-. Torino, 1857. Repr. from: Gior. d. ec. med., Torino, Tosc, n. 18, 19, 21 e 24 del 1857. tex Sande (L. H.) De alimentorum viribus medicatis. 6°. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1836. [Alimentation in acute diseases. Discussion.] Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, 1877-8, Central FaUs, 1878, u, 12-14.— Angell (E.C.) Alimentation in health and disease. Sani- tarian, N. Y., 1879, vii, 49-58.—Bechamp. Dc l'alimen- tation. Montpel. med., 1870, xxiv. 208; 32anilev*sky (A.) UntersuchungeniiberdieWirkungsart einiger Alkaloide auf das Centrauiervensystem. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1866, 707-709.— Don ne (A.) Sur les moyens do neutraUser Taction des alcaUs vegetaux sur Tecoiiomie. Ann. d. hyg., Par., 1829, 1. s., ii, 202-204. -----. Mo yen dc rcconnaitre les alcalis v6g6taux dans un cas de medecine legale. Ibid., 1830,1. s., iii, 430-457.—Fleming (A.) Note on the internal exhibi- tion of atropia and of strychnia. Edinb. M. J., 1863, viii, 625-628.—Grandcau (L.) AppUcation dela dialysek la re- cherche des alcaloides en general, et de la digitaline en par- ticulier. Monit. scient., Par., 1864, vi, 539.—Guy (W. A.) On the sublimation of the alkaloids. Pharm. J. Sc Tr., Lond., (1866-7), 1867, 2. s., vui, 718: (1867-8), 1868, 2. 8., ix, 10; 58; 106; 195. Also, Reprint.—Heger. Notice sur l'absorption des alcaloides clans le foie, les poumons et lea muscles. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1877, lxv, 305-317.—Horsley (J.) On the nitro-prussido of sodium as a test for certain alkaloids. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 31.—Kcrsch (S.) Noch einmal dio Darstellung und Erkennung der Alcaloide im Ham. MemorabUien, Heilbr., 1876, xxi, 213-221.—Larocque (A.) Etudes toxicologiques sur les alcalis vcjgetaux. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1842, 2. s., viii, 689-701.—Leinattre (G.) Recherehes experimentales et cliniques sur les alcaloides de la famille des solanees. [Ext.] Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1865, ii, 39; 173.—Nunnely (F. B.) Tbe action of some alkaloids and of bromide of potassium on the heart and blood-vessels of tho frog. Practitioner, Lond., 1869, iii, 347-351.—Peter (IL) An account of the vegetable alka- lies, including their therapeutic action when applied inter- naUy, or by the endermic method. Transylv. J. M., Lex- ington, Ky., 1834, vii, 157-204.—Puteri (S.) Gli alcaloidi ed i loro joduri. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., MUauo, 1877, lxiv, 129-140.—Killer A Schlagdenhaufen. Sur une caused'eiTeur da ns la i echercho medico-legaledes alcaloides. Rev. med. do Test, Nancy, 1874, i, 455-458.—Boasbacb (M. J.) Ueber die. Einwirkung der Alkaloido auf die orga- nischen Substrate des Thierkorpers. Verhandl. d. phya.- med. GeseUsch. in Wiirzb., 1872, iii, 346-368. -----. Expe- limenteUe und kritische weitere Beitrage zur Erkenntniss der Grundwirkung der Alkaloide. Ibidi, 1874, vi, 162-189.— MaliNbury (J. II.) Some experiments on poisoning with the vegetable alkaloids. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1862, n. s., xUv, 413^40. Aho, Reprint.—Selmi (F.) SuUa esistenza di principii alcaloidi naturaU nei visceri freschi o putrefatti onue il perito chimico pu6 essere condotto a conclusioni erronee, ncUa ricerca degli alcaloidi venefici. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1872, 3. s.. ii, 81-86. -----. Sopra un nuovo processo per l'cstraziouo degli alcaloidi dai visceri e ricerca della nicotina, della bru- cina e della stricnina nei casi di avvelenamento. Ibid., 1873, 3. s., iv, 41-51. -----. Nuovi reattivi per riconoscero e disceiuere gli alcaloidi venefici. Ibid., 1875, 3. s., vi. 189- 210.—Smith (T.) Sc Smith (II.) Tho alkaloid salts, and their relative influence on the animal frame. Lancet; Lond., 1846, i, 429.—Wadgyniur (A.) Deportment of the most important alkaloids with reagents and a systematic method of effecting the detection of these substances. St. Louis M. Reporter, 1866-7,i,56; 133; 150: 193; 246.—Wertheim(G.) Pharmakologische Studien iiber die Alkaloide: Nicotin, ALKALOIDS. 195 ALLARD. Alkaloids. Coniin, Atropin und Daturin. Ztschr. d. k.-k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. 1851, i, 52-61.—Wood (II. C. .jr.) A con- tribution to the knowledge of the physiological action of the alkaloids, viridia, veratroidia, and veratria of commerce, and of tho resin of veratrum viride. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1870, n. s., lix, 36-53. Also, Reprint. Alkapton and Alkaptonuria. Bocdeker. Ueber das Alcapton; ein neuer Beitrag zur Frage: Welche Stoffe des Harns kbnnen Kupferreduc- tioii bewirken? Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1859,3. R., vii, 130-145.—Fiirbringcr (P.) Beobachtungen iiber einen Fall von Alkaptonuric. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Frage: Welche Reactionen zeigen bestimmt die Gegen- wart von Zucker im Harn an? Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 313; 330; 390. Alkekenge. Gendron (E.) De Taction febrifuge de Talk6kenge ou coqueret des vignes. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1850, xviii, 85; 113: 1851, xix, 29-34. Alkilldus (Jacobus). De rerum gradibus. ____ ^Jitin T'nouiiiiiw nanitatia. fol. Argen'.orati, 1531. ------. De investigaudis compositarum medicina- rum gradibus. itiMJHritua (Jo.) Supplementum in secundum librum jwmpendii secretorum medicines, fol. Venetiis, 1581. Alkofer (Erasm. Sigism.) & Bleidner (Joh. / Christian.) Trutina vacui. 34 pp., 5 1. 4°. ' Jena; typ. Gollnerianis, [1699]. Alkofcrus (Christoph. Frider.) *De peripneu- monia ex nimis aeris refrigerio. 22 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. J. F. Ritteri, [1738]. For his Life, see Hilscher (S. P.) Allain (Francois-Auguste.) *I. Des topiques dans le traitement des maladies de la peau, [etc.] 18 pp. 4U. Paris, 1842, No. 275, v. 383. Allain (Frederic). *De l'apoplexie pulmonaire. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 119, v. 568. Allain (L.-A.-Candide). *Des tumeurs syno- viales des games tendineuses de la partie lnfe"- rieuro de l'avant-bras, du poignet et de la main. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 306, v. 517. Allain (N.-M.) * Essai sur les hemorrhagies uterines pendant la grossesse et l'accouchement. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 293, v. 237. Allain Dnpre (Hippolyte). *Du diagnostic de ia mydlite, precede de quelques considerations sur la nature du ramollissement et de l'endurcisse- ment de la substance nerveuse. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 56, v. 249. Allaire. Quelques recherehes sur les infirmites causes d'exemptions du service miUtaire dans rarrondissement de Meaux, depuis 1824 jusqu'& 1859 iuclusivement. 38 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Meaux, A. Dubois, 1861. Allaire (L.-H.) "Dissertation sur la delivrance. viii, 9-44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 41, v. 83. Allaire (Louis-Victor). *De quelques cas de rievres bilieuses des pays chauds, observes k l'hGpital Saint-Andre, k Eome. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 31, v. 503. AUais (Cheri). *De l'anesthesie dans le croup. 92 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 225. Allamand (Donat-Auguste). 'Considerations sur l'oplitbalmie purulente des nouveau-nes. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 118, v. 439. Allamand (Fridericus). *De externo tactus organo. 22 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat, typ. E. Lu- zac, 1753. Allamand (J. N, 8.) [Biographie.] J. N. S. AUamand. Nederl. Tijdschr. .v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, U, 266-272. Allamargot (Louis). *De la bronchite capil- laire suffocante. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 61, v. 568. Allamorvos. Meliekletul a Gyogyaszat foly- oirathoz. Budapest. State medicine; a companion to Gy6gy&szat (containing official instructions^ etc.) 3 v. 1876-8. 8°. Current. Allan (Henry). Prize essay on kleptomania, with a view to determine whether kleptomaniacs should be held disqualified for employments of trust and authority under the crown, vii, 75 pp 8°. [London], H. Bailliere, 1869. Allan (Robert). A treatise on the operation of lithotomy, in which are demonstrated the dan- gers of operating with the gorget, and the superi- ority of the more simple operation with the knife and staff, iv, 73 pp., 5 pi. fol. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne Comitum, 1727, 473-481.— Krause (W.) Ueber dio AUantois des Menschen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1876, 204- 207.—Mayer. Untersuchungen iiber das Nabelbliischen und die Allantois bei Embryoneu vom Menschen und von den Saugethieren. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., Bonn, 1835, xvii, 513-568, 6 pi.—Olivetti (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der ersten AUantoisbildung. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1874, 447-150, 1 pi.—Vignolo (G.) Do Texistence et du developpement de TaUantolde chez Thomme. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, i, 349-366. Allard (Alexandre-Louis-Prosper). *I. Du di- agnostic, du prognostic, et des causes de l'ovarite, [etc.] 49 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 162, v. 383. Allard (Charles). * De l'hydro^ele de la tunique vaginale et des avantages de la teinture d'iode pour son traitement radical. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 330, v. 316. Allard (Ernest). Examen de la question de l'as- sistance publique a Bruxelles. 15 pp. 8°. [Bru- xelles, 1876.] Allard (F61ix). * fitude comparative des fongus testiculaires, simple, tuberculeux, et syphilitique. 73 pp. 4°. MontpelUer, 1864. [P., v. 42.] Allard (Gustave-Camille). *Du poisson, eon- sidere comme aliment, dans les temps anciens et modernes, et de ses effets sur l'organisme humain. 96 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 296, v. 534. Allard (L.-J.-M.-E.) * Dissertation sur les he- morrhagies en general. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 198, v. 195. Allard (Marie-Joseph). * Essai medico-chirurgi- cal sur l'hepatitis ou l'inflammation du foie. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, Didot jeune, 1808, No. 126, v. 73. Allard (Odilo). *De abortu. 24 pp. 4°. Leodii, ex typog.frat. Jeunehomme, [1830]. ALLARD. 196 ALLEN. Allard (Phimotee). * Considerations sur la peri- tonite dans son etat aigu et chronique. 28 pp. 4C. Parts, 1828, No. 59, v. 213. Allard (Eemi-Victor). * Dissertation sur la nos- talgic. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 139, v. 158. Allardt (Samuel Conradus). *De emansione mensium. 31 pp. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, lit. J. C. Schwartzii, [1723]. A Hart (Ferdinandus Eug. Jos.) *De delirio in genere. 1782. In: Louvain diss., u. Allarton (George). Lithotomy simplified, or a new method of operating for stone in the bladder, to which is appended an interesting and unique case of Caesarian section. 80 pp. 8°. London, Ash 4- Flint, 1854. -----. Mysteries of medical life, or, doctors and their doings. Being a sketch of medical men generally; their manners, habits, virtues, vices, loves, hatreds, jealousies, eccentricities, successes, failures, vexations, and disappointments; with a description of their treatment and ill-treatment by the pill-taking public, xv, 144 pp. 8°. Lon- don, H. Bailliere, 1856. Allary (Armand). * Quelques mots sur l'existence des maladies hereditaires et sur leur traitement. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 85, v. 568. Allaux (Bernard-Alcide). *Sur la persistance des signes de l'etranglement apres la reduction ou l'operation de la hernie. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 3. Allaway (Roberto Tucker). *De auscultationo artificial!. 28 pp. 8°. Erlangce, Jungeanis, 1834. All butt (Thomas Chiibrd). On the use of the ophthalmoscope in diseases of the nervous system and of the kidneys; also in certain other general disorders, xii, 405 pp., 2 col. pi. 8°. London and New York, Macmillan 4' Co., 1871. See, also, Seitz (Johannes). Die Ueberanstrengung des Herzens. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Allchin (W. H.) Medicine in its economic rela- tions. Being the introductory address delivered at the Westminster Hospital Medical School, ses- sion 1876-7. 26 pp. 8°. London, C. W. Reynell, [n. d.] Allde (Ferdinandus Ehrenfried). * De fallaciis, in febre lactea ab innammatoria puerperarum dis- cernenda, obviis. 37 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeburgicce, typ. J. C. Hilligeri, 1743. Alle (Carolus). Conspectus morborum in clinico chirurgico Pragensi, anno scholastico 1831 tracta- torum. 47 pp. 8°. Pragce, M. I. Landau, 1832. V. Alle (J. L.) Kurze Geschichte der im 18. Jahr- hundert so schrecklich verheerenden Pest, nebst den damals angewandten Priiservativ- una Heil- mitteln. Aus den besten Schriften, aus iirztUchen u. amtlichen Nachrichten jener Zeit gezogen. xvi, 17-79 pp. 12°. Gmiind, [Leipzig, W. Lauf- fer], 1831. Alleau (Gaston). * Considerations sur l'eievation de la temperature dans certaines hemoptysies abondantes. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 236. Alleaume (F. Charles). *EHude clinique sur le refus des aliments chez les alienes. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 86. Alleaume (Jacobus Ludovicus). An idem su- doris, et perspirationis organum ? Eespt. Claudius Josephus Gentil. Dispt. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, typ. Guillau, 1751.] -----. An propria medici scientia ceconomia animalis cognito? Resp. Joannes Descement. Dispt. 4 pp. 4°. • [Ports, typ. viduoe Guillau, 1757.] Allebe (Gerardus Arnoldus Nicolaus). Specimen medicum inaugurale de aquis medicatis sive salu- bribus. xvi, 163 pp. 8°. Lugd. Batav., J. W. van Leeuwen, 1836. Alleged (The) malpractice suit of Walsh vs. Sayre. 190 pp. 8°. New York, G. H. Shaw # Co., 1870. Alleghany (The) Springs, Montgomery co., Va. 60 pp. 12G. Philadelphia, Merrihew 4' Son, 1874. Allegheny. See Prisons. Allegheny (County of). See Pennsylvania. Allegre. Poggiale. Rapport sur les eaux dAllegre [Gard]. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1862-3, xxvUi, 6-8. Allemand (Francois-Regis-Phiiemon). * Des divers moyens d'edairage et de leur influence sur la sant6. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 164, v. 411. Allemandou (Antoine-Alfred). Etude sur les proprietes du forceps. Utilite de cet instrument dans les cas de presentation c6phalique avec bas- sinretreci. 64 pp., 21. 4°. Nimes, 1875. [Mont- pelUer, No. 97.] Allemandou (Bernard). * Essai sur le furon- cle, suivi de quelques propositions de medecine et de chirurgie. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 260, v. 212. Allemao (F. F.) Pereira (E. A. de Abreu). Necrologia. F. F. AUe- mao. [1798-1875.] Ann. BrasU. demed., Rio de Jan., 1876, xxvu, 467-486; xxvui, 18-22. Allemoz (J.-Victor). * Parallele entre le catarrhe pulmonaire et la pneumonie, considers dans leur etat aigu et sans compUcations. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 76, v. 165. Allemoz (Michel-Antoine). * Dissertation sur l'angine tonsillaire. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 129, v. 139. Allen versus Dutton. PubUshed at the request of the friends of Dr. Allen. 146 pp. 8°. Lon- don, G. Swire, 1833. Bound with: Allen (M.) Essay on the classification of the insane. 8°. London, [1833]. Allen (Benjamin). The natural history of the chalybeat and purging waters of England with their particular essays and uses. Among which are treated at large the apoplexy & hypochon- driacism; to which are added some observations on the bath waters in Somersetshire. 19 p. 1., 185 pp., 31. 12°. London, S. Smith & B. Walford, 1699. Allen (C. C.) See New York Dental Recorder. Allen (Charles). See Mackall (Louis, jr.) Addresses, [etc.] 8°. Wash- ington, D. C, 1873. Allen (E. P.) See Physicians' Hand-Book and American Medical Advertiser. [Allen (F. D.)] Remarks on the dangers and du- ties of sepulture; or, security for the living, with respect and repose for the dead. 74 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, Phelps &■ Farnham, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 828.] Allen (Grant). The colour-sense: its origin and development. An essay in comparative psycho- logy. xU, 282 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, Triibner &■ Co., 1879. Allen (Harrison). Monograph of the bats of North America, xxi, 11., 85 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, Smithsonian Institution, 1864. -----. Outlines of comparative anatomy and me- dical zoology, vii, 190 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co., 1869. -----. An analysis of the life-form in art. 1 p. 1., 70 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, McCalla 4- Stavely, 1875. -----. Introductory lecture to the winter course of the Philadelphia Dental CoUege, session 1876- 77. DeUvered November 6th, 1876. 12 pp. 8°. New York, Johnston Bros., 1877. ALLEN. 197 ALLEN. Allen (Henricus). * De fluoris albi charactere et notis, quibus cum gonorrhoea convenit, vel differt et utriusque curatione, etc. 22 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav, apud G. Potuliet, 1751. Allen (Ira). Official action of tho board of overseers of the poor in regard to the death of Dr. Ira Allen. Sept. 6, 1875. 8°. Boston, 1875. . Allen (Isaac J.) Address introductory to the lectures on medical jurisprudence, before the medical class of tho WiUoughby University, Janu- ary, 1846. 23 pp. 8°. WiUoughby, Ohio, 1846. Allen (J.) Refutation and vindication of the charges alleged against him before the American Society of Dental Surgeons: at'their last annual meeting in August, 1847, for his having obtained a patent for an invention for restoring the con- tour of the face. 8 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, M. Bemiss, 1847. -----. A new method of constructing artificial dentures, combining cleanUness, strength, natural expression, and restoration of the form of the face. 12 pp. 12°. New York, Holman, Gray 4" Co., 1854. Teeth. An improved method of construct- ing artificial dentures. Combining five impor- tant points not heretofore attained. Together with directions for the development and subse- quent preservation of the natural teeth. 38 pp., 2 pi. 8°. New York, printed by B. Urner, 1860. Allen (J. Adams). Introductory address to the third session of the CoUege of Medicine and Sur- gery, of the University of Michigan, October, 1852. 2. ed. 25 pp. 8°. Detroit, G. E. Pomei-oy 4' Co., 1852. -----. Observations on the medical platform. An introductury lecture. Session of 1853-4. 29 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1853. -----. Steps to the medical platform. An ad- dress. 32 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, Cole 4~ Gardiner, 1854. Professional success. Valedictory to the graduates of Rush Medical CoUege, Feb. 27th, 1861. 20 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] ----. Medical examinations for life insurance. 3. ed. 143pp. 8°. Chicago, Clarke 4- Co., [1867]. —;—. The same. Revised and enlarged edition, with introductory chapter and an extensive ap- pendix, xii, 13-181 pp. 8°. New York, J. H. and C. M. Goodsell, 1870. ----. The same. 1872. Address [at the laying of the corner-stone of the new building of Rush Medical College, Nov. 20, 1875]. In: Dedicatory exercises of the new building of Rush Medical CoUege. 8°. Chicago, 1876. -----. Introductory lecture to the thirty-fourth annual session of Rush Medical CoUege, October 4, 1876; [Methods of medical education.] Ibid. See, also, Chicago Medical Journal. Allen (J. M.) Lecture introductory to the course on anatomy, in the medical department of Penn- sylvania CoUege, for 1852-3. 24 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. Richards, 1852. -----. Address to the graduates of the medical department of Pennsylvania College. (With a list of the graduates.) 18 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Eing 4- Baird, 1855. ----—. The practical anatomist; or, the student's guide in the dissecting-room, xxiii, 631 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4" Lea, 1856. For Biographical Notice of, see Med. Rec, N. T., 1867, ii 167. ,,,**, Allen (Joel Asaph). History of the American bison, Bison americanus. 8°. Washington, go- vernment printing office, 1877. . In: Nixth annual rept. of thejjeological survey [F. V. Hayden] for the year 1875, pp. 443-587. .C Allen (John). Synopsis universae medicinae practical: sive doctissimorum virorum de morbis eorumque causis ac remediis judicia. Accesscrunt nunc demum casus nonnulli oppido rari. Editio tertia. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 374, 385-636 pp., 22 1. 8°. Londini, W. Innys, 1729. -----. The same. Editio nova Veneta. 3 v. 12°. Venetiis, L. Basilium, 1762. -. Synopsis medicinae: or, a brief and general collection of the whole practice of physick. To which are added, some observations very rare and uncommon; and a curious treatise on all sorts of poysons. 2 v. Translated from the last edition. 409 pp.; 274 pp., 22 1. 8°. London, J. Pemberton, 1730. -. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. vni, 400 pp.; 356 pp., 211. 8°. London, W. Innys, 1740. The same. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. London, Innys, Meadoivs 4" Co., 1749. Allen (John R.) Introductory address delivered to the medical class of Transylvania University, March 17, 1851. 15 pp. 8°. Lexington, Ky., 1851. -----. Introductory address, delivered to the class in the medical department of the Iowa State Uni- versity, [etc.] 1855-6. 15 pp. 8°. Keokuk, 1855. [Also, in: P., v. 544.] See, also, Iowa Medical Journal; St. Lionis Medical and Surgical Journal. Allen (Jonathan). Xiathrop (S. P.) Biographical sketch of Jonathan AUen. [1787-1848.] Boston M. & S. J., 1848, xxxviii, 453-461. Allen (Joseph). Williams (S. TV.) Obituary notice of Joseph AUen. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1848, vii, 36. Allen (M.) Cases of insanity, with medical, moral, and philosophical observations and essays upon them. Pt. 1, v, 1. viii, 212 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, G. Swire, 1831. [AU published.] -----. Essay on the classification of the insane. 27, 212 pp., 8 pi. 8°. London, J. Taylor, [1833]. See, aho, Alien versus Duttoa, supra. Allen (Nathan). An essay pn the connection of mental philosophy with medicine. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Waldie, 1841. -----. An essay on the opium trade, including a sketch of its history, extent, effects, etc., as carried on in India and China. 68 pp. 8°. Boston, J. P. Jewett 4- Co., 1850. -----. The same. 2. ed. 80 pp. 8°. Lowell, James P. Walker, 1853. The law of human increase; or population based on physiology and psychology. 58 pp. 8°. New York, Moorhead, Simpson 4" Bond, 1868. Repr. from: Quart. J. Psych. M., N.Y., 1868. ----. The intermarriage of relations. 56 pp. 8°. Neiv York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1869. Repr. from: Quart. J. Psych. M., N. T., 1869. ----. Physical culture in Amherst College. Pre- pared by the request ofthe trustees. 46 pp. 8°. Lowell, Mass., Stone 4" Huse, 1869. Physical degeneracy. 41 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1870. Repr. from: J. Psych. M., N. T., 1870. ----. The physiological laws of human increase. 27 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1870. Population: its law of increase. Read at the meeting of the Western Social Science Asso- ciation, in Chicago, November 12, 1868. 32 pp. 8°. Lowell, Stone 4- Huse, 1870. ----. An address deUvered Sept. 19,1871, at the annual exhibition of the Farmers' Club, Prince- ton. 38 pp. 8°. Lowell, Mass., Stone 4- Huse, 1871. ----. Lessons on population suggested by Gre- cian and Roman history. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, Alfred Mudge 4- Son, 1871. Repr. from: Congregational Quarterly, 1871. ALLEN. 198 ALLGEMEINE. Allen (Nathan)—continued. <-----. Medical problems of the day. The annual discourse before the Massachusetts Medical So- cietv, June 3, 1874. 92 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Wil- liams 4- Co., 1874. -----. The normal standard of woman for propa- gation. 39 pp. 8C. Nac York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1876. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1876, ix. The treatment of the insane. Read at the meeting of the American Social Science Associa- tion, Saratoga, September 6, 1876. 20 pp. 8°. Albany, Joel Munsell, 1876. -----. The prevention of disease, insanity, crime, and pauperism. A paper read before the confer- ence of charities, at Cincinnati, May 22, 1878. 25 pp. 8°. Boston, Rand, Avery, &■ Co., 1878. -----. The same. 1 sheet, fol. [n.p. 1878.] See, aho, American Phrenological Journal and Miscel- lany. Allen (Paul W.) Eclectic medicine; the lessons of its past and the duties of its future. Annual address, before the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York. 24 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen 4~ sons, 1868. Allen (Peter). [1826-1874.] Lectures on aural catarrh; or, the commonest forms of deafness and their cure. 271 pp. 12°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1871. -----. The same. 2. ed. xviii pp., 1 pi., 1 1., 383 pp., 5 pi. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1874. For his Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 146. For Portrait, see Med. Prof, in aU Countries, Lond., 1874, ii, no. 10. Allen (R. A.) The diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases. 1 p. 1., 84 pp. 12°. London and New York, H. Bailliere, 1855. Allen (R. L.) A historical, chemical, and thera- peutical analysis of the principal mineral foun- tains at Saratoga Springs. 71 pp. 12°. Sara- toga Springs, B. Huling, 1844. -----. An analysis of the principal mineral foun- tains at Saratoga Springs. 113 pp. 12°. New York, Ross 4- Tousey, 1858. Allen (Samuel). * De rubeola. 24 pp. 8°. Edinb., R. Allan, 1809. [P., v. 384.] A[llen] (S[tephen]). An examination of the re- marks on the report of the commissioners ap- pointed by the legislature of New-York, on the 12th of April, 1824, to visit the state-prisons at New-York and Auburn, and the act proposed for regulating the same. 20 pp. 8°. New-York, J. C. Tottcn, 1826. [P., v. 602.] -----. Observations on penitentiary discipUne addressed to WilUam Roscoe esq. of Liverpool, Eng. 87 pp. 8°. New York, J. C. Totten, 1827. [P., v. 602.] Allen (Thomas). Plain directions for the preven- tion and treatment of cholera, vi, 5-40 pp. 8°. Oxford, J. Vincent, 1848. [Also, im: P., v. 810.] Allen (Timothy F.) Characeae Americana?. Part I. Chara gymnopus, A. Br., var. elegans, A. Br. 11., 1 col. pi. 4°. New York, [1879]. -----. Part II. Chara crinita, Wallr., var. Americana. 11., 1 col. pi. See, aho. Encyclopedia (The) of pure materia medica. 8°. New York, 1875-9.—IVew York Journal of Homoeopa- thy.—Baue (C. G.) Annual record of homoeopathic Utera- ture. roy. 8°. New York, [1872]. ----- & Norton (Geo. S.) Ophthalmic thera- peutics, x, 269 pp. 8°. Neiv York and Philadel- phia, Boericke 4- Tafel, 1876. Allen (WilUam)1. The substance of an address to the students at Guy's Hospital, at the close of the lectures on experimental philosophy. 32 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, et al., 1826. Allen (William)2. An address, occasioned by the death of Nathan Smith, first lecturer in the Medi- cal School of Maine at Bowdoin CoUege, delivered Allen (WilUam)8—continued. by appointment of the faculty of medicine. With appendix. 31 pp. 8°. Brunswick, G. Griffin, 1829. Allenberg. See Insane (Asylums for). Allcndorff (Franciscus). * De aegophonia. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1836]. Allenet (Leon). * Du climat des Antilles, et des precautions que doivent prendre les Europeens qui se rendent dans ces regions, vi, 7-34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 71, v. 179. Allentown. mortuary tables showing the number of deaths in the city of AUentown, from May 1,1875, to May 1,1876. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1876, xi, pt. 1, 216. Alleon (J. A.) * Essai sur l'hygiene de la pre- miere enfance. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 21, v. 170. des Alleurs (C.) Congres medical dc 1845. Lettre sur les meUleurs principes a adopter pour servir de base k Fetablissement de la nouvelle legislation qui doit regir l'enseignement et la pratique de la medecine en France. 21 pp. 8C. Paris, E. Bricrc, 1845. [Also, in: P., v. 407.] Allevard. Chataing (L. E.) * Des eaux minerales sulfu- reuses d'Allevard (Isere). 4°. Paris, 1849. Strohl. Recherehes sur le d6pot de l'eau sultureuso d'Allevard. Rec. de. mfm. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1860, 3. s., iii, 157-170.—Sulphurous (The) waters of AUevard- les-Bains. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 125. Alleweireldt (Joseph-Bruno). * Consideration sur les lesions mecaniques du cceur. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1807, No. 73, v. 67. Allexandrc (Charles-Eugene). * Considerations sur les abces dits metastatiques. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 325, v. 279. Alley (George). An essay on a peculiar eruptive disease arising from the exhibition of mercury. 2 p. 1., vi, 80 pp. 8°. Dublin, Gilbert and Hodqes, 1804. J ' Alley (James T.) The small doses of homoeo- pathy, confirmed by the teachings of physiology and pathology. 20 pp. 8°. New York, John T. S. Smith 4- Sons, 1860. Repr. from: Am. Homceop. Rev.. Alley (John Burroughs). Obituary notice of J. B. AUey. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1866, x, 156. AUeyne (J. S. B.) Introductory lecture deli- vered at the opening of the session 1865-6, of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. 18 pp. b°. St. Louis, Mo., Thco. Plate . Leipzig, Brcitkopf und Hartel. Continued as Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie. Allgemeines Journal fur medicinische und chi- rurgische Kenntnisse. Hrsg. von Armand Trous- seau, Jacob Lebaudy und Heinrich Gouraud. Ins Teutsche iibersetzt von G. F. Lochner. Heft 1-12, Jan.-Dec, 1834. 1 v. 296 pp., 12 pi. 8C. Paris und Niirnberg, Heideloffund Campe. A translation of: Journal des connaissances medico- chmirgicales, Paris, 1833, etc. Allgemeines Krankenhaus zu Miinchen. Ad- ministrativ-okonomischer Bericht aus dem aUge- meinen Krankenhause zu Miinchen. MitgetheUt vom Inspektor fur 1853-4. 8°. Miinchen, 1855. -----. Beobachtungen aus der medicinischen KUnik und Abtheilung des Professors von Gietl im . . . mit einer statistischen Uebersicht des Jah- res 1856-7, zusammengestellt von Albert Haug. Erstes Heft. 8°. Miinchen, 1860. AUgemeines Magazin fiir die Wundarzneywis- senschaft. See Magazin fiir die Wundarzney- wissenschaft, v. 3, 1801-3. Allgemeines Repertorium der gesammten deut- schen medizinisch-chirurgischen Journalistik. In Verbindung mit mehreren Mitarbeitern hrsg. von Carl Ferdinand Kleinert. [Monthly.] Jahrgang 1-21, 1827-47; und 6 Supplementar-Hefte, 3 Er- ganzungshefte, 4 Hefte Extrablatt, "Cholera ori- entaUs ", und 12 General-Register. 97 v. 8° and 2 v. 4°. Leipzig, Ch. E. Kollmann. Jan., 1837, 2. Decennium, new series, commenced. Klei- nert died Fob. 5, 1839, and H. W. Neumeister became edi- tor. Jan., 1840, title changed, as foUows: after Journali- stik, "mitBeriicksichtigunc des Neuesten und Wissens- wurdigsten aus der auslandischen medicinisch-chirurgi- ■ schen Journal-Literatur". Index for each year from 1827 to 1836 inclusive, one for 1837-9, one for 1840-1, one for each year 1842, 1843, and 1844. A supplement vol. for 1828 for 1829, for 1830-1, in 2 parts, and for 1833-4, in 2 parts; 3 Erganzungehefte lor 1835; 80 numbers, in 4 parts, bound'in 2 v., Extrablatt, "Cholera orientalis", Aug. 20, 1831—-July 29, 1833. In 1845, title chunked to: Neues Repcitorium, (etc.] 2 v. annuaUy, and became 4°. Alligator. See, also, Bites. Dowlcr (B.) Contributions to the natural history of the alUgator. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1846-7, ui, 311-330. Also, Reprint. -----. Natural history of the amphiumidse, 'with remarks on crocodUian hibernation and instinct. Ibid., 1859, xvi, 14-37.—Hair (P.) On the arrangement of tho muscular fibers of the alUgator. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1868, u, 26-41.—r.eC on te (J.) Experiments illus- trating the seat of voUtion in the alUgator. N. York J. M., 1845, v, 335-347. Allihn (Frid. Henr. Gottw. Reinh.) *De kali hydriodici effectibus atque usu. 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halce, C. Grunert, [1838]. Allihn (Joannes Christophorus Henricus). *" De moderando aqua? frigidae usu exteruo in diversis morbis curandis. 1 p. 1., 19 pp. 4°. Vitebei-gce, C. H. Grcessler, [1812]. For his Life, see Kletten (Geo. Ern.) AUin (Charles M.) Retro-pharyngeal abscess . . . with a statistical table of fifty-eight cases. 38 pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1851. Repr. from: N. York J. M. Ailing (Edward). * De l'absorption par la mu- i queuse vesico-ur6thrale. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1871, No. 3. I AUingham (WilUam). Fistula, hasmorrhoids, painful ulcer, stricture, prolapsus, and other diseases of the rectum, their diagnosis and treat- ment. 239 pp. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1871. v -----. The same. 2. ed., revised and enlarged. xv, 263 pp. 8°. London, J. 0!>.—Cumming (J.) Alopecia areata. Practitioner, Lond.. 1.^78 xx, 110-122.— Donct. Syphilis constitutionmlli : alopecie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1864, xxxvii, 25!).—Drysdale (C.) Alopekia areata, or tiuea decalvans, with remarks. J. Cutan. Med., Lond.. 1808-9, ii, 360-302.—Duckworth (D.) On the na- i tuieand treatment of porrigo decalvans [area Celsi]. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1872. viii, 140-170, 4 pi.—Dub- ring (L. A.) Pathology of alopecia areata. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, lx, 122-126. -----. Alopecia areata. Phila. M. Times, 1872, ii, 469. —Dulauricr (A. B.) Syphilis constitutionnelle; alopecie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1864, xxxvii, 310.—Elliuger (L.) Zur Aetiologie und i Alopecia. Propliylaxe der Alopecia prematura. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxvii, 549-554.—Finch (H.) The treat- ment of alopecia. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 101.—Fortina (F. M.) Caso singolare e forse unico di generale alopecia. Gior. anal. cU mecl., Milano, 1828, x, 308-312.— I'ouriiicr (A.) De l'alopecie, de l'onyxis et du perionyxis comme acci- dents de la periode secondaire dc la syphilis. Ann. de der- mat. ct syph., Par., 1872, iU, 12; 102.—Fox (T.) On alo- pecia areata and tinea tonsurans. Med. Tunes & Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 630.—F rod* liana (J. M.) On alopecia, . . . its varieties and treat ment. Mecl. Mirror. Loud., 1864, i, 408-413.—Gnskoi n (G.) Alopecia: vitiligo. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 642.—Gcigcl (A.) Area Celsi. Wiirzb. mecl. Ztschr., 1860, i, 295-299.—Cowers. Cases of universal alo- pecia and epilepsy. Mecl. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1878, U, 379.— Hardy. De l'alopecie. (Redigec par M. leDr. Caminski.),Par., 1804,xxxvii.389. Aho, transl.: Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864. 319-321.—Hillicr (T.) Is alopecia areata or tinea decalvans contagions .' Lancet, Lond., 1864, U, 374.— If ou* (('. i I'ebei Calvitn-s. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1832, i, 401-513.—Ilorand (A.) Consid6rations sur la na- ture et le traitement 1., 1 port., 558 pp., 23 1. 4°. Lugd, Batav., I. Severinus, 1733. -----. De praesagienda vita et morte aegrotan- tium. 2 v. xvi, 392, 635 pp. 8°. Nordlingce, 1828. ! In: Collectio opeiiun medicorum antiqniorum, v. 1-2. -----. De medicina methodica. Libri xiii. 424 | pp. fol. Patavii, F. Bolzettuin, 1611. j -----. Medicina .Egypt iorum. Accedunt huic ' AlpillUS (Prosper)—continued. editioni ejusclem auctoris libri de balsamo et rhapontico. Ut et Jacobi Bontii medicina indo- rum editio nova. 11 p. 1., 325 pp., 23 1., 6 pi.; 44 pp., 2 1.; 109 pp., 1 1., 25 pp. 4°. Lugduni Bat., ex off. Boutesteiniana, 1719. -----. De medicina .Egyptiorum. 2 v. in 1. viii, 362 pp.; 287 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Nordlingce, 1829. In: Collectio operum medicorum antiquiorum, v. 3-4. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Pbys. & Men of Sc, 7. Alps (The). See, also, Mont-Cenis; Mont-Saint-Bernard; Switzerland. Boerner (J.) *Das Alpdrucken, seine Be- grundung und Verhiitung. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1855. Pasteur (T.) * Essai sur la constitution physique et morale, le genre de vie et les mala- dies des habitans du Haut-Jura, precede" de quelques considerations sur le climat. 4°. Paris, 1820. Germain (C M.) Des causes d'insalubrite et de sterilite des terres dans la premiere vaUee longitudinale du Jura, et des movens de les faire cesser. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1850, xliv, 123-142.—Gillibcrt-d'Hcrcourt. Du climat des stations hivernales des Alpes-Maritimes. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1870, xliii, 446; 454; 457.—Smith (A.) CUmate of the Swiss Alps and of the Peruvian Andes compared. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xU, 339-353. Alpuente (Francois-Ruiz). *I. Des caracteres anatomiques de i'inflammation des tissus com- plexes, [etc.] 19 pp. 4°. Parts, 1840, No. 228, v. 352. Alquie (Constant). * Essai sur l'importance des signes diagnostiques et pronostiques. 30 pp. 8°. MontpelUer, Vve. Ricard, nee Grand, 1843. Alquie ([Jean] Alexis [Jacques]). [1812-64.] Precis de la doctrine me"dicale de l'e'cole de Mont- pellier. 3. e"d. 470 pp. 8°. Montpellier, chez Vauteur, 1843. -----. Cours el^mentaire de pathologie chirnrgi- cale d'apres la doctrine dc l'e'cole de Montpellier, profcss6 h la faculty de mddecine pendant le semestre d'6te" 1845. 236 pp., 3 ports. 8°. Montpellier, Ricard freres, 1845. -----. Protestation en faveur de l'e'cole de Mont- pellier [sur le manifesto de l'Hippocratisme mo- derne publi6 recemment par M. Cayol]. 29 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. M. aind, 1845. -----. De l'utilite' de I'anatomie selon l'e'cole de Montpellier. Discours prononce" a. l'ouverture d'un cours d'anatomie, en sa qualite" de chef des travaux anatomiques de la faculty. 41 pp. 8°. MontpelUer, Ricard freres, 1846. -----. * Des anus contre nature. 130 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, E. Bautruche, 1848. [Also, in: P., v. 755.] Concours pour une chaire de cUnique chirurgicalo. -----. Chirurgie conservatrice, et moyens de res- treindre Futility des operations. Avec dessins lithographies par l'auteur. 378 pp. 8°. Mont- pelUer, Ricard freres, 1850. -----. Clinique chirurgicale de I'h6tel-Dieu de Montpellier. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 565 pp., 1 1., xvi, 584 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel aim', 1852. -----. Etude mddicale et experimentale de l'homi- cide r6al ou siniul6 par strangulation, relative- ment aux attentats dont Maurice Roux a 6te" l'objet. 136 pp. 8C. Montpellier, Coulet 4" Ricard freres, 1864. See, also, Annales cUniques de MontpelUer; Berne therapeutique du midi. For his Obituary, see Montpel. med., 1865, xv, 394. Alquie (Jean-Dominique). Durand (A.) Esquisse n6crologioue sur le Dr. J.-D. Alquie''. Rec. de m6m. de ni(i . . . mil., Par., 1868, 3. e., xxi, 85-90.—Durand-Fardcl. Hommage a la memoire du docteur Alquic. Union med., Par., 1869, vii, 1-5. ALQUIEE. 205 ALTHAUS. Alquier (Gustave). * De Panesthe'sie cutanee et de sa valeur semiologique. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 132. Alquier (Jules). *De l'action physiologique de l'acide cyanhydrique. 48 pp., 1 1. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1875, No. 13. Alric (L.) * Quelques considerations sur certains 6panchements pleure'tiques. 56 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 18. Alruz (Joannes Wilhelmus). * De arthritido. 24 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, A. Elzevier, 1702. Alsace-Lorraine. See, also, Breisach (New); Colmar; Geis- polzheim; Hagenau; Lorraine; Metz; Miil- hausen; Sarreguemines; Schelestadt; Stras- bourg; Thionville. Sebizius (M.) * Diss, de acidulis, sectiones duas: in quarum pri ore agitur de acidulis in genere: in posteriore vero de Alsatiae acidulis in specie. 12°. Argentorati, 1627. Boeckcl (T.) M6teorologie et constitution medicale dn dfipartement du Bas-Khin. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1864, Ui, 297-325.—Ctttel. Der Gesundheitszustand im Elsass wahrend des Jahres 1875. Arch. f. offentl. Gsndhts- pflg., Strassb., 1876, i, 80-128. -----. ... fur das Jahr 1876. Ibid., 45-55.—Hcyfelder. Genius der Krank- heiten, welche im franzosischen Moseldepartement in den Jahren 1823 und 1824 geherrscht haben. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1825, x, 2. Th., 120- 127.—lianglois. Analyse de quelques eaux minerales du ddpartement de la MoseUe. Bee. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1853, 2. s., x, 347-352.—Mnscnlus. Sur deux nouveUes sources d'eau min6rale recemment d6cou- vertes en Alsace. Mem. Soc. dem6d.deStrasb.,1878, xiv, 105- 110.—Schiitzenberger (C.) Du recrutement du corps „ medical de 1'Alsace-Lorraine. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1878, xxxvU, 97-107.—Stoeber (V.) & Tourdes (G.) Etude medicale sur rhydrographie du departement du Bas-Khin. Ibid., 1860, xx, 100; 113.—Tourdes (G.) Kapport sur los epidemies qui ont regne en 1864 clans le d6partement du Bas-Bhin. Ibid., xxv, 213-218.—Wasserfuhr (H.) Die neue Organisation der Medicinalverwaltung in Elsass- Lothringen. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 1873, v, 215-221. -----. Die Organisation der Sterblichkeitsstatistik in Elsass-Lothringen. Ibid., 1875, vU, 356-361. -----. Der Gesundheitszustand in Elsass- Lothringen wahrend des Jahres 1876-7. Arch. f. offentl. Gsndhtspflg., Strasb., 1877, U, 79-150: 1878, Ui, 8-82. Alsaliaravius. See Albucasis. Alsberg (Julius). * Untersuchungen iiber die Stellung der Wasserstoffatome im Benzol. 32 pp. 8:i. Gottingen, W. Fr. Kaestner, 1870. c. Alscher (Carolus). *Exemplorum empyematis graviorum V enarratio utque exphcatio. 31 pp. 8°. Regiomonti, typ. Dalkoicskianis, 1855. c. Alsi (Hassan El). * Ueber die Euhr. 47 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 1854. Alsidium. Palmer (B.) Alsidium BlbdgettU in consumption and scrofulous diseases. N. York M. Times, 1856, v, 391. Alsinet (D. .T»ao+-i x^,,^ ■™pHiiniu m||i....."jl Alston (Charles). Lectures on the materia me- dica : containing the natural history of drugs, their virtues and doses . . . and an appendix on the method of prescribing. Published ... by John Hope. 2 v. 544, 584 pp., 101. 4°. London, E. and C Dilly, 1770. Alstonia. Kalb (J. C.) Alstonia constricts, the AustraUan fever tree. Eclec. M. J., Cincin., 1879, mmt, 311-313. Alston iTIoor. Ewart (W.) Notes on the medical topography of Alston Moor. Med.-Chir. Review, Lond., 1841, n. 8., xxxv. 289-294. Alt (Ottocar). *De haematomate auriculae. 42 pp. 1-°. Halis Saxonum, typ. Ploetzianis, 1849. c. Alt (Paulus). * De ulcere ventriculi chronico. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1864]. Alt (Xaverius). * De hydrophobia. 25 pp. 12°. Landishuii, F. S. Storno, 1818. VII dori'. See Education (Medical). Altdorfer (Alex.) *Deorcheopyosi. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Natorffianis, [18:57]. Altdorfer (Max). * Experimcntalstudie iiber den Einfluss des Oeles auf die Blutcirculation des Frosches. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1875. Altemaire (Louis). * Contribution h l'6tude des troubles p6riphe"riques de sensibilit6 survenant dans le cours de la tuberculose chronique. 63 pp. 4\ Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 122. Altenburg: (Christianus Gottlieb). *De oligo- chymiae differentiis. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Breitkopfia, 1771. For his Life, see Hose (Ernestus Gottlob). Altenburg* (Frideric Hammer). See Bartholinus (Th.) SpicUegium secundum, [etc.] sm. 4°. Hafnioe, [1660]. Altenburg, Austria. Kreuziger. Der Kurort Deutsch-Altenhurg in Xieder-Oesterreich. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1852, ii, 262. Altenburg*, Saxe-Altenburg. See, also, Aerztlicher Kunstverein; Edu- cation (Medical); Naturforschende Gesell- schaft des Oberlandes zu Altenburg. Winkler. Bemerkungen iiber die in Altenburg im Jahr 1800 geherrschten Krankheiten. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1801, 5-13. -----. Beitrage zur Geschichte der diesjahrigen Herbstkrankheiten zu Altenburg. Ibid., 1802, 173-176.-----. Bemerkungen iiber einige Krankheiten die im Verlanfe des gegenwartigen Jahres beobachtet wurden. Ibid., 1803, 177-187. Altendorf (Michel). * Uber die Wirkung der Intercostalmuskeln. 27 pp. 8C. Greifswald, Carl Sell, 1876. Alterants. Fuchsius (T. B.) *Do medicamentorum alte- rantum natura, usu et abusu. sm. 4°. Jence, 1733. Gtjstin (L.) * Quelques considerations sur la medication alte'rante. 4°. Paris, 1864. Hebenstreit (J. E.) ... de alterantibus. Spec. xxxi. 4°. Lipsice, 1752. RjESCH (G. S.) *De alterantibus et specificis in genere. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1703]. Aho, in: Halleb, Disp. ad morb., vii. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1711. Brunton (T. L.) On the action of alteratives. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1876, xvu, 189-199.—Chipley (W. S.) General remarks on alterative medicines. "West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle, 1851, 3. s., vU, 93-104. — Eisenmann. Beitrage zur Lehre der alterirenden oder umstinimenden HeUmethode. Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Miinchen, 1841, ui, 17-69.—Higgins. Note sur l'emploi des alterants dans les maladies aigues. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1859, lvi, 183-189.—Boss (J.) On the action of alteratives. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xvii, 336-342.—Therapeutical (On the) appUcation of alterants, and the rules which should be observed in their administration, by L. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xui, 93-104. Alt ha ill (G.) *I. Determiner s'il existe dans la forme, dans la coloration, dans la disposition de l'eruption, des caracteres qui permettent toujours de distinguer la syphilide, [etc.] 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 190, v. 383. Altham (Richard). * Propositions de mddecine. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 118, v. 297. Althamer (Gregorio). See de Hildenbrand (Joh. Valent. Nob.) Del tifo contagioso con alcune considerazioni, [etc.] 8°. Napoli, 1822. Altbaus (Guilelmus). * De elephantiasi Arabum. 28 pp. 8°. Halis, typ. Orphanotrophei, 1860. c. Altnaus (Julius). A treatise on medical elec- tricity, xvi, 352 pp. 8°. London, Ti-iibner 4" Co., 1859. -----. Cases treated by faradisation. 16 pp. 8°. London, Triibner 4" Co., 1861. [Also, in: P., v. 524, 812.] ALTHAUS. 206 ALTITUDE. Althaus (Julius)- -----. The same. -continued. 2. ed. 16 pp. 8°. London, 494 pp. 8°. London, Triibner 4" Co., 1862. On paralysis, neuralgia, and other affec- Triibner 0. -----. De monstris quibus extremitates superiluae suspense sunt commentatio. Comment, de mon- strorum duplicium origine atque evolutione altera pars. Accedit index monstrorum duplicium, qua) in collectione anatomica Halensi asservantur. 70 pp., 1 pi. 4G. Halis Saxonum, E. Anton, 1853. Altona. See, also, Hospitals* (Descriptions and reports of); Hospitals (Maternity); Hospitals (Mili- tar g). Behre (G. J.) Die Krankheitsconstitutionen Altona's vom Jahre 1838, nach eigenen in der Praxis gemachten Beobachtungen. Mitlh. a. d. Gebiete cl. Med., etc., Altona, 1839-40, vU, 3.-4. Hit., 53-75.— Jahres-Tabelle der Geburts- und SterbUchkeitsverhaltnisse der Stadt Altona wahrend des Jahres 1876. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes., Berl., 1877, i, BeUage no. 23.—Manicns. Bemerkungen zur Geschichte una Aetiologie einiger in den beiden letzten Decennien beobachteter epidemischer Krankheiten. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc., Altona, 1837-8. v, 3.-4. Hft., 1-32.—Wallichs. reberaicht der Geburts- und Sterbhchkeits-Verhaltnisse der Stadt Altona im Jahre 1877. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes., Berl., 1878, U, BeUage no. 17. Altorf. See, also, Education (Medical). Beheim (G. C.) De hiemis nuperae prater ordinem mitis ac temperatae causis conjecture physicae. 4?. Altorphii Noric., 1724. Zeltner (G. G.) De salubritate Altorfii Xori- coruni. 4^. Altorfii, lit. J. G. Meyeri, [1743]. Altschuhl (Elias). *Descorbuto. vi, 7-23 pp. 8°. Pesthini, typ. Trattner-Edrolyianis, 1832. Altschul. Systematisches Lehrbuch der theore- tischen und praktischen Homeopathic, nach den an der k. k. Prager Universitat offentlich gehal- tenen Vorlesungen bearbeitet. xviii, 1 p. 1., 372 pp. 8°. Sondershausen, F. A. Eupel, l^of*. See, aho, Prager Monatsschrift fur theorctische und praktiBche Homeopathic. Altschul (Adolf). Statistischer Sanitats-Bericht Sr. Majestiit Kriegs-Marine fur das Jahr 1871. Im Auftrage des k. k. Reichs-Kriegs-Ministeriums (Marine-Section), roy. 8-. Wien, J. B. Wallis- hausser, 1873. -----. The same. Fiir die Jahre 1^72 und 1 *73. roy. 8°. Wien, 1874-5. -----. Tho same. Fiir das Jahr 1874. roy. K~. Wien, 1876. Altschul (Gustav). *Das rhachitische Becken. 21 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1863. c. Altstrelitz. Hanius. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Constitntion der Stadt Altstrelitz im Mecklenburgschen und die wich- tigsten Krankheiten, welche im Sommer 1811 dort herrschten. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1812, u, 139-167. Altwasser. Rohxcke (8.) *De acidulis Veteraquensibus in Silesia. Vulgo Altwasser Sauer-Brunnen. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1731]. Etvvas iiber die Mineralbiider zu Altwasser in Schlesien. Von M . . . Arch. f. mecl. Erfahr., Berl., 1812, i, 351-356 — Hinze (A.) Ueber die "Wirkungen der eisenbaltigen Quellen zu Altwasser, in verschiedehen chronischen Krank- heitsformen. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1817, xiv, 3. St., 56- 78.—Rau (L.) Bade- unci Brunnenbericht von Altwasser iiber cUe Saison 1835-6. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. HeUq. u. See- bader. Berl., 1836, i, 139-148: 1837, ii. 235-247. -----. Die HeUqueUen zu Altwasser in Schlesien, in ihrem jetaigen ALTWASSER. 208 ALVARENGA. Altwasser. Zustande. Berl. med. Centr.-Ztg., 1834, Ui, 207-211.-----. Der Kurort Altwasser in Schlesien. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1853, iv, 205. Also: AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1858, xxvii, 233. Alt Weill (Johannes). *De febre quartana. 28 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Erfordice, typ. Groschianis, [1687]. Aluison (S.) * Essai statistique sur la patho- ge"nie de la folie. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 157. Alum. See, also, Bread (Adulteration of); Colic (Lead, Treatment of). Brinckmann (J. P.) *De alumine. 4°. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1765. Heisenius (H.) *De alumine. 4°. Rintelii, [1748]. Hottenroth (C. W.) * De aluminis usu thera- pcutico. 4°. Lipsice, [1838]. Khvon (J. F. M.) *De alumine. 4°. Altorfi, [1715]. Leonhardi (J. G.) ... suae de pyrophro alu- minari theorise vindicias exhibet. 4°. Vite- bergce, [1789]. Lindt (J. L.) * De aluminis virtute medica. 4°. Gottingce, [1784]. Seydler (G. C. L.) *De alumine ejusque usu medico. 4°. Lipsice, [1772]. Steinhauser (F. M.) * Experimcnta Margra- fiaua, de terra aluminis. 8°. Vindobonce, [1777]. Burow. Ueber die "Wirkung der essigsauren Thonerde iu verschiedenen Krankheiten. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 147; 155.—UelioUx de Savignac. Alun. Diet. encvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, iii, 441-403.— Delmas (E.) De l'emploi del'alun. J. Soc. demed.-prat. deMontpel., 1840. i, 341-352.—O. (R. N.) Is alumina a desirable or healthful constituent of our daily food ? N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1879, n. s., vi, 805-809.—Gaatier. De l'emploi de l'alun dans le traite- ment des maladies des organes genitanx do la femme. Abeille med., Par., 1855, xii, 92-94. Also: Rev. med. chir. de Par., 1855, xvii, 13-17.—Homolle. De l'emploi thdra- peutique externe du sulfate simple d'alumine et du sulfate dalumine et de zinc. Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s.,jx, 233 ; 258. Lynch (M. H.) Remarks on the exhibition of sul- phate of alumina and potass. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1841, ii, 162-164.—Magnus (H.) & Friiukel (E.) Ueber die Anwendung des reinen Alarms iu Substanz bei Schlcim- hauterkrankunsien. Breslau. lerztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 53; 65.— Mauzctte. Effet abortif d'un morceau d'alun dissous par m£garde dans une tassc de cafe. J. de med. ct chir. prat., Par., 1871, 3. s., xiii, 23-25.—Orfila. Questions medico- 16gales relatives k l'alun calcine. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1829, xix, 514-523. -----. Rapport et experiences sur lea effets de l'alun. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1829, l, 235-256.—Pen- nypacker (M. J.) Sulphate of alumina as an antiseptio and detergent, Med. Exam., Phila., 1843, vi, 63.—S. Beniitzung der essigsauren Thonerde zur Herstellung von Verbandgegenstanden, etc., und deren Anwendung. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 50.—Schlesier. Zur Pharmakodynamik des Alauns. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vU, 233-235.—Smith (T. C.) Sulphate of alum as an antiseptic. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1871, xxiv, 409.—Word. [Case of taenia solium dislodged by use of alum.] Atlanta M. & S. J., 1866, vU, 170. AI ii an (Toxicology of). Ilicquet. Relation medico-legalo d'un cas d'empoison- nement par l'alun. Bull. Soc. do med. leg. de Par., 1871, ii, 428-440. Also: Aun. d'hyg., Par., 1873, xxxix, 192-204.— Preaomption d'empoisonnement par l'alun. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1832, viii, 180-198. Aluminium. See, also, Chloralum. Taylor (W. J.) Aluminium. The progress in its manufacture. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, PhUa., 1857. Blake (J.) On the physiological action of the salts of beryUium, aluminium, lythium and cerium. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1876, x, 478-483.—Harrison (C. H. R.) The tannate of alumina. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, Ui, 522.— Joux (A.) Essai de l'aluminium dans le traitement du cancer. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 151.—Mallet (J. W.) On aluminum nitride, and the action of metaUic alu- minum upon sodium carbonate at high temperatures. J. Chem. Soc. Loud., 1876, ii, 349-354. Aho, Reprint.—San. torn (A. E.) Chloride of aluminium as an antiseptic. Ibid., 1871, U, 20. Alumni Association of the Chicago Medical Col- lege. Constitution of the Alumni Association of the Chicago Medical College. Organized March 5, 1867. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, R. Fergus' Sons, 1868. [Imperfect.] -----. Papers... 1st. Prof. Bridges' address. 2d. Necrologist's report. 23 pp. 8°. Chicago, J. J. Spalding 4- Co., 1872. Alumni Association of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. (Organized May 24, 1871.) Annual reports of tho secretary of the Alumni Association of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, for the years 1871-2,1873- 4, 1876 (1st, 3d, 5th). 8°. New York, 1872-6. Constitution and by-laws with first annual report. RoU of members with third annual report. Alumni Association of the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. An- nual reunion of the Alumni Association of the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. 5th (1876). 65 pp. 8°. [New York, 1876.] -----. See, also, Elliot (G. T. jr.) Address delivered before the alumni of the medical department of the Uni- versity of the City of New York. 8°. New York, 1868. Mathews (J. M.) An address before the Asso- ciation of the Alumni of the University of the City of New York. 8°. New York, 1856. Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Annual reports of the Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Phar- macy. 43 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [n. d. ] -----. The same. 1st, 6th, 8th, 14th, (1865-78). 8°. Philadelphia, 1865-78. Alumni Association of Rush Medical College, Chicago. Proceedings of the Alumni Association of Rush Medical CoUege, Chicago, 1879. 32 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1879. Alumni Society of the University of Nash- ville. Bell (J.) An address delivered at Nashville, T., October 5th, 1830, being the first anniversary of the Alumni Society of the University of Nash- ville. 8°. Nashville, 1830. Alumnus (An). The new test act; a recent conspiracy against the medical practitioners of homoeopathy and the public, by the college of physicians and the faculty of medicine: consi- dered in a letter to the patrons of the university. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Hogg, 1851. [P., v. 687. Alvarado (Ign.) See liar rev (Hippolyte). Rapport sur un memoire, [etc.] 8°. Parh, 1868. Alvarado (Pablo). Alvarado (J. P.) Necrologia cientiflca de Pablo Al- varado. [1825-76.] Cr6n. oftal., Cadiz, 1877, vi. 252; 269; 282. Alvarenga (Pedro Francisco da Costa). Anato- mie pathologique et symptomatologie de la fievre jaune qui a r6gne" h Lisbonne en 1857. Traduit du Portugais par P. Gamier. 190 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1861. -----. Parecer de alguns medicos estrangeiros e nacionaes aoerca da anatomia pathologica e symptomatologia da febre amarella em Lisboa no anno de 1857. 48 pp. 8°. Lisboa, imprensa na- cional, 1862. -----. Consul erations et observations sur l'6poque de l'occlusion du trou ovale et du canal arte"riel. 44 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, imprimerie nationale, 1869. [P., v. 791.] -----. De l'importance dc la statistique en me'de- cine. Traduit du Portugais par le docteur Lucien ALYAREXGA. 209 AMADOR. Alvarenga (Pedro Francisco da Costa)—cont'd. Papillaud. 32 pp. 8;. Lisbonne, Academie royale des sciences, 1869. ■-----. Remarques sur les ectocardies h propos d'une variete* encore non de'crite, la trochocardie. Traduit du Portugais par le Dr. A. Marchant. 6* pp. 8'. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1869. -----. De l'utilitd de l'histoire de la mddecine. Discours prononce' h la stance solennelle d'ouver- ture de l'e'cole m6dico-chirurgicale de Lisbonne, lo 5 octobro 1869. Traduit du Portugais par le doctcur Van den Corput. 21 pp. 8°. Anvers, J. E. Buschmann, 1869. -----. Anatomie pathologique des perforations cardiaques a. propos d'une observation de com- munication interauriculaire, interventriculaire et pulmo-aortique avec trochocardie. Traduit du Portugais par le docteur Lucien Papillaud. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1871. -----. Anatomie pathologique et pathogenic des communications entre les cavites gauches du cceur. Traduit du Portugais par E. L. Bertherand. 105 pp. 8°. Marseilles, Barlatier-Feissat pere et fils, 1*72. ^ -----. Du silicate de potasse dans le traitement de l'eryaipele . . . Traduit du Portugais par le docteur E. L. Bertherand. 54 pp. 8°. Lisbonne, [n.p.], 1876. -----. Lecons cliniques sur les maladies du cceur, principalement au point de vue de la valeur se"m6i- ologique du retard du pouls, du double souffle et de la double vibration des arteres . . . Traduit du Portugais par le docteur E. Bertherand. xiv, 361 pp. 8~. Lisbonne, impr. de VAcademie royale des sciences, 1878. -----. La propylamine, la trime'thylamine et leurs sels studies au point de vue pharmacologique et therajieutique. Traduit du Portugais par E. Mauriac. 135 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1879. See, aho. Gazeta medica de Lisboa.—Niemcyer (Paul). Compendio de percussao, [etc.] 8°. Lisboa, 1874.— Travaux (Ses); fonctions qui lui ont 6t6 confiees; dis- tinctions dont il a et6 honore. Notice basee eur les docu- ments officiels ct sur les analyses bibUograpbiques de la presse medicale nationale et 6trangere. Traduit en Fran- cais par Dr. Henri Alm6s. 8°. Lisbonne, 1877. Alvares dos Sanctos (Luiz). Qual 6a accao da dedalcira nas diversas molestias em que e em- pregada ? 3 p. 1., 58 pp. 4°. Bahia, Aljube, 1871. Concurso para a cadeira de materia medica e terapeutica. Alvarez (German Martinez). See Semanario farmaceutico. Alvarez (Jose"). * Des disinfectants dans l'hy- giene publique et dans la thdrapeutique. 38 pp. 4-. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 120. Alvarez (Manuel). See Aspiracion (La) me'- dica ; Memorial de sanidad del ejercito y armada. Alvarez (Thotnaz) & Garcia de Salzedo. lit'copilaeao das cousas que convem guardarse no modo de preservar a cidade de Lisboa: E os saos, & curar os q estener<5 enfermos de peste. vi, 68 pp., 2 1. 16°. Lisboa, S. Carvalho, 1598. Bound with: Advertexcias ... da peste. Lisboa, 1801. Alvarez y Alvarez (Juan). See Revista de sanidad militar espaiiola. Alvarez de JLinera (Antonio). *De l'ichthy- ose. 91pp. 4. Paris, 1*7 *, No. 315. Alvaro (F. M.) See Siglo (El) in6dico. Alvellos (Francisco de Paula). *Pustula ma- ligna e seu tratamento. 20 pp., 11. 4°. Bahia, typog. do ''Diario", 1872. Alveolus (Abscess of). See Abscess (Alveolar). Alveolus (Absorption of). Cruveilhier (E.) Resorption progressive de la partie alveolaire des maxUlaires superieurs. BuU. Soc. de chir., Par., 1872. 3. s., i. 31. Alveolus (Diseases of). See Jaws (Diseases of). u Alveolus (Fracture of). Climber (C. G.) VoUstiindiger Abbruch dos ganzen Zahnfortsatzes vom Korper des Oborkiefers. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. n. Geburtsh., Leipz., I860, xiv, 174-176.—Eie- vison (J. L.) Disease of the antrum produced by fracture of the alveolus. Med. Times, Lond., 1848, xviU, 222. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 13. Alves (Antonio Mouteiro). * Febre amarella. 4 p. 1., 32 pp., 21. 4°. Bahia, J. G. Tourinho, 1871. Alves (Joannes). * De prsesagiis ex respiratione in morbis acutis. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. sm. 4°. Edin- burghi, apud T. 4' W. Ruddimannos, 1753. Alves (Joaquim Jose). See Jornal da Sociedade pharmaceutica lusitana. Alves da Silva (Ant.) * La fievre typhoide est une maladie inflammatoire dans la premiere p6- riode, septicemique dans la seconde. Son traite- ment doit etre antiphlogistique pour la premiere pdriode, antiseptique pour la seconde. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 230, v. 466. Alves de Sousa (Antonio). Memoria sobre a hydrophobia rabica. 1 p. 1., 109 pp., 1 1. 8°. Coimbra, 1867. Alvetanus (Cornelius). Epistola de conficiendo divino elixire, sive lapide philosophico. Theateum chemicum, v, 501-507. Alvim (Joviniano Reginaldo). * Qual 6 o melhor tratamento da phtisica pulmonar? 2 p. 1., 24 pp., 11. 4°. Bahia, J. G. Tourinho, 1870. Alvin (Julien-Alexandre-Isidore). * De la prophy- laxie de la petite verole. 74 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pellier, imp. de Gras, 1866, No. 1. c. Aly-el-Bagly (Mohamed). *De l'ophthalmie externe et de ses principales varie'te's. 65 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 399, v. 318. Alyon. Saggio sulle propriety medicinali del l'ossigeno, e sull'applicazione di questo principio nelle malattie veneree ... 2. ed. Prima tradu- zione itaUana. 216 pp. 12°. Venezia, S. Valle, 1801. Alyschewsky. Aerztlicher Bericht des St. Georg's-Vereins. 62 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1875. Alzola. Banm termo-medicinales de TTrberoaca de Alzola, en la provincia de Guipuzcoa. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1851, 2. s., ii, 227.—Principe (L.) Cuatro pala- bras sobre los bafios de Alzola. Siglo m6d.. Madrid, 1858, v, 270.—de Urquiola (V.) De la ntUidad de las aguas de Al- zola en las enfermedades de las viaa urinarias. Ibid., 1864, xi, 406. -----. De la utUidad de las aguas minerales de Al- zola, en algunas de las enfermedades que tienen su asiento en el aparato urinario. Ibid., 1870, xvU, 425; 457. Amabile (Luigi). Studio su' corpi mobili ar- ticolari. 83 pp., 21., 3 pi. 8°. Napoli, Domenico de Pascale, 185*. Repr. from: Filiatre-sebezio, NapoU, xxvui, fasc. 335, 336, e 337. ----- & Virniccni (Tommaso). Sulle solu- zioni di continuo dell intestino e sul loro go- verno. 295 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Napoli, fratelli de Angelis, 1859. ------------. De neoplasmi o nuove formazioni organizzate nella loro struttura genesi ed evolu- zione. Lezioni orali raccolte o corredate di figure, tratte dalle preparazioni e dimostrazione esibite in proposito a cura di Antonio Giannone. 238 pp., 3 1., 2 tav. 8°. Napoli, tipog. di T. Cottrau, 1860. Repr. from: Morgagni, NapoU, iU. Amadieu (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur la pneu- monie aigue, conside"re"e dans son e"tat de shnpli- cit6. viii, 9-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 25, v. 204. d'Amador (Risueno). Discours sur cette ques- tion, qu'est-ce que la pathologie generale? pro- nonce" le 8 Avril 1838. 92 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1*3*. -----. Des decouvertes en me'decine. 40 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Boehm 4" Co., 1843. AMADOU. 210 AMATUS. Amadou. licveille (D.) Remarques sur l'amadou. Kev. med. franc, et Strang., Par,, 1854, U, 137-149. A ill a gat (A. L.) * Etude sur les diffe'rentes voies d'absorption des medicaments. 129 pp. 4U. Paris, 1873, No. 77. -----. The same. Reprint. 130 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1873. -----. * Caracteres communs ct differentiels des animaux et des ve"g6taux inf^rieures. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878 Concours pour l'agregation (section des sciences natu- relles). Amalgam. Wethcrill (C. M.) Experiments with the ammonium amalgam. Am. J. Sc. &. Arts, New Haven, 1865, 2. 8., xl, 160-165. Aho, Keprint. Amalgams (Dental). See, also, Dentistry. Bogtje (E. A.) The physical properties and pathological action of dental amalgams. 8°. [n. p.], 1875. Hitchcock (T. B.) The physical properties of dental amalgams. 8°. [n. p.], 1875. Bond (T. E.) Dr. Trenor and amalgam. N. Tork J. M., 1848, x, 328-332.—Coale. Sore mouth from flUing a tooth with zinc paste. Boston M. & S. J., 1860, lxiU, 363.— Flagg (J. F.) MetalUc pastes for fining teeth. Ibid., 1843, xxix, 382-384.—Payne (J.) Poisoning from corro- sive sublimate generated in the mouth from amalgam plugs in the teeth. Chicago M. J., 1873, xxx, 397.—Tomes (C. S.) On the chemical and physical properties of amalgams. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1871-2, 2. s., iv, 135-159— Trenor (J.) Observations on amalgam and other mate- rials used as flUing for defective teeth, with cases. N. York J. M., 1847, ix, 354-363. Amalric (Leon-Victor). * Blessures de l'appa- reil cristallmien. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 10. Amalric (M.-E.-F.-Xavier). *I. De l'efficacit6 des preparations d'or dans le traitement des syphi- lides, tetc] 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 227, v. 383. Amaltneum Castello-Brunonianum, sive lexi- con medicum, primum a Bartholom«o Castello Messanensi inchoatum, ab aliis etiam continua- tum . . . cura et studio Jac. Pancratii Brunonis. 1 port. (Brunonis), 9 p. 1., 939 pp. 4°. Norim- bergce, J. D. Tauber, 1688. Aman (Hans Malte). *Fors (L.) *Des amblyopies sans Lision a l'ophthalmoseope. 4°. Paris, 1873. Borthwick (G. A.) *Deamaurosi. 8°. Edin- burgi, K>8. Catljx (Y.-M.) 'Dissertation sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1832. Chesxox (C.) 'Dissertation sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1829. Clave (L. E.) 'Essai sur l'amaurose. 4C. Paris, le?52. Colin (L.) * De l'amaurose. 4°. Strasbourg, 1852. *' Crampton (J.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1793. Crumpe (F.) * De amaurosi complectens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. Daiminger(A.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Wurce- burgi, 1820. Danfert (F.-H.-A.) 'Considerations theo- riques et pratiques sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1835. Deval (C.) Traits de l'amaurose ou de la goutte-sereine. 8°. Paris, 1851. -----. Abhandlung iiber die Amaurose oder den schwarzen Staar. In's Deutsche iibertragen von Dr. J. Herzfelder. 8°. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1853. —----. De l'atfaiblissement de la vue et de la ce'cite' dans l'amaurose ou goutte-sereine et dans la cataracte. 8°. Paris, 1855. Diaxoux (E.) *Du scotome scintillant ou amaurose partielle temjiorarre. 4°. Paris, 1875. -----. The same. 8-. Paris, 1875. Drapier (J. A. P.) *De amauroseos causis, semeiologia et curatione. 4°. Paris, 1825. Driol (F.) * Dissertation sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1820. Dubois (L.-E.) 'Dissertation sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1825. Dupourque (M.-P.) * Dissertation sur l'amau- rose. 4°. Paris. 1830. Engler (E. A.) 'Amauroseos nosologia et therapia. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1823. Ernon (T. J. P.) *De amaurosi. 4°. Argen- tina:, 1764. Fablxi (J. T.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Viennce, 1816. ' Fyffe (A.) * Qusedam de amaurosi, continens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1818. Girard (H.) * Quelques considerations sur une varied de l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1836. Amaurosis {including Amblyopia). Glossxer (A.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Augustce Vindel., 1W. Goergens(J.) 'UeberAmblyopic. 8°. Bonn, [1874]. Goujon (J. B.) *De l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1853. Haener (A.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Berolini, 1849. Hart (E.) On some of the forms of disease of the eye constituting the condition commonly called amaurosis. 8°. London, 1864. Hocken (E. O.) A treatise on amaurosis and amaurotic affections. 8°. London, 1840. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1842. Hoarau (L. J.) 'Dissertation sur l'amau- rose. 8°. Paris, an X[ 1802]. Jouet (P.-G.) *De l'amaurose au point de vue pratique. 4°. Paris, 1849. Kaix (A.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Pestini, 1836. Koexig (F.) * De retinsB ac partis anterioris nervi optici mutationibus evidentibus in amau- rosi. 8°. Bounce, 1838. Korb (J. F. G.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Gcet- tingce, 1872. Kuettge (A.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Berolini, 1843. de Labiche (P. M. A.) *De l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1848. Laub(C.) *De amaurosi. sm. 4°. Jence, 1705. Le Jemble (E.-L.) *De l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1847. Lesser (J.) *De amaurosi nervosa. 8°. Berolini, [1848]. Maguire(P.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Mahir (G. A.) 'Additamenta pathologico- therapeutica ad cognitionem morborum appa- ratus nervosi visus, eorumque signi dignissimi amauroseos. 8°. Monachi, 1839. Marchal (C.-F.) 'Considerations generates sur le diagnostic et le traitement des affections amaurotiques. 4°. Paris, 1850. Menuau (F. C.) *I. Histoire anatomique de l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1840. Messer (A.) A probationary essay on am- aurosis. 8°. Edinburgh, 1826. Mollien (E. L. Z.) 'Essai sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1827. Keuhoff (J. F.) *De amaurosi. 4°. Vite- bergce, 1806. Nootnagell (D.) * De amaurosi. 4°. Er- langce, [1776]. Novak (J. S.) *De amaurosi ejusque specie- bus et varietatibus. 8°. Pestini, 1816. Oehme (J. B. G.) * Gratiosi medicorum ordi- nis consensu de amaurosi. 4°. Lipsice, [1748], Aho, in: Hallee, Disp. chir., U, 265. Pendele (J.) * De amaurosi. 4°. Monachii, 1829. Perroud (A.) 'Dissertation sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1824. Ropton (P. L.) 'Essai sur l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1822. Ross (A.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Edinburgi, 1754. Safer (I.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Vindobonce, 1826. Schnorr (J. H.) *De cognoscenda curanda- que amaurosi. 8C. Halce, [1818]. Schweikert (J. G.) *Deamaurosi. 8J. Bero- lini, [1839.] Seitz(F.) *De amaurosi. 8°. [n. p.], 1836. Soulacroix (A.) * De l'amaurose au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement. 4°. Paris, 1860. Stevexsox (J.) On the nature, symptoms, and treatment of the different species of amauro- sis. 8°. London, 1821. AMAUROSIS. 212 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (including Amblyopia). Strombsdorffer (J. A.) *De amaurosi uni- versim et de plethorica in specie. 8°. Landishuti, 1818. Suquet (P. R.) * De l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, 1837. Thurmayer(M.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Mona- chii, 1837. Trautmann (J. C. E.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Berolini, [1834]. Trnka de Krzowitz (W.) Historia amauro- seos, omnis aevi observata medica, continens. 8°. Vindobonce, 1781. Tyrell (M.) 'Nonnulla de amaurosi. 8°. Berolini, [1832]. Vernay (A.) * De l'amaurose, au point de vue pratique. 4°. Paris, 1852. Vigier (E\ J.) 'Essai sur l'amaurose, con- sidered comme symptOme. 4°. Paris, 1827. Wixkler(B. A.) 'Deamaurosi. 8°. Berolini, [181M]. Wright (W.) *De amaurosi. 8°. Edinburgi, 1798. Ancelon (E. A.) Note sur l'amaurose. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1855, xxxiv, 240-246.—Berlin (R.) Amblyopien und Amaurosen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1863, xxxUi, 9; 17.—Berton (A.) Observations et reflexions sur l'amaurose. Gaz. m£d. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 469.—Bourland. Ricerche clinicho su la diagnosi diffe- renzialeed il trattamento speciale e metodico delle principaU specie di amaurosi raccolte neUa cUnica del dott. P6trequin. Gaz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1854, 3. 8., v, 153; 160.— Bowen (T. A.) Some observations on amaurosis, with illustrative cases. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1866, U, 364- 374.—Camerer. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie desjenigen schwarzcu Staars, welchen Beer das amaurotische Katzen- Auge ncnnt. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 328- 333.—Campbell (H. F.) Amaurosis. Tr. Med. Soc. Geor- gia, Penfield, 1852, Ui, 27-29.—Canstatt (C.) Reflexions sur l'amaurose. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1835, i, 135- 157. Aho: Ann. do med. beige, Brux., 1835, U, 205-212.— -----. Sui' la nature, lo si6ge et les causes de l'amaurose. BuU. Soc. do med. de Gand, 1835, i, 47-52.—Colsmann. Zur Diagnose, Prognose und Therapie der amblyopischen Atfectioneu. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1870, vU, 347; 371; 386.—Discussion sur l'amaurose. BuU. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1845, xi, 91-98.—Duval (H.) Theorie des etinceUes, des 6clairs, et autres apparences lumineuses qui se develop- Sent dans l'amaurose. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1848, xx, 3-17.— ''argues. Lesions anatomiques des affections autrefois confohdues sous le nom d'auiauroses. Rec. de mem, de mecl____mil., Par., 1866, 3. s., xvU, 369-388.—Follin (E.) Amaurose. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, Ui, 517- 545.—Galezowski. F>tude sur les amblyopies et les amauroses aphasiques. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1876, i, 641-652.—Cluck (I.) Clinical lectures on some of the principal diseases of the eye. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1854, l, 421-432: U, 5-22; 174-196. Aho, Reprint.—Gondinet. Observations et remarques sur l'amaurosis ou goutte- sereine, par cause externe, et sur les moyens les plus stirs d'y remedier. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1807, x, 169-187.—Goode (H.) On the diagnosis ancl relief of certain species of amblyopia. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1848, vUi, 711-714.—Grafe (A.) Zur Kasuistik des amaurotischen Katzenauges. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Erlang., 1863, i, 233-244.—von Graefe (A.) CUnical lectures on amblyopia and amaurosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1866, lxxiU, 349; 372; 394; 413; 433; 455; 472.—Gueneau de Mussy (N.) Contribution k l'6tudo pathologique et physiologique de l'amblyopie aphasique. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 129-142.—Hays (1.) Amaurosis. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1834, i, 321-336.—Herzenstcin (U.) Reflex-Amblyopie. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1879, Ui, 65.—Himly (K.) Bemerkungen iiber die Hauptarten der Amblyopic und Amaurose. Ophth. BibU- oth., Jena, 1804, ii, 3. St., 124-141.—Hirschberg (J.) Amaurosis congenita from microphtbalmus. Transl. by I. Furst. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1879-80, viii, 372.—Hjbrt (J. J.) Om Halvbliudhet (Amaurosis dimidiata). Eyr, Christiania, 1830, v, 293-308.—Hocken (E.) On amaurosis. Lancet, Lond., 1840-1, U, 7; 38; 153; 223; 357; 470; 534; 713; 775; 916: 1841, i, 349; 636. -----. Pathology of amaurosis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, xxv, 940-943: 1841, U, 499-504. -----. Amaurosis from an excess of circulat- ing blood affecting the visual nervous system gene- rally (hyperiEinial amaurosis). Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1842, lvii, 324-3.")6. -----. Amaurosis from pressure on the retina. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1842, ii, 235-257.— Jacob (A.) Amaurosis. Cycl. Pract. Med., PhUa., 1845, i, 78-89.—Knox (J. J.) On amaurosis, with cases. Glas- gow M. J., 1830, iU, 124; 342. — Lagel (A.) Amaurose bei einem Pferde bo- grundet durch eine Cyste in der Schadolhohle. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1863, ix, 3. St., 211-214— Nettleship (E.) Amaurosis with atrophy of discs and diminution of vessels, foUowed by general paralysis of the insane. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, ix, 178-180. -----. A case of sUght and variable amblyopia with occasional diplopia; tremors, vertigo; diagnosis:—cerebro-spinal disseminated sclero- sis. Ibid., 180-182. -----. Amblyopia coming on in association with paraplegia many years ago; recovery from the paralysis; amblyopia stationary, with incomplete atro- phy of discs, and a spot of central choroiditis in one eye; patient smoking throughout; symptoms attributed to nervous shock. Ibid., 188-190.—Piccirilli (L.) Su di nn' amaurosi essudativa. Indipendente, Torino, 1877, xxviu, 497-501.—Polidoro (L. E.) Storia di una amaurosi curata. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1826, xxxviii, 206- 213.—Polto (S.) Amaurosi imperfetta vinta coli'orti- cazione. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1838, i, 246-254.—Prael (F.) t t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xui. 194.—Raikem. Observation d'amaurose et d'hvpertrophie du cceur. Ann. Soc. demed. de Gand, 1837, iU, 335-355.— Keid (J.) Amau- rosis, accompanied by pains in the head; two years' dura- tion: convulsions, three months; cyst in the cerebeUum. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlviii, 664-667.—Riberi (A.) Amau- rosi perfetta guarita coUa stricnina e colla noce vomica per metodo endermico. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1838, iii, 371-376.—Ristelhneber. t J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1812, xxv, 372-3*1.— Ruggi (G.) Ambhopia del- l'occhio sinistro e paresi deU'arto toracico ed addominale destro consecutive a cancro midoUare neUa porzione verti- cale destra del frontale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s., xix, 386-392.—Sa Mendes (M. H. de N.) Amaurose cerebral organica, complicada de alteracoes do fundo dos olhos resultantes de oxaluria. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1860, 2. s., xxiv, 444-451. Aho: EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1860, xi, 342-345.—Sandberg (0. R. A.) Amaurosis, bevirket ved en organisk Hjernesygdom. Evr, Christiania, 1836-7, xi, 263-269.—Sanson, aihe. t J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1833, xi, 333-355; xu, 293-309.— Schmidt, t N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1807, vi, 149-153.—Schniidt-Rimpler. Amblyopie ohneBefund und retrobulbare Neuritis. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Rostock, 1877, xv, 165-172.—Selade (E.) t J. de med. de Lyon, 1843, iv, 307-313. Also: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1844, xiii, 12-16.—de Scqneira (J. A.) Amaurose asthenica dupla cura em 7 dias. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1860, 2. s., xxiv, 452-457. —Shipman (A. B.) t N. York J. M., 1845, v, 192.—Smids (C. J.) t . . . metblepha- roplegia des hnkeroogs, en amaurosis met blepharoplegia totalis des regteioogs. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1840-1, Ui, 659-663.—Solly (S.) Amaurosis; inflammation of dura mater. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 435.—Steinhausen. t Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1844, lxui, 521-523.—Thore. t . . . survenue a la suite d'une pleuresie aigue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 191. Also: Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1861, 3. s., vU, 501.—Thorp (H.) Functional amau- rosis, confined to one eye. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 119. — Tilfselde (Et) af Amblyopie paa begge Oine, ledsaget af Cataraeta arida siUquata paa det hoire og en i samme. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1840, i, 26-46.—Tott (C. A.) Zwei FaUe von Amaurosis incipiens. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1848, xxxvui, 48-51.—Ulo. t Ann. d'ocml., Brux., 1859, xii, 76-80.-Weber (G.) t t Clinique, Par., 1829, i, 81.—v. Wedekind. Beobachtung einer Amaurosis varicosa. Rhein. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Bonn, 1821, Ui, 1. St., 119-130.—Wish art (J. H.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1825, xxiv, 64-66. Amaurosis (Causes of). See, also, Amaurosis from alcohol and tobacco; Amaurosis from kidney disease; Amaurosis from lead; Ataxy (Locomotor); Chlorosis; Diph- theria; Erysipelas; Fever (Cerebro-spinal, Com- plications and sequelce of); Paralysis (General); Scarlatina (Complications and sequelce of); Spine ( Wounds and injuries of, Sequelce of). Demarche (L.) *Keilexions sur l'amaurose sympathicjue qui survient a la suite des blessures en diverses parties du corps. 4°. Paris, 1812. Erismaxx (F.) * Ueber Intoxikations-Amblyo- pieen. 8°. Ziirich, 1867. Koenig (E.) * Etude historique et critique sur la nature des amauroses consecutives aux bles- sures de l'orbite. 4°. Paris, 1871. Morgexbesskr (H.) *De amauroseos aetiolo- gia. 8°. Halis, [1845]. Moricand(A.) *De quelques causes de l'am- aurose. 4°. Paris, 18.~>i3. Keau (G.) *Des amauroses en geii6ral et de AMAUROSIS. 214 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (Causes of). quelques amblyopies toxiques en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1868. Sellheim (O.) * Zur Casuistik von plotzlich eingetretener Amaurose nach Blutbrechen. 8°. Giessen, 1865. Stan (V.) *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik von plotzlich eingetretener Amaurose nach Hiimate- mesis. 8°. Greifswald, 1875. Turck (L.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Ur- sprungsstellen des Nervus trigeminus auf das Centralorgan des Sehnerven in gewissen Fallen von Amblyopie. [Vorgelesen in der allg. Ver- sammluug der k. k. Gesellschaft der Arzte am 16. Oct. 1843.] 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Weger (C.) *De amblyopia et amaurosi con- gestiva, acinexa historia amblyopias congestivse menstrualis. 8°. Pragce, [1835]. Wirths (J.) * Beitrage eu der Frage: Wie ontsteht nach Supraorbital-Verletzungen Amau- rose? 8°. WUrzburg, 1843. Alexander. Amaurose hi Folge von Neuralgie der Zalumerven. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1868, vi, 42.—Ali. Des amblyopies toxiques. Rec. dophth., Par., 1876, 2. a., iU, 258-262.—Amaurosis slowly super- vening after a wound of the eyebrow; ophthalmoscopic ex- amination. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, xviU, 471.— Reek (K. J.) Amaurose, bedingt und beglcitet von mar terieUen Ahweichungen. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb., 1837, v, 191-215.—Rird (F.) Beobachtung iiber den Nut- zen der Horba datura) strammonu ha der Amamwse, und den Einfluss von Zahnkrankheiten auf dieses Uebel. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xiU, 435-446.—Rlodig (C.) Einige Erfahrungen iiber das Vorkoinmen amaurotischer Zustande bei Krankheiten des Herzens und der grosseren Gefasse. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu "Wien, 1851, i, 420-427.—Rocco (L.) Un caso di amaurosi glau- comatosa consecutiva al salasso sviluppatosi nel corso di artritide acuta, e guarito per mezzo deU'iridectomia. Gior. d'oftal. ital., Torino, 1859, ii, 322-327.—Ball (C. S.) Ob- servations on toxic amblyopia. N. York M. J., 1875, xxii, 247-25X.—Bussard. Perte subite de la parole et de la vue au debut d'une amvgdaUte phlegmoneuse. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1876, 2. s., xxxU, 193-202.— Ohisolm (J. J.) Reflex amaurosis. Bait. M. J., 1870, i, 149-151.—C'olsman. Llindheit nach Blutverlust durch Erbrechen unci Stuhlgang: Iridektomie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1869, vU, 11-14.—Deschuttelaere. Amaurose incomplete, ancienne, par insolation. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1856, 2. s., xvui, 260-262.— Dcval (C.) Note sur l'amaurose determin6e par la sup- fression de la sueur habituelle des pieds. Gaz. m6d. de ar., 1854, 3. s., ix, 282-284.—De Witt (M. F.) Amau- rosis of the right eye reUeved by the removal of the flUing from a carious tooth of the corresponding side, and its final cure by tho extraction of the tooth. Am. J. M. Sc, 1868, lv, 382.—Dieu. Amblyopie determin6e par la masturba- tion chez un enfant de quinze ans, atteint de phimosis con- genital. J. d'ophth., Par., 1872, i, 188-190.—Dubois (A.) Functional or asthenic amaurosis caused by masturbation. AnnaUst, N. T., 1847, i, 193.—Dyes. Schneue HeUung einer siebenjahrigen Quecksilber-Amaurosis. Ztschr. f. pract. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1865, U, 260.—Eckard. S vmptomatische Amaurose bei todtiichem Unterleibsleiden. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1833, i, 343-346.— Fano. Amaurose vermineuse, gu6rie. J. d'ocul. et de chir., Par., 1876, iv, 160. -----. Amaurose survenue apres la suppres- sion brusque d'une gourme; retour de la vision sous l'influ- ence dc 1'appUcation d'un vesicatoire k l'endroit occup6 par la gourme. Ibid., 198.—yon Felsach (J. B.) Amaurosis exscabie suppressa. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 174.—Foster (G. E.) Amaurosis of both eyes foUowing epUeptuorm attack. Boston M. &- S. J., 1869, lxxxi, 18.— Fries (S.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Amblyopieeu und Amaurosen nach Blutverlust. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1876, xiv, suppl., 3-123. — Fronniiillcr sen. Noti/.cu aus der AugenheUkunde; Amaurose nach Me- lana. MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1862, vU, 152.—v. Galen- zowski. Heilung einer Amaurosis completa durch Ent- fernuug c hies krankhal'ten Zahnes. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xiii, 117-123.—Galestowski (X.) Amaurose cerebrale double, due a la suppression de l'epoque mens- trueUe; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvU, 137.— Game (C.) Anaemia of the optic nerve of the right eye, constituting extra-cerebral amaurosis, foUowing abscess of the antrum caused by a diseased molar-tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, U, 683-685.—von Graefe (A.) FaUe von Amaurose nach Chiningebrauch. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1857, iii, 2. St., 396-405.-----. Feber synipathische Amau- rose nines Auges bei Iridochoiioiditis des anderen und iiber dereu HeUung. Ibid., 142-455. -----. FaUe von plcitzUcher und incurabler Amaurose nach HaematemesU. Amaurosis (Causes of). Ibid., 1860, vii, 2. St., 143-150.—Haneock (H.) 11 Amau- rosis depending upon dental irritation. Lauect, Lond., 1859, i, 80.—Hixaon (C.) Amblyopia from the excessive useof quinia. LeavenworthM. Herald, 1869-70, iii, 205-207.— Hngues (J.) De l'amaurose chez le cheval et de l'usage d'aliments avaries comme agents nosogenes. Ann. do med. v6t., Brux., 1874, xxUi, 140; 193. Aho: Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1874, 3. 8., vui, 185-211.— Hunter (J.) Case of temporary amaurosis of one eve, following the extraction of a tooth. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1841, i, 405-410.—Hutchinson (J.) Cases illus- trating the occasional connexion between neuralgia of the dental nerves and amaurosis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1863-5, iv, 381-388.—Jackson (J. H.) Cases ot reflex (!) amaurosis with coloured vision. Ibid., 1861, iii, 286-291.— Jones (R. P.) A case of amaurosis, induced bv terror. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1819, xU, 466.—Kneschke. Amblyopia "amaurotica durch langere Zeit fortgesetzte ausseriiche Anwendung der BcUadonna. Summ. d. Neuest. a. cl. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835, xii, 177.— Kohn. Amblyopie sans lesion, suite damc''norrh6e. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1875, 2. s., u, 176.—Hiandesberg (M.) Drei FaUe von Amau- rose in Folge von Blutverlust en. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Rostock, 1877, xv, 95-99. -----. TJeber Reflex-Amaurosen. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1878, xxiv, 195-208.—Laqnenr. Traumatische Amaurose ohne ophthalmoskopischen Be- fund. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Rostock, 1877, xv. 231- 234.—Xiardier (P.) Observation d'amaurose, sympathique do lesion dentaire. Union med., Par.. 1874, ii, 896. Alio: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1875, 2. s., U, 87.—Lavergne (B.) De l'amaurose par commotion de la r6tine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 71-77.—Lawsou. Cerebral amaurosis de- pendent on the arrest of menstruation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, U, 115.—Lecorche (E.) Del'amblvopie diabetique. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1861, viu, 717 ; 749.— L>ente (F. D.) Amaurosis and other disorders of the eye, resulting from injury of the terminal branches of the fifth pair. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1862, n. 8., xliv, 70-*2.— Jjessey (T.) Case of amaurosis from metastasis. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1826, xxv, 319-322.—Lewis (H. C.) Case of total blindness, occurring during the administration of large doses of the sulphate of quinine. West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle, 1845, 3. s., iv, 396-401.—Loebel (L.) Wichtige Ansichten uber die BerUcksichtigung der Insolation inmeh- reren Uebelseynsformen, vorziiglich in der Amaurose und iiber die Realisirung der Idee eines Sonnenbades. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1815, xl, 6. St., 56-85.—Mack ay (G.) Case of blindness of eleven years' standing, cured [by treatment of uterine disease). Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1861, ii, 170-173.—McLean (J.) Blindness caused by the use of aulph. quinine. 111. Sc Ind. M. & S. J., 1846-7, i. 385- 388.—de IVIagalhaes (J. L.) De l'amaurose, d6termin6e par le venin dun serpent. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 10-15.—Mattioli (G. B.) Nota alia relazione deUdott. L. Bono, sopra un caso di amaurosi glaucomatosa consecutiva al salasso, sviluppatasi nel corso di una artritide acuta e guarita per mezzo deU'iridectomia. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859, ii, 154-156.—.Hichetacci (P.) & Fedi (L.) Amaurosi deU'occhio destro causata da una piccola ferita del sopraccigUo corrispondente. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845, cxvi, 21-32.—IVIoIard. Amaurose double, d6termin£e au d£but par une insolation prolongee, entretenue par la presence d'un taenia. Rec. de ru6m. do med. . . . mU., Par., 1865, 3. s., xiU, 119-126. — Nagel. Strychnin als HeUmittel bei Amaurosen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, viii, 865-868. Ac"so, transl.: Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 278-281.—Nolle (C.) Merk- wiirdiger FaU einer nach einem heftigen Blutbrechen ent- standenen Amaurosis beider Augen, die bereits 3 Jahre ge- dauert hatte, nebst den Resultaten einer dabeiversucbten Anwendung des thierischen Magnetismus. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1837, xxv, 347-433.—Noyes (H. D.) Amau- rosis by injury of the supraorbital nerve. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 150.—v. Oettingen (G.) Amblyopie und Amaurose nach Blutverlust. Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1877, vi, 218-233.—Paci (A.) Storia di un caso di cecita dietro l'es- trazione di una paUa da fucile, confitta da 23 anni nel coUo chirurgico dell'omero destro. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1875, xxxvi, 602-609. — Putegnat. Sur l'amaurose produite par la blessure du nerf sous-orbitaire. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1847, v, 359-361.—Quagling (A.) AmbUopia da retinite cagionata da supprcsaione di cpifora croiiica; ritorno spontaneo deUa lagrimazionc: guarigione. Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1872-3, ii, 204. -----. Amaurosi su- bitanea sinistra con nevralgia del 5°. blefaroplegia e midri- asi per soppresso sudore aUa fronte; guarigione della nevral- gia e blefaroplegia coU'uso del solfatodi cbinina accoppiato all'oppio. Ibid., 207-209.—Rees. Symptomatische Amau- rose mit gleichzeitigem Hydrothorax, ohnevorangegangenes entzundliches Leiden, auf metastatischem Wege entstan- den. Ann. f. d. ges.Heilk., Karlsruhe, 1831, iv, 94-96.—Rob- ertson (C. A.) Amaurosis foUowing an injury on the brow. Med. A. Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1873, xxix, 256.— Rognetta. Stir les causes etlo siege de l'amaurose. Rev. in6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1832, iv, 371-459.—Rydla(L) Dalekowidzenie, kurza slepota. [Presbyopia with amau- rosis.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1664, Ui, 177; 185.—Salter AMAUKOSIS. 215 AMAUKOSIS. Amaurosis (Causes of). (J. A.) Amaurosis from diseased teeth. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 186s, 3. s., xiii. 93-111.—Salter (S. J. A.) Amauro- sis consequent on acute "abscess" of the antrum, produced by a carious tooth. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1862, xiv, 355-366, 1 pi. Aho: Lancet. Lond., 1662, U, 12.—Saniclsohn (J.) TJeber Amaurosis naeh Haematemesis und Blutverlus- ten anderer Art. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1872, xviii, 2. St., 225-235. -----. Ein FaU absoluter Amaurose nach plotz- lichcr Unterdriickung des Menstrual-Flusses. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 27-30.—Sudden amaurosis preceded bv hiematemesis. Lancet, Lond.. 1852. i, 220.—Mzokalski (V.) Amblyopie in Folge unbefiicditxten Geschlechtstrie- bes. Yrtljsehr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag. 1846, iv, 26-29.— Tavignot. Do l'amblvopie svmptomatique du diabetes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 412.—Testnt (L.) Un cas d'amaurose complete survenue k la suite- d'une forte hema- trinese. Gaz. m(d, de Bordeaux, 1874, iii, 491-493.—Van Burrn (W. H.) Temporary and complete amaurosis, symptomatic of gastiic and intestinal irritation. N. York M. Times, 1854, ni, 94.—"Wallace (W. C.) Case of par- tial amaurosis from wound over infra-orbitary nerves, re- j lie ved by dissecting out the cicatrix. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, i i, 931. —---. Case of infra-orbital wound of one eye pro- j during total amaurosis in the other. Ibid., 932.—von Walther (P. F.) Ueber die Amaurose nach Superciliar- Yerletzungen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1840, xxix, 505-561.—Ward (J.) Case of amaurosis produced by en- largement of the pituitary gland. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xx, 217.—Wolflius (J. M.) De co citato ex mensium ob- etnictione et perversa hujus curatione. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii, 475-478. Amaurosis (Congenital and hereditary). ! Charpextier (L.) 'Amblyopic congenitale. I 4C. Paris, 1866. Pierix (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'amblv- opie congenitale sans lesions appreciable* a l'oph- thalmoscopc. 4C. Paris, 1^77. Abadie. Recherehes cUniqnes sur ramblyopie conge- nitale. Gaz. hebd. demed.,Par., 1874, xxi, 350-353.—Bau. meister(E.) Directe Reaction der rinzelnen PupiUeu auf Licht bei angeborner Amaurose. Arch. f. Ophth.. Berl., | 1873. xix, 2. St.. 272-274. Aho, transl.: Verb____Nederl. j Gasth. v. Ooglijders, Utrecht, 1874, 76-78.—Daguenet &. j Galrzowski. Yartete encore non dec-rite cT'amaurose congenitale. J. d'ophth., Par., 1872. i, 342-346.—Des- marres (A.) Amblyopie avec signes de nyctalopie par agenesie incomplete du cristaUin observee chez trois Ire- res. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860. 2. s., U, 1138.— Fano. Consultation pour une amblyopie congenitale comphquee ant^rieurement de strabisme*. J. d'ociu. et de chir.. Par., 1874, u, 182-184.—Galezo-wski. Des ambly- opies et des amauroses congenitales. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1879,3.8., i, 22-33.—von Graefe (A.) Ein ungewohnUcher FaU von hereditarer Amaurose. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1858, iv, 2. St., 266-208.— Hutchinson (J.) Report on eight cases of congenital amaurosis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1866, v, 347-352. -----. Twins born blind. Ibid., 1867-9, vi, 145.—Martin (E.) Remarkable account of hereditary blindness, atfecting several branches of an ex- tensive family. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1817, n. s., iii, 75-79.—Pnfahl. Ueber hereditare Amblyopie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, xui, 128-130.—Pufahl (M.) Am- blyopia hereditaria. In.- Hikschbekg (J.) Beitr. z. prakt. I Augeuheilk., Leipz., 1878, 3. Hft., 75-77.—Santos Fer- nandez (J.) Amaurosis congenita curada expont^nea- niente a la presentacion de la primera erupcion menstrual. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1579, v, 296-299. Amaurosis (Diagnosis of). See, also, Amaurosis (Feigned). Grafe (A.) De signis ophthalmoscopies quo- rumdam amblyopias generum quae ad retinas mor- bos referenda sunt. 4C. Halis, 1*:>8. Abadee(C) IXagnosricdelamblvopie simulee on reehe. Gaz. hebd. de mM., Par., 1875, 2. s., xii, 722.—Rnsinelli. Nuove osservazioni ottalmoscopiche intorno a due casi di amaurosi cou notevole prominenza temporaria della papUla ottica. Gior. d'oftal. ital., Torino, 1860, Ui, 225-240.— Cuig- net. Note sur nn moyen de constatation de ramblyopie ou de l'amaurose d'un ceil. Rec. demem. denied.. . . mil. Par 1*70, 3. s., xxiv, 320-329. -----. Constatation des amblyo- pies et des amauroses par les symptomes et par les epreuves. Ibid., 1873, 3. a., xxix, 255-267.— Emploi (De 1') de l'oph- thalmoscope dans le diagnostic des amauroses et des ambly- opies reeUesou simulees. BuU. Soc. med. d'emulat, de Par.. 1867, n. s., i, 57-5!).—Fario (P.) Se le affezioni amaurotic he prive di caratteri estei-ni sieno nelle interne alterazioni riconoscibiU daU'ottalmoscopio. Gior. veneto di sc. med. I Venezia, lt>5.-\ 2. s., xii, 79-99, 1 tav.—Fles (J. A.) Be'- schry ving van een spiegelkastje ter ontdekking van voor- gewende hlindheid ot amblyopie op een nog. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst,, 1860, iv, 3ii:.i.—t.nepin (A.per'e). Des amauroses et des amblyopies amaurotiques, devant les i Amaurosis (Diagnosis of). conseUs de revision. France med.. Par., 1864, ii, 186-188.— Ouida (F.) Diagnosi deUa cecita monoculare. Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1869, xvii, 259-265.—Hermann. Oph- thalmoskopischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Amaurose. Yrtljsehr. f. cl. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1856, xlix, ?-7-118.— Martin (A.) Note sur un moyen de reconnaitre et de mesurer l'amblyopie unilaterale. Rec.demrin. denied. . . . mil., Par., 1878, xxxiv, 307-310.—Petrequin. Recherehes pratiques sur le diagnostic differentiel et sur le traitement methodique des principales espiices d'amaurose ou goutte sereine. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1853, xxix, 31-15.—SchneU ler. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ophth aim oskopisc hen Befunde bei extraokulareu Amblyopien und Amaurosen. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1860, vii, 1. St., 70-91.—Stellwag von Canon (C.) Ueber Amaurosis in ihrer Beziehung zu den Leistungen des Augenspiegels. Wien. med. "Wchn- schr., 1855, v, 193-209.—Wilde (W. R.) On the accidental discovery of partial amaurosis. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, viii, 31; 207. Amaurosis (Feigned). Berthold (H.) Ein neues Verfahren, die Simulation monocularer Blindheit zu ermitteln. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1869, vii, 300-502— Blnmenstock. Kopfverletzung mit darautiblgender hochgradiger Ambly- opie. Simulation und Nachweiss derselben. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1876, xxvii, 122-138.—Dri- ver . Beitrag zur Entdeckung simuUrter einseitiger Amau- rose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 143.—Galezowski. Sur un nouveau signe d'amaurose monoculaire simulee. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1876, 2. s., iii, 199-201.—Goodman (H. E.) Simulation of amaurosis. Phila. M. Times, 1872, U, 429.—von Graefe (A.) Simulation einseitiger Amau- rose. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1867,v, 53-59. -----. Ueber ein einfaches Mittel, Simulation einseitiger Amaurose zu entdecken. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1855, ii, 1. St., 266-272.—Harlan (G. C.) Simulated amaurosis. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1873, lxvi, 429-435.—Herter. Zur Entlarvung der Simulation einseitiger Amaurose und Amblyopie. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Cassel, 1878, xvi, 385-393.—Hirschler (J.) Simulirte Blindheit des rechten Auges. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 827.—Kngel (L.) Eine Methode um in leichter Wcise Simulation einseitiger Amaurose und Amblyopie zu constatiren. Arch. f. Ophth., Beil., 1870, xvi, 343-345.—Lassaigne (J. L.) Dela pro- duction d'une amaurose temporahe comme fraude en ma- ture dc recrutement. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1857, 2. s.. viii, 464-466.—Liiebreich (R.) De la simulation de l'amaurose. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1864, Iii, 218-222.—Monoyer. Note sur trois nouveaux moyens de decouvrir la simulation de l'amaurose et de l'amblvopie unUaterales. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1876, 2. 8.,'xiU, 388-390. —Rabl-Riick- hard. Ueber die Anwendung des Stereoskops bei Simu- lation einseitiger Blindheit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1874, iu, 1; 172.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) Remarks on simulated and hysterical loss of sight, Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 161-163. Aho: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Al- bany, 1875, 169-179. — Schenkl (A.) Ueber Simulation der einseitigen Amaurose. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag, 1875, Ui, 205-212.—Schmidt (H.) Notiz fur die Untersuchung auf Simulation von Blindheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 526.—Schmidt-Rimnler (H.) Zur Erkennung der Simulation von Blindheit. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1876, xiv, 173-184.— Schweigger (C.) On simulated amaurosis. N. York M. J., 1866, ii, 361-366.—"Vieusse. Amaurose simulee ct le moven de la d6couvrir a. l'aide d'un steroscope. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 248-250. Amaurosis (Hysterical). Svyxos (A.-X.) * Des amblyopies et des amau- roses hyst£riques. 4°. Paris, 1873. Cuignet (F.) Amblyopies hysteriques modifiees par des verresnuinerotes et colorfes. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1879, 3.8., i, 196-200.—Fano. Amblyopie hyst6rique a forme particu- liere. Simple perception dans divers points du champ visuel de taches ue diverses couleurs. J. d ocul. et de chir., Par., 1879, vii, 6-8. -----. Amblyopie hyste-rique du cot6 gauche remontant k onze ans; guerison. Ibid., 38.—Fieuzal. Amblyopie hyst6rique. Progr6s m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 3.— Galezowski. De 1'amblyopie hvst6rique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877,1, 75; 115.—Hnrdwicko (J.) Case of hysteri- cal blindness. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 562.—Herter. Hysterische Amaurose. Charite-Ann. (1875), Berl., 1877, ii, 527-529.—Hildigc (J. G.) On hysterical amaurosis. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vu, 25.—Hocken (E.) Amaurosis from hysteria, acute and chronic; its diagnosis, pathology, and treatment. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1842, lvu, 49-69.—Hoclten (E.O.) Amaurosis from hysteria. Lan- cet, Lond., 1840, ii, 751-753.—Inglett (G. F.) Un caso di amaurosi isterica. Movimento, NapoU, 1877. ix, 261.— Landolt (E.) De 1'amblyopie hysterique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., U, 624-652.—I.ubin (P.) Amaurose hysterique guerie par une injection cl'eau- de-vie dans la cavit6 uterine. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1861, 2. 8., xxxii, 257-259.—Mayer (L.) Ueber hysterLsche AMAIJKOSIS. 216 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (Hysterical). Amaurose. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. & Gyn&k., Berl., 1875, Ui, 109-119.—Mendel (E.) Ueber hysterische Amaurose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1874, i, 403-406.— Miiller. Amaurosis hysterica. Aerzti. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1861, xv, 17.'—Sharkey. Case of hysterical amaurosis. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. 8., vii, 85.— Terson. Amaurose do nature hyst6rique guerie subite- mcnt aprds uno duree d'un mois. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1878, xii. 129-135. Amaurosis (Intermittent and malarial). Amaurosi periodica quotidiana. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1852, 3. s., xxi, 292-294.—Aschendorf. HeUung einer Amaurosis intermittens. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iv, 273-279.—Bezard. Observation sur une goutte sereine periodique paraissant dependre de l'etat de gros- sesse. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxUi, 72-76.—de la Harne (J.) Prolapsus palpebrae superioris et amaurosis intermittentes. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Zurich, 1840, v, 264-269.—Harris (G. W.) Partial amaurosis, developed during the course of intermittent fever, disappearing under treatment for this disease, and reappearing with each relapse. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. 8., IviU, 588.—Heusinger. Eine Amaurose als Malaria- Neurose behandelt und gcheilt. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1846, 197-201—Konigstein (L.) Ein Fall von taglich wiederkehrender totaler einseitiger Amaurose. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1875, xui, 333-337 — Kopf. Ein FaU von intermittirender Amaurose wahrend eines jedesmaUgen Intermittens-Paroxysmus. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 92.—Lcguia (F.) Amblyopia sinto- m&tica de una caquexia palustre profunda, curada rapida- mente por las preparaciones marciales. Gac. med. de Me- xico, 1866, ii, 204.—Lincoln (D. F.) Temporary blind- ness, foUowing an attack of intermittent fever. Boston M. & S. J., 1870, vi, 99.—Schenkl. Ein FaU von transi- torischer typisch wiederkehrender einseitiger Amaurose. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 673-676. —Schreder. Amaurosis im Gefolge vonFiebersiechthum; Heilung durch Chinin. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 76.—Tott (C. A.) Zwei FaUe von intermittirender Blindheit. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1833, U, 823-825. Amaurosis (Muscular). See Amaurosis (Treatment of). Amaurosis (Blieumatic). von Rrenncr. FaU von Amaurosis rheumatica, ge- heilt durch die Salzdampf bader zu Ischl. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1843, n. F., ii, 218.—Cain (J. D.) Case of rheumatic amaurosis; with remarks on tho pathology of that disease. Charleston M. J., 1856, xi, 614-616.—Helm- brecht (E.) HeUung einer veralteteu Amaurosis rheu- matica beider Augen durch das Extr. pulsatUke. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1844, xxvii, 515-519. Amaurosis (Sudden). Abadie (C.) Considerations sur certaines formes de cecit6 subite. Union med., Par., 1874, xxviU, 189; 197.— Allin (C. M.) Case of sudden monocular amaurosis. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1866, iii, 11. Aho: N. York M. J., 1867, iv, 114-116.—Hirschberg (J.) Beobach- tungen iiber plotzUche ErbUndung durch intracranielle Processe. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 395-398.—Jack- son (J. H.) A case of epileptiform amaurosis. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1867-9, vi, 131-135. -----. Ophthalmo- scopic examination during an attack of epileptiform amauro- sis. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 193.—Lasinski. Beitrag zur plotzlichen Amaurose. Deutsche mecl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 311.—Manson (J. C.) A case of total, instanta- neous ioss of sight of right eye. Boston M. &. S. J., 1869, lxxxi, 5.—Oglesby (R. P.) "Two cases of sudden bUud- ness; opacities in vitreous humour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 578.—Pflster. Beobachtung einer plotzlichen ErbUndung bei einem 1 Jahr alten Knaben. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk., Zurich, 1841, vi, 207-211.— Samelsohn (J.) Ueber Amaurosis nach Haematemesis und Blutverlusten anderer Art. Arch. f. Opth., Berl., 1872, Abthl. 2., xvui, 225-235. -----. Zur Pathogeuese der fulnii- nanten Erblindungen nach Blutverlusten. [2ter Artikel.] Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1875, xxi, 150-178.—Sands (H. B.) Sudden monocular amaurosis, presenting unusual duticul- ties in diagnosis. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, N. Y., 1866, iU, 2-10. Aho: N. York M. J., 1867, iv, 106-114. Aho, Reprint— Seggel. Ueber plotzUche Erblindungen. Aerztl. Int.-BI., Miinchen, 1870, xvU, 157; 170.—Swanzy (H. R.) Case of sudden amaurosis, associated with chorea, Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, vUi, 181-183.—Traube (L.) Ein Fall von plotzhcher, im Gefolge eines Status gastricus ent- Btandeuer Amaurose. In his: Gea. Beitr. z. Path. u. Phy- siol., Berl., 1878, iii, 568. Amaurosis (Syphilitic). Meilhao (P.) * Recherehes sur l'amaurose syphilitique. 4°. Paris, 1863. Amaurosis (Syphilitic). Amaurose c6r6brale chez uu enfant d'un an, gu6rie par un traitement antisyphUitique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 578.—Berlin (R.) Ein Fall von Amblyopia syphUitica. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1863, xxxUi, 25-30.—Cocchi (B.) Alcuno osservazioni sull'amauiosi sifiUtica, Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1864, 5. s., iU, 84.—Crnsiz. Amaurose als Reflex dor SyphUis, mittelst des PoUinischen Decoctes gluckBch be- kampft. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844,1121-1125.— Dcval (C. D.) Amaurose syphUitique; utUite de l'oph- thalmoscope, au point de vue de son diagnostic ct do son traitement. Union med., Par., 1859, 2. 8., iU, 306-311.— Hutchinson (J.) & Jackson (J. H.) Cases of amau- rosis in connexion with svphiUs. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 502.—Laidlaw (J.) Curious cases of pseudo syphiUtic affection, with subsequent sympathetic amaurosis. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1831, xi, 454-458.—Mau- riac (C.) Amblyopies symptomatiques de la syphilose cerebrale. France med.,'Par., 1878, xxv, 781; 789; 813. Aho: Gaz. d'ophth., Par., 1879, i, 29. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 404; xxviii, 4.—Tavignot. Des amauroses syphilitiquea considerees d'une manicre generale. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1856, iv, 176; 202. Amaurosis (Temporary). Bozeman (N.) A case of temporary bUndness, pre- ceded by constipation and suppression of tho menses. West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle, Ky., 1848, 3. s., ii, 211-213.— Carreras y Aragw. Amaurosis completa pasajera, consecutiva k la accion de la atrophia y calabarina. Inde- pend. nied., Barcel., 1873-4, v, 364-366.—Derby (R. H.) Paper on a "case of partial temporary bUndness". Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vi, 483.—Dutzmann. Ein FaU von transitorischer ErbUndung nach Intermittens. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xi, 514.—Ebcrt. Ueber transitorische Er- blindungen brim Typhus und Scharlachfleber. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1867-8), Berl., 1871, ii, 64-71.—Em- ■nert (E.) Recidivirende Amaurosis transitoria. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1878, v, 401-404. Also, transl.: Arch, of Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1878, vi, 528-530.—Foerstcr. Amaurosis partiahs fugax. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Aujreuh., Erlang., 1869, vii, 422-430.—Folsom. Two cases of sud- den loss of sight; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, lxxxviU, 148.—Glascott (C. E.) A case of amaurosis fugax. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1879, ii. 84.—Goscbler (A.) Amaurose bei einem Kinde von lOJ Monaten, welche nach einer Dauer von 34 Tagen vollkommen geheilt wurde. AUg. Wien. mecl. Ztg., 1867, xii, 104.—Henoch. Transitorische ErbUndung in acute n Krankheiten. Berl. Idin. Wchnschr., 1868, v, 93.—Phillips (W. A.) Congenital temporary amblyopia induced by eating. Am. Homceop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc, Cincin., 1878, 45-48. — Tolmatschew (N.) Zur Lehre iiber transitorische ErbUndung in acuten Krank- heiten. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1868-9, n. F., ii, 219. Amaurosis (Traumatic). Fries (S.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ambly- opieen und Amaurosen nach Blutverlust. 8°. Rostock, 1875. Arena (E.) Ein Fall von Cerebral-Amaurose des rech- ten Auges; Heilung. BuU. Soc. d. sc. m6d. du gr.-duch6 de Luxemb., 1874,195-200.—Bacon (W. T.) A report of two cases of traumatic amaurosis. Proc Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1878, 64-66.—Chivand. Observations physio- logico-pathologiques, sur la foiblesse do la vue et l'amau- rose, produites par la lesion du ncrf frontal. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1806, viU, 218-227.—Fano. Amau- rose spinale; application dc c-autfercs volants sur la region cervico-dorsale; ameUoration notable de la vision. J. d'ocul. et do chir., Par., 1879, vii, 24.—Rockwell (A. D.) Remarks based on a case of total bUndness (with sudden recovery of sight) following brain lesion. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878, v, 437-441. Amaurosis (Treatment of). See, also, Strychnine. Adams (J. J.) Anew operation for the cure of amaurosis, impaired vision, and short sighted- ness. 8°. London, 1841. Guernier (J. C.) * Du traitement de l'amau- rose. 4°. Paris, 1861. Nagel(A.) Die Behandlung der Amaurosen und Amblyopien mit Strychnin. 8°. Tubingen, 1871. Philipeaux (R.) * De la cauterisation sous- outane'e, consideree surtout comme mdthode r6- vulsive, dans le traitement do l'amaurose. 4°. Paris, ]K>2. Aho, in: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1852, xxviii, 159-174. Adams (J. J.) Partial amaurosis cured by division of the recti muscles. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1841, ii, 4. AMAUKOSIS. 217 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (Treatment of). • Case of muscular amaurosis coraphcated by my- opia, reUeved by section of the recti muscles. Ibid., 1842, in, 310-312. -----. Case of muscular amaurosis cured by section of one rectus muscle. Ibid., 428-430. -----. A case of muscular amaurosis, cured by division of four recti muscles. Ibid., iv, 5-8.—von Amnion (F. A.) Schnclle Heilung einer Amaurose durch Mercurialfrictionen. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xiU, 102-107. -----. Obser- vation sur une prompte gu6rison d'amaurose par les fric- tions mercurieUes, suivie do quelques considerations sur le ramollissement des divers tissus do 1'oeU. J. compl. du diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1829, xxxv, 260-265. — Recherel lo jeune. Observation sur la guerison d'une goutte. sereino oper6e par des saign6es repetees. J. dc med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1775, xUii, 80-82.—Belcher (W.) Case of neuralgic amaurosis, successfully treated by carbonate of iron, with remarks. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1826, xxv, 37-42.— Bergh. BehandUng af amblyopi med subkutana injek- tioneraf strvknin. F8rh. Svens. Liik.-SaUsk., Sammank., Stockholm, 1871, 165-168.—Blanchini (L.) Amaurosi completa combattuta colla topica applicazione della cala- mita. Imparziale, Firenze, 1870, x, 78-82.—Boeck (C. W.) Medfodt Amaurose behandlet med Moxae. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidcnsk., Christiania, 1840, i, 265-268.—Bull (C. S.) On the treatment of various forms of amblyopia and amau- rosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, lxv, 346-364. -----. Bromide of potassium in the treatment of amblyopia pota- torum. Ibid., 1875, lxx, 129-131—Busch. Ueber medi- zinische Elektricitiit, besonders ihre grosse Kraft bei der Amaurosis. J. d. prakt. Arznk. n. Wundarznk., Berl., 1832, lxxvi, 52-72.—Campos (A. J. da S.) Amblyopia congestiva datando de novo mezes curada no olho esquerdo, melhorada no direito, pelo uso do azotato de potassa em ddse diuretica. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1864, 2. s., xxvui, 244-248.—Canstatt. Gluckliche HeUung zweyer Amaurotischen mit QuecksUber. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1812, ii, 154-156.—Carron du Villards. Du traitement de queiques amauroses par l'emploi des poudres sternuta- toires. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1838, xiv, 162-164. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1838, U, 47.—Chisolm (J. J.) Efficacy of large doses of strychnia in curing amaurosis. Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., 1873, xv, 86. Also: N. York M. J., 1873,xvii, 187-190.—Chrestien. Emploi exterieur de la noix vomique et de son prineipe imm6diat, la strychnine, contre la paralysie et l'amaurose. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1851, xix, 13-15.—Coen (L.) Storia di un' amaurosi guarita completamente coU'uso esterno deU'ammoniaca. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1852, 2. s., ii, 65.— Cohn (H.) Ueber fiinfzig mit Strychnin bchandelte FaUe von Amblyopie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxu, 297- 801.—Cramer (G.) Die Diuretica in der Amaurose. Rhein.-westphal. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1826, xi, 1. St., 45-54.—Cunier (F.) De l'emploi de la strychnine et de la noix vomique dans le traitement de l'amaurose. Ann. d'ocul. et de gynec., Charleroi, 1839, i, 285-290.— Dantone (G. B.) Le injezioni sottocutanee di stricnina neUe affezioni del nervo ottico. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1875, i, 41-43.—Derby (H.) Amaurosis and amblyopia treated by the subcutaneous injection of strychnia. 'Boston M. & S. J., 1874, xci, 436-441.—Deschemet. Lettre sur les methodes de traiter la goutte sereine, propos6es par MM. Babelin ct Janin. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1773, xl, 50-58.—Deval (C.) Amaurose, avec cecite com- plete, produite par la brusque suppression de poux k la tete, r6tablissement de la vue par des frictions stibiees sur le cuir chevelu et la reconstitution de la phthiriase. Bull. gen. de therap. med., etc, Par., 1846, xxx, 111-118. -----. De l'efficacite du subUm6 corrosif, dans quelques amauroses non syphiUtiques. Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 442.—Dicke. HeUung einer Amaurose vorziigUch durch Abdominalmittel. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1817, xiv, 1. St., 33-38.—Emploi (Del) de la strychnine dans le traite- ment de l'amaurose. BuU. g6n. de th'6rap., etc., Par., 1835, ix, 17-21.—Finella (M. A.) Del galvanismo neU'amau- rosi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1844, cxU, 5-17: 1845, cxvi, 449-457. -----. Del galvanismo nell'amaurosi e nella sorditA. Ibid., 1846, exx, 453-460.—Flcussu (J. B.) De la valeur de la myotomie oculaire dans le traitement de Tamaurose. Ann. Soc. do m6d. de Gand, 1843, xU, 105-118. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1843, ix, 220-229.—Fraser (D.) Contribution to electro-therapeutics. Caso of amblyopia. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, 163-170.—Frederick (A.) Ambliopies gu6ries par le camphre. Ann. Soc. m6d. d'emu- lat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1848, u, 3.-5-388.—Fron- mnller. Observation d'amblyopie asth6nique, gueri par l'emploi des verres de lunettes. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1847, xviu, 249.—Gosetti (F.) Amaurosi doppia per nevrite ottica retro-bulbare guarita coUe injezioni ipodermiche di stricnina. Ann. di ottal., MUano, 1872-3, ii, 447-470. Also: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1873, 3. s., xix, 106-132.— Gradenigo (P.) DeUa fistola artinciale della cornea ne' casi di ccc-ita per incurabUi altcrazioni corneaU. Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1870, xviii, 152-158.—Granados (J. L.) Amaurosis consecutiva k una oftdhnia violenta curada con los exutorios. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1841, 2. s., U, 117.—de Grazia (A.) Amaurosis: de su tratamiento y curacion en tree individuos de la influencia Amaurosis (Treatment of). del nervio infra-orbatario en su produccion. Ibid., 1853, ep. 2, Ui, 220; 227.—Griffin (D.) Case of complete amau- rosis foUowing retinitis; successfully treated with strych- nia. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xvi, 245. -----. Aman- rosis consequent on chronic retinitis, cured by strychnia. Ibid., 1858, xxvi, 315-317.—Gucpin (A.) Note sur quelques cas d'amaurose traites par la myotomie oculaire. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1843, x, 277-279.—Gunning. Over bo- handelunj der amblyopie met strychnine. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. a. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1872-3,14-16.—Halkett (L.J.) Cases of amaurosis treated with subcutaneous injections of strychnine. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1872-3, ui, 95.—Heldt. Ueber die Wirkung des Aniylnitrits bei Amblyopieen. St. Petersb. mecl. Wchnschr., Ib77, ii, 317-320.—Henning. Eine durch Erkaltung entstandene jahlinge Unterdriickung der weiblichcn Periode, und daraus erfolgte Amaurose, die ganzUch durch die Phosphornaphta geheUt wurde. J. d. practj HeUk., Berl., 1817, xUv, 4. St., 52-60.—Hey (W.) The effects of electricity in amaurosis. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys., Lond., 1776, v, 1-31.—Higgcns (C.) Two cases of amaurosis treated by the subcutaneous injection of strych- nia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 68.—Hockcn (E. O.) Remarks on the so-caUecl "muscular amaurosis". Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, iu, 349-351—Hoppe (J.) Amblyopische Erscheinungen beim Aufenthalt Un Freien, gehoben durch Aconit. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i, 221.— Horner. Bemerkungen uber den Werth der Strych- nininjektionen in einigen Formen von Amblyopie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1872, ii, 365-367.— Hotz (F. C.» Report of the treatment of amaurosis with strychnia. Tr. IUinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1872, 67-71.— Isaacs. Amaurosis cured by the suppuration of the glands of the neck. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vu, 321. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1865, i, 34.— JTayakar (A. S. G.) Amaurosis successfuUy treated with hypodermic injections of strychnia. Med. Times & Gaz., lond., 1872, l, 398.—Kunkler (G. A.) Case of amaurosis reUeved by cataract operation. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1856, xvii, 334-336.—Iiafontaine. Nutzen des Mercurius sublimatus bey Amaurosis. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1799, viU, 1. St., 43-46.—Lesucur. L'61ectrisation employee avec succes dans un cas d'amau- rose. Ann. m6d. de la. Flandre occid., Roulers, 1858-60, vi, 145-148.—Ii isfranc. Amauroses gurries par la pommade du Dr. Goudret. CUn. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 245.—Lodcr (J. C.) Nachricht von einigen mit dem Galvanismus ange- steUten gluckUchen Versuchen insbesondere bey der Amblyopic und Amaurosis. J. f. cl. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jeua, 1802, iii, 495-535.—Magendie. Sur un nouveau traitement de l'amaurose. J. de physiol. exp6r., Par., 1826, vi, 156-162.—Malgaigne. Remar- ques sur quelques pheuomenes de l'amaurose et sur son traitement par la noix vomique. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1844, ii, 203-210.—Mathcwson (A.) Hypodermic injection of strychnine in failing vision. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 590.—Michaelis. HeUung der Amaurose durch die aussere Anwendung des Stryehnins. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 335-341.—Middlemore. Re- marks on theutUity of strychnia, in certain forms of amau- rosis. Midland M!. & S. Reporter, Worcester, 1831-2, iii, 63. — Middlemore (R.) On strychnia in amaurosis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, vUi, 434-437.—de Muynck & Van Roosbroeck. Amaurose complete guerie par l'usage de l'iodure de potassium. BuU. Soc de med. de Gand., 1850, xvu, 90; 139; 182.—IVagel (A.) Strychnin als Heilmittel bei Amaurosen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, vui, 865-868. Aho, transl.: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, vi, 173. -----. HeUung einer durch Schussverletzung ver- ursachten Amaurose-mittelst Strvchnininjeetionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, vui, 61-63.—Nottingham (J.) Amaurosis cured by strychnia. Prov. M. Sc S. J.. Loud., 1841, iU, 149.—Observacion sobre una amaurosis curada principalmente por el uso de la moxa. Decadas de mecl. y cirug. prat., Madrid, 1821, ui. 221-224.—Oswald (II. R.) Case of amaurosis successfully treated. Proc, M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1842, iv, 343-346.—Parker (F. L.) Subcutaneous injection of strychnia as a remedial agent in amaurosis and amblyopia. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1873, 65- 83.—Partington (M.) An account of a case of amau- rosis cured by electricity. Lond. M. J., 1788, ix, 389-393.— Peltier tils (G.) Observations sur 1'utUite de l'art6rio- tomie dans l'amaurosis, ou goutte-sereine, provenant d'un enlargement aanguin. J. de nied., chir. et pharm., Montpel., 1803, i, 283-290.—Person. Traitement galvano-punctural des amauroses. J. d. conn. m6d. chir., Par., 1843, xi, pt. 1, 195. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 544.—Petre- quin. Do l'emploi de la strychnine et de la noix vomique dans le traitement de ramauro^e ou goutte sereine. BuU. gen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1838, xv, 28; 286. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1838, Ui, 100-106. -----. NouveUes recherehes sur le traitement de l'aniaurose ou goutte-sereine. BuU. gen. de therap., etc.; Par., 1842, xxiii, 276-283.— Polidoro (L. E.) Observation d'amaurose gueri par lo voniissement provociuc plusieurs iours de suite. J. compl. du diet. d. sc, nied.. Par., 1S-J7. xxvi, :;.->.—Postn (G.) L'amaurosi e la santonina; lidessiom diiette all'ottimo AMAUKOSIS. 218 AMAUROSIS. Amaurosis (Treatment of). dott. Battista BoreUi. Gior. d. oftal. ital., Torino, 1862, v, 177-184.—Putcgnat. Amaurose complete, mutisme ab- solu, surdity, puis hemiplegie, successivement offerts par la meme personne, et gueris par des purgatifs. J. de m6d., chir. et phannacol., Brux., 1844, u, 11-14.—Rognctta. De la strychnine et do l'amaurose. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1839, 2. 8., i, 17; 29; 53.— Rossander (C. J.) Om behandling af amblyopi med subkutana stiylouninjektioner. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1871, iii, nr.22,1-12. Aho, Reprint.— Saeniann (O.) Amaurose heider Augen durch subcutane Injection von Strychnin, nitr geheUt. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 428; 440.—Schtesinger (H.) VoUkom- mene Amaurose beider Augen in Folge einer Genirnerschiit- terung. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1845, U, 279-298. Aho: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1847, xvUi, 213-217.— Serre. De la cauterisation de la cornee transparente dans le traitement de l'amaurose. M6mor. d. hop. du midi, Par., 1830, U, 428-431. -----. Dela cauterisation corneenne dans lo traitement de l'amaurose et de la mydriase. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1834, vU, 121-126. —Serre d'Uzes. Du phosphriie dans l'amaurose. Bull. gen. de therap.. etc., Par., 1850, xxxix, 454-461.—Shortt (T.) Strychnia in amaurosis. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1830, n. s., ix, 423-426.—Simeons. Amaurosis completa, durch Sali- vationskur geheilt. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1826, ix, 616-623.—Smith (E.) On the use of strychnia in the treat- ment of amblyopia and amaurosis. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1873, ix, 13-16.—Snabilic (L. P. J.) Eene aanmerkeUjke, reeds verouderde amaurotische zwakte van het gezigt (amblyopia amaurotica) aan beide oogen, door algemeene enplaatseUjkebloedontlastingengcnezen. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1830, ix, 86-89.— Stanley, t [Treatment by mercury, etc.] Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. a., v, 238.—Stcinheim. Die Behandlung der Amblyo- pien und Amaurosen mit Amylnitrit. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1876, xiU, 230.—Stevenson. On the efficacy of strych- nine appUed to blistered surfaces. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc Calcutta, 1831, v, 431— Stiihmer. Beitrage zur Behand- lung der Amblyopien und Amaurosen mit^trychnin. Ann. d. stadt, allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen, 1878, i, 529-534.— Swanzy(ILR.) On the treatment of amblyopia. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiii, 18-30.—Talko (J.) Ein FaU von Amblyopic, geheilt durch hypodermatische Injection von Strychnin. Klin. Monatsbl. t. Augenh., Erlang., 1869, vii, 145-150.—Tavignot. Du traitement des amauroses par l'emetique administro coup sur coup. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 405.—Taylor (C. B.) Cases Ulustrating the treatment of amaurosis by hypodermic medication. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 838.—Teuton (G.) Traitement de 1'amblyopie par les lunettes. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 345-352.—Traitement (Du) de l'amaurose dans les hopitaux de Paris. Ibid., 1835, ix, 117-122.— Verlegh (R. A.) Observation d'une amaurose, traitee et guerie par l'inoculation du sulfate de strychnine. Ann. Soc de med. d'Anvers, 1843, 144-146. Also: Gazz. med. MUano, 1844, iii, 7.—Ware (J.) A description of four cases of the gutta serena, cured by electricity: to which is added two cases of tho like nature, in which the chief means of cure was a mercurial snuff; with incidental remarks an- nexed to the casos. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 309-345.— Werner. HeUung einer durch Schussveiletzung be- wirkten Amaurose durch Strychnin-Injectionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 226.—Wimmer. Ueber die endermatische Anwendung unci Wukung des Strychnins in der functioneUen Amaurose. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Muncheu, 1844, n. F., iu, 289-301.—Woinow (M.) Ueber den Gebrauch des Strychnin bei Amblyopien. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1872, xvui, 2. St., 38-48.—[Wright (J. H.)] Case of amaurosis from plethora, treated successfully by local and general blood-letting, counter-irritatiou, low diet, etc. Boston M. & S. J., 1838, xviU, 61.—Wurst. Zapalenie siatkdwki polaczone z uposledzeniem jej pobudhwosci, wyleczone za pomoc^ wstrzykiwan strychninu. [Value of strychnia in amaurosis.] 'Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1877, xvi, 521. Amaurosis from alcohol and tobacco. Claren (L.) * Ueber Tabaks-Amblyopie. 8°. Bonn, [1878]. Doebbelln (E.) * De amblyopia et amaurosi alcoholica. 8°. Berolini, 1840. Martin (C.) * De 1'amblyopie nicotique. 4°. Paris, 1878. Masselox (J.) *De 1'amblyopie nicotique. 4°. Paris, 1872. Ponti (F.) Amaurosi nicotiuica e solfato di chinino. Lettera in risposta a quella del G. Eava. 8-. Parma, 1873. Eava(G.) Sull'amaurosi nicotinica. Lettera al Floriano Ponti. 8°. Sassari, 1873. Saxtos Feunandez (J.) De la auibliopia al- coholica eu la isla de Cuba, y de un sintoma coad- Amaurosis from alcohol and tobacco. yuvante, no descrito, para diagnosticarla. 8°. Habana, 1876. Yelut (P. J.) * De 1'amblyopie par l'alcool et le tabac. 4°. Paris, 1868. Apostoli (G.) Etude sur 1'amblyopie alcooUque. J. d'ophth., Par., 1872, i, 462-477.—Conrsserant (H.) De 1'amblyopie alcoolo-nicoticnne et de son traitement par les injections sous-cutanees de chlorhydrate de pilocarpine. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1879, 3. 8., i, 239-241.—Curtis (E. M.) Amblyopia potatorum. Tr. M. Soc. CaUf., 1871-2, 101-113.—Dagucnet. Quelques considerations sur 1'am- blyopie alcoolique. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1869. lxii, 136-142. Also: Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil,, Par., 1870, 3. s., xxiv, 23-29.—Dickinson (W.) The effects of nicotine in the Ereduction of tobacco amaurosis or optic nerve-atrophy. t. LouisM. Sc S. J.,1875, n. s., xU,25; 57.—Rrysdalc (C. R.) Caseof tobacco amaurosis. Med. Press Sc Cue, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvii, 377.—Frcy (M.) Tabak unci Alkohol in hirer Beziehung zu Amblyopic und Amaurose. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg.,1865,x,359; 389.—Funiagalli (A.) SuUacuradeU'am- bliopia per abuso di bevande spiritose col bromuro di potassio. Ann. diottal.. Milano, 1873-4, Ui, 201-208.—Oalezowski. Troubles visuels occasionn6s par le tabac et la nicotine. Rec d'ophth., Par., 1877, 2. 8.. iv, 1-17.-----. De l'amblv- opie nicotinique. Mouvement m6d., Par., 1877, xv, 283 j 298. -----. Amblyopie nicotinique binoculaire scotome. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1877, 2. s., iv, 360.—Quelliot (C.) Amaurose nicotinique. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 426. Aho, transl.: Mecl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. 8., xxU, 466-468.—Hirschberg (J.) Die acute Schnaps- Amaurose. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1878-9, vUi, 180. Also, transl. by I. Furst: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1879-80, viU, 363. -----. Ueber Tabaksamblyopie und verwandte Zustande. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1878, v, 193; 205.—Hirschler (I.) Ueber den Missbrauch von Spirituosen und Taback als Ursache von Amblyopie. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1871, xvu, 1. St., 221-236.—Hutchinson. Case of tobacco amaurosis ending in absolute bUndness. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 279.—Hutchinson (J.) CUnical data respecting amaurosis, more especiaUy that form of it supposed to be induced by tobacco. Lan- cet, Lond., 1863, ii, 536-538.-----. CUnical data respecting cerebral amaurosis, more especially with reference to that form supposed to be connected with the use of tobacco. Clin. Lee Sc Rep. of Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 33-82. -----. Statistical details of three years' experience in respect to the form of amaurosis supposed to be due to tobacco. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1867,1, 411-429.-----. Statistical detaUs of four years' experience in respect to the form of amaurosis supposed to bo due to tobacco. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871-3, vU, 169-185.-----. Report on the prognosis in to- bacco amaurosis. Ibid., 1876, viU, 456-487.—Klaunig. Amblyopia potatorum. Deutsche KUnik, Berl.( 1850, u, 505.—Mahiels. Amblyopie par l'abus du tabac. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1878, xiv, 3. 8., 368-373.—Nettleship. Cases of tobacco amblyopia. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 434-436.—Nuei. L'amblyopie alcooUque et le dal- tonisme. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1878, 11. s., x, 105-117. Aho: BuU. Acad., roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1878, xU, 3. s., 686- 701, 1 pi.—Ponti (F.) H soltato di chinina contro l'am- blyopia da neuro-retinite per abuso di tobacco. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1873, ccxxiU, 176-187. Aho, Reprint.— Quaglino (A.) Sui vantaggiosi effetti del bromuro di potassio nella cura delle ambuopie dipendenti daU'abuso deUe bevande spiritose. Annotazioni cliniche. Ann. di ottal., MUano, 1873, ui. 24-40.— Rnvioli (F.) DeU'efficacia del bromuro di potassio neUe ambUopie e amaurosi dei bevitori. Ibid. 1878, vii, 522-534.—Santos Fernandez (J.) De la ambliopia alcohoUca en la isla de Cuba, y de un sintoma coadyuvante, no descrito, para diagnosticarla. Memoria. Crbn. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1876, l, 531-639.— Michel. NouveUes recherehes pratiques sur l'amblyopie et l'amaurose causees par l'abus du tabac k fumer, avec des remarques sur l'amblyopie et l'amaurose des buveurs. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1865,1'iU, 122-136.—Simi (A.) SuU'uso del bromuro di potassio neUa ambUopia alcooUca. Impar- ziale, Firenze, 1876, xvi, 65-67.—Thilesen (P.) Amaurose efter Misbrug af Tobak. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1867, xxi, 139-145. Aho, transl.: Med. Press Sc Circ, Dubl., 1867, iv, 229-231.—Wordsworth (J. C.) Three cases of amaurosis produced by tobacco. Lancet, Lond., 1863, U, 95. Amaurosis from kidney disease. Fheytag(H.) *De amblyopia in nephritide albuminosa observata. 8J. Lipsice, 1857. Liciitenstein (I.) * De amblyopia ex morbo Brightii orta. 8°. Regiomonti, 1857. Maltete (J.-E.) * Inflexions sur quelques cas d'amaurose dans la maladie de Bright. 4°. Paris, 1856. Massaloup (A.-£.) * De l'amaurose comme syinpt6me de ralbuminurie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1858. AMAUROSIS. 219 AMBDEES. Amaurosis/rom lidney disease. Abeille. De l'albnminurie et de sa coincidence aver l'amaurose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 25-27.—Av- rand (A.) Memoire sur l'amaurose albuminurique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1853, 3. s., vui, 479; 493.—Binard. Mala- die chronique de Bright; amblyopie amaurotique. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1863, xxxi, 319-322.—Buckncr (J. II.) Cerebral amaurosis and its connection with disease of the kidneys. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Piqua, 1874, 163-17~>. Also: Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1874, xvii, 653-661— Cohn (H.) Amblyopie und Augenmuskel-Lahmnngen bei Diabetes. Arch.'f. Au°;en- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., Iblt, vii, 33-42. Aho, transl. by E. Fridenberg: Arch. Ophth. & Otol., X. T., 1878-9, vU, 148-158.—C'rocq (J.) Note sur l'amaurose comme symptome de ralbuminurie. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1850, ii, 393-395.—Becaisnc. Albuminuric com- pUqu6ed'amaurose. Arch. belgesdem6d. mil., Brux., 1862, xxix, 292-294.—Belaire. Amaurose albuminurique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiu, 10.—Beval (C.) De l'aniaurose dans I'albuminurie et dans le diabete et de son traitement. BuU. gin. de therap., etc., Par., Mil, lx, 443-450.—Fano. Amaurose albuminurique; alterations ophthalmoscopiqucs. J. d'ocul. et de chir., Par., 1876, iv, 185.—Fitzgerald. Glycosuric amblyopia. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, n. s., 1, 226-229, 1 pi.—Forget. Recherehes cliniques sur l'amau- rose comme symptome de I'albuminurie. Union m6d., Par., 1849, iii, 517-519.—Cjrossinann. Bright'sche Amaurose. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1865, xix, 36.—Hamou (L.) Note sur les alterations de la vision U6es k I'albumi- nurie. Union med., Par., 1860,2. s., vii, 422-426.—Hays (I.) Amaurosis and granular disease of the kidnevs. Tr. CoU. Phys. PhUa., 1850, n. s., i, 64-66.—Heyl (A.G.) Case of retinal separation in the right eye and amaurosis uraemica in the left, occurring simultaneously. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1874, lxviU, 437-440.—Hermann. Ueber Amau- rose bei Brightischer Krankheit, und Fcttdegeneration der Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1856, ii, 2. St., 137-150.— Imans (M.) Over het voorkomen van amblyopie of van amaurose met albuminurie. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1851-2, 3. s., i, 356-366.—I, andonzy (H.) De la coex- istence de l'amaurose et de la nephrite albuniineuse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 813-817: 1850, 3. s., v, 770- 775. Aho: AbeiUe et Obseivat. med. rGunis, Brux., 1849, iv, 274-285: 1850, iv, 266-279. -----. De l'amaurose dans la nephrite albumineuse; deuxieme memoire. Rev. med.- chir. de Par., lr-50, viU, 262-273. -----. De l'amaurose dans la nephrite albumineuse. Union m6d., Par., 1850, iv, 5S1-. 526. Aho: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1851, xxvi, 134-148.— Lcntc (F. D.) Case of complete but temporary amaurosis occurring during an attack of scarlatinal albuminuria. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, vUi. 293-296.— Lerj (M.) Mala- die de Bright; amaurose nephretique. Union n.6d., Par., 1849, iii, 521. -----. Sur l'amaurose, consideree comme symptome d'albuminurie. BuU. Acad, de mecl.. Par.. 1849- 50, xv, 96-98.—Pice baud (A.) Amblyopie dans le dia- bete sucre. J. d'ophth., Par., 1&72, i, 399-406. — Ponti. Observation d'amaurose albuminurique avec corpuscles strangers dans le systeme lenticuhure, gu6rio par l'usage externe de l'acide nitrique. Ann. d'onl., Brux., 1857, xxxviU, 165-170.—Porter (I. G.) On the connection be- tween albuminous urine and amaurosis. X. York M. Tunes, 1852, i, 65-67.—Bava. De l'amaurose albumi- nurique. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1861, lx, 10- 19.—Biviere (P.) L'amaurose n'est point un symp- tome initial de I'albuminurie. Ibid., 1852, xUi, 548-550.— Boche (T.) De la valeur pronostiqne de l'amaurose dans lalbuminurie. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s., U, 930-932.—Scherrer (J. X.) Amaurose abdomi- nale, prcsque complete de l'ceil droit: amblyopie conside- rable ae 1'oeU gauche; tumeur tr^s-volumineuse dans l'hv- ochondre gauche, se prolongeant jusqu'a l'excavation du assin; coincidence remarquable dune affection sympto- matique des organes gSnito-urinaires; guerison complete de l'amaurose apres la disparition de cette dernifrre affection. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1842, viii, 45-56. Aho: Ann. med. de Gand, 1842, xi, 99-120—Schmidt (H.) Ueber uramische Amaurosen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vU, 575; 589—Schweigger (C.) Ueber die Amblyopie bei Xierenleiden mit Herzhypertrophie. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1860, vi. 2. St., 294-319.—Sccondi (R.) Un caso di amau- rosi albuminuria. Gior. d'oftal. ital., Torino, 1860, iU, 145- 156.—Serin. Observation d'albuminurie compUquee d'a- maurose incomplete et d'eclampsie; ossification entre les deux feuillets de lafauxducerveau. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1859, xxxii. 37.—Tavignot. De l'amaurose symptomatique de I'albuminurie. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., li>57, [v], 230-232.—Testelin. Amblyopie glycosurique consecu- tive & une lesion traumatique. Bull. med. du Xord, Lille, 1863, iv, 169-173.—Theile. Drei FaUe von Albuminuria amaurotica. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1853, v, 161-165.—Tru- man Sc Davy. Albuminuria; epUepsy; amaurosis; hyper- esthesia, with diminished motor power. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 164.—Valeur (Dela) de l'amaurose, comme symptome initiate de- I'albuminurie. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1M9, xxxvU, 362-365.—Wagner (A.) Ueber Amblyopie und Amaurose bei Bright si her Xierenkrank- heit. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., Ie57, xU, 218-271. Amaurosis from lead. Amaurosis saturnina. HeUung durch subcutane Moiphiuminjectionen. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1807, v. 225-228.—Bcsprcs. Nature de l'amaurose dans l'intoxicatinn saturnine. BuU. Soc. de chir., Par., 1»»72. 3. s., i, 555.—Bnplay (A.) Dc l'amaurose suite de la coUque de plonib. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1W4. 2. s., v, 5-32. I Also: AbeiUe, Brux., 1834. Ui, 7-16.—Elliott. Amaurosis from chronic lead poisoning. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 685.—Hirschberg (J.) Blei-Amaurose. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., lf>78-9, vui, 180. Aho, transl. by I. Furst: Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1879-80, vUi, 363.—Hirsch- ler. Amaurosis saturnina. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1X66, xvi, 105; 121.—Kicdiard. Transitory amblyopia from lead. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1878, U, 217.—Lnnn, Amaurosis from chronic lead poisoning. Ibid., 1872, i, 685.—Meyer. Deux cas d'amaurose saturnine. Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., v, 982-984.— Noyes (J. F.) Tempo- rary amaurosis from lead poisoning. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1869, iv, 81-83.—Orr (R. S.) On lead amaurosis. Glasgow M. J., 1860-1, vui, 249-26?.—Bau (W.) Amau- rose uurch Farben der Kopfhaare mit einem bleihaltigen Mittel. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1855, i, 2. St., 205-208.— Samelsohn (J.) Zur Casuistik der Amblyopia saturnina. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlnng., 1873, xi, 246-250.— Tanquerel des Planches (L.) Ueber Amaurosis sa- turnina. Uebersetzt von Alexander. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc, Altona, 1841-3, ix, 7.-8. Hft., 1-22.—"Weiss (F.) Amaurose saturnine born6e k 1'ceU droit; anesthesie de la pauptere supferieure gauche. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1839, u, 232-234. Amaurosis in pregnancy and childbed. Aberle (J. X.) Amaurosis transitoria bei einer Gebaren- den. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1856, U, 500.— Arnold (B.) Ein Fall von voUkommener Amaurosis wahrend des let;.ten Drittels der Schwangerschaft, alhua- lige Heilung nach der Entbindung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1852, xxii, 173.—Bom a I (V.) Observation d'amaurose aigue pendant la grossesse. J. de nied., chir. et) pharmacol., Brux., 1862, xxxiv, 543-546.— I Cunier (F.) Observation d'amaurose survenue pendant la parturition. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vU. 408-419. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1848, xix, i 133-141. Also: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1848. xxv, 178-186.—Eastlake (H. E.) Case in which amaurosis [ was observed eight times in succession after parturition. j Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1863, v, 79-83.—Hildige (J. G.) On amaurosis in pregnancy. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vU, 99.—Joseph (GJ Ueber einen FaU von plotzUch en stande- ner Amaurose mit Xetzhauthyperamie als Vorlauferin des Ausbruchs heftiger Eclampsie in Folge von Morbus Brightii in der Schwangerschaft. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1859, x, 14-17.—Kraus (L. G.) PlotzUch aufgetretene Amaurose I zu Ende einer normalen Schwangerschaft. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861. vi, .>7.—Lawson. Case of recurrent amaurosis, commencing during the gestation of the 8th chUd, and recurring in each succeeding pregnancy. Ophth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1863-5, iv, 65.—Bingland. Amaurosis j occurring during parturition. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xix, 84.—Sager (A.) A case of amaurosis of pregnancy con- nected with albuminuria. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 289-292.—Schon. Amaurosis completa; Eclampsia par- turientium. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 433.—Scott (W.J.) Puerperal bUndness, with cases. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincinnati. 1875. xxx, 99-105. Aho: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1875, xxxUi, 284-286.—Staples (F.) A case of puer- peral urspmic amaurosis. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1878, x, 41.—Walliscr (C.) Amaurosis puerperaUs tran- sitoria. St. Louis M. Sc S. J.. 1879, xxxvi, 63.—Weber (F.) Ueber Amaurose un Wochenbette. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1S73, x, 265-279. -----. Beitrag zur Casuistik der Schwangerschafts- und Wochenbett-Amaurose. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, U, 261-263. -----. Zur Ca- suistik der Schwangerschafts-Wochenbettamaurose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, minerale cpii alimente les thermes miUtaires d'Am6- lie-les-Bains. Rec. de mc'm. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1862, 3. s., viU, 57-69.—Bonafos-I>azcrmes. Bronchite capil- laire; effets therapeutiques des vapeurs hydrosull'ureusea d'Amelie-les-Bams. J. de m£d., chir. et pharm. de Tou- louse, 1858, 3. s., Ui, 301-305.—Bonillard. Etude sur la desulfuration partieUe des eaux thermales de l'bopital miU- taire d'AmeUc-les-Bains, et woven d'v remedier. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1*878, 3." s., xxxiv, 196-209.— Bidelot. Des contre-indications des eaux sulfureuses d'AmeUe-les-Bains, au point de vue special des affections de poitrine et rhumatUmales traitees dans les saisous d'hiver. Ibid., 1870, 3. s., xxv, 379-394.— ■■■"traction relative k l'admission des militaires malades k l'hopital thei-mal miU- taire d'AmeUe-les-Bains pendant la p6riode d'hiver. Ibid., 1860, 3. s., Ui, 93-96.—Lambron. Rapport sur un m6- moire d'Artigues: Des eaux suU'ureuses a'Am61ie-les-Bains appliquees au traitement des affections s vphilitiques. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1864, x, 203-229.—Lazari (L.) Die Bader bei Aries in den ostUchen Pyrenaen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1850, lxv, 36S-371.—Lcinnrrhand. Rap- port sur le service de santo pendant l'annee thcrmale 1872- 1873. Rec. de mem. de me;d. . . . mil., Par., 1874, 3. s., xxx, 305-365.—Poggiale. Eaux minerales sulfureuses d'Ame- Ue-les-Bains. Ibid., 1858, 2. s., xxi, 328-350.—Batheau & Beylier. Recherehes sur l'etat actuel de sulfuration de l'eau minerale contenue dans les reservoirs des thermes miUtaires d'AmeUe-les-Bains. Ibid., 1863, 3. a., ix, 52-75. Ameliue (J. F. )l M6moire sur l'utilite" des pieces d'anatomie artincielle chirurgicale. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, Fain, le<19. [P., v. 499.] -----. The same. 89 pp., 11. 8°. Caen, A. Le Roy, 1820. -----. Observations sur les pieces d'anatomie d'Auzoux. 23 pp. 8°. [Caen, Bonneserre, 1825.] Ameliue (J.-F.)a * Essai sur l'ant6version de l'ute'rus. 52 pp., 1 pi. 4C. Paris, 1827, No. 55, v. 205. Amelot (Auguste). *De la rougeole. 28 pp. 4 \ Paris, 1845, No. 37, v. 426. Amelung (Carolus Christianus Gottlieb). * De mercurio solubili Hahnemanni. 28 pp., 11. 4°. Jence, ex off. Stranckmanniana; [1792]. For his Life, see Loder (Just. Christ.) Auieluug (Carolus Henricus). * De funiculi umbilicalis delapsu atque umbilici formatione. 85 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. J. C. Schuenmanni, 1837. Amelung (Christianus Nicolaus). * De calculis biliariis. 86 pp., 3 pi. 12°. Marburgi-Cattorum, lit. acad., 1797. Amelung (Franciscus Ludovicus). [1798-1849. ] *De contagiorum natura. 62 pp. 12°. Berolini, typ. C. Feister, [1819]. For his Obituary, see AUg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1849. vi, 440-444: 1850, vu, 623-628, (F. Bird). ----- A: Bird (Friedrich). Beitrage zur Lehre von den Geisteskrankheiten. 2 v. in 1. viii, 290 pp., 11. j vi, 366 pp. 8°. Darmstadt und Leipzig, C. W. Leske, 1832-6. Amelias. See Monsters from defect of limbs. Amen (Jules). * De I'etiologie et de la cure radi- cale des hernies. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 191, v. 582. Amende (Benno). * Ueber den Einfluss man- gelhafter Ernahrung auf Volkskrankheiten. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-. Berlin, G. Schade, 1876. Amenorrhea. See, also, Apiol; Chlorosis; Hair (Abnormities of); Hymen (Imperforate); Hysteria; Insanity (Causes of); Lead-poisoning; Menses (Reten- tion of); Menstruation (Disordered); Phthisis and Amenorrhea. Altmann (J. C.) *De mensium suppressione. 4°. Erfordice, 1684. Andrieux (J.) * Quelques mots sur l'ame^tror- Amenorrho3a. rhagie ou anormome"trorrhagie (ame'norrhe'e) et le speculum-ventouse ou pompe ut6rine. 4°. Paris, 1*39. Bakos (M.) #De amenorrhcea. 8°. Budw, [1834]. Blest (G. C.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1821. Castanie (J. J. V.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e des jeunes lilies. 4°. Montpellier, 1824. Castellan (J.) * De l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1825. le Charpextier (H. V.) * Dissertation sur l'aiueuorrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1836. Clavier (L. H.) * Considerations sur quelques points relatifs k l'am^norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1838. Cochard (T.) * Dissertation sur l'am6norrhe'el ou suppression accidentelle des menstrues. 4°. Paris, Id 14. Coyne (B.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1^)3. Delauney (P.-D.) * Essai sur l'amenorrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1821. Delmas (J. B. C.) * Essai sur Pamenorrhe'e, ou suppression accidentelle des regies. 4°. Paris, 1826. Dobson (R.) Perscrutatio phy siologico-patho- logica de amenorrhcea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1771. Eustache-Lepinay (P.-L.-A.) *I. De l'ame'- norrhe'e constitutionelle. 4°. Paris, 1840. de Frank (F.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Vin- dobonce, 1832. Freixas (P.) * Quelques considerations sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1851. Ganault (A.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1817. Gignac (P.-J.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1834. Gouin (E.-A.-P.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e, pr6- ce"d6 d'un coup-d'oeil rapide sur la menstruation. 4°. Paris, 1833. Guedon (P.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1823. Guiffart (F.-A.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e idiopathique et les aifections secondaires qui peu- vent en etre la consequence. 4°. Paris, 1854. Harding (R.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1783. Jeanne-Desvallees (P. J.) * Essai sur l'amenorrhee, ou suppression accidentelle des re- gies. 4°. Paris, 1820. Kovats (A.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Budce, 1828. Lamy (M.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhe'e, ou suppression accidentelle des menstrues. 4°. Paris, 1815. Launey (G.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1818. Lavaud-Lalaurencte (G.) * Dissertation sur l'amenorrhee. 4°. Paris, 1822. Le Breton (J.) * Essai sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1834. Legendre (L.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'nor- rhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1815. Lepatntheur (C. V. E.) 'Dissertation sur l'am6norrh6e. 4°. Paris, 1820. Le Roy (J.) * De mensium suppressione. sm. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1728. Lopsse (C.) * De mensium suppressione. 4°. Lugd. Batav., [1738]. Luedden (C. H. T.) *De amenorrhcea primi- tiva. 8°. Berolini, [1864]. Magne (P.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1808. Maingot (H.-J.) * Considerations sur l'ame'- norrhe'e. 4°. Pans, 1834. Mexeboo (P.-F.-L.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'- norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1819. AMENORRHCEA. 222 AMENORRHCEA. Amenorrhcea. Nadrowski (G.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Re- giom. Pruss., 1849. O'Meagher ( T. ) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1795. Pattullo(G.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1801. Peffault De Latour (D.-E.) * Dissertation sur l'am6norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1830. Pindray (E.-J.) * Dissertation sur l'ame- norrhee. 4°. Paris, 1831. Rabatel (J.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhee. 4°. Paris, 1827. Reinhard (J. S.) * De suppressione catameni- orum, sive fluxus menstrui. sm. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1692], Rollin (E.J.) * Dissertation sur l'amenorrhee. 4°. Paris, 1820. Royer-Collard (A.-A.) * Essai sur l'ame'- norrhee. 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. Saynes (J. F. X.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'- norrhee. 4°. Paris, 1823. Schmutzer (A.) * Ueber Amenorrhoe und ihre Ursachen. 8°. Miinchen, 1867. Seraine (L.-J.-H.) *De l'amenorrhee. 4°. Paris, 1843. Silvestre (J.-E.-T.) * Considerations 6tiolo- giques sur l'amenorrh6e. 4°. Paris, 1853. Soyer(L.-E\) * Essai sur l'amenorrhee. 4°. Paris, 1831. Spens(T.) * De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1784. Stable (A. P.) "Considerations sur l'ame'- norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1838. Storr (L.) *Exponens amenorrhcese metro- symphyticaB exemplum. 4°. Tubingce, [1801]. Straith (A.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1787. Thomas (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur l'ame- norrhee. 4°. Paris, 1837. Touzet (J. F. T.) 'Dissertation sur l'ame'- norrhee. 4°. Paris, 1825. Vialenc (P.) * Dissertation sur l'ame'norrhe'e. 4°. Paris, 1816. van Voorst (J.) & Decamps (F.J.) * De ame- norrhcea, seu de suppressione menstruorum in inulieribus. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1816. Watson (J.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1788. Weiler (J. B. T.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Bounce, 1860. We jlander (M. D.) * De amenorrhcea. 4°. Lundce, [1790]. Wint (T. K.) *De amenorrhcea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1807. Anderson (G. S. D.) Observations on amenorrhcea. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1855-6, xu, 200-205.—Baker (W. H.) Amenorrhcea; its causes and treatment, especially by electricity. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvii, 141-146. Also, Reprint.—Benehmen (TJeber das) des Arztes bei gewissen FaUen vom Ausbleiben der Menstruation. AUg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1810, 849-858.—Bernutz (G.) Amenorrh6e. N. diet, de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1863, u, 4-28.—Bluff. Ueber Menostasie. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M., 1834, xUi, 322-325.—Boder. Bemerkungen, die Amenorrhoe und Chlorose betreffend. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1849, Ui, 364-369.—Carre- tero (D. E.) Ligeras consideraciones sobre la amenorrea accidental. Corresp. m6d., Madrid, 1873, viii, 13.—Dcsor- meaux & Dubois (P.) Amenorrhea. Diet, do m&d., Par., 1833, U, 347-366.—Fritz (E.) Amenorrhee. Diet. encycl. d. sci. med., Par., 1869, Ui, 584-606.—Hamilton (J. A.) Suppression of menses, with good health. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1872, xiU, 102.—Herbert (J. J.) Beschou- wingen over amenorrhoea mechanica. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vu, 513-520. Aho, transl.: AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1864, ix, 5; 11.—Landman (N. J. B.) & Godefroi (M. J.) Belangrijk geval van hyperaemia spinalis na amenorrhoea. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1846, U, 317- 332.—van den Linden (J. A.) Mantissa oeniadae. Gale- nusvi. Epid.iU.29. Commentarius. In his: Selecta medica, Lugd. Batav., 1656, 613-649.—Locock (C.) Amenorrhea. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1845, i, 89-92.—Ludwig (C. G.) I An fcemina sine catameniarum fluxu perfecta frui possit sa- | Amenorrhoea. nitate? In his: DecasquiE8tionummedicarnm,Lip8ise,[1740], 1^1.—Mahon (J.) Observations sur l'amenorrhoe. J. univ. d. sc. ui6d., Par., 1819, xv, 114-118.—Miles (A. J.) A cUnical lecturo on the pathologv of amcnorrhiBa. Cin- cin. M. News, 1872, i, 105; 159.—Peters (J. C.) The pa- thology and treatment of amenorrhoea. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875, U, 547-565.—Popper (J.) Kasuistiscbe Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Amenorrhoe. "Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1218; 1254; 1317.—Puech (A.) De l'am6norrhee par cessation pr6matur6e des regies. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1875, iv, 33-38.—Baciborski (A.) De l'am6norrh6e par causes psychiques et particuU^rement par la peur excessive d'etre grosse ou par le vif d6sir d'avoir desenlants. Arch. g6n. dem6d., Par., 1865, i, 529-544. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 270; 274. Aho, Reprint.— Royer-Collard. Amenorrhee. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812, i, 440-462.—Segnitz. Ueber Tabes menoschetica. Summ. d. Neuest. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1842, n. P., xx, 650-655.—Tilesins (W. G.) Ueber die Gefahr der lang unterdriickten oder stockenden monatUchen Reinigung. und iiber dio todtUchen Folgen, welche aus der Vemach- lassigung und Verzogerung einer radikalen HeUung dieser Unordnung entspringen. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1801, 63.—Trousseau. De l'amenorrhee et de la fievre menor- rhagique. Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xvui, 572; 600.— Weber (F.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Amenorrhoe. AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.,1877, xlvi, 3s — Williams (J.) Lectures on amenorrhcea. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 635; 747. Amenorrhcea (Cases of). Albert, t Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1812, xxvii, 24-40.— Altstadter (M.) t ... in Folge von fehlerhafter Innerva- tion der Genitalorgane mit Retroversio congenita; HeUung, Wien. med. Presse, 1871, xU, 723; 773.—Amenorrea congestiva. Independ. m6d., Barcel., 1869-70, i, no. 1, 7-8.— Baker (W. H.) Cases of amenorrhcEa resulting from un- developed uteri. N. York M. J., 1873, xvU. 621-625.— Bhoata (A.) Ein FaU von psychischer Amenorrhoe. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vU, 778-781.—Bouchnt. Ame- norrhee ; convulsions 6pileptiformes; hemianesthesie j hallucinations; idiosyncasie de l'or. Traitement par le chlorure d'or et de sodium. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, U, 362-364. -----. Amenorrhee; hystfiricisme; toux ner- veuse; traitement. Paris m6d., 1879, 2. s., v, 3.—Camps (W.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. a., iv, 409.—Churchill (F.) Amenorrhoea from congenital malformation. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 176. Also: Obst. J. Gr. Brit., 1873, i, 256-262. Also: Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1873, xxxv, 142- 155.—Duncan (J. M.) Cases of amenorrhcea from absence or atrophy of internal genital organs. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 836.—Gaillard (E. S.) t Anasarca. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1855, x, 195-198.—Galet (J.) Amenorrhee; acces epUeptiformes; menace de paralysie. l£ph6m. m6d. de Montpel., 1828, ix, 270-277.—Gardner (A. K.) Post-mor- tem appearances of an old lady, of 94 vears, who had never menstruated nor borne children. N. York M. Times, 1855, iv, 86-88.—Gardner (A. K. C.) Cases of females who had attained an advanced age without having menstruated. Ibid., 1852, U, 37-39.—Goodlet (J. E.) t South. J. M. Sc., *N. Oil., 1866, i, 449-451. —Greenhalgh. t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 172.—Griffith (G. de G.) t t Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1878, n. a., xxv, 45. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1878, xxiv, 495-497.— GuiAart (F. A.) t... ... suivie de phlegmasie cer6brale et d'h6morrhagie dans le parenchyme des reins et de la vessie; avec quelques re- marques sur les heniorrhagies par deviation des regies. Union med., Par., 1854, viu, 473; 477.—Guyenot. Ame- norrh6e pseudo-membraneuse avec vaginite epith61iale. Lyonmed., 1875, xvui, 512-517.—Bteisemus (H.) Mensium defectus perpetui exempla qusedam rariora. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1752, ix, 211.—La Roche (R.) t Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1822, v, 127-130.—Leconte (0.) t . . . suivie d'accidens singuUers. Union med., Par.,1851, v, 496;—Ledouble. Infiltration sanguine des membres in- f6rieurs; ecchymoses cutanees, purpura, coincidant avec une suppression menstrueUe. Ann. de gyn6c, Par., 1877, vii, 290-295.—Lever (J. C. W.) Amenorrhcea. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1846, 2. s., iv, 173.— Lbwy (M.) Ein merkwiirdiger FaU von Amenorrhoea. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1868, rviU, 1338-1340.—Mailhos. t . . . qui pendant quatre ans avoit ete accompagnee des accidens les plus graves. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xviU. 350-356.—Maxwell (J. D.) Masculine metamorphosis. Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1876,xiv, 272-274.— Medicinischer Rathschlag vor eine vomehme Frau, welche leichtlich ex Mensium Obstructione in schwind- suchtige Anfalle gerathen konno. Med. J"., Chemnitz, 1767, 1. Th., 28-31.—Michelotti (P. A.) Rari ac prope inauditi ex utero morbi historia cum necessarUs medicis animadversionibus. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1730, ii, 53-61.—Oldham (H.) Two cases of females who had attained tho ago of forty-eight without having men- struated. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. 8., iv, 311- 313.—Panck (E. A.) Suppresaio mensium, Febris rheu- niatica, Metritis, Parotitis, Urina coagulans; HeUung. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med.. Hamb., 1846, xxxu, 1-13.—del Papa (G.) Perdita del corsi lunari in fenunina giovane, AMENOREHCEA. 223 AMERICAN. Amenorrhoea (Treatment of). peutiques qu'eUes reclament et particuhferement de l'em- ploi de l'apiol contre ces deux affections. BuU. g£n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1860, lix, 97-113 — Kaestner (H.) Pe- tioU cerasorum acid. (Primus cerasus L.) gegen Ame- non-hoea und Menstruatio suppressa. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1845, 535-540.—Lavagna (F.) Sul- refficacia deU'ammoniaca neU'ainenorrea. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1823, xxv, 357-381.—Leeds (R. L.) Ame- norrhoea reUeved by the hypodermic use of morphia and atropia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. 8., lxiv, 288.— Loudon (C.) On the cure of amenon-hoea by leeches ap- plied to the mammae. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1832, xxxvui, 61.—Manfredoni (G.) Epilessia per amenorrea, curata con la corteccia di China. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 1835, xvui, 175-177.—Miller (C.) Cases of amenorrhoea and some other complaints, treated with the phosphate of iron. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1814, Ui, 338-345.—Minot. Amenorrhoea successfuUy treated by electricity. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1871, vUi, 415.—Mondiere (J. B.) Note sur le traitement de l'am6norrh6e par 1'irritation des mameUes. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par., 1834, iv, 353- 364.—Ogier (T. L.) Amenorrhoea treated successfuUy with the water pepper (Polygonum hydropiperoides, Mi- chaux). South. J. M. & Pharm., Charleston, 1846, i, 298- 300.—Patterson (C.) On the effects of mammary irrita- tion in amenorrhoea. DubUn J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1833-4, iv, 193-196.—Pettigrew (W. V.) On the beneficial effects of sumbul in a case of dehUitated inteUect and amenon-hoea. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 89.—Pintschovins. Diarrhoeals Folge von Amenorrhoe. Extr. PulsatUlae ein Emmenago- gum. AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1875, xUv, 97.—Red- man (M.) Amenorrhoea; mercurial treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1840, i, 797.—Rockwell (A. D.) Faradization and galvanization in the treatment of amenorrhcea. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1872, v, 26-36. Also, Reprint.—Roell (C. C.) Genezing eener amenorrhoea, door secale cornutum. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1839, xvUi, 252.—Sablairoles. Observations sur l'emploi de l'iode dans le traitement de Tam^norrhee. Ephem. m6d. de Montpel., 1826, ii, 315-323.—Sablairoles (J.) Observa- tions sur l'heureux emploi de l'iode dans le traitement de l'amenorrhee ou ischom6nie. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1826, xcvU, 3-16. —Storer (H. R.) The surgical treatment of amenorrhcea. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1864, n. s., xlvU, 81-90. Aho, Reprint.—Tarnier. Obe- site des jeunes femmes avec am6norrh6e; st6rUite; traite- ment par la di6te lactee. J. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1876, xlvu, 542-544.—Taylor (C.) Amenorrhoea success- fuUy treated by the appUcation of electricity. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 235.—Tott (C. A.) Menostasie, durch das Seebad geheUt. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1842, xu, 243-247.—Travis (J.) A new remedy for amenorrhcea. NashvUle J. M. & S., 1852, iii, 207.—Trousseau. Ame- norrh6e; appUcation d'une a deux sangsues aux genoux comme moyen emni6nagogue. Gaz.d.hop.,Par.,1841,2.s.,Ui, 329.—Wh'ittaker (J. T.) The treatment of amenorrhoea by galvanisation of the endometrium. Clinic, Cincin., 1874, vu, 37-39.—Winnemore (S. E.) Case of suppression of the menses, treated by cauterization. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1859, xvi, 653. Amentia. See Dementia; Idiots and Idiocy; Insanity. Amer (Nicolaus). * De asthmate Millari. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Budce, typ. Reg. Univ. Hung., 1832. America. See Central America; North America; South America. Amenorrhoea (Cases of). con frequenti febbri, e magrczza, per cagUone di perdita di sanguc dalle vene emorroidaU. In: Cons, med., Roma, 1744, ii, 185-191.—Porter (F. T.) A case of hysterical convulsions, with some remarks on amenorrhoea. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 1874, 101-105.—van Praag (I. L.) Amenorrhcea. Hydrops anasarca. In his: Conspectus morborum, [etc.] 8°, Lugd.-Bat., 1848, 72-75.—van Rhyn (H. B.) Amenorrhoea, Hysteria, Dolor latcris punctorius post terrorcm. In his: Brevis conspectus niorborum, [etc.] 8°, Lugd.-Bat., 1840, 33-36.—Rigby. t Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., Ui, 8.—Rotbamcl (G.) t Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1830, vi, 625-630.—&niith Sc Beale. Anaemia de- pending upon anienorrha'a. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., U, 618.—Sommerus (J. G.) MuUer nee ante, nee per, nee post partum menses aut lochia passa. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., 1682, Norimb., 1683, dec. 2, i, 114-117. Aho, transl.: Collect, acad. de m6m., etc., Dijon, 1755, Ui, 466.— Stockbridge (W.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1842, xxv, 99.— Tott (C. A.) t X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1842, xU, 76-83.—Vanoye (R.) Am6norrhee due ii la presence de vers dans les intestins. Ann. Soc. m6d. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1849, Ui,193-196.- Watts (R.) Ame- norrhcea from sloughing away of the uterine mucous mem- brane. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 273. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 664.—Wilcox (J. R.) t West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, 1849, 3. s., Ui, 116-118.— Wood (H. C.) Amenorrhoea; hysterical paralysis and chorea; cure. PhUa. M. Times, 1874, iv, 820.—Wright (S.) t Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, 405-407.—Wyeth (J. A.) Notes of a peculiar case of hysteria. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 399-401.—Zini. Krankengeschichte einer an Amenorrhoe und Galactorrhoe leidenden Frau. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, 1867-8, 62. Amenorrhoea (Treatment of). Abildgaard (P. C.) * De venae sectione in suppressis menstruis. 4°. Havnice, 1768. Alberti (C. L.) *De vi electrica in amenor- rhceam. 4°. Gottingce, 1764. Enguehard (E.) Essai sur les douches froides uterines dans l'am^norrMe. 4°. Paris, 1868. Liger (C. L.) *An menstruis morantibus chalyheatat [1743.] In: Sigwaet (G. F.) Quaest. med. Paris. Tubingce, 1789. i, 233-238. Althans (J.) Catelectrotonus of the ovaries in the treatment of amenorrhoea. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 287.—Amenorrhoea (Erne) geheUt durch Galva- nismus. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk.. Berl., 1831, xxxiv, 202-205.— Barella (H.) Du traitement de certaines formes d'am6- norrhees. J. d. sc. m6d. de Louvain, 1876, i, 359-364.— Blake (J. G.) Amenorrhcea; appUcation of electrical cui-rent; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xevi, 594.— Carmichael (H.) On the use of sinapisms in amenor- rhcea. Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 328-330.— Chapman (K.) Some account of the use of the polvgala senega in ob- stinate amenorrhoea. Eclectic Repert., PhUa., 1812, ii, 90- 101. —Copland (P.) An account of two cases of amenor- rhcea, with some observations on the use of the root of madder in that disease. Lond. M. J., 1790, xi, 230-234.— Corlieu. De l'apiol dans ranK'norrhec. Bull. soc. m6d. du Pantheon de Par., 1865, 23-25. — Cornett (W. T. S.) On the use of digitalis hi amenorrhoea. West. J. M. Sc. Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1833, vi, 184-188.—Baugherty (W. H.) Amenorrhoea treated with arsenic and prccip. carb. ferri. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1864, n. s., vii, 409.—Besportes (M. E.) Remarques sur le traitement de l'amenorrh6e par 1'appUcation de sangsues aux niammeUes. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1833, x, 358-363.— Bewees (W. P.) Suppression of the menses, reUeved by the volatile tincture of guaiacum. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1822, iv, 127-130. —Buclos. Des indications thera- peutiques en g6n6ral dans l'am6norrh, 1873] with regard to the rank of the medical corps of the United States army. [Presented May 7, 1873.] 13 pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] -----». Minutes of the annual meetings. 21si>- 24th (1870-3); 26th (1875). iP. 1870-5. -----. Minutes of the proceedings of the National Medical Convention, held in the city of New York in the month of May, 1846, [by the . . . ] 16 pp. 8°. New York, H. Ludwig, 1846. [P., v. 349.] -----. A nomenclature of disease, Avith the reports of the majority and of the minority of the com- mittee thereon. Presented to the American Medi- cal Association, at the meeting held in Philadel- phia, May, 1872. 94 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, printer, 1872. -----. Ordinances governing the sections of the . . . May, 1867. 1 broadside, fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Petition of the [. . . to th.3 Senate and House of Representatives] in behalf of the medi- cal corps of the army, with a brief statement of the facts in the case, Washington, 1874. 24 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. The same. No. 2. 24 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] -----. Plau of organization, ordinances and offi- cers ... To which is added a brief sketch of New Orleans. 50 pp. 16°. New Orleans, 1869. -----. Proceedings of a convention of medical delegates, held at Northampton, in the State of Massachusetts, on the 20th day of June, 1827. 12 pp. 8°. Boston, Wells 4- Lilly, 1827. [P., v. 355.] -----. Proceedings of the National Medical Con- ventions, held in Now York, May, 1846, and in Philadelphia, May, 1847. 175 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Collins, 1847. [Also, in: P., v. 349.] -----. Reception of the ... at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, May 2, 1855. 11 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, T. E. 4- P. G. Collins, 1855. -----. Report on American medical necrology. 43 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1861. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of the committee on adulterations American Medical Association—continued. and sophistications of drugs, medicines, chemi- cals, etc., presented to the ... at its third annual meeting, held at Cincinnati, May, 1850. 20 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, T. K. 4' P. G. Collins, 1850. -----. Report of the committee on medical educa- tion, by C. C. Cox. 23 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, Collins, 1863. [P., v. 150.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of committee on disinfectants. 31 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1866. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of the committee on medical edu- cation. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1866. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. The same. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col- lins, 1869. [Also, in: P., v. 321.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of the committee on medical educa- tion in relation to "demonstrative midwifery". By W. Hooker. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. and P. G. Collins, 1851. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of the committee on medical Utera- ture. 40 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [Also, in: P., v. 321.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of the committee on medical Utera- ture, by A. B. Palmer. 62 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1858. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Report of tho committee of the ... on ob- stetrics. (Session 1851.) 63 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1851. [P., v. 238.] -----. Report of the committee of the ... on ophthalmology. Session of 1868. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1869. -----. Report of the committee of the ... on "spotted fever so caUed". 54 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1866. -----. Report of the standing committee on me- dical literature, presented to the ... at its third annual meeting. 37 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. [Also, in: P., v. 148.] -----. Rules for the government of the ... at its second annual meeting, held at Boston, May, 1849. [Order of exercises and Ust of officers and delegates. ] 12 pp. 8°. -----. Supplement. [Report of the proceedings of the twenty-first annual convention of the . . . containing only that part of the transactions which relates to ethics and medical education. ] 16 pp. 8-\ [n. p., n. d.] -----. Transactions ... v. 1-29 (1848-78). [With supplement to v. 27. Excision of the larger joints of the extremities, by H. Culbertson. Prize essay.] 8°. Philadelphia, 1848-78. No meetings held in 1861-2. -----. See, also, Davis (N. S.) History of the . . . from its or- ganization up to January, 1855. To which is appended biographical notices, with portraits of the presidents of the association, and of the author. Edited by S. W. Butler. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1855. Jackson (S.) The organizing of the . . . Read before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, Feb., 1852, by tho president ... 8°. Philadelphia, 1852. Also, in: Med. Exam., Phila., 1852, n. 8., vui, 137-145. Lindsly (H.) Address of... From the mi- nutes of the twelfth annual meeting . . . held in the city of LouisvUle, May 3, 1859. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1&59. Mendenhall (G.) Address deUvered before the ... at its twenty-first annual meeting. 8°. Philadelphia, 1870. Milo. Error of position: being a discussion of AMERICAN. 229 AMERICAN. American Medical Association—continued. the ultra medical policy of the ... as advocated by medical professors, Medicusand others; show- ing the policy to be adverse to the great interests and institutions of society, and the peace and prosperity of the nation. [In 4 nos. No. 1.] 8°. Nashville, 1854. Richardson (T. G.) Address deUvered before the ... at its twenty-ninth annual session, held at Buffalo, N. Y., June 4 to 7, 1878. 8-. Phila- delphia, 1878. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. Toner (J. M.) Address [before the . . .] 8°. Philadelphia, 1874. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. Account of the proceedings of tho . . . [Louisville, May 4, 1875.] PhUa. M. Times, 1875, v, 522-5'.«.—Bow- ditch (H. I.) [Address of the president of the associa- tion.] Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1877, xxvU, 97-116. -----. Address at the opening of tho annual meeting of the . . . held at Chicago, June, 1877. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1877. xevi, 663-678.—Dowler (B.) Historical retrospection of the fundamental principles and politv of tho ... N. Orl. M. -cu, vi, 409-411. American Medical College of Saint Louis. Annual announcements of the American Medical College of Saiut Louis for the sessions of 1875-6 I (M), 1878-9 (6th), 1879-80 (7th). 8°. Saint Louis, 1875-9. Lists of students and graduates for each session to be found in Announcement for foUowing year. Eclectic. Held two commencements annually up to ! spring of 1878. i American Medical Gazette. See New York (The) Medical Gazette and Journal of Health, v. 9, 1858, etc American (The) Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. See New York (The) Medical Ga- j zette and Journal of Health, v. 6-8. I American (The) Medical Intelligencer. A con- centrated record of medical science and literature. Edited by Robley Dunglison. Semi-monthly, v. 1-4, April 1,18,i7,* to April 1,1841; n. s., monthly, v. 1, July, 1841, to Aug., 1842. 8-. Philadelphia, A. Waldie. See, aho, American (The) Medical Library and InteUi- gencer. See Medical News and Library for continua- tion. American (The) Medical Journal. Conducted by the faculty of the American Medical College. T. J. Wright, manager. Monthly, v. 1, Sept., 1856, to Aug., 1857. 8°. Cincinnati, Longley Bros. 4- P. C. Brown. Completed. InSept., 1857, mergedin Tho CoUege Journal of Medical Science. American (The) Medical Journal. (Eclectic.) Edited by S. H. Potter, J. "VV. Thrailkill, and G. H. Field. Monthly, v. 1-7, July, 1873-9. 7 v. 8J. Saint Louis. Current, v. 2 commenced Jan., 1874. v. 2 edited by Geo. H. Field and Geo. C. Pitzer. After no. 7, v. 2, Dr. Pitzer sole editor. American medical library. (Dunglison's.) 17 v. 8-. Philadelphia, 1837"-43. See Andral (G.), Aretoeus, AshweU (S.), Babington, Barthez, BeU (C), BeUoc, BouUland (J.), Burne (J.), Car- penter, Churchill (F.), Civiale, Clark (Jas.), Clendenning, Cooper (A.), Coulson (Wm.), Curling (T. B.), Cutter (Thos.), Dale (J. W.). Davidson, Davies (JT), Davis (D. D.), Davy (J.), Dickson (S. H.), Edwards (W. I.), Ehrenberg, Evanson (R. T.), Evers (P.), Esquirol (E.), Freckleton (Geo.), Gibert, GranvUlo (A. B.), Graves (R. J.), Guthrie (G. J.), HamU- ton (Jas.), Hecker (I. F. C), Henderson (Thos.), Henry (W. C), Hocken (E. A.), Hodgin, Horner (G. R. B.), Horner (W. E.), Hudson, Hughes (H. M.), Hunter (John), Key (C. A.), Kramer (Wm.), LaUeniand, Latham (P. M.), Laycock (Thos.), Lee (Ed.), Liston (R.), Macarthv (Jas.), Macrobin (Jno.), Magendie (F.), Malcolmson (J. G.), Markham Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 781- 785.—Koppe (R.) Ueber Ammoniakausscheidung durch die Nieren. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xiv, 75-90.— Eiossen (H.) Ueber die Ausscheidung von Ammoniak durch (Ue Lungen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1865, i, 206- 215.—JTlaclagan (D.) On an impurity occurring in com- mercial aqua ammonia;. Month. J. M. Sc., Edinb., 1846, vi, 408-410.—Mayer (H.) Ueber cUe morphologischen Veranderungen in Trachea und Lungen durch Ammoniak. Arch.d. HeUk., Leipz., 1873, xiv, 512-529.—Jttitscherlich (C. G.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Ammoniaks und der Salze desselben anf den thierischen Organismus. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1841, x, 205; 209; 213; 217.—Rccamier. Re- cherehes sur l'ammoniaque, et sur les proprietes therapeu- tiques du guano. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1852, xx, 33- ;!.">.—Richardson (B. W.) On the antiseptic properties of ammonia. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1802, U, 131-133.—SainU Vel (O.) De la pr6tenduo action de l'ammoniaque dans les plaies env^nimees. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, xxi, 336.—Schenk (S. L.) Das Ammoniak unter den gasfor- niigen Ausscheidungsproducten. Arch. f. d. ges Physiol., Bonn, 1870, iii, 470-476.—Selisc (A.) Beitrage zur Wir- kung des Trimethylamins und der Ammoniaksalze. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876, vi, 55-77.— Sclmi (F.) Brevi considerazioni intorno agU usi medici deU'aninioniaca. Esculapio napol., Napoli, 1847, xxv, 426- 429.—Smfe (A.) On the inhalation of ammonia £as as a remedial agent. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, ii, 59-62.—Smith (R. A.) The distribution of ammonia. [From: J. of the Soc. of Arts.] Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag., X. T., 1878, j xix, 374-377.—Teissier (B.) Considerations sur Taction | therapeutique de l'ammoniaque Uquide administree & lin- tericur. Gaz. med. db Lyou, 1850, ii, 153; 169. Abo: Bull. g£ii. de therap., etc., Par'., 1850, xxxix, 53-65.—Thiry (L.) Ueber den Amiuoniakgehalt des Blutes, des Harns und der Expirationsluft. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1863, 3. R., xvii, 166-187, pi. Ui.—Wetzler. Ammoniak, | Ammonia (including its salts). ein Bestandtheil der Mineralquellen. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbr., 1829, i, 142. Ammonia (Acetate of). Carricrc (F..) Considerations sur Taction thdrapeuti- que de Tacetate d'ammoniaque. An. m£d.-psych.. Par., 1846, vii, 204-219. Aho, Reprint.—Plumm'er (J. T.) Liquor ammonia) acetatis. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1853, xiv, 149-1VJ— Tolniatschcw (N.) Ueber die schweiss- treibende Wirkung des Ammonium aeeticum bei ausserer Anwendung. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1867, xix, 353. Ammonia (Bcnzoateof). Harless. Der Liquor ammonii benzoici. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1829, v, 584-591. Ammonia (Carbazotate of). Dujardin-Beaumctz. De l'emploi du carbazotate d'ammoniaque comme succedane du sulfate de quinine. BuU. etniem. Soc. de therap. (1871-2), Par., 1875, iv, app., 3-16. Aho: Gaz. Par.. 1872, xxvii, 450; 475. -----. Nouvcaux faits relatifs h l'emploi du carbazotate d'ammo- niaque (picrate d'ammoniaque) comme succedan6du sulfate de quinine. Bull. gen. de thtrap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxxiii, 385-393.—Emploi (Sur T) du carbazotate d'ammoniaque comme succedane du sulfate de quinine. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1873, [xxi], 38-40.—Person (W. C.) Carb- azotate of ammonia. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1874, n. s., xi, 367.—Schcflerstein (L. J. J.) The new antiperiodic, carbazotate of ammonium. Illinois M. Recorder, 1878, i, 111-117.—Slanc (J.) The carbazotate of ammonia. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1875, x, 110. Ammonia (Carbonate of). Haktmaxnl's (J.) *De salis volatilis cornu cervi crystallisatione volatili essentiali. 4°. Eilia; 1697. Iiionville «fc Behier. Des experiences pour appTe- cier les consequences dc l'injection clu carbonate d'ammo- niaque dans le tissu cellulaire sous-cutan6. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1873, Par., 1874, 5. 8., v, 112.—Skcrrett (R.) Carbonate of ammonia in fever. Dublin M. Press, 1842, vii, 298. Ammonia (Hydrosulphate of). Fabics (A. N.) *Experimenta nonnulla de actione sulpbo-bydratis ammonii in animalia. b-. Groningce, [1850]. Rothek (CD.) *De ammonio hydrothiode. 8°. Halce, [1801]. Ammonia (Injection of). See, also, Puerperal fever (Treatment of); Ser- pents (Poisonous, Bites of, Antidotes and treatment of); Wounds (Poisoned). Cotton (H. J.) Intravenous injection of ammonia. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xx, 771.—Fayrer (J.) On the influ- ence of liquor ammoniae hvpodermicaUv injected. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 129— Halford (G. B.) On the injection of ammonia into the'circulation. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1869, xiv, 100-112: 1871, xvi, 97-103: 1872, xvii, 378-386.— Ulaccwen (W.) Injection of ammonia into the circulation in a case of opium poisoning. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, 493-502.—Pcnfold (O.) On a case of collapse treated bv injection of ammonia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1873, xvm, 5.—Tibbits (R. W.) On some cases of direct injection of ammonia into the circulation. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 486. Ammonia (Muriate of). See Ammonium (Chloride of). Ammonia (Nitrate of). Faselius (J. F.) *Prograrama iuvitatorium de nitro semivolatili egregio adversus febres ma- lignas atque exanthematicas remedio. 4°. Jence, [1762]. v. liosecke (A.) Ueber BUdung und Bedeutung des salpetrigsauren Ammoniaks. Arch. a. Pharm., HaUe, 1879, 3. R., xiv, 54-58. Ammonia (Phosphate of). Buckler (T. H.) On the use of phosphate of ammonia, as a new remedy for gout and rheumatism, as a solvent of uric acid calculus, and for diseases, aeute and chronic, con- nected directly with the lithic acid diathesis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s., xi, 108-123. Aho, transl.: Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847, i, 71-78.—Edwards (S.) On the phosphate of ammonia, and its value in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1847, 617-623. -----. On phosphate of ammonia, and its employment in gout and AMMONIA. 236 AMMONIUM. Ammonia (Phosphate of). rheumatism. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, xxi, 407. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., x, 993-995. Ammonia (Picrocanninate of). .tlalassez (L.) Note sur lo spectre du picrocanninate d'ammoniaque. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1877, 2. s., iv, 41-43. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., Ui, 390-392. Ammonia (Salicylate of). martenson (J. F.) SaUcylsaures Ammon als Ersatz der Salicylsaure zum innerUchen Gebrauche. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875, n. F., v, 343. Ammonia (Toxicology of). Geneuil (M. A.) * Etude sur l'empoisonnement par l'ammoniaque. 4°. Paris, 1873. Bcnn (J. E.) Death of Humphrey Peake, M. D., from swallowing liquid ammonia. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1867-8, n. s., i, 13.—Blake (C. P.) [Cases.] Poisoning by caustic ammonia. St. George's Hosp. Rep. (1870), Loud., 1871, v, 72-75.—Castan (A.) Empoisonnement par lo gaz ammoniac. Montpel. m6d., 1870, xxv, 377-394.—Chap- plain. Empoisonnement par l'ammoniaque. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1846, 3. s., ii, 402.—Chevallicr Sc Iias- saigne. Tentative d'empoisonnement par Tarumoniaque. Ibid., 1853, 3. s., ix, 692-694.—Dyson (W.) Poisoning by Uquor ammonia? foitior. Med. Tunes Sc Gaz., Lond., 1878, i, 35.—Empoisonnement par l'ammoniaque Uquide. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1862, xxxv, 39.—Empoisonnement par l'eau sfidative. J. de chim. m6d.. etc., Par., 1859, 4. s., v, 10-13.—Fonssagrives. Nouvelle observation d'empoi- sonnement par l'eau s6dative. Ibid., 13-17.—Francais. Note sur un cas d'empoisonnement par Tammoniaque Uquide chez une femme enceinte. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1877, 2. s., xlvii, 556-562. Aho: Lyon med., 1877, xxiv, 587-590. Aho: Soc. de med. leg. de France, Bull., 1877-8, Par., 1879, v, 32-38.—voa Franque (J. B.) Vergiftung durch Liquor amnion, caustic. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1859, 748.—Gillam. Case of poisoning by Uquor ammonia;; post-mortem notes. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 706.—Iliff (W. T.) Case of poisoning by spirits of hartshorn; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1849, u, 575.—Im- bcrt-Gourbcyrc' (A.) Observations d'empoisonnement par Tammoniaque. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1854, 3. s., x, 648-654. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 629.—Im- portant medico-legal inquiry. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1842, iii, 418-420.—Jcanty. Un cas d'empoisonnement par Tammoniaqne. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1867, 2. s., vi, 102-105.—Kern. Vergiftungdurch Salmiakgeist. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868, xxxviii, 304.—Lcudct. t [Autopsy.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxviii, 363.—lUachcr. Vergiftung durch Aetzain- monialc mit todtlichem Erfolgc. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1847, lxii, 191-195.—Mankiewicz. Ein FaU von Vergiftung durch Liquor ammonii caustici. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xiv, 522.—Matterson. Case of poisoning by liquor ammonias. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 280. —iTIort causae par Tammoniaque. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1854, 3. s., x, 26.—Nysten. Sur un cas d'empoisonne- ment produit par Tinspiration de Tammoniaque pendant un acc£s d'6pilepsie. BuU. Fac. de m6d. de Par., etc., 1875, iv, 352-363.—Patterson (A.) Case of poisoning by aq. am- monia. Edinb. M. J., 1857. iii, 236.—Petit. F [Autopsw] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 404.—Poisoning by liquor ammonia. N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s., U, 497.— Potain. Empoisonnement par Tammoniaque Uquide. Union med., Par., 1862, 2. s.. xUi, 119-126.—Reed (H. W.) Case of poisoning by Uquor ammonias fortius. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 59-62.—Routier (A.) Intoxica- tion par Tammoniaque. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 65.— Skoda. Vergiftung mit Ammonia pura liquida. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1856, i, 22.—Souchard (A.) Observa- tion d'un empoisonnement par Tammoniaque. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1841, xxv, 219-222.—Taylor (A. S.) Poisoning by ammonia in compound camphor liniment. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s., x, 190.—Trotter (J. W.) On a case of poisoning by hartshorn. Lancet, Lond., 1852, i, 261.—Wilkins (E. P.) Poisoning by tho stronger liquor of ammonia; recovery. J bid., 1846, i, 385.—Woodman (B.) Poisoning by Uq. ammonias fort. Med. Tunes & Gaz., Lond., 1864, U, 385. Ammonia (Urate of). Src, also, Phthisis (Treatment of). Baur (H.) Das harnsaure Ammoniak (Ammonium uri- cum) iu seiner Beziehung zu besondern Organen und pa- thologischen Functionen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1848, lix, 111-113. -----. Das harnsaure Ammoniak gegen chronische Hautansschliige und Lungentuberculose. Je- naische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., Jena, 1850, i, 374-379. -----. De l'emploi de Turate d'ammoniaque dans les fio- vres intermittentes et le cholera-morbus europ6en. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 604-606. -----. De Turate d'ammoni- aque dans les affections intermittentes et dans lo chol6ra. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1*33, i, 1210. Ammonia (Valerianate of). Labourenr. Le valerianate d'ammoniaque, tel qu'on le trouvo aujourd'hui clans le commerce, n'est pas un medi- eamente ix composition delinio. Union med., Par., 1856, x, 434.—La tour (A.) Qu'est-ce quo le valerianate d'ammo- niaque '. Ibid., 390. Ammoniac (Gum). Jaehnel (J. G.) * De gummi ammoniaco. 8°. Lipsice, [1837]. Nicolai (E. A.) . . . de gummi ammoniaci virtute. 4°. Jence, [1757]. Przeciszicwski (F.) * Pharmakologische Un- tersuchungen iiber Ammoniacum, Sagapenum und Opoponax. 8°. Dorpat, Wagner (A. U. F. C.) * De gummi ammoni- aco. 4°. Gottinga', [1775]. Bclioux (J.) Do Taction de la gommo ammoniaquo et de son mode d'administration. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1855, xlvui, 385-387.—Be Savignac (D.) Memoire sur la gommc ammoniaque. Ibid., 1868, lxxiv, 385-400.— Wichmniin. Von der nachtheUigen Wirkung des Gum- mi ammoniacum. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1800, x, 3. St., 62-72. Ammonia? mia. See, also, Uraemia. [da Cunha Bellem (A. M.)] Sobre oenvenenamento produzido pcla absorpcao do sulpho-ammoniureto de hy- clrogenia que se desenvolvo nos intestinos, ou hydrothio- ammoniohemia. EschoUaste nied. Lisb., 1866, xvii, 373- 377.—Feltz (V.) Sc Bitter (E.) fitude exp6rimentale sur Tammoni6mie. Compt.-rend. Acad, de sc, Par., 1874, IxxvUi, 859. —Ferrctti (G.) Un caso di ammonioB- mia. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1876, vi, 97-108.—Rigler. Beitrag zur Lehre uber Ammoniiimie. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1861. xi, 161; 177; 193.—Rosenstein (S.) Ueber Ammoniasmic. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Mod., Leipz., 1874, i, 167.—Sec (G.) Einige veigleichende Bemerkungen uber Uneniic und Ammoniaemie. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 150-152. Ammonium (Bromide of). See, also, Hooping-cough (Treatment of'). Clarke (E. H.) & Amory (K.) The physiolo- gical and therapeutical action of tho bromide of potassium and bromide of ammonium. 12°. Boston, 1874. Ayres (II. C.) Bromide of ammonium in chorea and epi- ! lepsy. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvU, 143.— Bistrofl* (N.) Die'physiologische Wirkung des Ammo- ■ nium bromatum auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1868, 721-72*.— Gibb. The value of the bromide of ammonium as a reme- dial agent. Lancet. Lond., 1863, i, 11.—Griffith (G. de G.) On the uso of the bromide of ammonium in "irritable uterus", and certain other diseases, especiaUvas thc-v occur in females. Med. Circ, Lond., 1863, xxui,359J 371.— Hatch (I.) The therapeutic properties of bromide of ammonium. Chicago M. Exam., 1863, iv, 629-634.-----. On the therapeu- tic uses of bromide of ammonium. Ibid., 1866. vii, 717-722. Ammonium (Chloride of). Arnold (J. \Y.) *De salis ammoniaci vi et usu. 8°. Heidelbergce, 1826. Bolze (F.) * De sale ammoniaco. 8°. Pragce, 1835. Csexdits (J.) * De sale ammoniaco. 8°. Pes- thini, [1834]. Dercken (L.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Chlorammoniums. 8°. Marburg, 1873. Fels (W. J.) * De sale ammoniaco ejusdemque usu medico-chymico ac curioso. sm. 4°. Vitem- bergce, 1726. ROsch (C.) Die Arzneikrafte des Salmiaks. Eine Abhandlung fur practische Aerzte. 12°. Tubingen, 1835. Arnold (J.-G.) Exp6rieiices relatives a, Taction dn sel ammoniac sur l'organisme animal, avec quelques conclu- sions qui en decoulcnt. J. compl. du diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1828. xxxi, 40-54.—Beigel (H.) Inhalation of the vapour of chloride of ammonia iu its nascent state. Lancet, Lond., 1867, U, 512.—Bird (F.) Fernere Wahrnehmung uber die Wirksamkeit des Salmiaks bei Verhartuugen der Einge- weido. Rhein.-westphiil. Jahrb. cl. Med. u.'Cbir., Hamm, 1826, xi, 1. St., 102-114.—Cholmeley (W.) Notes on the therapeutic value of chloride of ammonium. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond., 1369, iii, 102-111.—l>iscin-«.ion on the therapeutic applicatious of muriate of ammonia. AMMONIUM. 237 AMNION. Ammonium (Chloride of). Med. Rec., N. Y., 1866, i, 531.—Dujardin-Bcnumctz. ' De Taction therapeutique et physiologique du chlorhydrate d'ammoniaque comparee a cille du chlorhydrate cie trime- thylamine. BuU. et mem. Soc. de therap. 1873, Par.. 1S75, v,"62; 70.—Ebden (H. A.) Note on some of the medici- i nal uses, as an internal remedy principaUy, of the muriate of ammonia. Indian Aun. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854, i, 552- 555.—Fischer (A. F.) Feraere Erfahrungen uber die j Anwendung des Salmiaks in giossen Gaben. J. d. pract. HeUk.. Berl., 1824, lviii, 2. St., 66-69. -----. Xntzen des Salmiaks in grossen Dosen bei einer anf Desorganisation beruhenden lind gefahrdrohenden Schlundverengerung. Ibid., 1825, lx, 6. St., 106-121. -----. Natron und Salmiak, die mUdesten und sichersten Mittel zur Befcirderang or- | ganischer RiickbUdung in chronischen Krankheiten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1833, U, 705: 739; Mi7.— Gieseler (R.) Ueber die Anwendung der Dampfe des j Chloramnionium in Krankheiten der Respirationsorgane. Ztschr. f. rat, Med., Heidelb., 1854. n. F., v, 324-330. Aho, ] Reprint.—Gumpert. Einige Bemerkungen uber die An- wendung des Salmiaks in grossen Dosen. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 1838, vii, 179.—HarlesH (C. F.) Erfahrung iiber die Wir- kungen und den rechten Gebrauch des Salmiaks. N. Jahrb. i d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1822, v. 3. St., 135- 147.—Hey dock (M. O.) The therapeutical uses of the muriate of ammonia. Chicago M. Exam., 1861. ii. 649-655.— i Hiinefeld (F. L.) Ueber die Wu-kung des Salmiaks anf mehrere krankhafte thierische Ablagerungen, Concretio- nen, uberhaupt iiber dessen Verhaltniss zu mehrern phos- phorsauren, kohlensauren, flusssauren etc. Kalk- und Talk* salzen, in chemischer und therapentischer Beziehung. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1826. I 504; U, 401. -----. De ! Taction du sel anuuoniac sur plusieurs concretions mor- bides. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1827, xxvi, 300- 318.—Knntzmann. Ueber die Wirkung des Salmiaks in grossen Gaben. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1823, lvu, 3. St., 3-17.— Learning (J. II.) Therapeutics of chloride of am- | moniuni. Tr.M.Soc.N.Y..Albany, 1864,245-260—L.iber- mann. Des inhalations de chlorhydrate d'animouiaque dans les affections chroniques des voies respiratoues BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, Ixxxv, 340-348. Aho: \ Union med., 1873, 3. s.. xvi, 333-341. Aho: Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1873. [xxi], 591-596.—Lindsay (A.) I Notes on the physiological and therapeutic effects of the chloride of ammonium. Glasgow M. J., 1855-6, iU, 303- J 309.—Marrotte. De l'emploi du chlorhydrate d'ammo- niaque dans le traitement de.s affections catarrhales. comme I succedane du sulfate de quinine. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1867, TxxU, 391-399.—Moll. Over het geneeskundig gebruik van het gezuiverde amnioniakzout (sal ammonia- j cum depuratum). Pract. Tydschr. v. d. Gcueesk., Gorin- chem, 1823, ii, 251-272 —Moore (K. P.) Hydrochloiate of ammonia. Atlanta M 0-2>3.—Cerasi (P.) Perdita quasi conipleta della memoria per sihlide. Gior. mecl. di Roma. 1867, iii. 165-167.—Henrot (II.) Am- nesic passauere. Union med. et scient. du uord-est, Reims, 1*79, iii. 24*.—Motet. De Tamnesie temporaire. Courrier med., Par., 1879, xxix. 185; 193. Aho: Union med., Par., 1879, 3. 8., xxvU, 950-955.—Segerui* (G.) De memoria e nuUa manifesta causa abolita restituta. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., 1672, Lips. & Francof., 1681. iU, 319. Also, transl.: CoUect. acad. de mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, iii, 165.—Sharpey (W.) The re-education of tho adult brain. Brain: J. Neurol., Lond.. 1879-80, U, 1-9. Amnion. See, also, Decidua. Holtz (Anna). * tlber das Epithel des Amnion. n . Dresden, lf78. Jacquart (H.) * De l'amnios chez les oiseanx. 4 . Paris, 1845. Ahlfeld (F.) Ueber die Zotten des Amnion. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1874, vi, 358-364, 1 pi.: 1875, vU, 567-570.— Dareste. Note sur le developpement de l'amnios apres la mort de Tembryon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1S.">9), Par., 1860, 3. s., i, 33.—Jacquart (H.) Formation primitive de l'amnios: persistance presnmee du pedicule amniotique sur deux ceul's humains abortifs. Ibid. (1856), Par., 1857, 2. s., Ui, 227-230.—Ijebedeff (A.) Quelques donnees sur la fonction physiologique de l'amnios: cas de rupture de cette membrane pendant la grossesse: choroitis chronica. Ann. de gynec. Par., 1878. ix, 241-251.—Schenk (S. L.) Bei- trage znr Lehre vom Amnion. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 197-201, 1 pi.—Winkler (N. F.) Die Zotten des menschUchen Amnios. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1868, iv, 535-540. -----. Erwideruiig und Berich- tigung zu "Ueber die Zotten des Amnion'' [dieses Ar- chiv, Bd. vi. S. 358]. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl., 1874, vii, 325-330.—Winogradow. Ueber den Bau des mensch- lichen Amnion. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1872, Uv, 78-81, 1 pi. Amnion (Abnormities and diseases of). See, also, Amputation (Ditra-uterine). Klotz (C. L.) * Ueber amniotische Biiuder und Faden. 8°. Leipzig, [18(59]. Ahlfeld. Ueber einen eigenthiimUcheu Amnionfaden. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1877. xii. 154.—Bidder. Amnio- tische Falten unci Faden an der Placenta. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1876, v, 550.—Braun (G.) Neuer Beitrag zur Lehre von den amniotischeu Bandern und deren Einfluss auf die fcitale Entwickeluug. Med. Jahrb., Wien. 1862, iv, 3-15, 1 pi. -----. . Die stiangibrmige Aufwickelung des Amnion um den Nabelstrang des reifen Kindes, eine seltene Ursache des intrauterinen Foetaltodes. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1865, xi, 165; 181. —Breslau & Eberth. Diffuses Myxom der Eihiiute. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, vUi, 1-3.—Fehling. Demonstration eines Praparates mit amniotischen Faden und Karunkeln. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1874, vi, 521.—Fiirst (L.) Das Amnion in seiner Beziehung zu fotaleu Missbildungen. Ibid., 1871, U, 315-330.—Mattei. De la poche aninio-choriale et de la hernie que peut faire la membrane amnios k travers la rup- ture du chorion. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1858-60, vi, 421.— Poletti (L.) Sopra un carattere anonnale offerto della superficie interna deU'amnios umano. Estr. di mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Bologna, 1840, 83- 88. — Reuiak (R.) Ueber die Zusainnienziehung des Amnios. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz.. 1854, xxi. 369-373.—Sandham (W. H.) [Singular labour case.] Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxi. 231-234.— Scntex. Considerations sur Tamniotite. Mem. et bull. Soc. de nied. de Bordeaux, 1869. 204; 224. Aho: Bull. med. du Nord de la Fiance, LiUe, 1872, xii, 305: 341.—Stein (J.) Eine Missbildung durch amniotische Fiiden und Bander. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1870, xv, 113-115. —Taylor (J. I.) Hematocele of the amnion. Mecl. Rec. N. Y., 1875, x, 683.—Welles (D. E.) Amniotic fluid [absent]. Bos- ton M. &. S. J., 1879, ci, 391.—Winkler (H. F.) Ein FaU von Cystenbildung im Amnion. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1870, i," 350-352. Amnion (Dropsy of). Becker (C. A. F.) *De hydramnio. 8°. Jena?, 1~">^. Bremond (A.) * Essai sur i'hydramnios. 4°. Montpellier, 1-7:1. Dibuisskt (L.-D.) 'Dissertation snr Thy- dropisie de l'amnios. 4J. Paris, 1836. Guillemet (V.) 'Contribution h l'etude de I'hydramnios. 4 . Paris, 1-Tti. Jcngbluth (H.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom AMNION. 238 AMNION. Amnion (Dropsy of). Fruchtwasser unci seiner iibermiissigen Vermeh- rung. 8°. Bonn, 1869. Levison (F.) Bidrag til Laeren om Foster- vandet og den abnorme For0gelse af dettes Maeugde. [Greases.] 8°. KjQbenhavn, 1873. Liegener (A.) * Ueber Hydramnios. sm. 8°. Merlin, [18o9]. Amerman (G.) t ... terminating fataUy. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1855, iv, 182-184.—Bartholow (R.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1860, xl, n. s„ 404-400.—Battson (O. A.) t Mecl. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1870, xxiii, 237; 255. -----. t Ibid., 1871, xxiv, 47-49. —Berry (W.) i Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 534.—Bishop (J. C.) t South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1875, v, 72-79. — Blcy. Hydramnios; ac- couchemeut premature; deUvrance retardec; phlegmasie intra-pelvienne. Gaz. med. dc Strasb.. 1872-3. xxxii, 202- 205.—Boddy (H. W.) t . . . simulating ovarian tumour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 471.—Bndin (P.) Hydroamnios; accouchement premature spontane; mort 1. Carre (A. C.) *De I'amputation, considered comme moyen curatif dans les accidens de d6- bilitd qui suivent ou accompagnent les grandes plaies et les grandes suppurations qui en de- pendent. 4°. Paris, 1815. Collin-Villebuhart (J.-B.) *Des cas qui ne"cessitent I'amputation des membres. 4°. Pains, 1845. David (J. M.) * Dissertation sur l'inutilit6 de I'amputation dans la plupart des maladies de la contignit6 des os. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Detrieux (P.-A.) *Du moment qui doit etre choisi pour pratiquer les amputations. 4°. Paris, 1845. Dubrtjeil (J.) * Essai sur les cas qui neces- sitent I'amputation des membres. 4C. Paris, 1813. Dupuy (J.) * Considerations pratiques sur I'amputation des membres. 4°. Paris, 1850. Eberl (M.) *Brevem amputationis ex tem- pore historiam et quidem ex momentis, quae in indicationibus ex tempore in campo prcelii ampu- tandi constituendis sunt respicienda. 8°. Her- bipoli, 1819. Faber (T. F.) Miscellaneae theses medico-chi- rurgiciB. sm. 4°. Tubingce, 1724. Faucon (A.) Des indications d'amputation quo pr6sentent les fractures compliqu6es. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865. Feltz (V. T.) * Des amputations primitives et des amputations secondaires; de leurs indica- tions et de leurs contre-indications. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1863. Fischer (J.) *De amputatione. 4°. Bero- lini, 1826. Geiger (C. F.) * Sistens cogitata quaedam generalia circa amputationem adjecta observa- tione hue spectante. 4-. Jence, 1800. van Gesscher (D.) Verhandeling over de be- staanbaarheid en noodzaaklykheid der afzetting in verscheiden heelkundige gebreken. 8 . Am- sterdam, 1771. Gladbach (G. C. W.) * Sistens quaedam super amputatione. 8°. Marburgi, 1790. -----. Tho same. 8°. Marburgi, 1791. Glede (R.) *De amputationibus et resectio- nibus. 8°. Berolini, 1866. Gottwald (F. G.) *De amputandis membris minoribus. 8°. Jence, 1817. Grossmith (W. R.) Amputations and arti- ficial limbs. 8°. London, 1857. Haase (J. G.) Amputationis ossium praecipua quaedam momenta ex duplici casu altero femoria altero cruris resecti repetiit. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1801. -----. The same. Sect. ii. 4°. Lipsice, 1801. Haenel (L. F.) *De variis indicationibus at- que contraindicationibus, de tempore ac loco, quo membrorum amputatio instituenda est. 4°. Jence, 1818. Halma- Grand. *Des cas qui ne"cessitent I'amputation des membres et des contre-indica- tions & cette operation. 4°. Paris, 1832. Hammick (S. L.) Practical remarks on ampu- tations, fractures, and strictures of the urethra. 8°. London, 1830. Heine (F R.) *De indicationibus ad ampu- tationem. sm. 8°. [Berolini, 1822.] Hells (J.-M.) * Considerations sur I'amputation des membres. 4°. Paris, 1829. Heyfelder (J. F.) Ueber Resectionen und Amputationen. 4°. Breslau u. Bonn, 1854. Holtzbacher (A.) * Ueber die Amputation im Allgemeinen und die Amputation in der Con- AMPUTATION. 241 AMPUTATION. ' Amputation. tinuitat der einzelnen Glieder ins Besondere. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1835. van Hoorn (P. G.) *De iis, quae in partibus membri, prassertim osseis, amputatione vulne- ratis, notanda sunt. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1803. Kirkland (T.) Thoughts on amputation. Being a supplement to the letters on compound fractures, and a comment on Dr. Bilguer's book on this operation. 8°. London, 1780. KfJHXT (C. G.) ... num artuum amputatio statim post ossium collisionem instituenda. 4°. Lipsice, 1813. —----. . . . Larreyi sententia de amputationis festinatione statim post vulnus inflictum expendi- tur. 4°. Lipsice, 1814. Laberxardie (A.) * Du moment qui doit etre choisi pour pratiquer les amputations. 4°. Paris, 1845. Le Blaye (V.) *Du moment des amputa- tions. 4°. Paris, 1844. Liernur (G. M. A.) *Over het verschil in waarde van resectie en amputatie. 8°. Amster- dam, 1872. Ludolphus (M. M.) *De artuum amputa- tione rite administranda. 4°. Jence, 1718. Maixgault (C.) Me'decine op6ratoire. Traite" des diverses amputations qui se pratiquent sur le corps humaiu. Pre"ced6 d'un rapport fait par l'Institut de France, fol. Paris, 1822. -----. The same. Illustrations of the differ- ent amputations performed on the human body, represented by plates designed after nature, with alterations and practical observations by WilUam Sands Cox. 2. ed. fol. London, 1845. Mayring (L.) *Die Amputation im Allge- meinen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1841. Metzig (J.) Gegen das Amputiren gleich nach schweren Verletzungen. 8°. Lissa, 1857. Also, in: Bull, de l'Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1857-8, 2. s., i, 419-421; discussion, 1858-9, ii, 38; 58. Moerxer(L.) *De indicationibus et contra- indicationibus amputationis. 4°. Jence, [1817]. Mynors (R.) Practical thoughts on amputa- tions, etc. 12°. Birmingham, 1783. Patoureau (F.-A.) *Des amputations des membres dans leur continuity. 4C. Paris, 1843. Peyson (B.) * Amputationis brevis adumbra- tio. 8°. Berolini, [1832]. Pezolt (J. E. L.) *De amputatione membro- rum. 4°. Gottingce, [1778], Pott (P.) ... on the necessity and propriety of amputation. 8°. London, 1779. Poulixt (E.-C.) * Dissertation sur les cas qui re"clament I'amputation des membres, et sur les accidens qui peuvent entraver la gu6rison de la plaie resultant de cette operation. 4°. Paris, 1827. Radot (N.) *Des amputations en general. 4°. Paris, 1834. Robbi (H.) * De via ac ratione qua olim mem- brorum amputatio instituta est. sm. 4C. Lipsice, [1815]. Roenholm (E. J.) *De amputatione. 4°. Gcettingce, [1796]. Rome as (J. - J. -R. -F.) * Des cas qui n6cessitent I'amputation des membres. 4°. Paris, 1844. Sahlfelder (J. C.) * De artuum amputatione eaque in priinis in ipso proelii campo instituenda meletemata quaedam. 4°. Lipsice, [1825]. Staege (P.) *Indicationen zur Amputation auf dem Hauptverbandplatze. 8°. Berlin, [1876]. Sundevall (F.) *Nar bor man amputera? 8°. Upsala, 1850. Toutain (V.) * Essai sur la valeur relative des amputations et rejections dans les plaies et maladies articulaires. 4°. Paris, 1877. 16 Amputation. Vignolles (J. V.) * Essai sur les amputations en general. 4°. Paris, 1822. Vimont (Y.-T.-R.) Considerations generales sur les amputations dans la continuity des mem- bres. 4°. Paris, 1821. Voelckner (A. H.) * De amputationis limi- tibus. 4°. Argentorati, [1785]. Watson (A.) * On amputation in cases of ex- ternal injury. 8°. Edinburgh, 1821. v. Willebraxd (K. F.) *Om Indicatlonerna till Amputation. 8°. Helsingfors, [1840]. Alcock (R.) Lectures on amputation, and on the nature, progress, and terminations of the injuries for which it is required. Lancet, Loud., 1840-1, i, 105; 217; 393; 457; 601; 713; 777: ii, 1; 65; 113; 209; 289; 385; 497; 529; 609; 641; 705; 737; 801; 849.—Aljanskago (V. N.) Ke voprosu ohe uslovijache pravilnago techenija amputatsionniche rane. [When to amputate.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1879, cxxxiv, 43-87.—Amputations. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 341.—Amputations. No system in America. Boston M. & S. J., 1837, xvii, 254-256.—Ancelet (E.) Nouveau moyen d'6viter la ligature des vaisseaux dans les amputations. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 195.— Avent (B. W.) Amputation of large Umbs. South. J. M. & Phys. Sc, KnoxvUle, Tenn., 1855, iU, 401-410.—Bail. Vermeidung der Amputation. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, 541-543.—Bardinet (A.) De ramputation des membres en general, et particulierement de 1 amputation de la jambe sans instruments tranchants. Rev. med. de Limoges, 1868-9, ii, 198-201. Also: Bull. Acad. d. med., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 214-218. Aho: France med.. Par., 1869, xvi, 315. Aho, appendix by F. Bricheteau: BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvi, 494-500.—Bandens. Am- Sutations immediates et amputations cons6cutives. Rec. e mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1853, 2. s.. x, 118-121.—Bell (C.) Observations on the question of amputation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, i, 201; 265.—Benedict. Die Amputation. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1835, xUv, 185-190.—von Bierkowski (L. J.) Ueber Amputation der Glied- massen. In his: Chirurgische Erfahrungen, Berl., 1847, 23-192.—Bla*iu*. Schragschnitt. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1843, xxii, 10-27.—Bly (D.) Amputation of the lower extremities with reference to substitutes for the same. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1861, 105-107.— Bobrof (A. A.) Amputatsiya pri yavleniyakh shoka. [Amputa- tion during torpor.] Med. Obozrainio,* Moscow, 1876, vi, 91-94.—Byrd (H. L.) Remarks on amputations. Med. & Swg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xv, 409.—Callender (G. W.) Letter on amputations in hospitals. Lancet, Lond., 1869, U, 420.—Carbajal (L.) Dos palabras sobre las resecciones y amputaciones. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1865, xii, 33; 69.— Chassaignac. Desamputationsimm6diatesetdes ampu- tations secondaires. De la retardation des amputations par le pansement occlusif. AffaibUssement de l'immunit6 vacci- nate chez les ampuWs. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 259. -----. Des amputations differees ou de la retardation des amputations dites primitives. Prance med. et pharm., Par., x, 1863,171.—Chelius (M. J.) Bemerkungen iiber die Am- putationen. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1825, i, 190-207.—Cloquet (J.) Amputation. Diet,demed.,Par.,2.ed., 1833,U,412-485. —Cock. Amputation of useless limbs. Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, 410.—Creaser (T.) Observations on amputation. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1824, xxii, 48-53.—Daniel. Memoire sur l'abus des amputations. J. Soc. de med.-prat. de Mont- ■ pel., 1841, iv, 81-102,1 pi.—Deniarquette. Quelques cas de 16sion traumatique grave qui prouvent qu'U ne taut pas trop se hater d'amputer. Rev. m6d., Par., 1863, U, 205- 209.— Dewar (A.) On amputation. Edinb. M. . Agnew(D.H.) A combination of thecutaneousandmus- culo-cutaneous plans of amputation. Phila. M. Times, 1875, v, 710.—Albert (E.) Zur Gritti'schen Amputation. "Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 1001-1004. Also, in his: Beitr. z. ope- rative Chirurgie, 8°, Wien, 1878, 44-48.—Alcuni (Sopra) nuovi processi per la disarticolazione del femore, del tarso col metatarso, e deU'umero. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1828, ix, 173-177.—Allarton (G.) Concave knives hi flap amputations. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 98.—Amputation k lambeaux. [Acad. r. d. sc. do Par.] Rec. de ntem., Diion, 1769, iii, 517.—Rattilana (A. M.) Amputacion del muslo & colgajo rotuliano de Gritti. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1874-5, xi, 309-313.—Raudens. Des ampu- tations par la methode do M. Bandens, k un seul lambeau semi-lunaire anterieur. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 448. -----. Considerations generates sur les amputations des membres, considerees au point de vue des methodes opferatoires et des lieux d'eiection. Ibid., 1849, 3. 8., i, 259; 291; 308; 321; 336.—Rennett (E. P.) Modification of Teale's flap operation in amputation. Am. J. M. Sc, 1865, xUx, 120.—van Biervliet (A.) Des amputations par la m6thode k deux lambeaux rectangulaires inegaux, ou me- thode de Teale. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1863, 2. 8., xxiv, xi, 149-152.—Billroth. Tre amputazioni sottope- riostee. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1869. 6. s., ii, 329.— Bitot. De l'aniputation par la Ugature. Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 941; 984.—Bly (D.) The points of election and kind of operation for amputation of the lower extremities, with reference to the use of artificial Umbs. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1862, 295-299. Also: Am. M. Tunes, N. Y., 1862, iv, 262-264.—Boddaert (G.) Deux amputations pra- tiquees avec ischemic preiiminaire des membres; methode d'Esmarcb. Pressem6d. beige, Brux., 1874, xxvi, 137-139.— Borclli (G.) Nuovo nietodo di amputazione deUa gamba per ottenere una protesi comoda e solida. Fac. di oss. clin.- patol., Torino, 1867, ii. 494-497.—Brnns (P.) Die galva- nokaustische Amputation der GUeder. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvi, 115-155.—Bryant (T.) On the safety of torsion in amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 417.—Bushc (G.) On the comparative merits of tho different methods of performing amputations. Ibid., 1828, ii, 204-208.— Butcher (R.G.H.) Cases of amputation; use ofa new saw. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1851, xii, 209-223, 1 pi.—Byrd (11. L.) The combination operation in amputation of the extremities. Bait. M. J. & Bull., 1871, ii, 517-520.—Carden (II. D.) On amputation by single flap. (Plates and tables.) Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, i, 416-421. A ho, Reprint. See, aho, Clark.— Carpenter (J. T.) On amputation by anterior flap on the leg and thigh. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., PhUa.. 1869, 5. s., ii, SOS- SOS.—Cases (Two) of Teale's amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, ii, 994.—Chassaignac. Amputation de jambe k la partie inferieure au moven des caustiques. Bull. Soc. do chir. de Pai. 1857, vii, 520.—Chaussicr. Pr6cia d'exp6riences sur I'amputation des extr6mites articu- laires des os longs. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat., Par., 1800, iii, 397-400.—Child (D.) On a modification of flap in amputations. N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 220-223.—Church (W. H.) Anterior single flap amputation. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1863, vii, 71— Clark (L. G.) Mr. Carden's method of amputating. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, i, 491.—Cie- land. Perforated zinc in the management of amputa- tions. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1870, U, 117.—Con- siderations sur la methode circulaire et k lambeaux dans I'amputation de l'avant-hras et de la jambe. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1832, xliii, 324-333.— Cramer von Baumgarten (W. J.) Bijdrage tot staving van het nut der amputatie-methode met enkele cirkelsnede en opvolgend klecfpleisterverband. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zcemagt, Gravenh., 1865, Ui, 165-169.— Croly (H. G.) Four cases of amputation by long and short rectangular flaps (Teale's method), Ulustrated by practical observations advocating this mode of operation. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xhii, 266-281, 3 pi.—Cnignet. Amputation de la jambe avec formation d'une opercule de peiioste pour recouvrir les os. BuU. med. du Nord, LUle, 1876, xv, 1 .'5-132.—Despres. Antopl.-.stie p6riostique. P6riost6otomie clans tea amputations. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 550.—If iday. De I'amputation sous- cutan6e des membres; discussion. Ann. Soc de med. de Lyon, 1855, 2. s., Ui, 297-308.—Discussion sur un AMPUTATION. 247 AMPUTATION. Amputation (Methods of). . nouveau precede de dcsarticulation sous-periostee. Lyon med., 1872, ix, 621.—Bubrueil. Les amputations des membres avec le thermo-caut ere. [With discussion.] BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 130-142.— Duchamp (V.) Note sur un cas d'amputation k l'aide du fer rouse [pioc6cle dc M. Lctievant]. Lyon nied., 1875, xix, 550-55_'.—EDuval (M.) Amputations'des membres; considerations generates; descriptionsdo quelques precedes, soit elUptiques, soit k lambeaux. Tribune med., Par., 1874, viu, 1; 13; 25; 37; 70; 102; 123; 183; 211; 270; 303; 351; 424; 450; 559; 583; 654: 727; 747. -----. Note sur les amputations pratiquees cu France ct hors de France d'apr^s les precedes do M. MarcelUn Duval. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1878, xxx, 294-301.—Feoktistow (S.) Ueber che Erhaltung des Periosts bei Amputationen an den Extremitiiten. Aus dem in russischcr Sprache geschrie- benen Originate ausziigUch mitgetheilt von Dr. Mussmann. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1865,ii, 12; 24.—Garcia (E.) Sobre la amputacion de la pierna por el proccder do Romagosa. Cron. med., Valencia, 1879, n, 235-237.—dc Garcngcot. Moyens do rendre plus simple et plus sure I'amputation a lambeau. Mem. Acad. roy. do chir.. Par., 1753, ii, 261-264.— Gaujot (G.) Etude sui' l'ablation des membres par le broiement circulaire. Arch. gen. dc med., Par., 1878, cxli, 129; 305 ; 416.—Gay (J.) A help to flap-making in ampu- tation. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 746.—Grigoricf (G. P.) Razraiz kozhi pri amputatsiakh. [Incisions of the skin in amputations.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsch., Ti- flis, Sept., 1872, ix, 298.—Gulz (J.) Amputationsverfahrcn mit clem Beilc nach Dr. Mayor in Lausanne. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 622-624.—Hargrave (W.) Re- flections on the flap and circular amputations in tho con- tinuity of the Umbs. Dublin M. Press, 1857, xxxvii, 257.— Heyielder (J. F.) Amputation avec conservation du perioste pour recouvrir le uout des os sctes. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brut, 1861, 2. s., iv, 165-108. Also: Gaz. m6d. do Par., 1801. 3. s.. xvi, 512: 1862, 3.8., xvU, 201.— Houzc de I'Aulnoit (A.) Note sur les avantages ct la description d'un nouveau precede op6ratoire applicable k toutes les amputations des membres et ayant pour but de recouvrir l'os sectionne avec une lame de perioste conserv6e k la face interne des lambeaux, avec trois planches dessin6es d'aprfes nature. Bull. med. du K ord, LUle, 1872,2. s., xii,00-65, 3 pi. A ho, Reprint. -----. Resultats de cUx amputations Bous-periostees. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873,3. s., U, 213- 216.—Hudson (A. T.) Amputation by tho combination plan. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1870, lxxxui, 305.—von Hiiben- thal. Ueber einige neu angegobene und modificirtoAmpu- tations-Instrunientf. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1825, vii, 382-385.—Jaxa-Kwiatkoivski. Note sur les amputa- tions faites par la methode galvano-eaustique. Ann. Soc. de m6d. do St.-lStienne et de la Loire (1872), St.-Eticnne, 1875, v, 94-119.—Johnston (A.) The history of two cases of ampu- tation, in which compression of tho artery was successfully made by the finger ot an" assistant, as there was no room for applying the tourniquet. Med. Comment., Lond., 1789, Ui, 306-372.—Jonrdan Sc Begin. Lambeau. Diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1818, xxvii, 191-218.—Hade (E.) Ein Wort der Erwiderung auf "die " WUde" Amputation in unseren Tagen" des Hrn. Prof. Szymanowski. St. Petersb. med. Ztschi-., 1867, xii, 41-51, xiii,'236-245.—von Klein. Ueber Lappcn-Amputation. J. d. Cbir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1825, vii, 173-184.—von Hlosctig. ZurTechnik der Amputationen. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 1321-1324.—Lacanchic (A.-E.) Etude de Celse au point de vue des amputations. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1848-9, xiv, 949-952. -----. Esquisse d'une histoire des amputations et particuUeie- j ment de la methodo de Celse. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1850, 3. | s., v, 360; 377; 467; 487.—L.a Faye. Histoire de I'am- putation k lambeau. suivant la methode de Vercuiin et I Sabourin, avec la description d'un nouvel instrument i pour cette operation. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 243-260, 2 pi.—licgros (F.) t Amputation a un seui lambeau des membres k un seul os. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, I 2. s., ii, 390.—Lehmann. 11 Ueber die Erlangung eines zum Stiitzen und Gehen brauchbaren Amputationsstumpfes durch BUdung eines aus Periost und WeichtheUen beste- | hendcu einfacben Lappens. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 5.—I.inser. Beitrag zur BehancUung der Knochen- prominenz in Amputationswunden. Med. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirt- j tomb, iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1871, xii, 185-187.—Iiisfranc. De l'opportunite et des iois generates des amputations dans la _continuite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., U, 321; 325.—liiston (R.) Four cases of amputation by R. Liston, illustrating bis mode of operating and after treatment. Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., 1837, i, 518-522.—f*oder (J. C.) Bemerkungen und Erfahrungen uber die neue Alansonische Art, die GUeder abzulosen. [Progr. com- mentationis de Alanaonii nova amputationis methodo part. i-vii und Progr. histories amputationum feliciter institu- tarum part, i-xiv.] N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz., 1794, 7. St., 205-271.—M'Gee (J. P.) Combination of the cutaneous and musculocutaneous plans of amputation. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 321.—McGill 6ratoire. Gaz. m6d. do Strasb., 1853, xui, 249-208.—Mills (H. 11.) Flaplessamputations. Michi- gan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1871-2, U, 587-592.—Nepveu. De la suppression de la compression digitate preUminaire dans I'amputation des membres; nouveaux proc6d6s d'am putation; hernie musculaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1873,xxviii, 166-108.—Neudorfer (I.) Die Aniputationsmethode nach Thiersch. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1860, vi, 497; 518. — Ncvermann. Neue Amputationsmethode. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1836, xxiv, 628.—Never- mnnn (J. F. W.) Ueber die Vorziige der Lappenampu- tation vor dem Cirkelschnitte, nebst Bemerkungen. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., HaUe, 1836-7, i, 411-455.— Olivares. Nuevo procediniiento operatorio en las ampn- taciones de los miembros por la continuidad. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 257.—Pemberton (O.) On amputation by rectangular flaps. Med. Tunes Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, U, 631-635, tbls.— Polano (M.) Heelkundige kliniek te Rotterdam: amputaticn; methode; verband. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1861, v, 81-93.— Poncet (M. F.) Les amputations sous-periostees. Gaz. ni6d.,Par., 1872, xxxU, 52; 65; 113; 122.—Portal. Snr une nouveUe methode de pratiquer I'amputation des extr6mit6s. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Par., 1773.] CoUect. acad. d. mem., etc, Par., 17&7, xv, 319.—Porter (G. H.) A new mode of arresting venous hemorrhage after amputation. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 268-270.—Porter (J. B.) Reasons for pre- ferring the circular mode of amputating Umbs to the flap operation, especiaUy in miUtary surgerv. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1852, n. s., 'xxiv, 13-29.'—Prince (D.) Plans for exsection of the upper ends of the humerus, and for ampu- tation of the arm and of the thigh, with explanations. Ibid., 1865, xlix, 304-317.—Boss (G.) [Cases.] Anwen- dung des einseitigen Cirkelschnitts bei der Absetzung von Glieuern mit zwei Rohrenknochen; Resection des recbten Oberarmkopfes. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1852, iv, 271.— Salmon (A.) & Mannonry. Etudes sur les amputa- tions faites au moyen des caustiqucs dans certains acci- dents consecutifs aux tesions traumatiques des membres. Union med., Par., 1856, x, 441; 446; 474; 487. Aho, Re- print. -----. Etudes sur les amputations par les caustiques. Union m6d., Par., 1857, xi, 357; 376; 381.—Sanger (E. F.) Bloodless amputations. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1874, v, 104-107.—Schneider (R.) Ueber subperiustalc Ampu- tationen. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 553-556.—Se- ries (A) of cases of Teale's amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, 265.—Simpson (J. Y.) On acupressure in amputations. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1800, i, 137- 139. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1860, xi, 129-133.—Smith (N. R.) Amputations by Ugature and elastic cord. Am. J. M. Sc, 1875, lxix, 429-432, 1 pi.—Sonpart (F J. D.) Nouveaux procectes op6ratoires pour les amputations partieUes de la main et du pied dans la continuite et dans la contiguite des os m6tacarpiens ct metatarsiens. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1842-3, U, 563-568: 1844-5, iv, 603. -----. Nouveaux modes et precedes pour I'amputation des membres. Mem. Acad. rov. de in6d. de Belg., Brux., 1848, i, 198-296,15pl. Aho, abstract: Arch, de lam6d. beige, Brux., 1847, xxUi, 175-179.—Stanford (F. A.) Esinarch's Woodless operation, as appUed to amputations. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1876, xiv, 263.—Stokes (W.) Exten- sive injury of hand; amputation [by Esmarch's method]. [Pathol. Soc. of Dublin.] Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, U, 32.—Symvonlides (G.) Amputation a lambeau perios- teal. Gaz. med. de Par., 1861, 3. 8., xvi, 761-763.—Szyma- nowski. Ueber Resectionen und Transplantation des Periosts bei Amputationen. Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Konigsb.. 1861, 193-196. -----. Ueber die Grit- ti'sche Operation. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1866, iv, 2-4.-----. Die "WUde" Amputation in unseren Ta- gen. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1866, xi, 321-342: 1867,xUi,45- 52. [See. also, Kade.]-----. DiemethodischeGUedabnabme. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1867. xix, 27.—Talichet. De l'ani- putation des membres par la cauterisation :iu chlorure de zinc Lyon, 1861. xiii, 354-357. Aho: Mem. Soc. d. sc med., Lyon. 1862, i, 36-44.—Teale's amputation after resection of the ankle. Brit. M. J.,Lond.,1859, ii, 517.—Tex- tor (K.) Hat die Lappeuaniputatiun nur unter gewissen Unistanden VortheUe und Vorziige vor der altera Methode durch den Kreisschnitt oder ist sie dieser letztern in der AMPUTATION. 248 AMPUTATION. Amputation (Methods of). Regelvorzuziehen? Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach,1823,i,483- 496.—Tizzoni (G.) I lenibi periostei e lo sviluppo patolo- gico del tessuto osseo nelle amputazioni. Riv. clin. di Bo- logna, 1874. iv. 33; 70; 172,1 pi.—Tolefrec (R. jr.) On the circular and flap operation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833, xiii, \ 370-375.—Tripier (L.) Precede nouveau de desarticula- tion des membres. Assoc franc p. l'avanc. d. sc, Compt.- rend.. Par.. 1874, 835-837.—Uhde (C. W. F.) Zur Abtra- gung des Knorpels bei Exarticulationen. Deutsche Klinik, | Berl., 1852, iv, 12.—Vernenil. [Case of inguinal phlebitis from compression during amputation.] BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1872. 2. s.. xii, 101.—Ward (N.) The double flap operation. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1852, n. s., iv, 86.— Weinhold. Ueber eine neue Amputationsart mittelst eines Messers, welches Sage uud Catline zugleich ist. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1823, 707-710.—Wheeler (C. A.) Best method of operating in capital amputations. Pub. Mass. Eclect. M. Soc, Bost., 1860-72, 459-407.—Wight (J. S.) A J method of amputating the leg near the ankle-joint. Hosp. Gaz., N. V., 1879-80, vi, 209. Amputation (Multiple). Bouisson (F.) Observation clinique suivie de ' reflexions sur les amputations doubles. 8°. Mont- j pellier, 1852. I Langfeldt (O.) * Ueber Doppelamputationen. 8°. Rostock, 1864. Ritter (J.) *Zvvrei Fiille von Tripelamputa- tionen nach Frostgangriin. 8°. Greifswald, 1868. A merman (G. K.) Double amputation for railroad in- jury ; patient sitting up on the seventeenth day; discharged cured on the forty-second clay. ChicagoM. J., 1866, xxiii, 356- 358.—Beck (B.) Zur Doppel-Amputation des Oberscben- kels. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1869, xi, 253-265.—Bell (J.) Double primary amputation •!' (both) thighs from railway smash; rapid recovery. Edhib. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 790.— Bergmann(A.) t AmputationbeiderUnterschenkelmit gefahrlicherNachblutimg. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 61.— Bonghter (J. F.) Amputation of hoth legs for frostbite, death occurring on the twenty-first day. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 516.—Bouisson'. Observations clinique suivie de reflexions sur les amputations doubles. Rev. de th6rap. du midi, Montpel, 1852, iii, 97-109—Brinton (J. H.) Remarks on a case of amputation through both feet for frost-bite. Phila. M. Times, 1872, ii, 209.— Brouzet. Sur les amputations doubles simultanees. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847, i, 93-98.— Bruberger. Zur Technik der Amputation unci der kiiustliehen GUeder im Anschluss an eine geheilte Tripelamputation. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1875, iv, 21-31.—Carmichael. Primary amputation of both lower limbs; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 878.—Carnochan (J. M.) tt Double capital am- putations. N. York M. Gaz., 1853, iv, 145-151. Aho, Re- Erint.—Champcnois (P.) t Mutilation des quatre mem- res ; amputations multiples; guerison. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiii, 507-511. Also: Gaz. hebd. de nied., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 71-73.—Clark, t . . . both thighs; recovery. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1852, 363.— Critchett. t... both legs at one operation. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 71.—Delens. A case of amputation of both legs for gangrene; recovery. Ibid., 1879, i, 335.—Dumcnil. Amputation de.s deux pieds par la methode Pu-ogott- Le Fort. Union med. de la Seine-inf., Rouen, 1877, xvi, 57-60. — Fayrer (J.) . . . both thighs; recovery from the first operation; death, after the second, from osteomyelitis. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1867, ii, 168- | 170.—Field (J. T.) Amputation of arm at shoulder, and of both legs; recovery. Tr. Texas M. Ass., San Antonio, 1878, x, 122-126.—Files esse, 1874, xv, 768.—Appley (W. L.) Case of spontaneous amputation of the shoulder. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1861, U, 369.—Cleveland (C. D.) Spontaneous amputation of the arm. [Wound of brachial artery; gan- grene: recovery.] Boston M. & S. J., 1860, I xii, 420.— Dunlap (A.) t Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1875-6, i, 45.—Froniniillcr sen. t MomorabUien, Heilbr., 1867, xii, 54-57.—(rignoux. t . . . de la cuisse. J. de m6d., cMr., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 37-42.—Jaesche (G.) [3 cases.] Einiges iiber die GUederabsetzung beim freiwUhgen Ab- sterben derselben. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1865, vi, 694-711.—de Montmeja (A.) Gangrene du pied droit, consecutive k une brulure de la partie inferieure de la jambe; chute du pied par suite de i'elimination spontanee du membre. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1870, U, 122.— Nieto. Herida de hala con fractura conminuta de la tibia yperon6; gangrena consecutiva; amputacion espontinea; regularizacion de la superficie idcerada: curacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1855, U, 51.—Pratt (J.) t ... of the leg, caused by the maltreatment of a bone-setter. DubUn M. Press, 1854, xxxi, 259.—Pr id ham (T. L.) Spontaneous separation of the leg by gangrene in a man aged eighty-nine vears; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 432.—Bobbe- len (A. H.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 221.— Booker (J. I.) Spontaneous amputation of the shoulder- joint. Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1879, xx, 210-212.—Bouxel. Gangrene spontan6e, suivie de chute du pied. Pr6cis d. trav. Soc med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, 164-166.—Sal- leron (A.-E.) Observation sur un cas de gangrene sphaceie de la jambe; chute spontan6e du tibia et du p6ron6; gueri- son. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1838, 1. s., xiv, 303-308.—Schiirmayer. Durch die Natur bewirkte Ex- articulation der beiden Fusse. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1836, ii, 607.—Schuuring (B. J.) t . . . van den rechter voet en een gecteelte van het been. N. Verhandel. v. h. Ge- nootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst., 1813, U, 1. St., 13-21.— Seerig. Exarticulatio spontanea des Kniegelenks nach Brand des Unterschenkels. Wchnshr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1840, 337-340.—Simonart. Note sur les amputa- tions spontanees. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1845, xviii, 112-119.—8wanton (J. R.) t . . . of forearm. Brit. M. Amputation (Spontaneous). J., Lond., 1867, ii, 567.—Vcszely (J.) Geschichte eines ohne arztliche Hulfe abgelosten Schenkels. Beob. u. Abh. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1819, i, 113-115. Amputation in tlie course of disease. Cantoni (T.) DeUa diatesi scrofolosa, cancerosa,.ecc, considerata relativamente alle chirurgiche amputazioni. Gior. di med. anal., Milano, 1827. vUi 285; Gior. anal, di med., Milano, 1828, ix, 135-137.—Ferguson (G. B.) Case of amputation during acute maDia Lancet., Lond., 1874, U, 865.—Ganbe. Geschichte einer un dritten Stadio des Zehrflebers mit gluckUchem Erfolg untemommenen Ampu- tation. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1820, vU, 120-127.— Marsot (E.) M6moire sur des amputations pratiquees clans des tissus lardac6s, revenus a l'etat normal k la suite de l'op6ration. Rev. m6d., Par., 1827, i, 41-53.—Simon (G.) [4 cases.] Amputationen in krankhaft veranderten WeichtheUen oder Knochen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 288-291.—Vcrneuil. Amputation chez un diab6- i tique; mort rapide. Progres m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 405. Amputation in gunshot wounds. Benedict. Einige Worte iiber die Amputation in den Kriegsspitiilem. 4°. Breslau, 1814. Dumont (H. J.) * Des amputations primitives ou retarde"es a la suite de coups de feu. 4°. Stras- I bourg, 1862. Durand (J.) * Essai sur la ne'eessite' d'ampu- ter les membres aussitot apres la blessure recue, lorsque cette amputation est jugee n6cessaire k la suite d'une plaie d'arme k feu. 4°. Paris, 1814. Eudes (P.-J.) * Essai sur les avantages de pratiquer I'amputation sur le champ de bataille, dans les cas de plaies produites par une arme k feu. 4°. Paris, 1815. Fristo (F. J.) * De I'amputation dans les cas de plaies par armes k feu. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856. Gillet de Kerveguen (H.) * Des cas d'ampu- tation dans les plaies d'armes k feu. 4°. Paris, 1847. Guthrie (G.-J.) On gun-shot wounds of the extremities requiring the different operations of amputation, with their after treatment; estab- lishing the advantages of amputation on the field of battle to the delay usually recommended, &c. 8°. London, 1815. Hutchison (A. C.) Some farther observations on the subject of the proper period for amputa- ting in gunshot wounds: accompanied by the official reports of the surgeons employed in his majesty's ships and vessels at the late battle before Algiers. 8°. London, 1817. Jugcriano (N.) Des avantages de I'amputa- tion a. la suite des blessures par amies de guerre. 8-. Paris, 1872. Larrey (H.) Des amputations conse"cutives k l'osteomyelite, dans les fractures des membres par armes k feu. 8°. Paris, 1860. Schreiner. Ueber die Amputation grosser GUeder nach Schusswunden. 8°. Leipzig, 1807. da Silva (H. L.) * Das indicacoes e contra-indi- cacoes das amputacoes nas feridas por arma de fogo. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. Touaille-Larabrte (C. A. J.) * Quelques con- siderations sur les amputations k la suite des plaies d'armes k feu. 4°. Paris, 1814. Walthardt (G.) * Skizze einer Geschichte der Amputation in der Continuitat. 8°. Bern, 1863. Yvan (A.) * De I'amputation des membres, k la suite des plaies d'armes k feu. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Alcock. Return of several series of gun-shot frac- tures, complete and partial, not involving articulations; and of amputations for simUar injuries, primary, in- termediary, and secondary. Lancet, Lond., 1840-1, i, 433-435.—Baudins (L.) Lettre sur les amput6s apr6s le siege de Constantine. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 415.—Bryan (J.) A short account of the "Mary Ann" Hospital, Grand Gulf, Miss., with a brief description of sixteen cases treated in that hospital. Am. M. Tunes, N. Y., 1863, vU. 4-6. -----. Seventeen additional cases of amputations from the armies of the southwest. Ibid., 287.— Faure. L'amputation etant absolument necessaire dans AMPUTATION. 252 • AMPUTATIONS. Amputation in gunshot wounds. les plaies comphqu6es de fracas des os, et principalement ceUes qui sont faites par armes k feu; determiner les cas oh U faute faire l'op6ration sur le champ, et ceux oh convient de la diff6rer, et en donner les raisons. M6m. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1819, iU, n. ed., 334- 356.—Fisher (G. J.) * Report of fifty-seven cases of ampu- tation, in the hospitals near Sharpsburg, Md., after the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1863, xiv, 44-51.—C*ibbs (O. C.) Amputations at the hat- tleof Fredericksburg. Med.&Surg.Reporter, Phila., 1862-3, ix, 416-418.—Le Conte. L'amputation 6tant absolument n6cessaire dans les plaies comphquees de fracas des os, et principalement celles qui sont faites par armes k feu; de- terminer les cas oh il faut faire l'op6ration sur le champ, et ceux oh U convient de la diflferer, et en donner les raisons. Mem. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1819, iii, n. ed., 357-372.—MeSherry (R.) Amputation in gun- shot wounds. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1849, n. s., xvii, 96.— Malgaigne. Sur la doctrine de I'amputation forc6e dans les fractures par coup de feu des membres inferieurs. Rev. m6d.-chir. de Par., 1848, iv, 85-98.—Boux (J.) Des ampu- tations secondaires & la suite des coups do feu, d'apres des obseivat ions recueillies a Saint-Mandrier, sur les blesses d'ltalie [1859]. [Discussion.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1859-60, xxv, 558; 597; 627; 653. Also: Gaz. med. dePar., 1860, 3. s., xv, 263; 281; 317; 331; 357; 376; 393; 407; 479.— Also: Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1860, xvi, 497; 517; 536; 566; 586.—Schmaug (A.) Ueber die se- condaren nachtragUcheu Amputationen bei Schusswunden. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1860, vii, 272.—Sedillot (C.) Observations relatives aux indications chirurgicales et aux consequences des amputations, a la suite des blessures par les armes de guerre. Rec. de m6m. do m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxv, 369-379. Also, transl.: Allg. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1871, xU, 97-99.—Stevenson (R. R.) On primary and secondary amputations in gunshot wounds. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 7-11.—Tachard. De la valeur comparative des amputations primitives et con- s6cutivcs dans les fractures par armes k fen. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1873, 3. s., xxix, 267-290.— Wagner (W.) Versuch einer niihern Bestimmung der Indicationen zur Amputation der grbsseren Gliedmaassen, besonders nach Schusswunden. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1820, i, 139; 258. Amputation in infants. Dayot (C.) * Quelques considerations sur les amputatious chez les enfants. 4°. Paris, 1860. Oueraant (P.) Quelques considerations sur les ampu- tations chez les enfants. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1851, 3. s., iii, 217.—Tavignbt(F. L.) Des amputations chez les enfants. CUn. d. hop. d. enf., Par., 1841, i, 358-367. Amputation at joints. Dietz (J. S.) * Ueber die Amputation in und ausser den Gelenken. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1827. Gantiieret (C.) * Essai sur les amputations dans les articulations. 4°. Paris, 1820. MUnzentiialer (A. J.) Versuch uber die Amputationen in den Gelenken. 8°. Leipzig, 1822. Phillips (C.) * Amputations dans la conti- guity des membres. 8°. Paris, 1838. Schmidt (G.) *De exarticulationibus. 8°. Monachii, 1837. Scoutetten (H.) La nuSthode ovalaire; ou nouvelle methode pour amputer dans les articula- tions. Avec onzo planches lithographices en partie d'apres les dessins de Moreau. 4°. Paris, 1827. Sedillot (C. E.) *Exposer les avantages et les inconvehiens des amputations dans la con- tinuity, et des amputations daus la contiguit6 des membres. 8°. Paris, 1836. Steinhart (S.) * Diss, inaug. sistens conspec- I turn bistorico-anatomicum exarticulationuni. 8°. I Tubingce. [1*24]. I Zeis (E.) Die Abtragung des Gelenkknorpels bei Exarticulationen. 8°. Marburg, 1848. Amputation at joints. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1855, n. s., x, 30.—Bernard (M. C) Observations upon amputation of the joints without flaps in general; and of the Anger-joints in particular. Dublin M. Press, 1856, xxxv, 180; 193.—Brawdor. Essai sur les amputations dans les articles. Mom. Acad. roy. do cbir., Par., 1774, v, 747-790. — CouMOt. Une ctesarticulation sans lambeau cutane. Bull. Acad. roy. de mecl. de Belg., Brux., 1870 3. s., iv, 1112-1118.—Hubbard (T.) On amputation per- formed at the joints. Med. lleposit., N. Y., 1822, vii, 204- Amputation at joints. 267.—Lacauchic. NouveUe methode d'amputationdana la contiguite des membres. Lettre a M. B6gin. Ann. de la cbir., Par., 1841, ii, 44-55.—Lisfranc. Memoire sur les regies generates des disarticulations. Rev. m6d., Par., 1827, i, 373-387.—Macleod (G. H. B.) Amputation through joints without interfering with the proximal bone, and re- marks on the dressing of stumps. Glasgow M. J., 1874, n. s., vi, 446-452.—Mann (J.) Observation on amputation at the joints. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1822, vii, 14-20.— Mayor. Delle amputazioni interarticolari. Gazz. med. di Milano, 1844, iii, 305-307.—Sou le (E.) Quelques reflex- ions sur tes desarticulations comparees aux amputa- tions. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1853, xi, 577; 641.—Sou- part. Nouveaux proc6des d'amputation dans les articu- lations, precedes et suivis de reflexions sur les difierentes methodes d'amputer et particulierement sur la methode obUque. [Discussion.] BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. do Belg., Brux., 1843-4, iii, 766-786.—von Textor (C.) t Die Abtra- gung des Gelenkknorpels bei Exarticulationen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 1.—Velpeau (A.) Discussion nou- veUe k l'occasion du rapport deM. Larrey sur l'iinportanceet tes avantages de I'amputation dela jambe dans l'article. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1830, i, 266- 280.—Volpi (T.) Delle grandi amputazioni negli articoUj riflessioni patologico-critiche. Inhh: Saggio diosser. e di esper. med\-chir., 8°, Milano, 1814, i, 42-95.—Walton (H.) Removal of articular cartilage in amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 469. Amputation in pregnancy. See Pregnancy ( Wounds, injuries, and surgical operations during). Amputation in pycemia. See Pyaemia (Treatment of). Amputations (Carpal and metacarpal). See, also, Amputations at wrist-joint. Schmitz (W.) * De ossium metacarpi exarticu- latione. 8°. Bonnce, [1836]. Thomas (F. A.) * Dissertation sur I'amputa- tion des os du mdtacarpe et du me"tatarse dans leur continuity. 4°. Paris, 1814. Ashhurst (J. jr.) Thumb and metacarpal bone re- moved for syphUitic panaris. PhUa. M. Times, 1872, U, 192.— Bcnabcn. D'une amputation partieUe de la main, suivie de reflexions sur les hemorrbagies intermittentes apres les operations. Rev. m6d. frang. et etrang., Par.. 1825, i, 377- 387.—Carril (A. F.) Amputacionporlacontiguidadde un dedo supernumerario de la mano derecha; curacion & los 15 dias do practicada aquella. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1863, x, 454. — Eager (R.) Partial amputation of the hand. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 44.—Foucher. Observations interessantes d'amputations partielles de la main. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1867, 2. s., xxxviii, 17-20.—Qairal (J. V.) Memoire sur les amputations partielles de la main dans tes articulations carpo-ni6tacarpiennes. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1834, 1. s., xxxvi, 334-346. Aho: J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. m6d., Par., 1835, Ui, 65-78.— Bichet. Amputation dans l'articulation metacarpo- Shalangienne; guerison; conservation des mouvements ans le pouce restant. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 174.—Bichon. Note sur la desarticulation simultan6e des quatre derniers ntetacarpiens de la main gauche. Rec. de m6m. d. m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1873, 3. s., xxix, 578-581.— Boudil. Nouveau procede pour ramputation des meta- carpiens dans leur contiguite avec les os du carpe, pr6c6d6 de quelques considerations anatomiques sur l'articulation rarpo-metacarpienne. Ibid., 1855, 2. s., xvi, 395-402.— Solly (S.) Partial amputation of the hand. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 1.— Tilanus (J. W. R.) Amputat. ma- nus d. Synov. hyperpl. granulosa. Werk. v. h. Ge- nootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, 16.—Van Biervliet (A. L.) Note sur la des- articulation m6tacarpo-phalaugienne. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. do Belg., Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 740-747 : rapport de M. Michaux, 68; discussion. 671-682. — von Walther (P.) Ueber die Exarticulation der Finger mit ihren Mittelhand- beinon aus den Handwurzelgelenken. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xiii, 351-374, 1 pi— Zeigler (G. W.) Partial amputation of the hand for compoundTcomminuted fracture; secondary hemorrhage; ligation of the brachial and axiUary arteries; recovery. Arch. CUn. Surg., N. Y.. 1876, i, 219-221. Amputations (Tarsal and metatarsal). See, also, Amputations at ankle-joint. Benechi (A.) *De la marche a la suite des amputations et des resections du pied et de la partie inferieure de la jambe. 4°. Paris, 1869. Bona (C. A.) *De amputatione femoris ad trocliantercm inajorem absque torculari et de AMPUTATIONS. 253 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations (Tarsal and metatarsal). exarticulatione pedis secundum methodum Cho- partianam peracta. 4°. Jence, 1823. Bolrdette (J.-A.-D.) * De I'amputation sous- astragalienne. 4°. Paris, 1852. Dreyfus (L.) *De i'ajnputation tarsienne scaphoido-cun6enne et cuboido-m6tatarsienne. 4J. Strasbourg, 1854. Duchamp (V.) * Etude sur I'amputation de Chopart, suivie de la description d'un nouveau proce'de' operatoire. 4°. Lyon, 1879. Gaubert (J.-M.-A.) *Des suites de I'amputa- tion de Chopart. 4°. Paris, 1855. Gactier la Boullaye (L.-D.) *De la disar- ticulation tarso-m6tatarsienne (proce"d6 de 31. Duval) pour ulcere cancroide du pied et des orteils. 4°. Paris, 1854. Guyot(F.) * Quelques considerations sur la disarticulation tarso-m6tatarsienne; comparaison du proce'de" de Lisfranc et du proc6d6 de Marcel- lin Duval. 4°. Paris, 1874. Jubre (A. F. C.) * Essai sur I'amputation me"- tatarso-phalangienne. 4°. Paris, 1820. Laborie (£.) Quelques considerations sur la valeur relative des amputations partielles du pied. 8°. Paris, 1843. Aho, in: Gaz. med. de Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 507; 523. Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, Ui, 266-276. Ann. de la chir., Par., 1845, ix, 101-138. Lacjorrois (P.-I.) *Du renversement du ta- lon, consider6 comme suite de I'amputation me'dio- tarsienne. 4°. Paris, 1855. Lur cases of Svme's operation. Lancet, Lond., 1800, ii,*61.—Harris (W. P.) t Pirogoff's ampu- tation of the foot. Iinli:'.n M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 100.—Heath (C.) Case of Pirogoff's amputation at the ankle, with a new form of artificial foot. L-incet, Lond., 1868, i, 122, 1 pi. Also: Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1809. xx, 271.— Hcwson (A.) Pirogoff's amputniion. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1862, n. ».. iU, 92-100. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phda., 1864, lxii, 121-129. -----. Pirogoff's amputation at the ankle-joint, with some cases, casts, and specimens Ulus- trating its mode of performance and its advantages. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1876, xxvii, 631-644.—Heyfeldcr. Amputation im Fussgelenke nach Baudcns. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. Pra>r. 1850, vii, 2. B., 18-20. -----. Am- putatio in artieulo pedis nach Baudcns. Ibid., 20. -----. Die Amputation im Tibiotarsal^elenk mit doppelter Lap- penbUdung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 370.—Hey- felder (F.) [Ceases.] Ueber die Exarticulation im Tibio- Tarsalgelenk. Ibid., 1851, iii, 439-446.—Heyfclder (J. F.) Amputation im Fussgelenke nach Syme. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt, HeUk., Prag, 1850, vii, 2. B., 17. -----. t t Amputatio in artieulo pedis nach M. Jager und Syme. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 495. -----. t Ibid., 1855, vii, 505. -----. t . . . nebst Resection des iintcrn Endes der Fibula. Ibid., 554. -----. t . . . mit Erhaltung eines Theiles des Calcaneus. Ibid., 1856, viii, 302. -----. Dio Amputatio in artieulo pedis, mit' Erhaltung eines Theils des Calcaneus nach Pirogoff nach einem modificirten Verfahren. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1868, v, 445. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, xxiii, 503.— Holman (C.) t Lancet, Lond.. 1853, U, 226.—Holmes (T.) Svme's amputation. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1863, xiv, 276.—Hudson (E. D.) The Syme operation as a basis for an artificial foot. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 238-240. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1807, U, 40. -----. The Syme's amputation at the ankle-joint, LouisvUle M. News, 1877, iv, 206-211.—Hunt (W.) t Pirogoff's amputation at the ankle. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1876, i, 77.—Jackson (T. C.) [Syme's amputation for disease of tho tarsus.] Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 296.—Johnson (A. A.) t Ibid., 1857, ii, 559.—Jones (M.) Disease of tarsus; Syme's am- putation; recurrence hi tibia; Teale's amputation. Ibid., 1877, U, 279.—King (C. C.) [Cases.] Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1853, xvi, 486.—BVohlcr (R.) t t Charite- Ann., Berl., 1879, iv, 543.—Krackowizer (E.) Zur Ver- voUkommnung der Exarticulation im Fussgelenke mit Resection der Knochel nach Syme. N.-York. med. Mo- natsschr., 1852, i. 58.—Kuchler (H.) Caries und Nekrose des rechten Mittelfusses und der Fusswurzel; Resection nach Syme-Pirogoff; Tod. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 367.—Landgren (G. A.) Om amputation utmed tibio-tarsallcden och foienkUng af operationssattet deivid. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1851, xiU, 285-288.—Landi (P.) Dis- articolazione totale del piede, col processo di Syme, per tu- mor bianco al terzo staiUo, aU'articolaziono niedio-tarsica c tarso-metatarsica destra. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1865, iv, 369-371 —Langenbcck (B.) t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1850, ii. 390.—van Lecnt (F. J.) Eeneheelkundigekunst- bewerking aan boord (herrinnering eener reis naar Oost- Indie). Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. deZeemagt, Gravenh., 1867, v, 374-380.—Le Fort (L.) Amputation ost6oplastiquetibio- calcaneenne; modification du proc6de osteoplastique de Pirogoff. Gaz. hebd. domed., Par., 1873, 2. s.,x, 714-717.— Letievant. Desarticulation du pied par la methode de Roux. Lyon med., 1877, xxiv, 492-494.— Levis (R. J.) Pirogoff amputation at the ankle; use of cafbolized catgut Ugature. Phila.M. Times, 1873, iv, 5.-----. Pirogoff ampu- tation at the ankle for railroad injury: its advantages over the method of Syme. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxxi, 503.—Liuhart. Geschichte einer Exarticulatio tibio-tarsea mit Erhaltung des hinteren Fortsatzes vom Fersenbein (Pirogoff) und Sectionsbefund des Rumpfes, mehr als 3 Jahre nach der Operationswunde. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 213-219, pi. v.—Locket (T. J.) Syme's operation, foUowed by gangrene and amputation of leg. N. Orl. M. News Sc Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i. 251.— Lowe (J.) Disease of ankle-joint; modification of Pirogoff's operation ; wound healing, but reopening subse- quently; amputation; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1866, l, 148.— Lowe (S.) Diseased ankle-joint and tarsal bones of the foot; amputation (a modification of Pirogoff's operation). Ibid., 148.—Lucas (J.) On the amputation of the an- cle with a flap. Mod. Obs. Soc. Thys. Lond.. 1776, v, 323-32S.—Liicke. Spontane Gangriin der grossen Zehe; Exarticulation des Fusses nach Pirogoff; Gangrau des Lappnis: Resection des unteren Endes der 'i'ibia und Fibula ; pyamische Erscheiuungen: HeUung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii. 496. —---. Chronischo Entziin- dung der Fusswurzelknochen; subperiostal Resection; Amputation nach Syme; Heilung. Ibid., 497. -----. Chronischo Entziindung der Tarsalknochen des rechten 17 Amputations at ankle-joint. Fusses; Amputation nach Pirogoff, mit Durchschneidung der AchiUessehne; Heilung. Ibid., 504-506. -----. Aus- meisslung des Calcaneus bei Pirogoff .sober Operation. Centralbi. f. Chir., Leipz., 1874, i, 113.—Lundbcrg (V.) Nigra tillagg om amputation i tibio-tarsalleden. Hygiea, Stockholm,"l847, ix, 691-695.—Lyon (W.) On disarticula- tion at the ankle. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844. ii, 301-303.— M'Ghic (J.) [Cases.] Amputation of foot. Glasgow M. J., 1859-60, vii, 210; 402: 1860-1, viii, 433.—Mackenzie (R. J.) On amputation at tho ankle joint by internal lateral flap. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 951-954. Also, Reprint—Maclean (D.) t "Svme's operation." Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1876, i, n. s., 10-13.—Macleod (G. H. B.) On amputation at the ankle joint. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 238-240. Also, Reprint.—Magalbaes Cou. tinho (J. E.) Tumor erectil do dorso do p6; amputacao medio-tarsica com bom resultado. Gaz. mecl. de Lisb., 1853-4, i, 55-59.—Marcacci (G.) Duo casi di resezio- disarticolaziono tibio-calcanea con modificazione al processo Pirogoff; guarigione. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1875, xxxv, 475-483.—Markusovzky. Amputation im Fussgelenke nach Syme, mit AnheUung des Lappens per primam in- tentionem. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 1583- 1586.—Marsden (A.) Extensive caries of the tarsus in a woman aged sixty-four; Syme's operation at the ankle- joint ; recovery with a good stump. Lancet, Lond., 1858, u, 524.—Marshall. Caries of the tarsus; Syme's ampu- tation at the ankle-joint; recovery7 with a good stump. Ibid.— Martin (R.) Modification of Pirogofl's operation. Ibid., 1859, i, 638.—Maurel. Sur une modification au procode de Jules Roux pour ramputation tibio-tarsienne. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc, Par., 1879, xevi, 250-255.—May- lander. Giinstiges Ergebniss der Syme-Pirogoffschen Operationsmethode. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1859, xi, 202.— Mazzoni (C.) Cario neerotica del primosecondo e terzo cuneiforme eprimo metatarso del piede sinistro; disartico- lazione alia G. Roux; morte. Clin. chir. Mazzoni, Roma, 1876, iU, 127-129.—Metz. GluckUcher Fall einer Amputa- tion im Fussgelenke nach Syme in Edinburgh. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i. 750-760.-----. t . . . nach Svme. Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Aachen, 1849, 111-116.—Michaelis (A.) Plastik des Un- terschenkels nach Syme-Pirogoff. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1855, i, 249-252.— Michaux. De l'amputation tibio-tarsienne et paraUele de cette operation, de l'amputation sus-mall6olaire et de l'amputation de la jambe au Ueu d'eiection. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1858-9, 2. s., U. 583-665: 1860, 2. s., Ui, 29; 270; 364; 498; 586; 650. Also: Presse m6d. belce, Brux., 1859, xi, 219; 227; 231b; 239; 255.— Mitchell (W. S.) Gangrene of foot; Syme's amputation ("modified") at ankle-joint, N. Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 752.— Monro (W.) Amputations at the ankle-joint, performed in Dundee Royal Infirmary. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1852, xv, 119-124.—Morel. Amputation du pied dans l'articulation tibio-tarsienne. BuU. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1851, i, 337-340.— Mosctig. [3 cases.] Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 132; 183; 211; 231.—Moty (F.) Amputation do Pirogoff dans un cas de gangrene du pied. Rec do mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxxv, 64-74.—Nunnclcy. A case of reversed Syme's amputation, the flap being taken en- tirely from tho front of the foot. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, ii, 362.—Objections to amputation at the ankle- joint. Mecl. Times & Gaz.., Lond., 1857, xiv, 312.— Odevaine (F.) Syme's amputation in a woman aged sixty. Dublin Hosp.'Gaz., 1858, v, 211.—Panas. Ecrase- ment de l'avant-pied gauche; amputation tibio-tarsienne [desarticiUation]: fusees. purulentes entre les couches musculaires superficielle et profonde de la face post6rieure de la jambe; gu6rison. BuU. et m6m. Soc, de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 196-202.—Parry's modification of Syme'a method. [3 cases.] Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1872, xii, 357; 361; 369.— Pasquier (G. C.) Considerations sur l'am- putation tibio-tarsienne) ar lo procede do Pirogoff. et sur une nouvelle modification de ce precede. Rec. de mem. dc med. . . . mil., Par., 1875, xxxi, 107-145.—Paul (J.) Amputation at ankle-joint. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb.. 1843, iii, 1074. -----. t . . . nach Syme, Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1854, viii. 18-21. -----. t . . . nach Baudens. Ibid., 21-25.—Pauli (F.) Ueber die Amputa- tion im Fussgelenke. Verhandl. d. Ver. Pf alzischer Aerzte, 1859, Kaiserslautern, 1860, 19-26.—Pemberton (O.) Am- putation at the ankle joint. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, i, 311; 337.—Pirogoff's amputation of the ankle joint. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1855, xi, 162.—Pirogoff's amputa- tion of the foot. Ibid., 1857, xv, 274.—Pirrie (W.) On Pirogoff's operation. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 556.—Plat- ner"(M.) Ueber die Sphyroplastik oder uber die Ampu- tation im Fussgelenk nach der Methode von Syme. J. d. Chir. u. Augenli., Berl., 1848. xxxviii, 222-238, pi. i, figs. 10- 12.—Portcous. Caries of tarsal bones; amputation of the foot by Pirogofl"'s operation; recovery. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, vii, 104.—Porter. Syme's amputation at the ankle-joint. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1870, n. s., ix, 21.— Primary amputation at the ankle-joint; recovery, with an excellent stump. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 161.—Quain (R.) An improved method of amputation AMPUTATIONS. 258 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at ankle-joint. at the ankle-joint. Ibid., 1857, xv, 363-370.—Quimby (J. N.) A new operation at the ankle joint. Med. Sc Surg. Re- porter, PhUa., 1806, xv, 390. -----. A new mode of ampu- tation at the ankle-joint. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1870, xxi, 245-248.—Bankc (H.) Caries der Fusswurzel, Amputa- tion nach Pirogoff. Samml. klin. Vortr. (Chir.), Leipz., 1878, 1087.—Beddy (J.) Case of Syme's tibio-tarsal opera- tion for severe injury. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viii, 7.—Beid (A. G.) Amputation at ankle joint. Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1872, no. iii, 48.—Beid (D. B.) Pirogoff's amputation, slight modification. Austral. M. Gaz., Melbourne, 1869, i, 269.—Bichardson (B. W.) The tubular presse-artere; caries of os calcis and under half of astragalus; bony anchylosis of the ankle-joint; com- mencing canes of the tibia immediately above the latter; Syme's amputation at the ankle; recovery from the ampu- tation ; threatened reappearance of disease of the tibia. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 453-455. -----. Caries of bones of the foot; deceptive indolence of the hone cover- ings; Syme's amputation at the ankle. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s.. xxvii, 158.—Bichet. Amputation tibio-tarsienne pratiquee pour une ancienne entorse des articulations du tarse; absence de guerison; amputation sus-malleolaire secondaire, cicatrisation lento; gu6rison definitive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 134.— Biscl (O.) [3 cases.]... bei zwei Kranken. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 341; 351.—Bivington. Compound com- minuted fracture of toes; Syme's amputation; antiseptic dressing; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 748.—Bobert. N6crose du calcan6um; d6sarticulation sous astragalienne impossible par soudurc des os du tarse; amputation tibio- tarsienne; guerison. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1859, vii, 150.— Bobert (A.) Note sur un cas cie desarticulation tibio- tarsienne. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1848-9, xiv, 539.— Bogers. Disease of the tarsus; Pirogoff's operation; re- covery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 364.—Kookc. Extensive disease of tarsal and metatarsal hones of left foot; removal of foot by "Svme's amputation"; rapid re- covery. Ibid., 1869, i, 408.—Boss (G.) 11 Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1852, iv, 218. -----. Zur Wiirdigung von Pirogoff's "osteoplastischer Verlangerung des Unterschen- kels bei Exarticulationen des Fusses". Ibid., 1854, vi, 425.— Boux (J.) Amputation tibio-tarsienne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 339; 345. Aho: Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1853, Ui, 398; 491. -----. Gangrene du pied gauche suite de typhus; amputation tibio-tarsienne; proc6d6 de n6cessit6; guerison; deambulation facilo depuis sept mois. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1856, xxix, 151. -----. Sur l'amputa- tion tibio-tarsienue. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1865, iv, 241-252, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Budnik (M.) Ueber eine gleichzeitigeprimare Doppel-Amputation. Allg.Wien. med. Ztg., 1878, xxiu, 128; 151; 159; 171; 179.—Sands. Ampu- tation of ankle-joint, &c. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 185.— Schindler. Zerquetschung des Fusses durch eineMiihl- welle; Exarticulation des Fusses mit Absagung der Ge- lenkfliichen, modificirte Operation nach Syme. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 47.—Schoemakcr (A. H.) Modi- fichtes Verfahren fiir die osteoplastische Verlangerung der Unterschenkelknochen bei der Exarticulation des Fusses. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvu, 142.— Scholz. Ueber eine Operation nach Pirogoff an beiden Fiissen. Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 1223-1225. -----. Ueber Pirogoff's Amputation im Fussgelenke, mit Vorstel- lung eines Kranken. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 1770. -----. Caries der Fusswurzelknochen; Pirogoff'- sche Operation; ein Monat spiiter Amputatio Cruris; Tod. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 248.—Schuh. t Plas- tik des Unterschenkcls nach der Amputation oberhalb der Kncichel; nach Pirogoff. Wien. mecl. Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 1.—Sedillot (C.) Amputation tibio-tarsienne; cancer du pied; lambeau interne et sous-calcaneen •, guerison et deambulation facilo sur le moignon; r6apparition du cancer k la jambe et au plie de 1 aine. Gaz. m6d. do Strasb., 1848, viii, 96-109.—Senn (N.) (Stump after Pirogofl's amputa- tion.) Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1877, xi, 83.—[da SiIvaCardeira(L.)] Aaniputacaotibio-tarsica. Escho- Uaste med., Lisb., 1860, xi, 5; 19; 70. — Simon. Modifica- tion of Syme's operation at the ankle-joint; non-excision of the astragalus. Lancet, Lond., 1854, i, 100. -----. Diseased tarsus; Pirogoff's operation. Ibid., 1855, i, 484.— Simon (G.) [4 cases.] Osteoplastische Amputationen nach Pirogoff. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 305.—Skli- fasovskii (N. V.) K voprosu o Pirogovskom osteo- plasticheskom otnjatii goleni. Voyenno-nied. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1877, cxxix, 23-30.—Smith (D- ?•) Syme's ampu- tation at the ankle-joint. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1803, vi, 88.—Smith (II.) Two cases of disease of the tarsus treated by Pirogoff's and Syme's amputations respectively. Mecl. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 87. -----. Disease of the ankle-joint; Pirogoff's operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1872, U, 9.—Smith (S.) t N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iU, 378-381. -----. Syme's amputation at the ankle- joint for club foot in tfie adult. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, v, 147-149.—Spence (J.) Amputation at the ankle- joint. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 742-744. -----. t Ibid., 1854, xviii, 225. -----. Caries of os calcis; previous operation for removal of diseased Amputations at ankle joint. bone; amputation at ankle-joint; recovery. Ibid., 227- 230.—Stahmann (F.) Geschichte einer Exarticulation des linken Fusses mit Hinwegnahme de8 Talus und der beiden MaUeoli. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1856, x, 188-202.—Stanley. Result of Syme's operation of amputation at the ankle-joint, performed by a Russian surgeon. Lancet, Lond., 1857, U, 472.—Stokes (W.) Amputation at the ankle-joint. In his: Richmond Hosp. records, 8°, Dublin, 1870, 5-9. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, xUx, 122-124.—Syme (J.) t Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1843,iii, 93-96.-----. t Ibid.. 1844, iv, 647-653: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1846-7, vii, pt. 2, 81-84: 1850, x, 171-173: 1852, xiv, 539-541; xv, 37. ----- Amputation of the ancle. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 307: 1857, ii, 480. -----. Amputation at the ankle-joint. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 512.—Symes (G. R.) On ampu- tation at the. ankle-joint, according to the method of Profes- sor Syme. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvii, 65-72. Also, Reprint.—Syme's operation; necrosis of foot; tetanus. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 67.—Sympson (T.) Caso of disease of the tarsal bones; amputation of the foot after Piro- goff'smethod; recovery. Assoc.M. J., Lond., 1863, i, 619.— Szymanowski. Resection des Fusses, eine Modifica- tion der Pirogoff'schen Osteoplastik. Mecl. Zcg. Russ- lands, St, Petersb., 1859, xvi, 73-76.—von Tcxtor (C.) Ueber dio Exarticulatio pedis nach Syme, (Amputation tibio-tarsienne.) Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1850, ii, 485.— Thalwitzcr. Traumatischo Knochenhauteutziindung im Tarsus und Metatarsus, Knocheneiterung, Amputation im Fussgelenk nach Pirogoff, Heilung. Preuss. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, Ui, 104-106.—Thompson, t... by Syme's method. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix, 353.—Thomp- son (H.) Extensive caries of the tarsus; Syme's opera- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1855, U, 109. -----. t Assoc M. J., Lond., 1856, i, 147. -----. Caries of the tarsus; Syme's am- putation ; recurrence of caries in the tibia; second amputa- tion; examination of the removed stump. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, U, 159.-----. ... three cases;. .. after the manner of Syme. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863, xiv, 276.— Thompson (J. W.) Syme's amputation of the ankle- joint. St, Louis Coui. of Med., 1879, ii, 134-137.—Tilanus (J. W. R.) lets over de vergeUjkende waarde der amputa- tio van den voet volgens Syme en van die volgens Pirogoff. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1855, v, 271; 231.— Tolaud. Four cases of Pirogoff's amputation for the re- moval of disease and deformity caused bv frostbite. West. Lancet, San. Fran., 1876, v, 6-8.—Traill (J.) Case of am- putation of the foot without removal of the astragalus. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1854, xix, 563. Also: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1855, lxxxii, 21-23.—Turnipseed (E. B.) Modification of Syme's and PirogofTs operation of the ankle-joint. Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., Louisville, 1868, v, 347-349.— Ilhde (C. W. F.) Caries der Fusswurzel- knochen ; Exarticulatio pedis nach Jager-Syme. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 211 — Ure. Extensive caries of the astragalus and os calcis in a child; Syme's amputation at the ankle-joiut; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 546.— Vandonimelen. Precede de Syme. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1855, iv, 7-8.—Velpeau. Necrose des os du tarse; amputation tibio-tarsienne; comparaison de cette operation avec l'aniputatian de la jambe. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1850, 3. s., U, 41.—Verjus. Reflexions pratiques sur les amputations partieUes du pied et sur l'amputation tibio-tarsienne, extraites do la clinique de M. Baudens. Ibid., 1847, 2. s., ix, 239.—Verneuil. Amputation tibio- tarsienne. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1854, iv, 518. -----. Nouveaux faits pour servir a 1'histoUe de i'amputation tibio-tarsienne; description do plusieurs moignons disso- qu6s longtemps apres roperation, etc. Ibid., v, 29-31. Also: Mem. Soc. de chir. cie Par., 1857, iv, 411-450. -----. Amputation tibio-tarsienne pratiquee pour une ancienne entorse des*articulations du tarse; absence de gu6risbn; amputation sus-maUeolaire secondaire; cicatrisation lente; guerison definitive. Ibid., 1857, vii, 369-373. -----. Plaie du pied droit; pourriture d'hopital; amputation tibio-tarsi- enne ; gu6rison; deambulation facUe. Ibid., 373-375.-----. Amputation tibio-tarsienne pour une affection organique des os du tarse et du m6tatarse; guerison k peu pres com- plete. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1858, viii, 326-330. -----. 1 Ibid., 1862, 2. s., U, 412.—Vcscy (J. S.) Case of Syme's amputation at ankle-joint, for strumous disease of the tarsus and os calcis; primary union of the stump. Med. Press. & Circ. Dubl., 1807, iv, 400.—Vidal (A.) Paralieie de l'am- putation tibio-tarsienne et de l'amputation sus-maU6olaire, a l'occasion d'uno brochure de M. Baudens. Ost6otomie par percussion, de M. Mayor. Ann. de la chir., Par., 1843, viii, 5-15.—Voillimicr.' Desarticulation tibio-tarsienne. Dis- cussion. Bull. Soc, de cbir. de Par., 1854, v, 60-62.— Waklcy (T.) Amputation at the ankle-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 202.—Watson. Amputation at the ankle joint; Syme's operation. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 379. -----. Cases of amputation of the foot. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 110-113.—Watson (E.) On Pirogoff's operation. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 577-579: 1860, i, 505.-----. Amputation at the ankle; five times performed, and always successfuUy. Glasgow M. J., 1870-1, iii, 305-308.—Weber (C. O.) Chronische Entziindung des Fussgelenkes; Resec- AMPUTATIONS. 259 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at ankle-joint. tion unausfuhrbar; Amputation nach Syme; Heilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1863, iv, 316-319. -----. Caries und Nekrose des Tarsus; Amputation nach Pirogoff; HeUung per primam intentionem. Ibid., 1863, iv, 319-322. -----. Amputation des Untersehmkels nach Pirogoff und Syme. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheml. u. Westphal., 1861, xviU, 1; 52.— Weber (G. C. E.) Piro- goff's osteoplastic prolongation of tin- bones of the leg, with exarticulation in the tibio-tarsal articulation. Cleve- land M. Gaz., 1859-60, i. 7: 40; 76.—Weinlcchncr (J.) Hautverschiebung mit Knochenresection behufs Heilung einer Narben-Ulceration an einem nach Syme Ampututen; Lister's Verfahren; Heilung. Ber. d. k* k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1876, 416.—Wells (T. S.) Lec- ture on PUogoffs amputation at the ankle-joint. Mecl. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1858, xvi, 288-290.—Werneck (F.) Esmagamento do po esquerdo; operaciio dc Pirogoff; cura em 45 clias. Rev. med., Rio do Jan., 1K74-0. "ii. 118.— 'Westmoreland (W. F.) (Successful Pho^oH's amputa- tion.) Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1873, xi, 514.—White (F. V.) Railway injury of the foot; compound comminuted fracture of the metatarsal bones; extensive suppuration; amputa- tion at the ankle joint; rapid recovery. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., Ui, 381-383.—Wilkinson (G.) Instance of caries of the tarsal bones; amputation at the ankle joint. Lancet, Lond., 1848. U, 418.—'Will (J. C. O.) Clinical re- marks on a case of Syme's amputation; with observations on catgut drainage and sutures. Med. Times ^ Gaz., Lond., 1878, U, 247-249.—Wood (J.) Disease of the right ankle of six years' duration; removal of the foot by Piro- goff's operation. Lancet, Lond., 1867, U, 158.—Wutzer. [5 cases.] Ueber Amputationen des Fusses; das Pirogoff\ sebe Verfahren; die Methode von Chopart. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 17; 29; 46. —Wutzer (C. W.) [Cases.] Ibid., 1851, iii, 329-332.—Vauovich-Chains- kii. Ob osteoplasticheskoi operatsu Pirogof. [Pirogoff's osteoplastic operation.] Med. vestuik, St. Petersb., 1870, xvi, 251; 201; 275; 287.—Zander. Eiu Beitrag zu der von Pirogoff modificirten Methode der Exarticulation des Fusses nach Syme. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1854, vUi, 211-220.—Zsismondy. tt Amputation nach Piro- goff. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1878, 147-149. Amputations of arm. See, also, Elbow-joint (Diseases of). Canillac (J.) * De l'amputation du bras dans sa continuite". 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Dubrceil (A.) De l'amputation intra-deltoi- dienne. 8-'. Paris, 1866. Heister & Zeidler. De nova brachium am- putandi ratione. In: Haller, Disp. chir., v, 221. Koehler (H.) * De amputatione humeri cysto- sarcomate provocata. 8°. Gryjihiswaldia, 18(52. Zeidleru.s (R. H.) * De nova brachium ampu- tandi ratione. 4°. Helmcestadi, 1738. Banon (A. P.) Contused wound of the forearm; amputation performed during spreading gangrene: re- coverv. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 4.—Barber (R. D.) t" Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1870, viii, 56-61.— Bell (W.) t . . . for maUgnant disease. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1835, vu, pt. 2, 490.—Blot. [Anatomical description of old stump of arm; patient deceased from puerperal fever.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxUi, 318.—Bonnafont. Amputation du bras gauche sur un Arabe. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. mejl., Par., 1836, i, 50-54.—Browne (J.) Case of secondary haemorrhage. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1860-1, vU, 324-326.—Bru- ning (J.) Afzetting van den arm. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1838, xvU, 166-169.—Carsi (P. G.) Heridas graves de los miembros superiores que exigieron la amputacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vii, 247.—[Case.] Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. aUg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1869), Wien, 1870,60.—Cock. A poisoned hand. Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, 411.—De Coninck. t Bull. Soc. do med. de Gand, 1879, xlvi, 200.—Benonvilliers. SaiUie considerable de l'os apres une amputation du bras datant de dix ans et demi. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1852, iii, 420.—Derby (G.) t ... death from exhaustion. Boston M. Sc. S. J., 1869, lxxxi, 55. -----. t Ibid.—Dompmartin. t . . . pratiquee pres de la partie denudee, k la suite d'arrachement. Precis d. travaux Soc. med. de Dijon (1838-41), Dijon, 1843, 100-108.—Dubreuil. De l'amputation intra-deltoidienne. France med., Par., 1862, ix, 676; 693.—Dufresse. t . . . a la suite d'une brulure profonde de l'avaut-bras. BuU. cUn., Par., 1835-6, i, 266.—Erichseu. Spontaneous dis- ease of the elbow in aman aged seventy-two; removal of the limb. Lancet, Lond., 1803, i, 23*.—F. wen (H.) Severe injury of arm; amputation: compound fracture of the pa- teUa; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 506.—Fano. Examen anatomiquo du moignon d'un bras ampute. Bull, j Soc. de chir. de Par., 1854, iv, 517.—Fiorito (F.) t . . . al Amputations of arm. suo terzo superiore in seguito ad artrocace. Indipendeute, Torino, 1876, xxvii. 6-.*.—Cirandexso-Silvestri (O.) Amputazione deU'omero operata colla legatura elastica. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1874, xvU, 233-236.— Guillen (J.) t Anfiteatro anat., Madrid. 1875, iii, 341.— Hamilton. Compound fracture of forearm, with com- minuted fracture ol upper-arm: amputation. Ladian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 318.—Hollo. 11 . . . pratiquees k l'hopital de la marine de Cherbourg par des precedes differens. Ann. de la chir., Par.. 1842, vi, 26-34.— Heyfelder(J.F.) [Cases.] Amputatio brachii. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1853, v, 479: 1855, vU, 555: 1N">8, vUi, 265.— Hcyfclder (O.) tt Amputatio brachu. Ibid., 1850, u, 103: 1*51, iii. 223.— Jones (R. E.) Amputation of the arm immediately below the shoulder joint, followed by recovery, in a child aged fifteen months. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 35.—Keen (W. W.) t . . . after diffuse cellulitis. Phila. M. Times, 1877, vii. 425.—Kohler. [6 cases.] Charite- Ann., Berl., 1878, iii, 471. -----. t Ibid., 1879, iv, 529.— Larrey (H.) t . . . dans l'articulation scapulo-hume- rale. Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 1; 90.—Laurie. Destruc- tion of forearm, compound fracture of leg, primary ampu- tation of arm, pneumonia; cine. Med. Times, Lond.. 1846, xiv, 389.—Lehmann. Gluckliche Amputation des Unken Oberarms bei einem 64 Jahre alten, sehr schwachlichen Manne. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxxvi, 25-29.— lUIacdonnell (J.) f.. . performed at the Richmond Hospi- tal, without pain. DubUn M. Press, 1847, xvu, 8.— JTI'G hie (J.) [Cases. ] Glasgow M. J., 1859-60, vU, 213; 463: 1860-1, viii, 435-437.—Marion (O. H.) ... for railroad injury; tor- torsion ; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1877, xcvii, 600-€02.— .Tledini (L.) ... per gravotraumatismoeseguitanelluogo stesso della lesione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1878, 6. s.,U, 105-169.—Meldon (A.) t Primary . . . Dub. Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liii, 299.—Milner (R. H.) t . . . without Ugatures. Phila. M. Times, 1877, viU, 31.—de IHoerloose (J. B.) Plaio par 6crasement; amputation du bras ; pansement de Lister; guerison. Ann. Soc. do med. de Gand, 1876, liv, 05-69.—ITIoutet. Note sur un cas d'amputation du bras; produite par arrachement dans une chute d'un Ueu 61ev6. Montpel. med., 1872, xxvui, 329-333.—Mudie. Account of an amputation of the arm without hemorrhage. Essays Sc Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb., 1771, iii, 502-504—Mursick (G. A.) Case of gun-shot injury of the median and internal cutaneous nerves of the right upper extremity; ampu- tation after unsuccessful treatment by subcutaneous in- jections of morphia, etc. N. York M. J., I860, U, 174- 180.—Bizzoli. Intorno ad una disarticolaziono dell'a- vambraccio daU'omero, con un nuovo processo a lembo. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1863, 4. s., xix, 173-177.—Kota (A.) t . . . deU'omero alrestrenio suo superiore. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1872 ccxxii, 299-303.—Boy (G. C.) Terti- ary amputation ha a case of gunshot wound of the forearm; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 186.—Smith (H. H.) t ... for a compound fracture of the elbow-joint; ligatures removed in seven days. Med. Exam., PhUa., 1838, i, 1G8.—dc Sousa Cas tel lo Branco (F.) Amputacao do braco direito no terco superior empregando—se o me- thodo hemostatico de Esmarch. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1874, xxxvui, 225-227.—Spence (J.) t . . . for the secondary effects of a burn. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1848, vui, 590.—[Stark.] Compound fracture of light radius and ulna; amputation-, haemorrhage; arrest; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1874, U. 024.—V. (S. G.) t . . . y uso del cloroformo en un sugeto de condiciones patoldgicas graves y aun opuestas. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1854, i, 334.— Violet. Amputation du bras chez un vieillard de soixante- dix ans pour une tumeur blanche du coude; gu6rison. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1873, xlvi, 395.—Whitla. t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1878, 3. s., lxvi, 329-331. Amputations of breast. See Breast (Excision of). Amputations at elbow-joint. Thomas (E. F. L.) * Ueber die Exarticulation des Vorderarmes. 8°. IViirzburg, 1861. Uhde (C. W. F.) Die Abnahme des Vorder- arms in dem Gelenke. 8-. Braunschweig, 1865. Vacquier (P.) * De l'amputation dans l'articu- lation huntero-cubitale (du coude) et d'un pro- code nouveau pour la pratiquer. 8°. Paris, an XI [L-U2]. Bryant (T.) t Cancer of the left forearm. Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 718.—Dufour (G. T.) De la desarticula- tion du coude. Arch, de med. nav., Par.. 1866, v, 34-43.— [Fifield.] Amputation at the elbow-joint; torsion. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1875, xcUi, 342.—von tiangenbeck. Einen Fall von EUbogengelenks-Exarticulation. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1878, vii, pt. 1, 25.— Bodgcrs (J. K.) t N. York M. Sc Phys. J., 1828, vii, 85- 87.—Boux (J.) Lecon de clinique ehirurgicale sur la desarticulation du coude. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1866, vi, 42-57, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Skrobotov (P. I.) tt AMPUTATIONS. 260 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at elbow-joint. Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1868, no. xxv, 233-237.—Smith (S.) Statistics of amputation at the elbow-joint. N.York J. M., 1853, x, 24-33.—Soulc (E.) t Gaz. d. hem., Par., 1851, 3.8., iii, 114.—Tcxtor(K) Ueber die Exartikulation im EUenbogengelenke. Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach, 1823, i, 126-150. — Uhde (C. W. T.) Exarticulatio antibrachii mit Abtragung des Knorpels. [With bibliography.] Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1852, iv, 329-331.—Van der Vorst. Faut-il faire la disarticulation du coude ou amputer rhum6rus? Arch. med. beige, Brux., 1866, 2. s., Ui, 29; 45. Amputations of fingers and toes. Loder (J. C.) [Pr.] . . . inest digitipedis per amputationem curatl historia. 8°. Jence, [1794]. Mayer (G.-P.) *Dans quels cas et comment se pratique la disarticulation de tous les orteils? 4°. Strasbourg, 1838. Schreiber (A. G.) * De dactylosmileusi. 4°. Lipsice, 1815. Ackerman. Nouveau proced6 appliquG k l'ampu- tation du doigt indicateur de la main droite, avec r6section de la teteduuietacarpien. Tr. med., Par.,1833, xUi, 331-334.— Adams (Z. B.) Fatal corn. A case of amputation of the toe, foUowed by cerebral disease and death. Boston M. & S. J., 1829, U, pt. 1, 241-244.—Adelmami. Ueber cUe Amputation in den Metaearpalknochen. Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Wiesb., 1853, 210-213.—Adcl- mann (G.) Ueber Wognahme der Finger durch Amputa- tion im betreffenden MitteUiandknochen. IUust. med. Ztg., Miinchen, 1852, ii, 317-328.—Bloch. Ueber das Abnehmen der Finger und Zehen. Verm. chir. Schrift., Berl. u. Stett, 1779, li, 71-86, 1 pi.—Boens. Necrose et carie des phalanges de l'index k la suite d'un panaris; ablation des parties niortifiees; traitement de la carie par l'iode; gu6rison complete en 15 jours. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1855, vii, 262.—vonUruns(V.) Necrose der ersten Phalanx des Unken Ringfingers; Exarticulation des Fin- gers; permanentes Wasserbad. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x, 354.—Chassaignac. Sur l'application de la m6thode circulaue et du procedo k un seul lambeau lateral pour l'aniputation mitacarpo-phalangienue des doigts. Jour, de chir., Par., 1845, iii, 365-370. -----. Desarticula- tion du troisienie orteU. Bull. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1853, iU, 367. -----. Hemorrhagie k la suite d'une amputation de metatarsien. Ibid., 1856, vii, 145.—Demarquay. Am- putation du doigt indicateur et uno portion du second m6tacarpien gauche. Ibid., 1853, iv, 127.—Gross (S. D.) Injury of finger foUowed by necrosis. Phila. M. Times, 1872, iii, 53.—Hamilton (F. II.) t Amputation of finger. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866, i, 59.—Heyfelder (J. F.) Zehen- Amputationeu. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1856, viU, 266.-----. Amputationen der Zehen und Finger. Oesterr. Zeitschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1859, v, 051-654.—Heyfelder (0.) Ex- articulation eines grossen Zehen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 311.-----. Exarticulatio cUgitisquarti. Ibid., 1851, iU,215.-----. ExarticulatiohaUucis. Ibid.—Knackstedt. Beobachtuug von einer Abnahme des ersten Gliedes der grossen Zehe aus dem Gelenke. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1785, vii, 443-446.—Lnvista (R.) Trituracion y arranca- miento de la falangeta del dodo indice do la mano derecha determinado por una miquina; amputacion de la segunda falange y curacion por el metodo de A. Guerin. Gac m6d. de Mexico, 1873, viii, 77-79.—Lisfranc. Nouveau pre- cede pour amputei il-la-foi s deux orteils eont igus dans leur ar- ticulation m6tatarso-phalangienne, ou deux doigts dans leur articulation m6tacarpo-phalangienne. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1825, iv, 334-336.—Lisfranc (J.) M6- moiro sur un nouveau precede pour l'amputation dans les articulations des phalanges. Ibid., 1823, x, 233- 242. Also: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. mod., Par., 1823, xv, 239-245.—Iiyford (H. G.) Amputation of a finger with its metacarpal bone, foUowed quickly by death. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1827, vii, 204.—Marcha'l. De l'amputation dans la continuit6 de la premifere phalange du gros orteU. Ann. de la chir., Par., 1841. ii, 353-361.—ITIorcau. Ampu- tation d'une phalange dans la continuite; procede- suscite par une circonstance peculiere. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 93.—Paget. Great contraction of the second toe of each foot; amputation of the toes. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 192.—Palasciano (F.) DeU'amputazione della fa^ langetta del maggior dito del piede per mezzo del ferro rovente. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1851, v, 126- 134.—Philipeaux (R.) Reflexions sur l'amputation des doigts, ot sur quelques methodes therapeutiques qui doivent, dans certains cas, lui etre substituees. .T. Soc. de med.-prat de Montpel., 1847, xvi, 252-260. — Puppi (L.) Neue Methode einer Absetzung der Fiuger aus dem Motacarpal- Geleuke. Allg. Zoit. f. Chir., Miinchen, 1841, i, 43. —Sas (J. J.) ExstirpatiohaUucisdextri, wegensbeenverzweiin" noodzakelijk gewordeu. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1*41-2* iv, 24. -----. Exstirpatio digiti medii dextri, wegona versterving noodzakelijk geoordeeld. Ibid., 25-28.—Van Biervliet (A.) Deux cas de desarticulation des doigts Amputations of fingers and toes. par le mode lozangique. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1803, 2. s., vi, 444-446: rapport do M. Michaux, 370- 371.—Vandommelcn. Methode ovalaire de Scoutetten pour l'amputation dans les articulations nietacarpo-pha- langiennes. Ann. m6d. dela Flandre occid., Roulers, 1855, iv, 9. — Zertriimmeruns der Zehen; Abtragen der- selben; Enucleation nach Lisfranc; HeUung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1870), Wien, 1871, 167. Amputations of foot. See Amputations at ankle-joint, of fingers and toes, (Tarsal and metatarsal). Amputations of forearm. Amputation of an excised wrist. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 341.—Amputation of the forearm. In: STOKES (W.) Richmond Hosp. Rec, 86, Dubl., 1877, 9.—von Bruns (V.) t t DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1858, x, 317.—Butt (R.B.) Case of injured ulna, successfully amputated. PhUa. J. M. &Phys. Sc, 1825, x, 115-118.—Calderon y Martinez (L. J. C.) Amputacion del antebrazo por su t6rcio inferior Uevada k cabo con los instrumentos de una bolsa de cirujia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 137.—Chexe. Observation sur l'amputation de l'avant-bras, k la suite d'une plaie d'arme kfeu. J., Par., 1783, U, 102-106.—Cock. Ampu- tation for erysipelatous inflammation. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i. 317.—Cros'kcry (H.) A case of amputation of the right forearm at the lower third, on account of a severe, lacerated, and contused wound of the hand and wrist, in which the tendons were drawn down and divided about an inch above their termination in the flaps. DubUn M. Press, 1859, xU, 113. Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 86. -----. On excision of the tendons in amputation of the forearm at the lower third. Dublin M. Press, 1861, xiv, 301.—Dambre. Carie des os de la main; amputation de l'avant-bras par la mcHhode oblique. BuU. Soc. do med. de Gand, 1856, xxiU, 84-97. — Dehous. Amputation de l'avant-bras droit pratiqu6e par M. lo Dr. Sonrier, au moyen d'un rasoir et d'une petite scie do menuisier. Rec. de mem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1862, viii. 3. s., 456-458. — Dohl- hoff. t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1850, ii, 36. — Gi- rard (M.) t Bordeaux med., 1872, l, 294. —Hew- ctt (P.) Inflammation of the hand; amputation of forearm. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 10. -----. ExceUent stumps of tho fore-arm in amputation, by means of muscular flaps and circular incisions through the skin. Ibid., 1862, i, 277.— Heyfelder (J. F.) [3 cases.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 576: 1856, viii, 265: 1858, x. 22. Heyfelder (O.) t t DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 103r3G7.—Kohler (R.) t Amputation des Vorderarms. Chariti-Ann., Berl., 1879, iv, 530.—Kongsted. Amputation des rechten Unterarms wegen einer eigeiithiimlicheu Verblutung. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1839, xu, 508.—Larghi (B.) Avam- braccio estirpato da battitore a grano nel suo terzo superiore, trouconi del radio e del cubito scheggiati ed infracti, etc. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1866, clxxxxvi, 541. — Lee (S. R.) Amputation of the forearm for epithelial cancer. iPatient 86 years of age; recovery.] Am. M. Bi-Weekly, .ouisville, 1878, vUi, 97. — M'Ghie (J.) [Cases.] Glas- gow M; J., 1859-60, vii, 215; 465: 1860-1, viii, 438.—Magi- stretti. Amputazione deU'avanibraccio. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1862, x, 457-159.—Max (().) t Bull. Soc roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Crux., 1869, 97.—Nunn. CeUulitis of arm; destruction of wrist; traumatic aneurism; ligature of radial; secondary haemorrhage and amputation of forearm; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 301.—Morris (H.) Compound comminuted fracture of the right hand; amputation of forearm ; torsion of vessels. Ibid., 1872, i, 657.—Poole (G. H.) t Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 165.—Bobb (J.) Caso of crushed hand and fore-arm; am- putation below the elbow; antiseptic treatment. Ibid., 1870, v, 151.—Sautcreau. De l'amputation de l'avant- bras (nrocede mixte entre la methode circulaire et la methode k lambeau). Ann. Soc. de nied. de St.-Etienne et de la Loire (1872), St.-Etienne, 1875, v, 20-30.—Savory. Cases of am- putation in lower third of forearm iu advanced pulmonary phthisis; good recovery from the operation, and improve- ment of pulmonary symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 273.—Sick (P.) Eine Vorderarm- und eine Oberschenkel- amputation. wurttemb. iirztl. Vor.,Stuttg., 1863, xxxiU, 241; 249. — Tee van. Extensive iujury to hand and forearm; amputation; recovery. Med Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 685—l'arvelli (E.) Ferita da arma da fuoco alia mano ed avauibraccio sinistra; amputazione deU'avanibraccio al terzo superiore; guarigione. Indi- pendente, Firenze, 1876, xxvii, 86-88. Amputations at hip joint. CntcuLAit No. 7, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, July 1, l^iiT. A report on amputa- tions at the hip-joint in military surgery. iJ. Washington, 18U7. Cox (W. S) A memoir on amputation of the AMPUTATIONS. 261 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at hip-joint. thigh at tbe hip-joint, with a successful case. fol. London, 1845. -----. The same. Rapport lu a la Socie'te de chirurgie par H. Larrey. 4°. Paris, 1860. Uepr.from: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1800, x. Esche (A.) * Ueber die Enucleatio pelvi-femo- ralis. 4°. Wiirzburg, 1863. Francke (C. G.) * Historia femoris exarticu- | lati. 8°. Lipsia; 1835. Hawerkamp (A.) *Ein Fall von Exarticu- latio femoris. 8J. BerUn, 1878. Hedenus (A. G.) Commentatio chirurgica de femore in cavitate cotyloidea amputando. 4°. Lipsice, 1823. Henot. Me"moire sur la desarticulation coxo- fe"morale, a l'occasion d'une operation de ce genre. 4°. Paris, 1851. Gamgee (J. S.) History of a successful case of amputation at the hip-joint, (the limb 48 inches in circumference, 99 pounds weight). 4 . Lon- don, 1805. Hug (A.) *Des causes de la mort a la suite de la disarticulation coxo-feraorale. 4°. Paris, 1877. Jexty (C. N.) Methodo de hacer la amputa- cion del muslo por su articulacion con el hueso innominado. Operacion tenida comunmente por impracticable. Van anadidas, y ilustrado con Mminas diversas observaciones pra"cticas sobre otras operaciones de cirugia. 4°. Madrid, 1766. Kremer (R. S. \V. L.) * Ueber Exarticulation im Huftgelenk nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Falles. 8°. Marburg, 1857. Krcener (C. A.) * De exarticulatione femoris et cruris qusedam. 8°. Stuttgartice, 1867. L'Alouette (P.) & Theroulde (C. F.) Quaes- tio medico-chirurgica, an femur in cavitate coty- loidea aliquando amputandum? In: Haller, Disp. chir., v, 265. LtixiNG (A.) * Uber die Blutung bei der Ex- articulation des Oberschenkels und deren Ver- meidung. 8°. Zurich, 1876. Hauvan (L.) * De femoris exstirpatione. 8°. Vilnce, 1823. Schneider (A.) * Ueber die Exarticulation des Oberschenkels im Huftgelenke. 8°. Lan- dau, 1848. Solger (E.) * Ueber die Amputation im Hiift- gelenke. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1854. Stemmermaxn (W.) * Ueber die Exarticula- tion des Oberschenkels. 8°. Jena, 1866. Thieme (J. B.) * Ueber die Exarticulation des Oberschenkels im Huftgelenk. 8C. Leipzig, [18;;?]. Tod (R.) * De femoris amputatione in cavitate cotyloidea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1817. Veitch (J.) Observations on the ligature of arteries, secoudary hemorrhage, and amputation at the hip-joint. 8-\ London, 1824. Voelkxer (L.) * Ueber die Exarticulation des Oberschenkels im Huftgelenk. 8°. Halle, 18 i8. Wixnixghoff (A.) *De exarticulatione fe- moris. 8-. Grgphice, [1843]. Adams (J.) Fibrocystic tumor of the femur, for which amputation at the hip-joint was performed. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 254-1:67, 1 pi. -----. Amputation at the hip-joint on account of a large tumour, involving the femur; death on the eleventh day^ Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1854, vUi, 349. Aho : Lancet, Lond.. 1854. i, 442.— Alford. t . . .recovery. Lancet, Lond., 180!), i, 47.—Alford (H.) •Caso of compound fracture of the upper part of the femur; amputation at the hip-joint; death about eight hours after the operation. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, U, 968.—Alford (H. J.) t . . . recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, u, 353. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 47.—Allen. [Amputation at the hip-joint,] Tr. M. Soc. Penna., PhUa., 1862, xiii, 51 — Amerman (G. K.) Necrosis of the entire shaft of femur; amputation at hip-joint; death on the seventh Amputations at hip-joint. day. Chicago M. J., 1862, n. «., v, 551-553.—Ampu- tation de la cuisse dans l'article. J. de m6d., cbir., phami., etc., Par., 1786, lxvi, 69-77. —Amputation at tbo hip-joint. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 437.—Annandalc (T.) Observations on amputation at tbe hip-joint. Edinb. M. J., 1870, xv, pt. 2, 881-884.— Arnold, t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1844, n. F., iU, 366-378.—Ashhurst (J. jr.) Case of amputation at the hip-joint for gunshot fracture of tbe head and neck of tbe femur (fatal). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, lvii, 94.—Baffbs. t .. . pratiqu6e avec succes. BuU. Fac. dem6d. de Par., 1812. iii, 71; 112.—Baillie. [Cases.] Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta. 1869, iv, 261.—Baker (M.) t. . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 410.—Barbet. M6moire sur la question suivante: dans le cas oil ramputation do la cuisse dans l'article paroi troit l'uniquo ressource pour sauver la vie k un malade, de- terminer si l'on doit pratiquer cette op6ration, et queUe se- roit la m6thode la plus avantageuse de la faire; propose en 1755. Mem. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., n. 6d., Par., 1819, iv, 41-53.—Barnes, t [Recovery.] Lan- cet, Lond., 1868, i, 190.—Barnes (E. R.) [Amputation at the hip-joint.] Buffalo M. & S. J., 1873-4, xiii, 367-371.— Harwell. Bone removed in an amputation at the hip- joint. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1859-60, xi, 199. Aho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1860, i, 296. -----. t Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1873, vii, 155.—Batwell (E.) t Suc- cessful . . . Mod. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1865, xiii, 188.— Ban dens. Amputation coxo-femorale faito en 40 se- condes, d'apres un procede op6ratoire nouveau; guerison apres 44 jours. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1836, x, 329. -----. t t Disarticulations coxo-f6morale et tibio-femorale. BuU. Acad, de ni6d., Par., 1836, i, 324.—Beatson (W. B.) Cases of amputation of the thigh, and at the hip-joint. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, l, 113-115. -----. Case of injury to the lower extremity, necessitating amputation at the hip-joint, and resulting in death from thrombosis of the right ventricle of the heart and pulmonary artery; with remarks. Ibid., 330. -----. t Successful amputation at the hip-joint twelve days after injury. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 124.—Beck (B.) t . . . mit gunstigem Er- folge. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 470; 475.—Bell. Specimen of tumour of thigh; amputation at the hip-joint. Eduib. M. J., 1877, xxUi, 201-263.—Benechaud. Obser- vation sur l'extiipation de la cuisse. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1820, viU, 190-194 —Blackmail (G. C.) t Successful. . . "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xvui, 7-10.— Blandin. Amputation dans l'articulation coxo-femorale. J. univ. et hebd. de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1832, ix, 309-385. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1832, vi, 513-515. Also: Trans, med., Par., 1832, x, 353-365.—Beeckcl. t . . . gueri- son; nouveau mode de reunion des plaies d'amputation par la suture profonde k etau. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii, 25; 29.—Bradbury (J. C.) t . . . osteo-sarcoma, Boston M. & S. J., 1852, xlvi, 349-:i53. -----. Successful secondary amputation at the coxo-femoral articulation. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1855, ix, 159.—Brainard (D.) Amputation at the hip-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1838, xxii, 372-376. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, i, 94-96.-^-Bramwcll (J. P.) Successful case of hip joint amputation for cancerous tumor of femur. Edinb. M. J., 1872, xviii, 434-437.—Brashear (W.) t . . . successful. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1845-6, U, 112.— Brochin. Tumeur flbro-coUoide de la cuisse gauche: desarticulation coxo-femorale; pas de r6union; pansement ph6nique; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1, 1106.— Browne. Amputation at the hip- joint. DubUnQ. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxv, 479-485. Aho: DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 121.— Biuns (V.) t In his: Uebersicht u. d. in d. chir. KUnik zu Tubingen . . . voruekomm. Krankheitsf., etc., Tubingen, 1847, 19-39, 3 pi.—Bryce (C.) Amputation of thigh at hip-joint. Glasgow M. J.. 1831, iv. 262-265.—Buchanan (A. H.) t Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1859, xvii, 385-392, 1 pi.— Buchanan (G.) t Glasgow M. J., 1862-3, x, 302. -----. t Ibid., 1873, 4. s., v, 402— Burnard (R. N.) Compound fracture of the thigh, in which amputation at the hip-joint was performed. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc Calcutta, 1833, vi, 481.—Butcher (R. G.) On amputation at the hip-joint. Dublin q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xbi, 297-324,1 pi. Aho, Reprint.— Butlin (H. T.) Stump of amputation at the hip-joint for recurrent spindle-celled sarcoma of the femur. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1874, xxv, 210— Caceioppoli (D.) Considerazioni sulla memoria dal titolo, Amputazione deU'articolazione ileo-femorale del Butcher di Dublino. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU, 1867, xxi, 21-23.— Carmichael (R.) t . . . for the removal of an osteo- sarcomatous tumour. Tr. Ass. King's Sc Queen's CoU. Phys. Ireland, 1820, Ui, 158-169, 1 pi. —Carothers (A. E.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1873, n. s., lxv, 92-99. Aho, Reprint.—Carpio (L. H.) t Gac. m6d. de Mexico. 1865. i, 346-348.—Carrasco (J.) Tumor sarcomatoso de la ro- diUa y muslo derechos, y desarticulacion coxo-femoral de dicha estremidad. G6nio med.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 168; 185; 262; 274; 298. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1875, xxU, 200; 230; 248; 280.—[Cases.]' Lancet, Lond., 1836, i, 110-112.—Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1857, xiv, 114.—Assoc M. J., Lond., 1857. ii, 785.—Ibid.. 1860. U, 34.—Tr. M. Soc. Penna., PhUa., 1863, xiv, 210.—Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, 116.—Ibid., 141.—Lancet, Lond., 1873, U, 772.—Ibid., AMPUTATIONS. 262 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at hip-joint. 229.—Chassaignac. Rapport sur un travail de Heyfelder: De la disarticulation coxo-femorale. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1854, v, 192-197— Chaumet t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 495.—Chavasse (T. F.) Disarticulation at the hip. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 821.—Clark (E. M.) t Penins. ,T. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-4, i, 59.—[Clark (LeG.)] t . . . for malignant disease of the thigh. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 11.—Clark (S.) Severe compound com- minuted fracture of both lower Umbs; amputation of one at the hip-joint, of the other above the knee. Ibid., 1865, i, 652.—Clement ("VV. J.) Tumour of upper third of the thigh; successful amputation at the hip-joint. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, i, 4.—Clot-Bey. t.. . k l'bopitald'Abou-Zabel (Egypte), le 10 Novembre 1828. Aun. de la med. physiol., Par'., 1833, xxiii, 308-318.—Cooper (A.) t . . . at Guy's Hos- pital, Jan. 16, 1824. Lancet, Lond., 1823-4, 3. ed., i, 424- 428.—Cornuau. Nouveau procede operatoire pour cxe- cuter l'amputation dans l'articulation coxo-ftiuiorale. Rec. do mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1827, 1. s., xxii, 292-302.— Cox (W. S.) t . . . performed with success. Lancet, Lond., 1845,i, 193-195.—Cunningham(F.D.) t ... formalignant disease of the femur; recovery. Virginia M. Month., Rich- mond, 1877, iv, 498-505.—Curling (T. B.) Large malig- nant tumor of the thigh, for which amputation was per- formed at the hip-joint. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 357.-----Report on the cause of death of [preceding case}. Ibid., 1856-7, viii, 383. -----. Disarticulation of the hip- joint in a female, aged forty, for meduUary cancer of the thigh, commencing eight months before; puncture by.a •trocar five clays previous to the operation, giying exit to thirty ounces'of bloody fluid; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 6. -----. Caries of the head and neck of the femur and necrosis of half the shaft consequent on an injury, for which amputation was performed at the hip joint. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1864, xv, 186. -----. Extensive necro- sis of the shaft, head, and neck of the femur, in a child; amputation at the hip-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 566.— CutclilTc (H. C.) Ostitis of the right femur after fever; compound fracture at the middle of the bone; necrosis and rapid destruction of the knee-joint; amputation at the hip- joint ; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 11.— Dauvc. t . . . autopsie. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s.. iii, 56-62. Davy (R.) Clinical lecture on amputation at the hip-joint: case illustrating a new method of com- pressing the common iliac artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 704.—Belpech. t Rev. med. franc;, et 6trang., Par., 1824, iii, 333-350.—Be Morgan, t ... for a tumour in the thigh. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 154. Aho: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 177.—Disarticulations de lahancheet pansement desplaies. BuU. Acad.dem6d., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 690.—Dieflenbach (J.F.) t Mag.f. d. ges Heilk., Berl., 1827, xxiv, 335-343. -----. Dio Auslosung des Oberschenkels aus dem Huftgelenke. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1832, i, 27-29.—Discussion sur la desarticulation coxo- f6morale. Bull. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1856, vi, 229-235. Aho: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., vi, 1258--. 1275: 1878, 2. s., vU, 264; 289.—Dubois (H. A.) t . . . for gunshot wound of the head of the femur. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 266.—Duval (M.) Desarticulation coxo-femorale. Tribune med., Par., 1877, x, 292; 346.— East CW. A.) Gunshot wound; fracture of the head of the, os femoris; amputation at the hip-joint; recovery. South. J. M. Sc, N. Oil., 1866 i, 232-234. Aho: Gal- veston M. J., 1868, iii, 461-464.—Elkington (G.) t t . . . in children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 116.—Erichsen. Amputation of the bin joint. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 363.— E rich sen (J. E.) CUnical lecture on amputation at the hip-joint for encephaloid tumour of the femur. I bid., 1866, i, 221-223.—Eve (P. F.) A contribution to the history of the hip-joint operations performed during the late civU war: being the statistics of twenty cases of amputations and thirteen of resections at this articulation in,the South- ern service. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1867, xvUi, 253- 265. Also, Reprint. [Review.] Buffalo M. ScS.J., 1867-8, vii, 235. [See, also, Otis (G. A.)] -----. Reply to the review of Dr. Eve's contribution on tho history of hip- joint operations. Ibid., 1868, vii, 257-259. -----. Dr. Eve's reply to Dr. Otis' rejoinder. Ibid., 1869, viii, 91-97. -----. t . . . complicated by complete ankylosis; death in twenty-five hours. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1871, n. s., viii, 49-56." Also: Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., LouisviUe, 1871, xii, 370-376. Also, Reprint.—Farabeuf. Com- munication orale sur la desarticulation coxo-femorale. Bull, et niein._ Soc de chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 180-192.— Farinba Filho (J. P.) Observacao de um doente que apreseutava uuia osteo-myelite deseuyolyida, nofimdedous annos, no coto resultante" da amputacao da parte media da coxa esquerda, e no qual foi praticada a desarticulacao coxo-femural respectiva no dia 27 de Junho de 1873 pelo Dr. Viucente Saboia. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1873, i, 60- 379: 1874-6, ii, 23.—Fauntleroy (A. M.) t Recovery. Richmond M. J., 1860, i, 7-12.—Favcll (W. F.) t Ence- phaloid disease of thigh .. . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1865, l, 567.—Fayrer (J.) 1 Indian Ami. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1853^ i, 105-178. -----. t . . . successful. Edinb. M. J., 1864. x, 387; 394. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1804, ii, 165. -----. 1 Ibid., 1866, ii, 3-5. -----. Amputation of the Amputations at hip-joint. thigh and re-amputation at the hip-joint for osteo-myelitis. Ibid., 1867, ii, 483. -----. Shark-bite; amputation at the hip joint; death from shock. Ibid., 1868, i, 657. -----. t Gunshot wound. Edinb. M. J., 1868, xiU, 793-797. -----. Abstract of eight cases. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond, 1870, ii, 701. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvi, 803-805. Aho: In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 11.—Fcnn (C. T.) [Re-amputation of the thigh at the hip-joint.] Chicago M. J., 1871, xxviii, 103.—Foulis (D.) t ... by a new method. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 763. -----. Ampu- tation at the hip by a new method. Ibid., 863.— Fumagalli (C.) Sulla disarticolazioue del cotile. Ann. univ. di nied., Milano, 1866, cxcvUi, 142.—Gallozzi (C.) Disarticolazione della coscia per vasto mixo-sarcoma ossitico seguita da completa guarigione. Morgagni, NapoU, 1872, xiv, 697-714, 1 pi.—Cant (F.) Severe compound commi- nuted fracture of the right femur; amputatiou at hip-joint; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 611.—Garbi (A.) t . . . mediante la compressione elastica; morte per tubercolosi polmonare ed epatica. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, 1875, xviii, 49-51.—Gay. Hip-joint disease; resection; second- ary amputation at the hip-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 787.—Gay (G. W.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879, c, 395.— Gibb (C. J.) Amputation of the hip by Esmarch's blood- less method. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 205. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 181.—Glover (J. G.) Carbolic acid and death after amputation at the hip-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 681.—Godfray. Extensive necrosis of the femur, for which amputation at the hip-joint was performed; re- covery. Ibid., 1865, i, 652.—Good (P.) Resultats des dis- articulations et des resections do la hanche pratiquees pendant la guerre d'Amerique dans l'arm6e confederee, avec les releves statistiques de P. F. Eve. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1868, 2. 8., v, 659-661.—Gould (A. P.) t ... in which the Uiac arteries were compressed by Davy's lever. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1879, n. 8., xxvU, 326. Aho: Brit, M. J., Lond, 1879, i, 704. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 597.—Gross. Cysto-sarcomo d6velopp6 dans le muscle triceps femoral; desarticulation coxo-femorale; succes op6- ratoire; insuec&s therapeutique; mort par gen6raUsation de la neoplasie. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 474.— Gross (S. D.) t ... Ulustrated by an engraving (disorgani- zation of limb from burn; recovery). Ani. J. M. Sc, Pliila., 1804, xlvii, 105-108. Aho: Med. '& Surg. Reporter. PhUa., 1864-5, xii, 5.—Guthrie (C. G.) ... for maUgnant disease of the femur; death; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 405- 407.—Hachenberg (G. P.) A new method of amputa- ting at the hip-joint. Boston M. & S. J., 1862, lxvi, 150-156. Also: Cincin. M. Sc S. News, 1862, iii, 97-102.—Hamilton (J.) Chronic progressive ostitis, osteo-myeUtis and peri- ostitis of thigh and leg; not traumatic; reamputation at hip-joint by Dr. F. H. Hamilton; death on the seventh day, probably from pyaemia. N. York M. J., 1867, iv, 285-288.— [Hancock.] t... of a young man, aged twenty-four, for extensive disease of the thigh, with complete necrosis of the femur, of four vears' duration; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 31. -----. Disarticulation of the hip-joint for exten- sive disease in the stump, after two previous amputations of the thigh; fatal result. Ibid., 1860, i, 319.—Handyside. Amputation at the hip-joint. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1844, iv, 85. -----. . . . t osteo-me- duUary sarcoma . . . successfuUy performed. Ibid., 1845, v, 254-264.—Hendley (T. H.) t Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1873, viii, 293-295.—Henot. Desarticulation coxo- femorale prat iqu6e pour une exostose volumineuse et com- pliquee du f6mur droit; succes remarquable d'eth6risa- tion. BuU. g6n. de thferap., etc, Par., 1847, xxxiii, 374- 377. Aho: Bull. Acad, de med., Tar., 1847-8, xiii, 251- 254. -----. Memoire sur la desarticulation coxo-f6niorale, a l'occasion d'une operation de ce genre pratiqu6e avec succes, k l'aide de l'etherisation. Ibid., 1849-50, xv, 1004- 1014. Aho: Mem. Acad. roy. de m6d., Par., 1852, xvi, 213- 272. Aho: Rec. de mem. denied. . . . mil., Par., 1850, 2. a., vi, 93-145. Aho, Reprint.—Henriet (L.) De la disarti- culation de la hanche d'apres M. Verneuil. Tribune m6d., Par., 1877, x, 507-572.—Heyfelder. Exarticulation des Oberschenkels nebst Resection des Acetabulum and des horizontalenAstt svomSchambein. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, Ui, 497.—Heyfelder (J. F.) [3 cases.] Ibid., 1853, v, 497. Aho: Bull. Acad. roy. de niexl. de Belg., Brux., 1850-7, xvi, 355-358. -----. tt Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 389: 1859, x, 226. -----. Auslosung eines Ampu- tatiousstumpfes aus dem Huftgelenk. Ibid., 1862, xiv, 275. —Heyfelder (O.) Bemerkungen zu Neudorfer's Rriegschirurgio. Exarticulation des Hiiftgelenks. Ibid., 1873, xxv, 107.—[Hill (B.)) t Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 251. -----. t Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1876, ix, 30.—Hodgcn (J. T.) t St. Louis M. & S. J., 1873, u. 8., x, 485.—Holmes. Two specimens. Tr. Path. Soc. LonQ., 1865, xvii, 215- 219. ------. Sequel of a case of amputation at the hip after excision. Ibid., 1866, xvii, 230-232. -----. . . . for osteo-myelitis of tho femur after excision. Ibid., 202- 264. -----. t ... for recurrent fibroid diseases of the thigh. Lancet, Lond.. 1866, i, 367.—Holmes (T.) On ampu- tation at the hip-joint, and on the applicability of this operation in some of tho worst cases of morbus coxarius. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1866, i, 133-156, 1 pi.— AMPUTATIONS. 263 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at hip-joint. Ilulke. Amputation at hip-joint, Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1870, U, 122.—Humphry (G. M.) tt Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1850, i, 43.—Jaeger, t Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb.. 1830, Ui, 1-9.1 ] 1. Aho. Reprint.—Jones (G. M.) t Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 434.—Jordan (F.) Ampu- tation at the hip-joint by a modified method; use of the constantly moist antiseptic sponge-dressing; immediate union; remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 405.—Kearney. Amputation at the hip-joint. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1871, n. 8., xiv, 438.—Kennedy (R. A.) t . . . for removal of osteo-cephaloma of femur. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1878, xxxix. 188.—KohIer(R.) [3 cases.] Charite-Ann., Berl., 1879, iv, 537.—Krimer. Exarticulation des Ober- schenkels aus dem Huftgelenke. J. d. Cbir. u. Augenh., Berl.. 1828. xii, 121-141— Land (A. L.) Oyer de exarticu- latio ossis femoris. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Amst., 1841. Ui, 265-274, 2 pi.—Lane. Most extensive injury to the thigh, groin, and perinacum; disarticulation of, the hip-joint; death five hours afterwards. Lancet, Lond., 1857, U, 443.—Lane (S.) MaUgnant disease of the thigh, of rapid and painful growth, requiring amputation at the hip-joint: recovery from the operation, but death nearly eight weeks aftei-wards from pus in the femoral artery. Ibid., 1865, i, 651.—Lane (S. A.) Case of malignant dis- ease of the femur, for which amputation was performed at the hip-joint: recovery from the operation, but death two months afterwards from secondary mr.Ugnant deposits in the pleura. Ibid., 566.—von Lanscnbrck (B.) t ... mit BUdung eines hinteren Lappen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 577.—Earrey. Note sur l'amputation de la cuisse a son articulation supeiieure. BuU. Fac. de m6d. de Par., 1817, v, 315-318.—Earrey (H.) t . . . succes. BuU. Socde chir.dePar., 1858,viii,384.-----. t F6moro-coxalgie. Ibid., 325-328. -----. t Coxalgie . . . autopsie. Ibid., 566-576. -----. De la desarticulation coxo-femorale au point de vue de la chirurgie d'armee. Rapport sur un mem. de M. Legouest, lu k la Soc. de chir. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, v, 369-394. Aho, Reprint. -----. t BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1867. 2. s., vii, 167. [.Sec, aho, Sedillot.]—Eedentu. [Disarticulation de la cuisse; mort.] BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1877, iii, 587; 596. -----;. Myxo-chon- dronie du femur; desarticulation de la hanche. Ibid., 667-674.—Ee Fort (L.) Desarticulation coxo-femorale. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1878, 2. s.. vii, 139-167.— Eegouest (L.) De la disarticulation coxo-femorale au point de vue de la chirurgie d'armee. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1855, 2. s., xv,- 224-245. Also: Mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1863, v, 157-174. -----. Reclamation de priorite sur l'6poqne k laquelle U convient de pratiquer la disarticulation coxo-femorale. Discussion. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., Ui, 22-25. -----. The relative value of amputation, and of attempts to preserve the limb, in gun-shot fracture of the thigh: and some considerations on the operation of disarticulation at the hip-joint. [Transl. byD. "W.Cheeverfrom " Traite de chir. d'arm6e".j Boston M. & S. J., 1803. lxix, 69; 115. -----. Disarticulation coxo-femorale. BuU. Acad de med., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii. 96- 123.—Eenoir. Modification proposee an procede de M. Delpech pour la disarticulation de la cuisse. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par.. 1831, v, 205-218.—Eesi (V.) t RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1878, 4. s.. x, 223— Eiebl (J.) t Carcinoma in femor. sinistr. . . . "Wien. med. Presse, 1877. xvUi, 1574-1577.—Eineoln (N. S.) . . . after prior am- mitationat mid-thigh for shot fracture of the femur. Boston M. & S. J.. 1878, xcvUi, 166-168.—Eisfranc (J.) Memoire sur un nouveau procede operatoire pour pratiquer l'ampu- tation dans l'articulation coxo-femorale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1823, ii, 161-188. Eister (J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1871, xvii, 149.—Eong. t . . . for maUgnant disease situ- rted at the knee; recovery. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1861, ii, 291.—Eneas (R. C.) t Large osteoid chondroma of the femur. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1879, 3. s., xxiv, 320- 332, 2 pi— Lond. t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 111.— Entens. t BuU. Acad. rov. de ni6d. de Belg., Brux., 1842-3, U, 568-581.—MacCormac (W.) t . . . sarcoma of the femur, for which the linib was removed at the hip-joint. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 8-lO.T-Macfarlane (J.) Am- putation of hip-joint. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1831, ix, 231-234.— McGill. t tMed. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, ii. 92.— McGraw (T. A.) t Tr. M. Soc. Mich.. Lansing, 1872, vi, 93- 98. Aho: Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1872, vii, 466-469, 1 pi.—Mack (T.) Remarks upon amputation at hip-joint, with case. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1870-1, x, 250-252.— Mackenzie (R. J.) Amputation at the hip-joint. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1854, Lxxxi, 117-120.—OTannel (6.) t Schuss- fractur des Femur. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xU, 403.— Maestre de San Juan (A.) . . . cicatrizacion casi completa del muiion k los diez y nueve dias: muerte al vein- tidos & consecuencia de una fiebre nerviosa provocada por una fuerte emocion moral. Siglonied.,Madrid, 1859,vi, 314.— Maisonneuvc. t... eniploideslotionsd'alcool: guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1*66, xxxix, 585.—Malignant disease of the femur . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1S73, i, 696.—Mar- ehand (A. H.) Amputation de la hanche et pansement des plaies. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1878, 2. s., xv, 81; 97.— 91 army, t [Necessitee par une osteite qui avait anient la formation de nombreux abces.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., Amputations at hip-joint. 1848, xxUi, 27.—Marriott (C, H.) t. . . for fibroblas- tic tumour of the thigh; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 342-344.—Marsil (D.) t . . . a lambeau unique et posteileur. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1878, vii, 9- / 12.—Martin (A.) La d6sarticnlation de la hanche devant 1 Academic de medecine. Mouvement med., Par., 1878, xvi, 143; 178; 191: 202; 214; 229; 238; 250; 262; 298; 306; 314; 322; 335.—Martinet. Oste-osarcome du femur; desarti- culation de la cuisse; gu6rison; sarcome du poumon; mort. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, 3. s., ix, 862.—Martinet (F.) t Osteo-sarcome du f6mur . . . gu6rison. Ibid., 408-410.— Mason (E.) t t Arch. CUn. Surg., N. T., 1876, i, 74-76. -----. ttN. TorkM. J., 1876, xxiv, 561-585. A ho, Reprint, -----. t N. Tork M. J., 1878, xxvU, 146-153.—Maury (F. F.) t . . . for malignant tUsease of thigh. Phila, M. Times, 1870, i, 71.—May (J- F.) t Scrofulous degeneration of femur. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1851, n. a., xxii, 313-320.— Mayo. Amputation at the hip-joint. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, xviU, 233.—Mixed tumour of the femur... secondary deposits in lungs; death. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 839.— Moflatt (R.) Amputation at the hip by a new method. Ibid., 1877, ii, 937.—Morand. Sur l'amputation de la cuisse dans son articulation avec l'os de la hanche. In hh: Opusc de chir., Par., 1768, i, 176-184.—Moroni (F.) t Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1870, 3. s., xU, 596-600. -----. Strappamento deUa gamba; amputazione della coscia; gan- grenanosocomiale; disartieolazione del feinore. Ibid., 1875, 3. s.. xxii, 640-645.—Morton (T. G.) On amputation at the hip-joint, with the histories of the cases hi which the opera- ' tion has been performed at Philadelphia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866. Ui, 17-38.—Mott (V.) t Successful... PhUa. J. M. Sc Phys. Se., 1827, xiv, 101-104, 1 pi. — Moublct. Meinoire sur l'amputation de la cuisse dans l'article. J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 240; 339; 436; 544.— Murfrce (J. B.) t ... for maUgnant disease of the femur; recovery; subsequent death. [Death 5 J months after opera- tion.] Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1875, lxix, 289.—Ncvcr- lnann. Die Exarticulation des Oberschenkels in ge- sc hichtlicher Hinsicht dargestellt. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1839, xxvUi, 95-113.—IVewitt. Amputation through the hip-joint. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv, 443. —New- man. New method of amputation at the hip-joint. Glas- gow M. J., 1876, vui, 449-456, 1 pi.—O'Grady (E. S.) tt Dubliu J. M. Sc, 1876, lxi, 78-89, 4 pi.—Orton (J.) t ... successfuUy performed. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1827, xiii, 605-639.—Otis (G. A.) Observations on some recent con- tributions to the statistics of excisions and amputations at the hip for injury. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa,, 1868, lvi, 128-132. -----. Rapport sur la desarticulation coxo-f6morale dans la chirurgie U'arm6e. [Traduction et analyse critique par le Dr. A. Founder.] Arch, de m6d. nav'., Par., 1868, x, 19-41. -----. Rejoinder to a reply to a review of Dr. Eve's contribution on the history of hip-joint operations. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1869, vui, 21-27. -----. Memorandum of a case of re-amputation at the hip, with remarks on the operation. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1871, lxi, 141-149.— Packard (J. H.) Note of the deUvery of a female, one of whose lower limbs had been disarticulated at the hip- joint, seventeen years since, for morbus coxarius. Ibid., 1857, n. s., xxxiv, 283. -----. Amputation at hip-joint, N. TorkM. J., 1860, U, 161-168. Also, Reprint.—Page (H. W.) Amputations at hip-joint. Lond. Hosp. Rep., 1875, 17.— Parker (R.) t Successful... Lancet. Lond., 1875,U, 699.— Partridge. A case of rapidly growing encephaloid can- cer of the femur; amputation at the hip joint; death from bronchitis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, iii. 60.—Pat- terson (A) Spontaneous fracture of the femur; ampu- tation of hip-joint; death. Glasgow M. J., 1879, n. 8., xi, 90-92.—Peliken. Amputation of the hip joint. Am. J.M. Sc, PhUa,, 1830, vii, 246.—Petechin (P.) t ... beieiteriger Periostitis und Osteomyelitis des Schehkelbeines. Arch. Win. Chir., Berl., 1868, ix, 250-256.— Petersen (F.) Osteo- sarcom des rechten Femur; Exarticulation nach Esmatrch; Transfusion; Tod. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix. 370.— Porcyanko. Del'ampu tation de la cuisse dans son articu- lation avec la hanche. Experience, Par., 1839, iv, 234-240.— Potter (HA.) Amputation at hip-joint. Am. M. Times, N. V., 1860, i. 309.—Poupart(A) t ...guerison. BuU. Acad. roy. demed. de Belg., Brux., 1863,2. s., vi, 367; 447.—Powell (E.) t. ..forchronicinflammationofnipandkneejoints,with recovery; death from phthisis pulmonaUs ten months after the operation. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago, 1870, xx, 94-96.— Restelli (A.) t, Torino, 1863, xi, 837-845.— Richardson (B. TV.) Caries of os calcis and astragalus; rarifying caries of tibia; caries necrotica of femur; ampu- tation at the hip. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxvU, 282.—Richet. Disarticulation coxo-femorale. [With discussion.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 33-56.—Ried (F.) t Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1867, iU, 247-257, 1 pi.—Rivington. Hip-joint disease in a patient 50 years of age; amputation; death on the sixth day. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 124.—Rivington (W.) t... recovery. Ibid., i, 419.—Rohrer (B.) t [Gunshot; death.] Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1869, n. s., lvii, 285.—Rota (A.) t ... col metododi Teale. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1866, cxcvU, 133. -----. t . . . per embolismo acuto. Ibid., 1869, ccix, 63.—Roux (J.) Memoire sur une angioleucite AMPUTATIONS. 264 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at hip-joint. profondo; amputation coxo-femorale. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 420; 499; 523. Also: Ann. d. med. beige, Brux., 1849, iU, 131; 269; 423. Also, Reprint. -----. Des- articulation de la cuisse, d'apres les observations recueiUies a, Saint-Mandrier [1859] sur des marin s de la ilotte et des blesses de l'armee d'ltaUe. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1860, vii, 292; 309. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1860, 3. s., xv, 244. Also: Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vi, 117. Aho: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s., ii, 364-366. Aho, Re- Srint.—Sands (J.) t Successful primary . . . Med. Rec, T. Y., 1871, vi, 11.—Saunicr. Nouveau proced6 pour la disarticulation coxo-femorale. Arch. ni6d. mil., Brux., 1849, iii, 53-55.—Savory, t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, U, 665.—Sedillot. Coup de feu k la partie superieure de la cuisse droite; fracture du grand trochanter; amputation coxo-femorale; mort au bout de 25 heures. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 623.—Sedillot (C.) Amputation coxo- ffimorale; exemple remarquable d'osteite du f6mur, suite d'une fracture compUqu6e dc plaie et d'une esquiUe enclavee entre les fragmens. Bull. Acad, de mod., Par., 1840, v, 553-560. Also: Rec do mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1840, xUx, 271-312. Aho: Ann. de la chir., Par., 1841, ii, 273- 287. -----. Lettre au sujet du rapport fait k la seance du 3 Janvier, par M. lo baron Larrey, sur un memoire relatif k l'amputation coxo-femorale. Ann. de la chir. franc et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 188-192. —Sick, t t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xUi, 510-515.—Silvestri (L.) t Sperimentale, Firenze, 1871, xxviii, 347-355. — Smith (D.) Amputation at the hip-joint. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 551. —Smith (D. P.) Amputation at the hip joint. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1862, iv, 332.—Smith (S.) Statistics of the operation of amputation at the hip- joint. N. York J. M., 1852, n. s., ix, 184-205. Also, Reprint,—Smyth (S.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 227.— Snclling (F. G.) Coxo-femoral amputations and exci- sions. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1869, Ui, 241-246.—Spence. A method for controlling hemorrhage during amputation at the hip-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1879, U, 424.—Spence (J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1863, viii, 585-589. -----. t Successful case of primary . . . Ibid., 1864, x, 1-7,1 pi. -----. t .. . for malig- nant tumor of femur; recovery. Ibid., 1865, xi, 395-401, 1 pi. -----. 11 . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 591.— Stanley. MeduUary cancer of the femur, extending up to the hip, originating nine months ago, in the seat of a frac- ture occurring three years before; disarticulation of the hip-joint. Ibid., 1857, 'i, 343; 380. Aho ■ Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 296. Aho: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 384.—Stciner (J. M.) Amputation of hip. Med. Exam., Phila., 1849, n. s., v, 15-17.—Stout (A. B.) Amputation at the hip-joint; hip disease; epUepsy. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1862, v, 267-270. Aho, Reprint.—Sweat (M.) t M. York J. M., 1847, ix, 38-40.—Syme (J.) t Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1824, xxi, 19-27.-----. Necrosis of the femur after amputation in the lower third of the thigh, for which ampu- tation at the hip-joint was performed. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 699.-----. t Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 252.—Tabular report of eight cases of amputation at the hip-joint. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 362.— Tansini (F.) 11 Gazz. mecl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. s., v, 19.—Tatum. t Encephaloid of tho femur . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1855, U, 77. Aho: Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1855, xi, 158-160. -----. t Encephaloid cancer of the femur . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 444.—Tay (W.) Am- putation at hip-joint. Brit. M. j, Lond., 1873, ii, 461.— Teale (T. P.) Rapid development of cancer of femur; amputation at the hip-joint; recovery; death in two months from cancer of the lung. Ibid., 1870, U, 88.—Textor. t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl.. 1850, xxxix, 287-303.—The- baud (J. S.) t . . . for caries of tho femur. N. York M. Press, 1860, n. s., iu, 33.—Thompson (J.) t Cancer of the femur . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 92.—Thom- son, t Gunshot wound by a Snider rifle. ArmvM. Dep. Rep. (1866), Lond., 1868. viii, 514-518.—Thorn, t Toledo M. &S. J., 1878, ii, 217— Tillanx. t Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878, n. s., iv, 97.—Tirifahy. t Nevroine du sciatique. J. demed.,chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1877, lxv, 408-415. Also: Presse mecl. beige, Brux., 1878, xxx, 2-7.—deToca (M. S.) Decolacion del femur. Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 115.— Toll. An account of the operation of amputating the thigh at the upper articulation, lately performed by William Kerr. Med. p.,Par.,1855,xxvUi, 558.—Erichscn. Case of flbro-plastic tumour spring- ing from the sheath of tbe posterior tibial nerve; amputation at the knee joint. Lancet, Lond.. 1871, ii, 459-401.—Erick- son (G.) t Am. J. M. Sc, 1873, lxvi, 127.—Evans (Z. H.) New method of management of patella in amputation at the knee joint. Peniiis. J. M., Detroit, 1875, xi, 305.— Fayrcr (J.) * Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1805, ix, 112- 121.—Fergusson (W.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845, U, 79. -----. CUnical lecture on amputation at the knee-joint. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 25. -----. t . . . for medullary disease of the leg. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 411. ------. MeduUary tumor springing from tho fibula; am- putation at knee-joint; fatal result. Ibid., 1859, U, 585. ------. CUnical remarks on a case of painful ul«er of the leg, with division of the popUteal nerve; subsequent ampu- tation at the knee-joint; recovery. Ibid., 1862, i, 487. -----. t Ibid., 1872, ii, 258.—Fischer (C.) Beobachtung einer Natur-Exarticulation des Knieirelenkes. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1853, vi, 61-63.—[Fors- ter.] Amputation through the knee-joint by a circular cut; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 36.—Oallozzi. t . . . per epitelioma. Morgagni, NapoU, 1878, xx, 303-305.— Gibbons (H. jr.) t Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1872, n. s., vi, 180-187.—Guyot (J.)' t . . . et resection des con- dyles du f6niur. Ann. de la m6d. physiol., Par., 1831, xix, 316-320—Hall (A. P.) Neuralgia of leg; ampu- tation of leg at lower third and afterward at knee-joint; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1869, n. s., IviU, 77.— Hawkins (W. H.) t t Proc M. Ass. Arkansas, Lit- tle Rock, 1871, 31-34.—Heyfelder (J. F.) t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1855, vU, 494. -----. t Exarticulatio ha arti- eulo genu. Ibid., 1857, ix, 390. -----. t Ibid., 1861, xiu, 264. Iversen (A.) t Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1873, xvi, 41; 45; 49.—Janes (H.) Amputation at the knee-joint. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. (1874-6), St. Albans, 1877, 506-509.—Jones (G. M.) t Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1854, viu, 570.—Kohlcr. t t Charite-Ann., Berl., 1878, iii, 477.—Krabbel. t Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiU, 815.—Kiithe (F. P.) De exarticulatie van het onderbeen in het kniegewricht. Nederl. Tijdsohi. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, i, 1-12.—Lane. Necrosis of the tibia in a boy, ex- tending to tbe head and epiphysis; amputation at the knee; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 18o7, U, 324. -----. t . . . lea- ving the articular surface entire. Ibid., 474. -----. t . . . for epithelial cancer of the leg. Ibid., 1859, i, 440.—von Langenbeck. t t Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1878, vU, pt, 1, 26-33.—Longmore (T.) . . . in military practice. British M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 7.— liiicke. [3 cases.] Die Amputatio femoris transcondyhca nebst Bemerkungen uber die Exarticulatio genu. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1869, xi, 166-183.—Luther (F. M.) On amputation through the knee-joint. Tr. Cork M. Sc S. Soc, Dubl., 1866-7, 86-88. Aho: DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xUv, 493-495.—OTacCormac (W.) On amputation through the knee-joint. Ibid., 1870, xhx, 273-292, 1 pi.— Maisonnenvc. Tumour sarcomateuse de la tete du perone; desarticulation du genou; gu6rison. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 841.—JUarkoe (T. M.) Amputation at the knee joint, Ulustrated by the cases which have oc- curred in American practice, and mainly by those which have been treated in tho New York Hospital. N. York J. M., 1856, n. s., xvi, 19-48.-----. Syme's amputation through the knee for chronic disease of the joint. Ibid.. 3. s., i, 320- 327.-----. Amputation at the knee-joint. N. York M. J., 1867-8,vi,485-523.—Ittason (F.) t... fordeformityproduced by ulcerated leg of four years' standing; death: autopsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1868, U, 669.—Maunder (C. F.) t ifcid., 1870, U, 4.-----. t Ibid., 1872,i, 252.-----. t . . . patella retained. Ibid.. 1873. ii, 351.— Illazanowski (J.) Zur Exarticulation im Kniegelenke. Arch. f. klin. Chir. Berl.. 1800, vii, 489-499.—.Tliaer (J. F.) t Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1870-1, x, 172-170— Montgomery (J. F.) t Pacitic M. & S. J.. San Fran., 1870-1, iv, L'u'-'-'.'uii.—Mursick (G. A.) t t M. & S. J., 1877. xcvii. 9*-100.—.Tlurville. [Cases] (iaz. med. de Par.. 1845, 2. 8., xiii, 746.—Notari- auni (II. i Ridessioni pratiehe sulla disarticolazione della gamba. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1853, vu, 71- Ampntations at knee-joint. 79.—Nunn (T. W.) Sequel to a case of amputation at the knee-joint. Med. Exam., Lond., 1870, i, 777.—Occhini (F.) Disarticolazione del ginocchio per sarcoma parvicel- lulare della tibia, Sperimentale, Firenze, 1871, xxviii, 248-266.—Ollagnier (A.) Memoire sur quelques ques- tions relatives k la desarticulation de la jambe. Gaz. med. de Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 84; 123; 161. [See, also, Peise.]— Paikrt. t . . . nach Gritti. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1866, xi, 4-8.—Palamidessi (C.) Considerazioni intorno aUa disarticolazione del ginocchio ed esposizione di due; casi relativi. Sperimentali, Firenze, 1867, xx, 289- 324.—Parker (W.) [Cases.] N. York J. M., 1852, n. s., ix, 299.—Pauls. Bruch des Wadenbeins; Seutinscher Verband; Brand; Exarticulatio in genu. AUg. nied. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1853, xxii, 521-523.—Peise (L.) Note k propos d'un m6moire du docteur A. Ollagnier intitul6: Sur quel- ques questions relatives k la desarticulation de la jambe. Gaz. med. de Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 482.—Pick (T. P.) t Brit, M. J., Lond., 1805. i. 266.—[Pollock.J t . . . by flaps; fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1800, i, 35.—Pollock (G.) On amputation at the knee joint. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1870, liii, 1-29.—Pollock (CD.) On amputation at the knee- joint. Proc. Roy. M. ii. Chir. Soc, Lond., 1869, vi, 232-234. ------. Amputation at the knee-joint, Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 740. A ho: Lancet, Lond., 1809. ii, 870. Also: Brit, M. J., Loud., 1809, ii, 676.—Post, t Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, U, 258.—Potter (H. G.) On amputation at the knee- joint, Lancet, Lond., 1854, i, 507.—Richardson (B. W.) Amputations at the knee. Dubl. Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Iii, 273-281.—Schcde. [Cases.] Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- seUsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1878, vii, pt. 1, 81. —Smith (J.) Primary amputation of the leg for compound frac- ture; secondary haemorrhage; amputation at the knee; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 404.—Smith (N.) On amputation at the knee-joint. Am. M. Rev., Phila,, 1825, U, 370.—Smith (S.) Amputation at the knee joint by modified lateral flaps. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 33-36.------. t Epithelioma of leg; amputation through con- dyles; pya-mic symptoms; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Eond., 1877, n. s.,'xxiii, 493.—Sprcngler. t t Aerztl. Int.- BL, Munchen, 1858, v, 310.—Staples (G. M.) t t Am. J. M. Sc, 1872, n. s., lxiii, 62-65.—Syme (J.) Amputation at the knee. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1845, v, 337-344. ------. On amputation at the knee. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xi, 871-874.— Textor (K.) Ueber die Amputa- tion im Kniegelenke. Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach, 1823, i, 1-18. ------. Ueber Exarticulation des Kniees. Ibid., 497-498.—Tirifahy. Hype, stose du tibia; am- putation intia-condylienne de ia cuisse; osteite des os d'une jambe amputee; desarticulation femoro-tibiale. J. de m£d., chir. et pharm., Brux., 1877, Ixv, 507-516.— Tufnell (J.) On amputation at the knee-joint. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix, 193-197.—Uhde (C. W. F.) 11 Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1854, vi, 90. ------. [3 cases.] . . . obne Ab- tragung des Knorpels. Ibid., 1855, vii, 212.—Velpeau (A.) Memoire sur l'amputation de la jambe dans l'articn- lation du genou, et description d'un nouveau procede pour pratiquer cette operation. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1830, xxiv, 44-60.------. Discussion nouveUe a l'occasion du rap- port de M Larrey sur l'importance et les avantages de l'am- putation de la jambe dans l'article. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1830, 2. s., i, 266-280.—von Wahl (E.) Die Amputation Un Knie nach Gritti. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1865, viii, 29-36.—Waitz (H.) t Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi, 824.—Watson (W. W.) t Edinb. M. J., 1867, xii, 902-904.—Williamson (G.) Amputation at the knee-joint. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1846-7, n. s., vii, 178-183.—Wood (E. S.) Amputa- tion at the knee-joint. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 1-5.— Wurfbain. Exarticulatio genu. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat,-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, ii, 17.—Zeis (E.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Wiirdigung der Exarticulation des Unterschenkels im Kniegelenke. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1866, vii, 764-772. Amputations of leg. See, also, Ankle-joint (Diseases of); Astra- galus (Dislocation of); Tibia (Diseases of). Basedow (C. A.) * Commentatioiies in novam amputationis cruris panniculatae encbeiresin. 8°. Halce, 1821. Bexoist (A. D.) * Dissertation sur l'amputa- tion de la jambe. 4°. Paris, 1811. Beyer (J. H.) * De constituendo incisionis loco in cruris amputatione. 8°. Lipsiiv, 18~>3. Bceckel(E.) * Apprecier les avantages et les inconvenients de l'amputation de la jambe au lieu detection comparde aux amputations sus-mall6o- laire, sous-malleolaire et partielles du pied. 4 \ Strasbourg, 1857. Bourgeois (J. B. A.) * Convalescence chirur- gicale. Resultats detinitiis des amputations a la partie inferieure dela jambe. 4°. Paris, 1870. AMPUTATIONS. 266 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations of leg. Cocprie (A.-F.) * Considerations sur l'ampu- tation de la jambe dans sa continuite. 4°. Paris, 1825. Daigre (J.-M.) * Du lieu d'61ection dans l'am- putation de la jambe. 4°. Paris, 1847. Dupont (A. L.) 'Quelques considerations pratiques sur' les amputations, et specialement snr l'amputation sus-malle'olaire. 4°. Paris, I860. Ferrer y Vinerta (E.) De la amputacion de la pierna; sus indicationes; sitio y proceder ope- ratorio preferebles para practicarla. 8°. Madrid, 1872. Garavel (6.) * De l'amputation sus-malleo- laire de la jambe. 4°. Pan's, 1837. Hernandez del Valle (E.) *De l'amputa- tion de la jambe. 4°. Paris, 1842. Hugon (L. P. E\) *Des difflcultds qu'on eprouve a lier les arteres de la jambe, apres l'am- putation de ce membre. 4°. Paris, 1859. Lenoir (A.) * Quels sont les cas et quels sont les lieux oil il convient d'amputer la jambe? 4°. Paris, 1835. Lesche (K.) *Zur Amputation am Unter- schenkel. 8-. Leipzig, 1865. Mathe (H.-O.) * De l'amputation sus-malle'o- laire. 4°. Paris, 1873. Troy (E.) * De l'amputation de la jambe par le proecSdd de M. le professeur Sedillot. Nouvelles modifications. 4°. Paris, 1875. Adams. Necrosis of the end of the stump, in an am- putation of the leg performed hi India; re-amputation fur- ther up. Lancet, Loud., 1859, ii, 435.—Alford (H. J.) t . . . rectangular (Teale's) method; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, i, 456.—Amputatio cruris bei spiiter ausge- brochenem Delirium tremens. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xxx, 103-165.—Amputation (De 1) du pied au-des- sus des uiall6oles, pour permettrej'usaged'un pied artiiiciel. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1835, ix, 55.—d'Arcet (A.) Amputation do la jambe avec des instrumens chauf- fes a la temp6rature du corps; ramoUissement partield'une artere. J. hebd. do med., Par., 1829, iv, 483-485.—[Am. j putation des TJnterschenkels.] Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. i aUg. Krankenh. zu "Wien (1806), Wien, 1867, 292: (1868), I Wien, 1869, 134: (1870), Wien, 1871, 244.—de Arguinosa ! (D.) Amputacion de la pierna por un nuevo metodo hecha. ! Bol. do med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1846, 3. s., i, 301.— Arnal (L.) Memoire sur l'amputation sus-nialhiolaire. Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1843, x, 1-87.—Arnal & ITIartin (F.) Memoire sur l'amputation sus-maUeolaire. [Ann. de la chir.. Par., 1841, iii, 129-148.] Aho: BuU. Acad, de nied., Par., 1841-2, vU, 117-135. Aho, Reprint.— Ashley (J.) t . . . flap operation. On a modification of the I above. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1871, ii, 21.— Bailey (T. P.) t ... gangrene of the stump; second ampu- tation; recovery. CharlestonM. J.. 1859, xiv,742-744.—Har- nett (CV.) Supra-malleolar amputation. Tr. N.York M. Soc, Albany, 1857, 109-172.—Bartscher jun. t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 513-516.—Berard (A.) Amputa- tion de la jambe. Diet, de med., Par., 2. 6d., 1838, xvU, 250-264.—Blanc (H.) Arrachement de toute la peau de la jambe, avee broiement des muscles, sans lesion osseuse; amputation suivie de gu6rison. Rev. de th6rap. du midi, Montpel., 1854, vii, 253-256.—Blandin. t BuU. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1841-2, vii, 213.—Bogart (I.) Ampu- tation below the knee for chronic ulcer of stump. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1859, vi, 282-284.—Boyer (L. A. H.) t . . . necessit6e par uue tumeur blanche du pied avec carie du calcaneum. Rev. med., franc, et 6trang., Par., 1845, ii, 371-396. Aho, Reprint.—Braining (J.) t Verouderde ulceration met canes en necrosis van het scheen en kuit- bcen. Pract. Tijdschr. v. cl. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1856, n. s., ii, 461-464.—von Bruns (V.) t t Caries des Fussgelenks. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1858, x, 334.—Buchanan (G.) t t Glasgow M. J., 1870-1, iU, 198.—Buutzcn. Anipu- tationorne i Underbenet sainmenligningsviis betragtede. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1864, vii, 97; 101; 105; 109.—Bur. fer. Beobacbtung einer Ablosung des Schenkels, ohno lutung der grossen Arterie. J. f. d. Chir.. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1800, ii, 671-677.—Butcher (R. &. H.) CompUcated amputation of the leg to save the knee- joint ; Ugature of the popliteal artery as a secondary pro- ceeding fpyannia; recovery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiii, 22-27.—Cabasse. t... casde mort presque subite pendant la chloroformisation. Tribune med., Par., 1874, vii, 616-618.—Caradec (T.) t .. . d'apres lo procede ellip- tique de M. Duval. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 433. -----. Do ramputation de la jambe au lieu (lit d'election par le procede de M le professeur MarceUin Duval. Ibid., 1872, ; Amputations of leg. xiv, 865; 882; 890; 914.—Carnochan (J. M.) On tho cause of permanent flexion of the knee joint, after amputa- tion of the leg. N. York M. Gaz., 1854, v, 102-104.— Cauchois. t AppUcation du proc6d6 d'Esmarch. BuU. gen. de therap.. etc., Par.. 1872, lxxxiii, 449-452.—Chan- vel. Amputation sus-maUeolaire. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, vii, 366; 471.—Chauvel (J.) t ... par le procede k deux lambeaux de Teale; etat fonctionnel deux ans apres l'operation. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1877, n. s., Ui, 537-545.—Collardot. t Osteite trauma- tique du pied. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1858, iii, 37-39. —Coote (H.) Amputations at the inferior third of the leg. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 274.-----. Ununited fracture of leg; all treatment nugatory; amputation; recovery. Ibid., 1862, i 664. -----. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 224.—Crouch (J.) Case of gun-shot wound of the leg; amputation during collapse, just below the knee-joint; traumatic delirium; fascial abscesses of the thigh; re- covery. Trans. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1869, ii, 43.—Bohlhoflf. t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 37.—Ducor (P.) t Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1874. vi, 273.—Bnnlap (J.) Case of double amputation in the leg; death from pyaemia on the 74th day. Med. Tunes Sc Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 164.—Ellis- ton (W. A.) t . . . near the knee-joint; . . . new growth of tibia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 221.—Emson (A.) Suc- cessful case of primary amputation ... in a patient aged seventy-five. Lancet, Lond., 1875, u, 46.—Erichsen. I Ibid., 1859, ii, 61.—Fayrer (J.) t . . . by a modified form of the flap and circular operations. Indian Ann. M. Sc. Calcutta, 1865, x, 83-87.— Feraud (B.) Coup d'ceil sur les amputations de jambe pratiqu6es dans la deuxieme divi- sion des blesses de l'bopital miUtaire du "Val-de-Grftce, pendant la siege de Paris. BuU. een. de therap., etc, Par., 1871, bfturi, 346; 394.—Ferrant'(C) Des nevromes con- secutifs aux amputations; des moignons coniques; leur production presque fatale, dans le jeune ≥ deux cat6go- ries, au moins, dans les n6vralgies des moignons. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1877, [xUv]. 621.—Finney (E. F.) t . . . for compound comminuted fracture of both bones. NashvUle J. M. & S., 1857, xU, 1. —Fischer. Lappen-Amputation des TJnterschenkels ohne Gefass- Unterbindung. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1803, xvi, 90-93.—Flenry (J.) t . . . observation medico- chirurgicale. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1854, xU, 65- 79;—Foucher. Moignon d'un malade amput6 dans l'articulation m6dio-tarsienne il y a vingt ans. [Re-ampu- tation.] Bull, de la Soc. de chir. de Par., 1859, ix, 121-125. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, 490.— Gant. A practical point in amputation of the leg. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 57.—Gay (J.) Amputation below the knee. Ibid., 1842-3, i, 117.—Oayrand (E.) De l'amoutation sus- maUeolaire. Montpel. mecl., 1877, xxxviii, 120-138.— Godfrey (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 145.—Goyronil (G.) De l'amputation de la jambe, pratiquee loin du genou; nouvel appareil de sustentation. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par., 1835, ii, 161-179. -----. Sur l'ampu- tation k la partie inferieure de la jambe. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 607. -----. Amputation de la jambe; k queUe hauteur on doit faire cette amputation. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1856, U, 398-409.—Green (T.) t . . . observations on a new mode of amputating. Prov. M, &.S. J., Lond., 1842, iv, 243-245. Aho: Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, i, 573.—Gross (S. D.) t Phila. M. Times, 1873, iv, 167.—Guepratte (A.) De l'amputation de la jambe. Gaz. m6d. de Montpel., 1843-4, iv, 42.—Guerin. t . . . appareil proth6tiquo tres-simple. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1856, vii, 175-177.—Guersant, fils. 11 Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, xv, 13.—Guyon. Amputation sus-maUeolaire par un precede nouveau. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1868, 2. s., ix, 334-338. Also: Gaz. d. h6p.. Par., 1868, xii, 514. -----. tt BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, ui, 321. -----. Amputation sus-maUeolaire; rfesultats du pansement de Lister. BuU. et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 440.—Hancock. Amputation of the leg for disease of the ankle-joint, and caries of the tibia. Ibid., 1857, ii, 35. -----. Disease of the ankle-joint, originating in a sprain, necessitating amputation of the leg; good re- covery. Ibid., 1863, U, 420.—Helot (P.) t ... parleproced6 hemostatique d'Esmarch. Union med. de la Seine-inf., Rou- en, 1874, xiii, 97-100.—Heusncr. Amputation des Unter- schenkels. Gen.-Ber. cl. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. (1841), Koblenz, 1844, 93-95.—Heyfelder. Die Amputation des Unter- schenkels. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1846, v, 30-33.— Heyfelder (F.) Sc Heyfelder (O.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 489.—Heyfelder (J. F.) |22 cases.] Ibid., 1853, v, 480; 493: 1855; vii, 494; 575: 1856, viU, 287: 1858, x, 22: 1862, xiv, 296.-----. Amputationen des Unterschenkels. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Wien, 1859, v, 633-635. -----. [3cases.] ...cumconservationeperiostei. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 413.—Heyfelder (O.) [3 cases.] Ibid., 1849, i, 66: 1850, i, 187; ii, 104. -----. t Ibid., 312.— Hobart. t Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, Ui, 3.—Hobart (H.) A case in which it was found necessary to tie the femoral artery for the control of hemorrhage occurring dur- ing amputation of the leg. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxvi, 24-29.—Hoin (F. J.) f J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1792, AMPUTATIONS. 267 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations of leg. iv, 7>-8.'i.—Holmes (C.) t . . . in which no ligature was used. Assoc. M. J.. Lond., 1856, i, 334.—Holt, t ... in a case where pulmonary tuberculosis was present. Lancet, Lond.. 1802, i, 510—Hulke. Xecrosisof stump two months after amputation. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1874. ii, 234.— Jobert. tt . . . suivie de reunion unmecUate. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1855. xxviu, 69.—Jones (T.) t . . . united by the first intention. Med. Comment., Lond., 1785, ix, 326-330.— King (K.) On points of election in amputation of the leg. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1858, 905.—Kluyskens. t Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1863, xxx, 192-194.—Knapp. Amputation des linken Unterschenkels. Gen.-Ber. cl. k. rhein. Med.- CoU. (1845), Koblenz, 1847, 109.—Kohler. [0 cases.] Charite-Ann., Berl.. 1878, Ui, 475.—Laboric. Communi- cation sur l'amputation sus-maUeolaire. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1859, ix, 198-200. -----. Amputation sus-malleo- laire. Ibid., 1867, 2. s., vu, 63. -----. t Gaz. d.hop., Par., 1865, xxxvui, 474. -----. BuU. Soc. dechir. de Par.. 1868, 2. 8., viu, 36S.—Lanf (W. W.) t . . . antiseptic dressing with union by the first intention. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car.. Salem. 1877, xxiv, 57.—Larrey (D. J.) Notice sur quelques preceptes relatifs k la perfection de l'amputation de la jambe. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1824, 1. a., xv, 242-260.— Larrey (H.) Amputation de la jambe. Clinique, Par., 1830, U, 50-53. -----. Sur l'amputation sus-maUeolaire. BuU. Acad.- de med., Par., 1841-2, vu, 211-213. -----. Amputations de la jambe au-dessus des maU6oles et au tiers moyen du memhre. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1856, vU, 141-143. -----. Sur une amputation sus-maU6olaire pra- tiquee par M. Houzelot. Ibid., 1858, viU, 558-502.—Law- rence A: Hue. EmboUsm from endocarditis producing mortification of the toes, requiring three different am- putations of the left leg; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 03.—Lawrie (J. A.) Comparative merits of ampu- tation immediately below the tuberosity of the tibia, and of amputation at or below the middle of the leg. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, i, 671. -----. Cases Ulustrating the advantages of amputation at the middle of the leg. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1846, vi, 166-181.—Lee (H.) On ampu- tation of the leg by a long rectangular flap from tho calf. Proc. Rov. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1865, v, 81. Also: Med.- Chir. Tr.. Lond., 1865, xlvUi, 195-199.—Legouest. Am- putation de la partie inferieure de la jambe dans la region mtra-maUeolaiie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviU, 597.— Lenoir (A.) Note sur une modification de la methode circulaire appliqnee a l'amputation de la jambe, au dessus des maUeoles. Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1840, 3.S., vUi, 257- 266.—Lidell (J. A.) Primary amputation of right leg at upper third for gunshot injury; suppurative osteo-myeUtis of stump; pyarthrosis of knee; thrombosis of aural veins with parenchymatous hemorrhage from the stump on 12th day; death from pyaemia on 15th day: autopsy, etc. Am. J.'M. Sc, PhUa., 1872, n. s.. lxiv, 325-365.—Linhart (W.) Praktische Bemerkung zur Amputation des Unterschen- kels. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1853, i, 385-390.—LI. Amputacion de la pierna; m6todo circu- lar ; corte de todos los tojidos hasta el hueso, en un tiempo; empleo del carton en vez de las compresas hendidas. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1872-3, ix, 191-195.—Loder. t Med.-chir. Aufs., etc., Altenb., 1791, i, 67-78.—OT'Ghie (J.) [Cases.] Ibid.. 209; 328; 461: 1860-1, viU, 210; 431.— JIcGraw (T. A.) t t Detroit Rev. Med. • von der Losung des Oberarms aus dem Schultergelenke. 4J. Wiirzburg, 1823. .Schillbach (E. L.) * De exarticulatione ossis humeri. 8?. Jence, [1850]. Alarco (L.) t Gac. med. de Lima, 1858, ii. 286.—Allin (C. M.) t Sarcoma of arm. Med. Rec, N. Y., ]s7s, xUi, 116.—Allix(E\) Sarcomeossiiiantderhumerus; resection- recidive sur place; amputation du bras. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol.. Brux., 1861, xxxii, 571-570.— Anderson (J.) t Gunshot injury followed by primary amputation at Amputations at shoulder-joint. the shoulder joint. Madras Q. M. J., 1840, U, 107-110.—Ar- nott. t Malignant disease of tho humerus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 73-77. —Ashhurst (J. jr.) t ... necrosis of hume- rus ... recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, 1868, n. 8.. lv, 40.—Awu». ther (B. R.) t 'Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1805, ix, 263.— Babington (J. II.) t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xv, 236.— Baillic (II.) [3 cases.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 155.—Balbaeh. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1836, v, 149.—Bar- rett (S.) t Buffalo M. & S. J., 1864, Ui, 260.—Baudcns. Amputation scapulo-humerale, et niitacarpo-phalangienne, compUquees d'un coup de feu sur la region lat6rale gauche du thorax; guerison. Gaz. d. hoji., Par., 1834, viii, 121. -----. t . . . d'apr6s le procede de M. Larrey; r6union par trois points du suture; cicatrice parfaite en quinze jours; guerison. Ibid., 1836, x, 350.—Bcatson (VT. B.) Cases . . . and resection of denuded bone. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1866, i, 360.—Bcaussier. Lettre sur une nouveUe maniere de faire l'amputation de bras dans l'article. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1768, xxviii, 530-542.—Beck- with (S. R.) t Osteosarcoma. Hahnemau. Month., PhUa., 1879, n. s., i, 523-525.—Bedford. Case of wounded axU- lary arterv requiring amputation at the shoulder-joint. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. 8., iv, 83.—Bell (C.) Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833, xUi, 300-302.—Bell (J.) Anaesthetic, leprosy of the left arm: amputation at shoulder-joint; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 420.—Berard. [Dissection of the shoul- der, showing the efl'ect on scapula of exarticulation of arm.] BuU. Soc. anat de Par., 1829, Ui, 54.—Ber- chon. Gangrene, superflcieUe mais tres-etendue, du membre sup6rieur gauche, suite de tatouages; amputa- tion du bras dans Particle; guerison. Union ni6d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1861, vi, 225-234.—Berend (H. W.) Kolossales Sarcoma meduUare des Oberarms, durch Exarti- kulation des Oberarms und partielle Resection der Scapula cntfernt. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1861, n. F., iv. 337-341.— Berruyer. Amputation pres de rarticulation scapulo- humerale. Ann. chir., Par., 1845, vU, 243-245..—Black (J. J.) t Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 551.—Blackmail (G. A.) Amputation at the shoulder joint. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1856, xvii, 85.—Blandin (F.) Amputation du bras clans l'article. J. hebd. de mGd., Par., 1829, iU, 239- 246.—IS on fils (J. F. tils aine). t J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1826, xevi, 192-219.—Bonnafont. Nouveau proced6 sur la disarticulation de l'epaule. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1843, 3. s., i, 860.—Bonnet. De la desarticulation du bras et do l'excision de l'acromion, comme moyen d'as- surer la r6union imm6diate k la suite de cette operation. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847, ii, 26-32.— Boulard. Sur un nouveau procede pour l'amputation du bras dans l'arii- cidation scapulo-hum6rale. Ibid., 1855, xvU, 217-219.— Boursier (A.) Enchondromes multiples; atrophie des membres supferieurs et inf6rieurs droits; d6sarticulation de l'6paule droite ct du petit doigt de la main gauche; gueri- son. Bordeaux med., 1874, iii, 89-91.—Bowen (w. C.) Caso of fungus hwmatodes amputated at the articulation of the shoulder. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1814, Ui, 313-319, 1 pi.—Boyd (W.) t Med.-Chir. J. & Rev., Lond., 1818, v, 19.— Bredon (R. E.) t Armv M. Dep. Rep. (1868), Lond., 1870, x, 346.—Brigjjs (\v\ T.) t Enchon- dromatous tumors of the hand, fore-arm, and arm. Nash- vUle J. M. & S., 1871, n. s., vii, 1-4.—Brodie (B. C.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, xi, 300-303. -----. Amputa- tion of the shoulder joint. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 37.— Brown (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1*30, iii, 193-195.— Browne, t . . . secondary hemorrhage. Dublin M. Press, 1862, xlvui, 574.—Brnlatour, p£re. Fungus h6matodesau membre thoracique; amputations dans 1 articulation sca- pulo-humerale. Gaz.d.hop., Par., 1830-1, iv, 207.—Bryce (C.) Amputation at tho shoulder joint, with portion of clavicle and scapula. Glasgow M. J., 1831, iv, 259.— Buchanan (G.) Amputation at shoulder-joiut. Ibid., 18G8, 3. s., ii, 446.—Buchanan (W. F.) Case of com- pound comminuted fracture of the humerus; raUway in- jury; amputation at the shoulder; recovery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1869, xx, 85.—(Buck (G.)] t N. York J. M. Sc S., 1840, Ui, 339. [-----.] Extensive burn of the arm, followed by gangrene and hemorrhage, requiring amputation at the shoulder joint. Ibid., 1841, iv, 361-363.— Kurd (W.) t Ann. Med., Edinb., 1798, ii, 282-291.—Bur- nctt (W.) t Gun-shot wound of tbe shoulder joint, with lodgement of the baU in the head of the humerus, fracture of the scapula; . . . successfully performed. Med.-Chir. J., Loud., 1818-9, i, 28-31.—Buzzcll (J. M.) Amputation at the shoulder-joiut. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1854. U, 389-391.— Canton, t Lancet, Lond.. 1866, ii, 356— (arnorhnu (J. M.) t . . . large osteo-fibro-cancerous tumor of the humerus: recovery. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1854, ii, 161- 169 —t'arpio (L. H.) {Cual es, en los hospitales de Mexico, la gravedad de la desarticulacion escapulo-hunie- ral'. Gac. med. de Mexico. 1*05, i. 158-164.—Carte- ron. Observation de l'amputation du bras dans l'article, avec resection d'une portion de la claviculo et de l'omo- pl'te. Hull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1*71, iv, 218-224.— [ft'awcs.] Lancet, 2. ed., Lond., 1825, viii. 309.—Indian J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Calcutta, 1839, n. s., iv, so.—Med. Times, AMPUTATIONS. 269 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at shoulder-joint. Lond., 1850, xxi, 215.—Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1854, i, 559-584.—Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, viU, 192-194.— Med. Times ScGaz., Lond., 1857. xv, 553.—Ibid., 1858, xvi, 527.—Chicago M. J., 1800, n. s., iU, 114-116.—Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1863, vUi, 313-318.—Boston M. Sc S. J., 1808, lxxvUi, 286.—Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 521.—Amputation through the shoulder-jointformahgnantdiseaseof thehume- rus; excision of the scapula for malignant disease. Ibid., 1875, i, 302.—Chassaignac. t BuU. foe de chir. de Par., 1851, i, 576.—Chcever (D. W.) Amputation at the shoul- der-joint. Arch. Clin. Surg.. N.Y., 1877, ii, 123.—Clot-Bey. t . . . avec resection tlu col de l'omoplate pratiquee avec succfes k l'hopital d'Abou-Zabel (figypte), le 24 octobre 1828. Ann. de la med. phvsiol., Par., 1832, xxii, 593-597. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1830-1, iv, 84—t'lough (C.) t MaUgnant disease ot the humerus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 110- 114.—Cochran (J.) t N. York J. M., 1854. n. s., xUi, 43- 45.—Cock Sc Poland, t Lancet, Lond., 1852, U, 83-85.— Cole (J.) On amputation at the shoulder joint. Lond. M. Reposit, 1820, xiu, 457-463.—Cole (R. B.) t San Francisco M. Press, 1864, v, 17-21.—Cooper (B. B.) [Laceration of the axUlary artery; amputation.] Med. Q. Rev., Lond., 1833, i, 170-174. -----. Amputation at the shoulder. Lancet, Lond., 1834, U, 368. -----. Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Ibid., 1850, i, 418.—Coote. t ... for a severe injury inflicted by machinery ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 61.—Cost'e. t t BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1857-8, vUi, 215-226. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 611.—C>osby (A. H.) t Railroad accident. Mich. Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1870-1, i, 719-721.—Crosby (J.) Am- putation of shoulder joint. Tr. X. Hampsbire M. Soc, Man- chester, 1859, lxix. 46.—C urlin g. Amputation of the arm at the shoulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 580. -----. t Necrosis of the humerus from injury . . . recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 115. -----. t . . . of a lad. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, li)8. -----. Amputa- tion at the shoulder-joint after attempted resection for acute necrosis of the head and shaft of the humerus, and destruction of the articulation. Ibid., 1864, i, 609.— Cutting (J. H.) t Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1817, U, 266- 285.—Davidson (W.) Separation of tbe arm by ma- chinery near the shoulder-joint; three ribs and clavicle fractured. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1838, xlix, 39-41.—Bavies (T.) t ... performed . ... at Bristol, on the 4th of Nov., 1757. Gentleman's Mag., Lond., 1758, xxviU, 154.—De- guise fils. t BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, i, 152.—I>e : la Garde. [Cases.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 249.— Dcniele (J.) t Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1863, 126-128.—Be- paul. t Un cas de gangrene traumatique. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. 8., iU, 558-560.—Boggctt (P. F.) Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1856-7, lv, 404.—von Dnmreicher. t "Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 305-307.—Dupnytren. Carie de rarticulation scapulo- humerale; amputation dans l'article: graves compUcations; mort; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1833, vii, 345.—Dur- ham. Compound comminuted fracture of right arm; primary amputation through shoulder; recovery. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 2.—Duval (M.) Desarticula- tion scapulo-humerale. Tribune med., Par., 1875, viu, 727; 747.—Emery. Reflexions sur 1'extirpation du bras, et sur quelques proced6s relatifs k cette op6ration. J. de med., chu., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxiU, 35-41.—Erich- sen, t . . . for extensive injuries to the entire arm pro- duced by machinery; fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 33. -----. t Myeloid tumor on the lower end of the humerus . . . recovery. Ibid., 1864, i, 609.—Ertl. Ex. articulation im Schultergelenke. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte hi Steiermark, Graz, 1873-4, xi, 24-'i7.—Evans (J.) t . . . under unpromising circumstances, terminating favo- rably. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1827, xxvU, 45-49.—Eve (P. F.) t Successful ... for gunshot wound. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1848, n. s., iv, 663. -----. Successful . . . the joint anchylosed. Ibid., 1849, n. s., v, 533.—Evczard. Gan- grene from native splints; amputation at shoulder-ioint; recovery. Madras Q. J. M. Sc. 1865, viii, 402-404.— Ewen (H.) Injury of arm; crushing of the soft parts without fracture; erysipelas ; amputation at the shoulder-joint; re- covery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 481.—Fayrer (J.) t . . . for the removal of an epithelioma of the ami. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 581. -----. t . . . for osteo- myelitis; death from-pyaemia. Jbid, 1869, U, 570.—Fearn (S. W.) [4 cases.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, i, 557.—Fer- gusson. Laceration of the arm; amputation at shoulder- joint; death from secondary' haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 660. -----. Gun-shot wound at the shoulder-joint j primary amputation. Ibid., 1855, i, 211. -----. . . . for a medullary tumor of the upper end of the humerus ; reco- very, ibid., 1801, ii, 32. -----. Removal of the en- tire left upper extremity, including the scapula and outer half of the clavicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 361.— Fischer (G.) [Exart. des Oberarms.] Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1866, Ui, 356.—Flenry. t J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1806, xii, 437-442.— Fleury. Nouveau procede pour la desarticulation sea- l pnlo-humerale. J. de chir., Par.. 1840, iv, 266.—Folker. t Secondary hemorrhage successfuUy treated by ligature of the subclavian artery. Lancet. Lond.. 1868. i. 313.— Amputations at shoulder-joint. Forster(J.C) t Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Loncl.,1873,ii,22.-----. t SmaUround-ceUedsarcomaonheadofrighthumerus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874,3. s. ,xix, 52.-----. Compound frac- ture of humerus; compound dislocation of thumb and index finger; amputation at shoulder-joint. Ibid., 1875, 3. s., xx, 76.—Fowler (C.) t Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1844, 135.— Fox (G.) t Compound fracture of the humerus; exten- sive laceration of soft parts. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1849, n. s., xvU, 42.—Freiott (C.) t N. York J. M., 1853, n. 8., xi, 331-334. Aho, Reprint.—Furnivall (H. W.) t . . . traumatic gangrene of right arm . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 722.—Fux. Einiges uber Enucleation im Schultergelenke. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. cl. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1864, xx, 301-300.—Gahdc. t . . . wegen entziindUcher Wundinfiltration im Oberann nach ver- letzung des EUenbogengelenks. Deutsche mU.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1872, i, 270.—Gactani-Bey. Desarticu- lation scapulo-humerale; extraction de l'omoplate. BuU. Acad. de. med., Par., 1840, v, 438-442. -----. Desarticu- lation scapulo-humerale. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1852, ii, 432. -----. t Disarticolazione scapolo-omerale, asporta- zione dell'omoplata, resezione deUa clavicola ed ablazione di un testicolo praticate sul medesimo individuo, nello spedale deUe Esbekie in Cairo. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1841, xcvUi, 5-18. Also, transl.: Ann.dela chir., franc, et Strang., Par., 1842, iv, 65-77.—Gama (H.) Observation sur un coup de feu k l'epaule droite; d6sarticulation du bras; Ugature consecutive de l'artfere sous clavifere; guerison. Expos6 d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. de la MoseUe, Metz, 1847, 171- 179.—Gaultier de Claubry (E.) Memoire sur les di- vers cas qui n6cessitent ramputation du bras dans rarticu- lation scapulo-hum6rale. J.dem6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxu, 77; 82.—Gay (G. H.) Scrofulous disease of the entire humerus; rapid progress; subperiosteal abscess; am- putation at the shoulder-joint; recovery. Boston M &S.J., 1858-9, lix, 394-396. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1859,iii,270.—Genin (A.) t... reunion immediate; guerison. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1840, xlviii, 358-360.— Gibson. Extensive necrosis of the shaft and head of the humerus and glenoid cavity of the scapula, with anchylosis of the shoulder-foint; amputation at the neck of the scapula. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1854, ii, 274.—Gilbert (D.) Amputation above the shoulder-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1847, u. s., xiv, 300-370. Aho: Med. Exam., Pbila., 1854, x, 593-601.—Giraud-Dulong. t t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii, 69-71.—Godfrey, t . . . recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 364.—Gourbiel. Plaie d'arme k feu de l'6paule gauche; fracture en etoUe de la tete et du tiers su- p6rieur de l'hum6rus; d6sarticulation scapulo-hunierale; acces de fifevre pernicieuse; guGrison. Union mecl., Par., 1860,2. s.,vii, 531-537.—Graham, t... foUowed by tetanus. London M. Gaz., 1849, n. s., ix, 311-313.— Grancini (G.) Storia di un caso di moltepUci fratture comminutive compU- cato da corrispondenti estese lacerazioni di parti moUi, lesi- one deU'arteria omerale; cUsarticolazione deU'omero; morte in 5a giornata per assorbimento purulento. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1865, xiU, 562-567.—Gray (J. H.) t Acute osteitis of the head and shaft of the humerus, with de- struction of the shoulder joint. . . recovery. CUn. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 203.—Green (J. H.) Amputa- tion at the shoulder joint, in consequence of West-end sur- gery. Lancet., Lond., 1827, xi. 751.—Gross. Osteo-mye- litis; triple amputation in continuity of humerus and at shoulder-joint, Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 249.—Gross (S. D.) t . . . for a central osteo-sarcoma of the humerus. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1872. xxvU, 532-534.— Guthrie (C. G.) t Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 496.—Ham- mond (J. F.) t ... of a gangrenous arm; the gangrene having spread to and attacked the trunk before amputation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1858, n. s., xxxvi, 67-71.—Harlan. Circumscribed sloughs of the arm inducing hemorrhage, and necessitating ... Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1860, u, 35.— Harvey (W.) On compression of the artery in amputa- tion at the shoulder. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 190. —von Hauer (E.) t. . . nach einer Komniinutiv-Schuss- fractur des Oberarmknochens, mit giinstigem Erfolge. AUg.miL-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1867, vui, 315-317.—Henry (M.) t... for myeloid disease. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 446.—Hess (W. H.) t . . . with excision of a portion of the shoulder blade, for necrosis. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvU, 207.—Hey- felder. t ... wegen ausgebreiteter Gangran in Folge com- plicirten Bruches des Vorderarmknochen am Handgelenke compUcirt mit Luxation des EUenbogengelenks und Ver- letzung der WeichtheUe. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1848, lxvi, 285-292. -----. . . . wegen eines umfangreichen Mark- schwamms am Oberarm. Ibid., 292-299. -----. t Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1848, xxxvU, 0-10.—Heyfelder (J. F.) [10 cases.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vu, 495: 1856, vui, 245: 1858, x, 21; 226: 1861, xUi, 412: 1802, xiv, 276; 473.— Hibberd (J. F.) t ... in an old man in third stage of con- sumption. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, 1868, xviii, 67.—Hill (J. D.) Case of primary union after amputation at the shoulder- joint for recurrent disease of the arm. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 184.—Hitchcock (H. O.) Probable abscess of the humerus following a blow; caries of the wbole bone . . . recovery. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 18.—Hodges (R.) t Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, u, 1042.—Holmes. ... for a AMPUTATIONS. 270 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at shoulder joint. tumour, probably malignant, containing cysts; death. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1K00, ii, 3;u.—ISolscher (G. P.) 11 Hannov. Ann. f. d. pes. Heilk., 1839, iv. 353-361.— Holt. . . . for a recurrent fibroid tumor of tbe ami; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1861 ii, 32.—Holt (B.) Commi- nuted fracture of the upper part of tbe humerus; gangrene . . . subsequent phlebitis of the leg of the same side. Ibid., 1851, ii, 59.—Horner (W. E.) t . . . with a description ofa new instrument for seeming deeply seated arteries. Med. Exam., Phila., 1840, iii, 549-551— Houghton (R. E.) t Compound fracture of both bones of the fore-arm; gangrene, j traumatic. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1867, n. s., x, 8.—How- ard (R. L.) t Obio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1851-2, iv, 288- 290.—Husband (W. D.) [3 cases.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 471.—Irwin (B. J. D.) Amputation at the shoul- der-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1859, n. s., xxxviii, 350- 353. -----. t Gunshot wound of arm . . . severe effects to operator from inoculation with matter from wound. Ibid., 1861, n. s., xUi. 337-340.—Jackson (T. C.) t . . . from oste- oid tumor of the humerus. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 5, pis.— Jackson (V.) Amputation of the right arm at the shoul- der-joint; with excision of the scapula. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, U, 322-326.—Jacquet. Desarticulation de l'epaule. Arch. med. belg., Brux., 1867, 2. s., vi, 17-19.—Jelly (G. F.) &Gay (G. W.) Amputation at shoulder-joint. Boston M. &S. J.,1868, lxxviii, 23.—Jessop. Case of primary ampu- tation of upper extremity, including scapula and outer half of clavicle; entrance of air into subclavian vein; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 12.— Jobert. Tumeur blanche; amputation du bras dans l'articulation scapulo-humerale; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1832, vi, 469. -----. t Plaie ! par arnie k feu. Ibid., 470.—Johncn (B.) t... bei einem i siebenjahrigen Knaben. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878, ix, 572-577—Johnson (H. C.) t MaUgnant tumor of the arm after fracture. Lancet, Lond., 1859. i, 317. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, 325.—Johnston (D.) t Crushing of arm by machinery . . . recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1859, v, 133.—Jones (S.) t . . . for myeloid disease of the humerus. Lancet, Lond., 1859, 1, 117.— Jiinkcn. t [For false aneu- rism of thcaxiUarv.J Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1849, i, 48.— Kassy Kincur flitter, t Large fibrous tumour of arm I with deposit of cancer ceUs . . . recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, iii, 11.—Kelk (J. W.) t . . . delirium trau- maticum, genezing. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1846-7, 2. s., ii, 617-623.—Kerr (D.) t Severe injury . . . with frac- ture of the bones of the forearm, and extensive lacera- tion of the soft parts . . . recovery, Edinb. M. & S. J., 1846, lxvi, 353-355.—von Klein. Exstirpation des Ober- arms aus dem Schultergelenke. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1824, vi, 330-337.—Kluyskens. t Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1835, ii, 103-105.—Kohler. t t Charite-Aun., Berl., 1878, iii, 476.—Kumar, t Vulnus lacero-contusum brachii sin. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1876, 322-324.—Ea Faye. Nouvelle methode pour faire l'operation de l'amputation dans l'articulation du bras avec l'omoplate. Mem. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 239-242.—Eaisne & Allan, t Rec period. Soc. demed. de Par., 1800, viU, 401-421.—Lane (J.) t Fracture of hu- merus, with laceration of the brachial artery"; mortification of the limb ... recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 755.—E ar- rey (D. J.) t . . . pour un anevrysme faux consecutif. Bull, de la Fac. de med. de Par., 1820, vii, 254-257.—E a w- rence. Severe injury to the ami from a printing machine: amputation at the shoulder-joint, without cutting through the integuments; rapid recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 610.—Eemoine. [Ulcerative degeneration of the aim; exarticulation.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxvui, 479-482.—Eetenneur. Cancer du bras ayant eu pour point de depart un vesicatoire existant depuis plusieurs annees; amputation scapulo-humerale; gu6rison tempo- raire; recidive; mort. J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. aead. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1853, n. s., xxix, 155-167.—Ecyer. t J. univ. d. sc med., Par., 1828, li, 229-250.—Eisfranc (J.) Memoire sur des methodes et des precedes nouveaux pour pratiquer l'amputation dans l'aiticulatiou scapulo-humerale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1823, ii. 18-47. Also, Reprint.— Eowndes (H.) 11 Brit. M. J., Loud., 1864, ii. 519.-----. Six cases of primary amputation at the shoulder-joint. Liverpool M. & S. Rep., 1867, i, 61-73.—Eudlow (H.) Amputation at the shoulder joint. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 619.—Eun'gley. Amputation through the shoulder-joint. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1873, ii, 5.— M'Carogher (J.) t Med.-Chir. J. Sc Rev., Loud., 1818, v, 15-HcGavraii (W. B.) t . . . and resection of the head of the right humerus. Cincin. Lancet & Cos., 1865 u. s., viii, 276-278.—M'Ghie (J.) [Cases.] Glasgow M. J., 1859-60, vii, 211; 331: 1860-1, vUi, 434.—McKinlcy (S. E.) Amputation at the shoulder joint. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1853-4, x, 858.—Maclean (D.) Amputation of tbe shoulder joint. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1879, i, 116.— McLcod (K.) Case of meduUary tumour of the arm; amputation of the limb and scapula; death. Indian M Gaz., Calcutta, 1867, u, 224.—McNutt (W. F.) Amputa- tion at the shoulder. Calif. M. Gaz., San FTan., 1869-70, ii, 209.—Mandevillc (E. T.) t. . . consequent on a gun-shot wound of the ami close to the joint, occurring in a' colored man. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1852, xiv, 224-227.—Maadt. Amputations at shoulder-joint. Die Exarticulatio humeri; Wiirdigung ihrer Historic nebst einer neuen Operatiousmethodc. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxxvU, 195-235, 1 pi.—Manny. Nouveau procedti a lambeau anterieur unique, pour la desarticulation seapulo-hum6rale. Gaz. cl. hop,. Par.. 1848, 2. s., x, 337.— Martin, t Rec. d. actes de la Soc. de sante de Lyon. 1798, i. 172-179.—Martrcs(A.) Desarticulation scapulo-humd- rale ; amputation et resection ; procede nouveau. Rec. de mem. do med. . . . mU., Par., 1860, 3. s.. iv, 498-504.— Mason (E.) t Aneurism of the posterior circumflex artery for the cure of which amputation at shoulder joint was necessary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vi, 497.—ITIason (F.) t .. . for raUway injury; rapid recovery. Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 552.—Mattci (A.) Note sur un nouveau iuoc6d6 pom- la disarticulation de l'epaule. Gaz. med. de 'ar., 1846, 3. s., i. 834-836.—May (G.) Amputation at the shoulder joint. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, i, 49.—May (J. F.) t Traumatic mortification. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxii, 327-330.— Mears (J. E.) t Peripheral necrosis of the humerus, involving the head and entire shaft; pre- existing osseous anchylosis of the shoulder, and fibrous anchylosis of the elbow. Tr. Coll. Phys. PhUa., 1877, 3. s., iii, 17-21.—Melchiorj (G,) t Ferita da anna da fuoco aUa regione deltoidea del braccio con frattura deU'omero. Ann. univ. di med.. MUano, 1867, cc, 381.—Meldon (A.) t Gunshot wound of the forearm; gangrene. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, UU, 296. -----. t Primary . . . Ibid., 299.— Mcnas (P. A.) Amputation through the scapulo-humeral articulation. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 183.— Mestenhauser (-J.) t . . . mit gutem Erfolge ausgefiihrt. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843,281-283.—Michalski (A.) t . . . avec resection partieUe do la clavicule de l'acro- mion et de l'apophyse coracoide, pour une mutUation com- pliquee de l'epaule. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1856-7, xxii, 641-655.—Miner (J. F.) Amputation at the shoulder- joint. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1864, iv, 378-381: 1873-4, xiu, 81- 83.—Moon (W. P.) t (Incisions modified to suit case.) Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., li, 143.—Moore. Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 339.—Morris (T.) t . . . recovery. Ibid., 1863, ii, 188. —Morton, t Compound comminuted fracture of the arm. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 197.—Mott (A. B.) Sc Purdy (A. E. M.) t Gunshot wound of shoulder . . . recovery. Am. M. Times, N. Y . 1802, v, 132. -----. t Gunshot wound of shoulder ... death. Ibid., 133.—Mussey (R. D.) t Cincin. M. Obs., 1857, ii, 12.—Nicaise. Sarcome p6riost6al de rhumerus chez une femme enceinte do 8 niois; desarticulation de l'6paule par le proc6d6 de Larrey modinfi; accouchement normal; guerison. Bull, et m6m. soc de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 212-218.—[Niepce.] Extirpation du bras, de la clavicule gauche et dc l'omoplate gauche. Bull. Acad, de med. Par., 1804-5, xxx, 723.—Odevainc (F.) t ... for rapidly spreading traumatic gangrene. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 16.—©'Grady (E. S.) Notes on cases of amputation through the shoulder-joint. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1878, lxv, 81-92, 2 pi.—Olivieri (G.) t Rendic. Acad, med.-chir. di NapoU, 1847, i, 135-137.—Opitz (E.) t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1859, ix, 287.—Page (W. B.) ... in consequence of an injury sustained by the patient fifteen years ago. Med. Exam'., Phila.. 1849, n. s., v, 451- 455.—Park (W. H). t Proc. Texas M. Ass., Columbus, 1875, vii, 185-187.—Parker, t Encephaloid tumor of arm. Am. M. Times, N. Y„ 1862, v, 91. -----. t Gunshot wound of shoulder. I bid. — Parker & Smith (S). t . . . secondary pleurisy; death. Ibid., 1863, vi, 137.— Peaslee (E.'R.) t N. York J. M., 1853, x, 297-309, 1. pi. Aho, Reprint.—Pennington (J. C.) Circular amputa- tion of the shoulder-joint. ~N. York M. J., 1876, xxUi, 283.— Pcticolas (A. E.) Disease of the humerus, involving the shoulder and elbow joints, the limb removed at the shoulder. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xii, 384-386.— Philippe, t . . . pour une tumeur enc6phaloIde de l'hum6rus. Ibid., 1854, v, 214-219.—Pinkney. Recur- ring fibroid tumor of the arm. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, 21.—Pirondi (S.) Lfesion traumatique ayant n6cessite la desarticulation'du bras et l'ablation de l'omoplate et des deux tiers de la clavicule. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1855, xviii, 49-51.—Pi y Nuiier. Desarticulacion del humero con ligadura previa de la arteria axilar. Arch, de la cirug., Barcel., 1877, i, 280: 305.—Poncet (F.) [3 cases.] Montpel. ni6d., 1872, xxviii, 29. —Porter (W. H.) t Dis- ease of the lymphatics of the arm. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 199-203.—Pulley (J.) t Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1805, xiv, 108-111— Richard (A. N.) t Handel. v. _h. geueesk. Genootsch.. Amst., 1790, xiv, 433-436.— Richerand Sc Jobert. Disarticulations scapulo-hum6- rales. Trans, med., Par., 1832, x, 273.—Rizzoli. Pro- cesso usato per la disarticulazione scapolo-omerale discritto dal dot. C. Tarufti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1846, 3. s., ix, 41-45.—Robert, t Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 323.—Robinson (R. W.) t Compound fracture of the humerus from a gunshot wound. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1805, i, 289-293.—Roux (J.) Osteo-sarccime de l'hum6rus; extirpation; desarticulation de l'epaule: mort deux heurea apres. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1834, vui. 389. -----. Sphacele ar brulure du membre thoracique droit; amputation dans articulation scapulo-humerale; mort subite; air atmos- AMPUTATIONS. 271 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations at shoulder-joint. phtrique dans le cceur et les veines. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1836, iv, 108-110. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1*30. x, 209. -----. Gangrene traumatique du membre superieur droit, envahissantletronc; amputation dans l'articulation scapulo- humerale; gu6rison. Gaz. med. de Par., 1841, 2. s., ix, 20-22.—Russell. Amputation through the shoulder-joint for injury; pregnancy^ deUvery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 032.—Sabatier. Extrait d'un memoire sur un moyen de suppleer k l'amputation du bras dans l'article. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat., Par., 1800, iU, 395-397.—Sadler. t GliickUche ... bei einem 72jahrigen Manne. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1840, xui, 517-520.—Sanborn (E. K.) Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Boston M. ..v S. J., 1853, xlvu, 89.-----. t... gun-shot wound. Ibid.. lt>59. lx, 35.— . Saunders (C. E.) t Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 478—Savory. t... for maUgnant disease. Ibid., 1871, i, 445.—Scalzi (F.) Ferita incisa deU'arteria brachiale; legatura; cangrena deU'arto da trombosi; disarticolazione scapolo-omerale; pioemia; morte. Gaz. med. di Roma, 1878, iv, 211.— Schifferli. t J. d. praet. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1804, xx, 3. St., 161-188.—Schmid (H.) t ... we- gen eines Myxo-Chondrom's bei einem 88 Jahre alten Mann; HeUung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 153.— Schmidt. Exartikulation des Unken Oberarms. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1862, xvi, 113.—Scott. Am- putation at the shoulder-joint. Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, ix, 807. -----. t .. . medullary sarcoma impUcating the hu- merus and the soft parts around it. Lancet, Lond., 1843, i, 121.—Scotti (G.) Riflessioni sul metodo sotto-ascellare per la disarticolazione deU'omero. Morgagni, NapoU, 1864, vi, 713-710.—Shattuck (G. B.) Amputation at the shoulder- joint. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxix, 168; 378.—Sicherer. Exarticulation des Oberarms aus dem Schultergelenk. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1838, viii, 270-272.—Smith (G. H.) Amputation at shoulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1841, i, 291.—Smith (H. H.) t . . . from extensive laceration in machinery. Med. Exam., PhUa.., 1838, i, 167.—Smith (S.) Statistics of amputations at the shoulder and elbow joint. N. York J. M., 1853, x, 9-33.— Soupart. Tumeur fibro-plastique de l'hum6rus; des- articulation scapulo-humerale, suivie de l'ablation de l'omo- plate, et rapport sur l'observation. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1858, xxxvi, 57.—Spence (J.) t Severe injury of the right upper extremity bv machinery. Month. J. M. Sc. Edinb., 1S48-9, ix, 736-740. -----. On amputation at the shoulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 142. Also, transl.: J. de med., chir. et pharm., Brux., 1867, xUv, 238.—Stokes (W.) t DubUn J. M. Sc. 1877, lxiv, 372.— Stone. Amputation at the shoulder joint. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1845-6, ii, 112.—Sweat (M.) Amputation of the left arm and shoulder, including portions of the scapula and clavicle, for the removal of a large malignant tumour. N. York J. M., 1854, n. s., xii, 373-378.—Syme (J.) t Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1830, xxxiv, 233. -----. t Burn of arm; morti- fication of the hand . . . recovery. Ibid., 1835, xUv, 15-17. -----. t Fracture and laceration of the arm. Ibid., 1836, xiv, 19. -----. t Fibro-cartUaginous tumour of the hu- merus ; removal together with the arm and part of the scapula and clavicle; recovery. Ibid., xlvi, 249-251, 1 pi.—Tell- kampf (T. A.) t West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle, 1847. 2.S., vii, 405-408.—Textor. t . . . nebst Bemerkungen uber das SterbUchkeits-Verhaltniss nach dieser Operation. Ver- handl. d. phys.-med. GeseUsch. in Wiirzb., 1855. v, 55.— Toogood (J.) t Extensive burn. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1845, 744.—Townscnd. t MaUgnant disease of humerus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1863, lxviii. 383-385.—Travers & Green, t Extensive laceration of the arm, with compound fracture. Lancet, Lond., 1834, U, 252.—Treilles (M.) Rapport de la derntere maladie de M. le comte de R . . . Tumeur squirrheuse du bras droit, qui a n6cessite l'ampu- tation du bras dans l'article; mort subite d6terminee par une hemorrhagic intestinale. Ann. de la m6d. physiol., Par., 1823, Ui, 462-475.—Tripier (C. S.) Cases of second- ary hemorrhage after amputation at the shoulder-joint. N.* York J. M., 1849, Ui, 40-43.—Trowbridge (A.) Re- Sort on extraordinary cases of amputation. Med. Reposit.. T. Y., 1818, n. 8., iv, 20-29.—Turner (S. M.) A case of severely crushed arm, with fracture of two ribs and emphy- sema . . . recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, 79.—Tyrrell. Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Ibid., 1827, xU, 64. -----. t Sarcoma of arm. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1874, ii, 181.— IThdc (C. F. W.) t [With removal of cartilage from gle- noid cavity.] Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1850, U, 134.—Tan Onsenoort (A. G.) NouveUe mdthode pour i'extirpation du bras dans l'articulation scapulo-humerale, en un seul temps. BibUoth. med., Brux., 1827, iv, 207-216. Also: J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1827, x, 469-480, 1 pi.—Vast. Desarticulation de l'epaule droite dans nn cas d'arrache- ment complet des parties moUes de 1'aisseUe avec d6coUe- nients musculaires considerables, gu6rison. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1874, 3. a., iii, 514-517.—Velpeau. t Ne- crose et carie du bras droit. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii. 309.—Voss. t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1860, xii, 5.— Wagner. Fibroid des Oberarms. Ibid., 1861, xiu, 88- 90.—Wagner (J.) t N. York M. & Phys. J., 1826, v, 387; 460.—Wales (P. S.) Amputation of the shoulder-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1860, n. s., xl, 397-399.—Walker. Amputations at shoulder-joint. Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1839, xxi, 98.—Wanzcr (H.) t Richmond Sc LouisvUle M. J., Louisville, 1869, viU, 266-269. Aho: Chicago M. J., 1869, xxvi, 134-137.—Warren (E.) t Compound comminuted fractures of the arm. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1859-60, Ux, 49- 52.—Warren (J. M.) Amputation at the shoulder-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1851, n. s., xxU, 370. -----. t . . . for suppuration after a hum. In hh: Surgical observa- tions, Boston, 1867, 387.—Watson, t . . . tetanus. Annal- ist, N. Y., 1847, i, 371.—Watson (J.) I N. York J. M., 1858, 3. 8., v. 235. -----. t Ibid., 1859, 3. s.. vU, 379.— Watson (K.) t Successful amputation at the shoulder joint during the progress of gangrene. Midland M. &. S. Reporter, Worcester, 1831-2, iii, 175.—West, t Primary . . . Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 233.—West (C.) Amputation at the shoulder ioint. Tr. IndianaM. Soc, Indianap., 1857, vui, 41.—Wheeler (W. L) t Successful... DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi, 197-200, 2 pi.—Whitridge (J. B.) t N. Eng. -T. M. Sc S., Bost., 1816, v, 21-25. Also: Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1816, xxxvi, 108-112.— Wiblin (J.) t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1840, i, 79.—"Winne (C.) t Osteo-sarcoma of the humerus. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1861, i, 235. -----. t Caries and necrosis of the os humeri. Ibid., 271-276. -----. Amputations through the shoulder joint. Ibid., 306.— Wolff. Lysfranc's Methode der Excisio humeri. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1823, xv, 157-160.—Wood (T.) t Large tumor on the arm .. .recovery. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1852, xui, 730.—Wright (W.) f . . . for osteocephaloma simulating aneurism. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1859, vi, 49-64. Amputations of thigh. See, also, Aneurisms (Femoral, Popliteal); Ar- tery (Femoral, Ligature of); Artery (Femoral, Wounds of); Artery (Iliac, Common, Ligature of); Artery (Popliteal, Rupture and wounds of); Femur (Tumors of'); Knee-joint (Diseases of, Cases of); Tibia (Tumors of). Besse (J. B. A.) *LT. Determiner si des frac- tures par armes a feu du fe"mux reclament l'ampu- tation. 4°. Paris, 1811. Chalssier [F.] Consultation meaico-le'gale sur un cas d'amputation de cuisse, affectee de gangrene, et heureusement guerie. 8°. Paris, 1828. C ha vane (X.) * Considerations the'orico-pra- tiques sur ramputation a faire a la suite des frac- tures comminutives de la jambe, ou elle est in- dispensable, et sur la reunion immediate a la suite de celles pratiquees a la cuisse. 4°. Paris, 1814. Deu (A.) * De la saillie de l'os apres l'amputa- tion de la cuisse. 4°. Paris, 1866. Dubois (C.J.) * Amputation de la cuisse dans sa continuite. 4°. Paris, 1814. Ehlers (J. D. M.) *De amputatione femoris a deux lambeaux. sm. 8°. Gcettingce, 1808. Gritti (E.) Dell'amputazione del femore al terzo inferiore e della disarticolazione del ginoc- chio. Yalore relativo di cadauna, coll'indica- zione di un nuovo metodo denominato amputa- zione del femore ai condilli con lembo patellare. 8°. Milano, 1857. Aho, in: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1857, clxi, 5,1 pi. Kittel (A.) * De amputatione in tertia femoris parte a Gritti proposita. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1866. Lecoq (E.) *De l'amputation de la cuisse par la mdthode a un lambeau ante"rieur. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1864. Levtels (G.) * Essai sur les avantages qu'il peut y avoir a amputer la cuisse lorsqu'un coup ue feu a traverse" l'articulation du genou, ou lorsque la balle y est demeur^e profonde'uient engaged. 83. Paris, an XI [1803]. MacCormac (W.) Observations on amputa- tion of the thigh, and of the merits of that opera- tion as compared ^vith excision of the knee. 8°. Dublin, 1868. Meunier (C.) * Zur Casuistik der Amputatio- nen, insbesondere der Amputatio femoris. 8°. Greifswald, 1873. ftliREAU (H.-L.-M.) * Dissertation sur les in- AMPUTATIONS. 272 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations of thigh. conveniens de l'amputation du moignon de la cuisse devenu conique. 4°. Paris, lbl5. Rittericii (F. P.) *De amputatione femoris. 4°. Lipsice, [1808]. Schmitt (J. J. P.) *De amputatione femoris cum relictis duobus carnis segmentis. 4°. Wir- ceburgi, [1782], Tisciimann (A.) * Ueber die Amputation des Oberschenkels. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1Ho9]. Tschepius (J. F.) *Sitigularem exhibens casum de amputatione femoris non cruenta. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1742]. Also, in: Haller, Disp. chir., v, 239. Verhofp (F.) * De amputationis femoris casu singulari. 8°. Gryphiw, 1861. Weir (E. F.) Gritti's supra-condyloid ampu- tation of the thigh. 8°. Syracuse, 1879. Adelmann. Eine Gritti'sche Amputation dee rechten Oberschenkels. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 18C8, xv, 125- 127.—Albert (E.) Supiakondylarc Amputation des rech- ten Oberschenkels; enornier Blutverlust; Unterbindung von vielen Venen und nVarices; Heilung. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 890.—Aman. Amputaho femoris trans- condyUca. Forh. Svensk. Lak.-SiiUsk. Sammank., Stock- holm, 1870, 127-130.—Ainerman (G. K.) Amputation of thigh; secondary hemorrhage ou the ninth day controUed by pressure and position; recovery. Chicago'M. J., 1862, n. 8., v, 553-555.—Amputationsnicthode (Eine neue). [Amputation of the tbigh bv ecraseur.J Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 211-213.— Arentz (L. H.) En betydelig Qva'stning med paafolgende Amputation af begge Laai'been. Eyr, Christiania, 1829,'iv, 134-141.—Ashton (T. J.) Dis- ease of knee-joint; amputation of thigh; death; extreme fatty degeneration of tho kidnevs and liver. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 551.—Bailey (F. K.) t ... at upper third. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxiii, 356-358.—Basse. reau. t . . . suivie de mort subite, 22 heures apres l'am- putation. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1870), Par., 1874, xiv, 139-141.—Batho (R.) Case of thrombosis of the left pop- liteal artery, followed by dry gangrene of foot and leg; am- putation of thigh; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i,"113.— Baudens. t . . . dans la'moitie sup6rieure de la cuisse, d'apres un nouveau mode operatoire ayant pour base la eombinaison des methodes ;i lambeaux et circulaire; modi- fications relatives au lieu d'election; guerison rapide. Rec. demem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1835, xxxvii, 270-274. -----. t . . . au tiers superieur, par la m6thode k lambeau semi-lu- naire ante.rieur de M. Baudens. Gaz. d. hop., Par.,-1848, 2. s., x, 515.—Bayless (G. W.) Amputation of the thigh for diseases of the knee joint. Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1870, i, 193-201.—Beaussier. t . . . pour une carie de trente-deux ans, ot de la rupture de l'artere quarante jours apres l'op6- ration. J. demed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1769, xxxi, 269- 276.—Bell (J.) t . . . for malignant tumour of tibia; rapid recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 791.—Berard, jeune. Fracture do la cuisse gauche; tcrasement de la cuisse droite; Ugature de l'artere femorale; amputation sous-trochante- rienne; mort pendant l'opeiation. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 178.—Birliett. Femoral necrosis and disease of the knee. Lancet. Lond., 1*59. ii, 34. -----. Amputation at middle of the thigh. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 447. -----. t . . . for long-standing suppurative disease of the knee-joint. Mecl. Times Sc Gaz., 1872, ii, 487.—Blcy (J. L.) Krankengesehichte eines im dritten Stadio des Zehrtiebers mit glucklichem Erfolge Amputirten. als Seitenstiick zu Dr. Gaubes, in Rust's"Mag. fiir die ges. Heilk., 1. Heft, 1820, S. 120, aufgefiihrten Geschichte. Beob. u. Ab- handl. ... v. osterr. Aerzteu, Wien, 1821, ii, 462-468.— Bloeh (0.) Amputatio femoris subperiostal. Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenh., 1878, 2. 11., v, 129-134.—Boddaert. t . . . enfant do cinq ans; absence d'heinorrhagie. Ami. Soc. de med. cie Gand, 1846, xvii, 229-234.—Bona (C. A.) ... am grossen Trochanter. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1824, vi, 339-348.—Bondesen (V.) En eiendommelig Sygdom i Skinnebenet (caput tibia:); Laaramputation medLapdan- nelse. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1858. i, 106; 109.—Bon- nard. Observation sur l'amputation d'un cuisse, servant k prouver de plus en plus l'utilito des pansements de M. Pibrac, et le fruit r6el qu'on en retire dans lo traitement des plaies avec perte de substance. J. de med., cbir., pbaim., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 549-554.—Boseh (W.) t . . . dans laquelle un deplaeenient siugulier de l'artere iUaque neces- sitala ligature de l'artere crurale; deces par delire trau- matique. J. med. do la Noerl., La n.iye, 1844, i, 048-660.— Boycr (L.) Amputation de la cuisse. Rev. med. franc. et etrang., Par., 1847, n. s., iii, 430-440.—Britton. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1809, ii, 190.—Brown (J. W.) Amputation of the thigh. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1856-7, lv, 247.—Brun. Ecrasement de la jambe gauche; amputa- tion do cuisse; mort 9 mois apres par infection purulente; pas d'atrophie des circonvolutions cerebrates. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1877, 4. s., ii, 184.—Bryant (T.) Myeloid tu- Amputations of thigh. mor in the head of tibia: amputation of the thigh; recovery; [and] carcinomatous tumor in the shaft of the tibia; reco- very. Lancet, Lond.. 1862, n. s., i, 35—Buehnnan (G.) t Glasgow M. J., 1862-3, x, 302. -----. On amputation of the thigh by separation of the lower epiphysis. Lan- cet, Lond., 1868, ii, 565. -----. Nine cases. Clasgow M. J., 1870-1, iii, 195-198. -----. Malignant ulcer of thigh; amputation iu upper third of thigh. Ibid., 1879, xi, 303.— Bury (G.) t . . . ligatures of silk-worm gut appUedonthe vessels. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1827, n. s., vii, 253.— Caecioppoli (G.) [Cases.l Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1879, n. s., iv, 37-54.—Caradec (T.) Quelques con- siderations sur l'amputation do la cuisse dans le tiers mo- yen, sur l'amputation susmall6olaire et l'amputation de la jambe au lieu dit d'election. [Procedes du professeur Duval. ] Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 627; 642.—Cardcnal. t . . . per el proeedimiento de SediUot. Independ. med., Barcel., 187C, xii, 87-89.—Carpio (L. H.) Extremidad Ubre del hueso de un muiion. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1864, i, 64.— Caselli (A.) ... alembo rotuliano. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1872, 5. s., xiv, 409-419.—[Cases.] Gac. med., Madrid, 1848, iv, 100; 105.—Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1852, xv, 551.— Lancet, Lond..l857,i, 317.—Ibid.,,1874, i, 113.— FungoseKnie- gelenkentziindungen. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spitals zu Basel (1877), 1878, 78-81.—Chassaignac. t . . . considera- tions cliniques sur la me-thode k lambeaux. Monit. d. hop., Par.. 1856, iv, 428-430.—Cheever(D.W.) Fourcases. Arch. Clini Surg., N. T., 1877, ii, 121. -----. t Boston M. & S. J., 1879, ci, 1-4.—Chombarieu. Alteration considerable de la inoitie inferieure de la cuisse depuis 15ans; marasmej amputation de la cuisse pres de l'articulation de la hanche; guerison. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1853, i, 158-160.—Chre- tien, t. . . h6morrhagie veineuse; Ugature de la veine cru- rale; infection purulente; phl6bito; mort. BuU. Soc. m6d. du Haut-Rhin, Strasb., 1863, ii, 244-247.—Clark (E. A.) Immediate, primary and. secondary amputations, and exsec- tionsof the femur for gun-shot injuries. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1866, n. s., iii, 222-230.—Clark (H. H.) Compound fracture of tho femur; amputation through the trochanter; anomalous distribution or arteries. Clinic, Cincin., 1873, v, 25.—Cleghorn (J.) Amputation at the lower third of thigh, bv a long anterior flap. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 252.—Cloquet (J.) & Berard (A.) Amputation de la cuisse. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1835, ix, 457-462.— Colles (W.) 11 . . . in Bengal. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1871, xi, 391.—Collis. t DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1856, Ui, 61.— Coote (H.) Amputation of the thigh for diseased knee joint. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 84.—Cottica (G.) t Resic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara, 1863, 27-31.—Cress well (P.) Successful cases of primary amputation at the thigh after railway injury. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 12.—Croly (H. G.) t . . . by Teale's method, or the long and short rectangular flaps. DubUn M. Press, 1864, li, 56-58. -----. ... by long and short rectangular flaps; Ulustrated by two recent cases, with practical obseivations. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1870, n. 8., ix, 387-391. -----. Case of strumous disease of the knee-joint, with practical observations on amputation of the thigh, close to the condyles of the femur, by a long and a short rectangular flap (Teale's method). Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 97-99, 1 pi.—Danzel. Amputation des Oberschenkels nach Gritti. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xv, 67-69. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1872, i, 139-141.—Davis (H. C.) t . . . followed by pyaemia. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1870, xui. 412.—Delancy I (M. G.) Amputation of the thisjh by circular incision. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1848, n. s., xvi, 289-292.—Before. Dou- ble amputation de cuisse suivie de guerison. Bull. Soc. de I cbir. de Par., 1865, 2. s., v, 261.—Dement (J. J.) t . . . for injury to knee followed by caries of bone; recovery. Tr. | M. Ass., Alabama, 1872, xxv, 145— Derby (G.) t . . . forin- jury; death from pyaemia. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxxi, 39. -----. t. . . for compound and comminuted fracture of leg; recovery. Ibid., 40.—Derrccaenix (E. E.) Amputa- tion de cuisse k lambeau. J. de cbir. (Desault), Par., I 1792, iii, 367-373.—Despres (A.) R6sultats de cinq am- putations de cuisse traitees par les ancieiines methodes (statistique integrate de l'hopital Cochin pour l'annee 1878). Gaz. hebd. de mod.. Par., 1879, 2. s., xvi, 170-173.—Dick- son (J. D. t . . . with subsequent protrusion of the bone through the anterior flap. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 166-168.—Dittel. Vorstellung eines Kranken, bei dem er mit glucklichem Erfolge dio Amputation des Oberschenkels mittelst Lappenschnitt vorgenommen hatte. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 175.—Doser. t . . . wegen eines uber ein Jahr andauernden unheil- baren Beinfrasses in artieulo et patella. AUg. mecl. Ann., Altenb., 1812, 786-789.—Downir (K. M.) Statistics of amputation of the thigh in Bengal. Edinb. M. J., 1876, xxii, 499-5G7.—Duniaz. t . . . pansement ouate: torsion des arteres. Bull. Soc. med. do Chambery, 1874, 120-122.— Dupont. t Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1879, xiii, 42.—Edwards, t . . . acupressure; removal of needles twenty-one hours after operation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 639.—Edwards (G.) t Prov. M. &S. J., Lond., 1847, xi, 16.—Egeberg. Akut osteomyelitis femoris; amputatio. Norsk Mag. 7. Lsegevidensk., Chris- I tiania, 1877, vii, 543-545. — Knglisch. OsteoinyeUtia AMPUTATIONS. 273 AMPUTATIONS. Amputations of thigh. tibia;; Amputatio nach Gritti; Tod in Folge aUgemeiner Erschdpfung. Ber. cl. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1878, 443-445. — Ens wilier (E.) t ... mit besondei-en am 7ten unci 14ten Tage nach der Operation eingetretenen Nervenzufallen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1832, xviii, 579-591.—Erirhscn. An unexeisable knee-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 367.—Erichsen Sc Cock. Amputations of the thigh and leg. Ibid., 460.— Erichsen Sc Thompson (H.) Syphilitic disease and disorganization of thc; leg and knee from erysipelas; ampu- tation of the thigh. Ibid., 1802, i, 36.—Eve (P. F.) t South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta. 1837, i, 261.—Eves (A.)Elephantiasis (cruris) successfuUy treated by amputation above the knee. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 107.—Extensive disease of the knee-joint; amputation through the thigh; bloodless opera- tion; recovery, /bid., 1873, ii, 878.—Eall (Ein) vonschwerer Zertriimnierung der Weichtheile des r. Unterschenkels erfordertedie Amputatio femoris; Tod an den Folgen des Blutverlustes. Jahresb. chir. Abth. Spit, zu Basel (1878), 1879, 68.—Fayrer (J.) [29 eases.] Amputation of the thigh in Calcutta. Mecl. Times & Gaz. Lond., 1872, ii, 595- 597. — Fergusson. t [For encephaloid tumor of the leg.] Lancet, Lond., I860, i, 220. — Findley (W. M.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1876, n. s., lxxi, 425.—Fischer (O.) t [Mynors' method.] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1849, i, 54. ----'-. t . . . death. Ibid., 1850, ii, 279.—Foote. Amputa- tion at the trochanter. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 595. —Ford (DS.) t . . . at the middle third, for encepha- loid tumor. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1873, xi, 276.—de la Fuente (M.) t Siglo med., Madrid, 1873, xx,440.-Galozzi. t . . . terzo inferiore . . . Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 707-770. -----. t . . . al quarto superiore per grosso melosarcoma. Ibid., 894-897.—Gamba (O.) t . . . al Umite medio della coscia destra, formazione di manichetto, col periostio pre- viamente disseecato, al femore segato. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1803, xi, 548-553.—Oaube. Geschichte einer im dritten Staclio des Zehrfiebers mit gliicklichen Erfolg unter- nonmieneu Amputation. Mag. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1820, vU, 120-127. See, aho, Bley (J. L.)—Gay. Case of primary disease of the cartilage [of the knee-joint]; ampu- tation of limb; death. Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, 519-521.— Geissel (R.) t . . . transcondyUca. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i, 502-504.—Gilbert (R. H.) t . . . hemorrhage from the osseous artery, and erysipelas follow- ing the operation. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 281.— Gill (H. Z.) [7 cases.] Ohio M. Sc S. J., Columbus, 1864, xvi, 401-405. -----. Amputations of the thigh for gunshot injuries. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1866, n. s., ix, 24-31. -----. Amputations of the thigh. Ibid., 1868, n. s., xi, 297-301.—Girard. Fracture sous-mall6olaire du p6rone; luxation du tibia (en dedans) et issue do ce dernier k travers lea teguments; emphysfeine de la jambe j amputation de la cuisse. J. Soc. de med. et de pharm. de l'Isere, Grenoble, 1877, ii, 4-12.—Girard (M.) Amputation de la cuisse. Bordeaux med., 1872, i, 294— Girdlcstone (T. M.) On a case of compound comminuted fracture of both bones of the leg near the knee; primary amputation of tho thigh; torsion of the popliteal artery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1876, xxi, 374-376.—Gobee (C.) t Pi act. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1832, xi, 437-447.—Gooch (B.) Re- marks and considerations relative to the performance of amputation above the knee, by the single circular incision. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1775, lxv, 373-377.—Good (J.) t ... in a child one year and a half old; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 779.—Green (J.) Ou amputation of the thigh. Boston M. ittel. [4cases.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. aUg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1878, 145-147. Amputations of toes. See Amputations of fingers and toes. Amputations at wrist-joint. See, also, Amputations (Carpal). Amputation at the wrist-joint; state of the stump six- teen years afterwards. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, ii, 211.—Barclla (L.) Desarticulation radio-carpienne par la methode oblique de M. Soupart (mode elUptique, lam- beau lateral externe). Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1802, xxx, 430-440.—Bona (C. A.) Exstirpation der Hand im Gelenko. J. d. Cbir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1825, viii, 88- 93.—Chalot. Desarticulation du poignet par le proc6d6 k lambeau_e\terne. Montpel. ni6d., 1877, xxxix, 130-137.— Franchiui (E.) Nuovo processo di disarticolazione deUa mano. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1876, xxiv, 303-323.— (•ensoul, t . . . pratiqu6e dans l'articulation carpo-meta- carpienne, en conservant lo pouce. Rev. m6d. tranc. et etrang., Par., 1827, ii, 183-188.—Heyfelder (J. F.) t t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 265.—Heyfelder (O.) t Ibid., 1850,ii.367.-I£jellberg(N.G.) Exarticulatiocarpo- radialis. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1874-5, x, 141-145.—te Febvricr. 1 ... k la suite d'un coup de feu. J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1829, v, 132-135.—M'Ghic (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1859-60, vii, 216.—Regi. Nouveau procede de desarticulation radio- carpienne. Courrier mecl., Par., 1878, xxviii, 30-32.—lire. Amputation at tbe wrist with the cartilaginous surfaces left intact. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 155.—Ward (N.) An- Amputations at wrist-joint. putation at the wrist-joint. Ibid., 1859, i, 504.—Wood. t ... by Teale's flaps for chronic disease of wrist-joint. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 145. A ill roi ii (Jacques). *De la phle'bite crurale puerperale. 54 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, No. '223, 2. s., v. 17. Amshoflf (Fekko Koerts). * Collectanea quaedam topographiam uiedicaui provincial Drentliin;e epectautia. 3 p. 1., 40 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, | J. Romelingh, [1843]. AmstiofT (G. H.) Eeue bijdrage ter genezing en ai'wering van den Oost-Indischen braakloop (cholera indica), voor al en niet geneeskundigen. vi, 46 pp. 8°. Eoevorden, D. H. van der Scheer, 1849. [P., v. 174.] Amsler (Job. Jacob). *Die Moglickkeit einer Injurie an Verstorbenen. vi, 136 pp. 8°. Zurich, Zurcher und Furrer, 1871. Amsler (K. F.) Nekrolog des HerrnDr. K. F. Amsler von Schinznast. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Zurich, 1856, 85. Amstein (AimcS). *I. De l'ichthyose. II. De- terminer si la maladie que l'on a d6crite sous le nom de luxation spontanea de l'occipital sur l'atlas, et de l'atlas sur l'axis, est autre chose qu'une tumeur blanche, [etc.] 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 79, v. 369. Amstein (Jules). * Propositions de me'decine et de chirurgie. 18 pp. 4U. Paris, 1834, No. 309, v. 278. Amstein (Jules-Adrieu-Louis). *De la pyelo- nephrite spontanea. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 217. Amsterdam. Verslag omtrent de ziekten, welke in het jaaren 1849-1859 binnen Amsterdam geheerscht hebben. Namens de 6de commissie (epidemiologie) van den geneeskundigen kring aldaar, uitgebragt door secretaris der 6de com- missie. 8°. Amsterdam, 1850-60. -----. Verslag omtrent den ziektetoestand der stad Amsterdam in 1856,1857, in verband met de geneeskundige armendienst, uitgebragt door Dr. I. Teixeira de Mattos, secretaris van de stedlijke geneeskundige dienst. 8°. Amsterdam, 1857-8. -----. Verslag der plaatselijke geneeskundige commissie te Amsterdam, over de in 1855 ge- heerscht hebben de cholera. 28 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Amsterdam, Van Hulst en Zoon, 1856. [P., v. 186.] Amsterdam. See, also, Blind (Asylums for); Education (Me- dical); Geneeskundig Genootschap, onder de Zinspreuk, Servandis cicibus; Genootschap ter Bevordering der Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde; Ge- nootschap, onder de Zinspreuk, Arti salutiferce te Amsterdam; Hospitals (Descriptions and re- ports of); Hospitals (Maternity and women's); Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural); Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen; Koninglijke neder- landsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone-Eunsten te Amsterdam. Also, supra. Buchner (E. C.) Over den invloed der lucht- gesteldheid op de sterfte gedurende twaalf jaaren van 1841 tot 1852 in de gemeente Amsterdam. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Nieuwenhuijs (C. J.) Proeve eener genees- kundige plaatsbeschrij viug (topographie) der stad Amsterdam. 4 v. in 2. 8°. Amsterdam, 1816-20. v. C. lets over de sterfte te Amsterdam hi den leeftijd van zestien tot vijftig jaren. Schat d. Gezondh., Haarlem, 1859, U, 6; 72.—van Cooth (C. J.) De heerschende ziektegesteldheid te Amsterdam, 1842. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1844, i, 97-134: 1846, 241-280.—Dornseiflen (A. A.) Rapport over de geneeskundige dienst, bij de stads-armen te Am- sterdam. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Arnhem, 1853, iv, 1. afd., 123-146.—Gezoud- AMSTERDAM. 276 AMUSSAT. Amsterdam. heids-toestand (De) van Amsterdam in 1874. Hygieia, Amst., 1875, i, 50.—Gobee (C.) Verslag van de belang- rijkste ziektegevallen, wargenomen hi het garnizoens- te Amsterdam, over het eersto haltjaar 1855. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1855, n. s., i, 513; 585: 1856, n. s., ii, 1-18.—Israels (A. H.) Eenige opmerkingeu over geneeskundige armenverzorging in Am- sterdam. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1852, ii. 365; 375. -----. Rapport over de geneeskundige dienst, bij de onderscheidene cliaconien te Amsterdam. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Arnhem, 1853, iv, 1. afd., 85-122.—Kool (J. A.) Bndragen tot de geschie- denis van het drink water te Amsterdam. Schat d. Gezondh., Haarlem, 1861, iv, 235-254. —Pleischl (A.) Bemerkun- gen uber Holland) und Amsterdam in Sanitatsriicksichten. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1854, i, 119-126.—Scheltcina Bednin (L.) De sterfte in Am- sterdam gedurende 1854-65. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, iv, 2. afd., 399-435.—Schncevogt (G. E. V.) De heerschende ziektegesteldheid te Amsterdam in 1844 en 1845, en in 1846. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1848, i, 457-515.—Stockvis. Sur la mortaUte des Israelites k Amsterdam. Art med., Brux., 1865-6, i, no. 16, 3-6.—Sybrandi (N. D.) Verslag van de ziekten, welke gedurende het najaar van 1846-7 binnen Amsterdam en deszelfs omtrek geheerscht hebben. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Geneesk., ZwoUe, 1847, U, 243- 276: 1848, iii, 217-254.—Thijssen (E. H. G.) De bevol- king van Amsterdam. (Fragment van een rapport, uitge- bragt van wege de commissie voor statistiek en topographic aldaar.) Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Gravenh., 1850, i, 2. afd., 246-254. van Amsterdam (CorneliusLeonardus). *Cibi, potus, et condimentorum plurimorum conside- ratio medica. 62 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batav., apud G. Wishoff, 1736. Amthor (August). * Ueber die Bewegung eines Korpers auf einer krummen Fliiche mit Riicksicht auf gleitende Reibung. 48 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Leip- zig, B. G. Teubner, [n. d.] C. Amthor (Casparus). Theses de catarrho. 9 1. 4°. Wittebergce, typ. J. Gormannii, 1626. -----. Nosocomium infantile, et puerile; Das ist, Kinder Lazaret, darinnen die vornembsten An- stcisse der jungen Kinder erzehlet, und wie man solrhen mit Gottes Hulffe begegnen konne, schone, gewisse und sichere Experimenta einge- fiihret werden, alien Haussmuttern, welche nicht alsobald eines Medici habhafl't werden konnen, sehr niitzlich und trostlich. 22 1. 12°. Schleu- singen, durch P. Schmiden, 1638. Bound with: Charleton (G.) Spiritus Gorgonicus, 1650. Amthor (Wolfgaugus Henricus). De causarum generibus, in quantum subphysicam. 14 1. sm. 4°. Jena', prelo Nisiano, 1656. Amthor (Wolfgangus Ulricus). * De dysenteria. 101. sm. 4°. Jence, typ. Weidnerianis, 1628. Amtliche Berichte iiber die Versammlungen deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1828-47 (7th-25th); 1852 (29th); 1854-60 (31st- 35th); 1862-5 (37th-40th); 1877 (50th). 29 v. in 23. 4°. 1829-77. See, aho, Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Amtlieher Bericht iiber dio Wiener Weltaus- stellung im Jahre 1873. Erstattet von der Cen- tralcommission des deutschen Reiches fur die Wiener Wcltausstellung. (Band 1, Heft 1.) 8C. Braunschweig, F. Fiewcg und Sohn, 1874. Contents:—1. Gruppe: Bergbau und Hiitteuwesen, vom Berghauptmann Dr. Serlo in Breslau und Prof. Dr. C. Stolzel in Miinchen. Amtliches Verzeichniss der General-Gesundheit- Commission und sammtlichcr Special-Commis- sionen, mit deren Geschaftskreisen. 8 pp. 4°. Hamburg, J. A. Meissner, 1831. [P., v. 138.] Amtsberg' (Fridericus). *De cougelationibus additis morbis historiis duabus. 29 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. Hache, 1862. c. Amulets. See, also, Trephining (History of). Genselics (0. F.) Proponens vim fascini in corpus humanum medica arte devictam. 4°. Erfordice, 1725, Amulets. HlEBNERN VON SCHNEEBERGT (I.) Mysterium sigillorum, herbarum et lapidum, oder: Vollkom- menes Geheimniss derer Sigillen, Kriinter und Steine in der Cur und Heilung aller Kranckhei- ten, [etc.] sm. 4°. Erffurdt, 1651. Also, Frankf. u. Leipz., 1735. Krause (C. C.) De amuletis medicis cogitata nonnulla. Respondent C. C. Wagner. 4°. Lip- sice, 1758. Teutscherus (J. C.) *De usu et abusu amu- letorum 4°. Erfordice, [1720]. dc Bare (J.) Snr les amulettes cr&niennes. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 121.—Bidloo (G.) De amuletis. In his: Exercit. anat. chir., Lugd., 1708, 51- 77, 3 pi.—Genre (Sur le) du mot amulette. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 76-78.—Iminel. Die Elephantenlaus als Amulett. Med. Cor.-Bl. Bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1846, vii, 141-143.—Lclnt (F) De ramulette de Pascal; etude sur les rapports de la sante de ce grand homme k son g6nie. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1845, v, 1; 157.—Pini (G.) Gli amuleti. Salute, Genova, 1871, vi, 385-389.—Plisson (F. E.) Essai sur les croyances et su- perstitions relatives aux amulettes. Gaz. o. hop., Par., 1845, 2. s., vii, 25; 33.—Biviere (E.) Sur une amulette en schiste talqueux trouv6e dans les grottes de Menton. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1877, 2. s., xU, 296-300.— Bouget (A.) Les amulettes et la secretion laiteuse. Echo m6d., Neuchat., 1861, v, 250-253. Amussat (Alphonse, fils). De la cauterisation circulaire de la base des tumeurs hemorrhoidales internes conipliquees de procideuce de la mu- queuse du rectum. 39 pp., 9 fig. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1854. [P., v. 458.] ----. The same, transl. 21 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Rich- mond, Colin $• Noiclan, [n. d.] Repr. from: Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond. ----. Des sondes a demeure et du conducteur en baleine. 15 pp. 8°. Evreux, C. Herissey, [n. d.] ----. Extraction de deux corps strangers re- tenus dans l'uretre. 8 pp. 8°. [Evreux, A. HSrissey, 1855?] C. ----. De la cauterisation apres les operations. 16 pp. 8°. Evreux, A. HSrissey, 1857. ----. De l'hypospadias. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, Evreux, A. Herissey, 1861. ----: Cas de st^rilite" chez I'homme cessant apres la guerison d'un phimosis. 2 pp. 8°. Evreux, A. Herissey, 1866. Fistules a l'anus; de l'injection iod6e comme moyen de diagnostic; incision de dedans en de- hors. 8 pp. 8°. Evreux, A. H6rissey, 1868. Irrigateur ye"sicale. 4 pp., 3 fig. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, [1868]. ----. Lithotome double. 3 pp., 4 fig. 8°. Paris, J. Claye, [1868]. ----. Issue spontanea de calculs ve"sicaux au- devant du scrotum. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, Simon, Bacon et Comp., 1869.] c ----. De la galvano-caustique chimique. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Pougin, 1871. C. ----. Traitement du cancer du col de l'ute'rus par la galvano-caustique thenuique. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1871. ----. Mdmoires sur la galvano-caustique ther- mique. 123 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1876 -----. & Morpain (Al.) Galvanocaustique thermique. De l'61ectricit6 comme ageut de cau- terisation dans le traitement des afl'ections chirur- gicales. 16 pp., 4 fig. 8°. Paris, Evreux, A. Herissey, 1865-6. Amnssat (Alphonse Auguste). *De l'emploi de l'eau eu chirurgie. 92 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 243, v. 491. -----. On the employment of water in surgery. Transl. from the French by Frank H. Hamilton. 62 pp. 8°. Buffalo, Jewett, Thomas $ Co., 1851. Amussat (Jean Zulima). [1796-1856.] Remar- AMUSSAT. 277 AMYGDALA. Amussat (Jean Zulima)—continued. ques sur l'uretre dc I'homme et de la femme. 20 pp., 1 pi. 8<-\ [182.5.] Repr. from: Arch. gen. de med., Par. -----. * Quelques considerations sur l'etude de I'anatomie. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 186, v. 203. -----. Concretions urinaires de l'espece humaine clasHeos sous le double rapport de leur volume et de leur forme, pour servir a indiquer les diffi- (•liltes que l'on peut rencontrer en pratiquant la lithothrypsie ct la cystotomie. 78 fig. on 1 pi. Atlas, fol. Paris, G. Baillttre, 1832. -----. The same. Transl. from the French by James P. Jervey. 3 p. 1., 246 pp. 8°. Charles- ton, s. G, J. Dowling, 1836. -----. The same. Transl. from the French by James P. Jervey. 3 p. 1., 103 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Haswell, Barrington $■ Haswell, 1840. -----. Table synoptique do la lithothrypsie et de la cystotomie hypogastrique ou mieux postero- pubienne. 39 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Paris, de Vimpri- merie royale, 1832. -----. Lecons sur les retentions d'urine causces par les re'tre'eissemens du canal de l'uretre et sur les maladies de la prostate. Publiees par A. Petit, vi, 229 pp., 3 pi. 8C. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1832. [Also, in: P., v. 532.] -----. Observation sur une operation d'anus artificiel pratiquee avec succes par un nouveau procede, k la region anale d'uii enfant nouveau- ne, dans un cas d'absence congenitale du rectum, suivie de quelques reflexions sur les obturations du gros intestin. (Lue a l'Institut dans la seance dn2nov.l835.) 15pp. 8C. Paris, d'Ercrat, [1835]. -----. Observation sur uue operation de vagin j nrtiliciel pratiquee avec succes par un nouveau procede, suivie de quelques reflexions sur les vices de couformation du vagin. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, d'Everat, 1835. Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par. ------. Du spasme de l'uretre et des obstacles veritables qu'on peut rencontrer en introduisaut des instrumens daus ce canal. Memoire lu k l'ln- stitut le 8 fev. 1836. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Everat, [1836]. Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Paris. -----. Relation de la maladie de Broussais, suivie de quelques reflexions pratiques sur les obstruc- tions du rectum. 45 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste et Cie., 1839. Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par. -----. Recherehes sur l'introduction accidentelle de l'air dans les veines, et particulierement sur cette question: l'air, en s'introduisant spontane- incutpar une veine blessee pendant une operation chirurgicale, peut-il causer subitement la mort ? 255 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1839. -----. Memoire sur la possibilite d'etablir un anus artificiel dans la region lombaire sans pene- trer dans le peritoine. 210 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1839. -----. Memoire sur I'anatomie pathologique des tumeurs fibreuses de l'uterus et sur la possibilite d'extirper ces tumeurs lorsqu'elles sont encore contenues dans les parois de cet organe. 72 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1842. -----. Memoire sur la retroversion de la matrice dans l'etat de grossesse. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1843. -----. Recherehes experimentales sur les blessures des arteres et des veines. Resume de trois me- moires lus k l'Academie royale des sciences, les 6, SsO et 27 l(5v. 1843. 15 pp. t*-. Paris, P. Dupont, 1843. ' —■---. Memoire sur la destruction des hemorrhoi'des internes par la cauterisation circulaire de leur pedieiilcavee le caustique de potasse et de chaux (caustique soliditie de M. Filhos). 50 pp. 8°. Amussat (Jean Zulima)—continued. Paris, Fain et Thunot, [1846]. [Also, in: P., v. 454, 464.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1846. -----. De la possibilite de redresser d'une maniere permanente l'uterus en retroversion par la sou- dure du col ii. la partie posterieure et superieure du vagin. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer et Cie., 1851. [Also, in: P., v. 447, 458.] -----. Quelques reflexions sur la curabilite du cancer, lues k l'Academie de medecine, 1854. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot ct Cie., 1854. See, aho. Petit. Absence complete du vagin. 8°. Parh, [1834]. For his Obituary, see liarrey (H.) Discours prononce aux obseques de . . . 8°. Paris, 1856. Aho, in: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1855-6, xxi, 765-778; Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 505, 513; Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 313-321. See, aho, Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx, 319, 327, (B. "W. Pollak); and. Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 241, (A. Latour). Also, Reprint. For Portrait, see Pouts, of celebrated French surgeons & physicians, no. 3. See, aho, Portraits. Amygdala. Sec, also, Amygdalin. Daries (P. J. A.) De amygdalis et oleo ama- rarum a;thereo. 4°. Lipsice, 1776. Hegner (J. U.) * Amygdalarum fructa analy- sin. 4°. Basilece, [1703]. Bieber (J. D.) Ueber Oleum amygdalarum dulcium. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St.Petersb.'. 1877, xvi, 642-644.— Delioux (J.) De 1'incompatibUite du calomel et dos emulsions d'amandes. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1855, xUx, 20-26.—Martin (S.) Du blanchemeut des amandes douces ou ameres; question d'hygi6ne. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 509.—Mouchon (E.) Memoire sur les preparations amygdaUnes. J. de m6d. de Lyon, 1842, ii, 249-271. Amygdala amara. See, also, Nitrobenzole. [Barclay.] Case of poisoning by essential oil of bitter almonds; autopsy. Lancet, LoncL, 1866, i, 255.—Barker (T. H.) Case of poisoning with almond flavour; recovery; analogous cases. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1861, ii, 655.— Bellini (R.) Di un caso di avvelenamento prodotto dall' olio essenziale di mandorle amare, seguito da guarigione pronta e completa. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxviii, 313-318. Aho: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1877, xx, 5-7—Bradshaw (A. F.) Case of attempted suicidal poisoning by oil of bitter almonds, successfully treated by artificial respiration. Arniv M. Dep. Rep., 1865, Lond., 1867, vii, 567.—Bull (H. G.) Fatal poisoning from fifteen or twenty drops of essential oil of bitter almonds. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1844, 364-367.—Case of poisoning by bitter almond water. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., iv, 388; 431.—Chavasse (P. H.) Poisoning by the essential oil of bitter almonds. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 930.— Dampicr, Poisoning with the essential oil of bitter almonds. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1846, 15.—Deutsch. Vergiftung durch atheriscbes Bittermandel-Oel. Med- Ztg., Berl., 1851, xx, 123-124.—Ellis (E.) Fatal case of poisoning by oil of bitter almonds. Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii, 447.—Forjpftnins ved aetherisk Bittermandel- olio. Norsk Mag. t. Laigevidensk., Christiania, 1848. il. 417-428.—Goppcrt. • Vergiftung; athe.nsches Bitterman- del-Oel. Schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Cultur. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Bresl., 1846, 25.—Giinther (C. G.) Vergiftung durch bittere Mandeln. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leip/,., 1860, xiv, 17-20.—Harley. Stomach of a patient who died from the effects of bitter almond oil. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xUi, 95. —Hertz (T. E.) Caso of poisoning by essential oil of bitter almonds, success- fully treated. Savannah J. M., 1858-9, i, 364-370.—Heller (F.) Extraordinary recovery after taking oil of bitter almonds. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 612.—Iliff("W. T.) Caso of poisoning by essential oil of almonds; death. Ibid., 1849, ii, 575.—Jones (W. P.) Poisoning by essential oil of bitter almonds. Experiments on animals. Ibid., 1857, i, 45.—Kennedy. A case of a man who died from eating to excess of the bitter almond. With remarks by Dr. Paris. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1827, n. s., ii, 150.—Le'theby (H.) Poisoning with the oil of bitter almonds. Lancet, Lond., 1845, U, 40.—Maclagan (D.) Oil of bitter almonds. Ex- perimental investigation of the alleged poisonous quality of the oU when freed from hydrocyanic acid. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1854, xviii, 11-21.—Martin (S.) Recherche du chloroforme dans de l'essence d'amandes ameres. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc.,Par., 1873, lxxxiv,115-118.—.TIaschlta. Vergiftung mit bitteren Mandeln. Wien. med., 1869, xix, 838-840. -----. Vergiftung mit Bittermandelbl Vrth'schr. f. geiichtl. Med., Berl., 1879, n. F., xxx, 242.— AMYGDALA. 278 AMYL. Amygdala amara. Pursell (J.) Case of poisoning by the aid of _bitter almonds; recovery. Assoc. M. J., tond., 1854, ii, 885. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 34.—Quain. Stomach in a case of poisoning by essential oil of almonds. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 189-191. —Bossi. Ver- giftung durch bittero Mandeln. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1844, xiii, 239. — Schwalm (A.) Vcrfalschtes Man- delol. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1877, xvi, 641. —Shorts (W. B.) Poisoning by the oil of bitter almonds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 167.—Smith (W.) Poisoning by oU of bitter almonds. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 335.—Sogliano (M.) Caso di avvelenamento per man- dorle amare. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1874, xxviii, 87-90.—Suicide by poisoning with the essential oil of bitter almonds. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 656.—Taylor (A. S.) Case of poisoning by the essential oil of bitter almonds. With the chemical analysis and remarks. Guy's LIosp. Rep., Lond., 1846, 2. s., iv, 178-189.—Thomson (T. R. H.) lL>agravc. Effets physiologiques du nitrite d'amyle. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, xxi, 731-734. -----. Dee AMYL. 279 ANACKER. Amyl (Nitrite of). diets tberapeuticpies du nitrite d'amyle. Ibid., 747-749.— Lndcndorf (A.) Ueber das Verhalten der Kopftempei a- tur bei Aniylnitrit-Inhulationen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 537-539.— Iiniii' (\V. L.) Some experiments with nitrite of amyl. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 101.— VIaddon (W. II.) Amyl nitrite. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, xii, 295.— ITIader. Ucbcrdiophysiologische und tlicrapeutische Wir- kung des Amylnitrits.' Wi< n. med. Press.-, 1876, xvii, 1697- 1099— ITIaximowitMch (J.) Die therapeutische Anwen- dung des Amylnitrits. St. Petersb. nied. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 91.—ITIaycr (S.) Ucbcr die physiologischen Wirkungen des Amylnitrit. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. V. Bcilimen, Prag, 1875, Ui, 53-59.—ITIaycr (S.) &. Friedrich (J. J.) Ueber einige physiologische Wirkungen des Amylnitrit. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1875,'v, 55-85, 2 pi.— Minor (J. L.) Amyl nitrite as a cardiac stimulant. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878. iv, 870. ----- On the uso of nitrite of amyl in various Conns of spasm, and on itsvalue as an aid to diagnosis. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila., 1K75, i, 105-120. Aho: PhUa. M. Times, 1874-5, v," 353-357.—Osgood (H.) Nitrite of amyl in intermittent fever. Ibid., 1876, vi, 4S9.— Otto (A.) Ueber Amvlnitrit. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1875, xxxi, 441-402.—Pick (R.) Ueber das Amylni- trit und seine thcrapeutischr Anwendung. Centralbl. f. cl. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 805-807. Aho, transl.: Cincin. M. News, 1874, iii, 387-393. Aho, Ileprhit. -----. Zur physiolugischcn und therapeutischen Wiirdigung des Amylnitrits. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xvu, 127-147. -----. Ueber die physiologische Wirkung des Amyhiitiits uud seinen therapeutischen Werth bei Neuroseu und Psycbosen. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1876, xviii, 25-33.— Samelsohn (I.) Zur Wirkung des Amylnitrits. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1875, iii, 412-415. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 332; 349.—Saun- ders (W. E.) Nitrito of amyl in ague, etc. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1876, xi, 289.—von SchrofTfC. jun.) Amvl- nitrit. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1872, 490-493.—Smart (W. N.) The relations of nitrite of amyl to chloroform. De- troit Rev. Med. Sc Phami., 1875, x,' 601-666.—Smith (F. P.) (On nitrite of amyl.] Practitioner, Loud., 1872, viU, 61.—Tcbaldi (A.) Del nitrito d'amile. Sua azione . . . nelle malattie nientali. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emi- Ua, 1875, i. 177; 281.—Testa (11.) Le applicazioni terapi- che del nitrito r.mUico. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1879, n. s., i, 535-541.—Thibant (D.) Du nitrite d'amyle. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1879, xviii, 124-131.—Urba'nt- sehitsch (V.) Ueber die therapeutische. Wirkung des Amylnitrits. Wien. nied. Presse, 1877, xviii, 225; 262; 294; 359; 390.—Van Krmengem (E.) Du nitrite d'amyle. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain, 1876, i, 393; 449; 513; 561.— Verga (G. B.) DeUe malazione di nitrito d'amUo in alcu- ni frenosi. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., MUano, 1876, xiii, 204-211.—Wcber-Licl. Zur Anwendung des Amylnitrit bei Ohrenkrankheitcn. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1877 xi, 39.—Wiglcsworth (A.) [On the effects of nitrite of amyl.] Lancet. Lond., 1875, i, 743—Wood (H. C. jr.) Experimental researches on the physiological action of nitrite of amyl. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1871, n. a., lxU, 39- 65. -----. On the therapeutic value of nitrite of amyl. Ibid., 359-362. -----. Physiological action of the nitrite of amyl. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila, (1871), 1874, n. s., iv, 366-368. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s., lxi, 422-424. Aho Reprint.—Zcigler (G. W.) On the use of nitrite of amyl, especially in chorea. PhUa. M. Times. 1876, vi, 486-489. Amylene. Spin (I,.-A.) *4)e I'amylene au point de vue anesthc .siciue. 4°. Paris, 1865. Vayron (T.-J.) *De I'amylene et de ses pro- prietes ancsfhesiques. 4°. Paris, 1857. Alvaro (F. M.) El amileno juzgado por la Academia de. medicina de Paris. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 275.— Alliylaines (Ilepi tjjs). Ucipd/j-aTa neat 7ropaTijp)jcr€t9 im Tt £uiiov (tat avdptomav. 2uyicp«ri? Trpos TO x^Q>P°l1LVPIJLVK'-OV Kal toi' alOipa. 'IaTptKi) 'E<£t)/u., Afliji/ai, 1859, i, 351; 365.— Amylen ;ils Anastbeticum. Med. Aehrenlese, Osnabriick 1857. ii, 289-300.—Berena (H.W.) ZurAmylenfrage. Allg. mod. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1857, xxvi, 257-259. — Dcbont. Note relative k l'innocuite et a la valeur de I'amylene, eon- sidere comme agent anesthesique. Bull. Acad." dc m6d., Par., 1856-7, xxii, 751-768.—Fergnsson & Bowman! A new auastlietic agent introduced by Dr. Snow, named "amylene ', semi-consciousness, but complete insensibiUty to pain in several eases; absence of sickness. Lancet Lond., JnV!, ii 097.—G. (A.) Cas de mort par I'amylene! Union med.. Par., 1857, xi, 231.—Giraldes. Etudes cli- iiujues sur I'amylene. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1856-7, x\ii, 11H--1132. -----. Dc l'emploi de l'aniylene comme auesthesique. Monit. d. hop.. Par., 1857, v, 253. _____. De Taction anesthesique de l'am vlcne. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1K.T7, vii, 354; 384. -----. Note sur I'amylene. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1857, iv, 184.—[van Goudoever.j Ecu het amyl. ne. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel-eu Verlosk., Utrecht, 1857-8, ix, 159-103. — Kadlburger. Dio Anwendung d< s Amvlcns bei Zahiientfernuhgen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 349.—Langcnbeck (B.) j Amylene. [3 cases.] Ueber das Amylen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., I 1857, ix, 152-154.—I^osada (C. F.) Observaciones acerca | do la amileiiacion. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 186.— Ivuton. Note sur I'amylene employe comme agent anes- thesique. Arch. gen. dc med., Par., 1857, i, 196-200.—Mas sobre el amileno. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 177.—Nie- mann (A.) Ueber die Anwendung des Amylen als Auaestheticum. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb. u. Leipz., 1857, xi, 195-197.—Note pharmaco- logique sur I'amylene; son mode de preparation. Bull. g6n. de'therap., etc., Par., 1857, Hi, 214-210.—Nuevo (Sobre el) anestesico. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 137-139.—Orton (J. G.) Amylene. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Burlington, N. J., 1857, x, 388. -----. First case of successful administra- tion of amylene in this country. N. York J. M., 1857, Ui, 280.-----. Amylene in midwifery. Boston M. & S. J., 1858, lvii, 77. -----. Ou the use of amvlene as an anaesthetic. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albans, 1858,'85-88. -----. Amylene. Buffalo M. J., 1858-9, xiii, 107.—Poirier (A.) De I'amy- lene employe comme agent anesthesique. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1857, 4. s„ iii, 432-438.—Babatz. Erfahrungen uber die Wirkung des Amylens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 278; 304.—Robert. Sur I'amylene employe comme anesthesique. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1857, Hi, 443-451. Aho: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 458- 400.—Bouyer (J.) Do la valeur do I'amylene comme agent anesthesique. Ibid., 307-309.—Bzchaezek. Ver- suche mit Amylene bei chirurgischen Operationen. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1857, iii, 449-453.—Schauenstein (A.) ZurAmylenfrage. Ibid., 401-404.—Snow (J.) On the vapour of amylene. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1857, xiv, 60; 82; 332; 357; 379. -----. Cases of death from amylene. Ibid., xv, 133; 381.— Spicgelbcrg (O.) Sc I.ohmcycr (C. F.) Ueber das Amylen, seme Eigenschaften und anasthetischen Wirkun- gen. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1857, ix, 183; 193.—Thcodo- rides (A. I.) Ilepi djivAieTjs. 'IaTpiKij McAicrera, 'A8rjvai, 1857, v, 39.—Tonrdes (G.) Recherehes sur les effets anes- th6siques de I'amylene. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1857. xvU, 60; 97. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1857, iv, 101-165.— Vapour (The) of amylene. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 34.— Wellman (J. B.) Amylene, the new anaesthetic Boston M. & S. J., 1857, lvi, 135.—Westmoreland (W. F.) First administration of amylene in Paris. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1857, ii, 591-597. Amyloid corpuscles. See Corpuscles (Amyloid). Amyloid defeneration. See Degeneration (Albuminoid, Amyloid, etc.) Amylum. See Starch. Amyot. * De la hernie sus-pubienne. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 60, v. 96. Amyot (Pierre-Aim6). *£pid6mie des villages de Landreville, de Loches, etc. (dans la valine de POurce, ddpartement de l'Aube). vi, 7-24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 196, v. 254. Amyris. Keche (E. F. T.) *De amyridis speciebus of- fieinalibus. 8°. Halce, [1801]. Anacahuita. Destruge. Sobre Anacahuita. Gac. m6d. de Lima, 1865, ix, 255-257. Anacardium. Koerner (C. J. A.) * De seminibus anacardii occidentalis et orientalis. 8°. Lipsice, 1853. Vieira de Mattos (J.-A.) * Dissertation sur les usages du fruit d'anacardium occideutale, et 8pe"cial«nient sur les propri6te"s me'dicinales de sa re"sine. 4°. Paris, 1831. Baltz. Das Erysipelas anacardinum malignum, als iible Wirkung der Anwendung des Anacardiums als HeU- mittel. Allg. med. Ceutr.-Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 381-383.— Gibson. [Disease produced by.] Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1838, i, 332.—Monkur (J. C. S.) Case of poison- ing by cashew-nut oil. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, 1855, vUi, 187-189.—Morgan (W. H.) Note on some of the effects of the oil of the cashew nut (anacardium occi- dentale). Madias Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, U, 280-283.—Taylor (F.) Case of poisoning by tbe Indian markiug-nut. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1875, ii, 519. Anacker. Die Kuochenbriichigkeit der Rinder, Osteoclasis, s. Osteopsathyrotes, wit besonderer Beriicksielitigung ihrer Pathogenese. 43 pp. 8°. Leipzig, H. Dege, 1*?(J. In: Vortrage fur Thierarzte, red. von Prof. J. G. Pfluc. 2. Serie, Hft. 4. ANACKEK. 280 ANAEMIA. Anacker (Herm.) * Ueber Pseudo-Einklcmniun- gen. 60 pp. 8C. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1875. See, aho, Thierarzt (Der). Anaematosis. See Chlorosis. Anaemia. See, also, Amenorrhcea; Anasarca and QZde- ma; Auscultation of heart and bloodvessels; Blood (Subcutaneous injection of); Bloodvessels (Murmurs in); Brain (Anaemia of); Chlorosis; Exophthalmus; Haemorrhage; Heart (Mur- murs in); Hysteria; Inanition; Lead-poison- ing; Leukaemia; Miners (Diseases of); Neu- ralgia; Stomach (Diseases of); Syphilis. Aucopt (A.) * Etude comparee de l'ane'mie et de la chlorose. 4°. Paris, 1867. Behr(J. H.) *De anaemia spuria. 4C. Er- langce, 1766. Bravais (K.) Contribution a l'6tude de l'ane'- mie en Espagne et en Portugal. 8°. Paris, 1879. Cabanes (B. L.) * Des anemies et particuliere- ment de la chlorose. 4°. Paris, 1864. Claux (J.-A.) * De la diminution de l'h^ma- tose, ou des differents 6tats connus sous les noma de chlorose, an6mie, hydremic. 4°. Paris, 1852. j Daumius (J. C.) *De anaemia. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1732]. Dautheville (A.) 'Considerations sur l'is- chemie et l'hyp6re'mie ce're'brales. 4°. Paris, 1879. Dominguez (J. de J.) Anemie idiopathique. 4°. Paris, 1871. Dorian (L. P. E.) Etude sur les anemies. 4°. Paris, 1878. Duperie (F.-A.) *De l'an6mie. 4°. Paris, 1844. Ekama (C.) * Continens quaedam de differen- tia anaemiam inter et chlorosin. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1848. Freytag (G. A.) *De anaemia. 4°. Jence, [1782]. Jablonski (J.-A.-N.) *De l'anemie et de la chlorose (hyp6mie et hydre'mie); insister parti- culierement surle diagnostic. 4°. Paris, 1852. Jourdanet. De l'andmie des altitudes et de l'ane'mie en ge"n6ral dans ses rapports avec la pression de l'atmosphere. 8°. Paris, 1863. Marquis (P. F. A.) * De l'influence de l'ane'- mie sur le systeme nerveux. 4°. Paris, 1846. Mignot (J.-L.) * Dissertation sur l'aneniie. 4°. Paris, 1831. Morache (G.-A.) * Essai sur l'anemie globu- laire et ses rapports avec la dyspepsie. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1859. Mordret (A. E.) Traite" pratique des affec- tions nerveuses et chloro-anemiques. 8°. Paris, 1861. Pastol (L.) *fitude clinique sur l'ische'niie cerebrale localis6e et son diagnostic diflterentiel. 4°. Paris, 1879. Penkert (L.) * Ueber Aniimie im Allgemeinen nebst einem Falle von scheinbar essentieller An- iimie in Folge eines latenten Magencarcinoms. 8°. Greifswald, 1867. Pichler (C. G.) * Anaemia theoretice et prac- tice perlustrata. 4°. Tubingce, [1756]. Raby(J.-B.) *De l'anemie. 4°. Paris, 1852. Ramond (J.-H.-P.) *De la diminution des globules du sang, et de ses effets sur l'organisme. 4°. Paris, 1853. See. Lecons de pathologie experimentale. Premier fascicule. Du sang et des anemies. 8°. Paris, 1866. Strake (F. X. I.) *De hydrohaemia. 8°. Pragce, [1842]. Susixi(E.) * De la chloro-anemie. 4 . Paris, 1872. j Tertrais(E.-C) *DeI'ane'uiie. 4°. Paris, 1856. Anaemia. Watezynski(J.-M.) *De l'ane'mie. 4°. Paris, 1848. Winkler (J.) * Sistens anaemiam adnexa his- toria morbi svnoptica. 8C. Pragce, 1842. Yver(C.-6.) #Del'an6mie. 4°. Paris, 1840. Acoluth (J.) Von einem seltenen und manchfaltigen Zufall. Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Med.-chir.- . . . Ab- handl., Nurnb., 1764, xiii, 303-307.—Anaemia. Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1870), Wien, 1871, 3.—Aniimie oder Keneangie. Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls-Hosp. in St. Petersb., 1840-1, 1843, 223-226.— Anemie. La maladie de notre epoque, son traitement curatif le plus rationnel. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1875, ii, 449-457.—Arango (J. F.) Paralisis general de origen cloro-aneuiico. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1877, iii, 97-106.—d'Arcy (H.) De l'anemie. Abeillem6d., Par., 1869, xxvi, 473; 483: 1870, xxvii, 21; 41; 49.—Ayres (H. P.) Pathology and treatment of anaemia. N. Am. M.- Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 748-755.—Ballestero (A.) Lipemania sintom&tica de una eloro-anemia. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1878, xiii, 67-69.—Barclay. Anaemia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 131.—Baron. Chloro- anemie avanc6e gu6ri par les drag6es dominique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 677.—Bean. Note sur la distinction k etablir entre l'an6mie vraie et la poly6mie s6reuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xxi, 54.—Bccqnerel. De 1 an6mie et de la chlorose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 9; 14; 21; 45.—Becquercl Sc Bodier. De la chlorose et de l'anemie. M6m. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1847, i, 58, 2tab.—Bccquerel (A) Sc Kodier (M. M.) De l'an6mie par diminution de l'albumine du sang, et des hydropisies qui en sont la consequence. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 277-282.—Beer. Blutmangel (An- aemia) unter Symptoinen eines Gehirnleidens. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr'., Wien, 1841, 987-989.—Beroud (P.) De la chloro-an6mie et de ses rapports avec la surexcitation nerveuse. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de St.-fitienne et de la Loire, 1865, ii, 51-173.—Bertherand (A.) Chloro-anemie com- pliqu6e de strangurie; d6veloppement d'un abces du rein gauche, ouvert chirurgicalement dans la region lombaire; gu6rison. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1863, viii, 137. -----. L'anemie, la medication martiale et les eaux ferra- gineuses. Ibid., 1879, xxiv, 51-53.—Blntarmuth. [2 cases.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1861), 1862, 2-4.—Carric-rc (E.) De l'anemie des grandes villes, & propos du livre de M. le Dr. Raoul Le Roy sur ce sujet. Union med., Par., 1869, vii, 109-112.—Cast'an (A.) Anemie et chlorose. Montpel. m6d., 1870, xxv, 193-223.— Chambers (T. K.) Anaemia and blood-letting. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1862. i, 25-27.—Colmheim (J.) & .Licittheim (L.) Ueber Hydramie und hydramisches Oedem. Arch. f. path. Anat.,' etc., Berl., 1877, lxix, 106- 143.—Combe (J. S.) t Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1824, i, 194-204.—Corrigan. Anaemia. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1844, i. 282-284. Aho: Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1846, i, 506- 508.—Dcecke(T.) Urea and phosphoric acid in the mine in ana?mia. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1879-80, xxxvi, 50-73.— Dissertation (A) on anamiia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1839, xx, 101; 117; 133.—Dubois. Observation d'anemie cnlo- rotique subite ou de chlorose sub-aigue. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 909.—Duchassaing (A.) M6moire sur certirines affections cer6brales qui dependent de la chloro- anemie. J. de med., Par., 1844, ii, 353-363.—Dutrieux (P. J.) Considerations sur l'anemie et la chlorose; etude diagnostique. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1870, xlviii, 33- 103. Rapport de M. Ingels. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. de Gand, 1870, xxxvii, 59-65.—Fabre (A.) De l'an6inie par affec- tion cardiaque. Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1876, xlix, 1107; 1123.— Flint (A.) Clinical lecture on anaemia. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, 181-186.—Geddings (E.) Pathologv and treatment of anaemia. Bait. M. & S. J., 1834, ii, 325-366.— Germain. Leucorrhee, chlorose; pertes uterines exces- sives a la suite de couches; an6mie au plus haut degr6. Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1858, iii, 108-110.— Oower (W. R.) On a case of anaemia, observed with the haemacytometer. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 675-677. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 753.—Grcletty. Considerations sur la chlorose et l'anemie. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1879, xviii, 131-141. Also: Lyon ni6d., 1879, xxx, 483-491.—Haber- shon (S. O.) On idiopathic anaemia. Lancet, Loud., 1863, i, 518; 551. -----. Case of idiopathic amemia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 249.—Hall (M.) & Dunglison (R.) Anaemia. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1845, i, 92-95.—Har- ris (A.) Anaemia. Boston M. &S. J., 1851, xliii, 277-279.— Harris (V.) Etiology of ana'mia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876, xii, 307-311.—Ilayem (G.) Des caracteres anatomiques du sang dans les an6mies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1876, lxxxiii, 152-155. -----. Des degr6s d'anCmie. Union med.. Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiii, 1026; 1037. Aho: Bull, etniein. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1877), 1878, 2. s., xiv, 155-166. -----. Des alterations auatomiques du sang dans l'aneniie. Cong, period, internat. d. sc med., Couipt.-rend., Geneve, 187X, 211-217.— Hidreniia (La) y el edema hidieinieo; una nueva teoria sobre las hidrope- sias discrasieas. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1877, xxiii ANEMIA. 281 ANEMIA. Anapmia. 400-402.—Hirschberg (J.) Veranderungen des Augen- gi-undes bei allgemeiner Aniimie. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. Ophth. Gesellsch., Heidelb., 1877, xv, 53-60. Aho. in hh: Beitr. z. prakt. Augenheilk., Leipz., 1878, 3. Hft., 18-30.— Hoist (V.) Ueber Neurasthenic und ihr Verhiiltniss zur Hysteric und zur Anaemic. Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1875, vi, 14L30.—Horton (J. A. B.) Anaemia, a want of blood. In his: Dis. trop. climates, 2. ed., 8°, Lond., 1879, 519- 530.—Hiinerfauth (G.) Einige Versuche fiber trauma- tisi he Anionic Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc., Berl., 1879, lxxvi, 310-330.—Hunt (J. W.) Notes on the use of the hemacy- tometer in anaimia. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 661.—Hutch- in»on (J. H.) Clinical lectme on ana-mia. Phila. M. Tunes, 1872, ii, 421.— Immermaun (H.) Aniimie, Oli- Kiimie, Blutarmutb. Handb. d. spec Path. [Ziemssen], Leipz.. 1875. xiii, 1. St., 272-522. Aho, transl.: Cvcl. Pract, Mecl. [Ziemssen], N. Y., 1877. xvi, 282-496.—Jackson (S.) Anemia. Am. Cycl. Pract, Med., Phila.. 1834, i, 472-480.— Jadioux. Anemie spontanee . .. chez I'homme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1845, 2. s., vii, 140.—Lambert. Gu6rison dune chloro-anemie ancienne, avec epanchement ldouretique . . . par l'usage de l'huile dc foie de morue ferrugineusc Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1858, x, 396.—Lee (W.) A case of amemia with excessive irritability of the stomach, treated success- fully by hypodermic use of ammonio-cirrate of iron. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1878, iv, 87-89.—Lees. Case of anaemia, cardiac and venous murmurs; visible pulsation of arteries; diarrhoea; tumor in lumbar region. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s„ i, 241.—Lever (J. C. W.) Anae- mia. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1846, 2. s., iv, 174.— Lichtheim. UeberHydremic undhvdramischesOedem. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. (1876), Breslau, 1877, liv, 240-242.—Little (R.E.) Thoughts on serous polyaemia. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1846, n. s., xi, 354-358. — Loebcl. Oligaemia. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 1191. —Lorain (P.) Anemie. N. diet, de nied. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865. ii, 199-219.—Lurini (P.) Istoria di una oligocmia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1863, xi, 199-208.—McLean (J.) Anemia. Hlinois M. avy (H.) On idiopathic (pernicious) ana-mia. Ibid., 1877, i, 642.—ITIanz (W.) Veranderungen in der Retina bei Anaemia progressiva perniciosa. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 675-677.—Michelacci (M.) t Sperimentale, Firenze, 1879, xliii, 15-17.—lTlignot. Reflexions sur un cas d'an6mie grave dite essentielle. Union m6d., Par., 1876, xxii, 598.—HIorclli (C.) Intorno ad un caso d'anemia progressiva con auchilostoma duodenale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1878, xii, 27-39.—Neumann (E.) Ueber das Verhalten des Knochenmarks bei progressive!' pernicioser Anaemie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 685.—IVoder. Zur Casuistik der perniciosen Anamie. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1878, xxv, 245-247.—Osier (W.) t . . . fatty de- generation of organs. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep., 1877, i, 84-88. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 498. -----. t . . . fatty degeneration of organs; hyperplasia of bone-marrow. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep., 1877, i, 94-97. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1878, xvi, 465-467.—Osier (W.) & Gardner (W.) t Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1877, v, 385-404. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 258-360. See, also., BELL &OSLEK.—Pen rce (J. T.) Anemia occasioning death. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 642-644.—Pepper (W.) Progressive pernicious anaemia, or anaematosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. s., cxl, 313- 347.—Pepper (W.) & Tyson (J.) Die Betheiligung des Knochenmarkes bei pernicioser Anamie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, lxxi, 407.— Pilz (C.) t Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xxi, 118-126.—Pokrows- ki (W.) Zur Pathologie der progressiven perniciosen Anamie. Casuistische Mittheilung. [See, aho, Botkin.] St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 385-387.—Potain. Anemie cachectique progressive (anemie pernicieuse 0 duodenito. Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxviii, 37-43.— Purser (J. M.) t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv, 405-421.— Quincke (H.) Ueber Transfusion in Fallen von pernicioser Anamie. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Hamburg, 1876, xlix, 131. -----. Ueber perni- ciose. Anamie. Samml. klin. Vortr., No. 100, Leipz., 1876, (Inn. Med., 34), 797-818. -----. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber perniciose Anamie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xx, 1-31, 1 pi. -----. Ueber perniciose Ana- niie. Centralbl. f. d. mecl. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 849- 851. -----. Abstract of a lecture on pernicious anaemia. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 1087-1098.—Quinquaud. Les lesions hematiqucs dans la cldorosc, l'aneniie grave elite progressive et l'aneniie des nephrites. [Extr.j Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1*79, Ixxxviii, 1211.—Bicklin (E.) De l'anemie dite pernicieiife progressive. Gaz. med. de Par., 1877, 4. s., vi, 289; 301.—Rijo (R. G.) * Anaemia (Fatal and pernicious). Cron. nied.-quir. de la Habana, 1878, iv, 547-551.—Ho- senstein. t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 113-115.— Botch (T. M.) 11 Boston M. & S. J., 1876, xciv, 107-109.— Rydygier. t Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1878, xvii, 309; 321; 339.—Salvioli (G.) Sul midollo delle ossa nelle gravi anemie, e sulla ditfusioue secondaria dei tuniori. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1878, 2. s., viii, 328-332. —Scheby-Buch. Zur Casuistik und Literatur der essentiellen Anionic mit tcidtlichem Ausgange. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xvi, 467^190.—Schepelcrn (V.) Studier an- g&ende aniinii, navnlig anaemia perniciosa progressiva. C. r. Etude touchant l'anemie, et specialement l'anemie pernicieuse progressive. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1879, xi, 1-47.—Schule (H.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss per- niciciser Anamien. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1875, xxxii, 1-27.—Smith (P.) t Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 507-512.—Smith (P. H. P.) A spleen from a case of fatal anaemia. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1870, xxi, 390.—Sdrensen. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der perni- ciosen progressiven Anamie. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 522.—Stewart (T. G.) Note upon Profes- sor Eichhorst's new pathognomonic symptom of pro- gressive pernicious anaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 40.—Storensen (S. T.) Et Bidrag til den progressive perniciose Aniimis Kasuistik. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1877, ix, no. 14, 1-59; no. 20, 1-39.—Strieker. Zur Lehre von der perniciosen Anaemie und dem Fettherz. Charit6-Ann. (1875), Berl., 1877, ii, 287-299.—Strumpell (A.) Ein Fall von Anaemia splenica. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 547-564.—Taylor (F.) A contribution to the history of idiopathic or pernicious anaemia, with cases. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, 3. 8., xxiii, 183-209.— Vallin. De l'anemie pernicieuse progressive. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1876, 2. s., xiii, 486-489.—Warfvinge. t Hygiea, Stockholm, 1877, xxxix, 97-105.—Wernich (A.) Ueber die Beziehung zwischen sogenannter pernicioser Ana- mie und Beriberikrankheit. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xxi, 108-115.—West (S.) Two cases of anae- mia, with microscopical changes in the blood, as illustrat- ing the pathology ot pernicious anaemia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, xiii. 218.—Whitall (S.) t Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1877, i, 43.—Wingc (E.) [Cases.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1878, viii, 547-556.—Zenker (F. A.) Zur Casuistik der progressiven perniciosen Anamie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xiii, 348-352.— Zeroni (H. seu.) Ein Fall von sog. pernicioser Anamie, aber nicht der Addison'schen. MemorabUien, Heilbr., 1878, xxiii, 433-435. Anaemia (Treatment of). See, also, Blood (Transfusion of). Begin (M.-E.) Du vin dans les diverses formes de l'an6mie et dans la goutte atonique. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Schauer (C. H.) Blutarmuth und Bleichsucht mit vielen ihrer Folge-Krankheiten als Heilobjecte fiir Stahlquellen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Kur in Alexisbad. Nebst einem Anhange mit naturwissenschaftlichen Andeutungen und Situa- tionsplan der niichsten Umgebung von Alexisbad. 8°. Dessau, 1869. Achsharumov. O letcheniy malokrovia i syfilisa. [Of the treatment of anaemia and syphilis.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1807, xcix, 237-247.—de Almei- da Simao (J.) Anemia; emprego da came crua e do alcool. Escholiaste med., Lisb., 1867, xviii, 226.—Archi (N.) Buoni effetti della carne eruda, in un caso di morbonero Ser oligoemia. Ippocratico, Fano, 1868, 3. s., xiii, 253-258.— talley (J. S.) Lean raw beef in ameuiia of young girls. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, vi, 129—Beard (G. M.*) & Book- well (A. D.) Case of anaemia and dysmenorrhea treated by general electrization. Ibid., 1867, ii, 486.—Bodin (J.) Traitement de l'an6mie et de la chlorose par une nouvelle preparation femigineuse. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 18^.7, xxx, 268.—Broadbent (W. H.) [Cases.] Manganese, nickel and zinc in anaemia, cblorosis.'and associated disorders. Tr. Clin. Soc, Lond., 1869, ii, 122-127.—Choisnard (R.) Em- ploi de l'albuminate de ter dans la et l'anemie des femmes atteintes d'aflections uterines chroniques. Progres m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 68.—Clermont. De Varsenic dans le traitement do l'anemie. Franco med., Par., 1868, xv, 626 [666].—Fabre (A.) Une idee fecondee: an6mie et aerotherapie. Marseille m6d., 1872, ix, 260-267.—Hayem (G.) Note sur Taction du fer dans l'an6uiie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1876, lxxxiii, 985-990. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 1163.— Jar may (L.) A vizgyogyaszat .jogosults&ga a verszegenyse^ kezel6s6n61. [Hydrotherapy m ana'inia.] Orvosi netil., Budapest, 1879, xxiii, 451; 487; 530; 555.—Louis. Usage de l'arseuiate de fer dans l'ane- mie de l'alienation mcntalc Union med., Par., 1875, ii, 265.—Ore. An6mie chronique . . . transfusion du sang; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1877, 4. s., v, 154-157. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 624.—Bitter. Ueber die Wirkung eisenhaltiger Mineralwasser bei Oli- A^N^MIA. 283 ANESTHESIA. Anaemia (Treatment of). gamie in Form von Trinkkuren mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Stahlbad Imnau. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1879, xlix. 169-173.—Thermes. L'hy- drotherapic dans l'anemie et la chlorose ; son action sur le nombre des globules rouges du sang, et sur la quantite d'hcmoglotiine. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1878-9, xxiv, 74-125.—Thompson (J. A.) Note on the treatment of chlorosis and anaemia with the phosphide of zinc. Tr. Obst, Soc. (1875), Lond., 1876, xvii, 57-61. Also: Obst, J. Gr. Brit,, Lond., 1875, ii, 779.—Toombs (R. S.) Report onthcuse of alcoholic stimulants in the treatment of aniEmia. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., 1874, vii, 96-99.— Woodbury (F.) Hypodermic injections of iron in anaemia. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1878, xxxviii, 209. Anaemia (Tropical). See, also, Anchylostomum duodenale. de Azevedo Lima (J. J.) *Hypoeinia inter- tropical. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 187b. Camuset (L.) * De Fan6mie tropicale observed a la Guyane francaise. 4°. MontpelUer, 1868. Castro (S.) O leite de cuaxinguba no tratamento da hypoheinia intertropical. Progresso med., Rio dc Jan., 1876-7, i, 491-494.—Delioux de Savignac. Note sur l'anchylostome duodenal entozoaire reconnu freqnem- ment chez les sujets atteints de lanemie des pays chauds. Courrier m6d., Par., 1871, xxi, 249.—de Gou- vca (H.) Ueber die Anchylostomenkraukheit in Bra- silien. Nach einer Arbeit von Dr. T. da Rocha, aus der Revista do Atheneo medico do Bio de Janeiro, iibersetzt und mit Zusatzen versehen. Arch. cl. Heilk., Leipz., 1868, ix, 178-180.—Grassi (B.) Intorno ad una nuova malattia del gatto, analoga alia clorosi d'Egitto (anemia da anchilostomi) dell'uomo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1878, 7. s., v, 451-454.—de Mourn (J. R.) Hypoemia intertropical terminado pela morte; autopsia e verificacao da existencia de entozoarios da especie—anchylostomum duodenale. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1866, i, 125; 136. -----. Da hypoemia intertropical considerada como molestia vermiiiosa. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1873, i, 87; 119; 149; 208: 1874-6, ii, 102-107.—Sangalli (G.) Osservazioni sull'articolo del Dott Sonsino 'Anchilostoma duodenale fci relazione all'anemia progressiva perniciosa." Imparziale Firenze, 1878, xviii, 364; 392.—Sonsino (P.) L'anchilos- toma duodenale in relazione coll'anemia progressiva per- niciosa. Ibid., 227-234. -----. Risposta aU'artieolo cri- tico sull'anchilostoma duodenale in relazione all'anemia progressiva perniciosa. Ibid., 487; 609. [See, also, San- galli.]—dc Souza-Vaz (H. C.) Sur la nature para- sitaire do l'hypoh6mie intertropicale et sur l'indication rationnelle des anthelminthiques dans la cure de cette maladie. J. de th6rap., Par., 1878, v, 841; 881; 932.— Sullivan (J.) Anaemia in tropical climates. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1875, ii, 233-235. — Weber (H.) Specimens of anchylostomum duodenale, from a case of tropical anaemia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xviii, 274- 277, 1 pi.—Wucherer (O.) Estudos sobre a hypoemia intertropical. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1866, i, 27; 122. -----. Ueber die Anchylostomenkrankheit, tropische Chlorose oder tropische Hypoamie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz,, 1872, x, 379-400. Anaemia in children. See, also, Marasmus. Bernard (A.) * De l'an6mie des enfants. 4°. Paris, 1867. Itier (J. J.) * De l'ane'mie des nouveau-ne"s. 4°. Paris, 18^5. Becqucrel (A.) De l'anemie et de la chlorose chez les enfants. Clin. d. hop. d. enf., Par., 1844. iii, 97; 161. Aho, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1844, iii, 10-17.— Behrcnd (F. J.) Ueber die Erscheinungcn, welche die Chlorose und Anamie kleiner Kinder darbietet, und uber die Ursachen derselben. Ibid., 1846, vi, 81-89.—Enz. mann (C.) Rationale Heilung der Bleichsucht und Atro- phie der Kinder mit gemischten Nahrungsmitteln. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., 1864, iii, 73; 196.—Forster (R.) Anamie, als Anhang: Chlorose und hamorrhagische Dia- thesen. In: Gerhardt (C.) Handb. d. Kinderkrankh., Tubing., 1878, iii, 1. Hft., 179-265.—Griesinger. t Ein Fall von Anaemia splenica bei einem Kinde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 212-214.—Hervieux (E.) Del'an6mie des nouveau-n6s. Gaz. med. do Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 374; 387.—Hcymann. Anamie mit Morbus Biishtii, geheilt durch die Anwendung der Martialia. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1844, iii, 161-164.—von ITlauthncr (L. W.) Extractum bovini sanguinis, ein neues Mittel in chronischen Aniimien bei Kindern. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1851, 97-99. -----, Das Extractum sanguinis bovini, ein neues Mittel bei Anamieen des kiudlichen Alters. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1851, xvi, 56-61. -----. Ueber Anamie im kind- Uchen Alter. Ibid., 1854, xxiii, 39-48: 1855, xxiv, 208-225. Anaemia in children. Aho transl.: Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 58. — Skene (A. J. C.) Case of congenital chlorosis or anaematosis. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i. 89.— Watcrhousc. Causes of anaemia in children. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. (1869), Janesville, 1870, iii, 39-43. Anaemia in pregnancy. Appleton (J.) Puerperal an&'mia. Boston M. & S. J., 1851, xliv, 37-41.—Bennett (H. N.) Puerperal anae- mia; or a peculiar anaemic condition, occurring in gestating andlactating females. N. York J. M., 1847, ix, 45; 197.— Capparclli (L.) Osservazioni clinichc suH'anemia della gestante e della nutrice. Morgagni, NapoU, 1864, vi, 471-509.—Carpenter (B.) Anaemia, as connected with tho puerperal state. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1850, xUi, 9; 36.— Cazcaux. De la frequence do l'anemie chez les femmes enceintes. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1856, [iv], 257; 287.—Channing (W.) Notes on anhaemia, princi- pally in its connections with the puerperal state, and with functional disease of the uterus; with cases. N. Eng. Q. J. M. & S., Bost,, 1842-3, i, 157-188.—CJfroier (G.) Tod einer Schwangeren in Folge hochgradigster Anamie ohne Blutverlust. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1874, xix, 116-118.— Gusscrow (A.) Ueber hochgradigste Anamie Schwan- gerer. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1871, ii, 218-235.—iTIartin (G.) On the anemia of pregnant females. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 392-395.—OTathee (J. M.) t Chronic anaemia, associated with pregnancy. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1878, xxxvi, 396-398.— WoodWorth (B. S.) Puerperal anaemia. Nashville J. M. & S., 1856, x, 1-6. Adradas (C. L.) Las hemianestesias. An. de cien. ni6d., Madrid, 1876, ii, 486; 519.—Arndt. Ueber Stupor aus cutaner Anasthesie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1873-4, xxx, 676-685.—Barnett (W. D.) Treatment of two cases of convulsions, one of which was attended with cutaneous anaesthesia. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1860, xvii, 623- 625.—Beau (J. H. S.) Recherehes cliniques sur l'anesth6- Anaesthesia (including Analgesia). See, also, .Ssthesiometry; Apselaphesia; Elephantiasis; Embolism (Cerebral); Eye (Anaesthesia of); Hysteria; Leprosy; Metallo- therapy; Nerves (Cranial, 5th pair, Paralysis of); Paralysis. Alquier (G.) De l'anesthe'sie cutanee et de sa valeur s^meiologique. 4°. Paris, 1873. Barschall (L.) * De casu quodam anaesthesias dimidiatse. 8°. Regie Pruss., 1847. Delacour(C) *De l'analg6sie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Ebell (A.) * Dc anaesthesia per totum corporis ]atus sinistrum diffusa. 8°. Berolini, 1862. Feuillet (L.) * Quelques cas d'he"mianesth6sie de cause m6soc6phalique. 4°. Paris, 1877. Hasse (A. O.) *De anaesthesia longe diffusa in individuo epileptico. 8°. Berolini, 1861. Krause (J. H. O.) *De anodynia et algia periphericis et de hysteria non exstanto. 8°. Jence, 1864. O'Brien (T.) *De l'anesthe'sie ou de la perte de la sensibility. 4°. Paris, 1833. QuistorpIus (J. B.) *De anaesthesia. 4°. Rostochii, [1718]. Raymond (F.) *fitude . . . sur l'h^mianes- th6sie, l'h6michor€e et les tremblements sympto- matiques. 4°. Versailles, 1876. Eendu (H.) * Des anesthe'sies spontanees. 8°. Paris, 1875. Schcepfer (V.-A.) 'Considerations sur un cas d'he'mianesthe'sie avec mouvements ataxiques succ6dant a une h6mipl^gie du meme cote". 4°. Paris, 1876. Veyssiere (R.) * Recherehes cliniques et ex- p6rimentales sur l'he'Hiianesthe'sie de cause ce're'- brale. 4°. Paris, 1874. Virenque (L. A.) * De l'hemianesthe'sie. 4°. Paris, 1874. -----. De la perte de la sensibilite' ge"n6rale et speciale d'un c6t6 du corps, et de ses rela- tions avec certaines lesions des centres opto-stri6s. 8°. Paris, 1874. Wuth (E.) * Casuistische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Hemianaesthesie. 8°. Gottingen, 1878. A03STI1ESIA. 284 ANESTHESIA. Anaesthesia (including Analgesia). sie. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1848, i. 5-24.—Behr. Fall von L&hmung des Gefiinls bei fortbestohender willkuhr- licher Bewegung; mit Bemerkungen iiber die Urtication. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1824, xvii, 374-388.—Binz. An&'sthcsia universalis peripherica. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1858, x. 117.—Bennett (R. H.) Case of complete anaesthesia of the right and partial anaesthesia of the left side; experiments on metalloscopy and metaUotherapy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 759-761.—Berger. Ueber eine eigenthiiniliche Form von Paraesthesie. Breslau aerztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 60.—Boyer (A.) Hepatite legere; insensibiUte de tout le cote gauche du corps; saignee; gu6rison. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 201.— Brochin. De l'hemianesthesie de cause c6r6bralc Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1874, xlvii, 913.—Brown (S.) Curious instance of disease, in which, though feeling was aboUshcd, the power of motion was unimpaired. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1801, iv, 225-257.—Brown-Sequard (C. E.) Anaes- thesia as an effect of brain-disease, Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiii, 1-18.—Caizergues (R.) Hemianesthesie d'origine c6r6brale survenue dans le cours d'un rhumatisme; etude compareo des effets produits par la m6tallotherapie, ■ les courants continus, les courants induits et lc courant t616phonique. Montpel. m6d., 1878, xii, 29-47.—Cases of paraplegic anaesthesia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 601.—Charcot. Sur l'hemianesthesie d'origine'c6i-ebrale, et sur les troubles de la vue qui l'accompaguent, Progres m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 522.—Chew (S. C.) Strychnia in anaesthesia. Rich- mond M. J., 1866, ii, 102-106.—Christophers (J.C.) Anaes- thesia treated by electro-galvanism. Lancet, Lond., 1846, ii, 144.—Couty (L.) De l'hemianesthesie mesocephalique. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1877, xxiv, 471; 537; 568; 599. Aho, Reprint.—Cutane Anaesthesie. Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenb. zu Wien (1868), Wien, 1869, 231.—Be- hove. Note sur un cas d'hemianesthesie d'origine alco- olique. Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 161.—Dclahousse. Anesthesie cutan6e partielle de nature presumee rbuma- tismale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxvi, 281.—Denicl. Cas d'insensibilite absolue des pieds et des mains. J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1817, lxi, 161-163.— Dreschfield (J.) t ... of peculiar distribution. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 553.—Dumontpallier. De l'analgesic therapeutique crois6e. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 718.—Eve (P. F.) A case of natural ana'sthesia. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1849, n. s., v, 718-720.— EverN (B.) Case of cutaneous anaesthesia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 140.—Fournicr (A.) De l'a- nalgesie svphilitique secondaire. Ann. de dermat. et sypli., Par., 1869, i, 486-495. Also, transl.: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1870, lxxxii, 274-276.—Fox (T.) Anaesthesia of the upper and lower extremities, without paralysis of move- ment. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1870, n. s., vii, 137.—Gaird- ner. Alternate hemianaesthesia, without evident motor paralysis. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 60.— GratMCt (J. j Note sur les effets de la faradisation cutanee dans l'hemianesthesie d'origine c6r6brale. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1876, 2. s., iii, 764-770.—Griffith (S.) On some peculiar cerebral affections, and a case of hemi- plegia anaesthesia. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 365.—Ilebre- ard. InsensibiUte dans un membre sans perte de mouve- ment. J. g6n. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1808, xxxi, 463.—Hoppe (J.) Ausgebreitete Gefiihlslahmung in Folge von Erkaltung. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1858, x, 311.— Johnston (H. M.) Paralysis of sensation over the cuta- neous surface of the greater part of the thorax. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1856, iii, 358. -----. Anaesthesia of the cuta- neous surface of tho greater portion of thorax. 7 bid., 1858, v, 43.—Kinnicutt (F. P.) Hemi-anaesthesia with partial hemiplegia, in a male; recovery. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. Y., 1877, ii, 128-130—Klaa'tseh. Fall von lokal be- scliranktcni Centralleiden mit ausgedchnteu Erscheinungen in der Peripherie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1879, xxxv,614-624.—I.aboulbenc(A.)- Anesth6sie. Diet, en- cycl.,Par., 1866, iv,423-433.—Landouzy. Hemi- anesthesie sensorielle et generale droite chez un enfant de douze ans; convulsions... guerison. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (187f>), Par., 1876, 6. s., ii,, 47-60. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1«7G. 4. s., v, 3-7.—Lebret. Cas d'ancsth6sic sans paralysie du mouvement. Compt, rend. Soc. dc biol. (1850), Par., 1851, ii, 3-8.—Maclean. Case of cutaneous anaes- thesia. Army M. Dep. Rep. (1865), Lond., 1867, vii, 565.— McPhceters (W. M.) Case of partial anaesthesia. St. Ixmis M. Sc S. J., 1845-6, iii, 157.—Magnan. De l'hemi- anesthesie de la sensibilite g6n6rale et des sens dans l'al- coolisme chronique. Gaz. hebd. de med , Par., 1873, 2. 8., x, 729; 746. Aho, Reprint. -----. Action des courants continus dans le traitement de l'hemi-anesthesie. Gaz. med. dc Par., 1877, 4. s., vi, 244.—Maragliano (D.) & Scppilli (G.) Studi clinici a contributo dell'azione delle currenti clcttriche, dei mctalli e della magnete in alcuni casi di ancstesia. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1878, iv, 36-52—Massy (R. T.) Anaesthesia of head and neck, with partial paralysis; a sequela of a continued fever. Mecl. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 639. -----. A peculiarly cir- cumscribed loss of feeling iu a liealthy woman, without any apparent cause. 1 bid., 639.—Mcyiict (P.) Observation Anaesthesia (including Analgesia). d'anestbesie g6neralisee et d'analgesie chez un epileptique. Lyon med., 1878, xxvi>:, 81-86.—Miiller (F.) Hemianii- sthesic. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 284-288. —Neu- burg. Gefuhllosigkeit der Haut. Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xvi, 42-47.—Ogle (J. W.) Caso of re- current anaesthesia of almost the entire surface of tho body, accompanied by partiallossof motorpowerinaUtheUmbs... effused products within the spinal canal. Proc. Roy. M. &. Chir. Soc, Lond., 1860, iii, 293. Aho: Med.-Chir.Tr., Lond., 1860, xhii, 383-392,1 pi.—Oulniont (P.) H6mianesthesie temporaire de cause cerebrale. Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 571.—Palina (G.) Completa ancstesia generale asso- ciata ad altri disturbi nervosi. e guarita completamente. Morgagni, Napoli, 1879, xxi, 86-89.—Pepper (W.) Case of sclerosis of the feet and legs with complete anaesthesia, but not attended with any locomotor ataxia. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1871, n. s., iv, 379-382.—Pitres (A.) Sur l'hemianesthesie d'origine c6r6brale, et sur les troubles de la vue qui l'accompagnent. Progres m6d., Par., 1876, iv, 522. Aho: Gaz. med. dePar., 1876, 4. 8., v, 362-364. Also: Ecolede m6d., Par., 1876-7, iii, 1-8.—Puchelt, sen. Ueber partieUe Empiindungslahmung. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1844, x, 485-495.—Putnam (J. J.) Case of circumscribed anal- gesia. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. Y., 1875, i, 31-54.—Bay- ■nond. Hemianesthesie de cause c6r6hrale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875, 3. s., x, 118-120.—Beid (A.) Case of ana-sthesia . . . unattended with loss of motion. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1829, xxxi, 292-296.—Bemak. Ueber cen- trale Uebertragungen peripherischer Anasthesie. Oes- terr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 721-723.— Bcyes (A.) La semi-anestesia en el parto natural o fisio- logico. Cr6n. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1878, iv, 433-449.— Beynolds (J. R.) Hemianaesthesia in the clinique of Prof. Charcot. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 678; 787.—Bock- well (A. D.) Anaesthesia and its treatment by electrizat- ion. Quart, J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1869, iu, 145-156.— Bosenthal. Ueber Verlust der Schmerzempfindung (Analgesic) bei Wirbelkaries und die hicbei nachweisbaren histologischen Veranderungen des Ruckenmarkes. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 255.—Bnstomjee (B.) Complete anaesthesia. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombav (1860), 1861, n. s., no. vi, app., p. xxvii.—Schmidt (F. .1. J.) lets over eenen onlangs ontdekten vorm van anaesthesie, en eene daaruit afgeleide hypothese omtrent de werking van gevoclszenuwen. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1849, iv, 389-399.— Nchiippel. Ein Fall von aUgemeiner Anasthesie. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1874, xv, 44-62, 1 pi.—Skerritt (E. M.) Case of functional hemianaesthesia with muscular rigidity. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 317.—Smoler. Die kutane Analgesie. Med.-chir. Rundschau, Wien, 1864, ii, 81-103; iii, 1-28. -----. Die cutane Anal- gesic und ihr syniptomatisches Vorkommen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. 1865, lxxxvii, 76-114; Ixxxviii, 72-108.—Soulier. Hemi-anesthesie de cause cerebrale avec paralysie alterne. Lyon m6d., 1875, xix, 161; 210.— Southworth (J. W.) Anaesthesia and analgesia. De- troit Rev. Med. Sc Pharm., 1874, ix, 394-396. — Striiin- pell. Ueber einen Fall von aUgemeiner Anasthesie und die dabei beobachteten Bewegungsstorungeu nebst Be- merkungen zur Theorie des Schlafs. Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 27. Aho: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 405. Also .■ Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviu, 1844. Also: Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aertze, Miinchen, 1877,1,286.-----. Beobachtungen uber ausgebreitete Aniis- thesieu und deren Folgeu fur die willkurliche Bewegung und das Bewusstsein. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878, xxii, 321-361.—Sturge (W. A.) On hemi- anaesthesia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 783-785.—Taguet. Analgesic complete chez une alienee dans un cas de frac- tures multiples de l'avant-bras. Marseille m6d., 1878, xv, 499-502.—TilHnns (C. B.) Anaesthesia dolorosa. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1872-3, 17.—Tripier (R.) De l'hemianesthesie incompiete.decausec6rebrale. Gaz. ni6d. dc Par., 1877,4. s., vi, 131.—Tiirck (L.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Ilyper- aesthesie und Anaesthesie. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1850, i, 542-550. -----. Ueber die Bezie- hung gewisser Krankheitsherde des grossen Gehimes zur Anasthesie. Ibid., 1860, xvi, 776-779.—Unilateral au- a-sthesiae, without impairment of motor power, occurring suddenly in the subject of heart disease. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, i 246.—ITrbanek. Anaesthesia com- pleta des lechten Unterschenkels. AUg. mU.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1864,102.—Vcyssiere. Recherehes experimentales k propos de l'hemianesthesie de cause cerebrale. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. (1874), Par., 1875, 6, s., i, 148. Aho: Arch. de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1874, vi, 288-299.—Vizioli. Intorno una singolare forma di ancstesia. Un caso di vertigine auditiva. Morgagni. NapoU. 1878, xx, "34-338.— Vnlpian. De l'influence qu exerce la faradisation dela peau dans certains cas d'anesthesio cutanee. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 877-884.—White (R.) Singular case of dvsaesthesia. Lond. M. Rev. &. Mag., 1799-1800, ii, 78-81.—W'ilks (S.) Remarksonheiniuna'sthe- sia and its cure. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 71-73.—Vel- loly (J.) Case of anaesthesia. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1812, iii, 90-101. ANAESTHESIA. Anaesthesia (Hysterical). See, also, Metallotherapy. Desbrosse (F.) * De 1'anesthe.sie dans l'hemi- plogic hystdrique-. 4°. Paris, 1876. Voisin (A.) De l'auesthesio cutanee hysteri- que. Memoire lu a la Societe de medecine de Paris. HJ. Paris, 1858. Braine (W.) t t Hysterical anaesthesia occurring in females between twenty and thirty years of age. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1874, ii, 52.—Briquet. De l'anes- thesie chez les hysteriques. Union m6d., Par., 1858, xii. 347; 350; 365; 378; 399; 402. -----. Rapport sur le travail dc M. le docteur Auguste Voisin, relatit k l'anesthesie de la peau chez les hysteriques. Gaz. hebd. de m6d.. Par., 1868, v, 829.—Charcot. Von der hvsterischen halbseiti- gen Anasthesie. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 542.— Coupland(S.) Hysterical anaesthesia. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 644.—Crocker (H. R.) A case of hysterical hemianaes- thesia. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 7.— Granville (J. M.) "Hystericalanaesthesia." Lancet,Lond., 1877,ii,704.—Gui- bout. Observations d'ancsthesie hysterique chez un hom- nie. Unionmed.,Par.,1868.3. s.,v.975-977.— Koch. Hyster- ische Anasthesie. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl.Ver., Stuttg., 1860, xxx, 166.—Martin. Hemianesthesie sensori- elle ct generale du cote gauche, vraisemblablement de nature hysterique, chez un .jeune garcpn de 11 ans. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1877, 215-221.— Potain. H6mianesth6sie hyste- rique anomalo avec contracture et tremblement du membre interieur. Progres m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 517-519.—Bichet (C.) Note sur l'etat fonctionncl des nerfs dans l'hemianes- thesie hysterique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1876, 4. s., v, 98-100.— Kzokalsky. Von der Anasthesie und der Hyperasthesie bei den hysterischen Frauen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1851, xxxii, 130-150.—Vigonroux (R.) De Taction du maguetisme et de l'61ectricit6 statique sur l'hemianesthesie hysterique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vii, 216.—Voisin (A.) De l'anesthesie cutanee hvsterique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1858, v, 818; 868.—Webber (S. G.) Hysterical hemianesthesia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1874, xci, 536-538. Anaesthesia (Muscular). See, also, Ataxy (Locomotor); Catalepsy. Sizaret(C) * De l'anesthesie inusculaire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860. Carpenter (A.) Two cases of muscular anaesthesia. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1872, ii, 264.—Corlien (A.) Auesth6sie inusculaire et cutanee occasionn6e par un re- froidissement ou n6vrose cataleptiforme h6mipl6gique. Union m6d., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 376-381.—Beynolds (J. R.) Muscular anaesthesia. In his: System of medicine, Lond., 1868, ii, 330-335. — Walcher. Observation de n6vrose cataleptiforme simul6e. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 436-438. Anaesthesia (Surgical). See Anaesthetics. Anaesthesia in the insane. Auzouy (T.) Des troubles fonctionnels de la peau et de Taction de T61ectricit6 chez les alienes. Ann. med.- psych., Par., 1859, 3. s.,v, 527-563. Aho, transl.: J.PsychM., n. s., Lond., 1860, xiii, 68-82.—Flemming. V onder Anal- gesic, als Symptom der Krankheiten mit Irresein. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1833, ii, 199.—Michia. De l'anesthesie de dou- leur dans Talienation mentale, et de son influence pathog6- nique sur certains modes de deUre partiel. Gaz. nebd. de. ni6d., Par., 1855, ii, 719. Anaesthesia from lead. See Paralysis from lead poison. Anaesthetics. See, also, Acid (Carbolic, Physiological effects of); Acid (Carbonic, Anaesthetic effects of'); Amy- lene ; Asphyxia; Brain ( Concussion and compres- sion of); Burns; Carbon (Chlorides of); Chloral (Intra-venous injection of); Chloroform; Cold; Cold as an anaesthetic; Convulsions; Electricity as an anaesthetic; Ether (Sulphuric, as an ances- ihetic); Ethidene; Ethyl (Chlorideof'); Inhala- tion (Apparatus for, and inhalers); Kerosolene; Lycoperdon; Mesmerism as an anaesthetic; Methylene; Nerve (Pneumogastric); Nitrous oxide; Rheumatism (Treatment of); Rhigo- lene; and under particular operations and diseases. Behse (J.) * Ueber Aniisthesiren nach vor- ausgeschickter Morphiuminjection. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1877. Berchon (E.) De l'emploi methodique des anestlnSsiques et principalement du chloroforme ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetics. a l'aide de l'appareil reglementaire dans le ser- vice de saute" de la marine. 8°. Paris, 1861. Aho, in: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., u, 501-511. Bernard (C.) Lecons sur les anesthe'siques et sur l'asphyxie. 8°. Paris, 1875. Blood (B. P.) The aua?sthetic revelation aud the gist of philosophy. 8°. Amsterdam, N. Y., 1874. Bossis (S.) * Essai sur l'analge"sie chirurgicale obtenue par l'action combine'e de la morphine et du chloroforme. 4°. Paris, 1879. Bouisson (E. F.) Traite" theorique et pratique de la methode anesthesique. 8°. Paris, 1850. Bourdon (I.) De l'etherisine. 8°. Paris, [n, d.] de Brinon (H.) * Recherehes sur l'anesthe'sie chirurgicale obtenue par l'action combined de la morphine et du chloroforme. 4°. Paris, 1878. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Chairon (E\) * De l'anesthesie provoque"e. 4°. Paris, 1857. Chambert (H.) * Des effets physiologiques produits par l'inhalation des diffdrents ethers. 4°. Paris, 1847. Chisolm (J. J.) What anaesthetic shall we use? 8°. Baltimore, 1877. Also, in: Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., Louisville, 1877, xxiv, 321-339. Courty (A.) * De l'emploi des moyens anes- thesiques en chirurgie. 8°. Mon tpellier et Paris, 1849. Crombie (J. M.) The induction of sleep and insensibility to pain by the self administration of anaesthetics. 8°. London, 1873. Curling (T. B.) The advantages of ether and chloroform in operative surgery. 8°. London, 1848. Delabarre (A.) Principes de l'e"th£risation. 8°. Paris, 1853. Devillers (P.) * Des agents anesthesiques au point de vue du diagnostic . . . des affections simuldes. 4°. Paris, 1876. Ellis (R.) On the safe abolition of pain in la- bour and surgical operations, by anaesthesia with mixed vapours. 8°. London, 1866. Flagg (J. F. B.) Ether and chloroform. 8°. Philadelphia, 1851. Forget (A.) De l'emploi du chloroforme et de l'ether dans la pratique chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1853. Foucher & Bonnet (H.) Recherehes experi- mentales sur les anesthesiques. 8°. Paris, 1857. Gall (J. B.) * Die Spannung des Arterienblu- tes in der Aether- und Chloroform-Narcose. 8°. Tubingen, 1856. Georges (E.) * Essais sur quelques anesth6- siques. 4°. Paris, 1863. Geutebruck (F. D.) * Ueber die Anastheti- ca. 8°. Marburg, 1858. Goupil (E. A.) * fitude comparative des effets des agents anesthe'siques secondaires. 4°. Paris, 1861. Harmand (A.) *£tude sur les deux princi- paux agents anesthe'siques, 6ther sulfurique et chloroforme. 4°. Paris, 1869. • Heyfelder (F.) Die Versuche mit dem Schwe- feliither, Salzather und Chloroform, und die dar- aus gewonnenen Resultate, iu der chirurgischen Klinik zu Erlangen. 8°. Erlangen, 1848. Jackson (C. T.) A manual of etherization. 8°. Boston, 1861. Kidd (C.) Hydrate of chloral and nitrous oxide gas as anesthetics. 8°. Dublin, 1870. Larrey (H.) Quelques mots sur l'anesthesie. 8°. Paris, [n.d.] Losch (C.) * Vergleichung der Wirkungen des ANESTHETICS. 286 ANESTHETICS. Anaesthetics. Schwefeliithers uud des Chloroforms. 8°. Er- langen, 1848. Maiiieu (A.) * De l'anesthesie artiflcielle. 4C. Strasbourg, 1859. Mott (V.) Pain and anaesthetics. 8°. Wash- ington, 1862. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Washington, 1863. Noe (F.) * De chloroformii vi atque usu, et de anaestheticorum vetustate. 8°. Gryphice, [1858]. Nussbaum. Anaesthetica. In: Handbuch der aUgemeinen und speciellen Chirur- gie, v. 1, pt. 2. Olmedilla y Puig (J.) Estudio quimico-far- maceutico de los agentes anestesicos. 8°. Ma- drid, 1877. Ozanam. L'anesthesie, histoire de la douleur. 8°. Paris, 1857. Perrin (M.) & Lallemand (L.) Traite d'a- nesthesie chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1863. Pietri. * De l'anesthesie chirurgicale par l'emploi combine du chloroforme et du chlorhy- drate de morphine. 4°. Paris, 1875. Plouviez. Quelques mots sur l'etherisation en medecine. 8C. Lille, [n. d.] Prevost (H. -A.) * De la valeur therapeutique de l'etherisine. 4°. Paris, 1851. Reis (M.) * De vi et usu inhalationum aetheris sulphurici et chloroformii in curatione morborum internorum. 8°. Gryphice, 1860. Robin (E.) Mode d'action des anesthesiques par inspiration. 8°. Paris, 1852. Sanchez-Mira (J.) * De l'anesthesie dans la pratique de la chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1848. Scikellhammer (E.-V.) * Considerations ge- nerates sur l'anesthesie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1858. SchOnfeld (J. C.) * Over anaesthetica en limine aanwending in de chirurgie. 8°. Gronin- gen, 1878. Simonin (E.) De l'emploi de l'ether sulfurique et du chloroforme, a la clinique chirurgicale de Nancy. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1849, 1856-71. Simpson (J. Y.) Answer to the religious ob- jections advanced against the employment of anaesthetic agents in midwifery and surgery. 8°. Edinburgh, 1848. -----. Anaesthesia; or, the employment of chloroform and ether in surgery, midwifery, etc. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. Snow (J.) On chloroform and other anaesthe- tics. Edited by B. W. Richardson. 8°. London, 1858. Turnbull (L.) The advantages and accidents of artificial anaesthesia. Being a manual of anaes- thetic agents. 12°. Philadelphia, 1878. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1879. Verriet-Litardiere (L.) # Do l'anesthesie mixte ou de l'emploi combinee de la morphine et du chloroforme. 4°. Paris, 1878. Waterman (S.) The effect of anaesthetics upon the human system, as evidenced by spec- troscopic observations. 8°. [n. p., 1877]. Weiss (G. A.) * De remediis anaestheticis. 8°. Berolini, [1853]. Zinkeisen (A. J.) * De remediis anaestheticis. 8°. Altenburgi, 1853. Adelmnnn (G. P. B.) Bemerkungen iiber die Anas- thesiniug bei Operationen durch Aether und Fomiylchlo- rid. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1851, i, 340-359.—Agostini (A.) Sugli anestetici al punto deU'odierna esjierienza. Gazz. meet, ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1859, i, 425-428; ii, 17- 177: 1860, iii, 1-8.—Alcxnnder (W.) On anaesthetics. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1872, u, 652.—Aliis (O. H.) Rela- tive strength of chloroform and ether, -with hints upon their use as anaesthetics. Phila. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 145-149.— Amory. Asphyxia as one of tbe causes of anaesthesia. Boston M. & S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 46.—Anaesthesia and an- aesthetic agents. Brit. &For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1852, ix, Anaesthetics. 158-183.—An sesthesin and anaesthetics. Buffalo M. J., 1588-9,xiv,497-502.—Anaesthesia by ether and chloroform. BostonM. &S.J.,1858-9,lix,49-53.—Anasthesirnng(Die) vom samtatspolizeilichen Standpunkte. Wien. med. Wch- nschr., 1854, iv, 12-27.—Anaesthetics and anaesthesia. Lan- cet, Lond.,1872, ii, 722; 828.—Anal gesie(Del') chirurgicale produite par Taction combinee de la morphine et du chloro- forme. Paris med., 1879, 2. s., v, 41.—Andrews (E.) The oxygen mixture, a new anaesthetic combination. Chi- cago M. Exam., 1808, ix, 656-661. -----. The relative dangers of ana'sthesia by chloroform and ether; statistics of 209,893 cases. Ibid., 1870, xi, 257-266. Aho, Reprint.— Anestcsia. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1878, iv e v, 3- 27.— Anesthesie (De T) au point de vue de la medecine operatoire. Rev. d. hop. civ. de Metz, 1852, 59-68.— Anesthesie produite par la compression. Ibid., 1854,130- 132.—Anesthesie (De T) chirurgicale. Cong, period. internat. d. sc. med., Compt.-rend. (1875), Brux. et Par., 1876, iv, pp. cvu-cx.—Anesthesie (De T) Bull. Acad. do med., Par., 1856-7, xxu, 875-877—Aravaca (V.) Uso do los agentes anestesicos en las operaciones de cirujia. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1849, 3. s., iv, 282; 291; 299; 307.—Arloing. Comparaison des effets des inhalations do chloroforme et d'ether, k dose anesthe- sique et k dose toxique, sur le cceur et la respiration; appUcations. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1879, Ixxxix, 105-107. -----. Sur un nouveau mode d'administra- tion de Tether, du chloroforme et du cnloral k la sen- sitive; application k la determination de la vitesse des Uquides dans les organes de cette plante. Ibid., 442-444.— Arnott (J.) Comparison between chloroform and cold as anaesthetics. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 133.—Ashford [et al.\ Chloroform versus ether. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb.^ Wash., D. C, 1874, i, 12-15.— Asboii (M.) Nota per riguardo all' azione e aU'uso de' mezzj an- estesiaci nella medicina operatoria. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venecia, 1860, 2. s., xvi, 145-154.— Atlee (W. L.) On anaesthetic agents. Tr. Am. M. Ass., 1850, iU, 389.— Under (C.) The administration of chloroform and of other anaesthetics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 100.— Barduzzi(D.) Anestesia chirurgica. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1876, 4. s., v, 381; 413; 445.—Barnes (R.) On Dr. Simpson's anaesthetic statistics. Lancet, Lond., 1847, u, 677.—Barrier. De la preference k donner k Tether sur le chloroforme dans la pratique. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1857, ix, 293-296.—[Bernard (C.)] L'anesthe- sie. Unionm6d., Par., 1869, viii, 109; 133. -----. NouveUes experiences dans lo but de montrer que l'anesthesie peut etre produite chez tous les etres vivants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1876), Par., 1877, 6. s. iu, 312.—Bian- chetti (C.) Sul cloroformio e su altri anestetici; Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1866, ix, 121; 129. — Bigelow (H. J.) Anaesthetic agents, their mode of exhibition and physiological effects; with a Ust of patients who have inhaled ether or chloroform for sur- gical operations in the Massachusetts General Hospital, in the first surgical division of the New York Hospital, at the cUnic of the Universitv of Pennsylvania, and at the clinic of the Jefferson Medical CoUege, [1847-8]. Tr. Am. M. Ass., 1848, i, 197-221.-Bigelow (H. J.) & Simpson (J.Y.) Anaesthoticinhalation. BostonM.&S. J., 1870.lxxxii, 389-400.—Bihct. Operations chirurgicales pratiquees sous l'influence du chloroforme. Ann. Soc. de m6d. do Liege, 1850, iv, 41-51.—Binz. Ueber Anaesthetica. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., xii, 1860, 277.—Bizzell (W. D.) Chloro- form and ether; their physiological action and compara- tive merits as anaesthetics. Virginia M. Month., Rich- mond, 1879-80, vi, 347-369.—Blanco (R.) Anestesia quirurgica. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1868, xv, 36; 227; 438: 1869, xvi, 5; 55; 295; 308; 453; 516.—Blandin. De Tiniiuence des aspirations d'ether dans les operations chi- rurgicales. Union med., Par., 1847, i, 143; 148. Aho, Reprint.—Bolton (J.) Test for the safety point in anaesthesia. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 681-684.—Bonnefont. Application des inhalations d'ether aux operations qui peuvent 6tre pratiqu6es au con- duit auditif externe, ainsi qu'i la trompe d'Eustache. Union m6d., Par., 1847, i, 132.—Boucard (F.) Sur le mode d'action de Tether, du chloroforme, et, en g6n6ral, des substances anesthesiques. Gaz. d. n6p., Par., 1856, xxix, 47.—Bouisson (F.) Etudes sur quelques effets ex- erc6s par les agents anesthesiques sur la respiration. Acad. d. sc. de Montpel.. Mem. de la sect, de med., 1849, i, 35-50. -----. Paraieile de T6ther sulfurique et du chloroforme. Gaz. med. de Far., 1849, 3. s., iv, 97; 120.— Bramc (C.) Sur l'emploi compare de Tether hydrique (oxydo d'ethyle) et du chloroforme en inhalations, comme anesthesiques. Courrier med., Par., 1878, xxviii, 297-299.— Budin Sc Coyne. De l'etat de la pupiUe pendant Tanesthesie chloroformique et chloralique et pendant les efforts de vomissements. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1875, Par., 1876, 6. s., ii, 21-27.—Burnhain (W.) On the relative value of chloroform and ether as anaesthetics. Pub. Mass. Eclect. M. Soc, Bost,, 1860-72, 35.—Cardenal (S.) De la anestesia quirurgica, de los anestesicos y en particular de la eloroformizacion. Independ. med., Barcel., 1873-4, v, 27; 40 04; 74; 88; 113; 135; 149.—Carey (R. H.) On ANESTHETICS. 287 ANESTHETICS. Anaesthetics. the advantages of ether over chloroform as an anaesthe- tic agent. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 330-334.— Carnochan (J. M.) On anaesthetics. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xvi, 5.—t'nrriCrc. Note sur Tap- plication des inhalations anesthesiques au traitement cie eertaines n6vroses des appareils respiratoire et circula- toire, et notainment k celui de Tangine de poitrine. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1852, xliii, 145-152.—Carroll (A. L.) Is suspended animation during amesthesia always attributable to the ana-sthetic? Am. M. Mouih., X. Y\, 1857, vii, 11-13.—Castle (A. C.) The use of nitrous ox- ide, laughing gas, chloroform, etc. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1864, lxx, 92-96.—Chloroform and other anaesthetics. Fromthe Westminster Review. VirginiaM. J., Richmond, 1859, xii, 287; 391.—Chloroform and ether as anaesthetics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 162-164.—Clark (J. U.) On the constitutional effects of anaesthetic agents. N. York J. M., 1856, 3. s., i, 181-189.—Clarke (W. AI.) On anaesthe- tics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 254-25G — Clemens (T.) Zur Charakteristik der Anasthetiea unserer Zeit, Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1854, xui. 496-507.—Clover (J. T.) Remarks on the production of sleep during surgical ope- rations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, l, 200-203.—Coats (J.) tet al.] On the effects of chloroform, ethidene, and ether on ilood-pressure: being the third provisional report of the committee on anaesthetics to the British M. Ass. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 387-396. See. also, McKEN- inat'K.—Coles (W.) Anaesthetics. Tr. M. Soc. W. Vir- ginia, 1871, iv, 256-267. Alsor Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1871, ii, 329-342. Aho, Reprint.—Col ton (G. Q.) Le chloroforme et lo protoxyde d'azote. J. dc therap., Par., 1878, v, 536-538.—Court). Note relative a quel- ques considerations physiologiques et pi-atiques sur Tem- ploi des anesthesiques, et particuUeremcnt du chloroforme. Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 373-375.—Conty. Do Tac- tion des anesthesiques sur Tel6ment musculaire et Teiement nerveux periph6rique. Ibid., 1876, 4. s., v, 110 ; 122.—Cut- ter (E.) On the modes of administration of systemic an- aesthetics. Boston M. & S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 117-121.—Bal- lon (J. C.) Experimental production of anaesthesia by cerebral compression. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 27-34.— Aho, Reprint.—Darin. Recherehes nouveUes en oti- atrique et anesthesiques. Etudes comparatives sur les anes- thesiques et leur mode d'emploi. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, 2. »., i, 210-216.—Biday (P.) Quel est Tauc8th6siquc le moins clangereux? Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 695. -----. Lethalite comparative de Tether et du chloroforme. Ibid., 777.—Discussion sur les avantages compares des divers anesthesiques. Gaz. m6d. do Lyon, 1859, xi, 266-269.—Discussion upon the ultimate effects of anesthetics with special reference to major operations. Bull. N. Tork Acad. M., 1866, ii, 327; 339.—Discussion on anaesthetics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 399-402.—[Discussion on tho relative value of cither and chloroform, in the Surgical Society of Ireland.] Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1873, xv, 22-26.—Donati (P.) Considcrazioni storico-critiche sugli anestetici in chirurgia e sul protossido d'azoto in particolare. Morgagni, NapoU, 1866, viii, 417-430.—Dublin (The) ether and chloroform report. Mecl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1873, xv, 469.—Du Hamcl (W. L.) Anaesthetic agents. Stethoscope, Rich- mond, 1855, v, 63-67.—Dumcril (A.) & Demarqnay. Recherehes experimentales sur les modifications imprim6es k la temperature animale par Tether et par le chloroforme, et surle mode d'action de ces deux agents. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1848, i, 189; 332. Aho, Reprint,—Du play (S.) De Taction physiologique du chloroforme et de Tether, con- sideree au point de vue de Tanesthesie chirurgicale. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1870, i, 207-224.—Dupny (M.) Note sur les effets de l'injection dc Tether dans le rectum. Union m6d.. Par., 1847, i, 141.—Duwez. Des agents anesthe- siques et de leur emploi dans la chirurgie oculaire; paral- lele entre le, chloroforme et Tether. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1873, lxix, 13-47.—Eigenthiimliche (Ueber) Wirkun- gen der Aniisthetika und uber diese im Allgemeinen. Nach franzcisischen Berichten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 721; 743.—Ellis (R.) On anaesthesia by mixed vapours. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 144;, 509. Aho: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1866, yiii, 224-237.—Ether (L') et le chloroforme. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 3. s., iU, 115.— Eve (P. F.) Report of operations performed under anaesthetic agents. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1848, n. s., v, 278-282.—Expose de la methode an- esthesique. Discussion. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1856-7, xxii, 908; 932; 963; 992; 1016; 1061; 1084.— Faure. Recherehes comparatives sur les effets du chlo- roforme et du gaz oxyde de carbonc. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1867, i, 557-564.—Ferrand. Ether et chloroforme considers comme agents anesthesiques, leurs caracteres communs et leur caracteres differentiels. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1859, xi, 377: 397.—Fifield (W. C.) Ether and chloroform. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 703-705.—Flem- ing. On the application of anaesthetic agents to surgical purposes. Dublin M. Press, 1849, xxi, 3541 1851, xxv, 161- 168.—Fonssagrives (J. B.) Memoire sur la constitution du groupe therapeutique des stup6flants diffusibles, et sur la neccssite d'y faire entrer toutes les substan es dities anti- Anaesthetics. spasmodiques. Arch. gen. do ni6d., Par., 1857, i, 399; 556; 691.—[Forbes (J.)] On etherization. Brit. Sc For. M. Rev., Lond., 1847, xxiii, 547-576. Aho, Reprint.—Forget (A.) Anesthesie. Union m6d., Par., 1851, v, 533. -----. Quelques mots sur le chloroforme et Tether. Ibid., 1867, 3. b., i, 594-599.—Forsayeth (R. M.) Anaesthetic agents in surgery. Dublin M. Press, 1851, xxv, 293.—Foster (D. W.) Consciousness under anaesthetics. Med. Sc Surg. Re- Sorter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 117.—Frnncois-Franck. ur Taction vasculaire compareo des anesthesiques et du nitrite d'amyle, Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1879, 6. a., i, 271.— Giacchi (O.) SulTanastesia nelToperazioni chirurgiche. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1875, 4. s., iv, 158-168.—Ginielle (J.) Des moyens anesthesiques. J. cie med.. chir. ct Phar- macol., Brux., 1856, xxii, 37; 234; 332; 438; 527.—Giraldes (J.) Anesthesiques. N. diet, do m6d. ct de chir. prat., Par., 1865, ii, 219-260.—Clover (R. M.) Report on anaes- thesia. Lancet, Lond., 1858, n. s., ii, 368; 393; 416; 444; 468.—Goodwillic (D. H.) An&'sthetics and their admi- nistration. N. York M. J., 1869, ix, 15-28.—Gossclin. Sur Tanesthesie. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1859: ix, 381-386. -----. Des contre-indications des anesthesiques daus la firatique chirurgicale. Bull. gen. de therap., Par., 1868, xxv, 406-411. —---. Sur Tanesthesie chirurgicale. Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., vi, 683-689.—Gosselin (L.) Anes- thesiques. Diet. d. diet, (suppl.), Par., 1851, 52-67.—Green (C.) Remarks on ether and chloroform. Buffalo M. J., 1847-8, iii, 710-712.—Guerra (M. S.) Mas objecciones sobre los anestesicos. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Ma- drid, 1849, 3. s., iv, 355-357—Guibert. De 1 analg6sie ob- tenu par Taction combinee de la morphine et du chloro- forme, pc6sentee par M. Cl. Bernard. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, Ixxxv, 967-969.—Guiley (A. H. R.) An- aesthesia by rapid respiration. Mecl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 358.—Hague. Amylene and chlo- rofoi'm. Dublin M. Press, 1857,' xxxviii, 375.—Hake (T. G.) Studies on ether and chlorofoim, from Prof. Schiff's physiological laboratory. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, xu, 241-250.—Hardy (E.)*& Dumontpallier. Sur une anesthesique nouveau derive© du chlorure de carbone. BuU. g6u. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxxiii, 34-36. Aho: BuU. et mem. Soc. de th6rap. (1871-2), Par., 1875, iv, app., 17- 19.—Hargrave (W.) Exceptional case to the adminis- tration of general or local anaesthetic agents. Dublin M. Press, 1856, xxxv, 98-100.—Harrison (R.) On the ad- vantages of ether over chloroform as an anaesthetic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 15.—Hartwig (M.) Combinirte Chloroform-Chloralhydrat-Narkose. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, iv, 497-499.— Haward (J. W.) On ether ana chloroform as anaesthetics. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1871, vii, 3. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1872, lv, 5-16.—Hawkins (M. S.) Dangers of systemic anaes- thesia and how lessened. NashviUe J. M. &*S., 1879, n. s., xxiv, 5-8.—Hayward (G.) Remarks on the comparative value of the different anaesthetic agents. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1850, xiu, 189-196. Aho, Reprint. -----. Remarks on anaesthesia, and the agents employed to produce it, Brit. &For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1859, xxiv, 480-186.—Hearne (E.) Ether and chloroform, and surgical operations and midwifery. Med. Times, Lond., 1848, xvui, 108.— Hcurtelonp. Administration du chloroforme et des anesthesiques par projection. France m6d., Par., 1857, iv, 259; 266. Aho: Monit. d. hem., Par., 1857, 1. s., v, 764- 767.—Hewson (A.) On Dr. W. G. A. BonwiU's method of diminishing or aUaving sensibility bv rapid respirations. Phila. M. Times, 1876, vi, 265-267.—Heyfelder. Ueber Actbcrisation. Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Aachen, 1849,149-151.—Hodges (F.H.) Anaesthesia. Bir- mingh. M. Rev., 1872, ii, 170-177. Aho, Reprint.—Holmes. [Anaesthetics.] Tr.IllinoisM.Soc, Chicago, 1874,xxiv, 50.— Ilousjh (J.B.) Clilorinatedanaesthetics. Tr.OhioM. Soc, Columbus. 1869, xxiv, 163-169.—Hudetz (C.) Die nattirli- che Narcose. Ztschr. f. Nat. -n. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oeden- burg, 1858, ix, 338.—Hucter (C.) Zur Morphium-Chloro- form-Narkose. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, iv, 673.— Humphry (G. M.) Observations on ana'Sthetic agents. . . . Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1848, 425-428.—Ice and chloro- form v. amylene. Dublin M. Press, 1857, xxxvii, 355-357.— Jackson (C. T.) On anaesthetic agents. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1853, n. s., ix, 5-20.—Janikowski (A.) <) eterze i chloroformie. [Sulphuric ether and chloroform.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. "Warszaw., 1849, xxi, 44-76. Jeannel. Des anesthesiques. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1857, 2. s., ii, 466; 537. -----. Also, transl.: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1859, xvii, 45-70.—Jeffries (J.) Rapport sur Topera- tion Passavant sous Tintluence (le Tether, puis sans son intermediaire, et ensuite avec l'emploi de Toxyde nitreux. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1871, lxvi, 131-135.—Jobert. Me- moire sur Tanesthesie chirurgicale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viii, 556; 571; 634; 649; 690; 758.—Johnson (G.) Remarks on the physiology of an.esthesia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 241.—Jones (T.) On amesthetics. J bid., 1872, ii, 575; 603. Karatzns (I.) Ilepi ai> apna.Ku>v. 'laTpi'icr) MeAiercra, 'A&rjvai., 1853, i, 145.—Kcu* nard (T. L.) Chlorofonii and ether compared. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1876, n. s., xiii, 291-296.—Kidd (C.) On the comparative value and properties of ice and chloroform as ANESTHETICS. 288 ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetics. anaesthetics. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxi, 61-75.— -----. Hydrate of chloral and nitrons oxide gas as an- aesthetics. Ibid., 1870, n. a., 1, 296-303.—Knoll (P.) Uber dio Wirkung von Chloroform und Ather auf Ath- mung und Blutkrcislauf. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1878, Wien, 1879, lxxviu, 223-252, 5 pi.— Kohler (H.) Die neuern Arbeiten iiber die Aniisthetika. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1869, cxlii, 209-237 : 1870; cxlv, 305- 352:1871, cli, 193-226— Konig. Ueber die Morphium-Chlo- roformnarkoso. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, iv, 609-011.— Labbcc (E.) De Tanesthesie chirurgicale. Des anesthe- siques. J. de therap., Par., 1874, i, 175; 215 ; 266; 295; 336.— Laboulbenc [et ah.] Anesthesie. Diet, eucycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1806, iv, 423-517.— Laicrth)TiKoC fxecrov. larpiKi) Me'A«r<7a, 'Adi'ivai, 1853, i, 272.—Lecoq (J.) Quelques considerations sur Tanesthesie, k Toccasion de la discussion de l'Acad. de med. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1857, xxx, 354.—Lee (E. W.) Ether versus chloroform. Chicago M. J., 1875, xxxii, 108-119.—Lente (F. D.) Anaesthesia; how its dangers are to be avoided. N. York J. M., 1855, n. s., xv, 195- 200. -----. Sulphuric ether and chloroform as anaesthe- tics. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1861, n. a., xii, 357-371. Also, Reprint. -----. Sulphuric ether versus chloroform. N. York M. J., 1865, i, 15-17.—Leon (A.) Chloroformisation par la trachee. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1878, xcix, 463.—Lconardi (G.) Intorno all'uso degl'anestetici. RaccogUtore med., Forll, 1875, 4. s., iv, 39-49.—Lcsi (V.) Intorno Tanestesia col capo in giu. Ibid., 238-242.— Licgeois. Sur les anesthesiques. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1871, 2. s., xi, 102.—JLister (J.) Anaesthetics. In: Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 2.. ed., 1871, v, 480-504.— Little (T. E.) Some remarks upon chloroform and ether as anaesthetics. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 135; 150; 107; 185; 200.—Little Tepas dycucaAvi/few? Suo iravovriov tt)v aiaOruriv apnaxapixdicov. Ibid., 1859, vi 497.—Perrin (M.) Anesthesie chirurgicale. Diet. encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1866, iv, 434-489. -----. La ques- tion des anesthesiques. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1875, Ixxxix, 49; 110.—Petrequin (J. E.) NouveUes re- cherehes sur le choix k faire entre le chloroforme et Tether. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1867, 2. s., iv, 52; 70; 86. -----. NouveUes recherehes statistiques ct chimiques pour d6- montrer Topportunit6 de remplacer le chloroforme par Tether rectine. Union ni6d., Par., 1867, 3. s., ii, 84-89. Aho, transl.: Boston M. .— [Dcmarqnay.] De l'anesthesie locale. Union m6d., Par., 1800, xxx, 523; 559.—Demme (T. A.) On the in- duction of local anaesthesia in labor by the uso of carbonic acid gas. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1871, xxiv, 139- 142. -Donaldson (F.) Richardson's method of produ- cing local anaesthesia. Richmond M. J., 1866, u, 249-260. Also, Reprint. — Duckworth (D.) Observations on some local anaesthetics. Edinb. M. J., 1862, viii, 30-36.— Dngas (L. A.) A surgical operation under the influ- ence of local anaesthesia induced by cold. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1855, xi, 79-81.—Fricdlander (A.) Die locale Anasthesirung zur Linderung der Wehen. Anaesthetics (Local). Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 238.—Galezowski (X.) De l'anesthesie locale dans la chirurgie oculaire. Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1876, ui, 93-101—Garratt (A. C.) Galvanism for counteracting pain in tho extraction of teeth. Boston M. & S. J., 1858-9, lix, 32-34.—Gensol- len & lUartin. Appareil k anesthesie locale. Mont- pel. m6d., 1867, xix, 76-82.—Gcnsollcn (C.) & Ge- rozc (M.) [Appareil pour produire l'anesthesie locale] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 71.—Girard. Zur Erleichte- rung der Localanaesthesie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz,, 1874, i, 17.—Guyot (T.) Anesthesie cutan6e produite par un courant electrique ; abaissement de temperature, sous l'in- fluence du mfime moyen, dans les parties electrisees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 693.—Hammond (D. W.) 11 In- tense cold as a local anaesthetic. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1855, i, 20.—Hardy (S. L.) On the use of chloroform and other vapours, when applied locaUy and in the form of va- pour-bath, in tho treatment of various diseases; together with the description of instruments and air-tight cases for the purpose. Dublin M. Press, 1854, xxxi, 241-245. -----. A practical inquiry into the advantages derivable from the vapour 'of chloroform, as a local application to the surface of the skin and mucous membrane under va- rious conditions. Ibid., xxxii, 305-312.—Hargrave (W.) A few words on local anaesthesia in minor sur- gical operations. Ibid., 193.—Hitchcock (H. O.) Car- bonic acid gas as a local anaesthetic agent. Penins. and Indep. M. J., Detroit, 1859-60, u, 390-392.—Horand. Considerations sur la pulverisation de l'ether. Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1808, vii, 3-26; pt. 2, 24-26.— Horvath (A.) Zur Kalteanasthesie. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 209-211— Hugucs. De l'eau de Cologne comme anesthesique. Nice med., 1876, i, 54-59.—Jackson (J. D.) Rhigolene as a local anaesthetic. West. J. M., Indianap., 1868, ui, 210-212.—Jobert (deLam- balle). De l'electricite dans l'anesthesie chirurgicale. Gaz. m6d. do Par., 1853,3. s.,viii, 831-835.—Iteyser (P. D.) Bon- will's method of anaesthesia iu diseases of the eye. Phila. M. Times, 1876, vi, 510.—Knight (J. F.) Local anaesthe- sia. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1866-7, xix, 455-458.—Kracko- witzer (E.) On local anaesthesia. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1867, xviii, 419-427.—I. a tour (A.) De 1'an- esthesie locale. Union m6d., Par., 1854, vui, 335: 355.— Lc Fort. Anesthesie locale provoqu6e par la pulverisa- tion de l'ether. BuU. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1867, 2. s., vii, 104; 108.—Iilorcnte (A. G.) Anestesia local. Espafia m6d., Madrid, 1859, iv, 490.—Miranda (R. L.) De la anestesia local. Ann. r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Ha- bana. 1860, ii, 260; 300.—Oomen. De l'emploi topique des anesthesiques. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'An- vers, Malines, 1851, iv, 415-419.—Page (C. G.) Local an- aesthesia by tho artificial production of cold. BostonM. Sc S. J., 1866, lxxiv, 329-333. Also, Reprint.—Parfc- nenko (A. G.) Ryad nablyudenii nad mwistnoyu aneste- zieyu po sposobu Richardsoha. [Observations on Richard- son's method of local anaesthesia.] Protok. zasaid. Kav- kazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1872, viii, 563.—Patruban. Erfahrungen iiber die Richardson' sche Loealnarcoso. AUg. Wien. mecl. Ztg., 1866, xi, 157; 166. -----. Ueber Local- Anasthesie. Ibid., 176.—Perrin. Anesthesie locale par le sulfuredecarbone. BuU. Soc. dechir. dePar., 1867, 2. s., vii, 143-145.—Prozorov (G.) O m6stnoi anestezii cholodome. [Local anaesthesia by cold.] Protok. zasaid. Obshch. russk Vrach., St. Petersb., 1874, xii, y. 133-137.—Revillon (V.) Do l'electricite employee comm'o anesthesique local apres les cauterisations intra-uterines. France med., Par., 1868, xv, 461 [491].—Richardson (B. W.) On local anaesthesia and electricity. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvu, 262. -----. On voltaic narcotism for the production of local anaesthesia for surgical operations. Ibid., 1859, xviii, 156; 285; 647. -----. Cm a new and ready mode of producing local anaesthesia. Ibid., 1866, i, 115-117. -----. New method of producing local anaesthesia by narcotic spray. Ibid., 169. -----. Further notes on the new method of producing local anaesthesia. Ibid., 249; 277. -----. Unity of general and local anaesthesia. Ibid., 1867, ii, 341.—Richct. Anesthesie locale. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1853-4, iv, 519; 546. -----. Anesthesie lo- cale par refrigeration. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 153. -----. Do l'anesthesie localis6o. Bull. gen. de the- rap., etc., Par., 1854, xlvi, 391-402.—Rodolfi (R.) Anes- tesia olettrica. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1865, 5. s., iv, 87; 115.—Roig y Bofill (E.) Sencillo medio do anes- tesia local. Gac. m6d. dc Cataluiia, 1879, u, 139.—Rosen- thal (M.) ExperimenteUe und practische Beitrage zur Einwirkung der Localanasthesie auf das Nervensystem. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xii, 159. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 442-444. Also: Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. cl. Aerzte in Wien, 1867, xxiii, 147. Aho: Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 584.—San-oin (A. E.) On local anaesthesia by Dr. Richardson's method. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 334.—Saucr (C.) Ocrtliche Empflndungslosigkeit, erzielt durch Combination der sub- cutanen Injection und der Entziehung von Warme. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 494.—Scallan. Observations on the anaesthetic douche. DubUn M. Press, 1854, xxxi, 274-276.—Sedgwick (L. W.) On Dr. Richardson's new 93 ANESTHETICS. ANESTHETICS. Anaesthetics (Local). mode of producing local anaesthesia. Lancet, Lond., 1866, 1, 394.—Sentex. Anesthesie locale par 1'appareU de Ri- chardson. M6m. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1866, l, 262-270.—Shannon. (P.) Local anaesthesia, Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 329.—Simpson (J. Y.) Local anaesthesia. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii, 39-42. -----. Local anaesthesia; notes on its artificial production by chloro- form. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, xiii, 62-68. Aho: Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1848, 365-371. Aho, Reprint. Also, transl. : Union m6d., Par., 1848, ii, 371; 395.—Solaro. Anestesia elettrica nell'uomo; 1'elettricita, sviluppa accessi epUet- tici. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1865, 5. s., iv, 118.— Sonsino (P.) Cenni suU'anestesia locale e suU'apparec- chio polverizzatore del Richardson modificato dal dott. Demarquay. Imparziale, Firenze, 1867,vu, 19-24.—Spessa (A.) Modo di rendere insensibUe una parte neUa quale devesi praticare qualche atto operatorio. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1871, 5. s., xi, 224-226.—[Stopfer.] Appareil pour l'anesthesie locale. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1866-7, xxxii, 425.—Sulfure de carbone employe comme anesthe- sique local k la clinique chirurgicale du Prof. Simonin (de Nancy). Gaz. med. de Par., 1866, xxi, 188.—Tillaux. Sur 1 emploi de l'anesthesie locale. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc.,.Par., 1866, lxx, 556. Aho: France med., Par., 1866, xiu,-325; 334. Aho: BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1866, lxx, 400-411.—Tripier (A.) Faradic anaesthesia. Arch. Electrol. & Neurol., N. Y., 1874, i, 109-115.—Verneuil. De l'analgesie locale par l'acide carbonique. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1856, iv, 593-596: 1857, v, 113-119.— 'Waller (A.) Experiments on Dr. Richardson's mode of performing painless operations by voltaic narcotism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, xviii, 285; 491.—Wcist (J. R.) Local anaesthesia. West. J. M., Indianap., 1868, Ui, 9-12.—Westmoreland (W. F.) [On local anaesthesia by carbonic acid.] Atlanta M. & S. J., 1856, ii, 242.— Whitehead (W. R.) Local anaesthesia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866, i, 277. Anaesthetics in children. Anesthesie (De 1') chez les enfants. France med., Par., 1878, xxv, 757; 765; 774.—Bouchnt (E.) De l'anesthesie chirurgicale chez les enfants k 1'aide du chloral dans l'esto- mac. BuU. gen. de th6rap., etc, Par., 1875, lxxxi, 351-353.— Demme (R.) Ueber die Anasthesirung der Kinder, na- mentlich die Chloroformnarkose derselben. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1870-1, iv, 140-156: 1871-2, v, 72-96, 1 tab.—Forget (A.) De l'emploi des agents anesthesiques chez les enfans; de leur mode d'action et des precautions qu'Us exigent. Union m6d., Par., 1849, Ui, 450. Anaesthetics in dentistry. See, also, Anaesthetics (Local). Brunn (F.) Ueber die Anwendung der Nar- kose in der Zahnheilkunde. 8°. Freiburq i. Br., 1857. y Coleman (A.) Anaesthesia; considered espe- cially in reference to operations in dental sur- gery. 8°. London, 1862. George (J. B.) Etude sur l'anesthe'sie locale dans ses applications a l'art dentaire. 8° Paris, 1857. Rottenstein (J. B.) Das schmerzlose Auszie- hen der Ziihne vermittelst des Galvanismus. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1858. R. (J.) Das neue Anastheticum des polnischen Zahn- arztes Jakowski. AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1859, xxviii, 401-403.—Dop (G.) De la valeur comparative de l'anes- thesie g6n6rale et de 1'anesthesie locale dans les operations de chirurgie dentaire. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1878, xu, 169-182.—Hcnocque Sc Fredct (E.) Note sur l'anesthe- sie medicale produite par la pulverisation d'ether, appU- qu6e a l'avulsion des dents. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1866, 2. s., iU, 742.—Magi tot (E.) Note sur l'anesthesie locale produite par la pulverisation d'ether (appareU Rich- ardson) appliquee a l'avulsion des dents. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1866, lxx, 501-505.—Moreau (S.) De l'anesthesie locale produite pendant I'extraction des dents au moyen de la compression. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 338.—lTIorean-JTlarmont. Remarques sur l'emploi et le choix des anesthesiques en chirurgie dentaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xUx, 701; 709.—[Shrady (G. F.)] Chloro- form and dentistry. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiii, 291-293.— Smith (J.) On painless dental surgery. Edinb. M. J., ' 1858, iv, 422-430. A naesthetics in obstetrics. See, also, Anaesthetics (Local); Puerperal convulsions. Antoine (L.) * Quelques considerations sur l'emploi des moyens anesthe'siques dans la pra- tique des accouchements. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Aubree (J. F.) * Do l'emploi des anesthe- Anaesthetics in obstetrics. siques. dans les accouchements, et en particulier du chloroforme dans l'6clampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1861. Bibard (C.-A.-J.) * De la methode anesthe- sique, appliquee a l'art des accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1851. Bremond (G.) *Sur l'anesthesie par le chlo- roforme dans les accouchements naturels. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Brown (I.) On safe delivery from the pains of labour; or painless parturition with full mental consciousness. With an appendix on modified anaesthesia in dentistry, etc. 8°. London, 1867. Campbell (C.J.) Considerations nouveUes sur l'anesthe'sieobst6tricale. (Premiere partie.) 8°. Paris, 1877. Chailly-Honore. Des considerations puis- santes qui doivent empecher d'user de Father et du chloroforme dans le travail naturel. 8°. Paris, 1853. Channing (W.) Cases of inhalation of ether in labor. 2. ed. 8°. Boston, 1847. -----. On etherization in child-birth. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Chrestien du Souchay (L.-J.-M.-C.) *De l'emploi des anesthe'siques dans les accouche- ments. 4°. Paris, 1852. Dorange (L.) * Essai sur l'anesthesie dans les accouchements naturels. 4°. Paris, 1875. Duchateau (A.) * Etude sur l'anesthesie ob- stetricale dans les cas de version et d'application de forceps. 4°. Paris, 1874. Faure (G.) * Considerations pratiques sur l'an- esthesie obstetricale. 4°. Paris, 1866. Gaffie (P.) *De l'anesthesie dans les ac- couchements naturels simples. 4°. Paris, 1861. Geneste (A.) * Essai sur l'anesthesie conside- ree surtout au point de vue de l'obstetrique. 4°. Paris, 1861. Grasset-Lagarde (A.) *De l'anesthesie ap- pliquee a l'art des accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1853. Gream (G. T.) The misapplication of anaes- thesia in childbirth, exemplified by facts. 8°. London, 1849. Guglielmi (J. P.) * De l'anesthesie obstetri- cale. 4°. Montpellier, 1867. Hamilton (E.) *Des agents anesthesiques, sous le rapport de leur application a la medecine operatoire et aux accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1851. Jaoul (D.) * De l'anesthesie dans les accouche- ments. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Laussel (M. F. E.) *Des douleurs de l'ac- couchement et de leur suppression par les anes- thesiques. 4°. Montpellier, 1866. de Lemos Cordeiro (J. B.) * Do emprego dos anesthesicos durante o trabalho do parto. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. de Lespinasse (A. F.) * De usu chloridi for- myli in arte obstetricia. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1853. Liautaud (J.) * De l'anesthesie dans les ac- couchements. 4°. Paris, 1862. Martin (E.) tlber die kiinstliche Anasthesie bei Geburten durch Chloroformdampfe. 8°. Jena, 1848. Mazerat (A.) *De l'emploi de l'ether et du chloroforme dans les accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1851. Michel (J.) * Essai sur la douleur et les anes- thesiques en obstetrique. 4°. Paris, 1855. Miller (P.) An essay on the means of lessen- ing the pains of parturition. 8°. Philadelphia, 1804. Nolten (G.) * De usu aBtheris vaporum ob- ANAESTHETICS. 294 ANAESTHETICS. Anaesthetics in obstetrics. stetrico, adjectis observationibus de chloroformi effectu. 8°. Bounce, [1^47]. Paci'll (F.-A.-H.) * De l'emploi de l'ether et du chloroforme, dans les accouchements. 4J. Paris, 1851. Plnard (A.) * Do Taction comparee du chloro- forme, du chloral, de Topium et de la morphine chez la femme en travail. 8°. Paris, 1876. Seyer (E.) * De l'emploi des agents anesthesi- ques dans les accouchements. 4°. Paris, 1851. Simpson (J. Y.) Answer to the religious ob- jections advanced against the employment of anaesthetic agents in midwifery aud surgery. 8°. Edinburgh, 1847. -----. Remarks ou the superinduction of an- aesthesia in natural and morbid parturition; with cases illustrative of the use and effects of chloro- form in obstetric practice. 8°. Edinburgh, 1848. -----. The same. 2d thousand. 8°. Edinburgh, 1848. -----. The same. 8°. Boston, 1848. Smith (P.) Scriptural authority for the miti- gation of the pains of labour by chloroform and other anaesthetic agents. 8°. London, 1848. Storer (H. R.) Eutokia: a word to physi- cians and to women upon the employment of an- aesthetics in childbirth. 8°. Boston, 1863. Todd (S. S.) Anesthetics in labor. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Repr. from: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, 1875. Townley (J.) Parturition without pain or loss of consciousness. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1862. Vigeu (A ) * De Tanesthesie dans les accou- chements, consideree au point de vue de ses accidents. 4°. Paris, lr\>5. Voogd (J.) Over het gebruik van chloroform in de verloskunde. 8°. Leiden, 1878. Adolphus (P.) The relative position of chloroform, sulphuric ether and sulphate of morphia in obstetric prac- tice. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1876, xxxiii, 306-311.—Antes- thctica in midwifery. Boston M. & S. J., 1858-9, lix, 369-373.—Anesthesie (Dc 1') obstetricale. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1878, xciv, 153-160.—Anesthesiques (Des) au jioint de vue obstetrical, Ibid., 1849, xxxvi, 19- 24.—Bailly. De l'anesthesie dans les accouchements naturels et d'un nouvel appareU (appareil de Legroux) pour admhiistrer le chloroforme aux fenimea en couches. Ibid., 1878, xciv, 8-18. See, aho, Pajot.—Barker (B. F.) On the use of anaesthetics in midwifery. Tr. K.York Acad, of M., 1857, ii, 251-268. A ho, Reprint. -----. Anaesthetics in mid- wifery. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1861, iu, 350-355. _-----. On tbe use of cna-st .<•■< s iu ciuv.ih :y Bull. K. York Acad. M., 1862, i. 2871 345.—Barnes* (R.) Further rcmaiks on the employment of chloroform in parturition. Lan- cet, Lond., 1848, i, 442-444. -----. Anaesthesia in natural parturition. Ibid., 1850, U, 39; 82.—Beatty (T. E.) Ob- servations on the use of chloroform in conjunction with ergot of rye iu parturition. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, x, 1-14. -----. On the employment of chloroform in mid- wifery. Dublin M. Press, 1852, xxvii, 225-228. -----. Chlo- roform inparturition. Ibid., 1854, xvii, 355-364.—Beech (J. H.) Use of anaesthetics in rigidity of perinaeum in first labor. Buffalo M. J., 1853-4, ix, 39.—Berthclot (E.) Quelques notes sur l'emploi de l'anesthesie pendant l'ac- couchement. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1877, vi, 241; 289.— Bindon (J. V.) Chloroform in midwifery practice. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xix, 35.—Blot. De l'emploi des anesthesiques dans les accouchements. BuU. et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 691-693.—Blot (H.) De l'anesthesie appliqu6e a l'art des accouchements. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1875 ii, 129-140.—Boerstler (G. W.) On the use of letheon and chloroform in obstetrics. Proc. M. Convent., Ohio, 1849, app., 42-45.—Boling (W. M.) Remarks on the use of anesthetic agents, more especiaUy in parturition. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1851-2, viii, 275; 411.— Bowman (E. B.) On the use of chloroform in midwifery Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 254-258.—Brnmblett (W. H.) Anaesthetics in midwifery. Virginia M. Month., 1875^6 ii 861-867.—Broers (H. J.) Over chloroform-narcose bij banngen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht 1859-60, x, 1-12.—Brown (J. B.) Anaesthesia in mid- wifery. Lancet, Lond.. 1848, i, 98.—Brusca (Om) af Anaesthetica ved Fiidselshjaelpcn. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh I 1861 iv, 17(1-172.—Campbell. Quelques considerations sur 1 anesthesie obstetricale. Cong, period, internat. d. sc I m6d., Coinpt.-icnd., Geneve, 1878; 456-460.—Campbell Anaesthetics in obstetrics. (C.-J.) Memoire sur l'anesthesie obstetricale. J. detherap., Par., 1874, i, 81; 121. -----. Etude sur la tolerance anesthe- sique obstetricale. Ibid., 361; 414. Also, Reprint. Aho, transl.: Practitioner, Loud., 1874, xii, 351-361. -----. Dela narcose uterine directe pendant l'anesthesie obstetricale. J de th6rap., Par., 1877, iv, 561; 614.—Chailly-Honore. Des cas oil les inspirations d'ether et dc chloroforme peu- vent etie employees dans l'art des accouchements, et de ceux qui s'opposent k lour usage. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1853,xUv, 212; 351. Aho, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iii, 335-361.—Cban- ning (W.) A treatise on etherization in childbirth. Bost<«u M. & S. J., 1849, xxxix, 277. -----. Notes of dun- cult labors, in the second of which etherization by sul- phuric ether was successfuUy employed nineteen years ago. Ibid., 1852, xlvi, 113-117. -----. Cases of etheriza- tion in childbirth. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i, 27; 41.—Chedevergnc. De l'emploi du chloro- forme comme moyen de rendre la version possible dans les cas de retraction tetanique de l'uterus. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., Par., 1863, lxiv, 294-307.—Clark (D.) Anaesthe- tics in midwifery. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianapolis, 1871, 29-39.—Cook (A. B.) Anesthetization: its parturient agency. Transylv. M. J., Lexington, Ky., 1852-3, iv, 353- 372.—Corbett. Chloroform in nrdwifery. DubUn M. Press, 1853, xxix, 356.—Cory (J. B.) On the use of anaesthetics in midwifery. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, 1872, vi, 128-132.— Courty (A.) Emploi des anesthesiques pendant l'ac- couchement naturcl. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1878, xxv, 679; 709. Aho: Montpel. m6d., 1878, xii, 273-292.—Culbert- son (II.) Prize essay on the use of anaesthetics in obstetrics. Tr.OhioM. Soc, Cincin., 1862, xviii, 39-97. Aho, Reprint.— Deane (J.) Chloroform in midwifery. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 690-692.— Denham (J.) A report upon the use of chloroform in fifty-six cases of labour. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1849, viii, 107-142. Also, transl.: N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxx, 73-75.—Dubois (P.) De lap- plication de 1'inhaL^ion de l'ether aux accouchements. Union m6d., Par., 1847, i, 96.—Dufay. De l'emploi des anesthesiques dans la pratique obstetricale. Ibid., 1850, iv, 124.'—Dumontpallier. Anesthesie obstetricale. Ibid., 1878, 3. s., xxv, 645; 889; 902: xxvi, 73; 86; 97. -----. Contribution k l'administration du chloroforme dans l'accouchement k dose analgesiante uterine et peri- uterine. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1878, [xxvi], 97-100.—1> u roc her (M.. J. M.) Do emprego abusivo do chloroformio nos partos physiologicos. Ann. Brasil. do med., Rio de Jan., 1878, xxix, 442-448.—Elkington (F.) Cases illustrative of the application of chloroform in midwifery practice. Brit. Rec. Obst. M. Sc S., Man- chester, 1848, i, 216-220.—Ellis (R.) Compound anaesthe-. tics in midwifery. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 708.—Emploi du chloroforme dans l'accouchement. Abeille m6d., Mont- real, 1879, i, 12-25.—Escurdia (M.) Del uso de los anes- tesicos en el parto. Siglo med., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 372-374.— Paget (J. C.) On the medical treatment of natural labor and chloroform as a specific, or the art of alleviating pains during parturition. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1875, iii, 188-195.— Fassctt (O. F.) Anaesthetics in the practice of midwifery. Tr. VermontM. Soc, Burlington, 1870,114-123.—Faun tie- roy (A. M.) Chloroform in obstetrical practice. Tr. M. Soc.Virginia,Richmond, 1873,iv,89; 14.—Fischer. Einige wichtige geburtshUfliche Operationcn unter Anwendung der Chloroformnarcose. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1871, xxiv, 38-40.—Graham (J. N.) Chloroformi- zation in midwifery. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, 1857, xiv, 199-209.—dream (G. T.) Observations on anaesthesia in midwifery. Lancet, Lond., 1848, i, 228.— Onelmi(A.) Dell'anes'tesia, specialment nel parto. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1861, clxxvi, 513.— Halberstadt (A. H.) Anaesthesia in parturition. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1878, xii, pt. 1,110-115.—Marnier (A.) Ueber die Anwendung des Chloroforms in der Geburtshulfe. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1851, xxxi, 36-69.—Haskins (E. B.) Anesthesia in natural labor. West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle, 1850, 3. s., iv, 291-306.—Helfft. Ueber die Anwendung des Chloroforms in der Geburtshiilfe, haupt- sachUch in Betroff seines Einflusses auf die Muskelthatig- keit bei der Geburt, nebst Versuchen an Thieren. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1850, xxvui, 44-51. -----. Statistische Berichte uber die Wirksanikeit des Chloroforms beiEntbin- dungen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1854, iv, 191-196.—van Hen gel. Observation d'etherisation dans un cas d'accouchement double. Ann. Soc. demed. prat. dela prov. d' An vers, MaUnes, 1849, vii, 344-351.—Hcrvicux (E.) De l'anesthesie obstetricale. Union m6d., Par., 1878, 3.s xxvi, 297; 329; 341. -----. Ueber die Anwendung dea Chloroforms bei normalen Entbindungen (anesthesie ob- stetricale). "Wien. med. BI., 1878, i, 837; 860; 935.—Hil- dreth (C. C.) On chloroform and ergot in obstetric practice. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, U, 361-364. -----. Reply to the strictures of Dr. T. A. Reamy in a paper en- titled "Chloroform and ergot in obstetric practice". Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867. xvi, 21-26.—Hill (T.) The use of chloroform iu obstetrics. Richmond Sc LouisviUc M. J., Louisville, 1876, xxii, 497-503.—Hutcr (C. C.) Beobach- tungen iiber die Wirkungen des Chloroforms bei geburts- ANESTHETICS. 295 ANAGNOSTAK1S. Anaesthetics in obstetrics. hiilflichen Operationcn. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1850, xxvii, 321-391.—Inglis. Two cases of labour in which the tetrachloride of carbon was used. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. (1868-9). 1870, i, 49.—Kerr (T.) Chloroform in labor. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk. 1850, i, 296-298.—Kidd (C.) On the value of anaesthetic aid in midwifery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1860, U, 340-361.—Kricger. Die Anwendung des Aethers in der Geburtshulfe. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1848, iii, 228-248. -----. Ueber die Anwendung des Chloroform in der Geburtshiilfe. Ibid., 1855, viii, 138-177.—Laborie. De l'anesthesie dans les accouchements simples. Bull. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1854, iv, 560-570.—Lansdown (J. G.) On the use of ether in natural labor. Lancet, Lond.. 1847, i, 584.— Latimer (T. S.) Anaesthetics in midwifery. Tr. M. arties internes du corps humain, tant par rapport h leur position mutuelle, que par leur contact aux parois de cavite's ou elles se trouvent placets. [French and Dutch text.] Parts 1-5. 4° & fol. La Haye, 1818. Rist (J.) Abre"ge" m^thodique des principes d'anatomie et de chirurgie. fol. Strasbourg, 1767. Savage (H.) The anatomist: or, a complete description of the muscles, fasciae, etc. And of the arteries and nerves, with their central organs, the brain and heart. 32c. London, 1838. Schacher (P. G.) * De anatomica praecipua- rum partium administratione. 4°. Lipsice, 1710. Schiff (H.) Ontleedkundige afbeeldingen en tabellen. roy. 8°. [MSS.] Nijmegen, 1848-9. Schmidt (J. G.) * De difficili in observationes anatomicas epicrisi. 4°. Erlangce, [1771]. Schneider (M.) * Ueber den Zusammenhang der Chirurgie mit der Anatomie bei A. Cornelius Celsus. 8°. Miinchen, 1852. Senkeisen (C. G.) * De anatomise finibus ac studio. 4°. Lipsice, [1803]. Sperling (P. G.) Eundemque ad anatomen publicam cadaveris masculini officiose invitat. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1698]. Sturm (J. J. G.) Commentatio juridica de eo, quod justum est circa anatomiam. 4°. Rostochii, 1755. Tabula; anatomicas a celeberrimo pictore Petro Berrettino Cortonensi delineatae, et egregie aeri incisae nunc primum prodeunt, et a Cajetano Pe- trioli Romano . . . notis illustrata?. fol. Romce, 1741. Tassin (L.) Les administrations anatomiques, et la myologie. 3. ea". 18°. Paris, 1688. Tattersall (W.) A brief view of the anato- mical arguments for the doctrine of materialism; occasioned by Dr. Ferriar's argument against it. 8°. London, [n. d.] Wagner (G.) * De anatomes majori in chirur- fia quam medicina necessitate. 4°. Helmstadii, 1737]. Welsch (C. L.) & DE Muralto (J. C.) Com- Anatomy. pendiosam naturalis hominis status historiam. 4°. Basilece, [1692]. van Wynacker (J. J.) * De anatomia in ge- nere. 1788. In: Louvain diss., iv, 83. Zaaijer (T.) Het gewigt eener doelmatige ontleedkundige techniek. 8°. Leiden, 1866. Agnew (D. H.) Anatomy in its relations to medicine and surgery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1864, ii, 1; 21-7.— Antoiielli (G.) Prolusione al corso di anatomia umana nella It. university di Napoli. Morgagni, Napoli, 1872, xiv, 81-97.—Barth [et al.] Anatomie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, iv, 190-299.—Bell (C.) Anatomy and physiology. Lancet, Lond., 1834, i, 912; 962.—Boogaard (J. A.) De anatomisch-physiologische rigting in de heden- daagsche geneeskunde, uit de geschiedenis verklaard en geregtvaardigd. Ann. Acad. Neerl., Lugd.-Bat., 1871, 99- 120.—Buchanan (M. S.) On the advantages of classifi- cation in anatomv- Glasgow M. J., 1858-9, vi, 346-350.— Car us (C. G.) Von dem Unterschiede zwischen descrip- tiver, geschichtlicher, vergleichender und philosophischer Anatomie, von der Entwickelung dieser einzelnen Metho- den in vorschiedenen -Zeitaltern, und von der zweckmas- sigsten Aufeinanderfolge im Studium dieser verschiedenen Methoden. Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1826, iv, 1-30.— Concise (A) view of the heneflts of anatomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1843, xxviii, 16; 57; 72; 116; 197.—Foltz. La m6thode exp6rimentale en anatomie descriptive. Lyon med., 1876, xxii, 219-223.—Frblich (H.) TJeber den W~erth der Anatomie und ihrer Lehrmittel fur den Militar-Sani- tatsdienst. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1875, xvi, 49; 83.— Oeoffroy-Saiht-Hilaire. Sur quelques remarques de M. Rolando, concernant les principes de la philosophie anatomique. j. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1823, xvi, 147-153.—Qrenier (G.) L'etude sur I'anatomie. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1873, ii, 49-54.—Hughes (J. C.) Notes on anatomy. Iowa M. J., Keokuk, 1854, ii, 1-8.— Knox (R.) On the relation of anatomy to physiology and pathology: being a sequel to the "Life and labors of Xavier Bi'chat". Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 479.—Mid- dendorp (H. W.) De ontleedkunde de hoeksteen voor den tempel der geneeskunde. Ann. i cad. Neerl. (1870-1), Lugd.-Bat., 1875, 177-196.—Molina (M.) Discurso pro- nunciado en la sesion piiblica inual de 1867. (Anato- mia descriptiva normal de los organos.) Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1867, xiv, 91; 102; 115; 134.—Morris (H.) A lecture introductory to the course on anatomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 515.—Nott (J. C.) Influence of anatomy on the march of civilization. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1858, xv, 64-79.—Parvin (T.) Human dissection. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1875, xi, 75-89.—Practical anatomy. "West. Q. Reporter M., S., &Nat. Sc, Cincin., 1823, ii, 28.—Robin (C.) Anatomie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1849), Par., 1850, i, 59. -----. Rapports de l'histologie avec les autres branches de I'anatomie et avec la pathologie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv. 557; 561; 569. Also, Reprint.—Senfftle- ben (F. A.) TJeber die Nothwendigkeit und die Art des Vortrags einer Zurechtfindungs-Anatomie. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1840, xxix, 633-637.—Smith (N. R.) Classi- fication of anatomy and physiology. Am. M. Rev., Phila., 1825, ii, 131-136.—ITomo (L') e le sue strutture ossia anima e corpo. Ippocratico, Fano, 1866, 3. s., x, 529-546. Anatomy (Abnormities of). See, also, Deformities; Extremities (Abnormi- ties of); Fistula (Cervical); Foetus (Abnormities of); Microsomia; Monsters; Spina bifida; Viscera (Abnormities of); and under names of organs and regions. Beneke (F. W.) Die anatomischen Grundla- gen der Constitutionsanomalieen des Menschen. 8°. Marburg, 1878. Bertram (S.J.) *Deatretis. 4°. Jence, 1709. Crausius (K. W.) De varietate lusuum natu- ralium, speciatim in animalibus, et cum primis hominibus i et iii. 4°. Jence, [1705]. Denis (P.) Mdmoires sur trois genres differens de cas rares, dans l'ordre physiologico-patholo- gique. 8°. Paris, 1828. Foerster (A.) Die Missbildung des Menschen systematisch dargestellt. 2. Ausg. 4°. Jena, 1865. Kaltschmted (C. F.) ... de variis praaternatu- ralibus in sectione cadaveris inventis. 4°. Jence, [1751]. Leveling (H. P.) Observationes anatomicse rariores iconibus illustratse. 4°. Anglipoli, 1786. ANATOMY. 302 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Abnormities of). Orpen (C. II.) *De anatomia lusoria. 8°. Edinburgi, 1^13. Perls (M.) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Aeti- ologie und der Missbildungen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1879. Piccardi (M. F.) *Zwo anatomische und chirurgische Beobachtungen. 12°. Eopenhagen, [1776]. Pinkert (J. F.) * Do viscerum nexibus inso- litis. 4°. Helmstadii, [1743]. Probst (C. F.) *De mutatiouibus, priecipue nervorum et vasorum, quie in trunco dissecto fuint. 4°. Halis, [1832]. Vrolik (W.) Handboek der ziektekundige outleedkunde. 2 v. ^-. Amsterdam, 1840-2. de Wiebers (J. F.) * Nonnulla de prima forma- tione cohibita. rw. BeroUni, [1828], Adams (A. L.) On a few abnormalities and certain mor- bid conditions met with in recruita. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 506.—Allen. Supernumerary anterior extremity in a Brahmin bull. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1876, 143.— Bachhammcr (J.) Ueber einige Varicliitcn des niensch- lichen Korpers. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1879, 139-166, 1 pi.—Ballay. Diversiles anato- miques. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758. viii, 443-449.—Bankart (J.), Pye-Smith (P. H.), & Phil- lips (J. J.) Notes of abnormalities observed in the dis- secting room during the winter sessions of 1866-7 and 1867-8. (iuy'sHosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, 3. 8., xiv, 436-455.—Barth. Anomalie de d6veloppement de l'utriculo prostatique; per- sistance de l'organe de Miiller du cote droit, en forme de poche diverticulaire passant sous la vessie; soulfevement oe la muqueuse vesicale formant valvule (r6tention d'urine); dilatation eons6cutive. des ureteres et hydronephrose dou- ble. Progres med.. Par., 1879, vii, 266.—Belly nek (A.) Les anomalies chez I'homme et chez les animaux. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. . . . de Belg., Brux., 1870, ii, 439-455.— Beneke (F. "W.) Die anatomischen Grundlagen der Con- stitutions-Anomalien des Menschen. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kin- derh., Berl., 1878, i, 117-119.—Bierlingius (C. T.) Varia in cadavere quoclam observata. In his: Adversariorum curiosorum centuria prima, Jenae, 1679, 55.—Blair (A.) Three cases of congenital malformations. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc., 1875, iii, 136.—von Buhl. Transposition sammt- lichcr Eingeweide, Steuose des Conus arteriosus pulmona- Us, Defekt des Septum ventriculorum, Verlauf der Aorta links an der Wirbelsiiule. Mitth. a. d. Path. Inst, zu Miinchen, Stuttg., 1878, 311-324, 3 pi.—Calori (L.) DeUe anomalie piu importanti di ossa, vasi, nervi, e muscoli occorse nell'ultimo biennio facendo anatomia del corpo umano. Mem. Accad. cl. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1868, 2. s., viii, 417-482, 9 pi.—Courty (A.) Des eubstitutions orga- niques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 880; 900; 999; 1018.—Cummenus (A. H.) De variis in anatome viri notabilibus. Misc. Acad. Nat. Cuiios. (1672), Lips, et Francof., 1681, iii, 161.—Davies-Colley (N.), Taylor (F.), Sc Balton(B. N.) Notesof abnormalities observed in the dissecting room from October, 1870, to June, 1872. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, 3. s., xviii, 389-399.—Dubrucil. Compte rendu des travaux anatomiques do l'6cole pratique pendant l'hiver 1826-7. fiphem. med. de Montpel., 1827, v, 55-87.-----. Indication de quelques vari6t6s anatomiques, relatives aux muscles et aux arteres, observees k l'ecole ' pratique de la facult6 de MontpelUer. Ibid., 1828, viii, 29; 93.—Flciscbmann. Bildungshemraung. Repert. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1843, vi, 49.—Flesch (M.) Varietaten-Be- obachtungen aus dem Prapaiir-Saal zu Wiirzburg in der Zeit vom 1. Februar 1874bis 1. April 1875. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in "Wiirzb., 1876, x, 25-62,1 pi. Aho, Reprint.— -----. The same. In den Winter-Semestern 1875-6 und 1876-7. Ibid., 1879, n. F., xiii, 233-268, 1 pi.—Geloso. AnomaUc osservate su di un cadavere. Gior. di med., farm. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1874, xxii, 28-30.—Oiovanardi. Anomalie, anatomiche. SpaUanzani, Modena, 1878, 2. s., vii, 218-220.—Oruber (W.) Seltene Beobachtungen aua dem Gebiete der menschUchen Anatomie. Arch. 1. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1848, 412-433, 2 pis. -----. Enorm entwickelter Arcus tendineus und anomale Tasche der Fascia pelvis. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1869, sv, 699. -----. Anatomische Notizcn. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 227; 397, 3 pi.—Hal- bcrtsnia (H. J.) Anatomische Notizen. Contents:—1. Musculus gastrocnemius triceps. 2. Musculus pyriformis fossis. 3. Musculus supinator brevis accessorius. 4. Vena cava superior sinistra. [From: Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk., Amst., Deelxiii, Stuk 3.] Arch. f. d. HoUand. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. HeUk., Utrecht, 1861-4, iii, 233-239.—Han»on. En anthropologisk Ma-rkveerdighed. Eyr, Christiania, 1826, i, 344-347.—Harting (P.) Sur - une asymetrie du squelette humain se transmettant h6re- Anatomy (Abnormities of). ditairement. Arch, necrl. cl. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1809, iv, 44-54.—Hellema (D.) Ecnigc ontlcedkunchgo afwijkingen, waargenomen in de sectiezaal van het Marine- Hospitaal te WiUemsoord. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zce- niagt, Gravenh., 1807, v, 40-44.—Helmcr (A. M.) [Cases.] Anatomical abnormities. Penins. Sc Indep. M. J., Detroit, 1858-9, i, 100.—Heyfelder. ZweiBildungsfebler. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz., 1833, u, 206-208.— Holzboog. TJeber die Fissuren der harten und weichen Theile des menschlichen Korpers und deren Behandlung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 31; 44; 57; 68; 91; 103; 127.—Huber (J. J.) Observatio anatomica. Acta Ilelvet., Basilcx, 1758, iii, 249-254.—Hudson (L. E.) Anatomical oddities. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1876, xix, 315-317.—Isenflamm (II. F.) Angeborene Indi- vidualitaten. In his: Anat. Untersuchungen, 8°, Erlangen, 1822, 67-94.—J ackson (J. B. S.) Peculiar form of spina bifida, with imperforation of the duodenum and rectum. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve, 1859, iii, suppl., 173-178.— Joseph (G.) Angeborene und erworbene Bildungsabwei- chungen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1857, viu, 176-188.— Knox (R.) On some varieties in human structure, with remarks on the doctrine of '' unity of organization". Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, ii, 499-529.—Lachi (P.) Di alcune variety anatomiche. Imparziale, Firenze, 1879, xix, 344-300.— Loirnc (B. T.) Abstract of three lectures on teratology. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 242-244.—MacAlister (A.) On some points in anomalous anatomy. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, un, 325; 413. -----. Notes on anomalous ana- tomy. Ibid., liv, 455. Also: Mecl. Press Sc Circ, Dubl., 1866, ii, 94. -----. Cases of anomaUes in anatomical struc- ture. Ibid., 1867, Ui, 78-80. -----. Anatomical notes. Ibid., 1868, iii, 304. -----. The bearing of anomalous ana- tomy on the evolution theory of tho origin of man. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1872, Uii, 192-198.—Mayer (C.) Beschreibung eines Sinus pterygoideus unci Sinus jugalis vom Menschen. Org. f. d. ges. neilk., Bonn, 1840-1, i, 114-121,1 pi.—Morel. Diversities anatomiques. Rec. period, d'obs. de med.. Par., 1757, vii, 432-441.—Mullera (N. F.) Anatomo-phiziolo- gicheskija osobennosti dietskago organizma. [Abnormities of infantile organism.] Moskov. med. gaz., 1878, xxi, 909; 933; 957; 981.—Panunt (P. L.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der physiologischen Bcdeutung der angebornen Missbil- dnnnen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, ii, 7. F., 69, 2 pi.; 165: 289. —von Patruban (C. E.) Seltenere anatomische Beobachtungi n. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, "Wien, 1844, xlviii, 12-25, 2 pi.— Pcrret. Ana- tomic anormalc. Lvonm6d., 1876, xxi, 434; 474; 622: xxii, 20; 91; 123.—Pyc-Simith, Howse (H. (>.), Sc Davics- Colley (J. N. C.) Notes of abnormalities observed in the dissecting room during the winter s ssions of 1868-9 and 1869-70. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, 3. s., xvi, 147-163, I pi.—Roberts (F. T.) Anatomical peculiarities observed during the winter session, 18G0-7. Liverpool M. & S. Rep., 1867, i, 53-60.—Saxtorph (M.) Ueber einige Seltenheiten und Missgestaltungen am Menschen. In hh: Ges. Schrift, geburtsh. Kopenh., 1804, 468-487.—Shepherd (F. J.) Notes of abnormalities. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1870-7, v, 49-53. -----. Notes of abnoi-maUtics observed in the dissecting room of McGill University. Ibid., 529-536.— Spillmann. Transposition des organes. Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 402.—Strobe! (B. B.) Anatomical anomalies. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1837, i, 525-528, 1 pi.—Trinquier (V.) De la forme normale; comment clle s'altero pour constituer la difformite; par quels moyens peut-on pr6venir celle-ci? Gaz. m6d. de Montpel., 1843-4, iv, 145; 161.—Tiingel (C.) Einige ungewohnUche ana- tomische Varietaten. KUn. Mitth. v. cl. med. Abth. d. aUg. Krankenh. in Hamburg, 1862, 155-159.—Virchow (H.) & Kolliker (T.) Varietatcn-Beobachtungen aua dem Praparirsaale zu "Wiirzburg im "Winter-Semester 1877-8. Verhandl. d. phvs.-med. GeseUsch. in Wiirzb., 1879, n. F., xiii, 269-284.—Wagstaffe ("W. "W.) Sc Beid (R. W.) Anatomical variations. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1875, vi, 75-95: 1876, vii, 237-243: 1878, vui, 269-279. Anatomy (Artistic). See, also, Body (Human); Anthropometry. Allen (H.) An analysis of the life-form in art. 4°. Philadelphia, 1875. Bertin atti (F.) Elementi di anatomia fisio- logica applicata alle belle arti figurative. 2 v. 8°. Atlas, fol. Torino, 1837. Camper (P.) The works of the late Professor Camper, on the connexion between the science of anatomy and the arts of drawing, painting, statuary, etc. Translated from the Dutch by T. Cogan. Illustrated. 4°. London, 1794. Delestre (J. B.) Etudes des passions appli- ques aux beaux-arts. 8°. Paris, 1833. Du Tertre. Planches anatomiques k l'usage des jeunes gens qui se destinent k l'etude de la ANATOMY. 303 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Artistic). chirurgie, de la mddecine, de la peinture et de la sculpture. 2. 6d. 4°. Paris, 1823. Exposition exacte ou tableaux anatomiques en taille-douces des differentes parties du corps humain . . . par les soins de Francois-Michel Disdier . . . Le tout execute" par Etienne Char- pentier, graveur anatomiste. fol. Paris, 1758. Fau(J.) Anatomie des formes du corps hu- «■ main k l'usage des peintres et des sculpteurs, avec un atlas. 2. 6d. 8° & 4°. Paris, 1865-6. Gerdy (P. N.) Anatomie des formes ext£rieures du corps humain, appliquee a la peinture, k la sculpture et k la chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1829. Harless (E.) Lehrbuch der plastischen Ana- tomie. 2 v. 8°. Stuttgart, 1853. -----. The same. Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. R. Hart- mann. 2. Aufl. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1876. Knox (R.) A manual of artistic anatomy, for ' the use of sculptors, painters, and amateurs. 8J. London, 1852. Lami(A.) Anatomie artistique. Myologie su- perficielle du corps humain. fol. Paris, 1861. Lavater (J. H.) Introduction to the study of the anatomy of the human body; particularly - designed for the use of painters, sculptors, and artists in general. [Translated from the German. ] 8°. London, 1824. Marshall (J.) Anatomy for artists. Illus- - trated by two hundred original drawings by J. S. Cuthbert. roy. 8°. London, 1878. del Medico (G.) Anatomia per uso dei pittori e scultori. fol. Roma, 1811. Miller (J.) An introductory lecture on pic- torial anatomy, delivered to the students of the school of design of the honorable the commis- sioners of the board of trustees for the encourage- ment of Scottish manufactures. 8°. Edinburgh, 1842. Muckley (W. J.) The student's manual of artistic anatomy, with twenty-five plates. 8°. London, 1878. Sabattini(G.) Tavole anatomiche. fol. Bo- logna, 1814. Schmidt (C.) Wegweiser fiir das Verstandniss der Anatomie beim Zeichnen nach der Natur und s der Antike. 8°. Tubingen, 1874. Tortebat (F.) Abr^ge" d'anatomie, accommode" aux arts de peinture et de sculpture, et mis dans un ordre nouveau, dont la mdthode est tres-facile, et d6barasse~e de toutes les difficultez et choses inutiles, qui out toujours este un grand obstacle aux peintres, pour arriver a la perfection de leur art. fol. Paris, 1667. Valverde (G.) Anatomia del corpo humano composta M. Giovan Valverde di Hamusco, et dai luy con motte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata. fol. Roma, 1560. -----. The same. Transl. into Dutch, fol. Antwerp, 1568. -----. The same. Transl. into Latin by M. Columbo. fol. Venetiis, 1589. Wheeler (J. A.) Handbook of anatomy, for students of the fine arts. 12°. London, [n. d.] de Wit (J.) Teekenboek der proportien van't menschelyke lighaam, geinventeerd en geteekend door ... en in 't kooper gebragt door Jan Puut. [Text Dutch and French.] fol. Amsterdam, 1747. Alcock (J. R.) On the use of the fine arts, as sub- servient to the medical. Lond. M. Reposit., 1827, xxviU, 199-207.—Dechambre (A.) Anatomie des beaux-arts. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, iv, 231-250.—Knox. On the supposed advantages of a knowledge of anatomy to the artist. Med. Times, fond., 1845, xii, 264; 285.—More- jon (A. H.) Noticia de las estatuas anatdmicas de sedas del aragones Tabar, medico que fue del Senor Felipe II, rev de Espana. Decadas de med. y cirug. prat., Madrid, 1821, ii, 3-16. Anatomy (Comparative). See, also, Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, etc.): Arteries; Bones (Anatomy, Comparatiee, of); Embryology; Evolution; Locomotion; Mor- phology; Physiology(Comparafive); Zoology; and under names of animals and of organs. Albinus (B. S.) *De anatome comparata. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1719. Allen (H.) Outlines of comparative anatomy and medical zoology. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. [Azzoguid (G.)] Compendio de discorsi che si tengono nella regia University di Bologna dalla cattedra di fisiologia, e di notomia comparata. 8°. Bologna, 1808. Barkow(H. C. L.) Comparative Morphologie des Menschen und der menschenahnlicheu Thiere. 6 v. imp. fol. Breslau u. Greifswald, 1862-75. Blasius (G.) Anatome animalium, terrestrium variorum, volatilium, aquatilium, serpentum, in- sectorum, ovorumque, structuram naturalem ex veterum, recentiorum, propriisque observationi- bus proponens. 4°. Amstelod., 1681. Blumenbach (J. F.) Handbuch der verglei- chenden Anatomie. 12°. Gottingen, 1805. -----. Manual of comparative anatomy, translated from the German, with additional notes by Wm. Lawrence. 2. ed., revised and augmented, by William Coulson. 8°. London, 1827. Bradley (S. M.) Manual of comparative anatomy and physiology. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1875. Cartjs (C. G.) An introduction to the com- parative anatomy of animals. [Translated from the German by R. T. Gore.] 2 v. 8°. London, 1827. -----. Traite" e"le"mentaire d'anatomie com- parde, suivi de recherehes d'anatomie phUoso- phique ou transcendante . . . Trad, do l'AUe- mand, sur la 2. e"d., par A.-J.-L. Jourdan. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1835. -----. Atlas d'anatomie compared. Trad, de l'Allemand, sur la 2. 6d., par A.-J.-L. Jourdan. fol. Bruxelles, 1836. Chauveau (A.) The comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1873. Ctjvier (G.) Legons d'anatomie compared. Recueillies et publides sous ses yeux par C. Du- meril. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1805. Doellinger (I.) * Ueber den Werth und die Bedeutuug der vergleichenden Anatomie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1814. Duvernoy (G. L.) Esquisse d'une revue ge"- n^rale de 1'organisation et des fonctions des ani- maux. [Ext. du Diet. univ. d'hist. naturelle.] 8°. Paris, 1840. Edwards (H. M.) Lecons sur la physiologie et I'anatomie compar6e de I'homme et des ani- maux. 8°. Paris, 1857-63. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1874. Essay (An) on comparative anatomy. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1782. Evers (P.) The student's compendium of com- parative anatomy. b°. Philadelphia, 1839. Falke (I. E. L.) Die Anatomie und Physio- logie der nutzbaren Hausthiere in ihrer prakti- schen Verbindung mit der Pathologie. 8°. Leipzig, 1852. Franque (H.) Amiae calvaB anatomiam de- scripsit tabulaque illustravit. fol. Berolini, 1847. Gamgee (J.) & Law (J.) General and de- scriptive anatomy of the domestic animals. Illus- trated. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1861-2. ANATOMY. 304 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Comparative). GegenhaVr ( C. ) Grundziige der verglei- chenden Anatomie. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. -----. Elements of comparative anatomy. Translated by F. Jeffrey Bell. The translation revised and a preface written by E. Ray Lankes- ter. £~. London, 1878. -----. Grundriss der vergleichenden Anato- mie. 2. Aufl. r^. Leipzig, 1878. Giraldes (J.-A.-C.) Du degr<5 d'utilit6 de 1'auatomio comparde dans l'etude de I'anatomie humaine. 4°. Paris, 1846. Grant (R. E.) Outlines of comparative ana- tomy. 8°. London, 1841. Gruber (W.) Menschlichos Analogon der thierischen Vagina Nervi trigemini ossea am Felsenbeine. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1859. Also, transl., in: Mem. biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Pe- tersb., 7. 8., i, no. 4. Gurlt (E. F.) Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Haus-Siiugethiere. Neu bearbeitet von A. G. T. Leisering und C. Mueller. 5. ed. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Harwood (B.) *A system of comparative anatomy and physiology, v. 1. 4°. Cambridge, van der Hoe ven (I.) Do vera anatomes com- parata) indole. 8°. Lugd. Batav. et Amstelodami, 1848. Hollard (H.) Precis d'anatomie compare'e ou tableau de I'organisation considered dans l'en- seinble de la sene animale. 8°. Paris, 1837. Home (E.) Lectures on comparative anatomy, in which are explained tho preparations in the Hunterian collection. In 4 vols, and 2 supple- mentary vols. 4°. London, 1814-28. Huxley (T. H.) Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy. 8°. London, 1864. -----. A manual of the anatomy of verte- brated animals. 8°. London, 1871. Kidd (J.) An introductory lecture to a course in comparative anatomy, illustrative of Paley's natural theology. 8°. Oxford, 1824. Kolb (C.) Grundriss der vergleichenden Ana- tomic, nebst systematischer Uebersicht des Thier- reichs und einer einleitenden Entwicklungsge- schichte. 12°. Stuttgart, 1854. Kuhl (H.) Beitrage zur Zoologie und ver- gleichenden Anatomie. 1. uud 2. Abth. 4C. Frankfurt a. M., 1820. Lawrence ( W.) An introduction to compara- tive anatomy and physiology. 8°. London, 1816. Ley (F. A. ) Handbuch der Anatomie der Hausthiere. Mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung des Pferdes. Zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen und zu eigener Belehrung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1859. Ludwig (C. F.) Historia; anatomise et physi- ologic comparantis brevis expositio. 4°. Lipsice, [1787]. Meckel (J.-F.) Traite" g6neral d'anatomie compare'e. Traduit par M. M. Riester et Sanson. 6 v. 8°. Paris, 1828. Nuhn (A.) Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Ana- tomie. 8°. Heidelberg, 1875. Owen (R.) Lectures on the comparative ana- tomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. 8°. London, 1843. -----. On the anatomy of vertebrates. 3 v. 8°. London, 1866-8. Rueff (A.) Ueber Bau und Verrichtungen dea Korpers unserer Hausthiere. 2. Aufl. (^°. Stutt- gart, 1859. Rush (H. W.) A lecture, introductory to the science of comparative anatomy. 8°. London, 1835. Schmidt (E. O.) Handbuch der vergleichen- den Anatomie. 5. Aufl. 8J. Jena, I860. Anatomy (Comparative). Schultze (C. A. S.) Systematisches Lehrbuch dor vergleichenden Anatomie. 1. Abth. 8°. Berlin, 1828. Serres [E\ R. A.] Anatomie compar6e tran- scendante. Principes d'embryogenie, do zoog6- nie, et de teratogenic. 4°. Paris, 1859. von Siebold (C. T.) & Stannius (H.) Com- parative anatomy. Translated and edited by W. I. Burnett. 8°. Boston, 1854. Strasser (H.) # liber die Luftsacke der Vo- gel. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. Valentini (M. B.) Amphitheatrum zootomi- cum tabulis aeneis quamplurimis exhibens histo- rian! animalium anatomicam. fol. Francofurti ad M., 1720. Wagner (R.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. 8°. Leipzig, 1843-7. -----. Elements of the comparative anatomy ! of the vertebrate animals. Edited from the Ger- man by A. Tulk. 8°. New York, 1845. Ward (M. A.) Outlines of zoology and com- parative anatomy. 12°. Dublin, 1874. Weber (M. I.) De doctrina anatomise com- paratre singularum corporis humani partium, novo anatomicarum doctrinarum genere. 4°. 1 Bounce, 1848. Will (J. G. F.) De ratione et methodo anato- mia? comparative commentatio. 4°. Erlangce, 1841. Alquic (A.) Discours d'ouverture du cours d'ana- tomie fait k la facult6. Comparaison de I'homme et des animaux, d'apres la doctrine m6dicale de l'6cole de Mont- pellier. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1846-7. vu, 129.—Bon. nifay. Coup d'ceil sur l'bistoire de I'anatomie compa- rde. AbeiUe m&L, Par., 1863, xx, 19; 35.—Carruccio (A.) Sinossi deUe lezioni di anatomia e fisiologia com- parata. SpaUanzani, Modena, 1876, xiv, 31; 115; 212; 289.— Comparative anatomy as a mode of force. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 41.—fours (E.) Antero-poste- rior svmmetrv, 'with special reference to the muscles of the limbs. Med. Rec, N. T., 1870, v, 149; 193; 222; 272; 297; 370; 390; 438.—Flower (W. H.) Introduc- tory lecture to the course of comparative anatomy at the i Royal CoUege of Surgeons of England, 1870. Ibid., 1870, i, 195-200. Aho, Reprint.—Grant (R. E.) Lectures on comparative anatomy and animal physiology. Lancet, Lond., 1833-4, passim.—Havn. tJeber den Werth der vergleichenden Anatomic und uber ihre Beziehung zu den verwandten Doctrinen. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1823, viii, 20-37.—van der Hoeven (J.) Over den aard en het doel der vergelijkcnde ontlcedkunde, en over hare hulpmiddelen te Leiden. Nederl. Tiidschr.v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, i, 657-665.—Huxley (T. H.) Hunterian lec- tures on the anatomy of the vertebrata. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 187; 210; 236; 257; 279; 305: 326; 350; 375; 399; 420; 445; 466; 490; 516; 540; 566; 589.—Introductory lecture to the science of comparative anatomy. Lond. M. & S. J., 1835, vii, 774-782.— Lombardini (L.) DeU'insegna- mento zoojatrico in Italia. Gior. di anat., fisiol. e patol. d. animaU, Pisa, 1870, U, 1-14.— Panceri (P.) Prelezione al corso di anatomia compurata. Ann. univ. di mecl., Milano, 1861, clxxvi, 268.—Parker (S. L.) Lectures on compara- tive anatomy as illustrative of general and human physi- ology. London M. Gaz., 1830-1, vii, 1; 65; 97; 129; i61: 225; 289; 353; 449; 513; 577; 705.—Segond (L.-A.) Con- siderations generates sur l'anacomie comparee. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 196-199. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. (1849), Par., 1850, i, pt. 2, 81-90. -----. Examen his- torique do la methode suivie jusqu'k ce jour dans letudede I'organisation des animaux et exposition d'un plan defmitif d'anatomie humaine. Ibid., 13-32. -----. Recherehes com- paratives sur les caracteres essentiels des vertebres dans la classe des mammiferes, etablissant l'existence de cinq types concrets: I'homme, le lion, le cheval, lo dauphin et l'echidn6. Ibid. (1862), Par., 1863, 3. s., iv, 101-103. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). See, also, Embryology; Extremities; Histo- logy; Man (Origin of); Medicine (Veterinary); Surgery (Essays, etc., on); under names of ani- mals, e. g., Ape, Dog, Elephant, Frog, Horse, fVhale, etc.; of organs, e. g., Arteries, Bloodvessels, Bones Ear, Eye, Genitals, Lungs, Muscles, Nervous system, j Nose, Viscera, etc.; and of regions, e. g., Abdomen, ; Chest, Cranium, Groin, Head, Neck, Perineum, etc. ANATOMY. 305 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). Adolphus (D.) * Anatomico-medicse miscella- nea}. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1730], Albinus (B. S.) Academicarum annotationum libri viii. 2 v. 4°. Leidce, 1754-68. Anonymi introductio anatomica, Gr. et Lat. Item, Hypatus, De partibus corporis, Gr. et Lat. Cum notis Dan. W. Trilleri et Jo. Steph. Bernard. Accedunt figurae anatomica? cum explicatione Graeca. Nunc primum ex codice MS. biblioth. Leidensis editae. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1744. Baglivius (G.) *De observationibus anato- micis, et practicis varii argumenti. 12°. Lug- dunus in Batavis, 1704. Barkow (H. C. L.) Anatomische Abhandlun- gen. 4°. Breslau, 1851. Bartholinus (C.) Institutiones anatomicae novis recentiorum opinionibus et observationibus, quarum innumerae hactenus editae non sunt, figu- ris ab Thoma Bartholino. 12°. Lugd. Batav., 1645. ----- filius. * Positiones anatomicae. 4°. Hafnice, 1678. Bartholinus (T.) De anatome practica, ex ca- daveribus morbosis adornanda consilium, cum operum auctoris hactenus editorum catalogo. 4°. Hafnice, 1674. Bate (C. S.) On the homologies of the cara- pace and on the structure and function of the antennae in Crustacea. 8°. [From Ann. &. Mag. Nat. Hist., July, 1855.] London, 1855. Bayfield (R.) Exercitationes anatomicae. Ed. 2a. 2 pts. in 1 v. 16°. Londini, 1668. Beger (H.) *Additamenta in anatomen com- paratam arvicolce amjjhibii Lac. et arvicolce arva- lis Lac. 8°. Halis, 1867. Beitraege zur Anatomie und Physiologie als Festgabe an Carl Ludwig. Zum 15. October 1874 gewidmet von seinen Schuelern. 2 pts. in 1 v. 4°. Leipzig, 1874. Bellingeri (C. F.) Sulla struttura e posizione degli organi dell'udito e della vista, nei principali generi mammiferi. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Bellinus (L.) Exercitationes anatomicae duse de structura et usu renum ut et de gustus organo novissime deprehenso. 4°. Lugd. Batavu, 1711. -----. Discorsi di anatomia. Colla prefazi- oni di Antonio Cocchi. 3 pts. in 2 v. 8°. Firenze, 1741-4. Bergerus (G. B.) * Observationes de homine selectae. 4°. Vitembergce, 1722. Bert (P.) Notes d'anatomie et de physiologie comparers. lre s6rie. 8°. Paris, 1867. Bidloo (G.) Exercitationum anatomico-chi- rurgicarum decades duae. [With appendix: "Dis- sertationes anatomico-physiologicae quatuor."] 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1708. de Bils (L.) Responsio ad admonitiones Joh. ab Home, ut et ad animadversiones P. Barbette, interprete G. Buenio. 4°. Roterodami, 1661. -----. Specimina anatomica, cum virorum epistolis aliquot et testimoniis. Interprete G. Buenio. 4°. Roterodami, 1661. Biumi (F.) Observationes anatomicae, scholiis illustratae. 4°. Mediolani, 1765. Blasius (G.) Miscellanea anatomica, hominis, brutorumque variorum, fabricam di versam inagn& parte exhibentia. 16°. Amstelodami, 1673. -----. Observata anatomico practica in ho- mine, simia, equo, [etc.] Accedunt extraordina- ria in homine reperta. 16c. Lugd. Batav. et Am- stelodam., 1674. -----. Zootomiae seu anatomes variorum ani- malium pars prima. 16°. Amstelodami, 1676. Bleuland (J.) De fabrica et functionibus corporis humani ex animantium brutorum ex- 20 Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). amine et dissectione prudenter illustrandis. Oratio. roy. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhen um, 1796. -----. Otium academicum, continens descrip- tionem speciminum nonnullarum partium corpo- ris humani et animalium subtilioris anatomije ope in physiologicum usum praeparatuni. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1828. Bohlius (J. C.) Dissertatio epistolica, ad . . . Fredericum Ruyschium, de usu novarum cavae propaginum in systemate chylopceo, ut et de cor- ticis cerebri textura. 4°. Amstelodami, 1727. Bound with: Euyschius (F.) Thesaurus animalium pri- mus'. 4°. Amst., 1725. Bojanus (L. H.) Sendschreiben an M. le Chev. G. de Cuvier . . . iiber die Athem- und Kreislaufwerkzeuge der zweischaaligen Muscheln insbesondere des Anodon Cygneum. 4°. [n.p.], 1818. -----. Anatome' testudinis Europeae indaga- vit, depinxit, commentatus est. fol. Vilncs, 1819-21. Bose (E. G.) . . . de fabrica vasculosa vege- tabili et animali. 4°. Lipsice, 1783. -----. Viri cadaver publico in theatro anato- mico incidendum et exercitationes splanchnologi- cas indicit. 4°. Lipsice, [n. d.] Braeutigam (F.) * Einige zoologisch-zooto- mische Beitrage zur Walthierkunde. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Breschet (G.) Histoire anatomique et physi- ologique d'un organe de nature vasculaire, d6- couvert dans les c6tace"s, suivie de quelques con- siderations sur la respiration de ces animaux et des amphibies. 4°. Paris, 1836. Brotz(J.)&Wagenmann(C.A.) *Deamphi- biorum hepate, liene ac pancreate observationes zootomicae. 4°. Friburgi Brisgoiorum, 1838. Bruns (J. C.) * . . . observationes quasdam anatomicas et chirurgico-medicas. Gottingce, 1760. In: Sandifort diss., v. 3. Bugayski (S. J.) *De partium corporis hu- mani solidarum similarium aberrationibus. 4°. Berolini, 1813. Bugnion (E.) Recherehes sur les organes sensi- tifs qui se trouvent dans l'e"piderme du protee et de l'axolotl. 8°. Lausanne, 1873. Also, in: BuU. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1874, xii, 259-316. Caldanus (L. M. A.) Commentationes acade- micae medicinales praesertim anatomiam spec- tantes fasciculus primus. 12°. Gottingce et Lip- sice, 1799. Canani (G. B.) Scoperti anatomiche, illus- trate, ed arricchite di diverse notizie spettanti alia vita di lui e d'altri celebri professori ed ana- tomiciFerraresidaN. Zaffarini. 8°. Ferrara, 1809. Cardan (J.) De humana compositione. In his: Opera omnia, Lugduni, 1663, ix, 492-496. Carpenter (W. B.) General results of micro- scopic inquiries into the minute structure of the skeletons of mollusca, Crustacea and echinoder- mata. [From Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Dec, 1843.] 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Cocchi (A.) Dell'anatomia. Discorso primo, sopra Asclepiade. sm. 4°. Firenze, 1745. Crouillebois (A.) * Etude historique et cri- tique sur I'anatomie des cavite"s closes naturelles du corps humain. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Cusset(J.) * Etude sur l'appareil branchial des vert6bre"s et quelques affections qui en deri- vent chez I'homme (nstules branchials, kystes branchiaux, kystes dermoides). 4°. Paris, [n. d. ] Cuvier (G.) Recherehes sur les ossemens fos- siles. Nouv. 6d. 5 v. in 7. 4°. Paris, 1821-4. Davy (J.) Researches, physiological and ana- tomical. Illustrated. 2 v. 8°. London, 1839. ANATOMY. 306 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. Defermon(I.-C.) 'Propositions sur quelques points d'anatomie. 4°. Paris, 1821. Deville (J.-C.-A.-E.) * Propositions d'anato- mie et de pathologie. 4°. Paris, 1847. Dieiil (J. L.) Anatomischer Atlas der gericht- licheu Praxis. Zum Gebrauche bei Legalunter- suchungen fiir Aerzte und Richter. fol. Heidel- berg, 1839. Douglas (J.) Myographies comparatae speci- men: or, a comparative description of all the muscles in a man, and in a quadruped. A new edition. To which is now added, an account of the blood-vessels and nerves. 8°. Edinburgh, 1775. Drelin'curtius (C.) Prududium anatomicum. In hh: Opusc. med., 8°, Hagse Comitum, 1727,167-200. Duverney. CEuvrcs anatomiques. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1761. Eckiiakd (C.) Beitriige zur Anatomie und Physiologie. Bd. 1-6 in 2 v. 4°. Giessen, 1858-71. -----. The same. Hft. 1-2, Bd. 7; Hft. 1-2, Bd. 8. 4°. Giessen, 1874-7. Erdl (M.) * De pisciuin glandula choroideali. 4°. Monachii, 1839. -----. *De helicis Algirae varis sanguiferis. 8°. Monachii, 1840. Eschenbach (C. E.) Observata quaedam ana- tomico-chirurgico-medica rariora et continuatio. 4°. Rostochii, 1753-5. Eustachius (B.) Opuscula anatomica. De renum structura. Do auditus organis. Examen ossium. De motu capitis. De vena, etc., et de dentibus. Ed: 2». 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1707. -----. The same. Ed. 3«. Delphis, 1726. Fabricius (H.) Tractatus anatomicus triplex, quorum primus de oculo»yisus/ secundus de aure. auditus organo, tertius uVlaringejVOcis«admiran- dam tradit Mstoriam .actiones utilitaxes. fol. Francofurti a. M., 1614\ Fabricius (P. C.) Nonnullas observationes anatomicas. 4°. Helmstadii, 1751. -----. Pr. academicum quo observationes nonnullas anatomicas nuperis sectionibus col- lectas recensere pergit. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, 1754. Fabricius ab Aquapendente (H.) Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica . . . cum prae- fatione J. Bohnii. fol. Lipsice, 168f. Fallopius (G.) Observationes anatomicae. 12°. Venet., 1561. Also, in his: Opera omnia, Francof., 1584, 398-482; orig. ed., 8°, Venet., 1561. -----. Lectiones de partibus similaribus hu- mani corporis, ex diversis exemplaribus a Vol- chero Coiter summa cum diligentia collectae. His accessere diversorum animalium sceletorum explicationes iconibus illustratae, autore eodem Volchero Coiter. fol. Noribergce, 1575. -----. Opera omnia in unum congesta. 2 v. & app. in 1 vol. fol. Francofurti, 1600-6. -----. Opera genuina omnia. 3 v. fol. Ve- net., 1606. -----. Fasciculus dissertationum anatomico- medicarum. 8°. Amstelcedami, 1764. Faselius (J. F.) De causis nexibilitatis parti- um solidarum corporis humani. 4°. Jence, 1763. -----. * De vasis corporis animalis aereis. 4°. Jence, 1763. -----. * . . . invitatorium ii de vasis cor- poris animalis aereis. sm. 4°. Jence, 1764. -----. The same. sm. 4°. Jcnas, 1765. Flourens (P.) M6moires d'anatomie et de physiologie compares, contenant des recherehes sur—1°, les lois de la syme'trie dans le regne ani- mal ; 2°, le m^canisme de la rumination; 3°, le m6canisme de la respiration des poissons; 4°, et les rapports des extre^nite's ant6rieures et poste- Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). lieures dans I'homme, les quadrupedes et lea oiseaux. 4°. Paris, 1844. Fludd (R.) Anatomise amphitheatrum effigie triplici, more et conditione varia, designatum. [Second title: Sectionis prima} portio tertia, de auatomia triplici. Also: Monochordum mundi syinphoniacum seu replicatio ad apologiam Joau- liis Kepleri. fol. Francofurti, 1623. Fontana (F.) Anatomische Bemerkungen. Ital. med.-chir. Biblioth., Leipz., 1796, ii, St. 2, 89-93. Transl. from: Gior. fis. med., 1792. FiiRSTENAU (J. H.) Desiderata anatomieo- physiologica. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1709. Fuld (L.) * De organis, quibus aves spiritum ducunt. 4°. Wirceburgi, 1816. Fyfe (A.) Views of the bones, muscles, vis- cera, and organs of tho senses, fol. Edinb. 4" Lond., 1800. Galen (C.) Galenus de ossibus ad tyrones. Do nervorum, musculorum, venarum et arteri- arum, vocalium instrumentorum vulnae, dissec- tione libri. De motu musculorum libri duo. Ad- jecimus praeterea Oribasii de musculorum dissec- tione libellum, ut et conferre et quid Galeno vere tribui debeat et quid non, lector indicare possit. sm. 8°. Lugduni, 1551. Gaubius (J.) Epistola problematicaprima ad F. Ruyschium de pilis pinguedine, septoque scroti nee non de papillis pyramidalibus ut etiam de cor- pore reticulari, subcuticula sito, etc. Epist. se- cunda, de artiiiciosa scroti humani induratione, ejusque vasorum sanguiferorum cursu ac copia, ut et de arteriis per costarum periostium etc. Epistol. tertia: de arteriis per cordis substantiam, ejusque auriculas dispersis, ut et de egressu ar- terial aortae e cordis thalamo sinistro. Epist. quarta, de glandulis fibris cellulisque lienalibus etc. 4°. Amstelcedami, 1696. Gelez(E.) * Memoire sur un point nouveau d'anatomie g6n6rale ou kystologie nouvelle. 4°. Paris, 1835. Gemminger (M.) * Elektrisches Organ von Mormyrus und Schwanzskelet von Eryx. 8°. Miinchen, 1847. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (E.) Philosophie anatomique. I. Des organes respiratoires sous le rapport de la determination et de l'identite" de leurs pieces osseuses. 8°. Paris, 1818. Goodsir (J.) The anatomical memoirs of. . . Edited by Wm. Turner. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. -----& Goodsir (H. D. S.) Anatomical and pathological observations. 8°. Edinburgh, 1845. Gruber (W.) Abhandlungen aus der mensch- lichen und vergleichenden Anatomie. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1852. -----. Anatomie der Eingeweide des Leo- parden (Felis Leopardus) mit vergleichenden Be- merkungen iiber andere Felis-Arten. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1855. -----. Beobachtungen aus der menschlichen und vergleichenden Anatomie. 1. Hft. 4°. Ber- lin, 1879. Gunz (J. G.) Viri cadaver in theatro-anatomico incidendum indicit et myologicis exercitationibus observationes quasdam de maxillae artieulo et motu praamittit. 4°. Lipsice, 1748. Haase (C. E.) * Observationes de sceleto astaci fluviatilis et marini. 4°. Lipsice, 1833. Hahn (J. G.) *De partibus corporis humani externis. 4°. Lipsice, 1715. Haller (A.) Strena anatomica nuperrimarum nempe observationum ex theatro Gottingensi fas- ciculus. 4°. Gottingce, 1740. ANATOMY. 307 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). -----. Icones anatomical quibus praecipue ali- quae partes corporis humani, delineatae proponun- tur et arteriarum potissimum historia continetur. Fasc. 1-8 in 1 v. fol. Gottingce, 1743-56. -----. Disputationes anatomicae selecta?. 7 v. 4°. Gottingce, 1746-52. -----. Opuscula sua anatomica de respira- tione, de monstris, aliaque minora recensuit. sm. 8°. Gottingce, 1751. Hart (J.) A description of the skeleton of tho fossil deer of Ireland (Cei'vusmegaceros). 8°. Dub- lin, 1825. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Dublin, 1830. Hasse (C.) Anatomische Studien. Hft. 1-3 in 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1870-2. Hebenstreit (E. B. G.) Schediasma de cor- poruin animalium fabrica animarum facultatibus accommodata. 8°. Lipsice, 1778. Helwich (J. F.) De machinae humanae organis animalibus in specie dictis. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1700]. Henke (P. J. W.) Beitrage zur Anatomie des Menschen mit Beziehung auf Bewegung.- 1. Hft. 4°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1872. Hewson (W.) Experimental inquiries con- taining a description of the red particles of the blood in the human subject, and in other ani- mals. With an account of the structure and offi- ces of the lymphatic gland, of the thymus gland, and of the spleen. Edited by M. Falconer. 8°. London, 1777. His (W.) Untersuchungen iiber das Ei und dio Entwickelung bei Knochenfischen. 4°. Leip- zig, 1873. Hoffmann (C. K.) & Weyenbergh (H.) Die Osteologie und Myologie von Sciurus vulgaris, L., verglichen mit der Anatomie der Lemuriden und des Chiromys. 4°. Haarlem, 1870. van Horne (J.) Waerschouwinge, aen alle lieff-hebbers der anatomie teegens de gepreten- deerde weetenschap derselver, van Louijs de Bils. 4°. Leyden, 1660. Huber (J. J.) Observationes aliquot anato- micas, aliaque praemittit, dictu certe necessaria. 4°. Casselli, 1760. Aho, in: Sandifokt diss., i. -----. Invitatio . . . cui apponit animad- versiones nonnullas anatomicas. 4°. Cassellis, 1763. Also, in: Sandifort diss., u. Hunter (J.) Observations on certain parts of the animal ceconomy. 4°. London 1786. -----. Essays and observations on natural history, anatomy, physiology, [etc. ] To which are added the introductory lectures on the Hunterian collection of fossil remains, delivered March 1855 by Richard Owen. 2 v. roy. 8°. London, 1841. Hyrtl(J.) Ueber die Blutgeflisse der iiusse- ren Kiemendeckelkieme von Polypterus Lapradei. Steindr. [Aus den Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., 1869.] 8°. Wien, [n. d.] International Exhibition of 1876. Check list of preparations and objects in the section of human anatomy of the United States Army Medi- cal Museum. By George A. Otis, Assistant Sur- geon U. S. A., Curator of the Army Medical Museum. 8°. Washington, 1876. Jacquart (H.) Melanges d'anatomie et de pa- thologie comparers. 8°. Paris, 1858. Keill (J.) Essays on several parts of the ani- mal ceconomy. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1738. Kerckhingius (T.) Spicilegium anatomicum contenansobservationmu anatomicarum rariorum centuriam uuani ... 4°. Amstelodami, 1670. -----. Opera Omnia anatomica, continentia bpicilegium anatomicum; osteogeniam fcetuum; Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). nee non anthropogeiue ichnographiani. Ed. 2\ 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1717. Klein (F.) * De sinu cutaneo ungularum ovis et capreae. 8°. Lerolini, 1830. Knox (R.) Observations on the anatomy of the duck-billed animal of New-South-Wales, the Ornithorynchusparadoxus. 8°. Edinburgh, [n.d.] -----. On the anatomical structure of the cassowary of New Holland. 8°. Edinburgh, 1823. KOlliker (A.) Kurzer Bericht iiber einige im Herbst 1864 an der Westkiiste von Schottland angestellte vergleichend-anatomische Untersu- chungen. 4°. WUrzburg, 1864. -----. Notiz iiber die electrischen Nerven dea Malapterurus. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Kratzer (J. C. A.) * Observationem anatomi- cam sistens cum epicrisi. 4°. Helmstadii, 1793. Krause (W.) Anatomische Untersuchungen. 8°. Hannover, 1861. Kruger (B.) Anatomicus curiosus SEoSidcvt- roS. 4°. Brunopoli, 1700. Laurembergius (P.) Collegium anatomicum xii. disputationibus compraehensum et in Rosto- chiensium academia propositum. 4°. Rostochi, 1636. Laurer (J. F.) * De amphistomo conico. 4°. Gryphice, [1830]. Lemoine (E.-C.-G.) * Considerations philoso- phiques sur I'anatomie et la physiologie de I'hom- me. 4°. Paris, 1828. Lenoir (A.) * Dissertation sur quelques points d'anatomie, de physiologie, et de pathologie. 4°. Paris, 1833. Leuckart (F. S.) tiber einen neuen, eigen- thiimlichen Knochen des Meerschweinchens (Ca- ria apereia, Erxlb.) nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Zwerchfellknochen des Igels und des Dromedars. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Lherminier (F.-J.) Recherehes sur l'appareil sternal des oiseaux, consider6 sous le double rap- port de i'osteblogie et de la myologie; suivies d'un essai contenant une distribution nouvelle de ces vert6bre"s, base"e sur la cousideration de la forme du sternum et de ses annexes. 2. eel. 8°. Paris, 1828. Liedbeck (P. J.) & SSderbom (O. G.) Observa- tionum anatomicarum tirocinium. 4°. Upsalice, 1831. Liegel (H.) * tiber den Ausstiilpungs-Apparat vonMalachiusundverwandtenFormen. 8°. Han- nover, [n. d.] Loescherus (M. G.) * Exhibens observationes de homine selectas. 4°. Vitembergce, [1722]. Major (J. D.) Memoriale anatomico-miscella- neum. 4°. Eiloni, [1669]. Mangili (G.) Sulla epistola zootomica del Prof. Otto di Breslavia al celeberrimo Blumenbach brevi cenni. 8°. Pavia, 1828. Mayer (F. J. C.) Neue Untersuchungen aua dem Gebiete der Anatomie und Physiologie. 4°. Bonn, 1842. Mayo (H.) Anatomical and physiological com- mentaries. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. London, 1822-3. Meibomius (H.) Exercitatio medica de obser- vationibus rarioribns in nupero subjecto ana- tomico. 4°. Groningce, 1660. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select., vi. Memorias leidas en la sociedad anatomica Espa- nola. Anni academice de 1872 £ 1873-1875 6,1876. 4 v. 8°. Madrid, 1873-4. Metzger (J. D.) Opuscula anatomica et phy- siologica. 8°. Gothce, 1790. Meyer (N.) *Prodromus anatomiae murium. sm. 4°. Jence, [1800]. Moleschott (J.) Untersuchung zur Naturlehre ANATOMY. 308 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). des Menschen und der Thiere. 10 v. 8°. Frank- furt a. M. u. Giessen, 1857-70. Monro (A.) Observations anatomical and phy- siological, wherein Dr. Hunter's claim to some discoveries is examined. 8°. Edinburgh, 1758. Morgagni (J. B.) Adversaria anatomica. 4°. Bononiae, 1706. -----. The same. fol. Venet., 1762. -----. Epistola) anatomicae duae. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1728. -----. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1762. -----. Opuscula miscellanea, fol. Venet., 1763. -----. Epistolae anatomicae duodeviginti ad scripta pertinentes celeberrimi viri Antomi Mariae Valsalvae, fol. Patarii, 1764. -----. Opera omnia in quinque tomos divisa. In 2 v. fol. Patav., 1762-5. Morrell (G. H.) Supplement to the anatomy of the mammalia, containing dissections of sheep's heart and brain, rat, sheep's head, and ox's eye. 8°. London, 1872. Murray (A.) * Observationes anatomicae, circa infundibulum cerebri; ossium capitis in fcetu structuram alienam; partemque nervi intercosta- lis cervicalem. sm. 4°. Upsalice, [1772]. Neubauer (J. E.) Opera anatomica collecta; curavit G. C. Hinderer. 4°. Francofurti et Lip- sice, 1786. Nicholai (H. A.) Decas observationum illus- trium anatomicarum. 4°. Argentorati, [1725]. Also, in: Haller, Disp. anat. select., vi. Nicolaus (E. A.) . . . de causis pelluciditatis partium corporis humani. Pts. 1-3. 4°. Jence, [1761-3]. Norgeu (G.) * Traite' sur la protection que les organes les plus essentiels k la vie de I'homme re- coivent de la part des organes moins essentiels. 4°. Paris, 1822. GSconomia regni animalis in transactiones di- visa; quarum haec prima sanguine, ejus arteriis, venis et corde agit. 4°. Londini et Amstelo- dami, 1740. Ord (W. M.) Notes ou comparative anatomy. 8°. London, 1871. Otto (A. W.) Neue seltene Beobachtungen zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathologie geho- rig. 2. pt. 4°. Berlin, 1824. Owen (R.) Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth. (Mylodonrobustus, Owen.) With observations on the osteology, natural affi- nities, and probable habits of the megatherioid quadrupeds in general. 4°. London, 1842. Parvins (P.) Observationes anatomicae selec- tiores. 12°. Hafnice, 1656. Paulli (J. H.) &Frisius (C.) Anatome anato- mise Bilsianae, inprimis circa vasa meseraica uti et labyrinthum in ductu rorifero. 4°. Hafnice, 1663. Perdulcis (B.) In Jac. Sylvii anatomen com- mentarius. 4°. Parisiis, 1640. Petrioli (G.) Riflessioni anatomische sulle note di M. Gio. Maria Lancisi fatte sopra le travole del celebre Bartolomeo Eustachio. fol. Roma, 1740. Petsche (J. Z.) *Sylloge anatomicarum se- lectarum observationum. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1736]. Aho, in: Haller, Disp. anat. select., vi. Piccolhominus (A.) AnatomicaB praelectiones, explicautes niiriiicam corporis humani fabricam. fol. Romae, 1586. Reichard (G. P.) *Diss. inaug. decas tertia observationum anatomicarum. 4°. Vitemberqce, [1718]. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). Reid (J.) Physiological, anatomical, and pa- thological researches. 8°. Edinburgh, 1848. Reimann (C. G. E.) *Spicilegium observa- tionum anatomicarum de hyaena, sm. 4°. Bero- lini, [1811]. a Rengarten (L.) *De anodontaB vasorum systemata. 8°. [Dorpat], 1853. Retzius (G.) Anatomische Untersuchungen. Erste Lieferung. 4°. Stockholm, 1872. Robertson (A.) Conversations on anatomy, physiology, and surgery. 1. Am. ed. 2 v. 16°. Philadetyhia, 1828. Robin (C.) Tableaux d'anatomie contenant l'expose" de toutes les parties a 6tudier dans l'or- ganisme de I'homme et dans celui des animaux. 4°. Paris, 1851. Roget (P.), Gibson (B.), & Hutchinson (J.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy and physiology. 8°. Manchester, [1805]. Rolfincius (G.) Dissertationes anatomicae. 4°. Noribergce, 1656. Ruffus (E.) De appellationibus partium cor- poris humani, libri iii. In: Medici artis principes, fol., Francof., 1567, 97-128. -----. The same. In: Medici antiqui Graeci, 4°, BasU., 1581, 1-33. Ruysch (F.) Epistolae problematicae anato- micae virorum celebriorum ad F. Ruyschium cum ejus responsionibus. 4°. Amst., 1721. -----. Responsio, ad dissertationem episto- licam . . . quam, de usu novarum cava? pro- paginum in systemate chylopoeo, nee non de cortice cerebri, conscripsit. 4°. Amstelodami, 1727. -----. Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chi- rurgica. 4 v. 4°. Amstelodami, 1729-44. Saltsmannus (J. R.) Varia observata ana- tomica. Edente Th. Wynants. 16°. Amstelo- dami, 1669. Sandlfort (E. ) Opuscula anatomica. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1784. Santorini (J. D.) Observationes anatomicae. 4°. Venetiis, 1724. -----. The same. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1739. Scharf (G. F.) * De rudimentis sceleti in cor- pore animalium non vertebratorum. 4°. Jence, 1824. Schelhammer (G. C.) ... anatomicum, quo Philiatros suos postremum alocutus est. 4°. Jence, 1695. Schenk (S. L. ) Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen. 8°. Wien, 1872. Schreger (B. N. G.) & Hedwig (R. A.) Frag- menta auatomica et physiologica. Fascic. i. 4°. Lipsice, [1791]. Schuchardus (J. B.) *Diss. inaug. decas se- cunda observationum anatomicarum. 4°. Vitem- bergce, [1718]. See, also, Reichard. Schultz (A. G. F.) *De sceleto bufonis pal- marum observationes anatomicas. 8°. Berolini, [1832]. Sebizius (J. A.) Theoremata anatomica mis- cellanea de variis humani corporis partibus. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1653. -----. Disputatio, exhibens problemata quae- dam anatomica. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1662. Seiler (B. G.) ... observationum anatomi- carum exhibens. Fascic. i—iii. 4°. Vitembergce, [1808-12]. Seyfart (J. A.) * Decas prima observatio- num anatomicarum diss, prima. 4°. Vitembergoe, [1716]. See, also, Schuchardus. Souchay (F.-D.-F.) *De l'homologie sexuelle. 4°. Paris, 1855. Spigelius (A.) Opera quae extant omnia, ex ANATOMY. 309 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). recensione Jo. Ant. Van der Linden. Accesse- rnnt huic editioni tractatus eorum qui post Spi- gelium anatomiam invento alique majoris usus adauxerunt, videl. Asellii, Harveii, et Walaei. 2 v. in 1. fol. Amsterdami, 1645. Steno(N.) Observationes anatomicae, quibus varia oris, oculorum, et narium vasa describun- tur, novique salivae, lacrymarum et muci sontes deteguntur, etuovum uobilissimi Bilsii de lymphae motu et usu commentum examinatur et rejici- tur. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1662. Stisser(J. C.) De machinaa humanae organis vitalibus secundum avroipiav delineatis. 4°. Wittenbergce, [1697]. Struthers (J.) Anatomical and physiological observations. Part I. 8°. Edinburgh, 1854. Tabarranus (P.) Observationes anatomicae. Ed. 2". 8° Lucce, 1753. Tableau de I'anatomie e'le'mentaire, des manie- ments et des coupes de boucherie du bceuf. fol. Paris, [n. d.] Teichmeyer (H. F.) *Sistens vindicias quo- rundam inveutorum meorum anatomicorum a nonnullis celeberrimis anatomicis in dubium vo- catorum. 4°. Jence, 1727. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select., iv. Theile (F. G.) Traits de myologie et d'ange- iologie. Traduit de PAllemand par A. J. L. Jour- dan. 8°. Paris, 1843. Thuet (M. J.) 'Disquisitiones anatomicae psittacorum. 4°. Turici, 1838. Treviranus (G. R.) De protei anguini ence- phalo et organis sensuum disquisitiones zootomi- cae. 4°. Gottingce, 1819. Trillerus (D. W.) *De partibus corporis humani internis. 4°. Lipsice, [1715]. Tyson (E.) The anatomy of a pigmy compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man; with an essay concerning the pigmies &c, of the anti- ents, [etc.] To which is added the anatomy and description of a rattlesnake; also of the musk hog. 2. ed. 4°. London, 1751. UNTEUsrciiUNGEN aus dem anatomischen In- stitut zu Rostock. Hrsg. von Fr. Merkel. 8C. Rostock, 1874. Valsalva (A.M.) Opera. Hoc est tractatus de aure humana; et dissertationes anatomicae, ad colon intestinum, ad arteriam magnam, ad acces- sories nervos, ad oculos, ad suffusiones, et ad renum succenturiatorum excretorios ductus atti- nentes. 2 v. 4°. Venetiis, 1740. Vicq-d'Azyr(F.) CEuvres, recueilliesparJacq. L. Moreau (de la Sarthe). • 6 v. 8°. Paris, 1805. Vieussens (R.) Epistola, nova quaedam in corpore humano iuventa exhibens, ad D. D. Sil- vestre scripta. sm. 4°. Lipsiw, 1704. -----. Experiences et reflexions sur la struc- ture et l'usage des visceres. 12°. Paris, 1755. Volbortii (A.) * Do bobus uro, Ami et Caffro. sm. 4°. BeroUni, [18&>]. [Vrolik (W.)] [Original pencil drawings on comparative anatomy.] [n. p., n. d.] Walter(F. A.) Annotationes academicae. 4°. BeroUni, 17 Ho. Walter (J. G.) Museum anatomicum. 3 pts. in 1 v. fol. Berolini, 1805. Walthek (A. F.) Observationes anatomicas selectas tres de ductu thoracico bipartito, vena bronchiali sinistra, et inferiore arteria hepatica, supcrioris meseraicae sobole, exhibet. 4°. Linsice. [1731]. l ' Weber (D. M. I.) Praemissa est commentatio anatomico-physiologica, cum tabula lithogra- phica. 4°. Bonna- A., 1838. Wesenfeld (C. S. L.) Sistens anatomi.e ex- | Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). perimentalis partem priorem. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1755. Wilder (B. G.) Contributions to the compara- tive myology of the chimpanzee. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Wlnslow. Opuscoli anatomici. 8°. Bologna, 1744. Wintringham (C. jr.) An experimental in- quiry on some parts of the animal structure. 8°. London, 1740. Wormald (T.) & McWhinnie (A. M.) A se- ries of anatomical sketches and diagrams, with descriptions and references. 4°. London, 1843. Zurn (F. A.) Zoopathologische und zoophy- siologische Untersuchungen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1872. Alix. Lecon de zoologie compar6e k l'Universit6 catho- Uque de Paris. Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1876, u, 641; 673.—Allen (H.) On comparative anatomy. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi, 367-369.—Arnold (F.) Kurze Angabe einiger anatomischen Beobachtungen. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbr., 1831, ii, 236-239: iv, 301-304. Aho, transl.: J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1831, v, 41-47.—Baglivius (G.) De observationibus anatomicis et practicis, varu argumenti. In hh: Opera omnia, 4°, Lug- duni, 1710, 667-684.—Basch (S.) Untersuchungen iiber das chvlopoctische und nropoetische System der Blatia orientals. (Aus den Sitzungsberichten der mathem.- naturw. Classe der kaiserl. Akad. d. Wiss.) Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen. 1860, vi, 350- 379.—Bischoff (T.) Anatomisch-physiologische Bemer- kungen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol., u. wissench. med., Berl., 1838, 351-356.—Blanco (R.) Apuntes varios sobre ana- tomia humana. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1876, xxii, 90; 101; 143; 155; 164; 184; 192.—Brandt (A.) Serdtze, kishki, i myshtza, etc., niekotorych nis-shych jyvotnych. (Heart, bowels, muscles, etc., of some lower animals.) Voyenno-med. J., St. Peterb., 1867, xcix, 1-48.— Bres. Observations sur la forme arrondie, consid6r6e dans les corps organises, et principalement dans le corps de I'homme. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1814, xxxi, 31; 130; 235; 360: 1815, xxxu, 59-77.— Burggraeve (A.) Essai sur l'unit6 de composition du fois et des poumons. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1838, iv, 176-222, 2 pi. Also, Re- print.— Callender (G. W.) On the formation of some of the subaxial arches in man. PhU. Tr. (1871), Lond., 1872, cxU, 119-127, 1 pi.—Cienkowski (L.) Ueber SchwSr- merhildung bei NoctUuca miliaris. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 131-139.—Besmoulins (A.) Determina- tion de deux esp^ces vivantes d'hippopotame et differences ost6ologiques des genres gerboise et h61amys. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1825, v, 354-366.—Bivcrses observations anatomiques. [Hist. Acad. r. d. sc. de Par., 1703.] Rec. d. m6m., Dijon, 1755, ii, 20; 108; 201; 326; 430; 598; 682. [Mem. Acad. r. d. sc, 1736-1770.] CoUect. Acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1785, vii, 324; 345; 361; ix, 190; 222; 292 ; 311; x, 392; 417; 429; 439: 1786, xi,338; 379; 404; 432; xu, 349; 368; 381; 394 ; xiii, 310 ; 323 ; 334 ; 355; 367: 1787, xiv, 306; 310; 319; 329; 348— Drclincurtius (C.) Experiments anatomica, ex vivorum scctionibus petita, edita per E. G-. Heyseum. In his: Opusc. Med. 8°. Hagse Comitum, 1727, 677-714.—Dnmcril (C.) AUgemeine Betrachtungen uber die zwischen alien Knochen und Muskeln des Stammes der Thiere stattfindende Analogie. [From: Ma jr. encvcl.] Arch. f. d. Physiol., HaUo, 1809, ix, 454-484.—Fasebeck (F.) Einige anatomische Beobachtungen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1842, 473-476.—de Fi- lippi (F.) AUgemeine Bemerkungen zur Entwicklungsge- scbichte der Thiere. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1865, ix, 121-128.—Fiirbringer (M.) Zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Entwickclungsgeschichte der Excretionsorgane der Vertebraten. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1878, iv, 111, 3 pi.—Gcoffroy Saint-Uilaire. Sur les glandes abdominales des oniithorhynques, fausse- ment presumees manimaires, lesquelles secretent, non du *lait, mais du mucus, premiere nourriture des petits nouvel- lement eclos. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2 s., i, 155-157. Also, Reprint.—Codman (J. D.) Contributions to physi- ological and pathological anatomy. PhUa. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1824, ix, 349-356.—Heistcr (L.) Observationes anato- micae varias. Ephem. Acad. Nat. Curios., Francof. & Lips., 1712, cent, i-u, 431-134.—Home (E) Sc .llenziesi (A.) A description of the anatomy of the sea-otter. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1796, 385-394, 3 pi. Also, Reprint.—Hyrtl. Ueber einigo "Wundernetze bei Auiphibien. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien., 1*42, xxxviii, 257-261. -----. Ana- tomical notes. Nat.Hist. Rev., Lond.,1861, i, 315-331: 1862, ii, 95-105.—Hyrtl (J.) NeueBeobachtungenausdeuiGebiethe der menschlichen und vergleichenden Anatomic. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1836, n. F., x, 446-466, 2 pi.—Jacob (A.) On the infra-orbital cavities in deers and antUopes, caUed larmiers by the older French naturaUsts. ANATOMY. 310 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, and observa- tions on). DubUn J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1835, vui, 395-401.—Knox (R.) Contributions to anatomy and physiology. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, u, 554; 586; 637; 860. -----. On organic harmonies: anatomical co-relations, and methods of zoology and paleon- tology. Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 245; 270; 297.—Kollmann. Die Bindesubstanz der Acephalen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1876, xui, 558-603, 2 pi.—Kostcr (W.) Ontleedkun- dige onderzoekkingen en waarncmingen. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Afd. Naturk., Amst., 1870, iv, 172-196, 1 pi.—Lange (W.) Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologie der Astericn und Ophiuren. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1876, u, 241-286, 3 pi.—Lecon d'ouvcrture du cours de M. Re- naut. de Par., 1877, 4. s., vi, 622; o:;4: 1878, 3-5.— Nagendie. Memoire sur plusieurs organes propres aux oiseaux et aux reptiles. J. d. physiol. exper., Par., 1822, ii, 184-190.—Meckel (J. F.) Anatomie des zweize- higen Ameisenfrcsscrs. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle u. Berl., 1819, v, 1-67. -----. Ueber den in dem Ske- let ausgesprochenen Uebergang von den Wiederkiiuern durch die Kameele zu den Emhufem. Ibid., 1823, vui, 1- 20. -----. Beitrage zur Auatomie des indischen Kasuars. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1830, v, 200-280.—Mey- raux. Anatomie ct pathologie comparatives. Clinique, Par., 1830, iii, 4.—Morris (IL) A note on three points in anatomy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 361.— IVitzsch. Ueber die zwischen den Ruckgratthieren und Panzerthicren uberhaupt und den Vogeln und Insekten insbesondere statt findende Parallele. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1826, i, 43-64.— Portal. Sur divers points d'anatomie. [Mem. Acad. r. d. sc, 1770.] Collect. acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1787, xiv, 339-343.—Ponchet (G.) Contribution k I'anatomie des 6dentes. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1866, iii, 113; 337, 4 pi.—Poucfaet (G.) Sc Myevre (A.) Contribution k I'anatomie des alcy- onaires. Ibid., 1870-1, vii, 285-315, 4 pi. Aho, Reprint.— Ranvier. Anatomie gen6rale. CoU6ge de France. Lecon d'ouvcrture (13 Janvier 1876). Art med., Brux., 1876-7, xii, 6-10.—Rapport k la Societe de biologie par la com- mission cbargGe d'examiner les communications de M. Sou- lcyet relatives k la question d siecle. Gaz. mod. de Montpel., 1846-7, vii, 29; 43; 57; 96: 1847-8, vui, 54; 08.— Origin and early history of body-snatching. Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 835.—Pabatlichen Breve von Sixtus iv im Jahre 1482, welches der medicinischen Faculuit zu Tubin- gen die Erlaubniss crthiilt, Leichname armer Sunder zu zerghedern, wovon das Original, auf Pergamcnt geschrie- ANATOMY. 313 ANATOMY. Anatomv (History and literature of). bcu, selir gut"crhalteu, annoch bey gedachter Facnltat auf- bewahrt wild. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz., 1775-8, ii, 1068.— Paget (J.) On the recent progress of anatomy and its influence on surgery. Med. Tiines, Lond., 1851, n. s., iii 99. -----. Report on the progress of anatomy and physiology iu the year 1842-5. Brit. Sc For. M. Rev., Lond., 1844, xvii,- 249: 1845, xix, 249; 563: 1840, xxi, 541: xxii, 261.— Rcdfcrn (P.) An address on recent advances in anato- my and pliysiology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 271-274.— Ritlinami. Femel's anatomic. AUg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1870, xv, 275-278.— Megoud (L. A.) Exanien historique do la ni6thode suivie jusqu'A cc jour daus l'etude de l'orgam- Bation des animaux et exposition d un plan d6tinitif d ana- tomic humaine. Gaz. mecl. de Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 590; 014.— Bharpcy (TV.) On the progress of anatomy and physio- logy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 245.—Szoun (F.) Die Anatomic auf der TViener TVeltausstellung. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1873-4, u. F., iv, 45-67.—Titles of memoirs ami papers in transactions and periodicals, and ot special treatises, on anatomv and physiology. Auu. Anat. Sc Phy- siol., Ediub., 1850, i, i-8: i-cxlvi, [at end of vol. ] Turner. Report on the progress of anatomv. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1873, viii, 159-178.—Turner & Cunningham (D. J.) Report on the progress of anatomy. Ibid., 1874, ix, 190-207.—Turner (E.) ' Les planches anatomiques de J. Dryander et de G. H. Ryff. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1876, 2. s., xiu, 785; 817. -----. Les six premieres plan- ches anatomiques de V6sale et leurs contrefacons. Ibid., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 261-271.—Turner (T.) A report on the present state of our knowledge of anatomy. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1835, iii, 93-169.—de la Vega (L.) Estudio de anatomia filos6nca; VesaUo y Porcel. Genio med.-quir., Madrid, 1875, xxi, 156-158.— Vlacovicli (P.) Sul visorgimento deU'anatomia, iniziato e proiuosso in Italia verso la fine deU'et& di mezzo. Gior. veneto di sc med., Venezia, 1866, 3. s., iv, 701-734.—Wag- ner (R.) Ueber einige der neuem Entdeckungen in der Anatomie. Ztschr. f. cl. organ. Phys., Eisenach, 1828, iu, 352-359.—Wagstafle (TV. TV.) On the history of the study of anatomy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, u, 707-709. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. See, also, Body (Human). Agnew (D. H.) Practical anatomy. A new arrangement of the London Dissector. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1868. Albertus (S.) Historia plerarumque partium humani corporis, membratim scripta et in usum tyronum retractius edita. 12°. Vitcebergce, 1585. Albinus (B. S.) Explicatio tabularum ana- tomicarum Bartholom. Eustachii. fol. Leidce, 1761. Allen (J. M.) The practical anatomist; or, the student's guide in the dissecting-room. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. d'Alton (E.) Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie. 1. Bd.: die Anatomie der Be wegungs- werkzeuge. 4°. Leipzig, 1850. Anatomia Britannica: A system of anatomy and physiology, selected from the works of Haller, Albinus, Monro, etc. 2. ed. 3 v. London, 1808. [v. 3 wanting.] Anatomical description of the human body, illustrated by several coloured engravings, se- lected and reduced from the icones of Haller. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1811. Anatomical dialogues; or, a breviary of anatomy. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1792. -----. The same. 5. ed., with additions and amendments. 8°. London, 1801. Anatomical examinations. A complete series of anatomical questions with answers. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1811. Anatomical (The) remembrancer; or complete pocket anatomist. 16°. New York, 1845. Anatomie oft levende beelden hande veelen des meuschelicken lichaems. fol. T'Antweipen, 15(58. Antommarchi (F.) Planches anatomiques du corps humain exclcutees d'apres les dimensions naturelles acconipagnees d'un texte explicatif. Publie'es par le Comte de Lasteyrie. Plates, ele- phant fol.; text, fol. Paris, 1826. Lnatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Banister (John). Thehistorieof man, sucked from the sappe of the most approued anathomists in this present age. 4°. London, 1578. Bartholdus (G. T.) Anatomico-physiologica corporis humani descriptio. 4°. 1717. In his: Opera medica tripartita. 4°. Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1717. Bartholinus (C.) Institutiones anatomicse. Ed. a T. Bartholino. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1641. Bartholinus (T.) Anatomia: ofte ontledinge des menschelicken lichaems ... In de Neder- duytsche spraecke overgeset, door Mr. Thomas Statfard. 12°. Dordrecht, 1656. -----. Bartholinus' anatomy; made from the precepts of his father, and from the observations of all modern anatomists, together with his own. 4°. London, 1668. -----. Anatome ex omnium veterum recen- tiorumque observationibus. Imprimis institu- tionibus b. m. parentis Carpari Bartholini ad cir- culationem Harvejanam et vasa lymphatica quartum renovata. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1073. -----. The same. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1686. Bartoletus (F.) Anatomica humani micro- cosmi descriptio. fol. Bononice, 1619. Bauhinus (C.) Anatomica corporis virilis et muliebris historia. 12°. Lugduni, 1597. -----. Theatrum anatomicum. 12°. Franco- furti ad Mcenum, 1605. -----. The same. [n. p.], 1620-1. -----. Appendix ad theatrum anatomicum. 12°. Francofurti, 1600. -----. Vivje imagines partium corporis hu- mani. 4°. [n. p.], 1620. Bayle (A. L. J.) Petit manuel d'anatomie descriptive. Nouv. ed. 16°. Gand, 1824. -----. Trait6 ehSmentaire d'anatomie. 12°. Paris, 1833. -----. The same. Translated from the 4. ed. of the French, by A. S. Doane. 12°. New York, 1837. -----. Atlas d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain. 4°. Paris, 1850. Beaunis (H.) & Bouchard (A.) Nouveaux elements d'anatomie descriptive et d'embryologie. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1873. von Behr (A.) Handbook of human anatomy, general, special, and topographical. Translated by J. Birkett. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. Bell (C.) A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body, the manner of displaying the parts, and their varieties in dis- ease. 2. ed. 2v. fol. Edinburgh, 1799-1801. -----. The same. 1. Am. from the 3. Lond. ed. 2 v. 16°. Baltimore, 1814. Bell (J.) The anatomy of the human body; containing the anatomy of the bones, muscles, and joints. 3. ed. v. 1. 8°. London, 1802. -----. Engravings of the bones, muscles, and joints. 1. Am. from the 2. Lond. ed. 4°. Phila- delphia, 1816. ----- & Bell (C.) The anatomy of the hu- man body. From 4. Lond. ed. 4 v. 8°. Neiv York, 1809. ------------. The anatomy and physiology of the human body. 3. Am. from the 4. Eng. ed. 3 v. Neiv York, 1817. ----- -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1822. ------------. The same. 5. ed. 3 v. 8°. London, 1823. ------------. The same. 5. Am. ed. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1827. -----------. The same. 6. Am. from last ANATOMY. 314 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Lond. ed. Edited by John D. Godman. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1834. Benedictus (A.) Anatomice sive historia cor- poris humani. sm. 4°. Parisiorum, 1514. -----. The same. AdjectumestGeorgii Val- Isb Placentini ejusdem rei sive argumenti. 12°. Venetiis, 1527. -----. The same. 12°. Argentorati, 1528. Berengarius Carpus (J.) Commen taria cum amplissimis additionibus super anatomia Mundini una cum textu ejusdem in pristinum et verum nitorem redacto. 4°. [Bononiw, 1521.] -----. Isagogae breves et exactissimse in anatomiam humani corporis. 16°. [Argentorati, 1530.] See, aho, JTIundinus. Berres (J.) Anthropotomie oder Lehre von dem Baue des menschlichen Korpers. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 8'-. Wien, 1835-41. Berrettinus(P.) Tabulae anatomic®. ACa- jetano Petrioli Romano notis illnstrataB. fol. Romce, 1741. -----. Tabulae anatomicas ex archetypis egregii pictoris . . . express® et in ses incisae. . . . recensuit Franciscus Petraglia. fol. Romce, 1788. Bialet y Masse (J.) Nociones de anatomia, fisiologia e" higiene humana arregladas para servir de texto en la instruccion primaria supe- rior de la Republica Argentina. 12°. Buenos Aires, 1875. -----. Compendio de anatomia, fisiologia e" higiene humana. vol. ii. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1876. Bichat (X.) Traite" d'anatomie descriptive. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1801-3. -----. Traitd d'anatomie. Nouv. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1819. Bddloo (G.) Anatomia humani corporis, cen- tum et quinque tabulis per artificiosiss. G. de Laresse ad vivum delineatis. fol. Amstelodami, 1685. -----. Ontleding des menschelyken lichaams. Amsterdam, 1690. -----. Opera omnia anatomico-chirurgica. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1715. Blancardus (S.) De nieuw hervormde ana- tomie ofte ontleding des menschen lichaams. 8°. Amsterdam, 1686. -----. Anatomia reformata, sive concin&a corporis humani dissectio. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1687. -----. The same. 8°. Lugd. Batav., 1688. Bock (A. C.) Darstellung der Organe der Res- piration, des Kreislaufes, der Verdauung, des Harnes und der Fortpflanzung; so wie uber- haupt der iibrigen zum Eingeweidesystem geho- rigen Theile. Text, 8°. Plates, 4°. Leipzig, 1825. Bock (C. E.) Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 3. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1842-3. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Leip- zig, 1849-50. -----. Hand-Atlas der Anatomie des Men- schen nebst einem tabellarischen Handbuche der Anatomie. 6. Aufl. fo\, Berlin, 1871. -----. Atlas of human anatomy, with expla- natory text. fol. London, 1878. Bonamy(C), Broca (P.), & Beau (E.) Atlas d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain. 4 v. roy. 8°. Paris, 1844-66. Borgarucci (P.) Delia contemp]atione ana- tomica, sopra tutte le parli del corpo humano. Libri cinque. 16°. Venezia, 1564. Boujalsky (E.) Cratcaya abstshaya anato- uiiya tyela chelovaechescavo. [A short anatomy Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. of the human body for common use. ] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1844. Bourdon (A.) Nouvelle description anato- mique de toutes les parties du corps humain, et de leurs usages. 3. e"d. 16°. Paris, 1687. Bourgery(J.M.), Bernard (C), & Jacob (N. H.) Traite" complet do l'anatomie de I'homme, comprenant l'anatomie chirurgicale et la nie'de- cine operatoire. 8 v. fol. Paris, 1866-7. Boyer. Traite" complet d'anatomie. 4. e"d. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1815. Broc (P. P.) Trait6 complet d'anatomie de- scriptive et raisonne"e. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1833. Bruns (V.) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Anato- mie des Menschen. 8°. Braunschweig, 1841. Bryant (T. S.) Examinations in anatomy aud physiology; being a complete series of questions and answers. 8°. Philadelphia, 1835. Cabrolius(B.) Ontleediugdesmenschelycken lichaems. Nu verduytscht en met by-voechselen als oock fignren verrijckt door V. F. P[lempius]. fol. Amsterdam, 1633. Caldani (F.) Nuovi elementi di anatomia ad uso delle scuole. 8°. Napoli, 1825. Caldanus (L. M. A.) Institutiones anato- micas. 2 v. 8°. Venetiis, 1791. ----- & Caldanus (F.) Icones anatomicae. 4 v. fol.; explicatio, 5 v. 4°. Venet., 1801-14. Calori (L.) Tavole anatomiche rappresen- tanti la struttura del corpo umano. 2 v. 8°. Bologna, 1850-53. Cant (A.) Impetus primi anatomici ex lustra- tis cadaveribus nati, quos propria, consignavit nianu. fol. Lugd. Batav., 1721. Cardan (J.) Expositio anathomise Mundini. In hh: Opera. Lugduni, 1663, ix, 129-167. Casserius (P. J.) Tabulae anatomicae lxxviii. Daniel Bucretius xx, quae deerant, supplevit, et omnium explicationes addidit. fol. Venetiis, 1627. -----& Bucretius (D.) Anatomische Tafeln. Alies aus dem Latinischen ins Hochteutsche iibersetzet von D. Simone Paulli. Nebst einem Anhaug vom Ursprung, Wachsthuin und Fort- gang, auch vortreflichen hohen Nutzbarkeit der Anatomy in der Bein- und Muscul-Lehre, von Johann Jacob Ficken. 4°. Francfurt, 1707. Charleton (W.) Enquiries into human na- ture, in vi anatomic praelections. 4°. London, 1680. Cheselden (W.) The anatomy of the human body. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1722. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1726. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1740. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1756. -----. The same. 13. ed. 8°. London, 1792. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Boston, 1795. -----. Anatomical tables of the human body. 8°. Boston, 1796. Cleghorn (G.) Index of an annual course of lectures. 8°. Dublin, 1756. Cleland (J.) A directory for the dissection of the human body. 12°. Philadelphia, 1877. Cloquet (H.) Traite" complet do l'anatomie de I'homme comparee dans ses points les plus im- portans k celle des animaux. Livraisons i-xi. 4°. Paris, 1825-7. -----. A system of human anatomy, transla- ted by Robert Knox. 8°. Boston, 1830. -----. Traite" d'anatomie descriptive. 6. 6"d. 2 v. 8s Paris, lrt36. Cloquet (J.) Anatomie de Thornine, ou de- scription et hgures lithographiees de toutes les ANATOMY. 315 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), I . including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. parties du corps humain. 5 v. fol. Paris, 1821- 31. Coiter (V.) Externarum et internarum prin- cipalium humani corporis partium tabulae, atque anatomicae exercitationes observationesque va- ria:. fol. Noribergoe, 1573. Collins (S.) A systeme of anatomy, treating of the body of man, beasts, birds, fishes, insects, and plants, fol. London, 1685. -----. The same. The second volume, con- taining the parts of the middle and highest apart- ments of man's body. 4°. [n. p.], 1685. Columbus (R.) De re anatomica libri xv. 12°. Parisiis, 1562. Columbus (R. C.) Anatomia, das ist: Sinn- reiche, Kiinstliche, begriindte AuiFschneidung, Theilung, unnd Zerlegung eines vollkoihenen menschlichen Leibs und Corpers, durch alle des- selbigen innerhche und eusserliche Gliedtmassen und Gefass, so wol mit eygendtlicher Beschrei- bung erkliiret, als mit lebendigen Contrafacturen fiirgebildet. Darauss das hohe, scharpffshlige Wundergebaw des menschlichen Leibs beyder Gestallt zu erlernen. fol. Franckfort a. M., 1609. CoMPENDioanatomico. Esplanchnologia de la naturaleza. De la angolologia, neurologia y adenologia. 8°. Madrid, 1778. Compendious (A) system of anatomy. In six parts. Illustrated with twelve large copper plates. b°. Philadelphia, 1792. Imperfect. From the American edition of the encyclopaedia now publishing by Thomas Dobson. Cooper (B. B.) Lectures on anatomy; inter- spersed with practical remarks. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1829. Coste (E.) Manuel de dissection, oh elements d'anatomie generale, descriptive et topogra- phique. bJ. Paris, 1847. Courtin (G.) Lecons anatomiques et chirur- gicales de feu Me. . . . dictees k ses escholiers estudiants en chirurgie, depuis l'annee mil cinq- cens septante huict, jusques k l'annee mil cinq- cens octante et sept. Recueilles . . . par Estienne Binet. fol. Paris, 1612. Cowper (W.) The anatomy of humane bodies, with figures drawn after the life by some of the best masters in Europe, and curiously engraven in one hundred and fourteen copper-plates, fol. Oxford, 1698. Crooke(IL) MixpoHodfiioypcupla. Adescrip- tion of the body of man. Together with the controversies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius. 2. ed. fol. London, 1631. Cruveilhier (J.) Anatomie descriptive. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1834. -----. The same. 2. e"d. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1843-5. -----. Descriptive anatomy. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1841. -----. Prospectus specimen. Traite1 d'anato- mie descriptive. 4. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1861. Cuyer (E.) & Kuhff (G. A.) Le corps hu- main. Structure et fonctions; formes ext^rieures, regions anatomiques, situation, rapports et usa- ges des appareils et organes qui concourent au me"canisme de la vie. 4°. Paris, 1879. Deldier (A.) Anatomie raisonne"e du corps humain. 8°. Paris, 1742. de Diemerbroeck (I.) Anatome corporis hu- mani. 4°. Ultrajecti, 1672. Also, inhh: OPERA OMNIA, 4°, 1685. -----. The anatomy of human bodies, com- prehending the most modern discoveries and curi- I Lnatomy (Human, General ivorks on), including Systems. Manuals, Elements, etc. osities in that art; translated from the last ed. of the same by Wm. Salmon, fol. London, 1689. Dionis (P.) Nouvelle anatomie de Thomme, suivant la circulation du sang, et les dernieres decouvertes. 3. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1(595. -----. The same. 4. e"d. sm. 8°. Paris, 1705. -----. Anatomia corporis humani. Juxta circulationem sanguinis et recentiores observa- tiones ; in horto regio Parisino ab ipso autore de- monstrata. Cum duplici indice et figuris omnium corporis humani partium ex cadaveribus depictis. 8°. Genevce, 1696. Drake (J.) Anthropologic nova; or, a new system of anatomy. 3. ed. With a preface by W. Wagstaffe. 2 v. With appendix of 51 copper plates. 8°. London, 1727-8. Drummond (J. L.) A reply to the review of his first steps to anatomy contained in the British and Foreign Medical Review for April, 1846. 8°. Belfast, 1846. Dry ander (J.) Anatomia;, hoc est, corporis humani dissectionis pars prior. Item anatomia porci, ex traditione Cophonis, et infantis, ex Ga- briele de Zerbis. 4°. Marburgi, 1537. Dublin (The) dissector, or manual of anatomy. By a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 1. Am., from the 2. Dublin ed. 8°. Washington, 1835. See, aho, Harrison (R.), infra. Eckardt (T.) M6thode d'enseignement par l'aspect. Atlas d'histoire naturelle. Le corps hu- main ; description anatomique de I'homme. fol. Paris, [1879]. Eckhard (C.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 4°. Giessen, 18G2. Elfinger (A.) Anatomie des Menschen, die Kuochen- Muskel- und Banderlehre enthaltend, in 27 lithographirten Tafeln. 2. Aufl. fol. Wien, 1854. Ellis (G. V.) Demonstrations of anatomy; being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1869. -----. The same. From the 8. English ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1879. ----- & Ford (G. H.) Illustrations of dis- sections in a series of original colored plates the size of life, representing the dissection of the hu- man body. Text, 8°. Plates, fol. London, 1867. Else. [Lectures #n anatomy delivered at Lon- don about 1770. ] MSS. 4C. [n.d.] [lstl.want- ing.] Erdl (M.) Leitfaden zur Kenntniss des Baues des menschlichen Leibes. 8°. Miinchen, 1843. -----. Dr. H. Oesterreicher's anatomischer Atlas oder bildliche Darstellung des menschlichen Korpers. Neu bearbeitet. 2. Aufl. Tables, fid. text. 8°. Miinchen, 1852. Eustachius (B.) Tabulae anatomica'; praefa- tione notisque illustravit J. M. Lancisius. fol. Romce, 1714. -----. The same. fol. Amstel., 1722. -----. The same. fol. Romce, 1728. See, also, Petriolus, infra. Everardus (A.) Cosmopolitae historia natu- ralis, comprehendens humani corporis anatomiam et anatomicam delineationem ab ipsis primis foetus rudimentis in utero, usque ad perfectnm et adultum statum. 16°. Ludg. Batav., 1686. Fallopius (G.) Iustitutioncs anatomicae. In hh: Opera omnia, Francof., 1584, 482-520. Fattorus (S.) Guida alio studio della anato- mia umana. 2 v. 8°. Pavia, 1807. Feigel (J. T. A.) Vollstandiges Handbuch der Anatomic (Nebst Anhang und Atlas.) 8J. imp. fol. Wiirzburg, 1837. ANATOMY. 316 ANATOMY. Anatocsay (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Fiedler (A.) Meuniskokroppensbygnad Led- triid vid vegagnan det af anatomiska \Vaggtaflor. 8 '. Goteborg, 1872. Ford (C. L.) Questions on anatomy, for the use of students. 8°. Ann Arbor, Mich'., 1873. Fort (J. A.) Anatomie descriptive, et dissec- tion contenant un precis d'einbryologie, la struc- ture microscopique des organes et celle des tissus. 3 v. 8C. Paris, 18(58. -----. Resume" d'anatomie. 32°. Paris, 1870. Froriep (R.) Atlas anatomicus partium cor- poris humani per strata dispositarum imagines in tabulis xxx, ab A. Andorffo delineatas exhi- bens. Editio quinta. fol. Lipsice, 1852. Fyfe (A.) A system of the anatomy of the human body; illustrated by upwards of two hun- dred tables. 2. ed. 3 v. 4°. Edinburgh, 1805. -----. A compendium of the anatomy of the human body. 3. Am. ed. 2 v. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1810. -----. The same. 6. ed., enlarged and im- proved. 4 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1815. Galen (C.) Opus de usu partium corporis hu- mani, magna cura ad exemplaris Graeci veritatem castigatum, vniuerso hominum generi apprime necessarium, Nicolao Regio Calabro interprete. 4°. Parisiis, 1528. -----. The same. sm. 8°. Lugduni, 1550. —----. De anatomicis administrationibus. Li- bri ix. Jo. Andernaco interprete. sm. 8°. Lug- duni, 1551. Gaubius (D.) Idea generalis solidarum cor- poris humani partium. In. he Oberkamp (F. J.) CoUect. Diss. 4°. Francof. a. M., 1767, i, 41-88. Gautier d'Agoty(A. E.) Cours complet d'ana- tomie peint et grave" en couleurs naturelles et ex- plique" par Jadelot. large fol. Nancy, 1773. Gelee (T.) L'anatomie francoise, en forme d'abbrege. 12°. Paris, 1658. -----. The same. Reveue", corrigee et de nouveau augmented d'un petit Traitte" Anatomi- que des Valvules. 8°. Rouen, 1679. Geminus (T.) Compendiosa totius anatomise delineatio aere exarata. fol. Londini, 1545. Gibson (T.) The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized. Illustrated. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1694. Godlee (R. J.) An atlas of human anatomy illustrating most of the ordinary dissections and many not usually practised by the student, ac- companied by an explanatory text. Parts i-v. fol. Text in 8°. London, 1877. van der Gracht (J.) Anatomie der utter- licke deelen van het menschelick Lichaem. fol. Graven Hagce, 1634. Gray (H.) Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. -----. The same. 2. Am. from the revised and enlarged Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1862. -----. The same. With additional drawings by Dr. Westmacott. 4. ed. by T. Holmes, rov. 8°. London, 1866. -----. The same. With an introduction on feneral anatomy and development by T. Holmes. . new Am. from the 8. and enlarged Eng. ed. To which is added Landmarks, medical and sur- gical, by Luther Holden. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. Green (J. H.) The dissector's manual. 8°. London, 1820. Halle (J.) A very fruteful and necessary briefe worke of anatomie, or dissection of the body of man. *. London, 1565. Handy (W. R.) A text book of anatomy, and guide in dissections. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including ^Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Harrison (R.) The Dublin dissector, or manual of anatomy. 4. ed. 12°. Dublin, 1836. See, aho, Dublin Dissector supra. -----. The same. 1. Am., from the 5. en- larged Dublin ed. With additions by Robert Watts. 8C. New York, 1840. -----. The same. 2. Am., from the 5. en- larged Dublin ed. 8°. Neiv York, 1843. -----. The same. 12°. Dublin, 1847. -----. A text-book of practical anatomy, with additions by an American physician. 8°. New York, 1848. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1860. Harwood (B.) A synopsis of a course of lectures on anatomy and physiology. 3. ed. 8°. Cambridge, 1792. Heath (C.) Practical anatomy. A manual of dissections. 1st Am., from the 2d Eng. ed.; edited with additions by W. W. Keen. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1870. Heister (L.) Compendium anatomicum totam rem anatomicam brevissime complectens. Editio altera. 8°. Altorf 4- Nuremberg, 1719. -----. The same. Translated from the last edition. 8°. London, 1721. -----. The same. Editio tertia. 8°. Altorfi et Norimbergce, 1727. -----. The same. Editio quarta. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Norimbergce et Altorfi, 1732. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Amstelcedami, 1748. -----. The same. Translated from the last edition of the original Latin; to which are added notes by M. Henau It and the editor. 8°. London, 1752. Heitzmann (C.) Die descriptive und topo- graphische Anatomie des Menschen. Erster Band. 8°. Wien, 1870. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1675. -----. The same, i-iv Lieferung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1875. VON Hellwig (C.) Nosce te ipsum, vel anato- micum vivum, oder kurtzgefasztes und doch richtig gestelltes anatomiscnes Werck. Verbes- sert durch J. G. von Hellwig, mit einer Vorrede von J. H. Kniphoff. fol. Franckfurt und Leipzig, [n. d., 1720?] Hempel (A. F.) Anfang8griinde der Anatomie des gesunden menschlichen Korpers. 5. ed. 8°. Wien, 1832. Henle (J.) Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen. 3 v. 8°. Braunschtoeiq, 1856-73. -----. Anatomischer Hand-Atlas zum Ge- brauch im Secirsaal. Heft. 1-5. 8°. Braun- schweig, 1871-6. Hensman (A.) Anatomical outlines for the use of students, pts. i-iii. 8°. London, 1878-9. Hildebrandt (F.) Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 4. Ausg., besorgt von Ernst H. Weber. 4 v. 8°. Braunschweig, 1830-2. Hodges (R. M.) Practical dissections. 8°. Cambridge, 1858. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1867. Hoffmann (C. E. E.) Grundriss der Anatomie des Menschen. 12°. Leipzig, 1865. Holden (L.) & Langton (J.) Holden's manual of the dissection of the human body. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1868. Hollstein (L.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 3. Aufl. 4U. Berlin, 1860. Hooper (li.) The anatomist's vade-mecum; containing the anatomy and physiology of the ANATOMY. 317 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. human body. 1. Am., from the 3. Lond. ed. 12°. Boston, 1801. -----. The same. 2. Am., from the 3. Lond. ed. sm. 8°. Windsor, 1809. van Horne (J.) MiKpoxodjuoZ. Sen brevis manuductio ad historiam corporis humani. 24°. Lugd. Bat., 1665. Also, inhh: Opuscula anat.-chir. 8°. Lipsice, 1707. Horner (W. E.) Lessons in practical anatomy for the use of dissectors. 8°. Philadelphia, 1823. -----. A treatise on special and general ana- tomy. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1826. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1830. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1836. -----. Special anatomy and histology. 7. ed. 2v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1846. Hyrtl (J.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Men- schen. 8°. Prag, 1846. -----. The same. 9. Aufl., als unveriinderter Abdruck der achteii. 8°. Wien, 1866. -----. Handbuch der praktischen Zergliede- rungskunst. 8°. Wien, 1860. Ilg (J. G.) Grundlinien der Zergliederungs- kunde des Menschenkorpers. 8°. Prag, 1811-12. Inzani (G.) Compendio di anatomia descrit- tiva. 2 v. 8° & atlas, fol. Parma, 1865-6. Isaacs (C. E.) The anatomical remembrancer, or complete pocket anatomist. 12°. New York, 1871. Jourdan (A. J. L.) Encyclope"die anatomique; comprenant l'anatomie descriptive, l'anatomie generale, l'anatomie pathologique, l'histoire du de>eloppement, et celle des races humaines; par T. L. G. Bischoff, J. Henle, E. Huschke, S. T. Soemmering, F. G. Theile, G. Valentin, J. Vogel, R. Wagner et G. et E. Weber. Trad, de l'alle- mand par A. J. L. Jourdan. 8 v. 8°. 1 v. pi., 4°. Paris, 1843-7. Keill (J.) The anatomy of the human body abridg'd: or, a short and full view of all the parts of the body. sm. 12°. London, 1723. -----. The same. 14. ed. corrected. 12°. Edinburgh, 1770. van Kempen (E. M.) Traite" d'anatomie de- scriptive et d'histologie spe"ciale. 8°. Louvain, 1854. Krause(C. F. T.) Handbuch der menschlichen Anatomie. 1. v. 8°. Hannover, 1833-8. Kulmus (I. A.) Tabulae anatomicae, in qui- bus corporis humani omniumque ejus partium structura et usus brevissime explicantur. 8°. Amstelcedami, 1731. -----. The same. Trad, sur l'e"d. lat. par Pierre Passuet. 8°. Amsterdam, 1734. -----. The same. [German transl.] 7 1., 6 tab. 4. Aufl. 8°. Augspurg, 1740. Langenbeck (C. J. M.) Handbuch der Ana- tomie, mit Hinweisung auf die Icones anatomicae. 2 v. 8°. Gottingen, 1831-42. Langer (C.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 8°. Wien, 1865. m Laurembergus (P.) Avebvviiov Ei6ayoyrj, dvazoixinf). Cum interpretatione. Nunc pri- mum in lucem edita, auspiciis ac sumptibus J. Morsii. sm. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1618. Laurentius [or Du Laurens] (A.) Historia anatomica humani corporis et singularum eius partium multis controversiis et observationibus novis. 4°. Francofurti, 1600. -----. The same. fol. Francofurti, 1636. -----. Douze livres de l'anatomie. Trad, du latin par F. Size". 8°. [Lyon, 1620.] Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Lauth (E.-A.) Nouveau manuel de l'anato- miste. 8°. Paris, 1829. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1835. Leber (F.) Prelezioni anatomiche. Opera dall'original tedesco recata in latino dallo stesso autore. 8°. Venezia, 1810. Ledwich (T. H.) & Ledwich (E.) The practi- cal and descriptive anatomy of the human body. 3. ed. revised and enlarged, by Edward Ledwich. 12°. Dublin, 1877. Leidy (J.) An elementary treatise on human anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861. Leonard (C. H.) The vest-pocket anatomist. (Founded upon "Gray.") 2. ed. 18°. Detroit, 1879. Lieutaud (J.) Essais .anatomiques, contenant l'histoire exacte de toutes les parties qui com- posent le corps de I'homme, avec la maniere de dissequer. 8°. Paris, 1742. -----. Anatomie historique et pratique. Nou- velle Edition, augmented . . . de nouvelles planches par M. Portal. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1776-7. Liz ars (A. J.) Text-book of anatomy for junior students, pt. 1. 8°. Edinburgh, [n. d.] Loder (J. C.) Anatomiscnes Handbuch. Erster Band: Osteologie, Syndesmologie, My- ologie. sm. 8°. Jena, 1788. -----. Tabulae anatomicae, quas ad illus- trandam humani corporis fabricam collegit et curavit. [German and Latin text.] 4 v. fol. Vimar, 1794-1803. London (The) Dissector; or, system of dissec- tion . . . for the use of students ... 1. Am. from the 5. Lond. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, [n. d. ] -----. The same. 6. ed. 12°. London, 1821. -----. The same. From the 1. Am. ed. Re- vised and corrected by Edward J. Chaisty. 8°. Baltimore, 1839. Lopez (J. de Dios). Compendio anatomico. Dividido en quatro partes. 2 v. 16°. Madrid, 1791. Luschka (H.) Die Anatomie des Menschen in Riicksicht auf die Bedurfnisse der praktischen Heilkunde. ... 3 v. 8°. Tubingen, 1863-9. Lyserus. The art of dissecting the human body . . . Trans, from the Latin, by G. Thomson. 8°. London, 1740. Magazyn van Ontleedkunde of volledige ver- zameling van ontleedkundige afbeeldingen van het menschelijk ligchaam. Vertaald en hier en daar vermeerderd door S.J. Galama. imp. fol. Amsterdam, 1839. Mallo (P.) Compendio del anatomia humana, destinado & servir de testo para el estudio de his- toria natural y de introduction al curso de medi- cina legal en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1873. van Manden (D.) Bedieninghe der Anatomie. Dat is, Manier . . . des Menschen lichaam t'ana- tomizeren. fol. Antwerp, 1583. -----. The same. fol. Amsterdam, 1646. Mangetus (J. J.) Theatrum anatomicum. 2 v. fol. Genevce, 1717. Manschgo (L.) & Manschgo (J.) Der Leib des Menschen. 12°. Wien, 1847. de Marchettis (D.) Anatomia: cui respon- siones ad Riolanum, anatomicum Parisiensem, in ipsius animadversionibus contra Veslingium ad- ditae sunt. Ed. altera. 16°. Hardevici, 1656. -----. The same. ed. 3B. 16°. Luqd. Batav., 1688. Martinez (M.) Anatomia completa del hom- bre, con todos los hallazgos, nuevas doctrinas, y observaciones raras . . . segun el methodo con ANATOMY. 318 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human. General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. que se explica en nuestro theal ro de Madrid. 4°. Madrid, 1745. -----. Noches anatomicas. 6 anatomia com- pendiosa. 2. ed. 4°. Madrid, 1750. Mascagni (P.) Prodromo della grande ana- tomia. Pubblicata a spese di una societa inno- minata da F. Antommarchi. fol. Firenze, 1819. -----. Anatomia universa, xliv tabnlis aeneis juxta archetypum hominis adulti, accuratissime repraesentata. Cura ac studio A. V. Berlin- ghieri, J. Barzellotti et J. Rosini, edita. Plates, eleph. fol.; text, fol. Pisis, 1823. Massa (N.) AnatomiaB liber introductorius. 4°. Venetiis, [1559?] Masse (J. N.) The handy book of anatomical plates. 2. ed. [transl. and] With a descriptive text by E. Bellamy. 8°. London, 1873. -----. A pocket atlas of the descriptive ana- tomy of the human bodv. Transl. by G. Sharp Pattison. 8°. New York, 1845. ^ Maurokordatos (D. A.) 'Avaro/iia rov avSpooitivov dcb/uaroS. 8°. 'ASfjvat, 1836. Mayer (J. C. A.) Anatomische Kupfertafeln, nebst dazu gehorifjen Erklarungen. 2 v. 4C. Berlin und Leipzig, 1783-94. ------. Beschreibung des ganzen Korpers, mit den wichtigsten neueren anatomischen Ent- deckungen bereichert nebst physiologischen Er- lauterungen. 8 v., 8°. 3 v., 4°. BerUn u. Leipzig, 1783-94. Medecine (La) pittoresque, muse"e medico- chirurgical; recueil complet de planches grave"es sur acier d'anatomie descriptive, d'anatomie chirurgicale, d'anatomie pathologique, [etc.] 4 v. fol. Paris, 1834-7. Memoranda der speciellen Anatomie des Men- schen. 24°. Weimar, 1839. Meyer (G. H.) Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Monro (A.) The anatomy of the human bones, nerves, and lacteal sac and duct. A new edition. To which is added an essay on comparative ana- tomy. 8°. Edinburgh, 1782. Morton (S. G.) An illustrated system of human anatomy, special, general, and microscopic. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. Mouat (F. J.) An atlas of anatomical plates of the human body, with descriptive letter-press in English and Hindustani, fol. Calcutta, 1849. Mundlnus. Anathomia Mundini, emendata per doctore Melestat. 4°. [Leipzig, circa 1493?] -----. Incipit anathomia Mundini. [Emen- data per Francischus Picium. "1 sm. 4° in v 1 1507. u -j/.j -----. De omnibus humani corporis interiori- busmembris, anathomia. sm.4°. Argentine, 1513. See, also, Berengarius; Cardan, supra. Nicholls (F.) Compendium anatomico-oeco- nomicum, ea omnia complectens, quae ad cognitam humani corporis ceconomiam spectant. 4°. Lon- dini, 1736. Northcote (W.) The anatomy of the human body. . . . Designed (chiefly) for the use of naval practitioners, and by way of supplement to a work, entitled, the marine surgeon: the whole, fornnng a complete repository, for the surgeons of the royal navy. 8°. London, 1772. Nunneley (T.) Anatomical tables; ... in- tended for the use of students. 12°. London, 1838. Oesterreicher (J. H.) Anatomische Sieinsti- che oder bildliche Darstellung des menschlichen Korpers. fol. Miinchen, 1829. _-----• Tabulae anatomicae ad optima claris- simorum virorum rei anatomicae studiosorum exempla lapidi insculptae ac editae a . . . Sectio I. Myologia. fol. Eichstadii, 1827. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Oribasius. Anatomica ex libris Galeni, cum versione Latina Jo. Bapt. Rasarii: curante Gul. Dundass; cujusnotae accedunt. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1735. Paulet (V.) Re"sum6 d'auatomie appliqude. 2. e"d. 12. Paris, 1877. Paxton (J.) An introduction to the study of human anatomy. 1. Am. ed. by W. Lewis, v. i. 8°. Boston, 1832. -----. The same. 3. Am. ed. 2 v. 4°. Boston, 1837-40. Petriolus (G.) Corso anatomico, osia univer- sal commento nelle tavole del celebre Bartolo- meo Eustacheo di S. Severino. fol. Roma, 1742. -----. Le otto tavole anatomiche . . . del celebre Bartolomes Eustachio di S. Severino della marca composte. Con l'aggiuute delli sopra com- mento fatti dallo stesso Petrioli a quelli del ri- nomatissimo Benardo Siegfried, fol. Roma, 1750. Petunnekow (A. N.) Natshalinya osnovaniya anatomii tshelovasca. [Rudiments of human anatomy, with separate dissected plate.] 8°. pi. fol. Moscow, 1874. Pfennig-Encyklopadie der Anatomie, oder bildliche Darstellung der gesammten menschli- chen Anatomie nach Rosenmiiller, Loder, etc. Gestochen von J. F. Schroter. JV.t erkliirenden Texte von Dr. Th. Richter. 4°. Leipzig, 1834. Plantinus (C.) Vivae imagines partium cor- poris humani aereis formis expressae. 4°. Ant- verpice, 1572. Platerus (F.) De corporis humani structura et usu libri iii. 4°. Basilece, 1603. Quain (J.) Human anatomy; edited by R. Quain and W. Sharpey. 1. Am. from the 5. Lond. ed. Edited by J. Leidy. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1849. -----. Elements of anatomy. 7. ed. Edited by W. Sharpey, A. Thomson, and J. Cleland. 2 v. 8°. London, 1867. ----- & Wilson (W. J. E.) A series of anatomical plates. 4. ed. revised. With addi- tional notes by Jos. Pancoast. 4°. New York, 1856. Questions on practical anatomy, for the use of the students of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. 8°. London, 1844. Ransome (J. A.) & Ainsworth (J.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy and physio- logy. 8°. Manchester, [n. d.] [Read [or Rhead] (A.)] ^oojuaroypaqna AvQpooitivT). Or a description of the body of man. By artificial! figures representing tho mem- bers, and fit terms expressing the same. 8°. [n. p.], 1616. Remmelin (J.) Kleiner Welt-spiegel, das ist: Abbildung gottlicher Schopffung an dess Men- schen Leib. In die teutsche Sprach iibersetzet, durch J. L. Remmelin. fol. Ulm, 1639. Richardson (T. G.) Elements of human ana- tomy; general, descriptive, and practical. 2. ed. 8". Philadelphia, 1867. Riolanus filius (J.) Anthropographia et osteologia omnia recognita, triplo auctiora et emendatiora. 4°. Francofurt, 1626. Romer (A.) Handbuch der Anatomie dea menschlichen Korpers. 1. Bd. 8°. Wien, 1831. Rosenmuller (J. C.) Handbuch der Anato- mie des menschlichen Korpers zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesuugen ausgearbeitet von ... 6. ver- melirte Aufl. hrsg. von D. Ernst Heinrich Weber. 8°. Leipzig, 1840. Sabatier (R. B.) Traite" complet d'anatomie, ou description de toutes les parties du corps hu- main. 3. e"d. 3. v. 8°. Paris, 1791. Santorini (J. D.) Anatomici suunni septou- ,»-s I 1 >' hr. r Tf x '£\ w -J ANATOMY. 319 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including 'Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. decern tabulae, quas nunc primum edit atque explicat, iisqne alias addit de structura mamma- rum et de tunica testis vaginali Michael Gerardi. 4°. Parmer, 177.">. Sappey (P. C.) Trait6 d'anatomie descriptive. -t n * -T^\2- ^u- Sv7 8°^ Paris, 1867-72. So^vUiaujIuM-^- -----■ Tko oam [trwpH fol. Neiv York, Schmidt (J.) Spiegel der Anatomij. Darinn zuchen alle innerliche und ausserliche Gliedmas- sen des menschlichen Leibs. 16°. Augspurg, 1646. Schmidt (T.) Repetitorium der Anatomie zum Gebrauche fiir Mediciner in ersten und letzten Semestern. 12°. Leipzig, [n. d.] Seerig (A. W. H.) Anatomische Demonstra- tionen oder Sammlung colossaler Abbildungen aus dem Gebiete der menschlichen Anatomie. fol. Breslau, 1830-2. Smith (H. H.) Anatomical atlas, illustrative of the structure of the human body. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. -----. The same. 4°. Philadelphia, 1859. Soemmerrlng (S. T.) De corporis humani fabricil. 4 v. 8°. Traj. ad Mcenum, 1794-1801. Spaher (M.) & Remilinus. A survey of the microcosme; or, the anatomie of the bodies of man and woman, wherein the skin, veins, nerves, muscles, bones, sinews, and ligaments, thereof are accurately delineated and so disposed by pasting as that each part of said bodies, both inward and outward, are exactly represented. Englished by John Ireton. Large 4°. London, 1675. Spigelius (A.) De humani corporis fabrica libri decern. Opus posthumum. D. Bucretius in lucem profert. fol. Venetiis, [n. p. ] 1627. Stadelmann (H. J.) *Sectiones transversae partium elementarium corporis humani. 8°. Turici, 1844. Stephanus (C.) De dissectione partium cor- poris humani. Libri tres. Una cum figuris, et incisionum declarationibus, a Stephano Riverio, chirurgo compositis. fol. Parisiis, 1545. -----. The same. [French transl.] fol. Paris, 1546. Strambio (G.) Trattato elementare di anato- mia descrittiva e di preparazioni anatomiche. 2. ed. 3 v. 8°. Milano, 1864-6. System (A.) of anatomy from Monro, Winslow, Innes and the latest authors. 8°. Edinburgh, 1784. ' -----. The same. 2. ed. To which is added the comparative anatomy (with plates). 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1787. The same. A new edition, with addi- tions, corrections, and notes; illustrated. 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1801. Tassin (L.) De behandling van de ontleed- konst, benevens de verhandeling der spieren in't generaal en in't byzonder. Nit het Fransch in't Nederduitsch vertaalt. Door Pieter Samson. 12°. Amsterdam, 1732. Tauvry(D.) A new rational anatomy, con- taining an explication of the uses of the structure of the body of man and some other animals ac- cording to the rules of mechanicks. Made Eng- lish from the third edition, by the author. . 8°. London, 1701. Theophilus. Protospatharii de corporis hu- mani fabrica. Libri v. Edidit Gu. Alex. Green- hill. [Greek and Latin text.] 8°. Oxonii, 1842. Todd (R. B.) The cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology. 6 v. 8°. London, 1835-59. Turner (T.) Outlines of a course of lectures Anatomy (Human, General works on), includingSystems, Manuals, Elements, etc. on the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human body. 8U. Manchester, 1833. Tuson (E. W.) The dissector's guide; or stu- dent's companion. 3. Am. ed., with additions by Winslow Lewis, jr. 8°. Boston, 1844. Valverde (J.) Anatomia del corpo humano composta M. Giovan. Valverde di Hamusco. fol. Roma, 1560. -----. Anatomie oft levende beelden hande deelendesmenschelickenlichaems. fol. Antwerp, 1568. -----. La anatomia del corpo umano. 4°. Venetia, 1586. Anatome corporis humani. Nunc pri- mum k Michaele Colubo latine reddita, et additis novis aliquot tabulis exornata. fol. Venetiis, 1589. -----. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1607. Vass^eus (L.) In anatomen corporis humani, tabulae quatuor, ab authore nuper auctae et re- cognitae. fol. Parisiis, 1553. VaughAN ( W.) An exposition of the prin ciplea of anatomy and physiology . . . and containing the Praelectiones anatomicae of Ferdinand Leber. 2 v. 8°. London, 1791. Verdier. An abstract of the anatomy of the humaja body. Translated from the original French, by Dale Ingram. 8°. London, 1753. Verduc (J. B.) A treatise of the parts of a humane body, with their respective uses; made English by j. Davis. 359 pp. 8°. London, 1704. Verheyen (P.) Supplementum anatomicum, sive anatomiae corporis humani liber secundus. . . . Accedit descriptio anatomica partium fcetui et recenter nato propriarum. Item, controversia de foramine ovali inter authorem et D. Mery. 4°. Bruxellis, 1710. -----. The same. 8°. Amstelodami ac Lip- sice, 1731. -----. Corporis humani anatomiae, liber pri- mus. 4°. Lovano, 1717. -----. The same. Editio nova. 8°. Amstelo- dami ac Lipsice, 1731. Vesalius (A.) De humani corporis libri sep- tem. fol. Basilece, 1543. -----. The same. 2 v. 16°. Lugduni, 1552. -----. The same. fol. Basilece, (1555.) -----. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1568. -----. Anatomia deuttsch, ein kurtzer Auszug der Beschreibung aller Glider menschlichs Leybs aus den Buchern des . . . [by Jacob Baumann]. 4C. Niirnberg, 1551. -----. Anatomia viri . . . in qua tota humani corporis fabrica, inconibus elegantissimis . . . ponitur. fol. Amstelodami, 1617. -----. Librorum de humani corporis fabrica epitome, cum annotationibus Nicolai Fontani. fol. Amstelodami, 1642. -----. Opera omnia anatomica et chirurgica cura H. Boerhaave et B. S. Albini. 2 v. fol. Lugd. Batav., 1725. Vesalius (A.) & Valverde. Anatomie, ofte Af-beeldinghe van de deelen des menschelijcken lichaemes, en derselver verklaringhe. Met Een aenwijsinghe om het selve te ontleden volgens de leering Galleni, Vesalii, Fallopii, en Arantii. fol. Amsterdam, 1647. Veslingius (J.) Syntagma anatomicum. 4°. Patavii, 1647. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1666. -----. The anatomy of the body of man: wherein is exactly described every part thereof, etc. Englished by Nich. Culpeper. fol. Lon- don, 1677. Vidius (V.) De anatome corporis humani 1 ibri ANATOMY. 320 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including'Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. vii, nunc primum in lucem editi, atque lxxviii, tabulis in aes incisis, illustrati et exornati. Acces- serunt de chirurgia libri quatuor. fol. Venetiis, 1611. Vivje imagines partium corporis humani aeris formis expressae. fol. Antverpice, 1572. [With a prefatory note by Christopher Plantinus. Plates from Vesalius. There is added an epi- tome of "Vesalius de humani corporis fabrica." fol.] Vuillichius (J.) Commentarius anatomicus, in quo est omnium partium corporis humani dili- gens enumeratio. Item de locustis dialogus, philosophis, medicis, et theologis non parvum utilis. 12°. Argentorati, 1544. Walter (J. G.) Anatomische Beobachtungen. Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt von Johann Gottlob Daniel Michaelis. 4°. BerUn und Stral- sund, 1782. Weber (M. J.) Vollstandiges Handbuch der Anatomie des menschlichen Korpers. 3 v. 8°. Bonn u. Leipzig, 1839-45. -----. Anafcomischcr Atlas des menschlichen Korpers in natiirlicher Grosse, Lage und Verbin- dung der Theile. Mit Erkliirungen. Text in 8°. fol. Diisseldorf, [n. d.] Welsch (C. L.) Tabulae anatomic^,, univer- sam humani corporis fabricam. fol. Lipsice, 1697. Wilson (E.) The dissector; or, practical and surgical anatomy. Modified by P. B. Goddard. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. -----. A system of human anatomy, general and special. 2. Am. ed., edited by P. B. God- dard. From the 2. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1844. -----. The same. Edited by W. H. Gobrecht. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Wilson (W. J. E.) Practical and surgical anatomy. 8°. London, 1838. -----. The anatomist's vade mecum: a system of human anatomy. 12°. London, 1861. -----. The same. 9. ed. 8°. London, 1873. Winslow (J. B.) Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps humain. 8°. Amsterdam, 1752. -----. The same. Translated from the French original by Dr. G. Douglas. 6. ed. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgh, 1772. -----. The same. 5. ed. corrected. 2 v. 4°. London, 1776. Winston (T.) Anatomy lectures at Gresham Colledge. 12°. London, 1659. Wistar (C.) A system of anatomy for the use of students of medicine. 2 v. 4°. Philadelphia, 1811-14. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1817. -----. The same. 3. ed. with notes and ad- ditions. By W. E. Horner. 2 v. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1823. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1825. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 v. 4°. Phila- delphia, 1827. Wood (T.) A compendium of anatomy, de- signed to accompany the anatomical chart. 12°. Cincinnati, [n. d.] Wortabat. At Taudhih fi usul it Tashrih. [The elements of anatomy in Arabic] 8°. Bcirout, 1871. VON Zahn (A.) Auatomisches Taschenbiich- lein. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1864. Aids to anatomy. Students' J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, passim.—Bell (C.) Lectures illustrated by the Hunterian preparations in the Museum of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, London. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii, passim.__ Brown (G.) Aids to anatomy. Students' J. &. Hosp. Anatomy (Human, General works on), including Systems, Manuals, Elements, etc. Gaz., Lond., 1875, iii, passim.—Rivington (W.) Lec- tures on human anatomy. Med. Press 6. Proc6do do coupe du crane. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, 4. s., ii, 206.—Francis (J. W.) [Tho his- tory of preservative anatomy, from 1630 to 1858.] Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1858, ix, 315.—Fredericq. Sur la conservation des pieces anatomiques par la parathne. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. do Par., 1879, 3. s., ii, 18-22. -----. Conser- vation.'! sec des tissus mous par la paraffine. Gaz. nied. do Par., 1879, 6. 8., i, 45.—Gage (S. H.) Plaster of Paris as an injecting mass. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1878, xii, 717-724.— Gallarani (C.) Sulla conservazione e petrificazione delle sostanze animali e specialmente dei cadaveri umani, col metodo del prof. Gorini. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1865, viii, 45-50.—G annul. Lettre sur la con- servation des cadavres par les injections d'arsenic Gaz. med. dePar., 1840,2. a., viii, 9.—Gaskoin (J. S.) Preser- vation of anatomical preparations. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828-9, iii, 40.—Gayart. [Des choroldes et des retines humaines.] (Specimens of Grodenigo's process.) Lyon med., 18/2, x, 484.—Oerlach. Eine neue Methode der anatomischen Demonstration. Allg. wien. med. Ztschr., 1876, xxi, 354.— Giacomini (C.) Nuovo processo per la conservazione del cervello. Gior. d. r. Acad, di med. cli Torino, 1878, xii, 535; 545. Also: Osservatore, Torino, 1878, xiv, 421-433.— Goadby (H.) Anaccountofachemico-gelatinousinjection, with tho method of employing it informing anatomical pre- parations. Lancet, Lond'., 1849, i, 287-289. Aho: Med. Exam., Phila., 1850, vi, 176-181. —'■—. A practical treatise on the art of making and preserving microscopical and other preparations. Med. Indep., Detroit, 1856, i, 105; 161; 220; 280; 342. -----. The mode of making minute injec- tions of man and animals. Ibid, ii, 157; 209.—Goddard (P. B.) On a new material and process for making minute anatomical injections. Med. Exam., Phila., 1849, n. s., v, 719.—Gorini (P.) (Preparazioni cadavcriche.) {See, aho, Gallarani.] Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 137.—Grape. Injectionsapparatmed mat bait tryck. Up- salaLakaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 152.—Guarini (M.) Nuova materia da injezione a freddo pel sistcmavascolare. Ann. univ. dinicd., Milano, 1857, clxii, 384.—Heller (.1. F.) An- wendung der GuttaPerchazurLeicheneonserviruug. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien, 1847, iv, 315- 317.—[llirschfeld (L.)] Nouveau rachitonie. Gaz. d. h&p., Par., 1858, xxxi, 219.—Horner (W. E.) On the preservation of the human body for anatomical purposes. Am. J. M. Sc, 1845, n. s.', ix, 245-248.—Jackson. Tho preservation of anatomical specimens. Boston M. & S. J., 1871, Ixxxv, 241. Kluyskens. Rapport sur les preparations anatomiques de M. Burggraeve. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1837, iii, 315-322.—TCainbl. Sur la nouvelle m6thode de M. Brunetti. Con";, med. inter- nat. de Par., 1808, 509-512.—Liangcr (C.) Ueber Konser- virung anatoniischer Objekte fiir diePriiparirsiilc. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 289; b!8. — Lnskowitki. Ueber ein neues Verfahren von Conservirung auatomischer Leichentheile. Allg. wien. mecl. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 271. -----. Procede de conservation des cadavres ct des preparations auatomiquea. Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. med. compt.- rend., Gen6ve, 1878,697-703.—I;epricur(C.E.) De l'alcool arseni6 et de son emploi pour la conservation des collections. Rec. de mem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., v, 230-239.— Eiiler (B.G.) Ueber die Zerglicdorung des menschlichen Korpers im Alter. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1805, vi, 1-119.— Lund (E.) On a newmethod of injecting subjects for ana- tomical purposes. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 26-29: 1854, i, 659- 661.—Eiuppi(G.) De l'emploi dela mixture Falcony pour la conservation temporaire des cadavres. Gaz. med. cie Lyon, 1854, vi, 20; 50.—McDonnell (J.) On the use of oxalic acid in aqueous solution as a preservative for anatomical preparations. Lond. M. Gaz., 18^8, ii, 18.—Mackenzie (G. S.) An account of a new method of embalming, and of preserving subjects for dissection. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1828, xxx, 34-36.—Marini (E.) Metodo cli conservare icadaveri. Morgagni, Napoli, 1871, xiii, 206-215. [See, aho, Beisso.]— Marshall (T.) Preservation of bodies for dissection. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, n. s., i, 472.—Mauriac (E.) De la gal- vanoplastie appliquce k l'etude de lanatomie du cerveau. Gaz. med. de Bordeaux, 1878, vii, 193-197.—Mehu (C.) Solubilite de l'acide arsenieuxdans l'alcool. Liquido pour la conservation des pieces anatomiques. Bull. gen. cleth6rap., Par., 1870, lxxvui, 356-358.—Meilleur (Sur le) procede Anatomy (Methods and preparations of). pour faire avec succes les iniections anatomiques. Monit. scient., Par., 1857, i, pt. 1, 270-272.—Merat. Rapport, au nom d'une commission, sur un modele anatomique, repre- sentant particulierement la myologie humaine, invents et compose par M. Ameliue. .1. gen. do mecl., chir. et pliarm., Par., 1820, lxx, 61-69.—Monro (A.) On the art of inject- ing the vessels of animals. Med. Essays Sc Obs. Soc., Echn b., 1733, i, 94-111. -----. On the method of preparing and pre- serving tho parts of animal bodies for anatomical purposes. Ibid., 1735, iii, 107-133.—Moreau (P.) Nouveau procede pour la conservation des pieces pathologiques. Union med., Par., 1876, i, 449-453.—Morgan (J.) The art of making anatomical preparations by corrosion. Tr. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1786, ii, 366-383.—Miiller (J.) An- wendung des Kreosotwassers zur Conservation und Pr»: paration des Gehirns und Riickenmarks. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1834, 95.— IVettleship (E.) Note of a new method of preserving and mounting eyes. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871-3, vii, 225-228.— New process for preserving animal substances. Boston M. & S. J., 1847, xxxvi, 216-219.—Mich oils (H. A. A.) Improved blow-pipe for anatomists. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1871, i, 145.—IVieol (J. I.) On preserving bodies for dissection. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1844, iv, 747.—Nott (J. C.) Method of preserving bodies for dissec- tion. N.Orl.M. &S. J., 1858,xv, 191.—Ore. Proc6depourla conservation du cerveau . . . application de la galvanoplas- tie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., vi, 1310-1312.— Parise (J.) Nouveau procede pour blauchir les os clans les preparations anatomiques. Ann. de la chir.. Par., 1844, x, 194-197.—Pathological preservation jar. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xiii, 609.—Patissier. Prepara- tions anatomiques. Diet. cl. sc. iu6d., Par., 1820, xiv, 59-81.— [Paullus (».)] Modus do albandi ossa pro sceletopceia. Acta mecl. phil. Hafn., 1673, ii, 42-46. Aho, transl.: Collect. acad. demem..etc., Dijon,1760,vii, 207.-----. Observationes in coctura ossium, prsesertim sterni. Actamed.phil. Hafn., 1673, ii, 279-288. Aho, transl. • Collect, acad. de mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 240-244.—Paulicr (A.) Nouveau pro- cede do preparation de la moelle. Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 249.—Pausch (A.) Kalte Injection mit Kleister- masse. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1877, 480-482.—Pclauda (G.) Modificazioue del metodo pro- posto dal Prof. C. Giacomini per la conservazione del cer- vello, e lettera del Prof. P. Vlacovich sullo stesso argomento. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1879, xxii, 123-125.— Percy. Dissection. Diet, de sc. mecl., Par., 1814, ix, 520- 656.—Peters (H.) Ein Versuch, Leichcn zu anatomischen Studien zu conserviren. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1871, cxlix, 103-106.—Pigne. [New mode of preserving ana- tomical specimens.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1844, xviii, 329. -----. [Observations on.] Ibid., 1840, xxi, 70-72.— Plateau (F.) Note sur un procede pour donner ou pour rend:re leur couleur rouge aux muscles conserves dans l'alcool. Bull. Acad. roy. cl. sc. ... dc Belg., Brux., 1874, >•', 4:6-480. — Preservation of subjects for dissection. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 585. — Pront (W.) The art of injecting the blood vessels. Med. Sc Phys. J., Loud., 1813, xxx, 89-90.—Bamsay. A now species of anatomical injection. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1805, ii, 22-25.—Bap- port fait au conseil royal do l'iustruction publique, sur les pieces d'anatomie artiticielles de M. Ameliue. N. Jour, de med., chir., pharm., Par., 1822, xiv, 150-159.— Bauber (A.) Ueber Hblilen-Ausgiisse. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Boil., 1873, xi, 481. Report of tho means employed in medical schools of Great Britain for the preservation of subjects lor dissection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 382; 412. Aho, Reprint.—Bestelli. Anatomia: injezione mctallica dei polmoni. Gazz. nied., Milano, 1843, ii, 279.—Biclinrdsou (J. G.) New method of preserving tumors and certain urinary deposits during transportation. Phila. M. Times, 1872-3, iii, 181-183. Aho, Reprint.—Bol- leston. Note on the preservation of encephala bv the zinc chloride. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond.. 1878-9, xiii, 232.— Boster (G.) Di un nuovo metodo di preparazione c couser- vazionedeipezzi anatomici. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1867, xx, 385-430.—Schoemaker (A. H.) De ontleedkundige prae- paraten van Professor L. Brunetti. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, i, 529-531.—Schwalbe (G.) Feine Caniilen zu Einstich-Injectioncn. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1870,vi,2J3.—Scscmann. Methode, ganze, unprapa- nrte Leichentheile in conservirbaren Zustancl zu bringen. St. Petersb.mod. Ztschr.,1875, n. F.,v,40.—SescinannlE.) Ein Beitrag zur Conservirung auatomischer Praparate. Arch. t. Anat., Physiol., u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1874, 579-683.—Sharplcss (J. T.) A case of preservation of the human body by tho acetate of alumina.—Med. Exam. Phila., 1842, i, 513.—Steel (J. E.) On anatomical prepara- tions. Am. M. Month. Sc N. Y. Rev., 1861, xv, 430-4o6.— Stieda. Neue Conservatiousmethodeu auatomisclier Pra- parate. St. Petersb. nied. Ztschr., 1869, xvi, 314-317.— Stieda (L.) Eino Notiz iiber dio Injection von Leichen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Mod., Leipz., 1870, 753. -----. Ueber die Van Vetter'sche Methode zur Hor- stellung anatoniischer Praparate. Ibid., 1872, 503-508__ Strambio (G.) Lutorno alle preparazioni cadaveric-he del prof. Gorini. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi ANATOMY. 325 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Methods and preparations of). 137-141.—Tait (L.) An easy method of taking casts. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 168.—Titcomb (B.) Liquid for the preservation of wet anatomical preparations, etc. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1870, xxi, 215.—Toldt. ' Die Injection unter messbarem Drucke. Arch. f. mikr. I Anat., Bonn, 1869, v, 167-182, 1 pi.—Turner (C. "W.) New method of closing the mouths of jars containing wet anatomical preparations. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1827, vii, 577.—VanVctter. Conservation des pieces anatomiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 333.—Vulpian. [Preserva- tion of anatomical specimens in perchloride of iron. ] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 165-167.—Watson (A.) On preserving anatomical preparations in spirits. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1831, xxxv, 328-331.—Wells (S.) New mode of preserving morbid preparations. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1865, xvi, 277.—Wright (T. S.) Note on tho preservation of minute animals in acetic acid. J. Anat. & Physiol., I Lond., 1870, iv, 259.—Zanon (B.) Sulla possibility di preservare sotto terra i corpi animali gii mineralizzati dall'acido arscnioso, mediante l'applicazione della calce idraulica. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1848, 3. 8., xiv, 138-141. Anatomy (Microscopical). See Histology; Microscopy (Medical). Anatomy (Museums of). See Museums (Anatomical). Anatomy (Nomenclature of). Barclay (J.) A new anatomical nomencla- ture. 8°. Edinburgh, 1803. Camerarius (J.) Commentarii utriusque liugu;e Lat. et Graac, in quibus est diligens ex- quisitio nominum, quibus partes corporis humani appellari solent. Additis et fuuetionum nomen- claturis et aliis his accedentibus. fol. Basilece, 1551. Alquie. Essai sur une nomenclature anatomique. J. Soc. dc med.-prat. de Montpel., 1843, viii, 450-464.—Dew- hurst (H. W.) Improvement in anatomical nomenclature. Lond. M. & S. J., 1828, i, 454-456.—Hunter (R.) On the propriety of introducing a simplified anatomical nomencla- ture. Glasgow M. J., 1828, i, 182-195.—Kilian (H. F.) Ucbcr die richtige Aussprachcderin " ideus'ausgehenden anatomischen Adjective. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 31.—Maclise (J.) On the nomenclature of anatomy. Lan- cet, Lond., 1846, i, 298-301.—Menke (K. T.) Noch ein paar Worte iiber die Enduag terminologischer Adjectiva in "ides"und "ideus"; nebst einer Bemerkung iiber "thy- roides" und "thyroideiis". DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 501.—Pye-Smitb (P. H.) Suggestions on some points of anatomical nomenclature. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1877, xii, 154-175.—Schultzc (S.) Ueber die Bedeutung und den Unterschied der anatomischen Namen, welche sich in "ides" und "ideus" endigen, nebst einigen vorlaufigen Bemerkungen iiber die heutige anatomische Nomenclatur uberhaupt. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 431-434. Anatomy (Pathological). See, also, Anatomy (Essays, memoirs, etc.); Pathology; and under names of diseases, organs, and regions. Blkuland (J.) Icones anatomico-pathologicse partium corporis humani, qua? in descriptione mnsei Academiae Rheno-Trajectinae inveniuntur. 4C. Traj. ad Rhen., 1826. Boys de Loury (J.-L.-C.) * Propositions et observations sur l'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1831. Brunetti (L.) Prolusione alio insegnainento dell'anatomia patologica. 4°. Padova, 1855. I'hevallier (F. M. A.) * I. Quels sont les services les plus importants que l'anatomie pa- thologique a jusqu'ici rendu k la pratique? 4°. Paris, 1839. Cohnheim (J.) Ueber die Aufgaben der patho- logischen Anatomie. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. Cruveilhier (J.) * Essai sur l'anatomie pa- thologique en general. 4U. Paris, 1816. Depoux (A.) * I. Quelle est l'utilit€ de l'anato- mie pathologique consideree en general? 4°. Paris, 1839. Dupuytren (G.) * Propositions sur quelques points d'anatomie, de physiologie, et d'anatomie pathologique. 8°. Paris, 1803. Anatomy (Pathological). Engel (J.) Entwurf einer pathologisch-anato- inischen Propadeutik. 8°. Wien, 1845. Fabricius (P. C.) * De autopsiae in medicina utilitate et praestantia. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, 1748. Fowe (A. F.) Animadversiones in anatomiam pathologicam. 8°. Berolini, 1815. Girma (L.) * I. L'anatomie pathologique e"claire-t-elle toutes Its maladies ? Si son appli- cation est restrcinte k un certain nombre d'entre elles, faut-il en accuser nos sens ? ou bien le do- maine de l'anatomie pathologique reconnalt-il reellement certaines limites ? En cas d'affirma- tive, quelles sout ces limites ? 4°. Paris, 1839. Green (T. H.) An introduction to pathology and morbid anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1871. -----. The same. 2. Am., from 3. revised Eng. ed. t<-. Philadelphia, 1876. Guerard (J.-A.) * Sur quelques points d'anato- mie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1827. Gulllou-Keredan (A.) *Des services rendus au diagnostic des maladies par l'anatomie patho- logique. 4°. Paris, 1854. Hetsch (A.) * De sede sanguinis post mortem. 8°. Tubingce, 1837. Joux (A.) * De l'influence que l'anatomie pa- thologique a exerce"e sur les progres de la mdde- cine. 4°. Paris, 1835. Kotteg (A. M.) *De emolumentis qute re- dundant in universam medicinam practicam ex studio anatomiae pathological. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1843. Labarthe de Brandelac. *I. Quelles sont les diffitSrentes voies dans lesquelles a march6 jus- qu'ici l'anatomie pathologique f 4°. Paris, 1839. Laboulbene (A.) Lecon d'ouverture du cours d'anatomie pathologique fait k la Facult6 de me'decine. 8°. Paris, 1866. Lacheze (A.) * Considerations sur l'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1828. Lancelin (L.) *I. Des rapports de l'anatomie pathologique avec la the'rapeutique. 4C. Paris, 1844. Ludlam (R.) The relations of morbid ana- tomy to practical medicine. 8°. New York, 1861. Mezler de Andelberg (J. B.) * De influxu anatomise pathologicae in medicinam practicam. 8°. Pragce, 1841. Montagnan (J.) * Quelques considerations sur l'utilite' de l'anatomie pathologique pour la thdrapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1836. Moreau (A.) * Jusqu'& quel point l'anatomie pathologique a-t-elle 6clair6 le diagnostic et le traitement des affections chirurgicales. 8°. Paris, 1847. Plasse(L.) * De l'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1836. Rapp (G.) Annotationes practica? de vera in- terpretatione observationum anatomia? patholo- gicaB, praesertim morbos acutos spectantium. 4°. Tubingce, 1834. Rayer (P.) * Sommaire d'une histoire abre'ge'e de l'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1818. Reynaud (A. C.) * Propositions d'anatomie pathologique et de diagnostic medical. 4°. Paris, 1829. Ribes (F.) * Quelques reflexions sur l'anato- mie pathologique. 4°. Montpellier, 1824. -----. De l'anatomie pathologique consid6r6e dans ses vrais rapports avec la science des mala- dies. 2 v., 8°. Paris, 1834. Ruge (L. M. G.) *De summa anatomise pa- thological in medicina auctoritate et praestantia. 8°. Hale?., [1839], SCHROEDER VAN DER KOLK (J. S. C.) Oratio de anatomise pathologicae prsecipue subtilioriu ANATOMY. 326 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological). studio utilissimo. 8°. Academia Ultrajectina, [1827]. Also, in: Annales Rheno-Trajecti. 8°. 1828, 1-32. Smith (J.) *De utilitate morborum naturam cadaveribus sectis explorandi. 8°. Edinburgi, 1812. Stille (A.) Morbid anatomy. A lecture. 8C. Philadelphia, 1866. Stoeber(V.) * Appreciation des progres que l'anatomie pathologique a fait faire a la th6rapeu- tique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1836. Suringar (G. C. B.) Vertegenwoordiging der pathologische anatomie door Gualtherus van Doeveren en Eduard Sandifort Roijeu. 8°. In hh: Bijdkage tot de . . . Leidsche Hoogschool. Tacheron (C. F.) Recherehes anatomico- pathologiques sur la mddecine pratique. 3. v. 8°. Paris, 1823. Tavernier (H. H.) * Quelques reflexions sur l'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1834. Albers. Werth der Loichenoffnungen fiir die Erkennt- niss der Krankheita-Constitution und die Behandlung der Krankheiten. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1847, 469- 472.—d'Amador (R.) Influence de l'anatomie pathologique sur la medecine depuis Morgagni jusqu'a nos jours. Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1837, vi, 313-604.—Barth. Ana- tomie pathologique. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, iv, 278-294.—Baylc. Anatomie pathologique. Diet. cl. sc. wed., Par., 1812, ii, 46-79.—Bouillaud (J.) Coup d'u'il sur l'anatomie pathologique, suivi de l'analyse des ouvrages de MM. Ribes, Andral, Cruveilhier et Lobstein sur cette science, et d'une comparaison entre son 6tat ac- tuel ct son 6tat ant6rieur. J. hebd. de med., Par,, 1829, iii, 572-602; iv, 179; 354.—Boulland (A.) Essai sur la colo- ration rouge des organes, consideree comme caractere ana- tomique de rinliammation. Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1825, ii, 256-274; iii, 73-97.—Bousquet (J.-B.) Quel- Sues reflexions sur l'anatomie pathologique, consideree ans ees rapports avec la science des maladies. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. mod., Par., 1820, vii, 289-303.—Brandcs (L. J.) Pathologisk Anatomie og pathologisk Physiologic. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1859, ii, 185.—Brodowski (W.) Wste.pna lekcva do wykladu anatomii patologicznej. Pam. Towarz. lek., "Warszaw., 1862, xlvii, 181-200. -----. Stosu- nek anatomii patologiczuej do patologii i medycyny prak- tycznej. Gaz.lek., "Warszawa, 1866, i, 321-326.—Bu'ntzen (A.) Therapie og pathologisk anatomie, betragtningerover den nyeste tids retning i laegekunsten. Hosp.-Tid., Kje- benh.', 1859, ii, 41; 45; 49.—Charcot. Des rapports de l'anatomie pathologique avec la clinique et la physiologie experimentale. Progress med., Par., 1874, ii, 165; 181.— Chcrean (A.) La <16mence de l'anatomie pathologique. Union med., Par., 1864, xxiii, 577-586.—Choulant (L.) Ueber pathologische Anatomie. Allg. mecl. Ann., Leipz., 1821, 577-586.—Clauzurc. De l'influence de l'anatomie pathologique. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1854, xviii, 310-324.—Cohen (L. A.) Een woord over patholo- §ische anatomie, bepaaldelijk met het oog op het leerstelsel er Weener school. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1853, v, 137-169.—Cohnheim (J.) Du role de l'anatomie pathologique. Progres in6d., Par., 1878, vi, 568; 585.—Curry da Camara Cabral (J.) Pelolente do anatomia pathologica. J. Soc- cl. sc. mecl. deLisb., 1877, xH. 225-251.—Bccaisnc. Sur les donnecs fournies par 1'anatomie pathologique k la medecine pratique. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1847, xix, 9-50. Aho: Bull. Soc. de med de Gand, 1846, xii, 253-262.—Bezcimeris (J. E.) Apercudes decouvertes faites en anatomie pathologique durant les trente annees qui viennent de s'ecouler, et de leur influence sur les progres de la connaissance et du traitement des maladies. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1829, xx, 157; 317: xxi, 5; 161; 325; 481: 1830, xxii, 5-24.—B«u,ce( (F. O.) Remarks on the advantages of pathological anatomy. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1829-30, n. 8., ii, 99-114.—Bubini (A.) Alcune avvertenze di anatomia patologica medica. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1845, cxih, 241-286— Dupont. Dithculte de rattacher certaines alterations pathologiques k leura vcritables causes determinantes, et consequences qui peu- vent en resulter au point de vue de la medecine legale. J. de Med., Brux., 1867, xiv, 413-422.—Fschcrich. Wis- scnschaftlicher Gewinn durch die Leichenschau. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1842, iii, 113-128.—Estor (A.) & Saint-Pierre (C.) Note cause de la colo- ration rouge dans l'inflammation; recherehes experinien- tales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1864, Par., 1865, 4. s., i, 31. Also: J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1864, i, 403-412.— Fitz (R. H.) The value of anatomical appearances. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1878, xcix, 168-178.—Foa (P.) L'anatomia patologica e le altre scienze mediche. SpaUanzani, Modena,, Anatomy (Pathological). 1876, xiv, 16-30. -----. Introduziono al corso d'anatomia patologica per l'anno 1877-8. Ibid.. 1877, xi, 541-548.— Froriep (R.) Ueber pathologische Anatomie als ein Glied des klinischen Unterrichts. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1839. viii, 103; 107.—Fustcr. Dc l'anatomie pathologique dans ses rappoits avec la thdrapeutique. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1832, i, 233-238.—Oali (M. S. T.) Discurso sobre anatomia patologica. Bibliot. med.-castr. espan., Madrid, 1852, v, 311-334.—Gant (F. J.) What has pathological anatomy done for medicine and surgery? Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 239; 262; 335; 359; 385; 411; 437; 463; 491; 513.— Gonzalez (Z. B.) Importancia de la anatomia patologica. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1852, 2. s., ii, 321; 329. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1854, i, 301; 319; 367.—Hertz (H.) Ueber die Bcdeutung der pathologischen Anatomie fiir cUe medicinische Wissenschaft. Ann. Acad. Neerl., Lugd. Bat., 1872, 269-386.—Heschi (R.) Der Erbe Roki- tansky's iiber die Aufgaben und Ziele der pathologischen Anatomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 157; 181.—Men sin per (C.-F.) Apercu historique sur l'anatomie pathologique, suivi d'un essai d'une nou- veUe classification des tissus accidentels. J. compl. du diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1824, xx, 30; 125.—Hubs. AUmanna reflexioner om det forhallande, hvari patholo- giska anatomien. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1839, i, 4-24.—In- flneneia da anatomia pathologica sobre o tratamento das doencas. J. da Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1852. 2. 8., xi, 12- 26.—Ladcvezc (J.-F.-E.) L'influence de l"anatomie pa- thologique sur les progres de la me-decine en general. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1821, xi, 193-215: 1823, xv, 97_10S.—Ladevcze (J.-F.-E.) Sc Monfalcon (J.-B.) Determiner l'influence de l'anatomie pathologique sur les progres de la medecine en general. Ibid., 1822, xiv, 289- 305.—Laennec (R. T. H.) Note sur l'anatomie patholo- gique. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1805, ix, 360- 378.—Lcubuscher (R.) De betrekking tusschen genees- kundige kliniek en ziektekundigo ontleedkunde. N. pract. Tydschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem. 1850, u, 535-548. -----. DieStellung der medicinischen Klinik zur pathologi- schen Anatomie. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1850, n, 245-247.— I.obstcin (J.-F.) Vues gen6rales sur l'anatomie patho- logique. J. compl. du diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1818, ii, 3; 311.—IVIaestre de Wan Juan (A.) De la necesidad de establccerse en todos los hospitales de Espana labora- tories de histologia para los progresos de la anatomia pa- tologica. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1875, i, 235-243.— ITIarcq (L.) Coup d'ceil sur l'histoire cie l'anatomie pathologique. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1862, xxxiv, 452-459.—iHitchell (T. D.) Morbid anatomy; con- sidered in its relation to ihe practice of medicine. N. Am. M. Sc S. J. Phila,, 1827, iv, 52-58.—Namias (G.) Consi- derazioni su l'intluenza della notomia patologica nelle vi- cende della medicina. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1834, i, 142-174.—Ornellas. [Introductory lec- ture.] Gac. med. de Lima, 1858, ii, 224; 239.—Patholo- fico-Anatomical (The) School of Vienna. Brit. & or. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1854, xiv, 311-320.—Paxton. (J.) On pathological memorials. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1847, xv, 353-361.—Percy Sc Laurent. Perfora- tion. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xl, 314-341, 2 pi.— Phoebus (P.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber dieBcnutzung der pathologischen Anatomie fur die praktische Medicin. Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1833, xxv, 143-178.— Quain (R.) An address delivered at the Pathological Society of London. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 98. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 141.—Quelques details sur l'eta- bUssement du museum Dupuytrcn et de la chairc d'anato- mie pathologique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 497- 500.—Review of Craigie on pathological anatomy. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., 1848, i, 504-517.—Review of Dr. Gross's pathological anatomy. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1841, xxiv, 5; 21; 40; 87; 200; 249.—Review of Rokitansky & Engel on pathological anatomy. Brit. Sc For. M. Chir. Rev., 1848, i, 153-182.—Richardson (J. G.) Introduc- tory lecture to the course on pathological anatomy. Phila. M. Times, 1871-2, ii, 1-4. Aho, Reprint.—Richter (C. A. W.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der neuern pathologischen Anatomie zur Heilkunde. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1847, 797; 820— Rosenthal. Ueber die Bearbei- tung der pathologischen Anatomie. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1818, i, 375-419.—Sangalli (G.) Riorganizzazione degli stud,j medico-chirurgici; necessita d'nna scuola di ana- tomia patologica. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1851, 3. s., ii, 117-124. -----. Dello stato attuale dell'auatomia e fisiologia patologica. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1853, cxliv, 82; 336. -----. DeU'anatomia patologica rispetto alle altre discipline mediche. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 205-210. -----. D passato e l'avvenire della scuola d'anatomia patologica neU university di Pavia. Ann. univ. dimed., Milano, 1859, clxix, 109.-----. DeUoscopo, del modo e del tempo piu opportuno d'insegnare l'anatoniia pa- tologica agli studeuti di medicina. Ibid., 1863, clxxxiv,57.— Schneider. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 235-254.—Segond (L. A.) Examen particulier du plan et do la direction qu'il eonvient de donner aujourd'hui k l'anatomie pathologique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1849, Par., 1850, 1, pt, 2, 69-79. ANATOMY. 327 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological). Ibid., Gaz. med. de Par., 1850. 3. s., v, 69-71.—Smith (S. H.) On the relations of pathological anatomy to practical medicine. Ohio M. Sc S. J., Columbus, 1849, 'ii, 193-202.— Spiro. Einige Betrachtungen iiber dio Bedeutung der pathologischen Anatomic fiir practische Medicin. Mitth. a. cl. Gebiete cl. Heilk.. Leipz., 1845, 77-89.—Spry (T. H.) [On morbid anatomy.] Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iii, 17-23.—Stewart (L.) Modem medicine influenced by morbid anatomy. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, vi, 8-16. Aho, Reprint.—Tnruffi (C.) Intorno l'insegnamento deUa no- tomia patologica. Bull. d. se. mecl. di Bologna, 1863, 4. s., xx, 241-258.—Todd (R. B.) Pseudo-morbid appearances. Cycl. Pract. Med., PhUa., 1845, iii, 723-733. —Tom- niasi-Crndeli (C.) . . . al corso de anatomia pata- logica nella R. Universita di Palermo. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1866, v, 1-5. ----- . . . al corso di anatomia patologica neUa Regia Universita di Roma. Ibid., 1870, ix, 373-378.—do Vnllc (J. A. P.) Ensaio medico-philo- sophico. Consideracoes geraes sobre o valor clinico da anatomia pathologica. Diss, inang. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1864, 2. s., xxviii, 181; 214; 257; 301; 343; 380; 444: 1865, xxix, 157; 345; 468.—Van-Bckeere (L.) Materiaux pour servir aux progres de l'anatomie pathologique. Clin. d. hop., Par.. 1827,1, no. 6-7.—Vanderpoel (S. O.) Pathologi- calanatomy: the, necessity for its study and its influence upon medicine as a positive science. Tr. M. Soc. N. T. 1871, Albany, 1872, 81-103. Aho: Am. J. Insan., Utica, K T., 1871-2,' xxviii, 1-34. Aho, Reprint.—"Virchow (R.) Ro- kitansky's aUgemeine pathologische Anatomie. (3. Aufl.) Wien. med. "Wchnschr., v, 1855, 401-417. Also, transl.: J. do med. de Bordeaux. 1856, 2. s., i, 369-377.-Visconti (A.) DeUa priority degh Italiani neUo studio deU'anatpmia patologica, ed applicaziono di qucsta scienz;a alia me'dicina practica. Ann. univ. dimed., MUano, 1862, clxxxii, 515. -----. Pr. al corso libero d'anatomia pathologica aperto neU'ospedale Maggiore di Milano per l'anno 1865-6. I bid., 1866, clxxxxv, 45. -----. Ultima conferenza del corso Ubero d'anatomia eatologica per l'anno 1865-6. Ibid., clxxxxvi, 590.—We- •cr (C. O.) Dio Bedeutung der pathologischen Anatomie fiir die medicinische Wissenschaft und Praxis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 287; 293.—Weber (F.) Zur pa- thologischen Anatomie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1847, xvi, 521-523.—Wilks (S.) On the value of the study of morbid anatomy. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865, xi, 1-22. Anatomy (Pathological, General and systematic treatises on). See, also, Histology (Pathological); Jurispru- dence (Medical, observations, etc.); Pathology. Albers (J. F. H.) Atlas der pathologischen Anatomie fiir praktische Aerzte. 4 v. fol. Bonn, 1847-62. -----. Erliiuterungen zu dem Atlasse der pathologischen Anatomie fur praktische Aerzte. 4 v. 8°. Bonn, 1832-62. Andral (G.) Precis d'anatomie pathologique. 2v. 8°- Bruxelles, 1837. Atlas (An) of illustrations of pathology. Com- piled for the New Sydenham Society, fol. Lon- don, 1877. Baillie (M.) The morbid anatomy of some of tho most important parts of the human body. 8^. London, 1793. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1797. -----. The same. Aus dem Englischen mit Zusiitzen von S. Th. Sommerinff. 8°. Berlin, 1794. • h -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 8°. Albany, 1795. * -----'■. The same. Trad, de l'anglois. 8°. Paris, 1803. -----. The same. 2. Am., from 3. Lond. ed. 8°. Walpole(N. H), 1808. -----. The same. 3. Am., from 5. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1820. -----. A series of engravings, accompanied with explanations, which are intended to illus- trate the morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human hody; divided into ten fasciculi. 2. ed. Containing 72 pi. 4°. Lon- don, 1812. -----& Wardrop (J.) The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the body. To which are prefixed preliminary observations on diseased structures. 12°. London, 1833. Baron (J.) Delineations of the origin and Anatomy (Pathological, General and systematic treatises on). progress of various changes of structure which occur in man and some of the inferior animals. 4°. London, 1828. Bichat (X.) Pathological anatomy. Transl. by J. Togno. 8°. Philadelphia, 1827. Billard (M. C.) Atlas d'anatomie patholo- gique, pour servir k l'histoire des maladies des enfans. 4°. Paris, 1828. Birch-Hirschfeld (F. V.) Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. Bock (C. E.) Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Leipzig, 1847. -----. Lehrbuch der pathologischen Ana- tomie und Diagnostik. 2. vermehrte Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1849. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. sm. 4°. Leip- zig, 1864. Brodowskie (W.) Eys anatomii patolo- gicznej. v. 1, pt. 1. 8°. Warszawa, 1869. Carswell (R.) Pathological anatomy. Illus- trations of the elementary forms of disease. 4°. Colored plates. London, 1838. Casini (A.) Elementi di anatomia patologica generale compilati sulle lezione del Otto Schron. pt. 1. 8°. Napoli, 1873. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Napoli, 1874. Casper (J. L.) Atlas zum Handbuch der ge- richtlich-medicinischen Leichen-Diagnostik. 4°. Berlin, 1857. Cerutti (L.) Pathologisch-anatomisches Mu- seum. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1821-4. Chowne (W. D.) Ueber diejenigen Leichen- erscheinungen, welche nicht-pathologisch sind, aber dafilr gehalten werden konnen. Vorgelesen im Charing-Cross-Hospitale. Deutsch von Gum- binner. Redigirt und bevorwortet von Fr. J. , Behrend. 8°. Leipzig, 1843. / Conradi (G. C.) Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 12°. Hannover, 1796. Consbruch (G. W.) Taschenbuch der patho- logischen Anatomie. 8°. Leipzig, 1820. Cruveilhier (J.) Anatomie pathologique du corps humain. fol. Paris, 1829-42. -----. Traite" d'anatomie pathologique ge"ne"- rale. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1849-64. Engel (J.) Darstellung der Leichenerschei- nungen und deren Bedeutung. Unter staeter Be- rUcksichtigung der haeungsten Fehlerquellen bei Leichenuntersuchungen. 8°. Wien, 1854. -----. Specielle pathologische Anatomie mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der Bediirfnisse des Arztes und Gerichtsanatomen. 2 Abth. 8°. Wien, 1856. -----. AUgemeine pathologische Anatomie. 8°. Wien, 1865. Fick (L.) Abriss der pathologischen Ana- tomie. 8°. Cassel, 1839. Forster (A.) Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Jena, 1850. ------. The same. 7. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1864. -----. The same. Hrsg. von Fr. Siebert. 10. Aufl., 1. Abth. 8°. Jena, 1875. -----. Handbuch der pathologischen Ana- tomie. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1854-5. Gluge (G.) Atlas der pathologischen Anato- mie. roy. 4°. Jena, 1843-50. -----. The same. Transl. by J. Leidy. 4°. Philadelphia, 1853. Gross (S. D.) Elements of pathological ana- tomy. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. di Guilio (A.) Lezioni di anatomia patholo- gica generale. 8°. NapoU, 1850. Hasse (K. E.) Specielle pathologische Anato- mie. 8°. Leipzig, 1841. Heschl (R.) Compendium der allgemeinen ANATOMY. 328 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, General and systematic treatises on). und speciellen pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Wien, 1855. Hope (J.) Principles and illustrations of mor- bid anatomy. 8°. London, 1834. -----. The same. Edited by L. M. Lawson. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. Horner (W. E.) A treatise on pathological anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1829. Houel (C.) Manuel d'anatomie pathologique. 8°. Paris, 1857. Jones (C. H.) & Sieveking (E. H.) Manual of pathological anatomy. 1. Am. ed. revised. 8°. Philadelphia, 1854. -----------. The same. 2. ed. Edited by J. F. Payne. 12°. London, 1875. Joseph (H.) Compendium der pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Berlin, 1871. Klebs (E.) Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Berlin, 1868-70. -----. The same. 1. Bd. 1. & 2. Abth. 8°. Berlin, 1869-76. Klinische Kupfertafeln. Eine anserlesene Sammlung von Abbildungen in Bezug auf innere Krankheiten, vorziiglich auf deren Diagnostik und pathologische Anatomie. 12Lfg. fol. Wei- mar, 1828-37. Kolb (C.) Grundriss der pathologischen Anato- mie. 12°. Stuttgart, 1855. Lamby (J. L.) * De anatomia pathologica non- nulla, quibus necessitas et ofiicium, mortuorum sectiones et instituendi et permittendi, probatur. 8°. Berolini, [1850]. Lancereaux (E.) Traite" d'anatomie patholo- gique. v. i. 8°. Paris, 1875. ----- & Lackerbauer. 'Atlas d'anatomie pathologique. (With text.) 2 v. roy. 8°. Paris, 1871. Lebert (H.) Trait6 d'anatomie pathologique, gene"rale et speciale. 4 v. fol. Paris, 1857-61. Lobsteln (J. F.) Trait6 d'anatomie patholo- gique. 2 v. 8°. fol. Paris, 1829. Ludwig (C. F.) Primas lineae anatomic patho- logicae, sive de morbosa partium corporis humani fabrica libellus. 8°. Lipsice, 1785. Maier (R.) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen patho- logischen Anatomie. -8°. Leipzig, 1871. Malacarne (V.) Ricordi d'anatomia trauma- tica. 4°. Venezia, 1794. Masch (L.) Trattato di anatomia patalogica. 12°. Parma, 1852. - Meckel (J. F.) Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1812-16. -----. Manual of descriptive and pathologi- cal anatomy. From the French, by A. S. Doane and others. 2 v. 8°. London, 1838. Money (W.) A vade-mecum of morbid ana- tomy. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1831. Morgagni (J. B.) De sedibus et causis morbo- rum per anatomen indagatis. v. 1. fol. Venetiis, 1761. -----. The same. Praefatus est S. A. D. Tissot, M. D. 3 v. 4°. Ebroduni in Helvetia, 1779. -----. The same. 8 v. 8°. Lutetice, 1820-3. -----. The same. Trad, du Latin par A. Desormeaux et J. P. Destouet. 10 v. 8°. Paris, 1820-4. -----. The same. Transl. from the Latin by Benjamin Alexander. 3 v. 4°. London, 1769. -----. The same. Abridged and elucidated, with copious notes, by William Cooke. 2 v. 8°. London, 1822. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. Boston $• Phila- delphia, 1824. Nedel (F. W.) Inbegriff aller anatomischen und chirurgischen Wissenschaften zum Nutzen Anatomy (Pathological, General and systematic treatises on). und Gebrauch derer, welche sich der Heilkunde befleissigen und etwas Griindliches lernen oder sich zum Examen vorbereiten wollen. 8°. Berlin u. Stettin, 1817. Neumann (A. C.) Handbuch der gerichtlichen Anatomie fiir Rechtsgelehrte, Polizeibeamte, und Studirende. Nebst einem Worterbuche. 8°. Berlin, 1841. Orth (J.) A compend of diagnosis in patho- logical anatomy, with directions for making post- mortem examinations. Transl. by F. C. Shat- tuck and G. K. Sabine. Revised by R. H. Fitz. 8°. New York, 1878. Otto (A. W.) Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie des Menschen und der Thiere. 8°. Breslau, 1814. -----. The same. Transl. from the German by Jno. F. South. 8°. London, 1831. -----. Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie des Menschen und der Thiere. 1. Bd. 8°. Berlin, 1830. Rindfleisch (E.) Lehrbuch der pathologi- schen Gewebelehre zur Einfuhrung in das Stu- dium der pathologischen Anatomie. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. -----. The same. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by W.C.Kloman and F.T. Miles. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1872. -----. The same. Transl. by E. Buchanan Baxter, v. i. 8°. London, 1872. Riolanus filius (J.) Encheiridium anatomicum et pathologicum in quo ex naturali constitutione partium recessus a naturali statu demonstratur. 16°. Parisiis, 1648. Rokitansky (C.) A manual of pathological anatomy. 4 v. 8°. London, 1849-54. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 3 v. 8°. Wien, 1855-61. -----. Repetitorum der allgemeinen und spe- ciellen pathologischen Anatomie nach . . . Bear- beitet von Dr. Rudolf Jama. 8°. Wien, 1871. Rudolphi. Lectures on pathological and com- parative anatomy. [MSS. notes, taken by H. C. L. Barkow, Berlin, 1816-17.] 2 v. [German script. ] 4°. Sangalli (G.) La scienza e la pratica della anatomia patologica. Lib. vi. fol. Pavia, 1873. -----. The same. Lib.i. fol. Milano, 1875-77. Schroen(0.) Principii elementari di anato- mia patologica. 8°. Napoli, 1872. Thierfelder (A.) Atlas der pathologischen Histologie; mit erkliirendem Text. 1.-4. Lief. fol. Leipzig, 1872-5. Tommasi-Crudeli (C.) Sommario delle lezioni di anatomia patologica. v. i. 8°. Roma, Torino, Firenze, 1876. Vogel (J.) Pathologische Anatomie dea menschlichen Korpers. 1. Abth. 8°. Leipziq, 1845. "" -----. The same. Transl. from the German, with additions by Geo. E. Day. 8°. London, 1847. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1817. Voigtel(F. G.) Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie, mit Zusiitzen von P. F. Merckel. 3 v. 8°. Halle, 1804-5. Wehenkel. Elements d'anatomie et de physi- ologie pathologiques g6nerales; nosologic 8°. Bruxelles, 1874. Wilks (S.) Lectures on pathological anatomy. 8°. London, 1859. -----& Moxon (W.) Lectures on pathologi- cal anatomy. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1875. Wislocki (T.) Kompendium der pathologi- schen Anatomie als Anleitung zum Selbststu- dium. 8°. Wien, 1853. ANATOMY. fr 329 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, General and systematic treatises on). Bartholow (R.) A course of lectures on pathological anatomv. Cincin. M. Repert., 1868, i, 174; 197; 229; 261; . -\ . 300; 325; 357.—Chowne ("W. D.) CUnical observations 1 t /on pseudo-morbid appearances; delivered at Charing-Cross <\ ' / Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 593; 641; 673; 705; 737; \ f 709; 817; 849; 881; 913.—Cowley (L. M.) Ensefianza de \ la anatomia patologica en nuestra facultad. Cr6n. m6d.- 3uir. de la Habana, 1879, v, 433-435.—Glugc. Fragments 'anatomie pathologique sur les polypes, les cancels, les tubercules, les corpuscules do Malpighi, de la rate, etc. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1840, i, 524-529; iii, 105-114.— Gulia (G.) Fondamenti di anatomia patolo;;ic a. Barth, Malta, 1871-5, i-ui, 453-457: 1875-6, iv, 2-6.—Hammer (A.) Lectures on pathological anatomy. Humboldt M. Arch., 1807-S, St. Louis, 1868, i, 30; 87; 148; 219; 272; 332: 1868, ii, 34; 92; 160; 227; 284— Hasenohrl (J. G.) Notabiliuni observationum anatoniicaruni decas. (Cadave- rum sectiones.) In his: Historia medica trium morborum, etc., ^, Vindobona;. 1761, 89-110— Bernhardt (B.) Die Atrfgabo der pathologiscbcn Anatomie. In his: Path.- anat. Untersuch. Berl., 1852, 1-15.—Beponse k quelques critiques adresses au traite d'anatomie pathologique du pro- fesseur Audral. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1829, v, 233-252.— Riguon (E.) Considerazioni sull'anatomia patologica., Torino, 1839, iv, 129-143.—Schweninger (E.) Bericht iiber die wahrend der Jahre 1874 und 1875 aus- fefubrteu Leichenciffhungen. Ann. cl. stadt. allg. Kran- enh. zu Miinchen, 1878, i, 333-373.—Talma (A.) De quelques ouvrages recemment publies en France, concer- nant l'anatomie pathologique. J. de med., Brux. 1830, ii, 487-501.—von Tdltenyi. Vom Einflusse der pathologi- schen Anatomie auf dio Medicin. Verhandl. cl. k. k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1842, i, 157-171.—Villar (L.) Leccioncs de anatomia patologica general. Gac. med. de Lima, 1864, viii, 150; 158; 173; 181; 195; 206; 221; 229; 242; 253; 265; 277: ix, 2; 13; 25; 37; 49; 61; 73; 85; 97; 110: 1865, ix, 122: 133; 145; 158; 169; 181; 196; 289: x, 2. Also, Reprint.—Virchow (R.) Bericht iiber das Leichenhaua des Charite-Krankenhauses fiir das Jahr 1877. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1879, iv, 739-806. Anatomy (Pathological, methods and post-mortem examination). See, also, Anatomy (Methods and preparations); Cadaver; Organs ( Weights and measurements of). Iletens (H. J.) 'Dissertatio medico-legalis de occisi hominis cadaveris inspectione, a inde renuueiandd lethalitate. 4°. Paris, 1808. Beale (L. S.) Suggestions for taking cases and for making post-mortem examinations. 8°. London, 1867. Behrisch (C. F.) De sectione cadaveris occisi. 4°. IApsice, 1769. Bergen (C. A.) Methodus cranii ossa dissu- endi et machinse hunc in finem construct® per figuras ligno incisas delineatio. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., 1741. Bock (G. E.) Gerichtliche Sectionen des menschlichen Korpers; zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und Juristen. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leinziq, [1852]. l Delafield (F.) A hand-book of post-mortem examinations and of morbid anatomy. 8°. New York, 1872. Friedreich (N.) Werth der Leichenofihun- gen zur Bestimmung Typhus sey Hirnentziin- dung. In his: Gesammelte med. Progr., Wiirzburjr, 8°, 1824. 38-45. Goubert (E.) Manuel de l'art des autopsies cadave"riques surtout dans ses applications k l'anatomie pathologique. En collaboration pour la premiere partie avec M. A. Hardon. Pt6c6&6 d'une lettre de M. Bouillaud. 12°. Paris, 1867. Greding (J. E.) *De cadaveris inspectione sive sectione legali. 4°. Jenoe, 1742. Hartmann (K.) Eede iiber die Methode des Unterrichtes in der Anthropotomie. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Hauck (F. H. G.) *De autopsiae conditioni- bus. 8°. Halis, 1836. Hebenstreit (J. E.) De medici cadavera se- cantis religione disserens. 4°. [Lipsice, 1741.] Anatomy (Pathological, methods and post-mortem examination). Nassall (L. L.) *De sectione legali. 12°. Wirceburgi, 1798. Ouelly (P. -M. -A.) * De l'indispensable utilite* des necroscopies dans la pratique particuliere dans l'interet des families, du me'decin et de la science en general, par rapport aux maladies here'ditaires. 4°. Paris, 1833. Schinz (C. S.) Tractatio de cauto sectionum cadaverum usu ad dijudicandas morborum causas. 4°. Gottingce, [1787]. Spitta (H.) Die Leichenoffhung in Bezug auf Pathologie und Diagnostik. 8°. Stendal, 1826. Spott (C.) * Methodus sectiones cadaverum scopo pathologico instituendi. 8°. [n.p.], 1842. Staupa (J. M.) * Sistens methodum cadavera humana rite secandi. 8°. Vindobonce, 1826. Thomas (A. R.) A practical guide for making post-mortem examinations, and for the study of morbid anatomy, with directions for embalming the dead and for the preservation of specimens of morbid anatomy. 8°. New York, 1873. Valentin (G.) Die kunstgerechte Entfernung der Eingeweide des menschlichen Koerpers. (Ex- en teratio viscerum.) 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1857. Virchow (R.) A description and explanation of the method of performing post-mortem exami- nations in the dead-house of the Berlin Charite" Hospital, with special reference to medico-legal practice. 16°. London, 1876. Transl. by T. P. Smith, from the Charite Annalen. See infra. What to observe at the bedside and after death in medical cases; published under the authority of the London Medical Society of Observation. 2. Am., from the 2. and enlarged Loud. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1866. Administration (L') des hopitaux et les autopsies. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1842, i, 114.—Applications (Des) anatomiques de la photographic. Ibid., 1859, ii, 371- 373.—Bonnal. Un craniotome. Bull. acad. de med., Par., 1841-2, vii, 950-954.—Breslau. Ueber eine neue Methode der Eroflhung der Schadelhohle an den Leichen Neugeborner. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1862, xii, 145-148— Bricheteau. Ouverture (cadav6riqne). Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxviii, 552-566, 1 pi.—Brunetti (L.) Lettera sopra il suo nuoro rachiotomo e sul metodo di aprire lo speco vertebrale adottato dalla scuola di anatomia pato- logica in Padova. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1863, vi, 133; 141; 157; 164, 1 pi —Cattell (T.) The pre- cautionary measures which may be employed in dissections and post-mortem examinations. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 645.—Cautions for pathological anatomists. Med. Mag., Bost., 1834, ii, 491-513.—Chaille (S. E.) Postmortem changes versus ante mortem lesions. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1873-4, n. s., i, 639-655. Also, Reprint. Demme (T. A.) A description of a craniotome for post-mortem examina- tions. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, n. s., iv, 295.— Douglass (S. H.) Method of conducting post mortem examinations in cases of suspected poisoning. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-4, i, 49-52.—Dubini (A.) Una parola sui falsi risultati che si ottengono dalle sezioni cadaveriche incomplete. Gazz. med., Milano, 1845, iv, 197-201. -----. Dell'arte di fare le sezioni cadaveriche. Ibid., 1847, vi, 319; 328. Aho, Reprint,—Bngel. Die Vorschriften zur Vornahme gerichtlicher Leichenuntcr- suchungen, ihr Zweckund Nutzen. "Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1855, v, 713; 761: 1856, vi, 33; 81; 193; 313; 393. -----. Die Bestimmung^ der Blutmenge bei Leichen-Untersuchungen. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gessellsch. d. Aerzte in "Wien, 1866, xxii, 341-348. -----. Methode bei Leichenuntersu- chungen. ", 1870,xx,1093; 1117; 1141.— Fere. ProcedcS de coup du crane. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 495.— Finnell. Post-mortem case. Med. Rec, N. T., 1869, iv, 260.—Fortsetzung der Instruction fur die Sffentlichen angestellten Aerzte und Wundarzte in den k. k. oesterreichischen Staaten, wie sie sich bey gericht- lichen Leichenbeschauen zu benehmen haben. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. "Wien, 1816, iii. 4. Hft., 17-54.— Friedreich. Ueber den "Werth der Leichenbffhungen. Ephei-m. d. Heilk., Bamb. Sc "Wiirzb., 1814, viii, 333-356.— Oairdner (W. T.) Suggestions in regard to the perfor- mance of post-moirem examinations. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1854, lxxxi, 302 ; 665.—Cenoves (J.) Breve resciia sobre la graude importancia de la inspection cadaverica. Bol. de ANATOMY. 330 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, methods and post-mortem examination). med.. cirug. y farm.. Madrid, 1849, 3. s., iv, 250.— Gerichtliche Leichenciffhungen. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1855, iii, ix-x, 4 tab.—Griesingcr (W.) Ueber die Un- tersuehungs-Methode des Schadel-lnhaltes. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1868, i, 317-319, 7. pi.—Henkc (A.) Ueber die Obduction bereits begrabencr nnd faulender Leichname. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1824, vii, 1-28.—Hinze (A.) Ueber das neue Konigl. preussische Criminalgesctz, die mcdizinischgcrichtlichcn Leichen- Ocffnungen betreffend. Ibid., 1826, vi, 229-237.—Hirsch- feld (L.) Le m6diillotome. Bull. acad. de med., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 7.—Hodgkin. On the object of postmortem examinations. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, ii, 423-431.—Huber (J. M.) Het schouwen der lijken naar het standpunt der nieu- wero wetenschap, ter voorkoming van het levend begraven worden. N. pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1853, v, 281; 337 ; 669.—Jancway (E. G.) On the necessity of post mortem examinations. Med. Rec, N T., 1872, vii, 536.— Krimer (W.) Leichenciffnungen in pathologischer und praktischer Beziehung. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1820, li, 3-50: 1821, Iii, 29-56.—Krupp. Ueber die Unterbindimg der grossen Gefasse der Brusthohle bei der gerichtlichen Untersuchung todter neugeborner Kinder. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb. n. Leipz., 1818, 881-884.—Letheby (H.) On the observance of method in conducting post-mortem examinations, especially when they are intended for legal purposes. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 410; 702: ii, 318-320.— Mehrere (Ueber) die gerichtlichen Leicheuoffnungen be- treffende Punktc. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzcneiw., Berl., 1832, i, 18-50.—Nenrohr (J. A.) Noch etwas iiber die Le- galitiit einer vom Arzte, der den Verlctzten behandelthatte, untcrnommenen gerichtlichen Leichenoffhung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1826, xii, 167-173.—O. (H.) Appa- reil du Dr. Bitot pour pratiquer methodiquement les coupes sur le cervean a l'etat frais et conserver les pieces ainsi obtenues. Bordeaux med., 1878, vii. 89-91.—Oughton (T.) On the necrometer. [For taking specific gravity of pathological specimens.) Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., xi, 1871, 520.—Packard. Method of replacing the skull cap after post-mortem examination so as to prevent dis- figurement. Proc. Path. Soc, Phila., 1860, ii, 62.—Font mortem inspection of the head. [Instrument.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 262.—Privatscctionen (Ueber). Allg. mecl. Ann., Altenb., 1807, 1037-1041.—von Samson- Himinclsticrn (G.) Gerichtlich-medicinische Leichen- untersuchungen. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1853, ii, 258-298.— Scarenzio (A.) Nuovo metodo per ben sezionare lo speco vertebrale. ital. lomb., Milano, 1860, 4. s.,v, 265.—Schallc. Eine neue Sectionsmethode fiir die Nasen- Rachen- und Gehororgane. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, Ixxi, 206-226, 1 pi.—See (M). Autopsie. Diet, en- cycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vii, 411-432.—Smith (P.) An improved method of preserving ophthalmic specimens. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1878, vii, 311-315.—Sonthack (J. W.) Method of making autopsies at the pathological institute of Vienna. Oregon M. Sc S. Reporter, Salem, 1869-70, i, 14- 17.—Steinberg (S.) Ueber den Hartemesser des Gehirns, Encephalosclerometer. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1865, vi, 524- 535, 1 pi.—Stieda(L.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die In- jection von Leichen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1876, 778.—Tott's (Dr. C. A.) Resultate eini- ger Leichenoffuungen und Leichenbesichtiguugen. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1835, i, 91-99.—Virchow (R.) Die pathologische Anatomie und die gerichtliche Medicin. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi, 13-17. -----. Die Sec- tions-Technik im Leichenhause des Charite-Krankenhauses, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf gerichtsarztliche Praxis. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1874, i, 689-752. Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 397; 420; 447; 476; 503; 531; ii, 44; 67. —Visite (Sulle) necroscopiche. Lidipendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, 1; 17. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). See, also, Cadaver; Museums (Anatomical); Photographs. Albers (J. F. H.) Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Pathologie und pathologischen Ana- tomic, 3 v. 8°. Bonn, 1836. Anatomical drawings from preparations in the museum of the army medical department at Chat- ham, fol. London, 1824-41. Annales de l'anatomie et de la physiologie pathologiques, publides par J. B. Pigne". Nos. 1- 9, July, 1842. Mar., 1843. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Arbeiten aus dem Berner pathologischen In- stitut 1871-2. Hrsg. von E. Klebs. 8C. Wurz- burg, 1873. Armstrong (J.) The morbid anatomy of the Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). stomach, bowels, aud liver, illustrated by a se- ries of plates. 4°. London, 1838. Atlas Anatomo-patologichesklch preparatov morskich gospitalei. [Atlas of anatomico-patho- logical preparations of the naval hospitals. Pub- lished under the direction of the Surgeon General of the Navy.] Parts i-iii. 4°. St. Petersburg, 1873-5. Auvert (A.) Selecta praxis medico-chirurgicae. 2. ed. 2 v. fol. Paris, 1856. Baader (J.) Observationes medicae incisioni- bus cadaverum anatomicis illustrata?. 4°. 1762. Barrere (P.) Observations anatomiques ti- rees de l'ouverture des cadavres. 8°. Perpignan, 1751. -----. The same. 4°. 1753. Bartholin (T.) Historiarum anatomicarum rariorum. 12°. Hafnice, 1654. -----. The same. Centuriae 3 et 4. Ejusdem cura accessere observationes anatomical Petri Pawi. 12°. Hafnia', 1657. -----. Historiarum anatomicarum et medi- carum rariorum centuriae v et vi. Accessit J. Rhodii mantissa anatomica. 16°. Hafnice, 1661. -----. The same. CenturiaB i et ii. 12°. Hagce Comitum, 1654. -----. The same. Uyt de Latijnsche in de Ne- derlandtsche Tael overgeset door L. V. B. 12°. Dordrecht, 1657. -----. The same. Centuriae sex. 3 v. 12°. Amstelod., 1654-61. Berger (J. G.) Ad anatomen publicam cada- veris fceminei invitjit. 4°. Wittenbergce, 1689. -----. Ad anatomen publicam cadaveris feini- nei perofficiose invitat. 4°. Vitembergce, 1698. Bertrand (L. C.) * Quelques faits d'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1837. Bichat (X.) Anatomie pathologique. Der- nier cours de . . . D'apres un manuscrit auto- graphe de P. A. Beclard. 8°. Paris, 1825. Biesiadecki (A.) Untersuchungen aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institute in Krakau. 8°. Wien, 1872. Bock ( A.C.) Gerichtliche Sectionen des mensch- lichen Korpers. 2. Aufl. von Prof. Dr. C. E. Bock. 8°. Leipzig, 1843. Boxetus (T.) Sepulchretum, sive anatomia practica ex cadaveribus morbo denatis. fol. Genevce, 1679. -----. The same. Ed. altera. Illustravit J. J. Mangetus. 3. v. fol. Genevce, 1700. Bright (R.) Reports of medical cases, selected with a view of illustrating the symptoms and cure of diseases by a reference to morbid ana- tomy. Illustrated. 2 v. 4°. London, 1827-31. Brunetti (L.) Scuola di anatomia patologica della R. University di Padova. La tannizzaziono dei tessuti animali racheotomia anteriore e poste- riore invaginamento intestinale l'organo della pa- rol a. 8°. Padova, 1878. Bucci (F.) Notizie di pezzi patologici che veggonsi al museo deirarchiospedale di Santo Spirito. fol. Roma, 1835. Bulletin de la Societe" anatomique de Paris. v. i-liv[ 1826-79]. 8°. Paris, 1841-79. [Current.] Camper (P.) Demonstrationum anatomico- pathologicarum libri ii. Liber primus continens brachii humani fabricam et morbos. Liber se- cundus cont. pelvis humana) fabricam et morbos. 1 v. imp. fol. Amstelcedami, 1760-62. Carrera (M. M.) *Anatomie pathologique du tissu tibro-plastique. 4°. Paris, 1865. Casper (J. L.) Gerichtliche Leichenofthun- gen. Erstes uud zweites hundert. 8°. Berlin, 1851-3. [1851, 2. ed.] ANATOMY. 331 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). delle Chiaie (S.) Miscellanea anatomico-pato- logica. fol. Napoli, 1847. Collection of two hundred (200) essays and reports of cases, presented to the Clinico-Patho- logical Society of the District of Columbia, from April 29, 1865, to Oct. 13, 1873. MSS. Compte rendu des travaux de la Socie'te ana- tomique de Paris pour l'annee 1853. 8°. Paris, 1854. Delafield (F.) Studies in pathological ana- tomy. 4°. New York, 1878. Exgel (J.) Sections-Beschreibungen. 8°. Wien, 1861. Flachsland (J. C.) Observationes patholo- gico-anatomicse. 12°. Rastadii, 1800. Fredault (F.) £tudes d'anatomie patholo- gique. 8°. Paris, 1855. Froriep (R.) Pathologisch-anatomische Ab- bildungen aus der Sammlung der koniglichen Charite-Heilanstalt zu Berlin. 1. u. 2. Lfg. 4°. Weimar, 1836. Funk (T.) * Ueber die krankhafte Stoning und die pathologisch-anatomische Richtung. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1861. Gamgee (J. S.) Researches in pathological ana- tomy and clinical surgery. 8°. London, 1856. Gerdy (P. N.) * Recherehes, discussions et propositions d'anatomie, de physiologie, de pa- thologie, etc. 1. Sur la langue, le cceur et l'ana- tomie des r6gions; 2. Sur la prouonciation et la circulation; 3. Sur les rapports naturels des maladies, etc.; avec 13 figures d'anatomie. 4°. Paris, 182.3. Gerike (P.) Pr. quo inspectionem cadaveris in homicidio apud Romanos olim in usu fuisse os- tendit simulque publicas sectiones et demonstra- tiones cadaverisfceminini. 4°. Helmstadii, [1739]. Godman (J. D.) Contributions to physiologi- cal and pathological anatomy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1825. Goodsir (J.) & Goodsir (H. D. S.) Anatomi- cal and pathological observations. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1845. Goujon(E.) *fitudes sur quelques points de physiologie et d'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Paris 1863. Gruber (W.) Bericht iiber die Leistungen der praktischen Anatomie am anatomischen Institute der Kais. medico-chirurgischen Akademie in St. Petersburg i. J. 1858-9, nebst einem Anhange: "Ueber Inearcerationes internae." 8°. St. Pe- tersburg, 1860. Gruby (D.) Observationes microscopicae ad morphologiam pathologicam. 8°. Vindobonce, 1840. Gruner (C. G.) Pandectae medicae. i-iv. 8°. Jence, [1796-1800]. Haller (A.) Opuscula pathologica, partim re- cusa, partim inedita, quibus sectiones cadaverum morbosorum potissimum continentur. 8°* Lau- sannce, 1755. -----. The same. Editio nova aucta emen- data. 8°. Lausannce, 1768. -----. Pathological observations, chiefly from dissections of morbid bodies. 8°. London, 1756. Hecker (A. F.) Magazin fiir die pathologische Auatomie und Physiologie. 1. Hft. 8°. Altona, 1796. Hjelt (O. E. A.) Ofversigt af Sjukvarden vid Allmanna Sjukhusets i Helsiugfors, pathologisk anatomiska afdelning under aren 1861-8. 8°. Helsingfors, 1869. -----. Den patologisk-anatomiska Inriittnin- gen vid det Finska Universitetet under aren 1859-71. 8°. Helsingfors, 1871. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). -----. Ofversigt af ettusen Likoffhing arvid det Finska Universitetets patologisk-anatomiska inriittning. 8°. Helsingfors, 1872. Hodgkin (T.) Lectures on the morbid ana- tomv of the serous and mucous membranes. 2 v. 8°, " London, 1836-40. -----. The same. Vol. i. On the serous mem- branes ; and as appended subjects, parasitical animals, malignant adventitious structures, and the indications afforded by colour. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1838. Ingen-Housz (A. F. J.) * Observationes ana- tomico pathologicae. 8°. Lugd.-Batav., 1837. International Exhibition of 1876. Descrip- tion of selected specimens from the medical sec- tion of the Army Medical Museum at Washing- ton. J. J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. -----. ■ Description of selected specimens from the surgical section of the Army Medical Museum at Washington. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. -----. List of skeletons and crania in the sec- tion of comparative anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum. Prepared by H. C. Yar- row. 8 -. Washington, 1876. Isenflamm (H. F.) Anatomische Untersuchun- gen. 8°. Erlangen, 1822. Journal of Morbid Anatomy, Ophthalmic Medicine, and Pharmaceutical Analysis. 8°. Lon- don, 1828. Kelch (W. G.) Beytrage zur pathologischen Anatomie. 8°. Berlin, 1813. Kneppelhoct (C. J.) Sectiones cadaverum pathologica?. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1805. Koeberle (E.) * Observations sur quelques points d'anatomie pathologique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1853. Lieutaud (J.) Historia anatomico-medica, sistens numerosissima cadaverum humanorum ex- tispicia, quibus in apricum venit genuina morbo- rum sedes; horumque reserantur causae, vel patent effectus. Recensuit A. Portal. 2 v. 4°. Parisiis, 1767. Louis (P. C. A.) M6moires ou recherehes ana- tomico-pathologiques sur diverses maladies. 8°. Paris, 1826. McGill (G. M.) Observation book. National and Hicks U. S. A. General Hospitals, Baltimore, Md. 8°. Baltimore, 1865-6. Magazin fur die pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. Hrsg. von Aug. Fried. Hecker. 1. Heft. 8°. Altona, 1796. Mater (R.) Pathologisch-anatomischeNotizen. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1867. Meckel (J. F.) Tabulae anatomico-pathologi- cae, modos omnes, quibus partium corporis hu- mani omnium forma externa atque interna a norma recedit, exhibentes. Fasc. 1: Cor, cum tab. viii. Fasc. 2: Vasa, cum tab. viii. Fasc. 3: Systema digestionis, cum tab. ix. Fasc. 4: Intus- susceptiones et herniae", cum tab. viii. fol. Lip- sice, 1817-26. Mills (T.) An account of the morbid appear- ances exhibited on dissection in disorders of the trachea, lungs, and heart, with pathological ob- servations. 8°. Dublin, 1829. Minor (W. C.) Post-mortem examinations made at Knight U. S. A. Gen. Hospital. 8°. New Haven, 1864. Mohr (B.) Beitriige zur pathologischen Ana- tomie, enthaltend die todlich abgelaufenen Krankheitsfalle der medicinischen Abtheilung des Julius-Hospitals in Wiirzburg, vom 1. Mai 1837 bis 31. October 1838. 2 v. 8°. Stuttgart, 1838-40. ANATOMY. 332 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases.) Morgagni. Selected cases illustrated by mor- bid anatomy, from Cooke's edition of Morgagni, on the seats and causes of diseases. MSS. 4°. London, 1822. OnLE (G. H.) * Observationum anatomico- pathologicarum triga. 4°. Vitebergce, 1805. Palletta (J. B.) Exercitationes pathologicae. 4°. Mediolani, 1820. Port (J.) *Mittheilung einiger seltener Sec- tionsbefunde von Greisen. 8°. [ WUrzburg, n. d. ] Proceedings of the Clinico-Pathological So- ciety of Washington, D. C, May 6, 1865, to July 26, 1869. 8°. [Philadelphia.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, 1866-70. See, aho, Records. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Dublin, v. i (1840-49). 8°. Dublin, 1849. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, v. i-iii (1860-70). 8°. Philadel- phia, 18(50-70. See, aho, Transactions. Prochaska (G.) Observationes pathologicae. In hh: Opera minor., pt. ii, 1800, 215-314, 5 pi. Prost (P. A.) Me'decine e'claire'e par l'obser- vation et l'ouverture des corps. 8°. Paris, 1804. Records of the meetings of tho Clinico-Patho- logical Society of the District of Columbia, from April21,1865, toDecember31,1878. MSS. 2v. 4°. See, aho, Proceedings; Transactions. Reinhardt (B.) Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen. Nach seinem Tode zusammeu- gestcllt und hrsg. von Rud. Leubuscher. 8°. Berlin, 1852. Rezia(J.) Specimen observationum anatomi- carum, et pathologicarum. Accedit Ant. Jos. Testae Epistola pathologici argumenti. 8°. Ti- eini, 1784. Sandifort (E.) Observationes anatomico-pa- thologicae. Libri i-iv. 2 v. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1777-81. Schnierer (J.) * Sistens extispicia cadaverum decern. 8°. Vindobonce, 1776. Schroeder van der Kolk (J. S. C.) Observa- tiones anatomico-pathologici et practici argu- menti. Fasc. i. 8°. Amstelodami, 1826. Scoutetten (H. J.) *De l'anatomie patholo- gique en gen6ral, et de celle de l'appareil digestif en particulier, d'apres les principes de la doctrine physiologique. 4°. Paris, 1822. Siebert (A.) * Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der Tuberkeln, der Malacien, der Ma- genskirrhen und des Aortenaneurysma's. 8°. Bamberg, 1831. Simon (E.) * Etude snr quelques points de pa- thologie et d'anatomie. 4°. Paris, 1861. Sociedad del museo Anatomo-patologico del hospital Juarez. Revista clinica de la . . . Nos 1, 2. v. i. 8°. Mexico, 1874. Table analytique generale des matieres conte- uues dans les Bulletins de la Soci6t6 anatomique de Paris pour les trente premieres anne'es (30 v., 1826-55), suivie d'uno table des comptes rendus, discours, etc., d'une table des membres du bureau, et d'une table des membres de la societe" et des pre"scntateurs par M. le Dr. Jules Bouteiller. 8°. Paris, 1857. Thibert (F.) Anatomie pathologique avec niodeles eu relief. 1. partie. 8°. Paris, 1839. -----. Musee d'anatomie pathologique. 8°. Paris, 1844. Tilesius (G. T.) * De pathologia artis pictorise plasticesqueauxilioillustranda. 4°. Lipsice,[l801]. Transactions of the Clinico-Pathological So- ciety of Washington, D. C, May 8, 1869, to Octo- ber 10. 1*70. >'. See, aho, Kccords; Proceedings. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). Transactions of the New York Pathological Society, vols, i, ii. 8°. New York, 1876-7. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London, vols, i-xxviii (1846-76-7). 28 vols. 8°. London, 1848-77. Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, vols. iv-viii(1874-€). 8°. Phila- delphia, 1874-9. See, aho, Proceedings. Untersuchungen aus dem pathologischen In- stitut zu Zurich. 1.-3. Hft. 3 v. 4°. Leipzig, 1873-5. Velpeau (A.) Recherehes anatomiques, physi- ologiques et pathologiques sur les cavit6s closes, naturelles ou accidentelles, de l'economie animale. 8C. Paris, 1843. Vrolik (G.) Memoires sur quelques sujets in- teressans d'anatomie et de physiologie. Trad, du Hollandais par M. Fallot. 4°. Amsterdam, 1822. Webb (A.) Pathologia Indica, or the anatomy of Indian diseases, based upon morbid specimens in the museum of the Calcutta Medical College. 2. ed. 8°. Calcutta, 1848. Weiss (J. N.) Ad anatomen publicam militis laqueo suspensi omnes anatomici studii amatores decenter invitatet praefaminis loco, observationes anatomicas quasdam in sectionibus praegressis adnotatas. 4°. Altorfii, [1745]. Albers (J. F. H.) Bericht tiber 84 Leichenoffnun- gen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 413; 430; 467; 477; 488; 498; 507; 523; 529; 547; 553; 564; 565; 576.—Allen (H.) Synopsis of autopsies made at Lincoln General Hospital. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1864, ii, 160-168.— Ambri (G.) Osservazioni medico-pratiche, ed anato- mico-patologiche fatte nello Spedale Civile di Parma. Gior. d. sc. med.-chir. di Parma, 1810, vii, 3; 112; 177; viii, 33; 120; ix, 39; 241: 1811, x, 93: 1812, xi, 81.—Am- bronoli (P.) Sc Crancini (G.) Sul servizio necro- Bcopico. (Appcndice aU'ufficio medico municipale de Mi- lano.) Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1872, ccxx, 59-74.t— Ariza. Estudios de anatomia patologica. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 210; 231: 1875, iii, 369; 374; 410.— Aschenbrenner (M. H.) De la cfelula y del tejido orga- nico en su valor y relaciones con la patalogia y la terapeu- tica. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1865, ii, 218; 356; 405; 464.—Autopsies cadav6riques des rois de France, depuis Charles IX jusqu'4 Louis XVIII. Clinique, Par., 1829, i, 136; 139; 146; 158; 164.—Autopsies at tho Leichenhof, Vienna. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 605. — Barbieri. Cenni retrospettivi e relazione per l'anno 1865 sul gabinetto anatomo-patologico dell'ospeaalo Maggioro di Milano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 186C, clxxxxv, 94. Aho, Reprint.—Barez. Leichenciffhungen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 97-102.—Baron (C.) Do la nature et du dfiveloppement des produits acci- dent els. Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1845, xi, 383-476.— Beddocs (T.) Account of some cases and dissections. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1808, xx, 407; 540.—Bell (L. V.) Cases in pathological anatomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, xiii, 340; 405: xiv, 61-64.—Bentley (E.) Pathological conditions observed in cases examined at the city and county hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Pacific M. &' S. J., San Fran.. 1869-70, n. s., iii, 395; 437; 501; 548: 1870, iv, 61; 121; 165; 208; 256. -----. Pathological specimens, 'with re- marks. Ibid., 110-113.-----. Pathological deductions, from conditions found in the study of morbid anatomy. Ibid., 1872, n. s., vi, 17; 81; 127; 209.—Bernt (J.) Nachricht von der practischen niediciuisch-gerichtlichen Unterrichts- Anstalt an der Wiener-Universitat, und Uebersicht der im Jahre 1815 auf derselben vorgenommenen Leichenuntersu- chungen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1816, iii, 4. lift., 73-104. -----. Uebersicht der vom 1. September 1825 bis letzten August 1826auf der praktischen genclitlich- medicinischen Unterrichts-Anstalt vorRenommcnen Lei- chen-Untersuchungen. 76id.,1835,n.F.,vi*,452; 577: viii,145; 267.—Bicrmaycr. Bericht iiber die Leichenoffnungen der vom 26. July bis Ende August 1819 im allgemeinen Kran- kenhause verstorbenen Kindbetterinnen. Ibid., 1822, n. F., i, 257-261.—Blosfeld (G. J.) Kurze Rechenschaftsablc- gung iiber einhundert Legalsectionen, die iu der prakti- schen Unterrichtsanstalt fur gerichtliche Medizin an der Russ. Kaiserl. Universitat zu Kasan, vom 15. Septbr. 1839 bis zum 15. April 1845, gemacht worden sind. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1845, 1, 245-387.—Bolles (W. P.) Cases with autopsies. Med. & Surg. Rep., Bost. City Hosp., 1877,270-283—Bollinger. Zur Statistik altercr Verande- rungen in menschlichen Leichen. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, v, 140-148.—Boyd (R.) Pathological ANATOMY. 333 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). contributions. Post-mortem appearances presented in 75 cases, weighing not only the bodv but each particular organ. Edinb. M. Sc S. .!"., 1841, lv. 304-322: 1842, lvii, 265- 296: 1843, lviii, 72-112:1843, lix, 29-G5.—Braive. Observa- tions sur la non-existence dc 16sions organiques appreciables dans eertaines maladies. Rev. med.. Par., 1851, ii, 333-342.— Broussais (C.) Experiences sur la coloration dc divers tissus. Ann. de la mid. physiol.. Par., 1830, xvii, 47-50.— Biichncr(L.> Sectionsbericht uber 145 Leichenoffnungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvii, 343-350.—Burt (J. G. M.) & Spittal (R.) Report of cases communicated to the Anatomical Society of Edinburgh. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1834, xiii, 367-379.—Burzew. Pathologisch-anatomische Mittheilungen ans dem Krankenhauso zu Orenburg in Russland. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, 1, 293- 296.—Capezzuoli (S.) Delle cose pih notabili osservate e dimostrato in quest'anno 1862-3 nel laboratorio e nella scuola di chimica pathologica nclR. Arci.spedale di Firenze. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1863, xii, 3; 289; 511.—Carbutt (E.) Communications on morbid anatomv. Lond. M. Reposit., 1818, ix, 360-364.—Cary (W. A.) Pathological speci- mens; with remarks. N. Orl. M. News Sc Hosp. Gaz., 1860-1, vii, 356-366.— Casper. Gerichtliche Leichenoff- nungen; erstes Hundert. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1848, 1; 17; 97; 129; 289; 305; 593; 618; 705: 1849, 741; 757: 1850, 161; 337; 363; 425; 449; 545.—Chowne (W. D.) CUnical observations on pseudo morbid appear- ances. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 641; 673; 737; 769; 817; 849; 881; 913.—Ciniselli (L.) Sopra il gabinetto ana- tomo-patologico esistente nello Speciale Magg. di Cremona. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1869, ccix, 520: 1869, ccx, 48; 487. Aho, Reprint.—Constat!. Ucbcr die Rothung der innern Gefasshant in Leichen. Med. Cor.-Bl. Bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1842, iii, 300-303.—Cruse (P.) 482 Ob- ductiousbefunde nach den Protokollen des Dorpater patho- logischen Institnts. Dorpat. med. Ztschr. 1871, i, 255; 309: ii, 288-337: 1873, iii, 324-353. Aho, Reprint.—B. Contri- butions to the pathological museum of the Medical Insti- tute of Louisville. West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, Ky., 1841, 2. s., iv, 73-75.—Dclpech. Produitsorganiques morbides. M6mor. d. hop. du midi., Par., 1830, ii, 273; 35G.—Belvaux. (Quelques pieces d'anatomie pathologique. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1862, 8-9.—Biebcrg (C.) Hundert gerichtliche Sectionen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl,, 1864. xxv. 299-379.—Dittrich. Leistungen der pathologisch-anatomischen Lehraustalt zu Prag [Oct. 1844- Sept. 1846]. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1845, ii, 3. Bel., 110; 4. Bel., 92: 1846, i, 45, 1 pi.; ii, 96, 1 pi.; iv, 158: 1847, ii, 126.—Dommes (G.) Gerichtliche Leichenunter- suchungen aus der Physikatspraxis in den Kreisen Iserlohn und Aachen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1867, n. F., xxv, 284-329: 1868, n. F., xxvi, 66-91.— Bonders (F. C.) Pathologisch-anatomische waarne- mingen eu onderzoekingen. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1855-6, 3. s., v, 538-573, 2 pi.—Bowler (B.) Post-mortem researches. West. J. M. & S., Louisville, Ky., 1843, 2. s., vii, 241-272: 2. s., viii, 241-266. -----. Fragmentary notes on pathological anatomv. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1856-7, xiii, 175; 302: 484; 599.—Brunei. Beitrage zur patholo- fischen Anatomic. Arch. f. mecl. Erfahr., Berl., 1828, ii, 65-598.— Bubini (A.) Notizia succinta delle piii im- portant i preparazioni anatomico-patologiche ora esistenti nei principaU musei della Francia, deU'HigUterra e deUa Germania. Ann. univ. di. med., Milano, 1843, cv, 329-393.—Eichholtz (H.) Ueber die granulirte Leber und Nic-re und ihr Verhaltniss zur tuberkulcisen und krebsigen Dyskrasie. Ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomic. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u wissensch. Med., Berl., 1845, 320-344.—En gel (J.) Uebersicht der Ereig- nisse an der pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt in Wien. (vom 12. JuU 1840 bis zum 13. April 1841). Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxiv, 59-69: xxxv, 315- 331.-----. Untersuchungen im Gebiete der vergleichenden pathologischen Anatomie. Oesterr. mecl. Wchnschr., Wien, 1842, 97-100.-----. Kritische Untersuchungen im Gebiete der mikroskopischen pathologischen Anatomie. Ibid., 337; 645; 1168; 1199. -----. Sectionsergebnisse an der Prager pathol.-anatomischen Anstalt vom 1. October 1849 bis 1. Februar 1850. VrtUschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk.. Prag, 1850, xxvii, 9-24. -----. Aus der Lcichenkammer der" k. k. Josefs-Akadcmie. Die Krankheiten im hoheren Alter nach den Leichenuntersuchungen aus dem Versorgungs- hause in der Wahringergasse iibersichtUch zusammen- geetellt. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864, 209; 217; 225; 235; 249; 259; 265; 273.— Eppingcr (H.) Sectionsergebnisse an der Prager pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt vom 1. Jan. 1868 bis lctzten Juni 1871. Vrthschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1872. cxiu, 1-37; cxiv, 1-40; cxv, 121-134; cxvi, 129-156: 1873, cxvu, 56-77; cxvui & cxix, 47-85; exx, 1-48. -----. Mittheilungen aus dem pathologisch- anatomischen Intitut zu Prag: Reorganisation des ganzen Instituts. Ibid., 1875, exxv, 1-68: exxvi, 1-38, 1 pi.— Erichsen (J.) Bericht iiber die im Hebammeninstitut Ihrer Kaiserliclien Hohcit der Grossfiirstin Helena Paw- lowna ausgeiuhrten Sectionen fur die Jahre 1862 und 1863. Anatomy (Patlwlogical, observations and cases). St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1865, viu, 257; 359.—Escolar (S.) Extractodel resultaelo dc las necroscopias practicadas en el nies de agosto en la sala do Santo Domingo del hospital general de este corte. Bol. dc med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1850, 3. s., v, 322-325.—Fac en (J.) Alcune osservazioni di zootomia patologica. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3. s., i, 68-70.—Fnllati. Uebersicht der patholo- gisch-anatomischen Sammlung der GeseUschaft. Mitth. a, d. Gebiete d. ges. HeUk., Hamb., 1830, i, 203-303.— Fcnger (C.) Beretning om 422 Scktioner, foretagne i Komriiunehospitalet i Kobenhavn i Tidsrummet fra 1. September 1871 til 1. September 1872. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1873, v, No. 18. Aho, Reprint. —Fleisch- mann. Leichenoffnungen. Repert. f.d. ges. Med., Jena, 1842, v, 273-282.—Fleming (J.) A short account of some of the fatal cases examined during the Ashantee campaign of 1873-4. Armv M. Dep. Rep. (1873), Lond., 1875, xv (app.), 285-298—Forster (A.) Uebersicht von 639 in den Jahren 1849-56 verrichteten Sektionen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1858, xcvii, 89-101. -----. Mittheilungen aus der patho- log.-anatom. Anstalt zu Wiirzburg. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1860, i, 69-91: 1861, u, 157-158: 1864, v, 36-50. -----. Ueber- sicht iiber die von 1852-63 in der pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt zu Wiirzburg vorgenomenen Sectionen. Ibid., 1860, i, 70-91: 1861, U, 166-185: 1864, v, 139-149.—Fucbs (C. H.) Leichenoffnungen. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1833, ix, 50-116.—Fiihrer. Bericht iiber die vom 1. Juni 1852 bis zum 1. Jan. 1854 zu Jena angesteUten Leichennntersu- chungen. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1854, vi, 181; 194; 225; 237; 252; 272.—Gairdncr (W. T.) First report of the department of pathological anatomv in the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh, session 1851-2. Month. J.M. Sc, Edinb.,1852, xiv, 435-453.—Gauster. Riickblick auf die Leichen-Ob- duktionen an den im Jahre 1853 in der Wiener k. k. Irren- Anstalt Verstorbenen. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1855, ii, 257-271.—Gerichtliche Leichenoffnun- gen. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Ansbach. 1853, iv, 2. Hft., 72-77.—Green (W. A.) Synopsis of symptoms and post- mortem appearances in 6 cases of fever; in 5 cases of cholera; in 2 cases of death from exposure to the sun; in 1 case of death from drinking. Shewing the great similarity in the morbid conditions, and their dependence upon congestion rather than inflammation. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bengal, Calcutta, 1838-40, 23-40.—Greenfield (W. S.) Jottings from the post-mortem room. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, vi, 239-284.—Greiner. Beitrage zur pathologischen A natomie. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1811, 97; 527.—II ar- rison (J. P.) Contributions to pathological anatomy. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin., 1826, i, 59; 73.—Hermann (E.) & Schweninger (E.) Jahresbericht des path. Institutes vom Jahre 1875-6. Mitth. a. d. path. Inst, zu Miinchen, Stuttg., 1878, 223-290 — Hescbl. Knochenpraparate zur Illustration einiger Bemerkungen iiber Periostitis und ma- lum senile, welche derselbo im Anschlusse an den Vortrag Dr. Scholz's gemacht. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1877, iv, 33-35.—Hod gk in (T.) On the anatomical char- acters of somo adventitious structures. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1829, xv, 265-338. -----. On the anatomical characters of some adventitious structures, being an at- tempt to point out the relation betweeh the microscopic characters and those which are discernible bv the naked eye. Ibid., 1843, xxvi. 242-2M5.—Hoffmann (C. K.) Eenige pathologisch-anatomische waarnemingen gemaakt bij de lukopeningen. verricht in het krankzinnigengesticht Meereuberg, van 1 Julij 1866 tot 1 Jubj 1867. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, u, 102-134, 3 pi.—Hopfen- fiirtner. Pathologisch-anatomische Beobachtungen. J. . pract. Heilk., Berl., 1819, xlix, 4. Hft., 3-51: 1820, li, 4. Hft., 3-63.—Hopfengiirtner (P. F.) Beitrage zur ana- tomischen Geschichte, einiger Krankheiten. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1795, i, 4. St., 486-533.—Hor- ner (W. E.) Inquiries into the healthv and diseased ap- pearances of the mucous membrane oi the stomach and intestines. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1827, i, 9-40, 1 pi.— Hospitales generates de Madrid. Anatomia pathologia. Bol. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1850, 3. s., v, 260-262: 1851, 2 6p., i. 29; 125; 236; 324; 333: 1852, 2 6p., U, 76; 125; 133; 142.—Honel (C.) Description methodique des pieces d'anatomie pathologique renferm6es dans le Musee Du- puvtren. Gaz. d. hdp.. Par., 1851, 3. s.. iu, 423; 433; 445; 457; 469; 481; 505; 513; 525; 549— Illinskii (T.) Patologo- anatomicheskiya zamaitki. Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863, Ui, 447; 453; 485; 513; 525; 537; 549. — Ingels (B.) Autopsies faites k I'Hospice-Guislain dcpuis le mois de mai 1856 jusque et v comprise l'ann6e 1865. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1869, xlvU, 139-209.—Ingels (B. C.) Autopsies pratiqu6es ii I'Hospice-Guislain. Ibid., 1875, UU, 215-287.—Jackson (J. B. S.) Morbid anatomy. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1854, vUi, 201-232. Also, Reprint.—Jansen (J. H.) Ziektekundig-ontleed- kundige waarnemingen. Xederl. Lancet, Gravenn., 1848-9, 2. s., iv, 483; 598.—Jones (J.) Pathological specimens, prepared in the Charity Hospital, New Orleans, 1. Jan., 1869-1. April, 1870. N. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiii, 556-562.— Klebs (E.) Pathologisch-anatomische Demonstrationen. ANATOMY. 334 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 529; 549; 597; 613; 653.— Klob. Bericht iiber die unter der Leitung des Hm. Prof. Rokitansky stehende pathologisch-anatomische An- stalt im k. k. aUgemeinen Krankennause vom Monate De- cember 1854 bis October 1855. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1856, ii, 603; 642; 710; 850.— -----. Pathologisch-anatomische MittheUungen. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 234. -----. Kleincre Mittheil- ungen aus der pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt des Krankenhauses Rudolf-Stiftung. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1868, xv,124-132.—Krause (W.) Vierter Bericht iiber daspatho- logische Institut zu Gottingen. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1864, i. 1-12.—Lautncr (M. G.) Be- richt iiber die Ergebnisse der, unter der Leitung des . . . Rokitansky stehenden pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt des k. k. aUgemeinen Krankenhauses im Monate August 1844. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, ii, 147-170.—Lea (H.) Report of fatal diseases and morbid ap- pearances observed in the post mortem examinations made at St. George's Hospital during the year 1843. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844, u, 154; 190.—Lebert (H.) Changemeuts mole- culaires que les maladies produisent dans les tissus et les organes du corps humain. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1862, 3. s., xvii, 2-6.—Leblanc Sc Trousseau. Recherehes ana- tomiques et pathologiques faites au clos d'ecarissage de Monti'aucon. Arch. gen. de m£d., Par., 1828, xvi, 522- 543: xvii, 165-188: xvUi, 336-349. Also, Reprint.—Legg (J. W.) Report from the post-mortem room. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, xi, 63-92. — l>eichenshau. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1847, i, 65- 68. — Lettermau (J.) Autopsies. Calif. M. Gaz., San Fran., 1869-70, ii, 100; 121; 147; 168; 194; 210; 235; 249.— JLittle (L. S.) List of the more important preparations added to the museum of the London Hospital during the past year, with descriptions. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1865, ii, 369-374. -----. Descriptive list of the more important specimens, casts, etc., added to the museum du- ring the year. Ibid., 1866, iii, 400-413.—Littlcjolin (H. D.) Post-mortem examinations. Edinb. M. J., 1876, xxi, 673; 1112.—Loebl (G.) Bericht iiber die Ereignisse der, unter der Leitung des . . . Rokitansky stehenden patholo- eisch-anatomischen Anstalt des k. k. allgemeinen Kianken- auses. [Jiinncr bis Juli 1844.] Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1844, i, 65; 139 ; 207; 310; 402 : ii, 65- 84.—iTIcLieod (K.) Summary of fifty post mortem exami- nations of inhabitants of the'Jessore district. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, ui, 205; 271.—Mayer (A. M.) Ueber- sicht dei- an der hiesigen [Wiener] Universitat aufbewahr- ten anatomischen und pathologisch-anatomischen Prapa- rate. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1820, n. F., iii, 624-636.—Mayer (H.) Sc Schweninger (E.) Kurze Mittheilungen aus den pathologisch-anatomischen Demonstrationen des Prof. Dr. v. Buhl in Miinchen. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 145 ; 471; 481: 1876, xxiii, 21; 31.—Ulerbach. Pathologisch-anatomischer Bericht iiber zweihundert im Dresdner Krankenhause angeatellte Sectionen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1850, xxxix, 123- 156.—Mo (G.) Casuistica di anatomia patologica. Osser- vatore, Torino, 1876, xii, 41-43; 49-55; 82-85.—Mora (A.) II laboratorio o gabinetto patologico dello Spedale Maggioredi Bergamo. Ann. univ. di med., Modena, 1875, ccxxxi, 5-23.— Miiller (W.) Beobachtungen des pathologischen Insti- tuts zu Jena im Jahre 1866 und 1868. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz., 1868, iv, 145-169: 1870, v, 167- 206, 1 pi.—Natnias (G.) Osservazioni di notomia patolo- gica nelle sue attinenze colla pratica medicina raccolte all'os- pedale civUe di Venezia. Gior. veneto cli sc. nied., Vene- zia, 1850, i, 388-395: 1851, ii, 21-34 : 1851, iii, 67-78.—Neu- mann. Funfzig Krankheits- u. Sectionsgeschichten von Wahnsinnigen mit vergleichenden Resultaten. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1824, lix, 1. Hft., 3-64.—Niemann (A.) Ge- richtliche Leichenoffnungen. Erstes bis viertes Hundert. Ztschr. f. cl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856, lxxii, 119; 321: 1857, lxxiv, 120; 255: 1859, lxxvii, 168; 310: lxxviii, 167: 1861, lxxxi, 316: lxxxii, 145: 1862, Ixxxiii, 168: lxxxiv, 148; 282. -----. The same. Drittes Hundert. Reprint. 8°. Er- langen, 1859.—Odenius (M. V.) Fran patologiska insti- tutionen i Lund. Svulst-kasuistik. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1873, v, No. 2, 1-28, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Ogston (F.) Pathological studies on the bodies of the drowned. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. s., xvii, 288; 363.—Osier (W.) Pa- thological report, Gen. nosp., Montreal, for the year end- ing May 1, 1877. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1877-8 vi 52; 110; 152; 249.—Otto. Sectionsberichtc mit verglei- chender Zusammenstellung der eigenthiimlichen, der pa- thologisch-anatomischen Veranderungen der Organe ge- geniiberstehenden Krankheitserscheinungcn. Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied, 1858, i, 64-71._1 Paravicini (L.) Su le associazioni morbose; ricerche di patologia chirurgica e di anatom. patalogica. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1855, cliii, 489: 1855, cfiv, 5; 225; 449.— Pathologisch-anatomische Berichte. Ber. d. k k Krankenh., Wieden (1868), Wien, 1869, 288-319 (1869) Wien 1870, 281-297: Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung Anatomy (Pathological, observations and ernes). in Wien (1869), Wien, 1870, 260-262.—Pellizzari (G.) Bollettino del museo e della scuola d'anatomia patologica di Firenze. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1864, xiii. 146-163.— Pick (T. P.) Pathological observations. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, Ui, 277-300.—Pistocchi (F. S.) Anatomica descrizione, e patologiche considerazioni sopra tre importanti preparazioni donate al gabinetto d'anatomia patologica della society medico-chirurgica di Bologna. BuU. d. sc. mecl. cli Bologna, 1853, 3. s., xxiv, 356; 413.— Planer (J.) Statistik der Leichenkammer des k. k. aU- fem. Krankenhauses vom Monat November 1854. Wehnbl. . Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1855, i, 171-173.—Popel (M.) Uebersicht der in den Jahren 1837, 1838 und 1840 zu Prag vorgenommenen gerichtUchen Lei- chenschauen. Med. Jahrb. cl. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, n. F., xvi, 51; 244: 1839. n. F., xix, 556. -----. Ue- bersicht der in den Schuljahren 1841 und 1844 von dem Professor der Staatsarzneikunde zu Prag vorgenommenen gerichtlichen Leichenschauen. Ibid., 1842, xxxix, 80-85: 1845, IU, 329-336.—Rapp. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber (Ue wahre Bedeutung einiger anatomisch-pathologischer, besonders auf akute Krankheiten sich beziehenderErschei- nungen. (Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt.) Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1834-5, iv, 83; 94.— Beid (J.) Analysis and details of forty-seven inspections after death. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1839, hi, 448-462. Aho, Reprint.—Report of cases brought before the Liverpool pathological society, sessions 1843-4, and 1846-7, which were iUustrated by pathological specimens, drawings, and casts. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1844, lxii, 128-156: 1847, lxviU, 97-139.—Report of the Reading Pathological Society for the year 1852. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 143-145.—[Re- view of pathological anatomy.] N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1858, ii, 1-22.—Rigot chen Anstalt in Innsbruck vom October 1870 bis October 1871 vollt'uhr- ten Obductionen. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Dinsbruck, ANATOMY. 335 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Pathological, observations and cases). 1871-2, ii, 206-252. -----. MittheUungen aus der patho- logisch-anatomischen Anstalt zu Innsbruck. Ibid., 1873, iii, 189-215.—Snellen (H.) Pathologisch-anatomische waameniingen en onderzoekingen, gedaan onder leiding van F. C. Donders. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1855-6, 3. s., v, 305-318, 2 pi.—Stewart (W. D.) Notes on post- mortem examinations conducted in the Pooree district. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii 169; 193; 220.—Stie- bel (F. jun.) Lcichcnbefunde aus clem Kindcrhospitale zu Frankfurt a. M. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1851, xvi, 364- 380.—Tabulation of cases from Netley Hospital; 41 post mortems. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1872, xii, 381- 447.—Tiling (T.) Sectionsergebnisse in der Irrenheilan- stalt Bolnitsa Sv. Nikolaja Tchudolvortse, im Jahre 1874. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875, n. ¥., v, 171-198.—Trous- seau Sc Lcblanc. Colorations cadaveriques des vais- seaux. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1828, xvi, 192.—Ueber- sicht der im Schuljahre 1842 zu Prag von dem Profes- sor der Staatsarzneikunde Dr. Popel vorgenommenen ge- richtlichen Leichenschauen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1844, xlvi, 97-102.—Ulrich. Praparate von kiirzlich im St. Hedwigs-Krankeuhause verstorbe- nen Kranken. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1860, xU, 119-128.—Vander By! (P. J.) Patho- logical report of the Middlesex Hospital; 180 post mortem examinations, from the 1st October, 1855, to the 1st October, 1856. Brit. Sc For. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1858, xxi, 471- 498.—Van Wageningc (P. J. sr.) Eene nieuwe (f) me- thode om pathologische voorwerpen, naar het leven, natuur- lijk na te bootsen. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1855, v, 254.—Virchow (R.) Bericht iiber das Leichen- haus des Charit6-Krankenhauses fiir (Ue Jahre 1875 und 1870. Chaiite-Ann. (1875), Berl., 1877, u, 699-747: 1878, ui, 717-767.—Visconti (A.) Classificazione dei processimor- bosi a fondamento dell'anatomia patologica generale. Ann. univ. di mecl., Milano, 1868, cciii, 362. -----. Relazione sommaria dell'andamento scientiflco-amministrativo deUa lezione anatomia patologica presso l'Ospedale Maggiore di Milano ncgli anni 1868-9-70. Ibid., 1871, ccxviii, 565.— Voppel. Die Sectionsbefunde der Anstalt zu Colditz im Jahre 1857. Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neu- wied, 1858, i, 49-63.—Voppel (H.) Sections-Ergebnisse aus der Irren-Yersorgungs-Anstalt zu Colditz. Jahrgange 1853 bis 1855. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1856, vii, 161- 207.—Weinberger. Bericht iiber gerichtliche unci sani- tatspolizeiliche Leichen-Obductionen im aUgem. Kranken- hause zu Wien. Wieii. med. Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 135; 185; 201; 296; 309; 423; 440; 485; 567; 583; 647; 759; 775.— Wendell (C. A.) Postmortem examinations. BostonM. Sc S. J., 1865, lxxi, 111-114.—Wetzler. Leichenoffnungen von bcuierkenswiirdiger und zum Theil von seltener Art; grbsstentheils mit vorausgeschickten Krankheitsgeschich- ten. Rhein.-westphiil. Jahrb. cl. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1825, ix, 2. St., 54-85.—Willigk (A.) Sectionsergebnisse an der Prager pathologish-anatomischcn Anstalt vom 1. Feb. 1850 bis Ende Marz 1855. Vrtjschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1853, ii, 1-30: 1854, xliii, 81-116: 1856, I, 1-35; U, 19- 46.—Wistrand (A. H.) Summarisk redogoielse for de ratts-iuedicinska besigtningar, likcippningar och andra un- derscikningar, som blifvit verkstallde vid Kongl. Carolinska Medico-Kirurgiska Institutet under loppet af ar 1850. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1851, xiii, 513-528.—Woodhouse (R. T.) Retrospective address of the second anniversary of the Reading Pathological Society. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843, vi, 479-486.—Wran/' (A.) Sectionsergebnisse an der Pra- ger pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt vom 1. Januar bis lctzten Juli 1862 und vom 1. Januar bis letzten Juli 1866. VrtUschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1867, xciv, 1-13: xcv, 1-20.—Yelloly (J.) Observations on vascular appearances of mucous and serous membranes, as indicative of inflam- mation. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1837, xx, 1-30. Anatomy (Popular). Auzoux (L.) Lecous ehSinentaires d'anatomie et de physiologie. 8°. Paris, 1839. -----. The same. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1858. C utter (C.) First book on anatomy and physi- ology. 12°. Boston, 1848. -----. A treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. 12°. Boston, 1850. Marshall (J.) A description of the human body: its structure and functions. Designed for the use of teaching in schools. 2. ed. 2 v. 4° 9 pi. fol. London, 1870. Smith (J. V. C.) The class book of anatomy, explanatory of the first principles of human or- ganization, as the basis of physical education. Designed for schools. 2. ed. 8°. Boston, 1836. ' Anatomy (Regional, Surgical, and Topo- graphical). See, also, Arteries; Axilla; Groin; Neck; Perineum; Surgery (Operative). Agatz (G. J.) Atlas zur chirurgischen Anato- mie und Operationslehre. Erlangen, 1860. Albertini (G.) *L';matomia ne'suoi rapporti colla patologia chirurgica e colla medicina opera- tica. 8°. Norara, 1865. Ameline(J.-F.) M6moire sur l'utilitedes pieces d'anatomie artificielle chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1819. Anderson (W.) System of surgical anatomy. Part first, on the structure of the groin, pelvis, and perineum. 4°. New York, 1822. Anger (B.) Nouveaux elements d'anatomie chirurgicale. Atlas de 12 planches, roy. 8°. Paris, 1869. Bellamy (E.) The student's guide to surgical anatomy. 12°. London, 1873. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1874. Beraud (B. J.) Atlas complet d'anatomie chi- rurgicale topographique. 1.-3. partie. 2 v. 4°. Paris, 1862-5. Beullac (J. P.) * Anatomie chirurgicale des regions de l'epaule et du pli du bras. 4°. Paris, 1819. VON Bierkowski (L. J.) Erkliirung der ana- tomisch - chirurgischen Abbildungen, nebst Be- schreibung der chirurgischen Operationen nach den Methoden von v. Grafe, Kluge und Rust. 8°. pi. fol. Berlin, 1827. Blandix (P. F.) Traite" d'anatomie topographi- que, considered specialement dans ses rapports avec la chirurgie et la nie'decine operatoire. 2. e'd. 8°. Atlas, fol. Paris, 1834. -----. The same. Transl. from the French by A. Sidney Doane. 8°. Neio York, 1834. Boujalsky (E.) Tabuhe anatomico - chirur- gicae. fol. St. Petersburg, 1852. van den Brande (J. B.) * De externis corporis humani appellationibus ac divisione. 1787. In : Louvain diss., iv, 66. Braune (W.) Topographisch-anatomischerAt- las. Nach Durchschnitten an gefrornen Cada- vern. fol. Leipzig, 1867-72. Burns (J.) The principles of surgery. 2. v.: comprising the surgical anatomy of the human body. 8°. London, 1829-38. Burt (J. G. M.) Illustrations of surgical ana- tomy; founded on the work of M. Blandin. 2. ed. 4°. Glasgow, 1833. Chassaignac (E.) * Etudes d'anatomie et de pathologie chirurgicale. Theses pre"8ente"es aux concours de la faculty de mddecine de Paris (de 1836 k 1851). 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1851. Chavernac (F.) Anatomie chirurgicale; les r6gions classiques du corps humain. Avec une introduction historique par Bouisson. 8°. Paris et Aix, 1878. Chiene (J.) Lectures on surgical anatomy. 8°. Edinburgh, 1878. Cock (E.) Practical anatomy of the nerves and vessels supplying the head, neck, and chest. 8°. London, 1839. Colles (A.) A treatise on surgical anatomy. Part i. 8°. Dublin, 1811. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1820. -----. The same. With notes by J. P. Hop- kinson. 2. Am. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. Cooke (T.) * Esquisse d'une anatomie chirurgi- cale operatoire. 4°. Chartres, 1870. Edwards (H. M.) A manual of surgical ana- tomy. Transl. by W.Coulson. 12c. London, 1828. -----. The same. 1. Am., from the 1. Lond. ed. Rev. by J. Webster. 8°. Philadelphia, 1828. Engel(J.) Compendium dertopographischen ANATOMY. 336 ANATOMY. Anatomy (Regional, Surgical, and Topo- graphical). Anatomie zum Gebrauche bei seinen Vorlesungen. roy. 8°. Wien, 1859. Falconar (M.) A synopsis of a course of lec- tures on anatomy and surgery. 8°. London, 1777. -----. A syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy, on physiology, and on the operations and practice of surgery. 8°. [«•. p., n. d.] Fekber (A.) Situsphantom der Organo der Brust und oberen Bauchgegend. 8°. Bonn, 1877. von Froriep (L. F.) Ueber Anatomie in Beziehung auf Chirurgie. Nebst einer Darstel- lung der relativen Dicke und Lage der Muskeln am Ober- und Unterschenkel. roy. 4°. Weimar, 1813. Frori ep (R.) Chirurgische Anatomie der Liga- turstellen am menschlichen Korper. fol. Wei- mar, 1830. FChrer (F.) Handbuch der chirurgischen Anatomie. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1857. Genga(B.) Anatomia chirurgica. 8°. [Roma, 1672.] Gimelle (L. L. J.) * Anatomie chirurgicale de la region sus-hyoidienne. 4°. Paris, 1848. Gunther (G. B.) Die chirurgische Anatomie in Abbildungen. 3. Th. Die Muskellehre. 4°. Hamburg, 1840. Handyside (P. D.) The anatomy, particu- lar and surgical, of the human body. Illustrated by a series of engravings. Fasc. 1-2, blood-ves- sels. 4°. Edinburgh, 1837. Henke (P. J. W.) Atlas der topographischen Anatomie des Menschen mit ergiinzenden Erklii- rungen. 5 v. text, 8°; 2 v. plates, fol. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1865. -----. Topographische Anatomie des Men- schen in Abbildung und Beschreibung. Atlas nach Zeichnungen des Verfassers lithographirt von A. Gatternicht. fol. Berlin, 1878-9. Hilles (M. W.) Regional anatomy, [etc.] 32°. London, 1857. Hyrtl (J.) Handbuch der topographischen Anatomie. 5. vermehrte Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1865. Juncken (J. H.) Kurtzer Anhang, bestehend in einigen anatomischen Fragen, fiber diejenigen Theile des menschlichen Cbrpers, welche einem Chirurgen zu wissen hcichst nutzlich und noting vorfallen ; mit beygefugten nothigen Kupffern. 12°. Niirnberg, 1710. Kolb (C.) Gru ndriss der topographischen Ana- tomic 12°. Stuttgart, 1867. Krais (A.) *Die chirurgische Anatomie der Ellenbogenbeuge, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das Aderlasseu. 8°. Tubingen, 1847. Le Gendre (E. Q.) Anatomie chirurgicale ho- malographique, ou description et figures des prin- cipales regions du corps humain representees de grandeur naturelle d'apres des sections planes pratiquees sur des cadavres congele"s. fol. Paris, 1858. Lizars (J.) Contributions to surgical anatomy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Maclise (J.) Surgical anatomy. 2. ed. fol. London, 1856. -----. The same. 4°. Philadelphia, 1859. Malgaigne (J. F.) Trait6 d'anatomie chirur- gicale et de chirurgie experimentale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1838. Malle (P. N. F.) Traits d'anatomie chirurgi- cale et de medecine operatoire. 8°. Paris, 1855. Morton (T.) The surgical anatomy of the perinaeuin. 8°. London, 1838. -----. The surgical anatomy of the groin, the femoral and popliteal regions. 8°. London. 1839. ' Anatomy (Regional, Surgical, and Topo- graphical). -----. The surgical anatomy of inguinal hernise, the testis and its coverings. 8°. Lon- don, 1841. -----. Engravings illustrating the surgical anatomy of the head and neck, axilla bend of the elbow and wrist, with descriptions.' 8C. London, 1845. Morton (T.) & Cadge (W.) The surgical ana- tomy of the principal regions of the human body. 8°. London, 1850. Mounier (H.) *Esquisses d'anatomie topo- graphique. Regions ilio-costale, dorso-lombaire, perin6ale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865. Netolitzky (J. A.) * Sistens anatomiam ca- nalis inguinalis et cruralis. 8°. Pragce, 1835. Nuhn (A.) Handbuch der chirurgischen Ana- tomie zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht; 2. Th., Specielle chir. Anato- mie. 8°. Mannheim, 1843. -----. Erkliirungen der chirurgisch-anato- mischen Tafeln. Neue Aufl. 4°. Heidelberg, 1868. -----. Chirurgisch anatomische Tafeln, nach der Natur gezeichnet und lithographirt von Franz X. Wagner, fol. Heidelberg, [n. d.] Palfln [or Palfyn] (J.) Anatomie du corps humain, avec des remarques utiles aux chirurgi- ens dans la pratique de leurs operations. 2 v. 8U. Paris, 1726. -----. Anatomie chirurgicale. Nouvelle ed., rev. par B. Boudon; on y a joint les observa- tions anatomiques et chirurgicales de Ruysch, trad, du latin, et celles de Brisseau. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1734. Paulet (V.) Resume d'anatomie appliquee. 12°. Paris, 1875 [1874]. -----& Sarazin (J.) Traite d'anatomie to- pographique. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1866-7. Petrequin (J.-E.) Traite d'anatomie medico- chirurgicale et topographique. 8°. Paris, 1844. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1857. Pirogoff (N.) Anatome topographica sectio- nibus per corpus humanum congelatum triplici directione ductis illustrata. 4 v. 8°, text; 4 v. plates, fol. Petropoli, 1852. Richet (A.) Traite pratique d'anatomie m6- dico-chirurgicale. 8°. Paris, 1857. Roehmann (L.) Handbuch der topographi- schen Anatomie. sm. 8°. Leipzig, 1844. Rosenmuller (J. C.) Icones chirurgico ana- tomicae in usum medicorum et chirurgorum. 3 pts. in 1 v. fol. Weimar, 1805-7. Rosenthal (F.) Handbuch der chirurgischen Anatomie. 8°. Berlin u. Stettin, 1817. Roser (W.) Handbuch der anatomischen Chi- rurgie. 2 v. 8C. Tubingen, 1844-5. -----. Chirurgisch-anatomisches Vademecum fiir Studirende and Aerzte. 3. Aufl. 12°. Stutt- gart, 1863. -----. Manual of surgical anatomy. Transl. from the fourth German edition, by J. C. Galton. 12°. London, 1873. Ross (G.) Chirurgische Anatomie der Extre- mitiiten. 8°. Leipzig, 1847. Rudinger. Topogi-aphisch-chirurgische Ana- tomie des Menschen. 1.-3. Abth. roy. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1874-5. SeegeR (G.) Handbuch der topographischen Anatomie. Fiir practische Aerzte und Wund- iirzte, insbesondere fiir Gerichtsarzte und Opera- teurs. 12°. Ludwigsburg, 1842. Seiler (B. G.) Commentatio primas lineas praelectionum anatomia? chirurgie® complectens. 4°. Vitebergce, 1802. ANATOMY. 337 ANCHYLOSIS. Anatomy (Regional, Surgical, and Topo- graphical). ---■—. Prima? lin»3 anatomia? chirurgica? do- cendie. 4°. Vitebergce, 1H02. Tillaux ( P. ) Traite d'anatomie topogra- phique avec applications k la chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1H77. Van Wetter (A.) Anatomie des regions peri- pheriques du corps humain. 1. et 2. fasc. roy. 8J. Gand, 1872-3. Velpeau. Anatomy of regions. Transl. by Henry Hancock. 8°. London, 1838. Velpeau (A.) & Beraud (B. J.) Manuel d'anatomie chirurgicale generale et topogra- phique. 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1862. Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) A treatise on surgical anatomy. Transl. by J. W. Sterling. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1830. -----. Traite complet d'anatomie chirurgi- calo, generale et topographique, du corps hu- main. 2. ed. 2 v. 8°. Atlas 4°. Paris, 1833. Volz (L.) Beitrag zur chirurgischen Anato- mie der Extremitaten. 4°. Berlin, 1865. Watt (J. J. ) Auatomico-chirurgical views of the nose, mouth, larynx, and fauces, fol. London, 1809. Agnew (D. H.) Regional anatomy in its relations to medicine and surgery. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1859, n. s., ii: 1859-60, n. s., iii: 1860, n. s., iv: 1861, n. s., v: 1861, n. s., vi, passim.—Aycart y Lopez (L.) Historia de la anatomia y aplicaciones quirurgicas. Mem. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid, 1873, i, 3-20.—Bouisson. Tahleau historique de l'anatomie chirurgicale. Montpel. med., 1878, lx, 97-119.—Brown (B.) On the relative posi- tion of the nerves and vessels of the linihs. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 555.—Bryant (T.) On the diagnostic value of the ileo-fcmoral triangle in cases of injury to the hip, more par- ticularly of impacted fracture. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Loud., 1875, vii, 305-307.—Chiai's. fitiide sur la fosse zy- gomatique. Voie k suivre pour faeiliter la description des artercs ct des nerfs de cette region. Montpel. m6d., 1874, xxxiii, 490-512; 1 pi.—Cortcse (F.) Prolusione al corso d'anatomia topografica nell ospedale departimentale militare di Torino. Gior. cli med. mil., Torino, 1804, xii, 129-148.— Enjjcl (J.) Anatomische Mittheiluugen fiir die Praxis. Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 489; 521; 569; 633.— Flcivclniinini (D.) Ueber den Einfluss der Kenntniss der Forniveiscliiedcnheiten des Mensehenkcirpers auf die Chirurgie. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1818, ii, 417-460.— Fonlliionx (C.) Expose do la disposition anatomique ilcs artercs et des nerfs dans leurs rapports respectifs. Rev. med., Par.. 1825, iv. 68-71.—Gil-aides (J. A.) Quel- ques considerations sur l'anatomie chirurgicale de la region mammairc. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, ii, 198-207.— Harrison (E.) Errors of Laenuec and others respecting the regions of the chest. Lond. M. Gaz., 1837, xix, 776- 7S0.—Holden (L.) Medical and surgical landmarks. [The head, the face, the neck, the chest, the back.] St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1866, ii, 193-211. Sec, also, Gray (H.)— Jameson (H. G.) Introduction to a scries of essays on the surgery applicable to tho neck and face, arranged under tho heads of surgical anatomy, operative surgery, and medical surgerv; the whole relating particularly to those parts. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1820, ix, 103-116. -----. The surgical anatomy of tho parts concerned in the operation of tying the arteria iunoiniuata, illustrated by transverse sections. Ibid., x, 83; 291.—Knox (R.) Contributions to surgical anatomy and operative surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 65-67.—iicssliaft (P.) Die Luiubargegencl in ana- tomisch chirurgischer Hinsicht. Arch. f. Anat.,Physiol. n. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870, 264-299, 7 pi.—Meyer (H.) Die Adductorengruppe des Oberschenkels unci die Ait. profunda femoris. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsge- sch., Leipz., 1876, ii, 29-35.—Pro. Secciones de anatomia to- pografia. Gac. med. de Lima, 1867, ii. 125; 141; 147; 165; 178; 189; 201; 200; 219; 230; 242; 261; 263; 278; xii, 3.—Robert (P.) De l'influence dea varietes anatomiques sur les opera- tions chirurgicales. J. cl. progr. d. sc. med., Par.. 1828, vii, 182-208: viii, 188-205.—Schnepf. Determination de la grandeur et de la situation des organes thoraciques et abdouiinaux chez I'homme sain. Monit. cl. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 163; 396; 409.—Sibson (F.) On the changes induced in the situation and structure of the internal or- gans under varying circumstances of health and disease; and on tho nature and external indications of these changes. Tr. Prov. M. Sc S. Ass., Lond., 1844, xii, 307-574. Also, Reprint. -----. On the position of the internal organs in the healthy adult male. Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vi, 357-302. -----. On the position of the internal organs dur- ing a deep inspiration, in relation to pathology and diagno- Anatomy (Regional, Surgical, and Topo- graphical). sis. Ibid., 588-592. -----. On tho external signs of the position of the lungs and heart. Ibid., 754-760.—Triquet (E.) NouveUes recherehes d'anatomie et de pathologie sur la region parotidienne. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1852, ii, 161-188.—Valasco. El estudio de la anatomia y de la medicina operatoria facilitado por medio del arte. Siglo ni6d., Madrid, 1861, vUi, 412. d'Anaya (Manuel). *.De l'influence de l'exer- cice sur I'homme. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 293, v. 612. AnazitOS (Demetrios). * Endo- und Pericarditis. 38 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 1855. Anceaume (F.-H.) *De la melancholie. x, 11-211 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 161, v. 140. Anccl (Louis). Des ongles, au point de vue ana- tomique, physiologique et pathologique. 146 pp., avec tig. 8°. Paris, Adr. Delahaye, 1868. Ancelet (Edouard). * Essai analytique sur l'ana- tomie pathologique du pancreas. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 274, v. 582. -----. Recherehes sur les paralysies symptoma- tiques de la compression intra-cranienne, et sur leur signification. 18 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bail- Here et fils, 1857. -----. Note sur un nouveau moyen d'eviter la liga- ture des vaisseaux dans les amputations. Com- muniquee k l'Academie des Sciences. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1860. -----. Lettres sur un projet d'organisation de medecine gratuite des indigents presente au con- seil general de l'Aisne. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Divru et Cie., 1862. -----. Etudes sur les maladies du pancreas. 159 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 18(34. Ancelin (P.-J.) * Du diagnostic de la pierre dans la vessie. Valeur semeiologique des signes ra- tionnels; exploration de la vessie. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 333. Ancell (Henry). A treatise on tuberculosis, the constitutional origin of consumption and scrofula. xxii, 779 pp. 8C. London, Longman $• Co., 1852. For Biographical notice of, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 72.—For his Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii, 637. A ho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, u, 588. Ancelle (Alexis-Honore-Victor). * Considera- tions sur l'indigestion. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 330, v. 303. Ancelon (Charles). * Des syphilides chancri- formes des organes genitaux. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 282. Ancelon (E. A.) L'art de conserver la sante. Manuel d'hygiene a l'usage des enfants et des gens du monde, termin6 par l'indication des acci- dents qui menacent promptement la vie, [etc. ] 165 pp. 12°. Nancy, Grimblot et Vve. Raybois, 1853. -----. Memoire sur la transformation des fievres essentielles. 12 pp. 8°. Dieuze, Mainbourg, 1853. Repr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par. Anchersen (Ansgarius). *De medicatione per musicam. 26 pp. sm. 4°. Hafnice, Vid. J. Mar- tin, [1720]. -----. * De $Tp6q>rj septimestri foetus, Gallis dicta "la culbute", falso hactenuscredita. 32 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Hafnice, [1730]. Anchorage (Kentucky). See Insane (Asylums for). Anchovies (Adulteration of). Anchovies, their substitutions and adulterations. Lancet, Lond., 1852, U, 359-362, 1 pi. Anchylops. See Eyelids (Abscess in). Anchylosis. See Ankylosis. 90 ANCHYLOSTOMUM. 338 ANDERSON. Anchylostomum duodenale. See, also, Anaemia (Tropical). Bozzolo (C.) L'ahchUostoma duodenale in Torino. I Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1879, 3. s., xxvi, 24. I Also: Osservatore, Torino, 1879, xv, 369.—Ciniselli (G.) I Contributo aUc indagini sugU anchUostomi. Ann. univ. di I med. e chir., Milano, 1878, ccxlv, 389-391.—JDclioux de Savignac. Kotesui- l'anchylostome duodenal entozoairo reconnu fr6quemment chez les sujets atteints de l'anfimio des pays chauds. Courrier med., Par., 1871, xxi, 249.— Qrassi (B.) [et al.] Intorno aU'anclulostoma duodenale (Dubini). Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1878, 7. s., v, 193- I 196. Aho: Ann. univ. cU med. echir., Mflano, 1879, ccxlvii, 407-425, 1 pi.—Hcschl. Fall von Ankvlostomum duode- nale. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 925-928. Also: Mitth. d. "Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1876, u, 148-153.— White. Ancylostomum duodenale (Dubini). Boston M. Sc S. J., 1867, lxxv, 427. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. j Improve., 1876, vi, 9.—Wuchcrcr (O.) Sobre o anchylos- tomum duodenale ou strongylus dnodenaUs Dubinu. Gaz. | med. da Bahia, 1869, Ui, 170;' 183; 198. Anciaux (Henri). * Des accidents produits par les ascarides lombrico'ides, et de leur'traitement. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 203, v. 582. AnciUon (Paul). * Exercitatio medica de chyli- ficatione. 91. sm. 4°. Basilece, J. Bertschi, 1688. Ancinelle (Achille). * De l'acclimatement; des modifications diverses qu'il peut imprimer k la sante; des precautions hygieniques qu'il exige. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 185, v. 411. Ancoats. See Manchester (England). Anc oats Dispensary. See Ardwick & Ancoats Dispensary. Ancona. See Insane (Asylums for). j Ancre (F. F. D.) *De chloruretis sodse et calcis. 24 pp. 4°. Leodii, Lebeau-Ouwerx, [1827]. Andalucia (La) medica. Revista medico-qui- rurgica-fotografica y de ciencias accessorias. Di- j rector: R. del Castillo y Quartiellers. Tomo 1-2; , Nos. 1-2, v. 3, Jan., 1876-May, 187d. *°. Cordoba, j Andalusia. See, also, Congreso medico Andaluz. Ullerspereer (J. B.) Ueber einige MineralqueUen Andalusiens. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1876, i, 1-4. Andaman Islands. See, also, Port Blair. Dally. Remarques sur les habitants des lies Andaman. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1864, v, 204-209.—Doug- lass (C. M.) Notes on the Andaman Islands. Armv M. Dep. Rep., 1873 (app.), Lond., 1875, xv, 326-328.—Hodder Sc Douglas. Andaman Islands. Ibid., 1875: Lond., 1877, xvu, 261-265.—Owen, Osteology and dentition of the An- daman Islanders. Lancet, Lond.', 1862, i, 63. Andant (Jean-Paul-Emile). * De la dysenteric J 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 293, v. 5(58. ! -----. Memoire sur l'empoisonnement par le phos- phore et de son traitement par l'essence de tere- I benthine ordinaire adininistree k l'interieur. 31 ' pp. 8°. Paris, Libraire J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1873. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1873, 2. s., xl. van Andel (Arnoldus Hugo). * Bydrage tot de kennis van den morbus Addisonii. xvi, 109 pp. 4°. Leiden, S. C. Van Doesburgh, 1861. van den Andel (Cornelius van es). * De en- docarditide acuta, viii, 62 pp. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, D. Scheltema, 1847. van Andel (Martinus Antonius). *. . . dezinco ejusque praeparationibus. x, 4G pp. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, J. H. Gebhard et Soc., [1846]. Ander (Ern. Christ. Mart.) * Analecta ad histo- riam cordis pathologicam. 40 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Viduce Trampii, [179U]. Anderl(Max). * De thoracocentesi. [Miinchen.] 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1859. Repr. from: DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1859. Anderlini (Paolo). Alienazioni mentali curate per un decennio nel ricovero de' pazzi in Faenza. Anderlini (Paolo)—continued. 48 pp. 8°. Faenza, per Montanari e Marabini, 1833. Andennann (Ant. Amaiid. Jos.) *De pulmo- num formas nee non voluminis aberrationibus. 20pp., 1 tab. 4°. Vratislavia, typ. off. Kupferiaiue, 1838. [P., v. 583. J Andernach. See Insane (Asylums for). Andernacus. See Guinterius (Jean). -----. Schola Salemitana. 12°. Roterodami, 1557. Anders (Ernst). * ExperimenteUe Beitrage zur Kentniss der causalen Momente putrider Intoxi- cation. 61pp., 11. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1876. Anders (Ferdinand Robert). * De hydrocele. 22 pp. 8°. Jence, typ. Schreiberi etfil, 1854. c. Andersen (Carol. Sam.) Tractatio anatomico- physiologica de nervis humani corporis aliquibus, quam edidit Ernst. Ph. Andersch. 2 parts, xiv, 178 pp., 2 pi., 187 pp. 8°. Regiomonti, A. Faseh, 1797. Andersch (Ernst Philipp). *De partium flui- daruni corporis humani vita propria. 29 pp. sm. 8°. Regiomonti, typ. Hartungianis, [1803]. Andersch (Cl.) Fragmentum descriptionis ner- vorum cardiacorum (vel potius arteriarum prope cor) dextri lateris jam ante aliquot decennia typis impressum, nunc demum a. indcexci. subjuncta autoris tabula notulisque adjectis editum a S. Th. Soemmerring. 1791. Scriptokes neurol. min. sel., v. 2. Anderseck (Franc. Jul. Theodorns). * Exerci- tatio anatomica circa monstra duo humana spina bifida singulari affecta. viii, 32 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Vratislavice, typ. Brehmeri et Minuthi, 1842. Andersen (Lorentz.) *Bemerkning om en me- tastasis. 8 pp. 12°. Ejobenhavn, J. R. Thiele, [1781]. Andersohn (Alexander). * Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der nichtzuckerf uhrenden Harnruhr. 51 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], E. J. Earow, 1H62. Anderson (A. F.) Coloured photographs of leprosy as met with in the Straits Settlements. With explanatory notes. 1 p. 1., 4 pp., 14 pi. 4°. London, J. §• A. Churchill, 1872. Anderson (Alexander).1 * De morbis acutis puerperarum. 35 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, P. Vander, 1717. Anderson (Alexander).'2 * De compositione acidi sulphurici. 51pp. 8°. Edinb., Balfour & Smellic, 1790. [P., v. 386.] Anderson (Alexander).3 * ... on chronic mania. Columbia Coll., New York. 32 pp. 8°. New York, ptd. by T. elge, Brux., 1845, ii, 83-98. Aho, transl.: Ztschr. d.k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu "Wien, 1845, i, 122; 200; 340; 461: U, 134.—Gerhard. Aneurism. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, PhUa., 1861, n. s., v, 533.—Gibbons (H. jr.) Discus- sion on aneurism. Pacific M. Sc. S. J., San Fran., 1868-9, n. s., ii, 213-219.—Gillbee (W.) On aneurism; its treat- ment and pathology. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1857, u, 191-199. —Guerin (P.) M6moire sur l'anevrisme. [See, aho: Deseze.] Rec. d. actes de la Soc. de sant6 deLyon, 1801, U, 149-179.—Giintner. Zur Pathologie und The- rapie der Aneurysmen. MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1870, xv, 105; 129.— I9anselmann(N.) Ceber AneurysmenbUdung auf Geschwiiren. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1856, xU, 449.—Harvey (O.) Aneurismal tumors. CaUf. State M. J. Sacramento, 1856-7, i, 242-245.—Hayne (A. P.) On the frequency of aneurism and its causes in California. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1863, vi, 117- 122.—Hcnckels (J. F.) Anmerckungeniiber Puis-Ader- Geschwulste. In hh: N. med. u. chir. Anmerck., 12°, Berl., 1769, i. 19-25— Hodge (H. L.) Aneurism. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., 1834, i, 493-544.— Holmes (T.) Aneu- rism. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), Lond., 2. ed., 1870, iii, 410-620.— Hulke (J. W.) Clinicallectureonaneurism. Med. Exam., Lond.. 1877, U, 686-689.—Larrey. Extraitd'unenotice sur l'anevrisnie. BuU. Fac. de med. de Par., 1804, i, 116-120.— I.awrie(J. A.) On someof the morecommon forms of aneu- rism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, n. s., i, 634-637.—L.e Fort (L.) Anevrysnie. Diet.encycl. d. sc.m6d., Par., 1866, iv,519-688.- Legrbux (A.) Surles dilatations simples circonscrites des arteres, dites anevrysmes vrais. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1874, u, 585-596.—tiouville. Anevrysmesarteriels dissemin6s dans tout le systeme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1808, Par., 1874, xlUi, 480.—Mackensie (S.) Aneurism. Lond. Hosp. Rep., 1875, 66-70.—Manzoni (A.) Observa- tions sur les anevrismes. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1820, xvii, 85-102.—Marcacci (A.) Su gU aneurismi sponta- nea Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1857, 3. s., iU, 381; 389; 397; 405; 413.—Marjolin Sc Berard. Ane- vrysme. Diet, de med., Par., 2. ed., 1833, iu, 1-104.— TIaunoir aine. M6moire sur l'anevrisme. [See, also, Deschamps.] J. gen. demed., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1811, xl, 291-325.—Mcnici(R.) De aneurysmate. In hh: Obs. ad clin., etc., 1827, Pisis, 1829, 102-104.—Monro (A.) Remarks on the coats of arteries, their diseases, and par- ticularlv on the formation of an aneurism. Med. Essavs Sc Obs.' Soc. Edinb., 1734, ii, 264-286, 1 pi.—Morellus. Circa aneurisma conaiderationes. Zodiacus med.-gaU., 1681, Geneva, 1682, iii, 62-65.—Nienieyer (P.) Zur Casuistik des Aneurysma der innern Arterien. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1861, ex, 237-252: 1865, exxv, 234-263.—Ogle (I. "W.) On the formation of aneurism in connexion with em- bolism, or with thrombosis of an artery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 196.— Petit. Observations anato- miques et pathologiques, au sujet de la tumeur qn'on nomme an6vrisme. [Mem. Acad. r. d. sc, 1736.] CoUect. Acad. d. mem., etc., Par.. 1785, vUi, 317-324.—Pigeaux. Recherehes nouveUes sur l'existence des anevrysmes vrais. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 183L U, 429-437.—Pigeaux (J.) Considerations sur les causes de la rupture des tumeurs anevrysmales internes. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. m6d., Par., 1835, Ui, 268-275.— Bayer (P.) Recherehes critiques et nouveUes observa- tions sur l'an6vrysme verminenx et sur le strongylus arma- tns minor (Rudolphi). Arch. d. med. comp. (Raver), Par., 1843, i, 1^10, 2 pi.— Becamier (C. A.) Recherciies anatomico-pathologiques sur la formation de quelques ane- vrismes spontanes. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1806, xi, 29-42.—Bibes (F.) Quelques considerations sur les resources de la nature dans la cure de l'an6vrisme, ac- compagn6es de deux observations, dont l'une est d6ja ins6- ree par extrait dans le BuUetin de la Societe. BuU. Fac. de med. de Par., 1817, i-U, 284-306.—Bicherand. Ane- vrysme. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812, ii, 88-113. -----. Also, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1821, x, 10- 33.—Bichet (A.) Anevrvsme. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., 1865, i-U, 260-446.—Bigand (P.) Des ane- vrismes. [in hh: CUn. chir. de Strasbourg, 8°, Paris, 1862, 3-117.] — Bobinson. Aneurism in the army. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 364.—Bogers (D. L.) ♦Observa- tions on aneurism. Med. Reposit., N. V., 1822, vii, 383-408. Ahoinhh: Surg. Essays and Cases, N. V., 1850, 9-44.— Salmade. Extrait d'observations relatives & l'histoire des anevrysmes. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1798, ui, 454-460.—Skoda. Ueber Aneurysmen. "Wien. Med.- HaUe, 1863, iv, 327; 335: 343; 351; 367.—Smith (S.) Sum- mary of paper read to N. T. Academy of Med. on "Error in the diagnosis and treatment of surgical aneurisms". Med. Rec. N. Y., 1873, viii, 87.—Spangenbcrg (G. ANEURISM. 348 ANEURISM. Aneurism. A.) Erfahrungen iiber die Pulsadergeschwiilste. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1815, xxvii, 209-247. — Spc- ranza. La conoscenza degU interni aneurismi restituita agli antichi medici Greci. Gior. pcrservi. ai progr. d. patol. Venezia, 1837, vii, 164-184.—Stokes (W.) Researches on the diagnosis and pathology of aneurism. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 400-440.—Tarral (C.) Reflexions et observations sur les anfevrysmes, accompagnees de l'analyse de l'ouvrage de M. Wardfop. J. hebd. dc med., Par., 1829, iv, 513-566. Aho, Reprint,—Tufncll (J.) On the con- solidation of internal aneurisms. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., Ixvii, 5, 1 pi.—Verneuil. Observations d'anevrysmes. i Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 883; 890-898 ; 907; 923; 932. j Verneuil (A.) Note pour servir k l'histoire des ane- vrysmes. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1850, U, 40-50.—Zugcn- buhler. Ueber Aneurisma. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wun- darznk., Berl., 1807, xxv, 4. St., 100-105. Aneurism (Capillary). See Capillaries (Pathology of). Aneurism (Cases and observations of). See. also, under the several Arteries. Bartholinus (T.) Historia anatomica aneu- rysmatis dissecti, accedit J. Van Home. In: Van Houne (J.) Opusc anat.-chir., 12°, Lips., 1707, 532-581. Berti (G.) Cliuica operatoria. Rendiconto- statistico di ventitre osservazioni di aneurismi chi- rurgici redatte e pubblicate. 8°. Torino, 1887. Chantreuil (E.) * Determiner si les ane- vrysmes peuvent gue"rir spontandment; en cas d'affirmative, dire par quel proc6d6. Quelles sout les circonstances qui influent sur le ddveloppe- ment des andvrysmes? Paris, 1844. Stark (J. C.) [Pr.] inest morbi historia momo- ratu digua particiila, i-iv. 8°. Jence, [1807-9]. Tempi:l (A.) * Einige Fiille von Aneurysmeu und deren Heilung. 4°. Eiel, 1873. Tufnell (J.) The successful treatment of in- ternal aneurism, illustrated by cases in hospital and private practice. 8°. London S- Dublin, 1864. Am-Pach. Beobachtune eines Anevrysma bev einem Ochscn. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1809. iv, 366-368.—Aneu- rism in the army. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 144-146.— Aneurisma. Ber. cl. li. k. Krankenh. Wieden, 1863, Wien, 1864, 141.—Aneurismi (Sugli) interni. BuU. cl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1836. 2. s., ii. 3; 65—Auch in- closs (W.)_ [Cases.] Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1836, xiv, 324- ^44.—Bcllinghani. Account of the dissection of a sub- ject who had been cured of popliteal and femoral aneurism (in opposite limbs) bv compression. Dublin. M. Press, 1846, xv, 34-40.—Bol to (G.L.) [9 cases.] Liguria med., Genova, 1867, xii, 49; 97.—Bouisson & mould, tt Montpel. med., 1869, xxii, 514-526.—Broussnis (F.-J.-V.) Reponse aux reflexions d'une anonymc sur la nouvelle doctrine insertes dans le no. 19 du Journal universel des sciences m6dicales. J. univ. cl. sc. mM„ Par., 1818, viii, 129-190.—Browne (J.) Cases of aneurism, in which some unusual circumstances were observed. Dublin, J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1835, viii. 240.—Bryant (T.) [18 cases.] Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., I860, 3. s., vi, 58-68.—Bushc (G.) An account of aneurisms following arteriotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1828, ii, 455^59.—C lice ver (I). W.) [4 cases.] Med. Sc Surg. Rep., Bost. City Hosp., 1870, 463-477.—Cooper (A.) [Cases.] Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1802, viii, 1-6.—Cooper (B. li.) On aneurism"; with cases. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1840, i, 129-132.—Cotter (G. S.) On the spontaneous cure of aneurism. Dublin M. Press, 1852. xxviii, 82.—Curran (W.) Personal experience of death from aneurism and dis- ease of the heart in the service; a clinical note. Edinb. M. J., 1875. xxi, 428 ; 528: xxii, 137; 229.—Cusack (.1. W.) [Cases.] Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1832, -i, 117-124.— Dittel. [4 cases.] Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864, 9; 19.— Eostein (W.) Ceber drci seltene Fiille. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 49-51. —F.richscn (J. E.) Clinical J lecture on six eases of aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1868, ii, 503; 533.—Fen wick (S.) Reports of cases of disease of the heart and of aneurism. Ibid., 1846, i, 92-94.—Ford (E.) Cases of the spontaneous cure of aneurism. Lond. M. J., 1788, ix, 142-156.—Goodhart (J. F.) Cases of aneurysm from cmbohsm. Tr. Path. Soc, 1876-7, Lond., i ■ 1*77, xxviii, 106-115.—Harrison (J.) Three eases. Lond. M. C,tx7... 1845, u.8., i. 906-971.—Hcijning (J.C.) t . . . van het onwaare aueurysma. Pract. Tijdschr. v. cl. Geneesk., Gorincheni, 1843, xxii, 491-499.—Henderson (E.) Sudden death from aneurism by rupture. Edinb. M. J., 1878-9 xxiv, 1093-1099: 1879-80, xxv, 21-26.—Holmes (T.) t t Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 236-238.—Glome (E.) On tho co- j agulation by heat of the fluid blood in an aneurismal tumour ' PhU. Tr., Lond., 1820, cvi, pt. 2, 189-201, 4 pi—Hutch. Aneurism (Cases and observations of). inson (J.) Tabular statement of seventy-six cases of sur- gical aneurism. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xiii, 515; 543. -----. Aneurism at root, of neck, near to and probably communicating with chronic abscess; ob- literation of carotid and axillary arteries; history of an ab- scess in same position many years before, during nn attack of syphilis; improvement of present symptoms under iodide of potassium. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1872, i, 155.—Hutch- inson (J.) & Jackson (J. H.) [Cases.] Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862, n. s., ii, 324.—lt6 gauche. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1853, xxviii, 276-29S.— Hcdcnius (P.) t. . . aortas thoracica}. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1874, ix. 628-630.-----. t . . . aortae. Ibid., 1874-5, x, 514-517. — Henderson, t ... of the thoracic and ab- dominal aorta. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, | iii, 613-623.—Hcschl. t . .. der Brust- und Bauchaorta von langer Dauer, mit Compression des Aortenlumens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 1425.—norslcy. t . . . of aorta rupturing into left pleural cavity. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 758.—Isaacs (C. E.) t . . . of the aorta. Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, N. V., 1865, i, 23.—Lange (E. W.) t Inhh: Beob. am Krankenbette, etc., Konigsb., 1850, 225- 232.—Lees, t ... of the ascending aorta bursting into the pericardium. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1842. i, 177.—L«egg (W.) t ... of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869, xx, 130.—Iieggat. t . . . of the arch of the aorta. Ibid.. 1866, xvii, 52.—.Levy, t . . . dc l'aorte occupant presque toute la longueur de cette artfere. M6m. Soc. de med. de Strasb. (Proc.-verb.), 1878, xiv, 37.—Lyons, t ... of the aorta. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 212.—JIacDonnell (R. L.) Peculiar form of dissecting aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1844, xxvi. 454-459. Aho: Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, i, 768-770.—Maiiiilron. Anevrysmes fusi- f'crmes de l'cxtremite terminale de l'aorte, et des iliaques Srimitives; anevrvsme dissequant sur toute la longueur e l'aorte; terminaison par rupture dans le pericardo. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1864, xxxix. 388-396.—Michencr (M.) t ... of the aorta. Med. Exam., Phila., 1843. vi, 277-280.— Minor (J. L.) t ... of the aorta. Virginia M. Month., I Richmond, 1878, v, 736-738.—Mfonell (G. C.) Dissecting aneurism. N. York J. M., 1840, vi, 372.—Peacock. 1 Spontaneous rupture of aorta; diseased aortic valves. Tr. Pa h. Soc. Lond., 1848-50. ii. 42-44. -----. Report on cases of dissecting aneurism. [Table of 80 cases; bibUogiaphy.] Ibid., 1863, xiv, 87-125.-----. t . . . originating in rupture of the coats of the aorta at the descending portion of the arch. Ibid., 1866, xvii, 50.—Peacock (T. B.) [Cases.] Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1843, lx, 276-302. -----. An ac- I count of some experiments illustrative of the mode of for- mation of the dissecting aneurisms. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iii, 871-878. -----. On dissecting aneu- risms. Month. J. M. Sc,Lond. &Edinb.,1848-9, ix,1052-1061. -----. Partial rupture of the aorta and separation of tho. coats by the extravasated blood; "dissecting aneurysm". Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 59-61, 1 pi.—Pennock (C. W.) Case of anomalous aneurism of the aorta resulting from effusion of blood between the laminae composing tho middle coat of that vessel. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxiii, 13-19, 2 pi.—Porter (W. G.) t . . . of ascending aorta. Phila. M. Times, 1871, i, 264.—Banking (W. II.) t ... of the aorta. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1846, 475-477. -----. Pneumothorax without urgent symptoms, followed by recovery; subsequent death of the patient from dissect- ing aneurism of the aorta. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, ii, 665.— xon Recklinghausen (F.) t.. . aortae. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.. 1864, xxx, 372-374.—Renault, t . . . de | la crosse do l'aoite; dechirure; epanchement sanguin dans le p6ricarde; mort. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 502.—Rose- t [of aorta.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1860, xliii, 280-285.—Salter (H.) Dissecting aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 697-699.—Schnabel (H.) Intrapericardiales Aneurysma Aortae dissecans trau'- maticum bei gesunden Aortenwandungen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl.. 1859, x, 424-427.—Stoltz. Ruptur a. ett aneurysma dissecans. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1877, xxxix, 203.—Stone (E. R.) t Dissecting aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1878, vii, 38-10.—Swainc. t ... of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 106- ■ 111.—Symes (G. R.) t ... and horse-shoe kidney occur- ring in the same subject. Dublin M. Press, 1864, U, 187. -----. Dissecting aneurism. Dublin Q: J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvii, 466.—Tardieu. t . . . de la portion ascendante | de l'aorte pectorale. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 114- 118.—Tessier (C. P.) t [aortic] Gior. . . . cl. Soc. med.- chir. di Torino, 1842, xiv, 318-341.—Thompson (T.) t . . . of the aorta. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii, 584-587.— Whipham (T.) t. . . of the first portion of the arch of the aorta, Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1871, xxii, 113-115.—Wilks (S.) t ... of aorta. Ibid., 1861, xii, 67.—Williams (C.) t . . . of the transverse and descending port ions of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 1864, xv, 79-83.—Wyss (O.) t . . . der Aorta ascendens. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1869, x, 490-502. Aneurism (False and traumatic). See, also, Abscess connected with bloodvessels; Aneurism by anastomosis ; Arteries ( Wounds of). d'Aquino-Foncera (J.) * Les symptomes, les terminaisons, et le traitement de l'andvrysme faux consecutif. 4°. Paris, 1840. ANEURISM. 350 ANEURISM. Aneurism (False and traumatic). Benedict (C. C. F.) * De aneurysmate spurio ejusque niedela, adjectis cluobus morbi exemplis. 4°. Vraiislaiiw, 1841. Burin d'Aissakd (G. M.) Quelles sont les causes, le mode de formation, et les symptomes de 1'anevrvsmefaux primitif ? [etc.] 4J. Paris, 1841. Ciiandon (C.) * Ueber eine falsehe Pulsader- gesclnvulst. 8°. Zweibrucken, 1824. Despaux (M. B. V.) *Des dangers de l'and- vrysme faux consdcutif. 4C. Paris, 1838. Destouches (L. D. A.) * Considerations sur les andvrysmes en gdndral, et sur une varidtd ] d'andvrvhine faux consdcutif en particulier. 4°. Paris, lbf;2. Eloire (J. P.) * Quels sont les causes, le mode de formation et les caracteres anatomiques de l'andvrysme faux consdcutif? 4°. Paris, 1840. Engelmann (F.) * De aneurysmate traumatico additis morbi historiis duabus. 8°. Gryphice, 1862. Ferreau (H.) * Du traitement de l'andvrysme faux consdcutif. 4°. Paris, 1875. Garsztka (J.) # Ueber ein Aneurysma trau- matic um. 8°. Breslau, 1873. Gringoire (M.-C.) *Des andvrysmes trau- matiques de la rdgion axillaire. 4°. Paris, 1879. Guery (F.) * Quels sont les symptOmes, les terminaisons et le traitement de l'andvrysme faux consdcutif/ 4°. Paris, 1842. IIain (J.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Aneurysma traumaticum. 8°. Marburg, 1873. Henfe (H. (J. F.) * Ueber das Aneurysma spurium und insbesondere iiber den Nutzen der Hunter'schenOperationsmethode bei demselben. 8°. Rostock, 1849. Landi (P.) [Aneurisma traumatica dal brac- cio destro. ] In his: Clinica chirurgica. 8°. Siena, 1864, 88-101. Laurent (G.) * Des andvrysmes compliquant les fractures. 4°. Paris, 1874. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1875. Lintilhac (E.) * Sur les andvrysmes dans les fractures. 4C. Paris, 1859. Nicora (D.) * Des andvrysmes traumatiques. 4°. Paris, 1847. Paulet (J. M.) Curacion de un aneurisma traumaiico por la compresion dijital. 8°. Lima, 1870. Saint-Cliver (L. A.) * Essai sur l'andvrisme faux primitif. 4°. Paris, 1818. Schwantzer (A.) * De aneurysmate trauma- tico, additis duabus morbi historiis. 8°. Gryphice, 1865. von Spruner-Merz (E.) Ueber traumatische Aneurysmen. 8°. Bamberg, 1877. Willigk(G.A.) FalseheSchlagadergeschwulst; Aneurysma spurium. In hh: Diss, inaug., Prag, 1837,12-13. Adams (J.) Clinical lecture on spurious aneurism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s., ix, 221-224.—Amussat (J. Z.) Recherehes expt-rimentales sur la foi-mation des cica- trices arterielles ct des an6vrysnies traumatiques. J. do chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1843, i, 103-111.—Aneurisma falso cousecutivo de la arteria vertebral, tornado por aneu- risma dc la car6tida 6 dc uno de sus ramos: ligauura de la car6tida primitiva; muerte. Espana med., Madrid, 1863, viii, 117.—Bacquc (J.) Observation sur un an6vrisme faux primitif a l'artere crurale gauche, avec effusion con- siderable de sang, gu6ri au moyen de la ligature. Ann. cUn. de Montpel., 1813, xxx, 252-257.—Balassa. t . . . spurium traumaticum. Geheilt durch Elektropmictur. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1853, iii, 97.—Bergcr. Ancvrv- eme arterio-veineux du pli de l'aine. Bull, et m6m. Snc. de chir. dc Par., 1878. n. s., iv, 605-607. Aho, transl.: Med. & Surg.Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxix, 308.— Blankcn. t___ spurium consccutivum. ten gevolge van eeue aan den arm bewerkstelligde aderlating; onder binding der amislagader, bezwarende omstandigheden engenezing. Nederl. Lancet Utrecht, 1839-40, ii, 564-570.—Beeckcl (J.) Deux cas d'an6vrysme du plidu coude traiteaavec succes par laliga- Aneurism (False and traumatic). ture antiseptique. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1877, xxxvi, 75- 77.—[Bryant.] Cases of traumatic aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 833.—del Campo (H.) Aneurisma falso consecutivo dift'uso; opcracion por cl mGtodo de An61; re- production del t uuior por cl estremo inferior del vaso ligado; ontento de Ugadura de este; cauterizacion del saco aneuris- matico; curacion. Bol. dc med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1847, 3. s., ii, 252-254.—[Case.] Aneurysma traumaticum dei' Art. brachialis; doppcltc Ligatur; Heilung. Jahresb. cl. chu-. Abth.d. Spit, zu Basel, 187;i, 56— Catelli. Breviccnui di un caso di gravi ferite per tentato suicidio. Gior. di med. mU., Torino, 1864, xii, 781-786.—Cheize (E.) Coup de hache; an6vrisme consecutif; operation; gudrison. Rev. med. de Limoges, 1867-8, i, 45-^7.—Cotronci (G. A.) Aneurisma traumatico diffuse deU'estremo inferiore dell'- omerale sinistra; ligatura all'Anclio; guarigione. Movi- mento, Napoli, 1872, iv, 81-83.—Deniarnefle. Plaie par piqure suivie d'un anevrisme faux et diffus; forte hemor- rhagic dix-sept jours apres l'accident, guerie par la com- pression directe'au moyen de boulcttes de chaipie penetree d'ergotraeetd'unband'asrei'oiile. Arch. med. beiges,Brux., 1865, i, 2. s., 419^124.—Dickinson. Observations on dif- fused aneurism. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1827, u. s., ii, 408- 502.—Dorama (K.) Aneurysma traumaticum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1859-CO, x, 520-532.— Dupuytren. Memoire sur les anevrismes qui conipli- quent les fractures ct les plaies d'armes & feu, et sur leur traitement par la ligature, pratiquee suivant la methode d'Anel. Repert, gen. d'anat. ct physiol. path.. Par.,* 1828, v, 217-239. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1828, xvii, 408- 415.—Espinosa (B.) t . . . falso consecutivo de la arteria poplitea, producido por un violcnto csfnerzo; su operacion y curacion por el metodo de Hunter. Bol. de mecl., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1841, 2. s., ii, 178.—Fite (C. C.) Trau- matic aneurism and abscess. Sourn. Pract., Nashville, 1879, i, 11.—Fleury. Observations sur le diagnostic des an6vrismes faux primitifs. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. 8., U, 824-827.—Fleury (J.) t [traumatic: of aim]. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1845-6, vi, 97.—Foubert. Memoire sur difKrentes especes d'anfevrysme faux. M6m. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, ii, 535-544.—Gallozzi. Ampu- tazione del braccio destro per aneurisma diffuse traumatico consecutivo deU'arteria brachiale. Morgagni, NapoU, W8, xx, 37-39. -----. Aneurisma varicoso della femorale. Ibid., 562-565.—Gonnc. Andvrismes faux circonscrits, produits par la saignfee des branches anterieurcs des arteres tempo- rales. Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1835, i, 58.—Guerin. Observation sur un anevrisme faux primitif au plis du bras, gueri par l'action du froid. Rec. d. actes de la Soc. de sante de Lyon, 1801, ii, 102-107.—Gutachten iiber die, angebUch durch Stockschlage veranlasst e Zerreissung eines Aneurysma. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang., 1852, iii, 4. Hft.', 43-50.—Cruttcnbcrg. Zur Diagnostik des Aneu- rysma spurium circumscriptum. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1865, xix, 144.—Heilung eines Aneurys- ms spurium consecutivum nach Verwuiidung der Arteria cruralis mittelst der Untcrbindung. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.-u. Heilk., Heilbr., 1837, ii, 241-251— Hcrrgott. Tumeur anevrysmale du coude. Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1866, Ui, 2.—Istoriadi uu'aueurisma falso primitivo dellai'teiia crurale opcrato colla legatura. Mer- curio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1826, v, 67-70.—Knight (J. W.) t False, aneurism. Tr. Tennessee M. Soc, Nashville, 1853, 66.—Larrey. Sur un anevrisme faux consecutif gueripar l'op6ration. Bull. Fac. de med. de Tut., 1812, Ui, 32.—Lcgoucst. Sur une variete particuliere d'anevrysme traumatique. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1858, viii,' 367- 371.—liiston (R.) Observations sur une varhHe d'anevry- sme faux. [Trad, par Giraldes.] Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, vi, 385-415.—E,loyd. t Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 675.—Nichet. Memoire sur les anGvrisnies faux primitifset faux consecutifs, et sur leur traitement parlame- thode d'Anel ou do Hunter. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 649; 681.—Pereira (R.deB. M.) t ... situadona parte me- dia dapernaesquei'dar extirpacao; morte; autopsia. J. Soc. cl. sc. med. dc Lisb., 186b. 2. s., xxx, 158-173.—Bivington (W.) On a case of traumatic aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 420.—Bizzoli (F.) Emostasia direttaneUa cura di aneurismi trauuiaticie di ricorrenti emorragie per ferite od ulccra/.ioni di arterie degli arti toracici. Bull. d. sc. med. cli Bologna, 1879, 6. s., iii, 428-431.—Scarpa. Die Operation der falschen Pulsadergesehwulst. J. f. cl. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1802, iii, 3-22.— Schroder. Von HeUung einer falschen Pulsadcrge- schwulst. Verm. chir. Schrift., Berl. u. St eft.. 1782, Ui, 318- 322.—Ncbrcgondi. Heilung eines Aneurysma spurium circumscriptum am rechten Vorderarm durch Komprimi- rung mittelst eines Teiges aus Lehm und Essig. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 191.—Smith (H.) t False aneurism from a wound of one of the deep arteries of the thigh. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond.. 18"5, n. s., x, 621-623.—Npence (J.) Cases of false aneurism. Ibid., 1872. i, 735.—Stanley. t t_False aneurismsl tumors. Ibid., 1859, n. s., xix, 029.— Tillaux. Considerations sur le traitement de 1 anevry- snie diffus. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1872. lxxxiii, 348-359.—Trayeran. Obscrvaticn sur un anevrisme faux consecutif, gueri par l'application de l'eau froide. Rec. d. ANEURISM. 351 ANEURISM. Aneurism (False and traumatic). actes de la Soc. de sante de Lyon, 1801, ii, 180-lss.—Trevr (C. J.) Anevrysmatis spurii felicitcr curati alia historia. Acta Acad. nat. curioa., 1754, x (app.), 354-374, 3 pi.— Aho, in: Lauth (T.) Script. Lat. de aneur. collect., 4°, Argentorati, 1785, ii, 546-580.—Verneuil. Rupture par ecrascnient do l'artere ct de la veine; ancvrysme faux primitif; gan;jr£no du pied; amputation de la cuisse; guerison. Gaz. d. n6p., Par., 1878, li, 938; 954.—Vimont. Journal d'une operation d'aneviisme faux de l'artere bra- chiale, accompagn6 d'accidens les plus graves. Ann. Soc. dc med.-prat. de Montpel., 1805, vi, 174-199.—Weber. Aneurysma spurium der Arteria iutcrossea' antibrachii. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode u. Goslar, 1845, iii, 218; 225.—Weinlech ner. VorsteUung eines 4Jjahrigen Miid- chcns, bei welchem er wegen eines falschen Aneurysmal dio rcchtsseitige Carotis communis unterband. W'chnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1864, xx, 23. Aneurism (Multiple). Chapelle. Anevrysme des arteres carotide, sous-cla- viere et braehio-c6phaUcuie; operation suivant la methode de Brasdor; mort par la rupture du sac. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiU, 291-306.—Doppeltes Aneurysma der linken oberen Schilddriisenarterie; Aneurysma der Unken Art. profunda femoris; Versuch der Digitalcompression; Uuterbindung der Carotis communis; Tod an Pyaemic. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1869), Wien, 1870, 213-223.—Goodhart (J. F.) Aneurysm of the dura mater, with old haemorrhage; aneurysm of the ulnar artery; fungating vegetations on the mitral valve; pneumonia. Tr. Path. Soc. 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviU, 112-115.— Hilton (J.) A case of double aneurism affect- ing tho right external Uiac and femoral and tho right popli- teal arteries; cured by pressure upon the common iliac and the femoral arteries. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 305.—Jamieson (R. A.) Aneurisms in the vessels of both lower extremities. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 810.— Kelly. [Aneurismal tumors.] N. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 172.—Locke (C. F.) t CUnic, Cincin., 1878, xiv, 115.— Louis. Histoire d'un double anevrisme. BuU. Fac. de med. de Par., 1814, Ui, 189-193.—Lowe (G.) Case of quadruple external aneurism. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 282-284.—JWacewen (W.) t Glasgow M. J., 1875, vU, 415. -----. t One of which, situated at the upper part of the right femoral, was obUterated by the introduc- tion of a foreign bodv into the aneurismal sac. Lancet, Lond., 1877, U, 536—Macleod (G. H. B.) Multiple aneu- rism. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2,4. s., iv, 328-329.—IVorris (W. F.) t Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1862, ii, 135. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1863, n. e., xlvi, 401.—Thompson (H.) t Mul- tiple aneurisms in the heart, the lungs, and cavity of the | cranium. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1877, U, 56-58.— Walton (H.) Disease of the arterial system; aneurism of the subclavian, femoral, and popUte'al arteries. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 109-111. Aneurism (Osteo-). See Bones (Tumors of, Pulsating). Aneurism (Tramnatic). See Aneurism (False and traumatic). Aneurism (Treatment of). Dupuy (J. H. D. B.) * Sur le traitement de l'and- vrysme, consider6 en ge"ne"ral, et en particulier, dans son essence, et k chacun de ses 6tats. 4°. Paris, 18015. Eichelberg (E.) *De incruentis methodis, quibus aueurysmata sanentur. 8°. Halis Saxo- num, 1866. Feltz (L. E.) * Considerations sur le traite- ment des andvrysmes artdriels. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. KOhnholtz (M. H.) * Aneurysma quomodo fiat ? Quaenam sint ejus curationes. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1825. Rinaldi (H.) "Traitement des andvrismes en general. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Silvaticus (J. B.) De aneurysmate tractatio. 4°. Vincent ice, 1595. Wenzel (C.) *De variis aneurysmatum cu- randorum methodis addito casu ab auctore in se ipso observato. 8°. Jence, [1834]. Billroth (T.) TJeberverschiedeneBehandlnngsweisen der Aneurysmen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 965; 989; lOlfi.— Brown (A.) On the treatment of aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 696.—Bryant (T.) On the treat- ment of aneurism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 733-735: ii. 31; 87.—B net. De quelques precedes recem- ment imagines pour remplacer la Ugature dans les cas d'anevrisme. J. compl.du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1831, xlc, Aneurism (Treatment of). 45-59.—Busch. Ueber Behandlung der Aneurysmen nach der Vanzetti'schen Methode. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., 1865, xxii, 94.— [Cases.] Illustrative of the modern treatment of ex- ternal aneurism. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vU, 450; 499: 1854, n. s., ix, 35.—Ciauciosi (A.) Delva- lore dei principaU metodi impiegati nella cura degli aneu- rismi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1877, 5. s., xxiv, 225- 250.—Cortezo. LTn nuevo tratamiento para los aneuris- mas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 679; 695,714.—Dick- son (R.) Observations on the treatment of aneurisms. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, n. s., U, 63-67.—Discussion. Sur lo traitement des anevrvsmes. BuU. Soc. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 297; 335. Ibid., 1870, 2. 8., X, 349; 356.— Discussion on treatment of internal aneurism. [Glas- gow Pathological and CUnical Society.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 509-512. Also: Glasgow M. J., lt>79, xi, 398- 400.—Dobell (H.) Suggestions for the safe and rapid cure of aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i. 134. Dubrueil. Sur le traitement des anevrysmes et dea plaies art6rieUes. BuU. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1874, 3. s., iii, 500-508.—Dudley (B. W.) On the treatment of aneu- rism. Transylv. M. J., Lexington, Ky., 1849-50, i, 3-16.— Fivhcr (A.) Beitrage zur Therapie der Aneurysmen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 1007; 1023; 1040; 1058; 1072.—Flint (F.) The probable value of chloride of ba- rium in internal aneurism. Practitioner, Lond., 1879, xxiii, 37-41.—Holmes (T.) Lecons sur le traitement des ane- vrysmes. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1876. xUx, 435; 450; 459; 470; 498; 507.—Juicio critico sobre el derecho do invention que se atribuye un profesor de un metodo para la curacion de los aneurismas esternos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1864, xi, 23-25.—Kidd (C.) Chloroform in the treatment of aneu- rism. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, UU, 265.—Lorch. Ueber einige neue Verfahrungsarten zur HeUung der Aneu- rysmen. Hamb. Mag. d. ausl. Lit. d. ges. HeUk. . . . 18U1, xxii, 249-256.—Mapother (E. D.) Treatment of aneurism; advantages of completely arresting tho cur- rent of blood through the sac. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 286.—OTargarit (F.) Tratamiento del aneurisma sacci- forme. Independ. med., Barcel., 1878, xiU, 339-342.— Maunder (C. F.) The theory and the method of the cure of aneurism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1869, i, 269.— ITIaunoir. Quels sont les avantages et les inconv6nients des diverses m6thodesdetraiterl'an6vrysme? Rec. period. Soc. dem6d. do Par., 1800, vii, 241-269.—itlitscherlich (C.) Ueber Amussat's Methode fiir die Operation der Pulsaderge- Bchwulste. [See, aho, Troschcl.] Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1832, xxxvi, 338-351.—Murray (W.) Remarks on the treatment of internal aneurism. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liii. 346.-----. On some further attempts to cure laigo internal aneurisms. Proc. Roy. M. &Chir. Soc., Lond., 1872, vU, 72-74.—\icolich (G.) Soccorsi tcrapeuticiposti in uso neUa cura degli aneurismi interni. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1876, 3. s., xxiv, 705-731.—Olivares (J. G.) Modificacion importante hecha al metodo de los nio- demos en la operacion del aneurisma. [See, aho, Ossorio; de Vicente.] Siglo med., .Madrid, 1858, v, 218.—d'Oli- veira (F. A.) Tratamento dos aneurismas espontaneos. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1856, 2. s., xvUi, 24; 45.— Ossorio (F.) Reflexiones acerca del proceder operatorio del Dr. OUvares para la curacion de los aneurismas, y modo de asegurar el 6xito de su emplco. [See, aho, do Vicente.] Siglo med., Madrid, 1863, x, 81.—Pagello (P.) Cura mista di un'aueurisma. Gaz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1870,6. s., iii, 154.—Pemberton(0.) On the treatment of aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 153-158.—Beport on the treatment of external aneurism; cases in which neither Ugature nor compression treatment was adopted. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 117.—Bibes (F.) Quelques considerations sur les ressources de la nature dans la cure do l'anevrisine, accompagnfces de deux observations. BuU. Fac. do med. de Par., 1817, v, 284-306, 1 pi.—Bnbio (F.) Sobre la tcra- peutica de los aneurismas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1879, xxvi, 273; 289.—de Sanctis (T. L.) Contribuzione speri- mentale aUa cura deU'aneurisma. Rendic. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1866, xx, 37-42. Also: Morgagni* Napoli, 1866, viii, 405-411.—Segay. Du sphygmographe dans la cure des anfevrysmes. Assoc, franc}, p. l'avance. d. sc, Compt.-rend. 1872, Par., 1873,1026-1029.—Spantigati(H.) Sopra alcuni casi di aneurismi [etc. ], e sul va rio metodo cura- tivo di essi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1869, 3. s., vu, 109-125.—Syme (J.) On the treatment of aneurism. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1851, xui, 444-446.-----. Remarks on the treatment of aneurism. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xi, 967-971.—Tilanus (C. B.) Behandeling van aneurysmata. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1855, v, 51;'61; 81.—Troschel. Zusatz zu Dr. MitscherUch'a Aufsatz: "Ueber Amussat's Methode fiir dio Operation der Pulsadergeschwulste." Mug. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1832, xxxvi, 352-355.—Tufnell (J.) The cure of internal aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 383. -----.The successful treatment of aneurism by position and restricted diet. Proc Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1874, vU, 204.— Van Buren (\V. H.) The treatment of aneurism. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., PhUa., 1876, 545-574.—de Vicente y Carrera (M.) Reflexiones al artieulo pubUcado por el ANEURISM. 352 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Treatment of). Sr. Ossorio, al ocuparse del proccder operatorio del Dr. Olivares para el tratamiento de los aneurismas. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1863, x, 163. Aneurism (Treatment of) by acupunc- ture, electricity, galvano-puncture, and in- sertion of wire. See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Treatment of); Electrolysis. Hamilton (A. McL.) * Galvano-puncture ap- plied to the treatment of aneurisms. 8°. Pough- keepsie, N Y., 1870. Herzberg (P.) * Ueber Aneurysma und seine Heilung durch electrische Acupunctur. 8°. Ber- lin, [187-2]. Kuh (C.) Die Heilung der Blutadererweite- rungen durch Akupunktur. 8°. Breslau, [1839]. Lapanxe (J.-D.) *Du traitement des ane"- VTysmes par l'electro-puncture. 4°. Paris, 1831. Meige (A.) *De l'application de la galvano- puncture au traitement des andvrysmes. 4°. Paris, 1851. Roux (P.-F.-C.) *Du traitement des ane"- vrysmes par la galvano-puncture. 4°. Part's, 1848. Strambio (G.) Galvano-ago-puntura dei vasi sanguigni per curare gli aneurismi e le varice. Studj storico-critici. 8°. Milano, l£47. d'Ancona (N.) Aneurisma aortico enrato coUa elet- tricitjl secondo U metodo del Prof. F. Vizioli; morte, necro- scopia. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1879, xxU, 331-335, 1 pi.—Anderson (McC.) Aneurism of the aorta in which galvano-puncture had been performed. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xii, 226. -----. Aneurism of arch of aorta; failure of iodide of potassium, and success of galvano- puncture. Ibid., 298.—Aneurism treated by puncturo with the white hot needle. N. York M. Chir. BuU., 1831- 2, ii, 209.—Barzano (L.) La teoria del dott. Frommhold suUa cura degU aneurismi; osservazioni critiche. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1867, 5. s., vi, 183-185. [See, aho, Frommhold; Schivardi.—Basse (M. C.) Obser- vations pour servir & l'histoire de la cure des an6vrismes par la galvano-puncture. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 610-612.—Beard (G. M.) Letter to a surgeon who inquires whether it is better to use one or both poles hi an aneurism. Arch. Electrol. Sc Neurol., N. T., 1875, ii, 19.—Bertrau (E.) De la electro-puntnra en el tratamiento de los aneu- rismas. CompUador med., Barcel., 1869. v, 49-54.—Bini (G.) t t. . . trattati con l'ago-elettro-puntura. Imparziale, Firenze, 1877, xvii, 257-265.—Bucquoy. Observation d'anevrysme aortique trait6 avec succes par l'elcctrolyse. Bull. Acad, de meet., Par., 1879, 2. s., vui, 55. Also: Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 253-259.—Bulgheri (G.) Ancvrismi deU'aorta toracica curati coUa galvano-puntura. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1877, 7. s., iv, 91; 201.— Burci (C.) Dei casi di aneurisma nei quali pu6 essere raccomaudata l'ago-elettro-puntura e dei modi per eseguirla. BuU d. sc. med. cli Bologna, 1852, 3. s., xxii, 17. Aho, Re- print.—Busi (C.) DeUragopressura col metodo del Prof. RizzoU per la cura degU aneurismi o delle eniorragie da ferita di arterie. Ibid., 1868, 5. s., v, 213-222.—Canton (W. G.) Aplicacion de la clectroUsis para la curacion delos aneurismas, particularmente de la aorta. Emulacion, Merida, 1877, iii, 54-69.—Carter (A. H.) Aneurism of thoracic aorta treated by ergotine injections and galvano- puncture. Lancet, Loncl., 1878, ii, 701-703.—Chavanne. Memoire sur la nouveUe methode do M. Petrequin pour la gu6rison de certains anevrismes sans operation 4 l'aide do la galvano-puncture. Gaz. ni6d. do Strasb., 1846, vi, 313- 320.—Ciniselli. Elettro-agopuntura in aneurisma dell' aorta ascendente operata con esito cli guarigione. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1876,7. s., Ui, 121-125.—Ciniselli (L.) SuUa clettro-puntura nella cura degli aneurismi. Gazz. mecl. di MUano, 1847, vi, 9-14. -----. Rettificazione di alcuni scritti risgnardanti l'opuscolo " studj ed osservazioni su la elettro-puntura neUa cura degU aneurismi". Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1859, 4. s., iv, 22-24.—Conte (G.) Su gli effetti deUa elettricita- adoperata come coagulante il sangue. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. 1847, i, 129- 134. — Da-Camino (F. S.) Sul valore deU'agopuntura nella cura degli aneurismi. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859, i, 324-320. Dcll'acqua (F.) Elettro-tera- pia negli aneurismi. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1870. 6. s., iii, 268.—Driiiiiiiioiid (D.) Two cases of aortic aneurism treated by galvano-puncture. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 193.— Dujardin-Beaumetz. t . . . do la crosse de 1 aorto, traite par l'electro-puncture. BuU. ct mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1877), 1878, 2. s., xiv, pt. 2., 124-139.— Duncan (J.) On the galvano-puncture of aneurisms. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xi, 920-933. -----. On the treatment of Aneurism (Treatment of) by acupunc- ture, electricity, galvano-puncture, and in- sertion of wire. aneurism by electrolysis. Ibid., 1867. xiU, 101-120.—F. (A.) De la galvano-puncture appliquee nu traitement des t umeurs anevrismales; insucc^s cie cette methode dans un cas cl an6- vrisme poplite. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 34.—Fromm- hold (C.) SuUa cura elettrica degli aneurismi, in risposta aUa critica del dottor Luigi Barzano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. 1867, 5. s., vi, 269-271.—Gausbcrini (P.) & Torri (E.) DeU'elettro ago-puntura nella cura delle varici e degli aneurismi, e specialmcnte dc' suoi fenomeni chimici o calorifici sopra i tessuti viventi. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1857, 4. s., vUi, 264-281.—Gregorio (O.) Storic di trc "aneurismi deU'aorta toracica curati eoUa galvano-agopuntura. Ann. univ. cli mecl. e clnr., Milano, 1878, ccxlv.442-462.—Intra-thoracic aneurism treated by electrolysis. Lancet, Lond., Ib73, u, 264.— Laforguc. tt . . . au pli du coude, traites par 1'electro-puncture. Union med., Par., 1851, v, 403.—Lanza (P.) Su la differenza deUe forme anatomico-patologiche degU aneurismi; e quindi suU'impossibUita da appUcaro in tutti gli aneurismi esterni la galvano-puntura; inline sulla speciality de' casi da appU- care. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1847, i, 41-43.— Locatclli (G. M.) Storia cli un vasto aneurisma trattato colla galvano-puntura. Gazz. mecl. cU Milano, 1846, v, 378; 429—Jlalago (P. P.) Valine della semplice agopuntura nella cura deU'aneurisma esterao, e parallelo fra essa e la elcttro-ago-puntura. [:i cases. 1 Ann. univ. cli med., Mi- lano, 1858, clxvi, 493.—.Hartino (A.) DegU effetti dell.i corrente galvanica sullo pareti arteriose aneurismatichc Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. cli Napoli, 1876, xxx, 120-123. Aho. Morgagni, Napoli, 1876, xviii, 591-595.—Marzuttini (<;. B.) Ago-clettro-puntura in tre casi di aneurisma. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1858, 4. s., ix, 161-176.—Monchet. Lettre sur l'emploi de la galvano-puncture dans le traite- ment des anevrismes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 11.— JTIondan. Observation d'anevrysme de l'aorte abdomi- nale, traite par l'electro-puncture. Lyon med., 1879, xxx, 109-119.—Moore (C. II.) On a new method of procuring the consoUdation of fibrin iu certain incurable aneurisms. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1864, xlvii, 129-149.—Moore (C. H.) Sc Tlurchison (C.) On a new method of procuring tho consolidation of fibrin in certam incurable aneurisms: with tho report of a case in which an aneurism of tho ascend- ing aorta was treated by the insertion of wire. Proc. Roy. M. (fcChir. Soc, Lond., 1864, iv, 327-335. Also: Reprint. ITIurillo (C. A.) De la electricidad en el tratamiento de los aneurismas. An. univ. de Chil* Santiago, 1861, xix, 258-281.—Petrequin (J. E.) Nouvelle methode pour guerir certains anevrysmes sans operation, a l'aide cie la galvano-puncture. J. dc med. de Lyon, 1845, ix, 348: 1846, x, 292: xi, 45; 181. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xxi, 992-996. Also.- Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s.. i, 736; 771. Also: Rev. m6d. franc et Strang., Par., 1846, n. s., ii, 512-524; iii, 340-353. Aho, Reprint. —---. NouveUes recherehes sur le traitement de certains anevrysme s sans operation sanglante. k l'aide de la galvano-puncture. BuU. gen. dc therap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvii, 347-355. -----. De 1'appUcation de la galvano-puncture au traitement des and- vrysmes. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1850, i, 138-140. -----. Note pour servir & l'histoire cie la galvano-puncture et des injections coagulantes ou bemoplastiques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viii, 765.—Bcdondo. De la cu- racion de los aneurismas por medio de la galvano-puntura: nuevasobservaciones vreflexiones, remitidas. Bol. demed., cirug. y farm.. Madrid. 1849, 3. s., iv, 18; 27; 34; 44.—Sam- ter (J.) Zwei Beitrage zur Anwendung der Galvanopunc- tur bei Aneurysmen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Brest, 1835, vi, 196; 370.—Schivardi (P.) La quistiono Frommhold- Barzand sulla cura elettrica degli aneurismi. Gazz. mecl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1867, 5. s., vi, 359.—Schuh. Ucbcr Galvanopunktur zur Heilung von Kraniptad rn und Pulsader-Gesekwiilsten. Ztscur. d. k. k. Gesellsch. cl. Aerzte zu Wien. 1850, i, 276-289. —Skiadarese_ (S.) Qepaneia riov aveypwiiaTiov iid toO rjAsKTpo/3eAoi'iio0 kiv avevpvana.T of abdominal aneurism cured by compression of the ao. ta. Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 541.— Murray (W.) Notes ou the rapid pressure treatment of aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lend., 1867, ii, 287-289.—Nouvelle methode de compression, dite compression indirecte et alternante, pour lc traitement des anevrismes. France me.d.. Par., 1855, ii, 184.—O'Fcrrall (J. M.) ... on the combination of cUstal with proximal compression in certain cases of aneurism. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liii, 250.—Oilier (L.) Du traitement des anevrysmes artdriels par la compression digitale. Gaz. nied. de Lyon, 1863, xv, 485-492.—Ore. Anevrysme gueri par un nouveau mode do compression. Mini. Soc. ni6d.- c-hir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1866, i, 256-262.—Palamidessi (C.) La compressione strumentale e digitale. Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1866, xvUi, 47; 74.—Pamo (G.) De la com- presion en la tratamiento de las aneurismas. Siclo med., Madrid, 1863, x, 265.—Petit (L. H.) De l'emploi de la compression clastique dans le traitement des an6vrysmea des membres. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1878, xciv, 458; 504; 543.—Poirier (E.) Remarques sur l'emploi de la compression dans le traitement des an6vrismes. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1855, xxU, 90-104.—Porter (G. H.) An artery compressor, suggested for the treatment of some surgical anenrisms. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, 89-90. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1869, xlvU, 8.— Pueci- anti (P.) Contribuzione alia cura degli aneurismi con la compressione. Comment, clin. cU Pisa, 1878, U, 120-124.— Beddy (J.) On the treatment of aneurism by compres- sion, and injection with the perchloride of iron. Med. Chron.. Montreal, 1859, vi, 152-161. Also, Reprint.— Beeves (W.) On the treatment of aneiirism by com- pression. Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 152.—Bicci (G.) Con* ANEURISM. 355 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Treatment of) by compres- sion, flexion, and position. tribuzione aUa cura degli aneurismi colla compressione digitale. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1878, viii, 2. s., 304-306. Aho: Osservatore med., Palermo, 1878, '£. s., vui, 501-509.— Bizzoli. Trois cas d'anevrisnies volumineux traites avec succes par compression. Rapport par Sirus-Pirondi. Marseille med., 1869, vi, 313-321.—Bizzoli (1\) Obser- vations d'anevrysmes du pli de, l'aine, gueris k l'aide dun nouveau proced6 de compression. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1864, 2. s., vii, 101-109. Aho, Reprint. -----. Nuovi fatti in favore del metodo di com- pressione neUa cura degli aneurismi, ed alcuni particolarita nei medesimi osservate. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1865, 4. s., xxUi, 184-186. -----. DeUa compressione, e di altri niezzi chirurgici adoperati nella cura di varii esterni aneu- rismi nel corso di oltre 30 anni. Ibid., 1867, 5. s., iii, 343- 425.—Bougier. t . . . gu£ri par la compression digitale. Marseille med., 1872, ix, 157.—Salzcr. Ueber die Heil- methodeu bei Aneurysmen und uber einen neuen Apparat zur Koinpression der Art. femoralis statt der Digitalkom- pression. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 164-106. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xii, 53.—Schipek. Beitrag zur Digitalkompression. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 461-464.—da Milva Cardcira (L. F. S.) A comprcssao no tratamento dos aneurisnias externos. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1857, 2. s., xxi, 33; 57; 83; 116. -----. Da conipressao como meio therapeutico nas lesoes arteriaes: Observances do dr. Vanzetti sobre a compressao digital no tratamento dos aneurismas das artcrias. Ferida ar- terial curada pelo mesmo methodo. Ibid., 1858, 2. s., xxU, 401-406. —da Silva Cardeira (L.) & Mendrz (J. C.) De la compresion en el tratamiento de los aneu- rismas esternos. Espaiia med., Madrid, 1863, viii, 683.— Skey (F. C.) Two lectures on the treatment of aneu- rism by compression. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 311; 335. —Sutherland (G. W. J.) Case of rapid coagulation of the contents of an aneurismal sac by means ot compression. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 286.— Tiffany (L. McL.) A contribution to the flexion treat- ment of aneurism. North Car. M. J., WUmington, 1878, i, 349-353.—Treatment of aneurism by compression. Dub- lin 0- J- M. Sc. 1855, xx, 471-474. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 411. Also: Confed. States M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1864, i, 43.—Treatment of aneurism by modified compression. N. Fork M. J., 1877, xxv, 401.— Troinbini (A.) Su la compressione indiretta per curare li ancurisme. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1858, 4. s., Ui, 129-131.—Tufnell. On the treatment of aneurism by compression. DubUn M. Press, 1849, xxi, 305-309. -----. On the treatment of aneurism by comnression. Dub- Un Q. J. M. Sc, 1851, xi, 449U62. ''Aho: Reprint. -----. The treatment of aneurism by compression. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 386-388. Also: DubUn M. Press, 1856, xxxv, 244. -----. The successful treat- ment of aneurism by position and restricted diet. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1874, lvii, 83-94.—Tufnell (J. T.) The treatment of aneurism by position. Mwl. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1873, xvi, 565. — Vanzetti. Anevrysmes traites par la compression digitale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., iii, 484-490. -----. [Cases.] BuU. geu. de therap., etc., Par., 1864, Ixvii, 312-317. -----. [Cases.] chir. de Par., 1867, 2. s., v, 474-480.—Vanzetti (T.) Del metodo di curare li aneurismi con la sola mano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1858. 4. s., iU, 93. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 916.—Verneuil. Traitement des anevrys- mes par la compression digitale. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1858, vUi, 402-405.—de Vicente (M.) De la compresion en las aneurysmas. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1863, x, 291.— Ward (N.) On the treatment of external aneurism by compression. Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 128.—Watson (P. H.) tt On the treatment of aneurism by compression; success. Edinb. M. J., 1869, xiv, 961-982, i pi. Aho, Re- print.—Weir (R. F.) On the elastic bandage in tho treat- ment of aneurism, with a case of femoral aneurism, cured by this means. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1879, n. s., 'xxvU, 33-43.—Wharton (J. H.) 11 DubUn J. M. Sc, 1875, lx, 504-508.— Winter (A.) 11 Chiron, Niirnb., 1805-6, i, 357- 376.—Zorrilla (P.) De algunos tratamientos en los aneu- rismas, i en especial de la compresion. An. univ. de Chile, Santiago, 1863, xxui, 367-370. Aneurism (Treatment of) by injection, manipulation, and caustics. Falcao (F. A.) *Que juizo se deve fazer do curativo dos aneurismas por meio d'injeccoes? 4°. Bahia, 1871. Mayer (E. W.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Aneurysmen durch Injectionen von Eisenchlorid. fc>3. Tubingen, iar>;L Pravaz (J.-C.-T.) *Sur le traitement des andvrysmes par les injections de perchlorure de ! fer (methode Pravaz). 4°. Paris, 1857. Aneurism (Treatment of) by injection, manipulation, and caustics. Wexgler (P. \V.) *De ferri muriatici usu prsecipue in aneurysmatibus et varicibus sanan- dis. 8:. Lipsice, [1853]. Bribosia. An6vrysme de la region frontale; injection double d'une enorme quantite de perchlorure de fer; gueri- son. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1861, 2. s., iv, 838-845.—Burggraeve Sc Graux, De l'emploi du Serchlorure de fer et du chlorure do sodium k l'interieur, ans le traitement des andvrysmes. Ibid., 1864, 2. s., vii, 189; 262.—de Castelnau (H.) De l'emploi des injec- tions de perchlorure de fer dans le traitement des andvris- mes. Monit. d. hop., Par.. 1853, i, 537-539. — Debout. [Sur les alt6rations cons6cutives a l'injection du perchlo- rure de fer dans le traitement des anevrismes.] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1853-4, iv, 336; 340. ------. Remarque sur un nouveau cas d'anevrysme gueri par l'injection d'une solution 6tendue de perchlorure. Bull. Acad, de ni6d., Par., 1858-9, xxiv, 911-920. Also: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1859, lvi, 461-168. Aho: Unionmed., Par., 1859, 2. 8., ii, 375-380. Aho: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1859, vii, 501- 503.—Dieulaioy. Observation et remarques pour servir k d6montrer le mode d'action et l'efficacite des injections coagulantes dans le traitement des andvrysmes. J. d. med., chn'. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1859, 3. s.* iv. 161-173.— Emploi (Sur 1') des injections de perchlorure de fer dan^ le traitement des andvrysmes. Rev. mGd.-chir. de Par., 1853, xui, 275-288.— Examen anatomique d'un piece Srovenant d'un an6vrysme traite avec succes par l'injeetion u chlorure de fer. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1854, xlvi, 36-41.—Fergnsson (W.) On the treatment of aneu- rism by manipulation. Proc Rov. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1856, i,4-6. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1857, xl. 1-18. Aho, transl.: "Iotpikjj 'E^rj/ui., Afloat, 1859, i, 61-63.—Cay. Treat- ment of aneurism by injecting a solution of the perchloride of iron into the sac Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, vi, 609.—Oironard. Observations d'anevrysmes traites par les caustiques. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1855, xvU, 213- 217.—de I.amballe (J.) Anevrysme art6rioso-veineux; double injection avec une dissolution de perchlorure de fer entre 15 et 20 degr6s de concentration; durcissement de la tumeur; donleurs vives et chaleur dans le membre apres l'injection; perchlorure enkyst6 dans la veine et l'artere. Union m6d., Par., 1854, viii', 243. — von Langenbeck. Ueber hypodennatisehe Ergotin-Injectioneu bei Aneurys- men. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 117-119. Aho: Wein. med. Presse, 1869, x, 302; 324. Aho: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1869, xv, 312; 333. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. GeseUsch. (1869-71), Berl., 1872, pt. 1, i-vii.— Lenoir. Traitement des anevrismes par 1 injection du perchlorure de fer. .Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1853-4, iv, 173-180.—Lcroy-d'Etiollcs. Traitement des anevris- mes et des varices par les injections coagulantes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1855, 3. s., x, 61. Aho: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1854-5. xiv, 223-226. Also: Reprint.—li us- sana (F.) t Cura radicale deU'aneurisma con l'injezione deU'acetato ferrico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. s., v, 73. Also: Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1854, cxlvii, 164.—ITIalgaigne. De l'emploi du perchlorure de fer dans le traitement des anevrysmes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 484. ------. Memoire sur les injections de perchlorure de fer appliqu6es au traitement des anevrismes. Rev. med.- chir. de Par., 1853, xiv, 270-283. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 535-538. Aho: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1853, i, 89-91. Also: Unionmed., Par., 1853, vii, 533-535. Aho: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1853, i, 619-627.—Jlara- cacci (G.) Coagulazione del sangue per l'acqua Pagliari proposta di applicazione aUa cura degli aneurismi e dello varici. Imparziale, Firenze, 1863, iii, 296; 332.—Petre- quin (J. E.) Sur la combinaison des injections coagulan- tes et de la methode de Brasdor dans le traitement de cer- tains an6vrismes. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1853, 3. s., vUi, 804- 806.—Pravaz (J.) Lettre sur la coagulation du sang par le perchlorure de fer dans le traitement des anevrismes. Ibid., 748. ------. M6moire sur les injections de perchlo- rure de fer appliquees au traitement des an6vTismes. Bull. Acadde med., Par., 1853-4, xix, 84. Discussion, 104; 115; 144; 170. Also: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1853, iii, 524- 532. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1853, xxxvi. 88; 231. Aho, transl.: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 571.— Soule (E.) [Traitement des an6vrysmes par l'injection du perchlorure de fer.] Bull. Soc. cie chir. de Par., 1853, iv, 172. ------. Sur Taction du perchlorure de fer a propos de qnatre cas de tumeurs ane-vrysmales. Ibid., 1857, vii, 475-490. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 222.—Traite- ment de l'an6vrysme par 1'injection d'une solution 6tendue de perchlorure de fer. Ibid., 1859, xxxii, 250.— Valette (A.) Lettre sur le traitement des anevrysmes et des varices au moyen des injections de perchlorure de fer. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1853, v, 194-198. —Varicas (R. A.) Injection of tannin for the cure of aneurisms. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 155.—Villarroel (M.) Tratamiento de los aneurismas por las invecciones hipoclermicas de ergotina. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de ChUe, 1875, iv, 56-65. ANEURISM. 356 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Treatment of, Operative). Six, also, Arteries (Ligature of). Abernethy (J.) Surgical observations . . . on aneurisms. 8C. Philadelphia, 1811. Dieulafoy (P.-P.-M.,) * Essai sur l'applica- tion de la methode de Brasdor au traitement des anevrysmes. 4°. Paris, 1829. Euler (M.) * Le traitement des anevrysmes d'apres la methode de Brasdor. 8°. Lausanne, 1833. IIazon (J. A.) & Thierry (F.) Qusestio me- dico-chirurgica an tutiorfaciliorque vulgaridetur aneurysmatis chirurgica curatiof 1«: Hallek, Disp. chir., v, 211. Hoglund (A. M.) *Om aneurismer, jemte bescriuing ofver en lyckligen verkstalld un- derbindning af arteria iliaca externa. 8°. Helsingfors, 1840. Koehler (C. C. F.) * Quaedam de aneurysmati- bus scalpelli opera curandis. 4°. Berolini, [1818]. Koehler (J.) * De methodis iis, quas Jones et Scarpa, ab arterias aneurysmaticas ligandas, ad- hiberi suaserunt. 8°. Gryphice, 1825. Kuhl (C. A.) * De potioribus arteri* aneurys- ma ticaj ligandas methodis, praemissis duorum aneurysmatum feliciter sanatorum historiis. 4°. Lipsice, 1824. Letter (A) to the author of the Critical Re- view [on Hunter's operation for aneurism]. 8°. London, 1757. Lisfranc (J.) *Des diverses methodes et des differents process pour l'obliteration des arteres dans le traitement des anevrismes, de leur avan- tages et de leurs inconvenients respectifs. 4°. Paris, 1834. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1834. Maunoir (C.-T.) *Sur la section de l'artere entre deux ligatures, dans l'operation de l'ane- vrisme. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1804]. Pecot (A.) * De la ligature de l'artere dans l'operation de l'anevrisme par la methode nio- derne. 4°. Paris, 1822. Scibelli (M.) Nuovo istrumento per la liga- tura • temporanea delle arterie uegli aneurismi e suo modo di adoperarlo. roy. 8°. NapoU, 1859. Thierry de Maugras (C.-H.) * De la ligature des arteres dans les anevrismes. 4°. Pan's, 1845. Vilardebo (T.-M.-S.) *De l'operation de l'anevrysme, selon la methode de Brasdor. 4°. Paris, 1831. Wardrop (J.) On aneurism and its cure by a new operation. 8°. London, 1828. Harwell (R.) Deligation for aortic aneurism of the right carotid and subclavian arteries, with a new species of ligature. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 771. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1879, i, 634.—Bell (C.) Clinical lecture upon aneurism and the tying of arteries. Lond. M. Gaz., 1833, xiii, 329; 423.—Berard aine. M6moire sur l'6tat des arteres qui naisscnt des tumeurs an6vrysmales, et con- siderations sur l'emploi do la ligature entre le sac et le sys- tfeme capillaire. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1830, xxiii, 362- 383.—Bibaud (J. B.) [A few remarks on the bearing of two operations for the cure of aneurism.] Canada M. J., Montreal, 1865, i, 122-124.—Booth (T. S.) Description of a new aneurismal needle. London M. Reposit., 1824, xxii, 387.—Broca. Retour des battements apres la ligature. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 96.—Caleprico* (F.) Modifieasul bordonetto fin'ora adoperatoperl'allaccia- tura delle negU aneurismi, giusta U pensare cleUo Scarpa. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU, 1855, ix, 10-14.— Cases of aneurism in which primary Ugature was per- formed. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., I860, i, 63; 89.— Cooper (B. B.) [5 cases.] Operation for aneurism. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1841, vi, 348-309.—Cooper (E. S.) A new method of obliterating aneurismal tumors by liga- tures. San Francisco M. Press, 1800, i, 223-225.—Bar- raeh (W.) Remarkable spontaneous cure of aneurism, with observations on obliteration of arteries. Phila. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, 1826, xiii, 115-122, 1 pi. — Bezei- meris. Quelques remarques sur l'histoire des me- thodes d'operer l'ancjvrysme; rcponse aux critiques de M. Lisfr;inc. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1834, 2. 8., v, 480- 49L — Diday. Memoire sur les regies a suivre dans Aneurism (Treatment of, Operative). l'application de la methode do Brasdor aux anevrysmes du tronc brachio-cephalique et de l'origine de ses brancnes. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1842-3, vUi, 74-76. Also: Rapport de M. Blandin, avec discussion, 963-991.—Bos palabras mas sobre el derecho de invencion de la triple hgadura y el ven- taia engrudado para la curacion de los aneurismas esternos. Siglo med., Madrid, 1863. x, 417; 449— Francke. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit, bei der Operation der Pulsader-tre- schwulst durch Unterbindung den rechten Zeitmoment zu benutzen. [Case.] Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk. Berl., 1817, u, 449-473.—Oiraldes. Ligature dans le traitement des anevrismes. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1854, iv, 181.— Hamilton (J. W.) Ligation and amputation for aneu- rism. Med. Gaz., N. Y.. 1870, iv, 61.—Hayes (P. J.) A suggestion respecting torsion of arteries lor the cure of aneurismal disease. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 37.— Helmbreeht (E.) Operatio aneurysmatum; in histo- rischer und medicinischer Beziehung. Hannover. Ann. t. cl. ges HeUk., 1845, n. F., v, G7G-730.—Holmes (T.) On the surgical treatment of aneurism in its various forms. Lancet, Lond., 1872, 1873, and 1874, passim. Also: Med. Times & Gaz. Lond., 1872, 1873, and 1874, passim. -----On a case of distal ligature of the left carotid artery for aortic aneu- rism. Tr. Clin. Soc, Lond., 1876, ix, 114-122,1 pi.—Howard (B ) On the treatment of aneurism, with experiments for the closure of arteries by a new method. Tr. Am. M. Asa., Phila., 1870, xxi. 501-566, 18 pi.—King (1. W.) Observations on ligatures and aneurisms. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, xxxvU, 200; 595; 599; 637; 640; 855; 859; 901- 905.—Kuhl. Heilung der Aneurysmen durch Un- terbindung jenseits des Sackes. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1836, hi, 239-247.—I>aforgue (H.) Recherehes cUniques sur le traitement des anevrismes, par la methode de Hunter et le procede de Jones. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1855, vii, n. s., (H.) On the treatment of aneurism by acupressure. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 519-521.—Legoux. Sur un anevrisme faux consecutif, gueri par la ligature. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1807, i, 148-152.—tiieadura (De la) doblo de las arterias cons'ee'eion intermedia, como metodo de curacion de los aneurismas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1863, x, 751.—McLean (R. A.) Thesis on the double Ugature in aneurism. West. Lancet, San Fran., Ib74, iU, 564-57G.—Malago. Suc- cessful treatment of aneurism by the temporary appU- cation of a ligature. Lancet, Lond., 1829, ii, 601.—Mau- noir. Sur la section de l'artere entre les deux ligatures dans l'operation de l'anevrisme, suivant le procede de Hunter; rapport et reflexions do M. Descbamps, sur les effet8 de la Ugature et snr l'obliteration des arteres. J. gen. de med. chir. et pharm., Par., 1811, xi, 382-413.— Minkiewicz (J.) Ueber die Behandlung einiger Aneu- rysmen mittelst der unvollstiindigen metaUenen Ligatur k til perdu. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxni, 201; 473.—Miranlt. Sur des operations d'anevrisme. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1873, iu, 312-319. —Norman (G.) On the operation for aneurism. [Cases.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1819, x, 94-124: 1837, xx, 301-304.—Oppenheim (F. AV.) Ueber die Unterbindung der grosseren aneurys- matischen Gefassatiimme an dem vom Herzen entfemteren TheUe der Geschwulst. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1830, xxx, 100-143.—Palletta. Annunzio sulla legatura deUe grosse arterie degli arti per la cura dell'aneurisma. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1817, ii, 40-47.—P em ber ton (O.) [On the treatment of aneurism.] Lancet, Lond., 1872, U, 182-184.—Porter (W. H.) History of two cases of aneu- rism successfuUy treated bv ligature. DubUn Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 196-230.—Becve (H.) On the operation for aneu- rism. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iU, 531-533 —Bey. burn (R.) Four "cases of aneurism treated by ligation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. s., lvi, 112-119.—Bust (J. N.) Zwei Beobachtungen uber Anearismen, welche durch die Operation geheUt wurden; mit einigen Reflexionen iiber diesen Gegenstand. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1818, iii, 319-369.—Salemi (J.) Memoire sur la meilleure methode de pratiquer la ligature des troucs art6riels dans les ane- vrismes. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1853 [i], 197- 203.—Savastano (G. N.) Sopra un nuovo strumento chirurgico per la operazione degli aneurismi. FiUatre- sebezio, NapoU, 1842, xxiv, 140-143.—Scarpa. Nota sul processo operativo del fu DeMarchi per la cura deU'esterno aneurisma. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1828, xlvU, 252- 258.—Second! (G.) Nuovo metodo di obUterazione per- manente dei vasi arteriosi e venosi nella cura radicale degli aneurismi e delle. varici. Gaz. med. di Milano, 1847, vi, 429-431.—Shaw. Observations on aneurism, particularly with reference to the appUcation of a Ugature beyond the tumor. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1827, n. s., ii, 509-517.— S tatistical tables... Operations for thecureof aneurism, naivus, etc. [Leeds General Infirmary.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, i, 59.—Todd (C. H.) A report of cases of aneurism in which operations were, performed. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1822, iU, 91-138.—Travers (B.) Two cases of aneurism in which the temporary ligature was employed. Med.-Chir. Tr.,Loud.,1818,ix,405-421.—Watson (E.) Clinical account of two cases of aneurism, treated successfully by Syme's operation, with remarks. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, C02-C04. ANEURISM. 357 ANEURISM. Aneurism (Varicose). Si< Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and vari- cose. Aneurism and Abscess. See Abscess (Diagnosis of). Aneurism by anastomosis', cirsoid and varicose. See, also. Aneurisms (Aortic) with anastomosis; Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications, etc., of); Angi- oma; Lips (Diseases of); Neevus; Orbit (Aneu- rism of); Orbit, Stumps (Diseases of). Adelmanx (P.) Tractatus de aneurysmate spurio varicoso. 4°. Wiirceburgi, 1821. Bardelebex (K.) * Ueber das traumatische Aneurysma arterioso-venosnm. 8C. BerUn, 1871. Cavaro (A.) De tumoribus aneurismaticis va- ricosis anastomosium in substantiam erectilem confluentibus. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Collet-Maygret (P. M. H.) * De l'andvrysme artdrioso-veineux. 4°. Paris, 1H41. Cordonnier (V.-N.-T.) * De l'hypertrophie du membre inferieur dans l'anevrysme arterio-vei- neux. 4C. Paris, 1864. Dagallier (P. A.) *En quoi l'andvrysme va- riqueux ou artdrioso-veineux differe-t-il de la va- rice anevrysmale. 4C. Paris, 183*. Deces (A. M.) * Des varices arterioles (ane- vrysmes cirsoides), considerees au point de vue de leurs indications et de leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1857. Didolff (C.) * Ueber Aneurysma cirsoides des Kopfes. 8°. Bonn, 1872. Eisermann (E.) * Quaedam de aneurysmate anastomotic© acldita historia morbi. 8°. Gryphice, [1845]. Filhol (J. B.) Sur l'andvrisme variqueux. 4°. Strasbourg, 1817. Georgesco (G.) "Contribution k l'histoire des ane\Trysines arterioso-veineux. 4°. Paris, 1873. Giessen (G. E.) * Geschichte eines Aneurysma varicosum nebst einer Einleitung iiber das Aneu- rysma varicosum Uberhaupt. 8°. Miinchen, 1842. Goldschmidt (H.) * De aneurysmate cirsoideo et anastomotico. 8°. Vratislavice, [1864]. Gremaud (A. L.) *De l'anevrysme artdrioso- veineux spontane. 4°. Paris, 1866. Henry (A. A.) "Considerations sur l'and- vrysme arterio-veineux. 4°. Paris, 1856. Hiard (G.) * Essai sur l'andvrysme artdrioso- veineux par coup de feu. 4°. Paris, 187 o. Jansen (J.) * Nonnulla de aneurysmate anas- tomotico addita historia morbi. 8°. Gryph'uv, 187u. Jung (C. L.) * De varice aneurysmatico vari- coso. 8°. Wirceburgi, 1861. Knaak (H.) * Das Aneurysma arterioso-veno- sum. r-0. Berlin, [1871]. Kossak (O.) *De varice aneurysmato. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1865. Laburthe (J.) * Des varices artdrielles et des tumeurs cirsoides; de leur traitement, spdciale- ment par les injections de perchlorure de fer. 4°. • Paris, 1867. Moxtigxac (J.) * Quelques considdrations sur la dilatation des arteres et l'andvrysme cirsoide des membres. 4-. Pan's, 1876. Morel (J.) * Etude sur un point de traite- ment des anevrysmes cirsoides. 4°. Pan's, 1873. M< irvan (A.-M.) * De l'anevrysme variqueux. j 4-. Paris, 1817. ' Oxfray(L.-J.) * Des injections au perchlorure de fer dans le traitement des tumours cirsoides artdrielles. I1. Paris, 1^72. Pascal (J.-J.-M.) * En quoi l'andvrysme vari- queux ou arterioso-veineux diii'ere-t-ii de la va- rice an6vrysmale f Quel est son mode de formti- ; Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose. tion? Quels sont ses caracteres anatomiques! 4°. Paris, 1842. Reil (G.) * De varice aneurysmatico. 8°. Halis, [1845]. Streubel (C. G.) *De aneurysmate anasto- motico. 4°. Lipsice, [1840]. Terrier (F.) Des andvrysmes cirsoides. 8°. Paris, 1872. Toussaint (P.-A.) * De l'anevrysme arterioso- veineux. 4°. Paris, 1851. Utting (E. T. R.) * De varice aneurysmatico et aneurysmate varicoso. 8°. Sundice, [1843], Vater (M. L. S.) * De aneurysmate, inprimis de varice aneurysmatico. 8°. BeroUni, [1858]. Weiss (J.) *De l'anevrisme variqueux ou phiebectasique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1849. Aneurisma varicoso; curacion por medio de la inyec- ciones del sesqui-cloruro de hierro. Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vU. 394. — Armiger (T.) On varicose aneurysm. Mecl. Ohs. Soc. Phys., Lond., 1771, iv, 382-387.—Berard (A.) M6moire sur ranevrisme art6rioso-veineux, conipre- nant la description de deux nouveUes especes d'anevrismca faux consecutifs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xx, 1728. -----. Note sur une forme nouvelle d'anevrysme variqueux. Arch, gen dem6d., Par., 1845, i, 38-43. Also: Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1847, i, 449-455.—Bertini (L.) Sc Itlajocehi (D.) AUacciatura delle carotidc primitiva per aneurisma cirsoideo, e stud! anatomo-patologici deU' aneurisma cirsoideo. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1876, ii, 157; 169.—de Brambilla (A.) Dissertatio de aneurismate venoso. Acta Acad. caes. reg. Joseph, med.-chir. Vin- dob., 1787, i. 79-95. -----. Sopra l'aneurisma venoso. In: Careno (L.) Diss, med.-chir.-prat, estratte dagU atti d. R. I. Accad. Giossefflna, 8°, Vienna, 1790, 121-140.—Burck- hardt (C.) Ueber den Varix aneurysmaticus. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1843, U, 114-136. Aho, Reprint.— Coates (B. H.) Lallemand's operation for aneurism by anastomosis. Med. Exam., Phila., 1838, i, 76.—Cocteau (T.) Memoires sur les varices arterieUes des membres |iin6vrysmes cirsoides des membres]. Arch. gGn. de m6d., Par., 18tTo, ii, 666-683.—Cooper (S.) On venous aneurism and aneurismal varix. Lond. M. & S. J., 1832, i, 97.— Drmarquay. Observation et nouveUes recherehes snr la tumeur cirsoide art6rielle. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xU, 117; 126.—Finn (E.) De l'anevrysme variqueux. [Trad. par le docteur H. Barella.] J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1873, lvi, 295-299.—Gahrliep (G. C.) Dc aneu- rismate grandi ac ejusdem caute satis administrata, ut in- fcUciter cedente cura. Misc. Acad. Nat. Curios., Lips, et Francof., 1695, dec. 2. ii, 145-156; 1 pi.—Oaultier dc Claubry. Recherehes historiques et reflexions pratiques sur l'anevrisme variqueux. See, aho: Dcsparauches, p. 358. J. geu. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1819, lxvu, 211-219.—Gosselin (L.) Memoire sur les tumeurs cir- soides arterielles chez les adolescents et les adultes. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1867, U, 641-670.—Hunter (\V.) Ob- servations upon a particular species of aneurism. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys., Lond., 1762, U, 390-414.— Jordan (F.) A proposition for the treatment of aneurismal varix. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1861, xxvii, 221.—Larrey. Ex- trait dune notice ct d'observations: 1°. Sur les andvrismes variqueux; 2°. Sur un anevrisme faux consecutif gu6ri par l'operation. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1812, ii, 25-33.-----. Sur les an6vrismes variqueux. Ibid., 1812, iii, 25-32.— l7, xxx, 425.—Dobbc. Au6vrysme variqueux du bras gauche; electro-puncture ; insucces ; ligature; guerison. Rec. dc mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1853, 2. s., xU, 328- 332.—Dopfer. Geschichte eines Pulsaderbruches auf dem Kopfe. Beob. n. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1826, v, 416-428.—Dnpuytren. Anevrisme vari- queux de l'artere et de la veine axUlaires, produit par une plaie d'arnie a feu. Repert. gt>n. d'anat, et phvsiol. path., Par., 1829, viii, 104-109.—Duval (A.) Anevrysme va- riqueux do la carotide interne ct dc la jugulaire interne. Arch, dc med. nav., Par., 1864, i, 413. -----. Anevrysme variqueux du coude. Communication de l'artere brachiale avec la veine basdique et la collateralo interne; Ugature d'apres la methode cie Hunter. Ibid.. 414-417.—Dyer (S. S.) Case of varicose aneurism cured bv ligature of the brachial artery. Prov. M. Sc S. J.. Lond., 1848, 176-179. Eitncr. Aneurysma varicosum. Mecl. Ztg., Berl.. 1840, ix. 1<>-.—Eve (P. F.) Ostco-aneurism ; two operations; death. NashvUle J. M. Sc S., 1854, vU, 8-11. -----. A large aneurism by anastomosis, involving the right side of the head and face ; several operations,"tbe last"one in- clui'iing Ugature to the primitive carotid; death from hemorrhage on the fifteenth day. Ibid., 1860, xviii, 4-8. Examination (An) of a case of aneurism. [See, also: Pattison.] Am. M. Recorder. Phila., 1822, v, 478-488.— Fcrgusson. CUnical lectures on surgery. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s.. ii, 143; 444.—Fergiisson (W.) Sc Nicholson. Case of aneurismal varix, the right ex- ternal iliac vessels implicated. Med. Exam.. Lond., 1876, i, 345.—Finn (E.) Case of spontaneous varicoso aneurism, with pathological specimen. Dubl. Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 486-491.—Fischer (A.) Aneurysma cirsoideum in der rechten Hohlhandgegcnd; Usur des hypertrophischen kleincn Fingers; Digitalkonipr. durch 15 J Stunden; un- geheilt. "Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 1059.—Fischer (G.) Aneurysma per anastomosin arteiiarum gluteaj et ischiadica?. *//i hh: Mitth. a. d. chir. Univ.-Kliu. ;:u Got- ting., ^, 1861, 254-257.—Folliu (E.) Observation d'une communication entre l'artere brachiale et les veines pro- fondes au pli du bras. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, ii, 52-61.—Forget (A.) Aneurismc cirsoide, ou varice des artercs tegumenteuses du crane. Union m6d., Par., 1851, v, 121.—Foster (C.) t Aneur. by anastomosis sponta- neously cured. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 273.—Franzo- lini. Anevrysme arterio-veineux au pli du bras; com- pression digitale indirecte de l'humerale, directe dc la veine basilique; guerison le soixantienie jour. BuU. Soc. dechir. de Par. (1867), 1868, 2. s., viii, 356-358.— Frascr (W.) f Aneur. bv anastomosis of the scalp, with observa- tions. Brit.-Am.'J., Montreal, 1845-6, i, 283-288.—French (S. W.) Arterio-venous aneurism; extirpation; secondary haemorrhage; Ugation of brachial and vas aberrans: pyae- mia; death. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1878, xcix, 475.—Gau. ■ejae. (Specimens of fibrinous clots from arterio-venous aneurism of space. .Remarks.] BuU. Soc. anat. ch- Par., 1863, xxxviii, 113-115.—Gayet. Cas remarquable d'anevrysme arterio-veineux traumatique de l'artere et de la veine fcmorales profondes. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1864, xvi, 341-344. Aho: Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1864, iii, 242-249.—Georgcsco. Anevrysme art6rioso-veineux des vaisseaux femoraux ulterieur'au traumatisme; com- pression digitale; persistance de l'anevrysme. Rev. phot. cl. hop. de Par., 1873, v, 180-191.—Ghcri'ni. t chir. de Par., 1868, 2. s., viii, 254.—Oherini (A.) Storia di un aneurisma varicosa da salasso guarita coUa com- pressione digitale. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1858, clxiu, 98. -----. t . . . di varice aneurismatica deUa vena sateUite esterna consecutiva a salasso del eubito compUcata da aneu- risma circoscritto. Ibid.. 1873, ccxxvi, 273-295, 2 pi. Aho, Reprint,—Chidclla (P.) Aneurisma per anostoniosi. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento, 1826, ii, 365-368.—Ghidella di Viadana. Varice aneurismatica complicata da aneu- risma conseguenza di salasso. Ibid., 1827, Ui, 20-24.— GiraldCs. Anevrisme arterioso-veineux du cuisse. Bull. Soc. dc chir. de Par., 1853, iv, 22; 33. -----. Ane- vrysme arterioso-veineux de la veine jugulaire ct do l'ar- tere carotide internedroite. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 298-300. -----. Anevrysme cirsoldedu cuirchevclu. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1858, viii, 240.—Gockelius (E.) Tumor sinistri braehii circa ulnam ingens et hor- rendus. ab infeUci vcna»ectione obortus, let halcm haemor- rhagiam et gangrasnam minitans, ex voto curatus. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. (1691), Norimb., 1692, dec. 2, x 270-273. Aho, ibid.. Lips, et Francof., 1694. dec. 3, i, 122-125.— von Griifc (C. F.) Aestiges Aneurysm des Unterarmes. J. d. Chir. u. Ausrenh.. Berl., 1834, xxu, 33-36.—Gray (J. W.) t . . operation. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1859, xvU. 295- 297.—Green. Aneurismal varix: operation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, ii, 188—Gregoric. HeUung eines Aneurysma Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose (Cases of). arterioso-venosum ex vena'sectione am rechten Arm durch Compression der Arteria brachlalis. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1872, xvu, 541-543.—Gross (S. W.) A remarkable case of congenital aneurismal varix of tho leg and foot, Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1861, U, 86-89.—Griming (E.) Ueber einen FaU von Varix aneurysmaticus innerhalb der Schadelhcihle mit Prominenz beider Bulbi und totaler Blindheit; Unter- bindung der Carotis communis sinistra; Heilung. Arch. f. Augen.-u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1876, v, 280-280.—Gucniot. Note sur un cas de tumeur cirsoide arterieUc, traitee avec suceds par l'ablation au bistouri. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xli,153.—Giintner (W.) Aneurysma arterioso-venosum in der rechten Ellenbogenbeuge in Folge eines Adeilasses. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxiU, 33.—Ilalliu (O. F.) tHygiea. Stockholm, 1871, xxxUi, 377-379.—Hamil- ton (J.) Aneurismal varix foUowing a punctured wound of the femoral artery and vein ; repeated lia-morrhage, and ligature of the artery. Dubl. Q. J. M. Sc, 1873, lv, 418-420.— Hanekroth. Varix aneurysmaticus. Med.Ztg.,Berl., 1852, xxi, 201.—Heine (C.)* Ueber Angioma arterialo racemosum (Anevrysma cirsoides) am Kopfc und dessen Behandlung. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1809, cUi, 1-35: civ, 1-57.—Ilesselbach (A. K.) Gliicklicho Heilung einer falschen varikosen Pulsadergeschwulst der Schenkclarterie mit Offenhaltung des Oefiisskanales, durch totale Compression. Jahrb. d. phil.-med. GeseUsch. zu Wurzb., 1828, i, 1. Hft., 84-89.—[Hewett (P.)]. t Con- genital aneurismal varix. Lancet, Loud., 1867, i, 146.— Bcwett (P. G.) Aneurism by anastomosis on the scalp treated bv galvanic cautery and other local measures. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 491.—Hill (J. D.) t. . . by anastomosis. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 430.—Hirtlcr. Aneurysma vari- cosum (racemosum). Behandlung mit Electfopunctur. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1869, xxi, 359-362.—Uofcueister (F.) Rankcnuneurysma (Aneurysma racemosum) der Unks- seitigen Schlafenarterie; spontane Ruptur desselben; Inci- sion und deren Erfolg. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1864, 335; 344.—Holston (J. G. F.) Aneurism of the carotid, commu- nicating with the external jugular vein; unsuccessfuUy operated. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1836, xvU, 199-203.— Horner (W. E.) Varicose aneurism of the femoral artery; operation foUowed by mortification of limb and death. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1841, n. s., i, 74-86.— Hulke (J. W.) A case of arterio-venous aneurism of the femoral vessels, caused by a pistol-shot, Tr. CUn. Soc, Lond., 1875. vUi, 175-179. -----. Two cases of cirsoid aneurism treated bv the continuous galvanic current. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 612".—Hnmphrys (H. G.) Per- manent cure of extensive naevus of the temporal artery through the medium of continued pressure. Med. Circ, Lond., 1860, xvi, 169.—Hngnicr. An6vrisme artdrioso- veineux de l'art6rc femorale gauche. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, U, 106-113.—Jaccond. Anevrysme arte- rioso-veineux de la cuisse; traitement par la compres- sion sans r6sultat; operation par la ni6thode ancienne; mort. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1858, xxxiii, 355-363.— Jameson (H. G.) Case of naevus maternus termi- nating in aneurism bv anastomosis which was cured by operation. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait., 1831, ii, 105-111.— Jobert. Anevrisme arterioso-veineux; double injection avec une dissolution de perchlorure de fer entre 15 et 20 de- gres de concentration; durcissement de latumeur, douleurs vives etchalenr dans le membre apres l'injection ; perchlo- rure enkvste dans l'artere et la veine. Monit. de. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 476-478. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvU, 234.— Jobert (de Lamballe) (A.-J.) Traitement et guerison d'un an6vrvsme arterioso-veineux au pli du bras par deux injections de perchlorure de fer. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1853-4, xix. 669-676. -----. Anevrysme variqueux au pli du coude determine par une saignee; injection de perchlorure de fer; gu6rison. Compt. rend. bioL, 1855, Par., 1856, 2. s., i, 52.— Johnston (W.) Caseof varicose aneu- rism successfuUy treated by pressure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1846, n. s., xii, 378.—Joret. An6vrisme variqueux, produit par la presence d'une balle dsvs la veine jugulaire interne. Gaz. med. de Par., 1840, 2. s., v-Ui, 457-459.—Key. Aneurisma cirsoideum k grenar af arteria nlnaris. Forh. Svens. Lak.-SiiUsk. Sammank (1865), Stockholm, 1866, 260. —Kiescr. Tranmatisches varikoses Aneurysma der Kopfhaut. durch Umschniirung und umschlungene Naht geheUt. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1865, xxxv, 139-142.—Kvrkbride (T. S.) t Convenient mode of applying the ligature; cure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1835, xVi, 322.—Krackowizcr. Cirsoid aneu- rism (of scalp). Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1851, Ui, 218. -----. Cirsoid aneurism. N. York M. J., 1865, i, 378.— Ii. (H.) Anevrismes au pU du bras cons6cutifs k des saignees malheureuses; anomalie artericlle; d6sordres graves ayant n6cessite clans un cas l'amputation du membre. Union med., Par.. 1849, Ui, 179; 183.—I,abbe. Anevry- sme cirsoide; de la region auriculo-temporo-mastoidieune gauche. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 105. -----. Traitement des anevrysmes cirsoides. Ibid., 117- 120. -----. An6vrysnie cirsoide de la region auriculo- temporale. Ibid.,496-506.—Lagrange. Anevrysme ar- ANEURISM. 360 ANEURISM. Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose (Cases of). terioso-veincux du crcux poplite ayant amen6 une gan- grene du pied et de la jambe. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 79-81.—liangenbeck. Bericht und Gutach- ten uber ein angebUcn nach einem Aderlass entstan- denes Uebel am Arm. Beob. u. Bemerk. a. d. Ge- burtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Gotting.. 1827, iv, 193-233.— Liangcnbcck (B.) Aneurysma arterioso-venosum der Kopfhaut, Deutsche KUnik, Berl.. 1860, xii, 195-197.— Larrey. t . . . description de la piece anatomico-patho- logique. Presse med., Par., 1837, i, 25-28. -----. Ane- vrysme arterioso-veineux de la cuisse. BuU. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1857, vii, 505-513.—La wric (J. A.) Cirsoid aneurism of the right arm; operation; cure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, n. s., i, 102-108. Also (sequel): Glasgow M. J., 1854, i, 24-32, 1 pi— Leflaive (A.) Anevrisme arterioso- veineux, suite d'une blessure de raitcre Uiaque primitive droite et de la veine Uiaque primitive gauche. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 718-720.— [Legcndre.] Nasvus arteriel de la region trochanterienne; vaccination au pour- tour de la tumeur; guerison complete apres un mois. Bull. g6n. de. therap., etc., Par., 1850, li, 32.—IiCgouest. An6- vrysme art6rioso-veineux. Bull. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1862, 2. s., U, 94.—LiCtcnncur. Etat cirsoide des arteres de l'avant-bras, complique de phlebectasie artericUe. Ibid., 1859, ix, 352-360. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 122.— Liston. Aneurism by anastomosis [on tho right side of the perineum]; treatment and cure by incision and Ugature. Lancet, Lond., 1840, i, 547.—Lloyd, t ... of the pulp of the finger; excision of the tumour; favorable results. Ibid., 1853, i. 83.—McGuire (H. H.) t Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1855, v, 194.—Mackinder (D.) t Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, ii, 711.—Maclachlan (G. M-) Caseof pulsating tumour of the scalp, from dUatation of the branches of the external carotid artery. Glasgow M. J., 1828, i, 81-87, 1 pi.—Maclachlan ($.) t . . .'in a chUd ten months old, involving the branches of tho temporal and posterior auricular arteries, treated successfullv by the twisted suture. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1839, li, 357-362, i pi.— Maclean (D.) [Aneurismal varix poplit. space.] Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 199-203. -----. t (Arterio-venous aneurism of carotid.] Ibid., 1875, xi, 261-265— .Vinson (E.) A case of arterio-venous aneurism in the thigh, treated by compression. N. YorkM.J., 1877, xxvi, 299-303.—Master- man (G. F.) t . . . successfuUy treated by ligature of the external carotid. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 500.— Mayne. Case of spontaneous varicose aneurism. [Aorta and left vena innom.] DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 27-30. — Mayne (R.) Spontaneous varicose aneurism. [Aorta and sup. cava.] Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xvi, 257- 269.—Mazzoni (C.) Aneurisma arterioso-venoso tra la carotidoe la vena giugulare sinistra. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1876, iii, 138-141.—Mazzoni (G.) t Gior. di chir. prat., Trento, 1826, ii, 79-92.—Michel, t . . . k la tete, port6e depuis treize mois. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1777, xlviu, 239-243.—Mighcls (J. W.) t . . . cured by tying the primitive carotid. Boston M. Sc. S. J., 1839, xx, 41-43.—Monneret. Anevrisme arterioso-veineux. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, U, 08-79.-----. Observation d'an6vrisme arterioso-veineux. Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1853, iii, 54-73.—de Montmeja (A.) Anevrysme arteri- oso-veineux de la cuisse; compression digitale deux fois re- petee: persistence de la varice anevrysniale. France med., Par., 1873, xx, 572.—Moore (C. H.) t Arterio-venous aneu- rism, which was treated by ligature of both tho artery and the vein. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1857, ii, 2. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 523. Aho: Med.-chir. Tr., Lond., 1858, xU, 1-9.—Mott (A. B.) t N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iii, 55.—[Mott (V.)] Ligature of tho carotid for anastomosing aneurism in a child three months old. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1829, v, 255: 1830, vU, 271.—Mnssey (R. D.) t ... in which both the primitive carotid arteries were tied. Ibid., 1829, v, 316-318. Also: Maryland M. Recorder, 1829, i. 513-519. -----. Aneurismal tumours upon the ear treated by Ugation of both carotids. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 333-335. Aho: Ohio M. & S. J., Colum- bus, 1853-4, vi, 125-127.—Mutch, t . . . injection; sub- cutaneous ligature; cure, Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 521.—Nagel (L.) Exstiipation einer Teleangiectasia arteriosa mittelst Ligatur. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1847, xxxvi, 510.—IVelaton. An6vrisme arterioso-veineux (anevrisme faux consecutif). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., Ui, 237-239. J]-----.] Anevrisme arterioso-yeineux du pU du coude gu6n par la compression. Ibid., 1855, xxvui, 441. -----. Cas curieux d'anevrisme arterioso-veineux du membre abdominal. J. de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1856, 2. 8.. xxvU, 21-24.-----. An6vrysme poplite arterio- veineux droit. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 137; 141. -----. An6vrysme arterio-veineux de creux popiit6. J. de m6d. et de chir. prat.. Par., 1862, 2. s., xxxUi, 155-158. -----. An6vrisme arterioso-veineux; operation ; espoir de guerison; mort. France med., Par., 1863, x, 197-199.— Nicoladoni (C.) Phlebarteriectasie der rechten obcren Extremitat. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1875, xviii, 252- 274, 1 pi-—Notling. Aneurysma varicosum in der Ellbo- genbeuge; Operation durch Unterbindung oberhalb und Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose (Cases of). unterhalb des Aneurysma. Mitth. d. badisch. iirztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1858, xii, 77.—Norris (G.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1843, n. s., v, 17. -----. Varicose aneurism at the bend of the arm; ligature of the artery above and below the sac; secondary hemorrhages with a return of the aneurismal thrUl on the tenth day; cure. Ibid., 28-30.— de Notcr. An6vrisme variqueux de l'artere temporale. BuU. Soc. de m6d de Gand, 1835, i, 151-153, 1 pi.—Nou- veUes remarques sur les varices arterieUes (anevrysme cirsoide) du cuir chevelu; cas do guerison par la galvano- puncture. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1852, xUi, 346- 355. — Obalinski (A.) Sc Browicza (T.) Przypadck teniaka groniastego (aneurysma cirsoides, anastomoticum, angioma racemosum Virchdwa, phlebarteriectasis Webera). Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. umiej. W. Kra- kow., 1874, i, 175-189.—Olevares (J. G.) Aneurisma arte- rioso-venoso falso consecutivo. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 163.—Oilier. Anevrysme arterio-veineux du pli du coude ; compression digitale combin6e il la compression di- recte; guerison. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xviU, 543.— Oilier (L.) An6vrysme arterioso-veineux du pUdu coude; Ugature des deux bouts de l'artere; ablation du sac; gueri- son. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 159.—Orr. t . . . after venesection. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xix, 145- 147.—Palmer (H.) Subcutaneous naevus; or aneurism by anastomosis. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, St. Paul, 1871, v, 127,128. Also: Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul. 1871, U, 249, 1 pl._Panas. t... foUowing a faU. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 2. s., xii, 1872,135.—Pancoast (J.) t [On face.] Ope- ration. Phila. M. Tunes, 1872, ii, 288.—Papini (F.) Aneu- risma varicoso deU'arteria brachiale guarito perl'operazione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1836, 2. s., ii, 29-35.—Park (H.) t [Of brachial art.] Med. Facts Sc Obs., Lond., 1793, iv, 111-118.—Parkman. Large aneurismal varix of the external carotid artery, and the external jugular vein. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i, 301. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 370.—Pattison (G. S.) t... of the internal maxillary artery, successfuUy treated by tying the common carotid artery. [See, aho, Examina- tion (An), etc.] Am. M. Recorder,'Phila.. 1822, v, 108-115. Aho, transl.: Mag. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xiii, 432- 449.—Pcmbcrton (O.) On the treatment of aneurism by anastomosis by excision. Lancet, Lond., I860; i, 516-519. -----. On a case of aneurismal varix in the upper part of the thigh, foUowing the employment of pressure for tbe cure of an aneurism of the posterior tibial artery. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1861, xliv, 189-210, 1 pi. Aho: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1861, Ui, 400.—Perry (J. G.) Re- markable case of varicose aneurism [thigh]. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1837, xx, 31-45.—von Pitha. Aneurysma cvr- solcleum an der rechten Seite des Kopfes. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1865, x, 109. Aho: Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 368. Also : Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 500. -----. Aneurysma cirsoideum (anastomot.) des Kopfes von grosser Ausdehnung; HeUung durch wiederholtelnjektionen von Ferrum sesquichl. nebst Compression der Art. temporal., auric, post, und occipitaUs. Ibid., 1866, xvi, 349; 367; 382.— [Poland.] Cirsoid aneurism of the foot; Ugature, suc- cessively, of the posterior tibial, dorsaUs pedis, and ante- rior tibial arteries; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 536.— Post, t N. York M. Press, 1859, n. 8., U, 810; 821.— Pouydcbat. Un cas de varices an6vrysmales des veines de l'avant-bras; amputation du bras. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, 2. s., ix, 39.—Prichard. t [Of lower jaw.] Ligature of right carotid without reUef; partial cure by gal- vanic cautery. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1852. xvi, 503.— Pritchard (J. F.) t [Left side of face.] Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 209.—Queirel. Une tumeur art6rioso-veineuse formee par la carotide et la jugulaire. MarseUle m6d., 187&, ix, 354-356.—Bichet. Observation d'anevrysme arterio-veineux de l'hum6rale au pli du coude; inefficacite de la compression; ligature de l'artere hum6rale, overture du sac; mort par infection purulente; examen de la piece anatomique. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862; 2. s., ii, 281-297. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 215- 226.—Bizzoli (F.) Di un aneurisma arterioso-venoso at- travcrsante la parcte del cranio costituito da un grossoramo deU'arteria occipitale sinistra e dal seno trasverso destro deUa dura madre, non che di un altro anourisma, e di ferite pure deU'arteria occipitale. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1873, 3. s., iv, 209-230, 1 pi. Aho: N. Liguria med., Genova, 1874, xix, 65-70.—Bobert (A.) Considerations pratiques sur les varices arterielles du cuir chevelu. Bull. Acad. dem6d., Par., 1850-1, xvi, 584-594. Aho: Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1851, 3. s., Ui, 127; 136. Aho, Reprint.—Bodrignes (H.) [3 cases.] An6vrisme variqueux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., U, 545-547; 2. s., iU, 1841, 27-30. — [Bogcrs (D. L.)] t ... by the external maxillary artery, treated suc- cessfully by tying the common carotid artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1833. xiii, 271.—Bolide. Ein Varix aneurys- maticus. [Aus dem Archiv des konigl. danischen Gesuud- heitscoUegii ausgezogen vou Otto.] Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb.. 1844, xxv, 253.—Boux. An6vrisme variqueux du pU du bras; Ugature de la brachiale. Gaz. d. h6p., Par. 1832, vi, 465. -----. An6vrisme variqueux; Ugature au ANEURISM. 361 ANEURISMS. Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose (Cases of). dessus de la tumeur; methodo do Hunter; varice an6vri- smalc succ6danee. Ibid., 1833, vU, 47.—Bufz. Anevrysme variqueux de la carotide externe. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1838-9, iii, 278.—Busscll (J.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xviii, 173.—iaudborn (E. K.) Large congenital aneuris- mal tumor (extending from the ear to the top of head) suc- cessfuUy treated by a new method. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1858, lv'ii, 29L-293.—Santopadrc (F.) Un caso di an- gestasia arteriosa operate- colla lcgatui-a per mezzo di un nuovo apparecchio. Ippocratico, Fano, 1868, 3. s., xiU, 73- 84.—Scarpa, tt Ann. univ. cU med., Milano, 1830, liv, 501-534.—Schreuder (R. H.) t Onwaare slagaderspat na eene aderlating aan den arm ontstaan. N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. to Amst., 1808, i, 247- 250.—Schuster (G.) Medicinisches Bedenken und Sec- tionsbericht iiber einen Mann, welcher an einem, durch die Venisection, verursachten Anevrismate spurio verstorben. Mecl. J., Chemnitz, 1768, ii, 4 Th., 182-185.— Sccretain. An6vrisme traumatique arterioso-veineux. Monit. cl. sc. ni6d. et pharm., Par., 1859, vii, 381-389.—[Simon.] Aneu- rismal varix of left common iliac vein; compression of aorta; ganOTene of intestine. Lancet, Lond., 1875, U, 834.— Smith (N. R.) Ligature of the brachial artery for veno- arterial aneurism. N. Am. Arch. M. Sc S. Sc, Bait., 1834- 5, i. 241-244.—Smith (T.) A case of wound of the femoral vessels resulting in a permanent communication between the artery and vein. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876, xii, 157-161.—Smith (W.J.) Arterio-venous aneurism of femoral vessels. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1876, ii, 724.— Southam (G.) t ... of the scalp, treated successfuUy by setons and ligature of the common carotid. Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1865, v, 56-59. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1865, xlvui, 65-71.—Spence (J.) Traumatic varicose femoral aneurism successfuUy treated by ligature. Edinb. M. J., 1869, xv, 1-8.—Stanley. Aneurism by anastomosis (teleangiectasis); pathological character of these growths; dangers of cutting operations. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, U, 694.—Stokes. Varicose aneurism. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Iii, 249-253. —Syme (J.) Case of aneurismal condition of the posterior auricular and tem- poral arteries. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1829, xxxi, 66-72, 1 pi. -----. Case of spontaneous varicose aneurism. Ibid., 1831, xxxvi, 104-105, 1 pi. -----. Aneurism at the bend of the arm consequent upon venesection; operation. Ibid., 1838, 1, 375. -----. Varicose aneurism. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 7.—Tartra. t Un 6tat vari- queux et anevrismatique d'une grande partie de la conque de 1'oreiUe, et du cuir chevelu de la region parieiale gauche. _ J. de med. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1806, xi, 272- 281.—Tillaux. An6vrysme traumatique du pli du coude. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1867, 2. s., vii, 454-459.-----. An6vrysme cirsoide de la main. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, iU, 426-430.—Triistedt. Heilung eines Varix aneurysmaticus hi der Armbuge durch die Compression. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 87; 93.—Vnnzetti (T.) Sopra un aneurisma varicoso guarito colla simultanea compres- sione digitale, deU'arteria omeralo e deUa vena basilica. Gior._ veueto di ac. med., Venezia, 1863, xxii, 119-124.— Varicose aneurism of neck and throat, treated by injec- tion of perchloride of iron. N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 235.—dc Velasco (G.) Aneurisma arteriosa venosa, Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 264.—Vergely. Ane- vrysme cirsoide de I'oreille gauche. Gaz. nied. de Bor- deaux, 1876, v, 140-143.—Verneuil. Blessure de lartere carotide primitive et de la jugulaire interne par arme a, feu; anevrysme arterio-veineux. BuU. Soc, de chir., Par., 1870, 2. s., x, 487-192.—Vianna (A. B. R.) Aneurysma varicoso da flexura do antebraco, tratado pela com- prcssao, edepois pelaligadurada arteria brachial; autopsia cadaverica. J. da Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1837, v, 344- 347.—Warren (J. M.) t [On forehead.] SuccessfuUy treated by various operations. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1846, n. s., xi, 286-291. Aho, in hh: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1867, 451-457. -----. t [Left ear.] Ibid., 1853, n. s., xxv, 93-95. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i, 277-279. Aho, in his: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1807, 457-460. -----. Vari- cose aneurism of palm of hand and arm; amputation; recovery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1858, lvii, 528. Aho, in hh: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1807, 461. -----. Formidable case of aneurism by anastomosis of the scalp. Ibid., 1862, lxvi, 305-367. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Improve., 1867, v (app.), 13-15. Also, in hh: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1867, 443- 440— Weber. Varix aneurysmaticus der Arteria femoraUs sinistra. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 313.—Wedcr- strandt (J. P. C.) t t Aneurismal varix. [Neck; right flank.] N. Orl. M. News Sc Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 393-395.— Wernher. Das vcrzweigte Aneurysma am Kopfe. Berl. Idin. Wchnschr., 1876, xiU, 165-167.—Willett (A.) Liga- ture of the femoral artery for pulsating tumours of the thigh (aneurism by anastomosis); secondary haemorrhage on the sixth day; death on the tenth day. St, Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1605, i, 153.—Williamne. t Anevrisme vari- queux a la base du cou. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1821, xi, 91-94. Aho, transl.: J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl i 1622, iv, 320-323.—Wiliuont (S.) t ... in the cavitv of Aneurism by anastomosis; cirsoid and varicose (Cases of). the anterior naris. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1847, iii, 31-34.— Wood (■!. E.) t . . . of cheek and orbit in child aged six months; ligature of carotid; recovery. N. York J. M., 1857,3.s., iii, 21.—Worthington(W.'C) t [Onforehead.] Lancet, Lond., 1840, U, 726.—Wright (T. H.) Vascular tissue; dUatation; varix, etc. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa,, 1831, ix, 90-98.—Wutzer (C. W.) Aneurysma cusoideum (arterial Varix) in der rechten Halite der Stirngegend; Ex- cision. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1850. ii, 173.—Voung (S.) Formidable aneurismal state of the leg cured by compres- sion. Lancet, Lond., 1840-1, U, 824-828. Aneurism of bone. See Bones (Tumors of, Pulsating). Aneurisms (Abdominal). See,also, Aneurisms (J or ric, Abdominal); Aneu- risms (Coeliac); Aneurisms ( Gastric); Aneurisms (Mesenteric); Aneurisms (Renal); Aneurisms (Splenic); Aneurisms of hepatk artery. M'Lauchlan (J.) Fatal false aneurysmal tumour oc- cupying nearly the whole of the duodenum. Lancet, Lond., 1838* U, 203-205.—Ponnck. Tod durch Ruptur eines Aneu- rysmas der Arteria gastroepiploic^ dextra. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxvn, 384-397. Aneurisms (Alveolar and dental). Gefahrdrohendc Blutung aus einem Aneurysma der Art. alveolaris inf. Wien. Med.-HaUe, 1864. v, 4;;i'.—Hey- felder. t . . . de l'artere dentaire. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1856, vii. 190.—Heyfelder (J. F.) Aneurysma arte- ria} alveolaris. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1856, vui. 419.— Bufz. t . . . de lartere dentaire. Bull. Soc dc chir. de Par., 1856, vii, 81.—Bufz (E.) t . . . de l'artere dentaire inferieure a son passage a travels l'os maxUlairo inferieur. Monit. d. hop., Par.. 1856, iv, 819; 879. Aneurisms (Aortic). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal); Aorta (Dilatation of); Aorta (Rupture of); Artery (Ca- rotid, Ligature of); Nerve (Pneumogastric, Patho- logy of). Breitexfeld (O.) * De aortae aneurysmatibus adjecta morbi historia. 8°. Berolini, 1865. Bubexdey (J. F.) Dc aortae aneurysmatibus. 8°. Halce, 1801. Ciniselli (L.) Sugli aneurismi deU'aorta tora- cica. Milano, 1870. Dallman (J.) * Beitrag zur Casuistick des Aorten-Aneurysma. 8°. Halle, 1873. Ehrhardt (J. H. G.) * De aneurysmate aortae. 4C. Lipsia:, [1819]. -----. De aneurysmate aortas commentato anatoniico-pathologica. 4°. Lipsice, 1820. Eichapfel (G. F.) * De aortas thoracicae aneu- rysmate. 8°. Halis, 1842. Engelbrecht (G.) *De aneurysmate aortae thoraeicie. 8-\ Regimonti Pr., 1864. Fleury (E. A.) * De l'andvrysme de la crosse de l'aorte (curtaortasie). 4°. Paris, 1855. Fre.mln (G.-J.) *De ranevrysme spontane" de l'aorte ascendant e. 4°. Paris, 1^52. Goldbeck (B.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der in- neren Thoraxaneurysnien. 8°. Giessen, 1868. Grexat (M.) *I. Du diagnostic et du pro- gnostic de l'ane'vrysnie de l'aorte. 4C. Paris, 1843. Grotjahx (E.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik der Aorteuaneurysmen. i"iJ. Zurich, 1^65. Geextler (C.) * De aneurysmate aortae addita permagni arcus aortas aneurysmatis morbi histo- ria. <-°. Gryphice, 1864. Guionis (J.) *Diss. sur les an6vrysmes de l'aorte en general. 4°. Paris, 1830. Henxeberg (H. G.) * De aneurysmate aortae thoracica1. 8°. Berolini, 1836. Hermanides (S. K.) * Aneurysma aortae tho- racica?, desrendentis. 8°. Leiden, 1865. Kuhnt (E.) * Ueber Aneurysmen Aortas. 8°. Berolini, 1835. La:ngxer (E.) * Ueber das Aneurysma der Aorta mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung eines ANEUBISMS. 362 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic). Falles von Aneurysma der Aorta ascendens. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. Larquier (P.-E.) *Des andvrysmes de la crosse de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1855. Laveran (L.) *Diss. sur l'andvrysme de l'aorte pectorale. 4°. Paris, 1835. Liepelt (T.) * De aneurysmate aortas thora- cicae descendentis observatio. 8°. Berolini, I860. Lueckerath (G.) * De aneurysmatis aortae thoracicae aetiologiaetsymptomatis. 8°. Gryphice, 1863. Magne (A.) *I. Des caracteres anatomiques de 1'audvrysme de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1838. Moty (J.) * Des andvrysmes de l'aorte thora- cique. 4°. Paris, 1877. Niemeyer (F.) *De aneurysmate aorta} tho- racicae addita morbi pro aneurysmate habiti historia. 8°. Halce, [1843]. Noverre (G.-P.) *Diss. sur les andvrismes de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1820. Perrot (E. F. E.) *I. Des caracteres anato- micpies de l'andvrysme do l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1843. Piedfer (J.-E.) * De l'andvrysme de la crosse de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1846. Poumier (A.) * Etude sur les andvrysmes de la crosse de l'aorte. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. Sacciii (C.) *De aneurysmate aortae. 8°. Ticini Regii, [1825]. Schneider (J. J.) * Sistens tractatum de aneurysmatibus aortae descendentis. 8°. [n. p., 1843.] Sciioch (G.) * Zur Casuistik des Aneurysma Aortae. 8°. Zurich, I860. Seiffert (H.) * De aneurysmatis arcus aortae. 8°. Vratislaviae, 1854. Septours (J. A.) *De l'andvrysme spontand de la crosse de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1870. Sibson(F.) The aorta and the aneurisms of the aorta. (Reprint from Med. Anatomy.) 8°. London, 1858. Silbergleit (L.) * De aortae thoracicae aneu- rysmate. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1867]. Starcke (J.) * De arteriae aortae aneurysmati- bus. sm. 8C. Berolini, [1867]. Taeufert (J. C. H.) * De aortae aneurysmati- bus. 8°. Lipsice, [n. d.] Traube (L.) Zur Lehre vom Aneurysma der Aorta adscendens. In hh: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iU, 265. Ulrich (F. G. O.) *Monographia de aneu- rysmate arcus aortae. 8°. Halis Saxonum, [ 1846]. Verstraeten (C.) Traitddes andvrysmes de l'aorte thoracique. 8°. Gand, 1877. Wiener (G.) *De aneurysmate arcus aortae. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1867]. Balfour (G. W.) On the diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurism. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond., 1870, iv, 68-148.—Bonnemaison. De l'an6vrysme de l'aorte. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1873, v, 101; 109; 117. Also, in his: Ess. de chir. m6d., Toulouse, 1874, 143-179.— [Case.] Aneurism of the aorta; benefit of strapping. N. York M. J.. 1828, xxviii, 605-607.—Clark (A.) A cUnical lecture on aortic aneurism and two cases of heart disease. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 4.—Cockle (J.) Observa- tions on aneurism of the aorta. MecUcal Circ, Lond., 1861. xviii, 343; 361.—Coues (E.) Aneurism of aorta, in- nominate and carotid arteries. N. York M. Rec, 1871, vi, 459.—Coutagne (H.) & Gigard. Ane-vrysmes de l'aorte. Lyon med., 1870, iv, 391. Also: Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1871, x, 5-7.—Franck (F.) Sur lesdoubles battcments des anevrysmes intra-thoraciques. [Soc. de biol.] Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1879, 6. 8., i, 153.—Crrinishaw (T. W.) On thoracic aneurism simulating mediastinal can- cer. Dubl. J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., Ixvii, 382-385.—Jiminez (L. M.) En los aneurismas de la aorta rara vez se reunen las condiciones que producen un soplo; generalmente el tumor repite cl tic tac del corazon. Gac. med. de Mexico 1868, iii, 312-316—[Joy (W. B.)) Aneurism of the aorta! Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841, iv, 25-46.—Kre- inianski (I.) Kutcheuiu ob anevryzmach duhi aorty. Aneurisms (Aortic). Moskov. med. gaz., 1866, No. xv, 123-126.—Mahomed (F. A.) Some indications for the diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 816; 859.— Markoc (T. M.) Remarks on aneurisms of aorta origi- nating near the heart. N. York J. M., 1849, U, 40-51.— Montault. Considerations ct observations sur le siege, la marche et la terminaison des an6vrysmes dc l'aorte pec- torale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1834, viii, 422.—Moore (W.) On the diagnosis and treatment of thoracic aneurism. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvii, 267-279.—Myers. Aor- tic aneurism; probable cause of its great prevalence in tho army compared with the navy and male population, and consequent remedy. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 250; 477.— Nicholls (F.) Observations on aneurysmsin general, and in particular on aneurysms of the aorta. PhU. Tr,, Lond.. 1719-33, vii, 569.—O'Brycn (J.) On aneurism of aorta. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1843, xxiv, 181-204.—Ott (A.) TJeber das Aneurysma der Aorta descendens. Vrtl,jsehr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag., 1864, lxxxvi, 59-68.—von Scbrottcr (L.) Ueber Aneurysmen der Aorta. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1876, xxi. 180'; 188. Aho: Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii, 856-859.—Scrullaz. Considerations sur les anevry- smes do l'aorto et particulterement sur ceux de la portion descendantc. Mem. Soc. cl. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 33- 47.—Tillaux. Du danger qu'il y a de reduire les anevry- smes dc la crosse de l'aorte. BuU. gen. de therap., etc, Par., 1873, Ixxxv, 231-233.—Verstraeten (C.) Sur la pathogenie de l'an6vrysmc spontan6 de l'aorte thoracique. Ann. Soc. de m6d. do Gand; 1877, lv, 170-183, 1 pi.—Welch (F. H.) On aortic aneurism in the army, and the conditions asso- ciated with it. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.,1876, 2. s., xii, 59-77, 1 pi.—Willshire (W. H.) On aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 678. Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal). Dubois (P. A.) *De l'andvrysme de l'aorte abdominale. 4°. Paris, 1874. Hofling(E.) *Ein Beitrag zur differential Diagnose zwischen Aneurysma Aortae abdominalis und Carcinoma Reuis. 4°. Kiel, 1876. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, 1877, xxUi: 1876, vU, Med. in. Kaufman (G. A.) * Diagnose, ^tiologie, und Therapie der Aneurysmen des Unterleibes. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Kersandt (C. L.) *De casu quodam aneurys- matis aortae abdominalis. 8°. Regimonti Prusso- rum, [1846]. Lebert (H.) - Ueber das Aneurysma der Bauch- Aorta und ihrer Zweige. 8°. Berlin, 1865. Salle (J.-V.) * Des andvrysmes de l'aorte ab- dominale. 4°. Paris, 1869. Adsetts (J.) t Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 121- 123— Allin (C. M.) t N. York M. Times, 1852, U, 14.— Anderson (M'C.) t Glasgow M. J., 1876, viU, 145-152.— Archer (R. S.) i . . . diagnosed nearly four years before its fatal termination, by examination per rectum ; cardiac disease; enormous weight of heart. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1878, lxvi, 3. a., 202-206.—Ar loin g. t . . . chez le cheval. Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyons, 1868, vii, 223-225.— Arons- sohn. t Proc-verb. . . . Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1867, iv, 47-50.—Babington. t . . . which originally simulated lumbago, and finally burst into the peritoneal cavity. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., i859-«0, xi, 49-51. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 617.—Bacewicza. Przyklad anewrysmatu aorty brzuchow6y i arteryi nerkowSy, ktore za zycia obiawiado sie symptomatami'retc] [Abdominal aorta and renal ar- tery.] Pam. Lek., Warszaw., 1829. U, 86-95—Bads tub- ner. t Berl. klin. Wchschr., 1868, v, 256.—Baillarget. t Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1834, 2. a., ix, 193.—Bakevvell (R. H.) t ... of unusual size. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1874, vii, 279.—Balzer (F.) t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 374-378. Aho, Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 754.—Banks, t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, U, 725— Buntock (G. G.) t Edinb. M. J., 1862, viU, 150-154.—Barlow (W. F.) t . . . associated with fatty de- generation of the heart, and of the small blood-vessels of the cerebellum. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1851-2, Ui, 310-312.— Barzilai (C.) t Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1873, xvi, 121-124. -----. t . . . a sinistra sopra la bifor- cazione deUe Uiache; ematoma consecutivo. Ibid., 1875, xviii, 225-229.—Banmgarten (G.) t St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1871, n. 8., viii, 500-505.—Baxter (A. J.) t Ligature of right common iliac. ChicagoM. J., 1866, xxiU, 460-462.— Bcatty (T. E.) t ... with the dissection. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 160-195.— Bellinghani (O'B.) 11 Dublin M. Press, 1846, xv, 305-308. -----. t Ibid., 1849, xxii, 242.— Bennett, t. .. treated by the method of Valsalva. Month. J. M. Sc, Lend. Sc Edinb., 1850, x, 169-171. —Benson. t Dublin M. Press, 1849, xxi, 321.—Bernheiin. t . . . avec ptece anatomique. Rev. ni6d. dc Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 497-499. -----. t . . . attaquc d'hemipl6gie avec h6mi- anesthesie droite; pneumonie ultimo; autopsie. Ibid.. AXEUEISMS. 363 ANEUEISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal). 592-599.—Bianchi. t . . . sans signes physiques et fonctionnels. Gaz. med. dc Lyon, 1865, xvii. 413. Also: Mem. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1866, v, 7*—-l.—Bone (G. F.) t . . . and of the left femoral artery. Lancet. Lond., 1804. ii, 207.—Bonllay. Hematenicise* morteUe sympto- matique d'ouvertures artdrielles dans l'estomac"; ane- vrvsme de l'aorte abdominale pros de la termination. Co'nipt. rend. Soc. debioL (1850), Par.. 1*51. ii, 34.—Bour- neville. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1*68, xliU, 410-413. -----t Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., I860, i, 100-103—Brach. . . . bei dem cs zweifelhaft war, ob dessen Platzung durch Stockhiebe bewirkt worden sei. Ztschr. f. cl. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1*52. lxui. 319-338.—Briggs (C. S. I ... rupture consequent upon labor. NashvUle J. M. & S.. 1877. xix, 54-56.—Bristowe. t . . . in which death was produced by accumulation of effused blood around the lower extremity of the oesophagus, and coiiM.qi.cnt obstruction. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1858-9, x, 84-89 — Broca. Gai.rene du pied consecutive a uno obUtcraticn de l'aorte alnlominale par ; embolic, chez un paralvtiqne. RamolKssenii-nt de la moelle. BuU. Soc. dc chir. de Par., 18T>2: 2. s., ii: 44l-;."0.—Broek- nieijer. . . . (spurium circumscriptum et spurium diffu- sum) aortic abdonunaUs. Tijdschr. d. Yerecn. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1.-5:2. i. 126- 132.1 pi.—Brown (W.j t Statist. Rep. Health Navy 1*73, Lond.. 1874, 54.—Brunn. t Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1829, v, 305-308. Aho: Clinique, Par., 1830, ii.414— Bryant (T.) t . . . treated bv distal pressure; with remarks. Lancet, Lond.. 1872. i, 541. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr.. Lond.. 1*72. lv. 225-232.1 pi. Aho: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc.. Loud. 1872. vii. 02-65.—Bndd. t . . . autopsy. Lancet. Lond.. 1*"4. i. 205— Burchell (P. L.) t Ibid.. l$i±. i, 42.—Burnet (J. B.) t Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1807. xvu, 52.?.—Can. dela y Sanchez, t Siglo med., Madrid. 1867, xiv, 633.— Canlani (A.) Aneurisma saccato (con foro di comunica- zione stretto) deU'aorta addominale. Morgagni, NapoU, ] 1,-70. xii. 329-339.—[Cases.] Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, vUi, 768.— Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1832, i, 707.—Rev. med. franc et etrang., Par., 1832. iv, 165-170.— . . . chez un enfant. BuU. gen. ae therap., etc.. Par., 1835, ix. 393.— t Gac. med., Madrid, 1846, ii, 436.— . . . connected with pain in the inferior extremity, supposed to be rheumatic; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1852, i, 374.— t. . . gucripar la compression de l'artere immidiate- ment an-dessus dc la tumeur. BuU. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1*64, Ixvii, 371-376.— t. . . treated by ligature of the femoral in Hunter's canal; autopsy. Med. Times &; Gaz., Lond., 1*0.-. i, 443.—Cnstcx (A.) Occlusion intcstinale causee par un anevrysme dc l'aorte abdominale. Fiance med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 691.—Caswell (E. T.) t Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1867, ji, 197— Charteris. t Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 458.—Chatin. t . . . avec epanchement dans la cavite de la plevre droite. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xviii. 82. Also: \ Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1866. v, 206-208.—Chaumel. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviU. 222.—Cholmelcy (W.) t . . . above and involving the coeUac axis. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1868, xix, 177-179.—Cockle (I.) CUnical Ulus- trations of abdominal aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 486-488.—Combessis. Pieces pathologiques d'nn ane- vrysme de l'aorte abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvu, 218-221.—Concanen (T.) t Med. Comment., Lond., 1790. dec2, v, 386-390.—Constant (T.) t Gaz. med. dePar., 1836, 2. s.,iv, 105 —Corrigan. t.. . diagnosis by position; bruit audible in supine position, vanishing in erect posture, etc. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858. v, 33-35.—Corrigan (D. J.) A new mode of making an early diagnosis of aneurism of i the abdominal aorta. JDublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1832-3, I u. 375-383. Aho: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1833, viU, 37-12.— Conpland (S.) t Diffused aneurysm. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1875, xxvi, 18-21.—Cousins' (E.) t ... no morbid sound. Lancet, Lond., 1846, U, 88-90.—Ba Costa (J. M.) CUnical observations upon abdominal aneurism, with special reference to treatment. Boston M. & S. J., 1878, ! xcix, 813-824.—Baly (F. II.) Case in which the symp- toms of a large abdominal aneurism were present,' and cure resulted. CUn. Lect. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1866, iii, 179-182.—Bavis (J.) t Cincin. M. News, 1874, iU, 104- 107.—Bay. t Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1846-8, i, 80.—Bay (W. H.) t Disease of the heart (aortic regurgitation). Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 675.—Beflaux. Anevrysme diffus de l'aorte abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1874, 3. s., ix, 571.— Del mas (E.) t Ephem. med. dc Montpel., 1828, ix, 13-24.—Dewes (E.) Case of false diffused aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta, caused bv caries of the verte- bra. Lond. J. M., 1*52. iv, 35-38.—Diaz et al. t An. Soc. anat. espafi.. Madrid, 1*74. i, no. 3,5-7; no. 4,5-6—Dickin- son (\\ . H.) t. . . compressing the ureter and the descend- ing colon, and accompanied by unusual symptoms. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond., 1875, xxvi, 76^-80.—Dickson (D. J. H.) Enormous ventral aneurism, with the post-mortem appear- ances. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1838, xxi, 40L405.—Draper (F. W.) t . . . characterized by a marked absence of dis- tinctire symptoms. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1*71, lxxxiv, 81.— Dreyfus (L.) t . . . mort par rupture de l'an6vTysme; Ero- sion 11 es-ef endue des vertebres; pleuresie gauche. Progres nied.. Par.. 1870. iv. 922. ------. t Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1*77, 4. s., i, 57ti.—Drzewicki. t t Pam. Lek., War- ( szaw, 1*2*, i, 441-44?.—Durrant (C. H.) 11 . . . with re- Aneurisms (Ao)iie. Abdominal). marks upon its differential diagnosis. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854. ii. 618: 1856. i, 307.—Eb^tein (W.) t Schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Cnltur. Jahresb. d. med. Sect.. 1867, 195. Aho: Wien. med. Presse, 1869. x, 85-87.—Edwards (W. H.) Dissecting aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Phila. M. Times. 1-70, vU, 137-139.—Elliotson (J.) Double aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta. Lancet, Lond.. 1*32. i, 65- 69.—Fearn (S. W.) Enormous aneurism of the aorta simulating lumbar abscc-s. Ibid.. 1-31. i. 346.—Fein- berg, t . . . Thrombose des ivchtrn Ib-iv.olns nnd Embo- lic cler Lungenai'terie. Berl. klin. Weliii«-lir.. 1*70. vii, 345_3.17._Finn. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1*58. xxv, 447- 449.—Fleming (J.) t Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 4.—de Fleury (A.) Cas rcmarqnable d'ane-vrisnie de l'aorte abdominale; mort du sujet, determinee par la rup- ture d'un second an6vrisme situ6 sur l'aorte thoracique; autopsie, et description de la piece anatomique. J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1863, 2. s.. viu, 253; 301; 400: 456. 1 pi.— Flint (A.) t t . . . treated unsuccessfully after the plan proposed by Dr. TuffneU. Med. Gaz., N". Y.. 1868, i. 116- 118. -----. t . . . caused bv svphUis. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1*72, vU, 37.—Flintermann (J.) t Detroit Rev. Med. & Phami.. 1*76. xt 758-760.—Foot (A. W.) t ... in a fe- male. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871. li, 85-93. Aho, transl.: J. de med., Brux., lt>72. lv, 185-192.—Francois-Frauck. Diagnostic different iel des anevrysmes de l'aorte abdo- minale et des tumeurs siruees "au-devant de cette ar- tere. Progres med., Par., 1*79. vU. 633.—Gairtlner (W. T.) t t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1*55, lxxxU. 12-20. —Gar- gill, t Med. Times. Lond.. 1852, n. s., v, 554.—Gar- rard (W.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 185G. i, 2C9.— Gerard (J.-J.) t [In horse.] Arch. mid. beiges, Brux., 1*70. xii, 83-07. — Gibbons (H. jr.) Sacciform aneu- rism. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1870-1, iv, 29-31.— Gilbert, t Rec. period. Soc. de med. dc Par., 17S8, ui, 93-101.—Girand. t . . . tcrminee par la rupture du sac dans la cavite thoracique. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1837, xU, 137-143.—Girdwood (G. P.) t Lancet, Lond., 1859, i. 480.— Gittings (J. B.) Immense aneurism of the abdominal aorta-" post-mortem examination. Phot. Rev. M. Sc S., PhUa., 1871-2. ii. 7-10. 1 pi.—Gittings (J. B. II.) t Phila. M. Times. 1*71. ii. 75.—Goidschniidt (G.) t AUg. Wien. mecl. Ztg.. 1*72. xvU, 323; 33J.—Good- fellow. False aneurism of tbe abcionmial aorta, involv- ing the cceUac axis. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii.647.—Good hart (J. F.) Spontaneous cure of ab- dominal aneurysm, with embolism of the abdominal aorta. Tr. Path. Soc' Lond., 1873. xxvi. 74-70. -----. t . . . be- neath the pillars of the diaphragm. Tr. Path. Soc 1876-7, Lond., 1877. xxviii, *5.—Grabaeher. t Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1845, liii, 514. -----. t Ibid., 315.—Graham (J.) t PhUa. M.Times. 1875. v.666. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 105.—Graves (R. J.) Sc Stokes (W.) t Displacement of the heart: double pulsa- tion of the sac; sudden death. DubUn Hosp. Rep.. 1830, v, 6-10.—Greene, t Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1*42. i, 159. Aho: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiv. 293.—Greenhow. Dissecting aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1865, xvi, 63-67.—Greenhow (E. H.) t . . . successfully treated bv proximal prtssurc of the aorta. Proc. Rov.'M. _ Chir.'Soc, Lond., 1873, vii, 173-176. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr.. Lond., 1*73, lvi, 385-398.—Grimshaw (F. W.) On a case .. . treated by aconite and rest, which ter- minated in recovery. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1876, lxi, 358-302. Aho: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lend., 1876, i, 406.—BI. (E. T.) Death from bursting of aneurism of abdominal aorta. Mis- souri t'lin. Rec, St. Louis. 1*74-5. i, 3D.—Habershon (S. O.) t . . . simulating spinal disease: aneui isnial sac behind the artery: paraplegic symptoms. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1*71, 3. s., xvi, 389-392. -----. t ... at the cceliac axis; gastric symptoms; paininthe testicle; rupture behind the peritoneum. Ibid., 394-309.—Onldane (D. R.) t t Edinb. M. J., 1858, iv. 349-356.—Hare ill. IL) t Tr. Path. Soc, PhUa., 1876. v, 86. Aho: Ii il... M. Times. 1*74. iv, 621.—Hargrave. t Dublin M. Pri ss. l-"3. xlix. 367.— Harland (C.) t Lond. M. Gaz.. 1m;i. iv. ■>:.!'.—Hnyden. t DubUn J. M. Sc, 1*7*. 3. s., lxxix. 58-60.—Unrncs (W. H.) t . . . with autopsy. Hosp. Gas.. N. Y., 1*77, i, 76.—Hervey (R.) t .. . ouvert dans le game du psoas. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, 5. s.. vui."797.—Hcurol (H.) t BuU. Soc. med. de Rheiius, 18G9-7U, No. 9, 70-74.— Hildenbrand. t CUn. d. hop., Par., 1*27. i, no. 7.— Hofnieistcr (F.) AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1*62. vii. 71; 82. -----. t Sectionsbefund. Ibid., 1865, x. 274— Hu- chard. Alterations atheromateuses de la crosse aor- tique; anevrysme dissequant: autopsie. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 195-197.—Bine. Large aneurism of the abdominal aorta; producing complete paraly*is of the left lower extremity. Lancet, Lond., 1*28, ii. 635. -----. t Lond. M. Gaz., 1*2*. u, 317.—Hughes (J. S.) t Simulating in many respects a malignant t umour; absence of neuralgic symptoms untU three days prior to death. Med. Press &*Circ, Lond.. 1873, xvi, 22.".—Hunter, t Autopsy. Tr. M. & Phvs. Soc, Bombay, 1839, ii, 22f-231. -----. * t ibid., 1*42, v, 51.—Button, 't Proc Path. Soc, Dubl., 1842, L 191. Aho: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1844, xxv, 493.—Inniau (T.) t Of the descending aorta and right ANEURISMS. 364 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal). common Uiac; ossification, etc. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1845, lxiv, 302-304.—Johnson. Rupture into the duodenum of an aneurismal tumor of the abdominal aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 367. -----. t Producing erosion of the ver- tebra ; fatal result slowly induced by gradual haemorrhage behind tho peritoneum. Ibid., 1860, ii, 33.—Johnson (G.) t Fatal bv sudden haemorrhage Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, i, 204.—Jo'ire. t BuU. med. du Nord, Lille, 1861, 2. a. ii, 389- 398.—Kelly (C.) Ligature of the superficial femoral artery. Tr. Path. Soc Loncl"., 1868, xix, 182-185.—Keraudren. t . . . m6connue pendant la vie, par le defaut de signes caraet6ristiques. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1823, xxx, 83- 87.—Kcycs (E. L.) t Treated by galvano-puncture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, vi, 425. -----. Galvano-puncture in abdominal aneurism. N. York M. J., 1871, xiv, 569-594.— Kciller (A.) t Edinb. M. J., 1861, vii, 495.— Kuli- schcr. t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 89; 101. -----. t [Mit todtlichem Ausgang nach Berstung des Sackes bei einem 62jahrigen Manne, bei welchem 30 Jahre friiher zwei Aneurysmcn-^ines auf jeder untem Extremitiit—durch Unteibindung der betretfcnden Arterienstamme geheilt wurdcn.] Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 374-378. Aho: Arch. f. klin.Chir., Berl., 1876, xx, 227-230.—Kurz (E.) t Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 257-262.—Ean- douzy. Anevrysme de l'aorte siegeant an niveau de l'ori- gine de la m6senterique inferieure; mort; autopsie. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1869, xUv, 258-262.—Law. t Proc. Path. Soc, Dubl., 1841, i, 101-103. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1842-3, xxii, 388-390. -----. t Haemorrhage into abdomen and thorax. Proc Path. Soc, Dubl., 1845, i, 337-339. Also : Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1846, ii, 517-519. -----. t Between the crura of the diaphragm. Ibid., i, 502.—Leach (H.) t Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 230.—Eebail. t. . . rompu dans lo muscle psoas. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, Par., 1873, xlvi, 294-297.—Eeblcd. t BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 279-283.—Eediard. Diffused aneurism of abdomi- nal aorta. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1879, i, 674.—E>ees. t Proc. Path. Soc, Dubl., 1849, i, 136-139. Also: DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xv, 232. -----. Observations on tho di- agnosis of aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 337-339.—Lcgroux. t . . . devclopp6 entre les piliers du diaphragme Bull. Soc anat. dc Par., 1865, xl. 407-114.—Linoli (O.) t Ann. univ. di med.. Mi- lano, 1830, lxxx, 440-458.—LoomiN (A. L.) t Boston M. idcruau*cr (H.) t . . . Ruptur: ein gufiilUger Sec: fund. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1874, iv, 294-290.—[IVonat.] t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 133.—Norman (G.) 1 ... simulating disease of the kid- ' Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal). ney; rupture into the lumbar adipose tissue. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1847, 598.—Obre. t . . . bursting through tho diaphragm into the chest. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond.. 1851-2, Ui, 307-310.—O'Ferrall. t DubUnQ. J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiv, 278.—Ogle (J.) . . . at first simulating lumbago, and, subse- quently, disease of the kidneys. Rupture and escape of con- tents into tho general peritoneal cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 51-53. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 617.— Ogle (J. W.) . . . which proved fatal by bursting into the peritoneal cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866, xvU, 96-99.— Onlmont. t BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1842, xvU, 143.— Parker, t N. York M. Times, 1852, U, 15.—Pember- ton (O.) t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1848, 664.—Pepper (W.) t Proc. Path. Soc, PhUa., 1871, Ui, 138. -----. Diag- nosis and treatment of abdominal aneurism. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1873, xxix, 307-309. — [Peters Sc Maass.] Sectioncsbefund eines Mamies, der ein so- genanntes tonendes Herz echabt hatte. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., 1826, xxU,492-498.—Philipson (G.H.) t t ... one cured by the administration of iodide of potassium, tho other by arterial compression. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, U, 247.-----. t t Ibid., 1878, i, 331-333.—Pissling (W.) t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvU, 1489; 1505.—Pitman. t . . . the size of a cricket-ball, bursting outside the peri- toneum. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 410.—Plympton (H. S.) t .. .abscess of Uver. Am. M.Times, N. Y., 1861, U, 416.—Pop- ham, t . . . atthocceUacaxis; erosion of the vertebra; ab- senceof pain. Dublin Q.J. M. Sc.,1850, x. 195-198.—Porter. t Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1868, vi, 330.—Porter (G.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv. 92.—Porter (W.G.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 106. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1875, v, 652. —Post, t Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 475.—Puchclt (F. A. B.) TJeber Aneurysmen der Bauch-Aorta. Heidelb. klin. Ann.,1827. iU,572-646.—Putegnat. t... suivie de quelques reflexions sur le diagnostic de cette maladie. sur l'inclica- tion de l'emploi du traitement dc Valsalva en pareiUe circon- stancc, et sur les symptomes & l'aide desquels l'on peut annoncer quand l'epanchement s.mguin a lieu hors de la cavite du peritoine. Ann. de med.'belgc, Brux., 1840, iv, 8-13. Aho: Ga7.. med. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 518-520. -----. tt J. mod., chir. ct pharmacol., Brux., 1853, xvU, 300-314.—Quintauar (L. S.) t Arch, de la med. espan., Madrid, 1846, ii, 273; 328— Bamskill. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 32.—Begnard. t Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 009.—Beid (J.) t . . . bursting into the vena cava ascendens. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1840, liv, 115.—Biglcr. Aneurisma saccatum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1858, viii, 673.—Boberts (W. I.) t [Error in diagnosis.] Louisville M. News, 1877, iv, 137.—Robinson (11. R.) t . . . commu- nicating by two openings with the inferior cava: general dropsy; hematuria. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 462-464.— Bos tan. Anevrisme do l'extremite inferieure de l'aorte vcntrale; n6eropsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1834, viii, 29.— Bueff. t . . . hypertropbie du coeur. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878, liii. 186. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 480.—Bussell (J.) Sacculated aneurism of tho abdominal aorta, fatal by gradual haemorrhage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1839, 203.—Salmon. Mort par rupture de la pochc arte- rieUe dans le duodenum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 283-289.—Salomon, t Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer GeseUsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1825, Ui, 104-168, 1 pi.—Sawyer (A. F.) t Calif. State M. J., Sacramento, 1856-7, i, 320-323.—Schwartz (J. C.) tt Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga, 1857, iv, 29-49.—Shattuek. t . . . death after rupture into left pleural cavity; a second smaU aneurism nearly cured. Boston M. & S. ,T.. 1869, lxxix, 5. Aho: Extr.'Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1876, vi.ti.V— Nhattuck (G. C.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1877, xcvii, 71*.—Skclding (T.) t Med. Gaz.. N. Y., 1868, i, 109.—Skerritt (E. M.)~t . . . becoming diffused after distal compression. Tr. Bristol Med.-Chir. Soc. Lond., 1878, i, 102-108. Aha: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 405-407.—Smith (T.) t Ibid., 1858, 147.— Solly (S.) t . . . arrested in its progress. Proc Roy. M. (fcChir. Soc, Loud., 1859, iii, 132-140. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 536-539.—Spcir (S. F.) . . . successfully treated by the administration of gallic acid and subsulpbatc of iron. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874, xxx, 283.— Speranza (C.) t Ann. univ. di med.. Milano, 1833, lxvi, 29-59.—Spittal (R.) t Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1830, xxxiii, 303-370. Aho: J. compl. du diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxviii, 401-405.—Stiller (B.) Beitrag zum Aneurysma der Bauchaorta. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877. xxvii, 417; 441; 470.—Stokes (W.) t . . . double opening of the sac; by one opening, gradual effusion of blood hi great quantity under the peritoneum of the lumbar and "iliac regions, on the left side; by tho other, effusion into tho pleura, causing sudden' death. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1832-3, ii, 64-68. -----. t Sub-peritoneal effu- sion, forming in the left h./pochondrium a tumour which pulsated in the region ot the left kidney; extensive separation of the peritoneum from the lumbar and iUac regions. Ibid., 1832-3, ii, 68-71. -----. t . . . opening into the left pleura. Ibid... 1834 v. 428-440. -----. t . . . open- ing into the parenchyma of the lungs. Proc. Path. Soc, Dubl., 1842, i, 128. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1843. xxiii 166. -----. t . . . involving tho ccelic axis, bursting by a lai'gc rent into the peritoneum; gradual separation of ANEURISMS. 365 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Abdominal). the serous coat from the Uver and stomach by the aneu- rism ; absence of caries of vertebrae. Proc 'Path. Soc, Dubl., 1845, i, 339. Aho: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, U, 519. -----. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xv, 480-483. -----. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 212.—Storer. Double aneurism of abdominal aorta; occlusion of one sack; rup- ture of second; autopsy. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 263.—Strandberg. t Af travmatisk natur. Forh. Svens. Lak.-SaUsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1872, 298.— Stryker (S. S.) An immense, aneurism. Tr. Path. Soc, PhUa.. 1874, iv, 106-109—Thomas (J. H.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 335.—Thompson (H.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1852-3. iv, 110-112.—Tripier (L.) t . . . gueri spontanement, k l'aide d'un caiUot tr£s-resis- tant. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 408. -----. Un fait rcmarquable de guerison d'un anevrysme fusiforme de l'aorte abdominale. Lend., 466-469.—Tufnell (J.) t Cured by position. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1874, lxviU, 10. -----. t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, 3. s., lvii, 299: 1876, 3. 8., lxii, 346-348. -----. SuccessfuUy treated by position, in a period of recumbence of seven weeks. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1878, 3. s., lxvi, 179.—Turnbull (J.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1852, n. s., iv, 607-609.— Tyson (J.) t PhUa. M. Times, 1873, iv, 11. -----. Death from rupture into peritoneal cavity. Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1874, iv, 120-122—Ubaudi (P.) t Gior. di med. mU., Torino, 1864, xU, 225-231.—Vallin. t . . . chez un syphUitique. Bull. gGn. de therap., etc., Par., 1879, xevi, 232-234. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 205.—Van Bibber (W. C.) t Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, ix, 135-138. — Van Buren (W. H.) [30 cases.] Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1876, i, 156-173.—Vosc (J. R. W.) t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1844, xxvi, 121-124. Aho: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1844, lxU, 129-132.—Wade (W. F.) t . . . with di- crotic pulse. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, i, 4.—Walker, t Death from rupture in the abdomen. CUn. Lect. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp.. 1866, iu, 185-187.—Wardetl. Diffuse aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta; death by ulceration through the diaphragm and hemorrhage into the left thorax. Brit, i M. J., Lond., 1870, U, 116.—Warren (J. M.) Enormous aneurism. N. Eng. Q. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1842-3, i, 256-258. ! Aho, in hh: Surg, obs., Boston, 1867, 437-439.—Watson j (H.) t . . . with some introductory reflections on the artery in its diseased state. Med. Communicat. Soc. Proniot. Med. Knowl., Lond., 17*4. i, 178-190, 2 pi.— Wcale (E. H.) Some remarks on the occasional ob- scurity of organic diseases, Ulustrated by a case of aneu- rism of the abdominal aorta undetected during life. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, xxv, 913-915.—Weir (W.) t Glasgow M. J., 1855-6, iU, 325-328.—Wilson (J. C.) t Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1876, v, 88. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 653.— Wojtekiewics (J.) t St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, 182. Aho: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1879, exxxiv, pt. 3, 14-16.—Wolff. Heilung eines Aneurysma aortaa abdominalis. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 314.—Wyatt. A case of tubular aneurism of the abdominal aorta. Lan- cet, Lond., 1808, i, 407.—Young. Aneurism of the abdo- minal aorta simulating severe gastric derangement. N. York J. M., 1849, Ui, 199-201. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). Ackermann (C.I.) * Aneurismatis arcus aortae observationem. 8°. Petropoli, 1833. Bentfort (J. J. E.) * Een door den schryver waargeuomen ziektegeval. [Aneurysma van den aorteboog.] 8°. Leyden, 1856. Callenfels (J. E.) *De aneurysmate aortae thoracit'iB. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1856. Fischer (G.) Vier Fiille von Aneurysma der Aorta. (Wiirzburg.) 8°. Nurnberg, 1872. Focke (J. C.) * Observationes de aneurysma- tibus aortam tlioracicam afficientibus. 8°. Tra- jecti ad Rhenum, 1835. Hartmann (H.) * Observatio ingentis aortae aneurysmatis. 8°. Berolini, 1828. Helder (F. J.) * Observationes aneurysmatis aorta?. 8°. Groningce, [1855]. van Iperen (A.) * Een geval van aneurysma aortae adscendentis. 8°. Leiden, 1871. van Iterson (F. H. G.) * Aneurysma van den reenter sinus Valsalvae der aorta. 8°. Leiden, [1871]. ' Kuhnt (E.) * Ueber Aneurysmen der Aorta. 8°. Berlin, [1873]. Lascaris (A. J.) Aneurysmatis aortae descen- dentis historia. 8°. Lipsice, 1832. Lenz (H.) * Casus memorabilia aneurysmatis arena aorta? observatus in nosocomio fratrum misericordiae Vratislaviesi. 4°. Vratislavice, 1856. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). Mampe (P.) *De aortae aneurysmatibus ct exemplis quibusdam in quibus aneurysmata iu lioininibus vivis non cognita erant. 8°. Halis Saxonum, [1866]. Pacini (L.) Intorno ad un aneurisma dell' arteria toracica. 8°. Lucca, 1826. Schumann (F. E. T.) * Ueber Aneurysmen des Anfangsstuckes der Aorta. 8°. Halle, [1672]. Schurig (E. T.) * Casum aneurysmatis aortae arcuatiB sistens. 8°. Lipsice, 1855. Verbrugge (J.) * Diss, de aneurysmate; ob- lata notabile aortae aneurysma divulgandi occa- sioue. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1773. Aho, in: Lauth (T.) Script. Lat. de aneur. coUect. 4°. Argentorati, 1785, pp. 359-468. Adam (J.) t Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1825, i, 227-239.—Adams, t. . . of the arch of the aorta projecting between tho second rib and the sternum. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 630.—Addisson. t . . of the arch of the aorta; autopsy. Ibid., 1853, ii, 212.—Alexander (F. S.) t Geneesk. Bijdr., Rotterd.. 1830, Ui, 40-46.— Alexander (R. G.) t ... of the ascending aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 638.—Allen (F. F.) t Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 12.—Allen (H.) & Keen (W. W.) t . .. of the ascending aorta. Tr. Path. Soc, PhUa., 1874, iv, 113.—Aliis (O. H.) t ... of the ascending aorta. Phila. M. Times, 1872, iii, 88.— Alvaro. t Aneurisma saccato deU'arco deU' aorta. Gior. di med., farm, o vet. mil., Firenze, 1870, xviU, 926-929.—Anderson (M'C.) t Glasgow M. J., 1872, 4. s., v, 80.—Andray (F.) t Rev. med., Par., 1841, ii, 235-245.— Andrew (J.) t Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1853, xvU, 10- 14.—Archer (R. S.) t . . . of the thoracic and abdominal portions of the aorta. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1878, lxv, 220- 227.—Armanc (N. D.) t Recperiod. med. de Par., 1801, x, 390-397.— Arnold (B.) t . . . auffallend rasches Wachsthum; Tod in einem Erstickungs-Anfall. Memora- bilien, HeUbr., 1858, iu, 104-106.—Aspauso, t . . . de la aorta descendente. Gac. med. de Lima, 1861, no. 112, 212-219.—Ayer. t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1860, lxii, 20.— Ayres (P. B.) t ... of the arch of the aorta implicating the innominata and left carotid arteries. Med. Times, Lond., 1846-7, xv, 320. — Baccelli (G.) t Siglo med., Madrid, 1867, xiv, 740. — B ache (F.) t ... its rup- ture, and sucldcn death. N. Am. M. Sc S. J., PhUa., 1830, ix, 164-107.—Balfour (G. W.) t . . . coming off from the ascending aorta. Edinb. M. J., 1876, xxi, 1141.— Ball (B.) . . . de l'aorte descendante; non diagnostique pendant la vie; mort k la suite d'une hematemese fou- drovante. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 320-329.— Balzcr. t Ibid., 1876, U, 546-549.—Bamba (D.) t Un raro caso . . . BuU. cl. sc med. di Bologna, 1658, 4. s., x, 401-420. —Banks, t Dubl. Q. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvU, 457^59: 1865, xl, 441-444. -----. t DubUn M. Press, 1864, li, 167.-----. t Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liv, 243.—Banks (J. T.) t . . . arch of aorta. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1851. xii, 71-77.—Barbieri (A.) Scoppio di aneurisma deU'aorta toracica. Gazz. mecl. ital. lomb., MUano, 1849, 2. s., ii, 245.—Barker (F. et al.) Aneurisms of the ascending aorta. (9 cases.) Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1876, i, 137-144.— Barnard. 11 Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 384.—Barrett (W.) Post mortem appearances of a case of aortic aneu- rism. Btit.-Ani. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1849, v, 200.—Barry (J. C.) t . . . of the arch of the aorta. Lan- cet, Lond., 1&57, ii, 56. — Bartholow (R.) t ... of the arch of the aorta. CUnic, Cincin., 1872, ui, 293. -----. t Ibid., 1873, iv, 217-220. —Barzilai (C.) Aneurisma ampollare deU'aorta ascendente nella sua porzionc extra- pericardiaca, neUa parete anteriore; successione di febri periodiche a tipo terzenario. Gazz. mecl. ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1873, xvi, 115; 174.—Bauer (J.) t Ann. d. stadt. aUg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen, 1878, i, 178.—Bauer (L.) ♦ ... of arch of aorta. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., ii, 252.— Bayford. 11 Med. Obs. Soc. Phys., Lond., 1767, iU, 14- 27, 2 pi.—Bayless (G. W.) t West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, Ky., 1840, 2. s., ii, 326-329.—Begbie (J. W.) t Edinb. M. J., 1858, iU, 605-609. -----. Two cases of aneurism of the descending thoracic aorta. Glasgow M. J., 1864-5, xU, 424- 432.—Beigel (H.) t Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1870, xxi, 125- 128.—Bell (J.) t... involving the arch of the aorta. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viU, 152-154.—Bellingham (O'B.) Contributions to the history of aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 132-134.—Bemiss (S. M.) t. . . of the ascending portion of the arch of the aorta. N. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxi, 740-745.—Bennett, t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliv, 444-446.—Bcrchon. t Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1861, Par., 1862, 3. s., iii, 205-209.—Bertin. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. BuU. Fac. de med. de Par., 1812, iii, 14-18.—Birkctt. t... of the ascending aorta. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1852-3, iv, 105-107.—Blache fils. Dila- tation de l'aorto ascendante et de sa crosse avec deux ane- vrysmes.^ Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1862. xxxvii, 455-459.— Blandin. Anevrysmes multiples de la crosse de l'aorte. Ibid., 1831, vi, 34-41.—Bobilier. 11 Examen anatomico- ANEURISMS. 366 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). pathologique. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1822, I xi, 300; 306.—Bodenniiiller. Merkwiirdiger Sectiona- Befuncl eines Aneurysma Aorta1. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., i Berl., 1833, xx, 492-490.—Bodine. t ... compression upon and final rupture into the (esophagus. Tr. Path. Soc, I Phila., 1878, vU. 47.—BolniNach. Aorta-aneurism, tore- visadtaf Hr. Kev. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1869,205 — Bokkenhcuser (V.) t Ugesk. f. Larger, Kjebenh., 1878, xxv, 50-57.—Boniba (D.) t ... vero sacciforme dc U'oi iflcio cardiaco deU'aorta ascendente. Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1861. xv, 53-70.— [Borbosa (A. M.)] t... da aorta peitoral descendente. Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1854-5, ii, 287-289.—Boretius. t ... der Aorta ascendens und des Arcus Aorta1 mit Hypertrophic des linken Ventrikels. Ztg.,Bert.,1862,iii,56.— Borland (J. N.) Thoracic and abdominal aneurisms of the aorta. Boston M. & S. J., I860, lxxiv, 69-73. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1867, v (app.), 250-254.—Bosc. t Bull. Soc Par., 1828, iii, 161-163.—Bouley. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 338.— Boussi. Petit anevrysnie de l'origine de l'aorte si6geaut dans la paroi interventriculaire sans aucune communica- tion avec les cavitfes cardiaques. Progre,s m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 44— Bowditch (H. I.) t Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1864, lxx, 239-241. Also: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1867, v, 127-129. -----. t . . . and post-mortem specimen. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 246— Boyd (R.) [Cases.] Lancet, Lond., 1840-1, i, 610-613.—Bradley, t ... of the arch of the aorta. N. York M. J., 1866, iii. 43.—Branson (F.) f Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843, vi, 248-250.—Bredon. [Cases.] Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1869, x, 310.—Bre- schet. t ... dela crosse de l'aorte. Exp6rience, Par., 1841, viii, 241-245. -----. t Ann. de la chir. franc- et 6trang., Par., 1841, iii, 332-345.—Breschet (G.) Observation sur une tumeur sanguine communiquant avec la cavite de l'art6re aorte, par une petite ouverture existant k la partie anterieure de la courbure [crosse de l'aorte] de cette art^re, sans aucune dilatation de ses parois. J. de med.,chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1813, xxvi, 365-373.-----. t. .. anevrisme faux conscscutif de l'aorte descendante. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1833, xi, 205-212.—Briche- teau. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte: rupture du sac Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 285.—Briddon (C. K.) t N. York M. J., 1866. ii, 446.-----t... of the arch of the aorta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 472.—Bright, t Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, ii, 350. -----. t ... of the ascending aorta; aneurism by dilatation. Lancet, Lond., 1828. U, 638. -----. t ... of the descending aorta; post-mortem appearances. Ibid., 1832, ii, 507-509.—Brinton (W.) [Cases]. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, ii. 843-846. -----. t Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 395-397.—Briquet, t Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1860, vii, 301. — Broadbcnt. t Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 38.—Broadbent(W. II.) Clinical lecture. Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i. 43: 64; 243; 246.—Brodowski. t t Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1869, vi, 749; 770: vii, 433.—van den Broek. t . . . aortae adsceudentis, vormuig van athe- roomstof en halfkraakbeenige plateu in een groot ge- deelte van het slagaderstelsel. Kliniek, Utrecht, 1844, i, 216-236.—Brown (H. B.) t t St. Louis M. & S. J., 1877, n. s., xiv, 302-306.—Briinniche (A.) t . . . aorta; adscen- dentis et arcus. Hosp.-Tid. Kjebenh., 1878, 2. R., v, 385; 401.—Bruzelius. 11 Forh.Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm, 1871, 11-21. -----. t . . . af aorta descendens. Ibid., 1874, 71-77.— Brydon (J.) t Edin. M. J., 1858, iv. 123- 126.—Buck. Sacculated aneurism of the arch of the aorta, causing pressure upon the trachea just above its bifurcation. N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 389.— Buddc (V.) t . . . af Aneurisma saccifonne aortte as- I cendentis. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1877, xxiii, 113-120.— Burckhardt (H.) t . . . aortic ascendentis. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1877, xviii, 104-173.—Bnmet (J. B.) t Arch of aorta. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xv, 337. -----. t Ibid., 1870, xxii, 8.—Caflbrt. t . . . de l'aorte thoracique; rupture et mort su bite; historique de la maladie et autopsie cadav6rique. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1840-1, i, no. 13.—Callenfcls (J. E.) t . . . arcus aorta;. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1855-6, 3. s., v, 538-573, 2 pi. Aho: Onderzoek.ged. inh.phys. Lab.d. Utrecht.Hoogescn., 1855-6, vii, 129-164, 2 pi.—Cameron (C.) Sacculated aneu- rism of the arch of the aorta. N. York M. Press. 1859. n. s., ii, 496.—Campos (J. N.) t Mem. Soc. med.-fami. de Toluca, 1875, i, 6-10.— Canton (E.) Aneurism and lace- ration of the ascending portion of the arch of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xUi, 36.—Canuet. t t . . . dans sa portion situee immediatement au-dessus de son passage entre les piliers du diaphragme. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 327.—Carpio (L. H.) Aneurisma intro-pericardico dolaaorta. Gac. mcu. doJJexico. 18UU, ii,4.—[Cum'n.J In: Morand's Opusc de chir.. Par.. 1772, ii, 219.— (YUect. acid. d. mem., etc., Par., 1774, v, 337.—Ann. d. k. klin. Inst, am St. Jakobshosp., Leipz., 1810, i, 1. Abth., 134-137.—Lond. M. Sc Phys. J.. 1827, n. s.. iii, 93-97.— ... of the ascend- ing portion of the arch of the aorta. Midland M. & S. Re- porter, Worcester, 1830-1, ii, 73-76.—Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, ix, 807.—False aneurism of the aorta within the pericardium. Lancet, Lond., 1834, i. 888.—Med. Mag., Bost., 1834, ii, 135.— Geschichte und Sectionsbericht . . . aortas descendentis. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). J. cl. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1838, lxxxvii, 5 St., 106-109.— . . . of the arch of the aorta. Lancet. Lond., 1839, ii, 765. Ibid., 1849, i, 510; 603.—Aneurysma arcus aortae (of ook ruwe plaatsen op den binnensteu rok), organische veranderingen der valvulae semilunares aortae, execntrische hypertrophic van het hart, rheumatismus acutus articularis (endo- carditis?) Kliniek, Utrecht, 1849, iv, 229-241.—Gac. med., Madrid, 1850, vi, 315.— ... of the arch of the aorta; sui- cide; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1852, i, 301.— . . . encroach- ing both on the chest and abdomen; death; autopsy. Ibid., 540.—Aneurisma der Brust- nnd Bauchaorta. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh., Wieden (1857), Wien, 1859,61.—Aorta; thoracic* et abdominaUs. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1857, iu, 641-643.—[Two cases; one cure.] Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1858, i, 39.— t... aortae ascendentis. OesteiT. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1859, v, 658.—Proc Path. Soc. Phila., 1859, i, 202.—Anevrysme mixte externe de l'aorte. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1860, xxxUi, 214.—t [... arch of aorta.] Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1863, Wien, 1804,166.— t Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien. 1868. Wien. 1869, 292.— t . . . [arcus aortee et arterias anonynne.] Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, 1868, Wien, 1869, 138-140.— t . . . aortas ascendentis. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien, 1869, Wien, 1870,102.—t. . .Aorta?ascend.; Tod. Ibid., 211-213.— t [. . . partly thoracic and partly abdominal.] Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1870, iv, 521.— t Ren. Com. Pub. Char., N. Y., 1871, xii, 49.— t Anfiteatro anat.. Madrid, 1876, iv, 357.—Nejasno virajennaja anevrizma grudnoi aorti [in an infant]. Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1876, exxvii, 157-162.— ... of the transverse and descending portion of the arch of the aorta; difficulty of deglutition as an early symptom; no history of either rheumatism or syphilis. Med. Reo., N. Y., 1878, xiv, 268.—Cautani. t Morgagni, Napoli, 1878, xx, 559-562.—Cecearcl (AI.) Aneurisma della porzione ascendente e deliarco deliaorta. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1879, 4. s., i, 145-150.—Celoni (P.) t . .. della porzione ascendente e trasversa deU'aorta. Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1874, xxxiU, 491-501.—Chartres (J. S.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 220. Also, Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, li, 230-238.-----. Case of aneurism of thoracic aorta; (two aneurisms and an expansive dilatation); death from rupture of a sac. 16td.,Ui, 36-42, lpl. Also, transl.: J. demed., Brux., 1872, lv, 46H66.—Chauveau (A.) t Gaz. mt. Petersb., 1877, exxx, pt. 3, 173- 178.—Chisholui (S.) t Edinb. M. A.- S. J., 1840, liii, 113- 117.—Chomel. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839. 2. s.. i. 305. Aho: Union med., Par., 1847, i, 34-36.—Chrysospathis (G. I.) t . . . t^s aiipvahl. Ueber Aneurysmen der Aorta tho- racica. Beitr. z. HeUk., Riga, 1857, iv. pt. 2, 57-70.— Dalinas (A.) Anevrysmes dc l'aorte. Diet, de nied., Par., 1833, iii, 2. ed.,' 403-421.—Ballon (J. C.) t N. Eng. Q. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1842-3, i, 530-532.—Dau- beuf. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 280-288.— Davis (D. J.) t Am. M. Recorder, Phila,, 1818, i, 3;(6-3;9.— Day. t Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1847, 367.—Deaton (J. C.) ANEURISMS. 367 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). t. . . of the arch of the aorta. Virginia M. Month., 1874, i, 550-558.—Dclafleld (F.) Tabular statement of aneurisms of the aorta. Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1876, i, 188-194.—Dc- laharpc (J.) Traumatisches Aneurisma der Aorta thora- cica. Schweiz. Ztschi'. f. Med., Chu\ u. Geburtsh., Zii- rich. 1853, 69-73.—Delano (M. F.) t . . . of the arch of I the aorta. Boston M. A S. J., 1857, lvi, 354.—Delbnrrc. ] t . . . dc la crosse de l'aoite; acces de suffocation rfcpetes; j autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 324-327.—Del- mas, t Ibid., !8o4, ix, 164.—Demnn^e (E.) t . . . he- I moptysie; rupture dans la cavite plourale. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 499.—Dcnonvilliers. t . . . de la I crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834. ix, 127-140. Derrccagaix. t . . . do l'aorte descenclante. J. de chir. (Desault), Par.. 1792, iii, 170-170.—Desgranges. Mort subite causee par la rupture d'un auevrisine k T'origine de l'aorte sans signes anteiieursde son existence. J. dela sect. de m6d. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes. 1830, vi, 35-39. j Aho: Trans, med., Par., 1830. ii, 39-43.—Desmaison. | Hypertrofiadelcorazon y aneurisma dela aorta. Gac med. de Luna, 1866, No. 230, 11.—Dianoux. Anevrysmes de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1874. 3. s., ix, *632.— Dickinson (W.H.) t . . . which burst externally. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1800, i, 394.—llickson (D. J. H.) Sudden death from the rupture of an aneurism of the tho- racic aorta. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1843, pt. ii, 83.—Dixon (E. L.) t . . . of the arch of the aorta. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 497.—Dod (P.) t Phil. Tr., Lond., 1719-33, vii, 566-568.—Dolan (T. M.) Some cases of thoracic aneurism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 282-284.—van Dommeleu (G. F.) tEcho med., Neuchiit., 1858. U. 672-674.—Domnillc (H. J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1871, U, 287.—Drake (J. M.) t ... of ascending portion of arch of aorta. Canada M. J.. Montreal, 1866, ii, 49-51. -----. t . . . of arch of aorta. Ibid., 1870, vi, 51- 54.—Dubrueil. Observations ct reflexions sur les ane- vrysmes de la portion ascendante et de la crosse de l'aorte. J. Soc de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1841, iii, 253; 337. 1 pi.— Duchamp. t Lyon mcsd.. 1871, viii, 326-330. — Duck- worth (D.) t . . .'autopsy. Edinb. M. J., 1869, xiv, 1075- 1084. Aho, Reprint.—Duiff (J.) t Canada M. J., Montreal, 1866, U, 348-350 —Duffin (E. W.) lUness and death of the late Mr. Mori, the vioUnist. Lancet. Lond., 1839, ii, 577- 580.—Duguet. t.. . de la crosse del'aorte; obliteration des branches qui en naissent; displacement du cceur; compres- sion de la trachee : autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 104-109.—Du.jardin-Beauractz. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, L 1180.—Dumontpallicr. t. . . de la crosse de l'aoite; autopsie. France nied., Par., 1875, xxU, 361.— j Duncan, t Lancet, Lond.. 1830, ii, 167-169.—Duncan (J. F.) Case of enormous aneurism of the aorta, without haemorrhage beingthe causeof death. Dublin J. M. Sc.,1842, xxi. 99-108.-----. t DubUn Q.J. M. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 442-452. Duroziez (P.) Anevrysmes de l'aorte et insufhsance aortique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1877, 4. s., vi, 5; 16; 91; 303; 427; 450.—Dyce (R.) t Edinb. M. J., 1864, ix, 803-807.— Bade (P.) t ... of the arch of the aorta. Assoc. M. J., Lond.. 1856, ii, 930-932. -----. t Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 157- 159.—Karnes, t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, n. s., 1, 468.— Earushaw (H. G.) t Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 137.—Eddi- son (B.) t . . . of the ascending aorta. Lond. M. Reposit., 1828, xxix, 132-134.—Egan (G. W.) t t Dublin M. Press, 1860, xUv, 357-359.—Eicknia (O. C.) t ... in den neder- dalenden stam der gioote slagader. Hippokrates, RottciTl., 1824, vi, 1-12, 2 pi.—Eldredgc (J. H.) t Communicat. Rhode Island Med. Soc, Providence, 1876, i, 423-434.— Elliot (G. T.) t N. York J. M., 1856, 3. s., i, 213.—Elliot- son, t ... of the ascending aorta. Lancet, Lond.. 1829, ii, 538. -----. t Ibid., 1830, l, 879-882; 1831, U, 134.—Ellis. t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1863, lxviu, 463.—Ely. t Ibid.. 1858- 9, Ux, 202.—Engels ( F. ) t... of the arch of aorta. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1872, i, 129, 1 pi. — Enos. t Buffalo M. & S. J., 1864, iv. 216.—Ensor (F.) t t Lan- cet, Lond., 1875, ii, 798. — Eppinger (H.) t . . . aortae ascendentis; obUteratio venas cavie superioris. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iU, 501-504.— Eschenbach (C. E) t Inhh: Obs. anat.-chir.-med. rariora, 12°, Rostoch., 1769, 260-264—Eskridge (J. T.) t . . . of the transverse portion of the aorta. Med. Bull., PhUa., 1879, i, 9-11.— van Esschen & Haelewick. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1862, xxix, 31-36.— Fallot, t . . . sous la courbure; hypertrophic du cceur; hydroperiearde. MarseUle med., 1872, ix, 28-35.—Fara- beuf. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874,xlix, 928.—Fane, t ... of the arch of the aorta; imminent danger from a threatening ropture into the trachea. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 561.—Favrot. Dilata- tion du cceur gauche; dUatation de l'aorte thoracique ane- vrysmatique dans sa portion ascendante. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1845, xx, 191-199.—Felix (W.) t . . . siegeant k la portion ascendante de la crosse aortique. Alger m6d. 1874, ii, 188; 207.—Fenwick (G. P.) t Tr. M. Soc Dist. Columb., 1876, ii, 72-83.—Fiedler, t t Jahresb. d. Ge- seUsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Dresd.. 1867, 118-127.— Finchnm. t . . . in which there were three distinct sacs. Lancet, Lond.. 1865, ii, 201.—Fincham (G. T.) t Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1864, U, 243.—Finger, t... autopsy. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). Yrtljsehr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1861, lxxi, 77-81.— [Finn.] Double aneurism of the thoracic aorta. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1857, xxiii, 221-223. ----- Hypertrophy of the heart; aneurism of the ascending aorta. Ibid., xxiv, 235.— Finny, t Ibid., 1868, xlvi, 458-460. -----. t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, lviii, 267-272. -----. t ... of the descending aorta. Ibid., 1876, lxi, 166-171.—Flandin. t . . . multi- ples de la crosse de l'aorte. Rev. med. franc,, et etrang., Par., 1831, ii, 268-276.—Fleming, t DubUn M. Press, 1862, xlvii, 213.—Fletcher, t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, iv, 308: 1843, v, 294-296: 1848, 20. -----. t ... of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 1848, 48.—Fleury. t Ephem. med. de Montpel., 1827, vi, 226-230. -----. t . . . de la crosse de l'artere aorte. M6mor. d. hop. du Midi, Par., 1829, i, 605-615.—Flint (A.) t Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, vui, 183.—Follet. t . . . de l'aorte descenclante. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1840, v, 132-136.—Follin. * ... be- low arch of aorta, separating and rupturing internal and middle coats of artery. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 350.—Font-Benuix. t Ibid., 1865, xl, 389-403.—Ford (C. M.) t . . . ascending aorta; death from rupture. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869. n. s., lvii, 107.—Forget (C.) t. .. dia- gnostic douteux; rupture; mort. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1845, v, 140. -----. An6vrisme de l'aoite completeuient latent; mort sans rupture. Ibid., 142.—Fowler (G. R.) Multiple and diffuse aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 241-24:;.— Foy. t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876, lxi, 159—Franchi (G.) t . . . multiplo deU'aorta toracica e sua diagnosi cUfferenzi- ale, specialmente coi tumori del mediastino. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1877, xx, 203; 211; 221.— Fraser. t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii. 9.— Friedrich ( W. ) t. . . aortas descendentis. Summ. cl. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1836, n. F., ii, 23-25.—Frohbeem ( L. ) t. . . nebst Sectionsbericht. Yerm. Abhandl. . . . v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb.. 1854, viii, 263-275.—Fiigger (A) dagjainak gvogvitasarol. [Aneurism of aorta; cure] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1878, xvUi, 365-369. — Fuller, t . . . forming a tumor to the left of the sternum below the clavicle — fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 39. -----. t. . . of the arch of the aorta presenting beneath the left clavicle. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, i, 9.—Gairdner. t... of arch of aorta perforating waU of chest; galvano-puncture; death. Brit, M. J., Loud.. 1879, ii, 93.—Cairdner (J.) Three cases . . . terminating suddenly. Edinb. M. it S. J.. 1835, xUii, 289-293.—Cairdner (W. T.) IUustrations of thoracic aneurism. Month. J. M. Sc. Lond & Edinb., 1853, xvi, 114- 127. -----. t Ibid., 1854, xix, 79.—Galvani. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1868), Par., 1874, xliii, 380-382.—Carnage (W. jr.) t t N. Eng. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1815, iv, 241-244.—Caudais fils. t . . . de l'aorte descendante comprenant la carotide primitive gauche et la sous-claviere du meme cot6. J. med. de la Mayenne, Laval, 1873^. i, 141-148.—Cay (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1840-1, i, 754-756.—Gcrin-Boze. Double anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv. 29-43.— Cibbons, jr. t Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1875, xvi, 278.—Cibbons in.) t . . . in a female. Ibid., 1873-4, vU, 434-456. — Gibney. . . . with bone in the sac N. York M. J., 1876, xxiv, 626. — Cigon. t Experience, Par., 1842, x, 97-101. -----. t. . . de l'aorte descenclante. BuU. Acad, de med.. Par.. 1847-8, xUi, 846-849.— tiilde- meester (J. P.) Sc Hoyack (E. F.) t . . . arcus aortas. Nederl. Weckbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1852, ii, 211-215.— Cod in nn (J. D.) tPhUa. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, 1825, x, 88- 93, 1 pi —Goodwin (J. W.) tBrit. M. J., Lond., 1862, i, 302. — Cordon, t ... of the arch of aorta. Irish Hosp. Gaz., 1874, ii, 96.—Granchez. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte avec poche secondaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1868), Par., 1874, xUii, 299-301.— Green. Double aneu- rism of the aorta. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1844, i, 276- 278. Aho: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, i, 500.—Green (J. M.) t t South. M. & S. J.,Augusta, 1855, n. s.. xi, 325-335.— Griffiths, t . . . death from rupture; autopsy. Med. Tunes Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 429.—Grimshaw. t Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1877, 3. s., lxiv, 189-191, 1 pi.—Gris- som (W. W.) Case of intra-pericardial aneurism of the aorta. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1868, n. s., v, 319-321.— Gros. t . . . de l'aorte ascendante, contenant une enorme concretion fibrineuse. Precis d. trav. de la Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, 49-52.—Gro»n. t ... of the arch of the aorta. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1858, ii, 509.— Crynfeltt. t . . . de la portion descendante de l'aorte tho- racique. Montpel. med., 1864, xiii, 327; 427.—Guckel- berger (C.) Untersuchung iiber das Atherom gelegeiit- Uch eines FaUes von Aneurysma des Aortenbogens. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl.' Ycr.. Stuttg., 1854, xxiv, 233- 237.—Gueneau de ITIussy (X.) t . . . de l'aorte thoraci- que. In hh: Clinique med., 1874, i. 365-373.—Gussc»' bauer(K.) t. . . der absteigenden Aorta; Compression der Trachea und des Oesophagus; Tracheotomie; Tod. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872, xxii, 1048; 1072.—Haggard < W. D.) 11 Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1878, xxi, 169-173.—Maldane (D. R.) [Cases.] Edinb. M. J., 1866, xU. 340-351.—Haley. t PacificM. &S. J., San Fran., 1873-4.vii, 289-291.—Halla. Beobachtungen uber Aneurysmen der Brustaorta, mit bei- ANEURISMS. 368 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). gefugtcn Bemerkungen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1864, lxxxi, 137-158, 1 pi.—[Hamilton.] t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, li. 502.—Hamilton (E.) t Ibid., 1866, xiii, 474. -----. t Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1868, vi, 226.— Hardie (G, K.) t Edinb. M. J., 1858, iii, 604.—Hare, t ... of the arch of the aorta; chiefly within the pericardium. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1857-8, ix,' 180-182.—Hare (C. J.) [Cases.] Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., v, 664; 704; 794; 881.— Hartshorne (II.) [4cases.] Am. J.M. Sc, 1850, n. s., xix, 108-110.—Haxhall (R. AY.) t ... of the arch of the aorta, N. Am. M. Sc S. J., Phila., 1830, x, 160-164.—Hay. Sac- culated aneurism of the thoracic acuta. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. a., xii, 565.—Hayden. t . .. of the arch of the aorta. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liii, 161. -----. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 207-210: 1866, xUi, 512-517: 1875, lx, 370-373. ----- t DubUnM. Press Sc Circ, 1866, 2. s., 1, 303.----- t DubUn J. M. Sc, 1876, lxii, 325-327. -----. t Ibid., 1877, lxiii, 195-197.—Hayden (T.) t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 18; 213, 1 pi.—Hayes (C.C.) t Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1857, viii, 12-15.—Hazen (D. II.) t Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Co- lumb., Washington, 1877, iv, 1-3.—Hedenius. t . . . aortae descendentis. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1865-6, i, 9.—Hei- ncken. Zerreissung eines ancurismatischen Sackes am grossen Bogen der Aorta. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1822, liv, 4. Hft., 35-44.—Henderson, t Lond. & Edinb. Month. J.M.Sc, 1843, Ui, 443^47.—Hester (A.) t . .. at the arch of the aorta; rupture; death. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1845-6, U, 123.—Hicks (J. W.) ... of the arch of the aorta, pro- truding through the upper part of the sternum. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1864, xv, 77-79.—Hi guard, t J. de la sect. de m6d. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Infi, Nantes, 1841, n. a., xvii, 37-45.—Hinchcliff(E.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1877, xxi, 98-100.—Hirschsprung (H.) t Dublin M. Press & Circ, 1866, i, 565-567.—Hobart (N. J.) False aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850. x, 194.—Holt. Thoracic aneurism of uncertain seat. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 469.—Hope, t Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1845, i, 126-139.— Hostetter (J. L.) t Northwest. M. Sc S. J., 1855, xii, 547- 549.—Howard (11. P.) t ... of arch of aorta, and diseased heart. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1856, iii, 41; 87.—Huber (F.) t . . . of ascending aorta. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iii, 42-44.—Hudson (A.) t t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vii, 369-371.—Hughes, t . . . consequent upon a blow on the right side of the chest. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 409.— Hughes (J.) t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1855, xx, 181-185.— Huut (J. W.) Notes suggested by a case of aortic aneu- rism. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1879, viii, 175-186.—Hunter, t Autopsy. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1839, ii. 226- 228.—Hunter (J. jr.) t Tr. Ass. Apoth., etc, Lond.. 1823, i, 189-192.—Hunter (W.) t Med. Obs. Soc. Phvs., Lond., 1757, i, 323-357. Also: Mem. M. Soc, Lond., 1799, v, 349-371.—Hunter (W. G.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s., vui, 871.—Hussey (E. L.) t . . . with spontaneous cure. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1879, i, 38.— Husson. t Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1836, xi, 44.—Hutchinson. False aneurism of the arch of the aorta, from a child four vears old. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853^1, v, 104.—Hutchin- son (J. H.) t Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1876, v, 77. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 381. -----. t ... of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 508. Aho: Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1876, v, 84.—Hutchison (J. C.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta and innominate artery. MeeJ. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 265.—Jackson, t . .' . hemorrhage into pericardium. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, 3. s., lxviii, 384- 386.—Jancway (E. G.) t . . . of arch of aorta and in- nomiuata. Mecl. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 554. -----. t N. York M. J., 1875, xxii, 400-406.—Janin (H. F.) t . . . de l'aorte avant sa conrbure. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1817, xxxix. 201-210.— Jansen (J. H.) t . . . van aneurysma sinus Valsalva?, met ontaarding der klap- vUezen. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1853-4, 3. s., iii, 34-42, 2 pi.—Jean (A.) t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte, a poches multiples. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1875, 3. a., x, 259-262— Jennings, t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1808, xlvi, 232-236.— Johnson (G.) t Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 265- 267. -----. t Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 203.—John- ston, t . . . and rupture of the ascending aorta, with patho- logical specimen. Tr. Cork M.&S. Soc, 186(5-7,88-90. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliv, 495-498.— Johnston (H. M.) t . . . of ascending aorta. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1856, iii, 93.—Jolieorur. t BuU. Soc. med. de Rheims, 1874, xiii, 151.—Jordan, t Gen. Ber. d. k. rhein. Mcd.-Coll. 1841, Koblenz, 1844, 66.—Juhcl-Benoy (E.) t . . . laryngoto- mic; mort. Progress m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 385.—Keating (J. M.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1878, vii, 59-62.—Kelly. t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1869, xx, 142-144.—Kerr (J. G.) t Rep. Mecl. Miss. Soi,. China, 1874, Canton, 1875, 18.— Kicscr. Tod durch Berstung eines Aneurysma der Aorta descendens thoracica. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1861, xxxi, 289-291.—Klein. Beschreibung von Anevrysmen der Aorta thoracica. Ibid., 1837, vii, 33- 37.—Knight, t BostonM. &.S. J., 1878, xcviii, 605-607.— Kollock (J. M.) t N. Am. M. & S. J., 1831, xi, 246.— Krabler (P.) t . . . aortae ascendentes. Greifswalder med. Beitr., Danzig, 1864, ii, 230-234.—Krakowizer. t N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 390-392.—Krasnoglyadof (E. I.) t . . . of the ascending aorta. Protok. zasaid. | Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). Kavkazsk. med. Obsch., Tiflis, 1873, 260.—Krimer (W.) t . . . cntstanden nach einer Unterbindung der linken Carotis. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1831, ii. 121-126.— Enugier. Anevrysine saccifonne de l'aorte descenclante. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 3.—Kiichcnmeister (F.) Aphorismen iiber Aetiologie und Wesen, sowie Diag- nose und Therapie der Aorten-Aneurysmen. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1864, viii, 183-207. Also: Ztschr. f. Med.. Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1864, n. F., iii, 121; 255.—Ea Count (I).) t . . . of the descending aorta. Mecl. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, 38.—Enfagc. t Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700, iii, 257, 3 pi.—Eafargue. t J. demed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1805, x, 129-136.—Eange. t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1863, xv, 411.—Eankestcr. t Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 26.— Eatty. t Ibid., 516. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. s., xii, 915-917.—Ean wers (C.) t . . . de l'aorte ascendante. Ann. med. dela Flandre occid., Roulers, 1857, v, 193-198.—Eaw. t. . . of ascending aorta, compressing the vena cava Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1844, xxv, 167.-----. Double aneurism of the ascending aorta; bloody fluid in the pleura. Proc. Path. Soc, Dubl., 1845, i, 340. Also: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, ii, 520. -----. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, n. s., 1, 216-219.— Eaw (R.) [Cases.] Ibid.. 1844, xxv, 266-286.-----. t Dub- lin Hosp. Gaz.,1857,iv, 230.—Eawrie (E.) t IncUan Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1873-4, xvi, 184-188.—Eeach(H.) Thoracic aneurism, involving the arteria innominata and arch of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1865, xvi, 123. -----. t Ibid., 1866, xvii. 72.—Ecale (C. A.) et al. [5 cases.] Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1876, i, 173-187.—Eeared. Hour-glass shaped aneurysm of the aorta. Tr.Path.Soc.Lond.,1867, xviii, 53.—Eediard (H. A.) Aneurysm of arch with dilatation of aorta below. Ibid., 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 74.—Eec (R. J.) t St. George's nosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, iU, 209-216.— Eee (S.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 652.—Eeenhardt. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Mem. Soc cl. sc. med. de Lyon, 1862, i, 244-250. Aho: Gaz. med. cie Lyon, 1862, xiv, 372-374.—Eces. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xv, 474-476.— Ecguey. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte; tumeur consi- derable a la partie inferieure du cou; rupture de l'artere; formation successive de deux anfevrismes faux cons6cu- tif's, lo premier circonscrit. le deuxieme diffus. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, xi, 348-359.—Eentilius (R.) t . . . trunci ascendentis. Ephemer. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. &Lips., 1712, cent. i-U, 188-200.—Eendct. t [Ossification of aortic valves; aneurism and rupture of arch.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1847, xxii, 258-261.—Eiebinan. t Resoc. san. d. osp. civ. di Trieste, 1876, U, 210.—Eionville. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Progrfes med.. Par., 1873, i, 67. Also: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 373.—Eittle (J.) A contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of aortic aneurism. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 263-270, 3 pi.—Eittle (T. E.) t Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.. 1873, i, 141. -----. t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc. 1873. lvi, 420.—Eittre (A.) t [Acad. r. d. sc de Par., 1707.] Rec cl. mem., Dijon, 1754, ii, 453-458, 1 pi. Aho: fAcad. r. d. sc. de Par.. 1712.] Ibid., 1769, iii, 551-555.—Eockwood (C. B.) Obliteration of the arch of the aorta, at the level of the ductus arterio- sus. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, xiv, 352.—Eoo- mis (A. L.) t ... of the ascending aorta. Mecl. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1866, xiv, 45. -----. t N.York M. J., 1866, ii, 196-198.-----. t . . . with complete solidification of the lung resulting. Ibid., 1879, xxix. 374-377.—Eouis. His- toire d'un double anevrisme. Bull. Fac:. de med. de Par., 1812, viii, 189-193.—Eudlow (H.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta or several years' duration; filled with firm laminated coaguluni. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 107-109.—Eullicr-Winslow. t Anevrisme et rup- ture de l'aorte. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 344.— Eustig. Zur Diagnose der Aortcnaneurysmen beim Pferde. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz.. 1875-6, ii, 383-394.—Eyinan. Enormous aneurismal dilatation of the aorta. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1877, xevi, 227. -----. t Ibid., 1878, xcviii, 575.—Eyons. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1850, x, 469-471: 1869, xlvii, 205. -----. t Ibid., 1851, xi, 201-203.-----. Thoracic and abdominal aneurism; cure. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, 3. s., xxxi, 88-92. -----. t . . . double aortic aneurism. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1874, ii, 47.—Eyons (R. D.) t Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvii, 202.—McDowel, t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1852, xiii. 206. -----. t Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1850, iii, 198-200.— IU'Dowel (B. G.) t ... of the thoracic and abdominal divisions of the aorta. Dublin J. M. Sc.,1875. lix, 371-373.— M'lntyre. t ... of the arch of the aorta bursting externally. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1846-8, i, 76.—Mc- Pheeters (W. M.) t . . . rapidly terminating iu death.— St. Louis M. & S. J., 1857, xv, 368-370.—IVSacSwiney. t Dublin Q.J. M. Sc, 1872, liii, 455-458.—Wader (J.) t Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1876,378.— ITIagnin. t Lyon med., 1875, xviii, 286-290.—.tlais- sonhcuve. t .'. . dela portion ascendante de la crosse do l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1855, xxx, 533-538.—Mn- lago (P. P.) t Necroscopia del cadavere. N. Mercurio de sc. med., Livorno. 1830, ii, 154-157. -----. Ragguaglio anato- mica di un aneurisma che interessava tutta l'aorta tora- cica. Am. univ. di med., Milano, 1830, lv, 402-465.—mal- gaigne. t Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1840, v, 215-218.— Jlalhene. Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte; tumeur ANEURISMS. 369 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). saiUante k l'exterieur: obUtiration de cette tumeur par dcscaillots: autopsie. BuU. Soc anat. dc Par., 1865, xl, 6:t8-645.—.llarcot. Sui une tumeur anevrisniale et poly- pcuse de l'aoite. Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1774, v, 345-:U7.—Mnrkoc (T. M.i ct al. (34 cases.] Aneurism of the aorta oriiiinatingnear the hcait. Tr. N. York Path. Soc. N. V.. 1876. i. 106-127.—Martin (R.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta; aneurism of the abdominal aorta. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1805, i. 249-202.—Mavue. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1852. xiii. 211:1853. xv, 476-478. -----. t Ibid.. 1864, xxxvii, 452-455—Mayo (C.) t ... of the arch of the descending aorta. Tt. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix. s:i-85.—Melion. Plbtzlicher TodcsfaU durch Ruptur eines Aneurysma des Bogens del Aorta. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., *Wien, 1844, 933.—de Mcllo-Morncs (A.) Hemoptysie foudroyante par suite de 1a rupture dun ane- vrisme "circonscrit dc l'aorte descendante dans leiissu pulmonaire. Ann. Soc d'anat. path, de Brux., 1875, Bull. no. 24. 25-27.—?Irnard (A.) t Presentation des pie- ces anatomiques. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1866, v. 93.—fiercer, t ... of the aortic arch. Boston M. Sc S. J., 187:;. Ixxxviii, 136.—Messemer (M. J.) t ... of the arch of the aorta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv. 590.— Metcalfe, t Am. M. Month.. N. Y., 1859, xi, 209- 211.—Metcalfe (J. T.) t ... of the ascending aorta. N. York M. Times. 1852, ii, 337-342—von Meyer, t . . . der absteigeuden Brustaorta. Anitl. Ber. deutsch. Na- turf. ii. Acrzt. (1840), Erlang., 1841, 168.—Minchin. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 444-447. -----. t Med. Press. Dubl., 1865, liii. 512. Mitchell (H.) t Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark. 1875. 196.—Mo (G.) [Cases.] Ossei-vatore, Torino. 1873, ix, 342; 353; 373.-----. [3 cases.] I bid.. 1875. xi, 105-107. -----. t . . . dell'arco deU'aorta; rcpeito cadaverico. Und., 338.-----. t Ibid., 1870, xii. 4l.ti.—Molloy. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1840, xv. 33"..—Moncll (G. C.) t N. York J. M., 1846. vi, 374.—Montgomery (E. E.) t Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1x78. vii. 0J. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1877, vii, 570-573.— Moo52. xxviii. 353-355.—Murphy (J. A.) t Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. Is,9, n. s., iii. 324.—Nelson (E. M.) t .. . concealed in the left lung. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1874, xvU. 361- 3'i5—Neumann, t J. coiupl. du diet. d. sc nied., Par., 1819, v, 87-89. Aho: J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1819, xlix, 1. lift., 111-114. Aho, trauxl.: Lond. M. Reposit., 1819, xii, 378-381. -----. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 74.— Ncvcriuann. tt . . . arcus aortic. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837. iii, 417-421.— New bolt (P. K.) Singular case of aneu- rism of the aorta. Loud. M. Reposit., 1816, v, 192-194.— Newman, t Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 112.—Nicolns- Durauty (E.) t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Marseille nied., 1873, xii, 35.—Nicolaysen (J.) t. . . aortas ascen- dentis. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1869, i, no. 11. 14-19, 3 pi.—Nixon, t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lx, 165.—Nodet. t. . . de la crosse do l'aorte; autopsie. Lyon m6d., 1878, xxix, 586-591.—Obre. SmaU aortic aneurism opening by minute orifices. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1851-2, iU, 307. -----. Dilatation of tho ascending and transvei-se portions of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 314.—Octerlony (J. A.) i6 cases.] N. York M. J., 1877, xxv, 490-504.—Oettinger. )rci Fiille. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 256-258. —O'Fcrrall. t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1843, xxiv, 286. -----. t Ibid., 1852, xiU, 198. -----. Obscure aneurism of aorta. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., i860, n. s., vU, 196.—O'Eeary. t . . . of the arch of the aorta. Med. Press, Dubl.. 1865, liii, 443.—Olivier, t . . . de la portion ascendante dela crosse de l'aorte. Mem. Soc. dc sc. med. de Lyon, 1869, viU, 175- 182—Onderdonk (II. U.) Examination of a man who died liom the bursting of an aneurism of the aorta. N. YorkM. Mag., 1614, i, 174.—Oppolzer. t ... aortae ascen- dentis. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1657, ii, 57; 67; 73; 79; 83: 1858 iii, 102. -----. t . . . mit Compression der Trachea. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1865, x, 3; 11; 18; 34.—Osboru 24 I Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). (H. G.) t... of the arch of the aorta; pressure on the superior vena cava. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1863, i, 138.— ! Ovens, t Arniv M. Dep. Rep. (1866). Lond., 1868, vui, 528— Packard (J. II.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1858, n. 8., xxxvi, 48-53.—Page, t . . . arch of the aorta forming a prominent tumour of the chest. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 38.—Page (J. R.) t Bait. M. J. & Bull., 1870, ii, 330-332. —Parchappc. t Rev. med., franc, et 6trang., Par., 1827, iv, 40-46.—Parmeggiani (G.) tt . . . deU'aorta ascen- dente. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1841, xcix, 294-313.— Pnssant. ♦ . . . dc la cros«c do l'aorte. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxviU, 391-394.—Pnttison (G. S.) tt Am. 1 M. Recorder, PhUa., 1820, iii, 193-202, 2 pi.—Pcnbody (J. L.) t . . . of the arch of the aorta unsuspected during Ufe. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv. 305.—Pcncan (L.) t .. . del cayado de la aorta y de la aorta descendente. Rev. m6d.- qu'ir., Buenos Aires,'l876, xiii, 323.—Peacock (T.B.) t . . . of the ascending^aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846-8, i, 237-239. -----. Preparations Ulustrative of the mode of origin of aneurisms of the aorta. Ibid., 1848-50, ii, 201. -----. [Clinical lecture on.] Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. 8., v, 253-255. -----. t ... of the descending thoracic aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 475. -----. Very large aneurism of the descending aorta, forming a tumour in the left dorsal region. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 43- 45.—Peklo. t Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden. 1870, Wien, 1872, 133-130.—Pepfenhauser (H.) t . . . arcus aortas, met de lijkopeuing. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1838, xvii, 320-325, 1 pi.—Pepper (W.) Di- agnosis and treatment of thoracic aneurism. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1873, xxix, 325-327.------. t Boston M. j & S. J., 1878. xcviiii. 1-5. -----. . . . with unusual physi- cal signs. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viU, 55-59. ! -----. Enormous aneurism of thoracic aorta. Phila. M. Times, 1879, ix, 335.—Perrocbaud. t Bull. Soc. anat. de j Par., 1836. 3. s., ii, 312-316.—Petit (R.) Anevrysmesmixtes externes de la crosse de l'aorte. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., I 1866, xii, 416-124.—Petters (W.) t . . . aortas thoracica | descendentis. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1861, lxxi, 1-12.—Petteruti (G.) t Movimento, Napoli, 1873-4, v, 1-7.—Philipson (G. H.) t Lancet, Lond., 1868, u, 693. -----. tt Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1873, i, 612.—Pimser. t. . . Aneurysma saccifonne und enormer Ansdehnung der Aorta thoracica desceudens. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 307; • 330; 352.—Piorry. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1832, vi. 6. -----. t Ibid., 1852, xxv, 226.—Pit- man. Supposed thoracic aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 108.—Pizc (L.) t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 406-414.—Pla (E. F.) t . . . de la aorta ascendente. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1875, i, 129-131.—Podcsta (M. T.) t . . . de la aorta descendente. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires, 1876, xiii. 346-350.—Pollock. Sacculated aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1856-7, vUi, 106. -----. t ... of the arch of the aorta. Ibid., 1858-9, x, 73; 76.-----. Four cases of thoracic aneurism, two proving fatal. Lancet. Lond.. 1859, i. 558.—Pollock (J.) t Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1865, xvi, 98. -----. t Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii. 508.— Pop (G. F.) ... aortas adscendentis. Ge- neesk. Tijdschr. v. dc Zeemagt. Gravenh., 1866, iv, 311.— , Popham (J.) Observations on thoracic aneurism ; with cases. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1856, xxi, 88-121.—Porter (G.) t Dublin Hosp. Gaz.. 1857, iv, 71.—Porter (W. J. G.) Aneu- rism of the aorta foUowing popliteal aneurism. Phila. M. Times, 1872, ii. 134. Also.- Tr. Path. Soc, PhUa., 1874, iv, 109.—Powell (R. D.) Three cases of aneurism of the aorta, the result of rheumatism and its complications. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., Is74, vii, 67-74. -----. t Svst. Med. (Rey- nolds), Loud., 1879, v. 23-53.—Power (W.)' t . . . rupture and separation of the coats of the vessel. Maryland M. & S. J., Baltimore, 1840. i. 309-312.—Pride (D.) if . . . with a spontaneously curative tendency, etc. with remarks. Glasgow M. J., 1865-6, xiU, 65-70.—Priselkof (V. I.) t . . . [of the thoracic and abdominal aorta.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1874, 359.—Prost. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte: mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de, Par., 1853, xxvUi, 131-134.—Proudfoot (T.) [Cases.] Edinb. M. i; S. J., 1824, xxii, 308-320.— Puech (A.) Anevrysme de la crosse; anevrysme de l'aorte descendante; usur'e des corps vertebraux et formation de poches laterales renfer- mant un caillot do 1250 grammes. Ann. clin. de Montpel., ! 1856-7, iv, 173.—Quatrevaux. t . . . et rupture de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1839, xiv, 154-158.—Quine (W. E.) t Chicago M. Exam., 1869, x, 739-743.—Radclifie. t . . . of the arch of tho aorta; death from syncope. Lancet, Lond., 1859. i, 557.—Ragot. t Bull. Soc anat. dePar., 1866, xii, 358.—Ravich (I.) Sluchal anevrizmwi voskhody- ashchei chasti aorti. [Aneurism of ascending aorta.] Mecl. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1863. iii, 53.—Rny (C. J. H.) t Lancet, Lond., 1835, i, 498.—Raynaud, t Sac form6 en partie par les parois de l'cesophage. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1809, xii, 341. ------. t BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 606. ------ t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Ann. d. mal del'oreUle et du larynx, Par., 1877, iii, 93-108.—Rees (W. C.) tt Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1871, xvi, 266.—Reid (A. G.) t Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1872, no. 3, 44-47.—Reid (J.) Four cases of aneurism of the arch ! ... Edinb. M. & S. J., 1840, UU, 95-104. Aho, Reprint.— ANEURISMS. 370 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). Reid (J. S.) Case of aneurism of the thoracc aorta op- posite the ccelic axis. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vii, 260-202.—Rendu (J.) t . . . autopsie. Lyon nied., 1875, j xx, 389-391.—de Rcnzis (F.) t . . . di voluminoso aneu- |- risma deU'aorta, con integrity deUe funzioni naturaU fino agli estremi della vita. Esculapio, NapoU, 1829, v, 217- 227— Reynolds, t Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. a., v, I 283-286.—Richardson (B. W.) t ... of arch of aor- ta and arteria innominata. Dublin Hosp. Gaz.. 1836, iii, 115.—[Richardson (E. T.)] t N. York J. M. Sc S., 1841, iv, 95-97.—Richardson (N. S.) & Williams (N. M.) t ... of the arch of the aorta. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1868, n. j s., v, 218-220.—Richardson (W. II. II.) t ... of the de- scending aorta. N. Hampshire J. M., Concord, 1854, iv, 119.—Rindfleisch Sc Obernier. t . . . der Aorta as- cendens und Insufiicienz der Valvula tricuspidalis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Mecl., Leipz., 1869, v, 539-545.— Ritter. Enemies Aneurysma der Aorta ascendens und des Arcus. St, Petersb. "med. Ztschr., 1868, xiv, 232.— Riva(G.) t Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1670, i, 75-77, 1 pi.—Riva (W.) t Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf. Med.-chir. . . . Abhandl., Numb., 1755, i, 41-43, 1 pi.—Rizzoli (G.) t . . . all'origiue deU'aorta. Bull. cl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1833, vii, 80-83.—Robert. Observations sur une niort imprevue causee par la rupture dun anevrisme de l'aorte. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1808, xv, 174-180.— Robinson (F.) t ... of the arch of the. aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1801, ii, 378.-----. Double aneurism of aorta; exten- sive ossification of its coats. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870, xxi, i 123.-----. t... of the ascending aorta. Ibid., 1876, xxvii, 77.— . Roddick, t . . . of the. arch of the aorta; pressure on the | great veins; death and autopsy. Canada M. Sc S. J., Mont- ! real, 1876, 177-181.—Rocker." t Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, iii, 136-141.—Roger (H.) t . . . chez un infant de 10 ans. j Union mecl., Par., 1864,2. s., xxi, 354-359.—Rogers (G. G.) t .... of the ascending aorta. British M. J., Lond., 1858, 61. -----. Three cases. I. Aneurism of ascending aorta; ero- sion of sternum. II. Aneurism of ascending aorta, burst- ing into right pleura. III. Aneurism of ascending aorta. Ibid., 82.—Rokitansky (C.) Ueber einige seltenc For- men von Aortenaneun snien, mit Demonstrationen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866," xi, 336. Aho : Wm. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 1013-1015. Aho: Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1800, xvi, 1344. -----. t . . . im Ursprungsstiicke der Aorta. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1867, xiii, 174-178.—Roloff. t Collect. acad. cl. mem., etc., Par., 1770, ix. 330-339, 5 pi. -----. t Mem. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon, 1768, vi, 176-200, 5 pi.—Ross (G.) t . . . commencing below the giving-off j of the left subclavian artery. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, I 1873. i, 252-257.—Ronth (C. H. F.) t . . . of the ascending part of the aorta; obstructive (?) and regurgitant disease of the aortic valves; hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., x, 1088-1093.—Russell, t Prov.M. & S. | J., Loud., 1847, 708.-----. Aneurism at the root of the aorta ; lying in the septum ventriculorum, with rupture of one of the aortic valves. Mecl. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 6.— i Salouionscn (L. W.) t Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1876, 3. 11., xxi, 73-82.—Schmidt (H. D.) t . . . of the, arch ... N. Oil. M. &. S. J., 1878, v, 611-618 ; 1 pi.—Schrank. t . . . des Arcus Aortae und der Arteria axillaris siuistr. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 84.-----. t ... descend, thoracic. von scltener Grosse. Ibid., 99.—von Schrotter. t . . . j der Aorta ascendens; Insufiicienz der Aortenklappen; Be- J Btatigung der Diagnose durch die Section. Bei'. d. k. k. j Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien. 1878, 387.— j Schrotter (L.) Ueber Aneurysmen der Aorta, mit De- j monstiation. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1876, ii, j 121-127.—Schiitzenberger (C.) t . . . de la partie ascen- dante ct peut-etre d'une portion de la crosse de l'aorte. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1866, xxvi, 84-87.—Schwandncr. t . . . aortae adscend. Mecl. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1868, xxxviii, 255.—Segiir. t . . . of arch of aorta. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879, iv, 14.— I Seidel (M.) [5 cases.] Deutsche KUiiik, Berl., 1868, xx, 7; 36.—Seligmann (L.) Aneurysma der Brust- und Baueh-Aorta; Tuberculose der Lunge; Durchbruch ' der Aortenwand. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1SU.', xii, 227- 231. —Serraillier. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 573-578.—Scvery (J. B.) t Tr. Maine M. Ass., Port- land, 1871, iv. 86.—Scvcstre. t . . . de la crosse de l'aorte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 137-140. —Shat- tuck. t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1874, xci, 473.—Shekclton ! (J.) Dissections of aneurism. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1822, Ui, 231-240, 3 pi.—da Silva Eima (J. F.) Alguns casos; . . . autopsia. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1867, ii, 133: 146: 206.—Simas. t Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1853-4, i, 197.—Simmons (S. F.) t Mecl. Communicat. Soc. Promot. Med. Knowl., Lond., 1784, i, 118-126, 2 pi.— Kinkier (W.) t Phila. M. Times, 1873, iv, 11. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874, iv, 122.—Skodn. Ueber Aneu- rysma der Aorta. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 57. -----. t . . . der aufsteigenden Aorta. Ibid., 1866, xi, 246; 256. -----. t Ibid., i868, xUi, 180; 192; 200. -----. A cUnical lecture on thoracic and abdominal aneurism. N. York M. J., 1869, viii, 472-478.—Smith (C. D.) t . . . of the arch of the aorta, attended by unusual symptoms. N. York J. M., 1850, v, 210.—Sniitjh (H. O.) t . . . of the de- Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). scending aorta from the left subclavian down six inches. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 402.—Smith (J. M.) t N. York M. & S. Reporter, 1846, i, 120-128.—Smith (R, W.) t . . . of the ascending aorta; projection of the sac into the ven- tricles. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1830, ix. 423-425.—von Soko- lowski(A.) t Medvevna, Warszawa, 1877, v.225; 241.-----. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz.. 1877, xix,623-630.—Soltau (W. F.I [3cases.] Med.Timcs& Gaz., Lond., 1857, xv, 450.—Souehon (E.) t ... of the arch of the aorta. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1866-7, xix, 748-764: 1867, xx, 27; 155; 291.—Soule (A. G.) Summary- view of thirty cases of aneurism of the aorta, from which death occurred iu the City and County Hospital of San Francisco. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1867-8. n. a., i, 9-13.-----. t t . .. necropsy. Ibid., 1870-1, iv, 113-115— Stanley. Morbid anatomy; aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Lancet, Lond.. 1826. x, 191.—Starr (L.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., !S77, vi, 61-63. Aho: Phila. M. Times. 1875, vi, 67.—Statham (H. W.) Aneurism of the aorta, from rupture of the internal coat. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 142-144.—Stefanini. t Ann. univ. di mecl. e chir., Milano, 1875, ccxxxiii, 117-121.— Steinriik. t J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1819, xlviii, 2. Hft., 60-68.—Stcudel. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1850, xx, 96.—Stille (A.) t t Richmond . J., San Frau., 1869-70, n. s., iii. 212-214.—Cibncy (V. P.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta with eroded portions of sternum, clavicle, and first rib within the sac: death bv exhaustion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, ii, 801.—Cilchrist (G. C.) A case of aortic and femoral aneurism, with embolism ol the splenic artery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1866, ii, 99.—Cooeh. An aneurism of the arch of the aorta bursting into the trachea by two openings, and involving the recurrent nerve, so as to produce symptoms resembling chronic laryngitis. ANEURISMS. 374 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequelae of). Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1852,100.—Coodell (W.) History of a case of spontaneous recovery from aneurism of the arch of the aorta. Tr. M. Soc. Penn.^ PhUa., 1864, 3. s., iii, 430.— Cordon. Aneurism of the aorta, opening into the peri- cardium. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1854. xvii, 229.—Craves (R. J.) & Stokes (W.) Aneurism ofthe ascending aorta, continuing for upwards of five years; double pulsation of the tumour. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 11.— Green- how (E. H.) Aneurism of first part of arch of aorta; ulceration and perforation of trachea and oesophagus; death from pressure on trachea. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 685. -----. Aneurism of the arch of the aorta, with obstruction to the passage of blood through the left carotid and subclavian arteries; spontaneous cure of the aneurism nearly completed; death from empyema. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond., 1876, ix, 109-114.—Cuihal. Ane- vrysme de l'aorte comprimant la trachee. BuU. Soc. anat. de'Par. (1868), 1874, xliii, 516-518.—Cuiteras (J.) Aneu- rism of the aorta, with supposed rupture of the heart. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1876, v, 97-100. Aho: PhUa. M. Times, 1875, v, 442.—Cull (W.) Case of aneurism of the left side of the arch of the aorta pressing upon the left pneuinogastric nerve and upper part of pulmonary plexus; sloughing pneumonia of the left lung. Guv s Hosp. Rep., LoncL, 1859, 3. s., v, 309.—Habershon (S. 0.) Aneurism of the descending aorta; pleuro-pneu- monia; symptoms resembling phthisis; rapture into the lungs; clinical remarks. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1804, ii, 436. -----. Aneurism of the aorta and sloughing oesophagus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1856, 3. s., ii, 229. -----. Aneurism of ascending aorta rupturing into peri- cardium; communication of oesophagus with left bron- chus. Ibid., 230-232.—Habrau. t [. . . and left carotid . . .] Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1807, xUi, 512-515.— Haddon. Case of aortic aneurism, with lesions of the cerebro-spinal centres, and ofthe phrenic nerve. Edinb. M. J., 1868, xiu, 1052-1054.—Baelcwyck. Mort subite par rupture d'un anevrisrae vrai partiel de la crosse de 1'aorte dans la trachee- artere; coexistence d'un anevrisme faux, mixte externe. Arch, beiges de m6d. mil., Brux., 1861, xxviii, 257-266.— Hale. Aneurism of the aorta and enormous hypertrophy ofthe heart. Phila. M. Times, 1872, U, 272.—Hall (A.) &. MacDonnell (R. L.) Case of latent aneurism of the thoracic aorta, complicated with oxaluria. Canada M- J-, Montreal, 1852-3, i, 399-403.—Hall (J.) Aneurism in the aorta and in the left carotid artery, which burst into the trachea. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys., Lond., 1784, vi. 23-30, 1 pi. —Hallopeau. t . . . compression du nerf recurrent, de la bronche gauche et de ioesophage; communication do la goche an6vrysmale avec la bronche et l'cesophage. Bull. oc anat. de Par., 1868, xUU, 546-552. -----. An6vrysme &ueri de la crosse de l'aorte. Ibid. (1869), 1870, xUv, 119.— lanot (V.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte, avec compression de la bronche, de l'artere pulmonaire et du pneumogastrique gauches; atrophie dn cceur, pneumonie tibrino-cas6euse et granulations du poumon gauche. Ibid., 1873, xlviii, 279-285. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., 1873, Par., 1874, 5. s., v, 138-146. -----. Du rapport entre l'ane- vrysme de la crosse de l'aorte et la pneumonie cas6euse. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1876, ii, 5; 197; 292.—Hay em. t Compression de la veine cave sup6rieure, et oblitera- tion partieUe de cette veine. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 109-117.—Herrick (S. S.) Remarkable aortic aneurism protruding through the thoracic waUs and par- tiaUy reentering the thorax. N.Orl. J. M., 1868, xxi, 744-746.— Hewitt (F. H.) Aneurism of descending aorta which burst into oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-9, ii, 46-48.—Hopkinson (J. P.) Aneurism of the aorta, and unusual origin of right subclavian. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1830, vU, 556.—Horand. An6vrysme de la crosse del'aorte; p6ricardite et hypertrophie du cceur; pleur6sie droite; autopsie. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1865, xvii, 349- 351. Also: Mem. soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1866, v, 8-14.— Horn (E.) Beobachtnng einer Pulsadergeschwulst der Aorta mit Beinf'rass der Riickenwirbel. Arch. f. med. Erfahr. Berl., 1808, vii, 290-295.—Hiibner (C. A.) Zwei- malige Perforation eines Aneurisma Aortae zu verschie- denen Zeiten. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1864, v, 571,— Hughes (J. S.) A case of enormous aneurismal dilata- tion of the arch of the aorta engaging the first portion of the artery, of long standing; . . . death sudden and unex- pected, from emboUsm of the aorta and left ventricle of the heart. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1873, xvi, 337-341,1 pi.— Hunter. IHypertrophy, with dilatation of right anel left ventricles; dUatation of' aorta, impUcating innominata; valvular disease, etc.] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1839, U, 222.—Hutchinson. Aneurism of the aorta compress- ing the pulmonary artery and causing death by angina pec- toris. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1855-6, vii, 102.—Hutchin- son (J. II.) Aneurism and calcareous degeneration ofthe aortic valves; spicule resembling bone in a branch of the coronary artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., Ux, 134.— Inglis (A.) Case of aneurism of the aorta, terminating by rapture into the oesophagus. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb., 1829, Ui, 529-535.—Irvine (J. P.) Double aneurysm Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequela; of). of thoracic aorta, compression of left bronchus, and conse- quent extensive lung-changes. (Interstitial pneumonia.) Tr. Path. Soc, 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 63-68. -----. Aneurysm of ascending aorta; rupture into pericardium; firmc lot found enveloping the heart. Ibid. ,73.—J anssens. Observation d'un anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte, com- prenant la trachee-artere et simulant une laryngite chro- nique; crreurdediagnostic. Ann.Soc.m6d.-chir.deBruges, 1842, iii, 241-244.—Jay. Aneurism of the aorta bursting into the pericardium. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1850-1, iii, 87.— Jean (H.) Anevrysme de la crosse de l'aorte ct de l'aorto thoracique ouvert dans les bronches. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877. IU. 286-288. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 575.—Johnson. Aneurism of the aorta pressing upon the pulmonary artery; autopsy. Med. Times >. iii. 149.—Ward. Thoracic aneurism bin stum into the co;its of the oesophagus. Lancet. Lond., 1867, ii. 7i4.— Ward iN.) Aneurism of the aorta, opening into the oesophagus. Tt. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 105— Ward (O.) Aneurism of the aorta, involving the right coronary artery, which burst into the pericardium, and caused death by giv.dual lnemorrhage. Ibid.. ls56-7, vui. 134.—War- ren (J. M.) Large aneurism of the thoracic aorta, with perforation of the sternum. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1806, lxxiv, 201-203. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve.. 1*67, v, 202-204. Aho. in hh: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1807, 434- 437.—Webb (W. H.) Case of aneurism of the thoracic aorta of long standing, gradually perforating the ster- num, the orilice being plugged by a large clot which admit- ted of oozing and hemorrhage. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., lxvUi, 400-410.—Weir (W.) Case of aneurism of aorta bursting uito the pericardium. Glasgow M. J.. 1855-6, Ui, 32s-::30.—Wells (w. C.) A case of aneurysm of the aorta, attended with ideeration of the oesophagus and windpipe. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. Sc Chir. Knowl., 1812, Ui, sl-84.—West (J.W.) Caseof aneurism of the aorta, burst- ing into the pericardium. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, vii, 444.— Wilkinson (C. H.) Aneurism of the aorta; raptureofthe cardiac sac ; haemorrhage into pericardium ; instant death. Case of inflammatory softening and rupture of tho heart. Galveston M. J., 1870, v, 139-142.—Wilks (S.) Aneu- rism of the aorta; rupture into the pericardium; subse- quent closure by inflammation. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861, xii. 71—Williams (C. T.) Aneurism of the arch of the aorta, bursting into the oesophagus. Ibid., 1871, xxii, 102-104. -----. Double aneurysm of the descending aorta, bursting into the left pleura. Ibid., 1874, xxv, 99-102.— Wood. Abcess contained in an aneurismal sac. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1858, n. s., xxxvi, 94-96.—[Wood (H. C.)] Sudden death in acute rheumatism from rapture of a small aneurism into the pericardium. PhUa. M. Times, 1875, v, 596.—Wright (T. H.) Aortal aneurism, with rupturo into the trachea and oesophagus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1829, iv, 345-348.—Yeo (G. F.) Aneurism of the aorta, emboUsm; hemiplegia, and aphasia. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 290-292.—Ye© (J. B.) A case of double aneurysm of the aorta; sudden death from rupture into the oesophagus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1875, xxvi, 61-65. Aneurisms (Aortic, Diagnosis and symp- toms of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequelae of). Bergeicst (O.) * De symptomatis ct diagnosi aneurismatum aortas thoracicae nonnulla. 6-. Vratislavice, 1856. Bouillaud (J.) * Essai sur le diagnostic des aneurismes de l'aorte, et specialement sur les si- gnes que fournit l'auscultation dans cette mala- die. 4J. Paris, 1823. Aho : Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1823, Ui, 549-571. Duestekberg (G.) * De aneurysmatis aorta? thoracicas symptomatibus et diagnosi. 8C. Be- rolini, 1^50. Gassiox (F.) *Sur un anevrysme de la por- tion ascendante de la crosse de l'aorte avec acci- dents ce're'braux. 4°. Paris, 187%. Gcesdox (H.) * I. Des symptomes de l'and- vrysme de l'aorte. II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 183H. Haggeney (H.) * De aneurismatis aortas tho- Aneurisms (Aortic, Diagnosis and symp- toms of). racicas symptomatibus et diagnosi, additis morbi historiis quinque. 8°. Gryphice, 1861. Mampe (P.) #De aortas aneurysmatibus et exemplis quibusdam in quibus anturysmata in hominibus vivis non cognita erant. 8C. Halis Saxonum, 1866. Summer (D.) * Sistens aneurysmatis aortas pleu- j ritidem mentientis casum. 8°. Berolini, [1816]. Thibault (E. M.) * I. Des symptfimes de l'and- vrysine de l'aorte. II. [etc.] 4C. Paris, 1843. Wixkler (A. T.) * De symptomatibus qua>, dum homo atlhuc vivit, dilatatio universalis et saccus aneurysmaticus ad aorteni adscendentem et arcum aorta? ostendunt. 8:. [Doipat], 1829. Albenois ScFanton. Anevrysme dc l'aorte ascendanto ayant simule. a une epoque avancee, un al ces par congestion. MarseiUemed., 1874, xi, 326-334.—Aldin. Aneurismof the thoracic aorta, with symptoms of enlarged heart. Lond. ! M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., U, 479-181.—Aldis (C. I. B.) Caso of asthmatic breathing, occasioned by nn aneurism of the thoracic aorta. Lancet, Lond.. 1S51. ii, 439.—Anevrysnie de l'aorte comprimant le ncrf recurrent; alteration parti- cuUere de la voix; atrophie des muscles laryngiens animes par ce ncrf. Bull. gesn. dc th6rap., Par., 18.">2, xliii, 132-134. —Armiger (T. J.) Caseof dysphagia, produced by aneu- rism of the aorta. Med.-Chir.'Tr., Loncl., 1817, ii, 244-250. —Atlee (\V. F.) Case of thoracic aneurism; with some remarks upon continued and obstinate c nictation as a symp- tom of the disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1869, n. s., lviii, 103-106. Aho : Tr. Coll. Phys. PhUa., 18G9, n. s., iv, 269-273. —Balfour (G. W.) Diagnosis of aneurism close to the heart. Edinb. M. J., 187L xvi, 704-715. Aho, Reprint.— Banks (J. T.) Thoracic aneurism ascending into the neck, with permanent contraction of tho pupil of left eve. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, u, 371.—Barber (T. A.) Two cases of aneurism, in which there was neither pulsation nor abnormal sound. Med.-Chir. Lond., 1845, xxviii, 597- 610.—Bellinghani (O'B.) Cases of aneurism of the arch of the aorta, with some remarks upon its diagnosis; upon the mechanism by which the double sound and double impulse are produced in aneurism of this part of the artery; and upon the analogy between tho normal and abnormal sounds of aneurism of the arch of the aorta and the nor- mal and abnormal sounds of the heart. DubUn M. Press, 1848, xix, 260; 340; 355; 371: 405.—Berdinel (P.) Dia- gnostic des anevrysmes aortiqnes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vU, 144.—Bigelow (H. J.) Aneurism of the aortic arch compressing the trachea, without physical sign of aneurism. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1854, n. s.* xxviU, 392.— ! Bonfils. t Symptomes d'angine de poitrine; niort. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1859, xxxiv, 90-96.—Borlee (J.) Nou- veUe observation sur un cas curieux d'anevrysme exterieur de la crosse de l'aorte, ayant determine des symptomes remarquables d'angine de poitrine ct consecutif a uno enorme hypertrophic du cceur. Ann. Soc. de ni6d. de Gand, 1847, xx, 45-59. [Rapport de M. "SVUlems.j BuU. Soc. de mecl. de Gand, 1847, xUi, 274-279; 279-273.—Bose. t . . . simulant une affection de cceur. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1828, Ui, 44-47.—Bovrditch (H. I.) Dyspnoea and crowing inspiration, etc., from aneurism of the aorta. Boston M. & S. J., 1860, Lxii, 163-165. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve, 1862, iv, 97-100.—Bricheteau. Observation d'anevrisnie de la crosse de l'aorte, compliquo d'epanchement sereux dans la plevre gauche, avec quel- i ques r6flexions sur le diagnostic de ces anevrismes. Union med.. Par., 1848, ii, 377; 385.— Bnckner (P. J.) A case of aneurism of the aorta, simulating disease of the lungs ; fatal from its rapture into the substance of the lungs. "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1847, vi, 160-164.—Carson (TV.) Pulsation in the thoracic walls and aortic aneurism. Cin- cin. J. M.. Indianapolis, 1869, iv, 17-23. Aho: Cincin. M. Re- pert., 1869, ii, 33-39. -----. A case of aortic aneurism, with sphygmogiams. Cincin. Lancet . — Sclmitzler. In idorseitige> dingt dui-eh ein An uiysma der Aorta thoracica ascendens und dc s Arcus Aortas. " Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvii 1443; I 1475.—Schrank. Die Diagnostik des Aneurysma der Aorta descend, thorac. AUg. AVien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 333:370:302.—Sch roe tier. Aneurismof the aorta. Med. Exam., Lond., 1.^76. i, 413. — Shattnek (G. C.) Aneurism of the aorta, unsuspected during life. Boston M. & S. J., 1-50. Uv, 262. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Improve., l.N'iii. U, 320.—Stokes. Case of aneurism of the aorta Simu- la t inir permanent patency ofthe aortic valves, with autopsy. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1871," i. 224.—Stokes (AV.) Aneurism of the thoracic aorta, without external tumour, recognized during life. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc. 1834, v, 421-428.— Symptoms of laryngitis simulated by the pressure of an aortic nueurism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvii, j 549.—Taylor (E. R.) Aneurism of the aorta mistaken for that of the innominata; death; autopsv. Pacitic M. Sc S. J., San Fran.. 1866, vui, 124-128.—Terrell (A. J.) Aneurism of aorta and primitive Uiac artery, together with j mesenteric abscess; impossibiUty of correct diagnosis; inu- tility of treatment; autopsy. Virginia CUn. Rec, 1872-3, ii, 49-54.—Thompson (S.) Thoracic aneurism; promi- nent and pidsating tumors in front ofthe chest; severe cough and dyspmea; rapid subsidence and disappearance of the tumors; pulmonary symptoms unchanged. Lancet, Lond.. 1853, ii, 31.—Trau'bc (L.) Laryngoskopiseher Befund in einem FaU von Aneurysma des Abrtenbogens. Deutsche KUnik, Bell., 1860, xii. 393: 1861, xui, 263. Aho, in hh: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, ii, St. L 505-510. -----. Ein FaU von Aneurysma des Bogens er Aorta mit Bemerkungen iiber cUe Ursache der Erho- I hung der Stininie bei Aneurysmen des Arcus Aortas, sowie | iiber die Indicationen bei der Behandlung der Aortenaneu- rysmen. Ibid., 1878, Ui, 267-269.—Turnbull. Aneurism of the descending portion of the arch of the aorta with- out physical signs. Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s., vni, 343.— Wade (W. F.) On a case of aortic aneurism, in which a I communication with the pulmonary artery was recognized during life by means of physical diagnosis. Proc Roy. I M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1861, ui, 402.—Ward. Case of J aneurism; aneurism of ascending aorta; pressure and en- croachment upon larynx: hoarseness; paroxysmal cough and dyspnoea; dysphagia; death from suffocation. Med. Times j Sc Gaz., Lond., 1864, ii, 698.—'Ward (J.) Case of aneurism j ofthe aorta, producing symptoms of peripneumonia notha. Lond. M. Reposit., 1824, "xxii, 381.—Wilks. Dysphagia; death: intra-thoracic aneurism. Lancet, Lond", 1877, i, 87.—Wilson (J. G.) Case of mixed aneurism of aortic arch, simulating aneurism of left carotid, with remarks, i Glasgow M. J.."1854-5. ii, 407-409.—Woodman (AV. B.) | Case of thoracic aneurism, with contraction of pupU. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 205.—Yeo (J. B.) Case of aneurism of the ascending portion of the arch of the aorta, presenting anomalous symptoms. Lancet, Lond., | 1*72, i, 891-893.—Zawcrthal "(AV.) La diagnosi degU aneurismi deU'aorta toracica e U valore pratico della Ta- ringoscopia nel riconoscerU. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1876, 2. 8., vi, 353-363. Aneurisms (Aortic, Dissecting). See Aneurism (Dissecting). Aneurisms (Aortic, Treatment of). See, also, Aneurism (Treatment of); Aneu- risms (Aortic, Cases of); Aneurisms (Aortic, Complications and sequelae of). Baccelli (G.) Di un nuovo metodo di cura per taluni aneurismi deU'aorta. Lezione clinica. t°. Rama, 1877. Aho: Gazz. med. di Roma, 1878, iv, 1; 13; 37; 49; 61; 73. Abbot. Aneurism of the arch of the aorta; decided rcUef of the symptoms under large doses of iodide of potas- sium. Boston M. 1875, iv, 393-398. Aho, transl.: Arch. f. Augen-n. Ohrenh., AViesb., 1876, v, 172- 177.—Humble (AV. E.) Intracranial aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 489.— Hutchinson (J.) Aneurism of tho internal carotid within tho skull diagnosed eleven years before tho patient's death; spontaneous cure. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1875, viii, 127-131.—Hntchinson (J. H.) On intracranial aneurism, with tho report of a case observed, and a table containing 33 cases. Penn. Hosp. Rep., 1869, ii, 83-107. Aho, Reprint. — Intracranial anourism. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1871, xlvii, 95-101.— Kiiia; (T.) Remarks on aneurisms of the cerebral arteries; with cases. Med. Q. Rev., Lond., 1835, iU, 434-439.—Krem- nitz (AV.) Ein FaU von Aneurysma arterias meningeas media3 mit Bemerkungen iiber dessen Diagnose und iiber die antiseptische Ligatur der Carotis communis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1874, iv, 473-485.—Lange. Ein Fall von Apoploxia sanguinea in Folge eines Aneurysma der Arterias toss. Sylvii dcxtras. MemorabiUen, Heilbr., 1871, xvi, 55.—Lcbert. Ueber Aneurysmen der Gehirnar- terien. AVien. med. Presse, 1876, vii, 8.—Leber t (H.) Ueber dio Aneurysmen der Hirnarterien. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1866, iii, 209; 229; 249; 281; 336; 345; 386; 402.— K«egg (J. AV.) & Ormerod (J. A.) Aneurysm of the ANEURISMS. 385 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Cerebral and intracranial). anterior communicating cerebral artery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876, xii, 239.—li'Estrangc. An instrument for making direct compression on deep-seated arteries for the cure of aneurism, after the artery has been cut down upon. Mecl. Press, Dubl., 1865, liii, 535.—liiouville (H.) Note sur la coexistence d'alterations anevrysmales dans la refine avec des anevrysmes des petites artercs dans 1'en- < ephale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii, 141.—Lidwcn- hardt. FaU von zablreichcn Aneurysmen in der Cortieal- sulistanz des grossen Gehirns. AUg'. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., ctc.*Berl., 1867, xxiv, 748-752.—I.oiigworth. Aneurism of middle cerebral arterv. Clinic. Cincin., 1877, xii, 75.— ITIc'Downll (T. AV.) Case of aneurism of the anterior communicating artery. Lancet, Loud., 1875, ii, 202.— Mackenzie (G. II.)' Caseof aneurisms of the basilar and posterior cerebral arteries, and embolism ofthe right inter- nal carotid arteries, with left hemiplegia; dementia; death. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1877, xxiii, 81-84. —MacSwiuey. Aneurism of the superior cerebellar aitery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 373-375.—de Moinichen (H.) De aneuris- mate capitis. Acta nied. phil. Hafn. (1071-2), 1673, 162. Also, transl.: Collect, acad. d. mem., etc., Dijon, 1766, vii, 107.—.tloore. Aneurism of the internal carotid artery within the skuU, which pro ved fatal by rupture Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1848-50, i, 242.—lTIurchison. Aneurismof middle cerebral artery. Lancet, Lond., 18i>2, i, 39.—IVun- ncley. Circumscribed false aneurysm of the cerebral portion of the left internal carotid artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-00, xi, 8-10.—Ogle (J. AV.) Aneurism of the middle cerebral aitery; extravasation of blood from bursting thereof; death in a few hours. Ibid., 1855-6, vU, 127-129. -----. Case of paralysis as to voluntary motor fiower of tho limbs on one side of the body, attended by lyperassthesia as regards tho impressions of pinching anil pricking on the corresponding side of the face; being the result of compression of certain lateral parts of the brain from an intracranial aneurism; with observations on "in- duced" cerebral paralysis. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud.. 1859, xiii, 403-421,1 pi.—Also: Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 36.—Osier (W.) Aneurism of second bifurcation of the right middle cerebral artery; rupture; extravasation of blood into the sylvian fissure, and laceration of substance of the temporo- sphenoidal lobe; death in 36 hours. Montreal Geu. Hosp. Path. Rep., 1877, i, 30-32.—Peacock (T. B.) Intracranial aneurisms. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1876, vii, 119; 317. 2 pi.—Pepper (AV.) Aneurism of left middle cere- bral artery; partial right hemiplegia; aphasia; eccentric hypertrophy of heart with valvular disease; embobsm of spleen; rupture of the intracranial aneurism, and death in 30hours. Proc Path.Soc.PhUa., 1871, Ui, 79-83. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1863, n. 8., xiv, 403-406.— Rcbatel. Foyers apoplectiques et andvrysmes miUaires du cerveau. Mem. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1868, vii, 341-343.—Bichardsou (E.) Case of death from rupture of an aneurism of the middle cerebral artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 74.— Richter. Aneurysma arterial, meniug. media?. [With reference to case, 1874, iv, 473-485.] Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, vui, 107-110.—Robertson (A.) Caso of aneurism in lateral ventricle of brain. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 394-396,1 pi.—Roc (H.) Aneurism of tho ante- rior cerebral artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1850-1, in, 46.— | Ross. Case of cerebral aneurism; softening of the brain; death from hasmorrhage. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1875, iii, 348-351.—Russell (J. C.) Case of aneurism of the left middle cerebral artery bursting into the lateral ventricle. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxiv, 612-014.—Samt (P.) Aueurysma der rechten Arteria fossas Svlvii mit Massen- hasmorrhagie in dem rechten Stern- und Schlafeulappen. Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1875, xii, 542-545. — Schutzcn- berger. Anevrysme de l'artere cerebrale anterieure. Proc.-verb---Soc demed. deStrasb., 1867, iv, 66.—Serres. Observations sur la rupturo des anevrysmes des arteres du cerveau. Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1826. x, 419-431. Also: J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1826, vi, 82-90.—Smith (R AV.) Multilocular aneurism at the base of tho brain. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1842, i, 205. -----. Cerebral aneurism. [Cases.] Dublm Q. J. M. Sc, 1870, n. s., 1, 443-453.—Spurgin (T.) Case of aneurism of the anterior cerebral artery. Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xxUi, 443-145.—Squire (H.) Aneurism of the middle cerebral artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855- 0, vii, 125-127. -----. True aneurism of tho left poste- rior cerebral aitery. Ibid., 1856-7, viii, 166.—Struthcrs (J.) Aneurism of the anterior communicating artery. Edinb. hi. J., 1862, viii, 190.—Thomson (A. T.) A case of aneurisms within tho skuU, terminating in apoplexy and paralysis; with clinical remarks. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Se., 1842, ii, 557-563.—Vau der Byl. Aneurism of the posterior cerebral arterv, funning a laminated tumor within the brain. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1855-6, vii, 129- 131, 1 pi.—Vergely (P.) DUatation anevrysmale de l'ar- tere sylvienne gauche. Bordeaux med., 1874, Ui, 395.— Wagner (E.) Aneurysm^ der Arteria fossas SylvU; Plotzlicher Tod. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1864, v, 285.— Watson (T. AV. AV.) Aneurism of [the] anterior com- municating [artery] of the circle of AViUis. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lund., 1805, i, 337.—Wood (J.) Aneurysm ofthe left middle cerebral artery. Tr. Path. Soc Lond.', 1868, xix, Aneurisms (Cerebral and intracranial). 102-104.—Wood (T. O.) A case of aneurism of tho mid- dle cerebral artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, U. 589. Aneurisms (Cocliac)-. Aneurism of the cceliac axis. Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 457.—Aneurysma dissecans arterias cccliacas. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in AVien (1865), 1866, 186.—Archer (R. S.) Aneurism of cceliac axis; cardiac disease; rupture of sac; death. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, iii, 4-0.—B art hoi© w (R.) Aneurism of cceliac axis and abdominal aorta; violent epigastric and precordial pain; symptoms of angina pectoris; thoracic neuralgia; death; autopsy; aneurism of aorta and cceliac axis. AVest. J. M., Indianap., 1868, iii, 160.—Barzilai (C.) Aneuris- ma della celiaca; compressione deU'aorta con tendenza a dUatazione lateiale sinistra, [etc] Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1876, xix, 369-371.—Baynham (J. M.) Case of aneurism of the cceliac artery with stricture of the aorta. Midland M. Sc S. Reporter, Worcester, 1831-2, Ui, 125-127.—Berard (P. H.) CceUaque (artere casUaque); maladiesderarterccceliaque. Anevrysmes. Diet, demed., 2. 6d., Par., 1834, viii, 165-168.—Bcisgeon. An6vrysme du tronc cceliaque chez un paralvtiiiiie'aliene; mortsubite- ment. Rev. med. franc}, et 6trang., Par., 1830, Ui, 219-233.— Bullcy (F. A.) t Med. Times . -----. Diffuse aneurism of the femoral artery occurring | six months after an injury; deligation of the'vessel; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 470. Also: Med. Tunes, Lond", 1852. n. s., v, 411-413.—Cooper (B. B.) t . . . ope- ration for lying the external iliac.artery. Lond. M. Gaz., I 1843, n. s.. i, 7o3-755.—Coote (II.) A case of traumatic aneurism, treated by pressure; ligature; death. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond.,"l867, iii, 4U-if:i.—Cordeiro (J.) Ob- servacao d'hum aneurisma traumatico, curado pela com- prcssao. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb. 1839, ix, 336-339.— Cotronei (G. A.) Aneurisma traumatico, varieoso-encis- tico arterioso deUa crurale sinistra. Movimento, Napoli, 1872, iv, 105.—Cox (S.) t . . . death. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Bii-mingham, 1857, i, 70-75.—Creus (d. J.) t Siglo med., Madrid, 1879, xxvi, 375.—[Cnmmiug (A. J.)] t . . . digital compression; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1875, u, 311.— C'upplcs (G.) t . . . deligation of external Uiac artery; recovery. Richmond Sc LouisvUle M. J., LouisvUle, 1873, xvi, 614-617.—Curling. Traumatic aneurism of the femoral artery of twenty years' duration; treatment by com- pression and subsequently by ligature; continued pulsation in the tumor. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 572-574.—Cusco. t . . . ligature du vaisseau au-dessus du sac; guerison. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 304.— Cutcliffe (H. C.) Hasmor- rhage from a ruptured aneurism of the femoral aitery at Poupart's Ugament; Ugature of both the external iliac "and femoral arteries by carbolized catgut; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viU, 29-31.—Dauiaschino. Double poche anevrysmale consecutive k une perforation do part en part de l'artere fesmorale; Ugature au triangle inguinal; mort. BnU. soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxrviii, 438-448.— Daret (H.) t . . . Ugature of tho external Uiac. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1856-7, xUi, 471.—Dart nel I. t [Compression; cure in 24_hours.] Med. Times, Lond., 1851. n. s., ii, 148— Davies-Colley. Case of traumatic aneurism of superficial femoral artery, recurrent after ligature, and cured by laying open the sac Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 606.— Behio (J.W.) t. . . Unterhalb des Poupartschen Bandes, geheilt durch die indirecte Compression. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1867, xU, 137-148.—Belaporte. Memoire sur la Ugature de l'artere Uiaque externe, daus les anevri- smes de la femorale au pU de l'aine. Mem. Soc. med. d'emu- lat., Par., 1811, vii, 368-393.—Bcnys. t J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1787, lxxiu, 380-386.—Desault. t J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1790, lxxxUi. 54-64.—Des- champs. t Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1799, v, 189- 216.—Dickson (J. H.) t . . . Ugature of the external Uiac artery; cure. N. Vork J. M. Sc S., 1839, i, 361-303.—Diver (T.) Double aneurism of the femoral and popliteal arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 509.—Dudley (J. G.) Case of diffused traumatic femoral aneurism. Confed. States M. Sc S. J., Rich- mond, 1864, i, 35.—Dupuy. t . . . piece anatomique J. de med. dc Bordeaux, 1854, xii, 433.—Dupnytren. t . . . op6- ration. CUn. d.hop., Par., 1828-9, iU, 188.-----t Revue med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1829, ii, 369-37.1 —Ebsworth (A.) t Spontaneous cure ... Med. Times, Lond., 1844, ix, 201.—El- dridge (S.) t . . . above origin of profunda; treatment by flexion; recovery. Am.J.M.Sc,Phila., 1875,n.s.,lxix.134.— Elliott (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 412-4i4.—op den Ende (F. H.) Kortstondig aangebragte drukking, be- schouwd als medewcrkende oorzaak ter genezing van ecu dijslagadergezwel, met een voorbeeld gestaafd. N. Ver- handel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst., 1836, v, 163-175,1 pi.—Erichscn. Diffused femoral aneurism, the result of spontaneous rupture from disease; deligation of the external Uiac; death from pelvic abscess. Lancet, Lond., 1861, U, 593. -----. Ruptured femoral aneurism; ligature of the external Uiac. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1861, U, 136.—Esconbas (M.) t . . . ligature by Dr. Mer- cier. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1856-7, xiu, 472-175.—Evans, t . . . ligature of the external iliac; suppuration of the sac, and death two months afterwards. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 387.—Ewart (J.) Caso of aneurism of the femoral artery; deUgation at the apex of Scarpa's tri- angle; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 183.— Fagge (C. fl.) Case of aneurism, seated on an ab- normal main artery of the lower limb. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s., x, 151-157, 1 pi.—Faulcon. t . . . gueri sans Ugature. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 313— Aneurisms (Femoral). Fayrer (J.) t Ligature of the external iliac artery. In- dian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1870, xUi, 146-165. Also) Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lend., 1870, i, 7: 32— Femoral aneurysm; ligature of the arterv. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J.. 1831, n. s., xi, 39.—Fercday. t Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1(<27. vii. 562.— [Fergusson.] t Ligature ofthe external iliac artery: re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 140. -----. t Ligature of external iliac; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 12.—Fleury. Observation sur deux anevrismes aux arteres femorales d'un meme sujet, gueris l'un spontan6- ment, et l'autre par l'operatioii. J. gen. de mesd., chir. ct pharm.. Par., 1807, xxviii, 162-174: 175-184.—Flint (J. B.) t Treatment by compression: ligature of iliac; gangrene; death on twenty-second day. Semi-mouth. M. News, Louis- viUc, 1859, i. 7-14.—Folkcr (W. H.) t . . . successfully treated by ligature of the external iliac. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 89.—Fontain. t . . . faisant suite k un ane- vrysme popUt6 gueri par une compression mecanique do huit heures. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1861. xxxiv, 263— Ford (De S.) t . . . treated bv ligation. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1866-7, 3. s., i. 630.—Forgcmol (A.) Observa- tion sur un anevrisme faux consecutif, traumatique, de ['artere crurale. oper6 avec succes selon la mfithodede Hun- ter. Rec. de in&m. de nied. . . . mil., Par., 1836, xl. 216- 228.—Forstcr (J. C.) t Rupture of sac; old operation; recovery.—Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1868, i, 36-40. -----. t Compression: ligature; gangrene: death. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1872,3. s., xvii.284-280.—Forster (T.) t Med. Facte & Obs., Lond., 1795, vi, 114-119.—Fountain (E.J.) t . . . foUowing a popliteal aneurism; cured by eight hours' mechanical compression. N. Tork J. AL, 1859, 3. a., vi, 75- 82.— Fowler (C.) t Operation. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1844, vU, 136.—Friinkel. t ... als Beitrag zur Lavrence'schen Unterbinduugs-Met bode. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xiii, 633-639.—Fraigniaud (L.) t . . . gueri par l'emploi des melanges refrigerants, aides de la compression. Bull. gen. do therap.. etc., Par., 1655, xlviii, 297-303.— Gollrrand (E.) t Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1874, xxii, 379-391.—Galliet. t . . . consecutif k une plaie par anno &feu; compression digitale; insucces; rupture dela poche; ligature de l'Uiacpie externo: guerison. BuU. Soc. med. do Reims, 1873, 139-153.—GalIwey (M. B.) Case of trau- matic aneurism of the femoral artery at Poupart's Ugament. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i. 234.—Crania. Anevrisme"" crural, suite d'un coup de sabre, compression et ligature. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1838, xiv, 324-335.—Garrard (W.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1856, i, 33.—Gay. t Ligature ofthe external iliac. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 302.— -----. t . . . incision ofthe sac, and ligatures on the vessel above and below. Ibid., 1868, i, 780. -----. Femoro- popUteal aneurism; attempt to Ugature the vessel above and below; amputation. Ibid., 1869, i, 428. -----. tt . . . treated by ligature. Ibid., 1867, ii, 10.—Gay (C. C. F.) t . . . compression; subsequently ligation of the external iliac. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. s., lxix, 13.5-139. ----- Femoral aneurism so closely simulating femoral hernia as to render diagnosis difficult. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1875-6, xv, 417.—Gill bee (W.) t . . . treated successfuUy by com- pression. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1864, ix, 345-347.— Gloag (G. A.) t . .. closely simulating malignant disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 584.— Gooch (B.) Concerning aneurysms in the thigh. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1775, lxv, 378- 383.—Gore (W. R.) t . . . cured by pressure on the exter- nal Uiac Dublin M. Press, 1839, xiii, 131.—Gowlaud (P.) False aneurism from a wound of the femoral art.-ry. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 123.—Grcason (J. R.) t Ligature of external iliac; gangrene supervening on the 10th day; fatal. N. York M. Gaz., 1842, ii, 1-3.—Green (•*. L.) Femoral aneurism in a man, seventy-five years of age, cured by pressure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, 2.—Gross (S. D.) t Ligation of external iliac. PhUa. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 116.—Gross (S. W.) t . . . cured by digital compression; with remarks and a statistical report of twenty-two other cases treated bv this method. X. Am. Med.-Chir. Rev.. PhUa., 1859, iii, 73-85. Aho: Reprint.— Grundy (E.) t Ligature of the external iliac. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834. xiii, 509.—Gunttanus (C.) Singulare femoris aneurysma. In: Lauth (T.) Script. Lat. dc aneur. coUec- tio, 4°, Argentorati, 17*5, pp. 228-234. — Gnillau:ne. Observation d'un an6vrysme faux, consecutif de l'aitens crurale opere a l'bopital mUitaire de Gironne. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1824. xv, 314-322.—Gutierrez (X J.) t Repert. Aled.-Habanero. Habana, 1842, 2. s., 15.— If aan (J. H. L.) Volkomen genezen door onderbinding van de uitwendige heupslagadcr. Hippocrates, Rotterd., 1828, vU, 95-107.—Hamilton (F. H.) Traumatic femoral aneurism; ligature of the external iliac artery; amputa- tion; fatal result. Buffalo M. J., 1856-7, xii, 466-471.— Hamilton (J.) t Ligature of the external iliac artery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 273-276.—Hargrave (W.) t ... in the female, treated by compression. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1851, xii, 204-208.—Harrison (0.) 11 Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, ii, 431.—Haswell (W.) t Ligature of exter- nal iliac. Lancet, Lond.. 1843, i, 716-718.—Hawkins, t Inflammation of the sheath of the vessels. Lond. M. Gaz., 1829, iv, 287.—Hawkins (C.) Aneurism of tho femoral and popUteal arteries; Ugature applied to the external Uiac ANEURISMS. 388 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Femoral). artery; death twentv-nine days after the operation. Lan- cet, Lond., 1846, ii, 90.—Haywood (E. B.) t . . . cured by ligature. Confcd. States M. & S. J., Richmond, 1864, l, 30.—Heath (C.) Case of punctured aneurism of the com- mon femoral artery; the sac opened and the artery tied above and below the aneurism; fatal secondary hasmor- rhage. Lancet, Lond., 1867, U, 671-673. -----. t... in Hunter's canal; ligature of femoral artery; cure. Ibid., 1875, ii, 557.—Heller, t. .. traumatic. AVien. med. Wchn- schr., 1852, ii, 796.—Hcrrgott. Sur un anevrisme faux primitif de l'artere crurale; section entre deux ligatures; guerison. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1853, xiii, 53-55.—Hersey (G. D.) t... successfuUy treated by compression. N. York M. J., 1875, xxi, 608.—Hcsselbach. Geschichte eines Aneurysma spurium der Arteria cruralis, welches in den er- sten Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts mit gliickUcheui Erfolge operirt wurde. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1817, ii, 206; 368.— Hewett (P.) t Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1846, xxix, 75-80.— Hill (J. D.) t Ligature of the external Uiac artery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1872. u, 153.—Holt. False aneurism of tho femoral artery in Hunter's canal; operation by cutting into the aneurism and tying both ends of the wounded vessels; subsequent disease of the knee-joint; recovery. Ibid., 1861, i, 608.—Holt (B.) A case of large femoral aneurism, treated by pressure, under chloroform, main- tained for fifty-two consecutive hours. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1874, vii, 56-58.—Horner (W. E.) t . . . showing the importance of applying a ligature below as weU as above the sac Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1842, n. s., iv, 332-337.— Hosack (D.) t Med. Reposit., N. V., 1809, vi, 105-108. Aho: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1809, v, 182-185. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. M. Sc PhU. Reg., N. V., 1814, iii, 49-53, 1 pi. Also, in hh: Essays, etc., 8°, N. T., 1824, ii, 278-287, 1 pi. Aho, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1818, iU, 406-413. Also, transl.: 8°, Paris, [n. d.]—Houston (J.) t . . . cured by ligature of tho external iliac artery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1842-3, xxii, 209-219, I pi.—Hovell (D. de B.) t . . . which burst externally; successfuUy healed by Ugature upon the upper portion of the artery. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii, 30.— Hughson (J. S.) Sacculated cylindrical aneurism of the femoral artery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1876, viu, 1-12.—Hull (G. S.) t t Treatment by Prof. D. H. Ag- new. PhUa. M. Times, 1877, vii, 561-563.—Humfrey. t ... cured by compression in thirty-three hours. DubUn M. Press, 1847, xviii, 337.—Hunt (J. H.) t . . . treated by combined proximal and distal compression; recovery. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1866, ii, 241-243.—Inzani (G\) Aneurisma diffuse) consecutivo della femorale, Ugatura deU'arteria iliaca esterna; morte dopo tre mesi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1862, clxxxi, 564.—Jansen (J. H.) Waarneming van spontane smiting eener aneurysma- tische dijslagader. Xederl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1852-3, 3. s., ii, 46-56, 1 pi.—JFcssop. t Ligature of external Uiac ar- tery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 527. -----. t . . . treatment by compression; cure. Ibid., 632.—Jones (R. S.) t . . . cured by compression. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1872^-3, iii, 182.—Jones (S.) t . . . treated successfully by ligature [with carboliscd catgut] of the external iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 775.— Kast (T.) An account of an aneurism in the thigh per- fectly cured by the operation, and the use of the limb pre- served. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1790- 1808, i, 96-98.— Kennedy (S.) t Treatment by compression; success. Edinb. M. J., 1865, xi, 433-435.—Key. t . . . suc- cessfuUy treated by a ligature on the external iUac artery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 68-70.— Kidd (A.) t . '. . ligature of the external iliac; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 184ii, xv, 40-42.—Etinglake (R.j Observation dans laqueUe uno partie de l'artere femorale fut dilat6e, pour avoir et6 mise k decouvert par une plaie, et traitee avec succes, en obliterant sa cavit6 en cet endroit par la compression. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxvii, 67-74.—Kloppcrt (J. G.) t . . . genezing door on- dcrbinding. Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1842-3, v, 342-363.— Knaggs. t . . . treated by pressure, etc., and subse- quently by ligature. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1863, viU, 271.—Kohler. Aneurysma arterias profunda^ fem. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1878, iU,' 461.—JLacoste (B.) t Rec. p6riod. Soc. do med. de Par., 1799, v, 125-140. — Land (R. T.) t . . . Ugature of external Uiac artery; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, U, 583.—Lane (J.) t . . . Ugature of tho external iUac artery; recovery. Ibid., 1868, i, 29.— Larendon (J.) t Tr. Texas M. Ass., Houston, 1874, vi, 53.—Larica (A. A.) t Operacao segundo o methodo de J. Hunter; complicagoes; cura. Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1854-5, ii, 142-144.—Laurence, t ... in Hunter's canal treated by compression. Lancet, Lond., 1866, U, 34.—Lawson (G.) Large aneurism of the femoral artery successfuUy treated by compression of the abdominal aorta. Ibid., 1867, U, 514.—Leonard (C.) t . . . Ugature of the external Uiac artery; recovery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1867, ii, 362.— Lesauragc. An6vrysme faux primitif, suite d'une blcssuro do l'artere femorale, op6r6 par la m6thode de Hunter. BuU. Acad, demed., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 186-190.— Leslie (C.) An account of the operation for tho aneu- rism being performed upon the femoral artery with suc- cess. Med. & Phil. Comment., Lond., 1784, ii', 2. ed., 176- Aneurism&.(Femoral). 180.—Lewis, t Army M. Dep. Rep. 1871, Lond., 1873, xiii, 312-314.—Linhart (W.) Spontane Aneurysmen beider Femoral-Arterien an einem Individuum geheUt durch intermittirende Digital-Kompression. Wien. Med.-HaUc, 1861, ii, 285; 294. —Lisfranc. t . . . ligature de l'Uiaque externe. Gaz.d.hop., Par., 1836. x, 218.-----. t ... Ugature de l'artere iUaque externe; symptomes de congestion pul- monaireet cerebrale: bronchiteavechemoptysie; tympanite ties developpee; guerison. Ibid., 369-371.—Liston (R.) t . .. cured by means of the "presse artere".* Lancet, Lond., 1843,i, 105-109. -----. t ... treated by pressure. Ibid., 1844, i, 24.—Lorinscr. Aneurisma nach einer Stichwunde am Oberschenkel. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1869, Wien, 1870, 227.—Love (T. N.) A case of false aneurism ofthe profunda artery, with disease of the bone, for which a Uga- ture was placed on the femoral artery, and afterwards am- putation of the limb. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1847-8, iv, 434- 438.—Lund. Ligature of the Uiac artery for femoral aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 191.—Lyman (J.) t N. Eng. J. M. &S., Bost., 1824, xiU, 19-23.—Lyon, t Glas- gow M. J., 1856-7, iv, 124—McCann (J.) t . . . treated by digital compression; cure in 11 hours and 55 minutes. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1874-5, xU, 513-520. — MacCormac. t FaUure of digital compression and flexion; ligature of the external Uiac; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 140. —M'Ghie (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1800-61, viii, 449. -----. Double aneurism of the femoral artery. Ibid., 450-453.—Macgrath (E.) t . . . compression; cure. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863, v, 526.—Mc- Grath (E.J.) t ... cured by digital compression of the external iliac artery. Dublin M. Press, 1864, U, 3- 5.—Mackern (T.) t . . . cured by compression. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 492.—Maclean (D.) Traumatic aneurism of the femoral artery. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 100- 102. -----. Case oi" a man who was struck by a baU or piece in the Une of the femoral artery about an inch be- low Poupart's Ugament in the left thigh; ligature of ex- ternal Uiac. Ibid., 1875, xi, 263-265. — M'Shane (C.) t Statist. Rep. Health Navy, 1873, Lond., 1874, 18-20.—Ma- noury. t ... ^ la suite d'un coup d'arme a feu. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1787, lxxi, 261-280. -----. t . . . k la suite d'une plaie d'arme k feu. J. de chir. (De- sault), Par., 1791, U, 112-127. Aho: J. de nied., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1792, xci, 64-75. — Markoe (T. M.) Ligation of the femoral artery for femoral aneurism; Lis- ter's antiseptic method. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, Ui, 68- 70.—dc Marncflfe. Gu6rison spontanee par obUteration d'un anevrysme faux de l'artere femorale. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1856, xviii, 17-23. —Mason (E.) t Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xiii, 370. Mazza (G.) t Ann. univ. di. mecl., Milano, 1855, cUi, 600.— Menzel (A.) t . . . traumatico. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1809, 6. s., ii, 69. -----. t . . . crepato spontanea- mente, con aneurisma spurio consecutivo. Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste, 1878, iv, 398.—Mercier (A.) t Ligature of the external iliac. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1856-7, xiii, 475- 484— Milford (F.) t N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1873^, iv, 196-200.—Miller (J.) t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1854, xix, 81.—Miner (J. F.) Aneurism of the femoral and lower portion of the iliac arteries: Ugature of the external iUac Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1869, viu, 249-251.— Mirault (G.) t . . . pour lequel on a pratiques la ligature de l'artere iUaque externe, suivant le proc6de de Bogros. Mem. Acad. roy. demed., Par., 1838, vii, 577-594.—MitcheU (J.) t ... cured by the application of a Ugature, after fai- lure by compression. Med. Times & Gaz.. 1853, n. s., vii, 648.—Monod. Anevrisme faux spontan6 de l'artfere fe- morale, siegeant prfes du passage dc ce vaisseau a travers l'anneau des adducteurs; rupture du sac an6vrismal et formation d'un anevrisnio diffus qui est pris pour un abces; coup do bistouri qui donne issue a clu sang; liga- i ture de l'artere iUaque externe par le proc6d6 de Sir A. Cooper; examen n6croscopique. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 137.—Monro (W.) t. . . and application of a Ugature to the oxternai iliac artery. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1846, lxv, 269-278.—Montanari (L.) AUacciaturadeU'arteria iUaca esterna per aneurisma diffuso daUa femorale superficiale sinistra. Gior. di med., mil. Firenze, 1870, xvUi, 573-579.— Montct (F.) Anevrysme f6moral gueri par la ligature de l'artere crurale. Montpel. med., 1869, xxiii, 385-410.— Moquin. An6vrysme diffus consdcutif de l'artere f6- morale; insucc&s de la compression digitale; ligature de 1'iUaque externe; autopsie. Gaz. med de Lyon, 1866, xviii, 184.—Morgan, t Operation of tying the external iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1828, i, 411.—Morrisson (M.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1836, xix, 328; 331. -----. Pendu- lous aneurismal tumour on the thigh. Ibid.. 1838, xxu, 327- 330.—Mott (V.) t... for which the external iliac artery was tied. Ibid., 1831, viii, 393-397.—Moulinic (J.) Ope- ration do l'anevrysme, pratiqu6e a l'artere femorale. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et do chir. prat., Par.,1832, ix, 223-B30. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xUx, 441.—Murray (A.) In aneurysmata femoris observationes. [In: Lauth (T.) Script. Lat. do aneur. coUectio, 4°, Argentorati, 1785, pp. 497-545.]—Murray (J.) On femoral aneurism, and the pa- thology of secondary aneurismal hasmoiThagc Lond. M. i Gaz., i835, xv, 907-915.—Myers (A. B. R.) t Instrumental ANEURISMS. 389 AXEUEISMS. Aneurisms (Femoral). and digital compression; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, j i, 341—>ankivell ( A. W. ) "t FaUure of treatment by compression ; ligature of external Uiac artery; suppuration of sac ; amputation of thigh ,■ death. Med."Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, u, 573. -----. t Ligature of external Uiac ; re- covery. Ibid., ii, 573.—Nicolich (G. jun.) t . . . guarito colla compressione digitale. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Vene- zia, 1879,4.s ,i,224.—>icoll (A.) Aneurism of the femoral artoi s of both thighs. Lond. M. Reposit., 1815. Ui, 371- 374—>"otta. Anevrysmefauxprhnitu'de1'artere femorale; Ugaiure par la methode d'Anel; ouverture spontanee du sac; guerison. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1805. 2. s., vi. 508-513. Aho: Unionmed., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxviii. 4;i5-44u. Ahv, | ti-t'nJ.: DubUn M. Press & Circ. ImjO. i, 170-17;*.—de Oca (P. M.) Aneurisma femoro popliteo, complicando una sili- lis constitucional. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1,-09, iv. 134-137.— Paget (J.) A case of aneurism ct the external Uiac and femoral artery. Med. Times &: Gaz., Loud., 1658, xvii, 654- 050. -----. f Aneurism of the femoral artery at the groin; ligature of the external Uiac; recovery. L'ancet, Lond., 1861, i, 531. -----. t . . . with rupture of the sac. Ibid., 1869, i. 521; 557.—Palletta. t [Prom: X. Gior. d. piil recente letterat. nied.-clur. d'Europa, Milano, 1782. t. U, p. 314, tf.] Ital. med.-chir. bibUoth.. Leipz., 1794, ii, 1. St.. 240-244.— Park. ♦ . . . treated by pressure. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1871, Lond., 1873, xUi, 314.—Parrish (j.) t . . . spontaneously cured. Eclect. Repert., PhUa., 1811, i. 506-511.—Pereira GuimaraeS (J.) Aneurisma volu- uw-o da paite superior da arteria femoral esquerda em um iudividuo de idade avancada; cura expontanea depois de violenta intlaniny.cao doJ sacco. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., lj-74_ti, ii. L'75-27.'.—Aho, transl.: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877,1, 7M».—Peticolas (A. E.) t . . . from a wound. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1858, xi, 290-292.—Petit (L. A.) t. . . con- secutif a une plaie par piqure. Arch, do med. nav., Par.,- 1804, ii, 122-125.—Pitron. t . . . op6re avec succes. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . nul., Par.. 1830, 1. s., xxix, 379-384.— Pick (T. P.) Traumatic, circumscribed aneurysm of tho femoral artery; Ugature of the artery wilh a sUver wire; secondary hasniorrbage; death from exhaustion. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xvUi, 64-07.—Plngge (T.) FaU von Aneurysma arteiiae femoralis mit l-.i^utm-Injection be- haudel't. MemorabiUen, HeUhr., 1?,'!, xviu, 441-443.— j Poland (A.) Femoral aneurism at the bend of the thigh; ligature of the external Uiac artery clnse to the sac; reco- very. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.," 1868, ii, 608.—Porter (W. H.) Aneurism in a case of necrosis; death from morti- fication and hemorrhage; post mortem appearances. Dub- Un J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 190-192.—Prichard (A.) t . . . treated successfully by compression; with remarks. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, i, 4.—Quain. t . . . treated by compiession: consoUdation of the tumor within fifteen weeks. Lancet, Lond., b-00, ii, 358-360.—Redondo (I.) t Gac. med., Madrid, 1846, ii, 370.—Reid (A. P.) t . . . suc- cessfully treated by digital compression. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1<>72, viii, 105.—Rhodes, t Ligature of external iUac Lancet, Lond., 1867, U, 804.—Richardson (B. W.) t . . . cured by compression; ... of Uver. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxih, 501-515, 1 pi.—Rizzoli (F.) Observa- tions d'anevrysmes du pb de l'aine, gueris a l'aide d'un nouveau procede de compression. BuU. Acad. roy. do med. de Bel"., Brux., 1864, 2. s., vii, 101; 182.— Roberts (A.) t Ligature; amputation: recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl 135.—Roberts (E. A.) t Ligature of the external Uiac Army M. Dep. Rep. 1874, Lond., 1876, xvi, 207.—Robertson (A.) t . . . cured by- tying the external iliac. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1817, xiii, 467- 471.—Robinson (F.) Case of traumatic femoral aneu- rism; Ugature, twenty-five days after the injury; death from phlebitis thirty-lour days after operation. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1865, i, 105-111.—Robinson (L.) t Liga- tion of external Uiac; suppuration of the sac; reco- very. Pacific M. A S. J., San Fran., 1867-8, n. s., i, 15-17.— Robinson (R. R.) Diffuse femoral aneurism ; fractured neck of the thigh hone (.') Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 461.— Rose, t t Cor. BI. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1876, vi, 231.—Rewell (('.) t . . . puncture; successful Ugation of external iliac Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1873-4, vii, 456-459.—Rnether. Operation eines Aneurysma der Art. cruralis. AVchnschr. f. cl. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1846, 385-3b7.— Rnssell (J.) t . . . treated by rapid pressure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 436.—Sabatier (J. C.) t . . . oper6 avec succes par la Ugature de lartere au-dessus et au-dessous de la tumeur, et 1 ouverture du sac. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1836-7, iv, 10-12.—Salmade. Observation sur un absces a la partie inferieure, anterieure et interne de la cuisse gauche, avec un anevrisme de l'artere femorale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 205.—Sanders (G. C.) t . . . Ugature of external iliac ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., K-74, ii, 118.—Saugalli (G.) Aneurisma spurio circo- sciitto e diffuse deU'arteria femorale. Morgagni, Xapoli, lf-03, v, 166-171.—Savory, t . . . pressure of tho external iUac artery; death; clinical remarks. Brit. M. J., Lead., Is72. ii, 497.—Sehapringer (A.) t Ligation of external iliac ct Un side. Arch. CUn. Suig., X. A'., 1-70. i Hi.— Schifcrle. t Rec pi \\>n\. Soc de med. de I'ar., 11!'.->, ui, 400-462.—Schmidt ill D.) t . . . false. X. Oil. M. Sc Aneurisms (Femoral). S. J., 1873-4, i, 691-694, 1 pi.—Schulze (A. F.) t Rich- mond M. J., 1867, iv, 514-517.—Smith (H.) t Ligature of the external Uiac. Med. Times, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 381-383. ----- t Ligature of tho external Uiac artery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Xond., lf~35. n. s., xi, 567. -----. Liga- ture of both external iliaca for aneurism of the common femoral of both sides; successful on the right side; Uga- ture of the left external Uiac some months afterwards; death from secondary ha-morrbage and pya'mia; autopsy. Ibid., Ifr65. i, 251. -----. tLigature of tne external uiac Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 222— Smith (T.) t . . . in a boy twelve years old. Ibid., 1867, i, 280.—Smith (AV. J.) t . . . Ugature of external Uiac aitery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 872.—Solly. Femoral and popliteal aneurism on the right side, with dUatation of the left femoral artery; deUgation of tho external Uiac; recovery. Ibid., 1854, i, 53:;.—Solly ec (H.) Case of aneurism of the ex- ternal Uiac and common femoral arteries, treated by digital pressure. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1862, xiv, 441-447. —Lever (J. C. W.) Ruptured aneurism, with retention of urine. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1850-1, 2. s., vii, 130- j 132.—Mapother (E. D.) Case of Uio-femoral aneurism, | cured by pressure on the common iUac and superficial femoral arteries under the influence of chloroform. Med. Press, Dubl., 1863, Uii, 298-300—Martinez Ramos (T. A.) Aneurisma de la iliaca esterna curado por la compre- sion digital i las corrientes continuas. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de ChUe, 1.-78, vi, 3>8-::s'l.—.Holla tt (T. C.) A case of aneurism of the external iliac artery; treated success- fuUy by pressure applied in a novel wav. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1864-5, xii, 118-120. —Ogle (J. W.) i Aneurysm of the [ i common] iliac artery which proved fatal by bursting within the abdomen. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866, xvu. 112.—Orr Sc Langstaff. t Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1876, i, 302.—Paget. Remarkable case of large diffused aneurism of the external iliac, mistaken for pulsating malignant tumour. Med. Circ, Lond., 1858, xUi, liii—Peace (E.) External Uiac aneurism success- fuUy treated by Ugature to the common Uiac artery. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1843, n. s., v, 209-278.—Pen fold." Diffuse aneurism of the left external Uiac artery; gangrene of leg; j amputation ; rupture of sac; death. Lancet, Lond.. 1869, | i, 493.—Pissling (W.) Aneurysma arterias uiacas sinis- tra, cum sphacelo extremitatis respondents. Oesterr. med. i Wchnschr., Wien, 1845. 227-234.—Post. Aneurism of the I left external Uiac artery. N. York Q. J. M. & S., 1840, iii, 459-462.—Power (W.) Diffused aneurism of the. internal Uiac opening into the vagina and abdomen. Maryland M. Sc S. J., 1840, i, 312-315.—Roberts (C.) False aneurism of the right common Uiac artery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 603. —Roper. Aneurism of the common Uiac ar- tery. Lancet. Lond., 18G1.U. 378.—Salomon. Fortsetzung des Berichts iiber cUe L'nterbindung der Arteria Uiaca com- munis nahe an der Bifurcation der Aorta abdominaUs bei einem Aneurisma art. Uiacas externas mit Erfolgvenichtet. Ztschr. f. el. ges. Med., Hamb., 1839, xU, 360-368.—Simon. Aneurism of right common iliac artery. Lancet, Lond.. 1875, i, 333.—Smith (H.) Aneurism ofthe externalUiac artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 64.—Supposed aneurism of the external Uiac artery; deUgation of the common Uiac; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1852, i, 194.—Syme (J.) Aneu- rism of the external Uiac artery; obscurity delaying an operation; mortification of the limb; ligature of the common iUac, and amputation of the thigh; dissection. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1838, 1, 372-375.-----. Case of iUac aneurism remedied by opening the sac, and tying the com- mon Uiac, the external iliac, and the internal iUac arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i, 602. Aho: Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc, Lond., 1862, iv, 114-116.-----. Case of iliac aneurism. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1862, xiv, 381-387. —Torbet (J.) Account of the state of the arteries, in a case of double Uiac aneurism, in which both external Uiac arteries had been seemed by Ugature. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1835, xliv, 102-104.—Van Bnren. An aneurismal sac of the in- ternal iUac arterv. Am. M. Month., 185G, n. s., v, 351. ] Also: N. York M. Times, 1856, v. 277.—Warren (J. C.) Aneurism of the external iliac artery; Ugature to this artery; death. Am. J. M. Se, Phila.. 1836, xix, 541-546.-----. Aneurism of the external Uiac aitery. Boston M. & S. J., 1837, xv, 309, 301.—Whcelhousc (C. G.) Aneurism of J the external Uiac artery cured by five, hours' continuous pressure with Lister's abdominal tourniquet applied on the abdominal aorta, whUe the patient was under the influence of ether. Tr. CUn. Soc, Lond., 1874. vU, 51-55. Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 25.—Wilks (S.) Aneurism of the common Uiac artery, showing fissures of the internal coat. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xiii, 33-S5. Aneurisms (Inguinal). See, also, Artery (Iliac, external. Ligature of). Mastix (C. H.) Inguinal aneurism; success- ful ligation of external iliac arterv by means of silver wire. 6-". Xew Orleans, 1*66. Albers (J. A.) t . . . cured after the use of compression. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1818, ix, 26-30. Aho, transl.: J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xUi, 125-128.—[Raker (J. W.)J t Ligature of external Uiac artery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 484.—Ranner. t Lond. M. & S. J., 1834, iv, 639.—Rarton (J. R.) t f. . . into which an empiric plunged a lancet.] PhUa. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1825, x, 127- j 129.—Rradley (S. M.) t . . . ligature of the artery above and below the rupture; death. Lancet, Lond., 1863, ii, | 245.—Rrodie. t . . . in which the external iliac arteiy was , tied. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, i, 417.— Ruchanan (G.) t I Aneurisms (Inguinal). Ligature of external Uiac Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1867, i, 'J73.—Bujalsky. Beschreibung einer mit glucklichem Erfolge verrichteten Operation eines Aneurysma inguinaUs. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., ^24. xvi, 71-78.—Rul (C.) ♦ . . .ligature of the external Uiac; rupture ofthe vessel du- ring the operation; cure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1855, xv, 571.— Chapin iS. F.) t Case of ligation of left external iliac ar- tery; recovery. Proc. M. Soc. Wash. Terr., Olympia, 1873, ii, 17-25.—Cole (J.) t ... successfuUy treated by placing a ligature on the external iUac artery. Lond. M. Reposit., ls.'o. xiii, 369-375.—Crosse (J. G.) Three cases of ingui- nal aneurism for which the external Uiac artery was suc- cessfully tied. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1846, 369-372.— Denucr. t Ligature de lartere Uiaque exteme. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1836, iv, 030.—Diaz (J. G.) Curacion del aneurisma inguinal. An. l. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1860, ii, 268-277.—Diver (T.) Aneurism in the groin and ham of tho same side; Ugature of the external Uiac artery; gangrene; amputation of thigh; recovery. Brit M. J., Lond., lt>74, U, 31.—Rorscy (J. S.) t N. York M. Sc Phil. J. Sc Rev., 1811, Ui, 167-173, 1 pi.—Fox (G.) t ... compression; failure; Ugature to the external Uiac artery; cure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1849, n. s., xvUi, 377-381.— Gallerand. t . . . deuxansde traitement par la compres- sion; ligature de l'artere iUaque externe. Bull, et mem. Soc. dc chir. de Par., 1873, n. s., i, 157-108.- Goodlad (W.) t . . . cured by tying the external Uiac artery. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1812, viU, 32^-39.—Hawkins (C.) t . . . Ugature of external Uiac artery; deUrium; secondary hasmorrhage; cure. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1847, n. s., v, 317-324.—Hobbart (S.) t . . . operated on. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1S38.1, 84-87.—Inguinal aneurism; Ugature ofthe external Uiac artery; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 374.—James (J. H.) A case of aneurism ofthe popUtealand inguinal arteries on the same side, successfully treated by Ugature of the exter- nal iliac; with a few remarks on the dilating forces of aneurysmal tumours, and on the mode of applying pressure to them. Tr. Prov. M. Sc S. Ass., Lond., 1C44, xii, 575- 583.—Lane (S.) t ... in a man labouring under phthisis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868. i, 9.—Eiston (R.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1820, xvi, 72.—Eyon (W.) t Ligature of the common iUac artery. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Eeliub., 1848, viii, 222-229.—jlalgaignc. Memoire sur les anevrismes de la region inguinale, et sur leur traitement. J. de chir. (Malgaigne),"Par., 1846, iv, 2: 42.—Maunder (C. F.) t Ligature of the right common Uiac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1867, U, 394. Aho: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 94.— IVIillcr (J.) Inguinal aneurism; suicide by wound of the tumour. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1850, x, 318-3^6.—Morrison (M.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1836, xix, 333-333. -----. t . . . attended with consecutive he- morrhage. Ibid., 1838. xxii, 331-336.—[Muiioz(L.)J t . . . curacion obtenida par la ligadura de la iliaca esterna. Gac. med. dc Mexico, 1866, U, 61-64.—Ncwbigging (W.) Case of inguinal anel popliteal aneurism, cured by tying the ex- ternal iliac arteiy. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1816, xii, 71-76.— Nichols (W. C.) t . . . cured by digital compression. X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1860, xvU, 730-733.—Ortega (F.) t Liga- dura de la arteria iliaca externa; curacion. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1870, v, 290-293.—Peace (E.) t . . . treated suc- cessfuUy by a ligature to the external iliac artery. Med. Exam., PhUa., 1842, i, 225-228.—Post (W.) t Am. M. Sc Phil. Reg., X. Y., 1813-14, iv, 443-453. Aho, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1818, iii, 387-400.—Rogers (D. L.) t . . . in which the operation of securing the exter- nal Uiac arteiy by ligature was performed with success. Am. M. Recorder. PhUa,, 1826, ix, 269-272. Aho, in hh: Surg. Essays Sc Cases, X. Y., 1850, 102-107.—Ruan (W. H.) t ... in which the right external Uiac artery was suc- cessfuUy tied. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836, xviii, 43-40.— Salmon (E.) t . . . successfully treated by tying the ex- ternal iliac aitery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1821, xi, 398- 401.—Sinclair (M.) t ... in which the external iliac ai tery was tied with success. Lancet, Lond., 1833, ii, 658- 660— Smith (R.) t Ibid., 566.—Soden (J. S.) t ... cured by tying the external Uiac artery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vii, 536-540.—Solly. Aneurism of the femo- ral artery at the groin; ligature of the external iUac; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 532.—Successful opera- tion for inguinal aneurism [in the Xew York Hospital]. Med. Reposit., X. Y., 1815, n. s., u. 190-199.—Van Ruren (W. H.) t t X. York J. M., 1849, U, 168-181. Also, in hh: Contributions to pract. Surg., 8°, Phila., 1865, 51-75.—Vcr- dicr (P. L.) Memoire sur un appareU destin6 a comprimer l'artere Uiaque externe dans lo cas d'anevrysme inguinal. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1824, xiv, 147-159. Aho, Reprint. —Whitridge (J. B.) t N. Eng. J. M. &S., Bost., 1815, iv, 318-332. Aneurisms (Innominate). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Cases of). Beistegui (M.) * II. Determiner si l'on peut tenter la cure d'un anevrisme du tronc brachio- ce"phalique avec quelques chances de succes. III. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1841. ANEUKISMS. 392 ANEUKISMS. Aneurisms (Innominate). Guettet (P. E. V.) * I. Determiner si Ton peut tenter la cure de l'andvrysme du tronc bra- cliio-cdphalique avec quelques chances de succes. La ligature du tronc brachio-c6phalique est-elle praticablef II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1844. Schnee (J.) * Ueber Aneurysma arteriae inno- minatas. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Amado (S.) Tratamento cirnrgico dos aneurismas internos e principalmente dos do tronco brachio-cephalico e da aorta thoracica. Correio mod. de Lisb., 1875, iv, 109- 111.—Aneurism of the arteria innominata. Med.-Chir. J. Sc Rev., Lond., 1817, iv, 164.—Aneurism of the arteria innominata; with diagrams. N. Am. M. Sc S. J., Phila., 1831, xi, 242, 1 pi.—Arnold (B.) t . . . mit gleichzeitiger Hypertrophia Cordis; Leber- und Xieren-Hyperamie; Ana- sarca; Tod. MemorabiUen, Heilbr., 1858, iii, 106-109.— Arnatt (C. D.) t Lancet. Lond., 1861, ii, 346.—Rack- house (J.) Aneurism of the arteria innominata and de- scending portion of the arch of the aorta. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870, vi, 213-217.—Ranmler (C.) t . . . press- ing on the right pneumogastric and recurrent nerves. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872, xxiii, 66-69.—Rancroft (A. B.) t Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1872, 36.—Har- rier, t . . . trait6 par l'injection de perchlorure de fer. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 1159; 1164. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1853, v, 188-194. Aho: Bull. gen. de therap. etc., Par., 1853, xiv, 464-471. — Rarron (A.) t Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 49.—Rarry (D.) t . . . treated by Mr. Wardrop, by tying the subclavian artery. Ibid., 1829, i, 19.—Harwell. Two cases of successful operation for aneurism of the innominate. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 227.—Harwell (R.) On a large aneurism of the aorta, innominate, subclavian, and carotid arteries, treated suc- cessfully by double distal Ugature. Med.-Chu-. Tr., Lond., 1878, lxi, 13-32, 2 pi. -----. Three cases of distal deliga- tion of the carotid and subclavian arteries for innominate aneurism. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond. (1878-9), 1879, vni, 361.—Reiinctt (J. H.) t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1854, xix, 484-488.—Blackman (G. C.) A statistical table showing the results of Brasdor's opera- tion in the treatment of aneurisms of the innominata and carotid arteries. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1856, xvii, 70-75.— Roinet. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 158. -----. t . . . Ugature de l'artfere axillau-e d'apres la methode do Brasdor; mort par suffocation un mois apres l'operation. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1836, ii, 47-60.— Boric. Xevral- gie cervicale droite; an6vrisme de l'origine du tronc inno- min6; dyspnee; dysphagie; suicide; fracture du rachis; rupture du sac anevrismal; nescropsic Clin. d. hop., Par., 1829, iv. 167-170.—Rriddon (C. K.) t Am. M. Times, X. Y., 1862, v, 34.—Broadbent (J.) t ... in which the ca- rotid artery was tied. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 359.—Cal- dcvilla y'SeviUa. t Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 219.—Campbell (G. W.) Aneurism of the arteria inno- minata and arch of the aorta; ligature of the common ca- rotid; Brit.-Am. J.. Montreal, 1845-6, i, 1-4.—[Case.] ... tracheotomy; death. X. York M. J., 1878, xxviU, 521.— Case and specimen. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1858, i, 42.— Ciniselli (L.) t . . . operato col metodo di Brasdor deUa legatura della carotide e deUa succlavia; divenuto letale pel flemmonedel collo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1871, 6. 8., iv, 405-407.—Cockle (J.) Contributions to the patho- logy of aneurisms and tumours, involving tho upper por- tion of the chest and root of the neck. [5 cases. J Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1867, 1, 459-476, 3 pi.—Coote (H.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 625.—Culpepper (V. G.) f .. . compressing trachea: croupous pneumonia (?) Laryn- gotomy foUowed by amelioration of symptoms; death six- teen hours after operation; autopsy. "Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1878-9, v, 958-961.— Davies (H.) Case of aneu- rism of the innominate and light subclavian arteries, in which distal occlusion occurred. CUn. Lect. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864; i, 1-6, 1 pi.—Riday. Des r6gles k suivre dans l'application do la methode de Brasdor aux anevris- mes du tronc brachio-cephalique ct dc l'origine de ses branches. Gaz. med. de Par., 1845, 2. s. xiii, 115-122.— Duchck (A.) Ueber das Aneurysnia des Truncus anony- mus. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1865, x, 125-134.—Edwards (A. M.) t . . . artery treated by pressure on the carotid and subclavian trunks. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 35. -----. Aneurism of the root of tho neck treated by pressure on the carotid and subclavian trunks: Ibid., ii, 115.—Eliot (J.) t Simultaneous ligation of the carotid and subcla- vian arteries. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 374-379. -----. t Tr. M. Soc Dist. Columb., Wash., 1877, iv, 27-41.—EHiotson. Aneurism of the arch of the aorta and innominata. Lancet. Lond., 1830, ii, 535.—Ellis (C.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1865, lxxii, 18-21. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve, 1867, v, 155.—Empis. t . . . autopsie. France meet., Par., 1875, xxU, 473-475.—Elisor (F.) t Ligature of t lie common carotid and subclavian ar- teries simultaneously. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 192: ii, 164.__ Esquerdo (P.) Aneurisma traumatico f mixto externo del cayado a6rtico, cu cl origen del tronco braquio-celalico; uiucrte por astixia. Independ. med., Barcel., 1876, vii, 381; Aneurisms (Innominate). 405.—Evans (C.) t ... associated with fracture of right clavicle. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866, xvii, 65-70.—Evans (D.) Aneurism of tho innominata and root of the carotid successfuUy treated by tying the carotid artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1829,U, pt. 1,87-92. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1829, i, 187-190.—Fearn (S. W.) Case of aneurism of the ar- teria innominata, and of the origin of the subclavian artery, treated by ligature of the common carotid artery. Ibid!, 1836, i, 129-132. -----. Case of aneurism of the innominata and subclavian artery, for the cure of which the common carotid and subclavian arteries were tied. Ibid., 1838, i, 33. -----. t . . . successfuUy treated by Ugature of the carotid and subclavian arteries. Ibid., 437- 439. -----. Aneurism of the arteria innoniinata and ori- gin of the right subclavian artery; ligature of common carotid and subclavian arteries. Ibid., ii, 763-765.—Fer- gusson(W.) t . . . treated by Ugature ofthe right carotid artery. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 786-796. Aho, Reprint. -----. Traumatic aneurism, resulting from perforation of the innominata artery; autopsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 92.—Feriol. t. . . a marche insidieuse, et ayant determin6 uno asphyxie rapide en quelques jours. Union m6d., Par, 1878, 3. s., xxvi, 879- 882.—Flint (A.) Case of aneurism of the carotid and in- nominate arteries. X. York M. J., 1866, ii, 122-124. -----. t Ibid., 1866, ii, 295.—Forster (J. C.) t Distal compres- sion of carotid; death from capiUary cerebral hasmor- rhage. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, 3. s., xviii, 63-66.— Foulis (D.) t . . . spontaneous solidification. Glasgow M. J., 1877, ix, 269.—Gallozzi (C.) t . . . trattato merce l'uso deUa conente elettro-galvanica esternamente applicata. Resoc Accad. med.-chir. di XapoU, 1876, xxx, 103-108.— A ho: Morgagni, XapoU, 1876, xviii, 585-591. Aho, transl.: Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1877, iv, 265.—Gaujot. t Mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1868, vi, 513; 527.—Genest. t Arch. fen. de med., Par., 1831, xxvi, 205-220.—Grillenzoni. Rend, med.-chir. eU Ferrara, Venezia, 1846, 134-149.— Guerin (J. J.) t . . . autopsy. Canada M. - -. Erlangen, 1^,">1. Bennett. Aneurism of the superior mesenteric artery anel aorta; obscure aneurism of descending thoracic aorta; treatment by the method of Valsalva; pleuritis; caries of the vertebras, softening of the spinal cord, anel para- plegia ; sudden death by poisoning with tincture of aconite. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xv, 69-81—Ber- gcru. . . . sur un cas d'anevrysme de l'artere niesentei-iquu superieure. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1830, v, 29-42.— Cli a n Hard (E.) Hemorrhagies intestinales successives; anevrysnie; ele l'artere mesenteriepie superieure: autopsie. BuU. et mem. Soc me'd. cl. hop. dc Par., 1864, i, 50-54. Aho: Unionmed., Par., 1804, xxii, 248-252.—Clark (II.G.) Aneu- rism of some vessel about the root ofthe mesentery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1861, lxiv, 95.—Gairdncr (W.T.) Aneurism of the superior mesenteric artery opening into the duodenum twenty-two-months before death. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Lond. A Edinb., 1850, x, 83-90.—Gull. Aneurism of the superior mesenteric artery. Lancet. Lond.. 1869, U. 1*4.—Hcppner (C. L.) Aneurysma der Arteria mesent erica superior. Med. Jahrb., Wien,'l869, xvii, 3-12.—Kennedy (H.) Great en- largement of the heart, ruuniug its i -oui>i- in five months; aneurism of superior mesenteric artery. Dubliu Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 135.—Lianglct. Anevrysme diffus d'uno branche ele l'artere nieseiitoriepie superieure. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1807, xiu, 8.—Cecadre. Rupture d'un ane- vrisme simulant un empoisonnement. J. de mesd. et chir. prat,, Par., 1830, i, 381-383.—O'Fcrrall. Aneurism of the superior mesenteric aitery. DubUn Q. J. M. Se-., 1850, x, 487-490.—Ogle (J. W.) Aneurism of the, superior mesenteric artery. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1856-7, viii, 108- 170. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1857, U, 87.—Peacock. Aucu- riMii of the inferior mesenteric artery, with small s.ks in the ascending aorta, Ulustratiiig the mode of forma- tion of aneurisms. Ibid.. 1861. xii, 73-75, 1 pi.—Rodct. Eudocardite ulcereuse; disparition presque complete de la valvule mitrale; dilatation du ventricule gauche de l'artere pulmonaire; anevrysme dc l'artere mesenteriepie inferieure. Mem. Se»c el. sc. med. de Lyon, 1864, iii, 155.— ANEURISMS. 394 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Mesenteric). •Senmid (G.) t . . . Ruptur desselben; Bluterguss in den Darm-Canal und in dio Bauchhohle; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1874), 1875, 483- 485._ Aho: Med.-Chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xu, 506.— Wilks. Aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery. Tr. Path. Soc L'ond., 1859-60, xi, 44.—"Wilson (J. A.) Two cases of aneurism of the superior mesenteric artery, in one of which jaundice was induced by pressure of the sac. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1841, xxiv, 221-230.— Veo (J. B.) Aneurysm of superior mesenteric artery compressing both renal arteries; death from renal coma. ' Tr. Path. Soc. (1876-7), Lond., 1877, xxviU, 94-98. Aneurisms (Occipital). See, also, Aneurism by anastomosis. Mejer (L.) * De aneurismate arterite occipi- talis. 8°. Wirceburgi, 1804. Schilbach (F. E.) * Casus aneurysmatis in capite virginis sexagenaria) rarior. 4°. Jence, [lx-A-i]. Boursicr. Observation d'anevrismo de l'artere occipi- tale gauche gu6ri au moyen des injections de perchlomre de fer et de manganese. Union m6d. de la Gironde, Bor- deaux, 1856, i, 209-217.—Lane (I.) Occipital aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873. u, 543.—I, a lie (J. R.) Caseof aneurismal dilatation ofthe occipital artery, treated by liga- turcofthecommoncarotiel. Ibid., 1875,i,635.—Meacnein (F. (i. sr.) A case of occipital aneurism successfully treated by ligation of the common carotid artery. Tr. YVisconsiu M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1876, x, 42.—Mcndoza (A.) Caso de aneurisma occipital. Compilador ni7. Cimbal (H.) * Einiges iiber die Behandlung der Poplitea Aneurysmen, im Anschlusse an eineu Fall vou Unterbindung der Arteria iliaca externa bei Aneurysma der Poplitea. 8°. [ Greifs- wald], 1872. Cotte (A.) De la compression dans le traite- ment des andvrysmes poplitds. 4°. Paris, 1876. Figuikre (C.-E.) * Recherehes sur l'and- vrysme de l'artere poplitee, [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1845. Gougeon (R.-H.-L.) *Dn rdtablissement de la circulation a la suite de l'obliteration de l'artere pour les andvrysmes poplite's. 4°. Paris, 1845. Hutchinson (B.) Another Medical Spectator extraordinary, addressed to the surgeons of Great Britain, on the cure of the poplitasal aneurism. 8°. [London, 1793.] Hutchison (A. C.) A letter on the subject of the operation for popliteal aneurism, illustra- ted by cases, and the description of a new instru- ment. 8°. London, 1811. Hybord (C.-P.) *Sur l'andvrisme de l'artere poplitee. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. J anson ( C. R.) * D u traitement de l'andvrisme de l'artere poplitee par la compression indirecte. 4J. Strasbourg, 1857. Labrousse (F.) * Sur l'andvrisme de l'artere poplitee, suivie d'une observation propre a l'au- teur. 4°. Paris, 1812. Lecorps (G.-P.) * De l'andvrysme spontand de l'artere poplitde. 4°. Paris, 1827. Masotti(D.) * Sull'aneurisma del poplite. 8°. Firenze, 1772. Moye (G.) * Contributions a l'dtude du retour des battemeuts dans les andvrysmes poplitds et de l'extrdmitd infdrieure de la femorale apres la ligature de cette artere. 4°. Paris, 1874. van Nederhasselt (J. A. J.) * Sistens obser- vationes tres aneurysmatum arteria) poplitea?, [etc.] 8°. Amstelodami, 1844. Prietsch (H.) *De Aneurysmate in univer- snni adiuncta narratione traumatici arterite pop- liteal aneurysmatis. 8°. Halts Saxonum, 1851. Puydebat(J. J. D.) *Sur le traitement de l'anevrysme spontand de l'artere poplitde. 4°. Paris, 1834. Regnoli (G.) . . . Aneurisma popliteo curato coll'allacciatura delle arterie crurale ed iliaca esterna. 8°. Pisa, 1833. Ross (A. McD.) *Ou aneurism, and particu- larly on popliteal aneurism. 8°. Edinburgh, 1812. Schindelmeisser (H. E. B.) *De aneurys- mate arteria) popliteae. 8°. Berolini, [1831]. Schlesier (C. E.) "Die forcirte Beugung des Unterschenkels gegen den Oberschenkel als Be- handhmgs-Methode des Aneurysma popliteum. 8°. Leipzig, [1871]. Stopin (L.) *Du traitement de l'andvrysme poplitd par la flexion de la jambe sur la cuisse. 4°. Paris, 1869. Toledano (J.) *Du traitement des andvry- smes de l'artere poplitde par la flexion de la jambe sui- la cuisse. 4°. Paris, 1877. Vorstman (J. G.) t t Als eene bijdrage tot dc kennis en behandeliug dezer gebreken door de electropunctuur en de ouderbinding. 8°. Gra- venhage, 1850. ANEURISMS. 395 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). Wixdel (C. F.) *De aneurysmate pra>sertim de illo arteriae poplitea'. 8°. Gottinga; [1795], dc Abreu (A. J.) Aneurisma cspontauco da poplitea direita; ligadura da femoral correspondente; cura; hyper- trofla e dUataejao do ventrieulo esquerdo do coracab; elila- ta^ao considcravel da crossa da aorta, e da aorta descen- dente; autopsia. J. da Soc. el. sc mecl. dc Lisb., 1842, xv, 3-20.—d'Abreu (R.) Aneurisma poplitea; novo processo de tratamento. Correio med. de List)., 1878, vii, 94-98.— Adam (J.) t ... in a native of Hindostan successfuUy treated by ligature. EeUnb. M. & S. J., 1822, xviii, 543- 549.—Atlanta, t . . . communicating with the knee-joint; amputation of thigh. Dublin M. Press. 1849, xxi. 114. -----. t . . . .amputation; recovery. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 268. -----. t Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1849, i, 105-109. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1850, i, 366. -----. Pop- liteal aneurism; tying of the femoral and subsequently the external iUac aitery. Ibid., 433. -----. t . . . tying of the femoral anel external iliac arteries; diseased state of vessels: fatal issue. Ibid., 669. -----. t ... in an old man with an arcus senilis: treat ment by compression; cure. Ibid., 1861, i, 511.—Attains (A. L.) t. . . cured in sixty- eight hours by conipresMon and flexion. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 82.—Agnew (D. H.) t Double. Phila. M. Times, 1871, i, 375. -----. t . . . cured by compression. Ibid., 1872, ii, 345. -----. Popliteal aneurism; Ugation of femoral artery, profunda femoris, common femoral, obtura- tor, external iliac, and common iliac; desath from secondary hemorrhage. I bid..1877, viii, 56-58. -----. t Hosp. Gaz'., N. Y., 1879, vi, 387.—Alcock (N.) t . . . cured by an ex- temporised compressor. Lancest, Lond., 1873, ii, 274.— Alexander (J.) t . . . treated by ligature of the super- ficial femoral artery. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1854, xviii, 534-530.—Allan, t . . . treated and cured by pressure. Lancet, Lonil.. 1845, i, 74.—Allan (J.) t . . . cured bv compression. Ibid., 1851. U, 411.—Aliis (O. II.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874. iv, 117-120. Also: PhUa. M. Times, 1873, iii, 692.—dc Almeida (A. B.) Aneurisma da arteria poplitea; laqueacao da feniural; cura. (Extr. da Gaz. med. do Porto.) J. Soc d. sc med. de Lisb., 1846, xxiii, 219-225.—d'Auibrosio (A.) t . . . guarito con la flessione deUa gamba suUa coscia. Movimento, Napoli, 1869, i, 217.—Aneurisma popliteo; legatura deU'arteria femorale; guarigione. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., MUano, 1848, 2. s., i, 78.—Aneurysma der Arteria poplitea; Heilung durch einen neuen Kompressionsapparat. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvii, 1094.—Aneurysma poplitcuin hcl- breelet ved eleu intermitterende compression. Hosp. Tid., Kjebenh., 1862, v.49.—Anevrysme duereux poplite; com- pression digitale; coagulation obtenue en moins ele 48 hen- res. Gaz. d.Imp., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 245.—Anevrysniepop- lite. Rev. Phot. d. he">p. de Par., 1869, i, 5.—Anevrysme popUte traite par la ligature; autopsie. Gaz. d. he">p., Par., 1869, xiii, 369.—Anevrysme de la region poplit6e; liga- ture de l'artere femorale. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1844, xxvi, 296.—Anevrysme spontane de l'artere poplitee gueri en cinq jours par la compression indirecte et alternantc. Ibid., 1855, xlviii, 463^J67.—Anevrisme vrai de l'artere popUfee; ligature de l'artere femorale; gu6rison. Union uusd. de la Louisiane, N. Orl., 1852, i, 28.—Anevrysmes (Sur les) poplitea gueris par la compression digitale. Gaz. hehel. de m6d., Par., 1857, iv, 773-776.—Anger (B.) t In Ids .- Confer. cUn. chir., Par., 1875, 17-24. -----. t . . . gueri par la compression instnimentale. Courrier med., Par., 1875, xxv, 403.—Arata (P.) t . . . guarito coUa compressione alterna indiretta. Liguria med., Genova, 1869, xiv, 436- 463. -----. t Ibid., 1872, xvii, 381. —Arming (J. W.) Geschichte eines durch Unterbindung der Schenkel-Puls- ader geheilten Aneurysma arterias popUteas. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, AVien, 1833, n. F., v, 597-602.—Arm- strong (R.) t t . . . successfuUy treated by Ugature anel by compression. Lancet, Lond'., 1846, ii, 61. — Arnott (J. M.) I Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1826, lv, 271-274. —Ash- hurst (J. jr.) t . . . operation; death on the 23d day. Proc Path. Soc. PhUa., 1862, ii, 128-130. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1863, n. s., xlvi, 131. -----. t Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1864, n. s., iii, 137. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. 8., 1, 96. ------. t . . . deUgation of femoral artery; recovery. Tr. CoU. Phys. PhUa., 1865, n. s., iv, 137. ------. t . . . occurring several months after successful Ugation of left femoral artery; deligation of right femoral; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. s., lv, 43. ------. Incipient aneu- rism of right popUteal artery; Ugation of femoral in middle third; death ou forty-fourth day; autopsy. Ibid., 44.— Ashton (A. J.) Return of popliteal aneurism after deli- gation of the femoral artery; cure by means of pressure. Austral. M. J., Mclhourne, 1865, x, 314.—Asson (M.) Lega- tura deU'arteria femorale in un caso d'aneurisnia popliteo. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1862, 2. s., xix. 464.— Atchley. t . . . ligature of superficial femoral. Lancet, Loud., 1870, i, 5*5.—Aubert. Blessure produite par une pastenaque; anevrisme poplite consecutif. Rec. de mem. demed. . .. mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., v, 483-488.—Aussandon. t . . . opere d'apres la met hoeh-dite de Hunter. J. univ. cl. sc. med., Par., 1819, xiu, 252-256.—Avery, t . . . cured bv the deUgation of the femoral artery. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, Aneurisms (Popliteal). 151.—Balcisao (F. de A.) t . . . curado pela laqueacao da femoral. EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1867, xviii, 413. ------. t ... do laelo direito, laqueacao da arteria femo- ral. Correio med. de Lisb., 1878, vU, 83.—Balestra. t . . . legatura temporaria deU'arteria crurale superficiale. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1824, xxix, 424-429.—B a ago (M.) t Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1877, iii, 289-295.— Bankart.] t . . . digital compression; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 312.—Banon. t . . . treated successfully bv compression. Dublin M. Press, 1849, xxii. 338-340.— Barber (E. T.) t . . . ligation of the femoral. Tr. M. Soc Calif. 1872-3, Sacramento, 1873, 43.—Barrow (B.) t . . . compression. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, iv, 07.—Barry (G. P.) t . . . cured by ligature- of the femo- ral artery. Lancet, Lond., 1835, i, 855.—Barton (J. K.) t... cured by pressure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 614. ------. t . . . cured bv pressure. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 1-4.—Bartschcr. t Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 256-258.—Barwell. Popliteal aneurism; ligature of the femoral artery. Lancet. Louel., 1878, i, 123.—Barwell (It.) t . . . cured' by mechanical pressure [indirect]. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1872, v, 110-112.—Baxter, t Ligature of the femoral arterv. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond.. 1863, v, 530.—Behier. t". . . operation . . . Trans, med., Par., 1831, iii, 142-149.—Bell, t Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, i, 389-391.—Bell (C.) t ... in which the femoral artery was found to bo divided into two trunks, which again became reunited where the vessel passes through the tendon of the triceps muscle Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1826, n. s., i, 134-138.— Bellinghani (O'B.) t t . . . cured by pressure. Dublin M. Press, 1843, ix, 273. ------. t . . . cured by pressure. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxUi, 434-466. ------. Case of popli- teal aneurism treated by compression, with some remarks upon this method of treating aneurism, and a Ust of the cases in which it has been employed in Dublin. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1851, xxxiv, 143-160. ------. Aho,in: Dublin M. Press,1851,xxvi,5-8.------. Twocasesofpoplitealaneurism successfully treated bv compression; with observations. DublinM. Press, 1856. xxxv, 1-7.— Benedict, t . . . opera- tion. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xv, 99-113.—Ben- field, t . .. forcible flexion for six hours; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 765.—Benja (P. M.) t . . . secondary hemorrhage, from the ligature being thrown off by the artery. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1826, lv, 359-363.— Bennett (H. N.) t ... cured by compression over the tumor. X. York J. M., 1851, vii, 26-28.—Ber- gin (D.) t . . . treatment bv compression and Uga- ture. Brit. Am. M. Sc Phys. J., 1850-1, vi, 207-211.— Bickersteth (E. R.) Case in which ligature of the femo- ral artery failed to effect the obliteration of a popliteal aneurism. Liverpool M.-Chir. J. 1858, U, 68-72, 1 pi. ------. t . . . Ugature of the femoral artery; return of tho disease; amputation. Ibid., 1859, iU, 83-87.—Bickham (C. J.| t N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1807, xx, 72-74.—Birkett. t . . . treatment by pressure unsuccessful; deUgation of the femoral artery; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 7.----—. Double popUteal aneurism; Ugature of both femorals. Ibid., 1859, i, 389. ------. t . . . compression; Ugature of the femoral artery; cure. Ibid., 1861, i, 509. ------. t . . . pressure on femoral; ligature; cure. Ibid., 510. [—----.] Case of double popliteal aneurism. Ibid., 1869, i, 225, ------. Popliteal aneurism in right limb cured by pres- sure ; popliteal in left Umb cured by Ugature of femoral seven years previously. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 265.—Blackman (G. C.) t . . . cured by digital com- pression. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1861, n. s., iv, 151-153. ------. t . . . rapidly cured by manipulations, flexion, and digital compression. West. J. M., IndianapoUs, 1869, iv, 1-7.—Blanc (H.) Double popliteal aneurism; deUgation of femoral arteries; employment of the catgut ligature and antiseptic dressing; union by primary intention in both ope- rations. Lancet. Lond., 1876, ii, 639.—Bland (W.) Treat- ment of popliteal aneurism by pressure, on a novel prin- ciple. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1861, vi, 279-281. ------. t . . . treated with a novel method of applying pressuie. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1872-3, iii, 340-344,1 pi.— Blandin. t . . . ligature ue l'artere femorale k sa partie moyenne; guerison. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1838, xii, 391. —■—. t . . . gangresne de la jambe; amputation; mort. J. d. conn, med.-chir. Par., 1847, xiv, pt. 2, 49.—Bliss (D. W.) t Cured hi forty-eight hours by genuflexion under narcotism. Kat. M. Rev., Wash., 1879, i, 46-48.— Bloch (O.) Tilfaslde af traumatisk aneurisma popUteum, hur- tigt helbredet ved hjaslp af Esmarch's kompression. Hosp. Tid., Kjebenh., 1877, 2. r., iv, 793; 809.—Bodinier. Am- putation de la cuisse pour un anevrisme popUte du tronc tibio-peronier, accompagne de gangrene des orteils et de la partie anterieure du pied. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847, ii, 240-243.—Bolton (D.) On diffused popliteal aneu- rism. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birmingh.. 1858, ii, 211-219.— Bond (J. W.) t . . . cured by compression. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. 1856, Columbus, 1857, app., 19-21.—Bone (G. F.) t . . . recovery without ligature of the vessel. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 314.—Bonnefous. Anevrysme gueri par la com- pression digitale. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. ele Lyon, 1863, ii, 220-226.—Borel. Anevrysme diffus du creux poplit6; inflammation de la tumeur; tentative de compression digi- ANEURISMS. 396 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). tale; amputation; mort. Ibid.,227-234.—Borland, t.. cured by compression. Glasgow M. J., 1870-1, iii, 117.— Bougartl (J.) t Arch, de la ni6d. beige, Brux., 1840, i, I 147-150.—Bourguet. Anevrysme diffus da la region j poplit6e: insueces de la compression; ligature de la femo- rale; inflammation ct gangrene de la tumeur; hemor- rhagic secondare; ligature des deux bouts de la poplitee; gangrene de la jambe; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 134. -----. Deux observations d'anevrysme ! diffus dc la region poplitee. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., iii, 110-124.—Boutflowcr (A.) Popliteal aneu- rism. Manchester M. Sc S. Rep., 1870, i, 69-71.—Bowie (A. J.) t Ligation of the superficial femoral aitery; reco- very. San Francisco M. Press, 1861, ii, 146. -----. Popli- teal aneurism. Ibid., 1862, iu, 174-176—Bowie (J .M.) t Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1855, n. s., ii, 318.— [Bowman.] Double popliteal aneurism treated by com- pression ; subsequent deligation of the femoral artery ; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 451; 578.—BoycrARoux. t Ligature do la crurale; suites. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828- 9, iii, 224.—Braccy (C. J.) t . . . cured by compression. Aled. Times Sc Gaz.., Lond., 1864, ii, 221-223.—Bradley (S. M.) Popliteal aneurism; ligature of femoral artery; gan- grene of limb; septicemia; amputation of thigh; death. Liverpool Sc Manchester M. & S. Rep., 1876, iv, 140-143.— Brainard (D.) t Rupture of the sac; ligature of the fe- moral artery ; recovery. Northwest. M. Sc S. J., Chicago, 1849-50, vi, 28-30. -----. t Ligature of the femoral artery; recovery. Ibid., 1851-2, viii, 414.—Briddon (C. K.) t Deligation of superficial femoral; cure. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xi, 275.—Briggs (C. S.) t . . . cured by com- I pression. Nashville J. M. & S., 1878, xxii, 238-241.— Broca. Anevrysme poplit6; traitement par la compres- sion indirecte; erysipele do la face; autopsie; aneivrysme presque gueri. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1801, xxxiv, 271.—Bro- dee. Popliteal aneurism in both hams; occurrence of se- condary hasmorrhage. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, i, 190-192 — Brown (G. E.) t Ligation of femoral. Arch. Clin. Surg., N.Y.,1870.i, 115.—Brownficld (M.) t Brit, M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 335.—Bruce (A.) t . . . undergoing spontaneous cure, and giving rise to gangrene of tho extremity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xviii, 83-87.—Bruckner, t . . . welche ohne Operation geheilt ward. J. f. cl. Chir., Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1797, i, 248-289.—Brunker (E. G.) t . . . successfully treated by pressure. Dublin M. Press, 1839, ii, 239.—Bruno-Ta'ron. t Ligature de la femorale; guerison. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1850, ii, 3. s., 283.— Brutti (F.) t . . . guarito colla macchinetta compressiva del prof. Assalini. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 18311 lvUi, 203-290. -----. t . . . operate e guarito coll'applicazione del compressore d'AssaUni. Gazz. nied., Milano, 1842, ii, 86- 88.—Bryant (T.) t . . . nearly cured by compression, but requiring Ugature of the femoral artery from eUsturbance of the coagulum. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 230. -----. t . . . cured by manual pressure in twenty-four hours. Ibid., 1867, ii, 484. -----. Ulcerative endocarditis upon old heart disease; aneurysm in calf of leg at bifurcation of popUteal into anterior and posterior tibials, probably due to emboUsm; insertion of twenty feet of horsehair into sac; death five days subsequently frerni heart disease. Tr. Path.Soc. 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 103-100.—Buchanan (M.S.) On aneurism of the popliteal artery. Glasgow M. j J., 1857-8, v, 416-420.—Bulley (F. A.) Description of an improved apparatus for the treatment of popliteal aneu- risms by compression. Med. Times, Lond., 1846-7, xv, 126.— Burggraeve.t. .. Ugaturealapartiomoyennedelacuisse [procecUs de Hunter]; appareilouate. [Rap.doM.Poirier.] BuU. Soc. demed. deGancl, 1855, xxii,223-240.—Burns (J.) t . . . operation. Lancet, Lond., 1826, ix, 239.—Busk (J.) t. . . rapid and perfect cure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xix, 185-188.— Butcher, t . . . coexistent with diseased heart, treated by compression. DubUn M. Press, 1851, xxv, 177-182.—Cairc (E.) t . . . cure effected in a few hours by mechanical com- pression; operation byArmandMercier. N.Orl. M. AS. J., 1866-7, xix. 62-65.—Camercr (W.) HeUung eines Aneu- rysma popliteuin durch Digitalcompression der Femoralis. Med.Cor.-BL d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver.,Stuttg.,1876, xlvi,206.— Campbell (J. J.) Four cases of ligature of the femoral artery for popliteal aneurism. N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 237-244.—Canella (G.) t . . . operato dal compilatore coll'aUacciatura temporaria. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento 1827, iv, 159-172.—Carlisle (A.) t . . . operation of tying the femoral artery. Lancet, Lond., 1829, i, 124.—Camo- eban. Ligature of the femoral artery for popliteal aneti- I rism. N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s., i, 87.—[Cases.] Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1807, xvii, 307-312.—Lancet, Lond., 1824 v 57; 89; 315: 1827,xU,704: 1873, ii, 112.—. . . spontaneous cure! Med. Times, Lond., 1839, i, 77. Ibid., 1825, vi, 124-126; viii, 185.— . . . operation; cure. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1841, xxivj 344.— ... on the left side, with dilatation of the artery on the right side; operation. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1841, i, 262.— . . . popliteal and brachial aneurisms treated by compression in the hospitals of London. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 475-478.— . . . geheilt durch Fingerdruck. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, 1863, Wien, 1864, 243-247.— . . . liga- dura dc la femoral; curacion. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1866, ?ii, Aneurisms (Popliteal). 323-327.— . . . double aneurism; popUteal in left leg, femo- ral in right leg; cure. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1874, U, 294-298.— [. . . cured by compression.] Lancet, Lond., 1874, U, 693-695.— . . . treatment bv shot-bag; cure. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvUi, 322.—Caswell (E. T.) Double popUteal aneurism; ligature; flexion. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, n. s., cxl, 444-446.—Cauvy. t . . . ligature de la femo- rale au niveau de 1'anneau du troisi&me adducteur; hemato- cele consecutive; injection avec perchlorure defer; inflam- mation ; guerison. Montpel. mecl., 1874, xxxiu. 423-431.—la Cave (D. J. G.) t ... genezing. In hh: Twee ziekte- gevallen, 8°, Amsterdam, 1859, 1-25.—Chassaignac. Rapport sur une observation de M. Debout, relative k un anevrisme poplite traite par la galvano-puncture. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, i, 146-150.—Chavernac <& Deschamps. Sur la methode ele Jean Hunter d'operer ianevrvsme de l'artere poplitee. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par.*, 1797, ii, 419-430.—Checsman. Tying the femoral artery for popliteal aneurism. N. York M. Sc S. Reporter, 1846, i, 30-32. Checver (D. W.) t t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1867-8, lxxvii, 221-227.—Chcyne (W. A.) t . . . success- fully treated by compression. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1864, ix, 326.—Chisolm (J. J.) Supposed aneurism in tho popliteal space, without any characteristic symptoms by which to estabUsh a diagnosis. N. York M. J., 1872, xvi, 161-165.—Choppin (S.) Ligature of the femoral artery, rendered necessary by a diffused traumatic aneurism of the popliteal region. N. Orl. M. News Sc- Hosp. Gaz., 1856-7, iii, 272.—Ciniselli (L.) Aneurisma popliteo trattato coUa corrente elettrica. Gazz. med. di MUano, 1846, v, 53; 207. Aho: J. de med. do Lyon, 1846, x, 135-141. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1846, vi, 111-113. -----. t . . . gueri par la compression indirect*. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1859, ix, 530-532. -----. Sopra un aneurisma popUteo singolare per la forma, per la disposizione dei vasi popUtei e per la sua angusta comunicazione col vaso arterioso. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1869, 6. s., U, 257.—Clapp (S.) Pop- liteal aneurism. Communicat. Rhode Island Med. Soc 1865-72, Providence, 1872, i, 236-247— Clark (L. G.) t . . . tying of the femoral artery; recovery. A new aneurism needle. Lancet, Lond., 1850, U, 398.—de Closmadcuc. t . . . cons6cutif k uno blessnre produite par le dard d'une pastenaque (Pastinaca raia) ; operation ae la Ugature de l'artere femorale; guerison. Monit. d. sc. med. ct pharm., Par., 1861, 2. s., Ui, 738-741. Aho: BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862,2. a.,ii, 142-145. See,aho: Follin.---—. Anevry- sme poplit6 spontane; terminaison par gangrene du mem- bre et rupture du sac Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862,2. s., U, 621-630.—Clunes (W.R.) Case of diffused traumatic aneu- rism of the popliteal artery. San Francisco M. Press, 1864, v, 61-64.—Coatcs(S.) Case of double popliteal aneurism; one cured by ligature, the other by compression. DubUn M. Press, 1862, xlvii, 433.—Cock (E.) t . . . compression; deU- gation ofthe artery; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1831, ii, 596. -----. t . . . compression, 'with failure of that method, and deligation of the artery in tho thigh. Ibid., 1855, i, 210. -----. Treatment of popliteal aneurism, aortic aneu- rism, etc. Ibid., ii, 5. -----. t . . . cured in a short time by compression of the principal arterial trunk. Ibid., 1858, i, 31. -----. t . . . compression ; Ugature of the femo- ral ; cure. Ibid., 1861, i, 533. -----. t . . . diseased aorta; pre'ssure"triedand failed; arterv tied; hiemorrhage. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s., x* 202. -----. SmaU popliteal aneurism cured by pressure. 26i'ci.,203. -----. t . . . liga- ture of the femoral; hasmorrhage ; the artery retied ; re- covery. Ibid., 207.—Colics (A.) Popliteal aneurism. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1855, xx, 242.—Colles (W.) t . . . cured by manual compression. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 97. -----. t . . . compression; great increase of tumor; flexion of limb; cure. Ibid., 1860, n. s., vii, 177.— Collis (M.) t t Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 29-36.— Collis (M. H.) t Failure of treatment by pressure; am- putation of the limb ; death. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi, 151-153.—Conner, t . . . amputation. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, i, 185.—Cooper (A.) Dissection of a limb on which the operation fen' popliteal aneurism had been performed. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1817, ii, 251-261.—Cooper (B. B.) t Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1836, i, 521-525. -----. t Ibid., 1837, ii, 381-392. -----. On popliteal aneurism; with cases. Prov. M. &. S. J., Lond., 1840, i, 113-115.— Cooper (S.) Observations on the symptoms attending the change of a circumscribed popUteal aneurism into the diffused state. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1831, xvi, 320-338 — -----. Diffused popliteal aneurism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, ii, 234-236.—[Coote (H.)] t . . . in a man who had previously undergone the operation of ligature of the femoral artery for aneurism in the opposite"limb; ligature of the right femoral artery ; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 456.— Costello ( C. P.) t . . .'cured by combined pressure and flexion. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1806, i, 3— Cotronei (G. A.) Aneurisma popliteo falso misto csterno a des- tra; flessionc forzata del ginocchio; guarigione. Movi- mento, Napoli, 1872, iv, 83-85. -----. t . . . falso-misto- esterno, con diffusa ateromasia deUe arterie, insufiicie^uza deUe valvule aortiche, ed ipcrtrotia ecccntrica del vcutri- colo sinistro. Ibid., 93. -----. t . . . falso-misto esteruo a ANEURISMS. 397 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). destra; legatura della femorale; guarigione. Ibid., 106.— Courvoisier. t . . . bei einem 51jahrigen, friiher immer gesunden Mann. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, ix, 14.—Craigmile (A.) 11... treated by Esmarch's bandage. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 86.—Crawford (J.) Case of dif- fused popUteal aneurysm cured by compression. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1854, i, 1-5.—Crean (R. J.) t. . . cured by compression. Dublin M. Press, 1863, 1, 474.—C'reus (F.) t. . . con rotura del saco; Ugadura de la crural. cura- cion. Resv. de med. y. cirug. pract., Madrid, 1878, ii, 110- 114.—Critehett. t. . . successfully treated by compres- sion of the arterial trunk. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 325.— Crocker (A.) 11. . .successfully treated by compression. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 211. -----. t . . . cured by compression. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863, v, 528.—Croft, t . . . rapidly cured by flexion and digital compression. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 48. -----. t . .. cured by the appUcation of an interrupted elastic bandage anel subsequent digital compression. Ibid., 85.—Cruveil- hier. Anesvrisme diffus consecutif de l'artere poplitee; diagnostic douteux; ligature de l'artere. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, n. 8., Ui, 154-157.—t'umano (G. P.) t. . . guarito col mezzo deUa compressione, eserci- tata al di sopra deU'arteria femorale superflcialo presso al suo passaggio attraverso U terzo adduttore, mediante una macchinetta compressiva fatta conforme a quella inveutata dal prof. Dupuytren. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1829, li, 74-87.—Cumano (P.) t .. . guarito mediante il eomprcs- sore di Assalini. Ibid., 1817, Ui, 308.—[Cumming (A. J.) ] t . . . faUure of flexion; cure by digital compression. Lancet, Lond., 1875, U, 311.—Cumming (H. G.) t . . . cure by flexion foUowed bv three hours' eliuital compres- sion. Ibid., 1879, i, 770.—Curling Sc Hutchinson, t . . . spontaneous cure. Ibid., 1861, i, 532.—C'urrie (S.) t . . . successfuUy treated by flexion of the limb, after fai- lure of treatment by compression. Ibid., 1863, i, 145.—Cu- sack. t . . . cured by pressure. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1843, xxUi, 366-368.—Cusack (J. W.) t . . . cured by compres- sion in four days. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1847, iv, 239.—Cu- sack (S. A.) t . . . cured by pressure in twenty-six and a half hours. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 82. -----. t . . . with observations on the advantage of simpUfying the compressiontreatment. DubUn M. Press, 1860, xliii, 179.— Dawson (J.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1807, iii, 404-108.— Deanc (J.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1853, xlix, 141.—Bear- borne (F. M.) t Hyg. Sc M. Rep. U. S. Navy, Wash., 1879, iv, 791-794, 1 chart.—Bebrou. t . . . gueri par la compression. Gaz. d. he">p.. Par., 1860, xxxUi, 513.—Dc. marquay. t . . . ligature de 1'arterc femorale; guerison. Monit. d. Imp., Par., 1856, iv, 1050-1052. -----. t. . . gueri par la compression digitale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1865, 2. s., vi, 221-224. -----. Du traitement dc l'ane- vrysme poplite chez les vieUlards. Ibid., 1874, 3. s.. iii, 494-499.—Dcpaul. Anevrisme poplite; guerison en cinq jours. Ibid., 1854, v, 86. [Rapport de M. Danyau.] 1855, v, 355-369. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviU, 213.— Deschamps. t . . . opisre suivant la mdthode do M. Jean Hunter. Med. eclairee, Par., 1792, iv, 299-420.— Desgranges. t France med., Par.. 1869, xvi, 68G; 700; 707; 710. -----. t Compression digitale ineUrecte, totale, intermittcnte; compression mecanique, flexion forcee du membre, refrigeration, employees simultan6mcnt; gueri- son en trcize jeurs. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1869, xiii,' 514. Aho: Bull. Soc do chir. de Par., 1870, 2. s., x, 390-402. -----. Anevrysme popUte; anevrysme de la tibiale ante- rieure; gu6ris par la compression. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvU, 10; 27.—Desgranges (J. B.) t. . . gueri au moyen de la compression. Rapport de M. Deschamps. Rec. pe- riod. Soc. de med. de Par., 1801, x, 170; 275.— Dcvis (0. J.) t . . . probably cured by the unintentional detachment of a clot during the examination or during the movement of the patient. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 255.—Dickinson (N.) t . . . tetanus thirty-three davs after the operation. Lond. M. S. Reposit., 1814, i, 109-116, 1 pi.—Dieulafoy. t BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1841-2, vu, 814—Diffused aneurism of the light popliteal artery; ligature of the femoral; secondary hasmorrhage; Ugature of the external Uiac; secondary hasmorrhage; gangrene of the foot and leg; amputation; death. Lancet, Loud., 1873, U, 594.— Diffused popliteal aneurism; operation. Ibid., 1840-1, ii, 48.—Doering (E. J.) t Diffuse popliteal aneurism; amputation of leg; recovery. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1878, xxxvi, 515.—Double popliteal aneurism; compres- sion treatment for five months; ligature of both femoral arteries. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 460.— Drouincau (G.) t Bull. Soc de mesd. et de chir. de La RocheUe, 1873, no. U, 22-29.—Drummoud (J.) t . . . Uga- tureof the femoral. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1850, xi, 409.—Dubois, t . . . gauche; gueri par la compres- sion. Bull, dc l'ecolc dc med. do Par., 1810, ui, 45-47. Aho: BuU. Fac. de med. ele Par., 1810, ii, 45-47.—vou Dumrei- cher. t AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 353; 361.— Dunsiiiurc (J.) t Ligature of superficial femoral; re- covery. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1854, lxxxi, 101.—Dunstan (A. D.) Case of traumatic popUteal aneurism; treated successfully by compression ot the femoral artery. Assoc. Aneurisms (Popliteal). M. J., Lond., 1856, ii, 584.— Duplay (S.) Note sur un cas d'an6vrysme poplit6 ayant necessity la Ugature dc l'Uia- que exteme. Arch. gesn! de med., Par., 1871, i, 289-302. -----. t Ligature of femoral; then of external iliac; cine. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1872, 2. s., iu, 57.—Dupuy. Anevrysme de ci eux popUte gu6ri par la flexion forcee. Mem. et buU. Soc. dc med. dc Bordeaux, 1869, 277-2MI.— Dupuytren. t t N. BibUoth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Han- nov., 1821-2, iu, 404-425. -----. t . . . ligature de la femo- rale ; gangrene; mort le 26e jour; uecropsie: anevrisme du cceur. Clin. d. hop.. Par., 1828-9, iii, 395-397—Du- rante (R.) Osservazione cU vasto aneurisma diffuse al poplite operato coUa ligatura perniaiiente seconder U ine- toelo di Lawrence, con esito feUce. l-'iliatre-sebezio, Na- poli, 1842, xxiv, 321-324.—Durham (A. E.) t ■ • • success- fully treated bv flexion of the knee-joint. Proc. Roy. M. &Chir. Soc, Lond., 1863, iv, 272. Also: Med.-Chu-. Tr., Lond., 1864, xlvii, 25-30.—Dutrouil (P. E.) t . . . guerie par les rfefrigerans. Rec d. actes de la Soc. de sante de Lyon, 1801, ii, 188-192.—Dytc (D. H.) t ... in an old man with diseased arteries; cure by compression. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 494.—Eduiuiidsou (J.) t . . . success- lidly treated by compression. Dublin M. Press, 1856, xxxv, 292.—Edwards (A. M.) t ... ligature of femoral. Edinb. M. J., 1856, ii, 311.—Ehrmann, t Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1828, v, 137-143.—Elliott (J.) Aneu- rism of both popliteal arteries in the same person; gan- grene of one foot; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 1862, xlvii, 613.—Erichscn. PopUteal aneurism recurring in the left ham, a few weeks after cure by compression in the right ham; cessation of pulsation in fifty-six hours. Lan- cet, Lond., 1858, U, 421. -----. t . . . mistaken for abscess. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xUi, 63. -----. t . . . which re- sisted for three months compression by instrument, weight, finger, anel flexion; ligature of superficial femoral; re- current pulsation; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1870, U, 253.— Esehards. t . . . gueri par la compression. J. gen. do med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1803, xvi, 375-389.—E vans (T. M.) t . . . Ugature of tho femoral artery; secondary has- morrhage, and reUgaturc Brit. M. J., Leind., 1805, ii, 523.— Fabris (V.) t . . . guarito colla fasciatura. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1823, xxviii, 151-158.—Farrington (W. H.) t PhUa. M. Times, 1873, iv. C—Fayrer (J J t Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1834, i, 556-559. -----. t Traumatic . . . Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 587-589. ----- . . . rupture of the sac; Ugature of femoral aitery; sub- sequent gangrene; amputation and recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1867, i, 335.—Femoral popliteal aneu- rism ; operation of tying the femoral aitery. Lancet. Lond., 1829, i, 90.—Ferguson (G. B.) t . . . success- fuUy treated by repeated proximal applications of an clastic compressor. Ibid., 1878, ii, 439.—Fernandez (L. L.) t .. . Ugadura de la arteria femoral en la parte inferior del tercio superior del muslo; curacion. Siglo med., Ma- drid, 1874, xxi, 55-57.—Figuicrc. t .. . anevrisme diffus de la partie superieure de la cuisse, c!6velopp6 consccu- tivement. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xvui, 211-223.— Fisher (S. H.) t . . . flexion; digital compression; cure. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 102.—Fitzgerald. Double popliteal aneurism. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1878, xxUi, 129.—Fitzgerald (T. N.) t . . . cured by a new way of applying Esmarch's bandage. Ibid., 1879,' n. s., i, 243^-245.—Flajani (G.) Von den Pulsadergeschwiil- stcn der Gelenke der untcrn GUedmassen und vorziigUch der Kniekehlc [Transl. from hh: Nuovo metodo, etc/] N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundiirzte, Leipz., 1789, 24. St., 138-219.—Flavard. t Marseille med., 1869, vi, 333-339. — Fleming, t DubUn Q. J. M. Sc. 1867, xliii, 183-185.—Fleming (C.) t . . . successfully treated by compression. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1859, n. s., vi. 274-270.— Fleury. t . . . gueri en huit jours par la flexion de la jambe sur la cuisse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 186'J, xiii, 529.— Forth. Aneurism of both popliteal arteries, treated by compression; cured. Lancet, Lond., 1864, i, 245.—Folci> eri (L.) t . . . curato coU'allacciatura temporaria. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1829, xUx, 102-106.—Follin. t... des deux arteres popUt6es. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 8. -----. t . . . consecutif a une blessure produite par le darel d'unepastenaque (Pastenaca rata). Bull. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1861, 2. s., i, 580-582. See, aho, Closmadeuc.—Ford (F. T. W.) t. . . successfully treated by pressure. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1858, iii. 141; 189.— Forstcr (J. C.) 11 Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond.,1872,v, 105-109.-----. 11 Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, xx, 18.—Forstcr (T.) t t Med. Facts Sc Obs., Lond., 1794, v, 1-16.—Frank (J. N.) t . . . successfuUy treated by compression. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1870, iv, 141-143.—Freeman (J. N.) t . . . successfully treated by Esmarch's bandage. Proc M. Soc, County Kings, Brook- lyn, 1879-80, iv, 223-228.—Gama. t . . . gueri par la liga- ture de la crurale. Rec. de mism. de med. . . . mU., Par., 1826, xviU, 209-222.—Garesche (H. S.) t . . . mistaken for osteo-sarcoma; amputatiou. St. Louis Clin. Rec, 1877, iv, 62-64.—Gartner (H.) Dc opcratione ancurismatis arterias popliteas cum successu instituta. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1821, vi, 1-12.—Gay (G. W.) t . . . femoral artery tied with catgut Ugature; reUeved. Boston M. Sc S. J., ANEURISMS. 398 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). 1879, c, 655.—Gclston (It. R.) t . . . the sac of which had been punctured. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1847, iii, 549-551. -----. t . . . cured by compression. Ibid., 1852, xiv, 235- 239. -----. t . . . cured by compression. Ibid., 1857, xxiv, 317-325.—Gclston (T. J.) t . . . failure of pressure; Uga- ture of femoral artery in Porter's space; secondary has- uiorrhagc on 15th day; ligature of external Uiac artery; death from pyasmia and gangrene of foot and leg. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1868, vi, 207.—Gersuny (It.) Aneu- rysmen heider Arteria; poplitea' von ungewohnlicher Grosse. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi. 845-848, 1 pi.—Ghe- rini (A.) Cura cli un aneurisma popliteo fallita si colla compressione digitale ineliretta deU arteria, che coUa lega- tura della stessa. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, clxvi, 1858, 322.—Ghidella di Viadana (P.) Annotazioni pratico patologiche per servire di continuazioue alia storia ragio- nata di un voluminoso aneurisma al poplite operato [dal dott. Giuseppe CaneUa], coU'allacciatura temporaria. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento, 1828, v, 1-11.—Ghose (K. D.) t . . . cured by digital compression. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiU, 44.—Giacich (A.) Heilung eines Aneurysma popliteum durch Digital-Compression. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt, Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 399.—Giacich (F) Gua- rigione di aneurisma al poplite, mediante la compressione digitale. Gaz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1860, iii, 187.—Gibbons (T. P.) t ... treated by compression. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 281-285.—Gibbs (U. L.) t ._. . cured by deligation. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 396.— Gilibert. Rapport du memoire sur un anevrisme de l'artere poplitese, gueri par les r6frig8t). Aho, Reprint.—Laugier. t. .. traitement par la Ugature de l'artere femorale au has de I'espacc ingui- nal. BuU. Acad.demed., Par., 1841-2, vii, 941. ------. t - . . compression digitale; guerison. Gaz. d. hop.,.Par., 1867, xl, 142.—Laurence (J. Z.) On popliteal aneurism. Lan- cet, Lond., 1855, ii. 9.—Lawrauce (J.) t Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, ls'.'U, iv, 392-390.—Lawrence (W.) t attended with some unusual circumstances. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1820, vui, 494-499. -----. t ... in which se- condary hasmorrhage occurred. Lancet. Lond., 1626, x, 607. ------. PopUteal aneurism; operation. Ibid., 1833, ii, 619. ------. t . . .pressure: deligation of the femoral artery; recovery. Ibid., 1851, ii, 58.—Lawrie(J.A-) t ... operation; cure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, i, 667-670.—Leach (W.) Double popUteal aneurism: compression. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1803, v, 525.—Leflaivc (A.) Compres- sion digitale dans l'anevrysnie poplite. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 22.—Legoucst. t Bull. Soc. dc chU\ do Par., 1865, 2. s., vi, 352-358. -----. t . . . guerison par la compression indirecte. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1605. xxxviU, 422. -----. t . . . traite par la flexion forcee de la jambe sur la cuisse; guerison. Ibid.. 1869, xUi. 185. -----. t . . . compression digifcile. Bull. Soc. ele chir. dc Par., 1870, 2. 8., x, 27; 53.—Lcisrink (H.) t In hh: Ber. d. chir. Poliklin. d. Frauen-Hulfs Ver., 1872-8. 8^, Hamb., 1879, 60.—Lenoir, t . . . traite par l'injection de per- chlorure de fer. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1853, xxvi, 496.— Lenoir (A.) Deux cas d'anevrysme de 1 artere poplitee qui ont presente quelques circonstances insoUtes dans leur traitement; eibservations avec reflexions. Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1843, i, 48-61. ------. t . . . traite par l'injection de perchlorure de fer. Gaz. hebd. dc nied., Par., 1653, i, 15-18. Aho: Monit.d. hop.. Par., 1853. i, 993-999.—Leteu- neur. t . . . traite sans success par la compression; ampu- tation de la cuisse: moit. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1856, vi, 413-415. Aho.- Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1850. xxix, 114. ------. Note sur un anevrisme du genou. Ibid., 122.— de Lima c Costa (J. J.) Aneurisma popliteo; com- pressiio digital; apparclho de Broca; resultados pauco im- poitantes : laqueacao; cura. EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1860, xi, 331.—tie Lisio (F.) t... guarito coUa galvano-puntura. RencUc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1847, i, 39.—Little (D.) t . . . ligature of the femoral artery; gangrene: am- putation of the thigh; recovery. Manchester M. Sc S. Rep., 1870, i, 80-82.—Lizars (J.) Remarks on Professor Syme's statement regarding the operation for popUteal aneurism; with a report of a suceessfid case. Lonel. Sc Eeluib. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 727-731.—Llewellyn (R.) t . . . cured in a few days by Mr. Ernest Hart's flexion method. Clin. Lect. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1865, U, 285.—Lockwood (A. P.) t . . . successfuUy treated by compression. Edinb. M. J., 1861. vii, 531-535. ------. t . . . a second time treated successfully by compression. Ibid., 1864, x, 414-419.— Loriuser (F.) t . . . geheUt durch Fingerdruck. Wien. meel. Wchnschr., 1863, xUi, 817-821— Longfleld (W. D.) t Lancet. Lond., 1869, ii, 838.—Luke, t Lond. M. Gaz., 1831,vii,446.—Lummiczer(S.) t OrvosihetU.,Budapest, 1877, xxi, 1074.—Lyon, t . . . cured by digital compression. Lanci't, Lond., 1863, i, 118.—JK. Aneurysma traumaticum spurium arterias poplitea; Unterbindung der Schenkel- arterie; Tod durch Ersehopfung. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg. 1861, i, 71-74. — Mac- C'ormae. Popliteal aneurism; digital compression; cured iu eight hours: subseepient partial gangrene of toe'S: re- covery. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 140— -McDo- nald (M.) [Traumatic aneurism of the right popliteal artery.] Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xU, 98-101.— ANEURISMS. 400 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). McDonnell (R.) t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 646- 648.—lTIacdougall (A.) t [Ligature; cure] Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1825, i, 199-203.—Mace wen (W.) t Ligature of the femoral artery, on the "antiseptic" system. Glasgow M. J., 1872, 4. s., v, 262-264.—M>«ill. t' Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 609. —McCJillivray (D.) Aneurism of both popUteal arteries occurring con- secutively, treated by Ugature of the femorals; recur- rence in the right, cured by elastic pressure. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870, vi, 243--40. —McLean (R. A.) t . . . operation; death four months afterward from rup- ture of an abdominal aneurism; autopsy. West. Lan- cet, San Fran., 1874, iii, 173-177.—McMcchan (J. C.) t Clinic, Cincin., 1875, viU, 193.—Macnab (R.) Double popliteal aneurism cured by compression Lancet, Lond., j 1870, ii, 409.—M'Nalty. t '. . . failure of treatment by com- pression ; deli<|atiou of femoral, foUowed by suppuration of the toe and hemorrhage from the distal end of the popli- teal vessel, necessitating amputation of the thigh. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1800, Loud., 18C8, viii, 525-527.— Macon- chy (J. K.) t ... ligature of the femoral artery ; cure of aneurism. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1808, xiv, 01.—Madden (J.) t . . . treated by compression. Dublin M. Press, 1850, xxiii, 81-85.—Mayiguet. t . . . ligature de la femorale. J. de la sect, domed, de la Soc. acad. Loire Inf., 1851, xxvii, 60-62.—Maisonneuvc. t BuU. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1854, v, 223; 226. [-----.) t . . . tentatives ele compression; pro- gress de la maladie; ligature dc l'artere femorale & sa partie moyeunc Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1854, xxvii, 577.—Malagd (P. P.) t . . . operate col nuovo metodo deU'attortigliatura. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1833, vii, 24-28.—Malgaigne. t . .. traite eu vain par la compression, puis par la liga- ture; iuflainmationelufoyeianevrisiual; mort. Rev. med.- chir. de Par., i855, xviii, 307-312.—Manoury. t . . . guehi d'abord spontanesiuentiuais suivi dela mort. J. m6d., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1787, lxxi, 430-445.—Manzoni (A.) Storia e guarigione di un aneurisma venereo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1819, xi, 283-298.—Manzoni (L.) D'un aneurisma al poplite operata coll'allacciatuia temporaria. Ibid., 1823, xxv, 129-141. Aho, Reprint.—.Vlapothcr (E. D.) Diffuse popUteal aneurism; ditliculty of diagnosis; amputation by Wharton's mode. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1870, x, 42. — Mardy. Anevrisme poplite spon- tane ayant atteint uu volume 6norme dans l'espaco do trois mois; autopsie. Rov. m6d.-chir. de Par., 1854. xv, 54-56.—Markoc. t Ligation of femoral artery for pop- liteal aneurism; Lister's antiseptic method. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iii, ^6-98. — Martin, t . . . treatment by compression; ligature of the femoral; recovery. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 330.—Martin (G. T.) False aneurism of the popUteal artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1832, xi, 57-59.—Mason (E.) Case of popUteal aneurism on the right side, and femoral aneurism of left side; the latter occurring about 5 months after the cure of the for- mer ; successfuUy treated by ligation of the femorals. Arch. Cou. Surg.. N. Y., 1876, i, 107-113.—Maunder (C. F.) Digital compression in popliteal aneurism. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 380.—Maunior (T.) t Echo m. xi. 117.—Petrie. t Spontaneous cure. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1855, n. s.. x, 388.—Phillips (B.) t j Lond. M. Gaz., 1839. n. s., i, 515-517.—Pilate, t . . . digi- j tal compression : gangrene of the sac : cure. Bull. Soc. de j chir. de Par., 1808, 2. s.. viii. 484.—Pizzorno (G.) t . . . guarito colla compressione digitale nella clinica del prof. G. Corradi. Sperimentale, Firenze. 1874, xxxiv, 648-652. Plaxton. t . . . cured bv digital compression of femoral ] arterv at the pubes. Brit.' M. J.. Loud.. 1872, ii, 125.—Po- drazki. t Allg. Wien. meel. Ztg., 1803. viii, 130.—Poland (H.l On ruptureof a popliteal aneurismal sac. and of artery close to it. [42 cases j. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Loud., 1860. 3. s.,vi, j 334-390.— Poland A Hilton. Popliteal aneurism; com- prcssion of t he ruain trunk; great improvement, with persist- ing pulsation ofthe sac; free use of the limb: accidental re- turn of pain, and increased pulsation and size; final con- solielation of the sac by renewed compression. Lancet, Loud.. 1853. i, 11-13.—Pollock, t . . . successfuUy treated by compression. Ibid.. 1861. i. 533.—(Pollock (A. M.)] t . . . entirclv cured bv means of compression. Tr. M. Soc Penii., Phila.. 1868, 5. s., i, 69.—Pope (C. A.) t Ligature of the femoralaitery; cure. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1850, vUi, j 292.—Popliteal aneurism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, i, 377. Also: Mecl. Times A Gaz., Lond.. 1856, n. 8., xii, 90. Aho: Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs.. 1804, n. s., vii, 28-33.—Popliteal aneurism; compression; deligation of artery; amputa- tion; recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1852, i. 361.—Popliteal aneurism; compression treatment: rupture of the sac: am- putation. Mecl. Times Sc Gaz., Louel., 1858. xvii, 139.— Popliteal aneurism: cure by compression in twelve days, j Ibid.. 1854. n. s.. ix, 445.—Popliteal aneurism cured by compression in twenty-six bom's. Ibid., 1858, n. s., xvi, 321.—Popliteal aneurism (diffuse-el): Ugature ofthe fe- moral artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 41.—Popliteal 2(i Aneurisms (Popliteal). aneurism; faUure of treatment by compression and flexion; ligature of femoral artery: recovery from operation; sub- sequent death from exhaustion. Meel. Tunes A Gaz., Lond., 1870. i. 439.—Popliteal aneurism: ligature of the femoral artery after the unsuccessful appUcation of pressure; gan- grene; amputation of the thigh. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1857, i, 310.—Popliteal aneurism: Ugature of the femoral; gangrene three weeks after; separation of four toes; reco- very. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 43.—Popliteal aneurism; Ugature of the femoral: recovery. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1861, vi. 59.—Popliteal aneurism mistaken for an abscess. Med. Times. Lond.. 1848, xviii, 207.—Popliteal aneurism; operation: cure. Lancet, Lond., 1842. i, 683.— Popliteal anemism: operation of tying tbe femoralaitery. Ibid., 1821), i, 62.—Popliteal aneurism of right leg. N. York M. Press, 1859. n. s.. i. 36—10.—Popliteal aneurism successfully treated by compression. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1855* n. s.. xi, 135.—Popliteal aneurism treated by compression and manipulation. Ibid., 1859, n. s., xviu, 265.—Popliteal aneurism; treatment by interrupted com- pression; cure in ten weeks. Ibid., 1853. n. 8., vU, 475.— Popliteal aneurism; unsuccessful trial of compression treatment: Ugature ofthe femoral: amputation; autopsy. Ibid., 1854, nT s., ix, 496.— Porcher (F. P.) t Ligature of femoral arterv. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1875, n. s., iii. 185.—Porter (C. B.) Sc Robinson (S. Q.) Diffused popliteal aneurism; Syme's operation; secondary hemor- rhage : ligature of femoral artery; tetanus: recovery. Am. J. M. Sc.; Phila.. 1876, u. s., lxxU, 128.—Porter (G. H.) f . . . cured bv digital pressure in twenty-six hours anel forty- five minutes. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 11-14.—Porter (J. H.) t . . . cured by compression. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 339. -----. Cases of femoral and popliteal aneurisms. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1875, 3. s., ix, 193-199.—Porter (W. H.) t t . . . cureel by compression of the trunk of the artery at the cardiac sides of the tumour. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, i, 277-303. Aho: Med. Exam., Phila., 1K4G, U, 523-541.— Prcstat. t . . . gueri par la compression digitale. Bull. et mem. Soc. de cMr. de Par., 1876, n. s., U, 219-221.—Pri- chard (A.) Occlusion of the femoral artery for popUteal aneurism: ligature removed in seventy-two hours. Lancet, Lond., 1870.\ 804.—Purcell Sc Anderson. Aneurism of popUteal artery; failure of flexion anel compression; liga- tiue of femoral aitery with carbolised catgut; recovery. [Case] Ibid.. l87s. U, 843.—Queirel. t Marseille med., 1871, viii, 458-402.— Quijano (A. A.) t . . . curacion por la Ugadura de la arteria. Observador med., Mexico, 1871, i, 319.—Quinton (W. W.) t . . . treatment by compres- sion; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1675. i, 709.—Rebello (J. F. de A.) t . . . curado pelo compressor dc Broca. J. Soc cl. sc. med. ele Lisb., 1805, 2. s., xxix. 362-372.—Rcca- mier. Observation sur une tumeur anevrismatique sta- tionnaire. BuU. Fac. de med. de Par., 1815, in, 301-307.— Rcddy (J.) t ... cured by Ugature of the femoral arteiy after faUure both of flexion and compression. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1860, i, 442-445. -----. t. .. in a woman cured by eUgital compression in twelve hours, after failure with Carte's compressors. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal. 1874-5, iii, 243-247.—Reeves (W.) t . . . cured by compression. Lancet. Lond.. 1852, n. s., i. 5-0.—Rciehc (j. F.) t ... met deswege gedane onterbinding der dijslagader, en beschrij- viug eener merkwaardige natuurwerking hij eenen man van omstreeks zeventig iaren. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1833, xii. 144-147.—Reid (W.) Report of a successful case of the application of Esmarch's bloodless system to the treatment of aneurism. Lancet, Lonel., 1875, U, 448. -----. t ... treated successfully by the appUcation of an Esmarch's bandage. Ibid., 1876, U. 184.—Rey. t . .. Ugature de la crurale a l'anneau du troisieme aelclucteur; guerison. Gaz. d. Imp., Par.. 1836. x. 465.—Rcyburn (R.) f Nat. M. J., Wash. D.C, 1871-2, ii. 254-261.—Reymonet. t Ligature de lartere femorale. Gaz. el. hiip., Par., 1856, xxixT 559.—Ribes. t . . . etc. accompagnee de la piece montrant l'obliteration dc l'artere et le desveloppemcnt des vaisseaux qui avaient restabli la circulatiem dans le membre. Bull. Fac. etc med. de Par.. 1812. iii. 87-89.—Richardson (W. H. H.) t N. Hampshire J. M., Concord, 1854, iv, 118.— Riebelot (G.) Anevrysme diffus consecutif a la rupture spontanee de l'artere poplitee atheroroateusc Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., v. 546-550.—Ristelhucber (A. J.) Mes- moiro sur la Ugature et 1'aplatissement dc l'artere dans l'opc'ration de l'anevrisme popUte. M6m. Soc. mesd. d'emu- lat.. Par., 1817, vui, pt. 2, pp. 685-724. Also, Reprint.—Rob- bins (N. A.) t ... cured by the constriction of the femoral aitery. Instrument used, Dr. Speii s aitery constrictor. N. York M. J., 1874, xix, 507-509.—Robert', t BuU. Soc de chir. de Par.. 1851, i, 323-326. -----. t . . . rupture du sac. Ibid.,ii, 275-278.—Roberts (A.) t . . . amputation; hasmorrhage; ligature of external Uiac; repeated hasnior- rhages: recovery. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 406.—Roberts (W.) t ... in which the temporary ligature was employed. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1821, xi, 100-103.— Robertson, t . . . treated bv galvano-puncture. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1868, i. 287.—Robinson (R. R.) t . . . cured by ligature: double pneumonia. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834. xiv, 460.—Robinson (W. T. C.) t . . . cured by compression of the femoral aitery. Med.-CMr. Tr., Lond., 1845, xxviii, ANEURISMS. 402 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). 39-43.—Roddick (T. G.) t . . . successfuUy treated by digital compression. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1871, vii, 5-7.—Roinbach (K. A.) Waameniing van een, door de Huntcische operatie genezen, aneurysma arterias popUteas. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1841, vi, suppl., 31-38. — Rooke. t . . . treated unsuc- cessfuUy by flexion of the limb and pressure; amputa- tion at middle of thigh; repeated secondary hasmor- rhage ; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1868, U, 670.— Kouby. t . . . compression digitale; ligature; amputa- tion. Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 165-173.— Rouse (J.) t Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond., 1875, viii, 58-62.— Roux. t. . . ligature de l'artere femorale, suivant la me- thode de Hunter, et d'apres le procede de Scarpa. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii, 134; 173. -----. t.. . operation; gueri- son. Ibid., 1837, xi, 417. -----. t . . . qui s'est reproduit ou qui a persiste mais a un degre peu considerable apres une operation pratiquese par la methode de Hunter. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1840-1, vi, 262; 283. Also : Experience, Par., ■ 1840, vi, 401-407. -----. Considerations cUniques sur l'an6- vrisnie de l'art&re poplite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 265. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1843, Ui, 20-28. -----. t . . . ligature de l'artere i'6morale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 282; 306; 425. -----. t . . . diagnostic de cet anevrysme en particulier; influence de l'anevrysme popUte sur la therapeutique generale des anevrysmes. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 98.—Roux (J.) t. . . rupture du sac, an6vrysme diffus faux-consecutif; volume enorme de la jambe; paralysie du sentiment, du mouvement, et retraction des muscles; ligature de l'artere crurale, plus tard section du tendon d'AchiUe; guerison oornphste. France med., Par., 1855, ii, 377. -----. t. . . spontane; compression indirecte et alternate k l'aide des appareils polydactyles et k compression; gu6rison. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1861, 2. a., l, 230-235. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 206.—Roux (P. J.) t . . . op6ration; succes. In hh: Melanges de chir. et de physiol, 8°, Par., 1809, 265- 311.—Rupture of a popliteal aneurism; mortification and amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 437.—Sabine. A e:ase of sloughing popliteal aneurism of the femoral; ligature. Annalist, N. Y., 1847, i, 317.—Sabine (T. T.) Three cases of popUteal aneurism successfully opera- ted on by ligation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866, i, 16.— Sacz (A.) Aneurisma verdadero de la arteria popliteal izquierda; ligadura de la femoral por dos veces, con la dis- tancia de 17 dias de una a otra; seis bemorragias; ampu- tacion del muslo; curacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1857, iv, 155-157.—Salemi (J.) t J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1851, 2. s., xix, 85-93.—Salmon (J.) t... cured by digital com- pression of the femoral artery as it passes through Hunter's canal. Statist. Rep. Health Navy, Lond., 1875, app., 44.— Salzer. t . . . Heilun" durch eiiien neuen Compressions- apparat. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1866), 1867, 197-199.—Sande. Heilung eines Aneu- rysma der Arteria poplitea durch Compression. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1807, iv, 210-213.—de Sande (L. A. P.) Aneurisma popliteo de grandes di- mensdes curado pela compressao digital. EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1868, xix, 243.—Sands (H. B.) A clinical lecture on the treatment of popliteal aneurism according to the method of flexion and compression. Mecl. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 561-568. -----. Obscure case of popliteal aneurism. N. York M. J., 1877, xxv, 188.—Sargint (R.) t . . . suc- cessfully treated by compression. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix, 337.—SaM-y'ers (J.) t . . . failure of compression; amputation. Ibid., 1862, xlvii, 361.—Searcnzio (A.) Aneurisma traumatico popliteo, curate) colla compressione deU'arteria femorale comune. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, ! 1856, clviii, 559.—Scarpa. Comparative examination of the arteries of the lower extremities twenty-seven years after the operation of aneurism of the popliteal artery. Lancet, Lond., 1829, ii, 581.—Schreudcr (It. H.) Waar- neming van eene Slagaderbreuk, der Kniehol-Slagader ge- lukkig genezen door de onderschepping deM Dij-Slagader. N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst., 1822, iii, 61-76.—Schuh. t . . . Erfolgloser Versuch des Fingerdruckes zur Heilung. Wien. Med.-HaUe, 1860, i, 85.— Scibelli (M.) t. . . guarito con la flessione forzata. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1879, n. s., iv, 55-62.—Segrc- stan. t . . . gueri par la compression digitale intermit- tente. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 571.—Sernin- Fontan. t . . . compression digitale; guerison en trois hemes et demie. Ibid., 1860, xxxiii, 4.—Shaw (A.) t . . . successfully treated by continued flexion of the knee-joint. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1859. xiii, 209-213. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 462.—Sheen, t . . . ligature of femoral with carbolised catgut; cure. Ibid., 1876, ii, 222.—Shortliff (W.) t . . . in which the treatment by compression faUed. Ibid., 1857. i, 650. -----. t 7Md.,ii,'267.—da Silva (J. T.) f . . . tratamento por flexao, compressao por chumaco, compressao digital, laqueacao e amputacao. J. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1876, xl, 139.—Simon, t . . . deligation of the femoral artery. Lancet, Lond., 1877, i, 514.—Simpson (J. T.) t . .. femoral artery tied with success; with the dissection of the limb nearly two years afterwards, the pa- tient having died of aneurism of the aorta, which burst into the pericardium. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1827, n. s., ii, 506- Aneurisms (Popliteal). 508.—Sistach. 11 BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1869J 2.8., ix, 455-462. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par.,1868, xU, 593.—Smith, t... Ugature of femoral artery; fluctuation in aneurismal tumour for seven weeks afterward. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1874, i, 13.— Smith (C. D.) t . . . ligature of femoral artery. N. York M. Times, 1855, iv, 125.—Smith (H.) t . . . trial of com- pression ; ligature of the superficial femoral artery; subse- quent bursting and suppuration of the aneurismal sac. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 644.-----. t.. . faUure of flexion and compression; incision of the sac, and Ugature of the arteiy. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 740. -----. t . . . cured by ligature of the superficial femoral artery, after failure of flexion anel compression. Ibid,, 1874, ii, 47.— Smith (N. B.) Case of Ugature of the femoral artery for the cure of popliteal aneurism; hemorrhage from the femo- ral on the 12th day; second application of the Ugature above the profunda"; hemorrhage on the 8th day, arrested by the compress ; cure. Bait. M. Sc S. J. & Rev., 1834, ii, 61- 64.-----. Femoro-popliteal aneurism; spontaneous cure of popliteal, by the occurrence of femoral aneurism, arteries diseased; Ugature of the femoral; hemorrhage on the 11th day; separation of the ligature on the 19th day; recovery. N. Am. Arch. M. Sc S. Sc, Bait,, 1835, ii, 75-77.—Smith (S.) Case of traumatic popUteal aneurism. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1868, i, 108.—Smith (T.) t . . . Ugature of the femoral artery after failure of compression. Lancet, Lond., 1872, U, 741. -----. A case of popUteal aneurysm treated by ligature of the superficial femoral artery with carboUzed gilt, followed by the formation of an aneurism at the seat of ligature. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond., 1878, xi, 51-54.-----. t . . . consolidation under Esmarch's bandage; return of pulsation; Ugature of femoral; apparent convalescence; secondary hasmorrhage; secondary ligature of femoral; death. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 121.—Smyly (J.) t . . . am- putation after failure of tho treatment by compression. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1856, Ui, 131.—Solera, t . . . operato coUa legatura temporaria. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1822, xxiii, 272-283.—Some observations on Mr. Syme's last paper on popliteal aneurism, in the Monthly Journal. Med. Times, Lond., 1847, xvi, 13.—South & Jones (S.) Ruptured popUteal aneurism, with gangrene of the leg; amputation; tetanus; fatal result. Lancet, Lond., 1860, ii, 561.—South am (G.) t. . . cured by digital compression. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1863, xlvi, 211-216. -----. t . . . cured by digital compression. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chu\ Soc. Lond., 1863, iv, 256-258.—Spalding & M'I.auchlan. t Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1838, n. s., xxix, 297-301.—Speir (S. F.) t Tr. M. Soc County Kings, N. Y., 1865, i, 327. -----. On popUteal aneurism treated by application of the artery constrictor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, vi, 270.— Spence (J.) t Edinb. M. J., 1859, v, 433-437.—Squarei (C.) Legatura deU'arteria femorale per aneurisma vero popliteo, non essendo riuacita la galvano-puntura. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1850-1, 2. s., i, 389.—State of Ohio vs. Dr. Geo. Blanck; manslaughter: case of mal- practice [opening with a lancet a popliteal aneurism]. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1855, xvi, 84-99.—Stedman (C. H.) t Med. Mag., Bost., 1835, iii, 504— Stephens (T.) t . . . cured by compression. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv,-352.—Stephenson (F. D.) t . . . in which tho operation was successful on a patient upwards of ninety years of age. Lancet, Lond., 1828, ii, 189.—Stiihr. t Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1866, xx, 35.—Stokes (W.) Large popliteal aneurism treated by compression with O'ReiUy's presse artere; successful result. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 10.-----. t. . . treated by O'ReUly's presse artere. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 432-434.— Stone (W.) Popliteal aneurism. M. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1876, iv, 1- 6. —Storks, t . . . successfuUy treated by pressure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., U, 571. — Storks (R.) Two cases of popliteal aneurism, successfuUy treated with pressure. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 574-576.—Suckley (G.) T . . . puncture of the aneurism; Ugature of the femo- ral artery at two points; secondary hemorrhage after each operation; Ugature of the external iUac arteiy; successful. N. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 204.—Sunter (T. M.) t . . . treated by compression of the femoral artery. Dublin M. Press, 1846, xvi, 338-340. — Surdun (L.) t . . . Ugature de la femorale suivant la nnsthode de Hunter; phlegmon d6velopp6 sur le trajet de la gaine des vaisseaux cruraux; guerison. Montpel. med., 1859, ii, 470- 474. — Swettcnhani (W. K.) Treatment of popUteal aneurism by pressure. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 214. -----. t . . . successfuUy treated by pressure. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1856, Ui, 97.—Syme (J.) '[Femoral artery ticid in a case of poplteal aneurism, by Mr. Turner.] Edinb. M. Sc S. J. 1836, xlvi, 259. -----. t t Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 4-6: 1842, ii, 965: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1846, vi, 81-83: 1850, xi, 145-147: 1851, xU, 16: 1852, xiv, 534. -----. Popliteal aneurism in a chUd. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1844, iv, 823-825. -----. On the treatment of popUteal aneurism. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1847, i, 561-570. -----. Three cases of popliteal aneurism; ligature of the femoral artery; reco- very. Ibid., 258-262. -----. t Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 145-148. ----- t Recovery. Edinb. M. J.. 1862, viii, 137. —Taggart. t Dublin M. Press, lh39, i, 180- ANEURISMS. 403 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). 182. Aho, transl.: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 169.—Tansini (F.) t Gaz. med. ital. lomb.. MUano, 1854, v, 20.—Teale (T. P.) t Prov. M. A S. J.. Lond., 1841, Ui, 137. -----. t t Assoc. M. J.. Loud.. 1855, U, 928. -----Case of successful compression of the femoral artery for traumatic popUteal aneurism. Ibid., 1850, U, 623. -----. t . . . treated by temporary metaUic compression of the femoral artery. Lancet. Lond.. 1867, i. 3.—Terry (J. N.) t . . . Ugature of the superficial femoral. Ibid., 1872, i. 149.—Textor (K.) t . . . mit ungliicklieheni Erfolge ope- rirt. Neue (Der) Chiron. Sulzbach, 1823, i, 432-435.— Thomas (E.) t . . . Ugature of femoral artery; cure. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birmingham, 1857, i. 66-69. '-----. t . . . complicated with symptoms of disease of the heart, in which the femoral artery was successfuUy tied. Ibid., 1858, U, 53-56.—[Thomas (L.)] t t Rec d. trav. Soc. mesd. d'Indre-et-Loire, 1672. Tours. 1873, lxx, 49-55.—Thomp- son (H.) t . . . cured by compression. Med. Times. Lond., 1849, xx, 484. -----. t... cured bv pressure in twenty-eight hours. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1808, ii. 7.—Thornton (D.) t... cured in twenty-eight hours by compression of the femoral after the appUcation of Esmarch's bandage for one hour. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 238.—Tiffany, t t [. . .treated by pressure.] Maryland M. J., Bait., 1878, U. 524.—Tillaux. An6vrvsme poplite diffus consdcutif. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1865,2. s., v, 424 AUo: Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1864. xxxvii, 439.—Todd etal. Cases andobservationson the history of the cure of popliteal aneurism by compression. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, ii, 104-132.—[Toland.J t ... successfuUy treated by the appUcation of the double ligature to the superficial femoral. West. Lancet, San Fran.. 1875, iv, 393-396.— Toland (H. H.) Ligature of the femoral arterv for pop- Uteal aneurism. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1858, i. 170. -----. Two cases of false and one of true aneurism of the popUteal artery. Ibid., 178-182.—Toogood (J.) t . . suc- cessfuUy tresated by compression; sloughing of the tumor and Ugature of the femoral artery; mortification of the limb and amputation. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1847, n. s., i 903-905.—Trastonr. t . . . opere par la methode de Hunter et le procede de Scarpa. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par.. 1818, v, 236-246.—Travers. t Operation of tying the femoral artefV. Lancet, Lond., 1826, x, 700.— Travers (B.) Case of aneurism occurring in each ham ; the disease shewing itself in the right Umb a few weeks after the cure of the left; the formation and cure of both aneurisms occupying a period of eight months. Lond. M. & Phys. J.. 1827, ii. s.. iii, 25.—Trelat. t . . . compres- sion mficanique; flexion de la jambe; compression digi- tale ; guerison. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1870, 2. s.. x, 346-349.—T riflet. t . . . compression dc la femorale avec 1'appareU de M. Broca; gu6rison en 18 jours. Ibid.. 1839, ix, 35-38.—Tufnell (J.) t . . . cured by compression in six days. DubUn M. Press, 1847. xvui, 338.—Turnbull (A.) t .. . cured by pressure. Lancet, Lond., 1875. u, 339.— Turner, t . . . in which compression was unsuccessful. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1847, n. 8., i, 707.— Turner (G.) t . . . operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii. 125.—Turner (0. C.) t . . . cured by Ugation of the femoral artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1871, Ixxxv, 20.— Tyrrell, t . . . operation. Laneset, Lond., 1827. xi, 718.— Tyrrell (H. J.) t . . . treated at first by compression, re- sulting in faUure; Ugature of femoral artery with a cat- gut antiseptic Ugature. Med. Press & CUeT, Lond., 1874, lxviii, 6.—Cccelli (F.) t A Tin, univ. di med., MUano, 1820, xv, 318-343. Aho, transl.: J. univ. d. sc. meel., Par., 1820, xx. 330-342.—Ulrich. t . . . nach Hunter's Methode gliickUch geheUten ... J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1821, u, 689-701.—lire, t . . . treatment first l>y compression, subsequently by Ugature of the femoral aitery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1861. i, 510.—Uytterhoeven (A.) Ane- vrysme de l'artere popUtee, ligature ele l'artere crurale, guerison; quelques annees apres, plaie au coude, pene- trant dans l'articulation; autopsie. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1840, Ui, 315-318.—Valentc (J. I.) Obser- vacao de dois aneurismas naspopUteas tratados pela laque- acao da femural, hunia no sen terco superior e outra no medio; seguidos de tetano o morte. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1840, xU, 309-321.—Van Ribber (W. C.) t. . . [death] Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1856, vii, 463- 465.—Van Ruren (W. EL) t . . . successfuUy treated by compression. N. York M Times, 1852, i, 33-35. Aho, in his: Contrib. to pract. surg., Phila., 1865, 147-150.—Van- zetti. (T.) Deux faits de guerison d'anevrismes popUtes par la compression de la femorale au moyen des doigts. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1858. viu, 114-U7. -----. t . . . guarito colla compressione digitale deU'arteria femorale. Gazz. uud. ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1864, vU, 191.— Verneuil (A.i Sur les anevrysmes popUt6sgueris par la compression digitale, a l'occasion de diverses communica- tions faites a la Societe de Chirurgie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1857, iv, 773-776. AUo, transl.: Atlanta M. A S. J., 1656, Ui, 265.-----. t Gaz. d. he'tp., Par, 1861, xxxiv, 57. -----. t Essais repetes de compression digitale, intermit- tente ct continue; insucces; ligature de la femorale; dis- parition du souffle et de iexpansion; diminution progres- sive de la tumeur; persistance de battements faibles datant dutroisieme jour apres la ligature, et appreciables encore Aneurisms (Popliteal). sans changement notable pres de trois mois apres Tope- ration. BuU. Soc. de chir. ele Par., 1862, 2. s., ii 75; 412. -----. t . . . chez un sujet diabeticiue; insuccescle la com- pression mescanique; guerison par la flexion forcee. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., I8ti8, xxxiii, 972-974. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1869,2. s., vi, 4-8. -----. t t Bull. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1871, 2. s., xi, 44-48— Vidal. t . . . gueri par la Ugature de lartere crurale. J. univ. d. sc med., Par., 1827, xlvii, 233-240.—Violani (L.) Guarigione radicale di un aneurisma popUteo per iobUterazione del sacco aneu- rismatico. RaccogUtore med., ForU, 1873, xxiv, 33-44.— Vogler. Doppeltts Aneurysma der Kniekehlenschlag- ader mit Venen- und Aiterien-Entziindung. Med. Ztg., Berl..1645,xiv,225-227.—Volkmann(R) t HeUungdurch forciitc Flexion des Kniegelenkes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873. x, 133.—Wackerhagen (G.) t Ligature of femoral artery. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, 34.—Wagner (E.) Durch Compression geheUtes spontanea Aneurysma der Poplitaea; Aneurysma der Cruralis an der Comprcssionsstelle; Tod an Lungentuberculose. Arch. f. physiol. HeUk., Stuttg., 1857. n. F., i, 544-546.—Wag. stafle. t . . . treated by forcible flexion ; gangrene of leg; amputation of thigh by bloodless method; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Loiid., 1874, i, 207. -----. t AppUcation of Esmarch's bandage for one hour, and of the tourniquet temporarily afterwards; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 461.—Wainwright (W. A. M.) t . . . cured by absolute compression of the femoral arterv. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, ls78, lxxxvu, 54-56.—Walker (G. E.) t . . . treated by compression. LiverpoolM. Sc S. Rep., Is71, v, 66- 78.—Wa'lshe (D.) t ... cured by the ligature of the femo- ral artery after faUure of compression. Med. Press. Sc Circ, Lond., 1873, xv. 2.—Walton (H.) t Ligature of the femoral aitery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Dubl., 1866, ii, 617.—Ward. t [Successfully treated by pressure on the femoral.] Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 362.—'Ward (N.) t Compres- sion of the femoral artery; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1851, ii. 83. Aho: Meel. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., iii. 154. Aho: Prov. M. A S. J., Lond., 1851. 372. -----. t Com- pression treatment; sloughing over the artery; Ugature; recovery. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 331.— Warren, t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1870, xcv, 535.—Warren (J. M.) t ... presenting some remarkable phenomena. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1853, n. 8., xxvi, 341-345. -----. t Ibid., 1854, n. s.. xxviU, 94. -----. t Ligature of the femoral aitery. In hh: Surg. Obs., S~, Boston, 1867, 433.—Waters (A. T. H.) t Compression; cure. Meel. Times AGaz., Lond., 1855, n. 8., x. 60. -----. t Ligature of femoral artery; sloughing in the ham; gangrene of the foot; death. Ibid., 61.—Watson (E.) t A case of secondary aneurism of the popliteal aitery, with remarks. Glasgow M. J., 1869-70, n. s.. ii, 340-346.—Watson (P. H.) t . . . treated by com- pression. Eelinb. M. J., 1870, xv, 909-913. Aho, Reprint.— Wearue (V.) t Instrumental and manual compression; cure. Lancet. Lond., 1877, i, 387.—Weickert. t . .. durch Unterbindung der Art. cruraUs geheilt; zwei Jahr darauf Aneur. spont. in der Art. crur. d. in der Gegenel des TJr- sprungs der Art. prof, fem.; Unterbindung der Art. cru- ralis in der Schenkelbeuge; Naehblutung den 8. Tag: Tod den 27.; merkwiirdiger Sectionsbefund. J. d. Chir. u. Au- genh., Berl., 1847, xxxvii, 405-409.—Weil (C.) Trauiiia- tisches Aneurysma in der Unken Kniekehle; Excision; Heilung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, 94-97.—Wein- lechner. t Probestich; Unterbindung nach Hunter; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1874), 1875, 485.—West (J. F.) t Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 75-77.—Wilder*, t Ibid., 1874, i, 569.—Wilkins. t CanadaM. Rec,Montreal, 1878, vi, 237.—Wilkinson (J.) t. . . in which the sac sprung from the anterior surface of the artery, causing erosion of the bone and implicating the knee-joint. DubUn M. Press, 1856, xxxv, 242. -----. Statistical detaUsof ten cases of popliteal aneurism treated at the County Limerick Infirmary. Ibid., 243.—Wil- laume. Histoire d'une operation d'anevrisme popUte, pratiquee selon la methode de Scarpa. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1819, 1. s., vi, 253-275. -----. t . . . diffus, gu6ri par la Ugature temporaire de l'artere femo- rale, au bas de l'espace inguinal. Ibid., 1826, xix, 313-317.— Willett (A.) t Ligature ofthe femoral arterv. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865, i, 154-156. -----. 11 Ligature of the [superficial] femoral artery. Ibid., 156. -----. t Liga- ture ot the [superficial] femoral artery; primary union ofthe wound; recovery. Ibid., 157.—Williamson (G.) t . . . with disease of the heart; compression; cured in fifteen days. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 626.—Wilmot. t t . . . successfuUy cured by compression. DubUn M. Press, 1853, xxx, 385-387.—Wilson (J. M.) t . . . cured by a na- tural process. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. & Chir. Knowl., Lond., 1800, U, 268-276.—Wing (C. E.) & E wart (J. H.) A case in which aneurismsof the two popliteal arteries were cured by digital pressure. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., l8ti'J. 3.S., xiv, 241-244. ----- t . . . cured by pressure in four hours and a half. Ibid., 244-247.—Winslow (F. C.) t . . . [cured by digital compression in twenty-four hours.] Chicago M. J., 1874. xxxi, 717-719.—Witherley. t Pressure treatment; cure in twenty-one days. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, U, 322.—Wolff, t Durch Compression geheUtes. . . . Verm. ANEURISMS. 404 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Popliteal). Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Pe- tersb., 1825, iU, 169-172.— Woltersom (H. Z.) t Gene- zing . . . door indirecte drukking. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1862, vi, 33-36.—"Wood, t FaUure of Sressure; cured by ligature of femoral. Med. Times A Gaz., iond., 1872, i, 39.—Wood (J.) Case of ruptured aneurysm of the popUteal artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 122-124.—"Wood (J. R.) 11 . . . successfully treated by compression. N. York J. M., 1851, vi, 304-308. -----. t Ligation of femoral artery. Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 248.—Wright (J. D.) t . . . in which the femoral artery was tied after the sac had burst. Mesd.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1849, xxxii, 167-169.—Wright (W.) t . . . operation. Lond. M. Reposit., 1828, xxix. 313-316.—Wyatt. t Com- plete cure in fifteen hours by the combination of forcible flexion with digital compression. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, i, 115.—Vandell (D. W.) t . . . cured by Es- march's bandage. Louisville M. News, 1878, vi, 302.— Ziembicke. T Compression digitale; rupture spontanee; amputation de la cuisse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1872, xlvii, 390-392.—Zuiiign (A.) Doble aneurisma de la ar- teria popbtea, tenninada por gangrena; amputacion del muslo en el tercio inferior; caries del femur; desarticu- lacion del muslo; curacion. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de ChUe, 1873-4, U, 167; 213; 247. Aneurisms (Profunda). See Aneurisms (Femoral). Aneurisms (Radial). Benedikt (D.) t . . . bei einem 17jahrigen Fleischer- jungen. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1857, Ui, 56.— BIcynie (L.) An6vrisme trau- matique de la radiale, op6r6 par la mesthode ancienne. Rev. med. de Limoges, 1872, Ui, 107-109.—Bryant. Punctured wound of radial artery in middle of forearm; pressure; repeated haemorrhage; aneurism; sac laid open ; both ends of artery twisted; rapid recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 301.—Castelain. t . . . au poignet. BuU. meel. du Nord, LUle,, 1863, 2. s., iv, 160-163.—Chassai- gnac. A nfevrysme moniliforme de l'artere radiale. Monit. A. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 731.—Fcldmann. t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU. 1844, Coblenz, 1840. 112.—lolct (H.) f Ablation ehs la poche anevrysniale; guerison. BuU. mekl. du Nord, Lille, 1873, xiii, 297-300.—Good Sc Capon (H. J.) Traumatic aneurism of tho right radial arteiy cured by direct pressure. Lancet, Lonel., 1877, ii, 571.—Har- rington. Traumatic aneurism of radial artery; sac laid open, aud both ends of vessel twisted; rapid recovery. Med. Times A. Gaz., Lond., 1873. i, 301.—Jones, t Suc- cessful Ugature of vessel after failure of pressure. Ibid., 1878, U, 436.— licndesdorf (M.) HeUung eines Aneu- rysma arterias radialis lateris dextri durch Fimrerdruck. Arch. f. kbn. Chir., Berl., 1862, iii, 415-417.—Quain (R.) t Med. Times A Gaz., Lonel., 1874, i, 93.—Richard. An6- vrysme traumatique de l'artere radiale dans le premieres- pace interosseux. Bull. Soc de chn. dePar., 1856, vii, 138- 141.—Savino. Ferita de punta e taglio con aneurisma traumatico consecutivo circoscritto deU arteria radiale des- tra. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1863, xi, 97-103.—Schmidt (B.) Aneurysma der Art. radialis bei einem 20 Wochen alten kinde durch Compression geheilt. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1862, iii, 569.—Schuh. Aneurysma spur, traumat. Art. radialis sinistras; Unterbindung nach der Methode von AntiUus; HeUung. (Case.) Wien. Med.-HaUe, Wien, 1863, iv, 368.—Surmay. Anesvrisme. traumatique de l'artere radial, au poignet, gueri en 29 hemes par la compression indirecte. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1864, 2. s., v, 52-57.— Syme (J.) t Month. J.M. Sc, Lond. A Edinb., 1851, xii, 369- 372.—Terry (J. N.) Traumatic aneurism of the radial ar- tery. Lancet, Lonel., 1872, i, 149.—Velpeau. Anevrisine faux primitif elo l'artere radiale; gu6rison par l'emploi d'un melange r6frig6rant fait avec du chlorure de sodium et ele la glace pUee. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1831, 3. s., iii, 117.—Wag- static. Traumatic aneurism of radial artery; ligature of radial; recovery. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873" i, 113.— Wcinlechner & Kundrat (H.) Heilung eines Aneu- rysma spurium der hoclientsprungenen Arteria radiaUs. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1870, xvi, 851; 869.— Wcissbrod.' Falschcs umschriebenes Aneurisma der Speichcnschlagader durch Thedcns Einwicklung voUkom- men, und mit Offenerhaltung des Lichtes der Arterie ge- heUt. Neue (Dei) Chiron, Sulzbach, 1825-7, U, 83-86. Aneurisms (Renal). Tin us (S. C.) Dercsnum vitiis comment. II. Aneury.sniatisarterias reualis sinistras, exemplum. 4U. VitelHTfra-. [17(X]. Danner. Dilatation anesvrysniale de l'artere remale. BuU. Soc. anat, dc Par., 1856, xxxi, 170.—GosscttA Con- quest. Fatal haemorrhage from aneurism of the renal ar- tery. Lancet, Lond., 1829J i, 388— Lcudct. t [Chronic albuminuria.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvU, 457. -----. Exeniple d'anevrysme de l'artere renale. Compt. rend. biol. 1852, Par., 1853, 1. s., iv, 159. Also: Aneurisms (Renal). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 583.—Stokes (W.) Case of diffused abdominal aneurism. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1855, ii, 1-3. Aneurisms (Retinal). Briere. Deux cas d'an6viisme dela ratine. Anneemed., Caen, 1877, ii, 145-147.—Calczowski (M.) Aneurismof the central artery of the retina. Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Lond., 1873, 63-65.—Sons (G.) De l'anevrysme de l'artere centrale de la retine. Ann.d'ocul., Brux., 1865, UU, 241-243. Aneurisms (Scrotal). Bird. Case of an aneurism upon the tunica vaginalis propria testis, successfully treated. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1795, iv, 400-408. Aneurisms (Spermatic). Ising. Aneurisma deU'arteria testicolare. Gior. di anat., flsiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1873, v, 375.—Jnllien. Ob- servation sur un an6vrisme form6 par l'artere spermatique et sur le scrotum devenu squirrheux dans le meme sujet. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1760, xiii, 359-368.— Walley. Diffuse spermatic aneurism. Edinb. M. J., 1878, xxiii, 1083. Aneurisms (Splenic). Beaussier. Observation sur un an6vrisme de l'artere splenique, dont les parois se sont ossitiGes. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxU, 157-162.—Corson (E. M.) Aneurism of the splenic artery; rupture and death. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila,, 1869', xx, 351.—Heppner (C. L.) Ueber die Aneurysmeu der Arteria lienalis. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1872, n. s., ui, 220-238, 1 pi.— det (E.) Exemple d'anevrisme de l'artere spl6nique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 583. -----. Note sur un cas d'anevrysme de l'artesre splenique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii. 53.—Mayet. Note sur un cas de mort rapide par rupture d'un petit anevrysme de l'artere splenique. Lyon med., 1879, xxxi, 327; 330.—Par- ker (E.) Case of aneurism of a branch of the splenic artery. Edinb. M. A S. J., 1844, lxii, 132. Also- DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1844, xxvi, 124.—Santesson. Aneurism i art. Uenalis mod ruptur. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sam- mank, 1848-9, Stockholm, 1849, 12.—Ware (J.) Case of ileus, occasioned by a pecuUar condition of the smaU intes- tine; aneurismal and ossified dilatations of the splenic artery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1856, Uv, 297. Aneurisms (Subclavian). See, also, Artery (Innominate), Artery (Subcla- vian), Ligature of. Hillefeld (A.) * Uber die Spontauheilung eines Aueurysma der Arteria subclavia bei beste- heuder Halsripjte. 8°. Gottingen, 1872. Jacob (A.) * De aneurismate prtesertim arte- ria subclaviana oriente. 8°. Edinburgi, 1814. Robert (C. A.) * Des an6vrysmes de la region sus-claviculaire. 8- Paris, 184"2. Sagot (F.) *De l'anevrysme de l'artere sous- claviere, son diagnostic a l'aide du sphygmo- graphe ; sou traitement par la compression. 4°. Paris, 1873. Schreff (H. H. G.) * De aneurysmate arterias subclavia; traumatico. 8°. Berolini, [1863]. Smyth (A. W.) Report of a successful opera- tion iu a case of subclavian aneurism. 8°. New Orleans, 1864. AbeiUe. Anevrisme de la sous-claviere gauche opere et gueri par relectro-puncturc; experiences sur les ar- teres des animaux vivants. Rapport de M. Gimelle. Bull: Acad, do med., Par., 1849-50, xv, 572-582.—Anevrisme (Sur un) qui a produit des effets singuliers. [Subcla- vian.] [Mem. Acael. r. d. sc, 1765.) Collect, acad. d. mem., etc. Par., 1786. xiii, 304-366.—Beauchene^i. Ob- servation sur une dilatation generale de l'aorte, accom- pagnee d'un anesvrisme de lartere sous-claviere, gueri par les sculs efforts de la nature. J. dc med., chir., pharm., etc.,Par., 1810. xx, 209-213.—Boucher, t J. demed., chir., pharm., etc. Par.. 1761, xiv, 55-59.—Bresgen (A.) t Allg. med.Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1872. xii, 1181-1184.—Brodie. t . . . operation; pathological appearances. Loud. M. Gaz., 1831, ix, 454-456.—Bustauiantc (J. M.) Aneurisma volumi- noso do la subclavia. Aulitcatro anat., Madrid, 1878, vi, 105— Butlin (11. T.) t . . . unile-rgoiiig a process of natu- ral cure. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1873, xxiv, 67.—Canton. i t . . . ligature of the axillary arterv; favorable progress. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lonel., 1864, i, 8.—[Cases.] . . . ter- minating fatally. Lancet, Lonel., 1840-1, ii, 128.—Proc. Path. Soc Phila., 1858, i. 177.—Cloquet (J.) • Obsiud. M. Gaz., 1830, vi, 241-244.—Vergusson. Remarkable, case of subclavian aneurism; new method of treatment; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, 197.—Gay. t . . . ligature of the artery. Ibid., 1871, i, 611.—Oibbs (H. L.) Con- tinuation of the case of Iwan Nikitin; operated on lor sub- clavian aneurism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xv, 159.—(Kill. Anevrysme de la sous-claviere gauche traite par la com- pression eUrecte sur la premiere parti du tra jet dc l'artere. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1876, i, 191-198.—ii ore. t Lan- cet, Lonel., 1851, ii, 173.—Urcen. t Lonel. M. & S. J., 1835, vi, 543.—Oregg (T.) t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1858, xxv, 210-216.—Hamilton, t Sir Phihp Cramp,on's new aneurismal needle X. York J. M. A S., 1840, iii, 450-459.— Hamilton (J.) Aneurism of the left subclavian artery of unusual magnitude. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 52- 54.—Hastings (J.) Aneurism of tUe right subclavian. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1862, v, 330.—Heath (C.) Case of subclavian aneurism on the right side, in a patient who had a cured subclavian aneurism on the left side lr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1869, U, 8-12. Aho: Tr. Path. Soc. Lonel., 1809, xx, 123.—Hilton, t . . . treatment by distal com- pression, manipulation, etc Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 361.— Hobart (S.) A case of aneurism of the right subcla- vian artery cured by operation. Edinb. M. A S. J., 1836, xiv, 48-50.—Holden (L.) A case of aneurysm of the right subclavian, for which amputation was performed at the shoulder-joint. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, xUi, 229- 235 —12 u Ike (J. W.) A case of aneurysm of the; left sub- clavian anel axUlary arteries; treated by enforced rest anel a very limited diet. 'Tr. Clin. Soc, Lonel., 1878, xi, 123-128.— Hulton (J. P.) Case of aneurism of the right subclavian artery, in which a ligature was successfully applied. Lan- cet, Lond., 1840-1, ii, 377-380.—Jones (S.) t Cured. . . Brit. M. J., Loud., 1879, i, 115.—Krackowizer. tAm.M. Times, X. Y., 1862, iv, 222.—Legoucst. Sur un anevry- sme faux consecutif de l'artere sous-claviere droite; oper6 par M. Cuvellier. Gaz. hebd. dc mesd., Par., 1860, vU, 87-89.— Lctic vant. Anevrysme spontane ele l'artere sous-claviere droite; tentative ele ligature selon la methode d'Anel; per- foration du sac; tentative dc Ugature a l'origine meme: de la sous-claviere; perforation de l'artere; hemorrhagic; mort le troisieme jour; autopsie. Mem. Soc. cl. sc med. de Lyon, 1803, ii, 141-150.—Levis (R. J.) t PhUa. M. Times, 1873, iv, 53-58.—JListon. Aneurism of the right subclavian arterv; ligature; of the subclavian and carotid arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, 668; 699. -----. t . . . operation; unusual course of the vessel. Ibid., 1839, i, 37; 419.— Little (J. L.) Simultaneous ligation of subclavian and carotid arteries of right side for aneurism of the first part of the subclavian; recovery. Hosp. Gaz., X. Y., 187", iv, 29(i.—Little (R.) t . . . cured by displacing a portion of i its fibrinous contents. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1857, xiv, 508.—Longstrcth (M.) Specimens from Dr. Lcvis's case, of aneurism of the subclavian aitery treated bv the introduction of horse-haU-s. Tr. Path. Soc Phila., 1*70, v, 79-83. Aho: PhUa. M. Times, 1874, iv, 405-412.—JlcOill (A. F.) A case of aneurism of the left subclavian artery treated by repeated galvano-puncture. Lancet, Lond., Is74, ii, 9. -----. A case of lett subclavian aneurism treated by temporary compression applied directly to the artery in the first part of its colusc Med.-ChU-. Tr., Lond., 1875, 2. s., xl, 337-344. Aho: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1875, vii, 353.—.Mac Oillivray (P. H.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1862, vii, 274.—IVIcLean (R. A.) Case of aneu- rism of the left subclavian artery cured by the distal liga- tion. West.Lancet, San Fran., 1874, iii, 33J-357.—Maloct. Sur un anevrisme sous-claviere droite elv l'art ere, vuides par la bouchc. [From: Mem. Acad. roy. el. sc. ele Par., 1733.] Collect, acad. d. mem., etc, Par., 17M, vii, 217.—Tloiiod. t [Autopsie.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1829, Ui, 67-69.— ITlott (V.) t Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1809-10, i, 331-334. ---■—. Case of aneurism of the right subclavian artery, in which that vessel was tied within the scaleni muscles. Am. J. M. Se-., PhUa., 1833, xii, 354-339.—3fcret. Observation d'anevrysme vrai de l'artere sous-claviere gauche, commu- niquant avec l'intericur du poumon du meme cote. Arch. gen. de mecl., Par., 1838, ii, 203-205.—Nichols ("W. P.) t Aneurism* (Subclavian). Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 238. Ibid., Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, i, 242- 244.—Ogle (J. W.) Enormous aneurysm ofthe right sub- clavian artery; pecubar cyanosis and club-shaped condition ofthe fingers, with remarkable hypertrophy of their nails; death after two attacks of outward hsemorrhage from rup- ture of the aneurysmal sac. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 10:1-105. 1 pi. Aho, Lancet. Lond., 1859, i, 320.—Oliver (If. K.) Aneurism of the; left subclavian arteiy, opening luto the eesophagus. Extr. Rec Bost. Soc M. Improve., 1867, v, 20.—Oppolzer. Aneurysma arteria' subclavia; sinistias. Allg. Wien. mecl. Ztg.', 1863, viii. 187; 194.— PhiKpcaux. Anevrysnie traumatique de; l'artere sous- claviere gauche gueri par la cauterisation avec la pate de chlorure de zinc. Bull. Soc. ele chir. de Par., 1853, iu, 608- 615. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1853 [i.j 399- 402.—Poland (A.) On fusiform and tubular aneurism of the subclavian artery, anel its treatment by compression. Proc. Roy. M. A: Chir. Soc. Lond., 1869, vi. 199-209. Aho: Med. 'liiiies A Gaz., Lond., 1809, ii, 260. Ahv: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1869, Iii, 270-302.---—. Statistics of subcla- vian aneurism. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lonel., 1?70, 3. s., xv, 47-156. -----. Statistical reports on the treatment of sub- clavian aneurism. Ibid., 1871, 3. s., xvi, 1-130: 1872, xvii, 1-141.—Porter (G. H.) A large; aneurism of the right subclavian artery, treated by acupressure ou the lust stage of the axillary artery, aud, subsequently, by direct ftressure on the arteria innominata, unsuccessfully. Dub- in Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliv, 269-279, 2 pi. Also: Med. Press Sc Cue, Dubl., 1867, iv, 8; 131.—Porter (J. H.) Re- port of a case of right subclavian aneurism from a gun- shot wound received during the Ashantee; war of tb74. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1873, app., Lonel., 1873, xv, 299.— Porter (W. H.) t Left side; ligature; cure. Dubl. Hosp. Ri'p., 1830, v, 198-208.—Post (A. C.) Aneurism of the; right subclavian aitery. N. York Q. J. M. Sc S., 1840, ii, 370.— Beiuarkable case of aneurism. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1861, vi, 294-296.—Kigaud. Aneurysmaund l'n- terbinduugderAit. subclavia. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1862, vii, 361; 309.—Bizzoli (F.) Aneurisma spontaneo sub- clavio ; asceUaie destro sorto da arteria ateromatosa ; com- pressione indiretta intennittente mediante sigillo; guari- gione dell'aneurisnia con superstite arteria pervia. BuU. a. sc. med. di Bologna, ]n73, 5. s., xv, 107-122.—Sabine (T. T.) The treatment of aneurism, involving the subclavian in such a part of its course that a proximal Ugature is only applicable within the scaleni. Am. M. Times, X. Y., 1864, ix, 74; 89; 101; 110.— Saint-Clivier. t Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 281-294.—Sands (H. B.) t . . . treated by galvano-puncture. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1869, iv, 293-295.— Sawinkotf*. HeUung eines Aneurysma der Arteria sub- clavia durch die Unterbindung derselben. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1824, vi, 662-689.—Schuhniachcr. Kiinstliche Eroffhung eines Aneurysma; Betreff.: Unter- suchung gegen den Wundarzt T. wegen Vergehens gegen die Sicherheit des Lebens. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1867, xviii, 38-49.—Schuh. t . . . Electro- punctur ohne bleibenden Erfolg; peripherisehe Unterbin- dung (nach Brasdor): Berstung des Sackes. AUg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1839. iv, 55; 63.—Sinks (T.) Traumatic aneu- rism of the right subclavian aitery, resulting from gun- shot wounds; treated by digital compression. Richmond & Louisville M. J.. LouisvUle, 1876, xxi, 23-44,1 pi.—Skey (F.C.) Case of subclavio-axiUary aneurism, successfully treated by operation. Lancet, Lonel., 1840-1, ii, 376.—Smyth (A. M.) Successful operation in a case of subclavian aneurism. X. Oil. M. Rec, 1806, i, 4-7.—Spence. Notes of a case of sub- clavian aneurism, in which amputation at the shoulder-joint was performed ; recovery ; death four years after, probably from internal aneurism. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1869, Ui, 306.—Stone (\V.) A case of traumatic aneurism of the left subclavian alter v treated successfully by distal compression. X. Oil. M. Sc S.'J., 1875, Ui, 23-27. Aho, Reprint.— Stort aneurysma paa subclavia, observeret indtil Doden. Hosp.- Tid., Kjobenh., 1800, iii, 105-107.—Tufnell. t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 63-67.—Wardell (J. R.) t Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1848, 378; 516. -----. t In hh: Cases in private practice, "Worcester, 1848, 35-41.—Warren (J. M.) Subclavian aneurism successfully treated by ligature of the left subclavian artery; with an account of the appearances on dissection a year afterward. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1851, n. s., xxi, 53-55. -----. Subclavian aneurism treated by compression and other means; recover y. In his: Surg. Obs., 8°, Boston, 18*7, 425-427. -----. t Aneurism of the right subclavian; treatment by compression; cure. Ibid., 4^7- 429. -----. Ligature of the left subclavian artery for sub- clavian aneurism, with a remarkable deviation of the vessel, and consequent change of its relations. Ibid., 429-433.—von Wattmann. t Amtl. Ber. u. d. Versamml. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1843, Gratz, 1844, 292.—'Webber (X. \V.) t Detroit Rev. Med. A Pharm., 1872, vii, 13-16.—Wishart (J. H.) t . . . durch Unterbindung geheilt. Arch. f. iu. el. Erfahr., Berl., 1823, U, 474-479. Also: Edinb. M. AS. J., 1824, xxi, 15. Also, Reprint.—Wooldridge (H.) t . . . trcutcel by veratrum viride. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1870, \\. 7-9.—Veatman (J. ('.) t . . . which terminated favourably under large and repeated bleedings; the long- continue*! exhibition of digitalis; appUcation of pressure, Ac. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1815. xxxui, 377-383. ANEURISMS. 406 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms (Supra-orbital). Bigelow (H. J.) Supra-orbital aneurism. BostonM. Sc S. J., 1868, lxxviii, 86.—[Oradenigo (P.)] Aneurisma della regione palpebro-sopraeigbare. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1871, xiv, 384.—Mcrkel (J.) Aneurysma traumaticum der Arteria supraorhitalis; Heilung durch den Finger Druck. Aerztl. Int. BI., Miinchen, 1868, xv, 259. Aneurisms (Temporal). See, also, Aneurism by anastomosis (Cases of). Aneurism of the temporal arteiy; cure by compres- sion. Lancet, Lond., 1801, ii, 135.—Benson, t 'DubUn M. Press, 1842, vii, 1.—Desruellcs (H. M. J.) M6moire sur l'an6vrysmo qui peut survenir a la suite de la saignee de l'artere temporale. Mem. Soc med. d'esniulat. dc Par. ,1826, ix, 277-294.—Fischer. Aneurysma ve-runi circumscrip- tum arterias temporalis; Operation, Genesung. Ztschr. f. Wuiidiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1864, xvii, 245.—Fonta- gneres. t . . . gueri par la cauterisation en Heches. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1872, vi, 353-362: 1873, vii, 1; 44. Aho, Reprint.—Uaste (S.-F.) Observation d'un anevrisme de la branche anterieure de l'artere temporale. J. univ. d. sc. mecl., Par., 1821, xxiv, 91-93.—Green (J. H.) t . . . operation. Lancet, Lond., 1828, ii, 391.—Houston, t . . . cured by pressure. Dublin M. Press, 1839, ii, 134.—Jacobs. Foitdauernde Pulsation nach Untcrbhielung eines Aneu- rysmas. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i, 240-242.—Lowe, t . . . direct compression over aneurismal tumor; cure. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, vi, 212.—Onderdonk (J.) t N. York M. Mag., 1814, i, 146.—Pavesi (G.) t . . . gnarito con l'acetato di ferro. Gazz. mecl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1854, 3. s., v, 98.—Bizet. Anevrysme traumatique faux consecutif de l'artere temporo-froritale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 749.—Schregcr. t Operation. X. Arch. f. nied. Erfahr., Berl., 1810, xiii, 209-217.—Stone (E.) t . . . spontaneously relieved. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1828-9, ii, pt. 2, 761.—Ward- rop (J.) Case of a rare aneurismal disease of the temporal arteries and ligature of the carotid. Lancet, Lond., 1827, xii, 762; 798. Aneurisms (Thyroid). See, also, Thyroid gland (Tumors of). Basi (D.) Storia di un gozzo aneurismatico operatio. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1845, 3. s., vii, 237-242.— Schott. Aneurysma der Art. thyreoidea inferior. Wien. Med.-HaUe, 1864, v, 232. Aneurisms (Tibial). See, also, Aneurism by anastomosis (Cases of). Keipen (J.) * Aneurysma traumaticum nach Schussverletzungen. 8°. Bonn, lri72. Soxxtag (A. A. F. E.) *De aneurysmate arterias tibialis posticus. H°. Halis, [181'd]. Alexander (J.) Case of false aneurism of the anterior tibial aitery successfully treated by compression. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 452.—Arata (P.) Aneurisma delle due tibiaU posteriori con doppio talipede varo. X. Liguria med., Genova, 1874, xix, 404-411.— Bellinghani (O'B.) Case of traumatic aneurism of the posterior tibial artery, successfuUy treated by compres- sion. Dublin M. Press, 1866,- xxxv, 245-247.—Bnggs (W. T.) Traumatic amsurism of the anterior tibial artery. NashvUle J. M. Sc S., 1878, xxi, 108.—Browne (J.) Aneu- rism of the posterior tibial artery ; Scarpa's operation suc- cessful ; formation of sinuses in the course of the sartorius muscle; death. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. J-c, 1835, viU, 241-248.—[Cases.] ... of the posterior tibial artery, after- wards of the femoral artery. Midland M. Sc S. J., Wor- cester, 1828-9, i, 114-117.—. . . of the posterior tibial artery treated by pressure; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 301.— ... of the posterior tibial artery ; compression ; ligature; gangrene; amputation; recovery. Ibid., 809.—Casson. Anevrysme; traumatique faux consecutif dc la tibiale anteri- eure ; guerison par la compression digitale, au-elessus dc la tumeur. Pau med., 1878, ii, 155.—Chabannc. Observation d'un cas d'anevrysme ele l'artere tibiale; anterieure k son ori- gine, nieconnu d'aborel, compUque de; sciatique, et guerie au moyen ele la ligature. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1858, x, 124-126.— Cornish. Rapid cure of a case of aneurism of the anterior tibial by Esmarch's bandage. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 235.— Crini (W. H.) Successful treatment of a case of aneurism, by the use of the Esmarch bandage. Mecl. Rec, X. Y., 1878, xiii, 318.—[Curveugen (W. G.)] Case of aneurism of the posterior tibial artery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1872, i, 101.—[Dcnucc.] AnevT.vsmo de l'artere tibiale anterieure traite par lea pel chlorure de fer; guesrison. Rev. meel.- pliot. cl. Imp. ele Par., 1875, vii, 151. Aho: Bull, ct mem. Soc de; chir. de Par., 1875, n. 8., i, 760-764.—Brichsen. Aneurism of anterior tibial artery, probably diffused; chronic Brighfs disease; pressure (digital and instrumen- tal); injection of ergotine subciitaue'ously. Med. Times & Gaz., Lonel., 1874, i, 397.—Fayrer (J.) Traumatic aneu- rism from gunshot wound. Ibid., 1871, i, 479-481.—Fox (G.) False aneurism of the anterior tibial artery; ligatui c of the femoral arteiy; cure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1843, Aneurisms (Tibial). n. s., v, 338.—CJallois. Xote sur un anevrysme trauma- tique de l'artere tibiale anterieure traite avec succfes par la ligature de l'artere f6morale. Ann. Soc. de nied. de St. Etienne et de la Loire (1861), 1857, i, 137-141.—Gibson (C. B.) Aneurism of posterior tibial aitery treated by com- pression. Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1853, i, 364.— Gross (S. D.) Traumatic aneurism of the posterior tibia] artery; ligation. PhUa. M. Times, 1871, i, 374.—[Holinan (C.) Sc Poland (A.)] Case of necrosis of the head ofthe fibula; operation for its removal; subsequent aneurism of the anterior tibial arteiy; unsuccessful attempt at ligature of vessel at seat of injury; Ugature of femoral; recovery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859, 3. s., v, 336-339.—Howe (A. J.) A case of sacculated aneurism of the posterior tibial artery. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1874-5, vUi, 177. — Huet. Aneurysma eUfl'usum art. fib. antic elext. Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.- Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, 15.—Key. Diffused aneurism in the posterior part of the light leg; operation; gangrene, and death of the patient. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, vUi, 635- 638.—Lagout. Anevrysme du tibia gauche. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1859, ix, 258-261.—Lallcinaud. Obser- vation sur une tumeur anevrysmale ayant son siege dans les arteres du tibia. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1827, xUi, 544-550.—[Landi (P.)] Aneurisma diffuso del tronco tibio-peroneo sinistro. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1873, xxxi, 345-360. -----. Duplice legatura della femorale per aneu- risma traumatico deUa tibiale antcriore e per emorragia consecutiva alia caduta del laccio. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1875, xxxviii, 65-70.—McGarvin (A.) Aneurism of the posterior tibial artery. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1859, vi, 391-393.—Mackcnzie'(R. J.) Rupture of an aneurism of the upper part of the posterior tibial artery; aneurism laid open, and the artery secured by ligatures above and below the opening in its coats. Month. J. M. Sc, LoneL & Edinb., 1852, xiv, 368-371.— Markoe (T. M.) Aneurism of posterior tibial artery; Ugature of femoral; death from peri- tonitis thirty-eight days after; suppuration of aneurismal sac. N. York M. Time's, 1852, i, 233-236.— Morgan (W. L.) Aneurism of posterior tibial artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 723.—Mnshet (W. B.) Aneurism of the anterior tibial artery, treated by compression. Ibid., i, 12.—Pe- reira c Sousa (J. M.) Aneurisma da arteria tibial pos- terior: hemoptyse habitual antiga; hypertrotiadocoracao; cura do aneurisma pela amputaejao do menibro. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1839, ix, 21-23.—Post (A. C.) Dif- fused aneurism of the posterior tibial artery; mortification of the foot. N. York M. J., 1830-1, i, 260.—Pulsaderge- sch wulst der Arteria tibiaUs postica. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Bezirks-Krankenh.. Wieden 1854, Wien, 1856, 78.—Beid (D. B. jr.) Case of diffused traumatic aneurism of the posterior tibial artery; Ugature of the ruptured vessel; recovery. In hh: Quart. cUn. rep., 8°, Geelong, 1861, no. 1, 19-23. Aho: Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1861, vi, 50-54.—Biehardson (B. W.) Spontaneous aneurism of the right posterior tibial artery cured bv compression. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1877, lxUi, 501-507,1 pi.—Sanson. Ane- vrisme faux primitif de l'artere peroniesre ou tibiale post6- rieure, traite par la compression. CUn. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, U, 386. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, U, 383.—Scott. Spu- rious aneurism of the anterior tibial artery. Ibid , 1831, viii, 766.—Uglow (J. jr.) Case of aneurism of the ante- rior tibial artery, apparently cured by venesection; hemi- plegia from extravasation in the brain, in the same subject. N. York J. M.. 1853, x, 189-192.—Walton (H.) Alargeaneu- rism of the posterior tibial artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 111-115.—Willard(DeF.) Fusiform aneurisms of anterior and posterior tibial arteries; digital compres- sion ; cure in 36 hours. PhUa. M. Tunes, 1875, v, 819-821.— Aneurisms (Ulnar). See, also, Artery (Brachial, Ligature of). Aleasio (G.) Storiadi aneurisma traumatico deU'arteria cubitale destra, guarito colla compressione digitale. Gazz. med. ital., prov., venete, Padova, 1871, xiv, 280.—Alquie. Anesvrysme traumatique de l'artere cubitale datant de 26 jours; injection de perchlorure de fer; inflammation phleg- moneuse; menaces d'hemorrhagie par la plaie; ligature de I'arrere humerale; hemorrhagie par la plaie de fa tumeur anevrysmale; Ugature de l'artere cubitale au-dessus de la tumeur; inflatnniation crave de l'avant-bras; gu6rison. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1853, v, 161-165. Aho: Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1853, i, 225-228.—Amussat. Ane- vrisme faux consecutif de l'artere cubitale a la partie infe- rieure du bras gauche; tumeur du volume d'un asuf aplati; electro-puncture; guerison. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1850-1, xvi, 989. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., Ui, 322. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 467-469.— Aurran. Lettre a. M. Martin sur un faux anevrisme do 1'artere cubitale. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1769, xxxi, 366-369.—Bose (P.) t Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, i 1873, viii, 324.—Botes (C.) Aneurisma traumatico cUfuso dela arteria cubital; ligadura; anomalia de la humeral. Gac mesd. do Mexico, 1870. v, 263; 269.—Fuinagalli (C.) Aneurisma falso consecutivo al cubito destro. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1865,5.8., iv, 122.—Liston. False aneu- ANEUEISMS. 407 ANEUEISMS. Aneurisms (Ulnar). rism of Hie ulnar artere-; operation; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1840, i, 547.—McLean (R. A.) Case of traumatic aneurism, from gunshot wound of forearm; ligation of brachial with re- I currence; subsequent ligation of enlarged inferior profunda J with cure. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1876, v, 540-542.—Ma- lago (P. P.) Breve istoria di un'operazione di aneurisma al cubito sinistro guarito coU'aUacciatura temporaria deU' arteria omeralc. N. Mercurio cl. sc. med., Livorno, 1829, i, 285-292.—Nixon. Aortic patency; mitral obstruction ; hemiplegia; ulnar aneurism. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 62.—[Pick.] Traumatic aneurism of the ulnar artery, treated unsuccessfully by flexion, distant and imme- diate, pressure, and by galvano-puncture consecutively; rupture of tho sac ; ultimate gooel recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 582.—Uhde (C. W. F.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 185.—Wales (P. S.) t . . . cured by com- pression. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa,, 1864, n. s., xlviii, 273.— Walton (H.) Idiopathic aneurism of the distal end of ] the ulnar artery, successfuUy treate;d by compression. Mecl. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 164.—Weinlechner. t Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1867, xiii, 57 ; 73.— J Wilmot (S. G.) Case of circumscribed traumatic aneu- j rism of tho ulnar artery from punctured wound; treatment by compression of brachial artery; cure. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 225-229. Aneurisms (Umbilical). Stoll. Aneurysma arterias umbUicaUs. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1838, vi, 350-354. Aneurism's (Vertebral). Foxtorbe (V. G.) *Un cas d'he"mipl6gie alterne par andurysme de la vertebrale. 4°. Paris, 1.^74. Echcverria (M. G.) EpUepsy. dysphagia, and paralysis of the; tongue; no aphasia; sudden death from hematorra- chis; double aneurism of the vertebral arteries; sclerosis of the brain, meduUa, and spinal cord; degeneration of the gangUa and nerves connected with a herpetic erup- tion of the chest. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869, iv, 1.—Fracys (L.) Remarques sur un anevrisme faux consescutif de l'ar- tere vertebrale gauche Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1848, xxi, 211.—Gore (H. J.) Case of rupture of an aneurism j of the left vertebral artery in a young man. J. Morb. I Anat., Lond., 1828, 22.—Le'claire (E.) Anevrisme mixte externe de l'artere vertebrale droite; apoplexio consecu- tive. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1876, xxviii, 153.—Lome. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xliv, 455.—Liicke (A.) Aiieyirysma traumaticum der Arteria vertebraUs sinistra. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1867, viii, 78-86, 1 pi.—iUocbus. t J. d. Chir.u. Augenh., Berl., 1830. xiv, 98-106.—IVeill (J.) t . . . within the cranium. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1849, n. s., xviii, 122.—Schultzc (F.) LinksseitigerFaciaUskrampf in Folge eines Aneurysma der Arteria vertebraUs sinistra. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 385-391,1 pi.—Se- vestre. Anevrysme de; i artere ve-rtesbralo gauche; rupture ct hemorrhagic sous-arachnoldienne; attaques convulsives repetees; paraplegic temporairc. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1872, xlvii, 415-420.—Stubbs (H.) t .. . Ugature ofthe ca- ro iel. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1857, i, 110-112, 1 pi.—Sy- dow. t Forh. Svens. Liik.-SiiUsk. Sammank. 1865, Stock- holm, 1866, 191. Aneurisms of basilar artery. Barbier. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, ii, 22-29.— Bergcr. t . . . s'accompagnant do gene notable de la re- spiration. Ibid., 1869, xUv, 188-190.—Bowen (W. S.) t . . . with statistics. N. York J. M., 1849, iii, 345-348.— Carpio (L. H.) t . . . ruptura apoplegia meningea cere- bro-spinal. Gac nieseL de M6xico, 1866, ii, 3. — Carson (J.) Apoplexy from aneurism of a branch of the basUar ] artery. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1847, lxvUi, 103.—Cuvcl- ! licr. Nota interuo ad un caso di aneurisma periferico I deU'arteria basUare seguito da rottura o da subita morte | per emorragia quindiei giorni dopo la comparsa dei I nrimi sintomi cagionati da sifi'atto lesione organica. I Liguria lneeL, Genova, I860, v, 257-264.—[von Dusch (T.)] Epilepsie und Tod in Folge von Ruptur ernes Aneu- rysma der Arteria basilaris. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. Wissensch. HeUk., Gotting., 1863, vi, 107-109.—Fossati (G.) t BuU. cl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1844, 3. s., vi, 32-44 1 pi—Fuller, t . . . epUeptiforni convulsions; autopsy. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1865, i, 493.—Fuller (11. W.) t . . . rupture and effusion of blood j into the sheath of the spinal cord. Tr. Path. Soc. LoneL, ! 1865, xvi, 83-85.—Grimshaw. t Irish Hosp. Gaz., DubL, j 1873, i, 30—Jennings (E. A.) t. .. suddenly giving way, and occasioning death by pressure, on the medulla ! oblongata. Tr. Prov. M. Sc S. Ass., Lond., 1833, i, 270-274, | 1 pi. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1833, i, 397.—Kingston (P. i N.) Case of fatal encephalitis with hemiplegia, inimedi- | ately excited by cantharides, in consequence of intense predisposition from basilar and internal carotid aneurisms, j Edinb. M. A S. J., 1842, lvii, 69-77.—Lange (C.) t Hosp.- I Tid.,Kjobenh., 1872, xv, 205-207.—Loomis (A. L.) t Med. I Aneurisms of basilar artery. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vi, 501.—Pfcufer (C.) t Extravasat in der Schiidel- und Riickenmarkshohlc . . . Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Zurich, 1844, i, 293-316.—Power (W.) t Apoplexy, paralysis, ancient cicatrices . .. Maryland M. Sc S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 307-309.—Buschenberger (W. S. W.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1846, n. s., xi, 64-67.—Busscll. Syphilis; large aneurism of basUar artery; small one of right middle cerebral; local disease of arteries; superficial softening of pons; two distinct and protracted attacks of hemiplegia, each foUowed by recovery; finally paraplegia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 87.—Busscll (J.) t . . . fatal by rupture and extravasation of blood. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 615.—Semple. t Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1869. xx, 112.— Smith, t Proc Path. Soc. Dubl., 1849, i, 142. —von Steininann (F.) Herderkrankung Un Kleinhirn mit den klinischen Symptomen des Aneurysma der Basilararterie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874. xiii, 186-191.— Uhde (C. W. F.) t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1856, vUi, 424.— Van der Byl. t . . . associated with total deafness. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 122-125.—Varrentrapp (G.) t Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1856, vi, 85-88. Aneurisms of brachial artery, and at bend of elbow. See, also, Aneurism by anastomosis (Cases of); Artery (Axillary), Artery (Brachial), Artery (Subclavian), Ligature of. Bartholinus (T.) Historia aneurysmatis dis- secti, accedit J. van Home eiusdem argunienti epistola. In: van Horne (J.) Opuscula, 8°, Lipsias, 1707. Chouippe aine". Response aux consultations mMico-chirurgicales de M. Flaubert [and others] dans l'att'aire tiuigne contre Noroy. 8°. L'Aigle, 1834. Emricii (N. T.) *De stupendo aneurysmate in brachio feliciter per operationem curato. 4°. Jence, 1734. Loder (J. C.) Inest historia aneurysmatis spurii arteriae brachialis feliciter curati. pt. i-iii. 8°. Jence, [1795-6]. Reipen (J.) * Aneurysma traumaticum nach Schussverletzungen. 8°. Bonn, 1872. Teichmeyer(H. F.) I. [etc.] II. De stupendo aneurismato in brachio feliciter per operationem curato. In: Haller. Disp. chir., v, 195. Trew (C. J.) Anevrysmatis spurii post venae basilicae sectionem orti historia et curatio. 4°. Norimbergce, 1769. Verne uil (J. -M.) * Des tumeurs aneVrismales en general, et de l'anevrisme de l'artere brachiale en particulier. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Wrabeiz (J.) Geschichte der Abnehmung eines nach einem kunstmiissig unterbundenen Schlagaderkropf Anenvrisma verum abgestor- benen Oberarms ohneMesser. 8°. Freyburg, 1782. Adams (J.) Case of aneurism from a puncture ofthe hu- meral artery; cured by pressure above the injury. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1801, vi, 535-547.—Aneurism at the bend of the elbow; failure of flexion and compression; deligation; cure. Med. Times&Gaz., Lond., 1871. i, 363.—Anevrysme faux consecutif de l'artisre brachiale int^ressee dans une saignee. Rev. med. franp., Par., 1846, viii, 289.—Boeckel (J.) Deux cas d'anevrysme du pli du coude traites avec succes par la ligature antiseptique. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 343-345.— Bourienne. Observation sur une tumeur anevrismale a l'avaut-bras. J. demed., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1773 xl, 86-89. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 657-659.— Bresse(C.) Anevrismetraumatiquefauxcons6cutif, gu6ri par la ligature d'apres lamethoded'Anel. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v, 402.—Brodic (B. C.) Cases of aneurism from bleeding. Lond. M. A Phys. J., 1827, n. s., U, 147-150.— Bruno (L.) Due casi di aneurisma traumatico, dell'omerale uue> e ilella radiale; l'altro, operati con successo col metodo di Antillo. Osservatore, Torino, 1875, xi, 567; 584; 599; 616.—Cabal. Anevrysnie traumatique, faux primitif, puis faux consecutif de ihumesrale; guerison. Lyon med., 1876, xxii, 304-306.—Casjnion pire. Anevrisnie faux de lartere brachiale, gueri par la compression. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1791, ii, 36-37. Aho: J. de med., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1792, xci, 55.—C'arril (A. F.) Aneu- risma traumatico en la tiexura del brazo, pioducido por una saugria praeticada en la vena basilica mediana; com- presion niediata, conio metodo provisional. Siglo meel., Madrid, 1864, xi, 89.—Casorati (F.) Aneurisma deU'ar- teria omerale aUa piegatura del cubito, da .salasso. Gazz. med., Milano, 1843, ii, 165. Cazin. Anevrysme diffus primitif du pli du coude. Bull, ct mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1877, iii, 15-19.—Chabcrt (A.) Anevrysmes trau- matiques du pli du bras; insucces dc la compression digi- tale et ele la tiexion; ligature par la methode d'Anel; gueri- son. Rec. ele mem. do meel. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxii, 299-308.—C'liabricr. Anevrysme du pli du bras; com- Ere'ssion; iusueees; injection au perchlorure de fer; em- olie; gangrene see-he de la main; guerison del'anesvrysnie. Montpel. meel., 1865, xiv, 421-426.—Chapel (L.) Observa- tion et reflexions sur un ane,vrisme arterioso-veineux faux consecutif du pli du bras suite d'une saiguec malheureuse; ligature par la methode d'Anel; insucces; ablation du kyste; guerison. Bull. Soc de. chir. ele Par., 1854, v. 100- 109. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 442. Also: Monit. d. Imp., Par., 1854, ii, 309-311.—Chapp. Observation sur un anevrisme faux primitif, gueri par la compression. J. gein. de meel., chir. et pharni., Par., 1806, xxv, 26-29.— Charnal (C.) Description anatomique d'un anevrysme arterio-veineux profonel du pli du coude. M6m. Soc. ele chir. do Par., 1863, v, 202-220.—Chisholm (S.) Diffused aneurism at the bend of the arm. Med. Times, Lonel., 1848, j xvii, 135.—Coates. t Ibid., 1852, n. s., v, 402— Coffin (E.) j Considerations pratiques sur le traitement des anevrysmes faux consescutifs du pli du bras. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1847, iii, 316-335.—Cotronei (G. A.) Aneurisma spontaneo deli omerale profouda. Movimento, Napoli, 1872, iv, 137- 140.—Cusack. On a case of circumscribed brachial aneu- rism. Lancet, Lonel., 1832, ii, 33-35.—Dcnnce. t . . . trait6 par la compression; guerison apres deux hcurs et demie lie- compression totale. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 170. Also: Bull. Soc. dechir. ele Par., 1861, 2. s., i, 187-194.—Des- Iandes/2$. t . . . guesri par la nature. J. demed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1760, xiii, 332-354.—Desormeaux. Anevrysme faux consescutif du pli du coude; ligature de l'artere brachiale au-dessus et au-etessous de la tumeur, sans toucher au sac. Union med., Par., 1850, iv, 139; 146.— Besprez (W.) t . . . cured by compression. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1845-6, ii, 588.—Dunn (J.) A case of aneurism from a puncture of an artery in the operation of bleeding. Lond. M. Reposit., 1817. viii,'300-302.—Dupuytren. Ane- vrisme faux eh; l'artere huniesrale; operation. Clin. d. help.. Par., 1828-9, iii, 223. -----. False aneurism of the brachial artery. Lonel.M. AS.J., 1832,i,237-239. -----. Desanevii- smes fauxdeiarterebrachiale. lnhis: Leconsoralesdeclin. chir., 8°, Par.. 1832, i, 261-296. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 18iJ4,ii, 376; 416.—Eulcnburg. Heilung eines nach einer unglucklichen Venai'section enstandencn Aneurysma trau- maticum im Cubital-Gelenke. Meel. Ztg., Berl., 1838, vii, 142.—Eve (P.P.) t NashvilleJ.M.AS.,1852,ii,4.—Force (E. D.) Case of false aneurism of the brachial artery, on which an action was brought for malpractice, with recovery of damages. West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, 1846, u. s., vi, 122- 120.—Greenhow (T. M.) Aneurism from puncture of the; brachial aitery iu bleeding. Lancet, Loud., 1849, ii, 29. —Ouersent (P.) Anevrysnie ele l'artere humerale suite el'une saignee, opere sans succes une premiere fois, et gueri sans aucun accident par une seconde operation. Arch. gen. demed.,Par., 1827, xv, 378-381.—Hanekroth. Selbst- j heilung eines Aneurysma secuudarium mit erhalteuem Lichten. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 235.—Mauser (F.) Aneurysma spurium consecutivum mit Brand in Folge eines Aderlasses; Heilung. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, lxii, 257-262.—Heustis (J. W.) t .. .cured by com- pression. Am. J. M. .-c, PhUa., 1831, ix, 261.—Hilton (J.) False aneurism ofthe brachial artery; cold; pressure; Aneurisms of brachial artery, and at bend of elbow. eleUgation of the arterv; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 453-455. Aho : Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. 8., xUi, 913; 1001.— Hodges. Circumscribed traumatic aneurism of the. right brachial artery; incision of the sac; Ugature of both ends of the artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1866, IxxiU, 381.—Homer (W.E.) Aneurism from venesection. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1841, n. s., i, 87.—Jameson (H. G.) A case of diffused aneurism at the bend of the arm, produced by puncture with a lancet in bleeding, in which a successful operation was performed. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait., 1829, i, 460.— [Jones (S.)] t ... failure of pressure; cure after Ugature. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1872, i, 210.—Judas (V. R.) Observa- tion d'un anevrysme faux consecutif survenu k la suite d'une saign6e du bras, traite par la compression et suivi de guerison complete. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . rail., Par., 1853, 2. s., xU, 316-327.— Jukes (A.) Traumatic aneu- rism of the left arm. Lancet, Lond., 1844, i, 744-746.— Hade. Operation und Heilung eines Aneurysmader Art. brachialis. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1865, ix, 319.—Kade (E.) Aneurysma der rechten Art. humeraUs ; intermitti- rende Digital-Compression 6 Tage hindnrch ohne Erfolg angewandt; Ligatur der rechten AxiUaris; Spaltung des Sackes; Kreuzscunitt und Excision des grossten Theiles des Sackes; voUstandige HeUung. Ibid., 1866, x, 202-230.— Kiblcr (C. B.) t Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1870-1, x, 225.— Krieger (H. W.) t Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Be void. d. Heelk. te Amst., 1791, i, 131-139, 1 pi.—Ii. (H.) Ane- vrismes au pli du bras consecutifs k des saignecs malheu- reuses; anomalie artdrielle; d6sordres graves ayant neces- site dans un cas l'amputation du membre. Union nied., Par., 1849, iii, 179; 183.—Iiabbe. Anevrysme faux con- secutif du pli du bras. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1865, 2. s., vi, 421.—Lagrange, t . . . gueri par l'injectiou de perchlorure de fer. Gaz. m6d de Lyon, 1857, ix, 33. Also: Gaz. el. he'ip., Par., 1857, xxx, 86. Aho, transl.: Atlanta M. AS. J., 1857, ii, 600.—Cunsdown (F. P.) t . . . cured by manipulation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, i, 287.— Larrey. Anevrysme arterioso-veineux du pli du bras. BuU. Soc de chir. de Par., 1857, vii, 451-453.—L.awrie (J. A.) Traumatic aneurism of brachial; ligature of axillary; hasmorrhage from sac•; amputation; cure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843. n. s.,1, 710. -----. Diffused traumatic aneurism after V. S. Hunterian operation; repeated hicmorrhage from wound of operation. Ibid., 711-713. — freedom (J. M.) Traumatic aneurism of brachial artery. Tr. Coll. Phys., Phila., 1864, n. s., iii, 138-141—deprotti (A.) Sur un anesvrisme de l'artere brachiale et sur d'autres observa- tions anatomiques [From■: Mem. Acad, d Bologno.] CoUect. Acad. cl. mem., ete;., Par., 1773, x, 518-525.—JLis- franc. Anevrisme traumatique de la partie inferieure ele rarterc brachiale du ce"»t6droit; Ugature dc cette artere: e aU- lot anesvrisnial devenu entitlement fluiele apres la Ugature; resorptiou des deux tiers du liquide; soUdihcation nouveUe du sang ; guerison. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1836, x, 405.—Mac- farlane (J.) t . . . cured bv operation. Edinb. M. AS. J., 1837, xlvii, 34.—ITEacgill (J.) A history of the operation for an aneurism of the arm. Med. Essays A Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1734, ii, 255-264.—Mackie (A.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1839, Ui, 139-141.—Marjolin. Anevrisnie faux con- sescutif de l'artere brachiale survenu apres une saignee; inflammation des parois du sac k la suite de la compression directe; ligature de l'artere brachiale; hesmorrhagies sur- venant apr&s la chute des eschares combattues avec succea par l'ouverture du sac, la ligature d'une artere et le tampon- nement; amaurose subite 5 jours apres la demiere opesra- tion. BuU. Soc. ele chir. ele Par.. 1856, vi, 396-400.—Mau- noir (J. P.) Anesvrisnie faux de l'artere brachiale, gueri par l'operation. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1791,Ixxxix, 84-95. Also: J. dechir. (Desault), Par., 1791, i, 211-219.— Miner (J. F.) Traumatic aneurism of tho brachial artery. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1801, i, 321-325.—Molinelli (P. P.) Sur l'anevrysme vrai doi'artesre brachiale a l'occasion de la saign6e. [From: Mem. Acad. el. sc ele Bologno.] Collect. acad. d mem., etc, Par., 1773, x, 340-345.—iHonro (A.) t [Operation.] Meel. Essays A Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1737, iv, 299.—ltlyntcr (II.) Aneurism of the brachial artery, treated with ligature of tho axiUary after Hunter's method. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1879-80, xix, 147-149.— rVelaton. Anevrysme faux consdcutif ele l'humerale au pli du bras; ligature par la methode ancienne: guerison. Monit. d. Imp. Par., 1857, v, 49.—Notta. An6vrysme faux consecutif. suite d'uue saignee; insucces de, la compression digitale au-dessus de l'anevrysme ; ligature de rhum6rale; autopsie. Bull. Soc. dc chir. de Par.. 1864, 2. s., iv, 461- 465.—Nouveau cas d'an6vrysme de l'art ere brachiale gu6ri par iiiijiction du perchlorure def»r. Bull. g6; *92; 915: 1005.—Physick (P. S.) History of a caseof imeurisni, situated at the bend of the elbow, occasiemed by having been bled. PhUa. M. Museum, t80.">, i, 6.5-67, 1 pi.— del Pino (V. R.) Aneurisma falso, ocasionado al practi- car la sangiia, cuya curacion se' obtuvo con cl solo auxilio ele la compresion. sin oblitenirso la arteria. Arch, de la nu'el. espan., Madrid, 1846, i, 26-hi.— Ranzi (A.) Osser- vazione eli aneurisma traumatico deU'arteria omerale gua- rito con la compressione mnnuale c considerazioni su questo ?rocesso o sul metodo della compressione. Sperimentale, ^irenze, 1*58. 4. s.. ii. !»7-137. Aho: Morgagni, NapoU, 1858, ii, 583-617.—Kestelli (A.) Caso di aneurisma alia piega- tura del cubito, guarito coU'elettro-puntura, e considera- zioni per assicurare la buona riescita eli euiesto mezzo. Gazz. med. di Milano, 184G, v, 413-416.—Bichet (C.) i BuU. Soc. anat. de Pur., 1873, xlviii, 697-701.—Bobert (W. H.) Aneurism spontaneously cured. South. M. A S. J., Augusta, 1846, n. s., ii, 649.—Hodgcrs (J. K.) A case of brachial anemism, in which the ligature was removed from the arteiy fifty and a half hours after its appUcation. Med. A Surg. Reg'., X. T., 1818, i, 157-163.—Sabatier. Anevrysnie faux consecutif de l'artere brachiale; operation par la methode do Hunter et lc procede de' Scarpa; guerison. J. hebd. de mesd., Par., 1829, v, 283-289.—Sacz (A.) Aneu- risma falso y primitive) de la arteria humeral elel brazo iz- quierdo; amputacion; curacion al dia 69 de observacion. Bol. de meel., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1846, 3. s., i, 377.— Salter (T.) Circumscribed aneurism of the brachial ar- tery, cured by pressure. Prov. M. A S. J., Lond., 1845, 708—Schilleuians (W. C.) Aneurysma arterias bra- ehiaUs. In hh: Drie heelkundigc ziektegevallen, etc., 8°, Leyclen, 1858, 14-21.—Scerig. FaU einer bei der Vena- section veranlasst en falsclmn Pulsadergeschwulst am Anne. Mag. f. el. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1830, xlvi. 502.—Shipman (A. W.) Case of aneurism at tbe bend of the arm from a wound; operation; cure. Bost. M. Sc S. J., 1841, xxiv. 345.— Smiley (A. H.) Case of aneurism. NashvUle J. M. A S., 1859, xvi,130.— Smucker. A caseof false aneurism, caused by blood-letting, successfuUy operated on. [Transl. from the German by J. W. Glon'inger.] Am. M. Rec, Phila., 1819, ii, 74-77.—Solly. New apparatus and mode of treat- ment for aneurism of the brachial artery; case of popUteal aneurism cureel by compression with Signoriui's tourni- quets. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1856, ii, 901.—Soilless, t ... ligature; guerison. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1854, xii, 356.— Spanton (W. D) Aneurism of the brachial and radial arteries, with a vascular tumor of the thumb occurring in the same, arm Med. Times A Gaz., Lond.. 1865, i, 517-519.— Taylor (J. M.) Traumatic aneurism of the brachial; Ugature of the axUlary artery; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 1861, xlvi, 408.—Tetu. t . . . gu6ri par la compression. la med. physiol., Par., 1828, xiii.382-388.-TiI- laux (P.) Anevrisme du pU du coude; ligature par la methode d'Anel, incision du sac; insucces; double Uga- ture dans le sac; guerison Bull. gesn. de therap., etc., Par., 1866, lxxi, 543-551.—Toland (H. H.) False aneu- rism of the brachial artery; operation; cure. Charles- ton M. J., 1856, xi, 762.—Turel. Aneivrysme traumatique du pU du coude; insucces de la compression indirecte; guerison par la methode ancienne. Lyou ruesd., 1870, iv, 461-406. Also: Mem. Soc. cl. sc. mecl. do Lyon, 1871, x, 11- 16.—Clrich. Operatio aneurysmatis spurii arterias bra- chiaUs. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, 140-143.— Valette. Anevrisme du pli elu coude; injection de per- chlorure de fer; guerison complete sans accident. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi. 552. Aho: Monit. d. he'ip., Par., 1853, i, 1117-1119. — Vanzetti (T.) Aneurisma varicoso per salasso, guarito prontamente premendo col dito di una mano la vena mediana basilica e col dito dell'altra mano l'arteria omerale; Gazz. meel. ital., prov. vene-te, Padova, 1864, vii, 192.—Vial. Note sur un anevrysme du pU du bras gueri par la galvano-puncture sans obliteration de l'artere. Bull. gesn. de thfirap., etc., Par., 1849, xxxvii, 514-519.—Vicn- nois. Anevrysnie arteriel du coude gueri par la com- pression digitale. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xviii. 492. Also.- M6m. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1867, vi, 151.—Vio- lin i (A.) Grande bozza sanguigna aU'arto supesriore destro iu seguito a salasso. Gior. cUmed., farm e vet. mU., Fnenze, 1809, xvii, 401-403.—Wall (T.) A case of circumscribed false aui'Ui ism of the brachial artery, caused by puncture in bloodletting, anel cured by operation. Dublin J. M. Se., is:t6, x, 410-41.S.—Walthcr (P. i.) Bericht iiber die In- tcrsuchuug eles linke-u Anns, woran vor acht Jahren eiue Schlagadcige:schwnlst durch die Cofiipression gliicLlich geheUt wurde. Chiron, Sulzb., 1812-13, iii, 83-90, 1 pi.— Aneurisms of brachial artery, and at bend of elbow. Waterman (L. D.) Aneurism of the brachial artery cureel by ligature on its cardiac side; followed by circum- scribed false aneurism, cured by ligature of the axillary artery. Ciucin. J. M., Indianapolis, 1867, ii, 584.—Weick- crt." Aneurysma der Braehialarterie nach ungliiekUehem Adcrlass. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 22.—"Weiss. [Arterio-venous aneurism of humeral artery and elee-p veins of bend of elbow.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 251.—von 'Winter (A.) Beschreibung einer Schlagader- Verletzung in der rechten Ellenbeuge Hirer Maje-stiit der Kbiiiginn von Baiern, als Folge einer Aderliisse und der- selben Heilung durch Dnickverbauel, nebst einigen darauf Bezug habcncliu Erlauterimgeu uud Reflexionen. Neue (Der) Chu-on, Sulzb., 1825-7, ii, 1-82.—Young (W.) Case of spurious aneurism. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1810, vi, 438- 441. Aneurisms of coronary artery. £>te, also, Aneurisms (Gustric). Buchner (YV. F.) t *Aueurysma der arteria coronaria cordis sinistra. 6°. Amsterdam, 1*67. Crisp (E.I t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 106-111.— Finnell. t N. York J. M., 1856, n. s., xvi, 82.—Heuse. Notes et it-flexions sur un cas de kystes apoplectiques de- velopp£s dans les parois du cceur et el anesviismes des arteres coronaires cardiaques. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1856, viii, 270-274.—Ogle (J. W.) t Med. Press A Circ, Dubl., 1867, ;V] 4JL -----. On a case of death from hasmonhage into the pericardium, as a result of one of three true and circum- scribed aneurysms of the coronary aitery of the heai t; with observations on aneurysm or aneurysmal dUatation as a result of embolism or thrombosis. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lonel., 1867, U, 285-306.—Peacock (T. B.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, i, 227-230. -----. t Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1848-9, ix, 592-600.—Peste (J. L.) Observation dune rupture dun anevrysme de lartere coronaire gauche; suivi de rupture du cceur. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1842-3, viii, 1044-1046. Also: Arch. gun. ele med., Par., 1843, iu, 472-477.—Shrady (G. F.) t N". York M. Press, 1860, n. s., iii, 225. Also: N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 384-386. Aneurisms of ductus arteriosus. Westhoff (F.) * Ueber das sogeuamite Aneu- rysma des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. d°. Gottin- gen, ld73. Benaut (J.) Deux cas d'anevrysme du canal arteriel. BuU. Soc anat. ele; Par., 1870, xiv, 238-240.—Thorefih. De l'anevrysme du canal arteriel. Arch. gesn. de mesd., Par., 1850, ii, 30-39. Aho, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1850, xv, 331-339. Aneurisms of facial artery. Anevrysme de l'artere faciale; incertitude du dia- gnostic; ablation; ditncultes pour arreter 1'hemoiThagie; compression peimanente; guerison. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1853, iv, 106-110.—Benoit (J.) Tumeur anevrysmale de l'artere faciale droite . . . larges communi- cations entre la cavit6 anevrysmale et de nombreux vais- seaux arteriels voisins; emploi de la galvano-puncture sans resultat; Ugature de la carotide primitive droite; succes complet. Rev. cie th6rap. du micU, Montpel., 1853, iv, 1- 15.—Bcri-iiti (L.) Aneurisma traumatico della trasver- sale della faccia; compressione digitale; guarigione. Indi- pendente, Torino, 1876, xxvU, 576.—Clark (Le G.) Trau- matic aneurism of the facial artery cured by Ugatm-e of the vessel? Lancet, Lond., 1865, U, 119. Aneurisms of foot. Toussaint (H.) * Considerations sur l'ana- tomie de l'artere pcklieuse et sur ses anevrysmes. 4°. Paris, 1*79. Adams. Spontaneous aneurism of the arteria dorsalis pedis. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1877, vii, 804.—Case (A) of aneu- rism of the dorsal artery of the foot. Statist. Rep. Health Navy, 1872, Lond., 1874,' 94.—Cutcliffc (II. C.) A case of traumatic anemism of the dorsalis pedis aitery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 248—Delormc. Desauevrysmes dclapedieusc Gaz. hebd. denied., Par., 1879,xxvi, 137-141.— Fleury (L.) Observation et reflexions sur une tumeur du pied dc nature anevrysmale, detenuinee par une pieuire, et guerie' par 1'operation. Arch. geu. ele med., Par., 1839, ii, 86-90.—Gross (S. D.) Spontaneous aneurism of one of the branches of the dorsaUs pedis. Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 391.—Johnson (P. H.) Aneurismof the external plantar artery. Boston M. A S. J., 1874, xc, 115.—.llasson. Ane- vrysnie faux consecutif de l'artere plantaire externe; Uga- tuie ele- la tibiale posterieure; guerison. Meiiu. Soc. d. sc. null, dc Lyon, 1808. vii, 26-33.—Mazzola (P.) Storia d'ancurisma deliarteria elel tarso. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1819, x. 321-327.—Pauas. Anevrysnie spontan6 de l'artere pedieuse droite. BuU. Soc. do chir. do Par., ANEUEISMS. 410 ANEURISMS. Aneurisms of foot. 1873, 3. s., ii, 177-186—Bey. Anevrysnie spontane de I'artfere pedieuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviU, 314.—Savory (W. S.) Aneurism of the dorsal artery of the foot. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 75. Aneurisms of forearm. See, also, Aneurisms (Radial); Aneurisms (Ulnar). Vecch i (N.) Aneurisma deU'interrossea deU'antibraccio sinistro; compressione meccanica e digitale deU'omerale; guarigione. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1871, 5. s., xU, 279-284. Aneurisms of hand. AbeiUe. Anevrysme traumatique ou arterio-cellulaire de Malgaigne au pouce de la main gauche; guerison en cinq jours par la compression digitale de la rauiale. BuU. gen. do therap., Par., 1877, xciii, 508-510.—Berger (P.) Aneurysme traumatique de la paume de la mam; recherche ! des deux bouts de lartere divisee. France m6d., Par., 1874, xxi, 545.—Carmona. Aneurisma traumatica de la j mano. Gac med. de Mexico, 1870, v, 59.—Chassaignac. j Tumeur anesvrismale de la main; accidents nerveux produits par la pr6sence de cette tumesur; ligature dc iartere cubi- tale; guerison. J. demed. ct chir. prat., Par., 1857, xxvUi, 67-69.—Cripps (W. H.) History of a case of palmar aneurism, with notes on the', treatment of hasmorrhage from the palmar arch. Tr. Clin. Soc, Lonel., 1874, vU, 127-137. Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 630.— Bavey (N. F.) Case of traumatic aneurism of the su perticial palmar arch. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., xi, 210.—Belore. An6vrysme de la coUat6rale externe de l'index traite inutilement par la compression indirecte; ablation de la tumeur; anevrysme de la col- i latcrale interne du meme doigt traite par la Ugature de trois arteres de l'avant-bras; r6sultat satisfaisant. Gaz. ] hebd. de med., Par., 1863, x, 365-369.—Bespres. Ane- j vrysme faux consecutif du premier espace iuterosseux de I la main gauche; operation par la methode ancienne; guesri- sem. Bull, et mem. Soc. dc chir. de Par., 1877, iii, 601-605.— Ferrario (F.) Aneurisma deU'arco palmare superficiale guarito colla legatura deU'arteria radiale. Effem. d. sc. med., Milano, 1836, ii, 284-290.—Flosel (J.) Aneurysma des Hohlhandbogens, durch Druck gedieilt. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 481.—Haywood (E. B.) Opera- tion for traumatic aneurism of the superficial palmar arch. Tr. M. Soc N. Car., Raleigh, N. C, 1871, xviii, 28.—[Herr- gott.] Anevrisme de l'arcade palmaire; compression [in- succes] ; double ligature [succes]. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1860, xx, 108.—Lee (E. W.) Diffuse traumatic aneurism of the palmar arch. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 33.— JjCveqUc. Anesvrysme de la paume de la main. BuU. Soc. med. de Reims, 1874, xiU, 178-182.—ITIacCorinac (W.) Treatment of palmar aneurism. Brit. M. J., Lond., \ 1874, i, 707.—Maclean (A. C.) Aneurism of palmar ' arch, with ligation of brachial artery; recovery. Phy- j sician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., i879, i, 11.'—Mar- zuttini (G. B.) Aneurisma per ferita; poco frutto deUa compressione^; ligatura deU'arteria radiale, ubaare, ome- rale. Bull. d. sc. med. de Bologna, 1868, 5. s., vi, 32- 42.—IMazade. Anevrysme traumatique de la main; com- pression digitale, interniittente, pendant quatre jours; gu6- rison. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1803, xxxv, 611.—Mazade (J.) Observation d'anevrisme do l'arcade palmaire superncieUe; cauterisation; gu6rison. France m£d., Par., 1866, xiii, 4. I Also: Rev. m6ef. franc, et etrang., Par., 1866, i, 599-602.— j Salomon. Ein Aueurisma in der Handflache durch Com- pression geheUt. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. I pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1842, vi, 351-353.—Scriren 1 (J. B.) Case of aneurism of the palmar arch. 'Indian Ann. I M. Sc, Calcutta, 1855-6, iii, 723-725.—Uhde (C. W. F.) I Aneurysma arcus volaris sublimis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 186.—Veeelli. (Caso cured by digital compression in half an hour.) BuU. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1868, 2. s., viii, 354.—Verneuil (A.) Andvrysmes traumatiques du pre- mier espace interosseux de la' mam. Gaz. hebd. de med., I Par., 1866, 2. s., Ui, 471^73. Aneurisms of heart. See Heart (Aneurism of). Aneurisms of hepatic artery. Borchers (C.) * Aneurysma der Arteria he- patica. 4°. Kiel, 1878. In: Schkift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xxv. Uhlig (K. A.) * Zur Casuistik der Aneurismen der inneren kleineren Arterien des Unterleibes, j insbesondere der Arteria hepatica. 8°. Leiuziq, \ 1868 Jackson (J. B. S.) t . . . bursting into the hepatic I duct. Med. Mag., Bost., 1834, iii, 115.—Lcbert. t ... mit Durchbruch in die Gallcnblase, Blutbrechen, blutige Stuhle ■ und Tod durch Erschbpfung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., | Berl., 1858, xUi, 168-169.— Ledicu. Anevrysme ctoblitera- I Aneurisms of hepatic artery. tion de l'artere h6patique, avec coincidence d'albuminurie, d'anasarque et d'asciteetpersistancedelasecrttion bUiaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1856, 2. s., i, 125-131.—Osier (W.) t Right branch almost obliterated; multiple abscesses in the liver. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path. Rep., 1877, i, 22-30.— Quincke (H.) t Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1871, viii, 349; 386. Also, Reprint.—Boss (G.) Sc Osier (W.) t Multiple ab- scesses of the Uver. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1877, vi, 1-12. Also, Reprint.—Sestie. Cas d'anevrysme de la branche droite de l'artere h6patique pres de sa division. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1833, viU, 32.—Stokes (W.) t . . . with consequent obstruction and distention of tho bUiary ducts; jaundice; death by rupture into the peritoneal ca- vity. DubUn J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 401-406, 1 pi.— Wallmann (H.) t Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1858, xiv, 389-392, Aneurisms of hypogastric artery. Binswanger (O.) Aneurysma der Art. hypogastrica sinistra; Ruptur des Sackes und todliche Blutung in die Bauchhohle. Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1879, i, 149-151. Aneurisms of infra-maxillary artery. Banks (E. C.) A case of aneurism, situated close to the origin of the temporal artery with tumor upon the maxillary artery, successfully treated by ligature. Indiana M. J., EvansvUle, 1854, i, 21-23.—Teuffel. (Ein Fall von mehrfachen Aneurysmen.) Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1879, xUx, 14. Aneurisms of orbit. See Orbit (Aneurism of). Aneurisms of ovarian artery. Whitmarsh (W. M.) Case of death from aneurism of the right ovarian artery. British M. J., Lond., 1867, n, 177. Aneurisms of palmar arch. See Aneurisms of hand. Aneurisms of pulmonary artcry. See, also, Haemoptysis. Aronsohn (J.) * Ueber Aneurysma der Arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Konigsberg, 1868. Bergis-Docxous (E.) Des andvrysmes intra- caverneux de l'artere pulmonaire. 4°. Mont- pelUer, 1876. Chardin (P. J. E.) *Des aneurysmes de l'artere pulmonaire d6velopp£s dans les cavernes du poumon. 4°. Paris, 1874. Triebel (E.) * De aneurysmate in universum adiuncta de arterise pulmonalis aneurysmate narratione. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1854. Vasquez (J.-A.) * Des andvrysmes de l'artere pulmonaire dans les cavernes. 4°. Paris, 1879. Bennett. Aneurism of the pulmonic artery. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1872,UU, 348, 1 pi.—Birkett. Some remarks on death from hasmoptysis. A case of aneurism of the pulmo- nary artery. Med." Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 66.— Bramwcll (B.) Exhibition of aneurisms on terminal branches of the pulmonary artery in the walls of cavities. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxU, 1027-1029, 1 pi—Buch«aid. Aneurysmades Stammesdcr Arteria pulmonalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 1; 13; 25.—Carrien. Anevrysme intra-caverneux de l'artere pulmonaire ayant causis une h6moptysie foudroyante. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ined. de Montpel., 1879-80, i, 25; 38—Church. Aneurism of a branch of the pulmonary artery situated in the wall of a vomica; death from hasmoptysis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lonel., 1869, xx, 104.—Cotton. Case of phthisis; fatal hasmopty- sis from the rupture of a small aneurism of a branch of the pulmonary artery. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 37.— Cotton (R. P.) On aneurism ofthe pulmonary artery, as a source of hasmoptysis. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1868, ii, 441.— Blauhy. Aneurysma mit spontaner Berstung der hin- teren Wand des Stammcs der Arteria pnlmonalis. Vrtlj- schr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1848, xvu, 118-123.—Fagge (C. H.) Aneurysm of a branch of the pulmonary artery in a cavity in the lung of a child. Tr. Path. Soc', 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 35.—Fearn (S. W.) t Lancet, Lond., 1840-1. i, 679.—Finlayson. Aneurism of pulmonary ar- tery, anel thrombosis of pulmonary artery, etc. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 512—Franks (K.) t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876, lxii, 56-59, 1 pi.—Gilcwski. Aneurysma arterias pulmonalis; insutlicientia valv. mitralis; stenosis ostU venosi sinistri; insuff. valv. tricuspidalis et valvularum semilunarium arterias pulmonalis ; varicocele pulsans; al- buminuria; scoliosis dextra ; mors. AVien. med.Wchnschr., 1868, xviii, 525; 541; 557; 576; 592; 605.—Green (T. EL) Aneurism of a branch of the pulmonary artery in a phthi- sical lung. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1871' xxii, 37.—Head- land. A case of aneurism of a branch of the pulmonary ANEUEISMS. 411 ANGENSTEIN. Aneurisms of pulmonary artery. artery contained in a tuberculous cavity in the lung; hasmoptysis; death. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 706.—Heath (C.) Aneurysm of a branch of the pulmonary artery in a vomica, lr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1867, xviU, 45.—Ho- molle. Anevrysnie d'une petite branche de l'artere pul- monaire ouvert dans une cavcrne tuberculeusc Progrfes med., Par., 1876, iv, 924.—Laure. Cas d'hemoptysie ra- Sidement mortelle. Lyon med., 1873, xiv, lli-113.— jebcrt. Aneurisma der Lungenarterie und rheuma- tisehe Entziindung ihrer Klappcn. Bi-rl. khn. Wchn- schr., 1876, xiU, 273-275.—Cepine (R.) Phthisie pul- monaire; hemoptysie causee par la rupture d'un an6- vrysnie du volume d'un gros pois dans une caverne\ BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xUx, 162-165.— Iiiouvillc (H.) Anevrysme de l'artere pulmonaire dans une caverne tuber- culeusc Ibid., 1875, 1, 317.—ITIoxon. Aneurism of the pulmonary artery in a phthisical lung. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xviii, 55.—Raynaud (M.) Pseudo-anevrysnie de l'artere pulmonaire developpe dans une caverne tuber- culeusc BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xUx, 169-173. Aho: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1874, xxvi, 315.—Reflexions sur une mort subite, determinee par la rupture d'un ane- vrisme de l'artere pulmonaire. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1822, xi, 259-265.—Bendu (H.) Hemoptysie morteUe survenue dans le cours d';.ne phthisie pulmonaire; k I'autopsie, an6vrysme d6veloppe aux depens d'une des branches de l'artfere pulmonaire et rompu dims une caverne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix. 388-390. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1874, ii, 500.—Salazar (M.) Aneurisma de la arteria pulmonal izepuerda. Siglo me'd., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 776.—Sevestre (A.) Anevrysme developp6 sur un rameau de l'artere pulmonaire au voisinage d'une caverne; rupture de cet anevrysme dans la caverne et hemoptysie foudro- yante. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1873, xlvUi, 872-875. -----. Des anevrysmes developp6s surlesrameaux de l'artere pul- monaire avoisinant les cavernes. Progresm6d., Par., 1874, U, 283. -----. An6vrysme d'un rameau de l'artere pulmo- naire au voisinage d'une caverne. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, li, 518. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 866.—Sil- ver (A.) Aneurism of a smaU branch of the pulmonary artery, causing fatal hasmoptysis. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1874, xxv, 25.—Smith (A. W.) Probable case of aneu- rism of the pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus. Glas- gow M. J., 1879, xii, 103-108.—Stark (D.) sen. Ein seltnes Aneurisma. Abhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc zu Erlangen, 1810, i, 472.—Vcrardini (F.) Storia di una malattia pro- dotta da dUatazione aneurismatica, con trombo deU'arteria polmonare per endoarterite dcformante. Rendic. Accad. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1870,20-22. -----. D'una dUatazione ancurismatica con trombo deU'arteria polmonare per endo- arterite deformante. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1871, 3. s., i, 69-93, 1 pi.—'Williams (J.) Varicose aneu- rysmal dilatation of two small branches of the pulmonary artery; rupture of one of them; death by sudden hemop- tysis, in a case of phthisis. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1866, xvU, 79. Aneurisms of subscapular artery. Lis ton (R.) Ossified aneurismal tumour of the sub- scapular artery. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1820, xvi, 66; 215; 1 pi. Also, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1820, vui, 243-250. Aneurisms of transversalis colli artery. Pick. Aneurism of the transversaUs coUi artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1869, xx, 144. Anfangsgriinde der Muskellehre. 61 pi. with text. fol. Wien, F. Gassier, 1786. Anfiteatro (El) anat6mico espafiol; peri6dico de medicina, cirugia y ciencias auxiliares. Director- proprietario, Dr. Pedro Gonzalez de Velasco. Alio 1-7, 1873-79. fol. Madrid. Current. Semi-monthly. Jan. 1, 1876, PabeUon medico merged in this journal. An fray (Victor). * De la d61ivrance, et de quel- ques accidents qui peuvent la compliquer. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 190, v. 582. Anfrun (Jean-Francois-Albert). * De la valeur diaguostique et pronostique de la temperature et du pouls dans quelques maladies. 1 p. 1., 98 pp., 13 ch. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 7. -----. The same, 95 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. Angeard-Saint-Germain (Maurice). * Des h6morrhagies apres l'accouchement. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 268, v. 550. Angebault (C.-J.-A.) * Dissertation sur le t^ta- nos. vi, 7-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 135, v. % eig-eioleueitis. See Lymphatics (Inflammation of). Angel (Louis). # Des ongles au point de vue anatomique, physiologique et pathologique. 148 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 85. Angele (LtSon). * Contribution a l'6tude des nevralgies au point de vue de leur nature et de leur traitement par les injections irritantes. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 246. Angeli (Luigi). Sulla vita e su gli scritti di al- cuni medici Imolesi; memorie storiche. 3 p. 1., 224 pp. 8°. Imola, G. Filippini, 1808. Angelica. Brimmer (C.) * Ueber die chemischen Be- standtheilederAngelika-Wurzel. 8°. Erlangen, 1875. Buchner (L. A.) * Neue chemische Untersu- chung der Angelica-Wurzel. 4°. Niirnberg, 1842. Angelin (Justin Pascal). * Du cholera en Egypte; observations faites sur cette maladie et sur son traitement pendant l'exp^dition du Luxor, entreprise en 1831. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 123, v. 272. Also, in : P., v. 52. de Angelis (Niccola). Lezioni elementarii di chirurgia veterinaria. x, 579 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Roma, tip. delle Belle Arti, 1843. de Angelis (Stephanus). See Rorellus (Joh. Alphonsus). De vi percussionis, et motionibus, [etc.] sm. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1686. Angeli (Arthur) & Hehner (Otto). Butter: its analysis and adulterations; specially treating on the detection and estimation of foreign fats. iv, 52 pp. 12°. London, Wyman <$• Sons, 1874. Angeli (Geo. T.) Cattle transportation in the United States. 7 pp. 8°. Boston, published by I the Mass. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, \ 1872. -----. The check-rein. 8 pp. 8°. Boston, Wright 4- Potter, 1872. j Angeli (H. C.) A treatise on diseases of the eye; | for the use of general practitioners, xii, 343 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Campbell, 1871. I See, also: New England Medical Gazette. Angeli (Lewis). Sanitary science and the sewage questions; a lecture. 38, vi pp. 8°. London, E. 4' F. N. Spon, 1871. Angclo (Michawl-); De febribus et morbis acu- tis, febrem annexam habentibus. 176,2 pp. fol. Venetiis, H. Albrici, 1711. Angelot (Jean-Baptiste-The'odore). * Conside- rations sur le traitement de la phthisie pulmo- naire. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 226, v. 169. Angelstein (Carol). * De Perkinismi et magne- tismi mineralis historia. 31 pp. 8°. Bei'olini, typ. J. F. Starekii, [1825]. Also, in : P., v. 575. -----. De senegas radice: remedio ophthalmia- trico prsestantissiiuo. 24 pp. 4°. Berolini, typ. F. Xietack, [1831]. Angelstein (Karl). Handbuch der O'hirurgie. 3 v. 8°. Erlangen, F. Encke, 1851-4. Angelus de Contecillns (Jo.) Tractatus de dinerentiis et curatione febrium, ac de sanguiniis missione . . . nunc recens ad communem utilita- tem excusus. 6 p. 1., 75 flf. 12°. Venetiis, apud Felicem Valgrisium, ir>83. Angely (Joannes Ludovicus). * De oculo orga- nisque lacrymalibus ratione aetatis, sexus, gentis et variorum animalium. 3 p. 1., 110 pp. 8°. Erlangce, typ. A. E. Jungii, [1803]. Angenete (Hermann). * Ueber Parametritis puerperalis. 32 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Cart- haus, [1870]. Angenstein (H.) See Organ fur gesammte Heil- kuude. Angenstein (Petrus Josephus Ludovicus). * De gangrasna scroti. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Lange, [1861]. ANGER. 412 ANGINA. Anger. Becker (C F. A.) De irse vi in hominem Siinum et a'grum. 8°. Gottingoj, 1811. Bender (J. H.) Triga observationum medi- caruui. 4°. Giessce, 1748. Bigot (J.) * Sur la colere. 4=. Paris, 1818. Boschkr (C.-J.-M.) * Sur la colere considered dans ses rapports avec la physiologic, la patho- logie ct la therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1833. Estieyenart (J. B. F.) * De pra^cipuis ab ira in corpore humauo productis effectibus. 1788. In: Louvain, Diss., iv, p. 90. Fickius (J. J.) *De irte efficacia et remediis. 4°. Jena-, 1718. Gebiiardis (J. C.) *Deira. 4°. Lipsice, 1705. HlVER(J.-P.) * Sur la colere. 4~. Parts, 1815. Lallejiand(A.) * Sur la colere. 4J. Paris, 1821. Fremont (A.) * Sur la colere. 4°. Paris, 1816. Regenbogen (R.) *Deira. 8-. Lugd.-Bat., 18-^0. Eegexhertz (J. II.) *De iras noxio et salu- taii effectu in corpus humanum. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1757]. Slevogtivs (J. H.) Pr. de M. T. Ciceronis voniitu d.Hijdrovx''^i):. 4-'. Jena', [1711]. Baunns. Observation sur une mort causae par un acees dc colere k la fin de la resolution henreuse d'un depot laiteux. J. de mesd., chir., phaim., etc., Par., 1780, liii, 513— 5^9.—<»allot. ()bsei vation d'une maladie soporeusc causae par la cole re. Ibid., 1775, xUv, 230-235.—Krankhaften (Vom) Jiihzome BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1859, x, 1. lift., 20-38.—Pointc. Observations sur le-.s effets de la colere. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 271!.—Schneider. Ein FaU von Zorawuth in Folge von Trunkenhcit und er- littener Keirperbeschadigung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1832, xii, 348-352.—Violent acces de colere suivi instantanement dela perte de connaissance, de convulsions, et de la mort an bout de cpielqucs Insures. Trans, med., Par., 1832, x, 25-27. Anger (Albert-Jean-Baptiste). *Du traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par l'acide salicy- lique. 54 pp. 4°. Pan's, 18/7, No. 452. Anger (Benjamin). *De r^tran^lemont intesti- nal. .'1 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 273. -----. Traite" iconographique des maladies chi- rurgicales; pr6c£de" d'une introduction par M. Velpeau. Dessins d'apres nature, par MM. Bion, Leveille' ct Beau, xiv, 398 pp.; 100 col. pi. 4°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1865. The false title is "Premiere monographic, Luxations et fractures". -----. Nouvel appareil pour la compression per- maueute des arteres an6urysmales. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1866. -----. Nouveaux elements d'anatomie chirurgi- cale [avec] atlas de 12 planches, xvi, 1056 pp. roy. 8U. Pan's, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1869. -----. Pansement des plaies chirurgicales. 232 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1872. -----. Conferences de clinique chirurgicale, faites a l'bopital .Saint Antoine (amie'e 1874). 1 pi. 79 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, V. Adrien Delahaye et Cie., 1875. -----. Heteroplastic, nouvelle operation chirurgi- cale. Note communique^ a l'Acaddmie des sci- ences. H pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1874. -----& Worthington (L. S.) Melanonies. 46 pp. 3 pi. 8U. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1866. Anger (fidouard). *De l'effet des boissons sur l'ecouoinie animale. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 47. v. 198. -----. * Recherehes comparatives sur la lithoto- mie pratiquee sur I'homme. 28pp. 4°. Para,1826, No. 85, v. 199. Anger (Joannes Anton). * Conspectus morbi Brighti historicus, adnexus casibus 6 in nosoco- mio generali Prageno observatls. 53 pp. 8°. Pruga; T. Thabor, 1840. Anger (Joh.) lice von Humm (Magnus). Die Behandlung der Lun- gencntziinduug, etc 8°. Leipzig, 1861. A iiger (Theophile). * Des tumeurs lymphatiques (adenolvmphoceles). 92 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 152. -----. The same. 88 pp., 2 col. pi. 8r. Paris, P. Asselin, 1*67. -----. *De la cauterisation dans le traitement des maladies chirurgicales. 190 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 18o<>. -----. Du cancer de la langue. 136 pp., 2 pi., 21. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1.^72. Angerer (Ottmar). Die chirurgische Klinik im Julius-Hospitale zu Wiirzburg unter Direction des Prof, von Linhart vom Februar 1*75 bis Juli 1876. Ein Beitrag zur Wundbehandlungsfrage. 1 p. 1., 99 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, J. Staudinger, 1876. -----. Klinische und experimeutelle Untersuchun- gen uber die Resorption von Blutextravasaten. 74 pp., 1 pi. (fol.) roy. 8°. Wiirzburg, Standinger, 1879. Angerhausen (Hermann). * Uebereitrige Ge- leukeutzundungen in Folge von Erysipelas. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle, J. G. Lipke, li-p., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 594.—Pattc. Note ear 1'angine couenneuse des animaux domestiques, a i'occasion de l'epidejuie regnante. Gaz.hebd. demed., Par., 1855, U, 384.— Paul (C.) Angine couenncuse guerie par le cubebe. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvi, 229-233.— Pedrelli (M.) Angina flemmonosa temiinata con ascessi nmltipli. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1864, 4. s., xxi, 81- 95.—Peter (M.) Angines. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d, Par., 1866, iv, 689-762.—Petraeus(H.) De angina. In his: No- sologia harmonica, 4°, Marpurgi, 1615, 238-260.—Pollak (M.) Anginatonsillarisabsced. als Vorlaufer vonGesichts- erysipel. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xUi, 410.— PummIu (F. G.) Observations sur trois angines membra- neuses. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1811, xxU, 337-347.—Ranquc. Faits et documens sur un nouveau traiteiiient des angines simples, benignes et malignes, au moyen du pyrothoniele, et sur l'emploi de ce medicament dans 1'oplithalmie, 1'angine scarlatineuse et la gonorrh6e syphilitieiue. Ann. dela med. physiol., Par., 1828, xiU, 162; 523.—Benauldin. Angine. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812, u, 115-136.—Bcvcrdy (A.) Observations d'angines. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1830, Mi, 256-303.—Rosch. Ueber eine besondere Art cler Anschwellung der Mandeln, des Zapfchens und des weichen Gaumens. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1835, v, 53.—Rouse (W. H.) Angina. Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1873, ix, 16-21.— Roux. Angine couenneuse guerie par le chlorate de potasse. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1856, xxix, 587.—Rul-Ogez. Quelques mots sur 1'angine aigue, et sur son traite- ment au nioyen de l'ac6tate de plomb cristalUs6. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1852, ix, 36-54. Aho: Rev. med.- chir. de Par., 1852, xi, 71-76. — Rnmebe. Observation sur une angine grave. J. gen. ele med.. chir. et pharm., Par., 1820, lxxi, 186-192. — Malmoiii (M.) Intorno al- cune) malattie di Livorno o del Cairo, e in ispecie sull' angina croupale. Gior. veneto cli sc. nied., Venezia, 1860, 2. s., xv, 191-214.—Seoutelten. Observation d'une an- gine, suivie de mort par asphyxie. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1823, xix, 108-113.—Souquct. Observation sur une angine. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1788, lxxiv, 256-261.—Mtaub. Ueber eine nierkwurdige complicirte anginose Krankheit. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1840, xxix, 66-80.—Mteiuthal. Katarrhalische Angina. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1864, xiii, 336— Stratum (J.) Dis- sertation on the. phenomena, causes, and cure ofthe different species of cynanche, including the scarlatina anginosa. Tr. M. Sue.'N. Jersey, 1766-1800, 77-85.—[Symoiids (J. A.)] Angina or inflammation of the throat; angina diffusa, meinbranacea anil tonsillaiis. Syst. Pract. Med". (Tweedie), Phila., 1841, iv, 78-85.—Tott (C. A.) Ueber einige Arten der Angina. Ztschr. f. el. ges. Med. Hainb., 1842, xxi, 273- 279. — TroiiNseau. Un mot sur 1'angine diphtheritic] uo et 1'angine scarlatineuse. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1849, 3. s., i, 195.-----. Des angines. Ibid., 1855, xxviii, 341; 353; 397; 414; 433; 457; 473.—Tyrrell (G. G.) Upon the thera- peutical value of the sulphites in phlegmonous angina. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1870-7, iv, 97-110.—Uno (Del) de las friccioncs mercuriales en la curacion de las anginas. Bol. ele med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1839, vi, 133.—Velpeau. Du traitement eles maux do gorge et de quelepies inflammations des autres membranes muqucuses, par lc sulfate d'alumine et dc potasse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 209-213.—Vidccoq. Angine. Diet. d. etuelcs med. prat., Par., 1838, i, 457-475.—Violctte. Ob- servation d'une angine couenncuse' grave; emploi do la glace; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par.," 1,864, xxxvii, 110.— Williams (J. H.) The sore throat disease. Cincin. M. News, 1875, viii, 62-64.—Wolf. Angina ulcerosa. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1812, xxxiv, 4. St., 61-69. Angina (Causes of). Goeshe (J. C. L.) * De angina inflammatoria et catarrhali ab menstruorum suppressione nata et biga observationum illustrata. 4°. Jence, 1797. de Lagoaneke (J.) * Ess. sur les angines rhu- matismales et goutteuses. 4°. Pam, 1876. Piponxier (A.) *De 1'angine rhumatismale. 4-. Paris, 1876. Brochin. Anginegoutteuse. Gaz. d.hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 930.—Mercier. De 1'angine rhumatismale. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1870, iv, 442-450.— Angina (Games of). Ritter (B.) Zur Geschichte der Cynanche arthritica, nebst Mittheilung der Beobachtung eines specieUen FaUes derselben. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1863, xxxUi, 179-182. Angina (Herpetic). See Pharyngitis. Angina (Ludwig's). See Neck (Abscess of). Angina maligna (Epidemic and gan- grenous). See, also, Pharyngitis (Gangrenous). Arutz (G.) * De differentia inter anginam gan- grtenosam epidemicam atque eam, quae interdum cum scarlatina occurrit. 8°. Berolini, 1840. Bard (S.) An enquiry into the nature, cause, and cure of the angina suftocativa, or sore throat distemper. 8°. New York, 1771. Battich (L.) "Nonnulla de angina faucium gangrenosa. 8°. Batavii, 1838. Bedford (A.) * De angina maligna. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1792. Beneys (J.) * Sur 1'angine gangreneuse. 4°. Paris, 1816. Brunner (J. S.) *Diss. sistens gravissimam anginas speciem, cynanchen. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1746. Dangers (C. W.) *In anginas maligna? setio- logiam eique convenientem medendi methodum inquirens. 8°. Gcettingce, [1792]. Daniel (G.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1782. Delbet (C. A. J.) * De 1'angine maligne. 4°. Paris, 1860. Donovan (S.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1796. Douglass (W.) The practical history ofa new epidemical eruptive miliary fever, with an angina ulcusculosa which prevailed in Boston, New England, in the years 1735 and 1736. 8°. Boston, N. E., 1736. Also, in: N. Eng. J. M. &. S., Bost., 1825, xiv, 1-13. Feller (L.) * De angina maligna. 8°. [Miin- chen], 1837. Fothergill (J.) An account of the sore throat attended with ulcers. 8°. London, 1748. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1748. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1754. -----. The same. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1769. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1777. Fuchs (C. H.) * Historische Untersuchungen iiber Angina maligna, und ilir Verhaltniss zu Scharlach und Croup. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1828. Heitkoxig (J.) *De angina maligna. 8°. Berolini, [1840]. Hertzog (C. G. C.) *De febre catarrhali ma- ligna epidemica angina gangrenosa; stipata. 4°. Halce ad Salam, 1768. Huxham (J.) *A dissertation on the maUg- nant ulcerous sore-throat. 8°. London, 1757. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1759. Johnson (T.) #On the putrid ulcerous sore throat. *-. Philadelphia, 1793. Johnstone (J.)1 *De angina maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1773. Johnstone (J.)2 A treatise on the malignant angina or putrid and ulcerous sore-throat, to which are added some remarks on the angina trachealis. 8°. Worcester, 1779. Keetell (J. H.) * De angina epidemica anni 1769 et 1770. 4°. Trajecti ud Rhenum, 1773. Lallemand (F.) *Febris malignas topic® angina gaugrtenosa vocatse succinctam delinea- tiouem subjicit. 4°. Argentorati, [1766]. Morris (J. M.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1805. ANGINA. 415 ANGINA. Angina maligna (Epidemic and gan- grenous.) Muller (J. C. G.) * De angina maligna. 4°. Erfordice, 1773. Murray (J. T.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1793. Nicaise (P. F.) * Considdrations g6ne£rales sur 1'angine gangreneuse. 4°. Paris, 1807. O'Callaghan (D.) * De synaiiche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1800. Pelis'sot (F.) * Sur 1'angine gangreneuse. 4°. Paris, 1808. Penrose (F.) On the inflammatory, gangre- nous, and putrid sore throat. 8°. Oxford, 1766. Pickering (R.) * De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1807. Ramsay (A.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1802. Read. Histoire de l'esquinancie gangreneuse p£t6chiale, qui a r<5gn6 dans le village de Moivron au mois de novembre 1777. 12°. Metz, 1777. Reeve (T.) * De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1810. Robin (L.-V.) * Considerations generates sur 1'angine gangreneuse. 4°. Paris, 1817. Sergent (M.-J.) *De 1'angine gangreneuse. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851. Sinnott(N.) * De angina maligna. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1793. Stipp (J. Z.) *De angina gangrenosa. 4°. Erfordice, [1792]. Tailour (J.) * De cynanche gangrenosa. 8°. Edinburgi, 1776. Wilson (T.) *De cynanche maligna. 8°. Edinburgi, 1790. Weir(G.) *De angina maligna. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1792. Westphal (G.) *De angina gangrenosa epi- demica. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Withering (W.) *De angina grangrasnosa. 8°. Edinburgi, 1766. Angina gangrenosa. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Ru- dolph-Stiftung in Wien (1868), 1869, 99. —Angina gan- grasnosa unter den Erscheinungen von Rotz (Maliasmus); Tod. Ibid., 262-267.—Augc. Observation d'angine gan- greneuse, traitee par la chlorate de potasse; guerison. Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 527—Baylies (W.) Ulcerated sore throat, as it appeared in the town of Dighton (Mass.), in the years 1785-86. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1808, i, 41-48.—Beeslcy (T. R.) Cases of gangrene of the throat, indicating a treatment by the use of calomel. N. Am. M. Sc S. J., Phila., 1829, vii, 66-75.—dc Bcrgcune. Description d'un mal ele gorge epideinique epii a regne dans un canton de la nouvelle Marche, pies ele Franciort sur 1'Oder. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, ix, 368- 371.—Beyer. Angina gangrasnosa. Gen.-Ber. el. k. rhein. Med.-Coll.,1843, Coblenz, 1845, 45.—BiiiNwnngcr. Ueber Angina cellularis gangrenosa sen maligna, typhosa. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1848, vii, 578-580.'—Boucher. Lettre sur des maux de gorge gangreneux epidemiques. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, viii, 556-559.—Boil- chut. De 1'angine gangreneuse. Gaz. cl. he'ip.. Par., 1858, xxxi, 170. ------. Ueber die braneligc und geschwlirige Halsbriiune. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., I860, xxxiv, 111- 117.— Boulvin. Rapport relatit'a une epidemic d'angine couenneuse observ6e dans la commune dc Uihain ; traite- ment par la cauterisation de Canibrelin. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1873, 3. s., vii, 78-80.—Brow lie (R. K.) Report on gangrene of the throat. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1862, v, 243-245.—Brunei. Note sur quelques cas d'angine grave qui semblent s'etre transmis par la conta- gion. Arch. g6n. de mecl., Par., 1823, iii, 536-539.—Buc- quoy. Angine (erysipele du pharynx?); erysipele de la face eievelopp6 autour de chaque oreille ; propagation pro- bable k travers le tympan reste intact. Francem6d., Par., 1875, xxii, 75.—Cabaucllas. De 1'angine maligne. Union med.. Par., 1854, viii, 356.—Carey (H. G.) Cynanche ma- ligna [as described by Dr. R. R. McMeens]. Med. Coun- sellor, Columbus, 1856, ii, 55-61.—Chaparne. De la saignee k la langue, comme moyen abortif de 1'angine ma- ligne. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1855, ii, 310.—Collins (J.) Angina maligna, and the use of capsicum in that and several other diseases. Med. Communicat. Soc. Pro- mot. Med. Knowl., Lond., 1790, ii, 363-385.—Cotting (B. E.) Putrescent sore throat. Boston M. & S. J., 1866 lxxiv, 289-291. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., Angina maligna (Epidemic and gan- grenous). 1867, v (app.), 275-278.—Crichton (A.) History of a case of cynanche attended with symptoms of a high de- gree of putrescency. Ann. Mecl., Eelinb., 1796, i, 318-327.— Debcrge. Description d'une esciuinancie infiammatoire- gangr6ueuse qui a r6gne k Beaumont, en Picardie, k la tin cie l'annee 1758. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1760, xii, 159-166.—Desgranges. ReUexions sur le mal de gorge annuel periodiquo de M. Dupuy de Bellegarde. Ibid., 1781, lv, 494-502.—Dourray. Description des maux de gorge gangreneux qui ont r6gne k Braine, pr6s Soissons. au commencement de 1767. Ibid., 1771, xxxv, 48-57. — Dupuy de la Porcheric. Abrege historique sur le mal de gorge gangreneux et epidemique qui a r6gn6 kCharon pendant 1 et6 ele 1762. Ibid., 1763, xviii, 496-509.— Facen (J.) Dell'angina epidemica puerile che domin6 nel circouelario distrettuale di Fonzaso durante l'anno 1864. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. venete, Padova, 1865, viii, 145-147.— Fnrquhar (G.) The angina maligna successfuUy treated by mercury and capsicum gargle. Phila. M. Museum, 1805, i," 266-270.—Ferguson. Putrid sore throat. N. YorkM. Press, 1859, n. s., ii, 774.—Ferrara (O.) Angine gangre- nose guarite coU'uso topico elel nitrato di argento fuse FiUatre-sebezio, Napoli, 1845, xxix, 100-103.—Garon. Observation d'angine gangreneuse compliqu6e de croup. J. gen. demed., chir., et pharai., Par., 1825, xci, 178-197.— Ocntlron. NouveUes considerations sur 1'angine ma- ligne, 1'angine couenneuse, terminee en croup, et sur la tracheotomie. |Kap. de M. Brichetau.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1838-9, iii, 908.—Gibbon (J.) A notice of epidemic sore throat as it appeared in Salem, N. J., and its vicinity. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1845, n. s., x, 80- 82.—Graliame (R.) Case of sloughing phagedasna of throat, hiemorrha<ehir6, depuis le 1. mars 1844 jusqu'au 30. avril de la meme ann6e. Rec. d. trav. do la Soc. ele in6d. de Niort, 1845, 25-52.—Guislain. Observation d'angine maligne; emploi du sulfate de qui- nine. Bull. Soc. de mecl. de Gand, 1844, x, 101-110.—Gu- tierrez (J. G.) Angina gangrenosa maligna, faringitis 6 palato-faringitis epidemico-contagiosa. Siglo med., Madrid, 1862, ix, 247; 262.—Hermitt (H.) An account of a dread- ful distemper, an epidemic fever, which raged about 13 years since |1738] in Boston and vicinity. Gentleman's Mag., Lonel., 1751, xxi, 114.—Huxhain. Description des maux de gorge nialins et gangreneux qui ont r6gn6 en Angle- terre depuis 1751 jusqu'en 1753. Rec. period, d'obs. de med., chir., etc., Par., 1757, vii, 241; 321.—Leonard! (M.) Caso di una terribile angina cancrenosa. Bull. d. se. med. di Bologna, 1839, 2. s., viU, 73-80.—de Ludwig [et al.] Recherehes sur une espece particuUere d'angine observ6e receninient dans quelques localites du Wurtemberg. Gaz. med. ele Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 577-581.—McMeens (R. R.) Cynane:he maligna. "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1856, xvii, 1-7. Aho: Meel. Counsellor, Columbus, 1856, ii, 121-127. [See Carey (H. G.), supra.]—lTIanicke. Angina gangrasnosa. Gen. Ber. el. k. rhein. Med.-Coll., 1844, Coblenz, 1846, 49.— lTlanley (J. R.) The annual address, delivered before the Medical Society of the State of New York, Feb. 7,1827. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1827, vi, 9-35. — Marteau de Graudvilliers (P.-A.) Lettre k M. Raulin au sujet de plusieurs maux de gorge gangreneux et epidemiques. Rec. period, d'obs. de med., etc., Par., 1756, iv, 222-231. -----. M6moire sur le mal de gorge gangreneux qui se repand clans plusieurs villages de Picardie. J. d. med., chir., pharm, etc., Par., 1759, xi, 145-163. -----. Descrip- tion des maux de gorge epidemiques et gangreneux qui ont regne & Aumale et dans le voisinage. Ibid., 1768, xxix, 195-222. Aho, Reprint. -----. Observation sur nn mal de gorge gangreneux. J. de m6d., etc., 1769, xxxi, 302.— Ma. gault. Lettre sur l'eflfet de l'alkali volatU dans un mal de forge gangr6neux, gu6ri. Rec. period, d'obs. de m6d., etc., 'ar., 1756, v, 23-30.—Mcrkler (J.) Angina gangrenosa. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1857, vUi, 161.—Millard. Note sur 1'angine gangreneuse. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1858, xxxiii, 165-181.—Montaz. Angine gangreneuse. Lyon med., 1877, xxv, 433-435.—Mussct (H.) Angine gangreneuse primitive; tache ecchymotique appa- raissant sur toute la partie anterieure droite de la poitrine; aphonie complete par le fait de la propagation do la gan- grene vers les parties profondes; accidents g6neraux des plus graves; emploi du perchlorure de fer k l'interieur; gu6rison. Union med., Par., 1860,2. s., vii, 436-438.— North (M. L.) Case of cynanche maligna. N. Eng. M. Rev. & J., Bost., 1827, i, 200-204.—Ogdcn (J.) Method of treating the malignant sore throat eilstemper. Med. Reposit, N. Y., 1802, v, 97-103.—Paul. Angine maligne scorbutique. BuU. I ANGINA. 416 ANGINA. Angina maligna (Epidemic and gan- grenous). Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxui, 224-226.—Payne (A. S.) Tho angina of tho throat. South. Med. Rec, Atlanta, 1874, iv, 255-284.—Percival (T.) On the efficacy of external applications in the angina maligna, or ulcerous sore throat. Gentleman's Mag., Loud.. 1771, xii. 497. Aho, in his: Works, literary, moral, and medical. 8°, London, 1807, iii, 248-253.—Petersen (C. > Flcre tilt'aclde af angina maligna. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1858, i, 50.—Peterssoii (O. V.) An- gina phle.gmonosa. Upsala Liikaref. Fiirh.,1876,xii, 103-111.— Pcyreigne. Eludes sur igie epidemie d'angine couen- neuse, dans la commune ele Pibrac, mars et avril 1866. Rev. m6d elcToulouse, 1867, i, 193; 248; 272.—Planchon Sc Dcswatincs. Description ele maux de gorge epidemi- ques et gangreneux cnii out regno a Peruwelz en Hainaut, sur la fin de 1765 ct lc e-oiniiiencemciit de 1766. J. demed., chir., pharm., etc.. Par.. 1769, xxxi, 500-536.—Rainel. Angine epidemique epii a regne a la Ciotat. elurantThiver de 1791. Ibid.. 1791, Ixxxviii. 169-198.—Remarks on cynanehe maligna. West. Lancet, Cincin., 1842-3, i, 342- 350.—Rcnouard. De 1'angine maligne. Rev. meel. franc. et etrang.. Par., 1854. ii, 592-005.—Rheins. Cynanche maligna typheieles. Wchnselir. f. el. ges. Heilk'., Berl., 1845, 670-674.—Rilliet i Barthez. Memoire sur quel- ques points de l'histoire des angines et elcs gangrenes du pharynx chez I'enlatit. Arch. gen. dc med., Par., 1841, 3. s., xii, 438-459.—Bouth. Epidemic of infectious sore throat. Proc. M. Soc, Lonel.. 1874-5, ii, 35-38.—Rumsey (H.) An account of an epidemic sure- throat which appeared atChethain, in Buckinghamshire, in the year 1788. Lonel. M. J., ^9, x, 7-39.—Sachs puy tren. Tumeurs erectUes chez un enfant de huit mois. CUn. d. hop., Par., 1827-8, ii, 162.—Engelmann. Heilung einer Angiektasie mittelst CoUodium. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1852. iv, 172.—Exstirpation af en Teleangiecta- sie i Ansigtet. Norsk Mag. t. Lasgevidensk., Christiania, 1841, Ui, 242-246.—Faye. Telangiektasic. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1861, xxxvii, 312.—Fergusson. Teleangiecta- sis treated by operation. Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 560.— Font y Ferres (M.) Angioma cavernoso Upomatodes en el muslo, formado durante la gestacion; empleo de la gal- vano-canstica para la ablacion del mismo; curacion. In- depend. med., Barccl., 1874-5, vi, 307-311. —Franca (F.) Angioma submucoso do labio interior; extirpacao pelo Es- magador de Chassaignac. J. Soc. d. sc. med. do Lisb., 1872, 2. s., xxxvi, 289.—Oherini (A.) DeU'angiectasia. Gazz. med. ital.-lomb., MUano, 1876, xxxvi, 351-356.—Helfft. SpontaneVerschrumpfungder Telangiectasieen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 148.—Heyfelder (J. F.) Ueber die Tele- angiectasie und ihre Behandlung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 95-98.—Hofinokl. Eine Teleangiektasie am Unken oberen Augeidiede, bei einem lyiihrigen Kinde; voUstandige Heilung durch Acupunktur mit gliihenden Nadeln. Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 1053.—Hulke (J. W.) A case of general teleangiectasis, most developed in the left half of the body, associated with abnormalities of the large blood-vessels of the left lower limb and in the neck. Med.-Chu\ Tr., Lond., 1877, lx, 105-111.—Israel (J.) An- giectasie im Stromgebiete der A. tibiaUs antica; Beobach- tung einiger bemerkenswerthen Phaenomene nach Unter- bindung der A. femoraUs. Arch. f. kUn. Chn., Berl., 1877, xxi, 109-131, ITaf.—Jiingken. Varices, Blutaderknoten; Telangiectasias. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 65; 73.— Kolaczek (J.) Zur Lehre von den cavcrnosen Blutge- Bchwiilsten und ihrer Behandlung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1877, iii, 597-599. -----. Ueber das Angio-Sar- kom. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, ix, 165, 4 pi.— Krause (W.) Traumatische Angiectasie des linken Armes. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1862, ii, 142-161.—Large pulsating nasvus of the scalp removed by ligature. L:in- cet, Lond., 1852, i, 74.—Maas (H.) Ueber dio galvanocaus- tische Behandlung von Angiomen [137 Fiille]. Arch. f. klin.Chir., Berl., 1870, xii, 518-550.—Magon (L.) Angiome circonscrit, occupant un des f'aisceaux du ilechisseur su- ferflciel de l'avant-bras. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1875, , 205-207.—Mezger (J. G.) Behandlung von Telangiek- tasien mittelst subcutaner Gefasszerreissung. Arch. klin. Chir., Berl., 1871, xiU, 239.—Monod (C.) Contribution k l'6tude anatomique eles angiomes. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xliU, 531-547, 1 pi.—ron Mosetig (A.) Das Angioma cavernosum unci dessen Behandlung. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat, Wien, 1870, ii, 215-232.—Nicolucci (G.) Sopra un caso di telengiectasia congiunta a fungo midoUarc. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara, 1846-9, 188-191.—de Paoli. Cura degU angiomi per mezzo dcU'elettrolosi. Osservatore, Torino, 1876, xii, 273-275.—Parona (F.) An- gioma al glande, osservazione clinica e microscopica. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1872, xiii, 331-338,1 tav — Pfotcn- hauer (E.) Eine Verbesserung in der Auwcndimgswcise der Vaccination zur Zerstorung von Telangiektasieen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1846, xxxv, 612-614.— Pitha. Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Tcleangicktasien. Vrtlj- schr. f. cl. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1847, i, 127-137.—Pupi (A.) Flebangectasia curata feUcemente colle iniczioni parenchi- matose di cloralio. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxviii, 421-424.—Riberi (A.) Voluniinoso tumore erettUe del coUo, stato guarito coll'iniezionc di vino aromatico. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1844, xx, 397-402. Aho, in hh: Raccoltad. Opereminori, etc., Torino, 1851, ii, 247-258.— Riguard. Observation de tumeur erectUe congenitale occupant presque toute l'etendue de la joue droite; opera- tion; guerison. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1858, 2. s., iii, 741-745.—Sanborn (E. K.) Large vascular tumor on the right side. Boston M. efeS. J., 1859, lx, 37.—Santesson (C.) Om vacliin af klorjem-insprutning vid behanilling af tele- angiektasier, och siitte-t aft densamma fdrekomma. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1866, xxviii, 53-57.—Schnh. Ueber die Tele- angiectasie. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. el. Aerzte zu Wien, 1853, ii, 19-28.—Smith (H. H.) Seven cases of telangiec- tasis or vascular tumors. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1860, iv, 307-309. —Thicrfclder (A.) Ueber multiple Angiome. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1873, xiv, 83-88.—Til- laux. Angio-lipome avec phlesbolites. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, n. s., i, 224.—Trant-us (L.) On the Angioma and Angiectasis. treatment of telangiectasis. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1870, v, 215-218.—Trasbot (L.) Observation d'angie*»mes ca- veineux multiples developpis clans lc foie, d'un cheval. Arch, vet., Par., 1876, i, 241-250. — Trclat. Angieimo sous-cutane circonscrit. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1877, xlviii, 156. -----. Diagnostic clinique de l'angiome' caverneux sous-cutane circonscrit. Progres med., Par.. 1877, v. 341.—Treymann (M.) Teleangiectasien, mit dem Gliiheisen behandelt. Dorpat. nied. Ztschi'., 1877, vi, 311.—Tiingel (E.) Ueber die Behandlung caveniciser Angiome durch galvanocaustische punktformige Ustion. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 251-264.—Waarnc- mingen over teleangiectasia (uitzetting der haarvaten). Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht, 1842-3, v, 25-33, lpl.—von Wahl (E.) Ein Fall von lebensgefahrlicher Blutung aus einer Telangiectasie, in Folge eines Vesicators. Med. Ztg. Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1860, xvii, 329-331.—Waitz (H.) Ein Angioma cavernosum. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi, 613.—Watson (J.) Observations on the nature and treat- ment of telangiectasis, or that morbiel state of the blood- vessels which gives rise to nasvus and aneurism from anasto- mosis. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1839, xxiv, 24-48.—Weisz (J.) A jobb arczfelen ielcntkezei angioma cavernosum. lekeites, ha'lal. Orvosi he'til., Budapest, 1877, xxi, 181.—Wclsch. Teleangiektasie, geheilt durch Extractum Saturni puriim. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1849, ii, 208.— Zeis (E.) Gliicklicher Fall von Unterbindung der Caro- tis wegen Teleangiektasie bei einem 1J Jahr alten Kinde. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1836, Ui, 9-17, 2 pi. Anglada (Charles) [1809-78]. Des virus con- tagieux dans leurs rapports avec le corps vivant. 24 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1843. Itepr.from: J. Soc. de med. prat, de Montpel., 1843. -----. Contagion de la morve des solipedes a I'homme. Rapport sur un m6moire du Dr. Esco- lar. 44 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel, 1845. -----. De la contagion consideree chez I'homme et chez les animaux. 196 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baillibre, 1846. -----. Traite" de la contagion pour servir a l'his- toire des maladies contagieuses et des 6pide"mies. 2 v., xvi, 402 pp., 1 1.; 438 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1853. -----. De la pr6tendue de"ge"n6rescence physique et morale de l'espece humaine, d6termin6e par le vaccin. 47pp. 8°. Montpellier, J.-A. Dumas, 1856. Itepr.from: Rev. de therap. du midi du Montpel., 1855. -----. fitude sur les maladies e"teintes et les mala- dies nouveUes pour servir a l'histoire des Evolu- tions s6culaires de la pathologie. 1 p. 1., vii, 646 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere etfils, 1869. See, aho, Anglada (J.), infra. For hh Obituary, see MontpelUer nusd., 1878, lx, 289-297. Anglada. (J.) Traite" de toxicologic geiicrale. .. . Revu et publi6 par C. Anglada. viii, 359 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, Meline, Cans et Cie., 1837. Anglada (J.-S.-A.) * Le coryza simple. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 5, v. 306. Angle (Facial). See Craniometry. AngOt ( Antoine-Rigobert). * Expose" succinct de matiere me"dicale et de the'rapeutique spe"ciale, selon la nouvelle doctrine m6dicale italienne; rd- dige" d'apres les lecous orales de Tommasini. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 59, v. 239. Angot (Emest-R6n6). * De l'operation cesarieuuo post mortem. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 3. Angot (J.-J.) * Topographie sommaire de la ville de Saint-Valery en Caux, d6partement de la Seine- Infeneure. vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 223, v. 161. Ang6t (Joseph-Francois). *I. La pneumonie. II. Des irre"gularite"s du travail de l'accouchement. III. [etc.] 39pp. 4°. Paris, 1841,No. 2, v. 369. Angonleme. See Medicine (Military, History of—campaigns, etc.) Angraeeum fragrans. Girandy. Du Faam et de son usage en medecine. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1828, i, 76-81. ANGRAND. 421 ANILINE. Angrand (P.) * I. Quelles sont les causes de la dysenteric? II. [etc.] 28 pp. 4-. Paris, 1*41, No. 126, v. 369. Angstrom (Carl Areudt). See Gillerstedt (Pehr-Erik). Bidrag tiU den tuberku- losa. t> . Stockholm, 1844. Angstrom (Julian). 6'ccGlas(01ot). Om tasklefvertran. 8°. Upsala, 1850. Anguiliulus stereorale. See Diarrhoea (Cochin-china). Angus (Anderson). *De apoplexia idiopathica. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 8J. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1821. Angus (George). Obituary notice of George Angus. Med. Tunes Sc I Gaz., Lond., liSTJ, i, 475. Angustura. Akxkt (R.) * Ueber die iichte Angustura- j Rinele. tF. Stuttgart, 1841. Berg (J.) * De angusturas cortice spurio. 8. Vi'atislavia; 1>44. Bohxenberger (C. H.) * Chemischo Unter- suchung der achteu Angustura-Rinde. 8-. Tii- bingiu, [1K50]. i iltek (F. E.) * De cortice angustura} ejusque usu medico, sm. 4-'. Jena; 1791. MEYF.n (F. A. A.) *De cortice angusturae. < b°. Gottingce, [1790]. Brouelc (A.) Observations on the angustura bark. Loud. M. J., 1790, xi,38-46. Aho, tranil.: J. demed., chir., phami., etc., Par., 1791, Ixxxix, 202-218—Cazenenve (P.) Etude histochimiquc sur les 6corces d'angusture vraie j e t il'angusturc fausse. Repert. de pharm., Par.. 1874, xxx, 263-206.— Km inert (F. A. G.) Ueber die giftige "Wir- kung der uniichtcn Angustura. J. d. prakt. Heilk., Berl., 18151x1, 3. St., 3-81; xii, 2. St., 66-103. Aho, transl..- Lond. M. lleposit., 1810, vi. 89-97.—Lettsoii) (J. C.) Some ac- count of angustui-.i bark. Mem. M. Soe. Lond., 1795, iv, 191-220. — Planrbc (L. A.) Xotico ehiiniquo sur les augusturcs du commerce. J. gen. dc med., chir. ct pharm., Par., 18d8. xxxi, 299-30S— Wilkinson (G.) Observations on the angustura bark. Lond. M. J.. 1790, xi, 331-339. -----. Sonic remarks on the angustura bark. Med. Facts Sc Obs., Lond., 1792, ii, 52-72.—Winterbottein (T. M.) S.puic observations relative to the angustura bark. Ibid., 1797, vii, 41-62. Anhalt. .Sec Coswig; Dessau; Naturhistorischer Verein fiir Anhalt in Dessau; Zerbst, Anhalt (Jo. Caspar). .V-e Srhulzc (Jo. Henr.) Dissertatio medica qua mors inoUa, [etc.] 4. Altorfii Norimb., [1722]. Anhart von Oratz (Elias). Consilium poda- gricum, Das ist, wie man sich vor dem Podagra liiiten oder in Zeyt dieser Kranckheit curiern nmltrosten soil, alien Layen, so podagrisch seyn, zu gntem gestellet. 73 pp., 1 1. 16°. Ingoll- stati, 1581. Anhausen (Job. Andreas). *De diureseos pro- vocatioue utili et noxia. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1721]. Anhidrotie*. Fothergill (J. M.) Anhidroses. Practitioner, Lond., 1876, xvii. 409-416.—Hayden (T.) Notes on anhidrotics. Dubl. J. M. Si'., 1877, 3. 8., lxUi, 358-361. Anhorn (Bartholomasus). *De colica. 16 1. sui. 4 . Basilece, J. Bertschii, 1705. Alihtlth (Hermauuus). *De motu rhythmico prassertim peristaltito intestinorum. 30 pp., 11. ■■" \ BeroUni, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1845]. Aiaidij. See La Scala (D.) Phlebotomia damnata. 4°. Patavii, 1696. Aniline. See, also, Chorea (Treatment of'); Colors (Poi- sonous); Coralline; Epilepsy (Treatment of); Fuchsine; Wine (Coloring of). Albold (C. E.) *De anilini salium vi physio- letgiea. s . Berolini, 1H>6. Akndt (A.) * Ileitriige zur Kenntniss des Auilins und Toluidius. 8°. Zurich, 1861. Aniline. Blumberger (J.) * Ueber die metalbsche Re- flexion der Anilinfarben. 8. Bonn, 1867. Charvet (P. M. H.) * fitude sur une epidemic qui a s^vi parnii les ouvriers employes a la fabrication de la fuchsine. 4°. Paris, 1863. Aho, in: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1863, 2. s., xx, 281-311. Di'ssaxce (H.) Treatise on the coloring mat- ters from coal-tar. pJ. Philadelphia, 1863. Gelsler (A.) Die Anilinfarbstoffe, ibre Dar- stellung, Coustitution, Synonymik und Verfal- schungen. *-. Dorpat, 1865. Hofmaxx (A. W.) Mauve and magenta. 8°. London, 1862. -----. Researches on the volatile organic bases. II. On the action of iodine of aniline. III. Action of chloride, bromide, and iodide of cyanogen on aniline. f°. [n. p., n. d.] Reimaxx (M.) On aniline and its derivatives. A treatise upon the manufacture of aniline and aniline colours. 8C. London, 1868. Arscnikhaltiges Anilin als Farbemittel fiir Frucht- safte. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1872, xxvi, 143- 147.—Bailey (J. S.) Case of poisoning bv aniline. Buf- falo M. Sc S. J.. 1872-3, xii, 335-337. Aho.- Phila. M. Times, 1873, Ui, 460.—Beaugrand. Aniline. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1866, v, 139-152.—Bellini (R.) DeUa inno- cnitk dei dolci e dei colorati colla fuscina cristaUizzata. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1872, xxix, 347; 363.—Bergeron. Sur la fabrication et l'emploi des couleurs d'aniline (rouge et bleu de fuchsine) envisages au point de vue de l'hygiene industrieUe; de la poUce mddicale et de la medecine legale. Gaz. hebd. de m6il., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 74.—Bergmann (E.) Ueber die giftigen Eigenschaften der AnUin-Farben. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1865, lxxxvUi, 109-138.— Buszek. Przypadek otrucia arsenowego atramentem anilinowyni. [Case of poisoning by anUinc ink.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1877, xvi, 43.—Carroll (A. L.) Two cases of anUinc poisoning. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 419.— Case of poisoning by anUine elye. Lond. M. Rec, 1875, Ui, 396.—Charvet (11.) De l'introduction des couleurs d'anUine clans les substances aUmentairess. Lyon med., 1873, xii, 492; 571; 581.—Chevallicr (A.) De la fuchsine, de sa preparation, des accidents qui peuvent en resulter relativement aux ouvriers et des dangers graves pour les habitants des locaUtes pres desqueUes sont situGes les fa- briques. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1866, 2. 8., xxv, BJ-37. -----. Empoisonnements causes par divers produits aUmentaires colores par TanUine. Ibid., 1874, xU, 371-379. -----. Des dangers qui peuvent resulter de la coloration des substan- ces aUmentaires par les couleurs d'anUine. J. d'hyg., Par., 1876,ii. 279; 291.—Clemens (T.) Locale Anilinvergiftung einer kleinen Hautwunde der Hand mit folgender Phleg- mone nnd Paralyse der Finger, nebst einigen Worten uber die GelahrUchkeit der Anilinfarben. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xvUi, 156.—Coupler. Procede salubre de preparation du rouge d'anUine. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1869, 2. s., xxxi, 460-464.—Bahl (F.) AnUinforgiftninger. [3 cases.] Hosp. Tid., Kjobenh., 1809, xU, 8.5-87.—Dunin (T.) Przypadek zatrucia anUina. Medvcvna, "Wai-szawa, 1877, v, 824-826.—Enlenberg (H.) Sc Vohl (H.) Ueber den schadlichen und giftigen Einfluss der Theerfarben. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1870, xii, 300-321 — Federici (A.) Saggio sugli efl'etti fisiologici e terapeu- tici deU'anUina e di alcuni suoi derivati. Liguria med., Genova, 1869, xiv, 433-455.—Felt* (V.) & Bitter (E.) Recherehes experimentales snr Taction do Tannine, intro- duite dans le sang et dans l'estomac. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1876, lxxxu, 1512-1514.—Ferrand et al. In- fluence sur la sante pubUque de la fabrication de TanUine et des produits qui en derivent. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xvUi, 179; 200.—Friedrich (E.) Ein FaU von Vergiftung durch AnUUiproducte. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1863, xv, 461-464.—Fritz (E.) Histoire et critique de la nitroben- zine, de Taniline et des couleurs d'aniline considerees au point de vue de la sante publique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 49-52; 113-116. Aho: J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1875, xlix, 312-321.—Fuchsine (De la) et des dangers auxquela expose sa fabrication. Gaz. med. de Par., 1866. 3. s., xxi. 168.—Galezowski. Influence toxique d'aniline sur I'ceil. Rec. d'ophth.. Par., 1876, 2. s., iU, 210-212. — Cfottisheim. L'eber AuiUnfarbcnfabri- ken. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1873, v, 569-571.—Gru be (J. S.) t Poisoning bycolored sUk stockings. Lancet, Lond., 1877, U, 226.—Ilaeus- serniann (C.) Sc Schmidt (W.) Zur Kenntniss der Nitrobenzol- und AniUnwu-kung. Vrtljachr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1877. n. F., xxvii, 307-311.—Hamberg (N. P.) Om Anilinfarger. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1864. xxvi, 465-472.—Jacqucntin (E.) Sur la recherche analytique et toxicologique de TanUine. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1874, lx, 341; 417. Aho: Union pharm., Par., 1874, ANILINE. 422 ANIMALS. Aniline. xv, 99; 136. -----. Quelques consid6rations sur la recher- che analytique et toxicologique ele TanUine. Rev. med. de Vest, Nancy, 1874, i, 359-369.—Jaderholm (A.) For- giftning meet arsenikhaltigt anilinrodt. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1873, xxxv, 323-327.—Knaggs (S.) Case of poison- ing by aniUne. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 583.— Kreuser. Anilin-Vergiftung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1869, xxxix, 343.—Lailler. Note sur les accidents graves causes par Tapplication d'une solution de chlorhydrate d'aniline sur des plaques ele pso- riasis. Bull, et meini. Soc. med. d. he'ip. de Par., 1873, 2. s., x, 170. Also: BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par , 1872, Ixxxiii, 131-134. Aho: Union meel., Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 865-867. Aho: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1874, xii, 30-38. Aho, transl.: Phila. M. Times. 1873, iii, 711.—ljethcby (H.) On the physiological properties of nitro-benzole and i aniUno. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1863, lxix, 313-320.—Macken- zie (M.) Poisoning by aniline and by nitro-bcuzol. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1862, i, 239.—IVIarchi (P.) Sulla discussione che ebbe luogo nelTAcadcmia medico-flsica fiorentina a proposito deUa fuchsina. Sperimentale, Fi- renze, 1872, xxix, 475-478.— Murray, t Aniline poison- ing. Meel. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvii, 69.— Ollivier (A.) Sc Bergeron (G.) Rechi'rches experi- mentales sur Taction physiologique lie TaniUne. J. ele la physiol. de Thomme, Par., 1863, vi, 368-378. Also, Re- print—Orflla (L.) AniUne [toxicologic]. Diet, encycl. d. sc. meel., Par., 1806, v, 146.—Badau (R.) Les liou- vclles couleurs derivees du goudron de, houille. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1874, iv, 892-916.—Richardson (J. G.) AnUine-poisoning from a crimson neck-handkerchief. PhUa. M. Times, 1873, iU, 339.—Rodrignez (J. M.) Ani- lina y coralina. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1869, iv, 171-174.— Romci (G.) Novo metodo per riscoutrare la fucsina. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1872, xxix, 368-371.—Schuchardt (B.) Ueber die Wirkungen des Anilins auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1861, xx, 446-459.—Taylor (A. S.) Poisoning by aniline, Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s., x, 197-200.—Turnbull (J.) Des propri6tes physiologiques et medieinales du sulfate d'anUine, et de son emploi dans le traitement ele la chor6e. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1862, lxii, 97-107.—Viaud- Grand-UIarais (A.) Fait pour servir k l'histoire de Tempoisonnement par les tissus anglais de couleur carmi- n6e, Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 82. -----. Des acci- dents produits par l'emploi sur la peau de chemises dc lame aux couleurs d aniline. Ibid., 1873. xlvi, 108; 116- 123- 131; 140; 307; 331— Vinogradof (N.) O daiistvii san> nokislago anUina. [On the action of sulphate of anilin.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1868, vUi, 271.—Weickert (J. R.) Ueber einen FaU von lokaler Vergiftung (?) durch "arsenfreics" Anilingriin, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die angebUche giftige Wirkung des CoraUin. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1869, cxUv, 107-113.—Wilson (E.) Der- matitis toxica from the aniline dye. J. Cutan. Med. Lond 1869-70, iii, 44-49.—Yarrow (H. C.) Poisonous dyes! [AnUine.J Med. & Surg. Reporter, Lancaster, 1869, xx. 326. Animadversions on a late idle pamphlet en- titled : A short dissertation on tbe gout [by J. Douglas]: designed as a preservative against the danger of such outward applications, as oils and balsams. By a physician. 48 pp. 8°. London, T. Cooper, [n. d.] Animal effluvia, heat, magnetism, mecha- nics, motion, poisons, refuse. See Effluvia, Heat, etc., Animal. Animal mechanics. The perfection of design in the bones of the head, spine, and chest, shown by comparison with architectural and mechanical contrivances. 31pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Animal substances. See Chemistry (Animal). Animaleulae. See Infusoria; Rotifers. Animals, Anatomy, Pathology, Physio- logy, Psychology, of. See Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology, Psy- chology, Comparative; and under the names of animals. Animals (Color of). See, also, Eye (Excision of, Effect of, on colors of animals). Wymnn. Some observations on the immunity of ani- mals of certain colors from the action of poison. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1871, Ixxxv, 107. Animals (Bead). Rechhrches et considerations sur l'enlevement et l'emploi des cbevaux morts, et sur la ne'eessite" d'^tablir a Paris un clos central d'escarrissage, taut pour les avantages de la salubritd publique que pour ceux de l'industrie manufacturiere de cette ville. 4°. Paris, 1824. -----. The same. (Rapport fait a M. Dela- vau, par une commission speciale, compos6e de MM. d'Arcet, Huzard, Robault, Damoiseau, Par- ton, et Pareut-Duchatelet.) 4°. Paris, 1827. Cremation (De la) pour les chevaux et autres animaux qui doivent etre abattus dans Tinteret de la salubrite pu- blique. Cons. sup. d'hyg. pub. rap., 5. fasc, 1871, Brux., 1868-74. iv. 340-343.—Cremation eles animaux qui doivent etre abattus elans Tinteret ele la salubrite publique. Ibid., 6. &7. fasc, 1872-3, Brux., 1868-74, iv, 404-406.—Equarris- sage (Sur T) des animaux morts de maladies rcputees con- tagieuses. Gaz. med. de Par., 1832, iii, 819. Animals (Diseases of). See, also, Cats; Cattle; Charbon; Contagion and contagious diseases; Dogs; Epizootics; Glan- ders; Goats; Hogs; Horse; Hydrophobia; Medicine (Veterinary); Parasites; Pathology (Comparative); Pustule (Malignant); Reindeer; Sheep; Surgery (Veterinary); and under the names of diseases, e. g., Diabetes in animals; Epi- lepsy in animals, etc. Bojanus (L. H.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Behandlung der wichtigsten Seucheu unter den Hausthieren. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wilna u. Leipzig, 1820. Bruns (C.) Die Hunde als Verbreiter ausserst gefahrlicherKrankheiten; ausserordentlichwich- tige Aufschliisse fur alle Hundebesitser in den Stiidten und anf dem Lande. 2. Aufl. 18°. Xaumburg, [n. d.] Engkl (L. C.) De brutorum morbis vulgo Vieh-Seuchen. 8°. Rintelii, 1733. Jahresbericht der Konigl. technischen De- putation fur das Veterinairwesen uber die Ver- breitung ansteckender Tbierkrankbeiten in Preus- sen. Iter. (1876-7). 8-. Berlin, 1877. Neithardt (F.) Die Thierseuchen, welche in veterinarpolizeilichem Interesse zu beachten sind. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Rayer (P.) Cours de m6decine comparee. In- troduction. 8°. Paris, 1863. Spinola (W. T. Jos.) & Sjostedt (G. F.) Husdyrltegen. Raadgiver for Landuianden ved Bebandlingen af Husdyrenes. 12°. Bergen, 1868. Vogel (E. J.) Lehrbuch der physikalischen Diagnostik der Krankheiten der Hausthiere; zum Selbststudium fur Thierarzte. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1874. Bradley. Notes on the diseases of animals in a state of confinement. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 708. — Duinur. De quelques maladies transmissibles des animaux k Thomme. BuU. Soc. mesd. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1868, ii, 313-315.—Enjjcl. Temperaturmcssungeu bei einigen Thierkrankheiteu. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Vich- zucht, Augsburg, 1878, xxii, 69; 77.—Gesetz, betreffend die Abwehr und Tilgung ansteckender Thierkrankheiten. Med.-chir. Centr.-Bl., Wien, 1877, xii, 616: 1878, xiii, 28; 40; 64.—Hable (F.) Beobachtungen iiber Hautkrankheiten bei den Hausthieren im Ennsthale (Steiermark). Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien, 1877, xlvii, 53- 63.—Jahresbericht der k.Central-Tbierarznei-Schulo in Miinchen, 1876-77. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1878,1. Supplhft., 1-119.—Liiegey. Coup d'ceil sur la con- stitution medicale d'une contree des Vosges, deptfis le com- mencement de Thiver de 1857-8, jusqu'au commencement de Thiver de 1859-60; observations; quelques mots sur le-s maladies des animaux rapprochees des maladies de Thomme. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1860, xxx, 140; 227; 445; xxxi, 240; 366; 469: 1861, xxxii, 255; 335.—Lindsay (W. L.) The artificial production of human diseases in the lower animals. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 380; 417; 454; 490; 564; 680.— 9Iiiller. Referat betreffend dio Verbreitung der ansteckenden Thierkrankheiten im iv. Quartal, 1877. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 187«, iv, 303- 333.—Ravitsch (J.) Ueber die typhoiden Krankheiten der Hausthiere. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1861, ii, 147-155.— Ritter (B.) Zur Geschichte der Krankbeiten, welche sich von den Thieren auf den Menschen iiberptianzeu lassen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1841, xciii, 3. St., 3-61; 4. St., 2fi- ANIMALS. 423 ANKLE-JOIXT. Animal* (Diseases of). 102: 5. St.. 38-97: 6. St., 3-72.—Rush (B.) The duty and advantage of studying the diseases of domestic animals, and remedies proper to remove them. Phila. M. Museum, 1808, iv. 217-235.—Mehmidt (M.) Die Krankheiten der Beutel- thierc. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed.. Leipz., 1875, i, 145-174. -----. Die Krankheiten der >Tagethiere. Ibid., ! 1875-6, ii, 29; 395. Animals (Diseases of Contagion of). See Contagion and contagious diseases of ani- mals; Farcy; Glanders; Herpes in animals; Skin diseases in animals. Anioiials (Experiments on). Si<■ Physiology (Experimental); Vivisection. Animals (Slaughtering of). Sie Abattoirs; Cruelty to animals. Animals (Temperature of). See Temperature (Animal). Animation (Suspended). See, also. Apnoea; Asphyxia; Catalepsy; Death (Apparent); Drowning; Respiration (Artificial); Syncope; Trance. Jackshx (S.) An essay ou suspended anima- tion, r-. Philadelphia, 1808. Johnson (A.) Relief from accidental death; or summary instructions for the general institu- tion, proposed in tbe year 1773, to introduce and establish in His Majesty's British dominions a suc- cessful practice for recovering persons who meet with accidents producing suddenly an appearance of death, and preventing their being buried alive. 12-. iAindon, 17-."). "Wili BOi ii (J. C.) * De resuscitatione semimor- tuornm medica. 4C. Halce Magdeb., [1735]. Arnold (J. W.) Die Acupunctur des Herzens als Ret- tungsmittel bei Schcintod. Heiellb. klin. Ann., 1831, vii, 311-310.— Kuans. Geschichte eines durch zeitig ver- suchte Rettungsmittel hcrgesteUten ertrunkenen Kindes. Med.-chir. Ztg.. Salzb., 1794, in. 417-419—Report of com- mittee on "suspended animation". Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soe-., Lond., 1862, iv, 142-147. Aho, Reprint.—Report of the comnuttee appointed by the Royal Medical and Chirur- gical Society to investigate BaUTs and Pacini's methods of restoring .suspended animation. Ibid., 1870, vi, 299.— I Richardson (B. W.) Researches on the treatment of suspended animation. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., j 1863. xxxi. 478-505.—Silvester (H. R.) A new method of resuscitating still-born children anel of restoring persons j apparently eliowiieel or desad. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858,576- j 579.—Sonsino (P.) Di un nuovo metodo di praticare la respirazione aititicinle consigUato dal Prof. FUippo Pacini come preferibile agli altri nietodi sin'ora in uso. Imparzi- ale, Firenze. 1867, vii, 225-231.—Verordnung des Hoch- wei-en Raths der Stadt Bremen zur "WiederhersteUung leblos scheinender Personen. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1798, i. 214-220.— Zarda. OeffentUehe Vorlesungen zu Prag 1792. iiber die Rettungsmittel iu plotzUchen Ungliicks-und Lebensgefabren. X. Mag. f. Aertze, Leipz., 1793, xv, 61-63. i Animism. Sri, also, Materialism. j Lemmer (J. C.) *De animo sanitatis preside ] atque custode optimo. 4°. Vitembergce, [17."^]. Logan (G. A.) *De anima, causa morborum proxima. 4 . Erfordice, 1691. Mathksius (D.) 'Pathologia generalis, seu dissertatio in geuere de affectibus animas. 30 pp. sm. 4 :. Hafnice, [1692]. Rerti (A.) SuU'animisiuo. Gaz. med. ital., prov. ve- nete, Padova. 1868, xi. 406; 414.—Ronucci (F.) U vita- lismo e Taniinismo. Ippocratico. Fano. 1863. 3. s., iii. 210; 289: 526; iv, 254-260.—Bouillaud Sc Sales-Cirons. Animisnic ct vitalisnie; Tame ne serait pas le principe de la vie cn^iuiique. Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par.. 1876, i, i 353; >5.—Russemnker. De Stahl et de Tanimisme, k propos de e|iie lques publications nouveUes. Ibid., 1858, ii, 385: 449.—C'astellaui(V.) BreviparolesulTanimismoin mi'diciiia. Liguria iim el. Genova, 1860, v, 113; 449.—Cerise. De Tauimisine eu physiologie it en psychologie. Ann. med.-psych.. Par.. 1863. 4. s. i, 321-334. Aho: Rev. med. franc, it etrang P;ei. 1863. i. 257: .'!85. Aho: Siglo nied., Madrid, 186;!. \ 370-:;?.». Aho: Union mesd., Par., 1863, 2. s. xvii. :{f6-:i!i5.— t'lozel (L.) Auimisuie et ^talisme. . Montpel. med..l^e3,xi,5^ ; 274.—Dezeinierin. Animisme. I Animism. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1833, iii, 165-176.—Discussion snr le vitaUsme et Tanimisme. Ann. psveh., Par., 1863, 4. s.. i. 113; 118; 274; 443: ii, 121-124.—Dnnol de St.-7Iaclou (F.) fitude snr Tanimisme, a propos d'un memoire de M. le Dr. Cerise. Rev. m4, U, 385-397.— Lit tre (E.) Animisme. Diet, encycl. el. sc. med., Par., 1866,v, 170-174 — Michel de C'oligny. De la force vitale dans la doctrine de Tanimisme. Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1863, U, 449-458.—Ventruroli (M.) Di alcune ob- biezioni contro Tanima come principio di vita. Ippocra- tico, Fano, 1863, 3. s., Ui, 17-29. Anisum. Poehl (A.) Schierling im Anis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii. 311.—Ruschenberger (AV. S. W.) OU of aniseed as a elcoclc>ii,:er of tersulphiue of potassium. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila.. 1804, n. s., xlvui, 418. Aui ZOU (Paul.) * Emploi du nitrate d'argent dans les maladies des veux. 38 pp. 4-. Paris, 1837, No. 402, v. 318. Anjel. Anleitung zum zweckniassigen Verhalten beim Gebrauch der Wasserkuren. viii, 87 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1878. Anjer. Rernelot Tlocns (J. G. T.) Eenige beschouwingen omtrent Anjer. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Jfederl. Indie, Ba- tav., 1860, viii, 417^63. An j Oil (T.-P.) * Dissertation sur le cholera- morbus epidemique. 21 pp. 4-. Ports, 1^32, No. 179, v. 253. Anjou (Carl Theodor). See Hwasser (Israel). "Om pankreas' sjukdomar". 8°. Upsala, 1852. Alike (Xicolaus). * De vitiis nonnullis rariori- bus cordis observatioues quaulam. 4s pp. 8-. [Dorpat], typ. J. C. Schtinmanni, 1832. -----. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Blutbewegung in den Venen, dem Venenpulse und der Abdomi- nalpulsation. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 8-. Moskwa, Pnivei'sitats-Druckerey, 1835. Anker (Adolphe). *De l'anus contre nature, suite de hernie €tranglee. 117 pp. 8;. Lau- sanne, G. Bridel, 1^63. Ankermann (Hugo). * De ulcerationibus recti. 32 pp. 8°. Regimonti Pr., typ. Dalkowskianis, 1860. c. Ankersmit (Peter Kok). *Bijdrage tot de kennis der bloedkristallen (Htematokristallin). xi, 74 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, [1863]. Ankle (Amputations at). See Amputations (Ankle-joint); Amputations (Tarsal and metatarsal). Ankle (Fractures of). See Ankle-joint ( Wounds and injuries of). Ankle-joint. See, also, Astragalus; Foot (Anatomy of). Clark (A. E.) *The ankle-joint of man. 8\ Berne, 1^77. Wyeth (J. A.) On the surgical anatomy of the tibio- tarsal articulation, with special regard to amputations at this joint, as deduced from 80 consecutive dissections. Am. J. M. Sc., PhUa., 1876, n. s., Ixxi, 392-399. Aho, Reprint. Ankle-joint (Ankylosis of). Rerend (H. W.) Ueber die Heilung des mit wahrer Anchylose des Tibio-Tarsal-Gelenkes cuimphcuten Spitz- fusses mittelst Osteotomie. AUg. nied. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., lHil. xxx, 377-381.—Foueher. Soudureparfusiondutibia et de Tastragale, du calcaueiun et du cuboide. Hull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 164.—Mac Donnell (11. L.) Anchylosis of the right ankle, pes eepiinus; cure. Med. Chroii., Montreal, 1858, v, 100— Uauuoury. f BuU. Soc. ANKLE-JOINT. 424 ANKLE JOINT. Ankle-joint (Ankylosis of). anat. de Par., 1840, xv, 11.—Rouge. [Ankylose complete ele-Tastragalc avec lo tibia.] BuU. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1872, vi, 141. Ankle-joint (Diseases of). See, also, Amputations (Ankle); Amputa- tions (Leg); Astragalus, Foot, Diseases of; Malleolus; Tibia (Diseases of). Gilyxdmougin (F.) * De la tumeur blanche de l'articulation tibio-tarsienne. 4°. Paris, 1871. Arraehart. Tuberculess de l'articulation tibio-tarsi- enne gauche; extiipation de Tastragale; ivcidive; amputa- tion ele la jambe: guerison. Bull. meel. du Nord, Lille, 1802, 378-381.—Rardenheucr (B.) Fussgclcnkentzundungen. Jahresb. ii. d. cbir. Thiitigk. im Coiner stadt. BiirgiT-Hosp. 1875, Coin, 1876, 340-348.—Rarker (T. H.) t . . . with re- marks on Mr. Liston's plan of operating and after-treatment. Lancet, Lonel., 1837, i, 745-750.—Barwell. Acute syno- vitis of the ankle of a bov. Ibid., 1859, ii, 635.—[Rauui- bach.] t Mag. f. el. ges' Jleilk., Berl., 1829, xxix, 60-62.— Rickcrsteth (E. R.) Osteoid disease of the ankle-joint [''chronic rheumatic arthritis"). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 353-356.—Rirkett. t . . . removal of dead bone; recovery with a useful limb. Lancet, Lond., 1868, i, 751.— Rlandin. Amputation sus-maUeolaire par suite d'une tumeur blanche ele l'articulation tibio-tarsienne; henior- rhagii'an huitieine jour de l'operation; ligature de la tibi- ale postcrieuro impossible; ligature de la fesmorale au tiers inf'esiieiir do la cuisse. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1841. 2. s., iii, 53.—Rroca. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 102-104.— Broward. . . . tumeur blanche ele l'articulation tibio- tarsienne guerie par l'emploi simultane de l'iode du fer et du mercure. Bull. Soc. de meel. de la Rochelle, 1840,13-15.— Rryant et al. 11 Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 325.—Coote (H.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 306; 348; 429; 532.-----. CUnical remarks on diseases of the ankle anel foot. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1868, iii, 89.—[Retinoid (W.)l On an affec- tion of the leiwcr extremity, commonly called "weak ankle"; with a new instrument for its relief. N. York J. M. Sc S., 1841, iv, 303-307.—Dufour. t Bull. Soc. Par., 1852. xxvii, 109.—Duncan (P.M.) Remarks on the pathology of a case of disease of the synovial membranes anil cartilages of the ankle and fooi. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, 364.—Durante. Tumore dell'articolazioni* tibio- tarsica. Atti el. Accad. med. cli Roma, 1877. iii, 47-49.— Finnell. Destructive inflammation of ankle-joint; ampu- tation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 352.—Cauj'ot. t ... [in scrofulous patient; Chopart's operation]. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxviii, 339-343.—Coddard (C. C.) Disease of the ankle-joint, and tbe modern methods of treatment, with cases. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1874, viii, 29; 43.— Oosselin. Osteo-periostite des maUeoles de la jambe gauche, paraissant consecutive k une arthrite. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1875, xlviii, 865.—Cross (S. D.) Strumous en- largement of the' ankle-joint. Phila. M. Times, 1872, iii, 52.—Hainon (L.) t. . . exccllents effets dela cauterisation nitriquo ponctuee. France nied., Par., 1871, xviii, 58.— Harding (M.) Remarkable disease of the ankle-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 304.—Herrmann (S.) Chro- nischo Entziindung des Fussgclenkes; Dextrinverband. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1858, ix, 265-267.—Hcwett(P. G.) Scro-cystic tumour in the neigh- bourhood of the ankle-joint; removal. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1802, i, 684.—Holmes (T.) Caries of the articular ends of the bones of the ankle, treated by means of caustic potash : pyasmia: death. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870, xxi, 318.—Horns. Poelai trocace; amputacion de la pierna; curacion. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1875, i, 224-227.— Johnston (D.) Caries of ankle-joint, etc.; amputation of leg; recovery. Eelinb. M. J., 1859, v, 132.—[Lallcmitiul. | t. . . avec necrose du perone; inflammation dela membrane interne des cavitcs droitcs du cceur. Epbem. med. de Montpel.. 1827, v, 413-418— I. an k ford (A. P.) t. ..ampu- tation. Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 191.— I.ebre (J. P. D.) Amputacao da perna; cura. Correio med. de Lisb., 1875, v, (T. D.) t. . . caries; recovery without amputation or excision. N. Tork J. M., 1851, vi, 334-336.—Meliehcr (L.) Hvdrarthrum articulatiouLs pe- dis eleixtri. Oesterr. mecl. "Wchnschr., "Wien, 1845, 328-330.— Paiias. Soudure par cartilage vrai [hyalin] des deux car- tilages diarthrodiaux opposes du tibia et de Tastragale chez une jeune fille ele 11 ans affectec de tumeur blanche du pied. Bull. Soe-. dechir. ele Par., 1871,2. s., xi, 152-155.—Pancoast (J.) Tuberculosis ofthe ankle-joint. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 803.— Parise. Tumeur blanche tibio-tarsienne tuber- culeuse. Bull. nied. du Nord, Lille, 1806, vii, 46.—[Rechte Sprunggelenksentziiudung.] Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1868.132—Rivington. Synovial dis- easeof ankle joint; amputation of foot by Tcale'smetbod; an- tiseptic dressing: recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1877, ii, 880.__ Say re (L. A.) Lower portion of the hsg with ankle-joint removed for sprain. Meet. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viii, 548. -----. t Mecl. . Milano. Current. Want pp. 161-176, v. 9, 1819. Nothing pub- lished in 1851 after June. Jan., 1840, C. A. Calderini be- came editor; April, 1856, R. Grifiini became editor. In 1875 title became: AnnaU universali di medicina e chirur- gia. See: Annali di medicina straniera, for commence- ment, in 1814. Annali universali di medicina e chirurgia. See: Annali universali di medicina, 1875, etc. Annalist (The); a record of practical medicine in the city of New York. Edited by Wm. C. Roberts. Semi-monthly, v. 1-3, Oct. 1, 1846- June 15, 1849. 3 v. 8°. New Tork, D. Adee. No. 18, v. 3, last pubUshed; v. 2 pubUshed by R. & G. S. Wood; v. 3 edited by N. S. Davis. Annalium physico-medicorum, oder Geschichte der ]\atur uud Kunst. See Sammlung von Natur- und Medicin- wie auch, etc. Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. Couducted by Johu Goodsir. No. 1, Feb., 1860; No. 2, May, 1852; No. 3, June, 1853. 300 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland «y- Knox. Completed. No. 3 consists of titles of papers and me- moirs in periodicals and transactions from 1849 to the end Annals (The) of Chymistry and Practical Phar- macy. Weekly, v. 1, Oct. 1, 1842-Jan. 27, 1843; I Nos. 1-2, v. 2, March-April, 1843. 8°. London, Longman. Annals (The) of Electricity, Magnetism and Chemistry; and Guardian of Experimental Sci- ence. Conducted bv William Sturgeon. Monthly. Nos. 48, 52, 53, 57 (in v. 8, 9, and 10), June, Oct., Nov., 1842, and March, 1843. 8C. London, Sher- wood 4' Co. Annals of the London Homoeopathic Medical Dis- pensary, with reports of cases for Jan., July, Sept., and Dec, 1840; Jan., April, Oct., and Dec, 1841; Feb., May, and July, 1842; Jan. and March, 1844. 8°. London, 1840-44. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. v. 1-4, Sept., 1823-Aug., 1846. 4 v. 8°. | New York. Want all after no. 7, v. 4. Annals (The) and Magazine of Natural History, including zoology, botany, and geology. Con- ducted by P. J. Selby, Geo. Johnston, Chas. C. Babington, J. H. Balfour, and Richard Taylor. 2. s., v. 7-8, 1851; 4. s., v. 8-12, July, 1871-3. 8°. London, R. Taylor. Annals of Medicine, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in me- dicine and medical philosophy. Edited by A. Duncan, sr., and A. Duncan, jr. Lustrum 1, v. 1-5,1796-1800; lustrum 2, v. 1-3,1801-4. 8 v. 8°. Edinburgh, Mudie and Bell Sr Bradfute. [Com- pleted. ] Annals (The) of Medicine and Surgery; or, re- cords of the occurring improvements and. disco- veries in mediciue and surgery, and the immedi- ately connected arts aud sciences. Quarterly, v. 1-2, March 31, 1816-Dec 31, 1817. 8°. London, E. Cox 4-Son. [Completed.] Annals of Military and Naval Surgery and Tropi- cal Medicine and Hygiene; being an annual retro- spect, embracing the experience of the medical officers of Her Majesty's armies and fleets in all parts of the world, v. 1, for the year 1863. 576 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill $ Sons, 1864. Annals of Pharmacy and Practical Chemistry; a monthly record of British and foreign materia medica, pharmacy, and chemistry, theoretical and technical. Edited by William Bastick and William Dickinson, v. 1-2, 1852-3. 2 v. 8°. London, W. J. Cleaver. Aunals of Philosophy; or magazine of chem- istry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. By Thomas Thomson. [Monthly. 2 v. annually.] v. 1-16, Jan., 1813- Dec, 1820. N. s., v. 1-12, Jan., 1821-Dec, 1826. 8C. London, R. Baldwin. Editorial changes: v. 1, n. s., Richard PhiUips became editor, v. 8, n. s., J. G. ChUdren added. See.- Philoso- phical (The) Magazine and Annals of PhUosophy for continuation. Aunals of Phrenology. Quarterly, v. 1-2, Oct., 1833-5. 2 v. 8°. Boston, Marsh, Capen # Lyon. Annals of Science, being a record of the inven- tions and improvements in applied science. Con- ducted by Hamilton L. Smith. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 2-14, 16-19, 21, 22, v. 1. Nov. 1, 1852-Oct. 15, 1853. 8°. Cleveland, Ohio. Annals and Transactions of the British Homoeo- pathic Society, and of the London Homoeopathic Hospital, v. 1-6, May, 1860-March, 1873. 6 v. 8°. London. Annamites. See Cochin China. Annan (Samuel). An address delivered to the graduates of Washington Medical College, Balti- more, at the annual commencement, March 17, 1834. 14 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. D. Toy, 1834. ANNAN. Annan (Samuel)—continued. -----. An introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the Kentucky School of Medicine, lo pp. 8'. Louisville, W. X. Haldeman, 18~0. Annandale (Thomas). Observations and cases in surgery. (Read before the Medico-chirurgical Society oi'Edinburgh, March 4, 1833.) 80 pp. 83. Edinburgh, Gliver and Boyd, 1^65. -----. The malformations, diseases, and injuries of the lingers and toes, and their surgical treat- ment. (The Jackson prize essay for the year 1864.) xvi, 292 pp., 12 pi. S~. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott tV' Co., 186,i. -----. Surgical appliances and minor operative surgery, viii, 246pp. 16°. Edinburgh, Maclach- lan Sketches of the most preva- lent diseases of India; comprising a treatise on the epidemic cholera of the East, statistical and topographical reports of the diseases of the different divisions of the army under the Madras presidency, embracing also the annual rate of mortality, etc., of European troops, and prac- tical observations on the effects of calomel on I the alimentary canal, and on the diseases most prevalent in India, xx, 464 pp., 1 1., 1 map, 3 8:. London, T. and G. Underwood, 1825. -----. Researches into the causes, nature, and treatment ofthe more prevalent diseases of India, and of warm climates generally. Illustrated with cases, post mortem examinations, and numerous coloured engravings of morbid structures. 2 v. xxii, 687 pp.; xi, 586 pp. 4°. London, Longman $ Co., 1828. -----. The same. 2. ed. x, 606 pp., 1 port. 8°. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1811. -----. Ueber die ostindische Cholera, nach vielen eigenen Beobachtungen und Leichenoffnungen. Nach der zweiten Ausgabe von 1829 aus dem Eng- lischeu iibersetzt von G. Himly. Nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend: Instruction der kaiserl. konigl. osterreichischen Regierung fur die Sani- tats-Behorden, zum Behufe die Griinzen vor dem Einbruche der Cholera zu sichern, und ihre Ver- breitung zu hemmen. xvi, 220 pp. 8°. Han- nover, Helwing, 1831. Announcement and Announcements. See under the names of institutions, and, collectively, under Education (Medical) and Hospitals. Annuaire de l'Acaddmie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. 1865-78. j 10 v. 12°. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1865-78. Annuaire Agenda des nie"decins et pharmaciens du ddpartement de la Seine, pour 1874 (9. anne"e). 12°. Paris, 1874. ANNUAIRE. 434 ANODYNES. Annuaire de l'Association gdnerale dc prevoy- auce et de secours mutuels des mddecins de France. Publi6 par le conseil ge'ms'ral de l'asso- ciation. Annees 1-14, 1858-74. 13 v. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1862-75. 1. year includes 1858-61, pubUshed in 1862; years 10, 11, 1870-1, issued in 1 v. Annuaire^lu corps de sanfe" de l'anne'e de terre, dtabli sur les documents du ministere de la guerre. V. Rosier, e"diteur, 1853-76. 4°. Paris. Want 1860 and 1870. In 1856-74, title: Annuaire special dn corps de sante, [etc.] Annuaire des eaux de-la France pour 1851. 64 pp. 4-. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 796.] Annuaire des eaux minerales, des bains de mer et de l'hydrotherapie; publid par la Gazette des eaux. Aiiude 14,1873. 1 v. 252 pp. 12°. Paris, H. Rey. Annuaire de l'instruction publique pour l'anne'e 1877. 12°. Paris, 1877. Annuaire de l'internat eu mddecine et chirurgie des hopitaux et hospices civ ils de Paris depuis son origine (an IX) jusqu'en 1878, inclusivement. 3. dd. revue et corrigde. 173 pp. 12°. Paris, Asselin et Cie., 1879. Annuaire tie littdrature mddicale dtrangere. Rdsumd des travaux de mddeciue pratique les plus remarquables publids a I'dtranger pendant les amides 1856-60, tradnits de l'auglais, de l'alle- mand[etc], par M. L. Noirot. 1.-5. annde. 5 v. 12°. Paris, V. Masson, 1857-61. Annuaire mddicale et pharmaceutique de la France du docteur Felix Roubaud. 31. annde, 1879. 1 v. 489 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Cottet. Annuaire de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques pour 1846, [also, 1847-66]. Par A. Wahu. 13 v. 16°. Paris, G. Bailliere. In 1853 A. Jamain added as editor; in 1864 P. Gamier added and Jamain dropped. Annuaire mddico-chirurgical des hopitaux et hospices civils de Paris, ou recueil de mdmoires et observations par les mddecins et chirurgiens de ces dtablissements. xii, 636 pp. 4°. 15 pi. fol. Paris, Crochard, 1819. Annuaire mddico-chirugicale, ou rdpertoire gdndral de clinique. Par Ch. J. F. Carron du Villards. 7. annde, 1832. viii, 664 pp. 8°. Paris, D'H. Tilliard, 1833. Commenced in 1826. Annuaire militaire de I'empire francais pour l'annde 1862. Publid . . . par le ministere de la guerre. 1208 pp. 12°. Paris, Berges-Levrault et fils, 1862. Annuaire de la mortalitd, ou tableaux statis- tiques des causes de ddces et du mouvement de la population, par le docteur E. Janssens, inspec- teur du service de santd de la ville; avec dia- grammes et planches en chromolithographie. Pour les anndes 1862-78. 17 v. 8°. Bruxelles, 1863-79. Annuaire pharmaceutique, ou exposd analytique des travaux de pharmacie, physique, [etc.] Par O. Reveil. Amides 1-12, 1863-74. 11 v. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils. v. 4, 1866, L. Parisel became editor. 9. year C. Mehu became editor. 9. and 10. years, 1871-2, in lv. Annuaire des sciences mddicales. Annde 1, 1845. 12°. Paris. Annuaire speciale du corps de santd de l'armde de terre. See Annuaire du corps de sante, fete], 1856-74. Annuaire de la syphilis et des maladies de la peau. Par P. Diday et J. Rollet. [v. 1.] Annde 1858. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1859. Annuaire de thdrapeutique, de matiere mddi- cale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie de 1841-78. Par A. Bouchardat. Anndes 1-38. 12°. Paris, G. Bailliere. Current. 1871-2 pubUshed in 1 v. in 1872. Annual Journal of the Eclectic and Liberal Medical Association of Eastern Indiana. Pub- lished the 15th of July in each year. Edited by N. G. Smith. No. 1, v. 1, 187«J. 34 pp. 8°. Lewis- ville, Ind. Annual (The) Medical Review and Register, for the year 1808. By a society of physicians, v. 1. 392 pp. 8J. London, J. Murray, 1809. -----. The same. v. 2, for 1809. 8J. London, 1810. Annual Record of Homoeopathic Literature. Edited by C. G. Raue. v. 2-4, 1871-3. 8°. New York, Boericke S.- Tafel. Annual Record of Science and Industry. Edited by Spencer F. Baird, with the assistance of emi- nent men of science. 1871,'74, '16, '77. 4. v. 8°. Neiv York; Harper <$• Brothers, 1872-8. Commenced in 1871. A continuation of: Annual of Scientific Discovery. Annual (The) Register and Military Roster; con- tainiug names and rank of principal civil officers of the government of the United States since or- ganization, and State of New York since 1777, etc. The whole collected front the most authentic docu- ments, by B. Thalhimer. 272 pp. 8°. Albany, E. $ E. Hosford, 1821. Annual Reports on Diseases of the Chest. Under the direction of Horace Dobell. Chief assistant editors: A. Wahltnch and R. S. Smith, v. 1-3, 1874-7. 3 v. 8°. London, Smith, Elder $■ Co., 1875-8. After v. 2, 1876, title: Reports on Diseases of the Chest, v. 3, J. E. Shaw, C. M. Tidy, and II. Wharry added as editors. Annual (The) of Scientific Discovery; or, year- book of facts in science and art for 1850. Edited by David A. Wells and George Bliss, jr. 8C. Bos- ton, Gould, Kendall 9.—Sautcr (J. Ts.) Ein neues animalisches Anodvuum. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1802, xiv, 2. St., 91-11'-'.—Sujet propose en 1744: Determiner ce que e'est epic les reine-des anodins, expliepier leur maniere a'agir, distinguer leurs ditfercntes especes, et marquer leur usage daus les maladies chirurgi- cales. 1. mtsm. par Louis. 2. m6m. par Guyot. 3. m6m. par Fabre. Mem. . . . pour les prix de TAcad. roy. de chir., I Par., n. ed., 1819, ii, 74-198. ANOINTING. 435 ANSPACH. Anointing. See Fat as food or remedy. Anomalies. Sec Anatomy (Abnormities of); Monsters; and under the names of organs. Anonymi introductio anatomica, Gr. et Lat. Item, Hypatus. De partibus corporis Gr. et Lat. Cum notis Dan. W. Trilleri et Jo. Steph. Bernard. Accedunt iigura' anatomicae cum explicatione tira-ca, nunc primum ex codice MS. Biblioth. Leidensis editae. xvi, 157 pp., 3 pi., 14 1. 8°. Lugd. Batav., P. Bonk, 1744. Anophthalmia. See Eye (Abnormities and malformations of). Anopsia. See Eye (Abnormities and malformations of). Anordnungen, die im Betreff der herannahen- den Cholera morbus zu befolgen Bind. 8 1. fol. [n.p., n. d.] Anorexia. See Appetite ( Want of). Anosmia. See, also, Nerve (Olfactory). Bauek (J. H. J.) Manuductiones ad veram theorem morborum praxinque clinicam specimen xi. de odoratu abolito. 4C. Altorfiis Noricorum, 1751. J Charisius(C. E.) *Deolfactudeficiente. 4°. Gryphiswaldio?, 1747. Briinniche. Strvknin mod anosmia. Hosp. Tid.i Kjobenh., 1874, 2. s., i,'372.—Graves (R. J.) [Total loss of the sense of smeUing, occasioned by exposure to the ef- fects of a very strong and disagreeable odour.] Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, vi, 69.—Hamilton. Case of anosmia. Tr. CoU. Phys. PhUa., 1870, n. s., iv, 362.—Lcgg (J. W.) A case of anosmia following a blow. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 659.—Notta. Recherehes sur la perte do l'odorat. Arch. gen. do mod., Par., 1870, i, 385-407.—Ogle (W.) Anosmia; or, cases Ulustrating the physiology and pathology of tbe sense of smell. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., ^70, Un, 263-290. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 166.— Prevost (J. L.) Atrophie des nerfs olfactifs, frequente chez le vieiUard et correspondant avec la diminution ou la perte du sens de l'odorat. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1866, 3. s., xxi, 597-600.—Radius. Einiges tiber Anosmie. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz., 1833-4, Ui. 333-336.— Botch (T. M.) A case of traumatic anosmia and ageusia, with partial loss of hearing and sight; recovery in six weeks. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1878, xcix, 130-132.—Strieker (W.) Verlustdes Geruches in Folge localer Anasthesirung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xii, 290. Anquetil (Charles-Louis-Auguste). *I. Apprd- cicr les caracteres symptomatologiques de la md- ningite aigue simple, et de la mdningite tubercu- leuse. II. [etc.] 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 221, v. 383. Anquetin (N.-P.) * De la mddecine et des mdde- cins. 27 pp. 4C. Paris, 1828, No. 35, v. 213. Anquetin (Robert-Andrd-Frdddric). *Consid6- ratious gdudrales sur les effets des impressions morales vives considdrdes dans la production des maladies et la thdrapeutique. 24 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1835, No. 114, v. 285. Anrich (Gustave-Thdodore). * Quelques considd- rations sur la polydactylic. 27 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1854, No. 303, 2. s., v. 20. Ansaldo (Matteo). Sull'indole contagiosa del cholera morbus. 2. ed. 32 pp. 8°. Genova, coi tipi della Gazzetta dei Tribunali, 1854. Ansaloni (Achille). *De la mddication de la dysenterie aigue dpiddmique, et d'un procddd thd- rapeutique pour arreter le tdnesme, a propos d'une dpiddmie observde a l'bopital de Tours pen- dant les mois dc juillet, aout et septembre 185G. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 39, v. 626. Ansaloni (Aristidc). *De l'drysipele salutaire dans ccrtaines affections chroniques de la peau. 39 pp. 4C. Pan's, 1872, No. 347. Ansaloni (J.-C.) * De la pleurdsie aiguis simple. 14 pp. 4°. Pans, 1837, No. 353, v. 31G. Ansaloni (L.-V.) * De la nostalgic, cm de la ma- ladie du pays. 16 pp. 4'-. Paris, 1837, No. 352, | v. 31G. Ansauville. Hatte. Constitution espidismique qui a regno au village dAnsauville pendant les mois dc fevrier, mars, avril, mai de cette ann6e 1785. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1785, lxv, 566-591. Ansart (Charles-Julien). *I. Quelle est la valeur sdmdiologique des borliorvginevs ? II. [etc.] 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No.' lo4, v. 352. Anschel (Salomon). Thanatologia sive in mor- tis naturam, causas, genera ac species et diagno- sin disquisitiones. xvi, 240 pp. 8°. Gcettingce, J. C. Dietrich, 1795. AnschutZ (Albert). * Ueber die Exstirpatio recti namentlich iiber eiue neue Methode dersel- ben von Hiiter mit musculo-cutaner Lappenbil- dung. 31 pp. 8°. Griefswald, F. W. Kunike, 1871. Anschiitz (Johannes Fridericus Augustus.) &ct'arus (Carolus Gustavus). Specimen hiologias ge- neralis. 4°. Lipsice, 1811. -----. * Observatio hepatitidis, quam melasna se- cuta est una cum epicrisi. vi, 42 pp., app., xvi pp. 4C. Lipsice, ex off. J. Sommer, [1813]. For hh life, see Liutltvig (Christ. Frid.) 4°. Lipsice, 1813. Anschiitz (Joannes Samuel Augustus). *De morbis simulatis, prassertim in militibus obviis. 134 pp, iv. 8°. Wirceburgi, C. G. Becker, 1834. Ansel (F.-C.-B.) * Essai sur I'anasarque. vi, 7-27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 20, v. 78. Ansel (Francois-Nicolas). * I. Comparer sous le rapport de leur avantages et de leur inconvdni- enta les prdsentatious du sommet, de la face, et du sidge. II. [etc.] 26 pp. 4C. Paris, 1838, No. 142, v. 321. Anselin (Jules-Rend). * Essai de topographie mddicale sur la ville de Bougie et le pays Kabyle limitrophe (Algdrie). 138 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 31, v. 568. Anselme (Pierre-Fran cois-Philibert). * Disser- tation sur la chlorose. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No, 336, v. 304. Anselniier (Victor). * Dissertation sur les indi- cations du cautere actuel, dans les plaies viru- lentes et euvenimdes. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 129, v. 550. Ansiaux fils (II.) Dissertation sur l'operation edsarieune, et la section de la symphyse des pubis. 2. dd. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1*811. Ansiaux (J.-C.-M.-P.) * Dissertation sur lablen- norrhagie. 17 pp. 4°. Part's, 1807, No. 82, v. 67. Ansiaux (Jules). Faits cliniques de chirurgie. 142 pp., 1 1. 8°. Liege, F. Palante, 1852. Ansiaux (N.) See Destriveaux (P. J.) Question de medecine lesgale, etc. 8°. Liege, lb21. Ansiaux fils (N.) Clinique chirurgicale, ou re- cueil de mdmoires et observations de chirurgie pratique, xiii, 248 pp. 8°. Liege, J. F. Desor, 1816. Ansiaux (A". G.A.J.) Habets. Notice necrologique sur M. le professeur N. G. A. J. Ansiaux (26. d6c. 1834). Ann. d. univ. de Belg., 1846, Brux., 1847, iv, 750-767. Ansiaux (Oscar}. * De la rdsection des articula- tions du membre lufdrieur. 91 pp. 8C. Liege, J. Desoer, 1861. I Anson. [— 1762.] Portrait. Coll. of Ports, of | Phys. & Men of Science, p. 181. Anspach. Questions des eaux. Discours pro- noneds a la chambre des rdprdsentants, dans les sdances des 25. et 26. avril 1876. 22 pp., 2 pi. i 8°. Bruxelles, Vve. J. Baertsaen, 1876. ANSPACH. 436 ANTHELMINTICS. Anspacli (Maximilianus Henricus). *De me- ningitide granulosa. 29pp. 8°. Jence, F. Mauke, 1833. Anstalt far arme Augenkranke zu Leipzig. Jah- resbericht iiber die Anstalt fiir arme Augenkranke zu Leipzig. 4., 1823; 8., 1828. 4°. Leipzig, [n. d.] Anstalt Bethel fur Epileptische bei Bielefeld. Die Fiirsorge fiir Epileptische in der Anstalt Be- thel fiir Epileptische bei Bielefeld. Vervvaltungs- bericht von dem Inspector der Anstalt J. An- siild. 32 pp. 8°. Bielefeld, J. D. Kiister, 1875. Anstalt fiir Blodsiunige bei Nassau a. d. Lahn. Jahresberichte iiber die Anstalt fiir Blodsinnige bei Nassau a. d. Lahn. 4., 1873-4; 5., 1874-5. 12°. Limburg a. d. Lahn, 1874-5. -----. Prospect der . . . broadside 4°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Statuten der... 7 pp. 12°. WeUburg, A. Cramer, 1872. Anstalt fiir blod- und schwachsinnige Kinder in Schleswig. Bericht iiber die Anstalt fiir blod- und schwachsinnige Kinder in Schleswig. [Vom 1. Oct. 1852 bis 30. Sept. 1872.] Von Fr. L. Stender. 10 pp. 8°. Schleswig, F. Johannsen, 1872. -----. Nachricht uber die . . . Von Fr. L. Stender. broadside 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Anstalten zur Pllege uud Erziehuug Geistes- schwacher zu Erkerode. Berichte uber die An- stalten zur Pflege und Erziehung Gcistesschwa- cher zu Erkerode und Obersickte bei Braun- schweig. 1.-7., 1868-74. 8°. Braunschweig, 1869-75. Ansteckende Seuche, welche dieses 1713. Jahr in das Ersz-Herszogthum Nieder-Oesterreich ein- geschlichen, Griindlich- und ausfiihrliche Nach- richt, sonderbar auf das Land, samt benothigter Hulffs-, Rettungs-undVcrwahrungs-Mitteln. Aus dem Nieder-Oesterreichischen Gesundheits-Rath. 79 pp. 16°. Niirnberg, G. Lehman n, 1713. A nsted (D. T.) Physical geography, xxxiv, 467 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. LippincottS; Co.,1867. Anstensen (Albrechtus). * De fistula urethrali, perineali, urethrotomias externse ope sananda. Accedit morbi historia. 32 pp. 8°. Gryphiae, F. G. Kunike, 1859. C. Anstensen (Ferdinandus). *De hasmorrhagia ventriculi. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. fra- trum Schlesinger, [1845]. Anstett (Albert). * De l'ulcere simple chronique de l'estomac. 25 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 694, v, 36. Anstie (Francis Edmund) [1833-74]. Stimu- lants and narcotics, their mutual relations; with special researches ou the action of alcohol, aether, and chloroform on the vital organism, xxiv, 414 pp. yj. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sr Blakiston, 1865. -----. ]Notes on epidemics. For the use of the public. 1. Am. ed., with preface by Wm. A. Hammond, M. D. 95 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott <)'• Co., 1866. -----. On the uses of wines in health and disease. 84 pp. sm. 8-. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1870. -----. Neuralgia and the diseases that resemble it. 296 pp. 8°. London Sr New York, Macmillan and Co., 1871. -----. The same. 332 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1-72. -----. Seo Radcliffe (Charles Bland). On di- seases of the spine and of the nerves. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1871. See, also: Biennial Retrospect of Medicine, etc. Also: Practitioner (The). For hh Obituary, see Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lonel., 1874, ii, 352. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1874, lxix, 279. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 433. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, xiii, 241-250 (R. B. Carter): 1876, xvi, 1-43 (T. Buzzard). For Portrait, see Med. Prof, in aU Countries, Lond., 1874, u, no. 19. Answer (An) to a pamphlet written by Dr. Lett- som, entitled: Observations preparatory to the uso of Dr. Mayersbach's medicines. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. London, J. Almon, 1776. Answer (An) to the several attacks which have appeared against the University of Edinburgh. Together with a comparative view of the lectures of the late Dr. Gordon, of Edinburgh; of Mr. Abernethy, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital; of Mr. Winslow, and of Mr. C. Bell, of London, vii, 5- 123 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Fairbairn Sr Anderson, 1819. Antagonism. See Belladonna and Opium; Therapeutics. Antaphrodisiacs. See, Belladonna (Effects of). Antellet (Maximin). * De Taction antipyrdtiquo de l'alcool employd dans la fievre typhoide. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1871, No. 225. Antelme (Adrien). * Esquisse physiologique sur la pensde. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 292, v, 278. Antelme (fimile). *De la scarlatine. 63 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, De Gras, 1836. No. 24. Antelme (Ferdinand). * Quelques considdra- tions sur le drainage dans l'empyeme. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 101. Antheaume (M.-N.-V.) * Dissertation sur le tdtanos. vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No, 48, v. 83. Anthelmintics. See, also, Filix mas ; Kousso; Santonine ; Spigelia, etc. Baschwitius (M.) *De anthelminticis brevi morbi verminosi expositione prasmissa. 8°. Be- rolini, 1831. Carlblom (G.) * Ueber den wirksamen Be- standtheil des iitherischen Farrenkrautextractes. 8°. Dorpat, 1866. Chamberlaine (W.) A practical treatise on the efficacy of stizolobium, or cowhage, internally administered, in diseases occasioned by worms. To which are added observations on other anthel- mintics of the West Indies. 5. ed. 8a. London, 1792. Eggert (J. D.) Commentatio de virtute an- thelmintica Geoffraeye Surinamenois, adjectis ob- servationibus recentionibus. 12°. Marburgi, 1791. Hoeciistetterus (G. F.) * De anthelminthicis. 4°. Jena; [1775]. Klelner (J.) *De medicamentis usitatis con- tra ascarides praecipuo de semine cynae ejusque pra?paratis. 8°. Turici, 1843. Luders (F. G. A.) Virtutem salicis laurea? an- thelminthicam. 4°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, [1781]. Mentzel (G. G.) * De anthelminticorum conve- nienti usu et operandi moda. 39 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1748]. Rohn (A. G.) *De usu vomitoriorum ejicien- dos vermes. 4°. Gottingce, [1765]. Sikardus(G.) *De anthelminthicis. 4°. Hallce, [1698]. Sinclair (G.) De vhibus anthelminticis Geof- frasae inermis et Dolichi prurientis. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1813. Wackenroder (H. G. F.) *De anthelminthi- cis regni vegetabflis. 4°. Gottingce, [1826]. Wilmanxs (C. A.) Do anthelminticis regni vegetabilis. 4°. Gcettinga; 1823. Antclmintici o vermifughi neUe fehhri; calonielano; etiope mineraU; corallina; seme santo, o santonina. Ip- pocratico, Fano, 1807, 3. s., xii, 345-357.—Aubert (L.) Memoire sur le cusso, le hisenna et l'ahhatsjogo, sub- stanccs vegetales naturclli's [anthclmintiques] k 1'ancienno fithiopic. Rap. dc. M. Mcrat. BuU. Acad, dc med., Par., 1840-1, vi, 492-500. -----. Memoire sur les suhstances anthelmintiqucs usitees en Abvssinie. Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1841, ix, 689-701.—Bajon. Observations sui quelques bons remedes contre les vers de l'isle de Cayenne. ANTHELMINTICS. 437 ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthelmintics. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 60- | 74.—Broaddus (T. E.) A new anthelmintic. [Mercurial ointment.] N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1867, xx, 326-328.—Che- rean (A.) Recherehesexp6rimentalessur lesanthelminti- ques. Union med., Par., 1853, vii, 137.—Cohausen (S. E. E.) Lumbricoriun latorum ct cucurbitinorum speciticum antidotum. Acta Acad. n:;t. curios., Norimb., 1752, ix, 34- 41.—Colla (I.) niustnmoiip do'veri principj, su quali si | dee appoggiare la vn-tii antclmintica. Gior. d. Soc. med.- chir. di Parma, 1808, v, 3-13.—Conti (F.) SuU'amminis- traziono dell'acctato di morfina nello affezioni vcnnhioso. | Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1838, 2. s., xii, 105-107.—De- bout. Note sur le* deux agents anthelminthiques les plus inofFensifs. BuU. pern, de therap , etc., Par., 1862, lxiii, 481-497.—l>ecandollc (D.) Sur la mousse de Corse. BuU. Fac. do med. de Par., 1804, i, 125-128.— Delraux (P.) De Taction anthelminthique du sulfate de quinine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxvUi, 231.— Divers (Des) moyens do traitement employes contre les oxyures ou ascarides vcrmiculaires. Rev. dc therap. med.- chir., Par., 1855, iU, 262-265.—Fedeli (G.) SuU'azione dei semi cli zucca come anticcstoidi. RaccogUtore med., Forli. 1877, 4. s., vii, 198-200.—Fretand. Observations sur l'ef- fet des purgatifs mercuriels et resineux, et sur celui do l'eau do mer, pour la destruction des vers stronglcs. J. ele med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1774, xii, 250-255.—Gardi- ner (J.) A particular method of giving tho corrosive sub- limate mercury in small doses as an anthelmintic. Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc, Edinb., 1771. Ui, 380-394.—Guintini (B.) Caso confermaufo l'attivita- vermifuga del punica granatum. N. Mercurio d. se;. med., Livorno, 1829, iii, 26- 29.—Heberden (W.) The remarkable good effects of large doses of common salt in an extraordinary case of worms. Med. Tr. Roy. Coll. Phys., 3. ed., Lond., 1785, i, 53-59.—Hofstra (S.) Beproefd voorschrift tegen wor- men (lumbriee). Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Gravenh., 1839, i, 337.—Howison (W.) On a new method of re- moving ascarides from the human body. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1823, xix, 250-252.—Kiichennieistcr. Eine Revision der Anthelniinthica. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1851, x, 630-659.—Latham (J.) Some obseivations re- specting the medicines usually given in worm cases, with remarks upon the coUateral advantages sometimes derived from them in cases of epilepsy. Med. Tr. Roy. CoU. Phys., Lond., 1815, v, 52-74.—L.efefavrc. Des remedes proposes contre les vers strongles, et observations relatives. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1773, xxxix, 472; xl. 76; 155.—OI vera (J.) t El bromuro de potasio es antihelmin- tico? Observador med., Mexico, 1871, i, 374.—Potain. Des medicaments belminthicides. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1, 513-515.—Ba»i (D.) Osservazioni pratiehe che assicu- rano 1 azione antelmintica deUa radice del melo granato per nccidere e cacciare dal corpo umano il verme solitario. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1X51, 3. s., xx, 5-18.—Bush (B.) Account of a new anthelmintic medicine, the bark of the summit ofthe cabbage-tree. Med. Sc Phil. Comment., 2. ed., Lond., 1774, i, 328.—Secaer (C. L.) Anthelmintics. Boston M. 3. Ennemoser (J.) Anthropologische Ansichten . . . Erster (einz.) Theil: Ueber die Aufgabe der authropologischeu Forschung und das Wesen des menschlichen Geistes. 8°. Bonn, 1828. Evans (J.) Address to the ethnological and anthropological department of the section of bi- ology at the Liverpool meeting, 1870. 8° Lon- don, 1871. Figuier(L.) The human race. roy. 8°. Neiv York, 1872. Forsten (R.) *De homine ut perpetuo mo- bili. 4°. Franqeuerce, 1737. Fredault (F.) Physiologie generale. Traite' d'anthropologie physiologique et phUosophique. 8°. Paris, 1S63. Funccius (J. T.) Sistenshominemnaturalem. 4°. Erfordice, 1707. Hagen (F. W.) Beitrage zur Anthropologic. 8C. Erlangen, 1841. Hartley (D.) Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. 3. ed. 3 v. 8°. London, 1801. Heinroth (J. C. A.) Ueber das Bediirfniss des Studiunis der medizinischen Anthropologie und iiber den Begriff dieser Wissenschaft. 8°. Leip- zig, 1806. -----. Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. 8°. Leipzig, 1822. Helvetius (M.) A treatise on man, his intel- lectual faculties and his education . . . Transla- ted with notes by W. Hooper. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1777. Hirsch (S.) * Nonnulla de Hippocratis Coi cognitione anthropologica. 8°. Berolini, 1834. Hodgen (J. T.) Man's relations to the phy- sical universe. 8°. St. Louis, 1865. An t hr opology. Homme (De 1') et de la reproduction des dif- ferens individus. Ouvrage qui peut servir (l'in- troduction et de defense S l'histoire naturelle des animaux par M. de Buffon. 16°. Paris, 1761. Homocultology. An essay. 12°. New York, [n. d.] di Huarte (G.) Essamina de gl'iugegni de gli huomini accomodati. Dalla lingua castigli- ana tradotto in pura italiana da Sal. Grat. 12c. Venetia, 1600. Hunt (J.) Anniversary address delivered be- fore the Anthropological Society of London. 8°. London, 1866. -----. Farewell address delivered at the fourth anniversary of the Anthropological Society of London. 8°. London, 1867. Huxley (T. H.) Evidence as to man's place in nature. 8°. London, 18u3. Jacquinot (II.) * Etudes sur l'histoire natu- relle de I'homme. 4°. Paris, 1848. Kant (I.) Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefasst. 2. Aull. 8C. Konigsberg, 1800. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Konigsberg, 1820. Kinmont (A.) Twelve lectures on the natural history of man, and the rise and progress of phi- losophy. 8°. Cincinnati, 1839. Koenig (H. C.) Schediasma de hominum in- ter fcras educatorum statu naturali solitario. Existentia status indubitatis exemplis probatur, indoles ejusdem explicatur, iUustratur, deuique usus in jurisprudentia naturali ostenditur. 4°. Hanover a; 17 L>0. Kratzsch (R. II.) * Ueber die thierische und psychische Natur des Menschen. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1871. Krause (C. C.) & Krausius (C. S.) *De homine non machina. 4°. Lipsice, 1752. Lacepede (B. G. E.) Les ages de la nature, et histoire de l'espece humaine. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1830. -----. Histoire naturelle de I'homme. 8°. Paris, 1839. La Chambre. L'art de connoistre les hommes. 12°. Amsterdam, 1660. Lawrence (W.) Lecture's ou physiology, zo- ology, and the natural history of man. Delivered at the Royal CoUege of Surgeons. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1823. -----. The same. 8°. Salem, 1*28. Le Ciiaptois-Lacroix (D.) * Sur le cbSveloppe- ment physique et intellectuel de I'homme. 4°. Paris, 1834. Lelut (F.) Cadre de la philosophie de I'hom- me. 8°. 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Pre-historic times, as illustrated by an- cient remains, aud the manners and customs of modern savages. 8°. New York, 1872. Mankind (Ou), their origin and destiny, by an M. A. of BaUol College, Oxford. 8°. London, 1872. Marchand (A. M.) *De natura hominis ani- mali. 8°. Moguntice, [1787]. Maugra (N.-F.) * Considerations gdndrales sui- I'homme vivant, et sur lc cteveloppement de ses facultes intellectuelles. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Mayr (J. A.) *De diversitate corpornm hu- manorum, secundum diversitatem regionum. 4°. Basileae, [1752]. Michel (F.) Histoire des races maudites de la France et de l'Espagne. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1847. Nichols (T. L.) Esoteric anthropology. 12°. Port Chester, N. Y., 1853. Noortowk (W.) *De natura humano. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1735. van Nunom (H.) * De ortu, progressu et occasu hominis. sm. 4°. Ludg. Batav., 1731. Pasteur (E\) * Recherehes sur les proportions de la clavicle dans les sexes et dans les races. 4C. Paris, 1879. Payne (AV. A.) Bird's-eye view of practical and popular anthropological science. 12°. Cincinnati, 1868. Perty (M.) Anthropologische Vortriige ge- halten im Winter 1862-1863 in der Aula zu Bern. 8°. Leipzig Sr Heidelberg, 1863. Ploss (H. H.) Das Kind in Brauch und Sitte der Volker. Anthropologische Studien. 8°. Stuttgart, 1876. Poesche(T.) Die Arier. Ein Beitrag zur his- torischen Anthropologie. 8°. Jena, 1878. Prichard (J. C.) Researches into the physical history of mankind. 3. ed. 5 v. 8°. London, 1836. -----. The natural history of man; compris- ing inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family. 4. ed., edited and enlarged by Edwin Norris. 2 v. 8J. London, 1855. Purtscher (J.) *De idea hominis generale. 8°. [Viennce, 1770.] de Quatrefages (A.) Rapport sur l'ouvrage de M. de Gobineau, intitule: Essai sur l'inegalite des races humaines. 8°. [n. p., n. a"..] Quetelet (A.) A treatise on man and the development of his faculties. Trans, by Dr. R. Knox. roy. 8°. Edinburgh, 1842. Rathschlage fur anthropologische Unter- suchungen auf Expeditionen der Marino; auf Veranlassung des Chefs der kaiserlich deutschen Admiralitiit, ausgearbeitet von der Berliner Ge- sellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf- Urbair. Anthropologischer Theil: I. Abth. Cranien der Novara-Sammlung. Be- schreibung von E. Zuckerkandl. 4°. Wien, 1875. II. Abth. Korpermessungen an Individuen ver- schiedener Menschenracen, vorgenommen durch Karl Scherzer und Eduard Schwarz, bearbeitet von A. Weisbach. 4°. Wien, 1867. III. Abth. Ethnographic auf Grund des von Karl von Scherzer, gesammelten Materials. Bear- beitet von F. Muller. 4°. Wien, 1868. Roulin (F.-D.) * Propositions sur les mouve- mens et les attitudes de I'homme. 4°. Paris, 1820. Anthropology. Rousseau (J.-B.) *Des caracteres distinctifs de l'espece humaine. 4°. Paris, 1859. VON Schaden (A.) *Priiliminarien einer Ge- staltungslehre des Menscheu. 8° Miinchen, 1838. Schmidt (K.) Anthropologische Briefe. Die Wissenschaft vom Menschen in seinem Leben und in seinen Thaten. Allen Gebildeten, vorzu- glich alien Lehrern und Erziehern gewidmet. 8°. Dessau, 1852. -----. Die Geschichte der Anthropologie. II- lustrirt. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Dresden, 1865. Schmidt (O.) Die Anwendung der Descendenz- lehre aui' den Menschen. Vortrag gehalten in der offentlichen Sitzung der Versammlung der Naturforscher und Aerzte in Wiesbaden am 18. Sept. 1873. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Sigwart (D. G. F.) * Homo in singulari dualis, nee dissyllabum tantum et bipes animal, ut vul- garis fert fama, sed supra vulgi captum totus anceps et duplex, neque vel ibi simplex, ubi videtur simplex et simpUcissimus. 4°. Tubingce, [n. d.] Smith (C. H.) The natural history of the human species, its typical forms, primaeval dis- tribution, filiations, and migrations. 12°. Edin- burgh, 1848. Smith (S. S.) An essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species. To which are added strictures on Lord Kaim's discourse on the original diversity of man- kind. [Delivered before the Am. Phil. Soc] 8°. Philadelphia, 1787. Steffens(H.) Anthropologie. 2 v. 8°. Bres- lau, 1822. Syrbius (F. F.) Sistens evolutiones telluris atque hominis. 4°. Jence, [1824]. Tissot (J.) Anthropologie speculative gene- rate, comprenant: 1°, La psychologie experi- mentale en elle-menie et dans ses rapports avec la physiologie; 2°, L'exposition et l'examen des doctrines de Bichat, de Cabanis, de Maine de Biran, de Berard, de Broussais, de MM. Magendie, J. Muller, etc.; sur le rapport du physique et du moral; 3°, L'analyse tres-detailtee et la critique de la physiognomie de Lavater et des lecons de phrenologie de Broussais; 4°, Enfin la psycho- logie rationnello pure. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1843. Topinard (P.) Anthropology. With preface by Paul Broca. Transl. by Robert T. H. Bartley. 8°. London, 1878. -----. Instructions pour l'anthropologie et la craniologie. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Exposition internationale de Paris en 1878. Exposition des Sciences anthropologiques. Varela de Montes (J.) Ensayo de antropo- logia, 6 sea historia fisiologica del hombre en sus relaciones con las ciencias sociales y especial- mente con la patoldgia y la higiene. 4 v. 8°. Madrid, 1844-5. i Virchow (R.) Beitrage zur physischen An- thropologie der Deutschen, mit besonderer Be- rUcksichtigung der Friesen. 2. Abdruck. 4°. Berlin, 1877. Repr. from: Ahhandl. d. Konigl. Akad. d. Wissensch. zn Berl., 1876. Virey (J. J.) Histoire natureUe du genre humain; nouvelle edition. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1824. Vogt (C.) Vorlesungen fiber den Menschen: seine SteUung in der Schopfung und in der Geschichte der Erde. 2v.ini. 8°. Giessen, 1863. ------. The same. Transl. by James Hunt. 8°. London, 1864. Waeber (O.) * Beitrage zur Anthropologie der Letten. 8°. Dorpat, 1879. Wagner (F. J. II. R.) Naturgeschichte dea ANTHROPOLOGY. 440 ANTHROPOLOGY. Anthropology. Menschen. Haudlmch der populiiren Anthropo- logic. 8J. Kempten, 1831. Waitz (T.) Anthropologic der Naturvolker. 3. Th. Die Amerikaner. Ethnographisch uud culturhistorisch dargestellt. 1. Halfte. 8°. Leip- zig, 1862. White (C.) An account of the regular grada- tion in man, and in different animals and vege- tables, and from the former to the latter. 4°. London, 1799. Wilson (T. P.) The rejected address. Man's true relation to nature; his origin, character, and destiny. tfJ. Cleveland, 0., Iri71. Wright (T. L.) Notes on the theory of human existence: comprising remarks on vitality, the mind, and incidentally, the soul; the whole be- ing an exposition ofthe nature, powers, and des- tiny of man. 12°. Cincinnati, 1848. Aim (The) and scope of anthropology. J. Anthrop., Lond., 1870-1, i, 1-18.—Beddoe (J.) On the supposed increasing prevalence of dark hair in England. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 18G3, i, 310-312.—Bendyshe (T.) Tbe history of anthropology. 31cm. Anthrop. Soc, Loud., j 18C3-4, Lonel., 1863, i, 335-300.—Berard (F.) Du phy- sique et du moral de I'homme, par P.-J.-G. Cahani's, ! avec des notes de M. Pariset. [Rev.] Rev. med. franc. et etrang., Par., 1824, i, 444-473. Aho, Reprint. — Ber- lillon. Sur la non-existence d'une caracteristique de lVspece humaine. Bull. Seic. d'anthrop. de Par., 1865, vi, 605-622.—Bcrtrand (A.) Sur les decouvertes faites elans la baic ele Penhouct a Saint-Nazaire. Ibid., 1877, 2. s., xii, 300-307.—Birnbaum (F. II. G.) Die Lehre von den Nerveucentris nach Hirer anthropologisch-psyehologischeu Seite; als Andeutiing fiir den heufigen Standpunkt der Anthropologic und fiir cine demnachst erscheinende wei- tere BearbeitunKelev.selben. Org. f. el. ges. Heilk., Bonn, 1842-3, ii, 1-37.—-Bluinrodcr. Anthropologisch-psychia- trische Bemerkungen uud Beispiele. BI. f. Psychiat., Erlang., 1837, 2. Hft., 25-46.—Bollaert (W.) Contribu- tions to an introduction to the anthropology of the new world. Mem. Anthrop. Soc, Lond., 1865-6, Lond., 1866, U, 92-152.—Bon to. Sur la staliilite des races croisecs. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1865, vi, 279-285.—Boudin. Du non-cosmopolitisme des races humaines. Mem. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1860-3, i, 93-123. [Discussion.] Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Par., 1860, i, 167-178, 1863, iv, 368-371. -----. Du cioiscmcut ties families, eles races ctdes especes. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1860-3, i, 505-557.—Broca (P.) Instructions generates pour les recherehes et observations authropologiepies (anatomie et physiologie). Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1865, iii, 369-504, 1 pi. Also: Mem. Soc. d'an- throp. do Par., 1865, ii, 69-204, 1 chart, 1 pi. -----. An- thropologic. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, v, 276- 300. Also, transl.: Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1867, v, 193-204, 1868, vi, 35-52. -----. NouveUes recherehes sur l'authropologie de la France en gen6ral et de la Basse Bre- tagne en particulier. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1*69, iii, 147-209, 2 pi.—Buckland (A. W.) Primitive agri- culture. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lonel., 1877. viii, 2-20.—Burton (li. F.) Notes on Waitz's anthropology. Anthrop. Rev., | etc., Loud., 1864, ii, 233-250.—del Campo (H.) Antro- i pologia. Bol. de med., cirug. v farm., Madrid, 1850. 3. s., I v, 201; 209; 217.—Cardan (j.) Do hominis necessitate I et forma. In his: Opera, Lugduni, 1663, iii, 549-556.—de ' Castelnau (H.) [Une-definition del'hommo par la Bible; les livres eles Rois, sont'ils dus k un seul aut cur ou a- plu- sieurs! L'odismc] Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860. 2. s., ii, 337-341.—Chantrc (E.) Rapport sur la paleoethnologie; periode du bronze et premier age du fer. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1878, 2. s., i, 731-739.—Charnock (It. S.) CannibaUsm iu Europe. J. Anthrop. Soc, Lond., 1866, iv, pp. xxii-xxxi.—Clarke (H.) A question on assimilation and on the eyes of Mongolians. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1876, vi, 194.—Congres international des sciences anthro- I pologiques; seance d'ouvcrture. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1878," 2. s., i, 692.—Courtet (V.) De l'influence eles races ! humaines sur la forme et le developpeiitent des societes. J. do 1 Inst, hist., Par.. 1835, ii, 225-237.—Bally (E.) Me- tis (anthropologic) bibliographic. Diet. ene\e 1. d. sc. mecl., Par., 1873, 2. si, vii, 374-387.—Bavis (J. B.) Anthropo- logy and ethnology. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1868, vi, 394-399.—Dawaon (J.) Remarks on the natural history j of man. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1857-8, x, 1-13.— Dmchinann (K.) Eine heidnische Urneugrabstiitte bei Zirkuitz in Krain. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien 1878, viii, 137-148.—Bevis (C. \V.) Elasticity of animal type1. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., 1867-8-9, Loud., 1870, , iii, 81-105.—Bupanloup. Des principes philosophiqucs qui ferment la base ele 1 anthropologic, etc. Union med., | Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 389-394.—Burand. I'ne excursion | anthropologiquc dans l'Aveyrou. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Anthropology. Par., 1869, iv, 2. s., 193-218.—Figrnhaudige TTnter- schriften der Herrn Mitglieder der Versammlung deutscher Naturf'orscher und Aerzte in "VVie'n im September 1832; mit Unidruck aus der k. k. Hofkanimer-Lithographio. Amtl. Ber. u. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. n. Aei-zte, Wien, 1832, x, 19 1. funp.]—Enquiry (An! into rhenatni'e and causes of the physical differences of mankind. Ethn. J., Loud., 1848-9, i, 39; 70.—Faidherbe. Instructions sur l'anthropologie do l'Algerie. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1873, 2. s., vUi, 603-668.—Faure. Rectifications bibliographiques & propos d'une pr6tendue caract6ristiqne biblique de I'homme. [Mingens ad parietem.J Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1860, v, 99.—Franceschi (G.) L'uomo e la sua granelezza. Ippocratico, Fano, 1868, 3. s., xiii, 3- 23.—Garbiglietti (A.) Lo studio deU'antropologia o elcU'etnoleigia in Italia, o breve rassegna di alcuni seritti italianirelativi aqueste scienze stati pubbUcati neUoscorso anno 1870. Giorr. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1871, 3. s., x, 436; 460.—Gcoffroy Saint-IIilaire et al. Instruc- tions anthiopologiquespour le Senegal. Arch, demed. nav., Par., 1864, i, 255-205.—Georges. Sur les laboratoires an- thropologiques. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1869, 2. s., iv, 169-173.—Giglioli (G.) II regno umano e l'antropologia. Ann. univ. d. med.,Milano, 1862, clxxxi, 241.—Grandesso- Silvcslri (O.) Critica e teorica deUe scienze aniropologi- che. Gazz. mid. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1870, xin, 313- 316. —Grecian anthropology. [SuU'antropologia deUa Grecia. Memoria di Giustinhino-Nicolucci, NapoU, 1867.J Anthrop. Rev., etc.. Lond., 1868, vi, 154-175.—Guibert. SiUl'anthropologie de la Basse Bretagne. BuU. Soc. d'an- throp. do Par., 1867. 2. s.. U, 619-621.—Hamy (E. T.) Coup d'ceil sur l'anthropologie du Cambodge; rapport presente a la Societe d'anthropologie. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1872, xvii, 250-270: 1873, xx, 61-68.—von Hansen (F. A.) Die Beziehung der Abstammungslehre zu Moral und PoUtik. Athenaium, Jena, 1875, i, 20; 65.—van der Hoe ven (J.) Algemeene aanmerkingen over het ondor- werp der natuurUjko geschiedenis van het menschehjk ge- slaeht. Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied. en Physiol., Amst., 1834, i. 86-97. -----. Een woord over anthropologie en ethnolo- gic. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1866,i, 465-467.— Hostmann (C.) Zur Kritik der Culturperioden. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1876, ix, lb5-218.—Hunt (J.) Intro- ductory address on tho study of anthropology. Anthrop. Rev.,etc.,Lond.,1863, i, 1-20.-----. Annual address. J. An- throp. Soc. Lond.,1864,U.pp.lxxx-xcv. Aho, Reprint.-----. Annual address. J. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., 1865, iU, pp. lxxxv- cxii. -----. On the doctrine of continuity appUeel to anthro- pology. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1867, v, 110-120. -----. On physio-anthropology, its ami and method. J. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., 1867, v, pp. ceix-cclxxi.—Huxley (T. H.) The progress of anthropology. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1878, xiii, 668-676.—Israels. Eemige opmerkingen over anthropolo- gie. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1853, iU, 347; 357.— Kasiski. Naehgrabungen in dem Pfahlbau des eheuiaU- gen Persanzigsees. Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig, 1876, n. F., iv, 1. Hft., 1.—Knox (R.) Contributions to the philosophy of zoology, with special reference to the natu- ral history of man. Lancet, Lond., 1855, U, 24; 45; 68; 162; 186; 216.—L agneau (G.) De l'anthropologie de la France. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1867, 2. 8., n, 389-399.— -----. De quelques recherehes anthropologiques sur les •consents et les soldats. Ibid., 1869, 2. 8., iv, 572-600.— Lavroff. L'histoire et l'anthropologie. Ibid., 1872, 2. s., vii, 575-577. -----. L'idee du progres clans l'anthropologie. Ibid., 172-201.—Lcnhossck (J.) Az anthropologiarol, mint a jelenkori miiveltseg nclkiilozhetlen kellek6rol. [Study of anthropology essential to modem education.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1879, xxii, 489-492.—Lombard (II. C.) Sur les caracteres physiologiques des peuples geimaius. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1830, iv, 227. — Lordat. Accord de la doctrine anthropologique de MontpeUier avec ce que demandent les fois, la morale publique, et les enseigncnieuts rcUgicux presents par l'etat. Rev. therap. du midi, Montpel., 1851, ii, 705; 737. Aho, Re- print.—Lutostanski (B.) Zarys planu prac Sekcyi an- tropologiczncj. Rozpr. .. . wydz." matemat.-przyr. Akad. umiej. w. Krakow, 1874, i, 190-209. [Review of the au- thor's section's work.] —Mackintosh (D.) Compara- tive anthropology of England and Wales. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1866, iv, 1-21, 1 pi., 1 map.—Mac Lean (H.) On the comparative anthropology of Scotland. Ibid., 209-226, 1 pi. -----. Race in history. Ibid., 1867, v, 129- 141.—Mayer. TJeber den Uuterschied des Menschen vom Affen. Verhandl. d. naturh.Ver.ehpreuss.Rheinl.mWeat- phal., 1862, xix, 195-197.—Meier (\V.) Grundziige von der Natur unci hoheren Bestimmmig des Menschen. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, iii, 252-269.—Michel de Coligny. Pro- positions d'anthropologie au point de vue biologique et physiologique. Rev. med. franc, it etrang., Par., 1872, ii, 193; 257. -----. Quelques mots sur la question anthropo- logiquc. Ibid., 1868, i, 641-654.—Montane (L.) Conside- racione;s generales sobre el cstado 6 importancia ele la an- tropologia en la isla de Cuba. Crdn. med.-quir- de la Habana, 1877, iii, 548-554.—Morlot (A.) An introductory lectnro to the study of high autiipiity. Rep. Smithson. Inst , Wash., ANTHROPOLOGY. 441 ANTHROPOMETRY. Anthropology. 1862. 303-317: 1864, 400-403.— dc Mortillct (G.) Les cri- tiques de l'anthropologie. Rev. scient., Par., 1878,2. s., viii, 361-364. -----. Early traces of man. [Transl. by J. Fitz- gi'i-ald from Rev. d'anthrop.] Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1879, xiv, 794-799.—Much (M.) Ceber den Ackcrbau der Git- mancu (zurHochiickcr-Frago). Mitth. el.anthrop.GeseUsch. in Wien., 1878, viii, 203-273. Nassr (F.) Ucbcr die Bedin- gungen der Mensehcnverschicde nlie it. Ztschr. f. el. An- throp., Leipz., 1M'3, i, 257-289.—IVujna-li vrachame antro- pologiia! [Importance of anthropology.] Vrach.Vaidom., St. Peters!)., 1879, iv, 677.—P. Anthropologische Frag- mentc. J. cl. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1827, lxv, 5. St., 33-45.— Pellarin. Sur l'idce du progres dans ^anthropologic. Bull. Soc. d'anthro]). de< Par., 1872, 2. s., vii, 535-560.—Pct- tigrcw(J.B.) A lecture on man in his anatomical, physi- cal and physiological aspects. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 4; 41.—Programnaa antropologichoskikh izslaidovanii v' morskikh Kampanikakh. [Anthropological inquiries, for naval expeditious.] Med. Prihavlcniva. St. Petersb., 1876, 1-40.—Pruncr-Bey. Questions relatives il l'anthropolo- gie generale. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1864, v, 64-135, 1 map. -----. L'homme et l'animal. Ibid., 1865, vi, 522- 562.—de Quatrcfagcs (A.) Discours d'ouvcrture du cours d'anthropologie, professe au Mus6um d'histoiro naturelle. Gaz. med. de Par., 1801, 3. s., xvi, 783-792. -----. Sur Taction des miUcux. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1863, iv, 139; 149; 209; 243; 254; 388. -----. The na- tural history of luan. I. The unitv of the human species. II. The antiquity ol'man. Pop. Sc Month., N.Y., 1872, i, 01; 208. -----. The migrations of men. [Transl. by Eliza A. Youmans.] Ibid., 299-308.-----. Physical charactersof the human races. [Transl. by Eliza A. Youmans.] Ibid., 1873, ii, 541-552.—B. (P.) Alcuni ccnui di antropologia. Gazz. | med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1859, i, 403; 421; ii, 17- 22.—Reich (E.) Wohnung Hautptiege und Lcibesiibuug in ihrer Wirkung auf den Volksge ist untersucht. Athc- namm, Jena, 1875, i, 129-159.—Kcil (J. C.) Von den Ur- sachem der Abnahme unsercr physischen Starke in Ver- gleichung mit unsern Vorfahrcn. In his: Klcino Schrif- ten, 8°, HaUe, 1817, 199-263.—Bibcs. Considerations sur les relations de l'etro humain avec le monde qui l'envi- ronne. J. Soc. dc meel.-prat, de Montpel., 1844, x, 161- 199.—Bichardson. On national vitaUty. San. Rec, Lond., 1875, iii, 291-293.—Ro^ersius (J.) Oratiuncula an- thropologic! ex av9p(tiTrovtis dn-dxpijerews explorandas gratia- comparata. In his: Analecta inamruralia, 12°, Londini, 1G64, 1-60.—von Bokitansky (C.) Eroflhungsrcdc. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien. 1871, i, 1-10. Also: J. Anthrop., Lond., 1870-1, i, 72-79.—Bolleston. Notcon the animal re- mains found at Cissbury. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1876, vi, 20-36.—Boubaud (E.) Contributions il l'anthropologie de l'lncle. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1869, xi, 5; 92; 161; 241.— Roujou(A.) Queleiues observations anthropologiqucs sur lo departeinent du Puv-de-De>me;. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. do Par., 1870, 2. s., xi, 330-350.—de Royer (H.) Pavilion el'r.n- thropologic. Progres mod., Par., 1878, vi, 567; 765.—Sau- vagc (H. E.) De la progressibilite organique et dc la va- riabUito restreinte des tvpes. Bull Soc d'anthrop dc Par., 1871, 2. s., vi, 318-364.—SchaaflThauaen. Ucbcr die cn- thropologischen Fragen der Gegcnwai-t. Tagebl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Frankfurt a. M., 1867, xii, Anhang, 41-50.—Scholcr. Uche relic StcUung der Ophthal- mologic zur Anthropologic*. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxviii, 300-369.—Serrano (M. N.) Spanish Anthro- pological Society ; address. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., I860, iv, 186-197.—Serrcs (E. R. A.) Considerations sur la. me- thodo d'observation experimentale en anthropologic. Gaz. med. de Par., 1854,3. s., ix, 687-690. Aho, Reprint—Si sno- not. L'homme a-t-il ledroit de s'isolerdel'animalite ! Lull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1865, vi, 633-648.—Spcngcl (J. W.) Die von Blumenbach gegriindete anthropologische Samm- lung dor Universitat Gottingen, aufgenommen im Jahre 1874. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1879, xi, Suppl., 93.— Tylor (E. B.) Recent anthropology. [From: Nature] Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1879, xvi, 145-157. — Thoughts ami facts contributing to the history of man. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1864, U, 173-190.—Topinard (P.) His- torique dei l'anthropologie. Gaz. meiel. do Par., 1876, 4. s., v, 609; 621: 1877, vi, 3; 25; 41; 153; 253. -----. Anthro- pologic, ethnologie et ethnographic. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. cie Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 199-229. -----. Rapport sur l'an- thropologie anatomique, biologique et patholi> s. xi 559-566. -----. Sur la taille eles insulaires des Xouvelli'S-Hcbrides. Ibid., 168-170.—Hermann (E.) Ueber Gewicht und Volumen des Menschen. Mitth. a. cl. path. Inst, zu Miinchen, Stuttg., 1878, 1-25.— Hesse (AV.) Bestimmungen des Gewichtes und Messun- gen der Korperlauge bei einem Kinde im ersten und zwciten Lebensjahre. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1879, xiv, 491-493.—Hildeshcini (AAr.) Ueber das Mindestmass der Brauehbarkeit, Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., 1860, i, 91; 102.— Ildrlin (A. J.) I akttagelser ofver det oofverensstiim- mande i musklernas utveckliug ofvan hegye fossa; supra- spinatae, i percussionstonen k namnde stalien och i skul- drornas hojcl hos 120 friske soldater. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1855, xvii, 796-799.—Hypatus. Do corporis partibus et mensuris. [Gr.etLat.] In: Anouymi Introductio anatomica, 8°, Lugd. Batav., 1744, 143-157.—Jansen (A.) Etude sur la taUle, le perimetre de la poitrine et le poids des recrues. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1876, 3. a., xii, 171-192. -----. Nouvelle etude sur la taille, l'amplitude de la poitrine et le poids des recrues du lle de ligne. Ibid., 1879, 3. a., xv, 450-462.—Klob. Ueber den Curvenmesser von Dr. H. v. Weil. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 196-197.—Kc rosi. Sur l'anthropeim6trie des races de Hongrie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1878, 3. s., i, 308.—von Rranz, Mcssungsresultate bei 193 Rekruten eh-s 2. BataiUons 7. wcstphiilischen Infanterie-Regiments 56. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1875, iv, 260-262.—Lagncan. De la taiUe humaine en France. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par.. 1863, iv, 291-297.—Langcrhano (P.) Beitrage zur anatomischen Anthropologie. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1873, v, (C. A.) A table showing the physical characteristics of the members of the U. S. Senate, 1st ses- sion, 39th Congress. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1866-7, vi, 390- 396.— Lelut (F.) Recherehes pour servir k la determina- tion de la taille moyenne de l'homme en France. Gaz. med. de Par., 1841, 2-. s., ix, 500-504—Lesga ft (P.) An- tropometricheskie inateriali. Protok. zasaid. Obshch. russ. vrach., St. Petersb., 1876, xlUi, y. 136-148.—Logan (S.) Proportionate length of the bones ofthe extremities, as bearing upon ethnology and medical jurisprudence. RichmomfM. J., 1867, iii, 520-526.—Lombroso (C.) An- tropologia; antropometria cli 400 deUnquenti veneti del peuitenziario di Padova. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1872, 2. s., v, 574-582. -----. Studi clinici eel antropometrici sulla microcefalia ed il cretenismo con applicazione aUa niedicina legale e airantropologia. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1873, 2. s., Ui, 193; 333.-----. Sulla statura degU ItaUani, in rapporto all'antropologia ed aU'igiene. R. Ist. Lomb.disc, e lett. Rendic, MUano, 1873, 2. s., vi, 182-186.-----. Antropometria di 832 delinquenti itaUani. Ibid., 1874, 2. 8., vii, 20; 93.—Loss (The) of stamina in our industrial population. Builder, Lond., 1875, xxxUi, 812-81X—ITIajer (J. C.) Ueber Mass- und Gewichts-Ver- haltnisse der MiUtar-Pflichtiiien des Regierungs-Bezirkes Mittelfranken aus den drei Geburts-Jahren 1836-8. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1862, ix, 253; 365.—Majera (J.) Pos- tac kazimi6rzawgo, wedlug wymiar6w dokonanych przy przekladaniu szczatkdw jego. [Stature of K. Casimir; proportion in figure.] Rocznik Ces. Krol. Towarz. Nauk. Krakow, 1870, xvi, 223-243, 1 tab.—fflanlegazza. An- tropologia; deU'indice cefalospinale neU'uomo e nelle scimmie antropomorfe, e del metodo per determinarlo. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett., MUano, 1870. 2. s., iU, 481-498, 1 pi. -----. DeUa lunghezza relativa dell'indice e deU'anu- lare neUa mano umana. Arch, per l'antrop., Firenze, 1877, vU, 19-25.— Markham (A. H.) [Means of ages, weights, and chest capacities of oflicers and men belonging to the "Alert."] In hh: The Great Frozen Sea, etc., Lond., 1878, xii.—Morris (M.) Biometry: its relation to the practice of medicine. Meel. Rec, N.Y., 1875, x, 481- 486. Also, Reprint.—Ord (C. K) London considered as a source of boys for the royal navy; givum a detail of the examinations of nearly six thousand such boys in the Fisgard, flag-ship at Woolwich; with an inquiry into tho general, medical, and physical condition of this section of the lower classes in the metropolis. Statist. Rep. Health Navy, Lond., 1867, [app.], 1-40.—Parow. Ueber KSrper- messungen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar, 1878, vU, 70-84, 1 pi.—Pctersson (O. V.) Om boms vasgtforhold i det forste leveaar. [On weight of body in first year of life.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1878-9, xiv, 45-47. — Quetclet (A.) Sur la taiUe moyenne de l'homme dans les vUles et dans les campagnes, et sur l'age oh la croissance est completeinent achevee. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1830, Ui, 24-26.-----. Sur la loi statistique des taules humaines, et sur la r6gularite que suit cette loi dans son developpenient, k chaque age. BuU. Acad. rov. d. sc. . . . de Beljr., Brux., 1868, i, 142-150. -----. TaUle elo 1'homme a, pour l'age de vingt ans. Ibid., 1869, i, 196-233. -----. Developpenient de la taUle humaine; ex- ANTHROPOMETRY. 444 ANTIMONY. Anthropometry. tension remarquable de evtte loi. Ibid., 1871, i, 114-123.— Radakof. Naeskolko antropometricheskikh dannckh dlya opredaeleniya phabriehnago nasclcniya Moskovskoi giibemii. [Remarks on the anthropometric data for deter- mining the effective peculation of the province of Moscow.] Moskov. med. gaz., 1876, xix, 513-520. — Bannome (A.) On t!ii' respiratory movements in man, with an account of a ne-w instrument for measuring the movements of the chest. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1872, vii, 91.—Baseri (E.) Studio antropometrico e medico- legale su 120 giovanni minorenni della casa di correzione la generala in Torino. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1877, vii, 353-362.—Biva (G.) Antropometria di 304 aUenati marchigiani. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1873, x, 325-347.—Bobert. Notice sur la taUle et le poids du f'antassin f'ranejais. Rec de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1863, 3. s., x, 171-179.—Boberts (C.) The physical develop- ment and the proportions of the human body. St. George s Hosp. Rep., Lonel., 1877, viii, 1-48, 3 eliag., 3 tab.—Bochet (C.) Essai d'une monographic du type clu Remain ancien d'aprc\s les etudes faites pendant un se.jour a Rome sur les sculptures antiques et sur la population. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. ele Par., 1869, iii, 127-145. -----. Sur le type de l'enfant elans l'art et dans la science. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 498-505.—Roujou (A.) Sur la taiUe plus gramlc de quelipies especes animates actuelles pendant l'age do la pierre polie. Ibid., 1873, 2. s., viii, 489- 492.—Ruschenberger (AV. S. W.) Contributions to the statistics of human "growth. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. 8., liii, 67-70.—Saiiion. Sur la valeur ethnologique de la taille a propos du memoire de M. Guibert. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1870, 2. s., v, 318-320.—Seeger (R.) DiemathematischeGrundlage zur Bestimmung des korper - lichen Entwicklungsgrades eines Individuums in Hinsicht auf seine Kriegselieiisttauglichkeit. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1864, 33.—Serre. Sur un moyen fort simple pour reconnaitre une petite- in6galit6 clans la longueur des membres int'erieurs. Bull. gen. de theh'ap., etc., Par., 1838, xiv, 174-177.—Steel (G. C.) Notes on the development and growth of boys between thirteen and twenty years of age. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, viii, 49-50.'—Sureillo (S.) Izmiercnie grudi, kake kriterii godnosti konskripfove kc vocnnoislujbie. [Chest-measurement of recruits.] Voy- enno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1876, cxxvii, 301-341.—Szyma- nowski (J.) Ein Somatometer und dessen Anwendung. Vrtljschr. f. cl. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1862, lxxvi, 1-25, 1 pi. — Tarulii (C.) Doll'antropometria e de-lle anomalie della coloiuia vertebrale Ann. univ. di meel. e chir., Milano, 1879, ccxlix, 151-174. — Thaon. Sur queleiues mensurations faites chez des consents. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Far., 1877, 2. s., xii, 452.—Thomson (A. S.) Extracts from a report on the advantages, in a medical and military point of view, of ascertaining the bodily weight of soleliers on their admission and discharge from hospital. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 237-239.—Townsend (Elizabeth). Another mite of a child. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1879, xxxvi, 316.—Ulsner. Zu den Mcssungen und Wiigungen eles Mannes in der Armee. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1868, ix, 11; 17.— Vallin (E.) De la mensuration du thorax et du peiiels du corps des Francais de 21 ans, au peiint ele vue de la revision. Rec. demem. denied. . . . mil., Par., 1876,3. s., xxxii, 401-427. -----. Du perimetre thoracique et du poids dans l'armee francaise; analyse eles documents adresses au conseil dc sante en 1870.' Ibid., 569-603.—Villermc (L.-R.) Me- moire sur la taille di-l'homme en France. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1829, i, 351-395. Also, Re-print.—Wagenmann (K. A.) Ueber die Grosscnverhaltnisse des menschlichen Kiirpcrs in niedicinisch-geriehtlichev Beziehung. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. el. Staatsarznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1852, xii, 336-300, 2 tab.— Wagstaffc (W. AV.) On a possible source offal- lacy in the measurements of the lower limbs. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, n. s., viii. 281-289.—von Weil (II. R.) Ueber Curvcn-Messungenam ine-nschlichen Korper mittelst eines neuen lustrumentcs. Allg. AVien. med. Ztg., 1865, x, 25.—Weisbach (A.) Anthropometric. [From: Journal officio!.] Progres m6d., Par., 1879, vii, 353.— Weisbacb. Me-surcs rccueiUies sur des iiulividus de races dive-rses par les doete-urs Scherzer et Schwartz. Bull. Soc d'anthrop. ele Far., i867, 2 s., ii, 621-641.—Woods (EL C.) Report on the, physical condition of the royal marine lightinfantry recruits iii 1873 and 1874, with tables. Statist. Rep. Health'Navy, Lond., 1875, app., 170-177— Veats (J.) On human growth in towns. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Se\, 1803, Lond., 1864, 530-547, 1 tab.—Zavaldi. Antro- pometria eli 23 delinquenti nelle carceri cU Pavia. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1875, 2. s., v, 11. Anthropophagy. Dfxckkr (H. G. H.) * De anthropophago Hcrcano sectio posterior pathologica. 4°. Jena; 1792. Anthropoplmgy. Med. Critic Sc Psych. J., Lond., 1802, ii, 711-718.—Friedman ti. I)< r Anthropophagismus der B.ittacr auf Sumatras Viesikiiste. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Anthropophagy . Berl., 1871, iii, 313-325.—Oarrigou. L'anthropophagio chez les peuples des ages du renne ct de la pie-rro polio dans le-s cavei-ncs du midi do la Franco. BuU. Soc d anthrop. de Par., 1807, 2. s., ii, 326-332.—Grausacikcit (Die). Der Ti-ieb nach Mense:henfieisch. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Nurnb., 1857, viii, 4. Hft., 38-54—Joly (N.) L'anthropo- phagio et les sacrifices humains dans les temps prehisto- riques et a l'epoque actuelle. Rev. scient., Par., 1877, xiii, 2i7_9io—Jouan (H.) L'anthropophagio en Oceame. Annee med., Caen, 1877-8, iU, 145-161.—Lagncau. Sur l'linthropophagie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Par., 1869, 2. s., iv, 606-610.—Mare. Anthropophage. med., Par 1812 ii. 186-188.—Percy Sc Laurent. Homophage. Ibid. 1817, xxi, 344-357.—Regnault. L'anthropophagie des peuples primitifs; fouUles dans la grotte do Montes- quieu (Ariege). BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1869, 2. s., iv, 47C-486, 1 pi.—Sctaaairhauscn (H.) Die Mcnschen- fresserei unci das Mensehenopf'cr. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1870, iv, 245-280.—Trelat (U.) Anthropo- phagie, anthropophage. Diet, encycl. cl. sc. med., Par., 18C0? v, 301-305.—Vogt (C.) Anthropophagie et saciiflces humains. Cong, internat. d'anthrop., 1871, Par., 1873, v, 295-328. Anti-Centralization Union. Public health bill; and nuisances removal bill, 1855. Under the superintendence of the Anti-Centralization Union. 2. ed. 7 pp. 8°. London, for the Anti- Centralization Union, 1855. Anticoli. Scalzi (F.) DeUe acque di AnticoU. Gior. med. di Roma, 1807, Ui, 465-477. Antidotarium collegii medicorum Bononiensis. 4 p. 1., 507. lx pp. 4°. Bononioe Lcelius, [1770]. Antidotes. See Bibron's antidote; Formulae and Re- ceipts; Medicines (Antagonism of); Milk as food; Oxygen as a remedy; Poisons (Antidotes to); and under the names of poisons. Antigalactics. See Belladonna (Effects of) on breast. AntigomiS Carystius. Historiarum mirabiliuin Collectanea. Joannes Meursius recensuit et notus addidit. 4 p. 1., 210 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Batav., I. Elzevir, 1619. Greek Sc Latin text. 1. ed. was Basel, 1568. 8°. Anfiliomdopathisches Archiv: eine Zeit- schrift in zwanglosen Heften. Hrsg. von A. Simon,jun. 3 v., 1834-8. 8°. Hamburg, Hoffman S' Campe. Anti-lmpf-Verein zu Hamburg. Dieschlim- men Folgeu der Impfung. Eine Reihe von Ver- giftungsfiilleu, durch Impfung herbeigefUhrt. y0 pp. 8°. Hamburg, C. Reese, 1^75. Anti-Lancet (The), explanatory of the doc- trines and practice of the chrono-thermal sys- tem of medicine, and advocate of female medical education. A monthly medical journal for the people. Associate editors, J. E. Kent [and three others]. Nos. 2, 4-7, v. 1, 1853. 8°. Philadel- phia, W. H. Zieber. Jan., 1854, continued as Young Physic, [etc.] Antimony (Arseniate of). Sec, also, Heart (Diseases of, Treatment of). Papillaud (L. II. A.) Etudes sur les medica- tions arscnicaleet antimonialeet surles maladies du cceur. 8°. Paris, 1867. Innard (C.) Dc la medication ars6nio-antimoniale. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxvii, 281-283.—Papillaud (L.) Note sur la medication arsenio-antimonialc Gaz. med. dc Par., 1865, 3. s., xx, 41-13. -----. Etudes sur l'ac- tion therapeutique ele l'arseniate d'antiinoine (granulesanti- moniaiix) sur cert nines atlee tions du cceur ct des poumons. Ibid.. 663; 679; 716; 735. ----- Memoire sur 1 arseniate el aiitiiiioiiiect sur son emploi dans la maladieeluceeur. Bull. Aeael. de meel., Par., 1870, xxxv, 885-889. Discussion. 893; 900; 914; 942. Antimony (Iodide of). L.c Brume'nt Sc Perier. De l'iodure neutrc d'anti- inoine et de ses proprietes ehimique s ct medicales. BuU. geu. ih- therap., etc. Par., 1862, lxii, 163; 217; 253.—} an den Corput. Des iodure et oxydoiodurc d'antimoiuo et ANTIMONY. 445 ANTIMONY. Antimony (Iodide of). de Taction pharmaco-dynamique de cos agents. Ibid.,67-72. Also: J. de meel., chir., et pharmacol., Brux., 1862, xxxiv, 34_38. -----. Encore un mot sur l'oxvdoiodure d'antimoine, et sur son mode de preparation. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1862, lxii, 449-453. Antimony (Oxide of). Gnittard. Oxvdc blanc d'antimoine. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. ct hist, med., Par., 1834, i, 443.—Pelletan (J.) Oxide blanc d'antimoine, experiences faites avec cette substance. Ibid., r;j.">-:i;i;;.—Recamier. De l'emploi de l'oxide blanc d'antimoine dans les inflammations. Gaz. mecl. do Par., 1832, iii, 503-506. Aho: Rov. med. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1832, iii, 218-229. Antimony (Sulphurets of). Bremser (J. G.) *De calce antimonii Hoif- manni cum sulfure. 8°. Jence, 1796. Brendel (J. G.) [Pr.] de sulphure aurato antimonii non vomitorio. 4°. Gottingce, 1757. Doppelmayer (J. S.) *Do kermes minerali. sm. 4°. Erlangce, 1754. Gerckkx (J. A.) *JEthiopis antimonialis et auripigmentalis conficiendi adhibendique ratio- nes. 4°. Halce, [1759]. Hartmax (P. I.) & Gerckex (J. A.) ^Ethi- opis antimonialis et auripigmentalis conficiendi adhibendique rationes. 4°. Halce, 1759. Hoffmanxus(F.) De cinnabari antimonii ejus- que legitima praeparatione, virtutibus et medica- mentisexindeparandis. sm. 4°. Halce Salicce, 1746. Klassoiix (E.) * Ueber das funffache Schwe- felantimon und seine Verbindung mit Schwefel- natrium. 8°. Dorpat, 1855. Lierig (J. G.) *De salutari et noxio anti- monii crudi usu. sm. 4°. Erfordice, 1730. Lummex(W.) *De natura sulphuris antimo- nii aurati et bine depeudente virtute emetica ejusdem. sm. 4°. Jena; [1763]. Millars (F. X.) *De explorata kermes mi- neralis sive pulveris Carthusianorum in nie- dendo efficacia. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1752]. Morgexsterx (F. S.) * De antimonii crudi usu interno. sm. 4°. Halce, [1750]. Paulizky (H. F.) *De sulphuris antimonii aurati extractioue respectu terra? foliatse tartari inde orinndae optima. 4°. Halce, 1774. Pott (A. F.) *De auri pigmento. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1720]. Eegexhertz (A. B.) *De sulphuris antimonii aurati usu medico in arduis quibusdam pr;ecipue lymphaticis morbis. sm. 4°. Halce Magd., [1737]: Reiseissex (J. D.) * . . . sistens antimonii crudi in medicina usum. 4C. Argentorati, [1721]. Roge. * Essai sur l'oxyde d'antimoine hydro- sulfur6 brun, ou kermes mineral. 4°. Paris, 1812. Schockwitz (J.) * De mirabili sulphuris an- timoniati fixati efficacia in medicina. sm. 4°. [n.p., 1699.] Schottmaxx (E. A. G.) * De medicamentis antimonialibus nounullis sulphuratis complcc- tens. 4°. Erfordice, [1792.] Roecker. Untersuchungen iiber die "Wirkung des Goldschwefels. Arch. f. physiol. HeUk., Stuttg., 1849, vUi, 350; 631.—Hoppe (J.)'t Geruchsmangel, gehoben durch sulphur, stib. aurant. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i, 167.—Hufcland (C. W.) Ueber die trefflichen WUkun- gen eines neuen Mittels, der Calx Antimonii Sulphurata, und seine Anwendung. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1797, Ui, 726-750; iv, 32-66.—Jacobi (A.) On the oxysulphuret of antimony as an expectorant in inflammatory diseases of the infantUe respiratory organs. N. York j. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 356-366.—Eiden (II.) Om beredniugen af sulphuretum stibicum depuratum. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 552-554.—Ravizza. Chermes minerale. Esculapio napol., NapoU, 1841, xix, 566-573.—Tcrreil (A.) NouveUes recherehes sur la preparation"du kermes; ac- tion des carbonates alcalins et des bases alealino-terreuses sur le sulfure d'antimoine Union pharm.. Par., 1874, xv, 65. Aho: R6pert. de pharm., Par., 1874, xxx, 71-73.— Toulmouchc (A.) Experiences cliniques sur le kermes min6ral on oxielo-sulfure hydrate d'antimoine, comme agent vomitif ou purgatif. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 724- 729; vii, 217-220. Antimony (Tartar ized, External use of). See Antimony and Antimonials as external remedies. Antimony (Tartarized, Internal use of Eruptions from). Bocckh. Pustelaussehlagnach dem innern Gebrauche des Brechweinsteins. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, :i::.-Bo. ■ wliiiiere (L. C.) Pustular eruption of the skin from tin- internal use of tartar emetic St. Louis M. Sc S. J., l*5li, xiv, 17-21.—Danig (L.) Eruption cutanee produite par le tartre stibie'< pris k rinterieur. BuU. gen. do th6rap., etc., Par., 1867, 35-37.—Demaria. Osservaziono di alcuni sintomi insoliti prodotti dall uso esterao del tartaro emetieo. Gior. . . . Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1843, xviii, 20-22.—tteurard. Apparition de boutons a la suite de 1'cniploi du tartre stibie k haute dose. Bull. Soc de meel. ele Gand, 1847, xiii, 210-215.—Imbcrt- Gonrbey re. fttude therapeutiepio sur les eruptions anti- moniales. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 246. -----. Me- moire sur los 6ruptions antimoniales. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1861, 3. s., xvi, 3; 17; 75; 90.—Kolloch (P. M.) On tho cutaneous eruption iuduced by the internal use of tartar emetic. South. M. r the aUeged murder of General Ketchum and Mr. Van Ness; with a complete exposure of the inaccuracies, indecencies, and unworthy devices of the so-caUed experts, Drs. H. C. Wood and J. J. Reese, obtained from Philadel- phia. Richmond Sc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1873, xv, 721-747. Also, Reprint.—Wood (H. C. jr.) Review of the medical testimony in the trial of Mrs. E. G. Wharton for the alleged attempt to poison Mr. Eugene Van Ness. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1873, viu, 169. Antimony and Antimonials as ex- ternal remedies. Debourge de Rollot (J -B.) * De l'inocula- tion stibiee. f-K Paris, 1816. Aho, in: med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1844, ii, 14, 254. Haxxay (A. J.) *De tartrates antimonii usu externo. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Kuaf(J.) * De antimonii virtute medica. 8°. Pragce, 1836. DE L'Espixasse (A. F.) * De tartar emetici usu externo in tumoribus albis observationibus pro- bato. 8°. Trajecto ad Rhenum, [1822], Madeli'xu (O. W.) * Ueber die Anwendung der Einreibungen des Unguentum Stibio-Kali tartarici in die .Scheidelgi'gend in bestimmten Psychoscn 8°. Bonn, 1869. Action (Del') therapeutique du tartre stibie employe? d'apres la methode endennique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1832, iii, 799.—Albers (J. F. H.) Ueber die Wirksamkeit der Einreibiing der Breehweiusteinsalbe in Gehirn- und Geistes- Krankheiteu. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1865, x, 233-239.— Bamberger. Quelques mots sur les dangers des fric- tions stibiees. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1856, xvi, 369-373.— Bird (F.) Einreibungen der Brechweinsteinsalbc, erre- Antimony and Antimonials as ex- ternal remedies. gen bei Verriickten niemals Ausbruch von Pusteln an den Genitalien. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 96-98.— Blizard (W.) Experiments and observations on the ex- ternal use of emetic tartar. Lond. M. J., 17*7, viii, 57-60.— Bradley (T.) Observations on the external use of tar- tarized antimony. Mem. M. Soc, Lond., 17*7, i. 247-252: 2. ed., 1792, i, 247-252.—Cless. Bemerkungen iiber die ausserliche Anwendung des Brechweinsteins. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1832-3. i, 110.—Col- son (M. A.) Note sur un effet reniarquable do l'applica- tion de l'6m6tique (tartrate antimon6 de potasse) sur la peau. J. hebd. de iu6d., Par., 1827, ii, 54.—Crescimbeni (G.) SuU'uso enderniico del tartaro stibiato. Bull. el. sc med. di Bologna, 1839, 2. s., vU, 281-310.— Duuiont (A.) Observations et considerations sur queleiues etl'ets du tartre emetique employ 6 k l'exteriour. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1842, vUi, 54-62.—Duparcquc. Lettre sur l'em- ploi du tartre stibie adininistvci par absorption cutanee. Gaz. med. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 757. ----- Considerations pratiques sur la susceptibilite et l'etat refractairc de la pean k Taction locale des irritants en general et en particulier k celle du tartre stibie. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1852, xiii, 49-58.—Fontaneilles. Des bons effets du tartre 6me- ticjue a haute dose employe en dissolution k l'extericur du corps. Rev. med. frany. et etrang., Par., 1829, ii, 453-473.— Gaitskell (W.) Observations and experiments on tho external absorption of emetic tartar and arsenic. Mem. M. Soc Lond., 1795, iv, 79-93.—Gendrin (A. N.) Obser- vations sur la preparation et sur les etl'ets de la pommade stibiee. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1829, cix, 388-397. — Greiner. Brechwemsti'insalbe. AUg. meel. Ann., Altenb., 1812, 760-762.—Griffith (R. E.) Caso of saUvation from the external application of tartar emetic. Ann. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1828, ii, 233.—Guerin (J.) Essai sur la methode stibio-dermique. BuU. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1850-1, x, 499-527: 1851-2, xi, 358-362. Aho: Gaz. meel. dc Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 685-690: 1852, vii, 140.— Hiflelsheim (E.) Lettre sur la medication stibio-der- niiipie. Gaz. mel-d. de Par., 1851, 3. s., vi, 820.—Hutchin- son (B.) Experiments on the extemai use of tartarized antimony. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1799, v, 81-88.—Luroth. Des effets du tartre stibie employe taut a l'interieur que selon la methode endennique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 209-212.—Pigeolet. Du tartre stibie comme moyen revulsif externe. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1844, ii, 15; 257. -----. Des scarifications stibi6es. Ibid., 1867, xiv, 309-313.—Pitt (J. B.) Effects ofthe tartar emetic ointment on the scrotum. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1842, v, 171.—Biggs (C. W.) Singular effect from the appUcation of tartarized antimony. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 17.—Schramm. Ueber die aussere Anwendung des | Brechweinsteins in der Wassersucht. Allg. meel. Ann., Altenb., 1815, 172-176.—Sherwen (J.) Observations on I the effects of emetic tartar by external absorption. Mem. j M. Soc. Lond., 1789, ii, 386-394: 2. ed., 1794, ii, 386-394.— Simeons (C.) Lettre sur leruption qui se produit aux parties genitales chez les sujets soumis aux frictions sti- biees. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 3. 8., ui, 192.—Steinbuch (G.) Nutzen der Brechweinstein-Pocke bei Sensibilitats- Excessen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1813, xxxvi, 3. St., 69-93.—Tonelli (G.) Annotazioui medico-pratiche sui re- sultamenti conseguiti daU'uso deUa pomata stibiata. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1824, xxxi, 67-81. Antimony and Antimonials as in- ternal remedies. See, also, Contra stimulus; and under names of diseases. Assum (J. C.) * Pra'paratio, natura et usus anf imonii diaphoretici. 4°. Halce Magd., 1738. Balfour (W.) Observations with cases illus- trative of the sedative and febrifuge powers of emetic tartar. 8°. Edinburgh, 1818. -----. Illustrations of the power of emetic tartar in the cure of fever, etc. 8C. Lexington, Ky., 1823. Chauvix (fi.) * Sur l'emploi du tartre stibie\ 4°. Paris, 1829. Courrege (F.) * Essai sur les effets et les pro- pri6t6s niedicanienteuses du tartrate d'antimoine et de potasse. 4°. Paris, 1826. IIartwig (C. A.) * De nonnullis antimonii prae- paratis eorundemepue usu medico, sm. 4°. Lip- sice, 1783. Heigl (J. E.) *De vario tartari emetici usu medico. 8C. Landishuti, 1823. Heller (J. C.) * De tincturis antimonii, minus usitatis, utcunque saluberrimis. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [17C9]. ANTIMONY. 448 ANTIMONY. Antimony and Antimonials as in- ternal remedies. Hiller (J.) *De tartari stibiati in organismum humanum efficacia. 8°. Berolini, 1833. Jaxiere (L.-E.-F.) * . . . sur le tartrate de potasse et d'antimoine, cunside'rd comme vomitif. j 4G. Paris, 1816. Kapfer (J. G. A.) * De medicamentis antinio- nialibus. sm. 4°. Altorfii Noricorum, [1732]. Kolpix (A.) Dissertatio epistolaris de vitro antimonii cerato, celebri remedio antidysenterico, tempestivius adhibendo. 8°. Hafnice, 1763. Lacollay (N. A.) * Accidents cons6cutifs a l'emploi du tartare stibie a. dose vomitive. 4°. Paris, 185G. Martexsox (J. F.) * Ueber Brechweinsteine und ilire Verbindungen mit Xitraten, eine Ab- handlung. 8 . [Dorpat], 1869. Muller (J.)' * Diss, medicamentorum antimo- nialium couspectum sistens. 8°. Havniae, [1787]. Observations on antimonial preparations; with a description of a new antimonial powder. 8°. London, 1785. Eoumette (0. J. A.) * Sur l'emploi du tartrite de potasse antimonii. 8°. Paris, an XI [1802]. Schifferus (II.) *[Pr.] depraeparatione anti- monii diaphoretici debita tuta et compendiaria. sm. 4°. Jena; [1742]. Teallier (P. J. S.) Du tartre stibi6 et de son emploi dans les maladies. Ouvrage couronne' par la Socie'te" de ni6decine de Toulouse. 8°. Paris, 1832. Theixe (F. C. N.) De medicamentorum anti- monialiumvaria indole ac virtuinbus. 4C. Halce, [1792]. Torxesus (C.A.) *De antimonio diaphoretico. sm. 4°. Jence, [1690], Vater (A.) Tincturae antimonii ante hac in- ventae virtutem et efldcaciam in cura morborum rebellium duobtis singularibus exennilis connrmat. sm. 4C. Wittembergae, [1749]. Vyau-Lagarde (L.) * Du tartrate de potasse aiitiinonie', employe a haute dose comme moyen curatif. 4°. Paris, 1824. Wedelius (J. A.) De pra?paratione antimonii diaphoretica debita tuta et compendiaria ejusque viribus nee inertibus nee noxiis sed salutaribus. i-ii. 4°. Jence, [1742]. White (W.) Observations on the use of Dr. James's powder, emetic tartar, and other antimo- nial preparations, in fevers. 12°. London, 1774. Witting (C. F.) #De tartari emetici praepa- ratione et viribus medicis. 8°. Gottingce, [1788]. Ackermann (T.) Beitrage zur Pharmakodynamik des Brechweinsteins. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1858, 3. R., ii, 241-283, 1 pi. -----. Die Wirkungen des Brechweinsteins auf das Herz. [Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Collapsus.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxv, 531-553.—Action (On the) of tartar emetic. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1859, xxiii, 344-352.—Anquetin. Considerations sur l'emploi du tartre 6metique a haute dose. J. geu. de med., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1826, xciv, 146-164.—Arebier. Reflexions ct observations sur l'usage du tartre 6m6tique. J. do m6d., elur., pharm., etc., Par., 1789, lxxxi, 3-21.—Balfour (W.) Illustrations of the sedative and febrifuge powers of emetic tartar. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1824, U, 276; 380.—Bnrtels (C. F.) Tartarus stibiatus in grossen Dosen. J. el. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1836, xxiv, 451-462. Also: Bull, therap., etc., Par., 1837, xUi, 350-353.—Basedow. Etwas iiber den Tartarus stibiutus als Antiphlogisticum. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl. 1828, Ixvii, 1. St., 65-977—Bellini (R.) DegU apprezzabiU cambiamenti a cui il tartaro emetieo, l'antimonio metalUco cd i suoi principaU preparati insolubili vanno incontrei ncU' animale organismo. Sperimentale, Firenze. 1866, xvii, 177; 385; 513; xvUi, 75; 233; 348.— Bergonzi (G.) Esperi- nienti comparativi sull'azione dcU'acqua coobata di lauro- ceraso e del tartaro emetieo, tentati in diverse specie d'ani- mali, e nell'uomo sauo. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1818, vU, 5-44.—Blackburnc (W.) Account ofthe effects ofa large dose of emetic tartar; with remarks. Lond. M. J. 1788, ix, 61-67.—Holing (W. M.) On a rarely observed Lntimony and Antimonials as in- ternal remedies. lint very fatal effect of gastro-intestinal reveUents; especi- aUy of the- tartrate of antimony and potassa, and particu- larly in the treatment of pneumonia. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1851, n. s., xxii, 331-337.—Bonamy (E.) Sur les effets locaux determines sur la bouchc, le. pharynx et l'cesophage par le tartre stibie. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1843, xxv. 208-213. -----. Etudes sur les effets physiologiques et therapeutiques du tartre stibie. J. dela sect, de med. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Xantes, 1843, n. s., xix, 60; 146; 181; 230; 287: 1844, xx, 156-189. -----. Ob- servations sui' l'emploi dn tartre stibie. Ibid., 1848. n. s., xxiv, 16-29.—Carbd y Aloy. ApUcaciones terap6uticas del antimonio metalico. Rev. do cien. med., Barcel., 1875, i, 156-160.—Croskery (H.) On the value of tartar emetic in compression of the brain, and in controlling convulsions and maniacal excitement dependent thereon. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xUii, 101-103.—Davrcux. Essai d'intcr- pretation de l'action evacuante du tartre) stibie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1867. vi, 11; 41: 81. Also, Reprint.— Dclioux. De l'influence de Topium et des huiles essen- tieUes sur la tolerance ct Taction therapeutique des antimo- niaux. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1857, hi, 481-488.— De Lnnel. M6moire sur T6m6tiquc ou sel stibie. J. de med., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1783, lix, 263-271.—De-lranx (P.) Quelques considerations sur l'emploi du tartrc-sti- bie. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1852, iv, 37; 45; 53; 61.— Dcscssartz. Memoire sur Tabus de T administration du tartrite de potasse antimonie (tartre stibie), par fractions de grain. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1797, ii, 438- 449. Aho, in his: Rec. de discours mem., etc.. Par.. 1811, 130-142.—Drake (D.) Practical remarks on cramp ofthe stomach from tartar e>ine'tic. West. M. Sc Phys. J., Cincin., 1827-8, i, 297-304.—Ecnens. Deux cas d'epUepsie, re- tention du placenta, et tumeur blanche du genou gu6ris par le tartre 6metique a haute dose. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1846, xx, 21-24—Ellissen. TJeber die Anwendung des Brechweinsteins in Kinderkrankheiten. J. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1823, lvi, 6. St., 69-79.—Franc (F.) De l'emploi du tartre stibie a hautes doses, contre les lesions traumatiques. J. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1834, i, 105; 145; 189.—Gaht&cns (C.) Zur Kenntniss der Antimonwirkun- gen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv, 321- 323.—Giannuzzi (G.) Ueber die Wirkung des Tartarus stibiatus. Ibid., Is0.">, Ui, 129-131.—Gintrac (H.) Etude sur les effets therapeutiques du tartre stibie k haute dose dans les maladies. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1851. ix, 272; 321; 385.—Gorrc fils. Observations sur l'emploi des pr6- arations antimonales k haute dosedans quelques maladies e poitrine. Precis d. trav. Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, 173-192.—Griffith (W.) Effect of tartar emetic on tho genital organs. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1842, v, 127.— Heitz. Memoire sur l'emploi du tartre stibie k haute dose elans les inflammations traumatiques. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1836, xl, 76-96.—Hoffmann (H. S. H.) Usaedvanlig Virkning af den indvendige Brug af Bra;kviinsteen, i store Doser anvendt mod Ledevatersot. Norsk. Mag. f. LaegeVidensk., Christiania, 1842, iv, 83-85.— Hoppe (I.) Die Arzneiwirkung des Tartar, stibiatus an den irritablen Gcbilden und an dor Xervensnbstanz. Ztschr. f. kUn. Med., Bresl., 1858, ix, 198; 241: lb.">9, x, 274- 297. -----. Die GefasswUkung des Tartarus stibiatus und des Sulphur stibiatum aurantiacum, untcrsucht am Auge des Kaninchcns. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1858, xiv, 704; 719.—Jnnkowich. Wiewirkteler Brechweinste in in grossen Gaben, und in welchen Ent- zundungen kann derselbe mit gutcn Erfolsie angewendet werden J Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1842, xxxviU, 49; 174.—Jeittclcs (I.) Grosse Gaben von Brech- wcinstein gegen Wcchseltieber. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 1347-1348—Jones (C. H.) Examinations of the effects produced bv certain medicines; antimony. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s.. iv, 362.—Kitchen (J. jr.) On the administration of tartarized antimony, in large doses, in some of the phlegmasia. N. Am. M. & S. J., Phila., 1828, v, 292-307—Krimer (W.) Ueber die Wirkung des auf verschiedeneu Wegen dem Korper hei- gebrachten Brechweinsteins. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1816, U, 924-939.—Lane (B.) On the effects of antimonial preparations on tho human frame. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 361-363.—de Laaieoue. Memoire sur de nouveaux mo- yens de perfectionner la preparation et l'usage du tartre stibie ou tartre cmctiijue. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par., 1776, pt. 2, 371-378.—Liicgard (A.) Quelques remarques et observations relatives a l'emploi du tartre stibie. Arch. gen. de meel., Par., 1828. xvii, 379-387.—JLoewenstcin. Unerwartete Nachwirkung grosser Dosen von Tartar, sti- biat. Meel. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., I860, xvii, 84.— L. ucas (J. 11.) Observations on the use of tartar emetic. Transylv. J. M., Lexington, 1830, iii, 126-128.—L.usol. Observations sur l'emploi du tartre stibie clans les phlegma- sies. Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 185; 193; 'JUT—,Uarcq (P.- A.) Sur l'emploi du tartre stibie k haute dose. Ann. de la meel. physiol., Par., 1830, xviii, 305-31*.— .TIarion de Proce. Eruption pustuleuse du pharynx ct de l'ceso- phage, par suite de l'emploi du tartre" stibie contre la ANTIMONY. 449 ANTIPHLOGISTICS. Antimony and Antimonials as in- ternal remedies. pneumonie aigue. J. de la sect, de med. de la Soe. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes. 1838, n. s., xiv, 226-234.— ITIayerhofer (C. J. C.) Wirkungen der Antimonial- Priiparate auf den gesunden Organismus. (Gekriinte Pieisschrift.) Arch. f. physiol. n. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien. 1846. iii, 97; 227; 321— iVlilton (J. L.) On the use of tartar-emetic in inflammation of the cellular tissue. Lan- cet. Lond.. 1850, i, 353-356.—Mones (J. W.) An explana- tion of the action of tartarized antimony. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836, viii. 735.—Moso (A.) SuU'azionc del tartaro emetieo. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1875, xxxvi, 616-636.— I FVobiling (A.) Versuche iiber die Wirkungen des Brech- weinsteins in kleinev Dose bei langereni Fortgehrauche. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1868. iv, 40-76. A ho, Reprint.— O'Conncll (P.) Composition and therapeutical uses of true James' powder. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1879, xxxix, | 160-166.—Ott (F. A.) Der Brcchweinstein, eines unsercr wohlfeilsten uud wirksanisten Arzneimittel. Med.-chir. I Ztschr. f. Landarzte u. Chir.. Miinehen, 1832-3, ii, 237; 348: 1833-5, iii, 21; 142.—Papillaud (L.) Remarques sur l'emploi de Tantiiuoine diaphoretique. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1850. 3. s., v. 775.—Pecholicr (G.) Recherehes experi- mentales sur Taction phvsiologique du tartre stibie. Montpel. med., 1803, x. 408-442. Also, Reprint. —Bad- ziejewski (S.) Zur Wirkung des Antimons. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1871, 472-485.— de Budder. Tartre stibie; pustules de la bouche et du | pharynx. Bull. Soc. de m6d. cie Gaud, 1846, xii, 92-94.— Wa iidras (S.) Considerations sur l'emploi du tartre stibie ii hautes eleises. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc.. Par., 1837, xiii, j 229-233. — Selionheyder (J. H.) Qiuedani de usu anti- | nionii in rheuaiatisino et scabie. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1791, ii, 229-232.—Smeets (C.) Eenige waarneniingen aangaande het gebruik van hot tartras pbtassae stibiatum, ! in groote giften. Pract. Tijdschr. v. u. Geneesk., Gorin- chem, 1837. iv, Suppl.-Bd., 109-124.—Smith (N. R.) The uses and abuses of the tartrate of antimony. Phila. Month. J. M. Antiseptic anedication. See, also, Borax; Sulphites; Sulpho-carbo- lates ; and under names of diseases. Alexander (W.) Experimental essays: I. On the external application of antiseptics in putrid diseases. II-III, [etc.] 8°. London, 1768. Bedoin. Contribution k l'etude de la medication anti- septique ; experiences sur le borax. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1877, xxviii, 179-182.—Bottini (E.) La medi- i cazione antisettica. Gior. cl. r. Accael. di med. di Torino, 1878, xii, 36-58.— Ceccarelli (A.) La medicatura fenica e i solfiti. Risposta al dott. Romeo Taverni. Gior. med. di Roma, 1869. v, 792-794.—Chassaignac. Emploi do l'alcoolature d'aconit comme moyen pr6ventif de 1'infection purulente dans les operations chirurgicales. Bull. Soc. de l chir. de Par., 1851, 1, 540-543.—Colin. Experiences sur la neutralisation des virus dans l'organisme. Bull. Acad. de m6d., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 1082-1100.— Elliott (G. F.) Ancient traces of antiseptic treatment in medicine and | surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 519.—Laborde (J. V.) Recherehes sur Taction preventive et curative des Frincipalcs substances r6put6e antiseptiques, etudiee sur orgauisme vivant dans la septicemic experimentale. Tri- bune med., Par., 1877, x, 187 : 234 ; 291.—Sansom (A. E.) On the sulphocarbolates and tbe antiscptie; method in medi- cine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 677-679.—Wright (W.) The antiseptic virtues of vegetable acid and marine salt combined in various disorders accompanied with putridity. Lond. M. J., 1787, viii, 97-104. Antiseptic obstetrics. See, also, Labor (After-treatment of'). Bergesio (L.) Medicazione antisettica coll'acido fe- nico in ostetricia. Osservatore, Torino, 1878, xiv, 120-122.— Cuzzi (A.) Contribuzione alio studio del metodo anti- settico in ostetricia. Ibid., 97-103.—Egli-Sinclair. Die antiseptische Behanellung der Puerpera. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Bern, 1877, vii, 637-645.—Fehling (H.) Ueber den Werth eines antiseptischen Verfahrens m der geburtshuflichen Praxis. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. ver., Stuttg., 1877, xlvii, 265-269.—Lothrop (T.) Anti- sepsis in midwifery. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1879-80, xix, 41- 54.—IHangiagalli (L.) Sul valore del metodo antisettico nella pratica ostetrica. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1878, 7. s., v, 131; 141— Schiicking (A.) Eine string anti- septische Behandlung der Puerpei alwunelin. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1877, i, 33-35.—Skinner (T.) ^ Deodorisa- tion in obstetric mi'dicine. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1860, ii, 231; 255.—Ulluian (C. M.) Om antiscptik vid barnsangen. Eira, Goteborg, 1879, iii, 65-78.—[Wilson (J. G.) ]. Note on the use of carbolic acid in obstetric practice. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 322. ANTISEPTIC SUEGERY. 451 ANTISEPTIC SURGERY. Antiseptic surgery. See, also, Abscess (Treatment of); Acid (Car- bolic); Arteries (Ligature of); Ovariotomy (An- tiseptic methods of); Terebene; ThymoL Bishop (J.) On antiseptic surgery. 12°. Lon- don, 1876. Repr. from: Swain's Surgical Emergencies, 2. ed., 1876. Declat. Traitement des plaies au moyen de Tackle pk6nique, et des rdsultats que la nouvelle mdthode a donne" pendant le sie"ge de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1873. Enzensperger (M.) * Lister's antiseptischer Verbaud. 8°. Erlangen, 1878. Ginesta (L.) * Du pansement antiseptique de Lister dans les operations chirurgicales. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Girard (A. C.) [A report on the materials used in Lister's system of wound treatment.] Circular Orders No. 3, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, Aug. 20th, 1877. 8°. [ Washington, 1877.] Gross (F.) La mdthode antiseptique de Lister. Histoire et rdsultats ohtenus a l'hopital Saint- Li^on de Nancy. 8-. Paris, 1879. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 149-153. Huber (C.) * Ueber den Gebrauch der Carbol- siiure als Verbandmittel. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Illy (J. B. A. M.) * Quelques considerations sur le traitement des plaies par la mdthode de M. Beau (de Toulon) et son pansement au charbon et an coaltar sapouhnS. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Kasemeyer (R.) * Beitrage zur antiseptischen und oti'enen Wundbehandlung. 8°. Strassburg, 1877. Lister (J.) Introductory lecture delivered in the University of Edinburgh. 8°. Edinburgh, 1869. ------. On the effects of the antiseptic system of treatment upon the salubrity of a surgical hospital. 8°. Edinburgh, 1870. Little (J. L.) Two lectures on Lister's anti- septic method of treating surgical injuries. 8°. New York, 1878. See infra. vox Nussbaum (J. N.) Leitfaden zur anti- septischen Wundbehandlung, insbesondere zur Lister'schen Methode fiir seine Schiiler und fiir praktische Aerzte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1879. Peters (E. 0.) * Ueber antiseptische paren- chymatose Iuiectioneu nach Hueter. 4°. Kiel, 1878. In: Schrift. d. TJniv. zu Kiel, xxv. Pieper (F. A.) * Theorie, Technik und Sta- tistik antiseptischer Wundebehandlung. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1876. Pomme de Mirimonde (L.) * Sur la ligature absorbable et le panseruent antiseptique du Pro- fesseur Lister. 4°. Montpellier, 1875. San-Martin (J.) * Plaies de sereuses traitees par le pansement de Lister. 4°. Paris, 1877. Sendler (P.) * Ueber Listers Methode der Wundheilung.. 8°. Halle, [1873.] Styx (P.) * Ueber die Einwiinde, welche gegen die Einfiihrung der Lister'schen autiseptischen Wnndbehandlungsmethode in die Kriegsheil- kunde erhoben worden sind. 8°. Berlin, [1876]. Thamhayn (O.) Der Lister'sche Verband; mit Bewilligung des Verfassers in's Deutsche iibertragen. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Volkmaxx (R.) Herr Dr. R. U. Kronlein und seine Statistik. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Beilage zu no. 96 der Sammlung klin. Vortriige. de Zayas-Bazan (F.) *Sur le systeme de traitement antiseptique tel qu'il est pratiqud par les Anglais, et priucipalement par le Dr. Lister d'fidimbourg. 4°. Paris, 1873. Antiseptic surgery. Adams (W.) Tho treatment of wounds upon the anti- septic and subcutaneous principles. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1868, i, 256; 282.—Albert (E.) Ueber die ausge- dehntere Nahtanwendung bei Operationen unter der Lis- ter'schen Wundbehandlung. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 1-4. Aho, in hh: Beitr. z. op. Chir., 8°, Wien, 1878, 1-6.—Allbutt (T. C.) A physician's interest in anti- septic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 5—Anciaux. Du traitement des plaies par la methode antiseptique de Lister. Ann. Soc. de meel. d'Anvers, 1871, xxxii, 127-133.— Andrews (E.) The sum and substance of antiseptic sur- gery. Chicago M. Exam., 1869, x, 732-739.—Angelot. Du pansement des plaies suivant le procede de Lister; son influence sur la marche des plaies et le developpenient des vibrions. Union m6d., Par., 1874, xxviii, 433-439.—Ansi- aux (O.) Traitement des plaies par la methode antisepti- que de Lister; analyse par lo docteur Maes. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1870, xxxvii, 343-345. Aho: Art med., Brux., 1870-1, vi, 209-217.—Antiseptic surgery. [Re- view.] Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1874, ii, 1-16.— Antiseptic (The) treatmentof wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 285.—Aubcrt (P.) Du pansement de Lister. M6m. Soc. d. sc. m6el. de Lyon (1875), 1876, xv, 100-109. Aho: Lyon meel., 1875, xx, 301-309. Also: Bull. Soc. d. sc. m6d. dii gr.-duch6 de Luxemb., 1877, 47-56.—Bardclebcn (A.) KUnische Mittheilungen iiber antiseptische Behandlung. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. GeseUsch., 1875. vi, pt. 2. 175-181. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 397-399. -----. Ueber die antiseptische Wundbehandlung. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1876, vii, 1. St., 6-11.—Bardcn- heucr (B.) [Antiseptic surgery.] Jahresb. ii. cl. chir. Thatigk. im Coiner stadt. Biirger-Hosp. 1875, Coin, 1876, 13- 34. -----. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber die Leistung des Thiersch'schen Verbandes. Ibid., 34-38. -----. Zusani- mensteUung der verschiedenen Verbandmethoden und der durch siegewonnenen Resultate. Ibid., 393-413.—Barnes (R.) Some incidental benefits of antiseptic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 39.—Bartlett. Wounds treated with [carbolic acid]. Med. Times efcGaz., Lond., 1869, i, 300.—Barwell (R.) CUnical lectures on antisepticism in sections and resections. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 506; 541. -----. Some statistics of antiseptic operations in the year 1877. Lancet, Lond., 1878. i, 306.—Beatson (G. T.) Some remarks on tho exciting causes of expense in the <:n- tiseptic treatment of surgical cases. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 440^51.—Bell (J.) Cases illustrative of the antiseptic use of carbolic acid. Edinb. M. J., 1869, xiv, 982-988.— Bennett (E. H.) The modes of using carbolic and sali- cylic acids in antiseptic surgery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1S76, i, 295-297.—Bergstrand (A.) Iakttagelser ofver Listerska forbandet pa Esmarchs klinik i Kiel. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1876, xxxviii, 451-455.—Bernard (R.) Report on the antiseptic treatment of wounds by carbolic acid in the Royal Naval Hospital, Plymouth, during the years 1869-70. ' Statist. Rep. Health Navy, Lond., 1868, (app.), 41-52.—di Bernardo (A.) La medicatura anti- settica di Lister e quella aU'ovatta eli Alfonso Guerin neUa cura cleUe piaghe. Arch, di med., chir. ed ig., Roma, 1875, vii, 707-716.—Berns (A. W. C.) Ueber ctie Erfolge der Lister'schen Wundbehandlung an der Freiburger Klinik des Prof. Czerny. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1876, xx, 177- 190. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1877, i, 3-17; ii, 109-122.—Bickcrstcth (E. R.) Remarks on the antiseptic treatment of wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 743; 811. -----. Letter on carboliscd catgut liga- ture. Ibid., ii, 142. -----. Notes of cases treated upon an- tiseptic principles. Livei'pool M. & S. Rep., 1870, iv, 99- 103. — Bidder (A.) Der Carbol-Salicylwatteverband in der operativen Privatpraxis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1875, vi, 222-242.—Billroth (T.) Untersuchungen iiber das Vorkommen von Coccobacteria-Vegetationen im Wundsi'ciet und die Verimpfung des letzteren auf die Ka- ninchen-Cornea. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1876, xx, 429-43}, 1 pi.—Billroth & Ehrlich (F.) Untersuchungen iiber Coccobacteria septica. Ibid., 403-428.—Black (D. C.) Letter on antiseptic surgery. Lancet, Lond., 18C9, ii, 524.— Boeckel (E.) Derarthrotomieantiseptiqueetdesesindica- tions. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1877, 3. s., vi, 109-112.—Bohm. Ueber Lister's Methode. Wien. med. Presse, 1868, ix, 653.— Boerner (P.) Dio antiseptische Wundbehandlung auf dem dicsjahrigen Chirurgen-Congress. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 197.—Bose (H.) Zur antisep- tischen Wundbehandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 385-387.—Bouloumie. Les vibrioniens dans le pus des plaies et des abefes et les pansements antiseptiques. BuU. Soc. m6d.-prat. de Par., 1875, 20-36.—Bouque (E. F.) Plaies. [Pansementantiseptique.] Inhis: Clin.Chir. de l'Univ. de Gand, 1873, 83-100. -----. [Antiseptic sur- gery.] Ibid., 1877, 87-148.—Bradley (S. M.) Antiseptic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1878, i, 256-259.—Briggs (C. S.) Antiseptic surgery. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1879-80, 2. s., xxiv, 143-150.—Bruns (P.) Einige Vorschliige zum antiseptischen Verbande. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 425-429. -----. ZurAntiseptikimKriege. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiv, 339-345.—Bryant. Cases illus- trating the behavior of the carbolised catgut ligature upon human arteries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 564-566.— ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. 452 ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. Antiseptic surgery. Buchner (H.) Ueber die Theorie des antiseptischen Ver- fahrens. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 413;425. -----. Ucbcr die Theorie eler antiseptischen Wundbehandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1878, x, 91-109.—Bnr- chardt. Erne fiir die militararztliche Praxis geeignete Moelitication der Lister'schen antiseptischen Verbandme- thocle. Deutsche niilit.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1874, iii, 85-92. -----. Ueber cine Modification des Lister'schen Verban- des. Archiv. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1876, xx, 191-194. Also: Verhanell. el. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1877, i, 3- 17; ii, 123-126.—Burger (A.) Wirkung des Carbolsaure- Vcibande's bei bereits in Eiterung begriffencn Wunden (19 Fiille). [Bericht aus der Abtheilung des Etapen-Laza- rethesSt. Agnetcn in Trier.] Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiii, 432-457.—Cameron (H. C.) Illustrations of antiseptic surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 123; 165: 1878, i, 343.—Campbell (W. M.) Four cases of antiseptic os- teotomy. Liverpool Sc Manchester M. Sc S. Rep., 1877, Liverp'., 1878, vi, 207-209.—Canniff(W.) Antiseptic sur- gery; " Listerism ". Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1879-80, xii, 65-fo.— Carbol-Kwestie (De). Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1879, iii, 157.—Carcalli. Pansement des plaies par la methode ele Lister. Union m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1879, 1. s., vi, 4; 13; 19; 27; 36; 43; 51.— Caspari. Ueber die Anwendung der Carbolsaure als Veibandiiiittel. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 367.— Cheyne (W.) [Occurrence of organisms uneler anti- septic-dressings.] Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 703-705.—Chiene (J.) The< antiseptic dressing of wounds. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxiii, 509-512.—Chkljarevskii (S.) Liechenie anti- septieheskim mi'todom. Voycuno-meel. J., St. Petersb., 1877, exxx, 119-128.—Clenienti (G.) Sulla medica tura anti- set tiea alia Lister. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1875, 3. s., v, 203-224.—Clinical records of antiseptic dressing by carbolic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 47.—Crede (B.) Eiuiges iiber Ficber nach antiseptischen Operationem Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, iv, 177-179.—Crombie (A.) Observations on Mr. Lister's treatmentof wounds. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta., 1872-3, xv, 301-341.— Crosby (A. B.) A lost art in surgery. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1877. ii, 41-04.—Cumming (J.) On antiseptic surgery. , Feliub. M. ,T., 1872, xvii, 985-1014.—Curie (E.) De l'acielo picrique ebins le traitement des plaies. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1*76, [xxiv], 654.—Cutcliue (II. C.) The antiseptic method of treatment in surgery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1871, vi, 197; 221.—Davy (H.) Five cases of antiseptic surgery and pyaemia, communicated with re- marks by II. G. Howse. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1878,3. s., xxiii, 361-328.—Bay (J.) On the application of nascent oxygen to the disinfection and deoelorisation of wounds anel ulcerated surfaccts. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1878, xxiii, 18I1-186. — Bebaisicux (T.) Les nemveaux modes de; pansement. J. d. sc. nied. de Louvain, 1876, i, 68-78.— Bevecchi (P.) Contribuziono alio studio della medica- zione antisettica elel Lister nelle operazioni chiiurgiche. Indipendente, Torino, 1878, xxix, 497; 513; 5:>1; 548.—Bis- cussione sulla meilicatura della ferite o spec ialmente sidla medicatura antisettica. Atti Cong. geu. el. Ass. meel. ital., 1876, 193.—Bittel. Ueber Lister s Heilmethoelc eiteruder Wunden. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. el. k. k. Gesellsch. cl. Aerzte iu Wien, 1868, viii, 163; 175.—Bora (J. W.) Antiseptic treatment of wounds; the material used, anil mode of ap- plication. Meel. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 241-243.—Dotter. UeJier die Verwendung der P. Bruns' schen Carbolgaze fiir Militarzweeke. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 18',9, viii, 520-527. Also: Feldarzt, Wien, 1879,62; 65.—Buhamel. Du pansement antiseptique au camphre pli6nii|u6. Gaz. med. ele Strasb., 1879. 3. s., viii, 90-94.— Bunlop (J.) Contribution to antiseptic surgery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1876, i, 139; 164; 220. -----. A second contribution to antiseptic surgery. Ibid., 1877, i, 415; 610.—Buplay. De la chirurgie antiseptique. Revue critique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1876. i, 465-480—Bu Pre. Trois cas d'npplication du pansement antiseptique. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1879, lxviii, 101-110.— Eilau (E. W.) A cheap anel expeditious method for pre- paring Lister's bandages. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1879, iv, 226.—Einfiihruug (Die) ebr Lister'schen antiseptischen Verbanilmethode. Statist. San.-Ber. d. k. k. Kriegs-Marine, Wien, 1878, 113-120.—I?minert (C.) Ueber modcrue Me- thoelen der Wuudbi'liandluug. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvi, 96-114.—Englisch (J.) Erfahrungen iiber den Lister'schen Verbanel mit Carbolsaure. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1869, xv, 549; 569; 589; 595; 611. -----. Zum Lister'schen Verbande. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftuug in Wien, 1876, 278-281. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 134.—Epstein (A.) Bemer- kungen zu Prof, von Niissbaum's Veutrage iiber das Lis- ter'sche Verfahren. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag, 1875, iii, 60-67. — Eteinnrch (F.) Die antiseptische Wundbe'handluug in eler Kiiegschirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1870, xx, 100-176. Also: Verhanell. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1877, i, 3-17; ii. 98-108. Aho, Re- print. -----. Ueber Antiscptik auf dem Schlaehtfelde. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1879, xxiv, 304-309.—E wing (J. H.) Canes treated by the antiseptic mcthoel of St. Mary's Hospital, Philadelphia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., Antiseptic surgery. 1879, n. »., lxxvii, 416-429.—Fergusson-McGill (A.) Note on the antiseptic dressing of wounds. Edinb. M. J., 1878, xxiii, 637.—Fischer (E.) Der Lister'sche Verbanel uud die Organismen unter demselben. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1876, vi, 319-344.—Flach. Ueber elic Verwendbarkeit der P. Bruns'schen Carbolgaze in der Kiiegschirurgie. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1878, vii, 400-403.—Gaingec (S.) [Cases under Mr. Lister's treatment, with comments.] Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 9; 50. -----. A note on antisi'pticism and cotton-wool. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1877, ii, 663.—Garrison (J. B.) Antiseptic sur- gery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1877, xxxvi, 262- 264.'—Gay (G. W.) Antiseptic surgery at the Boston City Hospital. Boston M. & S. J.. 1877, xevi, 187-190.—Girard (A. C.) Lister's antiseptic treatment of wounds; the ma- terials used, and their mode of application. Med. Rec, N. V., 1877, xii, 721-726. Aho, Reprint.—Glascr (G.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss von den antiseptischen Mitteln. Cor.-Bl. t. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1878, vin, 583-587.—Godlee (R. J.) On the antiseptic system, as seen in Professor Lister's wards at Edinburgh. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 694; 729.— Gottersdorfcr (A. M.) Mittheilung iiber antiseptische Wundbehandlung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 62.—Goldapohn (A.) A resume of cases treated accord- ing to Lister's antiseptic method in Cook County Hospital. Chicago M. J. (fc Exam., 1879, xxxviii, 485-491.—Gosseliu Sc Bergeron (A.) Etudes sur les effets et le mode d'action des substances employees dans les pansements antisepti- ques. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 534; 562. Aho: Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1879, Hi, 979.—Graf. Watteverband und Tanninverband. Verhandl. cl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1877, i, 3-17; ii, 127-136.—Grasctt (F. Lc M.) Antiseptic surgery. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1876, ix, 99- 104.—Gritti (R.) DeUe operazioni che si praticano sott' acqua alio scopo di evitare l'azione deU'aria atmosferica sulle superticii' cruentate, entro le cavita chiuse e le cavitA suppuranti. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1870, ccxi, 320.— Gross (F.) Communication sui' le pansement dc Lister. Mem. Soc. de med. dc Nancy, 1877-8, 1879, pp. xxxi-xxxv. -----. Resultats obtenus par la methodo antiseptique a l'bopital Saint-L6on ele Nancy. Rev. meel. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 132; 196: 261; 297;'353; 517— Giitcrbock (P.) Ueber ele-n Lister'schen Verbanel. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiii, 272-308.—Hallwachs (L.) Ueber Ein- heilung von organischem Material unter antiseptischen Cautcl'en. Ibid:, 1879, xxiv, 122-156, 1 pi. -Hamilton (D. J.) On some of the more recent methods of treating wouuds on antiseptic principles. Livei'pool & Manchester M. Sc S. Rep., 1873, i, 140-148.—Hanks (H. T.) A new atomizer for use in antiseptic surgery. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1870, xii, 31. -----. Spray-producing apparatus for throw- ing carbolic acid spray in operations on the antiseptic prin- ciple. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 277.—dc la Harpe | (E.) Coup d'ceil sur la methode desinfectante en chirurgie. j Bull. Soc. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, li 77, xi, 104; i 161 —Hayiloii (W.) On the antiseptic plan of treatment. Eelinb. M. J., 1873, xviii, 792-797.—Heath (C.) Two cases [ of compound fracture of the le>£ treated openly anil anti- sept ically for comparison. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1876, ii, 429.— Heiberg (E. T.) Om Karbolgaze. Ugesk. ?: Laeger, Kjebenh., 1878, 3. R., xxvi, 402-404.—von Heiberg (P.) Et Tilfaelde'af antiseptisk Ligatur. Hosp.-Tid. Kjebenh., 1870, xiii, 27.—Heinecke (P.) L'eber die Leistungen des antiseptischen Verfahrens mit Bezug auf die Resultate des Magdeburger Krankenhauses im Jahre 1870. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1877, iii, 549; 576.—Heller (A.) Ueber Liste/s gegenwiutige Methode der Karbolsaure- j aiiweiidiuig. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1871-2, 4 lift., 48.—Hervcy (R.) Pansements k l'ouate. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1871, ii, 641-680: 1872, i, 319; 417; 685.—Hicguet. Pansement antiseptique. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. ele Liege', 1877, xvi. 24-31.—Hirschberg (I.) Ueber das antiseptische Verfahren in der Augenheilkunde. Cen- tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1878, ii, 151.—Hobson (Ii. J.) Antiseptic surgery in large hospitals. Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 851.—Hodgcn (J.T.) Antiseptic surgery. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Phila., 1876, 518-534.—Holmes (T.) & Holdernesse (W. B.) Ou the treatment of wounds bv the application of carbolic acid, on Lister's ine- I thod. St.' George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, iii, 241-248, 1 j pi.—Howe (J. \V.) Amputation of the leg for syphilitic necrosis under Lister; CaUender's and Markoe s modi- fications of Lister; relative value of eae;h; description of dressing. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, \i, 593-595.— Jackson (J. D.) A critique' of Lister's septic germ theory, anel the uso of carbolic acid as an antiseptic in surgery. Richmond &. LouisviUc M.J., 1872, xiu, 265-274.—Jaesche. Kin FaU yon Phlebitis und Pyamie bei antiseptischer Be- ! hauellung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1876, xx, 231-234.— Jordan (F.) Tho constantly moist antiseptic sponge dressing. Bhmingh. M. Rev., 1879, viii, 85-99,1 pi.—Justi (G.) Ueber die Anwendung des Lister'schen (antisepti- schen) Verbandes in der Landpraxis, nebst Kasuistik. AVien. mod. Wchnschr., 1879, xxix. 906; 931.—Iteycs (E L.) Antiseptic herniotomy. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1876, ii, 708— Hire hen bcrger. Die antiseptische Wiuidbchiind- i lung im Kriege. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii. 617-«20.- ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. 453 ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. Antiseptic surgery. li.leiu (A.) Die antiseptische Wundbehandlung in der Privatpraxis. Wien. meel. Presse, 1872, xui, 503; 524; 553.— Kbhler. Der Carbol-Jute-Verbanel. Deutsche med. Weiinschr., Berl., 1876, ii. 145.—Kbnig. Der Listcr'sche Verbanel und die Sehnennaht. Centralbl. f. Chir. Leipz., 1874. i, 129-131. -----. Die Methodik des antiseptischen Verfalnens bei infectiiisen Eiterungen unel septischen Wunden. Verhaudl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1878. vii. pt. 2, 56-71. Aho: Deutscho Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1878.x, 12-26.—Krbnlein (R. U.) Offeue und anti- septische WundbehancUung; eine vergleicheude Zusam- menstellung dei mit dieseu Methoden der W und behand- J lung an den Uuiversitate-Kliniken zu Ziirich, Leipzig unci Halle erzielten Resultate. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1875, xix. 1-58. Sec, aho, Volkmann. supra.—Kiithe (F. P.) Antiseptische drainage als middel tot sluiting van patholo- j gische liolten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1877, I xiii. 473-476.—Kumar (A.) Ueber Lister'sche Wundbe- ! handlung. Wicu. med. Presso, 187G, xvii, 161-166. Also: Mitth. Wien. meel. Doct.-Coll.. 1876, n, 25-35.-----. Erfah- rungen iiber die Wundbehandlung nach Lister. Med.-Chir. i Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 615-1)16: 1878. xui. 3— Labbcc (E.) Des pansement santisepticpies. J.detherap., Par.,1874, i, 940-948: 1875. ii, 22; 65: 110: 145: 188: 228.— Laur. Zur Antisepsis im Felde. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Berl.. 1870, viii. 18-21. -----. Ueber den praktischen Worth der Miinnicb'schen trockenen Carbol.jute. Ibid.. 221-200.— Lnwric (E.) On a new way of applying Mr. Listcr'3 i methiMl of treating wounds. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1877, I xii.152.—Lechehieran po s])osobuListera. [ Lister's nie- t hod of treating wounds.] Med. pribav. k. morsk. sborniku, ! St. Petersb., ]^7n. xvi, 334-361.—Lc Fort (L.) Pansement | des plaies. Bull. Acad, dc med., Par., 1*78, 2. s., vii, 048- 671.—Lconhardi (F.) Wundbehandlniig. Jahresb. el. Ge- sellsch. 1. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1877, 154-150.—Lesser (L.) Einige Worte zum Verstanduiss der Lister'schen Methode der Wundbehandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chil., Leipz.. 1873. iii. 402-443. Aho. transl.: Edinb. M. J., 1874, xix, pt. 2. 787-798. Aho, Reprint.—Lcticvant. Du pan- I scinent antiseptique, ou dc Lister, au point de vue des re- | sultnts pratiques. Lyon med., 1S77, xxvi, 549-557.—Le- rcchinn. Opit prihiienenija Listerovskago metoda pri operatsijach i pereyjazkio ran v' kazanskoi zeinskoi bolinit- sie. [Lister's treatment in the Kasan hospitals.) Yoyenno- mcd. J., St. Petersb., 1877, exxx. 129-161. A ho, transl.: St. Petersb. meel. Wchnschr., 187s, iii, 71.—'Lindh (A.) Om Listerska forbaiidet. Hygiea, Steickliolm, 1876, xxxviii, 331- 333. -----. Yttcrligare bid rag tUl fragan om antisentisk sirbehaiidling vid mindre sjukvardsanstalter. [Results of antiseptic surgery in small hospitals.] Eira, Goteborg, 1877, i, 471-477.—Lindpaintcr (J.) Ergebnisse der Lister'- schen WundhebaniUung auf der chir. AbtheUung des aUg. Krankenhauses Miinchi'U. Deutsche Ztschr. f.Chir., Leipz., 1876, vii. 187-273.— Lipoma of foot; antiseptic treatment. Arch. Clin. Surg.. N. Y., 1877, ii, 158.—Lister (J.) On the antiseptic principle in the practice of surgery. Brit. M. J,, Lond., 1867, ii, 246-248. Aho: Lancet, Lonel., 1867, ii, 353; 668. -----. On a new method of treating compound frac- I ture, abscess, etc.. with observations «n the conditions of suppuration. Ibid., 326; 357; 387; 507. -----. An address j on the antiseptic system of treatment in surgery. Brit, i M. J., Lond., 1868, ii. 53; 101; 461; 515: 1869, i, 301-304.-----. A method of antiseptic treatment applicable to wounded ! soldiers in the present war. Ibid., 1870, u, 243.-----. Tho j Glasgow Infirmary and the antiseptic treatment. Lancet, Lend., 1870, i, 210. -----. Further evidence regarding the effects of the antiseptic system of treatment upon the salu- brity of a surgical hospital. Ibid., ii, 287-289. -----. Ad- dress in surgery. [ Antiseptic treatment of wounds. ] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii. 225-233. Aho, transl..- J. do med., chir. ctphanuacol.,Brux.,1871.Uii,297: 407: 1872,liv,33-40.-----. Antiseptic dressing under circumstances of difficulty, etc. Edinb. M. J., 1871. xvii, 144-150. ----- Demonstrations of antiseptic surgery, liefore members of the British Medi- cal Association, in' the operating theatre of the Royal Infirmary. Edinb.M. J., 1875. xxi, 193; 481. -----. Prin- cipii ed applicazione del metodo antisettico. Indipendente, Torino, 1875. xxvi, 438-443. -----. On recent improve- ments in the details of antiseptic surgery. Lancet, Lonel., 1875, i, 365; 401; 434; 468;- 603: 717; 787."-----. Antiseptic surgery. Report of remarks made before the surgical sec- I tion. during the adjourned discussion on Dr. Hodgen's paper. Tr.Internat. M. Cong.. PhUa., 1876, 535-544. -----. I The antiseptic method of dressing open wounds. Med. Rec, \ N. Y., 1S76, ii, 695. -----. Sur la methode antiseptique. I Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 421-426. -----. | Clinical lecture on a case of excision of the knee-joint, and I on horse-hair as a drain for wounds; with remarks on the teachings of clinical surgery. Lancet, Lonel., 1878, i, 5-9. -----. Ceber antiseptische Wundbehandlung. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 395.-----. A demonstration in anti- septic surgery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., lxviii, 97-114. -----. Remarks on dressings. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1879, u. 502.—Listers Borverband. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miin- , chen., 1876, xxiii, 319; 331.—Lister'sche (Das) Verfahren. AerZll. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe. Ic7u. xxiv. 147-154.— \ Little (J. L.) Two lectures on Lister's antiseptic method Antiseptic surgery. of treating surgical injuries. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1878, iii, 252;271. Aho, Reprint. Also: Am. CUn. Lect. (Seguin), N. Y., 1878, iii, 291-.322.—Lceber (F.) Lister's antiseptic treatment, N. Orl. M. A: S. J., 1877, iv, 794-809.—Lucas- Chainpionnierc (J.) Ligature de catgut antiseptique; ligature des gros vaisseaux. J. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1875, xlvi, 486-489. -----. Ouverture, des articulations Sar la methode antiseptique; extraction d'un corps etranger ii genou par lo creux poplite. Ibid.. 1877, xlviii, 350-360.— Liihc. Primarc Antiseptik im Kriege uud die Kriegs- Sanitiits-Ordnung vom 10. Jan. 1878. Deutsche niil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1879, vui, 55-81.—de Luna (A. B.) La cirugia antiseptica en los Estados Unidos; nuevos apara- tos y detaUes para su aplicacion. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1877, iii. 295-301.—Lund (E.) On the use of anti- septic cere-cloth for covering wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 267. -----. On antisepticity in surgery. Manches- ter M. Sc S. Rep., 1871, u, 20-34. Aho, Reprint. -----. Fal- lacies and faUures in antiseptic surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873. n, 454-456.—MacCormac (W.) On tho antiseptic treatment of wounds. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlvii, 52- 62.—McLcod (K.) Antiseptic surgery in Edinburgh. IneUan M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 238-242.— Macna- mara (C.) Remarks on the "antiseptic system of treat- ment ". Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vi, 72-74.—Hanson (R. T.) The success of the antiseptic treatment of wounds ex- plained without reference to germs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870. ii, 407.—.11 arcy (H. O.) A new uso of carbobzed cat- gut ligatures. BostonM. ScS.J., 1871, Ixxxv, 315.—Marc- chal. L'appareil a pansement antiseptique. J.domed.j chir. et phai-macol.. Brux., 1879, lxviii, 17-21.—Massini (R.) Lister's antiseptischer Verbanel. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1872, ii. 313; 337.—Maunoury (G.) L.i chi- rurgie antiseptique k Editnbourg. Progres meel., Par., 1876, iv. 701; 714.—Mavcr (L.) Ueber Lister's Wundbehand- lung. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen. 1875, xxu, 167-171.— Mayrbofcr (C.) Eine Bcmerkung zum antiseptischen Operationsveriihren im Allgemeinen und zur Laparotomie im Besoneleren. Wien. med. BI., 1879, ii, 711-713.—.Hears (J. E.) Case of lacerated wound of the elbow-joint treated successfully bv the antiseptic method of Professor Lisicr. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila., 1877, 3. s., ui, 11-15.—Menzel (H.) Ueber Metallsnturen bei Lister'schen Verbiinilen. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1877, iv. 417-419. -----. Sul metodo di Lister. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1877, xxxvii, 241; 251.—Mcssercr (O.) AUgemeine Urticaria anf An- wendung des Lister'schen Carbolverbandes. Aerztl. Int.- Bl., Miinchen, 1878. xxv, 393-396.—Michael (J. E.) Anti- septic surgery : is it a success? Maryland M.J., Bait., 1879, iv, 212-216.—Millie (J.) Sukhaya saUtsUovaya vata, kak Serevyazochnii material. [Dry salicylic wadeling as a ban- age material.] Med. Vestnik.'St. Petersb., 1876. xvi, 349.— Mikulicz (J.) Die antiseptische Wundbehandlung und ihre Technik. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Xied.-Oest., Wien, 1879, v. 58; 77; 92; 122; 146; 161; 183.—Miller(E.) Com- pound tincture of benzoin. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1877, vi, 203.—Minich (A.) Cura antisettica deUe ferite e proposta di un nuovo nietodo. Mem. reg. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1876, xix, 117-170. Also: Gior. veneto di sc. meel., Venezia, lh76, 3. s., xxiv, 24 : 422; 561.— Moller (L.) En FremstiUing af de chirurgiske Bchand- lingsmaader som kunne henfores til den antiseptisko Me- thode. BibUoth. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1875. v, 255-320.— Morales (J.) De la suppuration et lies pansements par occlusion pneumatiepie. Bull. Soe-. roy. d. sc med. et nat. de Brux., 1868, 150-153.—More (J.) Antiseptic surgery. Lancet, Lonel., 1870, ii. 845.—Morris (J.) On the antisep- tic treatment of wounds. Ibid.. 703.—von Mosengeil. Ueber aseptische Contentiverbande; ein Beitrag zur anti- septischen Wundbehandlung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1878,vii, pt. 2, 121-127. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bell.. 1878, xxiii, 326-332— Mosetig von Moorbof. Ert'ahniugen iiber die Wundbehandlung nach Lister. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1878. xiu, 27; 39.— Miiuuich (J.) Ueber die Verwcndbarkeit des nassen Carboljuteverbaudes in der Kriegschirurgie und iiber einige Versuche zur Herstellung billiger trockener antiseptischer Verbande. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1877, vi, 457-485— Mullin (J. A.) Antiseptic surgery; compound fracture of tibia with dislocation at ankle, and Colles's fracture of radius. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto, 1*79, iv, 264.—von Muralt (W.) Ueber verschiedene uae-h Lister behandelte chirurgische Fiille. t'or.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1870, vi, 535-537.— Nanerede (C. B.) Case of am- putated foot, including the lower third of the leg, preserved tree from putrefaction by tho use of salicylic acid. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1877, vi.'2.—Nelson (G. W.) Antiseptic surgery. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1879, vii, 143-146 — Ncugcbsiude (Das) der chirurgischen Klinik in Buda- pest. ~ Wie:n. med.Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 037-1)39.—New- man (W.) The'.antiseptic-treatment of wounds. Brii. M. J., Lonel., 1871, ii, 662-604.—Newton (J.) Antiseptic dress- ing: a modification of Lister's method Ki le> oil. a elie:p and efficient substitute for carbolic acid. Iudi-in M. >la ., Calcutta, 1808, iii. 249-251.—Nicola)sen (.•'-> Om An- vende'lsen af noglo Antiseptica i den u. e-re Till- Chir:irgi. XorskMag.f.Lxgcvidcusk.,Christiania, 1868, xxii, 141-159.— ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. 454 ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. Antiseptic surgery. von Nussbaum (J.N.) Lister's grosse Erflndnng. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxu, 41^4."-----. Sicherer Schutz gegen accidenteUe Wundkrankheiten; Pyamie, Hospital- brand, etc. In hh: Chir. Klin, zu Miinchen, 1875, i, 3-7. -----. Zielpunkte des Lister'schen Verfahrens und Mate- rialhierfiir. Ibid.,S-18.-----. Anwendungsweise des Lis- ter'schen Verbandmaterials und Fehlerquellen. Ibid., 19-50. -----. Unentbehrlichkeit des Lister'schen Verfahrens im Frieden und Kriege, in der Privat- und Spital-Praxis. I bid., 51-60. -----. Sonst und Jetzt vergleichende Bilder der chirurgischen AbtheUung vor und nach Einfuhrung der Lister'schen antiseptischen Methode. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen, 1878, i, 433-439. Aho,inhh: Sonst und Jetzt, etc., 8°, Miinchen. 1878, 1-9. Also: Wien med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1508-1511. -----. Muss die antiseptische Methode der Wundbehandlung auch im Kriege geiibt werden ? Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 33; 37; 45.—Odell (S. T.) Carbolic acid as a dressing for wounds. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1808-9, ii, 341-345.— Panas. Du pansement anti- septique de Lister; resultats cliniques fouruis par ce modo dc pansement. Gaz. hebd. ele med., Par., 1878, 2. s., xv, 310; 343.—Pansement des grandes plaies par les prepara- tions phcuiquees. (Methode de M. Lister.) Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 465.—Parctz (G.) Scbeszi kozlcmenyek , az aradmegyei kozk6rhazbol. [Antise-ptic treatment of wounds.] _ Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1878, xxu, 836-842.— Paschkis (II.) Beitrag zur Lister'schen Wundbehand- lung. Wien. meel. Presse, 1876, xvii, 153-155.—Patton (G. F.) The antiseptic treatment of amputations, com- plicated fractures, anel other extensive wounds, iu Prus- sia. N. York M. J., 1876, xxui, 406-411.—Pcaslec. Car- bolizeel catgut for sutures and ligatures. BuU. N. York Acad. M-, 1871, iv, 41.—Perrin (M.) Sur la valeur compara- tive du pansement de Lister et du pansement alcoolique. Bull, et mini. Soc. dc chir de-Par.. 1879, n. s., v, 153-169. Also: Bull. gen. dc th6rap., etc., Par., 1879, xevi, 198; 256; 308.— Petit (L. H.) Du pansement antiseptique de Lister. Bull. gen. dc therap., etc., Par., 1876, xc, 299; 309.—Poehl (A.) Die Bereitung eines antiseptischen Verbandstoffes und che- nusche Priifung desselben. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 327. -----. Neue Bereitungsmethode eines anti- Beptisclien Thymolverbandstoffes. Ibid., 1878, iii, 305.— Poggio (R. H.) Reflexiones acerca de la cura de las he- ridas por cl metodo antiscptico del Dr. Lister. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1876, ii, 597: 629.—Poinsot (G.) De la reunion immediate sous lo pansement de Lister. J. de med. do Bordeaux, 1878-9. viii, 441; 454; 470; 479; 493; 500. -----. Communication & propos de la methode anti- septique. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1879, n. s., v, 308-314.—Port. Die Antiscptik im Kriege. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1877, vi, 283-291.—Pozzi (S.) Quelques observations k propos du pansement de Lister. Progres meel., Par., 1870, iv, 813; 835; 857; 878. -----. Amputation do la jambe au tiers supericur; affrontement des surfaces sur un tube k drainage; pansement ouato- gheniquc; cicatrisation par premiere intention. Gaz. cl. e*>p., Par., 1877,1,123-125.—Present (The) position of an- tiseptic surgery, from a practical point of view. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., 1875, lvi. 253-281.—Puky (A.) A seb- keze'lesrol kuloneis te'kiutettel Lister m6dszerere. Orvosi hi'til., Budapest, 1878, 900; 984; 1000; 1020; 1048; 1088.— Bapp (A.) Du traitement des plaies par la methode an- tiseptique dans les hopitaux militaires allemands. Rec de mem. de nied. . . . mil.. Par., 1876, xxxii, 488-495. Aho, transl.: Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1877,v, 21; 48; 82.—Reid (J.) Case of abscess treated antisept ically with carbolic acid. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 51.—Reiera (K.) An- tiscpticheskae liechenio rane ve polevoi chirurgii. [Anti- septic treatment of wounds.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1878, exxxiii, 423: 644.—Rcyher (C.) Ueber die Lister'sche Wundbehandlung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- seUsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1874, if, 165-184. A ho: Arch. f. kUn. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvii, 499-518. ----- Antiseptische und ofi'ene Wundbehandlung. Ibid., 1876, xix, 712-727. -----. Die antiseptische Wundbehandlung in der Kriegs-Chirur- gie. Feldarzt, Wien, 1878, 77; 82. Also: Samml. klin. Vortr., nos. 142-143 (Chirurgio, no. 45), Leipz., 1878, 1207- 1262.—Rivi ngton. Chronic intractable ulceration of the leg; cry sipelas; amputat ion on the antiseptic plan; recovery. Lancet, Lonel., 1877, i. 683.—Roberts (C.) On the action and use of antiseptics in surgical practice. Ibid., 1872, i, 570.—Roddick (T. G.) Autiseptic dressing in surgery. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1877, vi, 241-248. _____. ''Listi'iisni." [Cases.] Ibid., 1878-9, vii, 289-301.—Ross (D. M.) Notes of a case illustrative of the advantages of antiseptic surgery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1873, lv, 421.— Rossandcr (C. J.) Nya omraden for den antiseptiska sarbehanellingcn. C. r. Des couquetes r6ccntes do la me- thode autiscptique. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1878, xl, 315; 345; 529; 605: 1879, xii, 85-98.—Ruggi (G.) Alcuni csperi- mcuti sulla medicatura alia ListiT. Comment, clin. di Pisa, 1878, u, 48-58.—Rnpprecht. Die Liste-r'sche Ver- band-Methode. Deutsche meel. Wchnschr., Berl., 1875- 6, i, 61-63. -----. Einfluss der Lister'schen Wundbe- handlung auf den Fortschritt in der Chirurgie. Ibid.. 1878, iv, 157; 187; 203.—Sacre. Du pansemeut des plaies a l'acide salicyUquc BuU. Acad. roy. ele med. de Belg., Antiseptic surgery. Brux., 1878, 3. s., xu, 329-345. Aho: Art med., Brux., 1878, xiv, 215; 252.—Hansom (A. E.) Principles of the antiseptic treatment of wounds. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 481.—Sarazin (C.) NouveUe methode d'occlusion antiseptique des plaies. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1875, iv, 1; 43; 109. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, lxxix, 1157-1160.—Sass (L. F.) New ap- paratus for antiseptic surgery. N. YorkM. J., 1877, xxv, 246- 249.—Saxtorph. Du pansement antiseptique de Lister. Rap. do M. Verneuil. BuU. et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 104-114.—Scheven. Die antiseptische Wund- behandlung auf den Verbandplatzen im Kriege, auf Grund- lage der Erorterungen des Chirurgencongresses des Jahres 1876 u. 1877, und im Rahmen der Instruction fiir das Sani- tatswesen der Armee im Felde vom Jahre 1869. Deutsche mU.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1877, vi, 265-283.—Schiillcr (M.) Ueber die Bakterien unter dem Lister'schen Verbande. Dentsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, vn, 503-532.— 1 Schultze (A. W.) Ueber Lister's antiseptische Wund- behandlung nach persoulichen Erfahrungen. Deutsehe mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1872, i. 287-313. Aho, transl.: Gaz. med. d'Orient, 1873-4, xvu, 101-110. Also: Samml. klin. Vortrage, no. 52 (Chirurgie, no. 17), 333-358.—Schuppert (M.) The results of Lister's antiseptic treatment of wounds in German hospitals, and remarks on the theory of septic in- fection. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1876, iii. 613-642.-----. Lister's antiseptic treatment of wounds, in wards 3 and 4J of the Charity Hospital of New Orleans, during 1875,1876, and 1877. Ibid., 1878, v, 496-515.—Sigafoos (J.) Antiseptic treat- ment of wounds and abscesses of the larger joints. Cincin. M. News, 1873, ii, 212-217.—Simpson (J. Y.) Carbolic acid and its compounds in surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 546-549.—Sims (J. M.) Lister's antiseptic method in ova- riotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, u, 792.—Smith (S.) Some practical tests of tho claims of the antiseptic system. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse, 1878,106-131.—Smith (T.) CUnical lectures on Lister's treatment of wounds and abscesses by the antiseptic method. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 453-455.----'-. Conclusions from a personal experience of Lister's antisep- tic treatment during three years of hospital practice. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, xiv, 137-144.—Soderbaum (P.) Lister's antiseptiska behandling af abscesser. Eira, Goteborg. 1877, i, 50-53. -----. Ett och annat. med. af- seende pa Lister's antiseptiska behandling. Ibid., 297; 591; 621: 1878, n, 233.—Solger (E.) Borwatten- und Bor- phenolverhande. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 628-630.— Steiner (F.) Ueber die modernen Wundbehandlungsme- thoden und deren Technik. Wien. Klinik, 1877,iii,227; 255.— Stclzner. Ueber den antiseptischen Occlusionsverband. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1876, 42- 51.—Syme (J.) Illustrations of the antiseptic principle of treatment in surgery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1868, i, 1.—Tail (L.) Cases treated antisepticaUy on Lister's method. Lan- cet, Lonel.,1871, i, 45.—Tavcrni'(R.) Chirurgia antisettica; lettera al Alessandro CeceareUi. Gior. med. di Roma, 1869, v, 739-745. Taylor (J. M.) Report on the antiseptic treat- ment of wounds. Tr. Miss. M. Ass.,Jacksou.l876, ix.72-77.— Thamhayn (O.) Der Lister'sche Verband. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1875, ii, 25-28.—Thiersch (C.) KUnische Ergebnisse der Lister'schen Wundbehand- lung und fiber den Ersatz der Carbolsaure durch Salicyl- saure. Samml. kUn. Vortr., nos. 84 u. 85 (Chirurgie, uo. 28), Leipz., 1875, 637-730. Also, transl.: Lond. M. Rec, 1875, iu, 317. Aho, transl.: CUn. Lect. ... by German authors, 2. s., Lond., 1877, 63-168. -----. Ueber den Er- satz der Carbolsaure durch SaUcylsaure bei Durchftiruug der Lister'schen Wundbehandlung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., 1875, iv, pt. 1, 64-70. -----. Ueber die Verwendung der SaUcylsaure als chirurg. antisepticum. Ber. ii. d. wissensch. Vortr. d. med. Gesiillsch. zu Leipz., 1877, 5-8.—Thomas (W.) Remarks on antiseptic sur- gery. Biimingh. M. Rev., 1876, v, 254-259.—Thompson (J. F.) t " Listerized " wrist-joint. Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1879, i, 1D1.—Thomson (G.) The antiseptic system in sur- gery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1875, il, 516^518.—Till- manns (H.) Ein Wort zur Lister'schen Wuudbehand- lungsmethode. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1875, ii, 433; 451. Also: Ber. ii. d. wissensch. Vortr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Leipz., 1877,16-19. -----. Ueber die feineren Vorgange bei ; der antiseptischen Wundheilung.-***i, 1879, vi, 769-773.— •'J :• v-'A°- Tornblom (A.) Om den Listerska behandlingsmetoden ( t- " I'- af sar och abscesser. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1869, i, "> r . no. 8, 1-10.—Trendelenburg (F.) Ueber die HeUung J; ,-'t von Knochen- und Gelenkverletzungcn unter einem Schorl. 16 FaUe.] Arch. f. kUn. Chir., Berl., 1873, xv,455-470.-----. Ein antiseptischer Occlusiv verbanel. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1876, iii, 129-131.—Verneuil (A.) Du bain antisep- tique prolonge ou permanent, avec quelques considerations sur lesaUuresdu poison septiquc. Arch. g6n. denied., Par., 1879, clxiv, 17; 151.—Vincent (E.) Du traitement a de- couvert des plaies dans une atmosphere antiseptique, ou du pansement phenique sous cloche. Lyon ni6d., 1878, xxvii, 15-21. Also: Rev. ni6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1878, lviii, 73-79.—Violani (L.) Studio critico sui inoderni nnovi metodi di trattamento delle ferite. Raccogliteire med., ForU, 1878, xii, 6-31.—de Visscher (C.) Quelques ob- servations sur le nouveau procede antiseptique de M. ANTISEPTIC SUEGEEY. 455 ANTISPASMODICS. Antiseptic surgery. Oilier. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1878, xiv. 120-123.— Vliyanie antisepticheskage) metoda laicheniya na ab- shehee ozdorovlenie gospitalei. [Influence of t he antiseptic method of treatment on hospital practice.) Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi. 205; 217.—Volkmanu (R.) Vor- Kiufiger Bericht iiber die innerhalb der letzten drei Jahre in der chirnrgischen KUnik zu Halle stationar oder polildi- nisch mit Hiilfe der antiseptischen Methode behandelten schweren Operationen und schweren Verletzungen. Ver- handl. cl. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1877, vi, 54- 64. -----. Zwei Fiille von Diaphyseuosteotomien wi'gen Kniegelenksankylosen. Berl. klili. Wchnschr., 1874, xi, 629-631. Aho, transl.: Edinb. M. J., 1875. xx, pt. 2, 794-799. Aho, Reprint. -----. Ueber den antiseptischen Occlusivverband und seinen Einfluss auf den Heilungspro- cess der Wunden. Samml. klin. Vortr., No. 96 (Chir., No. 30), Leipz., l)->7.->, 759-812.—Wade (De W. C.) Alcohol for antiseptic spray, and cotton-wool as a surgical dressing. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1878, xiii. 318.—von Wall I (E.) Einige Bemerkungen uber das Wundtieber bei der antiseptischen Wundbehandlung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878. iii, 417-421.—'Walton (H.) Cases of injury treat eel antisep- tic-ally with carbolic acid. Lancet, Lond.. 1871, i, 446.— Watson (B. A.) Antiseptic treatment of wounds; car- bolicaciil versus alcohol. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1879, xvi. 46.— Weinberg (J.) Ueber elic prakt isehe Yerwerthung neuer Ve-rband-Matcrialien bei ambulanten Kranken und in der | Privatpra\is. _ Mittli. el. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll.. 1876, ii, | 208-212.—Weinlechncr. Ueber Lister's Wundbehand- lung. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1S76. xxvi, 303; 319; 337; 397: 427: 626; 794; 915: 986; 1009.—Weir (R. F.) On the antiseptic treatment of wounds, and its results. N. York M. J.. 1*77. xxvi. 501-580: 1878. xxvii, 31-51. Aho, Re- print.—Weiss (S.) Synie-fele csonkitas miitet 6s utanke- zeles Lister szerint. [Lister's method in amputations.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest. 1870, xvi, 325-331.—Weisse (F. D.i Lister's antiseptic treatment in surgery. Meel. Rec, X. V., 1869. iv. 52-56. -----. Antiseptic surgery. Ibid., 1879. xv. 209. —West (J. F.) The value of the antiseptic treatment in herniotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 230- 232.—White (R. jr.) Personal observations of Lister's antiseptic treatment. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1877, xcvii, 235-245. — Wiborgh (A.) Om antiseptisk sarbehand- ling vid in.ndre sjukvardsanstalter. [Results in small hospitals.] Eira. Goteborg, 1.-77, i. 201; 440.—Wight (J. S.) The principles of antiseptic surgery. Med. Sc Surg, i Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 371-375. -----. Autisepcis | and disinfection in surgery. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 187*, iv, 101-I0S— Will (J. C. O.) illustrations of antiseptic treat- ment iu minor surgery. Lancet, Loud., 1878, n, 39; 78.— j Wilson (U. P.O.) Subsulphate of iron as an antiseptic in the surgery of the pelvis. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, 1877, Bost., W8, ii.30eV316.—Wilson (J. T.) Carbolic acid as a dress- | nig in wounds. Kansas City M. J., 1873, in, 65-69.—von Winiwarter (A.) Einige Mittheilungen iiber werth- vulle Errungenschaften elei neuereu Chirurgie und deren Anwendung im Kronp. Rudolf-Kinderspital. Med.-chir. | Centralbl., Wien, 1877. xii, 350; 364: 374; 458; 469.—Wood j (J.) Address in surgery. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 25li.—Wylie (J. R.) Prof. Lister's treatment of wounds and ulcers by carbolic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1868, u, 5.— Vandell (D. W.) Thirty surgical cases treated with car- bolic acid as a dressing. Richmond Sc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 18(59, vii, 651-665.—Zaunschirm (W.) Die Lister'sche oder antiseptische, Wundbehandlung. Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, xi, 565; 577; 589: 1877, xu, 1; 13; 25; 49: 73— Zawadzki (A.) Odjejcie przeuraniienia I z^ zastosowaniem pneumatycznego przyrzadu Gu6rin'a. [Treatment of wounds by* exclusion of air; Guerin's method.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1868, iv, 457-459. Antiseptics. See, also, Acid (Benzoic); Acid (Carbolic); Acid (Salicylic); Alum; Anatomy (Methods and preparations of); Borax; Charcoal; Chloral, etc.; Chloralum ; Creosote; Disinfectants, etc.; Fermentation and Ferments. Coste (L.) *Des antiseptiques. 4J. Paris, 186b. Kaiser (J.) ' Experiuieuta ad comparandam vim antisepticum aceti, nitri, salis com., et cklo- reti calcis instituta, ?•->. Bud a;, [1831]. Vallt. Lettre ii M. Astier, sur la diScouverte ] de la vertn autiferinentescible de l'oxide rouge de mercure'. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Baierlacbcr. Die' schwefelige Saure als Antisepti- cum im Vergleiche mit der Salicylsaure, der Carbolsaure i und dem Chlor. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1870, xxiu, 391; j 403; 414.—Balfour (J.) Antiseptic for country practice. ; Edinb. M. J., 1870, xxii, 103-105.—Bechamp' (A.) Ob- J Nervations sur les antiseptieiues. Montpel. med., 1875, xxxv, 425-437: WO. xxxvi, 30; 133—Billroth. Ueber j die antiseptische Kraft des oxygeniit-salzsauren Kalkes. ■ Antiseptics. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1825, xix, 326-330.—Binz. Ueber die Reaction der niedersten Thierorganismen auf antiseptische Mittel. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., Bonn, 1867, xxiv, 24-28. -----. Ueber die Wirkung antiseptischer Stofl'e auf Infusorien von Pflanzenjauche. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1867, v. 305-308. -----. GeschichtUches zur Kenntniss der antiseptischen Mittel. Berl. klin. Wchn_.'hr., 1868, v, 175.—Brinton. Preparations for preserving animal sub- stances. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 501.—Bucholtz (L.) An- tiseptica und Bakterien. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1875, iv, 1-81.—Burow ten. Notiz in Bezug auf cssigsaure Thonerde unci ihre Ein wirkung auf Bakterien unci Vibrione-n. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1874, iv, 280-282.—Cabot (A. T.) Experiments upon tbe strength of antiseptics. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879, ci. 755-758.—Cal- vert (F. C.) Abstract of a paper on the relative power of various substances in preventing putrefaction and the ele;- vclopment of protoplasmic and fungous life. Meel. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 443.—Cotton (S.) De l'influence des antiseptiques sur le dosage de l'uree. Mem. Soc. el. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1874, xiv, pt. 2, 52-53.—Craee-Calvert (F.) On the relative' power of various substances in pre- venting putrefaction anel the development of protoplas- mic and fungus-life. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond.. 1S71-2, xx, 187-192. — Crowther (W. H.) Some experiments on the relative value of antiseptics. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1879, ii, 201.—Davaine. Recherehes relatives a- Taction des substances antiseptiques sur le virus de la septicemic. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 25-28. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1874, 4. s., UI, 44.— Dougall (J.) On putrefiers and antiseptics. Glasgow M. J., 1872, 4. s., v, 41; 145. -----. On the relative pow- ers of various substances in preventing the appearance of animalcules in organic fluids. Meek Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 495. -----. On the prevention of putrefac- tion and the destruction of contagia. Glasgow M. J., 1875, vii, 313-325. Aho: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1875, iii, 259-267.— Dreyer (A.) Von der Luftreinigung und Unschadiich- machungoder Zerstorung iibler Geriiche. Med. Ztg., Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 49-56.—Crlaser (G.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der antiseptischen Substanzen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Arzte, Basel, 1878. viu, 583; 669.—Groeuewoud (D. T.) lets over de (I) daarstelling, (II) samensteUing, (III) verbindingswijze, (IV) eigenschappen en (V) reactien van phenylzuur, saUcylzuur, en gedialvseerd salicylzuur. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht. 1878, i, 478-491.— Grublcr (A.) Des substances antiputrides et antifermen- tescibles. Bull. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 265-281.—Griiillery. Experiences sur la coagulation do ralbumine et des produits albuminoides par clivers anti- septiques. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 137-139.— Meckel (E.) De l'influence des acides salicylique, thy- mique et de quelques essences sur la germination. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc, Par., 1878, lxxxvu, 613.—Labor de (J. V.) Recherehes sur Faction preventive et curative des Frincipales substances r6putees antiseptiques, etudiee sur organisine vivant, dans la septicemic experimentale. Tribune- med. Par., 1875, viU. 339; 375; 423; 532; 614.— Lcmairc (J.) NouveUes observations sur les applica- tions du coaltar saponine k la therapeutique. Monit. el. sc m6d. et pharm., Par., 1861, 2. s., iii, 474.—Lemairc Sc Gery fih. Nouveaux faits pour demontrer que le coaltar saponin^ empeche la formation du pus. Ibid., 1860, 2. s., ii, 1043.— Tlacbride (D.) Essay on the respective powers, anel manner of acting, of the different kinds of antiseptics. In his: Experimental Essays, 8°, London, 1764, 111-167.— rVystrom (C.) Om asepti'n (borsyra). Upsala Lakaref. Fcirh., 1872, vii, 382-398.—O'Nial.' The relative power of some reputed antiseptic agents. Army M. Dep. Rep. (1871), Lond.. 1873, xiii, 202-207. — PopW (L.) Ueber die faulnisswidrigcn Mittel und ihre RoUe in der gegen- wiirtigen Pharmakologie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1876, i, no. 32. — Pavesi (C.) Solfito sodico-salicilico- cloraliato, ossia balsamo antizimotico. Ann. chim. applic. a. med., Milano, 1876, lxii, 193-190.— Pienkowski (A.) Note sur la conservation des substances organiques. An- nuaire Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1865, 568-575.— Port. Dio Antiseptik im Kriege. Feldarzt, Wien, 1877, no. xv. 57.—Senator. Ueber Salicyl- und Benzoesaure. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1878, xxiii, 386.—Sogliano (S.) Sugli effetti terapeutico-chirurgici del peimanganato di potassa e deU'acido fenico. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir di NapoU, 1866, xx, 74-77.—Substitutes for carbolic and salicyUc acid: thymol-benzoic acid. Phila. M. Times, 1879, ix, 211-213.—Sundewall (F.) Om aseptins anvan- dande tiU forvaring af lik. Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1869-70, v, 179.—Taufficr. On the antiseptic properties of hydro- chlorate of tin. Lancet, Lond., 1832, ii, 771. Antispasmodics. Bauer (C. H.) * De specificis anti-spasmodicis. 4°. Halae, 1704. Hebenstreit (J. E.) IlaXcaoXoyiaS thera- pite specimen xxx, de antispasticis. 4°. [Lip- sice, 1752.] ANTISPASMODICS. 456 ANTRUM. Antispasmodics. Salinger (L.) * De antispasmodicorum diffe- rentia. 8°. BeroUni, 1829. Sproede (J. G. L.) De medicamentis anti- spasmodicis meletemata quaedam. 8°. Lipsice, [1800]. Stockius (J. C.) [Pr. ] de liquore Diana? virtute magis polychresta corroborate, prolusio i—iii. 4°. Jenoe, [1751-45]. Dunglison (R.) On antispasmodics, therapeuticaUy considered. N. Am. Arch. M. Sc S. Sc, Bait., 1835, u, 1-10.— Fonssagrives (J. B.) Memoire sur la constitution du groupe therapeutique des stup6flants diflFusibles, et sur la n6cessit6 d'y faire entrer toutes les substances dites an- tispasmodiqiies. Arch. g6n. demed., Par., 1857, 5. s., ix, 399; 556; 691. A ho, Reprint. -----. Antispasmodiques (me- dicaments et medication). Diet, encycl. a. sc. med., Par., 1866, v, 411-420.—Beassnnto della medicatura anti-spas- modica, o anti-irritativa. Ippocratico, Fano, 1871, 3. s., xx, 481-493. * Anti-sudoritics. See Anhidrotics. Anti-Tobacco Journal. George Trask, editor. Quarterly. Nos. 2, 3, 7, 9, v. 1, 1860-61. 8°. [n. s.] Nos. 4, 5, v. 1, 1872. Boston. Anto^ast. See Griesbach. Antoine. Tractat vou den Augen-Kranckhei- ten, worin die Structur des Auges, Anatomice uud Physice erklaret, und die Methode, wie des- selben Kranckheiten zu geuesen, aufrichtig und deutlich demonstriret wird . . . aus dem Frantzo- sischen und Holliindischen ins Teutsche iiber- gesetzt, und mit einer Vorrede, worin angezeiget wird, wie man einen Atheum Theoreticum aus der Structur des Auges iiberzeugen und die Existentz Gottes beweisen konne, vermehret. Hrsg. durch Joh. Timme. 22 p. 1., 826 pp., 1 pi., 11 1. 8°. Bremen, P. G. Saurmannsseel, 1731. Antoine (Auguste-Marie). 'Considerations g6n6- rales sur le typhus. 2 p. 1., 38 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, F. G. Levrault, 1819. Antoine (Charles). Des plaies p6ue"trantes du genou iiar armes a feu et de leur traitement. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1871. No. 207. Antoine (Ferdinand). * Essai sur la diarrhe'e ende"mique de Cochinchine. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 256. Antoine (L^on.) * Quelques considerations sur l'emploi des moyens anesthe'siques dans la pratique des accouchements. 1 pi., 62 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 673, v. 35. Antomiadous (K.) See Ellenike. ■freip/u.iJKoiroua, [etc.] 8°. Athens, 1868. Antominarchi (F.) Planches anatomiques du corps humain ex^cut^es d'apres les dimensions naturelles, accompagn6es d'un texte explicatif. Publides par le Comte de Lasteyrie. Text, 228 pp. fol.; 48 pi. elephantine fol. Paris, Dondey- Dupres, 1826. -----. Mdmoires sur la non-existence de com- munication normale des vaisseaux lymphatiques et des veines. Suivis du rapport fait a l'acade- mie des sciences pour le prix de physiologie expe"- rimentaled6ceru6aM. Lippi. 24 pp. 8°. [Paris, A. Firmin Didot, 1829.] -----. Memoire et observations sur le chole"ra- morbus regnant a Varsovie. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, Barrois Vaini, 1831. See, also, Mascagni (P.) Prodroino deUa grande ana- tomia, [etc.] fol. Birenze, 1819. Anton (Carolus Christianus.) Vollstiindiges, pa- thologist geordnetes Taschenbuch der bewiihrte- sten Heilformeln fiir innere Krankheiten ... 2. Aufl. xlvi, 476 pp. 12°. Leipzig, I. T. Woller, 1848. -----. Die bewahrtesten Heilformeln fur die epi- demische Cholera, xii, 284 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J, A. Barth, 1849. [P., v. 167.] Aliton (Carolus Christianus)—continued. -----. Vollstiindiges, pathologisch geordnetes Taschenbuch der bewahrtesten Heilformeln fiir aussere Krankheiten, einschliesslich der Augen-, Ohren- und Zahnkrankheiten. 2. Aufl. xii, 578 pp. 12°. Leipzig, I. T. Woller, 1854. -----. Vollstiindiges, pathologisch geordnetes Taschenbuch der bewahrtesten Heilformeln fiir Frauen-und Kinderkrankheiten. 2. Aufl. x, 580 pp. 8°. Leipzig, I. T. Woller, 1857. See, aho, Heinroth (Joann. Christ. Ang.) De volun- tate modice medicamento, [etc.l 8°. Lipsice, 1817. Anton (Erwinus Ewaldus). * De gangraena noso- comials 36 pp. 8°. BeroUni, G. Schade, [1864]. Antoncsco (C. S.) *Du salicylate de quinine et de son emploi dans la fievre intermittente. 29 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 418. Antoni (Joh. Gregor.) See Mogcn (Joh. Wilhelm). "Wahrhaffto, nnd von dem weltberuehmten, [etc.] 12°. Leipzig, 1724. Antoni (Samuel). De medicina aflfectuum. 36 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Mullerianis, [1694]. Antoniewicz (Franciscus). * De arsenici usu in medicina. 30 pp., 11. 8°. BeroUni, B. Schle- singer, [1849]. Antonini (E.) *De la fievre syphUitique. 65 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 496. Antonio (Cavaleri). Clinica pediatrica dell' Ospedale Maggiore di Milano. Osservazioni pra- tiehe sulla tosse ferina. 40 pp. 8°. Milano, 1869. c. Antonio (Jean-J.) Etude snr la pneumonie du sominet. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 133. Antonius ab Altomari. See Altomari. Antonnittus (Pietrus). See Howard (Giovanni). Ragguaglio de' principaU lazzaretti in Europa, [etc.] 8°. Venezia, 1814. Antonucci (Giuseppe). Prospetto che contiine i risultamenti ottcnuti nella clinica medica della regia uuiversita de' studj di Napoli nel corso dell' anno 1819. 87 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Napoli, Porcelli, 1819. Antony (Fre'de'ric). * Etude do l'amhlyopie due aux vices de refraction et eonsidere au point de vue du recrntement militaire. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 441. Antony (Milton). See Southern Medical and Surgical Journal. Antraigues (Eugene-Hippolyte). * Essai sur la dothinenterie, et 1 inefHcacite' du traitement anti- phlogistique dans cette maladie, suivi de quelques propositions de me'decine. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 262, v, 220. d'Antrechaus. Relation de la peste dont la ville de Toulon fut afilige'e en 1721. xxiii, 380 pp., 2 1. 12°. Paris, F. Estienne, 1756. -----. The same. Aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt von Adolph Freyherrn Knigge, nebst einer Vorrede von Dr. Joh. Alb. Heinr. Reimarus. xcii, 180 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Bachmann $• Gunder- mann, 1794. Antretter (Aloysins). *De phlebitide. 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. F. Wild, 1841. Antrum. Cosselin. Snr l'orifice du sinus maxiUaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1851, Par., 1852, ni, 53-56. Antrum (Abscess of). See Antrum (Inflammation of). Antrum (Diseases of). Adelman (G.) * Untersuchungen fiber krank- hafte Zustande der Oberkieferhble. 4°. Dorpal, 1844. Baur (C.) "Do morbis antri Highmori. 8°. Tubingce, 1836. Dutil (J.) *Diss. sur les maladies du siuus maxillaire. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. ANTRUM. 457 ANTRUM. Antrum (Diseases of). Harris (C. A.) Dissertation on the diseases of the maxillary sinus. e^-3. Philadelphia, 1^13. j vax Hkxgkl (H. J.) *De nonnullis morbis j orgauicis siuuum maxillariuin. 8-. Lugd. Bat., ; [1S47]. Lklxickkr(P. V.) *Desinumaxillari ejusdem mor'jis iisque medendi ratione-. 4°. Wirceburgi, \ [1809]. | YVelnhold (C. A.) Ideen fiber die abnormen Metamorphosen der Hyghmorshohle. 8°. Leip- zig, i8io. ! Berard (A.) Sinus maxillaire (maladies du). Diet. de med., 2. 6d., Par., 1844, xxvui, 347-367.—Bordenave. Pr6cis d'observations sur les maladies du sinus maxillaire. [42 obs.] M6m. Acad. roy. ele chir., Par.. 1768, iv, 329-384: 1774. v, 225-262, 1 pi.— Birodie (B. C.) Clinical lecture on diseases of the maxillary antrum. Lond. il. Gaz., 1835, xv, j 346-351.—Chittenden (C. S.) Disease of the antrum. ; Boston M. Sc S. J., 1871. Ixxxv. 151.—Cooper (W. "W.) . . . | spontaneous coUapse of the antrum. Lonel. J. M., 1851, iii, 289-292.—Cough (R. D.) Disease of the antrum. Med. | Times, Lonel., 1850, n. s., i, 200.—Couper (J.) Disease of | the maxUlary sinus. Glasgow M. J., 1829, ii, 228.—Di- sease of the antrum. Mecl. Times, Lond., 1850, xxi, 368.— ! Dumenil. Ossification de la inuqucuse du sinus maxil- laire. Bull, et mem. Soc. ele chir. do Par., 1876, n. s., U, 469-480.—Dupony. Lettre' sur le traitement des malaelies dc sinus maxillaire. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiv, 335: 462.— Fergussou. Disease of the an- trum. Lancet,Lond., 1850,i. 777.—Garrctson(J.E.) The antrum and its diseases. Meel. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1861, vi, 552-556; 1*02, vii, 56; 169.— Oerdy. Maladie du sinus maxillaire; dilatation de cette cavite, avec hypertro- phic spongieuse de sa paroi anterieure; soulevcment 16ger et ammcissement du plancher de l'orbite du cote inalade; depression et destruction partieUe de la voute palatine du meme cote; operation; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii. 565.—Ha ward (J. W.) Three cases of distension of the antrum of Highmore. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond., 1872, v, 131-136.—Haves (PJ Case of diseaseof the antrum, -with appearances on dissection. X. Eng. M. Rev. & J., Bost., 1827, xvi, 409-413.—Heider (M.) Ueber den Catarrh der Kieferhiihlenschleimhaut. (lesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., "Wien, 1*56, ii, 457-462.—Hlavaeek. Fistel der Hygh- morshohle. AUg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1869, xiv, 242.—ja- sinski (R.) Sluzomie.sak zatoki Highmora, wypUowanie szczeki gdrnej, regeneratio; roza, znikniecie nowotworu. [Sloughing of Uning membrane of antrum.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1878, xxiv, 81-86.—JTourdain. Recherehes sur les difKrens moyens de traiter les maladies des sinus maxUlaires, et sur les avantages qu'U y a dans certains cas d'injecter ces sinus par le nez. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1767. xxvii, 52; 157.—Kirchheini. In die Highmorshohle fuhrende Fisteloffinung; epUeptiforme An- faUe mit Bewusstlosiskeit und Steifigkeit der oberen Extremitaten; partieUe Oberkieferresection; Bessertum. Jahresb. ii. d. "Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes. d. Krankenanst. d. Stadt Frankf., 1865, Frankf. a. M., 1868, ix, 89.—Magitot. Perforation du sinus maxUlaire droit, avec communication dans la bouche. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1873, 3. 8., ii, 143. — ITIoorc (C. H.) An expansion of the antrum of Highmore. Tr. Clin. Soc.Lond., 1870. iii, 89-92. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i, 300.—zur IVedden (A.) Zwei Fiille von Erkrankungen der Highmorshohle. Deutsche Vrtl- jschr. f. Zahnh., Xiirab., 1871. xi, 6-16. Aho, Reprint.— Smith (H.) Disease of the antrum. Med. Tunes, Lond., 1850, n. s., i, 32.—Sylvi. Observation sur un fongus du sinus maxUlaire. Rec. d. actes de la Soc. dc sante de Lyon, 1798, i, 119-123.—Thouvenin. Ozene du sinus maxUlaire gu6ri par des injections de permanganate de potasse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xU, 44}.—Thurman (F. D.) Di- seascs ofthe antrum or maxillary sinus. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1859,iv,478; 594.—Vans Best (A.) On tho diseases of the antrum. Lancet, Lond., 1873, i, 8.—Werneck. Sarko- matiis degenerirte Schleimhaut der rechten Highmorshohle mit gleichzeitiger Caries der untcrn "Wandder'Augenhbhle und hicrdurch verursachtem amaurotischen Exophthal- mos ; HeUung. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir.Klin., Leipz., 1833-4, iii, 60-63.—Willrich (E. A.) Zur Casuistik der Krankheiten des Sinus maxillaris. Deutscho Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i, 318-320.—Wolfrom (G.) Zur The- rapie des Catarrhs der Highmorshohle. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1879, xvi, 227. Antrum (Diseases of Complications and sequelce). Briick (A.T ) Wiederholte Entziindungen des Antrum Highmori und Amaurose; geheilt durch die Driburgcr Cur. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk.. Berl.. 1851, xvu, 129- 136.—Bnzer (A.) t Gefahrdrohende Affection des rech- ten Aujies in Folge einer exsuvativen Periostitis des An- trum Highmori. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1868, v, 156.—Bu- Antrum (Diseases of Complications and sequela;). chesne. Abces dans le sinus maxillaire gauche; exoph- thalmic produite par la collection purulente. J. dc med. de Bordeaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 70-73.—E ve (P. F. > Trephining the antrum; death within fifty hours. South M. Sc S. J.. Augusta, 1848, n. s., iv, 279-281.—Game (('. i Amemia of the optic nerve, constituting extr;:i erobral amaurosis, fol- lowing abeess of the antrum caused bv a eliseased molar- tooth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 683-085.—Mair (R. S.) Disease of the maxillary antrum, involving the brain. Edinb. M. J., 1866. xi, 1009-1014.—Morland. Unusual nervous phenomena dependent upon inflammation and ab- bccss above the root of the left upper anterior molar tooth; the antrum probably involved. Boston M. & S. J., 1859, lx, 421.—Salter (S. J. A.) Amaurosis consequent on acute "abscess "of the antrum produced by a carious tooth. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1862, xiv, 355, 1 pi. Aho: Proc. Roy. M. ifcChir. Soc, Lonel., 1862, iv, 124-126. Aho: Lancet, Lonel., 1862, ii, 12. — Willigk. Gesichtsschmerz in Folge von Entziinduns uud Vereiterung der innern Umkleiduiig eleT Highmorshohle. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 257- 259.—Wright (C. E.) Disease of antrum complicated with, and partially obscured by, anomalous symptoms affecting the eye and ear. Tr. Ind. M. Soc, Indianapolis, 1873, xxiii, 24-26. Antrum (dropsy of). Dolle (J. A.) * De casu quodam hydropis antri Highmori. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1659. Heide (M. T.) *De livdrope antri Highmori. 8°. Lipsice [1861]. Loder (J. C.) [Pr.] inest. paracenteseos sinus maxillaris historia. 8J. Jena; [1793]. Critchctt. Serous effusion into the antrum maxiUare. Lancet, Lond., 1847. i, 123.—Bartiguollcs (U.) Hydro- pisie du sinus maxillaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1878, vii, 48.—Berby. Dropsy of the antrum. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxix, 88—Dubois (J.) Hydropisie du sinus maxUlaire; corps etranger introduit elans le sinus; extir- pation k l'aide efinjectious. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 34.—Fano. Note sur le traitement do l'hydropisie du si- nus maxillaire. Union m6d., Par.. 1867, 3. s., in, 507-509.— Greene (J.) Case of dropsy of the antrum. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 481.—Hodges.* Dropsy of the antrum from malposition of a tooth. Boston M. A: S. J., 1863, lxix, 99.— Hofmokl. Hydrops Antri Hyghmori; Heilung durch Incision von dei' voreleren Miinilhcihle aus. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 598.—Jobert. Hydropisie du siuus maxil- laire gauche; injection ele teiuture iodee pure; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par'., 1853, xxvi, 409.—itlall (C. D.) Hydrops Antri Highmori. Allg. Wien. mecl. Ztg., 1863, viii, 61.— Biedinger. Hydrops Antri Highmor. Chir. KUn. im k. JuUushosp. zu Wiirzb., 1879, 33.—Saure. Hydropisie du sinus maxillaire observee et decritc. Bull. Fac. de nied. de Par., etc., 1816, v, 9-15.—Savostilskii (G. A.) O slucha- yai vodyauki chelyustnoi polosti. [Case of dropsy of the antrum.] Laitop. Khirurg. Obshch. v' Mosk., 1875, i, 509.— Steiner (F.) Hydrops der Highmor's Hiihle in Folge eines ganz abnormen, hochst mangelhaften Zahnungspro- zesses: Operation. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 187- 190.—Tilanus (C. B.) Geval van hijdrops antri High- mori. Werk. v. li. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Xat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, 18. —Wagner, t Hydrops Antri Highmori; partieUe Resection der voreleren Wand der Highmorshohle; HeUung. DeutscheKlinik. Berl., 1861, xni, 21.— Waitz (H.) Zwei Hydrops dor Highmorc's- Hiihlo. Arch. f. kUn. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi, 613.—Wern- her. Ueber die Auftreibung des Sinus maxUlaris durch Flussigkeiten, besonders durch Schleimcystcn. Ibid., 1876, xix, 535-550. Antrum (Exostosis of). Balthazaar. Von einem Beinfrass in der Kmnback- en-Hole. [Aus dem HoUiindischen.] X. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz.. 1786, x, 45.—Bemar- qnay. Xote sur nn cas d'oxostose,ou mieux d'osteoide non adherent du sinus maxUlaire gauche; ablation ilu maxillaire gauche; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1867, 3. s., xxii, 245- 247.—Bespres. Exostose du sinus maxillaire. Bull, ct mcm.Soc.dcchir.dePar.,1875,n.s.,i, 171-178. Aho: Union med., Par.. 1875, xxix, 255-258.—Huguier. Exostose areo- lairo du sinus maxillaire droit; amputation du maxillaire supcricur, des os malaire, unguis et du cornet inferieur du cote droit; guerison. Gaz. de hop., Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 58. Antrum (Foreign bodies in). Laxg (C. F. H.) * Ueber das Vorkommen von Ziihnen im Sinus maxillaris. 8°. Tubingen, 1844. Amott (J. M.) Case in which a foreign body was lodged for nearly ciuht months in the antrum. Loiul. M. Gaz., 1830, v, 430-433"2 pi.—Bertrand (P.) Introduction d'un insecte (Myriapoda scolovcndra) dans le sinus maxil- laire. Precis d.'trav. Soc. mid. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, ANTRUM. 458 ANTRUM. Antrum (Foreign bodies in). 274— Cattlin (W. A X.) Peculiarities of the interior of the antrum: fang of a tooth impacted in a pocket in the antrum. Brit. M.J.. Lond., 1858,485. Aho: Lancet, Loud., 18.3*, i, 614. —Bonne (W. C.) Wound of the antrum with destruction of the eye; fragment of knife-blade re- moved from the antrum two years afterwards. West. J. M. & S., LouisvUle, 1842, 2. s., vi, 186-188.—van Hasselt (A. W. M.) Over het groote gevaar dei' ontwikkeling van vliegen-larven in de neusholten [sinus frontalis, antrum Highmori, enz.] voor den mensch. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1859. iii, 661-663.—Hennig (C.) Fistel dei- Kieferhohle, vou einem Zahnreste veranlasst. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien, 1859-60, iii. 49—Hey sham (J.) An ac- count of a painful affection of the antrum maxillarc, from which three insects were elischarged. Med. Communicat. Soe'. Promot. Med. Knowl. Londf. 1784, i, 430-443.—Lin- hart. Extraktion /.weiei-'/.ahn wurzeln durch das Antrum Highiiiori. Wien. Med.-Halle. 1863, iv, 215.— McGregor (W. L.) Case of diseased antrum with excreted larva;. Tr. M. &Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1829, iv. 28-30.—Paniard. Deux observations ele balles ayant sojouroe pendant un temps tres- long, lime dans le sinus maxillaire, l'autre sous le scapuluni, it avant 6te extraites. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1874.3. s., iii. 580-584. Aho: Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1874, xlvii, 1066.—Bo- dolli (L.) Porzione di lama di coltello uscita spontanea- ineute dopo 42 anni dall'antro d'Higmoro. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1864. 4. s., xxi, 288-290. Antrum (Inflammation and abscess of). Bousquet (H.) * Etude sur les abces d«5ve- loppe5s clans le sinus maxillaire. 4°. Paris, 1876. Cha ykou (0.) * Des abces du sinus maxillaire. 4°. Paris, l8o6. Barnett (J. R.) Case of suppuration of antrum High- niorianum. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1878, xi, 37-75.— Billroth (T.) 11 Eiterungcn aus dem Antrum. In his: Chir. Klin., Wien, 1871-6; fieri.. 1879, 89.—Bou- chut. Abces du sinus maxillaire et carie de l'os maxil- laire superieur; guerison. Gaz. d. heip., Par., 1875, xlviii, 587.—Bave (J.) Observation d'abces du sinus maxil- laire. Union med.. Par., 1875. xix, 4.—Bop (G.) Des ab- ces du sinus maxillaire provoqu6s par la carie dentaire. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1874. viii, 171; 201.—Elf (Eine) Jahr lang verkannte lymphatische Ansammlung im Antro Hygmori wurde elurcli dio Operation gehoben. K. Jour. f. d. Chir., Arznk. n. Geburtsh., Berl.. 1820, i. 135.—Estep (W.) Abscess of the maxillary sinus. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridgeport, Ohio, 1850-51, 34.—Fischer (C.) Empy- ema in dem Antrum Highmori mit chronischer Blenor- rheie verbundeu. Meel. Cor.-Bl. cl. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1847, xvii, 7.—Fischer (G.) Absc. antri High- mori. In his: Mittli. a. el. chir. Univ.-Klin, zu Gotting., 8°, 1861, 73.—Heath (C.) On suppuration of the antrum. Med. Exam.. Lonel., 1876, i, 892. — Hullihen (S. P.) Ob- servations on abeess, purulent secretion, and fungous tu- mors of the antrum maxillare. West. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Cine:in., 1837. x. 333; 493. — Jourdain. Reflexions'sur les depe'its du sinus maxillaire. J. elo med.. e^hir., pharm., etc, Par., 1764. xxi, 57-68.—Kins (J-J Case of inflammation in the maxillary sinus. MeiL Sc Phys. J.. Lond., 1803, ix, 423-425.—l«e Fort. Abc6s du sinus maxillaire; troubles oculaires et phlegmon ele lorbite; guerison. France med., Par., 1876, xxiii. 357.—I.iston. Disease of the antrum. Lancet, Lond., 1840, ii. 60.—ITIason (F.j Cases of suppu- ration in the antrum. Med. Exam., Lonel., 1876, i, 894.— Santopadre (T.) Iutiammazione catarralo elell'autro d'Higmoro edei seni frontali consecutiva a riuite. Galvani, Bologna, 1875, iii, 287-299.—Solano (A. F.) Observacion sobre u n aceeso en el seno maxilar. Arch, ele la med. es- pan., Madrid, 1846, ii, 199-201.—Strieker (G. A.) Siagan- tritis acuta. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1854. iii, 352- 356—Syme (J.) Abscess of antrum. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1832, xxxviii, 321. -----. Medullary tumour of the bones of the face, with abscess of the antrum. Ibid., 1833, xl, 329-331. -----. Maxillary abscess. Month. J. M. Sc, Lonel. Sc Edinb., 1X52, xiv, 533.—Wight. Abscess of the antrum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 370. Antrum (Tumors of). See, also, Jaws (Excisions of); Jaws, Nose, Tumors of. Exders (M.) * Ueber eineu Fall von einer Geschwulst der Oberkieferhbhle. 8°. Wiirzburq, 1872. Forget (A.) * Recherehes sur les kystes des os maxillaires et leur traitement. 4-. Paris, 1840. Fourdrigxiek (A.) * Des tumeurs solides du siuus maxillaire. 4°. Paris, 18\>8. Glasewald (F. E.) *De tumore quodarn utriusque antri Highmori perversa deutium for- matioue exorta. 4°. Gryphice, [1844]. Antrum (Tumors of). Scheider (K.) *De steatomate magno in antro Highmori observa tin, cu. jirajmiss'i suut quaedam cuuetorum, qui iu hoc antro occurrunt, morborum diagnosi. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Weixhold (C. A.) Von den Krankheiten der Gesichtskuochen und Hirer 8chleimhaute, der Ausrottung eines grossen Polypen in der Unken Oberkieferhbhle, dem Verhiiten des Einsiukens der gichtischen und venerischen Nase und der Eiusetzung kunstlieher Choanen. 4°. Halle, 1818. [Agnew.] Case of encephaloid tumor of nares and antrum. Phila. M. Times, 1875, v, 612.—Bahrs. TJeber einen Fungus medullaris, welcher seinen Sitz in dem Antrum Highmori hatte und durch ein Geheimmittel ent- fcrnt wurde. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1847, i, 369-373.—Ballingal. Removal of a sarcomatous tu- mour from the superior maxUlaiy antrum. Lancet, Lond., 1827. xii, 620.—Baumgarten. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 118.—Beraud. Sur des kystes muqueux du sinus maxillaire. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., 1851, Par., 1852, iii, 62. -----. Sur un kyste du sinus maxillaire contenant du mucus avec dc la cholesterine. Ibid., 64.—Blot, t BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 264.—Bourdillat. t . . . [path. anat.] Ibid., 1868, xliii, 337-339.—Bryant (T.) Cyst in the antrum. Lancet, Loud., 1860, ii, 153. -----. On some cases of cystic disease of the antrum. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, 3. s.. xv, 252. -----. On a case of soUd tumour of the antrum, apparently originating from the irritation of a tooth. Ibid.,2i0.—Buchanan (G.) Tumour of antrum; excision of superior maxillary bone; recovery. Glasgow M. J.. 1879, n. s.. xi, 143.—C—^—r. Ausrottung einespoly- peisen Gewiichses in der linken Oberkieferhdhle. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1802-3, xv, 2. St., 61-70.—Canolle. Observation sui' l'extirpation d'une excroissance polypense du sinus maxiUaire, qui occupait toute la capacite de la bouche, et genoit la respiration, la mastication et la parole. Rec period. Soc. de m6d. de Par., 1797, u, 179-184.—Coli- guon (J.) Contribution k l'etude des tumeurs osseuses du sinus maxillaire. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1874,4. s., iU, 101; 138.— Collis (M.) [Casts, photographs, anel morbid specimens illustrative of three cases of myeloid tumour ofthe antrum.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 263.—Crompton (D. W.) Tumor in the left antrum. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii, 679-681.— disco. Polype muqueux h6morrhagique du sinus maxil- laire. France med., Par., 1874, xxi, 817-819.—Bavies (R.) On a case of encephaloid tumour of antrum; its removal by a newprocede. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 85-88.—Bespres (A.) ProceilC operatoire pour extraire les tumeurs du sinus maxillaire. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1875, lxxxvUi, 309-312.—Bickson(D.) Fungus of the antrum; lymphatic contamination: no visceral taint. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, ii, 256- 258.—Bieulafoy. Polype du sinus maxiUaire prolonge dans la fosse nasale gauche et dans le pharynx; extirpation; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 494.—Bobie (W. M.) Fibrous polypus of antrum, etc.; evulsion; recovery. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Euinb., 1853, xvn, 307-309.— Borscy (G. V.) . . . two surgical cases of interest. Med. Counsellor. Columbus, 1855, i, 769-779.—Bnbar. Cancer du sinus maxUlaire. BuU. med. du Nord, LiUe, 1874, xiv, 54-56.— Bubois. Observation sur une tumeur de l'os maxillaire produite par le developpenient d'une dent dans la cavite du sinus. Bull. Fac demed. de Par., etc., 1804, i, 107-111.—Bupuytren. Extirpation d'un polype carci- nomateux du sinus maxillaire gauche. Clinique, Par., 1830, ii, 138.—d'Espine (A.) Epithelioma ossitiant dn sinus maxUlaire. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1872. Ixvii, 88-90.— Fergusson. Fibrous tumor of the antrum extending through tho hard palate into the mouth; successful re- moval. Lancet, Lonel., 1861, ii, 206. -----. Malignant tumor of left antrum, involving left side of hard and the whole of the soft palate. Ibid., 1864, i, 8. -----. Case of tumour of tho antrum. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1876, i, 439.—Fines. Tumeur sanguine du sinus maxiUaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 270.—Finley (M. A.) A case of fungus of the antrum. Maryland M. Re- corder, Bait., 1829, i, 97-102.—Fischer. Ueber einige se- rumhaltige, von den Zahnwurzelii ausgehende Cysten im Antrum Highmori mit Abbildungen. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1859, xii, 184-190,1 pi.—Fritz, t BuU. Soc. anat. dePar., 1859, xxxix, 326.—Fungus hwrnatodes of the antrum. BostonM. &S. J., 1828-9, i,222.—FyflTe. Ence- phaloid tumor of the antrum. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1853, xv, 470-472.—Qant. Case of excision of the antrum of the upper.jaw for a cystic growth. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 164.— Kcrdy. Ablation d'une tumeur du sinus maxiUaire. BuU. Soc de chir. de Par., 1852-3, iii, 394; 400.' -----. Tumeur canc6reuse du sinus maxUlaire. Ibid., 119; 394.—CSiral- des. Kyste du sinus maxillaire. Ibid., 1851-2, ii, 503: 1852-3, iii, 256-261. [Abstr. and discussion.] Also: Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1853, iv, 35. Aho: M6m. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1853, iii, 479-491, 3 pi. Aho, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.,1855, ix,463-468— Gorrf. Polypedu sinus maxUlaire; ablation de la paroi anterieure de la cavite; ANTRUM. 459 ANUARIO. Antrum (Tumors of). excision de la tumeur: cauterisation; gu6rison. J. d. conn. m6d. chir., Par., 1850, xxxiv, 292.—Hedenus (J. A. W.) Operations- und Heilungs-Verfahren bei einem Afterpro- ducte der Highmorshohle. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1821, ii, 397^404. -----. Antwort auf die Reclamation des HerrnProf. Weinhold in HaUe "meine Operations- und Hei- lungs-Methode", etc. Ibid., 1822, Ui, 67-80. Also, Reprint. Hern u (J.J.) Fongusdu sinus maxillaire, abandonne k lui- menie; ses ravages; la mort qui les suivit; dissection. J. de chir.(Desault), Par.,1791, ii,278-280.—Irving (J.) Observa- tions on the case of maUgnant tumour successfuUy removed by operation from the left antrum maxillare. Edinb. M. <& S. J., 1825, xxiv, 93-95.—Iversen (A.) Tumor cysticus maxU- la; sup., dens aberrans; trepanatio sinus maxillaris. Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenh., 1877, 2. R., iv, 334.—Koiuni (J.) Steatoma in der rechten HyghmorshShle. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1836, n. F., x, 54-57.—1. aw son. Extirpa- tion of tumour from the antrum of Highmore. Med. Times <&Gaz.,Lond., 1872, i, 513.—Iiawson(G.) Case of epithelio- matous tumour of the upper maxilla, treated by excision of the disease and the application of escharotics. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1873, vi, 20-23.—Liiston (R.) Case of polypus successfuUy removed by operation from the an- trum maxillare. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1821, xvn, 397-400. Aho, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xiii, 340- 346.—IiUschka (H.) ueber Schleimpolypen der Ober- kieferhohlen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1854, viu, 419-425, 1 pi.—Lyon (W.) Fungus of antrum; removal of superior maxiUa. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, ii, 241-245.—Mac- fa rlane (J.) Fungus of the antrum. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1837, xlvii, 25.—itlackern (J.) Growth from antrum; removal. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1873, ii, 99.—Maison- neuve. Kyste butireux du sinus maxillaire simulant un cancer encephalolde, meme au microscope, diagnostiqu6, oper6 et gueri. Gaz. d. Imp., Par., 1855, xxviii, 7. Also: BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1855, xlvni, 32-34.—Mean (J. E.) Medullary carcinoma of antrum. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1871, Ui, 175. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lx, 458.—Mendenhall (N.) Tumor of the antrum. Indi- ana J. M., Indianap., 1875, vi, 93-96.—Michon. Exostose 6burn6e du sinus maxUlaire. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1848-50). 1851, i, 608-613.—Monfalcon. Polypes du sinus maxiUaire. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xliv, 177-194.— Monod. Tumeur du sinus maxUlaire. BuU. Soc de chir. de Par., 1852-3, iii, 67-69.—Nelaton. Sur deux tumeurs du sinus maxiUaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1851, Par., 1852, iii, 43.—IVeuhausen. Interessanter Fall von Fungus medularis des Antrum Highmori. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1843, ii, 387.—Nicpce pere. Extir- pation d'une tumeur situee dans le sinus maxillaire gauche. Nice med., 1877-8, ii, 97-99.—Nivison (J. F.) Malignant tumour successfully removed by operation from the left antrum.__ Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1825, xxiii, 290-293.—©bo- denskii (I.) Sosochkovaya opukhol Gaimorovoi potoste. [Tumor of the antrum.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1867, vii. 278; 286.—Occhini (F.) Sarcoma deU'antro d'Igmoro guaritospontaneamente. Sperimentale,Firenze,1871,xxvUi, 27-31.—Paget. Fibrous tumour of the antrum success- fuUy removed. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 313. -----. Fibrous tumor of the antrum with pulsation; excision; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 250.—Piedagne'l. Observation d'un polype sarcomateux du sinus maxiUane; extirpation qui entraine 1'ablation de presque la moitie de la face; reproduction de la maladie; mort. J. univ. et hebd. demed. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1831, ii, 43-51.— Pilcher. Tumour of the antrum. Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i, 247.— Plaignaud. Observation sur un fongus du sinus maxUlaire. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1791, i, 111-116. Also: J. de med., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1791, lxxxvii, 244-251.—Quinton (W.) Removal qf a tu- mor from the antrum. Lancet, Lond., 1839, i, 359.—Bauch (J.) GliickUche Exstirpation eines Highmorshohlen Po- lypen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 355-358.— Remarkable case of a polypus antri Highmori. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1804, xii, 6-8,1 pi.—Bemilly (E.) fitnde sur les tumeurs fongueuses du sinus maxillaire. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1852, xU, 339-344.—Robin (C.) & L.a- boulbene. [ t Histological examination.] Gaz. med. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 474.—Rombean. t [Displacement of eye; ablation.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 104.— Roux. Considerations sur les tumeurs developp6es dans les sinus maxiUaires. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851- 2, ii, 439.— Sammels. Extirpation d'un polype fongn- eux du sinus maxillaire; gu6rison. Ann. de ni6d. beige, Brux., 1837, iU, 95.—Sands (H. B.) Specimens exhibited, with discussion, to N. Y. Path. Soc. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1873, viii, 15.—Santesson. Fall af tumor i sinus maxillaris. Forh. Svensk. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., 1865, Stockholm, 1866, 163-165.—Short (C. W.) Case of polypus treated successfully with tartar emetic Transylv. J. M., Lexing- ton, Ky., 1828, i, 118-120.—Smith (R. W.) Fungus in the antrum. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 57.—Soule (E.) Tu- meur 6pitheliale du sinus maxillaire ayant n6cessit6 quatre operations dans l'espace de moins de trois ans, le malade n ayant presents aucun symptome d'infection cachectique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 46.—Stanley. Sections of a mass of bone removed from the interior of the maxillai-y Antrum (Tumors of). sinus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.,1850-51,iii,168.—Starke. Cys- tic enlargement of the antrum; operation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., I860, i, 235.—Terwey. Beobachtung eines Os- teosteatoms der Highmorshohle. Mag. f.d. ges. Heilk.,Berl., 1818, iii, 221-226.—Thorold (H.) Necrosis of an osseous growth projecting into the antrum of the upper jaw. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx, 394.—Trelat l-8. Anuario de medicina y cirugia practicas para 1876. Resumeu de los trabajos pr^cticos mas ANUAEIO. 460 ANUS. Anuario de medicina, etc.—continued. importautes publicados eu 1875. Por Est^ban Sanchez de Ocana. v. 13. 8°. Madrid. Anuario de la seccion de ciencias fisicas y natu- rales del liceo de Matanzas. Director Dr. Sebas- tian Alfredo de Morales. Ano 1, 1866. 274 pp. 8°. Matanzas. Anuria. See Urine (Suppression of). Anus. See, also, Sphincters; Rectum. Campana [et al.] Anus. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1866, v, 425-527.—Oiamuzzi Sc Nawrocki. De l'influence des nerfs sur les sphincters de la vessie et de l'anus. Arch. gen. do meel., Par., 1863, 6. s., ii, 170-177.— Oiraldes. Anus. N. diet, ele, med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865, ii, 608-611.—Kr a use (W.) Ueber die Nervcn- Endigung am Anus des Menschen. Nachr. v. d. k. Ge- sellsch. cl. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Getting., 1868, 191.—Einschka (H.) Ueber den vorderen inneren TheU eles Afterhobers beim Maunc. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1858, 3 R., iv, 108-110, 2 pi. -----. Ueber den weibliehen Afterheber. Ibid., 1859, v, 3 It., 113-121, 1 pi.—Nuhn. Ueber den Sphincter ani fortius. Verhandl. el. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1859-62, ii, 225- 228.—Zanders. Zur Li'hre. von den Afterbildungen als Auomalicn der Metamorphose. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1834, xxi, 244; 460; 606. Anus (Abnormities of). See, also, Anus (Procternatural); Colotomy; Rectum (Abnormities of). Albertus (J. G.) * De atresia ani congenita. 8°. Berolini, 1834. Amussat. * Observation sur une operation d'anus artificiel... dans tin cas d'abseuce congeni- tale du rectum, suivie de quelques reflexions sur les obturations du gros intestin. 8°. Paris, 1835. Boilletot (I.) * Sur l'imperforation de l'anus. 4-. Paris, 1805. Bruckner(L.) * Ueber Atresia ani congenita. 4°. Greifswald, 1863. Flachs (F. E.) * De atresia ani congenita. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1834. Uerdessen (I. T. A.) *De proctotorensi. 8°. Berolini, [1818]. Hasselman (J. G.) *De ani intestinorum atresia. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1819. Hermann (F.) * Ueber Complicationen bei Her- nia funiculi umbilicalis mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Atresia ani. 8°. WUrzburg, 1875. Hornig (A.) *De atresia ani congenita ejus- que sauatioue radicali ano artificiali in perinaeo ett'ecta. 8°. BeroUni, [1801]. Oettinger (II.) * Ueber die angeborne After- sperre. 4°. Miinchen, 1826. van Papendorp (A.) * Dissertatio sistens ob- servationes de ano infantum imperforate). Lugd. Bat., 1781. In: N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Abhandl. f. Wundarzte, Leipz., 1783, St. 2, 177-256, 1 pi. Also, in: Janse.N (W. X.) CoUectio diss, select., 4°, Dusseldorpii, 1791,147-197, 1 pi. Pauli(K.) * Ueber Imperforatio ani. 8°. Lan- dau, 1872. Thomas (J.) * De l'imperforation congenitale de l'anus, avec ouverture du rectum elans Te vagiu ou dans la vulve. 4°. Strasbourg, 18i>4. Ummethun (B.) *Zwei Fiille vou Atresia ani urethralis. 8-; Gottingen, 1875. Versteeg (J.) * Over aangeboren sluiting van den anus. 8°. Leiden, 1860. Witt (H. F.) * De atresias ani congenitie ana- tomia pathologica. 4°. Kilia; 1859. Wrisberg (H. A.) De pneternaturali et raro intestiui recti cum vesica urinaria coalitu, et inde- pendentc aui defectu; observationibus anatomi- cis supcrstructa. 4°. Gwttiuga; 1779. [The t signifies a case of imperforate anus.] Adair (W.) I Med. Facts Sc Obs., Lond., 1793, iv, 27- 30.—Adams (W ) t Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1849-50, ii, 220.— Aikman (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, Anil!!) (Abnormities of). 306.—Alton (W.) t DubUn M. Press, 1853, xxix, 97.— Arce (L. R.) t . . . con invajrinacion ree;to-vesical. Siglo ni6el., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 215.—Ashenheim (L.) t Suc- ccssful cases of operation. Assoc. M.J., Loud., 1854. i, 551.— Atresia aui congenita mit Eistula recto-vaginalis, bei einem 2 Monat alten M side hen; Proctoplastik und Sohlies- sung der Rccto-Vaginalflste-1; Heilung. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth.d. Spit, zu Basel, 1874. 34.—Barrett (M.) t . . . with deformity of the organs of generation. Chicago M. J., 1871, xxviii, 15-17.—Barton (J. R.) Operation performed anel recommended for the cure of imperforate anus. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1824, vii, 356-361.—Bartscher (F.) t DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1855, vii, 113.—Barwell (R.) t . . . with a peculiar deformity. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 171.— Beall (W. P.) t St. Louis M. & S. J., 1861, xix, 235.— Beauregard (T.) t J. de med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1786, lxvi, 90.—dc Bcauvais. Del'impertbration interne de l'anus chez le nouveau-ne avec orifice apparent k l'ex- terieur. Gaz. cl. he'ip., Par., 1855, xxvii, 554.—Beer (J.) Atresia ani mit Hypospadie unel Communication des Darm- kanals mit dim Urinwerkzeugen. Alls- med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1850, xix. 561.—Berriut. Absence d'anus; fistule recto-vulvaire chez une petite fille ag6e de quatre jours; operation; guerison. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1862), 1863, 2. s., iii, 167.—Biconic (S. A.) Sc Deschamps. Observation et reflexions sur l'imperforation de l'anus. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1802, xii, 268-273.— Biett. Anus iniperfore. Diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1813, iv, 155-158.—Boas. Ein Fall von erfolgreich operirter Atresia aui. Allg. mecl. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1859, xxviii, 649.—Boinet. Atresie de l'anus. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1857, vii, 309-312.—Bonafas fils. Observation sur un enfant venu au mondi' avec l'intestin rectum entiere- nient feline par une membrane. Rec. p6riod. dobs, de m6d., etc., Par., 1757, vii, 360-363. — Brachet (J. L.) Imperforation de l'anus accompagnee d'un anus extraordi- naire. Trans, med., Par., 1831, v, 311-315.—Brasher (A. D.) Atresia ani. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J.. 1856-7, xiii, 801.— Brouardel. Une imperforation de l'anus avec commu- nication du rectum et de l'liiethre. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv, 285.—Brack. Atresia aui; cauda coccygea. Preuss. med. Ztg., Berl., 1861, n. F., iv. 246.—Bryk. Ein Beitrag zur Proktoplastik beim Scheidenafter. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1861, vii, 209-212.—Bru- ment. Imperforations ano-rcctales. MarseiUemed., 1H73, x, 671; 722.—Bryant (A.) Imperforate anus. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1858, x, 283.—Busch. Ueber die Opera- tion an einem Kinde mit impeiforirtem Anus. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. el. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., 1865, xxii, 54.—Campbell (J. P.) t Med. Reposit., X. T., 1802, v, 45.— Cainpcnon. tt BuU. Soc. anat. de Par.,1871, xlvi, 275-277. -----. De l'imperforation de l'anus. Ibid., 303-312.—Casa- mayor. Observation d'un anus contre nature ouvert dans le vagin. J. hebd. de iu6d., Par., 1829, iv, 163-170.— [Cases.] Imperforate anus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1829, ii, St. 1, 45.—Atresia ani eines ncugebornen Zwillimrskineles, esscn Mutter schon friiher ein Kind mit solche'm Fchler gebar. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Heilbr., 1838, iii, 40.—Imperforate anus. Montreal M. Gaz., 1844, i, 217- 219. — Successful operation for imperforate anus. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lonel., 1858, n. s., xvii, 399.—Imperforation de l'anus; 6tabUssement d'un anus artificiel clans la region p6rineale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 354.—Cand- mont. Occlusion de 1 anus. Bull. Soc. anat. ele Par., 1849, xxiv, 43.—Cavenne. t . . . chez un garcon, avec ouver- ture de l'intestin dans la ve>ssie-. Arch. g6n. de meel., Par., 1824, v, 63-68.—Cervenon. t Rec. period. Soe-. de med. de Par., 1797, i, 36-38.—Chretien (H.) Imperforation de l'urethre et de l'anus, avec persistance du cloaquc et dilata- tion 6norme de la vessie. Rev. med. de Vest, Nancy, 1877, vii, 11; 45.—Clark (H. E.) Cise of imperforate rectum. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xii, 213.—Clark (Le G.) t Lancet, Lonel., 1851, i, 351.—Cleveland (W. F.) t . . . child lived upwards of ten weeks without relief from the bowel after two unsuccessful operations. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lonel , 1867. ix, 203-207.—Cook (A. B.) t Death from diarrhoea thirteen months after birth. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1868, vi, 645-S49.—Coolcy (F.) t St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1854, xii, 305.—Cordes. Absence d'ouvcrture anale. dans la region interfessiere; le meat urinairc et le rectum aboutissent isolenicnt dans un cloaepie en arriere de la vulve. Gaz. obst. de Par., 1874, iii, 38-40.—Curling. t Operation; receivery. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lonel.. 1860, ii, 78.—Daries (ll.) ' On imperforate anus. Edinb. M. J., 1858, iii, 807-812.—Bavis (W. G.) Imperforate anus. Brit. M. J., Lonel., 1862, ii, 476.— Belens. Anus double; exci- sion de la cloison. Bull, et me-ni. Soe. de chir. de' Par., 1875, n. s., i, 245-247. -----. Imperforation anale; cnicro- tomie perineale avec resection du ceiecyx; guerison avec prolapsus rectal. Ibid.. 247-249.—Dequevauviller. t Operation; mort le cincpiieme.jour. Bull. Soe. anat. de Par., 1841-2, xvi, 141-150.—Desorincnux. Absence de l'anus avec abouchement auorm 1 elu rectum; operation par la methode perineale. Hull. Soe. ele chir. de- Par., 1873, 3. s., ii, 316-323—Deutsch. Atresia aui; anus prseternatu- rnlis. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.. Berl., 1851, xxx, 279-286.— Dickinson (J. E.) ♦ Passage of the fasces through the Amis. 461 AXUS. Anus (Abnormities of). penis; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 534. — Dief- fenbach. Ueber die Verschliessung des Afters. Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Beil., 1826, iv, 31-35. — Dimock (Susan). A case of congenital nnal occlusion of an unu- sualkind. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1^75, x, 357.—Dohru. Eine historische Bcmerkung iiber die Erkliirung des Zusam- menhanges von Nabelschnurbrueh und Atresia ani. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1873-4, vi, 134.—Donkersloot (F. A.) Anus imperforatus by een Jong geboren kind. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, i, 449.—Dorfwirth. Opcratio atresia ani et formatio ani artifici;:lis; Heilung. \\ ien. med. Presso., 1879, xx, 548.—Dormann. Atresia ani und Klumpfusse bei einem Ncugeborenen. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1859. 703.—Dnmas (C. L.) Observations et reflexions sur une imperforation de l'anus. Rec. p6riod. Soc. de med. de Par., 1798, in, 46- 57.—Buret, t J. compl. du diet. d. sc. iu6d., Par., 1825, xxi, 279-281.—Duret(C) Observation sur un enfant n6 sans anus, et auejuel il a ete fait une ouverture pour y sup- 5leer. Rec. period. Soc. de med. do Par., 1798, iv, 45.— >yce (R.) t SucccssluUv treated. Lond. M. Gaz.. 1834, xv, 226.—Eiseuschiitz. t AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xii, 69. Aho: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1867-8, i.315-317.—Eitncr. Verschluss des Afters; Fehlen des Mastdarms: Bilelung eines kiinstlichen Afters; Tod. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1865, xxix, 297.—Erichsou (J.) t Congenital absence of the rectum; malformation of larire intestines; operation. Lancet, Lond.,1850, i, 235-237.—Esten(E. C.) t Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1864, u, 221.—Eve (D.) Formation of an artificial anus at the natural site, in a child in whom the rectum tenninated in a fistulous opening into the vagina. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, NashvUle. 1878, xiv, 38.—Fabian (A.) t . . . utworzenie otworw stolcowego (proctoplastica); wyzdrowieuie. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1878, xxiv, 1-5.— Fano. Imperforation de l'anus avec obliteration ou ab- sence de l'extremite inferieure du rectum. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 367.—Fenerly. t Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1857-8, i, 40.—Fcrgusson. Almost im- perforate anus. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 218.—Fcrgusson (W.) t . . . child saved bv an opening made into the blad- der. Edinb.M.efcS.J., 1831, xxxvi, 363-368. Aho, Reprint— Festraerts (A.) t Guerison. Ann. Soc. dcmed.deLiege, 1850. iv, 197-210.—Field (J. T.) t [Rectum emptying into upper part of the vagina.] Tr. Texas M. Ass., Houston. 1874, vi, 106-113.—Filleau. Observations sur l'imperfoiution de l'anus. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par., 1797, ii, 100- 106.—Fischer (O.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, u, 37.— Flierdl jun. t Operation. Org. f. d. ges. HeUk.. Aachen, 1852. i, 86-88.—Forget (A.) Est-il un rapport n6cessaire entre l'existence d'un anus normal mais imperfor6 et l'ab- sence du rectum chez les nouveau-nes ? Union m6d., Par., 1863, 2. s., xvU, 457-461.—Fornari (D.) Un raro caso di ano anormale. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1876, 4. s., vi, 390- 393.—Fricdberg (H.) Ueber einen FaUvon angeborener Af'terspeire. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvii, 147-171.—Funer. t St. Petersb. med. Ztschr..1863, iv, 207.— Gautier. 11 Echo med., Neuchat., 1857, i, 3&0.—Gay (G. H.) Imperforate anus and absence of rectum. BostonM. Sc S. J., 1858, lvn, 397; 415.—Gerster (A. G.) A rare form of imperforate anus; malposition of left and obliteration of the ostia of both ureters, with consecutive hvdronephrosis of a confluent kidney; operation; autopsy. N. York M. J., 1678, xxvui, 516-52L—Gilman (N.) Imperforate anus. Boston M. & S. J., 1854, xUx, 115.—Giraldes. Malforma- tions de l'anus et anus artificiel. N. diet, de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865, u, 611-640.—Godeuier. t Considerations pratiques sur ces imperforations. J. ele m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1833, iv, 11-14.—Goede. Imperforation de l'anus; operation de Littre, succes; etablissement d'un anus pe- rineal ; guerison; situation de l'S iliaque dans la fosse Uiaque chez lc nouveau-n6; theorie. Ibid., 1878,3. s.. xUx, 546-550. Aho.- Arch, detocol., Par., 1879, vi, 108-112.—Gorham (I.) t . . . rectum found terminating in a cul-de-sac, which had an immediate communication with the adjacent urethra. Lond. M. Gaz.,1837,xxi,528.—Gosselin. t BuU. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1851, i, 60-63.—Goyrand(G.) t J. hebd. d. progr. d.,Par.,1834,in,245-261.-----. Lettresuil'im- perforation de l'anus. Gaz. med. de Par., 1834, 2. s., ii, 730. -----. Atresie de l'anus. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1857, vu, 407-414. Aho: BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1857, Ui. 248-255.—Graham, t Operation; cure. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1839, n, 214.—Green (W. A.) tt In- dian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta. 1858, v, 268-272.—Greenough (F. B.) tt Boston M & S. J., 1876, xcv, 532-535.—Gros. [Valvular folds at anus resembling sigmoid valves.] BuU. Soc.anat.dePar., 1849, xxiv, 24. Discussion, 39-41.—Guer- sant. t BuU. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1851, u, 317. -----. [Atresie de Tonus.] Ibid., 1857, vii, 32G.—Hahn. Atre- sia ani, nnvollkommener Erfolg der Operation. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1850, iii, 303.—Halpiu (C.) Imperforate anus. DubUn M. Press, 1840, iv, 313.— Hamilton (J.) & Trestrail (H. E.) tt Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 44; 186.—Hamincr(A.) Atresia ani vagnaUs; successful operation. Humboldt M. Arch., St. Louis, 1867, i, 3-7.—Hand (H. C.) t ... rectum opening into the vagina. PhUa. M. Times, 1874-5, v, (Ji—Harris (W.) t . . . ope- ration; cure. Med. Exam., Phila., 1856, xn, 67.—Harrison Anus (Abnormities of). (R.) t ... in a child 33 days old; operation; recovery. Lan- f cet, Lond.. 1876, i, 312.—Healey (T. M.) New operation for imperforate anus. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., Ib70, xxi, | 191-194.—Heyfelder (J. F.) t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 253— Hill (L. G.) t [. . . with recto-vaginal fis- tula.] Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1878. lxxxvui, 145.—Hillas (T.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1875, xx, 274.—Hooper (J.) t Successful operation on the third day after birth. Med. Times, Lonel., 1849, xx, 137.— Hug (M. S.) tt Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 133.— Hughes (J. C.) t Operation. Iowa M. J.. Keokuk, 1n>5. ii, 300-331.— Hutchinson (A. C.) t Operation. Lond. M. Ga/,., 1828, i, 241.—Irminger (J. H.) Missbilduui: der Gcschlechts- theile mit Atresia ani und Mastdarmscheielenlistel. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Heilbr., 1838. iU, 207.—Jancke. t Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xiv, 526.—Jenkins (C.) Iniperforation of the anus. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, 271.— Jerome (J. H.) t Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y., Au- burn, 1853, i, 86.—Jones (J.) Remarks on imperforate anus. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1858, xv, 98-102. — Kastner. t Verschluss der Afteriiffnung in Folge von Excision im Umkreise derselben. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 100.—Kennedy (W.) t Suce es.sfullv cured. Ann. Med., Edinb., 1801, i, Lust. 2, 351.—Kin loch (R. A.) t Ap- pearance observed on dissection. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1850, v, 620.—Kirn. Atresia ani. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1856, ix, 241. — Kirstenius (A. J.) De pueUa cum manibus nionstrosis et sine ano nata, feces- que per genitaUa reddente. Acta Acad. nat. curios., No- rimb., 1752, ix, 24-27.—Kjellberg (A.) Fall af medf'odd kontraktur af sphincter ani externus. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1877, ix, no. 23, 6-8.—Koch, t Operation; Verstopfung des gebUdeten Afters durch das verschluckte Mundstiick einer Saugflasche; Tod. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1868, xx, 155-157. Aho: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxi, 16-18.—Kra- jewski (F.) Wrodzony brak odbytu. [Defectus ani congenitus.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1869, vni, 369-377.— Krause. Atresia ani von iiberwachsenen iiusseren Be- deckungen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1847, xxxv, 536-538. -----. Atresia ani. Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1863-4, 9-12.—Krieger. . . . iiber Atresia ani und Uterus bicornis. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. f. Gebu tsh. in Berl., 1859, xi, 165-184. A ho: Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1858, xii, 172-190.—Lafond. t J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. Acad. Loirc-Inf.. Nantes, 1825, i, 65-68.—Langmore (J. C.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861, xu, 87.—Eedclius (S.) De ano imperforato. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1695, dec. 3, ii, 60, [16941.—Leo- pold, t t Ztschr. t. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1848, i, 247-249.—LeveiHe (J. B.) Imperforation de l'anus. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1792, iv, 248-254.—Lie (J. jun.) Undurchbohrtsein des Afters. [Med. GeseU- schaft zu Christiania.] J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1863, xU, 142-144.—Eindvall (J. W.) Atresia ani scrotaUs, med framgangopererad. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1872, xxxiv, 632.— I.issauer. Atresia ani mit BUdung eines CanaUs recto- vesicaUs. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1868, xxxii, 351-353, 1 pi.—Leiper Sc Heusinger. t t Ztschr. f. d. organ. Phys., Eisenach, 1827, i, 206-212, 4 pi.— Eothrop (T.) Imperforate anus; the rectum communi- cating with the vagina. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1879-80, xix, 151.—Lucas (J. C.) Remarks on imperforate anus. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 158.—McCalnian (R. G.) t-Lancet, Lond., 1878, i, 122.—McCoy (W. N.) t . . . rectum opening into vulva; successful operation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877. n. s., ii, 287.—Magitot. t . . . avec ouverture de I'exti6mit6 inferieure de l'intestin dans le vagin; retablissement de l'anus et obliteration de la fistule recto-vaginale; guerison. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1874, xlvii, 37.—Mantell (T.) t . . . successfully treated. Mem. M. Soc, Lond., 1792, iii, 389-392.—Marduel. 11 Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xviii, 329-331. Aho: MC-m. Soc. d. sc ni6d. de Lyon, 1867, vi, 7-13.—de la Mare. Observation sur l'anus impeifore d'un enfant de six mois. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxni, 510.—Marjolin. Anus imperfor6; incision perineale, puis m6thode de Littre; ntUite des ar.topsies dans ces cas; disposition rare de l'in- testin. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., iii, 423-427. -----. t . . . communication de I'extr6mit6 inferieure du gros intestin avec la vessie. Ibid., 1870, 2. s., x, 177-180.— Marquez. t HeUung derselben durch Operation. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1852, xix, 283.—Martin, t Rec. d. actes de la Soc. de sante de Lyon, 1798, i, 180-192.—M as- sari. Zur Casuistik der Atresia ani. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat, Wien, 1874, v, 94-99.—Masters (W. H.) t . . . intestine opening into the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1862, U, 555.—Mathew (R. G.) Case of imperforate anus, etc. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 141.—Mayer, t Operation. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 29.—Meier (C. T.) On the formation of an artificial anus. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xi, 440-447.— Melion (I. V.) Verwachsuug des Afters. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 738.—Mclurrulos (M.) Arpriaia eSpat. ToAiji/os, A0^eai. lf>79. B'. 7.—Mesterton. t Ups ila Lakaref, Forh., 1865-6, i, 39-44.—Meyer (F.) Et tUfailde ! af atresia ani vaginalis. Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 1876, in, ANUS. 462 ANUS. Ami* (Abnormities of). 689-694.—Miller (J.) Case of operation for imperforate anus, and of subsequent extraction of an alvo-unnary cal- culus from the' rectum. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1829, xxxi, 61-6i>.—Minkicwica (J.) Zarosniecie odbytu (atresia ani). Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1870, viii, 532-536.—Mit- chell (J. S.) t . . . operation; failure. Charleston M. J. .., Lond., 1860, i, 165.—McCarthy (J.) Case of intes- tinal obstruction in which an artificial anus was made in the small intestine; recovery, and subsequent death from cancer and fatty degeneration of the heart. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1872, lv, 267-272.— Macleod. Malignant di- sease of rectum; format ion of artificial anus in right groin; result of operation. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 232.—Mai- sonneuve. Anus artificiel. BuU. Soc. de chb'. de Par., 1851, i, 292.—Maunder (C. F.) A successful case of gastro-enterotomy (artificial anus in smaU intestine). Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1876, ix, 102-109.—Mayne. Artificial anus. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1847, i, 393. Also: DubUn 6. J. M. Sc, 1848, vi, 191.—Meier (C. T.) On the forma- tion of an artificial anus. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xi, 440-447. Aho, Reprint.—Minor. Treatment of artificial anus. N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., vni, 332.—Nunn. Arti- ficial anus cured. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 596.—O'Con- nor (T.) Artificial anus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1863, ii, 111.— Petrali (G. N.) t Fatti pratici, etc.; formazione di un ano artiliciale in una bambina di venti giorni. Gazz. med. ital. feder. lomb., MUano, 1851, 3. s., n. 433-435.— Polail- lon. Obliteration congenitale si6geant au miUeu de la lon- gueur de l'intestin grele; anus artificiel, par la methode de Littre; mort. Bull! et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii. 588-592. -----. Imperforation du rectum; recherehes de l'ampoule rectale; etalilissement d'un anus artificiel, par la methode de Littre. Ibid., 1877, n. s.,iii, 416-420.—Pring (D.) History of a case of the successful formation of an ar- tificial anus in an adult, with an account of an analogous operation in two cases, by G. Freer. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1821, xiv, 1-15. Also, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xiii, 105-144; xv, 161-164.—Pugliese. Obstruction intestinale; anus artificiel pratique avec succes. Lyon med., 1874, xvi, 523-527.—Bochard (J.) Operations d'anus arti- ficiel. M6m. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1859, xxiii, 195-204, 1 pi. -----. Op6ration'de l'anus artificiel par la methode ele Littre. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., iii, 140: 156. -----. t Anus artificiel. Ibid., 1864, 2. s., v, 595.—Bod- riguez y Bodriguez (A.) Opcracionde ano artificial. Genio m6d.-quir., Madrid, 1878, xxiv, 223.—Saint-Ger- main. Anus artificiel. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 219. — Schinaus (A.) MittheUungen aus Paris: Die BUdung eines kunstlichen Afters entbehrlich gemacht. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1860, vii, 397.—Schuh. Ueber die BUdung des kunstlichen Afters. Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 311.—Schuurman (D.) . . . na eene door braak ANUS. 464 ANUS. Anus (Fissure, spasm and ulcer of). Guichenet (J. B. A.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1856. Heineke(B. A.)*Defis8uraani. 8°. Halce, 1836. Labat (L.) De la fissure a l'anus et de sa cure radicale par le moyen du sphinet6rotoine. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Larbes (A.-H.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1866. Masson (H. J.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1868. Narbonne (L.-G.) *De la fissure a l'anus, et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1849. Parguez (J.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Strasbourg, 1848. Perrod (J. F.) *De la fissure a l'anus et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1855. Philippi (J.) *De fissura ani. 8°. Heidel- bergce, 1832. Quenard (C.-P.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1855. Sarremone (M.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Schwarz (F.) *De fissura ani. 8°. Berolini, [1838]. Tibord (L.) * Essai sur la fissure ou gercure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1828. Vivent(F.) * Sur la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1830. de Zayas (M.) *De la fissure" a l'anus et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1857. Anus (Artificial). en scheiding van het darm-kanaal, de genezing zonder over- blijven van eenen anus artificialis, fe bevorderen. Hip- pocrates, Rotterd., 1816, ii, 154-175.—Simons (M.) Report of a successful operation for artificial anus, iu a case of im- perforate rectum. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1878, xxviii, 63-67.—Son part. Observation d'anus artificiel, recueillie par Ch. ele Visseher. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1878, lvi, 13-25.—Stelzner. Anus praeternaturalis und Anus artitii'ialis. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1878-9, 06.—Swain (W. P.) Artificial anus for caucer of the rectum. Lancet, Lonel., 1866, ii, 724.—Ulliac. Cancer des ovaires, phlegmon retro-ut6rin consecutif; ob- struction intestinale; anus artificiel; generalisation du can- cer au p6ritoine. Gaz. obst. ele Par., 1877, vi, 17-22.— Vidal. Oielusion du tube digestif depuis plus de qua- rante .jours, determinee par une tumeur situ6e dans la fosse Uiaque gauche; anus artificiel etabli avec succes sur le colon lombaire droit sans ouvrir le p6ritoine; cinquieme operation pratiqu6e par M Amussat. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1842, 2. s.. iv, 169. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1842, U, 74.—Warren (J. M.) Operation for artificial anus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1848, n. s., xvi, 116-121. Aho. Reprint. Anus (Cancer of). See Anus (Tumors of). Anus (Dilatation of). See Anus (Operations on.) Anus (Diseases of). See, also, Rectum (Diseases of). Camper (P.) De Verhandelingen vau Hippo- crates, C. Celsus, en Paulus Aegineta, over de pypzweeren, eu uitzakkingen van den aars. 8°. Amsterdam, 1778. Forestus Alcmarianus (P.) De sedis et aui vitiis et affectibus. In hh: Ous. et curat, med., Lugd. Bat., 1696, xxiii. Albers (J. T. H.) Ueber einige Ausschlage am After und ihre Beziehungen zu inneren Krankheiten. Mag. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834. xii, 145-147.—Barthelemy. Con- siderations pratiepiea sur diverses maladies chirurgicales de l'anus et sur le-s ganglions synoviaux. Rec. demem. dc m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1844, lvii, 118-146. -----. Un mot sur les maladies chirurgicales ele l'anus. Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1845, xiv, 495-505.—Boyer (A.) Remarques et obse-rvations sur quedques malaelies de l'anus. J. compl. dudict. d. scni6d., Par., 1818, ii, 24-44. Aho, transl.: Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Leipz., 1820, i, 145-184.—Colics .(A.) Prac- tical observations upon certain disease's of tho anus and rectum. Dublin Hosp. Re'p., 1830, v, 131-157.—Bccham- brc (A.) [Anus.] Pathologie, nevralsie. Diet, encycl.d. sc, m6d., Par., 1866, v, 452-458.—Gangrana ani. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien 1866, Wien, 1867,201.— Cosseliu (L.) Anus; pathologie chirurgicale. N. diet. de meel. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865, ii, 640-684.—Tait (W.) Case of excrescences of the anus. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1847, lxviii, 146-150.—Velpeau. Maladies de l'anus. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par, 1833, iii, 280-342.—Venot. Diagnostic dif- ferentiel de, ranite. ulcereuse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1858, 2.s.,iii,670-681.—Verite. Dol'eczemaanal. Abeillemed., Par.,1875, xxxii, 256-258.—Wellington. Paul in the anus. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi. 91. Anus (Fissure, spasm and ulcer of). See, also, Rectum ( Ulcer of). Aubey (C. V.) * De la fissure a l'anus, princi- palement chez l'enfant a la mamelle. 4°. Paris, 1865. Aucler (A.) * Do la fissure a l'anus et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1846. Behrend(D.) * De fissura ani. 8°. Berolini, [1812]. Bernet (P.-H.) * De la contracture du sphinc- ter de l'anus avec fissure, et de son traitement. 4°. Paris, 1850. Bodenhamer (W.) Practical observations on the ajtiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of anal fissure. 8°. New York, 1868. Cazexave (J.-J.) Etudes sur la fissure a l'anus. 8°. Paris, 1843. Clerambocst (J.-V.) *De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1854. Copin (C.) * De la fissure a l'anus. 4°. Parts, 18>J0. Delaunay (J.-A.) * Essai sur la fissure ou gercure a l'anus. 4°. Paris, 1824. Ducamp (C A.) #De la fissure a l'auus. 4°. Paris, 1876. Ancelon (E. A.) Note sur la nature et le traitement de la fissure k l'anus dans l'enfance. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 608.—Anderson (W. J.) On the sub-mucous section of the sphincter ani, for spasmodic constriction with anal fissures. Lancet, Lond., 1849, U, 291.—Amarus (A. J.) Om kramp i andtarmens slutmuskel. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1872, vii, 722-743.—Ashton (T. J.) Cases of fissure of the anus and ulcer of the lower part of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1852, U, 125.—Basedow. Ueber die Stric- tura ani spastica; Boyer's fissure il l'anus. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1825, vU, 125-162.—Begin (L. J.) Obser- vations relatives aux fissures de l'anus et aux constrictions du rectum. Rec. demem. de m6d. ... mil., Par., 1826, xviii, 254-275.—Beraud. Considerations sur lo traitement de la fissure k l'anus par la dilatation du sphincter anal. Union med., Par., 1848, ii, 228.—Blandin. Tenotomie anale par • la methode sous-cutan6e, appliqu6o au traitement de la fis- sure k l'anus. BuU. gen. de therap., etc.. Par., 1847, xxxUi, 115-121.—Bleynie (F.) Fissure k l'anus; cauterisation avec l'azotate d'argent. Rev. m6d. de Limoges, 1868-9, U, 157-160.—Borelli (G. B.) Intorno aUe fessnro ed aUo spas- mo deU'ano. Rao. di oss. clin.-patol., Torino, 18 >3, fasc. n-Ui, 83-105.—Burger (A.) Partielles FortbesteheneinesAfter- krampfes nach Durchschneidung des iiusseren Schliess>mus- kels. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1874, i, 449-452.—Burg- graerc. Fente accidenteUe de l'anus, guerie par la su- ture encheviU6e. BuU. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1852-3, xii, 110-112.— Burnier /ils (A.) Observation de fissures multiples k l'anus, resultant d'un accouchement precipite. Echo m6d , Neuchat., 1857, i, 482.—Campai- gn ac. Considerations sur le traitement de la fissure k Fanus, suivies de sept cas do gu6rison obtenue par l'usage de l'onguent de la mere melange d'un corps gras sous forme de pommade. BuU. Acad, cie med., Par., 1851-2, xvii, 172-187. Also, Reprint.—Chapclle (A.) De la fissure k l'anus et de sa cure radicale sans operation sanglante. Union med., Par., 1857, xi, 4.—Chassaignac. [Anus.] Fissure k l'anus. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, v, 458-467.—de Chegoin (H.) De la fissure k l'anus. Union m6d., Par., 1847, i, 220; 223; 227. -----. Nouveau proc6d6 pour l'operation de la fissure a. l'anus. Ibid., 1851, v, 581.— Considcraciones acerca de las fisuras del ano. Gac. med., Madrid, 1853, ix, 260; 268; 277.—Coote (H.) On fis- sures of tho anus, and ulcers at the lower extremity ofthe rectum. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1869, vii, 135. —Cox (T. B.) Fissure of the anus. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1860, n. s., in, 231.—Craft (M. S.) Fissure or irritable ulcer of the reitum. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1879, xii, 131-137.—Curling (T. B.) On the surgical treatment of fissure ofthe anus. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 136.— Bclaportc. Observation sur I'heureux emploi de la bel- ladone elans un cas de fissure et do constriction spasmo- dique de l'anus. J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1830, ex, 329-334.—Dolbcau. Lecture on fissuro of the anus. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 651-653.—Buchesne (H.) Operation de la fissure a l'anus k l'aide du dUatateur anal de M. le docteur J. BoutelUer. Union m6d., Par., 1874, xxvUi, 125.—Duclos. De la fissure k l'anus chez les en- ANUS. 465 ANUS. Anus (Fissure, spasm and ulcer of). fants k la mameUe, et de son traitement par le ratanhia. J. I de m6d., Par., 1846, iv, 106-110—Bufourg. Considera- I tions sur les fissures k l'anus, et leur traitement par Text rait de ratanhia eu lavement. Expeisc d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. de la MoseUe, Metz, 1841-3, 42-49.—Duigan (0.) Cases of fissure of the anus. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1860, n. s., vii, 277.—Eriebsen. Fissure of the anus in a younn girl. I Lancet, Lond., 1857, U, 498.—Fissure ofthe anus. St. Louis Cour. of Med., 1879, ii, 288-295.—Caitskell (W.) Case' of spasmodic action of sphincter ani muscle; and one of puerperal fever successfully treated. Lonel. M. Reposit., 1815, iv, 51.—Gaussail. Quelques reflexions sur lo traite- ment de la fissure k l'anus. J. de med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1859,3. s., iv, 289; 321.—Gosselin. Observation de fissure k l'anus refractaire aux moyens do traitement habitnels; reflexions sur cette variete de fissure, et sur son traitement par la dilatation quotidienne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1858, xxxi, 373. -----. Fissures a l'anus consecutives k un eczema ancien. Ibid., 1877, 1; 465.—Oossement. Note sur la fissure k l'anus. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 605.—Guerin (J.) Note sur un cas de fissure k l'anus, traite avec succes par la methode sous-cutan6e. Ibid., 1844, 2. s., xii, 832— Cntteridge (R.) On the aggrava- tion of uterine disease arising from fissure of the anus. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 67-69.—Hancock. Fis- sure of the anus. Lancet, Lonel., 1859, ii, 61.—Bargrave (W.) Fissuresoftheanuswithcondyloma. DublinM. Press, 1846, xvi, 149.—Harris tW. P.) Case of fissure of the anus. Lancet, Lond., 1860, U. 133.—Harriss (J.) Fissure of the anus. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta. 1851, n. s., vii, 131-136.—Henriet (L.) Note sur le traitement des fis- sures a l'anus par la dilatation forc6e. Tribune m6d.. Par., 1875, viU, 243-246.—Hervez de Chczoin. De la fissure a 1 anus. Union m6d., Par., 1847, l, 220; 223; 227.—Hey- feldcr (J. F.) Znr Prognose bei Operationen am After oder in der Nalie desselben. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1860, xU, 195.—Hicguet. Ulcere chronique k l'anus. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Li6ge, 1876, xv, 136-138.—Houghton (J. H.) Fissure of the anus in a chUd one year anel a half old. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 742.r-Jobcrt(A. J.) Con- siderations pratiques sur les nemorroldes et les fissures k l'anus. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1839, 2. s., vii, 385-389. -----. Considerations pratiques sur la fissure k l'anus. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1849, 3. s., i, 376.—Johnson (T. G.) Ulcers and fissure of the anus, treated by incision. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1871, vii, 209.—Labat (L.) Dela fissure a l'anus et de sa cure radicale par le moyen du sphincterotome, in- strument d'une application facUe et peu douloureuse. Ann. de la m6d. physiol., Par., 1833, xxiv, 207-242. Aho, Reprint.—£>aborderie. Emploi de la beUadone contre one fissure avec constriction spasmodique de l'anus. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, iii, 48-51.—Lamourrux (J.) Observation d une fissure k l'anus, gu6ri par l'emploi de la beUadone. J. de la sect, de m6d. de la Soc acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1833, ix, 78.—Laroycnae. Accident cons6cutif au traitement de la fissure anale par la dila- tation forc6e. Gaz. hebd. do m6d., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 553.—£.e Pelletier (L.) Memoire sur la fissure k l'anus et sur son traitement par la dilatation forcee. Union med., Par., 1849, Ui, 219-235.—Liouville. Ulceration tubercu- leuse de l'anus, survenue dans le cours d'uno phthisie g6neralis6e. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xUx, 585-587.— Eiundberg. Operatio fissura} ani. Forh. Svens. Lak.- Sallsk. Sammank., 1849-50, Stockholm. 1850, 64—Mab- boux. Dela fissure a l'anus chez les enfants k la mameUe. Union med., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxi, 785; 830; 917.—Maison- neu ve. Du traitement de la fissure a. l'anus par la dilata- tion forcee. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1849,3. s., i, 220.—Malasscz. Ulceration tubcrculeuso de la marge ele l'anns. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1871, xlvi, 12.—Martineau. Ulceration tu- bcrculeuso de l'anus et de la fosse gauche chez un malade atteint de phthisic pulmonaire et d'angine tuberculcuse. BuU. et. mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1875, 2. s., xi, 138- 140.—Mason (E.) A cUnical lecture on fissure of the anus. Med. Rec, N. T., 1874, ix, 585.—Masse (J.) Du traitement de la fissure k l'anus par la dUatation du sphinc- ter. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1852, 2. s., u, 85-88.— Mattel'. Des fissures a l'anus chez les femmes apres l'ac- couchement. Gaz. obst., Par., 1872, i, 306-308.—Mazzoni (C.) Fessure anale; dUatazione forzata; guarigione. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma, 1876, iii, 71.—Mclthiorj (G.) DeUa fessura aU'ano, e piii particolarmente della sua ezio- logia. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1864, clxxxvii, 362-380. Aho, Reprint.—Mondiere (J. T.) Quelques remarques pratiques sur la fissure a l'anus. Experience, Par., 1839, iii, 264-267. Aho: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1839, ii, 123- 127.—Monod. De la dUatation forcee comme moyen de traitement de la fissure k l'anus, avec constriction du sphincter. BuU.Soc. de Par., 1851, i, 229-235.—Mor- rison (M.) Spasmodic constriction, with fissures of the anus. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1838, xxU, 336.—Mothe. Me- moire sur les fissures a l'anus. In hh: Melanges ele med. et e:hir., Par., 1827, ii, 31-76.—Neverniann. Ueber dio ' Fissur des Afters. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1836, i, 729- 747.—Oster (W.) Fissure of anus. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viii, 113.—Painful (On) and spasmodic stricture of the sphincter ani, with or without fissure. Lond. M. & 30 Anus (Fissure, spasm and ulcer of). Phys. J., 1828, n. s.. v, 481-491.—Parona (F.) Del jodo- forini neUe ragadi aU'ano. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., MUano, 1873, viii, 279-2*3.—Passavant ((J.) Ueber die Behand- luns der Fissuni ani. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., l<-55. xiv, 276-288.—Payan. Quelques mots sur le traite- ment des fissures :i l'auus par 1'extrait de ratanhia. J. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1841, iU, 363-374. Also: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1844, ii, 260-266. -----. Observations des fissures k l'anus, gueries par la dUatation forcee, pratieui6e de deux manieres differentes. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1848, n. a., ii, 36-41.—Paycn (J. F.) Observation relative k uno fissure k l'anus traitee par la cauterisation, les meches, et guerie par le monesia. Gaz. m6d. do Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 59.—Penard (L.) Observa- tion de fissure anale. Ibid., 1857,3. s., xii, 477.—Pcan (J.) & Malasscz (L.) £tuelc cUnique sur les ulcerations anales et les retr6cissements du rectum. France med., Par., 1870, xvii. 97; 105; 114; 121; 130; 147; 153; 163; 171; 178; 195; 218; 234; 242; 250; 257; 266; 273; 353; 410; 433; 441; 450; 457; 467; 474; 497; 505; 513. A ho, Reprint. Pleindoux (A.) Observation de fissure k l'anus ayant 6veillc des ilouleurs sympathiques violentes qui ont longtemps 6gare le diagnos- tic Montpel. med.. 1862, viii, 121-125. Aho: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1862,2. s.,iv, 139-141.—Plou viez. Fis- sure anale occasionnant des accidents serieux. Ann. m6el. de la Flandre occid., Roulers, 1855, iv, 550-553.—Post. Cure ofa fissure of the anus, by the subcutaneous division ofthe sphincter ani. N. York J. M., 1847, viii, 21u.—Pu- tegnat (E.) Note sur le traitement de la fissure k l'anus par l'emploi topique de l'onguent de la mere. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacoL, Brux., 1853, xvu, 119.—Bobert. Suc- ces constants de la dilatation forc6e dans le traitement de la fissure k l'anus. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1860, 2. s., xxxi, 403-405.—Sandberg (O. R. A.) Fissura intestini recti, helbred etuden operation. Eyr, Christiania, 1836-7, xi, 259-263.—Scallan (J. J.) Practical observations on a peculiar ulcer of the. anus. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1845, xxvui, 217-226.—Scarenzio(A.) Settecasidi fessuraspasmodica aU'ano, curati e guariti colla dUatazione forzata. [6 cases.] Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1860, clxxiv, 77. — Schar- lau. HeUung der Schleimhautrisse im After. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1848, xvU, 195.—Schutz. Ueber Fissura ani. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 89.—Simon (G.) Operationen bei Fissura ani. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 450.— Stoltz. De la fissure k l'anus chez la femme. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1871-2, xxxi, 25-29.—Sutton (R. S.) Remarks on the importance and treatment of anal fissure. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1879, xl, 485-489.—Swalin (O. A.) Om en ny behandUngsmethoel af fissura ani. Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1852, xiv, 332-335.—Sylva. Observation 'de. fis- sure anale guerie sans operation. Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 109.—Tcevan. Fissure ofthe anus and rectum, twice treated bv caustics, twice by operation. Lancet, Loud., 1863, U, 129.—Thiry (J. H.) Considerations prati- ques sur la fissure k l'anus et sur son traitement. [Cases.] J. do med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1846, iv, 3-15.— Tournie. D'un traitement curatif des fissures k l'anus sans operation sauglante. Union ni6el., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxiii, 377.—Traitcatcnt (Du) de la fissure k l'anus par l'emploi topique de l'onguent do la mere. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1851, xii, 450-453.— Trousseau (A.) Du traitement de la fissure k l'anus par la ratanhia. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par.. 1840, viii, 47-53. Also: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1840, iii, 197-204.—Cytterhoeven (A.) Fis- sure k l'anus; nouveau mode de traitement. Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1848, xxvi, 83-85.—Vance (R. A.) Fis- sure of the anus. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1877, n. s., xx, 359-379.—Warren (J. M.) Fissure of the anus. In hh: Surg. Obs., Bost, 1867, 186-191.—White (W.) Observa- tions on spasmodic constriction of the anus. Med Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1819, xU, 459-164.—Wragg (W. T.) On the treatment of fissures of the anus. South. J. M. & Pharm., Charleston, 1847, ii, 20-28. Anus (Fistula of). See Fistula (Anal). Anus (Imperforate). See Anus (Abnormities of). Anus (Injuries of). Nclnton. Brulure de l'anus suivie d'incontinence des matieres f6cales. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1861, 2. 8., xxxii, 348.—Simon. Stenosis ani bei 3 Jahr altem Kinde in Folge von Verbrennung mit heissem Wasser; zwei Operationen, die gewohnUche Proctoplastik und eine Proctoplastik mit transplantirten Gesasslappen, sind erfol- glos ; Spaltung der ganzen Narbenmasse bis zur Tiefe der Gesiissfalte erzielt Heilung mit Continentia alvi. Deutscne Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviu, 430. Anus (Neuralgia of). Bardel. Deux faits de n6vrose ano-vesicale opiniatre sans cause materielle appreciable. [2 obs.] Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1868, vii, 200-209.—Mitchell (S. W.) Anal and perineal neuralgia. PhUa. M. Times, 1873, in, 659. ANUS. 466 ANUS. Anus (Obturatorfor). Berenger-Feraud. DesappUcationstherapeutiques de l'obturateur anal. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 147-150. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1870, xv, 197.— Kchocnborn (C.) Ein Obturator fiir einen widernatiir- lichen After. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1870, ii, 376-385, lpl. Anus (Operations on). Monod (F.) *De la dilatation forcee du sphincter de l'anus consideree specialement dans j son application au traitement des hdmorrhoi'des. 4°. Paris, 1877. Munster (C. J.) *Die unblutige forcirte Erwei- terung des Afters in ihrer diagnostischen und therapeutischen Verwerthung. 8°. Greifswald, 187:1. [Beylard.] [Un nouveau modeie dilatateur anal.] Gaz. d. he'ip.. Par., 1857, xxx, 119.—Brown (J. B.) New operation for relaxed sphincter ani, attended with success, in a boy ten years old. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1862, ii, 83.—De. inarqnay. Memoire sur la section sous-muqueuse du sphincter anal dans plusieurs affections chirurgicales. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1846, i, 377-398.—E,e Pelleticr (L.) De la dUatation forcee dans le traitement de la con- tracture anale. Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 11.—Maison- neuvc. De la dUatation forcee du sphincter de l'anus dans plusieurs affections de cette partie. Gaz. el. he'ip., Par., 1851, 3. s., in, 259.-----. Dilatation forc6e de l'anus. (Rap. sur la these de Pelletier.) Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1851, ii, 394-399.—Schuh. Ueber Durchschneidung der Sphinc- tercn des Mastdarm. Wien. med. Wchnseihr., 1852, ii, 1.— Simon (G.) Ueber die kiinstliche Erweiterung des Anus und Rectum zu diagnostischen, operativenundprophylacti- schen Zwecken, und iiber deren Indicationen bei chirurgi- schen Krankheiten des Mastdarms. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xv, 99-121. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1873, v, 568-595.—Valeur (De la) de la dUatation forc6e, comme traitement de la contracture anale. BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc, Par., 1852, xUi, 64-70. Anus (Prceternatural). See, also, Abdominal section; Abscess (Fae- cal); Anus (Abnormities of); Colotomy; Diges- tion; Fistula (Intestinal); Hernia (Complica- tions, sequelce, and anomalies of); Intestines (Ulcers of). Alquie (A.) *Des anus contre nature. 8°. Paris, 1848. Anker (A.) * De l'anus contre nature suite de hernie dtranglde. 8°. Lausanne, 1863. Barincou (G. M.) *De l'anus accidentel et des differeuts procddds opdratoires qui se rat- tachent a son traitement. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851. Burger (C. G.) * Ueber den widernaturlichen After und die zu dessen Heilung vorgeschlagenen und ausgefiihrten Methoden. 2 pi. 8°. Stidt- gart, 1847. Chomette (J. B. A.) * Entdrotome de Dupuy- tren, modifid heureusement par M. Blandin; rd- sultat avantageux qu'eu a obtenu ce dernier en laissant subsister l'dperon dans l'operation de l'anus contre-nature. 4°. Paris, 1836. Couderc (J.-P.) * Des fistules intestinales et de l'anus contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1845. Damm (E. L. T.) * Ueber Kothfistel und wider- naturlichen After, verursacht durch Darmbrand in Folge von Hernia incarcerata. 8°. Jena, 1869. Dejardin (E.-A.) *Des fistules intestinales et de l'anus contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1844. Delplanque (L.) *De l'anus contre nature. 4C. Paris, 1844. Desayvre (A.) *Des fistules intestinales et de l'anus contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1844. Exgelmann (J.) * Ueber deu widernatiir- lichen After und die Anwendung des Dupuytren' schen Enterotoms. 8°. Erlangen, 1847. Ernst (C. L. T.) * Anus praeternaturalis. 8°. Lipsice, 1854. Foucher(E.) * De l'anus contre nature. 8°. Paris, 1857. Geissler (A. E.) *De therapia ani praeter- naturalis et fistulas stercoreaB quasdam. 8°. Halce, 1841. Anus (Prceternatural). Goyard (G.) * Plaies penetrantes de l'abdo- men et procddd de suture nouvelle pour la gudri- son des anus contre-nature. 4C. Paris, 1870. Gunther (C. R.) *De ano praeternaturali. 8°. Jence, [1842]. Guerard de la Quesxerie (W.) *Du traite ment curatif de l'anus contre-nature par la mdthode de la suture simple. 3 pi. 4°. Paris, 1871. Guerin (L.) * Du traitement curatif de l'anus contre-nature accidentel. 4°. Paris, 1865. Juttler (C. A.) * Nonuulla de complicatione aui praeternaturalis cum hernia. 8°. Lipsice, 1849. Kirschstein (F.) *De auo praeternaturali nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, [1847]. Leblanc (J. M.) * Sur l'anus contre-nature. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805]. Liman (A.) *De ano contra naturam. 8°. Halce, [1822]. Liotard (A.) * Snr le traitement des anus contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1819. Lotze (G. A.) * Sistens casum smgularem ani praeter naturam collocati, et atresias vaginae ad- ditis disquisitionibus physiologicis. 4°. Jence, 18-27. Matthes (P.) *De ano praeternaturali. 8°. Jence, 1853. Millet (F.) * Considerations sur les anus con- tre nature qui sont la suite des hernies gangre- ndes. 4°. Paris, 1822. Ooms (C. C.) *Iets over den anus praeterna- turalis en zijne behandeling, naar aanleiding van een waargenomen geval. 8°. Utrecht, 1868. Also, in: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1866-9, xvi, 470-511. Paris (G. H.) * Traitement des anus contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1824. Philipe (C.-F.) * Essai sur les anus anormaux a la suite des hernies avec gangrene. 4°. Paris, 1834. PiChot (F.-A.) *E8sai sur le traitement des anus contre nature. 4°. Paris, 1832. Prinz (J. J.) * Ueber den widernatiirlichen After. 8°. Erlangen, 1853. Quiring (H.) *Zwei Fiille von Anus praeter- naturalis. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Reybard (J.-F.) Mdmoires sur le traitement des anus artificiels, des plaies des intestins et des plaies pdndtrantes de poitrine. 8°. Paris, 1827. Rhenius (O.) * De ano praeternaturali adiecta historia morbi. 8°. Gryphice, 1852. Roskoten (R.) * De ano praeternaturali. 8°. Jence, [1848]. Sahlberg (F. R.) * Beskrifning of ver ett fall af Fistula stercoralis hvorest Dupuytren's tarm- sax med fordel blifvit anvaug. 8°. Helsingfors, 1840. Schottin (C. G. L.) * De prolapsu inversorum intestinorum ex praeternaturali ano icone illus- trato. 8°. Jence, [1797]. Schwartz (A. H.) * Ueber Spontanheilung des Anus, praeternaturalis. 8°. Dorpat, 1878. Seller (B. G.) De machinis ano artificiali ad- ponendis disserit. 4°. Vitebergce, [1807]. Simon (C. F.) 'Nonnulla de ano praeternatu- rali ejusque curatione. 8~. Berolini, [1843]. Spott (J.) * Sistens historiam synopticam ani praeternaturalis operationisque methodi. 8°. Pragce, 1837. StjEHElin (A.) *Der widernaturliche After und seine Heilung. 8°. Basel, 1858. Tieffexisach (J. R.) "Vulnerum in intesti- nis lethalitas occasione casus rarissimi quo colon vulneratione inversum per xiv annos ex abdo- mine propendens. 4C. Wittenbergas, 1720. ANUS. 467 ANUS. Anus (Preternatural). Veron ( F. ) * Quelques considdrations sur l'anus contre nature accidentel. 4°. Paris, 1860. de Wachsmaxx (A. T.) * De ano praeternatu- rali. 8°. Halis, 1815. Wagxer(M.) * Abhandlung iiber den wider- natiirlichen After. 12°. Wien, [1834]. YVebxer (C. F.) *De fistula stercorea conge- nita. 4°. Halce. Aikinan(J.) Case of umbUical anus. Glasgow M. J., 1871-2, 4. s., iv, 520-522.—Alibert (J.) Sur un cas fort cnrieux d'anus contre nature. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1875, Ixxxix, 500-504.—Anus contre nature. Diet. de med., 2. ed., Par., 1833, iii, 342-373.—Bauer (L.) Case of artificial anus at the left flexura coli; repeated opera- tions ; final cleisure of the aperture. Med. Sc Surg. Repor- ter, Phila., 1861, n. s., vi, 246.—van Bcrcheni (PL) t. . . gueri par la seule compression. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Malines, 1852, x, 24-28.—Bettiuser. Operation des Anus priiternaturalis nach Dupuy tren. V er- handl. d. Ver. pfalzischer Aerzte, 1859, Kaiserslautern, 1860, 53. -----. Praparat eines widematiirlichen Afters mit VorfaU und Invagination des Dickdamis. Ibid., 1876, Diirkkeini, 1877, 27-29.—Billroth. Anus praternatura- lis; EnteroiThaphie; HeUung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiv, 582-585.—Blandin. t . . . suite d'une hernie avec gangrene; guerison a l'aide del'autoplastie. BuU.Acad. de med., Par., 1837-8, ii, 976. -----. Anus contre nature. (Ja-z. d. he"»p., Par., 1838, xii, 94.------. t Bull. Acad, de in6d., Par., 1844-5, x, 110-113.— Bouchardus (F.) De intestini coli parte per triennium et amplius ab abdomine pendula etiam tuni aegro satis valenter peregrinante. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios., Lisp. T|/a., A#)iignerolles. t Bull. Soo, anat. do Par., 1870, xiv, 254.—Liouville (H.) Perfora- tion de l'aorte; rupture du vaisseau dans la bronche gauche. Ibid., 1868, xliii, 211.—Lohmcjrr. t Perforation der Speiserbhre. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1833, ii, 137.—Lund (O.) Et tilfa?lde af ruptura aortae. Norsk Mag. f. Laegcvi- densk., Christiania, 1856, x, 676-681.—Lynn, t . . . near the heart. Med. Rec Private M. Ass., Lond., 1798,71-82,1 pi.— M'Dowall (T. W.) t Edinb. M. J., 1876, xxn, 318-321.— Magnan. t Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1804, xxxix, 512.— Martin (V.) Des ruptures de l'aorte ct du cceur causees par up ramollissemcnt inflammatoire. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxvi, 531; 564. Aho: BuU. Soc. m6d. d'emulat. do Par.. 1867, n. s., i, 350-362.—MichcII (T.) t . . . into pericardial sac. Med. Times it Gaz., Lond., 1860, U, 208.— Moscher (C. D.) t Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 364.— Muller. t t Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg, 1861. i, 261-266.—Nau (J.) t Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 865.— IVitot (E.) t Epanchement ue sang elans le p6ricarde. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 446-448. Aho: Progres meel., Par., 1877, v, 913. —Ni vet. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, xi, 295.—Ogle (J. W.) Rupture of an aneurismal pouch of the root of the aorta; death by gra- dual hasmorrhage into the pericardium. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 102.—Parkin (J.) . . . rupture of the arch of tho aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 63.—Peacock. t ... probably from violemt muscular effort. Tr. Path. Soc Lond.. 1846-&;i, 85.—Picard. t Ibid., 1841, xvi. 41.—Por- ter (W. G.) t Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1876, v, 111.—Pro- coro (J. de G.) Observacao de huma hemorrhagia da crossa da aorta no bronchio esquerdo. J. Soc. d. sc. med. do Lisb., 1836, iv, 13-18.—Bokitansky (C.) Ueber spon- tane ZeiTcissungen der Aorta. Med. Jahrb. cl. k. k. os- terr. Staates, Wien, 1838, n. F., xvi, 24; 219.—Bollet. 1 Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1848, xxiii, 179-182.—Bose (T.) * . . . near its arch. Lond. M. & Thys. J., 1827, u. 8., iii, 15- 18.—Boss (J. J.) t . . . within the1 pericardium. Dublin Hosp. (Liz., 1858. v, 246.—Bran (W.) Rupture at tho junction of the aorta with the heart. Lanci't, Lond., 1844, i. 688.—Sainct. t Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1851, xxvi, 25.— Scuvre. Chute d'un 4' 6tage ; rupture traumatique do l'aorte- k son origine. Ibid., 1873, xlvUi, 679.—Shcarly (W.) t . . . near its origin. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lonel., 1807, [ xviii, 391.—Sibley, t Tr. Path. Soc. Lonel., 1864, xv, 74.— Siredcy. Aiioplexie pulmonaire r6sultant d'uno com- munication de l'aorte avec le sommet dn poumon gauche. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 377-379.—Sparks (E.) Intra-pericardial rupture of the aorta in boy of sixteen. I Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 13. —Spchl. t Autopsie. Presse AOETA. 477 APES. Aorta (Rupture of). m6d. beige, Brux., 1879, xxxi, 43.—Starcke. FaU einer Berstung eler untorn Holilaeler. Mag. f. el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1819. v, 323. — Stewart (L. W.) Rupture of abdominal aorta ; remarks. Madras C;- J. M. Sc, 1866, ix, 138-141.— Stokes (W.) Dilatation ot the ascending aorta; death by rupture into the- pericardium. Dublin J."M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1834, v, 419-421.—Stiivc. t Mag. f.el. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1829, xxix, 562-570. Aho.transl.: J. compl.dudict. el. scm6d.,Par., 1829, xxxiv, 375-377.—Tourdcs. t Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1862, 2. s., ii, 39. -----. t Proc-verb. . . . Soc. de m6d. do Strasb., 1864, iu, JG4-166.—Townsend (R.) Death oc- curring suddenly witli convulsions ; transverse rupturo of the inner and mielelle' e-oats of tho asceneUng portion of the arch of the aorta. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1832, i, 170- 173.—Triplctt. t Tr. Med. Soc, Dist. Columb., 1875< ii, 33.— Trousseau Sc Leblanc. Ruptures de l'aorte. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1828, xvi, 190.—Tiingcl. t Aneurysma dissecans. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1859, xvi, 366.— Vast (L.) Dechirure complete de l'aorte par suite de luxation du rachis; mort immediate. Tribune m6d., Par., 1874, viii, 138.—Vogel (C. J.) t t Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1856,viii, 252: 263.—Ware (J.) t t . . . within the pericardi- um. BostonM. ScS. J., 1833,vni, 103-105.—Wealc (E. H.) t . . . without aneurism. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1839-40, n. s., xxxii, 612.—Weber (H.) t ... atorigin. Tr. Path. Soc. Lonel., 1866, xvii, 61.—Wells (S.) Communication between the aorta and the left bronchus. Ibid., 1858-9, x, 71-73.— Wicland. Dilatation de l'aorte rompue dans le poumon. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 171.—Wilks. Exten- sive laceration of the ascending aorta. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 665. -----. Extensive laceration ofthe internal coats of the ascending aorta. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, ii, 58- 60. 1 pi. -----. t . . . from injury. Ibid., 1865, xvi, 79.— Yco (G. F.) t Irish nosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 92. Also: DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi, 329-331. Aorta (Tumors of). See, also, Aorta (Contraction and obstruction of). S A uber (G. P.) *De steatomatibus in prin- cipio arteriae aortae repertis et horuni occasione de cystitis in genere excrescentiis. sm. 4°. Vitem- bergce, [1723]. Ball. Kystes flbrinenx de l'aorte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1862, Par., 1863, 3. s., iv, 15.—Brodowski (V.) Priiuares Sarcom der Aorta thoracica und die Verbreitung desselben in der unteren Korperhalfte. Wien. med. Presse, 1874. xv, 214; 230; 254.—Pyl (J. C.) Sc Engel. Leichen- iifnung eines plotzlich verstorbenen Mannes. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1789, 6. Samml., 70- 74.—Threadgill (H.) A case of a cartUaginous develop- ment attached to the internal coat of the aorta near the heart for three-fourths of an inch, almost fllhng up the entire cavity of the aorta. NashvUle J. M. Sc S., 1858, xv, 207. Aorta (Valves of). See Heart ( Valves of); Heart ( Valvular diseases of). Aorta (Wounds and injuries of). Eeichhelm (J. G.) *De absoluta lethalitate vulneris arteriae niagnae. 4°. Halce, 1694. Vogt (A.) *Ein gericbtlicher Fall von Ver- wundung des Arcus aortae mit todtlichem Aus- gange am 23sten Tage. 8°. Bern, 1860. Banks (J. T.) Penetrating wound of abdomen with puncture of abdominal aorta; autopsy. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1866, vii, 95.—Berard (P. H.) Maladies de l'aorte par causes externes, et operations pratiquees sur cette artere. Diet, de med., Par., 2. ed., 1833, ui, 421-429.— Blaxland. Case of fatal haemorrhage from perforation of oesophagus and aorta resulting from swaUowing a fish-bone. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847. n. s., iv, 647.—Boinet. t Bull. Soc. anat. de, Par., 1835, 3. s., i, 65.—Briggs (C. S.) Wound of thoracic aorta. Nashville J.M. Sc S., 1876, xvii, 109.—[Cases.] La- ceration of the aorta from an injury to the chest, with frac- ture of the sternum and ribs; instant death. Lancet. Lond., 1864, U, 742.— t Wunde der Arteria pulmonaUs dextra, der Aorta und penetrirende Wunde des rechten Herzventrikels. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1855, n. F., vi, 163-165.—Colles (W.) Case in which death was occasioned by a fish-bone penetrating the aorta through the oesophagus. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1855, xix, 325, 1 pi.—Dubreuil fils. Observation sur la perforation de i'cesophage et de l'aorte thoracique par une portion d'os avale, avec des reflexions. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1818, ix, 357-363.—Farrington. Puncture of tho ascending aorta by a needle; autopsy. Meel. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 34—Oilman (C. R\) Case of punctured wound of the ascending aorta, fatal in fifteen minutes. N. York M. Gaz., 1841-2, i, 33-35.— Criovanardi (E.) Due casi di morte violenta. Soc. med.-chir. in Modena. Resoc, 1876,10-12.—Heil. Beobach- tung einer Verwundung der Art. Aorta ascendens, welche durch die Natur geheUt worden ist. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- Aorta (Wounds and injuries of). arznk., Erlang., 1837, xxxiii, 458-460.— Hill (T.) Case of complete division of abdominal aorta; patient surviving three hours. Am. M. Weekly, Louisville, 1875, ii, 389.— LicgoucKt. [Aorte.] L6sions traumatiques do l'aorte. Diet, encycl. el. sc. m6d., Par., 1866, v, 588-598.—Motta (E.) Fci Ida da aorta na origem da inuominada, J. Soc. el. sc med. ele Lisb., 1864, 2. s.. xxviii, 373-375,—Parks (E. L.) Punctured wounel of chest-wall, with incised wound of aorta. Tr. Path. Soc, PhUa., 1*70, v, 106.—Bagaine. Coup de couteau elans le dos, blessure longitudinale de l'aorte descendante; observation do medecine legale. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1864, xxxviii, 323-327.— Bostan. Perforation de l'aorte. N. Jour. dem6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1818, ii, 92-94.—Sassard. Observation dune plaie do la crosso do l'aorte, k laqueUe la malade a surveeu six jours. J. demed., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1776, xlvi, 4:(5—138.—Skey. Puncture of the ascending aorta by a ncedh'; death within two hours. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 90.—Tripier. Plaio de l'aorte thoracique. Lyon m6d., 1872, xi, 317-322. Aortitis. See Aorta (Inflammation of). Aoust (Leon). * De la pneumonie a forme ner- veuse. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 52. Aparicio (J.) See I^arrey (H.B.) Tableau do la fievre jaune a, Valence, [etc.] 8°. Parh, 1870. Aparicio (Manuel). * fitude sur le tremblement sypkilitique. 43 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 438. Apel (Andreas Fridericus). * De cardialgia. 50 pp. sm. 4°. Erfordice, typ. J. C. Goerling, [1796], Apel (Henricus Fridericus Augustus). *Generatio molarum ex principiis novis deducta. 2 p. 1., 40 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., ex off. Hendeliana, [1760]. Apel (Justus Godofredus). De morbis e sangume male proportionate oriundis. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Lip- sice, ex off. Langenhemia, [1778]. -----. * De usu opii salubri et noxio in morbis inllammatoriis. 31 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Hollii, [1779]. For his Life, see Bose (E. G.) 4°. [IApsiae, 1779.] Apelbaiim (Petrus). * Menorrhagias erroneae casus singularis. 18 pp. sm. 4°. Lundce, typ. Berlingianis, [1781]. Apell (Philipp Guilielm). *De generibus et specibus ulcerum. 19 pp. sm. 4°. Erfordice, Nonnianis, 1765. Apenrade. Neuber (A. W.) AUgemeine Witterungs- und Krank- heitsverbaltnisse des Winter-IFriihlings- und Sommer-] VierteUahres 1832, beobachtet in Apenrade. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc., Kiel, 1832,1.-2. Hft, i, 110-126; 1833, ii, 1-46, 2 tab. Aperients. See Purgatives. Apes and Monkeys. See, also, Man (Origin of). Bouvier (J. B. M. H.) * Contributions a l'6tude de l'osteblogie comparee du chimpanze, 4°. Paris, 1879. Halford (G. B.) Not like a man bimanous and biped, nor yet quadrumanous but chiropo- dous. 8°. Melbourne, 1863. Schmidt (M.) Zoologischc Klinik: Handbuch der vergleichenden Pathologie und pathologi- schen Anatomie der Siiugethiere und Vogel. 1. Bd., 1. Abth.: Die Krankheiten der Affen. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Schuermaxs (T.) Description d'un quadru- mane de la famille des 16murid6s du genre maki [Lemur], ou singes a museau de renard. 4°. [h. p., n. d.] Alix. Sur la myologie de l'aye-aye. BuU. Soc. phUo- mat, Par., 1879, 7. s., iii, 30.—Bert (P.) Mesures prises sur un jeune gorille. M6m. Soc. d. sc. de Bordeaux, 1870, viii, 281-290.—von Bischoir. Ueber das Gehirn ernes Orang-Outan. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen, 1876, vi, 193-205, 4 pi.— Bischoir (T. L. W.) Ueber die Verschiedenheit in der APES. 478 APHASIA. Apes and IHonkeys. SchadelbUdung des GoriUa, Chimpans6 und Orang-Ontang, vorznglich nach Geschlecht und Alter, nebst einer Bemer- kung iiber dio Darwin'sche Theorie. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1867, ii, 343-348. Aho, transl.: J. Anthrop., Lond., 1870-1, 268-277.—Brehm. Mittheilungen aus dem Leben eles Chimpanse. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1873, v, 80- 85.—Broca (P.) Sur le cerveau du gorille. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 432-439.—Briibl (C. B.) Myologisches iiber die Extremitaten des Schimpanse; ein klciner anatoniischer Beitrag zur Diskussion der Vcrwandt- schaft zwischen dem Menschen und den anthropoiden Affen. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 4; 52; 78.—Church (W. S.) On the myology of the orang utang (Simia moris). Nat. Hist. Rev., Lond., 1861, i, 510-510: 1862, U, 82-94.—Crisp. On the anatomy of quadrumana, with a comparative esti- mate of the inteUigence of apes and monkeys. Anthrop. Rev., etc., Lond., 1864, ii, 308-312.—Be Filippi (F.) Ueber das Foramen orbito-temporale der amerikanischen Affen. Untersuch. z. Natnrl. d. Mensch. u.d. Thiere, Giessen, 1865, ix, 360-302.—Geoffroy-Saint-Hilairc (I.) Remarejues sur la conformation generale de la tete it sur l'encephale chez les singes. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1843,2. s., xi, 375-377.— Ocrvais (P.) Chimpanz6 (Troglodites). Diet, encycl. d. sc.m6d., Par., 1874,1. s., xvi, 116.—Hartmann. Ueber den anthropoiden Mafuca des Dresdener zoologischen Gar- tens. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1875, vii,2i0-256.—Hartmann (R.) Chimpanse. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1872, iv, 198, 2 pi. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der sogenannten anthro- pomorphen Affen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1872, 107, 2 pi.; 474, 1 pi.: 1875, 265, 2 pi.; 723, 2 pi.: 1876, 636, 2 pi.—Hermes. Der Gorilla und seine nachsten Verwandten. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Hamb., 1876, xlix, 56-58.—Humphry. On some points in the anatomy of the chimpanzee. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1867. i, 254-268, lpl.—Knox (R.) Inquiry into the present state of our knowledge respecting the orang- outang, and chimpanzee. Lancet, Lond., 1840, ii, 289-296. -----. Memoir on the gibbon vari6, with a critical exami- nation of M. de BlainvUle's account of the gibbon. Ibid., 265-268.—Lanser (C.) Die Musculatur der Extremitaten des Orang als Grundlage einer vergleichend myologischen Untersuchung. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d.Wissensch.,Wien, 1879, lxxix, 3. Abth., 177-222, 2 pi.—Lund (E.) [GoriUa.j Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1865, iv, 57-61.—Mar- shall (J.) On the brain of a young chimpanzee. Nat. Hist. Rev., Lonel., 1861, i, 296-3i5.—Mayer. Ueber den Orang-Utang und seine Arten. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., 1856, xiii, pp. lxxxvii-xcii.— Meyer (A. B.) Ueber die anthropoiden Affen des konigl. zoologischen Museums. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. zu Dresd., 1875-6, 144-152.—IVissle (C.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der sogenannten anthropomorphen Affen. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1872, iv, 201-211: 1873, v, 50-53.— Panseh (A.) Einige Bemerkungen fiber den Gorilla nnd sein Hirn. Schrift. d. naturw.Ver. f. Schlesw.-Holst., Kiel, 1878, iii, 127-130.—Babl-Bueckhard. Note on the sud- den death and preliminary- examination of " Pongo". Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 980.—Bolleston (G.) On the affini- ties of the brain of the orang utang. Nat. Hist. Rev., Lond., 1861, i, 201-217, 1 pi.—Schaairhnusen. Sur les rapports entre les singes anthropomnrphes et l'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1865, vi, 11-20.—Schrocdcr van der Kolk (J. L. C.) Sc Vrolik (W.) Note sur l'enc6phale de l'orang-outang. [From:,Sect. sc. exactes, Amsterd., xiii.] Nat. Hist. Rev., Lond., 1862, ii, 111-117.—Tiedemann (F.) Hirn des Orang-Outangs mit dem des Menschen verglichen. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Darmst., 1827, ii, 17-28,1 pi.—Vo^t (C.) Menschen, Affen- Menschen, Affen und Prof. Th. Bischoff in Miinchen. Un- tersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere., Giessen, 1870, x, 493-525. Apetz (Ernestus Theodorus). *De maxillae in- ferioris immobilitate eiusque curatione chirurgica. 23 pp. 8°. Jence, typ. Schreiberii etfil., 1856. c. Apflfelstatt (Johannes Conradus). * De coryza. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Heidelbergce, lit. Walterianis, [1685]. Aphalo (Marc). * Propositions sur les effets des habitudes sur l'homme, soit en sant6, soit en mala die. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 65, v. 165. Aphakia. See Eye (Accommodation of). Aphasia. See, also, Brain (Diseases of); Brain (Syphilitic diseases of); Embolism (Cerebral); Epilepsy (Accidents, complications and sequelce of); Fever (Typhoid): Fever (Typhus, Complications and sequelce of); Hemiopia; Memory (Disordered); Paralysis (General); Paralysis with disordered speech; Serpents (Bites of); Speech. Lphasia. Avonde (O. A.) *Sur l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1866. Bateman (Frederic). On aphasia, or loss of speech, and the localisation of the faculty of articulate language, xi. 8°. London, 1870. Beaufils (J. B. E.) * Notes sur 1'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1872. von Chlapowski (F.) * Ueber Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1870]. Cokxillon (J.) Contribution a l'histoire de 1'aphasie. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Dassow (O.) * Ueber einige Fiille von Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Falket (J.) Des troubles du langage et de la memoire des mots dans les affections cer^brales (aphemie, aphasie, alalie, amnesic verbales). 8°. Paris, 1864. Dax (G.) L'aphasie. 8°. Montpellier, 1878. Fehleisen (F.) * Ein Fall von Aphasie. 8°. Tubingen, 1877. de Finance (A.) *Etat mental des apha- siques; consid6rations m6dico-16gales. 4°. Paris, 1878. Fischer (A.) * Ueber centrale Sprachstorun- gen mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Apha- sie. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Friedewald (G.) * Zur Casuistik der Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Giacomini (C.) Sifilide cerebrale, afasia ed amnesia. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Gogol (L.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aphasie. 8°. Breslau, 1873. Grieshammer (R.) * Ueber Aphasie und Anarthrie. 8°. Jena, 1872. Hannes (W.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aphasie. 8°. Breslau, 1873. Jacob (E.) * Ueber Aphasie. 8°. Eaiserslau- tern, 1871. Kerscht(L) * Zur Casuistik der Aphasie. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1869]. Kirchhoff (T.) * Ein Beitrag zur Aphasie im Sinne der Localisation psychischer Functionen. 4°. Kiel, 1877. In: Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel, xxiv, 1877, vU; Med., iv. Lacambre (T.) *De l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 221. Legroux (A.) *De l'aphasie. 8°. Paris, 1875. Mau (A.) * Ueber Aphasie. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. Mongie(J.) *De l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 111. MfJLLER (H. R.) * Ueber Aphasie. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1871]. Ore (L.-L.-G.) 'Contribution a l'etude cli- nique de l'aphasie. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Racine (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aphasie. 8°. Berlin, [1876]. van Rhijn (A.) * Aphasie. [Hoogeschool te Leiden.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1868. Ricochon (J.) * Remarques sur l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1872. Rockwell (A. D.) Aphasia. 8°. Chicago, 1875. Rojnitza (G.) * Sur l'aphasie avec hemipl^gie et gangrene simultanee des extremites. 4°. Paris, 1874. Rontin (A.) "Quelques considerations sur l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1873. Sazie (C.) * Troubles intellectuels dans l'apha- sie. 4°. Paris, 1879. Tremolet (J.) * Quelques mots sur la locali- sation cerebrale de l'aphasie. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Vivent(P.) * De l'aphasie. 4°. Paris, 1865. Wernicke (C.) Der Aphasi'sche Symptomen APHASIA. 479 APHASIA. Aphasia. complex. Eine psychologische Stndie auf auato- mischer Basis. ^?. Breslau, 1871. Y an dell (L. P. jr.) Cases of syphilitic apha- sia. 8C. [w. p., ii. d.] Yvon (G.) *De l'aphasie; interpretation des pmmomenes. 4°. Paris, lf?7. Adainson (V. V.) t Leavenworth M. Herald, 1867-8, i, 540-543.—Adradas (C. L.) Alalia por amnesia. An. de cien. med., Madrid, 1877, iv, 217-221.—Adradas (E. L.) Tres casos de afasia; consideraciones iisioleigicas sobre este sintoma. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1879, v, 393-396.— Alcock (N.) On aphasia and the localization of the faculty of speech. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lonel., 1869, i, 651.—Ander- son (J. K.) Remarks on aphasia, 'with case-s. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1866-7, xii, 367-381.—Anderson (M'C.) t . . . right hemiplegia; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1870-1, iii, 446-450.— Aphasie. Gaz. d.hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 201.—Aphasie et h6miplesrie a forme intermittcnte. Paris m6d., 1875-6, i, 506-509.— Archautbault. t Union med., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxix. 273-278. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. meel. cl. hop. de Par., 1867, iu, 5-8.—Aronssohn. A propos de l'aphasie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 118.—Atkins (R.) Caso of sudden and complete aphasia and partial rijjht hemiplegia; lesion of Broca's convolution, with a small haemorrhage in sub- stance of corpus caUosum, etc. J. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1876, xxii, 406-416, 1 pi. —Atkinson (F. P.) A few ideas re- garding the subject of aphasia. Edinb. M. J., 1870, xvii, 311- 313.—Anbert. Aphemie; lesion du lobe frontal gauche. Mem. Soc. d. sc. mecl. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 173-182— Aufrecht (E.) Ein FaU von Coordinationsstiiruug der Sprachmusku- latur. Deutscho med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879, v, 87-89.— Augier. Aphasie incomplete par absence de la format ion des idees. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1866, xxxix, 110.—Baginsky. Aphasie in Folge schwerer Nierenerkrankungen: Urii- mie. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1871. viii, 429; 439.—Bail- larger. Signification physiologique et pathologique de l'aphasie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1865, 3. s., xx, 328-333.-----. Si6ge anatomique de l'aphasie. Ibid., 347-351. -----. De l'aphasie. Unionmed., Par., 1865,2. s., xxvi, 452; 557.-----. De l'aphasie au point de vue psychologique. Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1865, xxxviU, 262; 265. -----. Lettre k propos de la discussion sur l'aphasie par M. Baillarger. Gaz. med. de Par., 1865, 3. s., xx, 368-370.—Balilis (S.) t Rev. de med. et de pharm. de l'Empire Ottoman, Constantinople, 1877, ii, 24.—Balzcr (F.) Tumeur cer6brale comprimant lelobe frontal gauche; par6sie du cot6 droit; aphasie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, 3. s., ix, 783-786.—Banks. Hemiple- gia, with loss of speech. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xiii, 488-491.-----. Convulsions; complete unilateral paralysis; aphasia; recovery. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 145.— Banks (J. T.) On the loss of language in cerebral di- sease. Dublin Q. J. M.Sc.,1865, xxxix, 62-80, 2 pi. A ho. Re- print. Also, transl.: Cor.-Bl. cl. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Psy- chiat., etc., Neuwied, 1865, xU, 225-228.—Barbieri (P.) Afasia curata e guarita col metodo antiflogistico in donna settnaeenaria. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1873, xxxUi, 204.—Barelay (J.) t Glasgow M. J., 1866-7, 3. s., i, 204- 208.—Bartholow (R.) Aphasia. Quart. J. Psych. M., N. T., 1868, ii, 341-361. -----. Aphasia; a clinical lecture. Cincin. M. Repert., 1809, ii, 7-13.—Bastian (H. C.) On the various forms of loss of speech in cerebral disease. Brit. Sc For. M. Chir. Rev., Lond., 1869, xlUi, 209-236. -----. Physiological explanation on the phenomena presented in aphasia and other modes of defective expression in connec- tion with the loss of speech in cerebral disease. Ibid., 470- 492.—Bateman (F.) On aphasia. Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 532. -----. On aphasia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1867-8, Xiii, 521: 1868-9, xiv, 50; 345; 489: 1869-70, xv, 102; 367. Aho, Reprint. Also, transl.: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 466; 612; 695; 724; 757; 806: 1870, 2. 8., vn, 229; 262; 274; 309; 325; 344; 372. -----. On aphasia and the localisation of the facultv of speech. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 486; 540.—Begbie (S. W.) Sc Sanders (W. R.) Two cases of aphasia and risht hemiplegia, with dissections. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xii, 122-127.—Bemiss (S. M.) t . . . autopsy. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1866-7, xix, 781- 783. -----. Aphasia. Ibid., 166-171.—Bemiss (S. M.) & Chaillc (S. E.) t Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louis- vUle, 1869, vii, 12-19. -----. Necropsy of a ease of apha- sia. Ibid., 259-266.—Benedikt. Ueber Aphasie. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1865, xxi, 264-266.—Benedikt (M.) Ueber Aphasie, Agraphie und verwandte pathologische Zustande. Wien med. Presse, 1865, vi, 897; 923; 945; 997; 1020; 1067; 1094; 1139; 1167; 1189; 1264.—Benson (H.) Cai diac disease; emboUsin; cerebral softening; aphasia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876, lxi, 481-484. Aho: Med. Press -253.—Lush (W. V.) t . . . without paralysis; recove-ry. Me'd. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1871. ii, 523.— Luther. Case of suli-i em.junctival ecchymosis, herald- ing an attack of cerebral aphasia. Tr. Cork M. Sc S. Soc, Dubl., 1868-9, 23.—Luys. Aphasie; lesion de la circon- volution frontale posterieure; persistancodu trou deBotal. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 263-267.—Lyman (J. '61 Aphasia. li.) Aphasia. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1872, xiU, 17-23— Macario. De l'aphasie. Nice-med., 1876. i, 39; 82. -----. DeU'afasia, Gazz. meel. ital. lomb., MUano, 1877, 7. a., iv, 291-293—M'Donnell (K.) t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv, 451-433. 1 pi.—McBeddie (G. D.) t Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1868, iii, 131.—Magnan. LYneephale d'un aph6- mique qui a succombe ii une h6morrhagie de la protubej- rance. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 466-468. -----. L'h6miaph6re cerebral gauche dun aphemique. Ibid., 510. -----. On simple aphasia, aud aphasia with incoherence. Brain: J. Neurol., Lonel., 1879-80, ii, 112-123, 4 pi.—Mal- brane (M.) Beobachtung iiber Aortenthronibose und Aphasia. Deutsches Arch. i". klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xviii, 462-481. — Mancini (G.) Fcbbre intermittente comi- tata d'afasia atassica. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1873, xxxiii, 165-177. Also: Osservatore med., Palermo, 1874, xvu, 61-77.—Manfredi (J.) Afasia ed emipareai da leaione delle circonvaluzioni frontali tcrza ed ascendente e deU' isola. Riv. sper. difreniat., Reggio-EmUia, 1877, iii, 224.— MarandondcMontycl(E.) t ... avec autopsie chez un m6galomane. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1877, 5. s., xviii, 364- 387.—Marcc. Cas d'aboUtion de la parole, coincidant avec une apoplexie m6ning6e k la partie post6rieure et in- ferieure du lobe post6rieure du cerveau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 144-146.—Marcet (W.) t Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1868,ii,238. Aho: Lancet. Lond., 1869, i, 115.—Marc- chal (A.) RamoUissement cerebral; hemorrhagica suc- cessive.*!; aphasie. Pressem6d. beige, Brux., 1877, xxix, 233- 235.—Martin, t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 425.— Martin (J.) t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi, 298.—Mathe- boii (A. R.) t ... with amaurosis. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1878, iii, 214-216.— Mathieu (A.) Le lan- gage et l'aphasie. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1879, cxliii, 583- 598.—Mattei. Aphasie causee par l'accumulation des ma- tieres fecales dans le gros intestin. Bull. Acad. dem6d.,Par., 1804-5, xxx, 870. — Maudsley (H.) Concerning aphasia. Lancet, Lond., 1868, U, 690; 721.—Mayor. Aphasie et hemi- plegie droite; foyer prof'ond de la 3e circonvolntion frontale. Progres med.. Par., 1876, iv, 827.—Meningitis et encepha- litis subsequia atrophia cerebri et aphasia. Ber. d. k. k. Kranhenh. Wieden, 1868, Wien, 1869,96-98.—Mesnet. t He- miplegie gauche. Ann. m6d. psych., Par., 1877, 5. s., xvU, 407.—Micklc (W. J.) Ataxic . . . autopsy. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1874, xx, 256-259.—Midavaine. Perte subite inais momentan^e de la parole, suite' d'un soufflet sur la joue. Ann. Soc de med. d'Anvera, 1841, 400. Also: Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1841, vi, 243.—Moore (N.) Two curi- ous examples of partial aphasia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1878, xiv, 159.—Moore (W. D.) Cases illustrative of the loss of the proper use. of letters, and of words, as a result of cerebral disease. Dublin CL J. M. Sc, 1865, xl, 252- 256. -----. t Dublin M. Press Sc Circ, 1866, i, 681. -----. t Brit.M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 558.—Morbieu. t Unionmed., Par.,1875,i,229-231.—[Moreau.] Aphasie (aph6mie). Gaz. d. he'ip., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 70.—Moreau (J.) t Union m6d., Par., 1875,3. s., xix, 229; 242.—Mossdorf. Ueber spasino- dische Sprachstorungen. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dread., 1878-9,83-85.—Mossc. Aphasie; hemiple- gie droite limitee a la face et partiellement au membre sup6- rieur; lesions corticales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1878,4. s., iii, 29.—Moxon (W.) On the connection between loas of speech anel paralysis of the right aide. Brit. Sc For. M.- Chir. Rev., Lond'., 1866. xxxvii, 481-489.—IVeftel. Ein Fall von voiiibergehender Aphasie mit bleibender medialer Hemiopie des rechten Auges. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1878, viii, 409-431.— Nidi oil* (J.) [Aphasia from the ex- cessive use of stramonium anel cannabis indica.] Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 282.—Niemeyer. On aphasia, consequent on emboUsm of the left arteria fosaas Sylvii. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1870, i, 29; 57; 87— Oedmansson. t t Hy- fiea, Stockholm, 1808, xxx, 259-280. Aho, transl.: Dublin Q. . M. Sc, 1869, xlvi, 482-502.—Ogle (J. W.) Aphasia and agraphia. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lonel , 1807, ii, 83-122. -----. Right hemiplegia, with leiss of speech. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1867, xviii, 11-14. -----. Loss of speech from thobiteof venomous snakes. St. George's Hosp. Kep.,Lond , 1868, iii, 167-176. -----. Illustrations of impairment of the power of inteUigent language, in connexion with eUsease of the nervous system. Lancet, Lond.. 1868, i, 370-372; ii, 111. -----. Part of a clinical lecture on aphasia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 163-165. —O'Neill (W.) t Ibid., 1877, ii, 475.—Oppler. Meningitis; aphasie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, U,"l72.—von Orelli. Ein aphasisches Him. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1875, v, 93-97.—Osborne (J.) On the loss of the faculty of apeech depending on forgetfulness of the art of using the vocal organs. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1833-4, iv, 157- 170.—Otloni (G.) L'elettricita neU'afasia. Galvani, Ur- bino, 1873, i, 249-267. — Oulmont. Hemiplegie droite; aphasie persistante; foyer oclneux siegeant dans la region dc 1'avant-mur it atteignant le' faiscean pediculo-frontal in- feiieur du cote gauche. Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 634.— Owens. (J. E.) Thrombosis and aphasia. Chicago M. J. 1870, xxvii, 408; 407.—Peacock. Cases of defect of speech, with hemiplegia of the right side. Meel. Times Sc Gaz.. Lonel., 1867, ii, 459.—Perroud. De la lesion des fa- cultes qui president au langage articul6, au langage ecrit APHASIA. 482 APHASIA. Aphasia. et au langage mimique. Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1864, ui, 1-39.—Perte de la parole sans paralysie de la langue, et avec intcgrite de 1'intelUgence. France meel., Par., 1855, ii, 39.—Phasia, or loss of the power of expression, from hemiplegia of the right side of body. Canada M. J., Mon- treal, 1807, in, 450-452.—Pierantoni (G.) Contribuzione alia patogenesi ed aUa cura dell'afasia. RaccogUtore med., ForU, 1874, xxxvii, 347-366.—Popham (J.) Aphasia; or, cerebral loss of speech. Tr. Cork M. Sc S. Soc, 1866-7, 5- 28. Aho: DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1807. xliv, 1-24.—Porter (P. B.) A case of sunstroke foUowed by aphasia; death. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1874, i, '421.—de Poyen (G.) t Unionmed., Par., 1875, i, 89-91.—Prcvost (J. L.) t BuU. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1873, vii, 273- 280.—Proust (A.) De l'aphasie. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1872, i, 147; 303; 653.—Putnam (J. J.) Wernecke on the theory of aphasia; an abstract. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1875, xcii, 583-587.—Raggi (A.) Contributo aUo studio clinico ed anatomo-patologico dell'afasia. Riv. clin. di Bo- logna, 1871, 2. s., i, 205-271.—Ramskill. Loss of speech for several years; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 680-681.—Ranso'ine (A.) Case of aphasia pro- duced by embolism of branches of the internal carotid; se- quel and post mortem appearances. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 238.—Raymond. Aphasie probable; lamollissement de l'hemisphere gauche, pies dc la scissure de Sylvius. BuU. Soo. anat. de Par., 1867, xiii, 11-13. -----. Lyp6manie avec aphasie et amnesie teiuporairea en correlation avec la dia- these rhumatismale. Montpel. med., 1873, xxx, 510-514.— Reddy (J.) A case of paralysis with aphasia occurring on the fifth day after parturition; death and poat mortem. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1873, i, 1-0.—Reed (N. C.) The defects of the power of speech induced by brain disease. Toledo M. Sc S. J., 1878, ii, 41-50.—Reiss (K.) Aphasie als Terminalersoheiiiung einei" Gehirnhainorrha- gie. Wien. med. Presse, 1809, x, 66.—dc Renzi (E.) SuUa catafasia. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1879, n. 8., i, 474-479.—Report on the brain of an aphasie Glas- gow M. J., 1869-70, u. s., ii, 223; 278.—Richardson (J. G.) t Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1866-7, vi, 211-214.—Richet (C.) L'aphasie et la faculte du langage artieulo. Rev. el. deux mondes, Par., 1874, xUv, 410-420.—Riuckcnbach (J.) t Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1866, ii, 105.—Rizzi (Ai.) t Rammeillimcnto parziale di un lobo anteriore del eeivello. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1849, 2. s., ii, 97. — Ro- bertson (A.) The pathology of aphasia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1866-7, xii, 503-521. -----. t Recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1867, 3. s., ii, 133-137. ------. Obseivat inns on aphasia, with cases. Ibid., Is70-1, iii, 229-240.—Robinson (T.) t . . . and loss of sight. Meel. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 590- 592.—Rockwell (A. D.) Aphasia, Chicago J. Nerv. et Ment. Dis., 1875, ii, 18-23.— Rodasskii (N.) Aphaziya i zuacheuie eya ellya lokalizatsii mozgovikh otpravlenu. [Aphasia and its importance in the locaUzation of nervous action.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1870, i, no. 43, 1.— Roddick (T. G.) t Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1873, i, 488-491.—Rodct. Quelques mots do reponse k la cri- tique de M. le professeur Bouillaud. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1866, xvUi, 175-178.—Rodolfi (R.) t t Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1860, 5. s., v, 113-115. Aho, transl.: J. de mecl., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1860, xUii, 214-217.— Roiuinelius (P.) De aphonia rara, Misc. Acad. nat. cuiioa., Norimb., 1683, dec. 2, i, 222-227. Aho, transl.: Collect, acad. de mem., etc., Dijon, 1755, in, 508.—Roqucr (J.) t Compilador meel., Barcel., 1865-6, i, 373.—Rosen- stein. Dilfuse Mephritis ; uramische AnfiiUe, von Tem- peraturerhohuug begleitet; Aphasie als Temiinalersi'hei- nung; haselnussgrosses Blutcoaguluni mit secuudiirer Er- weichnng in der drittcn Stiruwindung der linken Hemi- sphere. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1868, v, lt>2.—Rouis. Ob- servation d'un cas d'abolition des facultes vocales, chez un sujet atteuit d'abc6s du lobe anterieur de rhemisphere cere- bral gauche. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 18.34, 2. s., xiv, 111-125.—Russell (J.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1864, ii, 81; 211; 239. ------. Loss of speech, in conjunction with suspension of certain other functions of the brain, foUowing on epileptiform attack. Ibid., 408-411. -----. Note on a case ot left hemiplegia with loas of speech oc- curring in a left-handed patient. Med. Tiiues Sc Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 36; 472.—Saint (P.) Zur Aphasiefrage^. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1872, iii, 751-757.—Sander (J.) Ueber Aphasie. Ibid., 1869, ii, 38-63.—Sanders (W. R.) Connexion of aphasia with right hemiplegia anil lesion of the external left frontal convolution. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xii, 811-823, 1 pi. ------. Lesion in the island of Reil extending into the external frontal convolution. Lan- cet, Loud., 1866, i, 650.—Savage (G. H.) Apoplexy, apha- sia, and meutal weakness. J. Ment. Sc, Lonel., 1878, xxiii, 525-532, 2 pi.—Sayle (G.) On paralysis with loss of speech, etc. Meel. Tunes, Lond., 1845, xii, 63.—Schellenberg. Zur Aphasie. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1873, xiv, 25.—Schle- singer (L.) t Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 875-877.— Schmidt (G.) Alalic. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1860, xx, 33.—Schmidt (H. D.) Case of repeated attacks of apoplexy with aphasia. J. Nerv. Union med. de la Seine-inf., Rouen, W4, xiii, 168-179.— Frolich. t Hirnabscess. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg., 1870, xxni, 241-248.—Guerin (A.) I Aphasie a la suite d'une paracentese abdominale. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 473.—Higginson (F. W.) t Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1875, x, 102.—Jcfferiss (W. R. S.) t Recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1873, i, 519-521— Kappeler (O.) t In hh: Chir. Beob. a. d. j Thurgau. Kanlonssp., Frauenfcld, 1874, 39-42.—Kunz. Spraehloaigkeit von Erschiitterung der Zungennerven in Folge cinea Schliges anf den Kopf. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. HeUk., Ziirich. 1840, v, 326. — Lohmeycr (C. F.) Kann Aphaaie zur Trepanation veranlassen? Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872. xui, 309-334.—Liossen. t Berl. Idin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 297-299. — I,iickc. t Ibid.. 1868. v, 216— Jlaccormuc (W.) Traumatic lesion of left hemisphere; right brachio-facial paralysis; aphasia; antiseptic treatment,■ recovery. Brain: J. Neurol., Lond., 1878, i^ 256-260. —Malichecq. Un cas d'aphasie elans une affaire meeUco-lcgale; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1805, xxxviii, 322.—JIartin (A.) De l'aphasie ou dvs- I phasic traumatique. Rec. de mem. ele med. . . . mU. Par., 1870. 3. s.. xxiv. 1-23.— ITIeuzel (A.) t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1^73, xxUi, 749-753. Aho. transl.: Morgagni, I NapoU, 1873, xv, 552-560. Aho. transl.: Gaz. lek.. War- I szawa, 1873, xv, 145-149 — Tlix-ouv. Mutisme prolonge determine par une fracture considerable elu temporal. Bull. geu. d. therap., etc.. Par.. 1836. xi, 69.—Mossier. Mu- tisme traumatique. J. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 18:t4, ii. 210—Russell (J.) Loss of the faculty of expression, in connection with injury to the portion of skuU correapond- Aphasia (Traumatic). ing with the left anterior lobe of the brain. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, i, 567.—Ryan (M.) A case of loss of speech induced by compression of the brain, which continued for some months. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1823, i, 202-205.— Toselli (E.) Antopsia di due casi di afasia consecutive a traumi al capo. Osservatore, Torino, 1879, xv, 177.— Cllmann (I.) t HeUung. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 969-971.—Whitehead (W. E.) Case of aphasia from gun- shot wound of the head. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvii, 529. Aho: Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1870-71, iv, 200-202. Aphasia in children. Clarus (A.) * Ueber Aphasie bei Kindern. t*J. Leipzig, 1^74. Aho: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1874, n. F., vn, 369-400. Bouchut. Dei l'aphasie chez les enfants. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1. 233-235.—Chrastina. VorsteUung ernes aphasischen Knaben nebst weileren MittheUungen iiber Sprachstorungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1867, xvu, 600.— Finlayson (J.) Two cases of aphasia and % case of hysterical dumbness occurring in chilelren. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1876, iv, 353-363.—Jackson (H.) Singing by speechless (aphasie) children. Lancet, Lonel., 1871, U, 430.—Eiombroso (C.) Afemia con icUozia congenita per atrofia degli emisferi anteriori. Riv. clin. cU Bologna, 1868, vii, 244.—Von Petershausen (H. P.) Two cases of con- genital aphasia. Detroit Rev. Med. Sc Pharm., 1874, ix, 29-223.—Vaisse (L.) Des sourds-muets et de certains cas d'aphasie congenitale. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1866, 2. a., i, 146-150.—Waldenburg (L.) t Ein FaU von ange- borener Aphasia. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 8. Apheniia. •See Aphasia. Aplientoulcs. See Iarpixr/ "EcprjtiepiZ. Aphides. Burnett (W. I.) Researches on the development of the viviparous aphides. Proc. Am. Asa. Adv. Sc, 1853, Cam- bridge, 1856, vii, 203-223.—"Ward (T. O.) On a peeuUar eruption on the arms and hands, caused by the irritation of the aphis infesting the red currant. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1849, 567. Aphonia. See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Diagnosis and symptoms of); Aphasia; Brighfs disease; Chloroform (Accidents from); Dumbness; Fe- ver (Malarial, Complications and sequelce of); Hoarseness; Larynx (Growthsin); Larynx (Pa- ralysis of); Scarlatina, Small-pox, Complications and seqitelce of. Bilhoch(C) *De aphonia. 4°. Jence, 1702. Boxberger (J. C.) *[On aphonia.] 12J. Her- bipoli (?), 1715. Burchakdi (G.) * Sistens casum aphonia? chro- nicte cum epicrisi. 4 . Argentorati, [1773]. Esgers (L. X.) *De aphonia. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1746. (G.) *De aphonia. 4°. Hafnice, 1681. Klencke (H.) Die Fehler der menschlichen Stimnie und Sprache. 2. ed. 8°. Cassel, 1K>1. Tollius (J. A.) * Sistens casuum bigam ad memori am niaxime insignium. 4 . Ha Ice Magdeb., [174G]. Afonia espasmeklica curada por el estornudo v v6mito. Independ. med., Barcel., 1869-70, i, no. x, 10.—Allen (H.) Loss of voice in pubUc speakers. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1839, xx, 220-222.— Bassett (F.) t Lancet, Lond., 3. ed.. 1823-4, U, 29.—Bierbaum (J.) Aphonie hi Folge von Phrenesia potatorum. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xvui, 56.—But- ler (W. H.) 11 BuffaloM. -^"~ See Medicine/J@fphorism8 of). Aphrodisee (^Alexandre). "\ See AristoM. Problemes d' . . . et autres filozofes et j medecins, [eteyfl sm. 8°. Lion, 1554. / Aphrodisiacs. See, also, Cantharides (Toxicology of); Dami- ana; Impotence. Bartholinus (T.), Meibomius (J. H.) & Mei- bomius (H.) De usu flagrorum in re medica et veneria, lumborumque et renurn officio accedunt de eodem renum officio, Joachimi Olhafni et Olai Wormii dissertatiuncula). 8°. Francofurti, 1670. [Doppet.] Trait6 du Fouet, et de ses effets sur le physique de l'amour, ou Aphrodisiaque exterue. Ouvrage ni^dico-philosophique, suivi d'une dissertation sur tous les moyens capables d'exciter aux plaisirs de l'amour. 16°. [n. p. ], 1788. Horn (C. F.) *De cantharidibus et similibus quae aphrodisiaca vocantur medicamentis veneri inimicis amicisque. 4°. Vitembergce, 1747. Vogt (T. C. A.) [Pr. ] inest proliisionum Bceh- nierianarum specimen viii-xv plantas fabulosas amatoria aliaque virtute superstitiosas recensens. 4°. Vitebergce, 1803. Wedelius (G. W.) [Pr.] de moly Homeri, in specie. 4°. Jence, [1713]. -----. [Pr.]demythologia moly Homeri. 4°. Jence, [1713]. Chaumeton. Aphrodisiafjue. Diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1812. ii, 225-228.—Fonssagnves vabe (A.) Zur Kranken- und Mortalitata- statistik von Apolda und nachster Umgebung. Ibid., 66-74. Apollinaris (Q.) Kurtz Handtbuchlin und Ex- periment vieler Artzneyen, durch den ganzen Corper des Menschens, von dem Haupt bissauff die Fuss. Sampt lebeudiger Abcontrafactur etli- cher gemeiuer Kreuter, uud darauss uiaucherlei gebrannter uud distillierten Gewiisser, Krafft und tugenden. 6 1., 152 ff. 12°. Franckfurdt a. M., druck von H. Gulfferich, 1554. -----. The same. Sampt dem Experinientbii- chlein von zwanzig Pestilentz Wurtzleu, dess hochgeiehrten Tarquinii Ocyori. 1 p. 1., ecxiii ff., 17 1. 12°. Strassburg, J. P. Miilbcu, 1651. See, aho, Albertus Magnus. Von Weybern und Ge- burten der Kinder sampt ihren Artzney. sm. 4°. Augspurg, 1608. Apollinaris water. See Ahrweiler. ApollOBii Citiensis, Stephani, Palladii, The- ophili, Meletii, Damascii, Joannis, aliornm scholia in Hippocratem et Galeuum e codicibus MSS. Vin- dobonens, Monacens . . . etc., primum Gra?ce edi- dit Frid. Reiuh. Dietz. 2 v. 8°. Itegimonti Prus- sorum, Borntrceger, 1834. A pollOBius CitieBSis. Tres commentarii in Hippocrates librum de articulis. Primum Graece edidit F. R. Dietz. pp. 1-50 [of vol. 1 of the pre- ceding]. APOMORPHIA. 489 APOPLEXY. A po morphia. Bourgeois (J. B. V.) *De l'apomorphine, re- cherehes cliniques. 43. Paris, 1874. Quehl (M.) * Ueber die physiologischen Wir- kungen des Apomorphins. 8°. Halle, [1872]. Routy (C. J.) *De l'emploi de l'apomorphiue comme vomitif administr6e par injection hypo- dermique. 4-". Paris, 1871. Siebert (Y.) * Untersuchungen iiber die phy- siologischen Wirkungen des Apomorphiu. 8°. [Dorpat], 1871. Aho, in: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1871, xii, 522-548. von Ziolkowski (M.) * Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der brecherregenden Wirkung des Apomor- phin. 8C. Greifswald, 1872. Apomorphiu. [Edit.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 62. Aho, transl.: Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1872, x, 76.— Arena (F.) Studi chimici sull'apomorfina. Indipendente, Torino, 1876, xxvii, 510-512.—Bendz (V.) Det saltsure Apomorfin soni Braekmiddel. Uue-sk. f. Laeser, Kje- benh., 1875, 3. R., xx, 265-270.— Blaser (H.) Ueber die Haltbarkeit der Apomorphin-Losung. Arch. cl. Heilk., Leipz., 1872, xiii, 272-276.—JBrochin. De l'apomorphine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1875, xlviii, 42.—Challand Sc Raboiv. Du chlornydrate d'apomorphine et de ses applications sp6ciales a la psychiatrie. Bull. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1876, x, 385-399.—Chouppe (H.) Etude de l'apomorphine. Gaz. hebd. de meel., Par., 1874, 2. s., xi, 777; 810.—Coyne Sc Budin. Recherehes experi- mentales sur certains effets de l'aponiorphine pendant l'anesthesie chloroformique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875,6. s., i. 387-391. A ho: Gaz. med. ele Par., 1874, 4. 8., iii, 649.—David (C.) Note sur Paction physiologique de l'apomorpliine. Compt. rend. Acad. cl. sc.,"Par., 1874, lxxix, 537-540.—Dujardin-Bcaumetz. Note sur Pac- tion th6rapeutique ele rapomorphine. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1874, lxxxvii, 345-353. Aho: Abeille med., Par., 1874. xxxi, 440-442. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de th6rap., 1874, Par., 1875, 105-116.—Duncan (\Y. F.) The hypo- dermic use of apomorphia aa an emetic in children. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x. 533.—Eichberg. Apomorphin. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1873, xliii, 319.— Ganghofner (F.) Versuchemit salzaauremApomorphin. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag, 1873, i, 65-67.—Gee (S.) On the action of a new organic base, apomorphia. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1869, ii, 166-169.—Gee (S. J.) Note upon apomorphia and chlorocodide. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, v, 215-218.—von Gel I horn. Vorliiunge Mittheilung iiber Apomorphin-Injectionen bei Geisteskranken. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1873-4, xxx, 46-50.—Har- nack (E.) 'Ueber die "Wirkungen des Apomorphins am Saugetliier und am Frosch. Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1874, ii, 254-306.—JTurasz. Apomorphin als Expectorans. Centralbl. f. cl. med. Wissenscn., Berl., 1874, xii, 499. -----Ueber die Wirkungen des salzsauren Apo- morphin. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 41-87.—lioeb (M.) Ueber den Gebrauch des Apomorphins ala Brechmittel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 400.— Maksimovich (I. I.) K voprosu o phiziologicheskom daiistoii apomorphina. [On the physiological effects of apomorphrne.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi, 387- 389.—Ulancini (S.) L'apomorfina. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1875, 4. s., iv, 465-487.—Mocllcr. De l'apomor- phine. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1874, 3. s., viii, 749-775. Rap! par Lefebvre, 619. — jJIocrz (A.) Beitrage zui'praktischen Anwendung ilea salzsauren Apo- morphins. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1872, cxv, 76-84.—Oberlin. Note sur l'apomorphine. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1874, ii, 98-99. Aho: Repert. de pharm., Par., 1875, n. s., iii, 133-135. Aho: J. de pharm. etde chim., Par., 1875, 4. s., xxi, 89.—[Perriquet (A.)] Accidents causes par rapomorphine. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1875, xlvi, 260-262.—Pierce (F. M.) Notes on apomor- phia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, i. 204.—Prevost (J. L.) Note relative a un cas de collapsus inqui6tant produit par l'apomorphine. Gaz. hebd. de mecl., Par., 1875, xxii, 20-22.— Riegel (F.) & Boehm (R.) Untersuchungen iiber die brechenerregende Wirkung des Apomorphins. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1872. ix, 211-239.—Smith (W. G.) Case illustrating the effect of apomorphia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 359.—Strohniayer (C. F.) Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Apomorphin. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1876, xi, 62.—Tassinari (G. G.) Sull' apomorfina. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1875, ccxxxiv, 385-393. — Tier no (F.) Consideraciones flsiolo- ficas sobre la apomorfina. An. Soc. flsiol. escolar, Ma- rid, 1877, i, 97-104.—Unzicker (J. S.) Apomorphia. Cin> ein. Lancet & Obs., 1873, n. a., xvi, 392-394.—Valentin (G.) Eudiometrisch-toxikolomschc Untersuchungen; Apomor- phin. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1879, xi, 399-414.—Wcrtner (M.) Ueber Apomorphin als Ex- pectorans. 'Wien. med. Presse, 1870. xvii, 269-271. Aponensis (Petrus). Sec Petrus d'Abano. Aponeuroses. See Fascia; Tendons. Apophyses. See Bones. Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). See, aho, Brain (Blood-vessels of); Brain (Con- gestion of); Biaxa (Hcemorrhage in or on); Brain (Softening of); Cerebellum (Hcemorrhage in or on); Embolism (Cerebral); Medulla oblongata (Haemorrhage in or on); Paralysis; Pons Va- rolii (Hcemorrhage in or on); Puerperal apo- plexy. Adam (C.-M.-N.) * Diss, sur l'apoplexie ou h6- morrhagie cerebrale. 4J. Paris, 1831. Adami (J. H. C.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Halae Magdeb., 1728. Adami (S. S.) * De caussis quibusdam spe- cialibus apoplexise observationibus anatomicis rarioribus conuxmatis. 4°. Halce ad Salam, 1764. Allier (F.) * Diss, sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1819. Andrews (J.) * Inaugural dissertation on apo- plexy. 8°. Phila., 1793. Angus (A.) *De apoplexia idiopathica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1821. Argyropulus(E.) * De apoplexia. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 17G4. Arnott (J.M.) * De apoplexia phrenitica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1813. Auerbach (G. M.) *Animadversiones quaBdam de apoplexia. 4°. Bonnae, 1830. Bachovius(G. H.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Jence, 1680. Baillie (M.) * De apoplexia sanguinea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Barclay (J.) * De apoplexia sanguinea. 8°. Edinburgi, 1805. Barot (P. D.) * Diss, sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1818. Bastier de la Mirande. Traite" d'apoplexie. 12°. [n.p.], 1761. le Baston. * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1817. Bayle(F.) Tractatus de apoplexia. 16°. To- losce, 1677. Beatjgendre(F.-M.-T.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1818. Bellamy (B.-A.-M.) *Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1814. Bergius (P.) * De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1620. Berke (A. A. W.) * De apoplexia cerebri. 8°. Berolini, 1856. Bethke (C. C.) Ueber Schlagfliisse und Lah- mungen. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Ofen, 1799. Biguer (E.-P.) * De l'apoplexie occasionne'e par le froid. 4°. Paris, 1817. Binder (L.) * Ueber Hirn-Apoplexie. 8°. Tu- bingen, 1859. Blagden(C) * De causa apoplexise. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1768. Blum(M.) De apoplexia. 4°. Wittebergce, 1619. Boas (I.) *De apoplexia cerebri. 8°. Bero- lini, [1843]. Bodinus(C. A. H.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Bero- lini, [1837]. Bolton (E. N.) *On apoplexy. 8". Edin- burgh, 1831. Bolton (J.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1792. j van Borcharen(C) * De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1723. Bossis (L. M.) *Sur l'apoplexie, rallie'e aux principes de la doctrine physiologique. 4°. Paris, 1822. APOPLEXY. 490 APOPLEXY. Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). Boulenger (E.-M.) * Diss. path.-m6d. sur l'attaque d'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1811. Bremner(J.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. van Bronchorst (H.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1723. Buchanan (G.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Burdin(C) * Essai sur l'apoplexie. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Butler (H.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1710. C aillaux (D.) * De l'apoplexie ou heinorrhagie cer6brale. 4°. Paris, 1838. Campbell (B.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, Campet(J.-B.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805]. Carron(C) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1825. a Castro (B.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, Catherwood (J.) A new method of curing the apoplexie. 8°. London, 1715. Chandler (B.) An inquiry into the various theories and methods of cure in apoplexies and palsies. 8°. Canterbury, 1785. Charvet (P.-J.-A.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Cheyne (J.) Cases of apoplexy and lethargy, with observations upon the comatose diseases. 8°. London, 1812. Chiche(J.-B.-L.) * Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1826. Cochy-Moncoan (J. B.) * Essai sur l'apo- plexie. 4°. Paris, 1819. Coenen (W. L. R.) * De causis, sede et natura apoplexiae. 4°. Leodii, [1828]. Cole (W.) A physico-medical essay concern- ing the late frequency of apoplexies. 8°. Oxford, 1089. Copland (J.) Of the causes, nature, and treat- ment of palsy and apoplexy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. Cormao (F.) * Sur l'apoplexie ou hemorrhagic ce"r6brale. 4°. Paris, 1823. Cornellissen (J. A.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1816. Corties(E.) * De l'apoplexie cere"brale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865. Cousin (S. M.) * Propositions et observations sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1808. Crawford (G. H.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1823. Dan De Lavauterie (P. A.) * Sur l'apoplexie consid6ree specialement comme l'effet d'une phleg- masie de la substance cerebrale. 4°. Paris, 1807. Delagorse-Dumontel (G. L.) * Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, an XIU [1805]. Drlfosse (T. F. J.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Parisiis, 1806. Delthil(A.) *De l'apoplexie on h6morrha- gie cerebrale. 4°. Paris, 1833. Demassez(P. J.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1817. Demulder (P. G.) *Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1813. Denys (C.) * Examen physiologique des causes physiques et morales de l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1830. Dupont (N.L.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1823. ' Durand (J.-L.) * Essai sur la nature et les causes de l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1826. Dutront(A. J.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Luad. Bat, 1816. J Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). Duval (V.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1820. East (R.) The two dangerous diseases of Eng- land, consumption and apoplexy. 8°. London, 1842. Egger (J.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Augsburg, 1849. Eggert (I.) * De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Jence, 1728. Emery (J.-B.-E.) * De l'apoplexie cerebrale. 4°. Paris, 1847. Enslin (J. C.) * De vi vitali ejusque muta- tionibus in apoplexia. 4°. Tubingce, 1796. Fabre(A.) * Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1809. Fanntnger (M.) *De apoplexia sanguinea. 8°. BeroUni, [1853]. Feriaz (F.-M.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1811.. Feron (A.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1726. Ferrario (G.) Statistica delle morti improv- vise e particolarmente delle morti per apoplessia nella citta e nel circondario esterno di Milano daU'anno 1750 al 1834. 8°. Milano, 1834. Fleming (P.I * De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1806. Friess (M. F.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lipsice, [». d.] Fuhrmann(G.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Monachii, 1836. Gaube(J.) * Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1814. Gay (J. A.) Vues sur le caractfere et le traite- ment de l'apoplexie, dans lesquelles on refute la doctrine du docteur Portal sur cette maladie. 8°. Paris, 1807. Geerdinxius (J.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1623. Gerdenier(J.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Lugd.- Bat, 1834. Glosemeyer(J.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Jence, 1689. Granier (J. E.) Traite" sur l'apoplexie. 8°. Paris, 1826. Grassius (S.) De apoplexia ex epitome pra- xeos clinica; Georgii Wolfgangi-Wedelii. sm. 4°. Jence, 1707. Gravius (C.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1685. Gremaud(A.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1816. Gr(EN (J.) * De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1730. Guenin(J.-M.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1818. Guillemin (A. P.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1818. Guirette(J.-S.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°.' Paris, 1836. Guttmann(G. E.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Fran- cofurti cis Viadrum, 1729. Guyot(V.) * Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4C. Paris, 1820. Gysens (M.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Parisiis, 1808. Haio (G.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1618. Haraszty (M.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Pesthini, 1819. Hausleutner (E.) *De locis in apoplexia affectis. 8°. Halae, 1795. Hefting (N. R.) * Verhandeling bevattende eenige opmerkingen over de verschijnselen van apoplexie. 8°. Groningen, 1858. Heigl (A.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Ingohtadii, 1637. APOPLEXY. 491 APOPLEXY. Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). Heiland (J. D.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1680. Hellert (A.) *De apoplexia cerebri. 8°. Gryphice, 1853. Helwich(C) * De apoplexia. 4°. Altdorffi, 1695. Hempel (C. C. F.) * De vulgari eetiologia apo- plexisB valdo ambigua et fallaci. 4°. Vitebergce, [1794]. Hkrbertz(P.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Berolini, [1839]. Hericart (L. E.) 'Propositions sur l'apo- plexie. 4°. Paris, an XJI [1804]. Hochreutiner (G.-V.) * De l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1850. Holland (N. L.) 'Apoplexy. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1815. Hueller (O.) * De apoplexiis meningum cere- bralium. 8°. Vratislavice, [1856]. Huwe (W.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1721. Janssens(J.-P-) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1816. Jungken (H. B.) *Mgrum apoplexia ex podagra retrocedente laborantem exhibens. 4°. Giessae, [1733]. Kirkland(T.) A commentary on apoplectic and paralytic affections. 8°. London, 1792. Knaepen (J.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1816. Kuhlmann(A.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Bounce, 1865. Labrousse (J.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805]. Lacoste(A.-M.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1811. Lamb (J.) * Inaugural dissertation on the apo- plexy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1794. Lange (C. G.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Jence, [1754]. Langhammer (D. C.) *De prognosi Hippo- cratis, quod febris solvat apoplexiam. 4°. Halce Magdeb., 1734. Laube (A. R.) 'Quaedam de apoplexia cerc- brali. 8°. Berolini, 1833. Lavignette (J.) * Propositions surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1806. Lecacheux (G.-L.) 'Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris 1832. Lecollier (P.-L.-A.-D.) 'Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1804]. Lefeuvre (P.) 'Sur l'apoplexie ou hemor- rhagic c6r6brale. 4°. Paris, 1826. Leune (J. C. F.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lipsice, 1817. Lidell (J. A.) A treatise on apoplexy, [etc.] 8°. New York, 1873. Liebitsch (G. H.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Er- fordice, [1722]. Liege (P.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1690. Liermant (L.-C.-R.) 'Sur l'apoplexie, con- sideree en ge"n6ral. 4°. Paris, 1811. Llnckers (J.) 'Academisch proefschrift, be- vattende een door den schryver waargenomen ziektegeval. [Apoplexia.] 8°. Leiden, 1856. Lipp (P.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Landishuti, 1820. Loeha (J. G.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lipsice, 1803. Lombard (M. V. P.) 'Sur apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Lonerus(J. P.) E&tcx6iS iarpixr} jusQoSihtj. Apoplexies cum suis causis, signis praiservandi curandique modo, public* salutis omnium apo- Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). plecticorum causa, quorum, vel tuenda, yel re- paranda sanitas est, mandata Uteris editaque. 16°. Lipsice, 1596. Los (A. J.M.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Lugduni ad Rhenum, 1842. Ludowigs (H.) *De apoplexia cerebri. 8°. Berolini, [1864]. Macaulay (A.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edin- burgi. 1807. M'Swiny(E.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1805. Marie(J.F.CA.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Parisiis, 1807. Marsaux(L.-G.) »De l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1827. Marsh (G.) 'On apoplexy. 8°. Baltimore, 1813. Martin (A.) *De l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1821. MIsznyi (J. N.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Budce, [1833]. Maury (A. J.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1822. Melicher (L. J.) "Tractatus de apoplexia. 8°. Vindobonce, 1840. Melville (A.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1797. Melzner (J. J.) *De majori frequentia apo- plexia in eruditis quam alius sortis hominibus observanda. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1755]. Merckel (M.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Jence, 1668. Michaelis(J.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Hafnice, [1676]. Moerschell(M. J.) *Deapoplexia. 8°. Amor- bachii, 1836. Moll (J. G.) * De apoplexia biliosa. 4°. Got- tingce, [1780], j.iso,m:EBANK(J.P.) 8°. Ticini, 1790, ix, pp. 187-233. Montazeau (M. P. H.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Morel(C.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1806. Moss (A. P.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1807. Muller (C. J.) *De prognosi apoplexiae. 8°. Halce, 1792. Mushet (W. B.) A practical treatise on apo- plexy . . . with an essay on (so-called) nervous apoplexy, on congestion of the brain, and serous effusion. 8°. London, 1866. Newbourg (A. J.) *Sur l'apoplexie. 8°. Paris, an X [1802]. Niemann (J. C.) * De apoplexia? pathologia et therapia. 4°. Halce ad Salam, [1772]. Nuernbergerus (C. F.) De apoplexia causa- rum morbificarum criteria illustrante et confir- mante. Sect. IL, pars i-iii. 4°. Vitebei-gce,[1790]. Obeuf(C. D. J.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803]. Orye (A.-N.) 'Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1815. Parent (D.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1675. Parra-D'Andert (M.-A.-E.) * Observations et r6flexions sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1837. Paton (G.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1833. Pauli (A. F.) 'Historia apoplexia? ab anti- quissimis temporibus usque ad finem seculi piseterite. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1860. Pechlin (J. N.) De apoplexia. Leid., 1677. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., v. 1. Pereira da Motta (J. B.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1825. APOPLEXY. 492 APOPLEXY. Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). Peters (J. C.) A treatise on apoplexy. Based ou T. J. Riickert's clinical experience in Homoeo- pathy. 8°. New York, 1853. Petit (F.) * Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1831. Petrous (H.) * De apoplexia. In: Nosologia harmonica. 4°. Marpurgi, 1615. ii, 124- 155. Pkyramale (J. M.) 'Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1828. Physick (P. S.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1792. Pierung (J. M.) 'De apoplexia intra vasa. 8°. Berolini, [1845]. Pin (N.-M.) 'Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1816. Portal (A.) Observations sur la nature et le traitement de l'apoplexie, et sur les moyens de la prevenir. 8°. Paris, 1811. Poupinel (M.) * Considerations sur quelques phdnomenes essentiels a l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1810. Prechtlein(A.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Wirce- burgi, 1815. Prieur (N. A.) * De l'apoplexie cerebrale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1844. Pucelle(E.) * De l'apoplexie cerebrale. 4°. Paris, 1849. Q uain (R.) Observations on cerebral apoplexy at different periods of life. 8°. London, 1849. Regnacq (P.-M.) 'Sur l'apoplexie ou hemor- rhagie ce"r6brale. 4°. Paris, 1830. Richelmi (P.) Essai sur l'apoplexie. 8°. Marseille, 1811. Richond (L. J. R. A.) De l'influence de l'esto- mac sur la production de l'apoplexie d'apres les principes de la nouvelle doctrine physiologique. Memoire couronne. 8°. Paris, 1824. DE Rochas (J.-H.) * Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1812. Rogersius (J.) *Disp. med. inaug., in apo- plexiam. 2. ed. 12°. Londini, 1764. In hh: Analecta inauguralia, 61-82. Roman (J.-A.) * De l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1837. van Rooye (F.) *De apoplexia lactea. 4°. Lugd. Bat, [1771]. Rosenzweig (H. S.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Berolini, [1823]. Ruddimann-Steuart (T.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1777. Rudelgast (J. H.) 'Apoplexia. 4°. Her- bipoli, [1702]. Sadourny(M.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1824. Sambin (M.-J.) 'Surl'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1813. Sander (F.) *De apoplexia. 8°. Gottingce, 1807. Schaap (L.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Ludg. Bat, 1721. Schaetzen (J. M. B.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Leodii, 1824. Schall (P.) 'Ueber Apoplexie. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1837. Schellenberg (F. J.) Brownii sentential de apoplexia examen. 4°. Erfordice, [1800]. Schleifer (J. F.) & Schultze (C.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Vitembergce, [1.717]. Scholvin (H. A.) * De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Jence, [1739]. Schreiter(G. C.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Mar- burgi, [1748]. Schubarthus (G.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1698. Scoutetten (H.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Me- tis, 1829. Apoplexy (General and systematic trea Uses on). Segnitz (C. M.) 'Nonnulla de apoplexiae for- mis et causis. 8°. [Dorpat], 1833. Segui (G.-P.) 'Sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1819. Seiz (J. F.) * De apoplexia familiari et fatali eruditorum morbo. 4°. Altdorfi, [1714]. Solange Sorrel (A. F.) 'Essai sur l'apo- plexie. 4°. Paris, 1817. Soule-Sarrat (D.) 'Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Stochius (A.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1757. Strauch (J. A.) *De discrimine, inter apo- plexiam et morbos quosdam ipsi similes locum nabente. 8°. Vrathlavice, [1820]. Stricker(G. A.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Bounce, 1861. Also, in: Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1861, x, 129; 193. Strobl (F. ) * De apoplexia. 8°. Pestini, [1832]. Stummer (V.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Wirce- burgi, 1820. Subervic (G.) * Considerations generates sur differens points de l'histoire de l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1825. Tallard (J.-J.) 'Considerations sur la na- ture de l'apoplexie, suivies de quelques reflexions sur le traitement de cette maladie. 4°. Paris, 1820. Talon (E\) * Quelques considerations sur les accidents apoplectiformes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861. Tennstaedt (J. A.) * De aegroto apoplexia correpto et sanato. 4°. Erfordice, [1749]. Tisserant (J.-P.) *De l'identite qui existe entre l'apoplexie, proprement dite, et les lesions de la t&te avec compression du cerveau. 4°. Paris, 1820. Tissot (S. A. D.) Epistolae medicae. De vari- olis, apoplexia, [etc.] 8°. Venetiis, 1789. -----. The same. 8C. London, 1772. -----. The same. 8°. Dublin, 1773. -----. De apoplexia. In hh: Epist. med. pract. 8°. Lausannce, 1770, pp. 271- 366. Tourny (J.-H.) 'Considerations sur l'apo- plexie et l'asphyxie. 4°. Paris, 1834. Trautmann (C. G. L.) *De apoplexia epide- mica. 8°. Gottingce, [1790]. Truchot(F. E. F.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Pa- risiis, an XII [1804]. de Valle - Guimaraens (C.-J.) * Sur l'apo- plexie. 4°. Paris, 1836. Vallette (C.) 'Sur l'apoplexie, consideree en general. 4°. Paris, 1809. Van Loo (F.-J.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Parisiis, an XIII [1805]. Verzaschae (B.) *De apoplexia et paralysi. 4°. Basileae, [1662]. Vitry (J. G.) 'Essai sur l'apoplexie. 4°. Paris, 1823. Waechter (C. H.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Al- torfi. ,1729. Wagner (J. G.) * De apoplexia. 4°. Erfordice, [1698]. Wahab (T.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1810. Walker (H.) * De apoplexia traumatica. 8°. Edinburgi, 1809. Wall'man (B. H.) *De apoplexia. sm. 4°. Rinthelii, 1682. Webster (G.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Glasguce, 1798. Wepfer (J. J.) Observations anatomicae ex cadaveribus eorum, quos sustulit apoplexia . . . Nov. ed. 16°. Amstelcedami, 1681. APOPLEXY. 493 APOPLEXY. Apoplexy (General and systematic trea- tises on). -----. Historiae apoplecticorum, observationi- bus et scholiis anatomicis et medicis quampluri- mis elaboratae et illustratae . . . Accesserunt huic editioni aliorum celebrium medicorum observa- tiones historiaeque variae circa apoplexiam. 12°. Amstelcedami, 1724. Wilhelm (R.) De apoplexia. In: Eyekel. 8°. Vienna), 1788,i,pp.302-344. Wisniewski (L.) * De apoplexia. 8°. Bero- Uni, [1837]. Zeidler(J.) *De apoplexia. 4°. Erfordice, Zeuck (J. A.) * De apoplexia cum febre. 4°. Tubingce, 1717. Abercrombie (J.) On apoplexy. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1818, xiv, 553-592. Aho, Reprint.—Apoplessia (SulT). Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1821, xviii, 193-231.—Apo- plexie. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1833, iii, 452-523.— [Bennett (J. H.)] Apoplexy. Syst. Pract. Med. (Twee- die), Phila., 1840, ii, 136-164.—Black (J. R.) Apoplexy. Pop. Sc. Month., N. V., 1875, vi, 705-709.—Bobillicr. Ob- servations sur la presence lies calculs biliaires dans les ca- naux-biliaires, consid6r6e comme cause de l'apoplexie. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1824, xxxvi, 233-239.—Boucher. Observations sur l'apoplexie relatives au climat dela ville de Lille en Flandres. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1776, xlvi, 363; 452; 536; xlvii, 70; 147; 253; 328.—Bourgeois (X.) De l'apoplexie et de son traitement. Art med., Par., 1867, xxvi, 107; 278; 346. Aho, Reprint.—Bricheteau (I.) Consid6rations sur l'apoplexie. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1818, i, 129; 289.—Broad bent (W.) On ingra- vescent apoplexy. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1876, viii, 103-108.—von Brunn. Apoplexia subepidemica. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, ii, 630-632.—Ca- banis. Note sur nn genre particulier d'apoplexie. In hh: OSuvres completes, 8°, Paris, 1823, ii, 583-590.—Car- dan (J.) Tractatus de apoplexia. In his: Opera, Lug- duni, 1663, ix, 417-428.—Cartwright (S. A.) Pathology and treatment of apoplexy. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1853-4, x, 473-492.—Condie (D. F.) Apoplexv. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila,, 1836. ii, 201-235.—Conradi (G. C.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Schlagfluss und die Lahmung. 3". d. pract. Arznk. u. "Wundarznk., Jena, 1798, vi, 461-473.— Considerations sur l'apoplexie, etc. Rec. d. trav. Soc. de med. de Niort, 1842, 49-128.—Corbin (E.) Obser- vations snr l'apoplexie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1830, i, 379-381.— Curtice (S.) A review of Kersey on apoplexy. "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1851, xii, 774-783. - —---. Pathology of apo- flexy. Ibid., 1852, xiii, 441-454.—Be la Pommerais. »e l'apoplexie. J. Soc. gallic, de med. homoeop., Par., 1S55, vi, 145; 196. Aho, Reprint.—Be Muj nek (J.) De l'in- fluence des pertes seminales sur la production de l'apoplexie. ["With rep. by P. A. Snellaert.] Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1841, viii, 105-147. [Discussion.] Bull. Soc. domed, de Gand, 1841, vii, 37; 152.— Uouvillc. De l'apoplexie. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1875, xxxvi, 399; 433; 545; 657: 1876, xxxvii, 5.—Drozda (J. V.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Pathogenese des apoplektischen Insultes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 1065; 1092.—Dubois. Apoplexie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1839, 2. s., i, 510-512.—Bupout. Con- siderations sur les especes differentes d'apoplexie. J. g6n. demed., chir. et pharm., Par., 1809, xxxvi, 121-133.—Bu- rand-Fardel (M.) Memoire sur l'apoplexie. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 274-280. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1838, ii, 199-208.—Entos (Ilepi tt)s) tov xPav<-ov ano- 7rAr)fias. [Apoplexy.] 'Ia.Tpr.Kjj MeAt7, xxx, 411. -----. Traitement des affections apoplectiques par la medication alcaline. France med., Par., 1859, vi. 298 ; 306. Aho: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1859, xxxii, 394.—Hibberd (J. F.) Blood-letting in apoplexy. Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1858, n. s., i, 519-529.—Inmnu (T.) Remarks upon the treatment of threatened apoplexv and hemiplegia. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, ii, 944-947.—jasscr. Von der durch das Tropfbad bewirkten Wiederherstcllung eines nach Heilung alter Schaden an den Fiisscn, mit einer Apoplexie befallenen Patienteu, welcher eine lange Zeit desGebrauchs der Sprache und dc-s Gehbrs verlustig gewesen. Verm. chir. Schrift., Berl., 1782, iii, 138-156.—Joire (A.) Sur le traitement do l'apoplexie cerebrale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 461. -----. Examen de la question du danger de la saignee dans l'apoplexie cerebrale. Ibid., 1858, xxxi, 386; 398; 406.—Jonrdain (C.) Considerations snr la the- rapeutique de l'apoplexie. Ann. de ni6d. beige, Brux., 1839, iv, 89-95.—Kuhn (C.) Traitement de l'apoplexie cerebrale paries eauxde Niederbronn. Gaz. m6d. dePar., 1876, 4. s., v, 536-538.— Leared (A.) Apoplexy, with apparent death from epileptoid tits; restoration on several occasions by ar- tificial respiration. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1870, iii, 131-135.— Lewes (T. C.) On the treatment of apoplexy. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, n. s., i, 291.—Lichtenstein (E.) Apoplekti- sche Hemiplegie und ihr Verhalten zum lokalisirten Galva- nismns; Wahrnehmungen und darau sich kuupfenue Be- trachtungen mit Zugrundelegung eines gegebenen Falles. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. cl. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1860, iv, 459-483.—Liegard (A.) Du danger de la saignee dans l'apoplexie cerebrale. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1859, 228-233. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Tar., 1859, xxxii, 523; 571.—Limousin. De la saign6e dans la congestion et rhemorrhagie cerebrales. Union med. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1861, vi, 358-362.—Locpcr. Dio Behandlung der Apoplexie. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 1856, xxv, 157; 163.—fiongtin (S. A.) Dela saignee dans le traite- ment de l'apoplexie. Union med.' du Canada, Montreal, 1872, i, 349-353.—Lussana (F.) Sc Crasio (L.) Nocu- mento del salasso nel primo invadere di alcune specie di apoplessia cerebrale. [10 cases.] Gaz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 196-202.—OTeebold. Heilung einer durch Apoplexie entstandenen Hemiplegie durch die An- wendung des Galvanismus mittelst der Acupunctur. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1845, xv, 23.— mehihose (C. G.) Ueber den Aderlass in Apoplexieen. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1848, ii, 681-693.— Nitsch. Observation sur une apoplexie k la suite de la suppression d'un couis dc ventre, et sur les bons effets du quinquina dans cette circonstance. J. de m6d. mil., Par., 1784, iii, 345-357— Pntcgnat. L'emploi des emissions sanguines dans le traitement de l'apoplexie cerebrale. iRap. de M. Craninx.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Irux., 1854-5, xiv, 173-182. Discussion, 1855, xv, 19-41. -----. Aho: Bull. g6n. do therap. med. et chir., Par., 1855, xlviii, 145-154.—Bande (A. B.) Apoplexia emetieo novies cum sucoessu tractata. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1791, ii, 11.—Biembault. Quelques propositions e6no- rales au sujet do l'opportunite de la soignee dans l'apo- plexie Ann. Soc. do mod. do St.-lStknne ct dc lc Loire (1859), 1861, i, 437-447.—Bigoni-Stern (D.) Su '1 nocn- incuto del salasso in alcune specie di apoplessia cerebrale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1855, 3. s., vi, 345-348.— Buiz (V. T.) Casos practicos, seguidos dc varias rctlexi- ones, que conflrman la eflcacia do las evacuaciones de san- gre enla apoplegia. Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1846, ii, 400; 407; 419.—Schocnheidcr (J. H.) Do scptuagenaria a gravi in suit ii apoplectico clecies per emeticum libcratio. Acta Soc. med.Havn., 1777, i, 99-104.—Stedman (G. W.) Case of apoplexy successfully treated by opening the radial artery. Phila. J. M. &'Phys. Sc, 1827, xiv, 281.—Stone (W.) Observations upon thio nature and treatment of apo- plexv. N. Orl. M. Nows-& Hosp. Gaz., 1854-5, i, 218-224.— Walker (I. C.) Final illness of Dr. James S. Athon; remarks upon the preventive treatment of apoplexy. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1876, xiv, 24-35.—Woodl'orde (T.) On blood-letting in sudden seizures; apoplexy. Lancet, Lond., 1829, i, 276-279. Apoplexy in children and infants. See, also, Apoplexy (Jurisprudence of). Courant (F.-M.-P.) * Sur l'apoplexie de l'en- fant nouveau-ne\ 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. APOPLEXY. 498 APOTHECARIES. Apoplexy in children and infants. Andrews* (J. B.) Apoplexv in a boy of fifteen years. ! Am. J. Insan.,Utica, N.Y., 1868-9, xxv, 359-362.—Burgess (T. H.) Apoplexy (meningeal na>morrhage) of new-born infants. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, xxv, 492-499.—Campbell (A.D.) t [In child eleven days old.] North. J. M., Edinb., | 1844-5, ii, 155-157.—Cayley. Apoplexy in a girl aged 11 years; nuclear deposits on minute cerebral arteries. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1869, xx, 2-4.—Clark (A.) Apoplexy in i a boy 17 years of age. Am. M. Times, N. T., 1860, i, 374.— Cruveilhier. L'apoplexie des nouveau-nes. Bull. Soc. . anat. de Par. 1832, 2. ed., 1846, vii, 27-29.—Elliot (G. T. jr.) j Apoplexv in a neonatus. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, i 93.—Fried leben. Ueber Apoplexieen der Nervencentren der Neugeborenen, insbesondere iiber Meningealapoplexie und deren Ausgiinge. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1855, xiv, 118; 239.—Cordon ("W. L.) A fatal case of apoplexy in a boy aged 18. Statist. Rep. Health Navy 1871. Lond., 1873, 104-106.— Cron. Apoplexie des Gehirnes; Pyamie. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1859, xxxii, 148.—Hachmaan (N. L.) Bemerkungen iiber Apoplexia venosa bei Kindern. Lift. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xvii, 1-22.—Hauner. Zwei Falle von Gehirn-Apoplexie bei ganz kleinen Kindern. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851. iii, 164.—Hays (G. R.) Apo- plexy in youth. Clinic, Cincin., 1872, iii, 282.—Jenks (G. S.) [Apoplexy in ahoy 9 vears of age.] Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 101.—Kiwise h(F.) Encephalitis und Apoplexie der Neugebornen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, "Wien, 1839, n. ¥., xx, 545-556.—lioschner. Apoplexie [bei Kindern]. VrtJjschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1856, Iii, 14-20.—martin le jeune. Apoplexie sanguine avec hemi- plegie, chez uneJeune fille de cinq ann6es. J. gen. de m6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1807, xxxvi, 25-29.—Obduktion eines plotzUch (am Schlagfluss) gestorbenen Madchens. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl., 1786, ii, 4. Samml., 21-28.—Otto. Tod eines vierwochigen Kindes durch Apo- plexie des Gehirnes in Folge stattgehabter Erkaltung. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1870, xv, 85-87. -----. Tod eines neu- gebornen Kindes durch Apoplexie des Gehirnes ohne eine aussere sichtbare Veranlassung. Ibid., 1871, xvi, 233-240.— Pallcn (M. M.) Observations on apoplexy and asphyxia of new born children. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1846-7, iv,536- 539.—Quain (R.) The histories of two cases of cerebral apoplexy in childhood. Lond. J. M.,1849,i,27-42.—Reimer. Apoplexia cerebralis. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz. ,1877,xi, 70- 73.—Reimer (C.) Zur Casuistik der ausgebreiteten Ge- hirnapoplexien bei Kindern. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1869, xvi,80-91.—Virchow. ApoplexiederNeugeborenen. Ver- handl. cl. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb.,1851,ii, 11.—"West (F.) Case of apoplexv in an infant of twentv-two months. Med. Exam., Phila., 1841, iv, 133.—Woodhbusc. Caseof cerebral apoplexy in a boy. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1874, ii, 277.— Worthingtoii (W. C.) Case of sanguineous apoplexy in a child. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1846, 179.—Wythes (J. H.) Three cases of infantile apoplexy. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1858, ii, 70-72. Apoplexy and diseases of the heart. See Brain and Heart; Embolism (Cerebral). Apoplexy and diseases of the kidneys. See Brain (Diseases of, Causes of). Apoquindo. Domryko (I.) Sc Dominguez (M. J.) Aguas mine- rales de Apoquindo, analizadas. An. Univ. de Chile, Santi- ago, 1866, xxviii, 51-60. Apostoli (Georges). * Des amblyopies et amau- roses cerebrales sans lesion visible a l'ophthal- moscope. 2 p. 1., 92 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 275. Apostoli (Jean-Baptiste). * Considerations sur quelques points concernant la hernie crurale. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 90, v. 271. Apostolic neephalism: or the teetotalers and the Dean of Down; reprinted from "The Leader", of Oct. 7th, 1860; with au exposure of the edito- rial ethics of "The Manchester Examiner". 19 pp. 8°. Liverpool, J. R. Williams T)<; aini>v T€ 7)nepis, \69ivcu, v. 1, 81-83.—Roscr (W.) Ein Drahtbett fiir Schwcrverletzte. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 333.— Scoutetten. Sur lo hamac ou nouvel appareil k suspen- sion pour los fractures ct les blessures graves du membre infeneur. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1856, li, 302-305.— Serre. Nouvel appareil de sustentation. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1837, iii, 84-86.—Sherman (J. S.) A new apparatus for making extension at the ankle-joint. Chicago M. Exam., 1867, viii. 65-67.—Shrimpton (C.) Systeme k suspension pour le traitement des fractures ct des mala- dies afFectant les membres. Gaz. m Ulceration ofthe appendix vermiformis, portal phlebitis, Tind multiple abscess of the liver. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1871, 279-281.—von Poinnier Eschc. Entziindung und Durchbohrung des Processus vermi- formis. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1837, vi, 133. Also: Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838, 649-651.—Prescott (O.) Case of fatal colic from the lodgment of a chocolate nut in the appendicula vermiformis. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1815, iv, 221-226. Aho: Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1816, xxxv, 100- 104.—Price (J.) Case of lodgment of foreign body in the appendix vermiformis. Med. Reporter, W. Chester, Penna., 1855, iii, 72.—Rawitz.. Fall von Perforatio processus ver- miformis ; Tod durch Peritonitis. Mecl. Ztg., Berl., 1849, xviii, 183.—Rcignicr (A.) Perforation de l'appendice vermiculaire, consecutive k la iiresence d'un noyeau de cerise; p6ritonite consecutive. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1875, 1, 207.—Bcmarks upon ulceration and perforation ofthe appendix caeci. Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 717.—Key (J.) Observation de peritonite aiguii due k la perforation do l'appendice ileo-caecale, et suivie demort; details necros- copiques. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1875, xx, 61.— Reynolds (J. P.) Inflammation of the appendix caeci. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1863, lxix, 29-32.—Richards (W.) A case of death from ulceration of the appendix vermiformis. West. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1838, xi, 376-379.—Ro- bertson (F. M.) A case of rupture ofthe appendix vermi- formis. Charleston M. J. Sc Rev., 1855, x, 813-816.—Ro- chester. Perforation of the vcrmifoim appendix; perito- nitis. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1867-8, vii, 10. -----. Perforation of the appendix vermiformis; death. Ibid., 1857-8, xiii, 280.—Rocscr. Zusammenstellung mehrerer Falle von Perforatio processus vermiformis; Typhlitis und Perity- phlitis. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1858, iii, 177-187.—Roki- tansky (C.) Beitriige zu den Krankheiten des Wurm- fortsatzes. Allg. Wien. mecl. Ztg., 1866, xi, 218. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 675-678. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 863. -----. Ueber gallert krebsige Erkrankung des Wurmfortsatzes mit Erweitcrung des- selben. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1867, xiii, 179-183.—Rota (L.) Pcrforaziono deU'appendice vermiforme per niaterie fecali. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1852, 3. s., iii, 149. Aho: Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1852, 2. s., ii, 155.— Sands. Case of ulceration of the appendix vermifor- mis: perforation; peritonitis; death. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1857, viii, 231. — Sayre. Rupture of the appen- dix vermiformis. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1861, iii, 219.— Schneider (G.) Randglossen zu der Schrift des Adolph Volz: "Die durch Kothsteine bedingte Durchbohrung des • "Wurmfortsatzes". Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1846, vii, 804; 817.—[Schiitzcnberger (C.)j Ulceration do l'appendice ileo-ca>cal; peritonite consecutive; mort. Gaz.. m6d. de Strasb., 1872-3, xxxii, 17.—Shaw. Hernia of the vermiform appendage. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, i, 270.—Simon. Perforation de l'appendice cn-cale; peritonite consecutive. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1847, xxii, 135-141.— Skoda. Peritonitis circumscripta in Folge von Perfora- tion des Processus vermiformis. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1862. vii, 445; 451.—Southam (G.) Disease of the, caecum and appendix vermiformis issuing in a fistulous opening through the abdominal parietes. Lancct,Lond.,1840,ii,565.—Storer (D. H.) Gangrene of appendix vermiformis; hardened lieces found in its cavity. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxi, 51._ Aho: Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i. 111.— Stiimkc. Eiu Fall von Perforatio processus vermiformis. Wchnschr. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1848, 513-523. —Tavi- gnot. Coips etranger introduit clans l'appendice c.ecal; perforation gangr6neuse; peritonite; mort neufjours apres. Appendix vermiformis (Diseases of, Foreign bodies in, etc.) BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1840-1, xv, 382-384;—Thcrapeia ■rij? 'efr)A)ta)ju.€i/i)s Aou iinipov. 'larpiKT) 'E<£7)n.,A0»»i'ai,1859,i,3O2.—Thcurcr. Entziindung und Verschwiirung eles Wurmfortsatzes in Folgo zweier in demselben befindlichen Kirschensteine mit tcidtUchem Ausgang. Mecl. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1860, xxx, 38.—Thornton (S. C.) Inflammation and ul- ceration of the appendix of the cscum, produced by an orangoseed, the cause of fatal peritonitis. Am.M.Weekly, LouisviUc, 1874, i, 305. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1875,v, 578.— Thurnani. Hernia and enlargement of the vermiform appendage of the caecum; faecal abscess and fistula; com- plete recovery after discharge of a small piece of bone. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, i, 269.—Todtliche Peritonitis nach Perforation des wurmformigen Fortsatzes. Oesterr. Ztschr. Lprakt. Heilk., Wien, 1857, iii, 731-734.—Town- send (W.E.) Tuphlo-enteritis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1852, n. 8., xxiv, 341.—Traube. Eine Fall von Durchboh- rung des Wurmfortsatzes mit Kothbrechen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1858, i, 21-23. -----. Fall von Perforation des Pro- cessus vermiformis mit nachfolgcnder Pylephlebitis und be- ginnender AbscessbUdung in der Leber. Deutsche KUnik, 1859,xi,505-507. Aho, in hh •' Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1871, u, pt. 2, 940-947. -----. Zwei FaUe von cir- cumscripter Peritonitis, bedingt durch Perforation des Pro- cessus vermiformis. Ibid., 1878, iii, 493-495.—Tyson (J.) Concretions from appendix vermiformis; fatal peritonitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874, iv, 101.—Ulceration andgan- Erene of the appendix caeci vermiformis. Med. Times, ond., 1844, x, 224.—Ulloa y Giralt (F. F.) Un caso do peritonitis causada por ulceration del ap4ndice vermi- forme debido a un calcnlo de biUs detenido en su cali- bre. Rev. mens, med.-quir. de N. Y., 1878, i, 28.—Ulincr (W.) Perforirendes Geschwur am Processus vermiformis, das als Todesursache bei einem vierjiihrigen Madchen aufgefunden wurde. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1850, xx, 263.—Urban. Enteritis gangras- nosa ab enterolithide processus vermicularis causata. Jarhb d. iirztl. Ver. zu Miinchen, 1841, iii, 155-161.— Van Buren. Case of fatal peritonitis, from perforation of the intestine at the appendix vermiformis. N. York M. Times, 1852, U, 78-80.—Veddcr (A. M.) Perforation of the appendix vermiformis by an intestinal concretion; pe- ritonitis; death. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1860, i, 509.— Vidal (E.) Ent6rolithe [noyau de prune p6trifie] dans l'appendice du caecum; typhlite; peritonite, par propaga- tion, rapidement mortelle. Union m6d., Par., 1864, 2. 8., xxiu, 385-390.—Volz (A.) Ueber die Verschwiirung und Perforation des Processus vermiformis, bedingt durch fremde Korper. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena, 1843, iv, 305-338. See, aho, Schneider.—Wainwright. Perfora- tion of vermiform appendix. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1878, xcvin, 843.—Waldron. Case of abdominal inflammation, with a foreign body in the appendix vermiformis caeci. Midland M. Sc S. Reporter, Worcester, 1830-31, ii, 463- 406. — Wallmann ( H. ) Eingekeilter Darmstein im Wurmfortsatze; Durchbruch; Peritonitis; Tod. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 305.—Ward (N.) Perforating ulcer and sloughing of part of the vermiform appendix, caused by a bristle; death. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855, vi, 197.—Ward (O.) Tuphlo-en- teritis from hardened faeces in the appendix vermiformis. Ibid., 1855-6, vii, 211.—Warder (W. H.) Perforation of vermiform process by ulceration, and resulting acute dif- fuse peritonitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 43-45.— Warren (J. M.) Gangrene of appendix vermiformis. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1851, n. 8., xxii, 369. Aho: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1853, i, 163. Aho, in his: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1867, 575.—Weber (L.) Abscess of appen- dix vermiformis c;eci. N. York M. J., 1871, xiii, 581-586; xiv, 142-163. Also, in: BuU. N. York Acad. M., 1871, iv, 83. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, vi, 112.—Weir. Per- foration of appendix vermiformis. Ibid., 1874, ix, 579.— Werner. Perforative Peritonitis durch einen im Wurm- fortsatze stecken gebliebenen Kirschenstein. Med. Cor.- Bl. A. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1873, xUii, 76-78.— Wilkins (W. W.) Enteritis caused bv lieces in the ap- pemUx vermiformis. N. Hampshire J. 'M., 1857, vii, 289- 291.—Wilks. Perforation of cu-cal appendix from an in- testinal concretion. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 210.— Williams (C. T.) Ulceration of the vermiform appendix, giving rise to limited peritonitis. Ibid., 1872, xxiii, 106- 109.—Wister (C.) Fatal disease of the appendix vermi- formis. Tr. CoU. Phys. Phila., 1857, n. »., iii, 147-153. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1858, n. s., xxxv. 383-390.— Worthiugton (W. C.) Calculus of the appendix ver- miformis. Prov. M. J., 1843, vi, 30.—Wyrzykowski. Kilka wypadktiw pierwotnego zapalenia otrzewnej, dzia- lanie makowca w rzeczon6j chorobio [infl. of vermif. ap- pendix, with cases]. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1875, xvUi, 129; 145. Appciil'odt (August). *Die Operatioueu 51. Appetite. See, also. Hunger. Cl5tz (M.) *De indulgendo segrorum appe- titui. 4C. Helmstadii, 1742. Goz (G. E.) *De uatura appetitus humani rationalis. 4°. Tubingce, 1757. Guyot (C.-T.-P.-T.) * De l'importance de Tap- petit, et de la consideration des fonctions diges- tives, daus le traitement des maladies chroniques. 4°. Paris, 1654. ILechler(G.) * De appetitu et satietate. 4C. Basilece, 1765. Platner (E.) Yindiciarium sententiarum pro- babilinm per systematis condendi festinationem de physiologia rejectarum. Pr. iv. Appetitus naturalis. 4°. Lipsice, 1792. Stetterus (J. C.) * De appetitu ejusque varie affecti speciebus instituta. sm. 4°. Heidelbergce, 1662. Voigt (J. P.) *Theoria appetitus. sm. 4-. Erlangce, [1750]. K.ii'ttner(E.) Die Appetite der Kinder. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang.. 1866, xlvi, 149-171. Appetite (Abnormal, depraved, or exces- sive). See, aho, Chlorosis; Dyspepsia; Insane (Feeding of); Negroes (Diseases of); Pneumonia j (Causes of); Stomach (Foreign bodies in). Bacdis (J. L.) *De vitiis appetitus circa I esculenta. lz. Erfordice, 1726. Betten(H.) *Depica. 4°. Trajestiad Rhenum, j 1667. Boezo (M. H.) *De pica. sm. 4C. Lipsice, 1638. vander Burgh (A.) *De pica. 4°. Lugd. Batmtr, 1(364. Carstenius (C. G.) *De bulimo. sm. 4°. Jence, 1691. Christian! (D.) *De pica. sm. 4°. Franco- \ fuvHrad Viadrum, [1691]. Dehne(T.) *De appetitu ventriculi depravato, in pica ot malacia. 4°. Jence, 1698. Diez (J. C.) * De bulimia et fame canina. 4°. Jena.yia sive intempe- rantiaedendiuocua. 4°. Haloe Magdeb., [1700]. Vogel (S. G.) De polyphago et lithophago Ilfeldae nuper mortuo ae dissecto commendatio historico-medica. 4°. Gcettingce, 1761. Absurda deglntiens. Zodiacus Med.-GaU., Geneva (1679), 1680, i, 86-t'J.— Altheer (J. J.) ScheikuncUg onder- zoek der delfstof, dU sommige arbeiders in het steenkolen etabUsement Oranje Nassau op Borneo eten. Tydschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. TVetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1853. n, 187-196. -----. Eetbarc aardsoorten en ge- ophagie. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1857, xiii, 83-100,1 tab.—Anhornius (S. S.) Anatome pueUae. [Pica.] Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb. (1682), 1683, dec. 2, i, 110-113.— B---r (B.) Extract of a letter, contain- ing an account, in pounds and ounces, of the surprising quantities of food devoured by a boy. 12 years old, in 6 suc- cessive days, who laboured under a'canine appetite. PhU. Tr. Lond., 1743-50, xi, 1066-1068. — Biett. Tolyphages. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1813, iv, 197-202.—Blachez. Bou- limic. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, x, 318-325.— Brimmer (O.) Geophagen in den Indischen Archipel. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. "VTetenscb. in Ne- derl. Indie, Batav., 1857, v. 808-812.—Camilli (M. S.) Ob- servations physiologiques sur le geophagisnie ; memoire lu a- l'une des seances mensneUes de 1'Academie de Viterhe. BuU. d. sc. med., Par., 1829, xvi, 185-192.—Cas de bouli- niie ou faim canine singuUere. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1815, xxxvii, 348-350.— Casa (L. G.) Geofagia. Osservatore, Torino, 1S73. ix. 677. —Chipley (W. S.j Sitomania: its causes and treatment. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1859- 60, xvi, 1-42.—Corrigan. Clinical observations on pica, or dirt-eating of <■hililien. DubUn Hosp. Gaz.. 1859, n. s., vi, 225.—Coning i.T. It.) Analysis ofa species of clay found in KichmondCounty, which is eagerly sought after and eaten by many people, particularly bv children. South. M. Sc S. J', Augusta, 1837. i. 288-292!—Cragin (F. W.) Observa- tions on cachexia Afrii ana. or dirt-eating. Am. J". M. Sc, PhUa., 1835. xvu, 356-364. Alio: Lond. M. Gaz., 183G. xviu, 14-17. Also: Lond. M. Sc i>. J"., 1836, i. 756-759.—Crane (VT.) A case of bulimia. Lond. M. Keposit., 1822, xvii, 293- 295.—Cuello (J.) Caso de geofagia tratado con 6xito por medio del lactato de hierro. Escuela med., Caracas, 1878-9, 2 6p.,i, 146-149.—Descuret. Boulimie congenitale. Ann. de lamed, phvsiol.. Par., 1832, xxu, 317-329. Aho, transl.: "Wchntl. Beitr. z. mecl. u. chir. KUn., Leipz., Is33-f. ni, 93. A ho, transl.: Med. Chir. Bev., Lond., 1833, n. s., xix, 206.— Dors (J. L.) Recherehes sur la cachexie africaine. Gaz. mod. dePar., 1838. 2. s.. vi, 289-293.—Brake (C.) A case APPETITE. 506 APPIA. Appetite (Abnormal, depraved, or exces- sive). of polvphagia. Med. Reposit., N. T., 1822, vii, 78-84.— Aho, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Beil, 1823, xv, 552- 563.—Dupont. Pica pellagreux (espece bovine). Union med. de laGirondc, Bordeaux, 1859, iv, 400; 498; 545.—Ely (W. W.) Chalk-eating, Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1868. lxxviii, 101.—Emuiiiighaus (H.) Ueber Behandlung der Buli- mic mit Codein. Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Leipz., 1872-3, vi, 330-336. — Erlcnmeyer (A. jr.) Die Coprophagic der Ir- ren. l'sychiat. (Centralbl., Wien, 1873, iii. 95.—Fehr (J. M.) Esus rerum absmdarum. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips., 1670, i. 199-202.—Fonssagrives & de Boy dc Meri- court. Du malcceur on mal d'estomac des negres. Arch. de nied. nav., Par.. 1864, i, 362-375.—Foot (A. AV.) On the form of depraved appetite known by the name of pica. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii, 306-313.—Francois. Note sur une jeune fille herbivore. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828. civ. 164.—Fulton (J.) A case of abnormal appetite. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1879, n. s., i, 257.—Gensclins (J. A.) De pica virili seu appe- titu inordinate reruni vitiosannn, et k natura humana aUenarum, ac inecliliuni. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios., 1712, cent, i—ii, 425.—Oeofagisnio (El). Gac. cient. de Vene- zuela, Caraeos, 1878, ii, 243-245.—Could (A. N.) A case of pica. Boston M. & S. J., 1876. xciv, 417.—Creiner. Koolschiefereters op Borneo. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. "Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1853, ii, 182-186. — Guiscppc ( C. L. ) Geofagia. Osservatore, Torino, 1873, ix, 677.—Hancock (J.) Remarks on the common cachexia, or leucophlegmasia, caUed mal d'esto- mac in the colonies, and its kindred affections, as dropsy, etc. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1831, xxxv, 67-73.—Hillc. Die Krankheit: "Grundessen''. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1845, 106-107.—Holt (C.) A disease caused by swal- lowing stones. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1700, ui, 92.—Iniray (J.) Observations on the mal d'estomac or cachexia Africana, as it takes place among the negroes of Dominica. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1843, lix, 304-321.— Johnston (J.) Account of a man who lives upon large epiautities of raw flesh. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1800, iii, 209. Also: Med. Exam., Phila., 1851, n. s., vii, 433-439.—Jordan (CH.) Thoughts on cachexia Africana or negro consumption. Transylv. J. M., Lexington, Ky., 1832, v, 18-30. — Kovatscli (W.) Ein FaU von Pica liei einem 2 Jahre alten Kinde. Memora- bilien, Heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 97-99. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 267.—Kozieradzki (A.) Be- merkenswerther FaU von Opiophagie. [From-: Tygodnik lekarski.J Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1859, xvi, 197.— Lang. Ueber SkatophagiebeiIrren. Pyschiat. Centralbl., Wien, 1872, ii, 144-153: 1873, ui, 1-10.—lie Conte (J.) Observations on geophagy. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1845, i, 417-444.—fjentiiius (R.) De avrovpoiroaias exa- mine. [Urine-drinkers.] Misc. Acad. nat. curios.. Lips., 1695, dec, 3, ann. ii, 169-176.—I.e Boy de Mericourt (A.) Cachexie aqueuse. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1870, xi, 391-400.—dettsoni. Case of canine appetite, with vomiting, in which 379 pounds of solid and fluid ali- ment were taken into the stomach in the space of six days. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 501-507.—Mason (D.) On atrophia a ventriculo (mal d'estomac), or dirt eating. Edinb. M. & S.J., 1833, xxxix, 289-296.—Mayerus (G. D.) Bulimia periodica ex verme. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios. Norimb., 1715, cent, iii-iv, 318-320.—Moreau de Jonncs. Observations faits recemment k la Marti- nique et a la Guadeloupe sur les nfegres et gens de couleur adonnes k l'habitude de manger de la terre. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1816, xxxvi, 15-25.—Murat & Patissier. Malacie. Diet. cl. sc. med., Par., 1818, xxx, 145-150.—IVeverinann. Ueber die sogenannte africa- nische Cachexie, Erdessen. Med. Ann., Heidelb.. 1836, ii, 374-398.—Niins (H.) Death resulting from eating slate stone. Bost. M. & S. J., 1842, xxv, 114.—IVoverrc (M. G.) Memoire sur le mal d'estomac . . . fr6quent surtout k la Martinique. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1833, xiii, 65-79.—Peake (H.) Case of cachexia Africana, or dirt-eating. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1856-7, xiii, 299-302.— Percy. Memoire sur la polyphagie. J. de ni6d., chir., pliarm., etc.. Par., 1805, ix, 87-106.—Petraerns (H.) De vitiis appetitus aUinentarii. Resp. T. Hoffmanno. In hh: Nosologia harmonica, 4°, Marpurgi, 1615 414-432.— Pollard (T.) More than 150 gravels taken from a dirt- eat ing child. Stethoscope Sc Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852, ii, 185—Potton. Eludes et observations sur la boulimie dyspepsique. Gaz. m6d. do Lyon, 1863, xv, 242-246.— Prncgcr (L. F.) Opmerkingen over geophagie. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zeeuiagt, Gravenh., 1866, iv, 40-46.—Bi- beiro(J.B.) Bulimia. EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1861, xii, 185.— Backhaul (W. A.) Swallowing pebble-stones. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 636.— Bosenthal (M.) Ueber Bu- Umie; Heisshunger. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviu, 577; 652.—Bostan (E.M.) Histoire physique d'un Uthophage, avec quelques remarques sur la digestion. Acta Helvet., 1777, viii, 106-113.—Sante (V.) Della aUotriofagia (man- giare sostanze non aliinentari) e malattie successive, con prospetto statistieo. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1848, 2. s., i, 49-52.—Satterley (R. P.) A case of fever, attended Appetite (Abnormal, depraved, or exces- sive). with inordinate appetite. Tr. CoU. of Phys., Lond., 1815, v, 350-357. -----. Ah<>: Boston M. InteUig., 1823-6, i, 155.— Second (A.) De la gastro-entcrite chronique chez les negres, vulgairement appellee mal d'estomac, ou mal de cieur. Trans, ined., Par., 1833, xiii, 156-205.—Serrieres. Observation d'une lithophagie. Pr6cis d. trav. Soc. roy. d. sc. de Nancy, 1825, 110-112.—Sineerus. Die wunderba- ren Gcliiste." N. F. d. Gesund.-Ztg., Wien. 1837, i, 42-44.— Sobrino (F.) Bulimia especitica. Siglo med., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 759: 777; 790. Also: Corresp. med., Madrid, 1874, ix, 357-359: 1875, x. 6.—S.onyer du Lac. Observation sur une faim extraordinaire. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, vui, 529-532.—Spengler. Die erdefres- senden Menschen. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1851, 321-327.—Telford (W.) On the " mal d'estomac ". Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond.. 1822, xlvii, 450-458.— Trcw (C. J.) Biga observationum, sistens pica; muUebris in antipathiam vim diversam. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1742, vi, 458-464.—Verga (A.) t AUiotrofagia; malattie alle quali si associa come causa o come effetto; tristo accidente da essa cagionato. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano. 1849, 2. s., ii, 18-20.—Vogel. Merkwiirdiger Fall einer Pica. J. d. pract. HeUk.. Bell.. 1836, lxxxiii, 3. St., 11-23.—Wepfer (J. J.) Appetitus vitia. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1690, dec. 2, ann. viu (1689), 171-179.—van Wocnsel (J.) De muliere gravida, vivam devorante anguillam. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1748, viii, 62-64.—"Wright (S.) Dirt-eating; enormous quantity of fullers' earth eaten in the space of a year and a half. Med. Times. Lond., 1847, xvi, 265-267. Appetite (Instinctive). See Instinct in disease. Appetite (Want of). See, also, Abstinence. Bartelink (F.) * Ueber psychologische Be- deutung der Appetits-Storungen. 8°. Miinchen, 1876. de Becker (J.) * De appetitu imminuto. 1785. In: Louvain Diss., iii, 276. Bossertus (J. A.) *De inappetentia ventri- culi. 4°. 1660. Glado (J. B.) *De anorexia, sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1696]. Harderus (J. R.) * De anorexia, sm. 4°. Ba- sillce, 1703. Hofsteter (J. A.) * De dvope&a, seu fame abolita. 4°. Jence, [1687]. Kornmannus (J. J.) * De anorexia. 4°. Al- torfii, 1685. Lerche (A. F.) *De a'grotantium inappe- tentia salutari et morbosa. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1749]. M'Ilvalne (G.) *De anorexia. 8°. Edinburgi, 1770. Nesturus (J. M.) * Tie pi cxvopeiia?, seu de inappetentia ventriculi. 4°. Jence, [1649]. Polzer(T.) *De adpetitu deleto. 6°. Vin- dobonce, 1775. Richter (C.) *De anorexia. 4°. Erfurti, [1691]. Seligrus(V.) *De anorexia. 4°. Viteniber- gas, [1706]. Stahl (G. E.) De abstinentia et nausea car- nium in morbis, prascipue acutis. sm. 4C. Halce Magdeb., 1699. Behier. Anorexie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, v, 225-229.—Brngnoli (G.) 'Sull'anoressia storie e considerazioni. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1875, vi, 3. s., 351-361.—Gull (W. W.) Anorexia nervosa (apep- sia hysterica, anorexia hysterica). Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond\, 1874, vii, 22-28, 3 pi. — i/. (G.) Treatment of insane per- sons who refuse to eat; pathology of the distaste for food. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, i, 319.—Lasegue (C.) De l'ano- rexie hysterique. Arch. g£n. de mod., Par., 1873, i, 385- 403.—Naudeau. Observation sur une maladie nerveuse accompagnee d'un degout extraordinaire pour les alimens. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1789, lxxx, 197-200.— Kist. Observation d'anorexie idiopathique. BuU. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1878, xii, 59-64. Appi:i (Louis)1. Le chirurgien a I'ambulance, ou quelques etudes pratiques sur les plaies par armes a feu, suivies de lettres a un collegne sur les blesses de Palestro, Magenta, Marignan et Sol- APPIA. 507 AQUEOUS HUMOE. Appia (Louis)1—continued. fermo. ix, 240 pp. 12°. Geneve, J. Cherbuliez, 1H59. -----. The ambulance-surgeon; or,practical ob- servations on gunshot wounds. Edited by T. W. Nunn and A. M. Edwards, x, 266 pp. 6°. Edin- burgh, A. a*ja\ C. Black, 1862. ------. Du tetauos. Memoire extrait de l'ouvrage " Le chirurgien a I'ambulance ". 21pp. 8°. [Ge- neve], Ramboz $• Schuchardt, 1859. ------. Du mal perforant du pied et d'une forme analogue de plaie de ce membre. Memoire lu a la Societe" mddicale de Geneve. 15 pp. 8°. [Ge- neve, I860.] Repr. from: 1'lScho nationale, 1860. ------. Les blesse\s dans le Schleswig pendant la guerre de 16[i4. Rapport pre'seute' au comit6 in- ternational de Geneve. 115 pp., 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Genere, J. G. Fick, 1*64. See. aho, Moynier (G.) Help for sick and wounded. 8°. London, 1870. Appia (Louis)2. *Des tumeurs sanguines erectiles, et specialement de leur traitement par les injec- tions au perchlorure de fer. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 202. Appiano (Amaiid). * Die Gicht. 36 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Jliosl, 1836. Appleby. Bayers (W.) Medico-topographical sketches of Ap- plebv, Westmoreland, and the circumjacent country. Edhib. M. & S. J., 1824, xxii, 320-331. Appledore. Thorne (T.) Report on the sanitary condition of Appledore and Northam. April 12, 1871. In: Collection of special rep. fol. London, ii, ~No. 146. d'Apples (Joan. Benjamin). * raXaKToXoyiai tentamen. 24 1. sm. 4°. [Basilece], J. Brand- muller, 1707. Appleton (Jesse). An address, delivered be- fore the Massachusetts Society for suppressing Intemperance, at their anniversary meeting, May 31, 1816. 28 pp. 8°. Boston, Jotm Eliot, 1816. Appleton (John). Allen (C. H.) The late John Appleton, M. D. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxxi, 27. Appleton's library manual; containing a cata- logue raisonne of upwards of twelve thousand of the most important works in every department of knowledge, in all modern languages, xvi, 434 pp. 8°. »New York, D. Appleton, Philadelphia, G. S. Appleton, 1847. Appliances (The) for the cure of stammering; with report of the committee on science and arts of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, on Robert Bates' instruments for the cure of stammering. 12pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Appointment of physician accoucheur to Saint Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Testimonials in favour of Tyler Smith. 23 pp. 8°. London, J. Mal- lett, 1850. Approbirte Anstalten in Pest-Zeiten, welche ehedessen auf Schleswig-Holsteinische Hoch- fiirstl. Ober-Vormundschatftliche Verordnung ge- druckt. Nunmehro aber wegen ihrer Vortreii'lich- keit und auf Begehren kluger Leute wieder hervor gesucht und dem gemeinen Besten zum Nutzen bev gegenwiirtigeu gefiihrlichen Zeiten, nebst angehengten zweyen Cousiliis medicorum mitge- theilet worden. 42 pp., 2 1. 4°. Regenspurg, ge* JrmkUmr J. G. Hofmann, 1714. [Also, in: P., v. 765.] ' Appun (Ludovicus Albertus). * De non accele- randa secundinarum extractione. 36pp., 11. 4°. Goctiingw, lit. Barmeierianis, [1768.] Apselaphesia. Suminski (T.) * De apselaphesia, quod est pri- mum symptoma degenerationis medullas spinalis. 8°. Gryphiw, [1866]. Apsithuria. Cohen (J. S.) Apsithuria. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1875, xxxii, 341-344. Also, Reprint. Apsyrtus. Sprengel (C.) De apsyrto bithynio evulgavit. 4°. Halis, [1832]. Apte(J.) * Do l'hydrocele chez l'homme. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 779, v. 40. Aptekmann (Dorothea). * Ueber die Wirkung des salicylsaureu Natron auf den thierischen Organismus. 8°. Bern, C. Michel, 1877. Apuleius (Lucius). De herbarum virtutibus. See dlalen (C.) Liber de plenitudine. 4°. BasUias, 1528. ------. Madaurensis, philosophi Platonici, de herba- rum virtutibus, verb aurea et salutaris historia, e tenebris eruta et a. situ vindicata. In: Re (De) medica huic volumini insunt. Basilece, 1528, ff. 99-123. ------. De herbarum virtutibus historia, quam Chironi, Centauro, et ^Esculapio acceptam re- tulit. In: Medici antiqni omnes qui'latinis, etc. Venetiis, 1547, ff. 212-222. ------. De ponderibus, et mensuris, et signis cujus- cunque ponderis. In: MesUjE (Joannis). Supplem en turn in secundum li- brum compendii secretorum medicina?. fol. Venetih, 1581, ff. 268. Apvrille (Georges-Joseph). * Propositions de chi- rurgie, de me'decine et de the'rapeutique. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 121, v. 285. Aqua Binelli. See Haemostatics. Aqua Broeehieri. See Haemostatics. AquaBduct of Fallopius. Gesenbaur (C.) Bemerkungen iiber den Canalis Fal- lopii.' Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1876, ii, 435-439. Aquseduetus vestibuli. See Ear. Aquapuncture. Cambus (P.) *Des injections hypodermiques d'eau froide. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Servajan(J.) * De l'aquapuncture. 4°. Paris, 1872. fCJalante.] Instrument pour pratiquer l'hydropunc- turc. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1866-7, xxxii, 322-324.— Hydropuncture. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1867, 2. s., v, 90.—liucas(R. C.) On aquapuncture. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 344-346.—Scrvajan. De l'aquapuncture dans certaines affections nerveuses. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxxiii, 234-236. Aquarone (Auguste). * Essai sur le psoriasis. 75. pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, Malaret, 1865, No. 56. c. Aqueous humor. See, aho, Aquo-capsulitis. Bouisson (F.) Remarques sur l'insuffisance de l'humeur aqueuse qui se manifeste a la suite de l'operation de la cataracte et dans quelques autres cas. 8°. Montpellier, 1847. Also,in: Ann.d'ocul.,Brux., 1847,xviii,61; 109; 145; 193. Lehmann (H.) De rationibus physiologicis et pathologicis humoris aquei oculi humani, com- mentatio, pars prior. 12°. Havnice, 1846. Calbcrla (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kesorp- tionswege des Humor aqueus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, ix, 468.—Beutschmann (B.) Zur Regene- ration des Humor aqueus, nach Entleerung desselben aus der vorderen Augeukammer. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1879, xxv, 1. Abth., 99-114.—Lehmann (H.) Ueber den Humor aqueus des menschlichen Auges in physiologischer und pathologischer Beziehung. Jour.d. Chir. u. Augenh.,Berl., 1845, xxxiv, 192-208.—OTacario (M.) Trouble periodique AQUEOUS HUMOR. 508 ARACHNOID. Aqueous humor. de rimmcur aqueusc. Lyon mod., 1872, xi, 210-212.—Me- rano. Vuotamcnto totale dcll'umor vitreo; rapida ripro- duzione dcll'iimor acqueo, c risalimentodel bulbo ocularo per opera dcll'eserinn. Gior. d. mal. d. occhi, Napoli, 1879, ii, 22-26.—Quaglino (A.) Dcll'umor acqneo e della para- centesi corni-ali. Ann. di ottal., Milano, 1876, v, 95-106.' Aqueous hunaior (Evacuation of). See Eye (Paracentesis of). Aqunlanus [or Aquila] (Sebastian). De morbo gallico. In: Gaitnaiua (Marcus). Do curis aegritudinnm, etc. 4°. Lugduni. 1525. Ato.-4°, 1532. Aho : 4°, 1560. Aho, in: Gatixahia (Marcus). Do medendis humani corporis, etc. 12°. Francofurti, 1604. -----. De febre sanguinis. In: Gatixahia (Marcus). Sunimi medici, etc. fol. Basilece, 1537, pp. 259-273. Aho, in: Gatinabia (Marcus). De medendis humani corporis, etc. 12°. Francofurti, 1604. Aquilliosa (II.) See: IVivct (V.) Notice sur i'6pidemio de chol6ra-mor- bus, [etc.] 8°. Parh, 1851. d'Aquin (H. C.) Dengue, a typical eruptive fever; its thermometrical semeiology. 4 pp., 1 chart. 8°. [w. p., n. d.] Itepr.from: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1874. Aquinas (Thomas). Liber Lilii Benedicti. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, iv, pp. 960-974. -----. Secretaalchemia3 magnalia, scilicet: Do cor- poribus superccelestibus, quod in rebus inferiori- bus inveuiantur, quoque modo extrahautur: De lapide minerali, animali et plantali. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, iii, pp. 267-283. -----. Tractatus sextus de esse et essentia mine- ralium tractaus. In: Theatkum chemicum, 1660, v, pp. 806-814. de Aquimus (Carolus) [Societatis Jesu]. Lexici militaris. 2 v. fol. Romce, typ. A. deRubeis, 1724. Aquisgrauum. See Aachen. Aquo-capsuQitis. Dupuis(C) *Do l'aqno-capsulitis, ou inflam- mation de la membraue do l'humeur aqueuse. 4°. Paris, 1831. Markard (F. C.) * Ueber Entziindung der Kapsel der wiisserigen Feuchtigkeit. 8°. WUrz- burg, 1829. Jacob. On inflammation of the chamber of tho aqueous humour. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xix, 81-84.—Prael (F.) Inflammatio tunicas humoris aquei. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Dresd., 1833, iii, 42-58.—Walton (H.) On the non-exist- ence of such a disease as aquo-capsulitis. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 429.—Wodcnieyer. Beobach- tungen und Bemerkungen iiber die Inflammatio tunicas humoris aquei. N. Bibuoth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Hannov., 1823-8, iv, 66-85. Arabia. Sec, also, Jiddah; Medicine (Condition, etc., of). liictard (G.) Arabic (Geographio mftdicale). Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1866, v, 757-772.—Petit (A.) Re- marques sui les maladies do i'Arabio en general et la plaio do 1" Yemen en particulier. Exp6rience, Par., 1839, iv. 264-267. Arabians. Sec Medicine (History of), Arab. Araehis hypogea. Pimentel (J.) Estudo chimico das scmentesdoamen- dobi {Arachh hypogea). Gaz. med. do Lisb., 1854-5, ii, 55: 71; 87; 103; 135. Araehnoid. liuennee (Ii. T. H.) Note sur l'arachnoldo int6rietire, ou sur la portion do cette membrane qui tapisse les ventri- cules clu cerveau. J. do mod., chir., pharm., etc., Par.,1803, v, 254-263.—Ii<>wc(L.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Ganglicn- zcllcn in der Artchnoiclea. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.,Bonn, 1879, xvi, 613-615.—Bainey (G.) On tho ganglionic characterof the arachnoid membrane of tho brain and spiur.l marrow. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1848, xxix, 85-102,1 pi.—Schwalbc (G.) Der Arachnoidalraum,ein Lymphrauni und .sein Zunaui- menhang mit dem Perichorioidalraum. Centralbl. f. d. nied. I Wissensch., Berl., 1869, vii, 465-467.—Stromcycr (L.) | Arachnoid. Ueber das Parietalblatt der Arachnoidea cerebri. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 1-4.—Weber cville. 1 Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1846, xxi, 15.— Evans (T. R.) Osse- ous deposits in the arachnoid membrane of the brain. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1879-80, vi, 705.—Flint (A.) Remarks on serous effusion within the arachnoid cavity, with cases. Buffalo M. J., 1849-50, v, 633-666.— Flower. Encysted coagulum in the arachnoid cavity. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6,vii, 6.—Ginatrac (E.) fipaisi's- sement do l'arachnolde. Gaz. med. de Par., 1843. 2. s., xi, 272.—Hanot (V.) Taches de l'araohnolde observees dans un cas de paralysie generale et dans un cas de lypemanie. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 154-150.—Kroe- nier. DieKnochenneubUdungen in der Arachnoidea. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1877, xxxiv, 602-614.—Labor de (J. V.) ContributionaTetudedesconditions pathog6niques des kystes sanguins de l'arachoule; recherehes experimen- tales sur les animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1864, Par., 1865, 4. s., i, 70-74.—Jjegendre. Memoire sur les hemor- rhagies dans la cavite do l'arachnolde pendant l'enfanco. Rev. med. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 344-346: 1843,' i, 192; 326.—EiClut (F.) Memoire sur les fausses mem- branes do rarachnoide cerebrale, d'apres des observations recueillies clans la division des alien6s de l'hospice dc Bi- cetro. Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 1-9.—JLuschka (H.) Dio Fovea) glandulares und Arachuoidealzotten der mittleren Schiidelgrube. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1860, xviii, 160.—Meyer (L.) Dio Epithclsgranulationen der Arachnoidea. Ibid., 1859, xvii, 209-227, 1 pi. —Ogle (J. W.) A false membrane lining the smooth surface of the dura mater covering the right qerebral hemisphere, being most probably the result of extravasation of blood from Tin injury. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855, vi, 5-8; -----. A cyst at the base of tho cerebellum, formed apparently by thickened arachnoid and subarachnoidean tissue, and as the result of inflammatory action. Ibid., 20-22.-----. Pe- dunculated villous growth of a peculiar character from the visceral layer of the arachnoid. Ibid., 1857-8, ix, 14-18, 1 pi. -----. Blood-cysts situated within the arachnoid in general paralysis of the insane. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1864- 5, x, 525-532,1 pi. -----. Haemorrhage into the arachnoid; formation of a cyst cpntaining altered blood; general para- lysis; dementia"; coma before death. Ibid., 532.—Pcr- roud. Note sur les h6morrhagles dites intra-arachnoidi- ennes. Gaz. Lyon, 1863,xy,492; 513.—Potto (W.) Osseous deposit in tho arachnoid. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 3.—Quain. Large cyst from the cavity of the arachnoid. Ibid., 1855, vi, 8-11, 1 pi.—Raymond. Sar- come angiolithique de l'arachnolde (psammome). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, 3. s., ix, 474.—Reynolds (J. B.) He- morrhage beneath the arachnoid in a child. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1868-9, i, 411-419.—Schiitzenberger (C.) Do l'he- morrhagio dans la grande cavit6 arachnoldienne. Gaz. mod. de Strasb., 1849, ix, 129; 161; 202.—Sutherland (H.) Arachnoid cysts. West Riding Lun. Asy. Rep., Lond., 1871, i, 218-232. Aho, Reprint—Virchow (R.) Pigment und diffuso Melanose der Arachnoides. Arch. f. path. Anat, etc., Berl., 1859, xvi, 180-182.—Voisin (A.) Epithe- lioma do l'arachnoldo consecutif k une contusion c6rebro- m6ningee; ph6nom6nes de compression et de ramoUisse- ment; acces 6pileptiformes; autopsie. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par., 1859-C3, ii, 681-693.—Ware (C. E.) Cysts from tho cavity of the arachnoid. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1858-9, lix. 259. Aho: Ext. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1859, iii, 253.—Wilks (S.) Cyst in the cavity of the arach- noid. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865, xvi, 6-8, 1 pi. Arachnoid (Inflammation of). See Meningitis. ARACHNOID. 509 ARBUTUS. Arachnoid (Spinal). See, also, Spinal cord. : Kuox(B.) Some remarks on the structure and arrange- ment ofthe spinal arachnoid. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843. ii, 463- 407.—lieniairc. Plaques cartilagineuse* trouvecs sbus | l'arachnolde rachidieune. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxviii, 347.—IVIohnikc (0.) Ueber Pigment in der Arach- noidts spinalis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1850, xvi, 179.—Severi (D.) Placche calciticate dell'aracnoido spi- nale. Bull. d'. sc. med. di Bologna, 1873, 5. s.. xvi, 247-251, 1 pi.—Wilks. Bonvplates on the arachnoid of the spinal cord. Tr. Path. Soc." Lond., 1859-fSO, xi, 7. Arad. Haidexreich (J. L.) Medicina Aradiensis, quam connotavit et descripsit. 4°. Temesice, [n. d.] Arago. See Annales de chimie et de physique. Aragon. Bernad. Apuntes de topografia niedica del distrito militar de Aragon*. para servir & los estudios sobre la de- fensade la Peninsula. Rev. de sanid. mil. espan., Madrid, 1864, i, 108; 135; 163; 184: 1865, ii, 141; 169: 2C2; 309; 381; 489. Aralia. Strobel (B. B.) *An experimental enquiry into the medical properties of the aralia spinosa, or prickly ash. 8°. Charleston, 1S2G. Peck (0.) On the diuretic powers of the aralia hispida, with some remarks on tho action of diuretics in dropsy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836, xix, 116-118. Aran. * Essai sur l'heinaturie, ou pissement de sang, consideree principalenient dans les mili- taires a cheval. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, Xo. 76, v. 64. Aran (F. A.) *Des palpitations de cceur, con- siderees principalement dans leurs causes, leur nature et leur traitement. 31 pp. 4C. Paris, 1643, Xo. 93, v. 397. -----. Practical manual of the diseases of the heart aud great vessels. Transl. from the French by W. A. Harris. 164 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, E. Barrington, 1813. -----. Lecons cliniques sur les maladies de l'ute- rus et de ses annexes. Eecueillies par le Dr. A. Gauchet et revues par l'auteur. viii, 1108 pp. 8J. Paris, Labe, 1858. Arand (Franciscus). * De purpura puerperarum. 3 p. 1., 36pp. sm. lz. Gottingce, lit. Haqerianis, [1765]. -----. Observationes men^co-chirurgicae. 190 pp. 6C. Gcettingce, apud A. Vandenhceckii viduam, 1770. Arandt (Johannis Conradus). * Exhibens phthi- seos cognitionem et curationem. 31 pp. 4°.' Er- fordice, typ. Groschianis, [1728]. ArangO (Ramon). 'Contribution a l'e'tude de la rage chez l'homme, ses lesions nerveuses, con- duite a tenir dans lp, periode d'incubation, et dans la rage confirmee. 56 pp. 43. Parh, 1878, Xo. 403. Arantius (Julius Caesar). De humano fcetu liber. Tertio editus, ac recognitus. Ejusdem anatomi- carum observationum liber ac de tumoribus se- cundum locos affectos liber nunc primum editi. 3 p. 1., 299 pp., 11. 4°. Venetiis, apud B. Caram- pellum, 1595. See, also, Hippocrates. Librum de vulneribus capitis. 12°, 18°. Lugduni, 1580, 1639. Araroba. See Goa powder. Arassan. Krebel (R.) Alkalische Schwefelquellen im siidcist- i lichen Theile der Kirgisensteppe. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1857, xiv, 326. Arailjo (Autonio Jose Pereira da Silva, jr.) *Pathogenese da febre traumatica, da infeccao purulenta 6 da septicemia. 2 p. 1., xxi, 123 pp., 1 1. 4J. Bahia, typoa. Americana, 1871. de Araujo (Eduardo Jose). *Hemorrhagia puerperal e seu tratamento anatomia descriptiva 6 geraL 43 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, typoa. do "Cor- reio da Bahia", 1872. de Araujo (Joao Climaco). * Consideracoes geraes sobre 6, gangrena. 22 pp., 1 1. )°. Bahia, typoa. de C. de Lellis Masson <$• G, 1671. de Araujo (Manuel Jos6). * Theoria dos ruidos do Coracao. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, typoa. do "Correio da Bahia", 1872. de Araujo (Pedro Kibeiro). * Consideracoes acerca das molestias 6 danmincacoes 6, que sao sujeitos os vegetaes cultivados 6 meios de reme- dialas. 3 p. 1., 55 pp. 4°. Bahia, Imprensa Economica, 1675. Concurso »' Cadeira de botanion»6 ntelngin de Araujo Fonseca (Duarte Henrique). *Escrophulas. 2 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 1. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, E. fy H. Laemmert, 1677. Arbeiten aus dem Beruer pathologischen Insti- tut, 1871-2. Hrsg. von E. Klebs. 3 p. 1., 175 pp., 3 pi. 6°. WUrzburg, 1873. Arbeiten aus dem Kieler physiologischen Insti- tut. Hrsg. von V. Hensen fur das Jahr 1868. 6 ^. Kiel, 1869. Arbeiten aus dem pharmacologischen Labora- torium zu Moskau. Hrsg. von .A. Sokolowski. v. 1. 8°. Moskau, 1876. Arbeiten aus der physiologischen Anstalt zu Leipzig. Mitgetheilt durch C. Ludwig. l.-ll. Jahrg. (1866-76). 8-. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1867-77. Arbeiten aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der 'Wiirzburger Hochschule. Hrsg. von A. Fick. 1.-4. Lief. 416 pp., 16 pi. 6J. WUrzburg, Stahel, 1-72-6. Arbeiten (Die) der Puerperalfieber-Commission der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshulfe und Gyniiko- logie in Berlin, iv, 151 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1878. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Stuttg., ii. Arbeiter (Cajetanus). * Nonnulla de morbis pituitosis epidemicis. 16 pp. 8°. Monachii, F. S. HUbschmann, 1841. | Arbeiter (Ignatio). *De sudore. 15 pp. sm. 8°. Ratisbonce, J. Reitmayr, 1841. ' Arbeiter-Hospitals zu St. Petersburg. Jah- resbericht des Arbeiter-Hospitals zu St. Peters- burg fiir das Jahr 1658. 8°. St. Petersburg, ! I860. Bound with: Bericht iiber den Yolksgesundheits-Zu- stand . . . der Civil-Hospitaler im russischen Kaiserreiche. j Arbel (J. M.) * Considerations gene"rales sur les complications dans les maladies. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, Xo. 139, v. 99. Arbey (Jean-Baptiste). * Essai sur l'attitude et la position, vi, 7-44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, Xo. 58, v. 120. Arboleya (Jose Garcia). . Posgio (R. H.) [Xoticia de su vida.] Siglo med., Madrid, 1862, ix, 546; 578; 610; 626; 690; 706; 722; 754. \ Arboro. Regolamento di polizia rurale pel cc- mune di Arboro. 11 pp. 8°. Vercelli, G. Fran- cesco, [1878]. Arbutbnot (John). An essay concerning the effects of air on human bodies, xi, 224 pp. 8J. London, J. Tonson, 1733. -----. An essay concerning the nature of aliments, etc. The 3d ed., to which are added practical rules of diet. 436 pp. 8°. London, J. Tonson, 1735-6. Sea, aho, H[oustoun] (R[obert]). Lithotomus cas- tratus. 8°. London, 1723. For hh Biography, see Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xiii, 494; 523. Arbutus uredo. .llourgne. Xote sui- l'usage alimentaire des fruits de l'iii botisier et sur l'emploi m6dical des baies de l'eglantier. Rev. therap. du midi, Montpel., 1857, xi, 44-47. ARCACHON. 510 AKCHAMBAULT. Arcachon. See, aho, Hospitals (Military). Faduilhe (C. N.) * Du climat d'Arcachon au point de vue do quelques maladies de poitrine. 4°. Paris, I860. [13 aut can.] Climat d'Arcachon. Union mod. de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1856, i, 553-558. -----. Note sur le cli- mat d'hiver dans la foret de pins d'Arcachon. Congres mGd.- chir. de France, 1865, Par., 1866, iii, 191-205.—Rotureau (A.) Arcachon (station marine ethivernale). Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vi, 11-19. Arcaeus (Franciscus). De recta curandorum vulnerum ratione, et aliis ejus artis prseceptis libri II. Ejusdem de febrium curandarum ra- tione. 285 pp., 11. 12°. Antverpice, C. Plantini, 1574. Bound with: Ducretus (T.) Commentarii duo. 12°. Lausannce. 1578. -----. The same. 311 pp. 12°. Amstelod., P. vanden Berge, 1658. -----. The same. Bound with: Hippocrates. J. Caes Arantius, etc. 18°. Lugduni Batavorum, 1639. ——. A most excellent and compendious method of curing woundes in the head, and in other partes of the body, with other precepts of the same arte, . . . translated by John Read. Whereunto is added the exact cure of the caruncle . . . with a treatise of the fistulae in the fundament, and other places of the body, translated out of Johannes Ardern. And also the discription of the emplaister called Dia Chalciteos, [etc. J 16 P-1^119 ff, 1 L, Black letter. 4°. London, pvintElLuy^F.^Baot for T. Cadinan, 1588. -----. Kortbondige, ende rechte middel, en kunst; om allerhande zoorten van wonden op de kortste ende zeekerste manier te geneezen, zeer dienstig, uiet alleen voor Wondheelers, maar ook voor alle Liefhebbers der geneeskunst; in't Latijn be- schreeven door den vermaarden Spaanjaard. Met aanteekeningen op een yeder Hooftdeel verrijkt, ende overgezt door Jacobus Gensius. 11 p. 1., 339 pp. 24°. Leeuwarden, Y. T. Wielsma, 1667. Arcana of Science and Art: or an annual register of useful inventions and improvements, discove- ries and new facts ... By John Timbs. For the years 1835-57, 1859-64, 1868-72-4. 35 v. 12°. London, J. Limbird. v. for 1839, etc., title: Tear-book of Facts in Science and Art, etc. Arcelin (Benoit). * Essai sur le diagnostic des maladies du testicule et de ses d6pendances. 24 pp. 4C. Montpellier, J. Martel dine'. 1824, No. 84. Arcelin (Fr. J.) *I. Des caracteres botaniques des plantes de la famille des liliacees; des proprie"- t6s et des usages des mddicaments qu'elle fournit. II., III. [etc.] 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, Xo. 217, v. 321. Arcelin (Petrus). See l»e Hoc (Ludovicus Petrus). An aqua vitae aqua ' mortis? 4°. Parh, [1743]. fHTftTnHalo. BanfTJiHglfttiin MqrianJEfajlfiiafiuaL^, An. visia stare potest absquo-ervvatL Matrr 4°. P^ui^ [17*3}. v Arch (Palmar). See Hand (Arteries of). Archaeology. See, also, Anthropology; Craniology; Man (Primitive). Denne (S.) Evidence of a lavatory, apper- taining to the Benedictine priory of Canterbury Cathedral; and observations on fonts. Also ad- ditions, including Mr. Clarke's curious researches on baptismal rites. 4°. 1793. Guide to northern archaeology. By the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. 8°. London, 1848. Thompson1 (J.-P.) Les ustensiles de l'a-ge de la pierre considered comme formant une demarca- Archseology. tion primitive entre l'homme et les autres ani- maux. 8°. Geneve, [n. d.] Abbott (C. C.) The stone age in New Jersey. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1875, 246-380, 58 pi.—Pfacher (H.) Die Mineralogio als Hilfswissenschaft'fiir Archa- ologie, Ethnographie, u. s. w., mit specieller BerUcksich- tigung mexieanischer Sculpturen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1878, x, 177; 345. -----. Mineralogisch-archa- ologische Studien. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1878, viii, 8; 148, 4 pi.—Masse (C.) Die fossilen Wirbel. Morphol. Jahrb., Liepz., 1878, iv (Suppl.) 43-58, 2 pL— Jacob (G.) Die Gleichberge bei Rbmhild (Herzogthum Meiningen) und ihre prahistorischo Bedeutung. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1X77, x, 261-296, 2 pi. — Knowlei (W. J.) On the classification of arrow heads. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1877, vi, 482-484. -----. Flint implements, and associated remains, found near Ballintoy, Co. Antrim. Ibid., 1878, vii, 202-205.—Ii ubbook (J.) North American archae- ology. [From .Natural History Rev., Lond.] Kep. Smithson. Inst., 1862,318-336.—Morlot (A.) General views on archae- ology. (Transl. by Philip Harry, for the Smithson. lust.) Ibid., 1860. 284-343.—dc Mortellet (G.) Lc chronometre du bassin de Penhouet k Saint-Nazaire r6duit k sa simple valeur. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1878, 2. s., i, 66-75.—Pealc (T. R.) Ancient mounds at St. Louis, Missouri, in 1819. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1861, 386-391.—Perkins (G. H.) Archaeology of the Champlain Valley. Am. Na- turalist, Phila., 1879, xiii, 731-747, 2 pi. — Prunicrea. Les constructions et stratifications lacustres Au lac Saint- Andeol (Lozere). Mem. soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1872, iii, 355-429,1 pi—Regalia (E.) Sopra un osso forato raccolto in un Nuraghe. Arch, per l'antrop., Firenze, 1879, ix, 112-122. — Riccardi (P.) Saggio di studii intorno alia pesca presso alcune razze nmane. Ibid., 1-84, 3 pi. San- derson (J.) Notes in connection with stone implements . from Natal. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1878, viii, 15-21.— Schmidt (E.) Die prahistorischen Kupfergerathe Nord- amerikas. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1878, xi, 65-106, 3 pi.—Teplouchoflf(A. F.) Archaologische Beitrage aus dem Osten Europas. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1879, viii, 360-364, 1 pi.—Troyon (F.) Archaeology; the lacustrian cities of Switzerland; discovery of a lost popu- lation. (Lacustrian habitations of ancient and modern times by M. . . . Lausanne, 1860.) [Transl. from: Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., Feb., 1862.] Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1861, 345-386. — Wankcl (H.) Prahistorische Eisen- schmelz- und Schmiedestatten in Mahren. Mitth. d. an- throp. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1879, viii, 289-324, 1 pi. Archaeus. See Medicine (Systems, theories, and principles of). Archambault* De la tracheotomie dans la pdriode ultinie du croup. Memoire lu & la Soci6te" mddicale des hopitaux de Paris. 20 pp. 8°. [Paris, F4M& Maltesle et Cie., n. d.] Itepr.from: Union med., Par., 1867, 3. s. Archambault (Christoph-Paulin). *Diss. sur la dysenterie aigue et chronique. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 190, v. 218. Archambault (Eugene-Raymond). *De la paraceutese thoracique et de ses indications. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 271, v. 517. Archambault (G.) * Diss, sur la gastrite chro- nique. vi, 7-27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 32, v. 16*. Archambault (J.-B.-H.-Theophile). * Essai sur la pleurdsie. 22 pp. 4°. Ports, 1829, No. 207, v. 227. For hh Obituary, see J. de m6d. ment., Par., 1863, iii, 433-437 (C. Loiseau & Legrand du Saulle). Archambault (Louis). #Sur quelques 6pid6- mies de iievre jaune. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 67. Archambault (Narcissus). *De phthisi pul- mouali specimen inaugurale. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 320, v. 126. Archambault-Reverdy. Memoire sur les moyens d'ameliorer la sant6 publique, dans le ddpartement d'Indre et Loire, par l'6tablissement d'h6pitaux et d'hospices en rapport de specialite' avec la nature des besoins et l'institution d'une me'decine legale et de pure bieufaisance, presents au conseil general de ce departement dans sa session de 1837. 47 pp. 8°. Tours, imprimerie de Maine, [n. d.] ARCHANGEL. 511 ARCHIV. Archangel. Richter (R.) * Versuch einer medicinischen Topographie der Gouvernements und Hafen 8tadt Archangelst. 8°. [Dorpat], 1828. Archangeleskii (G. I.) Cholerniia epidemii ve Evropetskoi Rossie, ve 50-ti lietnii periode 1823-72. [Cholera-epidemic in European Russia during a period of 50 years. 182:5-72.] xiii, iv, viii, 342 pp. 8°. St. Petersburg, topographiej M. Stasioulevioua, 1874. Archauer (Anton). * Zur Aetiologie der Cholera. 23 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. E. Junge, 1856. c. Archelaus. Tlepl xvrffZ crfs iepaS Te'xrr?S Sid 6rixcov tdufioov. In: Phys. et med. Graeci min. ed. J. L. Ideler, Berol., 1842, ii, pp. 343-352. Archen (Louis). * I. Du traitement de la fievre jaune. II.,III.-IV. [etc.] 30pp. 4°. Paris,1846, Xo. 177, v. 439. Archena. Aguas minerales de Archena. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1875, xxii, 106; 120; 136; 164. Archer (Eduardus). *De rheumatismo. 57 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., G. Potoliet, 1745, v. 537. Archer (Gabriel). * £tude sur les abces odonto- pathiques compliques de denudation de l'os maxillaire inferieur. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1870, Xo. 80. Archer (James). An inaugural essay on the effects and modus-operandi of the carbonates of lime, magnesia, and potash, in the cure of general and local diseases. 48 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, W. F. M'Laughlin, 1804. [Aho, in: P., v. 388, 391.] Archer (John)1. Every man his own doctor, compleated with an herbal: shewing first, how every one may know his own constitution and complection, by certain signs. Also the nature and faculties of all food, as well meats, as drinks, whereby every man and woman may understand what is good or hurtful to them. Treating also of air, passions of mind, exercise of body, sleep, the use of tobaco, a new hot bath. Venery, with an infallible secret to prevent the pox. Of the senses, proving six in number, his elixir pro- prietatis, and its use. The second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions and obstructions, agues, shewing their causes and signs, and cure. The second edition, with addi- tions, viz. A treatise of melancholly and distrac- tion, with government in cure. Also a compendi- ous herbal, discovering the physical vertue of all herbs in this kingdom, and what planet rules each herb, and how to gather them in their planetary hours. 7 p. 1., 127, 143 pp., 4 1. 12°. London, 1673. Archer (John)2. Biographical notice of John Archer. [1741-1810.] Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1870, xxii, 129-131. Archer (John)3. [1777-1830.] An inaugural | dissertation on cynanche trachealis, commonly called croup or hives. 46 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, printed by Way &: Groff, 1798. For hh Obituary, see Maryland M. Recorder, 1829, i, 771. Archer (Xicholaus). *De dysenteria. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 8D. Edinburgi, Balfour et Sinellic, 1785. Archer (William Henry). Abstracts of English and colonial patent specifications relating to the preservation of food, etc. xv, 74 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Melbourne, J. Ferres, 1870. ------. Supplement to abstracts of English and colonial patent specifications relating to the pre- servation of food, etc. pp. 67-74, 1 pi. 8°. Mel- bourne, J. Ferres, 1870. Archiatre. See Medicine (History of, Roman). Archief voor den aziatischen braakloop en al wat daartoe betrekking heeft in de stad en pro- vincie Utrecht, on der goedkeuring der hoofd- en districts-commissie'n in de zaak der cholera, en medewerking van de Heeren X. C. de Fremerij en andere geneeskundigen uitgegeven door P. J. I. de Fremerij. St. 1-3, Oct. 25, 1832-3, 1 v., 330 pp. 8°. Utrecht, Van Paddenburg <$• Comp. Archief voor geneeskunde. Onder medewerking van eenige vaterlandsche geleerden, uitgegeven door J. P. Heije. Deel 1-5, 1841-6. 5 v. 8°. Amsterdam, J. Muller. In August, 1846, merged in Nederlandsch Lancet. Archigenes (T.-Th.-Sarantis). * I. Du traite- ment de la phthisie pulmonaire tuberculeuse. II. [etc.] 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, Xo. 23, v. 383. Archigymnasij Bononiensjj. Kalendarium Archigymnasii Bononiensis et horse quibus prae- lectiones habentur anno scolastico 1827-8. 40 pp. 8°. Bononice, typ. Archiepiscopali, [1727]. Archimedes. Portrait in: Collection of portr. of phys. & men of sc, p. 107. Archinard (F.-J.-A.-V.) * Essai sur l'affection tuberculeuse des vertebres, generalenient connue sous le nom de mal vertebral de Pott. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 226, v. 300. Archiospidale di S. Spirito in Sassia. Rap- porto amministrativo sulle condizioni finanziarie, igieniche e morali dell'Archiospidale di S. Spirito iu Sassia e stabilimenti annessi brefotrofio, con- servatorio, manicomio e banco redatto nel de- cembre 1871, per il Commendatore Diomede Pan- taleoni. 168 pp. fol. Roma, tipi G. Menieanti, 1871. Archipin. de la liosa (R.) Archipin (la goma-resina). (Trabajos de la Sociedad m6d. de M6xico.) Gac. med. de Mexico, 1871, vi, 63.—de Loza (L. R.) La goma archipin. Ibid., 1870, v, 317-322. Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal. By Samuel Sloan, v. 1-3, 1868-70. 8°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen Sr Haffelfinger. Architecture. See, also, Building-regulations; Habitations. Doerfflero (J. B.) * De regulis architectural generalibus. 4°. Baruthi, 1629. Leeds (W. H.) Rudimentary architecture. The orders and their aesthetic principles. 8. ed. 12°. London, 1869. Vogdes (F. W.) The architect's and builder's pocket companion, and price book. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1871. Leeds (L. W.) Sanitarv architecture. Sanitarian, N. T., 1873-4, i, 105-108.—Pfeifler (C.) A report upon "Sa- nitary relations to health principles of architecture ". Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N. Y., 1875, i, 147-156. Also, Re- print.—von Schlciss. Mahnruf an die Sanitatsbaupo- fczei. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 53. Archiv fiir Aerzte und Seelsorger, wider die Pockenuoth. Hrsg. von Joh. Chr. Wilh. Juncker. 5. St., 1798. 8°. Leipzig, Weygand. Archiv fiir die aUgemeine Heilkunde. Hrsg. von Aug. Friedr. Hecker. v. 1-2, 1790-92. 8°. Ber- lin, C. F. Himberg. Continued in 1793 as Neues Archiv, etc. Archiv fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsge- schichte. Anatomische Abtheilung des Archives fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. See Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie, 1877, etc. Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie. In Ver- bindung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. von Joh. Fried. Meckel, v. 1-6, Jahrg. 1826-32. 8°. Leip- zig, L. Voss. A continuation of Deutsches Archiv fiir die Physiolo- gie. Novol.publishedinl831. See: Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin, for continua- tion. ARCHIV. 512 ARCHIV. Archiv fur Anatomie uud Physiologie. Fort- setzung des von Reil, Reil u. Autenrieth, J. F. Meckel, Joh. Miiller, Reichert u. Du Bois-Rey- mond herausgegcbenen Archives. Hrsg. von Wilh. His, Wilh. Braune und Emil Du Bois-Rey- I mond. Jahrg. 1-3, 1877-9, 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, Veit u. Comp. Current. Issued in 2 parts: Archiv fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte, and: Archiv fiir Physiologie. Archiv fiir Anatomie, Physiologie und wissen- schaftUche Medicin, in Verbindung mit mchreren Gelehrten hrsg. von Johannes Miiller. .Jahrg. 1834-76. 43 v. 8°. [Also index vol. for 1834- 58.] Berlin, G. Fielder; Leipzig, Veit u. Co. A continuation of Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, by J. F. Meckel. After 1858 edited by C. B. Reichert and Emil Du Bois-Reymond. In 1877 continued as Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, by W. His and others. Archiv fiir Anthropologie. Zeitschrift fiir Na- turgeschichte und Urgeschichte des Menschen. Hrsg. von A. Ecker und L. Lindenschmit. v. 1- 11,1866-79. 4°. Braunschweig, F. Viewig u. Sohn. Current, v. 4 et seq., second sub-title: Organ der deut- schen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, [etc.] v. 5-8 con- tain, also, Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, [etc.] Monthly, May, 1871-Dec, 1875. Archiv des Apothekervereins im nordiichen Deutschland. Fiir die Pharmacie und deren Hiilfswissenschaften, unter Mitwirkung der Ver- einsmitglieder und in Verbindung mit Dr. Dume- nil und Witting hrsg. von Dr. Rudolph Brandes. v. 1-39, 1822-31. 8°. Schmalkalden. A continuation of Pharmaceutische Monatsblatter. After v. 9, 1824, published in Semgo. In 1832 united with Magazin fiir Pharmacie [etc.], forming Annalen der Pharmacie. Archiv fiir Arzneiwirkungslehre, mit besonderer 'Riicksicht auf specifisches Heilverfahren. "Was title of Archiv fur reine und angewandte Arznei- wirkungslehre, nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1853. Archiv fur Augenheilkunde. Unter Mitwirkung von J. Arnold [and many others] hrsg. von H. Knapp und J. Hirschberg. v. 8,1879. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergniann. Current. A continuation of the ophthalmological part of Archiv fiir Augen- und Ohrenheilkunde, v. 1-7, 18G9-78. Archiv fiir Augen- und Ohrenheilkundo. Hrsg. in deutscher uud englischer Sprache vou H. Knapp in New-York und S. Moos in Heidelberg, v. 1-2, 5-7, 1869-78. 8°. Carhruhe, C. F. Miiller. "Want pp. 49-112 in no. 1, v. 2, 1871. v. 5-7, 1876-8, pub- lished in Wiesbaden, and L. Mauthner added as editor, v. 7,1878, last published; then followed by Archiv fiir Augen- heilkunde and Zeitschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde, separate publications. See Archives of Ophthalmology and Oto- logy- Archiv fur Balneologie. Unter Mitwirkuug von Dr. Loschner hrsg. von Dr. Spengler. v. 1-4, 1862-7. 8°. Neuwied, J. H. Heuser. A continuation of Balncologische Zeitung. In April, 1867, continued as AUgemeine balneologische Zeitung. Archiv fiir Chemie und Meteorologie. In Ver- bindung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. vou Dr. K. W. G. Kastner. v. 1-9. 8°. NUrnberg, J. A. Stein, 1830-35. Continuation of Archiv fiir die gesammte Naturlehre. Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Hrsg. von DD. Heinr. Auspitz und Filipp Jos. Pick, unter Mitwirkung von Prof. M'Call Anderson, etc. .Jahrg. 1-5, 1869-73. 8°. Prag, J. G. Calve. Continued as Vierteljahresschrift fiir Dermato- logie und Syphilis. Archiv der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Hrsg. und redi- girt vou Erlenmeyer unter Mitwirkuug von Berg- mann uud Mansfeld. v. 1-9, 1858-66; Xo. 1, v. 10, 1872. v. 1, 4 ; v. 2-10, 8-. Neuwied, J. H. Heuser. v. 5, 1802, et seq., edited by A. A. Erlenmeyer. In 1864 published also in Leipzig. Nothing published in 1867-8; in 1869-70united with Correspondenzblatt [etc.], form- ing v. 16, 17 of that publication. Nothing published in 1871. Archiv der deutschen Medicinalgesetzgebung und offentlichen Gesundheitspflege fiir Aerzte, Apothe- ker und Beamte. Hrsg. von E. Miiller und O. A. Ziurek. [Wochentlich.] Jahrg. 1-3, July, 1857 - June 30, 1859. 1 v. fol. Erlangen, F. Enke. v. 2 is Jan.-Dec, 1858. No. 26, v. 3, last published. Archiv fur experhnentelle Pathologie und Phar- makologie. Hrsg. von E. Klebs, B. Naunyn und O. Schmiedeberg. v. 1-11,1873-9. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel. [Current.] Archiv fur die Geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und neugebohrner Kinder- Krankheiten von J. C. Stark. 6 v. 8°. Jena, 1787-96. Continued as Neues Archiv fiir die Geburtshulfe, Frau- enzimmer- und Kinderkrankheiten mit Hinsicht auf die Physiologie, Diatetik und Chirurgie. Archiv gerichtlich-medicinischer, vor den Assizen des Kouigreichs Hannover verhandelter Fiille. Hrsg. von Dr. Dawosky und Dr. Polack. 1851-2. 386pp. 8°. Celle, E. H. C. Schulze. [Completed.] Archiv fur die gesammte Medicin. Hrsg. von Dr. Heinrich Haeser. 10 v. 8°. 1840-9. Jena, F. Mauke. [Completed.] Archiv fiir die gesammte Naturlehre. In Ver- bindung mit mehreren Gelehrten hrsg. vom Dr. K. W. G. Kastner. v. 1-18. 8°. NUrnberg, J. L. Schrag, 1824-9. Continued as Archiv fur Chemie und Meteorologie. Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Men- schen und der Thiere. Hrsg. von Dr. E. F. W. Pfliiger. v. 1-20, 18:38-79. 8J. Bonn, Cohen u. Sohn. [Current.] Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Arzneikunde in ihrem ganzen Umfang. Hrsg. von Dr. Phil. Ludw. Wittwer. v. 1, 1. St. 8°. NUrnberg, E. C. Grattenauer, 1790. Archiv fur Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von F. Birn- baum [and others]. Redigirt von Cred6 und Spiegelberg. v. 1-14, 1870-79. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. Current. A continuation of monatsschrift fiir Ge- burtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. v. 10 contains genera] index to v. 1-10. Archiv der Heilkunde. Unter Mitwirkung von C. A. Wunderlich, Wilh. Roser, W. Griesinger und K. Vierordt, redigirt von E. Wagner. Jahrg. 1- 19, 1860-78. 19 v. 8-\ Leipzig, O. Wiegand. Continuation of Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Completed. Archiv fiir die hoUiindischen Beitrage zur Na- tur- und Heilkunde. Hrsg. vou F. (J. Donders undW. Berliu. v. 1-3, April, 1857-64. 8°. Utrecht, Eemink $• Zoon. [Completed.] Archiv fur die honioopatische Heilkunst. Hrsg. von einem Vereine deutscher Aerzte. liv. 8°. Leipzig, C. H. Reclam, 1822-31. Archiv fiir Kiuderheilkunde. Hrsg. von Adolf Baginsky, M. Herz, A. Monti. Hft. 1, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke. [Current.] Archiv fiir kliuische Chirurgie. Hrsg. von Dr. B. Langeubeck. Redigirt von Billroth und Gurlt. v. 1-24, 1880-79. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. Current, v. 20, 1876-7, contains general index to v. 11- 20, 1869-77. Archiv fiir Kuh- oder Sehutzpocken-Impfung. Hrsg. von Frz. Ferd. Hessert uud Fr. Pilger. v. 1, St. 1, 1801. 92 pp. 8-. Giessen u. Darmstadt, G. F. Heycr. Archiv forhegovideuskabens Historic i Danmark. [By J. D. Herholdt.] No. 1, 1823. 192 pp. 8°. Kjpbenhavn. [No more published. ] Archiv fiir Maguetismus und Somnambulismus. Hrsg. von F. L. Bockmann. 8 St. 8°. Strass- burg, academische Buchhandlung, 1787-8. ; Archiv der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. 1 Hrsg. von einer Gesellschaft sclrweizerischer ARCHIV. 513 ARCHIVES. Archiv fiir Physiologie. Physiologische Abthei- lung des Archives fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. See Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Hrsg. von W. Roser und C. A. Wunderlich. 1842-56. 14 v. Neue Folge, v. 1-3, 1857-9. (1853-4 in 1 v.) 17 v. 8°. Stuttgart, Ebner u. Seubert, 1842-59. 1847 Griesinger added; 1850 Vicrordt added. Neue Folge unter Mitwirkung von Roser, Griesingor und Vierordt. Hrsg. von C. A. Wunderlich. See Archiv der Heilkunde, for continuation. Archiv fiir physiologische und pathologische Che- mie und Mikroskopie in ihrer Anwendung auf die praktische Mediciu. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Gelehrten des In- und Auslandes, als Fortsetzung der v. Simon gegriiudeten Zeitschrift. Hrsg. uud redigirt von Joh. Flor. Heller. Jahrg. 1844-7; neue Folge, 1852-4. 6 v. 8C. Wien,F. E. v. Schmid. Completed. A continuation of Beitrage zur physiolo- gischen und pathologischen Chemie und Mikroskopie, [etc.] Suspended from Dec, 1847, to Jan., 1852. Archiv fiir die pragmatische Psychologie, oder die Seelenlehre in der Anwendung auf das Leben. Hrsg. von Edward Beneke. 1. v., 1851. 528 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. JS. Mittler u. Sohn. Archiv fiir praktische Medizin und Klinik. Was title of Archiv fiir medizinische Erfahrung, v. J0- 20, 1807-10. Archiv fiir Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten. Hrsg. von B. Gudden, E. Leyden [and others]. Redigirt vou C. Westphal. v. 1-9, 1868-79. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. [Current.] Archiv fiir Psychologie, fiir Aerzte und Jnristeu. Hrsg. von J. B. Friedreich, unter Mitwirkuug von C. J. A. Mittermaier [and others]. 1.-3. Hft., 1834. 8°. Heidelberg, A. Osswald. Also called v. 4 of magazin fiir philosophischo, medi- cinischo und gerichtliche oeelenkunde. In 1837 revived as Blatter fiir Psychiatrie. Archiv fiir reine und angewandte Arzneiwir- kungslehre. Hrsg. von Bernhard Hirschel. v. 1-2, 1853-4. 8°. Dessau, Eatz, 1854-6. Title of nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1853, was Archiv fiir Arznei- wirkungslehre, [etc.] Archiv fiir Syphilis und Hautkrankheiten, mit Einschluss der nicht-syphilitischen Geuitalaf- fektionen. Von Fr. J. Behrend. 2 v. 8°. BerUn, A. Hirschwald, 1846-7. Archiv fiir die Theorie der Heilkunde. Hrsg. von J. J. Domling und Ph. J. Horsch. v. 1. 8°. NUrnberg, Grattenauer, 1804. Archiv fiir den thierischen Magnetismus. In Verbindung mit mehreren Naturforschern hrsg. von C. A. von Eschenmayer, D. G. Kieser uud Fr. Nasse. v. 1-9; parts 1-2, v. 10. 8°. Altenburg und Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1817-22. Archiv des Vereins fiir gemeinschaftlische Ar- beiten zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Hrsg. von J. Vogel, H. Nasse und F. W. Beneke. v. 1-6, 1854-63. Neue Folge:.Ar- chiv des Vereins fiir wissenschaftUche Heilkunde. v. 1-3, 1864-7. 8°. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck $ Ruprecht. Neue Folge, Leipzig. Supplement-Heft to v. 1, n. s., has for title: Morbilitats- Nachrichten pro 1859. Archiv des Vereins fiir wissenschaftUche Heil- kunde. See Archiv des Vereins fiir gemein- schatftliche Arbeiten [etc.], n. s., v. 1-3,1864-7. Archiv fiir wissenschaftUche und practische ThierheUkunde. Hrsg. von A. C. Gerlach, redi- girt von C. F. Miiller und J. W. Schiitz. v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. Current. A continuation of Magazin fiir die ge- sammte ThierheUkunde. Archiv der Medicin, etc.—continued. Aerzte. Hft. 1-4. 8°. Aarau, H. Ii. Sauerlander, lt-16-17. Also, with title: Sammlung von Erfahrungen und Beo- bachtungen in der Medicin und Chirurgie, etc. Archiv der medicinischen Polizei und der ge- meinniitzigen Arzneikunde. Hrsg. von J. Ch. F. Scherf. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, Wcygand, 1783-7. Continued in 1789 under the title Beitriige zum Archiv der medizinischen Polizei, [etc.] Archiv fur medizinische Erfahrung. Hrsg. von Ernst Horu. 1801-32,1834. 67 v. 8°. Leipzig, W. Rein. After 1802 published in Berlin, by G. Reimer. v. 7-10, 1805-7, title Neues Archiv, [etc.] v. 10-20, 1807-11, also appeared under title Archiv fiir praktische Medizin und Klinik. In 1817 Dr. Nasse and Dr. Henke added as edi- tors ; in 1821 Dr. "Wagner added. Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie. Hrsg. von Max Schultze. v. 1-17, 1865-79. Register-Hft. fur v. 1-8. 18 v. 8°. Bonn, M. Cohen n. Sohn. Current. Prof. Schultze died Jan. 16, 1874. No. 4, and Supplement-Hft. of v. 10, by R. Hertwig. v. 11 et seq. by v. fa Valette St. George and W. "Waldeger. Archiv fiir offentUche Gesundheits-Pflege in El- sass-Lothringen. Hrsg. vom iirztlich-hygienischen Verein. Redigirt von Hermann Wasserfuhr. v. 1-3, 1876-8. 8°. Strassburg, J. Schneider. [Cur- rent. ] Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Hrsg. von Prof. Troltsch, A. Politzer und H. Schwartze. v. 1-15, 1864-79. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1864-73. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1874-9. v. 7, 1873, is also called v. 1, n. s. v. 10, 1875-6, contains index to v. 1-10. Archiv fiir Ophthalmologic. Hrsg. von Dr. Al- brecht von Graefe. v. 1-25, 1854-79. 8°. Berlin, P. Jeanrenaud. ------. The same. General-Register zu v. 1-10. Bearbeitet von Dr. I. Wurm. '[Also:] General- Register zu v. 1-20. Bearbeitet von Dr. A. Nie- den. 1 v. 8°. Current. Part 2, v. 1 et seq., by P. Arlt, F. C. Donders, and A. v. Graefe. v. 2 et seq., published by H. Peters. A. v. Graefe died July 20, 1870. No. 1, v. 17, Th. Leber added as editor. After v. 16, 1870, called: Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv, [etc.] Archiv fiir die Pathologie und Therapie. Hrsg. von Gust. Zimmermann. 1 v. 380 pp. 8°. Hamm, G. Grote, 1851-5. Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Physio- logie, uud fur kUnische Medicin. Hrsg. von Rud. Virchow und B. Reinhardt. v. 1-77, 1847- 79. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer. Current. After v. 20 Virchow aole editor. Archiv der Pharmacie. Eine Zeitschrift des Apo- theker-Vereins in Norddeutschland. Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung der HH. Bley [and others], von R. Brandes und H. Wackenroder, dann von H. Lud- wig und E. Reichardt. 4 v. annually. 2. Reihe, v. 17-150, 1839-72. 3. Reihe, v. 1-15, 1872-79. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1839-67: Halle, Verlag des Vereins, 1868-79. Current. In 1851 sub-title: Zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen Apotheker-Vereins, Abtheilung Norddeutsch- land. After end of 2. s., June, 1872, 2 v. annually. ------. The same. Autoren- und Sach-Register zu den v. 1-131 (Jahrg. 1822-57). Bearbeitet von G. C. Wittstein in Miinchen. 1 v. 723 pp. 9°. Hannover, Hahn. Archiv for Pharmaci. Redigeret af S. M. Trier. v." 1-36, 1844-79. [Also index v. to v. 1-15, 1844- 58. ] 37 v. 8°. KjQbenhavn, C. A. Reitzel. Current, v. 4,1847, et seq., n. s., title Archiv for Phar- maci og technisk Chemi, ana P. Faber added as editor. In 1850 Faber dropped. Archiv fur die Physiologie. Von D. Joh. Christ. Reil, Professor in Halle, v. 1-12, 1795-1815. 8°. Halle [Curt'sche Buchhandlung]. v. 7-12, 1806-15, J. H. F. Autenrieth also editor. See Deutsches Archiv fiir die Physiologie, for continuation. 33 Archives (The) of American medicine and sur- gery. Published by the faculty of the College of American Medicine and Surgery. H. C. French and A. L. Clinkscales, editors. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-11, v. 1, Jan. -Nov., 1874. 176 pp. 8°. Macon, Ga. [No. 11, v. 1, probably last published. ] ARCHIVES. 514 ARCHIVES. Archives d'anatomie gdndrale et de physiologie. Paris. A supplementary volume to Archives generates de mddecine. Archives de l'art des accouchemeus, eonsidere" sous ses rapports anatomique, physiologique et pathologique. Recueillies dans la littdrature dtraugere. Par Jacques Frdddric Schweighaeu- ser. v. 1-2, an IX, X (1801-2). 8°. Strasbourg, L. Eck. Archives beiges de mddecine mUitaire, [etc.] See Archives de me'decine militaire, [etc.] v. 3-30, 1849-62. Archives beiges de the'rapeutique. Revue men- sueUe des mddications. Publides par le docteur E. Deghilage. Annies 1-3, Oct., 1874 - Juue, 1877. 8L. Mons. No. 9, v. 3, latest no. received. Archives of Clinical Surgery. A monthly peri- odical devoted to surgery in all its special de- partments. Edited by Edward J. Benuingham. v. 1, July, 1876-March, 1877. 1 v., 358 pp. 8°. New York, Rutledge 4'* Company. After no. 5, v. 2, August. 1877, The Hospital Gazette was merged in this journal, and title became IEospital Ga- zette and Archives of CUnical Surgery, which see. Archives of dentistry : a record of dental know- ledge: medical, surgical, [etc.] Edited by Ed- win Truman. No. 3, v. 1. April, 1865. 8°. London, J. Churchill. Archives of dermatology: a quarterly journal of skin and venereal diseases. Edited by L. Dun- can Bulkley [and others], v. 1-5, Oct., 1874-9. 8C. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1874-8. Current, v. 4 commenced Jan., 1878. After 1878 pub- lished in Philadelphia by J. B. Lippincott & Co. Archives of electrology and neurology: a journal of electro-therapeutics and nervous di- seases. Edited by George M. Beard. Issued semi- annually, v. 1-2, May, 1874 - Nov., 1875. 2 v. in 1 v. 604 pp. 8°. New York, T. L. Clacher. [Completed.] Archives gdndrales de mddecine. Par une soci- dtd de mddecms. 1. s., v. 1-30, 1823-32 ; 2 s., v. 1-15, 1833-7 ; 3. s., v. 1-15,1838-42; 4 s., v. 1-32, 1843-52; 5. s., v. 1-20, 1853-62; 6. s., v. 1-30, 1863-77; 7 s., v. 1-4, 1878-9. 8°. Paris, Bechet et Megneret, et Asselin. Current. Monthly; 3. v. annually. 5., 6., and 7. s., 2. v. annually, v. 1, 2. s., sub-title: Journal compiementaire des sciences medicales. v. 25, 4. s., "publi6 par lc dr. Raige Dclorme". v. 5, 5. s., no sub-title, " publi6 par MM. E. I ollin et Ch. Las6gue ". v. 10,6. s., Las^gue sole editor; v. 11, 6. s., Simon Duplay added. Archives et journal de la mddecine homceopa- thique. See Archives de la mddecine honioeopa- thique. v. 3, 1835 et seq. Archives du magndtisme animal, publides par D'Henin de Cuvillers. [Monthly; 2 v. aunuaUy.] v. 1-8, May, 1820-23. Paris. • Archives of the medical department (Toland Hall) of the University of California, for the ses- sion of 1873. 4°. San Francisco, 1873. Archives mddicales beiges, organe du corps sani- taire de l'armde, des prisons et de l'administra- tion des chemins de fer de l'dtat. .Sec Archives de mddecine miUtaire, [etc.] v. 31, 1863, etc. Archives mddicales de Strasbourg, publides par une socidtd de mddecins. Stoeber, rddacteur en chef. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-3, 1835-6. 8°. Strasbourg, Fevrier. Archives of medicine: a record of practical ob- servations and anatomical and chemical re- searches connected with the investigation and treatment of disease. Edited by Lionel S. Beale. Nos. 1-17 (v. 1-4 ; No. 1, v. 5), 1857-70. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill. [Completed.] Archives of medicine. A bi-monthly journal. Edited by E. C. Seguin. Assistant editors, Tho- mas A. McBride [and others]. 2 v. annually. v. 1-2, 1879. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. [Current. ] Archives de la mddecine beige, journal des sci- ences mddicales, physiques et naturelles et de mddeiine vdtdriuaire, publides par J. E. Lequime. [Monthly; 3 v. annually.] v. 1-48, 1840-54. c*0. Bruxelles, Soc. en cyclop, des sciences medicales. In 1850, 4 v.; in 1853, 4 v.; in 1854, 5 v. vol. for 1854 was the last published. Archives de la mddecine homceopathique, pu- blides par une socidtd do mddecins, sous la direc- tion de A.-J.-L. Jourdan. [Monthly; 2v. annu- ally.] v. 1-6, July, 1834-June, 1837. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere. Completed, v. 3, 1835, title changed to Archives et journal do medecine, [etc.] v. 4, L6on Simon et Curie added as editors. Archives de mddecine militaire. Journal des sciences mddicales, pharmaceutiques, et vdtdri- naires. A. Meynne, rddacteur. [Monthly ; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-34, 1848-64. 2. s., v. 1-14, 1805- 71. 3. s., v. 1-16, 1872-9. 8°. BruxeUes. Current, v. 3-30, 1849-62, title Archives beiges de me- decino militaire, [etc.] v. 31, 1863 et seq., title Archives medicales beiges. Archives de mddecine navale. Publides par or- dre de s. e. le ministre de la marine et des colo- nies, sous la surveillance de l'inspectiou gdndrale du service de santd. Directeur de la rddaction, A. Le Roy de Mdricourt. v. 1-32, 1864-79. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils. Current. Monthly; 2 v. annually, v. 2 ct seq., sub-title: Recueil fond6 par s. e. le cte. P. de Chasseloup-Laubat, ministre, [etc.] Archives nderlandaises des sciences exactes et natureUes. Publides par la Socidtd hollandaise des sciences a Harlem, et rddigdes par E. H. von Baumhauer. v. 1-14, 1866-79. 8°. La Haye, M. Nijhoff. After 1875, Harlem. [Current.] Archives d'ophthahnologie, comprenant les tra- vaux les plus importants sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, la pathologie, l'hygiene et la thdra- peutique de l'appareil de la vision, par M. A. Jamain. v. 1-6, July, 1853-6. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere. Completed. Monthly; 2 v. annually. Archives of ophthalmology. Edited in English and German by H. Knapp, of New York, and J. Hirschberg, of BerUn. [Quarterly. ] Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1879. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. Cui rent. A continuation of the ophthalmological part of Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology, v. 1-7,1869- 79. Archives (The) of ophthalmology and otology. Edited and published simultaneously in English and German bv Prof. H. Knapp, in New York, and Prof. S. Moos, in Heidelberg, v. 1-7,1869-79. 8°. New York, W. Wood # Co. Completed, v. 1-3,1869-74, each in 2 nos.; v. 4-7,1874-9, each in 4 nos. v. 4, 1874-5, E. Gruening and Cl. J. Blake added as editors; v. 5, 1876, L. Mautliner added, v. 7,1878- 9, contains general index to v. 1-7. Followed by Archives of Ophthalmology, and Archives of Otology, separate pub- lications. Archives of Otology. Edited in English and German by H. Knapp, S. Moos, and D. B. St. John Roosa, in conjunction with C. R. Agnew [and others]. [Quarterly.] Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1879. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. Current. A continuation of the otological part of Ar- chives of Ophthalmology and Otology, v. 1-7, 1869-79. Archives de physiologie norm ale et pathologique, par Brown-Sdquard, Charcot et Vulpian. [Bi- monthly.] v. 1-11, 18138-79. 8°. Paris, V.Mas- son. Current, v. 4 is for 1871-2; v. 6 is also called v. 1, 2. s. Archives de physiologie, de thdrapeutique et ARCHIVES. 515 ARDENSBACH. Archives de physiologie, etc.—continued. d'hygiene, sous la direction de M. Bouchard at. 2 v., 1854. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere. Contents: No. 1, Jan., 1854. Memoire sur la digitaline et la digitale, par E. Homolle et Quevennc. 376 pp. No. 2, Oct., 1854. Memoire sur Taction physiologique et th6ra- pentic des ferrugineux, par T. A. Quevenne. 358 pp. Archives of science and transactions of the Or- leans County (Vt.) Society of Natural Sciences. Edited by J. M. Currier and Geo. A. Hiumau. [Quarterly.] v. 1, Oct., 1870 - April, 1873. 8°. Newport, Vt. Archives of scientific and practical mediciue aud surgery. By C. E. Brown-Sdquard and E. C. Seguiu. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-5, v. 1, Jan.- May, 1873. 492 pp. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co.; Nos. 3, et seq., New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. No. 5 last published. Archives de tocologie, des maladies des femmes et des enfants nouveau-nds. Publides par J. A. H. Depaul. [Monthly.] Annde 1-6, 1874-9. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye. [Curreut.] Archives vdtdrinaires. Publides a l'Ecole d'Al- fovt par Reynal et al. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Paris, G. Masson. [Current.] Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia. Or- gano della Societa itaUana di antropologia e di etnologia. PubbUcato dal Paolo Mantegazza. v. 3-9, 1873-9. 8°. Firenze. [Current.] Archivio di chirurgia practica di F. Palasciano. "Was running title of Archivio di memorie ed osserva- zioni di chirurgica pratica [etc.], from 1871. Archivio italiano per le malattie nervose e piu particolarmente per le aUenazioni mentali. Or- gano della Societa freniatrica italiana. Diretto dai Dottori Andrea Verga e Serafino Bifti. Si pubbUca ogni due niesi. Anni 1-16, 1864-79. 8°. Milano. [Current.] Archivio di medicina, chirurgia ed igiene. Gi- ornale mensile redatto in Roma da una societa medico-chirurgica. Organo del Comitato medico roniano. Anni 6-7, 1874-5. 8°. Roma, C. Bar- toli. Ceased with 1875. Archivio di medicina veterinaria. Giornale bi- mestrale deUa regia Scuola superiore di medicina veterinaria di Milano. Redattori annuali ; Cor- vini, LanziUotti-Buonsanti. Anni 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Milano. [Current.] Archivio di memorie ed osservazioni di chirur- gia pratica, etc. F. Palasciano. v. 1-10, Jan., 1866-73. 8°. Napoli, E. Biraghi, 1866; S. Sebas- tiano, 1867; A. Trani, 1867-73. Archivio per le scienze mediche. PubbUcato da una societa di studiosi, e diretto da G. Bizzozero in Torino, v. 1-3, 1876-9. 8°. Torino. [Cur- rent.] Archivo de la cirugia. Periodico semanal. Di- rector-propietario, Josd de Setamendi. v. 1,1877. 8°. Barcelona. Archivo de la medicina espanola y estraugera. Dirigido y redactado por F. Alonso [aud others]. v. 1-2, 1846. 8°. Madrid. Archivos de la medicina honieopa^thica. Perid- dico quincenal, pubUcado por Pedro Reno y Hur- tado. 2. s. No. 1, aiio 1, Nov. 15, 1877. 4°. Bar- celona. Arciaux (Emile). * Contributions a l'dtude du pneumothorax dans les traumatismes du thorax. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 62. Arciniega (P. F.) * Quelques considdrations sur le diagnostic des fibro'ides utdrins. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 202. Arco. Obschcn (A.) Arco. DeutscheKlinik,Berl..l872,xxiv, 379.—Liindeniann (H. J.) Bericht iiber Arco in Siidtirol. Ibid.,242-244.—Reimer(H.) Klimatische"Winterkurorte. Arco. ArcoundBiva. Ibid.,22; 34.—Spitzmiiller(J.) TJeber denklimatischen Curort Arco. Mitth. d.Wien. med. Doct.- Coll., 1877, iii, 54; 67; 92. Arcoleo (Giuseppe). Resocouto della clinica ot- talmica della r. Universita di Palermo per gli anni scolastici 1867-9. 284, lxxiii pp., 1 1., 3 pi., roy. 8°. Palermo, Stabilimento tipog. Lao, 1871. See, aho, Gazzetta clinica dello spedale civico di Pa- lermo. Arctic expedition. See, aho, Scurvy (Cases of). medical (The) staff of tho arctic expedition. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 753.—Ursache des Skorbut-Ausbruches bei der letzten englischen Nordpol-Expedition. "Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 976-978.—Vr eel and (B.) Medical glean- ings from the American arctic expedition. N. Tork M. Times, 1852, i, 59-63. Arctic regions. McClintock (F. L.) Meteorological observa- tions in the Arctic Seas. Made on board the arc- tic searching yacht Fox, in Baffin Bay and Prince Regent's Inlet, in 1857, 1858, and 1859. Reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. 4°. 1862. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, No. 146. Arctium. Adolphus (J.) Arctium Lappa (burdock). Med. & Surg. Beporter, Phila., 1868, xviii, 214. Arculanus [ or Herculanus ] ( Joannis). Practica Jo. Arculani cum duplici tabula . . . Iu nonum Razis ad Regem Almansorez librum medi- cis omnibus perquam necessaiium. Indice bipar- tite abundantissimo facillimo ac ingeniosissimo addito. 1 p. 1., 177 ff. fol. Venetiis, 1524. -----. Commentarii in Razis Arabis nonum lib. ad regem Almansorem, ubi loci etiam affecti, mor- borum species et praesidiorum materia explican- tur. 6p. 1., 747 pp. fol. Basilece, H. Petrus, 1540. -----. Commentaria in nonum librum Rasis ad regem Almansore ... 6 p. 1., 509 pp. fol. Vene- tiis, apud hceredes Junta, 1542. -----. De febribus Joannis Arculani in Avic. quarti canonis fen primam dilucida atque optima expositio, nunc denuo accuratissime expurgata, ac duplici Avicennae textu exornata, altero an- tiquo, quern sequutus est Arculanus: altero quem post And. Alpagi Bellunensis castigationes Bene- dictus Rinius . . . illustravit. 18 p. 1., 191 ft', fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1560. -----. Practica Joannis Arculani Veronensis, par- ticularium morborum omnium [etc.]; emendata Joannis Marinella opera. 8 p. 1., 374 pp., 11. fol. Venetiis, ex off. Valgrisiana, 1560. Bound with the preceding. Arcularius (Ludwig). * Untersuchungen iiber deu Arterienpuls mittelst des Marey'schen Sphyg- mograph. 68 pp., 21., 1 pi. 8°. Giessen, W. Kel- ler, 1868. c. Arcus senilis. See Cornea (Fatty degeneration of). Arden [or Ardern] (John). A treatise of the fistula, in the fundament, or other places of the body, and of impostumes causing fistulaes, and of the office chirurgiou; with certaine other things. In: Arcjeus (F.) A most excellent and compendious method, etc. 4°. Lond., 1588, ff. 81-108. Ardenghi (Ercole). See Studente (Lo) veteri- nario. d' Ardenne (Ldon). * Essai critique sur un ap- pareil hyponarthdeique nouveau destind au traite- ment de fractures du membre infdrieur. vii, 8-59 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Montpellier, 1873, No. 48. Ardenshach von Ardensdorff (Wentzel Max.) Armamentarium antiloimicum, Das ist Ein eingerichtes Pest-Zeiig-Hauss. Iu welchem Unterschiedliche Waffen, den grausammen Men- schen-Feind die Pest, zu vertilligen, sich zu ver- fechten auffbehalten werden. Wie auch Dero ARDENSBACH. 516 ARETiEUS. Ardenshach von Ardensdorff—continued. Untherthanen, zu einer Gegenwehr auffgericht. 2 p. 1., 151 pp. 24°. Ollmutz, J. J. Kylian, 1679. Ardilouze (Ulysse-Jean). * Considdrations sur les abces profonds de la marge de l'anus. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 176. Ardinois (Franciscus). * De fundamento totius medicine anatomia. 33 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Boutesteyn etfil., 1718. Ardissone (Francisco). La vita delle cellule e Fiudividualita nel reguo vegetali. Prelezione al corso di botanica crittogamica. Letta nella r. Scuola superiore di agricultura in Milano il giorno 7 gennaio 1874. 16 pp. 8°. Milano, D. Salvi, 1874. Ardouin (G.-P.-Ldon). * Essai sur la fievre in- termittente simple, vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 297, v. 246. Ardouin (J.-A.) * Essai sur l'usage des frictions seches. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 301, v. 117. Ardouin (Jules). * Essai sur le rhumatisme. 23 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1861, No. 559, 2. s., v. 30. Ardouin (Ldou). * Coup d'ceil sur l'histoire de l'dlectro-thdrapie. 122 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 226. Ardoynus(Santis). Devenenis . . . adjunximus . . .: commentarium F. Ponzetti, cardinalis. 8 p. 1., 573 pp., 7 1. fol. Basileae, H. Petri et P. Pernam, 1562. Ardres. Sou ville. Topographic medicale d'Ardres et de l'Ar- dresis. J. de med. mil., Par., 1784, iii, 257-270. Arduin (Ernest). * De quelques nouveaux mddi- caments anti-pyrdtiques. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 323. Ardusset (Andrd). * De l'indication thdrapeuti- que dans les cas difficiles. 27 pp. 4°. Mont- pelUer, J Martel aind, 1824, No. 101. Ardwick & Ancoats Dispensary. Annual re- port of the committee of the Ardwick & Ancoats Dispensary, Mill street, Ancoats, to the subscri- bers at the annual meeting. 48th (1875-6). 8°. Manchester, 1876. Ardy (Pierre-Alexandre). * Dissertation sur le typhus contagieux, observd & Mayence apres la campagne de 1813, et pendant le blocus de cette ville en 1814. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 289, v. 117. Area Celsi. See Alopecia. de Arejula (Don Juan Manuel). Breve descrip- cion de la fiebre amarilla padecida en Cadiz y pueblos comarcanos en 1800, eu Medina-Sidonia eu 1801, en Malaga en 1803, y en estamisma plaza, y varias otras del reyno en 1804. 6 1., 472 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1806. -----. Kurze Beschreibung der ansteckenden Krankheit, welche im Jahre 1803 in Malaga epi- demisch herrschte, ihrer Zufiillo und der dagegeu angewandten Heilmethode. Aus dem Spauischeu iibersetzt vou Dr. Wilhehn Heinriih Ludwig Bor- ges. 50 pp. 8°. Berlin, Heinrich Frbliek, 1805. See, also, Gonzalei* (P. M.) Ueber das gelbe Fieber, etc. 8°. Berlin, 1805. Arella. See Giornale di medicina miUtare del corpo sauitario deU'armata italiana. Arenaria. Kattaudier (J. A.) L'arcnaria rubra. Alger med. 1879, vii, 275-279.—Bazin. Proprietes sialagogues de l'arenaria serpyllifolia. J. de therap., Par., 1877, iv, 506.— Vigier (F.) De l'arcnaria rubra (sabline rouge), caryo- phyllees. Bull. geu. de therap., etc., Par., 1879, xcvii, 69- 73. Also: Gaz. nied. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1879, xxiv, 87-89. Arendrup. Orange (J.) Notice de la mort d'Arendrup. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii, 274. Arendt (Carol. Guil. Christ.) * Nonnulla de in- tussusceptione. 46 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halce, typ. Barentschianis, [n. d., 18341] c. Arendt (Eduardus). * Do capitis ossei Esocia Lucii structura singulari. 26 pp., sm. 4C. Regio- montii, typ. Acadeniicis Hartungianis, [1822]. Arendt (Fridericus Arminius). * Observationes nonnullae de cholera anni 1831 mensibus Julio, Augusto, Septembri, Octobri, Memelia? epidemice grassante [cum vita]. 32 pp. 8°. Regimontii Prussorum, C. Paschke, [1832]. Arendt (J. J. F.) Scholia Osnabrugensia in Chloridem Hanoveranam, d. h. Zusiizte und Be- richtigungeu, unsre vaterliindische Flora betref- fend, mit Beriicksichtigung der Osnabriickschen spezial Flora. 35 pp. 8°. Osnabruck, Rackhorst, 1837. Arendt (Julius). * Do morbo Brightii. [Cum vita.] 39 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1847]. Arens (Franz). * Beitrag zur Anatomie des Lig. ileo-femorale. 23 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1878. Arens (Henricus Fridericus). *De empyemate. 28 pp., 21. 8°; Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1837]. Arens (Johannes Georgius). Triga simplicium medicamentorum Ulustris: fermentantium, seda- tivorum, et praecipitantium. 1 1., 24 pp. 4°. Jenae, lit J. Wertheri, 1671. Arens (Joseph). *Das Oberarmbein der Sauge- thiere. 1 p. 1., 28 pp., 2 L, 1 pi. 8°. Bonn, Fr. Kruger, 1869. Arens (Theodorus Henricus). *De mali hypo- chondriaci symptomatis et causis. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1844]. Arensburg. Arensburg na ostrovai Ezel v' Baltiiskom morai. [Arensburg on tbe island Oesel in the Baltic] Sbornik sochin. po sudebenoi med., St. Petersb., 1877, i, sec. 2, 65- 70.—von Harten (M.) Ueber die Wirkungder Schlamm- bader in Arensburg. (Insel Oesel.), St. Petersb. med. "Wchschr., 1878, iii, 79. ArentS (J.) *Die Coxarthrocace. 39 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, F. E. Thein, 1849. Areola (Mammary). See Albinos; Eczema (Pathology of); Preg- nancy (signs of). Areometer. Coulier. Note pour la construction de l'areometre de Baume. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiii, 368-374—Jeanncl. Note sur un nouvel areom6tro indiquant la densite reelle des Uquides, et en memo temps le volume clu kilogramme. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1859, 2. s., iv, 31-39. Also: Union med., Par., 1859, 2. s., i, 41-44.— Roster (G.) Ancora una parola sugli areometri. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1870, xxvi, 59-63. -----. Nuovi fatti che dimostrauo la inesatezza degli areometri per misuraro la density dei liquidi. Ibid., 265-269. Arctreus (Cappadox). De acutorum, ac diutur- norum morborum causis et signis, lib. iiii. De acutorum, ac diuturnorum morborum curatione, lib. iiii. 1 p. 1., 195 pp., 2 1. 12°. Parisiis, A. Turnebum, 1554. [Greek text.] -----. De causis, signis, et curatione morborum. Junio Paulo Crasso interprete. In: Medice artis principes, fol., 1567, i, pp. 1-96. Aho in.- Medici antiqui Grseci, etc., 4°, Basileae, 1581, pp. 3-145.' -----. 'Iarpixa. ^Etiologica, simeiotica et thera- pe utica morborum acutorum et diuturnorum . . . Gra?ce et Latiue conjunetim edita tribus MSS. codicibus Veneto, Bauarico, 'Augustano collatis. Cum commentario . . . Autore Georgio Henischio. 10 p. 1., 446 pp., 8 1. fol. Augustce Vindelicorum, G. Willerius, 1603. -----_. DZepl ctirioov uai 6r}uelGov . . . de causis et signis acutorum et diuturnorum morborum libri quatuor. De curatione . . . morborum libri quatuor. Cum commentariis integris P. Petiti ... J. Wiggani . . . et Mattahii . . . D. W. Tril- led. Observationibus et emeudatis. Editionem curavit H. Boerhaave. (Greek & Latin.) 4 p. 1., 604 pp. fol. Lugd. Bat, P. van der Aa, 1731. -----. The same'. 1735. ARETJEUS. 517 ARGUMENTS. Arcta^US (Cappadox)—continued. ------. Libri septem a Junio Paulo Crasso accura- tissime in latiuum sermonem versi. 7 p. 1., 283 ' pp., 25 1. 12°. Argentorati, A. Konig, 1768. ------. De pulmonum inflammatione. Contextum graecum adjecta versione latina edidit, emenda- tioues et commentarium adjunxit Carolus Wei- gel. [Sectio prior.] 3 p. 1., xxv pp. 4°. Lip- sioe, 1790. ------. Opera omnia. EcUtionem curavit Car. Gottl. Kuhn. 2 v. [paged consecutively], lxxxii, 984 pp. 8-\ Lipsio.% C. Cnobloch, 1828! ------. Ou the causes and signs of acute and chronic disease. Transl. from the Greek by T. F. Rey- nolds. 84 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Barrington S~ Haswell, 1841. [P., v. 372.] ------. The extant works. Edited and transl. by Francis Adams, xx, 510 pp. 8J. London, the Sydenham Society, 1i: —Blaziua (J j Tt-bi-r das Lagcrverhaltniss des Xervus medianus zur Arteria brachials als Beitrag zur topographischen Kenntniss der Obcrarmgegend. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Arm. Heilk., Prag. 1844, i, 4. Quart. 35-38.—Surand. Lettres sur le transformisme; ostcolouic comparee du bras. Gaz. med. de Par., 1874. 4. s., iii. 4'J1: 493.— Grubfr (V.) Mi- sliitsi uaprvaiayuslicbiva kolilnvidnuyu svyazku luclia. fMuscles of the ami.] 'Ati-cl. v. stuik, St. Petersb.. 1805. v, 217; 'i.'."i: l!'!l'.—4J ruber (\Y.) Ueber einen besonderen Caiuil tin di-n Xcrvus nicdiaiius im Sulcus bicipitalis inter- nus bei Viivkoiiinicu eines Musculu> costo-epitrochlearis. Arch. f. n. F.ntw, klui:vj.vsch.. Leipz., 1877,411-423, 1 pi.—Holden (L.) The arm. St. Bartb. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, vi, 89-93.—EiC Denlu. Xote sur Vorigino des veines musculaires clu membre superieur. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1868, xliii, 364-366.—INicaisc (E.) Bras. Diet, encycl. d. sc. mod., Par., 1869, x, 494-521.—Velpeau. Bras (anatomie). Diet, domed., 2. Oil., Par., 1833, v, 571- 580.—Zuckcrkandl (E.) Die Hautarterien am Oberarme. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1878, xxiii, 317. Arm (Abnormities of). See Extremity ( Upper, Abnormities of). Arm (Amputation of). See Amputations of arm. Arm (Artificial). See Limbs (Artificial). Arm (Atrophy of). See Muscles (Atrophy 'of). Arm (Avulsion of). See Extremity ( Upper, Avulsion of). Arm (Diseases of). See, aho, Abscess (Periosteal); Amputations of arm; Amputations at shoulder-joint; Ex- tremity ( Upper, Nervous affections of); Gangrene. Aikin (J.) The history of an uncommon swelling of the arm. which, after threatening^ a general gangrene, terminated favourably. Mecl. & Phil. Comment., 2. ed., Lond., 1784, ii, 417-41!)'.—Billroth (T.) t t Paralysen und Atrophieen des Armes nach Quetschung. In hh: Chir. Klin., Wien, 1871-6, Berl.,. 1879, 469. —Dolbeau. Lecons sur les inflammations du membre superieur. ficole de med.. Par., 1876, iii, 1-61.—Krabbel. Phlegmone brachii. [5 cases.] Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1879, xxiii, 802.—Krause. Observation sur un gonflement considerable du bras avec inflammation et gangrene. Rec. period, d'obs. de med., Par., 1757, vii, 364-369. —McSherry (R.) Phlegmasia in the right arm of a male subject. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., Iii, 398.—IVicaise (E.) [Bras.] Pathologie chirurgicale. Diet, encycl. cl. sc. med., Par., 1869, x, 503- 522.—Olivieri (C.) Flemmone traumatico di tutto l'arto superiore sinistro. Ann. clin. d. osp. d. Pellegr. di Napoli, 1872, ii, 390-392. —Thai (R. S.) Gravis brachii abscessus historia, Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1818, v, 202-221.—Tuf- nell. Malignant ulcer of arm. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 104.—Velpeau. Position vicieuso pendant le sommeil de- terniinant l'engorgement inflammatoire du bras. J. de m6d. ct cbir. prat., Par., 1852, xxiii, 362.—Werner. Abscess im Biceps brachii. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1867, xx, 164-166. Arm (Dislocation of). See Shoulder-joint (Dislocation of) Arm (Fracture of). See Humerus (Fracture of). Arm (Xerves of). See Nerves (Brachial). Arm ((Edema of). See Heart (Diseases of, Complications and se- quelae of). Arm (Paralysis of). See Extremity ( Upper, Paralysis of); Nerves (Brachial, Diseases of). Arm (Spasms of). See Extremity (Upper, Nervous affections of). Arm (Suspension of). Volkmann (R.) Ueber die verticale Suspension dea Arms als Antipblogisticum und Hamostaticum. Berl. klin. Wchnschi'., 1867, iv, 383. Arm (Tumors of). St c, also, Humerus (Tumors of); Tumors (Con- genital). Billard (E.) * Du diagnostic des tumeurs du pli du bras. 4 . Paris, 1S54. ARM. 520 AIM. Arm (Tumors of). Aberle (M..) Geschichte eines Osteosteatoms am rech- ten Oboramie. Arch. f. med. Erfahr.,. Borl., 1820, i, 368- 384.—Adains (J.) Removal of two fibrous tumours from the arm. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 303.—Anderson (D. H. B.) Fibrous tumour of the upper arm removed by opera- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 212.—Anger (B.) Lipome profond du bras adherent k la face interne de l'liumerus. In hh: Conferences de clin. chir., 8°, Pac., 1875, 48-52.— Bigelow (H. J.) Fattv tumor beneath fascia. Boston M. & ■ S. J., 1851, xliii, 522.—Birkett. Fibroid growth from the arm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, viii, 371.— Blachcz. Tumeurs fibro-plastiques multiple ct recidi- vecs du membre sup6ricur gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1857, xxxii, 173.—Brebant. Tumeur du bras; exa- men anatomo-pathologique par M. Langlet. Bull. Soc. ni6d. de Reims, 1873,174-178.—Busch. Ueber eine manns- kopfgrosse Geschwulst des Biceps. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., 1865, xxii, 81. — Butcher (R. G. H.) A remarkable form of fibro-cellular tumour, or cutaneous outgrowth, attaining to great magni- tude; removed by operation. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xviii, 291-297.—[Ciases.] Exstirpation einer auf dem rech- ten Oberami sitzeuden, vier Pfund schweren Fettge, schwulst. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1851, v, 369-371.—Third excision of a large tumour of doubtful nature from the arm; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. 8., vii, 192.—Removal of a peculiar lipoma- tous growth from the arm of a child; its return and success- ful removal by a second operation. Ibid., 1858, xvii, 656.— Castiaux. Tumeur fibro-plastique dans le muscle triceps brachial. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. (1869), 1870, xliv, 526.— Castiaux (J.) Lipome volumineux, datant de trente ans, chez une femme cancereuse; d6g6nerescence non cance- reuse du lipome. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1864, v, 49-52.— Cayley (H.) Large fatty tumour of arm. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1875, x, 71.—Chassaignac. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1845, xx, 13. -----. Ablation d'une tumeur fibro- plastique volumincuse si6geant sous le muscle triceps brachial. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 106.—Chevallct. Tumeur du bras droit. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1873, xlviii, 71-73.—Coen (G.) Storia di un tumore fibro-cartilaginoso sviluppatosi fra i rami del plesso brachiale. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1835, iii, 221-226. — Collin, t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 127.—Collis. Fibrous tumour, springing from periosteum. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, xii, 201.—Cooper (li.) Singular case of disease of the arm. Lancet, Lond., 1826, ix, 394.—Crespo y Carbo. Sarcoma. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 15.—Croft (J.) Tumours upon the lymphatics of the arm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873, xxiv, 205.—Davys (F. J.) Case of fibro-cystic tumour. Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liii, 275. — Duchaus'soy. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1859, xxxiv, 307-310. —Evans. Excision of growth from arm; nature doubtful (keloid0 Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 549.—Faure. t [Erec- tile.] Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 400.—Fay (W.) Fibrous tumour removed from a child's arm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872, xxiii, 250.—Forster (J. C.) [Case of re- current tumor.] Guy's Hosp. Rop., Lond., 1872, 3. s., xvii, 272.—Gabriel (P. M.) De stupendo brachii dextri tu- more, ejusque anatome. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips. et Francof., 1695, dec. 2, ii, 1-6.—Gamberini (P.) Di un caso di linfoma seguito da guarigione. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1876, xi, 289-292. —dross (S. D.) Hydatid t"amor ofthe arm; excision; cure. West. J. M. & S., 1854, 4. s., i, 116-118.—Heyfelder. Exstirpation eines umfang- rcichen Lipoms auf der inneren Seito des linken Oberarms. Ztschr. f. cl. ges. Med., Hamb., 1848, xxxvii, 171-174.—Hill (B.) Hydatid tumor of the upper arm; evacuation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 266.—Hunter (C. T.) t Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874, iv, 221.—Hutchinson (M.) An account of a singular tumor on the arm, and the ap- pearances on dissection. New Lond. M. J., 1792, i, 121-125.— Johnion (A.) Encliondromatous tumor of the arm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855, vi, 335-337, 1 pi—Krdnlcin (R. U.) Mannskopfgrosses, schaliges, myelogenes Sareom der linken Ulna u. des 1. Humerus. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1877, xxi (Suppl.-Hft.), 329-331. — Lailler. Lym- Ehangite gomnieuse lies bras. Bull, et m6m. Soc. mecl. d. op. do Par. (1877), 1878, 2. s., xiv, 60-62. — I,avallcc. Tumeur enlevee sur le bras d'une femme. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 108.—lieticvant. Lipome enorme du bras gauche. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1864, xvi, 437.— lictullc (M.) Fibro-sarcome sous-cu't:m6 du bras; enu- cleation. Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 30.—Maconchy (J. K.) A tumour:_ What was it? DubUn J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 420-422.—IVIarjoIin. Tumeur volumineuse occupant la partie inferieure du bras droit. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1851, ii, 405.—Miiller (P. L.) Heilung einer funfiahrigen Lahmung und Geschwulst des linken Arms. Rhein.-west- phiil. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1826, xii 3. St., 9-10.— Poland. Scirrhous tumor ofthe arm, involving the bra- chial artcry and the median nerve. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, j 118.—Poland (S.) Hydatid tnmour. Guy's Hosp. Rop., Lond., 1*50-51, 2. s., vii, 336.—Bceb. Tumeur graisseuse du bras gauche; description anatomique. Rec. de mem. do mod. . . . mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., vi, 133-137.—Rohde. Ex- Arm (Tumors of). stirpation eines bedeutenden Lipoms. [Aus dem Arch. des Konigl. diinischen Gesundheitscollegii ausgezogen von Otto.],Hamb., 1844,xxv,251.—Roth- mund. Neoplasmaam Oberarme. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1803, xv, 196-198.—Simon. Tumour h6matiquo d6veloppee a la partie posterieure et moyenne du bras droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1860, xxxv, 329-343. — Stephenson (M.) Adipose sarcoma, with a case. N. York J. M., 1850, iv, 345-348.—Tatuin. Cyst in biceps humeri. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 662. — Thomas. Observation d'un kvste, d6- veloppe dcpuis cinq ans, dans la partie moyenne cie la face posterieure du bras gauche, gu6ri par l'incision et les injec- tions initantes. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'Indre-et-Loire, Tours, 1833,11-14.—Tumour of the arm. Lancet, Lond., 1852, i, 615.—Varges (A. W.) Exstirpation eines fibrosen Tumors. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1861, xv, 239-242. — Velpeau (A.) Tumeurs form6es par un tissu particulier. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1826, xi, 569- 579.—W. Geschichte eines besondern Geschwulstes am Oberarm. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1781, iii, 122-128.— Warren (J. M.) Tumour of right arm, requiring ampu- tation at the shoulder-joint. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1851, n. s., xxi, 338. -----. Large tumour of the arm. Ibid., 1854, n. s., xxvii, 86. Aho, in hh: Surg, obs., 8°, Bost., 1867, 519. — Werner. Serose Cyste, dem Periost des Oberarms aufsitzeud; Incision. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1859, xii, 122-125. — William* (C.) Colloid tumour of the aim. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 848. Arm (Tumors of Malignant andcancerous). Aza (E.) Tumor canceroso lardiforme situado en la flexura del brazo izquierdo; su estirpacion y curacion radical. Bol. demed., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1846, 3. s., i, 391.—Bcllangcr. Histoire d'une tumeur cancereuse qui a n6cessite l'extirpation du bras. N. Jour, domed., chir., pharm., Par., 1818, iii, 99-104.—Bemis (C. V.) Carcino- matous sarcoma in the muscles of the arm. Boston M. & S. J., 1838, xviii, 120-122.—Brodie. Tumor of the arm. Lond. M. & S. J., 1834, iv, 670.—Buhl. Adenoides Sar- eom am Oberarme. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1876, xxiii, 339.—[Cases.] Cancer of the arm and hand. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 118.—Cancrocncephaloide das partes molles do braco direito; amputacao escapulo-humeral; cura. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1855, 2. s., xvii, 89-110.—Necrose ou gangrene d'une portion do l'artere brachiale denudee dans toute sa circonference pendant l'extirpation d'une tu- meur encephalolde de la partie inferieure et interne du bras. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 57.—Ulceration cancereuse du bras gauche; adherence aux vaisseaux; amputation sui- vie de gu6rison. Ibid., 1872, xiv, 498.—Cauchois. Sar- come enc6phaloIde du bras gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., ! 1872, xlvii, 2.—Cloquet. Affection maligne et anomale du bras,- reflexions pratiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1836, x, 99. — Coote (H.) Tubercular disease affecting the sub- cutaneous cellular tissue and the muscles of the upper extremity; amputation at the shoulder joint; cicatriza- tion of the wound; examination of the limb. Disease of tho pectoral muscle (cancer) extending to the axillary, su- pra-clavicular, and mammary glands, and to the pleura; death; examination ofthe body. Lancet, Lond., 1846, ii, 203.—Cotton (C.) Congenital carcinomatous tumor of the inner side of the left arm; extirpation at eighth week; sub- sequent reproduction and death. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond.. 1849, 267.—Croly (H. G.) Encephaloid tumour situated on the upper third of the left arm, in a young man. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1868, xlvi, 271— Dolbea'u. t [Aniputation.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 274.—von B-umrci- cher. Medullarkrebs am Oberarm. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1857, ii, 154.—Farle. Fungoid disease of the arm. Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 441.—Fergusson. Clinical re- marks on a case of malignant tumor of the left arm, im- bedded in muscular structure; removal. Ibid., 1862, ii, 700.—Flowers. Epithelial cancer occurring in the cica- trix of a burn on the arm, necessitating amputation at the shoulder-joint; recovery. Ibid., 1859, i, 316.—Gross (S. W.) Encephaloid cancer at the bend of the arm. Proc. Path. Soc, Phila., 1871, iii. 56-58. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, lv, 402-404.—Guil Ian (L.) Fongus erectile de la main, avec 16sion organique vasculaire de tout le mem- bre. J. Soc. do med.-prat. de Montpel., 1844, ix, 119-137.— Uafncr. t Exstirpation; Heilung. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u.Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1856, ix, 246-249.—Hilton (J.) Me- dullary disease springing from the deltoid. Lancet, Loud., 1860, i, 295. -----. Cancerous tumour of the arm ; removal; erysipelas; recovery. Ibid., 1866, i, 196.—Holmes. Tu- mour of the arm, removed by amputation at the shoulder- joint. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866, xvii, 214.—Jobert. Af- fection cancereuse de l'os et des parties molles du bras gauche; amputation dans l'articulation scapulo-humerale; guerison. Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 269-271.— Maclean (D.) Melanotic tumor of thu arm. Penins. j J. M., Detroit, 1874, x, 99.—Harsdeu Sc Bryant. Ma- nual and brachial carcinoma. Lancet, Loud., 1859, ii, 562.— Muugue. Observation sur un sarcome pesant quatre livrcs deux onces, deg6n6r6 en cancer ulcere et extirpi1.. Rec. period, d'obs. de mod., Par., 1757, vi, 449-454 —.TIo- ARM. 521 ARMELLINO. Arm (Tumorsof Malignantand cancerous). nod. Cancer du bras; desarticulation de l'6paule. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 449.—Mott (A. B.) On ma- lignant diseases of the arm, with cases. N. York M. Press, 1859, n. s., ii, 845-847.—Partridge. Malignant tumor of the upper arm; amputation of tbe shoulder- joint; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, ii, 531.—Pierce (E.) Case of fungus haematodes. N. York M. & Phys. J., 1829-30, n. s., ii, 60-67.—Santesson. Fall af cancer medullaris brachii dextri. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank. (1856-7), Stockholm, 1857, 20-22.— Seutin. Extirpation d'une tumeur canc6reuse, situeo k la partie inferieure et interne du bras gauche. Bi- bUoth. med., Brux., 1826, iii, 99-102, 1 pi.—Smith (H.) Case of large malignant tumour of the arm requiring am- putation at the shoulder-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 509.— Socin (A.) MultipleMelanosarcomeami. arme. Jahresb. chir. Abth. Spit, zu Basel, 1876, 59.—Stanley. Diffused encephaloid disease in the forearm. Med. Times, Lond., 1851, n. s., ii, 3.—Thibault. Tumeur enc6phalo!de d6- velopptie sur le bras. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1843, xviii, 262.—Tycrmaii (D. F.) Amputation for fungoid disease of the arm of an insane patient. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., iii, 875-877.— Velpeau. Tumeur enc6phaloide comprc- nant tous les tissus du bras; du choix do l'op6ration dans cessortesdecas. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1846, viii, 311.—Wylie (J. L.) Fungus haematodes. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1868, n. s., xi, 585-586. Arm (Wounds and injuries of). See Extremity (Upper, Wounds and injuries of). Armack (Joannes David). * De nonnullis phthisi pulmonali medendi methodis. 32 pp. 4°. Jence, ex off. Fickelscherrio-Stranckmannia, [1784]. Armaignac (Henry). * De la greffe animale et de ses applications k la chirurgie. 160 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 204. -----. Traite" 61ementaire d'ophthalmoscopie, d'optome"trie et de refraction oculaire, redige con- formeinent au systeme metrique et avec l'equiva- lence en pouces de Paris, xv, 463 pp. 8°. Paris, V.-A. Delahaye et Cie., 1878. Armaingaud. Pneumonies et fievres inter- mittentes pneumoniques avec trace's thermogra- phiques. 39 pp., 8 ch. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1872. Repr. from: Union m6d., Par., 1871. -----. Du point apophysaire dans les n6vralgies et de l'irritation spinale. 61 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1872. -----. De nos institutions d'hygiene publique et de la n6cessit^ de les reformer. Precede d'une lettre de E. Littre. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1873. -----. La ville de Bordeaux est-elle menac6e d'une invasion de la fievre jaune ? Rapport pre- sents . . . k la Socie'te de medecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. 28 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Duverdier et Cie., 1875. -----. Sur une nevrose vaso-motrice se rattachant k l'etat hysterique entierement guerie par l'em- ploi des courants intermittents. Acces regulie- rement intermittents bi-quotidiens de sommeil nerveux, d'asphyxie locale des extremites, de con- gestion locale des conjonctives et de nevralgies. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, V.-A. Delahaye ct Cie., 1876. Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. de med. et de chir., Par. -----. Sur un cas de scierodermie; application des courants eieetriques continus, suivie de suc- ces. 21 pp. 8°. Paris, V.-A. Delahaye et Cie., 1878. -----. Sur une correlation pathogenique entre les maladies du cceur (insuffisance et retrecisse- meut aortiques) et l'hysterie chez l'homme. SO pp. 8°. Paris, V.-A. Delahaye et Cie., 1878. Armaingaud (Arthur). * Essai sur la rumina- tion humaiue, suivi d'experiences sur la digestion des aliments feculents. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 191. Armand. Traite de climatologie generale du globe. Etudes medicales sur tous les climats. xx, 868 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. Armand (Adolphe). Medecine et hygiene des pays chauds, et specialement de l'Algerie et des colonies, viii, 532 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, Chal- lamel aine', [1853]. -----. L'Algerie medicale, topographic, climato- logie, pathogenie, pathologie, prophylaxie, hy- giene, acclimatement et colonisation. Avec une carte de l'Algerie. viii, 532 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1854. -----. Histoire medico-chirurgicale de la guerre de Crimee d'apr&s les travaux des medecins mili- taires. viii, 464 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Rosier, 1858. Armand (Jules). *De l'extension continue comme traitement de la coxalgie chez les enfants. 98 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 38. Armand (P.) * Considerations sur l'age critique des femmes, et sur les moyens de prevenir les maladies qui peuvent survenir k cette peri ode de la vie. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 181, v. 159. Armand (Pierre). * Du traitement de la coquelu- che par l'hydrate de chloral et x>ar le bromure de potassium. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 168. Armand (Pierre-Louis). * Essai sur les perfora- tions spontanees du tube digestif, suivi de quel- ques observations sur le meme sujet. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 172, v. 253. Armangue (Jose). See Esquerdo y Esquerdo (Pedro). Leciones de clinica medica. 8°. Barce- lona, 1879. Armann (C.) Ueber Erfurter Gesnndheitsver- haltnisse und die nothigen Gesundheitsmassre- geln. Vortrag, gehalten im Gewerbeverein zu Erfurt am 6. Jan. 1873. 2. Abdr., 16 pp. 8°. Erfurt, H. Neumann, 1873. Armann (Philippus). *De febri intermittente per ver et sestatem anni 1847. Gryphise epidemica. 31 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Kunike, [1847]. Armantier (Charles). * De l'hysterie. 35 pp. 4C. Paris, 1853, No. 297, v. 534. Armatage (George). The horseowner and stable- man's companion. 237 pp. 8°. London, F. Warne Sr Co. -----. Memoranda for emergencies; or, the veteri- narian's pocket-remembrancer. 168 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill S; Sons, 1870. Armatus. See Conservanda (De) bona valetu- dine, etc. 12°. Francofurti, 1557. Armbrecht (August). Lehrbuch der Veterinar- Chirurgie mit Beniitzung des Handbuches der Veterinar-Chirurgie von Prof. G. Strauss. 1.-3. Lief., 480pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1862-70. -----. Lehrbuch der Veteriniir-Chirurgie. xvi, 656 pp. 8C. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1879. Armbrust (Ignatius Ludovicus). * Sistens non- nullos graviores morbos ex alvo constipata. 4 pi., 31 pp. sm. 4C. Argentorati, J. H. Heitz, 1749. Armoruster (Franciscus Josephus). * Diss. iuaug. sistens felicem uteri post partum inversi repositionem. 40 pp. 4°. Argentorati, ex off. Heit- ziana, [1776]. Armbruster (J.-J.) *Diss. sur l'hygiene mili- taire. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 69, v. 131. Armbster (Gerhardus). * De paragomphosi ca- pitis foetus in partu. 26 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Gcet- tingce, apud A. Vandenhoeck, [1749]. Armeens Laegekominissions motiverede Forslag til Forpleiningsregulativ for Armeen til Benyttelse under de udskrevne Afdelingers aarlige Vaabend- velser saavelsom ved de stadigtjenstgj^rendeAf- delinger, for hvilke faelles Bespisuinger anordnet, tilligemed Generalchirurgens Bemserkninger til samme. [Kristiania den 25. de Februar 1878. ] 47 pp. 4°. . [n.p., n. d.] Armellino (G.) See Buonafede (P. A.) His- AEMELLINO. 522 AKM1ES. Armellino (G.)—continued. toire critique et philosophiquo du suicide. 8°. Paris, 1841. Arnicngaud (Emilien). * De la procidence du cordon ombilical. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 74, v. 612. Armenia. Eiietard (G.) Arm6nie (g6ographie m6dicale). Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vi, 128-136. Armenschtlllelirer- Bildungs- und Kinder- rettuugs-Anstalt in Lichtenstern. Jahresbericht und Eeehnung der Armenschullehrer- Bilduugs- und Kinderrettungs-Anstalt in Lichtenstern. 37. (1872-3). 12°. Heilbronn, 1873. Armcnter (J.) See Revista de ciencias medicas. Armentieres. See Insane (Asylums for). Armies. See, also, Army (Austrian, Belgian, etc.); Pu- nishments; War, Frv (J. B.) The history and legal effect of brevet in the armies of Great Britain and the United States from their origin in 1692 to the present time. 8°. Neiv York, 1877. Gordon (C. A.) A lecture on some points for comparison between the French and British sol- dier. 8°. London, 1872. Jackson (E.) A view of the formation, disci- pline, and economy of armies. 3. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1845. Eiiodes (G.) Tents and tent-life, from the earliest ages to the present time. To which is added the practice of encamping an army in an- cient and modern times. 8°. London, 1858. von StJssiiiLCHGEN H5rnig (W.) Die Miirsche der Truppen. Eine Studie fiber den Meehanismus der Truppenbewegung. 8°. Leipzig, 1873. Upton (E.) The armies of Asia and Europe, embracing official reports on the armies of Japan, China, India, Persia, Italy, Russia, Austria, Ger- many, France, and. England. Accompanied by letters descriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus. 8°. New York, 1878. Johnston (J.) Flogging in the army. Lancet, Lond., 1879, ii, 111.—IVEalinovskii (A.) Peredvizhenie voisk po zhclaiznoi dorogai; noudobstva ego imairi k'umenshcniyv neudobstv. [Transportation of troops by rail; its incon- veniences, and means for their removal.] 'Med. vestnik, St. Petersb.,1863, iii, 453-457.— Marsh (G. P.) The camel. [For army transportation.! Rep. Smithson. Inst., "Wash., 1854, viii, 98-122.—Ulilitartauglichkeit (Die) in den grcisse- ren europaischen Heeren. "Militaerarzt, Wien, 1867, i, 165: 180; 212; 227; 357. Armies (Clothing and accoutrements for). Army (Berrington's and Spiller's knapsacks). (Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed 28. Aug., 1860.) fol. [London, I860.] Baxter (DeW. C.) Description of the knap- sack-supporter. 24°. Philadelphia, 1868. Bellange (H.) Collection des types de tous les corps et les uniformes militaires de la rcpu- blique et de I'empire. 4°. Paris, 1844. Directions for fitting infantry equipments, U. S. Army. Watervliet Arsenal, West Trov, N. Y. 8°. Springfield, Mass., 1872. Dress ofthe general staff and regimental offi- cers of the army of the United States. [ Order No. 50.] Adjutant General's Office, Washington, 31. May, 1832. 12°. [ Washington, 1832?] Luard (J.) A history oi' the dress of the Bri- tish soldier from the earliest period to the present time. roy. 8°. London, 1852. Metzig (J. C. H.) Das Kleid des Soldaten vom iirztUchen Standpunkte aus betrachtet. Ein Bei- trag zur Kriegs-Hygieiue. 8°. Lissa u. Leipziq, 1837. J' Ordnance memoranda No. 19. Proceedings of the board of officer's conveuedunder Special Orders Armies (Clothing and accoutrements for). No. 120, A. G. O., 1874, on infantry-equipments, and materials and supplies necessary for efficient outfit of infantry-troops iu field and garrison, with tho action of the War Department thereon. 4°. Washington, 1875. Palmer's army equipments. [Nashville, Tenn., 1873.] Eavenez (E. F.) * De l'habillement actuel du soldat; essai d'hygiene militaire. 4°. Paris, 1874. Regulations for the uniform and dress of the army of the United States, July, 1872. From the original text and drawings in the War Depart- ment, fol. Washington, 1872. Woodhull (A. A.) A medical report upon the uniform and clothing of the soldiers of the United States army. 8°. Washington, 1868. Aaronssobn. De l'habillement et de l'equipement du soldat. Rec. de ni6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s., xix, 405-4.14.—Alfar© (M.) Necesidad del uso de las polainas para la infanteria en campaiia. An. Asoc. Larrey, Mexico, 1875, i, 182-184.—Bekleidung (Die) des Soldaten. Mili- taerarzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 257-259. — Bemerkungen zu der Bekleidung der Soldaten in Preusscn. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Acrzte, Brnschwg., 1848,vi, 140-143.—Berington (J.) A description of a new knapsack and girdle for infantry soldiers; with a narrative of the steps hitherto taken to Eromote their adoption in the British army. Lancet, ond., 1849, i, 502; 535.—Bcschuhung (Die) des Solda- ten. Militacrarzt, Wien, 1867, i. 302; 310. —Bishop (J.) The knapsack. Hoy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond., 1863, i, 302-305. — Champouillon. Hygiene militaire; do la chaussure des troupes. Bee do m6m. de m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvi, 449-471.—Corban (L.) Essay on the dress of the British army in India, European and native. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1869, Lond., 1871, xi, 302-309.— Coulier. L'hygiene du soldat; experiences sur les 6toffes qui servent a confectionner les vetements militaires. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1858, v, 189; 221. Also: J. de la phy- siol. de l'homme, Par., 1858, i, 122-138. Aho: Kec. de mem. dc med. . . . mil., Par.. 1858. 2. s., xxii, 421-439. Also, Re- print.—da Cunha Bellem (A. M.) Hygiene militar; mais consideracoes a respeito do vestuario e eqnipamento do soldado. EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1868, xix, 415-418.— Description de l'uniforme des interprctes militaires. J mil. off., Par., 1874, 87-105, 1 pi. — Diemer. Die Verbrei- tung von Infectionskrankheiten in der englischen Armee vermittelst der Uniformcn. Feldarzt, Wien, 1878, 25.— "Bress (The) of our troops". Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 615.—Buke (J.) Shoulder-pads. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1874, ix, 208. — Farquharson (R.) The dress of our soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 137.—Fraser (T.) Personal equipment of officers on activo service. J. Roy. United Serv. Inst., Lond., 1879, xxiii, 99-115, 1 tab.—Fro- lich (H.) Die Bekleidung und Ausriistung des deutschen Reichsheeres und insonderhcit die.jenige seines Sanitiits- personals. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878, n. F., xxix, 122-143.—General orders in regard to the clothing of the army, as affecting the health of the soldier. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1811, vii, 125.— Gentis. Do klceding van den soldaat. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1877, i, 100-204.—Graves (P. J.) On military equipment. J. Roy. United Serv. Inst., Lond., 1878, xxii, 120-154, 2 pi.— Grimm (J.) Der russisch-tiirkische Fcldzng 1877-8. Deutsche mil.-arzfl. Ztschr., Berl., 1879,viii, 113- 177. Aho, abstract: Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 34.—Hoscn (Die) der Sol- daten vom Standpunkte der Militair-Sanitiits-Polizei beur- theilt. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aertze, Brnschwg., 1844, ii, 155- 157.—Hygiene (Zur) der Fiisse und Fussbeklcidung der Soldatcn. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 54-56.—Idccn fiir eine nationale Bekleidung des schweizerischen Heeres. Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., 1850, i, 153-156.— Jef- freys (J.) Helmet. Roy. Com. san. state Armv in India, Lond., 1863, i, 180-186. 1 pi. —Judee. Recherehes sur un nouveau systeme d'equipement. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1863, 3. s., ix, 326-331. -----. Applica- tion des notions physiologiques k l'equipement militaire. Gaz. d. hiip., Par., 1868, xii, 486. Also: France med., Par., 1868, xv, 540; 1570]. -----. Nouveau niodele de couvre- nuque. Gaz. de hop., Par., 1869, xiii, 174. Also: Franco med., Par., 1869, xvi, 379. -----. De la tenuo do l'infan- terie en campagnc. Ibid., 514; 523; 532. —Kruiis (J.) Wie viol von Armatur und Gepack darf clem Manne auf- gebiirdet werden, wie soil sie fjetragen werden, welche Gc- sundheitsstorungen sind nachweisbar ? Die Folgen von un/.weckmiissigem Gebahren in dieser Beziehung. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1872, xiii, 137; 155; 171; 185; 211; 219; 225; 233; 241; 251; 257; 265; 276; 285; 291; 298; 313; 321; 329; 345.—Jlassey (E. C. H.) Essay on the dress of the army in India. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1839, Lond., 1871, xi, 292-301.—Foggio (H.) Del vestido interior del soldado. Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1853, ix, 35-37.—Bieeke. Bekleidung und Armimng des Soldaten. Alia. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1845, iii, 211-21J.—Roberts (F.) On military ARMIES. 523 ARMIES. Armies (Clothing and accoutrements for). hygiene, and particularly upon the clothing of soldiers. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844, ii, 513; 641.— Snaryazhenii (Ob) prodovalstvii voisk v' vocnnoe vremya. [On the cqui pmont and subsistence of troops in time of war. J Voyeniio-ined. J., St. Petersb., 1868, vii, pt. 1,7.—Tourainne. Note sur la chaussure du fantassin. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1872, 3. s., xxviii, 65-90.—Vazquez (S. V.) Consi- deracioncs sobre la convenicncia de las telas de alirodon para ropa interior y vestido dc verano del soldado. Siglo med., Madrid, 1854, i, 51. — Vercainer. Habillemciit ct equipement de la troupe. Arch. mod. beiges, Brux., 1867, 2. s., v, 324-334. Armies (Diseases and mortality of). See, also, Cavalry (Diseases of); Hospitals (Militarg); Medicine (Military); Surgery (Mili- tary) ; and under names of diseases, especially Aneurisms (Aortic); Aneurisms (Aortic, Causes of); Diarrhcea (Chronic); Dysentery in sol- diers; Fever (Typhus) in armies; Heart (Diseases of), and occupations; Hernia (Anatomy, etc., of; Insanity and age; Mouth (Inflammation of); Nostalgia; Phthisis; Phthisis aud occupations. Baldinger (E. G.) [Pr.] de militum morbis iuprimis vero exercitus regis Prussia}. 4°. Vitem- bergce, 1763. Cerveau (M.) * Essai sur la clinique des ca- sernes militaires. 4^. Paris, an XII [1804]. Clark (T.) Observations on the nature and cure of fevers, and of diseases of tho West and East Indies, and of America; with an account of dissections performed in these climates, and ge- neral remarks on diseases of the army. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1801. Colin (L.) fitudes cliniques de medecine miU- taire. Observations et remarques recueillies k l'h6pital militaire du Val-de-Grace, spdcialement sur la tuberculisation aigue et sur les affections des voies respiratoires et digestives. 8°. Paris, 1804. Guilhaumon (M. F.) La guerre et les epide"- mies d'apres les mdmoires de la Socie'te' des sciences mddicales de Metz. 3. 6<1. 12°. Paris, [n. d.] Hericourt (J.) * Quelques considerations sur les maladies du soldat en garuisou. 4°. Paris, 1874. Lapeyre (G.) *Des affections qui frappent plus particulierement le soldat. 4°. Paris, 1850. Laveran (A.) Trait6 des maladies et epide- mics des armees. 8°. Paris, 1875. Laveran (L.) De la niortalitd des armees en campagne au point de vue de I'etiologie. 8°. Paris, 1863. Aho, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 896-899. Lebastard (R.) * De quelques accidents de la marche chez le soldat. 4°. Paris, 1878. Lorentz (J. A.) Morbi deteriores not® Gallo- rum castra trans. Eheuum sita ab anuo 1757 ad 1762 infestantes. 8°. Sclestadii, 1765. Pringle (J.) Observations on the diseases of the army, in camp and garrison. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1753. -----. Aanmerkingen over de ziektens by een heirleger. Uit het engelsch vertaale, na den ver- meerden der den en laatsten druk; en met aante- keningeu verrykt, door Jan Hendrick Hermans. 8°. Middelburg, 1763. -----. Verhandeling over de legerziekten, be- helzendeeene beschryving vande oorzaaken, aart, voorbehoediug eu geneezing der ziekten, die iu de legersen garni zoenen voorvallen. Naar den laats- ten druk, uit het engelsch vertaald, met de nieu- uste waameemingen verrykt, en vermeerderd met eene geneeskundige beschryving der hospi- taalen, van den heere Douald Monro. Mede uit het engelsch vertaald door L. Bicker. 3 v. 8°. Amsterdam, 178.">-^. ScilAARSCHMrDT (S.) Abhandlung von Feld- . krankheiten, hrsg. von Ernst Gottfried Kurella. 2 Th. in 1 v. 8°. Berlin, 1758-9. Schilling (J. A.) Militurkraiikheiteii oder : Armies (Diseases and mortality of). Heilung der durch Feldziige entstandenen Lei- den uud Siechthumszustando mittels des Loh- Steinbacher'schen Heilsystems. Mit besonderer Beriicksiohtigung der Naturheilanstalt Wilhelms- bad zu Cannstatt. Mit einem Anhang: 1. Die Morphiumkrankheit in Folge von Kriegsleiden; 2. Hydrotherapeutische Behandlung der Wun- den. ' 8°. Berlin, 1878. van Swieten (G.) Description abrege" des ma- ladies qui regnent le plus cornuiunernent dans les amides, avec la mdthode de les traiter. 16°. Amsterdam, 1761. Tiiukn (W.) Dio Entstehung von Krank- heiten als direkte Folge anstrcngender Miirsche. (Marschkrankheiten.) 12->. Berlin, 1872. Woodward (J. J.) Outlines of the chief camp diseases of the United States armies, as observed during the present war. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. Aleock (R.) Some observations on the medical statis- tics of armies. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, i, 321-330.—Aneu- rism in the army. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, I860, iv, 144-140.—Arnold (J.) [On diseases of troops.] Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1811, xxv, 13-23.—Balfour (T. G.) Comparative health of seamen and soldiers, as shown by the naval and military statistical reports. J. Statist. Soc. Lond., 1872, xxxv, 1-24.—Bnrr (R. N.) Army diseases. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1862, xiv, 95-116.—Boudin. fitudes statistiques et medicales sur les armees 6trangei'es. Rec. demem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s., xviii, 1-10.— Colin (L.) Morbidite-militaire. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1875, 2. s., ix, 355-455.—Curran (W.j Personal ex- perience of death from aneurism and disease of the heart in the service; a clinical note. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xxi, 428; 528: xxii, 137; 229.—Demmler (A.) Des accidents produits par la marche pendant les fortes chaleurs et do leur pathog6nie. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1878, x, 209- 212. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, 722-724.—Des- genettes. Note sur des maladies qui, k diverses 6poques, ont attaque les armees franchises. J- compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1826, xxv, 46-50.—Edmonds (T. R.) On tho mortaUty and sickness of soldier? engaged in war. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, 143-148.—Hecker (J.-F.-R.) Coup-d'ceil historique sur les maladies des armies. Rev. m6d. franc, ct etrang., Par., 1840, ii, 5-15.—Hunt (C. A.) Cold and wet a cause of camp disease, and its modus operandi. Chicago M. Exam., 1863, iv, 226-235.—OTaladies (Sur les) des armees en campagne pendant l'hiver. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1832, iii, 839; 843.—Marques (J. A.) A predominancia das doencas de peito, e especialmente da tisica, na guarnicao de Lisboa demonstrada por investigacoes estatisticas sobre os mappas nosologicos e necrologicos dos hospitaes mili- tares. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1861, 2. s., xxv, 205- 220. -----. Factos e consideracoes deduzidos do exanie estatistico dos mappas nosologicos e necrologicos dos hos- pitaes militares, em relacao ao anno decorrido de Julho de 1859 a Junho de 1860. EschoUaste med., Lisb., 1861, xu, 129; 145.—Morache(G.) Militaire. (Profession-hygiene, j Bibliographic. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1873, 2. s., vii, 675-824: 1874, viii, 1-73.—mortalite des arm6es on campagne. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1871, 2. s., xxxvi, 214.— IVewman (A.) A comparison of the mortality from di- sease in armies with that of men of military ages in civil life, showing the groups of diseases chiefly concerned in causing the excess of mortaUty in armies. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1869-70, iii, 241; 304. Aho, Reprint.—Ot- terson (W. C.) Diseases in camp; their causes and treatment. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1863, vi, 135-137.—Bill- mann (A.) Ueber die neuesten Kriegsseuchen. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 77. — Bobinoon (F.) Aneu- rism in the army. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 364.-----. On diseases common to soldiers on home service. Ibid., 1852, i, 92; 115; 170.—Schadlichkeit (Die) der Truppcn- dislokationen in Bezug auf die sauitiiren Verhaltnisse der Mannschaft. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1870, xi, 340-342.— Weeland(N.) Zur AetiologiederSterblichkeitdes Soldaten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1871, iii, 221-253. — Shinulcvitcha. Organizatsija voenno-medi- tsinskoistatistikivebolshijeevropeiskichegosudarstvache. [Mil.-med. statistics in the larger European states.] Voy- enuo-med. J.,St. Petersb., 1876, exxvii, 109-168.—de Soiuo- villa(j. L.) Aplicacion de la cienciaestadisticaii lamcdi- cina militar. Mem. de san. d. ej6rcito, etc., Madrid, 1858- 60, 12; 66.—Sormani (G.) Delia statistica in genere e della statistica medica militare in speciale modo. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1871, xix, 717-744.—Stcr- blichkcit (Ueber die) der Armeen im Kriege. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 931.—Tholozan. De l'exces de mortalite clu a la profession militaire; nature et cause de la phthisie endemique de l'arm6e; moyen de diminuer la mortalit6 des armees en temps de paix et en temps de guerre. Gaz. med. do Par., 1859, 3. s., xiv, 346; 300; 410. Aho, transl.: Mem. de san. cl. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1*58- ARMIES. 524 ARMIES. Armies (Diseases and mortality of). 60,509; 537; 567.—Todd (R. C.) Notes on aneurism, etc., as to the presence or absence of a souffle in thoracic aneurisms, with some remarks on circulatory diseases among soldiers. ArmyM. Dep. Rep., 18G8, Lond., 1870.x, 277-285.—llmer (L.) Die Krankheiten in unsercr Armee in ihren Beziehun gen zur Verpflegung und Wohnung der Trnppen. Allg. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien. 1867, viii, 121; 140; 155; 161; 169; 180; 187; 193; 203.—Vallin (E.) De la salubrite de la profes- sion miUtaire. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1809, 2. 8., xxxi, 80-115. Armies (Food and rations for). See, aho, Bread. Baroffeo (F.) & Quagliotti (A.) Alinien- tazione del soldato. 8°. Torino, 1860. Bresgen (A.) Der Einfluss und die Bedeutung der diiitetischen Hautpflege auf den Gesundheits- zustand und die Leistungsfahigkeit der Friedens- armee. 8°. Coin u. Leipzig, 1871. Dunaef (V. I.) Razbor pitauiya nashikh sol- dat i kharakter bolaiznei, i obuslovlivaemii. [The kind of food of our soldiers and the character of the diseases produced by it.] 8°. Kazan, 1871. Ebersberger (G.) Nonnulla ad dioetam cas- trensem spectautia. 8°. Wirceburgi, 1843. Horsford (E. N.) The army ration. How to diminish its weight and bulk; secure economy in its administration; avoid waste, and increase the comfort, efficiency, and mobility of troops. 8°. .Veto York, 1864. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1864. McParlin (T. A.) [Calculations ofthe nutri- tive value ofthe army ratiou.] 8°. Ft. Leaven- worth, Kansas, 1875. Manual for army cooks. Compiled from the re- port of a board of officers. 12°. Washington, 1879. Maury (C.) 'Considerations sur l'alimenta- tion du soldat en campagne. 4°. Paris, 1872. Messerschmidt (G.) Die Militiir-Oeconomie. Handbuch fiir Militarverwaltuugs-Beainte, Mili- tiirs und diejenigen, welche sich mit der Militiir- Oeconomie vertraut machen wollen. 1. v.: Die Verpflegung der Kriegsheere. 8°. Berlin, 1854. Poggiale. Du pain de munition distribue" aux troupes des puissances europeennes, et de la com- position chimique du son. 8°. Paris, 1854. Portalier (E.) * Essai sur l'alimentation du soldat. 4°. Paris, 1878. Sanderson (J. M.) Camp fires and camp cook- ing, or culinary hints for the soldier, including receipt for making bread in the "portable field oven" furnished by the Subsistence Department. 4°. Washington, 1862. A manuscript copy of the original. Soyer (A.) Culinary campaign; being his- torical reminiscences of the late war, with the plain art of cookery for military and civil insti- tutions, the army, navy, public, etc. ri'. Lon- don, 1857. Squillier (J.) Des subsistances militaires, de leur qualitd, de leur falsification, de leur inanu- tentiou et de leur conservation, et e~tude sur l'ali- mentation de l'homme et du cheval, appliqude plus specialement au soldat et au cheval de troupe. 8°. Anvers, 1H58. Voizard (G.-F.) * Etude sur l'alimentation du soldat. 4°. Paris, 1873. Zeisser (T. G.) * Nonnulla ad diaetam cas- trensem spectantia. sm. 4°. Erlangce, [1757], Ameliorations k introduire dans la composition et la fabrication clu pain de munition. Cons. sup. d'hyg. pub. rap., Brux., 1868-74, iv, 311-319.—[von Andelbcig (M.)] Diiitetische Soldatenregeln. AUg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brn- schwg., 1843, i, 126-128.—Arella. Concorso al premio Riberi per l'anno 1858 sul tema d'alimentazione del soldato. Oazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova. 1860. iii. 67-70.— Arnould (I.) Alimentation et regime du soldat. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1871, 2. s., xxxv, 241-288.— Asdic. Vor- schlage zu einer zweckmiissigen und mciglichst bUligen Xaturalverpflegung der Armee in Friedenszeiten. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1864, n. F., i, 229-292.— Baillet (L.) Du mode de fournituro des viandes dc troupe. Kec. de med. v6t., Par., 1879, 6. s., vi, 289-297.— Armies (Food and rations for). Boucher. Vorschlage zu einer mbglichst billigcn und gesunden Mundverpflegung des Militairs in Garnisoncn. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1862, xxi, 124-170.— Boiilangeries militaires. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1872, 3. s., l, 353-375: 1873, 3. 8., iii, 60-71.—Bourdin (C.) De l'alimentation de l'armee francaise. Courrier med., Par., 1876, xxvi, 297; 305; 313.— Bouvicr. De l'alimen- tation du soldat. J. do med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1848, vi, 8-13.—Burgersdijk (C.) Onderzoek van twee verduurzaamde levensmiddclen: '' Puree de pois a l'extrait cie viande americainc " en "Puree de haricots k l'extrait do 16"umes" van Ch6vct, Palais Roval, Paris. Nederl. mU. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1878, iii, 330-335.—Cham- pouillon. Quelques observations relatives au regime alimentairc du soldat. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvii, 205-232.—dc Chaumout (F. S. B. F.) The soldier's ration. San. Rec, Lond., 1876, iv, 85-88.— Be Brocn. Do 1'aUmentation de la troupe en temps de paix. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1876, 3. s., ix, 169-190.— Dccroix. AUmentation des armees en campagne; viande de cheval. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxv, 497-507.—Dcterminar de un modo & la par cien- tifico y practico la aluncntacion mds conveniente en canti- dad y calidad para los soldados de mar y Uerra, para los acojidos en los establecimicntos ben6ficos no hospitalarios, para los detenidos en las carceles y presidios, teniendo en cuenta su sexo, edad, talla y genero de vida ii ocu- pacion. Siglo med., Madrid, 1865, xii, 643; 772; 788; 804; 821; 836: 1866, xui, 23; 39 ; 53; 85.—Biet table for miUtary prisoners, above a month in prison, and at hard labour. Rep. San. Com. Bombay (1866), 1867, app., 53.— Bnfonr. Rapport presente k la Societe lausannoise des ofliciers, sur l'alimentation do l'armee, et sp6cialement sur l'infiuence de la saison. Bull. Soc. m6d. dela Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1875, ix, 181-190, 1 pi.—Hibl. Ueber Wein, Branntwein und Kaffee, als Getranke zur Konservation der Soldaten. MU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1862, Ui, 21; 27; 33.— Igiene miUtare: La ridugione deUa razione deUa came (dai 200 ai 100 gramme]. Salute, Genova, 1874, ix, 138.— Informc sobre las condiciones del pan preferible para la aUmentacion del soldado. Siglo mod., Madrid, 1862, ix, 691; 706.—Instruction du conseU de sante des armees, k l'effet de guider les troupes dans la composition de leur re- gime alimentairc. Rec. aeni6ni. demed.. .. mil., Par.. 1850, 2. s., v, 343-352.—Jacquot (F.) Alimentation clu soldat. Gaz. med. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viu, 527.—Jansen. Conside- rations sur 1'aUmentation dc la troupe. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1868, 2. s., vii, 361-376.—Kranz. Ueber die Oeko- nomie und die BUanz der menschUcheu Kriifte, besonders beim Soldaten. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Koln, 1877, vi, 78-89.—Landa. De la aUmenta- cion en campaha. Mem. de san. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1858-60, 115; 144. -----. De la aUmentacion del soldado. Ibid., 31; 60; 87.—Lcgros (H.) Note sur 1'aUmcntation de la troupe. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1856, xvU, 24-31. Also, transl.: Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Go- rinchem, 1856, n. s., ii, 244-246.—I.ehre (Zur) von der Er- nahrung des Soldatcn. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1868, ii, 102- 104.—New army prepared-food factory, Mayence. Builder, Lond., 1873, xxxi, 945.—Prilehard (II. B.) Soldier's ra- tions. Nature, Lond.. 1877, xvi, 157.—Reclam (C.) Die Erbswurst. Gesundheit, Elberfeld, 1877, ii, 289.—Bio- lacci. Sur l'usage journaUer du cafe (le matin) dans les corps de troupes. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s., xviu, 353-370.—Bouth (C. H. F.) On the na- ture of food; with some remarks on the varieties of ali- ments to be suppUcd to the army and navy. Lond. J. M., 1852, iv, 516-543.—Schill. Eiweisszwieback als Armee- conserve. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1879, viii, 507-514.—dc Seijas (E.) De la aUmentacion del soldado. Mem. de san. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1858-60, 195-199.— Thomas. Note sur des tablettes cie cafe et sucre k l'usage du soldat en campagne. Rec. de m6m. de med. ... nnl.,"Par., 1874, xxx, 187-189.—Vazquez (S. G.) Datos demonstratives dc la beneflca influeneia de la buena alimcu- tacion en la robustez y major salud del soldado. Siglo med., Madrid, 1859, vi, 18.—Verpflegung (Die) der osterreichi- schen Armee im Frieden. von einem osterreichischen Militiirarzte. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1867, i, 260-262.—Ver- pflegung (Zur) des Soldaten. Ibid., 1874, vni, 105-107.— Vieh- (Die) und Fleischschau vom militariirztlichen Ge- sichtspunkte. [Xach: Isfordink's Milit. Gesundheits-Poli- zei.] Ibid., 1870, iv, 179; 187; 196.—Wittichen. Die Natural verpflegung der Soldaten in der Garnison, mit beson- derer Beriioksichtigung der preussischen, nach den ge- setzUchen Bestimmungen; mit Yerbesserungsvorsehlagen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1866, n. F., xxiv, 30-85.—Zinin (N.) Sc VIcrklin. Otzive ve voenno- nieditsinskii uchenu komitete odostoinstvi6 partu siicharei odesskago voennago okruga. [Examination of biscuit for the troops.] Voyenuo-med. J., St. Petersb., 1878, exxxi, 145-150.—ZivcckgcmaMgcui (Zur) Transportirung fri- schen Broths fiir die Annee. MiUtaerarzt, Wien, 1867, i, 278. Armies (Habitations for). Sec Barracks; Habitations; Hospitals (Mili- tary). AKMIES. 525 ARMIES. Armies (Medical organization and medi- cal supplies of). See, also, Armies (Recruiting of) and Recruits; Army (Belgian, etc., Medical department of); Hos- I pitals(/'7oatiHj7); Hospitals (Military); Hygiene (Military); Medicine (Military); Sanitary com- mission ; "Wounded (Care of) in war; Wounded and sick (Transportation of). Boudin (J. C. M.) Statistique de l'dtat sani- taire et de la mortalit6 des armees de terre et de mer; consider6es dans des conditions vari6es de temps et de lieux, d'age, de race et de nationality. 8°. Paris, 1846. Brian (R.) Du service de sante' militaire chez les romains. 8°. Paris, 1866. Evatt (G. J. H.) Army medical organization. A comparative examination of the regimental and departmental systems. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1878. Formulary of prescriptions for use in military hospitals. 24°. London, [n. d.] Gordon (C. A.) Remarks ou army surgeons and their works. 8°. London, 1870. Repr. from: Med. Mirror, Lond. Goze (E.) La me'decine militaire en France et en Amerique (d'apres le livre de AI. Vigo-Rous- sillon sur la puissauce militaire des fitats-Unis). iv. Parh, 1867. Extrait du Spectateur mUitaire. Hamilton (R.) The duties of a regimental surgeon considered; with observations on his general qualifications, and hints relative to a more respectable practice and better regulation of that department. 2 v. 8°. London, 1787. Hermant (E.) Essai sur I'organisation des ambulances volantes sur le champ de bataille. 8°. Bruxelles, 1872. ------. Note sur les nouveaux appareils d'ani- bulance. 12°. Gand, 1876. Repr. from: Rev. beige d'art, de sc. et de technol. mil., i. Jackson (R.) A system of arrangement and discipline, for the medical department of armies. 8°. London, 1805. Kuster (C.) Ueber die Truppenarzte im Felde. Nach eignen Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Meynne. filaments de statistique me'dicale militaire. 8C. Bruxelles, 1859. Ochmadt (A.) Die Privat-Thatigkeit auf dem Gebiete der Feldkrankenpflege, ihre Leistungen, ihre Organisation und ihr Verha'ltniss zur amtli- chen Feldsanitiit. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Petrie (M.) Hospital equipment for a bat- talion of infantry, regiment of cavalry, battery of artillery, and a company of engineers, roy. 8°. London, [n. d.] Ploss(H.) Die Krankenpflege im Kriege. 4°. Hildburghausen, 1870. Newspaper cutting from: Erganzungsblatter zur Kennt- niss der Gegenwart. Redeord (G.) Memorandum of improvements suggested in the medical service of the army, with a description and drawings of a new plan of equipment for the medical stall corps, with porta- ble stretchers and medicine pouches, etc., accom- panied with some remarks upon the educatiou, duties, and position of the medical officer. 8°. London, lr!58. Report (Second) on the mil. med. aud surg. field-hospital equipment at the Universal Exhi- bition at Paris. 4°. London, [n. d.] Roth (W.) Amtliche und freiwUlige Kran- kenpflege. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Rouciier (G.) De l'autorite' et de la responsa- bilite' m6dicales dans l'armee. 8°. Paris, 1873. Schiffmann (F. G.) Verhaltnisse des Militaer- arztes. 8°. Potsdam, 1814. Armies (Medical organization and medi- cal supplies of). Wreden (O. J.) Knrtzer Unterricht vom chi- rurgischen Feld-Kasten, besteheud in der Specifi- cation eiuiger Medicameute, die in einer com- pendiosen Feld-Apotheke konten genomnien wer- den, und Beyftiguug der Compositiouen; wobey zugleich das Vornehmste aus der Anatomie, Chi- rurgio und Medicin gezeiget wird, als eine Nach- richt wie ein Regiments-Chirurgus im Felde, Winter-Quartieren oder Garnisonen verfahren konne; nebst desselben Abzeichnung und Be- schreibung, deuen angehenden Chirurgis zum Besten aufgesetzet. 8°. Hannover, 1743. Yarrow (H. C.) & Rothrock (J. F.) Sug- gestions for the use of remedies furnished to field- parties. 12°. Washington, 1875. von Altenstein. Auszug aus einem Rundschreiben iiber die Berechtigung dei- Militair-Aerzte zur CivUpraxis. Mag. f. d. ges. Ileilk., Berl., 1825, xix, 368-370.—Arrault. Boito ou sac contenant tous les objets nd-cessaires aux offi- ciers de sant6 mUitaires, pour les premiers soins k donner aux blesses. [Rapport do M. Tallois.] Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1843-4, iii, 9-13. — Aubertin (C.) Du service m6dical dans les armees de l'antiquite. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par., 1870, viii, 1-39.— Beach, (J. N.) Army surgeons; their character and duties. Cincin. Lancet'& Obs., 1863, vi, 339-344.—Ber- natzik (W.) Ueber den Sparadrap und seinen Werth in der Militarpraxis. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1870, xi, 241; 259.—Briau (R.) Service de sant6 mUitaire chez les Romains. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1868, 2. s., v, 29-31.— Chevalier (M.) Des services de sant6 d'une arm6e en campagne. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1870, lxxxviU, 686- 711.—Con sells aux jeunes gens qui se destinent k la m6- decine miUtaire. Union m74. In: Handb. f. d. k. k. MUitar-Sanitatsw. 1. Lief. Arlt. ZurMUitar Sanitats-Refonn. Militaerarzt,"Wien, 1869, iii. 57_.—Ansser der Rangstour. Ibid., 1872. vi, 57- 59.—B abizky. Auch eine Skizzc zur Reorganisirung der feldarztlii ben Brane he. Mil.-arztl. Ztg., "Wien. 1863, iv, 3; 7.—Bcdarf Oesterrcich einer eigenen mUitariirztUchen BUdungsanstalt oder nicht ? Eine Erwidemng an Herrn Prof. Bruehl in "Wien. AUg. mil.-arztl. Ztg.. Wien, 1867, viii. 410; 418.—Beforderung (Die)ausser der Kangstour beidemmilitiirarztbchenOtlizierkorps. Ibid., 1872, xUi, 109- 112.—Briihl. Bcdiirfen grosse Militarstaaten einer eige- nen BUdungsanstalt fiir die Acrztoihrcr Armeen oder nic lit.' Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion der Josctinums-Frage. Mili- taerarzt, Wien, 1867, i, 177: 193; 241.—CisleithaniMche (Die) Landwehr und die MUifciriirzte der Linientruppen. Ein Beitrag znr Vertretung unseier Standesinteressen. Von einem derzeit bei der Landwehr konnuandirten Obcr- arzte. Allg. mU.-arztl. Ztg.. Wien. 1871. xii, 129-132.—von Corval. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Sanitiitsdienstes im Felde. Ibid.. 177; 185; 196.—B-erblich (W.) Die SteUung der osterreichischen MUitariirzte im jiingstcn Fcldzuge. Ibid., 1866, vii, 257-2G1. -----. Ueber Corps-Aiubulanceu. Ibid., vii, 161-163. -----. Skizze zu einer Militar-Sanitats- Verfassung der k.k. osterr. Armee. MUitaerarzt, Wien, 1868, ii, 161-163. -----. Zur Geschichte der Feld-Sauitatseinrich- tungen. mit besonderer Beziehung auf Oesterrcich. Ibid., 1*72. vi,65; 75: *1; 113; 124; 153.—vonDumreicher. Se- parut-Votuni des . .. in Angelegenbeitder Militar-Sanitats- Keform. (Beilage zum Elaborate der Enqucte-Konimission.) Militaerarzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 2; 22; 30; 72.—Eflektiv—in- valid und doch—aktiv. [ Ueber die Zeit des Eintritts der Mi- Utararzte in den Pensionsstand.] Ibid., 1872. vi, 73-75.— Enqucte-Cominission iuihuben Reichskriegsministe- riiun zur Berathung einer Reorganisation des MUitiir-Sani- tatswesens. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1*08. xiv, 961-964.—Frolich (H) Die Militar-Medizinalverfassung als Lehrgegenstand. Militaerarst, AVien. 1876, x, 129; 139; 145: 156; 162; 171; 179.—Geyss (R. W.) Court apercu sur le service de la pharmacie mUitaire dans l'annee imperial et royal d'Autriche. Gaz. m6d.,Par.,1873.2. s.,x.470.— Gruber (A.) Die Sterblichkeit unter den osterreichischen MUitiirarzten. Allg.mU.-arztl.Ztg.,Wien,1870,xi,322; 332.— Grundziige zur Anbahnung von Refonnen des Sanitats- wesens der k. k. Armee, entworfen fur die Enquete-Com- mission von clem hiezu gewahlten Comite. Oesterr. Ztschr. fprakt. ncilk.. Wien. 186*. xiv. 841-852.—Kais.-kongl. (Ueber die) Sanitiits-Truppen Einst und Jetzt. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1801. xi, 189.—Kirchenberger. Bemerkun- gen zu dem Aufsatze: "Zur Geschichte der osterr. MiU- tararzte". Prag. mecl. Wchnschi., 1*77. ii, 470—172.— Krenn (J.) Ein "Wort zur beabsichtigten Reorgauisirung des k. k. MiUtar-Sanitiitsweseiis. AUg. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien. 1867.vUi,211-213.—Kiinftigc (Die) Dienstvorschrift fiir die GUeder des militariirztUchcn Otiizierkorps. Ibid., 1869, x, 273-276.—von Kuhn. Vorschrift fiir die Ernen- nung und Qualitikations-Beschreibung der k. k. MUitar- iirzte. (Zirkular-Verordnung von 15. "Janner 1871. Pras. No. K).) Ibid.. 1871, xii, 41; 57 : 67 : 75: 83.—t.age (Die)der Militiirarzte in Dalmaticn. Milit.ierarzt. Wien. 1877, xi, 197-199.—l.e Fort (L.) La chirurgia militare neU'eser- cito austriaco. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1*72. xx, 501-52*.—ITIach. Grundziige der Reform des Militiir-Sanitiits-Wcsens. MiUtaerarzt, Wien, 1869. iv, 41- 54.—.Tlai-Anvnnccment (Vom) und der mUitararzt- Uchen Burcaukratie. Ibid., 1875, ix, 77; 85; 101.—medi- cal (The) department of the Austrian armv of occupa- tion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 705.—Michaelis (A.) Gedanken iiber Verbandplatze, Feldspitaler und Zerstreu- ungssvstemc mit Rucksicht auf das k. k. Dienstreglement. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1865, vi. 4; 20; 33; 44; 53'; 63; 74. -----. Die mUitararztUche Vorsorge auf den strategisch wichtigen Linien Oesterreichs. Ibid., 1870. xi, 1; 25; 37.— IVIilitararztlicher Kurs und Militar-Sanitatskomite. ibid.,1875,xvi,33.—I?Iuller(J.) Diek.k.MiUtargranze,mit besonderer Beriioksichtigung der vereinigten Carlstader, Banal- und Warasdiner-Granzo. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien. 1843, xliv, 89; 231; 301; xiv, 110; 235: 338.— IN'achtrags-Prufnugcn (Die) der subaltemen MiUtar- arzte. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien. 1869, x-, 417.—Neue (Der) EntwurV fiir das Militar-Sanitats-Wesen hervorgegangen aus den Berathungeu der im ReiehsKricgsministerium nie- dergesetzten " Durchfulirungs-Kominission '. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 83; 91.— Oesterreichische (Das) MiUtJir- j Army (Austrian, Medical department of). Sanitiits-Wesen anf der Pariser WeltaussteUung. AUg. mil.- arztl. Ztg., "Wien. 1867, viii, M-*3.—Organisation du service de sant6 dans les armees 6trangeres: empire d'Au- triche. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par., 1861. vi, 221- 223.—Organische Bestimmimgen unci Dienst-Vorschrift fiir den militararztlichen Kurs. Instruction fur das MiU- tiir-Sanitatskomite. I bid., 1*75, xvi, 35; 43. Aho: Militaer- arzt, "Wien, 1*75. ix. 27; 37.—Organische Bestiniiuungeu fiir das Heerwesen. betreffend die Militar-Sanitat, bezie- hungsweise das miUtiirarztliche Offizierskorps. die Sani- tats-Trupne, die Militar-Sanitats- und die Militiir-Medika- menten-Anstalten. Zirkular-Verordnung vom 10. Juli 1*70. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg.,Wien, 1870, xi, 201; 217; 247; 275; 2*7; 313.—Paikrt (A.) Die Militar-Sanitat in der Armee "eine Partei". AUg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 18G*. ix. 9-11.—Per- sonliche Vorschriften: fiir deu Chef-Arzt eines Truppen- korpers. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1*70. x, 137-139.—Petzko (J.) Wie sollte das Sanitiits wesen bei der Honvedarmee organisirt werden ? Allg. mU.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1871. xii, 204-206.-----. Das Sanitatswcsen bei der Honved-Annee. Ibid.. 150.—Port. Reformvorschlage fiir den FeldsanitiPs- dienst. Ibid.. 1869, x, 329; 337. -----. Betrachtungeuiiber don Feldsanitatsdienst. Ibid., 1871. xii, 113; 123; 132.— Bang- undGehalts-Verhaltnisse der osterreichischen Mi- litiir-Aerzte. Ibid.. 1807. viii. 150-152.—Reform (Zur) des osteir.-ungar. Militiir-Sanitiitswesens. Ibid.. 1809 ix. 85; 93.—Beorganisirung (Zur) der feldiirztlii Inn Brain he. Wien. M'd.-HaUe. 1860, i, 32; 64; 119; 150._Kzeiuciia (W.) Erimierungeu anmeine erstemiUtann/tlii le Iiicust- zeit im Jahre 1859, gelegenheitUch desheiabgelangten Auf- rufes zum Eintrittein'sMilitiir als Landwehr- oder Civilarzt fiir Kriegsdauer. Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien. 1*70, xi, 403; 415.— Schiott&deBesche. EtBesog veil det osterrigske Armcecorps i Holstecn 1851. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1851, v, 449; 501.—Schlosser. Giossen zur ! nothwendigen Reform des Militiir-Sanitatswesens. AUg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg.,Wien, 1867, viii,73-75.—Sciueleder. Ueber die SteUung d.-r Aerzte im osterrc'ic'hiseh-belgi.seheii Frei- willigen-KorpsinMexiko. Ibid., 1*04. 87.—Sind die cister- reicjiischen MiUtararztcOfnzierc ' Militaerarzt, Wien. 1879, xiU, 9-12.—Stand (Der) derMilitai-Sanitiits-Organizatious- Frago. Ibid., 1809. x, 17-20.—Statut fiir das k." k. Militiir- Sanitiitskomite. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1804, xiv, 525-527.— SteUung (Zur) der subalternen Aerzte. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien. 1869, x, 401. — Toinowitz. Die osterreichis- chen Corpsanibulancen. Ibid., 1866, vii. 313: 321—5'lmcr. Der Sanitiitsdienst in der Armee und die fcldiirztlii-lic Stel- 1 lung. Ibid., 1869, x, 350; 353. -----. Unsere reorganisirte Feldsanitat. Vergleichende Betrachtung. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1870. iv, 91; 102: 109; 116.—Verbcsserndc (Ceber die zu) SteUung der Aerzte in der Armee. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien. 1868, ix, 132; 140.—W. Die Militar-Sanitiitsein- ricbtungen nach den neuesten "Orgauischen Bestimmim- gen fiir das Heerwesen". Militaerarzt. Wien, 1869, iii, 17- 19.—Wchrpflichl (Die) derRescrve-Aerzte. Wien. med. Presse. 1879, xx, 92-94.—Wciser (M. E.) Dasmilitiirarzt- liche Oflicicrcorps ui der k. k. Landwehr. Feldarzt, Wien, 1876, 97: 101. -----. Die Waffeniibungs-Rapporte der k. k. | Landwehriirzte. Ibid., 1877. 30. Army (Austrian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Anleitung zur Vornahme meteorologischer und hydrometischer Beobnchtungen. 12°. Wien, 1877. In. Handb. f. d. k. k. Militar-Sanitatsw., 9. & 10. Lief. ArszuG aus den Sauitats-Beriehten iiber die k. k. osterreichische Armee und die Militiir-Granz- Bevolkerung fiir die Militiir-Jakre 1844-1^47. «J. Wien, [1645-8]. Brambilla (J. A.) Instrumentarium ehirurgi- cum militare Austriacum. fol. [Vindobonce], 17*2. Commkntarii in pharuiacopceam Austriacam militarem novam, in usum medicorum castren- sium Austriacorum. Ex Germanica in linguam Latiuam versi. HJ. . Vienna', Austria?, 1800. Istruzioni provvisorie per servire di norma alle autorita incaricate dell'esecuzione della leva militare per l'anno 1&20. Modello, Xo. 19-20. fol. MUano, [1P20]. Mezlkr von Andelberg (F. J.) Die Leistun- gen des kaiserl. konigl. Artilleriespitals zu Prag, nebsf vorausgeschiekten Betrachtuugen iiber die Gesundheitspflege der Soldaten uberhaupt unci der Artilleristen insbesondere. 8°. Prag, 1839. Quadro delle imperfezioni lisiche esimeuti dal servizio dell'armata. fol. [n.p., n.d.] Sciiimmer(G. A.) Biotik der k. k. cisterreichi- schen Armee im Frieden. 8°. Wien, 1863. AEMY. 532 ARMY. Army (Austrian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Statistischer Jahresbericht iiber die sanittiren Verhaltnisse des k. k. Heeres, und der Population in der Militiirgrenze, dann iiber die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der Wehrpflicbtigen im Jahre 1869. 4°. Wien, 1871. Vorschrift zur Verfassung periodischer mili- tiiriirztlieher Eingaben. 12°. Wien, 1877. In: Handb. f. d. k. k. MUitar-Sanitatsw., 9. & 10. Lief. Aspiranten fiir das k. k. mUitararztliche Officiers- corps. Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 14.—Auch ein "Wort zur Erganzung des miUtararztlichen Korps. MUitaerarzt, Wien, 1879, xiii, 60.—Beitrage zur Rekrutirungs-Sta- tistik. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. cl. Aerzte in Wien, 1863, xix, 355; 396; 405.—Bcna. Betrachtungen iiber den Sanitatsdienst wahrend des Aufstandes in Slid- dalmatien. Allg mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1870, xi, 6; 17.— Bericht iiber die wahrend dor 4. Periode (1-30 August 1869) im Lager bei Bruck an der Leitha vorgekommenen Eikrankungen. Ibid., 1869, x, 348-350.—Dcrblich. Bei- triige zur MUitarstatistik. Mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1863, iv, 13-15.—Frste offlzicllo Erlautenmg der Vorschrift zur Verfassung der periodischen miUtararztlichen Eingaben fiir die k. k. Armee. Von einem k. k. Feldarzte. MiU- tararzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 219-222.—Facen (J.) DeUe infer- mita- e deUa mortality delle reclute venete ncgli eserciti austriaci. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1861, iv, 81-85.—von Fleischhaker (V.) TJeber MorbiUtat unci MortaUtat der Garnison Graz mit Bezugnahmo auf die Civilboviilkerung. Feldarzt, Wien, 1875, 73; 77; 81.—Ge- danken eines Militararztes uber die Gesundheitsverhalt- nisse in der osterreichischen Armee und iiber das Wehr- gesetz. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1878, xii, 131; 139; 147; 169.— Glattcr (E.) Die MUitarstatistik in Oesterreich. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1869, x, 365; 381; 409; 456. -----. Statistischer Jahresbericht iiber die Ergebnisse der Unter- suchung der Wchrpflichtigen im Jahre 1869. Ibid., 1872. xiU, 336-338. -----. Statistischer Jahresbericht iiber die Sani- tatsverhiiltnisse des k. k. Heeres und der Population in der Militargrenze. Ibid.. 123; 173; 187 ; 198; 221; 246: 261; 304.—Haller (C.) Die Krankheits-Constitution des Mili- tarjahres 1840-41. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1842, xl, 257-269. -----. Aerztlicher Bericht iiber das k. k. o. n. Provinzial-Strafhans in Wien wahrend des MUitiirjahres 1842-3. Ibid., 1844, xlvii. 233; 356.—Harm- lose Bemerkungen iiber die Vorschrift zur Verfassung der periodischen militararztlichen Eingaben fiir die k. k. Annee. Von einem k. k. Feldarzte. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 193; 201.—Krankenbericht uber das Feldspital No. 21 im Ausstellungsgebaude im Prater vom 6. Juli bis 23. August 1866. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866, xvi, 1141.— M ilitararztliche Feldpostbriefc vom Ki iogsscliauplatze au die Redaktion der "Med. Presse". Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 1295; 1423; 1487; 1581; 1614.— Militar-Acrztli- ches. Die neueste Krankeu-Rapports-Tabelle der oster- reichischen Armee. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1866. xvi, 243- 246.—lllohr (A.) Aerztlicher Bericht iiber die zwei griis- sern von Privaten in Graz gegriindeten Militar-Spitaler. Spitals-Ztg., Wien. 1860,199; 217.—Petition des Geschiifts- ausschusses des osterreichischen Aerztevereinsverbandes an Se. Excellenz den Herrn Kricgsminister um Entlassung der mobilisirtcn Reservearzte in ihre Heimath. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1879, iii, 21. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 50.—Pundsehu. Statistischer Bericht iiber die Resultate der Assentirung un Stellungs- Jahie 1869. AUg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1870, xi, 187 ; 209; 231.—Bckrutirnng (Die) in GaUzicn. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1873, vii, 105-107.—Rekrutirungs-Resultate. Ibid., 1869, iii, 69-72.—Bzchaczck (C.) Die Krankenbe- wegung und die Leistungen der vierten Abtheilung des k. k. FUial-F'eldspitales am grossen Lazarethfelde zu Graz in der Zcit vom 6. Juli bis 30. September 1859. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1860, xvi, 264; 280.—Sani- tats-Verhaltnisse (Die) des k. k. Heeres im Jahre 1872. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1875, xvi, 313; 331; 339; 348.— Sanitatsverhaltnisse der osterr. Armee in den ver- schicdenen Kronlandern, etc., im J. 1865. Ibid., 1867, viii, 10.—Schubert (A.) Bericht iiber die im Militarjahre 1844 im k. k. Graf Baillet de Latour Linien-Iufanterio-Re- giments-Spitr.le zu Prag iirztlich bchandclten Kranken. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1846, ii, pt. 2, 91-122.— Seligmann (L.) Krankenbeweguug una Verpflegung der Truppen im Lager bei Bruck a. d. Leitha. Allg. mil.- iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 18G8, ix, 25; 35; 44; 49; 59: 1869, 8; 27; 37; 73; 81; 100; 105.—Statistische Uebersicht iiber die Sanitiitsverbaltnisse der k. k. Armee und derMilitar-Grenz- Bevolkerung fiir den Monat August 1864. AUg. mU.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1864. 111.—Sterbliehkcit (Die) des k. k. Mi- litiirs in den Wiener Militarspitiilern im Solarjahro 1872. Mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1803, iv, 53; 61.—Sunnnarische Uebersicht uber dio in k. k. Wiener Militiir-Garnisons-Spi- tiilern behandelten Kranken. Wien. mecl. Wchnschr., 1852, ii, 170.—Uebersicht der Krankenbeweguug bei den Trup- pen- und Hoeres-Anstalten im Jahre 1871. AUg. mU.-arztl. Army (Austrian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Ztg., Wien, 1873, xiv, 77-80.—Ulmer. Zur Statistik um Assentplatze. Ibid., 1868, ix, 145; 156; 171; 177. ■ Statistischer Jahresbericht iiber dio sanitiiren Verhaltnisse des k. k. Heeres fur das Jahr 1870. Ibid., 1875, xvi, 113; 130.—Werbetrommel (Die) des miUtararztlichen Otfi- zierscorps. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1879, xiii, 33-36.—Wit- telshofer (L.) Der Aerztemangel in der Armee. Ibid., 177; 185; 193. Army (Belgian, Medical department of). [Collection of printed blank forms of the medical department of the Belgian army.] fol. Bruxelles, [n. d.] Reorganisation du service sanitaire de l'armee beige. Projets de loi, rapports, amendements, discussions parlementaires et loi sur cette reorga- nisation. 8°. Bruxelles, 1847. Service sanitaire de l'anne'e. 8°. [n. p., n. d. ] Merchie. Commission mixte de reorganisation de l'armee. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1871, 2. s.. xiii, 451- 463.—[IVouvcaux (Les) instruments de chirurgie, dont M. le Ministre de la Guerre vient de doter nos principaux hopitaux.] Ibid., 1869, 2. s., ix, 71-73.—Organisation du service de sante dans les armees etrangeres; royaume de Belgique. Rev. scient. d. nied. d. armees, Par., 1854, iv, 149-159.—Post (A. E.) Korte mededeeUngen over den mi- litair geneeskundigen dienst in het buitenland; Bclgie. Nederf mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1878, ii, 516- 527.—Schoenfeld. Caisse de secours du corps medical beige. Scalpel, Liege, 1878, xxxi, 121.—Service (Le) de sante de l'armee pendant la guerre. [Reponse au journal Le Scalpel.J Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1871, 2. s., xiii, 217- 230.—Veminckx. Rapport sur la pratique civUe des medecines miUtaires. BuU. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1845-6, v, 99-104. Army (Belgian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Statistique me"dicale de l'arm6e beige 1868-9. Statistique sur la mortalit6 dans les h6pitaux et infirmeries militaires 1862-7. 4°. Bruxelles, 1871. Statistique me'dicale de l'arme'e beige. (Pd- riode de 1870-74.) 4°. Bruxelles, 1877. Binard (F.) Rapport sur les maladies des troupes campfies pendant la periode des manoeuvres de 1856. Arch. beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1856, xviU, 337-360.—Bouvicr. Rapport sur l'etat sanitaire des troupes campees pendant la p6riode d'instruction des recrues de 1866. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1866, 2. s., iv, 137; 223.—C'elarier. Rap- Sort medical sur la p6riode de manoeuvres de 1877 au camp e Beverloo. laid., 1877, 3. s, xii, 337-350.—Dechangc. Rapport sur l'etat sanitaire des troupes campees h, Bever- loo pendant la periode de 1864. I bid., 1865, 2. s., i, 5-22. -----. Hopital mUitaire de Gand; rapport semestriel. Ibid., 1876, 3. s., ix, 393-407. -----. Hopital militaire de Gand; rapport ni6dical du 2me semestre 1876. Ibid., 1877, 3. s., xii, 5-20. -----. Hopital militaire de Bruxelles; rapport medi- cal du 1" semestre 1878. Ibid., 1878, 3. s., xiv, 435-449.— Dclhaie. Hopital de Gand; rapport semestriel. Ibid., 1865, 2. s., i, 81-95.—Bctiennc. Rapport medical de l'in- firmerio clu camp de Beverloo pendant la periode des manoeu- vres de 1872. Ibid., 1872, 3. s., ii, 288-302.—Dubois (C.) Rapport m6dico-chirurgical v6t6rinairo du 4e r6ginient do lancicrs pendant le 2e semestrc 1867. Ibid., 1868, 2. s., vU, 104.—Fallot. Rapport trimestriel de l'hopital militaire de Namur, deuxieme semestre 1841, et premier semestre 1842. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1842, vii, 69-90; viii, 274-300. — Fromont. Hopital mil. d'Anvers; rapport du ler et du 2C semestre 1872. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1872, 3. s., ii, 73; 145; 217: 1873, 3. s., iii, 5.—Fuisseaux. HApital militaire do BruxeUes: rapport m6dical. (Deuxieme semestre 1865.) Ibid., 1866, 2. s., iii, 97-136.—Hantclius. Infirmerie militaire d'Ypres, premiere semestre 1866. Ibid., 1866, 2. s., iv, 73-81.—Hugues. Rapport sanitaire vete- rinairc dc la garnison de Liege pendant le second semestre 1868. Ibid., 1869, 2. s., ix, 177; 253.—Decoeq (J.) Rap- port medical et hygi6nique sur la periode de tir cie 1874, au camp de Beverloo. Ibid., 1875,3. s., vii, 5-24.—Li'orgaui- sation de la m6decine militaire beige, appreeiee par L6vy. Gaz. med. beige, Brux., 1845, iii, 5.—Merchie (Z.) Rap- port sur les maladies qui ont regne pendant la pfiriode des manoeuvres de 1854 au camp de Beverloo. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1854, xiv, 465-472.—Meynnc. Rapport mfidical et hvgienique sur la p6riodo dc manceuvrcs de 1870 au camp do Beverloo. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1871, 2. s., xiv, 289-305.—Raymond. Rapport mtdical et hy- gienique sur la periode des mauieuvres de 1873 au camp do Beverloo. Ibid., 1873, 3. s., iv, 145-174.—Robert. Hopi- tal de Bruges; rapport semestriel des malades. (Janvier- juiUet 1866.) Ibid., I860, 2. s., iv, 5-30.—Schaiqiie. Les recrues de 1865 au camp de Boveiloo. Ibid., iii, 225-245.— ARMY. 533 ARMY. Army (Belgian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Statistiques medicales militaires. Ibid., 1872, 3. s., u, 194-214.—Tableau indiquant lc nombre des hommes de- c6des depuis le 1" Janvier 1855 jusqu'au dicembre 1859. Arch, beiges de ni6d. mil., Brux., 1862, xxx. 477.—Ver- biesl. Rapport sur les malades traites ii l'intinncrie du camp de Beverloo pendant la periode d'instruction des re- crues (du 11. mai au 19. aout 1865). Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1865, 2. s., u, 170-180.—VIeminckx. De la maladie vene- rienne dans l'armee. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1849, Ui, 274-298.—X * * *. Remarques sur le service de sante de l'armee beige. Gaz. med. beige, Brux., 1845, Ui, 227. Army (British). advice to the officers of the British army. With some hints to the drummer and private soldier. 9. ed. 12°. London, 1787. [Approved recommendations of the commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the several modes of promotion aud retirement in our mili- tary forces.] 8°. London, [n. d.] Army equipment: cavalry. Compiled by Lieut. H. M. Hozier. pt. 1. 8C. London, 1665. Army equipment: commissary department. Compiled by Lieut. H. M. Hozier. pt. 6. Printed by order of the secretary of state for war. Lon- don, [h. ii.] Army (The) Ust. Containing the names of offi- cers of the army, royal marines, militia, yeomanry, and volunteers. For Dec, 1840; Jan., 1854; Jan., 1866; Jan., 1667; Oct., 1667; Jan., 1666; Jan., 1671; Jan.. 1672; Jan., 1873; Feb., 1674. 12°. London, 1641-74. de Fonblanque (E. B.) Treatise on the ad- ministration and organization of the British army, with especial reference to finance and supply. 8°. London, 1656. General regulations aud orders for the army. Adjutant-general's office, horse guards. 12. Aug., 1811, and 1. Jan., 1622. 6C. London, 1811-22. Lnfantry equipments of the British army (knapsacks, etc.) Illustrated. 4°. [n. p.], 1670. List (A) of the general and field officers as they rank in the army; of the officers in the several regiments of horse, dragoons, and foot, on the British and Irish establishments . . . etc., for the year 1777. 6-. London, 1777 ? Manual (The) exercise, as ordered by His Ma- jesty, in the year 1764. Together with plans and explanations of the method generally practised at reviews and field-days. 8-. Philadelphia, 1776. Memorandum 67. Signature of public letters, war office. 8;. [n.p., 1857.] Pensions of the widows of officers of the land forces. Amendment to the regulations of pen- sions. 6°. [n. p., 1826.] Phtpp (R. W.) Our sham army, and how to make a real one. 6-. London, 1&58. Queen's (The) regulations and orders for the army. 6-. London, [1844], -----. The same. Addenda, from 1844 to 1847. London, [n. d.] -----. The same. Revised regulations, v. 2. 8-. London, 1668. Regulations and instructions for the guidance of officers of the purveyor's department of the army. 8°. Loudon, 1661. Report of the ordnance select committee on systems of rifling for small arms. [Made under instructions from the secretary of state for war of Great Britain.] 6°. Cambridge, 1833. Revised army regulations, v. 1. Royal war- rant for the pay and promotion, non-effective pay, and allowances of Her Majesty's British forces serving elsewhere than in India, pts. 1-2, pay and non-ett'ective pay. Dated 27. Dec., 1870. 8-. London, [it. d.] Royal warrant and regulations regarding army Army (British). services, and explanatory directions for the infor- mation and guidance of paymasters and others. With an index. 8C. London, 1818. Rules and articles for the better government of our horse and foot-guards, and all other our land-forces in our kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, and dominions beyond the seas. Pub- lished by His Majesty's command. 16°. London, 1718. Rules and regulations for the formations, field- exercise, and movements of His Majesty's army. By His Majesty's command. New ed. 8°. [Lon- don], 1798. Smart (W. R. E.) Notes towards the history ofthe English army prior to the accession of the Tudors. Enlarged from a paper read before the public medicine section at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association in Birmingham, August, 1872. 8°. [London], 1873. Trevelyan (C. E.) The British army in 1868. 3. ed. 8-. London, 1868. Warrant regulating the issues of staff and gar- rison pay. Given July 30, 1830, by command of His Majesty William IV. 8-. [n.p., 1830?] Windham. The army and the militia. A letter to the Earl of Leicester. 6°. London, 1857. Army (British, Medical department o/)0\ Chevers (N.) A historical review of the moral and ^*V. social condition of the British soldier. Indian Ann. M. v Sc, Calcutta, 1865-6, x, 166-285.—Ely. L'armee anglnise ■, h l'interieur et dans les possessions britanniques. Rec. ,, de mem. de med. . . . miL, Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiii, 226-258.— "Ufoiqne". The new royal warrant for the army vete- ) rinary department. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., . lSZVvu, 221-225.------ — ■---y ^^ASiexdment to the warrant regulating the me- trical staff corps. 8°. [n. }>., 1855.] Army in the East. Return to an address of the H. of Com., dated 28. June, 1658, for " copy of a report called for by the director-general of the army medical department, relative to the sani- tary condition of the army in the East, and fur- nished to him by Dr. Mapleton in June, 1857". (Ordered by the H. of Com. to be printed 13. July, 1658.) fol. [London, 1858.] Army (The) medical department: past and pre- sent. 8C. [n.p., n. d.] Army (medical officers). Return to an address ofthe H. of Com., dated 8th May 1666, for ''co- pies of the warrant or order of 1660, under which a change in the system of promotion amongst the medical officers of the brigade of guards is to be made"; "and, of any communications from the war office or the horse guards to the officers com- manding the three regiments of guards, intimat- ing the proposed change of system to the officers affected by it". (Ordered by the H. of Com. to be printed, 5. June 1866.) fol. [London, 1866.] Army (The) medical service in the past and future. An exposition by A. M. D. 8°. London, 1675. Balling all (G.) On schools of naval and mili- tary surgery. To the editor of the Medico-Chi- rurgical Review, Edinburgh, 10th April, 1644. 8°. Westminster, [1644]. Bird (J.) The military medical instruction of . England, compared with that of France, and its insufficieucy for training army medical officers to a knowledge of military medicine and military surgery, and for improving the science of civil and military hygiene. 8C. London, 1655. Circular No. 849. (Medical aid regulations.) [Regulations under which medical aid is to be given to sick wives and children of officers, non- commissioned officers, and privates, and other persons entitled to such aid.] War office, Jan. 30th, 1864. 8-. [n.p., n.d.] AEMT. 534 AEMY. Army (British, Medical department of). General instructions for the guidance of me- dical officers, heads of staff, and others in charge of departments. 8°. Chatham, 1827. General report of the commission appointed for improving the sanitary condition of barracks and hospitals, fol. London, 1861. Gordon (C. A.) Introductory address deli- vered at the opening of the Army Medico-Chirur- gical Society of Portsmouth, March 11th, 1868. 8°. Portsmouth, 1868. Gore (A. A.) The story of our services under the crown. A historical sketch of the army me- dical staff. 8°. London, 1879. . Gori (M. W. C.) De militaire geneeskundige organisatie en de geneeskundige dienst te velde bij het engelsche leger. 8°. Amsterdam, 1878. Hamilton (E.) The present state ofthe army medical service as a life career for the surgeon. 8°. Dublin, 1875. Important official documents relative to the disagreements between the members of the late army medical board, not included among tho pa- pers printed by order of the H. of Com. [Con- cerning the inquiry into the expedition to Zea- land.] 8°. London, 1810. Instructions to army medical officers, for their guidance on the appearance of spasmodic cholera in this country. (War office, 1848.) 8°. Lon- don, 1849. Instructions to regimental surgeons for regu- lating the concerns of the sick and of the hospi- tal, to which is prefixed His Majesty's warrant for encreasing the advantages, etc., of the medi- cal officers of the army, with an appendix and index. 8C. London, 1803. [Johnston (I.)] Invaliding of sick soldiers at home and abroad discussed. 8°. [n.p., 1866.] Repr. from: United Serv. Mag., June, 1866. Longmore (T.) Introductory lecture delivered at Netley, 1st April, 1870. 8°. Glasgow, 1870. Manual of exercises for training stretcher- bearers and bearer-companies. Published by au- thority. War office, Horse Guards, February, 1878. 18°. London, 1878. Medical officers (army and navy). Return to two addresses of the II. of Com., dated 20. and 30. July, 1866, for (address, 20. July, 1866) "co- pies of the report and evidence of the committee on tbe position, etc., of the medical officers of the army and navy", fol. [London, 1866.] Medical staff corps: Instructions for tho gui- dance of those employed iu military hospitals. 8°. London, 1855. Memoranda for the guidance of the principal medical officer of the force proceeding to China. 8°. [n.p., 1857.] New deed of settlement of the society for the benefit ofthe widows of the officers ofthe hospi- tal and regimental medical staff of His Majesty's army. 8°. London, 1829. [Notes on the defects of the present system of array medical organization, and suggestions for its improvement. ] MS. 4°. Philo-medicus. The reorganization of the medical department of the army. 8°. London, 1855. Qualifications and examination of candidates for commissions in the army medical service. War office, Nov. 29, 1862. fol. [n.p., n. d.] Re-establishment of the rank of apothecary to the army. 8°. [n.p., 1854.] Regulations for the army hospital corps. (Is- sued with army circular, dated 1. July, 1875.) 8°. London, 1875. Regulations for the conduct of ordnance medi- cal officers, and for the management of ordnance Army (British, Medical department of). hospitals. [Woolwich, 1. Oct., 1838.] 8°. Lon- don, 1839. Regulations for the duties of inspectors-gene- ral and deputy inspectors-general of hospitals; for the duties of staff and regimental medical offi- cers; for the organization of general, regimental, and field hospitals; and for the duties of officers, attendants, and nurses; for sanitary measures, and precautions for preserving the health of the troops; for the duties of sanitary officers attached to armies. 8°. London, 1863. Regulations for the guidance of candidates attendiug the army medical school at Netley, Eng- land. 8°. London, 1866. Regulations for hospital servants. 8°. Lon- don, 1867. 'Regulations for the medical department of Her Majesty's army. Revised army regulations. vol. vi, Waroffice, 1.Nov., 1878. 8°. London, 1878. Regulations of the medical staff corps. 8°. [n. p., 1855.] Reply (A) to Mr. Hardy's charge of want of unanimity among military surgeons, and a plea for justice and equality. By F. R. C. S. 12°. Dublin, 1875. Report of the commissioners appointed to in- quire into the regulations affecting the sanitary conditions of the army, the organization of mili- tary hospitals, and the treatment ofthe sick and wounded, fol. London, 1658. Report of the committee appointed by the sec- retary of state to enquire into the causes which tend to prevent sufficient eligible candidates from coming forward for the army medical department. [Signed by Ralph Thompson, TV. M. Muir, and Deuham Robinson, dated 22. July, 1878.] fol. [London, 1878.] Report on the state of the Army Medical Offi- cers' Benevolent Society, London, at the annual general meeting, 52d (1872). fol. London, 1873. Report (Annual) of the state of the Friendly Society of the Officers ofthe Medical Department of the army at tho annual meeting, 58th (1872). fol. London, 1873. Return to an address ofthe H. of Com., dated 7. June, 1860, for "copies of a letter from Sir James McGregor, director general of the army hospitals, addressed to Sir F. Harvey, dated the 29th day of October, 1818, in reply to Dr. Mac- loughlin's memorial of the 14th dav of October, 1818"; "of Dr. Macloughlin's letter of the 20th day of March, 1819 . . . » "of Sir H. Ton-ens' let- ter of the 23d day of March, 1819, in answer to Dr. Macloughlin's letter. . ." "of Dr. Macloughlin's memorial of tho 16th day of February, 1824 ..." "of a letter from Sir Herbert Taylor, dated the 22d day of March, 1824, in answer to the above memorial"; "of the 12th paragraph of the arti- cles of war entitled 'Redress of grievances'" [and other papers rclatiug to the case of Dr. Mac- loughlin]. (Ordered, by tho H. of Com., to be printed, 18. June, 1860.) fol. [London, I860.] Revised army regulations, vol. vi. Regula- tions for the medical department of Her Majesty's army. Waroffice, 1.Nov., 1878. 8'-. London, 18/8. [Royal warrant to regulate the pay of regi- meutal hospital sergeants.] 8°. [n. p., 1856.] Rules for the administration of the army medi- cal officers' widows' fund. (Revised 1863.) 12°. Westminster, 1^68. Rules and regulations of the Army Medical Officers' Benevoleut Society, London. 8°. West- minster, 1868. Warrant to raise a new corps of attendants for military hospitals. 8°. [it. p., 1857.] Warrant regulating the appointments and pay of army medical officers. Given July 29,1830, by AEMY. 535 ARMY. Army (British, Medical department of). command of His Majesty William IV. 8°. [n. p., 1830?] Armv (The) hospital corps warrant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 431.—Army (The) medical department. Glasgow M. J., 1863-4, xi, 310-330.—Army medical department. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 293-29.r>.—Army medi- cal department. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 349.—Army medi- cal department; observations on lal e medical warrants and circulars. Broad Arrow, Lond., 1876, xvii, 345-347.—Army medical officers and sick leave. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 99.—Army (The) medical department in Zululand. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii 387.—Army (The) medical ser- vice ; its past and present history. Lancet, Lonel., 1877, ii, 220- 222.—Association (The) and the armv medical officers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i. 622-624.—Ballingall (G.) Ou the army medical department and fhe introduction ofthe "civil clement" into military hospitals. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1855, xx, 473-482.—Calder (F.) On the education of armv surgeons, in a letter to Sir J. M'Grigor. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, xxxiii, 270-273.—de Chaumont (F.) On the pecuniary value of the emoluments and pensions of army medical officers. Edinb. M. J.. 1874, xx, 405-419.----—. The emoluments of army medical officers. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, iii, 12-14.—Dundas (W.) Regulations for improving tho situation of the medical officers of the army. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1805, i, 244-246. —Fischer. Ueber das englische Militiir-Medicinal-W'esen. In hh: Reise-Berichten, Frankfurt a. O., 1862,57-75.—Forthcom- ing (The) warrant for the armv medical department. Mecl. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1879, ii, '565.—Gordon (C. A.) Re- marks on army surgeons and their works. Mecl. Mirror, Lond., 1868, v, 403; 455; 518; 581; 645; 710: 1869, vi, (8°), 8; 73; (4°), 26; 79; 98; 149. -----. Tho army surgeon; his work and works. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 46-48. Aho: Med. Press .—Grievances (The) of militia surgeons. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, xxii. 45.—Gnthric (G. J.) On the medical service of the British army. Lancet, Lond., 1854, i, 237-240.—Introductory lecture at the opening of the sixth session. Ibid., 1863, i, 513-515. — Lagc (Zur) der englischen Militiirarzte. Feldarzt, 'Wien, 1878, 89. — Let- ter on army medical service. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 66.— Longmore (T.) Relations of the medical department and its officers to other departments of the arniy; organi- zation of the medical department. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1859, i, 364-379. -----. On the regimental and general staff system in the military medical service. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 589.—Martin (J. It.) Me- moir on the government of the medical department of the army, placed before the royal commission. Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 298-300. — Martin (N.) Sanitctsorgauisationen inoui Engcls lakaren. [Armv med. dep. of England. J Tid- skr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1879, iv, 230-344.—Medi- cal officers of the army. Lancet, Lond., 1809, i, Co.— Medical (The.) service of the army; propositions and suggestions. Edinb. M. J., 1864, x,' 431-437.—Medical (The) service of tho British army. Brit. & For. M. Chir. Itcv., Lond., 1855, xv, 411-449.—Memorial of tho presi- dent and fellows of tbe King and Queen's Collego of Phy- sicians in Ireland. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. s., xxiii, 379.—Military and naval medical services; improve- m nt of tho medical department. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 156.—Military titles for military doctors. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 278.—Munro (W.) Army circulars, gene- ral orders, and departmental circulars. AnnvM. Dent. Rep., 1873 (app.), Lond., 1875, xv, 397-411.—Observations by a correspondent on the expediency of some late regula- tions concerning the medicai department of the army and navy. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1809, v, 493-496.—Organisa- tion du service de sante dans les armees etrangeres; roy- aume d'Angleterre. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par'., 1861, vi, 297-306.—Past (The) and future of the medical staff of the army. Brit, & For. M. Chir. Rev., Lond., 1857, xx, 101-115.—Banks and rates of pay of the officers of the army medical department. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 256-258.—Report of the committee appointed to enquire, into tbe whole question of the rank, pay, and posi- tion of the medical officers of the navy and army. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1806, i, 233-'.'3:>.—Both (YYr.) Neuc'lteformvor- scliliigc fiir dio Organisation des engliachen Sanitatsdien- stes. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1879, viii, 1-10.— Itowdon (U. M.) Hank, pay, and duties of army sur- geons. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1857, xv, 124; 175.— Boyal warrant, army medical department. Ibid., 1876, i, 501; 687.—Senftlcben (11.) Medicinischo Briefo aus England; Relormen in der SteUung der Militar- undMarine- arzte. Deutsche Klinik. Berl.,18G6, xviii, 441-445.—Sketch of a more popular and economic organisation of the army medical department, and the more in accord with the wishes of the army than that proposed by the war office commit- tee, while at the same time embodying the best of their recommendations and those generally approved of by the medical profession. Mod. Press & Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 405-407. —Smnrt (W. R. E.) Notes towards the history of the medical staff of the English army prior to the Army (British, Medical department of). accession of the Tudors. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 111; 139; 168. ----- On the medical services of the navy and army, from the accession of nenry VIII to the restoration. Ibid., 1874, i, 168; 199; 228: '264.—Sngges- tions as to the titles of the officers of the army medical department. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 260.— Summary ofthe recommendations ofthe war office com- mittee on the army medical department. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 406.—Tholozan. Position des mddecins mili- taires dans l'arm6e anglaise. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 199-204. Army (British, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). See, also, Barracks. Annals of military and naval surgery and tro- pical medicine and hygiene, being an annual re- trospect embracing the experience of the medical officers of Her Majesty's armies, v. 1, for 1863. 6J. London, 1864. Army (Crimea). Return to an order of the H. of Com., dated 1. March, 1855, for return "of the total number of officers and men in the army who have been killed in the Crimea" : "Like re- turn of the wounded; of the wounded who have since died; of those invalided; died from sick- ness ; distinguishing in each return, cavalry, in- fantry, artillery, sappers and miners, as well as officers, non-commissioned officers, and men": "and return of the total number of horses which have been killed ; and total number which have died from other causes, up to the latest date". (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 1. May, 1855.) fol. [London, 1855.] Army medical department. Reports for the years 1859 to 1877. (Presented to both houses of Parliament bv command of Her Majesty.) 19 v. 8°. London, 18(51-79. Army medical reports (Gold Coast). Return to an address of the H. of Com., dated 5. July, 1864, for " copy of the quarterly medical reports that have been received in the years 1863 and 1864, from the troops serving on the Gold Coast". (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 26. July, 1864.) fol. [London, 1864.] Army medical statistics. 1 v. fol. London, 1838-53. Contents: I. Statistical report on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops in the "West Indies, vi, 103,40 pp. 1838. II. Statistical reporton the sickness, mor- tality, and invaliding among the troops in tho United King- dom, the Mediterranean. 4, 34, 92 pp. 1839. III. Statisti- cal reports on tho sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops in the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and British America, xi, 259 pp. 1853. IV. Statistical re] torts on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding anion"; the troops in Western Africa, St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Mauritius, iv, 32, 16, 34, 32 pp. 1840. V. Statistical re- Sorts on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among Her lajesty's troops serving in Ceylon, the Tenasserim Em- pire, and the Burmese Empire, iv, 68, 20, 24, 58 pp. 1841. Aspland (A.) An examination of the report of the commissioners to enquire into the mortality of the army. 8C. Manchester, Eng., 1859. Balfour (E.) Statistical data for forming troops and maintaining them in health in diffe- rent climates and localities. 8°. [London, 1845.] Chelsea hospital. Report submitted to the commander-in-chief upon the subject of the out pensioners of Chelsea Hospital that have been under treatment for diseases of the eyes; also, the reports made by the medical officers of Chelsea Hospital upon the cases of those patients. 8°. London, 1819. [Collection of blank forms of registers used by the medical department of British army]: Form F: Register of medical history. Form G: Regi- mental admission and discharge book for 300 names; Bat- talion or brigade admission and discharge book for 600 names; Battalion or brigade admission and discharge book for 1,200names. Form I: Medical certificate book. Form K: General hospital admission and discharge book. Form ARMY. 536 ARMY. Army (British, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). L: Medical case book; Register of recruits; Vaccine re- gister and small-pox register; Venereal register. [Collection of printed forms pertaining to the medical department of the British army. ] fol. [«. p., n. d.] Cyprus (medical and other reports). Return to an address of the H. of Com., dated 28. April, 1879, for copy of a report from the principal medical officers in Cyprus, giving a medical history ofthe troops stationed in that island since July, 1878. (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 6. May, 1879.) fol. [London, 1879.] Demerara barracks. Return to an address of the H. of Com., dated 12. August, 1867, for copy of the report made by the commissioners [A. W. Murray, W. A. Manget, and others] appointed to inquire into the sanitary condition of the bar- racks at Demerara, and the cause of the un- healthy state of the troops there, fol. [n. p., n. d.] Foot-guards. Return to an address of the H. of Com., dated 16. Feb., 1858, for "copy of the report of the medical officers of the foot-guards, which states the average mortality in that bri- gade from the year 1839 to 1853, both inclusive". (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 19. April, 1858.) fol. [London, 1858.] Gordon (C. A.) Three communications on the army in relation to public health. 8°. [n. p., nt. d.] Guy (W. A.) On the sanitary condition of the British army; and especially on the want of space in barracks. 8°. London, 1858. Hunter (J.) Observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1808. Larrey. Note snr la "Statistique me'dicale de Farmee anglaise". 4°. Paris, 1869. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, 15. f6v., 1869, lxvifi. Lempriere (W.) Practical observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica as they oc- curred between the years 1792 and 1797; on the situation, climate, and diseases of that island; and on the most probable means of lessening mor- taUty among the troops, and among Europeans in tropical climates. 2 v. in 1. 8°. London, 1799. M'Lean (H.) An enquiry into the nature and causes of the great mortality among the troops at St. Domingo; with practical remarks on the fever of that island, and directions for the conduct of Europeans on their first arrival in warm climates. 8°. London, 1797. Monro (D.) An account of the diseases which were most frequent in the British military hospi- tals in Germany from January, 1761, to the return of the troops to England, in March, 1763. To which is added an essay on the means of preserv- ing the health of soldiers, and conducting mili- tary hospitals. 8°. London, 1764. Mortality in troops (China and Japan). Re- turn to an address of the H. of Com., dated 8. Feb., 1866, for '' copy of all correspondence which has taken place relative to the sickness and mor- tality in the 2d battalion of the 9th regiment, and 2d battalion of the 11th regiment in China and Japan", fol. [n.p., 1866.] Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the effect on health of the present system of carrying the accoutrements, ammunition, and kit of infantry soldiers, and drill, etc., of recruits. roy. H '. London, 1865. Report . . . upon the subject of the out pen- sioners of Chelsea Hospital that have been under treatment for diseases of the eyes. Also, the re- Arilly (British, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). ports made by the medical officers of Chelsea Hospital upon the cases of those patients. 8°. London, 1819. Report from the select committee on mortality of troops (China); together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and ap- pendix, fol. [n. p., 1866.] Return (in part) to an address of the H. of Com., dated 10. June, 1861, for "copy of report of the committee on the preparation of army me- dical statistics, etc., and of the first annual report of the statistical branch of the army medical de- partment, by Thomas George Barring. 8°. Statistical report on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops in the West Indies. 8°. London, 1838. -----. The same. fol. London, 1838. Statistical reports on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops in the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and British Ame- rica. 8°. London, 1839. -----. The same. fol. London, 1839. Statistical reports on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops of Western Africa, St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Mauritius. Prepared from the records of the army medical department and the war office re- turns. (Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.) fol. London, 1840. Statistical reports on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops in the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and British Ame- rica, fol. London, 1853. Statistical, sanitary, and medical reports of the medical department of the British army, for years 1859-76. 18 v. 8°. London, 1861-77. Trinidad (mortality, etc.) Return to an ad- dress of the H. of Com., dated 21. July, 1859, for "copy of continuation of the correspondence con- cerning the mortality and sickness of the 41st reg. at Trinidad, and concerning the unhealthy location of the barracks iu that colony, dated, War office, the 7. day of April, 1859". (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 12. August, 1859.) fol. [London, 1^59.] Army (The) in its medico-sanitary relations. Edinb. M. J.. 1857-8, iii, 1005; 1128: 1858-9, iv,-506. Also, Reprint.— Bacot (J.) A sketch of the medical history of the first battalion of the first regiment of foot guards, during the winter of 1812-13. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vii, 373- 384.—Balfour (T. G.) Comparative health of seamen and soldiers, as shown by the naval and military statisti- cal reports. J. Statist. Soc. Loud.( 1872), 1873, xxxv, 1-24. Aho, Reprint.—Boilean (J. P. H.) & Badford (T.) Statistics of tho army medical department. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 874. —Boudin. Statistique medicale de l'armee anglaise. Ree. demem.demed. . . . mil., Par., 1864, 3. s., xii, 369-389: 1865, 3. s., xiii, 1-22. —Comparative health ofthe army and navy. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond., 1844, xvii, 313-329.—Elliott (J.) Report on the effects of the removal ofthe 65th, 36th, 69th, 37th, and 8th regiments from the West Indies to Nova Scotia, in tho years 1838 aud 1839. Edinb. M. A-. S. J.. Ih41,lv, 335-347.—Ext'raet* ofa let- ter from Dr. George Brown, apothecary to His Majesty's hos pitals in America, to Dr. John Hopc.'professorof botanv in the University of Edinburgh, Sept. 14,1776. Med. Sl. Phil. Comment., Lond., 1776, iv, 236-239. — Fyffc (W. J.) Ob- servations on the invaliding and discharging of soldiers. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1864, vi, 484-507.— Gordon (C. A.) Proposed form of surgical returns and reports to be used in war. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1872, vii, 22.—Health (The) of the army, prospective and re- trospective. Mecl. Critic & Psych. J., Lond., 180.', ii, 230- 254.—Henderson (S.) An inquiry into the causes which produce disease among the troops at the Capo of Good Hope, with a view to discover tho most effectual means of prevention; to which is added the outline of a plan of mili- tary hospitals, on a principle and construction tending to introduce a more successful treatment of tho sick. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1799, i, 455-463. — Hygienic (On the) conditionof Aldershot Camp. Lancet, Lond., 1866. ii, 557 ; 589.—Ikin (J. I.) Remarks on tho state o" education, tho physical causes of disqualification, and liability to disease, ARMY. 537 AKMY. Army (British, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). of recruits from a manufacturing population. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, ii, 1053-1055. -----. Medicr.l notes on the militia; prevalent diseases and mortality among militia- men; hospital regulations for the public service, etc. Ibid., 1073. -----. Medical notes on the militia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1857, i, 1; 24. -----. On the prevalent causes of re- jection of recruits enlisted in the West Riding and nor- thern district. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc, 1864, Lond., 1865,525-531.—Jackson (R.) Comparative return of sick in the army serving in the Windward and Leeward Islands and colonies, from 1803 to 1814, inclusive. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1817, i, pt. 2, 281-296.—McCabe (J.) Copy of a report of the state of health and disease of the royal York rangers, at St. Joseph's, Trinidad, for the quarter ending the 24th Sept., 1816. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1819, xv, 33; 179.—marsh all (H.) Observations on the state of health of the troops in North Britain, during a period of seven years, from 1816 to 1822, both inclusive. Lond.M. & Phvs. J., 1823, i. 275-289. -----. Contribution to statistics of the army. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1833, xl, 36; 307: 1835, xliv, 353. -----. Contributions to statistics of the sickness and mortality which occurred among the troops employed on the expedition to the Scheldt, in the year 1809. Ibid., 1837, xlviii, 305-326,1 map.—Mount (J.) Observations relative to the statistical reports on the sickness, mortality, and in- validing among the troops in the West Indies, etc. Ma- dras M. J., 1839, i, 444-467—O'Halloran (T.) Account of the diseases most prevalent in tbe 64th regiment during the year 1818, whilst stationed in Gibraltar. Lond. M. Re- posit., 1824, xxii, 89; 202.—Pulmonary consumption in the British army. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., 1876, lvii, 333-344. — Relative health of the army and navy. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond., 1843, xv, 1-19.— Bennie. On the sanitary condition of the British army; with sugges- tions as to* the best mode of permanently improving it. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 183.—Saunders. Sketch oi the medical history of the 47th reeiinent. Med. Times, Lond., 1852, 2. s., v, 32-34.—Smart (W. R. E.) Remarks on cri- minal deaths in the navy and armv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 221-224. Aho, Reprint. — Troops (The) in Cy- prus. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 776.—Wright (W.) Report respecting the diseases most common among the troops in the West Indies, their symptoms, causes, and best mode of treatment. Ann. Med., Edinb., 1798, ii, 345-372. Army (British Indian). Cochrane (G. E.) Regulations applicable to the European officer in India. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1867. Instructions to the purveyor in chief in the East. 8°. [n. p., 1854.] Stevens (R. H.) Remarks on the formation and gene- ral economy of the native army in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 55-58. Army (British Indian, Medical depart- ment of). Bengal medical regulations. Compiled, by or- der of government, under the superintendence of the medical board. 8°. Calcutta, 1851. Bengal medical regulations. Part I. Regu- lations and orders for the medical department of the British army in the Bengal presidency. 8°. Calcutta, 1877. East India (army medical department). Re- turn to an address of the H. of Com., dated 23. April, 1861, for "copies ofa memorial, dated the 4th day of April, 1861, addressed by Muncherjee Beramjee Colah to the secretary of state for war, with reference to the admission of natives of In- dia to the medical department of the army, and of the reply thereto". (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 26. April, 1861.) fol. [Lon- don, 1861.] East India (army medical department). Re- turn to an address of the H. of Com., dated 4. June, 1861, for "copies of all appUcations ad- dressed by British subjects born in India, to the secretary of state for India and to the secretary of state for war, for permission to be allowed to compete at public examinations for employ- ment in her Majesty's military medical service"; "of all replies to such applications, and of all correspondence consequent thereon"; "of the official reports of the medical officers appointed to Army (British Indian, Medical depart- ment of). examine the state of health of the several appli- cants"; "and of all reports of medical boards appointed to re-examine the several applicants" (in continuation of parliamentary paper No. 199 of the present session). (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 25 June, 1861.) fol. [Lon- don, 1861.] Farncll (M. C.) Notes on the Indian medical service. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, vi, 138-156.—IWartin (J. R.) Note on the present condition of the medical de- partment ofthe Indian army. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1842, n.s., xxxvii, 625-632.—Kenny (C.) Report on the medical arrangements of the army of the Punjaub during the cam- paign of 1848-9. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1856, iv, 309-358. Army (British Indian, Medical reports and statistics of). Bryden (J. L.) Annual returns of the Euro- pean army of India and of the native army and jail population of the Bengal Presidency for the years from 1871 to 1876. fol. Calcutta, '1878. -----. Reports bringing up the statistical history of the European army in India and of the native army and jail population of Bengal to 1876, and the cholera history of 1875 and 1876, in continuation of reports embracing the period from 1817 to 1872. fol. Calcutta, 1878. East India (mortality at Dumdum). Return to an address of the H. of Com., dated 4. March, 1859, for "copy of any reports or correspon- dence which may have been received in the de- partment of the secretary of state for war or the secretary of state for India on the subject of the mortality which occurred in the year 1858 among the women and children quartered in the barrack at Dumdum, in the presidency of Ben- gal." (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 15. March, 1859.) fol. [London, 1859.] Ewart (J.) A digest of the vital statistics of the European and native armies in India. 8°. London, 1859. Government of Madras (military department). Sanitary reports and returns. From surgeon- general, British forces, Madras, to the secretary to government, for the years 1876, 1877. fol. [n.p., n. d.] Medical and sanitary report of the native army of Bengal. For 1872. fol. Calcutta, 1874. Medical and sanitary report on the native army of Bombay. For 1877. fol. Bombay, 1878. Medical and sanitary report of the native army of Madras for the year 1877. fol. Madras, 1878. Report of the commissioners appointed to in- quire into the sanitary state of the army in India, with precis of evidence. 8°. London, 1363. Report on the extent and nature of the sani- tary establishments for European troops in India. 8°. Calcutta, 1862. Report on the medical topography and statis- tics of the Nizanis military cantonments and army, from reports of medical officers. 8°. Ma- dras, 1852. Report of the royal commission on the sani- tary state of the army in India. 2 v. Vol. I. Precis of evidence. Vol. II. Appendix, reports from stations, etc. fol. London, 1863. Reports (Annual) ofthe sanitary commissioner with the government in India. With appendices and returns of sickness and mortality among the British and native troops, and also among the prisoners in the Bengal Presidency for the years 1869 (6th) and 1871 (8th). 2. v. fol. Calcutta, [n. d.] Selections from the records of the government ARMY. 538 ARMY. Army (British Indian, Medical reports and statistics of). of India (military department). 8°. Calcutta, 1861-2. Contents: No. II. Report on the extent and nature of the sanitary establishments for European troops in the Bengal, Madras, and Bombay Presidencies. No. III. Report on the extent and nature of the sanitary establishments for Euro- pean troops in India. Series (A) of tables exhibiting the results of disease in the different European regiments serv- ing under the Madras Presidency and in the gar- rison hospitals of Madras and Poonamalee from the commencement of the year 1820 to the end of the year 1826, with observations on the prac- tise employed in fever, hepatitis, and dysentery, extracted from the half-yearly reports of the medical officers. The whole arranged for publi- cation by the medical board, and published un- der the authority of government. 8°. Madras, 1828. Sketch of the medical history of the native army of Bombay. For 1872. fol. Bombay, 1873. Smyrna hospital. Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 11. June, 1855, for a "return of the number of sick soldiers admitted into the hospital at Smyrna from the period of its establishment to the 31st March, 1855, with the number of deaths in the same hospital during the same time". (Ordered, by the H. of Com., to be printed, 17. July, 1855. fol. [London, 1855.] Statistical reports on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among Her Majesty's troops serv- ing in Ceylon, the Tenasserim provinces, the Burmese Empire, fol. London, 1841. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1841. Ambrose (J. D.) Points of interest in the medical history of H. M.'s 58th regiment during the last five years, with special reference to the advisability of locating all, or nearly all, our European troops in India on the mountain ranges. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 125; 145; 163; 183.—Annual returns of the European and native armies and of the jail population of the Bengal Presidency for the years 1869,1871,1872, 1874. Ann. Rep. San. Com. India, 1869, Calcutta, 1870, vi (app.), pp. i-iii, 43 1. Ibid., 1871, Cal- cutta, 1872, viii (app.), pp. i-iii, 63 1. Ibid., 1872, Calcutta, 1873, ix, 1-3, 69 1. Ibid., 1874, Calcutta, 1875, xi, pp. i-iii, 62 1.—Annual sanitary report for 1871 (of the] European troops and native troops [in India). Ibid., 1871, Calcutta, 1872, viii, 1-90.—Arnott (A.) Annual report of the 22d regt. N. I., stationed atMalligaum, for 1843. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1844, vii, 119-130.— Arnott (F. S.) [Annual report of 18th regt. at Baroda, 1842.) Ibid., 1843, vi, 102-111. -----;> Remarks on the enlistment of recruits and the sys- tem ofinvalidingpursued in the native regiments of the Bom- bay army. I bid., 1847, viii, 3-24. -----. Medical history of the 1st Bombay European regiment (fusiliers) during its service in the Punjaub in 1848,1849, and 1850. Ibid., (1849- 50), 1851, x, 1-39. -----. Notes on moving troops. Ibid., 128-146. -----. Report on the health of "the 1st Bombay European regiment (fusiliers), from 1st April, 1846, to 31st March, 1854. Ibid., 1855, n. s., ii, 102-211.—Arthur (J. F.) Annual medical report of Ist Madras fusiliers, for 1854-5. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1855-6, iii, 603-654._____. Brief historico-medical narrative of the 1st Madras fusi- liers, during the official year 1857-8. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1860, i, 1; 245.—Atkinson (J.) Report on the sick of the European invalid battalion and veteran company, from 1st April, 1854, to 31st March, 1855. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1855-6, iii, 655-662.—Balfour (T. G.) Statistical report on the sickness and mortality among the troops serv- ing in the Madras Presidency. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1847, lxviii, 33-96,1 map.—Bourehicr. Annual report of the diseases in tho jail aud detachment hospitals at Rutna- Sherry in the southern Coucan, from 1st January to 31st of December, 1839. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1840, iii, 117-130.—Brown. Observations, continued throughout 6 years, relative to the sick of H. M. 45th regt. of foot: viz. from the 1st January, 1832, to the 14th of November, 1837; comprising a brief medical history of the regiment from the time of its landing at Madras till its embarkation for England. Madras Q. M. J., 1K39. i, 101-150.—Brown (J.) "In inemoriam". An account of the casualties in the two medical services during the past campaign. Indian Ann M. Sc, Calcutta, 1860-1, vii, 83-86.—Bryricn (J. L.) Re- port on the influence of age and length of service as affect- ing the mortality and invaliding of tho European army of the Bengal Presidency. Rep. San. Com. India. 1870 Cal- cutta 1871, vii, 237-297. -----. The same in continuation. Army (British Indian, Medical reports and statistics of). Ibid., 1871, Calcutta, 1872, viii, 205-240. -----. Ibid., 1872, Calcutta, 1873, ix, app. B, pp. lix-lxxvii.—Burke (W. A.) Observations on the mortality, from various diseases, among His Majesty's troops in India, confirmed by tabular state- ments and returns, extending from 1826 to 1832. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1834, xii, 386-393.—Cahill. [Sanitary report of the station of Kerrachee in Lower Scindc] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1840, iii, 210-212.—Cameron. Ex- tracts from the annual report on the health of the troops serving in Ceylon, from April 1st, 1850, to March 31st, 1851. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 365.—Cleghorn (J.) Remarks on the temperature, pulse, and respiration in healthy Sepoys. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1870, v, 77.— Dunbar (G.) Report on the sickness in the 6th regiment of Bengal native infantry, whilst serving in Ganjam in the year 1802. Madras Q. M. J., 1842, iv, 69-81.—Ewart (J.) The vital statistics of the Mcywar Bheel corps. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1860, vi', 452-496.—Extracts and remarks from the official correspondence of the superin- tending medical officer, etc., of the Madras troops, which served against the Burmese, during the war of 1824-5-6. Madras Q. M. J., 1839, i, 202-216.—Extracts and remarks from the official correspondence relative to the sick of the Arracan brigade of the Madras army, employed in the Burmese territories during 1824-5. Ibid., 268-272.—Ex- tracts from the annual reports by the medical board on tho health of tho honorable company's European troops Berving under the presidency of Fort St. George for the years 1837-8 and 9, with abstract returns of sick, etc. Ibid., 1841, iii, 46-64.—Extracts from the records of the Bengal medical department. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 104; 124; 150; 197; 222.—Eyre (E. W.) A contri- bution to the medical statistics of European regiments in India. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1855-6, iii, 663-680.— Geddes (W.) Practical observations, which accompanied the 3rd quarterly return of sick, of the 1st Madras Euro- pean regiment in 1839. Madras Q. M. J., 1840, ii, 291-314.— Glaisher (J.) Report upon tho meteorology of India in relation to the health of the troops there stationed. Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond., 1863, i, 781-943, 1 chart.—Gordon (C* A.) Experiences of a regimental surgeon in India. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, n. s., vii, 26; 179; 365; 407; 494; viii, 3; 49; 137; 243; 285; 359; 415: 1870, n. s., ix, 40; 139; x, 37; 77; 97: 1871, n. s.. xii, 523. Aho, Reprint.—Gordon (H. G.) Annual medical report of Her Majesty's 69th regiment of foot (South Lincolnshire), from 1st January to 31st December, 1860. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, iv, 264-282.—Ball (J.) Remarks on the quarterly return of sick of H. M. forces serving in the Bombay Presidency from July 1st to Sept. 30th, 1853. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 674.— Hamilton (A.) Medical history of H. M. 39th regi- ment, from the time of its arrival at Madras on the 22d September, 1832, to the 31st March, 1839. Madras Q. M. J. 1840, ii, 243-290.—Harvey (R.) Notes with the Lushai field force, left column. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 94-96.—Henderson (F. C.) A medical report of the de- tachment of the 2d and 3d companies of the sappers and miners attached to the army of the Indus during the cam- paign in Affghanistan in 1838-9. Indian J. M. & Phys. Sc, Calcutta, 1841, n. s., vi. 15; 91; 137.—Henderson (J.) Annual report of sick of Her Majesty's 48th regiment, stationed at Bellary, from the 21st December, 1829, to 20th December, 1830. Madras Q. M. J., 1841, iii, 121-153. _____. Medical reports of H. M. 48th regt. of foot, for part of the year 1831. and 1832. Ibid., 307-355.—Hormusjee (R.) Annual report on the sick of the engineer department at Aden, for tho year 1856-7. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1859), 1860, n. s., v, 51-66.—Howison. Annual report for 1839 of the 1st regiment, Bombay European infantry sta- tioned at Aden. Ibid., 1840, iii, 79-83.—Hunter (R. H. A.) Historical report of H. M. 2d or Queen's royal regiment, for the year 1836. Ibid.. 1838, i, 226-238. -----. Annual reports of the diseases of II. M. 2d or Queen's regiment, from the 1st of April, 1837, to the 31st of March, 1839. Ibid., 1839, ii, 22-35: 1840, iii, 131; 146.-----. [Annual medical report of H. M. 2d regiment from April 1, 1841, to March 31, 1842.1 Ibid., 1842, v, 34-55. -----. [Annual report of H. M. 57th regiment from April 1, 1843, to March 31, 1844.) Ibid., 1844, vii, 104-118, 3 tab.-----Statistical remarks up- on some of tho principal diseases among European troops in the Bombay and Madras Presidencies. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, xxxix, 7-12— Iinpey. [Annual report of 3d troop horse brigade at Chandmarie, 1843.] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1844, vii, 166-182.—Indian medical notes, no. xii. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvii, 68.—Jameson (G. I.) Decennial return of the age, caste, country, and casualties of the Bombay army. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1855, n. 8., ii, 253-268.—Kellet. Ab- stract of the annual report and of analytical charts on ague, syphilis, phthisis, and hepatitis that accompanied it, for the year 1869. Army M. Dep. Rep., 1871, Lond., 1873, xiii, 219- 241, 3 tab.—Kinnis (J.) Contributions to the military medicalstatisticsoftheBombay Presidency. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1851, Ixxv, 294; lxvi.l; 265.—Leith. Reports of the 1st ARMY. 539 ARMY. Army (British Indian, Medical reports and statistics of). troop horae brigade, stationed at Sholapoor-Poona and on field service in Scinde, for the years 1838-9-40. Tr. M. & Phvs. Soc. Bombay, 1841, iv, 46-74. -----. [Report 1st Bom- bay horse artillery, 184L] Ibid., 1842,v, 50-65.—McGregor (J.) A memoir on the state of health of the 88th regiment, and of the corps attached to it, from 1st June, 1800," to the 3l8t May, 18ul, as originallypresented to the Medical Board, Bombay. Edinb. M. &. S. J.. 1805, i, 266-289.— Mncpher- son (H. M.) Analysis of the later medical returns of Euro- pean troops serving in the Bengal Presidency. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1857, iv, 575: 1878, v,219.—McBae (J.) Report on the field hospital of the army of the Punjaub, during the campaign of 1848-9. Ibid., 1857. iv, 663-716.— Marshall (H.) Abstract of the returns of the sick of the troops belonging to the presidency of Fort St. George (Ma- dras), for the years lp'27-8-9-30. ' Edinb. M. & S. J., 1833, xxxix, 133-139. -----. Comparative ratio of mortality de- duced from the official reports and other documents in the office of the army medical board. Ibid., 1836, xiv, 432.— Martin. The sanitary history of the British army in India, past and present. Lancet, Lond., 1868, i, 4; 38; 77; 119; loi; 250; 279; 339.— Moffat. [Medico-historical ab- stract of the first year's service of the 14th light dragoons at Kirkee, under the Bombay Presidency.] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay. 1842. v, 122-144 —Moore (W. J.) Results of sanitation'in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 204; 231.—Morgan (A. B.) Medical report of H. M. 57th regiment, from 1st January, 1838, to 31st March, 1839. Madras Q. M. J., 1M0. ii, 115-142— Morgan (W. H.) Analysis of the historical register of the 23iFre<:Hnent W. L. I. Madias Q. J. M. Sc, 1866, x, 20!>-228.—Monat (J.) Observations and statistical tables taken from the annual report of Her Majesty's 13th dragoons, for 1838 and 1839. Madras Q. M. J., 1839, i, 178-202. -----. Observations which accompanied the annual return of sick of H. M. 13th light dragoons, from the 1st of April, 1839, to the 18th of February, 1840, containing a brief epitome of the princi- pal acute diseases, average sick, deaths, etc., during the whole period the regiment has been in India, viz, 20 years 8 months and 4 days. Ibid., 1842, iv, 203-242.—Murray (J.) Quarterly medical reports of Her Majesty's troops in the Madras command, for the first half of 1839. Ibid., 1840. ii. 55-63. -----. General quarterly report of the sick of Her Majesty's troops serving in the presidency of Madras from 1st'July to 30th September, 1839. Ibid.', 1840, ii, 205-209. -----. "General medical report ofthe Queen's troops in the Madras anny, for the quindecinial period from the 1st January, 1838, to 31st March, 1839, as furnished to the di- rector general of the armv medical' department, London. Ibid., 316-318. 2 tab. -----. Medical history of H. M. 39th regiment. I bid.. 359—403. -----. Quarterly medical report of Her Majesty's troops in the Madras command, from 1st October to 31st December, 1839. Ibid., 456-462. -----. Continuation of the medical history of H. M. 55th regi- ment during its residence at Secunderabad. Ibid., 1841, hi, 1-45.-----. Quarterly report of sick of Her Majesty's troops serving in the presidency of Madras, from 1st of January to31stMarch, 1840. Ibid., 68-79.—Murray (T.) Annualre- portsofthe loth regiment X. I. for the vears 1857-8 and 1858- 9. Tr. M. A Phys. Soc. Bombay (1859),"l860, n. s.,v, 67; 76.— Nicholson. Medical reports and returns of H. M.'s 4th (King's Own) regiment, from its first arrival in India in Octo- ber. 1837, until April. 1841. MadrasQ.M.J.,1842,iv,105-149.— IVnttall (G.) A report on the most prevalent diseases that have occurred in the 29th regiment, X. I., stationed at Surat, during the official year ending 31st March, 1852. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1853, n. s., i. 310-313.—Ob- servations relative to the sick of H. M. 41st regiment of foot, from the 1st of January, 1832, to the 31st of De- cember. 1834. Comprising a medical history of the regi- ment during the time it was cantoned at Moulmein. Ma- dras Q. M. J., 184L iii, 199-244.—Priehard. Abstract of the annual reports for the years 1838 and ls39. of the field detachments stationed at Balmeer. Tr. M. Jc Phys. Soc Bombay, 1840, iii, 201-203. — Badford. Observations which accompanied the annual return of sick of Her Ma- jesty's 62d regiment, from 1st January to 31st December, 1833. Station Banttalore and Masulipatam. Madras Q. M. J., 1839. i, 1-27.—Banking i J. L.) Statistical gleanings from the records of the 2d Madras European light infantry, now H. M.'s. 105th regiment, M. L. I., for the years 1840 to 1860 inclusive. Madras Q. J. M. Sc. 1863, vii, 1-74, tab.—Beport (annual) of the 1st Bombay European regi- ment (fusiliers) for the year 1858-0. lr. M & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1859), 1860, n". s., v, 105-1 nv—Reports from stations in India and its dependencic s occupied by British and by native troops, and reports of inspectors-general of hospitals. Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond., 1863, ii, 1-918. 2 maps.—Beports (Further) on the health of Her Majesty's 6^1 regiment of foot; with some remark. Madras Q. M. J., 1839, i, 351-365— Besults (The) as affecting the European portion of the army that landed at Rangoon during the late Burmese war of 1824-5-6. Lan- cet, Lond., 1MI-2, ii, 305.—Bobson. [Annual report 2d battalion Bombay artillery, 1841.] Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Army (British Indian, Medical reports and statistics of). j Bombay, 1842, v, 94-99.—[Sanitary condition of the] Eu- ropean'troops [in India, and of the] native troops [and of the] jails and the general population [of the Bengal Presi- dency] Ann. Rep. San. Com. India, Calcutta, 1869, vi, 76-12':i.—[Sanitary condition of the] European and na- tive troops [in India]. Ibid., 1872, Calcutta, 1873, ix, 151-198.—Scott. (Annual report 10th regiment N. I. at Aden, 1842] Tr. M. '^5. Chune (L. G. W.) Om den fuldvoxne vaernepligtige Bondeunsdoms Legemshoide i Danmark. Kong. med. Selsk. Ski., 1846-7, Kjebenh., 1848. 242-264, 1 tab— lijcll- ui;ui (A.) Rapport till Konsl. Sundhets-Collegium om Konsl. Danska Armeens siukvard i fait. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1851, xiii, 133; 193; 257; 321. Army (French). Axxuaire militaire de I'empire francais pour l'annee 18o2. Publid snr les documents commu- nique's par le ministere de la guerre. 1208 pp. 12-. Paris, 1862. Begln (L. J.) Quels sont les moyens de rendre, en temps de paix, L-s loisirs du soldat francais j plus utiles a lui-meme, a l'<5tat et a l'anne'e, sans 1 porter atteinte ui k son caractere national ni a 1'esprit miUtaire ? 8-. Paris, 1~ 13. Bellaxge (H.) Collection des types de tous les corps et des uniformes militaires de la Re"pu- blique et de l'Einpire. 50 planches colorizes. roy. 8°. Paris, 18*44. Bulletin de l'intendance et des services admi- 1 nistratifs de l'armee de terre. Recueil de docu- | ments officiels concernant les fonctionuaires de ARMY. 540 ARMY. Army (French). l'intendance et les officiers d'administration des bureaux de l'intendance, des hopitaux, des sub- sistences et de l'habillement et du eampeinent militaires. V. Rozier, directeur-gdrant. Parais- sant une fois par mois. v. 1-4, 1856-79. 8°. Paris. [Current.] Cayol (J. A.) Manuel de l'administration des corps de troupes en campagne. 8°. Paris, 1862. Durat-Lasalle (L.) Droit ct legislation des anndes de terre et de mer; recueil mdthodique complet des lois, ddcrets, ordonnances, reglements, instructions, etc., actuellement en vigueur; avec la coopdration de plusieurs magis'trats et offi- ciers gdndraux. Avec des portraits, gravures, vignettes, etc., et ntie table gdndrale, par A. Garrel. 10 v. roy. 8°. Paris, 1842-57. Journal militaire officiel. 8°. Paris, 1872-7. Rapport du ddpartement militaire sur sa ges- tion pendant l'annde 18o6/ 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Reglement gdndral du ter juillet 1874 pour les transports militaires par eliemin de fer. Guerre et marine. 8°. Paris, 1874. Administration (L') militaire; lo projet de loi sur l'admiuistiation dc l'armee. Rev. scient., Par., 1876, 2. s., vi, 361-369.—Chasnpouillon. Considerations sur quel- 3lies modifications qu'il pourrait etre utile d'introduire ans la tenue de l'armee. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvii, 97-116.—Charges port6es par les hommes en temps de paix et en campagne. Ibid., 1869, 3. s., xxiii, 189. Army (French, Medical department of). Academie de mddecine. Rapport sur la rdor- ganisation du service de santd militaire en rdponse aux questions de M. le Ministre de la Guerre. 8°. Paris, 1873. Ackerman (P.) Rdsumd historique de la chirur- gie militaire en France, comme compldment du mdmoire sur 1'appareil portatif connu sous le nom de sac chirurgical, prdsentd al'Institut (Acaddmie des sciences), & l'Athdnde des arts et la Socidtd d'encouragement. (Extrait d'un travail prdsentd aux ministeres de la guerre et de la marine, de 1834 4 1838.) 4°. Paris, 1844. - Annuaire spdcial du corps de santd de l'armde de terre, 1868,1869,1871. 3 v. 4°. Paris, [n.d.] Appendice au compte rendu sur le service du recrutement de l'armde. Statistique mddicale de l'armde pendant les anndes 1863-9; 1872; 1875; 1877. 4^. Paris, 1865-79. Bailly. Notice sur les inconvdniens de l'or- ganisation du service de santd des hopitaux mili- taires et des arnides. Suivie d'un projet d'orgaui- satiou nouvelle. 8°. Nancy, 1831. Begin (L.-J.) Etudes sur le service de santd militaire en France, son passd, son prdsent, son avenir. 8°. Paris, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1860. [Broca.] Rapport sur la rdorganisation du service de sante militaire,eu rdponse aux questions de M. le Ministre de la Guerre. 8°. Paris, 1873. Bulletin de la mddecine et de la pharmacie militaires. Recueil de tous les documents officiels relatifs a la mddecine et a la pharmacie militaires, etc., paraissant une fois par mois. V. Rozier, directeur-gdrant. Nos. 1-252. 8°. Paris, 1852-79. [Current.] Caubet (J. L.) * Essai sur le service mddicale de l'armde en campagne. 4C. Paris, 1871. Cerfberr (A. E.) Dela ndcessitd de consti- tuer le corps des officiers de santd dans l'armde et pour l'armde. [Extr. du Spectateur militaire.] 8°. Paris, 1848. Chapplain (M. L.) De l'intendance du corps mddical militaire, et de la mortalitddaus l'armde. Rdponse a . . . Dr. Chenu. 8°. Paris, 1872. Collette. De la rdorganisation du corps mddical militaire, sur une base entierement ueuve. 8°. Belfort, 1848. Army (French, Medical department of). Colombier (J.) Code de mddecine militaire four le service de terre. 5 v. 12°. Paris, 772. Courtin (C.) Recueil gdndral des lois, regle- mens, ddcisions et circulaires sur le service des lmpitaux militaires. 8°. Paris, 1809. Decret (Du) du 3 mai 1848, qui rdorganise le corps des mddecins militaires. 8°. Paris, 1849. Didiot (P.-A.) Code des officiers de santd de l'armde de terre. 8°. Paris, 1863. Discussion sur les rapports a. dtablir entre la mddecine et la pharmacie dans l'armde, en rdponse aux questions posdes par M. le Ministre de la Guerre. [Acad, de mdd.] 8°. Paris, 1873. Ferry (O.) * Essai sur I'organisation des con- vois sanitaires en campagne. 4°. Paris, 1877. Fonctionnement(Du) des mddecins militaires. Le prdsent et l'avenir. 8°. Paris, 1860. Gama (J. P.) Esquisse historique du service de santd militaire en gdndral, et spdcialement du service chirurgicale depuis l'dtablissement des hdpitaux militaires en France. 8°. Paris, 1841. -----. Lettre sur le service de santd mibtaire. 8°. Vaugirard, 1859. -----. Seconde lettre sur le service de santd militaire. 8°. Paris, 1860. [Haussman.] Hospital service of the French army in the East. [Transl. from the Moniteur de l'armde of the 20. of Oct.] 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Instruction mddicale et scientifique pour lea officiers de santd attachds au corps expddition- naire de Chine, approuvde par le ministre secrd- taire d'dtat de la guerre sur la prdsentation du conseil de sautd des armdes. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Instruction pour servir de guide aux officiers de santd dans l'apprdciation des infirmitds ou des maladies qui reudent impropre au service mUi- taire, approuvde par le mardchal de France, mi- nistre secrdtaire d'dtat de la guerre, le 2. avril 1862, d'apres la proposition du conseil de santd des armdes. fol. Paris, 1862. Instruction a l'usage des mddecins sanitaires du Levant. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Legislation sanitaire de l'armde de terre, con- tenant les lois, ddcrets, ordonnances, reglements, instructions, decisions, notes, circulaires, solu- tions, et lettres ministdrielles concernant les md- decins militaires dans les hdpitaux et les corps de troupes. Recueillis, mis en ordre et publids par V. Rozier. 3 v. 8 \ Paris, 1853. Liandon (C.) Nouveau projet d'organisatiou du corps des officiers de santd milita^s, etc. Prdsentd a son altesse royale Monseigneur le Due d'Orldans. 8°. Marseille, 1840. Maillot (F.-C.) Du cadre de rdserve pour les inspecteurs du service de santd do l'armde. 8°. Paris, 1868. Maillot (F.-C.) & Puel (J.-A.-A.) Aide-md- moire mddico-ldgale de l'officier de santd de l'armde de terre. 8°. Paris, 1842. Manuel do l'intirmier de visite. [Bureau des hopitaux et des iuvalides.] 12°. Paris, 1867. Medecine militaire. Recrutement des officiers de santd. 8°. Paris, 1872. Ministere de la guerre. Instruction pour les inspectious mddicales de 1841. fol. Paris, 1841. Nouveau systeme de transport de malades et blessds. 8°. [n.p.], 1872. OSuvue de patronage des socidtds de secours mutuels entre aneiens militaires des armdes de terre et de mer. 8°. [n.p., 1870.] Ofitciers (Des) de sautd militaires, de leur position dans l'armde et des modifications a. introduire dans leur organisation. 8°. Alger, 1848. Present (Le) et l'avenir du corps de eantd des armdes de terre. 8°. Paris, 1860. ARMY. 541 ARMY. Army (French, Medical department of). Prevot (E.) Projet d'organisation des soldats inlirmiers, en compagnies, d'apres les bases que rdgissent 1'armde eu general et la bataillon d'ou- j vriers d'administration en particulier. r \ Paris, lf4H. Projet d'uniforme pour le corps des officiers de santd deTarmde de terre. 8-\ Paris, [n. d.] Puel (J.-A.-A.-E.) Manuel rdglenieiitaire a l'usage des officiers de santd des hopitaux mili- | taires et des coqis de troupe. .--. Metz, 1^57. I Revue scientiiique et administrative des mdde- cins des armdes. V. Rozier, directeur-gdrant. v. 1-9, June, 1*50-79. 8J. Paris. [Current; bi- j monthly. ] Roucher (C.) Du service de la pharmacie militaire, son importance, 8a situation actuelle, j rdformes a introduire dans son organisation. 8C. Paris, 1871. -----. Du corps des pharmaciens miUtaires, son role dans les dtablissements hopitaliers aux armdes actives et pres de l'administration supd- rieure de la guerre, r?°. Parh, 1873. Souchere (A.) La mddecine et l'administra- I tion militaire. Lettres a l'assemblde nationale. 8°. Paris, 1?7'2. , Theorie de l'dcole du soldat, a l'usage des in- I firmiers militaires. 16°. Paris, [n. d.] ! Vignes (P.) De la fausse position des officiers j de sante dans l'armde de terre; ou, exposd de la marche graduelle de ^administration de la guerre, | pour usurper les droits du conseil de santd des armdes, en violant les ordonnances et les lois ren- dues pour assurer la position de tous les officiers de santd militaires. 8Z. Parh, 1^45. Army (The) medical service in France. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1879. i, 236.—JSalland. Le passe dela phar- macie militaire. Union m6d., Par., 1873, 3. 8., xv, 13-16.— Boudin. Systeme des ambulances des arm6es francaise j et anglaise; instructions qui r6glent cette brane he clu ser- vice administratif et mfedical. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1855, 2. \ s., iii, 60-123, 3 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Broca. Rapport sur j I'organisation du service de sante dans l'arcnee en reponse aux questions de M. le Ministre de la Guene. Bull. Acad. de med.. Par., 1873, 2. s., ii, 770; 801; 849; 897; 945; 988.— Chaiupouillon. Lettre sur le recrutement du person- nel du service de sante dans la reserve de l'armee active et l'armee territoriale. Gaz. med. do Par., 1875, 4. s., iv, 71.— Chaussier (B.) & Chaussier (F.) Observations sur quelques abus dansle service des officiers de sante, attaches aux regimens et aux hopitaux militaires de la r£publique. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1793, i, 73-103.—Colin (L.) Du service dc sante de l'annee pendant la guerre. Union med., Par., 1870, x, 543-545.—Concours (Le) pour l'admission aux emplois d'eleve du service de sante militaire. Tribune med., Par., 1877, x, 253-256.—Decret concernant la medecine militaire. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1852, iii, 496-499.—Deere! sur I'organisation du corps de sante de l'arm6e dc terre. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1852, xxv, 145.—Decret sur I'organisation de la medecine mUitaire. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1856, ii, 24 5-250.—[ Decret dulgouvemeinent pro- visoire. Gaz. med de Par., 1848. 3. s., iii, 369.—Enseiene- ment de la m6decine et de la phamiacie militaires. L nion med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 623.—van Esschen. Paral- lelc du service de sante militaire en France et en Belgique. Arch. med. beiges, Brux,., 1863, xxxii, 54; 297.—Fischer. Zur Sanitiitspllege des fran-Ssist'lien Heeres. Preuss. mil.- arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862. iii, 177; 183. Aho, Reprint.—Fleury (G.) Sur la distinction k maintcnir entre la medecine et la pharmacie militaires. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xii. 26- 28.—Haspel (A.) Sur le projet d'organisation de la mdde- cine militaire. Ibid., 1873, 3. s., xvi. 72-75.—Jacquot (F.) Reorganisation du corps des officiers de sante militaires. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 115; 142; 403; 663: 1849, 3. s., iv, 235; 589.—Jeanne! (J.) Intendance; medecine et phnrmacie militaires. Union med., Par., 1871, 3. s., xi, 325-329. Aho, Reprint. -----. Remarques et conclusions relatives au service de la pharmacie militaiie pendant la campagne de 1870-71. Ibid., 398-404. -----. La pharmacie militaire devant l'academie de medecine. Ibid., 1873, 3.8., xv, 893-896.—Jndee. Reorganisation clu service de sant6 militaire. Congres med. de France, 1872, Par., 1&73. 151- 161. — Leclerc (L.) Copie de l'ordonnance de Clot-Bey, medeciu en chef des annees, sur les moyens 4 employer par les medecins pour combattre la gale et la syphilis chez les soldats. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Pai\, 1865, vii, 180- 182.—Eereboullet*(L.) La methode dosimetrique et le Lrcny (French, Medical department of). ministere de la guerre. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1879. 2. s., xvi, 33.—.Lettre sur I'organisation du service de sante militaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s.. i, 827; 981.—Levy (M.) Remarques sur la r6organisation projetee du corps do la medecine militaire. Ibid., 1848. 3. s., iii, 291-205.—I.oi relative a. I'organisation des services hospitaliers de l'armee dans les hopitaux militaires it dans les hospices civils. Union med., Par., 1877, 3. s.. xxiv, 97.—Marduel. Lo Bervice de sante de la garde nationale. Lyon med., 1870, vi, 113-117.— Marduel (P.) La medecine militaire et l'in- tendance. Ibid., 145-155.— Marmottau. Organisation des services hospitaliers de l'annee dans les hopitaux mili- taires et dans les hospices civils. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 1137-1142. A ho: Moniteur. J. demed.,etc., Par., 1876, i, 357; 373. Aho: Mouvement med., Par., 1876, xiv, 764- 767—Marshall (II.) Abstract of a royal onlonnance ■which was promulgated on the 12th August, 1836, rela- tive to the organization of the medical department of the French army. Edinb. M. Sl S. J., 1840, liii, 08-78.— Medecine* militaire; projet d'organisation du service de sante, presents le 18 juin 1850. Arch. g6n. de med. de Par., 1850, ii, 372-375.—Medicos (Los) militares fran- ceses y espanoles en marchas y campaiia. Mem. de sanid. d. ej6rcito, etc., Madrid, 1858-t>0, 578-583.—Ministere de la guerre; programme d'un concours pour l'admission aux emplois d'eleve du service de saute militaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xlix, 401.—Mouuier. Dc l'influence exercee par les officiers de sant6 de l'armee sur les progres de la chirurgie. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1850, 2. 8., v, 300-329.— Note ministerielle portant modification de rinstruction du 20 fevrier 1864, notamment en ce qui con- cerne les 6tablissements thermaux do Vichy et d'Amelie- les-Bains. J. mil. off., Par., 1874, 66-€9.—Neuesten (Die) Reformen der iuilitararztlichen Branche in der franzosi- schen Annee; von einem k. k. Militararzte. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1875, xxv, 9; 17.—Nouveau (Le) mode de recrute- ment du service de sante militaiie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., lf>73, 2. s., x, 265.—Organisation (L) du person- nel de sante de l'armee de terre. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1852, i, 502. — Piotrovski (F.) Organizatsija vo- enno-nieditsinskoi chasti vo Frantsii. [Organization of the mil.-med. corps in France.] Yovenno-nied. J., St. Petersb., 1876, exxvii, 39; 169. — Post. De reorganisatie van den militairen geneeskundigen dienst in Frankrijk. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1875, iv, 127- 132. — Principal! disposizioni costitutive del servizio di sanita in tutti li eserciti stranieri e basi della riorga- nizzazione del corpo di sanita militare in Fraucia per H. . . . Y. Trad, dei Dott. Barotiio e Santini. Gior. di med.. fann. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1872, xx, 129; 225; 343.— Projet de loi relatif a I'organisation des services hospita- liers de l'amiee dans les hopitaux militaires et dans les hopitaux civils. Tribune med.. Par., 1876, ix, 587-589.— Queirel. Cours de chirurgie d'armee; des ambulances. Marseille med., 1876, xiii, 193; 266.—Quelques mots sur la reorganisation de la medecine militaire. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1876, v, 329-332.—B. Du role special du phaima- cien militaire. Rev. scient. d. mecl. d. armees. Par., 1861, vi, 440; 456; 483; 509.—Reorganisation de l'annee: Le service de sante militaire; projet de loi sur l'adniinisti-atiou de l'armee; projet de loi relatit'a la constitution des cubes et des effectifs de l'armee active et dc l'armee territoriale; projet de loi relatif aux cadres de l'armee active et de l'armee territoriale et aux officiers de reserve. Gaz. med. de Par., 1&75, 4. s., iv, 26-29.—Reorganisation (La) du coips de sante militaire. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 419—122.—Reorganisation (De la) de la mede- cine militaire. Union med., Par., 1647. i, 68; 85; 178.— Reorganisation (Dc la) du service de sante militaire. Tribune med.. Par., 1874, vii, 434; 445.—Roth (\V.) Zur Reform des franzosischen Sauitatsdienstea. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1874, iii, 565-570.—Roucher (C.) Re- flexions sur les rapports entre la pharmacie et la mede- cine militaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1872. 4. s., i, 20-23. Aho, Reprint.—de Saint-Arnaud (A.) Report au prince pre- sident de la republique franchise, sur I'organisation du corps de sante de l'armee de terre (23 mars 1852). Rev. scient. d. m6d. d. armees, Par., 1852, iii, 248-251.—Scoutetten (H.) Expose- de la situation des officiers de sante militaires de l'armee francaise; suivi de considerations sur la neces- sity d'une reorganisation de ce corps. Gaz. med. de Par., 1839, vii, 481-483.—Service de sante medicale. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 379.—Service (Le) do sante et la loi sur I'organisation de l'arm6e. Tribune med.. Par., 1878, xi, 49; 61.—Shrimpton (C.) Considerations sur l'etat du service de sant6 de l'annee. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836,2. s., iv, 1-5.—Tableau dela classification des intinni- t6s ouvrant des droits a la pension suivant les categories fixees par les lois des 11. et 18. avril 1831. Bull, de la med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1879, vii, 507-510.—Traitement des militaires dans les hopitaux civils. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s.. xiii, 421.—Vaillant. Composition du cadre du corps de sante de l'armee de terre. Ibid., 1859, 2. s., ii, 209-212.— Wahl. La pharmacie centrale de la deuxieme armee de la Loire. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1873, 3. s., xxix, 431-434. ARMY. 542 ARMY. Army (French, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Allaire. Quelques recherehes sur les infirmitds causes d'exemptions du service militaire dans l'ar- roudissement dc Meaux, depuis 1824 jusqu'a 1859 inclusivement. 8°. Meaux, 1861. Bexoiston. Essai sur la mortalitd dans l'in- fanterie francaise. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Chenu (J. C.) Recrutement de l'armde et population de la France, roy. 4°. Paris, 1867. Desjobert. Etat sanitaire de l'armde. 8°. Paris, 1848. Devoot (P. L. A.) * Essai de statistique mddi- cale sur les principales causes d'exemption du service miUtaire, et recherehes sur leur frdquence et leur distribution gdographique en France. 4°. Paris, 1855. -----. The same. 4°. Paris, 1855. Jacquot (F.) Lettres mddicales sur l'ltalie, comprenant l'histoire mddicale du corps d'occu- pation des dtats romains. 8°. Paris, 1857. Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et de phar- macie militaires. Rddigd, sous la surveillance de MM. les inspecteurs gdndraux du service de santd, par Biron et Fouruier. Publid par ordre de s. exc. le ministre secrdtaire d'dtat au ddparte- ment de la guerre, v. 1-2, March, 1815-16. 8°. Paris, C. L. E. Panckoucke. v. 3 et seq., title Recueil de memoires de medecine, de chirurgie, etc. Obrigkeit (Anf holier) guildigen Befehl haben wir, der Stadt-Physicus und die samtliche Pro- fessores der medicinischen Facultiit in Strasz- burg die uns vorgelegte Frag: Was es vor eine Beschaffenheit mit denen seit einigen Monathen grassireuden Krankheiten dermahlen habe, uud workmen die Ursach derselbigeu zu suchen seye? in reiffe Betrachtuug gezogen, wobey wir vor- | liiuffig zu erinuern noting befunden, dasz dieje- j nige Krankheiten, welche unter denen meisteus aus der Armde in hieszigen frantzosischen Hos- j pital gebrachten Soldaten regieret, etc. [Signed ! by Jon. Sainctlo [etal.], 25. Februarii 1735.] 2 1. j fol. [n. p., n. d.] Recueil de mdmoires de mddecine, de chirur- J gie et de pharmacie militaires; faisant suite au ! journal qui paraissait sous le meme litre. Rddigd ! sous la surveillance du eouseil de santd. Par Birou et Fournier. Publid par ordre de s. exc. le ministre secrdtaire d'dtat au ddpartement de la guerre, v. 3-61, July, 1817-45; 2. s., v. 1-23, 1846- 58; 3. s., v. 1-35, 1859-79. 117 v. b°. Paris, C. j L. F. Panckoucke. Current. See Journal de medecine, de chirurgio et de ! pharmacie militaires for v. 1-2, 1815-16. v. 21, 41, and 61 ! are indexes to v. 1-20, 22-40, and 42-60. v. 23, 2. s., is index to v. 1-22, 2. s. • Recueil d'observatious de mddecine des h6pi- taux militaires. Fait et rddigd par M. Richard \ de Hautesierck. 2 v. 4°. Paris, de Vimprimerie royale, 1766-72. Report of the causes of reduced mortality in ; the French army serving in Algeria. Preseuted ! to both houses of Parliament, fol. London, 1867. Statistique mddicale de l'armde. Appendice au compte rendu sur le service du recrutement de l'armde, pendant les anndes 1863-9; lr<72; 1875. 9 v. 4°. Pans, 1865-77. Veillox (A.) Considdrations sur les maladies les plus frdqtientes observees au quartier d'artil- lerie de la marine et des colonies a l'orient. 4°. Paris, 1875. Allaire. Recherehes sur les infirmit6s causes d'exemp- tion du service militaire dans rarrondissement de Meaux. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1862, 3. s., vii, 130- 138.—Artnieux. Note sur l'etat sanitaire des troupes de l'armee d'occupation &Rome. Ibid., viii, 20-27.—Anion Id (J.) L'etat sanitaire de l'armde apres la guerre, d'apres les documents officiels. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1874, xiv, 339; 350. | Lrmy (French, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). -----. Consid6rations sur le degrfi d'aptitude physique du recrutement de l'ficole speciale militaire pour l'annee 1874- 5. Bee. de mem. dc mecl. . . . mil., Par., 1875, xxxi, 1-18.— Rayard (A.) Statistique des hopitaux militaires, de 1762 h 1842. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 352.—Renoiston de Chateauncuf. Essai sur la mortalite clans l'infanterie francaise. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1833, x, 239-316.—Bcrtillon. Statistique medicale lie l'armee. Union med., Par., 1870, x, 374; 383.—Rcrtrand. Etudes statistiques sur le recrute- ment clans le departement de l'lndre de 1838 a. 1804. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1865, 3. s., xiv, '>89-318, 6 pi.— Route. Indiquer quelles sont les maladies qui regnent le FIus conimunenient parmi les troupes, pendant la saison de automne; quels sont les moyens de les prevenir, et quelle est la methode la plus simple, la plus facile et la moins dis- pendieuse de les traiter. Hist. Soc. roy de med., Par., 1789, x, pt. 2, 161-207.—Boudin (J.-C. M.) Etudes d'hygiene publique sur l'etat sanitaire et la mortalite des arm6es de terre et de mer. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv, 241; xxxvi, 86. -----. Hygiene militaire comparee et statistique m6di- cale des armees de terre et de mer. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1847, 2. s., iii, 1-142. -----Statistiquo medicale des armees. Gaz. med. dc Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 303; 312. Also, Reprint. -----. Etudes sur le recrutement de l'annee. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1849, xii, 268-317. -----. Etudes sur l'etat sanitaire et la mortalite de l'arm6e. Ibid., xiii, 319-346. -----. Resultats ethnologiques du recrute- ment dans l'armee francaise. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1861, ii, 657-666.—Car riere (E.) Le present et l'avenir de l'etat sanitaire de notre armee de Rome. Union med., Par., 1849, iii, 489.— Chamseru. Expose des maladies qui ont regno dans les hopitaux ambulans A la suite de l'armGe de reserve, pendant fete et l'automne de 1792, dcpuis le mois de juillet jusqu'a. la tin de novembre. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1793, i, 27-173.—de la Chaume (T.) Indiquer quelles sont les maladies qui r6gnent le plus communement parmi les troupes, pendant la saison de raittomne: quels Bont les moyens de les prevenir, et quelle est la m6thode la plus simple, la plus facile et la moins dispendieuse de les traiter. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par., 1789, x. pt. 2, 208-388. -----. Quelles sont les maladies qui rfegnent le plus souvent Sarmi les troupes pendant lete, et en general dans le temps es grandes chaleurs ? Quelle est la methodo la plus simple et la moins dispendieuse de les traiter, et quels sont les moyens d'en prevenir ou diminuer les effets dans les tr6s- chauds, comme clans les iles du vent et sous le vent I Ibid., 389-478.—Costa. Etudes statistiques sur le recrutement du Pas-de-Calais. Rec. de mem. cie med. . . . mil., Par., 1866, 3. s.. xvii, 193-232, 6 pi. -----. Le recrutement de la Corse. Ibid., 1873, 3. s., xxix, 113-176. — Czcrnicki. L'annee medicale d'un regiment de cavalerie. Ibid., 1876, xxxii, 22-44.—Dehous. Des camps de convalescents sous la tente; lo camp dc 1'Edough en 1861. Ibid., 1863, 3. s., ix, 287-293.—Duche (E.) Des hernies au point de vue du re- cruteinent dans le departement de l'Yonne. Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonne, Auxerre, 1866, vii, 81-95, 1 tab. -----. Sur la Serte de dents consideree au point de vue du recrutement ans le departement de l'Yonne. Ibid., 1871, xii, 116-129.— Dufour (E.) Notice statistique sur les militaires admis ill'asile d'Anueutieres de 1858 k 1872. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1872, 5. s., viii, 52-72.—Ely. L'annee et la popula- tion, etudes deniographiques. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvi, 1-17.—Eustache (G.) Service militaire; compte-rendu des principales maladies pendant l'annee 1806-7. Montpel. med.. 1868, xx, 110; 313.—Fa lire (A.) Compte-rendu lies maladies observees au camp de Gloiuel pendant les trois derniers trimestres de 1828, pr6- cede d'un apercu topographique sur cet etabUssement. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1830, xxix, 88-126.— Fritsch dit Laud. Do la mortalite* dans l'armee en garnison ct en campagne. Congres med. de France (1872), Par.. 1873, 334-351. —Oaste (L.-F.) Memoire sur les maladies observees en Catalogne sur une partie des troupes du 4",c corps de l'armee des Pyrenees, clepuis le mois d'avril 1823 jusqu'au mois do decembro sui- vant. J. univ. d. sc. mod., Par., 1824, xxxv, 198-235.— Gcrardin (R.) Memoire sur les principales maladies des troupes dans l'ile de Corse, avec de nouvolles observations sur Theniatose. Rev. med., Par., 1826, i. 386-403.—Oi- inelle (I.) Rapport du chirurgien en chef do I'ambulance des Cc')te8-du-Nord k M. le Comte Foucher de Careil, di- recteur general des ambulances do l'ann<3e do Bretagne. Union med., Par., 1873. 3. s., xv, 240-242.—Goffres. Con- siderations historiques, hygieniques et mfedicalcs sur le camp de Chalons. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1865, 3. s., xiii, 49; 127; 225; 293. -----. Note sur la con- stitution medicale du camp de Chalons en 1865, et snr sa comparaison avec celle cie 1864. Ibid., xiv, 465-472.— Jaequot (F.) Histoire m6dicale du corps d'occupation des fitats-Romains en 1853. Ibid., 1854, 2. s., xiv, 55-106. -----. Histoire medicale du corps d'occupation des litats Pontificaux en 1852. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855. xxviii, 513; 537; 557.—Jrcsscl. Sur l'ambulanee du Petit-Quartier k Haguenau. Proc.-verb. . . . Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1872, vii, 1; 12.—Lagneau (G.) Considerations medicales et ARMY. 543 ARMY. Army (French, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). anthrop' »1« >uiques sur lareorganisationde l'annee en France. Gaz. he Ink de med., Par.. 1871, 2. s., viii. 406; 439: lt>72. 2. s.. ix. 19.—Landeuttc. Maladies regnantcs parmi les soldats en garnison k Bitche, et observations sur trois differentes hydropisies surveiiues k la suite de maladies aigues; l'une desquelles a etc guerie par l'usage du lait. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par.. 1760, xiii, 165-175.— Larrey (H.) Relationchirurgicaledcseveuemeusdejuillet 1830, a l'hc'ipital militaire du Gios-Caillou. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1831, xxx, 92-229. -----. Considera- tions sur le recrutement militaire au point de vue de l'apti- tude physique et de la taille ; a propos de la discussion sur l'etat de la population en France; lues a 1'Academic de ni6- decine, dans sa seance du 30 avril 1867. Gaz. med. de Par., 1867, xxii, 268-274.—Laveran. Recherehes statistiques sur les causes dela mortality de l'armee servant k l'interieur. Ann. d. hyg., Par.. 1860, 2. s.. xiii, 233-291. -----. Do la mortalite des armees en campagne au point de vue de I'eti- ologie. Ibid.. 1863. 2. s., xix, 240-279.—deques. Conside- rations sur les maladies et infirmites causes d'exemption du service militaire dans le departement de la Vendee, en 1863. Rec. de m£m. dc m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1864, 3. s., xii, 177-198.— l.iandon. Statistique m6dicale de l'arm6e. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d.. Par.. 1866, 2. 8., iii, 375.—Lorreut. Observation sur quelques maladies regnantes parmi les sol- dats en garnison au Xeuf-Brisack, pendant l'ann6e 1758 et 1759. J. de mini., chir.. pharm.. etc., Par., 1760, xiii, 74- 78.—maillot (M.) Documents ponr servir a l'histoire des maladies de l'armee d'Afrique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1850, 3. s., v. 2-9.—TIaladies considerees comme causes d'exemp- tion du service militaire en Fiance. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1858, 2. s., x, 222-225, tabs.—3Eareantin (A. L.) Obser- vations sur le recrutement de 1'e.coTe spexiale militaire pour l'annee 1876. Rec. de mem. de ni6d. . . . mil., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxxiii, 71-80.—Marshall (H.) On the mortality of the infantry of the French army. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1834, xiii, 34-49.—Michel. Statistique medicale de l'hopital militaire du Gros-Caillou, adressee au conseil de sante des armees. Rec. demem. demed. ... mil., Par., 1841,1. 97-121.— JUortalitat (Die) in der franzosischen Armee. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 32; 59: ?.'.—.VIoullie (G.) Des causes d'exemption clu service militaire dans le departe- ment de la Haute-Loirc. Rec. dc mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s., xviii. 273-318.—Nyman (C. M.) Rapport till K. Sundhets-Colegium om fait medicinen i Frankrike. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1852, xiv, 65-76.—Perier (J.) His- toire ni6dicale des camps de Boulogne. Rec. de nicm. de m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1856, ' 2. s., xviii. 1-129. Aho, Re- Srint.—Pernr. Compte rendu des operations du conseil e r6vision de l'Ande, en 1866, pour servir a l'histoire du recrutement. Ibid., 1866, 3. s., xvii, 232-239.—Philippe. Rapport m6dico-chirnrgical sur le camp de Lannemezan. Ibid., 1869, 3. 8.,,xxiii, 27-58.—Richon. Etudes statisti- ques sur le recrutement dans le departement de la Moselle. Expose, d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. de la Moselle, Metz, 1868, 45-110. Aho: Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. s., xxiii, 97-146, 3 tab., 3 maps.—Rollet. Statisti- que medicale dn camp de la Gironde. Ibid., 1848, 2. s., iv, 6-62. Aho. Reprint.—Sistach. Etudes statistiques sur les infirmites et le di-faut de taille, consid6r6s comme causes d'exemption du service militaire. Ibid., 1861., 3. s., vi, 353-389, 2 pi.—Statistique medicale de l'armee. Ibid., 1853, 2. s., xii, 1^45.—Statistique medicaledel'armee fran- chise (1863 et 1864). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1867,2. s.. xxvii,445- 449.—Statistique du recrutement. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1870, ii, 115-117. Army (German). Bestimmogex iiber das Militair-Veterinaire- Wesen. r-. Berlin, 1874. Military penal code (Militiir-Strafgesetzbuch) for the German Empire, with ordinance establish- ing it. Issued June 20, 1-72; to take effect from Oct. 1, 1872. Berlin. Publication of the Royal Private Court Printing Establishment. Transl. by Maj. W. Winthrop. H-. Washington, 1873. German army food. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 480.— Gesetzgebnng (Die) in Kurhessen iiber die ziun Mili- tairdienst untauglich machenden Gebreohen. (Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Legislation iiber Militair-Medicinalpolizei.) Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vi, 254-262. Army (German, Medical department of). Baltz (T. F.) Freimiithige Worte iiber die innern und wesentlichsten Verhaltnisse in der kouiglich- preussischen Mihtiir - Medicinal- Ver- fassuug. 8-. Berlin, 1-20. Bericht der vom Kriegs-Ministerium am 16. August l-4-< zur Einleituug einer Reform des Militair-Medizinal-Wesens uiedergesetzten Kom- mission. 8J. Berlin, 1848. Army (German, Medical department of). Beyer (A.) Instruction fiir Militair-Aerzte der | kon. preuss. Armee vom 9. December lt>58, das militair-arztliche Untersuchungs-Geschaft be- | tretleud. 12°. Breslau, 1-6U. Bischoff (C. H. E.) liber das Hcil-Wesen der deutscheu Heere. 8-. Elberfeld, lr-15. Casper (J. L.) Rede zur Feier des neun und vierzigsten Stiftungstages des kon. med.-chir. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Instituts am 2. August 184/S. —. Berlin, [1-43]. Eckart (A.) Yollstandige alphabetisch-chro- nologische Sammlung der iiber das koniglich- bayerische Militar-Sanitiitswesen erlassenen und noch giltigen Verordnungen mit Allerhbchster Geuehmigung verfasst und herausgegeben. [Mit Beilage No. i-xxvi und chronologiscner Renner.] f\ Miinchen, 1855. Eitxer. Militararztliche Atteste und Gutach- ten. 8^\ Berlin, 1873. Fiedler (A.) Ueber Bayern's Militar-Sani- tiitswesen im Vergleich mit anderen Staaten. 8°. Landau, 1867. Frolich(H.) Die Erganzung des deutschen Reichsheeres und insonderheit diejenige seines 8anitatspersonals. 8-. [Berlin, n. d.] Josephi (W.) Grundriss der Militar-Staats- arzeneikunde; mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Mi- Mtiiriirzte und Officiere aller Grade bearbeitet. 8J. Berlin, 1829. Keyl (A.) * Ueber militar-sanitatliche Insti- tute und deren Betrieb unter specieller Bezug- nahme auf die Miincheuer Verhaltnisse im Jahre 1869. >-:. Wiirzburg, 1-70. Leibrock (C. V. W.) * Grundziige zur Orga- nisation einer Sanitiitscompagnie fiir das kurhess. Armeecorps. 8J. Marburg, 1861. Loeffler (F.) Das preussische Militar-Sani- tiitswesen und seine Reform nach der Kriegser- fahrung von 1866. 2 Theile in 1 v. 8°. Berlin, l8d8-9. -----. Rede iiber die heutige Aufgabe der militairarztlichen Bildungsanstalten zur Feier des Stiftungstages des medicinisch-chirurgischen Friedrich -YVilhelms-Institutes und der medici- nisch-chirurgischen Akademie fiir das Militair am 2. August 1-WJ. 8-. Beilin, [1869?] Mobius (P. J.) Grundriss des deutschen Mi- litair- .Sanitatswesens. Ein Leitfaden fiir die in das Heer eintretendeu Aerzte. 8C. Leipzig, 1878. Prager (C. J.) Das preussische Militar-Medi- cinal-Wesen in seiner gegenwiirtigen Gestalt. Mit Ergiinzungsheft. 8°. Berlin, 1864. -----. Das preussische Militar-Medizinal-We- sen in systematischer Darstellung. 2. Aun., 2 v. roy. ft-. Berlin, 1875. Reform (Die) der Militar-Sanitat nach den Anforderungen der Gegenwart. Eine Denkschrift von dem Centralvereine bayerischer Militiir- Aerzte herausgegeben. 8-. Erlangen, 1850. Reglement iiber den Dienst der Krankenpflege im Felde bei der koniglieh preussischen Armee. 8-. Berlin, 1863. Reglement fiir die Friedeus-Lazarethe der kon. preuss. Armee. 8C. Berlin, 1852. Richter (A. L.) Die Reform des arztlichen Personals der koniglich-preussischen Armee. 8°. Berlin, 1844. -----. Begutachtung des Berichtes der vom Kriegsministerium zur Einleitung einer Reform des Militair-Medicinal-Wesens uiedergesetzten Commission. r»:. Nordhausen, 1849. -----. Geschichte des Medizinal -Wesens der koniglichen preussischen Armee bis zur Gegen- wart. Ein Beitrag zur Armee- und C'nltur-Ge- schichte Preussens. S-\ Erlangen, 1860. -----. Das Militair-Medicinal-Wesen Preus- ARMY. 544 ARMY. Army (German, Medical department of). sens. Nach den Bedtirfnissen der Gegenwart dar- gestellt. 8°. Darmstadt u. Leipzig, 1867. von Richthoven (E. K. H. T.) Die medicinal Einrichtungen des kon. preuss. Heeres. 1. Theil, oder historische Darstellung der preussischen mi- litair medicinal Verfassung bis zum Jahre 1823. 8C. Breslau, 1836. Kotii (W.) Die Dienst-Verhaltnisse der As- sistenz-Aerzte und Unter-Aerzte iu der kouiglich- preussischen Armee. Eine Zusammenstellung der betreffenden Verf iigungen und Reglements. 8°. Berlin, 1859. Sammlung, einzelner Vorschriften Dienstan- weisungen, und sonstiger Ausarbeitungen, iiber die Verwaltung der Lazarethe bei der konigl. preussischen Armee. 8°. Gorlitz, 1813. Sammlung von Vorschriften etc. uber die Ver- waltung der Lazarethe bei der kon. preuss. Armee. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1815. Schaeffer (R.) Der eiujahrig freiwillige Arzt und der Unter-Arzt in der koniglieh preussischen Armee; nachamtlichen Quellenund den neuesten Bestimmungen zusammengestellt und bearbeitet. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Scheller (C. F.) Alphabetisch geordneter Inhalt der amtlichen Circulare, welche von dem Chef des Militiir-Medicinal-Wesens sowohl an die Corps-General-Aerzte der konigl. preuss. Armee insgesammt erlassen worden sind. 3 Th. in 3 v. 8°. Berlin, 1842-56. StOrzel (A. F.) Das preussische Militax-Me- dicinalwesen. 1. Theil, Die Krankenpflege und die Lazarethe im Frieden. 8°. Schwei'in, 1868. Theden (J. C. A.) Unterricht fur die Unter- wundiirzte bey Armeen, besonders bey dem konig- lich-preussischen Artilleriecorps. 2. vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1778. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. sm. 8°. Berlin u. Stettin, 1782. Verordnung iiber die Organisation des Sa- nitats-Korps nebst Austlihrungs-Bestimmungen. Vom 6. Februar 1873. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Vogeler. Der norddeutsche Feldarzt. 12°. Mainz, 1870. Zusammenstellung der Abiinderungen des Re- glements fiir die Friedens-Lazarethe der konig- fich-preussischen Armee (vom 5. Juli 1858), in Folge der neuen Maas- und Gewiehts-Ordnung vom 17. August 1868. 8°. Berlin, 1871. Zusammenstellung der das Reglement fiir die Friedens-Lazerethe der koniglieh preussischen Armee vom 5. Juli 1852 abiindernden resp. ergiin- zeuden Bestimmungen. 8°. BerUn, 1873. Bairischcn (Die) Sanitiits-Truppen. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1859, ix, 539.—Bemerkungen zur Reform- frage im preussischen Militar-Medicinar Wesen. Preuss. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., 1860, i, 7; 17—Beyer. Zur preussischen militair-arztlichen Personal - Frage. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.- Aerzte, Binschwg., 1843, i, 433-437.—Beyer (T.) Ueber den Operations-Cursus bei dem militar-arztlichen Fortbil- dungscurse zu Dresden. Veroffentl. a. d. k. sachs. Mil.- San.-Dienst, Berl., 1879,63-74.—Boehr (M.) Die Vorschrif- ten der Kriegs-Sanitatsordnung vom 10. Januar 1878 iiber chemische Trmkwasser-Untersuchungen im Felde. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1879, n. F., xxx, 119-142.— Cramer (F. A.) Das Chirurgengehiilfen-Institut in der konigl. preuss. Armee nach zehnjahrigem Bestehen dessel- ben. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1845, iii, 3-14.— Eissen. Le service medical de ljinnee badoise. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1858, xviii, 65-68.—Etudes sur le service de sant6 dans l'arm6e allemaude; le nouveau reglement sur le service de santo en camjiague. Rev. scient. cl. med. d. annees. Par., 1878, ix. 693-763.—Fitzgerald (T. G.) The field medical service, of the Prussian army. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1«72, xii, 263.—Fox (T.) Tho medical de- partment of the German army in peace and war. J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Loud., 1876, xx', 560-574.—Frolich (H.) Die medizinischen Bestandtheile der Militarersatzinstruktion fiir den Norddeutschen Bund vom 26. Marz 1868. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1869, x, 34; 42. -----. Das Lazarcth- Reservepersonale der norddeutchen Armee mit an die " Instruction iiber das Sanitiitswesen der Armee im Felde Lrmy (German, Medical department of). vom 29. April 1869 " ankniipfenden organisatorischen Be- merkungen iiber -den gesammten Armee-Sanitiitsdienst. Ibid., 1871, xii, 121; 137; 145; 156; 161; 172; 180; 188; 201; 209; 219; 235; 243 ; 265. -----. Die Unterkunft des deutschen Reichsheeres und insonderheit diejenige sei- nes Sanitatspersonals. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1877, n.F., xxvii, 257-302. Aho, Reprint.-----. Geschicht- liches iiber die Sanitatsvcrfassung des konigl. siichs. Ar- meecoips, insbesondere iiber die Ausbildunjj der Militar- arzte. Veroffentl. a. d. k. sachs. Mil.-San.-Dienst, Berl., 1879, 25-62. —Genesis der Epaulettcn fiir die konigl. preussischen Ober-Militairarzte. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Acrzte, Brnschwg.,1843,i,25-26,lpl.—GeschichtlichcSkizzeder humanen Entwickelung der Sanitatspfiege in der preussi- schen Armee. Jr6id.,1847,v.347; 353; 361; 369.—CUeich- stellung (Ueber die) der Militairarzte mit den Onicieren hinsichthch ihres Avancements und der damit verbunde- nen Vortheile. Ibid., 233-236.— Goercke. Kurze Bei- trage zur Geschichte des Militair-Sanitiits-Wesens im ko- nigl. preuss. Staate. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1819, v, 324; 518; vi, 156; 336; 414: 1820, vii, 496. — Crrossheim. Zur Organisation des Sanitats-Korpsdes xiii (konigl. wiirtt.) Ai mee-Korps im Jahre 1872. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttem. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1873, xliii, 1; 9.—H. Die Verantwort- lichkeit des arztlichen Vorstandes der Militar-Dispensir- Anstalten und die Voluntar-Pharmaceuten. Preuss. mil.- arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 157-159.—Hoffman. Grand- Duch6 de Bade; organisation du service de sante mili- taire. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armies, Par.,1865, vii.237-257.— Hufeland. Circular-Verfiigung, betreffend den Stand- punct der Militair-Aerzte in Bezug auf die Civil-Praxis. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xxx, 482.—Jdeen zur Reform des Militair-Medicinal-Wesens in Preussen. In Form eines kurzen Entwurfes. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 257-261.—Intendanz (Die) und das Militar Sanitatswescn. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1879, xiii, 3- 6.—Jaeger (C. G.) Die Reformen im Militair-Medicinal- Wesen in Beziehung auf die bei demselben angestellten Medico-Chirurgen. Organ f. d. ges. Heilk., Aachen, 1854, iii, 243-247.—Jetzige (Die) Einnchtung des Instituts der Krankenpfleger oder Chirurgeu-Gehiilfen in der preussi- schen Annee. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1847, v, 377; 385.—Kriegs-Sanitats-Ordnung (Die) vom 10. Januar 1878. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 291; 303. Also, Reprint.—Lagc (Die) der Aerzte in der preussischen Armee. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xi, 681- 683.—L,©emcr. Der preussische Sanitats-Soldat. Preuss. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1861, ii, 212-218.—Locwenhardl (P.) Skizze iiber die Einrichtung des Sanitatsdienstes im Kriege bei der konigl. preussischen Annee. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1865, ii, 26; 37; 49; 58; 69; 78. Aho, Reprint.— M. Das militairarztliche Personal in der konigl. baierschen Armee. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 241- 243. -----. Das Medicinaiwesen der hannoveisehen Armee. Ibid., 297-303.—Medical (The) service of the Prussian army. Lancet. Lond., 1873, i, 137. — JTIcdicanal-Re- form des Militar-Medicinalwescns. Deutsche Klinik, Beil., 1867, xix, 101; 110; 405; 453.—ITIilitararztliche (Die) Verfassung. Med. Reformbl.. Leipz., 1849, ii, 65-68.— JTIilitair-IVIediciiinl-WcKC'ii (Das) im Kurfursten- thum Hessen. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 145-14*). l pi.—IVIilitair-Sanitats-Wesen im Gross- Hessen. Ibid., 412j 417.—Neue (Die) preus- sische Feld-Sanitatsinstruktiou. Wien med. Presse, 1878, xix, 433; 499; 573.—Neueste (Die) Organisation des preuss. Sanitats-Korps. Militaerarzt,Wien, 1873,vii, 129; 139; 185.— Neumann. Militair-Medicinalwesen. Med. Convers.- Bl., Hildburgh., 1830, i, 353-356.—New (The) medical war- rant for the German army. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 534.—Ordonnauce du 20. fevrier 1868 sur I'organisation du corps de sant6 en Prusse. Rev. scient. d. med. u. ami6es, Par., 1870, viii, 420-443.—Organisation (Zur) des Mili- tair-Medicinal-Personals. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1872, xxiv, 97-100.—Organisation des Militair-Sanitats-We- sens im konigl. preussischen Staate. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1816, i, 9-19.—Organisation clu service de sante dans les arm6es 6trangercs; .royaume de Prusse. Rev. scient. d. med. d. annees, Par., 1861, vi, 325.—Organi- sation du service de sante de l'ariuee de Wurteniberg eu 1860. Ibid., 1865, vii, 1-13.—Petition Berliner Aerzte an die hohen Hauser des Landtages. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1860, xii, 77-80.— Prager (J. C.) Das preussi- sche Militar-Medizinal Wesen iu seiner gegenwartigen Gestalt, systematisch dargestellt. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1865, vi, 177; 185; 189; 230; 254; 308; 339.—Preus- sischen (Die) Sanitats-Einrichtungen im Felde im Jahre 1870. Ibid., 1870, xi, 277; 292; 306; 325.—Reform (Zur) des Militar -Medicinalwesens. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 245-249.—Reglement fiir Sanitatspflege und fur Fricdens-Lazarethe fiir das konigl. siichsiscue Armee- korps (1869), betrachtet vom Standpunkte des cisterrei- chisch-ungarischen Fcldarztes. Militaerarzt, Wien. 1869, iii, 244; 2o9. —Roth (W.) Ueber die Kriegssanitiitsord- nung vom 10. Januar 1878. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1878-9, 51-54. -----. Die militairiirzt- lichen Fortbildungscurse fiir das konigl. siichsische Sani- tatscorps mit allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber specielle ARMY. 545 ARMY. Army (German, Medical department of). militairiirztliche Ausbildung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1872, i, 3-17: 1873, h, 237-247. -----. Die militair- arrllichen Fortbildungscurso fiir das XII. (koniglieh sach- sische) Armee-Corps in den Wintcrhalbiahren 1875-6 u. 1876-7. Ibid., 1877, vi, 291-301. -----. Dio Fortbildungs- mittel fiir das Sanitiitscorps. Veroffentl. a. d. k. siichs. Mil.-San.-Disnst, Berl., 1879, 1-24.—Rust (J. N.) Auch ein Wort iiber die Militair-Medicinal-Euirichtuugen im konigl. preuss. Staate. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1818, iv, 363: 1819, v, 173. — Sachsischcn (Dio) Militairaizto der Vor- und Jetztzeit. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 158; 163; 175; 192; 209.—Sanitiits (Das) Wesen der preussischen Armee im Feldo. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1870, iv, 156; 165: 173; 182; 190.—Scheller (C. F.) Auch ein I Vorschlag zur Reform des Militar-Medicinalwesens in Preussen. Med. Reformbl., Leipz., 1848, i, 25-27.—Ser- vice (Le) do sant6 militaire en Prusse. et sa reforme. D'apres l'experienco do la guerre de I860. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par., 1870, viii, 595-651.—Statistische Notiz iiber dasarztlicho Personal des koniglieh preussischen Landheeres in der Zcit vom 1. August 1861 bis nit. Juli 1862. Preuss. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 244-247.—Stel- lung (Die) der preussischen Militar-Assistenziirzte; ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik des preussischen MUitarmedi- zinalwesens. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1859, lxxviii, 376-410.—Tiburtius. Ueber den Mangel anMili- tariirzten in der deutschen Armee. [From: Deutsche Heeres-Ztg.J Feldarzt, Wien, 1879, 58.—Virchow (R.) Das Militar-Medicinaiwesen. Med. Reformbl., Leipz., 1848, i, 61-63. -----. Der Bericht der Regierungs-Cominission iiber dio Reform des Militai-Medicinalwesens. Ibid., 165; 169; 177.—Wcdckind. Militarsanitats-Reglemcntl'urdas Grossherzogthum Hessen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang., 1821, i, 359: 1822, ii, 176; 418.—Wutzer (C. W.) Zur Reform des Militar-Medicinalwesens. Rhein. Monat- schr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1848, ii, 721-757. Also, Reprint. Army (German, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Kaiser (J.) Medicinische Statistik des gross- herzogl. badischen Armee-Corps fiir die 43 Jahre 1827 bis 1869. 4°. Carlsruhe, 1871. Sartori (G.) Das grossh. badische Invaliden- Corps zu Kislau. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1848. Statistischer Sanitiitsbericht iiber die konig- lieh preussiche Armee fiir 1837. 4°. Berlin, 1870. -----. The same, for 1868 and 1869. 4°. Berlin, 1873. Statistischer Sanitats-Bericht iiber die konig- lieh preussische Armee und das 13. (koniglieh wiirttembergische) Armee-Corps fiir die Jahre 1870, 1871, 1872 uud das erste Vierteljahr 1873, ausschliesslich des Kriegsjahres 1870-71. 4°. Ber- lin, 1876. ------. The same, from April 1,1873, to March 31, 1874. 4°. Berlin, 1877. B aer wind t. Bericht iiber das Garnisons-Hospital in Frankfurt a. M. in den Jahren 1860 u. 1861. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiii, 464; 488: 1862, xiv, 24; 46; 78; 89; 141; 151; 390. — Bemerkungen iiber den Gesundheits- zustand der preussischen Armee im Jahre 1860. Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 1; 13; 37; 52; 66; 75; 85; 98; 113; 125; 135; 147; 159.—Beyer. Uebersicht der Kran- ken, welche vom Jahre 1822 bis 1842 bei dem konigl. preuss. iv. Husaren-Regiment arztlich behandelt worden sind; nebst den arztlichen Resultaten, die sich bei Untersuchung militairdienstpflichtiger Mannschaften vor einer konigl. Departments-Ersatz-Commission ergeben haben. Allg. med. Centr.-Zt£., Berl., 1857, xxvi, 665; 673; 681.—Buzer. Bemerkungen iiber die Aushebungsresultate im Hcrzog- thuni Sachsen-Meiningen aus den A ltersklassen. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh.; Leipz., 1863, n. F., ii, 276-285.— Collmann. Das Kreis-Ersatz-Geschaft im Bozirk des 3. Bat. 2. rhein. Landwehr-Reg. No. 28, 1862. Monatsbl. f. nied. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1863, 33; 41.-----. Das Kreis-Ersatz-Geschaft im Bataillonsbezirk Andernach. Ibid., 1864, 43-50.—Cortese (F.) Reminiscenze di un viag- fioin Germania, memoria. Gior. dimed., farm, e vet. mil., ^irenze, 1872, xx, 633-652: 1873, xxi, 249-407.—Etat sani- taire de l'arni6o prussienne et du 13. corps d'armee [ Wurtem- bergeois]. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1877, 3. s. xxxiii, 213-217.—E vers (A.) Statistische Riickblickc auf das sanitaro Verhalten des xii. [koniglieh sachsischcn] Armee-Corps in den Jahren 1874 bis 1877. Veroffentl. a. d. k. siichs. Mil.-San.-Dienst, Berl., 1879, 245-266.—Finkeln- burg. Uber Lager-Epidemien wahrend des jiingsteu Fcldzugcs, speciell iiber das Auftreten der Dysenteric und des Typhus. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1870, 46-51.—Frolich (H.) Statistischer Riickblick auf das sanitare Verhalten des xii. [k. siichi- schen] Armeokorps im Jahre 1873. Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg. 35 Army (German, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). 1874, xv, 177; 185; 204; 225. -----. The same, for 1874. Deutscho med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 269; 281; 293. -----. Die Emiihrung des deutschen Reichsheeres und insonderhoitdiejenige seines Sanitiitspersonals. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Me'd.. Berl., 1879, n. F., xxx, 310-326.—Ge- naue Angabo des gesammten, zu dem Medicinal- und Sanitiitswesen gehiirigen Personale, wie sich solchea mit dem Anfange des Jahres 1835 in dem Grossher- zogthum Baden ergeben hat. Med. Ann. Heidelb., 1835, i, 163-168. — General-Rapport von den Kranken der konigl. preussischen Armeo fur den Monat April 1862. Preuss. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 168.—Gddicke. Militairarztliche Augen-Untersucbungen bei der Truppe und beim Ersatzgeschiift. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1876, v, 464-482.—Ileim. Nachricht iiber den Kran- kenstand in der k. wiirttemb. Armee vom Jahr 1834. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1835, v,129; 137. -----. Tho same, for 1835. Ibid., 1836, vi, 173-178.-----. The same, for 1838 and 1839. Ibid., 1841, xi,l-4.-----. The same, for 1842-3. Ibid., 1844, xiv, 66-76.—Heine. Einige kurzo Notizen iiber den Krankheit szustaud der Truppen des 10. Bundes-Armee-Corps, wahrend dor Concentrirung dessel- ben bei Liineburg, vom 24. Sept. bis 9. Oct. 1843. Hannover. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1843, n. F., iii, 661-671.—Heusinger (C. F.) Uebersicht der Krankheiten, welche im Laufo dos Jahres 1817 im konigl. preuss. Feldlazareth zu Thionvillo vorgekommen sind; nach eigenen Beobachtungen und den monatlichen Eingaben entworfen. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1818, iv, 205; 402: 1819, v, 99; 201: vi, 40, 1 tab.— Heyfelder (F.) O dieiatelnosti voienno-meditzinskaho upravlenia v' Prussi vo vrcmia Avstro-pruskiey voyny, 1866. [Operations of the military-medical administration of Prussia during Austro-Prussia'n war, in the year 1866.] Voyenno-mcd. J., St. Petersb., 1867, xcix, 99-136. — Hoff- mann. Statistische Studien aus den 40 Jahre umfassenden Todtenbiichcrn des Karlsmher Garnisonsspitals. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1861, xv, 1; 9; 20. —Kaiser (J.) Krankheits- und Sterblichkeits-Statistik der Garni- son Carlsruhe. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Berl., 1863, 85-90: 1864,1-3.—von Klein. Statis- tik der bei den Mustenmgen innerhalb der Jahre 1853-8 im Konigreich Wiirttemherg gewonnenen Resultate. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1859, xxix. 281- 287, 7 tab. -----. The same, for 1859-64. Ibid., 1865, xxxv, 187; 195.—lie Fort (L.) La chirurgia militare nell'ese'' .i<> prussiano. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1872, xx, 545-567.—Majer (C.) Studien zur Militar-Conscrip- tions-Statistik desKonigreiches Bayern. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1862, n. F., xx, 193-253.—Mul- ler. AUgemeine Uebersicht der in dem Konscriptions- Alter vom 20. bis 23. Lebensjahre, d. h. bei der militair- pflichtigen jungen Mannschaft des Herzogthuins Nassau vorkommenden Gebrechen, welche dienstuntauglich ma- chen, der Zahl der Tauglichen, und der vom Dienst Be- freiten. Med. Jahrb. f. d.Herzogth. Nassau, Wiesb., 1847, 90-111.—Necdon (H.) Die Morbilitat und Mortalitat in der k. siichs. Armeo im J. 1867, sowie Notizen fiber das Vorkommen einiger Krankheiten nach vorschiedenen Gar- nisonsorten, resp. Landestheilen. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1868, n. F.. vii, 335-341. Also: Ztschr. d. k.-siichs. statist. Bur., Dresd., 1868, xiv, 47-51. ----- Einiges iiber die Krankenbcwegung des (siichs.) xii. Bunues-Armeekorps, speziell des Garnisons-Lazareths zu Dresden. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1869, x, 393-396. -----. Resultate der Aushebung vom September 1867 nebst einigen Notizen iiber Tiichfigkeitsverhaltnisse an- dcrer europaischer Lander. Ibid., 113; 129. -----. Resul- tate der Aushebungim Herbsto 1868. Ibid., 1869, xv, 17-23. -----. Ueber Morbilitat und Mortalitat in der konigl. sachsischen Armee. wahrend des Jahres 1868. Ibid., 29-34.—IVeubauer. Dio Kcinigliche Wilhelmsheilanstalt zu Wiesbaden im Jahre 1872. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1873, ii, 187-210. Also, Reprint. — Otto. Statistik der Tauglichkeitsverhaltnisse der seit dem Jahre 1858, incl. 1863 Conscribirten des Fiirstcnthums Schwarzburg-Rudol- stadt. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1864, n. F., iii, 265-271. -----. Nimmt die Zahl der Untauglichen bei der Musterung im Fiirstenthum Schwarzburg-Rudol- stadt zu oder nicht? Ibid., 1865, n. F„ iv, 30-34.—Richter (E.) Ueber einige weitverbreitete Mangel der kriegschi- rurgischen Statistik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1874, ii, pt. 1, 15-17; pt. 2, 36-47.—Rosen- thal. Notizen iiber das Ergebniss des Kreis-Ersatzge- schiiftes im Bezirke des. 1. Bataillons 1. thiiringischen Landwehr-Regiments No. 31 im Mai 1862. Preuss. mil.- iirztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 169-174.—Roth (W.) Dio niili- tiirarztlichen Fortbildungscurso fiir das konigl. siichsische Sanitatscorps mit allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber specielle militararzthche Fachausbildung. Feldarzt, Wien, 1873, iii, 1-2. -----. The same . . . im Winter 1873^4. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., 1874, iii, 341-349. -----. The same . . . im Winter 1874-5. Ibid., 1875, iv, 531-537. —Saui- tatsberichte (Aus dem) des Garnisonsspitales No. 3 in Baden. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., 1872, xiii, 193; 203; 213; 227; 236; 249; iSJQ; 269; 277; ?84; 294; 301; 315; 324; 333; ARMY. 546 ARMY. Army (German, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). 351.—Stadelmayer. Bericht iiber die im 1. Quartal 1872 arztlich behandelten Unterofficiero und Soldatcn der baye- rischen Armee. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1873, xx, 513; 527; 54G; 559.-----. The same. 1. Quartal des Jahres 1873. Ibid., 1874, xxi, 415; 426.—Stahmftnn. Rekrutenaushe- bung, Resultate der im Bezirk des 1. Bat. 31. Landwehrreg. 1866. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1869,1-7.—Statistische Beitrage zur Charakteristik der wahrend der Jahro 1852-64 im Kiinigrcicho Sachsen der Armee iiborwicsenen Mannschaf'ten. Ztschr. d. k.-siichs. statist. Bur., Dresd., 1866, xii, 09-73.—Statistischer Sani- tiitsbericht iiber das xii. (konigl. siichaischc) Anneecorpsfiir das Jahr 1872 [und 1873]; bearbeitet von der kiiuial. Sanitiits- direction. Ibid., 1874, 1; 117; 2 tab. Also, Reprint.—Sta- tistisches iiber den Gesundheits-Zustand des konigl. 4. Armee-Corps im zwciten Quartal 1862. Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, iii, 195-198.—Summarischc Uebersicht der bei dem kiiniglich wurltembergiscken Armeecorps vom 1. Januar 1836 bis ultimo Dezember 1839 vorgekom- men Kranken und Gestorbenen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1838, viii, 9; 385: 1841, xi, 9-14.— Thatigkeit (Die) der Garnisons- und Reserve-Lazarethe in Baden. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1870, xxiv, 187-196.—Tott. Die Krankenpflege im preussischen Heere. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vii, 47-55.— Volkmann (R.) Zur vergleichenden Mortalitats-Statis- tik analoger Kriegs- und Friedensverletzungen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1872, i, 73-85. Army (Grecian, Medical department of). Treiber. Ueber das griechische Militair-Medicinal- wesen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1839, viii, 66-68. Army (Italian, Medical department of). Agosti (G.) II miglioramento del corpo sani- tario militare richiesto dal progresso dei tempi. 8°. Venezia, 1872. Gritti (It.) Saggio di una tavola nosologica statistica e terapeutica per uso degli ospitali militari in tempo di guerra. 8°. Milano, 1866. Solaro (P. A.) Istruzione sul servizio degli infermieri militari in campagna. Scritta d'in- carico del ministerio della guerra. 12°. Brescia, 1863. Corpo (II) sanitario dell'esercito italiano. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1863, vi, 185-188.—Fallot. Note sur la position des medecins de l'arm6e dans le royaume des Deux-Siciles. Arch, beiges de m6d. mil., Brux., 1857, xx, 121-123.—Intorno alle condizioni del ftersonale sanitario militare. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Mi- ano. 1863, 5. s., ii, 221.—Italienische (Das) Militar- Sanitiitswesen. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1875, ix, 104-107.— New (The) regulations of the anny medical department in Italy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 718.—dc IVoroy (A.) Italie; coup d'oeil r6trospectif sur I'organisation du corps de sante au moment do la campaune contre 1'Antriche; ex- trait du rapport du gen6ral Pettinengo sur les dispositions ct approvisionnements de l'administration de la guerre. Rev. scient. d. med. d. annees, Par., 1870, viii, 37S-383.— Organisation du service de sant6 dans les armees 6*;rangere8. [Royaume de Sardaigne.] Ibid., 1861, vi, 25; 61.—Reali (L.) I farmacisti militari e la relazione alia camera, dell'onorevole corte. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1873, xvi, 57-61.—Sanitary (The) corps of the Italian anny; an example for Mr. Gathorne Hardy. Brit. M. J., Lond'., 1876, i, 493. Army (Italian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Baroffio(F.) Considerazioni sulla necessita di modilicare il tipo fisico militare. 8°. Firenze, [1865?] Notizie sulla statistica medica dell'esercito pel trieunio 1867-9. Relazione a sua eccellenza il ministro della guerra. 8°. Firenze, 1870. ------. The same, for 1870. 8°. Firenze, 1873. Percy (C.) Re"ponses du . . . aux questions epuratoires qui lui ont 6t6 proposees par la com- mission de sante' s^ante a Paris. 12°. Metz, an III [1805]. Relazione dei resultati ottenuti dalle eseguite misurazioni sui soldati dell'esercito onde stabilire le misure tipiche normali pel taglio degli oggetti di vestiario militare. A s. e. il signor ministro della guerra. [By F. Baroffio and G. Santoni.] 201. fol. Firenze, 1869. Army (Italian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Statistica medica dell'esercito pel triennio 1867-9. 8°. Firenze, 1870. Alvaro(G.) L'ernia nei militari; considerazioni sopra gli articoli 69 dell'elenco B. e 67 dell'elenco C. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1877, xxv, 289-314.—Baroffio (F.) H campo di S. Maurizio nel 1863; rapporto sanitario. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1864, xii, 1; 33. -----. The same, for 1864; Ibid., 1805, xiii, 33-87. -----. The same, for 1865. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1866, xiv, 225; 257. -----•. Relazione igienico-sanitaria sulla divisiono militaro di Fi- renze pel 1. trimestro 1867. Ibid., 1868, xvi, 600-646. Also, Reprint. [------.] Dati statistici relativi alio spedale divi- sionale di Firenze e suoi succursali per l'anno 1868. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1869, xvii, 677-688. Aho, Reprint. -----. Riassunto statistico del movimento sani- tario dell'esercito pel triennio 1867-9. Gior. di med., fann. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1870, xviu, 586-620, 3 cht. —:—. Qualcho dato sulle condizioni sanitarie dell'esercito italiano neU'anno 1870. Imparziale, Firenze, 1872, xii, 705-710.— Bodio (L.) La statura dei coscritti in Italia. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1879, i, 50-55.—Brezzi. Impres- sioni sulla fisica costituzione degli inscritti del circonda- rio di Alessandria. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1877, xxv, 738-743.—Calvieri (G.) Quali mezzi possauo contrihuire a migliorare le condizioni sanitarie dell'esercito italiano. Ibid., 1878, xxvi, 977-1005.—Calza (C.) Sulle condizioni sanitarie dell'esercito italiano. Gazz. med. ital., prov. ve- nete, Padova, 1878, xxi, 173; 181; 189.—Cantelli. 6° reg- gimento fanteiia; relazione medica pel 1. trimestre dell'anno 1874. Gior. di med., fann. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1874, xxii, 529-544.—Comissetti. Annotazioni sull'attitudine degli italiani al servizio militare, e delle principaU imperfezioni flsiche od infermit& che motivarono le rifornie negli inscritti delle leve degli anni 1862, 1863 e 1864. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med di Torino, 1868, 3. s., v, 480-493. Aho: Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1867, xv, 361-393. —Cortese (F.) Malattie ed imperfezioni che incagliano la coscri- zione militare nel regno d'Ralia mezzi e prowedimenti atti a prevenirle. Atti . .r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett., Mi- lano, 1866, iv.. pt. 3, 1-11. Aho: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1876, 3. s., vi, 509-547. -----. Medicina e chi- rurgia militare. Ibid., 1868,3. s., ix, 431-456.—Costanzo. Ex dipartimento militare di Napoli; relazione igienica-sani- taria pel 1. trimestre 1870. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1870, xviii, 805-812.—Costetti. Direzione di sa- nita- militare di Bologna; relazione sanitaria dell'anno 1873. Ibid., 1874, xxii, 311; 769.—Dainclli (L.) La sezione chi- rurgica dell'ospedalo militare di Firenze. Ibid., 1869, xvii, 863-875.—Difede(R.) La leva sui nati del 1849 nel circonda- rio diPistoia; relazione preceduta da pochicenni sulle condi- zioni flsiche, agricole ed industriali del circondario. Ibid., 1872, xx, 193-224.— Fiori (C.) Alcune riflessioni su 297 coscritti della classe 1848. Ibid., 1872, xx, 65-78. -----. I coscritti dell'anno 1872; appunti statistici. Ibid., 1874, xxii, 289-310. — Giacometti (L.) Rclaziono sull'andamento generale del servizio sanitario del campo di Foiano neU'anno 1865. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1865, xiii, 993-1009.—Gi- anclli. Sulle memorie prodotto al concorso pel premio an- nuo della fondazione scientifica cagnola, sul tema; stabilire le malattie ed imperfezioni che incagliano la coscrizione mili- tare nelle varie provincie d'ltalia, ed indicare i mezzi e le dis- posizioni atte a prevenirle. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1866, exevii, 609.—Imbriaco (P.) La leva militare sulla classe 1852, nel circondario di PaUanga, provincia di Novara. Gior. di med., farm. e. vet. mil., Firenze, 1874, xxii, 161-199.—lie Fort(L.) Hservizio di sanity nelle nuove annate osserva- zioni e memorie dell'ultinia guerra. Ibid., 1872, xx, 1-64.— Leva (La) in Italia, studj di statistica medica. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1867, cc, 386.—Lionibroso (C.) • Sulle cause principaU di decesso nell'arniata Italiana. Riv. chir. di Bologna, 1806, v, 322-328. -----. Studio statistico- medico suUa mortality deU'armiita italiana. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1868, cciii, 658.—Ulachiavclli. Relazione sanitaria a S. A. R. comandante in capo del medico in capo aUe grandi manovre. Gior. di mod., farm, e vet. mil., Fi- renze, 1873, xxi, 1-13.— IVIaestrelli (D.) Considerazioni sulle cause delle perdite per malattie dell'esercito italiano. Gior. di med. mil., Roma,1877, xxv, 1161-1203.—Maffloretti (C.) Relazione sulle imperfezioni flsiche e malattie che si riscontrarono nel circondario di Lecco e diedero luogo all' esenzione dal servizio militare. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1865, xiii, 1089-1097. -----. Rendiconto clinico della sezione ottalmici dell'ospedale mUitare di Firenze. Gior. di med., fann. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1869, xvii, 193-225.—Manayra. Relazione circa l'esito deUe vaccinazioni e rivaccinazioni praticate sulle truppe stanziate nel Veneto nell'anno 1867. Ibid., 1868, xvi, 393-407.—[Marini.] Sidle riflessioni del Dottore Ambrogio in ordine, ad alcuni articoli di esenzione contcmplati daU'elenco B. Ibid., 145-149.—Monti (R.) Relazione sul risultato della leva dei nati nel 1847 della pro- vincia di Arezzo e chiamati sotto lo armi in gennaio 1869. Ibid., 1869, xvii, 241-258.—movimento mensUe degli am- malati negli spedali miUtari anno 1870. Ibid., 1873, xxi, 173-198.—Panara. La leva suUe classi 1852 e 1853 in ter. AEMY. 547 AEMY. Army (Italian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). mini imercse (SicUia) e queUa suUa classe 1854 in Monte- pulciano (Toscana). Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1875, xxiii, 743-759.—Panizzardi. Relazione medica sulle condi- zioni sanitarie dello truppo component! la 2» divisicne d'istrazione al campo di Somnia, e deUe malattie che hanno dominate nello spedale succursalo di Gallarate durante il Srimo trimestre del campo, che comprende l'ultima diecina el mese d'uprile a tutto giugno. Gior. di med., fann. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1871, xix, 781-788.—Paris (A.) Rendi- conto statistico della revisione deUe reclute dello classi 1855-6 presso il distretto mil. di Perugia e dell'altezza e del peso del corpo in rapporto alia circonferenza toracica. Gior. di med. mil., Roma. 1878, xxvi, 113-136.—Pastorcllo (G.) Relazione medica suUe malattie predominante nel 16° reggimento cavalleria [Lucca] durante U triennio 1871-2-3. Gior. di mod., fann. e vet. mil., Firenze, 1874, xxii, 632-647.— Pecco. Cenni statistici stiU'ospedalo di Alessandria (2° semestre del 1862). Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1863, xi, 225-234. -----. Estratto deUa relazione sul servicio sanita- rio deU'ospedale divisionario di Alessandria nel 1° semestre del 1864. Ibid., 1865, xiii, 257-266. -----. Relazione sani- taria deU'ospedale miUtare civ. di Alessandria intorno al primo trimestre 1870. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Fi- renze. 1870, xvui, 709-713.—Peluso (A.) Rapporto gene- rale suUo stato sanitario delle truppe del campo d'istruzione di Somma nel 2g periodo. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1864, xii, 889-898. -----. II campo di Somma nel 1865; rapporto sanitario generale. Ibid., 1865, xiii, 1025-1043.—Pretti (C.) Relazione sulla leva dell'anno 1870 pel circondario di Monte- pulciano. Gior. cli med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1871, xix, 845-855.— Rapporto deUa commissione del r. Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere sulle memorie prodotte al coucoino del 1866 pel prcmio annuo deUa fondazione scienti- fica Caguola sul tema: Stabilire le malattie ed imperfezioni che incagliano la coscrizione militare nelle varie provincie d'ltalia, ed indicare i mezzi e le disposizioni otte a pre- venirle. Atti . . .r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett., MUano, 1866, iv, pt. 3, v-xxviii.—Relazione sull'esito deUa cura dei bagni mariui nei militari inviati a Civitavecchia neU'estate 1876. Gior. med. mil., Roma, 1877, xxv, 340-363.—Rein. zioue sul servicio san it alio dello spedale divisionaled' Ales- sandria pel primo semestre del 1863. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1863, xi, 1121-1127.—Relazione sul servizio sani- tario dello spedale militare divisionario d'Alessandria, anno 1866. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1867, xv, 313-317. — Roverc (T.) Rendiconto trimestrale sul de- posito di convalescenza a Monte Uliveto. Ibid., 1869, xvii, 121-133.—Saggini. Relazione sanitaria per le cure dei militari nell'iinno 1873 iu Recoaro. Ibid., 1874, xxii, 85- 98.—Santini (S.) SuUe vicende degli iscritti di leva della classe. 48 o 49 in osservazione ncU'ospedale miUtare divi- sionario di Firenze. Ibid., 1872, xx, 97-128.—Sormani. Considerazioni critiche sulla mortality nell'esercito itali- ano. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1878, xxvi, 29-33.—Sta- tistische Mittheilungen iiber die Sanitiits-Verhaltnisse des itaUcnischcn Heeres von 1871-4. Feldarzt, Wien, 1876, xxi, 53; 57.—Tassani (A.) Sulle flsiche imperfezioni e malattie esimenti dal servizio miUtare nella provincia di Como. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1864, clxxxx, 576- 609.—Tunisi. 11 3U corpo d'arniata alle giandi manovre del 1876 nella eouiarca e nella tena di Lavoro. Gior. di med. mil., Roma^ 1876, xxiv, 1135-1147.—Tunisi (C.) Campo d'istruzione per la cavalleria presso Pordenonc. Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mil., Firenze, 1869, xvii, 3; 49. Army (Mexican). Cuerpo medico-militar. Detail del niismo. Parte que el que suscribe rinde al ciudadano subin- spector del cuerpo como gefe del detail del expre- sado. Mexico,Octubre2de 1871. fol. [n.p.,n.d.] From: Revista militar. Memoria del secretario de estado y del despa- cho de guerra y inariua. 4°. Mexico, 1845. Reglamento del cuerpo medico-militar, espe- dido en virtud del decreto de 12 de Febrero de 1846. roy. 8°. Mexico, 1846. Andres y Fspala. (G.) Estado sanitario de nuestro c,i6rcito eu Mejico. Siglo med., Madrid, 1862, ix, 173.— Birtauien sobre salubridad medica inhabUidad de los individuos quecarecen detitulo legal para ejercer las profe- siones epic lo requieren en su ejercicio, segun el artieulo 3" de la eoustitiicion federal. Observador m6d., M6xico, 1874-6, iii, 132-139.—Naphegyi (G.) Remarks on the miUtary hospitals of Vera-Cruz, and the diseases admitted in 1853-4, especiaUy yellow fever and vomito. N. Tork J. M., 1855, n. s., xiv, 329-342.—Organisation du service de sante dans les annees etrang^res; empire du Mexique. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par., 1870, viii, 165-188. Army (Moorish, Medical department of). Fsteve y Soriano (F.) La sanidad mUitar en el im- perio de Manuecos. Rev. de sanid. mil. espan., Madrid, I860, iii, 496; 524. Army (Netherlands). Donders (F. C.) De ksveekschool voor mili- taire geneeskundigen, in verband beschouwd met de staatsbegrooting voor het dienstjaar 1867 en met de regeling van het hooger onderwijs. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. -----. Nog eens: de kweekschool voor mili- taire geneeskundigen. Antwoord op sommige be- denkiugen. 8°. Utrecht, 1867. Gedachten omtrent de militaire geneeskundige dienst in Nederland van een officier van gezond- heid. 8°. Utrecht, 1857. Piekema(F.) Gespannen verwachtingen. Een woord over den militairen geneeskundigen dienst. 8°. Utrecht, 1876. Proeve eener reorganisatie van de geneeskun- dige dienst bij de landmacht hier te lande door Iemand. 8°. Leiden, 1871. VanDuijl(K.J.)&VanWeezel(S.P.) Hand- leiding ter opleiding van Hospitaal-Soldaten. 8°. Utrecht, 1865. -----. Veldmaterieel bij het leger in gebruik. 1 v. fol. 's Gravenhage, 1869-70. A. Het toenemend gebrek aan officieren van gezond- heid in Oost-Indie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1870, i, 544-552.—Kweekschool (De) voor mUitaire ge- neeskundigen. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1851, i, 239; 249; 259.—Liedholm (J. F.) Nagra ord om MUi- tiirlakareskolan i Utrecht. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1856, xviii, 199-205.—Organisation du service de sant6 dans les armies 6trangeres. Royaume de Hollande. Rev. scient. d. med. d. annees, Par., 1861, vi, 273.—Positie (De) der miUtaire geneeskundigen in Nederlandsch Indie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1868, i, 385-391.—Post. Eene wenschelijke reorganisatie voor do Nederlandsche mUi- taire zieken-verplegers. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1877, i, 173-190.—Ranglijst der officieren van gezondheid van de landmacht. Ibid., 130-136. Army (Netherlands, Medical reports and statistics of). Groeneboom (P.) * Verslag van de behandelde ziekten en gebrekeu in do garuizoens-infirmerie .te Schoonhoven, gedurende het jaar 1864. 8°. Groningen, [1865]. Ludeking (E. W. A.) Recueil voor den mili- tair geneeskundigen dienst in Nederlandsch- Indie. 8°. Batavia, 1871. Reglement op het geneeskundig onderzoek omtrent de geschiktheid voor de krijgsdienst te land en te water. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1862. Statistisch overzicht der bij het leger, in het jaar 1874, behandelde zieken. (Opgemaakt uit de driemaandelijksche ziekenrapporten van de eerstaanwezen officieren van gezondheid.) 8°. [«. p., n. d.] Statistisch overzicht der bij het nederlandsche leger, behandelde zieken. In het jaaren 1864-70; 1873-5; 1877; 1878. 8^. [n. p.], 1865-79. Overgedrukt uit het Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Ge- neeskunde. Raiim (J.) Statistieke opgave omtrent de manschap- pen, die bij het koloniaal werfdepot geneeskundig zijn ouderzocht, van af 1. Dec. 1873toten met31. Dec. 1877, [etc.] Nederl. mU. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1878, Ui, 336- 355.—Rertherand (E.) Etudes sur les maladies et la mortalite de l'arm6e hollandaise. J. de med., Brux., 1872, liv, 158-163.—Rlceker. Staat der sterfte by de europee- sche militairen van het indisch leger van 1829-43. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. Indie, Batav., 1845, n, 274- 276.—Roogaard (J. A.) Bijdrage tot de militie-statistiek der provincie Zeeland. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., 1868, ii, 303-325, 4 tab.—Rosch (W.) Summier ziekenrapport der mUitair geneeskundige dienst op Java eu Madura, over het jaar 1848 (1849, 1850). Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1859, vi, 687; vn, 441: 1860, viii, 1.—Caisne. Hopital mUitaire d'Anvers. Extrait du rapport sur los malades trait6s pendant le second semestre de 1867. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1868, 2. s., vii, 5-25.—Coronel (J.) Verslag van de gezondheidstoestand der troepen en der gehcerscht hebbende ziekten enz. in de kolonie Suriname gedurende het jaar 1878. Nederl. mU. geneesk. Arch., Utrecht, 1879, iii, 404-442.—Doling (L.) Mittheilungen iiber die Militar-Sanitatsverhaltnissc in niederlandisch Indien. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1879, vni, 22- 33.—van Doniiuclen (G. F.) Ziekteverslag van het AEMY. 548 AEMY, Army (Netherlands, Medical reports and statistics of). garnizoen te's Gravenhage over het jaar 1868 en 1870. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. deZeemagt, Gravenh., 1870, viii, 32- 58: 1871, ix, 103-132.-----. Thesame, for 1870-71. Geneesk. Arch. v. do Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1873, ii, 112-133.—von Fllenriedcr (C. A. M. M. M.) Geneeskundig verslag van de expeditionaire kolonne in de Rawa (Binnenlandeu van Palembang) van 30. Julij tot 18. Decemb. 1858. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1859, vU, 405-430.— Friedniann. Die Mortalitats Verhaltnisse in Nieder- landisch-Indien, besonders unter den Truppen, vomvorigen Jahrhundert bis auf die neueste Zeit, nebst Bemerkun- gen iiber die Genesis der Tropenkrankheiten. Monatsbl. F. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1859, 33; 42.— Froiich (H.) Zur Sanitatsverfassung des niederlandi- Bchen Heeres. MiUtaerarzt,Wien, 1879, xiii, 89; 105.—Oou- zce. Hopital militaire d'Anvers. Rapports semestriels. Arch.m6ci. beiges, Brux., 1840,Ui,188: 1841,iv,31; vi,58: 1842, vni, 426: 1843, x, 31; xi, 283: 1844, xiU, 1; xiv, 365: 1845, xvi, 121: 1846, xix, 26; xx, 209: 1847, xxii, 8; xxUi, 61: 1848, xxv, 96. -----. Notice sur la statistique et les constitutions 6pid6miques de l'hopital mUitaire d'Anvers, depuis 1826 jusqu'en 1840. BuU. Soc. de med. de Gand., 1841, vii, 118- 127. -----. Rapport sur les constitutions met6orologiques et les maladies regnantes, observees k l'hopital militaire d'Anvers pendant Te premier semestre de 1848. Arch, de med. mil., Brux., 1848, n, 21-39. Aho: Arch. nied. beiges, Brux., 1848, xxvii, 75-85.—Hartzfeld (J.) MiUtair aum- mier ziekenrapport van Amboina over de jaaren 1851 en 1852. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Ne- derl. Indie, Batav., 1853, ii, 243-273.—van Hasselt. Sta- tistisch overzicht der bij het leger, in het jaar 1873, be- handelde zieken. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amat., 1874, x, 353-372. -----. The same, for 1877. Ibid., 1878, xiv, 549-580. — Laubri. Observations sur les maladies qui ont regn6 dans l'arm6e de Hollande, etc. (Extr. par Desessartz.) J. g6n. de m£d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1803, xvi, 20-28.—liaycn. Etude statistique sur les infirmites et le d6faut de taille, consid6r6s comme causes d'exemption du service militaire dans le grand-duch6 de Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du gr.-duche de Luxemb., 1870. 3-109, 17 tab.—des Malines. Service chirurgicale de l'hopital militairo d'Anvers, pendant le 2. semestre de 1843. Ann. Soc. demed. d'Anvers, 1844, v, 117-134.—Pieters (A.) Genees- kundig rapport der krijgsverrigtingeu te Pankadjene, Wa- rang-Parang en Bara-Batoea (Celebes), tegen Kraeng Bonto- Bonto, van 13. November tot 1. December 1872. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1874, iii, 1-14.—Sas (J. J.) Statistisch overzicht dor bij het leger, in het jaar 1872, onder behandeling gekomen zieken. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1873, ix, pt. 1,245-270.—Steendijk (J. C. D.) Militair-geneeskundig verslag van de expeditie in het rijk van Deli, van 15. Mei tot eu met 2. Julij 1872. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1873, ii, 209-227.— Summier rapport der behandelde zieken in het garnizoen te Vlissingen, gedurende het tijdvak van 1. Mei 1850 tot 30. April 1853. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Aruhem, 1853, iv, pt. 2, 257-272.—Verslag van de verrigtingen der maatschappij betrekkelijk de zaak der keuring van manschappen voor de krijgsdienst. Ibid., pt. 1, 153-160.—Wassink (G.) Omschrijving van het mili- tair summier ziekenrapport van Java, Madura, en de bui- tenbezittingen over het jaar 1853 (1854, 1855, 1856, 1857). Tijdschr. cl. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1855,iv, 75: 1857, v, 1. Also: Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1859, vii, 1: 1860, vni, 33; 505. Army (Norwegian). See Army (Swedish-Norwegian). Army (Persian, Medical department of). Polak (J. E.) Perse. La m6decine militaire en Perse. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par., 1865, vii, 648-655. Army (Peruvian). Macedo. BoUetin sanitario del ej6rcito. Gac. m6d. de Lima, 1859, iv, 403.—Sandoval. Proyecto presentado al gobiemo para la reglamentaeion do uu cuerpo de sanidad militar, &c. Ibid., 1865, x, 56; 65.—Ulloa. [Remarkson.] Ibid., 1856, i, 2-5. Army (Peruvian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). Garcia. Kstadistica medica del hospital militar cor- re8|ioiidicuto al ines de la fecha. Gac. m6d. de Lima, 1864, viii, 263.—Quintano y Itainos et al. Cuadros estadisti- cos de las enferniedades que se ban medicinado en el hospi- tales miUtar do San L&zaro y San Bartokinie en todo el mes deEnerode 1866. Ibid., 1866, x, 202; 216; 236; 249; xi,72. Army (Portuguese). Marques (J. A.) Investigates estatisticas sobre as doeucas e mortalidade do exercito por- tuguez, no periodo dp seis annos e meio, decorri- Army (Portuguese). dos do 1° de Julho de 1861 ate 31 de Dezembro de 1867. 4°. Lisboa, 1870. [Marques (J. A.)] Relatorio sobre a organisacao me- dico-militar nos Paizes Kaixos. Escholiasto mod., Lisb., 1858, ix, 156; 173; 186; 204; 221. [-----.] Estudos estatisti- cos, acompanhados de deduccoes hygienicas e admiuistra- tivas, feitos sobre as doencas e a mortaUdade do exercito portuguez, e referidos pela maior parte ao decennio decor- rido de Junho de 1851 e Junho de 1861. Ibid., 1862, xiii, 165; 181; 197 j 221; 237; 257; 279.—Mendes (J. C.) Relatorio apresentado a s. ex* o ministro da guerra. Ibid., 1856, vii, 108; 124; 140; 156; 172; 188. -----. Servico de saude miU- tar; organisacoes em di versos paizes. Ibid., 205; 221; 253 ; 270; 285; 366; 382. -----. Servico de saude miUt ar; algumas reflexoes sobre a organisacao medico-miUtar e situ- acao actual dos facultativos do exercito. Ibid., 1857, viii, 429-431.—Reform in the medical corps, and sanitary ser- vice of the army in Portugal. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1872, xiv, 134; 201. Army (Portuguese, Medical reports and statistics of). B--- (C.) Assumptos medico-miUtares ; o material de ambulancia do exercito portuguez. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb., 1877, i, 109-111; 137; 148; 159-161; 172; 183; 195; 207; 218; 231; 242; 255; 268 ; 279 : 1878, ii, 3, 16 ; 28; 39; 50.— Nainorado (J. J.) Reforma do servico medico-miUtar. Ibid., 1879, in, 78-81.—Perdigao (J. T.) Relatorioa offi- ciaes. Ibid., 1877, i, 125-127. Army (Russian). Dunaef (V. I.) Razbor pitaniya nashikh sol- dat i kharakter bolaiznei, im obuslovlivaejnii. [The food of our soldiers and its influence on their health.] 8°. Kazan, 1871. -----. Zamaitka o gimnastikai v voennoi sluzhbai. [Notice on gymnastics in the military service. Prepared for the Medical Society of Ka- zau.] 8°. Kazan, 1872. Oruzheinii sbornik. No. 3. [Reports on arse- nals.] 8C. St. Petersburg, 1870. IvanoflT. Resultati phizicheskago izsUedovanijei nij- nich chinov uchebno-artilleriskoi komandi. [Examination of recruits for artillery.] Med. pribav. k. morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1871, xii, 224-243.—Pisareva (M.) Phizi- ekeskna kachestva noyobrantseve Irkutskoi i eniseiskoi gubernii i zabaikalskoi oblasti priziva, 1876, g. [Statist, of recruits.] Zdorov., St. Petersb., 1878, iv, 242; 263. -----. Ophizicheskiche kachestvache novobrantseve vostochnoi Sibiri priziva. 1877, g. [Recruits of Siberian contingent.] Ibid., 296; 362; 391.—Popova (S.) Nieskolko zamietoke popovodu nabora 1874 g. [Recruiting in the Russian army in 1874.] Voyeuno-nied. J., St. Petersb., 1878, exxxii, 151- 155.—SkoroYim (M. V.) Naiskolko slov k' nauchno-prak- ticheskomu raesheniyu voprosa o naibolaie tsaUesoooraz- nom prodovolstvii Kavkazskoi armii. [On subsisting tho anny of the Caucasus.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, lh75-6, (app.) Army (Russian, Medical department of). See, also, Russo-Turkish ■war. Grimm. Notes sur I'organisation du service mddicale militaire en Russie en temps de guerre [extrait]. Trad, du russe par M. Saniewski. 12°. Paris, 1873. Katalog medikamentam i aptechnim pripa- sam dlja postojaunich gospitalei, imieoushich pri aptekie ustroeunuiou laboratoriou na 100 bol- nich v godovoi proportsii. [Medicines and surgi- cal appliances for military hospitals. ] fol. St. Petersb., 1868. Russkaja voenuaja pharmakopeja, izdannaja po Visochaitshemu povelieniou voenno-meditsin- skini uchenim komitetom. [Russian military pharmacopoeia.] roy. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1866. Sisoknik postanovlenii dlya chinov voenno- meditsinskago vaidomstva. Sostavili Th. Stark, N. Geiuats i Ph. Phialkovskii. [Collection of regulations for the medical department, v. i.] 8°. St. Petersburg, 1873. Wylie (J.) Pharmacopoeia castrensis Ruthe- uica. 2 pts. in 1 v. 3. ed. 8°. Petropoli, 1818. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8°. Petropoli, 1-> 10. Aphorisnien iiber das Sanitatswesen in der russischen Armee. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1873, ii, 122- 125.—Railopolski (A. N.) Ob izmainenii sposvba obra- AEMY. 549 AEMY. Army (Russian, Medical department of). sovaniya sanitarof v armii. [Modification of the plan of sanitary organization in the army.] Protok. zasaid. Kav- kazsk. uieci; Obshch., Tiflis, 1872. ix, 270.—Etudes sur le service de sante dans l'arnico russe. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par.. 1&77-8. ix, 535; 607. Aho: Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1877, iii. 564: 5.-9; 612: 637: 1878, iv, 47 , 69; 99; 221; 247; 359; 3*0.—Fallot. Note sur la position des officiers du service de sante militaire eu Russie. Arch. beiges de med mil., Brux., 1857. xx, 113-120.—Crimui (J.) Kurzer verglcichender Ueberblick iiber die russi- | sckenund deutschen MiUtair-Medicinal-Einrichtungen fiir dio Dauer eines Kriege*. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1871, u. s., ii, 501-524.—I.ooventhal. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des russischen Mili.ui■-Medicinal-Wesens. Preuss. mil.- I arztl. Ztg., Berl.. lNil. ii, 188-192. -----. Russie; organi- j sation do la medeeine militaire. Rev. scient. d. ine'd. d. armees. Par., 1865, vii, 381-415.—Military (The) medical j service of Russia. Pub. Health, Loud., 1877, vi, 45s.—Or- ganisation du scivice de sante dans les armees etrau- j iieres; empire de Russio. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, | Par., 1861, vi. 1; 49.— Post (A. E.) Mededeelingen over den militaii-geneeskundigen dienst in Rusland. Nederl. mil. I geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1*78. ii, pt. 1, 28-56— Pre obrazovani (O) voicnuo feldsherskieh shkol. [Schools for army hospital stewards.] Ibid., 1809, no. 29. 255-25>; uo. 30, 263-265.—Preobrazovaniyakh (O) v sostavai meditsinskago departamenta voennago ministerstva. [On reforms in the organization of the medical branch of the war department.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1804, iv, 67.— Russkaya voenno-meditsinskaya starina. [Russian mi- litary medicine of the olden time (1616-1762).] Voyenno- nied. J., St. Petersb., 1869, vii, pt. 1,25.—Service (Le) me- dical dans l'armee russe. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 437. Aho: Union med.. Par., 1873, 3. s., xv, 849-854.—Service sanitaire de l'annte russe. Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 153.—Shalizin (K. N.) O znachenii sanitaraf v armii. [Importance of sanitary regulations in the army.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1872, ix, 3*5.—Vo- enno-vrachebniya zavideniya i polzovanie bolnikh v' uashci armii v' 1874 godu. [Russian armv medical estab- lishment and practice in the year 1874.) Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1876, i, no. 37, L — Zubkovski (I. P.) Sa- nitanioe sostoyanie polotskoi voennoi gimnasii i gigieni- cheskaia eia obstanovka. [MU. gymnasium; chest mea- surements.] Shorn, sochin. po sudebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1878, ii, 59-127. Army (Russian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). RissischkaiserlicheFeld-Pharmakologie. 8°. Stendal, 1802. Silmllkvitch(J. M.) Vrackebno-statistiches- kii otchet o sostoyanii zdorovya voiskza 1872 god. Po rasporyazheniyn i pod rukovodstoom glarnago voennc-meditsinskago inspektora N. J. Kozlof. [Medico-statistical report on the sani- tary condition of the army in 1872.] 4\ St. Petersburg, 1875. Arkhipof (A.) Sostoyanie zdorovya voisk gvardei- skago Yarshayskago otryada, za 1863 god. [Sanitary con- dition of the army in the district of Warsaw in 1863.] ' Mecl. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1864, iv, 409; 437.—Rolieznennosti i smertnosti Kavkazskoi armii za Mai miejatsi 1878 goda. [Med. statist, of army of Caucasus.] Zdorov., St. Petersb., 1878, iv, 326.—Cherchevski. Sniertnost i iskUoucbenic v voiskach gvaidii Pitt rburgskago okniga. [Mortality and disability in regiment of the guards.] Voyenno-med. J., St, Petersb., 1877, exxx, 64-172. — Chervinski (I. I.) Meditsinskii otchet o sostoyanii zdoroveya Kavkazkago Grenaderskago Straelkovago Ego Impera'torskago Vuiso- chestva Velekago Knyaz Mikhaela Nicolacvicha oataliona za IsOC goda. [Report on the sanitary condition of the bat- talion of Caucasian grenadiers of the Grand Duke Michael Nicolacvich for 1866.] Med. sbornik, Tiflis, 1870, no. ix, pt. 1.1-59.—Dibkowsky. Statistische Untersuchungen iiber die Sterbliehkeits-Verhaltnisse in der russischen Annee. AUg. mil. iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1864, 28-31.—Etat (L') sani- taire normal de l'armeo russe. Rev. scient., Par., 1877, 2. s., xii, 1143.—Ueidemanu (J.) Izvlechcnie iz statistiche- skago oti'heta Tiphleskago voennago gospitalya za 1S70 goda. [Extract from the statistical report ot the Tiflis military hospital for 1870.] Med. Sbornik, no. xii, pt. 2, 65-89.—Heyfelder (J. F.) Aus Finland. Deutsche Kli- nik. Berl., 1855, vii, 4*2; 494; 504: 530; 553: 574; 584.— llodscjcwsky. Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltung des medicinischen Theils des activen Corps auf der kauka- sisch-tiirkischen Grenze fiir das Jahr 1853-4. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 289; 297; 304; 313; 321.— Jahresbericht iiber die im Mosk. Militar-Hospital be- hamlelten Kranken vom 1. November 1841 bis zum 1. des- selben Monats 1*42. Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1843, xii, 241-245.—.Vlartsinovski. Mcdiko-topographicheskii ocherkli lni',railui TerskagoKazaehyago voiska. [Medico- | topographical sketch ofthe fli'st brigade of the Tersk Cos- I Army (Russian, Medical reports and sta- tistics of). sack army.] Med. Sbornik, no. vii, pt. 1, 92-112.—32edi- cinischen (Aus dem) Ueberblicke iiber den Gesnnd- heits/ustand der russischen Annee. Preuss. mil.-iirztl. Ztiz., Berl., lMil. ii, 251; 265; 278: 288: 1862, iii. 44; 57.— IV'astoynshchie sanitarnoe polozhenie nashei annii. [Sanitary condition of the Russian anny.] Vrach. Vai- dom., St.'Petersb., 1876, i, no.73,1.—Nikolacva (F.) Sani- tarnoe sostojanie inostranniclie arnii za 1872 ir. Voyeuuo- mcd. J.. St.'Petersb., 1876, exxvi, 50; 67. —>otizen iiber die Krankheiten unter den Truppen des abgesnuderti n Kaukasischen Armcecoi-ps im Jahre 1853. Med. '/.vs. Russlands. St. Petersb., 1857, xiv, 41: 49.—Otchet junli- tsinskago departamenta za 1x77 g. S.-Peterburg. 18,s. iii. 217 pp. (7 KarO. [Report of the med. dept. for the year 1877. J Shorn, sochin. po sudebnoi med., St. Petersb., 1879, i.— Ot- chet Tiflisskago voennago gospitalya za 1875 god. [Report of mil. hosp. at Tiflis for 1875.] Med. sbornik, Titlis, 1876, no. 22, sec. 4, 1.—Otchet o sanitaniom sostoyanii Kavkaz- skoi annii i g. Tiphlisa za 1869 goda. [Report on tho sanitary condition of the armv of the Caucasus at Tiflis in 1869.] 'Ibid., IsT*. no. x, pt, 2, 1-62. —Otchet glavnago voenno-gospitalnago komiteta za 1876 g. [Report on mil. hosp.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1^78, exxxii, 1-49.— Phinna (X.) Otchet o sastoyanii zdoroveya nizhnikh chinov 82 go packhatnago Dage'stanskago polfca za 1869 g. [Report on tho sanitary coniUtion of tho men of the 82d regiment of Dagestan infantry.] Ibid., no. xiii, pt 2, 1- 54.—Pi*aref(M.) Phizichesltiyakachestvauovobrantsev Balagauskagookruga (Irkutskoignbernii). [ Physical quaU- tics of new recruits in the Balagan district in the provuioe of Irkutsk.] Med. vestnik, St. Petersb., 1876, xvi, 150; 162: 174.—Shuletsa (A.) Kratkii ocherk sanitarnago sostoyaniya voisk Kavkazskoi armii za 1870 g. [Short ac- count of the sanitary condition of the army in Caucasia in 1870.] Med. sbornik. Titiis. 1871, no. xii, i>t. 2. 2-16.— Sokoloff (M.) Si Kijakowsky. Die Ursachen der Kranklichkeit und Sterblichkeit unter den Truppen der ehemaligen Siid-Armee in den Jahren 1855-0, besonders in Nicolajett' und (lessen Umgebungen. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1857, xiv, 397; 405; 412: 1858, xv, 5; 16; 22; 2s— Mtolynrof (V.) O zdorovei voisk, raspalozhennikh v Charkovskom voeunom okrugai, za 1865 i 1866 godi. [On the health of the troops stationed in the military dis- trict of Charcof in 1865 and 1866.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1869, vii, pt, 3, 1. Army (Spanish, Medical department of). Agra y Oinienez (J.) Neeesidad de reorganizar el cuerpo do sanidad militar. Mem. de sanid. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1858-00, 394-398.—Alcgret (A.) Consideraciones acerca de la esclusion de individuos de tropa del servicio militar. Ibid.. 256-260.—Apuntes sobre cl seryiciode sani- dad iuilitar en la segunda division del ejercito del cuerpo para servir A la historia dela guerra civil. Ibid., 1806, iii. 545; 577; 610; 641; 705: 1807. iv, 76; 321; 5,s4: 705.—C'ainpuzauo y Arjona (C.) Apendice ii las consideraciones ya pubU- cadas sobre la organizacion del cueipo de sanidad mUitar. Ibid.,600-002.—Castresana(F.) Recoiioeimientodequin- tQS. Espaiianied., Madrid, 1861, vi. 37-41.—Codornf u (M.) Alocucion a los individuos del cuerpo de sanidad militar, en la sesion piiblica de la academia medico-castrense de la capitanla geueral deCastilla la Nueva, celebrada el ilia 8. de febrero dc 1852. BibUot. med.-castr. espaii., Madrid, 1852, y. 335-351.—Cuadro delos defectos tisicos y enfenuedades que inutilizan para el servicio militar a los mozos sorteadas, quuitos, suplentes, sustitutos y prcifugos, en los casos y cou las condiciones que eu el se espresan. Mem. de sanid. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1858-60, 289-296.—Cuadro de los defectos tisicos y de las enfermedades que inutilizan para- el ingreso en el servicio de las clases de tropa de ejercito. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1874, ix, 148-151. Also: Siglom6d., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 345-348.—Cuerpos sanitarios del ejer- cito y de la armada. Gac. iu6d. do Lima, 1866, No. 237, ii, 87!—IHario de las disposicioncs miUtares y m6dicaa adoptadas en la espedicion contra la isla de Jolo. Bibliot. med.-castr. espan., Madrid, 1851, ii, 249-284.—Diaz del Castillo (G.) Memoria que para la inauguraciou do las acadeniias iu6dico-castrenses de reglanieiito del distiito de la capitania general de Andalucia, conespoudieute alaho de 1852. Ibid., 1852, vii, 143-161.—E sea la general de las senorcs jefes y oticiales del cuerpo di- sanidad militar en 1" dc Julio de 1878. ]\'ith: Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid. 1878, iv, 41.—Escalalon general del cuerpo de sanidad militar., Bibliot. nied.-castr. espafi.. Madrid, 1851. iv, 261- 342. — E tndc sur lc service de sante dans l'annee es]>a^ uole. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., ls-Tti, ;i. s., ix, 374-3HU.—Fro- lich (H.) Zur Militarsanitats-VerfassungSpamtim. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 315; 415.—Ileurici. Ueber die Organisation des spanischen Militiir-Medicinal-Wesnis. Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1801, ii, 176-181.—In forme que presenta al director general de sanidad militar la junta sup. faeultativa acerca de los asuntos que ha des- pachado en el ano de l87ii. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1877, iii, 165-172.—Lanila. Rcorgauizacion del cuerpo de sanidad militar. Mem. de sanid. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1858-60, 375-3e2.—Ley de reclutamicnto y rcmplazo del ARMY. 550 ARMY. Army (Spanish, Medical department of). ejercito. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1878, xiii, 265; 273; 281; 289; 297; 303.—de IiOwada (C. F.) Consideraciones sobre la reorganizacion del cuerpo de sandidad militar. Ibid., 432; 445; 473.—Organisation du service do sante clans les arm6es etrangercs; rovaume d'Espacne. Rov. scient. d. med. d. arm6cs, Par.. 1854, iv. 177; 205; 289: 1856, v, 197: 1861, vi, 77; 105.—Parte dado por elGefc de sanidad mUi- tar cie laisla de Cuba sobre la ultima invasion dc los piratas, y elresultadodoloscombateailquedio lugar. BibUot. med.- castr. espan., Madrid, 1851, iii, 329-337.—Perez y Marti- nez (V.) Estadistica del movimento de enfennos y heridos ocurrido en las fuerzas del ejercito del norte y dela izqui- erda desdo marzo do 1875 & tin de marzo de 1876. Gac. de sanid. mil.. Madrid, 1877, iii, 61; 96; 122; 158; 176; 241; 265; 293; 323; 347.—Piernas (J.J.) Apuntes biograficos dc los profesores espanoles de ejercito mas celebres. Ibid., 1852, vii, 3-09.—de Piiia y Pciiuela (R.) Memoria sobre el estado actual del servicio niGdico-castrense dela isla de Cuba, y del modo de mejorarlo en todos conccptos. Bibbot. med.- castr. espaii., Madrid, 1852, viii, 87-119.—Poggio (R. H.) Noticia mfedica de las enfermedades que ban reinado en la guarnicion do Figucras, en los meses do agosto y setiembre dc 1851. Gac. med., Madrid, 1852, vin, 194; 202; 210; 219; 226.—Punto profcsional interesante. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1857, iv, 15. — Rcglaniento y cuadro de exenciones para el servicio militar. Ministerio de la go- bernacion. PabeUon med., Madrid,1874, xiv, 234-236.—Re- glamento del cuerpo de sanidad militar. Ibid., 1851, l, 3-46.—Reglamcnto organico del cucipo de sanidad militar. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1873, xx, 602; 617; 634; 650; 668. — Reglenient de la compagnie sanitaire des lies Philippines approuv6 par le ministre de la guerre k la date du 15 juiUet 1869. Re.v. scient. d. m6d. d. armees, Par., 1870, viii, 554-558.—Rossell (A.) Reemnlazos para las AntUlas. Rev. do sanid. mil. espan., Madrid., 1864, i, 209. — Sala- zar. UtUidad de un laboratorio central de farmacia para el cuerpo de sanidad militar. Ibid., 553.—Sanjurjo (A. M.) Apuntes para la reorganizacion del cuerpo de sanidad mili- tar. Mem. de sanid. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid, 1858-60, 407- 413.—Santucho(J. M.) Estudios sobrocl servicio de sani- dad miUtar en campana, con relacion al material de ainbu- lancias del ej6rcito cspanol, su estado actual y su porvenir. Rev. do sanicl. mil. espaii., Madrid, 1864, i, 205; 233; 261; 449; 497.—Servicio de sanidad miUtar. Siglo m6d., Madrid,1856, iii, 199.—deSoiuovilla (J. L.) Estadisticalneflico-militar. Mem. desanid. d. ejercito,etc.,Madrid, 1858-60,479-485.----. Servicio de sanid. d. militar para el ej6rcito en campana. Ibid., 557-567.—Torrejon (P. Y.) Del cuerpo de sanidad militar en FiUpinas. Rev. de sanid. mU. espaii., Madrid, 1864, i, 21; 41; 61; 81; 101; 129. — Wcyler (F.) Memoria leida en la academia medico-militar do las islas Baleares, en la sesion publica de 6. de febrero de 1852, presidida por el escmo. sr. capitan general interino, para inaugural' el se- gundo aniversario de su reorganizacion. Bibliot. med.- castr. espan., Madrid, 1852, vii, 163-193. Army (Swedish-Norwegian). Armeens Laegekoinmissions motiverede For- slag till Forpleiningsregulativ for Armeen til Be- nyttelse under de udskreovne Afdelingers aarlige Vaaben0velser saavelsom ved de stadig tjenstgj- 0ende Afdelinger, for hvilke fselles Bespisninger anordnet, tilligemed Generalchirurgens Bemaerk- ninger til samme. [Rations for army, with re- marks of surgeon-general on same.] [Kristiania den 25. de Februar 1878.] 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Budgetforslag fra Armee-Department til Stor- thinget i 1873. roy. 8°. [n. p.], 1873. Forslag til instrux for lyegerne ved Bed0mmel- sen af den militajre tjenstdygtighed. Udarbei- det af Armeens Laegekommission. 8°. Christi- ania, 1874. Fortegnelse over trykte Bilage til Budget- forslaget vedkommende de Armee-Departinentet underlagte Administrationsgrene for Tidsrummet fra 1. Juli 1873 til 1. Juli 1874. roy. 8°. [n. p.], 1873. Norges officielle statistik. Udgiven i aaret 1879. E., No. 1. Tjenstdygtighedsforhold ved anneens rekrutering i 1878. Fra Generalchirur- gen. 4C. Christiania, 1879. Regler til Veiledning for Laegerne ved Be- d0mmelsen af den militaere Tjenstdygtighed, med tilhorende klassifikation og Fortegnelse over Le- gemsfeilen. D., som herved komme i Betragtning. (Approferede af Armee-Departementet i Henhold til Kongelig Resolution af 1(5. Juni 1877.) 12°. Christiania, 1877. I Army (Swedish-Norwegian). Arbo. Det norske Gardckompagni i Stockholm; en milita'miedicinsk Studio af Gardenstidligerc La?ge. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1876, vi, 1; 80.—de Resell. Indberetningtil Generalchirurgicatet om de sani- taire Forholdcved indevserendc Aars Leiisamling i Skaane. Ibid., 1852, vi. 601-631.—Reviiringsinanskapets be- sigtning. [1851-75.] Sundhets-CoUeg. Berattelse, Stock- holm, 1864-77.—Duner (G. J. A.) Sammandrag af be- varingsmanskapets besigtningar 1861-75. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stocklwlm, 1877, i, 53-57. —Edholm (E.) Om syenska harens helsoyard, med siirskild hfinsyn till de militiira etablissemonten. Ibid., 1; 101: 1878, iii, 1, 2pl.: 249; 365: 1879, iv, 141-170.—Ilolmstrom. Den militiira helso-oeh ajukvarden i Sverige. Hyg. medd., Kjabenh.. 1873, viii, pt. 1, 130-134.—Kierulf (C. T.) Om Reform l det norske milita;re Medicinalvaesen. Norsk Mag. f. Lao- gcvidensk., Christiania, 1850, iv, 285; 337.—Kongl. bref- vet d. 10. Nov. 1876 till Sundhets-Collegium angaende regle- mento for militarliikarekursen vid Allmauna Garnisons sjukhuset m. m. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1877, i, 61-69. — Organisation du service de sant6 dans les ann6es etrangtires; royaume de Snfede; ambulances de l'amiee sue-doise. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par., 1856, v, 113-116. — Roll (\V. G.) Om Reform i vort mili- taire Laegevaesen. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christi- ania, 1848, ii, 201-212. — Schiott &. de Resehe. Den norske Feltbrigades Medicinalva?sen under Opholdet i Skaane. Ibid., 1849, iii, 241-262.—Sjukforslag for fal- tjenstofningnrne i Skane ar 1871. (Aug. 30-Sept. 8.) Hygiea, Stockholm, 1871, xxxiii, 428-434. —Sjukforslag fran Stockholms Kongl. Garnisons Sjukhus fiir ar 1837-8. Ibid., 1839, i, 50; 106.—Sjukvardcn vid haren och flottan. (iStat sanitaire et servico medical de l'armee et de la ma- rine.) Bidr. t. Sveriges off. Statist, (1876), Stockholm, 1878, 43-56, xxxii-xxxiv.—von Sturnier. MUitair-HeUwesen in Schweden. AUg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aev/.te, Bmschwg., 1844, ii, 417, 435. — 'Wistrand (A. T.) Aterblick pa svenska militarlakareviisendets uppkomst och utveckling. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1864, xxvi, 49-66.—Zctzcll (P.) A discourse on the diseases of tho army during the campaigns in Po- merania, from 1752 to 1762, read before the Royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. Lond. M. J., 1781, ii, 284-288. Aroaay (Swiss, Medical department of). Dkksins et descriptions des differents objets de l'dquipement dans la partie du mat6riel sanitaire des corps de l'anne'e i'e'de'rale. fol. Berne, 1842. -----. The same, in German. Entwurf zur Organisation des eidgenossischen Militar - Sanitiitswesens. Bericht der divisions- arztlichen Confcrenz (gehalten in Bern, vom 11.- 14. October 1871). 8°. Basel, 1872. Flugel. Relation iiber den Gesundhcitsdienst bei der eidgenossischen Armee wahrend dem Son- derbundsfeldzuge im Oktober und November 1847, und Uber den allgemeinen Zustand des eidg. Mili- tiirgesundheitswesens, mit den Vorschliigen der Kouferenzkommission der eidgenossischen Divi- siou8a'rzte. 8°. Bern, 1849. Holst (A.) Det militaere Laegevaesen i Schweiz. 8°. Christiania, 1876. Tillcegsh. t. Norsk. Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1876, vi, 1-47. Lehrbuch fiir die Frater und Krankenwarter der eidgenossischen Armee. 12°. Bern, 1861. -----. The same, in French. 1862. Instruction iiber die Untersuchung und Aus- musterung der Militarpflichtigen. (Vom Bundes- rath genehmigt den 22. Herbstmonat 1875.) 12°. Bern, 1875. Instruction sur la visite sanitaire des recrues et la reTorme des militaires devenus impropres au service militaire. (Approuvde par le couseil fe"de"- ral, le 22. septembre 1875.) 12°. Berne, 1875. Reglement et instructions sur to service de santd de Tannee fe"derale. 16°. Berne, 1862. Reglement sur le service des ve"terinaires de l'arm6e f6d6rale. Traduction francaise. 16°. Zurich, 1846. Reglement iiber den Sanitatsdienst (Medizinal- Abtheilung) bei der eidgenossischen Armee. (Vom Bundesrathe genehmigt den 7. Dezember 1875.) 8°. Bern, 1875. Santtats-Material (Das) der schweizerischen Armee. Beschluss des schweizerischen Bundes- rathes vom 9. Ma'rz 1870. 4°. Schaffhausen, 1870. ARMY. 551 AEMY. Army (Swiss, Medical department of). Verwaltcngs (Die) des Gesundheitswesens in der eidg. Armee im Jahre 1>74. (Bericht au das eidg. Militiinlepartement durch den Oberi'eld- arzt.) 83. Pasel, 1-73. Vorschrift iiber die Ausriistung und Eiurich- tnugder Pl'erdarzueikisteu fiir die Artillerie- und Ivavallerie-Koinpagnien bei der eidgenossischen Armee. Vom tit. eidgenossischen Kriegsrath ge- ; nehmigt in Bern, im Juli lft47. 4°. Zwei Berichte uber den Sanitiitsdienst im Truppenzusammenzug der ix. Division 1874. 8~. BeUage zu: Cor.-BL f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 187o, v, I No. 1. Rerichte (Aus dem) des eidg. Oberfeldarztes iiber die j Verwaltung des Gcsundlieitswesens bei der eidig. Armee im Jahre 1H73 an das eid^;. Militiinlepartement. Cor.-Bl. f. j Bchweiz. Aerzte, Basel. l,»74, iv, 385-393.—Rurkhardt (A.) Aus der Schweizer-Amlmlance in Lure. Ibid., 1871, i, 180; 210; ^47.—Engelhard. Ueber die Verwendun^ der ho- i hern eidgenossischen Stabsoffiziei-c im Gesundheitsstabe. Ibid.. 1.^74. iv. 441-443. — Krismann. Auszug aus dem Generalhericht iiber den Gcsundheitsdienst bei den aargaui- schcu Truppen vom 12. Jcnner bis 6. Miirz 1841. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziiiich, 1845, 164-189.— Friilich (H.) Die Militair-Medizinal-Verfassung tier Schweiz. Feldarzt. Wien, 1870. xxi. 17; 21; 29.—Grund- J ziige fiir die Organisation des MiUtar-Sanitatswcscns in j del Schweiz. AUg! niil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1874, xv, 201-204.— Klebs (E.) DerKrieg und die Medicin. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. | Aerzte, Basel. 1871, i, 89; 121, 1 tab.—ITIanreuvres (The) i of the sanitary department of the Swiss anny. Med. Times I ifc Gaz.. Lond", 1861, U, 4S8. — .liaterielle Ausriistung des I eidgenossischen Corps im Fache des Gesundheitsdienstes. All*. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Bnischwg.. 1845, iii, 219;229; 234.— I miiudcrnug (Ueber) des Coipssanitiitsmaterials der eid'^eniissisehen Armee. Cor.-Bl. t. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1^74. iv, 156-1 jt>.—Verwaltung (Die) des Gesundheits- wesens iu der eidgenossischen Annee im Jahre 1874; Be- richt an das eidg. MiUtardepartement (lurch den Oberfeld- arzt. Ibid., 1875, v, BeUage No. 6, 1-23. Army (Turkish, Medical department of). Crook«hank (H.) Roustchouk miUtary hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1877, i, 707.— Erbardt (C.) Bericht iiber die epidemischen Krankheiten und TodesfaUe, welche bei dem tiirkischen Heei-e zu Malatia in Asien wahrend der Monate November und December 1838 und Januar und Febniar 1839 beobachtet wunlen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1839, Ixxxviii, 3. St., 114-119.—Derblich. Die SteUung der Aerzte iu der tiirkischen Armee. Mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1862. iii, 70-72.—Gazette (La) medicale d'Orient et leDari-Choura. Gaz. med. d'Orient,Constantinople, 1870-71, xiv, 17-21.—JIargossian (C.) Du service sanitaire mili- taire dans l'armee ottoniane. Rev. de med. et de pharm. I de l'Empirc Ottoman. Constantinople, 1877, u, 177-181.— I Medecins (Les) militaires et lo Dari Choura ou conseU supreme de la guerre. Gaz. med. d'Orient, 1870-71. xiv, 1-5. — ITIedecins (Les) militaires en Turquie. Ibid., 1863-1. vii, 145-149. — Ottoman (The) medical service. ! [A notice of "Coup-d'ceil retrospectif sur le service j medical militaire ottoman dans la guerre Turco-Serbe. Par le Dr. Lebovicz, du Croisant Rouge, Constantinople, 1878.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii, 153.—Quelques mots j sur la medecine mUitaire en Turquie. Gaz. med. d'Orient, I Constantinople, 1860, iii, 145-149.—Radclifie (J. N.) The I hygiene of the Turkish army. J. Pub. Health, Lond., j lfC>7, iii, 141; 205.—Reglement de l'administration m6di- i cale militaire. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient. Constantinople, 1870-1, xiv, 44-47.—SteUung (Die) der MiUtararzte in eler Tiirkei. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1864, 86-87.— Williams (J.) | The military medical service of Turkey. Brit. M. J., i Lond., 1876, ii, 854. Array (United States). See. also, West Point. Act (An) reorganizing the several staff corps j of the army. (Approved June 23, 1874.) 8°. | [Washington, 1^74.] Buttkkkield (D.) Camp and outpost duty for infantry, with standing orders, extracts from the revised regulations for the army, rules for health, maxims for soldiers, and duties of officers. 16c. New York, 1833. Catalogue of Connecticut volunteer organi- zations, with additional enlistments and casual- ties to July 1, 1864. Compiled from records in the adjutant-geueral's office, and published by order of the legislature. 8°. Hartford, 18ii4. * j Ccllum (G. W.) Biographical register of the I Army (United States). officers and graduates of the U. S. Military Aca- demy at West Point, X. Y., from its establish- ment, March 16, 1802, to the army reorganization of 1866-7. 8-\ Neiv York, 1868.' Digest (A) of the military laws of the Uni- ted States. By Lt. Col. J. S." Poland. 8. Bos- ton, 1^6>. Elliott (E. P.) On the military statistics of the United States of America. (International statistical congress at Berliu.) [Printed for the United States sanitary commission.] 4-. Berlin, 1863. Gardner (C. K.) A dictionary of all officers, who have been commissioned, or have been ap- pointed and served in the army of the United States, since the inauguration of their first Pre- sident, in 178D, to the first of January, 1853, with every comnussion of each; including the distin- guished officers of the volunteers and militia of the States, who have served in any campaign, or conflict with an enemy, since that date; and of the navy and marine corps, who have served with the land forces; indicating the battle in which every such officer has been killed or wounded, and the special words of every brevet commission. 8J. New York, 1853. Gould (B. A.) Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of American sol- diers, ft-. New York, 1869. Henry (G. V.) Military record of civilian ap- pointments in the U. S. Army. v. 1. 8°. Veto York, 1869. -----. The same. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1873. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; prepared, in compliance with acts of the legisla- ture, by Samuel P. Bates. 5 v. roy. 83. Har- risburg, 1869-71. Lieber (F.) A code for the government of armies in the field, as authorized by the laws and usages of war on land. Printed as manu- script for the board appointed by the Secre- tary of War (Special Orders, No. 399) "to pro- pose amendments or changes in the rules and articles of war, and a code of regulations for the government of armies in the field, as authorized by the laws and usages of war". 8°. New Tork, 1863. Mackenzie (R.) America and her army. 8°. London, 1865. Macomb (A.) Treatise on martial law and courts-martial, as practised in the United States of America. 8°. Charleston, S. C, 1809. Manual (A) of military telegraphy for the Sig- nal Service, United States Army, embracing per- mauent and field lines. Prepared under the di- rection of the Chief Signal Officer of the army. 12-. Washington, 1872. Marc y (R. B.) Outline descriptions ofthe posts and stations of troops in the geographical divi- sions and departments of the United States. 4°. Washington, 1872. Mayo (R.) & Moulton (F.) Army and navy pension laws and bounty land laws of the Uni- ted States, including sundry resolutions of Con- gress, from 1776 to 1852; executed at the De- partment of the Interior. With an appendix, containing the opinions of attorneys general of the United States, with the decisions, rules, and regulations adopted by different Secretaries rela- tive to the execution of those laws. 8°. Waslir ington, 1852. —---- -----. The same. 8-. Washington, 1861. Military laws of the United States. By T. Cross. 8°. Washington, 1825. -----. The same, including those relating to the Marine Corps ; to which is prefixed the Con- AEMY. 552 ARMY. Array (United States). stitut ion of tho United States. Compiled by Col. T. Cross, U. S. A. 2. ed. 8°. Washington, 1838. -----. The same. 3. ed. By Capt. A. R. Het- zi'l. S-. Washington, 1846. -----. Tho same.. By Johu F. Callan. 8°. Baltimore, 1858. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*63. O'Brien (J.) A treatise on American military laws and the practice of courts-martial, with sug- gestions for their improvement. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1846. Observations on military law, and the consti- tution and practice of courts-martial, with a sum- mary of tho law of evidence, as applicable to military trials ; adapted to the laws, regulations, and customs of the army and navy of the United States. By W. C. de Hart. 8°. New York, 1846. Official army registers (United States Armv). 1815, 1818-21, 1822-3, 1825-79. 8 v., 8°; 4 v., 4°. Washington, 1815-79. Official register ofthe officers and men of New Jersey in the revolutionary war, compiled under orders of the governor, by William S. Stryker, adjutant-general. (Printed by authority of the legislature.) 8°. Trenton, 1872. Orders, United States Army. 82 v. 8°. Army of the Potomac, 3 v., 1862-3. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 12 v., 1862-8. Departments: Of Alabama, 1 v., 1865-7; Arkansas, 1 v., 1866-8; California, 2 v., 1865-8; of the Co- lumbia, 1 v., 1867-8: ofthe Cumberland, 4 v., 1862-8; Dakota, 2 v., 1866-8; of the East, 2 v., 1867-8; Georgia, 1 v., 1865-7; Kentucky, 1 v., 1865-6; of the Lakes, 1 v., 1866-8; Louisiana, 1 v., 1866-8; Missouri, 3 v., 1867-8; Mississippi, 2 v., 1864-6; New Mexico, 2 v., 1863-8; North Caro- lina, 2 v., 1865-7; Northern Department, 2 v., 1864-5; Northwest, 1 v., 1863-8; of the Ohio, 1 v., 1865-6; of the Platte, 1 v., 1868; of the South, 3 v., 1865-8; of the Tennessee, 3 v., 1865-7 ; Texas, 1 v., 1866-8; Virginia, 1 v., 1865-7; Washington, 4 v., 1863-8. District of Vicksburg, 1 v., 1864-5; 1st military district, 2 v., 1867-8; 2d military dis- trict, 2 v., 1867-8; 3d military district, 2 v., 1867-8; 4th military district, 2 v., 1867-8; 5th military district, 3 v., 1867-8. Military division of the Mis- sissippi, 1 v., 1863-5; of West Mississippi and Gulf, 1 v.. 1864-5; of the Missouri, 1 v., 1865-8; of the Pacific, 1 v., 1865-8. Miscellaneous, 1 v., 1863-5. Quartermaster-General, 6 v., 1863-8. Transpor- tation: embracing orders from Adjutant-Geue- ral'8 Office, Quartermaster-General's Office, and from the Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1 v., 1861-7. Ordnance memoranda, No. 18. Proceedings of the board of officers convened under Special Orders, Nos. 238 and 253, A. G. O., 1873, on horse-equip- ments, cavalry equipments and accoutrements, saddlers' and smiths' tools and materials, and standard supply of ordnance stores for the cavalry service, with the action of the War Department thereon. 4°. Washington, 1874. Oudronaux (J.) On a system for the economi- cal relief of disabled soldiers, and on certain pro- posed amendments to our present pension laws. 8°. New York, 1864. Record of Massachusetts volunteers, 1861-5. Published by the adjutant-general, under a re- solve ofthe general court. 2v. 4°. Bost on, 1868-70. Recruiting service. Regulations of the army ofthe United States, both regular aud volunteer. War Department, Adjutaut-General's Office, De- cember 1, 1*63. 8°. Washington, 1864. Regulations for the government of the mili- tary prison at Alcatraz Island, California. [Head- i Army (United States). quarters Department of California, San Francisco, August 29, 1873.] 8°. [n.p., n.d.'] Regulations for the United States Army, 1775, 1786, 1794, 1798, 1814, 1816, 1820, 1821, 1825,1834, 1835, 1841, 1847, 1857, 1861, 1863. In all, under various titles, 16 v. 8°. Report (Annual) ofthe adjutant-general of the State of Louisiana for the year ending Dec. 31, 1871. 8°. New Orleans, 1872. ■ Report of the adjutant-general of the State of Tennessee. Military forces of the State. 8°. Nashville, 1866. Report of the adjutant-general of the State of Vermont for 1865-6. 2 v. 8°. Montpelier. Report on army organization. By Mr. Gar- field, from the Committee on MiUtary Affairs. 8°. Washington, 1869. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs of the House of Representatives upon the reduction of the military establishment and in relation to the fortifications and works of defense, 43. Con- gress, 1. session, House of Representatives report No. 384, April 6, 1874. Recommitted to the Com- mittee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. To accompany bill H. R. 2546. 8°. Washington, 1874. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of California for the years 1861-2, 1864-5, 1865-7, 1867-9, 1870-71, 1872-3. 7 v. 8°. Sacramento, 1862-73. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Connecticut for the years 1863-4-5. 8°. Neio Haven, 1863-5. Reports of adjutant-general of the State of Illinois. 8v. 1861-6. [Also, Annual report for 1861-2.] Springfield, 1863-7. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Indiana, 1861-2, 1 v. 1861-5, 1 v. War of the Rebellion, containing: Indiana in the war of the rebellion, and statistics and documents, 1861-5, 2 v.; roster of officers, 1861-5, 4 v.; roster of en- listed men, 1861-5, 1 v.; additions, corrections, deaths, and desertions. 8°. Indianapolis. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Iowa, 1863-9. 9 v. 8°. Des Moines. Reports of the adjutant and inspector general of Iowa for January 1,1871, and January 1,1872. 2 v. 8°. Des Moines, 1871. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Kentucky. 1H62, 1 v., 8°.; 1864, 1 v., 8°; 1861-6, 2 v., 4°; 1871, 1 v., 8°. Frankfort. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Maine. 5 v. 1861-7. Augusta, 1861-8. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Massachusetts. 6 v. 1862-7. Same for 1869. Same for 1872. 8°. Boston, 1863-73. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Michigan, 1862-5. 6 v. 8°. Lansing, 1862-6. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Minnesota for the years 1864-5-6. 3 v. 8°. Saint Paul. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Missouri for years 1862-4-5, 1871. 4 v. 8°. Jefferson City. Reports of the adjutant-general of tho State of New Hampshire, MI5-S. 7 v. ft\ Concord. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of New York, 1862-6, 18,58, 1870. liv. 8-. Albany. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Ohio, from 1862-5, 1868-70. Columbus. Reports of tho adjutaut-geueral of tho State of Pennsylvania for years 1829, 1863-6. 8°. Harrisburg. Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Rhode Island, lft(51-5. 1 v. 8°. Providence. Reports (Annual) of tho adjutant and in- spector geueralof the State of South Carolina, to ARMY. 553 ARMY. Army (United States). the governor of the State, for the years 1869-70, 1872-3,1874-5. 8C. [n.p., n.d.] Reports of the adjutant-general of the State of Wisconsin for years 1863-4. 2 v. 8°. Madison. Reports (Annual) of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secretary of War for the years 1870-72. 8°. Washington, 1870-72. Scott (R. N.) An analytical digest of the mili- tary laws of the United States. A compilation of the constitutional aud statutory provisions con- cerning the military establishment, in all its branches and relations, accompanied by judicial and executive decisions explanatory of the text. 8°. Philadelphia, 1873. Statutes relating to the United States Army, as revised, simplified, arranged, and consolidated by tho commission appointed for that purpose, from the various acts of Congress now in force, in whole or in part. 4°. Washington, 1868. de Steuben (Barou). Regulations for the order and discipline ofthe troops ofthe United States, to which is added, an appendix containing the United States Militia Act, passed in Congress May, 1792. Now ed. 16°. Exeter, 1794. Tucker (J.) Reply to the report of tho select committee of the Senate on transports for the War Department, February 27, 1863. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1863. Wells (J. G.) Every man his own lawyer and business form book . . . Pension laws, with forms and instructions to enable the discharged soldier or sailor to procure back pay, pensions, bounties, and all war claims . . . New ed. 8°. New York, 1867. Army (United States, Medical Department of). Bill (A) to increase the efficiency of tho Medical Department ofthe Army. Introduced by Joseph R. Hawley, Jan. 5, 1874, 44th Congress, 1st session, H. R. 862. roy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Brixton (J. H.) & Porter (J. H.) History of tho organization of the Medical Department of the United States Army. obi. 4°. MS. Brown (H. E.) The Medical Department of the United States Army, from 1775 to 1873. Com- piled under the direction of the Surgeon-General. 8°. Wash., 1873. Circular No. t. June 10,1868. Report on epi- demic cholera and yellow fever in the army of the United States during the year 1867. [Appendix, containing statistical tables and extracts from official reports. By J. J. Woodward.] 8°. Wash- ington, 1868. Circular No. 1. July 1, 1871. Standard sup- ply table ofthe Medical Department of the United States Army. 8°. Washington, 1871. Circular No. 2. Jan. 2, 1869. A report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury. By George A. Otis. 4°. Washington, 1869. Circular No. 2. July 27,1871. Approved plans and specifications for post hospitals. 4° & fol. Washington, 1871. Circular No. 3. Approved plans and specifi- cations for post hospitals. 4°. Washington, 1870. Circular No. 3. Aug. 17, 1871. A report of surgical cases treated in the army of the United States from 1865 to 1871. [By Geo. A. Otis. ] 4°. Washington, 1871. Circular No. 4. April 27,1867. Plan for a post hospital of twenty-four beds. 8°. Washington, 1867. Circular No. 4. A report on barracks and hospitals, with descriptions of military posts. By John S. Billings. 4°. Washington, 1870. See, aho, Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxvi,1075. j Circular No. 5. May 4, 1867. Report ou epi- l Lrmy (United States, Medical Department of). demic cholera in the army of the United States, during the year 1866. [Appendix: A, statistical; B, extracts from official reports. By J. J. Wood- ward.] 4°. Washington, 1867. Circular No. 6. March 10, 1864. Reflex pa- ralysis. [S. W. Mitchell, G. R. Morehouse, and W. W. Keen.] 8°. Washington, 1864. Circular No. 6. Nov. 1,1865. Reports on the extent and nature of the materials available for the preparation of a medical and surgical history of the rebellion. By George A. Otis and Joseph J. Woodward. 4°. Philadelphia, 1865. Circular No. 7. July 14, 1862. [To give greater utility to the acts of Miss D. L. Dix, as ''superintendent of women nurses" in general hospitals.] 8°. [ Washington, 1862.] Circular No. 7. 1867. A report on amputa- tions at the hip-joint in military surgery. By Geo. A. Otis. 4G. Washington, 1867. Circular No. 8. July 14,1862. [Qualifications of candidates for service in the women's depart- ment for nursing in the military hospitals of the United States.] 8°. [ Washington, 1862.] -----. The same. September 17, 1864. 8°. [ Washington, 1864. ] Circular No. 8. A report on the hygiene of the United States Army, with descriptions of military posts. [By J. S. Billings.] 4°. Washington, 1875. Circular No. 9. July 1, 1863. Consolidated statement of gunshot wounds. 8°. Washington, 1863. Circular No. 9. March 1, 1877. A report to tho Surgeon-General on tho transport of sick and wounded by pack animals. [By George A. Otis.] 4°. Washington, 1877. Circular No. 10. Octdber 20,1877. Approved plans and specifications for post hospitals. 4°. Washington, 1877. Circular No. 15. September 8,1863. Sickness and mortality in the army duriug the first year of the war. 8°. Washington, 1863. [Collection of printed blank forms ofthe Me- dical Department, U. S. Army. ] fol. [n.p., n.d.] Directions £ot taking meteorological observa- tions adopted by the Medical Department of the United States Army. Washington, 1844. Efficiency (The) of the army medical staff. 1 galley sheet, [n. p., n. d.] Ellis (Thomas T.) Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon; or, incidents of field, camp, and hospital life. 8°. Neio York, 1863. Extracts of letters received in relation to Cir- cular No. 6, of the Surgeon-General's Office, and the importance of the proposed medical and sur- gical history of the war. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Forster (E. J.) A manual for medical officers of the militia of the United States. 12°. Neio York, 1877. Grace (W.) The army surgeon's manual, for the use of medical officers, cadets, chaplains, and hospital stewards; containing the regulations of the Medical Department, all general orders from the War Department, and circulars from the Sur- geon-General's Office, from January 1, 1861, to July 1, 1864. Published by permission of tho Sur- geon-General. 12°. New York, 1864. Greenleaf (Charles R.) A manual for the medical officers of the United States Army. 8°. Philadelphia, 1864. Haversham (S. E.) Observations upon the statistics of Chimborazo Hospital, with some re- marks upon the treatment of various diseases during the recent civil war. 8°. Nashville, 1866. Headquarters Department of East Tennessee. Knoxville, Oct. 1, 1862. Hospital organizatdou ARMY. 554 ARMY. Army (United States, Medical Department of)- oi the department. General Orders, No. ... 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Huntington (D. L.) & Otis(G. A.) Descrip- tion of the U. S. Army medical transport cart, model of 1876. 8°. Philadelphia, 1876. Instructions and duties of surgeons to be observed on the march. Headquarters, Medical Director's Office, Army of Kentucky, Louisville, Sept. 23, 1862. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] International Exhibition of 1876. Pamphlets issued in connection with the exhibit in the hos- pital of the Medical Department, U. S. Army. 12 in 1 v. 8°. Jar vis (E.) The sanitary condition of the Army of the United States. 8°. [n.p., 1862. ] From: Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1862. Letter of the Secretary of War, communi- cating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of tho 9th instant, copy of the proceedings of tho eneral court-martial for the trial of Assistant urgeon Webster; report of the General-in-Chief of the army on the management of general hos- pitals ; general orders in relation to the Medical Department, and general orders and instructions relating to hospitals. March 1, 1864, ordered to be printed. 8°. Medical (The) and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1861-5). Prepared, in accor- dance with acts of Congress, under the direction of Surgeon-General J. K. Barnes, U. S. Army. Parts 1, 2, v. 1, Medical History, by J. J. Wood- ward. Parts 1, 2, v. 2, Surgical History, by Geo. A. Otis. 4 v. 4°. Washington, 1870-79. Memorandum for the information of persons desirous of entering the Medical Corps of the U. S. Army. War Department, Washington, Feb. 15, 1870. 8°. [». p., n. d.] Extr. from: Laws of the United States, approved June 30, 1834. Memorandum referring to extracts from let- ters, reviews, and bibliographical notices of the publications of the Surgeon-General's Office. 8°. Washington, 1870. Mitchill(S. L.) Address to the officers com- posing the medical staff. 8C. New York, 1820. Organization (The) of the Medical Corps of the Army. To the president of the American Medical Association. [Brief statement showing the inequality of rank ofthe medical staff of the army. Signed by John M. Cuyler, Wm. J. Sloan, T. A. McParlan, and others.] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Petition of the American Medical Association [to the Senate and House of Representatives] in behalf of the Medical Corps of the Army, with a brief statement of the facts in the case. Wash- ington, 1874. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Regulations for the Medical Department of the U. S. Army, 1818, 1825, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1861, 1863. In all, under various titles, 7 v. 8°. Remarks relative to the pay of the medical staff of the army of the United States. 8°. [Washington, 1834.] Reports (Annual) of the Surgeon-General United States Army, to the Secretary of War, for the years 1843-4; 1847-8; 1851-2—1853-4; 1861- 2; 1864-5—1876-7. 8°. Washington, 1844-77. Reports (Quarterly) of medical officers, United States Army, with their stations and duties, as re- ported to the Surgeon-General, or at date of last report received at this office. From July, 1866, to January 1, 1880. 8°. Washington, 1866-80. Reports (Annual) of the surgeon-general of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, to the go- vernor of the State, for the years 1862-77. 8° Boston, 1863-78. Army (United States, Medical Department of). Reports (Annual) of the surgeon-general of the State of New York. For the years 1861-2. 8°. Reports (Annual) ofthe surgeon-general ofthe State of Ohio for the years 1864-6. 8°. Colum- bus, 1864-6. Reports of the surgeon-general of the com- monwealth of Pennsylvania for the years 1861- 2-3-4-5. 8°. Harrisburg, 1863-6. Reports (Annual) of the surgeon-general of the State of Wisconsin for year 1865. 8°. Madi- son, 1866. Satterlee (R. S.) Statement of medical and hospital supplies furnished to the sick and wounded of the United States Army, and moneys expended for the same, at New York, from April 15, 1861, to Dec. 31, 1865. 8°. Neio York, 1866. Statistical report on the sickness and mor- tality in the Army of the United States. Com- piled from the records of the Surgeon-General's and Adjutant-General's Offices, embracing a pe- riod oi" twenty years, from January, 1*19, to January, 1839. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, Surgeon-General. 8°. Washing- ton, 1840. -----. The same. Compiled from the records of the Surgeon-General's Office by R. H. Coolidge, embracing a period of sixteen years, from January, 1839, to January, 1855. 4°. Washington, 1856. -----. The same. Embracing a period of five years, from 1855-60. 4°. Washington, I860. War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, July 13, 1878. Hon. A. E. Burnside, U. S. Senate, chairman of the joint Committee on the Reorganization of the Army. [Statement of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Army, showing the need of an increase of medical officers. 8°. Webster (W.) The army medical staff. An address deUvered at the inauguration of the Dale General Hospital, U. S. A., Worcester, Massachu- setts, February 22,1865. (Printed by order of the Massachusetts medical commission.) 8°. Boston, 1865. Woodward (J. J.) The hospital steward's manual, for the instruction of hospital stewards, ward-masters, and attendants, in their several duties. Prepared in strict accordance with ex- isting regulations and the customs of service in the armies of the United States of America, and rendered authoritative bv order of the Surgeon- General. 12°. Philadelphia, 1*63. ----■-. Tho medical staff of the United States Army, and its scientific work. An address de- livered to the International Medical Congress, at Philadelphia, September 6, 1876. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1876. Army medical service. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 429.— Army (The) medical staff hill. Ibid., 1874, ix, 149-151.— Army staff rank. Ibid., 1874, ix, 13: 373.—Baily (M.) Medical sketch of the nineteenth regiment of Kansas ca- valry volunteers. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas, Leavenworth, 1869, 33-40. Aho: Leavanworth M. Herald, 1869-70, iii, 153-160.— Bryan (J.) Qualifications and duties of the regimental surgeon. Boston M. & 6. J., 1802, lxv, 503; 539.—[Cadu- ceut*.] The rank and pay of tho hospital stewards of the army. Med. Rec, N. X., 1875, x, 670.—Efficiency (The) ofthe army medical staff. Ibid., 1874, ix, 125-127.—Ellis (G. E.) The sick and wounded at Bunker Hill. Boston M. & S. J., 1875, xcii, 731.—Ely. Lc recrutement dans l'annee fCd6rale des Etats-TJnis, pendant la guerre de secession. Rec. demem. denied. . . . mil., Par., 1869, 3. 8., xxii, 1-21.— Gardner (A. B.) The uniforms of the American army. In: Mag. of American history, 1877, i, 401-492.—Gardner (J.) Examination of recruits, with medical and biirgical cases. Communicat. Rhode Island Med. Soc, Providence, 1862, i, 191-195.—lllaminond (W. A.) Annual report of the Surgeon-General. Bost. M. & S. J., 1803, Ixvii, 437-443.— Derrick f\V. B.) Remarks upon the organisation of the Medical Department of the Army, and tbo effects of march- ing and a camp life in producing and modifying discuse. AEMY. 555 AEMY. Army (United States, Medical Department of)- 111. & Ind. M. ,montana. BostonM. &S. J., 1869, lxxix, 390.—Planat (F.) Note sur une nouvelle propri6t6 de l'arnica. J. do th6rap., Par., 1878, v, 41-43.—de Savignnc (D.) Teinturo aromatique arniquee, tonique et vulneraire. Bull. g6n. do therap., etc., Par., 1872, lxxxiii, 175-177.—Tal- lcy (A. N.) Observations on the properties of arnica montana. Charleston M. J., 1859, xiv, 166-174. Arnica (Toxicology of). Bertin (H.) A case of poisoning by tincture of arnica. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 571.—Bavidson (C.) Case of poisoning by arnica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 625.— JEarle (C. W.) The poisonous effects of arnica. Chicago M. J., 1877, xxxv, 207.—Fox (C. J.) The poisonous effects of arnica with acute eczema resulting as a consequence. N. Tork M. & S. Brief, 1878-9, i, 106.—Galassi (L.) Erisipela vescicolare ascendente per applicazione della tin- tura di arnica. Gior. med. di Roma, 1867, iii, 367-372.— Ochsenheimcr (J.) Erythema gangrenosum in Folge der ausserl. Anwendung der Tinct. arnicae. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 226-227.—Otto. Dio SchSdlichkeit des iibermassigen Gebranches der Amica-Tinctur. Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Berl., 1877, xlvi, 1133.—White (J. C.) The poisonous action of tincture of arnica upon the skin. Boston M. & S. J., 1875, xcii, 61-65.—Wright (E. P.) Violent inflammation of the eyelids producea by arnica. Dublin M. Press, 1864, Iii, 528. ab Arnim (Aug. Guil. Adolph. Carol.) *De tussi ex gastritide sympathica. [Cum vita.] 29 pp., 11. 8°. BeroUni, typ. Nietackianis, [1849]. von Arnim (S. F.) Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. vom Arniin (Heinrich). * Ueber Eetroflexio uteri gravidi. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle, Buchdruckerei von Liplce, [1872]. c. ab Arnim (Joannes Ferdinandus). * De purpura hemorrhagica. 28 pp., 2 1. 4°. Hala, typ. F. A. Grunerti, patris filiique, [1824]. For his Life, see Ozondi (Car. Hen.) Anting'. * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Sclerema adul- torum. 33 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahcl, 1861. c. Itepr.from: Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1861, ii. Al'Eiisa*lflS (Fridericus). * De melancholia hypo- chondriaca. 151. 4°. Hafnia, typ. Martzanianis, [1654]. Arnisseus (Henningus). [1635.] JPor hh Life, see Bayle (P.) Hist. & crit. diet, (trans. Des Maizeaux), Lond., 1734, i, pp. 499-500. Arnold. See Hygea; Zeitschrift fur Heil- kunst. Arnold (Abrahamus). *De febri in genere. 9 pp. b-. Iludce, typ. Univers. Hungariew, [1835]. Arnold (Alfred). 'Contribution a l'etude du traitement des ulceres par l'electricite'. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 75. Arnold (Augustus). *De gangrama. 32 pp., 4 1. 8". Landishuti, typ. J. Thomann, 1823. Arnold (Augustus Theodorus). *De cura clavi- culae obliquui fractae, cum descriptione machinao humerum, expedita respiratione, et retrahentea ct tollentis. 27 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lipsiw, typ. E. Stangii, [1848]. ! Arnold (Beruhard). *Ein Beitrag zur Casu I istik und Pathologie der Glossitis parenchy matosa acuta. 49 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, I 1867. c. AKNOLD. 559 ARNOLD. {, / A rnoldiCarolus). * De inhalatione et cauterisa- tione in pulmonum laryngisque morbis. 21 pp. 8°. Bonna>, typ. C. Gcorgii, 186;i. Arnold (Carolus Gottofredus). * Erysipelatis pathologiam eomplectcns. 15 pp. 4°. Witten- bergce, lit. Tzschiedrichii, [1802]. , For hh Life, see Vogt (Traugott, Carol, August). ^ Arnold (Carolus Guilielmus). * Diss, inaug. sistens nounulla de morborum cordis aetiologia. [Cum vita.] 58 rip. 8°. Halce, typ. Baentschianis, [1831]. Arnold (Carolus Henricus). Recentiores praepa- ratorum antimonialum emendationes. 23 pp. 4°. Vitembergce, lit. Tzschiedrichii, [1798], For hh Life, see Boehmer (Geo. Rudolphus). Arnold (Conrad). * Dio Myocarditis. 17 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1863. C. ArnoldJDanfeZ). Biographical sketch of Daniel Arnold [1774-1850J. Brit.-Am. M. & Phys. J., Montreal, 1850-51, vi, 257-261. Arnold (Edmund). On medical provision for railroad accidents, in a letter to the American Medical Times, with a postscript, by a country surgeon. 1 p. 1., 12 pp. 12°. Yonkers, Examiner print, 1861. -----. On medical provision for railroads as a humanitarian measure, as well as a source of economy to the companies. Read before the State Medical Society, by . . . Printed by per- mission. 20 pp. 8°. Albany, NT., Weed, Parsons $• Company, printers, 1862. -----. The same. In two papers. 47 pp. 16°. New Tork, Bailliere Brotliers, 1862. Arnold (Edmund S. F.) On the uses of opium in managing the shock and reaction of severe surgical injuries. Read before the surgical sec- tion of the New York Academy of Medicine, March 27, 1863. iv, 5 to 30 pp. 8°. New Tork, M. B. Brown , De epilepsia ex deprcsso Jtegjtfhonti, 1724/ »-.--'*' ArnoloT(Joh.) De vertigine. 20 pp. 4°. Alt- dorff, typ. H. Meyeri, [1688]. Arnold! (Joh. Fridericus). * De pleuritide. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Erfurti, typ. Heringii, [1733]. Arnoldt (Joh. Otto). * Diss, inaug. qua casus singularis asthmatis a depressione sterni ex febre purpurata, cum orthopnea affligente, reportati sola thoracis artificiali constrictione curati. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Vitembergce, prelo Schlomachiano, [1730]. < Arnoldus de Villa Nova [1276(?)-1312]. Tractatus magistri Arnaldi de Villanova de arte cognoscendi veneua cum quis timet sibiea minis- trari. 161. 4°. Printed with type used at Mantua in 1473. "Brunet." -----. Practica medicine. Breviarius practice excelleutissimi Arnaldi de Villa. Nova medici quondam summi pontificis; a capito usque ad plantain pedis, cum capitulo generali de urinis et tractatu de oibus febribus peste empiala et liparia. 761. [Goth, letter.] fol. (Ad fineni) Venetiis per Baptistam de tortis, 1494. -----. Fol. 1. Ineipit tractatus de virtutibus her- barum. Fol. 2 A. Arnoldi de noua ITillaAuicenna. 4 p. 1., cl ff., 17 1. (With wood cuts.) 4°. (At end) Finiuut Liber vocant Herbolarium de vir- tutibus Herbarum. Impressum Venetiis per Simo- nem Papiensem . . . 1499. -----. Opera nuperrime revisa: una cum ipsius vita recenter hie apposita. Additus est etiam trac- tatus de philosophorum lapide intitulatus. 10 p. 1., 318 ff. fol. Lugd., M. Guilhelmi Huyon, 1520. [Die xxi mensis Aprilis.] -----. Herliche Medicische Tractat, vor nie in truck kommen. Von Cur des Podagrams, des Hocberfarnen alten Medici... Item Vom Holz des Lebens. Vom Goldol. Antimonii ol und Wein. Von den Tugenden der Perlen, Corallen und Spi- ritus vini. Von der Pestileuz: und andern niizli- cheu materien welche die vorrod andeitet. Nun- mals erst durch den Heinricum Wolffium niannig- k v ill in fy -tt GuU* \ v.. *. MoIUa • ■!■ ' •*-. , <;" >vu^'■// ARSOLDUS. 561 ARXSRODIUS. Arnoldus de Villa Nova—continued. lichem zu gutem in truck verfiirtiget. 124 1. 16°. Strasburg, B. Jobin, 1576. -----. Opera omnia, cum annotationibus Nicolai Taurelli. 2071 pp., 21 1. fol. Basilea:, ex off. Pemca per Conr. Vualdkirch, 1585. -----. Speculum alchymiae. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, iv, pp. 514-553,1659. Contents: Yita auctoris, p. 514. Carmen, p. 542. Quaes- tiones ad Bonifacium Octavum, pp. 544-553. -----. Liber perfecti magisterii, qui lumen lumi- nnm, etiam flos florum, nuucuj)atur. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, iii, pp. 128-136. Ejus- dem: Practica maestri Arnaldi de Villanova ad quondam papain, ex libro dicto breviarius librorum alchemiae, pp. 137-143. See, aho, Barlandns (Hubert). Velitatio cum Ar- noldo Xootz medicinae. Antrerpice, 1532. Also: Salcr- nnm. For hh Obituary, see Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1866, 2. s., iii, M7-827: 1867, 2. s., iv. 1-8. Aho: Janus, BresL, 1847, ii, 526-540 (A. "W. E. T. Henschel). Arnolts (L. A.) Nach den Gesetzen der Chemie veranstaltete genaue Zergliederung und Be- schreibung des uralten der Stadt Trautenau ntichstgelegenen mineralischen Badsprudels Jo- hannisbrunn im Konigreich Bohmen. 5 p. 1., 96 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Pra<7, St. Galli Kloster, 1795. Arnott (Henry). Cancer: its varieties, tbeir his- tology and diagnosis, viii. 88 pp., 5 pL 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1872. Arnott (Jacobus M.) * De apoplexia phrenitica. 2 p. 1., 33 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, Abernethy S,- Walker, 1813. Arnott (James). A treatise on stricture of the urethra, containing an account of improved me- thods of treatment, with an appendix noticing the application of a new instrument to the treat- ment of enlarged prostate gland, gleet, fistula, and other diseases of the urethra, oesophagus, and rectum, xviii, 183 pp., 3 pi. 8-. London, Bur- gess S; Hill, 1819. -----. Casts illustrative of the treatment of ob- structions in the urethra, etc., by the new instru- ment, the dilator; with further directions, to fa- cilitate its general adoption: also, a caseof the extraction of stone from the male bladder without cutting it, by the dilator; with an account of im- provements of the method of dissolving stone by injection, and of the common operations of litho- tomy, xi, 119 pp., 1 pL bJ. London, Longman, Hurst et al., 1821. -----. An enquiry into the mode in which mercu- rial ptyalism operates in the cure of acute disease; and whether there exist other remedies of simi- lar action that may be advantageously substi- tuted for it. 16 pp. 8C. London, Callow §• Wilson, 1824. -----. Practical illustrations of the treatment of strictures in the urethra and other canals by the dilatation of fluid pressure; also, an essay on the various modes of removing urinary calculus, iv, 119 pp. 8J. London, J. Churchill, 1841. -----. On indigestion; its pathology; and treat- ment by the local application of uniform and con- tinuous heat and moisture, with an account of an improved mode of applying heat or cold in irrita- tive and inflammatory diseases, xi, 10-107 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1847. -----. On the treatment of cancer, by the regu- lated appUcation of an anaesthetic temperature. iv, 32 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1851. -----. On the invention of local anaesthesia by refrigeration. 7 pp. 12°. Repr. from: Med. Times &■ Gaz., Lond., 1867, with anno- tations. In: P., v.497. £ A rnott (James Moncrieff). ] Address to the com- mittee for the erection of a statue of John Hun- ter, by the president of the Royal College of Sur- 36 I [Arnott (James Moncrieff)]—continued. | geons of England, March 29, 1859. 29 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes . Arragon (A.) * Traitement topique du psori- asis par l'acide pyrogaUique compare aux autres modes de traitement. 65 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 190. Arrangements and regulations ofthe Badcliife Library and Eeading-Eoom at the Oxford Uni- versity Museum. 3. ed. 8 pp. fc°. Oxford, for the Radcliffe trustees, 1^71. Arrangements of vegetable tissues and organs, analyses of natural orders, and other tables, for ! the use of students of botany. 25 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1846. Arras. Dc Larsr. Memoire sur la situation, les habitans, Tair et les eaux de la ville dArras. J. de med. mil., Par., 1788, vii, 1-31. Aho: J. domed., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1789, lxxviii, 224-255. d' Arras ( Lucien ). * Essai sur les accideuts causes par les poissons. 69 pp. 4C. Pam, 1877, Xo. 156. d'Arrastia (Juan). * Etudes sur le pouvoir anti- syphilitique du bichromate de potasse. 44 pp. 1J. Paris, 1856, Xo. 78, v. 582. Arrat-Balous (Andre). * Coup d'ceil sur l'af- fection tvphoide. 31 pp. 4C. Paris, 1833, Xo. 240, v. 263. Arrault (Auguste-Alphonse). * De la paralysie du muscle deltolde consecutive aux luxations ou aux contusions de l'epaule. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 3, v. 612. Arrault (Henri). Notice sur le perfectionnement du materiel des ambulances volantes. 41 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Paris, Vauteur, 1861. -----. Quelques mots sur l'utilite des ambu- lances volantes. Lettre adressee a M. le dr. Lar- rey a propos de la phrase contenue dans les me- moires et campagnes du dr. Larrey pere: "... nous fumes force's d'abandonner nos blesses ..." 1 sheet. 4-. Paris, Cosse et J. Dumaine, 1861. -----. Notice sur les secours aux blesses du champ de bataille. 23 pp. 8°. [Paris, de Cosse et J. Dumaine.] Bound vnth ■ de Breda (F.) Infirmiers voluntaires. [etc. ] 8:. Parh, 1807. Arrault (Louis-Hippolyte.) * Essai sur la peri- tonite puerperale. ^.7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, Xo. 19, v. 119. Arreat (Gaspard-Charles-Francois). 'Proposi- tions chirurgicales sur les moveus hemostatiques. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, Xo. 294, v. 237. d'Arrest (Augustus JEinilius). * De strepitu ju- gulari. 29 pp. 8-. Lipsice, typ. Edelmanni, [1853.] Arrias (Salomon). * Eenige waamemingen van keeringop de knie. 2 p. 1., 60 pp. 8C. Leiden, Gebroeders ran der Hock, 1^66. Arrigoni (Antonio). * Dellamania, dellafrenesia, e della rabbia. 56 pp., 1 pi. 4°. [Lodi, 1757.] Arrigoni (E.) See Sprengel (Curzio). Storia pramraatica delli medi- cina. 6 v. in 7. 8°. Firenze, 1839-43. Arro (Fr. de P.) See Revista de ciencias medi- cas. Arroneet (Georg). * De jodii et kali jodati effec- tuum diversitate. 44 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. viu. J. C. Schunmaiini et C. Matheseni, 1852. Arrott (David.) *De utero in partu rupto. 29 j pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1831]. Arrow-heads. See Archaeology. Arrow-poison. See, also, Akazza; Upas; Woorara. Eldridge (8.) The arrow poison of the Ainos. 8-. Tokohama, [1*76]. Extr. from: Tr. of Asiatic Society of Japan, 1875-6. Emmek (J. P.) *De veneno americano. 4~. Tubinga; lcl7. Kueus (G.) *De Afrorum veneno sagittario. 4C. Berolini, 1832. Arnott (F. S.) Observations accompanying a sub- stance procured near Aden, and said to be used by the So- malies to poison their arrows. Tr. M. &.. Phys. Soc. Bom- bay. 1855, n. s., ii. 314.—Beigcl (H.) Ueber das Pfeilgift der afrikanischen Ncger. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1868, v, 34"J.—von Bezhold. Ueber die Einwirkung des Pfeil- giftcs auf ilie niotorischen Xerven. [Aus den Sitzungsb. ii. phys.-math. Klasse d. Berl. Akad. d. Wiss.J Unter- such. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1860, vi, 535.—Bidder (F.) Ueber die Unterscbiede in den Bezie- hungen des Pfeilgifts zu versckiedenen Abtheilungcn des Nervensystems. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissench. Med., Leipz., 1865,337-359.—van Braam Houckgeest. Onderzoek naar de werking van een afrikaansch pijlver- gift (dat der Zoelae-Kaffers). Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1877, i, 347-359.—Braid wood (P. M.) The physiological actions of Dajaksch, an arrow poison used in Borneo. Edinb. M. J., 1864, x, 123-133. Aho, Reprint.— Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. d. med. "Wissensch., Berl., 1864, ii, 641-644.—Brainard (D.) On the nature and cure of the bite of serpents and the wounds of poisoned arrows. Hep. Smithson. lust., "Washington, 1854,123-136.—Breton (P.) On the poison of the Nagas. Tr. M. port fait a l'Acaddmie des Sciences sur le meme sujet par MM. Thenard, etc., et d'une refutation des opinions de MM. Magendie et Gerdy sur cette question. 8°. Paris, 1841. Aho: J. dechim. m6d., etc., Par.. 1841, 2. s., vii, 534-570; Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1841, xxvi, 428-451. Puller (R. E. O.) * Ueber die wichtigsten Bestimmungsmethoden des Arsen in gewichtsana- lytischer Beziehung. 8°. Jena, 1871. Rapp (G. L.) * Adnotationes et experimenta quaedani nova chemica circa methodos varias ve- neficium arsenicale detegendi. sm. 4°. Tubingce, [1817], Anwendung (Ueber die) des Kcinigswassers zur Auf- findung des Arseniks in den Eingeweiden. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1855, vi, 2. Hft., 63-67.— Audouard (L.-V.) Note sur la methode de M. Hugo-Reinsch, pour la recherche de l'arsenic par le cuivro. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1843, 2. s., ix, 389-392.—Bechamp (A.) Sur la recherche toxicologique de l'arsenic et de l'antimoine. Montpel. med.. 1861, vi, 121-141.—Bcchanip-Renc & Moitcssicr. De la recherche de l'arsenic dans les cas d'em- poisonnement. Ibid., 1863, x, 528-535.—Berzclius (J. J.) Sur Tempoisonnement par l'arsenic, et les moyens de re- connaltre la presence de ce metal dans les recherehes me- dico-legales. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1829, xxxiii, 322-330.—Binz (C.) & Schulz (H.) Die Arsen- giftwirkungen vom chemischen Standpunkt betrachtet. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1879, xi, 200- 230.—Blondlot. Modifications apportees k la methode de Marsh pour la decouvertc de l'arsenic. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv, 209. -----. Remarque sur la recherche toxicologique de l'arsenic Mem. Acad. imp. de med., Par., 1858, xxii, 463-467. Aho: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1857, v, 437. -----. Recherche do l'arsenic par la methodo de Marsh. [Rap. de Poggiale.] Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1857-8, xxiii, 128-136.-----. Recherehes toxicologioucs sur la transformation de l'arsenic en hydrure solido par Thydro- gftne naissant, sous l'influence des composes nitrcux ou de la pression. Mem. Acad, de Stanislas (1863), Nancy, 1864, 1-23.—Bontigny. Recherche chimico-legalo do l'arsenic Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv, 184.—Braconnot (H.) Sur une circonstance qui peut induire en erreur dans ia recher- che do l'arsenic. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1839, 2. s., v, 318-321.—Brown (S.) Remarks upon certain reagents or tests for the detection of arsenious acid. U. States M. &. S. J., N. Y., 1834-5, i, 11-14.-Caillol de Poncy (O.) 7 .j:i—Behrcnd (F. J.) Mittheilungen iiber | Arsenikvergiftung aus den Verhandlungen iiber den be- I riihmten Latl'arge'schcn Vergiftungsproz'ess. Ztschr. f. cl. I Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1843, xlvi, 1-31. — Benoist. Note sur l'em]iloi de Thydrate de tritoxide de fer dans nn cas ! d'empoisonnement par l'acide arsenieux. • J. do. chim. j med., etc., Par., 1835, 2. s., i, 572-579. — Bergeron (G.) [et al.] De Tempoisonnement arsenical par de.s doses nie- diocres ct reiterees de poison. Ann. if'hvg., Par., 1>78, j 2. s., 1, 72; 314.—Bericht von einer nur (lurch eine zer- | platzte Pulsadergeschwulst der Aorta tiidtlich gewor- j denen Vergiftung mit Arsenik. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arze- | neiw., Berl., 1832, i, 222-235. — Berti (A.) t Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete., Padova, 1860, ui, 89; 188.— Bertrand (P.) Extrait d'un rapport medico-legal sur une tentative d'empoisonnement, qui k eu Ueu k Guines, avec de l'acide arsdnieux (vulgairemcnt arsenic). Precis d. trav. Soc. ! med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839. 354-366. — Bigsby (J. J.) On tho effects of arsenic as they appear in the hu- man body after death. Loud. M. Reposit, 1816, v, 97-105.— Biliet (X.) Rapport chimico-legal; empoisonnement par | l'acide arsenieux. Ann. med. beiges, Brux., 1843, n, 231- j 233.—Boeck (H.) Zur Wirkung des Arseniks auf den Stoffumsatz. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1876, xii, 512- 514.—Boucher (C.) Wahre und eingebUdete Arsenik- I vergiftung. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1834, i, 168- 171.—Boileau de Castelnau (P.) Accusation d'em- poisonnement (arsenici. Gaz. mecl. de Montpel., 1847-8, viii, 30.— Bolander (A. W.) Ett faU af arsenikfbr- j giftning. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1866-7, ii, 467-469.— Bonjean. Avvelenamento di un montone coU'aeido arsenioso. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1843, xvii, 29-36. Aho, transl.: J. de chim. med., etc.. Par., 1843. 2. s., ix, 206-213.— Booth (J. K.) t . . . with dissection and remarks. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 62-64.—Bor. Observations sur quelques | cas d'empoisonnement par Tarseuic J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1856, 4. s., u, 139-145.—Borges (W. H. L.) Mc- dizinisch- gerichtliche Untersuchung einer Arsenik-Ver- i fiftung. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M., 1809, ii, 221- 45.-----. Ueber eine Vergiftung durch weissen Arsenik; j ein Obductions-Bericht nebst Gutachten. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., 1819, v, 57-99.—Bose (J. B.) Poisoning by arse- nious acid. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1864, no. xvii, 178-184.—Bouillet. Note sur un cas d'empoisonnement par Tacide arsenieux. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1840-41, vi, 544; 553. -----. Observat ion pour servir k l'his- toire de Tempoisonnement par Tacide arsenieux, re- cueUUe. Experience, Par., 1843, xi, 245. — Bon Icy jtum . Empoisonnement de sept chevaux par Tarseniate cie po- i tasse. Mem. Acad. roy. de m6d., Par., 1835, iv, 298-3U7.— Bourrean. L'estomac d'une jeune fille niortep ir Tacide arsdnieux. BuU. Soc. anat. dePar., 1853, xxviU, 179.—Bou- ligny (P. H.) Suicide par empoisonnement; exemple re- l marquable de la possibiUte des errcurs judiciaires. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1836, xvi, 391-393. — Bontigny & Baudry. L'eau d'une mare, dans laqueUe on aurait jete de l'arsenic, est-eUe v6n6neuse ? Question resolue n6gativement. Ibid., 1837, xvu, 350-358.— Braconnot (II.) Sur une circon- I stance k observer dans les empoisounemens par l'arse- nic J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1829, v, 577.—Bran. deis. Ein Wort iiber Arsenikvergiftung in physiologisch- forensischer Hinsicht. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1840, vii, 110-119.—Braun. Drei gerichtlich medicinische und chemische Untersuchungen von Arsenik-Vergiftun- gen. Mecl. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1856, xxvi, 33; 41; 49; 57; 65; 73.— Bridges (T. M.) t Am. M. Bi-Weekly, LouisvUle, 1879, x, 298. —Brown (G. W.) t Med. Exam., PhUa., 1851, n. s., vii, 151-158.—Brown (T.) Fatal poisoning from arsenic taken to induce abortion. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 878.—Brunner. Anklage we- gen Giltmordcs (Arsenikintoxication). Friedreich's 111. f. gerichtl. Mod., Xiirnb., 1872, xxiii, 395-442.—Bryant (T.) I Case of poisoning by two ounces of arsenic; recovery. I Arsenic (Toxicology of). Lancet,Lond., 1852,n. s.. ii, 'J9!».—Buchanan (W.) t Lond. M. Reposit., 1823, xix, 288— Cameron (C.) t X. YorkM. Press, 1859. n. s., i, 44. -----. Poisoning by arsenious acid. Ibid..349.—Cauetta. GerichtUche-mcdicinische und che- mische Uutersochung einer Arsenikvergiftung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1843, 32. Ergzgshft., 59-106.— [Cases.] Poisoning by arsenic. Lancet, Lond., 1827, xii, 509.—Empoisonnement de M. le due de PrasUn; autopsie; details authentiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 431; 439.—Empoisonnement par Toxide blanc d'arsenic. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 153.—Rapport medico-legal servant de base k une accusation d'empoisonnement par Tarscnic. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1829, ii, 405-430.—Ein Fall von Arsenik- Vergiftung. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Kiel, 1832, 1.-2." Hft., i, 195-205.—Observation d'empoisonnement par l'arsenic. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1832, 2. s., vni, 476-479.—Vergiftungen. (Mitgetheilt von Oberstadt.) Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., 1838, Ko- blenz, 1840,190-192.—Poisoning from arsenic. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1841, iii. 237.—Rapport sur un cas d'empoison- nement par l'arsenic. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1841, 2. s., vii, 257-260.—Empoisonnement par l'arsenic; consulta- tion modico-legale. Experience. Par.. 1842, ix, 289-296.— Poisoning bv arsenic Boston M. & S. J., 1842, xxv, 137- 143.—Poisoning with arsenic; trial of James M'Kerlie be- fore the circuit court of justiciary at Glasgow, in April, 1845. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1845, v, 471-475.—Poison- ing in Norfolk. [Coroner's inquest.] Med. Times, Lond., 1840, xiv, 102.—Empoisonnements par l'arsenic. J. de chim. med., etc.. Par., 1846, 3. s., ii, 732-734.—Empoisonne- ment par l'arsenic Am. d'hyg.. Par., 1848, xxxix. 419-432. Ibid., 1850, xliv, 432-454.—Enipoisonnement par l'arsenic. Union med., Par., 1851, v, 457.—Rapport des experts chi- mistes dans Taffaire L . . . G . . . inculpe da crime d'em- poisonnement. [Arsenic.] J. do chim. meU., etc., Par., 1853, 3. s., ix, 544-553.—Vergiftung mit Arsenik; Beant- wortung mehrerer, von dem Gerichte gestellter Frageu. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. cl. Prag. med. Fak., Prag, 1858, 2. F., 218-224.—Eine Arsenikvergiftung. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg, 1863, n, 223- 228.—Rapport m6dico-16gal sur un cas d'empoisonnement par l'arsenic. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1864-5, viii, 75; 77.—The Ponteland poisoning cases. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 336-338.—Arsenical poisoning. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 52.—Kong. (Det) Sundh. koll. Aarsb., Kje- benh., 1879, 147-149.—Casper (J. L.) t Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1857, xii, 177-192.—Castle (H. T.) Poisoning by Fowler s solution ; abortion; mortal fainting. Prov. M. t!-4U2.—Chevallicr, Bayard, & Barse (J.) Rapport medico-legal des operations faites dans une affaire d'em- poisonnement institute contre la nomm6c S. . . . V. . . . J. de chim. med.. etc., Par.. 1849, 3. s., v, 83-96.—Chevallier &Lassaigne. Empoisonnemcntd'une fontainejiarl'arse- nic Ibid., 1853, 3. s., ix, 690-692. -----. Empoisonnement par l'arsenic. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1850. xliii, 420-437.—Chle- borad. Vergiftung init Arsen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1863, viii, 364; 396; 405.—Choulant (L.) Gutachten der chu'urg.-medic Academie in Dresden iiber eine Vergiftung durch Fliegenpapier. Verfasst von .. . Ztschr. f. d. Staats- amzk., Erlang., 1841,29.Ergzgshft., 2&4-314.-----. Gutach- ARSENIC. 572 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Toxicology of). ten der chirurg.-medic Academie in Dresden iiber eine Arsenikvergiftung. Ibid., xiii, 402^422.—Christison (R.) Cases of poisoning from arsenic, with a new and satisfac- tory mode of indicating the poison, even to the fortieth part of a grain, in the mctallick form. Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1826-7, ii, 125; 252. -----. Observations on the duration of cholera, tbe taste of arsenic, and its power of preserving from decay the bodies of those poisoned with it. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1827, xxvui, 94-110. -----. Account of a trial for poison- ing with arsenic; tho Wooler case. Edinb. M. J., 1856, ii, 625; 707. -----. On poisoning with arsenic Ibid., 1857, iii, 481-483.—Clegg (W.) Remarkable case of poisoning by arsenic, in wliich the symptoms were delayed. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 26.—Clemens (A.) ' Versuchto Arsenikvergiftung. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1865, vi, 52-55.— Cloquet (H.) [Poison.] Arsenic ruetallique. Diet. d. sc mod., Par., 1820, xliii. 546-560.—Coates (J.) t Lond. M. Gaz., 1837, xx, 308-310.—Collins (H. P.) Poisoning bv arsenicum. Has it an antidote; if so, what is it? Hh- nbis M. Recorder, Vandalia, 1878-9, i, 299-302. —Cons- bruch. Arsenikvergiftung; Obductions-Bericht und Gu- tachten, dio Todesart des h riedrich L. betreffend. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Mecl., Berl., 1854, v, 267-286.— Cornish (W. R.) Poisoning by arsenic; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 35.—Clotting (B. E.) Poisoning by arsenic Boston M. eger. The hydrate of the tri- toxide of iron in cases of poisoning by arsenic. Lancet, Lond., 1835, i, 516-518.—I^cpage. t Combattu avec suc- ces par la magn6sie. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1845-6, xi, 1001-1003.—I>eroy (F. G.) Sur Thydrate ferrique comme contre-poison de l'acido ars6nieux. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. deBelg., Brux., 1862, 2. s., v, 535-540.—Mac- kenzie (D.) On the hydrated sesquioxide of iron as an antidote to arsenic. Lancet, Lond., 1840, ii, 46-48.—Ulac- lagan (D.) On the action of the hydrated sesquioxide of non on arsenic. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1840, liv, 106-112. -----. t Recovery from a large dose; magnesia as an anti- dote; period of elimination of arsenic from the system. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xvi, 1244132.— M.asnesie contre-poison do Tarsenic. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1846, 3. s., ii, 484-488.—Mattison (R. V.) On dialyzed iron as an antidote in arsenical poisoning. Phila. M. Times, 1878, vUi, 151-153.—Mcurer. Ueber die Ta- baksabkochung als Gegenmittel bei mit Arsenik Vergifte- ten. Summ. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1839, n. F., xi, 84.—Michaelsen. t . . . gliickUch geheilt, und Anwendung des Eisenoxydhydrats dagegen. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc., Altona, 1840-41, viii, 7.-8. Hft,, 72-86.— ITIurray (J.) t Cured by the tritoxide of iron. Lancet, Lond., 1838, i, 54.—IVetwald (J.) Die bisher ge- fen Vergiftungen mit arseniger Saure, Arseniksauro und eren Salzen empfohlenen Antidote hinsichtlich ihrer Wir- kung verglichen mit dem von Jos. Fuchs, Apotheker in Wien, vorgeschlagcnen, mittelst Magnesia ex tempore ge- faUten Eisenoxydhydrate. Med. Jabrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1848, lxUi, 130; 266; lxiv, 7.—©rfila. Du traitement de Tempoisonnement par Tacide ars6nieux. BuU. Acad, de mfid., Par., 1840-41, vi, 130-149. -----. Memoire sur le traitement de Tempoisonnement par Tacide ars6nieux. ARSENIC. 578 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Toxicology of Treatment and antidotes in). Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1841, 3. s., xii, 1-75. Aho, Re- print.—Orton (R.) Observations on the effects of arsenic on the animal system and results of experiments with the hydro-oxide of iron as an antidote. Lancet, Lond., 1834, i, 232-237.—Paulus (C. S.) Versuche iiber den Werth der schwach gegliihten Magnesia und des frisch gelallten Magnesiahydrates als Antidotum gegen arsenichte Siiure und Quecksilherchlorid. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1853, xxiu, 373-376.—Peter (R.) On the use of calcined magnesia as an antidote to arsenic. West. Lan- cet, Lexington, 1846-7, v, 176-181.—Pincet. Observation d'empoisonnement par le savon arsenical de Becoeur; traitement par Thydrate de magnesie; guerison. J. de la sect. de. m6d. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf.. Nantes, 1855, n. s., xxxi, 50-53.—Puchelt (B.) Der Nutzen des Eisen- oxydhydrats gegen Arsenikvergiftung durch 7 FaUe besta- tigt. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1839, v, 606-613.—Rawitz. Process Husen wegen Arsenikvergiftung. Arch, geriehtl.- med. v. d. Konigr. Hannov., Celle, 1851-2, i, 311-304.—Beed (T. B.) t Treated with dialyzed iron. Phila. M. Times, 1877, viii, 104.—Riddell (T. J.) Six cases, successfully treated without the use of the hydrated sesqui-oxide of iron. Virginia Clin. Rec, Richmond, 1872, i, 79-82.—Ro- gnetta. Rapport de la commission charg6e de suivre les experiences de . . . sur le traitement de Tempoisonnement par Tacide arsenieux. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1838-9, in, 1124.-----. Du traitement de Tintoxication arsenicale. Gaz. d.hop.,Par., 1840,2.s.,ii,497.—Rothauiel. VierArsenik- vergU'tungen nebst den dabei stattgefundenen gerichtlich- chemischen Untersuchungen und mehreren Versuchen an Thieren iiber die Wirksamkeit des Ferrum oxydatum hy- draticum und des Liquor ferri oxydati acetici gegen Arse- nikvergiftungen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1841, 29. Ergzgshft., 77-123.—Runspelt (F.) Das hydratischo Schweteleisen gegen Vergiftung mit arscnicsaurcm Mine- ralgriin. Ibid., 1846, Ui, 303-317.—SchroiT (K. D.) Ueber Magnesiumoxydhydrat als Gegengift gegen arsenige Siiure, undsein Verhaltniss zum Eisenoxydhydrat. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1851,'ii, 975-986.—Schu- chardt (B.) Gebruik van het magnesiahydraat als te- fengift tegen arsenigzuur en kwikzil\erchloride. N. pract. 'ijdschr.v.d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1853, v, 1-51.—Srhultz (C. H.) Ueber das Eisenoxydliydrat als Antidotum gegen Vergiftung durch weissen Arsenik. J. d. pract. HeUk., Bern, 1838, lxxxvi, St. 1, 37-51.—Se sia vero che Tuso dclT idrato di sesqui-ossido di ferro quale antidoto chiniico delT acido arsenioso, debba ormai essere assolutamente proscritto in qual siasi tempo e modo di queU'awelenamento arseni- • cale ? BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1860,4. s., xiv, 100-108.— Shafer(L.) t Magnesia as an antidote. Nelson's North. Lancet, Pittsburgh, N. T., 1853-4, viii, 145-147.—Shear- man (E. J.) On arsenic as a poison; its tests and anti- dote. Prov. M. & S. J.. Lond., 1844, 3-5.—Sinks (T.) Peroxide of iron as an antidote. Leavenworth M. Herald, 1867-8, i, 54-56.—Skilton (A. J.) Supposed influence of tobacco as an antidote to arsenic Boston M. Sc S. J., 1851, xliv, 469-474.—Smiley (T. T.) Cases treated by the hy- drated peroxide of iron. Med. Exam., PhUa., 1840, Ui. 679- 681.—Soubeiran &.Miqucl. Recherehes sur lea effets de Toxide de fer hydrate dans les empoisonnemens par Tarse- nic. J. de chim. ni6d., etc.. Par., 1835, 2. s., i, 3-5.—Spccz. Versuche iiber dio Wirkung des Eisenoxydhydrates, als Antidot der arsenigen Siiure. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1836, n. F., x, 621; xi, 149. -----. Schluss- wort iiber die Wirkung des trockcuen Eisenoxydhydrates als Antidot der arsenigen Siiure. Ibid.. 1838. n. ¥., xvi, 198- 203.—Spengler (L.) 11 Heilung durch Eisenoxydhvdrat. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1848, lv, 448-459.— Strauch. t . . . mit Liquor feiri oxydati hydrati geheilt. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 104.—Verhiitung (Ueber) der Arsenikvergiftung. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang., 1852, Ui, 3. Hft.,71-74.—Voglcr. Bemerkungen iiber die Anwen- dung des Eisenoxyuhydrates gegen Arsenikvergiftung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1846, Iii, 276-302.—Watt (W.) Hydrated sequioxide of iron as an antidoto to poi- soning by arsenious acid. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1860-61, xiii, 287-292. Arsenic (Toxicology of) from inhalation and external application. Accavie (F.) Enipoisonnement par Tarsenic applique a Tcxterieur. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1854, 3. s., x, 395-400.—Anciaux (N.) Empoisonnemens produits par Tarsenic en poudre introduit dans le vagin. la hh: Clin. chir., 8°, Li6ge, 1816, 103-112. Aho, transl.: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1821, i, 187-195.—Barker (W. S.) Arsenical poisoning; two singular cases of arsenical di- sease; one caused by inhalation of tho fumes of arsenic, the other by endermie application. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1864, n. s., i,'29-31.—Barnett (C. V.) Poisoning by arsenic, from absoiption. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1858, 225- 237.—Bird (G.) Poisoning with the fumes'of arsenious acid. Lancet, Lond., 1843, i, 98-101. -----. [Poisoning by the inhalation of arsenical vapor.] Med. Times, Lond., 1844, Arsenic (Toxicology of) from inhalation and external application. ix, 39.—Blandet. Memoire sur Tempoisonnement ex- teme, produit par le vert de Schweinfurt (vert arsenical), ou de Toedeme et de T6rnption professionnels des ouvriers en papiers peints. J. de m6d., Par., 1845, in, 112-116.— Bohm. VergiftungsfaUe durch aussere Anwendung des Arseniks. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 117.— Brisken. Arsen-Vcrgiftung, veranlasst durch Eiubrin- gen des Giftes in die weibliche Scheide, mit todtlichem Ausgang. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1864, xxv, 110-126.—Cases of poisoning by breathing arsenio and copper fumes. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 581.—Wavy. On the injurious effects of arsenical pig- ments. Dublin M. Press, 1861, xiv, 139.—Empoisonnc- ments produits par un remecle employe contre la teigne. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1830, iv, 437-441.— Errard. Observa- tions d'empoisonnement par le c6rat fait avec des bougies de nouvello fabrication, dans la composition desquelles entre de Tacide ars6nieux. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x, 713.—Earrar (J.) Caso of acute arsenical poisoning from the use of green paint. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 8.— Ferrand (A.) Intoxication arsenical externe; intensite et rapidite anormales. Union m6d., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiv, 797-803.—F leek (H.) Ueber den Arsengehalt der Zimmer- luft. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1872, vni, 444-456. Aho, transl.: Progres m6d., Par., 1878, vi, 747-749.—Graham (T.) Case of poisoning by arsenic, externally applied. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 56-59.—Gregory (C.) Ein FaU von chronischer Arsenikvcrgiftungdurch eine Tapete. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878, ui, 42-44.—Hogg (J.) Arsenic in playing cards. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 746.— Horst. t Vergiftung durch ausserliche Einwirkung des Arseniks. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 57. —Kiichler. MittheUungen iiber eine todtUche Arsenik-Vergiftung, erzeugt durch aussere Anwendung des Arseniks. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1835, i, 356-384.— Levin (P. A.) t Forgift- ning vid utvartes anvandning af arsenik. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1873, xxxv, 82.—Mangor (C. E.) Historia muUeris singulari modo venenata?. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1792, Ui, 178-193.—Mean. Observation sur un cas d'empoisonne- ment par Tapplication de Tarsenic k Texterieur. J. g6n. de m6d., chir. ct pharm., Par., 1821, lxxvi, 183-203.—Michel! (T. R.) Poisoning by arsenical ointment. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 612.—Portalez. Observation sur un empoisonnement arrive recemment par Tacide arse- nieux, applique en friction sur le chevelu. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc.. Par., 1803, v, 60.—Rousset & Ecpel- letier. Empoisonnement par Tarsenic appliqu6 sur un cancer. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1834, xi, 459-463.—Schlegel (J. H. G.) Vergiftung eines Mannes durch das Rauchen eines mit Arsenik vermengten Tabacks und gliickliche Behandlung dieses seltnen Falles. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1827,-lxiv, 2. St., 13-32.—Taylor (A. S.) Case of poisoning by arsenic from external appUcation; transfe- rence of the poison from the skin to the stomach. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s.. x, 220-236.—Wallace. Note on arsenic in playing cards. Analyst, Lond., 1879, iv, 223-225.—Washbourn (N.) A case of cedematous swelling, accompanied with sphacelation of the scrotum, etc., from the imprudent external use of arsenic, success- fuUy treated. Lond. M. Rev. & Mag., 1799-1800, ii, 197-199. Arsenic in manufactures and arts. See, also, Colors (Poisonous). Adams (J.) On the presence of arsenic in the vapours of bone manure; a contribution to sani- tary science. 8°. [Glasgow], 1876. Beaugrand. Des differentes sortes d'accidents cause's par les verts arsenicaux employe's dans l'industrie. 8°. Pen's, 1859. Eeport of the committee of the Westminster Medical Society on arsenicated candles. 8°. London, 1837. Accidents observes sur les ouvriers qui dans leurs travaux emploient Tars6nite de cuivre, lewert de Schwein- furt. J. do chim. med., etc., Par., 1845, i, 3. s., 278-280.— Beaugrand. Des differentes sortes d'accidents causes par les verts arsenicaux employes dans l'industrie. Ibid., 1859, 4. s., v, 224-243.— Brockmann (C. H.) Die Krank- heiten des Arsenikarbeiters. In hh: MetaUurgischen Krankheiten des Oberharzes, 8°, Osterode a. H., 1851, 322-324. Aho, transl.: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 31.— Chaulage du b!6 par arsenic. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1843, xxx, 217. — Chevallicr (A.) Sur la presence de Tar- senic dans divers produits; preparation de Tacide sul- furique par un nouveau precede; inconvenients et dan- gers qui peuvent eu resulter. Ibid., 1803, 2. s., xix. 183- 203. — Coronel (S. S.) Arsenicum -bevatteiide Kleur- stoften. Schat d. Gezondh., Haarlem, 1862,v, 109-121.—Em- ploi dc Tarsenic dans la confection do preparations aU- mentaires ; empoisonnement par imprudence. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par.. 1844, 2. s., x, 571-573.—Filhol (E.) Note Bur Texistence d'une petite quantite d'arsenic dans les bou- AESENIC. 579 AETEMISIA. Arsenic in manufactures and arts. chons et lea tubes de caoutchouc vulcanise. Rev. m6d. do Toulouse, 1877, xi, 241.—Foster (W.) On the presence of arsenicum in some samples of furnishing materials. Lan- cet, Loud., 1877, ii, 222.—Hofmann (E.) Sc Ijudwig (E.) Chronische Arsenikvergiftung durch technischo Verwen- dung von Fuchsin. Med. Jahrb.. Wien, 1877. 501-512.— Hogg (J.) Arsenical waU-paper poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, i, 891.—Hiinefeld (L.) Bemerkungen iiber die Sckadlichkeit des Arseniks bei taxidcrmatischen Ope- rationen. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1828, i, 275-278.—In- struction concernant les precautions k prendre lorsqu'on fait usage de couleur verte k base arsenicale: 1". Dans la £ reparation des herbes et des feuiUages dess6ches. 2°. •ans la preparation des toiles pour feuilles artificieUes. Approuv6 par le pr6fet de police lo 20. avril 1801. Rap. gen. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Seine. 1859-61, Par., 1864, 71- 84.—Janikowski (S.) Fabryki obiC papierowych i kwi- atdw sztucznych zabarwionych zieleniiiarszcnikalnq. [Re- gulations as to use of arsenical colors.] Pam. Towarz. Lek., Warszaw., 1866, Iv, 325-351.— Kedzie (R. C.) The use of poisons in agriculture. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., 1875, iii, 11-25.—Lea (M. C.) On the poisonous effects result- ing from the employment of arsenical preparations in the arts. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1860, n. s., xl, 110-112.—Mala- dies professionneUes; dessinateurs eu broderies ; etoffes arsenicales. Rap. gen. Cons, d'hyg. pub. do la Seine, 1849- 58. Par., 1861, 149-151.—Maschk'a. Vergiftung mit arse- nikhaltiger Glasgalle. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1863, xxiii, 261-270.—Pappenheim (L.) Das Arsen in der Kobaltindustrie. Monatschr.d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1859, i, 142-151. -----. Arsen. Ibid., 1860, ii, 85-89. —Pegna (E.) Della presenza dell'arscnico nei prodotti di combus- tione di alcune candele. Orosi, Firenze, 1879, i, 161-164.— Pomiuier (A.) De la presence de Tacide ars6nieux librc et de Tarsenite de potasse dans les verts arsenicaux em- ployes dans les arts. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1852,3. s., viu, 449-451.—Vergiftung mit arsenikhaltiger Glasgalle. Samml. gerichtsarztl. GutaVht. d. Prag. med. Fak., Leipz., 1873, iv, 232-239.—Vernois. M6moire sur les accidents produits par l'emploi des verts arsenicaux chez les ouvriers neuristes en general, et chez les appreteurs d'6toffes pour fleurs artificielles en particulier; assainissement hygi6- nique de cette profession par Tindication d'un nouveau pro- cede qui permet d'employer les verts arsenicaux sans qu'il y ait danger pour Touvrier et pour le consommateur. Ann. 'd'hyg., Par.,1859,2. s., xu, 3194546. Aho, Reprint.—Wood. Cloth which contained a large amount of arsenic (Foulard cambric). Boston M. & S. J., 1879, ci, 197. A rsenic-eating. Arsenic-eating and arsenic poisoning. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1862, xxix, 130-153.—Beaugrand. Arsenicophages ou toxicophages. Diet, encycl. cl. sc. med., Par., 1867, vi, 259.—Jewett (P. A.) Arsenic-eating. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1879, Ixxxviii, 78-82.— Kesteven (W. B.) On arsenic-eating. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, ii, 721; 757; 808.—Knapp. Arsenophagie. Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1863-4, 19- 21. -----. Ueber Arsenikesser. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1875, xx, 355: 362. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1875, xvi, 967- 969.—Koepl. Communications relatives aux arsenico- phages. Union m6d., Par., 1854, vni, 249; 253. Also: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1854, xviii, 403-410.— Kopp (E.) Des mangeurs d'arsenic de la Styric, et de Taction des acides arsenieux et arsenique sur Torganisme. Monit. scient., Par., 1861, iii, 105-115. Also: Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1861, 2. s., iii, 213; 219.—La Rue (F. A. H.) An arsenic-eater. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1866, Ixxiv, 439-442.—Lindquist (C.) t Om perforation af lop- magen hos idislare genom anvandande af arsenik. [Perfo- ration of stomach from arsenic-eating.] Upsala Lakaref. F6rh., 1867-8, iii, 216-218.—OTaclagan (R. C.) On the arsenic-eaters of Stvria. Edinb. M. J., 1864, x, 200-207: 1875, xxi, 526-528.—'Marcq (P. A.) Sur le gout de Tar- senic. BibUoth. med., Brux., 1828, v, 408.—Parker (D. McN.) Case of death resulting from the practice of ar- senic-eating. Edinb. M. J., 1864, x, 116-123.—Roscoe (H. E.) On the alleged practice of arsenic-eating in Stvria. Mem. Lit. Sc Phil. Soc. Manchester, Lond., 1862, 3. 8., i, 208-221.— von Tschudi (J. J.) Ueber die Gif'tesser. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 454: 1853, iii, 8.—Werber (A.) Bemerkungen iiber die Arsenikesser. Dentsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1870, xxu, 161-164. Arson and insanity. See Criminals (Mental condition of); Fyroma- nia. Arsonueau (Le"on-Emile). *Des fievres inter- mittentes. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 38, v. 426. d'Arsonval (Arsene). * Recherehes the'oriques et experimentales sur le r61e de l'eiasticite' du pou- mon dans les pheiionienes de la circulation. 68 pp. 4-. Paris, 1877, No. 352. d'Arsonval (F. Magloire). * Considerations sur les priucipales causes de la phthisie pulmonaire et sur le choix de l'alimentation dans sa prophy- laxie et son traitement. 43 pp., 2 1. 4°. Mont- pellier, De Gras, 1866, No. 33. Art (L') de conserver sa sante, compose parl'ecole de Salerne. [Dediee au roi de l'Angleterre. ] 94 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Art (L') dentaire. Revue mensueUe de la chirur- gie et de la prothese dentaires par MM. Fowler et Preterre, dentistes americaines a Paris. An- nees 1-21, 1857-77. 8°. Paris. Art (L') do faire les raports en chirurgie, ou l'on enseigne la pratique, les formules et le stile le plus en usage parmi les chirurgiens commis aux raports; avec un extrait des arrests, statuts et reglemens faits en consequence. Le tout mis en ordre par monsieur D***. 4 p. 1., 550, 71 pp., 6 1. 12c. Paris, L. d'Houry, 1703. Art (L') medical. Interets sociaux, scientifiques et professionnels. F. van Rorsbroeck, directeur-g6- rant. Paralt le ler et le 3me dimanche de chaque mois. Annees 1-14. Feb. 5, 1865-79. 14 v. 8°. Bruxellos. Current. Want no. 21, v. 2, dec. 2, 1866. Art (L') medical. Journal de medecine generale et de medecine pratique. Redacteurs, J. P. Tes- sicr [and 11 others]. Comite de redaction, J. Davasse, F. Gabalda, A. Milcent. v. 1-49, 1855- 79. 8C. Paris, J. Charavay. Current. Monthly; 2 v. annuaUy. Homoeopathic. In 1871 only 1 v. appeared, v. 5, etc., J. Davasse, editor. Want vols, for 1873. Art (The) of preserving the feet; or, practical in- structions for the prevention and cure of corns, bunions, callosities, chilblains, etc. . . . By an experienced chiropodist, xvi, 239 pp. 12° Lon- don, H. Colburn, 1818. Art (The) of preserving health: a poem [by John Armstrong]. 88 pp. 8°. London; Philadelphia, repr. by B. Franklin, 1745. Artance. L'engorgement ephemere de la glande thyroide (goitre epidemique de certains medecins modernes), etait-il inconnu des auciens? Quel- ques mots a l'occasion de cette question, lus a la Societe medicale de Clermont, seance du 4. mars 1861. 16pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Arteaga (Juau). * I. Lepre vulgaire. II. [etc.] 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 27, v. 397. de Arteag-a Quesada (Serapio). * Essai sur la syphilis congenitale. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No/44. Artefius. See Artephius. Arteijo. Acevedo (A. M.) Efectos medicinales de las aguas mi- nerales de Arteijo. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1860, vii, 183-249. Artemisia. See, also, Epilepsy (Treatment of). Baumann (H. M.) *De artemisia vulgari. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Hermann (CE.) * De artemisia. 4°. Altorfi, [1720]. van der Pant (D. F.) * De artemisia vulgari. 8°. Trajecti ad Bhenum, 1826. Tosetti (P. J.) * De radice artemisia} vulgaris, remedio antiepileptico. 8°. Berolini, [1827]. Anke (N.) Rad. Artemisia vulgaris. Med. Ztg. Russ- lands, St. Petersb., 1856, xiii, 17; 25.—Aurone (L') des jardins et Tanrone des champs. Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1862, 69-73.—Burdach (C.) Ueber die Wurzel des Beifusses (Rad. Artemisia? vulgaris), ihre Zubereitnng und Anwendung. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 675-680.—Caspar!. Ueber cUe Radix artemisia?. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1874, xxvi, 252. — Grafe (E.) Bestatigte Wirkung der Radix artemisia? vulgaris, als Antiepilepti- cum und chemische Analyse dieser Wurzel. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1826, ix, 459-464.—Oenipi (Le) blanc; ar- temisia rupestris. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1866, 266-268.—Oenipi des Savoyards; artemisia glacialis. Ibid., 378-380.—de Meza (C. J. T.) De virtute artemisia) AETEMISIA. 580 ARTERIES. Artemisia. albaj in menstruis ciendis. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1792, in, 389. — rYeumeister. Ueber die gute Wirkung der Artemisia vulgaris in Verbindung mit Asa fcetida gegen die Chorea und den Schlafwandel der Kinder. J. f. Kin- derkr., Erlang., 1851, xvi, 19-31.—Thijssen (H. F.) Waar- Bchuwing tegen het gebruik van de artemisia. Geneesk. Bijdr., Delft, 1826, i (pt. 2), 254-260. Artemisia absinthium. See Absinth. Artephius or Artefius. Clavis majoris sapi- ential. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, iv, 198-213. -----. Le livre d'Artephius, ancien philosophe, qui traite de l'art secret, ou de la pierre philosophe. In: Biblioth. d. phU. chim., Par., 1741, ii, 112-174. Arterial duet. See, also, Aorta (Abnormities of); Blood (Cir- culation of, Foetal). de Almagro (M.) Etude clinique et anatomo- pathologique sur la persistance du canal arteriel. 4°. Paris, 1862. Bernntz (G.) De la persistance du canal arteriel. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1849, ii, 415-435.—Chevens (N.) Observations on the permanence of the ductus arteriosus and constriction of the thoracic aorta, and on the means by which the duct becomes naturaUy closed. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., i, 187-192. —Chevers (N.) Remarkable con- traction of the ductus arteriosus in a new-born infant. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846-8, i, 60.—Cronzet. Persistance du canal arteriel. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1869, xUv, 323-325.— Denuce. [Persistence of the canal of Botal: cyanosis.] Ibid., 1852, xxvii, 472-474.—Duroziez (P.) Memoire sur la persistance clu canal arteriel sans autre communication anormale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1862, Par., 1863, 3. s., iv, 279-292.—Paget (C.) Thesis: Obliteration of the "Bo- tai " foramen and ductus arteriosus. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1876,iv, 29-36.—Fagge (C. H.) A case of patent ductus ar- teriosus, attended 'with a peculiar diastolic murmur. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, 3. s., xvui, 23-30.1 pi.—Franc'k. De 1'exageration des influences normales do la respira- tion sue le pouls, dans les cas d'anevrysme intra-thora- cique ct de la persistance du canal arteriel. Gaz. d. hfip., Par., 1878, li, 1115.—Gerhardt (C.) Persistenz des Duc- tus arteriosus Botalli. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Na- turw., Leipz., 1867, Ui, 105-117.—Gonbaux (A.) Etudes sur le trou de Botal et le canal arteriel chez les ani- maux domestiques. J. de l'anat. et do la physiol., Par., 1875, xi, 500; 610.—Oueniot. Persistance "clu trou de Botal, du canal arteriel. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1862, xxxvU, 159-163. — Hare. Malformation of the heart. Obstruction at the aortic orifice (only two valves); open ductus arteriosus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1859-60, xi, 46.— Heidenreich. Die abnorme Blutcirculation durch den Ductus arteriosus BotaUi. N. med.-chu'. Ztg., Miinchen, 1848, u, 65-67.—Hewitt (G.) Persistent ductus arteri- osus, etc. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8. ix, 58.—King (T. W.) On the open state of the ductus arteriosus after birth, with iUustrative cases. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1842, ii, 83-97. — Klob (J.) Thrombosis ductus BotaUi. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1859, xv, 4.—Ijuys. Persistance du canal arteriel chez une femme ag6, sans communication k travels la paroie soit interauriculaire, soit interventriculaire clu cceur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1855, Par., 1856, 2. s., ii, 74-76. -----. Per- sistance du canal arteriel chez une femme de cinquante-deux ans. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1855, xxx, 229—Ollivier. Arret de developpenient du ventricule droit avec persis- tance du trou de Botal ct du canal arteriel. Ibid., 1861, xxxvi, 320-322.—Peacock. Heart with an open ductus arteriosus. Lancet, Lond., 1861, U, 475. -----. Open ductus arteriosus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xiu, 38.— Persistent ductus arteriosus, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 422 —Pibret. [Persistence of arterial duct and of foramen of Botallus; infant 53 days old.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxviii, 1.—Piedagnel. Observa- tion de persistance du canal arteriel. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1849, 3. s., i, 444.—Kauchfuss (C.) Ueber Thrombose des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvU, 376-397.—Rees (G. A.) The heart of a child, presenting an open state of the ductus arteriosus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-50, i, 203.—Rokitansky (C.) Ueber Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1864, vii, 137-144.—Sanders. Open ductus arteri- osus; death at four months: autopsy. Edinb. M. J., 1860, v, 77.—Schnitzler (J.) KUnische Beobachtungen uber Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1864, vii, 128-136.—Walkhon" (F.) Das Gewebe des Ductus arteriosus und die Obliteration desselben. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1869, xxxvi, 3. R., 109-131, 2 pi.—Wrany (A.) Der Ductus arteriosus Bo- taUi in seinen physiologischen und pathologischen Yerhalt- niasen. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien, 1871, i, 1-24. Arteries. See, also, Aorta; Arm; Artery; Blcod (Cir- culation of); Bloodvessels; Heart; Pulse; Sphygmograph. Aberle (J. G.) Die Messung der Arterien- Durchmesser am lebenden Menschen. 8°. Tu- bingen, 1856. Albertus (M.) [Pr. ] De arteriarum dubia sys- tole. 4C. Halce Magdeb., 1743. Anatomical description of the arteries of the human body, illustrated by several coloured en- gravings, selected and reduced from the icones of Haller. From the last London edition. 12°. Boston, 1813. Barclay (J.) A description of the arteries of the body. 8°. Edinburgh, 1812. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh, 1820. Barkow (H. C. L.) Ueber den Verlauf der Schlagadern am Kopfe des Schafes. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Gefasslehre. 4°. Greifswald, [1826]. -----. * Disquisitiones circa originem et de- cursum arteriarum mammalium. 4°. Lipsia;, 1829. -----. * Disquisitiones nonnullaB angiologicae. Assumpto socio C. Klosio. 4°. Vratislavice, 1830. -----. Die Verkriimmungen der Gefasse dar- gestellt. fol. Breslau, 1869. Bayer (J. N.) *De ramis ex arcu aortae pro- diuntibus. 4°. Salzburgi, 1817. Bell(C.) Engravings of the arteries, illus- trating the anatomy of the human body. 2. American from 3. London ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1816. Berladsky (A.) * Etude histologique snr la structure des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1878. von Berlekom (J. J.) *De motu arteriarum vitali. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1758. von Bierkowski (L. J.) Erkliirung zu den Abbildungen der Pulse, Blut- und Saugadern des menschlichen Korpers in xx Steindrucktafeln. 8°. Berlin, 1825. Text in German and Latin. Blizard (W.) A lecture containing plain de- scriptions of the situation of the large blood-ves- sels of the extremities, the instrument called tourniquet, and the methods of making effectual pressure on the arteries, in cases of dangerous effusions of blood from wounds, etc. 8°. London, 1786. [P., v. 493.] -----. The same. 8°. London, 1798. Bloxam (W.) The cyclopedia of practical surgery. Eevised by Charles Millard. Fascic. 1-18. fol. London, 1836. Fascic. 1-12, surgical auatomy of the arteries; 13-15 and 17, fractures and dislocations; 16,18, hernia. Boehmer (P. A.) O bservationes binse anatomi- cae, de quatuor et quinque ramis ex arcu arterial magnas ascendentibus. 4°. [Halce], 1741. -----. The same. In: Haller, Disput. anat. select., vol. U. Brosch (J.) * Topographische Skizze des arte- riosen Gefasssystems. 8°. Prag, 1834. Chaussier. Table of the arteries. Translated from the French, with additions by A. Sidney Doaue. 1 broadside. New York, [n. d.] Clavier (I.) * Essai sur la structure de quel- ques arteres visce'rales. 4°. Paris, 1879. Corbett (J. H.) The descriptive and surgical anatomy of the arteries, and relative anatomy of the veins and nerves of the human body. 8°. Dublin, 1852. Crisp(E. ) Atreatise on the structure, diseases, and injuries of the blood-vessels. 8°. London, 1847. Dennison (R.) * Arterias omnes, et venarum partem, irritabilitate praeditas esse. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1775. Aho, in: Smellie, Thesaurus medicus, v. 3. ARTERIES. 581 ARTERIES. Arteries. Derm ott (G. D.) A concise description of the locality and distribution of the arteries in the human body. 8°. London, 1827. Ehrmann (C. H.) * Structure des arteres, leurs propri6t£s, leurs fonctions et leurs alterations or- ganiques. 4°. Strasbourg, 1822. Faselius(T. F.) * De circulo Willisii. sm. 4°. Jence. 1759. Fischer (G. F.) *De anastomoseos vasorum corporis humani dignitate. 4°. Lipsia', 1761. Folmer (L. A.) * Anatomico physiologica con- tinens quaedam de nexu inter arteriarum, truncos et ramos, exorientes. 8°. Groningce, 1854. Forckenbeck (F.) * Diss, inquirens causam perfectae depletionis vasorum majorum in cada- vere detects1. [Harderovicii, 1764.] In: Hoffmann (C. L.) Opusc. lat., Monast. Westphal., 1789, 229-242. Fournier (J.-F.) *De l'innuenco qu'exerco la pulsation des arteres sur les autres fonctions. 4°. Paris, 1806. Gimbert. * Structure et texture des arteres. 4°. Paris, 18G5. Haase(J.G.) [Pr.] Auastomasin arteriarum et venarum quondam assertam novis experimentis vindicavit. 4°. Lipsice, 1797. Hahn (E.) Comment, de arteriis anatis. 4°. Hannoverce, 1830. Haller (A.) De arteriis venisque bronchiali- bus et cesophageis. Resp. C. Fickel. 4°. Gotting., 1743. Aho, in: Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. Ui. Harrison (R.) The surgical anatomy of the arteries of the human body. 3. ed., 2 v. 12°. Dublin, 1833. -----. The same. 8°. Dublin, 1839. Hebenstreit (J. E.) De arteriarum corporis humani coufiniis disserit. 4°. Lipsice, [1739]. Aho, in: Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. U. -----. Ad anatomen cadaveris fceminini phi- liatros convocat de ilexu arteriarum. 4°. Lipsia;, 1741. Aho, in: Halleh, Disp. anat. select., v. n. Hesselbach (A. K.) Ueber den Ursprung und Verlauf der unteren Bauchdeckenschlagader und der Hiiftbeinlochscklagader. 4°. Bamberg u. WUrzburg, 1819. Hormann (J. C.) *De arteriarum flexuoso progressu. 4C. Lipsice, [1763]. [Also, in: P., v. 58.] Kramp (C.) De vi vitali arteriarum diatribe. 8C. Argentorati, 1786. Leincker (J. S.) * De arteriis viscerum pro- priis. 4°. Altorfi, [1744], Letierce (C.-E.) * Essai sur quelques points d'anatomie et de physiologie m6dicale et chirur- gicale de la membrane interne des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1829. Lucas (P. B.) A concise anatomical descrip- tion of the arteries of the human body; together with full directions for cutting down upon and securing the several arterial truuks. 12°. Lon- don, 1836. Ludwig (C. G.) De arteriarum tunicis. Resp. G. C. Hahn. 4°. Lipsice, [1709]. Also, in: Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. U. -----. [Pr.] Observationes quasdam an gio- logicas tradit. 4°. [Lipsice, 1764.] Luigi (F.) Istologia delle arterie e delle vene degli animali vertebrati. [Estratto dall'Osser- vatore medico, Novembre e Dicembre 1864.] 8°. Palermo, 1865. [P., v. 322.] Mayer (J. C. A.) Anatomische Beschreibung der Blutgefiisse des menschlichen Korpers. 8°. Berlin u. Leipzig, 1777. Murray (A.) A description of the arteries of the human body reduced to tables. Transl. from Arteries. the original by Archd. Scott. 8°. Edinburgh, 1801. [P., v. 685.] -----. The same. 4°. Philadelphia, 1810. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1816. Nicolai (E. A.) [Pr.] De figura arteriarum. 4°. Jence, [1778]. Nusperlin (D. V.) * Arteriologiae recte con- cinnandae leges cum specimine arteriae carotidis externa^ exhibens. 4°. Helmstadii, [1764]. Nunn (T. W.) Observations and notes on the arteries of the limbs. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1864. Also, in: P., v. 90. d'Oleire (H. D. D.) 'Quantum et quomodo agunt arteriaj in circulationem sanguinis ? sm. 4°. Erfordice, 1803. Oppenheim (F. G.) * Sistens experi menta non- nulla circa vitam arteriarum. 4°. Mannhemii, 1822. Ottens (J. H.) De cx.vcc6r6fJ.Qo6i. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1757]. [In: P., v. 67.] Parry (C. H.) An experimental inquiry into the nature, cause, and varieties of the arterial pulse, and into certain other properties of the larger arteries in animals with warm blood. 8°. London, 1816. -----. Additional experiments on the arte- ries of warm-blooded animals; together with a brief examination of certain arguments which have been advanced against the doctrines main- tained by the author of "An experimental in- quiry", etc. 8°. London, 1819. Bound with: Parey (C. H.) An Experimental Inquiry, etc. Pezold (E. J. G.) * De sanguinis arteriosi motu et actione arteriarum in corpore humano. 8°. Dorpat, 1821. Pierron (A.) * Considerations sur le systeme art6riel du bras et de l'avant-bras. 4°. Paris, 1876. Pirogoff (N.) Chirurgische Anatomie der Ar- terienstamme und Fascien, neu bearbeitet von J. Szymanowski. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidelberg, 1861. Pohlius (J. C.) Observationes angiologicas de arteriis proponit. 4°. Lipsice, [1773]. Posewitz (J. F. S.) De arteriis majoribus, se- cundum naturae leges, per superficiem corporis humani externam, excurrentibus, vel saltim, ad eandem, magis minusue accedentibus partem pri- mam. 4°. Giessas, 1795. Power (J. H.) Anatomy of the arteries of the human body, descriptive and surgical, with the descriptive anatomy of the heart. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1862. Quain Jones & Wilson (W. J. E.) The vessels of the human body, in a series of plates, with references and physiological comments, fol. London, 1837. Quain (R.) The anatomy of the arteries of the human body, and its applications to pathology and operative surgery, with a series of lithogra- phic drawings. The drawings by Maclise. 8°. London, 1844. Raeuschel (F.) * De arteriarum et venarum structura. 4°. Vratislavice, [1836]. Ruhle (P. T.) *De arteria a motu cordis ajmulo remota. sm. 4°. Vitembergice, [1745]. Ryan (G.) * De quarundam arteriarum in cor- pore humano distributione. 8°. [n. p.], 1812. Schlemm (F.) * De arteriarum praesertim fa- ciei anastomosibus. 4°. Berolini, [1821]. -----. Arteriarum capitis superficialum icon nova. fol. Berolini, 1830 Schultze (M. J. S.) * De arteriarum notione, structura, constitutioue chemica et vita. 8°. Grgphice, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. Gryphice, 1850. ARTERIES. 582 ARTERIES. Arteries. Senelle (J.) 'Considerations d'anatomie et de pathologie sur les arteres du membre superieur, du col et de la tete. 4°. Paris, 1821. Smith (N. R.) Surgical anatomy of the arte- ries. 2. ed. 4°. Baltimore, 1835. van Swieten (G.) * De arteriae fabrica et effi- cacia in corpore humano. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1725. -----. The same. [In : P., v. 76.] Tiedemann (F.) Tabulae arteriarum corporis humani. fol. Carlsruhce, 1822. -----. Explicatioues supplementorum ad ta- bulas arteriarum corporis humani. Imp. fol. Hei- delberg, 1846. Turner (T.) A practical treatise on the arterial system. 8°. London, 1825. Uhlig (H. R.) * De discrimine inter structuram et functiones arteriarum et venarum. 8°. Jence, [1845]. Verschuir (G.) *De arteriarum et venarum vi irritabili; ejusque in vasis excessu; et inde oriunda sanguinis directione abnormi. 4°. Gro- ningce, 1766. [P., v. 633.] Wesselingh (H.) * De arteriis hominis exhi- bens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1747. Alison (W. P.) Notice of some experiments on the vital properties of arteries leading to inflamed parts. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1836, xiv, 98-116.—Badhan (D.) On independent action of the arteries. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, viU, 549-550.—Barkow (H.) Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen, vorziiglioh iiber das Schlagader-System der Vogel. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1829, 305- 496, 3 Taf.—Barkow (H. C. L.) Ueber den Verlauf der Schlagadern am Kopfe des Schafes. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., Bonnse, 1826, xiii, pars 1, 395-406. -----. Ueber einige Eigenthumlichkciten im Verlaufe der Schlag- adern der Fisehotter (Lutra vulgaris). Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1829, 30-37, 1 Taf—Bcclard (A.) Ar- teres (anatomie). Diet. d. med., Par., 2. ed., 1833, iv, 59- 71.—Beneke (F. W.) Ueber die Lumina des arteriellen Gefiisssystems. Sitzungsb. d. GeseUsch. z. Befiird. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb., 1868, 70-79. -----. Ueber die Lumina der Arterien, deren grosse Verschiedenheit und deren Bedeutung fiir die Entwicklung von Krankheiten. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1870-71, iv, 380-391.—Berrcs (J.) Beobachtungen iiber die periphcrischen Gefass-Verzwei- gnnn-en. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1833? n. P., v. 115; 258; 433: 1834, n. P., vi, 236, 6 pi.— von Bezold (A.) & Geschcidlcn (R.) Von der Loco- motion des Blutes durch die glatten Muskeln der Gefasse. Untersuch. a. cl. phvsiol. Lab. in Wiirzb., Leipz., 1867, 1. Th., 347-308.—Biagini (C.) Lettera (se esista membrana muscolare nolle arterie). Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1832, lxii, 326-335.— Brcagcn (M.) Ueber dio Musculatur der eiossercn Arterien, insbesondere ihrer Tunica adventitia. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 246-261, 1 pi— Campana [ctal.] Artere. Diet, encycl. med., Par., 1867, vi, 262-326.—Carson (J.) On the causes of the vacuity of the arteries after death. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1821, xi, 165-181. Aho, transl.: J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1822, xii, 232-239.—Cottle (J. M.) New views on the physiology and pathologv of arteries. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1853, lxxx, 66-83.—B-ogicl (J.) Die Ausmessung der strcimenden Blutvolumina. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz., 1868, ii, 196-271.—Fcde (F.) Ricerche microscopi- che intorno alia struttura delle arterie. Morgagni, Napoli, 1862, iv, 651-663.—Fennel (W.) Experiments and reflec- tions on the vacuity of the arteries after death. Phila. J. M. Phys. Sc, 1822, v, 68-75, 1 pi.—Fick (A.) Ueber dio Form der Blutwelle in den Arterien. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1864, ii, 785.—Freschi. Intorno ad "alcune osservazioni microscopiche sulla membraua interna do' vasi", pubblicate roccntcmcnte dal dott. CipcUi. Ann. univ. di mecL, MUauo, 1840, xcv, 357-3S5.—Geddings (F.) Ar- tery. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1836, ii, 300-446.— Gimbert. Memoire sur la structure et sur la texture des arteres. J. dc l'anat. ct de la physiol., Par., 1865, ii, 536; 616, 5 pi.—Harden (J. M. B.) Some experiments to determine the relative areas of tho trunks and branches of arteries. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1846, n. s., ii, 330- 333.—Holland (U. C.) Tho properties and influence of arteries ou the circulation of blood. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1841, lv, 17-47.—Hunter (R.) On the muscularity of ar- teries. Ibid., 1824, xxii, 256-271.—Jadclot. Refutation d'un ouvrage anonyme intitule: Inflexions sur le systeme de M. do la Mure, touchaut le battcment des artercs. J. de med., chir., phann., etc.,Par.. 1773,xxxix,122-129.—Jewell (J. S.) On the function of the minute arteries. Chicago M. Exam., 1866, vii, 449-465.—Johnson (G.) The Lum- lciau lectures on the muscular arterioles; their structure and function in health and in certain morbid states. Brit. Arteries. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 443; 473; 503.—Korner (M.) Bei- triige zur Theorie der Arterientone. Mitth. d. Ver. a. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1875, xii, 48-82.—Langhaai (T ) Zur normalen Anatomie der Lntima der Arterien. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 187-198, 1 pi —Iiegros (C.) & Onimus. Injection sur un animal vivant- influence de la contractiUt6 arterieUe sur la cir- culation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s., v 7 — Lewaechew (S. W.) TJeber Verahdcrunsen der Gefasslumina. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 33. — Iiivesay (S.) The functions of arteries as ves- sels of circulation. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, n, 475-477.— M'Clellan (G.) On the surgical anatomy of the arteries. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 18U0, in, 25-52— Mackenzie (W.) Remarks on the asserted muscularity of the arteries. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1825, Mi, 87-108.—Mason (J. J.) Experiments on tho tonicity of the arterioles. (juart.J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1872, vi, 690-694. Aho, Reprint. ———.Pe- ristaltic arterial action; objections to this theory. IS. York M. J., 1873, xviii, 602-609: 1874, xx, 41-44. Aho, Reprint— Monro (A.) Some account of the late improvements in tho surgical anatomy of the arteries, aud of tho recent publica- tions bv which their delineation, description, ligature, or meu.emei;uu.jKM.1iai.,i™Uli..1.»» .—------,- • . Observations et notes sur les arteres des membres. J .cie l'anat. et de la physiol., Par.. 1874, x,7-34.—Oesterlen (*.) Versuche uber die rotho Farbung der Arterien. Arch. 1. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg.,1843, ii,218-234.—Paget (J.) On the relative sizes of the trunks and branches of arteries. Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, xxx, 553-560.—P-elekhin (P.) K' ucheniyu ob otdalennoi perevyazkai zlavnikh arterealnikh stvolov. fOn the ultimate connection of the principal arterial trunk s. J Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 40-44— IPoisseuille. Recherehes sur Taction des arteres dans la circulation ar- terieUe. J. de physiol. exper., Par., 1829, ix, 44-52.—Ban- vier (L.) Du developpement et de l'accroissement des vaisseaux sanguins. Arch, de physiol. norm, ct path., Par., 1874, 2. 8., i, 429-445, 2 pi.—Banvicr & Coruil. Con- tributions k l'histologio normale et pathologique de la tuni- que interne des art6res et de l'endocarde. Ibid., 1868, i. 551- 570.—Bathke (H.) Ueber die Entwickclung der Arte- rien, welche bei den Saugethieren von dem Bogen der Aorta ausgehen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1843, 276-302, 1 pi— Benaut (J.) Note sur l'anatomie generale de l'endartere. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 4. s.,vii, 229.—Bouget (C.) Note sur le developpement de la tuniquo contractile des vaisseaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1874, lxxix. 559-562.—Scheller (C. F.) Ueber den Blutlauf in den Arterien. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1826, 289-318.—Schrant (J. M.) Ontleedkundige studien over de aderlijko bloedvaten in den gezonden toestand. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk., Gra- venh., 1850, i, pt. 2, 125-163, 2 pi.—Shearman (W.) Ob- servations on the power of the arteries in carrying on the circulation of the blood. Loud. M. Reposit., 1823, xx, 181- 190.—Simmons (W.) On the incontraction of an artery. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1803, x, 2-5.—de la gone. Sur la structure des arteres. [Mem. Acad. r.d. sc, 1756.) CoUect. acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1786, xii, 339-345.—Soulier. Du fremisaement arteriel. Mem. Soc. d. sc. mod. de Lyon 1868, vii, 37; 140.—Stimson (L. A.) Peristaltic action of the arteries. N. York M. J., 1874, xix, 382-390—Storer (J.) An instance of the entire want of pulsation in the arteries of paralytic limbs. Tr. Soc. Improve. M. Sc Chir. Knowl., Lond., 1812. iii, 448-470. —Thudichum (1. L. W.) On the cause of the emptiness of the, arteries after death. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 122-127.—Tizzoni (A.),Quaglino(A.), &Bcstclli (A.) Studj esperimentali suUe arterie. Ann. univ. di med., Milano. 1849, exxx, 5-35.— Vulpian (A.) Recherehes exp6rimentalcs sur la tendance k l'attitude normal chez les arteres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1861, Par., 1862, 3. 8., iii, 189-196.—Winn (J. M.) On a remarkable property of the ai-teries, considered as a cause of animal heat. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, ii, 942. —;—. On the elasticity of arteries considered as a cause of animal heat. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1854, vin, 555. Arteries (Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta; Artery (Brachial, Abnormi- ties of), etc.; Extremity (Lower, Abnormities of); Extremity (Upper, Abnormities of); Heart (Ab- normities of). Appeltofft (C. F.) *De cognitione aberrau- tium vasorum praecipue arteriarum exemplis no- tabilioribus observatis illustrata. 8°. Lundez, 1837. Dubrueil(J. M.) Des anomalies artdrielles. 8^. Paris, 1847. Fleischmann (F. L.) De systematis vasorum sanguiferorum varietatibus congenitis nonnullis commentatio. 4°. Erlangce, 1834. AETERIES. 583 ARTERIES. Arteries (Abnormities of). Frexzel (C.) *De ramis ex arcu aortae inso- lite prodeuutibus. 4°. Vratislavice, 1835. Gkeex (P. H.) An account ofthe varieties in the arterial system of the human body. b". Dublin, 1830. Gruber(W.) Ueber seltene Arterien-Abwei- chungen. 8J. [n. p., n. d.] Kkil (F.) * Beschreibung eines Falles von Transposition des Ursprungs der beiden grossen Korperarterien. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18f>4. Lauth (E. A.) Anomalies dans la distribution des arteres de l'homme. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Loder (J. C.) * Recensentur nonnullsB arte- riarum varietates. 4°. Jena, [1781]. Loxxer (C.) *De cognitione aberrantium prascipue arteriarum medico necessaria et exem- plis uotabilioribus in theatro anatomico etiam nostro observatis illustrata. 8°. Lundce, 1K5H. Reimer (H. A.) *De anomalo vasorum niag- norum ortu nonnulla. 4°. Halis Saxonum, [1819]. SchOx (M. J. A.) * De nonnullarum arteriarum ortu et decursu abnormi. 8°. Halce, 1823. Sexftlebex (H.) * De varietatibus arteriarum a chirurgo notandis. 8°. Begiomonte Borussorum, 1£>4. Stachelroth (L.) 'Beschreibung eines sel- tenen Verlaufes der grossen Gefasse und des Brustganges. 8J. Wiirzburg, 1850. Stille (S. J.) De cognitione aberrantium va- sorum praeeipue arteriarum, exemplis notabiliori- bus, observatis illustrata. 8°. Lundce, 1835. StrOm (O. S. E.) * De cognitione aberrantium vasorum praeeipue arteriarum, exemplis nota- bilioribus, observatis illustrata. #°. Lundce, 1837. Yrolik (W.) De peculiari arteriarum extre- mitatum, in nonnullis animalibus, dispositione. 4°. Amstelodami, 1826. Anomalias arteriales. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 10S, pis.—Bajardi (D.) AnomaUe di origine deUe arte- rie tiroidea superiore e Unguals. Osservatore, Torino, 1874, x, 641.—Bard. Artere thyroldienne superieure double; artere vertebrale naissant de la crosse de l'aorte. Lyon m£d., 1875, xviU, 484. — Barwell. Abnormal origin of arteries from the aortic arch. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1867, xviii, 68.—Beau (L.) Artere bronchique droite surnu- meraire, naissant de l'aorte abdominale par un tronc com- mun avec les diaphragmatiques inferieures. Union med., Par., 1853, vii, 392.—Bochdalek jun. Einsenkung des Lig. arteriosum (Ductus arteriosus BotaUi) in die linke Aiteria subclavia. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xii, 259.—Bohm. FaU von "angeborner Stenose des Co- nus arterios. pulmonal." ohne vorausgegangenen Entziin- dungsprozess. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1870, vii, 420-423.— Bradley (S. ^1.) Muscular and arterial anomalies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 186#, i, 478.—Broca. Cinq anomaUes arte- rieUcs sur le meme sujet; anomaUc rare des arteres de l'avant-bras; reflexions sur les anomaUes arterieUes du membre thoracique. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 49-59. -----. [Anomaly of the thyroid arteries.] Ibid., 1850, xxv, 84.—Brown (J. D.) & Brown (F. J.) Abnor- mal origin of vessels from the arch of aorta. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 632.—Calori (L.) Di alcune anomalie delle principaU arterie e delle vene superficial! del collo conside- rate in relazione colla pratica chirurgica. Riv. clin. di Bo- logna, 1874. 2. s., iv, 161-105,1 pi.—Carver (E.) On irregu- larities in the arteries and muscles of an idiot. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1869, iii, 257-261.—Cavasse. (Anomalies of the carotids, and of the branches of abdominal aorta.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1856, xxxi, 72.—C'ha««inat (R.) Observation d'anomalies anatomiques remarquables de l'ap- pareil circulatoirc, avechepatocelecongenialen'ayantdonne lieu pendant la vio k aucun symptome particulier; refle- xions. Arch. gen. demed., Par. ,1836,2. s.,xi. fO-91,1 pi.—Co- incidenza (SuUa) di una anomalia arteriosa con una ner- vosa. R. 1st. Lomb. disc, elett. Rendic, Milano, 1872,2. s., v, 599-613. 1 pi.—t'urnow (J.) Two instances of irregu- lar ophthalmic and middle meningeal arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond.. 1873, viii, 155.—Demarquay. [Anoma- lies of tho facial and transverse arteries, and of the verte- bral and thyroid of both sides.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1845,xx,41—Esquerdo (A.) De algunas anomalias arte- riales. Arch, de la cirug., Barcel., 1877, i, 86-89.—Fischer. [Case of internal circumflex rising from the epigastric] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 2.ed., 1827, ii, 18.—Friedlowsky. GefassanomaUen. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, Arteries (Abnormities of). 1862, viii, 863-865.—Geddings (E. S.) Observations on irregularities of distribution in the arterial system. PhUa. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1826,xU,410-413.— Gibb (G. D.) Varia- tions in the great arterial blood vessels. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1867, Ui, 241-245.—Giovanardi. AnomaUa muscolare ed arteriosa. Soc. med.-chir. in Modena. Resoc, 1877, 1.—Godmao (J. D.) Note of some irregularities of the arterial system. PhUa. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1827, xiv, 117-119,1 pi.—G ruber (W.) Zu den AnomaUen der Arte- ria pediaea. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 512-515, 1 pi. -----. Enorm hoher Ursprung einer supernnmeraren Arteria circumflexa ilei interna von der Arteria iliaca externa. Ibid., 1867, 547-551, 1 pi. -----. Ueber die Varianten des ungewohnUchcn Ursprun- ges der Arteria mammalia interna und des Truncus thy- reo-cervicaUs. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1872, liv, 485- 491, 1 pi. -----. Ueber einen anomalen Kanal fur eine aus der Arteria meningea media innerhalb der Schadel- hohle entspringende Art. temporaUs profunda. J6fd.,1875, lxui, 100-103, 1 pi. -----. Zwei wurzUge Arteria vertebra- Us dextra bei Ursprung der accessorischen Wurzel von einem vom Anfange der Subclavia entstandenen Truncus thvreo-vertebralis (und mit Vorkommen einer Arteria thy- reoidea ima). Neue Varietat. Ibid., 1878. Ixxiv, 435-^38, 1 pi.—Hall (A. P.) Arterial anomaly (of branches of aortic arch). X. Orl. J. M., 1870, xxiu, 483.—Heppner. FaU von doppelter Arteria thvreoldea ima. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1873-4, n. F., iv, 376-377.—Huber (J. J.) Obser- vationes aUquot de arcfis aorta; ramis, de arteria thyro- idea quinta s. supernumeraria, deque vicinis his quibus- dam arteriis alUs. Acta Helvet., 1777, vUi. 68-105, 1 tab.— Hyrtl (J.) Einige in chirurgischer Hinsicht wichtige Gefassvarietaten. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, "Wien, 1841. xxxUi, 17-38.—Incoronato- Anomalia del poligono arterioso cerebrale. Atti Accad. med. de Romi, 1878, iv, fasc. 2, 16-24, 1 pi.—Isaacs (C. E.) On the ano- maUes of arteries. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1855, n. s., xxx, 400-403.—Josso. Anomalie des arteres du bras. J. de med. de l'ouest, Xantes, 1877, 2. s., i, 159.—Kosinski (J.) Absence de carotide primitive droite; division du tronc I brachio-cephalique en sous-claviere, carotide externe et carotide interne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1867, xiu, 722-724. Aho : Gaz. med. de Par., 1868, 3. s., xxUi, 65-67.—Krause (W.) Ueber den Ursprung einer accessorischen A. corona- ria cordis aus der A. pulmonaUs. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1865, xxiv, 3. R., 225-227, 2pi.—£>abatt (H.) A brief account of irregularities in the human arterial sys- tem. Lond. M. Gaz., 1837, n. s., i, 7-11.—Lucas (P. B.) Anomalies in the osseous and arterial systems. Lancet, Lond., 1838, ii, 868.—Liittich. Zwei praktisch wichtige GefassanomaUen. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1875, xvfl, 70- 90.—Mears (J. E.) Description of an anomalous origin of the right subclavian artery, associated with anomaUes of origin of the branches of both subclavian arteries. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa,, 1871, n. s., lxu, 401-409.—Meckel (A.) Scheinbarer Uebergang einer Saugader in eine Vene. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1827, Ui, 171-173.— Meyer (H.) Ueber die Transposition der aus dem Herzen hervortretenden grossen Arterienstamme. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1857, xu, 364-385, 3 tab—Parnicnlier. [Anomalous distribution of common carotid and humeral arteries.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 74-76.—von Patruban, Ein Praparat, welches eine Arteria infra- costalis beiderseits darsteUt; die Arterie entspringt mit der Art. mammaria int. des Truncum communem aus der Art. subclavia am ausseren Rand dea M. scalenus art. ■Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in "Wien, 1866, YYii, 81.—JPertusio. AnomaUa riflettente i tron- chi arteriosi che sono somministrati daU'arco deU'aorta. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1869, 3. s., vU, 241.— Petrali (G. N.) Distribuzione arteriosa meritevole di nota, riscontrata durante l'operazione di un'ernia inguale congenita. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1857, 4. 8., U. 53- 55.—Poelmau (C.) Note sur un cas de communication de l'artere pulmonaire et l'aorte descendante, observ6e chez le surge hurleur et le veau marin. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1845, xv, 374-3c0, 2 pi— Beddic (G. D. M.) Case of remarkable irregularity in the arterial trunk ofthe thorax. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, i, 5.—Bedfern (P.) Origin of the epigastric and obturator arteries by a com- mon trunk from the internal Uiac, with an inquiry into the amount of danger occasioned by various positions of arte- ries in the ordinary operations' for femoral and inguinal hernise. Month. J.M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb.. 1850, xi, 203- 222.—Bendall (S. M.) Unusual abnormality ofthe arte- ries at the base of the brain. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond.. 1878-9, xiii, 397.—Bendu (A.) Memoire pour servir a rhistoire des anomalies art6rieUes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x, 129-135.—Thilow. Beschreibung zweierson- derbaren Halsschlagadern. AUg. med. Ann., Altenb. n. Leipz., 1817, 289-303.—Todaro (F.) Arteria mediastinica superiore, ramo anomalo deU'arteria tiroidea inferiore. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1877, iii, fasc. 2, 32; 43. 5 pi.— Turner (W.) On nregularities ofthe pulmonary artery, arch of the aorta, and the primary branches of the arch, with an attempt to Ulustrate their mode of origin by a ' reference to development. Brit. Sc For. M.-CMr. Rev., AETERIES. 584 ARTERIES. Arteries (Abnormities of). Lond., 1862, xxx, 173; 461.—Sandifort (E.) Do notabi- Uoribus vasorum aberrationibus. In hh: Obs. anat.- path., Lugd. Bat., 1781, iv, 91-100.—Schwegcl. Ueber einige Gefass-Varietaten des menschlichen Korpers mit Bezugnahme auf Chirurgie und Physiologie. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1859, lxii, i21; 133.—Spence (J.) Case of irregularity of vessels at root of neck. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1855, xx, 350.— Stedman (W.) A singular distribution of some of the nerves and arteries in the neck and the top of the thorax. Edinb. M. See, also, Acupressure; Aneurism (Treatment °f) °H compression; Artery (Femoral, Compres- sion of); Tourniquet. Delage (H.) * Etude comparative de la liga- ture, de la torsion, de la forcipressure comme mo- yen d'h6mostase eu chirurgie. 4°. Paris, 1878. Deny (G.) & Exchaquet. Clinique chirur- gicale. De la forcipressure, ou de l'application des pinces a l'h^mostasie chirurgicale. D'apres les lecons professe'es pendaut l'anne'e 1874, par Dr. Pe"an. 8°. Paris, 1875. Dessus (F. C. E.) * Essai sur la compression artdrielle. 4°. Paris, 1868. Allier fils (L.) De la compression des arteres comme moyen therapeutique, et particuUerement de la compression des parotides. Experience, Par., 1838, i, 254-256.—Angel- stein. Ueber Compressiv-Pincetten und ihren Gebrauch behufs vorlaufiger BlutstiUungen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xvu, 161-167, 1 pi.—Anguis. Compressor de las arterias de los miembros. Rev. do sanid. mU. espaii., Madrid., 1865, ii, 32.— Antiligature (The) forceps. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 76.—Appareil compresseur tridactyle. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 43. [Discussion on.] Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1871, 2. s., xi, 345: 1872, xii, 1.—Bernard! (B.) Due osservazioni di compressione digitale neUa cura dcll'infiammazione. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1858, i, 93. — Brehme (W. L.) An- sichten iiber die Compression der Arterien und iiber die Ursachen des Blutlaufs in den Gefassen. AUg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1829, 1297-1302.—Chapman (J.) A new method of treating disease by controlling the circulation of the blood in different parts of the bodv. Med. Tunes & Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 60-62.—Compressing (On) the blood-ves- sels in diseases. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1812, xxviii, 368- 376. — Demme (H.) Zur Wurdiguug der antiphlogisti- schen Wirkung der Artciienkompression. Memorabdien, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 5-9.—Be Morgan (E.) The medical value of arterial pressure. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 413.— Deny Sc Euchaquet. De l'emploi des pinces dans les operations chnurgicales envisag6es surtout comme moyen d'h6mostase. [D'apres les lecons professees par M. P6an.] Gaz. m6d. dc Par., 1875, 4. s., iv, 31; 45.—Dezeimeris (J. E.) De la compression des arteres comme moyen the- rapeutique, et particulierement do la compression do la carotide primitive. Experience, Par., 1837, l, 65-79.—Dix (J.) On Ihe wire compress, a substitute for the ligature. [Rep. by Birkett, J.] Proc Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc, Lond., 1863, iv, 170-175.—Goyrand. De la compression des grandes arteres des membres, employeeconmie moyen auti- phlogistique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, v, 728-730. — Hart (C. A.) Successful applications of Dr. Speir's artery con- strictor. N. York M. J., 1872, xv, 175-183. A ho, Reprint.— Henroz (F.) De la compression art6rielle comme moyen instantanement suspensif de la douleur dans l'inflam- mation des extr6mit6s et comme moyen d'amener, en peu de temps, la resolution des parties phlogos6es. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vii, 675-711. Rapport de M. Michaux, 631; 760:1848-9, vui, 17-32. Aho: Rev. m6d.-chir. de Par., 1848, iv, 341-349.—Herrmann (S.) Eine neue Sperr-Pinzette zur Unterbindung getrenter Arterien in der Wunde, ohne Mithilfe eines Assistenten. "Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 520; 608.—Intracisor forceps for arteries to supersede the Ugature. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 189.—Koeberle. De 1 hemostase Arteries (Compression and constriction of)- definitive par compression excessive k l'aide do pinces h6- most'itiques. BuU! et m6m. Soc. do chn-. de Par., 1876, n. 8., ii, 768-787.—Labbe (L.) Nouveau compresseur 61asti- que des arteres. Bull. Soc. imp. de chir., Par., 1869, 2. s., ix, 399-401.—Montejo. Tortor de campana. Rev. de sanid. mU. espan., Madrid, 1865, ii, 15.—Nunnclcy (J.) On a new method of closing bleeding blood-vessels by move- able forceps. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, U, 310, pis.—Parry (C. H.) On the effects of compression of the arteries in various diseases, and particularly in those of the head; with hints towards a new mode of treating nervous disorders. Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1792, iii, 77-113.—Pasturaud (D.) Note sur la periphl6bito ct la phiebite inguinale par la com- pression digitale dans l'amputation du membre inf6rieur. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1873, xlvUi, 241-244.—von Patru. ban. Ueber die Digital-Compression zur HeUung von Aneurysmen undphlegmonosenProcessen. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 301-305.—Petit (H.) >'ote pour servir k l'histoire de la phiebite inguinale consecutive a la compression de 1'artere femorale an pli de l'aine. Gaz. hebd. dem6d.. Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 436-440.—Bichardson (B. W.) Tubular presse-artere for the immediate compres- sion of arteries. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviu, 458-462. Also: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, i, 435.—Biche- pin. Note sur la compression des arteres dans les h6mor- rhagies traumatiques sur les champs de bataiUe. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1866, 3. s., xvii, 325-330.— Sarazin. AppareU nouveau pour la compression alter- nante et eiastique des arteres. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1867, xxvii, 271. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1868, 2. s., v, 84. Aho, transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 242.—So jo (F.) Pinzas Uamadas hemostaticas. Arch, de la cirug., Barcel., 1877, i, 263-268.—Speir (S. F.) Artery constrictor. BuU. N. York Acad. M., 1871, iv, 211. -----. Paiicr on a new method of arresting surgical ha;morrhage by the artery constrictor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, vi, 49. -----. A new method of arresting surgical haemorrhage by the artery con- strictor, designed tor the instantaneous closure of arteries without the use of ligature or other foreign substance to be left in the wound. Tr. M. Soc, N. Y., Albany, 1871,269-284, 8 pi.-----. On the " artery constrictor", with cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 52. -----. [Cases to which the artery constrictor had been applied.] Ibid., 1873, vin, 102.— Stearns (C. W.) Artery clamp. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1861, Ui, 329, pis. — Steinheiui. Vom Gebrauche der Aderpresse. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1830, xiv, 77- 81.—Van Gieson (R. E.) A new method of arterial com- pression by a sectional ligature, more especiaUy designed for the treatment of aneurisms. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1868, xvui, 90-95. Aho: Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1868, i, 99. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1868, ii, 525.—Vanzetti (T.) Flemmone traumatico incipicnte deUa mano sinis- tra; compressione digitale deU'arteria; guarigione. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete. Padova, 1858, i, 33. Also: Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1858, 2. s., xi, 457-460. -----. De la compression digitale arterieUe comme traite- ment des inflammations phlegmoneuses et articulaires des membres. BuU. Soc. de chn. de Par., 1868, 2. s.. viii, 380. -----. De l'uncipression. nouveau proc6d6 pour arre- ter les hemorrhagies arterieUes [analyse par M. VerneuU]. Ibid., 1874, 3. s., Ui, 562-572. -----. SuUa uncipressione. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1874, 3. s., xxi, 151-173. Aho: Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1874. xvu, 297; 305.—Verneuil (A.) De la forcipressure. Bull, et niem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, n. s., i, 17; 108; 273; 522; 646. -----. Discussion sur la compression preventive dans les arteres. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1871, 2. s., xi, 345-348.— Wegehausen (B.) Ueber die Mittel zur StUlirng der Blutungen an den untern Extremitaten, nebst Beschreibung und Abbildung eines neuen Compressions-Werkzeuges. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1817, u, 385-426.—Wolfe (J. R.) On a new method of arresting hemorrhage by canula artery forceps. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 444. Arteries (Denudation of). Delbarre (A.) * De la denudation des arteres. 8°. Paris, 1870. Arteries (Diseases of). See, also, Age (Old, Diseases of); Aneurism; Aorta (Diseases of); Arteries (Inflammation of); Arteries (Obliteration of); Atheroma; Brain (Bloodvessels of); Gangrene (Senile and dry); Insanity (Pathology of). Austruy (F.) * Des causes les plus generates do la calcification des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1878. Barkow (H. C. L.) Die Ursachen der Schlaga- der-Verkriimmungen und die Ursachen der Schlag- ader-Erweiterungen. fol. Breslau, 1872. Baudon (J. II.) *De l'atherome arteriel comme cause des andvrismes et des apoplexies. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. AKTERIES. 585 ARTERIES. Arteries (Diseases of). Bizot (J. F.) * Recherehes sur les alterations du systeme arteriel chez l'homme. 4°. Paris, 1^3b. Borel (G. M.) *De l'atheroine arteriel. 4J. Strasbourg, [1859]. Brebiz (J. D.) * Sistens morbos arteriarum cum suis causis, effectibus atque signis tarn diagnosti- cis quam prognosticis. 4°. Jence, [1757]. Bucher (E. H.) * De degeneratioue tunicarum in arteriis. 8°. Lipsice, [1849]. de Buchwald (B. J. & F.) De universali nobis observata arteriarum in ossa trausformatione. 4°. Havnice, 1740. In: Haller, Disp. ad morb., v. vi, p. 792. Buttexweiser (J.) *Bild ernes Herzleidens als Folge von Arterial-Rigiditat. 8C. Erlangen, 1857. Caulk (G.) * Des blessureb des arteres athero- mateuses. 4°. Paris, 1H79. Engelhardt (T. B. F.) * Snccincta systematis arteriosi pathologia. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1821]. Feraud (J.) * De l'alteration senile du systeme vasculaire; structure et physiologie pathologique. 4°. Paris, 1868. Freer (G.) Observations on aneurism, and some diseases of the arterial system. 4°. Bir- mingham, 1^07. Guthrie (G. J.) On the diseases and injuries of arteries with the operations required for their cure, being the substance of the lectures deli- vered in the theatre of the Royal College of Sur- geons in the spring of 18^9. 8°. London, 1830. Hardy (A.) Considerations sur les lesions athe- romateuses des grosses arteres dans leur rapport avec l'hypertrophie du cceur. 4°. Paris, 1870. Hay(E. A.) 'Observationes quaedam de natura et origine concrementorum atheromatosorum et ossificationum in arteriarum membranis. 8°. Begimontii Prussorum, 1347. History (A) of atheroma in arteries, being a de- scription of the changes that take place in the arteries, the heart, the capillaries, and elsewhere, and an attempt to show that there is a strong bond of union between cerebral haemorrhage and softening, senile gangraene, aneurism, haemopty- sis, consumption, and scrofula generally, conclud- ing with a consideration of the plan of treat- ment suggested by the theories, etc., advanced. 8°. Liverpool, [n. d.] Hodgson (J.) Engravings intended to illus- trate some of the diseases of arteries, accompa- nied with explanations, roy. 4°. London, 1815. Knap (J. J.) De tendine Achillis disrupto, et arteriis iu osseam substantiam degeneratis. In: Haller, Disput. chir., v. 5, p. 275. Lane (J.) * De arteriarum morbis, et prsecipue de aneurysmatibus. Lugd. Bat., 1787. In: Jaxsen (W. X.) Collectio diss, select. 4°. Bussel- dorpii, 1792, 339-385. LemenantdesChenais(M.-J.) 'Observations sur les lesions anatomo-pathologiques du systeme arteriel, chez les vieillards. 4°. Paris, 1852. LudE (S. C.) Accelerando literarum in uni- versitatibns perfectiouis subsidium quoddam com- mendat et de ossescentia arteriarum senili quae- dam praefatur. 4°. Marburgi, 1817. Morel (C.) * Recherehes sur le point de depart et revolution de l'atheronie arteriel. 4°. Paris, 1855. Nageli (C.) "Ueber das haufige Vorkommen kleiuererAusdehnungen der Arterien. 8°. Zurich, 1-52. Oberlin (L.) *De l'atherome arteriel. 4°. Strasbourg, It-lit. Pohlius (J. C.) De ossificatione vasorum prae- ternaturali disserit. 4~. Lipsice, [1774]. Rokitansky (K.) Ueber einige eler wichtigsten Krankheiten der Arterien. [Aus dem 4. Baude Arteries (Diseases of). der Deukschriften der Kais. Akad. der Wissen- schaften besonders abgedruckt. ] fol. Wien, 1852. Szostakowski (J.) * Ueber atheromatose De- generation der Arterien bei Nierenentzundung. sm. 8J. Berlin, [1*69]. Tassel (P.-A.) * Recherehes historiques sur la nature des alterations seniles des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1856. Thebesius (A.) * Quaestioues de nonnullis arte- riarum phaenomenispathologicis. 8°. Halis, 1847. Barberel Sc Chouet. Contribution ii l'etude de l'ar- terite syphUitique; anevrysmes syphiUtiques multiples de l'aorte thoracique et abdominale; mort subite par 1 ouver- ture dans le peritoine de l'anevrysme abdominal. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1879, 3. s.. xxxv, 486-495, 3 pi.—Barker (A. E. J.) A determining cause of ind'imma- tory arterial disease. Tr. Path. Soc. 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviU, 86-90.—Barth (H.) Atherome arteriel generalise; dUatation de la crosse de l'aorte; insuflisance relative de l'oriflce aortique; accidents d'asystolie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877. 4. s., ii, 75-79. Also: Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 310. — Banmgarten (P.) Ein FaU von ver- breiteter obUterirender Entziindung der Gehirnarterien mit Arteriitis und Pcriarterntis nodosa gummosa cere- bralis nebst Bemerkungen iiber Hirnartenensclerose und die als Pcriarteriitis nodosa (Kussmaul und Maier), oiler multiple Aneurysmen mittlerer und kleiner Arterien (Meyer), bezeichnete Erkrankung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxvi, 268-291.—Beech (J. H.) Death indirectly caused by calcareous degeneration of arterial tunics. Detroit Lancet, 1878, i, 723-725.—Benedikt (M.) Aneurysma nervosum. AUg. "Wien. med. Ztg., 1870, xv, 400.—Berard (P. H.) Arteres (pathologie). Diet, de m6d., 2. ed., Par., 1833, iv, 72-137.—Botkin. Sklerose des arterieUen Systems als Ursache consecutiver Herzerki an- knngen. Berl. kUn. "Wchnschr., 1868, v. 361.—Botrel. [Effects of disease upon the arterial coats.] BnU. Soc. anat. aePar.,1849, xxiv, 72-74.—Bourneville. Atherome gene- ralise, sie, Par arteries. Syst.Med. (Reynolds). Lond.. 1879,v,76-93.—Bry- ant. Cases of cUsease or of injury of the arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii. 515.—Bulley (F. A.) Diseased arteries in a patient dying of gangrene. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 1010.—Buntzen. Haemonhagiske Svulster med Arterie- Emollition. Hosp. Tid., Kjebenh., 1866, ix, 89: 93—Can- ton (E.) On atrophy and degeneration of the arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1860, 'i, 5; 31; 83; 269; 542; U, 480.—Car- son. Syphilitic lesions of the arteries. St. Louis Cour. of Med.,1879, U, 180-190.—Cazalis. [DUatation of aorti; general atheroma.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix. 165.— Charcot. Atherome generalise des arteres; obUteration par thrombose des arteres coronaires tres-atheromateuses; an6vrysme partiel du cceur gauche; transformation fi- breuse de ses parois; ramoUissement cerebral; lacunesnom- brenses dans l'enc6phale. [Rap. par Jcolfroy.] Ibid., 1869, xUv, 314-320.—Chaussier. Sur 1'obUteration spontanee de plusieurs arteres considerables. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., 1818, vi, 149-153.—Consalvi (G.) Intorno l'atero- masia delle arterie. Morgagni, Napoli, 1875, xvii, 325-356, 1 pi. — Considerations generates sur quelqres mala- dies des arteres. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1822, xi, 118-146.—Cruvelhier. Memoire sur quelques alterations organiques des arteres. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1815, xxxiv, 366-393. — Curci (A.) Sull'ateromasia deUe arterie in rapporto specialmente alle sue cause e ai suoi effetti. Spei imentale, Firenze. 1876, xxxvii, 366-406.—De-Giovanni. Note cliniche sulla en- doarterite deformante. Comment, di med. e chir., Milano, 1874, i, 169-190.—Discussion dc la communication de M. Gubler sur la deg6n6rescence cretacee des arteres. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 2. s., xlix, 100-108.—Discussion sobre la obliteracion de las arterias. (Actas de la Sociedad medica de Mexico.) Gac. med. de Mexico, 1870, v, 76-78.—Don- dcrs (F. C.) Sc Jansen (J. H.) Untersuchungen iiber die Natur der krankhaftcn Veranderungen der Artcrieiwande, die als Ursachen der spontanen Aneurysmen zu hetrachten sind. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1848, vii, 359; 530, 2 pi.—Ehrmann (J.) Des effets produits sur l'encephale par l'obliteration des vaisseaux arteriels qui s'y distribuent. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1860. v, 1; 17; 37; 57: 96; 121; 134; 149. — Erdmann, Merkwiirdige "Verknoche rung der Schlagadern. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1806, iii, 95-98. — Evans (C.) Mode of causation of arterial atheroma; illustrated by a case of atheromatous disease of the pulmonary arteip, in association with extreme contrac- tion [congenital] of the left auriculo-ventricular orifice and hypertrophy of the right ventricle. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1866, xvu, 90-90.—Foot (A. W.) Diffuse atheroma of the arteries. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1^73, lvi, 351. Aho: Irish Hosp. Gaz., 1873 i, 111 —Gribb. Extensive calcification ofthe arteries, with abnormal distribution of their trunks. Tr.Path.Soc.Lond., 1659-60,xi,81-85. Aho: Lancet,Lond., ARTERIES. 586 ARTERIES. Arteries (Diseases of). I860, i, 548.—Gignoux. Atherome du systeme arteriel. Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d., Lyon, 1868, vii, 16.—du Gourlay. Alteration steatocalcairo de l'aorte et des arteres clu mem- bre inferieur droit; hypertrophic du cceur; gangrene de la jambe droite. M6m. Soc. d. sc. m6d., Lyon, 1865, iv, 96.— Gubler. Recherehes k faire sur les conditions causales de la degenerescence cr6tac6e des arteres. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1877, xlvhi, 268-276. Aho: Tribune med., Par., 1877, x, 326-328. Also: Bull. Soc. dem6d. pub., 1877-9, Par., 1879, i, 38-45; 165-173.—Gueneau de Mussy (if.) Etude cUnique sur lea indurations des arteres. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1872, U, 129; 292. -----. De l'ath6rome arteriel et des indurations des arteres. Inhh: Clin. m6d., Par., 1874, i, 289-316.—Gull (W.) Sc Sutton (H. G.) On changes in the spinal cord and its vessels in arterio-capiUary fibro- sis. Tr. Path. Soc, 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 361-381, 13 pi.—Gulliver (G.) On fatty degeneration of the arte- ries, with a note on some other fatty degeneration. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1843, xxvi, 86-99, 1 pi.—Harris (II. P.) Atheromatous deposit in arteries; calcareous deposit at apex of the lung; degeneration of the pancreas. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., PhUa., 1858, ii, 515-517.—Hayden. Vaso- motor erethism simulating aneurism of the arteria innomi- nata ; improvement under treatment with bromide of po- tassium. Brit. M. J., 1869, i, 49.—Heath. Two cases of sloughing of arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1875, u, 50.—Hub- bard (D. H.) Ossification of the arteries. Boston M. & S. J., 1834, x, 334-336.— Jimenez (M. F.) De la oblitera- cion de las arterias. Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1864, i, 6-8.— Johnson (G.) Hypertrophy of the arterial walls. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 59. —[Joy (W. B.)] Functional di- seases of arteries. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedie), PhUa., 1841, iv, 13-17.—Krauspe. FaU von diffuser Erweiterung des Arteriensystems. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 121.— Kussmaul (A.) & Maier (R.) Ueber eine bisher nicht beschriebene cigenthiimUche Arterienerkrankung (Peri- arteritis nodosa), die mit Morbus Brightn und rapid fort- schreitenderallgemeiner Muskellahmungeinhergeht. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1866, i, 484-518, 3 pi. Also, Reprint.—Langhaas (T.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Arterien; Fettmetamorphose der normal dicken Intima; Verdickung der Intima unit fettige Entartung in derselben. (Endarteriitis deformans s. nodosa, Virchow.) Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 198-226, 1 pi.—Langlet. Alterations atheromateuses et calcaires du systeme arte- riel. Bull. Soc. Par., 1868, xliU, 51.—Iiee (H.) On secondary deposits and mortification from disease of the arteries. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1857, xx, 214- 226. -----. Two cases of ulceration of arteries. Med. I Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 425. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 86. -----. On some results of diseases of the arteries. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1868, vi, 90-92. -----. Abstract of clinical lectures: Lect. III. On mortification and other secondary affections in consequence of disease of the arteries. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, iii, 35-48. -----. Cases of mortification connected i with disease of the arteries. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., j 1869, vii, 70; 113: 1872, xiv, 64-66. -----. Secondary morti- fication from disease of the arteries. Ibid., 1872, xiii, 69; 111.—Legroux. ObUteration des grosses arteres. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1836, i, 434.— Leudet (E.) Note sur | une forme partieuliere de ramoUissement du depot ath6ro- j mateux des arteres (arteriomalacie de Lobstein). Gaz. med. de Par., 1864, 3. s., xix, 335. — L,iouville. [Atheroma feneralized.l Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1866, xii, 504.— .owenfeld. Ueber den atheromatosen Prozess der Aorta. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvii, 991; 1015; 1039.—Mackesy (J. P.) Case of amputation of tho leg, in which the diseased state of tho vessels precluded the em- filoyment of any ligatures, terminating successfully. Dub- in M. Press, 1843, x, 194.—Mahomed (F. A.) Remarks on arterio-capiUary fibrosis and its clinical recognition. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 232-234. -----. On the sphygmo- graphic evidence of arterio-capiUary fibrosis. Tr. Path. Soc, 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxviii, 394-397.—Maisonneuve. Arteres (maladies des). Diet. d. etudes med. prat., Par., 1838, ii, 21-39.—Malherbe. Transformation cr6tacee de diverses arteres, et en particulier de l'artere splenique; mort par hemorrhagic intestinale. J. de la sect, de ni6d. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1858, n. s., xxxiv, 168- 173. — Martineau (L.) Deg6n6rescence ath6romateuse des arteres pulmonaires droit et gauche; retrecissement et insuffisanco de l'orifice mitral; apoplexie pulmonaire; cail- lots dans les derni6res ramifications des arteres pulmo- naires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1861, Par., 1862, 3. s., iU, 163-168.—Merclinus (G. A.) De ossiculis, in trunco ar- teria? magna; descendente, ct utroipie oieliaco ramo, reper- tis. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1683, dec. 2, ann. i (1682), 214, 1 pi.—Montesants (G.) Relazione della ma- lattia (arteritida cronica) di cui mori il Prof. Melandri. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1833, vii, 254-256.—Moore (C. H.) Sc Holmes (T.)' Diseases of arteries. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 1870, 2. ed., iii, 392-620.—Moxon (W.) Ou the nature of atheroma in tho arteries, with a de- scription of a remarkable cane, of arteritis. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, 3. s., xvi, 431-452, 1 pi. — Mugna (G. B.) Ricordi e raffronti dei fatti di anatomia pato- Arteries (Diseases of). logica riguardanti alle arterie. Gazz. med. ital.. prov. ve- nete, Padova, 1860, iu, 105; 113; 121.—Murchison. Cal- carous degeneration, of the arteries of the extremities, causing an absence of pulse during bfe. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864. xv, 59.—Naish (E.) An ossification of the crural artery. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1719-33, vii, 571.—Neill (J.) Case of' hypertrophy of the heart and arteries. Med. Exam., Phila., 1842, i, 321.'— Ufieoladoni (C.) Phlcbarte- riectasia spontanea pedis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1875, xviii, 711-726, 1 pi. — O. (H.) Cases of extensive ossifica- tion of the arterial system; gangrene and death. Med. Times, Lond., 1839, i, 6.—Oppolzer. Das Athcrom der Arterien. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 131; 139; 159.— Pa- rise. Gangrene par suite d'ossification des arteres. BuU. m6d. du Nord, LiUo, 1865, vi, 223.—Pathology of tho mi- croscopic arteries. Brit. & For. M. Chir. Rev., Lond., 1871, xlvii, 285-303.—Pcan. Mal perforant du pied; arterite chroniquo. Bull. Soc. dechir. do Par., 1864, 2. s., iv, 79-81.— Pileher. t Diffuse arterial atheroma; anomalous symp- toms ; death. Proc M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1878, ii, 362.—Piorry (P. A.) Obliteration des arteres du bris; gangrene du membre; ramoUissement c6r6bralc; diagnos- tic do l'obliteration do l'artere vertebrale droite dans le crane. Bull. cUn.. Par., 1835-6, i, 104-108.— Porak. De- generescence ath6romateuse du systeme arteriel; hypertro- Iihie considerable du ventricule gauche; saiUie notable de a symphyse pubienne en arriere. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1876, li, 375-379. Also: Progres med., Par., 1876, iv, 683.— Quincke. Krankheiten der Arterien. Handb. d. spec. Path. [Ziemssen], Leipz., 1876, vi, 317-442.—Baynaud (M.) Arteres (Maladies des). N. diet, de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865, Ui, 193-244.— Robin. Sur la structure des arteres et leur alteration senile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1849, Par., 1850, i, 33-35.—Boux. Des maladies du systeme vasculaire sanguin, particulierement des arteres. Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1852, iii, 88; 122; 142; 147.— Seitz (F.) Das Zusammenvorkommen von Verknoche- rung der Arterien mit Krankheiten der Harnwerkzeuge. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1845, iv, 53-64.—Sibley (S. W.) Cases Ulustrating the causes and effects of ob- struction in the arteries, both of the brain and other organs. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 11. — Sinkler (W.) Ex- tensive atheroma of the circle of WUlia and cerebral arte- ries. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 90.—Tanner (W. D.) A case of fatty degeneration of the arteries. Indiana M. J., EvansvUle, 1854, i, 41.—Traube (L.) Zur Lehre von der Sclerose des Aortensystems. In hh: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol.. Berl., 1878, iii, 181. -----. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Arteriosclerose zur abnomien Spannung des Aortensystems. Ibid., 164.— Treille. L'atherome chez les Hindous. BuU. Soc. de med. pub., 1877-9, Par., 1879, i, 288-293.—Ihde (C. W. F.) Krankheiten der Arte- rien. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1856, vui, 424—Vernon (H.) Observations on a train of symptoms which occur in many old people, are the precursors of death, and arise appa- rently from an ossific tendency in the arterial system. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1826, xxv, 289-291.—Virchow (R.) Der atheromatbse Prozess der Arterien. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1856, vi, 809-825. — Vulpian (A.) Maladies de l'aorto et des arteres. Inhh: Clin. med. de l'hop. de la charite, 8°, Paris, 1879, 157-184.— Walser. Drei FaUe ausgedebnter Atheromatose der Arterien und die damit zusammenhangendenFolgezustande. Med. Cor.-Bl. d.wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1864, xxxiv, 349-351.—Zannini (P.) Considerazioni di qualche differenza fra alcune malat- tie deUe arterie, che sono dette aneurismi. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1835, U, 181-208. Arteries (Inflammation of). See, also, Embolism, and thrombosis; Gan- grene. Baudry (A.) * Essai sur I'arterite. 4°. Paris, 1833. Beck (J.) Ueher Entziindung der Arterien und Venen. Fragment aus gekronter Preisschrift. 8°. Ludwigsburg, 1853. Dalbant (E\) * Quelques observations pour servir a l'histoire de I'arterite ou inflammation des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1819. Delahaye (C.-A.) * Reflexions sur l'inflam- mation des arteres, et particulierement de l'aorte. 4°. Paris, 1829. Foucaut(A.) * De I'arterite. Gangrenespon- tanee. 4°. Paris, 1862. Gotte (W. K. M.) *Eene bijdrage tot de pa- thogenic der endoarteritis chronica. 8°. Utrecht, 1872. Gutmann (S.) * Ueber chronischo Endoarteri- itis. 8°. Berlin, [1874]. Laaser(L) * De arteriitide. 8°. Regiomonti Prussorum, 1848. ARTERIES. 587 ARTERIES. Arteries (Inflammation of). Litzmanx ( 0. C. T. ) * De arteriitide. 8°. Halce, [1838]. Peltesohn (A.) * Deendoarteriitide chronica deformante seu nodosa. 8-. Berolini, [lbiil]. Prigge (F.) *De inflammatione arteriarum. 8C. Berolini, 1840. Prinz(L.) * De arteriitide. f3. Berolini, 1836. Wolff (G.) * De arteritide. 6°. Berolini, [1847]. Rertrand. Observation d'arterite; traitement par le soufreet l'acide nitrique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 46.— Bock. Entziindung der Art. racUalis und brachial]s mit nachfolgender Entziindung der Vena cephalica und basi- lica. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835, xi, 266-268.—Bresehet. Observations sur l'innammation des arteres. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1831,xxxix, 225-249.—Brouardel. Endarterite dans l'infection purulente et la variole. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i, 129-131.—Burrows. Exten- sive inflammation of the arteries; entire loss of pulse in aU the arteries on the surface; postmortem examination. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 12.—Cabaret (P.-G.) Phlegmon diffus; hemorrhagic grave provenant d'une art6rite conco- mitante. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1869, 283-289.— t'a in ii* (M.) Art6rite aigue ; mort lo troisieme jour. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par., 1831, ni, 222- 226.—Castiglioni (C.) SuU'arterite. Mem. d. Soc. med.- chir. di Bologna, 1847, 2. s., iv, 1-209. — Chassaignac. Gangrene clu membre inferieur par arterite de l'artere fe- morale ; amputation de la jambe. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 565.—Chvostek Sc Weichselbauni (A.) Herd- weise syphUitische Endarteriitis mit multipler Aneurys- menbildung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 257; 265; 275; 294; 302; 312.— Da Costa (J. M.) Cerebral arteri- tis; formation of a smaU gummy tumor, foUowing long standing syphilitic disease; sudden apoplectic seizure; clot. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, vi, 87.—Belpech Sc Ou- brueil. Sui■ I'arterite et la gangrene momitique. Memor. d. hop. du midi, Par., 1829, i, 231-255.—Be Bossi (G. B.) Delia arterite considerata principalmente nelle sue pato- logiche alterazioni. Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1847, 2. s., iv, 241-343.—Dubrueil. Arterite et phiebite. Memor. cl. hop. du midi, Par., 1830, ii, 549-554.—Dupuy- tren. Arterite; coagulation clu sang; gangrene sympto- matique; mort. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1832, ni, 647^649.— Friedlander (C.) Ueber Arteriitis obliterans. Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xiv, 65-70.— Gendrin. Lecons sur larteritc* Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1850, 3. s., ii, 357 ; 405; 429; 442; 453.—de Giovanni (A.) Con- tribuzione alia patogenesi del'arteritide. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, MUano, 1876, 2. s., ix, 777. -----. Con- tribuzione aUa patogenesi della endoarterite. Ann. univ. dimed. ochir., Milano, 1877,ccxxxix, 97-105.—Graves (R. J.) Sc Stokes (W.) Gangrene and paralysis of the right lower extremity arising from disease ot the femoral and ibac arteries. Dubini Hosp. Rep., 1830, v, 1-5.—Hart. Observa- tion d'arterite, diagnostiqu6e d'abord gangrene s6nile; em- ploi des antiphlogistiques ; gu6rison. Arch, beiges de ni6d. mU., Brux., 1854, xui, 196-200. —Heubner (O.) Fall von Thrombose der Arteria subclavia dextra in Folge von End- arteritis. Arch. d. HeUk., Leipz., 1868. ix, 165-171.—Hope (J.) Arteritis. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1845, i, 163-170.— Howell (J.) Caseof phrenitis followed by arteritis. Lond. M. Reposit., 1825, xxiv, 256-260.—[Joy (W. B.)] Arteritis. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841. iv, 17-25.—Hos- ier (W.) Die Pathogenese der Endarteriitis. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., af d. Naturk., Amst., 1874, viii, 100-122,1 pi.—Lancereanx. [Arteres.] Pathologie medi- cale. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1867, vi, 277-297.— Ijangowski. Zapaleuie arteryi g!6wn6j i szyjnej. (Aor- titis et carotitis.) Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1853, xxx, 222-226.—Lariviere. Arterite; gangrene par obU- teration; amputation de la jambe; guerison. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1867, 3. s., xix, 132-138.— I>ee (H.) Inflammation of arteries. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1872, xUi, 425.— JLente (F. D.) Secondary syphi- lis ; arteritis; incipient gangrene; recovery under the use of cod-liver oil. N. York J. M., 1851, vi, 181-187.— Lister (J.) On coagulation in arteritis; gangrene. Edinb. M. J., 1858. iU, 893-9U7.—l.uther (F. M^) Case of acute spontaneous gaugiene from arteritis. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1*72, lUi, Im'.—Jlayet. Note sur un cas d'alteration par arterite deformante des branches de l'artere pul- monaire. Lyon med., 1873, xiii. 98-102.—Meade (H.) A ca«e of arteritis. Lancet, Lond., 1870, U, 816.—iTIeli (D.) Storia d'un angioite universale, segnita da alcune considera- zioni generaU intorno all'intiaminazione de' vasi sanguiferi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1821, xviU, 99-145.—Meyer (P.) Ueber Periarteriitis nodosa oder multiple Aneurys- men der mittleren und kleineren Arterien. Arch f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, Ixxiv, 277-319, 2 pi.— Montesanto (G.) Relazione della malattia (aiteritide cronica) di cui mori il . . . Melandri. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1833, lxvi, 5-15. — Motherwell. Acute idiopathic arteritis. Arteries (Inflammation of). Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1863, viii, 119-122. -----. Case of arteritis. Ibid., 1858, iii, 43-47.—Moxon. Case of acute inflammation of the cerebral arteries during syphiUs. Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 435.—Mugna (G.) t Storia patolo- gico-anatomica di un'artero-cardite lenta. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1836, lxxx, 428-440.—Mugna (G. B.) DeU' aglobulia neU'arterite. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1861, iv, 280.—Naumann (M.) Es giebt eine Ent- ziindung der innern Arterienhaut. Arch. t. cl. ges. Med., Jena, 1847, ix, 174-180.— Pingrcuon. Observation d'arte- rite obturante suivie de gangrene. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1843, liv, 306-308.—Pissling (W.) Gan- graena extremitatum inferiorum ex arteritide et obstructi- on arteriarum. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1843, 897- 905.—Porta. Do la gangrene suite d'arterite. Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 615.—Rinino (G. A.) Cenni sopra alcuni casi di lenta arterite diffusa, U quali diversamente giudicati da altri medici, vennero quindi guariti col meto- do antitlogistico o controstimolante attivo e generoso. [5 cases.) Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1846, cxix, 15-29.— Roberts (O.) Injury of shoulder-joint foUowed by arte- ritis in the lower limb's ; gangrene aud death. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1856, n, 628. —[Rodet.] Arterite gangiene; emploi du ph6nol sodique. Lyon med., 1870, v, 36.—Naint- Cyr (F.) Cas d'arterite obliteiante chez le cheval. Mem. Soe. d. sc. med. de Lvon, 1866, v, 192-195.—Seinmola (M.) Sulla memoria del dott. . . . riguardante un caso di artero- lite. Rendic. Acad, med.-chir. di Napoli, 1849, in, 83-85.— Siredey. Arterite ossUiante de toutes les arteres. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1*57, xxxii, 356-358.—Smerdon (C. W._) Case of peripneumonia which terminated fataUy in arteri- tis ; with observat ions and dissect ions of other cases. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1821, xlvi, 529-535.—Sonune. Consi- derations theoriques et pratiques sur la phiebite, I'arterite, l'arrachuoidite, la p6ritonite, etc. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1833, 2. 8., i, 831.—Spangenberg. Ueber die Entziindung der Arterien uud deren Ausgange. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1804, v, 269-305.—Sprengel. Von einer Entziin- dung der Schlag- und Blut-Adem. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., BerL, 1820, vii, 47.5-482.—Talma (S.) Over endarteriitis deformans. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1878, xiv, 211-230, 1 pi. -----. Ueber Endarteriitis chronica. Arch. f. path. Anat.. etc., Berl.. 1879, lxxvu, 242-268, 1 pi.— Thompson (C.) Remarks on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of arteritis. With iUustrative cases. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1860, xxx, 33-.J'-'.—Tommasini. De I'arterite lente, consider6e comme cause de maladies diverses, en particulier de la chlorose, des hydropisies, etc., et de son traitement. Ann. de therap., Par., 1844-5, ii, 128-136. Aho: Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1844, iii, 116-124.—Van- lair (C.) Recherehes histologiques sur l'endarterite gan- greneuse. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1871-2, iv, 293-303.—Virchow'(R.) Ueber die akute Entziindung der Arterien. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1847, l, 272-378. -----. Die Lehre von der chronischen Endoarte- riitis. Ibid., 1879, lxxvii, 380-383.—Wilks (S.) General chronic arteritis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, 3. a., xv, 35-40.—ITeomans (H. P.) Mal-assimilationin its relation to idiopathic arteritis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1876, ix, 39-42.—Zahn (F. W.) Ueber einen FaU von Endarteriitis veiTucosa. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, lxxii, 214-217. Arteries (Ligature of). See, also, Aneurism (Treatment of, Operative); Arteries ( Wounds of); Haemorrhage; Ligature; and under the several arteries. Aikin (J.) An essay on the ligature of arte- ries. /»; White (Charles). Cases in surgery. 8°. London, 1770. Andresse (H.) *De ligatura vasorum. 8°. Berolini, 1845. Bauzenberger (G. F.) Animadversiones in ligaturam arteriarum quarundam principalium. 4°. Tubingce, 1828. Beck (K. J.) Ueber die Anwendung der Liga- tur an einer von der Wunde entfernten, dem Herzen zugewendeten Stelle der verwundeten Ar- terie oder des entsprechenden Arterienstammes. Ein Beitrag zur Therapie der traumatischen Blu- tungeu. 8°. Freiburg, 1836. Bergmanx (H. G.) * Observationes practicae de arteriis subligandis et comprimendis. 8J. Gottingce, 1814. Bergstrand (C. II.) *Kort framstallning af underbinduiugar pa artererna i deras continuitet. fP. ipsa la, 1*1*. Berxdt (A. C.) * De ligatura arteriarum. 8°. Berolini, 1826. ARTERIES. 588 ARTERIES Arteries (Ligature of). Bock (C. E.) *De arteriarum ligatura. 8°. Lipsia', [n. d.] Brunswicker (E.) * Delectus casuum liga- turae principalium arteriarum, qui in clinico chi- rurgico Bonuensi observati sunt. 8°. Bonna?, 1853. Bujalsky (E.) Tabulae anatomico-chirurgi- cae; operationes ligandarum arteriarum majorum exponentes. eleph. fol. Petropoli, 1828. Carron (£.) * Examen des procedds le plus ge"ne"ralemeut admis pour la ligature des arteres du systeme superieur. 4°. Paris, 1825. Celestin (C. T.) * Recherehes sur les altera- tious des arteres a la suite de la ligature. 4°. Paris, 1867. Charpentier (J.-N.-H.) * Considerations sur la ligature des arteres apres les amputations des membres. 4°. Paris, 1813. Cocteau (T.) Recherehes sur les alterations des arteres a la suite de la ligature. 8°. Paris, 1867. Courtin (E. F.) *De la ligature des arteres dans les hemorrhages cons^cutives. 4°. Paris, 1848. Deschamps. Observations sur la ligature des principales arteres des extr6init6s, a la suite de leurs blessures, et dans les andvrismes, particu- lierement dans celui de l'artere poplitde, dont deux out 6t6 ope"re"8 suivant la mdthode de Jean Hunter. 8°. Paris, 1793. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1797. Detrez (J.-B.) *De la ligature des arteres d'apres 1$ mdthode de Brasdor. 4°. Paris, 1846. Dieterich (G. L.) Das Aufsuchen der Schlag- adern behufs der Unterbindung zur Heilung von Aneurysmen nebst Geschichte der Unterbindun- gen. 8°. Niirnberg, 1831. Duany Y Soler (J. V.) * Etude historique et critique des serre-ncuuds artdriels. 4°. Paris, 1875. Erhakd (F. X.) *De vasorum ligatura. 8°. Monachii, 1832. Farabeuf(L. H.) An operative manual. Liga- tion of arteries. Transl. by John D. Jackson. 12°. Philadelphia, 1874. Feron (F.) * Propositions sur la ligature des arteres en general; process op6ratoires pour lier les arteres du membre superieur et la carotide primitive. 4°. Paris, 1832. Fraenkel (W. B.) *De laqueis arteriarum deligatione inservientibus prope ad modum re- vinctum resecandis. 4°. Bounce, 1824. Froriep (R.) Chirurgische Anatomie der Ligaturstellen am menschlichen Korper. fol. Weimar, 1830. Gachet (C. C.) * Examen de quelques pro- cedes employes pour la ligature des arteres des membres thoraciques. 4°. Paris, 1825. Gaykt (C. A.) * NouveUes recherehes experi- mentales sur la cicatrisation des arteres apres leur ligature. 4°. Paris, 1858. Holtze (E. G. F.) *De arteriarum ligatura. 4°. Berolini, [1827]. Instrument for passing a ligature round a deep-seated artery, invented by Mr. Weiss, Lon- don. 8°. [n. p., 1823]. [P., v. 688.] Jones (J. F. D.) A treatise on the process em- ployed by nature iu suppressing haemorrhage from divided and punctured arteries, and ou the use of the ligature. 8°. London, 1810. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1811. Kalkoff (A. F. G.) * De arteriarum ligatura torsione et iutortione. 8°. Halis, 1847. Maisonneuve (J. G.) Memoire sur la ligature extemporan6e. 4°. Paris, 1860. Malag6 (P. P.) Nuovo metode e nuovo stro- mento per la legatura delle arterie aneurisma- tiche. 4°. Ferrara, 1830. Arteries (Ligature of). Manec (P. J.) Traite theorique et pratique de la ligature des arteres. fol. Paris, 1832. -----. A theoretical and practical treatise upon the ligature of arteries. Transl. from the French by J. W. Garlick and W. C. Copper- thwaite. 4°. Halifax, 1832. Manzella (C.) Sulla legatura delle princi- paU arterie del corpo umano. Memoria anato- mico-chirurgica. 8°. Palermo, 1844. Mazurowicz (F.-T.) * Parallele de la ligature et de la torsion des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1840. Middeldorpf. Die percutane Umstechung der Arterien in der Contiuuitiit, eine ueue Me- thode der Unterbindung. 8°. [Breslau, n. d.] Schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Cultur. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl. Neidl (M.) *De ligandis arteriis lsssis et dis- sectis. 8°. Landishuli, 1816. Petit (J. G.) * Considerations sur la methode de faire la ligature des arteres dans les cas de plaies ou d'au6vrismes. 4°. Paris, 1808. Porta (L.) Delle alterazioni patologiche delle arterie per la legatura e la torsione; esperienze ed osservazioni. fol. Milano, 1845. Portal (P.) Storia di due casi d'allacciatura d'arterie, una alia femorale, l'altra all' iliaca esterna. 8°. Napoli, 1839. Renard (C. A.) & Thieullier (L. P. F. R. Le). Quasstio medico-chirurgica au ad sistendam mem- brorum rescissioni supervenieutem haemorrha- giam, detur artificium tutius vasorum ligaturaf In: Haller, Disp. chir., v. 5, p. 171. Salter (J. A.) *"An lumen arteriae in con- tinuitate ligatae sua sponte recludatur ligatura persuppurationeinremota". 8°. Augsburg, 1845. Schmidt (G.) * Observationes quasdam de arte- riarum subligatione in nosocomio Dorpatensi in- stitute. 8°. [Dorpat], 1855. Scibelli (M.) Nuovo instrumento e modo d'adoprarlo nell'allacciatura dell'arterie. 8°. Napoli, 1859. Schuchardt (R.) * Ueber die Unterbindung der Gefasse mit carbolisirten Darmsaiten (anti- septischem Catgut), sm. 8°. Berlin, [1872]. Schweinberger (J. L.) * Die Unterbindung der Arterien und deren Wirkung. 8°. Augsburg, Shakespeare (E. O.) The nature of repara- tory inflammation in arteries after ligature, acu- pressure, and torsion. 8°. Washington, 1879. In: Smiths. Misc. Coll., No. 321. Taxil (L.-M.-V.) * Regies generates pour la ligature des arteres; anatomie chirurgicale de celles du membre abdominal, et procedes opera- toires pour lier ces derniers vaisseaux. 4°. Paris, 1822. Vacca-Berlinghieri (A.) Memoria sopra l'allacciatura deU'arteria. 8°. Pisa, 1819. Also, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1821, xi, 75-124. Veitch (J.) Observations on the ligature of arteries, secondary hemorrhage, and amputation at the hip-joint. 8°. London, 1824. Vital (H.) *De la ligature des vaisseaux. 4°. Paris, 1«46. Winklewski (A.) *De ligatura in coutinui- tate arteria? circumsuta. 8°. Vratislavice, [1861]. A. (F.) De la ligature des troncs arteriels n6ccssit6e . par diverses lesions du systeme vasculaire sanguin, et plus particulierement par les anevrysmes. Union med., Par., 1852, vi, 497.—Adelmami (G. F. B.) Beitrage zur chi- rurgischen Pathologie der Arterien, insbesondere zu ihrer Unterbindung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1862, ni, 1-56.— Alcantara (C.) Dc la seccion de las arterias entre dos Ugaduras como m6todo general para tratar hcmorragiaa y aneurismas. Encicl. nied.-farm., Barcel., 1879, iii, 169.— Alquie (A.) De la Ugature des arteres dans les plaies pour combattre les hemorrhagica secondaires. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1854-5, ii, 49; 81; 97; 129; 145.—von Andre. jewskiy (E.) Beschreibung zweier neuen Instrumente zur ARTERIES. 589 ARTERIES. Arteries (Ligature of). Unterbindung tiefiiegender Gefasse. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828, xii, 650-G54.—Apostolides (J.) Note sur un nouvelle methode do ligature des artercs. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 614.—Asciiendorf (H.) Onderhindingen van slagaders. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1838, xvu, 62-68.—IS. (E. C.) An inquiry into the circumstances which, in the appUcation of tho Ugature to arteries, are ca- pable of preventing the success of its operations by the pro- auction of haemorrhage. Med. Sc Phys. J.,Lond.,1816,xxxv, 190-199.—Baldarini (L.) Casi di ligatura di grandi arte- rie del corpo umano. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1840, xevi, 449-472.—Baroni (P.) Osservazioni di aUacciatura delle arterie subclavia, brachiale e glutea per ferite. Mem. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, 1838, 2. s., i, 181-192.—Bar- ■well, t Ligature of common carotid and subclavian arte- ries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, u, 477.—Beck (B.) Zur Unterbindun" der Gefasse. MemorabUien, HeUbr., 1861, vi, 103-108.—Berard aiii^. Observations de Ugature des arteres axillaire, cubitale et tibiale posterieure, avec quel- ques remarques sur les hemorrhagica traumatiques et leur traitement. Arch. g6n. do med.,Par., 1835,2. s., vii, 441-455.— Bernard(R.) Twocasesofligutureoflargeartcries. Lan- cet,Lond.,1872,i, 853-855, pis.—Blandin. Quelques refle- xions sur la ligature et la torsion des vaisseaux, a propos de ramputation d'un sein. Gaz. cl. hop., Par., 1841, 335.— Blackmail (G. C.) On the treatment of inflammation of tho limbs by the compression or ligature of then- main arte- rial trunk.' Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1868, n. s., xi, 74-86.—. Blaein9(E.) Ligatura arteriarum. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Halle, 1836-7, i, 35-41.—Blomer. Ein neues Unterbindungswerkzeug, als Beitrag zur BlutstiUung bei griisseren Gefassen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1821, ii, 660-666.—Bombasotti (C.) Tre storie di legatura tem- Soraria deUe grosse arterie degli arti, una deUa crurale e ue deUa brachiale. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1824, xxxi, 224-232.—Briddon (C. K.) Antiseptic deligation of arte- ries in continuity. Med. Rec, N.T.,1878,xiv,88.—Broca. Ligature appliqu6e sur une art6re en voie d'ossification. Bull. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., U, 405-407. -----. Sur le choix du Uen constricteur dans les ligatures d'arteres. Bull. Soc. imp. de chir. de Par., 1865, 2. s., v, 106-114. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvU, 154.—Brugaon (B.) Sem- Sliticazione del modo di aUacciare le arterie. Ann. univ. i med., Milano, 1833, lxv, 269-283.—Brans (P.) Die tem- porare Ligatur der Arterien nebst einem Anhange iiber Lister's Catgutligatur. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1875, v, 317-393.—Buchanan (G.) Ligature of arte- ries for secondary haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii, 345. — Bujalsky. Ueber Unterbindung der grossern Arterien hauptsiichlich bei Aneurysmen. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 395-448, 1 pi.—Campbell (H. F.) The Hunterian Ugation of arteries to reUeve and to prevent destructive inflammation. South. J. M. Sc, N. Orl., 1866, i, 201-218. — Casi di legatura temporaria delle grosse arterie degl'arti per la cura dell'aneuri.sma. [5 cases.] Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1821, xvU, 119-145.— Causae. Note sur un nouveau moyen employe dans la ligature des arteres. Rev. ni6d., Par., 1828, iii, 388-397.— Chassaignac. Considerations sur 1'utUite de la Uga- ture double pour quelques arteres. Gaz. d. hon., Par., 1848, 2. s., x, 553.—Chauveau (A.) Du mode d »bUt6ra- tion et de cicatrisation des arteres dans lo cas de ligature. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1858, vi, 982.—Chcever (D. W.) Li- gature of large vessels. [Cases.] Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.. 1870, 478-486.—Colombat. Memoire sur la compression et la ligature des arteres profondes, d'apres line nouveUe methode. Rev. med., Par., 1829, iv, 407^114.— Courtin. Memoire sur la ligature des arteres dans les heinorrhagies cons6cutives. Ga'.. med. de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 611; 631. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1848, iii, 96; 250.—Crampton (P.) Account of a new method of operating for the cure of external anemism, with some ob- servations and experiments Ulustiative of the effects of the different methods of procuring the obliteration of arteries. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vii, 341-372.—Cross (J.) A case of amputation, with some experiments and observa- tions on tho securing of arteries with minute silk ligatures. Lond. M. Reposit., 1817, vii, 353-364, 1 pi. — Czerny (V.) Ueber den Gebrauch karbolisirter Darmsaiten zu Gefass- unterbindungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 517- 521.—1>---(J.) Observations on secondary hemorrhage, and on the Ugature of arteries from amputation and other operations. Edinb. M. ScS.J., 1806,ii, 176-179.—Dclattre. Deux ligatures au-dela- de l'ouverture arterieUo. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 403.—Belpech (J.) Observations et reflexions sur la ligature des principales arteres. Inhh: Chir. Clin, de Montpel., 1823, i, 1-145. — Description of Mr. Brenmei's instrument for carrying a ligature round doep-seated^arteries. Med.-Chir. Tr'., Lond., 1825, xiii, 227- 231.— Deville (A.) Description simplifiee des proced6s employees pour trouver les arteres et les mcttre a d6couvert dans Topei-ation de la ligature. Gaz. Par., 1849,3. s., iv,817-8J2. Aho, transl.: Mod.Times&Gaz., Lond..l854,n. s.,ix,490; 518; 540; 589: 1855, n. s., x,55; 157: 180.—Discus- sion sur la ligature, pr6alable des grosses arteres. Bull. Soc. do Par.,1864,2. a.,iv,387-392.— Dix (J.) On the wire .lompress as a substitute for the ligature. Edinb. M.J. ,1864, i Arteries (Ligature of). x, 207-219.—van Docknm (D.) Quaenam mutationes pathological inducuntur arteriis per ligaturam. Ann. Acad. Rheno-Traject., 1835, 1-73.—DudukalotT, Bei".iige zur Kenntniss des Verwachsungspiocesses unterbundeuer Ge- fasse. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1872,150-154.—Ouvall (D. L.) On the Ugature of arteries to prevent inflammation follow- ing wounds of joints. Cincin. J. M., 1866, i, 218- 224.— Earle (H.) On aneurismal needles. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1811, xxv, 32-34.—Esame comparative delle dot- triue deUo Scarpa e del Palasciano sul fatto deU'oblitera- mento deUe arterie, e sul ristabilimento della circolazione neUe parti sottoposte allallaeciatui a. Rendic. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1853, vii, 80-97.—Fielding (G.) On the use of a new substance (silk-worm gut) for securing divided arteries. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc Edinb., 1826, ii, 340-349.— von Fillenbaum. Ueber Arterieuligatur mit carboli- sirten Darmsaiten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 340-343.—Foa (P.) Sulla cosi detta organizzazione del trombo. SpaUanzani, Modena, 1878, vii, 433-435.—Forget. Considerations sur les causes organiques des h6morihagies cons6cutives a la ligature des arteres. Trans, med., Par., 1830, i, 341-354.—Friinkel (W. B.) Ueber Unterbindung der Arterien. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xix, 303- 319.—Gaulticr de Claubry (E.) Nouvel instrument pour la Ugature des arteres, et reflexions. J. g6n. de m6d., chir., et pharm., Par., 1815, liii, 266-269.—van Gesscher (D.) [Over de Hegting der Bloedvaten.] Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1778, ni, 193-273.—Gibbons (T. P.) On the Ugation of arteries. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1857, i, 78.—Gliaghi o porta-lacci dei quali si serve il Prof. Francesco Rizzoli per 1 aUacciatura delle arterie in casi di aneurismi o di ferite; si veggono deUneati neU'an- nessa tavola; aggiunta alio articolo, resecazione del radio sinistro necrosata. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1854, 4. s., i, 17-20.—Grossheim (E.) Beschreibung eines neuen Instrumentes zur Unterbindung griisserer Arterien am Stamm. J. cl. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1826, ix, 328-337, 1 pi.—Hargrave (W.) Suggestions for facUitating the exposure of arteries, and the application of the Ugature. Dublin Mecl. Press, 1853, xxix, 67.—Holt (B.) Five cases of operation in which the vessels were secured by tho wire ligature, and in which both euds were cut short and left in the wound. Lancet, Lond., 1864, ii, 91.—Hoppe. Beschrei- bung der, vonC. v. Graefe modiiicirten, Charriere'schenUn- terbindungs-Pincette. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl , 1839, xxviii, 31H-323.—Howard (B.) Interesting experiments with ligatures. Med. Rec, N. T., 1867, ii, 449-451. -----. Experiments on ligation of arteries. Ibid., 1868, ii, 525.— Hubbard (J. C.) Treatment of divided smaU arteries. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, 1876, i, 298-303.—Hubert (E.) Pinces ou forceps porte-ligature et constricteur. J. d. sc. m6d. de Louvain, 1876, i, 625-632.— Jones (I). C.) Ligature of arteries as a preventive measure in destruc- tive inflammation following wounds of joints and arteries. Kansas City M. J., 1874, iv, 1.—Jorio (G. B.), Olivieri (G.) Sc Grassi (G. A.) Rapporto sulla memoria del dottor Michele ScibeUi: Su di un nuovo ago per l'allaccia- tura dello arterie. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1851, v, 7.—ESuhlius (C. A.) De arteriarum deligationo atque ligatura. In his : Opusc. Acad. Lips., 1842, 1-80, 4 pi.—Lang (E.) Zur Kasuistik der Arterienunterbindun- gen in der Kontinuitat. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1874, xxiv, 660; 679; 729; 770; 792.—Liangenbcck (C. J. M.) Ueber das Auffinden der zu uuterbiudeuden Arterien bey Aneurysmen und Terwundungen der AxiUar-Arterie der Carotis. N. BibUoth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Hannov., 1821-2, iii, 209-301.—Lauer. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Unter- bindung und der Torsion der Arterien. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1844, xiii, 14-17.—Lawrence (W.) New method of tying the arteries in aneurism, amputation, and other surgical operations; with incidental remarks on some collateral points. [15cases.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1819, vi, 156-208: 1820, viii, 488-494.—Lcpinc. Note sur une artere cica- tris6e par premiere intention M6m. Soc. d. sc. ni6d. de Lyon, 1864. iii, 71.—Levert (H. S.) Experiments on the use of metallic ligatures, as applied to arteries. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1829, iv, 17-23.—Lisfranc. Regies gene- rales pour les ligatures d'arteres. Rev. med., Par., 1828, i, 364-390.—List (F. G.) [Vyfde antwoord op de vraag over de hegting der bloedvaten.] Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1778, iii, 417-458.—Lister. Ligature of arteries on the antiseptic system. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 451-455. Aho, Reprint. Also, transl.: Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1869, xxiv, 252; 334.—McSweeny (J.) Experiments in favour of a new substance for tying arteries, and for suture, with practical observations. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1818, xiv, 597-600.—IWalago (P. P.) Nuova maniera di eseguire l'allacciatura temporaria delle arterie ne'easi d'aneurisma esterno. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento, 1826, ii, 154-158. -----. Nuovo strumonto per la legatura delle ar- terie nel caso di dover eseguire l'operazione deU'aneurisma. Ibid., 1828, vi, 263-265. Aho: N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1829. i, 282-285—MalagA Sc Guerra. Descri- zione di un nuovo uucino per eseguire da so solo l'allaccia- tura della arterie, e di una nuova maccTiinetta per compri- merle temporariamente. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento. 1827, iv, 173-175, 1 pi.—Martens (J.) [Over de hegting der ARTERIES. 590 ARTERIES. Arteries (Ligature of). bloedvaten.] Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1778, iii, 1-189.—maunder (C. F.) Cases of ligature of arteries. CUn. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1864, i, 134-137. -----. Cases of Ugature of large arteries; subclavian and carotid; common iliac, and femoral. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 458. -----. On the antiseptic ligature of arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1868, ii, 596. -----. Case of sus- pected innominate aneurysm; ligature of subclavian com- mon carotid arteries. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 93. -----. Lettsomian lectures on the surgery of the arteries. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 39; 293; 499; 531; ii, 1; 43. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1875, i, 138; 333; 411; 450. -----. On the antiseptic method of ligature of arteries in their continuity with catgut. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 239.— Meyer (L.) Beschreibung des Hettling'schen Instrumen- tes zur Losung der Ligatur nach der Unterbindung von Arterien, nebst einem Bericht uber ein gliickUch geheUtes Aneurysma arteriae popUteae. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1837, xxv, 131-137.—Middeldorpf. Die percutane Umstechung der Arterien in der Continuitat, eine neue Methode der Unterbindung. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien., 1862, viii, 499-502.—Mirikiewicza (J.) Oleczeniu niektdrych te.tniak6w za pomoc% niecalkowitej ligatury k fll perdu. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1874, xvii, 33; 53; 65; 81; 97; 120; 134.— Morton (T. G.) Review of the Uga- tions of large arteries at the Pennsylvania Hospital between the years 1835 and 1868, including several hitherto unpub- Ushed cases, and a detailed report of a Ugation of the left internal Uiac artery. [17 cases.] Penn. Hosp. Rep., 1868, 1, 192-218, 2 pi, -----. Ligations of large arteries at the Pennsylvania Hospital between the years 1868 and 1876, with a" table of all the large arteries which have been tied in that institution, including the completed history of a case of ligation of the left internal iliac artery, with re- marks, etc. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1876, n. s., lxxi, 334- 349. —■—. An account of some of the earlier and hitherto unpublished cases of ligations of arteries performed at the Pennsylvania Hospital between 1802 and 1820; with are- vised table of the arteries which have been tied, and the mor- tality following this operation in that institution. Ibid., lxxii, 17-21.—Muller (M.) Unterbindung grosserer Ge- fassstamme bei Nachblutungen nach Schusswunden im Kriege 1870-71. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1873, xv, 725-734.— IVadaud (H.) Deux observations do ligatures d'arteres. Bordeaux m6d., 1877, vi, 99.—Neudorfer (J.) Ueber Unter- bindung der Arterien in der Kontinuitat. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 3S5-388.—IVotta. Observation pour ser- vir k l'histoire de la pathologie du caillot qui se forme dans les arteres k la suite de lour ligature. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s.. iii, 174. -----. Memoire sur la cicatrisation des arteres et sur le procede de Ugature qui expose le moins aux hemorrhagica cons6cutives. [14 observations.] M6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1857, iv, 477-518. -----. Observations relatives aux ligatures des arteres. Rec de mem. de m6d. ... mil., Par., 1827, xxiii, 259-279.—IVotta (A. H.) Recher- ehes sur la cicatrisation des arteres, k la suite do leur liga- ture, sur la production des h6morrhagies arterielles secon- daires et sur leur traitement. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1850,3. s., v, 870: 899; 912. Also: Ann. itom6d. beige, Brux., 1850, iv, 413-430: 1851, i, 122-144: ii, 119-121. — Ogston. On the comparative strength of arteries secured by the methods of ligature, acupressure, and torsion. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 524-526. — Pelechin. Studien iiber den Einfluss der entfernten Unterbindung von Hauptarterienstammen auf die entsprechende Capillar- uud Veuencirculation. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xiv, 417-431. Also: Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869. ix, 40: 72.—Percy Sc Lau- rent. Ligature, Diet. d. sc. m6d.. Par., 1818, xxviii, 180- 249.—Pertusio (G.) Modiflcazione alia pratica deU'allao- ciatura circolare delle arterie. Gior. d. sci. mod., Torino, 1847, xxviU, 277; 405.—Petrequin. Nota su due nuovi processi operativi per la ligatura deU'arteria ascellare, ischi- atica e pudenda interna. Gazz. med., Milano, 1845, iv, 421.__ Piernas (J.) Experiments with the ligature on animals. N. Orl. M. &S. J., 1851-2,viii,481.—Picstch. Lettre sur la n6cessite d'employcr la ligature pour arreter l'h6morrhagie dans les extr6mit6s des arteres de l'avant-bras. J. do m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1772, xxxvii, 71-75. —Pigeaux! Considerations historiques sur la ligature des arteres mise en paralieie avec les premiers proc6de.s hemostatiques em- Idoy6s pour arreter les h6morrhagies des gros vaisseaux dans es amputations. J. d. conn, med.-chir.. Par., 1834-5, ii. 147- 150.—Pollock (A. M.) The wire loop; i substitute for the ligature, and its use in the treatment of aneurism. N. York M. J., 1869, ix, 356-365.—Porta (L.) Delle altera- zioni patologiche delle arterie per la legatura e la torsione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1846,3. s., ix, 110-143.—Portal. On applying ligatures to arteries, with a history of two cases. Boston M. & S. J.. 1839, xx, 405-411, pis.—Prevost (J. L.) Description of an instrument for passing liga- tures round deep seated arteries, used in physiological experiments. Edinb. M. &S. J., 1824, xxi, 312.—Raab'(F.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Narbe im Blutgefass nach der Unterbindung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxui, 156-201, 2 pi. -----. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ana- tomischen Vorgange nach Unterbindung der Blutgefasse I Arteries (Ligature of). beim Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxv, 451-471, 2 pi.—Babe (L.) Zur Unterbindung der grossen Gefassstamme in der Continuitat bei Erkrankungen und Verletzungen der nnteren Extremitaten, mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Ligatur unter dem Poupart'schen Band. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1875, v, 140-280 — Bicchi (T.) Storie relative ad alcune allacciature d'arte- rie. SpaUanzani, Modena. 1877, xv, 96-107; 156-165.—Bich- ter (A. C.) GeschichtUche Notiz zur Lehre von der mit- telbaren Ligatur dor Arterien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 18C*, in, 422!—Biedel (B.) Die Entwickelung der Narbe im Blutgefasse nach der Unterbindung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1876, vi, 459-473, 1 pi.—Bogers (D. L.) A memoir on the utUity of tying large arteries in prevent- ing inflammation in wounds" of the principal joints, and im- Sortant surgical operations, illustrated by cases. N. York I. & Phys. J., 1824, Ui,453-465. Aho, inhh: Surg Essays Sc Cases in Surg., N. Y., 1850, 72-89— Bogers (S.) Inno- cuous loose wire ligatures in aneurism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869, iv, 91-93.—Boser (W.) Zur Lehre von der Umste- chung der Arterien. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz.,1860, i, 86-88.— Saleini (J.) On the best modo of applying the ligature to arteries in cases of aneurism. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1853, i, 279-289.—Sawyer (E. W.) Concerning the causo of gangrene foUowing tho Ugature of large arte- ries of the lower extremity. BostonM. & S.J.,1874, xci, 250- 252.—Scarpa. Lettere al prof. Vacca-Berlinghieri, sulla legatura delle grosse arterie degU arti. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1819, xn, 311-348. -----. Sulla legatura tempora- ria delle grosse arterie degli arti. Lett, al dott. Omodei. Ibid., 1823, xxv, 442-451. -----. Also, transl.: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1823, U, 82; 245. -----. Lettre sur la liga- ture temporaire des grosses arteres des articulations. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1823, xi, 22-28. -----. Perche la legatura temporaria deUa grossa arteria di nn arto, onde ottenere la cura radicativa deU'aneurisma, sia stata riguardata talvolta siccome mancante di effetto. [3 obs.] Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1830, Uii, 90-108.-----. Aho, transl.: CUnique, Par., 1830, ni, 19-21.—Schoema- ker (A. H.) MededeeUng over slagader-onderbinding met zUverdraad. Nederl. Tydschr v. Geneesk., Amst., 1862, vi, 645-649.—Scibelli (M.) Nuovo instruments) e modo d'adoprarlo neU'aUacciatura delle arterie. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU, 1850, iv, 131-135. [See, aho, Jorio.] —Scoutetten. De la multiplicite des ligatures d'arteres, ou experiences servant a d6montrer qu'on peut Uer tous les gros vaisseaux arteriels sans occasionner la mort. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1827, xiii, 505-517.— Sedillot. De la section des arteres dans 1'intervaUe de deux ligatures, comme methode g6nerale do traitement des hemorrhagies. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1850, x, 181-186.— Senftleben. Ueber den Verschluss der Blutgefasse nach der Unterbindung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxvii, 421-454, 2 pi.—Skey. Ligature of arteries. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1854, vui, 157.—Smith (N. R.) De- scription of an instrument for seizing wounded arteries, in the application of the ligature. Bait. Month. J. M. &. S., 1830, l, 23-24, 1 pi. -----. A substitute for the ligature. Brit.M. J., Lonel., 1868, i. 241.—Sonnenburg (E.) Einige Bemerkungen, betreffend dio Herstcllung des Collateral- kreislaufes nach Unterbindungen der Arterien in der Con- tinuitat. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1876, iii, 689-691.— Spence (J.) General remarks, on some points connected with the ligature of arteries. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iii, 500-505.—Stedman (G. W.) A descrip- tion of a new instrument for tying arteries without the aui of an assistant, invented by L. Jacobson of Copenhagen. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1824, xxi, 313-315, 2 pi.—Stevens (A. H.) Remarks on ligatures for arteries. Med. Sc Surg. Reg., N. Y., 1818, i, 61-64.—Storrs (M.) The Ugature as a has- niostatic Proc. Connect. M. Soc, N. Haven, 1868-71, 2. s., iii, 328-345.—Tait. Letter on Ugature. acupressure and torsion. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i, 095.—Tilanus (C. B.) Aanmerkingen over de onderbinding der slagaderen, ter bestrijding van dor/elver gezwellen, aan do tege noverges- telde zijdevan het hart. N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. to Amst.. 1836, v, 22-56.—Torri -il4.—Voillemicr. Rapport snr un travaU dc Aposto- Udes; nonveUe methode pour la ligature des arteres. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1854, v, 109-112.—Wach ter (G. H.) Over het onderhinden der adcren en slagaderen van de zaadstreng bij hot wegnemen van ten of beide ballen. Hip- pocrates, Rotterd., 1814, i, 303-345— Walter (P. U.) Un- tersuchungen iiber die temporare Unter bindung der Arte- rien beim Ancuivsma. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xvi, 355-451.—Weinlcchncr. Die Unterbindungen der Arterien in ihrer Continuitat, vorgenommen wegen Aneu- rysmen, Blutungen etc. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1864, x, 165; 186; 227; 322; 475; 494; 579; 667; 704; 771; 799; 951; 987; 999.—Wright (D. F.) The therapeutic ef- fects of the Ugation of large arteries. Cincin. J. M., 1866, i. 269-275. Aho: Richmond M. J., 1866, i, 305-313—van Wy (G. J.) [Over de hegting der bloedvaten.] Handel. v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst., 1778, iii, 277-385. Arteries (Murmurs in). See Bloodvessels (Murmurs in). Arteries (Nerves of). See, also, Nervous system ( Vaso-motor). Berckelmaxx (M. L. R.) *De nervorum in arterias imperio. 4°. Gottingce, 1744. Luc^e (S. C.) Quaedam observationes anato- mica circa nervos arterias adeuntes et comitantes. Adnexae sunt annotationes circa telam cellulosam. 4°. Francofurti ad M., 1810. Colin (G.) Snr la sensibUite des arteres visceralea. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1862, xxxv, 443.—Fanssett (W.) Some remarks upon the direct influence of nerves upon arteries, chieflv in reference to then- regular or irregular pulsations. Lond.'M.Gaz., 1838, n. s.,U,664-6C9.—Goltz (F.) & Freus- berg (A.) Ueber gefasserweiternde Ncrven. Arch. f. d. fes. Physiol., Bonn., 1&74, ix, 174-197.—Hafiz (M.) Ueber ie motorischen Nerven der Arterien, welch innerhalb der qnergestreiften Muskeln verlaufen. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz., Ib71, v, 95-112.—Home (E.) On the in- fluence of the nerves upon the action of the arteries. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1814, 583-586.—Lister (J.) An inquiry regard- ing the parts of the nervous system which regulate the contractions of the arteries. Ibid., 1858, cxlviu, 607-625.— Loven (C.) Ueber die Erweiternng von Arterien in Folge einer Nervenerregung. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz., 1866. 1-26, 1 pi. Aho, transl.: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1866, xxviU, 425-448, 1 pi. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1867, iii, 609: iv, 14; 27; 56.—Luchsinger (B.) Fortgesetzte Versuche zur Lehre von der Innervation der Gefasse. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xiv, 391-394. Arteries (Obliteration of). See, also, Arteries (Diseases of—Ligature of— Torsion of); Embolism; Gangrene. Junghaxxs (G. E.) *De obliteratione arte- riarum, adjeeto hujus modi casu novo, ad arte- riam bratlnalem pertinente. 8°. Lipsice, \*b'3. Ludwig (G.) *De arteriarum obliteratione. 8°. Lipsice, 1854. Payraud (A.-P.-M.) * Des causes des oblitera- tions artdrielles. 4°. Paris, 1857. Phillips (B.) A series of experiments per- formed for the purpose of shewing that arteries may be obliterated without ligature, compres- sion, or the knife. 8°. London, 1832. DE Euiter (J. C.) * Continens quaedam de ob- turatione arteriarum, casu praemisso. 8°. Am- stelodami, 1855. Sabourln (P. A.) 'Considerations sur la clau- dication intermittente par obliteration artdrielle. 4°. Paris, 1873. Ashhnrst (J. jr.) On some symptoms which foUow sudden arrest of the circulation in the main artery of a Umb [hyperaesthesia and increased temperature]. Proc Path. Soc. PhUa., 1871, Ui, 31-32.—Broca. Modifications de temperature qui se presentent dans un membre dont une artere est obUteree. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 632-635.—Hallopean (H.) Sur deux faits d'obUtera- tion arterieUe; disparition rapide des accidents; gudrison. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 323-330.— Hodgkin (T.) On the closure of arteries at their origin, and on some morbid changes of the heart. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xii, 409; 568.—Kussmaul (A.) Zwei FaUe von spontaner aUmaUger VerschUessung grosser Halsarterienstamme. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1872, xxiv, 461: 473.—Legrand. ObUteration de l'artere pulmonaire et des arteres du membre inferieur du c6te droit. Bull. Arteries (Obliteration of). Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 235-240--Moore (C. H.) Obstruction of arteries. Syst. Surg. (IIu]uic;-i). z. i-d.. X. Y., 1870, Ui, 393-409.—Jloos. Ueber seltenere Arterienver- stopfungen. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1865-8, iv, 121-123.—Ogle (J. W.) Case of arrest of the circulation in aU the main arterial branches of both arms and legs; separation of the last phalanx of two of the fin- gers, foUowing ulceration of the fleshy parts of aU the fin- gers, and loss of the nails. Tr. Path."Soc. Lond., 1864. xv, 65-69. — Rouge, f Un fait ou. le prof. Broca avait dia- gnostiqu6 lo siege de l'obUt6ration arterieUe par 1'appU- cation du thermometre.] BuU. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1809, Ui, 11/7-199. —Savory (W. S.) Case of a young woman in whom the main arteries of both upper extremities and of tho left side of the neck were throughout completely obUterated. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1856, xxxix, 205-219.—Strambio. (G.) Cenni su alcuni esperimenti istituiti dai dottori ResteUi, Tizzoni, Quaglino e Strambio, diretti ad ottenere nei bruti la forma- zione di grumi otturanti lo arterie per mezzo deU'ago- pnntura elettrica. Gazz. med. di Milano, 184G, v, 258- 269, 1 tav.—Stranibio, Quaglino, Tizzoni, & Re- steUi. Sperimenti sui bruti instituiti alio scopo di ottenere, per mezzo deUa galvano-ago-puntura, un grumo capace di obliterare le arterie e le vene. Ibid., 1847, vi, 277; 289; 301, 1 tav.—Turner (J. W.) On the sudden spontaneous ob- struction of the canals of the larger arteries of the body, with some observations on the process employed by nature to prevent or arrest haemorrhage from lacerated arteries. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1828, iii, 105-172, 2 pi.—Vir- chow (R.) Zur Geschichte der Lehre von der Arterien- verstopfung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853, vi, 583.—Yelloly (J.) Case of preternatural growth in the lining membrane covering the trunks of the vessels, pro- ceeding from the arch of the aorta. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 565-569, 1 pi. Arteries (Syphilis of). See Arteries (Inflammation of). Arteries (Torsion of). See, also, Acupressure; Amputation (Me- thods of); Arteries (Ligature of). Bamberger (B. B.) * De variis torsionis arte- riarum methodis. 8C. Berolini, 1833. Brockmuller (T.) * De arteriarum torsione. 4°. Bonnee, 1833. Deviexxe (E\ A.) *I. De la torsion des ar- teres. II. [etc.] 8°. Paris, 1843. de Dietrichs (M.) * De torsione arteriarum. b=. Dorpat, 1836. Dupuich (C. L. J.) * Essai sur les moyens he"- mostatiques en gene"rale que l'on emploie dans les h6morrhagies traumatiques primitives, et sur la torsion des arteres en particulier. 4^. Paris, 1830. Elstek (J. F. A.) Commentatio de arteriarum torsione. 4°. Gottinga;, [1832], Goxzalez de Torres (8.-A.-B.) *De la tor- sion des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1831. Leclerc (J.-B.-N.) *Diss. sur la torsion des vaisseaux arteriels, employee comme he"mostati- que. 4°. Paris, 1831. McDoxxell (E.) On the torsion of blood-ves- sels. 8°. New York, lb74. Magox (L.) * De la torsion des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1*7 b. Schrader (C. A. C.) * De torsione arteriarum. 8°. Berolini, [1*30]. Thierry fils (A.) De la torsion des arteres. 8y Paris, 1829. [In: P., v. 457.] Uxgar (H.) * De torsione et implicatione arte- riarum. 4°. Banna;, [1836]. [Arrest of haemorrhage bv torsion.] Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, U, 338-340.—Rcdor. Torsion des arteres et d'une veine crurale dans deux amputations de cuisse; succes complete de ce moyen hemostatique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831, v, 57. -----. Torsion des arteres avec la pince de M. Amussat. J. univ. et hebd. de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1831, U, 82. -----. Observations et rfiflexions sur la torsion des arteres. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1832, vi, 46; 65.— Royer (L.) Hopital Beaujon. Observations sur la tor sion des arteres, recueUUes dans le service de M. Blandin. J. hebd. d. prog. d. sc. et inst. med., Par., 1835, U, 225-L'45.— Bryant (T.) On the torsion of arteries. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1868, U, 199--. 30, 3 pi. Aho: Proc Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1868, vi, 95-99. -----. On the torsion of arte- ries ; a description of some models, made to illustrate the AETERIES. 592 ARTEEIES. Arteries (Torsion of). effects of torsion. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1870, 3. s., xv, 285-293, 1 pi.—Rnet. Nouveaux faits sur la torsion des arteres et sur lo refoulcment de leurs membranes. J. compl. de diet. d. sc med., Par., 1831, xU, 282-288. -----. Do la torsion des arteres. Ibid., xxxix, 113-126. — Cian- ciosi (A.) SuUa torsione e tensione forzata deUe arterie. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1876, xxxix, 236-244.—Clot-Bey. Torsion des arteres pratiquee avec succes dans une amputa- tion de la jambe. Rov. m6d. franc}, et etrang., Par., 1833, iv, 195. — Colles (W.) On torsion. Irish Hosp. Gaz., 1873, i, 22.—Costello (W. B.) On the torsion of arteries. Lan- cet, Lond., 1834, i, 889-892.-----. Torsion of arteries. Ibid., ii, 256. -----. Torsion of arteries successfully performed. Lond. M. & S. J., 1834, v, 436.—Delpech. De la torsion des arteres. Rev. m6d., Par., 1831, iv, 62-89.—Discussion du memoire de M. TUlaux sur la torsion des arteres. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., U, 277-281. Fors- ter. Cases in which torsion has been employed. Tr. Chn. Soc. Lond., 1870, iii, 55-60.—Fourcadc. Observations et reflexions sur la torsion des artercs. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1832, vi, 400-412. —Fricke. Ueber dio Torsion. Mag. f. cl. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xxxii, 468-475.—von «rafe(C. F.) Gefass-Torsion. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xx, 48.—Graefe (E.) Beschrei- bung der Koch'schen Pinzette zur Geiasstorsion. Ibid., 1837, xxvi, 496-505. — Hewson (A.) Torsion forceps. PhUa. M. Times, 1870, i, 22.—Hill (J. D.) On the torsion of arteries as a haemostatic method. Lancet, Lond., 1870, U, 629-631.—Honi*ch. Historischer Nachwcis fiir das hohe Alter der Arterien-Torsion. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 125.—Humphrey (G. M.) CUnical lecture on torsion of arteries. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 502. -----. On torsion of arteries; with an account of some experi- ments. Ibid., 1869, i, 5; 24.—Jobert (de LarabaUe). Tor- sion des artferes. J. univ. et hebd. de m6d. et do chir. prat., Par., 1831, v, 341-343.—Leonard (C.) Two cases of amputation; haemorrhage arrested by torsion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 49.—Lorch. Beobachtungen uber die Tor- sion der Arterien nach Delpech und.Iobert. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxxvii, 565-573. — lTI'Ooniicll (R.) Torsion of arteries. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1876, i, 153- 155.—IQcKinnoii (K.) The arrest of haemorrhage by tor- sion and transfixion. Med. &. Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1869, xx, 399.-----. Torsion and transfixion. N. Oil. J. M., 1869, xxii, 271.—New (A) torsion forceps. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 267.—Ott(F. A.) Ueber die Torsion der Arterien. Zt- schr. d. prakt. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Munchen, 1831-2, i, 358-364.—Pcgot. Observations et r6flexions sur la tor- sion des artferos. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1831, v, 229-245. — Petit (A.) Torsion des arteres. Ibid., 338-341.—Reports from the metropolitan hospitals on the use of torsion in surgical operations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 47.—Robertson (W. C.) Torsion of arteries. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, vi, 305.—Sims (H. L.) Torsion of ar- teries. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1874-5, xii, 337-340.—Swain. Torsion of arteries and use of carbolic acid. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, i, 164.—Syme (J.) On torsion, Ugature, and acupressure. Lancet, Lond., 1865, i, 333.—Textor. Einige Worte iiber die Nachtheile, welche Professor Delpech beym Drehen der Arterien (Torsio arteriai-um) beobachtet hat. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1832. iii, 254-256. — Tillaux. De la torsion des arteres. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 231-239. Also: Moniteur. J. d. med., etc., Par., 1876, i, 70-72. Aho: Tribune mud., Par., 1876, ix,218.— Torsion (Ueber die). Ann. d\ chir. Abth. d. aUg. Kran- kenh. in Hamb., 1833, ii, 150-187,1 pi.—Torsion of arteries after amputation of the leg. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 274.—Ullersperger (J. B.) GeschichtUche Be- richtigungen iiber Torsio arteriarum. BI. f. Heilwissensch., Miinchen, 1873, iv, 17-19. — [Velpeau.] Amputation k lambeaux do la cuisse droite, pour une tumeur blanche du genou; torsion des arteres; point d'accident hemorrha- fique; mort 13 jours apr6s l'operation; vastes fus6es de pus ans lc membre; depots purulents dans les poumons, etc. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1830, viii, 403-406. — Velpeau (A.) Remarques sur le f roissement, le ren versement, la torsion des arteres et leur fermeture au moyen d'un corps 6tranger. J. univ. et hebd. do med. et do chir.-prat., Par., 1830, i, 488- 505.—Weber (G. C. E.) A new method of arresting he- morrhage. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1875, x, 305-310. Also, Re- Erint.—ITouatt (W.) On the torsion of arteries to arrest ajmorrhage in veterinary operations. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii, 386. Arteries (Ulceration of). See Abscess connected with bloodvessels; Arte- ries (Diseases of). Arteries (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Aneurism; Aneurism (False and traumatic); Aneurism by anastomosis; Haemor- rhage (Surgical and traumatic): and under the seve- ral arteries. Adamkiewicz (A.) *Die mechanischen Blut- Artcries (Wounds and injuries of). stillungsmittel bei verletzten Arterien, von Pard bis aui die neuste Zeit. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Adler (J. A.) * Ueber die Gefahr und Letha- litiit der Verletzungen der Blutgefasse. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1857. AUo, in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1872, xiv, 95; 313; 453. Amussat (J. Z.) Eecherches experimentales sur les blessures des arteres et des veines. 8°. Paris, 1843. Bachmann (T.) * Zur Casuistik traumatischer Arterien verletzungen und Aneurysmen. 8°. Jena, 1868. Belhomme (E.) * Essai snr le traitement des hdmorrhagies artdrielles de la main et de la partie infdrieure de l'avant-bras. 4°. Paris, 1875. Bimbenet (G. P.) *De la rupture interne ou uncomplete des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1877. Bonneau (J.-C.) * Quelques considdrations sur les causes et le traitement des hdmorrhagies ar- tdrielles dans les plaies par les armes a feu mo- derues. 4°. Paris, 1872. Breton (J.) * Considdrations sur les hdmor- rhagies artdrielles et leur traitement. 4°. Mont- pelUer, 1866. Cadier (A.) * Quelques considdrations sur les blessures d'arteres. 4°. Paris, 1866. Chauvet (A.-F.-L.) * Des blessures de guerre intdressant les arteres du cou. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860. Decaye (P. C.) *Des plaies artdrielles par dcrasement sans ldsions des tdguments. 4°. Paris, 1879. Ebel (T.) De natura medicatrice, sic ubi ar- teriae vulneratye et ligatae fuerint. .Giessos, 1826. Ekenstedt (C.) De vulneribus arteriarum in genere. 12°. Havnice, 1787. Guenault (A. N.) & vandenesse(U.) Quaes- tio medico-chirurgica an vulnerata crurali arteria ab amputatione auspicandum? In: Haller, Disp. chir., v, 153. Guillou (C.) * Eecherches sur le traitement des hdmorrhagies artdrielles. 4°. Paris, 1875. Herment (J.) & Le Eoy (P.) Quaestio medi- co-chirurgica, utrum in arteriarum vulneribus tutum haemorrhagiae sistendae auxillium, fungus maxinius, rotundus, pulverulentes Johannis Bauhini ? In: Haller, Disp., chir., v, 182: Hodgson (J.) A treatise on the diseases of arteries and veins, containing the pathology and treatment of aneurisms and wounded arteries. 8°. London, 1815. Jones (J. F. D.) *De arteriae sectae consecu- tionibus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1803. Kirkland (T.) An essay on the methods of suppressing haemorrhages from divided arteries. 8°. London, 1763. Krysingius (G.) * De vulneribus arteriarum in artubus saepe funestis, raro lethalibus. 4°. Eilice, 1728. Launay (G. J.) * Essai sur les blessures des arteres, et sur les moyens employds par la nature et par l'art pour leur gudrison. 4°. Paris, 1816. Le Guerin (J. M.) * Plaies des arteres de l'avant-bras et de la paume de la main. 4°. Paris, 1864. Lemaire (A. H. E.) "Des ldsions du systeme artdriel pdripherique. 4°. Paris, 1864. Martin ((Jr.) * £tude sur les plaies artdrielles de la main et de la partie iufdrieure de l'avant- bras. 4U. Paris, 1870. Also, in: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1871, xUv, 6. Mayer (A. F. J. C.) Disquisitio de arteriarum regeneratione. 4°. Bounce, 1823. DE Mercey (A. B.) Des ldsions traumatiques des vaisseaux rdtro-pelviens. 8°. Paris, 1869. AETERIES. 593 AETERIES. Arteries (Wounds and injuries of). Merkl (J. G.) * De vulnero cum hyemorrha- gia arteriosa complicato. 4°. Monachii, 1826. Moore (C. H.) Wounds of blood-vessels. In: Holmes's Syst. Surg., 1872, 2. s., i, 712-763, 1 pi. Pireyre (G. M. A. E.) * Hdmorrhagies artd- rielles traumatiques de l'avaut-bras ot de la main. 4°. Paris, 1863. Porta (L.) Delle ferite dello arterie. 4°. Mi- lano, 1852. -----. Dello strappamento incruento delle grandi arterie. 4C. Milano, 1870. Schultz (N.) * Ueber die Vernarbung von Arterien nach Unterbindungen und Verwundun- gen. 8°. Leipzig, 1877. Aho, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, ix, 84-121, 3 pi. Vilardebo (T.-M.-S.) * Essai sur les moyens que la chirurgie oppose aux hdmorrhagies artd- rielles traumatiques primitives. 4°. Paris, 1830. Vincent (H.-J.) * Des effets immddiats des blessures des vaisseaux sanguins. 4°. Paris, 1848. "Wille (C.) * Sistens casum arteriae laesae atque sequelarum ex applicatione tornaculi nimis prolongata exortarum cum epicrisi. 4°. Jence, [1829]. von Adelmann (G.) Memoire sur la flexion forc6e et permanente des membres comme moyen d'arreter les bemorrhagies traumatiques. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1868, 3. a., ii, 948-980. Rapport de M. Verhae- ghe, 665-670. -----. Die Beugung der Extremitaten als BlutstiUungsmittcl; Nachtriige und Berichtigung. Arch. f. Idin. Chir., Berl., 1874, xvi, 588-601. —Amussat. Con- siderations nouveUes sur les 6panchements dc sang et les tumeurs sanguines qui se ferment aprfes la blessure des ar- teres. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1843, i, 65-69. -----. Blessures des vaisseaux sanguines. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1840, xxxv,. 210-212. — Barbies (C.) Dc la valeur do la compression dans les plaies arterieUes, d'apres plusieurs observations recueiUies dnns lo service de M. Petrequin. [Rap. de M. Burggraeve.] BuU. Soc. de m6d. de Gand., 1843, ix, 144-156. -----. Memoire sur la valeur de la com- pression dans les plaies arterieUes. Ann. Soc. do m6d. de Gand., 1844, xiv, 3.—Baudens. Des lesions traumatiques arterielles. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1850,3. s., ii, 109-111.—Bax- ter (J.) Remarks ou the obliteration of wounded arteries. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1823, vi, 289-294.—Bee lard (P. A.) Recherehes et experiences sur les blessures des arteres. Mem. Soc. med. d'emulat., Par., 1817, viii, pt. 2, 569-603.—Berger (P.) Contusions et plaies contuses des artercs. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 401-466. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 932.—Blandin. Considera- tions sur le traitement des plaies arterieUes cons6cutivcs k l'operation de la saignee. J. de med. ct chir. prat., Par., 1843, xiv, 26-29.—Boinet. Compression digitale directe, indirecte et intermittente dans les hemorrhagica trauma- tiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xlii, 361; 382.—Bonua- font. Trois observations tendant k demontrer la propri- 6t6 dont jouiraient les troncs arteriels de resister, mieux que les cornlons neiveux, k Taction directe des projectUes sphfiriques. Rec. dc mem. de med.. . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvi, 132-136. — Bostetter. Quelques observations de blessures arterieUes trait6es par la ligature directo. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1875, xxxiv, 37-40.—Bourriennc. Ob- servations et reflexions sur les divisions des artferes inter- osseuses, par les instrumens tranchans. J. de m6d. mil., Par., 1788, vii, 277-290.—Breschet. Dechirement des ar- teres. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1814, viii, 123-135.— Bryant (T.) On the diseases and injuries of the organs of circula- tion. [10 cases.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1860, 3. 8., vi, 46-57.—Butcher (R. G. H.) On wounds of arteries, and their treatment. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xviii, 1-24.— Byrd (W. A.) On the surgical modes of arresting arte- rial hemorrhage. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1873, ix, 193-205.— Charnaux. Observation sur l'ouverture d'une art6re, gufirie sans ligature. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1775, xliv, 278-282.—Chuquet. Deux cas de plaies arte- rielles par 6crasement. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 590.— Comte. Observations sur un nouveau moyen de renie- dier aux plaies des art6res. Hist. Soc. roy. de m6d., Par., 1776, 302-305.—Cooper (B. B.) On tie circumstances which influence the treatment of wounds in arteries, and traumatic aneurism. Guy's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1853, 2. s., viii, 195-231.—Cras. Plaies d'arteres. Bull, ct m6m. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1875, n. s., i, 671-673.—Crawford (C. K.) Two cases of wounded artery in venesection cured by compression. Edinb. M. - Uteration of the axillary artery. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1842, iv. 51.—Thomson (A.) Spontaneous obUterationt)f both axillary arteries. Glasgow M. J., 1867, 3. s., U, 113. Artery (Axillary, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms (Innominate, Subclavian). Aronssohn. Observation de Ugature de l'artere axil- laire alasuited'uncoupdecorne. de Mexico, 1865, i, 337.—Baxley (J. B.) Ligation of the axillary artery. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1866-7, 3. s., i, 560.—Billon. Observation d'un coup cie feu au bras droit; ligature de l'ar- tere axillaire: guerison. Gaz. d. hop.. Par.. I860, xxxni, 194.—Brinton (J. H.) Ligation of the axiUary artery in the first portion of its course ; death from hemorrhage at separation of ligature. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., Ui. 101-104.—Catanoso (X.) Cas remarquable de blessure axiUaire : ligature de l'artere axiUaire au-dessous de la cla- vicule: guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1838. xU, 162. Aho: Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1?43, vii, 20-32.— Feniee (S.) DeUa hgatura deU'arteria asceUare lnngo U margine inferiore del musculo gran pettorale. Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1863, xi, 65-6S— Centilhomme (A.) Bles- sure de l'artere bumerale; hemorrhagies consecutives; Uga- ture de l'axUlaire: guerison. Union med. et scient. du nord- est., Reims. 1877, i. 325-330.— Ouazzaroni (F.) AUacci- atura deU'arteria subasccllare per ferita prodotta da una falce dn mietere. RaccogUtore med., Forli, 1873, xxiii, 342- 344.—Humphrey (O. M.) Remarks on axUlary and sub- clavian Ugations [ivith cases]. Am. M. Times, X. T., 1864, viii, 161.—Josqninet. t Arch, dc med. mil., Brux., 1849, ui. 304-307.— Kouigsfeld. Amputatio brachii mit nach- tragUeh not! iiger LTnterbindung der Arteria axillaris. Med. Ztg.. Berl., 1840, ix, 103— Laugier. Plaie de l'artere axiUaire gauche : ligature de cette artere au-dessus du mus- cle petit pectoral, preamble a ceUe des deux bouts, le supe- rieur et rinfericur. BuU. Acad, demed., Par.. 1840, v, 510.— Kiesaing. Obseivatiou sur un anevrysme faux consecu- tif, determine par la piijiire d'une lancette. et pris pour un abces; ligature de l'artere axUlaire ; guerison. Ann. de la med. physiol.. Par., 1831. xix. 282-292.—.Ligation of the axiUary'artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 86.—Mau- noir (C. T., jr.) Observation sur une blessure de l'artere axillaire gauche, guerie par la Ugature et la section de l'artere. Ann. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel.. 1808, xi, 286-304.—Monteath (G. C.) Anatomico-chirnrgical re- marks on the different portions of the axUlary artery, with a case in which this vessel was successfnllv tied. Glasgow M. J.. 1828. i, 4-17.—Passamonti (F.) Allacciatura deU' arteria asceUare sinistra aUa sua origine sotto la clavicola eseguita. Ippocratico, Fano. 1867. 3. s., xi, 2tJ9-274.—Po- korny (C.) Unterbindung der Aiteria axUlaris in der linken Achselhohle. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1866, xi, 398- 400.—Rcichc (J. F.) Waarneming eener onderbincUng dei- arteria axillaris metbehond des arms. Pract. Tildschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem. 1822. i. 149-150.—Spence (J.) Case, of ligature of the axiUary artery for hemorrhage re- sulting from a burn of the arm. Mouth. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1848, viii. 587-590.—Taylor (J. M.) t For trau- matic aneurism. Army M. Dep. Rep.. Lond., 1863, v, 544.— Tripier (L.) [Brachiale.] Medecine operatoire. Diet. encycl. cl. sc. med., Par., 1869, x, 447-449. — Wagner. Schusswunde durch die AchselhShle; Blutung ausder Art. axillaris am neunten Tage; Unterbindung de~ Arterie; Tod. Deutsche KUnik Berl., 1851, Ui, 99.—Willctt (A.) Ligature of the axUlary artery thirteen days after primary amputation of the arm for secondary haemorrhage; death on tbe same day. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865, i, 159. Artery (Axillary, Rupture of). See Shoulder-joint (Dislocations of, Ancient— Dislocations of, Complications and sequelce of ). Artery (Axillary, Wounds of). Sec. also. Aneurisms (Axillary); Artery (Sub- elarian, Ligature of). Debaig (F.) *Des tumeurs aneVrismales et des lesions de l'artere axillaire. 4°. Paris, 1812. Freschard (E.) * Contribution au traitemeut des plaies de l'artere axillaire. 4G. Paris, 1^76. Adams. Wound of the axUlary artery and median nerve. Lancet, Lond.. 1859, i, 630.—Arzt. [Case of wound of axiUary artery by point of broken bone from com- pound fracture of humerus; amputation at the shoulder.] Artery (Axillary, Wounds of). Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1849, i, 48.—Baudens. Coup de sabre dans le creux axUlaire; division de l'artere de ce nom et des nerfs median, cubital cutan6s interne et ex- terne ; torsion des bouts superieur et inferieur de l'artere, phenomfenes remarquables de physiologie pathologique; mort survenue le huitifeme jour. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1836, x, 458.—Bedford. Case of wounded axillary artery, tied in the second part of its course. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1852. n. s., iv, 83.—Bell (J.) Wound of axillary artery, aneurism; operation: cure. Edinb. M. J., 1878-9, xxiv, 794-796.—Butcher (R. G.) Laceration of the axiUary artery, with rapid formation of an enormous bloody tumour flUing up the arm-pit, and extending over the greater part of the right wall of the chest, whUe the corresponding part of the bony case was depressed considerably, owing to its fourth and fifth ribs being broken, together with fracture through the body of the scapula: recovery. DubUn J. M. Sc. 1874, lviii. 375-382. 1 pi.—Calthrop (W. C.) Case of spontaneous closure of the axiUary artery after division by a gunshot wound; recovery. Lancet,Lond.,1863, U, 155-158. Aho, Reprint.—t'araza'(K.) Herida de la arteria axilar hecha por instrument*) cortante y pnnzante. Anal. Asoc Larrey, Mexico, 1875, i, 81-83.—Cherry (A. H.) Supposed wounil of axiUary artery. Med. Timea, Lond., 1846, xiii, 521.— Cooper (B. B.) [Laceration of the axUlary arterv; ampu- tation.] Med. Q. Rev., Lond., 1833, i, 170-174.—Hilton Sc Callaway. Wound of the axillary artery; spontane- ous recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1855, ii, 197.—Hitchcock (H. O.) Gunshot wound; axillary artery severed; exces sive hasmorrhage; gangrene of arm; recovery. Med. In- dep., Detroit, 1858, Ui, 641-644.—Holmes (T.) Laceration of the two internal coats of the axillary artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861, xn, 168.—Howse (H.*G.) Ruptured axU- lary artery, with formation of true bone caUus at the site of rupture. Ibid., 1877. xxviii, 90-94, 1 pi.—Hubbard (T.) Wound of the axillary arterv. X. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1815, iv, 211-213.—Leroy. Observation de piqure de l'artere axUlaire par une aiguiUe, chez un enfant de 2 ans | 9mois: tumeur anevrismale; hemorrhagies abondantes et rtipetees; mort. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., I860, 2. s., ii, 900-902.—Phillips (H. J.) Wound of axiUary artery by a musket-ball; death from hemorrhage eleven days afterward. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1866, xiv, 125.—Ransom (W. C.) Fatal hemorrhage from slough- ing of axiUary artery. Indiana J. M., Indianap., 1871-2, U, 213.—Sander. Obergutachten iiber eine Verletzung der Achselschlagader. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freiburg, 1845, x, 743-745. — Scratchley (E.) Case of wound of the axiUary artery. Prov. M. 65, xii, 491.—Sedillot. Nouveau pre- cede pour la ligature de l'artere carotide primitive. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par. (1829, 2. ed.), 1846, iv, 12-23. -----. Bles- sure de l'artere carotide externe droite : hemorrhagies suc- cessives ; tentative infructueuse de ligature dc la carotide primitive, le cinquieme jour; continuation des hemorrha- gies ; ligature immediate dn tronc carotidien lo treizieme jour; hemiplegie complete du cote gauche ; paralysie do la face et des nerfs des sens du cote droit; resorption puru- lente ; mort lo vingt-troisieme jour de l'accident et le dixi- 6me de l'op6ratiou. Gaz. med. de Par., 1842, 2. 8., x, 567- 571. Aho: Ann. demed. beige, Brux., 1842, Ui, 257-263.— Simmons (G. L.) Ligation of the left common carotid artery; recovery. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1864, vii, 20. — Sisco (G.) Legatura deU'arteria carotide sinistra neU'aneuiisma spuria secundaria. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano,1829, Ui.362-365.—Sklifasovskii (N.) Arte- rialno-venoznaya anevrizma. perevyazka obshchago stvola sonnoi arterii. [Arterio-venous aneurism ; ligature of the carotid artery.] Med.Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 90; 97.— Smith (N. R.) Ligature of the carotid artery for the cure of carotid aneurism; temporary paralysis following the application of the ligature; recovery. Maryland M & S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 401-404. —Smith (R. M.) Liga- tion of the primitive carotid artery on the left side. Tr. Georgia M. Ass., Atlanta, 1877, xxviU, 120-122. — Smith (S.) Ligature of common carotid for malignant disease of superior maxilla. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iii, 00-65. -----. Ligature of the external and internal carotids for haemorrhages of the face and neck, and into the mouth and fauces. X. York M. J., 1874, xix, 40-43. — Spence (J.) Ligature of the common carotid for ha-morrhage from ulceration of the face. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, Ui, 439-443.— Stanley. Injury of the inter- nal carotid artery; deligation of common carotid; cure. Med. Circ, Lond., 185y, xv, 216. -----. Ligature of the common carotid on account of haemorrhage foUowing the puncture of an inflamed tonsU. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, n. s., xix, 429. -----. Ligature of the com- mon carotid for haemorrhage from the tonsil; recovery. Ibid., 630. -----. Bleeding from the throat; ligature of the carotid artery. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 509.-----. Death from cerebral disease, after ligature of the carotid. Ibid., 1860, i, 35.—Stone. Ligature of the carotid arterv. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1845-6, ii, 113.—Supple (R. H.) Success- ful case of ligature of carotid artery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1874, ii, 434.—Syme (J.) Ligature of the carotid arterv on account of haemorrhage from the ear and fauces. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1833, xxxix, 319-321. — Textor. Ein Fall von Unterbindung der Arteria carotis communis sinis- tri lateris. Neue (Der) Chhon.Sul.:bach,1825-7,ii,394-398.— Thomas (E.) Case of wound and erysipelas of the scalp, followed by repeated and profuse bleeding, in which the carotid artery was successfuUy tied. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birmingham;i858,ii,56-59.—Todd (G. R. C.) Case of liga- ture or the left common carotid artery below omo-hyoid muscle; operation successful. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., Ixxiv, 112.—Toland (H. H.) Ligation of the com- mon carotid, and removal of a scirrhus tumor. Charleston M. J. Sc Rev., 1856, xi, 759.—Townsend (S. D.) Extrac- tion of a fish-hook from the neck. [Ligation of the common carotid.] Boston M. Sc S. J., lo49, xxxix, 169.—Trask (J. D.) ErectUe tumour; ligature of the primitive carotid. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1849, n. s., xviii, 86-90. —Travers (B.) A case of aneurism by anastomosis in tho orbit, cured by the ligature of the common carotid artery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1817, ii, 3. ed., 1-16. Also, transl.: Jour. d. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1814, xxxviii, 3. St., 38-56. ----- Case of wound of the external carotid artery, behind the angle of the jaw, for which the common carotid artery was tied. Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). | Lond. M. & Phys. .J.. Im'0. n. s.. i, 331-339. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1826, x, 572-575. — Twitchell. Gunshot wound of the face and neck; ligature of the carotid arterv. N. Eng. Q. J. M. & S.. Bost., 1842-3, i, 188-193. — Ire. Wound of the throat by a tobacco-pipe; ligature of the carotid arterv. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 559.—Van Buren (W. H.) Malignant polypus of the nose? ligature of the common carotid artery; death with cerebral symptoms. N. York J. M., 1849, U, 297-302. -----. Ligature of left pri- mitive carotid for cirsoid aneurism of scalp; right carotid | tied six years before; recovery from operation aud reUef to disease. Ibid., 1857, 3. s., Ui, 46. -----. Ligature of pri- mitive carotid artery for pulsating encephaloid tumor of I orbit; death from pyaemia on the thirteenth day. Ibid., 48-50. — Vedrennc. Observation do ligature de la ca- rotido primitive pratiquee par M. Petronuelli. Rec. de mem. do m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1854, 2. s., xiv, 319-326.— Verneuil. Plaie par arme, a feu; hemorrhagies cons6cu- tives r6petees ; ligature dc la carotide primitive; hemiple- gie; rnort rapide; obliteration de la carotide interne, et dela c6r6brale moyenne dans touto leur longueur; ramoUissement c6r6bral tres'-6tendu ; alteration du foie. BuU. Soc. dc chir. de Par. (1871), 1872, 2. s., xii, 185-195.—Vincent. Tying the common carotid artery; death. Lancet, Lond., 1829, h, 570-572.—Vincent (J. P ) Two cases of disease of the brain, foUowing the appUcation of a ligature to the carotid artery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1846, xxix, 37-42. Aho, Reprint.—Wallace (W.) Ligature of the external caro- tid artery. Lancet, Lond., 1834, i, 849-855.—Walton. [Ligature of common carotid.] Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 31.—Wardner (H.) Ligature of the caro- tid artery. Chicago M. Exam., 1862, iii, 651-654. -----. Ligation of the common carotid. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1867, xvii, 229.—Wardrop (J.) Some observations on one species of naevus maternus; with the case of an in- fant where tho carotid artery was tied. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1818, ix, 199-219. -----. Case of a large naevus ma- ternus on the head, cured by tying the carotid artery. I bid., 1823, xU, 203-204. -----. Case of naevus on the face suc- cessfuUy treated by tying the carotid artery. Lancet. Lond., 1827, xii. 267-269. -—-—. Case of naevus matemus on the cheek of an infant, in which the carotid artery was tied. Ibid., 394-396.—Warren (J. M.) Ligature of both caro- tid arteries for a remarkable erectUe tumour ofthe mouth, face, and neck. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1846, n. s., xi, 281- 286. Also: Boston M. Sc S. J.,1846, xxxiii, 365. Aho, Re- print. Aho, in hh: Surgical Observations, Boston, 1867, 446-451. -----. Wound ofthe carotid aitery ; Ugature twice repeated; death from hemorrhage from the* recurrent circu- I lation. In his: Surgical Observations, 8°, Boston, 1867, 439-440.—Weber (G. C. E.) Ligation of both common carotid arteries, at an interval of 17 days. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1859-60, i, 93-96.—Weinlechne'r (J.) Spontanes Aneurysma an der rechten Ohrmuschel; Blutung aus dem- selben, welches,da die Umstechung und Verschormng nichts fruchteten, endlich die Unterbindung der Carotis com. nothwendig machte; HeUung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1876, 377. -----. Neuralgie des Nervus infraorbitaUs, dessen Resection eine schmerzfreie Pause von vier Monaten zur Folge hatte; wegen Recidive Ligatur der Carotis communis, auf welche in den ersten zwanzig Tagen eine Besserung, und von da an vollstandige Heilung eingetreten ist. Ibid., 1878, 362.—White (F. V.) Malignant tumor of the antrum; Ugature of the common carotid ; subsidence of the tumor ; complete recovery. N. York J. M., 1856, 3. s., i, 125-229.—Withusen (C.) Et Tilfaelde af Underbinding af Arteria carotis communis for en pulserende Svulst l Orbita. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kje benh., 1866, 3. R., i, 4J3-440. Aho, transl.: Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1866, U, 514-516.—Wolf (O.) Ligation of the common carotid artery, after a gunshot wound, on account of copious hemorrhage; tinnitus aurium and deaf- ness ; diagnosis of the position of the ball fiom the con- dition ofthe ear. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1872, ii, no. 2, 58-75.—Wood (J. R.) Early history of Ugature of the common carotid aitery, with a report of the unpublished operations in the city of Xew York. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. 8., Ui, 9-65. Aho.' Reprint. -----. Malignant disease of antrum ; immense fungous growth; Ugature of carotid; sloughing of tumor; great relief. N.York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iii, 31-35. -----. Ligature of the common carotid. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1863, vi. 162.—Woodward (G. V.) Report ofa case of ligature of the common carotid artery for maUg- nant disease of the orbit. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., iii, 57- 59.—Wutzer (C. W.) Unterbindung der Carotis externa, als Voract der Exstirpation eines Fungus. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn, 1840-41, i, 429-435, lpl. -----. Ueber Unter- bindung der Carotis externa. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i, 65-77. -----. Unterbindung der Ca- rotis communis. Ibid., 740-750, 1 pi. -----. Kritische Be- merkungen zu einer wegen Blutgeschwulst untemonimenen Carotiden-Uuterbindung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 171-173.—Yates (W.) On the operation of tying the caro- tid artery. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 298.—Zapatcro (C.) Historia cUnica y operacion de la ligadura de la carotida primitiva. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1878, xxv, 23-26.—Zehen- ARTERY. 604 ARTERY. Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). der (W.) Riickblick auf die Erfolge der Carotis-Unter- bindung bei pulsirenden Orbital-Gescnwiilsten. KUn. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1808, vi, 99-119. Artery (Carotid, Wounds and injuries of). Sec, also, Aneurisma (Carotid); Artery ( Caro- tid, Ligature of). Amos. The possibUity of voluntary locomotion to a considerable distance after tho complete division of the carotid artery and other large vessels of tho throat. Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, x, 183-186. — Anschncidung der Carotis externa sinistra. AUg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien, 1866,vii, 265.— Baynton (W. N.) Traumatic rupture of ■ jmmon caro- tid. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1878, xxxviii, 169.— Bodman (L. EL) Gunshot wound of carotid artery. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 67.—Caestryck. Obser- vation sur l'ouverture do la carotide externe droite. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc, Par., 1767, xxvi, 452-454.—Cay- ley (W.) Rujiture of the left internal carotid artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1865, xvi, 85-87.—Cholmcley (H.) Case of gunshot wound of tho common carotid, in which haemor- rhage ceased spontaneously. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 538.—Corson (W.) & Read (L. W.) Case of stabbing in tho neck, severing left carotid arterv; reco- very. Tr.M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1859, n. s., iv,79.—Bavies (R.j Case of wound of internal carotid artery. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 339.—Belpech. Observation d'une blessure de l'artere carotide droite; gu6iie par des saign6es nombreuses, l'application de la glace, et Pusage inte'rieur do la digitale. Rev. mod. franc;, et etrang., Par., 1824, iv, 394-414.—Bcnison (J. S.) Perforation of the common carotid artery. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1879, xxxix, 411.— Besgranges. Fait de chirurgie legale [wound of caro- tid]. Hist. Soc. de. med.-prat. de Montpel., 1805, ii, 129- 133.—Betmold(W.) Wound of carotid aitery. N.York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vi, 248.—Engel (M.) Heilung einer Halswunde, wobei die Carotis externa und die Spciserohre verletzt waren. Oesterr. med.Wchnschr.,Wien, 1842, 522- 524.—Fern (J.) A man living six days after perforation of common carotid artery. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1879, xxxix, 266.—Garrett (C. B.) Case of division of tho right caotid artery successfully treated. Midland M. & S. Reporter, Worcester, 1830-31, ii, 235-237.—Gilmore (J. T.) [The shooting of Col. F. B. Shepherd.] NashvUle J. M. & S., 1867-8, n. s., iii, 459-469.—Legouest. (De la part de M. Baizeau.) Perforation de la carotido interne. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par. (I860), 1862, 2. s., ii, 430-434.—Markoe. Wound of the. carotid artery. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, viii, 65.—Reid (J.) Case of wound of the left carotid ar- tery from a fish-bone sticking in the oesophagus; death. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1837, xlviii, 95-99.—Sale (E. P.) t A penetrating wound of the right common carotid artery and internal jugular vein, wsulting in a "false aneurism", with rupture of the tumour, and complete recovery of pa- tient. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila,, 1879, n. s., lxxvii, 281-285.— Schinelcher. Verletzung der rechten Kopfschlagader (Arteria carotis communis dextra); rasch erfolgter Tod durch Verblutung. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1871, xxii, 187-191.—Swinburne (J.) Report of fifteen cases of suicidal death by cutting carotid arteries. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1862, 117-124. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1861, n. s., vi, 377-383.— Verncnil. Contusions multiples; d6Ure violent; hemiplegie k droite; signes de compression cerebrale; mort lo 5. jour; rupture complete des tuniques profondes do la carotide interne gauche au cou; obliteration des vaisseaux au point 16se par un caillotqui remonte jusqu'auxdernieres branches de l'ar- tere sylvienne; ramoUissement c6r6bral etendu k la presque totalite du lobe moyen. BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1872, 2. s., i, 46-56. Artery (Central) of retina. See Artery (Hyaloid); Eye (Semeiology of). Artery (Cerebral). See Aneurisms ( Cerebral and intracranial); Artery (Basilar); Brain (Bloodvessels of); Brain (Hemorrhage in); Embolism (Cerebral). Artery (Circumflex) ofthe shoulder. llalbertsma (H. J.) De arteriae circumflex® int. sterno-cloido-mastoldei. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vii, 693. — Niemann (A.) Verletzung der Arteria circumflexa scapulae; Tod durch Verblutung. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1856, lxxii, 365-368.— von JYussbnum. Stich in die Schultergegend; Verlet- zung der Arteria circumflexa humeri; Tod am 2. Tage. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1870, xxi, 146-151. Artery (Cceliac). See, also, Artery (Coronary) of stomach. Walther (A. F.) Arterite coeliacte tabulam iu anatomes studio de9iderataiu et reliqua publici juris facit. Lipsice, [1729]. Aho, inj Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. Ui. Bupuis & Barnay. Anomalie des branches du tronc Artery (Cceliac). coeliaque, et notamment artdro hepatiqne double. Lyon med., 1874, xv, 499. Artery (Coronary). See, also, Aneurisms (Coronary); Heart. Kleefeld (G.) * Do arteriarum coronariarum cordis pulsu. 8°. BeroUni, 1«49. Rebatel (F.) * Recherehes experimentales sur la circulation dans les arteres coronaires. 4°. Paris, 1872. Bochdalck jun. Anomaler Verlauf der Kranzarterien des Herzens. Arch. f. path. Anat.,etc,Berl., 1867,xii,260.— HalJpertsmn (H. J.) Do vermeerdering van bet aantal kransslagadercn van het hart. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vii, 695-698. -----. De kransslagaderen van het hart van Halmaturus gigantcus. Ibid.. 698.-----. Het lumen der kransslagadercn van het hart. Ibid.,700.—Klug (F.) Zur Theorie des Blutstroms in der Art. coronaria cor- dis. Centralbl. f. d. med.Wissensch., Berl., 1876, xiv, 133.— Maealister (A.) On the anatomy and physiology of tho coronary arteries of the heart. Me'd. Press & Circ, Lond., 1868, vi,' 117.—Peris (M.) Zur Entscheidung der Frage, ob die Mundungen der Art. coronariae cordis durch die se- mUunar Klappenverschlossenwerden. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxix, 188-191. Artery (Coronary, Diseases of). See, also, Angina pectoris. Gampert (F. A.) *De ossificatione arterial coronaria? cordis. 4°. Turici, 1834. Reinhold (G. S.) * Observatio de arteria coro- naria cordis instar ossis indurata. sm.4c. Vitem- bergce, [1740]. . Tautain (L.-F.) *De quelques lesions des arteres coronaires comme causes d'alteration du myocarde. 4°. Paris, 1878. Barth. Une ossification tres prononc6o des arteres coronaires du cceur. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 68.—Bristowe. Aneurismal dilatations of the coronary arteries of the heart and their branches. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855-6, vii, 98-102.—von Brnnn. Verknocherung der Kranzarterien des Herzens, im Jahre 1835 beobachtet. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1836, U, 740-742.—Che- vcrs (N.) Observations on the structure, functions, and diseases of the coronary arteries of the heart. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1843, 2. s., i, 103-112.—Cooper (O. B.) Cases of ossification of the coronary arteries. Midland M. Sc S. Reporter, Worcester, 1828-9, i,'436-438.— Bespres. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 191.—Feigneaux (A.) Obser- vation do rupture de l'artere coronaire; mort subite. J. do m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1859, xxviU, 30-32.— Finncll (T. C.) Death from wound of pericardium and coronary artery. Buffalo M. J., 1859-60, xv, 286-288.—Har- lan. ^Rupturo of coronary artery.] Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1859, i, 281.—Henry (F. P.) Specimens of contrac- tion and dUatation of tho orifices of the coronary arteries. Phila. M. Times, 1879-80, x, 18-20.—Kingston (P. N.) Account of a preparation exhibiting an adhesion of one of tho aortic valves to the aorta, and an occlusion of the left coronary artery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1840, ii, 761-763. — Leu- del, t BuU. Soc. anat de Par., 1853, xxviii, 144.—Powell (R. D.) On diseases of the coronary arteries. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1879, v, 132.—Rondeau. Obliteration des deux arteres coronaires. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865, xl, 253-255. — Thompson (J. F.) Extensive ossification of ascending aorta, forming a nearly complete bony cast of the vessel, and entirely closing tho left coronary artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870, n. s., lix, 423. — [Walther.] Verknochtrirng der Kranzarterien. Arch. d. Ver. f. ge- meinsch. Arb. z. Ford, d. wissensch. HeUk., Gotting., 1861, v, 287.—Wiegand (J.) Verknocherung der Kranzarte- rien des Herzens mit aneurysmatischer Erweiterung der aufsteigenden Aorta. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1830, i, 217-222.—Williams (C. T.) Dilatation of the arch of tho aorta, and plugging and obUteration of the left coro- nary artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872, xxiii, 57-59. Artery (Coronary, Rupture of). Aran (F. A.) Observation sur la dilatation et la rup- ture des vaisseaux coronaires du cceur, pour servir k l'his- toire des ruptures de cet organo. Arch. gen. dom6d., Par., 1847, 4. s., xiv, 195-207.—Clark (A.) [et al] Rupture of tho coronary artery. [5 cases.J Tr. N. York Path. Soc, 1876, i, 127.— liar Inn. Rupturo of the coronary artery and ha'morrhago into the pericardium. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1860, iv, 303-305.—Osborne (H.) Symptoms of angina pectoris; autopsy: rupture of the coronary ar- tery, and effusion of blooil into tho pericardium. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1862, i, 317.— Vou I. Rupture ofthe coronaiy artery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1872, xvii, 177, Artery (Coronary) of stomach. Boullay. Perforation spoutan6e de l'artere coronaire stoniachique; hematemese mortelle; anevrysme do l'aorto ARTERY. 605 ARTERY. Artery (Coronary) of stomach. abdominale. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1850, xxv, 212-217.— Charcellay. [Gastritis from poisoning by sulphuric acid; ulceration and rupture of 3d branch of coronary ar- tery into the stomach.] Ibid., 18:!0, xi, 171.—Hyrtl. Ver- laufsanomaUe der Coronaria ventriculi sinistra. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1862, viii, 400.—Lequime. Ossification dc lartere coronaire stomachique. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. dc Belg.. Brux., 1843-4, Ui, 162-165.—Sainet. Ruptnre de l'artere coronaire de l'estomac par un ulcere chronique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1851, xxvi, 161.—Tra- vers (B.) Case of haematemesis from ulceration of the gastric artery. Proc. Westminster M. Soc, Lond., 1848-9,32. Artery (Dorsalis pedis, Aneurism of). See Aneurisms of foot. Artery (Dorsalis penis). Brandmeycr (A. H.) LebensgefahrUche Blutung ans der Arteria dorsalis penis. Org. f.d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1857, vi, 100.—B utler (R.O.) Ligature of the dorsalis penis aitery for hypertrophy of the prepuce. N.York J. M., 1857,3. s., Ui, 377. Artery (Epigastric). See, also, Aneurisms (Epigastric); Artery (Iliac, common. Ligature of); Hernia. Lindener CSV. A.) *De communicatione va- sorum mammariorum cum epigastricis. 4°. Halw Magd., 1748. Houel. TJn cas de double artere 6pigastriqne. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1848, xxiii, 259.—Hunter (T. L. jr.) Wound of abdomen; epigastric aitery cut; recovery. Mary- land Sc Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1860, xv, 136-138.—Lorin- ser. Brucnscbnitt mit Durchschneidung der Arteria epi- gastrica. Ber d. k. k. Krankenh. Wiedon 1864, Wien, 1865, 273. Aho: Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864, 236-238.—Michanx. Naissance de l'artere epigastrique de l'obturatrice. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1840-41, vi, 103. -----. Description d'une anomaUe rare de l'artere 6pigastrique. Ann. Soc de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1848, yi, 177-180, 1 pi.—Schroder. Verletzung der Arteria epigastrica bei einem Banchstiche. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU. 1834, Koblenz, 1837, 144.—Verpillat. [Anomaly of epigastric artery, with hernia.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 152.—Wedderburn (A. J.) A new view of the position of the epigastric artery and its agency in determining the position ot the internal inguinal ring! N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1846-7, iii, 293-295. Artery (Facial). See Aneurisms of facial artery. Artery (Facial, Wounds of). Concato (L.) Caso di stomatorragia per ferita di un ramo della arteria facciale. Ebd. clin. di Bologna, 1864, 945-946.—Jessop (T. R.) Traumatic aneurism of the fa- cial artery; section of lower jaw and Ugature; recovery. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1871, i, 190. Artery (Femoral). See, also, Artery (Profunda femoris); Groin. Viguerie (C.) * Considerations pratiques sur la disposition du tronc crural et de ses branches pres du pli de l'aine. 4°. Paris, 1837. Cooper (A.) Account of the anastomosis of the arte- ries at the groin. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1813, iv, 425-434.— Finnell (T. C.) Ulcer perforating femoral vessels. N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., vUi, 247. Also: Buffalo M. J., 1859- 60. xv, 551.—Velpeau. Femorale (artere). Diet, demed., Par., 2. 6d., 1836, xiii, 2-33. Artery (Femoral, Abnormities of). Anatomical anomaly. Bait. Month. J. M. & S., 1830, i, 20.—Auzias-Turenne. AnomaUe de l'artere femo- rale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i, 71.— Bucachet (H. W.) Case of two femoral arteries in one leg. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, vi, 137.—Faucon. Va- riete d'origine, de volume et do rapport de la femorale pro- fonde. Lyon m6d., 1874, xv, 499.—Fricdlowsky (A.) Ueber einen FaU von abnormen Verlauf der Arteria pro- funda femoris. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1867, xU, 102.— Green (P. H.) On a new variety of the femoral artery, with observations. Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 730.—Houston (J.) Account of an unusual variety in the femoral artery. Dublin Hosp. Rep.. 1827, iv, 313-319.—Rug (C.) AnomaUe der Arteria cruraUs. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 344- 348, 1 pi.—Thompson (H.) Case of irregularity of the femoral artery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1847. iv, 251-253.— Voung (A. H.) Abnormal arrangement of the branches of the femoral artery; note on the absence of the profunda femoris. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xUi, 154-156. Artery (Femoral, Compression of). See, also, Aneurisms (Popliteal). Bouble compress for the femoral artery. Lancet, Lond., 1863, u, 707, 1 pi—Esinarch. Einfaches Verfah- Artery (Femoral, Compression of). ren, die Digitalcompression der Arteria femoraUs zu schil- dern. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1875, iv, pt. 1, 94-90.—Instrument for compressing the femoral artery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1871, i, 478.—Ring (J.) On compressing the femoral artery at the groin Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1806, xvi, 14-16.—Salzcr. Ueber einen neiien Apparat zur Kompression der Fcmoralarterie als Ersatz fiir die Digitalkompression. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1867, xvii, 216.—Scarenzio (A.) Nuovo apparec- chio per la compressione mediata deU'arteria femorale. Comment, di me.—[IVankivell.] Five cases of Ugature of the femoral artery with antiseptic catgut. Lan- cet, Lond., 1875, ii, 835.—Norris (G. W.) Tumor on the upper and outer part of the leg simulating aneurism; liga- ture of the femoral artery; supposed cure; return of the patient thirteen months after with a tumor of greatly in- creased size, occupying the same situation; amputation of the thigh; cure. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxv, 283-288. -----. Statistics of the mortality foUowing the operation of tying the femoral artery. Ibid., 1849, n. s., xvUi, 313- 335.—Ollagnier. Ligature de l'artere femorale prati- quee avec succes sur un ancien mUitaire ag6 de 72 ans. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1854, 2. s., xiv, 353- 362.—Pabis. Ferita da pnnta e taglio alia parte inferiore interna della coscia destra con totale recisione deUa vena e • quasi completa recisione deU'arteria femorale, suo conse- quenze; legatura dei vasi; guarigione., Roma, 1879, xxvii, 675-700.—Packard (J. H.) Secondary hemorrhage occurring fifty-six days after gunshot wound of the thigh; amputation of leg; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxiv, 54-56.—Paget. Ligature ofthe femoral artery. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii,852.—Palasciano. Osservazioni patologiche e terapeutiche su doppia allaccia- tura della principale arteria del membro inferiore. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1852, vi, 69-76.—Paul. A case in which torsion of the femoral artery succeeded after the failure both of silk and catgut ligature. Liverpool Sc Man- chester M. Sc S. Rep. (1877), 1878, 232.—Pemberton (0.) On ligature of the common femoral artery, and especially on ligature by an antiseptic material. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 259; 551. — Peruzzi (D.) SuU'aneurisma deUe arterie coUateraU; allacciatura deU'arteria femorale super- ficiale per la cura di un aneurisma traumatico circoscritto deU'arteria articolare superiore interna profonda del ginoc- chio. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1856, 4. s., vi, 23-30.— Pierpoint. Aneurism; ligature of the femoral artery; amputation; recovery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, v, 639.—Pla (E. F.) Ligadura de la arteria femoral; nuevo procedi- miento, por el Dr. Bustamante. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1874, ix, 20.—Plaxton. Wound of superficial femoral artery; diffuse aneurism; ligature of artery at seat of in- jury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 120.—Polak (J. E.) Unterbindung der Art. fem. dext. in Folge von Verwundung der Art. dors, pedis. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aertze zu Wien, 1860, xvi, 485.—Poncet (F.) Ligature de la fe- morale k l'anneau de la poplitee; amputation; mort. Mont- pel. m6d., 1«72, xxviii, 36.—Porter (G. H.) A new mode of deligating the femoral artery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1860, xxx, 302-314.—Beeves. Ligature of the femoral artery in tho groin. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1870, U, 239.— Bicchi (T.) t Indipendente, Torino, 1874, xxv, 482-484.— Bichet. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xlii, 345.—Bitter. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1873, xUii, 273-275.—Boberts (W. O.) Traumatic aneurism of the Artery (Femoral, Ligature of). femoral artery; Ugature of artery and vein. LouisviUe M. News, 1879, vii, 52.—Bobinson (F.) Ligature of the femo- ral artery, for traumatic femoral aneurism. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863, v, 530-534.— Bouis. t Rec de m6m. de med.. . . mil., Par., 1854,2. s.,xiv, 341-352.—Byerson (T.) t For the cure of a false aneurism. Tr. M. Soc N. Jersey, Newark, 1859, xciii, 17. -----. t Ibid., 1877, cxi, 258.— Sale (E. P.) Ligation of the femoral artery for aneurism ; severe complications; consecutive gangrene of the leg and foot, and its arrest by sulphate of atropia. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1879, xii, 158-102.—Sans'on. Blessure de l'artere p6roniere; ligature dc l'artere femorale. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 13.—Scalzi (F.) Caso di legatura della femorale supei tlcialo o profonda. Atti Accad. med. di Roma, 1875-6, i, 119-1.7.—Scarpa. Esame comparative del sistema arterioso di ambedue gli ar'.i inferiori nel cada- vere cli un uomo, il quale, 27 anni fa, era stato operato d'aneurisina popliteo nell'arto destro col metodo Hunteri- ano. Anu. univ. di med., Milano, 1828, xlvi, 426-438.— Schutz (R.) Stichwunde am Oberschenkel; Ligatur der Schenkelarterie unter dem Poupart'schen Bande; Heilung. Ber. cl. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1871, Wien, 1873, 128.— Scmmcs (A. J.) Gunshot wound of the thigh; ligature of the femoral artery; extensive character of the wound; death from pyemia. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1860-7, xix, 69.— Serre. t Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 6G8.—Seutin. An6vrisme de 1'artero poplitee gauche; galvano-puncture; ligature de l'artere femorale k la partie moyenne de la cuisse. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1851, iii, 189-192.—Simon (M.) Remarques sur une plaie de l'artere femorale, traitee et guerie par une seule ligature et la compression. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., etc, Par., 1852, xliii, 266-273. —Spence (J.) Acute necrosis of fibula; hemorrhage; ligature of superfi- cial femoral; recurrence of hemorrhage; amputation; re- covery. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1854, xviii, 220- 225.—Sper. Ligature de l'artere femorale externe dans I'espacc inguinal pour un cas d'an6vrisme faux primitif. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xv, 246-256.—Syms (J.) Frac- ture of the leg; sloughing; hemorrhage; ligature of the femoral artery; recovery. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1842, ii, 965. -----. Ligation of the femoral ar- tery for thirty-fifth time. Edinb. M. J., 1866, xi, 967-971.— Torres (A.) Ligadura de la isquiatica. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1879, v, 441-444.—Treat (R. B.) & Jones (A. S.) Ligation of the femoral artery, twenty days after being wounded. Chicago M. Exam., 1863, iv, 89- 93.—Turretta (A.) Contributo alia statistica delle lega- ture deU'arteria femorale comune. Morgagni, Napoli, 1877, xix, 160-170. Aho, transl.: Bordeaux m6d., 1877, vi, 363; 370.—Velpeau. Abces sanguin de la cuisse; ouverture du foyer; hemorrhagies; ligature de l'artere femorale; gueri- son. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 185.—Verneuil. Ob- literation partielle de l'artere crurale k la suite dune Uga- ture. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1852-3, in, 43.—Viguerie Sc Fstevenet. Tumeur 6roctUe de l'extremite sup6rieuro du tibia; Ugature de l'artere crurale; autopsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, viii, 609.— Wales (P. S. ) [Traumatic aneurism; recovery.] Am. J.M. Sc, PhUa., 1864,n.s.,xlvU, 551.—Walshe (D.) 11 .. . with carbolised catgut. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 617.—Waterworth (H.) On a gunshot wouncl of the femoral artery, producing a false aneurism; operation and recovery. Ibid., 1850, ii, 114.—Watkins (C.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1858, iii, 111.—'Watson (E.) t Glasgow M. J., 1870-71, iU, 308.—Weickert. Unter- bindung der Art. cruraUs wegen eines Aneurysma der Art. peronaea; Amputation des Oberschenkels nach erfolgtem Kalten-Brand der ganzen Extremitat unterhalb der Liga- tursteUe, nebst Section. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1847, xxxvii, 404.—Wells (S.) An account of the condition of the arterial system of the lower extremity twenty-two years after Ugature of the femoral artery. Med. Times, iiond., 1850, n. s., i, 227.—Wilkcrson (Ti B.) Ligation of femo- ral and profunda arteries. Am. J. M. Sc. PhUa., 1875, lxx, 568.—Willett (A.) Ligature of the femoral artery twenty- three days after amputation of the thigh for secondary haemorrhage; recovery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep.,Lond.,1865, i, 158.—Wutzer (C. W.) tt Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1849, i, 30. Artery (Femoral, Obstruction of). See, also, Embolism; Gangrene. Adamowitcz (A. F.) ObUteratio arteriae cruralis. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Peterb., 1855, xU, 313.—Annan- dale (T.) Case of gangrene of the foot and leg, depend- ing upon obstruction ot the femoral artery at the groin. Edinb. M. J., 1863, viii, 904-912.—Broca. t Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 273.—Gerdy. Modifications qui surviennent dans la circulation arterieUe apres l'oblitera- tion d'une grosse artere. BuU. Soc de chir. ae Par., 1852-3, iii, 46-48.—Hamilton. Case of gangrene of the foot, resulting from obliteration of the femoral artery. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 369.—Haycm. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1864, xxxix, 461.—Schiitt (J.) Gestcirte Circulation in den Schenkelarterien bei 4 von mir beobach- tetcn und zum Theil behandelten Pferden. (ObUteratio arteriae cruraUs.) Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1855, xii. 124-127. ARTERY. 608 ARTERY. Artery (Femoral, Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Artery (Femoral, Ligature of); Groin (Wounds of). Guenault (A. N.) * An, vulnerata crurali ar- teria, ab amputatione ausnicaudam? Propone- bat U. de Vandenesse. [1742]. In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Quaest. med. Paris. 4°. Tubingce, I 1789, ii, 180-188. Reinig (J. A.) * De arteriae cruralis vuluere periculosissimo feliciter sauato. sm. 4°. Helmae- stadii, 1741. Adams (J.) t Double psoas abscess, with wound of the femoral artery. Med. Press & Circ, Dublin, 1866, ii, 112; 121.—Aitken (D.) t Gunshot. Ann. Med., Edinb., 1802, Lustr. IL, ii, 390-393.—Bell (J.) t Lancet, Lond., 1831, ii, 804.—Berthrand. BaUe aplatie bouchant une perfo- ration de l'artero femorale. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1844, 2. s., xii, 466.—Birkett (J.) t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, 20 — Bopp. Gerichtsiirztliches Gutachten, eine Todtung durch Verletzung der Schenkelarterie betreffend. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, iii, 82-86.— Bowring. Trau- matic rupture of left common femoral artery; ligature of the torn ends; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 312.— Briickmann. Verletzung der grossen Arterio am Schenkel betreffend, woher ein sogenanntea Anovrisma spurium entstanden. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1813, 199-207.—Buchner (E.) t Tod nach 26 Tagen. Fried- reich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1868, xix, 375-382.— Butcher (R. G.) Wound of the internal circumflex ar- tery immediately after its origin from the profunda femo- ris; profuse bleeding, treated successfuUy by pressure; rapid secretion of pus into tho knee-joint, with isolated abscesses beneath the axilla, below the groin, and over the outsido of the thigh, on the same side, aU treated by free incision; recovery; with additional cases corroborative of the good effects of the special practice inculcated. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1874, lviii, 361-375.—[Cases.] Gerichtsarztli- ches Gutachten iiber die Todtlichkeit einer Verletzung der Arteria cruralis, auf welche der Tod nach 18 Stunden folgte. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1823, vi, 181- 203.—f Accidental division of tho femoral artery and vein.] Maryland M. & S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 193.—Wound of the femoral artery; unusual arrest of haemorrhage. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvi, 631.—Chassaignac. i Bull. Soc de chir. de Par. (1863), 1864, 2. s., iv, 77-79.— Cock (E.) Case of penetrating wound of the thigh, with probable lesiou of the femoral artery and vein. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., i, 987-989.—Corneo (C.) Ferita d'arma da fuoco perforante la coscia sinistra con lesiono dell'arte- ria femorale superfieiale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1863, 5. s., ii, 293.—Cotton (W. G.) Death from a con- cealed hemorrhage of the femoral artery. Phila. M. Times, 1876-7, vu, 147.—Diane (J.) t Incised wound. BostonM. Sc S. J., 1855-6, liii, 9.—Bickinson (W. G.) t Successfully treated. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1829, iv, 69-72.—Enos (D. C.) Puncture of tho femoral artery, treated by compres- sion, with some remarks upon that method. N. York J. M., 1848, x, 53-56.—Eve (P. F.) Supposed gunshot wound of the femoral artery, relieved by bandaging. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1861, xxi, 133-135.—Fox (A. C.) Femoral ar- tery severed and not ligated. Confed. States M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1805, ii, 36.—Frazer (J.) Rupturo of the fe- moral artery. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shang- hai, 1873, nei. 5, 23.—Gage. Rupture of the femoral artery from violence; gangrene; amputation of leg; death. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1859-60, xi, 70.—Gayct. Coup de cou- teau dans la cuisse interessant ii. la fois l'artere et la veine femorale profondes; double plaie de l'artere, plaio unique de la veine; communication arterio - veineuse obstru6e d'abord, puis r6tablie apres la compression digitale; an6- vrysuie faux cons6cutif; fonte putride des caUlots; infec- tion putride; mort. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1864, 2. s., i, 166-170.—Gibbons (H.) sr. Rupture of femoral artery; gangrene; death. Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., 1874-5, viii, 126. — Hahn. Verletzung der Arteria cruralis. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1857, x, 27-29.— Hcisterus (L.) De arteriae cruraUs vulnero periculosis- simo feliciter curato. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1744, vii, 86-92.—Herzog. Todtliche Verletzung der Ar- teria und Vena cruralis. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., 1842, Koblenz, 1845, 115.—Hutchinson (B.) [Case of la- cerated femur. Section of femoral artery.] Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond.. 1801, vi, 127-129.—Kinglake (R.) An account of a case in which a part of the femoral artery was dilated in consequence of its being laid bare by a wound, and which was successfuUy treated by obUterating the cavity of the artery at that part by compression. Lond. M. J., 1787, viu, 385-391.—Kirmisson. licrasement de la cuisse droite; rupture dc 1'artere et do la veine femorales; anevrysme diffus primitif; amputation do la cuisse; examen des'vais- seaux roiupus. Progres med., Par., 1878, vi, *02.—Leg- gatt (A.) Spontaneous laceration of the femoral arteiy. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1857-8, ix, 159-163, 1 pi.—Lind- wurm. Stich hi den Oberschenkel; Verletzung der Schenkclblutader; Tod nach 47 Tagen. Friedreich's BI. f. Artery (Femoral, Wounds and injuries of). gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1869, xx, 81-90.—Mail- (I.) Oert- licher Wundbefuud bei einer unmittelbar tiidtlich ge.wor- dencn Verblutung aus der Arteria cruralis; Zufiigung von eigener Hand. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1871-2, n. F., xxix, 273-275.—Marjolin. Plaie de l'artere femorale; amputation; mort. Bull. Soc. dechir. do Par., 1857-8, vin, 242-245.—Marshall. Rupture ofthe femoral artery by a cart-wheel without fracture of bone; amputation; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 116.— Maury (R. B.) Diffused traumatic aneurism of the fe- moral artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1868, n. s., lv, 389- 392.—Minter (H.) Ohduction eines jungen Burschen, welcher an einer Wunde in der Leude, welche er sich selbst zugefiigt und wodurch die Arteria cruralis giinzlicb abge- schnitten war, gestorben. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzeneyw., Berl., 1784, ii, 158-160.—Morrison (J.) Pro- bable lacerated wound of the profunda femoral artery near its source, foUowed by a spontaneous cure. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1858, i, 3-5.—Page, t Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 117.—Perinet. Observation sur un anevrisme faux cons6cutif do I'extr6mit6 inferieure de l'artere femo- rale. Jour, do m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1789, lxxviii, 174-193.—Pineo (P.) A case of pyaemia following a wound of the femoral artery, and amputation. Boston M. & S. J., 1874, xc, 280.—Pozzi (S.) Rupture de l'artere femorale par contusion de la cuisse; attrition du bout su- S6rieur; arrachement du bout inferieur. Bull. Soc. anat. e Par., 1868, xlUi, 552-556.—Beinhardt. Beobachtung einer Stichwunde in den Oberschenkel. Ztschr. f. Wund- iirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1851, iv, 189-196. —Bose (E.) Ueber Stichwunden der Oberschenkelgefasso uud ihre sicherste Behandlung. Samml. kUn. Vortr., Leipz., 1875, No. 92 (Chirurgie No. 29), 731-738.-----. Fall von Vcrwun- dung der Vasa femoralia profunda. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1877, vii, 173-177.— Bubach. Longitu- dinal wound of the femoral artery. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1869, Ui, 418.—Salvalaglio. Storia di una ferita d'arma da fuoco, con lesione deU'arteria femorale superfi- eiale destra. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1869, xU, 169; 181.—Schumacher. Todtschlag; Verletzung dor Schenkelschlag- und Blutader; Verblutung. Fried- reich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1868, xix, 212-221.— Shipman (A. B.) Case of wound of the femoral artery. U. States M. & S. J., N. Y., V834-5, i, 284— Shrady (G. F\) Ulcer perforating femoral veJsels. N. York M. Press, I860, n. s., iii, 81.—Spencer (H. A.) (Case of a wound from a knife-blade in the femoral artery.] Buffalo M. J., 1859-60, xv, 188.—Trelat (U.) t Soc. do med. 16g. de France, BuUetin, Par., 1875-6, iv, 89-94. Aho: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xUv, 155-161. — Ulrich. Kraukheits- fall, in welchem die Digitalconipression mit guustigem Erfolge zur Anwendung kam. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1867-8), 1871, 2. pt.. 3-7.—von Velsen. Tod in Folgo einer Verletzung dor Schenkelarteiio. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., 1839, Koblenz, 1842, 181-183.— Wallmann (H.) Ueber Ruptur der inneren und mittleren Crural-Arterienhaut mit Nichtverletzung der Adventitia. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1858, xiv, 93.—Warren (J. C.) t Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1790-1808, i, 186-194. —Werner. Schrotschuss in den Bauch und beide Oberschenkel; kleines traumatisches Aneurisma der Cruralis; Abscess in der Regio glutaea su- perior; Anlegen einer Gegenciffnung; Genesung; gericht- licher FaU. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1867, xx, 115-121. Artery (Gastric). See Artery (Coronary) of stomach. Artery (Gluteal). See, also, Artery (Iliac, internal). Bourgeois de Mercey (A.) * Des 16sions trau- matiques des vaisseaux r6tro-pelviens. 4°. Paris, 1869. Bouisson (F.) Memoire sur les lesions des arteres fessiere et isehiatique, et sur les operations qui leur con- viennent. Gaz. med. de Par., 1845, 2. s., xUi, 161; 180; 195. Aho, Reprint. — Briggs (W. T.) Extensive slough of nates; haemorrhage; ligation of gluteal artery. Nashville J. M. & S., 1871, n..s., vii, 173-175— Campbell (G. W.) Ligature of the gluteal artery for traumatic aneurism. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1862, m, 103-106. —Carmichael (R.) Case of wouncl of the gluteal artery, and an account of the operation for securing it. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1833-4, iv, 231-236. — Castella. L6sion de l'artere fessiere dans un cas do medecine legale. BuU. Soc. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1875, ix, 198-203.—Chauipe- nois. Urgence et sftrete pour la ligature do 1 'artere fes- siere, dans les cas d'h6morrhagie traumatique de ce vais- seau. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvi, 24-34.—Cheever (D. W.) Traumatic gluteal aneurism; ligature of the gluteal arterv; recovery. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 2. s., 1877, 219. — Bemolins (A.) L6siondo l'arterefessi6re; compression; gu6rison. AbeUle med., Par., 1845, ii, 218.—Bespr«s. Rapport sur une oh- ARTERY. 609 ARTERY. Artery (Gluteal). servation dc plaie de l'artere fessiere adressee par M. lo docteur Dcvalz. BuU. Soc. do chir. de Par. (1869), 1870, 2. s., x, 423-41^5.—Bevalz. Blessure de l'artere fessiere par plaie; hemorrhagies primitive et consecutive; debride- ment; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1873, ii, 149-152.— Biday. Lettre sur un nouveau procede pour la liga- ture de l'artere fessiere. Gaz. m6d. do Par., 1845, 2. s., xiii, 219.—Farabeuf (L. H.) Fessi6re (artere). Diet, encvcl. | d. sc. med., Par., 1877, 4. s., i, 744-751. —Guillaunict. Rupture de l'artere fessiere; anevrysme r6tropclvien faux cons6cutU'; affection cardiaque; atherome arteriel; mort ! par hemorrhagic k la suite do ponction sur la tumeur ane- j vrysmale; autopsie. Bull. Soc. Par., 1874, xlix, 212-220.— Martino (A.) Ferita deU'arteria glutea por- tata a guarigione. Resoc. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1874, I xxviii, 40-45. Aho: CUnica, Napoli, 1874, i, 44-40.—Ni- caise. Contusion do la fesse; rupture do l'artere fessiere; epanchement sanguin k repetition; forcipressure appliquee sur 1'artere. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877, n. s., iii, 458-462.—Schuh (F.) Unterbindung der Art. glutea sup. und des gleichnamigen Ncrven innerhalb des Hiiftaus- schnittes wegen eines Aneurismatraumaticum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 101-164.—Stone (W.) Observations on ligature of the gluteal artery, with a recent case. N. Orl. M. News Sc Hosp. Gaz., 1855-6, ii, 26-33. Aho: Stetho- scope, Richmond. 1855, v, 202-209.—Walter (A. G.) Trau- matic injury of the glutaeal arterv, with profuse and pro- tracted secondary haemorrhage. Richmond M. J., 1866, i, 200-204.—Weber (C.) WahrscheinUche Ruptur des Ra- mus ischiadicus der Arteria inferior. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1852, vi, 352-359. Artery (Gluteal, Ligature of). See Aneurisms (Gluteal). Artery (Hepatic). See, also, Artery (Cceliac). Locquet(J.) * De arteria hepatioa. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1693. ' I St.-Vincent (T.) Observation sur une rupture do l'ar- tere hepatique. J. univ. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1820, xviii, 230- 232. j Artery (Humeral). See Artery (Brachial). Artery (Hyaloid). Arteria hyaloidea persistens. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Erlang., 1869, vU, 303.—Callan (P. A.) Persistent hyaloid artery. [3 cases.] N. York M. J., 1875, xxii, 42- 44.—Cowell (G.) Case of persistence of a portion of the foetal central artery in a patient aet. 32. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1867-9, vi, 253.—Kipp (C. J.) A case of per- sistent hyaloid arterv in both eyes. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1873, iii, no. 1, 70.—Miilier (H.) Ueber die Arteria hyaloidea als ophthalmoskopisches Object. Arch. f. Ophth., Berl., 1856, ii, 2. pt., 65-69.—von Oettingen (G.) tt Arte- ria hyaloidea persistens. Dorpat. med. Ztschr., 1871, ii, 337- 340.—Biebau. Arteria hyaloidea persistens. Charit6- Ann., Berl., 1874, i, 648-650.—Schapringer (A.) A case of a persistent remnant of the hyaloid artery. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1873, iii, no. 1, 251-253.—Wecker (L.) Ar- j tere hyaloide persistante avec cataracto lux6e. Ann. d'o- cul., Brux., 1865, liii, 65. — Zehcnder (W.) Notiz uber die Arteria hyaloidea ala ophthalmoscopisches Object (zwei , FaUe). Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1863, i, 258- j 261. -----. Persistirende Arteria hyaloidea (dritter FaU). ] Ibid., 349-351. Artery (Iliac, Common, Diseases and in- ' juries of). Berard (A.) IUaques (vaisseaux); maladies des vais- i Beaux Uiaques, et operations qui se pratiquent sur ces vaisseaux. Diet, de m6d., Par., 2. 6d., 1837, xvi, 229-242.— Bryant (J.) Case of obliteration of external Uiac artery, foUowed by gangrene and mortification of the foot and part of the leg. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1823, xix, 45-51.—Butler (J. H.) Abscess of the liver; occlusion of the right com- j mon iliac artery. Maryland and Virg. M. J., Richmond, | 1861, xvi, 102.—Charcot. Note Bur la claudication inter- mittente observee dans un cas d'obllt6ration complete de l'une des arteres iliaques primitives. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1859, 3. 8., xiv, 282-286.—Hicks (J.) Caso of rupture of the right common Uiac artery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., x, 763-765.—Kinloch (It. A.) Traumatic lesion of iliac artery, with complete occlusion of the femoral; gangrene of leg; recovery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1878, xxviii, 53-56.—Oppolzer. Ein FaU von Obliteration der Arteria iliaca externa dextra; Gangran der betreffenden Extremitat; tiidtUcher Ausgang. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 408; 419.—Taunton (J.) [Case of obUterated iliac artery.] Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1811, xxv, 35-40.— Vaslin. Perforation de lartere Uiaque primitive; abces du bassin. BulL Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, xUii, 213. 39 Artery (Iliac, Common, Ligatui-e of). See, also, Aneurisms (Femoral—Gluteal—IUac— Ischiatic). Bouisson (F.) De la ligature des artercs r<5- tropelviennes. 8°. Montpellier, 1816. Aho, in: J. Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Montpel., 1846, xiU, 1- 24. Aho: Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1846, n. s., ii, 22-44. Butcher (R. G.) On ligature of the iliac ar- tery for the cure of inguinal aneurism. 8°. Dub- lin', 1872. Also, in: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 329-347, 3 pi. Hargrave (YV.) Ligature ofthe left common iliac artery. 8°. Dublin, 1865. Aho, in: Med. Press, Dubl., 1865, liv, 169-174. Aho: Med. Circ, Lond., 1865, n. s., xxvii, 146; 163. Meckel (C. A.) * Ueber die Unterbindung der Arteria iliaca communis und ihrer Zweige. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Baker (W. M.) Case of ligature of the common iliac artery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1872, viii. 120-124.— Barbosa (A. M.) Memoria sobre a laqueacao da arteria iliaca primitiva a proposito d'esta operacao praticada em 7 do Fcvereiro dc 1873 no hospital de S. Jose de Lisboa. Mem. Acad. r. cl. sc. de Lisb., 1875, n. 8., v, pt. 1,1-38. Also: J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1874, xxxviii, 139^ 165; 213; 227. Also: Correio med. do Lisb., 1874, iii, 243; 256; 269; 281; iv, 14; 49. Also: Gaz. med. do Lisb., 1874, 4. s., ii, 245; 279; 301; 329. Aho, transl.: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1874, xiv, 496; 610; 652: 1875, xlvi, 55. Also, transl: Lond. M. Rec, 1874, ii, 625; 643.—Beugnot. Ligature do l'artere iUaquc primi- tive. J. Soc. mod. do la N. Orleans, 1859-60, i, 242-247.— Bickersteth (E. R.) On ligature of the common Uiac ar- tery, with report of a successful case. Edinb. M. J., 1862, viii, 8-12.—Blandin. [Specimen from Ugature of com- mon iliac] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1841, xv, 396.—Bonte- eou (R. B.) Ligature of tho Uiac artery, for aneurism of tho femoral. N. York M. J., 1876, xxiii, 281-283.—Brai- nard (D.) Ligature of the common Uiac artery. Chicago M. J., 1864, xxi, 97-99.—Briarly (W.) t San Francisco M. Press, 1861, ii, 92-94.—Buck (G.) Case of aneurism of the femoral artery for which ligatures were successively ap- plied to tho femoral, profunda, external, and common iliac N. York J. M., 1858, 3. s., v, 305-311.—Busch (F.) t Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1873, xv, 475-484.—Bnshc. t ... in infant. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1830-31, iii, 231.—[Cases.] Ap- plication of a ligature to the common iUac artery of a horse. N. Am. Arch. M. Sc S. Sc, Bait., 1835, ii, 84.—Tying the Uiac artery for a wound of the epigastric artery; tho late fatal duel at Gosport; trial of Mr.Pym; death of Mr. Seton. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1846, vi, 307; 380.—Liga- tion of the primitive Uiac. artery. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1851-2, viu, 820-822.—Crampton (P.) t Lancet, Loud., 1828, U, 570; 634. -----. Case of aneurism of the external iliac ar- tory, in which a ligature was applied to the common iliac artery. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond., 1830, xvi, 157-170.—Cutter (J. B.) Ligature of common Uiac artery; sequel of case of ligation of external iliac artery for aneurism ofthe femoral artery; fatal. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., 1, 391-395.— BuEnreiehcr. t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 186.— Gibson (W.) Case of a wound of the common Uiac artery. Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1820, iii, 185-193. Also, transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1821, x, 336-351.—Gilpin (J.) t Death on the twenty-seventh day. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1851-2, viii, 598-600.—Goldsmith~(M.) False aneu- rism from ulceration of the femoral artery in the groin; primitive iliac tied by penetrating tho peritoneal cavity. Louisville M. J., 1860, i, 1-9.—Guthrie (G. L.) Case of malignant tumor, simulating an aneurism, in which the common iliac was tied. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 590-596. Aho: Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1834-5, vi. 101-104.—L.. Case of Mr. Seton. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1846, vi, 380-382.— Ltemprierc. On a case of ligature of the common iliac artery, for aneurism of the external iliac, by tho posterior operation; with remarks on tho comparative merits of the anterior and posterior operation, by Felix H. Kempster. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1864, ix, 7-15.—de Lisle (R. V.) Ligature of the right iliac artery, on account of haemorrhage, death having taken place from other causes. Array M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1860, ii, 453-457.—Lis ton. Ne- crosis of femur; amputation; secondary haemoiThage; liga- ture of the common Uiac artery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, vi, 124.—Mayo. Ligature of the common Uiac artcry. Lond. M. & S. J., 1834, iv, 349-351,1 pi.—Medoro (S.) Storia d'al- lacciatura deU'arteria iliaca primitiva destra per aneurisma deU'iliaca esterna. Ann. univ. dimed., MUano, 1832, lxiii, 172-178.—Mott. Ligature of the arteria iUaca communis, at its origin. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1827, xiv, 176.—Mott (V.) Successful ligature of the common iliac artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1827, i, 156-161.—Mouret. Lesion de l'ar- tere crurale; ligature au pli de l'aine; hemorrhagic consecu- tive ; ligature de l'Uiaque; gu6rison. J. d. conn, med.-chir.. Par., 1838-9, vi, 237-240.—Norris (G. W.) Table showing ARTERY. 610 ARTERY. Artery (Iliac, Common, Ligature of). the mortaUty foUowing the operation of tying the iUac arte- ries. Am. J: M. Sc, Phila., 1847, n. s., xiii, 13-26.—Osteo- ancurisni of tho pelvis. Case of ligature of the right pri- mitive iUac artery. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y., 1859, x, 354-363.— Salomon. Ligature do l'artere Uiaque primitive, pr6s de la bifurcation dc l'aorte abdominale, pratiqu6e avec succes pour un anevrisme de l'artere Uiaque externe. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 825-827. -----. Continuation a l'his- toire de la maladie do Lucques Rodinoff, sur lequel a 6t6 faite la ligature de l'artere iliaque commune. Ibid., 1840,2. s.,vUi, 493.—Smith (S.) A statistical examination of the opera- tion of deligation of the primitive Uiac artery, embracing the histories (in abstract) of thirty-two cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1860, n. s., xl, 17-46.-----. Aneurism of femoral and external Uiac arteries; Ugation of the external Uiac ; return of pulsation; increase of tumor after two years; Ugation of primitive Uiac; death on tho 48th day. N. York J. M.. 1860, 3. 8., viii, 259-266.—Stanley (E.) On the pulsating tumours of bone, with the account of a case in which a Ugature was placed around tho common Uiac artcry. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1845, xxvUi, 303-328.— Stone (W.) t . . . for aneurism; uso of silver Ugature; death on the 26th day from exhaustion, by dysentery. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1859, xvi, 732-737.—Van Bur en (\V. H.) t [Aneurism of the internal Uiac] N. York J. M., 1856, 3. s., i, 206. -----. t . . . for aneurism of the externai Uiac. Ibid., 1857, 3. 8., U, 50-54. Also: West. Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xvUi, 155-158.—Velpeau (A.) Recher- ehes historiques et pratiques sur la Ugature des arteres iliaques et de l'aorte. Trans. m6d., Par., 1832, ix, 17-44.— Woodbury (F.) Immediate compression of the com- mon iliac artery for the prevention of hemorrhage during operations on the lower extremity, particularly in refe- rence to its usefulness in hip-joint amputations. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 131. Artery (Iliac, External). Ashhurst (J.) jr. Rupture of external Uiac artery; death on twelfth day from internal hemorrhage. PhUa. M. Times, 1875, v, 740. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 107-111.—Bryant (J.) Caseof obUteration of the external iUac artery. Lond. M.. Reposit., 1822, xviii, 119-125.— [Case.] Injury to external Uiac artery from a blow; ob- literation at this point; no pulse in leg when discharged reUeved. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 363.—Foster (O. H.) FaU from a cart; tho left external Uiac artery tern asunder; death. Lancet, Lond., 1879, U, 353.— NichoIIs (J.) Punctured wound of the external Uiac artery, fol- lowed by aneurysm, cured by pressure. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, iv, 202. — Oppolzer. Ein Fall von Obturation der Arteria iUaca externa dextra; Gangran der betreffenden Extremitat; todtlicher Ausgang. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 408; 419. Artery (Iliac, External, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms (Inguinal—Popliteal); Elephantiasis arabum (Treatment of). Delaporte. Memoire sur la ligature de l'artere iliaque externo, dans les an6vrismes de la f6mo- rale, au pli de l'aine. 8°. Brest, [n. d.] Haywood (E. B.) Ligation of right-external iliac artery for traumatic aneurism of femoral artery. 8°. Baleigh, 1870. Vacca-Be rlinghieri (A.) Istoria di una allac- ciatura dell'iliaca esterna e rhlessioni sull'allac- ciature temporarie delle grandi arterie. 8°. Pisa, 1823. Dorsey (J. S.) Inguinal aneurism cured by tying the external iliac artery in the pelvis. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1811.] Abernethy (J.) t Edinb. M. & S. J., 1807, iii, 46-51.— Adams (J.) t For femoral aneurism, with clinical remarks. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1866, iii, 1-5. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, U, 681.—Agard (A. H.) Dif- fuse aneurism of tho femoral artcry, foUowing a wound; ligature of tho external Uiac artery ;' recovery. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1856, n. s., xxxi, 388-396.—Alquie. An6vrisme traumatique de l'artere crurale communiquant avec la veine; ligature de l'artere; h6morragies; ligature de l'Uiaque ex- terno ; hemorragies; compression; autopsie. Gaz. med. do Par., 1841, 2. s., ix, 172.—Am (F.) Considerations pra- tiques sur la Ugature de l'artere iUaque externe et sur les accidens auxquels cUo expose; observation d'une blessure k la cuisse qui a nCcesaite cetto operation; quelques remar- ques sur le diagnostic et lo pronostic des plaies des arteres. Union med., Par., 1848, ii, 565; 568.—Anderson (W.) Ob- servations relative to the application of Ugaturo upon tho external iliac artery. Am. M. Recorder, PhUa., 1821, iv, 462-472.—Arendt. [Ligature of external Uiac, for aneu- rism; cure.] J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iv, 70- 89. -----. t Mit gliickUchem Erfolge ... in der Becken- hohle, wegen eines Aneurysma in der Leistengegend. Lrtery (Iliac, External, Ligature of). Ibid., 1824, vi, 690-703. -----. t . . . welche tiidtUch ab- lief. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer GeseUsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1830, iv, 197-201.—Baker (J. W.) t For inguinal aneurism; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1806, i, 408—Ball in gall, t Lancet, Lond., 1828, i, 518.— Banister (G.) For sloughing of the common femoral from bubo. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863, v, 535-540.— Bassini (E.) Atrofla deU'arto inferiore destro da lega- tura deU'iliaca esterna per aneurisma deUa femorale co- mune. In hh: Clin. Operat., 8°, Ccnova, 1878, 162.—Bel- linghani (O'B.) Caso of secondary haemorrhage on tho eighteenth day after amputation aljve the knee; ligature of the femoral artery ; return of the haemorrhage; Ugature of the external iliac artery; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 1849, xxi, 193-197.—Belton (H. A.) t Pacific M. Sc S. J. Sz Press, San Fran., 1865-0, viu, 232-236.—Bernard (R.) Ligature of tho external iUac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1809, u, 700-702.—Bertolazzi (D.) t ... conesitofeUce. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1831, lvix, 269-295.—Bige- low (H. J.) Ligature of external iUac artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1867-8, lxxvU, 525.—Bird (J. D.) t Aneurism; secondary haemorrhage; euro. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 671. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1868, i, 90.—Bogros. Considerations sur l'anatomie chirurgicale de la region Ui- aque, et description d'un nouveau proc6d6 pour faire la Uga- turo des arteres epigastriquo ct iliaque externe. Arch. g6n. do m6d., Par., 1823, iii, 399-410.—Boling (W. M.) t For aneurism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1844, n. s., vii, 359- 362.—Bouchet. Observation sur la Ugaturo de l'artero iliaquo externe. BnU. Fac de med. de Par., etc., 1814, iv, 174-184.—Bowie & Hastings. Case of secondary he- morrhage of the femoral artery, and successful Ugation of external Uiac. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1852, n. s., xxiv, 564.— Braithwaitc (J.) Ligature of both femoral arteries; mortification of right leg ; amputation; secondary haemor- rhage; Ugature of external iUac; recovery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1831, vU, 558-560.—Brodie. Ligature of the external Uiac; pulsating tumors not always aneurismal; secondary aneu- rismal haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1832, ii, 263-266.— Brook. MaUgnant tumor of the thigh simulating an aneurism; Ugature of the external ibac artery; autopsy. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 272.—Brookes (W. P.) Successful case of ligature of the external iUac ar- tery, close to its origin from the common Uiac, for ingui- nal aneurism; separation of the ligatures on tho forty- seventh day. Lancet, Lond., 1856, U, 192-194. Also : Assoc M. J., Lond., 1856, ii, 802-804.—Brown (J.) t For inguinal aneurism (right limb). Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 129.— Bryant (J.) Aneurysm of common femoral artcry at its bifurcation, with sac reaching up to spine, probably due to embolism; ligature of external Uiac artery; disease of aortic and mitral valves; ulcerative endocarditis; emboUe patches in spleen and kidneys. Tr. Path. Soc. 1876-7, Lond., 1877, xxvui, 98-106.—Buchanan (M. S.) Case of secondary hae- morrhage, in which the external iUac, inguinal, and femoral arteries were tied. Glasgow M. J., 1832, v, 151-166.—Bulck- ens. t N6cessit6e par un plaie de l'artere crurale. Ann. Soc. dem6d. do Gand, 1838, iv, 487-496,1 pi.—Caccioppoli (D.) t Con feUce risultamento. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU, 1852, U, 52.—Campbell (G. W.) t For aneurism of the common femoral. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1865, i, 1-6.—[Carless (E. N.)] t Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 420.— [Cases.] Ibid., 3. ed., 1823-4, ii, 468.—Inguinal aneurism; ligature of tho external ilUac. artery. £ond. M. & S. J., 1834-5, vi, 702.—For a wound in the upper part of the thigh. Lancet, Lond., 1849, ii, 60-62.—Aneurisma cspontaneo da arteria femoral; laqueacao da Uiaca externa; cura. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1855, 2. s., xvi, 137-153.—-Cases of secon- dary haemorrhage after Ugature of the external iUiac. N. York J. M., 1856, n. 8., xvi, 397.—For a large aneurism under Poupart's Ugament. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 194.—[Pathological specimens of Ugaturing tho external Uiac artery for femoral aneurism.] Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, n. s., i, 276^278.—Revolverschuss in den rechten Oberschenkel; Aneurysma traumaticum der A. femoraUs; Unterbindung der A. Uiaca externa; HeUung. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel, 1875, 63.—t Brit, M. J., Lond., 1877, U, 379.—dc Castro (V. A.) t Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 148. —Caswell (E. T.) t t One foUowed by ligation of the common Uiac. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 613.—Cayley (H.) Aneurism of the femoral artery; Uga- ture of external iliac; recovery. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 159.—Chcevcr (D. W.) Wound of the femoral artery; ligature of the external Uiac; subsequent amputa- tion ; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1874, xci, 509-511. Alio : Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Bost, Citv Hosp., 1877. 2. s., 215-218.— Chisolin (J. J.) Arterial disease in a young and other- wise healthy person; Ugature of external iliac artery; death from pyemia 30 days after tho operation. Charleston M. J. & Rov., 1860, xv, 184.—Chusman. Wound of tho leg by a scythe; Ugaturo of tho femoral; secondary haemor- rhage from the seat of the operation; ligature of the exter- nal Uiac; return of haemorrhage from tho femoral; false aneurism; Ugaturo ofthe saphenavein and a branch of tho profunda in the wound made in tying tho femoral artery; sloughing; death. Annalist. N. Y., 1847. i. 292-294.— Clot. t Pratiquee a l'b.6pital d'Abou-Zabel (Egypte), le 7. juU- ARTERY. 611 ARTERY. Artery (Iliac, External, Ligature of). let 1828. Ann. de la med. physiol., Par., 1833, xxiii, 214- 224. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1830-31, iv, 127.—Cole (J.) t Pratiqu6e dans un cas d'anovrisme crural. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1823, xxxi, 108-116.—Cooper (A.) t Pour un an6vrisme inguinal, accompagnee do la dissection du membre, pratiquiio dix-huit ans apres la gu6rison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1837, 2. 8., v, 23.—Cooper (E. S.) On light- ing the sateUite veins in connexion with the arteries which they accompany; operation of ligating tho external iliac artery and vein; rapid recovery of the patient. Calif. State M. J., Sacramento, 1856-7, i, 441-445.—Cooper (J.) t . . . in a case of inguinal aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 647.—Cutter (J. B.) t Successful . . . for traumatic aneu- rism of the femoral, with a statistical tablo showing the results of the operation of tying the external iliac artery. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1864, n. 8., xlviii, 36-43.—Baret (H.) Ligature of the external Uiac artcry. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1845-6, U, 113.—Bavies (J.) t For secondary haemor- rhage from tho femoral, which had been twice lied for popliteal aneurism; death from gangrene of the leg. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, u. s., iv, 277-282.—Benucc. Observation d'un cas d'an6vrismo inguinal; ligature do l'artere Uiaque externe. Union m6d. do la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1856, i, 282- 289.—Biaz (J. G.) Ligadura do la arteria Uiaca esterna, a consecuencia de un tumor aneurismdtico desarroUado en la femoral del mismo lado. Estimulo, Habana, 1862-3, ii, 98-100. -----. Ligadura de la arteria iliaca externa. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. ... do la Habana, 1866, iU, 2.!4-230.— Borsey (J. S.) Inguinal aneurism cureel by tying the external Uiac artery iu the pelvis. Eclect. Repert., Phila., 1812, U, 111-115.—Bupuytrcn. Observation sur un cas de ligature de 1'artere iliaquo externe. [Case observed through II years.] R6pert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par., 1826, ii, 230-250. Aho: Arch. g6n. do m6d., Par., 1827, xiv, 239-245. Aho, transl.: Phila. Month. J. M. Sc S., 1827, U, 19-24. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1834, i, 540-551.— Fddison (B.) Femoral and popl.teal aneurism; external iliac artery tied. Lond. M. Reposit., 1828, xxix, 238-242.— Edc (J. R.) t Lancet, Lond., 1858, i, 555.—Fcnn (C. T.) | t Death. ChicagoM. J., 1870, xxvii, 36.—Fcrgnssou (W.) t Unusual course of tho vessel. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, | i. 280.—Fcrgusson Sc Bowman. Extensive disease of arteries; aneurismal dUatation of the femoral at both sides; deUgation of the right external Uiac. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 13.—Fleming (J.) t For femoral aneurism; reco- very. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 474.—Frankel. Unter- bindung der Arteria Uiaca externa innerhalb der Bauch- hohle. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1829, xUi, 660-667.— Freeman (S. A.) t Buffalo M. & S. J., 1871-2, xi, 291.— Furner (E.) Aneurism; Ugature of the external iliac artcry; cure. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, xvU, 687.—Gallerand (E.) Ligature de l'Uiaque externe. Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1875, xxn, 391-400.—Gibbs (H. L.) t Tied under pecuUar circumstances. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1827, n. s., Ui, 97-99.—Gibson (C. B.) t For traumatic femoral aneu- rism. Maryland Sc Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1860, xiv, 446- 448.—Gonzales (C.) Ligadura de la Uiaca externa. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. ... dela Habana,1871,vUi,225-229.— Gnimaracs (A.) De um caso de aneurisma da arteria femoral; Ugadura da Uiaca-externa; queda da Ugadura 21 dias depois da opcracao; morte. Rev. med. do Rio do Jan., 1876, n.s.,i, 37-44.—Hall (J. C.) t SuccessfuUy tied. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1832, x, 90-92.—HaIpin (C.) t Lond. J. M., 1851, Ui, 954.—Bardie (G. K.) t For a large false aneurism ofthe left femoral. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863,v, 543.—Harris (J.) DeUgation of the external iUac Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 393.—Heard (L.) Wound of the femoral artery; Ugature of both cardiac and distal sides of injury; secondary haemorrhage; ligature of external Uiac; peritonitis; death of the patient. BostonM. Sc S. J., 1862, Ixvii, 369-373. Also: Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 337.—Hoppe. Geschichte einer wegen einer Blu- tung in der Inguinalgegend vorgenommenen Unterbindung der Arteria iliaca externa. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xv, 239-260.—Hutchinson (J. C ) t. [Left side.] For aneurism ofthe femoral artery; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1876, n. s., lxxi, 91.—Kcraipf (M.) Aneurism of femoral artcry; Ugation of femoralaitery; secondary hemor- rhage ; ligation of external iUac. LouisvUle M. News, 1878, vi, 37-39.—Kilian (H. F.) Unterbindung der Arteria iUaca externa. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1828, xxvi, 295- 311.—Kleberg (B.) Zwei FaUe von Stichwunden des Oberschenkels und Unterbindung der Art. iliaca externa mit todtlichem Ausgange. Dorpat. med. Ztschr.. 1871, i, 68-73.—Klein. Unterbindung der Arteria femoralis und der IUaca externa. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl.Ver., Stuttg., 1868,xxxvUi,ll-13.—Laidlaw (J.) Ulceration of I the uiac artery from a plague carbuncle; successful liga- I ture of the external iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1839, i, 613- | 615.—Langcnbeck (C. J. M.)' Ueber das Auffinden der zu unterbindenden Arteria cruralis in der Bcckenge- gend (Iliaca externa; Hiaca anterior; Cruralis communis; Cruralis iliaca). N. BibUoth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Hannov., 1823-8, iv, 112-137.—Lawton (J. W.) t Proc. Connect. M. Soc. 1860-63, N. Haven, 1863, 2. 8., i, 218-220.—Lctcn- nenr. Anevrisme de l'artere grande musculaire externe ! de la cuisse droite; Ugature ue la grande musculaire; irtery (Iliac, External, Ligature of). recidive; ligature de l'artere crurale sous le Ugament de Fallope; hemorrhagic,; Ugature do l'artere iUaque externe; rccidive do l'anevrisme ; mort. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1856, vi, 415-422. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 115. -----. Cancer gangUonnaire de la region inguinale consecu- tif a. un ecz6ma de la marge de l'anus; ulceration de l'artere crurale; h6morrhagie; ligature de l'artero iliaque externe; hemorrhagies secondaires arretees par la compression di- recte; mort par suite de la cachexie. Ibid., 1868, xii, 25.— Lewinsky. Ueber die Unterbindung der Art. iUaca ext. und einige clnrurgisch wichtige Verhaltnisse der Fcmoral- arterie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1862, vUi, 25; 47: 1863, ix, 33; 57; 196; 217.—Lisfranc. An6vrisme au pU de l'aine; Ugaturo do l'Uiaque externe; guerison. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 650.—Lister (J.) t On the antiseptic system. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 101.—[Lou. reneo da Luz (J.)] Observacoes sobro tres casos do li- gaduras da arteria iUaca externa para a cura de aneurysmas inguinaes. J. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1835, i, 19-30, 1 pi.— Macau ley (J. P.) Case of traumatic aneurism of femo- ral artery; ligating external iliac artery; patient recover- ing. San Francisco M. J., 1856, i, 9.—M'Farland (F. E.) t For femoral aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1870, i, 728.— Mncfarlanc (J.) Lacerated wound of tho groin; secon- dary hemorrhage; ligature of the external iliac and femo- ral arteries; death. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1837, xlvii, 41-46. Also, transl.: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 285.— ITIacGillivray (P. H.) t Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1870, xv, 65-67.—M'Kinlay (W. B.) Ligation of femoral and external Uiac arteries; secondary hemorrhage; Uga- tion of common iliac; recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1864, ix, 808-812.—Maddin (T. L.) t Cure. NashviUe J. M. Sc S., 1868-9, n. s., iv, 59-64.—Malgaigne. Sur la ligature do l'artere Uiaque externe. Bull Acad, de med., Par., 1843-4, ix, 891. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1844, xvUi, 1059.—Mnstin(C.H.) Inguinal aneurism; successful liga- tion of external Uiac artery by means of silver wire. New Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1866-7, xix, 182-190.—Mocquin. Ane- vrysme diffus cons6cutif do,l'artere femorale; insucces do la compression digitale; ligature do 1'iUaque externe; au- topsie. M6m. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1866, v, 268-270.— Morgan (W. L.) Aneurism of lett femoral artery; liga- ture of femoral artery; secondary aneurismal swelling; ligature of external Uiac; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, U, 723.—Moulaud. Sur la ligature de 1'artere iUaque externe. Rap. de Percy et Larrey. Bull. Fac. de ni6d. do Par., etc., 1817, v, 534-544.—Myers (A. B. R.) t With car- bolised catgut for aneurism in a syphilitic subject. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, u, 670.—Nielson (J.) A caso of punc- ture of the femoral artery a little below Poupart's ligament, for which the external iliac artery was tied. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1822, vu, 356-358.—Nunn (T. W.) t Lancet, Lond., 1849, i, 476.—Nunneley (T.) CUnical remarks on a case of simulated aneurism; ligature of the external iliac artery; abnormal distribution of the femoral bloodvessels; cyst under them; unsuspected fracture of the neck of tho thigh- bone; death. Ibid., 1873, U, 390; 430.—Ogden (J.) t For a wound. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1853, 369.— O'Shaugh- ncssy (R.) t Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1842, viii, pt. 2, pp. ccxxiii-ccxxvi.—Otto, t Pour un an6vrysme de l'artere Uiaque externe, op6r6Q avec succes. Experience, Par., 1840, v, 348-351.—Packard (J. H.) t Recovery. PhUa. M. Times, 1871, i, 217.—Parkman (S.) t Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1850, n. s., xix, 72.—Parry, t Madras Q. M. J., 1842, iv, 374-377.—Paul (J.) Compound fracture of leg, ultimately requiring amputation of the limb and ligature of common femoral and external Uiac arteries. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iU, 109-114.—Pember- ton (O.) On a recent case of Ugature of the external iUac artery by an antiseptic material for the euro of an un- usual number of aneurisms. Lancet, Loud., 1876, i, 310. -----. On two cases in which the external Uiac artery was successfully tied for the cure of aneurism. Ibid., 1877, ii, 120; 155; 196.—Perier (C.) Ulceration de 1'artere fe- morale gauchedans un ancien foyer de suppuration; ligature de l'artere Uiaque externe; gangrene du membre inferieur; mort. [Rapport sur ce travail par M. A. Lo Dentu. ] M6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1874, vii, 569-591.—Pengnet (E.) 11 N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 392-396.—Pinkerton (J.) t For inguinal aneurism. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 546.—Po- land. Ruptured popliteal artery and vein; amputatiou; Ugature of femoral and subsequently of external Uiac artery for secondary haemorrhage; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.,1866,ii,6.—Poore (C. T.) & Bryan (J. H.) Perfora- tion of femoral artery from ulceration of suppurating bubo; ligature of external Uiac artery; gangrene of leg; death. N. York M. J., 1879, xxx, 317-319.—Portal (P.) Ligature of the femoral and external Uiac arteries, with observations. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1841,v, pt. 1,85-90,1 pi.—Power. (W.) t For femoral aneurism. Maryland M. & S. Jt, Bait., 1843, iii,28-37.— Prichard (A.) 11 St. Barth. Hosp, Rep., Lond., 1867, iii, 227-234.—Bichet (A.) t Dans un cas d'anevrysme diffus de l'artere crurale. Arch. g6n- de< m6d., Par., 1840, 3. s., viii, 189-195.—Bust (J. N.) t Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1823, xiv, 576-579. — Salmon (E.) Case of inguinal aneurism successfully treated by tying the external iliac artery. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii. ARTERY. 612 ARTERY. Artery (Iliac, External, Ligature of). 95-98.—Salomon (M.) t t Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1871, | xxUi, 73.—Sappey Sc Lancereaux. Ligature de l'artero iliaque exteme necessitee par une plaie suivie d'heniorrha- gie foudroyante; guerison ; mort trente ans apres l'opera- tion ; autopsie; obliteration s'etendant de l'origine de l'Ui- aque externe k l'origine de la temorale profunda; arteres par lesquelles le sang etait transmis des parties superieures au : tronc de la femorale. Compt. rend. Soc do biol. 1861, Par., 1862, 3. s., iii, 109-115.—Simon. EpitheUoma of the groin; ligature of the external iliac for haemorrhage; recurrence of haemorrhage; second ligature; death from extension of the epitheUoma. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 113.—Si- otis. Plaie de la cuisse; blessure de l'artere femorale; anevrysme cons6cutif; ligature de l'artere iUaque exteme; guerison. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1873-4, xvU, 115-118.—Smith (H.) Successful case of Ugature, both of external iUac and superficial femoral artery on the same j subject. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 4G5. j -----. t Ibid., 530. -----. t Ibid., 1871, i, 219. A ho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1871, i, 408. —Smith (It.) t Ibid., 1833, ii, 387. -----. Results of operations for the removal of a tumor I and the ligature of the external iliac. Ibid., 1834, i, 63.— j Stanley, t For a supposed aneurism of the femoral. Ibid., 1859, U, G16; 661. —Stewart (A.) t For slough- ing of the common femoral. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1863, v, 540-543.—[Stone.] t N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1851-2, vUi, 543.—Terry (CO.) t For femoral aneurism a year after a similar operation on the right side; death from secondary hemorrhage on the twentieth day. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 224.—Thornburn. Case of sloughing of tho femorai artery from phagedenic ulceration in the groin, in which the external iliac artery was tied. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, ii, 124-120.—[Tibbits.] t Antiseptic ligature of. Laucet, Loud., 1874, ii, 624.—Toland. Ninth case of ligatiou of the external Uiac artery for aneurism; recovery. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1878, vii, 159-161,1 pi.—Townsend (S. j D.) t Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Improve., 1856, ii. 161. Aho: Am. J.M. Sc,Phila., 1855, n. s., xxix,79.—Velpeau. t Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1832, v, 442. Also: J. univ. et hebd. demed. et dechir. prat., Par., 1832, vi, 346-351.—Walter (C.) Caso of femoral aneurism ; ligature of the external iUac artery; death in four days after operation. St. George's Hosp. Rep. 1871-2, Lond., 1873, vi, 185-187.—Warren (J. C.) t Cured. >T. Eng. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1823, xU, 225-229, 1 pi.—Watson J (E.) Successful ligature of both external ibacs for ingui- nal aneurisms. Laucet, Loud., 1876, ii, 213-215.—Watson (W. S.) t Ibid., 1878, ii, 137. -----. On a case of aneurism in the groin, for which the external iliac artery was tied j with success. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 679.— I Wedderburn (A. J.) t N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1846-7, iii, j 158-163.—Wellesley (S.) Case of aneurism of the femo- ral and popliteal arteries treated by ligature of the exter- nal iUac; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 660.—Whit- combe (W. P.) Wound of femoral artery; ligature; se- condary haemorrhage after fifty-two days; Ugaturo of ex- ternal iliac artery ; mortification of limb; amputation and death. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1865, x, 35-37.— Wood (J. R.) 11 N. York M. Press, 1860, n. s., iii, 326-328. Artery (Iliac, Internal). See, also, Aneurisms (Gluteal—Ischiatic). Atkinson (J.) On tying the internal iUac artery. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1817, xxxviii, 267-273.—Bavy (R.) On the effectual control of the internal iliac artery by pressure through the rectal on tho pelvic waU. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1874, i, 686.—Eckhard. Mangel der A. hypogas- trica. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1868, 3. R., xxxi, 408.—Gallozzi (C.) Considerazioni su di un caso di guarigione di legatura deU'arteria iliaca interna. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1809, xi, 777-792.—Hay ward sen. Wound of the internal Uiac artery, caused by instruments used with intent to expedite labour. Am. J. M. Sa, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxv, 77.—Landi (P.) Legatura deU'arteria iliaca interna per ferita di un ramo della glutea. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1875, xxxv, 12; 121.—Oppizzi (G.) Legatura deU'arteria iliaca interna destra per fungo ematode della sinfisi sacro-Uiaca. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1874, xxxiv, 33-35.—Overend (W.) Ligaturo of the internal iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1833, i, 667-669.—Stevens. Ligature ofthe internal Uiac artery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1830, vi, 315.—Syme. Ligature of the internal iliac artery. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 562.—Thompson (J. W.) Liga- tion of internal Uiac artery; death on sixth day from se- condary haemorrhage, with remarks on a caso of retention of ligature for nino months. Nashville J. M. & S., 1866, n. s., i, 108-110.—Tripier (C. S.) Ligature of the gluteal and internal iliac arteries. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1854, n. s., xxvii, 365-369. Artery (Innominate). Ekdmann (A. C.) * Descriptio anatomica ar- teriaB innoniinatie et thyroideae imae. 4-\ Jena;, 1772. Cumming (J. S.) Ulceration into the trachea and innominate artery; death from hemorrhage. Lancet,Lond., 1860, i, 88. —Bubrueil. Anomalies du tronc brachio- Artery (Innominate). cephalique. J. Soc. de med.-prat. do Montpel., 1844, ix, 401-413, 1 pi.—Bubrueil (A.) Anomalie clu tronc arte- riel brachio-c6phalique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1862, Par., 1863, 3. s., iv, 189.—Erwin (R. W.) Wound of the innominate artery; death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1872, n. s.,lxUi, 281.—Lefort(L.) Brachio-cephaUques(vaisseaux). Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, x, 451-485.—Liicke (A.) Die Anomalien des Truncus anonymus in ihrer Be- ziehung zur Tracheotomie. (3 FaUe.) Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1863, iv, 589-592.—Petrequin. Tronc brachio- cephalique passant derriere l'origine des bronches. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1837, 2. s., v, 199.—Preisendorfer (P.) Ueber einen FaU von voUstandiger Obliteration der Arteria anonyma, fast voUstandiger der Carotis und Subclavia sinis- tra, c'ompUcirt rait Aneurysma der Aorta undCarcinom des Oesophagus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, lxxxiii, 594-603, 1 pi.—Pruys -van der Hoevcu (C.) Slagader- breuk van de arteria innominata. Geneesk. Bjjdr., Rot- terd., 1828, ii, 2. deel, 187-193.— Bussell. Extreme en- largement of tho heart from disease of the aorta; disease of tne innominata, simulating aneurism ofthe aorta. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1850, 577.—Verletzung der Vena jugu- laris communis dextra, der Arteria carotis sinistra und der Aorta innominata. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1855, n. F., vi, 159-161. Artery (Innominate, Ligature of). King (T.) *Diss. sur la ligature de l'artero innominee (tronc brachio-cephalique) et des ar- teres sous-clavieres entre leur origine et la pre- miere c6te, avec la description de nouveau pro- ce'de^ op6ratoires pour arriver a ces vaisseaux. 4°. Paris, 1828. Kocn (G. J.) * De arteriae innominate subli- gatione novaque eam feliciter perficiendi me- thodo. sm. 8°. Berolini, [1846]. Kuhl(C.A.) [Pr.] . . . pt.xviii, Arteriaeinno- minatiB aneurysmaticae carotide ligata sanatse. 4°. Lipsia;, 1835. -----. [Pr.] . . . pt. xix, Arterite anonymae deligatio. 4°. Lipsice, 1835. Also, transl.: Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz., 1837, iv, 363-368. Mickwitz (T.) *De trunci auonymi ligatura. 12°. [Dorpat], 1836. Mott (V.) Reflections on securing in a liga- ture the arteria innominata; to -which is added a case in which this artery was tied by a surgical operation. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Smyth (A. W.) The collateral circulation in aneurism. Report of the successful ligation of the imiominate, the common carotid, the verte- bral, and the internal mammary arteries, iu a case of right subclavian. 8C. New Orleans, La., 1876. Arendt. Unterbindung der Art. innominata wegen eines Aneurysma der Art. subclavia. Verm. Abhandl. . . . v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1830, iv, 189-196.—Bickersteth (E. R.) Case of subclavian aneu- rism in which temporary compression of the innominate was tried, foUowed by ligature of that vessel. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1873, lvi, 129-138, 1 pi. Also: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1872, vii, 98-100.—Bland (W.) Opera- tion of tying the arteria innominata. Lancet, Lond., 1832, i, 97-101.—[Case.] Penetrating wound of the axilla; liga- ture of the right subclavian; secondary haemorrhage; liga- ture of the innominata; death. Ibid., 1841-2, ii, 230.— Cooper (E. S.) Aneurism of the right carotid and sub- clavian arteries; Ugation of the arteria innominata. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1859, n. s., xxxviii, 395: 1861, n. 8., xii, 572. -----. t Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1861, n. s., iv, 475- 480. Aho: San Francisco M. Press, 1861, ii, 52-54.—Eve (P. F.) History of the Ugature applied to the brachio-ce- phaUc artery, or arteria innominata, with statistics of the operation. Tr. Tennessee M. Soc, NashvUle, 1856, xxvii, 23-43. Aho, Reprint. Aho: NashvUle J. M. &. S., 1856, xi, 1-22.—Fayrer (J.) Case of aneurism of the right in- ternal carotid; Ugature of the common carotid; secondary hemorrhage; ligature of the innominate; death. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1870-71, xiv, 232-336.—Gore (A. T.) t For aneurism of the subclavian artery. Lancet, Lond.., 1878, U, 119.—Graefe. t In a letter to Dr. Macleod from Prof. Wagner. Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1823, xUx, 475.— Hall (R. W.) Case of aneurism of the right subclavian artery in which a Ugature was appUed to the arteria inno- minata. Bait. M. & S. J. & Rev., 1833, i, 125-132—nar- grave. Reflections on the operation for securing the arteria innominata and the subclavian in the first part of its course, with the proposal of a new operation for effect- ARTERY. 613 ARTERY. Artery (Innominate, Ligature of). hig this object. Med. Press Sc Circ, Dubl., 1868, Ui, 223- 225.—Hutin (F.) Plaie par instrument piquant et tran- chant dans le creux axiUaire; Ugaturo de Partere sous- claviere droite; chute de la ligature au neuvieme jour; he- morrhagies ; Ugature du tronc brachio-cephalique k minuit; mort dn sujet. Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 5-14.—Jamison (H. G.) Tho surgical anatomy of the parts concerned iu the operation of tying the arteria inno- minata, illustrated by transverse sections. Am. M. Re- corder, Phila., 1826, x. 83; 291.—King (T.) An essay on ! the ligature of tho innominata and subclavian arteries, the | latter between their origin and tho scaleni muscles. Lan- cet, Lond., 1831, i, 728-733.—Lizars. Ligature of the arteria innominata. Ibid., 1837, i, 406. -----. Aneurism of the subclavian artery treated by Ugature of the arteria innominata. Ibid., ii, 445; 602.—Lynch (J. E.) Ligature ofthe arteria innominata. Med. Gaz., N. Y., 1868, i, 100.— I Mott (V.) Reflections on securing in a ligature the arte- ria innominata, to which is added a caso in which this artery was tied by a surgical operation. Med. & Surg. ] Reg., N. Y., 1818, i, 9-54. Aho, Reprint. -----. Remarks j on a paper iu the New York Hospital Reports, entitled "Reflections on securing in a Ugaturo the arteria inno- minata", etc. Am. M. Recorder. PhUa., 1819, ii, 374-385. i Aho, Reprint. -----. Further remarks on the case of liga- ture of the arteria innominata. Eclect. Repert., PhUa., | 1820, x, 563.—©'Grady. Ligature of the arteria inno- minata at Mercer's Hospital, Dublin. Med. Press Sc Circ, I Lond., 1873, xv, 388.—PeLxoto (A. J.) Observation sur | la ligature du tronc brachio-c6phalique. Mem. Acad, de j med., Par., 1855, xix, 23-30.—Porter (W. H.) Aneurism of the subclavian artery above the clavicle; attempt to I secure the innominata unsuccessful, by reason of the j diseased condition of that vessel. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1832, i, 25-39.—Bogers (D. L.) Remarks upon the appUcation of a ligature to the arteria innominata. In hh: I Surg. Essays, 8°, N. Y., 1850, 45-53. -----. Case of suc- cessful Ugation of the innominata. Am. M. Times, N. Y., j 1864, ix, 95.—Smyth (A. W.) A case of successful liga- ture of tho innominate artery. N. Orl. J. M., 1869, xxU, 464-469.—Wyeth (J. A.) Surgical anatomy and operative surgery of the innominate and subclavian arteries and their branches. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1878, xxix [prizeessay], 141-245, 5 pL Artery (Intercostal). Bergelt (C. G.) * De hemorrhagia arteriae in- j tercostalis. 4°. Lipsice, 1835. Dulac (L.) * De la blessure des arteres inter- j costales dans les plaies de poitrine, et particuliere- ment dans la paracentese. 4°. Paris, 1874. Harder (C.) * De haemorrhagia arteriie inter- costalis. 8°. Berolini, 1823. Also, transl.: J.f. Chir.u.Augenh.,Berl.,1824,vi,293-314. | Kaltschmied (C. F.) [Pr.] De vulnere va- i solum iutercostalium non lethali. 4°. Jence, [1754]. Lekoy (C.) * Blessure de l'artere intereostale. 4°. Paris, 1875. Martin (C.-E.) * Des 16sions des arteres inter- costales. 4°. Paris, 1855. Meunier (J. A. A.) * Hemorrhagic produite par la lesion des intercostales; moyens proposds pour l'arreter; ligature de ces arteres. 4°. Paris, 1861. Belloq. Description d'une machine pour arreter le sang de l'artere intereostale. Mem. Acad, de chir., Par., 1753,U, 125-129.—Blanchetti (V.) t Di un aneurisma dif- fuso toracico, per frattura di costa con lesione deU'arteria intereostale, guarito colla semplice cura medicinalo. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1856,2. s., vui, 29-39.—C anel la (G.) Arteria intereostale lesa da stromento tagliente. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento, 1826, ii, 65-67. —Chelius (M. J.) Ueber die Verletzung der Arteria intercostalis in gericht- licli-meiUcinischcr Hinsicht. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1825, i, 625-650. -----. Bemerkungen iiber dio Behandlung der ver- i letzten Art. intercostalis. Ibid., 1827, ui, 317-320.—Be- | marquay. Blessure do l'artere intereostale; h6mor- J rhagie; mort. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par. (1868), 1869, 2. s., I ix, 97-101. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xU, 170.—Foun- tain (E.J.) The medical properties and therapeutic effects j of the chlorate of potash; naemato-thorax, from a wound of j an intercostal artery, successfuUy treated by this remedy, i N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 1-27. — Hartung. Verle- tzung der Arteriaintercostalis. Gen.-Ber. d. k. Rhein. Med.- CoU., 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 92. Also: Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 214. — Heyfelder. [Caso of openiug of intercostal artery from caries of the fourth rib, forming a tumor.] Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1851, iii, 507-509.—Howard (B.) Caso of ligature of an intercostal artery by a peculiar mode. | Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1803, vi, 52.—dc Lalibarde (A.) \ Artery (Intercostal). Plaie penetrante du poumon avec 16sion d'une artere inter- eostale anterieure, suivie d'emphys6me, d'6panchement san- guin et de pleurite; guerison. j. de m6d., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1851, xiii, 324.—mayne. Wouncl of the inter- costal artery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Ui, 494.—P. (G. H.) Penetrating wound of the thorax; intercostal artcry laid open; constant haemorrhage, until arrested by a peculiar kind of plug: perfect recovery. Dublin M. Press, 1841, vi, 302.—Pauli (F.) Subcutane Unterbindung der Arteria intercostalis. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1849, x, 552.—Buff (A.) Gerichtsarztliches Gutachten iiber eine todtUche Verletzung der Arteria intercostalis. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib.,1844,ix. 301-340.—Schneider (P. J.) Medicinisch-gerichtliche Untersuchung iiber eine todtliche Verletzung aer Arteria intercostalis nebst Krankenge- schichte uud Sectionsbericht. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1825, ix, 134-171.—Stadclniayer (F.) Ueber eine penotrrrende Herz- und Magenwundo nebst gleichzeitiger Verletzung einer Arteria intercostalis. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1848, ix, 33-40.—Thierry. Remarques et observation sur l'hemorrhagie de l'artere intereostale. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1828, Ui, 151-153.—Vieira (A. F. C.) Ferula penetrante & cavidade do thorax; lesao d'arteria in- tercostal; derramamento sanguineo na mesma cavidade j morte. J. Soc. d. sc. med. deLisb., 1857, 2. s., xx, 91-95. Artery (Interosseous). [Alquie (A.)] Plaie penetrante de l'artere interos- seuso posterieure de l'avant-bras droit chez un mil-/aire; hemorrhagic secondaire; cauterisation; hemorrhagic; liga- ture de l'artere 16see; guerison. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1857-8, v, 58-60.—Butcher (R. G. H.) Extensively com- minuted fracture of both bones of the forearm, with exces- sive hcemorrhage into the limb, from laceration of the in- terosseal artery; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 1852, xxviiir 113.—Hulke. Wound of tho interosseous artery of the forearm; double. Ugature above and below the opening in the vessel. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1876, i, 63.—Mi- chel. Ligature du tronc des arteres interosseuses de l'avant-bras; operation nouvelle. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1874, xxi, 619-622.—Stark (G. A.) Wound of the anterior interosseous artery of the right arm; formation of a trau- matic aneurism, and subsequent Ugature of the vessel at the point of injury. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, vui, 244-248. Artery (Labial). BarthiM (F.) Grave h6morrhagie a la suite de l'ouver- ture de lartere labiate superieure. Rev. do therap. du midi, Montpel., 1850, i, 45-47. Artery (Lingual). IBepauI.] iSclampsie avant l'accouchement; 16sion de la langue determinant une hemorrhagic grave de l'artere lingualc; accouchement spontane; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 185.—Grnber (W.) Ueber eine fiir die operative Chirurgie bepcicksichtigungswerthe Anomalie der Arteria lingualis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, Ixxiv, 429-433.—Hughes (J.) Ulceration of the Ungual artery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Iii, 225-227.—Kranse (W.) Die A. profunda linguae und der Arcus raninus. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1870, cv, 97-111,1 pi.— Paulet (V.) Linguales (artere et veines); bibliographic. Diet, encycl. d. sc ined., Par., 1869, 2. s., U, 603-615. Artery (Lingual, Haemorrhage from). See Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). Artery (Lingual, Ligature of). See, also, Tongue (Surgery of). Grobeluy(P.) * Zur Unterbindung der Ar- teria lingualis. 8°. Greifswald, 1872. Mauvoisin (A.) * De la ligature prdventive et atrophiante des arteres de la langue. 4°. Paris, 1873. Sautter (L.) * Ueber die Unterbindung der Arteria lingualis. 8°. Tubingen, 1873. Vouga(P.) * De la ligature de l'artere lin- gualc comme moyen d'h^mostase pr6ventive dans les opdrations pratiquees sur la langue. 8°. Neuchalel, 1871. Beck (B.) Zur Unterbindung der Arteria lingualis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1873, ii, 322-324.—Chee- ver (D. W.) Two cases of ligature of the lingual artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1866, lxxiii, 214-216.—Bcmarqnay. Ligature des deux arteres linguales. Union med., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxxii, 508. -----. Memoire sur la Ugature de lartere linguale. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1868, i, 129- 143. Also, transl.: AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 18G9, xiv, 147; 157. -----. t Ligature de l'artere linguale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 489. -----. Note on Ugature of the Un- gual artery iu cases of cancroid disease of the. tongue; with cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 341.— Biscussiott ARTERY. 614 ARTERY. Artery (Lingual, Ligature of). sur la ligature de l'artere Unguale. Bull, et mCm. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1879, n. s., v, 805-811.—Fort. A propos do la ligature do 1'artere linguale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Ui, 1035.—Gouzy. Dans un cas de tumeur do la langue. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1871, v. 353-372.—Ha ward (W.) t Ligature of the lingual artcry. Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 109. -----. Caso of recurrent cancer of tho tongue treated by Ugature of the lingual artery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1877, x, 129-132.—Howe (J. W.) Ligation of the lingual arteries between the external carotid and pos- terior bolder of the hyo-glossus muscle; extirpation of the tongue for epithelioma. Hosp. Gaz. & Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1878, iv, 329-331.—Jelly (G. F.) & Gay (G. W.) Ligature of Ungual artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1868, lxxvii, 22.—Lesser. Eine Methode zur Unterbindung der Arte- ria linguaUs. Deutscho Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i, 587-593.—Begnise. Ligature do l'artere Unguale prati- quee pour un naevus ulc6re de la langue chez un enfant do deux ans et demi. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1843, i, 316-318.—Shrady (G. F.) Ligature of Ungual artery near its origin; removal of epithelioma of tongue. N. York M. J., 1878, xxvii, 192; xxviii, 384. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 204-206.—Stinson (L. A.) Ligation of both Ungual arteries, preliminary to excision of right lateral half of tongue. Hosp. Gaz'., N. Y., 1878, iii, 238.—Vocl- ker (G.) De la ligature de l'artero Unguale dans les cas de tumeur cancereuse do la langue. Union med., Par., 1869, 3. s., vii, 910-914. Artery (Lumbar, Rupture of). Hefflngcr (A. C.) Traumatic aneurism the result of a rupture of one of the right lumbar arteries. Boston M. & S. J., 1879, c, 221-225. Artery (Mammary). Unger (F. A.) * Nounulla de arteriae mamma- rise internae vulneribus. 8°. Lipsice, [18(50]. Bonnafont. Proc6de pour faire la Ugature de l'artere mammaire interne. Gaz. a. hop., Par., 1834, viU, 383.— Eve (P. F.) Wound of the internal mammary artery-, etc.; recovery. NashvUle J. M. & S., 1851, i, 257-259.—Goy- raud (G.) Ligaturo do l'artero maniniairo interne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1834, vUi, 4G1.—Gruber (W.) Ueber die Varianten des ungewcihnlichen Ursprunges der Arteria mammaria interna und des Truncus thyreo-cervicaUs. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, Uv, 485-491, 1 pi. -----. Ein Nachtrag zu den Anomalien des Ursprunges der Arteria mammaria interna. Ibid., 1876, lxvi, 404.— iVIalgaigne. Coup do feu au sternum; hemorrhagie le douziemejour par l'artere mammaire interne; mort. Rev. m6d.-chir. do Par., 1848, iv, 55.—Bcuillet. Plaie pene- trante du mediastin anterieur sans lesion de la plevro ou du poumon; emphysemc; blessure do la mammaire interne; plaie penetrante do l'abdomen, sans blcssuro du tube intes- tinal; emphys6mc; hemorrhagic interne; autopsio. Gaz. m6d. do Lyon, 1866, xviii, 428-430—Simeons. Zur Lehre von den penetrirenden Biustwunden; Verletzung der Arteria mammaria interna mit todtUchem Ausgange, nebst ferichtsarztUchem Gutachten. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Wang., 1849, lvu, 123-161.—Tourdes (G.) Des blessures de l'artere mammaire interne, sous le point de vue medico- legal. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1849, xiU, 165-201.—Valentin. Epanchement do sang considerable, cause par la lesion de l'artere mammaire droite, gu6ri par l'operation de l'em- pyemo, au Ueu d'election. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1792, iv, 108-115. Artery (Maxillary). See, also, Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). GCnzius (J. G.) Comment. d.e arteria lari interna. 4°. Lipsice, 1743. Cramer (J. G.) Verblutung aus der Arteria maxillaris externa. Friedreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1873, xxiv, 268-272.—Joel. Verblutung aus der Arteria maxil- laris interna. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1834, Ui, 145.—Kleberg. Zur Unterbindung der Arteria maxUlaiis interna. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, U, 302. — Tcxtor jr. UngewbhnUcher Ursprung dor inneren Kieferschlagader. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1857, vii, 230. Artery (Median Colic, Rupture of). Bristo we. Rupture of one of tho branches of the me- dian colic artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863, xiv, 55-58. Artery (Meningeal). See, also, Head (Injuries of, Complications of). Agnew. DUatation of the meningeal artery producing a bony protuberance on the head. Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1858, i, 88.—Cusack (S. A.) Extravasation of blood from rupture of the middle meningeal artery. Dublin Hosp Gaz., 1857, iv, 211.—Ferg (J. W.) Ziir Lehre von der ] Trepanation. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828, xu, 576- 592, 1 pi. See, also: Sick (G. R.)—Gamgee (S.) Stab through tho ear; wound of middle meningeal artery; trau- matic aneurism; ligature of left common carotid artery; Artery (Meningeal). death. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 535.—Hurxthal (F.) Liga- ture of middle meningeal artery. Ohio M. Sc S. J., Colum- bus, 1859-60, xii, 119.—Sick (G. R.) Ergiinzungen zu der Abhandlung des Herrn Dr. Ferg iiber Compressorien zur StiUung der Blutungen aus dor Arteria meningea. J. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1828, xii, 592-598. Artery (Mesenteric). Bertrand (J.-C.) * Contribution a l'etude des obliterations indsenteriques. 4°. Paris, 1878. Vicq-d'Azir. Sur on sujet dans lequel la grande anastomose qui r6unit les deux arteres m6sent6riques manquoit absolument. [From: M6m. Aca*l. roy. d. sc. do Par., 1776.] Rec. do m6m., Par., 1787, xvi, 400. Artery (Obturator). See, also, Hernia (Operations for). Macfarlaxe (H. 13.) * A probationary essay on the obturatrix artery, its varieties and surgi- cal relatious. 8°. Edinburgh, 1829. Schlobig (S. F. J.) *De varia arteriaB ob- turatoriae origine atque decursu. 8°. Lipsice, [1844]. Bard. Statistique sur l'artere obturatrice. Lyon med., 1875, xix, 218.—IVIelchiori (G.) t Ferita deU'arteria otturatoria neU'opcrazione; precauzioni onde non lederla coU'erniotomo; rapporti fra it sacco erniario ed U cordone spermatico. Liguria med., Genova, 1856, i, 553-557.—Beid (J.) On the varieties of tho obturator artery, and tho re- lation of these to the femoral ring. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1836, xlvi, 65-70.—Schwegel. Ueber einigo Gefass-Varietaten des menschlichen Korpers mit Bezngnahmo auf Chirurgio und Physiologie. Vrttischr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1859, lxii, 130-132. — Simpson (J. Y.) Abnormal obturator artery in femoral hernia. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1854, xvUi, 282.—Tulonp. Origine de l'artere obturatrice a l'6pigastrique. Lyon med., 1874, xv, 498. Artery (Occipital). See, also, Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). Houel. Rapport sur un travaU de Valette: Dela pos- sibiUte de Uer fart ere occipitale pr6s de son origine, etc. Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1853-4, iv, 387.—Valette (T.) Memoire sur la possibilite de lier l'artere occipitale pres de son origine. Rec. de mem. de med. .. . mU., Par., 1852, 2. s., ix, 127-187. Artery (Ophthalmic). See Amaurosis; Artery (Carotid, Ligature of). Artery (Orbital). Zuckcrkandl (E.) Zur Anatomie der Orbitalarte- rien. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1876, 343-351, 1 pi. Artery (Ovarian). See Aneurisms of ovarian artery. Artery (Palmar). See Hand (arteries of). Artery (Perineal, Abnormities of). Unusual size and course of the superficial perinaea] artery. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xx, 474. Artery (Peroneal). See, also, Artery (Femoral, Ligature of). Cain (T. C.) A case of a wound in the peroneal artery, in which the limb was saved by removing a portion of tin fibula. Mem. M. Soc Lond., 1805, vi, 151-154.—Bela- gardc (P. C.) Case of ligation of the peroneal artery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, iv, 113.—Guthrie (G J.) Caso of a wound of the peroneal artery successfully treated by ligature. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1816, vU, 330- 337.—Nclaton. [Anomaly of anterior peroneal artery.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 1. Artery (Pharyngeal). See Neck ( Wounds of). Artery (Plantar). See Foot (Wounds of). Artery (Popliteal, Abnormities of). Croft (J.) Two specimens showing deviation of tht popUteal artery from its ordinary course. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1861, xii, 68.—Fere (C.) AnomaUe de l'artere pop Ut6e. BuU. Soc. anat, de Par., 1878, 4. s., liii, 49. Aho. Progr6s med., Par.. 1878, vi, 303. — Francois•Franck (A.) AnomaUe do situation de 1'artere poplitee. Bordeaux med., 1873, ii, 156.—Gruber (W.) Anomaler Verlauf del Arteria popUtea, durch den SulcuspopUtoua internus unu Obliteration derselben anf dieaem Umwege. Arch. f. path Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, lxv, 262-270,1 pi. -----. Hohe Thei • ARTERY. 615 ARTERY. Artery (Popliteal, Abnormities of). lung der Arteria poplitea in die A. tibiaUs postica und in den Truncus communis fiir die A. peronea und die A. tibiaUs antica, mit Endigung der A. tibiaUs postica als ' A. plantaris interna und der A. peronea als A. plantaris externa. Ibid., 1878, Ixxiv, 438-443. —Stuart (T. P. A.) i Note on a variation in tho course of the popUteal aitery. J. Anat. 2, xxvU, 84-^0.—Maunder. Wound of the popUteal artery and vein; diffused traumatic aneurism; ugature of the wounded artery at the seat of injury ; am- putation ; death. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1863, xiv, *4.— Ott (E.) Ein FaU von Aneurysma (traumaticum) spurium Arterie popUtee sin.; amputatio supra-condyloidea; Pya- mie; Tod 14 Tage nach der Operation. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1871, xiU, 231-235.—Feyrot. Une plaie par balle de l'artere popUtee; amputation. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 70.—Fol and (A.) Rupture of popUteal artery; Uga- ture at the injured spot; gangrene; amputation; death. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 163. -----. Rupture of the popUteal artery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1860, U, 159. -----. Complete laceration of aU the coats of the artery, the ends being torn asunder and separated. [9 cases.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1860, 3. s., vi, 282-307.-----. Incomplete laceration of the popliteal artery. [IScases.] Ibid., 307-333. -----. Caseof ruptured popUteal artery. Ibid., 1865, 3. s., xi, 374-378. -----. Ruptured popUteal arterv and vein. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1866, xvii, 63-05.—Bivington (W.) A case of rupture of the internal and middle coats of the popUteal artery, and complete rupture of the popUteal vein, for which primary amputatiou of the thigh was suc- cessfuUy performed. Brit. M. J., Lond., 187«, i, 47-19.— Smith (A. J.) Wound of popliteal artery, foUowed by emboUsm and gangrene; amputation and recovery. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1878, xxxviii, 359.—South. Rupture of tho popUteal artery and vein; amputation, with a fatal result in two hours. Lancet, Lond., 1859, U, 287.—Turner (J. W.) Supplement to the article on the* obstruction of the canals of the arteries, containing two cases of laceration of the popUteal artery from dislocation of the knee-joint. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1828, Ui, 308-316.—Van Wage- ninge sen. (P. J.) Slagaderbreuk van de arteria poplitea; onder binding van de arteria femoralis; sphacelus cruris; amputatio femoris; incidenten; genezing; epicrisis. Ne- derl. Lancet, Gravenh., 1854-5, 3. s., iv, 284-305.—Vorst- man (J. G.) Waarneming eener slagaderbreuk in de kniehols-slagader (arteria popUtea) door de kunstbewer- king genezen, benevens eene proeve, aangaande den aard en verdeeling der slagaderbrenken in het algemeen. Boer- haave. Tijdschr., etc., Amst., 1844, n. 8., hi, 337; 385.— Wordsworth. Wouncl of the popliteal artery by the plunging of a knife into the thigh; Ugature of the vessel above and below it; acute rheumatism on the fourth day; secondary hemorrhage and death on the sixteenth day. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 246.—Wordsworth (J. C.) Wound of the popliteal artery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1857, n. s., xv, 216. Artery (Profunda femoris). Azzio (C.) SuU'aUacciatura deUa femorale profonda. BnU. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1873, 5. s., xvi, 305-321.—Bush (J.M.) Case of gunshot wound. Transylv. M. J., Lexing- ton, Ky., 1849-50, i, 453-456.—Cock (E.) Spontaneous le- sion of the profunda artery of the thigh, giving rise to local conditions and constitutional symptoms, the real nature of which was not ascertained until after death. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s., x, 211-213.—Mercier. t [Abnor- mity.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, ii, 107.—Sawyer (A. F.) Wound of the profunda femoris near the linea aspera; Ugature of both extremities. Boston M. Sc S. J., I860, lxU, 341-343.—Srb (J.) Ueber das Verhalten der Arteriajpro- funda femoris. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1860, v, 1; 17.—Zaaijer (T.) De hooge oorsprong der ar- teria profunda femoris. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1865, i, 2. afd., 241-247, 1 pi. Artery (Pulmonary). See, also, Heart ( Valves of). Be it.vek (C. A.) * Ueber die Strom- und Druck- kriifte des Blutes in der Arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Ziirich, 1K>0. (juklmalz (tS. T.) [Pr.] Deque arterite pulmo- ARTERY. 616 ARTERY. Artery (Pulmonary). nalis motu singulari hujusque efficacia prsefatur. 4°. Lipsia;, [1748]. Albers (J. F. H.) Ueber dio verschicdcne Weite der beiden Zweige der Arteria pulmonalis und die daraus her- vorgeliende Disposition zu Krankheiten der linken und der rechten Lunge Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1834, xlii, 175-179.—Beutner (A.) Ueber die Strom- und Druck- kriifte des Blutes in der Arteria und Vena pulmonalis. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1852, n. F., ii, 95-126, pi. vi.— Prey (H.) Von den verschiedenen Spannungsgraden der Lungenarterio. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1846, v, 520-539.—Parrot. Sur le plateau de l'aorte et do 1'artere Sulmonaire dans quelques especes animales. Compt. rend. oc de biol. 1876, Par., 1877,6. s., iii,97-100.—Bindfleisch. Ueber die Veriistelungsweise der Arteria pulmonalis. Ta- gebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1872, xiv, 210. Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta, Heart, Abnormities of. Bkchtel (A.) * Ein Fall angeborner Stenose der Pulmonalis. 8°. Zurich, 1862. Bozanis (G. J.) * Ein Fall angeborner Pulmo- nalstenose. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1876. Daniel (A. P.) * Etude sur les lesions congc- nitales de l'artere pulmonaire a son origine soit simples, soit compliqu6es, principalement de com- munication ventriculaire. 4°. Paris, 1874. Debely (A.) *Du r6tr6cissement cong6nital de l'artere pulmonaire et de son r61e daus la cy- anose. 4°. Montpellier, 1878. d'Heilly (T. E.) * Des obliterations et re"tr6- cissements conge"nitaux de l'artere pulmonaire. 4U. Paris, 1864. Hugues (A.) *Des obliterations et des r6tre"- cissements cong6nitaux de l'artere pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1874. Weiss (S.) * Ueber stenosis arteriae pulmo- nalis congenita. 8°. Erlangen, 1874. Aliis (O. H.) Stenosis of the pulmonary artery, appa- rently congenital. PhUa. M. Times, 1872, ii, 174. — Beil. Ein FaU von angeborner Pulmonalstenose. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xvii, 437-443.—Bohn. Angebo- rene Stenose una Insufiicienz der Arteria pulmonalis bei einer Erwachseflen. Ibid., 1869, v, 436-439.—Cassan (&.. S.) Artere pulmonaire; anomalie dans sa division. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1827, xiii, 82.—Burand. Quatrieme valvule k l'artere pulmonaire. Lyon med., 1874, xv, 498.— Gatti (F.) Caso di congenita stenosi gravissima deU'ar- teria polmonare con persistenza del foramo ovale ed aper- tura nel setto dei ventricoli. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1876, ccxxxv, 305-317.—Heyfelder. Exemple d'une artere pulmonaire surnum6raire, partant de l'aorte ascendante. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1842, iii, 239.— Kussmaul. Ueber angeborne Enge und Verschluss der Lungen-Arterien-Bahn. Ztschr. f.'rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1866, 3. R., xxvi, 99-179, 3 pi.—Lundonz). (Four valves of pulmonary artery.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838, xiii, 305.—L.ebcrt (H.) A clinical lecture on congenital pulmonary stenosis, and its influence on disease of the lungs. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 1-3.— Mausars (A.) Description d'une artere pulmonaire con- siderable, naissant de l'aorte abdominale. Rec. p6riod. Soc de med. de Par., 1802, xiU, 74-83. Aho: J. de med., chir* pharm., etc., Par., 1802, iU, 453-463.—Meyer (H.) Ueber angeborene Enge oder Verschluss der Lungenarterienbahn. Arch. f. palh. Anat., etc., Berl., 1857, xii, 497-538, 5 tab.— Smart (W. R. E.) Stenosis of the pulmonary artery from endocarditis in festal stage, increased by endocarditis after puberty; death by phthisis. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 288.—Stolker (C.) Beitrag zur Pathologie der angebor- nen Stenose dor Arteria pulmonaUs. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern, 1864, in, 201-268.—Tarulh (C.) Caso di ste- nosi congenita deU'arteria pohuonare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1875, xxxviii, 257-262.—Wallis. Case of closure ofthe pulmonary artery with obliterated ductus arteriosus and open foramen ovale; cyanosis. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 984-986.—Weiss (S.) Ueber eineu FaU von angeborner Stenose der Pulmonalarterie. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 379-392.—Vco (J. B.) A case of disease of the aorta, with malformation of pulmonary artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1876, xxvii, 138-140. Artery (Pulmonary, Diseases of). Adler (S.) * Nonnulla de morbis arteria} pul- monalis. 8°. Vralislaviie, 1855. de Berghes (F.) *De arterite pulmonalis morbis. 4°. Bounce, [1832]. Artery (Pulmonary, Diseases of). Bischoff ( F. ) * Die Erkrankuugcu an der Mundung der Pulmonalarterie. 8°. BerUn, [1873]. de Buman (J.-M.) *De la pathologie de l'ar- tere pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1858. Saune (H. A.) * De l'ath6rome de l'artere pul- monaire. 4°. Paris, 1877. Stockinger (H.) * Beobachtung einer Erkran- kung der Pulmonalarterie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1860. Bernhardt (M.) Ein FaU von Endocarditis ulcerosa an der Arteria puhnonalis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xviii, 113-115.—Boncour (P.) Vegetations siegeant k l'orilice et dans la cavite de l'artere pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, IU, 378-382. Aho: Progres m6d., Par., 1877, v, 755.—Bristowe. Thickening and dila- tation of the pulmonary artery, and its ramifications. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 80.—Brondgeest (P. Q.) Over pathologische veranderingen der arteria pulmonalis en van hare klapvliezen. Nederl. Arch. v. Genees- en Na- tuurk., Utrecht, 1865, i, 284-296. Aho, transl.: DubUn M. Press Sc Che, 1866, i, 148-150.—Che vers (N.) A coUec- tion of facts iUustrative, of the morbid conditions of the pulmonary artery as bearing upon the treatment of pulmo- narv and cardiac diseases. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., Ui, 1891 276; 369; 452; 699; 744; 792; 828; 961; 1087: 1847, n. 8., iv, 94; 221; 401; v, 753; 835; 1011; 1098: 1848, n. s., vi, 95; 315; 403; 622; vii, 358; 444; 525: 1851, n. 8., xUi, 403; 483; 525.—Chomel. L'artere pulmonaire rempUe de tubercules pierreux. [Hist. Acad. r. a. sc. de Par., 1707.] Rec. d. m6m., Dijon, 1754, ii, 440.—Crowfoot (W.) Case of ulceration of the pulmonary arteiy into an abscess of the lungs. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1843, xxvi, 154-158.—Eriehsen (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Erkrankungen der Arteria puhno- nalis. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1861, i, 89-100.—fflankel. Inflammatioarteriaepulmonalis. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxxix, 244-248. — Helic. Inflammation de 1'artere pulmonaire; mort subite. BuU Soc.anat. de Par., 1837, xU, 254-257.—Kidd (G. H.) On inflammation and obstruction of the branches of the pulmonary artery. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1856, xxu, 370-392.—Klobs (J.) 'Endarteriitis pul- monalis deformans. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1865, xxi, 357-361.—Kolisko (E.) In- sufiicienz der Pulmonal-Arterienklappe. Ztschr. cl. k.k. Ge- seUsch. d. Aerzte zuWien, 1859, xv, 113; 257.—Mayet. Note surun cas d'altoration par arterite deformante des branches de l'artere pulmonaire. AbeUle med., Par., 1873, xxx, 209.—Payne (J. F.) Fibroid thickening round branches of the pulmonary artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 49.—Peters (J. C.) Pulmonary artery having patch of atheroma nearly two inchessquare. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1872, vii, 580.—Powell (R. D.) Diseases of the pulmonary ar- tery. Syst. Mecl. (Reynolds), Lond., 1879, v, 124-131.— Bosapelly. Etat scl6ro-ath6romateux de l'artere pul- monaire droite; alterations des valvules pulmonaires, tri- cuspides; caiUot autochthone dans le tronc de cette artere; infarctus pulmonaire: autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1872, xlvii, 248-251.—Touze. Une hemorrhagie interstiti- elle ct diss6quante des parois de l'artere pulmonaire, accom- pagnee d'uleeration de ce vaisseau et hemorrhagie dans le pericarde. Ibid., 1863, xxxviii, 13-16. — Weber (C. O.) Syphiloin der Arteria pulmonalis. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal., 1863, xx, 171-174.— Wcdcincyer. Lungcnkrankheit mit socundairer Er- weiterung der Arteria pulmonaUs und des rechten Ostium venosum. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1825, xix, 266-209.— Wcrnher (A.) Ein Fall von Krebs der Lungenarterie. Ztschr. f._ rat. Med., Heidelb., 1854, n. F., v, 109-126, 2 pl-—Whitley (G.) Disease of the pulmonary artery and its valves. [6 cases.] Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lonel"., 1857, 3. s., iii, 252-260, 2 pl. Also, Reprint.—Wilks (S.) Enlarge- ment of tho pulmonary artery and its branches, in connec- tion with bronchial disease.' Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1861, xii, 78.—Willigk (A.) Medullarkrebs im Conus arterisB pulmonalis. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1853,ii,19.— Ifco. Disease of tho pulmonary arteries; hypertrophy of the right ventricle. DubUn Q. J. M.Sc, 1873, lv, 480-483. Artery (Pulmonary, Murmurs in). Balfour (G. W.) Case of systolic murmur in the pul- monary artery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, U, 055- 657. — Cockle (J.) Caso of a persistent murmur in the pulmonary artcry. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1856, U, 799.— Ba Costa (J. M.) On the occurrence of a blowing sound in tho pulmonary artery associated with affections of tho lung; on the sounds of the artery in health, and on the effect on them, and on the heart, of1 the act of inspira- tion. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1859, n. s., xxxvii, 119-131.— Sicveking (E. H.) Diagnostic value of murmur in the pulmonary artery. Lancet, Loud., 1860, i, 135-137. Artery (Pulmonary, Obstruction of). See, also, Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). Four (II.) * Ueber Stenose der Arteria pul- moualis. 8°. Tubingen, 1859. AETERY. 617 AETEEY. Artery (Pulmonary, Obstruction of). Friedlander (K.) * Ueber die Verstopfung der Lungenarterie. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Gastorott (G.) *Du retrecissement acquis de l'artere pulmonaire. 4°. Paris, 1879. K(esky (T. L.) * Ueber Insufficienz und Ste- nose der Pulmonalarterienklappen. 8°. Halle, 1867. Solmon (K.) * Du retrecissement pulmonaire acquis. 4°. Paris, 1872. van Veen (H. W.) * Over stenose van het ostium der arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Groningen, Aufrecht (E.) SystoliseheunddiastoUscheGerausche, | entstanden durch Verengerung des Strombettes des linken Pnlmonalarterienastes. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xviii, 629-631.—Bettelheim (K.) Stenoso eines Astes der Pulmonalarterie. Wien. med. Presse, 1809, x, 992-996.—Blachez. Du retrecissement de l'art ere pul- monaire et du souffle anemiquo de la base du cceur. Gaz. hebd. de ni6d., Par., 1879, 2. s., xvi, 245.—Bondct. Ob- servation rare d'un retrecissement de rartero pulmonaire. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1859, xi, 571-573.—Bouillaud. Ob- Uteration incomplete do 1'artere pulmonaire droite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 49.—Brown (D. D.) Case of stenosis of the pulmonary artery, followed by tubercular phthisis. Lancet,Lond.,1871,i,677.—Buguct. Retrecisse- ment de l'orifice de l'artere pulmonaire accjuis, consecuth' a, nne endocardite rhumatismale, chez un jeune homme non cyanose et non tuberculeux. Union m6d., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxviii, 517-520.—Buguct Sc Eandouzy. Note sur un cas de retrecissement acquis de Tartere puhnonaire chez un malade mort de tuberculose gcneralisee. BuU. et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 164-174. Aho : Union med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvU, 878; 922.—Ellis, t Boston M. Sc Phys. J., 1863, lxvni, 501.—Elsasser. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1861, xxxi, 26.—Eriehsen (J.) t St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1862, iU, 28-32.—Fenger (C.) Stenose af ostium pulmonale og arteria pulmonaUs, forarsaget ved Vegetationer pa Pulmo- nalklappeme og i Arterien, oplyst veil et SygdomstUfiilde. Nord. Med. Ark., Stockholm, 1873, v, no. 4,1-18,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—d'Beilly. Un retrecissement de l'orifice do l'ar- tere pulmonaire. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 473.— Heller (A.) Strictur der Pulmonalarterien. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, U, 350-355.—Immerniann (H.) Strictur heider HauptastederLungenarterieundihrer ersten Verzweigungen in Folge chronischer interstitieUer Pneumonie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, v, 235-266.—[Lancereanx.] Obstruction de l'artere pul- monaire, avec affection de cette artere et du cceur droit. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 89. -----. t t Compt.rend. Soc. de biol., 1860, Par., 1861, 3. s., U, 92-95. -----. Nouveau fait d'obstruction de l'artere pulmonaire avec affection du cceur droit et de l'artere pulmonaire (dilatation); emphy- seme; catarrhe bronchique. Ibid., 198-202.— Ectouscy. Retrecissement do l'orifice de l'artere pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1877, Iii, 472.—Eittcn (M.) Ueber Ge- f assgerausche bei Obturation der Pulmonalarterie und ibi er Aeste. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1878, Ui, 180-190.—Mayer (M.) Ueber einen FaU von Stenosirung der Pulmonalarterie in FolgevonacuterEndocarditisderSemilunarklappen. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1879, xxiv, 435-451.— Mcynet (P.) Retrecissement de l'orifice de l'artere pul- monaire, consecutif il une endocardite valvulaire; phthisie pulmonaire; mort. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1867, xix, 538-540. Aho: Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1868, vii, 287-297.— Paget (J.) On obstructions of the branches of the pul- monary artery. [6 cases.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1844, xxvU, 162-188: 1845, xxvhi, 353-371.—Paul (C.) Du re- trecissement de l'artere pulmonaire contracte apres la naissance, de ses symptomes, de ses compUcations, et particuUerement de la phthisie pulmonr.ire consecutive. Union m6d., Par., 1871, 3. s., xU, 716; 757; 784; 817; 841; 864; 888; 909. Aho: BulL et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1872, viii, 45-127. -----. Retrecissement acquis de l'artere pulmonaire; phthisie consecutive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, IU, 321.—Peacock. Contraction ofthe orifice of the pulmonary artery from fusion of the valves. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1858-9, x, 107.—Baab (W.) Ein FaU von Atresie der Lungenarterie mit Verkiimmerung des rechten Ventrikels. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1878, 293-300, 1 £1.—Bauchfuss (C.) Drei FaUe von Verstopfung der .ungenarterie bei Sauglingen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc, Berl., 1860, xvUi, 537-544, 1 pl.—Bnssell. Death from the obstruction of the pulmonary artery in the course of pericarditis occurring during the fifth attack of acute rheu- matism. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 707.—von Schrotter. Congenitale Atresie des Ostium venosum der Arteria pul- monaUs und narbiger Verengerung des Ductus Botalli mit todtUchem Ausgang. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-CoU., 1879, v, 149-151. Aho: Wien. med. BI., 1879, U, 465-409.— Tarnffl (C.) Caso di stenosi acquisita deU'arteria pul- monare. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s., xix, 225- Artery (Pulmonary, Obstruction of). 239.—Tominasi Crudcli (C.) Sopra un caso di stenosi deU'arteria polnionale. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1868, vU, 37- 42.—Willigk (A.) Stenose des rechten Astes der Pul- monalarterie. Vrtljschr. f. cl. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1853, U, 21.—Wyss (O.) Ein FaU von Stenosis Art. pulmonaUs. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Bern, 1871, i, 43-49. Artery (Pulmonary, Rupture of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic) with anastomosis. Abbondanza. Morte inaspettata, repentina dovuta a rottura di un ramo deU'arteria polmonare sinistra in per- sona affetta da tubercolosi a decorso subacuto disseminato in ambedue i polmoni. RaccogUtore med., ForU, 1879, 4. s., xi, 559-509.—Adam (J.) Case of rapture of the pulmo- nary artery. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1826, ii, 115- 121.—Bell (J.) Wound of pulmonary artery; hsemoperi- cardium; death in five minutes. Edinb. M. J., 1874, xx, 216.—Cas tell vi y Pallarcs (F.) Rotura do la arteria pulmonal izquierda. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1877, iU, 243.—Clark (A.) Rupture of one of the valves of the pulmonary artery. N. York M. Times, 1856, v, 365-370.— Balryniple (J.) Case of ulceration of the pulmonary artery into an abscess of the lungs. Lancet, Lond., 1842-3, U, 130-132.—Gnnu (W.) Case of rupture of tho pulmo- nary artery. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1829, xxxi, 90-92.—Helm- brccht (E.) FaU einer Hamorrhagia interna, veranlasst durch Zerreissung der Art. pulmonalis. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842,164-167.—Mackay (A.) Rupture of the left pulmonary artery within the pericardium. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1862, ii, 405.—©yon. Rupture d'une brancho de l'artere puhnonaire dans une caverne. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par. (1870), 1874, xiv, 116. Artery (Radial). See, also, Aneurisms (Badial). Or uber (W.) Zur Anatomie der Arteria radiaUs. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 434-455.—Pozzi (S.) Radiale (artere). Diet, encycl. d. scmed., Par., 1874, 3. s., i, 727-740.—Vicrordt (K.) Die Durchmesser der Radialarterie. Arch. f. physiol. HeUk., Stuttg., 1850, xv, 573-575. Artery (Radial, Abnormities of). See, also, Extremity ( Upper, Abnormities of). Bonaniy. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1834, ix, 185.— Eschenbach (C. E.) Arterias radiaUs tractus insoUtus. In hh: Obs. anat.-chir.-med. raiiora, 12°, Rostoch, 1709, 105-108.—Gruber (W.) DreiwurzeUge Arteria radialis, Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1870. 180-188, 1 pl.-----. Rudimentare Arteria radiaUs. Ibid., 189-196, 1 pl. -----. Subcutaner Verlauf des Ramus dor- saUs der Arteria radiaUs am Unterarm- und Handwurzel- riicken. Ibid., 484-498, 1 pl.—Bodet. Statistique sur l'artere radio -palmaire. Lyon med., 1875, xix, 218.— Schncck (J.) Hereditary variation in the radial arteries. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1879, xxxix, 475.—Schwegel. Ueber einige Gefass-Varietaten des menschlichen Korpers mit Bezugnahme auf Chirurgie und Physiologie. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxU, 125-130. —Yelloly (J.) A pecuUarity in the course of the radial artery. Med. & Phys. J., Limd., 1801, v, 283. Also: Lond. M. Rev. & Mag., 1801, vi, 82. Artery (Radial, Wounds and ligature of). See, also, Artery (Brachial, Ligature of). Ager. Ligatur der Art. rad. et uln. in der Kontinuitat. Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 174.—Arnold!. Verletzung der Arteria radiaUs. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., 1844, Coblenz, 1846, 102.—Audrey, t . . . par un corps contondant. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1863-4, 69-71.—Bardili. Unterbindung der Arteria radiaUs am Handgelenk. Med. Cor.-Bl. d.wiirttemb. arztl.Ver., Stuttg., 1834, iU, 112.—Bauchet. Plaie de la partie inferieure ct externe de l'avant-bras, avec blessure de l'artere radiale. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par.,1854, xxix,190-193.—Berard jeune. Observations de blessure de l'artere radiale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 707. -----. Observation de blessure de 1'artere radiale k 18 Ugnes au-dessus de rarticulation radio- carpienne; Ugature des deux bouts du vaisseau; persis- tance des batteniens art6riels dans le bout inferieur, imm6- diatement apres la Ugature; gu6rison. Ibid., 1834, 2. s., ii, 154.—Bivort (J. B. A.) Plaie de l'artere radiale; in- flammation et an6vrysme traumatique cons6cutifs; insuc- ces de la compression digitale; tentative inutile de Uga- ture d'une artere dans une plaie enflamm6e; Ugature de l'artere radiale an Ueu d'election; guerison. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du gr.-duch6 de Luxemb., 1864, 33-36.—Borne- niann (H.) Verletzung der Arteria radiaUs mit Durch- schneidung mehrer Flexoren. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Oste- rode, 1845, u, 287.—Bowers (J. E.) Ligation of radial ar- tery from incised wound. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1878, x, 162.—Briggs (W. T.) Ligation of the radial ar- tery. NashviUe J. M. &S.,1877, xix, 118.—[Cases.l Ou- verture accidentelle de l'artere radiale; hemorrhagie abon- dante; compression methodique; guerison sans aucuno complication. J. de la sect, de mod. de la Soc. acad. Loire- ARTERY. 618 ARTERY. Artery (Radial, Wounds and ligature of). Inf., Nantes, 1833, ix, 66-68.—Unterbindung der Arteria radiaUs wegen einer Schlagadergeschwulst. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh., Wieden, 1865, Wien, 1866, 331.—Choppin (S.) Gunshot wound of the radial artery; secondary hemor- rhage ; ligation of both extremities of the wounded artery. N. Orl. M. News Sc Hosp. Gaz., 1856-7, ui, 330-334.—Clc- incuts (B. A.) Wound of tho radial artery; compression; secondary hemorrhage; Ugaturo. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1861, n. s., xUi, 44-46.—Collin. Ligature de l'artero ra- diale pros de l'articulation radio-carpienne. Rec. do m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1827, xxUi, 269.—Craven (R. M.) Traumatic aneurism of the radial artery, successfully treated by compression and flexion, and afterwards bv ex- tension. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1860, ii, 859.—Critclictt. Wound of the radial artery; aneurismal sweUing on the forearm; deligation of the brachial artery; recoverv. Lan- cet, Lond., 1853, i, 83.—Curling. Wound of ttie radial artery; aneurismal tumour; suppuration of the sack; de- Ugation of the vessel in tho wound; repeated attack of haemorrhage; cure by compression. Ibid., 1853, i, 82.— Bespres (A.) Du traitement des plaies do l'artere radiale par la Ugature. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1874, IxxxvU, 193-198.—Bunlop. Case of wound of the radiai artery; ligature at bleeding point; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xii, 141.—Bnpuytrcn. Blessure de l'artere ra- diale au poignet, par suite de l'explosion d'un pistolet; Ugature des deux bouts du vaisseau. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1831, v, 109.—E spin a (A.) Ligadura de la arteria radial en su tercio inferior. An. de cien med., Madrid, 1877, ii, 449-452.—Fabbri (F.) Contribute aU'azione dell'emosta- tico del piazza; ferita trasversale completa della radiale sinistra; guarigione per prima intenzione. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1876, 2. s., vi, 114.—Eaivre. Observation sur une ouverture de i'artere radiale. J. dem6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1787, lxxiU, 376-379.—fcamgee (J. S.) Division of the radial artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1858, 88.—Grcnaudct. Blessure de l'artere radiale. M6m. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1868, vii, 17. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1867, xix, 109.— Gillette. Plaie transversale au-devant de l'artere radi- ale. Union med., Par., 1872, 3. s., xiii, 861. — [Holman (C.)] Case of wound of the radial artery; ligature of both ends; hasmorrhage not arrested; Ugature of ulnar artery; recovery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859,3. s., v,334-336.— Johnson (W. O.) Longitudinal cut and severing of the radial artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1867-8, lxxvii, 345.—La. forct. Blessure de l'artere radiale par un eclat de capsule fulminante. J. de mCd. et chir. prat., Par., 1845, xvi, 165.— liorinser (F. W.) t Vulnus punctum; aneurisma spu- rium circumscriptum arteriaB radialis sinistra); Heilung. Wchnschr., 1856,vi, 812.—Morillion. L6sion de l'artere radiale; hemorrhagie considerable; compression methodique; succes. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1830, i, 72-75.—Morris. Wound of radial; recurrence of haemor- rhage several times; ligature of arterv; recoverv. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 301.—Moutet (F.) Observa- tion d'uno Ugature de l'artere radiale pratiquee avec succes six jours apr6s l'ouverture accidentelle de ce vaisseaux, imm6diatement au-dessus du siege de la lesion. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1857-8, v, 365.—Nadaud. Plaie do la main ; hemorrhagies; ligature de la radiale; gu6rison. M6m. et buU. Soc. de m6d. et de chir. de Bordeaux, 1877, 76-79.—Ni- caise. Blessure de l'artere radiale dans la tabatiere ana- tomique; ligature de l'artere dans la plaie; emploi do l'appa- reild Esmarch. Bull. etm6m. Soc. dechir. dePar., 1876, n.s., ii, 242-244.—IVbtling. Verletzung der Beugesehnen des Vorderarms und der Arteria radiaUs; Unterbindung der Ar- teria; Pyamie mit Frostanfallen und eiterigen Ablagerun- gen in mehreren Gelenken; voUstandige Heilung. Mitth. d. badisch. arztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1858, xii, 75-77.—Philippe. Plaie de l'artere radiale de l'ayant-bras droit; Ugature des ar- tercs hum6ralo, radiale et cubitale sans succes; guerison par l'emploi du persulfato de fer A l'interieur. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1860, 3. s., iv, 504-511.—Quoy. Liga- ture de 1'artere radiale. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1833-4, i, 209.—Boux. Plaie et ligature de l'artere radiale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1830-31, iv, 79. — Sattler. Verletzung der Art. radiaUs am rechten Handgelenk. Ztschr. f. Wund- iirzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1871, xxiv, 182-184.—Staudcn- maycr. Verletzung der Arteria radialis. Ibid., 199.— Stokes (W.) Deligation of the radial artery for profuse haemorrhage in a sloughing wound of the forearm. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi, 273-287.—Stratford (S.J.) Wound of the radial aitery. Med. Chron., Montreal, 1857, iv, 127- 131.—Syme (J.) Wound ofthe radial artery. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1852, xiv, 539.—Tillaux. Plaie do la radiale droite; hemorrhagies secondaires; ligatures dans la plaie; gu6rison. Bull. g6n. de th6rap., Par., 1873, lxxxiv, 508-510. — Teschendorf jr. Unterbindung der Arteria radialis nach einer 3 Wochon lang vernachlassigten und Hchlccht bchandelten Verwundung derselben. Wcbntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Klin., Leipz., 1833-4, iU, 150.— Vcr- naison. Plaies de l'artero radiale; hemorrhagie par lo bout superieur seulemcnt; guerison par la compression do l'artere divis6e. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1854, xxvii, 487.—Vol- perling. Ligatura arteria radiaUs. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1844, xiii, 47.—Weickcrt. t Verletzung der Art. radialis. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1847, xxxvii, 430-432—"Wei- Artery (Radial, Wounds and ligature of). derstrnndt. Wound of the fore-arm; division of the radial artery; ligature; erysipelas; cure. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1844-5, i, 637.—Witlacil (A.) Schwere korperliche Beschadigung durch Verletzung der Arteria radialis sin. beim Aderlass. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1802, xii, 759; 776. Artery (Renal, Abnormities of). See, also, Aneurisms (Renal). Hertz (H.) Hochgradige Atrophie der linken Niorc in Folge von angeborner Verengerung der linken Arteria renaUs. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xlvi, 233- 235.—Eicgeois. t BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1859, xxxiv, 304.—Pick (T. P.) Granular degeneration of kidney, the result of malnutrition from malformation of tho renal artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 281.—Pilate, t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1867, xUi, 205. Artery (Renal, Diseases of). Greenfield (W. S.) Atheroma of the renal artery, leading to occlusion of the vessel and degenerative changes in the kidney. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1875, xxvi, 135-138. Artery (Renal, Ligature of). Schulz (J.) * De arterias renalis subligationo. 8°. [Dorpat], 1851. Baudelocque. De la ligatnre des arteres renalcs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1845, xxi. 491. Artery (Renal, Rupture of). ■Werner. Plotzlicher Tod durch Bersten der rechten Nierenarterie. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1878, xlvUi, 265-267. Artery (Retinal, Aneurism of). See Aneurisms (Retinal). Artery (Retrocostal). Hellcma(H.) ArteriaretrocostaUs. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1861, v, 231-234. Artery (Scapular, Ligature of). Boeckcl (E.) Fracture de l'omoplate par baUc; lesion de l'artere scapulaire commune; anevrisme faux, hemor- rhagies ; Ugaturo de l'artere au fond de la tumeur; gueri- son. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1871-2, xxxi, 15. Artery (Sciatic, Ligature of). Snendcr. Ligadura de la arteria isquiatica; transfu- sion de la sangre. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1879, vU, 26. Artery (Spermatic). See, also, Aneurisms (Spermatic); Testicle (Tumors of, Cases of). Bierlingius (C. T.) Arteriarum spermaticarum ab- sentia. In his: Ad vers, cur., cent, prima, Jenae, 1679, 32.— IlNchercr (D.) De arteriae spermatic® sinistra? propa- gine rariori. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., 16S5, Norimb., 1705, dec. 2, iv, 337-339.—Chapman (H. T.) [Ligation of sper- matic artcry for seminal emissions.] Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xviii, 377.—Curling (T. B.) Ligature ofthe spermatic artery first suggested by Harvey. Lond. M. Gaz., 1843, xxxUi, 313. Aho: Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843-4, vU, 189.— Martin (G.) Reflections and observations on the seminal blood-vessels. Med. Essays & Obs. Soc. Edinb., 1742, v, 227-249.—Weber (E. H.) De arteria spermatica deferente. In hh: Annotationes anat. et phys., prol. i, 4°, Leipz., 1836, 3. Artery (Spinous, Rupture of). Skegg (R.) Rupturo ofthe spinous artery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, i, 788-790. Artery (Splenic). See, also, Aneurisms (Splenic). [Case of ossification.] Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1858, i, 157. Artery (Splenic, Rupture of). Oosselin. Ulceration of and rupture of the splenic artery in the stomach. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1841, xvi, 209. Artery (Stapes). Zuckerkandl. Ueber die Arteria stapedia dea Men- schen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1873, vii, 5-7. Artery (Subclavian). Buchanan (M. S.) On the surgical anatomy of the subclavian artery. Glasgow M. J., 1856-7, iv, 249-252.— Farre. Elevation of tho subclavian artery above the clavicle, in a phthisical patient. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 11.—Faure (A.) Du souievement de 1'artere sous-cla- viere, 6tudio comme signo diagnostique nouveau de la di- latation sup6rieuro de l'aorte. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1874, 6. s., xxiU, 22-38.—Halbertsma (H. J.) Ueber das Verhalten der Art. subclavia bei zufaUig vorhandonen ARTERY. 619 ARTERY. Artery (Subclavia7i). Halsrippcn beim Menschen. Arch. f. d. hoUand. Beitr. z. I Nat.- u. HeUk., Utrecht, lt58. i. 47-53.—Iffifflesheim Sc j Bobin (C.) Note sur la structure d'un membrane du nouveUe formation obUterant compietement la sous-claviere gauche chez un sujet atteint d'nn anevrysnie de la crosse et de l'aorte descenclante. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., 1852, Par., 1853, iv, 52.—M'Ghic (J.) Case of obstruction of the right subclavian artery. Glasgow M. J., 1M>0-61, viii, 63.—Perrin (J. B.) Observations on the branches ofthe third part of the subclavian artery. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1876, lvii, 186-196.—Surgical anatomy of i the subclavian artery. Lancet, Lond., 1840, ii, 180-183.— Triplett (W. H.) Occlusion of the subclavian arteries, wiili entire absence of pulse in both upper extremities; the sequel of constitutional *yphiUs. Richmond Sc Louis- vUle M. J., LouisviUe, 1874, xvui, 1-21.—Velpeau. Sous- claviere ct innominee (arteres). Diet, de med., 2. eel., Par., 1644, xxviii, 446-476. Artery (Subclavian, Abnormities of). i Bay ford (D.) An account of a singular case of ob- structed deglutition. Mem. M. Soc Loud., 1789. ii, 271- ' 282; 2. ed., 1794, ii, 271-282— Bochdalek jun. Vor dem Musculus scalenus anticus ihivn Verlauf uehmende Ait. subclavia dextra. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, \ xU, 261-263, 1 pl. — Charcot. AnomaUe de volumo de l'artere sous-claviere droite. Lyon med., 1874, xv, 499.— Demarquay. Note sur une des anomaUes de l'artere sous-claviere droite, entrainant une absence du nerf re- current du meme cote. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1848, 3. s., iii, 714.—Bubreuil. Deplacement et anomaUe de rappoit des veine et artere sous-clavieres droites ayant mis ob- stacle k la ligature de ce dernier vaisseau; indication de quelques varietes dans l'origine et le trajet des arteres sous- clavieres. I bid., 1837, v, 562-565. -----. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1862, xxxvU, 443.—Fischer (J.) Verlauf der Art. subclavia in einem FaUe von dentUch entwickelten Hals- rippcn. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1858, viU, 537-5.'!'J.—Hop. kmsou (J. P.) Aneurism of the aoita, and unusual ori- gin of right subclavian. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1830, vii, 556.—Wood (J.) Two specimens of abnormal origin of the right subclavian artcry. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 119-128.—Zuckerkandl (E.) Ueber einige Varietaten der Schliisselbehi-Schlagader und ihrer Fortsetzung. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxU, 209. Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). See, also, Aneurisms (Aortic, Treatment of); Aneurisms (Axillary—Innominate—Subclavian); Artery (Innominate, Ligature of). Bkuch (L.) * Ein Fall von Unterbindung der Arteria subclavia nach Verletzungen mit epicri- tischen Bemerkungen. 8°. Erlangen, 1866. Heixe (J.) * Ueber die Unterbindung der Ar- teria subclavia. 8J. WUrzburg, 1829. Kuhl (C. A.) [Pr.] (XIV & XV.) Arterial subclavise dextra? deligatio. 4J. Lipsia;, 1834-5. Eiemer(P.) *Ehi Fall von Zerreissung und Unterbindung der Arteria subclavia nach Re- duction einer Oberarmluxation. 8°. Halle, [1867]. Adams. Ligatnre of the subclavian artery. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i. 186.—Ainsworth (F. S.) Notice of the ana- tomical phenomena in a case of Ugature ofthe subclavian ar- tery, four years subsequent to tho operation. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa.,1850, n. s.,xix, 83-85.—Alvarez. Ligadura dela arte- ria subclavia izqnierda en su nachniento del cayado aortico; pleuresiay derrame serosoconsecutivo; muerte. quir., Buenos-Aires, 1865, U, 312-315.—Anderson (L. H.) Traumatic aneurism of the axUlary artery; ligature of the subclavian; retention of the Ugature tiU the one hundred i and thirteenth day. Sonth. J.M. & Phys. Sc, NashvUle, I 1854, ii, 178-181.—Ansell (A.) t Am. M. Weekly, Louis- | viUe, 1875, U, 449-451.—Arendt. Successful case of the ligature of the right subclavian artery for axUlary aneurism. Lond. M. &Phys. J., 1827, n. 8., ii, 502-504.-----. Beschrei- bung eines Aneurysma der>Art. subclavia dextra, deren Unterbindung mit gliickUchem Erfolge verrichtet wurde. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer GeseUsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1830, iv, 174-183. -----. Unterbindung der Art. subclavia dextra am Trachealrande des Muse scalenus an- terior. Ibid., 184-187.—Armsby (J. H.) t Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany, 1864, 195-197. Aho: Boston M. & S. J., 1864, lxx, 10-12. -----. t Tr. M. Soc. N.T., Albany, 1865, 53. -----. On ligature of the subclavian artery. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1872-3. xii, 361-365. -----. t For axUlary aneu- rism. [Med.Soc.AlhanyCo.] PhUa. M. Times, 1873,in,490.— Aubree. Anevrysme de l'hunierale; ligature de la sous- claviere. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1877,Ui, 242.— Barbosa (A. M.) t . . . motivada pour un aneurisma da axiUar; cura. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1862, 2. s.,.xxvi, 385-392.—Barrows (R.) Ligature of the subclavian. N. Hampshire J. M., 1854^ iv, 310. —Beach (H. H. A.) On Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). ligature of the subclavian artery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, u. 616.—Bell (J.) t'Edinb. M. J., 1872, xvU, 891-894.—Bennett (E. P.) t . . . for aneurism of the hu- meral and bonv tumor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1807, ii, 412.— Bennett (H. N.) t Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, v, 348.— Bergmann. Die Schussverletzungen und Unterbindun- gen der >ubclavia. St. Petersb. mecl. Wchnschr., 1877, U, 99; 107; 115; 125; 130; 140; 151; 169; 179; 192; 200. Aho: So- vrem. med., Warsaw, 1877, xvUi, 212; 227; 243; 259; 291. Aho, Reprint.—Blake (J.M.) t BostonM. &S. J., 1856-7, lv, 522. —Blasius(E.) t . .. wegen eines Fungus medullaris mam- mas. Mag.f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl.,1831, xxxiU, 540-553.-----. t .. . wegen Blutung; nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber die Blutungen eiternder Wunden. Ibid.. 1833, xxxix, 387-396.— Bocchini (A.) Legatura deU'arteria succlavia sinistra. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1877, 4. s., vui, 106-119.—Bode, t Rec. de trav. allem. de Par., 1856, i, 47.—Browne (P. F.) t Confed. States M. & S. J.. Richmond, 1864, i, 23.— Browne (R. K.) t Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1863, n. s., xiv, 70- 75.— Buchanan (M. S.) Case of secondary ha^morrhasio in which the subclavian artery was tied above the clavicle. Glasgow M. J., 1830, Ui, 233-244.—Burt (W.) Ligation ot the left subclavian artery for secondary haemorrhage foUow- ing amputation at the shoulder joint. N. York M. J., 1873, xviii, 407-410. Aho: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1874, vi, 46.—Busch. Unterbindung der Subclavia. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheml. u. Westphal., 1863, xx, 162.—Busch (F.) Ein FaU von Unterbindung der Art. subclavia mit darauffolgender Transfusion und em Fall von Unterbindung der Art. iliaca. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1873, xv, 475-484.-4). (M. A.) Aneurisma traumatico da arteria subclavia; Ugadura d'esta arteria dentro dos esca- lenos e da arteria carotida primitiva. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1860,2. s., xxiv,342-350.—Caccioppoli (D.) t Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1853, Par., 1854, v, 146. Aho, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1853, U, 164. -----. De la Ugature de l'artere sous-claviere. Gaz. med. de Par., 1854, 3. s., ix, 62. -----. Su di una ligatura deU'arteria succlavia sinistra, per aneu- risma spontaneo, seguita da feUce successo. Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Napofi, 1854, vUi, 5-13. — [ Cases. ] Casi di aUacciatura deU arteria subclavia, brachiale e glutea per ferite. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1835, xU, 76-80.—For aneurism; death on the twelfth day from haemorrhage; au- topsy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xU, 62.—For aneurism of axUlary. Ibid., 1860, ii, 34.—An6vrysme trau- matique de l'artere sous-clavi6rc; ligature de cette artere en dedans des muscles scaienes et deT'artere carotide primi- tive; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 130.—For trau- matic axillary aneurism. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 453.—Chassaignac. Remarques sur la ligature de la sous-claviere entre les scaienes, et sur les anomalies osseu- ses de la region sus-claviculaire. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 1242; 1253.—Church (W. H.) Ligature of the left sub- clavian artery [traumatic aneurism from gunshot]; death. • Am. J. M. Sc., PhUa., 1865, n. s., 1, 395.—Col les (A.) On the operation of tving the subclavian arterv. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1815, xi, 1-25.—[Collins (C. T.)] Tying the sub- clavian arterv within the scaleni muscles of the left side for aneurism, if. York M. & S. Reporter, 1846, i, 48.—Cooper (B. B.) t Lancet, Lond., 1828, 1, 448. -----. t Aneurism; death. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1841, vi, 348-353.—Craw- ford. Case of severe gunshot wound of the left arm and shoulder, foUowed by successful Ugature of the leAt subclavian artery. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay (1849-50), 1851, x, 277-293. — Balton. Ligation of the left subcla- vian artery. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, 1868, Beloit, 1869, U, 74-76.—Berby (J.) Ligature of the subclavian. Boston M. & S. J., 1862, lxvi, 237.—Bespres. t Diffuse aneurism ofthe axiUary artery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1878, n. s., xxv,19L—Bbughty (W. H.) 11 South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1866-7,3. s., i, 30-36.—Dupuytren. t . . . successfully ap- pUed for false consecutive ane/uism ofthe left axUlary artery. Lancet, Lond., 1833, ii, 807-810.—Earlo (H.) t ... for a sup- posed aneurism. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 514-518.—Far- rand (D. O.) t Detroit Rev. Med. Sc Pharm., 1866, i, 103- 107.—Fergussou (W.) Account of the dissection ofa pa- tient in whom the subclavian artery had been tied for axU- lary aneurism. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 617-627. Aho, Reprint.-----. t Lancet, Lond., 1871, i, 407. Also: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, i, 218. -----. t Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 755.—Fisher (H. N.) t N. York M. Press, 1860, n. s., Ui, 6.—Folker. t Secondary haemor- rhage successfully treated by ligature of the subclavian artery. Lancet, Lond., 1868, i, 313.—Gartner. Riss der A. axillar. wahrend der Reduktion einer Luxat. axillaris; Aneurysma traumat.; Unterbindung der A. subcl. uber der Clavicula; Tod am 33. Tag nach der Unterbindung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1871, xii, 84-86.—Gam a (H.) Observation sur nn coup de feu a- l'epaule droite; desarticulation du bras; Ugature consecu- tive de 1'artere sous-claviere; guerison. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. m6d. de la Moselle, Metz, 1847, 171-179. Aho: Rec de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1853, 2. s., xi, 195-203: 1854, 2. s., xiv, 332-340.—Gardini (G.) t Gior. di med., farm, e vet. mU., Firenze, 1867, xv, 1-3.—Gay (C. C. F.) Report of a case of aneurismal tumor foUowing penetrating wound of shoulder; operation for ligation of ARTERY. 620 ARTERY. Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). right subclavian artery. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1871-2, xi, 424-428.—Gensoul. Anevrisme traumatique de 1'axU- laire; ligature de l'artere sous la clavicule; gu6rison. J. Lyon, 1847, 2. s., i, 249-258. -----. t Unionmed., Par., 1847, i, 220.—Gibbs (H. L.) Case of axUlary aneu- rism, in which the operation of tying the subclavian artery was successfuUy performed. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 531-536.—Giraldes. An6vrysrne traumatique de i'artere sous-claviere; ligature de cette artere en dedans des muscles scaienes et de l'artere carotide primitive; mort. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1861, 2. s., i, 130-137, 1 pl.—Girsztowta. Tetniak (aneurysma) trau- matycznego pochodzeniatetnicy podobojczykowej prawej podwiazanie tejzo tetnicy (ligatura art. subclavia;); wyz- drowienie. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1866, i, 129; 152.—Bar- grave (W.) On the operation for tying the subclavian artery internal to tho scaleni muscles. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1849, vu, 53-58.—Haspel. Ligature de rartere sous- claviere au-dessous de la clavicule. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1809, 2. s., i, 186; 190.—Hayden (G. T.) Case of aneurism in which the subclavian artery was tied on tbe right side in- ternal to the scalenus muscle. Lancet, Lond., 1837, i, 47- 50.—Hohlbeck (M.) Zur Ligatur der Arteria subclavia. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xv, 112.—Hutin (F.) Plaie Jiar instrument piquant et tranchant dans lo creux axUlaire; igature de l'artere sous-claviere droite; chute de la ligature auneuviemejour; hemorrhagies; Ugature du tronc brachio- cephaUque k minuit; mort du sujet. Ann. de la chir. franc. et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 5-14.—Keate (T.) Case of aneu- rism in the axiUa, successfully treated by passing a ligature round the subclavian artery. Lond. M. Rev. & Mag., 1801, vi, 224.—Key. t . . . pour un anevrisme axiUaire. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, v, 24.—Kinney (A.) Ligation of the third portion of the subclavian arteiy, and amputation at the shoulder-joint. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1872, n. s., vi, 282.—Koch (W.) Ueber Unterbindungen und Aneu- rysmen der Arteria subclavia. Arch. f. kUn. Chir., Berl., 1869, x, 195-361, 1 pl.—Lallcinand (F.) Lesion de l'ar- tere axillaire par un coup d'epee; hemorrhagie; epanche- ment de sang; Ugature de la sous-clavi6re faite avec succes. Arch. g6n. cie m6d., Par., 1835, 2. s., vii, 477-482.—Lannc longue. Plaie de l'artere axUlaire; an6vrysme diffus; Ugature de l'artere sous-claviere; mort. J. de med. do Bor- deaux, 1862, vii, 241-250.—McGuire (H.) t . . . recovery. Virginia CUn. Rec, Richmond, 1871-2, i, 179.—Macken- zie (R. J.) t ... on account of hemorrhage from a wound of the axUlary arterv. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 1846, vi, 230-232. Aho, Reprint.—Maddin (T. L.) t Cure. NashvUle J. M. Sc S., 1868-9, n. s., iv, 64-68.—Majeste. Observation d'une lesion traumatique de l'artere axillaire ; epanchement sanguin dans l'aisselle; Ugature de l'artere sous-claviere a son passage a travers les scaienes; gueri- son du blesse. Rec. de m6m. do m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1834, xxxvi, 176-195.—Manec. t . . . succes. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1849, 3. s., i, 447.—Marchesano (V.) Legatura deUa suc- clavia sinistra fra la trachea e gli scaleni. Osservatore med., Palermo, 1875, 3. s., v, 320-337.—Marx, t . . . pra- tiquee avec succes par M. le baron Dupuytren, pour un anevrisme faux consecutif k l'artere axillaire gauche. Re- port, gen. d'anat. ct physiol. path., Par., 1826, i, 161-170, 2 pl.—Maury (F. F.) t'Phila. M. Times, 1873, iii, 404.— Mayo (C.) t Caseof aneurism. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 12-26.—Menzel (A.) Aneurisma traumatico; clupU- cita deU'arteria brachiale, bilaterale; legatura della brachi- ale nel mezzo e nel terzo superiore, deU'ascellare e della subclavia per ricorrenti emorragie. Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste, 1876, ii, 147.—Mercier (A.) Tying tho subcla- vian artery. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1845-6, ii, 113.—Morton (T. G.) t Successful ligation of the subclavian between tho scaleni; suppuration of the tumour; hemorrhage on tho 43d day; gangrene of Umb; ligation of subscapular artery; amputation of arm at upper third; hemorrhage on 67tli day; removal of humerus at the joint; recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. s., Uv, 70-82.—Moses (J.) t Ibid., 1857, n. s., xxxiii,28.—von Mosetig-Moorhof. Verjauchen- des Aneurysma spurium diffusum traumaticum Arteria) axillaris; Unterbindung der Arteria und der Subclavia unter dem Scbliisselbeine; Tod durch metastatische Pyo- hiimie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1873, xxiii, 413; 444.— Mott (V.) Caso in which the right subclavian artery was tied just as it passes the scaleni muscles, for an aneurism of thcaxiUa, from a gunshot wound. N.York J.M., 1845, iv, 16-19.—iVicol (J. I.) Case of medullary sarcoma, engaging the upper portion of the os humeri, considered aneurisma^ and for which the subclavian arterv was tied above the clavicle. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1834, xlii, 1-19, 2 pl. Also, Reprint.—Norris (G. W.) Table showing the mortality foUowing the operation of tying the subclavian artery. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1845, n. s., x, 11-21.—Harris (I.) Case of aneurism of the axillary artery [from gunshot; ligation of subclavian; deathj. Ibid., 18G4',n.s., xlvii,12H.—Nott(J.C) t . . . for the cure of axiUary aneurism, caused by gunshot wound. Ibid., 1841, n. s., ii, 111.—Panas. Plaie de l'ais- selle droite par instrument piquant et tranchant; hemor- rhagies consecutives r6pet6es; ligature de l'artere sous- claviere en dehors des scaienes; guerison. Bull, et mem. soc de chir. de Par., 1876, n. s., ii, 137-140.—Parker. Li- Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). gature of the left subclavian inside the scalenus muscle, together with common carotid and vertebral arteries, for subclavian aneurism; haemorrhage from the distal end of the subclavian; death on 42d day. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, viU, 114-116.—Parker (W.) Five unpublished cases of Ugature of the subclavian artery, for axUlary and sub- clavian aneurism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1867, ii, 97. -----. Report of the committee on Ugature of the subclavian artery. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1867, xvui, 239-247.— Parrish (J.> Observations relative to the appUcation of a ligature to the subclavian artery in cases of wounds and aneurisms; accompanied with two plates. Eclect. Repert., PhUa., 1813, Ui, 229-242.—Peck (M. R.) t Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, viu, 54.—Pereira (J. J.) Observacao de hum aneurysma da arteria axillar, curado pela laqueacao da sub- clavia k sahidados escalenos. J. d. sc. med. deLisb., 1835, i, 149-152.—Pirrie (W.) Successful Ugation of subclavian artery for axUlary aneurism. Edinb. M. J., 1858, iii, 812- 815.—Post (A. C.) Wound of axillary artery and plexus of nerves: amputation below the. shoulder-joint; secon- dary haemorrhage; ligature of subclavian artery. N. York J. M., 1845, iv, 171-173.—Post (W.) Case of brachial aneurism, cured bv tying the subclavian artery above tbe clavicle. Tr. Phys.-Med. Soc. N. Y., 1817, i, 387- 394. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1818, ix, 185-193.— Bichet. Ligature de l'artere sous-claviere pour un ane- vrysme diffus de l'aisselle. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Ui, 801-803. — Bodgers. Ligature of the left subclavian artery inside the scaleni muscles in a case of aneurism. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, i, 274.—Bodgers (J. K.) Case of ligature of the left subclavian artery within the scalenus muscle for aneurism. N. York J. M., 1846, vi, 219-227.—Sammels. t Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 1837, iU, 95.—Sands. Ligation of subclavian and caro- tid arteries. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869, iv; 453.—Schmidt (H.) t Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 401.—Selden (W.) Gunshot wound of the axiUary artery; diffused aneurism; ligature of subclavian artery; death on ninth day from pleuritis. Confed. States M. & S. J., Rich- mond, 1864, i, 134-136.—Semmes (A. J.) t Gunshot wound in axilla; subsequent pulmonary symptoms and death from apncea. South. J. M. Sc, N. Orl., 1866, i, 72-74— Shrady (G. F.) t N. York J. M., 1860, 3. s., viii, 108.—Smith (A. A.) Gunshot wound of the sub- clavian artery. [Attempted ligation; death.] Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1864, n. s., xlviU, 550-552.—Smith (W.) Gun- shot wound; secondary haemorrhage and Ugature ofthe subclavian artery. Med. Times, Lond., 1842-3, vU, 158.— Soule (E.) Plaie de 1'aisseUe produite par un coup de cou- teau; hemorrhagies r6p6t6es; Ugaturo do l'artere sous-cla- viere ; guerison. BnU. Soc de chir. de Par., 1858, vui, 478- 482.—Staples (F. P.) Observations on Ugaturo of the subclavian artery; a new incision suggested. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 96. -----. On Ugature of the sub- clavian artery. Ibid., 1872, i, 186.—Suekley (G.) Luxa- tion of humerus, producing a traumatic aneurism by rup- turing the subscapular aitery; Ugaturo of the left subcla- vian, and amputation at the shouider-joint; fatal. N. York M. Times, 1852, ii, 202-204.—Terrier (F.) Plaie par arme a. feu int6ressant l'artere axUlaire, le plexus brachial et Srobablement la veine axillaire gauche; an6vrysme diffus e l'artere axUlaire; Ugature de la sous-claviere; ampu- tation consecutive du bras; guerison. BuU. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1875, n. s., l, 709-718. Aho: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1875, 2. s., xU, 786-789.—Toland. Case of axUlary aneurism; Ugation of the subclavian artery; sup- puration of the sac, and rupture into tho pleural cavity; recovery. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1878, vii, 63-66.—To- rclli (R.) Storia di una ferita deU'arteria asceUare seguita da cancrena neU'arto, e guarita merce la legatura della suc- clavia. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1862, 4. 8., xvii, 371- 385.—Van Buren (W. H.) t With statistical data. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1853, 27-43. Aho, in hh: Contrib. to Pract. Surg., PhUa., 1865,181-203.—Vanswygcnhoven (C.) An6vrysme faux diffus do l'artere axillaire; ligature de la sous-claviere gauche. Ann. do med. beige, Brux., 1835, ii, 11.—Venning (E.) t For aneurism of the axillary. Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii, 672.—Vianna (A. B. R.) Aneu- risma traumatico da arteria axillar; laqueacao da subclavia & sahida dos musculos scalenos; gangrena do tumor; au- topsia cadaverica. J. Soc d. sc. med. do Lisb., 1845, xxii, 151-157.—Warren (J. C.) Case of ligature of the left subclavian artery between the scaleni muscles, attended with some pecuUar circumstances. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1846, xxix, 25-36. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa,, 1846, n. s., xi, 539-541.—"Warren (J. M.) Ligature of the left sub- clavian artery for subclavian aneurism; with a remarkable deviation of the vessel and consequent change of its rela- tions. Ibid., 1849, n. s., xvii, 13-17.—Watson (J.) Caso of gunshot wound in left axilla; ligature of left subclavian and subsequent Ugatures of brachial and subscapular arte- ries. Ibid., 1851, "n. s.. xxi, 294-297.— Whitcombe (W. P.) t Death by haemorrhage from the subscapular artery. Austral. M. J.', Melbourne, 1864, ix. 161-163—White (G. H.) t Success. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1839, xxiii, 351.— Wooten (T. D.) ♦ Tr. Texas M. Ass., San Antonio, 1878, x, 133-140. ARTERY. 621 ARTERY. Artery (Subclavian, Wounds of). See, also, Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). Bedeschi (G.) Ferita di arma da fuoco con frattura deUa clavicola, e lacerazione deU'arteria sottoclaveare, cu- rata colla pressione. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1820, xiii, 153-162. Aho, transl.: J. univ. d. sc. med., Par., 1820, xix, 107-117.—Bismukes (T. T.) How long will Ufe last after division of tho subclavian artery ? Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1856, xi, 59.—Gerhardt. Perforation der Subclavia bei Pyamio nach einem Nadelstiche. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857. ix, 480.—liongworth. Gunshot injury of the sub- clavian artery. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, viii, 91-94.—layman. Haemorrhage from the left subclavian artery. Boston M. & S. J., 1860, lxiU, 403-405. Also: Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1862, iv, 166-108.—Sinks (T.) Traumatip aneu- rism ofthe right subclavian-artery resulting from gunshot wound; digital compression; (lire. Mod. Herald, Leaven- worth, Kans., 1875, ix, 15-28,1 pl.—Will (J. C. O.) Wound of left subclavian artery and vein; perforation of pleura; death of patient from haemorrhage nearly three weeks after injury. Glasgow M. J., 1875, vii, 173-178. Artery (Subscapular). See Aneurisms of subscapular artery. Artery (Supracostal). Sebastian (A. A.) De arteria supracostaUs, eene nog niet beschrevene slagader van den mensch. Nederl. Lan- cet, Gravenh., 1847-8, 2. s., Ui, 430-437. Artery (Supra-orbital). See Aneurisms (Supra-orbital). Artery (Temporal). See, also, Aneurisms (Temporal). Canella (G.) Arteria temporale lesa da corpo lace- rante. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento, 1826, U, 67-69.—Effu- j sion of blood beneath the scalp in conseqneuce of a bruise; effusion continued for eight days; ligature of the temporal artery; recovery. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 495.—Guyon. Sur la cessation immediate de la c6pba- i lalgie febrUe par la compression des arteres temporales. 1 France m6d., Par., 1864, ii, 117-119.—Kirby (J.) Case of bayonet wound of the deep temporal artery; traumatic aneurism; extensive dUatation; permanent arrest of hemor- rhage by compress; recovery. Dublin M. Press, 1846, xv, 53.—Bupturc of tho temporal artery. Lancet, Lond., 1829, i, 61.—Seidel (W.) Drei FaUe von verletzter Arte- ria temporalis superficialis. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1852, v, 220-224.—Shinkwin (T. C.) Wound of the temporal artery foUowod by formation of matter be- tween the dura mater and cranium, in which trephining was performed with perfect success. DubUn Hosp. Gaz., 1856, Ui, 193.—Wntzer (C. W.) Ligatura arteriae tempo- raUs. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1849, i, 30. Artery (Temporal, section of). See Arteriotomy; Neuralgia (Treatment of). Artery (Thoracic acromial). Briggs (W. T.) Ligation of the acromial branch of the thoracico-acromial artery. NashvUle J. M. & S., 1877, xix, 116-118. Artery (Thyroid). See, also, Aneurisms (Thyroid). Blake (J.) Abnormal distribution of the thyroid ar- teries. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1847-8, v, 551-553.—Gicrsch. Heilung einer Verletzung der Arteria thyreoidea durch die Unterbindung. Mag. f. A. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1817, ii, 140- 144.—Gruber. Ueber die AnomaUen der Arteria thyreoi- dea ima (Neubaucri) und der Arteria cricothyreoidea, in ihrer wichtigen Beziehung zu einigen chirurg. Opera- tionen ; neuer anomaler Kehlkopfs-Muskel. Mecl. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1845, Ui, 129; 287.—Gruber (W.) Ueber die Arteria thyroidea ima. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, Uv, 445-484,1 pl.—Hillerct. [Ab- normity.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1845, xx, 39.—Markoc (T. M.) Scrofulous ulcer in the neck, penetrating tho in- ferior thyroid artery; death from hemorrhage. N. York M. Gaz., 1842, ii, 70-72. Also: N. York Lancet, 1842, i, 106. Artery (Thyroid, Abnormities of). See Arteries (Abnormities of). Artery (Thyroid, Ligature of). See Goitre (Treatment of). Artery (Tibial). See, also, Aneurisms (Tibial); Artery (Popli- teal, Ligature of). Delatjnay (J. B. H.) * Comment se pratique j la ligature des arteres tibiales anterieure et posts'- Artery (Tibial). rieure dans les divers points do leur 6tendue . . . 4°. Paris, 1838. Hyrtl (J.) Ueber normale und abnormo Ver- baltnisse der Schlagadern des Unterscbenkels. roy. 4J. Wien, 1864. Moller (J. E.) Bemerkung von Verletzung der vordern Schienbein-Pulsader. sm. 8°. Eo- penhagen, 1779. Sicatteau (A.-J.) *I. Comment pratique-t-on la ligature des arteres tibiales anterieure et pos- terieure et de l'artere pe"roniere, dans les divers points de leur 6teudue? II. [etc.] 4°. Paris, 1841. Arendt. Unterbindung der Art. tibialis postica, wegen abnormer Beschaffenheit mehrerer Muskeln des Fusses. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 1830, iv, 112-114.—Arnott (J. M.) Case of punctured wound and ligature of the posterior tibial artcry in tho upper third of its course. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, n. s., ii, 1480-1484. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1846, xxix, 43- 54.—Boutrcux. Observation sur une plaie de l'artere tibialo posterieure, gu6rie au moyen de la ligature. J. compl. clu diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, iv, 281.—Bowie (J.M.) t Wound of the plantar arteries of the left foot; ligature of both the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. Tr. M. &. Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1855, n. s., U, 319.— Brick- ell (D. W.) Wound of anterior tibial artery. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz., 1855-6, ii, 363.—Brouinean. Le- sion de 1'artere tibiale post6rieure; compression insufti- sante; Ugature de ce vaisseau; gu6rison complete. Rec. de mem. dem6d. . . . mU., Par., 1831, xxx, 342-349.—Brown (J. H.) Penetrating wound of the posterior tibial artery, foUowed by traumatic aneurism ; ligature of the artery at tho point of injury; secondary hemorrhage; amputation. N. York J. M., 1852, n. s., ix, 362-369.—Champion. Plaie Ear instrument tranchant k la partie inferieure do la jambe; gature de 1'artere tibiale anterieure. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1862, 3. s., viii, 200-209.—IChassai- gnac] Arthrite de la premiere articulationmetatarso-pha- langienne gauche; hemorrhagies imm6diates et cons6cu- tives; Ugatures des tibiales anterieure et posterieure. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 454. -----. Cas d'h6morrhagio re- bcUe cons6cutivement k l'amputation du gros orteil, avec resection du premier metatarsien; repression de l'h6mor- rhagio par la ligature des arteres tibiales anterieure et pos- terieure. Ibid., 1857, xxx, 329.—Chisholm (S.) Disease of the tibia; ulceration of the anterior tibial artery. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1844, iv, 310-312.—Cripps (W. H.) The treatment of hajmorrhage from the posterior-tibial ar- terv in the upper two-thirds of its course. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1875, xi, 93-105.—Be Morgan. Case of lace- ration of anterior tibial artery; amputation through the knee-joint; torsion of vessels. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, l, 626.—Bcvalz. Plaie de l'artere tibiale posterieure; Ugature du vaisseau ; retablisscment du cours du sang par les coUat6rales; formation d'un an6vrysmo cellulaire ; ex- tirpation de la poche anevrysmale; compression directe; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par.', 1866, xxxix, 251.—Dupuy- tren. Blessure de l'artero tibiale posterieure ; anevrisme faux primitif; ligature de l'artere femorale. Ibid., 1830-31, iv, 327; 359.—Fabbri (G. B.) Annotazioni suU'aUacciatura deU art eria tibiale posteriore. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1855,4. s., iii, 258-262.—Fetherstonhaugh (H.) Case of wound of the anterior tibial artery. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1850, 120.—Fisher (H. N.) Wound of posterior ti- bialartery. N. YorkM. Press, 1859, n. s., ii, 589.—Fritsch. Ueber einen FaU von Arterien-Unterbindung an der nnte- ren Extremitat. Deutscho mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1873, ii, 19.—Gelee. Observation sur une plaie k la jambe, compUqu6e de l'ouverture de l'artere tibiale posterieure. J. de m6d. mil., Par., 1785, iv, 377-382.—[Gore.] Cases of wound and ligature of the posterior tibial artery. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 537.—Gruber (W.) Ein FaU zweiwurzli- ger Arteria tibiaUs postica propria. In his: Beob. a. d. menschl. u. vergl. Anat., Berl., 1879,1. Hft., 46.—Hall (J. C.) Ligature of the posterior tibial artery for a wound. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, xxxvii, 233-235. -----. Ligature of the posterior tibial artery for a wound. Ibid., 1847, xxxix, 139.—Hawkins (C.) Hasmorrhage from the removal of dead bone. Lancet, Lond., 1866, f, 62.—Hen- venridge (A.) Ligation of the tibialis anticus artery. Chicago M. J., 1859, n. 8., U, 91-93.—Hubbard (T.) Caso of wound in the posterior tibial artery, with some re- marks on the natural and artificial methods of stopping hamiorrhages. Med. Reposit., N. Y., 1809-10, i, 313-316.— Hunter (T. L.) Ligation of the posterior tibial artery. Maryland & Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1860, xv, 447-450.— Jackman (T. S. H.) Case of fracture of the tibia and rupture of the anterior tibial artery ; amputation ; reco- very. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, iv, 203.—.low- ers (F.) Case of rupture of the posterior tibial artery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1855, n. s., x, 539.—Kirby (JT) Wound of the posterior tibial artery behind the left inter- ARTERY. 622 ARTERY. Artery (Tibial). nal ankle; aneurism ; opening of the cvst; compress and styptics; recovery. DubUn M. Press, 1846, xv, 52. — Ija- chanaud. Plaie par armo a feu de 1'artere tibiale ante- rieure ; anevrysme faux primitif; incision de la poche, liga- ture de l'artere au-dessus et au-dessous de la lesion; gueri- son. Union m6d., Par., 1870, ix, 684-686. — Lavclanet (L.) L6sion traumatique de l'artere tibiale anterieure, ayant n6cessit6 la Ugature de la femorale. J. do chir. (Mal- gaigne), Par., 1846, iv, 125.—Lawrence, t In which subse- quent haemorrhage resulted from a wound of the posterior tibial artery and vein, requiring amputation. Lancet, Lond., 1827, xi, 271.—Leisrink. Unterbindung der Art. tibialis ant. wegen Aneurysma spurium mit Hiilfe des Es- march'schen Apparates fur locale Anamie. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1873-4, iv, 23-25.—Lctenncur. Rup- ture de l'artere tibiale anterieure k sa partie inferieure; gue- rison sans operation. M6m. Par., 1847,i,377- 383.—Little ( W. B.) Wound of posterior tibial artery; secondary hasmorrhage; ligation of artery; death. Am.M. Times, N. Y., 1863,vi, 101.—M'Whiunie. Rupture of the posterior tibial artery; deligation unsuccessful. Lancet, Lond.,1855, ii, 31.—mall, t Aneurysma circumscript. spur.,1859,iv,40L—Micklethwait. Rup- ture of the posterior tibial artery; amputation; phlebitis. Prov.M. &S. J., Lond., 1847, xi, 19.—Mullens. Ligature of the anterior tibial for rupturo in fracture. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1863,Lond.,1865,v,534.—0'Brien(G.W.) Wound of the pos- terior tibial artery. Med.-Chir. Rev.,Lond.,1838, xxix,664.— Ouvrard. Ligature do l'artere tibiale posterieure. N. Jour, do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1820, viii, 42-46. Also: Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk.. Berl., 1821, xi, 157-163.—Paul (J.) Wound of posterior tibial artery from the bite of a cat. Lancet, Lond., 1839, i, 277.—Poncet (F.) Ligature de la tibiale posterieure. Montpel. med., 1872, xxviii, 36.— Beinhardt. Seltener FaU einer Theilung der Art. tibi- aUs antica. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1846, iv, 135. -----. Ueber die Abweichungen der Pulsadern des Unterschenkels und Fusses vom normalen Verlauf, vorge- tragen bei der Versammlung der Wundarzte in Ulin. Zt- schr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1853, vi, 177-184.— Bibcs (F.) Causes de la difficulte qu'on eprouve quel- quefois a faire la ligature des arteres tibiales lors de 1 am- putation de la jambe. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1833, iU, 199-202.—Bichter (G. M.) Verletzung der Arteria tibi- aUs posterior'und des Tendo AchiUis mit gliicklichem Aus- gange. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1853, vU, 407-412.—Kindsyunsk (V. A.) Krovotechenie iz pered- nei bolshe-bertsovoi arterii. [Hemorrhage from the ante- rior tibial artery.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med.Obshch., Tiflis, 1872, 527.—Boux (J.) L6sion de la tibiale poste- rieure ; ligature. Union med., Par., 1849, Ui, 130; 135; 138. Aho, Reprint. — Sherfy (J. W.) Arrest of hemorrhage by styptic and compression, with a case involving the pos- terior tibial artery, incised transversely. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1866, n. s., Iii, 405-408.—Sigmund. Riss der Arte- ria tibiaUs postica mit Delirium tremens potatorum. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1844, xlvi, 37-46.— [Stone (W.)] Wound of tho ieft posterior tibial artery; repeated hemorrhages for 10 days ; ligature of the vessel. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1850-51, vU, 542.— Thompson (J. N.) Punctured wound of anterior tibial artery and operation. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 461.—Travers (B.) Divi- sion of the posterior tibial artery, for which the compress and roUer were tried without effect, and the vessel was then secured by two ligatures. Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1827, n. s., iii, 27-30. — Verwnndung der Arter. tibial, post.; Delirium traumat.; Genesung. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1855, i, 449.—Waklcy (T. H.) Extensive incised wouncl of the leg, dividing the an- terior and posterior tibial arteries; compression of the fe- moral artery; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1861, i, 609.— Weber (C. A.) Zerreissung der Arteria tibialis posterior. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1849, iU, 553.—Words- worth (J. C.) Wound of the posterior tibial artery; se- condary haemorrhage; deUgation ; recurrence of haemor- rhage from lower orifice; deligation; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1858, xvi, 85.—Wound of the posterior ti- bial artery. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, viii, 194. Artery (Ulnar). See, also, Aneurisms (Ulnar); Aneurisms of hand; Artery (Brachial, Ligature of). Chassaignac. t [Abnormity.] BnU.Soc.anat.dePar., 1840, xv, 11: 1834, ix, 2.—Cooper (B.) Wound of the ulnar aitery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1836, i, 525.—Crittenden (A.J.) t Deligation of the ulnar artery for aneurism. Stetho- scope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1852,"ii, 491-495.—Be I hay e (V.) Hemorrhagie traumatique de l'artere cubitale droite ; ligature; denudation des tendons; guerison sans exfolia- tion. Ann. Soc. de m6d. do Gand, 1858, xxxvi, 363.—Bcl- stanche. L6sion do l'artere cubitale gu6rie sans opera- tion. J. de mecl., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1847, v. 183- 187.—Bieulafoy. Blessure do l'artere cubitale; gueri- son par le perchlorure de for. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, • jtxvh, 111.—Bunlop. Case of wound of the ulnar artery; Artery (Ulnar). ligature at bleeding point; recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xu, 141.—Ford (E.) Account of a wound of the ulnar artery, at the wrist, cured by tying it up at some distance from the wound. Lond. M. J., 1790, xi, 357-361.— Foul- fa ioux. Plaies et arteres cubitale et radiale, gu6ries par la compression. J. de m6d. de Lyon, 1843, iv, 301-306.— Green (P. H.) t Traumatic aneurism of the ulnar artery; failure of ligature; vessel taken up at the distal side; cure. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1840, i, 190.— Grubel (W.) Vor- kommen der Arteria ulnaris antibrachii superficialis und hoher TheUung der Arteria radiaUs am rechten Arme und hoher Ursprung der Arteria interossea am linken Arme. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1870, xvi, 268; 285.— Gruber (W.) Duplicitat der Arteria ulnaris; neuer FaU. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1871, 286-296, 1 pl.—Heyfelder (J. F.) Verletzung der Arteria ulnaris. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1848, lxvi, 281. -----. Unterbindung der Arteria ulnaris wegen eines Aneurysma traumaticum. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1853, v, 554.—Hill (S. V. D.) Ligature of the ulnar artery. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Columbus, 1874, vii, 114.—Hilton (J.) Injury to the ulnar artery and par- tial division of the ulnar nerve, from a lacerated wound of the forearm; deligation of the artery; improved me- thod of continuous irrigation. Lancet, Lond., 1853, i, 110. -----. Wounded ulnar artery; sloughing; secondary hasmorrhage; amputation of arm ; pvamia; abscesses opened: recovery. Ibid., 1866, i, 197.— Hjorth (I.) Bliid- ning fran arteria ulnaris nara dess ursprung; underbind- ningar. [Hasmorrhage from ulnar artery near its origin.] In: Bergstrand (C. II.) Chir. Iakttagelser, Upsala [n. d.j, 53-62.—Jameson (H. G.) Caseof wound of the ul- nar artery, at the heel of the hand, which was successfuUy treated by compression, after the ligature had failed. Ma- ryland M. Recorder, 1832, Ui, 40-44.—Larrey. Sur un an6vrisme faux consecutif gu6ri par l'operation. BuU. Fac. dem6d. de Par., 1812, ii, 25-33.—Letcnncur. Ane- vrysme faux consecutif de l'artere cubitale; Ugature de l'artere brachiale a sa partie moyenne; guerison. Mem. Soc. dechir. dePar., 1847, i, 384-386.—Ludlow (H.) SmaU penetrating wound of the forearm piercing the ulnar artery and causing effusion of blood. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 563. -----. Penetrating wound of tho fore- arm ; puncture of the ulnar artery. I bid., 564.—Maison- neuvc. t Ligature de l'artere cubitale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., Ui, 59.—Malgaigne. Note sur un moyen facile de rendre 1'artere cubitale accessible au toucher et memo k la vue. Rev. m6d.-chir. de Par., 1847, ii, 159.— ITIcars (J. E.) Gunshot wound of tho forearm involving the ulnar arterv and nerve. PhUa. M. Times, 1874-5, v, 117.—Norris (G. W.) Incised wound of the wrist with division of the ulnar artery; ligature of both ends of the vessel. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1839, xxv, 277.—Palmer (J.) Wound of the ulno-carpal artery. Lond. M. Gaz., 1828, ii, 363.—Patruban. Hoher Ursprung und subcu- taner Verlauf der Arteria ulnaris. VrtUschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1848, i, 33-36, 1 pl. — Poland (A.) Sc Hol- niau (C.) Case of traumatic aneurism of the ulnar artery in the palm of the hand; ineffectual Ugature of the artery to and from the sac; Ugature of the radial; perfect recovery. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1859, 3. s., v, 332-334—Bein- hardt. Seltener FaU einer Theilung der Arteria ulnaris. AUg. Ztg. f. MU.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1846, iv, 132-134.— Bich (J. S.) A case of the wound of the ulnar artery, treated by compression; with remarks. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1855, x, 637-640.—Bobert. Plaies do l'artere c ubi- tale; an6vrismo faux consecutif; remarques cliniques sur ce cas int6ressant; ligature du vaisseau au-dessus et au- dessous du point 16s6; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 464.—Bou get. Blessure do l'artero cubitale au poignet; insucces de la compression; neccssite do la Uga- ture; tetanoscons6cutif; guerison. Gaz.iued.del'Algerie, Alger, 1874, xix, 109-111.—Verneuil. An6vrysme trau- matique de l'artere cubitale a la paume de la main; com- pression digitale; gu6rison. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1859, ix, 319-324.—Verwnndung der Arter. ulnar, ober- halb des Handgclenkes, gluckUch behandelt durch Com- pression der Wunde und der Art. brachiaUs. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1855, i, 450. Artery (Umbilical). See, also, Aneurisms (Umbilical.) E wart (J. C.) On valvular structures in the umbilical arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1878, xii, 228-231.— Haussmann. Ueber "die ungleiche Entwickelung der Nabelarterien. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl. 1869, 22. Hft., 82-93. Aho: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1869, xxxiv, 337-348.—Hoogeweg. Zwei FaUe von Vereiterung der Nabelarterien. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1852, xxi, 191.—IVotta. Sur l'obliteration des arteres ombiUcales et sur I'arterite ombUicale. [Rap. de M. Mal- gaigne.] Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 220-230. Aho: M6m. Acad. imp. de m6d., Par., 1855, xix, 1-15.— Mchuller. Arteriitis umbUicalis. Ztschr. d. k. k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1854, ii, 221-224. ARTERY. 623 ARTICELLA. Artery (Uterine, Injury of). Hewitt (G.) Traumatic aneurism of the uterine artery; fatal hasmorrhage. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond.,1867,ix,246-250,1 pl. Artery (Vaginal, Rupture of). van llacsendonck. Observation de perte sanguine chez une ieunofiUe; erreur do diagnostic. [Rap. de M. Bes- sems.] Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1848, v, 551-555. Artery (Vertebral). See, also, Aneurisms (Vertebral); Artery (In- nominate, Ligature of'); Embolism (Cerebral). Gherini (A.) Delia ferita deU'arteria verte- brale. 8°. Milano, 1867. Albini (G.) SuUa monografia deU'arteria vertebrale del Agostino Barbieri di Milano. Rendic Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1869, xxUi, 68-70.—Barbieri (A.) Mono- grafia deU'arteria vertebrale. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Mi- lano, 1867, Vi, 176; 193; 221; 301; 309; 321; 388; 421; 445; 454; 465; 481; vi (app.), 65, 5 pl. See, also, Albini.— Carter (H. J.) Death from a wound of the left vertebral artery, between the transverse processes of tho third and fourth cervical vertebrae. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc, Bombay, 1855, n. s., ii, 313.—Fraeys (L.) Do la compression cie l'artere vertebrale, ct do son importance pour le diagnostic differentiel et le traitement des hemorrhagies et des ane- vrismes du cou. Ann. Soc. dc m6d. dc Gand, 1849, xxiv, 5- 18. Aho: Unipnm6d.,Par., 1849,iii,417-419.—Gruber(W.) Ursprung der Arteria vertebraUs dextra von der Subclavia knapp nehen der Carotis, mit Kreuzung der Thyreoidea in- ferior von und wahrend ihres Vcrlauf'es. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, Ixxiv, 433,1 pl.—Holmes (T.) Ta- ble of cases of wounds aud of traumatic aneurisms of the vertebral artery, in which the carotid has been tied by mis- take. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 105.—Hyrtl (J.) Abnormi- taten der Wirbel- und Basilar-Arterie. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates,Wien, 1842,xxxix,257-261.—JLegouest. He- morrhagie de l'artere vertebrale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862,2. s., U, 97-99.—Leroux (A.) Anastomose de l'artere vertebrale avec la cervicale profonde. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. 1850, Par., 1851, U, 196-198.—Lnnean. Deux observa- tions d'obUt6ration de l'artere vertebrale du cdt6 gauche. Ibid., 1870, Par., 1872, 5. s., ii, 132-137.—Maisonneuve Sc Favrat. Observation do ligature de l'artere vertebrale. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1852,2. s., ii, 181-183.— Meckel (A.) Dreifache Whbelartcrie. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1828, iii, 170. — Stone (W.) A case of traumatic aneurism. [Wound of vertebral artery.] N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1849-50,vi,555.—Van Buren (W. H.) Gunshot wound; removal of baU; death from haemorrhage. N. York J. M., 1857, 3. s., U, 353-357.—Vcrartlini (F.) Alcune annota- zioni suUe ferite e sugU aneurismi deU'arteria vertebrale. BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1872,5. s.,xiv,293-312.—War- ren (J. M.) Gunshot wound cutting off the vertebral ar- tery. Boston M. & S. J., 1862, lxvi, 389. Aho, in hh: Surg. Obs., Bost., 1867, 553. Artery (Vertebral, Ligature of). See Artery (Subclavian, Ligature of). Artery (Vertebral, Ulceration of). See Spine (Cervical, Diseases of). Artery-forceps. See Forceps (Surgical). Arthaud (Auguste-Germain). * De la cauterisa- tion des tumeurs h6morrhoidales par le fer rouge. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 179, v. 550. Arthaud. (Jean-Baptiste). *I. Prurigo p6dicu- laire. II. [etc.] 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 129, v. 397. Arthaud (Joseph). *Du sie'ge et de la nature des maladies mentales. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 303, v. 291. Arthaud (Jules-Antoine). 'Dissertation sur les lois de l'ost6og6nie. viii, 9-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 104, v. 216. Arthaud (Ovide). *I. Hypertrophie des centres nerveux. II. [etc. ] 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 192, v. 397. Arthaud (Pierre). *Quelques notes sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 206, v. 568. Arthaud de Viry (Charles-Octave). * Des pur- gatifs; effets; mode d'action; emploi ratiounel. 56 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Gras, 1866, No. 64. Arthault (Alexandre). *Des fractures compli- qu6es des membres, et en particulier de celles qui affectent la jambe. 60 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 350, v. 335. Arthkamp (Hermannus). *De organorum la- crymalium morbis. [Cum vita.] 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bei'olini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1848], Arthralgia. See, also, Joints (Hystei-ical disease of); Phthisis (Diagnosis of). Decaestkckek (T.) *Arthralgies et douleurs articulaires; 6tude sdin&otique. 4°. Paris, 1K75. C'aron (J.) Etudes sur les deux grandes indications du traitement des arthralgies en g6n6ral, et sur la scapulal- fie en particnUer. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1844, ii, 35-245.—Cruerin (J.) Considerations g6nerales sur les arthralgies et les difformites arthralgiques. Ibid., 1845, iii, 323-329.—Oppolzcr (I.) Neuralgia s. Arthralgia satur- nina. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1850, ii, 22.—Perry. Ar- thralgia caused by lead. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc. M. Improve., 1856, U, 247. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1855, liii, 291. Arthritis. See Joints (Inflammation of). Arthritis (Suboccipital). See Atlas and Axis (Diseases of). Arthrodynia. Jackson (J.) On apecuUar disease resulting from the use of ardent spirits. [Arthrodynia] N. Eng. J. M. Sc S., Bost., 1822, xi, 351-353. Arthrogryposis. Leopold (J. H.) Cryptorchidismus, Ursache vou Ar- throgryposis spastica infantum. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1852, xxxUi, 348. Arthropods. Bohrn (A.) Untersuchungen uber Bau und Entwicke- lung der Arthropoden. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Na- turw., Leipz., 1870, v, 54-81, 2 pl.; 138-157, 2 pl.; 277-292, 1 pl.; 293-306, 2 pl.; 471-491: 1871, vi, 580-640, 2 pl. Arthuis (A.) Traitement des maladies uerveuses et des affections rhumatismales par l'electricit6 statique. iv, 5-164 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1873. Arthuis (Adrien). *Du phlegmon et des abces parenchymateux de la mamelle. 83 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 84. Arthuis (Arthur). * Des principaux traitements de la phthisie pulmonaire. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 2. Arthur (Robert). An argument against profes- sional patents. 23 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. W. Woods, 1853. -----. Treatment of dental caries complicated with disorders of the pulp. 121 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Jones, White <$• M'Curdy, 1853. -----. Some suggestions concerning the nature and treatment of decay of the teeth. 70 pp. 8°. Baltimore, John Murphy Sr Co., 1867. -----. Treatment and prevention of decay of the teeth: a practical and popular treatise. 1 v. xii, 256 pp., 38 fig. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott$ Co., 1871. See, also, Blandin (Ph. Er.) Anatomy of the Dental System, etc. 8°. Baltimore, 1845. Arthure (Thomas). * De pneumonia. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et soeii, 1804. [P., v. 28. ] Arthusius (Guilielmus). See Sebizius (M.) * Liber Galeni de differentUs mor- borum. 4°. Argentorati, 1630. Articella. 1901. fol. Venitiis, B. Locatellus, 1493. Gothic letter; double columns; illuminated. Contents: 1. Liber JoanitU qui dicitur Isagoge; 2. Libellus Philareti do pulsibus; 3. Libellus Theophili de urinis; 4. Hippocra- tis aphorism!; 5. Idem, cum commento GaUeui; 6. Liber pronosticorum, cum translatione nova et antiqua; 7. Liber regiminis acutorum, quatuor particulas continens; 8. Liber Hippocratis epidimiaruni, cum commento; 9. Libellus Hip- Soc qui intitulatur de natura foetus; 10. Liber Galieni qui icitur tegni sive ars parva; 11. LibeUus Gentilis de fulgi- neo, de divisione et cet.; 12. LibeUus de lege Hippoc. et libeUus qui dicitur jusjurandum. Articella nuperrime impressa cum quam pluri- mis tractatibus pristine impressioni superadditis. ccclxx ff. 8. Lugduni, Antonius du Ey, 1525. Contents: Joannitii Isagoge. Phylaretus, de pulsibus. Theophilus de urinis. Hippocrates de lege: jusjurandum; ARTICELLA. 624 ARZWIESERUS. A rticella, etc.—continued. pronostica; aphorismi antiqua translation"); aphorismi Theodoro Gaza interprete; coUectio aphorismorum; regi- men acutorum; Uber epyduniarum; de natura fetus; liber secretorum; pronostica secundum lunam; capsula eburnea; de humana natura; do aere, de pharmacus; de insomnUs. Aphorismi Joannis Damasceni. FloscuU medicinales ex Cornelio Celso extracti. Parabole Arnaldi de VUla Nova. Libri Galeni. Aviccnne. Textus novi ad Almansorem qui est de egritudinibus a capite usque ad pedes. Sum- mula Jacobi . . . super antidotario Mesue. Descriptio ponderum medicuiaUinn mensurarum et dosium ex bre- viario Alseir. Artichoke. See Cynara. Articulata. Brants (A.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van de eenvoudige oogen der gelede dieren. (Articulata Cuv.) Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied. en Physiol., Leiden, 1837-8. iv, 135-153. -----. Over het gezigtswerktuig der gelede dieren. Ibid., 1843, x, 12-56.—Geoflroy St. Hilaire. TJeber eine Wirbelsiiule und ihre Rippen in den vieUiissigen Insekten. (Ann. g6n. d. sc. physiques, 4. Uv., 1820, 96-133.) Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., HaUe, 1820, vi, 59-78.—Pouchet (G.) Sc Jobert. Contribution k l'histoire dc la vision chez lea cirrhipedes. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1876, xU, 575-598, 1 pl. Articulation. See Palate; Speech. Articulations. See Joints. Artieres (Victor). # Diagnostic des tumeurs du sein. 61 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 117, v. 479. Artificial limbs. See Limbs (Artificial). Artificial pupil. See Pupil (Artificial). Art agues (Jean-Marie-Casimer). * De la mdthode dite contro-stimulante, de ses resultats, de son emploi contre la pneumonie et le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 132, v. 426. Artis medicae principes. Eecensuit, prsefatus est Albertus de Haller. Editio altera, emendatior et nova prsefationo aucta. 11 v. 8°. Lausanna;, J. H. Pott et soc, 1787. Hippocrates, tomes i-iv; Aretseus, tome v; Alexander TraUianus, Rhazes et Alsahara, tomes vi-vU; Celsus, tomes vUi & ix; AureUanus, tomes x & xi. See, aho, Medicae artis principes. fol. Francofurti, 1567. Artis (De) obstetrician in academia et civitate Lipsiensi incrementis. [In] memoriam Rud. Ferd. de Sylverstein et Pilnickau. 10 pp. 4°. [Lip- sice, 1811.] Artisans (Diseases and hygiene of). See Blacksmiths, Copper (Workers in), etc.; Lungs (Foreign deposits in); Occupations. Artists (Anatomy for). See Anatomy (Artistic). Arti z ans' dwellings bill. A bill for facilitating the improvement of the dwellings of the working classes in large towns. (Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, Feb. 8, 1875.) ii, 22 pp. fol. [London, 1875.] Artizans (The) and labourers dwellings im- provement act, 1875. Proceedings on the adop- tion by the council of a scheme for the improve- ment of the borough of Birmingham, with the speeches of the mayor [Joseph Chamberlain, esq. ] and the chairman of the improvement com- mittee [Mr. Councillor White] in support thereof. Printed by order of the improvement committee. 48 pp. 8°. Birmingham, G. Jones <$• Son, 1875. Altmann (Ferdinand). AUgemeine Bemerkun- gen iiber Ventilation und die verschiedenen auf die Giite der Luft Einfluss nehmenden Verhalt- nisse. iv, 44 pp., 8°. 1 tab., fol. Prag, C. Bell- man, 1860. Artopoeus (Johannis Petrus). * Diss. med. sol. crisium naturam et explicationein rationalem sistens. 35 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1706]. Artu (Amand-Constant). *De l'lilce'ration des veines. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 308. Artus (A. V. Eugene). *Des injections iodees dans les articulations; hydarthrose. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 245, v. 626. Artus (Wilibald). See AUgemeine pharmaceu- tische Zeitschrift. Artzneien, eine physicalisch-medicinische Mo- natschrift [etc.], von E. G. Baldinger. v. 1-2, July 13, 1765-June, 1767. 8°. Langensalza, J. C. Martin. Arusn. Arum arisarum; l'arum a capuchon. Rev. de th6rap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1869 [xvU], 294-296.—Chairou (E.) Ob- servation d'empoisonnement par la racine de l'arum cala- dium. Union m6d., Par., 1862, 2. s., xvi, 538.—Fraser (W.) Cases of poisoning with arum maculatum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1861, !, 654.—Garrean. M6moiro sur les rela- tions qui existent entre l'oxyg6ne consomme par le spadice de l'arum italicum en 6tat do paroxysmc, et la chaleur qui se produit. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mU., Par., 1851, 2. S., viii, 310-316. Arundo. Canne (La) de Provence; arundo donax. Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1869 [xvii], 14-17.—Roseau a balais; arundo phragmites. Ibid., 1866 [xiv], 406-408.— Vigic. De la propri6t6 malfaisante de l'arundo donax (canne de Provence). Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1840-41, i, no. 12. Arve. Elcrpin. Recherehes sur les barns de riviere k basse temperature, d'apres des observations sur les bains d'Arve, dans le canton de Geneve. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1844, 2. 8., xU, 181; 199; 253; 284. Arvedi (Sebastiano). Cenni ed osservazioni me- dico-pratiche sopra il morbo migliare. 83 pp., 2 1. 8°. Venezia, G. B. Merlo, 1840. Arvers (Louis-Alexandre). * Essai sur le tabac. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 245, v. 115. Arvidson (Petrus Afzelius). *In aueurismata lemoris observationes. 1 p. 1., 61 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Upsalice, apud J. Erdman, [1791]. Arweiler (Ernest. Leop.) *De intestinorum tractus ventriculique ulceribus. 28 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Briischckianis, [1831]. Arytenoid cartilage. Sec Larynx. Arzerouny (Mihran). * Etude experimentale sur les effets physiologiques et thdrapeutiques de la tk6bauie. 4 p. 1., 111pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 391. Arzew. Toussaint. Notice topographique snr la vUle d'Ar- zew. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1861, 3. s., vi, 205-227. Arznei-Taxe zur osterreichischen Pharmako- poe vom Jahre 1869. vi, 32 pp. 8°. Wien, k.-k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1869. -----. The same, vi, 42 pp. 8°. Wien, Druck der k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1872. Arzneykundige Annalen. Von D. Johann Clemeus Tode. Hft. 1-8, 1787-8; Hft. 13, 1792. Eopenhagen, J. G. Rothe. Arzouman (H.) * Etudes cliniques sur les troubles nerveux de la locomotion observes dans la chloro-anemie. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 52, v. 612. Arzt (Der). Eine medicinische Wochenschrift, von J. A. Unzer. 1.-12. Th. in 6 Biinden. 8°. Hamburg. Parts 1-2 are 2. ed., 1760; parts 3-12 are original issue, 1760-64. It commenced in 1759. -----. The same. Neueste Ausgabe. 6 v. 8°. Altona, Hammerich, 1769. Arzwieserus (Jo. Christophorus). For his Life, see Wedelius (Joannes Adolphus). ASAFGETIDA. 625 ASCH AN. Asafoetida. Sec, also, Asthma (Treatment of). Eccard (T. H.) *De virtutibus quibusdam violiB tricoloris, arniciu et asafoetida?, per experi- menta clinica comprobatis. sm. 4~. Tubingce, [17>6]. Semmer (C.) * Disquisitiones pharmacologics de asafoetida et galbauo. <;). [Dorpat, 1859.] Uactano (L.) Memoire sur l'emploi de lassa-foetida dans les grossesses maladives, pour prevenir la mort du foetus dans la matrice. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1847. i, 129- 138.—Hope (J.) Description ofa plant vicldinu asafoe- tida. Lond. M. J., 1786, vii, 68-72— Ivacmpfer (E.) Historia asa? fcetidas disgnnensis. In hh: Amoenitatum exoticarum, 4°, Lemgovise, 1712, 535-552.—Lorenzo An. eelini's neue Untersuchungen uber den Stink asant (Assa- tcetida). Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl., Niirnb., 1826, ix, 101-108.— Itliller (A. W.) Orthography of asafoetida. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1875, 4. s., v, 49-55.—Pelletier (J.) Ana- lyse de l'assa-tietida. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1811, xUi, 44-60.—Sebmalz (C. L.) Beobachtungen iiber die gate Wirkung des stinkenden Asants bey Driisen- und Knochen-Geschwulsten, auch bey dem Beinfrass. J. f. d. Chir.. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1800, ii, 703-714.—Wauters (P. C.) Observationes super asae foe- tidae virtutibus. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1781, lvi, 115-129. A* a rum. Graeger (J. N.) *De asaro Europseo. 8-. Gottingce, 1830. Heixz(J. C.) *De asaro. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1739]. Scheffler (J. C.) *Deasaro. 4°. [n.p.], 1721. Maschka (J.) Fruchtabtreibnngsversuch mit Asa- rum europ.; Tod; nicht nach weissbarer Zusammenhang. VrtHscor. f. gerichtl. n. off. Med., Berl., 1865, n. F., U, 54-57. Asbestos. Schwarze (C. A.) De loco omnium, qui de as- besto agunt, autiquissimo. 4°. Gorlicii, [1804]. Kletzinskr (V.) Ueber Asbest als Hautreiz. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., "Wien, 1859, v, 86-88. Asbury (Jacob Vale). A treatise on epidemic cholera; illustrating a new theory of the disease, on which the principles of a systematic mode of treatment are established. 2 p. 1., 55 pp. 8°. London, Longman and others, 1833. For his Obituary, se* Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 195. Aho: Med. Times & Graz., Lond., 1871, ii, 87. Asbury Life Insurance Company, New York City. Instructions to medical examiners. 13 pp. 16°. Neiv York, Bradstreet press, ln68. -----. The same. 13 pp. 24c. New York, Mc- Donald Bros., 1871. Ascanius (Petrus). See Ocdcr (Georgius Christ.) Se irritabUitate. 4°. Hafnioe, 1752. Ascarides. See, also, Anus (Pruritus of); Oxyuris; Worms. Cazix(F. J.) Des vers ascarides lombricoides couside're's sous le point de vue medico-pratique. b°. [n.p., n. d.] Czermak (J.) Ueber den Bau und das optische Verhalten der Haut von Ascaris lumbricoides. 8°. [Prag, n.d.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. math.-naturw. Classe der K. Akad. der "Wissensch., 1852. Oehme (F.) * De ascaridum effectu mechanico. 8°. Lipsice, [1852]. Pereboom (N. E.) *De ascaridibus. 4-. Franequerce, 1791. Bellinghani (O'B.) On the genus to which the worms known by the name of ascarides belong. DubUn J. M. Sc, 183S-9, xiv, 85-87.—Bird (J.) Letter on the treat- ment of ascarides. Med. Times . L.) t Aim. univ. di med.. Milano, 1834, lxxi, 248-257.—Porta (N.) t t Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Mi- lano, 1849, 2. s., u, 198-20.1.—Pundschu. t Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 509-511.—Bobert (B.) jEs posible | confundir una hidropesia ascitis con un quiste seroso peri- j uterino? CompUador med., Barcel., 1868, iv, 4; 44.—Boots. t . . .with disease of the liver and heart. Lancet, Lond., 1836, i, 085-689.—Boxtan (L.) Sur un moyen de distinguer l'ascite de l'hydropisie enkystee. N. Joiir. de med.. chir., pharm., Par., 1818, iii, 215-223. -----. t Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1843, 2. s., v, 461—103.—Bozan. Ascite consecutive A, trois acces de fl6vre intermittente simple: mort. Ibid., 1862. xxxv, 594. — Mchncevoogt. Ziektegeval van hydrops ascites; hypertrophic van demilt; atropine van do'lever; vernaauwing van de vena cava; doodeUjke peritonitis. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1851, i, 498-502.—Scul- tetus (J.) t . . . cum hydromphalo cnodatus. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. Sc Lips., 1676, 155-180. -----. Von einer mit einem Wassernabclbruch vcrbundenen Bauch- wassersucht ; wobey zuglcich von clem eigentlichen Siz der Bauchwassersucht gehandelt, und die beste Art den Unterleib wassersiichtiger Personen anzubohren gezeiget wird. -----. Rom. kais. Akad. d. Naturf. Med.-chir.-... Abhandl., Niirnb., 1757, iv,200-223. —Soler y Busealla (J.) t Compilador med., Barcel., 1865-6, i, 60-63.—Som- mer. Merkwiirdige HeUung einer Bauchwassersucht. Allg. med. Ami., Altenb., 1801, 70-72.— Spaulding (T.) t Boston M. Sc S. J., 1828-9, i (pt. 2), 745-747. — Sundelin (K.) Langwierige Bauchwassersucht. Arch. f. med. Er- fahr., Berl., 1830, i, 128-130.—Sunter (T. M.) Ascites. Dublin M. Press, 1850, xxui, 370-374.—Taylor (J. S.) t Missouri M. Sc S. J., St. Louis, 1845, i, 181-183.—Terzi (G.) t t Bull. cl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1851, 3. s., xx, 382- 407.—Thorowgood. Extensive ascites and hiemateme- sis; improvement under the use of balsam of copaiba. Lan- cet. Loud., 1877, i, 644.—Tobey (S. B.) Extraordinary case of dropsy in a female. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1841, xxiii, 387.— Todd(ii.B.) CUnical lect ure on cases of ascites. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 635-642.—Tott. t J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1833, xix, 503-505.—Trousseau. 11 Gaz.d.hop. Par., 1858, xxxi, 217.—Tucker (D.H.) t Maryland & Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1860, xv, 433-435.—Turnbull (L.) t Depending upon pressure of a tumor upon the large blood vessels. Med. Exam., Phila., 1845, n. s., i, 592.—de Vargas (F.) t Siglo mod., Madrid, 1856, iii, 252.—Vellkamp (J.) t t Verhan- del. v. h.-Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Genees- en Heelk. te Amst,, 1794, iii, 1-24, 1 pl.— Wassersucht (Die) (Hy- drops). Med. Jahresb. v. IVterPanls-Hosp. St. Petersb. (1840) 1843, 179-189.—[Watson (T.)] Abdominal dropsy. Svst. Pract. Med. (Tweedie), Pnila.-, 1841, v, 228-237.— Weather head (G. II.) t Lond. M. Reposit., 1828, xxix, 12-15.—Wegscheider. 1. AscitcsundHydrothoraxohne lokale Ursache bei einem jungen Madchcn. Beitr. z. Ge- burtsk. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1872, i, 35.—Wells (S.) Diag- nosis between ovarian dropsv and ascites. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1864, ii, 327-329. —Wcndrykowski. Hy- drops ascites. Org. f. d. ges. HeUk., Aachen, 1856, v, 65-70.— Wctzler. Wassersucht von Leberverstopfung. N. Jahrb. cl. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Hamm, 1826, xii, 1. St., 127-129. Aho, tranil.: Arch. gen. de mod., Par., 1827, xiii, 267.— Whittakcr. t CUnic, Cincin., 1877, xiii, 99.—Williams (E.) Ascites taken for a cyst of the ovary; injection of iodine; death. West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville. 1854, 4. s., i, 190-195.—Wright (D.) t t Dublin M. Press, 1863, xlix, 262.—Zcrlegung derjenigen Fliissigkoit, die durch den Bauchstich aus der Bauchhohle. ausgelcert wird. Arch. f. d. Physiol.. HaUe, 1797, ii, 123-126. Ascites (Chylous). See Abdomen (Milky fluid in). Ascites (Spontaneous cure of). Agnew (S.) A case of the evacuation of water from tho abdomen by the umbilicus. Phila. M. Museum, 1810- 11, n. s., i, 159-161. — Anderson (E. G.) Note on the spontaneous disappearance of ascitic fluid. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1875, in, 309. — Bertrand. Observation , Ascites (Spontaneous cure of). d'hydropisie ascite, heurcusement termin6o par une cre- vasse spontan6e faite dans un point do la circonf6rence de 1'ombUic J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1809, xxxv, 133-137.—Bronson (J. O.) t Spontaneous evacua- tions of the effusion through the abdominal waUs; perito- neal fistula. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1859, xii, 22-27.— Burns (W.) Spontaneous escape of fluid from the peri- toneal cavity. Ibid., 1856, v, 12-14.—Colville (E.) Case of ascites cured spontaneously. Med.-Chir. J., Lond., 1818- 19, i, 503.—Croskery (H.) Caso of ascites, in which na- ture effected a cure by spontaneous rupture of the abdo- minal parietes at a point midway between the umbilicus and pubes, with remarks on the treatment of ascites. Dub- lin Q. J. M. Sc, 1860, xxix, 305-308. — Finn. [Ascites evacuated through the nipples.] Ibid., 1856. xxii, 221.— Graves (R. J.) Spontaneous cure of chronic ascites. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1835, vi, 61.—Harris (E.) Case of ascites from metro-peritonitis, in which there occurred • a spontaneous opening of tho abdominal parietes and a free and long-continued discharge of the dropsical effusion. N. York J. M., 1854, n. s., xui, 382.—Hohnbaum (C.) Ge- schichte einer Bauchwassersucht, welche auf ein i'reiwiUi- ges Nasenbluten verschwand. Abhandl. d. phys. med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1810, i, 299-312.— Hulin. Observation d'un cas d'hydropisie-ascito gu6rie spontandment sous l'in- fluence d'uno fievre intermittente. Ann. Soc, de m6d. de Gand., 1847, xx, 22-32. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand., 1847, xiii, 52; 54.—Eillic (G. G.) Do hydrope ascite per emesin curato. Acta Soc. med. Havn., 1777, i, 294-306.— Mondierc (J. T.) Recherehes sur la gu6rison spontande do l'ascite et de I'anasarque. Ann. de m6d. belgo, Brux., 1841, iii, 100-111.—Moublet. Observation sur une hydro- pisie ascito, gu6rie par uu voniissement subite et spontane. J. dem6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1702, xvii, 46-66.—Sar- tori (J. G.) Eine, durch tagliches Erbrechen von haufl- gem Wasser gLnzUch geheilte Bauchwassersucht. Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1824, iv, 435. Ascites (Treatment of'). Barres (F.) * Considerations gcSn^rales sur le traitement de l'hydropisie ascite. 4°. Paris, 1825. Seegers (T. C.) *De eximio nitratis potassae depurati iu ascitide et anasarca usu. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1834. Bain (W. P.) Case of ascites of three years' duration cured with the hydriodato of potash. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii, 831.—Baker'(W.) Ascites and its treatment. Ibid., 1865, ii, 346.—Balestreri (F. M.) Nuova maniera di cura neUa idrope-ascite. Liguria med., Genova, 1860, v, 168-179. — Bayard (R.) Effects of venesection in abdo- minal dropsy, supervening on a suppression of the cata- menia. N. York M. Sc Phvs. J., 1828, vii, 81-85.—Belouino (P.) Emploi du lait dans l'ascite. Bull, clin., Par., 1836-7, ii, 162-168. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, i, 40- 43.—Bcrtet. Quelquc succes obtenu dans le traitement de l'hydropisie ascite, par divers movens. Union m6d., Par., 1860, 2. s., v, 332-335.—Bishopric (R.) Case of an ascites of six months' continuance cured in a month by tho exhibition of an infusion of tobacco. Med. Com- ment., Edinb., 1794, vni, dec. 2., 382-386. — Bonino (N.) Casi di anasarca e di ascite, guariti con la dieta di zuppe lattee e di cipoUe. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1859, 4. s., iv, 377.—Bricheteau. Do la compression, do son usage dans les hydropisies, et particulierement dans l'ascite. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1832, xxviii, 75- 99. — Bristowc (J. S.) Ascites treated successfuUy with tonics. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1869, ii, 12-36. — Ca- mel. Sur l'emploi du sulfate de quinine dans le traite- ment des ascites consecutives aux fifevres intermittentes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 397. — Chauffard. Observations sur les bons effets du traitement anti- phlogistiquo dans l'ascite ffebrile. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1826, xciv, 164-194. -----. Ascite aigue; traitement antiphlogistique; guerison. Ibid., xevi, 3-8.— -----. Observations sur des ascites aigues combattues par lo traitement antiphlogistique. Trans. m6d.. Par., lH'S", vii, 176-188. — Chrcsticn (J. A.) De l'utilite du lait administr6 comme rcmedo et comme aliment dans le traitement de l'hydropisie ascite. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1831, xxvii, 329;'484. Aho, Reprint. —Christison (R.) On tho treatment of ascites by diuretics applied externally. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1850, xi, 310-313.—Citta- relli (G.) Casi di ostinatissimo ascite curate e guarite con l'olio di fegato di merluzzo. BuU. d. sc. med. cli Bologna, 1859, 4. s., xi, 117-123.—Comte (J. B.) Observations sur les bons effets de la combinaison de la sciUe avec le muriate mercuriel doux, dans l'hydropisie ascite. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1818, lxii, 164-177.—Deplaigne. Methode pour traiter avec success l'hydropisie ascite, J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., 1'ar., 1760, xiii. 229-236.— Beses- sartz (J. C.) Reflexions sur le traitement de l'hydro- pisie, et observations. In his: Rec. de discours. mem., etc., Par., 1811, 216-275.—Desgcraud. Observation sur une hydropisie ascite, guerie par des embrocations d'huile d'olives, a-laqueUe on avoit mel6 do l'esprit volatil de sel ASCITES. 630 ASCITES. Ascites (Treatment of). ammonias. Ibid., 1775, xliii, 128.—van Dieren (C. G.) 11 Spoedige genezingen van hydrops ascites door kleine giften pulv. herb. digitaUs. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 185o, n. s., i, 394-398.—Burrant (C. M.) As- cites ; failure of diuretics and purgatives; recovery under tonics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 74. — Elatcrium (Durch) goheUte Wassersucht. Med. Jahresb. v. Peter- Pauls-Hosp., St. Petersb. (1841), 1843, 226-230.—Falot (R.) Do 1 usage des fomentations de digitale dans lo traite- j ment de certaines ascites. Rev. de therap. du midi, Mont- | pel., 1852, iii, 652.—Fenoglio (G. C.) Due casi di asciti i condotti a guarigione col sempbcissimo mezzo deUa com- pressione. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1822, lxii, 347-352.— Fischer (A. F.) Einige Worte iiber die Art und Weise, wie man jener Ascites, in welche Weiber kurz nach dem Riicktritt der Menstruation hiiufig verfallen, am sichersten vorbeugt. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xv, 478-481.— Furnivall (J. J.) Ascites treated by acupuncture. Lan- cet, Lond., 1837, i, 313.—Gobce (C.) Spoedig ontstano en even spoedig weder verd wenen hydrops ascites en anasarca, onder toediening van hooge giften digitalis ; de voorwaarden voor de diuretische werking derdigitaUs. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1855, n. s., i, 69-84.—Gobert (C. L.) Emploi de la vapeur du viu, introduite dans la cavit6 periton6ale, contre la peritonite chronique. Ann. do la med. physiol., Par., 1824, vi, 487-490.— Godelle. Observation sur l'emploi de la compression dans l'ascite. N. bibUoth. med., Par., 1824, vi, 5-10. -----. Guerison d'uno ascite par la compression de l'abdomen, et refle- xions sur les avantages et les inconv6niens de ceproc6de. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1831, i, 12-21.—Guibert (T.) M6moire sur la m6thode iatraleptique appUqu6o au traitement des hydropisies, et en particulier de l'ascite. Ibid., 1828, ni, 349-361. Also, Reprint.—Guitard. Hydro- pisie ascite symptomatique d'une tumeur pylorique ; gueri- son par la spirec ulmaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 425.— Hendley (J.) A caso of hydro-peritoneum cured by tap- ping and internal medication. Med. Herald, LouisvUle, 1879-80, i, 76.—Husson. Observation d'une hydropisie ascite gu6rie par la compression jointe aux moyens ordi- naires. Annuaire m6d.-chir. d. hop. de Par., 1879, 244.— Jones (H.) Ascites yielding to the employment of to- nics. Lancet.Lond.,1860,ii,6.—Lacordaire. Observation sur une ascite guerie par l'usago des cantharides a l'in- terieur. Bull. Fac. de med. de Par., etc., 1815, iv, 387- 389.—Lange (E. W.) Einspritzung von Iodtinktur in den Unterleib gegen Bauchwassersucht. In hh: Beob. am Krankenbette, etc., Konigsb., 1850, 192-197. —Ijeiste. Ascites und Anasarca durch Calomel geheilt. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Magdeb., 1855, ix, 37^0.— lievy (M.) Sur l'emploi du sulfate de quinine dans les ascites cons6cutives aux ft&vres intermittentes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1840, 2. s., viii, 342-345.—Liinoli (O.) Dell'azione controstimolante della gommagutta neUe asciti steniche, e del tartaro stibiato e digital'! neUe pneumoniti inflammato- rie. Ann. univ. di mod., Milano, 1839, xci, 36-64. -----. Two remarkable cases of asthenic ascites, treated with large doses of gamboge. Dublin M. Press, 1841, v, 54.— liipp. Mcrkwiirdigo HeUung einer Bauchwassersucht. Med.Cor.-Bl.d.wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.,1851, xxi,277.— Kiiveing (R.) Two cases of ascites treated with copaiba. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond., 1870, iii, 30-32. — M'Sherry. [Use of jaborandi in two cases of dropsy. ] Maryland M. J., Bait., 1879, iv, 246.—Mangor (C. E.)' Cura ascitidis per cicu- tam. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn., 1791, n, 214-228.—Mason (J.) Dropsy successfuUy treated bv moderate doses of opium. Mod.Obs. Soc Piiys. Lond., 1784, vi, 19-22.—Max- well (W. S.) Case ct' ascites cured by digitalis. Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 408.—Medrano (N.) Ascitis esencial activa; curacion con clectuario de raiz de cainca. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1861, viii, 631. — Morclli (L.) SuU'utilita deUa fasciatura graduata addominale compressiva per gua- riro l'ascitedisseminato. Ann. med., MUano, 1840, xciii, 465-476.—IVevins (J. B.) On the treatment of asci- tes and anasarca. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1863, i, 139.—Nou- vel exemple d'ascite rebelle gu6rio par l'usage exclusif du lait cru. J. d. med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1846, xvii, 309.—Ottoni (G.) Tentativo di cura deU ascite mediante l'elettricit^ galvanica. Gazz. med.ital. lomb., Milano, 1866, 5. s., v, 40!i.—Perez (M.) Ventajas del vendaje compre- sivo en la curacion de laascitis. Bol. dem6d.,cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1841, 2. s.,ii, 253.—Piquet. Observation sur une hydropisie ascite, gu6rie par l'usage des pilules toniques. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1767, xxvi, 119-131.— Porte. Observation sur une hydropisie ascite heurcuse- ment t 'rmin6e par les saign6es et par Topium. Ibid., 1759, xi, 20-27. — Pratt (H. J.) Case of ascites in chronic Brighfs disease treated by the constant galvanic current. Tr. Colorado Territor. M.Soc, Denver, 1874, in, 53.—Ro- dolfl (It.) t L'elettrieit& neUa cura dcll'idrope deU'ovaja e dell'ascito. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1858, 4. s., iii, 426-431.—Rogers (W.) Treatment of ascites. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1879, vi, 562-567.—Sch mit (P.) fitudo snr les hydropisies en g6neral, et plus specialement sur leur pathogenie et leur traitement. Bull. Soc d. sc. m6d. du gr.- ducho de Luxemb., 1869, 13-45. — Sieveking. A case of ascites successfuUy treated by oil of copaiba. Lancet, Ascites (Treatment of). Lond., 1870, ii, 853.—Sigrist (V.) Sc Limbcrg (A.) Slu- chai iznechenija astsita faradizatsici. [Cure of ascites by faradization.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., exxxv, pt. 3, 180-183. Also: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1879, iv, 435.—Solon (M.) Nota sur l'usage du sac do la racine de sureau dans l'ascite. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1832, ii, 161-171.—Speranza. Sul vantaggio deUa fasciatura graduata neU'idrope ascite. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1826, xl, 43U-435. Aho, transl.: Bull. d. sc. med., Par., 1828, xiv, 162. Also, transl.: Arch. geu. de med., Par., 1828, xvii, 604.—Tarchetti (P.) La terra fogUata di tar- taro neUe idropi. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1879, 8. s., i, 331; 342. — Tessicr. Observation sur un hydropisie gu6rio par l'usage du lait. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par.. 1782, IviU, 6-16.—Thirion (E.) L'iodure dc potas- sium, adminiatre par la bouche, detruit certaines causes dj l'ascite et guerit ceUe-ci. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. iL- Belg,, Brux., 1848-9, vin, 213-235. Aho: Gaz. med. do Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 180-184.—Thompson 9. IJuciiXERrs (F.) *D;' morte subitanea omni | aqua per paracentesin abdominis simul educta pli'iumque contingent!'. 4-. Jence, 1747. Collktta (A.-A.-M.) * Essai sur l'ascite et la paracentese. 4°. Paris, 1820. Dklics (H. F.) & Boknnkkkx (J. G. F.) Hy- drops ascites imprimis paracentesi feliciter cura- tus. Erlang., 1*/.">.">. Laixk (P.-D.) * Diss, sur l'hydropisie ascite «t l'operatiou do la paracentese. 4°. Paris, 182(5. Michkl (L.) * Essai sur l'ascite et la para- centese, 4°. Paris, 1825. Willich (P. L.) * De paracentesi abdominis in hydrope. 4°. Gcettingce, 1804. Ascites; faUure of medical treatment; paracentesis; cure. Med, Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xvui, 314.—Banyer (H.) An ascites cured by tapping. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1732-44, ix, 151.—Bardsley. [Case of dropsy in a female, in which the operation of tapping was performed fifty-three times.] Lancet, Lond., 1829, ii, 185.—Beall (J. B.) Notes of a case of ascites, in whi«h an extraordinary quantity of serum was drawn off by repeated tappings. West. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Cincin., 1837, x, 343-345.—Bennett (E. P.) Ascites suc- cessfully treated by the establishment of a fistulous open- ing. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1857, n. s., xxxni, 556.—Bes- nier (E.) A propos de la ponction capillaire dans l'ascite. BuU. gen. de therap., etc.,Par., 1874, lxxxvi,79-81.—Bishop (W.) A case of dropsy, in which the water has been twice drawn off by tapping the vagina. Med. Comment., Lond., 1790, ii, 360 - 362. — Bissieu. Observation curieuse d'as- cite; ponctions r&petees; enoime quantite de Uquide. Bull. Soc med.-prat. de Par. (1878), 1879, 123-125.—Blanken- meister. Einige Wahrnehmungen iiber Bauchwasser- sucht, Hydrops abdominis, Ascites, und den Nutzeu der Pa- racentese in selbiger. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1843, n. F., ii, 289-300.—Borie. Ascite; paracenthese; gudri- son; bronchoc61e; iode. Clin.d. hop., Par., 1828-9, ui, 215.— Buchanan (A.) Case of ascites, in which the abdomen was tapped through the fundus of the bladder, and an at- tempt made to estabUsh a fistulous communication between the bladder and abdomen. Glasgow M. J., 1828, i, 195-205.— Burchhardt (A. W.) Zwei FaUe von Bauchwassersucht durch die Paracentese geheilt. Ztschr. f. med., Chir. n. Geburtsh., Leipz., 1861, xv, 174-177.—Oanu. Observation d'uue hydropisio ascite, gu6rie apres 16 ans de dur6o et 886 ponctions. (Rap. de M. Londc] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1842-3, viii, 77-81.—Cook (R.) An account of a remark- able cure of a dropsy of the belly, after the patient had been tapped sixteen times. Lond. M. J., 1786, vii, 54-56.—Be- lattrc ( G. A. ) Ascite double, quarante-six ponctions. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1868, xii, 194-195.—Bespres (A.) A pro- pos de la ponction capillaire dans l'ascite. Bull. g6n. de th6- rap., etc, Par.,1874, lxxxvi, 41.— Donaldson (J.) Ascites; use of drainage-tube. Glasgow M. J.,1872,4. s.,v, 306-311.— Duncan (P. M.) CUnical remarks on a case of ascites, in which paracentesis was performed with a successful result Prov. M & S. J., Lond., 1849, 540-542.— Esche- Ascites (Treatment of) by puncture. rich. Ascites in Folge von Degeneration des Uterus und der Ovarien; Paracentesis, 39 mal wiederholt; Sec- tion. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1841, u, 637-640.— Fitch (J. D. ) Remarks on ascites and paracentesis abdominis; with a caso. N. York J. M., 1853, x, 192- 198. — Fothergill (J.) Of the use of tapping early in dropsies. Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond., 1771, iv, 114-122.— Franck (F.) Cirrbose du foie; ascite; ponctions sue- cessives; accidents pendant les ponctions. Bordeaux med., 1873, u, 353-355.—CJasc. Ascite par peritonite chronique avec hydropisie enkyst6e des ovaires, et cancer du coips de l'uterus, trait6e par 135 ponctions. J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1828, civ, 97-105.—Griffin (J. H.) Caso of ascites, in which tho patient was tapped, in ten years, one hundred and eighty-six times, and had seven hun- dred and fifty-one and three-fourths gallons of water drawn off. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1850, n. s., xix, 401.—Hansa. Nutzbarkeit des Bauchstichs in der Bauchwassersucht. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1796, ii, 3. St., 378- 390.—Ileuisted (H.) Acase of ascites, accompanied with ovarian disease, in which paracentesis abdominis was per- formed fifty-five times. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1805, i, 347.— Henderson (T.) Case of gout, complicated with dropsy, purpura, and cardiac disorder • dropsy relieved by tapping at the umbilicus, witn some practical observations. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1836, xviii, 373-382.—Jamieson (W. A.) Ascites; recovery after paracentesis had been performed one hundred and thiitv-three times. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xx, 896-898.—Jellinck (L.) Hydrops ascites ex anae- mia, paracentesis abdominabs, sanatio. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oedenburg, 1857, viii, 409.—Jones (H.) Ascites; hydrothorax; paracentesis thoracis; recovery. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 148.—Ken nard (T.) History of an interesting case of ascites abdominalis, which was repeatedly tapped; with some remarks upon the causes of dropsy, and suggestions as to the propriety of using drain- age tubes for the radical cure of the disease. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1870, v, 158-165.—Kilpatrick (A. R.) Two cases of dropsy, one of which was tapped fifty-seven times in three years. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1846-7, iii, (T. D.) Case of ascites, in which the operation of para- centesis abdominis was performed thirty-nine tunes, with the removal of over one hundred and fortv gallons of fluid. N. York J. M., 1851, vi, 50-52.—Ecu det (E.) Des avan- tages de la ponction capiUaire dans l'ascite. In his: Clin. med., 8°, Paris, 1874, 557-570.—Eichtheim. Ueber den Verlauf eines FaUes von Drainage der Peritonealhohle. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur, Bresl., 1876, 198.—Locano. Observation sur une hydropisie enkystee, avec des teflexions sur la paracenthese. J. de med.. chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1765, xxii, 418-448.—Eyons (R. D.) On tapping in abdominal dropsy. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1873, lv, 173-181.—M'Crea (J.) On tapping in hepatic ascites. Ibid., 1873, lvi, 109-113.—Mackenzie. An ex- tract of a letter to Dr. John Clephane. Med. Obs. Soc Phys., Lond., 1757, i, 146-14N.—.Tlasdeu (M.) Hidropesia dcrramada y enquistada del perit6neo; treco operaciones de paracentesis; ineflcacia de los m6todos curativas em- pleados; autopsia. Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1849, v, 12.— IHetz. Nachruf an einige Wahrnehmungen iiber Bauch- wassersucht und den Nutzen der Paracentese in derselben, von Dr. Blankenmeister in Jena. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1845, xxxiv, 91-105.—BIinonzio (P.) Caso di idrope; ascite nel quale fu praticata 255 volte la para- centesi addominale. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1862, clxxxi, 263.—Montault (H.) Observations d'une ascite symptomatique de lapreseuce dans l'hypogastre de tumeurs de nature squirrho-flbreuae; reflexions sur le si6ge du corps libreux de la matrice, et sur le moyen d'obtenir une evacu- ation complete dans l'operation de la paracentese, par une modification apportee a la canule du trocart. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1831, iv, 420-424.— Neverniann. 1st die Paracentesis abdominis in Ascite eine Radicalcur, oder nicht? und wie erlangt man sie? Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1850, iv, 65-89.— Panas. Ponction capillaire il 6coulement prolong6 dana l'ascite et les kystes de l'ovaire. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1874, xiv, 490.—Pistclli (E. M.) Osserva- zione sulla paracentesi neUe idropisie. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1830, liii, 245-256. —Polti (A.) Ascite in cui venne praticata 59 volte la paracentesi; estrazione complessiva di 1200 boccaUdi sierositA; morte. Gazz. med., Milano, 1846, v, 284.—Powell. Ascites; paracentesis abdominis per- formed 90 times. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Loud., 1855, n. s., x, 492-493.—Baynaud. t [Paracentesis performed 15times.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 41.—Beintzsch. Paracentese durch deu Mastdarm bei Ascites. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1845, xiv, 86.—Reynolds (T. O.) Account ot a large number of tappings, with the quantity of fluid re- moved, etc. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, viii, 39.—Rutherford (W.) Ascites, with general anasarca, tapped four times; recovery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvii, 264.—Schmidt (P.) Einige FaUe von Bauchwassersucht, in denen die Paracentesis angewendet wurde. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxxviii, 468-490.—Scott (W.) History of a case of ascites, remarkable for the quantity of water drawn off by tapping. Med. & Phil. Comment., ASCITES. 632 ASHBURNER. Ascites (Treatmentof) by puncture. Lond., 1779, vi, 440-442.—Sibergundt. Merkwiirdiger Fall einer Bauchwassersucht, welche, nachdem sie eiterig geworden war, durch die Parazentheso dennoch gliicklicn gehoben wurde. J. f. prakt. HeUk., Berl., 1820,1, 5. St., 60- 71.—Todd (G.) Disease of the liver, and ascites, treated by paracentesis. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 287; 502.— Treatment of ascites by paracentesis. N. York M. Rec, 1873, vui, 616. — Trousseau. Hydropisie ascite datant de neuf ans; onzieme ponction; compression et fric- tions avec l'iodure do plomb; acide arsenieux k l'interieur. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., in, 595.—Upshur (G. L.) Ascites; operation of paracentesis; recovery. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1855, iv, 463.—Vielle. Observation sur une hydropisie ascite, compliquee d'auasarque, guerie a la suite de l'operation r6p6tee de la paracenthese. J. de chir. (Desault), Par., 1792, in, 133-135.—Watson (H.) A case of ascites, in which the water was drawn off by tapping the vagina. Med.Communicat. [Soc Promot. Med. Knowl.], Lond., 1784, i, 162-172.—ITsabcau. Observation sur une hydropisie ascite gu6rie par la paracenthese. Bull. Fac. de med. dePar., etc., 1815, iv, 400. Ascites in children. Ascites in an infant, successfuUy treated by tapping. Lancet, Lond , 1842-3, ii, 121.—B alliift". Fall von Ascites bei Kindern; HeUung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1852, xxii, 297; 306.—Beatly (J.) Case of ascites in a chUd, cured by the use of pyrola umbeUata, after the most active ordinary medicines had been tried without effect. Tr. Ass. King's &■ Queen's Coll. Phys. Ire- land, 1824, iv, 23-26.—Bierbaum (J.) Ascites diffusus. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1865, xiv. 57-144.—Flkinton (J. A.) Remarkable case of ascites in a chUd. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1835, xvi, 84-87.—Hillier (T.) Cases of chronic ascites in chUdren. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond., 1868, i, 105-118.— Eund. Ascites bei einem kleinen Madchen. J. f. Kin- derkr., Erlang., 1867, xUx, 459.—[Thorowgood.] Cases of ascites in children. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1875, ii, 493. Ascites in pregnancy. Doinet (F. C.) *De ascite gravidarum. 8°. BeroUni, 1S30. Boescr (A.) Hydrops ascitis, cum graviditate gemel- lorum. Boerhaave. Tijdschr., etc., Amst., 1847, n. s., vi, 481-489.—Callender (J. H.) Great dropsical effusion in the abdomen coexistent with pregnancy. NashvUle M. Rec, 1858-9, i, 72-78.—Chowne. Ascites and pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1841, i, 166-168.—Hickcs. On pregnancy and ascites. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1825, ii, 265-268.— Eangstaff (G.) Case of ascites, connected with utero- gestation, successfully treated by operation. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1823, xii, 3-72-380.—fllassey (J.) Radical cure of puerperal ascites by spontaneous exudation through the parietes of the abdomen. Lancet, Lond., 1842, i, 791.— Ollivier (C. P.) Remarques sur l'operation de la para- centese dans l'hydropisie ascite comphquant la grossesse. Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1824, vi, 178-192.—Pigeolet (A.) De l'hydropisie peritonea*, se ptesentant comme complica- tion de l'6tat de gestation; nouveau proc6d6 de paracentese abdominale. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1860, xxxi, 340-351.—Prestal (E.) Ascite considerable surve- nue au neuvifeme mois do la grossesse; accouchement na- turel k terme; prompte guerison de l'ascite apres l'accouche- ment. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., 1843, i, 285-287.— Rapprochement des principaux faits connus relative- ment k la coincidence de Pascite et de la grossesse. J. de la sect, de m6d. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1838, n. s., xiv, 180-188.—Sallion. Observation sur une ascite qui a cause la mort et qui etait accompagn6e d'une grossesse meconnue. Ibid., 1831, vu, 9-11.—Scarpa (A.) Memoria sulla gravidanza susseguita da ascite. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1817, iv, 5-15. Aho, transl.: Melanges de chir. Strang., Geneve, 1824, i, 1-18: 1825, ii, 589-596.—Vicu sseux. [Tapping during pregnancy.] Med. &Phys. J., Lond., 1802, vii, 40-42. Asclepiadse. • See .ffisculapius. Asclepiadse sacra, quibus in arte medic4 licen- tia privilegia et honores doctorales assumendi Andrae Eivino . . . solenniter conferebatur; em- blematicds et epigraminaticds a. fautoribus, pro- motoribus, collegis et amicis applaudentibus illus- trata. 4 1. sm. 4°. [Lipsice], excusa a T. Ritz- schio, [1638]. Asclepiade (L'), journal de me'decine, chirurgie et pharmacie. M. J. Sigaud. Nos. 6, 7, 8, annee 1, June, July, 1823; 1824. pp. 69-278, v. 2. 8C. Marseille. No. 6 is no. 2 of v. 2. Asclepiades (Bithyni). Fragmenta. Digessit et curavit Chr. G. Gumpert, praBfatus est D. Chr. Asclepiades (Bithyni)—continued. G. Gruner. xvi, 188 pp., 1 port. 8°. Vinaria;, 1794. See, aho, Brian (R.) Ascl6pion. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1875, xxii, 17-20.—Burdach (C. F.) *Scriptorum de Asclepiade index. 4°. Lipsice, 1800.—Choulant (L.) Der Rath des Asklepiades. AUg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1824, 577- 584.—Cocchi (A.) Discorso primo sopra Asclepiade. sm. 4°. Firenze, 1758. -----. The same. From the Italian. 8°. London, 1762.—Gumpert (C. G.) *De Asclepiade Bithyno. 8°. Jence, 1794.— Hippocrates. Speculum Hippocratum notas et praesagia morborum, etc. 8°. Flo- rentice, 1760.—EaScala(D.) Phlebotomiadamnata. 4°. Patavii, 1696.—Euthcritz (K. F.) . Hippokrates, Ascle- Siades und Celsus Systeme, [etc.] 8°. Dresden, 1818.— Raynaud (A. G. M.) De Asclepiade Bithyno, medico ac philosophe 8°. Paris, 1862. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. See, also, iEsculapius. Asclepiadeus. See Androphilus. Asclepias giganteum. Cumin (W.) Remarks on the medicinal properties of madar, and on tbe effects of bichromate of potass on the human body. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1827, xxvUi, 295-302. Aho: Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1828, xiu, 315-322.—Play- fair (G.) On the madar and its medical uses. Tr. Med. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1825, i, 77-102, 1 pl. Asclepias incarnata. Hauser (W.) Asclepias incarnata in gonorrhoea and syphUis. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1858, in, 727. Asclepias syriaca. Allen (G. W.) On the medical quaUties of the asclepias svriaca. West. J. M.&S., LouisviUe, 1852,3. s., ix,461-466.— Cnuthorn(R.S.) The asclepias syriacaoftheU.S. Dispen- satory. Month. Stethoscope&M. Reporter, Richmond, 1857, ii,9.—Clcborne (C.J.) Experiments to determine the effect on the system ofthe asclepias syriaca. Am.J. M.Sc.PhUa., 1861, n. s., xlii, 46-50.—Pusey (H. K.) Asclepias syriaca. LouisvUle M. News, 1879, vii, 135.—Tbomas (J. P.) Ascle- pias syriaca. Ibid., 1878, vi, 43. Asclepias tuberosa. Ooodbrake (C.) Report ou the medicinal properties of the asclepias tuberosa. Tr. IUinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1857, vii, 66-73.—Eockwood (T. T.) Asclepias tuberosa, butterfly-weed, milk-weed, pleurisy root, white root. Buf- falo M. Sc S. J., 1847-8, iii, 600-602. Asclepias verticellata. ITlcCaw (J. B.) Some remarks on the "Indian snake weed ", caUed in Alabama '' Fitzpatrickana ". Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1858, xi, 455-465, 1 pl. d'Ascoli (Cecco) [1257-1327]. Facen (J.) Cenni biograflci di Cecco d'AscoU, medico- poeta del secolo xni-xiv, eaeUe sue idee sul circolo del san- gue. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1861, iv, 213- 319. Ascot. Beport of the Lancet Sanitary Commission on Ascot and its neighbourhood as a health resort. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 816. Asdrubali (Francesco). Manuale clinico di oste- tricia. 2 v. vi, 460 pp., 4 pl., 1 port., 375 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Roma, presse L. Contedini, 1826. Asellius (Gaspar). De lactibus, sive lacteis ve- nis, quarto vasorum mesaraicorum genere, novo invento, dissertatio ... 3 p. 1., 104 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, ex off. J. Maire, 1640. Aselmeyer (Conradus Christianus). * De em- pyemate singulari. xvi pp. sm. 4°. Erlangce, typ. J. D. M. Camerarii, [1763]. Asenliammer (Josephus Christoph.) * De ua- turte viribus earumque ad organismum relatione. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Wirceburgi, typ. F. E. Nitribitt, [1808]. Ash (C.) See Progres (Le) dentaire. Ashantee war. See Medicine (Military, History of—Campaigns, etc.) Asllburner (John). * De hydrophobia. 3 p. 1., 53 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1816. [P., v. 726.] -----. On dentition, and some coincident disor- ders, xii, 235 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, and others, 1834. ASHBUENER. 633 ASIA MINOR. Ashburner (John)—continued. ----—. Facts in clairvoyance, extracted from the Zoist; with observations on mesmerism, and its application to the philosophy of medicine, and to the cure of disease. 32 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1848. -----. Notes and studies in the philosophy of animal magnetism and spiritualism; with obser- vations upon catarrh, bronchitis, rheumatism, gout, scrofula, and cognate diseases, xxiv, 444 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1867. Asliby (T. A. -) See Maryland Medical Jour- nal. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Lee (W.) Keport to the General Board of Health as to the boundaries ofthe district of Ashby-de-la- Zouch, in the county of Leicester. 8°. London, 1851. -----. Report to the General Board of Health on a further inquiry as to the boundaries which may be most advantageously adopted for the parish of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, in the county of Leicester. 8°. London, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health on a preliminary inquiry iuto the sewerage, drain- age, and supply of water, and the sanitary con- dition of the inhabitants of the town of Ashby- de-la-Zouch. 8°. London, 1850. Ashe (Isaac). Medical education and medical interests. [Carmichael prize essay.] viii, 164 pp. 12°. Dublin, Fannin $ Co., 1868. -----. Medical politics. [Carmichael prize es- say, 1873.] xi, 174 pp. 12°. Dublin, Fannin & Co., 1875. Asheville. Biennial report of the proprietor and physi- cian in charge of the Mountain Sanitarium for Pulmonary Diseases, Asheville, N. C. 1. (1875-6— 1876-7). 8°. Baltimore, 1877. Circular letter announcing the establishment of the Mountain Sanitarium for Pulmonary Di- seases, at Asheville, North Carolina. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Chaille (S. E.) The cUmatotherapy of, and the Ame- rican mountain sanitarium for, consumption. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1875-6, n. s., ni, 791-806. Also, Reprint. -----. The American mountain sanitarium for consumption, at Ashe- viUe, N. C. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1878, i, 221-237. Aho: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1878, v, 741-757. Also, Reprint. -----. Review of Dr. Gleitsmann's biennial report of the mountain sanitarium for pulmonary diseases, AshevUle, N. C. Richmond & LouisvilleM. J., LouisvUle, 1878,xxv, 365- 382.—Crleitsmann (W.) Berichtiiber das Hohen-Sanato- rium fiir Lungenkranke in AshevUle, N. C. Jahrb. f. Bal- neol., etc., Wien, 1879, vui, 158-160. Ashhurst(John)jr. Injuriesof the spine. With an analysis of nearly four hundred cases. 127 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott &■ Co., 1867. -----. The principles and practice of surgery. 1011 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1871. -----. The same, xxvii, 33-1040 pp. 8°. Phi- ladelphia, H. C. Lea, 1878. -----. Valedictory address. University of Penn- sylvania (medical department). March 14,1879. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1879. Ashley (William Henry). A practical treatise on vesicular hydatids of the uterus; comprising a general view of their etiology, pathogeny, seinei- ology, prognosis, and treatment, iv, 3-109 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1856. Ashton (Henry) [1813-75]. * Remitting and intermitting bilious fever of King George and Westmoreland Counties, Virginia. 57 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Eaken $• Mccum, 1803. For hh Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 366. Ashton (Petrus). * Quaedam de puerperarum febre complectens. 3 p. 1., 41 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Balfour <$• Smellie, 1787. Ashton (T. J.) A treatise on corns, bunions, and ingrowing of the toe-nails; their cause and treat- ment. 82 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1852. -----. On the diseases, injuries, and malforma- tions of the rectum and anus; with remarks on habitual constipation. 3. ed. xxiv, 420 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1860. -----. Prolapsus, fistula in ano, and other di- seases of the rectum: their pathology and treat- ment. 3. ed. viii, 175 pp., 11., 8 fig. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill $• Sons, 1870. Ashton (Thomas). *De cholera. 46 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat, C. C. van der Hoek, 1833. [P., v. 179.] Ashton-in-Makerfield. Radcliffe (J. N.) Report on the sanitary state of Ashton-in-Makerfield (Lancashire), Sept. 23, 1872. ' Collection of special reports, fol. London, ii, no. 130 Ashton-Keynes. Rammell (T. W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the parish of Ashton-Keynes, in the county of Wilts. 8°. London, 1852. Ashton-under-Lyne. (See Hospitals (Construction, etc., of). Ash we 11 (Samuel) [1798-----]. On incision in cases of occlusion, and rigidity of the uterus. [Dunglison's American Medical Library.] 90- 104 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Waldie, 1840. [P., v. 599.] -----. Thesame. 15pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey 4-Hart, 1841. [P., v. 88.] -----. A practical treatise on the diseases pecu- liar to women. 3. ed. xix, 772 pp. 8°. Lon- don, S. Highley, 1848. -----. The same, vii, 8-312 pp. 8°. Boston, T. R. Marvin, 1843. -----. A practical treatise on parturition, com- prising the attendant circumstauces and diseases of the pregnant and puerperal states. To which are appended two papers, the one containing some remarks on abdominal surgery, the other on transfusion; presented by Dr. Blundell of Guy's Hospital. 546pp., 11., 13 pl. 8°. London, Thos. Tegg, 1828. -----. M6moire sur la chlorose (pales couleurs) et ses complications. Notice sur les eaux minerales sulfureuses et ferrugineuseset sur les preparations du Dr. Quesueville. 16 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Repr. from: Hygie, Gaz. de sante. For hh Life, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 109-111, 1 port. Asia. See, also, Andaman Islands; Arabia; Ar- menia ; Asia Minor; Beloochistan; Burmah; China; Cochin China; Dutch East Indies; East Indies; Himalayas; India; Japan; Ladak; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Mesopotamia; Nicobar Islands; Persia; Per- sian Gulf; Philippines; Poolo-Condor Island; Russia; Siam; Siberia; Tartary; Turkestan; Turkey. KjEMPFER (E.) Amcenitatum exoticarum po- litico-physico-medicarum fasciculi v, quibus con- tinentur varise relationes, observationes et de- scriptiones rerum Persicarum et ulterioris Asiie, multa attentione, in peregrinationibus per uni- versum orientum, collect®. 4°. Lemgovice, 1712. Lie tar d (G.) Asie (g6ographie m6dicale). Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vi, 512-540. Asia II in or. See, also, Bagdad; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Smyrna. Japhet. fitude sur les principales eaux minerales de l'Asie mineure. Ann. Soc. nhydrol. m6d. de Par., 1877-8, ASIA MINOR. 634 ASPARAGUS. Asia Hi nor. xxiii, 316-380.—fjictard (G.) Asio mineure (geographic medicale). Diet, encycl.' d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vi, 540- 564.—IHazzoni. Peregrinations medicales, deConstanti- nople k Alep, k travers 1'Asie mineure. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1858-9, ii, 21-31.—Smith (J. L.) On some of the thermal waters of Asia Minor. Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts, New Haven, 1851, 2. s., xii, 10; 366. Aho, Reprint. Asiatic cholera!!! its symptoms, remedies, and preventives, containing particular instructions in reference to the different stages of the disease. . . . 64 pp. 8°. New York, E. Hutchinson, 1848. Asiatische (Die) Cholera in der Stadt Magde- burg 1831-1832. Geschichtlich und iirztlich darge- stellt nach amtlichen Naclirichten auf hohero Ver- anlassuug. 70 pp., 1 1., 1 map. 4°. Magdeburg, Creut:, 1832. Asile public des aliene'es de Lille. Statistique ad- ministrative et me'dicale de l'asile public des alie- nees de Lille, pour les ann6es 1847-51. . Rapport a Monsieur le Preset du ddpartement du Nord, par [L'Herbon de Lussats et A. Gosselet] le di- recteur et le meMecin de l'asile. 92 pp. 8°. Lille, Lefebvre-Ducrocq, 1852. Asile public des alie'ne's de la Seine-Inf^rieure. Appareils de chauffage et de ventilation. Rap- ports de la commission institute par arret6 de M. le Prefet en date du 11. novembre 1850 dans le but de rechercher le mode de chauffage le plus con- vena ble pour la succursale de l'asile en construc- tion a. JSotteville les Rouen, hameau de Quatre- Mares. 37 pp. 8°. Rouen, A. Peron, 1851. Asilo d'infanzia pei fanciulli degli operai a Schio. Regolamentoper 1'-----. 8pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Ask (C. J.) * Halsens chirurgiska Anatomi. 118 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Lund, Berlingska Boktryckeriet, 1858. Askenasy (E.) Beitrage zur Kritik der Dar- wiu'scheu Lehre. 113 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1872. Askew (Antonius). BibliothecaAskewiana. Sive catalogus librorum rarissimorum Antonii Askew, M. D. Quorum auctio fiet apud S. Baker et G. Leigh, Covent Garden, Londini, die lume 13 Februarii MDCCLXXV, et in undeviginti se- qneutes dies, vi, 149 pp. 8°. [Londini, 1774.] Askew (Henry F.) An address delivered before the Medical Society at Dover, Juue 8th, 1852; 24 pp. 8C. Wilmington, Del., H. Eckel fr Co., printers, lrt,V2. -----. Address. 23 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1867. Repr. from : Tr. Am. M. Ass. Askhani (Thomas). * De capitis injuriis. 50 pp. H-. Edinburgi, A. Neill et soeii, 1801. [P., v. 18. ] Asklepieion. Allgemeinesmedicinisch-chirur- gisilics Wochenblatt fiir alle Thoileder Heilkunde und ihrer Hiilfswissenschaften. Hrsg. von Karl Wolfart. Bande 1-4,1811; Biinde3-4, July-Dec, 181.J. 6v. H°. Berlin. In 1812 published also in Halle. Asklepios. "Evyypaufxa nepioSixbv zi}s ev AQiJyai? lar/jiurji eraipiaS exdiSofievov Kara urjvavnoA. Avrcoviadov [and two others], v. 9-12, June, 1870-74. 8°. Athens. Asman (Conrad). * De aneurysmate. See Lauth (Th.) Scriptorum latinorum, etc. 4°. Ar- gentorati, 1785. A Milan (Pieter Hermanus). Physiologisch-prak- tische beschouwing van het wezen der koorts en het daarin te houden dieet. 2 p. 1., 68 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningen, P. van Wicheren, [1857]. Asmannshausen. Boegner (J.) Die Enstehung der Quellen und die Bildung der Mineralquellen, nebst eiuem Be- richte iiber die im Herzogthum Nassau im Som mer 1842 unterhalb Asmannshausen neu anfge- fundene warme, und die bei Weilbach gefuudene kalte Miueralquelle. Vorgetragen im geographis- Asmannshausen. chen Verein in Frankfurt a. M. im December 1*12. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1843. Freseni'us (R.) Analyse der warmen Quelle zu Ass- mannshausen. Jahrb.d.nassauisch.Ver.f. Naturk., Wiesb., 1876-7, xxix-xxx, 413-431. Also: J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz., 1877, n. P., xvi, 278-290.—JTIahr (H.) Mittheilungen iiber Bad Assmannshausen a. Kh. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1879, xvi, 249; 262.—Wiss (E.) Die Therme zu Assmannshau- sen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 215-217. Asmodee. Revue des journaux, ouvrages de m6decine, chimie, pharmacie et sciences acces- soires. Nos. 1-15, June, 1845-Aug., 1846. 1 v. 248 pp. 4C. Paris. [Completed; monthly.] Asmus (Joannes Baptista). * De tela? accidenta- lis tuberculosa? pathogenesi et curatione. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1833]. Asmuss (Gust. Henr. Laur.) * De u?ris iutroitu spontaneo in venas, in nonnullis operationibus observata. Diss, inaug. chir. path. 30 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. J. C. Schuenmanni, 1836. Asmiissen (Eduardus). *De uranoplasties. 1863, vii, med., iii. 13 pp., 3 pl. 4U. Eilice, ex off. C. F. Mohr, 1863. Bound with: Schrift. der Univ. zu Kiel., x. Asociacion medica Bonaerense. Asociacion m6dicaBonaerense. Rev. m6d.-quir., Bue- nos Aires, 1868, v, 213; 366; 381. Asociacion medica Pedro Escobedo. El Obser- vador me'dico. Revista cientifica de la Asociacion me'dica Pedro Escobedo. vols. i-iii,.Nos. 1-6, vol. iv, [1869-76]. 4°. Mexico, 1869-76. Asociacion medico -farmaceutica espa- nola. Estatutos do la . . . Siglo. med., Madrid, 1871, xviii, 728-730.—Estatutos 6 bases de la . . . Ibid., 340-341.— Exposicion sobre ensenanza medica elevada algobierno por la . .. Ibid., 737-742.—Jnnta directiva central. Pa- beUon med., Madrid, 1874, xiv, 256-258.—Junta directiva central; sucinto resiimen de las sesiones celebradas por esta junta en los meses de Noviembre y Diciembre de 1871. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1872, xix, 42. Asociacion medico-quirurgica "Larrey". Ana- les de la Asociacion medico-quirurgica " Larrey". Tomos i & ii (1875-6). 4°. Mexico, 1H75-6. -----. Reglamento de la ... 17 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Diaz de Leon y S. White, 1874. Asp (Georg). *Om missbildniugarinom urogeni- talapparaten vid klyfuing af uedra bukviiggen. 52 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell fr Son, 1865. -----. * Bidrag till Karl- och Hjertnerfvernas Funktionslara. 93 pp. 8C. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell fr Son, 1867. -----. Om lefverns finare strukturforhallanden. 30 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt fr Soner, 1869. Repr. from: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1869, i. Aspach. Oobley. Rapport sur l'eau d'Aspach [Haut-Rhin], Bull. Acad. demecf., Par., 1864-5, xxx, 169. Asparagus and Asparagine. Breslek (M.) * Generis asparagi historia natu- ralis atque medica. 8°. Berolini, 1826. Clericis (A. a.) *Deasparago. sm. 4°. Al- torfi, 1715. Cruse (G.) * De asparagi officinalis L. germi- natione. 8°. Regiomonti, 1828. Franzius (J. G. F.) *De asparago ex scriptis medicorum veterum. sm. 4°. Lipsice, 1778. Baelen (B.) De quelques troubles organiques attri- buables a l'usage immoder6 des asperges. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1879, xxiv, 61-65.—Bertherand (A.) De quelques accidents vesicaux, attribuables k 1 usage im- modere des asperges. Ibid., 1869, xiv, 85.—Bretet. Les asperges doivent-elles etre exclues du regime des diabeti- quesi J.d. conn. med. prat, Par., 1874, xh, 37.—Bed rick (A.) Asparagine a sedative(0 N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1854-5, xi, 193-199.— Gendrin (A. N.) Note sur l'action diureti- que des preparations d'asperge. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 809. -----. Remarques sur les effets therapeutiques ASPARAGUS. 635 ASPHYXIA. Asparagus and Asparagine. du sirop et dc l'extrait de pointes d'asperges. Ibid., 429.— Jcaflreson (S. J.) On asparagus as a diuretic. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1855, i, 439.—de lia Harpe (J. J.) Note sur l'asperge et Taction speciale qu'elle cxerce sur la vessie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1838, 2. s., vi, 325.—von Longo. TJeber das Verhalten des Asparagin und der Bernstemsiiure im Organismus. Ztschr. i. physiol. Chem., Strasb.. 1877, i, 213- 215.—Matlack (M. J.) Asparagin. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1879, xii, 72.—Portes (L.) De l'asparagine des amygdalites; hypothese sur son rolo physiologique. Repert. de pharm., Par., 1877, v, 389-393.— Rabuteau. Contribution a l'6tude physiologique do l'asparagine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1874, Par., 1875, 6. s., i. 404-406.— de Salle (E.) De l'emploi du sirop de pointes d'asperges lomme sedatif. Gaz. med. de Par., 1831, ii, 185-187.—We. iske (H.), Sehrodt (M.), & von Daniel (S.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Asparagina fiir die thierische Ernah- rung. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen, 1879, xv, 261-296. Aspc. Barlngow (Jean). * Essai sur la topographic physique et mddicale de la valine d'Aspe, suivi d'un coup-d'oeil sur les principales maladies qu'on y observe. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 160, v. 253. Aspelin (Elias). * Flora oeconomica. 8°. Up- salice, 1748. Linn. Diss., vol. i. Aspelin (Emil Ferdinand). *Om Gangran uti nedra Extremiteterna efter Tyfus. 66 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell fr Son, 1868. ab Asperen (Matthias Wilhelmus). *De mor- bis classiariorum et navigantium eorundemque remediis. 52 pp. sm. 4". Vitembergce, lit A. Eobersteinii, [1715]. Aspergillus. See Auditory canal (Parasitic disease of); Lungs (Fungi in). Aspermatism. Bergh(R.) Om Aspermatozi og Aspermatisme. Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenh., 1878, 2. R., v, 721; 737.—Caillau. Me- moire et observation snr une eruption venteuse extraordi- naire. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1811, xxiv, 349-360.—Cos. mao-Duineucz. Memoire sur une question peu 6tu- diee de la pathologie des organes genito-urinaires; l'asper- misme. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Liege, 1863, ii, 153; 172. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1863, 3. s., xxxiv, 188; 216.—von Hicguet. Beobachtungen iiber Aspermatismus. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1862, xxxi, 49-53. — Schulz (B.) Ueber Aspermatismus als Beitrag zur Impotenz und deren Heilung mittelst Electricitat. Wien. med! Wchnschr., 1862, xii, 769; 787.—Van Buren (W. H.) Aspermatism. N. York M. J., 1869, viii, 126-129. Asperula. iVIartin-Eiauzer. L'asp6rule odorante et l'asperule k l'esquinancie. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1859, 125-128. Asphalt. L'Agasciierie Du Ble (C L.) * Examen bi- tuminis Neocomensis. 4°. Basilea;, [1758]. -----. * Examen bitumin is Neocomensis ven- tilata Basileae d. 5. Julij 1758. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1761. Zimmler (F. G.) * De asphaltis. 4°. Gottin- gce, 1818. Ogniben (A.) SuU'uso dell'asfalto come disinfettante. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1865, 5. s., iv, 343.—Parent- Duchatelet (A. J. B.) De l'influence que peuvent avoir sur la sante les emanations provenant de la fonte et des pr6parations diverses que l'on fait subir au hitume asphaltique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835, xiv, 65-87. Aho, Reprint. Asphyxia (including Suffocation). See, also, Acid (Carbonic, Toxicology of); Air- passages, Pharynx, etc., Foreign bodies in; Albu- minuria (Chemistry and semeiology of); Apncea; Carbonic oxide (Toxicology of); Charcoal va- por; Chloroform (Accidents from); Drowning; Gases (Irrespirable, offensive, and poisonous); Goitre; Goitre (Treatmentof); Hanging; Hoop- ing-cough (Complications of); Infant (New-born, Asphyxia of); Infants (Suffocation of); Neck (Tumors of); CEsophagus (Foreign bodies in); Asphyxia (including Suffocation). Pleura (Ecchymosis of); Pregnancy (Complica- tions of); Spirophore; Strangulation. Adams (J.) *De suspensa respiratione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1796. Auerbach (L.) *De asphyxia somno stati- busque consimilibus. 8°. Berolini, 1854. Bernard (C.) Lecons sur les anesthe'siques et sur l'asphyxie. 8C. Paris, 1875. Bernard (J. F.) * Diss, sur l'asphyxie par sub- mersion, strangulation et d6soxygenation de l'air. 4°. Paris, 1809. Bert (P.) Notes pour servir k l'histoire de l'asphyxie. 8°. Paris, [n. d.] Bonsdorff (E. J.) Munkafveln betraktad fran rathsmedicinsk synpunkt. Svar p&: Der Tod durch Erstickung vermittelst eines Knebels auch durch Branntwein [ein Alkoholungliick] von Prof. Szymanowski. 8°. Helsingfors, 1861. Braids ver (B.) Orvosi ertekez6s a' szines hahHrtfl. [On apparent death.] 8°. Pesten, [n. d.] Chevillotte (M.-B.) * Essai sur les asphyxies en g£n6ral, et sur l'asphyxie par submersion en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1816. Clanny (W. R.) *De asphyxia. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1803. Claussen (A.) * De asphyxia. 8°. Berolini, 1865. Coignard (A.) * De l'asphyxie dans les mala- dies aigues et chroniques (hypox6mie, anox6mie, anh^matosie (Piorry). 4°. Paris, 1854. Colin (C.) * Essai sur l'asphyxie en general, sur ses causes, sur ses effets, et sur les moyens d'y rem6dier. 4°. Paris, 1816. Cornesse (F.) *De asphyxia. 4°. Leodii, [1828]. Curry (J.) Observations on apparent death from drowning, suffocation, etc. With an ac- count of the means to be employed for recovery. 8°. London, [n. d.] Delormel (A.-L.) * Consid6rations sur les asphyxies. 4°. Paris, 1821. Demian (B.) *De asphyxiis. 8C. Pestini, [1830]. Dureuil (J. M.) * L'asphyxie consideree comme terminaison de maladies diverses. 4°. Paris, 1836. Engelmann (F. G.) Cur rarum sit suffocatos, submersos et laqueo suspensos vitae reddi? 4°. Lipsia;, 1787. Francon (P.) * Considerations sur l'asphyxie. 4°. Paris, 1824. Freissinet (J. B. C.) * Diss, sur les asphyxies. 4°. Paris, 1812. Goodwyn (E.) The connexion of life with respiration; or, an experimental inquiry into the effects of submersion, strangulation, and several kinds of noxious airs on living animals; with an account of the nature of the disease they pro- duce; its distinction from death itself; and the most effectual means of cure. 4°. London, 1788. Hamilton (R.) *De asphyxia complectens. 8°. Edinburgi, 1815. Heine (A. H.) *De asphyxia. 4°. Gcettingce, 1871. Jackson (S.) *An essay on suspended anima- tion. 8°. Philadelphia, 1808. Junius (G. M. S.) *De asphyxia. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1835. Kay (J. P.) The physiology, pathology, and treatment of asphyxia; including suspended ani- mation in new-born children, and from drowning, hanging, wouuds of the chest, mechanical ob- structions of the air-passages, respiration of gases, death from cold, etc. H3. London, 1834. Kool (J. A.) Tabellarisch overzigt over alle gevallen van schijndoode drenkelingen, gestikteu ASPHYXIA. 636 ASPHYXIA. Asphyxia (including Suffocation). eu gehaugeueii, bekroond door de maatschappij » tot reddiug van drenkelingen opgerigt in den jare 1767 te Amsterdam sedert hare stichtiug tot en met den jare 1853 uit authentieke stukken opgemaakt en met opmerking en voorzien. 4 v. 4°. [n.p.], 1834-54. Korompay (J.) *Orvosi 6rtekezes az alhalalrol. LOn apparent death.] bJ. Bvddn, 1836. Kundiger (R. A.) *De asphyxia et morte congelationis. 8°. Lipsice, 1841. Langlois (C.) *Diss. sur l'asphyxie en gene"- ral, et sur celle par les gaz en particulier. 4°. Paris, 1830. Langstein (J.) *De aspnyxia. 8°. Pragce, 1847. Lkmbach (W.) 'Ueber Erstickungstod. 12°. Wiesbaden, 1868. Leroy d'Etiolle (J.) Recherehes sur l'as- phyxie. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Leroy-d'Etiollks. De l'asphyxie. 8°. Paris, 1840. L'Hermitte (L.-M.-J.) *Diss. sur les asphy- xies en general, et exameu particulier de celle produit par la submersion. 4°. Paris, 1812. Lowex&tein (I.) * De asphyxia. 8°. Augustas Vindelicorum, 1833. Mackenzie (C.) *De asphyxia. 8°. Edinb., 1809. Malle (P.) *De asphyxia. 4°. Argentorati, 1829. Martin du Magny (L.-A.-G.) * De l'asphyxie en general. 4°. Paris, 1855. Mendicl (L.) *De suffocatis. 4°. Argento- rati, 1776. Metzendorff (J. M.) *De asphyxia. 8°. Berolini, [1827]. Oswald (J.) *Au experimental inquiry into the phenomena of suspended animal life, from drowning, hanging, and the action of noxious airs. 8°. Philadelphia, 1802. Plisson (F.-fi.) * Essai inaugural sur les as- phyxies. 4°. Paris, 1818. -----. Essai historique et the'rapeutique sur les asphyxies, avec quelques reflexions sue la re- spiration. 2. e"d. 18°. Paris, 1826. Pougny (L.-E.) * De l'asphyxie en general, et de l'asphyxie par submersion en particulier. 4°. Montpellier, 1877. Redemann (I.) * De caloris ratione in asphyc- ticis. 4°. Bounce, [1835]. Roederer (J. G.) Demonstrationes anatomi- cas . . . indicit et observationum medicarum de suffocatis naturam addit. sm. 4G. Gcettingce, [n.d.] Sailler (J.) *De suffocatione. 4°. Jence, [1753]. Sartorius (C.) *De asphyxia. 4°. Wirce- burgi, 1807. Schwartz (J. H. F.) *De providentia circa sectiones adhibenda ne in asphyxia jacentes iis internciautur. 8°. Berolini, [1829]. Seiler (B. G.) Sententias de natura asphyxise perscrutatur. 4°. Vitebergce, [1804]. Starcke (J. F.) *De suffocatione ex liquore receuter fermentaute. sm. 4°. Regiomonti, 1705. Stern (A.) * Qmedaui adnotationes de as- phyxia. 8'J. [Dorpat], 1855. Stokes (G.) "Quasdam de asphyxia, ab asris | dephlogisticati privatione oriunda tradeus. 8°. Philadelphia, 1793. Stroykens (H. G.) *De salvandis asphycti- cis. 4°. Parisiis, 1812. Tanneberg (J. C.) * De suffocatione ex musto fermentaute. 4°. Jena;, [1729]. Tobin (J.) *Des asphyxias, des secours qui leur couvienuent et quelques considerations sur la mort apparente et la mort r^elle. 4°. Paris, 1827. Asphyxia (including Suffocation). Traube (L.) Rede zur Feier des drei und sie- benzigsten Stiftungstages des medicinisch-clii- rurgischen Frieilrich-Wilhelms-Instituts am 2. August 1867. 8°. Berlin, [1^37?] -----. Ueber das Wesen und die Ursache der Erstickungserscheinuugen am Respirationsappa- rate. sm. 8°. Berlin, 1867. Varin de Saixte-Menehould. *Diss. phy- siologique et medicale sur les asphyxies et la respiration. 8°. Paris, an X [180^]. Verlhac (F.-D.) * Diss, sur les asphyxiesaux- quelles l'homme est le plus expose". 4°. Paris, 1812. Vogler (W.) * Ueber die Erstickung. 12°. WUrzburg, 1845. Waltiier (A. F.) Suffocationis historiam et anatomica plura proponit. 4°. [Lipsice], 1729. In: Halleii, Disp. anat. select., v. vi. Ackermann (T.) Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Erstickung auf dio Menge des Blutes im Gehirn und in den Lungen. [Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der gerichtsarzt- lichen Lehre von der apoplcktisch-suffocatorischen Todes- art.] Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1858, xv, 401-464, 1 pl.—Alison (W. P.) Notice of some experiments . . . and on the immediate cause of death by asphyxia. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1836, xiv, 98-116.—Alvarez (B.- G.) Un caso de mefitismo gaseoso. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1879, iii, 492-496.—Asphy xie par le gaz uegage pendant la fermentation du vin. J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1847. 3. s., iii, 668.—Asphyxie par la vapeur ou fumee du char- bon de terre. Hygie, Brux.. 1826, ii, 16-18.—JBarzellotti (G.) Memoria per servire d'avviso al popolo sull'astissie c morti apparcnti. Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Parma, 1808, vi, 3-51.—Bayless (G. W.) Case of pneumonia pro- duced by asphyxia. West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, 1843, 2. s., vii, 422-425.—Beau (J. H. S.) Considerations sur l'as- phyxie. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1864, i, 5-20.—Berard (A.) Asphyxie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1841-2, vii, 43.—Berard (P. H.) Asphyxie. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1833, iv, 214-246.—Bert (P.) Notes pour servir a l'his- toire de l'asphyxie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1864, Par., 1865, 4. s., i, 162-172. -----. Asphyxie. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865, iii, 546-575. -----. Sur les dif- ferences dans la r6sistance k l'asphyxie que presentent di- vers animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1868, Par., 1869, 4. s.,v, 186-189.—Black (P.) A theory of asphyxia. Brit. M. J., 1876, i, 316.—Boehefontaine. Note sur l'hyperse- cretion qui sc produit dans certaines glaudes, au moment de la mort par asphyxie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1875, Par., 1876, 6. s., ii, 293.—Boulware (J. R.) t Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1862, 301-303, 1 pl. — Brown-Scquard. Del'influenco de l'asphyxie sur hi chaleur animale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, 89. ----- -----. Recherehes experimentales et cliniques sur quel- ques questions relatives a l'asphyxie. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1859, ii, 93-103. -----. Prolongation ex- traordinaire des principaux actes de la vie apres la cessa- tion de la respiration. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1879, 2. s., vi, 83-88.—Budin Sc Coyne. Dos phe- nonmnes pupillaires dans l'asphyxie; differences do cos Fhenom6nes dans l'anasthesie chloroformique et dans anasthesie asphyxique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1875, Par.,1876,6. s.,ii, 56-64. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1875, xlvi, 90-92.—Burgeois (R.) Observations et considerations ratiques qui" 6tablissent la possibilite du retour a la vie ans plusieurs cas d'asphyxie et de submersion prolongee, avec apparence de mort. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1829, xx, 220; 508; xxi, 227-238.—[Carpenter (W. B.)j As- phyxia. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedit's), Phila., 1841, iii, 333-386.—CJayley (V.) Obstriictionof the larynx by viscid mucus, caused by entrance of tobacco; sudden death. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1870, xxi, 43.—Chevalier. S.-ctions- Bericht iiber einen merkwiirdigen Todesfall. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xl, 36-55.—Clay (C.) Antssay on the various forms of asphyxia, with general rules for re- suscitation. Med. Times/Lond., 1845, xii, 269; 286; 383; 403; 445.—Cobbold (T. S.) Extraordinary ihiath. Med. Times A: Gaz., Lond., 1863, n. s., i, 333.—Cotting (U. E.) Partial asphyxia from carbonic gases. Boston M & S. J., 1856, liv, 142-145.—Coudret. Observation d'asphyxie in- complete, suivie de violens accidens ataxiques, d'un vaste abces dans l'hypochondrc droit, et enthi de la mort. J. compl. du dict.'d. sc. mod., Par., 1830, xxxvi, 21-24.—Cran- field (It.) Case of fatal asphyxia from covering the face iu bed. Dublin M. Press, 1841, v, 39.—Discussion on Dr. Amorv's paper on "Asphyxia as one of tho causes of anaes- thesia"". Boston M. Sc S.'J., 1871, lxxxiv, 46.—Duffy (T. S.) Two cases of apparent death. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car., Raleigh, 1874, xxi, 126-131.—Dunglison (R.) Asphyxia. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 18:J0, ii, 40J-.")02. —Kccles (A.) Some remarks on asphy xui. Lond. M. Gaz., 1849, n. s., ix, 657-661.—Edward) (It.) Memoire sur l'asphyxie ASPHYXIA. 637 ASPHYXIA. Asphyxia (including Suffocation). consideree dans les batraciens. [ Abetr.] J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1817, xl, 308-326. -----. Sui- l'asphyxie consideree dans les batraciens. [Abstr.] Bull. Fac. de m6d. de Par., etc., 181S, vi, 179-195.—Eriehsen (J. E.) An experimental inquiry into the pathology and treat- ment of asphyxia. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1845, Ixiii, 1-56.— Frstickungsgefahr in Lohgrubeu. Arch. d. deutsch. Mi'd.-Gcsctzficbr u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Erlang., 1858, ii, 61; 69.—Brartlt. Sluchai aphazii vslaidstvie niavstvcnna^o potrjasenija. [Asphyxia after mental emotion.] Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb., 1879, iv, 963. — Fallot. Asphyxie par alteration du sanji. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1846-7, vi,359; 384; 525. Aho, Reprint. Also: Arch. do la med. beige, Brux., 1847, xxiii, 34-60; xxiv, 1-7.—Fas- sett (O. F.) Singular case of death by suffocation. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1865, lxxii, 279. — Faure. Asphyxie grave. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 81. -----. L'asphyxie et son traitement. Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1856, i, 20; 299; 543: 1856, ii, 64.-----. L asphyxie et sou traitement. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1857, 2. s., viii, 238-240. -----. Poumons de deux chiens asphyxies, l'un par strangulation, l'autre par inhalations de vapeurs dc chloroforme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 381.—Forget (M.) Considerations sur ceitaines asphyxies par cause organique. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst, nied., Par., 1836, iv, 161-176.—Gucrard (A.) Asphyxie pendant une exhumation. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1840, xxiii, 131-134.—Hall (M.) Asphyxia; its'rationale and its remedy. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 393. -----. Further notes on apncea and asphyxia. Ibid., n. s., ii, 5.-----. On the prognosis in apncea (or asphyxia). Ibid., 1857, i, 237.— Harley (G.) Syst. Surg. (Holmes), N. Y., 1871, 2. ed., v, 880-914.—Heider. Tod durch Erstickung. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1866, xxxvi, 28.— Heus Courtois (L.) M6moire sur les asphyxies, avec la description d'un nouvel instrument proprc a rappcler le m6canisme de la respiration. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1790, lxxxii, 361-387.—Hirschfeld. Ersticken in einer Kartoffelgrube. Vrt\jschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1854, vi, 110-120. — Uogyes (A.) ExperimenteUe Beitrage iiber den Verlauf der AthmunKsbewegungen wahrend der Erstickung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz.. 1875, v, 86-108, 1 pl. -----. TJeber den Ein- fluss verschiedener Gase auf den Verlauf dor Athmungs- bewegungen wahrend der Erstickung. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissench., Berl., 1878, xvi, 129-133.—Hofmann (E.) Mehrstiiniliges Fortschlagen des Herzens iu der Asphyxie und nach dem Tode. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 322; 354.—Homme (Un) mort dans un bain de vapour. Lyon med., 1870, xxii, 361.—Jackson (li.) Case of death* by asphyxia from a mechanical cause. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1844, lxi, 390-392. Also, Reprint.—Johnson (G.) A com- mentary on Dr. Patrick Black's theory of asphyxia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 224.—Johnson (T.) On the patho- logy of asphyxia. Northwest. M. Sc S. J., Chicago, 1853, x, 188-196. Also: Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1853, i, 189-198.—Bay (J. P.) Physiological experiments and ob- servations on the cessation of the contractility of the heart and muscles in the asphyxia of warm-blooded animals. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1828, xxix, 37-66. -----. Physiology of asphyxia. Lancet, Lond., 1834, ii, 387-389. — l.anzonus (J.) Ex fumo caudelae sebaceae mors. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1691, dec. 2, ann. ix (1690), 377. — tieroy d'Ftiolles (J.) Recherehes sur l'asphyxie. J. de phy- siol. exper., Par., 1827, vii, 45-65:1828, viii, 97-135.—Lcvcn. Des diverses formes d'asphyxie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 68; 74.—iiiegey. Cas d'asphyxie par immersion par- tielle. J. de med., iirux., 1869, xlviii, 227-229.— Little- jobn (II. D.) Accidental suffocation from bursting of an abscess of the tonsil. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xx, 780.—iliche Lebensgefahr Gerathenen. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh.. Stuttjj., 1868, xxi, 89; 188; 241: 1869, xxii, 1; 141; 174.—Hall (M.) On the various rules £roposed for the treatment of apmea (or asphyxia). Lancet, ,ond., 1857,i, 160.—Hamilton (A. ML.) Electricity as a means of resuscitation. Am. Pract.. LouisviUc, 1872, vi, 193- 206.—Uancock( J.) Resuscitation from drowning aud from asphyxia by gases, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 141.—Hoff- mann (A.) Ein Fall von Wiederbelebun"'eines Asphyk- tischen durch kiinstlich eingeleitete Respiration. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1858, xiv, 771.— Howard (B.) Lecture on the more usual methods of ar- tificial respiration; with demonstrations of the "direct method" ofthe author. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 194-196. Aho: Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 649-651. -----. The di- rect method of artificial respiration for the treatment of apnoea from drowning, anaesthetics, still-birth, etc., with a typical case of each, treated by the author, in which other methods were not immediately practicable. Lancet, Lond. 1878. i. 748-752.—Huchard (H.) De la guerison rapide ASPHYXIA. 640 ASPIRATIOK Asphyxia (Treatment of). des acces d'aathnie par l'emploi des injections hypodermi- Siues de morphine et do la medication eupn6ique par l'opium. Juli. Soc. clin. dePar. (1878), 1879, ii, 76-89.—Hynes (P. J.) The Marshall HaU method of treatment in asphyxia. Lancet, Loud., 1857, ii, 179.—Infusion und Transfusion, ein Mittel bey Asphyxie. Jour. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wund- arznk., Jena, 1799, viii, 1. St., 141-145.—Instruction gene- rale et methodiquo redigee par lo conseU de sante des arnioes, sur les secours k donner aux asphyxies quelles que soient les causes de l'asphvxie. Rec. tie m6m. do m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1844, lvi, 353-373__Jennings (J. C. S.) Cases U- lustruting the effects of tho warm bath in asphyxia; with remarks. Assoc M. J., Lond., 1853, 348.—Kopp (J. H.) Priifung der zur Wiederbelebung Scheintodter bestimmten bekanntesten Vorrichtungcn, und Angabe eines neuen zu diesem Endzwecke eingerichteten Respirations-Instrumen- tes. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M., 1810, iii, 3-29.— Lafarguc (G.-V.) Un mot sur lo traitement chirurgicale de l'asphyxie, et sur les moyens mecaniques employ6s dans ces cas. Bull. gen. do therap., etc., Par., 1837, xiii, 340- 346.—lie Bon (G.) Recherehes experimentales sur le traitement de l'asphyxie. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 806.—lie Comte. Remarques tendantos a per- fectionner l'usage des moyens proposes pour rappeler a la vie les noy6set autres asphyxies. J. domed., chir.. pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxvi, 221; 426.—Lcgnt (A.) [The Mar- shaU Hall method of treatment in asphyxia.] Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 179.—Legeoux. Considerations sur la nature et le traitement du sclereme et do l'asphyxie;. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 18i6, li, 433; 481; 529.—Madge (H.) [The Marshall HaU method of treatment in asphyxia. ] Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 179.—Marc. Des moyens de pre- venir le danger d'etre asphyxie et de retirer promptement du milieu asphyxiant les personnes qui s'y trouvent plongees. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1835, xiii, 353-426.—Mar- chant. Asphyxie ct insufflation pulmonaire. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1867, i, 526-557.—Marshall Hall (The) method of treatment of asphyxia. Lancet, Loud., 1859, i, 19.—Maury (F.) Tho Marshall Hall method of treatment in asphyxia. Ibid., ii, 116.—Medina (F. de P.) Memo- ria sobre un proyecto de puestos de socorro para los puertos de mar. CompUador med., Barcel., 1868, iv, 171; 235.— Muse (J. E.) Resuscitation by oxygen gas from apparent death by drowning. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1829, ii (part 1), 385.—Pacini (F.) D mio metodo di respirazione artifici- ale per la cura della astissia posto a confronto con gli altri metodi gencralmento usati. Imparziale, Firenze, 1870, x, 481-486. Aho, Reprint. Also, transl.: J. do med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1871, liii, 215-220. Also, Reprint.— Papius (E. A.) Von der Art und Ursache des Todes der Ertrunkenen, nebst der allgemeinen Heilmethode, und den Mitteln, wodurch man diejenigen, welche im Was- ser, oder von dem Kohlendampfo, oder von der Kalte ge- tddtet zu seyn scheinen, wieder herstellen kann; aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz., 1775-8, i, 480-509.—Partridge (T. D. O.) A novel method of re- storing scnsibUity. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1877, xii, 249.—Plouviez. Dei mezzi di curare l'asfissia. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xv, 440-451. -----. De l'insufflation pulmonaire dans certains cas d'apn6e. Ann. med. de la Flaudre occid., Roulers, 1852-3, ii, 529-532.— Prati (T. A.) La respirazione artificiale a proposito di due casi d'astissia per assido di carbonic, dei quaU uno aUo stato di morte apparente. Riv. cUn. di Bologna, 1877, vii, 362-369. -----. La morte apparante e la respirazione artifi- ciale a proposito di due casi d'astissia per vaporo di carbone. Sperimentale, Firen/.e, 1877, xl, 608-623.—Revision uud Erweiterung der Anstalten zur Rettung der Ertrunkenen und Erstickten zu Hamburg. Boytr. z. Arch. d. med. PoUz., Leipz., 1795, v, 2 Saml., 1-30.—Ricchi (T.) Di due casi di resurrezione conseguiti col metodo Pacini. Spal- lanzaui, Modena, 1876, xiv, 481-489.—de Sanctis (B.) [Plan for restoring persons from a st:ito of suspended ani- mation.] Lond. M. Reposit., 1820, xiii, 268-271.—Schar- lau. Rettung eines durch Kohlensaure und Stickst.iilbs vd Erstickten durch Anwendung des Sauerstoii'nases. Wchn- schr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 757-760.—Schuller(M.) Eine Modification desSilvcster'schcu Verfahrens dor kiiust- lichcn Respiration. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 319- 321.—Searle (C.) Means of resuscitation in asphyxia. Lancet, Lond., 1840-41, i, 880-882.—Skinner (H. G.) On the Marshall Hall method of treatment in asphyxia. Ibid., 1857, ii, 98.—Moteriode /3oTj0>//xaTa cV liipa tfjivSoOavdrov sal ai(j>vi. Siov kivSvvov Tijs fwijs. 'IarpiKij MeAurcra, Afloat, 1857-8,V, 180; 214; 26J.—Spinelli (C.) Altro c:i»n di respiraziono arti- ficiale; metodo Pacini; ottimo rcsultato. Imparzial;1, Fi- renze, 1879, xix, 347-349.—Mtruthers (J.) Saignee de la veine jugulaire interne, dans l'asphyxi.'. consiu6roe sous le point de vue anatomique et pby.volonique. Gaz. hebd. dc med. chir., Par.. 1856, iii, 916-919: l8"57, iv, 34; 95.— Thainhayn (O.) Ucbcr Asphyxie und Lebeusrcttung Asphyktisclic r nach dn Arbeiten vou Marshall Hall, Hunter, Silvester u. A. Hoffmann. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leip/.., 1860, cvi, 96-110.—Thijsscn (H. F.) Over de hulpmiddclcu der kunst, door niet-geneeskundigen op schijndooden toe te passen, en over de eersto diensten to bewijzeu bij plotselingonstaan levensgevaar. Schat d. | Asphyxia (Treatment of). Gezondh., Haarlem, 1860, iii, 42-57.—Thomas (R. R. G.) The MarshaU HaU method successful in a case of drowning of ten minutes' duration, and an interval of half an hour before its application. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 153.— Torchio (F.) Esamo critico d'un articolo del dottore Plouviez di Lilla, sui mezzi di curare l'asfissia. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1853. 2. s., xvi, 19J-214.— Verordnung von der k. k. Landesregierun" ini Erzher- zogthumo Oosterreich unter der Ens, wegen Rettung der Erstickten, Ertrunkenen, Erhiin:;ten, etc. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1793, iii, 7">-9:i.—Waters (A. T. H.) Researches on asphyxia; with observations on the effects produced by the hot bath in asphyxiated animals, and its uso in restor- ing suspended animation. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 562.—Whit march (W. M.) The Marshall Hall method of treatment in asphyxia. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 2^4.— Wiblin (J.) Tho Marshall Hall method in the treatment of asphyxia. Ibid., 1857, ii, 482.—Wie sind vom Kohlen- dampf Betaubto und Erstickte zu erwecken I Tiiohsche (Dor) Arzt, Innsbruck, 1791, i, 353-359.—Woillez. Du spirophore, appareil de sauveta^e pour le traitement de l'asphyxie, et principalement de 1 asphyxie des noyes et des nouveau-n6s. Bull. Acad, dj med.. Par.. 1876, 2. s., v, 611; 625; 754; 817. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1876. lxxxii, 1447.—Zander. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit des Schiiltze'schen Haudgriffes bei Ertrunkenen. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 296.—Ziemssen (H.) Kiinstliche (faradische) Respiration bei Asphyktischen; weitere Beobachtungen. Greifswalder med. Bjitr., Danzig, 1864, ii, 117-123. Die rhythmische Faradisirung der Nervi phrenici und ihrer Genossen bei Asphyxien una Hr. Remak als Kiitiker. Deutscho Klinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 159-161. Asphyxia from bronchial mucus. Aran (F. A.) Observation d'asphyxie par ecume bron- chique, chez une femme enceinte affectee de maladie dn coeur; effets remarquables dos applications du martoan Mayor. Unionmed.. Par.,1854, vui, 319; 324.—Malgaigne (J. F.) Sur une complication peu connue de quelques grandes operations. Gaz. med. de Par., 1836, 2. s., iv, 166-168.—Piorry. Accidents d'asphyxie consecutifs k une bronchite chronique. France med., Par., 1863, x, 603. f-----.] Diagnose et traitement de l'asphyxie par l'ecume bronchique. Bull. Ac;id. de med., Par., 1875, 2. s., iv, 1034; 1040.—Piorry (P. A.) Du rale et de l'asphyxie per l'ecume bronchique. J. hebd. de med., Par., 1830, viii, 340-361.— Verrier (E.) Cas de mort subite chez une femme r6cem- ment accouch6e, causee par l'asphyxie resultant d'uno ob- struction des bronches par des mucosites. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 91.—Willaume. Suffocation subite par uno cause autre que celle k laqueUe on pouvait raison- nablement l'attribuer. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1814, xxix, 12-14. Asphyxia of infants. See Infant (New-born, Asphyxia and apparent death of); Infants (Suffocation of). Aspiracion (La) ni6diea, revista te6rico-clinica, eco de la clase nuSdico-escolar espanola. Editor responsable, M. Alvarez. Alio 1-2, v. 1, Nov. 8, 18b7 - Dec. 31, 1838. 1 v. fol. Madrid. Aspiration and Aspirators. See, also, Bladder (Puncture of'); Chest (Para- centesis of); Hernia (Treatment of); Knee-joint (Hydrarthrosis of). Castiaux (J.) * Documents pour servir ii l'etude de la methodo aspiratrice. 4°. Paris, 1873. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1873. Dieulafoy (G.) Dj> l'aspiration pneumatiqno sous-cutanee; methode de diagnostic ot de traite- ment. 8°. Paris, 1870. -----. Also, transl. 8°. London, 1870. -----. Traite' de l'aspiration des liquides morbides. 8C. Paris, 1873. -----. Also, transl. 8°. London, 1873. Gibard (M.) *£tude sur un nouveau moyen d'aspirer les fluides pathologiques. 8°. Paris, 1878. Groc (S.-A.) *De la ponction capillaire "t de l'aspiration appliquees au diagnostic et au traite- meut des collections liquides et gazeuses con- tenues dans los cavit6s normales ou pathologiques. 4°. Montpellier, 1873. Julie (H.) * De l'aspiration couibinee avec la ponctiou capillaire. 4°. Paris, 1814. Pakoxa (F.) Delia aspirazione capillare dei ASPIRATION. 641 ASPLEXIIBI. Aspiration and Aspirators. liquidi e di un nuovo strumento aspirante. Osser- | vazioni e proposte. 8°. Milano, 1878. Romaix (F.) *£tude sur quelques appli- cations des appareils aspirateurs. 4°. Paris, 1-75. Anderson (M'C.) Cases Ulustrative of the use of the pneumatic aspirator. Glasgow M. J., 1874, vi, 331-336.— Aspiration. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, n, 466; 499; 523.—Aspirationsinctoden anvendt ved Adeniter 02 Abscesser. Hosp.-Tid.. Kjobenh., 1871, xiv, 97-99. — Bart lee t (T. H.) The aspirator-needle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 820.—Bell (R.) Surgical cases illustrating the use of the aspirator. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1874, n. s., xvu, 377.—Bouchard. Modification de l'appareil dit Dieulafoy pour en simplifier l'emploi et 1'appUcation. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1873, 3. s.. xxix, 500- 504.—Breakage of hypodermic needles in .ispiration. X. j York M. J., 1877, xxv, 642.—Burtonshaw tT.) Cases iUustrating the use of the pneumatic aspirator. Med. | Times & Gaz., Lond., 1875, i, 551.—Buys (L.) Quelques nouveUes applications de la compression et de l'aspiration en chirurgie. Rap. de M. Burggraeve. BnU. Acad. roy. demed. deBelg.. Brux., 1870. 3. s.. iv, 118-121. -----. De la compression ct de Inspiration continues en chirurgie, et de leur appUcation au traitement du kyste de Tovaire, de l'hydrothorax, du pyothorax, des plaies, etc., a l'aide d'ap- pafeils nouveaux. * Mem. couron. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1870. i, 97-207, 3 pl. Aho, Reprint.—Casti- aux. Histrumentexplorateur. BuU. med. duNoul. Lille. 1^77.xvii, 13-15, 1 pl. Aho: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. cie Liene. 1877. xvi, 239-243, lpl.—t'ayley & Sansom. Cases illus- tratintr the use of the pneumatic aspirator. Med. Times & Gaz.. Lond., 1874, i, 644; 671: 1874, ii, 35-36.—Chwata (L.) Ein neuer Apparat und Perforateur. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1872,xvii,542-544. Aho: Medycyna, warszawa, 1873, i. 257-263.—Condereau. Une ponipe aspiratrice a double etft-t. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1874, 3. s., iii, 60-62. Aho : Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1S74, xlvU, 252. -----. Pompe aspira- trice du Dr. Condereau. Courrier med., Par., 1874, xxiv, 7, lpl.— Coxeter Sc Son's aspirator. Brit. M. J., Lond., Ib74. n, 83. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 234-235.—Dieu- lafoy (A.) Aspirateur sous-cutan6. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, U, 615. -----. Note sur un aspirateur sous-cu- tane. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 708. -----. De l'aspiration pnenmatique sous-cutan6e. Ibid., 194-196. -----. Seringue aspiratrice. Ibid., 1870, 2. s., vii, 487. -----. La methode aspiratrice. In: Lapeyrere (B. J.) N'otesd'unjournaliste, etc., 8°, Paris, 1875, 223-240.—Bu- brueil. Ponction capiUaire 6vacuatrice dans les 6panche- mcnts sanguins articulaires. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1872, 3. s., i, 438-441—Emploi (De 1) de Taspirateur de M. j Dieulafoy et de la methode aspiratrice dans les hopitaux j de Russie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1873, xlvi, 98. — Fercol. Note sur la thoracentese pratiquee au moyen des appa- i reUs aspirateurs. BuU. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., | ls73. ix, 117-128.—Finch (J. E. M.) On the use of the I aspirator. Lancet, Lond., 1876, u, 501. —Fitch (S.) A handy aspirator. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 497—Caird- ner. Treatment of effusion by aspiration or suction. Glasgow M. J., 1873, 4. s., v, 558-564—Gallard. As- pirateur et trocart k thoracentese. BuU. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1873, 2. s., x, 168. —del Greco (G.) Di nn nuovo istrumento per la aspirazione pneu- matica c per la trasfusione del sangue. Imparziale, Fi- renze, 1874, xiv, 553-560. -----. L'aspiratore ed iniettatore elastico del Dott. Gritti ed U mio. Ibid., 1877, xvu, 142- 146.—Gritti (R.) DeU'aspirazione dei liquidi del corpo umano e deU'aspiratore ed injettatore elastico. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1876, ccxxxvii, 22-33.— Griinfeld (J.) Die subcntane Druckpumpe und deren Verwendbarkeit. AUg. "Wien. med. Ztg.. 1870, xv, 602-604. -----. Die sub- kutane Druckpumpe; Yortrag, gehalten in der GeseUschaft der Aerzte den 16. Dezember 1870. Wien. med. Presse, 1871, xii, 213-217.—Hall (F.) Report of a case of phlegmo- nous erysipelas over the left gluteal region successfuUy treated by the aspirator. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 472-474.— Hamilton (J. B.) Notes of seven cases in which the aspirator was used during the vear 1878. Boston M. & S. J., 1879. c, 375-377.—H[amon] (L.) Description de Tap- pareU pneumatique a quadruple effet. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1878. xiv, 257-261.—Hart (C. A.) A new aspirating and exploring needle. Med. Rec., X. Y., 1880, xvn, 23.—Henneqnin. De l'aspiration comme m6thode therapeutique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1872, n, 574; 660.—Homaus (C. D.) Cases iUustrating the use of the pneumatic aspirator in surgery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1873, Ixxxix, 629.—Hooper (W. D.) Remarks on aspiration, with report of cases. Tr. M. Soc. Virginia, Richmond, 1877. iu. 110-115.—Jessop (T. R.) Illustrations of the surgical uses of the pneumatic aspirator. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, ii, 625-627.—Kien. Contribution a l'histoire de l'aspira- j tion thoracique. Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb., 1876, xu, 43-54. Aho: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1874, xxxni, 103-107.— j I.aboulbene (A.) Quelques modifications apportees a TappareU aspirateur. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., | 41 Aspiration and Aspirators. lfT,*. xcv, 241-243.—Laffan. Observations Ulustrative of the use of Dieulafoy's pneumatic aspirator. DubUn Q. J. AI. Sc. 1.-72. liii, 202-205.—E-aflan (T.) Abstract of cases in which the aspirator was used. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 198.—Inciter (J.) Neuer Aspirations-und Injektions-Appaiat. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1872. vvii, 609; 721; 767.—Libcrmana (A.) Dc la methodo aspira- trice appUquee a la thoracentese. BnU. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1?72, 2. 8., ix, 114-117. -----. De la va- leur de l'aspiration au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement; analyse critique du traite de l'aspiration des Uquides morbides du docteur Dieulafoy. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil.. Par., 1873,3. s.. xxix, 465-500.— Lobmayer (A.) Einiges uber den Aspirateur pneumatic ''sou.seutan6" von Dieulafoy. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1871, xxi, 745; 775.— Lucas (J. C.) Pneumatic aspiration; puncture of pa- renchymatous organs; direct depletion. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 227-229.— liusk. Death foUowing the use of the aspirator in ovarian tumors. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1870-8), 1879, i, 309.—I^yster (C. E.) On the use of the pneumatic aspirator. Liverpool M. Sc S. Rep., 1871, 79-85.—Martin (A.) Traitement de quelques kystes sereux et d'une collection purulente par l'aspiration aUieea* l'injection d'alcoolpur. Fiancem6d., Par., 1879, xxvi, 642.— Mathieu. Seringue aspiratrice. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1870, vii,2.s.,501.—Marzolo (F.) Esposizione itaUana in Fi- renze. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1861,4. s.,vi, 413-415.— Moore (J. W.) On an aspirator for use in thoracentesis, invented by Dr. Vald. Rasmussen, of Copenhagen. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc., 1871, Iii, 60-62, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. —von Mosetig. Beobachtungen iiber "Aspiration pneumatique sous-cutanee ", nach Dr. Dieulafoy. Wien med. Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 869; 897.—>ewnian (D.) Improved pneumatic aspirator. Glasgow M. J., 1876, vui, 183-185, ljU. — Otis (F. N.) A simplified aspirator. Med. Rec. !N. Y.. 1876. xi, 80.—Page (H. W.) Cases iUustrating the successful use of the aspirator. Lond. Hosp. Rep. (187.3). 1?76, 36.— Parona (F.) DeU'aspirazione capillare dei liquidi e di nn nuovo strumento aspirante. Ann. univ. di med., Mi- lano, 1878, ccxUii, 421-437, 1 pl.—Peteaux (J.) Notes sur deux appareils permettant d'operer sans danger, Tun l'aspiration, dans des tubes de formes diverses, de tout Uquide corrosif ou k vapeurs d616teres; Tautre, Vexpuhwn des Uquides virulents ou v6neneux contenu s dans lea tubes capiUaires. Lyon med., 1870, vi, 362-372. Aho: M6m. Soc. d. sc. m6d."de Lyon, 1871, x, 155-165.—Phclip- peaux. Sur Taspirateur pneumatique sous-cutane. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxxi, 219-228.—Pingaud (E.) Un mot sui' la pr6tendue innocuito des ponctions as- piratrices. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1875, 2. s.. xu, 664.— Porcher (F. P.) On the employment of "suction appa- ratus " in medicine and surgery. North Car. M. J., wil- minston, 1879, iii, 366.—Potains aspirator. TJpsala La- karef". Forh., 1877, xii, 161-164.—Rasmussen (Y.> On the use ofthe aspirator in medicine, and especiaUy in plen- ritis with effusion. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1S73, i, 10-12.— Ricard (A. G. A.) Quelques applications de Taspirateur. Unionmed. du Canada, Montreal, 187<3,v,97-99.—dos San- tos (C.) Modificacao do trocartepneumatico de Dieulafoy, pelo dr. May Figneira. Correio med. de Lisb., 1871-2, i, 91. — Skerritt (E. M.) Sub-cutaneous emphysema and infiltration with pus foUowing aspiration for pyo-pneu- mo-thorax. Tr. Bristol M.-Chir. Soc, 1878, i, 112-115.— Smith (G.) Cases illustrating the use of Dieulafoy s as- pirator. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1872, ii, 141-143. —Steurer (J. A.) A new aspirator. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1874. ix. 407.— 'f achard. Note sur un nouvel aspirateur des liquides pathologiques. Rec. de mini. dem6d. .. . mil., Par., 1874, xxx, 608-612.—Tachard (E.) Application du siphon a la therapeutique chirurgicale. Rev. med. de Toulouse, le75, ix, 237: 2e9; 331; 357: 1876, x,41; 170; 202; 213; 238.— Teale (X. P.) Cases iUustrating the use ofthe pnen- matic aspirator. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872. u, 681.—Trier. Southey's kanuler. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1879, 2. R., vi, 617-619.—Whitney (J. O.) De Taspirateur dans Thvdro- nephrose et Thydroc6phale. Union med. du Canada, Mon- treal, 1873, ii, 337.—Whittell (H. T.) A cheap aspirator. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1874, xix, 20, 1 pl.— Wsze- bora (J.) Przyrzad ssacy Dra. Dieulafoy zastosowany do leczenia wysiekow w oplucn6j. Pam. Towarz. Lek. War- szaw., 1870, lxiv, 188-208.—Wyman (H. C.) Fatal use of the aspirator; experiments on the introduction of air into the veins. Tr. Michigan M. Soc., Lansing, 1879, vii, pt. 3, 398-405.—Zigek (F.) Beitrag zur BeurtheUung des the- rapeutischen Werthes der subkutanen pneumatischen Aspi- ration nach Dr. Dieulafoy. Wien. med. Wihnschr., 1872, xxii, 100-102. Asplaud (Alfred). An examination of the re- port of the commissioners to inquire into the mortality of the army. 40 pp. 8°. Manchester, Eng., G. Harrison, 1839. Aspleniuni Grevillii. Destrnge. Observaciones sobre el asplenium greviUU dela flora ecuatoriana. Gac. m6d. de Lima, 1864, no. 183. iv, 16-18. ASPLENIUM. G42 ASSINGIUS. Asplenium scolopendrium. See, also, Phthisis (Treatment of). Keller man 11 (E.) Ueber die Wirksamkeit des Asple- nium scolopendrium in Lungenkrankheiten. (4cases.) Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1835, n. F., vii, 304- 312. Asplin (Jonas). *Deictero. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1797. [Also, in: P., v. 6.] Asplund (Nils Mauritz). * Nagra Ord i praktiskt Hiinseende om Hymen imperforatus. 21 pp. 8°. Lund, Berlingska Boktrycker'iet, 1856. c. ASS (B.) * Ueber mit Fractur der Pfauue compli- cirte Luxationen des Oberschenkels. 21 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1878. c. Assainissement de la Senne et embellissement de ses environs. Rapports presentes le 2. octobre 1865, au nom du college par le bourgemestre en seance du conseil communal. 183 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, Bols-Wittouck, 1865. Assalini (Paul) [1759-1840]. Essai mddical sur les vaisseaux lymphatiques, etc. Avec les mo- yens de prevenir les eft'ets des substances veni- nenses, comme la salive du chieu enrag6, le ve- nin de la vipere, le virus ventfrien, etc. 156 pp., 'Z 1. 12°. Turin, cliez les freres Reycends, 1787. -----. Observations on the disease called plague; on the dysentery; the ophthalmy of Egypt; and on the means of prevention. With some remarks ou the yellow fever of Cadiz, and the description and plan of an hospital for the reception of pa- tients affected with epidemic and contagious di- seases. Translated from the French by Adam Neale. To which is added a letter concerning the seasoning, or yellow fever of the West Indies by George Pinckard. xlvii, 234 pp. 8°. New York, T. fr J. Swords, 1806. -----. Ricerche sulle pupille artiticiali. 59 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Milano, dalla Stamperia Reale, 1811. -----. Manuale di chirurgia. 368 pp., 6 pl. 12°. Milano, 1812. See Gervasoni (G.) Su l'uso de' nuovi stromenti, etc. 8°. Milano, 1811. For hh Obituary, see Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1876, xxxvi, 291-296 (C. FumagaUi). Assam. See, also, Bishnath; Gowhattee; Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of); Prisons. McCosh. Topography and diseases of the country of Assam. Boston M. &. S. J., 1837, xv, 53; 70.—Meredith (J.) A sketch of the fevers of Assam. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1867, ii, 167-170. -----. On malarial sites and fe- vers, relating chiefly to Assam. Ibid., 1871, vi, 154; 175; 199; 249: 1872, vii, 27. Assanis (Georges-Andre). * Du croup, eonsidere" principalement au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 281, v. 612. Assassination. See Homicide and Murder. Assault (Indecent) and indecent exposure of the person. See, also, Insanity and Sexual instinct; Rape; Sexual instinct. Petit (L.-H.) * Des outrages a la pudeur. 4°. Paris, 1854. Tardieu (A.) £tude me"dico-legale sur les at- tentats aux mceurs. 4. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1862. -----. The same. 6. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1873. Accusation (Sur une) d'attentat k la pudeur. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxii, 447-452.—■tegritT der unziich- tigen Handlungen, und der auf Befriedigung des Ge- schlechtstriebes gerichteten unziichtigen Handlungen. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Niirnb., 1861, xii, 146-152.—Bulard Sc JLafargue. Inculpation d'attentats a la pudeur; ac- quittement. Bordeaux med., 1874, in, 33; 41.—Cauvet (D.) Attentat k la pudeur. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xliv, 307-373. Aho, Reprint.—Chambeyron. Alienation men- tale; attentat a la pudeur. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1840, vui, 145-148.—Motet. Attentat a la pudeur; respon' sabilite attenuee par suite de l'etat mental du prevenu. Ann d'hyg., Par., 1878, xlix, 2. s., 174-181.—Penard (L.) De Assault (Indecent) and indecent exposure of the person. l'intervention du m6decin-16giste dans les questions d'atten- tats aux mceurs. Ibid., I860, 2. s., xiv, 130; 344.—Schu- macher. Verfubrung zur Unzucht. Friedreich's BI. f. frerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1872, xxiii, 383-392.—Tardieu (A.) Etude medico-lcgale sur les attentats aux mceurs. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1857, 2. s., vUi, 133; 397: 1858, 2. 8.,ix, 137-192.— Unzucht (Die). BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Erlang., 1852, iii, 6. Hft., 58-76. Asschenfeldt (J. F. H.) * De compressione. 27 pp. 8C. Kilice, ex off. C. F. Mohr, 1842. d'Asse (Jacob). *Ein Fall von Geistesstorung nach einer Schussverletzung des Ohres. 29 pp. 8-. Greifswald, Fr. Hache, [1873]. C. Assegond (Albert). *De la femme considered a l'age critique, changemeus physiologiques qui s'operent dans son 6tat physique et moral, et de Papplication des regies de l'hygiene a cette prin- cipale. 6poque de sa vie. vi, 7-36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 211, v. 169. -----. Taschenbuch fiir Seebad-Reisende. Aus dem Franzosischen. 2 p. 1., 176 pp. 12°. Hild- burghausen, Eesserling, 1828. Asselborn (Johann). * Ueber die allgemeine progressive Paralyse der Irren. 23 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1871. Asselin (Charles-Edouard). * Essai sur l'ec- thyma. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 15, v. 204. Asselin (Francois). * Observations et proposi- tions sur la syphilis. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 242, v. 236. Asselineau (B.-Aug.-Al.) * Dissertation sur la m^norrhagie, ou flux immoder6 des regies. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 125, v. 73. Asseln. JEskuchen. MortaUtats-Statistik der Gemeinde As- seln, im Kreise Dortmund; topographische und physio- graphische Skizze der Gemeinde Asseln. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.- rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1874, iii, 89-91. van Assen (Cornelius Jacobus) & Smith (Gui- lielmus). *De examine *groti. 1 p. 1., 28 jjp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, L. Herdingh et filium, 1830. Assenmacher (Heinrich). * Ein Fall von Epi- lepsie mit Geistesstorungen und Ichias. 18 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1874. Assier (Louis-Alexandre-Napoleon). * Essai sur l'air atmospherique daus quelques-uns de ses rap- ports avec la mddecine. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 165, v. 298. Assimilation. See, also, Digestion; Nutrition. Bose (E. G.) * De assimilatione alimentorum. 4°. Lipsice, 1748. Kind (C. A. H.) * De assimilatione cum adno- tationibus criticis de momento, quod physiologia nostri aevi in medicinam exerceat. 8°. Jena;, [1847]. Lawsox (J. S. ) * De alimento assimilaudo. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, 1800. Skrimshike(F.) *De assimilatione. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1798. Strachan (J. B.) * De ciborum assimilatione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1809. Armor (S. G.) Deranged assimilation. "West. Lancet, Cincin., 1857, xviii, 11-18 —Benvenisti (M.) Ulteriori studi sui processi assimilativi. Gazz. med. ital., prov. ve- nete, Padova, 1858, i, 5; 17; 115; 121; 132; 138; 147; 158; 168.—Davis (N. S.) An experimental inquiry concerning some points in the vital processes of assimUation and nu- trition. Northwest. M. Sc S. J., Chicago, 1851-2, viii, 169- 190.—Nieto. Asimilacion vital. Siglom6d., Madrid, 1856, Ui, 369.—Pavy (F. W.) On assimUation, and on tho influ- ence of its defects on the urine. Lancet, Lond., 1862, ii, 613-615: 1863, i, 461; 492; 573: 1863, U, 92; 300.—Roussin. M6moire sur l'assimilation des substances isomorphes. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1863, 3. s., ix, 136-162. Assingius (Johannes). See ITIichael (Jacobus). De fontibua, etc. 4°. Jence. 1613. ASSIS ARAUJO. 643 ASSOCIATION. de Assis Araujo (Ludovicus Candidus). The- ses. 4 1. 8J. Locannii, Vanlinthout fr Vanden- zande, [1838]. Assmann (Christianus Gotfridus). De eruditi- one metallicorum nniversa. Commentatio altera qua studia disciplinarum metallurgia adjutrice utentium tractat. 26 pp. sm. 4C. [ Vitebergce, its:..] -----. De vi singulari quam natura et conditio regionum moutanarum exserat in metallicorum aliorumque hominum natura indoleque formanda. 43 lip. sm. 4C. Vitembergce, lit. C. C. Durrii, [1789]. -----. De geologic et anthropologic nexu non- nulla pnefatus. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Vitembergce, lit. C. H. Graessleri, [1807]. Assiiiaim (Ernst). * Ueber die Sterblichkeit im ersten Lebensjahre. 31 pp. 8U. Berlin, N. C. Niethe, [1873]. C. Ass ill a li il (Fridericus Guilielmus). * Diss, inaug. sistens prodromum observationum circa gan- glion Arnoldi oticum in homine variisque anima- libus factarum. 23 pp. 4°. Lipsice, ex off. Hirsch- feldiaita, [1832]. For hh Life, see Haase (GuU. And.) Assinann (Guilelmus Oscarus). *De rheuma- tismo. [Cuin vita.] 31 pp. 8\ Berolini, typ. G. Schade, [1847]. Assmanu (Richard). * Die Hamophilie. 36 pp. sm. 8-. BerUn, G. Lange, [1869]. Assinann (Wendeliuus). *De hygromate bur- sarum mucosarum subcutanearum. 22 pp., 2 1. 8-\ Vratislavia; typ. A. Neumanni, 1865. Assmus (Carl). * Ueber einen Fall von ange- boruer Stenose des Conus arteriosus dexter bei offner Kammerscheidewand des Herzens. [Univ. mi Gottingen.] 56 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1877. Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothe- caries of England and Wales. Transactions of the Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothe- caries of England and Wales, v. 1, vii, clxvpp., 3 1., 424 pp., 1 1. 6°. London, Burgess fr Hill, 1823. [No more published.] Associated Charities of Boston. Proposed form of constitution and plan of work for the Associ- ated Charities of Boston, Prepared by the pro- visional council, Jan., 1879. 11pp. 8G. [Boston, 1879.] Association for the Advancement of the Medi- cal Education of Women. The constitution and by-laws of the Association for the Advancement of the Medical Education of Women. 11 pp. 12°. Neio York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1874. -----. Project for an . . . [A circular to those interested iu the object.] 21. 4°. [n.p.,n. d.] -----. Report of the . . . with addresses delivered at Union League Hall, Tuesday, March 26, 1878. 19 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 187ri. Association der Aerzte der Spandauer Vorstadt. Statuten nebst Reglement der freien . . . AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1849, xviu, 809. Association of the Alumni of the Albany Medi- cal College (medical department of Union Uni- versity). Incorporated Feb. 6, 1874. Circular to the alumni of the Albany Medical College, medical department of Union University [by Heurv D. Didama, president]. 2 1. 4°. [Al- bany,'1874.] -----. Constitution and by-laws of the ... 14 pp. 8-. Albany, J. Munsell, 1874. -----. Proceedings of the annual meetings of the . . . 2.-5. (1874-8). 8°. Albany, 1875-8. Proceedings of the 2. meeting reprinted in 28 pp. 8°. Schenectady, J. J. Martlett Clinical lectures on diseases of the chest; bronchitic asthma. Ibid., 1870, i, 147; 183. -----. Asthma. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), 1871, iii, 512-536. -----. On the pathology'of asthma. Med. Times & Gaz., Asthma. Lond., 1861, ii, 476; 500.—Sandras (S.) De l'asthme ner- veux et de son traitement. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1848, xxxiv, 97-105.—Saultz(E.) jr. t Iowa M. J., Keokuk, 1855, ii, 252-257.—Sbcrtoli (A.) Storia di asma curato nella casa di salute di Collegigliato. Ippocratico, Fano, 1868, 3. s., xiv, 275-279.—See (G.) Asthme et broncho-pneu- monic. Praticien, Par., 1879. ii, 187. -----. NouveUe theo- rie sur l'asthme. [Abstract.] BuU. Soc. d. sc m6d. et nat. de Brux., 1862, 13-11 Aho: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1862, 2. 8., v, 244-248. -----. Physiologie de l'asthme et des dyspnecs. J. de l'anat. et de la physiol., Par., 1865, ii, 382-416. Also: Union med., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxix, 565; 578. -----. Asthme. N. diet. de. med. ct do chir. prat., Par., 1*865, iii, 583-740.—Shklyarcvskii (A.) Ob odishkai i asphiksii. [On asthma and asphyxia.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1869, ix, 239; 247; 255.—Skjelderup (M.) Nogle Ord om Asthma og dens Behandling. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1865, xix, 94-107.— Spasmodic asthma. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1867, lxxv, 493-496.—Steinheim (S. L.) Die Lehre vom Athmen im krankhaften Zustande. Litt. Ann. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1830, xviii, 1-54.—Swasey (H. A.) A case of spasmodic asthma. Med. Exam., Phila., 1852, n. s., viii, 23-25.— Thomson (A. T.) Clinical remarks on a case of asthma. Lancet, Lond., 1839, ii, 645-649.—Thorowgood (J. C.) Nature and treatment of asthma. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1874, i, 63. -----. Abstract of the Lettsomian lec- tures on bronchial asthma. Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 44; 112; 219. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1879. n. s., xxvii, 57; 77; 137; 177. Aho, Reprint.—Todd (R. B.) CUnical lecture on asthma. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 999-1004.— Traube (L.) Zur Lehre vom katarrhalischen Asthma. In hh: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iU, 360- 303. -----. Zur Lehre vom Asthma. Ibid., 616-618.— Trousseau. Lecons sur l'asthme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 119; 139.-----. L'asthme. Ibid., 1858, xxxi, 397; 409; 465; 477.—linear (E.) KrystaUe von oxalsaurem Kalk neben den Leyaen'schen Kry'stallen im Sputum eines an Bronchialasthma Leidenden. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878, xxi, 435-439.—Van-JDekeere (L.) Ob- servations sur plusieurs maladies orthopneiformes, d6sig- nees par les anciens sous le nom d'asthme. Ann. dela med. physiol., Par.,1828, xiv,16-32.—Viand-Grand-Marais. De l'asthme et do son traitement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 275.—Tindevogel. Sur les bons effets de l'iodure potassique dans certaines formes d'asthme. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1879, lxix, 414-416.—Watson (E.) Spasmodic asthma. Glasgow M. J., 1853-4, i, 37-47.— Watson (W.) An account of what appeared on opening the body of an asthmatic person. PhU. Tr., Lond., 1764, liv, 239-245—Weber. Ueber Asthma nervosum. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1872, xiv, 159.—'Webster (J. H.) Spasmodic asthma. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, xii, 251-258.—Weiser (K.) Ueber Asthma nervosum. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 1421-1424.— [Williams (C. J. B.)] Spasmodic asthma. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedie), Phila., 1841, 143-150.—William* (C. T.) Thcpathology and treatment of spasmodic asthma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 769-772. -----. Clinical lectures on spasmodic asthma. Lancet, Lond., 1873, ii, 325; 513.— Wolff. Bemerkungen uber das Asthma. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1804, xviii, 1. St., 9-86.— Wolff (W.) Asthma nervosum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 238.—Wright (T. H.) Case of asthma organicum. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1829, v, 340-346. Asthma (Causes of). See, also, Ipecacuanha. Arnold (J. O.) *Qua casus singularis asth- matis a dopressione sterni ex febre purpurata, cum orthopucea atnigente, reportati sola thoracis artificiali constrictione curati. 4G. Vitembergce, [1730]. Aho, in: Haller, Disp. ad morb., U. Brigault (F.) * Consideration sur l'asthme produit par une Eruption d'urticaire dans les bronches. 4°. Paris, 1876. Garcia (D. J.) *De l'asthme, et particuliere- ment de l'asthme gouttenx. 4°. Paris, 1864. Heintze (C. B.) *De asthmate spasmodico flatulento ex causa minerali. 4°. Vratislavim, 1812. Schmidt (J. T.) * De asthmatis mechauica. 4C. Jence, [1700]. Vogel (R. A.) * Observationes biuse de asth- mate singulari ex cartilaginum costarum osse- scentia. 4°. Gottinga; 1773. Wolff (F. L.) * De asthmate hypocbondri- aco. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1754]. Allbutt (TO On uraemic asthma. BritM. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 407.—Allen (N. H.) The effects of mental wnc ASTHMA. 651 ASTHMA. Asthma (Causes of). tions iu producing asthma and dyspnoea in general. Bos- ton M. v. 'IoTpiKij Me'Aissa, A0r)VO.l, 1853- Asthma (Treatment of). 4, i, 72.—Thorowgood (J. C.) A fow remarks on the treatment of asthma. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1872, xiii, 27. -----. Treatment of asthma. Ibid., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 197; 239.—Todd (J. S.) Selections from my case- book, illustrating tlic cllicacv of iodide of potassium in asthma.. . Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1873, xi, 134. —Tott. Erfahrungen iiber mehrere im Asthma empf'ohlcno Mittel. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissenswiiid. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1840, n. F., xiii, 162-164.—Tott (C. A.) Erfahrungen fiber dio Lobelia inflata beim Asthma. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.- Ver., Magdeb., 1853, vii, 101-104.—Traitement do l'asth- me. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1878, 2. s., vii, 189-193.— Traitement de l'asthme par les solan6es vireuses, et en particuUer par le valerianate d'atropine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 579.—Trattamento deU'asma collo joduro di potassio. Ippocratico, Fano, 1865,3. s., vii, 75-81.—Trous- seau. Du traitement de l'asthme. Bull. g£n. de the.rap., etc., Par., 1864, Ixvii, 289-301.—Valerius (H.) Note sur le traitement de l'asthme nerveux et sur un appareU tres- simplo pour faire les fumigations dont il r6clamc l'emploi. Bull. Soc. do m6d. de Gand, 1856, xxiii, 247; 269.—Vautrin (E.) Asthme rebelle traite par lo chloroforme; intoxica- tion ; ivresso chloroformique simulantpendant six jours uno ali6nation mentale. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855, iii, 866.— Vcrgely. Traitement do l'asthmo par la solution do ni- trate d'argent en badigeonnage dans le trach6e. Mem. et bull. Soc. do m6d. de Bordeaux, 1869, 258-260.—Viaud- Graud-Marais. NouveUes recherehes sur les fumi- gations employees contro l'asthme spasmodique. J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., 1859, n. s., xxxv, 115-141. — Voigt. Ausgezeichnete Wirkung des Moschus gegen Asthma arthriticum. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1835, xi, 157-160.— Wahltuch (A.) Cases of asthma nervosum successfully and permanently cured with arsenic inhalations and gal- vanisation of thepneumogastric nerves. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 253; 376.— Wansbrough (T. W.) A case of asthma, in which the tar vapour proved of signal benefit. Lond. M. Reposit., 1818, ix, 457-459.—Weber (G.) Das Aubree'sche Geheimmittel gegen Asthma nervosum. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1871, viii, 217.—"West- brook (B. F.) The iodide of potassium in the treatment of asthma. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879, iv, 7-14.—Westmoreland (J. G.) Inhalation of iodine in asthma. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1877, xv, 385-388.— White- head (W. R.) Remarks on the climatic influenco of Co- lorado in the cure of asthma, with a review of a largo num- ber of caaes reported by a convention of asthmatics, as- sembled at Denver, in December, 1873. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 388-395.— Williams (C. T.) Cases of spasmodic asthma treated with hydrate of chloral. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1874, vii, 2-9.—Willis (R.) On the use of the vapor of ether in hooping-cough, spasmodic cough, and asthma. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s., iv, 271.—Winch (G.) Three cases of asthmatic attacks, accompanying em- physema, temporarily relieved by veratrum virittc. Chi- cago M. J., 1863, n. s'., Vi, 511.—Wintcrnitz (W.) Ein Fall von Asthma, geheilt nach S6e's Methode. Wien. med. Presse, 1878, xix, 593; 629.—Wood (G. G.) Belladonna in spasmodic asthma. Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 804.—Yan. del (L. P.) jr. Asthma cured by a poisonous dose of sul- phate of atropia. Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1872, vi, 143.— Ziegier. Anwendung des Stramonium in Rauch form als Gegenmittel gegen Asthma. Mag. f. d. ges. HeUk., Berl., 1829, xxvui, 353-356. Asthma in children and infants. See, also, Laryngismus stridulus. Manch (W. J. T.) Die asthmatischen Krank- heiten der Kinder. 1. Theil. Vom Verhiiltnisse der Thymus beim Asthma. 8°. Berlin, 1853. Waldschmidt (J. C.) *De asthmate puero- rum quod vulgo vocant das Rochelii der kleinen Kinder. 4°. Giessce Callorum, [1726]. Winter (T. F. E.) Das krampfhafte Asthma der Erwachsenen. 8°. Sondershausen, 1852. Caspar! (F. A.) Etwas iiber eine besondero Form von Asthma im kindUchen Alter. Heidelb. klin. Ann., 1831, vii, 233-255.—Hachmann. Asthma infantile mit todtlichem Ausgang und Sectionsresultate. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Haiiib., 1840, xiii, 8-14. —Miller (G. McC.) Case of spasmodic asthma in a child five years old. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1858, xi, 572.—Nicolas (A.) Un cas d'asthme infantile. J. do therap., Par., 1877, iv, 368; 405; 456.—Thaon (L.) Quelques notes sur l'asthme chez les infants. Nice-m6d., 1878, Ui, 27-31. Asthmatos ciliaris. See Catarrh. Asti. See Hospitals (Military). Astie (Louis Charles). * Considerations sur la pathogenie des fievres intermittentes, et leur ASTIE. 654 ASTIGMATISM. Astie (Louis Charles)—continued. traitement par les succe'dane's du sulfate de qui- nine. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 30. Astier. Les societas de secours mutuels dans leurs rapports avec les mddecins et les pharina- cieus. A M. lo Dr. Ame'de'e Latour. 24 pp. 8°. Lyon, imp. D'Aime Vingtrinier, 1835. llepr. from: J. de med. de Lyon. Astier. See Valli. Lettre k M. Astier, sur la decouverte de la vertu anti-fermentescible, etc. 8°. [Parh, n. d.] Astier (C.-M.-Camille). * I. Augine. (Employe- ment des astringents.) II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 109, v. 335. Astier (H.) fitude sur la moutardc au point de vue thdrapeutique des meilleurs proce"d6s de pre- paration du siuapisme et des cas ou son applica- tion est utile. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, A. Martin et Cie, 1872. Astier (Henri-Alexis). * £tude sur l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 41, v. 582. Astigmatism. Daumas (L. C.) *De l'astigmatisme. 4°. Paris, 1874. Donders (F. C.) L'astigmatisme et les verres cylindriques. Trad, du hollandais par le Doc- teur Ii. Dor. 8°. Paris, 1863. Knauthe (T. H.) * Ueber Astigmatismus. 8°. Leipzig, [186J]. Midiileburg (H. A.) *De zitplaatsvan het astigmatisme. Acad, proef. 8°. Utrecht, 1863. Thilesen(P.) Om Astigmatisme. 8°. Chris- tiania, 1H73. Weil (J.) * Essai sur la ddtermination clini- que de l'asligmatisme. 4°. Paris, 1875. Abadie (C.) Trouble de la refraction du k un astigma- tisme irreguiier de la cornee et simulant de l'h6m6ralopie. J. d'ophth., Par., 1872, i, 21-23. —Bennett (W. S.) Zur Untersuchung astigmatischer Augen mit dem Augenspie- gel. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesbaden, 1877, vi, 55- 58.—Bergeron (G.) Astigmatisme. N. diet, dc med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1865, iii, 740-749. —Berlin. Ueber traumatischen Linsenastigmatismus. Ber. u.d.Versamml. d. ophth. GeseUsch., Heidelb., f877, 174-178.—Berlin (E.) Zur Bcrechnungdes Astigmatismus der Homhaut. Klin.- Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1871, ix, 217-219.—Brailcy (W. A.) Astigmatism considered in its relation to head- ache aud to certain morbid conditions of the eye. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1878, 3. s., xxiii, 1-13.—Bravais. Nou- vel appareil pour diagnostiquer l'astigmatisme. Lyon med., 1872, x, 478-481. -----. Dn diagnostic ophthalmo- scopiquc abbe (L.) Luxation complete de Tastragale. Union m6d., Par., 1866, 2. s., xxxu, 509. -----. [Astragale.] Pa- thologie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1867, vii, 5-15.— I>alleiuenl (E.) Luxation en avant et en dehors avec fracture en diagonale de Tastragale gauche; reduction im- possible ; gangrene de la peau et necrose de la fete de Tos; resection du fragment luxe six mois apres Taccident; gue- rison rapide presque sans claudication. Compt. rend. Soc. demed. do Nancy, 1866, 82-97.—Lane. Simple complete dislocation of the astragalus forwards and outwards; re- duction; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 546. — Lang- guth (F. G.) Isohrte Luxation des Astragalus. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1868, ix, 522. -----. CompUcirte Luxa- tion des Astragalus. Ibid., 1869, x, 395-397. —Tangier. Luxation de Tastragale; ablation de cet os; guerison. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1844-5, x, 1070.—Lauuionicr. Ob- servation sur la luxation complete de Tastragale ct sur son extraction. M6d. eclairee, Par., 1791, ii, 60-64.—Lejeune. Luxation en dehors de Tastragale, compliquee de fracture de Tastragale et du p6ron6 avec plaie penetrante. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1875,3. s., vni, 408-415.—Iiiston. Dislo- cation of the astragalus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1846-8, i, 145.—ITIacCormac (W.) Dislocation with fracture of the astragalus backwards and inwards. Ibid., 1875, xxvi, 174-177,1 pl.—Maedonnell (J.) Simple and complete dis- location of the astragalus from the os calcis and navicular bone upon the dorsum of the latter, without disturbance of the relations between tho tibia, fibula, and astragalus, and without fracture of any of these bones. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1838-9, xiv, 235-245.—JHacdonnell (J. H.) On a rare form of dislocation of the astragalus. Lancet, Lond., 1847, i, 222.—MacGillivray (P. H.) On a case of dislocation of the astragalus. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1867, xii, 301. — Magne. Luxation de Tastragale en dehors avec issue de la tete de Tos; reduction de la luxation: guerison complete. Gaz d. h6p., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 566.—Malherbe fih. Luxation incomplete de Tastragale en dehors. J. de med. de l'ouest. Nantes, 1876, x, 109.—March (A.) Back- ward dislocu t ion of the astragalus. West. Lancet, C incin., 1853, xiv, 143-149.—Mayrhofer (H.) Zur Kasuistik der inkompleten Luxationen des Sprungbeines. [Luxatio sub- astragalea nach Broca.] Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xiu, 209- 211.—Montgomery (J. F.) Cases of dislocation and frac- ture of the astragalus. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., 1872-3, Sacra- mento,1873, Ui, 44-47.—Morrison (J.) Two cases of disloca- tion of the astragalus, with a few observations on displace- ment of that bono. DubUn M. Press, 1843, x. 375.—JMnnro * (W.) Case of dislocation of the astragalus backwards un- accompanied by fracture. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 364.— IVeueourt (F.) Observation d'extraction de Tastragale k la suite de la luxation de cet os; guerison. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. med. do la MoseUe, Metz, 1864, 187- 190. — Norris (G. W.) Dislocation and fracture of the astragalus; unsuccessful efforts at reduction; extirpation; amputation; death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1837, xx, 378- 383.—lYunn (R. S.) Compound dislocation and removal of tho astragalus. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1849, 461.— Petit (C. II.) Luxation de Tastragale en dedans et en avant, avec fracture de Textremite inferieure du peron6 et 6crasement du cubolde; obstacle principal k la reduction constitu6 par le tendon du jambicr posterieur. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 514-518.—Phillips (B.) On dislocation of the astragalus; with cases. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xiv, 596-599.—Plaignaud. Observation sur une luxation du pied en dehors et de Tastragale en haut ct en devant. J. do chir. (Desault), Par., 1791, i, 208-211.— Pollock (G.) Cases of dislocation of the os calcis and scaphoid from the astragalus; with remarks on the impor- tance of dividing the gastrocnemius and other tendons, to facilitate reduction in various dislocations of the latter bone. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 141.—Rey. Double luxation complete do Tastragale sur le calcan6um en dedans, incom- plete du tibia sur Tastragale en avant; plaie penetrante dans l'article; extraction de Tastragale; guerison. Gaz. d. h&p., Par., 1836, x, 470-472.—Rigal (A.) Observation du luxation complete sans plaie cie Tastragale; reduc- tion. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1875, 2. s., xii, 389. Aho: Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxxU, 345- 347.—Rogers (J. H.) Compound dislocation of the astra- galus; amputation under the influence of ether. Lancet. I Lond., 1847, i, 133. -----. Simple dislocation inwards of the head of the astragalus from the os naviculare. Ibid.— Sehinzinger. MittheUungen ans dem Gebiete der Luxationen und Fracturen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1868, xcvU, 186.—Sedillot (C.) Fracture et luxa- ASTRAGALUS. 657 ASTRAGALUS. Astragalus (Dislocation of). tion de Tastragale; extraction de cet os en totalite et resec- tion de Textr6mito articulaire inferieure du peron6 et du tibia dont la maUeolo avait 6t6 reduito en fragments; gue- rison. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1858, xviU, 45-48.—Scrvoin. I. Resection totale do Tastragale dans un cas do luxation sens dessus dessous et ineductiblo do cet os. II. Fractu- res multiples du membre infericur gauche; k droite, luxation dol'astragale; extraction; mort. Bull. Soc dechir. dePar., 1860, 2. s., i, 293-298.—Smart (T. W. W.) Compound dislocation ofthe astragalus. Prov. M. J., Lond., 1843, vi, 470.—Solly (S.) Clinical lecture on a case of compound dislocatiou of the astragalus. Lond. M. Gaz., 1846, n. s., ii, 265-271.—Solly etal. Dislocated astragalus. Lancet, Loud., 1870, i, 116. — Stieglitz. Beschreibung einer Fussver- letzung, wobei der Astragalus ganz aus seiner natiirUchen Verbindung mit dem Fusse gerissen worden ist. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Stuttg., 1869, xxii, 270-272.— Theotonio da Silva (J.) Deslocacao do astragalo para dentro, complicada dc fcrida e hemorrhagia da arteria tibial posterior; extraccao immediata do osso deslocado; cura. Correio med. do Lisb., 1875, v, 41-44. Also: J. Soc. d. sc. med. deLisb., 1876,xl,114.—[Tillaux.] Luxation dc Tas- tragale. Gaz. d. hop.,Par.,1870,xliii,154.—Toland (H. H.) On the dislocation of the astragalus. South. J. M. Sc Pharm., Charleston, 1846, i, 26-31.—Toogood (J.) Caso of dis- location of tho astragalus. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1848, viii, 738.—Tufnell (J.) On dislocation of tho astragalus. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxx, 401-403.— Turner (S. M.) Compound dislocation of the astragalus; excision of the bone, and recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1854, i, 576. — Turner (T.) Anatomico-chirurgical observa- tions on dislocations of astragalus. Tr. Prov. M. &. S. Ass., Lond., 1843, xi, 307-502, 3 pl. Aho, Reprint.—Ver- neuil. Luxation et fracture de Tastragale; resection des maUeoles; extraction do Tastragale; guerison. BuU. Soc. anat. do Par., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 493-495.—Viriccl. Luxa- tion complete do Tastragale chasse, en rompant la peau, sur la partie dorsale du pied; destruction du scapholde, fracture de Textremite int'6rieuro du tibia, etc.; gu6rison sans amputation. J. de med. do Lyon, 1841, i, 187-199.— Ward (N.) Dislocation of the astragalus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 224.—Wells (TI) Dislocation of the astragalus and subsequent extraction of that bone; foot preserved. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1832, x, 21-23.— Williams. Dislocation of the astragalus backwards and inwards. Dublin M. Press, 1855, xxxiii, 209-211.— Williams (T. L.) Case of dislocation of the astragalus, occurring on board U. S. sloop of war Jamestown. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1860, n. s., xl, 114.—X. X. Considera- tions k l'occasion d'une observation de luxation complete de Tastragale en dedans. Union m6d., Par., 1848, ii, 536. Aho, Reprint. Astragalus (Excision of). See, also, Ankle-joint (Diseases of); Astragalus (Dislocation of). Verdureau (E.-H.-D.) *Des enucleations de l'astragale. 4°. Paris, 1861. Arrachart. Tubercules de Tarticulation tibio-tarsi- enne gauche; extirpation de Tastragale; r6cidive; amputa- tion dela jambe; gu6rison. Bull. med. du Nord,LUle, 1862,2. s., iii, 378-381.—Bellamy (E.) Parts after excision of the astragalus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud.,1873, xxiv,172.—Bucha- nan (G.) Excision of the lateral half of the astragalus; cure, with use of ankle-joint. Lancet,Lond., 1866,i,708.—Cabot. Wakley's operation for necrosis of tho astragalus and os cal- cis. Boston M. &S. J., 1859-60,lxi,362.—[Cases.] Excision of the astragalus. Lancet, Lond., 1858, ii, 9.—D iseasc of the tarsus; excision of tho astragalus; amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, ii, 517. — Copland. Scrofulous caries of the left astragalus; excision; cure, with the formation of a fresh joint. Med. Times js /nathjfiaTiicijs e7nva rov Aiyvirriov. Ibid., 430-440.—Knapp (M. L.) As- tronomical etiology. N. York M. J., 1872, xvi, 337-366, pis.—.Petite (La)"astrologie des bergiers. In: R-ioul de Montbert, Lesfleurs et secretz de medecine, etc., 18° Paris, 1500, ff. lxv-Lxvu.—Ullersperger (J. B.) Del influjo de los astros en las enfermedades. Siglo med., Madrid, 1871, xvhi,380; 393; 411; 429; 458; 476; 635; 734; 781; 795; 812; 830: 1872, xix, 76; 141; 346; 376; 440; 503; 535; 568: 1873, XX, 348; 395; 460; 555; 637; 685: 1875, xxU, 75; 108; 141; 171. Astronomisch - Meteorologisches Jahr- buch fiir Prag von Karl Kreil. Erster Jahrgang, 1812. 272 pp., 1 jil. )■>-. Prag, G. Haase Sbhne. d'Astros. See Marseille medical. A[struc (John)] [16r<4-1766]. Dissertation sur la peste de Provence. Dissertatio de peste Provin- ciali. Ex Gallico idiomate Latine reddita, & no- A[struc (John)]—continued. tis illustrata a. Joh. Jac. Scheuchzer. 3 p. 1., 63 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Tiguri, typ. Bodmerianis, 1721. French and Latin text. [-----. ] Beschreibung der Provencalischen Pest. Wegeu ihrer Vortrefnichkeit ubersetzet, und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Joh. Jac. Scheuch- zer. 5 p. 1., 77 pp. sm. 4°. Zurich, Bodmeri- sche Truckery, 1721. Bound with the preceding. -----. De phantasia sive imaginatione. 25 pp. 4°. Montpelii, 1723. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. 4. -----. Quaestio medica, an sympathia partium a certa nervorum positura in interno sensorio ? 8 pp. 4-. Paris, 1736. In: Halleu, Disp. anat. select., v. 4. -----. De morbis venereis libri sex. In quibus disseritur turn de origine, propagatione et con- tagione horumce affectuum in genere: turn de sin- guloruiu naturft, ajtiologia et therapei&, cum brevi analysi et epicrisi operum plerorumque qua? de eodem argumento scripta sunt, xxiv, 599 pp. 4°. Lutetice Parisiorum, apud G. Cave- lier, 1736. -----. Thesame. xviii, 20, 628, 50pp. 4°. Paris, 1738. -----. A treatise of the venereal disease, in six books, [etc.] Transl. by William Barrowby. 2 v. xv pp., 6 1., 482, 501, v pp. 8°. London, In- nys and Manby [and others], 1737. -----. De morbis venereis libri novem. Editio altera. 2. v. 4°. xxxvi, 1196 pp. [and in vi- dxxxvii-dcviii pp. ] 4-. Lutetice Parisiorum, G. Cavclier, 1740. -----. A treatise of venereal diseases, in nine books. Transl. from the last Latin edition printed at Paris. (By Wm. Barrowby.) xiv, 9 1., 742 .pp. 4°. London, printed for W. Innys and others, 1754. -----. The same. 2. ed. London, W. Innys and others, 1756. -----. A treatise on the venereal disease, contain- ing a particular account of the nature, causes, signs, and cure of the several venereal disorders, both local and universal: and being chiefly de- signed as a translation and abridgement of the learned Dr. Astruc's treatise on this disease. By Samuel Chapman. In 2 v.: v. i coutaining xiv, 279 pp. 8°. London, W. Owen, 1755. -----. Tratado de las enfermedades venereas. Traducido al frances por D. Y. G. Y. Xiorro. 370 pp. 12°. Madrid, Pedro Marin, 1772. -----. The same. 2. ed. 495 pp. 8°. Madrid, Don Benito Cano, 1791. -----. An ex anatome subtiliore ars medica certior? Propone bat Claudius Bourdier de la Mouliere [1743]. In: Sigwaut (G. F.) Quest, med. Paris. Tubingce, 1789, i, pp. 220-228. -----. An sympathia partium a certa nervorum positura in sensorio interno? [1743.] In: Sigwakt (G. F.) Qinest. med. Paris. Tubingce, 1789, i, pp. 212-219. -----. Tractatus pathologicus. vi, 232 pp. 8°. Genevce, Cramer $• fratres, 1743. -----. The same. Ed. quarta. xxiii, 299 pp. 12°. Parisiis, P. G. Cavelier, 1767. -----. Tractatus therapeuticus. vi, 480 pp. a-. Geneva;, Cramer &■ fratres, 1743. -----. A general and complete treatise on all the diseases incident to children, from their birth to the age of fifteen. With particular instructions to tender mothers, prudent midwives, and care- ful nurses, x, 229 pp. 8°. London, J. Nourse, 1746. -----. Academical lectures on fevers, in which these disorders are fully treated of, and a method ASTEUC. 660 ASYLUM. A[struc (John)]—continued. of cure subjoined to each. Read in the Royal College at Paris, viii, 357 pp. 8°. London, J. Nourse, 1747. -----. Trait6 des tumeurs et des ulceres, oil l'on a ta«h6 de joindre a une theorie solide, la pratique la plus sure et la mieux 6prouvee: avec deux lettres; I. Sur la composition de quelques re- medes, dont on vante I'utilit6, et dont on cache la preparation. II. Sur la nature et le succes des nouveaux remedes, qu'on propose pour la guerison des maladies v^neriennes. 2 v. * xvii (1 1.), 478 pp.; 454 pp. 12°. Paris, P. Guil- laume Cavelier. v. 1, 2. ed., 1768; v. ii, 1. ed., 1759. -----. L'art d'accoucher re"duit a ses principes, avec l'histoire sommaire de l'art d'accoucher; et une lettre sur la conduite qu'Adam et Eve durent tenir a la naissance de leurs premiers enfans. lxxxvi, 392 pp. 12°. Paris, P. G. Cavelier, 1766. -----. Mdmoires pour servir a l'histoire de la Faculte" de mddecine de Montpellier. Revus et publics par M. Lorry. 1 port., lvi, 432 pp. 4°. Paris, P. G. Cavelier, 1767. -----. Trait6 des maladies des femmes . . . avec un catalogue chronologique des nie'decins qui ont e"crit sur ces maladies. 2. e"d. 6 v. 12°. Paris, Mequignon aine", 1785. 1. ed. was 1761-5. -----. A treatise on the diseases of women, [etc.] 2 v., xxi, 375 pp., 1 pl.; xvi, 392 pp., 6 1. 8°. London, J. Nourse, 1762. See, also, Catalogue des livres de feu, etc. 8°. Parh, 1766.—Cosine (S.) R6ponse d'un chirurgien de .. . 4°. [n.p., n. d.\—Petit (Antoine)'. Lettre de .. . 4°. [n.p., n. d.]-----. Recueil de pieces relatives k la question, etc. 8°. Parh. 1706.—Qucisuay (Francois). Lettres sur les disputes, etc. 4°. [n. p.). 1737. Por Portraih, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Also: Collection of Portr. of Phys. Sc Men of Sc, 41. Aho: Collection of Portr. (Libr.) ----- & Maloet (Petr. L. M.) Ergo morbo colica pictonum dicto, vena> sectio in cubito. Paris, 1751. In: Hallek, Disp. ad morb., iii. Asturia. Bobillier. Apercu sur la topographie des Asturies, et observations sur la gale qui affecte les habitans de cette province. Rec. de mem. de m6d. ... mil., Par., 1819, vi, 238-252. Asuero y Cortazar (V.) Lecciones sobre los fundamentos de la terap6utica substitutiva u homeop&tica dadas en la Facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Madrid en el curso de 1849 a 1850. 143 pp. 8°. Madrid, Aguado, 1850. Asulanus (Andreas). See Galenus. Opera omnia. 5 v. fol. Yenetih, 1525. Asverus (Hermaunus). * De tonsillis disquisitio microscopico anatomica. 21 pp., 11. 8°. Jence, typ. Ruth, 1859. C. Asyl Gottessorge fiir mannliche Blodsinnige jeden Alters in Neinstedt. Berichte iiber das . . . 1.-3. (1869-72). In: Berichte iiber das Elizabethstift, Erziehungshaus, etc. Asyl Kreuzhilfe fiir Blodsinnige jeden Geschlechts und Alters. Berichte iiber das Filial desselben; das Asyl Kreuzhilfe fiir Blodsinnige jeden Ge- schlechts und Alters auf Haus Detzel bei Neuhal- densleben. 1. (1864), 2. (1865), 5.-7. (1868-72). 12°. Magdeburg, 1865-73. In: Berichte iiber das Elizabethstift, Erziehungshaus, etc. Asyl Lindenhof, Station Coswig bei Dresden. Heil- und Pflegeanstalt fiir Nerven- und Gemiiths- kranke beid er lei Geschlechts. [Prospectus des Director, Dr. O. J. B. Wolff, den 1. Juli 1874.] 2 1. 4°. [Schwerin, Barensprung, 1874.] Asyl fur Nerven- und Gemuthskranke bei Blan- kenburg am Harz. See Curanstalt fiir Nerven- kranke in Blankenburg am Harz. Asyl Piitzchen bei Bonn. Bericht des Asyls Piitz- chen bei Bonn. Vom 1. September 1866 bis 1. September 1874. Von Dr. Leopold Besser, iirzt- licher Vorsteher und Besitzer des Asyls. 2 1. 4°. Bonn, 1874. -----. Prospect des Asyls fiir Geisteskranke zu Piitzchen bei Bonn. Von Dr. Leopold Besser. Aug. 1866. 2 1. 4°. Bonn, C. Georgi, [1866]. Asyl St. Katharinthal. Verordnung, betreftend Abjinderung des Reglements fiir das Asyl St. Katharinthal. Vom 14. Miirz 1872. broadside 8°. [Frauenfeld, 1872.] -----. Verordnung, betreffend die Festsetzung der Verpflegungstaxen fur die im . . . Unterge- brachten, mit Vermogensbesitz ausgerusteten Privaten. Vom 7. November 1873. broadside 8°. [Frauenfeld, 1872.] -----. Reglement fiir Kranken und Greisenasyl St. Katharinthal. 24 pp. 8°. [Frauenfeld, 1874.] Asyl Schweizerhof, Privat-Heilanstalt fiir Psy- chisch-Kranke weiblichen Geschlechtes. Nach fiinfundzwanzigjahriger Wirksamkeit. I. Chro- nik, Gebaude, Terrain. [Vorrede von Heinrich Laehr.] viii, 34 pp., 11., 21 pl. 4°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1878. Asyle Bendorf und Sayn bei Coblenz. Die Asyle Bendorf und Sayn bei Coblenz und die damit ver- bundene Colonie fiir Gehirn- und Nervenkranke nebst Bemerkungen iiber Curmittel bei Irren von Dr. C. M. Brosius, Director der Asyle. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1875. -----. Prospectus der Asyle fiir Gehirn- und Ner- venkranke unter Direction der Briider Dr. C. M. und Leo Brosius zu Bendorf und Sayn bei Co- blenz. 21. 8°. [n.p., 1856.] Asyle fur Gehirn- und Nervenkranke. See Asyle Bendorf und Sayn bei Coblenz. Asyle fur Geisteskranke zu Piitzchen bei Bonn. See Asyl Piitzchen bei Bonn. Asyls fiir Gemiiths- und Nervenkranke zu Char- lottenburg. See Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt fur Ge- miiths (Hirn)- und Nervenkranke zu Charlotten- burg. Asylum forth© Blind ofthe State of Mississippi. Annual reports ofthe trustees and superintendent of the Asylum for tho Blind of the State of Mis- sissippi, at Jackson, to the governor of the State, for the years 1868-9, 1871-3, 1876-7. 8°. Jack- son, 1869-78. Asylum for Feeble-minded Children ofthe State of Iowa. Biennial report of the board of trustees and superintendent of the Asylum for Feeble- minded Children of the State of Iowa, at Glen- wood, to the general assembly of Iowa. 1. (1876-7.) 8°. Des Moines, 1877. Organized April 26, 1876. 1. report from April, 1876, to Nov., 1877. Asylum or House of Refuge, Lambeth. An ab- stract from the account of the Asylum or House of Refuge, situate in tho parish of Lambeth, in the county of Surrey, for the reception of friend- less and deserted orphan girls, the settlement of whose parents cannot be found. 35 pp. 12°. [London], 1799. -----. An account of the institution and proceed- ings of the guardians of the ... 56 pp. 8°. Lon- don, 1782. -----. The same. 57 pp. 8°. London, 1786. -----. The same. 55, 22 pp. 8°. London, 1789. -----. The same. 44 pp. 8C. London, 1793. Asylum for Idiots, Earlswood. An address and speeches by the Very Reverend the Dean of Can- terbury aud other gentlemen at a public meeting held in Canterbury [in behalf of the Asylum for ASYLUM. 661 ATAXY. Asylum for Idiots, etc.—continued. Idiots, Earlswood], Nov. 15, 1877. 16 pp. 12°. Earlswood, printed by the inmates, 1877. Repr. from: The Kentish Observer. -----. Annual reports of the board of manage- ment and medical superintendent of the ... to tho subscribers and the public. 2. (1848-9); 15. (1861-2); 18. (1864-5); 20.-23. (1866-7 — 1869- 70); 25.-32. (1871-2 — 1878-9). 12°. London, 1849-79. Instituted Oct 27, 1847. Incorporated 1862. -----. Extracts from two sermons preached at St. Michael's Cornhill, London, by the Rev. Wil- liam Hunt, M. A., rector, Jan. 7, 1877 [in behalf ofthe...]. 4 pp. 12°. [Earlswood, printed by the inmates, 1877. ] -----. [Form of application for the admission of candidates.] broadside fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. [Polling paper for choosing applicants for life, part payment, aud ordinary cases, at the an- nual general court and election of 1879.] 2 1. fol. [Earlswood, 1879.] -----. Report of a public lecture delivered at the town hall, Berkhampsted, Herts, March 7, 1878, upon the Earlswood Asylum, by William Nicho- las. 8 pp. 12°. Earlswood, printed by the inmates, 1H78. Repr. from: The Berkhampsted Times. -----. Report of a public meeting held at Boure- mouth on the 24. Feb., 1876, Richard Stephens, esq., J. P., in the chair, on behalf of the ... 8 pp. 12°. Bournemouth, 1876. -----. A sermon on behalf of the . . . preached by the Rev. William Marshall (of Cambridge Heath, Hackney), at Westminster Chapel, James street, Buckingham Gate, on the 28. Feb., 1875. 15 pp. 12°. Earlswood, printed by the inmates, 1875. ———. A sermon on behalf of the . . . preached by the Rev. Samuel Martin, Feb. 28,1875. 15 pp. 12°. Earlswood, printed by the inmates, 1875. -----. Speech of the Right Honorable the Earl of Shaftesbury, K. G., at the anniversary festival of the ... 8 pp. 12°. Earlswood, printed by the in- mates, 1877. -----. Speeches by Baron Henry de Worms (chair- man) aud other gentlemen, at the thirty-second anniversary festival ofthe ... 23 pp. 12°. Earls- wood, printed by the inmates, 1879. Asylum for the Insane, Charlestown, Mass. [In- sane department of the Massachusetts General Hospital. ] Rules aud regulations for the admis- sion of boarders. 2 1. 4°. [Boston, n. d.] For Annual Reports, see Massachusetts General Hos- pital. Asylum for the Insane, Toronto. Annual reports of the medical superintendent of the Asylum for the Iusaue, Toronto, to the inspector of prisons, asylums, etc. 18. (1858); 21. (1861); 24.-29. (1864—1868-9); 31. (1870-71); 32. (1871-2). 8°. Toronto, 1859-73. . Opened Jan., 1841. 1861, 1864, 1865, also in reports of in- spector of prisons, asylums, etc. 18. report for 10 months, March-Dec, 1858; 28. for 15 months, July, 1867-Sept., 1868. Changed title in 1871 from Provincial Lunatic Asy- lum to present form by authority of statute of Ontario, cap. xviii, of the 34. of Victoria. Asylum for the Iusaue Poor of the County of Wilts. Annual reports of the committee of visi- tors and of the medical superintendent of the Asylum for the Iusaue Poor of the County of Wilts, near Devizes, to Her Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Wilts. 1.-26. (1851- 76). 8°. Devizes, 1852-77. Opened Sept. 19, 1851. Asylum for the Insane of Washington Territory. See Territorial Asylum for the Insane at Steila- coom. Asylum (The) Journal of Mental Science, pub- lished by authority of the Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane. Edited by John Charles Bucknill. Quarterly, v. 2-3, Oct., 1855-7. 8°. London, Longman, Brown, Green <$' Longman. "Want v. 1, Nov. 15, 1853-July, 1855. Continued as Journal (The) of Mental Science. Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of their Reason. An account of the present state of the Asylum for the Relief of Persons De- prived of the Use of their Reason. With consti- tution and list of contributors. Published by direction of the contributors. 24 pp. 12°. Phi- ladelphia, W. Brown, 1816. -----. The same. 14 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Rakestraw, 1846. Bound with reports. -----. Annual reports of the managers and super- intendent of the ... to the contributors. 1.-7. (1817-18—1823-4); 9.-18. (1825-6—1834-5); 20.- 25. (1836-7 — 1841-2); 27. (1843-4); 28. (1844-5); 30.-61. (1846-7—1877-8). 8°. Philadelphia, 1818- 78. Organized 1812. Opened May 20, 1817. Asylum for Respectable Aged and Indigent Fe- males, Boston. See Home for Aged Women, Boston. Asylum at Walnut Hill, Hartford. Annual re- port of the executive committee of the Asylum at Walnut Hill, Hartford, to the corporation at their annual meeting. 3.(1876-7). 8°. Hartford, 1877. Chartered 1875. -----. An asylum and home for the treatment and reformation of those suffering from the use of al- cohol, opium, and other narcotics. Announcement of the opening, Oct., 1877. 21. 8°. [Hartford, 1877.] Asylums. See Blind (Asylums for); Children (Hospitals for); Deaf-mutes, Idiots, Inebriates, Insane, Asylums for. Asymmetry. See Anatomy (Abnormities of); Body (Human, Symmetry of); Extremities (Abnormities of), Face (Atrophy of). Atavism. (See Heredity). Ataxy (Locomotor and muscular). See, also, Athetosis; Atrophy (Muscular); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Complications of); Nervous system (Sclerosis of); Paralysis (Pro- gressive) ; Spinal cord, Diseases, Pathology, etc., Sclerosis, of; Tabes dorsalis. Althaus (J.) Progressive locomotor ataxy; its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. 8°. Lon- don, 1866. Bartholow (R.) On the progressive locomo- tor ataxia. 8°. Cincinnati, 1866. Bernard (M. F. C.) * De l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863. Carre (d'Avignon) (M.) * De l'ataxie locomo- trice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1862. -----. NouveUes recherehes sur l'ataxie loco- motrice progressive. 8°. Paris, 1865. Doutet (V. A.) * De l'ataxie du mouvement. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865. Dubois (P.) *£tude sur quelques points de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1868. Dujardin (B. G.) *De l'ataxie locomotrice. 4°. Paris, 1862. Edwards (W. T. A.) *De l'anatomie patho- logique et du traitement de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1863. ATAXY. 662 ATAXY. Ataxy (Locomotor and muscular). Eisenmann (G.) Die Bewegungs-Ataxie. 8°. Wien, 1863. Ferry (J.) * Recherehes statistiques sur I'etio- logie de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1879. Fr^dault (P.) *De l'ataxie dans les mala- dies ; 6tude historique. 4°. Paris, 1877. Jacquinot (A.-E.) * Etude sur les symptdmes visc^raux de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1877. Larroche (L.) * De l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. 4°. Montpellier, 1868. Lion (E.) * Contribution & l'histoire de l'ataxie locomotrice. 4°. Paris, 1867. Martin (F.) *De l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. 4°. Paris, 1874. Mauquie (P.) *Coup d'ceil sur l'ataxie loco- motrice progressive. 4°. Paris, 1868. Ortet(B.-F.) *De l'ataxie locomotrice pro- gressive. 4°. Paris, 1862. Porr (V.) * Ueber einen Fall von Ataxie loco- motrice progressive. 8°. Erlangen, 1874. TopiNARD (P.) De l'ataxie locomotrice et en particulier de la maladie appehSe ataxie locomo- trice progressive. 8°. Paris, 1864. Allbutt (T. C.) Remarks on the phenomena of loco- motor ataxy; with an appendix relative to discussion there- on. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, i, 157-159.—Althaus. Unu- sual form of progressive locomotor ataxy, with anaesthesia of theportio mollis. Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 228-230.— Althaus (J.) On progressive locomotor ataxy. Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii, 726-728. Aho: Med. Mirror, Lond., 1866, iii, 57-70. Aho, transl.: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1866, xviii, 4; 41; 54. -----. On the relations between progressive ataxy and spasmodic spinal paralysis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1878, n. s., lxxvi, 338-348.— Anderson (S. H.) Report of a case of locomotor ataxie progressive, with some unusual com- plications. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1879,ix,5-7.—Arloing. Ataxie locomotrice chez un chien. M6m. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1869, viii, 103-106.—Ataxie (De 1') locomotrice et de l'incoordination des niouvements. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1867, xl, 29.—Audibert. Des ph6nomenesvisceraux dans l'ata- xie locomotrice progressive. Marseille mod., 1878, xv, 521- 530.—Axenfeld (A.) Ataxie locomotrice progressive. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vii, 56-75.—Baillar- ger. De la paralysie gen6rale dans ses rapports avec l'ata- xie locomotrice et avec certaines parapl6gies. Ann. m6d.- psych., Par., 1862, 3. s., viii, 1-9.—Bartholow (R.) The progressive locomotor ataxia. Cincin. J. M., 1866, i, 192-199. -----. Commentary on five cases of progressive locomotor ataxia. West. J. M., Indianap., 1868, iii, 19-23.—Bergon- zini (C.) tt Atassia locomotrice. SpaUanzani, Modena, 1877, xv, 495-497.—Bernabci (C.) Sopra un caso di atas- sia locomotrice. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1874, xxxiii, 227- 235..—Berti (A.) Sopra un caso di morbo del Duchenne osservato in Venezia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1863, 5. s., ii, 350-355.—Black (P.) Cases of gastric crisis in locomotor ataxy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 176.— Boning (F.) Beobachtungen iiber die progressive Bewe- gungsataxie. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 1; 46; 73.— lionet Amigw (J.) Asinergia 6 ataxia locomotriz pro- gresivaj esclerosis espiual posterior. Independ. m6d., Bar- cel., 1872-3, iv, 403.—Bouchard. Des lesions anatomiques dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive et do ses rapports avec d'autres maladies peu counues de la nioelle 6piniere. Cong. med. de France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 79-91.—Boudet. Ataxie locomotrice progressive. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 101-110.—Bourdon (H.) Etudes cli- niques et histologiques sur l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Arch. sen. de med., Par., 1861, ii, 513, 1 pl.: 1862, i, 385. Aho, Reprint. Also: Actes Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1864, 72; 194.—Bourillon (A.) Ataxie locomotrice progressive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 554.—Bourneville. Des anomalies de l'ataxie locomotrice. Mouvement in6d., Par., 1872, x, 105; 117; 201; 249.—Boys dc £.oury. Ataxie lo- comotrice progressive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii,74.— Bradbury. Locomotor ataxy in a young man aged eigh- teen years. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1871, ii, 499.—Brakeuridge (D.J.) Clinical lecture on locomotor ataxia. Ibid., 1879, ii, 887-889.—Br ist owe (J. S.) Clinical lecture on tabes dorsalis, or locomotor ataxy. Med. Exam., Lond., 1877, ii, 165-168. —Brown (H.) t Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1868, xiv, 480-487.—Brown-Sequard. Productiond'ataxiemuscu- laire par lirritation superflcielle d'une petite portion de la moelloepiniere chez les oiseaux. "3. dela physiol. de l'homme, Par., 1863, vi, 701-703.—Burnet (J. B.) 11 Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvi, 127.—Buzzard (T.) t ...with anomalous affection Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 261-263.— Carre (M.) De la degenerescence grisc des faiscoaux posterieurs de la moelle 6piniere dans l'ataxie locomotrice Ataxy (Locomotor and muscular). progressive. Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1864, xvi, 364; 490. -----. De l'ataxie locomotrice progressive envisagee com- me entite morbide distincte. Cong. med. de France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 92-104. -----. Des rapports de l'ataxie lo- comotrice progressive et de la paralysie g6n6rale des alienes. Gaz. a. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 178. -----. Ob- servation d'ataxie locomotrice progressive; autopsie; 6tat du grand sympathique. Ibid., 1866, xxxix, 169. — Car. stens (J. H.) Progressive locomotor ataxy due to reflex action. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm., 1875, x, 269-271.— [Case.] Progressive locomotor ataxy. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxix, 2-4.—Celotti (F.) Intorno ad un caso di atassia unilaterale; studi ed osservazioni. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1879, 2. s., ix, 193, 1 pl.; 307.—Charcot. Kliui- sche Vortrage uber Ataxie locomotrice. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii, 526. ---—. Ueber die Anomalien der Ataxie locomotrice. Ibid., 1873, xviii, 4; 19; 71. -----. Cases of locomotor ataxy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1877, i, 640. —Charcot (J. M.) & Vulpian (A.) Sur deux cas de sclerose des cordons posterieurs de la motile avev AOijvwv. 1 Athenosy (Marie-Joseph-Isidore). * Propositions de meaecine. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 277, 1 v. 246. ATHENS. 667 ATKINS. Athens. See, also, Children (Hospitals and asylums for); Education (Medical); Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural); Iatrike Evaipia (H) ev 'AOrjyaii. Athenais (Ilepi rov iv) drj/ioTtKov vocokojuci'ov. 'IoTpticij M«'A«rao, \6rjvtu., 1855-6, in, 180.—Earle (P.) Medical in- stitutions, diseases, etc., at Athens and Constantinople. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1839, xxvi, 109-114.—Ereunai ntpl iarpiKrii \uipoypa.(}>ia.'; Kal icAi>aTOS A0i)iw. 'IaTpiKij MeAio-v. Ibid., 557.—Praktika ttjs iv 'AOqvais 'larpi- Kijs koI iKrjs 'Eraipia^. Ibid., 1855-6, ui, 183-186. Athenstaedt (Georgius). *De morbillis. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gottingee, in off. Barmeieriana, [1799]. Atheroma. See, also, Aorta, Arteries (Diseases of); Heart (Valvular disease of); Tumors (Atheromatous). Hertzka (K.) Der atheromatose Process in seinen Beziehungen zum Gehirn. 8°. Stuttgart, 1875. Lucak (S. C.) Do depositionibus cretaceis in- tra cordis valvularum arteriarumque substantiam annotationem medicam. 4°. Marburgi, 1815. Atheromatose (Ueber). Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1858, xii, 89-92.—Sevan (T.) Atheroma- tous degeneration. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1877, xxxiv, 431.—Bourneville. Atherome gen6ralis6; obkterations multiples. (Aphasie, sphaccle du pied.) Progres med., Par., 1874, ii, 296-298.—Fothergill (J. M.) Atheroma. PhUa. M. Times, 1875, v, 705-709.—Gibb (G. D.) On the atheromatous expression. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 463-465.— Outherz. Der atheromatose Process. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1849, ii, 353-358.—Heurtaux. Kyste athero- mateux pr6sentant une disposition particuliere (6pith61iome calcifie). J. de med. de l'ouest, Nancy, 1879, 2, s., in, 152.— Eiiiscliner. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den atheromato- sen Prozess. "Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vn, 621; 651.—Moore (C. H.) Atheroma. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 3. ed., 1870, iii, 393-409.—Recherehes sur les incrustations calcaires du cceur, des arteres et dea veines. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1853, 3. s., vui, 677; 712; 780.—Treille. L'atherome chez les Hindous. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1878, 2. s., xUx, 304-307.— Wood (II. C.) jr. Intense atheroma of the arteries, veins, and valves of the heart, with total loss of electro-contrac- tilityof the muscles of one leg. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1871-3), 1874, iv, 105. Aho: PhUa. M. Times, 1871, i, 283. Atherstone. Aiky (H.) Report to the local government board on the water supply of Atherstone and Polesworth, in Warwickshire, Feb. 19,1878. fol. [London, 1878.] A collection of special reports, iii Athetosis. Goldstein (M.) * Ueber Athetose. 8°. Ber- lin, 1877. Oulmont (P.) * £tude clinique sur l'athetose. 4°. Versailles, 1878. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Allbutt (C.) Case of athetosis (?) Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1872, i, 97.—B.(C.) A athetose. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb., 1879, iii, 85.—Bacon (G. M.) Case of athetosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 845.—Baldwin (B. J.) A case of athetoid spasm. Med. Rec, N. T., 1878, xiv, 129.—Bal- four (G. W.) Unilateral athetosis implicating both hand and foot. Edinb. M. J., 1878, xxiv, 73.—Beach (F.) Athetosis of both sides of the body not associated with epi- lepsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879, ii, 815.—Bergcr (U.) Ueber die Hammond'sche Athetosis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 31; 45.—Bernhardt (M.) Ein neuer Beitrag zur Lehre von der "Athetose". Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1876, u, 567-569. -----. Ueber den von Hammond Athetose genannten Symptomencomplex. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, Ixvii, 1.—Bjornstrom (F.) Om athetosis jemte ett nytt fall af denna krampform. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1877, xu, 391-401.—Bronssc (A.) Quatre nouveaux cas d'ath6toee. Montpel. med., 1879, xlni, 289- 302.—Carrier (A.) Sur un cas d'hemiathetose. Lyon med., 1879, xxxi, 249-255.—«'ook (J. L.) A case of athe- tosis. Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1875, xii, 71-73.—Dresch- feld (J.) Sur quelques cas d'athetose. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir., Par., 1878, u, 766-772.—Erb. t Arch. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1879, x, 277.—Ewald (C. A.) Dementia pa- ralitica ; Athetosis-Bowegungen der rechten Extremitaten; linksseitiger corticaler Erweichungsherd. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xix, 591-601.—Fisher (T. W.) Athetosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 346.— Caird- ner (W. T.) t Glasgow M. J., 1877, ix, 424-427. -----. Athetosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 684. ----- t Lan- Athetosis. cet, Lond., 1877, i, 830; 873.—Oircrd. De la pathog6- nie de l'athetosis et des mouvements reflexes d6velopp6s par la faradisation de la dure-mere. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1877, xx, 134. — dnauck (R.) Ueber primitive Athetose. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1879, ix, 300-315. — dowers (W. R.) On "athetosis" and post- hemiplegic disorders of movement. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1876, 2. s., xU, 271-325, 1 pl. Also: Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1876, vui, 101.—Grasset (J.) De l'athetose. Montpel. m6d., 1877, xxxix, 155; 245.—Hammond (W. A.) On athetosis. N. Tork M. Rec, 1873, vni, 309.—Jewell (J. S.) Athetosis. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass., N. Y., 1877, ii, 213-227.—Jongla. Contribution a l'6tude de l'athetose. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1878, xu, 233-243.—Koranyi. t Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879, xv. 505.—Kucss. ner. ' 'Athetose "-Bewegungen bei einem Paralytiker ohne Horderkrankung im Genirn. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1878, vui, 443-450.—Lnndouzy. Note sur un cas d'athe- tose; observation; autopsie. Bull. Soc.anat. dePar.,1878, liii, 15;549. Also: Progresmed., Par., 1878, vi, 79-96.—Lange (C.) Athetose? Hosp.-Tid., Kjabenh., 1877, 3. R., iv, 745; 761. — Iiaucnstein (C.) Zur Lehre von der Hammond' schen Athetose. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xx, 158-163.—Lincoln (D. F.) A case of athetoid affection. Proc Am. Neurol. Ass., N.T., 1875, i, 193.—Lyster (H. F.) t Penins. J. M., Detroit, 1873, ix, 51-55.—Mendelssohn. H6miath6tose de la main droite; epUepsie et h6miplegie droite observe a Blida. Alger med., 1878, vi, 293; 332.— Munro (A. C.) Athetosis. J. Psych. M.,Lond., 1878, n. s., iv, pt. 1, 62-68.—Murrell (W.) Case of athetosis; death from phthisis; post-mortem examination. Lancet, Lond., 1879, f, 369.—Oulmont (P.) De l'athetose. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir., Par., 1878, ii, 81-94. — Perry. Two cases of local spasm contrasted; the one resembling athetosis, the other a case of tetany. Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 469-471.—Poll a k (L.) A Hammond; 161ek6r; atheto- sis; egy esete. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1877, xxi, 1025- 1030. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 89; 109.—Proust, t BuU. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1877), 1878, 2. s., xiv, 179-184. Also: Union m6d., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiv, 341-345. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, 1, 579-581. Aho, transl.: Gaz. lek., "Warza- wa, 1877, xxiii, 129-134.—Purdon (H. S.) t DubUn J. M. Sc, 1873, lvi, 230-233.—Binger (S.) Notes on a case of athetosis, preceded by hemiplegia and hemianaes- thesia, and accompanied by uuUateral sweating. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1877, xix, 90-108. -----. Notes of a post- mortem examination on a case of athetosis. Ibid., 1879, xxni, 161-176.—Bitchie (C. C.) Note on a case of athetosis*?) Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 342.— Koscnbach (O.) Ist man berechtigt den "Athetose" genannten Symptomencomplex durch einen besonderen Namen auszuzeichnen? Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxviii, 85-100.—Both, t Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1879, xxvi, 166-171.—Shaw (T. C.) On athetosis, or imbe- ciUty with ataxia. [6 cases.] St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1873, ix, 130-140, 1 pl.—Tison (E.) Athetose post-hemi- pl6gique du membre inf6rieur. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1879, hi, 83. Aho: Rev. med. franc, et etrang.. Par., 1879, i, 101- 106.—Vizioli. Un caso di atetosi. Morgagni, NapoU, 1878, xx. 157-161. Athill (Samuel Byam). Exercitatio therapeu- tica, exhibens observationes quasdam de usu aquiB frigid® externo. 2 p. 1., 75 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Balfour 4' Smellie, 1778. Athrepsia. See Dyspepsia (Infantile); Infants (Atrophy of). Atkins (D.) Reports of hospital physicians, and other documents iu relation to the epidemic cho- lera of 1832. Published bv order ofthe board of health. 200 pp. 8^. .Veto York, G. 4- C. 4- H. Carvill, 1832. -----. Medical and surgical cases and observa- tions. 127 pp\, 2 pl. 8°. .Yew York, Peter Hill, 1834. Atkins (G.) See British Journal of Homa-opa- thy. Atkins (John). The navy-surgeon, or a practi- cal system of surgery ... To which is added, a treatise on the venereal disease . . . Also an appendix, containing physical observations on the heat, moisture, and density of the air on the coast of Guiney; the colour of the natives; the sicknesses which they and the Europeans trading thither are subject to; with a method of cure. xx, 287 pp. 12°. London, Ward 4" Chandler, 1734. ATKINS. 668 ATLAS. Atkins (John)—continued. -----. The same. 23 1., 378 pp., 3 1. 8°. Lon- don, J. Hodges, 1742. Atkins (Louisa). * Ueber Gangraena pulmonum bei Kindern. 57 pp., 1 tab., 11. 8°. Zurich, Orell, Fiissli 4- Co., 1872. Atkinson (Benjamin). Obitnary notice of Benjamin Atkinson. Med. Com- municat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1866, x, 157. Atkinson (I. E.) The contagium particles of the eruptive contagious fevers ; their nature and mode of action. 1(3 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Innes 4' Co., 1875. Repr. from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, 1875. Atkinson (J.) See Duval (J. R.) The youth's dentist. 8°. Balti- more, 1848. Atkinson (J. C.) Change of air cousidered with regard to atmospheric pressure, and its electric and magnetic concomitants, in the treatment of consumption and chronic disease. With a gene- ral commentary on tho most eligible localities for invalids, viii, 142 pp. 8°. London, Triibner &■ Co., 1867. Atkinson (J. R.) See Saint Louis Probe. Atki nson (James). Description of the new pro- cess of perforating and destroying the stone in the bladder, illustrated with cases, and a draw- ing of the instrument; in a letter addressed to the medical board of Calcutta. 1 p. 1., 84 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1831. -----. Medical bibliography. 379 pp. roy. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1834. Atkinson (John I.) Theory and practice of midwifery, and diseases of women and children. Prize answers. 23 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, H. 4- J. Pillans, 1837. [P., v. 108.] Atkinson OTorley's Convalescent Hospital, Wimbledon. Scheme of the court of chancery, and laws for the management of the hospital. 13 pp. 8°. London, F. Brettell4- Co., 1873. Pounded by the late Mr. Atkinson Morley, for receiv- ing and maintaining convalescent poor patients from St. George's Hospital. Under the management of the officers of St. George's Hospital. Opened -Tuly 14, 1868. For Reporh, see Saint George's Hospital. Atkinson (T. P.) See Stethoscope and Virgi- nia Medical Gazette. For Bioqraphieal notice of, see Stethoscope, Richmond, 1855, v, 243, 1 port. Atkinson (William B.) Evidences of life in the newly-delivered child. 3 pp. 8°. [n. p. "I, 1873. -----. Hints in the obstetric procedure. The annual address before the Philadelphia County Medical Society. Delivered May 8, 1874. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1874. -----. Medical organizations and their value; an address delivered before the Alumni Associa- tion of Jefferson Medical College, March 9, 1877. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1877. -----. The physicians and surgeons of the Uni- ted States. 788 pp., 52 portraits. 8°. Philadel- phia, Charles Robson, 1878. See, aho, medical and Surgical Reporter.—Phila- delphia County Medical Society, discussions before! roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1863. —Philadelphia (The) me- dical register and directory. Atkinson (William II.) Histology. Read be- fore the Microscopic Society of New York. 12 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Physiology of the blood. Read before the Society of Dental Surgeons of the City of New York, April 10th, 1867, by appointment, as spe- cial essayist. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Report of the committee on pathology and surgery. Read before the A. D. A., at Boston, 1856. 20 pp. 8°. Atlanta. See, also, Education (Medical). [Medical and surgical fee-bill ofthe physicians of Atlanta, Ga. Revised at a meeting held Janu- ary 1, 1866. fol. MSS. Thurman(F.l).) Healthfulness of Atlanta. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1858, iii, 648.—Westmoreland (J. H.) Di- seases of Atlanta, Ga. Ibid., 1856, ii, 198. -----. Meteo- rological observations at Atlanta, Ga. Ibid., 1856-7, u, 384; 448; 512; 639; 704; 766: 1857-8, iii, 64; 128: 1858-9, iv, 388; 452; 516; 643; 708; 772: 1854-60, v, 64; 128; 192; 256; 384; 448; 512; 576; 704; 768: 1860-61, vi, 64; 190; 252; 316: 1866-7, vu, 575: 1867-8, vui, 48; 96; 145. Atlanta Academy of Medicine. Atlanta Academy of Medicine. Atlanta M. &. S. J. 1875, xii, 673-683. Atlanta Medical College. Annual announce- ments of the Atlanta Medical College for the ses- sions of 1858-61 (4.-7.); 1867-9 (9.-11.); 1871 (13.); 1872-3(14.?); 1873-4(16.); 1877-8(20.). 8C. Atlanta, 1857-77. No sessions during the war (1861-5). Changed from spring to winter sessions in 1872. Alphabetical list of aU the graduates of the institution from 1855 to 1877, in: Annual announcement for 1877-8, and list of students for the sessions of 1857-60, 1866, 1867, 1871, 1872-3, 1876-7, in: Annual announcements for subse- quent years. -----. A statement of facts iu regard to the con- troversy between the late faculty of the Atlanta Medical College and certain members ofthe Geor- gia Medical Association. 15 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., the True Georgian printing office, 1871. Repr. from: The Atlanta M. & S. J., 1871. Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by Joseph P. Logan and W. F. Westmoreland. [Monthly.] v. 1-6, 7 A, 7 B, 8, 9 A, 9B. 10-16, Sept., 1855-Oct., 1861; March, 1866-Aug., 1868; April, 1871-March, 1879. 18 v. 8°. Atlanta, Ga. Current. Suspended after Oct., 1861, tiU March, 1866, and after Aug., 1868, tiU April, 1871. v. 7B, 8, 9A are caUed "new series", and commence in March, v. 9 A, bi- monthly; only 3 nos. issued, v. 9B, 10, etc., commence in AprU. v. 6, 7 A, J. G. Westmoreland editor and proprie- tor, v. 7B, 8, 9A, edited by J. G. Westmoreland, W. F. "Westmoreland, and J. M. Johnson; v. 9B, 10,.by J. P. Logan and W. F. Westmoreland; v. 11, by Robert Battey, Wm. Abram Love, and V. H. Tanaferro; v. 12, by Drs. Battey and W. F. Westmoreland; v. 13, W. S. Kendrick added; v. 15, 16, by J. G. Westmoreland. Atlantic City. See Children (Hospitals and Asylums for). Atlas. See Medicine (Military, History of—Campaigns, etc.) Atlas anatamo-patologicheskich preparatov mors- kich gospitalei. [Atlas of anatomico-pathologi- cal preparations of the naval hospitals. Pub- lished under the direction of the surgeon-general ofthe navy.] Parti. obi. fol. St. Petersburg, 1873. -----. Part 2. Of the hospital at Cronstadt. 15 1., 20 pl. obi. fol. St. Petersburg, 1874. —---. Part 3. 211., 20 pl.- 4°. St. Petersburg, 1875. Atlas and Axis. Rumelin (H. G.) * Capitis articulatio cum prima et secunda colli vertebra, sm. 4°. Tu- bingce, 1747. Albrecht (P.) Ueber einen Processus odontoides des Atlas bei den urodelen Amphibien. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1878,xvi, 577.—(Jhabournel. Articu- lation do la tSte avec la colonno vertebrale. Gaz. med.-chir. do Toulouse, 1878, x, 33-35.—Dcnuce (P.) Atloldicnne (region). N. diet, do med. et de chir. prat.. Par., 1865. iii, 790-823.—C< ruber (W.) Ueber den gesammten Apparat der Bander zwischen dem Hinterhauptsbeine und den ober- sten Halswirbeln uberhaupt und einen neuentdeckten Ap- pendix superior des Ligamentum cruciatum inshesonderc. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1851, 291-315.—Guyon (F.) Atlas. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1807, vii, 80-110.—Hnlbcrtsnia (H. J.) Processus ATLAS. 669 ATLAS. Atlas and Axis. opercularis atlantis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1863, vii, 702.—Hcnkc (W.) Die Bewegung zwischen At- las und Epistropheus. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Hei- delb., 1858, 3. 11., u, 114-118.—Maealister (A.) Notes on the homologies and comparat ive anatomy of the atlas and axis. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1869, ui, 54-64.—Meyer (H.) Dio obero Gclcnkfliiche des Atlas und der Cond.vlus des Hinterhauptbeincs. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz., 1877, i, 268-270.—Ollivicr. Atloldo-axol- dienne et atloldo-occipitale. Diet, de mod., 2. 6d., Par., 1833, iv, 297-325.—Robin (C.) Memoire sur le d6vcloppe- ment des vertfebres atlas ct axis. J. de l'anat. et do la phy- siol., Par., 1864, i, 274-299,4 pl— Schiflner (C. T.) Ueher dio Architectur des Schadelgrundes in der Norm und bei Assimilation des Atlas. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, Ixxiv, 320-360, 2 pl. Atlas and Axis (Abnormities of). Friedlowsky (A.) Ueber die sogenannten accessorischen Gelenkskocker an der Pars basi- laris ossis occipitis und einige Formen von unge- wohnlicher Gelenksverbindung zwischen dem Zahnfortsatz des Epistropheus und dem Hinter- hauptknochen. 8°. Repr. from: Sitzuncsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissench., Wien. 1869, lx. Allen (W.) On the varieties of the atlas in the human subject, and the homologies of its tranverse processes. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, xiv, 18-28, 1 pl.—Brid- don. Atlas in two segments. N. Tork M. J., 1879, xxix, 183—Friedlowsky (A.) Ueber einen FaU von anomaler Articulation zwischen Atlas und Processus odontoideus in Folge von Bruch. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1868, xv, 233- 249, 1 pl.—Isenflamm ( H. F. ) Ueber Spaltung des Atlas. In hh: Anat. Untersuchungen, 1822, 133-136.— Jacqucmet. [ Abnormal articulation of occiput and axis.] BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 49.— Jewett (C.) Atlas defectivus. Ann. Anat. Sc Surg. Soc, Brook- lyn, 1879, i, 100.—Jouon. Absence congenitale de l'arc posterieur de l'atlas. J. de la sect, de med. do la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1864, xl, 28.— Keen (W. W.) Description ... of an atlas in two segments. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1874, n. s., Ixvii, 412-414.—Sangalli (G.) Pa- tologia. Altro fatto di cattiva conformazione dell'atlante, qual causa di torcicoUo congenito. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, MUano, 1870, 2. s., in, 515-518.—Toynbee. Abnormal articulation of the occipital bone with the atlas. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1848-9, ii, 93.—Vitali (V.) Sopra alcuni casi di articolazione deU'odontoide con l'occipitale neU'nomo. Arch, perl'antrop., Firenze, 1879, ix, 180-191. Atlas and Axis (Diseases of). See, also, Spine (Cervical, Diseases of). Cotrel (P.) * De l'arthrite sous-occipitale. 4°. Paris, 1872. Couchet(L.) * De l'arthrite occipito-cervi- cale. 4°. Strasburg, 1853. Gaddi (P.) Iperostosi scrofolosa cefalo-verte- brale e cefalo-sclerosi rachitica. fol. Modena, 1863. Haase (G.) * De luxatione et anchylosi capitis spontanea. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1866. Mahmoud-Moustapha. * De la tumeur blan- che sous-occipitale. 4°. Paris, 1874. Schlapfer (F.) * Ueber Ankylosis und Luxa- tion der drei obersten Halswirbel. 8°. WUrz- burg, 1854. Schleifer (A. M.) * De atlantarthrocace. 8°. Vindobonce, [1828]. Teissier (B.-M.-F.) * De la tumeur blanche des articulations occipito-atloido-axoidienne. 4°. Paris, 1841. de Wagxer (C. D. E.) * De luxatione capitis spontanea. 8°. Dorpat, 1822. Amodrn. Mal de Pott sous-occipital; compression dela moeUe epiniere par I'apophyse odontoide de I'axis; mort subite. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875,1, 297.—Beck (F. E.) Case of tertiary syphilis, with exfoUation of the whole ante- rior surface ot the axis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxui, 189.— Bcrnheim. Communication sur un casde carie desarti- culations ocoipito-atloldo-axoldiennes. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1879, xi, 396-398.—Blackley*(T. R.) A caseof the disease ofthe spino-occipital articulation, withthepost-mor- tem appearances. DubUn J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1837-8, xii, 62- 65.—Blin. [Caries of atlas; partial destruction of articula- tion with occipital bone; partial dislocation.] Bull. Soc. j anat. de Par., 1854, xxix, 106.—Bouilli. Arthrite cervi- cale ; luxation de l'atlas sur Taxis; compression de la moeUe; I Atlas and Axis (Diseases of). mort subite. Ibid., 1871, xlvi, 178-180.—Bright. Case of paralysis of motion, from pressure made by tho proces- sus dentatus. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1837, ii, 292-294.— [Case*.] Inflammation aigue des articulations des deux premieres vertebres entre elles et avec l'occipital; apople- xie; mort. Rec. do m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1837, xUi, 302-326. — [Zwoi Fiille von Caries des Processus odonto- ideus.) Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. aUg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1858), 1859, 277-280.—Caries des Proc. odontoideus und Atlas; Subluxation des ersteren in das Foram.obtur.; Druck auf die Medulla oblongata; Meningitis basUaris; Morbus Brightii acut.; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph- Stiftung in Wien (1868), 1869, 322.—Caries of the atlas and axis; hemiplegia; death. Lancet, Lond., 1874, u, 196.— Clark (F. Lo G.) Caries of atlas and axis. Ibid., 1864, ii, 209.—Collins. A caso of injury to the odontoid arti- culation followed by exostosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1866, lxxiii, 202. — Comin. [Caries of atlas; destruction of odontoid process of axis; tuberculosis.] Bull. Soc anat. do Par., 1841, xvi, 235. -----. Affection tuberculeuse des premieres vertebres cervicales; destruction partieUe de l'occipital, de l'atlas et de I'axis; luxation consecutive oc- cipito-axoldienno; mort. Gaz. m6d. do Par., 1843, 2. s., xi, 661-603.—Costa de Serda (H.) Periostite de la par- tie post6rieure de l'atlas et de I'axis; necrose de la lame droito de I'apophyse epineuse de la seconde vertdbre cervi- cale, etc. France meu., Par., 1855, ii, 230.—Cruveilhier. Carie des premieres vertebres cervicales; compression de la moelle 6pini6re; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, vUi, 337.—Dowse (T. S.) Caries of atlas and axis. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 33.—Dranaart. Arthrite sous-occipitale; abces par congestion ayant fuse du cot6 du bulhe et determine uno mort subite. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 661.—Dufour. [Dislocation of atlas and axis; pressure on cord; asphyxia.] Ibid., 1852, xxvii, 27.—Dussaussay. Arthrite sous-occipitale; mort subite Sar compression do la moelle. Ibid., 1873, xlvUi, 661.— Idling. Karios process i ofversta halskotorna, sanno- likt af tuberkuliis natur; dod. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1863, xxv, 45.—Escalier. [Dislocation of atlas and axis, and general lateral curvature of spine, foUowing arthritis.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1846, xxi, 276.—Gariel. Carie superflcielle do I'apophyse odontoide; destruction des liga- ments odontoidiens et du ligament transverse; mort subite. Ibid., 1836, n, 246-251. —Gcrin-Rose. Arthrite de la deuxieme vertdbre cervicale avec luxation cons6cutivo de l'atlas sur I'axis. Ibid., 1858, xxxiii, 193-196.—Gorrc^ilj. Tumeur blanche des articulations (occipito-atloldienno et atloldo-axoldienne), traitee avec succes par les ca.uteres. Precis d. trav. Soc. med. de Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839, 34- 39.—Qross (S. W.) Clinical lecture on a case of Pott's disease of the upper cervical vertebra?. Phila. M. Times, 1877, vii, 553-555.—Guthrie. Caries of the atlas and ver- tebra dentata, with abscess behind the pharynx. Lond. M. & S. J., 1836, viii, 511.—Guyon (F.) [Atlas.] Patholo- gie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vii, 89-110.— Handy side (P. D.) On a remarkable diminution of the meduUa oblongata, and adjacent portion of tho spinal mar- row, consequent upon spontaneous dislocation of the pro- cessus dentatus, and ankylosis at the upper part of the spine, yet unattended with any symptom of paralysis. Edinb.M. Sc S. J., 1840, Uii, 376-379, 'l pl. Also, Reprint— Hankel. Druck der MeduUa oblongata durch den Pro- cessus odontoideus epistrophei; Abscess an den Ilalswir- bcln. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1832, xxxvii, 55-60.— Hauscr (F.) Heilung einer Spondylocace cervicalis zwischen dem Atlas und Epistropheus. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1841, xxxv, 75-80. — Haward (W.) Case of caries of the atlas and axis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1875, viii, 7-12.—Hertz. Ein Fall von Erwei- chungsherd in der Medulla oblongata, bedingt durch Hv- pertrophie und abnorme SteUung des Processus odontoi- deus ; Epistrophie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xUi, 385-402.— Hilton (J.) Disease of tho axis; pressure on the spinal cord; autopsv. Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 459-461.—Humphry (G. M.) Ulcerated odontoid pro- cess. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1850, 576.—Hussey. An- chylosis of the occiput and of the first cervical vertebra, and of the second, third, and fourth cervical vertebras; contraction of the muscles of the extremities. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1856-7, vin, 314-317. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1857, u, 87.—Husson. Sur une carie des trois premi&res vertebres cervicales, k la suite d'un abc6s dans lo pha- rynx. BuU. Fac. de med. de Par., 1820, vii, 93-95.—Hut- ton. Caries of the first and second cervical vertebrae, without any lesion of the meduUa oblongata or spinalis; hematocele. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1846, i, 230.—Keate (R.) Case of exfoliation from the basilar process of the occipital bone, and from the atlas, after excessive use of mercury. Lond. M. Gaz., 1835, xvi, 13.—Labatier. Ca- rie des preuniero et seconde vertebres cervicales; luxa- tion do l'atlas sur I'axis; abefes par congestion allaut s'ou- vrir dans le poumon droit; pus rendu par I'expectoration: mort subite. J. hebd. demed., Par., 1829, ii, 99-109.— Lan. cereaux. Tumeur blanche de l'articulation atloldo-axol- dienne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 380.—Lar- rey. Description d'un squelette remarquablc par 1'anki- ATLAS. 670 ATLAS. Atlas and Axis (Diseases of). lose parfaite do la tete avec la premiere vertebre, et de Sresquo tous les os du tronc, et par la conformation singu- ere de la colonne vert6brale et de la poitrine. Presse med., Par., 1837, i, 177-179. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, U, 78-81.—Lawrence. Case of disease of the ver- tebrae of the neck, and subsequent bony union between the three first vertebras, and between the atlas and the occiput. Lancet. Lond., 1827, xi, 31. — tecs. Caries of the atlas. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1843, i, 235. Aho: Dublin9. J. M. Sc, 1846, i, 221. -----. Caries ofthe superior cervical ver- tebra;; destruction of tho body of the axis; paraplegia, and retention of urine. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1845, i, 361-363.— Aho : DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1847. iv, 232.—Lochec (A.) Sc Moore (C. H.) Gradual intrusion of tho bodies of two vertebra; into the cranium through tho foramen magnum, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1867, ii, 637-639. — Longuct. Note sur un cas de luxation de l'atlas en arriere; compression de la moeUe allongee par l'odontolde; mort subite. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 357-362.—Maisonneuve. Cas de luxation spontanee des premieres vert&bres cervi- cales, avec paralysie complete des membres ct du tronc, gu6rio par la reduction des vertdbres lux6es. France med., Par., 1864, ii, 428.—malgaigne. Lecon cUnique sur les arthralgies et subluxations sous-occipifales. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 463. — Molk. Tumeur blanche des pre- mieres vertdbres cervicales. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1877,3. 8., vi, 33.—Closes (M. J.) Case of subluxation ofthe atlas and axis, with ahsorption of the intervertebral pads between the third and fourth cervical vertebraB on one side, and pa- ralysis of the left arm. N. York M. J., 1873, xvU, 58-70, pis.—IVepvcu. Arthrite sous-occipitale a frigore termi- nee par penetration du pus dans la cavity c&rebrale et meningite aigue suppuree. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1869, xUv, 156&-1596.—O'Connor. Case of caries of the first and second vertebras. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1857, xxiii, 475.—Ogle (J. W.) Caries of the first and second cervi- cal vertebrae; fistulous opening communicating with the diseased bone during life; rupture of the transverse Uga- ment ; sudden death by pressure of the odontoid process upon the spinal cord. [3 other similar cases.] Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 16-24.—Ollivier. Observation et reflexions sur la luxation spontanee de l'occipital sur la premiere vertebre cervicale, et de cette premiere vertebre sur la seconde. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1830, xxiv, 520-532. — Paget (J.) Case of a dislocation, in conse- quence of disease, of the first and second cervical verte- brae. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1848, xxxi, 285: 1849, xxxu, 177. — Peabody (C. A.) Case of subluxation of the at- las. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1876, xcv, 79. — Pignc. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1836, ii, 133.—Powell (R. D.) Caries of the vertebraa with dislocation of the axis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1871, xxii, 192-194.*-Retzius (A.) Spondylar- throcace dentis epistrophei. Ars-Beratt. om Svenska lak.- saUsk. Arb., Stockholm, 1837, 49-51. — Roth rock (J. T.) A case of atlo-axial disease. Phila. M. Times, 1872, iii, 33.—Rotter (E.) Arthritis deformans der Articu- latio epistropheo-atlantica mit consecutivcr Degenera- tion des Riickenmarks. Deutches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xni, 403-415. Also, Reprint.—Runge (M.) Tunior des Atlas und Epistropheus bei einer Schwan- geren. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1876, lxvi, 366- 373, 1 pl.—Shaw. Scrofulous caries of the upper cer- vical vertebrae; sudden death; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1852, ii, 585. -----. Formation of a false-joint between the odontoid process and body of the axis. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1857-8, ix, 346.—Soudan. Observation de carie du corps de I'axis; fracture de I'apophyse odontoide; luxation de l'atlas en avant, ct compression de la moeUe; mort in- stantan6e. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mU., Par., 1838, xiv, 336-341. —Struther* (J.) ConsoUdation of the atlas and occipital bone. Edinb. M. J., 1863, viii, 1040.—Syme (J.) Case of recovery after extensive exfoliation of the vertebra dentata. Ibid., 1826, xxv, 311-313. -----. Caries of the atlas and vertebra dentata; spontaneous dislocation, of the processus d< ntatus; dissection. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1836, xiv, 7-10.—Thiry. Carie occipito-atloldo-axoldicnne ou spondvlarthrocace cervicale. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1874, xxvi, 60-62.—Tiingel. Caries des Atlas und Epis- tropheus; Luxation des Atlas; Compression des Riicken- marks durch den Zahnfortsatz. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvi, 369-372.—Turner. Case of anchylosis of the atlas to the occipital bone, and of dislocation and sub- sequent anchylosis of the atlas and axis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1867, Ui, 368-370.—Cytterhocven (V.) Mort par compression dn bulbe rachidien due a nne carie scro- fuleuse de l'atlas. J.demed., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1854, xvUi, 519-521.—Wade (R.) Case of exfoliation of the anterior arch of the atlas. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1849, xxxii, 65-68.— Wannebroucq. Abces froid de la partie posterieure du cou; cephalalgia trfes intense; tumeur blan- che de l'articulation occipito-atloldo-axoldienne avec foyer purulent en communication avec le quatrifeme ventricule. BuU. Soc anat. de Par., 1859, xxxiv, 256-264.—Whipham (T.) Ulceration of the transverse ligament in consequence of caries of the vertebrae; dislocation of the head forwards; extravasation of blood beneath the arachnoid of the brain and spinal cord. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1871, xxii, 188-191. Atlas and Axis (Dislocations of). See, also, Atlas and Axis (Diseases of). Berard (A.) *De la luxation spontande de l'occipital sur l'atlas, et de l'atlas sur I'axis. 4°. Paris, 1829. Geist (L.) *De luxatione processus odontoi- dei cum exemplis hujus luxationis duobus. 8°. Monachii, 1832. Schupke (A. E.) *De luxatione spontanea ,atlantis et epistrophei. 4°. Berolini, [1816]. Villemaud (B.) *De la luxation spontande de l'occipital sur l'atlas et de l'atlas sur I'axis. 4°. Paris, 1836. Arnott. Fracture of the spinous process of the axis, with depression of the separated portion; death occurring one hour after the accident. Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 809.—Baarslag (G.) jr. Lnxatio atlantis cum fractura processus odontoidei; historia morbi. Inhh: Duas histo- rias morbi, 8°, Amstel., 1854, 18-31.—Berard jeune. De la luxation spontanee de l'atlas sur I'axis et de I'axis sur l'atlas. Gaz. d. hbp-. Par., 1838, xU, 504.—Blasius (E.) Die traumatischen Wirbelverrenkungen. VrtUschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1869, cUi, 68-85.—Bouisson. Luxa- tion traumatique sans fracture de l'articulation occipito- atloldienne. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1852-3, xvui, 102- 106.------Memoire sur la luxation traumatique de l'articulation occipito-atloidienne; observation nouveUe de cette espece de luxation. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1854, vi, 11; 39, Aho, Reprint.—Bonvier. Fracture do I'axis. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1843-4, ix, 344_34G._Broca. Luxation de l'atlas snr I'axis, avec frac- ture de I'apophyse odontoide. BuU. Soc. d. chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., iii, 549-551.—Brooks (J. W.) JSub-atlo-axoid luxation.] Chicago M. J., 1873, xxx, 656.—[Cases.] Mort subite par suite de la luxation do l'occipital sur l'atlas. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1834, vii, 101.—Luxation of the odontoid process; pressure on the spinal marrow, with- out symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1840, U, 650.—Luxation for- ward of tho odontoidprocessfrom caries of the atlas; prog- nosis. N. Tork M. J., 1876, xxiu, 609.—Cruveilhier. t BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 247.—Cusack (S. A.) Dislocation of the head and atlas from caries and rupture of the odontoid and transverse Ugaments. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 228.—Debenham (R.) Sc Hutchinson (J.) Case of fracture of the odontoid process, with pecu- liar symptoms. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1867-8, iv, 210-212.—Dumarest. Mort subite par luxation patho- logique de I'apophyse odontoide. Lyon med., 1873, xui, 277.—Dupont. Luxation de I'axis, compUquee de frac- ture de I'apophyse odontoide et du condyle droit de I'axis. BuU. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne., 1876, x, 65- 69. — Forbes. Dislocation of the atlas upon the axis. Tr. CoU. Phys., PhUa., 1869, n. s., iv, 289.—Galiay. Ar- thrite cervicale et luxation spontan6e atloido-occipitale, prise au debut pour un torticobs; guerison avec nne 16gere inclinaison de la tete. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Pair., 1838, xv, 372-376.—Gamier. Luxation pathologique de I'axis. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. do Lyon, 1870, ix, 349.— Hifflesheim. Luxation spontanee de l'articulation c6- phalo-rachidienne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1852, Par., 1853, 1. s., iv, 22.—Howison (W.) Case of rupture of the Ugaments of the atlas occupying the left side of tho processus dentatus, viz. the left moderator, and left side of the transverse ligament. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1819, xv, 417- 421.— Jallaguier (E.) Luxation spontanee de I'apophyse odontoide, par suite de la dechhure du Ugament annu- laire; compression de la moeUe 6piinere; mort subite. J. Soc. de med.-prat. de Montpel., 1841, iv, 426-434.— Lazzaretto (E.) A remarkable caso of dislocation of the atlas. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1813, ix, 165.—fjonguet. Tumeur blanche sous-occipitale; luxation de I'apophyse odontoide; mort snbite. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 570-573. -----. Note snr une cas de luxation de 1 atlas en arri6re; compression de la moeUe aUongee par l'odontolde; mort subite. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1873, v, 153-158, 1 pl.—Manby (F. E.) Partial dislocation of the axis; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1865, u, 141.—Maurice. Note sur une paraplegie traumatique du tronc et des quatre membres, attribuee par l'auteur a une luxation en arriere, incomplete et momentanee de l'apophise odontoide de I'axis. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de St.- Etienne et de la Loire (1857), 1861, i, 93-105.—Milner (E. W.) Complete dislocation of the occipital bone from the atlas and axis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1874, x, 313- 316, 1 pl.—[Osborn (S.)] Dislocation of odontoid process from caries; sudden death. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 48.— Otis (G. A.) jr. On dislocations of the os occipitis from the first cervical vertebra. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1857, viii, 28-34.—Pitha. Spondylitis der oberen Hals- wirbel ; Tod durch Luxation des Atlas auf dem Epistro- pheus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1858, vui, 607-609.—Po- rak. Mal sous-occipital; luxation bilaterale par gUsse- ment de l'atlas; compression, puis rupture de la moeUe epiniere. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1875,1, 531-534.—Bid- ATLAS. 671 ATLEE. Atlas and Axis (Dislocations of). ley (J.) Dislocation of the atlas forwards, with fracture of the atlas,'Occipital, parietal, and temporal bones. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1869, viii, 140.—Sarrau. Luxation spontantie du condyle droit de l'occipital sur la premiere vertebre; d6placement de I'apophyse odontoide; affection tuberculeuse des os; abces par congestion derriere le gharynx. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par., 1838, xiu, 308; 318.— Ichbtt (F.) FaU von durch HJahre bestehender Luxa- tion und Ankylose des Epistropheus. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1862, xviU, 413-415.— Sedillot. Luxation atloldo-axoldienne. Gaz. med. de Par., 1833, 2. s., i, 622.—Taylor (W. E.) Luxation ofthe atlas from the axis and occipital bone, with rupture of the left vertebral artery from a blow with tho fist; death from compression of the brain and spinal cord. West. Lan- cet, San. Fran., 1872, i, 711-713.—Thomson (W.) Case of spontaneous luxation of tho vertebra dentata. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1834, xUi, 277-280.—Uhde et al. Luxatio atlan- tis violenta. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1878, xxii, 217-226, 1 pl.—Valenti (A.) Acinesiatrofia muscolare ed ossca da poUartrite strumosa, con lussazione occipito-atlantoidea e compressione del midollo spinale. Riv. cUn. di Bologna, 1875, 2. s., v, 225-235, 1 pl.—Wyman (J.) Injury ofthe axis, with separation; displacement and subsequent an- chylosis of a large portion of it with the third vertebra. Extr. Rec Bost. Soc M. Improve., 1862, iv, 247. Aho: Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1861, lxv, 333. Atlas and Axis (Fractures of). Arnott. Fracture of the spinous process of the axis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1850-51, iii, 143-145.—Bayard (W.) A case of fracture of the odontoid process of the axis; re- covery. Boston M. & S. J., 1870, v, 43. Also: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1870, vi, 341-343.—Bentley (E.) Frac- ture of the odontoid process. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1870-71, iv, 111.—Bcrnhuber (F. X.) HeUung eines muthmasslichen Bruches des Zahnfortsatzes des zweiten Halswirbels. Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1852, iv, 589-594.—Bevan (P.) Exemple de fracture ancienne de I'apophyse odontoide, avec soudure complete de son som- met a l'occipital ct luxation partielle de l'atlas en avant. Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xviU, 10-12.—Boullard. Fracture double de l'atlas. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1849, xxiv, 179-188.—Costcs. Observation de fracture de I'apo- physe odontoide et luxatiou de l'atlas sui' I'axis. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1852, x, 449-459 —Eve (F. S.) A case of fracture through the base of the odontoid process. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1877, xui, 237-244. — Gayet. Fracture de l'atlas et de I'axis. Mem. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon, 1871, x, 8-10.—Hamilton (E.) Fracture bf the atlas. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, Uii, 459.—Huber (J. M.) Bruch des Processus odontoideus des zweiten Hals- wirbels mit Luxation deselben vom Atlas. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1846, 1343-1349.—Humphry (G. M.) Fractured odontoid process of axis. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1850, 575.—McCarthy (J.) Comminuted fracture of the atlas and fracture of the odontoid process of the axis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1874, xxv, 201.—Marshall (J.) Fracture of the atlas; paralysis; death. Lancet, Lond., 1875, i, 756.—JHclichcr (L. J.) Commotio medul- las spinalis cum fractura atlantis ct processus odontoidei epistrophei. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1848, 934- 938.—Parker (W.) A case of fracture of the processus dentatus, in which the patient continued to follow an active occupation, suddenly terminating fataUy, five months after the accident. N. York J. M., 1853, x, 164-171.—Peters (De W. C.) Gunshot wound of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries; fracture of the atlas; secondary hasmor- rhage and death. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1865, n. s., xUx, 373.—Phillips (B.) Caso of fracture and displacement ofthe atlas. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1837, xx, 78-85.— Sinkler (W.) A case of supposed fracture of the odon- toid process, with recovery. Phila. M. Times, 1875, v, 418- 420.—Smith (S.) Fractures of the odontoid process. Am. J. M. Sc. PhUa., 1871, n. s., lxU, 338-358.—Stokes (W.) Case of fracture of the atlas from gunshot injury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 716-718.—Swan. Fracture of the odontoid process. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1877, xevi, 226.— Vandcrpoel (S. O.) jr. Fracture of the odontoid pro- cess ; prolongation of lite for six and a half months. Arch. CUn. Surg., N. T., 1877, ii, 116. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. s., xxiv, 171. Atlas (An) of illustrations of pathology. Com- piled (chiefly from original sources) for the New Sydenham Society, fol. London, New Sydenham Society, 1877. Contents: Fasc. i. Diseases of the kidney. 8 pp., 4 1., 4pl. Atlee (Edwin A.) Inaug. essay on the influence of music in the cure of diseases. University of Penn. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, B. Graves, 1804. Atlee (Walter Franklin). Notes of M. Bernard's lectures on the blood; with an appendix, xii, 224 Atlee (Walter Franklin)—continued. pp. 12°. Philadelphia, IAppincott, Grambo 4" Co., 1854. See, also, Nelaton (Auguste). CUnical lectures on surgery. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. Atlee (WashingtonLemuel). [1808-78.] Tabular view and analysis (of 240 cases of ovariotomy). 4 sheets, broadside fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Case of extirpation of a bilocular ovarian cyst by the large peritoneal section. Read be- fore "The Lancaster City and County Medical Society", April 17th, 1844. 29 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, T. E. 4- P. G. Collins, 1844. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, 1844. -----. Lecture introductory to the course of me- dical chemistry in the medical department of Pennsylvania College, Philadelphia, for the ses- sion 1844-5. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. I. Young, 1844. -----. The chemical relations of the human body with surrounding agents. A lecture introductory to a course on medical chemistry, in the medical department of Pennsylvania College, for the ses- sion of 1845-6. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Barrett tf- Jones, 1845. -----. Valedictory address to the graduates of the medical department of Pennsylvania College, session of 1846-7. 19 pp., 11. 8°. Philadelphia, 1847. C. -----. A table of all the known operations of ovariotomy. From 1701 to 1851. Comprising two hundred and twenty-two cases: including their synoptical history and analysis. 37 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, T. E. 4- P. G. Collins, 1851. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Prize essay. The surgical treatment of certain fibrous tumours of the uterus, heretofore considered beyond the resources of art. 99 pp. 8°. Philadelphia., T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1853. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass. -----. Correction of the erroneous statements of Henry H. Smith, published in the Medical Exa- miner, Jan'y, 1855, in relation to a case of gastrotomy, which occurred in the practice of ... 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, James H. Brysan, 1855. -----. The same. 2. ed. Philadelphia, James H. Bryson, 1855. -----. Report of a case of hydrophobia, extracted from the report of T. W. Blatchford, M. D., in transactions of the American Medical Associa- tion, for the year 1856. With an appendix, con- taining the report of a committee of citizens of Lancaster, Pa., on the efficacy of Stoy's euro for hydrophobia. 38 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. E. 4- P. G. Collins, 1856. -----. General and differential diagnosis of ova- rian tumors, with special reference to the opera- tion of ovariotomy; and occasional pathological and therapeutical considerations, xxvi, 27-482 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott ,". Y., 1878, xiv, 416.— Durham (li.) Atomizing instruments. Chicago M. J., 1867, xxiv, 245-251.—Ficber (F.) Ueber die Inhalation medicamentoser Fliissigkeiten in Staubform. Wchnhl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1862, xviii, 1; 9.----. Ueber Sales-Girons' Wasserstauber unddessen Anwendung. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1862, ix, 150.— Gibbons (R. A.) A steam-spray producer for hospital use. Edinb. M. J., 1877, xxii, 908-910.—Hanks. Spray- producing apparatus for throwing carboUc acid spray in operations on the antiseptic principle. Tr. NT York Obst. Soc. (1870-8), 1879, i, 183. -----. Atomizers for spraying the throat. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1K78, xUi, 260.— Heuel (F.) jr. A modified atomizer, for the use of an- tiseptic surgery. Ibid., 377. —I^eard (J.) Irrigateur gradue a pression d'air et k jet coutinu. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 132.—l^cdcrer (C.) Ein ebenso einfacher als prak- tischer JCerstaubungsapparat. Wien. med. Presse, 1872, xui, 606.—XiOve (W. A.) A new instrument for treating locally certain diseases of the genito-urinary passages, male and female. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1871, ix,-506. — Lucas- Chainpiouniere. Pulverisateur a vape.ur. Bull. gen. de thCiap., etc., Par., 1879, xevi, 516. — [Luer. ] Ap- pareil pulverisateur. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1862-3, xxviii, 73. ----. Atomizer. [Plate.] Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1863, 2. s., ni, 517; 558. Ibid., 1865, 2. 8., v, 50.— lTIartcnson (J. F.) Ein neuer Apparat zur Pulverisa- tion von Flussigkeiten. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1876, n. F., v, 339-342. — Mathieu. Nouveau pulverisateur des liquides par le gaz acide carbonique. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1865-6, xxxi, 1145-1147.— Maunder (C. F.) Description of Mr. Maunder's spray-producer. CUn. Lect. Sc Rep. Lond. Hosp., 1865, ii, 353.—lfloynier (E.) AppareU pulverisateur des liquides m6dicameuteux dans les traitements des angines diphtheriques. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vi, 172. — lVew pulveriser or inhaler with continued current. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, U, 205.—IVew (A) steam-spray producer. Lancet, Lond, 1879, ii, 629.—Neiv (A) throat spray apparatus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 167.—Newman (R.) New glass atomizer. Med. Rec, N. V., 1870, v, 237,lpl.—JVyrop ((J.) Omforskjel- Uge Apparater tU vaedskepulverisation. Hosp.-Tid., Kje- benh., 1865, viii, 5. — Pissin. Ein verbessertes Dampf- Hydroconion. DeutscheKliuik.Berl., 1864,xvi,491.—Pochl (A.) Ein neuer Zerstaubungsapparat zum Zwecke der Des- infectiou. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschi'., 1877, ii, 288-290.— Popp. Kurze Mittheilung iiber eineu neuen Wasser- Zerstauber. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1864, xi, 68.— Ri- Atomizers and Spray apparatus. chardson (B. W.) Description of an improved sprayappa- ratus. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1876, lxii, 463-466. Also, Reprint.— Sass (L. F.) [Dr. Sass's improved steam atomizer.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1879, xv, 333.—Schnitzler (J.) Ueber die Inhalation medicamentoser Flussigkeiten in Staubform. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1862, Karlsbad, 1863, xxxvU, 235-238.—Mieglc. Eine Verbesse- rungmeinesDampfhydrokonions. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 994-995.—Spray-producing instruments. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866, i, 169.—Todd (C. A.) A simple modifica- tion of the hand-atomizer. Am. J. Otol., N. Y., 1880, ii, 35.— Treskin (F.) ImprovizirovannU karmannii pulverizator. [Improvized pocket atomizer.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1865, v, 516.—Troeltsch. Erne weitere Verwendbarkeit der Zerstauhung von Flussigkeiten. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1878, xiU, 200-203. A toaiis. See Physics. Atony. See Tonicity. Atractylis. Commaille. Note sur l'empoisonnement prodnit par nne substance veneneuse, l'atractylis gummifera de Linn6e, et sur le principe actif de cette plante. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 581-584. A tresia. See, also, Anatomy (Abnormities of); and under names of Canals, e. g. Intestines, CEsophagus, Urethra, etc. Juville (M.) * Consid6rations g6nerales sur les occlusions. 4°. Paris, 1815. Atresia uteri. See Uterus ( Occlusion or stricture of). Atrocianus (Joannis). See Macer or Macrus (JSniUius). De herbarum vir- tutibus. Atrophy. See, also, Age (Old); Extremities (Abnormi- tiesof); Infants (Atrophy of'); Marasmus; Mus- cles (Atrophy of). Adelt(G.) * Atrophias circumscripta^ totalis casus. 8°. Berolini, 1862.. Boutin (L.) * Des causes qui peuvent amener l'atrophie, et des moyens de les combattre. 4°. Paris, 1853. Buchner (F.) *De morbosis vitae plasties adfeetionibus. 8°. Monachii, 183/. Buyes (J.) *De atrophia. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1685. Chemnitius (S.) *De atrophia. 4°. Jena, 1672. Dequeireaux(M.) * Diss, sur l'atrophie. 4°. Paris, 1813. Ebeling (P.) * De nutritione et atrophia. 4°. Jence, 1682. Fischer (C.) *De atrophia. sm.4°. Erfurti, 1694. Glass (T.) *De atrophia in genere, phthisi pulmonali, morbisque pnecipuis, qui in earn ten- duht. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1731. Gouda-Batavus (F. de V.) De atrophia uni- versali et particulari. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 17'54. Heijdrich (J. D.) *De atrophia. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1735]. Herrmann (T. H.) * fitudes histologiques sur l'hypertrophie et l'atrophie. 4°. Strasbourg, 1850. Kaempf (G. L.) * De morbis ex atrophia. 4°. Basilece, [1756]. Meissner (J. T.) * De atrophia in genere. sm. 4°. . Lipsice, [1688]. vanPoelgeest(N.) *De drpocpia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1712. de Speckelsen (P.) *De atrophia, sm. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 1731. Stuhlmann (J. G.) *De atrophia. 4°. [». p., 1702.] Stulen (J. H.) *De atrophia universali et I particulari. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1728. ATROPHY. 673 Atrophy. Trollietus(J.) *De atrophia. 4°. Basileae, [1704]. Truhart (A.) * Atrophia} pathologia. 4°. Jence, [1758]. de Vrye (F.) *De ctrpoqiia universali et particulari. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1754. Affre. Aplasio lamineuse mediano. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. 1875, Par., 1876, 6. s., ii, 145.—Armstrong (J. B.) Case of progressive and morbid diminution of the whole body. Tr. Tennessee M. Soc, Murfreesborough, 1851, 59- 61. Also: West. J. M. Sc S., Louisville, 1851, 3. s., viii, 347-349.—Atkinson (I. E.) A case of unilateral, idio- Eathic cutaneous atrophy. Richmond & Louisville M. J., ouisvUlc, 1877, xxiv, 564-570.—Ball (B.) Atrophic Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vii, 179-192.—Bercnds (0. A. &.) Atrophia (Diirrsucht). Inhis: Operum postumo- rum, 8°, Berolini, 1829, i, 25.—Bontin. Des causes qui peuvent amencr l'atrophie etdes moyens do les com battle. [liep. by Linas.] BuU. Soc. med. demulat. dc Par., 1867, n. 8., i, 381-384.—Canstatt. Atrophic Handwbrterb. d. Physiol. (Wagner), 1850, i, 27-34.—[Case.] [Atrophic ge- nerale.] (Mem. Acad. r. d. sc, 1765.] CoUect. acad. d. mem., etc., Par., 1786, xiii, 368.—Bally (E.) Du traite- ment des hypotrophies et des atrophies. J. do thi-rap., Par., 1874, i, 201; 258; 481; 527; 568; 609.—Fantonctti (G. B.) DeU'atrofla nervosa. Efl'em. d. sc. med., Milano, 1838, ix, 257-279. Also: BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1839, 2. s., vii, 3, 77—Ilaniilton (A. M.) Tho relation of trophic changes to certain alterations of sensation and motility. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1876, i, 297-301—Herrmann. Andeutungen zu einer naturgemasscren Therapie der Atro- phien. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, n. F., xiv, 16; 266.—Hillicr. Case of localized muscular atrophy. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1868, xix, 15.—Jacobi (A.) Case of localized atrophy in a girl. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (IS76-8), 1879, i, 415-418. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1878, xi, 797-800. — Kurtzc. Anmerckung von der Atrophia. I Med. u. chir. Berl. wchntl. Nachr., 1742, 173-189.—IVac- quart. Atrophie. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1812, ii, 437- 444.—Paget (J.) Lectures on nutrition, hypertrophy, and atrophy. Lond. M. Gaz., 1847, n. s.. iv, 930; 1017: v, 52; 97; 143; 227.—Robin (C.) Note sur l'atrophie des ele- ments anatomiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1854, Par., 1855, 2. s., i, 4-9.—Sarazin (C.) Atrophie. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1866, iv, 1-27.—Scaramuccius (J. B.) De atrophia hydropica. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., 1687, Norimb.. 1707, dec. 2, vi, 478-495.—Schupp. Merk- wiirdige Abmajrerung. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn, 1840-41,' i, 622-624.—Tarauget. Observation sur une atrophie universelle. J. de med.,"chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1784, lxi 582-589.—Townsend (R.) Atrophy. Cycl. Pract. Med.. PhUa., 1845, i, 234-237. Atrophy (Facial). See Face (Atrophy of). Atrophy (Infantile). See Infants (Atrophy of); Tabes mesenterica. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). See, also, Joints (Diseases of, Complications and sequelae of); Muscles (Atrophy and Degeneration of); Paralysis, Bulbar, Infantile; Paralysis from lead poison. Arndt (F.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik der pro- gressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1862. Astier (H.-A.) * Etude sur l'atrophie muscu- laire progressive. 4°. Paris, 1856. Barsickow (H.) Zwei Familien mit Lipoma- tosis musculorum progressiva (24 Falle). 8°. Halle, 1872. Bellouard (V.) *De l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 4°. Paris, 1852. Caro (J. S.) *De myatrophia progressiva ac myoparalysi. 8°. Berolini, 1862. Coudoin (Jean). * Etude clinique de la para- j lysie spinale aigue et de l'atrophie musculaire pro- gressive chez le meme individu. 4°. Paris, 1879. Degos (A.) * De l'atrophie musculaire progres- sive. 4C. Montpellier, 1867. Dufau (P. R.) * Etude sur une maladie long- temps nifconnue, qui a 6t6 ddcrite sous les noms de atrophie musculaire progressive,paralysie atro- phique, etc. 4°. Paris, 1853. Durant (P. CO.) * Sur l'atrophie musculaire dite progressive. 4°. Strasbourg, 1857. During (L.) * Ueber die progressive Muskel- 43 Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). atrophie und ihr Verhiiltniss zur progressiven Bulbiirparalyse. 8°. Erlangen, 1878. Friedreich (N.) Ueber progressive Muskel- atrophie, iiber wahre und falsehe Muskelhyper- trophie. 4°. Berlin, 18711. Guthzeit (H. J.) *De novissimis observatio- nibus ad atrophias muscularis progressiva} natu- ram ac therapiam spectantibus. 8°. Berolini, 1867. Heimlich (H. G. R.) *De atrophia musculari progressiva. 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1860. Hemptenmacher (C.) * De ajtiologia atro- phia} muscularis progressiva. 8°. Berolini, [1862]. Ixgalls (W.) A case of progressive muscular sclerosis, with a paper on the same. 8°. Boston, 1870. Jourdan (X.) * Essai sur l'atrophie muscu- laire progressive. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Langue (M.) * Etude sur l'atrophie muscu- laire progressive, et en particulier sur ses diffd- rents modes de ddbut. 4°. Paris, 1877. Le Bunetel (A.) * Etude sur l'atrophie mus- culaire progressive. 4°. Paris, 1872. Loewenhard (S.) * Quelques recherehes sur l'atrophie musculaire progressive avec la de"g6n6- rescence graisseuse. 4°. Paris, 1867. Luderitz (C.) 'Beitrag zur Lehre von der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Meyer (A.) *De atrophia musculorum pro- gressiva. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., 1858. Morgan (F. E.) * Ueber progressive Muskel- atrophie. 8°. Zurich, 1870. Oppenheimer (Z.) Ueber progressive fettige Muskelentartung. 8°. Heidelberg, 1855. Perruchot (X.) * Observations pour servir h l'histoire de l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 4°. Paris, 1869. Poignet (C.) * De l'atrophie musculaire pro- gressive. 4°. Paris, 1854. Pouche (E.) * Quelques considerations sur les amyotrophies d'origine spinale. 4°. Paris, 1874. Reschansky (J.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Ebnigs- berg, 1874. Rietkoetter (J.) * De progressiva musculo- rum atrophia. 8°. Gryphice, 1866. Roberts (W.) *An essay on wasting palsy (Cruveilhier's atrophy). 8°. London, 1858. de Saint-Paul (G.-A.) *De l'atrophie grais- seuse progressive des muscles. 4°. Paris, 1861. Schrape (G. ) * Contribution k l'e'tude dea formes symptomatiques de l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 4°. Paris, 1872. Schreiber (A.) * Ueber zwei Falle von pro- gressiver Muskelatrophie. 8°. Gottingen, 1877. Shaw (J. C.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy, with sclerosis of the lateral columns. 8r. [M. p., 1879]- Sicardon (A.) * Essai sur l'anatomie patholo- gique et la nature de la paralysie atrophique. 4°. Paris, 1861. Swarzenski (B.) *Die progressive Muskel- atrophie. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1867]. Thouvenet (A.-A.) * De la paralysie muscu- laire atrophique. 4°. Paris, 1851. Tunkel (L.) *Drei Fiille von progressiver Muskelatrophie. sm. 8°. Berlin, [1868]. Vergnes (J.) * De l'adipose sous-cutanee dans ses rapports avec les atrophies musculaires (va- leur s6m6iologique de ce eigne). 4°. Paris, 1878. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1878. Vogt (G.) *Zur Statistik und Casuistik der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Erlangen, 1875. Wilde (G. A.) * De atrophia musculorum pro- gressiva nonnulla. 8°. BeroUni, [1853]. ATROPHY. 674 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). Wolff (E.) * Atrophia? muscularis progressiva? exempla duo. 8°. Gryphia.', 1862. Adradas (C. L.) jQuc eslf itrofiainuscularprogresiva bajo el puntode vista anatomico? An. de cien. mGd., Ma- drid, 1K77, iii, 70-75.—Alexander (W.) Sc Hamilton (A. M.S.) Progressive muscular atrophy. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 10; 44.—Ambcrger. t Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Berl., 1862, ii, 43.—Andrew (J.) Notes of a clinical lec- ture on progressive muscular atrophy. Student's J. & Ilosp. Gaz., Loud., 1874, ii, 36.—d'Ans. Atrophic muscu- I laire progressive. Arch. m6d. bilges, Unix., 1868, 2. s., vii, l 145-160.—Arau (F. A.) Recherehes sur une maladie non | encore d6crite du systeme musculaire. Arcu. gen. tic med., j Par., 1850, iu, 5; 172. Also: Ann. dc mod. beige, Brux., | 1850, iii, 420: iv, 109; 279: 397.—Asch. t Schles.GeseUsch. i f. vaterl. Cultur. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl., 1857, ] 15-19.—Baerwinkel. t Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1858, lix, 133-144. Also, transl.: LouisviUc M. Gaz., , 1859, i, 25-32.—Baillargcr. Denience paralytique conse- cutive k une atrophic musculaire progressive. Ann. med.- psych., Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 76-79.—Balmcr (U.) Hautsto- ! ruugeu bei der progressiven Muskelatrophie. Arch. d. I Heilk., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 31:7-343.—von Bamberger (II.) j Bemerkungen iiber progressive Muskelatrophie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, I860, vi, 101-110. -----. Beitrag zur Kasuistik der progressiven Muskelatrophie. I Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 625; 049.— Banks (J. T.) On muscular atrophv [maladie de Cruveilhier]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 2;' 29.—Bastard (H.) Atrophie ct j contracture musculaires de nature syphUitique. Union med., Par., 1879, 3. «., xxvii, 2-5.—Baudrimont. Uno I observation d'atrophie inusculaire progressive. Mem. Soc. j med.-chii'. d. hop. de Bordeaux, lt-uO, l, 81-88.—Bauduy (J. K.) t Clinical lecture. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1872, ix, ! 117-124.—Bauer (J.) t Ann. d. stadt. aUg. Krankenh. I zu Miinchen, 1878, i, 185-189.—Beard (G. M.) Progres- \ sive muscularatrophy of tho right hand, three years' stand- | ing; pain in back; numbness, and coldness, and neuralgia j of the aim; disease of the skin; apparent arrest of tho j disease under galvanization of the spine and peripheral faradization. N. York M. J., 1874, xix, 393-397.—Bene- dikt (M.) Einige Beobachtungen iiber progressive Mus- kelatrophie. [10 cases.] Wien. Med.-HaUe, 1863, iv, 148; 173; 181; 193; 224; 244; 254; 277; 304; 320; 344; 359; 388. ————. Zur Casuistik der progressiven Muskelatrophie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f.jirakt. Heilk.. Wien, 1805, xi, 205; 291; 347.—Bcnvcnisti (M.) SuUa atrotia muscolare progres- siva e sulla paralisi muscolare pseudo-ipertrolica. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1879, xxii, 275-280. — Bergmann. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der pro- gressiven Muskelatrophie. St. Petersb. mod. Ztschr., lt>64, vii, 83-126, 1 pl.—Bernhardt. 11 Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1875, vi, 47-53.—Bernhardt (M.) Ein FaU von Pseudohypertrophic (progressive Muskelatrophie). Centr. Ztg. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1877, i, 51.—Beta (F.) Beob- achtungen von progressiver Muskelatrophie. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1854, xlni, 104-109.—Boiiadci (U.) Un caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva con paralisi generate guarito coUa corrente galvanica, Galvani, Bo- logna, 1874, ii, 97-99.—Boudet. De la contracture dans l'atrophie musculaire progressive; etude sur certaines contractures dites essentielles; leur traitement par lc bro- mine denotassium. Lyon med., 1869, i, 222; 312.—Bou- chut (E.) Dela paralysie musculaire atrophique. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1853, xxvi, 186.—de Boulogne fils (D.) De l'atrophie musculaire progressive de Fenfance, et de son diagnostic eclaire par l'iconographio photogra- phique. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1869, 1, 41-45. — JBrissaud (E.) De l'atrophie musculaire dans l'hemipl6- gie. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir., Par., 1879, iii, 616- 642.—Bristowc (J. S.) CUnical lecture on progressive muscular atrophy. Med. Exam,, Lond,. 1877, ii, 64; 84— Brochin, Do l'affection musculaire dite paralysie mus- culaire progressive atrophique. Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1853, v, 637-653. -----. Atrophic musculaire progressive avec paralysie glosso-labio-laryngee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, Ii, 82.—Briinniche (A.) I)en progressive Muskel- atrophie med fedtdegeneration. Hosp.-Medd., Kjebenh., 1856, 2. IL, i, 369-389.—Brugnoli (G.) II nitrato d'ar- gento neUa cura dell'atrofia muscolare progressiva. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1865, 4. s., xxiv, 401^13.—Busey (S. C.) t In a child. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1871, Ui, 569- 577.—Caballero (F. G.) Curioso caso de atrofia muscu- lar progresiva, compUcado eon csclcrosis medular difusa. Siglo med., Madrid, 1878, xxv, 167-170.— Carazzolo (S.) Atrofia muscolare progressiva. Gazz. med. ital., prov. ve- nete, Padova, 1877, xx, 65-70.—Carson (W.) Progressive muscular atrophy. CUnic, Cincin., 1872, ii, 218.—[Cases.] Deux cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive survenue a la suite de lesions traumatiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 473.—Deux nouveaux cas de paralysie musculaire atrophique. Ibid., 1856, xxix, 581.— Progressive muscular atrophy of the muscles of both arms. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858. xvi, 426.—Atrophie musculaire progressive; douleurs atroces; cessation apres l'emploi de l'iodure de potassium. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 123.—Atrophie Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). musculaire progressive; phenomtSnes ociUo - pupillaires. 1 bid., 437.—Deux cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive; alteration des racines spinales du grand sympathique. Ibid., 1865, xxxviii, 21.—Cauvy (F.) L'ctiologie de l'atro- phie musculaire progressive. Montpel. med., 1865, xv, 1- 20.—de Ccrciivillc. Observations pdur servir a l'etude de l'atrophie musculaire spinale des adultes. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1879, xui, 250; 295.—Charcot. Atrophic musculaire progressive marquee surtout aux membres supericurs; atrophie des muscles de la langue et do l'orbiculairc des levres; paralysie avec rigidite des mem- bres int'erieurs; atrophie ou disparition des ceUules ner- veuses des cornes anterieures aux regions cervicalo et dor- sale ; au bulbc, atrophie et destruction des ceUules nerveu- ses du noyau de I'hypoglosse; atrophie des racines spinales ant6rieurs, des racines de I'hypoglosse et du facial; sclerose rubauec, sym6trique des cordons late-raux. Compt. rend. Soc. d. biol. 1869, Par., 1870, 5. s., i, 133-137. -----. Atro- phie inusculaire progressive marquee surtout aux membres superieurs; douleurs vives dans les membres revenant par acctis; anesthesie daus certain points du corps; paralysie avec rigidit6 des membres int'erieurs; lesions des ceUules nerveuses des cornes anterieures de la substance grise; foyers de disintegration grauuleuse, occupant les cornes posterieures; sclerose rubanee, symetrique des cordons lateraux; epaississement considerable de la durc-mere et de la pie-mere spinales, au niveau du rcnflenient cervical de la moelle 6piniere. Ibid.,252-256.—rharcot&Goinbault. Note sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive spinale protopathique [type Ducheune-AianJ. Arch, do physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s.. ii, 735-755, 2 pl.—Charcot (J. M.) &. Jotlroy (A.) Deux cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive avec lesions de la substance grise et des fais- ceaux anterolat6raux dc la moeUe epiuiere. Ibid., 1869, ii, 354; 629; 744.—Clarke (J. L.) On an important case Of muscular atrophy, accompanied with disease of the spinal cord. Arch. Med., Lond., 1863, iii, 1-25. —----. Progres- sive muscular atrophy, accompanied by muscular rigidity and contraction of joints, with examination of brain anil spinal cord. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1872, vu, 94. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1873, lvi, 103-112, 1 pl.— Clarke (J. L.) Sc Jackson (J. H.) On a case of mus- cular atrophy with disease of tho spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Loud., 1867, v, 332. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1867, 1, 489-496, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint.—Cliuc (J. D.) t Canada M. & S. j., Montreal, 1875, iii, 492-499. Aho: Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1875, iii, 527.—Colomiatti (V.) Sulla atrofia muscolare d'ori- gine nervosa periferica. Gior. d. r. Accad. di ined. di To- rino, 1879, xlii, 237-243, 1 pl. —Conkwright ( A. H.) t St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1874, n. s., xi, 287-292.—Cooper (G. L.) On atrophy or degeneration of tho muscles of the upper and lower extremities from disease of the spinal cord. Proc. Koy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1866, v, 198-200. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1866, xlix, 171-174, 1 pl.— Cross (T. M. li.) t Simulating glosso-labio-laryngeal pa- ralysis. Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1871, v, 770-777.— Cruveilhier. Sur la paralysie musculaire, progressive, atrophique. Bull. Acad, de ined., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 490; 546; 590; 623. Aho: Arch. Ren. de med., Par., 1853, i, 561- 603. Aho: Gaz. nied. de Par., 1853, 3. s., viii, 236-246. Also: Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 306; 324; 329. Aho: Key. med.-chir. do Par., 1853, xiii, 193; 257. -----. Atro- phie musculaire progressive, ou paralysie progressive par atrophie musculaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1853, xxviU, 49-51. -----. Sur la paralysie musculaire atrophique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1856, l, 5-20.—Cullingworth (C. J.) Clinical study of a case of progressive muscular atro- phy, affecting chiefly the trapezius, rhomboids, and latissi- mus dorsi. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 121-125.— Daniclbckof (A. I.) t Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis, 1872, viii, 536.—Behove Sc Renaut (J.) Note sur les lesions des faiscoaux primitifs des muscles voloutaires dans l'atrophie musculaire progressive et dans la paralysie saturnine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. -1876, Par., 1877, 49-52.—Dieulafoy. Dc l'atrophie musculaire progressive et do la sclerose laterale amyotrophique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1877, 2. s., xiv, 789; 805.—Brysdalc (C. R,) t Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1876, n. s., xxi, 458.— Duchenne. De la valeur de l'electrisation localisee comme traitement de l'atrophie musculaire progressive. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1853, xliv, 295; 407; 438. —-—. Etude coniparee des lesions anatomiques dans l'atro- phie musculaire progressive et dans la paralysie generale. Union m6d., Par.. 1853, vii, 202: 219: 243; 250; 254. -----. Note sur trois nouveaux cas d'atrophie musculaire grais- seuse progressive de l'enfance, chez uno m6re et ses deux enfants. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1868, xii, 418. —Dugas (L. A.) Progressive muscular atrophy. Tr. M. Soc. Georgia, Penfleld, 1B52, Ui, 20.—Dumcnil (L.) La paralysie atro- phique progressive, constitue-t-elle une cntit6 morhide dis- tinctef Cong. med. de France 1864, Par., 1865, ii, 52-64. ---—. Nouveaux faits relatifs a la pat ho^enie de l'atrophie musculaire graisseuse progressive. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1867, iv, 422; 452; 469.—Duvert (C.) t Guerison au moyen des courants continus. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxxi, 134-139.—Eichhorst (H.) The heredi- ATROPHY. 675 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). tary transmission of progressive muscular atrophy. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1874, ii, 623.—Erb (W.) Sc Schultze (F.) Ein FaU vou progressiver Muskelatrophie mit Er- krankung der grauen vordersiiulen des Riickenmarks. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1879, ix, 369-388.—Erdmann. Ueber progressive Muskelatrophie. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1874, 64-67.—Eulrnburg (A.) Ueber progressive Muskelatrophie. [4 cases.] Deutsche KUnik, Berl., 1856, viii, 117: 129; 138; 143. -----. Vorstel- lung eines FaUes von Muskelkrankheit (aufsteigende chronischo Muskelatrophie). AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., lJerl., 1863, xxxU, 17-21. -----. Ein Fall von Lipomatosis mus- culorum luxurians an den untcrcn, und progressive Mus- kelatrophie au den oberen Extremitaten. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, xUx, 446-450. -----. Progressive Muskelatrophie. Handb. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1875, xii, 2. Hft., 102-148. Aho, transl.: Cvcl. Pract. Med. (Ziemssen), N. T., 1877, xiv, 105-151.—Faggc (C. H.) Contributions to the electrical treatment of progressive muscular atrophy. Practitioner, Lond., 1868, i, 345-355.— Ferber (A.) Ueber einen FaU von progressiver Mus- kelatrophie mit erhiihter electrischer Muskelreizbarkeit. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1876, vi, 839-844. — Fitzgib- bou. Case of progressive muscular atrophy arrested by treatment. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1875, iii, 113-115.— Fleming. Wasting palsy, from excessive muscular ex- ertion commenced in early Ufe; use of strychnia and gal- vanism ; arrest; remarks. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1868, ii, 637.— Gallard. Atrophie musculaire progressive. Unionmed., Par., 1852. vi, 131. — Ganghofncr (F.) Traumatische Muskelatrophie der rechten oberen Extrcmitat. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen, Prag, 1873, i, 25.—[ Garrod. ] t . . . from lead poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 345.—Gen- tilhonime. Atrophie musculaire graisseuse progres- sive. BuU. Soc. m6d. de Reims, 1868-9, vii, 28-31.—Green- how (E. H.) t Tr. CUn. Soc Lond., 1872, v, 210-218.— Grimm (J.) t Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1869, xlviii, 445-467, 1 pl. — Gros. De l'atrophie musculaire progressive au point de vue du traitement electrique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxvui, 199. — Grossmann. j Eine Atrophie. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1788, x, 434- 436. — Gull (W.) Progressive atrophy of the muscles of the trunk and upper extremities, after a blow on the neck with the fist. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1858, 3. s., iv, 195-197.-----. Case of progressive atrophy ofthe mus- cles of the hands; enlargement of the ventricle of the cord in the cervical region, with atrophy of the gray matter (hydromyelus). Ibid., 1862, vUi, 244-249, 1 pl.—Hamil- ton (A. M.) t ResembUng lead paresis. Med. Rec, N. T., 1877, xii, 178.—Hayden. t Dublin J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiU, 564-566. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. s., xxii, 389.—Hayem (G.) t . . . avec lesions do la moeUe. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1869, ii, 263; 391. -----. Musculaire; pathologie. (Atrophie musculaire progressive.) Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1876, 2. s., xi, 1-64.—Ilelfft. Von der fortschreitenden Muskelatrophie mit Imniobilitat. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 155-157.—von Hbnigsberg. Atrophia mus- cularis progressiva. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1862, ui, 178.— Hiiter (E.) Dunkler FaU von erworbener Muskelatro- Iihie der rechten Halftedes Rumpfcs und der rechtseitigen Extremitaten bei einem Erwachsenen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1879, xxiv, 501-504.—Jaceoud. t BuU. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. do Par., 1864, i, 250-253.— Janeway (E.G.) t Boston M.ScS.J., 1878,xcviii,96-98.— Johnson, t Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 859.—Johnson (Z.) Sc Clarke (J. L.) t With extensivo disease of the spinal cord. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1868, vi, 113. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr.,Lond., 1868. li, 249-262.—Jones (R.) t Med. Circ, Lond., 1858, xiii, 38.—Karamctsus (G.) Ilepi 7rpoiouuys (J.) t Lesions histologiques de la substanco gris de la moeUe-6piniere. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1800, Par., 1861, 2. s., ii, 80.—Mnbillc. Lype- manic eons6cutive a une atrophie musculaire progressive. Ann. m6d.psych., Par., 1879, 6. s., ii, 248-251.—McDow- all (T. W.) Cases in which mental derangement appeared in patients suffering from progressive muscular atrophy. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1872, xviU, 390-397.—Mackey. t Pro- gress towards cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, i, 506.—Ma- tter. Progressive Myelitis anterior mit Muskelatrophie, Hvpoglossuslahmung; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1878, 350.—Maggiorani (C.) DeU'atrofia muscolare progressiva. Gazz. clin. d. sped. civ. di Palermo, 1874, vi, 145-153.—Malmeten. t Forh. Svens. Lak.-SaUsk. Sammank. 1860-61, Stockholm, 1862, 242-244. Aho: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1861, xxiii, 555-557.—lTInrchi- onneschi (O.) t Indipendente, Torino, 1878, xxix, 405; 417.—Martinean. t Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par., 1859-63, ii, 651. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1862, xxxv, 237- 238.—ITIenjaud. Atrophie musculaire progressive des extremitcs 8up6rieures dont le d6but remonte a dix ans; ph£nomenes oculo-pupUlaires du cot 6 gauche, vertiges de date rccente; mort rapide, presque subite, a la suite d'une apoplexiepulmonairedu cote gauche. Rec. d. trav. Soc. mGd. dfobs. de Par., 1865-6, 2. s., i, 161-175. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 1; 10.—Mcstcrton (C. B.) t Upsala Lakaref. F6rh., 1871, vi, 375-380. Aho, transl.: Med. Tunes Sc Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 495.—Meyer (L.) Ein FaU von aUgemeiner progressiver Muskelatrophie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxvii, 414-419.—Meyer (M.) Ueber progressive fettige Muskelentartung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1855, v, 649-665.—Morax. t Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1869, iii, 339-354—Naxel (E.) Progressive alternirende Atrophie der Muskeln. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. GeseUsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1856, ii, 671-674.—Naunyn. Ueber Hereditat der progres- siven Muskelatrophie. [10 cases.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1873, x, 497-511.—Ncsemann. Die Heilung eines bis zur vollstandigen Lahmung aUer Extremitaten vorgeschrit- tenen FaUes von progressiver Muskelatrophie vcrmittelst des constanten galvanischen Stromes. Ibid., 1868, v, 380.— PVevins (J. B.) t Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1859, iii, 94-105.— Niepec. t Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1852-3, xviii, 650- 655. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 193.— IVuiiu (T. W.) Sections of spinal cord and of the phrenic nerves in the two forms of progressive muscular atrophy. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1877, xxviU, 9.—Paralysie (De la) muscu- laire atrophique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1851, 3. s., Ui. 582.— Pedro, t Siglo med., Madrid, 1865, xii, 501; 517; 532; 548; 567.—Peltier (G.) t Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1871, iU, 170-176.—Pick (A.) t Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1876, vi, 682-701. -----. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der progres- siven Muskelatrophie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 758-763.—Pierreson. t Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par., 1859-63, ii, 292-311.—Pierret (A.) t Caract6rise au d6but par de la r6tropulsion irresistible. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir., Par., 1877, i, 413-424.—Pierret & Troi- sier, t Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1875, 2. s., ii, 236-252.—Pitres (A.) t Cons6cutive a une scl6rose la- terale secondaire do la moeUe epini&re. Ibid., 1876, 2. 8., iii, 657-663.—Potain. t... chez un goutteux. J. dem6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1876, xlvU, 534-536.—Prcvost (J. L.) Sc David (C.) Note sur un cas d'atrophie des muscles de Imminence th6nar droite avec lesion de la moelle 6piniere. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1874, 2. s., i, 595-602, 1 pl— Radcliffb (C. B.) & Clarke (J. L.) An impor- tant caso of paralysis and muscular atrophy, with diseaso of the nervous centres. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1862, xxx, 215-225.—Ramskill. Paralysis of hands and feet; progressive muscular atrophy; disease of spinal cord. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 475.—Raymond. Paralysie es- sentielle de l'enfance; atrophie musculaire consecutive. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1875, 6. s., ii, 158-102.— Bcmak. Ueber die HeUbarkeit der progressiven Mus- kelatrophie. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. HeUk., Wien, 1862, viii, 1; 29.—Bicklin (E.) ConSid6rations sur deux cas d'atrophie musculaire, sans alteration des cornes ante- rieures de la moeUe. Gaz. med. de Par., 1878, 4. s., vii, 600; 609.—Rigal. Atrophie musculaire progressive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1876, xUx, 867; 889; 897.—Riva (G.) Contribu- zione alia patologia e cura deU'atrofia musculare progres- siva. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1872, ii, 302-304.—Roberts ATROPHY. 676 ATROPINE. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). (W.) Wasting palsy. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1868, ii, 166-183.— Robinson (P. G.) t Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, i, 1-3.—Rodet (A.) Observation d'atrophie musculaire progressive, de nature syphUitique, gu6ri par l'iodure de potassium. Union mod., Par., 1859, 2. s., i, 403- 408.—Rohdeu (A.) t t Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 437-440.—Rokitansky. t Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck (1877), 1879, viii, 2. Hft, 127-131.— Rosenthal (M.) t t AUg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1871, xl, 73.—Rostan. Observation remarquablo de paralysie musculaire atrophique guerie par les armatures metaUiqnes du docteur Burq. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 215-217.— Roth (W.) Ueber das Verhalten der Muskclkerne bei pro- gressiver Muskelatrophie und amyotrophischen Lahmun- gen. Centralbl. f. Ncrvenb., Coblenz, 1879, ii, 313-315.— Sandahl (C. O.) Om fortskridando atropin af muskier. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1851, xiii, 558-561.— Sandahl (O. T.) Om forlamande muskcl-fortvining, fortskridando genom fett-forvandUng. I bid., 1858, xx, 3; 65; 129; 207; 257.-----. t t Aho, transl.: Med. Ztg., Bcil., 1859, ii, 137.—Mandcr (J.) t Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1870, ii, 780-789.—Sau- rel. t Guerie par l'uaago do l'electricito ct des bains de Balaruc. BuU. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1854, xxi, 39-07. A ho : Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel., 1854, vii, 10; 118.— Schultze. Ueber dio Bczichungen der progressiven Mus- kelatrophie zur Pseudohypertrophic der Muskeln. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1878, ix, 1C9.—Schultze (F.) Ueber Atrophia muscularis pseudohypertrophica. (Nach einem auf der Wandervcrsammlung der siidwcsldeutschen Neu- rologen und Irreniirzte in Wildbad am 18. Mai 1878 gebal- tcnen Vortragc] Arch. f.path.Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, lxxv, 475-482.—Shaw (J. C.) Progressive muscular atrophy and its pathology. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn! 1878, ni, 46-49. -----. t . . . with sclerosis of the lateral columns. J. Nerv. &. Ment. Dis., Chicago, 1879, vi, 56-64, 1 pl.—da Silva Lima (J. F.) Atrophia muscular progressiva tra- tada vantajosamente pelos preparados d'arscnico. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1869, iii, 229-234. Aho, transl.: Unionmed., Par., 1869, viii, 797.—Simon (J.) Atrophie musculake progressive. Union med., Par., 1865, 2. s., xxviii, 373-379. Aho: N. diet, de m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1866, iv, 27; 83.—Souricr. t Guerison. Abeillomed., Par., 1874, xxxi, 321-324. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvU, 754.—Stefa- nini(D.) t ... con alteraziono de'gangU simpatici. Arch. per le sc. med., Torino, 1878, ii, 387-391.—Stocbcr Sc Fa- mcchon. t Rev. med. do Test, Nancy, 1874, i, 449-455.— Taubcr(B.) Progressive muscular atrophy. Cincin. M. News, 1873, ii, 121.—Taylor (F.) t SuccessfuUy treated by iodide of potassium. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1863, ii, 37.—Thompson (E. S.) On progressive muscular atro- phy. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1861, i, 166-180. Also, Reprint.— Thomson (W. H.) Comparison of cases of progressive muscular atrophy, syphUitic brain disease, chronic con- gestion of tbe spinal cord, and locomotor ataxy. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876, iii, 655-661.—Troisier (E.) Note sur les lesions anatomiques observfies dans un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 897-904. Aho: Progres med., Par., 1875, Ui, 220.—[Trousseau.J Atrophic iuusculairo grais- seuse progressive. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 32.— Valerius (H.) Note sur l'atrophie musculaire progres- sive. Ann. Soc. de mod. do Gaud, 1853, xxxi, 12; 24. Also .- Presso m6d. beige, Brux, 1853, v, 149-151.—Vcrga (G. B.) Un caso di malattia d'Aran. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1875, 7. s., ii, 273-277.—[Vigla.] Do la paralysie muscu- laire atrophique, ou do l'atrophie musculaire graisseuse, a propos des ueux faits r6cemmcnt pubUes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 601. -----. Paralysie atrophique progres- sive so circouscrivant et tendant k la r6trocession. J. do m6d. ct chir. prat., Par., 1857, 2. s., xxviii, 18-21. — Vir- chow (R.) t Arch f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1854, viii, 537-540.-----. Progressive Atrophie der Muskeln und des Riickenmarks. Ibid., 1869, xlviii, 519.—Vizioli. tt Mor- gagni, NapoU, 1878, xx, 247-253. — Vogt (G.) Ueber pro- gressive Muskelatrophie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 265.—Vulpian (A.) Cas d'atrophie musculaire grais- seuse datant do l'enfance; lesions des cornes ant6rieurcs do la substance grise de la moeUe 6pinifire. Arch, de phy- siol. norm, et path., Par., 1870, in, 316-325. -----. Diss atrophies musculaircs. [6 cases.] In his: l'hop. do la Charite, 8°, Paris, 1879, 707-772. -----. Bru- lure du poignet gauche dans l'enfance; travaU manuel exagere des bras, aussi bien du gauche que du droit; atro- fhie musculaire progressive. Ibid., 742-745.—Wagner. Ibid., 1869, vi, 561-563.—Weiss (N.) t Anz. d. k. li. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1877, 126. -----. Ueber pro- gressive Muskelatrophie. Wien. mod. Presse, 1877, xviii, 691. Also: Wien. med. Wchnscbr., 1878, xxviii, 213; 234.— Wetzlar. t Traitee par les eaux d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. mGd. de Par., 1857, iU; 167.—[Wilks.j t From lead poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 9.—Wood (H. C.) jr. A rare case; acute muscular atrophy, or infan- tile paralysis in an adult. Med. Rec, N. T., 1877, xU, 806.—Worms (J.) t . . . avec paralysie glosso-labio la- ryngee. Arch, do physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1877, 2. s., iv, 706-717.—Zannini (V.) Contributo clinico alio stu- dio sulla patogenesi e suUa terapia deU'atrofia muscolare Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive). progressiva. RaccogUtore med., ForU, 1877, 4. e., vii, 256- 275.—Zaremba. Progressive muscular atrophy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1866, i, 288; 311. Atrophy (Muscular, Rheumatic). Beziel (F. J.) *£tude sur l'atrophie muscu- laire dans ses rapports avec le rhumatisme arti- culaire aigu. 4°. Paris, 1864. Quezac (J.) *De l'atrophie inusculaire conse- cutive aux ne"vralgies rhumatisinales. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1875. Sabourin (A.) * De l'atrophie musculaire rhu- matismale. 4°. Paris, 1873. Ronifas. Atrophie musculaire do nature rhumatis- male, traitee avec succes par les eaux de Balaruc. Mont- pel. med., 1860, v, 172-175.—Hutchinson et al. Muscu- lar atrophy following acute rheumatism. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, i, 115.—Rcvillout (V.) Atrophiomus- culaire cons6cutive a un rhumatisme articulaire chroniquo. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878, li, 713-716.—Sol les. Atrophie musculaire des muscles respirateurs de nature rhuma- tismale. M6m. et bull. Soc. do med. de Bordeaux, 1869, 32-38. Atrophy (Unilateral). See Body (Human, Symmetry of); Face (Atro- phy of). Atropine (Chemistry and pharmacy of). See, also, Belladonna. Ruchhcim (R.) Ueber die pharmakologische Gruppe des Atropins. Arch. f. exper. Path.n. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876, v, 463-472.—Coldzichcr (W.) Praktische Bemer- kungen uber die Anwendung des Atropins, Atropin-Vase- linesalbe. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1878, xiv, 581-584. -----. Ueber Atropin-Vasclinesalbe. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1878, ii, 150.—Rademaker (C. J.) Atropia. LouisvUleM. News, 1876, ii, 322.—Sozzani. Atrophia del commercio. Gazz. med., MUano, 1846, v, 297. Atropine (Physiological and therapeu- tical effects of\ See, also, Mydriasis; Opium (Toxicologg of); Physostigma; Pilocarpine; Salivation (Treat- ment of). Amory (R.) Atropine; its physiological action, and its uso in tetanus, with experiments. 12c. Boston, 1869. Banck (J.) * Nonnulla de atropini viribus phy- siologicisusuqueejusmedico-practico. 4°. Kilice, 1862. Bloebaum (F.) *De vi physiologica atropini sulphurici. 8°. Gryphice, [1867?] Borgien (G.) *De atropini vi, quae in neuro- pathis sanandis cernitur. 8°. RcgimontiPr., 1862. Dautuicourt (A.) *De l'emploi du sulfate d'atropine contre les sueurs de la phthisie et du rhumatisme. 4°. Paris, 1873. Dubuyadoux (P.) *Action de l'atropine sur l'iris et l'accommodation. 4°. Paris, 1863. Giquel (A.) * Etude sur l'action physiologique do l'atropine. 4°. Paris, 1873. Harley (G.) On the physiological action of atropine in dilating the pupil. 8°. Edinburgh, 1856. Hendricks (M.) * Ueber die physiologischen Wirkungen und die therapeutische Verwendung des Atropins. 8°. Halle, 1873. Hoiil (R.) *De atropini effectu. 8°. Halis Saxonum, [1863]. Hosch (F.) * Ueber die therapeutische Wirkung des Atropin auf myopische Augen. 8°. Basel, 1871. Keuchel (P.) *Das Atropin und die Hem- mungsnerven. 8°. [Dorpat], 1868. Sciiulz (M.) * Ueber die ophthalmiatrische Bedeutung des Atropins. 8°. Halle, [1868], Adamiik (E.) Over den invloed van atropine op de intra-oculaire drukking. Onderzoek. ged. in h. phys. Lab. d.Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1870, iU, 417-423. Also, transl.: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1870, lxiii, 108-113.—Amory (R.) Atropine; its physiological action, and its use in tetanus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, lxxx, 89-94.—Anngnustakes (A.) Ilepi tj)s T07T((c>}s xptjotias rrji aTpoirivT)% 7rpos rds voirovi rCtv bv. 'larpiKi) 'Er)p.., ABr/vai, 1859, i, 89-93.—All ber (P. A.) Del antagonismo entre la atrophia y el jaborandi, y de sua ATROPINE. 677 ATROPINE. Atropine (Physiological and therapeu- tical effects of). applicaciones a la toxicologia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1876, xxiU, 81; 100.— Bartholow (R.) Tho physiological ef- fects and therapeutical uses of atropia and its salts. Tr. Am. M. Ass., PhUa., 1869, xx, 639-684. Aho, Reprint. -----. Note on atropia and its physiological antagonists. Practitioner, Lond., 1870, v, 27-33. -----. The antago- nism between atropia and physostigmia. Clinic, Cincin., 1873, v, 61-63.—Bell (B.) On the action of atropine in di- lating the pupU. Edinb. M. J.. 1856, ii, 521-525. -----. On the action of atropine. Ibid., 1857, ii, 815-820.—Bennett (J. H.) Antagonism between sulphate of atropia and Cala- bar bean. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 464-466. -----. An- tagonism between sulphate of atropia and meconate of morphia. Ibid., 518; 581.—di Bernardo (A.) Antago- nisnie physiologique de l'atropine et de la morphine. Gaz. hebd. de med. ct de chir., Par., 1874, 2. s., xi, 118.—von Bezold (A.) Sc Bloebaum (F.) Ueber die physiologi- schen Wirkungen des schwefclsauren Atropin s. * Unter- such. a. d. physiol. Lab. in Wiirzb., Leipz., 1867, 1. Th., 3- 72.—Botkin. Ueberdie Wnkungdes Sulphas atropini. St. Petersb. med. Ztschi'., 1861, i, 76. Also: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 83-92. Aho, transl.: Med. Vestnik, St, Petersb., 1861, i, 261-267.—Bouchardat Sc Stuart- Cooper. Recherehes optiques, physiologiques, therapeu- tiques et pharmacologiques sur ^atropine. Gaz. med. de Par., 1848, 3. s., ui, 991: 1008.—Bourneville. Do l'anta- gonisme de la feve de Calabar et de l'atropin. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par., 1870, ii, 129-137.—Breslau. Subkutanc Injektion von Atropin gegen Kranipfwehen. Wien. mod. Presse, 1866, vii, 73-75.— Brochin. De l'antagonisme dc l'eserine ct de l'atropine; conditions de cet antagonismc et appUcations pratiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 914-916.—Brown-Sequard. Action de l'atropine et de l'ergot de seigle sur les vaisseaux sanguins. Arch, de phy- siol. norm, et path., Par., 1870, iii, 434.—Case (A) illustrat- ing the general physiological antagonism between atropia and morphia, Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1872, liv, 38-51.—Ca- vazzani (G.) DeU'azione deU'atropina principalmento sulla chcolazione. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., MUano, 1878, ccxliii, 324-365.—Chisolm (J. J.) The value of atropia in eye diseases. Virginia M. Month., 1874, i, 74-80.—Co- rona (A.) La mortina e l'atropina considerate neUa loro azione antagonistica fisiologico-terapeutica. Gior. di med. nnl., Roma, 1876, xxiv, 324-355.—Coste. Recherehes expe- rimentales sur l'antagonisme de leserino et de l'atropine; appUcation pratique devant les conseils de revision. Rec. dc mem. do m6d. . . . mU., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxiv, 79-94.— Cowdeli. Cases treated by the hypodermic injection of atropine. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 267.—Cunier (P.) Note sur l'usage ophthalmique do l'atropine, de l'hyos- ciamine et de la daturine. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1847, xvii, 25-29.—Curtis (E. M.) The use of atropia in ophthalmic practice. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran., 1873-4,vU, 433-446.— Czcrmak (J.) Ueber die Wirkung des Atropins auf die Iris. (Aus dm Sitzungsbeikhteu der math.-naturw. Klasse d. Wieu. Akad. d. Wiss.) Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giesaen, 1860, vu, 368-377. — Denis (A.) Experiences sur l'antagonisme de l'atropine ct des principaux alcaloides de l'opium. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1869, 2. s., vi, 9i;-103.—Eckhard (F.) Ueber einige Wir- kungen der zur pharuiakologischen Gruppe des Atropins gchorigen Stone, Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eckhaid), Gies- sen, 1877, vui, 1-52.—Erlenmeyer. Der Antagonismua zwischen Atropin und Morphium. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1866, Ui, 13-15.—Finny (J. M.) A case iUustrating the general physiological antagonism between atropia and morphia. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1872, xiv, 67-69.— Fleming (A.) An inquiry into tho action and uses of atropia. Edinb. M. J., 1863, vni, 777-781. — Friintzcl. Durch Atropins erzielte HeUresultate. Charite.-Ann., Berl., 1874, i, 374-377.—Fraser (T. R.) An investigation into some previously undcscribcd tetauic symptoms pro- duced by atropia in cold-blooded animals; with a compari- son of the paralytic and convulsant symptoms product d by atropia in frogs and in various mammals. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1869, in, 357-369. Aho, repr. from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xxv. -----. On atropia as a physio- logical antidote to the poisonous effects of physostigma. Practitioner, Lond, 1870, iv, 65-72.—Fundakowskii (H.) Poszukiwania nad wyjatkowa. nieszkodUwoscia atropiny. [Action of atropia.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1869, vi, 417- 424.—Ores (C.) Des effets therapeutiques d'un melange de morphine et d'atropine en injections sous-cutanees. Alger med., 1875, iii, 19.—Gubler Sc Orfila. Atropine. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867, vii. 192-217.— Harley ('(J.j On dUatation of the pupil. Edinb. M. J., 1856, u, 431-434. -----. On the action of atropine. Ibid., 1857, ii, 705-712.—llarnak (E.) Ueber die Wirkung des Atropin und Physostigmin auf PupiUe und Herz. Arch. f. exper. Path. ii. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1874, ii, 307-333.— -----. Ueber M. J. Rossbaoh's "Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die physiologischen Wukuugcu des Atropin und Physostigmin", etc. Ibid., 1875, iv, 146-154.—Heiberg (J.) Om Anvendelse af Atropin i Kon j unktivas og Korneas S> gdomme. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1873, Atropine (Physiological and therapeu- tical effects of). iii, 372-375.—Heubnch (II.) Antagonismua zwischen Morphin uud Atropin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 767-771.—Hoppe (J.) Verwahrung gegen Hrn. Czemiak in Betreffder Entdeckung der Atropinwirkung am M. dUa- tor iridis nebst Versnchen uber die Wirkung des Atropin an beiden Irismuskeln. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1861, xiU, 153; 188; 2_!.">. — Hotz (F. C.) On some of tho unusual effects of atropine, and the means to counteract them. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1879, xxxvUi, 36-44.—Injections sous-cutanees du sulfate d'atropine dans quelques cas do rhumatisme articulaire et dans quelques autres accidents douloureux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiU, 69.—JTewctt (T. B.) Atropine; effects of about one grain of sulp. atro- pia injected hypodermically; an interesting case. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford," 1879, lxxxvUi, 82.—Johnston (J.) Cases showing the effects of atropine as an antidote to opium. Med. limes & Gaz., Lond., 1872, ii, 268: 1873, i, 175.—Juhasz (L.) AtropinespUocarpin. Orvosi hetU., Budapest, 1879,xxiii, 1155-1157.—K.ovalevski(P. I.) Atro- pinnii psichoze. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1879, exxxiv, pt. 6, 19-36. Aho, transl.: AUg. Ztschr. f. Psvchiat., etc., Berl., 1879, xxxvi, 431-449. Aho, transl.: Mecl.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 437.—Lange. Ueber Atropin. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 112-114.— Lmircuzo (J.) Intoxication occasionnee par le coUyre d'atropine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xUi, 486.—Lawson (G.) On some ofthe anomalous effects of atropine on the eye. Ophth. Hosp. Rep.', Lond., 1867-9, vi, 119-122.—Lawson (H.) Objections to the statements of Dr. Fleming concerning the action of i atropia on the eye. Assoc. M.J., Lond., 1863, i, 397.—Ecnte (F. I).) Case iUustrating the antagonistic effects of atro- pia and moi-phia, with remarks. N. York M. Rec, 1873, viii, 10.—Eiudwig(G.) Ueber Atropin. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg-, 1872, xvii, 146; 154.—Eiussana (F.) Saggi cliuici i sull'atropina. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3. s., i, 153; 304; 309; 325; 333; 348. Aho transl.: Unionmed., Par., 1851, v, 310; 313; 318. -----. DeU'azione e deUe virtu tei-a- peutiche deU'atropina e deUa bcUadonna. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 18j2, cxl, 514; cxU, 58; 247; 449: 1857, clix, 5; 279; clxi, 53.—M'Keudrick. Observation of a weU marked instance of physiological antagonism between bro- mal hydrate and atropine. Eilinb. M. J., 1874, xix, 1124.— Madcr. Atropin gegen Schweisse. Wien. med. BI., 1879, ii, 297; 32.').— May (H. C.) Atropine vs. Opium. Med.Rec. N. Y., l*7o, v, 166. — Mayfield (W. A.) Atropia as an antidote to opium poisoning. Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1869, Ui, 481-483.—Mettenhciincr (C.) Ueber einige Wir- kungen des Atrop. sulfur. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1861, vi, 265-268.—Miehea. Du valerianate d'atropine contre les affections convulsives. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1856, xxix, 103. -----. Des effets physiologiques de l'atropine et des induc- tions qu'on peut eu tirer en faveur du traitement rationnel de 1'epUepsic. Ibid., 1861, xxxiv,563; 566; 578.—Mitchell, ! Keen, Sc Morehouse. On the antagonism of atropia and morphia. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1865, n. s., 1, 67-76.— Mosler (F.) Ueber Anwendung des schwefelsauren Atro- pins in Augenkrankheiten. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. HeUk., Gotting, 1858, iii, 15-20.— Naraias (G.) Sopra alcuni effetti deU'atropina e del sol- tato (U veratrina. Gior. veneto di sc med., Venezia, 1851, ii, 661-675.—Xonak (J.) Welche Mengen genugen zur Erkennung von Strychnin uud Atropin? Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver. in Wien, lh74, ui, 49-56. — Onsum (J.) Ueber den Einfluss des Atropins auf Opium und Morphinvergiftungcn. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1864, ii, 627.—Fal- len (M. A.) On the use of atropine in corneal affections. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1866, n. s., Ui, 106-114. —Percy (S. It.) Atropia; its chemical, physiological, and therapeutic action; together with experiments instituted to ascertain its toxicological properties.. N. York M. J., 1869, vUi, 242- i 286. Aho, Reprint,—Poo hi (A.) Atropin und Daturin, i St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, U, 177.—Poole (S. W.) Atropine as an antidote to morphia. Practitioner, Lond., 1874, ii, 251-254.—Prcvost (J. L.) Note relative a l'an- tagonisme mutuel de l'atropine et de la muscarine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1877, Ixxxv, 630. — Preyer (W.) Ueber den Antagonismus der Blausaure und des Atropins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1875, Ui, 381- | 396.—Putnam (M. C.) Lecture on atrophia. M. Rec, I N. T., 1873, viii, 249; 273.—Rabuteau (A.) De l'action I comparative de l'atropine chez 1'homuie et chez certains j animaux. Union med., Par., 1873, 3. s., xvi, 1006-1010.— Regek (E.) Atropin als Antidot gegen Morfin. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 232-234. — Reisinger (F.) Oph- thalmologische Versuche bey Thieren mit dem Hyoscya- miu und Atropin. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbr., 1825, i, 237; 253.—Richardson (E. B.) On the use of calabar bean and atropia in certain affections of the eye. Am. Pract., Louis- vUle, 1873, viii, 18-21.—Ringer (S.) Some additional ob- servations on the action of atropia on sweating. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1872, ix, 224.— Ringer (S.) Sc Murrell (W.) Ou the effects of sulphate ol atropia on the nervous system of frogs. J. Anat. Sc Physiol., Lond., 1877, xi, 321- 331.—Rose (P. B.) The autagonistic action of atropia to morphia. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1871-2, U, ATROPINE. 678 ATROPINE. Atropine (Physiological and therapeu- tical effects of). 652-663.—Rossbach (M. J.) Der Antagonismus in der Wirkuug des Atropin und rhysostigmin auf die Speichel- secretion und die Gesetze des'physiologischen Antagonis- mus. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellscn. in Wiirzb., 1874, vii, 20-32.-----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die physio- logischen Wirkungen des Atropin und Physostigmin mit einem Beitrage zur Physiologie des Vagus. Arch! f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, x, 383-464, 2 pl.—Rossbach (M. J.) Sc Frohlich (C.) Untersuchun. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1871. -----. The same. A manual of the general prin- ciples of the science, and their applications to medicine- and pharmacy. 5. ed. revised from the 4. (English) ed. by the author, xv, 13-606 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1873. -----. The same. 8. ed. xvi, 13-697 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1879. See, aho, fear-Rook of Pharmacy. Atthill (Lombe). Observations on some forms of inflammation and irritation of the bladder and vagina. 9 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1866. [V., v. 89.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1866. -----. On retroflexion of the uterus. 14 pp. 8°. DubUn, John Falconer, 1869. -----. Clinical lectures on diseases peculiar to women. 208 pp. 8°. Dublin, Fannin 4' Co., 1871. -----. The same. 2. ed., revised and enlarged, with six lithograph plates and woodcut illustra- tions, xv, 241 pp., 6 pl. sm. 8°. Philadelphia, ' Lindsay 4" Blakiston, 1873. Atti (Gaetano). Notizie edite ed inedite della vita e dello opere di Marcello Malpighi o di Lorenzo Bellini. 2 p. 1., viii, 539 pp., 1 port. 4°. Bo- logna, 1847. Atti dell'Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Mi- lano. Nuovo serie v. 5-7 (anni xv-xvii, 1859-62); anni xviii-xxvii (1863-71) in 4 v.; anni xxix- xxxiii (1873-7). 8°. Milano, T. Gareffi, 1860-77. 1864 called anno xix Sc xx. Atti dell'Accademia medica di Roma, compilati dal segretario Cesare Brunelli. Anni 1. & 2. (1875-6), fasc. 1., 2.; anno 3. (1877-8), fasc. 1., 2., 3.; anno 4. (1878), fasc. 1., 2., 3. 8°. .Roma, 1876-8. Atti dell'Associazione medica italiana. 3. Con- gresso (1863); 5. (1871); 7. (1876). 8°. 1868-77. Atti dell'Associazione ottalmologica italiana; riu- nione di Napoli settembre 1879. 85 pp, 11. 8°. Milano, 1879. Atti della fondazione scientifica Cagnola dalla sua istituzione in poi. Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze ed lettere. v. 3-5, 6, No. 1 (1860-72). 8°. Milano, G. Bernardoni, 1860-72. Atti dell'I. R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze, let- tere ed arti. Fasc. 1-5, pp. 1-128, v. 1 (1858). 4°. Milano, Bernardoni, 18o8. Atti del Reale Istituto d'Incoraggiamento alle scienze naturali, economiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. v. 8-14, 2. s. (1872-7). fol. Napoli, G. Nobile, 1872-7. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. 3. s., v. 14, disp. 2-10, xv, xvi (1868-70); 4. s., v. 1-3 (1871-4); 5. s., v. 1, 2, 3, disp. 1-7 (1874-7). 8°. Venezia, 1868-77. Atticus (T. Pomponius). Fohrenschwarz (M.) Die Krankheit des romischen Bitters T. Pomponius Atticus bei Cornelius Nepos. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., Wien, 1874, xix, 9-10. Attimont (Aristide). * Considerations sur les resultats de la paracentese dans la pleur6sie puru- lente. 84 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 304. Attitude. See Body (Human, Attitude of); Cadaver (At- titude of); Decubitus; Locomotion; Position. Attleborough. Sanitary survey of Attleborongh. By the commission. Rep. . . . promot. pub. health . . . legislat. Mass., Bost., 1850, 458-487. Attumonelli (Michel). M6moire sur l'opium. 70, ivpp. 8°. Paris, Ve. Panckoucke, an X[ 1802]. Atwater (H. H.) Analysis of one thousand cases of midwifery in the private practice of . . . 24 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1879. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1879, xii. Aub (Emanuel). * Ueber die Pflege und Erzie- hung der Kinder in den ersten Lebeusjahren. 36 pp. 8C. Erlangen, Hilpert, 1835. Auban (Bruneau de St.) * Fragments pour ser- vir a l'histoire mddicale de l'opium. 95 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [P., v. 45.] Auban (Paul). * De l'emploi de la sonde pour provoquer ou halter l'expulsion du foetus. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 65. Aubanel (Honor<5). * Essai sur les hallucina- tions. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 343, v. 335. See, also. Notice sur les travaux dAubanel, medecin en chef de 1'Asile des alienes de Marseille (There). Ann. m6d.-psych., Par., 1863, 4. 8., ii, 84-95. -----& Thore (ATM.) Recherehes statistiques sur l'alienation mentale faites k l'hospice de Bice- tre. viii, 206 pp. 8°. Paris, Just Rouvier, 1841. Aubar (Pierre-Alexandre). * Diss, sur le cholera- morbus. vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 337, v. 118. Anbas de Montfaucon (fidouard). * Rela- tion de l'expe'dition du Djebel-Boutaleb (en Jan- vier 1846). Congelation. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 208, v. 452. [Also, in: P., v. 52.] Aube (Ch.) * Considerations g6nerales sur la gale, et l'iusecto qui la produit. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 60, v. 295. AUBE. 680 AUBERT. Aube (Charles-Louis). * De l'accouchement prd- maturd artificiel. 92 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 183, v. 626. Aube (Ddpartement de P). Recueil des principaux travaux des conseils de salubritd du ddpartement del'Aube. Septembre 1835. 23-74 pp., 201. 4C. Troyes, Bouquot, 1835. Aube (fildonore). * Essai clinique sur l'accou- chement prdmaturd artificiel, dans les cas de rdtrd- cissement du bassin. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 199, v. 503. Aube (fimile). * Quelques considdrations sur l'ictere. viii, 9-62 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1878, No. 49. Aube (Paul). * Quelques considdrations sur les amputations tibio-tarsiennes. Relation d'un pro- cddd nouveau. 46 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 164. Aube (Philippe). * Examen de quelques thdories sur la nature de la fievre typhoide, et du traite- ment auquel elles ont donnd naissance. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 228, v. 503. Aubenas (George-Adolphe). * Observations dc gastrotomie pratiqude a la suite de ruptures de la matrice et du vagin; suivies de rdflexions sur ces ruptures en gdndral et leurs indications en particulier. 51 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1855, No. 346, 2. s., v. 21. -----. * Des causes et des effets de l'infection putride dans les affections chirurgicales. These soutenue au concours pour l'agrdgation en mdde- cine et en chirurgie. 33 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1857, v. 23. -----. * Des tumeurs de la vulve. [Concours pour l'agrdgation, etc. ] 62 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860, v. 29. Auber (Charles-Edouard). See: CiriUo (Dominique). Trait6 complet et observa- tions pratiques, etc. 8°. Paris, 1803. Auber (Ed.) De la nature de l'homme et de ses facultds. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, Moquet, [n. d.] [Also, in: P., v. 128.] Auber (Pedro Alejandro). Existencia de la fie- bre tifoidea en la Isla de Cuba. [Facultad de medicina de la Habana. ] 32 pp. 8°. Habana, 1868. c. Auber (Thdophile-Charles-Emmanuel-fldouard). * Essai sur la syphilis. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 72, v. 240. -----. Traitd de philosophie mddicale, ou expo- sition des vdritds gdndrales et fondamentales de la mddecine. xiv, 542 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bail- liere, 1839. -----. [Collections of criticisms, essays, etc., published in the Revue Mddicale de Paris, with examination of the works of Piorry, Thouvenal, Riffard, Gerdy, Lordat, Gibert, etc.] 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1840. -----. Hygiene des femmes nerveuses, ou conseils aux femmes pour les dpoques critiques de leur vie. xiv, 516 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1841. -----. Traitd de la science mddicale (histoire et dogmes), comprenant: un prdcis de mdthodologie ou de mddecine prdparatoire; un rdsumd de l'his- toire de la mddecine, suivi de notices historiques et critiques sur les dcoles de Cos, d'Alexandre, de Salerne, de Paris, de Montpellier et de Stras- bourg; un exposd des principes gdndraux de la science mddicale, renfermant les dldments de la pathologie gdndrale. xvi, 644 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1853. -----. De la fievre puerpdrale devant l'Acaddmie impdriale de mddecine de Paris, et des principes du vitalisme hippocratique appliquds h, la solu- tion de cette question. 110 pp. 8°. Paris, Ger- mer Bailliere, 1858. -----. Institutions d'Hippocrate, ou exposd phi- losophique des priucipes traditionnels de la md- Auber (T.-C.-E.-E\)—continued. decine, ceuvre d'analyse et do synthese renfermant les dogmes de la science et de l'art, l'histoire na- turelle des maladies, les regies de l'hygieno et de la thdrapeutique, les premiers tableaux des ma- ladies, quelques fragments de philosophie et do littdrature mddicales; suivie d'un rdsumd histo- rique du naturisme, du vitalisme et de l'organi- cisme et d'un essai sur la constitution de la md- decine. xxiii, 491 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1864. -----. Philosophie de la mddecine. xiv, 182 pp, 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1865. For hh Obituary, se» J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1874, xii, 126-128. Auber (Thdophile-Eduardo). Un mot sur l'dtat morbide. 16 pp. 8°. [n. p., H. Fournier, 1834.] Aubergier (H.) Le dernier mot sur le lactu- carium, suivi de pieces ofiicielles. 19 pp. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, F. Thibaud, 1863. Aubert. Blessure produite par une pastenaque. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Rozier, 1861. See, aho, Aneurisms (Popliteal); Aubert; Closma- deuc; Pollin. Aubert (A.) * Traumatismes et principaux dtats constitutionels, leur influence rdciproque. xiii, 14-70 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 64. Aubert (Antonius). De vera causa et cura in- flammatiouis testiculi qua? hernia humoralis sive testiculus venereus dicitur. 40 pp. 8°. Got- tingce, typ. J. C. Dieterich, 1797. Aubert (Arminius). * De prima systematis va- sorum sanguiferorum et sanguinis genesi obser- vationes. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Vratislavice, typ. Gras- sii, Barthii et Soc, [1853]. Aubert (Arminius Rudolph). * Ducuntne salia alvum vi endosmoticaf 60 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1850]. Aubert (Hermann). Physiologie der Netzhaut. xii, 394 pp., 67 fig. 8°. Breslau, E. Morgenstern, 1865. -----. Bausteine zu einem medicinischen Insti- tut. Rede bei der Eroffnung des neuen medici- nischen Instituts der Universitiit Rostock im Auf- trage der mediciuischen Facultat gehalten am 29. October 1878. 16 pp. 8°. Rostock, [H. Schmidt], 1878. -----. Grundziigo der physiologischen Optik. pp. i-iv, 393-696. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1876. 2. Bd., 2. Theil of Handbuch der gesammten Augenheil- kunde (Graefe u. Saemisch). See, aho, Handbuch der Physiologie. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Aubert (J.-B.-Joseph-Aimd). * Des ddplacements de l'utdrus. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 203, v. 439. Aubert (Joseph -Julien). *I. Des altdrations principales du lait. II. [etc.] 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 140, v. 352. Aubert (Justinien). * Propositions de mddecine et de chirurgie. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 46, v. 239. Aubei't (Louis-Remi). * Des muqueuses. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 348, v. 266. Aubert (Louis-Rend). * Quelques considdrations sur l'dtiologie de l'otite. 25 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, lrt(52, No. 633, 2. s., v. 33. Aubert (Noel-Etienne-Jean). *Sur l'asthme, considdrd comme maladie nerveuse. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 35, v. 75. Aubert (Pierre-Francois). *Du chancre intra- utdriu. 38 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Christine et Cie., 1867, No. 73. c. Aubert (Pierre-Honord). * Quelques considdra- tions sur la hernie inguinale. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 36, v. 439. Aubei't (Raymond). * Quelques considdrations snr les lymjihaddnomes du mddiastin. 35 pp. I . Paris, 1877, No. 120. AUBERT. 681 AUBRY. Aubert (Silvain-Adolphe). *La scarlatine ob- servde a. bord de la frdgate a. vapeur l'Asmodde. 45 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [P., v. 45.] Aubertie (Alma). *Des ddformations de la vulve. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 135. Aubcrtin (fimile). * Essai sur les kystes den- taires. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 149. Aubertin (Francois-Henri). * Essai sur l'ulcd- ration du larynx. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 35, v. 190. Aubert-Roche (Louis-Rdmy). De la peste, ou typhus d'Orient, documents et observations re- cneillis pendant les anndes 1834 a 1838, en Egypte, en Arabie, sur la Mer Rouge, en Abis- synie, a Smyrne et h, Constantinople. Essai sur le hachisch et son emploi dans le traitement de la peste. xxx, 288 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvicr, 1840. -----. Thesame. Suivi d'un essai sur lo hachisch et d'un mdmoire sur la prophylaxie gdndrale do la peste. 346 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvier, 1843. -----. Enquete sur les quarantines de la peste, sur lours rdsultats et sur les obstacles qui s'oppo- eent a. toute rdforme sanitaire. 61 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baiimre, 1845. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., xxxiii. -----. Essai sur l'acclimatement des Europdens dans les pays chauds. Avec une carte de la Mer Rouge. 207 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1854. For hh Obituary, see Union med., Par., 1874, 3. s., xviii, 966 (G. E.) Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1875, i, 51. Aubertus (Jacobus). See Quercctanus (Josephus). Drey medicinische Tractatlein, etc. 4°. Strassburg, 1631. Aubery (G.-A.) * Sur la pneumonite ou pdri- pneumonie, d'apres les regies de l'analyse et ae la synthese. 73 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805],. No. 430, v. 55. Aubey (Thdodore-Bemard). * I. Des phdnomencs consdcutifs qui persistent ou qui surviennent apres la terminaison des maladies. II. [etc.] 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 189, v. 439. Aubin (Charles- Louis -Francois). * Considdra- tions sur le traitement de la pneumonie observde au bagne de Toulon en 1872. 66 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 41. A ubinais (E.-J.) * Existe-t-il des signes propre a. faire reconnaitre la vraie grossesse. vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 106, v. 185. Aubinais (P.-H.) * Sur l'ivresse produite par le vin et les liqueurs alcoholiques. vi, 7-33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 157, v. 233. Aubin-Desfougerais (C.-J.) * De la ndphrite aigue. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 477, v. 320. Aubin-Desfougrerais (L.-C.-P.) * Essai pra- tique sur quelques-unes des maladies les plus ordinaires aux veneurs. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 271, v. 212. Aubine (Julien-Auguste). *I. Des types con- tinus et pdriodiques dans les maladies. II. [etc. ] 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 271, v. 369. Aublane (J.-B.) *Sur le cancer. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 20. Aublin (Charles). * I. De la forme du crane dans ses rapports avec la sdmdiologie. II. [etc.] 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 133, v. '152. Auboin (Andrd). * Traitemeut du testicule tu- berculeuse par la cautdrisation par le fer rouge. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 286. Auboin (Stdph.) *Dela doctrine d'Hippocrate envisagde dans son esprit: suivie de quelques vues sur l'dtude pratique des sciences mddicale. x, 11-91 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 51, v. 239. Aubonne. !>'ieati (C.) Note sur la statistique mortuaire d'Au- bonno dans lis annees 1867-74 et 1876. Bull. Soc. med. de la Aisbonne. I Suisse Horn., Lausanne, 1868, ii, 279-281: 1869, iii, 114-116; 1871, v, 265-268: 1872, vi, 190-192: 1873, vii, 292-294: 1875, ix, 85; 323: 1877, xi, 112-116. Auboiier (Joseph). * Sur la hernie inguinale. 25 pp. 4S>. Paris, 1815, No. 29, v. 108. i Aubouin (Maurice-Ldon). * De 1'dpilepsie et de I I'hdmipldgie pleurdtiques. 87 pp. 4°. Paris, j 1878, No. 276. -----. The same. 87 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1878. Aubray (Jules). * Effets du froid sur lo phy- sique et le moral de l'homme. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 73, v. 156. Aubraye (Ddsird-Louis). * Recherehes sur quel- ques cas do pdritonite puerpdral dpiddmique, ob- servds k l'Hotel-Dien do Caen. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 200, v. 598. Aubree (Edmond). * De l'drysipele. 68pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 233, v. 598. Aubree (J.-F.) *De l'emploi des anesthdsiques dans les accouchements, et en particulier du chlo- roforme dans l'dclampsie puerpdrale. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 19. Aubrey (T. ) The sea-surgeon, or tho Guinea Man's vade mecum. In which is laid down the method of curing such diseases as usually happen abroad, especially on the coast of Guinea, with the best way of treating negroes, both in health and in sickness. 1 p. 1., 135 pp., 2 1» 16°. Lon- don, J. Clarke, 1729. Aubriet (Anselme-Laurent). * Sur les plaies de l'abdomen. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 90, v. Aubril (Joseph-Alexandre). * Du choldra dpidd- mique. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 67, v. 491. Aubrion (C.) Eludes ddmographiquesdu mouve- ment do la population dans la commune du Gault depuis deux cents ans. 13 pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Martinet, n. d.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1876, 2. s., xiv. Aubrun (C. - A. -Armand). *De l'hdmoptysie. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 3, v. 503. Aubrun (Eugene). * Du perchlorure de fer, ses applications thdrapeutiques principalement dans la diphthdrie. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 91. Aubrun (J.-C.-A.) *I. Quelles sont les diffd- rences des membranes muqueuses compardes aux membranes sdreuses? II. [etc.] 23 pp. 4°. - Paris, 1838, No. 51, v. 321. Aubry. Les oracles de Cos. Ouvrage intdres- sant pour les jeunes mddecins, utile aux chirur- giens, curds, ou autres ayant charge d'ames, et curieux pour tout lecteur capable d'une atten- tion raisonnable. xvi, 473 pp., 2. 1. 8°. Paris, Cavelier, 1776. Aubry (Albert). * Etude sur les attractions et les impulsions de l'homme, leurs rapports avec la sautd et la maladie. 108 pp. 4°. ^0^8,1877^0.223. Aubry (Alexandre-Francois). * Recherehes sur les causes de la gravelle. vi, 7-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 10, v. 257. Aubry (Charles-Victor). *De la fissure a l'anus, principalement chez l'enfant h la mamelle. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 214. Aubry (Edouard). * Sur l'ophthalmie aigue. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 89, v. 223. Aubry (F. J.) * Sur la complication des plaies et des ulceres. vi, 7-33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 53, v. 109. Aubry (J.) * De l'inflammation des ganglions lym- phatiques de la region inguinale, [etc.] 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 233, v. 397. Aubry (Jean-Baptiste-Louis). * Essai sur les ma- ladies des gencives. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 24, v. 119. Aubry (Paul-Victor). * Traitement des dpauche- ments simples et hdmatiques de rarticulation du AUBRY. 682 AUDIBRAK Aubry (Paul-Victor)—continued. genou par aspiration. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Pa- rent, 1871, No. 206. Aubry (Pierre). *Des dilatations des ganglions lymphatiques. 42 pp. 4°. Pans, 1866, No. 202. Auburn. See Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of); In- sane (Asylumsfor); Prisons. Auburn Prison Hospital. Annual report of the physician to the board of inspectors for the year 1870. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Auburtin (Ernest). 'Considdrations cliniques sur l'arthrite rhumatismale. 66 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 204, v. 517. ------. Recherehes cliniques sur les maladies du cceur d'apres les ldcons do M. le Professeur Bouil- laud. Prdcdddes de considdrations de philosophie mddicale sur le vitalisme, l'organicisme et la no- menclature mddicale, par M. le Professeur Bouil- laud. 11, clxxi, 276 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, [1855]. Aucaigne (Francois-Stanislas). *De l'influence du moral sur le physique. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 224, v. 288. Auch. liurde. M6moire sur la situation, l'air et les eaux de la ville d'Auch. J. de med. mil., Par., 1782, i, 31-38. Auch (Fri€ericus Guilelmus). *De diabete. 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1835]. Anche (Georges). * De la glande pituitaire et de ses maladies. 64 pp. 4°. Poitiers, 1873, No. 184. Auchier (L.) *Des maladies de la vieillesse, d'apres Hippocrate. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 297, v. 51. Auehincloss (William). Outlines of a course of lectures, explanatory of the principles and practice of medical and operative surgery. 60 pp. 8°. Glasgow, G. Richardson, 1832. Auckland. Thorne (T.) Report to the local government board on a prevalence of infectious diseases in the registration district of Auckland, and on the ge- neral sanitary condition of the district. July 7, 1874. fol. London. In: Collection of special reports, ii, no. 163. Auckland (West). Harries (G.) Report on the sanitary condi- tion of West Auckland. April 17, 1872. fol. London. In.- Collection of special reports, i, no. 80. Aucler (Antoine). *De la fissure a. l'anus et de son traitement. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 88, v. 439. A ucopt (Anatole). * Etude comparde de l'andmie et de la chlorose. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 18(37, No. 51. Auctor (Michael). * De gravidarum et puerpera- rum regimine. 24 pp., 4 1. 8°. Landishuti, J. Thomann, [1820]. . Auda (Fr. Domenico). Breve compendio di ma- ravigliosi secreti. Approvati con felice successo nelle indispositioni corporali. Diviso in quattro libri. Co un trattato per coservarsi in sanita. 10 p. 1., 316 pp. 16°. Venetia, Zinni, 1673. Contents. Nel primo: Si tratta di secreti medicinali. Nel secondo: Di secreti appartenenti a diverse cose. Nel terzo: Di secreti chimici di varie sorti. Nel quarto: D'astrologia medicinale. ------. The same. 16°. Venetia, 1676. Audain (Louis-Antoine). * Etude sur les liaisons cliniques des hdmorrhoides et de la goutte. 107 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 45. Aude (Alexandre). * Essais sur les enchondromes. 90 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 137, v. 626. Aude (Departement de V). See France. Aude (F.-S.-Philippe). * Essai sur le phagddd- nisme dans la zone tropicale. 66 pp. 4w. Paris, 1866, No. 48. Aude(Hyacinthe)1. *I. Considdrations gdndrales sur l'inflammation du tissu cellulaire sous-mu- queux. II. [etc.] 24 pp. 4C. Paris, 1842, No. 71, v. 383. Aude (Hyacinthe)2. * De l'accouchement prdma- turd artificiel, au point de vue des indicatious. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 19. Aude (Ph.) Code des officiers du corps de santd de la marine, xxi, 530 pp. 8°. Paris, Bcrgcr-Le- vrauer et Cie., 1877. Audet (Eugene-Francois-Raphel). *Un apercu clinique de la granule. 48 pp., 1 ch. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 13. Audlioui (Victor). * Pathologie gdndrale de l'em- poisonnement par l'alcool. 132 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 116. -----. The same. 130 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1868. -----. Rdflexions sur la nature des varioles, ob- servdes aux ambulances de Grenelle pendant le sidge de Paris. 63 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1871. -----. *De l'influence des dtudes histologiquea sur la connaissance des maladies du systeme ner- veux. 95 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1875. Concours pour l'agregation (section de medecine ct do medecine 16gale). Audiat (Francois-Ascagne). * Considdrations sur les fievres en gdndrale, et spdcialemeut sur les fie- vres intermittentes. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 318, v. 265. Audiau (L.-Jules). *De l'entdro-colite chez les enfants. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 180, v. 598. Audibert (A.) * Essai sur le r61e du sang dans le phdnomene de la gdndralisation du cancer de l'estomac. 67 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 66. Audibert (Alfred) * Etude sur le traitement de la cataracte traumatique. 82 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 396. Audibert (Augustin). *Des varices cesopha- giennes dans la cirrhosedu foie. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 147. Audibert (H.-P.) * Considdrations sur le sidge de l'hystdrie. v, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 279, v. 212. Audibert (Laurent). * Essai sur l'dclampsie sur- venant avant, pendant et apres l'accouchement. 87 pp., 21. 4°. Montpellier, L. Cristin et Cie., 1865, No. 49. c! Audibert (Louis-Paul-Henri). * Sur l'dpanche- ment sanguin qui survient aux grandes levres, ou dans l'intdrieur du vagin, pendant le travail ou a la suite de l'accouchement. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 8, v. 87. Audibert de Vins. Description du forceps indicateur, ou l'instrument Mousse, prdsentaut sur ses branches, d'une maniere claire et prdciso, un petit manuel d'accouchement anormal. 1 p. 1., iv, 56 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvicr, 1833. Audibran. Nouvelle ddcouvorte. Pate vdgd- to-mindrale, fusible et de couleur osseuse, rem- placant lc plomb, pour l'obturation des cavitds produites par la carie des dents, qu'cllo gudrit et dont ello calme les douleurs et neutralise les exhalaisons fdtides. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, Herhan 4" Bimont, [n. d.] ------. L'art du dentiste considdrd chirurgicale- ment ou ndcessitd de forcer les nouveaux dentistes, exercant sans dipl6me, a. se faire recevoir, apres avoir subi les examens voulus par los reglements. Mdmoire adressd a> Messieurs les ministres de AUDIBRAK 683 AUDITION. Audibrau—continued. l'instruction publique, du commerce ct de l'agri- culture, ainsi qu'& M. le doyen do la Faculte de mddecine. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, Moulde 6. Vidal (P.-J.) * Une analyse de l'audition/ shez rhorame. 4°. Paris, 1837. ; Welcii(G.) *Deauditu. 8°. Edinburgi,J1799. I -■ ! Audition. Adelon & Raijje-DclortMe. Oule. Diet.demed.,2. 6d., Par., 1840, xxii, 541-558.—Audition par des cicatrices succedant k la tr6panation du crane. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1833, xiii, 522.—Eschke. Fragmentarische Bemerkungen iiber das Gehor. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneyw., Gotting., 1798-9, ii, 376-379.—Gentis. Bcschouwingen over het hooren. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1878, ii, 100-172.—Lucac (A.) Unter- suchungen iiber dio sogenannte "Knocbenleitung" und deren verhaltniss zur Schallfortpflanzung durch die Luft, im gesunden und kranken Zustande. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1864, i, 303-317. -----. Ueber eine Erweiterung des Helmholtz'schen Ohnnodells nebst einem Beitrage zur Physiologie des Gehororgans. Ibid., 1873, n. F., i, 4-10.— iVIach (E.) Bemerkungen iiber den Raumsinn des Ohrcs. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1870, x, 319-321.—IVlonfalcon. Oule. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xxxviii, 540-547.—Moorhead (J.) Contribu- tions to the physiology of hearing. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 236; 259.—Mobs. Beitrag zur Helmholtz'schen Theorie der Toncmplindungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxxi, 125. -----. Ueber das subjective Horen wirk- licher musikalischer Tone. Ibid., 1867, xxxix, 289-290.— Nathan (E.) Ueber die subjective Thatigkeit des Gehor- Organs, Versuch, eine physiologische und erfahrungsge- masse Grundlage fiir dio Theorie des Horens zu gewinnen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1840, xiii, 437-450.—Par- ker (A. M.) Observations upon the physiology of audi- tion. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1858, iii, 327.—Politzer (A.) Untersuchungen iiber Schallfortpflanzung und Schalllei- tung im Gehororgane im gesunden und kranken Zustande. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1864, i, 59; 318. -----. Zur phy- siologischen Akustik und deren Anwendung auf die Patho- logie des Gehororgans. Ibid., 1873, vi, 35-44.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) The disproportion between the power of hearing the tick of a watch and the human voice, with remarks on hearing better in the midst of noise. Ann. J.M. Sc, Phila,, 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 50-58.—Schmalz (E.) Ueber idiopathi- sche krankhafte Feinhorigkeit und periodisches Ohrento- ncn. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1846, i, 289-294. -----. Memoire sur la conservation de l'ouie. Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1849, xxviii, 181-193.—Senses (On the). Tho sense of hearing. [Transl. by: C. A. Alexander, for tho Smithson. Inst., from "Aus der Natur, u. s. w.", Leip- zig.] Kep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1866,142-173.—Turn- bull (L.) The limits of perception of musical tones by the human ear. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879.C, 741-744.—Ur- bnntschitscb. (V.) Ueber die von der Hohe des Stimm- gabeltones und von der Applicationsstelle abbangige Schall- leitung durch die Kopfknochen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1877, xii, 207-220. -----. Ueber den Einfluss der Bewegun- gen des Kopfes auf die Schallempfindung. Ibid., 1878, xiv, 1-14.—Venturi (J. B.) Betrachtungen iiber die Er- kenntniss der Entfernung, die wir durch das Werkzeug des Gchors erhalten. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle, 1802, v, 383-392. Auditiosa (Abnormal and disordered). See, also, Deafness; Ear (Diseases of). Hofmann (F.) *Deparacusi. 8°. Berolini, [1830]. Burnett (S. M.) A case of diplacusis binauralis,with remarks. Arch. Ophth. &Otol.,N.Y.,1876, v, 527-534. Aho, transl.: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., Wiesbaden, 1877, vi, 241-245. Aho, Reprint. -----. Ein Fall von verminderter . Horbreite. Arch. f. Augen-u. Ohrenh., Wiesbaden, 1877, vi, 238-241.—Fohrenschwarz (M.) Ein Fall von Paracusis Willisii. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 420.—Hesse (K. G.) Ueber dasDoppelthoren (ParacusisduplicataSauvages, Diplocusis J. Frank). J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1826, lxii, 5. Hit., 77-90.—Landouzy (H.) De l'exaltation de l'ouio dans la paralysie du nerf facial. Union m6d., Par., 1850, iv, 616; 623.—Magnus (A.) Ein Fall von partieller Lahmung desCorti'schcn Organes. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1867, ii, 268-278.—Moos (S.) The dilatation of the bulbus venae ju- gularis and its relation to auditory hallucinations. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. T., 1876, v, 561-563.—Murrell (T. E.) Diplacusis binauralis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 693.— Politzer (A.) Zur Theorie der Hyperasthesia aenstica. Ibid., 1870, v, 200-212. -----. Studien iiber die Paracusis loci. Ibid., 1876, xi, 231-236.—Robertson (A.) Unilate- ral hallucinations of hearing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 775.— Schwartze (H.) Totaler Verlust des Perceptions- vermogens fiir hohe Tone nach heftigem Schalleindruck. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1864, i, 136-138— Silvano. Fe- nomeno singolare di udizione tripla. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di"Torino, 1844, xxi, 128.—von Wittich. Ein Fall von Doppelthbrcn an sich selbst beobachtet. Konigsb. med. Jahrb., 1862, iii, 40-45.—Wolff (P. H.) Ueber Oxye- kola durch Paralysis des Nervus facialis. Deutsche Klimk, Berl., 1851, iii, 233. Audition (Testing of). Ruek (A. H.) Test-sentences for determining the hear- ing power. Rep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y., 1877, 96-98.—Burnett (C. H.) On the best means of testing the 4 AUDITION. 684 AUDITORY CANAL. Audition (Testing of). hearing. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Phila., 1876, 958-973.— Bclstanche pire. Des moyens de mesurer l'ouie et d'cn cnregistrer le degr6 d'une facon uniforme pour tous los pays. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend., 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, iv, 643-652.—Dennert (H.) Zur Gehorpriifung auf Grund einer Beobachtung von Nc- krose des Vorhofs, der halbzirkelformigen Kanale und der Schnecke. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1877, xiii, 19-25.— Gcllc. De l'exploration do la sensibilite acoustique au moyen du tube inter-auriculaire; theorie physiologique; applications cliniques, medico-legales et k la m6dccine mili- taire. Gaz. Par., 1877,4. s.,vi, 3; 55.—Hartmann (A.) Eine neue Methode der Horpriifung mit Hiilfo elektri- scher Strome. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 155-157. Auditory canal (External). See, also, Auricle. Bokc (J.) Der Meatus aud. ext. im Allgemeinen und die Verknocherung der oberen und unteren Wand dessel- ben im Besonderen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxix, 472-477.—Proriep (Ii.) Ueber den Einfluss des aussern Ohres auf das Gehor. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 647-653.—Or uber (J.) Untersuchungen iiber dio Anatomie des ausseren Gehorganges mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf die practische Ohrenheilkunde. Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1868, ii, 65; 81; 184: 1669, iii, 4.— Mendel (E.) Die Temperatur des ausseren Gehorganges unter physiologischen und pathologischen Verhiiltuissen. Arch. f. path. Anat.,etc.,Berl.,1874,lxii,132-141.—Zuckcr- kandl (E.) Zur Entwickelung des ausseren Gehorganges. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1873, vii, 29-34. Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of). Blake (C. J.) A form of obstruction of the external auditory canal. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y., 1877, ii, 93-96.— Buck (A. H.) Complete occlusion of the external audi- tory canal by a dermoid membrane; an evidence of hori- zontal motion outward in the epidermis of tho canal. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. Boston, 1878, ii, 231-233. —Busscbaert. Ophtalmie duo a l'obstruction des conduits auditifs exter- nes. Gaz. m6d. do l'Algerie, Alger, 1857, ii, 65.—Cabot. Remarkable closure of the external orifice of the ear. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1853, n. s., xxvi, 348. — ©alby (W. B.) Closure of tho external auditory meatus. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 126.—Knapp (H.) Congenital one-sided bony closure of the external auditory canal, with rudimentary de- velopment of tho auricle. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Y., 1870, 86.—Marjolin. Atresie et oblit6ration congeniales des conduits auditifs externes. Bull. Soc. de chir. cie Par., 1857, vii, 274.—Miot (C.) Des r6trecissements du conduit audi- tif externo. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1871,xliv, 378; 383.—Mor- land (W. W.) Complete cutaneous occlusion of the left meatus auditorius externus, with hyperostosis of the osseous portion. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Y., 1870,31-34.—Oglesby. Clinical notes on cases of contraction of tho external audi- tory meatus. Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 92.—Weber (F. E.) Operation einer Atresie des linken Meatus auditor, extern. durch Galvanocaustik und Wiederherstellung des Ganges. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1871, v, 47-50.—VVredcn (R.) A peculiar form of obstruction of the auditory meatus. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1874, iv, 261-266, 1 pl. Auditory canal (External, Cerumen impacted in). See, also, Conjunctiva (Inflammation of, Causes of). Gruber (J.) Ueber Ohrenschmalzanhaufung im aus- seren Gehorgang. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1870, iv, 49; 81.—Hammond (W. A.) On the cerebral symptoms produced by impacted cerumen. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879, v, 26-29. — Hoppe (J.) Dio Schwerhdrigkeit bei Versto- pfung des ausseren Gehorganges mit Ohrenschmalz. Me- morabilien, Heilbr., 1864, ix, 242-245.—Meniere (E.) Accumulation de c6rumcn; bourdonnements; £tourdisse- ments; gu6rison. J. do m6d. et de chir. prat., Par., 1874, xiv, 158-160.—Mereurialis (H.) De sordibus aurium. In his: De peste, Basileau, 1577(f)— Pauli (F.) Taubheit von Verstopfung des Gehorganges durch verhartetes Ohrenschmalz. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz., 1838, i, 614-617.—Petrequin (J. E.) Vues nou- veUes sur la composition chimique du cerumen. Bull Acad. roy. de m6d. do Beh;., Brux., 1869, 3. s., iii, 426; 1224.—Pomeroy (0. D.) The examination of 100 cases of impacted cerumen, with a view of determining its patho- logical indication. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1872, 02- 66.—Ribes. Usure du tympan, et desordre qui survient a quelques parties de l'organe de l'ouie, par l'effet du c6ru- nien epaissi dans lo conduit auditif externe. J. do med., chir., pharm.. etc, Par., 1814, xxxi, 170-174.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) Five cases of inspissated cerumen, with some remarks on the method of examining the external ear. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, viii, 138. -----. A caso illus- trating the effects of quinine upon the car, and tho etiology of inspissated cerumen. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1872, Auditory canal (External, Cerumen impacted in). 56_0i._Tanslcy (J. 0.) Caso of otitis externa diffusa et suppurativa, caused by inspissated cerumen. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, ii, 778.—Tott. Erfahrungen iiber Baryecoea. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Miinchen, 1845, n. F., i, 101-16*.— Toynbce. On tho causes of accumulations of cerumen in the external auditory meatus, and their effects upon different parts of the ear. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1855, vi. 308-312.—Webster (D.) Case of acute inflammation of tho internal auditory canal, caused by impacted wax. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871, v, 536. Auditory canal (External, Diphtheria Cerruti (G.) Otite esterna psendo-membranosa. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1875, xxxviii, 385-395.— Moos (S.) A case of idiopathic diphtheria of the ex- ternal meatus. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1869, i, no. 2, 634-638. Auditory canal (External, Diseases of)- See, also, Ear (Diseases of, Catarrhal and in- flammatory). Parmentier (G.-L.) *Des fongosites et des fistules du conduit auditif externe. 4°. Paris, 1873. Wallstein (T.) *De quibusdam otitidis ex- terna formis. sm. 8°. Gryphice, [1846]. Bokc (J.) Exoupose Entziindung des aussern Gehor- ganges; Kondylome; Heilung. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1864, v, 379.—Bonnemaison. Notes sur l'otite externe et ses complications. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1875, ix, 129-141.— Calvo y Martin. Tres casos de otitis rebeldes curadas mediante la avulsion do escrecencias, 6 la estraccion de cuerpos estranos. Gac. m6d., Madrid, 1847, iii, 18. — De- lean jeune. M6moire sur la lesion des glandes c6rumi- ncuses. Gaz. med. do Par., 1834, 2. 8., ii, 240-244.—Ear le (H.) On affections of the meatus auditorius externus. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1819, x, 410-421.—Giampictro (E.) Sul catarro cronico auricolare esterno. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1869, 6. s., ii, 417-419.—Gottstein (J.) t t Dio mechanische Erweiterung des ausseren Gehorganges gleichzeitig als Compression der Gehorgangswande bei der Otitis externa acuta. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1868, v, 445.— Green (J. O.) Coagulated fibrin simulating polypus of tho tympanum. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Boston, 1878, ii, 229- 231.—Gruber (J.) Ueber Pruritus cutaneus im ausseren Gchorgangc. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1868, xiii, 425. -----. Ueber umschriebeno Entziindungsprocesse in den Wandge- bildcn des ausseren Gehorganges. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1868, ii, 17; 33. -----. Die Blaschcnflechte am Ohrc [herpes auricularis]. Ibid., 1875, ix, 53-56.—Eficalc. Di- sease of the external auditory passage, with suppuration of the brain. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1849-50, ii, 271-273.— Ladrcit de ILacharrierc. De quelques affections herpctiques de I'oreille qui provoquent lo plus souvent la suruite. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille ct du larynx, Par., 1875, i, 175-188.—Eiinhart. Beobachtungen iiber die Erweite- rung des ausseren Gehorganges. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1855, i, 405.—Poor ten (W.) Ein Fall von Otitis extern, diffus. acut., mit Durchbruch des Eiters durch die nach oben und hinten offene Knorpelrinnc. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1872, vi, 66-68.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) A lecture on tho affections of tho external audi- tory canal. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1871-2, vi, 529-532.—Sierra y t'arbd. Otitis folicular; disecea muy pronunciada del oido izquierdo; extraccion paulatina do grandes masas ccruminosas; curacion completa. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1875, iii, 532.—Triquet. Des affections herpctiques do I'oreille et do leur traitement (otitc dartreuse). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 170.—von Troeltsch. Uober dio Krankheiten des iiussoren Gehorganges. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1861, ii, 60-82.—Voltolini. DioKj-ankheitcn des iiussercn Ohres. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1808, ii, 1; 49, 1 pl.—Weber. Die diffuse Entziindung des ausseren Ge- hdrgangs. Ibid., 181: 1809, iii, 1. -----. Ueber die chro- nischen Entziindungs Zustande des ausseren Gehorgangs und dio auatomischon Vcrhiiltnisso desselben. Ibid., 29; 77; 93; 149. Auditory canal (External, Exostosis of)- Aldin&cr. Zwei Falle von Exostose im ausseren Ge- horgang dio zum Abschluss desselben und zur Taubheit fiihrte; Heilung durch Operation mit dem Hohlmeissel. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1876, xi, 113-120.—B. (L.) Zur lasuistik der Ehockongeschwulsto des ausseren Gehor- fc 'nges. Ibid., 1875, x. 110-118— Bonnafont. Observa- ti -n d'un cas rare do surdite complete occasionu6 par uno tu leur osseuso d6vcloppeo dans lo conduit auditif externe. Ui ion mod., Par., 1862, 2. s., xiv, 538-5-10. -----. Mi-moire sui trois cas dc guerison dc surdites produites par des tu- AUDITOKY CANAL. 685 AUDITORY CANAL. Auditory canal (External, Exostosis of)- meurs osseuses developp6es dans lo conduit auditif externe. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1863-4, xxix, 29-41. Also: Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xx, 247-252. -----. Observation d'un cas de wurdite complete do l'oreillo gauche du conduit au- ditif externe par une tumeur osseuse [exostose] siegeant pres la membrane du tympan, guerie par la trepanation. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1868, xxxiii, 479-480. Also: Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s.. v, 813-817. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1868, xii, 255. Aho, Reprint.—Clark (T. E.) Electrolysis of exostosis of the ear. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1873, ii, 656.—Field (G. P.) Caso of ivory exostosis in both ears. Lancet, Lond., 1878, ii, 81.—Gruber (W.) Eino Exostose im Poms auditorius externus. Arch. f. ath. Anat., etc., Berl., 1875, Ixv, 14-16, 1 pl.—Moos (S.) ymmetrieal formation of exostosis in both external audi- tory canals of man. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1871, ii, no. 1,136-138.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) On bony growths in the meatus auditorius externus. N. York M. J., 1866, ii, 424- 429.—Toynbee. Osseous tumours from the parietes of the external auditory meatus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1849- 50, ii, 270.—Toynbee (J.) On osseous tumors growing from the walls of the meatus externus of the ear, and on the enlargement of the walls themselves; with cases. Prov. M. &S. J., Lond., 1849, 533-537.—Welchcr (H.) Ueber knocherno Verengerung und Verschliessung des ausseren Gehorganges. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1864, i, 163-174,1 pl. Auditory canal (External, Foreign bodies in). See, also, Salivation. Collin (H.) * Des corps strangers du conduit auditif externe, de leur traitement par les injec- tions forcdes. 4°. Paris, 1873. Aiuick (W. R.) Foreign body in the ear. Cincin. M. News, 1876, n. s., v, 606-608. Aho: Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1877, n. s., xx, 354-356.—Anderson (W. A.) Removal of portions of tines of a fork from meatus auditorius, after five years' lodgement. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869, iv, 29.— Battarel (E.) Corps etranger dans i'oreille; otito; m6- ningo-enc6phalite; hemorrhagie; mort. Alger m6d., 1876, iv, 50-52.—Beaumont (A.) Corps etranger dans I'oreille. J. d. conn. m6d.-chir., Par., 1833-4, i, 303.—Benavcntc. Gusanos en el conducto auditivo y en las fosas nasales. Bol. do med., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1852, 2. s., ii, 151.— Bertin (J.) Corps strangers du conduit auditif, pris pour des polypes, et extraits au bout de quinze mois. Union m6d.. Par., 1875, ii, 29-31.—Bcssierca (E.) Procede fort simple pour I'extraction des corps etrangers du conduit au- ditif externe. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 487.—Bon- nafont. Note sur un nouvel instrument bien simple pour extraire les corps etrangers des conduits auditifs externes. Union med., Par., 1856, x, 491, 1 pl. -----. Quelques con- siderations pratiques sur I'extraction des corps etrangers des oreilles. Ann. d. mal. do I'oreille et du larynx, Par., 1875, i, 250-254.—BorelIi (G.) Caso di coipo estraneo di- moranteda quindici giorni nell'orecchio sinistro, ed estratto colla cucchiaia articolata del sig. Leroy D'Etiolles. [From : Gazz. med. ital., stati Sardi.] Gazz. ined. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1850-51, i, 5.—Breschet. Corps etrangers in- troduits dans le conduit auditif externe. Diet. d. sc. mfid., Par., 1813, vii, 7-9.—Brown (A. G.) On two methods of removing foreign bodies from the external auditory meatus. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1868, ii, 146.—Brown (S. E.) Removal of twenty-eight small gravel stones, which lay seven years in both external auditory canals; recovery. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1873, iii, no. 2, 88-90.—Bru- netti. Uber die Methode des Prof. Vanzetti, fremde Kiir- per ans dem Ohr zu entfernen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1856, vi, 247.—Bryan (J.) On the removal of foreign bodies | from the meatus auditorius externus. Med. Exam., Phila., I 1845, n. s.. i. 202-204.—Buckncr (J. H.) Foreign bodies in the ear. Clinic, Cincin., 1876, xi, 265-267.—Burckhardt- Mcrian (A.) Ueber Fremdkorper im Ohre. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz.Aerzte,Basel, 1874,iv,56-1-571.—[Cases.] Bemer- kungen iiber eine langer als 2 Jahr im aussern Gehorgange verborgen geweseno Stecknadel. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk.,Berl.,1804, xix,2. St., 183-185.—Case of obstruc- I tion of the meatus auditorius externus, from a cherry-stone, j BostonM. & S. J.,1835, xi,178.—[Kieselstein im Gehorgang.] Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien, 1858, Wien, 1859, 249.—Substanzvcrlust im Trommelfcll. Ibid., 1866, Wien, 1867, 376-380.—Fremdo Korper im ausseren Gehor- gange. Ibid., 1868, Wien. 1869,241: 1869, Wien, 1870, 258.— Corps etrangers du conduit auditif (grain de mals, papier- mache, feuille de trefle), extraits k l'aide du crochet ou des injections. J. de m6d. et de chir. nrat., Par., 1873,3. s., xliv, 305. — Champouillon. Introduction d'un corps etran- ger dans I'oreille; mort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854, xxvii, 353.—Cleland (J.) Removal of foreign bodies from the i car, and cough from aural irritation. Lancet, Lond., 1874, I ii. 797.—Collin (E.) Observation de corps etranger ayant scjourne longtemps dans le conduit auditif externe. Mo- I Auditory canal (External, Foreign bodies in). nit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 989.—Coomes (M. F.) Foreign body in the ear. Nashville J. M. & S., 1875, xvi, 70.— Corse. Foreign body in car. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1857, n. s., iii, 230-238.— Cu'rrey (R. O.) A locust bean in the ear for nine years. South. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Knoxville, Tenn., 1857, vi, 337.—Balby (W. B.) Case of foreign body impacted in tho external auditory meatus. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1875, viii, 0.—Bcleau jeune. Memoire sur les coips etrangers dans le conduit auditif. Gaz. med. de Par., 1834, 2. s., ii, 161-103. -----. M6moiro sur les corps etran- gers introduits et form6s dans I'oreille moyenne. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 5-7. — Douglas (J.) A bead twenty years in the car. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, n. s., i, 130.— Dupuis (T. R.) Removal of a pebble from tho ear after having remained there three vears. Canada Lancet, To- ronto, 1872-3, v, 116-118. —Elsberg (L.) "Screw hook" for removing foreign bodies. Med? Rec, N. Y., 1870, iv, 552. — Engel (J. J.) Zur Entlcrnung fremder fester Substanzen aus dem ausseren Gehiirgang. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl,, 1851, xx, 497. — Farwick. Zur Casu- istik von Frenidkorpiru in ausseren Gehiirgang. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1807, ii, 300. —Fleury. Introduction d'une epingle dans I'oreille; ni6niiigite consecutive; mort au "bout do cinq jours. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1870, xliii, 58.— Fdhrenschwarz (M.) ZurExtractiouspharoidcrFremd- korper aus dem aussern Gehorgange. Allg. Wien. mod. Ztg., 1870, xv, 215. —Foster (J. M.) Foreign bodies in tho meatus. Buffalo M.& S.J., 1804, iv,4L43.—Gellc. A propos de I'extraction delicate d'un corps etranger intro- duit dans I'oreille. Tribune med., Par., 1874, vii, 63-65.— Grant (J. A.) Remarkable caso of foreign body in the left meatus auditorius externus for 13 years. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1860, i, 159.—Gross (S. D.) Hints respecting tho extraction of foreign bodies from the ear and nose. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1804, n. s., xlviii, 394-399. Also: Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1865, lxxi, 341-345. — Gruber (J.) Ueber fremde Korper im Ohre. Wien. med. Presse, 1865, vi, 39 ; 62; 135; 181; 259; 326. -----. Zur Entfernung fremder Korper aus dem aussern Gehorgange. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1872, xvii,493; 510.—Guersant (P.) Coup d'ceil sur les moyens les plus prompts et les plus inoffensifs pour extraire les corps 6trangers du conduit auditif externo chez les enfants. Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1864, Ixvii, 539-541.—Hcck- scher. Fremde Korper im ausseren Gehiirgang. [3 cases. ] Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1865, xvii, 455.—Hcwett (P.) Deafness from a piece of nut-shell in the ear. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 562.— Kill (N.) Observations on the uso of tho hook in the extraction of foreign bodies from tho ear. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1836, xlvi, 315-318.—Howard (R. L.) Foreign body in the ear. N.York J. M., 1848, x, 187.— Katerinopulos (D.) AWorpiov(ra>jU.aToG efwTepiicoC aKovcr- tikov nopov. Asklopios, Athens, 1873, xi, 306-308.—Kealy (J. R.) A case of a pin in tho middle ear. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1859, xl, 602.—Latour (C.) Memoire et ob- servations sur les coips etrangers introduits ou d6velopp6s dans le conduit auditif exteme. Rec. de mem. de meu.... mil., Par., 1845, lix, 238-303.—IiC Fort (L.) Coips etran- gers de I'oreille; extraction. Bull. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1869, 2. s., ix, 181; 185.—Lichtenbcrg (K.) Idegen teste- kr61 a fiilben. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1876, xx, 335; 354.— fjiljenroth (A.) Extraktion ar frammande kroppar i orat. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1872, xxxiv, 133-139.—Lindley (I.) Foreign bodies in the ear. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1804, i, 405.—Iiowenberg. Ueber fremdo Korper im Ohre und cine sichere und gefahrloso Methode, dicselben zu eutfer- nen. [3 cases.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1872, ix, 106-116. -----. New plau of extracting bodies from the ear. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 703.—Maclagan. History ofa case of epilepsy and deafness, dependingon the presence r f a foreign body in the ear. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841,1,144.—Malgaigne. Corps etrangers dans lo con- duit auditif. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1841, 2. s., iii, 233.—Marc. Moyens d'extrairo les corps etrangers introduits dans I'o- reille. Clin. d. hop., Par., 1828-9, iii, 376.— Marchal. Cas do corps etranger dans le conduit auditif externe. Bull. Acad, de med.," Par., 1843-4, ix, 311-314. Aho, Reprint.— Marzuttini (G. B.) Leva a cuc< hiaia aperta per l'estra- ziono de' corpi estranei dal dutto uditivo c fosse nasali. Ip- pocratico, Fano, 1865, 3. s., vii, 235-238.—Mayer (L.) Ueber die fremden Korper im Ohrc. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1870, iv, 1; 17; 33; 57; 72— Michel (E.) Fremder Korper durch 2 Jahro im Ohre zuriickgehalten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1862, vii, 284.—Miot (C.) Des ayov Typ |3dpov tncwArjices ev TrvoppoovvTi aiTi. 'IoTpiici) "Eiprip.., KBfivai, 1859, i, no. 2,1.— Bclletti (A.) Sviluppo di vermi entro l'orecchio diunama- niaca, che dopo averla fatta cadero in profonda tristezza des- tanonnaviolentaotite. Gazz. med.ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1853, 2. s., iii, 299. Aho, transl.: Monit. d.h6p., Par., 1853, i, 988.—Bethune. Larva; ofthemusca vomitoria, orfleshfiy, from the ear ofa child. Boston M. & S. J., 1856-7, lv, 350.— Blake (C. J.) Living larva) in tho human ear. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1872, ii. no. 2,37-44. Also, Reprint.— Blake (J. E.) Larvae of the common fly in the meatus auditorius externus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 18G2, lxvi, 214.— Bonnithon. Corps etrangers vivant ayant pris nais- sance dans le conduit auditif externe. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1872, xiv, 139.—Boutcillc fih (J. A. M.) Observation sur uno cephalalgie chronique, gu6rie par la sortie de deux gros vers contenus dans l'oreillo gauche. J. do m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1807, xiii, 163-170. Aho, transl.: J. a. pract. HeUk., Berl., 1809, xxviii, 4. Hft., 52-04,1 pl. —Bur- nett (C. H.) Living larva} in tho ear, and methods for their destruction. Phila. M. Times. 1875, vi, 102-104.— Calhoun (A. W.) A rare and instructive disease of the car (involving the presence of maggots). Atlanta M. & S. J., 1873, x, 605.—[Case.] Observation sur des vers sortis de l'oreillo d'un enfant, peu do temps apres sa naissance. J. domed., chir., phaim.. etc., Par., 1786, lxvi, 403.—Che- vreul. Observation anr des larves do mouches sorties de I'oreille d'un enfant. Bull. Fac. de m6d. do Par., etc., 1813, iii, 255-259.—Comperat. Observation sur une douleur d'oreillo, accompagnee d'hemorrhagie, occasionneo par la presence de trois vers. Rec. de m6m. de m6d.... mil., Par., 1818, iv, 342-344. Aho. transl.: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1823, xv, 165-168. — Dagnin. Observation sur un ver sorti vivant dc I'oreille. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1770, xxxiii, 521-524.—Derivicrc. Observation d'un pa- ?illon prisonnier dans nne oreille humaine. Union m6d., 'ar., 1877,3. s., xxiv, 184.—Farjon. Observation sur une doulour d'oreillo accompagnee d'hemorrhagie, occasionnee par la presence de trois vers. J. do med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, ix, 136-141.—Filleau. Observation sur des vers trouves dans le conduit auditif. Ibid., 1788, lxxvi, 439-441.—Fischer (J.) Wiirmer im aussern Gehiirgang. Wien. Med.-Halle, 1863, iv, 362.—Gamier (P.) Vers de- velopp6s dans lo nez et les oreilles; utilito du chloroforme. Sante pub., Par., 1875, n. s., vii, 267-209. —Gruber (J.) Zwei Fallo von lobenden Larven in der Trommelhohlo und im ausseren Gehorgange. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1869, iii, 3G; 51.—Guerin. t [Insect lived7months.] Bull. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1868, 2. s., viii, 444—Hamilton (F. H.) Maggots in tho ear. BuffaloM. J., 1851, vi, 10.—Har- lan. Fragments of abug removed from an external audi- tory meatus. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1871, iii, 151. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1870. n. s., lx, 143.—Heine. Bohncn in der Nase, und lebende Thiere im Ohre. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1835, iv, 201.—Leautaud. Observation sur (les vers tires dc I'oreille d'un hommedevenufou par les grandes douleurs qu'il ressentoit dans cette partie. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1758, viii, 145-147.—Meek (J. A.) Maggots in the external ear. AtlantaM. &S. J.. 1874, xii, 74.—Quiros (J.) Otitis verminosa descuidada por mucho tiempo; cura- cion scncilla. Espana m6d., Madrid, 1804, ix, 217.—Ray- er (C.) Von Wiirmeru in den Ohren. Rom.-kais. Akad. . Naturf. Med.- chir. ... Abhandl., Niirnb., 1757, iv, 11.— Rognetta. Des entozoaircs vivant dans I'oreille, ct dans le sinus frontaux et maxillaires. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1842, 2. s., iv, 37.—Routh. Larvro in tho meatus auditorius. Dublin M. Press, 1849, xxi, 369.—dc Saint-Laurent. Accidents convulsifs epileptiformes; hemiplegie causee ar la presence d'un insecte (Iule millc-pattcs) dans le con- uit auditif exteme. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1860, xxxiii, 489- 491.—Sayre(I'\B.) Two cases of worms in the ear. Phila. M. Musoura, 1800. ii, 31.—Theobald ( S.) Remarks on tho invasion of tho external auditoi-y meatus by insects; with report of several cases. Boston M. & S. J.,-1874, xci, 296-298.—Thocnas (R. P.) Maggots in the meatus audi- torius removed by means of tannic acid in glycerin. Tr. Coll.Phys.Phila., 1860,n.s.,iii,345—Tibaldi (A.) Otite, escita di un insetto daU'orecchio. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1853, 3. s., iv, 178. — Voigt. Fliegenlarven im Ohrgeschwiiro eines 2iahrigen Knaben. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wisscnswlird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1837, v, 305.— Weber (C. A.) Fliegenlarven im Ohre, bei zwei Kranken dreimalbeobachtet. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver.,Magdeb., 1853, vii, 431-435.—Webster (D.) Living larvse in the car. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, xi, 252.—Ifearsley (J.) Letter on AUDITORY CANAL. 687 AUDITORY CANAL. Auditory canal (External, Insects and larvce in). case of worm in the ear. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 28. Auditory canal (External, Parasitic disease of). Bezold. Die Entstehung von Pilzbildung im Ohr. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1873, vii, 81-92.—Bezold (F.) Ein Fall von Aspergillus nigricans im aussern Gehorgang. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wurzb., 1870, v,197-201.—Bia5zell(W.D.) A case of aspergillus in external auditory canal. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1874, ix, 80. -----. Aspergillus nigricans. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1874, xxvii, 379-383.—Blake (C. J.) Parasitic growths in the oxternai meatus. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Boston, 1871. 30-38. Aho, Reprint.—Boke (J.) Zwei Fiille von Pilzwucherung am Trommelfelle (My- ringomycosis). Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1809, iii, 58.— Bowcn (W. S.) Caso of parasitic growth in the external auditory canal. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1874, ix, 344.—Bur- nett (C. H.) A case of myringomycosis aspergillina illus- trative of the typical features of that disease, [etc.] Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y., 1874, iv, 121. -----. Mycelial tube- cast of the exterior auditory meatus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874, iv, 214. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1874, iv, 284. -----. Aspergillus glaucus in the tympanum, with a case. Rep. Cong. Internat, Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y, 1877, i, 75-79.— Cassells (J. P.) Note on fungus meatus auditorii ex- terni (aspergillus). Brit. M. J., Lend., 1874,681; 809. ----- Myringomycosis aspergillina and otitis parasitica. Glas- gow M. J., 1875, n. s., vii, 34; 119. Aho, Reprint.—Ga- rovaglio (S.) Fisiologia vegetate; sulla scoperta di un discomiccte trovato nel cerume dcll'orccchio umano. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1872. 2. s., v, 463-4b5.—Green (J. O.) A parasitic growth in the exter- nal auditory meatus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, lxxix, 241-243. -----. Two cases of parasitic growth (aspergillus glau- cus) in tho external auditory meatus. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Y., 1869, ii, 23-27.—Gross (S. D.) Fungus of the ear, case of. PhUa. M. Times, 1871, i, 318.—Gruber. Znr Lehre von den Pilzcn im Gekororgane. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1870, iv, 113-110.—Guzzoni (M.) Sull' acariasi del condotto udiitivo esterno o sul pneumoderma degli animali domestici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino, 1877, xl, 295-304.—Hagen (R.) Weitere Fiille von Pilzkrankheiten des Ohres. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk., Jena, 1870, ii, 22; 233.—Hagen & Hallier. Ein neuer Ohrpilz (Otomyces Hageni) aufgefunden von Dr. Hagen in Leipzig und untersucht von Prof. Hallier in Jena. Ibid., 1869, i, 195-202.— Hall (L. B.) Aspergillus in the car. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1877, n. s., lxxiii, 559-561.—Hallier (E.) Mittheilungen iiber die Ohrpilze, welche Herr Dr. R. Ha- gen in Leipzig zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung ein- sandto. Ibid., 1870,ii,259-284,lpl.—Hasscnstcin. Beob- achtung eines neuen Pilzes, des Graphinm pcnicillioides, im ausseren Gehorgange, mit Nachtrag von Hallier. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1869, iv, 162-166. -----. Alcohol-Be- hauditing des Aspergillus glaucus im ausseren Gehororgane. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk., Jena, 1809, i, 111-113.—Hotz (F. C.) Case of aspergillus nigricans. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1876, xxxiii, 913.— Kilpatrick (A. R.) Vegetable fungi § rowing in the human ear; aspergillus nigricans, or my- omyringitis. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1873, iii, 321- 325.—Knapp (H.) Myringomycosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1869, iv, 452. -----. Specimens 'of aspergillus glaucus as a cause of aural catarrh. Ibid., 1871, vi, 261. — Levi (D. M.) Observation d'otite parasitaire. Ann. d. mal. de roreille et du larynx, Par., 1875, i, 07-73. — Liljcn- roth (A.) Om otomykosis. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1872, iv, no. 13, 1-15.—Me D. (D.) Fungus of the exter- nal ear. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, i, 67.—Manning (T. D.) Aspergillus glaucus in tho auditory canal. Tr. Texas M. Ass., MarshaU, 1876, viii, 168-171.—Moore (R. C.) As- pergUlus flavescens. Tr. Nebraska M. Soc., 1874-6, Lincoln, 1877,119-121.—Moos (S.) Profuse, abcr voUstiindig symp- tomloseAspergiUusbUdungim ausseren Gehorgang. Arch. f. Angen- u. Ohrenh., Carlsruhe, 1871-2, ii, 100. Aho, transl. : Arch. Ophth. & Otol., 1873, iii, no. 1, 109.—Editing (F.) Ueber eine Pilzbildung im Ohr. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk., Jena, 1870, ii, 64-66.—Roosa (D. B. St. J.) Two cases of growth of the aspergiUus fungus in tho external au- ditory canal. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1870, n. s., lix, 105- .113.—Schwartze. Pilzwucherung (AspcrgUlus) im aus- sern Gehorgang. Arch. f. Ohrenh.f. Wiirzb., 1867, ii, 5- 7. — Secly. Three cases of aspergiUus in the external ear. Clinic, Cincin., 1872, iii, 49.—Steudener (F.) Zwei neue Ohrpilze nebst Bemerkungen iiber die "Myringomy- cosis". Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1870, v, 163-169, 1 pl.— Strawbridgc (G.) SaUcylate of soda as a local applica- tion in cases of aspergiUus nigricans. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Boston, 1878, ii, 254.—Trautniann. Die Parasiten des ausseren Gehorganges. Berl. kUn. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 99-101. — Versari" (C.) NotereUa sull'otoparassitismo umano. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. 1809, 96- 99. Also: Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1869, 2. s., ix, 223-237.—Weber (F. E.) Ueber Parasiten im ausseren Ohr, Otitis parasitica. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1868, Auditory canal (External, Parasitic disease of). ii, 10-13.—Wreden (R.) Die Myringomykosis aspergil- lina und ihre Bedeutung fiir das Gehiirorgan; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den am lebenden Menschen vorkommendeh SchimmelbUdungen. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1867, xiii, 133-184, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Sechs FiiUo von My- ringomykosis (AspcrgUlus glaucus, Lk.). Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1867, iii, 1-21,1 pl. Also, transl.: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1867, xcix, 121-144. -----. Sur une uouvcllo forme do maladie d'oreillo produite par lo developpement cie deux especea de champignons parasites dans lo tissu de la membrane du tympan [mycomyringitis et myringomyco- sis aspergillina; aspergiUus flavescens et aspergiUus nigri- cans]. Cong. m6d. internat. de Par., 1868, 696-713. -----. Myringomycosis aspergillina in the years 1869-73, accord- ing to personal and foreign observations. Transl.: C. II. Burnett. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1874, iv, 87-120, lpl. Auditory canal (External, Polypus and tumors of). Clarke (E. H.) Observations on the nature and treatment of polypus ofthe ear. 8°. Boston, 1867. Faure (B. E.) * Des polypes de I'oreille. 4°. Paris, 1861. Gouraud(C) * Polypes de I'oreille. 4°. Paris, 1858. Hessel(J. A.) *UeberOhrpolypen. 8°. Halle, [1869]. Klotz(H. G.) * Ueber Ohrpolypen. 8°. Leip- zig, 1868. Quelmalz (S. T.) [Pr. ] de obturatione meatus auditorii inpr. a polypo praefatur. 4°. [Lipsia;, 1752.] Abel. Beitrag zur Operation der Ohrpolypen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1877, xii, 110-112.—Andre (C.) Ob- servation d'un polype de 1'oreUle. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1867, 2. s., vi, 20-23.—Bartlett (J.) Beneficial re- sults following, and apparently depending upon, the uso of teucrinm marum in aural polypus. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1872, xiii, 225.—Bing (A.) Ueber das Vorkommcn von Blasen mit hiimorrhagiscnem Exsudate im ausseren Go- horgango und am Trommclfell. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1877, xxvu, 175-179.—Blake (C. J.) A now form of wire snare for the removal of aural polypi, modified from that of Wilde. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1809, i, no. 2, 435-438.—Bonnafont (J. P.) M6moire sur les polypes do I'oreille. Bull. Acad, do med.. Par., 1844-5, x, 12-37. -----. M6moiro sur deux observations do polypes fibreux du conduit auditif externe op6res par un nouveau proc6d6; gu6rison et r6tabUssement do l'ouie. Ibid., 1864-5, xxx, 10-18. Aho: Union m6d., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxiv, 133-138. -----. Cas de surdite complete do 1'oreiUo gauche, duo a l'obstruction du conduit auditif externo par uno tumeur osscuse (exostose) si6geant pr6s la membrano du tympan; gu6rie par la trepanation. Rev. mCd. franc, et etrang., Par., 1868, ii, 35-41. -----. MCmoire sur les polypes do 1'orciUo et sur une nouveUe methode op6ratoire pour ob- tenir leur guerison. Ibid., 1851, i, 641; ii, 5; 71. Aho, Reprint.—Borberg. Polyp mit eingewachsenem Ham- mer. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1873, n. F., i, 55.—Bow- man. Polypus of the car. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 635.—Buck (A. H.) Case of angioma cavernosum, situ- ated in the external auditory canal, and attached by a slender pedicle to the manubrium mallei. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N Y., 1871, n, no. 1, 72-78, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint. -----. Practical remarks on the removal of polypoid growths from the ear. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1878, xiv, 61- 64.—Burnett (C. H.) Aural polyp. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1876, v, 197-199. Also: PhUa. M. Times, 1873^4, iv, 650. -----. Polypi from the ear, with portions of a ne- crosed incus. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa,, 1876, v, 199. Aho: PhUa. M. Times, 1873^, iv, 718— Chcvnlicr (T.) On tho cure of polypi in tho meatus auditorius externus, with sul- phate of zinc. Lond. M. Gaz., 1834, xv, 50.—Clarke (E. H.) Contributions to aural surgery; polypi and fungus of the ear. Am. M. Month., N. Y., 1854, i, 81-91—Cunier (F.) Excroissance polypeuso du conduit auditif; hemorrhagies; autopsie. Ann. Soc de med. de Gand, 1839, v, 422-425.— Dalby (W. B.) Polypus of the ear. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 809-811.—Davenport (E. J.) Polypi in tho meatus auditorius externus. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1837, xvii, 235- 239.—Dupuytren. Polype du conduit auditif externe, symptomatique d'une affection du tissu ceUulairc; divers essais d'arrachement; rcpuUulation opini&tre. Gaz. med. do Par., 1832, iii, 008.—Engclmann (G. J.) Ein Fall von NeubUdung einer strangformigen Briicke im ausseren Ge- hiirgang. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wurzb., 1873, vi, 203-205.— Field (G. P.) Cases of aural polypi. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 564. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 789.—Gar- rigou-Desarenes. Precede operatoire des polypes do AUDITORY CANAL. 688 AUDOUIT. Auditory canal (External, Polypus and tumors of). l'oreillo au moyen do l'6craseur. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1866, xxxix, 578.—Giampietro (E.) Su i pohpi ed i tumori polipi formi dcU'orecchio. Morgagni, NapoU, 1876, xviii, 239.—Gogue. Un polype de la caisse du tympan. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1840, xxi, 234.—Grossmann (L.) Beitrage zur galvauokaustischcn Behandlung bei NeubU- dungen und Fremdkorpern in den Ohrenhohlen sowie be- hufs kiinstUcher TrommelfeUperforation. Wien. med. Presse. 1875, xvi, 233; 257; 299; 331.—Gruber (J.) Ein neues Instrument zur Operation der Ohrpolypen. AUg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1873, xvui, 101.—Hildige (J. G.) On cellular polypus of tho ear. Dublin Q. JT M. Sc, 1862, xxxui, 306-311.—Hinton. Largo polypus protruding from the meatus of the ear. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1864, xv, 208.—Hollander (S.) TodtUcher Kopfschmerz und Ohr- Polyp. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1850, ix, 31.—Holmes (E. L.) The persulphate of iron as an agent for tho destruction of Solypus of tho ear. Chicago M. J., 1862, n. s., v, 267-270.— liilke. Case of large fibro-ceUular aural polypus. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond^, 1862, ii, 629.—Jacoby. Beitrage zur Casuistik dor galvanokaustischcn Behandlung int.ra-au- riculiirer Neubildungen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1870, v, 1-25.—Kcssel (.1.) Ueber Ohrpolypen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1869,iv, 167-187,2pl.—Kirchner (W.) UeberOhr- polypcn. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1876, xxiu, 341; 352.— JLadrcit de l>acharrierc. Note sur le traitement des polypes du conduit auditif et leur ablation a l'aide d'un serre-nceud nouveau. Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1867, xl, 552.-----. Polype du conduit auditif; ablation sans douleur; gueri- son rapide de la surdito qu'il occasionnait. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1867, iv, 729. -----. Considerations pratiques sur les polypes de 1'oreUle. Ann. d. mal. de 1'oreUle et du larynx, Par., 1876, ii, 206-227.—Iiiegey. Petit polype du conduit auditif. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., "Brux., 1867, xUv, 327.—Mayer. Beobachtung von Cysten mit FadenpUzen aus dem aussern Gehorgange eines Madchens. Arch. f. Anat.. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl, 1844, 405-408, lpl.—Meissner (G.) Ueber Polypen des aus- seren Gehorganges. Ztschr. f. rat.Med., Ziirich, 1853,n. S., in, 349-365,1 pl.—Melion. Dio Ohrpolypen. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1845, 1017-1024.—Moos. Ausrottung eines Trommelhohlenpolypen nach blutiger Trennung des TrommelfeUs; ein Beitra^ zur operativen OhrenheUkunde. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1866, xxxvi, 514-519.—Nas- silofT. Ueber die heterologe BUdung der Cysten. Ibid., 1869, xlviii, 177-181, lpl.— Norman (H. B.) targe and long neglected polypus ofthe ear. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1877,i, 101.— Nunell(E.) Neoplasm a del oido. Arch, dela cirug., Barcel., 1877, i, 49-51.—Patzauer (A.) Ein bohnengrosser Ohr- polyp des rechten ausseren Gehorganges, Selbstabstossnng desselben in Folge einer Otitis externa. Wien. med. Presse, 1876, xvu, 1172.—Pfliiger. Zur Behandlung der Ohrpo- lypen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1873, ui, 95-98.— Pomeroy (O. D.) A case of aural polypus having a carti- laginous and osseous base; removal of the polypus, tho cartilage, and a portion of the bone; arrest of the discharge and improvement of the hearing. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. Bos- ton, 1874, 541-543. — Benaut (J.) Note sur une tumeur kystique du conduit auditif externe. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1871-2, iv, 762-765, 1 pl.— Roosa (D. B. St. J.) Remarks on aural polypi, with Ulustrative cases. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1864, ix, 64. —Scholz (F.) Ueber Ohr-Polypen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1861, xi, 428-431.— Schwartzc. Spontane Abstossung eines Ohrpolypen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1867, n, 9. —Schwartzc (H.) Halbseitige Lahmung durch Ohrpolypen. Ibid., 1864, i, 147-150.—Seely. Some cases of polypus and their treat- ment. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Boston, 1871, 26-29.—Stcudc- ner (F.) Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der Ohr- polypen. Arch. 1. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1869, iv, 199-211,1 pl.— Todd (C. A.) Three cases of polypus in the ear. Mis- souri CUn. Rec, St. Louis, 1874-5, l, 8.—Toynbee (J.) Mol- luscous tumours developed in tho external auditory mea- tus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1850-51, iii, 177. -----. Effects of moLuscous tumours developed in the external auditory meatus. Ibid. -----. On tho treatment of polypi of tho ear. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1852, n. s., iv, 14; 105; 212; 343. Also: Canada M. J., Montreal, 1852-3, i, 55; 175. -----. On a new instrument for the removal of polypi from the ear. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1853, n. s., vii, 526. -----. Molluscous (sebiparous) tumour developed in the external auditory meatus, causing absorption of the petrous bone and abscess in the cerebeUum. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1861, xu, 1. -----. Pathological researches into the di- seases of the ear. 7. s.: Molluscous tumors in the exter- nal auditory meatus, their effects upon the petrous bone and brain, with suggestions as to their treatment. Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1861, iii, 357-359. —Traite- ment (Du) des polypes du conduit auditif et de la surdite qui lea accompagne. BuU. g6n. do therap., etc., Par., 1834, vu,324-329.—Triquet. Des polypes de 1'oreUle; causes; si6ge; dangers; traitement. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 157. — Turnbull (L.) Remarks on polypi ofthe ear. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1868, xviii, 70-73. —Vel- peau. Polypes du nez et de 1'oreUle; considerations sur Auditory canal (External, Polypus and tumors of). ces derniers; du broiement comme operation pour les po- lypes fibreux. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, viii, 349.—Voor. hies (A.) Fibro gelatinous polypus; otorrheca; removal; recovery. Richmond & Louisville M. J., LouisviUe, 1870, xxii, 207.—Wildcrs (J. St. S.) On a caso of sebaceous tumor in the external auditory meatus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 345. Auditory nerve. See Nerve (Auditory). Audouard (Math. F. Maxen6%). Des conges- tions sanguines de la rate, ou des obstructions de ce viscere vulgairement appelees en anglais spleen. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, Mdquignon-Marvis, 1818. -----. Recherehes sur la contagion des fievres intermittentes. xiv, 291 pp. 8°. Paris, Me'qui- gnon-Marvis, 1818. -----. Lettre sur la contagion de la fievre jaune. 22 pp. 8C. Paris, A. Belin, 1821. Repr. from: J. g6n. dem6d., 1820. -----. Relation historique et mddicale de la fievre jaune qui a regno" h, Barcelone, eu 1821. lviii, 480 pp. 8°. Paris, Moreau, 1822. -----. Considerations hyghSniques sur le typhus nautiquo ou fievre jaune; provenant principale- ment de l'infection des batimens negriers. 40 pp. 8°. [n.p., Gueffier, 1824.] Repr. from: Rev. med. et J. de clinique. -----. Considerations sur l'origine et les causes de la fievre jaune, d'apres l'observation de cette maladie h Barcelone en 1821, et au port-du-pas- sageenl823. 49pp. 8°. [n.p., P. Gueffier, 1824.] Repr. from: Rev. med. et J. do cUnique. -----. Apercus ge"n6raux sur l'infection et la con- tagion dans la peste et la fievre jaune. 36 pp. 8°. [n. p., Gueffier, 1826.] Repr. from: Rev. m6d. et J. de clinique. -----. Examen critique des opinions qui ont regno" sur l'origine et les causes de la fievre jaune. 52 pp. 8°. [Paris, Gueffier, 1826.] -----. Histoire du cholera-morbus qui a re"gne" dans l'anne'e francaise au nord de l'Afrique, et parmi les autres habitants de cette contree, en 1834 et en 1835. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, Dezauche, 1836. [P., v.504.] -----. De la pe"riodicite" des fievres intermittentes et des causes qui la produisent. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baillitre, 1846. [P., v. 453.] -----. Fievre jaune et traite des noirs. 57 pp. 8°. Paris, Napoleon Chaix &■ Cie., 1849. [P., v. 468.] -----. fitiologie de la fievre jaune dans ses rap- ports avec la navigation en g6ne"ral et la traite des noirs en particulier. 16 pp. 8C. Paris, Mo- quet, 1853. [P., v. 477.] See, aho, Chervin (N.) De la nuUite des pr6tendns, etc. 8°. Paris, 1827. -----. R6ponse au discours de, etc. 8°. Paris, 1827. Audouard (Pierre). *Do l'acne" sdbacee par- tielle et do sa transformation en cancroide. 52 pp., 2. 1. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 454. -----. Thesame. 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, V. A. Delahaye 4- Cie., 1878. Audoucet (J.) * Sur uno observation d'engoue- ment herniaire. 32 pp. 4°. Pains, 1878, No. 61. Audouin (J.-Victor). * Prodrome d'une histoire naturelle, chimique, pharmaceutique et mddi- cales des cantharides. vi, 7-56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 172, v. 202. Audouin (Pierre). * De la phthisie aigue chez les vieillards. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 501. Audouit. Du progres en therapeutique par l'ho- moeopathie. 2e lettre adressee en rdponse au docteur Perry. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bail- Here, 1856. AUDOUIT. 689 AUFHAMMEE. Alldouit (Edmond). * De l'hdmeralopie. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 49, v. 568. Alldoilit (Volcy). * Des desordres produits chez l'homme par les larves de la lucillia horniui vorax. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 23. Audoynaud (Jules Hyacintho). * Etude dela syphilis communiq u6e par l'allaitement, avec con- siddrations nnSdico-legalea. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, Pichon-Lamy 4" Dervez, 1869. Audran (Girard). Les proportions du corps hu- main. Mesur&j sur les plus belles figures de l'an- tiquit6. 41.,3Upl. fol. Paris, G. Audran, 1683. Audric (Jean-Joseph). *I. Vari6te"s des vete- ments selou les diverses professions. II. [etc.] 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 165, v. 335. Audry (Alexandre-Eugene). *Des accidents qui succedent aux fievres intermittentes simples. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 156, v. 439. Audubon (John Adams) & Bach man (Rev. John). The quadrupeds of North America. 3 v. roy. 8°. Neio York, V. G. Audubon, 1854. Auegg (Henriette). Sechs Vortrage iiber weib- liche Krankenpflege, gehalten im Friihjahre 1878 zu Guusten des Grazer Miidcheu-Lyceums. 184 pp. 8°. Graz, Scharpf, 1878. Auenarius (Johaunes Gottlieb ). * De febre puncticulari seu purpurata. 23 pp. 4°. Erfordice, typ. J. C. Heringii, [1732]. Auenbrugger (Leopold) [1722-1809]. In- ventum novum ex percussione thoracis humani ut signo abstrusos interni pectoris morbos de- tegendi. 95 pp. 8U. Vindobonce, typ. Joannis Thomce Trattner, 1761. Aho, in: Clar. Leopold Auenbrugger, der Erfinder der Percussion, [etc.] Graz, 1867, pp. 43-69. -----. The same. 24 pp. 8C. Vindobonce, Jo. Thomce, 1775. [P., v. 426.] -----. Nouvelle ni6thode pour reconnaitre les maladies internes de la poitriue par la percussion de cette cavite. Ouvrago traduit du latin et coinment6 par J. N. Corvisart. xxiii, 440 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, Migneret, 1808. See, aho, Clar. Leopold Auenbrugger. [Einige "Worte dankbarer Erinnerung, cesprochcn bei Gelegenheit der jSbrl. Grdgs.-Feier des Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark am 17. Juli 1865.] Jahrfsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1866, ii, 19-52. Aho, Reprint.—OTerbach. Leo- pold Auenbrugger und die Anfange der Lehre der Percus- sion. Sacuiarvortrag, gehalten am 9. Marz 1861. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. HeUk. in Dresd., 1863, 59-72. Auer(Alfon8). * Ueber C aries der Beckenknochen [der medicinischen Fakultiit zu Erlangen]. 48 pp. 8°. Regensburg, Fr. Pustet, 1874. Auer (Carolus Gabriel). * De atniosphaera et ejus influxu morbifico. 57 pp. 8°. Pesthini, typ. J. T. Trattner, 1819. Auer (Joannes). # * Do typho contagioso cum ap- pendice quae historiam epidemiae Tichwinensis atque nonnulla alia, ad praxin medicam perti- neutia exhibet. Diss, inaug. medico-prac. 152 pp. 8°. [Dorpat,] ex off. acad. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1825. A uer. (Joh.) * Ueber den Genius epidemicus mor- borum stationarius. 47 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. E. Nitribitt, 1820. Auer (Joh. Georgius). *De eruditione medica? scientioe pra?via. 23 pp. 12°. Monachii, typ. M. Pcessenbaclier, 1835. Auer (Ludwig). * Ueber Gesichtsgeburten und deren Behandlung. iv, 7-24 pp. 8°. Landshut, J. F. Rietsch, 1852. ab Auer (Victor). * De radice rhei. 27 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. vidua; J. C. Schiinmanni 4" C. Mal- tieseni, 1859. Auerbach (Arminius Moses). * De entozois pul- inouahbus. [Cum vita.] 34 pp., 11. 8°. Bero- Uni, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, 1850. Auerbach (Emilius). * De herniis incarceratis autliie vi pneumatica? reponendis commentatio. 24 pp. 12°. Tubingce, lit. L. F. Fues, 1838. 44 Auerbach (Godofredus Meyer). "Animadver- siones quaedam de apoplexia. [Cum vita.] vi, 19 pp., 11. 4°. Bounce, ex off. Neusseriana, [1830], Auerbach (Heinricli). Bekanntmachung an mei ne lie ben Laudsleutc, wie die jetzt herr- schende Krankheit, geuannt Cholera morbus, vom ersten Entstehen bis zu ihrein Vergehen zu behandelu ist. 8 pp. 8°. Gottingen, G. Eggers, 1831. [Also,in: P., v. 738.] -----. Specific remedy for the cholera morbus, as most successfully used in Russia and Germany. Transl. from the German. 7 pp. 8°. London, Seeley 4- Sons, [1832]. Auerbach (Hermann). See Auerbach (Th.) Chirurgisches Lehrbuch, etc. 8°. Berlin, 1861. Auerbach (Hermann M.) Aufkliirungen und Verhaltungsregehi zur Abwehr der Cholera. 16 pp. Ho. Berlin, J. C. Huber, 1854. [P., v. 175.] Auerbach (Joh. Mauritius). *De procidentia ani. 31 pp. 4°. Erfordice, typ. J. C. Heringii, [1732]. Auerbach (Josephus)1. *De investigandis ho- miuum morbis. 27 pp. 8°. Pestini, typ. Lande- rerianis, [1834]. Auerbach (Josephus)2. * Nonnulla tie necro- scopia hominum veneuo anthracis exstinctorum. [Cum vita.] 39 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1841]. Auerbach (Julius). Obituary [of JuUus Auerbach]. [1821-78.] Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1878, xxxix, 242. Auerbach (Lambertus). * De singulari morbi epileptici casu nuper in clinico nostro medico ob- servato. vi, 7-31 pp. 8°. Bounce, I. F. Car- thausii, 1853. Auerbach (Leopold). * De irritamentis nervo- rum studia critica. [Cum vita.] 37 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesingei; [1849]. -----. Zur Charakteristik und Lebensgeschichte der Zellkerne. Dritter Abschnitt. 8, 262 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Breslau, E. Morgenstern, 1874. Auerbach (Ludovicus). *De asphyxia somno statibusque cousimilibus. 39 pp., 11. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1854]. Auerbach (Ludwig). * Beitrag zur quantita- tiven Analyse der Milch. (Kiel) (1868, vii, me- dic., xxii). 13 pp. 4°. Eicl, C. F. Mohr, 1868. Bound with: Schkift. der Univ. zu Kiel, 1868. Auerbach (Maximilianus Eduardus). * De prae- rogativis hominis jure naturae. 48 pp., 2 1. 8°. Pesthini, typ. L. Landerer de Fiiskut, 1829. Auerbach (Michael Levin). * Nonnulla de sali- ciuio novo medicamine cum chinio sulphurico comparata. 27 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1831]. Auerbach (Th.) See Neuigkeiten aus der Med- icin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. ----- & Auerbach (Hermann). Chirurgi- sches Lehrbuch fur Civil- und Militair-Chirur- geu und Heilgehiilfen. xxvii, 2 p. 1., 719 pp., 18 pl. 8°. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1861. Auerbach (Theodorus Davides). * De febrium intermittentium natura. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Schade, [1853]. Aufenthalt (Der) am Genfersee besonders in Moutreux und Umgegend. Mit BerUcksichtigung der Traubenkur. Von einem mehrjiihrigen Be- sucher der Gegend. 56 pp. 12c. Basel, H. Georg, Auff an (Auguste). * Du diabete sucre", ou de la glucosurie. 47 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 482, 2. s., v. 27. AiifThaiiimer (Heinricli). rVekrolog. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1873, xx, 306- 308. Auf hammer (Joannes Leonhardus). * De com- parata evacuationis et correctionis medicae aesti- AUFHAMMER. 690 AUGIER. ,k^r ko fr Aufhammcr (Joannes Leouhardus)—cont'd. matione. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Gcettingce, ex off. Schul- ziana, [1770.] Aufmolk (Fridericus Wilhelmus). * De cortice caribaso cortici peruviano substitueudo. 39 pp., 2 1. 8°. Gottinga; typ. II. M. Grape, [1793]. Aufort ( Victor-Georges-Theodore). * Essai sur l'andvrisme du cceur. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 157, v. 140. Aufrecht (E.) Die chronische Bronchopnoumo- nie (Lungenschwindmicht) und die Granulie (Tu- berculose). 56 pp. 8°. Magdeburg, G. A. Gloeek- ner, 1873. Aufrecht (Leopoldus). * De pneumonia biliosa morbi historia illustrata. 2ft pp., 2 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1852]. Aufsatze und Beobachtungen aus der gericht- lichen Arzneyw issenschaft. Hrsg. von Johann Theodor Pyl. Samml. 1-8, 1783-93. 83. Berlin, A. Mylius. Aufschlaeger (Jos.) *De dilatatione cordis. 14 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. J. Roesl, 1833. Augagneur (Victor). * Etude sur la syphilis her&litaire tardive. 128 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1879, 1. s., No. 20. AugapflVl (Carolus Christophorus). For hh Life, see Titius (Joannes Daniel). Augarde (Achille). * De ^invagination de l'in- testin. 34 pp., 1 1. 4C. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 738, 2. s., v. 38. Auge (Alexandre-Pierre). *Des fractures du col chirurgical de l'lmmerus. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 75, v. 491. Auge (Auguste). * Sur la leucorrhee. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 183-2, No. 178, v. 253. Auge (Augustin). *De la resection du coude. 6:$ pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 431. Auge (B.) * Sur l'drysipele. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 20, v. 74. Auge (Bernard). * De l'lvydronephrose; etiologie et pathogenie; diagnostic differentiel. viii, 9-43 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1878, No. 27. Auge (Denis). * Hemiplegie faciale, paralysie de la 7. paire; essai de sdmelotique. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878, No. 473. -----. Thesame. 68 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, V. A. Delahaye 4~ Cie., 1878. Auge (Denis-Jules). * Essai sur les abces sous- periostiques aigus. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 179. Auge (E.) * Snr la fievre bilieuse. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 150, v. 174. Auge (Ferdinand). *Des signes founds par la langue dans les maladies. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 45, v. 550. Auge (Joseph). * Etude comparative des medi- caments tamifuges. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 289. Auge (Leopold). * Du traitement de la pleuresie purulente. 68 pp., 11., 1 chart. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 47. Auge (Mathieu-Alexandre). * Quelques conside- rations sur les passions. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 52, v. 178. Auge (Pierre-Benoit). * Considerations g6nerales sur la delivrance et les accidents qui peuvent la eompliqner. 134 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, De Gras, 1867, No. 50. C. Augcnarzt (Der hiilfreiche). See HH.----- (J. V.) Der hulfreiche Augenarzt. 8°. Frankf. a. 21., [n. d.] Augener (Eduard Heinricli). * Ueber einer Fall von ausgebreiteter Carcinose mit wahrscheinlich priinarem Auftreten auf der Pleura. 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1878. c. Augcnheilaustalt zu Wiesbadeu. KUnische Beobachtungen aus der Augeuheilanstalt zu Wies- Augenheilanstalt zu Wiesbaden—continued. baden. Mitgetheilt von Dr. Pagenstecher und Th. Saemisch. 1. und 2. Hft. iv, 80 pp.; 1 p. 1., ii, 135 pp. 8J. Wiesbaden, J. Niedner, 18;>l-2. Augcnius (Hilarins). See Ad^eniiH (Horatius). Do febribus, etc. fol. Francofurti, 1CJ5. Augcnius (Horatius). Epistolarum et cousul- tationum medicinalium, editio tertia. 2 v. in 1. 16 p. 1., 151 ft'.; 17 p. 1., 174 ff. fol. Venetiis, apud D. Zenarium, 1592. -----. Epistolarum et cousultationum medicina- lium libri xxiv. in duos tomos distributi. Quibus accessere eiusdem authoris, de hominis partu libri ii. Nunc primum in Germania ab innumeris mendis repurgati, ac in lucem emissi [also with separate title page, following the 2. v. and before the "de hominis partu" Epistolarum medicina- lium tomi tertii libri duodecim. Fraucofurti, 1600.] fol. Francofurti, apud hercdes A. Wechel, 1597. De ratione curandi per sanguinis missionem. Libri decern. [Editio quarta.] 17 p. 1., 162 ff. fol. [Item:] Disputationum de ratione curandi per sanguinis missionem ex Galeni sententia. Libri septem. Nunc primum edita. 10 p. l.,94ff. fol. Venetiis, D. Zenarius, 1597. ----. De ratione curandi per sanguinis missionem libri xvii. iu duos tomos divisi: quorum prior decern, posterior septem continet. 7 p. 1., 532 pp., 13 1. fol. Francofurti, A. Wecheli, 1598. Pound with: De febribus. 1605. ----- The same. 5. ed. 7 p. 1., 532 pp. fol. Francofurti, heredes A. Wecheli, 1598. De febribus, febriuui signis, symptoma- tibus, et prognostico libri septem ab ipso authore ab anno 1568, usque ad 1572 singuli conscripti: Nunc vero post ejus obitum ab Hilario Augeuio autoris filio in lucem emissi duplicique indice locupletati, quorum alter capita, alter vero res notatu et observatioue dignas ostendit. His septem libris accesserunt post modum alii tres ejusdem materue. I. De curatioue symptomatum febrium pesti- lentium. II. De febribus pestilentibus. III. De curatione variolarum ac morbillornm. 4 p. 1., 443 pp., 6 1. fol. Francofurti, A. Weclieli, 1605. For Portraits, see Collection—van Kaathoven. i Auger (Georges). * De la lyniphad6nite peri-utd • rine (phlegmon des ligameuts larges) historique et pathogenie. 94 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 339. Auger (Joh. Ludovicus). * De morbis venereis. 11 pp. sm. 4°. Basilea',, F. Ludii, 1718. Auger (Philippe-Etienne). *I. Des sulfureux aduiinistr6s & l'interieur dans le traitement des maladies de la peau. II. [etc.] 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 212, v. 352. Augey (Alcide). "Etude historique et critique de la taille m6diane. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 484. Augey (Auguste-P.) * Essai sur les sympathies qui ont rapport a la mddecine. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 41, v. 190. . Augier (Adolphe-Clovis). 'Recherehes sur le d6veloppemeut des parietaux h la region sagit- tale. 86 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 441. -----. The same. 82 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahai/e, 1875. Augier (Gonzague). *De l'anemie artificielle dans les operations sur les membres (methode d'Esmarch). 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 38(i. Augier (J.-A.) * De la pleurite, pleuresie ou in- flammation de la plevre. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 75, v. 452. AUGIER. 691 AUMERAN. Augier (Jcan-Cainille). *De la retrocession de la laugue, apres l'ablation du corps du maxillaire inferieur. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 41, v. 582. Augouard (E.) *Sur la fievre adynamique. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 208, v. 142. Augouard (Eudoxe Watiu). *De la fievre ty- phoide. 43 pp. 4°. . Paris, 1849, No. 223, v. 490. Augros (Henri). *Do la gangrene du iioumon dans la pneumonie aigue tranche. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 30. Augsburg. See, also, Education (Medical); Hospitals (De- scriptions and reports of); Naturhistorischer Ve- rein in Augsburg. Jnhrcs-Tabcllc der Sterblichkeits-Verhaltnisse der Stadt Augsburg wahrend des Jahres 1870. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1877, i, no. 22.—Kuhn (P. K.) Augsburgische Witterungsbeobachtungen. Ber. d. naturh. Ver. in Augsburg, 1869, xx, 157-158: 1871, xxi, 137-138. Augsburger Krankenhaus. Bericht iiber die Vorkomnisse iu der chirurgischen Abtheilung des Augsburger Krankenhauses wahrend des Jahres 1872. Von dem Vorstande desselben Oberarzt Dr. Sprengler. 21 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1874. Repr. from : Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1874, no. 13. Augutot (Joannes). * Des crises en medecine. 83 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [P., v. 45.] Augurellus (Joannes Aurelius). Chrysopceia, carmine conscripta. In: Theatkum: chemicum, t. 3, pp. 197-266. August (E. F.) Luftfeuchtigkeit und Cholera. Ein meteorologischer Beitrag zur allgemeinen Charakteristik der Krankheit. 22 pp., lpl. sm. 4°. Berlin, Trautwein, 1831. Augusta, Georgia. See, also, Education (Medical); Medical So- ciety of Augusta, Ga. Report (A) on the origin and cause of the late epidemic in Augusta, Ga. Submitted to a meet- ing of the physicians of Augusta, on the 10th of December, 1839. 30 pp. 8°. Augusta, Ga., Brown, Cushney 4' M'Cafferty, printers, 1839. Doughty (W.H.) The water supply of Augusta; the necessity for its protection against further and future con- tamination. Atlanta M. & S". J., 1877, xv, 129-146.—Dn. gan (L. A.) Medical statistics; being tables, etc., relating to tho mortality of Augusta, Ga. South. M. & S. J., Au- gusta, 1837, i, 650-663.—Kossignol (H.) Statistics of the mortality in Augusta, Georgia, from 1839 to 1854. Ibid., 1848, n. s., iv, 658-663: 1853, ix, 343-348: 1855, xi, 343-346. August a, Maine. See Insane (Asylums for). Auguste (N.) * Etude hygieuique sur l'usage de la lianelle en contact direct avec la peau. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 390. AugusteDiborg. See Hospitals (MiUtary). Augustenhilfe in Ebingen. Eechenschafts-Be- richt der Augustenhilfe in Ebingen. 33. (1872- 3). 12°. Ebingen, 1873. Augustin (Bruno Adalbert) [1812-47]. 'Non- nulla de intussusceptione. [Cum vita. ] 39 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halce, typ. Seharreanis, [1836]. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Augustin (Fr. A.) See Bibliothek der prakti- schen Heilkuude. Augustin (Fridericus Ludovicus). De spina ventosa ossium. x, 50 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Halce, tifp, F. A. Grunerii,patr., 1797. [P., v. 712.] -----. Vom Galvanismus uud dessen medicini- scher Anwendung. iv, 1 1., 64 pp., 1 pl. 8°. BerUn, Ohinigke jun., 1801. Vollstiindige Uebersicht der Geschichte der Medicin in tabellarischer Form entworfeu. 2 p. 1., 164 pp. 4°. Berlin, Ohmigke, jun., 1801, Augustin (Fridericus Ludovicus)—continued. •. The same, iv, 215 pp. 4°. Berlin, C. G. Flittner, 1825. -. Die koniglieh preussische Medicinalver- fassung, oder vollstiindige Darstellung aller, das Medicinaiwesen und die medicinische Polizei in deu koniglieh preussischen Staaten betreffenden Gesetze, Verorunungen und Einrichtungen. 7 v. 8°. Potsdam 4- Berlin, 1818-43. Was hat Deutschland und insonderheit der preussische Staat vom gelben Fieber zu be- furchten, und welche Mittel sind gegen die Aus- breitung dieser Krankheit in unsern Gegendeu zu ergreifen? 1 p. 1., 107 pp. 16°. BerUn, J. W. Schmidt, 1805. -. Chr. Wilh. Hufeland's Leben und Wirken fiir Wissenschaft, Staat und Menschheit. xvi, 92 pp., 1 port. 8°. Potsdam, F. Biegel, 1837. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Augustin (Hermannus). *De medicines hippo- craticse vera notione, dignitate et usu. [Cum vita.] 34 pp., 11. 8°. Halce, formiscxpr. Ploetgi- anis, [1840]. Augustinus (S.) See Salernum. Augustis (Quiricusde). Lumen apothecariorum. 40 ff., 1 ind., 4 1. fol. Vercellis, [n. jk], 1491. Auhagen (Henricus Georgius Guilielmus). *Diss. inaug. med. historiam varioloidum, sistens. 8°. Gottingce, typ. F. E. Huth, 1829. Aujay (J.-B.-L.-Edouard). *De quelques-unes des causes qui peuvent amener la mort du foetus dans le sein de sa mere. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 21, v. 626. Aujenus (Jacobus). See Oesncrus (Conradus). Libellus de lacte. 16°. Figuri, 1541. Aukes(E.) * Ueber Speichelsteine. 22 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Eaestner, 1877. Aulagnier (F. M. A.) * Essai sur les principales maladies des gens de lettres, et sur l'emploi des moyens hygi6niques pour les prevenir. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1827. Aulas (Claudieu). * Des eruptions septicemiques. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 81. Aulber (Joh. Casimirus). *De prsegrandi foetus capite, partum retardante et impediente. 2 p. 1., 58 pp. sm. 4°. Giessce, typ. E. H. Lammers, [1745]. Aulber (Joh. Martinus). *De epilepsia vermi- uosa. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, lit. J. Pastoril, [1708]. Aulet (Pierre). * Sur la fievre bilieuse ou me- ningo-gastrique continue. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 1, v. 129. Aulus. Alriq. Double diathese arthritique et herpetique; constipation habituelle; dyspepsie flatulente congestive; gravelle biliaire; gudrison de la constipation par les eaux d'Aulus et amelioration des autres symptomes. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. mod. de Par., 1878-9, xxiv,'406-410.—Henry (O.) Analyse et rapport au sujet de l'eau min6rale d'Aulus [Ariege]. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1851-2, xvii, 655-658. -----. Analyse d'une eau d6couverte k Aulus [Ari6ge]. Ibid., 1853-4, xix, 314-316. Aumale. Martcau. Extrait d'une dissertation sur les eaux nouvellement decouvertes a Aumale, en Normandie, conte- nant l'analyse de ces eaux, et quelques observations sur les maladies qu'elles ont gueries. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1759, xi, 230-240. -----. Examen des observa- tions de M. Monnet sur l'analyse des eaux d'Aumale. Ibid., 1769, xxx, 304-332. Aumas (Arruaud-Marie). * Etude clinique sur le taenia solium. 45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Boehm 4-fils, 1«68, No. 71. c. Aumassip (Antoine). * Sur l'hemoptysie. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 80, v. 192. Aumeran (Edouard-Leon). * Du traitement de la variole. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 30, v. 534. AUMER1E. 692 AURICLE. d'Aumerie (J. F.) Herinneringen uit de cho- lera-epidemie te Scheveningen. 188 pp. 8°. Gravenhage 4' Amsterdam, Van Cleef, 1833. [P., v. 413.] Aumoine (Jules). * Etude sur quelques tumeurs solides des grandes levres. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 459. Aumont. Observations sur deux operations du sarcocelo, pratiquees par un nouveau procede auquel on propose de donner le nom d'hyposcheb- tomie. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 726.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. med. d'emulat. de Par. Aumont (Eugene). * Des grossesses extra-ute"- rines, et en particulier de la grossesse abdominale. 58 pp. 4°. Parts, 1875, No. 328. Aumont (P.-E.-G.) * Propositions physiologi- ques et pathologiques relatives h l'influence du cceur sur le cerveau. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 103, v. 72. Aumueller (Henricus). * De glandulae lacry- malis fungo medullari. 30 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1833]. Aunerus (Stephanus). * De vulneribus eorun- demque symptomatis. 35 pp. 8°. Vitembergce, imp. Koebersteinius, [1712]. Aupepin (Pierre-Claude). * Essai sur un nou- veau proce\l<5 de l'empyeme. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 94, v. 81. Aupetit (Andre-J6r6me). * Sur l'asthme. viii, 9-47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 115, v. 122. Aupltan (V.) Traitement hydro-mineral de la chlorose et de ses complications, ii, 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1864. ------. Traitement hydro-mineral du rhumatisme. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1868. Auprecht (Emanuel). * De syphilide viscerali. 31 pp. 8°. BeroUni, G. Schade, 1866. c. Auquier (Eugene). * Du decollemeut hyaloi- dicu. 158 pp., 1 1. 4°. MontpelUer, 1878, No. Aura. See, also, Epilepsy (Symptoms, etc., of). Baudouin (J. B. F.) * Des auras; etude sur les preludes des attaques daus les grandes ndvroses. 4°. Paris, 1862. Legxer (F.) * De aura epilepsias prsecursoria. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, [1810]. Piorry. Consid6rations cliniques sur les auras epilep- tiques; theorie rationnclle des attaques d'epilepsie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xxx, 75; 189. Auranlii. Nieberding (C. J.) * De natura olei aetherei corticis aurautiorum. 8°. Berolini, [1863]. Wilberding (J. H. A.) * De aurantiis eorum- que eximio usu medico. 4C. Hclmwstadii, [1741]. Aurbach. See Stromers (Heur.) Aurcgan (Jean-Yves-Marie). * Des traumatis- mes du foie et des voies biliaires. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 278. Auregan (L.-O.-J.-M.) * Quelques considera- tions sur l'hydropisie du tissu cellulaire. vi, 7-14 pp. 4J. Paris, 1831, No. 64, v. 239. Aurelia aurita. Eimcr (T.) Ueber kiinstliche Theilbarkeit von Aurelia aurita und Cyanea capillata in physiologischo Individuen. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1874, n. F., vi, 137-161, 1 pl.—Sr.hafer (E. A.) Observations on tho nervous system of aurelia aurita. [Rep. \V. Sharpey.] Phil. Tr. 1878, Lond.. 1879, clxix, 563-575, 2 pl. Aureliani (Henricus). See Bonelus (Theophilus). Labyrinthi medici extri- cati, etc. 4°. Genevce, 1687. Aurelianus (Cadius). Tardarum passionum, libri v. D. Oribasii Sardi. Euporiston, lib. iii. Medicinai compen., lib. i. Curationum, lib. i. Trochiscorum coufect., lib. i. 10 p. 1., 345 pp. fol. Basilece, H. Petrus, 1529. Aurelianus (Caelius)—continued. Chronion. In cinque libros. \v)amA JW***** In: Medici antiqui omnes qui latinis. 249-290. ----. De acutis morbis, lib. iii. lib. v. 6 p. 1., 554 pp., 10 1. 12°. Yenctih, 1547, ff. Do diuturnis, Lugduni,apud G. Rovillium, 1567. ----. Acutorum morborum libri iii; chronico- rum libri v. Edidit, recensuit, prsefatus est Al- bertus von Haller. Indicem emendavit ac mul- tum auxit P. E. Vicat. 2 v. xliv, 306; viii, 407 pp. 8°. Lausanna, lit. F. Grasset 4" Soc., 1774. De morbis acutis et chronicis libri viii. Jo. Conradus Amman recensuit notulasquc adjecit. Accedunt Theod. Janss. ab Almeloveen not?B et animadversiones. 32,728 pp. sm. 4°. Amstela- dami, ex offic. Wetsteniana, 1709. ----. De morbis acutis et chronicis. Libri viii. 728 pp. sm. 4°. Amstelcedami, ex off. Wetsteniana, 1709. See, also, Om rachitis. 1 Delen. 8°. KUhn (C. G.) [Pr.] de Caelio Aureliano, inter methodicas hand ignobilii. 4°. Lipsice, 1816. ------. [Pr.]inCseliumAurelianumnotaiDan. Gu. Trilleri manuscriptae cum viris doctis com- municantur. Spec, i-xiv. 4°. Lipsice, 1817-27. Siedmogrodzi (J. R. L.) *Sylloge doctrina- rum medicarum ex Aureliani libris acutorum mor- borum excerpta. 8°. BeroUni, [1825]. Aho: Artis inedicaB principes, v. 10, 11. ------. Aurelius. De acutis passionibus nunc pri- mum in lucem edidit, mendis quibus scatebat pro viribus purgavit, anuotatione critica instruxit. Dr. Car. Darcmberg. 69 pp. 8°. Vratislavice, Pari- siis, [Henri Richter], 1847. Also, in: Janus, Bresl., 1847, ii, 468, 1 pl., 690. Aurelj (Filippo). La questioue degli elementi primi della materia secondo le modeme teorie della iisica e della chimica. 1 p. 1., 245 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Mantova if Camerino, V. Guastalla, Sartori, 1879. Aurell (Carl August). See IIwasser (Israel). sala, 1835-6. Aurensaia. Henry (O.) Rapport sur les eaux d Aurensan. [Gers.] Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1855-6, xxi, 831-833. Auricle. See, also, Auditory canal (external). Brendelius (J. G.) [Pr. ] do concha auris hu- manaB. [Cum vita Jos. Ant. Limpruner.] 4\ Gottingen, 1747. Hannover (A.) * De cartilaginibus, musculis, nervis auris externa? atque de nexu nervi vagi et nervi facialis. 4°. Ilavniw, 1839. Seydel (F. G.) * De genesi auris externa} in hominibus. 8°. Lipsice, [1837]. Burnett (0. II.) The external ear a synthetic reso- nator. Phila. Iii. Times, 1873-4, iv, 3.-----. The resonant functions of the external car. Ibid., 422.—Cornier. Sur la possibilite d'imprimcr a volonte des mouvemens mix oreilles. J. rcu. do nied.. chir. ct pharm., Par., 1823, lxxxiii, 23-20.—Gruber (W.) Ueber den Ohrknorpel- oder Gohbrgangskopf des Griffi lzunjrenmuskels (Caput auricularo musculi styloglossi) des Menschen inid sein Analogon bei Phoca. 'Mel. biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Petersb., 1855, ii. 214-236, 2 pl.—Hoppe (I.) Erblicho schiffformigo Ohnuuschel. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1860, n. P., iii, 110.—Hyrtl (J.) Bemerkungen iiber einige Gesiobts- muskeln und cincu neuen Muskcl des Ohres. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1840, n. P., xxi, 337-346.— Itiippttr. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ohrmuschel des Menschen. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Lcijiz., 1873-4, n. P., ii, 158- 162.—Lay cock. Ponn of the external ear as au indica- tion of character. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 320.—Meyer (L.) Ueber ilasDarwin'schcSpitzohr. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1871, liii. 485-492, 1 pl.—Pollalc (J.) Beitrag zur pathologischen Histologie des Olirkiior- pels. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1879, xiii, 101-103.— Picdagnel. Recherehes sur I'organisation ct le deve- loppenient do 1'orcillc externe chez quelques animaux. J. do physiol. exper., Par., 1823, iii, 29-34.—Rabl-Riick- hard (H.) Ueber den Netzkuorpcl des Ohrs. Arch. f. AURICLE. 693 ATJEICLE. Auricle. Anat,, Physiol, n. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1863, 41-65, 1 pl.—Mchobl (J.) Das iiussero Ohr der Msiuso als wicli- tiges Tastorgan. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1871, vii, 260- 268.—Sccly (W. W.) Tho auricle. Clinic, Cincin., 1875, viii, 205-210. Auricle (Abnormities of). See, also, Bar (Abnormities of). Bidder. Schiidel ohne linkes ausseres Ohr bei einem todtgeborenen Kinde. St. Petersb. mod. Ztschr., 1873-4, n. P., iv, 388.—Birkctt (J.) Congenital, supernumerary and imperfectly developed auricles on tho sides of tho neck. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1857-8, ix, 448.—Bouisson. Bc- marqnes sur laprothfesedo l'organo audit if. Montpel. mod., 1870, xxiv, 477-498, pis.—lc Bricro. Absence cong6ni- talo do l'oreillo externo droite; agraudisscmentdolaboucho du memo cote; appendico charnu en dehors de la commis- sure labialo divisee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1861, xxxiv, 122.— iCases.] A pair of cars growing from tho neck. Lancet, xmd., 1858, i, 290.—The caso of four cars. Ibid., ii, 399.— Two superfluous cars. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1858, xvi, 528.—Couper (J.) Congenital deformity of tho pinna of the external car, relieved by an auto-plastic operation. Clin. Lect. Sc Ecp. Lond. Hosp., 1867-8, iv, 273, 1 pl.— Knapp (H.) A mothod of operating for tho cleft lobule of the ear. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. V., 1873, iii, no. 1, 254-256. — di Martino (G.) Anomalie du pavilion de I'oreille et procede. d'otomiosie. [Eap. de M. Jobert do Lamballe.] Bull. Acad, do mod., Par., 1856-7, xxii, 17- 20.— Hlorton (J.) Caso of congenital malformation. Glasgow M. J., 1855-6, iii, 167-170. —Paget (J.) Cases of branchial fistulas in tho external ears. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1878, lxi, 41-50. —Pluskal (P. S.) Mangel des rechten Ohres und erblicho Hydrocele. Oesterr. med. "Wchnschr., "Wien, 1843, 477. -----. Mangel des rechten Ohres und linken Daumens. Ibid., 1844,1373.—Boosa (D. B. St. J.) Deformity of the auricie, resulting from inflam- mation of the external auditory canal. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1873, 123-127.—Schcll (F. H.) Singular deformity [different sized auricles]; operation. Mod. Counsellor, Chi- cago, 1879-80, i, 170. —Strawbridgc (G.) Congenital malformation of the external ear. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1875, ii, 81. Auricle (Blood tumors in). See Auricle (Hcematoma of). Auricle (Blue). Sec Jaundice (Complications and sequela; of). Auricle (Cancer and lupus of). Fischer (C. E.) Commeutatio de cancro auris humauae casu singulari illustrata. 4°. Lune- burgi, 1804. Ad ants (J.) Epithelial cancer invading the pinna of tho ear, after the fail of a horn developed upon a wart in tho samo locality. Lancet, Lond., 1854, ii, 32.—Basscreau (E.) Cancroldo do l'oreillo droite; paralysie du muscle frontal correspondant. Eev. phot. d. hop., de Par., 1871, iii, 231.—Belt (C. B.) Epithelioma of ear; amputation; recovery. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1871, lxxxiv, 109.—Bdke (J.) Der Krebs im Ohre. "Wien. Med.-Hallo, 1863, iv, 428; 438. — Brunner (G.) Epithelialcarcinom des Ohres; Tod. Arch. f. Ohrenh., "Wiirzb., 1870, v, 28-31.— Creus. Carcinoma auricular; estirpacion con el cuchillo elec- trico de Ser6; curacion. Andalusia med., 1870, i, 213-210, 1 pl. — Belstnnclie Sohn Sc Stocquart. Ein Fall von primiirem Epithelialkrebs des ausseren Gehorganges. Ins Deutscho iibertragen von Blau. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1879-80, xv, 21-34.—Demarquay. Du cancroldo du pavilion do I'oreille. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xlii, 449.— Green (J. O.) A case of epithelioma of tho auricle and meatus. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. T., 1870, 62-66.—Harlan (G. C.) Specimens from two cases of malicnant disease of tho car. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1874, iv, 202-204.—Krii- gclstein. Ueber den Krcbs am Ohr. Allg. med. Ann., Leipz., 1827, 145-152.—Neumann (I.) Ueber Lupus an der Ohrmuschel. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1869, iii, 61- 03.—Pcan. Epithelioma de I'oreille; operation. thoraji. med.-chir.. Par., 1879, xlvi, 050.—Beinhardt (L. P.) Ucbcr den Krebs am aussern Ohr. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1833, ii, 89-92. —Straw- bridge (G.) Lupus vulgaris occurring in the auricle. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1878, ii, 255. — Tommasi (C.) Sul cancro otricolare. Ebd. chn. di Bologna, 1804,929-932.— Warren (J. M.) Epithelial cancer of tho rim of the right ear. In his: Surg. Obs., Boston, 1867, 59. Auricle (Cauterization of). See Sciatica. Auricle (Concretions in). Charcot. Sur les concretions tophacees do I'oreille ex- terne chez les goutteux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1860, Par.. 1861, 3. s., ii, 47-50. Also: Gaz. med. do Par., 1860, 3. Auricle (Concretions in). s., xv, 487-489. Aho: Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1860, vii, 501-563. Aho: Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s., ii, 821-823.—Harvey (W.) On gouty affections of tho car. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1851, 96.—Woodman (W. B.) Tophi in tho ears of infants. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond., 1872-3, vi, 144. Auricle (Diseases of). See, also, Auditory Canal (External, Diseases of). Auspitz (H.) Das Eczem des ausseren Ohres. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1864, i, 123-135.—Bclhommc. Tu- ni6faction des oreilles chez les ali6nes en d6mence. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1841-2, vii, 947-950.—Bcrgcl (J.) Eczema aurium. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Oeden- burg, 1856, vii, 83.—Blake (C. J.) Herpes zoster auricu- laris. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1877, xevi, 316.—Bochdalck. [Ossification ofthe auricle] Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1866, Ixxxix, 33-46, 1 pl.—Bokc (J.) Ekzem des aussern Gehorganges. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 460.— Bogamy (J.) Note sur uno 6pidemio d'6ryth6me-mtor- trigo gangr6noux des oreilles, observ6e sur les enfants en has age. Monit. d. sc. m6d. et pharm., Par., 1859, vii, 301; 315.—Chausit. De l'eczema do 1'oreillc. Ann. d. mal. do la peau, etc., Par., 1851, iii, 253-258.—Chitnani (11.) Ent- ziindung des Pcrichondriums mit Abscessbildung an dor linken Ohrmuschel. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1807, ii, 169- 171.—Duncanson (J. J. K.) Diseases of tho auricle. Edinb. M. J., 1874, xix, 589.—Gruber (J.) Ueber Eczem am ausseren Ohrtheile. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1867, i, 17-22.—Guddcn. Ueber den mikroskopischen Befund im traumatisch gesprens^ten Ohrknorpel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, li, 457-469, 2 pl. —Harvey (W.) On gouty inflammation attacking the structures of the ear. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1851, 290. —Horbye. Phago- danisches Geschwiir der Ohrenknorpel. J. f. Kinderkr., Erlang., 1863, xii, 130.—Hoppe (I.) Krampf der Ohr- muskeln und des Muse, cpicrauius. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1860, n. F., xxix, 132.—Leubuschcr. Mittheilungen iiber das sogenannto Erysipelas auriculas bei Irren. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1846, iii, 431-446, 1 pl.—Pomeroy (O. D.) A caso of multiplo abscess of tho auriclo resulting in partial destruction of tho cartilage, developed from a middle and external otitis, and somewhat resembling an othematoma. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1875, ii, 83-86.— Bitter von Bittcrshain (G.) Gangrsena auriculas doxtrse; catarrh, intest.; bronchitis. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., "Wien, 1870, i, 19.-----. Gangraena auriculas dex- troc; Pleuro-pnoumonia. Ibid., 21.—Boosa (D. B. St. J.) "A lecture on tho diseases of the auricle". N. York M. Kec, 1871, vi, 76.—Snetiwy. Uobcr Eothlauf des aussern Gehorganges. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., "Wien, 1841, 412.— Stohr (A.) Ueber Bildung von breiten Condylomen im ausseren Gehorgang. Arch. f. Ohrenh., "Wiirzb., 1870, v, 130-137.—Triquet. Des engelures aux oreilles. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 50. Auricle (Hcematoma of). Alt (O.) * De htematomate auriculae. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1849. Claverie (D.) #De l'hematome du pavilion do I'oreille. 4°. Paris, 1870. Cobbold (C. S. W.) * Ueber Ohrblutgeschwulst von Geisteskranken. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1874. Ducros (F.) * De la tumeur sanguine de I'oreille chez les alie*n6s. 4°. MontpelUer, 1867. Furstner (C.) * Zur Streitfrage iiber das Otha- matom. sm. 8°. Berlin, 1871. Aho, in: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1872, iii, 353-370. Haupt(C) * Ueber das Othsema torn. 8°. Wiirz- burg, [1865(f)]. Kindt (K. E. O.) * Ueber das Vorkommen der Ohrblutgeschwulst an der koniglichen Landes- Heil- und Verpfleg-Irren-Anstalt Colditz. 8°. Leipzig, 18(57. Kuhn (P.) *De l'heniatome du pavilion de I'oreille. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864. Mallez (F.) *Des hematoceles du pavilion de i'oreille chez les lutteurs, chez les alidads, et chez les dcoliers., 4°. Paris, 1858. Mary (A.) * Etude sur l'othematomo ou tu- meur sanguine de I'oreille. 4°. Montpellier, 1876. Merland (H.) *Des tumeurs du pavilion de I'oreille, chez les attends. 4°. Paris, 1853. Parreidt (A.) *De chondromalacia, quae sit prsecipua causa othajmatomatis. 8°. Halis Saxo- num, [1864]. AURICLE. GIM AURICLE. Auricle (Hematoma of). Passow (F.) * De othiEmatomate additis exem- plis. 8°. Gryphisualdice, 1833. Saxe (A. F. H.) * De othaematomate s. thrombo auriculari vesanoruui commentatio. 8°. Lips'uv, l^.->:{. (F. M. A.) *Dc ha;uiatomato auri- cula*-. 8-. Berolini, [1850]. Atkins (E.) On othematoma, or sanguineous tumour of the auricle. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxviii, 454-450.—Bcrti (A.) SuH'cmatoma delle orecchie negli alienati. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1866, 3. s., iv, 432-437.—Boutcillc. Tumours sanguines du pavilion de l'oreillo chez les alienes. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1878, 5. s., xx, 5-21.—Browne (L.) Othematoma, or the insane car. West Eiding Luu. Asy. Eep., Lond., 1875, v, 149-159, 1 pl.—Brunucr (G.) Bciilseitigcs Othcmntom bei einem geistig und korpcrlich volkommen gesunden jungen Mann ohnetraumatischeVcranlassung. Arch. f.Ohrenh.,"Wiirzb., 1870, v, 26-28.—Castclaia (F.) Dc l'hematomo du pavil- ion de I'oreille. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1870, xi, 10; 42. Also, Eeprint. — Cobbald (C. W. S.) Hematoma auris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 457.—Cossy (J.) Note sur uno forme particulicro do tumour sanguine du pavilion de I'oreille, observee chez les alienes. Arch. geu. do m6d., Par., 1842, iii, 290-299. — Cross (J.) Hematoma auris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 047. —Dclasiauvc. Des tu- meurs sanguines des oreilles. Gaz. hebd. do m6d., Par., 1859, vi, 322^325.—Bumenil (E.) Des tumours sanguines du pavilion do 1'orcillc chez les alienes. Ann. med.-psveh., Par., 1800, 3. s., vi, 210-224. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1860, xxxiii, 250. — Dnmont (O.) Othaematoni in bei- den Ccnchis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1866, iii, 289. — Dn- play. Tumeur sanguino du pavilion do I'oreille. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1876, xlvii, 154.—Buplay (S.) Dc l'othematomo. Projiies nied., Par., 1876, iv, 521.— Dupray (S.) De l'otlicmatome. ficolc do in6d., Par., 1876-7, 1-3.—Fulcnbcrg. Ueber Othematoma. Cor.- Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1862, ix, 115-117.—Fischer (P.) Die Ohrblutgeschwulst der Scelengestorten nebst einer Beobachtung eler Kopf blutgc- schwulst bei einem solchen Kranken. Allg.-Ztschr." f. Psychiat,, etc., Berl., 1848, v, l. — Foville (A.) Eecher- ches sur les tumours sanguines du pavilion de I'oreille chez les alienes. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1859, 3. s., v, 390-408. Aho: Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1859, vi, 450; 409. Aho, transl.: Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1859-00, xvi, 1G4-200. -----. Hematomo du pavilion de l'oreillo chez uu aliene. Union med. de la Seine-iuf'., Eoueu, 1877, xvi, 24; 37.—Gr- hewc. Die Ohrblutgeschwulst der Geisteskranken. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1800, x, 290-292.—(Sudden. Ueber die Entstehung dor Ohrblutgeschwulst. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1800, xvii, 121-138: 1862, xix, 190- 220.—Blaase (G.) Ueber das Othainatom. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1865, 3. R., xxiv, 82-96, 2 pl.— Hearder (G. J.) The treatment of hematoma auris. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1876, xxii, 91-93. — Hofmann (E. E.) Zur Aetiologie des Othematoms. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wiui, 1862, viii, 617-021.—Hun (E. E.) Hemato- ma auris. Am. J. Insan., 1870-71, xxvii; 13-28, 1 pl. Also, Eeprint.—Joirc. Des tumeurs sanguines du pavilion do I'oreille. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1800, xxxiii, 6.—Keller (W.) Hematoma of tho ear. Phila. M. Times, 1872, iii, 101.— Hipp (C. J.) A case of spurious othematoma of both cars, the result of a burn. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1873, 79.—li esc u re. Hematonies du pavilion do l'oreillo chez les alienGs. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1808, xliii, 579-589.— Marce (L. V.) Double tumeur sanguine du pavilion do I'oreille chez uu ali6no nielancolique; tumeur de memo na- ture a la paupicrc superieure. Ann. med.-psych., Par.,1859, 3. s., v, 155-157. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859, xxxii, 59.— Meyer (L.) Die pathologischen Gewebsvcranderungen des Ohrknorpels und deren Beziehungcn zur Ohrblutge- schwulst. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1865, xxxiii, 457-188, 1 pl.—Monti (L.) Sulle cause dell'ematoma auri- negli alienate. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1870, vii, 181-184.—Motet (A.) Tumours sanguines des oreilles chez les alienes. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1859, vi, 502.—IVicol (P.) Othematoma, or the asylum ear. Brit. Sc Por. M.-Ch:r. Rev., Lond., 1870, xlvi, 191-198.—Passow (P.) Drei Falle von Othamatom. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 1864, xi,165-170.—Phil- limore (W. P.) Note on hematoma of the external car. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, i, 543.—Robertson (A.) Hema- toma amis. GlasgowM. J.,1875, vii, 308-312.—Rudinscr. Ucbcr dio Getiissanordnung in den Gehorknochelchcn. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1869, vii, 355.— Schwartzc. Spontanea Othaematom bei einem nicht Geisteskranken. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Wiirzb., 1867, ii, 213.— Siuiou (T.) Ueber pathologische Prozesso im Ohrknor- pcl der Thiere. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1867, iv, 17.—Stiff (W. P.) On simple sanguineous cyst of the ear in lunatics. Am. J. Iusan., Utica, N. Y., 1857-8, xiv, 334-340. Aho: Brit. Sc Por. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1858, xxi, 222-227.-----. Notes ot hematoma of the external car in the insane. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1803,, ii, 115. —Tplmatschen (N.) Ein Auricle (Hcematoma of). Fall von Othaematom. Deutscho Klinik, Berl., 1807, xix, 146.—Toynbee. Ossification of tho external ears, follow- ing hematoma. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1859-60, xi, 225. -----. Case of hematoma ofthe external car. Ibid., 229- 231. -----. Hematoma auris. Lancet, Lond., 1800, i, 66; 4s l'op6ration par laquclleou pcrco left oreilles, suivies do reflexions sur uu rapport relatif au memo objet, imprimo au tome 63 du Journal de la Societe. Ibid., 1821, lxxvi, 289-304.—Bouisson. De l'amputation du pavilion de l'oreillo. Montpel. med., I860, xiii, 121. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1870, xxv, 151; 197; 239; 265; 320.— Dartigollcs (U.) Plaio etendue du pavilion de I'oreille; suture uix iours apres l'accident; reunion. J. de mod. do Bordeaux, 1878-9, viii, 229-231.—Liang (E.) Ein 1'Y.ll von particller Otoplastik. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., It 72, xiv, 406-408.— Magnin. Portion do I'oreille droite entiorc- ment separee, methodiqucment reappliqu6e, et complcto- ment reunie. Bull. Pac. de med. ue Par., 1819, vi, 507- 509. Aho: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1830, v, 87-99.—Pan- coast (J.) Plastic operation on the ear. X. Am. M.- Chir. Rev:, Phila., 1858, ii, 78. Auricle (Tumors of). Sec, also, Aneurisms (Auricular); Auricle (Hcematoma of). Agnew (C. R.) A caseof myxofibroma ofthe auricle. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1878, ii, 234, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.—Bokc (J.) Cystis auricula?. "Wien. med. Presse, 1807, viii, 280-289. — Brantley (M. J.) On the pendulous tumor of the ear common in Nipal. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1834, vii, pt. 1, 71-80.—Broca. Uno tumour du lobule d'oreillo qui a rccidive trois fois. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1855, xxx, 268.— Brosse (P. G.) Beobachtung eines grossen klopfenden telangicktasischen [sich aufrich- tendeu] Geschwulst des rechten Ohres, nebst aneurisma- tischcr Ausdehnuug der Temporal- Auricular- und Occipi- tal-Arterien; auf den Weg der Heilung gobracht durch Unterbindung des Stammes der Arteria curotis Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1820, vii, 161-181.—Bryant (T.) Clini- cal remarks on tumours of tho external car. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 2.—Buck (A. H.) A case of cornu humanum of external ear. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost., 1871, 18.—Burnett (C. H.) Fibrous tumours [from tho ears of a negress]. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1871, iii, 181. Aho: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1871, n. s.,lxi, 158.—[Calhoun (A. W.)]'. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1875. xiii, 35.—Campbell (A.) On the pendu- lous tumor of the external ear. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Cal- cutta, 1833, vi, 488.—Dassier (A.) Tumour libro-cartila- gincusc du lobule do I'oreille; ablation; guerison. Union med., Par., 1860, 2. s., vii, 373.—Demarquay. Tumeurs fibrcuses du lobule de I'oreille ; ablation ; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 314.—Dolbeau. Fibror.iesdu lobulo des deux oreilles; ablation. Bull. Soc. Tar., 1870, 2. s., x, 2.—Easlcy (E. T.) Tumors of tho ex ternal ear. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, 1877, vi, 29-32.— Fcrgnsson. Tumour growing from the left auriclo giving rise to hemorrhage ; successful removal. Lancet, Lond., 1801, i, 386.—Ferreira de Lemos. Lipomas symetri- camente situados; operaoao. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1869, iii, 176.—lie ber t (E.) Fibrome du lobulo de I'oreille droite. Arch, do uied. nav., Par., 1876, xxvi, 214-216.— Hewitt (P.) Aneurism by anastomosis of the left ear of a young man treated by the electric cautery. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 496; 627.—Hilton. Fibrous tuiuors of the lobule of the ear, over the site of puncture for rings ; re- moval. Ibid., 1860, i, 294, lpl.—Knapp (H.) Onlibroma of the lobule of the ear. Arch. Ophth. Sc Otol., N. Y., 1875, iv, 511-517. Aho: Arch. f. Augen.- u. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1876, v, 215-221—Kipp (C. J.) A case of pearly tumor [cholesteatoma] in both ears. Arch. Ophth. & Olol'., N. Y., 1874, iv, 123-125. -----. Case of angioma cavoruosum of the lobule of tho ear. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, Bost, 187."., ii, 79.— Landouzy. Cheloldo (fibrome de 1'oreille). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 61-69.—[Lieclerc (A.)] Tumeur erectile de la region auriculaire guerie par des applications externes do fer. Bull. Soc. de, chn-. de Par., 1856, vi, 204-206.—Licgcy. Tumeur fibreuse produite par une boucle d'oreille. J. do med., Brux., 1807, xliv, 326.— Martin. Tumeur erectile de I'oreille traitee par la ponc- tion avec broiement. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1857, xx£, 407.— AURICLE. 695 AUSCULTATION. Auricle (Tumors of). Mciihac. Double tumeur des deux lobules de I'oreille. Bull. Soc do chir. dc Par., 1870, 2. s., x, 03. — Meyer (L.) Ucbcr gcfasshaltigo Cysten im Xctzknorpel des Ohres und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Entstehung der Ohrblutgeschwulst. Centralbl. f. (IT med. Wissensch, Bei 1., 1804, ii, SG5-867.— Morrison (A.) Fibrous tumour of the external ear from an ius::ne person. Tr. Path. Soe. Lond., 1848^50, i, 346.— Rondot (E.) Sarcome du lobule de I'oreille. Gaz. med. de Par., 1875, 4. s., iv. 319.—Saint-Vel (O.) Tumours fibrcuses du lobule do l'oreillo. Gaz. dc hop., Par., 1864, xxxvii, 334.—Stille. Fibro-plastic tumours of tho ear- lobes. Proc. Path. Soc, Phila., 1860, ii, 60.—Toynbee (J.) Sebaceous tumours iu tho external auditory meatus. [20 cases.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1801, xliv, 51-72, 2 pl.: 1864, xlvii, 203-207.—Vanzctte. Trois observations do tu- meurs fibro-cartilagincuscs du lobulo do l'oreillo form6cs a la suite do sa perforation. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, do la prov. d'Anvers, Malincs, 1851, ix, 349-352.— Verneuil. t t Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1856, xxxi, 2.—Waklcy (T.) Removal of symmetrical fibrous tumours from tho lobules of the car. Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 402.—Warren (J.M.) Recurrent fibrous tumor of tho ear; removal. In hh: Surg. Obs., Boston. 1867, 5D. Auricoste (J.-B.-Francois). *I. Lichen agrius. II. [etc.] 21 pp. 4°. Par is, 1840, No. 51, v. 352. Aurifcrae artis, quam chemiam vocant, antiquis- simi anthores, sive turba philosophorum. 2 v. in 1. 7 p. 1., 672 pp., 24 1.; 568 pp., 16 1. sm. 8°. Basilece, apud P. Pernam, 1572. Aurillac (Honore-Francois). * Des crachats. 43 pp. 4C. Strasbourg, 1834, No. 744, 2. s., v. 38. Auriol. Henry (O.) Analyse chimique de l'eau min6rale d'Au- riol [Isere]. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1841-2, vii, 747. Auriol (Jean-Baptiste). *I. Des productions can- ce"reuses, albumineuses, fibreuses, st6atomateuses, (16veloppees dans les centres nerveux. II. [etc.] 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 178, v. 352. Auriscope. See Ear (Exploration of). Auriti (Guiseppe). Sovra un'epidemia di mor- billo, studio teorico-clinico. 137 pp., 1 1. 8°. NapoU, stabilimento tipog. Vitale, 1867. Aurivillius (Samuel). *De vasorum pulmona- lium et cavitatum cordis inajquali amplitudine. 65 pp. 4°. Gottingw, apud A. Vandenhoeck, [1750]. Also, in: Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. 7. For hh Life, see Segner (Jo. Andreas). Aurnhammer(Carl). *Decalomelanointypho' 15 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf 4' Sohn, 1855. Aurora (Illinois). Angeli (L. LT.) A record of the mortality of the city of Aurora, from July 1, 1858, to July 1, 1859. Chicago M. J., 1859, n. s., ii, 471-473. Aurora borealis. IIexry (J.) Ou a disturbance of the earth's magnetism, in connexion with the appearanco of an aurora borealis, as observed at Albany, April 10, lool. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Polexls (G.) Sopra l'aurora boreale comparsa il di 16. Dicembre, l'anno 1737. 4°. Venezia, 1738. Weidleri (J. F.) Commeutatio de aurora boreali. A. cioiiccxxix, d. xvi. novembris. 4°. Vitcmberga', 1730. Winkler (J. II.) [Pr.] de commercio luminis borealis cum acu magnetica. 4°. Lipsia;, [1767]. -----. [Pr. ] de vi luminis borealis in commo- venda acu maguctica. 4°. Lipsice, [1768]. Leconturicr. Les anrores boreales, les variations de la boussolc et lo magnetisme tcrrcstre. Union m6d., Par., 1859, 2. s., iv, 97-101.—Saevernom (Oj siyanii, bnivshem v Tiphlisaj 13go Oktyabrya 1870 g. [On the aurora borealis observed at Tillis, October 13, 1870. j Med. sbornik, Tiflis, 1871, no. 11, 107-113. Aurousseau (G.-B.) *Du chloroforme con- sid6r6 comme agent anesth6sique et therapeu- tiquc. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 15. Aliroux (Joseph). *Du traitement local de la douleur. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 210, v. 626. Alirran (Josephua Franciscua). # E linguis femi- um loqnela. 2 pl., 28 pp. sm. 4°. Argentina;, J. F. Lc Roux, 1766. [Also, in: P., v. 623.] Auruin. See Gold. Aurungabad. Young (D. S.) Medical topography of Aurungabad. Tr. M. &. Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1826, ii, 325-340. Alisculat (Edmund). * Ueber das Eindringen zerstaubter Flussigkeiten in die Eespirationsor- gane. 20 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, C. J. Becker, 1863. Auscultation. See, also, Aneurism (Diagnosis of); Aneu- risms (Aortic, Diagnosis of); Artery (Pulmonary, Murmurs in); Bronchophony; Diagnosis; Heart (Diseases of, Diagnosis of); Murmurs; Percus- sion; Phthisis (Diagnosis of); Pleurisy (Diagno- sis and symptoms of); Pneumonia (Diagnosis of). Allaway(R. T.) * De auscultatione artitici- ali. 8°. Erlangce, 1834. Andry (F.) Manuel pratique de percussion et d'auscultation. 8°. Paris, 1844. _gmith.' '8°\~ Philadelphia. l84o. P.fa&cxjeMtt) Transl. with notes by Patrick New Edinburgh, 1842. ------. The same^—W^trrairappenrtix" Lawson. J^. Lexington r—rr—t SU. i&HV :. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1849 —•-----. Trait6 pratique d'auscultation suivi d'un pr6cis do percussion. 3. ea. 12° iris, .1850. ^-^* Deau (J. rl. fcsT) Trait6 experimental et cli- nique d'auscultation appliqu6e k l'6tude des ma- ladies du poumon et du cceur. 8°. Milano, 1857. Blakison (P.) A lecture on the importance of a knowledge of physical science, to the members of all professions; being introductory to a course of lectures ou the application of acoustics to the discovery of chest diseases. 12°. London, [n. d.] Bowditch (H. I.) The young stethoscopist; or, tho student's aid to auscultation. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1848. Cegka (J. J.) Nonnulla} observationes de va- lore diagnostico auscultationis ac perenssionis. 8°. Pragce, 1837. Clapp (H. C.) A tabular handbook of auscul- tation and percussion. 8°. Boston, 1879. Collin (V.) Manual for the use of the stetho- scope . . . Transl. from the French by W. N. Ryland, M. D. From the third London edition, with plates and an explanatory introduction by a fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 12°. Boston, 1829. -----. Die Untersuchung der Brust mit dem Stethoskop zur Erkenntniss der Brustkrankhei- ten. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von F. J. Bourel. Mit einer Vorrede begleitet von F. Nasse. 8°. Reutlingen, 1832. Cornwell (W. E. E.) Observations, chiefly on pulmonar5r disease in India, and an essay on the use of the stethoscope, sm. 4°. Malacca, 1829. Dick (H.) *De auscultatione et percussione. 8°. Landavii, 1840. Doche-Laquintane (A.) * Essai sur la per- cussion et l'auscultation. 4°. Paris, 1835. Faugere (F.-A.) * Diss, sur l'utilit6 de l'aus- cultation en g6n6ral, et sur ses avantages pour le diagnostic des principales affections pulmo- naires. 4°. Paris, 1833. Flint (A.) Compendium of percussion and AUSCULTATION. 696 AUSCULTATION. Auscultation. auscultation, and of the physical diagnosis of di- seases affecting the lungs and heart. 2. ed. 18°. New York, 1865. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 16°. New York, 1869. Forbes (J.) Original cases with dissections and observations illustrating the use of the ste- thoscope and percussion in the diagnosis of di- seases of tho chest; also commentaries on tho same subjects, selected aud translated from Aven- brugger, Corvisart, Laennec, and others. 8°. London, 1824. von Gaal (G.) Das Nothigste iiber Ausculta- tion und Percussion und ihre Anwendung in der Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshelfe. 8°. Wien, 1842. Gee (S.) Auscultation and percussion, toge- ther with the other methods of physical exami- nation of the chest. 12°. London, 1870. Gerhard (P. H.) * De auscultatione pectoris et abdominis. 4°. Lipsice, 1842. Gerhardt (C.) Lehrbuch der Auscultation und Percussion. 2. Aufl. 8°. Tubingen, 1871. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Tubingen, 1876. de Giovanni (A.) Corso di lezioni teorico-pra- tiche di percussione ed ascoltazione recitate nella r. Universita de Pavia. 12°. Milano, 1869. Golding (E. C.) Synopsis of percussion, aus- cultation, and other methods of physical diagno- sis. 32°. London, 1849. Golz (¥'. J.) * De auscultatione et percussione nee non de signis diagnosticis quas in pulmonum morbis inde redundant. 8°. Berolini, 1838. Gottsche (C. M.) * De diagnosi stethosco- pica. sm. 8°. Berolini, 1831. Hall (H. C.) * De stethoscopii in morbis pec- toris usu. 8°. Trajecta ad Rhenum, 1825. Harless (E.) Tabellen zur Auscultation und Percussion als Beitrag zur physicalischen Diag- nostik der Brustorgane. fol. Erlangen, 1847. Hofmann (J.) * De limitanda laude ausculta- tionis prsemissa brevi hujus artis historia. 8°. Lipsice, [1836]. Hoppe (C.) Percussion and auscultation as diagnostic aids. Transl. by L. C. Lane. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. Hughes (II. M.) A clinical introduction to the practice of auscultation, and other modes of phy- sical diagnosis. 8°. London, 1845. Johnson (G.) An essay on the value of auscul- tation and percussion, and the best mode of prac- tising them. 8°. London, 1843. Labrousse de Beauregard (F.-A.) * Essai sur l'auscultation. 4°. Paris, 1837. Laennec (M.) * L'auscultation mediate peut- elle servir aux progres de la mddecine pratique ? 4°. Paris, 1821. -----. A manual of percussion and ausculta- tion. Composed from the French. By James Birch Sharpo. 16°. New York, 1832. Laennec (R. T. H.) De l'auscultation medi- ate, ou trait6 du diagnostic des maladies des pou- mons et du cceur, fond6 principalement sur ce nouveau moyen d'exploration. 8°. Paris, 1819. -----. The same. Troisieme ddition, aug- mented de notes par Menadec Laennec. 8°. Paris, 1831. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1837. Lewtcki (J.) * De stethoscopi et plessimetri iu diagnosi morborum thoracis usu. 8°. Cracovice, 1829. Libaudiere (L.-A.) * Essai sur la percussion et l'auscultation. 4°. Paris, 1836. Lisfranc (J.) M6moire sur de nouvclles ap- plications du stethoscope de M. lo Professeur Laennec. 8°. Paris, 1823. Auscultation. Loeiir (A.) * Ueber Auscultation und Percus- sion. 8°. Miinchen, 1847. Mailliot (J.-L.-L.) *De la percussion et do l'auscultation de la poitrine k l'6tat normal. 4°. Paris, 1843. de Meis (A. C.) Teoria dell'ascoltaziono. 12°. Torino, 1850. Neill & Smith. Chokio Shio. [Tables of auscultation and percussion." From Neill & Smith's Compend. of Medicine. Transl. by Dr. Hirakawa.] Broadside fol. Meiken, 1875. [Ja- panese text. ] Niemeyer (P.) Handbuch der theoretischen und clinischen Percussion und Auscultation vom historischen und critischen Standpuncte bearbei- tet. 8°. Erlangen, 1868-70. -----. Grundriss der Percussion und Auscul- tation, nebst einem Index siimmtlicher in- und ausliindischen Kunstausdriicke. 8°. Erlangen, 1871. -----. A kopogtatas e"s hallgat6dzas alapvo- nalai. A masodik, nemet kiadas utan forditotta: Ker, n, 82. — Flint (A.) 3r. Stethoscopes and their uso. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 234-230.—[Forbes.] Observations on the acoustic qualities of different stethoscopes. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 537, lpl.—Fries (R.) Om P. Niemeycrs massiva stethoskop. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1808-9, iv, 447-450. — Oarstang (\V.) On an improved stethoscope. Lancet, Lond., 1850, ii, 437—[Gaulticr dc Claubry (E.)] Memoiro sur de nouveUes applications du stethoscope do M. le professeur Laennec; par M. Lisfranc. [Review.] J. gen. do med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxxxvii, 281-287.—Criraud. [Note sur uu stethoscope] Gaz. med. de, Par., 1853, 3. s., viii. 739— Griffiths (W. II.) On the application of tho diapason to clinical auscultation. Lancet, Lond., 1871, ii, 848. —Gucncau dc OTussy (X.) De l'auscultation plessimetrique. Frauco med., Par., 1*75, xxii, 457. Aho: Ecolo de mod., Par., 1876, iii, 1-11. Ah<>: Unionmed., Par., 1870, xxx, 106; 129.—Hecker. Ueber die Anweudun? des Stethoskops als Beitrag zur Diag- nose chirurgischer Krankheiten. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1837, iii, 383-398. —Henry (F. P.)' A modilication ot tho stethoscope. Phila. M. Times, 1876, vi, 295.—milliard (R. H.) On a new double stethoscope, " the head-spring stethoscope". Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 610.—Hour- mann. Note sur un nouveau mode d'auscultation. Experience, Par., 1839, iv, 28. Aho: Rev. med., Par., 1839, iii, 54-59.—Hiitcr (V.) Das Somatoskop. Berl. klm. Wchnschr., 1877, xiv, 100.—Ingals (E. F.) Tho enballo- metcr. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1877, xxxiv, 314-316.— Jacobson (H.) Ueber neuero Untersuchnngsmcthoden der Schallerscheinungcn am Thorax. Verhandl. d..Berl. med. Gesellsch., 1876, vii, 1. Th., 28.-Knight (P. I.) An addition to Camman's double or binaural stethoscope intended to regulate the amount of pressure on the ears. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, lxxx, 221-222. -Lan- douzy. Memoiro sur les proc6des acoustiques de 1 aus- cultation, ct sur un nouveau modo do stethoscopio appn- cable aux etudes cliniques. Gaz. med. do Par., 1841, :.. s., ix, 305-311.—Lisfranc. Peponse a l'article de M. tiaul- tier de Claubry sur les nouvcllcs applications du stetho- scope. J. gen. do med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1824, lxyxviu, " 132-143.—Ludlow (J. L.) A new flexible stethoscope. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa., 1844, n. s., vii, 509.-L.yons (U. D.) On a double bell stethoscope. Dubhu O. J. M. he, 1862, xxxiii, 364-366.-IttcKendrick (J. G.) Note on the AUSCULTATION. 699 AUSCULTATION. Auscultation (Methods and instruments of). microphone and telephono in auscultation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 850.—Marsden (W.) On the differential stethoscope or stctliophono. Brit.-Am. J., Montreal, 1860, i, 337-346.—Mattel. Nouveau stethoscope do trousse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 123. Aho: AbeiUe med., Par., 1866, xxiii, 94.— Nasse. Das Stethoskop. Arch; f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1830, i, 87-90.—IVieaneycr (P.) The aconoxylon; a new kind of stethoscope. Lancet, Lond., 1868. ii, 803.-----. Das Hiirhol/., crsto rationcllo Form des Stethoscops. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1868, xx, 451. -----. Zur Frage von der niittelbaren Auscultations-Tcchnik; cine Erwiderung an Hrn. Dr. Sommerbrodt in Breslau. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18G9, vi, 309. -----. Einigcs iiber das "Horholz". Wien. med. Presso, 1869, x, 93; 131.—Ott (P. A.) Einige Mittheilungen iiber das Stethoscop. Med.- chir. Ztschr. f. Landarzte u. Chir., Miiuchen, 1833-5, iii, 117-126, 1 pl.—Paul (C.) Les avantages du stethoscope flexible. Prance, med., Par., 1870, xxiii, 149; 157. Aho: Ecolo de med., Par., 1870, iii, 1-8.—Petrequin (T. J. E.) Memoire sur rauscultation artilicicll.'. Bull. Acad, de nied., Par., 1830, i, 304. -----. De l'auscultation artiticielle, ou es- sai d'uno methode nonvelle pour apprendre l'auscultation. Ann. de m6d. beige, Brux., 18S8, i, 1-6. Aho: Ann. Soc. d. scmed. etnat. deBrux., 1K38, 1-6. Aho: Rev. nied. franc. ct etrang., Par., 1838, i, 337-351. — Piorry. Note sur uu nouveau stethoscope ties portatif, ot sur quelques nouveaux moyens d'explorer l'etat du cceur ct des poumons. J. hebd. de med.. Par., 1830, vii, 592-597.—Pitta. Sur des modifi- cations apportees au stethoscope ordinaire. [Rap. de M. Kergaradec] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1858-9, xxiv, 1148-1156.— Pollock (J. E.) Ou a self-adjusting double stethoscope. Lancet, Lond., 1856, i, 398.—Poore (G. V.) A new method of intensifving sounds produced within the chest, Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1873, vi, 60.—Bced (C.) Im- proved double stethoscope. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 550.— Bichnrdson (B. W.) Percussor stethoscope. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1854, xviii, 91.—Salter (H.) On tho stetho- scope. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1863, i, 105; 133. —Senator (H.) Zur Kenntniss der Schallerscheinungen an den peri- pheren Arterien nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Ausculta- tion mit holiden und soliden Stethoscopen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xv, 297-300. — Shand (W.) Observa- tions on the action of sound in tho stethoscope and in the external air. Lond. M. Gaz., 1838, n. s., i, 395-399. -----. On stethoscopes. Lond. Sc Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1841, i, 879-882.—Snclling (T. G.) Improvement of Cam- maini's stethoscope. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 44.—Som- merbrodt (J.) Ueber das von Dr. P. Niemcyer empfoh- lene massive Stetboscop. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1869, vi, 246.—South worth (J. W.) Notes on rubber bands as aids in stethoscope auscultation. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1873-4, xiii, 49.—Sovet. iS ouveau stethoscope. [Rap. de M. Lom- bard.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1842-3, ii, 712-719.—Specr (S. T.) Suggested improvements in the form of the stethoscope. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. s., xiii, 1099.—Spencer (W. H.) On a new form of stethoscope iu its relations to the theory and practice of auscultation. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1874, i, 409-411.—Stethoscope Giraud. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 442.—Stone (VV. U.) Sc Grab- ham (M.) On auscultation by the aid of musical vibra- tions. Lancet, Lond., 1867, i, 114.—Stroud. On mediate auscultation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1841, n. s., i, 6-9.—Upjohn (H. M.) To extemporize a binaural or ( ammann's stetho- scope. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1870-71, i, 721- 723.—Vallez (P. J.) Memoire sur uno innovation appor- tee au stethoscope, et rapport. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1844, xiv, 107. Also: Bull. Soc. de ined. do Gand, 1844, x, 56; 53.—Voltolini (R.) Ein besonderes Stetho- skop. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1875, xii, 205-207.-----. Nach- tragliche Bemerkungen zu meinem Stethoskop. Ibid., 1876, xiii, 343. —Waldenburg (L.) Stethoskop, Ham- mer und Plessimeter in einem -Stuck. Ibid., 1870, vii, 580.— Wiesel (H. J.) A new stethoscope. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virginia, Wheeling, 1870, iii, 217. —Williams (C. J. B.) On the acoustic principle of the stethoscope. Lond. M. Gaz., 1837, xx, 349-353. -----. On the construction and ap- pUcation of instruments used in auscultation. Ibid., 1842, n. s., i, 401-404. Aho: Rep. Brit, Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1843, pt. 1, ii, 75-77. -----. Stethoscope. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1845, iv, 237-239. ----- On tho acoustic principles and construction of stethoscopes and ear trumpets. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1873, vii, 189-194.—Ycates. New form of stethoscope. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1870, ii, 58. Auscultation (Obstetric). Sec, also, Fcetus (Sex of, Signs of); Umbilical cord (Auscultation of). Becker (A. F.) *De palpitationibns cordis fcetus et strepitu placentae. 8°. Mindw, 1862. Belin (A.) Do l'auscultation appliquee au diagnostic des presentations et des positions du foetus, extrait traduit de Hohl. 8°. Paris, [n. d. ] Auscultation* (Obstetric). Bergold (G.) * Ueber den Worth der Auscul- tation in der Geburtshulfe. 8C. Giessen, 1818. Blanchard (P.-I.) *De l'auscultation appli- qude specialement a l'dtude du diagnostic de la grossesse. 4°. Paris, 1873. Blom (P. J.) Abhandlung iiber die Ausculta- tion oder den Gebrauch des Laenuecschen Stotho- skops angewandt auf die Geburtshiilfe; aus dem Holliindischen iibersetzt durch F. W. Schroder. 8°. Emden, 1837. (IT.) Manuale di ascoltazione ov- vero del senso dell'uidito applicato al diagnostico delle malattie e della gravidanza e di alcuni altri mezzi che a questo possono servire di aiuto. 12°. Firenze, 1840. Cakkiere d'Azerailles (C. J. B. L.) *L'au,s- cultation appliqude i\ l'dtude des phdnomenes de la grossesse et k la pratique des accouchements. 4°. Strasbourg, 1838. Charcot (F.) * Etude sur la persistance du bruit de souffle utdrin apres l'accouchement. 4°. Paris, 1877. Depaul (J.-A.-H.) * De rauscultation obstdtri- cale dtudide surtout comme moyen de
  • rjp:., Atfiji'ai, 1860, ii, 44; 51.—Probart (F. G.) Cases illustrating the assistance afforded by tho stethoscope in instances of doubtful pregnancy. Lond. M. Reposit., 1828, xxix, 413- 416.—Puntous. Do l'utilite de l'auscultation obst6tricale; observations. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1873, vii, 262; 317; 353; 375.—Quadrat (J.) Resultate der geburtshiilflichen Auscultation nach den in der Prager Gebaranstalt ge- machten Beobachtungen. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, n. F., xv, 341-360. — Rapin (O.) Ueber die Entstehungsweise der Uterinalgeriiusche; vor- lauflge Mittheilung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1872, ii, 35-37. -----. De la localisation du souffle ut6rin. Bull. Soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1875, ix, 293; 325. -----. Du bruit de souffle uterin. Cong. p6riod. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.-rend., 1877, Geneve, 1878, v, 409-494.— Richardson (P.) Obstetrical auscultation. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1861, n. s., iv, 44-48.—Ritgcn. Ueber dio Anwendung des Gehorsinns zur Erforschung von Schwan- ferschaft, Kindeslage und Befestigungsgegend des Mutter- uchens. Beob. u. Bemerk. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Gotting., 1825, ii, 38-50.—Rogers (M. M.) Obste- trical auscultation. Buffalo M. J., 1851-2, vii, 545.-----. Obstetrical auscultation; signs of pregnancy. Ibid., 1852-3, viii, 301-304.—Rotter (E.) Ueber fiihlbares Uteringe- rausch. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1873, v, 539-546.—Saint- Cyr (F.) Des battements du cceur du foetus, comme moyen de roconnaitre la gestation chez les femelles domestiques. J. de med. vet. et de zootech., Par., 1877, 3. s., ii, 16-24.— Scanzoni (F.) Beitrag zur Wiirdigung der Ausculta- tion als Hiilfsmittel der geburtshiilflichen Diagnostik. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1847, iii, 1-17.— Schneider (S. A.J.) Ueber den Werth der geburtshilf- lichen Auscultation mit Beziehung auf gerichtlich-geburts- hilfiiche Falle. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Freib., 1844, ix, 434-472.—Schottin. Ueber das Gerausch der Placenta bei Schwangeren. Med. Convers.-BL, Hildburgh., 1830, i, 233-235.—Schultze (B.) Respirationsbewegungen des Kindes im Uterus durch Auscultation wanmehmbar. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1857, ix, 272.-----. Ueber auscul- tatorische Wahrnehmung der intrauterinen Athembewe- gungen. Ibid., 1859, xi, 21; 103.—Schwartz (H.) Die auscultatorische Wahrnehmung der intrauterinen Athem- bewegungen. Ibid., 53.—de Stcfani (V. L.) Coup d'oeil sur le bruit de souffle des arteres en general, et en particu- lier sur le bruit placentaire. Rev. m6d. franc, et etrang., Par., 1844, ii, 497-532. Also: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1844, iii, 203-213.— Stoltz. Note suppl6mentaire sur le souffle ut6rin. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1877, iv, 335-339.— Strong (A. B.) Foetal auscultation ; report of fifty cases. ChicagoM. J., 1874, xxxi, 524-529.—Sutsos (P. I.') nepi fiaitVTticijs axpoaa-ecos. 'IaTptKT) 'Ei}p:., Atfiji'al, 1859, i, 281; 289.—Tate (J. H.) Cases in obstetrical auscultation. Cin- cin. Lancet & Obs., 1860, n. s., iii, 637-642.-----. Reply to a critique on his "Cases in obstetrical auscultation". Ibid., 773-786. -----. Richardson and his criticism in cases of auscultation. Ibid., 719-728.—Templcman van der Hoeven. Ueber das Nabelschnurgerausch. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg., 1848, vii, 513-515.-Thompson (R.) Sc Macnamara (J.) Is uterine bruit a sign of life after cessation of foetal heart? Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1878, n. s., xxvi, 421.—Trois dialogues entre les arteres iliaques et les arteres uterines, sur Te souffle puer- peral-maternel, ou pulsation avec soiiffle, de M. de Kergara- dec Abeille med., Par., 1876, xxxiii, 313; 321; 329.—Ulsa- mer (A.) Auscultation bei Schwangeren, als ein wichti- ges Mittel zur Vervollkommung der ausserlichen Untersu- chung wahrend der Schwangerschaft und bei der Geburt. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1823, vii, 1. St., 50-97.—Underbill (C. E.) Note of a case in -which the foetal heart "was heard at an early period of pregnancy. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xxi, 207-270. Aho: Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1878, iv, 124-128.—Van Arsdale (H.) Obstetrical auscultation. N. York J. M., 1843, i, 170-185.—Veit (G.) Ueber den Ort und die Art der Entstehung des sogenannten Placentargerausches. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1852, v, 136-162.—Verardini (F.) Cenni sto- rici e studii intorno l'ascoltazione intravaginale massime nella gravidanza e praticata con un particolare steto- scopio. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1871, 5. s., xi, 277-309. Also: N. Liguria med., Genova, 1871, xvi, 228-233. -----. L'utilita dell ascoltazione intravaginale a fare diagnosi dei primi tempi della gravidanza specialmente quando con altri mezzi non fosse possibile il farla. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1873, 46-55. -----. Intorno l'ascolta- zione iutra-vaginale per diagnosticare la gravidanza ne' suoi primi periodi memoria. [14 cases.] Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1873, 3. s., iii, 145-180. -----. Ricerche intorno la causalita del soffio utero placentare, o nuove osservazioni confermative Futile dell'ascoltazione intra-vaginale per diagnosticare i primi periodi della gravidanza. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1878, 3. s., xxix, 32; 187. Aho, transl.: Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1878, xvii, 332; 398; 482. Aho, transl.: Bull. Soc. de m6d. Auscultation (Obstetric). de Gand, 1879, xlvi, 241.—Whittaker (J. T.) On auscul- tation of the foetal heart during parturition. Cincin. M. Repert., 1870, iii, 297-304.—Wilson (P. C.) Fetal physical diagnosis; with an analysis of the physical examination of one hundred and twenty-six cases. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1873, viii, 321-338. Also, Reprint.—Winckel (F.) Die Auscultation der Unterleibsorgane. Ber.... a. d. k. sachs. Entbind.-Inst. in Dresd., Leipz., 1874, i, 225-275. Auscultation (Sounds and murmurs in). See, also, JXigophony. Apolant (E.) * Ueber das Nonnengerausch. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Barth (J.-B.) De quelques cas d'absence dn bruit respiratoire v6siculaire, valeur sem&olo- gique de ce phenomene, et cons6quences pratiques qui en de"conlent pour l'operation de la tracheoto- mie. 8°. Paris, 1838. Beguin (J. A. M.) * Over den tympauitischen toon. 8°. Leiden, 1867. Behier (A.) *Du bruit de pot fele* dans les affections non organiques de la plevre et du pou- mon. 4°. Paris, 1870. • Bergeon (L.) * Causes et me"canisme du bruit du souffle. 4°. Paris, 1868. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1868. Braun (F.) Das Vorkommen des Williams' schen Trachealtons klinisch und an der Leiche erwiesen. 8°. Erlangen, 1861. Choyan (P.) * Des bruits pleuraux et pulmo- naires dus aux mouvenients du cceur. 4°. Paris, 1869. Cognes (J. K. E.) * Contribution k l'6tude du cornage chez l'homme. 4C. Paris, 1874. Culman (F. H. L.) * De la consonnance et de ses rapports avec l'auscultation des voies respi- ratoires. 4°. Strasbourg, 1852. Fe a (C.) *Etude sur la transmission des bruits respiratoires dans les grandes e"panchements pleu- r6tiques. 4°. Paris, 1876. Flint (A.) On variations of pitch in percus- sion and respiratory sounds, and their application to physical diagnosis. 8°. Buffalo, 1852. Knatjss (R.) * Ueber metallisch klingende, von der Herzbewegung abhangige Gerausche bei Lungen-Cavernen. 8°. Tubingen, 1867. Nolet (E. J. M.) * De leer der vaatgeruischen. 8°. Leiden, 1870. Schulze (H.) *De sonis metallicis, qui in morbis pectoris audiuntur. 8°. Hala;, [1839]. Waetzoldt (G.) * Beobachtungen iiber Schall- hohenwechsel. 8°. Berlin, [1876]. Wossidlo (H.) * Ueber das vesiculiire Athem- gerausch. 8°. Berlin, 1877. Acoustic experiments having application to the auscul- tation of cavities, etc. Glasgow M. J., 1868-9, i, n. s., 418- 421.—Addison (T.) Propositions on the fallacies of phy- sical diagnosis in diseases of the chest. Brit.-Am. J. M. & Phys. Sc, Montreal, 1847, iii, 1-7.—Baas (J. H.) Ueber die Ursache des continuirlichen Rasselns; Eintheilung der RasselgeraUsche ihrer Dauer nach; postexpiratorisches Rasseln. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, vii, 118-126.-----. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Aufklarung der Frage iiber die Entstehungsart des sog. Vesicular-Ath- mens und der Rasselgerausche. Ibid., 1872, ix, 316-329. -----. Ueber den "fallenden Tropfen". Ibid., x, 255-265. -----. Ueber percuto-auscultatorisches Anblasegerausch. Ibid., 1874, xii, 481-496. -----. Ueber das Vesicularath- mungsgerausch als Modification des Keblkopfgerausches und iiber das percutorische Blasen. Deutsche Klinik, Stuttg., 1874, xxvi, 89; 105; 113.—Barcty. Sur un nou- veau Druit de souffle pulmonaire (bruit de souffle broncho- pleural) ; avec des considerations sur le m6canisme des bruits amphoriques et les differences de tonalit6 dans les bruits de souffle cavitaires et d'induration. Nice m6d.,1878, ii, 283-287.—Bartels. Ueber systolische Gefassgeriiusche in den Lungen. Deutsches Aren. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, vi, 111-125.—Barth Sc Boger (H.) Bronchique (souffle). Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, x, 722-727. -----. Ca- verneux (rale), etc. Ibid., 1873, xiii, 490-495.-----. Rales. Ibid., 1874, 3. s., ii, 266-276.—Beau (J. H. S.) Recherehes sur la cause des bruits respiratoires percus au moyen de l'auscultation. Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1834, 2. s., v, 557- 571. Aho, Reprint. -----. Th6orie du phenomtoe connu sous le nom de tintement m6tallique. Arch. gen. de m6d., AUSCULTATION. 702 AUSCULTATION. Auscultation (Sounds and murmurs in). Par., 1834, 2. s., iv, 426-146. Aho, Reprint. -----. Etudes thooriquesct pratiques sur les dillerents bruits qui se pro- duiseut dans les voies respiratoires tant k l'etat sain qu'& l'etat pathologique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1840, 3. s., viii, 129; 385: 3. s., ix, 121; 377. —Behier. t t Note sur un souffle auiphoriquo observe dans deux cas de pleur6sie Imrulente simple du cote droit. Actes Soc. med. d. hop. de 'ar., 1855, iii, 288-305.—Bell (C. \V.) On the cause of pro- longed expiratory murmur, aud its value as a symptom in tho earlv aiagnosis of tubercles in the lung. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1850, ii, 1014.—Bennett (J. H.) The cracked-pot sound is not always indicative of a cavern. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Sc Edinb., 18j5, xx, 114. -----. The diagnostic value of the cracked-po* sound. Edinb. M. J., 1858, ii, 789- 810.—Bergeon (L.) Th6orie des bruits physiologiques de la respiration. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xlii, 121.—Bern* heitn. Etude sur les rales. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1878, ix, 102; 171; 234.—Betz (F.) Der Wasserluftschall (Bruit hydropneumatique). Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1859, iv, 9J.—Blakiston (P.) On the sounds of respiration and of the voice. Lond. M. Gaz., 1839, n. s., i, 78-83.—Blood. §ood (J.) Observations on bronchial respiration. Am. J. . Sc, Phila.. 1860, xxxix, n. s., 51-60.—Bondct. Etude sur la respiration; recherehes physiologiques sur lo meca- nismc des bruits respiratoires. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1803, x, 798; 851.—Bondet (A.) Sc Chaurcau (A.) Con- tribution k l'etude du mecanisme des bruits respiratoires normaux et anorinaux. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir., Par., 1877, i, 161-166.—Bonnet. Rale crepitant. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1829, 2. ed., 1846, iv, 92.—Brunn. Ein Fall von Blasebalggeriiusch, entstanden durch Mittheilung der Bewegung des Gefassrohrs an den Inhalt einer Caverne. Berl. klin. Wchuschr., 1872, ix, 130.—Careaga (A.) Ob- servacion quo prueba la importancia de la percusion y aus- cultacion en el diagnostico, prognostico y tratamiento de las enfermedades. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1868, iii, 235.— Carr (E.) Miggestion as to the cause of the crepitant rhonehus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1842, n. s., iv, 360-362.— Casorati (P.) Sopra la respirazione anforica nella pleu- rite, del prof. Landouzy. Gazz. med. ital. lomb , Milano, 1856, 4. s., i, 422. — de Castelnau. Recherehes sur la cause physique du tintement metallique ou rile amphorique. Arch. gen.denied., Par., 1841, iii,228; 327.—Christophc. Note sur un nouveau signe st6thoscopique. Gaz. med. do Par., 1847, 3. s., ii, 672.—Cockle (J.) The sound of the bruit de pot fold and its modifications, as occurring more particularly in the chronic bronchitis of children. As- soc. M. J., Lond., 1855, ii, 624-626.—Coe (W. H.) Sc Baird (J. B.) Post-mortem. [Pericardial friction sound from old adhesion.] Atlanta M. & S. J., 1872, x, 410. — Cori- veaud. Observation d'un cas de tintement metallique ct de son explication dans ce cas particulier. Bordeaux med., 1875, iv, 293.—Corrisan (D. J.) Inquiry into tho causes of "bruit de soufflet ' and "fr6missement cataire". Lan- cet, Lond., 1829, ii, 1; 33. -----. On the mechanism of bruit de soufilet. Dublin J. M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1836, x, 173-197: 1838-9,xiv,305-319,1 pl.—Cotton (R. P.) Notes on the bruit do pot fele. Lancet, Lond., 1857, i, 337.—Cowan (C.) On the "bruit de soufflet", or bellows sound, in auscultation. Lond. M. Gaz., 1836, n. s., i, 561-506.—Dieulafoy (J.) Bruit musical percu a l'auscultation, et ayant pour sifige le pGricarde. Rec d. trav. Soc. m6d. d'obs. de Par., 1808- 70, 2. s., ii, 386-388.— Donaldson. Two cases of metallic tinkling. Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1856, vii, 271- 278.—Fichhorst (H.) Sc Jacobson (H.) Zur Analyse der Auscultations- und Pereussions-Eischeinungen. Cen- tralbl. f. A- med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 257-259.— Finminghaus (H.) Ein mit der Herzaction erfolgendes Reibegerausch des Bauchfells. Deutsches Arch. 1. ki^n. Med., Leipz., 1872, ix, 525-527.—Empis (G. S.) Du cor- nage broncho-trach6al chez l'homme. Union m6d., Par. 1862, 2. s.. xiii, 3; 36; 74.—Fearnsidc (II.) On the oc- currence of amphoric respiration in pleurisy and pleuro- pneumonia. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 439-441.__ Flint (A.) On variations of pitch in percussion and re- spiratory sounds, and their application to physical diag- nosis. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1852, v, 73-123. -----. On the distinctive characters of the pulmonary signs obtained by percussion and auscultation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1862, n. s., xliii, 305-320. -----. On the mechanism of the crepitant and the subcrepitant rale. N. Tork il. J., 1869, viii, 449-471.—Friedreich (N.) Ucbcr die diagnostische Bedeutung der ob.jeetiven HShlensymptome. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1857, vii, 87.—Gallard [T.J Des bruits pleuraux percus a rauscultation; fre- quence, mode do formation, signification patholoirique. Pro- j gres med.. Par., 1875, iii, 117; 137. -----. Bruits pleuraux percus a rauscultation. In hh: Clinique med.. 8°, Par., ■ 1877, 352-366.—Gcigcl (A.) Bronchophonie uud bronchi'- ales Athmungsgeriiusch. Deutsche Klinik, Beil., 1856, viii, 280. -----. Zur Lehre vom amphorischen Wiederhall. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1857, vii, 75. — Gibb (C. J.) Pulmonic murmur not hitherto de- scribed. Lancet, Lond., 1846, i, 572-574.—Gilfillan (W.) Observations on "bruit de pot fele". St. Louis M. & S. J., 1859, xvii, 97-110.—Glasgow (W. C.) Dr. Lem- j ming's views on residual ah- and subcrepitant rale Auscultation (Sounds and murmurs in). critically considered. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1874, ix, 63.— Gorecki (L.) Ueber die physikalischen U.sachcn des in den Lungen entstehenden Rasselgeriiusches. AUg. mod. Centr.-Zcg., Berl., 1858. xxvii, 701-706.—llalberts- inii (T.) Zur Theorie des Vesicularathmeus. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 691.— Ilauff. Ueber die Anwendung der l'ercussion und der Auscul- tation bei der Aushebung der Militarpfliehtigen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1840, x, 41- 43.—Hcrurd. [Large vomica of lung giving rise to me- tallic sounds on respiration. Discussion on the amphoric sounds.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1850, xxv, 322-324.— Holden (E.) Uuison-resonanco in auscultation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1877, xii, 257.— Imbert-Gourbeyre (A.) Mfimoire sur le bruit Skodique et son v6ritable inventeur. Gaz. med. de 1 ar., 1857, 3. s., xii, 040; 653; 681.—Jaceoud. Bruit musicai percu k l'auscultation, et ayant pour siege le perica de. Gaz. d. hop.,Par., 1809,xi;i,589.—Kennedy (H.) On the difference of the respiratory murmur in t he two lungs. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1875, lix, 39-44.'— Koto wise hicoll" u\ ) Ueber das ruetamorphosirende Athmungsgerausch. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1876, xviii, 351. — Krishaber. Cor- nage. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1877, xx, 452-462. -----. Observation de bruit respiratoireanormal: gu6rison. Ann. d. mal. de 1 oreille et du larynx, Par., 1877, iii, 354- 357. Aho: Bull. Soc. clin. do Par., 1877, 234-236. Aho: France med., Par., 1877, xxiv, 739.— Learning (J. R.) Respiratory murmurs. X. York M. J., 1872, xv, 489-506. Also, Reprint. -----. Respiratory murmurs. Tr. N. York Acad, of Med., 1874, 2. s., i, 129-145.—Leftwich (R. W.) On an auscultatory sound. Lancet, Lond., 1876, ii, 533.— Lercboullet. Des bruits pleuraux qui peuvent simuler le frottement pericardique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1872, 2. s., ix, 179-182.—Locb (M.) Das Vorkommen des Ge- rausches des gesprungenen Topfes bei Brustkrankheiten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1868, iv, 138-146.— Louis. Du frottement pulmonaire. J. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1830, vii, 257.—million. Sur l'importance diagnos- tique et pronostique d'un rale special dans la pleuro-pneu- monie aigue. Rev. med. franc, et Strang., Par., 1877, l, 232- 238.—iTlonnerct. Note sur le bruit d'expiration et sur le souffle bronchique dans les 6panchemens de la plevre. Gaz. med. de Par., 1842, 2. s., x, 849-854. -----. Du bruit tymna- nique sous-claviculaire au point do vue du diagnostic erde la theorie. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1855, ii, 8-10.—Nagle (D.C.) Observations on bruit de soufflet. Dublin J.M. Sc Chem. Sc, 1837-8, xii, 1-7.—IVaurannn. Ueber Rhonehus crepitans. Verhandl. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Weatphal., 1863, xx, 59-63. — JVieuieyer (P.) Entwurf einer einheitlichen Theorie der Herz- Gefass- und Lungen- geriiusche. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1870, vii, 136-145. -----. Die complicirten Athmungsgerausche (adventitious sounds, Walshe). Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 18"0, xxii, 407; 413. -----. Der grobe Schall in der inneren Knuik. Ibid., 1874, xxvi, 4; 9; 17; 25. —Penzoldt (F.) Ein experimenteller Beitrag zur Lehre vom Vesicularath- men. Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-med. Soc. zu Erlang., 1875-6, 8. Hft., 107-110. ----- Zur theorie des Vesiculiiiathmens. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1877, xv, 355. -----. Ueber exspiratorisches Knistern nnd dessen Erkliining. Deutscho med.Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, iii, 305: 377.—Phi- lipp. Ueber den Werth der verschiedenen Zeichen der Auscultation. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, 89; 103.—Piorry. Uno lettre [on metallic tinkling]. J.hebd. do med., 1830, vi, 604.—Kaciborski. Sur la theorie du tintemeut metallique. Arch. gen. de nied., Par.,1*42,1,505.— Baclc (V.) Remarques sur certains phenomenes d'auscul- tation ct sur la transmission des bruits produits dans la ca- vite thoracique. Ibid., 1849.ii,275-282.—Bichardson (B.) AV".) On an;: uscultatory sound produced by t he act ion of tho heart on a port ;on of the lung. Med. Times &. Gaz., Lond., 1860, i, 187.—BOl.lett (E.) Ueber deu als Gerausch des ge- sprungeuen Topfes, beceichneten Perkussionsschall. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1868, xviii, 1421; 1437; 1453. — Boutier (A.) Recherehes sur la cause dn tintement metallique. J. de med., Par., 1844, ii, 77-82.—Salter (II.) Ou the nature and cause of respiratory murmur. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1861, xxvi:, 502-515: xxviii, 185-193. Aho, Reprint. Aho, transl.: Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1862, vii, 36-40.— Schwcigger (C.) Uober die sogenannten consonirenden Gerausche. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1856, xi, 258- 274.—Seitz (E.) Ueber ein neues Hbhlengerausch. Deut- sches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1866. i, 292-297.—Sol- ger. Ueber das verl-ingerte Exspirationsgeransch und einige andere physikalische Explorationserscheinungen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 251-253. —Spit- lal (R.) Experiments and observations on the cause of the sounds of respiration. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1839, li, 99-111. Aho, Reprint. — Stern. Ueber tympanitischen Schall und metallischen Klaug. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 113s.-----. Ueber Respirationsgerausche. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1870, xv, 266; 302. Also: Wehnbl. d. k. k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1870, x, 217; 224. — Stille (A.) Two clinical lectures on cases of unusual vascular mur- murs within the chest. Med. Times, Phila., 1871, i, 249- 252 : 1872, ii. 29.—Talma (S.) Bijdrage tot de theorie der reutelgeruischen. Nederl. Tydschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 03 AUSCULTATION. AUSCULTATION. Auscultation (Sounds and murmurs in). 1870, 2. R., xii, 93-103. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xviii, 53-07.—Tcmplcman van der Hoc ven (T.) Over do physische her kenning der bart- on longzickten met ziekiegcvallen en lijkopeningen. Ne- derl. Lancet. Gravenh., 1845-6, 2. s., i, 019-633. —Thor- burn (J.) On a peculiar auscultatory phenomenon. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859,483. ----—. On vaso-respiratory phvsical signs. Manchester M. Sc S. Rep., 1870, i, 94-103.—Tinte- ment (Du) metallique. Reponso il la reclamation de M. Raciborski. Arch. g6n. do nied., Par., 1842, ii, 112-115.— Trnubc (L.) Zur Lehre vom Stimm-Promitus und den am Thorax fiihlbaren Vibrationen, von denen manche Gerausche begleitet sind. In hh: Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Berl., 1878, iii, 620.—[Vergely (P.)] Du bruit do pot fele dans la pneumonic Bordeaux m6d., 1875, iv, 70; 81.—Wachs- mnth (A.) Zur Thcorio der sogenannten consonirenden Auscultationserscheinungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl.,1853,vii, 139-152: 1855, ix, 294-299.—Waetzold (G.) Beobachtungen iiber Schallhohcnwechsel. Deutsches med. Wchnschr., Berl.,1877, iii, 317; 329; 341; 353.—Waters (A. T. H.) On tho cause of respiratory murmur. Brit. Sc Por. M.- Chir. Rev., Lond., 1865, xxxv, 217-219 —Weil (A.) Ueber den Gerhardt'schen Schallhoheweehsel. Berl. klin.Wchn- schr., 1874, xi, 76-79— Workman (W. H.) Tho crepitant rale: its nature and conditions of production. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1876, xcv, 123-128.— Zelinski (I. A.) O semiotiches- kom dostonistvae zvuka tresnuvshago gorshka pri zrud- nuikh bolaeznyakh. [Semeiological value ofthe "bruit de pot fele " in diseases of the chest.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1871, no. 11, 144-158. Auscultation in animals. Crocq (J.) De l'auscultation et de la percussion ap- pliqu6es aux maladies de poitrine du cheval. Mem. d. con- cours . . . Acad. roy. do med. de Belg., Brux., 1851, ii, 91.— Vcrheycn (S.) De l'auscultation chez les animaux do- mestiques. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., 1856, xviii, 204-241. Auscultation of Ear. Bing (A.) Die entotische Anwendung des Horrohrs ; ein neues diagnostisches Hilfsmittel bei der Untersuchung Schwerhoriger. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 18/6, x, 114; 139.—Bichter (H. E.) Auscultation der Tuba Eustachii. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1851, lxx, 111-112.—Schnepf (B.) Note historique sur l'auscultation appliqu6e au diagnostic des maladies internes de I'oreille. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1856, 3. s., xi, 666-668. Auscultation of Heart and Bloodves- sels. See, also, Heart (Diseases of, Diagnosis and symptoms of); Heart (Murmurs and sounds in). Barthelemy (E. J.) * Des signes fournis par l'auscultation dans les maladies du cceur. 4°. Paris, 1832. Cabal (E.) * Etude sur un nouveau proceae" clinique do mensuration du coeur. 4°. Lyon, 1879. Cazoubon (A.-C.) *Des signes fournis par l'auscultation daus les maladies du coeur. 4°. Paris, 1833. Churchill (F.) On auscultation of the heart. 8°. London, [n. d.] Conrad (L.) * Zur Lehre iiber die Ausculta- tion der Gefasse. 8°. Giessen, 1860. Delanne (F.-P.) *Des signes fournis par la percussion et l'auscultation dans les maladies du cceur. 4°. Paris, 1837. Exchaquet (T.) *D'un phe"nomene st6tho- scopique propre a certaines formes d'hypertrophie simple du cceur. 4°. Paris, 1875. Garnier des Hieres (P.-H.) * Essai sur l'aus- cultation dans les maladies du cceur. 4°. Paris, 1847. 'Holstein ( H. ) * De phsenomenis acusticis, qui© in vasis sanguiferis observantur. 8C. Regi- monti Prussorum, 1847. Huc-Mazelet (A.) *Du bruit de soufflet des arteres. 4°. Paris, 1836. Hutan (J.-P.-A.) * Des signes des maladies du cceur en general, fournis par l'auscultation, la percussion, l'inspectiou et la mensuration. 4°. Paris, 1849. Kobelt (W.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von der Herzdampfung. 8°. Giessen, [1862]. Auscultation of Heart and Bloodves- sels. Lestir(M.) *I. Des bruits circulatoires; leur thdorie physique. II. [etc.] 4°. Pam, 1840. Mabit (J. J.) * Quel degre' de certitude l'aus- cultation et la percussion out-elles apport6 dans le diagnostic do quelques maladies du cceur? 4°. Paris, 1836. Pass avant (I. G.) * De auscultatione et per- cussione in morbis cordis. 8°. Berolini, 1840. Potain (P.-C.-E\) * Quelques recherehes sur les bruits vasculaires anormaux qui suivent les hdmorrhagies. 4°. Paris, 1833. Eondet (M.) * Theorie des bruits vasculaires; 6tude des bruits de l'an<5mie. 4°. Montpellier, 1865. Roussel (F.-J.) * Dos maladies du cceur con- si d6reos dans leurs phenomenes st6thoscopiques. 4°. Paris, 1847. Sacreste (M.-F.) * Des signes des maladies du cceur en general, fournis par l'auscultation, la percussion, l'iuspection et la mensuration. 4°. Paris, 1847. Salzer (F.) * Beitriige zur Lehre von den Gefiissgerauschen. 8°. Giessen, 1854. Samson (J.) * Die Percussion und Ausculta- tion des Herzens. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1844. Schafer (M.) Ueber die Auscultation der nor- malen Herztone. 8°. Giessen, 1860. Thiery (A.-D.) * Des signes des maladies du cceur en g6n6ral, fournis par l'auscultation, la percussion, l'inspection et la mensuration. 4°. Paris, 1849. Vernois (M.) * Etudes physiologiques et cli- niques pour servir k l'histoire des bruits des ar- teres, suivies de propositions sur la syphilis, les maladies de la peau, les maladies des enfants, etc. 4°. Paris, 1837. Vignes-Villars (L.) * Etude sur les bruits musicaux percus il l'auscultation de la r6gion cardiaque. 4°. Paris, 1868. Weil (A.) Die Auscultation der Arterien und Venen. 8°. Leipzig, 1875. Auscultation of the circulatory apparatus. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836, ii, 392-390.—Bellinghani (O'B.) On the mechanism by which the continuous murmur of bruit de diable is produced. Dublin M. Press, 1848, xix, 113- 117.—Boucand. Consid6rations sur l'auscultation des vaisseaux du cou dans l'an6mie globulaire. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon, 1868, vii, 133-144, [pt. ii], 315-317.—Di- agnosis afforded by auscultation in diseases of the heart ami aorta; and also in diseases of the abdomen. Lond. M. Sc S. J., 1836, ii, 417; 433.—Buroziez (P.) Des lesions et des bruits vasculaires au niveau du second espace inter- costal gauche. Gaz. med. do Par., 1876, 4. s., v, 111; 124; 171; 290; 441; 500.—Flint (A.) The clinical study of tho heart sounds in health and disease. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1858, xi, 805-855,1 pl.—de Giovanni (A.) Nuovo metodo per liinitaro la regione cardiaca. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1871, 6. s., iv, 261-269. — Korczyriski. Zwei Palle von metallisch klingenden Herztonen und me- tallischem Platschergerausch in an den Magen grenzenden und aus dem Zerfall vou Neugebilden entstandenen HShlen. "Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 1489; 1524; 1556; 1585; 1621.— Kiichcnmeister. Das mittelst des Horrohrs an um- schriebener Stelle des Herzens wahrnehmbare Klingen, ein Effect der in einem gowissen Grade der Durchfeuchtung beflndlichen Sehnen der Papillarmuskeln. Deutscho Kli- nik, Berl., 1851, iii, 183-188.— Labbce (E.) De l'ausculta- tion du coeur. Mouvement m6d., Par., 1876, xiv, 242; 318; 346; 422.—Ii angeli (A. A.) Bidrag till liiran om auskul- tationen af fel i hjertats valvler och mynningar. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1857, xix, 683-700.—Ii'Hnillier. Etude sur l'auscultation du cceur. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1875, iv, 237; 321: 1876. v, 297-304; vi, 14-20.—Nolet (E. J. M.) Recherehes sur les inurmures vasculaires. Arch, nfiorl. d. sc. exactes, etc., La Haye, 1871, vi, 49-79. — Paul (C.) Sur le bruit de souffle an6mo - spasmodiquo do l'artere pulmonaire design6 gen6ralement sous le nom de bruit an6mique de la base du cceur. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. dc Par. (1878), 1879, 2. s., xv, 73-122.—Boser. Einige praktische Winke zur Auscultation des Herzens. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1855, xxv, 164- 166.—Skoda. Ueberdie Auscultation des Herzens. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1870, xv, 140.—Smith (W. H.) Practi- cal mode of studying the heart. Physician &. Surg., Ann AUSCULTATION. 704 AUSCULTATION. Auscultation of Heart and Bloodves- sels. Arbor, Mich., 1879, i, 385-395.—Stille (A.) Two clinical lectures on cases of unusual vascular murmurs within the chest. Phila. M. Times, 1871, i, 249-269.—Thomas (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Hoibarkeit der Schallerscheinungeu der Pulruonalarterie an der linken Seite des Halses. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1878-9, xxiii, 622-624.—Tucker (D. H.) A clinical lecture on auscultation of the heart. Maryland Sc Virg. M. J., Richmond, 1861, xvi, 359-366. Aho: Richmond M. J., 1866, i, 1-7. Auscultation of mouth. Oalvagni (E.) Sull'ascoltazione della bocca, e piii precisamerite sul rantolo orale. Bull. d. di Bologna, 1875, 5. s., xx, 401-411. Aho, transl.: Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1875, iii, 299-308. Auscultation of oesophagus. Allbutt (T. C.) On auscultation of the oesophagus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 420.—Betz (F.) Ein Beitrag zu den iisophagealen Gerauschen. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1872, xvii, 457-460.—E Isberg (L.) On auscultation of the oesophagus. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1875, xxvi, 283-286, Also, Reprint. -----. Notice of the method of auscultation of the oesophagus. Tr. M. Soc. State N. Y., 1875, 338-341.— Hamburger (W.) Die Auscultation des Oesophagus als diagnostisches Hiilfsniittel in den verschiedenen Krank- heiten desselben. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1868, xv, 133-158; xvi, 123-132. -----. Dio Auscultation des Oesophagus als diagnostischerBehelfinMediastinalkrankheiten. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1870, cv, 112-126.—Heyfelder. TJeber die von Lisfranc in Paris bei Knochenbriichcn, Bla- sensteinen und andern Krankheiten mit dem Stethoscope angestellten Versuche, und iiber die daraus gezogenen Re- sultate. Allg. med. Anual., Leipz., 1824,145-152.—IVatan- son (L.) Die Auscultation des Oesophagus; ein Beitrag zur exacten Diagnostik. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1804, ii, 833. Auscultation of respiratory organs. See, also, Auscultation (Sounds and murmurs in). Aussilloux (C.) *De diagnostic differentiel des dpanehements pleurdtiques par l'auscultation de la voix aphone. 4°. Montpellier, 1878. Beau (J. II. S.) Traitd experimental et clinique d'auscultation appliqude k l'dtude des maladies du poumon et du cceur. 8°. Paris, 1856. Bondi (C.) * Ueber die physikalische Explo- ration der Lungen im Allgemeinen. 8°. fJ'iirz- burg, 1K>1. Bureaud (A.-M.) * De l'auscultation dans les organes de la respiration k l'dtat sain et k l'dtat morbide. 4°. Paris, 1832. Deniau (F.-T.) Des signes que fournissent la percussion et l'auscultation dans les principales maladies du poumon. 4°. Paris, 1833. Deschamps (F.-T.) * Diagnostic de la pleurd- sie, de la pueumonie, de la bronchite, et de l'em- physeme, au point de vue de la percussion et de l'auscultation. 4°. Paris, 1852. Flint (A.) Physical exploration and diagnosis of diseases affecting the respiratory organs. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. Fouchet de Perignon (N.) * Dc quelques phdnomenes pseudo-cavitaires. 4°. Paris, 1874. Fournet (J.) * Quelques rdsultats des re- cherehes cliniques sur l'auscultation des organes respiratoires et sur la premiere pdriode do la phthisie pulinonaire, faites dans le service de M. le Professeur Andral. 4°. Paris, 1839. -----. The same. Transl. from tho French by Thomas Brody. 8°. London, 1841. George-Massonnais ( L.-A.-A. ) * Essai sur les avantages de l'auscultation dans le diaguostic des principales maladies des organes respiratoires. 4C. Paris, 1828. Gleize (J.) *Des principaux signes fournis par l'auscultation dans le diagnostic des maladies de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1327. Hermet (P.) * Quelques recherehes sur la pectoriloquie aphone. 4°. Paris, 1876. Hobein (R.) * Beobachtungen iiber Schall- hoheweehsel bei Lungencavernen. 8°. Schwerin, 1870. Auscultation of respiratory organs. Jozan (G.) * De l'dtude des vibrations thora- ciques appliqudes au diagnostic des affections du poitrine. 4°. Paris, l-<79. Lair (P.) * Du diagnostic de quelques mala- dies de poitrine, k l'aide des signes fournis par la percussion et par l'auscultation. 4°. Paris, 1831. Lefranc (C. A.) * De l'auscultation et de la percussion dans les principales maladies de la poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1848. Mailliot (L.) Traitd pratique d'auscultation appliqude au diagnostic des maladies des organes respiratoires. 8°. Paris, 1874. Martinez (E.) *Diss. sur l'auscultation des organes de la respiration. 4°. Paris, 1834. Mercadier (J.-H.) * Contribution k l'dtude de la pectoriloquie aphonique dans la pleurdsie. 4°. Paris, 1876. Mittag (F. A.) * De pondere ac pretio auscul- tationis et percussionis in morbis organorum re- spirationis cognoscendis. 8°. Gryphice, 1842. Moritz (S.) * Unterbrochener Wintrich'scher Schallwechsel; ein Beitrag zur Cavernen-Diag- nostik. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1877. Peyneau (B.) *De l'auscultation du bruit respiratoire et de la voix. 4°. Paris, 1878. Reimao (J.-J. P.) #De l'utilitd de l'ausculta- tion et de la percussion dans le diagnostic de quelques maladies des organes respiratoires. 4°. Paris, 1837. Kicard (E.-J.-E.) * Essai sur les signes four- nis par l'auscultation dans le diagnostic des mala- dies des organes respiratoires. 4°. Paris, 1830. Eouit(L.-M.) * Essai sur l'auscultation daus le diagnostic des maladies de poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1828. Sabatier ( A. ) * Etude anatomique, physio- logique et clinique sur l'auscultation du poumon chez les enfants. 8°. Montpellier, 1863. da Silva (P.-A.) * Essai sur l'auscultation de l'appareil respiratoire. 4°. Paris, 1855. de Torres-Homem (J.-V.) * De l'utilitd de l'auscultation et de la percussion daus le dia- gnostic de quelques maladies de la poitrine. 4°. Paris, 1829. Waetzoldt (G.) * Beobachtun gen iiber Schall- hohenwechsel. 8°. Berlin, 1876. Armor (S.G.) Prolonged expiration: its physical cause, and its relation to the pretubercular stage of consumption. N. York M. J., 1872, xv, 231-239. —Arnould (J.) Des bruits pleuraux de la phthisie puhnonaire. Union med., Par., 1864, 2. s., xxiii, 149; 170; 195.—Baccelli (G.) Sulla trasmissione dei suoni attraverso i liquidi endopleurici di differento natura. Arch, di med., chir. ed in., Roma, 1875, vii, 504-542. Aho, transl.: Union med., Par., 1870, i, 3; 33; 50; 193; 205; 233: 257.—Balfour (G. W.) On the physi- cal exploration of the lungs. Edinb. M. J., 1874, xx, 436- 444.—Barety. Quelques mots sur la topographic des or- ganes thoracioucs ct traces pour servir k l'etude de leurs af- fections. Nice med., 1878, ii, 246; 261.—Barth (J. B.) De quelques cas d'absence du bruit respiratoire vesiculaire; valeur s6m6iologiquo do ce phfenomene, et cons6quences pratiques qui en uecoulent pour l'operation de la trach6o- tomie. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1838, ii, 277-314.—Barth Sc Roser (H.) Catairo (fremissement). Diet, encycl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1873, xiii, 56-59.—Barthez (E.) Note sur quolques-unes des conditions anatomiques qui favoriseut la transmission des sons do la racine des bronches a un point 61oig_n6 do la poitrine. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1855. iii, 521-523.—Beau. Theorie du ph6nomene connu sous le nom de tintement m6tallique. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1834, 2. s., iv, 426-446. Also: Abeille, Brux., 1834, ii, 105- 112.—Bell (J.) Some general remarks on the use of the stethoscopo as an aid in forming a correct diagnosis of diseases of the lungs, together with some observations on tho symptom called by M. Laennec pectoriloquy. N. York M. Sc Phys. J., 1824, iii, 268-2£l.—Camus. Quelques re- flexions sur la valeur do l'auscultation dans le diagnostic des maladies de poitrine. Montpel. med., 1859, iii, 162- 165. — Cardarelli (A.) Sulle risonanze di percussione degli organi respiratorii ascoltate pel cavo boccale, e sul rapporto acustico che sta tra taluni fatti di ascoltazione e quclli di percussione degli stessi. Movimento, Napoli, 1870, il, 81; 89; 129; 193.—Chopinet. Contribution a l'histoire de la pectoriloquie aphone. Union med., Par., 1876, xxii, AUSCULTATION. 705 AUSSFELDT. Auscultation of respiratory organs. 698-702.—Dubini (A.) Rumoro di espiraziono studiato in una serie di casi non analoghi, per determinarne l'impor- tanza nella diagnosi del 1" stadio della tisi. (razz. med. di Milano, 1844, iii, 89; 105; 241.—Eichhorst (H.) Ueberdie Grossenbestimniung der Lnngeucavernen vermittelst der J Helmholtz'schen Resonatoren. Charite-Ann., 1875, Berl., 1877, ii, 247-253.—Finlayson (J.) Disorders of the respi- ratorv and circulatory system. In hh .• Clin. Diagnosis, 8°, Phila., 1878, 255-2S0.—Giinsburg (F.) Ein auskulta- torisches Zeicheu der beginueuden Tuberculose der Lun- gen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Breslau, 1850, i, 106-117.—Ha- mernjk (J.) Einige Erfahrungen fiber verminderte Reso- nanz in der Regio subclaviculans ohne geniigende Ursache dieser Erscheinung im Befundo des Luugenparenchyms oder der Pleura. Oesterr. med. "Wchnschr., wien, 1842, 593; 626.—Bantings (C.) Observations on the use of the stethoscope in affections of the lungs, etc. Midland M. &. S. J., Worcester, 1828-9, i, 324-331.—Herzka (J.) On aus- cultation of the voice. N. York J. M.,1859, 3. s., vii, 47; 173. -----. On the respiratory sounds. Ibid., 3. s.,vi, 220-238.— Ilirtz. Quelques considerations nouvelles sur la va- leur de la pectoriloquie aphonique dans les 6panchements pleuraux. Union med., Par., 1876, 3. 8., xxii, 357; 369.— Horliu (A.J.) Betraktelser ofver horbara oskillationor frau briistet. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1856, xviii, 449-462.— Hoppe (F.) Tlieoretische Betrachtungen fiber die soge- nannten consonirenden auscultatorischen Erscheinungen, insbesondere die Bronchophonie. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853, vi, 331-349.—James (M. S.) The physical con- ditions of amphoric respiration and amphoric echo. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1878-9, i, 344-345. Aho, Reprint.— Johnson (G.) On the influence of solidification of the lung upon the vocal vibration. Arch. Med., Loud., [1859], i, 76-81.—Kennedy (H.) On the amount of respiration heard in the ordinary diseases of the chest. Dublin M. Press, 1850, xxiii, 257-260.—Kolisko (E.) Ueber ampho- rischeu Wiederhall und Metallklang in der Brusthohlo. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1844, xlix u. 1, 1-17.—Iiippe (A.) Die Grenzeu des uormalen Bronchial- athmens. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1872, ix, 535-552, 1 pl.—iTIac Bonnell (R. L.) On the occur- rence of crepitus in the lung after the absorption of pleu- ritic effusion. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1844, xxvi, 448-454.— ITf ailliot (L.) Auscultation des poumons il l'etat normal. [Aho:] Rap. de Richard. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 108-134. Aho, Reprint. -----. Du souffle et de la voix amphoriques dans certaines affections du poumon ot do la plevre. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1856, iv, 993.—Herat. Pectoriloque. Diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1819, xl, 9-35.—Nie- meycr (P.) Uebersicht der neueru Arbeiten fiber Perkus- sion und Auskultation der Lungen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1858, xcix, 321-354.—Nouveau faitde relation entre la respiration saccadee et le frottement pleur6tique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1H02, xxxv, 109.—de Benzi (E.) Sulla tras- missionedei suoni attraverso i liquidi endopleurici. Salute, Genova, 1876, xi, 193-195.—Boutier (A.) Recherehes sur la cause du tintement metallique. J. de m6d., Par., 1844, ii, 77-82. Aho: Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1844, i, 192-195.— Specr (S. T.) On the pathological signification of some of the early auscultatory signs of pulmonary consumption, considered with reference to the presence of tubercle. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, n. 8., xiii, 21; 64.—Slack (W.) Report of an inquiry into the value of mediate auscultation as a method of1 diagnosis in inflammation of the pleura, lungs, and bronchia. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1827, iv, 90-122.—Strud- tvick (E.) Remarks on the stethoscope, in relation to phthisis pulmonalis. Phila. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, 1824, viii, 33-52.—Thomas (L.) Die Schallhohe des Percussions- schalls und der Athemgerausche. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1860, vii, 91-95.—Thompson (T.) Observations on the prolonged expiratory murmur as a sign of incipient phthi- sis. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1850, xxxiii, 343-350.—Toul- mouche (A.) Observation d'un singulier et nouveau phe- nomene d'acoustique percu a distance chez un phthisique, et etudi6 a l'aide de l'auscultation mediate laquelle a permis, peudaut la vie, d'en assignor la veritable cause. Gaz. m6d. | ue Par., 1849, 3. s., iv, 543.—Woillese. Note sur la voix j soufflee, vari6t6 non decrite de la voix thoracique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1864, i, 146-151. -----. Etudes sur l'auscultation des organes respiratoires. Arch. gen. do med., Par., 1865, ii, 5; 159; 448. -----. Voix thora- cique normale. Union m6d., Par., 1878, 3. 8., xxvi, 933-937. Auscultation in Surgery. Chrestien (A.-T.) *De la percussion et de l'auscultation dans les maladies chirurgicales. 8°. Paris, 1842. Kuh (C.) TJeber die Anwendung der Percus- sion uud Auscultation in der chirurgischen Diag- j nostik. 8°. Breslau, lri43. Mischel (F. A. G.) * De percussione et auscul- tatione thirurgiae subsidiis. 8°. Lipsice, 1850. Govern (W. R.) Shoulder-joint friction. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii, 652.—Head (H. H.) On the application of Auscultation in Surgery. auscultation as an aid to tho diagnosis of stone in the blad- der. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., 1873, i, 216.—Huetcr (C.) Versuche zur Begriindung einer Auscultation ffir chirur- gisch-diagnosticho Zwecke. I. Dermatophonio. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1878, xvi, 929; 945 — Hichael (J.) Die Auscultation des Warzenfortsatzes. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1876, xi, 40-51.—Schuh (F.) Ueber den Einfluss der Percussion und Auscultation auf chirurgische Praxis, nebst einigen Versucben iiber das Eindringen der Luft in die Brusthohlo. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, xvii, n. P., 372; 538: 1839, n. P., xviii; 218; 358. Ausfeld (Joh. Christoph.) * De pleuritide. 19 1. 4°. Jence, lit. Wertherianis, [1681]. [-----. ] Aussfuhrlicher Bericht, Wie das anjetzo grassirende Contagium in der Kayserlichen Resi- dentz-Stadt Wien, und dero Vor-Sttidten sich nicht allein in allem dem biszhero gantz Hungarn durchgelauffenen Contagio gleiche, sondern was es vor Signa invadendi, Symptomata uud Eventus habe, neben dem biszhero gefiihrten Methodo und Annotirung der wohl oder iibel angeschla- genen Mittel, sowohl ex fonte Pharmaceutico als Chirurgico. 5 1. 4°. Regensburg, J. G. Hof- mann, 1713. [P., v. 765.] Ausflihrliche Anweisung fiir Burger und Land- leute Uber den Gebrauch des Chlorkalks als Reinigungs- und Schutzmittel gegen die Cholera und andere Krankheiten. 16 pp. 12°. Aschers- leben, Haller, [n. d.] Ausillous (Ldon). * De la ddlivrance et de quel- ques accidents qui peuvent la compliquer. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 220, v. 534. Auspitz (Heinrich). Die Lehren vom syphili- tischen Contagium und ihre thatsachliche Be- griindung. 384 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1866. -----. Ueber die mechanische Behandlung von Hautkrankheiten. 38 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Brau- muller, 1877. Repr. from-: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat.. Wien. Sec, also, Archiv ffir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Also: Vierteljahresschrift fur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Aussandon. * Dissertation sur le croup et sur la ndcessitd do pratiquer l'opdration de trachdo- tomie dans cette affection, suivie de quelques observations cliniques de la ville et des hopitaux. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 289, v. 278. Aussandon (J.)1 * Dissertation sur la mdnor- rhagie. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 94, v. 62. Aussandon (J.)2 'Observations de chirurgie clinique. 73 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 278, v. 27?. Aussant (Jean-Marie-Pierre). * Dissertation sur les soins k donner aux dents de seconde dentition. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 5, v. 213. Aussant (Jean-Pierre). * Dissertation sur les squirres de l'estomac. 45 pp. 8°. Paris, Migneret, an IX [1801-2], v. 3. Aussant (Jules). * Dissertation sur les affections de l'aine considdrdes dans leurs • rapports avec l'hygiene et la thdrapeutique. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 6, v. 213. Aussce. Schreiber (J.) Ueber den Einfluss des Hohenklima's auf verschiedene Erkrankungen, mit Riicksicht auf die im Sanatorium zu Aussee in Steiermark gemachtcn Beobach- tungen. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1871, i, pt. 1,143-162. Aussern (Reiner. Joseph.) *De processu eudos- motico. 40 pp., 21. 8°. Bounce, typ. E. Eruegeri, 1864. C. Ausscrwinkler (Jos. Frid.) * De proctostenia. vi, 42 pp. 8°. Vindobonce, J. P. Sollingeri, 1830. Ausset (Francois Alexandre). *I. Ddterminer si les liquides iugdrds pendant les repas peuvent etre considdrds comme nutritifs. II. [etc.] 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 233, v. 321. Aussfeldt (Christophorus). *De chylificatione seucoctione prima. 131. 4°. Jence, typ.G. Sengen- waldts 4' C., Freyschmieds, 1645. 45 AUSSILLOUX. 706 AUSTRALIAN. Aussilloux (Charles). *Du diagnostic diffd- rentiel des dpanchements pleurdtiques par l'aus- cultation de la voix aphone. ix, 10-88 pp., 1 1. 4°. MontpelUer, imp. centraledu Midi, 1878, No. 11. Aust (Henricus Gustavus Albertus). * De sectione tendinum. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Friedlaen- dei'ianis, [1837]. Aust (Ludwig). * Ueber Epilepsie. 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1867. c. Aust (Vinzeuz). Systematische Darstellung der kaiserlich-osterreic'hischen Militar - Spitaler-Ver- fassung. Enthaltend: die Organisaziou der k. k. Militar-Spitaler und die Grundsatze ihrer inneren Verwaltung nach den liieriiber bestehenden ge- setzlichen Bestimmungen. xvii, 19-244 pp. 8°. Prag, M. J. Landau, 1844. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 239 pp. 8°. Wien, J. Stbekholzer v. Hirsehfeld, 1849. Austen (Philip H.) Valedictory delivered before the graduating class of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, March 25, 1853. 24 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. W. Woods, 1853. -----. Address delivered before the American Aca- demy of Deutal Science, at their sixth annual meeting, held in Boston, Sept. 29, 1873. 15 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Harris 4- Co., 1874. Austerlitzer (Simeon). *De calculo uriuali. 60 pp., 21. 8°. Pestini, typ. Landererianis, [lb31]. Austin. See Insane (Asylums for). Austin (C. E.) On the cleansing of rivers. 48 pp. 8°. London, R. J. Mitchell 4- Sons, 1872. Austin (Caleb H.) Bradley (W. L.) Obituary of Caleb H. Austin, M. D. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, 1807, ii, 273. Austin (Harriet N.) Baths, and how to take them. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 536.] See, aho, Laws of Life. Austin (Henry). Report on the proceedings of j the local board of health of Taunton. 10 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1850. Reports to the Gen. Bd. of Health Great Britain, ix. See, aho, Great Britain. Report on the means of deodorizing, etc. 8°. London, 1857. Austin (Thomas J.) A practical account of ge- neral paralysis, itsmentaland physical symptoms, statistics, causes, seat, and treatment, x, 225 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1859. Austin (William). A treatise on the origin and component parts of the stone in the urinary blad- der. . . . Gulstonian lectures, 1790. 3 pts. in 1 v. 1 p. 1., 123 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, G. Nicol, 1791. Also, in: P., v. 117. Aho, bound with: Earle. Opera- tion for stone. Australasia. See, also, Australia ; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Tasmania. Carmichael (C. H E.) A Benedictine missionary's account of the natives of Australia and Oceania. J. An- throp. Inst., Lond., 1878, vii, 280-293.—Faber (C.) Aus- tralasia and South Africa as health resorts, especially for consumptive invalids. Practitioner, Lond., 1878, xx, 17-30. Australia. See, also, Education (Medical); Ethnology; Hospitals (Construction, Hygiene, etc., of); Ine- briates (Asylums for); Lord Howe's Island; Manly; Medicine (Legislation of), by countries; New South Wales; Somerset; Victoria. Boothby (J.) Statistical sketch of South Aus- tralia. 8°. London, 1876. Clutterbi'CK (J. B.) An essay ou the nature and treatment of Australian diseases, including, more especially, dysentery aud fever. 8°. Mel- bourne, 1868. Smith (L. L.) Medical household sketches; or popular treatises for parlour and bush-hut on the diseases prevalent in Australasia. 12°. [Mel- bourne, n. d.] Australia. _____. The same. No. 2. 12°. [Melbourne, n. d.] Beddoe (J.) A comparison of the mortality from dif- ferent causes in Australia and England. Edinb. M. J., 1859, v 101-113 3 tab. -----. On tho healthiness ot the Anglo- Saxon race in Australia. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1859, Lond., 1800, 012-014.—Bertillon. Australie. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1807, vii, 340-354.— Bourse (F.) Contributions a la geographic medicale; Australie; Sydney. Arch, demed. nav., Par., 1870, xxv, 5; lOl.-Clutterbuek (J B ) On the essence or nature of disease in Victoria. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1868, xiii. 05; 97; 129;,167; 193; 305. Controversy on ... 247; 392.—»iacase« of Western Australia. Lancet, Lond., 1845, ii, 321.-Ford . Statistischer Jahresbericht iiber die sanitii- ren Yerhiiltnisse des k. k. Heeres, und der Popu- lation iu der Militiirgrenze, danu iiber die Ergeb- nisse der Untersuchung der Wehrpuichtigen im Jahre 1869. 4-. Wien, 1*71. Statistische Sanitiits-Berichte derk. k. Kriegs- Marine fiir die Jahre 1-7M-76. Im Auftrage des k. k. Reichs-Kriegs-Ministeriums (Marine-Sec- tion) zusammeugestellt von Drs. Robert Kolaczek, Adolph Altschul u. Alexius Uhlik. roy. 8?. Wien, 1872-8. 1870, by Kolaczek; 1871-1, by Altschul; 1875-6, by Uhlik. Summakischer Bericht betreffend die Verhalt- nisse der Industrie, des Handels und Verkehres Oberosterreich's in den Jahren lrlj- und 1869. S~. Linz, 1S70. Taeelx zur Statistik der osterreichischen Mo- narchic. Hrsg. von der k. k. statistischen Cen- tral-Commission. Die Jahre 1S60 bis 1*65 unifas- seud. 1., 2., 5. Hft. 4°. Wien, lsf>S. Bertillon. Antriche. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1867. vii. 433—463.—von t'zocrnit;. Zur medizinischen Statistik Ocsteireichs. [From hh ■ Statist. Handbiichlein f. d. iisterr. Monarehie. Witn. ls(J1] Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, ls(il, xvii, 259-263.— Ehrmann (C.) Mittlere Lebensdauer im osterreichi- schen Kaiserstaate. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1836, n. F., xi, 183-ls7. Also: Med.-chir. Ztg.. Inns- bruck, 1836, ii, 413-416. -----. Statistik de.s hohen Alters im osterreichischen Staate. Med.-chir. Ztg.. Innsbruck, IKili. ii, 397-4o0. —----. Zunahme der Bevolkerung im miihriseh- schlesiscln n Cou vernement wahrend des Militarjahres 1834. Ibid.. 428-430.—Epstein (A.) Geburten und Kindei-sterb- lichkeit von 25 Stiidten Deutschlands iuul Oesterreichs pro 1870. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat.. Wieu, 1877. viii. Sig. a. 1-3.—Ctuldner von Lobeti. Geschichte der Witte- rungs- und Krankheit s-Constitut ion in Xieder-Oesterreich in den Jahren 1815 und 1816. Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten. Wien, 1824. iv, 1-66.—von Karajan (L.) Die Epidemien Niederosterreicbs im Jahre lX63,verglichen mit jenen des Jahres 1862. Med. Jahrb., Wien. 1865, x, 3-36. — Karg. Riickblick auf die Krankenbeweguug in den nieder-osterr. Kranken- und Humanitatsanstalten, 1853. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1854, iv, 587; 605; 622.—Kehl. Zur Todtcnbeschau in Niederosterreich. Wien. mod. Presse, 1874.xv, 90; 112: 1 .'!.'>.— Knolz (C. B.) Phvsisch- mediciniseh-statistische Topotiraphie dc s Sanitats-Distric- tes Seebeustein in Vicrtel U. W. W. in Xitder-Oesterreich. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates. Wien, 1846, lviii, 101; 225; 335.— Knolz (J.J.) Darstellung der Witterungs- und Krankheits-Constitution in Oesterrcich unter der Enns im Jahre 1837. Ibid.. 1839. n. P., xx, 177; 329.— Krankenstandes-Ausweis der in den offentliehen Kranken- und Vcrsorjtuu^M-Anstalten von Xiederoater- AUSTEIA. 708 AUSTRIA. Austria. reich im Monate Marz 1842 behandelten Kranken. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1842, 825.—Krause (F.) Ge- sammt-Beiicht iiber die wahrend der Zeit vom 1. Mai bis Ende Dezember I860 im Sanitats-Bezirke von excl. Prager - hof bis incl. Friedau behandelten Kranken. Spitals - Ztg., Wien, 1861, 268 ; 285.—Mendel (G.) Meteorologische Be- obachtungen aus Mahren und Schlesien fiir die Jahre 1863 und 1865. Verhandl. d. naturf. Ver. in Briinn, 1863, ii, pt. 2, 99-121: (1865), 1866, iv, 318-330: (1866), 1867, v, 160-172.— mittheilungen iiber die Organisation des Sanitiitsdien- stes in den stadtisehen Gemeinden Oesterreichs mit cige- nen Gemeinde - Statuten. Von einem alten quiescenten Sanitatsbeamten. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1879, xiv, 245-247.—Nachricht von hohem Alter in Oesterreich. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1839, ii. 192.— rircher (J.) Sanitatisch-statistische Mittheilungen iiber Tirol und Vo- rarlberg fiir das Jahr 1872. Ber. a. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1875, v, 44-59.—von Rosas. Statistische Ue- bersicht von Mahren und Schlesien fiir das Jahr 1843. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1848, lxv, col. 225- 232.—S. (G.) Statistik des Sanitatswesens der im osterr. Reichsratho vertretenen Konigreiche u. Lander (ohne Dal- matien). Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, 376; 389. Aho: Mitth. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1877, iii, 185; 200.—San itiitsk arte (Die) der osterreichischen Mo- narchic. Erschienen im Auftrage des k. k. Armee-Ober- commando's. Wehnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1861, xvii, 217-220.—Schauenatein (A.) Jahres-Bericht iiber den Sanitatsdienst bei der k. k. priv. osterr. Staats-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft vom Jahre 1861. Ibid., 1862, xviii, 377; 385. — Behoen (J. G.) Meteorolo- gische Beobachtuugen aus Al abreu und Schlesien im Jahre 1870 und 1874. Verhandl. d. naturf. Ver. in Brunn (1870), 1871, ix, 247-259: (1872), 1873, xi, 197-210: (1874), 1875, xiii, 127-152.—Sigmund (C.) Beitrag zur medicinischen Statistik des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1846, lvi, 105; 227 ; 357; lviii, 105; 229; 343.— StutiMtiache Zusammenstellung in Be- treff der Bevolkerung des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Med.-chir. Ztg., Innsbruck, 1836, i, 143. — Streinz (W.) Statistique medicale abregee de l'archiduche d'Autriche eu-deca de l.'Enns, et du duche de Salzbourg. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1830, iii, 42; 52, 1 pl. -----. Herrschende Krankheits- Constitution in Oesterreich ob der Euus, 1835-6. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, n. P., xiv, 177- 180: 1838, xv, 497: xvi, 177.—Weinberger (K.) Aus den Banater Berg- und Huttenwei ken und Domanen der k. k. pr. iist. Staatseisenbahn-Gesellschaft. Aerztlicher Bericht und medizin.-statistische und topographische Mittheilun- gen aus dem Quadriennium 1856-9. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1860, 303; 317; 334; 349; 368: 1861, 8; 19; 40; 53; 80: 95; 125; 157; 173; 190; 207. — Weiucr (J.) Meteorologische Beobachtungen aus Mahren und Schlesien fiir das Jahr 1867. Verhandl. d. naturf. Ver. in Briinn, 1867, vi, pt. 2, 177-189. Austria (Mineral waters of). Adolphus (C. M.) Tractatus de fontibus qui- busdam soteris, nimirum, I. De thermis Hirsch- bergensibus. II. De fonte soterio Kukussensi in Bohemia. III. De foute sic dicto Molari ad Caro- linas thermas. 12°. Lipsice 4- Vratislavice, 1733. von Crantz (H. J.) Gesuudbrunnen der os- terreichischen Monarchic. 4°. Wien, 1777. Dietl (F. X.) *De Austriaci imperii aquis medicatis Brisgoiae, Carinthiai, Caruioli*, Styriae Tyrolis et nonnullis aliis. 8°. [n.p.,] 1772. Fleckles (L.) Der arztliche Wegweiser nach den vorziiglichsten HeilqueUen und Gesundbrun- nen des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. sm. 8°. Wien, 1834. Synopsis fontium Austria? provinciarumque su- bitarum. sm. 8°. Vienna; Austria;, 1778. HeilqueUen (Die) Oesterreichs im Jahre 1837. Jahrb- f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. Scebader, Berl., 1838, iii, 205-300.— Koch (E. J.) Bemerkungen iiber einige osterreichische Curorte, nebst Augabe einer neuen Piillungsmethode der Mineralwasser. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1843, xiv, 54-62.—Liichtenittadt. Ueber einige Bmnnen Oestreichs und des bayer'schen Hochlandes. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1849, xviii, 01—Meliou. Mineralquellen des oster- reichisch-schlesischen Sudeten-Gesenkes. Oesterr. med Wchnschr., Wien, 1847, 1-33.—Schneller (J.) Trenchin uud Pystjan, Grafeuberg und Wartenberg. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik dieser Curorte. Oesterr. Ztschr t. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1857, iii, 889; 906: 1858, iv, 1; 30.— Seegen. Die HeilqueUen Oesterreichs und Deutschlands. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1863, viii, 117; 123; 139; 155; 172- 188; 203; 212; 221; 244; 261; 267; 275; 284; 299; 314; 322| 331.— Mtatiatisehe Bemerkungen iiber HeilqueUen des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates, im Jahre 1850. Ztschr. d. It. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1851, i, 307; 411. Austria (State medicine in). See, also, Hygiene (Public, Reports and accounts of), by countries and places. Istruzione per uso de' medici e chirurghi in- caricati di publico servizio negli imp. e reali stati Austriaci risguardanti le visite giudiziali dei ca- daveri. 4"-. Milano, 1818. Sanitats-Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir die im Reichsrathe vertretenen Lander und speciell fiir Nieder-Oesterreich. Hrsg. von L. R. von Karajan und Leopold Wittelshofer. N. F., 1. Bd., Jahrg. 1870-71. 8°. Wien, 1872. Wolfenstein. Compendium der osterreichi- schen Sanitiitsgesetze und sauittitspolizeilicheu Verordnuugen. 8°. Wien, 1877. Antwortcn der 1. Sektion der Sanitats-Enquete-Kom- mission auf §1-6 u. 13, 14 des ministeriellen Questionars. Wien. med. Presse, 1869, x, 227; 250; 273; 296; 320.—Be- merkungen aus Galizien iiber die Regelung der oft'ent- lichen Sanitiitsptiege. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1857, vii, 99-101.—Bemerkungen iiber die Stellung der amtli- chen Sanitiitsorganc in Oesterreich. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1878, iii, 504.—Etfenberger (J.) Das offentliche Sanitatswesen auf dem Lande. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1848, lxv, 297 -304 — Enqucte-Koinniis- sion fiir die Reform der Civil-Sauitats-Angelegenheiten. BI. f. Reform d. San.-Wes., Wien, 1869, ii, 31; 41; 52.— Enqnctc (Die) zur Organisation des Sanitatswesens. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1869, xiv, 74; 91; 99.— Brute (Der) Stein zum Baue des offentlichen Gesundheitswesens in Oesterreich. BI f. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1870, 81-84.—Gauster (M.) Riickblicke auf die Antrage der Enquete-Commission fiir Reform des Sani- tatsdienstes. Wehnbl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien, 1869, xxv, 245; 277; 325; 333; 341; 373. -----. Die Organisation der autononien Sanitiits verwaltung. BI. f. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1870, 129; 137; 149; 158; 169; 177. -----. Die gegenwartigen Re- formbestrebungen in der Sanitatsgesetzgebung und im oflfentlichen Gesundheitswesen. Ibid., 1:22. -----. Die Reform der Sanitiitsverwaltung in Oesterreich. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsudhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1870, ii, 321-348. -----. Die Sanitatsreforni in Oesterreich in ihrem gegen- wartigen Zustande. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1872, cliii, 215-220. -----. Memorandum des Vereines der Aerzte in Nieder-Oesterreich uber den Gewerbe-Gesetz-Entwurf an die h. Ministerien fiir Handel und Gewerbe und des Innern. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest., Wien, 1876, ii, 162- 173. -----. Zur Reform des Sanitatswesens iu Oesterreich. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviii, 204; 237. — Grundsiitze (Die) fiir die Organisirung der offentlichen Medizinal-Ver- waltung und die der Enquete-Konimission vorgelegten Fragen; kritisch beleuchtet und beaut wortet von einem Sanitatsbeamten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 391- 395. Also: BI. f. Reform d. San.-Wes., Wien, 1869, ii, 9; 17; 25.—Hoffmann (J.) Ein Entwurf zur Reorganisi- rung oder beziehuugsweise Organisirung des offentlichen Sanitatsdicnste8 in Oesterreich. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. 1867, xiii, 348; 366. —von Karajan (L.) Bericht iiber die Sanitats-Veihaltuisse Oesterreichs u. d. E. mit Ausschluss Wieus wahrend des Jahres 1863; aus amtlichen Quellen zusammengestellt. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1865, ix, 18.-204; x, 3-36. — Kaulich. Organisation des arztlichen Standes und dercu Verhaltniss zum offentlichen Sanitatswesen. Mitth. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1876, ii, 192-196.—Kehl. Zur Organisirung des Gemeinde-Sani- tiitsdienstes. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 496: 628 —Kir- ehenberger. Zur Geschichte des osterreichischen Sa- nitatswesens wahrend des Zeitraumes 1757-1814. Prag. med.Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 703; 803; 821.— Konetschke. Die Organisation des Sanitatsdienstes in den Gemeinden uiid die Bezirksarzte. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 719; 754.—memorandum iiber die Organisirung des offent- lichen Sanitatsdienstes iu Oesterreich. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1867, xiii, 915; 929.—Neustadtl (A.) Zur Reorganisation des offentlichen Sanitatswesens. Wien. med. Presse, 1866, vii, 120; 142.—Oencntlichc (Das) Sa- nitatswesen in Oestei-reich. Wieu. Med.-Halle, 1862, iii, 324; 333; 351; 411. — On tier ka. Wie konnen die Sani- tats-Berichte und die Revision der arztlichen Forderungen niitzender werden ? Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, n. P., xiv, 127-129—Organisation (Die) des Genieinde-Sanitatsdienstes und die Landtage. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1874, xxiv. 97-99.—Organisirung (Zur) des offentlichen Sanitatsdienstes. Wien. med. Presse, 1867, viii, 591-595.—Reform (1871 und die) der offentlichen Ge- sundheitsptlege in Oesterreich. Ibid., 1872, xiii, 23; 49; 79; 107.—Reform (Zur) des Sanitatswesens. Memoran- dum iiber die Organisirung des offentlichen Sanitatsdienstes iu Oesterreich. Ibid., 1867, viii, 1243; 1273; 1295.—Regie- rungsantrfigc (Die) zum Sanitatsgesetze vom Jahre 1870 im Abgeoidneteuhause. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.-Oest, Wien. 1876. ii. 289-299.—Reyer (A.) ZurCi- vil-Sanitats-Refoj'in; Bemerkungen iiber die Reform des AUSTRIA. 709 AUTOMATISM. Austria (State medicine in). Sanitats-Wesens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 298; I 354: 3.N : 413; 419; 461. Austrius ^Sebastianus). De infantimn sive pue- ' rorum, morborum, et symptomatum, diagnotione, turn curatioue liber: ex Gra?corum, Liitinorum, et Arabum placitis, atque scitis diligenter erutus, concinnatu.s, et in publicam utilitatem. Adjecti sunt in frontispicio Hippocratis, aphorismi, novi- I ter natoruin adfectus enumerantes. In cake vero hujus libri, aphoristici sonsus alii, ex autori- bus hincinde- citati. Eoruudem de bona valetu- dine tuenda, pnescribentes praecepta. 7 p. 1., 239 pp., 7 1. 12-. Basilea; 1.V40. Austrius (Stephanus Marccllus). N-aria ad sanctitatis con- versationem ad egritudinis curationem ad corpo- ris decorem. Hac nova impressione panduntur. 161. 12°. [Papie B. Garaldis, 1517.] Bound with preceding. ------. Codex scientia? medicinae. 5 v., fol. Vene- tiis, sumptibus L. A. de Bionta, 1523. ------. Libri in re medica omnes, qui hactenus ad nos pervenere, Id est, Libri canonis quinque, De viribus cordis, De rernovendis nocumentis in regi- mine sanitatis, De sirupo acetoso, et Cantica, a J. P. Mongio Hydruntino et J. Costaeo Landensi recognita. 4 p. 1., 966 pp. fol. Venetiis, V.Val- grisius, 1564. ------. Liber Canonis: de medicinis cordialibus: Cantica: De rernovendis nocumentis in regimiue sauitatis: Do syrupo acetoso: Quorum priores tres prim6 quidem Andreas Alpagus Bellunensis . . . ornaverat: postea vero Benedictus Riuius Venetus . . . decoraverat . . . His accessit vita Avicennse ex Sorsano ... a Nicolao Massa . . . latine scripta. 6 p. 1., 590, 76 ff. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1582. ------. [Libri v. Canonis Medicinae. Arabic text.] 5 p. 1. 610, 268 pp., 32 1., 85 pp. fol. Roma;, in typ. Medicea, 1593. ------. Arabum medicorum principis. Ex Gerardi Cremonensis vei jione, et Andreae Alpagi Bellu- mensis castigatione. A Joanne Costaeo, et Joanne Paulo Mongio annotationibus iam pridem illustra- tus. Nunc vero ab eodem Costaeo recognitus, et novis alicubi observationibus adauctus. . . . Vita ipsius Avicenna ex Sorsano Arabe eius discipulo, k *Nicolaeo Massa latine scripta, et figuris qui- busdam, ex priori nostra editione sumptis. Addi- tis nuper etiam librorum canonis ceconomijs, necnon tabulis isagogicis in universam medicinam ex arte humain, idest Joannitii Arabis. Per Fabium Paulinum. 2 v. in 1. 18 p. 1., 982 pp., 6 1.; 433 pp., 150 1., 2 pl. fol. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1595. ------. Canon medicinae. Quo universa medendi scientia pulcherrima, et brevi methodo planis- sime explicatur. Ejusdem. De viribus cordis, de rernovendis nocumentis, de syrupo acetoso. Cantica. 2 v. in 1. 25 p. 1., 982 pp.; 6 p. 1, 437 pp., 150 1. fol. Veneliis, 1608. ------. Canticum Principis Abi-Alis, Ibn-Sinae vulgo dicti Avicennae, de medicina, seu breve . . . institutionum medicarum compendium cui adjecti aphorismi medici Jo. Mesnsei, ex Arabico Latine reddita ab Ant. Densingio . . . accessit hujusce Oratio de felicitate sapieutium. 12 p. 1., 250 pp. 12°. Groningw, ex off. Jo. Nicolai, 1649. ------. Canon medicinae, interprete et scholiaste V. F. Plcmpio. Tom. 1, librum primum et se- cundum canonis exhibens, atque ex libro quarto tractatum de Febribus. fol. Lovanii, H. Nem- pceus, 1658. ------. Epistola ad Regem Hasen, de rerecta. Declaratio lapidis physici. De congelatioue et couglutinatione lapidum. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, v. 4, pp. 863-887. ------. Zusammeugesctztc Heilmittel der Araber. Nach dem fiinften Buch des Cauons von Ebn Sina aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt. Von Dr. Sonthci- mer. 1 p. 1., 288, viii pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiberg im Breisgau, Herder, 1845. ------. Canon, liv. iv. De la variole et de larou- geole (Eadjadry ou a'l h'assba). Traduction de M. le Dr. Leclerc. In: Gaz. med. de r Algerie, Alger, 1865, x, 80; 93; 115: 1866, xi, 10. ------. See, also, Diversps (P. S.) Medicorum sui sevi facile principis. In Avicennae librum tertium. De morbis AVICENNA. 713 AX. Avicenna—continued. particularibus totius corporis, et eorum curatione; annotationes luculentissimae. Opus posthumum, nunc primum in lucem editum. fol. Patavii, 1673. Frisius (L.) Defensio medicorum principis Auicennaj ad Germaniae medicos. 4°. Arqcntorati, 1530. J de Gram (J. M. F.) Consiliorum . . . secundu viam Avicenne ordinatorum utile repertorium. Additis . . . Rabbi Moysi de regimine vite . . . Necnon sacri doctoris Raymundi Lulij . . . de se- cretis nature libris duobus nuc primum iu lucem editis. fol. Venetiis, 1514. Klein (S.) * De Avicenna medico. 8°. Vra- tislavice, [1845]. Montanus (J. B.) In primi lib. canonis Avi- cennae primam fen profundissima commentario. Adiecto nuper secundo, quod nunquam autek fue- rar typis excusum; de membris capite. Jano Matthaeo Durastante. 16°. Venetiis, 1557. -----. In secundam Fen primi Canonis Aui- cennae in qua agitur de causis, iegritudinibus, accidentibus, pulsibus, et urinis. 8°. Venetiis, 1557. Schaul (A.) * Sphygmologiue Avicenme con- spectus. 8°. Vratisl.. 1828. See, also, Bar land us (Hubert). Velitatio aem Amolo nootz medicina?. Antverpia>, 1532.—Castellus (B.) Lexi- con medicum Gra;co-Latinum. 16°. Patavij, 1685.—Fer- randiiM (J.) De nephrisis et lethiasis. 12°. Parhih, 1601.— >'ola (J. A.) Quod sedimentum sanorum, aegro- rumque corporum non sit eiusdem speciei, etc. 8°. Vene- tiis, 1562.—Pictorius (G.) Rei medicae, etc. 12°. Ba- sileae, 1558. And: Medicinae ta, simplices. 12°. Basilece, 1560.—Planerun (Joannes). Febrium omnium, etc. 4°. Venetih, 1574.—Rotiegacrt (Den) van den beuruchten vrouwen. 16°. Campen, [1540]. And: 16°. Leijden, [1555].—Slevogt (Jo. Had.) Qua ostenditur. 4°. Jence, 1695. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, p. 165. Also: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. d' Avigdor (E. H.) Das Wohlsein der Menschen in Grosstiidten, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Wieu. 2 p. 1., 217 pp., 2 ch. 8°. Wien, C. Ge- rold's Sohn, 1874. Avignon. See, also, Insane (Asylums for); Medicine (His- tory of). Y varen (P.) Esquisse d'une statistique mddi- cale de la commune et de l'arrondissement d'Avi- gnon. 8°. Paris, 1873. d'Avignon (F. J.) See Northern Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine. Avignon de Morlac (J.-Alexandre). * Pro- position du ddbridement de l'apondvrose palmaire dans certains cas de rdtraction permanente des doigts. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 26, v. 248. Aviolat (E.-H.-Ernest). *Du cancer du pou- mon. 98 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 17. Avis aux ouvriers en fer, sur la fabrication de 1'acier, publid par ordre du comitd de salut public. 34 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Paris, [n.d.] A visard (Isaac). * Observations sur l'emploi et l'action de la tdrdbenthine de Venise dans la ca- tarrhe chronique vdsical. vi, 7-31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 47, v. 145. Avisos (Los). Periodico quincenal de medicina, farmacia, [etc.] Director y propietario: Pablo Fernandez Izquierdo. An. 1-3,1877-9. fol. Ma- drid. [Current.} A vizard (Adolphe-Louis). * Considdrations gdnd- rales sur les prdceptes hygidniques applicables aux femmes euceintes. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 191, v. 262. d'Avoine (P. J.) Lettre adressde a l'Acaddmie d'archdologie de Belgique sur les illustrations mddicales beiges. 12 pp. 8°. Anvers, J. E. Buschmann, 18o0. Repr. from: Ann. de TAcad. d'archeol. de Belgique. d'Avoine (P. J.)—continued. -----. Notice sur Jean, Corncille, Jacobs, lue k la sdance solennclle, le 15. octobre 1850. 23 pp. 8°. Malines, J. F. Olbrechts, 1850. -----. See, also, Broeckx (C.) Notice sur Pierre-Joseph d'A- voine. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Repr. from: Ann. Soc. d. sc. m6d. et nat. de Malines. Avon. Salisbury (S.) Observations on the waters of the Avon Bath spring and Long's spring at Avon, Livingston County, N. Y. 8°. Rochester, 1835. -----. Analysis of the mineral waters of Avon, Livingston Couuty, New York. 8°. Ro- chester, N. Y., lrt;J8. Francis (J. W.) Observations on the mineral waters at Avon, Livingston County, State of New York. TJ. States M. Sc S. J., N. T., 1834-5, i, 14-18. Also, Reprint.— Mineral (The) springs at Avon. Boston M. & S. J., 1839, xix, 26-29. —Salisbury (S.) Classification of sul- phurous waters, with an analysis of those of Avon, Living- ston County, and Sharon, Schoharie County, N. Y. N. York J. M.,' 1843, i, 348-352. Avon (Francois-Grdgoire). * Propositions accom- pagndes d'une observation sur l'irritation cdrd- bro-spinale. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 91, v. 250. Avon (Joan. Christian. Fridericus). * Diss, inaug. med. sistens hemicraniae therapiam. 20 pp., 1 1. 4°. Jence, ex off. Straussiana, [1788], For his life, see Oruner (Christ. Goth.) Avonde (Octave-Albert). * Sur l'aphasie. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 4. Avoyne (J.-M.-P.) * Considdrations mddico-ld- gales sur les blessures. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 19, v. 13,i. Avrard. (Joseph-Ferdinand-Paul-Alfred). * I. Des engorgements inflammatoires de la fosse ilia- que apres l'accouchement. II. [etc.] 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No 21, v. 397. Avril (Victor). * Essai sur 1'ablation du sein. vi, 7-27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 75, v. 258. Avulsion. See, also, Extremity (Upper, Avulsion of). Legendre (P. D.) * Des plaies par arrache- ment. 4°. Strasbourg, 1853. Ashhurst (J.) jr. Great sciatic nerve hanging from the stump of a child, the limb having been torn off by the revolution of a carriage wheel. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1863, ii, 143. — Benamtnt. Sur une jambe arrach6e et separee dans le genou. M6m. Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, iii, 79.—ITIorand. Precis de plusieurs observations sur des membres arrach6s, avec les consequences que l'on en peut tirer. Ibid., ii, 83-91. A wad (Salem Salem). * Von der Elephantiasis. 32 pp. 4°. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 1854. ! Awater (Adolphus Augustus). * De ventriculi hsemorrhagiis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typis ex G. Lange, 186b. c. Awinowitzky (Phoebus). * Blasenstein und BlasenstcinschnittbeimWeibe. 40 pp. 8°. Jena, A., 1877. Awl (William Maclay). Pooley (J. H.) Memoir of William Maclay Awl [1799- 1876], of Columbus, Ohio. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1877, xxxii, 67-80. Awsiter (John). An essay on the effects of opi- um, considered as a poison; with the most ra- tional method of cure, deduced from experience; directing likewise the proper means to be used when physical assistance cannot be readily ob- tained, necessary to be universally known, for the preservation of life, viii, 70 pp. 8°. Lon- don, G. Eearsly, 1763. [P., v. 609, 658.] ! Ax. Oarrigon. Observations sur les eaux sulfureuses chaudes des Pyr6nees; causes de lour formation; installa- tion des divers 6tablissements sulfureux des Pyr6n6es en general et de la station dAx en particulier; conclusions AX. 714 AXILLA. Ax. pratiqnes. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1868, 2. s., v, 453-456.— IVaudinat. Observations et inflexions sur les bains d'Ai dans le pays de Poix. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1788, lxxvi, 64-71. Axenfeld. See Beclard. Rapport sur les progres de la mddecine en France, roy. 8°. 1877. Axenfeld (Alexandre). * Des principaux acci- dents que l'on observe apres la trachdotomie, chez les enfants atteints de croup. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 264, v. 534. Axilla. See, also, Artery (Axillary). Els^esser (F.) * Die Anatomie der Achselge- gend des Menschen. 8°. Tubingen, 1862. Mky (L.) * Diss, sur le creux de l'aisselle. 4°. Paris, 1817. Keis (H. F. S.) Consideracoes cirurgicas sobre a regiiio axillar. 4°. Bahia, 1870. Aisselle. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1833, ii, 86-109.— Bwckel (E.) Aisselle; anatomie, pathologie. N. diet. dc med. ct de chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 483-495.—Dolbeau. Aisselle. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1865, ii, 337-361.— Fritsch (G.) Abnorme Muskelbiindel der Achselhohle. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1869, 367-371, 1 pl. Also, Reprint,—Geddings (E.) Axilla. Am. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1836, ii, 559-589.—Le Fort (L.) Axillalres (vaisseaux). Diet, encvcl. d. sc. mod., Par., 1867, vii, 627-679.—Nclaton (A.) Sc Jamain (A.) Axillaire (r6gion). Diet. d. diet, (suppl.), Par., 1851, 86- 99.—Robin. Glandes du creux de l'aisselle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1849, Par., 1850, i, 77. Axilla (Abscess of). Gochekand (P. P.) *Du phlegmon de l'ais- selle. 4°. Paris, 1852. Milet ( E.) * Des phlegmons et des abces phlegmoneux de l'aisselle. 4°. Paris, 1855. Vanlaer (F.-M.-J.) * Essai sur les abces de l'aisselle. 4<-\ Paris, 1837. Balaille (A. E.) Histoire d'un abces sous-axillaire, qui a donn6 issue k des concretions tophac6es. Rec. de mem. de med___mil., Par., 1820, viii, 212-230.—Blandin. Abces consid6rable dans le creux de l'aisselle droite: pas- sage du pus dans la cavite pectorale; mort; ouvertures fls- tuleuses k travers les muscles intercostaux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1837, v, 311. -----. Abces froid enkystti de l'aisselle; Eonctions par la methode sous-cutan6e; gu6rison. Gaz. d. 6p., Par., 1844, 2. s., vi, 553.—Boinet. Abces sous l'ais- selle droite; communication du foyer purulent avec l'intc- ricur de la poitrine. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1836, i, 235.— [Case.] Alices do la region axillaire profonde; gu6rison. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1837, xlii, 169-174.— [Chassaignac.] Abc6s assez volumineux de l'aisselle; Evacuation du pus; lavage du foyer; r6union par premiere intention. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1855, xxviii, 150. -----. Adenite axillaire profonde; abefes profond de l'aisselle; fus6es purulentes. Ibid., 1864, xxxvii, 202.—Churchill. Abscess within or around the sheath of brachial plexus, simulating medullary tumour; pus evacuated; recovery. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 160.—Croly (H. G.)' t Dublin M. Press, 1860, xliii, 78.—French (J. G.) t Indian Ann. M. Sc,Calcutta, 1876, xviii, 39-41.—Hervicux (E.) Du traitement des vastes abces tistuleux dc l'aisselle par les injections d'eau o)dorur6e. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1863, lxv, 459-462.— ftobner (H.) Steinbildungen in der Achselhohle, hervorgegangen aus den Lymphdriisen derselben; langwierige Phlegmone mit Fistolgangeu; Ex- traction der zahlreichen Verkalkungen; Heilung. Memo- rabilien, Heilbr., 1868, xiii, 216-218.—I., iston. t Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm., etc., Lond., 1837, i, 206.—lVIarcq. t Cause par une chute, arrivee six mois auparavant. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1786, lxviii, 7-9.—Tacbard (E.) Abces de l'aisselle gauche. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1876, x, 203-205.—Velpeau. Considerations pratiques sur les abces du creux de l'aisselle. J. de iu6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1840, xi, 269-274. -----. Considerations pratiques sur les abces qui se torment dans le voisinage du creux de l'aisselle. Ibid., 310-314. -----. Lecon clinique sur les abces de l'aisselle. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1853, i, 66-68. Axilla (Medication by). Forget (C.) De la niaschaliatrGe ou methode axillaire (medication par l'aisselle). Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1843, xxiv, 81-87. Axilla (Milk, Secretion of in). Hare (C. J.) Milk from the axilla. Lancet, Lond., 1860, i, 574. ------ Secretion of milk from the right axilla. Ibid., ii, 405-407.—von Siebold (C. T.) Milchabsonde- rung in den Achselgruben. Med. Zlg., Berl., 1838, vii, 27. Axilla (Ring of bone in). Harlan. Ring of bone in the axilla. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1860, ii, 66. Axilla (Tumors of). Benedict (T. G. G.) Commentatio chirurgica de sein hi glandularum axillarium sectione. 4°. Vratislavia-, 1819. Bernard (C. J.) * Quelques observations sur le diagnostic diffdrentiel des tumeurs de l'aisselle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1855. Kaltschmied (C. F.) [Pr.] de scirrho glan- dular axillaris sinistra! extirpatae. 4°. Jence, [1764]. Richard (C.) * Diagnostic diffdrentiel des tu- meurs de l'aisselle. 4°. Paris, 1848. Tourainne (A. A.) 'Diagnostic diffdrentiel des tumeurs de l'aisselle. 4°. Paris, 1854. Acrel (O.) Scirrhus sub axilla sinistra. In hh: Heelk. Waarn., 83, Gravenh., 1771, 185-189. — Alba (R.) Cancer axilar; estirpacion por el profesor Natalio Cano; cura- cion. Espana med., Madrid, 1862, vii, 388-393.—Alcaide (A.) Infartos ganglionarcs en la axila derecha. Siglo med., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 477. ------. Linformas dc la axila; estirpacion. Ibid., 479.—Ashhurst (J.) jr. Specimen of cystic tumour of the axilla. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1860-66), 1867, ii, 171. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1865, n. s., 1, 102. ------. t Recurrent fibroid. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1878), 1879, viii, 165. Aho: Phila. M. Times, 1878,viii, 595.—Azam. Tumeur fibro-plastique pediculee du creux de l'aisselle; 6norme developpement; 6crasement lineaire; gu6rison. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1861, 2. s., i. 514-519. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 156-162. Aho: Gaz. de hop., Par., 18G0, xxxiii, 483. ------. Tumeur os- seuse du creux de l'aisselle; ablation; gu6rison. Ibid., 475- 481. -----. Tumeur k coque osscusc de la paroi post6ri- eure de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1862, 2. s., ii, 621.—Bauchet (L.) Kyste sereux du creux de l'aisselle, developpc spontancment chez une petite de sept ans et demi; ponction ; injection iod6e; guerison. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1856, iii,'478-480.—Bauer (H.) Malignant tu- mor of the right axilla. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1863, x, 303.—Birkett (J.) Contribution to the surgical pathology of sero-sanguineous cysts in the neck and axilla. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1868, li, 185-198.4 pl.—Briddon (C. K.) Myxoma resembling neuroma in the axillary space, implicating the musculo-spiral nerve. Tr. N. Tork Path. Soc.,1876, i, 61-65.—Brodier. Tumeur cong6nitale de l'ais- selle. Bull. Soc. med. de Reims, 1874, xiii, 145— Brown (R.) Case of adeno-cystic tumours of the axilla. Glas- gow M.J., 1866-7,3. s., i, 73-75.—Buehmiiller (P.) Merk- wiirdige Geschwulst in der linken Achselhohle; Exstirpa- tion ; Heilung. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien, 1844, 90- 92.—[Cases7\ Tumeur compos6e 6norme siegeant sur la Eartic ant6rie.ure de la r6gion axillaire; ablation. Gaz. d. op., Par., 1852, xxv, 405.—Simple sarcomatous tumour in the axilla; spontaneous cure by disintegration. Lancet, Lond., 1852, i, 444-446.—Congenital cyst in axilla. Ibid., 1857, ii, 116.—Degenerated axillary glandular tumor. Ibid., 117.—Excision of a mass of enlarged glands from the axilla. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1859, xviii, 137.—Exstirpation ei- ner Geschwulst in der linken Achselhohle-, [Tod]. Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1864), 1865, 179.— Tumor axilar. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1873, i, 202,1 pl.— Cameron (A. H. F.) Three cases of axillary mammary tumour. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, xiii, 149-153.— Clecmann (R. A.) Carcinoma recurring in the vicinity of a cicatrix left after excision of true epithelioma in the axilla, Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1878, vii, 151-153. Also: Phila. M. Times, 1877, vii, 305. -----. Recurrent carci- noma. Ibid., 1878, viii, 350-353.—Coats (J.) [Melanotic cancer removed from the axilla bv Dr. Macleod.j Glasgow M. J., 1879, xi, 322.— Collis. Removal of large cystic growth from the axilla. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 446.— Coroininas (J. A.) Cancer encefaloides en la axila; gangreua; hemorragias; trombose con metastasis en el co- razon; muerte. Independ. med., Barcel., 1871-2, iii, 113- 115.—Coslc. Cancer encephalolde de l'aisselle . . . com- plet ement enlevee; ligature de la veine axillaire; gu6rison rapide. Rev. med.-chir. de Par., 1854, xvi, 54-57. -—-—. Op6ration d'une tumeur remplissant tout le creux axillaire. [Rap. de M. Polliu.] Bull. Soc. dc chir. de Par., 1856. vi, 213-218. — Coulson. Tumour removed from the right axilla Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1849-50, ii, 284. —Cowan (R.) Tumour in axilla. Glasgow M. J., 1829, ii, 429-431.— Coyne. Carcinome primitif des ganglions de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1872, 2. s., xvii, 226.— Cru- veilhier. [Bilocular cyst of axilla, with phosphatic con- cretions.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1847, xxii, 278. —Cur- ling. Enlargement of the glands of the axilla; partial diminution by the use of iodine. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 160. -----. Enlarged glands in the axilla of an adult; diag- nosis between cancer and struma. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 109.—Dahl. Alveolsert muskelsarkom. AXILLA. 715 AXILLA. Axilla (Tumors of). Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1878,2. R.,v, 637-664— Demarquay. Sarcome doveloppe sur le trajet du nerf musculo-cutauo. Bull. Soc. de chir. dc Par., 1874, 3. s., iii, 722-724.—Didiot. Tumeur tibro-plastique du creux de l'aisselle d'apparence ganglionnaire; extirpation; guerison [Rap. par Labat.] Mem. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1866, i, 302-365.— van Dommelen. Excision d'uu groupe de tumeurs de l'aisselle. Ann. Soc, do m6d. d'Anvers, 1801, xxii, 668-674.— voa f)onhoff(E ) Lipoma of the axilla. Richmond Sc Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1874, xviii, 68-70.—Duhaniel. t Bull. Soc. anat, de Par , 1850, xxv, 103.—Durham. En- cephaloid tumour of the axilla in a man 48 years of age; removed. Med. Times A: Gaz., Loud., 1871, ii, 189.—Erieh- sen. Tubercular enlargement of the axillary glands, with complete cretaceous transformation in their interior; suc- cessful extirpation. Lancet, Lond., 1856, ii, 134. -----. Fibroplastic tunior of the axilla. Ibid., 1871, i. 4-6.—Eve (P. P.) Enlarged glands in the axilla. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1849, n. s.. v. 29.—Fauvel. Tumeur nielanique de 1 aisselle gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 116-121.—Fcnwick (G. E.) Excision of enlarged glands iu axilla. Canada M. Sc S. J., Montreal, 1873, iv, 67.— Fergusson. Largo tumor [fibro-plastic] of tho axilla. Lancet, Lond., 1837, li, 497.—Foot (A. W.) Round-celled encephaloid sarcoma, originating in tho axillary glands; death. Dublin Q. J. M. Se., 1873, lvi, 177-197—y Ciarcia (B. N.) Un caso de escirro ulcerado tratado pol cl acido fenico. Siglo med., Madrid. 1874, xxi, 531.—Ciarcia y Marcos. Tumor encefaloidco desarrollado en la axila deivcha; estirpacion y curacion il los doce dias. Ibid., i 1868, xv, 456-458.—Gay, Recurrent fibro-plastic tumor of the axilla. Boston M. & S. J., 1858, lvii, 469.—Oossclin. Adeno-phlegmons profonds de l'aisselle; fistules cons6cu- tives; dc 1'utilite dc 1'imniobilisation du membre sup6rieur. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1878. li, 219-221. — IIanion (L.) Tu- meur sous-axillaire volumiueuse, d'apparence lipomateuse; kyste sero-albumineux; aspiration. Abeille med., Par., 1874, xxxi, 295.— Harriss (J.) Axillary tumor. South. M. Sc S. J., Augusta, 1855, n. s., xi, 403.—Heath (C.) Fibro- cystic tumour from the axilla. Tr. Path. Soc, Lond., 1871, xxii, 233-235.—Herard. t [Ablation; death.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1844, xix, 258. — Hesehl. Ueber ein ange- bomes Lyinphangiom [Oystenhygrom] der Achselhohle. Mitth. d.'Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1873, xii, 9- 18, 1 pl. — Heyfelder. Exstirpation vergrossei'ter Ach- seldriisen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1851, iii, 507.—Heyfel- der (J. P.) Exstirpation einer umfangreichen Geschwulst aus der linken Achselgegend. Ibid., 18(51, xiii, 238.—Hill- man. Mass of hypertiophied lymphatic glands removed from the axillarj'space. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1858-9, x, 248.— I [Holt.] Large axillary tumour; successful removal. | Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 685.—Houcl. Melanose des gan- glions de l'aisselle ct du coude. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1867, xlii, 433-436.—Hulke (J. W.) A case of sarcoma. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1873, i, 243.—Humphry (G. M.) Case of tumour in the axilla, thought to bo carcino- matous. Prov. M. Sc S. J., Lond., 1848, 400.—Hutchin- son. Large glandular tumor from the axilla, simulating the characters of scirrhus. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1855-6, vii, 377.—Jackson. Malignant disease of tho axilla; secondary disease of liver and spleen. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, 3. s., Ixvii, 263-265.—J oflroy. Kyste hydatique de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc. anat, dc Par. (1868), 1874, xliii, 363.— J Josse. Ganglite tuberculeuse du creux de l'aisselle avec induration du tissu cellulaire environnant; extirpation; gue- rison. Experience, Par.. 1844, xiv, 83-85.—Keen (W. W.) Cystic tumor in the axilla. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila, (1878), 1879, viii, 146. Also: Phila, M. Times. 1878, viii, 164.— | Koeher (T.) "Primiires" Achscldriisencarcinom nach | chronischer ( carcinomatoser ) Mastitis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1878, lxxiii, 452-458. Also, Reprint.— Koehler (H.) Beschreibung eines Fungus haematodes. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, xxxix, 162-172.—Komm. Markschwamm in der linken Achselgrube. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, n. P., xiv, 407-410, 1 pl.— Krackowizer (E.) Cystic hygroma. Am. M. Times, N. Y., 1862, iv, 26. — Lafosse (G.) Tumeur cancereuse dans la region axillaire; extirpation; guerison. Eph6m. m6d. de Montpel., 1828, vii, 43-49.—Landouzy. Masse ganglionnaire axillaireenvoiededegeuerescenee graisseuse. I nil. Soc. Par.,1871, xlvi, 30-38.—Lawrence. Re- I moval from the axilla of a very large tumor; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1862, ii, 172.—Lccocq. Ablation d'une tumeur dans le creux axillaire gauche; complication d'ery- j sipelc gangreneux; mort. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1853, j v, 125-128.—Lemoine. Tumeurs ganglionnaires du creux de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 177.— Lisfranc. Atherome si6geant k la partie posterieur et profonde do. l'aisselle. Rev. ined. franc, et 6trang., Par., 1826, i, 5-12.—Liicke (A.) Lympho-Sarcom der Achsel- drusen; cmbolische Gesehwiils'te der Lungen; allgemeine Leukaniie; Tod. Arch. f. path. Anat,, etc, Ber!., 1866, j xxxv, 524-538.— Lutens Jeune. Extirpation d'une tu- meur squirrheuse dans l'aisselle; hemorrhagie grave et rcbclle; cessation de l'hemorrhagie par la compression di- recte. Ann. Soc. d. sc med. et nat. de Brux., 1840. 99-101. Aho: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1840, i, 412-414.— Axilla (Tumors of). MxComas (J. M.) Extirpation of a lipomatous tumor from the axilla. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1879, xxvii, 40-43. — iTIarjolin. Tumeurs cancereuses enkystees de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc de chir. de Par., 1853, iii, 410-412.—iUarrotte. Extirpation d'une tumeur can- cereuse d'un volume considerable qui avait envahi le creux de l'aisselle tout cntier. J. univ. ct hobd. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1831, iv, 107-113.—Mason (R.) Tumor in axilla. Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1859, xii, 453-457.— Maunder (C. F.) Enlarged axillary glands. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1861, ii, 305. -----. Haemorrhage from the axilla, the result of ulceration from malignant disease; ligature of the axillary artery; death; autopsy. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 594. -----. Cancer of the axillary glands, involving the axillary artery, and resulting in the formation of a false aneurism and' fatal hasmorrhage. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1862, xiii, 229. -----. Malignant infiltration of axillary glands. Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1877, i, 612.—Mcnici (R.) De glandularum alas extirpatione. In hh: Obs. ad clin., etc., 1827, Pisis, 1829, 25-27.—Mcttenheimcr (C.) Exstirpatio glandnlae axillaris degenerata?. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes. d. Krankenanst. . .. d. Stadt Frankf, 1860, Frankf. a. M., 1863, iv, 164.— Vlichon. Tumeur de l'aisselle. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1857, vii, 353.—[IVc- laloii.J Tumeur axillaire ressemblant k uu an6vrisme, produite par des flexuosites arterielles; diagnostic rendu difficile par la complication dc douleurs p6iiostiques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1856, xxix, 601. -----. Tumeur nielanique du creux de l'aisselle et du ganglion siisepitiochl6eii. Ibid., 1867b xl, 341.—Niemann (J. C.) Balggeschwulst unter dem Arme, welche von eiuer Frau 34 Jahre lang getragen, uud dennoch gliicklich curiiet worden. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz., 1775-8, i, 458-401.—Ohm (II.) Carcinoma melano- des glandularum axillariuni; Exstirpation. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1854, vi, 288.—Packard (J. H.) Specimen of cys- tictumourof the axilla. Proc. Path. Soc Phila.. 1865, ii,17l.— Parmentier. Ganglions axillaires canc6reux. Bull. Soc. auat. de Par., 1865, xl, 077.—Perot. Deg6nerescence caseeuse d'une tumeur ganglionnaire de l'aisselle. Ibid., (1869), 1870, xliv, 19.—Pilate (E.) Kyste multiloculaire complexe de la r6gion axillaire, enl6v6 chez un enfant de 2 ans J. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1878, iv, 815- 819. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 99.—Richardson (B. W.) Axillary kyst, tapped and subsequently removed by operation; recovery. Dublin M. Press Sc Circ, 1806, i, 299.—Reel u*. lumcur de l'aisselle (fibrome papillaire). Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1874, xlix, 225.—Rey (A.) Kyste hydatique de l'aisselle. Alger m6d., 1878, vi, 305-309.— Rivington (W.) Blood-cyst connected with a nerve in the, left axilla. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1872, xxiii, 268-270.— Robert. Adenite volumineuse du creux de l'aisselle; ex- tirpation du ganglion; guerison ; reflexions generates. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, xxvi, 188.—Roof (C. B.) Myxoma of axilla. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1876, xi, 289.—Sabatier. t Lyon med., 1876, xxiii, 530.—Sal made. Observation d'uue tumeur par congestion, situee il l'aisselle droite, com- pliquee d'autrcs accidens, de vice scrophuleux, ct com- pletcmeut guerie. Rec period. Soc. de ined. de Par., 1801, xi, 410-416. — Sands (H. B.) Specimen of medul- lary spindle-cell sarcoma of right axilla. Med. Rec, N. Y.* 1872, vi, 522. — Sarcoma magno-parvo-cellulare del margine antcriore del cavo asceUare; estirpazione; ripro- duzione nella localita e nella cavita addominale; morte. Clin. chir. (Mazzoui), Roma, 1878, iv e v, 198-200.—Sa- vory. Spindle-celled sarcoma of the axilla. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii. 812.—Sedillot. Tumeur de l'aisselle d'ap- parence squirrheuse, pesant 15 cents grammes, developp6e a la suite d'un epanchement sanguin, au mUieu du lacis vasculo-nei'veux du plexus brachial; ablation; gu6rison. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1846, vi, 254-258.—Seuvre. Sar- come kystique de l'aisselle gauche; ablation; apoplexie pulmonaire; pleur6sie purulente droite: thrombose de la veine sous-claviere gauche se propageant jusqu'au cceur droit et k l'artfere pulmonaire. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1873, xlviii, 640-642.— Skey. Enlargement of a mass of lymphatic glands in the axilla; successful removal. Lancet, Lond., 1861, ii, 159.—Smith (R. W.) History of a case of extensive carcinomatous disease. DubUn J. M. Sc, 1837-8, xii, 65-72. -----. Carcinoma of the axillary glands and mamma; !';irrhus of the head of the pan- creas and ovaria. Ibid., 1844, xxv, 175.—Smith (W. J.) Chronic enlargement of an axillary lvniphatic gland. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 430. — Spediaeci. Storia d'una ciste sicrosa dell'ascella sinistra estirpata. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1876, xxxvii, 630-639. — Stewart (C.I.) Supposed encephaloid tumor of the axilla extending above the clavicle. Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 390.—Syme (J.) Adipose tumour extending deep into the axilla; removal; recovery. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1838, 1, 384.— Tanturri (V.) Storia di un ecchimoma sotto-asccllare. Morgagni, Napoli, 1858, ii, 191-202.—Tassel. Tumeur de structure fibreuse des ganglions lymphatiques do l'aisselle; ablation; rccidive avec formation ue tumeurs multiples fibreuses infiltrees ., 1858. Azambre (Adolphe). * Etude sur les rechutes dans la fievre typhoide. 55 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 56. Azambre (Adolphe-Augustin). * Dissertation sur l'hydrocele de la tunique vaginale. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 258, v. 264. Azcarate (Hilarion). * Des passions, de leur influence comme cause de maladies et comme moyen the'rapeutique. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 99, v. 206. Azcarreta (Victor). -See Esquerdo y Esquerdo (Pedro). Lecciones de clinica medica. 8°. Barcelona, 1879. Aze (Olivier). * Considerations sur la nature, le siege et le traitement de la maladie connue sous les noms de gastro-ent6rite, entente typhoide, fievre putride, adynamique, etc. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 94, v. 296. Azedaraeh. Duvall (G.) *An experimental botanico-medi- cal essay on the Melia azedaraeh of Linnaeus. 8°. Philadelphia, 1802. Kollock (L.) The Melia azedaraeh, vulgo, pride of India or China (which abounds in the Southern States), as a vermifuge of efficacy. Phila. M. Sc Phys. J., 1805, i, pt. 2, 72-74.—Tournon. Empoisonnement par le fruit d'un arbre indigene (azedaraeh, Melia azedaraeh, Linn.) J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1813, xlviii, 25-28. Azedo (Amancio Alves d'Oliveira). * Mecanismo dos differentes movimeutos que executa a" cabeca do feto durante 6 parto 6 suas causas. 64 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, typ. de J. G. Tourinho, 1871. Azema (A.) * Dissertation sur l'ascite, ou hy- dropisie abdomiuale. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 58, v. 295. Azema (Francois-Jean-Pierre). * Des affections granuleuses et ulcereuses du col uterin, et de leur traitement. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 18, v. 491. Azema (Mazae"). De l'ulcere de Mozambique. viii, 78 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1863. Aze mar. Mes e"tudes sur le cholera, ou ddcou- verte de toute ce qu'il importe k la science et a la humanite" de connaitre sur cette maladie. xv, 203 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1856. A zemar(Edouard). "Delasyphilidesquameuse. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 233. Azemar (Marie-Albin). * Des causes et du traite- meut de la dysenterie. 54 pp., 2 1. 4°. Mont- pelUer, Gras, 1866, No. 78. c. de A zeredo (Jose Pinto). Biography of Jos6 Pinto deAzeredo [1763-1807]. Bra- zil Biogr. Ann. [Macedo J, Rio de Jan., 1876, iii 479-481. de Azeredo Babo (Bernardo Lopez). *Do diagnostico das molestias do figado e seu trata- mento. 5 p. 1., 64 pp., 11. 4°. Rio de Janein; E. 4- H. Laemmert, 1875. Azevedo (A. C. de Miranda). See Revista me- dica do Rio de Janeiro. Azevedo (Arthur Jeronymo de Souza). * Dos polypos naso-pharyngeanos. 4 p. 1., 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Rio dc Janeiro, E. 4" H. Laemmert, 1875. Azevedo (Carlos Frederico dos Santos Xavier). Historia medico-cirurgica da esquadra Brasileira nas campanhas do Uruguay e Paraguay de 1864 a 1869. 3 p. 1., 523 pp. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, typ. Nacional, 1870. de Azevedo Lima (Jos6 Jeronymo). * Hypoe- mia intertropical. 2 p. 1., 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, E. 4" H. Laemmert, 1875. de Azevedo Monteiro (Antonio). * [Uterine hemorrhages.] 4 p. 1., 9-34 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, J. G. Tourinho, 1871. Incomplete; title-page wanting. Azimont ( Jean-Marie ). * Nature des lesions essentielles de la phthisie pulmonaire. (Notice historique.) 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 106. A zings Venema (J.) See Venerna (J. Azings). | Azmi (Ahmed). * Des hemorrhagies dans la cir- rhose. 74 pp., 1 1., 1 ch. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 116. Azores. See, also, Saint Miguel. meteorological and medical observations on the Azores. Boston M. & S. J., 1842, xxvi, 135-138.—Thomp- son (J. B.) Some remarks on the climate of Madeira and the Azores. Lond. M. Gaz., 1844, i, 451. Azoturia. Claiborne (J. H.) Case of azoturia; with remarks. Virginia M. Sc S. J., Richmond, 1856, vii, 491-493.—Craw- cour (I. L.) Azoturia. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz., 1855-6, ii, 398-402.—Rendu. Azoturie polyurique; gudri- son rapide par l'crgot de seigle. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1878), 1879, ii, 8-14.—Sieveking (E. H.) On azoturia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1865, i, 557. Aztec children. See Dwarfs. Azum (Alexandre). * Comparer les effets du mercure sur l'homme sain k ceux que produit la syphilis. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 103, v. 411. Azyg-ous veins. See Veins (Azygous); Pleurisy (Causes of). Azzoguidi (Germanus). Observationes ad uteri constructionem pertinentes. xii, 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bononiw, J. Longhi, 1773. -----. Institutiones medicae in visum auditorum suorum. 2 v. xv, 240 pp.; vi, 239 pp. 8°. Bo- nonia; typ. J. B. Saxii, 1775. [-----■] Compendio de discorsi che si tengono nella regia Universita di Bologna della cattedra di fisiologia, e di natomia comparata. 1 p. 1., 260 pp. 8°. Bologna, Sassi, 1808. B. B. (F. E.) Observatio medica curiosa de excre- tione vermis nunquam antea excreti. Anno 1720. die 12. Maji. 15pp., lpl. sm. 4°. Wolffenbiittelce, 1723. B. (G. B.) The sewerage of New York: an article from Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, for June, 1845. 16 pp., 11. 8°. [New York, 1845.] B. (H. L.) Einige Worte iiber die Statistik im Allgemeinen und iiber die Statistik von Frank- furt insbesondere. Eine Vorlesung gehalten am 21. Marz 1855 in dem Horsaal des Vereins fiir Geographie und Statistik. 29 pp. 8~. Frank- furt am Main, B. Auffarth, 1855. C. B. (Juan). See Tratado de las fuentes intermitentes, etc. 8°. Santiago, 1781. B. ( M. ) Dienstlichende Ghenuchelijck Tyt-Ver- dryf voor Siecken, om ghesont te worden, eu voor ghesonde om niet sieck te zijn: Handelende van alle die menscheu de welcke in een sieck-huys van noode sijn, namentlijcke de sieck-maerten, ofte die hun dienen en bystaen. Tot troost en onderwijs van den krancken beschreven in vloey- ende reden, en tot lichter onthouden, en vermaeck van deselve, met veel fraeye kort-bondighe spreu- ken, geschiedenissen en dichtiens doorvlochte. 11 p. 1., 467 pp. 12-. t'Antwerpen, F. Fickaert, 1654. B. (Th.) A trve and certaine relation of a strange- birth, which was borne at Stone-house, in the pa- rish of Plimmouth, the 20. of October, 1635. To- gether with the notes of a sermon ... at the interring of the sayd Birth. 26 pp. 8°. Lon- don, A nne Bowler, 1635. [Reprint. ] London, Reeves 4- Turner, 1871. Baade (Gustavus). *De albuminuria. 39 pp. 8-. Berolini, F. Schlesinger, [1841]. Baader (A.) * Ueber die Varieti'ten der Armar- terien des Menschen und ihre morphologische Be- deutung. 36 pp., 11., 1 col. pl. 8°. Bern, Rieder 4~ Simmen, 1866. See, aho, Correspondenz-Blatt fiir schweizer Aerzte. Baader (Anton). * Ueber die stehende Gesund- heits-Constitution. vi, 7-16 pp. 8°. [Sulzbach, J. E. v. Seidel], 1833. Baader (Franz). Ueber die Exstase oder das Verzucktsevn der magnetischen Schlafredner. 2 Stiicke, 22, 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. H. Reclam, 1817. Zwey tes Stuck: aus einem Schreiben an Hr. Prof, von Eschenmaier. Baader ( Joannes Jacobus ) [1810-79]. * De fungo medullari nonnulla. 20 pp. 8C. Turici, 0. Fuesslini 4' Soc, 1831. For hh Obituary, see Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, ix, 193-195. Baader (Joseph). * Observationes medicse incisi- onibus cadaverum anatomicis illustrate. 62 pp. 4°. 1762. In : Saxmfort, Diss., v. 3. Baak (Olanus Johannes). A'ee Raicius. De phthisi ex tartaro. 4°. Upsalice, 1628. Baarslag (Guilielmus). *Diss. continens duas historias morbi, in Nosocomio Amstelodamensi suburbano observatas. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Am- stelodami, L. van Hulst 4'fil-, 1854. Baart de la Faille (Jacobus). * Theses phy- siologica}. 16 pp. sm. 8°. Groningce, J. H. Bolt, [1816]. -----. De asphyxia (vel morte appareute) et spe- cialtim neonatorum, xiv, 336 pp., 151. 8°. Gro- ningce, J. H. Bolt, [1817]. -----. Hulde aan de nagedachtenis van Gerbrand Bakker. vi, 7-65pp. 8°. Groningen, J. Oomkens, 1828. -----. Eenige opmerkingen betreffende de rap- porten over de geneeskundige staatsregeling, iu- gediend door de commissie, benoemd bij zijner majesteits besluit van den 20. November 1841. 82 pp. 8~. Groningen, J. Oomkens, 1842. [P., v. 767.] -----. * Over anomale dubbelvormen van den ca- nalis genitalis femininus in 't algemeen en uterus duplex bicornis in 't bijzonder. 4 p. 1., 140 pp., 4 1., 1 pl. 8J. Groningen, J. B. Huber, [1863]. 719 BAART DE LA FAILLE. 720 BABLOT. Baart de la Faille (Jacobus)—continued. -----. Catalogus der nagelateue bibliotheek. 5 1., 304 pp. 8°. Groningen, R. J. Schierbeek, 1868. Baart de la Faille (J°li. Marcus). *De ani- malibus phosphorescentibus. viii, 79 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, J. H. Bolt, 1821. -----. * De myelitide sive inflammatione medul- lar spinalis. 1 p. 1., 102 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningce, typ. viduce J. Bolt, [1823]. Baart de la Faille (Marcus Janus). *De vi causarum, fibrini e sanguine acquirendi quanti- tatem mutantium. 4 p. 1., 56 pp. 8°. Groningce, Ii. J. Schierbeek, [1853]. -----. Nizza en haar klimaat voor geneeskundi- gen en niet-geneeskundigen. xii, 120 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Leeuwarden, W. Eekhoff, 1871. Baas (Joh. Herm.) * Die Resektion im Ellenbo- gengelenke. 47 pp. 8°. Giessen, W. Eeller, 1860. -----. Der Typhus. Seine Fornien, Erscheinun- gen, Ursachen n. Verhiitung einschliesslich der diatetisch-hygienischen Mitbehandluug seitens der Jaien. 84 pp. 8°. Berlin, Link 4- Reinke, [n. d.] ■ Die Krankheiten des Herzens, ihre For- men, Ursacixen, Verhiitung uud diatetisch-hygie- inische Behaudlung. 56 pp. 8°. Berlin, Denicke, [n. d.] -----. Die Unterleibsbriiche, ihre Ursachen, Ent- stehungsart, Hauptformen, Verhiitung uud Be- handlung. 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, Denicke, [n. d.] -----. Grundriss der Geschichte der Medicin und des heilenden Standes. xx, 904 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1876. -----. Medicinische Diagnostik, mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Diffcrentialdiagnostik. xii, 176 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1877. -----. William Harvey, der Entdecker des Blut- kreislaufs und dessen anatomisch-experiuientelle Studie iiber die Herz- und Blntbewegung beiden Thieren. Cultur-historisch-medicinische Abhand- lung zur Feier des dreibundertjiihrigeu Gedeuk- tags der Geburt Harvey's (1. April 1578). 2 p. 1., 116 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1878. Baba (Franciscus). See Mercurial is (Hieronymus). Opuscula aurea, et selectiora. fol. Venetiis, 1644. Babaud-Laribiere (F.-B.) * Eecherches sur l'atmidiatrique ou application des gaz et des va- peurs k l'hygiene et k la thdrapeutique. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 341, v. 266. Babault (Charles). * De l'hydrocele. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 150, v. 411. Babaut (Alberti-Edme-Louis). *£tude sur les gelures. 100 pp. 4C. Paris, 1872, No. 9. Babbage (Benjamin Herschel). Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary in- quiry into the sewerage, drainage, and siqiply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabi- tants of the borough of Clitheroe. 34 pp., 3 maps. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4~ Sons, 1850. -----. The same. ... of the hamlet of Haworth, in the West Riding of the county of York. 27 pp., 2 charts. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1850. -----. The same ... of the town of Bromyard, in the county of Hereford. 36 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons., 1850. -----. Thesame. . . . of the township of Castle- ford, in the county of York. 39 pp., 2 maps. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, 1850. -----. The same. ... of the townships of New and Old Accriugton, in the county of Lancaster. 42 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, 1850. -----. The same. ... of the township of Lay- ton-with-Warbrick. 42 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4- Sons, 1851. All the preceding in: Rep. to the Gen. Bd. Health Gr. Brit., xvi. 1 Babbage (Ch.) Of the constants of nature. Class Mammalia. Sur les constantes de la nature. Classe des mammiferes. 9 pp. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] Repr. from: Compt. rend, du eong. statits., 1855. Babbe (Jac. Martin). * Ueber das Vorkommen von Pilzen bei der Diphtheric 1874, vii, med. xiii. 27 pp. 4°. Eiel, C. F. Mohr, (P. Peters), 1874. Bound with: Schrift. der Univ. zu Kiel, 1874, xxi. Babbitt (Daniel). Pierson (W.) Obituary noticeof Daniel Babbitt [1778- 1864]. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, N. Y., 1865, 77. Babcock (Reman P.) Rochester (T. F.) Death of Heman P. Babcock [1840- 78]. Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1878-9, xviii, 276. See, also. Western (The) Lancet. Babeoek (James F.) See Laboratory (The). Babeoek (James L.) The life and character of Alden March, M. D. An address delivered before the Albany County Medical Society. 24 pp. 8°. Albany, Weed, Parsons 4' Co., 1871. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1870. Babel (Adolphus). * De exstirpatione lienis. 32 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Gryphice, typ. F. G. Eunike, [1843]. Baber (Ambrose). Nottingham (C. B.) Biographical sketch of Ambrose Baber [1792-1846]. Tr. M. Soc. Georgia, Savannah, 1853, iv, 70-81. Babillot (Fernand). * Variations dela graisse dans le foie dans quelques £tats pathologiques. 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 347. Babin (Prosper). * Essai sur la chlorose. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 356, v. 321. Babinet (Victor). * I. Quelle est l'influence de la lesion des plaques de Peyer snr la production des accidents typhoides? II. [etc.] 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 210, v. 397. Babington (Benjamin). On the morbid condi- tions of the blood. 31pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: The Cye. of Anat. and Phys. Babinglon (Benjamin Guy) [1794-1866]. Ad- dress delivered oh opening the third session of the Epidemiological Society, November 1, 1852. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 60.] See, also, Heeker (J. P. C.) The black death in the fourteenth centurv. 12°. London, 1833. -----. Tho epi- demics of the middle ages. 8°. Philadelphia, 1837.-----. The same. 8°. London, 1844. For his Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1866, i, 445; Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, i, 429; Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1866, ii, 471-476 (D. Milroy). ----- & Rees (G. O.) On the preservation of subjects for anatomical purposes. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., no. 9. Aho, in: P., v. 809. Babington (C. Metcalfe). Obituary notice of C. Metcalfe Babington [1816 (?)- 62.] Lancet. Lond., 1862, i, 138. Babington (William). See Adams (Joseph). Observations on the cancerous breast. 8°. London, 1801. -----& Curry (James). Outlines of a oourse of lectures on the practice of medicine, as delivered iu the medical school of Guy's Hospital. [Inter- leaved copy with notes.] 4 p. 1., 207 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, T. Bensley, 1802-6. Babka (Franciscus). * Historia variola? verae cum ichtliyosi simplici et cornea, atque hydrope ascite diffuso torpido. 44 pp. 8°. Pragw, T. Thabor, [1842]. Bablon (fimile). * Du r61e de la dure-mere dans la regeneration des os du crane. 42 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 728, 2. s., v. 38. Bablot (Benjamin). * Dissertation sur le pouvoir de l'iuiagination des femmes euceintes; daus la- queUe on passe successivement en revue tous les grands hommes qui, depuis plus de deux mille ans, out admis l'influence de cette faculte" sur le BABLOT. 721 BACHE. BablOt (Benjamin)—continued. fcetus, et dans laqueUe ou rcpond aux objections de ceux qui conibattent cette opinion. 234 pp., 2 1. 8J. Paris, Croullebois ; Royez, 1788. Babu (Antoine). * Des granulations ou vege"ta- tious de la muqueuse qui tapisse la cavite* du corps de l'uterus; traitement par l'abrasion et la cauterisation. 31 pp. 4C. Paris, lr-50, No. 29, v. 491. Babut (J.-M.) * Considerations g6nerales sur la variole, la varioloide, et la vaccine. 20 pp. 4 . Paris, 1829, No. 152, v. 225. Baby-farming. See Infants (Hygiene and management of). Baca (EUgio). *Des ulceres du col de l'uterus. 1-* pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 119, v. 479. Bacarisse. * Du sacrum suivant le sexe et sui- vant les races. 51 pp., 2 pl., 1 tab. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 437. Bacarisse (Firmin). *I. Du diagnostic et du prognostic de l'obliteration intestinale. II. [etc. ] 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 131, v. 369. "Bacc. Med. Oxon." On stammering and its treatment, viii, 64 pp. 8C. London, J. Chur- chill, 1850. [P., v. 526, 810.] a Bacca (Jacobus). *Descorbuto. 1 p. 1., 42 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, typ. Lorenzii 4'Schuleri, [1783]. Baccelli (Guido). Prolegomeui alia patologia del cuore e deU'aorta studi. 204 pp., 1 1. tiJ. Roma, 1859. -----. Patologia del cuore e deU'aorta. 3 v. 8°. Roma, F. H. Gigli, 1^64-7. -----. Lecons cliniques sur la perniciosite". Pt6- ce*de"es d'une lettre du professeur [B. ] Teissier (de Lyon). Trad, de l'italien par Louis Jullien. vii, 140 pp., 1 pl. s-. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1871-2. -----. Di un nuovo segno de' tumori ovarici in genere ed in ispecie del cistovario. 11 pp. 4-'. Roma, 1876. -----. La subcontinua tifoide. Lezione clinica. 47 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Roma, 1876. Repr. from: Gazz. med. di Roma, ii, n. 18 e 19. -----. Di un nuovo metodo di cura per taluni aneurismi deU'aorta. Lezione cUnica. 67 pp. 8°. Roma, 1877. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bacchanelli (Joannes). De consensu medi- corum in curandis morbis libri quatuor. Ejus- dem prseterea accessit de consensu medicorum in cognoscendis simplicibus, liber unus. 1054 pp., 16 1. 24°. Lugduni, apud S. De Honoratis, 1558. Bacchetoni (Hierouymi Leopold!). Anatomia medicinaB theoretical et practicae ministra, cau- teUsque in praxi observandis iUustrata. ... 16 p. 1., 320 pp., 66 1., 43 pl., portrait of Carp. Par. Dominicus. 4°. Oeniponti, J. J. Cremer, 1740. Bacchi (M.-E.) * Contribution k l'dtude de I'eti- ologie de la sclero-choroldite posterieure. >-8 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 344. Baccio (Andreas). De thermis Ubri septem. Opus locupletissimum, in quo agitur de universa aquarum natura . . . De balneis totius orbis, et de methodo medendi per babieas. Deque lava- tionum, simul atque exercitationum institutis in admirandis thermis Eomanorum. 23 p. 1., 492 pp. fol. Venetiis, apud F. Valgrisium, 1588. Bach. See Zeitschrift fiir Therapie und Phar- makodynamik. Bach (Antonius). *De dignitate medici vere talis. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 5 \ Pestini, J. T. Trattner, 1816. Bach (Antonius MaximiUanus). *De nyctalopia seu visu nocturno. 24 pp. • sm. 4°. Francofurti ad Viadrum, ex off. J. C. Winteri, [1754]. Bach (Carol. Fred. Henr.) *De coxarthrocace ex carie superficiei internae ossis Uium. [Cum vita.] 27 iip., 1 1. 8°. Gryphice, typ. F. G. Eunike, [1844]. Bach (Carolus Christianus Henricus). *Diss. I inaug. med. de morborum depravatione ex culpa aegrotorum. 42 pp. 4 \ Erlangce, typ. Eunst- mannianis, [17*4]. Bach (Christophorus Ernestus). * Annotationes anatomicae de nerv is hypoglosso et laryugeis. [Ziirich.] 32 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Turici, O. Fuessli- n us et soeii, 1834. Bach (Fridericus). * De tussi convulsiva. 52 pp., 11. 8-. Pragae, M. I. Landau, 1842. Bach (Fridericus Christianus). *8pecinien de morbis contagiosis. 58 pp. 8C. Hala;, in offic. Orphanotrophei, [1804]. [Also, in: P., v. 107.] -----. Grundziige zu einer Pathologie der an- steckenden Krankheiten. Mit einer Vorrede von | K. Sprengel. xvi, 328 pp. 8°. Halle und Ber- \ Un, 1810. Bach (Gustave). *Apercu historique de la sy- phiUs et re'sume* des principales opinions e*mises, ue nos jours, sur cette maladie. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1*67, No. 262. Bach (Henricus Amandus). * De musices effectu in homine sano et aegro. 30 pp. 8C. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starekii, [1817]. Bach (J.) * De nephritide. 16 pp. 8°. Wirce- burgi, typ. C. G. Becker, [1827]. van der Bach (Joannes). *De commotione, contusione, compressione cerebri. 25 pp. 8J. Gryphiswaldice, F. G. Eunike, 1866. Bach (Joseph Auguste). * Appreciation des me- thodes de traitement dans les fractures des os longs . . . Concours pour l'agrdgation (section de chirurgie). 43 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1834, v. 2. Bach (Justin). * Essai sur l'orchite parotidienne et rhumatismale. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 174. Bach (Nicolaus Christophorus). De prolonga- tione morborum ex culpa medici atque chirurgi. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. lz. Haloe Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hen- delii, [1745]. *=■ Bach (8.) *De la coxalgie hysterique. 38 pp. 4-. Paris, 1874, No. 86, v. 911. Bache (Alexander DaUas). Observations of the magnetic intensity at twenty-one stations in 1 Europe. Read March 6, 1840. * 100 pp. 4°. [n. p., n.d.] ' i -----. Observations at the magnetic and meteo- rological observatory, at the Girard College, Philadelphia, 1840-45. 3 v., roy. 8-', and atlas. Washington, Gales 4" Seaton, 1847. See. aho, Henry (Joseph). Eulogy on. 8°. Washing- ton, 1872. Bache (Eugene-Pierre). * Dissertation sur l'em- pyeme, et sur l'operation de l'empyeme. 19 pp. 4-. Paris, 1827, No. 66, v. 207. Bache (FrankUn) [1792-1864]. MSS. notes on lectures by Benj. Rush. 3 v. 4~. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Introductory lecture to the course of che- mistry delivered in Jefferson Medical CoUege, November 3, 1841. 16 pp. t . Philadelphia, Merrihew 4' Thompson, 1841. -----. Introductory lecture to the course of che- mistry, in Jefferson Medical CoUege, deUvered Nov. 6, 1843. 25 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merri- hew 4" Thompson, 1843. -----. Introductory lecture to the course of che- mistry. 24 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, B. E. Smith, 1844/ [P., v. 99.] -----. Introductory lecture to the course of che- mistry, delivered in Jefferson Medical CoUege, October 18th, 184*. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1818. 46 BACHE. 722 BACHMEISTEE. Bache (Franklin)—continued. -----. Introductory lecture to the course of che- mistry, delivered in Jefferson Medical College, October 16th, 1H49. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1849. -----. An obituary notice of Thomas T. Hewson, late president of the Philadelphia College of Phy- sicians. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. F. Geddes, 1850. [Also, in: P., v. 216.] -----. Introductory lecture to the course of che- mistry, delivered in Jefferson Medical College, Oct. 13th, 1852. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. E. 4- P. G. Collins, 1852. -----. Valedictory address to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, deli- vered at the pubUc commencement, held March 9th, 1853. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. E. 4- P. G. Collins, 1853. -----. Valedictory address to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, deli- vered at the pubUc commencement, held March 15, 1859. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. M. Wil- son, 1859. j -----. General introductory to the course of in- j struction in Jefferson Medical College of Phila- j delphia, for the session of 1861-2. Delivered I Oct. 14th, 1861. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col- I Um, 1861. See, aho, North American Medical and Surgical Jour- nal. Aho: Morand (S.) Memoir on acupuncture. 12°. I Phila., 1825. Alio: Turner (Edward). Elements of chemistry. 8°. Phila., 1835. Aho: Wood (George B.) The dispensatory of the United States of America. 8°. I Philadelphia, 1833, etc. Forhh Obituary, see Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1865, 4. I s., i, 137 (A. H. Fish). Aho: Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville, 1869, viii, 310-313, 1 port. Also: Wood (G. B.) Biographical memoir of the late Franklin Bache, M. D., prepared at (he request of the American Philosophi- cal Society. 8°. Phila., 1865. -----. The same. Pre- Sared at the request of the College of Physicians of Phila- elphia. 8°. Phila., 1865. Bache (Guil.) See Scrinci (J. Anton Jos.) De febri maligna castrensi Gallorum. Pragce, 1743. [Bache (Thomas Hewson).] Some practical ob- servations on yellow fever, published for the use of surgeons of the volunteer forces in the De- partment of the Gulf. 20 pp. 8°. New Orleans, 1862. [Also, in: P., v. 248.] Bache (William). Inaugural experimental dis- sertation, being, an endeavor to ascertain the morbid effects of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, on healthy animals, and the manner in which they are produced, vui, 72 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, printed by T. Dobson, 1794. Bachelard (Alphonse). * Quelques considera- tions sur la thoracentese et ses indications dans le traitement des epanchements pleuretiques se- reux. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 82. Bachelet (Alexandre). *I. Si la necrose est susceptible de guerison spontanee. II. [etc.] 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 185, v. 335. Bachelet (Antoine-Joseph). *I. Des prepara- tions pharmaceutiques dans lesquelles on fait entrer le soufre et les sulfures alcalins. II. [etc. ] 18 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1840, No. 62, 2. s., v. 6. Bachelet (Eloy-Pierre). * Des abces stercoraux. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 121. Bachelet (F. J.) & Froussart (C.) Cause de la rage et moyen d'en preserver l'humanite. 156 pp., 1 1. 8°. Valenciennes, E. Priqnet, 1857. [P., v. 793.] Bachelet (Francois-Joseph). *I. De la ma- niere de reconnaitre l'acide ars6nieux dans la matiere des vomissements. II. [etc.] 18 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1840, No. 53, 2. s., v. 6. Bachelet (Hippolyte). *Du regime dans le traitement des maladies. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 133, v. 426. Bachelet (Hippolyte)—continued. -----. Nouveau guide du dyspeptique. Re- cherehes sur la dyspepsie iieoccecale. 2. ed. xliii, 267 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1872. Bachelet (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur le traite- ment des plaies d'armes k feu. 15 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1807, No. 108, v. 68. Bachelet (Lucien). * De l'ischemie cerebrale. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 1. Bachelet de Lindry (E.-E.-A.) * Disserta- tion sur la dartre phagedenique ou rongeante. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], No. 241, v. 26. Bachelez (Charles-Joseph). * fitude sur une variete particuliere de la foUe hereditaire. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 26, v. 837. Bachelier (Jules). * I. De l'anesthesie. II. [etc.] 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 51, v. 383. Bachelier (Rene-Jacques). * Recherche sur les effets de la saignee dans les maladies. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 60, v. 249. Bachelot (Charles-Joseph). * Propositions de medecine et de chirurgie. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 357, v. 293. Bachelot (Leonard). * De l'orchite blennorrha- gique aigue. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 159, v. 626. Bachelot (Prosper - Epiphane-Hubert). "Dis- sertations et observations sur le rhumatisme arti- culaire aigu. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 48, v. 270. Bachelot-Villeneuve (Ernest). * Resume analytique des principales opinions sur l'origine et la nature du tubercule. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 268. Bacher. See Journal de medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Bacher (Georges Frederic). Recherehes sur les maladies chroniques, particuUerement sur les hydropisies, et sur les moyens de les guerir. xl, xvi, 1 1., 724 pp. 8°. Paris, chez la veuve Thir boust, Didot le jeune, 1776. Bacheracht (Henricus). *De morbis Ugamen- torum. 37 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Wishoff 4" Co., 1750. [P., v. 53.] For Biographical Notice, see Nachr. v. d. Leben . .. tent- scher Aerzte, Hildesheim, 1799, i, 3-7. Bachet (J.) * Contribution a. l'etude de la poly- dipsie. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 362, v. 927. Bachimont (Louis-Auguste). * Essai sur l'etat de la medecine au xixe siecle. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 140, v. 452. Bach man (John). The doctrine of the unity of the human race examined on the principles of science. 312 pp. 8°. Charleston, S. C, C. Can- ning, 1850. -----. Continuation of the review of "Nott and Gliddon's types of mankind". 19 pp. 8°. Charles- ton, James, WiUiams 4" Gitsinger, 1855. Bachmann (Car. Henr.) * De hydrophthalmiaa variis formis et cura. 31 pp. 8°. Gottingw, typ. Dieterichianis, 1830. Bachmann (Franciscus Josephus). * Theses medicae de cachexia, seu malo corporis habitu. 3 p. 1., 31 pp. sm. 4°. Vetero-Praga;, apud W. Wickhart, [1715]. Bachmann (Franz). * Ueber die Zellgewebe- VerhartungderNeugeborenen. 24 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, I. S. Richter, 1837. Bachmann (Frideric. GuUelm.) *De fistulis pulmonum thoracem perforantibus. 26 pp. 8°. Gryphice, F. G. Eunike, [1847]. Bachmann (Theodor). *Zur Casuistik trau matischer Arterien verletzungen und Aneurysmen. 29 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1868. Bachmayer (Wolfgangus GuiUelmiis). *De singultu. 20 pp. 4°. Altdorfft, H. Meyeri, 1695. Bachmeister (Joannes). See Ursinus (Joachimus). Kurtzer griindlicher und vollkommener Bericht. 12°. Rostock, 1616. BACHMETIEV. 723 BACK. Bachmetiev (Georgius). * De various inseren- dis. 7 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour 4" Smellie, 1786. Baclion (P.-P.-Alexandre). *Des fractures de la rotule. 23 pp. 4G. Paris, 1852, No. 155, v. 517. Bachos (A.) * Etude sur le cephalotribe et le forceps-scie. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 451, v. 873. Bachot (Antoine-Simon). * Essai sur la dysen- teric, suivi de quelques propositions. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 193, v. 274. Bachot (Gaspard). Erreurs populaires touchant la medecine et regime de sante. ffiuvre nouveUe, desir6e de plusieurs, et promise par feu M. Laurens Joubert. 63 p. 1., 509 pp. 8°. Lyon, B. Vincent, 1626. Bachovius (Georgius Hend.) *De apoplexia. 32 pp., 3 1. sm. 4C. Jance, typ. vidua; S. Ercbsii, [1680]. Bachrach (Gustav). *Ueber Ausscheidung von Iodkali und iihnUchen Salzeu durch den Harn im lieberfreien Zustand und im Fieber. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1878. Bachrich (Joseph). * Etude sur les causes des mouvements du cceur. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 435, v. 932. Bachstrom (Joh. Frid.) Observationes circa scorbutum, ejusque indolem, causas, signa, et curam, institutam, eorum prieprimis in usum, qui Groeulandiam et Indias Orientales petunt. 85 pp. 16°. Lugd. Bat, C. Wishof, 1734. Also, in: Haller, Disp. ad morb., v. 6. -----. Nova aestus marini theoria ex* piincipiis physico-mathematicis detecta et dilucidata. Cui accedit, examen acus magneticae spiraUs, quae a decUnatione et inclinatione Ubera esse creditur, institutum. 85 pp., 2 pl. 16°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishof, 1734. Bound with hh: Observationes circa scorbutum. Bacillaria. See Diatoms. Bacillus. See Bacteria. Back. See, also, Spine. Sundevall (F. E.) * Om muspulus multifidus spinoe och muscuU rotatores dorsi. 8°. Upsala, 1850. Coatc (H.) On the muscles of the back. Lond. M. Gaz., 1851, xlviii, 455-459.—IVunn. Congenital absence of the latissimus dorsi. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 421. Back (Abscess of). Abscess am Riicken,- pleuritisches Exsudat; Dysente- rie: Toil. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien, 1868, 309-311.—Aparicio. Absceso de la parte posterior del tronco. Anliteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 4.— B---g. t N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz., 1780, ii, 259.— B edor. Reflexions sur de vastcs abces des regions post6- rieures du tronc. J. univ. et hebd. de mod. et de chir. prat., Par., 1831, iii, 340-344.—Bleynie (L.) Decollement de touto la peau du dos, occasionn6 par la fonte purulente d'un kyste do la r6gion dorsalo superieure. Rev. med. do Limo- ges, 1867-8, i, 1G5-1G7.— Ludlow, t Med. Times, Lond., 1852, n. s., v, 3ti.—Vigla. [Diffused abscess of back, with destruction of inter-vertebral fibro-cartilages.] Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1836, 3. 8., ii, 234. Back (GuUelmus). * De dysenteria. 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy 4" Walker, 1808. Back (H.) See Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir practische Heilkunde. Back (James De). See De Back (James). Back (Tumors of). See, also, Sacro-coccygeal region (Tumors of); Spina bifida. Fischer (H.) Descriptio fungi cum adnexa morbi historia. 8°. Monachii, 1834. Bellounrd (V.) Fibro-angiOme de la masse sacro- lombairo du cdt6 droit. Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 407.— Back (Tumors of). Benedict. Ausrottung eines grossen Sarcoms auf dor Oberflache des Riickens. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1823,v, 391-401.—Bigelow (H.J.) Tumor of back. Boston M. & S. J., 1807-8, lxxvii, 313.—Birkett (J.) Melanic cancer in skin of back; destruction of the growth by escha- rotics; return in cicatrix; excision of growth; exhaustion; death; necropsy; no secondary developments. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1857, 3. s., iii, 335. -----. Compound follicular growth on the back, and follicular scalp-tumours; their removal; recovery. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 390- 392.—Bohm. Sarcoma in dorso; Exstirpation; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in \\rien (1867), 1868, 201-203.—Bourdon. [Erectile tumor of back; abla- tion.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, xiv, 409.—Bouteil- ler. t Ibid., 1847, xxii, 403.—Bristow (A. T.) Removal of spindle-celled sarcoma from back. Arch. Clin. Surg., N.Y.,1876, i, 195.—Builot. t Par., 1866, xii, 506.—Campbell (E. M.) Fibrous tumor of the back removed. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1877, iv, 447.— Challand. Molluscum pendulum de la region lombaire (fibrosarcome). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1871, xlvi, 87-91. -----. Molluscum pendulum du dos (angiome caverneux). Ibid., 149.—Chantreuil. t Ibid., 1869, xliv, 176.—Col- lyns (W.) Large turn >ur of the back, of forty-seven years' duration. Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1857, ii, 692.—Cou- lon. t [Case of tumor of lumbar region, containing en- cephaloid matter.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1858, xxxiii, 85-87. -----. [Fibro-plastic tumors of lumbar region; abla- tion; pyaemia.] Ibid., 320.—Dalton (J. C.) [Cancerous tumor 'situated upon the back, between the scapulae: re- mained quiet for eleven years.] N. York M. Times, 1856, v, 99-101.—Decbaut. vrumeur hydatique, ayant simule un abcfes par congestion. Ann. de la chir. franc, et etrang., Par., 1842, iv, 32-36. — Demarquay. Tumeur fibreuse du dos chez un homme a qui on a ant6rieurement en- lev6 un polype naso-pharyngo-maxillaire de meme nature. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1865, 2. s., vi, 325-327, 1 pl.— Bespres. [Fibro-plastic and colloid tumor of sca- pular region; ablation.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1861, xxxvi, 213.—Borsey (J. S.) t Large wen successfully ex- tirpated. Tr. Am. PhU. Soc, Phila., 1818, n. s., i, 298-300, 1 pl.—Dossauer. Geschichte einer sehr betrachtlichen, durch Exstirpation geheilten Speckgeschwulst. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. Gerichtl. Arznk., Jena, 1797, i, 65-76.— Duguet. t Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 73.— Fergusson. Large tumor, weighing between three and four pouuds, removed from the back. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1853-4, v, 318. -----. Large mole on the back. Lancet, Lond., 1857, ii, 34. -----. Large colloid tumour on the left side of the back, simulating a fatty growth; successful removal. Ibid., 1861, i, 459.—Fleming. Keloid tumor. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1858, v, 42.—Geissel (R.) Grosses Lipom des Riickens; Extirpation; Heilung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 50-52.—[Geschwulst am Riicken.] Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1865), 1866, 135.—Grafe (E.) Ausrottung eines bedeu- tenden Sarcoms. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1824, vi, 704-707.—Green (J. S.) A case of a "recurring fibroid" or myxo-sarcomatous tumor of the back, upon which twelve operations were performed during thirty-nine years; autopsy. N. Tork M. J., 1879, xxx, 622-^628.— Gross. Les tumeurs sarcomateuses des parties molles de la r6gion dorso-lombaire. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1875, iii, 82; 400.—Giintner (W.) Cavernose Geschwulst am Riicken; Exstirpation; Heilung. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859. lxiii, 37. — Heurtaux. Lympho-sar- come volumineux de la peau du dos. J. de med. de l'ouest, Nancy, 1879, 2. s., iii, 146-148. —Hilton. Fibro-plastic tumor the size of an orange, of four months' growth, on the back; ablation. Lancet, Lond., 1863, i, 328.—Horns Pnscucts (N.) Enorme lipoma en la region lumbar izqui- erda; estirpacion. Independ. med., Barcel, 1874-5, vi, 53- 59. Aho: Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1879, hi, 34-37.—Hu- Suier. Lipome. Bull. Soc. Par., 1857, vii, 517.— luntcr (J. A.) Removal of an adipose tumor weighing 12 lbs. Stethoscope, Richmond, 1855, v, 183-185.—Ieart. Observation sur une tumeur squirrheuse, d'une grosseur enorme, extirpee. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xx, 551.—Jackson (J. R.) Case of lipoma weighing 29 lbs.; excision; successful result. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1874, ix, 133.—Laborie. [Cancerous tumor, lumbar region; ablation.] Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1836, 3. s., ii, 268.—Lee (H.) Case of tumor of back removed by elastic ligature. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1875, viii, 48-50. — Levi. Tumeur fibro-plastique de la region scapulaire droite; re- section de la fosse sous-epineuse du scapulum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 141.—Lombroso (C.) & Cou- gnet. Studi sui segni professionali dei facchini e sui tipomi delle Ottentoto, camelli e zebu. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1879, 3. s., xxvi, 299-337.—Luther (F. M.) Case of fatty tumour. Tr. Cork M. Sc S. Soc, Dubl., 1867-8, 16.—McCollom (J. H.) Removal of scirrhous tu- mor of back. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1869, lxxix, 408.—Maison- neuve. Tumeur 6rectile veineuse de la region dorsale. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1851, i, 585.—Mercier. [Cre- taceous tumor of fossa infra-spinata; ablation. ] Bull. Soo. anat. de Par., 1836, xi, 268. — Milford (F.) Case of re- BACK. 724 BACOK Back (Tumors of'). current fibro-plastic tumour in a child aged eleven months. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Sydney, 1871, ii, 11-13.—Murchi- son (C.) Atheromatous cyst on the back; tapped; injected with iodine; recovery. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb., 1852, xiv, 497-500.—Myrrheri (A.) De insigni tumore feliciter cu- rato. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1706, dec, 3, ann. ix-x (1701-1705), 379-381,1 pl.—Nancrede (C. B.) t Fatty tumor from the region of the scapula. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1876, v, 220-223.— O'Ferrall. Pendulous tumor. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1845, i, 350. —Packard (J. H.) t Alveolar pigmented sarcoma from the back. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1877, vi, 145.—f Pean.] Ablation d'une, tumeur volumineuse de la region lombo-dorsale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1869, xlii. 57.—Pi nel (S.) Tumeur fibrineuse k structure vermicell6e developpee dans la r6gion dorsale, entre les couches musculaiies; extirpation; gu6rison. Monit. d. hop., Par., 1854, ii, 356.—Plasencia (T. A.) Extirpacion de un tumor hidatidico. An. r. Acud. de cien. med . . . de la Habana, 1867, iv, 197-201.—Regnaud. fFibro-calcare- ous tumor ofthe dorso-lumbar region.] Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865, xl, 174.—Beverdin. Epithelioma lobul6 de la r6gion lombaire, k evolution tres-lcnte (35 ans). Mouve- ment med., Par., 1877, xv, 305. —Richardson (B. W.) Fibroma removed from the back ofa man upwards of eighty years of age. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lonil., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 218.—Romieux. Obseivatiou sur une loupe pesant vingt- cinq livres. Ann. Soc. do med.-prat. (le Montpel., 1808, xii, 195-214.—Rouge. Tumeur fibro-graisscuse enorme; ab- lation; guerison. Bull. Soc. m6d. do la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1869, iii, 94-96, 1 pl.—Schwarz. Geschichte einer exsthpirteu Riicken-Balggescbwulst an einem sehr jungen Kinde. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med.u. Chir., Elberfeld, 1823, vii, 3. St., 1-13: Hamm, 1824, viii, 1. St., 96-108,1 pl.—Solly (S.) Case in which a largo cyst was successfully removed from the upper part of the neck of a young woman aged 27, who was considered at birth to have been the subject of spina bifida. Proc. Roy. M. Sc Chir. Soc. Lond., 1856, i, 22-24.— Stuart Sc McGaughey. Fibrous tumour, right side, dorsal region,removed; successful. Tr. MinnesotaM.Soc, 1875, 74.—Syme (J.) Fatty tumour of an unusual form; removal; recovery. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1838, 1, 385.—Tri- men. Tumour [apparently cretified] removed from the back. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1868, xix, 368-371. —Ver- neuil. R6cidive d'une tumeur fibro-plastiquo, quatorzeans aprfes l'extirpation. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 105. — Viiierta (E. F.) Lipoma en la region escapular derccha; estirpacion por enucleacion 6 desgastamiento; reunion inme- diata secundaria; curacion rapida. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1874, xxi, 471-473.—'Wade (W. M.) Removal of a large tumor from the back. Lond. M. Gaz., 1832, x, 54.—Wolflcr (A.) Ein Lipom von seltener Griisse; Extirpation; Hei- lung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1878, xxviii, 256-258. Back (Wounds of). See, also, Spine ( Wounds of). Bopp. t Fall einer culposen Todtung dorch einem Schuss. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1839, v, 514- 520. — Borchartl. Coups de couteau-poignard, suivis d'hemorrhagie abondante et de nevrite traumatique, simu- lant une affection grave des organes respiratoires. J. do med. de Bordeaux, 1854, xii, 664-668.—Buchner (E.) Stich in den Riicken. Dauer der Arbeitsuufahigkeit ? Frie- dreich's BI. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1867, xviii, 381-385.— Hutchinson. Paraplegia following injury to the back; suspected dislocation of vertebra?. Med. Times Sc Gaz.. Lond., 1879, i, 348.—Quincy (H. P.) Gunshot wound of the back; operation; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1867, lxxvi, 387-390.—Shaw (A.) Injuries of the back. Syst. Surg. (Holmes), 2. ed., N. T., 1870, ii, 355-410.— Vizerie. Observation de plaie produite par un coup de hachc porte a la r6gion scapulaire posterieure; accidents du cot 6 du cceur et des organes respiratoires; guerison. J. do med. de Bordeaux, 1861, 2. s., vi, 515-519. Back-achc. See, also, Spinal irritation. Woerner (P. M.) * De notialgia seu dolore dorsi eoque vario. 4°. Erlangce, [1765], B ierbaum. Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Riicken- Bchmerz in verschicdenen Krankheiten. [5 cases.] Med. Ztg., Berl., 1840, ix, 217.—Grossheim. TJeber den Riicken- schmerz beim Wechselfieber. Ibid.. 105-108.—Lauben- der. Frische Birkeureiser ein spezifischea Mittel gegen Ruckenschmerzcn. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1801, 124. Backas (Carolus). * Tentamen medicum de phthisi pulmonali. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, typ. Academicis, 1763. [P., v. 003.] Backer ( Carolus Leonardus Joannes ). * De structura subtiliori hepatis sani et morbosi. viii, 90 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Trajecti ad Rlienum, W. H. Van Heyningen, 1845. Backer (Gerard). * Commentatio ad quaestio- nem physiologicam. Propositam : " Succincte Backer (Gerard)—continued. enarrentur praecipua recentiorum experimenta clar. Bell, Magendie, Eschricht, Schops ct Bel- lingeri, de actione nervi olfactorii, trigemini, fa- cialis, nee non de utriusque radicis nervorum spi- nalium officio, ut denique e disputatis concluda- tur, quaenam probabiliter sit actio horum nervo- rum". 154 pp., 1 1. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, J. | Altheer, 1830. de Backer (Thomas Theodor). * De morbillis. 1790. In: Louvain, Diss., v. 4, p. 262. Backhaus (Julius.) * Ueber die schadlichen Wirkungen des Rauchens. 35 pp. 8C. Berlin, R. Boll, [1876]. Backliausen (Petrus). * De regeneration© lentis crystalline. 24 pp. 8°. BeroUni, formis Briischckianis, [ 1827]. Backhauss (Ernestus Guilelmus). *Analecta ad ophthalmiam -. 19 pp. 8°. Boston, D. Clapp, 1858. [P., v. 258.] Repr. from: Boston M. Sc S. J. See, aho, Lieber (Francis). A popular essay on sub- jects of penal law. 8°. Phila., 1838. Bacon (Leonard). The beloved physician. A i discourse deUvered in First Church in New j Haven, at the interment of Jonathan Knight, M. D. 28 pp. 8J. New Haven, T. I. Stafford, j 1864. Bacon (B. H.) * Serie de propositions sur la re- vulsion, suivies d'observations sur quelques in- flammations aigues sans douleur. 31 pp. 4°. I Paris, 1822, Xo. 167, v. 174. Bacon (Roger) [1206-84]. LibeUusderetardandis senectutis accidentibus, et de sensibus eonservan- dis. Edidit Johannes Williams. 3 p. 1., 31 pp. 16°. Oxonke, J. Barnese, 1590. -----. Speculum alchemiae. In: Theatrum chemicum, 1659, v. 2, pp. 377-385. -----. De secretis operibus artis et naturae, et de nuUitate magias. In: Theatkum chemicum, 1660, v. 5, pp, 834-868. -----. Opera quaedam hactenus inedita. VoL i, containing: I. Opus ttrtium. II. Opus minus. III. Compendium phUosophiae. Edited by J. S. Brewer. 4 L, c, 573 pp., app. 11 pp.; 4 lith. manuscripts. 8°. London, Longman, Green, Long- I man 4" Roberts, 1839. [Published by the authority ofthe lords commissioners of Her Majesty's trea- I sury, under the direction of the master of the roUs. ] I For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. Sc Men of Sc., 152- ' Bacot (John) [1780-1870]. Observations on-the use and abuse of friction, with some remarks on motion and rest, as applicable to the cure of va- rious surgical diseases. 37 pp. 8°. London, , Callow 4- Wilson, 1822. [Also, in: P., v. 726.] I -----. A treatise on syphiUs, in which the his- tory, symptoms, and method of treating every form of that disease are fully considered, vi, 280 pp. 8°. London, Longman 4" Co., 1829. See, aho, medical and Physical Journal. For Biographical Notice of, see Med. Circ., Lond., 1852, i, 130. For hh Obituary, see Lancet, Lond.. 1870, ii, 420. Bacqua (A. X.) * Dissertation sur la peritonite, consideree dans sou otat aigu. 55 pp. 4J. j Paris, 1*28. Xo. 4. v. 213. Bacque (Sylvain). 'Considerations me"dico- psvchologiquessurla puberte. (Paris these.) 30 pp. 4~. Argenteuil, 1876, Xo. 262, v. 9*3. Bacquet (X.) * These sur quelques considera- tions physiologiques et mddicales, relatives aux ; diffdrents pheuomenes de la meustruation. 28 ' pp. 4-. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 381, v. 53. Bacquias ^Eugene). * Du spasme de la glotte. 54 pp. 4-. Paris, 1853, Xo. 271, v. 534. Bacquias (J-.B.-filnile). *Du rachitismc. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, Xo. 143, v. 517. Bacrot (J.-B.-De\sir£). *Des hdmorrhagies ute- rines qui peuvent compliquer les derniers mois de la grossesse et le travail. 31 pp. 4C. Paris, 1853, Xo. 68. v. 534. Bacsmegyel (Joannes). * Podagra, juxta ge- nuinam optitnamque artis methodum curanda. 28 pp. sm. 4-. Erfordice, typ. Groschianis, [1726]. Bacteria. Sec, also, Abscess (Bacteria in); Antiseptic surgery; Antiseptics; Charbon; Diphtheria (Causation of); Fever (Relapsing); Fermenta- tion and Ferments; Fungi; Generation (Spon- taneous); Germ theory; Infusoria; Micro- zymes; Putrefaction; Urine (Fermentation and microzymes in). Billroth (T.) Untersuchungen iiber (Ue Vege- tationsformen von Coccobacteria septica. . . . Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Kritik der ver- schiedenen Methoden antiseptischer Wundbe- handlung. fol. Berlin, 1874. Buc holtz (L.) * Ueber das Verhalten von Bak- terien zu einigen Antisepticis. 8\ Dorpat, 1876. vox Collmaxx (S.) * Bakterien im Organis- mus eines an einer grossen Verletzung am Ober- schenkel verstorbenen zwauzigjahrigen Miid- chens. 8-\ Gottingen, 1873. Dallixger (W. H.) Researches into the ori- gin and developement of miuute aud lowly life- forms, with a glance at the bearing of these upon the origin of bacteria. 8°. [London, 1877.] Eberth (C. J.) Zur Kenntniss der bacteri- tischen Mykosen. 4r. Leipzig, 1872. Kaposi. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Lehre von der iitiologischen Beziehung kleinster Organismen ( Micrococcus ) zu den lnfections- krankheiten. 8-. Wien, 1871. Kaufmaxx (C.) * Ueber die Zersetzung des Blutes durch Bacillus subtiUs. ef . Leipzig, 1878. Lister (J.) A contribution to the germ theory of putrefaction, and other fermentative changes, and to the natural history of torulae and bacte- ria. 4°. Edinburgh, 1875. Repr. from: Transactions of the ltoval S»6, n. F., vii, 271-28C —Fodere. Me- moire sur les eaux minerales de Bade en particulier et sur les eaux thermales en general. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1830, xxxvi, 3-21; xxxvii, 113-133.— Kathriner (M.) Bericht iiber die im Kenchthale (Gross- herzogthum Baden) gelcgenen Bade- und Brunnenanstaltcu Antigast. Griesbach, Petersthal und Freiersbach. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1843, ix, 107: 1848, xni, 115: 369. Baden, Austria. See, also, Idiots (Asylums for). Barth (W.) Epidemien im polit. Bezirke Baden wah- rend des Jahres 1876. Mittli. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1877, iii, 162-167.—Lrllcia del dottore Gas- pero Barzellotti. N. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno, 1829, iv, 40-68. Baden, Switzerland. See, also, Hospitals (Military). Champouillon. Les eaux min6rales d'Ober-Baden, en Suisse (canton d'Argovie). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1847, 2. s., ix, 515.—Pfliiger. Ucbcr die Mineralquellen zu Baa- den in der Schweiz; vorlaufige Xachiicht. Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl., Niirnb., 1828, xiv, 384-386.—Scheuchzerus (J. J.) Otia restivalia circa thermas Badenses Helvet., etc. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1730, ii, (app.), 41-64, 3 tab.—Wagner. Baden im Aargau im Winter. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerztf. Basel, 1874, iv, 74-78. -----. Be- sprechung der Krankheiten, die in den Thermen von Baden im Aargau zur Behandlung kommen. Ibid., 1874, iv, 326; 363. Baden-Baden. Biermanx (A.) Baden-Baden als Kurort. Mit einer Karte der Umgegend von Baden-Baden und einer meteorologischen Tabelle. 8°. Heidel- berg, 1872. Frech (C.) Der Kurort Baden-Baden. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Statistik des heuti- gen Badwesens. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1870. Glyckherr (J. F.) * Observationes medica? de thermis Badensibus. 4°. Argentorati, 1780. Ri'EF (A.) Die heissen Quellen von Baden- Baden und die Molkenkuranstalt daselbst. Die Mineralquellen von Lichtenthal und Rothenfels. Ihre Wirkung und Anwendung. 12°. Karlsruhe, 1852. Schreider (H.) Baden-Baden. Wegweiser durch Stadt und Umgegend. 2. ed. 12°. Baden, 1869. Althaus (J.) The lithia springs of Baden-Baden. Med' Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii. 527.—Biermann. Balneo" logische Briefeiiber Baden-Baden. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1871, xvi, 308; 327; 343; 373.—Pitsch aft. Ueber die Wir- kung des Mineralwassers zu Baden-Baden. J. d. prakt. Heilk., Berl., 1831, lxxii, 6. Hft., 43-51. Baden D'Hurtebise (E.-L.-Euiile). *Dela paralysie du nerf moteur oculaire externe (sixi- eme paire). 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 25, v. 479. Badendyk (Gottlieb Joannis). For hh Life, see Nicolai (Ernest Antonius). Badenweiler. Heyfelder. Badenweiler im Grossherzogthum Baden. Klimatischerund Molkencurort. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1864,vi,366-369.—Wolff. Badenweiler. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1862, xiv, 467; 479. Badeort (Der) Salzloeh, seine jod-, brom-, eisen- und salzhaltigen Schwefelquellen und die tan- uinsauren animalisehen Luftbiider, nebst eiuer Apologie des Hasardspiels. Dargestellt von Poly- karpus Gastfenger. viii, 141 pp. 12°. Frank- furt a. M., Riitten 4'Loning, 1839. Bader (Auguste). * De la pneumonie dans la pre- miere enfance. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, v. 550. Bader ( Charles ). The natural and morbid changes of the human eye, and their treatment. With an atlas of 10 plates, viii, 505 pp. 8°. London, N. Triibner 4' Co., 1838. Bader (Ludovicus Leonhardus). * De pleuritide vera. 40 pp. sm. 4°. Jence, lit. Marggrafianis, [1759]. For hh Life, see Nicolai (Ern. Ant.) Badger (Paine D.) See Law (The) of libel. Eeport of the trial of Samuel Thomson. 8°. Boston, 1839. Badgley (Francis). Lectures on the physiology of the senses, delivered at the Royal Kensington Literary and Scientific Institution. 94 pp. 8°. London, T. C. Savill, 1838. See, aho, Montreal Medical Gazette. Badham (Charles). De urina et calculis urina- riis. 38 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et soeii, 1802. [P., v. 21.] -----. Observations on the inflammatory affec- tions of the mucous membrane of the bronchia?. x, 133 pp. 12°. London, J. Callow, 1808. -----. An essay on bronchitis; with a supple- ment containing remarks on simple pulmonary abscess, etc. 2. ed., corrected and enlarged, xii, 1G8 pp. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1814. Badia (Salvador). See Enciclopedia me"dico- [ farmaceutica. Badiali (Denis). * I. La coxalgie peut-elle d6- buter par l'affection individuelle de l'un des 616- ments dc l'articulation? II. [etc.] 36 pp. 4°. ! Paris, 1811, No. 208, v. 369. Badiere (Jean-Baptiste-Didier). I. * Des carac- teres anatomiques de l'inflammation des tissus complexes. II. [etc.] 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 139, v. 397. Badia (Alexandre)1. * Dissertation sur la p6ri- tonite puerp6rale aigue. Abstraction faite de ses complications. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 66, v. 192. Badin (Alexandre)2. * De I'albuminurie cons6- cutive aux applications de teinture d'iode chez l'enfant. 30 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 311, v. 988. Badin (F.-C.-Isidore). * Dissertation sur le zona et sur la m6thode ectrotique appliqu6e au traite- ment de cette maladie. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 50, v. 205. Badin (J.) *Sur la perforation artificielle du , tympau. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 8, v. 936. j Badin (Vital). * Contusions de la portion p6ri- n6ale de l'urethre chez l'homme. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1870, No. 13, v. 817. | Badiole (Henry). D'un taxis forc6, ou r6duction des hernies 6trangl6es par dilatation forc6e indi- recte, et du taxiteur, nouvel instrument destin6 a le pratiquer. 83 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here 4-fils, 1879. Badischer arztlicher Verein. Mittheilungen des badischen arztlichen Vereins. Besorgt durch Dr. Robert Volz. Jahrgiinge 1.-29. (1847-75). 8°. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1847-75. The title after 1857 is: Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden. Badischer Frauenverein. Berichte an den badi- I schen Frauenverein unter dem Protectorate Hirer Koniglichen Hoheit der Grossherzogin Luise er- stattet von Vertrauensmannern fiber ihre Reisen zu den badischen Truppen im Felde und zu deu Verwundeten in Kriegsspitiilern im Juli und Au- gust 1866. viii, 126 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, C. F. Muller, 1866. -----. Die freiwillige Hilfsthatigkeit im Gross- herzogthum Badeu im Kriege 1870-71. Rechen- schaftsbericht der vereinigten Hilfskomite's des badischen Frauenvereins unter dem Protektorate Ihrer Koniglichen Hoheit der Grossherzogin Luise von Baden und des Mannerhilfsvereins zu Karls- ruhe. 2 1., 247 pp., 8 pl., 2 maps. 4°. Karls- ruhe, Hofbuchdruckerei, 1872. Sec, also, Wounded (Care of) in war. BADOLTD. 730 BAER. Badoud (Emil). * Uber den Einfluss des Hirns auf den Druck in der Lungenarterie. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8°. WUrzburg, Stahel, 1874. Badour (Antoine). * Etude sur la colique. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 169, v. 626. Badoz (Adolphe-Alexis). * Que doit-on attendre du chloroforme dans certaines n6vroses? 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856, No. 362, v. 22. Badt (Julius Abrahamus). *Nonnullorum lienis morborum symptomatologia. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Neodorffianis et soc, [1840]. Badt (Samuel L.) * Nonnulla de morbo irritatio spinalisnominato. [Cumvita.] 29pp., 11. sm. 8°. BeroUni, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1849]. Baduel (Jean). * I. Des symptdmes de l'ejnbar- rasgastrique. II. [etc.] 26pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 362, v. 335. Baduel (Jean-Baptiste). * Essai sur le virus herp6tique, ou dartreux. 57 pp. 8°. Paris, an XT [1803], v. 32. Baduel (Pierre). *De l'op6ration de la hernie inguinale. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 53, v. 411. Badum (G.) * Umrisse einer medizinischen To- pographie von Bamberg mit Berficksichtigung der Krankheits-Constitution im Allgemeinen. [Wiirz- burg.] 32 pp. 8°. Bamberg, F. Humann, 1837. Baecner (Mar.) Synopsis nosologica apokeno- sium juxta Swediauri iarpixrjv disposita. 89 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pragce, typ. Sommerianis, 1830. Baeck (Abraham.) De dignoscenda et curanda imminente phthisi pulmonali. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. sm. 4°. Upsalice, [1740]. See, also, L/inuaeus (Carolus). Oratio de memorabili- bus in insectis. 8°. Upsalice, 1739. Back (Albertus). *Animalia composita. 8°. Upsalice, 1759. In: Linn. Diss., v. 5. Baeck (Matthias) & Pahlman (Joh.Adolphus). * De aqua medicata Kuppisensi. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Aboce, typ. Frenckellianis, [1818]. Baeckner (Michael A.) *Noxainsectorum. 8°. Upsalioe, 1752. In: LINN. Diss., v. 3. Bader (Die) zu Teplitz in Bohmen, in einer kur- zen physisch-medicinischen und politischen Ue- bersicht. 70 pp. 12°. Dresden, in der Waltheri- schen Hofbuchhandlung, 1792. Bahr (Abraham). * Die Ursachen der Verenge- rung, bezhw. Verschliessung der GaUenausffih- rungsgange und ihre Diagnose. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1870], Bahr (Bernhard). Digitalis purpurea in ihren physiologischen und therapeutischen Wirkungen, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Digitalin mit Benutzung der gesammten medicinischen Literatur monographisch dargestellt von . . . [Gekronte Preisschrift. ] vi, 219 pp. 8C. Leip- zig, T. O. Weigel, 1859. -----. The science of therapeutics according to tho principles of homoeopathy. Translated and enriched with numerous additions from Kafka and other sources, by Charles J. Hempel. 2 v. viii, 635 pp.; viii, 752 pp. 8°. New York, Boe- ricke 4' Tafel, 1869. Baehren (Conradus). * De prosopalgia Fother- gillii. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackia- nis, [1833]. Baenren (Guilelmus). * De trichiasi ac disti- chiasi earumque cura. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, 1866. C. Baehrens (Augustus Henricus). *De uteri hse- morrhagica. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Reimeria- nis, [1826]. Baehrens (Joann. Chr. Frideric.) * Sympathicus consensus capitis cum visceribus abdominalibus. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1817]. Baehrens (Joann. Chr. Frideric.)—continued. -----. Thesame. 32pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, Maurer, [n. d.] Bahrens (Joh. Christoph. Friedr.) Ueber Fieber und Salzsaure. xvi, 212 pp., 5 1. 12°. Osna- briick und Leipzig, H. Blothe, 1802. -----. Die Harnlehre des Hippokrotes, in ihrem wahren Werthe behauptet. xxii, 1 1., 648 pp. 8°. Elberfeld, Biischler, 1829. Baehrens (Lud. Car. Henr. Leop.) *De otor- rhcea. 32 pp. 8°. Halce, typ. Schimmelpfenni- gianis, [1817]. Bael. See Bela. Baenitz (C.) * Beitrage zur Flora des Konigreichs Polen. 21 pp. 12°. Konigsberg, E. Rautenberg, 1871. Banziger (Theodor). *Zur Physiologie des sympathischen Nervensystemes. 32 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Druck von C. J. Becker, 1854. c. Baependy. Aguas mineraes de Baependy e Campanha, relatorio de analyse. Kev. med., Rio do Jan., 1874-6, ii, 89; 97; 123; 129; 153.—Correa dos Santos (E.) et al. Relatorio da analyse qualitativa e quantitativa das aguas mineraes de Baependy e da Campanha, na provincia de Minas Geraes. Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio de Jan., 1874-5, xxvi, 125-158. Baer. Observations sur l'exfoliation de l'6piderme de l'embryondes mammiferes, appliqu6es a. la con- naissance des m6tamorphoses des insectes. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, Mme. ve. Thuau, 1833. [P., v. 456.] Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1833. Baer (A.) Der Alcoholismus, seine Verbreitung und seine Wirkung auf den individuellen und socialen Organismus sowie die Mittel, ihn zu be- kampfen. x, 621pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1878. Baer (Abrahamus). * De electricitate in arte ob- st etricia adhibenda. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, F. G. Nietack, [1861]. von Baer (Carolus Ernestus) [1792-1876]. *De morbis inter Esthonas endemicis. 88 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], lit. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1*14. -----. Ueber doppelleibige Missgeburten oder or- ganische Verdoppelungen in Wirbelthieren. 116 pp., 10 pl. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] [-----.] Mytili novi descriptio. 14 pp. 4°. Regiomonti, typ. Hartungianis, 1825. -----. De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi. Epistolam ad Academiam Imperialem Scientia- rum Petropolitanam. 4 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Lipsice, L. Vossii, 1827. -----. Untersuchungen fiber die Gefassverbin- dung zwischen Mutter uud Frucht in den Siiuge- thieren. Ein Glfickwunsch zur Jubelfeier Samuel Thomas von Soemmerings. 2 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 col. pl. fol. Leipzig, L. Voss, 1828. -------. Untersuchungen fiber die ehemalige Ver- breitung und die giinzliche Vertilgung der von Steller beobachteten nordischen Seekuh (Rytina III). 28 pp. 4°. St. Petei-sburg, 1838. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. P6tersb., 6. s., v. -------. Crania selecta ex thesauris anthropologi- cis acad. imp. Petropolitanaj. 28 pp., 16 pl. 4°. Petropoli, typ. Acad. Imp. Sc, 1859. -------. Kaspische Studien. 3. Hft. 113-320, 157 pp., 2 pl. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1859. Repr. from: Bull. Phys.-Mith., xni-xiv. -----. Die Makrokephalen im Boden der Krym und Oesterreichs, verglichen mit der Bildungs- Abweichung, welche Blumenbach Macrocepha- lus genannt hat. 80 pp., 3 pl. 4°. St. Peters- burg, 1860. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Petersb., 7. s., ii. BAER. 731 BAETENS. von Baer (Carolus Ernestus)—continued. -----. Nachrichten fiber Leben und Schriften des . . . mitgetheilt von ihm selbst. Veroffentlicht bei Gelegenheit seines fiinfzigjiihrigen Doctor- Jubiliiums am 29. August 1864, von der Ritter- schaft Esthlands. xvi, 519 pp., 1 pl. 8°. St. Petersburg, H. Schmitzdorff, 1866. See, also, Archiv far Anthropologic. Also: Lucas (Joh. Chxist. Gustav.) Zur Morphologic der Rossen-Scha- del. 4°. Frankfurt a. It., 1861-4. Also: Waldeyer. Ueber K. E. von Baer und seine Bedeutung fiir die Na- turwissenschaften. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1877, xxii, 357; £69. Also: Amtl. Ber. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Miinchen, 1877, 1, 613. Also: Deutscho med. "Wchnschr., Berl., 1878, iv, 1; 13; 25: 37. For hh Obituary, see Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1878, xxvii, i-v. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bar (Conrad). See Homoeopath und diaetischo Hausfreund. Bar (Georgius Samuel). * Do narcoticorum effec- tibus, eorumque, inprimis opii, usu medico. 44 pp. 12°. Wirceburgi, typ. F. E. Nitribitt, [1813]. Baer (Oswald). * Ueber das Verhiiltniss des heu- tigen Standpunkts der Anatomie des Corti'schen Organs zur Theorie der Tonempfindungen. 27 pp., 11., lpl. 8°. Breslau, A. Neumann,[1872], c. Baerens (Bernhardus Fridericus). * Diss, inaug. sistens systematis lentis crystallinae monogra- phiam physiologico-pathologicam. Pars prima. 82 pp., 4 tab., 2 1. 4°. Tubingce, typ. Reisianis, 1819. See, also, Dyrscn (L.) Beobachtungen und Erfahrun- gen. 8°. Riga u. Dorpat, 1831. Baerensprung (Bernhardus Sigismundus). * De fluore albo benigno. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Friedlcenderianis, [1837]. von Baerensprung (Frid. Guil. Felix) [1822- 65]. * Observationes microscopicae de penitiore tumorum nonnullorum structura. [Cum vita.] 35 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Halis, typ. Semmlerianis, [1844]. -----. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Pathologie der menschlichen Haut. vi, 122 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkopfu. Hdrtel, 1848. ------. * De transitu medicamentorum praesertim hydrargyri per tegumenta corporis externa. 21 pp. 4°. Halis, typ. Schmidtianis, [1848]. ■ Ueber Volkskrankheiten. Ein im wissen- schaftlichen Verein am 4. Januar 1851 zu Berlin gehalteuerVortragvonDr.... 32 pp. 8°. Halle, Ed. Anton, 1851. ------. Untersuchungen fiber die Temperaturver- hiiltnisse des Fcetus und des erwachsenen Men- schen im gesunden und kranken Zustande. 126- 175 pp. 8°. [Halle, n.d.] Cutting from: Miiller's Archiv, 1851-2. ------. Ueber die Folge und den Verlauf epidemi- scher Krankheiten. Beobachtung aus der medi- cinischen Geschichte und Statistik der Stadt Halle, MitlKarte. 64 pp., 1 map. 4°. Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1854. ------. Die hereditiire Syphilis. 3 p. 1., 196 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1864. For hh Obituary, see Ann. d. Char.-Krankenh. .. . zu Berl., 1865, xii, 2. frft., 74-85 (O. Veit). ------ & Hebra. Atlas der Hautkrankheiten. Nach Originalien von . . . Zeichnungen von Dr. Carl Heitzmann, in Wien. Text nach Professor Hebra. 1., 2. Lief. 59 pp., 20 pl. fol. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1867-9. Baerensprung* (Hans). * Zur operativen Be- handlung des Pneumothorax. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1873]. Baerensprung (Kurt). *Der Leberabscess nach Kopfverletzungen. 41 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1875. Baerent (Fridericus). *De tehe pulmonum ad respirandi motus horumque ad cordis positionem Baerent (Fridericus)—continued. vi et eft'ectu. 35 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. vid. J. C. Schiinmanni et C. Mattieseni, 1855. Baerken (Josephus Franciscus). *Over een geval van aangeboren hartmisvorming. 2 p. 1., v, 46 pp., 1 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Leiden, J. Hazenberg, Corns. Zoon, 1865. -----. Over contagium en miasma. 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tiel, H. C. A. Campagne, 1876. van Baerle (Henri Ge"rard Christophe). * Aca- demische proeve, behelzeude twee door den schryver waargenomen ziekte-govallen. 2 p. 1., 60 pp. 8°. Leyden, D. Noothoven van Goor, 1861. van Baerle (Wilhelmus Reinerus). * De valde multiplici febrium intermittentium medicatione, speciatim de membrorum majorum circumstric- tione; tentaminibus in nosocomio academico ex- plorata. 50 pp. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex off. 0. J. van Paddenburg, etvan Schoonlioven, [1809]. Barlocher (Johannes). *De pseudoperipneu- mouia. viii, 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingce, typ. Dieterichianis, 1829. Baermann (Fridericus). *De telao cellularis induratione. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, Ut. A. Petschii, [1825]. Baersch (Christianus Fridericus). De capitis tumoribus tunicatis post cephalalgiam exortis. 31., 36 pp. 4°. Lipsice, typ. Brei tkopfia n is, [ 1767 ]. For hh Life, see Ludwig (Christ. Gott.) van Baersdorp (Comeille). De Meyer. Notice sur C. van Baersdorp [1488(?)-1565]. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1845, vi, 17-57, port. Baert (Joannes). * De causis sterilitatis. 31 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., H. Eosler et J. van Zyp, 1769. [P., v. 57.] Baert (Passchasius). * De obstructione ab errore loci a sanguine rubro sano. 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, J. van der Kluis, 1738. Baertl (Joseph). HomiiopathischeAnsichten und Erfahrungen fiber die Behandlung der Wechsel- fieber nach eigenen und anderer Beobachtungen. 144 pp. 8°. Sondershausen, F. A. Eupel, 1859. ------. Aerztliche Ansichten iiber Priiservative vor Seelenstorungenund Heilung der Letzteren nach den Grundsiitzen der Horaoopathie. xx, 231 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. I. Purfurst, 1864. Baerts (Joannes Cornelius). * De natura sangui- nis inflammatorii, inprimis de crusta phlogistica et spissitudine, qua} vocatur, inflammatoria. 20 pp. 4°. Hardervici, apud I. Moojen, [1782]. Baerwindt. Die Behandlung von Kranken und Verwundeten unter Zelten im Sommer 1866 zu Frankfurt a. M. 32 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, 1867. Baerwindt (Joannes). * De physiologia pulsus. [Univ. Herbipoli.] 36 pp. 8°. Francofurti a. M., ex off. C. Horstmann, 1844. Baerwinkel (Carolus Augustus). * De ignis in arte medica usu. 1 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lip- sice, Ut. Elbcrti, [1824]. ------. The same. Lipsice, apud Reclam, [1824]. For his Life, see Kuhn (Carolus Gottlob). Baerwinkel (Fridericus). *De natura rauce- dinis. [Cum vita.] 28 pp. 8°. Lipsia;, typ. G. Staritzii, [1851]. Baeseler (Rudolf). * Ueber Dysenterie. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1875]. Baeta (Henricus Xavier). *De typho. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et soc, 1800. -----. Dissertatio de febribus intermittentibus prsecipue medendis. 2 p. 1., 68 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, J. Pillans et fil., 1800. [P., v. 824.] Baetcke (Rudolphus). *De quibusdam oculi inflammationibus. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Berolini], formis Bruschckianis, [1820]. Baetens (H. J.) *Diss. med.-leg. de occisi ho- minis cadaveris inspectione, a inde reuunciandA lethalitato. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 57, v. 70. BAETGE. 732 BAGLIVI. Baetgc (Arthur). * Ueber Keratosis circum- scripta multiplex. 44 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Dor- pat, C. Mattisen, 1875. Baetge (Guilelmus). *De typhi abdominalis eomplicationibus, et de morbis ex e6 sequentibus. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Halis Saxonum, typ. Schmidtianis, 1863. C. Baetge (Joachim Christianus). * De variolarum lue insitionis beneficio proscribenda. 28 pp. 8°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, e typ. Apitziano, [1798]. Bauerlein ( A. ) * Ueber Staar-Operationen. 50 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, C. J. Becker, 1866. C. -----. Zur Accommodation des menschlichen Au- ges. 55 pp. 8°. Wui'zburg, Stahel, 1876. Baeuerlein (Carolus). * Quamnam vim respi- ratio in sanguinis circulationem exhibeat, expli- catur. 30 pp. 8°. Gryphice, typ. F. Hache, [1861]. Baeuiner (Heinricli). * Die Fiille vou Echino- coccus in hiesiger Klinik seit Sommer 1869. 32 pp. 8°. Greifswald, 1872. c. Baumlein (Johannes Christophorus). * De in- flatione ventriculi. 15 pp. sm. 4°. Erfurti, typ. J. H. Groschii, [1713], Baeumler (Christian). * Beobachtungen und Geschichtliches fiber dio Wirkung der Zwischen- rippenniuskeln. 50 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. E. Junge, 1860. See, also, Handbuch d.spec. Path. [Ziemssen], Leipz., 1874, iii. Also: Cyclopedia Pract. Med. [Ziemssen], N. T., 1875, iii. Baeumler (Georg Philipp Adam). Quaedam ani- madversiones de ea quam in maligna curanda gonorrhoea habeat piper cubeba, efficacitate, cum annexis decern de hac re observationibus, et pi- peris cubebae ipsius analytica disquisitione. 51 pp. 8°. Cassellis, typ. Orphanotrophii, 1826. Baeumler (Godofredus Samuel). *De haemop- tysi. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Erfurti, typ. Groschianis, [1706]. Baeyer (Gustaf). De controversa qusestione, an cor nervis careat ? 13 pp. 4°. Lundoe, Berlingianis, 1796. [P., v. 143.] Baffas (Cyprien-Pierre). * Dissertation sur l'em- pyime. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 67, v. 103. Bafios (Rene"-Alexis). * Dissertation sur la fis- tule til'anus, et les operations qui lui conviennent. 45 pp. 8°. Paris, Guilleminet, an XI [1803], v. 24. Baffrey (Joseph). * Du diagnose de la mehin- gite tuberculeuse chez les enfants. 40 pp. 4J. Strasbourg, 1848, No. 183, 2. s., v. 14. Baffrey ( Philippe-Hyacinthe). * Essai sur la fievre putride-adynamique. 2 p. 1., 41 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, F. G. Levrault, 1825. Bafoil (Antoine). * Du tubercule et de sa pre- sence daus les pouuions. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 181, v. 243. Bagdad. Hyolop (J. M.) Medical topography of Baghdad. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay (1849-50), 1851, no. x, 40-67,2 tab.— IVardiii (C.) Observations meteorologiques do Bagdad on avril 1831. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1874-5, xviii, 121.-----. Observations m6teorologiques de Bassora k Bagdad et vice versa. Ibid., 16; 33; 128. Bage. Verney (L.-J.-E.) * Topographie m6dicale de la ville de Bage, eu Bresse. 4°. Paris, 18.>3. Bagellardus (Paulus). De egritudinibus in- fantinm. Unp. 381. 4°. Patavice, 1472. Without catchwords or signatures. 2 1. of index in front of book commencing "Incipiunt capitula sccundu libri". Book ending with ' 'Sola miseria caret inuidia. in.cccc.lxxii. die xxi. Aprilis. Bar. Val. patauus F. F. Mar. de septem arboribus prutenus". Bagenholm (Fredrik). See Komaii-oii (Henr. Wilh.) Forsok till en afhand- ling. 4°. Upsala, 1808-15. Baget (J.-E.-P.) *I. Nymphomanie. II. [etc.] 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 424, v. 335. Baget (Jean-Jacques). * Remarques sur l'anato- mie chirurgicale du tissu cellulaire, consideree comme sidge d'epanchement. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 141, v. 133. Bagge (H.) See Tidsskrift for Veterinserer. Bagge (Haraldus). * De evolutione stroiigyli au- ricularis, et ascaridis acuminata) viviparorum. vi, 7-16 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Erlangce, ex. off. Barfusi- ana, [1741]. Bagge (Olof Daniel). See Hwasser (Israel). Laran om Feber, Andra afdel- ningen. 3. Delen. 8°. Upsala, 1839-44. Baggio (Jules). *Du pemphigus. 58 pp. 4°. i Paris, 1864, No. 218, v. 710. Baggiolini (Cristoforo). Antica pergamena fi- gurata che rappresenta una operazione calcoli- fraga simile al metodo del Dottore Civiale. 66 pp., 11. 8°. Vercelli, Ceretti, 1834. Bagieu (M.) Examen de plusieurs parties de la chirurgie, d'apres les faites qui peuvent y avoir rapport, xxxiv, 370 pp. 12°. Paris, veuve De- laguette, 1756. ------. The same. 2 v, (paged consec.) 2 pl., xxxiv, 804 pp., 3 1. 16°. Paris, veuve Delaguette, 1756-7. Baginsky (Adolfus). * Quibus caussis mors sec- tionem caesaream secuta tribuenda sit. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Lange, [1866]. ------. Der Brechdurchfall und die Verdauungs- krankheiten der Kinder. Ihre Ursachen, Verhii- tung und Heilung. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, Denicktfs Verlag, [n. d.] ------. Die Fieberkrankheiten. Ihre Ursachen, Verhiitung und Heilung mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung der Kaltwasserbehandlung. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, Denicke, [n. d.] ------. Die Leichenverbrennung vom Standpunkt der Hygieine, und: Ueber Pietat gegeu die Todten von S. Burnstein. 2 Vortra'ge. 65 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Link 4' Reinke, 1874. ------. Handbuch der Schul-Hygiene. viii, 515 pp. 8°. BerUn, Denicke, 1877. See, aho, IVIuhsam (S.) Die Hausapotheke, etc. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.] Baginsky (Benno.) * Syphilitische Affectionen der Extremitaten- uud Schadelkuochen. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1870. c. ------. Die rhinoskopischen Untersuchungs- und Operationsmethoden. I In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1879, No. 160 (Chir.No. 50), pp. 1363-1396. Baglivi (Georgius). De praxi medica ad priscam observandi rationem revocanda, libri duo. Ac- cedunt dissertationes novae. 7 p. 1., 407 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lugduni, A. 4- J. Posuel, 1699. Contents: I. De anatome, morsu et effectibus tarantu- ke. Ubi obiter de ovis ostrearum detectis, et examinatis. Et de natura, lapidis serpentini, vulgo cobra de capelo specifici in cxtrahendis venenis. II. De usu, et abusu vcsiciintium. III. Experimenta varia anatomico infusoria. IV. De circulatione sanguinis in rana. V. Historia morbi, et secttonis cadaveris Marcelli Malpighii Archiatr. Pon I tific. VI. Appendix de apoplexiis. fere epidemicis, proxi- j mo clapso biennio in urbe, et per Italiam observatis, etc. ------. Tractatus de libra motrice, et morbosa, in quo solidorum structura, vi, elatere, aequilibrio, usu, potestate, et morbis differetur, nee non de durae matiis constructione elatere, aequilibrio, et in singula quaeque solida oscillatione systaltica. Et obiter de experimentis, ac morbis saliva?, bilis et sanguinis. De statice aeris, et liquidorum per observationes barometricas, et hydrostati- tas ad usum respiratiouis explicata. De circu- latione sanguinis in testudine, ejusdemque cordis anatome. 3 p. 1., 295 pp. 8°. BasiUa; apud J. G. Eonig, 1703. Bound with: Do praxi medica. Lugduni, 1699. ------. Dissertatioues tres. I. De anatome, mor- su, et effectibus tarautuke; II. De usu, et abusu BAGLIVI. 733 BAHAMAS. C Baglivi (Georgius)—continued. vesicantium; III. De observationibus anatomicis, et practicis varii argumenti. 3 p. 1., 119 pp., 41., 1 pl. 12°. Lugd. Bat., F. Haringium, 1704. Each diss, has separate title-page. Opera omnia medico-practica, et anato" mica. Editio septima. Cui praeter disserta- tiones, et alios tractatus sextae editioni adjunc- tos accedunt ejusdem Baglivi canones de medi- cina. solidorum; dissertatio de progression© Ro- mani terrse inotus; de systemate et usu motus solidorum in corpore animato; de vegetatione lapidum et analogismo circulationis maris ad cir- culationem sanguinis: nee non J. D. Santorini opuscula quatuor; de structura et motu fibraj; de nutritione animali; de haemorrhoidibus; et de catameniis. 2 p. 1., xxxix pp., 5 1.; 854 pp., 1 1., 1 port., 1 pl. sm. 4°. Lugduni, Anisson 4' J- Posuel, 1710. ----. Epistolae clarorum virorum, quorum judi- cio et authoritate. Opera confirmautur. In hh: Opera omnia. 4°. Lugduni, 1710, pp. 685-683. —. The same. 2 p. 1., xxxix (5 1.), 854 pp., 1 4°. Lugduni, A. 4" J- Posuel, k rvirnAst 1., 1 port., 3 pl 1714. ----. The same. 1., 269 pp., 1 1. Haak, 1719. ----. The same. A. Servant, 1733. / ----. Tho same. 2 v. in 1. 8 p. L, 259 pp.; 16 p. 12°. Lugduni Batavorum, T. .xlii, 854 pp. 4 \ Lugduni, xlii, 918 pp. 4°. Lugduni, sumptibus Petri, Bruyset et soc, 1745. —. The same, xxxii, 434 pp., port. Vene- tiis, typ. Remondin, 1754. -----. The same. Editio emendatior et vita\ anc- toris aucta, per C. Gottlieb Kuhn. 2 v, xxx, 445 pp.; viii, 508 pp. 12°. Vossius, 1827. Bagneres, Gers. Gauderax. Cas de rhumatisme chronique et d'hemi- plegie, gu6ris par les eaux minerales sulfureuses de Ba- gneres. Rev. med., Par., 1828, iv, 217-221. Bagneres-de-Bigorre. Cascua(A.) * Considerations thdrapeutiques sur les sources do salut k Bagueres-de-Bigorre. 4°. Paris, 1877. De Lagarde (A.) * Station thermale de Ba- gnere-de-Bigorre, ses ressources thdrapeutiques dans le traitement des maladies chroniques. 4°. Paris, 1865. Chevallier (A.) Rapport sur l'eau de Bagneres-de- Bigorre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1869, xxxiv, 714.—l>e \jagarde fils. Recherche et action de l'arsenic dans les eaux thermo-min6rales de Bagnferes-de-Bigoire. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1868, xxiii, 377-380. -----. Deuxieme memoire sur les eaux thermales salincs-arsenicales de Bagneres-de-Bi- gorre. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1873, xviii, 239- 257.—Henry (O.) Rapport sur une eau ferrugineuse de- couverte a Bagneres-de-Bigorre. Bull. Acad, do m6d., Par., 1847-8, xiii, 430. -----. Analyse chimique d'une nouvelle source d'eau mineral© ferrugineuse naturelle k Bagneres- de-Bigorre. [Rapport.] Ibid., 1849-50, xv, 980-982.-----. Rapport et analyse au sujet de l'eau minerale sulfureuso de frame zaigue's, canton de Vieille-Aure, arrondissement de Bagneres-de-Bigorre. Ibid., 1851-2, xvii, 462-464.—Lii- quiere. Notice sur Bagn6res-de-Bigorre, et ses 6tablisse- mens thermaux. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1821, viii, 119; 217.—Soule. De la mineralisation et do la sta- bilit6 des eaux sulfureuses des Pyren6es, que l'on trans- Sorte, et particulierement do la source de Labassere. Rov. e therap. du midi, Montpel., 1853, iv, 176-180. Bagneres-de-lLuchon. Barrie (A.) * Des eaux minerales sulfureu- ses de Bagneres de Luchon, et de leur emploi dans le traitement des affections chroniques. 4°. Paris, 1853. Boudet. Rapport snr l'eau de Bagneres-de-Luchon. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1875, 2. s., iv, 642.—Campar- don. Memoiro sur les eaux min6rales et sur les bains de Bagneres-de-Luchon, appuye des observations qui consta- tent leurs vertus medicinales, par nombre de gufirisons qu'elles ont operes. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xviii, 520; xix, 48; 160; 240; 315; 425; 520.—Canip- Bagneres-de-Luehon. martin. Observations concernant une grotte situ6e sur la croupe de la montagne d'ou jaillissent les eaux ther- males do Bagneres-de-Luchon. Ibid.. 1768, xxviii, 364- 376.—Chevallier. Sur l'eau de Bagneres-de-Luchon. [Rapport.] Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1874, xxxviii, 274- 276.— Extraites d'un travail inedit du docteur Barrau sur les eaux thermales de Bagneres do Luchon. Rev. mod. franc, et Strang., Par., 1837, iv, 42-49.— Filhol (E.) Note sur les eaux mmeralcs de Bagneres-de-Luchon. J. de med. et de chir. de Toulouse, 1850, n. s., ii, 243-248.-----Note sur la composition de l'air des piscines, des salles do dou- ches et des etuves de Bagneres-de-Luchon. Ibid., 1852, n. s., iv, 146-148.—Fontan (A.) Sur les eaux thermales et l'etablissement do Bagneres-de-Luchon. [Rap. de MM. P.itissicr, Caventou, et Boullay.] Bull. Acad. dem6d.,Par., 1839-40, iv, 576.-----Fragments d'un travail sur les eaux sulfureuses naturelles des Pyrenees, accompagnes do quelques faits cliniques de Bagndres-de-Luchon. Ibid., 1844-5, x, 692-732. —Garrigou (F.) Nature et dosage des principes sulfures dans les eaux minerales; sourco Bagneres de Luchon. Union med., Par., .874. ii, 146-148.— Lambron. Etudes exp6rimentales sur le degagement d'61ectricite dans les eaux sulfureuses de Bagneres-de-Lu- chon. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1865, xi, 146-187.— Pcgot. Essai clinique sur Taction des eaux thermales sul- fureuses de Bagneres-de-Luchon, dans le traitement des accidents consecutifs de la syphilis. [Rap. de M. Gibert.] BuU. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1853-4, xix, 13-17.—Vcnot pere (J.) Note sur Taction cicatrisante des eaux thermales de Bagneres-de-Luchon. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1860, 2. s., v, 5-12. Bagneris (Eugene). *De la structure micro- scopique des veines uormales. 2 p. 1., 57 pp., 11., 3 pl. 4°. Nancy, 1879, 1. s., No. 92. Bagneris (Ismael). *Des temp6ratures mor- bides locales dans les diverses p6riodes de la tu- berculose pulmonaire. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 20. Bagneris (Raymond-Charles). *I. De Yenc6- phalitediffuse(mehingo-encephalite). II. [etc.] 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No, 21, v. 369. Bagni-di-Poretta. See Poretta. Bagnoles. Bignon. Bagnoles de l'Orne et ses eaux; de leur va- leur therapeutique. Congres med.-chir. de France. Par., 1863, i, 322.—Esticnne (E.) Notice topographique et me- dicale sur Bagnoles (Orne). Rec. de med.. .. mil., Par., 1823, xiii, 1-270. Bagnols-les-Bains. Hermantier (A.) * Etude sur les eaux ther- males de Bagnols (Lozere), et sur leur influence dans Pendocardite rhumatismale chronique. 4°. Paris, 1879. Barbut. Notice sur les eaux thermales de Bagnols. Ann. clin. de Montpel., 1813, xxxi, 385-389.—Blanquet. Do l'emploi des eaux thermales hydrosulfureuses de Bag nols, departement de la LoziJre, dans les affections rhuma- tismales des visceres. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1833, ii, 406-420. BagOt. Recueil d'observations pratiques sur les bous effets du sucre dans le traitement des hy- dropisies et de l'atrophie inesenterique. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1845. [P., v. 460.] Bagshot. See Children (Hospitals and asylums for). Baguenier (Julien-Louis). * Considerations generates sur le te"tanos. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 9, v. 183. Baguet (A.-J.-G.) *Apercu sur quelques frac- tures des os longs. 16 pp. Paris, 1813, No. 178, v. 100. Baguzzi (Francesco). Sulle paralisi delle corde vocali. xv, 124 pp. 8°. Brescia, S. Malaguzzi, 1878. Bahamas. Sec, also, Nassau. Townsend (P. S.) Memoir on the topography, weather, and diseases of tho Bahama Islands. 8°. New York, 1826. Hunt (F. W.) Climate and hygienic character of the Bahama Islands. Hahneni. Hosp.Rep., N. Y., 1871, i, 103- 134. BAHIA. 734 BAIKIE. Bahia. See, also, Education (Medical); Hospitals (De- scriptions and reports of); Insane (Asylums for); Paralysis (Epidemic). Bahia. [Medical geography of.] Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1869, xi, 337-341—de due's Sequeira (J.) Relato- rio acerca do estado sanitario d'esta provincia, durante o anno de 1866, apresentado a junta central de hygiene pu- blica. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1867, i, 189; 201. ------. Rela- torio acerca do estado sanitario d'esta provincia durante o anno de 1869. Ibid., 1870, iv, 176-179.—8. (L.) Meteoro- logia de Marco, Abril e Maio; molestias rein antes; febre amarella; beriberi nas guamicoes naval e militar; efficacia do clima de Itaparica n'esta molestia; variola. Ibid., 1876, 2. s., i, 257-265.-----. Modificacoes meteorologicas de 15. de Maio a 30. d'Agosto; molestias reinantes; asylo de mendi- cidade; enfermaria especial do partos. Ibid., 385-391. -----. Modificacoes meteorologicas; erysipela e lymphan- fite; colicas ediarrheas; febres paludosas etyphicas; beri- eri; febre amarella; variola. Ibid., 529-534. -----. Me- teorologia ; molestias predominantcs; febres paludosas; febre amarella; beriberi; o asylo de mendicidade; a enfer- maria departos. Ibid., 1877, 2. s., ii, 106-113.—Wuchercr (O. E. H.) Sobre as causas da crescida frequencia da phthisica no Brazil, e especialmente na Bahia. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1868, ii, 265; iii, 2; 28. Aho, transl.: Boston M. & S. J., 1868-9, lxxix, 225-228. Aho, transl.: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1868, x, 127-134. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. • f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1873, xi, 471-484. Bahier (A.) * Essai sur la pourriture d'h6pital. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 254, v. 256. Bahira poison. Kaddock (C. £.) Poisoning by bahira; the Termina- lia bellerica. Indian Ann. M. Sc., Calcutta, 1855, ii, 709- 711. Balil (Benjamin). * De medico in nobis sive me- dicina naturali. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1735]. Bahlche (August). * Ueber die Resection des Oberkiefers. 30 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge 4" Sohn, 1861. Bahlmann (Franciscus). * De bronchitide acuta. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1836]. Bahn (Carolus Fridericus). * Quaadam de variolis nostri temporis. 23 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1826]. Bahn (Henricus). * De usu zinci acetici et gene- rating et in delirio tremente speciatim. [Cum vita.] 26 pp. 8°. Berolini, A. Bahn, [1850], Bahninayer (Immanuel Gottlob). *De sale Alpino. 34 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingce, typ. Fuesianis, [1787]. B ahr (C.) Die Mechanik thierischer Gewebsmas- sen die Grundlage einer mechanischen Heilkunde. vi, 7-80 pp., 11. 8°. Wien, Sallmayer u. Comp., 1863. Bahr (Ferdinandus ^Emilius). * Nonnulla de modis situni fcetus mutandi externis. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1866]. Bahr (Franciscus). * De malleo humido in orga- nismuin humanum translatio adjecta morbi histo- ria. [Cum vita.] 40pp., 41. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1840]. Bahr & Mittermayer. Einwirkung Madei- ra's auf Brustkranke. 98 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1861. Repr. from: Deutsche Klinik, 1861. Bahrdt (Robert Theodor). * Beitrag zur Aetio- logie des Herpes zoster. 34 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Th, Engelhardt, 1869. Bahuaud (Juhen). #De l'influence de la gros- sesse et de l'accouchement sur le developpement et la marche de la phthisie pulmonaire. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 82. Baier (Christophorus Guilielmus). *De gene- ratione insectorum in corpore humano. 32 pp. 4°. Altorfii Noricorum, typ. Joh. G. Meyeri, [1740], Baier (Ferdinandus Jacobus). *De morbis be- nignis. 20 pp. 4°. Altorfii, lit. M. D. Meyeri, 11728]. Baier (Ferdinandus Jacobus)—continued. -----. Animadver8ionum physico-medicarum in quasdam loca novi foederis D. N. I. C. Specimen i. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Altorfii, lit. M. D. Meyeri, [1728]. -----. * Expositionem veteris inscriptions de ^Esculapio et Hygea diis §iA.avQpa)itoiS. 54 pp. 4°. Altorfii Noric, S. Grebnere, 1742. -----. Oratio de pulminibus literatorum ordini fatalibus. Edito nova. 20 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Altorfii, apud S. Grebnerum, 1756. -----. De Claris pharmacopoeis histories naturalis amplificatoribus. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Norimbergce, lit. Sixianis, [1779]. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Baier (Joannes Jacobus). * De fungo articulorum. 42 pp. 8°. Wirceburgi, typ. F. E. Nitribitt, [ 1816]. Baier (Joh. Gothofred). * De mercurii in corpus humanum agendi modo secundum leges physicas. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Altorfii (Noric), Jo. G. Meyeri, 1739. [P., v. 77.] Baier (Joh. Guilielm.) Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Baier (Joh. Jacobus)1 [1677-1735]. * De ambra. 44 pp. 4°. Jence, typ. Christophori Erebsii, [1698]. -----. * De necessaria salivas inspectione ad con- servandam et restaurandam sanitatem. 28 pp. sm. 4°. [Jena;], typ. C. A. Zeitleri, [1698]. -----. * De capillis. 31 pp. 4°. Jenae, typ. Pauli Ehrichii, [1700]. -----. De longae vitate medicorum. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Altdorfi, lit. J. G. Kohlesii, [1705]. -----. Schediasma quo institutum sunm de Aurel. Cornel. Celso ad majorem philiatrorum utilita- tem accommodando aperit atque commendat. 8 1. sm. 4°. [ Altorfi Nor. ], typ. J. G. Kohlesii, [1720]. -----. Horti Medici Acad. Altorf. historia, accedit commemoratio celebriorum Germaniae hortorum botanico-medicorum. 6 p. 1., 56 pp. 4°. Altorfi, tipis Kohlesii, 1727. Bound with: Biographiae, etc. -----. Biographies professorum medicinae qui in Academia Altorfina unquam viverunt. 5 p. 1., 195 pp., 14 port. 4°. Norimbergce et Altorfii, haired. Tauberi, 1728. Contents: Taurellus, N.; Scherbius, P.; Sonerus, E.; Hoffmann, Casp.; Koessler, G.; Jungermann, L.; Hoff- mann, Maur.; Nicolai, Chr.; Bruno, J. P.; Hoffmann, Jo. Maur.; Apinus, J. L.; Baier, J. J.; Heister, L.; Jantke, Jo. J.; Schulze, J. H. -----. Introductio in medicinam forensem, et re- sponsa eiusdem argumenti. ... 4 p. 1., 196 pp. 4°. Francofurti et Lipsice, B. W. M. Endtcri cons. et vid. Engelbrechti, 1748. See, aho, Gross (Johann Matthias). Bibliotheca hydro- graphica, etc. 4°. Niirnberg, 1729. For hh Life, see Slevogt (Jo. Hadrian). Aho: Acta Acad. nat. curios., Korimb., 1737, iv, app. 35-48, 1 port. .For Portrait, see Collection of Ports, of Phys. & Men of Sc, pp. 149,150. AUo: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. -----& Charis (Joh. Fridericus). Problemata quasdam medica loco circularis exercitii. 16 pp. sm. 4°. [Altdorffi], typ. H. Meyeri, 1706. Baier (Joh. Jacobus)2. * De abusu purgantium in morbis veneris. 38 pp. 4°. Altorfii, typ. J. G. Meyeri, 1749. Baierische Annalen fiir Abhandlungen, Erfin- dungen und Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der Chirurgie, Augenheilkunst und Geburtshulfe. Hrsg. von Franz Reisinger. 1. Bandes 1. St. 1 v. 8°. Sulzbach, J. E. v. Seidel, 1824. Baierlacher (Eduard). Die Inductions-Elek- tricitiit in physiologisch-therapeutischer Bezie- hung bearbeitet. x, 261 pp., 1 pl. 8°. NUrn- berg, W. Schmid, 1857. Baikie (Robert). See Francke (H.) Outlines of a new theory of disease. 8°. New Tork, 1867. BAIL. 735 BAILLIE. Bail (S. Gustavus Hennericus). *De ossium luxuriatione. 25 pp., lpl. 4°. [n. p.], formis Brueschckianis, [1820]. Baildon. Lee (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a prehminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town- ship of Baildon, in the county of York. 8°. London, 1852. Baile (Marie-Dominique). * Considdrations gd- ndrales sur les points les plus importans de la mddecine pratique. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 11, v. 197. Bailey. See Western Medical Gazette. Bailey (Fredericus). * De dysenteria Britan- uiae vulgari. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy 4~ Walker, 1810. Bailey (J. W.) Microscopical observations made in South Carohna, Georgia, and Florida. Accep- ted for publication by the Smithsonian Institu- tion, v. 2, art. 8. 48 pp., 3 pl. 4°. New York, E. 0. Jenkins, [n. d.] -----. American Bacillaria: Part in. Echimellea and Lacernata. 14 pp., 2 pl. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts, 1842, xliii. -----. Some remarks on the navicula Spencerii, and on a still more difficult test object. 8* pp. 8C. New Haven, B. L. Hamlen, 1849. Repr. from: Am. J. Sc. Sc Arts, 1849, 2. s., vii -----. On a mode of giving permanent flexibiUty to brittle specimens in botany and zoology. 2 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d,] Repr. from : Am. J. Sc. & Arts. 1854, 2. s., xviii. Bailey (James S.) Trismus nascentium. 24 pp. 8°. Albany, The Argus Co., printers, 1871. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1871. Bailey (John). Observations relative to the use >• of belladonna in painful disorders of the head and face; illustrated by many cases, vni, 72 pp. 8°. London, W. Thome, 1818. Bailey (Loring W.) Notes on new species of mi- croscopical organisms, chiefly from the Para River, South America. 2 pl. 8°. Cambridge, H. 0. Houghton, 1861. Itepr.from: Boston J. Nat. Hist., vii. Bailey (M. J.) Report on the practical opera- tion of the law relating to the importation of adulterated aud spurious drugs, medicines, etc. 20 pp. 8°. New York, D. Fanshaw, 1849. Bailey (Rufus WilUam). An address deUvered I at the annual commencement of the Berkshire Medical Institution, Pittsfield, December 23,1824. I 24 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, P. Allen, 1825. Bailey (Wm.) Albuminuria. Read before the Kentucky State Medical Society, 1874. 14 pp. 8°.' Louisville, J. P. Morton 4- Co., 1874. Bailey's Springs. Farrar (S. C.) Remarks on the medicinal pro- perties of Bailey's spring, Lauderdale County, Ala., and Cooper's well, Hinds County, Miss. 8°. Jackson, 1854. Baillard (Eugene). * Du scorbut. 82 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 406. Baillarger (J.) Recherehes sur l'anatomie, la physiologie et la pathologie du systeme nerveux. xxxvi, 428 pp., 3 pis. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1872. -----. Mdmoire sur le mode de formation des cen- tres nerveux. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, Bourgogne 4r Martinet imp., 1843. Repr. from: Ann. med.-psych., Par. See, also, Annales medico-psychologiques. Baillarger (J.-G.-F.) *Du sidge de quelques hdmorrhagies mdningdes. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 475, v. 320. Baillat (J.-L.) * Essai sur les maladies vdnd- riennes chroniques, ddguisdes, ddgdndrdes et com- pliqudes. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 214, v. 48. Bailie (Albert). * De la cure radicale des hernies inguinales par le procddd de M. le Professeur Gerdy. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 17, v. (569. Bailie ( Andrd ). * De la chorde. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 208. Bailie (M.) * Sur les fievres intermittentes bd- uignes en gdndral. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 31, v. 221. Bailie (M.-J.-Jules). * Des proeddds d'accouche- ment prdmaturd artificiel. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 70, v. 612. Bailie (Marie-Louis-Jean-Baptiste-Aubin). * In- dications et contre-indications de l'accouchement prdmaturd artificiel. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 49. Baillean (Guillaume-Joseph). * Quelques con- siddrations sur les effluves. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 263, v. 582. Baillergeau (Eugene). * Dissertation sur le croup compliqud de 1'angine couenneuse, ou sur la diphthdrite. 27 pp. 4°. Parts, 1829, No. 108, v. 224. Baillet (C.) Zoologie vdtdrinaire; expdriences sur le cysticercus tenuicollis et sur le taenia qui rdsulte de sa transformation dans l'intestin du chien. 15 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Bayret, Pradel 4" Cie., 1861. [P., v. 799.] Baillet (Ch.-A.-Gustave). *De l'ictere rhuma- tismal. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 195. Baillet (L.) Traitd de l'inspection des viandes de boucherie considdrde dans ses rapports avec la zootechnie, la mddecine vdtdrinaire et l'hygiene pubUque. 2. dd. xvii, 700 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin 4- Cie., 1880. Bailleul. See Insane (Asylums for). Bailleul (Henri-Eugene). * Essai sur les abces froids idiopathiques, et sur leur traitement. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 96, v. 156. Bailleul (Louis). * Des abces du sein et do leur traitement. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 83. Bailleul (Louis-Amand). 'Dissertation sur la pleurdsie aigue. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 60, v. 205. Bailleux (Ch.-V.-E.) *I. De la glossite. II. [etc.] 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 132, v. 352. Bailleux (J.-B.-Napoldon). * Observation sur le tdtanos traumatique en Afrique. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 334, v. 316. Baillie. See, aho, Adams (Joseph). Observations on the can- cerous breast. 8°. London, 1801. Baillie (Matthew)1 [ 1760-1823 ]. The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body, xxvui, 314 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1793. -----. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., xxxvi, 460 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1797. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. 248 pp. 8°. Al- bany, Barber 4" Southwick, 1795. -----. The same. 2. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. x, 271 pp. 8°. Walpole, N. H., W. Fessenden, 1808. -----. The same. 3. Am. from 5. Lond. ed. xx, 288 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Hickman <# Hazzard, 1820. -----. Anatomie des krankhaften Baues von eini- gen der wichtigsten Theile im menschlichen Kor- per. Aus dem Englischen mit Zusiitzeu von S. Th. Sommering. xxviti, 268 pp. 8°. Berlin, Voss, 1794. -----. The same. Traduit de l'anglois, sur la derniere ddition, k laquelle l'auteur a ajoutd les notes et additions de la traduction allemande, par BAILLIE. 736 BAILLY. Baillie (Matthew)1—coutinued. Soemmering, par M. Farrell. xvi, 454 pp. 8°. Paris, Sampson, an XI [1803]. -----. A series of engravings, accompanied with explanations, which are intended to illustrate the morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body; divided into ten fasci- culi. 2. ed. ii, 228 pp., 72 pl. 4°. London, G. 4- W. Nichol, 1812. -----. Lectures and observations on medicine. 242 pp. 8°. London, Richard Taylor, 1825. See, aho, Lond. M. Reposit., 1825, xxiv, 515-539. -----. The works of ... To which is prefixed an account of his life, coUected from authentic sources by James Wardrop. 2 v. lxxi, 237 pp.; ' lxxn, 407 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst4" Co., 1825. See, aho, Robcrton (John). On the generative system. 8°. London, 1817. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) AUo: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. For hh Obituary, see Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1823-4, iv, 733-738. -----& Wardrop (J.) The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the body. To which are prefixed, preliminary observations on diseased structures. 36 p. 1., 305 pp. 12°. London, Longman, Rees, Orme 4~ Co., 1833. Baillie (Matthew)2. * Quaedam de apoplexia sanguinea complectens. 3 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, J. Moir, 1823. Bailliere (J.-B.) Catalogue gdndral des livres de mddecine, chirurgie, anatomie, physiologie, histoire natureUe, physique, chimie, pharmacie, francais et dtrangers. 188 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Bailliere, 1845. Bailliere (J. B.) et fils. Catalogue gdndral des livres de mddecine, de chirurgie, de pharmacie, des sciences accessoires et de l'art vdtdrinaire francais et dtrangers qui se trouvent chez J.-B. BaUliere et fils. 400 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie de E. Martinet, [n. d. ] -----. Catalogue des livres de mddecine, chirur- gie, anatomie, physiologie, histoire natureUe mddicale, chimie mddicale, pharmacie, art vdtd- rinaire. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, 1868. -----. Histoire de nos relations avec l'Acaddmie de mddecine 1827-71. Lettre adressde a MM. les membres de l'Acaddmie, pour servir de compld- meut au Bulletin de l'Acaddmie de mddecine (t. xxxvi). 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1872. Baillif (Louis-Ernst). * Du sommeil magndtique dans l'hystdrie. 1 p. 1., 71 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868, 3. s., No. 101. Baillod (Jean-Pierre). * Etude sur la rdtraction de l'apondvrose palmaire. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 127. Baillon (H.) Programme du cours d'histoire naturelle mddicale professd k la Facultd de mdde- cine de Paris. Prenuere partie: Zoologie mddi- cale. 71 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Savy, 1868. -----. The same. Deuxieme partie: Botanique gdndrale. 48 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Savy. 1878. -----. The same. Troisieine partie: Etude spd- ciale des plantes employdes en mddecine. 68 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Savy, 1878. Baillon (Henri-Ernest). * De la famille des aurantiacdes. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 208, v. 568. Baillot (J.-F.-J.-Henri). * Proposition sur quel- ques sujets de mddecine et de chirurgie. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 24, v. 257. de Baillou(GuiUaume). See Ballonius (Guilel- mus). BaillS (Pierre). *De la ponction aspiratrice hy- pogastrique de la vessie. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 95. Bailly. Notice sur les inconvdniens de I'organisa- tion du service de santd des hdpitaux militaires et des armdes. Suivie d'un projet d'organisation nouvelle. 25 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1831. Bail ly. Traitement de l'avortement. Lecon faite a. l'Hopital des cUniques en 1869. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Pougin, 1870. -----. D'un nouveau cdphalotribe dit cdphalo- tribe fenetrd. 11 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Chamerot, 1874. Bailly (AimS-Augustin). Joirc. Necrologie. A. A. Bailly [1797-1864]. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1864, 2. s., v, 92-96. Bailly (Aimd-Augustin-Placide). "Dissertation sur l'ergotisme, ou gangrene produite par le seigle ergotd. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 170, v. 159. Bailly (Charles). * Traitement des ovariotomi- sdes. Considdrations physiologiques sur la cas- tration de la femme. 116 pp. 4C. Paris. A. Parent, 1871, No. 104. Bailly (Emile). * Recherehes sur le diagnostic, la marche, et le traitement des abces de la fosse iUaque interne consdeutifs au mal de Pott. 39 pp. 4°. , Paris, 1856, No. 298, v. 582. Bailly (Etienne-Marin). * Quelques rdflexions sur le traitement des phlegmasies en gdndral. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 99, v. 132. -----.' Mdmoiie sur les diffdrens changements qui surviennent dans le systeme osseux, et dans les principaux organes de la nutrition et de la respi- ration, aux diifdrentes dpoqnes de l'accroissement de l'homme: pour servir a. l'dducation physique des enfans. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, Gueffier, [P., v. 489.] Repr. from: N. biblioth. med., 1824. -----. Recherehes physiologiques sur les fievres intermittentes pernicieuses, fonddes sur des ob- servations d'anatomie pathologique, faites k l'H6pital du Saint-Esprit de Rome, pendant l'dtd de 1822. 19 pp. 8°. Migneret. [P., v. 476.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. demed., Par. -----. Traitd anatomico-pathologique des fievres intermittentes simples et pernicieuses, fondd sur des observations cliniques. .. recueilUes en ItaUe, et principalement k l'H6pital du Saint-Esprit de Rome, pendant les anndes 1820-22. xvi, 533 pp., et appendice "Tableaux du mouvement des dif- fdrens hdpitaux de Rome". ' 63 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon 4- Cie., 1825. Bailly (Franciscus). An succus nutritius k san- guine di versus? proponebat Parisns Joannes- Damianus Chevalier. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, J. Quillan, 1715.] Bailly (J.) Essai gdologique et physique sur la possibilitd d'obtenir des eaux jaillissantes dans le ddpartement du Doubs, au moyen des puits artd- siens, lu k la Socidtd d'agriculture et arts, le 10. avril 1830. 20 pp. 8°. Besancon, C. Deis, 1830. Bailly (Jean Sylvain). Exposd des expdriences qui ont dtd faites pour l'examen du magndtisme animal. Lu a l'Acaddmie des sciences, en son nom et au nom de Messrs. Franklin, le Roy, de Bory et Lavoisier, le 4. septembre 1784. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, de Vimprimerie royale, 1784. [P., v. 850.] Bailly (Jules-Henri). * Essai sur l'hdrdditd dans les maladies. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1858, No. 425, v. 24. Bailly (N.-B.) *De Taction thdrapeutique des eaux thermales simples. 87 pp. 4C. Paris, 1844, No. 51, v. 411. Bailly (Pierre). *De la mydkte. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 169, v. 426. Bailly (Pierre-Hippolyte-Henri). "Clinique md- dicale de l'h6pital miUtaire du Roule. Etudes sur l'emploi thdrapeutique des prdparations arse- nicales, et sur le traitement du typhus cdrdbro- spiual (mdningite cdrdbro-spinale) par l'opium k BAILLY. 737 BAKE. Bailly (Pierre-Hippolyte-Henri)—continued. haute dose. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 226, v. 491. [Also, in: P., v. 51.] Bailly (Ulysse). * Des paralysies consdcutives k quelques maladies aigues. 130 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 19. Bailly De Renty (Alexandre). * Essai sur l'hygiene des troupes de terre. viu, 9-31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 98, v. 193. Baily. See [Vaughau (William)]. Directions for health natu- rali and artiflciall... 7. ed. . .. Treatises of approved me- dicines for all diseases of the eyes. 4°. London, 1633. Baily (Aegidius). *De hydrope anasarca. 16 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, C. Boutesteyn etfil., [1723]. Bain (Alexander). The senses and the intellect. xxxi, 614 pp. 8°. London, J. W. Parker, 1855. -----. Mind and body. The theories of their re- lation. 1 p. 1., 196 pp. 8°. New York, D. Apple- ton 4' Company, 1873. See, aho, Arnott (Neil). Elements of physics, or natu- ral philosophy. 8°. New York, 1877. Bain (Andreas). *De causis febrium nsdemque praecidendis. 1 p. 1., 41 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Bal- four 4' Smellie, 1780. Bain (Joseph). De la coca du Pdrou et de ses prdparations; faits relatifs a son action physiolo- gique et thdrapeutique. 12 pp. 12°. Paris, Asse- lin, 1877. Bainbridge (John Nathan). Biographical notice of J. N. Bainbridge. Med. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 131, 1 port. Bainbridge (Ricardus). * De rebus obstetricis. 45 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1824. Baines (M. A.) Excessive infant-mortality: how can it be stayed? A paper contributed to the National Social Science Association (London meeting); to which is added a short paper re- printed from the Lancet on infant-aUmentation, on artificial feeding as a substitute for breast- milk considered in its physical and social aspects. 20 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4- Sons, [n. d.] -----. The comparative properties of human and animal milks. A new theory as to "essences", and a new interpretation of some physiological facts. A paper read before a medical audience at the HaDover-Square rooms, Feb. 13, 1860, with a short account of the proceedings. 31 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, [I860]. Baines (T.) See .Lord (W. B.) Shifts and expedients of camp life, travels, and explorations. [2. ed.] roy. 8°. London, 1876. Bains. Morand. M6moire sur les eaux thermales de Bains en Lorraine, comparfies dans leurs effets avec les eaux ther- males de Plombilres dans la m6me province. Rec. p6riod. d'obs. demed., Par,, 1757, vi, 114-122. Baintner (Franciscus). * De praecipuis basibus vegetabilium salinis. 37 pp. 8°. Pestini, J. M. Trattner de Petroza, [1830]. Baird (Andreas Wood). *De erysipelate, quod nuper in hac urbe epidemicum fuit, ex exemplis apud nosocomium, et a?das privatas curatis, de- ducta. 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1823. [Also, in: P., v. 688.] B aird (Spencer F.) On the serpents of New York; with a notice of a species not hitherto included in the fauna of the State. 28 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1854. -----. The same. 56 pp. 4°. Washington, 1858. -----. Catalogue of North American mammals, chiefly in the museum of the Smithsonian Insti- tution. 21 pp. 4°. Washington, 1857. -----. Review of American birds, in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, pt. i, yi, 478 pp. 8°. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1864-72. In: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 181. 47 Baird (Spencer F.)—continued. -----, Brewer (T. M.), & Ridgway (R.) A history of North American birds. 3 v. roy. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown 4' Co., 1874. Baird (William). A dictionary of natural his- tory. Map. xvi, 613 pp. roy. 8°. London and Glasgow, R. Griffin 4- Co., 1860. Baireutlt. See, also, Insane (Asylums for). Hirach. Kurze Topographie der Stadt Bayreuth, zur Beurtheilung nachstehender Schilderung der seit 1810 da- selbst herrschenden Zeit- und Volks-Krankheiten. Ephem. d. Heilk., Bamb. & Wiirzb., 1811, iii, 181; 267. Bairo (Pietro). Novum, ac perutile opusculum de pestilentia; et de curatione ejusdem. 32 1. unp. 8°. Taurini, F. Silva, 1507. -----. De medendis humani corporis malis enchi- ridion, quod vulgo veni mecum vocanti, cui ad- junximus hac editione ejusdem authoris tracta- tum de peste. 15 p. 1., 664 pp. 12°. [Basillecef] apud P. Pernam, 1563. -----. Secretti medicinali I*K-\e quali si conte- gono i remedii che si possono usar in tutte l'infer- mita che vengono all'huomo, cominciando da capelli sino aUe piante de piedi. 261 if. 12°. Venetia, Salvador, 1585. -----. The same. 262 1. 12°. Venetia, Nicolo Tebaldini, 1602. Baisle (M.-A.) *Du traitement des dpanche- nients pleuraux par la thoracentese et les injec- tions ioddes. 39 pp. 4C. Paris, 1858, No. 299, v. 412. Baissade (P.) * De I'dtiologie de la diarrhde de Cochinchine dans ses rapports avec la fievre in- termittente. 39 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 70. Bai'sse (Auguste). * Etude sur les abces dos glandes vulvo-vaginales. 65 pp., 21. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1879, No. 15. Baitlier (Joannes Godofredus). * De noxis neo- terismi in medicina, et constituendo tribunaU medico cathoUco. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Tubinga}, litt. Reis 4" Schmidianis, [1806]. Baizeau. Mdmoire sur la ponction du pdricarde envisagde au poiut de vue chirurgical. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson 4- fils, 1868. Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par. Baizeau (Anacharsis). *Des causes et du traitement des fievres intermittentes. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 123, v. 411. Baizeau (Aristide-Lucien). * Dissertation sur les fistules k l'anus. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No.' 167, v. 218. Bajard (Alexandre). * Dissertation sur les phlegmasies des membranes sdreuses. 42 pp. 4°. Paris,, 1818, No. 80, v. 137. Bajard (EgaUtd-Hypolite). * Dissertation sur les scrophules. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 95, v. 156. Bajard (Jean-Francois). * Remarques sur l'ana- tomie chirurgicale du systeme musculaire. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 109, v. 147. Bajazed. Popoff (P. E.) Die Mineralquellen in den Bezirken von Bajazed und Diadin in der asiatischen Turkei. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1858, xv, 147. Bajon. Abhandlungen von Krankheiten auf der Insel Cayenne und dem franzosischen Guiane. Aus dem Franzosischen. 2 pts. in 1 v. 156, 135 pp. 8°. Erfurt, G. A. Keyser, 1781-4. Bake (H. A.) VerhandeUngen over het dierlyk magnetismus, door de heeren B. FrankUn, Ma- jault, Le Roy, Sallin, Bailly, D'Arcet, De Bory, Guillotin, Lavoisier. — Geoffroy, Desperrieres, Jeanroi, Defourcroy, Chambon en Vicq D'Azyr. Leeden van de koninglyke academie der weeten- schappen, en facultoit der geneeskunde te Parys, en door den koning gecommitteerd tot het on- BAKE. 738 BAKER. Bake (H. A.)—continued. derzoek weegens deeze zoo belangryke zaak. Vervattende zoo wel'de wyze van meededeeUng van het magnetismus, als de uitwerkzeleu, wel- ken men daarvau tewagten heeft, met zeer veele proeven bevestigd. Naar de engelsche vermeer- derde uitgaave. 1 p. 1., 140 pp. 8°. Leyden, by A. 4' J- Honkoop, 1791. [P., v. 772.] See, aho, van Ocuns (M.) De staatkundige hand- having, etc. 8°. Amst, 1801. Also: Verhandelingcn en waameemingen ter bevordering der Genees- Heel- ver- los- en Scheikunde. Bakel (Fort). Bkavmont (J.-C.) * Deux mots sur la topo- graphie mddicale du fort de Bakel, royaume de Galam. 4°. Paris, 1834. Verdikr (T.) * Contributions k la gdographie mddicale. Etude sur le poste de Bakel (Haut-Sd- ndgal). 4°. Paris, 1876. Baker (A. H.) See Cincinnati Medical News. Baker (Abner). See Crozier (C. W.) Life and trial of. . . 8°. Louis- ville, Ky., 1846. Baker (Benson). The sanitary condition of the poor in relation to disease, poverty, and crime, with an appendix on the control and prevention of infectious diseases. 3. ed., 30 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Tweedie, 1866. -----. On the influence of lead-poisoning in pro- ducing abortion and menorrhagia, with cases. 8 pp. 8°. London, J.' E. Adlard, 1867. Itepr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., v. 8. Baker (Charles). Catalogue of the Baker library [of works relating to the deaf aud dumb]. In: 18th ann. rep. Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1875, 13-37. Baker (Elisha). Essay on ulceration of the fangs ofthe teeth and the best method of cure. 11 pp. 8°. New York, American Society of Dental Sur- geons, 1841. [P., v. 227.] Baker (Frederick-Charles). "Essai sur les hal- lucinatious des sens. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 13, v. 190. Baker (George)1. The practise of the new and old phisicke, wherein is contained the most ex- cellent secrets of phisicke and philosophie, de- vided into foure bookes. In the which are the best approved remedies for the diseases as well iuward as outward, of al the parts of mans body: treating very amplie of al distillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extrac- tion of artificiall saltes, the use and preparation of autimotiy, and potable gold, gathered out of tbe best & most approved authors, by that ex- cellent Doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instruments thereunto belonging. Newly cor- rected and published in English. 10 p. 1., 256 ff. sm. 4°. London, printed bg Peter Short, 1599. Baker (George)1 [1721-1809]. *De affectibus auimi et morbis inde oriundis. v, 34 pp. sm. 4°. Cantabrigii, typ. J. Bentham, 1755. -----. De catarrho et de dysenteria Londineusi, epidemicis utrisque. An. m.dec.lxii. Libellus. 2 p. 1., 48 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Londini, Richardson &■ Clark, 1764. [P., v. 632.] Aho, in: Sanditokt, Diss., v. 2. -----. An inquiry into the merits of a method of inoculatiug the sniall-pox, which is now practised in several counties of England. 2 p. 1., 68 pp., 1 tab. 8°. London, J. Dodsley, 1766. -----. The same. 2. ed. 68 pp. 8°. London, J. Dodsley, 1766. -----. An essay concerning the cause of the ende- mial colic of Devonshire, which was read in the theatre of the College of Physicians, in London, on the twenty-ninth day of June, 1767. 1 p. 1. 60 pp. 8°. London, J. Hughs, 1767. Baker (George)2—continued. -----. Medical tracts—read at the College of Physicians—between the vrs. 1767 & l?H,r>. 803 pp.' 8°. London, W. Buhner $ Co., 1818. See, also, Flemyng (Malcolm). Adhesions, or accre- tions of the lungs fo the pleura. 8°. London. 1762. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1703. Aho: 4»la*n (Thomas). A lottertp. .. 8°. London, 1707. Also: Pugh (Benjamin). Observations on the climates of Naples, etc. 8°. London, 1784. For Life, see Aikin (J.) Biog. mem. 8°. London, 1780, p. 161. Also: Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1810, vi, 127. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. AUo: Collection Portr. (Libr.) Baker (Gulielmus). * De natura principii vitalis. I p. 1., 27 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1821. Baker (Hayden M.) Letter from ... on the chemistry of bromo-chloralum, to Surgeon Wells ofthe U.' S. Navy. 8 1. 8~. [n. p., 1871.] Baker (Henry). The microscope made easy: or, 1st. The nature, uses, and magnifying powers of the best kind of microscopes, described, calcu- lated, and explained: . . . Together with full directions, how to prepare, apply, examine, and preserve all sorts of objects, and proper cautious to be observed iu viewing them. 2nd. An account of what surprizing discoveries have been already made by the microscope: . . . The third edition. With an additional plate of the solar microscope, and some farther accounts of the polype, xvi, 311 pp. 8°. London, R. Dodsley, 1744. -----. Employment for the microscope. (In two parts.) 442 pp. 8°. London, R. Dodsley, 1753. -----. Le microscope k la portde de tout le monde, ou description, caleul et explication do la nature, de l'usage, et de la force des meilleurs microscopes, [etc.] Traduit de l'anglois, . . . sur l'ddition de 1743. 101., 356 pp., 14 pl. 8°. Paris, Ch. A. Jombert, 1754. -----. Beytriige zu uiitzlichem und vergnugendem Gebrauch und Verbesserung des Microscopii in zwey Theilen. 9 p. 1., 576 pp., 8 1. sm. 8°. Augsburg, E. Klett, 1754. Baker (Henry B.) First annual address of the president of the [Lansing Scientific] Association. Read Nov. 2, 1875. 2 1. 8°. [«. p., n. d.] -----. A report on the death-rate of each sex in Michigan, and a comparison with Dr. Farr's life tables of healthy districts of England. With a statement concerning infant mortality in Michi- gan. 16 pp., 2 diagrams. 8J. Cambridge, River- side press, 1876. Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N. T., ii. See, also, Northrop (George J.) A case of puerperal septic fever. 8°. Detroit, Mich., 1877. Baker (James). Obituary notice of James Baker. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 85. Baker (Louise S.) A paper writtau for the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Mass., and read before the Suffolk County Medical Society in Boston, Feb. 22, 1879. 6 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1879.] Baker (Robert). Cursus osteologicus; beiug a compleat doctrine of the bones; according to tho newest and most retin'd notions of anatomy. To which is auuex'd by way of appendix, an excel- lent method of whiteuiug, cleansing, preparing, and uniting the bones, to form a movable skeleton wherein the bones may have the same motions as in a living subject. 4 p. 1., 125 pp., 1 tab. 12°. London, T. Leigh, 1699. Baker (Samuel). Memoir of Samuel Baker [1785-1835]. Maryland M. Sc S. J., Bait., 1840, i, 1-6, 1 port. Baker (Samuel George). University of Mary- land, under its original and perpetual charter of 1812. An introductory lecture, delivered before BAKEE. 739 BALAM. Baker (Samuel George)—continued. the medical class of the university, November, 1837. 32 pp. -----. Cases illustrative of some difficulties in the diagnosis of aneurism close to the heart. 14 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4- Boi/d, 1871. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1871. -----. Introductory address delivered at the open- ing of the Edinburgh Medical School, on the 3d Nov., 1873. 18 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4- Boyd, 1873. ibid., 1873. -----. Clinical lectures on diseases of the heart and aorta, xvi, 428 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, J. 4" A. Churchill, 1876. Sse, aho, Hiwlop (J. B.) Two cases of murrain (aphtha epizootica) in man. 8°. Edinburgh, 1863. 1 Balfour (Jacob Guilielm). *De episiorhaphia. 38 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], tgp.hered.Lindforsianorum, 1839. Balfour (John Hutton). Syllabus of a course of lectures on botany. 16 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. A probationary essay on purulent deposits after wounds aud operations. 3 p. 1., 80 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Balfour 4' Co., 1833. [Also, in: P., v. liO.] -----. Letter to R. K. Greville, being an an- swer to certain statements contained in a pam- phlet entitled "Singular specimens of the Edin- burgh practice of criticism, by John Joseph Grif- fin". 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. 4- C. Black, 1851. [Also, in: P., v. 687.] -----. Biographical sketch ofthe late Dr. Golding Bird, being an address to students delivered at the request of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society. 67 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, T. Constable 4- Co., 1855. See, also, Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Balfour (Robertus Andersonus). *De scarla- tina. 2 p. 1., 34 pp. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, C. C. v. d. Hoek, 1842. Balfour (T. Graham). Comparative health of seamen and soldiers, as shown by the naval and military statistical reports. 24 pp. 8°. Repr. from-: J. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1872. Balfour (Thomas). *De cortice peruviano. 2 p. 1., 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1774. Balfour (William). Observations on adhesion, with two cases, demoustrative of the powers of nature to reunite parts which have been, by acci- dent, totally separated from the animal system. 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackivood, 1814. -----. Observations, with cases illustrative of a new, simple, and expeditious mode of curing gout. 14 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. 4' C. Muirhead, 1816. Bound with his: Illustrations of the power of compres- sion, etc. 8°. Edinburgh, 1819. -----. Observations with cases illustrative of the sedative aud febrifuge powers of emetic tartar. 92 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Hill 4- Co., 1818. -----. Illustrations of the power of compression and percussion in the cure of rheumatism, gout, and debility of the extremities; and in promoting health and longevity. 2. ed. xvi, 275 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Hill 4- Co., 1819. -----. Illustrations of the power of emetic tartar, in the cure of fever, inflammation, and asthma; and in preventing consumption and apoplexy. From the 2. Edinb. ed. 84 pp. 8°. Lexington, Ky., J. W. Palmer, 1823. -----. Vindication of the pre-eminent efficacy of manual operations in the cure of rheumatic and nervous diseases, against the maUgnant and un- principled attempts of certain members of tho medical profession to decry and obstruct the practice. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, [J. Shaw]. [P., v. 809.] Ital Iron. See Insane (Asylums for). Balguy (Caroli). See JFordyce (Joanne). Historia febris miliaris. 8°. Londini, 1758. Balhadere (A.) * De la peUagre. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 147, v. 626. Balhorn (Henricus). *De commotionibus or- ganorum corporis humani in genere, et de commo- tione medulla? spinalis in specie. 24 pp. 8°. Wurzbnrgce, 1837. Balin. L'art de gudrir les hernies ou descentes. 4 p. 1., xxiv, 279 pp. 12°. Paris, imp. de He- rissant, 1768. BALINGEN. 744 BALLARD. Balingen. Oi-'ftekdixgki: (G. L.) * De fouto sulphureo Balingcnsi. 4°. Tubinga; [1802]. Arnold. Ucbcr die Sehwefclquellen im Obcramtsbe- zirk Balingen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1837, vii, 57-59. BaBisfa. Knight (J. "W.) Account of tho fin of tho balista. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1836, viii, 134-136, 1 pl. Balize. Hamilton (J. B.) Observations on tho endemic di- seases of British Honduras. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 105-111. Balk (Daniel Georgius). *De artis medica) re- lationibus ad rempublicam. 7 pp. 4°. [Dor- pat], typ. M. G. Grcnzii, 1802. -----. * Commeutatio medica, naturae virium vi- talium disquisitionem ac febris pathologium sis- tens. 18 pp. 4°. [Dorpat], typ. M. G. Grenzii, 1802. Balk (Laurentius). * Museum Adolpho-Frideri- ciamiin. 8°. Upsaliw, 1746. In: Linn. Diss., v. i. -----. * Diss. med. qua morbi evacuatorii sangui- nis adumbrantur, partem secundam. [Academia Upsaliensi.] 24 pp. sm. 4°. Stockholmia;, lit. L. Salvii, [1752]. Ball (Benjamin). *Du rhumatisme visceral. These pr£sent6e au concours pour l'agrdgation. 162 pp., 31., 2 tab., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1866. -----. Des arthropathies consecutives k l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1869. Repr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par. See, also, Charcot (J. M.) Lecons snr les maladies des vieillards, etc. 8°. Parh, 1867. Ball (Carl). * Ueber die Chopart'sche Operation und ihren therapeutischen Werth. 48 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1878. Ball (Gavinus). * De aure humana et ejus morbis complectens. 1 p. 1., 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Neill et soc, 1815. [P., v. 7;%.] Ball (Gulielmus). *De tabe mesenterica. 2 p. 1., 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour ct Smellie, 1773. Ball (Isaac). An analytical view of tbe animal economy. 90 pp., 1 pl. 16°. New York, G. J. Hunt, 1808. -----. The same. 3. ed. 164 pp. 8°. New York, S. Wood, 1808. Ball (John)1. A treatise of fevers: wherein are set forth the causes, symptoms, diagnosticks, and prognosticks, of an acute, continual, intermittent, slow nervous, miliary, maUgnant, scarlet, erysipe- latoso, and hectic fever, or consumption, smaU- pox, measles, pleurisy, peripneumony, pleuro- peripneumony, and the spurious peripneumony. Together with tho method of cure according to modern practice, vii, 243 pp. 8°. London, J. Scott, 1758. -----. The modern practice of physic: or, a method of judiciously treating the several disor- ders incident to the human body. 2. ed. 2 v. x, 391 pp.; v, 376 pp. 8°. London, printed for A. Millar, 1762. Ball (John)2. Forcible and rapid dilatation of the cervix uteri, for the cure of dysmenorrhoea. With a new method of treatment for the perma- nent relief of flexion. 16 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1873. Extr. from a paper read before the Med. Soc. of Kings County, Juno 16, 1873. Ballais (Gaston). * Traitement de la phthisie. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 29, v. 479. Ballaild (Jean-Joseph). * Essai sur la maladie dite fievre putride ou adyuamique. x, 11-35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 242, v. 151 & 152. Ball and (Joseph-George). * Dissertation sur Futility do l'uuiou de la m6decine et do la chi- rurgie. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 139, v. 111. Ba Hand (Leopold - Gustave - Justin - S6bastin). *Des injections iodees dans le traitement des epanchements articulaires, et particulierement do l'hydarthrose. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 181. Ballandonnc (J.-fidouard). *De l'entorse. | 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 270, v. 612. B[alIano] (A[ntonio]). Diccionario de medi- cina y cirugia 6 biblioteca manual medico-qui- rurgica. 7 v. 8°. Madrid, en la imprenta real, 1805-7. -----. Diccionario de medicina, 6 biblioteca ma- nual medico-quirurgica. 7 v. 8°. Madrid, F. M. Davila, 1815-17. Ballard (Charles W.) See New York Dental Recorder. Ballard (Edward). The physical diagnosis of diseases of the abdomen, xi, 276 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Taylor, Walton 4" Maberly, 1852. -----. On pain after food: its causes and treat- ment, vi pp., 11., 136 pp. 8°. London, Walton 4- Maberly, 1854. -----. The annual oration on the advance of practical medicine during the past year, deU- vered before the North London Medical Society on February 14, 1855. 24 pp. 8°. London, A. 4- W. Hall, 1&55. [P., v. 527.] -----. On artificial digestion as a remedy in dys- pepsia, apepsia, and their results. 46 pp. 12°. London, Walton 4- Maberly, 1857. [P., v. 496.] -----. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 46 pp. 12°. London, Walton ap/AOY>js rov Si a/iuAou, jj toO Xevreveiov KaAov/ixeVov eirifiea'- Ij.ov. 'larpucri Me'A«rat, 1854-5, ii, 67-80.—Rapport sur l'ouvrage du Dr. Seutin, ayant pour titre: Du bandage amidonne, ou recucd de toutes les pieces compos6es sur ce bandage depuis son origine jusqu'& ce jour. [MM. De Meyer et Buys commissaires; Vert6, rapporteur.] Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges. 1840, i, 174-181.—Richardson (B. W.) Wathen's cutting forceps for starch bandages. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1871, Iii, 293.—Ross (G.) The glue bandage as a primary setting for fractured limbs. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viii, 241-243.—Roubaix. Lettre a l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique sur la question historique du bandage amovo-inainoviblo. Gaz. med. de Par., 1846, 3. s., i, 662-664. Also, Reprint.—Royston (C.) The "starched apparatus". Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 623.—dc Sanctis (T. L.) Imprevidenza dell'apparecchio amidato, neUe fratture. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1866, xx. 78-81.—Seutin. Sur Tap- pareU amidonn^. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1840, 2. s., ii, 465; 473; 477. -----. Expos6 complet de la methode amovo-ina- movible. [Rap. de M. Marinus.] BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1847-8, vii, 387-389. -----. Traite de la methode amovo-inamovible, comprenant des recherehes historiques sur l'origine et la constitution de cette me- thode; 1'expose de ses principes, de ses caracteres et de ses precedes, et ses applications cliniques aux divers ordres de lesions et maladies chirurgicales. Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1849, ii, 1-324. Aho: Review in Ann. Soc. dc med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Malines, 1850, viii, 157-168. -----. Traite de la methode amovo-inamovible. Arch, do la med. beige, Brux., 1850, xxxi, 87; 133; 205; xxxii, 12; 73; 145; 217; 289; xxxiii, 1; 73; 145: 1851, xxxv, 1; 61.—Sponholz (G. H.) Einige Worte iiber die Be- hancUung der Knochenbriiche mit dem Seutin'schen Klcis- ter-Verbande. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb., 1848, ii, 191-194.—Vanmeerbeeek (P. J.) Memoire snr quel- ques modifications a apporter au bandage amidonne du pro- fesseur Seutin. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, Brux., 1840, 282; 379; 393. Aho: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1840, ii, 246; iii, 164; 273.—Verhaeghe. Fracture compliqu6e de la jambe, traitee par l'appareil amidonne. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges, 1840, i, 19-25.—Winchester (W. H.) The "starched apparatus". Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1854, n. s., ix, 648.—Worthington (E. D.) On the glue bandage in fractures. Canada M. J., Montreal, 1872, viii, 394-399. Bandages (Suspensory). Cross (T. B.) On a new form of suspender with cross- piece. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1879, n. s., vi, 45.—Effets (Des) facheux qui resultent de l'usage trop prolonge du sus- pensoire, et de ceux qui sont la suite de la mauvaise con- formation de ce bandage. Hygie, Par., 1827, i, 143-148.— de Oortcr (J.) De sustentaculorum vario usu. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1752, ix, 316-329. — Keetley (C. B.) An improved suspensory bandage. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1879, n. s., xxvii, 521.—Klainann. Der Horand'sche Verband. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1879-80, n. F., xiv. 370.—Liickc. Die Hodensackschwebe. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 420, 1 pl. — Van- ccon. Note sur un nouveau modele de suspensoir destine a maintenir les pansements de la verge et a. proteger cet organe lorsqu'U est malade. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par., 1860, 2. s., ii, 94. Bandages (Tar). Lcitner (C. B.) The tar bandage. Tr. Georgia M. Ass., 1878, xxix, 250-252. Bandelow (Ernestus). *De diabete mellito. 31 pp. 8J. BiroUtii, typ. Nietackianis, [1838]. Bandiaiius (Ang. Mar.) See Nicander. Theriaca et alexipharmaca. 8°. Flo- rentice, 1764. BANDISCH. 758 BANGOE. Bandisch (Otto Henricus). * De tussi convul- siva. 48 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Prussorum, C. Paschke, [183G]. Bandl (Ludwig). Ueber das Verhalten des Ute- rus und Cervix in der Schwangerschaft und wah- rend der Geburt. 57 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1876. -----. Ueber Blutgeschwiilste des weiblichen Beckens, deren Diagnose und Behandlung. In: Wien. Klinik, 1879, v, 165-200. -----. Die Krankheiten der Tuben, der Liga- mente, des Beckenperitoniium und des Becken- zellgewebes. vi,202pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1879. 5. Abschn. Handb. d. Frauenkrankh. (Billroth). Also: Handb. d. allg. u. spec. Chir., Stuttg., 1879, iv, 1. Abth., A, No. 5, 1-192. Bandlin (August). * Zur Kenntniss der umspin- nenden Spiralfasern des Bindegewebes. 18 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, Ziireher 4- Furrer, 1858. Bandlin (O.) Die Gifte und ihre Gegengifte. 3 v. in 1. 8°. Basel, H. Richter, 1869-73. den Bandt (Hubertus). See Kemper (J. M.) Exhibens qusestionum nonnul- larum syUogen. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1815. Banester (John). (Banister.) A needefull, new, and uecessarie treatise of cbyrurgerie, briefly com- prehending the generall and particuler curation of ulcers, drawen foorth of sundrie worthy wryters, but especially of Antonius Calmeteus Vergesatus, and Joannes Tagaltius. Hereunto is annexed certaine experiraentes of mine owne invention, truely tried, and daily of me practised. 138 ff. 16°. London, T. Marshe, 1575. ——. The historie of man, sucked from the sappe of the most approued anathomistes in this present age, compiled in most compendious fourme, and now published in English, for the utilitie of all godly chirurgians, within this realme. 112 ff. 4°. London, J. Daye, 1578. -----. The workes of that famous Chyrurgian, ... by him digested into five bookes. ... To which is added a treatise for distilling of Oyles, [etc.] 6 p. 1., 296 pp., 3 1. 4°. London, T. Har- per, 1633. The first five books treating of tumors, wounds, nlcers, fractures and luxations, are translated from Wecker. The fifth book has a separate title-page and pagination, as has also the treatise for distilling. See the foUowing. -----. An Antidotary Chirurgicall: or a store- house of all sorts of Medicines that commonly fall into the Chyrurgiaus use. ... 8 p. 1., 223 pp., 8 1. 4°. London, T. Harper, 1633. Forms book 5 of the preceding. ■ A treatise of Chirurgerie: Briefly compre- hending the generall and particular curation of ulcers. Collected out of se verall famous authors, especially Antonius Calmeteus Vergesatus, and Johannes Tagaltius. 8 p. 1., 166 pp. 4°. Lon- don, T. Harper, 1633. Bound with hh: The workes of, etc. 4°. London, 1633. For Biographical Memoir, see Aikin (J.) Biog. mem. 8°. London, 1780, pp. 163-166. Banff*. See Hospitals ( Construction of ). Bang: (Friderichus Ludovicus). *De ruina na- turae vi ipsius naturae in corpore humano seu de morte sine quam moderato opponentium exainini. Suppetias afferente Jano Bnchave. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Hafnia, lit. N. Molleri, [1767]. -----. * De usu medico acidi vitriolici. 101 pp. sm. 4°. Haunia, typ. A. F. Steinii, [1773]. -----. Selecta diarii nosocomii Reg. Frider. Haf- niensis. 2 v. 1782-7, lvi, 304, 410 pp., 8 pp. Hafnia, lit. Gimmelkiarianis, [1789]. -----. Auswahl aus den Tagebiichern des Konig- lichen Friedrichs Krankenhauses zu Copenhagen. Erster Theil, welcher die Jahre 1782, 1783, 1784, Bang1 (Friderichus Ludovicus)—continued. enthiilt. Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt durch Johann Heinrich Jugler. xxxvi, 330 pp. 8°. Copenhagen u. Leipzig, C. G. Proft, 1790. Bang (Janus). Hominis proportio. Diss, re- spondente Georgio Gynthero Werlich. [Coll. r^lersiani.] 20 pp. sm. 4°. Hafnia, typ. A. H. Godiche, [1762]. -----. Partus secundus vel placentae propulsio. 8 pp. sm. 4°. Hafnia, typ. A. H. Godiche, [1765], -----. Nervorum cervjcalium anatome. In: Scriptores nour. min. sel., 1791, v. 1. Bang (O.) Index morborum internorum syste- maticus. Prasmissis de nosogenesi aphorismis. 36 pp. 8°. Haunia, typ. Thielianis, 1855. -----. Aphorismi de nosogenesi. Accedit practica morborum classificatio. Editio nova. 16 pp. 8°. Hav nice, F. Hegel, 1870. -----. Vi og vor indre Collega. En nosogenetisk ogtherapeutisk Skizze. 18 pp. 8°. Kjobenhavn, Thieles Bogtrykkeri, 1872. -----. Den almindelige Therapie. Anden omar- beidede Udgave. 45 pp. 8°. Kjfbenhavn, T. Bogtrykkeri, 1873. Bang (Olaus Lundt) [1788-1877]. Observationes medicas in praxi privata collectas. 71 pp. 4°. Havnia, typ. Schnltzianis, 1822. -----. Die medicinische Klinik des Konigl. Fre- deriks-Hospital zu Kopenbagen. Aus dem Diini- schen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen, von Dr. J. F. W. Nevermann. iv, 255 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Rieger, 1851. For hh Obituary, see Ugesk. f. Laeger., Kjebenh., 1877, 3. r., xxiv, 393-395. Banga (Heinrich). *Die Kolpoperineoplastik nach Bischoff, ein neues Verfahren zur operativen Behandlung des Gebiiriuuttervorfalles. 38 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Basel, F. Riehm, 1875. -----. The same. 38 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Basel, F. Riehm, 1875. Banga (J.) Geschiedenis van de geneeskunde en van hare beoefenaaren in Nederland, voor en na de stichting der Hoogeschool te Leiden tot aan den dood van Boerhaave; uit de bronnen toegelicht. 2 v. viii, 903 pp. 8°. Leeuwarden, W. Eckhoff, 1868. Banga (Jelle). Verhandeling over de epide- mische ziekte welke gedurende 1826 in de noor- delijke provincien der Nederlanden geheerscht heeft. viii, 159 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, P. Meyer Warnars, 1828. Bangalore. See, also, Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of). ITIouat (J.) On the climate of Bangalore and the pre- valence of hepatitis at that station. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1833, vi, 1-32.-----. On epidemic disease's which occurred at Bangalore during the year 1833. Ibid., 1835, vii, I it. 2, 282-343. -----. Observations on diseases at Banga- ore, from the annual report of H. M. 13th light dragoons, for 1838. Madras Q. M. J., 1840, ii, 1-29.—Nicholson (E.) Medico-topographical account of the station of Bangalore. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1873, Lond., 1875, (app.), xv, 313-325, 2 pl. Bangold (Jos. Konr.) Ueber die Cholera. 48 pp. 8°. Stuttgart u. Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 1849. Bangor, Maine. Mayor's inaugural address. Also the annual reports of the several depart- ments of Bangor, Maine, and the receipts and expenditures lor the years 1866-7—1872-3. 8°. Bangor, 1867-73. | Bangor, Wales. Clahk (G. T.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewe- rage, drainage, and supply of water, and the .sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the borough of Bangor. 8°. London, 1849. -----. . . . further inquiry into the sewerage, BANGOR. 759 BANTEIGNIE, Bangor, Wales. drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the borough of Bangor, in the county of Carnarvon. 8°. Lon- don, 1850. Bangszel (E.) Der Schumacher Haamann in Heubude und seine Wundertropfen wider die Cholera. Zweitcr Bogen. Naclirichten fiir Jeder- mann. 2. Aufl. 16 pp. 12°. Danzig, S. Anhuth, 1831. [P., v. 739.] Banister (John). See Banester. Banister (Richard). A treatise of one hundred and thirteeue diseases of the eyes and eye-liddes. The second time published, with some profitable additions of certaine principles and experiments. 2 ed. 237 1. 16°. London, T. Man, 1622. For Biogranhical Memoir, see Aikin (J.) Biog. mem. 8°. London, 1780, pp. 214-218. Banister (Theodoricus B.) *De usu aquae fri- gida;externo. Ip. l.,32pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Neill et soc, 1804. [P., v. 30.] Banjoemas. minerale wateren in de residentie Banjoemas. Na- tuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1859-60, xx, 104. Banjoewedan. Altheer (J. J.) Scheikundig onderzoek van het mine- raalwater Banjoewedan in Stroat Bali. Natuurk. Tydschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1855, ix, 101-109. von der Bank (Henricus Hilgerus). * De pur- pura hamiorrhagica, addita nova hujus morbi observatione. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackia- nis, [1840]. Bank (Jan Tjerksz van der). See Tjerksz van der Bank (Jan). Bankhead (Carolus). *De hysteria. 2 p. 1., 39 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, Balfour el Smellie, 1790. Bankier (James). Essay on the origin, progress, and treatment of cholera, with remarks on berri- berri and diet as connected with endemics and epidemics, vii, 450 pp. 8°. Madras, J. B. Pha- roah, 1835. ■-----. Essays on the origin, progress, and treat- ment of dysentery and erysipelas; to which is added an inquiry into the nature, causes, and treatment of pseudo buboes, vii, 547 pp. 8°. Madras, J. B. Pharoah, 1835. Banks (J. Tatam). On nervous disorders, and nervousness lapsing into melancholia and in- sanity, viii, 55 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1*5*. ■-----. On the loss of language in cerebral disease. 20 pp. 8C. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1865. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865. Banks (Sir Joseph). See Smyth (James C.) An account of the effects of swinging. 8°. London, 1787. Aho: Duncan (A.) sen. A short account of the life of Sir Joseph Banks. 8°. Edinburgh, 1821. Banks (William Mitchell). On the Wolffian bodies of the fcetus, and their remains in the adult, including the development of the genera- tive system. 103pp., 6pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Mac- lachlan 4" Stewart, 1864. -----. On certain rapidly fatal cases of urethral fever following catheterism. 12 pp. 8°. Edin- burg, Oliver 4- Boyd, 1871. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1871. -----. Introductory address delivered at the open- ing of the Liverpool Royal Infirmary School of Medicine, session 1872-3. 24 pp. 8°. Liverpool, T. Brakell, 1872. Bankston (L.) See Southern Botanico Medi- cal College Journal. Also: Southern Medical Reformer and Review. Bannerman (Jacobus A.) * De dysenteria. 2 p. 1., 81 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, typ. G. Mudie etfil., 1796. Bannerth (Benedictus). *De ophthalmia sy- philitica. 26 pp. 4°. Vratislavia, e typographeo Grassio-Barthiano, 1814. Bannerth (Florianus). * Naturae conaminum in ossibus laesis sanandis indagatio anatomica- physiologica. vi,50pp.,2pl. 4°. Bonna,Thor- mannianis, [1831]. Banning (E.) Spinal symmetry and deformity. 44 pp. 8°. [1868.] Banning (Edmund P.) Popular lectures on the mechanical nature and physical cure of chronic diseases of the human trunk. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Boston, prtd. by S. N. Dickinson, 1844. -----. Common sense on chronic diseases, or a rational treatise on tho mechanical cause and cure of many affections of the visceral organs of both the male and female systems. 6. ed. viii, 199 pp., 11., 10 pl. 8°. New York, Paine 4- Bur- gess, 1846. -----. The same. 21. ed. Together with two lectures by the author: I. His lecture on the philosophy of the human voice, containing im- portant hints to public speakers and singers. II. His lecture on dress, laying down the rules for the regulation of male and female attire, xii, 341 pp. 8U. New Tork, E. P. Banning. -----. Explanation of the principles and action of Dr. Banning's braces, spinal supporters, [etc.] 32 pp. 8°. New York, Bauer 4- Palmer, 1850. -----. An essay ou the prevention and cure of vocal, pulmonary, dyspeptic, nervous, spinal, fe- male, uterine, and child-bed weaknesses, and also of hernia, piles, and prolapsus-ani, etc., by me- chanical supports. 32 pp. 8°. New York, 1850. -----. The same. 31 pp. 8°. Neio York, 1852. -----. The same. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. New York, 1853. -----. A peep into the house you live in: an es- say on the causes of some of the ailments to which flesh is heir, and on the value of mechani- cal appliances in their treatment. 64 pp. 12°. New York, 1872. Banning (Florentius). *De herba nicotianae. XO pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, L1824]. Banning (Thomas Haines). * De angina pecto- ris. 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy et Walker, 1809. [Also, in: P., v. 385.] Bannister (H. M.) See Chicago Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Banon (Awly P.) Observations on hermaphro- ditism, illustrated by a remarkable case. 23 pp. 2 pl. 8°. Dublin, Hodges 4- Smith, 1852. [P., v. 590.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc.. 1852. Banon (Barth. Hono. Theophile). * Dissertation sur la pleur6sie. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 7, v. 213. Banon (Barthelemy-Honor6). * Dissertation sur la fistule k l'anus. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 185, v. 195. Banse (J.-C.) * Essai sur l'empyeme et les e"pancheinens de pus dans la cavite' de la poitrine. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIV [1805], No. 556, v. 59. Bansen (Max). * Ueber Aetiologie des Typhus abdominalis. Universitat Zurich. 61 pp., 1 map, 11. 8°. Winterthur, J. Westfehling, 1872. -----. The same. 2. ed. 61 pp., 1 map. 8°. Schaffhausen, C. Baader, 1872. Bantam. Benscn (C. A.) Natuur-en geneeskundige topographie der residentie Bantam. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. "Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1857, v. 967- 1061. Banteignie (Leon). * De l'ergot de seigle et de son emploi en obstetrique. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 12. BANTI. 760 BARADUC. Banti (Guido). Le cellule piane di connettivo nei loro rapporti colle ueoplasie inflammatorie e cellule gigantesche. 19 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Firenze, 1879.] Repr. from: Arch. d. Scuola d'anat. patol. di Firenze, 1879, i, ------. Contributo alio studio delle pneumoniti da infezione. 19 pp. 8°. [Firenze, Cenniniana, 1879.] Repr. from: Sperimentale, 1879. Banting (William). Letter on corpulence, ad- dressed to the public. 2. ed., with addenda. 32 pp. 8°. London, Harrison 4" Sons, 1863. ------. The same. 3. ed. iv, 5-50 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Harrison, 1864. ------. The same. 3. ed. iv, 45 pp. 8°. London, Harrison, 1864. [P., v. 812.] ------. The same. 3. ed., with addenda. 22 pp. 8°. New York, Mohun, Ebbs Sr Hough, 1864. ------. The same. 3. ed., with addenda, and re- marks bv Mr. Harvey. 36 pp. 8°. New York, Mohun, Ebbs 4- Hough, 1864. Cover says 4. ed., N. T., 1865. ------. The same. 4. ed., with prefatory remarks by the author, copious information from corre- spondents, and confirmatory evidence of the benefit of the dietary system which he recom- mended to public notice, xvi, 127 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Harrison, 1869. Bantingism. See Obesity. Bantock (George Granville). On the treatment of rupture of the female perineum immediate and remote. 51 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, J. 4" A. Churchill, 1878. Banton (Louis). * Essai sur les fievres intermit- tentes ordinaires, suivi de propositions de me'de- cine et de chirurgie. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 44, v. 239. Banyer (Henry). See van Home (Johannes). Micro-techne. 12°. Lon- don, 1717. Banzer (Georg). * Die Krankheits-Constitution zu Bamberg iu den Jahren 1834 und 1835. [Uni- versitat zu Erlangen.] 50 pp. sm. 4°. Bam- berg, J. M. Reindl, 1835. Banzer (Philipp). * Ueber Scrophelu. 46 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. Becker, 1838. Banzoline (Paul-Emile). *De Pintoxication saturnine consider6e specialement au point de vue de traitement. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 32. Baphiades (Demetrius C.) * Ueber die Ranula. [Univ. zu Wiirzburg.] 35 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wien, Seidl-Mayer, [1876]. Bapst den Eltern (Michaelis). Wunderbar- liches Leib und Wund-Artzneybuch. Darinnen neben vielen Denckwirdigen, niitzlichen und heilsamen Dingen, Geschichten, Kunststiicken, unnd Experimenten, vornemlich von dem schwe- ren Gebrechen, oder hinfallenden Kranckheit, und derselben Cura, aussfiirlicher Bericht zu befinden, etc. Aus vieler hochgelarter Ertzte Biicher, und eigener Erfahrunge mit allem Fleiss, den gemeiuen Haussvatern, zu nutz und heilsa- men Unterricht, zusammen getragen unnd be- schrieben. 2 Th. 3 p. 1., 219 ff., 12 1.; 3 p. 1., 240 ff., 5 1. 4°. Eiszleben, Henning, 1596-7. Title 2. Th.: Darinnen neben vielen Heilsamen Experi- menten und Kunstlichen Stiicken, auch Vornemlichen zu befinden, wozu das Blut der Menschen, Vogel, Fische, Thiere, und Gewiirme dienstlichen, etc. Aus vielen der bewerten Alten und Newen Leibs und Wundartze Biicher, und eigener Erfahrung, mit Fleis zusammen gebracht. Baptault (Arthur). * Etude des causes de la sterilite" chez la femme. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 57. Baptism. Divel ( Amand-Adolphe). * Considerations sur les dangers du bapteme, administre' immddi- atement apres la naissance. 4°. Paris, 1831. Kotze (J. C. A.) * De sacramenti baptismatis administratione, civium neonatorum sanitati ac- commodanda. 4°. Viteberga, 1800. Sales-CJirons. Un mot sur le bapteme intra-ut6- rin dans la pratique des accouchements. Rev.m6d. franc. et etrang., Par., 1867, ii, 385; 590. —Thirion. Du bap- tfeme intra-ut6rin sans op6ration c6sarienne pr6alable. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1846, iv, 277-286.—Van- verts (A.) Du bapteme eu obst6trique. [From: J. d. sc. med. de Lille.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 276; 283. Aho, transl.: Osservatore,Torino, 1879, xv, 209; 225.—Verrier. Considerations sur le bapteme a administrer aux enfants en danger de mort. [Rap. de M. Marinus.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1867, 3. s., i, 626. Baptista (Abdon.) * Vantagens e desvantagens dos processos de amputacao em belacao ao cura- tivo e accidentes consecutivos. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bahia, F. Queirolo, 1874. Baptista (Isidore-Emile). * Des signes rationels des maladies du coeur. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 218, v. 534. Baquet (Francois). * Quelques considerations sur la cause des bruits cardiaques et artdriels. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 236, v. 503. Baquie (A.) * De la prophylaxie des fievres in- termittentes d'origine paludeenne. x, 66 pp., 41. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1865, No. 22. c. Baquie (Charles-Henri). Quelques considera- tions hygumiques et mddicales sur la campagne du transport 1'Allier aux Antilles et au Mexiquo, pendant l'annee 1862-3. 45 pp. 4°. Montpel- Uer, Boehm 4-fils, 1865, No. 15. c. Bar. ITIonnet de Champeix. Precis de l'examen chy- mique des eaux minerales de Bar et de Beaulieu en Au- vergne. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1764, xx, 420- 429. Bar (Arthur). * De la gastrostomie. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Christophe, 1865, 2. s., No. 877. Bar (Augustin-Henri). * Des adheYences du peri- carde au cceur. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 867. Bara (Charles). * De la dilatation de l'estomac. 66 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 331. Bara (Francois-Oscar). * Contributions a. l'etude de la coqueluche. 52 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 177. Bara(Stephanus Zagoni). *De theoria inflamma- tionis vulgari vensesectionem in curatione acuta- rum inflammationum male dirigente. 2 p. 1., 26 pp. sm. 4°. Gottinga, typ. J. F. Hageri, [1757]. For hh Life, see Richter (Georgius Gottlob). Baraban (Victor). * Du traitement des frac- tures de la rotule. Description d'un nouvel ap- pareil. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 37, v. 517. Barach (Moritz). *Der krankhafte Genita- lienschleimfluss des Weibes, oder der sogenannte weisse Fluss. 42 pp., 2 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1844. Baraduc. * Essai critique sur le traitement de la pneumonie tranche. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 189. Baraduc (A.) * Dissertation sur les hernies de l'estomac. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 320, v. 316. Baraduc (Hippolyte). * Des indications dans le traitement de l'attaque de I'hdmorrhagie cere- brale. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 259. Baraduc (Hippolyte-Andre"-Ponthion). * Rela- tion de quelques faits de chirurgie pratique et de medecine operatoire. I. Des complications du scorbut. II. [etc.] 77 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 92, v. 383. -----. Memoires sur les luxations de la clavicule et sur les plaies penetrantes des articulations. Relation de quelques faits de chirurgie pratique, BARADUC. 761 BARBAT. Baraduc (Hippolyte-Andre-Ponthion)—cont'd. de medecine operatoire et d'anatomie patholo- gique. 110 pp., 2 pl. 81. Paris, Mine. Ve. Bou- chard-Hazard, 1842. -----. Etudes theoriqnes et pratiques des affec- tions nerveuses considerees sous le rapport des modifications qu'operent sur elles la lumiere et la chaleur; theorie de l'inllammation; des ventou- ses vesicant es. 289 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1850. Baraduc (Hte.) De la luxation en arriere de la phalangette du ponce. 24 pp. 8-. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere 0. Barbier (A.-J.-Armand). *£tude sur la conva- lescence des maladies aigues. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 124. Barbier (Andre). * Etude sur le genu valgum. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 456. Barbier (Deodatus Ferdinandus). *De gravi- darum hygiene. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Leodii, F. Peru, [1828]. > J> Barbier (Eugene). * DePhemorrhagie cerebrale. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 162, v. 598. Barbier (Evariste-Fortune). * De la menstru- ation. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 58, v. 479. Barbier (G.-J.) 'Dissertation sur les hemor- rhagies uterines ou les pertes, considerees princi- palement pendant la grossesse. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 29, v. 294. Barbier (J.-A.) Propositions de chirurgie pra- tique, sur l'amputation a lambeaux, presentees k l'Ecole de medecine de Paris. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, de Vimp. de la r6publique, 1804. [P., v. 50.] Barbier (J. B. G.) Traite d'hygiene appliquee a la therapeutique. xvi, 339, 324 pp. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon-Marvis, 1811. -----. Reflexions sur les fievres. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon-Marvis, 1821. -----. Traite eiementaire de matiere medicale. 4. ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon-Marvis, 1837. -----. Elementos de materia medica arreglados k los principios fisiologicos adoptados por . . . Por el Doctor Don Jose Lorenzo Perez. [Extr. ] viii, 260, xxxiii pp. sm. 4°. Madrid, D. M. de Bur- gos, 1825. -----. Precis de nosologic et de therapeutique. 2v. iv, 667, 647 pp. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon-Mar- vis, 1827-8. Barbier (J.-F.) *I. Comment reconnaltre de chlorure d'etain melange avec la matiere des vo- missements. II. [etc.] 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 174, v. 321. Barbier (Jean-Marie-Gabriel). * Quelques re- flexions sommaires sur la pneumonie. vi, 7-19 pp. 4J. Paris, 1813, No. 168, v. 100. Barbier (L.) * Quelques considerations sur la superfetation. 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, No. 655, 2. s., v. 34. Barbier (Louis-Adolphe). * Essai sur la biepha- roplastie. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837,. No. 6, v. 306. Barbier (Michel-Victor). * De l'influence dela menstruation sur les maladies mentales. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 175, v. 479. Barbier (N.-M.-F.) * Des perforations non-trau- matiques du tube digestif et de la peritouite con- secutive. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 243, v. 301. Barbier (P. L.) Observation d'un cas de fistule vesico-intestinale suivie de considerations ana- tomo-physiologiques et pathologiques sur ses causes generates et son siege, x, 10-79 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris et Montpellier, G. Bailliere, 1843. Barbieri (Agostino). Cenni retrospettivi e rela- zione per l'anno 1865, sul cabinetto anatomo- patologico dell'Ospedale Maggiore di Milano. 88 pp. 8°. Milano, 1866. Barbieri (Luigi). See Hippocrates. Trattati di Mascalcia. 8°. Bologna, 1865. Barbier*. See Beriberi Barbienx (J.-B.) *I. Comment reconnaltre si l'huile de genifevre est falsitiee par l'hnile d'aspic t II. [ etc. ] 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 201, v. 352. Barbin (Gustave)1. *De l'habitation dans le voisinage des marais. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 123, v. 321. BarWin (Gustave)2. * De l'influence de diverses maladies et en particulier de la syphilis sur la grossesse. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 2. Barbin (Octave-Michel-Francois). *I. Dea principales formes de l'affection tuberculeuse des os. II. [etc.] 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 421, v. 335. Barbolain (Aug.) *Du systfeme lymphatique et du poumon. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 96, v. 147. Barborin (Jean). * De l'immobilite par le platre associee a la cauterisation transcurrente dans le traitement des tumeurs blanches. 32 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 222. Barbosa (Antonio Maria). Nota sobre a uretro- toniia interna a proposito de dois casos de apertos organicos da uretra curados por esta. operacao. Apresentada a Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 15 pp. 4°. Lisboa, 1864. -----. Nota sobre a ovariotomia lida na Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa em sessao de 19 de Abril de 1866. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lisboa, typ. da Academia, 1866. -----. O tratamento da angina diphtherica pelas flores de enxofre. 25 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1868. Barbo Soncin (A.) See Gazzetta medica italiaua, provincie venete. Barbot (Alexandre-Theobald). * Quelques con- siderations sur la fievre typhoide en general, quelques mots sur sa forme ataxique observee chez les enfants. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 22, v. 612. Barbot (Fernand). *Des principaux troubles fonctionnels pendant la grossesse. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 85, v. 598. Barbot (Gabriel). * Dissertation sur la pleure- sie aigue. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 216, v. 288. Barbot (Germain). * Recherehes sur les plantea du geure rhubarbe. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 45, v. 120. Barbot (Leon). * Etude sur le sarcome de l'or- bite. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 382, v. 1022. BARBOTAK 764 BARD. Barbotan. Desparsac (J.-B.-A.-L.) * Quelques conside- rations sur l'influence "physiologique et thera- peutique des eaux salines sulfureuses de Barbo- tan (Gcrs). 4°. Paris, 1856. Barbour (Thomas). Observations on intermit- tent, remittent and congestive fever: published by the medical class, vi, 7-48 pp. 8°. Saint Louis, D. Davies, 1845. See, aho, Missouri Medical and Surgical Journal. Barboza (Josephus Avellino). * De regionis calidse in morbis inducendis effectibus. 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et soc, 1799. Barbrau (E.-A.-Feiix). *De la metro-perito- nite puerperale, et de son traitement par le sul- fate de quinine a haute dose. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 198, v. 598. Barbrau (P.-E.-Henri). * Dissertation sur l'asthme. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 212. v. 275. Barby (Jean-Marie). * Essai sur la duodenite. 48 pp. 4C. Paris, 1836, No. 109, v. 297. Barcelona. See, also, Education (Medical); Insane (Asy- lums for). HI ay (V.) Estadistica demogrdfica m6dica de Barce- lona, ano 1878. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel., 1879, iii, suppl. to no. 20. Aho: Rev. de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1879, iii, 508-512. -----. Estadistica demogr&fica ni6dica de Barcelona, ano ii, 1879. Encicl. m6d.-farm., Barccl., 1880, no. 4, suppl.—Piorry (P. A.) Note relative k la topo- graphie medicale de Barcelone. J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1821, lxxvii, 271-275. Barcbewitz (Adolph. Guilel.) *De febris lac- tea} diagnosi atque curatione. viii, 8-39 pp. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1825]. Barcbewitz (Carolus Fridericus). Prsecipuse colicae pictonum species earumque medelse. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Trajecti ad Viadrum, typ. Apitzianis, [1793]. Barcbewitz (Ernst). Die Behandlung der Cho- lera in ihren verschiedenen Perioden und Graden. iv, 36 pp. 8°. Danzig, Fr. Sam. Gerhard, 1831. [Also, in: P., v. 169.] -----. Ueber die Cholera, nach eigener Beobach- tung in Russland und Preussen. xiv, 113 pp. 8°. Danzig, F. S. Gerhard, 1832. [P., v. 169.] Barcbewitz (Melchior Augustus). *Spicilegia ad phosphori urinarii usum internum medicum pertinentia. 32 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeb., ex off. Hendeliana, [1760]. Also, in: P., v. 620. Also, in: Sandifokt Diss., v. 1. Barchusen (Joannes Conrad.) Historia medi- cinse, in qua medicorum ratiocinia, dogmata [etc.] pertractantur. 9 p. 1., 632 pp., 18 1. 8°. Amsteladami, J. Wolters, 1710. -----. De medicina} origine et progressu disserta- tiones. In quibus medicorum sectse, institu- tiones, decreta, hypotheses, prseceptiones, etc. Ab initio medicinae usque ad nostra tempora tra- duntur. 7 p. 1., 679 pp. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, G. Paddenburg et G. Croon, 1723. 2. ed. of the preceding. -----. Collecta medicinne practicae generalis. Quibus subjunctus est dialogus de optima medi- corum secta. 7 p. 1., 512 pp. 8°. Amstelodami, R. 4- G. Wetstenias, 1715. Bank (Haraldus). *Vernatio arborum. 8°. Upsalia, 1753. In: Linn. Diss., v. 3. Barck (Oscar Ferdinand). See Bergstrand (Carl Henr.) Chirurgiska iakttagel- Ber. 8°. Upsala, 1842-8. Barckhausen (Gottlieb). For his Life, see Baldinger (Ernestus Godofredus). Barckhausen (Wilhelm). * Ueber Infusionen und Vollbiider aniKaninchen. 23 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, F. W. Kunike, 1875. Barclay (Andrew Whyte). A manual of medical diagnosis: being an analysis of the signs and symptoms of disease, xx, 612 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1857. -----. A manual of medical diagnosis. 3. ed. 669 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4r Sons, 1870. -----. Medical errors. Fallacies connected with the application of the inductive ^method of rea- soning to the science of medicine, vii, 123 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1864. -----. Gout and rheumatism in relation to di- sease of the heart, xvi, 214 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4" Sons, 1865. Barclay (Hermann). See Klingberg (Henr. Mat. Wilh.) De exstirpatjone uteri. 8°. ELavnice, 1817. Barclay (Jacobus). * De apoplexia sanguinea. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et soc, 1805. Barclay (James J.) An address commemorative ofthe virtues and services of Abraham B. Hutton, late principal of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Delivered October 4, 1870. 54 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 18f 0. Bound with: Reports of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Barclay (Joannes)1. * De inflammatione. 2 p. 1., 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, apud Balfour 4" Smellie, 1784. Barclay (Joannes)4 [1759 or 1760-1826]. *De anima seu principio vitali. 43 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, A. Neill, cum soc, 1796. [P., v. 4.] -----. A new anatomical nomnnclature, relating to the terms which are expressive of position and aspect in tho animal system, viii, 182 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Ross Sr Blackwood, 1803. [Also, in: P., v. 685.] -----. The muscular motions of the human body. xxi, 590 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Laing Sr C°-> 1808. -----. A description of the arteries of the body. xxii, xxix, 283 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Bryce 4' Co., 1812. -----. The same. 2. ed., corrected and improved. liii, 287 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Bradfute, 1820. -----. An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern, concerning life and organization, xv, 542 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Bradfute, 1822. -----. Introductory lectures to a course of ana- tomy, with a memoir of the life of the author. By George Ballingall. vi, xix, 169 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan Sr Stewart, 1827. [Also, in: P., v. 698.] For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Barco. Bertazzi (G.) Analisi dell'aqua di Barco. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1852, 3. s., iii, 275-278.—Tnuani (A. F.) Aqua minerale sulforoso-salina di Barco. Ibid., 205. Bard (Alphonse). Idees generates surle choiera- morbus, eon traitement preservatif et curatif. 3 p. 1., 59 pp. 8°. Paris, Delaunay, 1832. Bard (Guillaume). * Propositions et observations sur les fractures, suivies d'un apercu sur l'exten- Rion continuelle, en proposant le mecanisme du tour pour l'operer graduellement. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 96, v. 77. Bard (John). Memoir of the late John Bard. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., 2. ed., N. T.. 1814, i, 61-67, 1 port. Bard (Laurent-Entile). l£logc de Laurent-Emile Bard [1839-66]. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1866, xii, 622. Bard (Louis). * De la phthisie fibreuse chronique, ses rapports avec l'emphyseme pulmonaire et la- dilatation du cumr droit. 1 p. 1., 136 pp., 31., 3 pl. 4°. Lyon, 1879, No. 19. BARD. 765 BARDILI. Bard (Samuel) [1742-1821]. * De viribus opii. 47 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Donaldson, 1765. [Also, in: P., v. 647.] -----. An enquiry into tho nature, cause, and cure, of the angina suffocativa, or sore throat distemper, as it is commonly called by the inhabi- tants of this city and colony. 33 pp. 8°. New York, S. Inslee Sr A. Car, 1771. -----. A compendium of the theory and practice of midwifery, containing practical instructions for the management of women during pregnancy, in labour, and in childbed; calculated to correct the errors, and to improve the practice, of mid- wives ; as well as to serve as an introduction to the study of this art. For students and young practitioners. 239 pp., 19 pl. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Perkins, 1807. ■-----. The same. 2. ed., 255 pp. 8°. New York, Collins 4' Co., 1812. -----. The same. Illustrated by many cases, and particularly adapted to the use of students. 4. ed. viii pp., 11., 366 pp. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Co., 1817. -----. The same. 5. ed. viii, 1 1., 419 pp. 8°. New York, Collins «f- Co.y 1819. -----. A discourse on medical education, deli- vered at the medical commencement of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of the Univer- sitvof the State of New York, on the 6th of April, 1819. 28 pp. 8~. New York, C. S. Van Winkle, 1819. See, aho, Hosack (David). Observations on the ad- vantages of exposing 'wounds to the air after capital ope- rations. 8°. New York, 1813. For hh Obituary, see Am. M. Recorder, Phila., 1821, iv, 609-633 (H. "W. Ducachet). Aho: Lives of eminent Ame- rican Physicians, by S. D. Gross. Phila., 1861, 166-206 (J. P. White). -----& De "Witt (Benjamin). Memorial ofthe College of Physicians and Surgeons in the city of New York to the hon. the legislature of the State of New York [against granting an act of incorporation to the Medical Institution of New York. Mar. 26, 1816]. 9 pp. 8°. [New York, 1816.] Barde (Alfred). * De l'avortement, an double point de vue de l'art des accouchements et de la medecine legale. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 75, v. 626. Barde (Aug.) Clinique pour les maladies des yeux. Ses trois premieres annees d'existence. Compte rendu suivi de considerations sur l'ope- ration de la cataracte et celle de la pupille arti- ficiel le. 66 pp., 11. 8°. Genh-e, H. Georg, 1873. Barde (Julius Augustus). * De syphiliticis re- num affectionibus. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1863]. Bardeaux (Angelo). La prima sezione chirur- gica nello spedale- maggiore della Carita in No- vara diretta dal professore Bottini, cav. Enrico Ragguaglio del triennio 1866-8. Redatto per cura del prof. Bottini. 335 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Mi- lano, 1870. Bar del (F.-G.) Recherehes theoriques et pra- tiques sur le rhumatisme et la goutte. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, Panckoucke, an XI [1803], v. 22. Bardeleben (Adolf). Lehrbuch der Chirurgie und Operationslehre, mit freier Benutzung von Vidal's Traite de pathologie externe et de mede- cine operatoire, besonders fiir das Bediirfniss der Studirenden. 5. Ausg. 4 v. 8°. Berlin, G. Rei- mer, 1866-7. ■ Lehrbuch der Chirurgie und Operations- lehre, besonders fiir das Bediirfniss der Studiren- den. 8. Ausg. v. 1. xiv, 802 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1879. -----. Riickblick auf die Fortschritte der Chirur- gie in der zweiten Halfte dieses Jahrhunderts. Rede, gehalten zur Feier des Stiftungstages der Bardeleben (Adolf)—continued. militairarztlichen Bildungs-Anstalten am 2. Au- gust 1876. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, 1876. -----. Ueber die Theorie der Wunden mid die neueren Methoden der Wundbehandlung. Zwei Vortriige gehalten im wissenschaftlichen Verein in der Sing-Akadenue zu Berlin. 46 pp. fc°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1878. See, aho, Deutsche Zeitschrift for Chirurgie. Bardeleben (H. A.) Ueber die conservative Richtung der neueren Chirurgie. Festrede. 10 pp. H->. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1855. c. For Portrait, see Collection Portr. (Libr.) Bardeleben (Karl). * Ueber das traumatische Aneurysma arterioso-venosum. 29 pp. sm. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1871]. -----. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Wirbelsaule. 39 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Jena, H. Dabis, 1874. Bardenat (Jean-Philippe). 'Dissertation sur les rapports des periodes de la vie avec les mouve- mens periodiques de l'univers. viii, 9-25 pp. 4^ Paris, 1816, No. 229, v. 126. -----. Les recherehes physiologiques de Xav. Bichat sur la vie et la mort, refutees dans leurs doctrines, xvi, 428 pp. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere, 1824. Bardenet (Alfred-Joseph). * Essai sur la mort du fcetus pendant la grossesse. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 266, v. 503. Bardenheuer (Bernardus). * De partu prse- maturo. 31 pp., 1 1. 8°. BeroUni, G. Schade, 1864. c. -----. Jahres-Bericht iiber die chirurgische Tha- tigkeit im Coiner stadtischen Biirger-Hospitale, wahrend des Jahres 1875. 413, Iviv pp., 11. 8°. Coin, J. Mellingliaus, 1876. -----. Indicationen zur Anwendung des scharfen Loffels. 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Coin, J. Mellinghaus, 1877. Bardenheuer (Heinrich). * Ueber Leberabs- cess. 35 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1878. Bardenhewer (Bernardus). * De insania cum morbis pancreatis conjuncta. 28 pp. 4°. Bounce, typ. C. F. Thormanni, [1829]. B ardet (Antoine). * Dissertation sur l'hemopty- sie active et ses differentes especes. 53 pp. 4°. Parts, 1807, No. 32, v. 66. B ardet (Eugene). * Etude sur la pneumonie aigue primitive du sommet. viii, 9-72 pp., 11., 1 ch. 4°. MontpelUer, 1875, No. 51. Bardet (G.) * £tude physiologique et clinique sur la valeur therapeutique des trois alcaloides soporifiques de l'opium (codeine, morphine, nar- ceine). 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 535. Bardet (J.) * Des causes de la gangrene. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 186, v. 397. Bardet (M.) * Gastrite chronique de l'irritation ou de l'inflammation lente de l'estomac. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 75, v. 192. Bardet (P.-F.-Adolphe). * Dissertation sur la coqueluche. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 126,v. 224. Bardez (M.) * Quelques considerations gene- rales sur le traitement de l'asphyxie par submer- sion. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 325, v. 118. Bardicalet. Poggiale. Rapport sur 1'ean minerale de Bardicalet, commune de Maurens [Dordognel. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1861-2, xxvii, 1179-1185. Bardies (Guillaume). 'Dissertation sur l'eflu- cation physique des enfans, depuis la naissance jusqu'& l'epoque du sevrage. 16 pp. 4C. Paris, 1833, No. 160, v. 261. Bardili (Car. Guil. Adolph.) * Diss, inaug. de diosina crenata ejusque in morbis efficacia adjec- tis. 28 pp. 8°. Tubinga, typ. Schonhardtianis, [1830]. Bardili ( Christophorus Godofredus ). * Diss. philos. continens observatioues et explicationes BARDILI. 766 BARET. Bardili (Christophorus Godofredus)—continued. quasdam physicas, prsesertim meteorologicas. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Tubinga, lit. Sigmundianis, 1780. Bardin (Elie). * Propositions de medecine et de chirurgie. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 58, v. 164. Bardinal (Cheri Martial). * Des rapports des maladies aigues et chroniques du cceur avec les affections dites rhumatismales. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 122, v. 466. Bardinet (Bartheiemy-Alphonse). *I. La luxa- tion de l'occipital sur l'atlas. II. [etc. ] 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 82, v. 352. ------. filoge de F. Meiier, prononce dans la seance solennelle de rentree de l'Ecole de medecine et de pharmacie de Limoges le 15. novembre 1866. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1867. Bardol (Pierre-Clodomir). * Essai sur le rhuma- tisme articulaire aigu. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 271, v. 598. Bardon (Francois). * Coup-d'oeil general sur le mecanisme de l'accouchement naturel. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 134, v. 139. Bardon ( Jean-Leonard-Armand). * Quelques reflexions sur divers sujets de medecine et de chirurgie. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 211, v. 235. Bardon (Philippe). * Essai sur l'emploi thera- peutique du vesicatoire. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 144, v. 225. Bardorff (Carl). * Ueber Spondylitis cervicalis. (WUrzburg.) 28 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., H. L. Bronner, 1863. C. Bardoulat (Henry). * Essai sur le seigle ergote et sur son action sur l'economie animale, princi- palement pour acceierer l'accouchement et la de- livrance; suivi de quelques observations. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 264, v. 236. Bardout ( Claude-Martial). * Considerations generates sur la cessation du flux menstruel, et sur les precautions a prendre pour en prevenir les accidens ou les maladies, viii, 9-43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 97, v. 122. Bardout (Jacques-Alfred). * Idees generates sur le diagnostic des maladies. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 200, v. 491. Bardsley (James Lomax) [1801-76]. *Derabie canina. 2 p. 1., 84 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1823. ------. Hospital facts and observations, illustra- tive of the efficacy of the new remedies, strych- nia, brucia, acetate of morphia, veratria, iodine, etc., in several morbid conditions of the system, with a comparative view of the treatment of cho- rea, and some cases of diabetes, [etc. ] viii, 223 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Burgess Sr Hill, 1830. For his Obituary, see Brit. M. j., Lond., 1876, ii, 130. Bardsley (Samuel Argent) [1764-1850]. Medical reports of cases and experiments, with observa- tions chiefly derived from hospital practice; also, an enquiry into the origin of canine madness, and thoughts on a plan for its extirpation from the British Isles, viii, 336 pp. 8°. London, R. Bick- erstaff, 1807. For hh Obituary, see Lond. M. Gaz., 1850, n. s., xi, 41. Bardy (Victor). * De l'abces chronique du sein. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 166. Bareau (Charles). *Del'allaitement. 38pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 53, v. 550. Bareges. See, also, Barzum. Armieux. Etudes medicales sur Bareges. 1. partie: Topographie, le sol, le climat, les eaux. 2. partie: Action physiologique et pathogene- tique. 3. partie: Statistique et effets therapeu- tiques. 8°. Paris, 1870. Carrere (L. M.) * Quelques considerations sur l'action therapeutique des eaux sulfureuses de Bareges. 4°. Paris, 1851. Vincent (L.-A.) *Des eaux de Bareges et de leur emploi dans le traitement des maladies de la peau. 4°. Paris, 1867. Arniicux. Les eaux de Bareges sous sedatives de la circulation. Rev. ined. de Toulouse, 1868, ii, 33; 65.—Ba- rillc (A.) Notice sur les eaux min6ro-thermales de la val- lee de Bareges. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxxv, 313-336.—Baudens. Recherehes sur les pro- prietes physiques et chimiques des eaux thermales de la vallee de Bareges. Ibid., 1850, 2. s., v, 124-131.—Cham- ponillon. De la statistique officielle relative aux pro- prietes therapeutiques des eaux min6rales de Bareges, d'Am61ie-les-Bains, de Vichy, et de Bourbonne. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1870, 2. s., vii, 179-184. Also : Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxiv, 285-303.—Chrcs- tien. Lettre sur Tefficacit6 des eaux naturelles de Bar6- fes contre le pityriasis palmaria (dartre squameuse d'Ali- ert). Montpel. med., 1863, x, 468-475— Duplan (S.) M6moire sur l'emploi des eaux naturelles de Bar6ges dans le traitement des maladies des os. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1850, 2. s., v, 132-223.—Fegneux. Etude sur les eaux de Bar6ges pendant l'ete de 1869. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1870, xvi, 353-373. Aho: mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1870, 3. s., xxv, 147-165.— Filliol (E.) Analyse des eaux min6rales de Bareges. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1863, ix, 357-375. -----. Analyse sulfhydrometrique des sources et des piscines de Bareges; en contre-6preuve de l'analyse faite en 1862. Ibid., 1866, xiii, 109-113.—Case (J.-C.) NouveUes obser- vations sur les propri6t6s mddicales des eaux minerales naturelles de Bareges, adress6es au conseil de sant6. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1832, xxxii, 235-482.— Qrimaud. Recherehes sur l'etat de la circulation pen- dant la cure a Bareges. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1875, xx, 221-244.—Henry (O.) Rapport sur l'eau d'une source sulfureuse situ6e a Bar6ges. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1855-6, xxi, 607-610. — Koene. Notice relative a Taction des bains de Bar6ges et de l'oxy-sulfo-sulfate sodi- que dans la goutte, dans les affections rhumatismales et dans toutes les maladies qui reconnaissent pour cause une vice psorique. J. de ni6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1846, iv, 71-73.—Schaeuflelc. Note sur Taction des eaux de Bar6ges. Rec. de mem. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvii, 232-238. Barella. Note sur la pneumonie miasmatique ou zymotique. 23 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Mau- ceaux, [n. d.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1877, 3. s., xi. Barcllai (G.) Memoire sugli ospizi marini e scritti vari. 287 pp. 8°. Firenze, regia tipog., van Baren (J. E. Cohen). Sec Cohen van Ba- ren(J. E.) de Barenborg (Hermannus). * De diarrhoea ex principiis theorise incitationis. 51 pp. sm. 8°. Erlanga, typ. Hilpertianis, [1802]. Barendt (Joannes Godofredus). * De febre quar- tana intermittente. 56 pp. 4°. Jena, lit. Tennc- mannianis, [1757]. For his Life, see Stock!us (Joannes Christianus). Bare il ton (Antoine-Denis). * Essai sur la cho- ree ou danse de Saint-Guy. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 186, v. 150. Bares (Jean-Marie-Pierre). *I. De la prolonga- tion et la diminution du sommeil, sous le point de vue semeiologique. II. [etc.] 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 16, v. 335. Baret (Auguste). *Le tabac, les manufactures et les fumeurs, conclusions pratiques. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 533. Baret (Marcel). * Propositions sur quelques faits observes dans le midi de la France. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 237, v. 301. Bare. Lee (W.) Keport to the General Board of Health on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town- ship of Poulton, Bare, and Torrisholme, in the county of Lancaster. 8°. London, 1851. Bare (Alphonse-Theodore). "Considerations ge- nerates sur la revulsion. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 18^7, No. 8, v. 213. Bare(fimile). *De l'asthme. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 48. BAEET. 767 BARKAN. Baret (Pierre-Gustave). * Essai sur la necessite de l'operation du trepan dans les plaies de tete par armes k feu. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 165, v. 112. [Also: P., v. 50.] Baret-D'Auriollc (Francois). * Essai sur l'ul- cere simple de l'uterus. 17 pp. 4-. Paris, 1829, No. 106, v. 223. Barety (A.) * De l'adenopathio tracheo-bron- chique en general et en particulier dans la scrofule et la phthisie pulmonaire, pre'edde'e de l'etude topographiqne des ganglions tracheo- bronchiques. 332 pp., 6 pl. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 389. -----. The same. 330 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1874. Barez. See Uledicinisch-chirurgisch therapeutisches Wtir- terbuch, etc. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, 1839-40. Barez (E. F.) Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Barez (Stephan. Frideric) [1790-1856]. * Non- nulla ad morbos infantum spectantia proponens. 59 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starkii, 1820. For his Obituary, see Med. Alin., Berl., 1857, xiv-xvii. Aho: Med. Ztg., Berl., 1856, xxv, 41 (Gedike). Bargen (Tonko). *De inflammation ejusque theoriis. 27 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschii, [1827]. Bari. See Hospitals (Military). Baricelli (Julius Caesar). De hydronosa natura, sive sudore humani corporis libri quatuor. In quibus non solum de origine, differentiis et prae- sagio: veruni atque de usu apparatu, et curatione sudorum disseritur. ... 8 p. 1., 428 pp., 14 1. sm. 4°. Neapoli, L. Scoriggium, 1618. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. Sc Men of Sc, p. 194. Also: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Barie (Ernest). Etude sur la menopause. 202 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 128. Bariller (Louis-Marie-Gabriel). * Considera- tions pratiques sur le traitement des fractures de jambe. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 197. Barillier (Jean-Philippe). *Du delire dans la pneumonie. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 118, v. 583. Barincou (Gustave-Michel). *De l'anus acci- dentel et des differents procedes operatoires qui se rattachent a son traitement. 43 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, No. 239, 2. s., v. 18. Baring (Daniel Eberhard). * De cranii ossibus. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, typ. H. D. Hammii, [1718]. Baring (David Christian). *De mercium medi- cinalium integritate a magistratu medico cura- tius custodienda. 39 pp. sm. 8°. Gottinga, typ. H. Dieterich, [1806]. Baring (Otto). Ueber den Markschwamm der Hoden. xii, 237 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Gottingen, Die- terich, 1833. Baringou (Jean). * Essai sur la topographie physique et medicale de la valiee d'Aspe, suivi d'un coup-d'oeil sur les principales maladies qu'on y observe. 32 pp. 4°. Parts, 1832, No. 160, v. 253. Bariod (J.-A.) * Etudes critiques sur les mono- manies instinctives. Non existence de cette forme de maladie mentale. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 163, v. 517. Barisani (Josephus). * De thermis Gasteinensi- bus. 52 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Vindobona, typ. J. nob. de Kurzboeck, 1780. Barisanus (Sigism.) * De insitione variolarum. In: Eyerel, Diss, med., v. 4, 263. Barium (Salts of). See, also, Scrofula (Treatment of). Althof (L. C.) De efficacia terrae ponderosae salitae in praxi observata nonnulla disputat. 4°. Gottinga, 1794. Barium (Salts of). Peteumann (J. F.) * De terra ponderosa salita ejusque usu medico. 8°. Jena, [1793]. Schmidt (Joannes Augustus). *De baryte muriato specimen secundum quo medica hujus salis historia proponitur. 8°. Lipsia, [1793]. -----. Barytis muriati historia medica. 8°. Thoruni, 1794. Same work as the preceding. Stinstra (G.) *De muriatis barytas vulgo terras ponderosae salitae usu, observatis probato. 8°. Groninga, 1797. Tjerksz van der Bank (J.) [Pres.]: Hen- nert (J. F.) * Sistens observationes chemico therapeuticas de baryta et salibus baryticis, spe- ciatim de muriate barytae, seu terra ponderosa salita. 4°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, [1794]. Aldridgc (J.) Contribution to the history of the chlo- rino salts of barium. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc, 1833, iii, 29-38.—rnn Ankum (A. H.) Over het gebruik van ro- solzuur als indicator bij de titreering van barytwater. "Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst., 1871-2, ii, 133-135. —Balduini (C. A.) Lapis Bononiensis in ohscuro lucens, collatus cum phos- phoro hermetico. Misc. Acad. nat. curios. 1073-4, Francof. Sc Lips., 1670, (app.), 180-214.—Boehm (li.) Ueber die Wirkungen der Barytsalze auf den Thicikorper nebst Be- merkungen iiber die Wirkung des Wasserschierlings [Cl- cuta virosa] auf Frtischo. Arch. f. exper. Path. n. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1875, iii, 216-251.—Chevallier (A.) Note sur un cas d'empoisonnement determine par l'ac6tate de baryte. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1873, 2. 8., xxxix, 395-404.— Crawford (A.) On tho medicinal properties of f he niu- riated barytes. Med. Communicat. [Soc. Promot. Med. Knowl.], Lond., 1790, ii, 301-359.—Cyon (M.) Ueber die toxischen Wirkungen der Baryt- und Oxalsiiureverbindun- gen. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol^ u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1806, 196-203.—linaploi (Sur 1') du muriate de baryte dans le traitement des tumeurs blanches. Bull, gen.' de therap., etc., Par., 1836, x, 340-350.—Huseuiann (T.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Barytvergiftungen. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1866, iii, 232-245.— X>agarde. Acfetate de baryte livr6 sous le nom de sulfo- vinate de sonde; enipoisonnement: mort. Union m6d., Par., 1872, 3. 8., xiv, 537-542.—I;och (Ein) im Magen; an- geblich Folge einer Vergiftung durch Baryta muriatica. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1837, ii, 238-253.—Ma- ther (A.) An account of the effects of an overdose of the terra ponderosa muriata. Med. Comment., Edinb., 1795, dec. s., ix, 205-270. — Onsum (J.) U<^ber die toxischen Wirkungen der Baryt- und Oxalsaure ver hindungen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1863, xxviii, 233-237. —Orfila. Note sur l'empoisonnement par l'hydrochlorate (muriate) de baryte. N. Jour, de m6d., chir., pharm., Par., 1818, i, 113. -----. Memoire sur l'empoisonnement par les alcalis fixes (potasse, soude, baryte et chaux). J. de chim. med., etc., Par., 1842, 2. s., viii", 125: 197.—Pclletier. Observations sur diverses preparations barytiques. Rec. p6riod. Soc. de med. de Par., 1797, ii, 48-52.—Reincke (J. J.) Ein Fall mehrf'acher Vergiftung durch kohlensauren Baryt. Vrty- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1878, n. F., xxviii,'248-250.— Bognctta. Sur l'emploi et les effets therapeutiques du muriate de barytes. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1835, ix, 88-94.—Seiilcl (M.) Ein Fall von todtlicher Vergiftung mit kohleusaurem Baryt. Vrtlischr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1877, u. F., xxvii, 213-221.—Tidy (C. M.) On poison- ing by nitrate of baryta. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1868, vi, 447-449.—Valles'i (G.) H cloruro di bario nel nevro- sismo. Imparziale, Firenze, 1869, ix, 179.—Wach. Selte- ner Fall einer todtlichen Vergiftung durch Baryta muria- tica. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1835, xxx, 1-21.— Walsh (J.) Poisoning by chloride of barium. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 211-213. Barjansky (Simon Hermann). * Beitrag zur therapeutischen Wirkung der Salicylsaure bei Polyarthritis rheumatica. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Schade, 1878. Barjaud (Jean-Baptiste). * De la mort par sub- mersion. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No., 25^, v. 612. Barjaud de Lafond (J.-F.) *Etiologie de l'hypertrophie du cceur. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 220, v. 568. Barjolle (TMophile). * Dissertation sur la peri- cardite aigue. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 204, v. 288. Bark (Peruvian). Sec Cinchona. Balkan (A.) See Contributions to ophthalmology. 8°. New York, [1873]. BARKANY. 768 BARKER. Barkany (Ludwig). * Ueber Hysterie. 15 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, J. M. Richter, 1869. c. Barker (Amice-Reay). * Considdrations sur les soins k donner k la femme en dehors de tout acci- dent avant, pendant et apres l'accouchement. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 126. Barker (Arthur E. J.) See Frey (Heinrich). Thehistology and histochemistry of man. 8°. New Tork, 1875. B arker (Benj amin Fordyce). Lect u res on uterine displacements. Rep. by B. T. Roath. Lecture first. 23 pp. 8°. New York, Baker, Godwin Sr Co., 1853. Repr. from: N. Tork M. Gaz. ------. Fibrous tumor of the uterus; excessive hemorrhage; removal by excision. 8 pp. 8°. 1857. [P., v. 415, 518.] ------. Remarks on puerperal fever before the New York Academy of Medicine, October 7, 1857. 23 pp. 8°. New York, E. P. Allen, 1857. Repr. from: Am. M. Month., N. V., 1857. Aho in: P., V. 518. . On the comparative use of ergot and the forceps in labor. 16 pp. 8°. New York, Henry B. Price, 1858. Repr. from: Am. M. Month.-, N. T., 1858. Aho, in: P., v. 518. ------. On the use of anaesthetics in midwifery, read before the New York Academy of Medicine, Nov. 20, 1861. 9 1. 8°. [n. p.'n. d.] [P., v. 524.] ------. On the treatment of croup. A letter to Prof. A. Jacobi. 16 pp. 8°. New York, W. A. Townsend Sr Adams, 1870. ------. On sea-sickness. 36 pp. 18°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1870. ------. Blood-letting as a therapeutic resource in obstetric medicine. 14 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1871. Repr. from : N. YorkM. J., 1871. ------. The puerperal diseases. Clinical lectures delivered at Bellevue Hospital, xiii, 526 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1874. ------. The relation of puerperal fever to the in- fective diseases and pyaemia. An address deli- vered at the Obstetrical Society of London, July 7, 1875. 15 pp. 8°. Louisville, 1875. ------. New York Academy of Medicine, 1879. Addresses. Samuel S. Purple's valedictory. For- dyce Barker's inaugural. 8°. Neiv York, 1879. See, aho, Discussion on the influence of medicines, etc. 8°. New Tork, 1877. For Biographical Sketch, see Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1866, xv, 156-158 (S. W. Francis). -----& Gardner (A. K.) Remarks on puer- peral fever before the New York Academy of Medicine, Oct. 6, 1858. 16 pp. 8°. New York, printed for the publishers, 1858. Barker (Edmund). Sec Hcister (Laurence). Compendium of the practice of physic. 8°. London, 1757. Barker (F.) & Cheyne (J.) An account of the rise, progress, and decline of the fever lately epidemical in Ireland, together with communica- tions from physicians in the provinces, and vari- ous official documents. 2 v. xv, 500 pp., 1 map; viii, 387 pp. 8°. London,. Baldwin, Cradock and others, 1821. ----- & Montgomery (Wm. F.) Observa- tions, chemical and practical, on the Dublin Phar- macopoeia; with a translation annexed, xiv, 2 1., 721 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Dublin, Hodges Sr Smith, 1830. Barker (Franciscus). * De invento Galvani vulgo animalium electritate dicto. 2 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Edinburgi, apud R. Allan, 1795. Barker (George F.) The forces of nature. An address delivered before the Chemical Society of Barker (George F.)—continued. Union College, July 22d, 1863. 45 pp. 8°. AU bang, N. Y., J. Munsell, 1863. ------. Instructions in the preparation, adminis- tration, and properties of nitrous oxide, pro- toxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas. 2. ed. 62 pp., 4 fig. 8°. [ Philadelphia f], Philadelphia Den- tal Manufacturing Company, 1867. ------. A text-book of elementary chemistry, the- oretical and inorganic, vi, 342 pp. sm. 8°. New Haven, C. C. Chatfield Sr Co., 1870. For Biographical Notice, see Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1879, xv, 693-697, 1 port. Barker (John). On the illumination of micro- scopic objects. 4 pp., 3 pl. 8°. [». p., n. d.] Head before the Royal Irish Academy, Jan. 10, 1870. Barker (John), of Coleshill. A defence of a late treatise intitled, An inquiry into the nature, cause and cure, of the present epidemick fever. In answer to the objections of Dr. Henry Hele, in which the rise and progress of the controversy, on this subject, is explain'd, together with an ap- pendix, containing, all the papers, relating to it, which have hitherto been printed, xii, 53 pp., app., 12 pp. 8°. Sarum, B. Collins, 1743. [P., v. 615.] -----. An essay on the agreement betwixt ancient and modern physicians: or a comparison between the practice of Hippocrates, Galen, Sydenham, and Boerhaave, in acute diseases. Intended to shew, what the practice of physick, in such dis- tempers, ought to be. xii, 290 pp. 12°. Lon- don, for G. Hawkins, 1747. ------. Tho medical and miscellaneous works of. Bound in 2 v. 8°. Contents: v. 1. The nature of inoculation explained and its merits stated, [etc.]; to which is added an appendix containing some thoughts on tho first appearance of the small-pox in the world, and an address to moculators and others, xi, 38 pp. London, B. Law, 1769. A treatise on the putrid constitution of 1777, and the preceding years, and the pestilential one of 1778, [etc.]; also of the causes of disease in general, with some peculiar remarks on some common errors and dangerous mistakes in tho use of the bark and other medicines. 96 pp. Bir- mingham, R. Baldwin, 1779. Epidemicks, or general observations on the air and di- seases from the year 1740 to 1777, inclusive, and particular ones from that time to the beginning of 1795, [etc.]; to which is prefixed a preliminary discourse on sublime sci- ence, with observations on the author's writings on divine subjects. 232 pp. London, T. Longman. A treatise on Cheltenham water and its great use in the resent pestilential constitution, [etc.] 83 pp. Birming- am, printed by Pearson <& Rollason, 1786. Observations on a late publication on Cheltenham water, and on some remarks on the Cr—1 R—rs, from a treatise on that subject. 20 pp. Birmingham, printed by Pearson A Rollason, 1787. v. 2. Tho agreement of reason with sacred revelations, etc. viii, 59 pp. Birmingham, 1770. A reply to the author of tho remarks on a scripture con- futation of Mr. Lindsey's apology. 19 pp. London, 1776. The harmony of the truth, etc. 55 pp. London, 1776. Ditto, the second part, called the hamiony of the scrip- tures. 126 pp. Barker (Robert). Practical observations on the gonorrhoea virulenta: and a new mode of treating that disease recommended. 60 pp. 8°. Oxford, S. Collingwood, 1801. See, also, Dinisdale (T.) Remarks on a letter to ... 8°. London, 1779. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Barker (Samuel), Rowley (Edwin), & Saw- yer (Frederick E.) The climate of Brighton, being a summary of meteorological observations made in the town to the end of 1870. Revised and tabulated by F. E. Sawyer, F. M. S. Re- printed with additions, from the Brighton Daily News, June, 1871. 8 pp. 4°. Brighton, A. M. Robinson, 1871. Barker (T.) The vaccination laws. A letter addressed (by permission) to the Rt. Hon. Lord Lyttelton. 15 pp. 8°. London, Millin Bros., [n. d.] BARKER. 769 BARKOW. Barker (Thomas Collins). On typhus fever. 15 pp. 4°. Gissa, G. F. Heyer pater, 1842. Barker (Thomas Herbert). Right foods for in- fants and children. 48 pp. 12-. London, S. 0. Beeton, [n. d.] -----. A case of large secondary prostatic calcu- lus, removed by perinaeal incision; read at the annual meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Norwich, August 19th, 1846. iv, 5-12 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Worcester, Deighton tf Co., 1847. Practical observations on diet of infancy and childhood. 54 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall Sr Co., 1850. [P., v. 39.] ----. Foul air and fever, as cause and effect, exemplified in tho sanitary condition of Bedford. 16 pp. 8°. London, Hamilton, Adams Sr Co., 1854. [P., v. 254.] ----. On cystic entozoa in the human kidney, with an illustrative case. 18 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lon- don, Hamilton, Adams Sr Co., 1856. ----. On intra-uterine fractures, with an illus- trative case. 22 pp. 12°. London, T. Richards, 1857. [P., v. 524, 526.] ----. The treatment of fevers: with special re- ference to ventilation. 50 pp. 8°. London and Bedford, T. Richards, 1857. ----. Tho influence of sewer emanations. 19 pp. 8°. London, T. Richards, 1858. ----. On the hygienic management of infants and children, xii, 7-120 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1859. —;—. Illustrations of the origin and propaga- tion of certain epidemic diseases. 24 pp. 8°. London, T. Richards, 1859. [P., v. 593.] Repr. from: Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. ----. On malaria and miasmata, and their influ- ence in tho production of typhus and typhoid fevers, cholera, and the exanthemata: founded on the Fothergilliau prize essay for 1859. xv, 251 pp. 8°. London, J. W. Davies, 1863. Photographs of eminent medical men of all countries, with brief analytical notices of their works. The photographic portraits from life by Ernest Edwards. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 137 pp., 24 pl.; 1 p. 1., 121 pp., 24 pl. 4°. London, J. Chur- chill 4- Sons, 1867-^. For hh Obituary, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 481-484. Aho: Med. Circ, Lond., 1865, xxvii, 315. Aho: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1865, ii, 483. Barker (Walter Goodyer). On diseases of the respiratory passages and lungs, sporadic and epi- demic. Their causes, pathology, symptoms, and treatment, xvi, 282 pp. 8°. London, J. Chur- chill Sr Sons, 1866. —;---. On the climate of Worthing: its remedial influence in disease, especially of the lungs. 2. ed. xii, 93 pp., xxiii 1. 8°. London, J. Chur- chill 4- Sons, 1867. Barkhausen (Georg). Beobachtungen iiber den Sauferwahnsinn, oder das Delirium Tremens. 4 p. 1., 243 pp. 8°. Bremen, J. G. Heysc, 1828. -----. Waamemingen over het delirium tre- mens of dronkaardsziekte. Uit het hoogduitsch vertaald door G. Greeve. viii, 231 pp. 8°. Dor- drecht, Blussd Sr Van Braam, 1829. Barking* See Voice (Abnormities of). Barkow (Fridericus). * De angina pectoris. 30 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, Barkow (Gustavus). *De diphtheritide. 31 pp. 6°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1863]. Barkow (H.) Syndesmologie, oder die Lehre von den Bandern, durch welche die Knochen des menschlichen Korpers zum Gerippe vereint wer- den. vi, 121pp. 8°. Breslau, G. P. Aderholz, 1841. 49 Barkow (Joannes Carolus Leopoldus). * De monstris duplicibus vcrticibus inter se junctis. 23 pp., 11., 4 pl. 4°. Berolini, formis Brueschcki- anis, 1821. -----. Monstra animalium duplicia per anatomen indagata, habito respectu ad physiologiam, me- dicinam forensem, et artem obstetriciam descrip- sit iconibusque illustravit ... 2 v. x, 142 pp., 15 pl.; viii, 234 pp. 4C. Lipsia, sumptibus L. Vossii, 1828-30. -----. Disquisitiones circa originem et decursum arteriarum mammalium. viii, 114 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Lipsia, L. Voss, 1829. -----. 'Disquisitiones nonnullae angiologicae. Diss. Assumpto socio Carolo Klosio. 19 pp. 4°. Vratislavia, A. Brehmer et Minuth, [1830]. * Disquisitiones neurologicae. Diss. As- sumpto socio Georg. Kontnyo med. cand. 16 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Vratislavia, ex off. Friedlanderiana, [1836]. Bemerkungen iiber die Bestimmung der Nerven im Allgemeinen und iiber den Nervus vagus insbesondere. 33 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Breslau, Grass, Barth Sr Comp., [1845]. ----. Anatomische Abhandlungen. 1 p. 1., 132 pp., 10 pl. 4-'. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1851. ----. Beitrage zur pathologischen Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. Ein Gluckwunsch dem Dr. Heinke, zum 31. October 1854, dem Tage seines fiinfzigjahrigen Amtsjubilaums dargebracbt von der medicinischen Facultat der Koniglichen Uni- versitiit zu Breslau. 20 pp., lpl. fol. Breslau, Ferd. HirVs Buchhandlung, [1854]. ----. Beitrage zur pathologischen Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. Ein Gluckwunsch dem Dr. Ebers, zum 5. September 1856, dem Tage seines fiinfzigjahrigen Doctor-Jubliaums dargebracht von der medicinischen Facultat der Koniglichen Universitat zu Breslau. 2. Abth. 64 pp., 3. pl. fol. Breslau, R. Nischkowsky, [ls'56]. Beitrage zur pathologischen Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. Ein Gluckwunsch dem Traugott Wilhelm Gustav Benedict, zum 22. September 1859, dem Tage seines iunfzigjahrigen Doctor- Jubilaums dargebracht von H. C. L. Barkow. 3. Abth. 55 pp., 3 pl. fol. Breslau, R. Nisch- kowsky, 1859. ----. Beitrage znr pathologischen Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. 4. Abth. 65 pp., 5 pl. fol. Breslau, R. Nischkowsky, 1871. Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Harnblase des Menschen nebst Bemerkungen iiber die mannliche und weibliche Harnrohre. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 13 pl. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1858. Disquisitiones de tractu cibario humano. 16 pp., 4 pl. fol. Vratislavia, R. Nischkowsky, 1861. Comparative Morphologie des Menschen und der menschenahnlichen Thiere. v. 1-6. imp. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1862-75. Contents: v. 2. Das Anthropotomisch-Zootomische Mu- seum der Koniglichen Universitat zu Breslau. v. 3. Erlauterungen zur Skelett- und Gehirn-Lehre. v. 4. Die Blut-Gefasse vorziiglich die Schlagadern der Saugethierc in ihren wesentlichsten Verschiedenheiten. v. 5. Die Blut-Gefasse vorziiglich die Schlagadern des Menschen in ihren minder bekannten Bahnen und Verzwei- gungen. v. 6. Erlauterungen zur Schlag- und Blutader-Lehre des Menschen. v. 1 published after the author's death in 1875. There is no special title. ----. Das Leben der Walle in seiner Beziehung zum Athmen und zum Blutlauf. Nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die Benennung der Finnwalle. 40 pp., 5 fig. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1862. ----. Bemerkungen zur pathologischen Osteolo- gie. 2 Abth., mit 6 lithogr. Taf. 1 p. 1., 32 pp., 3 pl.; 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 3 pl. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1864. BARKOW. 770 BARLOW. Barkow (Joannes Carolus Leopoldus)—cont'd. -----. Die Venen der obern Extremitiit des Menschen. Ein Gliickwunsch dem . . . Dr. F. V. Schleinitz zum . . . dem Tage seiner fiinfzig- jahrigen Amts-Jubel-Feier, dargebracht. lxviii pp., 6 col. pl. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1868. -----. Die angiologische Sammlung im anato- mischen Museum der Koniglichen Universitiit zu Breslau, verzeichnet und beschrieben von dem Di- rector der Anstalt. cxlvii, 447 pp., 11 pl. 4°. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1869. -----. Die Verkriimmungen der Gefasse darge- stellt. xxxvi pp., 19 pl. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1869. -----. Erlauterungen zur Lehre von den Erwei- terungen und Verkriimmungen der Gefasse. xxiv, 38 pp., 19 pl. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1871. -----. Die Ursachen der Schlagadcr-Verkriim- inungen und die Ursachen der Schlagader-Erwei- terungen. ix, 14 pp., 7 pl. fol. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1872. -----. MSS. notes, taken by him while a student, of lectures on medicine, surgery, etc., at Berhn and Greifswald, 1815-20. 19 v. 4°. [German script. ] Contents. Berends: Materia medica and semeiology [3 v.] Kuehs: History [1 v.J Graefe: Surgery [3 v.] Osann: Materia medica [1 v.] Lichtenstein: Zoology [1 v.) Parow: Logic (1 v.] Wagner: Hygiene [1 v.] Horn : Special the- rapeutics and special pathology [2 v.] Link: Pharmacology and botany [2 v.] Kudolphi: Anatomy, pathological and comparative, and on physiology [3 v.] Barlach (Carl). * Beobachtungen ausderletz- ten Diphtheritisepidemie in Kiel. (1871, vii, me- dic, iv.) 13pp., 11. 4°. Kiel, C. F. Mohr, 1871. Bound with: Schrift. der Univ. Kiel, 1871, xviii. Barlach (Georgius Gottlieb). *De amplifica- tionibus vasorum lymphaticorum penis. (1864, vii, med. vii.) 10 pp. 4°. Kilia, ex off. C. F. Mohr, 1864. Bound with: Schrift. der Univ. zu Kiel, 1864, xi. Barlandus (Hubertus). Velitatio cum Arnoldo Nootz medicinae apud Lavaniensis doctore, qua docetur non paucis ab uti noa vulgo medicamini- bus simplicibus, ut capillo veneris, Xylalce, Xylo balsamo Spodio, bisque similibus. Deque Avi- cennae in plaerisque horum hallucinatione. Deinde obiter agitur de venae in pleuritide sectione. Pos- tremo Avicennae locis aliquot aliis adhuc dormi- tatio ostenditur, simul Galenus hominis morsibus aliquot defenditur. 100 1. 12°. Antverpia, H. Petri, 1532. Barlay (Wilhelmus). * De aero respectu diaete- tico considerate 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pesthini) typ. J. Beimel, 1836. Barlemont (E.) * Essai sur certaines modifi- cations de la nutrition pendant la grossesse. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1869. Barlemot (Emile). Note sur la compression di- gitale comme traitement des andvrysmes. 7 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Theniot. Repr. from: Gaz. med. do Par., 1865. Barles (Ludovicus). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Barky (Poisonous). liastin. Empoisonnement do cinq poulains par dn seigle ferniento. Ann. do m6d. vet., Brux., 1880, xxviii, 31-36. Barlocci (Saverio). Ricerche fisico-chimiche sul lago sabatino sulle sorgenti di acque minerali che scaturiscono ne' suoi contomi e principal- mente sulle acque tcrmali di vicarello memoria. 3. ed. 36 pp. 8°. Roma, P. Aurelj, 1843. Barlow (Edward) [1779-1844]. * De peritonitide puerperarum. 51 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1803. [P., v. 25.] -----. An inquiry into the general state of the profession of physic, and of the several depart- ments of which it is composed; including a brief Barlow (Edward)—continued. review of its origin, progress, and present condi- tion, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: being an attempt to develope the funda- mental principles which should guide tbe legisla- ture in regulating this profession. 2 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Constable Sr Co., 1818. -----. An essay on the medicinal efficacy and employment of the Bath waters, illustrated by remarks on the physiology and pathology of the animal frame, with reference to the treatment of gout, rheumatism, palsy, aud eruptive diseases. iv, 200 pp. 8°. Bath, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme Sr Brown, London, 1822. -----. An essay on tho medical profession, show- ing its natural unity, and suggesting such ar- rangements as would render its condition con- formable to just principles of political science, and conducive to the interests both of the pro- fession and the public; being supplementary to two essays on the same subject formerly pub- lished in the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. 1 p. l.,25pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Stark, 1827. For hh Obituary, see Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., 1844, 120- 123. Barlow (George Hilaro). A manual of the practice of medicine. With additions by D. F. Condie. 607 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1856. For Biographical Notice of, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 169. Forhh Obituary, sec Lancet, Lond., 1866, ii, 454. Aho: Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1860, ii, 433. Barlow (Henry Clark). *On the causes and effects of disease, considered in reference to the moral constitution of man. xvi, 79 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, University press, 1837. [P., v. 678.] Barlow (James). Essays on surgery and mid- wifery; with practical observations and select cases, x, 10-417 pp., 4 p. 1., 4 1. 8°. London, Baldwin, Cradock Sr Joy, 1822. -----. An address to medical and surgical pupils, on tho studies and duties of their profession; to which is appended, a case of Caesarean operation. 19 pp. 8°. Blackburn, Longman Sr Co., 1839. Barlow (John). On man's power over himself to prevent or control insanity. Communicated to tho members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on Friday evening, May 26th, 1843. vi, 8-54 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lea Sr Blanchard, 1846. -----. The same. 2. ed. viii, 123 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Pickering, 1849. Barlow (William Frederick). An essay on voli- tion as an excitor and modifier of the respiratory movements. Read before the Medical Society of London, May 28, 1849, 12 pp. 8°. London, Wilson 4* Ogilvy, 1849. Repr. from: Lond. M. Gaz. -----. On tho muscular contractions which aro occasionally to be observed after death from cholera. Opp. 8°. [n. p.], 1849. [P., v. 519.] Repr. from: Lond. M. Gaz. -----. Observations on the conditions of the body after death from cholera. 23 pp. 8°. London, Wilson Sr Ogilvy, 1850. [P., v. 519.] -----. Observations on the muscular contrac- tions which occasionally happen after death from cholera. 11 pp. 8°. London, Wilson Sr Ogilvy, 1850. [P., v. 519.] -----. On fatty degeneration. 1 p. 1., 92 pp. 12°. London, John Churchill, 1853. For his Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1853, ii, 17. Barlow (William H.) On regressive paralysis (infantile paralysis. Spinal paralysis of adults). 2 p. 1., 88 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Manchester, J. E. Cor- nish, 1878. BARMEN. 771 BARNEVELD. Barmen. See, also, Hospitals (Construction of); Hospi- tals (Descriptions and reports of). ITIortalitats-Statistik der Stadt Barmen fiir dio Zeit vom 1. April 1870 bis 31. Marz 1871. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.- rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., 1871-2, i, 71-83. Ibid., 1875, iv, 102-100.—Topographie und physiographischoSkizzo der Stadt und des Stadtkreises Barmen. Ibid., 1871-2, i, 71-73. Barnades (D. Miguel). Instruccion sobre lo arricsgado que es, en ciertos casos, enterrar & las personas, sin constar su muerte por otras seiiales mas que las vulgares; y sobre los medios mas convenientes para que buelvan en si los anega- dos, ahogados con laso, sofocados por humo de carbon, vaho de vino, vapor de pozos, u otro semejante; pasmados de frio, tocados del rayo, y las criaturas que nacen amortecidas. Obra posthuma. 7 p. 1., 509 pp. 4°. Madrid, D. An- tonio de Sancha, 1775. Barnard (D.) See Buckingham (Charles £.) Correspondence con- cerning a fatal caso of placenta piaevia. 8°. Boston, 1870. Barnard (Daniel D.) Au address to the class of graduates of the Albany Medical College de- livered at the commencement, January 27, 1846. 26 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen 4" Vo., 1846. Barnard (F. A. P.) A new form of binocular for use with high powers of the microscope. Read before the microscopical section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Troy meeting. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] ' Repr. from: Am. Naturalist, 1871, iv. Barcaard (Horace). Experts as witnesses. A lecture delivered before the New York Medico- Legal Society, February 26, 1874. 28 pp. 8°. New York, Russell Bros., 1874. Barnard (Thomas). A discourse, delivered be- fore tbe Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at the semi-annual meeting, June 10, 1/94. 25 pp. 8°. Boston, J. Belknap, 1794. Barnard Castle. Ranger (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- erage, drainage, aud supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the township of Barnard Castle. 8°. London, 1850. -----. Report to the General Board of Health, on a further inquiry held at Barnard Castle, to determine the boundary of the district for the purposes of the public health act. 8°. London, 1851. Barnaud (Alfred). * Du diabete sucre". 71pp. 8W. Berne, imp. de C.-J.-Wyss, 1862. [Also, in: P., v. 800.] Barnaul. Gebler. Medizinisch-topographische Nachrichten von Barnaul, sihirischer Bergstadt im russischen Gouverne- ment Tomsk. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb., 1813, 326-332. Barnay (Marius). * Etude experimentale sur Taction physiologique et toxique de la codeine comparde a. cello do la narceme et de la morphine. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 192. Barnerus (Jacobus). Prodromus Sennerti novi seu delineatio novi medicimc systematis, in quo quicquid a primis seculiis in hunc usque diem de arte prodiit, Hippocratis, Galeni, Paracelsi, Hel- montii, Sylvii, Willisii, etc., dogmata, ex princi- piis anatomico-chymicis examinantur. 55 pp., 21. 4°. Augusta, Vindelicorum, T. Gbbelii, 1674. -----. Spiritus vini sine acido, hoc est: in spiritu vini et oleis indistinctb non esse acidum, nee ea propterea. k spiritu urinae reverb coagulari, de- monstrate curiosa, cum modo conficiendi salia Barnerus (Jacobus)—continued. volatilia oleosa, eorumque usu. 40 pp. 12°. Lipsia, sumpt. J. Fritzschii, 1675. See, aho, von der Bccke (D.) Barnerus leviter et amice castigatus. 16°. Hamburgi, 1675. Barnes (Fancourt). A manual of midwifery for midwives. x, 177 pp. 8°. London, Smith, Elder Sr Co., 1879. -----. A manual of midwifery for midwives and medical students, viii, 13-201 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, H. C. Lea, 1879. Barnes (Henry F.) Discussion of insanity from a medico-legal standpoint, as regards homicide, etc. 23 pp. 8°. Louisville, Ky., 1873. Repr. from: Richmond & Lonisville M. J., Louisville, 1873. Barnes (J. H.) Notes on surgical nursing: be- ing a short course of lectures, delivered at the training school for nurses in connection with the Liverpool workhouse. 72 pp. 8°. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1874. Barnes (Julius Steele). Hart (F. A.) Memoir of Julius Steele Barnes. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1871, 492-494. Barnes (John). Valedictory address to the class of graduates of the Missouri Medical College, at the annual commencement of the session of 1857- 8. 17 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., ptd. by " Missouri Democrat", 1858. See, aho, McDowell (J. N.) Address delivered in 1840. 83. St. Louis, 1854. Barnes (Robert). The physiology and treatment of placenta prsevia; being the Lettsomian lec- tures on midwifery for 1857. xii, 208 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1858. -----. Clinical history of the eastern division of tho Royal Maternity Charity during the year ending September 30, 1858. 23 pp. 8°. Dublin, University press, 1859. [P., v. 518.] -----. Obstetric operations, including the treat- ment of hemorrhage; with additions by B. F. Dawson, xv, 483 pp. roy. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1870. -----. A clinical history of the medical and surgi- cal diseases of women, xvi, 17-791 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1874. ------. The same. 2. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. xvi, 17-784 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1878. See, aho, Barnes's dilators. For Biographical Notice, set Med. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 171. For Portrait, see Mod. prof, in all countries, Lond., 1873, i, no. 6. Barnes (Thomas). Obituary notice of Thomas Barnes. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 445. See, also, Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 433, and Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 560. Barnes's dilators. Barnes (R.) Dr. Barnes's water-bags. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 446.—morgan (H. M.) A new use of Barnes's dilators. Brit. M. JT, Lond., 1872, i, 523.— Playfair (W. S.) Dr. Barnes's water-bags. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1869, ii, 392; 475. Bar net. Trinder (W. M.) Chymical experiments on tho Barnet well water. 8°. London, 1800. Barnett (Adolphus). A lecture delivered at the Marylebone Institution, on Tuesday, the 15th of June, 1847, on the unhealthiness of towns. 24 pp. 8°. London, Longman Sr Co., [1847]. [P., v. 808.] Barnett (Joannes). De hydropum causis et cu- ratione. 1 p. 1., 41 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill et soeii, 1797. van Barneveld (Willem). Het onweersvuur in zyne richting en uitwerksels nagespoort. By het ongeval de Koorn-Molen de Valk overgeko- men; en met de door konst te weeg gebragte electrike stoffe vergeleken nevens eene beschry- BARNEVELD. 772 BAROMETER. van Barneveld (Willem)—continued. ving van eenen afleider, volgens de manier van den Heer John Cuthbertson in practyk gebragt; om Molens te beveiligen tegen het onweder. 31 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Amsterdam, P. Hayman, 1780. Bound with hh: Geneeskundige electriciteit, v. iii. 8°. Amsteldam, 1785. -----. Geneeskundige electriciteit. 3 v. in 2. xvi, 387 pp., 101., 3 pl.; vi, (11.), 208 pp., 81. 8°. Amsteldam, J. B. Elwe Sr D. M. Langevcld, 1785-9. Barnick (Hermann). *Die Behandlung der Neuralgien im Gebiete des Nervus trigeminus durch Neurectomie. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Lanqe, [1871]. Barnier (Charles). * Du tenia inerme et de son expulsion par les principes actifs de l'ecorce de grenadier. 48 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1879. No. 46. Barnier (J.) *Des elements morbides en gene- ral. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin, 1866. Faculte de mddecine de Paris. Concours pour l'agrega- tion en m6decine. Barnier (J.-B.-F.-Seraphin). * Des pessaires, de leur mode d'action et de leurs indications. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 37, v. 568. Barnier (M.) * Des tubercules du testicule. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 148. Barnier (S.) *Des paralysies sans lesions or- ganiques appreciables. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1857. -----. Des paralysies musculaires. 79 pp. 8°. Paris, Labe, 1860. Concours pour l'agrdgation en medecine. Barning (Andreas Adrianus Antonius). *De phloridzine. 2 p. 1., viii, 87 pp. [Acad. Rheno- Trajectina.] 8°. Leida, J. W. van Lceuwen, 1837. Barnotiw (Pieter Jacobus). * Verslag van de verloskundige kliniek en polikliniok aan de Leidsche hoogeschool gedurendo de academische cursus 1864-5 en 1865-6. 1 p. 1., 142 pp. 8°. Leiden, D. J. Couvee, 1866. Barnsley. Ranger (W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sew- , erage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town of Barnsley, in the county of York. 8°. London, See, also, Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of). Rammell (T. W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage; and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the borough of Barnstaple, in the county of Devon. 8°. London, 1850. Barns to rT (Georgius Ericus). For his Life, see Richter (Georgius Gottlieb). Barnstorff (Eberhardus) [1672-1712]. * De am- putatione membrorum sphacelatorum, eorumq. secnra medela. 201. sm. 4°. HalaMaqdeb.Ait. C. Henckelii, [1696]. For hh Obituary, see Scheflelius (C. S.) Vit® prof med. 4°. Gryphiswaldice, 1756, 231-235. Barnstorff (Fridericus Andreas). * De mensium lluxu nimio. 34 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Hala-Magdeb., typ. J. Montagii, [1723], Barnstorff (Joh. Georg.) *Diss. circ. med. sis- tens medicina) curiosa? specimen duabus quoestio- uibus enodatum: an veritate nitatur? (1) Dasz der Schnuppen gesund sey, viel hoses wegnehme nnd die Leuto schon mache. (2) Dasz eine Ader- lasz, die zum erstenmahl geschiehet, krafftiger und sicherer als die schon vielmahl geschehen I Barnstorff (Joh. Georg.)—continued. einen Krancken vom Tode erretten kone. 33 1. sm. 4°. Rostochii, typ. J. Wepplingii, [1711]. -----. *De tympanite. 2 p. 1., 34 pp. sm. 4°. Rostochii, typ. J. Wepplingi, [1712]. Barnwell (William). Physical investigations and deductions, from medical and surgical facts, relative to the causes, nature and remedies of the diseases of a vitiated atmosphere, from climate, local situation, or season of the year. Together with an historical introduction to physianthropy: or the experimental philosophy of human life: that of diseases, and also of remedies, vi, 458 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, printed for the author, 1802. Barny (Eugene). * Considerations sur quelques maladies des femmes en couches, et sur leur hy- giene. 61 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 119, v. 224. Baroffio (Felice). Delle ferite d'arma da fuoco. Memoria onorata del promio al concorso Riberi. 503 pp. 8°. Torino, L. Toscanelli e C, 1862. -----. Considerazioni sulla necessity di modili- care il tipo fisico militare. 16 pp. 8°. Firenze, tipog. Fodratti, [1865?]. -----. Dell'emeralopia, e specialmente della re- frazione ipermetropica che l'accompagna. 7 pp. 8°. Repr. from: Sperimentalo, 1872, xxiv. ----- & Quagrliotti (Alessandro). Alimenta- zione del soldato. xxvi, 1199 pp., 21. 8°. Torino, F. Zoppis, 1860. Barois (Leon). * Etude de diagnostic sur un cas de paralysie du grand oblique de l'oeil droit. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 8. Barois (Paul). * Des accidents cereoraux dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 165. Barometer. See, also, Air (Pressure of)', Meteorology. Adie (A.) Description of the patent syinpie- someter, or new air barometer. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Barometric hypsometry. Instructions, 1876. U. S. geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian. 8°. Washington, 1876. Barthius (J. M.) De luce barometrorum ut et aliis connexis argumeutis epistola qua insimul peculiaria qua)dam experimenta novaeque phce- nomenon hoc producendi methodi traduntur. 4°. Lipsia, 1716. CrOgerus (J.) De barometris. 4°. Jena, 1701. Dankwart (C. A. F.) De barometro itinerario et aliquot altitudinibus barometro exploratis. 4°. Vitemberga, 1770. Dent (E.J.) A treatise on the aneroid, a newly invented portable barometer; with a short historical notice on barometers in general, their constructiou and use. 8°. London, 1850. Dove (H. G.) *De barometri mutationibus. 8°. Berolini, 1826. Gob art (L.) Tractatus philosophicus de baro- metro. 16c. Vienna, 1716. Hagemannus (J. C.) De motu mercurii in barometris ex sobriis scientiarum naturalium principiis concinnatus. 4°. Regiomonti, 1724. Heinrich (A. P. P.) Oscillationes mercurii in tubo Torricelliano ingruentibus procellis et teui- pestatibus observata) in museo physico Ratisbona) ad St. Emmeramum annis 1788 et 1789. 4°. [«. p., n. d.] HOltschl (J.) Die Anerolde von Naudet uud yon Goldschmid. Ihre Einrbhtung und Theorie, ihr Gebrauch und ihre Leistungsfiihigkeit beim Hohenmessen und Nivelliren, nebst 4 Hilfstafeln fiir barometrische Arbeiten. Eine Studie fiir Geodiiten, Physiker, Meteorologen, namentlich aber fiir Eisenbahn-Tracirungs-lngenieure. 8°. Wien, 1872. BAROMETER. 773 BARON. Barometer. Lrz (J. F.) Vollstandigo und auf Erfahrung gegriindete Beschreibung van alien sowohl bisher bekannten, als auch einigen neuen Baromotern wie sie zu verfertigen, zu berichtigen und einstim- mend zu machen, dann auch zu meteorologischen Beobachtungen und Hohenmessungen anzuwen- den; nebst einem Anhang, seine Thermometer be- trefl'eud. 8:. Niirnberg u. Leipzig, 1784. vox Magellan's (J. G.) Beschreibung neuer Barometer nebst einer Anweisung zum Gebrauche derselben bey Messungen der Hohen und Berge und tiefender Schachten; mit eiuer kurzen Nach- richt von Barometcru mit vergrosserten Scaleu und einem bestandigen Witterungszeiger. II. Versuche iiber die neue Theorie des Elemeutar- feners und der Wiirme der Korper, mit einer Be- schreibung neuer Thermometer, etc. Aus dem Franzosischen. 8 ■'. Leipzig, 1782. Osswald (J. C.) De barometris ex aeris pres- siono non explicandis in gymnasio Zittauiensi. 4 . Zittauia, [1726]. Reinsciimidt (C.) *De barometro, ejusque usu turn physico turn medico. 4°. Erfordia, [1714]. Schreiber (P.) 'Untersuchungen iiber die Theorie und Praxis des Wagebarometers. 8°. Miinchen, 1872. Segner (J. A.) [Pr.] De mntatione barome- trorum a ventis. [Cum vita candidati Christ. G. J. von Lubken. ] 4°. Gottinga, [1743]. -----. Novum barometrum navale. 4°. Got- tinga, [1743]. Wedelius ( J. A. ) [ Pr. ] Quo, descensum mercurii iu barometro pulvia instante a guttarum casu derivari baud posse ostenditur l-ii. 4°. Jena, [1718]. Weidlerus (J. F.) De phosphoro mercuriali praecipue eo qui in barometris lucet et ejus rationi- bus. 4°. Vitemberga, 1715. Williamson (R. S.) On the use of the baro- meter on surveys and reconnaissances. 8'-". Washington, 1878. Aneroid (The) barometer; its construction and use. Van Nostrand'sEngin. Mag., 1878, xviii, 104-111.—Dufonr (II.) Note sur un nouveau barom^tre enregistreur. Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1879, 2 s., xvi, 46-52, 1 pl.— Gimingham (C. H.) On a now construction of a barometer. Chem. News,Lond., 1874,xxx, 113.—Grischow (A.) Von der Hannonie und Disharmonie der einfachen Barometer. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wis- scnch. zu Berl., Gotha, 1781, ii, 339-341.—de Lisle. De- Sressed state of the barometer a cause of frontal headache. led. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1873, ii, 676.—I,udoUT(C. F.) Memoire sur l'electricite des barom^tres. [Traduit du latin.] Mem. Acad. roy. do Prusse, Avignon, 1768, i, 145- 102, 1 pl. -----. Mani^rede construire une 6chelle de baro- inetre, qui indique directement la veritable pression de l'air, et qui corrige les defauts causes par les alterations que la chaleur de l'air fait 6prouver au mercure. [Traduit du latin.] Ibid., ii, 205-213, 1 pl. -----. Abhandlung iiber die Electricitat der Barometer. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. "Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha, 1783, iii, 35-39. -----. Beschreibung einer Barometerscalo, die bloss den wahren Druck der Luft anzeigt. Ibid., 499-504— Radau (R.) Sur la forniule barometrique. Monit. scient., Par., 1864, vi, 337-345.—Stevenson (T.) Proposed portable iron barometers. J. Scot. Meteor. Soc., Edinb. &. Lond., 1874-5, u. 8., iv, 265. — Sulzer. Neuer Versuch iiber die Hohen- messung durch das Barometer. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha, 1786, iv, 246- 259, 1 pl. Baron. Pavage de Paris. Ext. de la Rev. niu- nic. (ler sept. 1849), k Monsieur Roche, membre de l'Acad. de me'decine. 6 pp. 8°. Paris, Don- dey-Dupre, 1-49. [P., v. 460.] Baron (Alexander). *De tussi convulsiva. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 8 -. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auld et Smellie, 1768. [Also, in: P., v. 123 & 651.] Baron (Alexander) jun. * De febre intermittente. 3 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1799. Baron (Antoine). *De I'eclampsio puerperale. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 278, v. 534. Baron (C.) Quelques symptomes des affections du coeur. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, H. V. de Surcy Sr Cie. 1 [P., v. 466.] Repr. from: Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1849. -----. Mdnioire sur la localisation des maladies cutandes. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot Sr Cie. [P., v. 465.] Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1848. -----. Observations d'hydrargyrie chez des en- fants. 25 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot Sr Cie. [P., v. 459.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1850. -----. Me'moire sur la carnification. 63 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot S' Cie. [P., v. 459.] Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1851. -----. * De la pleure'siedans l'enfance, [etc.] 183 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 55, v. 369. -----. Mdmoires sur la nature et le ddveloppement des produits accidentels. 160 pp. 4°. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere, 1845> Baron (Felix). *De la glucosurio ou diabete sucre". 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 193, v. 534. Baron (Francois-Marie). * Dissertation sur quel- ques points do l'histoire du traitement des hernies dtrangldes avec gangrene. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 170, v. 299. Baron (Hyacynthus Theodorus). An dum con- trahitur cor, dilatentur arteriae coronariae. 8 pp. 4°. Paris, 1741. In: Haller, Disp. anat. select., v. 2. -----. Ritus usus et laudabiles facultatis medi- cinae Parisiensis consuetudines, auctoritate totius ejusdem ordinis excusa. 4 p. 1., 200 pp. 16°. Parisiis, typ. G. F. Quillau, 1751. Bound with: Statnta facultatis medicinae Parisiensis. 16°. Parisiis, 1751. Baron filius (Hyacinthus Theodorus). An fracto cranio semper admovenda terebra ? Proponebat Theodorus Baron d'Henouville, [1742]. In: Sigwart (G. F.) Qusest. med. Paris. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 122-127. -----. An, ut sanandis, sic et praecavendis pluri- bus morbis, aquae novas minerales Passiacae ? Pro- ponebat Franciscus Nicolaus Gautier du Rocher, [1743]. In: Sigwart (G.F.) Tubingce, 1789, i, 120-134. Baron (J.-F.) * Dissertation sur l'air des hdpi- taux. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 76, v. 71. Baron (J.-M.-A.-Auguste). * Essai sur les luxa- tiones incompletes de la hanche. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 196, v. 321. Baron (John). An enquiry illustrating,the na- ture of tuberculated accretions of serous mem- branes, and the origin of tubercles and tumours in different textures of the body, viii, 5-307, 2 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme Sr Brown, 1819. -----. Illustrations of the enquiry respecting tu- berculous diseases, xxxii, 233, 3 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, T. Sr G. Underwood, 1822. -----. The life of Edward Jenner, M. D. With illustrations of his doctrines, and selections from his correspondence. 2 v. xxiv, 624, 471 pp., 1 port. 8°. London, H. Colburn, 1827-38. -----. Delineations of the origin and progress of various changes of structure which occur in man, and some of the inferior animals: being the con- tinuation of works already published on this sub- ject. 56 pp., 4 pl. 4°. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown Sr Green, 1828. -----. Der gegenwartige Zustand der Vaccina- tion. Aus dem Englischen von F. G. Gmelin. vi, 90 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, I. G. Cotta, 1840. Baron (Joseph). *De la pneumonie typhoide. ix, 10-64 pp., 1 1. 4°. MontpelUer, 1876, No. BAROK 774 BARRACKS. Baron (Joseph-Stdphane). *De la mdnopause (a\ge critique). 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 64, v. 503. Baron (Louis-Gdddon). * Etude clinique sur les troubles de la vue chez les hystdriques et les hys- tdro-dpileptiques. 76 pp., 2 pl., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 150. Baron (Pierre). * Dissertation sur l'hygiene des nourrices, prdeddee de quelques considdrations gdndrales sur les avantages de l'allaitement ma- ternel. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 133, v. 139. Baron (R.-J.-B.-A.-M.-A.-Adolphe). * Considd- rations gdndrales sur la rdgime alimentaire dans les maladies. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 171, v. 261. Baron (Theodorus). An humor perspiratorius sit excrementitius? Resp. Franciscus-Nicolaus Gautier du Rocher. Dispt. 4 pp. 4°. [Paris, typ. Quillau, 1742.] Aho, i n:; Sigwart (G.F.) Qusest. med. Par. Tubingce, 1789, ii, 277-288. ------. An salubritatis alimentorum optima indi- catrix chemia. Resp. Petrus Ludovicus Maria Maloet. 8 pp. 4°. [Paris, Quillau, 1751.] Baron d'Henouville (Theodorus). See Baron filius (Hyacinthus Theodoras). An fracto cranio semper admovenda terebral [1742.] Also: de Dieat (Johannes). An raro ha;morrhagiis adstringentia? [1842.] Baronets (Medical). Complete (A) list of the medical baronets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, i, 49. Baroni (Paolo). See Melaxa (Luigi). L'antrace, i contagi, le inter- mittenti. 8°. Roma, 1837. For Sketch of his Life, see Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1868, cciv, 380-385 (C. Fumagalli). Baronio (Giuseppe). Opuscoli di fisica animale e chirurgia. xxviii, 82 pp., 2 1. 8°. Milano, frat. Pirola, [n.d.] Baronnet ( Jules-Albert). * Cause anatomo- physiologiqne d'ostdo-pdriostite alvdolo-dentaire des jeunes sujets et chute prdmaturde des dents consdeutive. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 482. Baronniere Ledoux (J.-B.) * Essai sur I'hd- morrhagie utdrine pendant et apres l'accouche- ment. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 62, v. 76. Baronowski (Ignatius). * Nonnulla de lentis, humore aqueo imbibito, post cataractarum ope- rationes intumescentia. 35 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. vid. J. C. Schiinmanni et C. Mattieseni, 1858. Baronyay (Josephus). *Generalia popularis medicinae principia. [Hungarian text.] vi, 38 pp., 11. 8°. Pestini, typ. Landererianis, 1834. Barop (H.) * Ueber Psychosen in Folge chroni- schen Trippers. [Jena.] 22 pp. 8°. Breslau, F. W. Jungfer, 1875. Baroschi (J.-B.) * Quelques considdrations sur la kdratite. 48 pp., 4 1. 4°. Montpellier, Jean Martel aine, 1865, No. 34. c. Barot (Charles). * Etude cUnique sur deux va- ridtds d'abces musculaires observds dans la fievre typhoide. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 127. Barot (Firmin). * De 1'angine couenneuse, pseu- domembraneuso, ou inieux pseudomdningde. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 34, v. 466. Barot (P.-Desirti). * Dissertation sur l'apoplexie. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 30, v. 135. B arouille (fimile-Eugene). * Emploi thdrapeu- tique des plantes de la famille des labides. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 34. Baroux (J. B. F.) *De la dysphagie, ou con- siddrations gdndrales sur les causes qui genenl ou empechent la ddglutition. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 303, v. 315. Barozzi (A.-E.) * De la plenrdsie purulente, et do sa terminaison par fistule pleuro-cutande. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 262, v. 534. Barquissau (L.) * Quelques considdrations sur les diffdrents proeddds d'extraction de la cata- racte. 59 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1873, No. 55. Barquissau (Stdphane). * Del'dclampsie puer- pdrale. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871, No. 194. Barr (James). Notes of, and remarks on, a case of hypertrophy of the left ventricle; obstructive and regurgitant aortic murmurs; thickened, con- tracted, and inelastic aorta (?); peculiar double ventricular systole. 6 pp. 8°. Dublin, author, 1876. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1876. Barr (W. F.) Seven springs iron and alum mass, or compound ferruginous mass. 6 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Read before the Am. M. Ass., 1876. Barra (Emericus). *De hydrope ventriculorum cerebri acuto. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vienna, typ. A. Schmid, [1822]. Barra (Pierre). L'usage de la glace, de la neige etdu froid. 8 p. 1., 249 pp., 10 1. 12°. Lyon, A. Cellierfils, 1675. Barra (Stephanus). * De affinitate elementorum individualium trium naturae regnornm, et paral- lelaeorundem evolutione. 42pp., 11. 8°. Pes- ten, nyomt. Trattner, 6s Kdrolyi, 1833. Hungarian text; also, first title-page. Barrabe (A.-J.-M.) * Essai sur l'usage mddical de la glace, vi, 7-36 pp. 4°. Parts, 1817, No. 20, v. 129. Barrabe (Alfred). *£tude des ldsions cardia- ques dans le cours de la phthisie pulmonaire chronique. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 264. B arr ac ano (Gaetano). Osservazioni sul colera morbo asiatico, fatte nel corso delle dueinvasioni a Napoli negli anni 1836 e 1837. 1 p. 1., 78 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Napoli, G. Nobile, 1849. ------. Thesame. [French text.] 106 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Naples, EtabUssement du poliorama pittoresco, 1852. ------. The same. [English text.] 80 pp. 8°. Naples, printed for Philanthropical printing-office, 1853. Barrachin (L. G.) * Diss, sur la fievre addno- nerveuse, dite peste orientale. 21 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, F. G. Leorault, 1823. Barrackpore. See Syphilis (Hospitals for). Barracks. See, also, Baths (Construction, Methods and plans of); Habitations. Admiraal (D. J.) Barakkenbouw. Een woord naar aanleiding van art. 7 der wet, houdende voorziening tegen besmettelijke ziekten. 8°. Dordrecht, 1873. Appendix to the report of the commission for improving the sanitary condition of barracks and hospitals. (Interim reports.) fol. London, 1863. Barrack accommodation. Return to an ad- dress of the H. of Corns., dated July 12, 1855. Report from an official committee [Viscount Monck, Major Gervaise, and others] on barrack accommodation for the army, with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. (Ordered, by the H. of Corns., to be printed, 18. July, 1855.) fol. [n. p., n. d.] Bischoff (J.) * Quelques considdrations sur le logement permanent des troupes en temps de paix. 4°. Paris, 1877. Bone (H.) On the principles to be observed in providing barracks and hospitals for troops in the West Indies. 8°. Edinburgh, 1846. With: Bone (G. F.) On yellow fever. Brett (F. H.) Lecture on ambulances, bar- BARRACKS. 775 BARRACKS. Barracks. racks, and tents, French officers' tents, "tente abri'', palanquin aud doolie bearers, floating hos- pitals, etc. 8°. London, 1855. Circular No. 4, 1870. A report on barracks and hospitals, with descriptions of mjlitarv posts. [By J. S. Billings.] 4-\ Washington, 187*0. Circular. No. 8,1875. A report on the hygiene of the United States Army, with description of military posts. [By J. S. Billings.] 4°. Wash- ington, 1875. Constriction (On the) of the barracks occu- pied by the British anny. [A paper, in 3 Nos., of the engineer—Aug. 21, Oct. 23, and Nov. 20, 1868.] Delayk (E.) * Quelques considdrations sur l'hygiene des casernes. 4C. Paris, 1871. Elsworth (J.) The Knightsbridge barracks and the necessity for their removal. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Friedreich (N.) Dio Heidelberger Baraeken, f. Kriegsepidoniicn wahr. des Feldzuges 1870-71. 4-. Heidelb., 1871. GtNTiiER (H.) Der Neubau einer Kaserne und die Kaseruirung einer grosseren Truppenzahl im Schloss Pleissenburg zu Leipzig, vom hygieini- schen Standpunkte aus beleuchtet. Eine vom arztUchen Zweigverein zu Leipzig dem konigl. siichs. Gesamrnt-Ministerium iibergebene Denk- schrift. (Als Manuscript gedruckt.) 8°. Leip- zig, 1869. Hochstetter (J.) Sammlung von Pliinen aus- gef iihrter und zur Ausf iihrung entworfener mili- tarischer Gebaude im Grossherzogthum Baden. Hft. 1, 2. fol. Carlsrulie, [1871]. Marvaud (A.) Hygiene militaire. Etude sur les casernes et les camps permanents; les casernes en France; les nouveUes casernes eu Angleterre, en Suede et en Amdriquo; les nou- veaux camps permanents autour de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1873. Picard (L.-H.) * Considdrations hygidniques sur le casernemeut des troupes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. Port. Ueber epidemiologische Beobachtungen in Casernen. Vortrag, gehalten in der militararzt- lichen Section dor 50. Naturforscher-Versamm- lunff. 8°. Miinchen, 1878. Regulations concerning barracks and quar- ters for the Army of the United States, roy. 4°. Washington, 1861. Report of a committee appointed by the sec- retary of state for war to consider and report as to the measures that should be adopted in order to simplify and improve the system under which all works and buildings (other than fortifications) connected with the war department are con- structed, repaired, and maintained, in order to give a more direct responsibility to th© persons employed on those duties, together with the minutes of evidence and appendix. June 23, 1862. 8°. London, 1862. Statement of fittings authorized for a barrack for a regiment of infantry, fol. London, 1865. Synopsis of proposed normal sizes for all parts of a barrack for a regiment of infantry, fol. London, 1865. Tollet (C.) La rdforme du casernemeut; re- duction de la mortalitd dans l'armde francaise. Les bains-douches. Conference faite le 12. octo- bre 1877, dans la salle de la Socidtd d'encourage- ment pour l'industrie natiouale. 8°. Paris, 1877. Aerztliehe Dienstzinmier fiir in einer Kaserne ganz bequartierte Regimenter. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1869, x, 418-421.—Arnould (J.) Des habitations militaires et des nouveaux cast-moments :1 l'cssiii ou en projet. Gaz. med. de Par., 1875, 4. s., iv, 453 ; 469.—Aronssonn (J.) Etude sur les casernements. Rec. do nieui. do m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1876, xxxii, 262-271. — Barackenlager (Die) zur Barracks. Unterbringung franzosischer Kriegsgcfangencr am Rhein. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1872, i, 389-399.—Bar- rack and hospital accommodation. Roy. Com. san. state Army hi India, Loud., 1863, i. (vi)-(x).— Bnrrnrka. Builder, Lond., 1858, xvi, 482.—Bctiouzki. O dezinfekt- sii kazarm i lazaretov- S. Peterburg. porta oscniou 1870 g. [Disinfection of barracks and hospitals.1 Med. pribav. £. morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1872, xiii, 276-292. —Bois- seau (E.) Casernes et casernoment. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1876, xii, 760-788.—Bongard. Determiner le meilleur mode de construction, d'installation et d'amena- gement des tentes et des baraques. Cong, internat. d'hyg., Brux., (1876), 1877, ii, 293-317.—Bussenius. Ueber Kase- mattenals Wohnriiuiuc. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1872, i, 204-214.—Croinmclin(W. A.) Practical remarks on punkahs for barracks. Rep. San. Com. Bombay, 1871, app., xxxiii-xxxiv.—Dc t'huumont (F.) Report of an experimental investigation into the ventilation of the new barracks at Chelsea. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1867, Lond., 1869, ix, 265.—Dobrowlnvina (A.) Kakovui tcper Kazarmui i kakimi onae dolzhnui buit. [What barracks now arc and what they should be.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1874, xviii, pt. 2,1-22.-----.Barak.; palatka D-ra Prussaka. [Barracks; the pavilion of Dr. Prussak.] Zdorovie, St. Petersb., 1876, ii, 215. — Francisque-Michel (R.) Les casernes de l'avenir. J. d'hyg., Par., 1876, i, 145-155.— Frolich (H.) Baraeken im troianischeu Kriege. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1877, lxxi, 509-514. — Geschichte (Zur) der Baraeken. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1870, xi, 369-375.— G-osport. How we build barracks. Builder, Lond., 1859, xvii, 335. — Hausser (A.) Wissenschaftliche Beschrei- bung und Beurtheilung der Garnisonsstadt Graz vom mi- litar-sanitats-polizeilichen Standpunkte aus. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1870, iv, 65; 73; 81 ; 89; 100; 107; 113; 129; 147.— Helnibrecht. Die neue Infanterie-Kaserno zu Braun- schweig. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 20- 23.—Henrict (A.) Erdgruben als Wohnraume fiir eine rasch vorriickendo Armee. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878, iii, No. 5 (Beil.), pp. i-viii.—Heyfelder. Baracke und Zelt in Krieg und 1 ricden. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1872, i, 399-409.—Hughe* (E. W.) Soldier's tent. Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond., 1863, i, 288-290, 3 pl.—Jeffreys (J.) [Barracks and tents.) Ibid., 166- 179, 3 pl. — Knzarmi kak prichina zlaznikh bolaiznei v' voiskakh. [Barracks as a cause of diseases of the eyes in soldiers.] Zdorovie, St. Petersb., 1875, i, 144.—Klien (M.) Die Albertstadt bei Dresden. Veroffentl. a. d. k. sachs. Mil.-San.-Dienst, Berl., 1879, 197-216.—Lancet sanitary commission on the state of the barracks of the household cavalry. Lancet, Lond., 1868, i, 754; 787; ii, 10; 94.—Lan- cet (1'he) sanitary commission on the state of the barracks of tho foot - guards. Ibid., 1868, ii, 125; 315.—Lange. Ein Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage uber die Niitz- UchkeitderKascrnen. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte.Brnschwg., 1846, iv, 483-487. Aho: Med. Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv, 207. -----. Dio Kasernenfrage. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1848, lv, 201-211. —Larrey (H.) Note rela- tive k un travail iucdit de M. Follet, sur un systeme de logements et d'hopitaux militaires incombustibles, de formes ogivales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1874, i, 999-1003. — Leo (R.) Leber Luftuntersuchungen in der Kaserne des konijilich 2. Grenadier-Regiments No. 101, Kaiser Wilhelm, Kiinig von Preusscn. Veroffentl. a. d. k. sachs. Mil.-San.-Dienst, Berl., 1879, 230-244. — Lilje- valch (P. O.) Om behofvet af luftvexling i kasernor. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1853, xv, 535; 577, 1 pl. — Lion sen. Ueber Kasernen. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1867,viii, 283; 301; 317; 326.—Lotvhds (T. M.) Contribution to the sa- nitation of barracks. Tr. M. &. Phys. Soc. Bombay (1860), 1861, n. s., vi, (app.), xiii-xvii. — Marklin. Stadtisches Krankenhaus und Baraeken in Crefeld. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.- rhein., Koln, 1873, ii, 209-211, lpl.— Malherbc. Etude sur l'insalnbrit6 des quartiers mili- taires k propos de l'application de la nouvelle loi sur l'ar- mee. J. do med. de l'ouest, Nancy, 1879, 2. s., iii, 85-121.— Marvaud (A.) Hygiene militaire; etude sur les ca- sernes et les camps permanents. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1872, 2. s., xxxviii, 297: 1873, 2. s., xxxix, 70; 241.—Militar- Aerztliches. Ueber Feldlager mit Bezugnahme auf Os- car Heyfelder's Schrift. Das Lager von Krasnoe Selo im Vergleiche mit dem von Chalons. Wien. med. Wchnschr. 1866, xvi, 1475; 1523.—Milroy (G.) Notes on barracks and military hospitals in hot climates. Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 530; ii, 333. -----. Advantages of mountain sites for barracks in hot climates. Ibid., 1859, ii, 30.—Moor- son (W. R.) (An improved punkah.] Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond., 1863, i, 95-98, 1 sketch.—New infantry barracks for Glasgow. Builder, Lond., 1869, xxvii, 962.—Papillon. Do la n6cessite d'uno ventilation continue pour la salubrite des casernes, et d'un moyen sim- plo do 1'effectuer. Rec. dc m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1840, xlix, 257-268.—Pendalls for native troons. Rep. San. Com. Bombay (1876), 1877, xiii, 134, lpl.—Pfeifler (L.) Zur Barackcn-Einrichtung. Berl. klm. Wchnschr. 1871, viii, 83.—Poisoning in our barracks; the antidote. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond.. 1858, xvi, 452-454.—Port. Ue- ber Kascru-Endemieen. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg.,Wien, 1866, BARRACKS. 776 BARRE. Barracks. vii, 89-91.—Rec la in (C.) Gutachten uber den Bau einer Kaserne. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 1869, i, 92-104.—Beinhaltung der Luft inKaser- ncn. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1843, i, 143.—Re- view of circular No. 4, a report on barracks and hospitals, with descriptions of military posts. Washington, 1870. Vrtl- jschr. f. gerichtl. n. off. Med., Berl., 1871, xv, 147.—Richter (A. L.) Noch ein Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage iiber die Niitzlichkcit der Kasornen. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv, 245-246. Also: Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brnschwg., 1847, v, 66-69.—Rousseau (H.-J.) Ventilation des ca- sernes, des hopitaux, des ecoles et des ateliers. Arch, bei- ges dc med. mil., Brux., 1851, vii, 120; 230: viii. 209; 304.— Sanitary (The) state of our barracks and military hospi- tals. Builder, Lond.. 1858, xvi, 122.—Sanitary (The) state of barracks. Ibid., 1868, xxvi, 509.—Snssdorf (H.) Heizung und Liiftung der neuen Kasemen in Albertstadt bei Dresden. Veroffentl. a. d. k. siichs. Mil.-San.-Dienst, Berl., 1879, 217-229.—Trelat (E.) Rapport sur la reformo du cascmement en France. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1879, i, 297- 308. Aho : Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 439-442. -----. Rapport sur le nouveau casernement de Bourges. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1879, i, 1009-1027. Aho: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iii, 51-53.—Ulmer. Das Brucker Lager vom sa- nitiiren Standpunkte. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1869, iii, 205; 209; 222; 236.—Ventilation of barracks, etc. Lancet, Lond., 1869, i; 378; 475; 582.—Virchow (It.) TJeber Lazarette und Baraeken. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, viii, 109; 121; 133; 157. A ho, Reprint.—Viry(C) Etude sommaire sur le logeruent permanent des troupes en France. Gaz. hebd. do med., Par., 1875, 2. s., xii, 519; 532; 547.— Waldhauer. Ein Vorschlag zur Barackenfrago. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 97.—Wittcke. Gutachten iiber die Anlage zweier Kasernen. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang., 1850, 40. Ergnzngshft., 61-85. Barrage- (Francesco). Prelezione al corso di pa- tologia speciale chirurgica clinica e trattati di medicina operativa. 30 pp. 8°. Cagliari, tip. edit, dell'Avvenire di Sardegna, 1872. Barrail (Jean-Prosper). * De la ddlivrance arti- ticielle. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 137. Barrailler JLaplante aim (P.) * Disserta- tion sur le cancer de l'utdrus. vi, 7-26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 104, v. 90. Barral (E.-A.) * Observations et rdflexions sur quelques points de la pathologie et de la physio- logie des centres nerveux. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 12, v. 321. Barral (F.-A.) 'Considdrations sur les moyens proposds pour constater l'empoisonnement par les substances vdgdtales. vi, 7-47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 22, v. 197. Barral (Henri-fimile). *Quelques mots sur les luxations de l'astragale. 96 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pellier, imp. typog. de Gras, 1868, No. 65. c. Barralis (J.-B.-Edouard.) * De la commotion de la moelle dpiniere. 53 pp., 31. 4°. Montpellier, 1879, No. 39. Barrail (Francisco Antonio). Branco (A.) Necrologia; F. A. Barrail. Correio med. de Lisb., 1878, vii, 279. Barrallier (A.) Des effets physiologiques et de l'emploi thdrapeutique de la lobelia inflata. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer 4' file, 1864. Repr. from: Bull. g6n. de therap., etc., Par. Barrallier (A. M.) Du typhus dpiddmique et histoire mddicale des dpiddinies de typhus obser- vdes au bagne de Toulon en 1855 et 1856. xii, 384 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere $ fils, 1861. Barranca (Jose Sebastian). See: Dulanto (Martin). Informe sobre la teoria del astronomo Aleman Rodolfo Folb, etc. 8°. Lima, 1869. Barraud (Francis-Hippolyte). *Du favus: sa nature, son traitement. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 242, v. 550. Barraugcard (Antoine). "Considdrations gd- ndrales sur les sympathies, envisagdes surtout sous le point do vue pathologique. viii, 9-62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 178, v. 124. B arras. Prdcis analytique sur le cancer de l'esto- mac, et sin- ses rapports avec la gastrito chronique et les gastralgies. 133 pp., 11. 8°. Ports, Bechet jeune 4' Ldbe, 1842. Ban as (J.-P.-T.) Traitd sur les gastralgies et les entdralgies, ou maladies nerveuses do l'esto- mac et des intestins. 2. dd. xv, 386 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1827. -----. The same. 3. dd. [With supplement. ] 2 v. 637, 346 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1829-38. Barras De Broc (T.) * Dissertation sur les luxations spontandes du fdmur. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, an X[ 1801], No. 44, v. 5. Barrat (Jean). "Observation sur un cas de cir- rhose. viii, 9-50 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 59. Barrat (Pierre-Philippe-Cdlestin). *I. Differen- ces entre l'empoisonnement et l'dtranglement in- terne. II. [etc.] 23pp. 4°. Paris, 1840,No.91, v. 352. Barrail (Jean-Joseph). * Considdrations gdnd- rales sur l'empoisonnement par Poxyde blanc d'arsenic. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1821, No. 165,v. 168. Barraud (Alphonse). * Observations etrdnexions sur les suites des opdrations chirurgicales. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 252, v. 314. Barraud (£lie). * Essai sur l'accouchement na- turel. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 163, v. 149. Barraud (Fdlix). *Des poussieres; leur influ- ence sur la santd, spdcialement sur les fonctions respiratoires. 46 pp. 4C. Paris, 1860, No. 202. Barraud (L.-J.-C.) * Essai sur l'emploi des bains en hygiene. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 90, v. 583. Barraud (Louis-Victor). *Du ramoUissement du cerveau chez l'enfant et le vieillard. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 152, v. 194. Barraud (P.-J.-Lucien). *De l'accouchement naturel par l'extrdmitd pelvienne. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 212, v. 534. Barrault (Ernest)1. Parallele des eaux mind- rales de France et d'Allemagne. Guide pratique du mddecin et du malade. Avec une introduction par M. le Dr. Durand Fardel, xxiii, 372 pp. 12°. J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, 1872. Barrault (Ernest)2. * Etude sur la valeur de la spldnotomie. 76 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 381. -----. De la spldnotomie chez l'homme, avec une dtude sur la physiologie de la rate. D'apres un rdcent mdmoire de M. Ch. Eobin et une nouvelle observation de spldnotomie pratiqude avec succes parM. leDr.Pdan(1876). 76 pp. 8°. Paris, 1876. Bar re. See Idiots (Asylums for). Bar re (Antoine). * Essai sur les affections scro- phuleuses. viii, 9-59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 97, v. 132. Bar re (Charles-Ambroise-Edmond). *Del'eutoche par la face, ou de l'accouchement considdrd comme naturel dans cette position. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 271, v. 264. Barre (Charles-Gustave). * Hygiene du premier- Age. Des soins que rdclame l'enfant depuis la naissance jusqu'apres le sevrago. 90 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 126. Barre (Edmond-Victor). * Essai sur les ulcdra- tions du col de l'utdrus. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 400. Barre (J. P.) * Des ddformations du membre in- ferieur suite de tumeur blanche du genou. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 163. Barre (Jacques). * Dissertation sur l'apoplexie considdrde comme hdmorrhagie cdrdbrale. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 23, v. 213. Barre (J.-J.-Henri). * Dissertation sur la nature des affections dites scrofuleuses. Elles ne dd- pendent pas d'une cause occulte spdeiale, dia- these, vice, virus scrofuleux. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 237, v. 517. Barre (Louis). Des pneumonies observees dans les salles cliniques pendant les mois de mars, BARRE. 777 B ARRIERE. Barre (Louis)—continued. avril, mai ot juin 1840. 16 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel ainc, [1840].' Repr. from : Gaz. m6d. de Montpel. ■-----. Recherehes cliniques et philosophiqnes pour servir a l'histoire do la maladie de Bright. xvi, 17, 116 pp. 83. Montpellier, Sevalle 4" L. Castel, 1842. -----. * Des rapports entre l'dtat et l'acte mor- bides. 52 pp. 8-\ MontpelUer, J. Martel, 1844. Concours pour l'agr6gation dans la Facult6 do med. de Montpellier, section de m6docino. Barre (M.) 'Dissertation sur le mal vertdbral. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 72, v. 80. Barre (Oscar-Elie). * Essai sur la typhlite. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 482. Barre (Paul-Alphouse). *De l'action de l'dmd- tique sur l'dconomie animale, et particulierement de l'absorption do cette substance saline, x, 11- 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 30, v. 183. Barre (Prosper). * Essai sur quelques accidents urdmiques chroniques lids au rein contractd. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 381. de Barrel de Ponteves (Joseph-Emilo). * Des nerfs vaso-moteurs et de la circulation ca- pillaire. 114 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 132. Barrelet (Alphonsus). *De venenatione per fungosnonnulla. [Cumvita.] 31pp. 8°. Bero- Uni, typ. G. Schade, [1849]. Barrenness. See Sterility. Barrere (E.) See Praticien (Lo). Barrere (Jean). * Essai sur le plomb, et sur les prdparations mddicinales tirdes de ce mdtal. vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 46, v. 83. Barrere (Pierre)1. Observations anatomiques, tirdes des ouvertures d'un grand nombre de ca- davres, propres k ddcouvrir les causes des mala- dies et leurs remedes. Nouvelle ddition. 234 pp., 5 1., 11 pl. 4°. Perpignan, J. B. Reynier, 1753. Barrere (Pierre)3. *Des plaies pdndtrantes de poitrine. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 236, v. 397. Barres (Francois). * Considdrations gdndrales sur le traitement de l'hydropisie ascite. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 161, v. 194. Barreswil (Ch.) See Repertoire de chimie pure et appliqude. Barret (A.) * Forme convulsive de la neuralgic de la face, tic douloureux. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 351. Barret (Hippolyte). Ber aud [E.] FJogo do Hippolyte Barret [1810-65]. Montpel. med., 1870, xxiv, 130-151.—Tartivcl (A.) Apro- pos d nne brochure intitulee: Fdoge du Dr. H. Barret, par le Dr. E. Beraud. Union med., Par., 1870, ix, 727-735. Barret (Jean-Adolphe). * De la phthisie pulmo- naire, et de son traitement. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 81, v. 503. Barret (L. H.) * Propositions de mddecine et de chirurgie. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 328, v. 265. Barret (Mario-Antoine). * I. Quelle est la valeur des signes fournis par les arteres ? Quelles sont les prdcautions a prendre lorsque l'on veut faire ^ex- ploration du pouls? II. [etc.] 37pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 232, v. 452. Barreto (Josephus Maria). Theses. 4 1. 8°. Lovanii, Vanlinthout Sr Vandenzande, [1839]. Barrett (Moses). Griffin (E. L.) Biographical sketch of Moses Barrett. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. 1874, viii, 109. Barrett (T. S.) See Kitchiner (Wm.) Directions for invigorating and prolonging life. From 6. Loud. ed. 12°. Neio Tork, 1831. Barrett (William). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Barretta (Charles). * Essai sur les piqures des tissus, considdrdes d'une maniero gdndrale. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 176, v. 209. Barrey (Thdophile). * I. Du magnetisme en mou- vement. Expdriences d'Arago sur les disques de cuivre, tournant sous un aimant. II. [etc. ] 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1841, 2. s., No. 70, v. 7. Barrie (Andrd). * Des eaux miudrales sulfureuses de Bagneres de Luchon, et de leur emploi dans le traitement des affections chroniques. 106 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 108, v. 534. Barrie (Carl). Russische Bader nebst einer An- weisung zu dem zweckmassigsten Gebrauch der- selben, in Beziebung auf das Alexander-Bad in Hamburg. 1. Th. 2 p. 1., x, vi, 166 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Herold, 1828. -----. Die Cholera morbus. Ueber ihre Entste- hung, Ausbildung, Zeugung und Ansteckungs- fahigkeit, [etc.] 4 p. 1., ix, 238, 26 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Hamburg, Hartwig Sr Muller, 1831. -----. Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, oder practische Beitriige zu den von mir herausgegebenen Schrif- ten iiber die Cholera morbus, (a) Winke iiber die Natur dieser Krankheit. (b) Zusatze zu den- selben, nebst einem Anhang iiber die Erzeugung der Malaria, aus dem Englischen. viii, 60 pp. 8°. Hamburg, auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1831. [P., v. 738.]' ------. Wodurch kann die Weiterverbreitung der Cholera in Deutschland verhindert und der Stoff zu dieser Krankheit in der Wurzel vernichtet wer- den. 24 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Adolph Wienbrack, 1831. [P., v. 738.] ------. Zusatze iiber die von mir herausgegebene Schrift: "Winke iiber die Natur der Cholera morbus", nebst einem Anhange iiber die Erzeu- gung der Malaria (Miasma), aus dem Englischen. xliv, 44 pp. 8°. Hamburg, auf Kosten des Verfas- sers, 1831. [P., v. 738.] Barrie (M. -Emile). * Des plaques muqueuses de la peau. 34 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 298. Barrie (Nestor). *Des dartres. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 167, v. 141. Barrier. Traitement des maladies scrofuleuses et cancdreuses par les mdthodes iatraleptiques. 302 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Ledoyen, 1856. -----. Rapport sur l'enquete ouverte par l'Asso- ciation gdndrale des mddecins de France sur la rdvision des lois qui rdgissent l'exercice de la mddecine au nom d'une commission composde de MM. Denonvilliers, Tardieu, P. Andral, Houzelot, Guerrier, Latour, Gallard, Gros et Barrier. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. FeTuc Malteste Sr Cie., 1865. [P., v. 788.] Barrier (F.) Traitd pratique des maladies de l'enfance fondd sur de nombreuses observations cliniques. 2 v. xlvii, 688 pp.; 816 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1843. See, aho, Gazette medicale de Lyon. Barrier (Francois-Marguerite). * De la tumeur hydatique du foie. 103 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 180, v. 352. For hh Obituary, see Lyon m6d., 1875, xviii, 271; 323 (J. Garin). Barrier (Grdgoire-Baptiste-Jean). * Exposition de nouveaux principes de pharmacologie, qui forment de la matiere mddicale une science nou- velle. 125 pp. 8°. Paris, P. E. Rigot, an XI [1803], v. 21. Barrier (Jean-fllysde-Saint-Ange). *Le tuber- culo et la phthisie. fitude historique et analy- tique. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 121. ------. The same. 74 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1868. Barriere (Ernest). * De l'embolie. 31pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 29. Barriere (Marcolliu-Thdophile). * Essai sur les tumeurs du voile du palais coufoudues sous le BARRIERE. 778 BARRY. Barriere (Marcellin-Thdophile)—continued. nom d'addnomes. vi, 7-54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1878, No. 58. Barriere (P.-B.-M.) 'Avantagesdel'allaitement maternel. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 12, v. 257. Barries (C.) Peter Krukenberg, vormals Ge- heimcr Medicinalrath, Doctor und Professor der Medicin, Director der medicinischen Klinik zu Halle. Biographische Skizze und Charakteristik seiner Lehrthiitigkeit. 59 pp. 8°. Halle, R. Miihlmann, 1866. Barries (Carolus Ludovicus). * Do morbillis epi- demiis Habe a. 1839. [Cum vita.] 3 p. 1., 30 pp., 11. 8°. Hala, formis Ploetzianis, [1839]. Barries (Fel.) See Scli walbe (Gustavus). De canali Petiti, etc. 8°. Halh Saxonum, [1870]. Barriger (John W.) Legislative history of the Subsistence Department of the United States Army, from June 16, 1775, to August 15, 1876. 1 p. 1., 134 pp. 8°. Washington, 1876. Barrilleau (C.-Ch.) * De l'abus des astringens. vi, 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 118, v. 98. Barringer (Charles-Wright). * Dissertation sur les systenies nosologique et sur la nomenclature mddicale. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 120. Barringou (Antoine). * Dissertation sur le rhu- matisme articulaire. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 245, v. 263. Barrington and Haswell's Medical Bulletin. Feb., 1849. 40 pp. roy. 8°. [Advt.] Philadelphia. del Barrio (Don Paulino), Noticia sobre el terreno carbonifero de Coronel i Lota, i sobre los trabajos de esplotation en el emprendidos. 107 pp. 4°. Santiago, imprcnta nacional, 1857. Barrion (Charles). * De l'eau mindrale de Coise (Savoie); son analyse, son emploi en thdrapeu- tique. 57 pp., 3 1. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1867, No. 20. c. Barrion (Firmin). * Essai sur le diagnostic dans les principales affections des poumons et de leurs ddpondances. vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 73, v. 258. Barrion (Georges). * De l'entralnement. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 494. Barrion (Gustave). * Ddterminer si los indica- tions thdrapeutiques ne peuvent etre basdes que but la connaissauce exacte do la ldsion anato- mique qui constitue la maladie. II. [etc.] 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 29, v. 335. Barrio-Nuevo (Pierre). * Dissertation sur la fievre advnamique. vi, 7-31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 178, v. 195. Barroilhet (P.) * Essai sur les signes que prd- seute la face dans les maladies. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 116, v. 77. Barroilhet (Pierre-Gabriel-Marie). *Du ca- tarrhe vdsical. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 346, v. 279. Barrois (Georges-Ferdinand). * Des flexions de l'utdrus. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 154. Barrois d'Entremont(Jean-Baptiste). *Des accidents qui peuvent survenir pendant les opd- rations. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 172, v. 426. Barron (Joanne). * De nutritiono fcetus. 18 pp. 8°. [Edinburgi, G. Creech, 1805.] [P., v. 710.] Barr OS Borgono (Manuel). *Du sidge rd- gional des tumeurs considdrd comme dldmeut du diagnostic. 97 pp., 11., 1 tab. 4°. Pan's, 1879, No. 52. Bar rot (P.) .SVe Girard dc Caillcux. Fonctionnomcnt medical et administratif, etc. 4°. Parh, 1878. Barrough (Philip). The method of physick, contaniug the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in mans body, from the head to the foote. Whereunto is added, the forme and rule of making remedies and medicines, which our physicians commonly use at this day, with the Barrough (Philip)—continued. proportion, quantity and names of each medi- cine. 5. ed. 7 p. 1., 224-f- pp. sm. 4C. London, R. Field, 1617. -----. Tho same. 6. ed. 7 p. 1., 477 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. London, imp. by R. Field, 1624. Barrow (Gulielmus). *De variolis. 2 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A, Neill cum sociis, 1791. Barrow (J.) Dictionarium medicum universale: or a new medicinal dictionary. Containing an explanation of all the terms used in physic, anatomy, [etc.] iv pp. unp., 3001. 8°. London, T. Longman, C. Hitch .—Obttisheim. Din Canalisation in Basel. Deutsche Vrtl.ischr. f. off. (isndlitspflg., Brnschwg., 1873, v, 523-.">37.—Goppelwroeder (F.) Einige Angabcu iiber die Mineralbestaudthcilc dor Basclcr Trinkwasser. Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Basel. 1875, vi, 247-266.— Piccard (J.) Vergleichende Untersuchung von zehn verschicdenen Wassern Easels; Gufachten an das Sanitiits- collegium. Ber. ii. d. San.-Wes. v. Basel-Stadt, 1874, 97- 107,1 pl.—Zuiugcrus (J. R.) Diarium physico-modicum a. 1755. Acta Helvet., Basilea?, 17,18. iii, 295-.T20. -----. Diariolum nosologicum Basil, a. 1759. Ibid., 1760, iv, 337- 350. Basliam (William Richard) [1804-77]. On dropsy connected with disease of the kidneys (morbus Brightii), and on some otber diseases of those organs, associated with albuminous and purulent urine. 2. ed. xvi, 347 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill, 1^62. -----. Tbe Croonian lectures for 1864. Tho sig- nificance of dropsy as a symptom in renal, car- diac, and pulmonary diseases. 86 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill 4' Sons, 1864. -----. Renal diseases. 244 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1870. -----. Aids to the diagnosis of diseases of the kidnevs. 48 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1872. For hh Obituary, see Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 505. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, ii, 609. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 634. Basilar process (Fractures of). See Head (Injuries of the). Basile (Baron de Saussot). * These sur la phthisie pulmouairc tuberculeuse. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 37, v. 205. Basile (Giuseppe). Storia della ferita del Geue- rale Garibaldi toccata il 29. agosto 1862 in Aspro- monte. 52 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Palermo, 1863. Basilevitseh (Gregorius). Systematisresorben- tis physiologico-medica descriptio. 72 pp. sm. 4°. Argentoi-ati, apud A. Eocnig, 1792. (Nicolaus). * De chronica gastritide. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. BeroUni, typ. frat. Schlesinger, [1850]. Basin (Auguste). * De la blennorrhagie aigue et chronique et de son traitement par le sous- nitrate de bismuth. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 172. Baske (H. J.) Die Maseru uud der Keuchhusten. Ihre Ursachen, Verhiitung und Heilung. 39 pp. 8°. Berlin, Denicke, [n. d.] Basler (Wilhelm). * Ueber das Verhalten der Milzgefiisse. 14 pp., 1 col. pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1863. Basque (P. M. A.) * De la descente de la matrice au point de vue de son traitement. 2 p. 1., 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 875. Bas-Khin (Departement du). See Alsace-Lorraine; France. Bass (Gerhardus). *De obesitate nimia. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Erfordia, prelo Herringii, [1740]. Bass (Henricus). * De fistula ani feliciter curanda. 27pp.,21.,lpl. sm.4°. HalaMagdeburga,[171ti]. Also, in: Haller, Disp. chir., t. 4. -----. Grondig be'rigt van de verbanden, behel- zende eene nauwkenrige beschryving, om by alle uitwendige gebreken en heelkundige handgre- pen naar de nieuwste en beste wyze sierlyk en gemaklyk te verbinden. In het Nederduitsch vertaald en verbeterd door Hendrik Ulhoorn. Derde druk. Verbeterd, met aautekeniugen ver- rykt en eenige asbeeldingen vermeerderd door Fredrik Buchuer. xxiii, 268 pp., 231., 20 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1793. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of So., 199. Bassadore. Rozario (J. D.) An account of Bassadore, and of tho fever prevalent there. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay (1860), 1861, n. s., vi, (app.), pp. xvii-xxiv.' Bassaget (J. A.) Traite" d'hematologie dyua- miquc pour servir de fondement a un systeme de pathologie vitaliste. 2 v., xiv, 824, 850 pp. 8°. Montpellier, C. Coulet, 1878-9. Bassand (Charles). * De l'eut^rite chronique chez les adultes. 40 pp. 4C. Paris, 1858, No. j 262, v. 612. ! Bassand (Joannem Baptistam). See Bocrhaave (Hemiauus). Epistolae ad . . . 8°. Vindobonnce, 1778. Basse (Carolus Ferdiuaudns). * Diss., sistens ca- sum rarissimum viri, qui maximam ventriculi partem vomitu ejecit, una cum epicrisi Univ. Heidelbergensi. 20 pp. 4°. Francofurti ad Ma- li urn, typ. J. F. Bayrhoffer, 1846. Basseiet (Th6odore). *I. Porrigo scutulata. II. [etc.] 37 pp. 4°. 'Paris, 1843, No. 150, v. 397. Bassenge (Jacobus Fridericus). * De acido phos- phoreo usui therapeutico rite accommodando. 36 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Richteriana, 1799. For hh Life, see Platnerus (Ernestus). Bassens. See Insane (Asylums for). Bassereau (Edmoud-Pierre-Marie). * Origine de la svphilis. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 338. ! -----. The same. 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J. B. \ Bailliere 4'fils, 1873. Bassereau (L6on-P.-A.) * Essai sur la novral- ; gie des nerfs intercostaux, considered comme symptomatique a quelques affections viscerales, [etc.] 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 110, v. 352. Bassermann (Friedrich). i Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. ; Basserre (Louis-Jerome-Am6dee). * Notes sur le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 182. Basset (Adolph-Xavier). * Dissertation sur l'iner- tie de la matrice, consider6e avant, pendaut et apres la d^livrance et sur les moyens d'y rem6- dier. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 203, v. 195. Basset (Alfred). * Ueber die in der gyniikologi- schen Klinik und Poliklinik zu Breslau in den Jahren 1866 bis 1873 durch den Geburtsact ent- standenen Uro-Genital-Fistehi. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, H. Lindner, [1874]. Basset (Francois-Joseph). *Des fievres inter- mittentes et de leurs rapports avec certains 6tats de la rate. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 87, v. 426. Basset (Gabriel-Jules). *De l'hydrorrhe'e dans la grossesse. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 114, v. 612. Basset (J.) *De la sirnultandite' des maladies v^neriennes. 106 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 232. Basset (John). Post-partum hemorrhage, a paper read before the Birmingham and Midland Coun- ties' Branch of the British Medical Association, November 13,1874. 10 pp. 12°. Birmingham, C. N. Wright, [n. d.] Basset (L.-A.) *De la r6tention d'urine, ses causes, ses effets, son traitement. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 208. Basset (L6once). *De la pneumonie lobulaire chez l'adulte. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 51. Basset (Otto). *De pneumonia nonnulla. 1 p. 1.. 31 pp. 8°. Gryphia, typ. F. G. Kunike, [1848]. Basset (Paul-Louis). * Recherehes sur les carac- teres (Spid^miques do la fievre typhoide, pendant ces trois dernieres anne'es. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1857, No. 267, v. 598. Basset (Theophile). * £tudo sur la puberte" chez ' la femme. 137 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, Boehm 4- fils, 1867, No. 68. C BASSE VILLE. 790 BASTIE. Basseville (J. Bapt.) Sec If ourdcliu (Ludovicus C.) Thesis in haec verba: Ergo tussi puerornm clangosae, vulgo coqueluche, emesis. Parisih, 1752. Bassier (Francois-Michel). * Dissertation sur les plaies penetrantes de poitrine faites par un in- strument trau chant, et compliquees de la lesion du poumon. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 261, v. 245. Bassignot (Theodore). * De l'ulcere de Cochin- chiue. 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 767, v. 39. Bassigny. Virey (J.-J.) Geographic physico-medicale du Bas- signy (departement de la Haute-Mame). J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Par., 1821, viii, 289-308; ix, 3-16. Bassini (Edoardo). Contribuzione alia istolo- gia patologica del tessuto osseo. 17 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Milano, F. Rechiedei, 1873. Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1873, 6. s.,vi. -----. De clinica operativa di Pavia nell'anno 1876-7. Contribuzione di chirurgia pratica. 174 pp., 11. 8°. Genova, R. Istituto Sordo-Muti, 1878. -----. Sul serramento delle mascelle. 150 pp., 1 1., 5 pl. 8°. Milano, tip. frat. Rechiedei, 1879. Bassius (Henricus). Observationes anatomico- chirurgico-inedicae, in quatuor decades digest* variis observatis rarioribus exornataj et solidis medica? scientiae piincipiis superstructse, cum figuris ameis. 6 p. 1., 327 pp., 6 pl. Hala, Renger, 1731. -----. Grundlieher Bericht von Bandagen. 4. Aufl. 253 pp., 22 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. H. Sclw- nermarck, 1755. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Basslinger (J.) Pepsin, seine physiologischen Erscheinungen und therapeutischen Wirkungen gegen Verdauungsschwiiche. 216 pp. 8°. Wien, L. C. Zamarski, C. Dittmarsch Sr Co., 1858. Bassompierre (Marc-Gaston). * Description d'uue bourse sereuse crepitante sous-scapulaire. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 162. Bassorah. Hyslop (J. M.) Medical topography of Mohamreh and Bussorah. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1855, n. s., ii, 212-231.—IVardin (C.) Etudes medicales sur Bassora. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1873-4, xvii, 164-168: 1874-5, xviii, 8-13. Bassow (Basilius). * De lithiasi vesicae urinaria? in genere, et in specie de extractione calculi per sectionem perinsei. viii, 207 pp., 1 1., 9 pl. 8°. Mosqua, 1841. Bassuel (Pierre). E loge de M. Pierre Bassuel [1706-57]. Morand's Opusc. de chir., Par., 1768, i, 55-59. Bastard. * Quelques propositions sur la phthisie pulmonaire. vi, 7-36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 58, v. 155. Bastard (A.) Etude sur le traitement de la suette miliaire. Avantage des bains tiedes. xi, 279 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1867. Bastard (Pierre-Francois). * Hepatite aigue. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 166, v. 311. Bastassich (Paulus). *De diarrhoea infantum. viii, 16 pp. 8°. Pestini, J. T. Trattner, 1819. V,an Bastelaer (D. A.) Eaut-il dtendre l'em- pfei-jn^dmaldes principesimm^diats chimique- ment d6fims~cfre»:^a*rjjlnlier les preparations dans les pharmacjjp^es. 14pprr-t-fc--84, No. 87, v. 550. Bataille (Victor). * Contributions k l'etude de la paralvsie spinale atrophique de l'adulte. 35 pp. 4C/ Paris, 1878, No. 419. Batailley (Pierre-Desin). * Considerations sur les phenomenes de la vie nutritive (physiologie et pathologie) et leurs rapports avec le svsteme ner- veux. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 305, v. 550. Batard (T.) * De l'influence des saisons dans les contrees de l'ouest de la France, vi, 7-25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 110, ter. v. 132. Batault (Rene-Louis). * Questions sur diverses branches des sciences medicales. [Reponses.] 39 pp. 4-. Paris, 1844, No. 90, v. 411. Batavia, Java. See, also, Bataviaansch Genootschap der Kunsten en Wettenschappen; Insane (Asylums for). van Leext (F. J.) * Geneeskundig-topogra- phische opmerkingen betreffende Batavia, hare reede en het eiland onrust. [Leiden.] 8J. '« Gra- venhage, 186*. Miller (D.) * De caussis quare ingens Euro- pseorum multitudo prematura morte Batavi® pe- reat; et de iuali hujus remediis. 12J. Gottin- ga, [1798]. Bettner (G. S.) Remarks on the climate and diseases of Batavia, and on the means of guarding against them. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1830, vi, 380-391. — Sleeker. Bij- dragen tot geneeskundige topographie van Batavia. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. Indie, Batav.. 1844, i, 1; 169; 523. -----. Bydrage tot de geneeskundige topographie van "Vfillem I. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. "Wetensch. in Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1852, i, 165-197.— Ffirth (S.) Some accounts of Batavia, and of tho sources of its nnhealthiness. Phila. M. Museum, 1806, ii, 47-51.— Swaving (C.) Over den invloed van het klimaat dezer gewesten op den Europeaan. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. Indie, Batav., 1844, i, 81-115. -----. Verbeteringen en toelichtingen betreffende Batavia's sanitaire gtachiede- nis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1878. xiv, 335- 341.—Wassink (G.) Batavia, nit een hygienisch gezigts- punt beschouwd. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. !N ederl. Indie, Ba- tav., 1859, vi, 715-734. Batavia, Ne-ic York. See Blind (Asylums and Institutions for). Bataviaanscb Genootschap der Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen van het Bata- viaansch Genootschap der Kunsten en Weten- schappen. v. xii, or xiii? 1-181 pp., 3 pl. 8J. These transactions were published at Batavia in the years 1779-1833. See Boltrop Bibl. med. chir. et phar. chem., p. xiv, x*. Batbedat ( J.-B.-L.-P.-A.-Paul). * Considera- tions sur la nature et le traitement des fievres in- termittentes. 46 pp. 4-\ Paris, 1*53, No. 239, v. 535. Batbie (Francois-Amedee). * De l'ulceration et des ulceres en general. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 85, v. 425. Batby-Berquin (Charles Theodore). * Notes sur quelques maladies observees k la Guadeloupe. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 18T3, No. 343. Batcbelder (John). Memorial to the Massachu- setts legislature. Being a reply to the report of the judiciary committee of_ the ho Use of repre- sentatives respecting the New England Female Medical College. 11 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge Sr Son, 1866. Batchelder (John P.) [1784- ]. Pathology and treatment of the paralysis of motion. 62 pp., 11. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] -----. Memoir on the fracture of the lower ex- tremity of the radius. 4 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, Argus, 1827. BATCHELDER. 792 BATH. Batchelder (John P.)—continued. -----. Case of a tumor at the angle of the jaw, with practical remarks. 8 pp. 8°. [New York, 1829.] -----. Second edition of "an advertisement", by C. B. Coventry, M. D. With "a candid exposi- tion of facts". 16 pp. 8°. Utica, Dauby Sr May- nard, 1829. [Also, in: P., v. 827.] -----. Thoughts ou tho connection of life, mind, and matter; in respect to education. 84 pp. 8°. Utica, Bennett, Backus Sr Hawley, 1845. -----. Case of a tumor, with remarks by . . . 7 pp. 8°. [New York, 1846.] Itepr.from: N. York J. M., 1846. -----. Inflammation: its symptoms, causes, and treatment philosophically considered. 66 pp. 8°. Neio York, H. G. Langlcy, 1848. -----. Cholera: its causes, symptoms, and treat- ment, considered and explaiued. 45 pp. 8°. New York, Deivitt 4' Davenport, 1849. -----. The same. 35,5 pp. 8°. New York, Dewitt Sr Davenport, 1849. -----. An inaugural address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine February 3d, 1858. 18 pp. 8°. New York, 1858. For Biographical Sketch, see Med. & Surg. Reporter., Phila., 1864-5, xii, 587-590. Bateheller (Stephen). Obituary notice of Stephen Bateheller. Med. Commu- nicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1854, viii, 43-45.—Williams (S. "W.) Biographical notice of Stephen Bateheller [1778- 1848]. Boston M. & S. J., 1849, xxxix, 456-461. Bate (C. Spence). On the homologies of the cara- pace, and on the structure and function of the antenuue in Crustacea. 13pp.,2pl. 8°. London, Taylor Sr Francis, 1855. Repr. from: Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1855. Bate (George). Pharmacopoeia Bateana: or Bate's dispensatory. Transl. from the second edition of the Latin copy. Containing . . . the Arcana God- dardiana ... To which are added . . . Goddard's drops, Russel's pouder, and the emplasrrum febri- fugum. By William Salmon. 8 p. 1., 965 pp., 91. 8°. London, S. Smith Sr B. Welford, 1694. See, aho, Bath (Georgius). Also: GrlisMon (Francis). De rachitide, etc. 8°. Lond., 1660. Bateldt (Gottfried). * De abstinentia medici. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeb., lit. C. Henckelii, [1709]. Bateman (Frederic). On aphasia, or loss of speech in cerebral disease. 30 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lewes, G. P. Bacon, 1869. Repr. from: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1869. -----. On aphasia, or loss of speech and the lo- calisation of the faculty of articulate language. xi, 180 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1870. Bateman (Thomas) [1778-1821]. *De haemor- rhcea petechiali. (55 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Neill et soc, 1801. [P., v. 17.] -----. Delineations of cutaneous diseases: exhi- biting the characteristic appearances of the prin- cipal genera and species comprised in the classifi- cation of the late Dr. Willan; and completing the series of engravings begun by that author, viii pp., 721., 72 col. pl. 4°. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees Sr Co., 1817. -----. The same. New ed. viii, 72 1., 72 pl. 4°. London, H. G. Bohn, 1840. -----. A practical synopsis of cutaneous diseases. 1. Am. ed. from 4. London ed. 348 pp. 8°. Phi- ladelphia, Collins Sr Croft, 1818. -----. The same. 5. ed. 343 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees Sr Co., 1819. -----. Thesame. 2. Am. ed. 320 pp. 8°. Phi- ladelphia, James Crissy, 1824. -----. A succinct account of the contagious fever of this country, exemplified in the epidemic now prevailing in London, with the appropriate ine- Bateman (Thomas)—continued. thod of treatment as practised in the house of recovery, to which are added observations on the nature and properties of contagion, x, 1 p. 1., 177 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst, ReesSr Co.,1818. See, also, Brief (A) memoir, etc. 12°. London, 1822. Also : Norton (K.) Elements of diagnosis, etc. [Ap- pendix.] 8°. London, 1831-2. And,-----. Abridged me- moir of. . . Bound with hh: Elements of diagnosis. 8°. London, 1831-2. Aho: Some account of the life and cha- racter of... 8°. London, 1826. Also: Review, Lond. M. Reposit., 1826, xxvi, 405-479. I Bateman (William). Magnacopia; a chemico- pharmaceutical library of useful and profitable information for the practitioner, chemist, and druggist, surgeon, dentist, etc. 3. ed. xii, 379 | pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1839. Bates (David Nicholas). A practical treatise on acute abdominal and pelvic inflammation; con- taining a comprehensive clinical view of inflam- mation of the stomach, bowels, peritoneum, ute- rus, etc., with a certain and expeditious method of cure, x, 136 pp. 8°. London, Baldwin Sr Cra- dock, 1829. Aho, bound with: Blank (G.) Elements of medical logick, etc. 8°. London, 1825. Bates (Joseph). See Journal of Materia Medica and Pharmaceutic Formulary. Bates (W. H.) On the necessity of sufficiently extended urethral incisions for the permanent cure of strictures of the urethra. 11pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1877. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1877. Bates County. See Missouri. Bateson (Henry). A report to the vestry of the I parish of St. George the Martyr, Southwark (calling attention to the subject of fever). Being a portion of a report presented Sept. 29, 1865. 10 pp. 8°. London, F. Passmwe, 1865. Bath (Georgius). Pharmacopoea Batheana. Ofte den apotheek van de Heer ... In welke ontrent de tachentig uitgelezene medicamentcn, op de order van een alphabeth werden vertoont: Zijnde tegenwoordig in 't gebruik van de Heeren Doc- toren tot Louden, en voorts gantsch Engeland door. Uitgegeven door den Heer Jac. Smpton. Tweede druk waaragter komt. Antonii de Heide nieuw ligt der apothekers. Tweede druk. 4 p. 1., 335 pp. 12°. Hoorn, T. Tjallingius, 1762. See, aho, Bate (George). Bath Alum Springs. See Rockbridge Alum Springs. Bath (The) and the beach; or all about bathing and boating. With instructions how to swim and how to 6ave from drowning, by Piscatory. 39 pp. 8C. London, Sampson, Low, Son Sr Mar- ston, [n. d.] Bath and Bristol Branch of the Pro- vincial Medical and Surgical Association. See Provincial Medical and Surgical Associa- tion. Bath, England. See, also, Hospitals (Construction of); Hospi- tals (Desci'iptions and reports of); Prisons. Baklow (E.) An essay on the medicinal effi- cacy and employment of the Bath waters. 8°. Bath, 1822. Bathoniensium et Aquisgranensinm therma- rum comparatio variis adjunctis illustrata. 16°. Londini, 1676. Charletox (R.) A treatise on the Bath waters. 12°. Bath, 1754. -----. Three tracts on Bath water. 8°. Bath, 1774. Contents. Tract tho first: A chemical analysis of Bath ■water. 2. ed. Tract the second: An inquiry into the cm- BATH. 793 BATHS. Bath, England. racy of Bath water in palsies. 2. cd. Tract the third: Histories of hospital cases under tho care of tho late Dr. Oliver with additional cases and notes by the editor. -----. A chymical analysis of the Bath waters, containing an account of the mineral substances which the Bath waters bring up with them out of the earth. 2. ed. 8°. Bath, 1776. -----. An inquiry into the efficacy of Bath waters in palsies. 2. ed. 8°. Bath, 1776. Falconer (R. W.) Tho baths and mineral waters of Bath. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1858. Falconer (W.) A practical dissertation on the medicinal effects ofthe Bath waters. 2. ed., with additions. 8°. Bath, 1798. Lyell(C) Address [origin and temperature of Bath springs]. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] Sigmond (G.) *De aquis thermalibus apud Bathonias. 8°. Edinburgi, 1814. Thicknesse (P.) An epistle, to Dr. Wm. Fal- coner, of Bath. 8°. Bath, [1782]. Tunstall (J.) The Bath waters: their uses and effects in the cure and relief of various chronic diseases. 4. ed. K°. London, 1868. Venner (T.) The baths of Bathe, or a neces- sary compendious treatise concerning the nature, use, and efficacie of those famous hot waters . . . [etc.] 4°. London, 1628. Brabazon (A. B.) Bath thermal mineral waters; their uses and abuses. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 81; 287; 407.—Falconer (R. W.) Forty-sixth meeting of the British Medical Association, held in Bath, August, 1878. President's address. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 152-161.—JWedical (The) historv of Baths. Ibid., 1865, i, 179; 206; 233; 260; 288.—Spender (J. K.) On the use of the Bath thermal waters in the treatment of diseases of the skin. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, ix, 277-286.—Tripe (J. W.) Bath, its hot wells and their uses. San. Rec, Lond., 1879, n. s., i, 48-51. Bath, Maine. See Children (Hospitals and asylums for). Bath Mineral Water Hospital. Regulations re- lating to the admission of patients. 1 1. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Bath Penitentiary and Lock Hospital. Reports and proceedings of the Bath Penitentiary and Lock Hospital, from the year 1816 to the annual meeting, held Feb. 2, 1821. 77 pp. 8°. Bath, T. S. Meyler, 1821. Bathgate (William M.) A probationary essay on morbus coxarius. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, W. Burness, 1828. Bathiat (Leon). * fitude sur le pronostic et le traitement de la paralysie a frigore du nerf radial. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 144. Bathoniensium et Aquisgranensium thenna- rum coniparatio variis adjunctis illustrata R. P. Epistola ad illustrissimum virum, Rogerum Cas- tlemaini comitem. 2 p. 1., 96 pp., 5 1. 16°. Londini, F. Martyn, 1676. Baths. See, also, Health-resorts; Hydropathy; Hy- drotherapia; Menstruation (Hygiene of); Wa- ters (Mineral); and under names of diseases, and of countries and places. A full list of places will be given undei' Waters (Mineral). Alefeld, gen. Lechdringhausen (F.) Grund- ziige der Phytobalneologie oder der Lehre von den Krauter-Badern. 8°. Neuwied, 1863. Austin (Harriet N.) Baths, and how to take them. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Balneis (De) omnia quad extant apud Grecos, Latines et Arabas, tarn medicos quam quoscun- que ceterarmn artium probatos scriptores. fol. Venetiis, 1553. Barraud (L. J. C.) * Essai sur l'emploi des bains en hygiene. 4°. Parts, 1856. Baths. Bath (The) aud the beach; or all about bath- ing and boating. By Piscatory. 8°. London, [n, d.] Bell (J.) On baths and mineral waters. In two parts. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. -----. A treatise on baths, including cold, sea, warm, hot, vapour, gas, and mud baths, also on the watery regimen, hydropathy, and in- halation, with a description of bathing in ancient and modern times. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. Benit(E.) * Etude sur les etablissements ther- maux militaires. 4°. Paris, 1874. Brancaleone (J. F.) De balneis: quam salu- bria balnea sint, cum ad. sanitatem tuendam, turn ad morbos curandos, dialogus adversus neoteri- cos medicos. 12°. Norimberga, 1536. Braun (J.) Systematisches Lehrbuch der Bal- neotherapie mit Berucksichtigung der klima- tischen Therapie der Lungenphthise. 8°. Berlin, 1868. -----. The same. 2. Aufl., vermehrt um die Abhandlungen des Dr. L. Rohden in Lippspringe; Balneotherapie und Klimatotherapie der Lungen- schwindsucht. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Clarke (A.) An essay on warm, cold, and vapour bathing, with practical observations ou sea bathing, diseases of the skin, bilious, liver complaints, and dropsy. 4. ed. With several new cases and observations. 8°. London, 1819. Coffin (J. G.) Discourses on cold and warm bathing; with remarks on the effects of drinking cold water in warm weather. 8°. Boston, 1818. [Also, in: P., v. 550.] -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Boston, 1826. Corbel (S. - J.) * Essai sur l'emploi hygi^nique et nnSdical des bains. 4°. Paris, 1837. Culverwell (R. J.) Hints on bathing, con- taining a brief exposition of the medical efficacy and salubrity of the warm vapour, shampooing, sulphur and shower baths. 8°. London, 1838. -----. On bathing, etc. Half an hour's read- ing on the medical efficacy of bathing in the cure of common cold, gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, tic-douloureux and diseases of the skin. 8°. London, 1842. Delavau (F. C.) * Dissertation sur les bains d'eau douce, considered sous le rapport hygie'nique. 4°. Paris, 1823. Dern (G. P.) * De balneis immersivis eorum- que modo agendi. 4°. Argentorati, 1767. Ditterich (G. L.) Kliuische Balneologie. 2. Ausg. 2 v. 8°. Miinchen, 1867. Dobereiner (J. W.) Anleitung zur Darstel- lung und Anwendung aller Arten der kraftigsten Bader und Heilwasser. 12°. Jena, 1816. Dovertie (L. G.) * Balneologiska studier vid Upsala vattenkuranstalt. 8°. Upsala, 1865. Drazic (F.) *Tractatum de balneis. 8°. Vindobona, [1838]. Dumay (C.-S.) *De I'utilite) des bains con- sideres sous le rapport hygie'nique et sous le rapport medical. 4°. Paris, 1830. Dunlop (D.) The philosophy of the bath, with a history of hydro-therapeutics and of the hot-air bath from the earliest ages. 8°. London, 1868. Este (M. L.) Remarks on baths, water, swim- ming, shampooing, heat, hot, cold, and vapor baths. 8°. London, 1812. Flittner (C. G.) Gemeiufassliche Anweisung iiber den Nutzen und rechten Gebrauch der ein- fachen kalten und Avarmen Wasserbiider, sowie der Dampf bader. 8°. Berlin, 1822. Floyer (J.) &Baynard (E.) WvxpoXovdia: or, the history of cold bathing: baths, ancient and modern. In two parts. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1706. BATHS. 794 BATHS. Baths. ------. The same. 6. cd. 8°. London, 1732. Forment (L.) * Essai sur les bains et l'hydro- thdrapie. 4°, Paris, 1873. Fourier-Duportail (E.-G.-P.-A.) * Proposi- tions sur I'utilite' de l'usage des bains d'eau douce. 4°. Paris, an XII [ 1804]. Fourneret (J. L.) * Considerations gdndrales sur les bains d'eau douce. 4°. Paris, 1811. Francke (G. C.) * De balneis veterum in unc- tione conjungendis. 4°. Erfordia, 1772. Frankl (J. A.) Aerztliches fiir Brunnen- und Badegaste. sm. 8°. Berlin, 1836. Glass (T.) An account of the antient baths; and their use in physic. 8°. London, 1752. Gressier (A.) * Dissertation sur les bains. 4°. Paris, 1828. Guintherius (J. A.) Commentarius de bal- neis et aquis medicatis in tres dialogos distinctus. 12°. Argentorati, 1565. Haberkorn (J.-P.) * De excellenti balneorum ex aqua dulci usu in affectionibus internis. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, 1721. Hahn (L. N. A.) *De excellenti balneorum usu. 4°. [n.p.], 1773. Hahn(S.) Bader und Badekuren. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.] Health primers. No. 6. Baths and bathing. 18°. New York, 1879. Heidler (C. J.) AUgemeineRegelnfiirKranke bey dem Gebrauche ernes Gesundbrunnehs oder Heilbades, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Anwendung der mineralischeu Schlamm-, Gas-, Dampf-, Douche-, Tropf- und Schauerbader. 8°. Prag, 1826. Helfft (H.) Handbuch der Balneotherapio. Praktischer Leitfaden bei Verordnung der Mine- ralquellen, Molken, Seebader, klimatischen Kur- orte, etc., von Dr. Ed. Krieger. 7. Aufl. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Henry (E. O.) * Essai sur l'emploi medical et hygidnique des bains. 4°. Paris, 1855. Henry (N.) * Considerations generates sur les bains. 4°. Strasbourg, 1843. Hereau (E.-J.) # Apercu general sur les avan- tages des bains domestiques, et les dangers de leur abus. 4°. Paris, 1810. Hirschfeld (J.) & Pichler (W.) Die Bader, Quellen und Curorte Europa's. 2 v. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1875-6. Hufeland (C. M.) Ansichten iiber die Wir- kung der Bader. 4°. Prag, 1837. Juge(J.) *De l'art des bains. 4°. Paris, 1852. Kentish (E.) An account of baths, and of a Madeira-House, at Bristol. 8°. London, [n. d.] King (J.) An essay on hot and cold bathing. 8°. London, 1737. Kisch (H.) Die Balneotherapie der chronischen Krankheiten. 1 Bd. in 2 Abtheilungen. 8°. Wien, 1866-7. Labat (J.) "Considdrations hygidniques et thdrapeutiques sur les bains d'eau douce. 4°. Paris, 1824. Lambert (P.) * Dissertation sur lea bains d'eau-douce, et leur emploi dans la pratique. 4°. Paris, 1806. Lambossy(A.) *Du bain prolonge". 4°. Stras- bourg, 1864. Latil-Themecour (L. H.) * Essai sur Taction et l'emploi des bains d'eau douce, suivi do deux observations relatives k l'efficacitd de ce moyen. 4°. Paris, 1812. Lee (E.) The baths of Germany, with notices of the chief French and Swiss baths. An appen- dix on the cold water cure, and tables of analy- sis, to which are prefixed practical observations on mineral waters. 2 v. in 1. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1851. Baths. Lersch (B. M.) Geschichte der Balneologio, Hydroposie und Pegologie oder des Gebrauches des Wassers zu religiosen, diiitetischen und medi- cinischen Zwecken. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1863. ------. Die physiologischen und therapeuti- schen Fundamente der praktischen Balneologie und Hydroposie. 8°. Bonn, 1868. Lohmeier (L.) Ueber warme Sooldunstbiider. 8°. Magdeburg, 1840. Marcard (H. M.) Ueber die Natur und den Gebrauch der Bader. 8°. Hannover, 1793. Aho: Transl. by Michel Parant. 8°. Parh, 1801. Maret. Me'moire sur la maniere d'agir des bains d'eau douce et d'eau de mer et sur leur usage, qui a remportd le prix en 1H67, au juge- ment de l'Acaddmie royale des belles-lettres, sciences et arts de Bordeaux. 8°. Paris, 1769. Martin (S.) *Debalneo. 8°. Edinburgi, 1765. Mayor (C.) Do la localisation des bains et de l'application du froid et de la chaleur sur les di- verses parties du corps humain. 8°. Lausanne, 1844. Mayor (M.) Les bains sans baignoires et ra- mends k leur belle simplicitd. 8°. Paris, 1846. Mercier (J-G.-A.) * Dissertation sur les bains. 4°. Paris, 1815. Mestre (J. A.) * Sur les effets physiologiques, immddiats de l'eau appliqud k la surface du corps, depuis l'dtat de glace jusqu'a l'dtat de va- peur, sous forme d'ablution, d'immersion, d'affu- sion, de douche, de bain, etc. 4°. Paris, 1824. Meusel (C.) * De balneis veterum valetudi- nis caussa adhibitis. 4°. Vitemberga, [1611], Meyer (H. F.) *De balneis nonnulla. 8°. Berolini, [1836]. Montagnana (B.) De balneis, et utilitatibus juvamentisque eorum, ac regula) et modus quem observare debent. In: Gatinaria (M.) Omnes quos scripsit libri, etc. fol. Basilece, 1537, 274-291. Mosch (C. F.) Die Bader und Heilbrunnen Deutschlands und der Schweiz. 2 v. 12°. Leip- zig, 1820. Muller (J. F.) *De balneorum particula- rium usu. In: Eyerel (J.) Diss. med. 8°. Viennce, 1792, iv, 136. Nusche (J. F.) *De usu et abusu balneorum domesticorum. 4°. Argentorati, [1740]. O'Reilly (J.) The modus operandi of various kinds of baths, sea bathing, heat and cold, phy- siologically explained. 8°. New York, 1861. Parr(B.) *Debalneo. 8°. Edinburgi, 1773. Pastural (M.-A.-M.) * Apercu gdndral sur les bains d'eau douce, et leur emploi hygidnique et thdrapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1825. Plassiart (J. C.) * Apercu gdndral sur les bains d'eau douce, et leur emploi dans la prati- que. 4°. Paris, 1823. Posner (L.) Encyclopadisches Handbuch der Brunnen- und Biiderkundo. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Ber- lin, 1853. Quincke (H.) Balneologische Tafeln. Gra- phische Darstellung der Zusammensetzung und Temperatur der wichtigsten HeilqueUen. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Quiring (C. G. F.) * De balneis arte parandis. 8°. Berolini, [1837]. Reichel (C. C.) De usu medico luti therma- rum. 4°. Vitemberga, [1748]. Renard (A-C.) An pluribus Hispanorum morbis remedium efficax balneum? sm. 4°. [Parisiis, 1738.] Richter (A.) Der erfahrene Badearz't. 8°. Wien, 1834. Rottboll (C. F.) *Editurus, theoriam bal- neorum, methodo, qua fieri potuit, geometrica pertractatam. sm. 4°. Hafnia, [1755]. BATHS. 795 BATHS. Baths. Ruland(M.) Drey Biicher, von Wasserbiidern, Aderlassen und Schrepffen. Darin angezeigt, wie alle Kranckheiten sollen durch Wasserbader, Wildbiider, Schweysshader, Laugen, etc. Item ; durch Aderlassen unnd Schrepffen geheilt werden. Allen Artzeten, Balbierern, Badern, Gesunden und Krancken zii grossem nutz mit Fleiss beschriben. 12-. Basel, [1579]. Rumpelt (A. L.) *De lavationis in flumine salubritate. 4°. Lipsia, [1792]. Rusch (G.) Volstiindiges Handbuch iiber Bade- und Trink-Curen uberhaupt oder Anlei- tung zu deren richtigen Gebrauch mit besonderer Betrachtung der schweizerischen Mineralwasser und Bade-Anstalten, ihre Geschichte und Be- schreibung. 2. Ausg. 2 v. 8°. Bern u. Chur, 1832. van Santbergen (J. E.) *Do manuluvii usu medico; vom Nutzen der Hiinde-Bader. sm. 4J. Hala Magdeburgica, [1736]. 8chaer (F.) Balneologische Skizzen und Stu- dien. H. Ueber Tuberculose. s*-. Bremen, 1860. Schreger (C. H. T.) Balneotechnik oder An- leitung Kunstbiider zu bereiten und anzuwenden. 2 Thle. 8-. Fiirth, 1803. Sheppard (E.) Bathing: how to do it, when to do it, and where to do it. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1866. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1869. | Swinhow (F.) *De thermarum antiquitate, contentis et usu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1752. Symons (J.) Observations on bathing and its | effects, with some particular cases in which it i was used with success. 8°. Bristol, [n. d.] Trall (R. T.) The bath: its history aud uses in health and disease. 12-. New York, 1873. Talentiner (T.) Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen Balneotherapie. eP. Berlin, 1873. Vetter (A.) Allgemeines Brunnen- und Bade- buch. Zunachst fiir Kurgaste. 8°. Berlin, 1840. Vogel (S. G.) AUgemeine Baderegeln. Zum Gebrauch fiir Badelustige uberhaupt und die- jenigen insbesondere, welche sich des Seebades in Doberan bedienen. 12°. Stendal, 1817. Voigt (W). *De usu balneorum in morbis chirurgicis. 8°. Gryphia, 1H30. Walther (J. G.) * De balneorum aqutB sim- pUcis usu diaBtetico. sm. 4°. Lipsia, 1744. Weller (K.) Bade- und Brunnen-Kalender und allgemeiner Adress-Anzeiger fiir Biider und Curorte. sm. 4°.- Dresden, 1861. Wichtigsten (Die) Biider Europa's, zur Em- pfehlung der Bader fiir Gesunde und Kranke. 8°. Berlin, 1820. Worthington(G.) Bathing: its uses and ad- vantages, shewing when and how to bathe. £-'■. London, 1868. Zeis (E.) Die permanenten oder prolongirten Localbiider bei verschiedenen Krankheiten. Eine praktische Abhandlung. 8°. Leipzig u. Heidel- berg, 1860. Anaoof (S.) Printsipi primaineniya vann voohshche. [Principal applications of baths.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1876, xxi, 1-46.—Angeli (E. C.) Hot-air, electric, and Roman baths. Sanitarian, N.Y., 1878, vi, 529-538.—Bnde-Chro- nik vom Jahre 1*25. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1826, lxii, 3. St., 97; 4. St., 95; 5. St., 113.—Bade-Chronik vom Jahre 1827. Ibid., 1828, lxvi, 3. St., 99; 4. St., 102; 5. St., 97.—Bang (O.) Balneologi. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1862, v, 141.—Basch (S.) Balneotherapeutische Aphorismen. Wien. nied. i'resse, 1872, xiii, 358; 390; 445; 465; 508.— Basch (S.) 75, vi, pt. 2, 57-72. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1875. xii. ls: 30. Also, transl.: Lond. M. Rec, 1875, iii, 109-112.—Skoda. Bemerkungen iiber Dampf-und WanncnbSder in therapeutischer Hinsicht. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1>37, ii, 43.—Skorczewski (B.) Listybalneo- logiczne. Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1878, xvii, 122 : 134.—Sol- ger. Beitrage zur Balneologie. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1873, xxv, 92; 101. — Sotier. Ueber den Einfluss von i Soolbadern auf die relative Phosphorsiiure des Harns. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1879. v, 207.—Spangeu- berg. Balneologische Reiseskizze. Ibid.. 1874, xxvi, 233.— Stokes (W.) The continual bath. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1865, xxxix, 269-271.—Stolnikow (I.) Ueber die Veran- derungen der Hantsensibilitat beim Gesunden Menschen durch kalte und warme Bader. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1878, iii, 209; 217. — T arti vel (A.) Bains (Des). Diet. encycL d. sc. med., Par., 1868, viii, 155-198.—Tilt (E. J.) Why we go to foreign watering-places. Lancet, Lond., 1874, ii, 581-583. — Tolberg. Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkungen des Soolbades in den Jahren 1804 und 1805. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1807, 3. St., xxvi, 5-36.—Ullersperger (J.B.) Zur Balneographie. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., Wien, 1*7."., ii, 22-36.—Vacher (F.) Cheap baths for tho people. San. Rec, Lond., 1879, x, 129.— Talentiner (T.) Mittheilungen ans der Saison 1856. Deutsche Klinik. Berl., 1857, ix, 391; 403. -----. Ueber ein bisher nicht geniigend gewurdigtes Verhiiltniss der Haut- nerven zum Reiz der Kohlensaure. Arch. d. Ver. f. ge- meinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting., 1861, iv, 114-122.—Vallee. Note sur l'emploi des pediluves et des bains de siege. Bull. Soc. de med. de la Sarthe, 1852, j Le Mans, 1853, 58-59.—Vallin (E.) Un systfeme pratique d'ablutions. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1879, i, 521-525.—Wagner (M.) Beitrag zur Geschichte des Gebrauchs der warmen, und besonders der kalten Bader, in medicinischer Hinsicht. Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, 1819, i, | 169-230.—Walter (H.) Ueber die Veriinderung des Urins durch Soolbader. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Heidelb., 1849, vii, 245-250.—Weisflog (G. E.) Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungen der Sitzbader von verschiedenen Warmegra- den. 1. Art.: Erhohung der Korperwarme. 2. Art.: Die Wiirmeabgabe des Korpers an das Wasser. 3. Art.: Ver- suche bei pathologisch erhohter Korperwarme. 4. Art.: Zusammenhang der Wirkungen; therapeutische Indica- tionen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1867, ii, 570; iii, 460.—Welsch. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen aus der Badepraxis. Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1840, vi, 150-162.— Wollff sen. Nutzen der Bader bey Raserey und Haut- wassersucht. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1798, vi, 740-758.— Zaegel. Bade-Chronik vom Jahre 1828. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1829, lxviii, 3. St., 118; 4. St., 102; 5. St., 125; 6. St., 85.—Zemplin (A.) Bade-Chronik vom Jahre 1824. Ibid., 1825, lxi, 3. St., 111-129.—Zieleniew- ski. Wiadomosci historyczne co do wielkiego dawniej rozpowszechnienia, a nastepnego zaniechania lazni pa- rowych u nas i u postronnych. [Hist, sketch of natural vapor-baths.] Przegl. lek., Krakow., 1864, iii, 35; 51; 66; 83; 115; 133; 148; 164; 181. Baths (Animal). Detmoldt (J. H.) *De balneo animali. 4°. Gottinga, 1797. Muenster (J. E.) *De balneo animali. 8°. [n.p., 1832.] Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] de balneo imprimis animali. 4°. Gottinga, [1748]. Asm ns. Bader von Knochenbriihe, ein Heilmittel bei Darmerweichung der Kinder. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1842, xi, 113; 133; 152.—Coudrct. Observations et r6flexions sur l'emploi des bains de gelatine animale, et les henrenx effets qu'on en obtient dans lo traitement des phlegmasies chroni- ques de la peau. J. compl. d. sc. med., Par., 1832, xliii, 71- 90.—Eckstein (S.) Bericht iiber die Heilresultate der animalischen Heilbader im Gumpendorfer Schlachthause in Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 577-583.—[Sch nuhr.] Animalische Bader gegen Atrophie und Lahmung. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1830, xxx, 465- 467. Baths {Cold). See, also, Fever (Typhoid, Treatment of); Rheu- matism (Cerebral). Buchax (W.) Cautions concerning cold bath- ing, and drinking the mineral waters. 8°. Lon- don, 1786. BDcheler (J.) Ueber den Nutzen und Ge- Baths (Cold). branch der kalten Biider, insbesondere der Rhein- biider. 8\ Dusseldorf, 1836. Caspari (F. A.) *Do psychrolusite in qui- busdam morbis acutis usu. (Tres de eclamp- sia parturientium observationes.) 4->. Lipsia, [1822]. Dorn (A.) *De balneorum fcigidorum usu. 4. [n.p.], 1786. Dumoustier (J.) * Dissertation sur l'usage du bain d'eau froide, dans l'etat de sant6 et de mala- die. 4J. Strasbourg, 1K)4. Gildemeister (J.) * Ueber die Kohlensaure- production bei der Anwendung von Kalten Bii- dern und anderen Warmeentzienungen. 8°. Ba- sel, 1870. Gros (C.-H.) * Diss, sur les bains froids. 4-\ Paris, 1H31. Kuhn (A.) * De lavatione frigida. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1767. Lexk(A.) * De balneis frigidis. 8°. [Pestini], 1832. Maddocks (J.) *De lavatione frigida. 8°. Edinburgi, 1762. Neubeuk (V. G.) * De natatione frigida magno sanitutis prassidio. 4°. Jena, 1798. Neumann (C. G.) * De balneis frigidis observa- tiones. 4~\ Vitemberga, 1795. Schmid (E. F.) * Balnea aquae dulcis frigida? dissertatione physico-medica . . . exposita. 4°. Jena, [1717]. Schmiedleix (G. B.) De limitando usu balnei frigidi. 8°. Lipsia, [1795]. Wolff (C. L.) *De abusu balneorum frigido- rum. 8-. Galtinga, [1792]. Ballet. Bai&s froids; note sur nn cas d'accidents pre- cedes de rougeur de la peau. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxxv, 209.—Campbell (W. H.) A case, of death from bathing; with remarks. Boston M. & S. J., 1873, lxxxvii, 64.—Coffin (J. G.) Remarks on cold bathing. N. Eng. J. M. & S., Bost., 1812, i, 359-364— »u- nal. Notice sur les affusions froides, employees dans le 33e de ligne pour entretenir la propret6 de la peau. Rec. de mem. de med___mil., Par., 1861,3. s., v, 380-383.—Duties (The) of hospital authorities respecting the cold-water treatment of pyrexial diseases. Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vii, 282.—Granjux (L.) Des accidents determines par les bains froids, et prec6d6s d'une coloration rouge intense de toute la peau. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxxii, 377-380.—Greenhow (E. H.) Caseof acute rheumatism, with cerebral symptoms and high tem- perature, treated with cold baths.' Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1873, vi, 7-13.—Iladdon (J.) On the treatment of hyper- pyrexia by cold baths. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, viii, 134- 140.—de Lambert. Des effets physiologiques des affu- sions froides. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1870, lxxix, 5-13.—Eiibernianu (H.) De l'emploi des bains froids; historique. Bull, et m6in. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1875, 2. s., xi, pt. 2, 3-6.— Liiebermeister. Wirkung kalter Bader. 1. Ein Brief von Prof. Liebermeister an Prof. R. Virchow. 2. Prof. Virchow's Antwort. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc.. Berl., 1871, hi, 430-433.—3Iestrude 36.—Bruuetti (B.) ©oAduro-ia Aoirrpa. 'IarpiKT) McAio-ca, AOrjvat, 1854-5, ii, 180.—Bufaline (M.) Sopra gli effetti e l'uso medico dei bagni di mare, e delle applicazioui deU'acqua fredda all'estemo del'corpo umano. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc, Firenze, 1857, 3. s., iii, 237; 245.—Castoldi (E.) Relazione della cura fatta coi bagni marini in Voltri degli scrofolosi. Ann. univ. di med., Mi- lano, 1862, clxxxii, 491.—Chemnitz. Ueber Seebader uber- haupt und das Seebad zu Wangeroge insbesondere. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1823, ii, 217-237.—Duraud (E.) Quelques conseils d'hvgi&ne aux baigneurs a la mer. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1876, xxi, 90-92. —Butrou- lau. Bains do mer. Diet, encycl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 1868, viii, 226-253.—Dutrouleau. Note sur les bains do mer de Dieppe. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. mod. do Par., 1858, iv, 166- 231.—Eckboff. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Seebader und das Seebad auf Fohr insbesondere. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Altona, 1837-8, v, 5.-6. Hft., 48-56.—Be l'em- ploi des bains de mer dans l'arm6e. Analyse des rapports adress6s au conseil de sant6. Rec. do mem. do m6a. . . . mil., Par., 1875, 3. s., xxxi, 167-184.—Engelanann. Das Seebad gegen Scrofeln. Deutsche KliniU, Berl., 1854, vi, 308; 315.—Fliijjjje. Jahresbericht iiber das Seebad Nor- derney im Sommer 1845. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., 1846, n. F., vi, 167-180.—Foubert. Note sur l'emploi des bains de mer chauds. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. do Par., 1872, xvii, 331-345.—Franchini. Relazione sull'esito della cura dei bagni marini prescritti con un nuovo metodo nei militari inviati a Civita Vecchia neH'estato 1875. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1876, xxiv, 1148-1168.—M. Nord-oder Ost-See-Ba'der? Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 801-807.—H-----. Die Seebader in Ostpreussen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1857, xxvi, 737-739.—Basse (K. E.) Bemerkungen iiber Seebader. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissenswiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz., 1836, n. F., iii, 104; 161; 214.— Ileyman (A.) Ueber den Nutzen der St-eba- der bei gewissen Krankheiten des kindlichen Alters. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1849, xii, 35-41.— Hirsch (A.) Das Seebad Helgoland. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1851, i, 553; 567; 586; 602.—Iliibener. Das Nordsee-Bad Borkum. DeutscheKlinik, Berl., 1864, xvi, 133; 142. -----. Bericht iiber das Nordsee-Bad Borkum, 1864. Ibid., 1865, xvii, 209; 221.—Hunt (T.) On the effects of sea-bathing and climate on the human constitution. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii, 175.—Kind. Mittheilungen iiber das Seebad zu Swine- miindc. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 118*- 51 BATHS. 802 BATHS. Baths (Sea). 1196.—Kortum. Die warmen Seebader und der heilige Damm. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1863, viii, 12; 26. ----—. Mittheilungen aus dem Seebade Doberan. Ibid., 1864, ix, 34-36. -----. Apoplektiker und Herzkranke im Seebad. Ibid., 49. -----. Herzkranke im Seebad. Ibid., 52-55. -----. Vom Brunncntrinken im Seebad. Ibid., 1865, x, 54-58.—Lemarchand. Quelques considerations sur les bains de mer sur les plages du Nord. Bull. Soc. de med.-prat. de Par., 1875, 58-61. —lieroy-Bnpre. Le Croisic, etabUssement de bains de mer et d'hydroth6rapie marine. Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s., ix, 49; 65.—I>ich- tenstadt. Fluss- und Seebader. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1849, xviii, 43.—Macario. Les bains de mer etl'atmosphere ma- ritime. J. d'hyg., Par., 1876, i, 7; 12; 243; 268.—ftl'B--- (S.) Metropolitan pure sea-water supply. San. Rec, Lond., 1877, vii, 218; 254; 282; 329; 376-378. -Mangold (H.) Ba- laton-Fiired; Fiirdeszeti level. Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1877, xii, 133; 150.—Martin (L. T.) Des lotions froides et des bains de mer dans le traitement de certaines mala- dies de nature catarrhale. Montpel. med., 1868, xx, 97; 210.—in«M. Over het zeebad. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1877, xiii, 51-193, 1 pl.—Montegazza. Pulverized (atomized?) sea water. [Transl. from: Scuola med. napol., Nov., 1878, by J. Del Orto.] N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1879, n. s., vi, 647.—Moreira Coutinho (M. J.) Me- moria sobre o uso dos banhos de mar. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1849, 2. s.. v. 49; 72; 143.—Morin. Des bains de mer dans leur application a l'hygiene, a, la medecine et a, la chirurgie des arm6es. Rec. de mfem. dem6d. . . . mil., Par., 1864, 3. 8., xii, 81; 198; 279.—Miihrv (C.) Ist die Wahl des Seebades gleichgiiltig? Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1836, 273-283.—Picecco (G.) Dei bagni marittimie del modo di usarli. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1861, 2. s., xvii, 3; 185; 583.—Baoult. Rapport sur le service des bains de mer a l'hopital militaire dela Rochelle pendant l'annee 1872. Rec. de m6m. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1873, 3. 8., xxix, 585-599.—Recherehes sur les effets et le mode d'action des bains de mer. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1830, i, 171; 187.—Relazione degli esiti delle cure fatte ai bagni di mare al Lido dai poveri fanciulli scrofolosi di Venezia e delle vicine provincie nell'estate 1869. Gior. veneto di bc. med., Venezia, 1870, 3. s., xii, (app.), 1-27; i-clii.— Beveil (O.) Considerations g6n6rales sur les bains d'eau de mer. Monit. d. hop.. Par., 1857, v, 869.—Kief kohl (F.) Ueber Nordsee-Badecuren. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1865, ii, 248-259.—Bohlfs (H.) Das Nordseebad Dangast am Jadebusen. Deutsche Kli- nik, Berl., 1870, xxii, 4; 13.—Sachee. Doberans Seebader. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, 630-632.—Schild- bach. Bericht iiber neuere Erscheinungen im Gebiete der Seebad-Literatur. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1860, cvii, 241-251.—Sea-Bathing (The) Hospital at Berck. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1877, ii, 21.—Seebader (Die) von Fiired in Ungarn. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1837, n. F., xiv, 305-309. Aho: N. F. d. Gesund.- Ztg., Wien, 1837, iii, 45-48.—Seebader (Die) zu Trave- miinde, Swinemiinde und Norderney. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. Seebader, Berl., 1838, iii, 515-570, 1 tab. — Sig- mund. Ein iirztlicher Besuch in dem Seebade Biarritz. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1858, iv, 605-610.— Ss'badeanstalter (Om vove) med saerligt Hensyn til Vandkur - Brendog Sabadeanstalten paa Klampenborg. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenh., 1876, xxii, 145-153.—Sodoffsky (W.) Das Seebad Dubbeln. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1839, xxviii, 163-167.—Stierling. Ueber die Seebader in den Niederlanden, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das Seebad zu Zandvoort bei Harlem. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1830, 1. St., lxxi, 99-115.—Sullivan (J. F.) Salt water for sani- tary purposes. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1879-80, viii, 97- 102.—Thomas (J. G.) The effect of sea-bathing upon the health. Public Health, N. Y., 1879-80, i, 33.—Usage des bains de mer pour l'armde en 1861; extraits des dine- rents rapports adresses au conseil de sante. Rec. de mem. demed___mil., Par., 1862,3. s., vii, 465-473.—Verhaeghe. De I'utilite des bains de mer par rapport a l'epidemie du chol6ra. Arch, de la m6d. beige, Brux., 1849, xxix, 194- 200.—Vieira da Fouseca (M.) Estudos sobre os ban- hos do mar. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1874-6, ii, 134; 149.— Virchow (R.) Kurze Bemerkungen iiber die Ostseebii- der von Westpommern und Riigen. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1853, vii, 541-564. -----. Physiologisohe Bemer- kungen iiber das Seebaden, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Misdrov. Ibid., 1858, xv, 70-115.—Vogel (S. G.) Ueber die bisherige Anwendung und Wirkung des mecklenbnr- gischen Seebades bey Doberan. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Jena, 1797, iii, 2. St., 199-238. -----. Neueste Annalen des Seebades zu Doberan; Beobachtungen aus den Jahren 1818-19. Ibid., Berl., 1820, li, 3. St., 3; 4. St., 64: 1821, Iii, 3.—Walker (J.) The remedial effects of sea air and sea-batbing in the diseases of children. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1878, iii, 105-111.—Wille- min (A.) Coup d'ceil sur les bains de mer de la Seine-In- ferieuro; Saint-Valery. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1863, 2. 8., iii, 198-200.—Wolff (J.) Reisebemerkungen iiber die See- bader zu Norderney, Wangeroge und Helgoland. J. d. Chir. n. Augenh., Berl., 1831, xv, 39-49. Baths (Turkish). See Baths (Hot air, Roman and Turkish). Baths (Vapor). See, also, Elmen; Franzensbad; Inhalation; Monsummano (Grotto of). Barrie (C.) Russische-Bader nebst einer An- weisung zu dem zweckmiissigsten Gebrauch der- selben in Beziehung auf das Alexander-Bad in Hamburg. 1. Th. 8°. Hamburg, 1828. Boston vapor bathing institution. 12°. Bos- ton, 1850. Delaunay. * Considdrations sur les bains d'dtuve humides des Russes. 4°. Paris, 1825. Frech (C.) Die russischen Thermaldampf bii- der in Baden-Baden. 8°. Lahr, 1862. Green (J.) The utility and importance of fu- migating baths illustrated. 8°. London, 1823. Gregorius (F.) * De sudationibus russicis. 4°. Berolini, [1819]. IIayn (P.) * De balneis vaporeis russicis eorum- que in corpus humanum effectu. 8°. Vratisla- via, 1832. Hirsch (A.) * De laconicis. 8°. Berolini, [1833]. Improvement (An) in the mode of administer- ing the vapour bath, and in the apparatus con- nected with it; with plans of fixed and portable baths for hospitals and private houses, and some practical suggestions on the efficacy of vapour, in appUcation to various diseases of the human frame, and as may be beneficial to the veterinary branch of medicine. 4°. London, 1809. Jaenisch (G. 1.) * De usu vaporationum ot suffituum in curatione morborum. 4°. Helm- stadii, [1734]. Kentish (E.) Essay on warm and vapour baths, etc.; illustrated by cases. 8°. London, 1809. Kretzschmar (S.) * De balneis vaporosis na- tivis. 4°. Lipsia, 1741. Kultysiewicz (B. T.) * Des bains russes%u slaves. 4°. Strasbourg, 1846. Labaud (L.) * De laconico. 8°. Vratislavia, [1826]. Mahomed (S. D.) Shampooing; or, benefits resulting from the use of the Indian medicated vapour bath. 3. ed. 8°. Brighton, 1838. Philouze (F. A.) * Essai sur les bains de va- peurs employds k l'h6pital Saint-Louis. 4°. Pa- ris, 1826. Rapou (T.) Traitd de la mdthode fumigatoire ou de l'emploi mddical des bains et douches de vapeurs. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1824. Roth (M.) The Russian bath. 8°. London, 1852. Symons (J.) Observations on vapor-bathing and its effects; with some particular cases, in which it was used with success. 8°. Bristol, [1766]. Voillemier (J. B. M. J.) * Sur les bains de vapeurs humides, et sur leur emploi dans quel- ques affections chroniques, spdcialement dans le rhumatisme. 4°. Paris, 1816. Whitlaw (C.) The scriptural code of health, with observations on the Mosaic prohibitions, and on the principles and benefits of the medi- cated vapour bath. 12°. London, 1838. Wilson (J.) A practical treatise on the cura- tive effects of simple and medicated vapour, ap- plied locally, in rheumatism, gout, etc.; with an engraving of the apparatus. 8°. London, 1837. Arnus (M.) Banos rusos. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1858, v, 159; 215.—Arnus & II or reil. Baiios de vapor con afusiones do agua. Espana med., Madrid, 1866, xi, 355; 369; 378; 406; 421; 454; 483; 495; 514; 529.—Barrcau. Des bains de vapeur, et de leur emploi d^is les intirmeries regimentaires. Rec. de mem. de med. .. . mil., Par., 1861, BATHS. 803 BATISSIEE. Baths (Vapor). 3. s., v, 115-122.—Rartels (C. F.) Russiche Dampfbader. J. d. Chir. n. Augenh., Berl., 1836, xxiv, 467-470.—Bern. hardi (A.) sen. Ueber romische und russische Dampf- bader. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1864, xxxiii, 621-623.— Rlcgborough. [On the vapor bath.] Med. & Phys. J., LondT, lcu2, vii, 289-292.— Rouchacourt (A.) Observa- tions pratiques sur l'emploi des bains ct des douches de va- peurs dans plusieurs maladies. Bull. gen. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1839, xvi, 129-138. Also: J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1840, viii. 177; 234.—Briickmann. Bemerkungen iiber die Wirkungen und den Gebrauch der Qualmbader mit Riicksicht auf des Herrn Oberbergrath Dr. Reil Empfeh- lungen dieses Mittels. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1814, 423-148.—Casper (J. L.) Zur Geschichte der Dampf- und Rancherungsbiider. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1822, iii, 667-678.—Cazcnave (A.) Vapeurs. Diet, de med., 2. ed., Par., 1846, xxx, 522-530.—Coxe (D. T.) On the effects of vapour bath. N. Am. M. 01. See, also, Deivees (W. P.) An abridgement of Mr. Heath's translation, etc. 8°. Phila., 1811. Also: Dis- cours prononc6 sur la tombe de M. . . . le 3. mai 1810, par J. J. Leroux. In : Bull. Fac. do med. de Par., 1810, ii, 52- 61. Aho: Eicbcaud. Le Baudelocque des campagncs, [etc.] 16°. Parh, 1825. For Portrait, see Collection Portr. (Libr.) Baudelocque neveu [Louis-Auguste] [1800- 64]. Memoire sur les moyens de diminucr la tete du foetus, dans les cas de forte ddformation du bassin, et principalement sur le broiement. 30 pp. 8°. [Paris], Everat, [n. d.] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1834. -----. Nouveau moyen pour delivrer les femmes contrefaites k terme et en travail, substitud k l'opdration appelde cdsarienne; mdmoire lu au Cercle mddical le 14. novembre 1823, suivi de rd- flexions sur ce sujet par F. T. Duchateau. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, 1824. -----. De la compression de l'aorte (exercisde k travers la paroi antdrieure du ventre), considdrde comme un moyen propre a suspendre toute espece de pertes de sang chez les femmes en couches, et l'hdmorragie qui suit la blessure de l'une des arteres de la moitid infdrieure du corps. Suivie du rdcit des essais qui en ont dtd fait par beau- coup de praticiens et dn jugement qu'ils en ont portd. Analyse d'un mdmoire manuscrit, envoyd au concours Montyon pour l'annde 1835. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, Vauteur, 1835. -----. Lettre adressde k MM. les membres de l'Acaddmie des sciences de l'Institut de France sur la compression de l'aorte [etc., as above]. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. deMme. Porthmann, 1836.] Bound with the preceding. -----. De la cdphalotripsie, suivie de l'histoire de 15 opdrations de ce genre qui ont dtd faites par divers praticiens. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, 1836. -----. Opdration cdsarienne. FJytrotomie ou section du vagin, prdcddde, ou non, de la ligature, ou de la compression de l'artere iliaque interne. 26 pp. 8°. Paris, Vauteur, 1844. Baudelocque (Paul). 'Recherehes expdri- mentales sur lachloroformisation par un melange titrd d'air et de chloroforme. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 282. Baudement (fimile). Emploi du sel dans la culture des terres et dans l'dleve du bdtail. 7 pp. 8°. [n.p., n. d., E. Duverger.] Repr. from: J. agric. prat, et de jardinage, 1849. [P., T. 804.] BAUDENS. 807 BAUDOK Baudcns (Jean-Baptiste-Lucien) [1804-57], * Cystotomie suspubienne, rdduite k son plus haut degrd de simplicitd par un nouveau pro- cddd opdratoire. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 51, v.222. -----. Mdmoire sur les rdtrdcissemens de l'uretre, et sur leur traitement. 106 pp. 8°. [n. p., n.d.] -----. Observations de cystotomie sus-pubienne pratiqude d'apres un nouveau procddd. 14 pp. 8C. Paris, Bethune, 1833. -----. Clinique des plaies d'armes k feu. xv, 610 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1836. -----. Relation de l'expddition de Constantine. 73 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1838. -----. Lecons sur le strabisme et le bdgaiement faites a l'hdpital militaire du Gros-Caillou. vii, 127 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Baillidrc, 1841. -----. Relation historique de l'expddition de Tagdempt. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1841. -----. Nouvelle mdthode des amputations. Pre- mier mdmoire. Amputation tibio-tarsienne. 48 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1842. -----. Mdmoire sur un nouveau traitement de l'hydrocele, lu k l'Acaddmie des sciences, le 9. ddc. 1850. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot 4- Cie., 1851. [P., v. 456.] -----. Mdmoire sur la rupture du ligament rotu- lien avec la description d'un appareil curatif nouveau. Prdsentd k l'Acaddmie des sciences, dans sa sdance du 30. juin 1851. 20 pp., 2 fig. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot Sr Cie., [1851]. -----. The same. 20 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. E. Thunot Sr Cie., n. d.~] Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1851. [P., v. 798.] -----. Mdmoire sur les solutions de continuitd de la rotule, description d'un appareil curatif nou- veau pour le traitement de fractures transver- sales. (Lu a l'Acaddmie des sciences, 1853.) 44 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1853. -----. Des regies k suivre dans l'emploi du chlo- roforme. Lu k l'Acaddmie des sciences, sdance du 19. juillet 1853. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, 1853. Repr. from: Monit. d. hop., Par. [Also, in: P., v. 456.] -----. Efficacitd de la glace combinde a la com- pression pour rdduire les hernies dtrangldes et combattre la pdritonite consdcutive. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, Plon freres, 1854. -----. Des fractures du membre pelvien, traitdes k l'aide de l'appareil. 55 pp. 8°. Paris, Plon freres, 1854. Repr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1854. -----. Des fractures du membre pelvien, traitdes k l'aide de l'appareil de M. Baudens. Premiere partie, 55 pp.; deuxieme partie, 53 pp. Paris, 1854-5. -----. Mdmoire sur la rdsection de la tete de l'hu- mdrus d'apres un nouveau procddd opdratoire. 28 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot Sr Cie., 1855. Repr. from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1855. ■ La guerre de Crinide, les campements, les abris, les ambulances, les hopitaux, etc. 2. dd. 412 pp. 12°. Paris, Michel L6vy freres, 1858. ■ On military camps and hospitals, and the health of troops in the field. Transl. and anno- tated by Frank B. Hough. 260 pp. 8°. New York, Bailliere Brothers, 1862. For hh Obituary, see Rev. scient. d. m6d. d. armees, Par., 1861, vi, 209-216 (F. Quesney). For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Also: Collection Portr. (Libr.) Also: Portraits of celebrated French surgeons and physicians, no. 9. -----, Roux, Malgaigne [et al.] Des plaies d'armes a feu. Communications faites a l'Acadd- mie nationale de mddecine. 248 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1849. Bauderon (Bricius). Pharmacopee de . . . Re- vue, corrigde et augmentde de plusieurs composi- tions ndcessaires: et des facultez de chaque com- Bauderon (Bricius)—continued. osition. Avec un traitd des plus usitez et cdle- res mddicamens chymiques. Par. G. Sauva- geon. 8p. 1., 512 (81.), 32 (21.), 97 pp., 51. 12°. Paris, J. Jost, 1650. Baudet (Augustin-Firmin). * Du traitement des rdtrdcissements de l'urethre. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1866, No. 118. Baudet (Charles). * Articulation temporo-ma- xillaire; mdcanisme de sa luxation, cause de sa permanence. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 11. Baudet (Dulary). * These sur l'ceil et la vision. 19pp., lpl. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. Ill, v. 104. Baudevin (Theodorus). * De orthopaedia ope- rativa non cruenta. (Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana.) 47 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonna, typ. C. Georgii, 1857. c. Baudier (A.-J.) * Essai sur le goitre. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 310, v. 291. Baudin (Alfred). * De la menstruation, de ses causes, de ses rapports avec la fdcondation. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 139, v. 426. Baudin (Auguste). * De l'hygiene dans les ld- sions organiques du cceur compensdes. 72 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 440. Baudin (Emile). * Des causes de la parapldgie. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 56, v. 613. Baudin (J.) * Recherehes et observations sur les maladies les plus dangereux chez les enfans, suivies de quelques propositions de mddecine et de chirurgie applicables aux diffdrens Ages, viii, 9-52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 43, v. 171. Baudin (J.-B.-Alph.-Victor.) * Essai sur la duo- ddnite chronique. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 76, v. 308. Baudin (J.-M.-Camille). *De la polydipsie et quelques mots sur la polyurie. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 248, v. 568. Baudin (Ldon). *De l'absorption par la peau des substances dissoutes dans l'eau. 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 174. Baudin (Philippe-Auguste). * Essai sur les ac- cidens et les maladies que peut entralner l'opdra- tion de la taille latdralisde chez l'homme. 85 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 33, v. 154. Baudis (Joannes Laurentius). *Diss. inaug. med. de vitiis appetitus circa esculenta. 28 pp. 4°. Erfordia, typ. Groschianis, 1726. For hh Life, see Crausius (Rudolffus Wilhelmus). Baudis (Joh. Gpttlob). * De acrium natura, usu et abusu. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, lit. Nisianis, [1696]. -----. *De varis. 16 pp. 4°. Jena, typ. C. Erebsii, [1697]. Baudisson (Eugene). * Contribution a l'dtude de la pathogdnie et du diagnostic des bruits ex- tra-cardiaques. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1879, No. 89. Baudisson (J.-B.-A.-Romain). * Quelques con- siddrations gdndrales sur les principales formes que peuvent prdsenter les maladies. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 231, v. 517. Baudius (Carolus Traugott). *De vulgatio- rum remediorum usu non rejiciendo. 32 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemia, 1763. For hh Life, see Plaz (Antonius Guilielmua). Baudoin (Charles Ldon). * Considdrations sur une nouvelle forme d'accidents consdeutifs aux suppurations chroniques externes. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 504. Baudon. L'ovotomie abdominale ou opdration cdsarienne. 235 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1873. Baudon (Auguste-Adolphe). * I. Quels sont les caracteres anatomiques du typhus? II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 150, v. 439. BAUDON. 808 BAUER. Baudon ( Francois-Thdodore ). * Dissertation sur les plaies pdndtrantes de la poitrine. 32 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1815, No. 306, v. 117. [P., v. 50.] Baudon (J.) De la valeur relative des amputa- tions et des rdsections dans les tumeurs blanches; indications et contre-indications. 147 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceanx, 1878. In: M£m. couron. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., iv, 1878. Baudon ( Julien-Hippolyte). * De l'athdrome artdriel comme cause des andvrismes et des apo- plexies. 32 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 499, 2. s., v. 27. Baudon (Thdodore). * Des ulcdrations tubercu- leuses de la langue et de l'orifice anal. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 451. Baudot (Camille). * De la valeur diagnostique du vomissement dans quelques affections apyrd- tiques de l'encdphalo (hdmorrhagies, ramoUisse- ment, tumeurs). 56 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 130. Baudot (E.) * Voies d'introduction des mddica- monts, applications thdrapeutiques. 142 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1866. Baudot (Edmond). * Examen critique do l'in- cubation appliqude k la thdrapeutique. 58 pp. 4C. Paris, 1858, Ni. 60, v. 613. -----. Traitd des affections de la peau. D'apres les doctrines do M. Bazin. vii, 431 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1869. Baudot (Emile). * Des doctrines mddicales pro- fessdes par les mddecins do l'h6pital Saint-Louis en 1861. 104 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 5. Baudot (Louis-Antoine ). * Essai sur l'emploi hygidnique du vin. 27 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1821, No. 178, v. 108. Baudouin (Charles-Claude). * Des kystes sy- noviaux tendineux de la rdgion poplitde. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 222, v. 568. Baudouin (J. -B.-Fdlix). * Des aura. Etude sur les prdludes des attaques dans les grandes ndvroses. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 137. Baudouin (Thdophile). * Considdrations sur l'affection dite typhoide et sur ses divers modes de traitement. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. G8, v. 426. Baudre (Jules). * Des rdtrdcissements du cali- bre de la trachde-artere. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 41. ' Baudrimont (A.) Quelles sont les parties sen- sibles du corps des animaux ? La prdsence des nerfs dans les tissus est-elle une condition de leur facultd de sentir? L'action nerveuse peut-elle etre dclairde par l'dtude de la composition chi- mique et de la texture des nerfs 1 (Concours pour l'agrdgation.) 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 418. -----& Martin St. Ange (G. J.) Recherehes anatomiques et physiologiques sur le ddveloppe- ment du fcetus, et en particulier sur l'dvolution embryonnaire des oiseaux et des batraciens. 224 pp., xviii pl. 4°. Paris, imp. nationale, 1850. Baudrimont ( Alexandre-fidouard). * Sur la classification do mddicamens. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 203, v. 243. Baudrimont (Edouard). * De la mdthode na- sale dans le traitement des polypes naso-pharyn- giens. 70 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Paris, 1869. Baudry (Amable). * Essai sur l'artdrite, suivi de quelques propositions de mddecine et de chi- rurgie. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 202, v. 262. Baudry (H.-P.) *De la pdritonite puerpdrale. 24 pp. 4C. Paris, 1848, No. 77, v. 466. Baudry (J.) See Annales du Conservatoire imp6rial des arts et me- tiers. Baudry (J.-B.) * Essai sur la colique nervo- gastrique, vulgaircment connue sous les noms de Baudry (J.-B.)—continued. colique indtallique, vdgdtale, etc. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 387, v. 53. Baudry (J.-R.) * Essai sur les hallucinations. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 255, v. 263. Baudry (S.) * Des principaux proeddds d'extrac- tiou de la cataracte et de leur apprdciation par la Socidtd de chirurgie de Paris. Parallele et cri- tique. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 473. -----. The same. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1874. Bauduin (Antonius Franciscus). *De resec- tione maxillaB superioris, casu memorabili illus- trata. 31 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Groninga, G. I. van Haagen, 1845. See, aho, Isnard (J. A.) & Prosch (H.) Zakboekder operatiove chirurgie. 16°. Utrecht, 1852. Bauduin (Edouard). *Du coton mddical et do son emploi dans les pansements. 52 pp. 6 diag. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 287. Bauduit (P.) * Considdrations mddicales sur le mariage. vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 184, v. 175. Bauduy (Jerome K.) Lectures on diseases of the nervous system. Rep. by V. Biart, revised and edited by the autbor. 484 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott 4" Co., 1876. Bauer. See Amnion (Fridericus Augustus). Ueber die ange- borne Cataraeta in pathologisch-anatomischer, etc. 8°. Dresden, [n. d.] Bauer. Mergenthcim und seine HeilqueUen. 2 p. l.,78pp.,lpl.,ltab.,ll. 8°. Mergentheim, 1830. Bauer. * Ueber die Bildung mineralischer Con- cretionen im menschlichen Organismus. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prag, Wwe. A. Spinka, 1842. Bauer. See martin (Philipp Leopold). DermoplastikundMy- siologie. 8°. Weimar, 1870. Bauer (A.) * Ueber Fractura Colli humeri. 16 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Weiss, 1844. Bauer(Adalbertus). * Enteralgiaapraecipuaespe- cies. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Praga, M. I. Landau, [1842]. Bauer (Adolph). * Ueber die Basedowsche Krankheit. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1867. c. Bauer ( Alexander ). * De aethere sulfurici. [Prag.] 55pp. 8J. Dresden,J.Pospischil,[1847]. Bauer (Alexander Christianus). * De parotitide. 3 p. 1., 64 pp. 8°. Lugduni-Batavorum,J.H.Geb- hard et soc, 1840. Bauer (August). * Beobachtung eines Aneu- rysma traumaticum axillare. 27 pp. 8°. Tubin- gen, H. Laupp, 1870. Bauer (Augustus Henricus). * De procidentiis ani, vesicae urinarhe, vaginae atque uteri. 87 pp. 8°. Gottinga, typ. C. Herbst, 1824. Bauer (Bernard Engelbert). * Do morbis organi auditorii praestantissimis. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, 1866. c. B aue r (Bernhard August Johannes). * Ueber die Trepanation der Wirbelsaulo. 19 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, G. Ereysing, 1864. C. Bauer (Carolus Christianus)1. * De hydrorhachi- tide. 22 pp. sm. 4C. Erfordia, J. C. Goerling, [1798]. Bauer (Carolus Christianus)2. *De arte obste- tricia Hippocratica. 31 pp. 8°. Tubinga, typ. Schanhardtianis, 1823. Bauer (Carolus Franciscus). #De natura ro- busta optimm sanitatis longua conservatrice. 44 pp., 2 1. sm. 4C. Hala Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hil- Ugeri, [1746]. Bauer (Carolus Jos.) * Depleuroperipneumonia cum quibusdam animadversionibus. 3 p. 1., 17 pp. sm. 4°. Ingolstadii, typ. F. Lutzenberger, [1774]. BAUEK. 809 BAUER. Bauer (Christi. Ludov.) Seede Ploucquct (Guiliel. Godofr.) &Bauer (Christi. Ludov.) De cephalalgia methodo naturae, etc. Tubingce, 1787. Bauer (Christoph Heinrich). * De specificis anti- spasmodicis. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. J. C. HiUigeri, [1704]. Bauer (David). * Ueber das Wesen und dio Entstehung des Keuchhustens. 24 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, V. Wolf, 1847. Bauer (Emile). *De l'arthrite ddformaute. 2 1). 1., 45 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 850. Bauer (Ernst). * Ueber Mercurialisinus. [Erlan- gen.] 40pp. 8°. Neustadt, C. W. Schmidt, 1866. c. Bauer (F.-Frdddric.) * Dissertation sur le fongus mddullairederceil. 54pp.,2pl. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 251, v. 236. Bauer (Franc. Joseph). * De rabie canina. 29 pp. 8°. Landishuti, typ. J. Thoma nn, 1824. Bauer (Franciscus Henricus). Akademisch proef- schrift over kanker van het oog. viii, 72 pp. 8°. Leiden, J. W. van Leeuwen, 1860. Bauer (Fridericus). * Disquisitiones circa non- nullarum avium systema arteriosum. 24 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Berolini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1825]. Bauer (Fridericus Josephus). * De osteophytis puerperarum et neonatorum. 14 pp., 1 folding tab., 1 1. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. Elwerti, 1851. C. Bauer (Friedrich.) See Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novaraum die Erde. Zoologischer Theil, 2. Bd., 1. Abth. A. 4°. Wien, 1868. Bauer (Fulgentius). * De electricitatis theoria et usu. 144 pp. 8°. Vienna et Lipsia, sumt. J. F. John, [1767]. Bauer (G. A.) Der natiirliche klimatische Kur- ort Bad Ottenstein in Schwarzenberg. 18 pp. 8°. Schneeberg u. Schwarzenberg, C. M. Gartner, 1868. -----. Kiefernadel-Dampfdoucheapparat. 10 pp. 24°. Schneeberg u. Schwarzenberg, C. M. Gartner, 1869. Bauer (Georg). * Ueber diagnostische und prog- nostische Bedeutung des Urins. 61 pp. 8°. Dilingen, S. Aulinger, 1H39. Bauer (Georgius Fridericus). * De specifica quo- rundam remediorum efficacia. 28 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, typ. J. Ch. Hilligeri, [1727]. Bauer (Georgius Gothofredus). *De purpura haemorrhagica. [Cumvita.] 43pp. 8°. Hala, typ. Gebaueriis, [1828]. Bauer (Georgius Henricus). "Casus memora- bilis inversionis vesicae urinariae, una cum epispa- dia et hernia inguinali congenita. 28 pp., 1 1., 1 col. pl., 10 pp. 4°. Jena, typ. Schlotteri, [1828]. Bauer (Gottlob Benjamin). * De scarlatina ob- servationes et meletemata quaedam. 25 pp. 4°. Witteberga, lit. Tzschiedrichii, [1796]. For hh Life, see Kreysig (Frid. Lud.) Bauer (Hermann Otto). * De haematemesi symp- tomate. [Cum vita.] 18 pp. 8°. Lipsia, J. C. Ackermann. [1850]. Bauer (J.) *De febri puerperali. 15 pp. 8°. Pesthini, typ. J. Beimel, [1835]. Bauer (J. Gottlieb). Epistola de molis intesti- norum. Dresda, 1747. In: Haller, Disp. ad. morb., t. 3. Bauer (J. M.) "Versuch einer Darstellung des Kindbettfiebers, nebst Schilderung desjenigen, welches im Winter 1840-41 in der Koniglichen Entbindungs - Lehranstalt zu Landshut ge- herrscht hat. vi, 7-104 pp., 11. 8°. Landshut, Vogel, 1841. Bauer (Jeremias). * Animadversiones quaedam de nausea marina. 2 p. 1., 46 pp., 11. 8°. Mar- burgi, typ. Bayrhofferi, [1827]. Bauer (Joannes Adamus). * Do cydoniis eorum- que eximio usu medico. 64 pp. 4°. Helmstadii, typ. P. D. Schnorrii, [1744]. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bauer (Joannes Bapt.) * De aeris constitutioni- bus ad formandas indicatioues rite aestiuiandis. 30 pp. 8°. Landishuti, typ. J. Thomann, 1815. Bauer (Joannes Casparus). * Disp. inaug. med. agens de febri syncopali. 20 pp. 4°. Erfordia, typ. J. H. Groschii, [1716]. Bauer (Joannes Gottlieb). * Diss, inaug. med. de polypo cordis. 36 pp. 4°. [Hala Magde- burgica], typ. J. C. Hen-del, [1724]. Bauer (Joannes Henricus Josephus). * De metal- lorum nox& in ciborum, potuum et medicamento- rum praeparatione ac asservatione cavenda. 231. 4°. Vetero-Praga, typ. J. C. Hraba, [1751]. Aho,in: Kllnkosch (J. T.) Dies. med. select.Prag. 4°, Pragce et Dresdce, 1793, ii, 8-23. -----. Manuductiones ad veram theoriam morbo- rum praxinque clinicam specimen xi. de odoratu abolito. 2 p. 1., 183-196 pp. sm. 4C. Altorfii Noricorum, typ. I. G. Meyeri, 11751]. Bauer (Joh. Fridericus). * De hodiernorum eni- piricorum fraudibus et respondens Daniel. Gotho- fredus Schultz. 24 pp. 4°. Lipsia, lit. Sche- dianis, 1720. -----. * De medicamentis e corpore humano de- sumtis merito negligendis. 32 pp., 4 1. sm. 4°. Lipsia, lit. Schedianis, [1721]. For hh Life, see Schacher (Polycarp. Gottl.) ----- & Otto (Carol. Joh. Mich.) Exercitatio medica de scarificatione certo et securo remedio antipodagrico. Ip. l.,28pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemiana, [1732]. Aho, in: Haller, Disp. ad morb., vi. Bauer (Joh. Jacobus). See Krafftius (Ger. Wolff.), Bauer (Joh. Jacobus), & Itfoegling (Joh. Ulricus). De vera experimentorum physicorum constitutione. 4°. Tubingce, 1749. Bauer (Johanues Michael). *De fonticulorum noxia concretione. 35 pp. 4°. Hala Magdebur- gica, typ. J. C. Hendelii, 1731. Bauer (Joseph). See Handbuch d. spec. Path. [Ziemssen], Leipz., 1876, vi: 1875, viii, 2. Hlft.: xii, 2. Hlft. Aho: Cyclo- pedia Pract. Med. [Ziemssen], N. T., 1876, v. Bauer (Josepho Antonio). * De febre scarlatina epidemica. 14 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. I. A. Giesser^ 1841. Bauer (Josephus). * De odontalgia. 23 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. M. Passenbacher, 1830. Bauer (Josephus Henricius). Tractatus de fonte minerali Tetschnensi in regno Bohemia?, ejus ortu, contentis, indole, viribus medicis, ac debito ejus interno et externo usu. 84 pp. 8°. Wien, J. Eurtzbdck, 1770. -----. Tractatus de fonte minerali Tetschnensi in regno Bohemiae, atque de ejus ortu, indole, con- tentis, viribus, ac proprietatibus medicis, nee non de aquae hujus mineralis debito usu, interno et externo. 2. ed. 128 pp. 8°. Praga, typ. F. A. Gelinek, 1771. -----. Untersuchung nach der Naturkunde und Chymie, des uralten mineralischen Sauerbrunns zu Liebwerda im Konigreiche Bohmen, nahe der Stadt Friedland Bunzlauer Kreises. 2 p. 1., 40 pp.; 15 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Prag, I. F. E. Schonfelt, 1785. Bauer (Juliette). Lives of the brothers Hum- boldt, Alexander and WilUam. From the Ger- man of Klcncke and Schlesier. xii, 398 pp. 8°. New York, Harper Sr Brothers, 1853. Bauer (Louis). Die zahniirztliche Technik der Engliinder. 8 p. 1., 41 pp. 8°. BerUn, G. Jean- renaud, 1852. -----. Some observations on hip-joint disease, and its rational treatment. 23 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1853.] BAUER. 810 BAUHMER. Bauer (Louis)—continued. -----. A critical examination of a pathological specimen of softening of the intervertebral fibro- cartilages. 7 pp. 8°. New York, Holman, Gray Sr Co., 1854. Repr. from: N. Tork J. M., 1854. -----. Clinical lecture on contraction of the knee-joint with false anchylosis. Illustrated. 27 pp. 8°. [P., v. 347.] Repr. from: Am. M. Gaz., 1858. -----. Hip disease: a lecture delivered at the Long Island College Hospital, of Brooklyn. 42 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, W. H. Tinson, 1859. -----. On recto-vesical lithotomy, with the re- port of a case in which this method was success- fully employed. 14 pp., 4 fig. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Am. M. Gaz., 1859. -----. Remarks on Dr. Sayro's paper, entitled "A new operation for artificial hip-joint, in bony anchylosis". 15 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1869. [P., v. 217.] -----. Handbuch der orthopadischen Chirurgie. Uebersetzt und nach Angaben des Verfassers veriindert und vermehrt von B. L. Scharlau. ix, 286 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1870. See, also, von Diiben (Gustav). Treatise on micro- scopical diagnosis. 8°. New York, 1859. -----& Barthelmess (Richard). Outlines of the principles and practice adopted in the ortho- paedic institution of Brooklyn. 39 pp. 8°. New York, L. W. Schmidt, 1854. Bauer (Mauritius Godofredus). * De matrimonio sterili partium voto solvendo. 44 pp. 4°. Lip- sia, lit. Staritii, [1823]. Bauer (Max). Civil im Kriege. Studien und heitere Skizzen zum Versuch einer Reorganisation der freiwilligen Krankenpflege im Felde und Daheim. 2 1., 194 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1875. Bauer (Renatus Benjamin). * De abscessu lum- bari ejusque sanatione, historiis morbi binis illus- trata. 19 pp. 4°. Jena, ex off. Gapferdti, [1804]. For hh Life, see Stark (Joann. Christian). Bauer (Thdodore). *Du traitement de la nd- vralgie sciatique par le galvanisme. 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 760, v. 39. Bauermiiller (Joannes Simon). *De motu sanguinis, k crasi et viis non pendentibus, vitiis prudenter tractandis. 44 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Hermundur, lit. C. Hinckelii, [1709]. Bauernstein (Carolus Gottfried). For hh Life, see IVuernbcrgcrus (Christianus Fride- ricus). Bauernstein (Ernestus). *De rupturis uteri et vaginae in partu spontaneis. 38 pp. 8°. Halis Saxonum, typ. Heynemannianis, 1857. c. Bauernstein (Fridericus Samuel Furchtegott). *De encephalitide et phrenitide. 32 pp. 4°. Viteberga, lit. C. H. Grafsleri, [1812]. For his Life, sec Schreger (Christian. Henric. Theodor.) Bauerschmitt (Joh. Erh. Franz Loth.) Die Bleichsucht, ihre Formen und Unterformen, nach neuer Eintheilung und eigener Erfahrung in pa- thologischer und therapeutischer Hinsicht syste- matisch dargestellt. x, 372 pp. 12°. Sulzbach, J. E. v. Seidel, 1847. Bauersfeld (H.) * Ue"ber Venenentziindung der Gebiirmutter. 31 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1832. Bauga (P.-F.) "Tableau des connaissances nd- cessaires k un jeune mddecin, dans les premiers temps surtout de l'exercice de son art. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 264, v. 50. Bauge. * Des abces froids. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 80. Baugniet (Maximilien-Joseph). 'Dissertation sur Fdpiddmie qui a rdgnd dans le canton de Grez, I Baugniet (Maximilien-Joseph)—continued. ddpartement de la Dyle, pendant les deux pre- miers trimestres de l'an xiii. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 122, v. 63. Bauhinus (Caspar) [1560-1624]. Libellus varia- rum historiarum, ea quae in lib. de partu Caesareo tractantur comprobantium, inter quas corporis sine hepate et liene item intestini citra mortem incisi, cum valvula in colo intestino, anno 1579. primo observata, continetur historia. In: Spachiub (I.) Gynasciorum, etc. fol. Argentina, 1597, pp. 480-491. -----. Anotomica corporis virilis et muliebris his- toria. Hippocrat. Aristotel. Galeni auctoritat. illustrata et novis inventis plurimis aucta. Cum indice locupletissimo. 3 p. 1., 210 pp., 3 1. 12°. Lugduni, apud J. le Preux, 1597. Bound with: DIHuarte(G.) Essaminadegl'ingegni, 1600. -----. Appendix ad theatrum anatomicum sive explicatio characterum omnium, qui figuris to- tius operis additi fuere. 3 p. 1., 197 pp. 12°. Francofurti, M. Becker, 1600. Bound with hh: Theatrum anatomicum, etc., 1605. -----. Theatrum anatomicum novis figuris aeneis illustratum, et in lucem emissum opera et sumpti- bus Theodori de Bry. 7p.l., 1314 pp., 231., 129 pl. 12°. Francofurti ad Manum, typ. Matthai Beckeri, 1605. -----. De compositione medicamentorum: sive medicamentorum ratio et methodus in praelectio- nis. 4 p. 1., 294 pp. 12°. Offehbachi, C. Nebenii, 1610. -----. De hermaphroditorum monstrosorumque partium natura ex theologorum, jureconsulto- rum, medicorum, philosophorum et rabbinorum sententia libri duo hactenus non editi: plane philo- logici, infinitis exemplis illustrati; omnium facul- tatum studiosis, lectu ut jucundissimi, sic et uti- lissimi. 35, 594 pp., 6 pl., 1 port. sm. 8°. Oppon- heim de Bry, 1614. -----. De homine. Oratio. 39 pp. 4°. Athcnis Rauracis, [Basilea], apud J. J. Genathium, [1614]. -----. Theatrum anatomicum, infinitis locis auc- tum, ad morbos accommodatum et ab erroribus ab authorerepurgatum, observationibus et figuris aliquot novis aeneis illustratum. 6 p. 1., 664 pp., 8 1.; 265,21 pp. 4°. [n. p. ], J. T. de Bry, 1620-21. -----. Vivae imagines partium corporis humani aeneis formis expressae et ex theatre anatomico. 264, 21 pp. 4°. [n. p.], J. T. de Bry, 1620. Bound with hh: Theatrum anatomicum, etc., 1620-21. See, aho, Matthiolus (P. A.) Opera quae extant om- nia, fol. Basilece, 1674. Also: 7Icrcurialis (Hierony- mus). De morbis muliebribus prselectiones. 4°. Venetiis, 1601. Aho: Miescher (F.) Die medizinische Facultat in Basel, [etc.] 8°. Basel, 1860. Also: Koussetus (Fran- ciscus). De partu Caesareo liber, etc. 4°. Basilece, 1586. Aho: TabernaemontanuM (JacobusTheodorus). Neu vollkommenlich Krauter-Buch, etc. fol. Basel, 1664. For his Bioqraphy and Portrait (Vigneron del.), see Ga. lerie medicale, no. 2. See, also, Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, p. 152. Bauhinus (Emanuel) [ -1746]. *Detnnicis cellularibus earumque morbis. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Basilea, typ. F. L. Meyeri, [1739]. Bauhinus (Hieronymus) [1637-67]. See: Tabcrnsemontanus(JacobusTheodorus). New vollkommenlich Krauter-Buch, etc. fol. Basel, 1664. Bauhinus [Jean Bauhin] (Joh.) [1541- 1613]. Aerztliches Lebens- nnd Charakterbild ans der Ver. eangenheitWiirttembergs. Von Albert Moll. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. artzl. Ver., Stuttg., 1854, xxiv, 265-270. For Portraits, see: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, pp. 56 &. 198. Bauhinus (Joh. Casparus). See Eglinger (Nicolaus). Positionum botanico, etc. 4°. [Basel, 1685.] Bauhmer (Joh. Wilh. Christ.) For his Life, see Cartheutter (Frid. Aug.) BATJJAKD. 811 BAUME. Baujard (Arthur-Auguste). *De I'huile de foie de morue et de son emploi dans le traitement de la phthisie puhnonaire. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 140. Bauke (Algernon C.) The vaccination act, 1867> and the vaccination act, 1871; with introduction) notes, and index. 5. ed., xv, 100 pp., ind., 41. 8°- London, Shaw Sr Sons, 1872. ■-----. The vaccination act, 1867; with introduc- tion, notes, and index, xi, 43 pp., 51. 8°. London, Shaw Sr Sons, 1867. Baulmont (Charles-Auguste). *Sur la morve aigue de l'homme. 1 p. 1., 79 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1846, No. 167, v. 12. Baulot (Jacques). See de Beaulieu (Jacques). Baum. See Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. Bait in. See Cmmethuni (Bern.) Zwei Falle von Atresia ani, etc. 8°. Gottingen, 1875. Baum (Anton). * Ueber Wundstarrkrampf. 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, P. Neusser, 1868. C. Baum (Charles). Les trains sanitaires en Russie et en Austriche-Hongrie. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Dumaine, 1879. Baum (Frid. Guil. Jul.) *De fungo medullari et lueniatode. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietacki- anis, [1836]. Baum (Gottfried August). vanHaaseIt(A."\V.M.) Necrologie [1807-77]. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., etc., Utrecht, 1878, ii, 556-564. Baum (Guilelmus). *De urethrae virilis fissuris congenitis speciatim vero de epispadia. 36 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. sm. 4°. Berolini, formis Brueschcki- anis, [1822], -----. De carcinomate osteoidi et carcinomate medullari. 15 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Bonna, typ. C. Georgi, 1858. Baum (Joh. David Hubert). * Uroscopia exacta quantum conferat addiagnosim. 27 pp., 11. 8°. Bonna, H. B. Ebnig, 1862. C. Baum (Joseph). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kampferwirkung. 35 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, P. Neusser, [1872]. C. Baum (Sigismund). Zur Behandlung des akuten Gelenkrheumatismus mit besonderer Berucksich- tigung der Hydrotherapie. 15 pp. 8°. Wien, E. Czermak, 1874. Repr. from: Wien. med. Presse, 1874. Baum (Wilhelm). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bauman (Edward). * Collectanea quaedam, ad tetanuni traumaticum spectantia. 67 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], ex off. academ. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1823. Baumann. Schlaugenbad und Umgegend. Neuester Fiihrer fiir dessen Knrgaste. 40 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Darmstadt, G. G. Lange, 1870. Baumann (Adolf). * Ueber Vereiterung der Schilddriise. 35 pp. 8°. Zurich, F. Walder Sr Sohn, 1856. von Baumann (Bernhard). Studien iiber die Verpflegung der Kriegsheere im Felde. 3. Abth. in 2 v. 464, vi, 465-854 pp.; 529 pp. 8°. Leip- zig u. Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1863-74. Baumann (Carl). Die Natur und Behandlung der Wunden. Handbuch fiir Militararzte und Chirurgen. x, 166 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Chr. E. Eollmann, 1849. Baumann (Ernest Friedrich August). * De cancro subjuncta remedii, hactenus arcani, con- tra cancrum labiorum et faciei declaratione. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 4°. Lipsia, lit. Hirshfeldii, [1814]. -----. Ueber den Krebs im allgemeinen nebst der Anzeige eines sehr wirksamen bisher geheim ge- haltenen Mittels gegen den Lippen- und Gesichts- Krebs insbesondere. vi, 7-96 pp. 16°. Leipzig, Industrie Comtoir, 1817. For hh Life, see Platncrus (Ernestus). Baumann (Eugen). * Ueber einige Vinylver- bindungen. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1872. Baumann (Friedrich). * Untersuchungen tiber monatliche Perioden in den Veriinderungen uu- serer Atmosphare. 26 pp. 8°. Tubingen, E. T. Eiffert, 1832. Baumann (Gerh.) Biographic Gerh. Baumann [ -1609]. Biogr. Skiz- zen verstorb. bremisch. Aerzte, Bremen, 1844, 60. Baumann (Gerhard). *Zwei Fiille von Hirn- syphilis. 17 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, 1877. Baumann (Gottl. Henr. Christ.) *De haemor- rhoidibus coecis. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, ex off. Marggrafiana, [1760]. Baumann (Hen. Friedrich). * De roseolis sal- tantibus. 24 pp. 4°. [Alldorffi], lit. H. Meyeri, [1700]. Baumann (Henr. Maur.) *De artemisia vul- fari. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Natorffianis, 1838]. Baumann (J. Fr.) Das alte und neue Heil ver- fahren mit Medicin. Nach den Schriften Anderer und nach eigener Erfahrung fiir das denkende Publikum besprochen. 182 pp., 11. 8°. Mem- mingen, O. Besemfelder, 1857. Baumann (Jacob) [1520- ]. See Vesalius (A.) Anatomia deutsch. 4°. Niirnberg, 1551. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Baumann (Jacob Friedrich). *Das nosologi- sche System der psychischen Krankheiten. iv, 5-40 pp. 8°. Erlangen, J. J. Barfus, 1842. Baumann (Joh. Carl Ernest August). *De ebriositate. 47 pp. 4°. Lipsia, lit. Staritzii, [1836]. Forhh Life, see Kuehn (Carolus Gottl.) Baumann (Joh. Nicol.) * De tabaci virtutibus, usu et abusu. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Basilea, imp. J. J. Genathii, 1629. de Baumann (Joseph Maria). *De proso- palgia. 20 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. J. A. Giesser, 1836. Baumann (Maurice). *De gangraena cutanea morbis dyscraticis et paralyticis superveniente. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1859]. Baumann (Ph. W.) * Der Kinnbacken-Krampf neugeborner Kinder. 34 pp. 12c. Bamberg, 1823. Baumbach (Carl. Henr.) * De febre puerperali. 30 pp. 8°. Jena, typ. G. Schreiberi, [1835]. Baumbach (Gottfried Michael Herm.) *De curatione cancri occulti et aperti per aquam cal- cis vivae potam prsestita. 22 pp. sm. 4°. Gat- tinga, ex off. Barmeieriana, [1769]. Baumbach (Herm. Friedrich). *De melanosi. [Cum vita.] 26 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratr. Schlesinger, [1839]. Baumbach (Joh. Carl). For hh Life, see Titius (Joannes Daniel). a Baumbach (Joh. Ludwig). * De reflexione luminis, ejusque effectu. 18 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Rin- thelii, typ. Wichteri, 1682. Baumbach (Julius Gustavus). *De morbo- rum exanthematicorum sede in variis corporis re- gionibus. 63 pp. 8°. BeroUni, typ. Nietackianis, [1836]. Baumbach (Nicol.) * Quaedam de efficaci folio- rum sennaj substantia disquisitiones. 23 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. H. Laakmunni, 1858. Baume (Antoine) [1728-1805]. FJdments de pharmacie thdorique et pratique. Contenant toutes les opdratious fondameutales de cet art, avec leur ddhnitiou, et uue explication de ces opdratious, par les principes de la chymie, [etc.] BAUME. 812 BAUMES. Baume (Antoine)—continued. 5. dd. xxxix, 883 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, Samson, 1784. For Biographical Notice of, see J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1841, 2. s.r vii, 604-613, 1 port. (A. Chevallier). Baume (Irdnde-Cdlestin). * De la gudrison des maladies mentales. 54 pp. 4°. Part's, 18C4, No. 82, v. 551. Baume (Jean-Joseph). * Recherehes snr l'hydro- pnoumonie. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 159, v. 149. Baume (Rob.) See Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Zahnheilkunde. Bauone de Commandeur. See Wounds (Treatment of). Baumeister (Christian Friedrich). *De thera- pia per jucunda. 40 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Lan- genhemia, [1760]. See, aho, Oehlcr (Joannes Carolus). De sanguine in partu proflucnte. 4°. Lipsice, [1759]. For hh Life, see Ludwig (Christian Gottlieb). Baumeister (Eduard). * Ueber die Ursachen de.s Todes in Folge ausgedehnter Verbrennung. 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, P. Neusser, 1869. Baumeister (Rudolf). * De laryngoscopia. 59 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonna, typis F. Erugeri, 1862. C. Baumeister (Theodore). *De tumoribus ner- vorum adjecto eorum casu novo. [Cum vita. ] 2 p. 1., 23 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bonna, ex off. Mas- tiana, [1833]. Baumel (Ldopold). *De l'emphyseme pulmo- naire considdrd surtout au point de vue dtiolo- gique. 62 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1877, No. 20. Baumer (Joh.) *De succino. 37pp., 31. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1750]. Baume r (Job. Wilh.) [Pr. ] candidatorum Henr. Frid. Abt et Joan. Phil. Vogler inauguralia indi- cit, nonnullasque de febri catarrhali epidemica maligna observationes proponit. [Cum illorum vita.] 20pp. sm. 4°. Giessa Catiorum, typ. J. J. Braunii, 1773. -----. * De meningibus. 20 pp. 4°. Giessa, ex off. Brauniani, [1775]. -----. [Pr. ] cautelas nonnullas chymico-medicas de sacchari usu proponit. [Cum vita Jod. Frid. Schrickel.] 16 pp. 4°. Giessa Cattorum, typ. J. J. Braunii, [1776]. -----. [Pr.] de extaseos atque catalepseos diffe- rentia agit. [Cum vita Geor. Frider. Schraini.] 12 pp. 4°. Giessa Cattorum, typ. J. J. Braunii, 1776. -----. [Pr.] de iis, qua? spasmis rigidis particu- laribus communia sunt, agit. [Cum vita Guil. Adol. Schacht.] 16 pp. 4°. Giessa Cattorum, typ. J. J. Braunii, 1776. -----. Medicina forensis, praeter partes consue- tas, priinas lineas jurisprudentiaa medico-mili- taris, et veterinario-civilis continens. 3 p. 1., 350 pp., 8 1. 12°. Francofurti et Lipsia, Garbiana, 1778. -----. [Pr.] de erroribus circa aquarum soteria- rum uouin vulgo admitti solitis qmedam proponit. [Cum vita Christ. Frid. Wuth.] 12 pp. 4°. Giessa, typ. J. J. Braunii, [1779]. Baumer (Johann Paul). Unterricht, wie man einem Menschen, wie auch Thieren, so von einem tollen Hund gebissen worden, auf eine verniinftige und leichte Art helfen soil. Nebst einer Verthei- digung seines ohulangst herausgegebenen Pro- grammatum, gegen die, wider dieselbe, der Je- naisch gelehrten Zeitung inserirte Recension. 20 pp. 4°. Erfurt, I. I. F. Strauben, 1765. Baumers (Marcellin) [1774-1843]. "Rdflexions gdndrales sur les maladies aigues cousiddrdes chez les femmes en couche. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1807, No. 75, v. 67. For hh Obituary, see J. de med. de Lyon, 1844, vi, 196- 220 (Candy). Baumers (Rend-Fdlix). * Des corps dtrangers du genou, de leur traitement par la mdthode sous- cutande. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 54, v. 466. Baumert (Maurice). *De rheumatismo nius- culari uteri et hysteralgia rhtumatica. [Cum vita.] 25 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackia- nis, [1842]. Baumes (Jean-Baptiste-Timothde) [1756- 1828]. Fondemens de la science mdthodique des maladies, pour servir de suite k l'essai d'un sys- teme chimique de la science de l'homme. 2 v. 8°. Montpellier, 1801. Being title of v. 2 & 3 of Traite 616mentaire de noso- logic. -----. Traitd dldmentaire de nosologie, contenant une exacte classification de toutes les maladies, soit internes soit externes; la bibliographie des genres et des especes qui les constituent, [etc.] 4 v. 8°. 1. & 4. v., Paris, Crochard, 1806; 2. & 3. v., Montpellier, 1801. -----. Traitd des convulsions dans l'enfance, de leurs causes et de leur traitement. 2. dd. xvi, 513 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon Vaine, an XIII, [1805]. -----. Traitd de la phthisie pulmonaire . . . Ou- vrage que la Socidtd royale de mddecine de Paris couronna en 1783. 2. dd. v. 1 & 2. xxvi, 514 pp.; 414 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon, 1805. -----. Traitd sur le vice scrophuleux, et sur les maladies qui en provienneut. 2. dd. 1 p. 1., exxxvi, 384 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon, 1805. -----. Traitd de l'amaigrissement des enfans, ac- compagud d'dldvation et de la duretd du ventre; maladie du mdsentere, vulgairement connue sous le nom de carreau. Ouvrage couronnd en 1787 par la Facultd de mddecine. 2. dd. xi, 115 pp. 8°. Paris, M4quignon, 1806. -----. Traitd de l'ictere on jaunisse des enfans de naissance. Ouvrage couronnd en 1785 par la Facultd de mddecine de Paris. 2. dd. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon Vaine, 1806. -----. Traitd de la premiere dentition et des ma- ladies souvent tres-graves qui en ddpendent. hi, 350 pp. 8°. Paris, Me'quignon, 1806. -----. Eloges acaddmiques lus dans les seances publiques de la Socidtd de mddecine-pratique de Moutpellier. Premier cahier. 2 p. 1., 56 pp.; 1 1., 19 pp.; 4 1., 84 pp.; 1 1., 63 pp.; 23 pp. 4°. Montpellier, de Vimpr. de J.-G. Tournel, 1809. -----. Traitd des fievres remittentes et des indi- cations qu'elles fournissent pour l'usage du quin- quina. 2v. xlvi, 379,532 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Sevalle, 1821. -----. A treatise on first dentition and the fre- quently serious disorders which depend upon it. [Transl. by Thomas E. Bond, jr.] 159 pp. 8°. New York, Fraetas 4" Eelley, 1841. See, aho, Journal de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, Montpellier. For Bioaraphical Notice, see fiphem. m6d. de Montpel., 1828, vui, 413-429 (Golfin). Baumes (P.) Lettres sur les causes et les effets de la prdsence des gaz ou vents dans les voies gastriques. 102 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1832. [P., v. 488.] [-----.] Lettre d'un mddecin de province a mes- sieurs les dennatophiles des h6pitaux de Paris. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr Crochard, 1834. -----. Apercu mddical des hOpitaux de Londres ou sont traitdes les maladies vdndriennes et les maladies de la peau, accompagud d'une revue analytique des principaux travaux des Anglais sur ces maladies. 103 pp. 8°. Paris, Bailliere, 1835. -----. Prdcis thdorique et pratique sur les mala- dies vdnrriennes. 2 v. 413,581 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere; Lyon, Ch. Savy, 18-10. -----. Nouvelle dermatologie, ou prdcis thdorique et pratique sur les maladies de la peau, fondd sur BAUMES. 813 BAUMGARTNER. Baumes (P.)—continued. une nouvelle classification mddicale; suivi d'un exposd de principes gdndraux pouvant servir de guide dans le choix des eaux mindrales naturel- les applicables dans le traitement de ces maladies. 2 v. xvi, 560; 622 pp., 1 1., 7 pl. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baillihre, 1842. -----. Courte rdplique d'un dermat ophile de pro- vince k un dermatophile parisien, k propos d'un article signd C, dans le numdro du mois de mai 1843, des Archives mddicales. 30 pp. 8-\ Lyon, Dumoulin, 1843. -----. Prdcis thdorique et pratique sur les dia- theses, xv, 448 pp. 8°. Paris, Bailliere, 1853. For Biographical Notice, see Lyon med., 1874, xv, 396- 415 (Diday). Baumfelder (Carl Reinhold Alexander). * Bei- triige zu den Beobachtungen der Korperwarme, der Puis- und Respirationsfrequenz im Wochen- bette. 52 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Huethel u. Legler, [1867]. Baumgaertel (Carl George). *De hydroce- phalo acuto interno. 62 pp. 4°. Lipsia, J. F. Gliick, 1824. For hh Life, see Kuhn (Carolus Gottlob). Baumgaertner (Ferdinand). * Num vulnera supraorbitalia amaurosin excitare possint? 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, J. A. Giesser, 1839. Baumgaertner (Josephus S.) * Diss, inaug. rariorem et memorabilem morbi renalis historiam sistens. 32 pp. 8°. Landishuti, J. Thomann, 1816. Baumgaertner (Julius). * Apparat zu Respi- rations- Analysen lebender Thiere und des Vogel- eies wahrend der Bebriitung. vi, 27 pp., 1 pl., 8°. Freiburg i. B., F. Wagner, 1861. -----. Die Krankheiten des Kehlkopfes. vi pp., 11., 124 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., F. Wagner, 1864. Baumgartner (Karl Heinrich). Ueber die Natur und die Behandlung der Fieber oder Hand- buch der Fieberlehre, nebst einem Anhang iiber die Brustbraune. 2 v., paged consecutively, viii, 881 pp., 21. 8°. Frankf urt am Main, H. L. Brbn- ner, 1827. -----. Beobachtungen fiber die Nerven und das Blut in ihrem gesunden und krankhaften Zu- stande. vi (11.), 288 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Freiburg, G. Groos, 1830. -----. Handbuch der speciellen Krankheits- und Heilungslehre mit'besonderer Riicksicht auf die Physiologie. 2 v. xii, 762; 825 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart u. Leipzig, L. F. Rieger it. Comp., 1837. -----. Gedachtnissrede auf Karl Joseph Beck bei dessen akademischer Todtenfeier in der Univer- sitats-Kirche zu Freiburg am 15. Junius 1839. 32 pp. 4°. Freiburg, Gebriider Groos, 1839. -----. Kranken-Physiognomik. 2. Aufl. 250 pp., 80 col. pl. 8°. Stuttgart, L. F. Rieger u. Co., 1842. -----. Handbuch der speciellen Krankheits- und Heilungslehre fiir praktische Aerzte und Studi- rende geschrieben. 4. Aufl. 2 v. xv, 621, 664 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Scheible, Rieger u. Sattler, 1847. -----. Neue Behandlungsweise der Lungenent- ziindung und anderer Brustkrankheiten; nebst einer Darstellung der Abortivmethode. Mit Bei- tragen von Helbing, von Rotteck, Schmidt, von Waenker, Weber, Werber und Wucherer. 84 pp., 21. 8C. Stuttgart, Rieger, 1850. -----. Lehrbuch der Physiologie mit Nutzanwen- dungen auf die arztliche Praxis, xv, 562 pp., 4 Tab. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, Rieger, 1853. -----. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie und Therapie. 3. ed. xii, 468 pp., 1 tab., 3 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, Rieger, 1854. -----. Niihere Begriindung der Lehre von der Embryonalanlage durch Keimspaltungen und den | Polarisationen der organischen Korper, zugleich I 1 Baumgartner (Karl Heinrich)—continued. Ergiinzung de.s Lehrbuohs der Physiologie. 31 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Rieger, 1854. -----. Phvsiologischer Atlas. 57 pp., 46 pl. fol. Stuttgart, Rieger, 1858. Baumgardt (Friedrich). * Ueber die Wasser- sucht der Schleimbeutel und Sehnenscheiden. 65 pp. 8-. [Dorpat], C. Schulz, 1861. Baumgarten (Friedrich Ernst). See Chirur- gische Almanach. Also: Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgen von Chirurgen. Baumgarten (Friedrich Gustav). * De febris intermittcntisaftinitate cum morbis typhosis non- nulla. [Cum vita. ] 28 pp., 2. 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1840]. Baumgarten (Friedrich Ludwig Alexander). *De dysartlirosibus mandibular. (Acad. Lipsi- ensi.) 42 pp. 8°. Dresda,typ. B. G. Trubneri, [1-43]. For hh Life, see Joerq (Jo. Christ. God.) Baumgarten (Friedrich Maurice Oswald). *De chiloplastice et stomatopoesi adjecta nova illam instituendi methodo. viii, 9-59 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Lipsia, typ. Breitkopfio-Hartelianis, 1837. For hh Life, see Haase (Guil. And.) Baumgarten (G.) -See St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal. Baumgarten (George Friedrich). *De febris hemitritaeue antiquitatibus. 28 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. Stephanianis, [1782]. Baumgarten (Jo. Valentinus). *De indura- tione textus cellulosi neonatorum. 32 pp., 2 1. 8~. Hahv, F. Grunerti, [1821]. Baumgarten (Joh. Christian Gottlob). Bre- vis trepani coronati historia. Disp. 11 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Sommeria, [1789]. -----. * De corticis ulmi campestris natura viri- bus usuque medico. 36 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Solbrigia, [1791]. For hh Life, see Haase (J. G.) ----- & Kreysig (Friedrich Ludwig). *De arte decoratoria. Pars i. 1 pl., 49 pp., 11. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Solbrigia, [1791]. Baumgarten (Lud. Christian). *De recto calefaciendum in morbis usu. 33 pp. 4°. Got- tinga, lit. Hagerianis, [1752]. Baumgarten (Moritz). See Amnion (F. A.) & Baumgarten (Moritz). Die plastische Chirurgie, etc. 8°. Berlin, 1842. Baumgarten (Rudolph Christian). For hh Life, see Richter (Georgius Gottlob). Baumgarten-Crusius (Aug. Maurit.) *De gastro- et enteromalacia infantum. 48 pp. 4°. BeroUni, typis C. F. Brettschneideri, 1831. -----. * Fragmenta phvsioguomices medicae. xi, 115 pp. 8°. Hala, ex off. C. Grunerti, 1833. c. Baumgartner (Antoine). * Dissertation sur le sidge de l'hystdrie. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 211, v. 262.' Baumgartner (Fr. S. Edmund). *De mam- mis. 15 pp. 8°. Monachii, typ. J. A. Giesser, 1834. Baumgartner (Joh. F.) *De lucis atque caloris per combustionem vigentium origine, complectens. 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, NeUl et soc, 1799. [P., v. 9.] Baumgartner (Joseph). * Ueber Entziindung und Verletzungen des Kniegelenkes. 16 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg. Bonitas-Bauer, [n. d.] c. Baumga-tner (Joseph). * Theses medicae inaugurales. 20 pp. 8°. Tubinga, lit. Reis et Schmidianis, [1810]. Baumgartner (Robert J.) *De causis gene- ralibus, incolarum numerum, accelerautibus et impedimentibus. 23 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, A. Neill I et soc, 1800. [P., v. 13.] BAUMH^EMEL. 814 BAUSUH. Baumhaemel (Joh. Friedrich). Tractatus de morbo cum rheumatismo in hoc et in elapso anno in Eichsfeldia epidemico. 51 pp., 11. 4°. Miihl- husii, lit. Mullei'ianis, 1786. von Baumliauer (A. J. G.) Specimen toxi- cologico-medicum de venenis irritantibus anor- ganicis. 2 p. 1., 79 pp. 8°. Amstelodami, Joh, Muller, 1845. von Baumhauer (E. H.) Scheikundige mid- delen tegen de verspreiding der cholera en vee- ziekte. Bijdrage tot vergelijking van het geen door de Nederlandsche regering zonder vooraf- gaand, onderzoek, door de Engelsche regering na een naauwkeurig onderzoeking voorgedragen. 52 pp. 8°. Haarlem, [1866]. See, also, Archives n6erlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Bauinstark (Ferd.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chlorverbindungen des Schwefels. 58 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1865. C. Baumiiller (Emil). * Ueber Endocarditis. 15 pp. 8°. Miinchen, F. Wild, 1847. Bannach. Axtius (T.) * De nonnullis circa aquas in tractu Baunacensi. 4°. Erlanga, [1767]. Baunscheidt (Carl). Das Auge, seine Krank- heiten und deren Heilung durch den Baunscheid- tisinus. 2. Aufl. x, 68 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Witt- man, 1860. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. vi (2 1.), 68 pp. 8°. Bonn, F. Schulten, 1873. -----. Baunscheidtismus by the inventor of the new curing method. 1. English ed. Transl. from the 6. original ed., by John Cheyne and L. Hay- mann. Iii, 268 pp., 1 port. 8°. Bonn, J. Witt- mann, [n. d.] -----. Baunscheidtismus, or the new curing method, improved by Dr. J. Firmenich. To which is added a treatise on the eye, its diseases and cure. 1. Am. ed., from the 6. original ed. 274 pp. 8°. Buffalo, J. Firmenich Sr Co., 1862. -----. Das Ohr, seine Krankheiten und deren Heilung durch den Baunscheidtismus. 2 p. 1., 74 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, F. Schulten, 1874. See, also, ITIiicke (Die). Bonn. Baiuischeidtisiii. See, also, Baunscheidt ( C.); Counter-irritants and counter-irritation. Lipkau (T.) Le rdveilleur. Exposd sommaire du Bauuscheidtisme ou mdthode curative nouvelle de M. Ch. Baunscheidt basde sur la nature seule, sans mddication interne ni externe et appliqude a la gudrison des maladies rhumatismales de toute forme, des gouttes, paralysies, ndvralgies, bron- chites, affections de l'estomac et de la poitrine, etc., etc. 8°. Paris, 1860. Baunscheidtismus. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1861, v, 942-949.— Dubini (A.) Notize intorno al Baun- scheidtismo. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1864, clxxxviii, 151-158.—l.e Boy de mericourt (A.) Note sur l'em- ploi du revulseur de M. Ch. Baunscheidt. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1862, lxii, 342; 402.—Lipknu (T.) Note sur le r6vulseur (reveilleur) do Baunscheidt de Bonn. Gaz. med. de lAlgerie, Alger, 1862, vii, 68 —Maschlta. Baun- scheidtismus als angebliche Ursache des Todes? "Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 236-238.—Witlacil (A.) Auch ein Wort iiber den Baunscheidtismus. Ibid., 1861, xi, 463; 479.—Wutzer (C. W.) Der Milchsauger des Herrn Baun- scheidt. Jthein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1849, iii, 51-53. Baur (Albert). Die Entwicklung der Bindesub- stanz. iv, 86 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1858. Baur (Auguste). * De la pathogdnie des hydropi- sies et en particulier de I'anasarque aigue a fri- gore. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 143. Baur (Carl). *De morbis antri Highmori. 20 pp. 8°. Tubinga, ex off. G. Bahr, 1836. Baur (Christian Jacob). Tractatus de nervis anterioris superflciei trunci humani, thoracis pras- Baur (Christian Jacob)—continued. sertim abdominisque. 32 pp. 4°. Tubinga, typ. L. F. Fues, 1818. -----. Anatomische Abhandlung iiber das Bauch- fell des Menschen. iv, 18 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1835. For hh Obituary, see Med. Cor.-Bl. d. •wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1862, xxxii, 76-78 [A. Moll]. Baur (Christian Ludwig). * Specimen nosolo- gico-therapeuticum exhibens cephalalgiam, me- thodo, naturae accommodata, in specie digestam. viii, 62 pp., 11. 4°. Tubinga, lit. Schrammianis, [1787]. Baur (Fr. Xavier). *Considdrations sur la md- thode du redressement immddiat dans le traite- ment des tumeurs blanches et particulierement de la coxalgie. 31 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 503, 2. s., v. 27. Baur (Franz). * Ueber die Geburts-Wehen. 36 pp. 8°. [n. p., Wiirzburg^], 1836. Baur (Hermann). * Beitrage zur rapiden Ein- richtung coxalgischer Luxationen ohne Maschi- nenbehandlung durch einfache Manualhulfe. 50 pp., 2 1. 8°. W. Eeller in Giessen, 1856. c. Baur (Jacob Ulrich). * De partu praecoci. 32 pp. 8°. Tubinga, typ. Schanhardtianis, [1826]. Baur (Joh.) * Ueber die hitzige Gehirnhohlen- Wassersucht (Hydrocephalus acutus). 24 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. Rbsl, 1841. See, aho, Kretinen-Hcilnnstalt zu Eckeberg bei Miihldorf in Oberbayem. Bericht iiber die . . . 8°. Miinchen, 1854. Baur (Joh. Jacob). * De haemoptysi. 3 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gottinga, in offi. Grapiana, [1799]. Baur (Joh. Nepom.) *De scabie; accedit his- toria amputationis cruris ob pedem ex scabie male tractota destructum. 48 pp. 8°. Landis- huti, F. S. Storno, 1819. Baur (Joseph)1. * De peripneumonia. 28 pp. sm. 4a. Tubinga, lit. Pflickianis et Bauhoffianis, [1738]. Baur (Joseph)2. # Geschichte einer Krankheit der Harnblase. [Tubingen. ] 43 pp. 8°. Wiesensteig, gedr. bei Schmid, 1839. Baur (Joseph Edmund). * Ueber Ergotinbehand- lung bei Uterusmyomen. [Tubingen. ] 22 pp. 8°. Blaubeuren, Fr. Mangold, 1876. Baur (Stephan). * Ueber das Wechselfieber. 28 pp. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1857. Baur (Wilhelm). * Ueber reine Hypertrophic des Herzens ohne Klappenfehler. 39 pp., 2 1. 8°. Giessen, W. Eeller, 1860. C. B aur ( Wilhelm F.) * Historia forcipum obstetri- ciarum recentissima. 43 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Mar- burgi Cattorum, typ. Erieg. Acad., 1803. Baur von Eiseneck (Philipp Carl). Samm- lung siimmtlicher Gesetze, Verordnungen, In- structionen, Belehrungen und Entscheidungen, welche in dem Grossherzogthume Baden iiber Gegenstiinde der Gesundheits-Polizei seit dem Jahre 1803 bis 1829 erschienen sind. 1 p. 1., 905 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe u. Baden, D. R. Marx, 1830. -----. The same. Seit dem Jahre 1803 bis 1837 erschienen sind. Hrsg. mit Genehmignng dea Grossh. Ministerii des Innern. 2 v., 2 p. 1., xvi, 905 pp.; 1 p. 1., iv, 846 pp. 8°. Earlsruhe u. Baden, D. R. Marx, 1830-38. Bauriedl (J. L.) * Ueber die Amputation, iv, 5-15 pp. sm. 8°. Bamberg, 1831. Baui'in (Felix-Louis). * Diagnostic des rdtrd- cissements et des insuffisances des orifices du cceur, et du traitement dans les maladies du cceur. 55 pp. 4°. Pons, 1861, No. 47. Banscli (Friedrich). * De amputatione penis. 36 pp. 8°. Bonna, typ. C. Georgii, 1836. [Also, in: P., v. 578.] BAUSCH. 815 BAVAKIA. Bau«ch (John Laur.) [1605-65]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, p. 83. Also: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bausner (Bartholomaeus). De consensu partium humani corporis, libri iii. In quibus ea omnia, quae ad quamque actionem, quoquomodo in ho- mine, coucurrunt, receuseutur, actionum modus ut et consensus ratio explicatur, adeoque uni- versa hominis oeconomia traditur. 11 p. 1., 185 pp. 12°. Amstelodami, apud J. Ravesteynium, 1556, [1656]. Bausset (J.-B.) * Essai sur la pdritonite. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 129, v. 186. Bautier (Al.) * Quelques rdnexions sur la mar- che de la phldbite, et sur les consdquences pra- tiques qui en ddcoulent. vi, 7-28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 59, v. 249. Bautier (Arthur). * Du drainage dans le trai- tement des abces par congestion. 60 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1869, No. 251. Bautier (Peter Joseph). * De systematum in medicina clinica exclusoriorum impotentia. 49 pp. 4°. Leodii, H. Rangier, [1827]. Bautz (Joh. Adam). Convivium lacteum pro podagricis animo desolatis, tortura enervatis, cura desperatis, mundo ingratis, ccelo destinatis. 40 pp. 4°. Herbipoli, H. Zinck, [1668]. Bauve. See Iiettre k M.....professeur d'anatomie, etc. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Bauvieux (J.-P.) 'Considdrations gdndrales sur les fievres intermittentes. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1826, No. 210, v. 203. Bauweleers (Peter Franc.) *De febribus in- termittentibus in genere et specie. 1787. In: Louvain Diss., iv, 3. -----. De podagra. [Cumpraefatione J. van Rot- terdam.] 1 p. 1., xx, 216 pp. 8°. Gandavi, C. J. Fernand, [n. d.] Baux (Joseph). * Quelques considdrations sur les trajets fistuleux consdcutifs aux plaies par projectiles de guerre. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 258. Baux (Joseph-Isidore). * Essai sur les brulures. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 331, v. 292. Baux (Jules). * Considdrations sur quelques tu- meurs de l'abdomen formdes par le tissu adipeux. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1880, No. 16. Bauzenberger ( Wilhelm Friedrich). * Ani- madversiones in ligaturam arteriarum quaruu- dam principalium. 16 pp., 1 1. 4°. Tubinga, L. F. Fues, [1828]. Bauzon (Ernest). *De I'extraction lindaire. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 130. Bauzon (Jules). *Du sevrage. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 29. Bavaria. See, also, Altorf; Army (German, Medical De- partment of); Baireuth; Bamberg; Bayerische Acht Aerztekammern; Congress bayerischer Aerzte ; Deaf-mutes (Statistics of); Deggen- dorf; Dillingen; Durckheim; Ecksberg; Education (Medical); Eichstadt; Erlangen; Freising; Ptirth; Germersheim; Hassfurt; Heugersberg; Herrieden; Hof; Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of); Ingolstadt; Insane (Asylums for); Kaisheim; Kempten; Kissin- gen; Kreuth; Landau; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Munich; Nuremberg; Passau; Peissenberg;' Prisons; Ratisbon; Reichen- hall; Rockenhausen; St. Ingbert; Schwa- bach; Unterstiitzungs-Verein fiir Wittwen und Waisen bayer. Aerzte; Wipfeld; "Wiirz- burg. Escherich. Hygienisch-statistische Studien iiber die Lebensdauer in verschiedenen Standen, auf deu Grund von 15,730 nach den Geburtsjah- Bavaria. ren registrirten, gleichzeitig lebenden offentli- chen Beamten des Konigreiches Bayern nach dem Status 1852. 8°. WUrzburg, 1854. GDmbel (C. W.) Die geognostische Durchfor- schung Bayerns. 4°. Miinchen, 1877. Steger (C.) * Medizinisch-ethnographische Skizzen aus Oberbayem. 8°. Miinchen, 1868. Verbreitung der Cholera im Konigreiche Bay- ern wahrend der Jahre 1873 u. 1874 nach Cholera- Todesfiillen und nach Cholera-Erkrankungen. Mitgetheilt vom Konigl. Bayerischen Staatsmi- nisterium des Innern. In: Berichte der Cholera-Kommission fiir das Deutsche Reich. 4°. Berlin, 1879, vi, 123-138. Vorschriften fur den Dienst und die Ue- bungen der Sanitatscompagnien des konigl. bayerischen Heeres. vi, 90 pp. 16°. Miinchen, 1850. -----. The same, vi, 137, 40 pp. 12°. Miinchen, 1866. Bemerkungen und "Wiinsche, das Medicinaiwesen in Baiern betreffend. Von S. v. L. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1823, v, 267-280.—Bertillon. Baviere. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1868, viii, 597-627.—Egger (J. E.) Medizinische Topographie und Ethnographie von Niederbayern. Jahresb. d. naturh. Ver. in Passau (1860), 1861, 19-34.—Escherich. Die Kindersterblichkeit im ersten Lehensjahre im Konigreiche Bayern in den 4. Decen- nien 1835-75. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1878, xxv, 130.— Graf (L.) Statistische Darstellung der arztlichen Ver- haltnisse im Konigreiche Bayern. Ibid., 1877, xxiv, 236; 249. -----. Statistische Nachweisung der Sterblichkeits- Vorgiinge und Geburten-Verhaltnisse in 24 bayerischen Staaten fiir die Monate Juni, November u. December, 1878. Ibid., 1878, xxv, 326-328: 1879, xxvi, 28; 72.---------fiir die Monate Marz, April n. Mai, 1879. Nach den von den k. Bezirksarzten der betreffenden Stadte eingesendeten Er- hebungs-Tabellen zusammengestellt und statistisch ver- werthet. Ibid., 204; 262; 296. -----. . . . fiir das J. 1878. Ibid., 338-340. -----. Uebersicht der Sterbefalle, ausge- schiedeu nach Todesursachen in 24 bayerischen Stadten t iir das Jahr 1878. Nach den von den k. Bezirksarzten der betreff. Stadte eingesendeten Erhebungs-Tabellen zusam- mengestellt und statistisch verwerthet. Ibid., 350.—Ille- gitimate (On) births and infant mortality in Bavaria. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii, 68.—Kruger. Bei- trag zur Sterblichkeits statistik der Neugebornen in Bayern. Kindersterblichkeit von 1861-2—1873 inch des k. Bezirks- amts Schongau in Oberbayem. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1874, xxi, 423^26.—Mair (A.) Die Epidemieen des Jahres 1868 im Regierungsbezirke Mittelfranken. Ibid., 1869, xvi, 285: 1870, xvii, 425-432.—OTajer (C.) Beitrage zur ver- gleichenden Bevolkerungs-Statistik Frankreichs und Bay. ems. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1865, n. F., xxiii, 215-281. -----. Die Sterblichkeit nach Todes- ursachen in Bayern wahrend der Jahre 1871 u. 1872. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1875, n. F., xxii, 342-364. Die Personalbewegung in den offentlichen Heilanstalten Bayems fiir das Jahr 1875. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1877, xxiv, 191.—JTlajer (C. F.) Jahresbericht iiber die Gesund- heits-Verhaltnisse des Regierungsbezirkes Mittel-Franken im Jahre 1856-7. [Epidemieen und Endemieen, Scharlacli, Masern, Keuchhusten, Mumps, Typhus, Ruhr, Wccbsel- fieber.] I bid.. 1858, v, 538-542.— .lleyer. Ueber Sterblich- keit im Leichenschau-Districte Allershausen im Jahre 1876. Ibid., 1877, xxiv, 211-213. —Schneider (G.) Bei- triige zur medicinischen Statistik von Bayern. Ergeb- nisse und Bemerkungen in Betreff der Todtenschau. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang., 1846, vii, 491; 497; 513.— Statistik der arztlichen Verhaltnisse im Konigreich Bay- em. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1877, Beilage No. 28.—Wifomer. Medizinisch-statistische Be- merkungen iiber Oberbayem in den 5 Jahren 1839-40— 1843-4. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1847, bv, 227- 240. Bavaria (Medical legislation in). Doixinger (G.) Das Medicinaiwesen in Bay- ern, die desfalls bestehenden Anstalten und die seit dem Jahre 1616 bis auf die neueste Zeit er- lassenen, noch in Kraft bestehenden Anordnun- gen, gesammelt. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Erlangen, 1847. VOCKE (W.) Die Gebiihren des gesammten arztlichen Personals in Bayern mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die in Untersuchungssachen be- Btehenden Verpflichtungen und Anspriiche. Auf den Gruud der Medizinal-Taxordnung und der BAVARIA. 816 BAYARD. Bavaria (Medical legislation in). iibrigen Verordnungen uud Reskripte bearbeitet. 8°. Erlangen, 1869. Brauaer. Heilkunde und Gcwcrbeordnung. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1878, xxv, 448-452.—Canstatt (K.) I Einige Vorschliige zu einer wiinsehenswerthen Reform des j bayerischen Medicinalwesens. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1840, 27. Ergzgshft., 1-12.—Institut (Ueber das) der Landarzte in Baiern und das richtige Princip fiir die Bildung ties heilkundigen Personals. Von einem baieri- I schcnArzte. Ibid., 1823, vi, 74; 349.—OTajer (C.) Statis- tik der zur Ausiibung der Heilkunde in Bayern nicht ap- probirten Personen. Aerztl. Int.-Bl.. Miinchen, 1876, xxiii, 365-368: 1878, xxv, 405-410.—Miller. Ueber die Besol- dungsverhaltnisse der bayerischen Gerichtsiirzte. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Erlang., 1858, lxxvi, 102-110. Bavaria (Mineral waters of). Friedreich (J. B.) Notizen iiber Bayern's Biider und Heil(|iiellen. 8°. Niirnberg, 1827. Braun. Rechte und SteUung der Sltem Bader im Konigreiche Bayern. Ztschi'. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1840, xxxix, 425-428.—Ditterich (L.) Bayern's Mineral- quellen und Curorte. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1863, x, 338-351.—Kisch (E. H.) Die Curorte des Konigrciches Baiem. Jahrb. f. Balneol., etc., "Wien, 1874, iv. 1 Hft., 1-17.—Krahnaer (L.) Notizen iiber einige Bader in Baiem. Tyrol, Kiimthen und Salzburg. Deutscho Klinik, Berl., 1856, viii, 73; 85; 105; 113; 134; 143; 155; 175; 183; 203 j 211.—Kurortliche Berichte aus Baiern iiber die Saison 1839. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. Seebader, Berl., 1840, v, 259-322.— Niedcrbaicrn. Ibid., 1839, iv, 95-118. Bavaria (Public hygiene in). Allgemeine Bauorduung fiir das Konigreich Bayern vom 30. August 1877. 3. Aufl. 12°. Bam- berg, 1878. Gesetzlichen (Die) Schutzmassregeln, gegen die ansteckenden Viehkrankheiten in Bayem. Wortgetreuer und vollstandiger Abdruck der beziiglichen Gesetze, Verordnungen und allge- meinen Vollzugsvorschriften nebst einer Einlei- tung. 12°. Miinchen, 1868. Majxr (C. F.) General-Berichte iiber die Sanitats-Verwaltung im Konigreiche Bayern. Im Auftrage des konigl. b. Staatsministeriums des Innern aus amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet. Biinde 1-10 (1857-8 — 1875). 8°. Miinchen, 1868-78. Bavay (F.-J.) * Dissertation sur le catarrhe pulmonaire. vi, 7-20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 42, v. 155. de Bavay (P. J.) Petit recueil d'observations en me'decine sur les vertus de la confection toni- que resolutive et diure'tique pour toutes les fievres intermittentes, l'asthme, la toux, l'enroiie- ment, la phthisie au premier degr6, la jaunisse et toutes les obstructions, la concretion et l'in- flammation absente. 77 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, imp. de P. J. de Gricck, 1753. Bavay (P.-J.) * Dissertation sur la fistule k l'anus. 13 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 384, v. 53. von Bavegem (Pierre Joseph) [1745-1805]. Tractaet ofte oordeel-kundige aenmerkinge over de beruchte keysers-snede, waer in het gevoelen van sommige godtsgeleerde, benevens dat van eenige beroemde genees- en heelkonst oeffenaers- ter toets gebragt word, alies met veel nuttige observatien verrykt. 3 p. 1., 264 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. 12 J. Dendermonde, J. J. du Caju, Amsterdam, J. Morterre, 1773. For his Obituary, see Ann. Soc. de med. prat, dela prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1844-5, iii, 59-82,1 port. (Broeckx). Also: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1845, xvii, 5-28. Aho, Re- print. van Baveghem (Pierre). Broeckx (C.) Notice sur Pierre van Baveghem, pharmacien. 8°. Anrers, 1853. Repr. from: J. de pharm. d'Anvers. Bavier (Gabriel). *De defensione alterius oculi quando alter quocuuque modo visu jam privatus Bavier (Gabriel)—continued. est. 34 pp., 3 1. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1743]. Bavicra (Domenico). Dialogo sulla rivaccina- zione. 2 1., 7-32 pp. 8°. Messina, tipogr. Filo- mena, 1872. Bavoux (Hippolyte). * Des polypes de l'uretre chez la femme. 1 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1844, No. 129, v. 10. Bavoux (Jean-Claude-Amand). * I. Des causes generates et locales qui peuvent re"tarder ou en- traver la consolidation des fractures. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 8, v. 383. Bavoux (Napoleon). * I. De l'cedeme des centres nerveux. II. [etc.] 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 69, v. 397. Bawier (Conrad). *Meditationes quaedam in medicinae universal partes. xlii pp. 4°. Erlanga, typ. Eunstmannianis, [1780]. Bax (Emile). *De l'^tranglement des hernies crurales par l'anneau crural, vi, 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 392. ' Bax (J.-B.) 'Considerations hygi^niques mddi- cales sur la colonie du Se'ne'gal et sa garnison. vi, 7-33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 42, v. 230. Bax (Job. Nicol. Ludwig). *De studio veterum ac majorum minime negligendo. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud J. W. van Leeuwen, 1849. Baxley (H. Willis) [1803-76]. Introductory lecture. November 2, 1837. 29 pp. 8°. Balti- more, John D. Toy, 1839. For hh Obituary, see Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, 78th sess., 1876, 31 (J. Gilman). Baxt (Woldemar). * Die Reizung der Hautnerven durch verdiinnte Schwefelsaure. 23 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, G. Ereysing, 1872. Baxter (De Witt C.) Description of the knap- sack-supporter. Illustrated. 33 pp. 24°. Phila- delphia, Collins, 1868. Baxter (E. Buchanan). See Bindfleiscb (Eduard). A manual of pathological histology. 2 v. 8°. London, 1872-3. Baxter (H. H.) See Ohio Medical and Surgical Reporter. Baxter (J. H.) See Statistics, medical and anthropological, of the Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau. 2 v. 4°. Washington, 1875. Baxter (Johu). See Francois (D. M.), Caventon, & Pelletier. Researches on the chemical and medical properties of the root kahinca. 8°. New York, 1831. Aho: OTagendie (F.) Formulary for the preparation and modo of employ- ing several new remedies. Transl. from 5. ed. 2. ed. 8°. New York 1828. Bay (V.) Om Imdpodning med original Kokoppe- Lymfe. 23 pp. 8°. Ejpbenhavn, hos E. Jespersen, Bay (William) [1773-1865]. *An inaugural dis- sertation on the operation of pestilential fluids upon the large intestines, termed by nosologists dysentery. [Columbia College.] 109 pp. 8°. Neio York, T. Sr J. Swords, 1797. [Also, in : P., v. 572. ] For Biographical Notice, see Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Albany 1866, 317-321 (S. O. Vanderpoel). Aho, in: Tr. M. Soc. County Albany, 1870, ii, 444-452. Bayard (A.) Influence de la vaccine sur la popu- lation, ou de la gastro-ent6rite varioleuse avant et depuis la vaccine. Prec&lee des rapports de MM. Roche et Bricheteau, des observations de M. Ch. Dupin et des propositions de M. H. Carnot. iv, 100 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1855. Bayard (A.-F.) "Diagnostic differentiel sur la plupart des maladies de poitrine. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 304, v. 265. Bayard (Amand-Constant). *I. Des caracteres anatomiques du cancer du foie. II. [etc.] 36 I pp. 4U. Paris, 1840, No. 37J, v. 352. BAYARD. 817 BAYFIELD. Bayard (Cdlestin). * Dissertation eur le croup. 15 pp. 4J. Paris, 1834, No. 173, v. 274. Bayard (Henri). Memoire sur la topographie mddicale du iv1' arrondissement de Paris; recher- ehes historiques et statistiques sur les conditions hygidniques des quartiers qui composent cet ar- rondissement. 116 pp., 3 chrt. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1842. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1842, xxviii. ------. Memoire sur la police des cimetieres. 16 pp., 1 pl. P-. [n.p., P. Renouard, n. d.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1837, xvii. ------. Considerations sur le service mddical du bureau de bienfaisance du ive arrondissement de Paris. 12 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1843. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1843, xxx. ------. Mdmoire sur la topographie mddicale des xe, xie et xiie arrondissemens de la ville de Paris; recherehes historiques et statistiques sur les con- ditions hygidniques des quartiers qui composent ces arrondissemens. 1 p. 1., 75 pp., 5 chrt. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1844. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1844, xxxii. ------. Manuel pratique de mddecine ldgale. viii, 529 pp. 12". Paris, G. Bailliere, 1844. ------. Considdrations mddico-ldgales sur plusieurs cas de mort violente saus traces de ldsions extd- rieures. 12 pp. 8-\ [n. p., P. Renouard, n. d.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1846, xxxv. ------. Mdmoire sur les maladies simuldes. 23 pp. tv. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1847, xxxviii. -----. Considdrations mddico-ldgales sur l'as- phyxie. 20 pp. 8C. Paiis, J.-B. Bailliere, 1848. Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1848, xxxix. Bayard (Henri-Louis). * Essai mddico-ldgal sur l'utdromanie (nvmphomanie). 72pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 324, v. 303. -----. Examen microscopique du sperme des- sdchd sur le linge, ou sur les tissus de nature et de coloration diverses. [Mdmoire qui a obtenu la mddaille d'or du prix de mddicine ldgale pro- posd pour l'annde 1839, par la Socidtd des annales d'hygiene et de me'decine ldgale. ] 47 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1839. ------. De la ndcessitd des dtudes pratiques eu mddecine ldgale; rdflexions sur les proces criminels de Peytel et de Mine. Lafarge. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1840. For Biographical Notice of, see Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1853, 2. s., xlix, 256. Bayard (Paul-Louis-Emile). * Etude sur Ndris- les-Bains et ses eaux thermales. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1-73, No. 252. Bayard (Robert). * De opii atque venaesectionis effectibus in puerperas complectens. 44 pp. 8°. Edinb., C. Stewart, 1809. [P., v. 382.] Bayard (T.) Traitd pratique des maladies de l'estomac. 2. dd. xv, 500 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1872. Bayard (U.-P.-Thdophile). *De la fievre ty- phoide. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 68, v. 503. Bayart (fimile). *De l'asphyxie tuberculeuse aigue. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 360. Bayart (J.-L.-J.-Ddsird). *De la mdtrorrhagie dans l'dtat de vacuitd de l'utdrus. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 122. Bayen (Pierre). Cap (P. A.) Notice biographiqne de Pierre Bayen [1725-98]. Gaz. med. de Par., 1865, 3. 8., xx, 1-13.—Par- meatier. F/loge de Pierre Bayen. Bee. p6riod. Soc. de med. de Par., 1798, iv, 221-246. Bayer (Adolph Hubert Adam). * De ileo. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Schade, [1862]. Bayer (Fr. Wilh.) * Ueber Retinitis pigmentosa. 28 pp., 11., 1 tab. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgt, 1872. c. 52 Bayer (Georg). * Ueber entziindliche Epiphy- senablbsung. [Wiirzburg.] 35 pp. 8°. Tubin- gen, L. Fr. Fues, 1677. Bayer (Georgius). See Janus (Jacobus). De arthritide. 4°. Wittebergce, 1625. Bayer (Hugo). Diss, inaug. sistens conspectum partuum in Lechodochio. Pragensi absolutorum a. 1. Sept. 1831, usque 31. Dec. 1837. 96 pp., 2 1. 8°. Praga, T. Thabor, 1838. Bayer (Joh. Nepom.) * De ramis ex arcu aortae prodeuntibus. 24 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Salzburgi, typ. F. X. Duyle, 1817. Bayer (Joh. Nepom.) * Sistens historian! et the- rapiam pneumonitidis benignae. 24 pp. 4°. Tubinga, lit. Cotta et Reussii, [1763]. Bayer (Johannes Andreas). * De viribus medi- camentosis hydrargyri et inde arte factorum pharmacorum. xxvi pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Elaubarthia, [1783]. For hh Life, see Plaz (Antonius Guilielmus). Bayer (Leo). Die Zahncysten der Kiefer. 42 pp. 8°. Tubingen, L. F. Fues, 1873. Bayer (M. J.) Die Nacht in ihrer Beziehung zum Organismus. 75 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. W. Becker, 1824. Bayer (Ottomar). *DasEpithelderLungenalveo- len und seine Bedeutung in der crouposen Pneu- monie. 16 pp. 8°. 1 Taf. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1867. Bayer (Philipp Anton). * Ueber Trichiasis und Entropium, nebst Beschreibung einer verbesser- ten Augenlidzange. 75 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Erlan- gen, Eunstmann, 1815. Bayer (Rudolphus). * De inflammatione bursa- runi mucosarum praepatellariuni. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1861]. B aye rise he Acht Aerzte-Kammern. Sitzungs- Protokolle der bayerischen Acht Aerzte-Kammern in den Jahren 1873-4. roy. 6°. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1874-5. See, aho, Bra user. Die Thatigkeit der bayerischen Aerztekammern im Jahre 1874 und 1877. Aerztl. Intl.-BL, Miinchen, 1875, xxii, 22-26: 1878, xxv, 91-95. Bayerische Annalen. Berichte bayerischer '/ Aerzte iiber Cholera morbus. Von B. Roser und * A. Urban. 212 pp. 4°. Mdnchen, 1832/ Bayerischer Landeshilfs-Verein. Nachweisun- gen iiber die Thatigkeit des bayerischen Landes- hilfs-Vereins im Jahre 1870 und 1871. 2. Abth. Einnahmen und Ausgaben des Central-Comites des bayerischen Landeshilfsvereines in der Zeit vom 1. Juli 1870 bis 30. Sept. 1871. 7 pp. 4°. [Miinchen, F. Straub, n. d.] Bayerischer Verein zur Pflege und Unterstutz- ung im Felde verwundeter und erkrankter Krie- ger. Die freiwillige Hilfsthatigkeit im Konig- reich Bayern in den Jahren 1870-71. Gemein- schaftlicher Rechenschaftsbericht des bayeri- schen Vereines zur Pflege und Unterstiitzung im Felde verwundeter und erkrankter Krieger und des bayerischen Frauen-Vereines. 4 p. 1., 364 pp., 1 map. 4°. Miinchen, 1872. -----. Protokoli der am 21. April 1870 abgehalte- nen Sitzung des Central-Ausschusses des . . . Rechenschaftsablage fiir 1869, nebst Beilagen. 78 pp. 8°. Miinclien, F. Straub, 1870. ------. Rechenschaftsbericht des Central-Aus- schusses des . . . iiber die Vereinsthatigkeit in den Jahren 1866-7 u. 1868. 88 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, F. Straub, 1869. Bayes (William). Typhoid fever. Some account of Baptisia tinctoria, the new remedy for the disease. With cases. 35 pp. 8°. London, Bail- Here 4" Co., 1872. See, aho, ITIonthly Homoeopathic Review. Bayfield (Robertas). Exercitationes anatomicae, in varias regiones humani corporis, partium struc- BAYFIELD. 818 BAYLIES. Bayfield (Robertus)—continued. turam atque usum ostendentes, recentium medi- corum, chyrurgorum, nee non pharmacopolarum iu usum divulgatae. 2. ed. 2 pts. in 1 v. 112 pp., 1 1.; 141 pp., 2 1. 16°. Londini, 1668. Bayfield (Samuel). A treatise on practical cup- ping : comprising an historical relation of the ope- ration through ancient and modern times, xvi, 9-176 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, author, 1823. Bayle & Thillaye. Biographic mddicale par ordre chronologique d'apres Daniel Leclerc, Eloy, etc. Mise dans un nouvel ordre, revue et com- pldtde. 2v. 560,950 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1855. Bayle (Ant.-Laurent-Jessd) [1799-1858]. Recher- ehes sur les maladies meutales. 109pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 247, v. 176. -----. Petit manuel d'anatomie descriptive, ou description succincto de tous les organes de l'homme. Nouvelle dd. vi, 7-552 pp. 16°. Gand, H. Vandekerckhove fils, 1824. -----. Traitd des maladies du cerveau et de ses membranes. Maladies meutales. xxviii, 596 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon Sr Cie., 1826. -----. Bibliotheque de thdrapeutique, ou recueil de mdmoires originaux et des travaux anciens et modernes sur le traitement des maladies et l'em- ploi des mddicamens. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1828-37. -----. Traitd dldmentaire d'anatomie, ou descrip- tion succincte des organes et des dldmens organi- ques qui composent lo corps humaine. 4. dd. viii, 748 pp. 12°. Paris, Deville Cavellin, 1833. -----. The same. Transl. from the 4. ed. of the French by A. Sidney Doane, A. M., M. D. 470 pp. 12°. New York, Harper Sr Brothers, 1837. -----. Atlas d'anatomie descriptive du corps hu- main. Atlas compldmentaire de tous les traitds d'anatomie. 45 pl. [with text]. 4°. Paris, Me- quignon, Marvis, 1850. -----& Hol 1 ard (H.) Manuel d'anatomie gdnd- rale, ou description succincte des tissus primitifs ot des systemes qui composent les organes de l'homme. xx, 330 pp. 18°. Paris, Gabon Sr Cie., 1827. ------------. The same. Transl. from the French by S. D. Gross, M. D. 272 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, John Grigg, 1828. See, also, Revue medicale francaise et itranghrc, B[ayle](B.) /Seclifufneu]. Ein Send-Schreiben, etc. 12°. Franck- furt am Mayn, 1700. Bayle (D. C.) L'embaumement dans les temps anciens et modernes, suivi de l'exposd d'une md- thode nouvelle sans incisions. 154 pp. sm. 8°. Paris, A.rDelahaye, 1873. Bayle (Etienne Marie-Ernest). * Essai sur les causes des fievres paluddennes. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 308. Bayle (Francois) [ 1622-1709]. Tractatus de apo- plexia ; in quo hujus affectionis causa penitius in- quiritur et enratio exponitur ex doctrina Hippo- cratis. iv, 125 pp. 16°. Tolosa, excudebat B. GuiU lemette, 1677. -----. Dissertationes medicae tres. I. De causis fluxus menstrui mulierum. II. De sympathia va- riarum corporis partium cum utero. III. De usu lactis ad tabidos reficiendos, et de immediatio corporis alimento. In quibus receptae communi- ter circa subjectaui materiam, veterum ac re- centiorum opiniones erroneae repelluntur, et vera morborum ac symptomatum causae assignantur et demonstrantur. 8 p. 1., 98 pp. 18°. Haga- Comitis, P. Hagius, 1678. .-----. Problemata physica et medica; in quibus varii veterum et recentiorum errores deteguntur: praecipue circa quasdam sanguinis evacuationes, Bayle (Francois)—continued. turn sponte turn arte factas; et circa crises earum- que causas; ac verye quornmdam remediorum in- dicationes demonstrantur. 3 p. 1., 197 pp., 5 1., 1 pl. 18D. Haga'-Comitis, P. Hagius, 167c1. See, aho, Oaussail. Fragments d'6tudes sui' Francois Bayle. Discours prononc6 k l'ouverture de la seance pub- lique de la Soci6t6 do mfedicine de Toulouse, le 20. mai 1860. In: J. do med., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1860, 3. s., v, 193-208. Bayle (Francois-Antoine). "Considdrations phy- siologiques et pathologiques sur la faim. vi, 7-37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 85, v. 121. Bayle (Gaspard-Laurent) [1774-1816]. 'Con- siddrations sur la nosologic, la mddecine d'obser- vations,. et la mddecine-pratique; suivies d'ob- servations pour servir k l'histoire des pustules gangrdneuses. 103 pp. 8°. Paris, an X [1802], No. 70, v. 7. -----. Recherehes sur la phthisie pulmonaire. xxiv, 439 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1810. -----. The same. From the French by Wm. Barrow. 479 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Liverpool, Longman S- Co., 1815. ------. Traitd des maladies cancdreuses. Ouvrage posthume, prdcddd du portrait de l'auteur et d'uue notice historique sur sa vie et ses ouvrages; revu, augmentd et publid parson neveu, A.-L.-J. Bayle. 2v. lviii, 564,628 pp. 8°. Paris, Laurent, 1833-9. For hh Obituary, see J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1816, xxxvii, 179-185 (Chomel). Bayle (J.-B.-Justinien). *Des accidents qui nd- cessitent la ddlivrance artificielle. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 207. Bayle (Peter). Historical and critical dictionary; to which is prefixed the life of the author. 2. ed., revised, corrected, and enlarged by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 v. fol. London, J. J. Sr P. Enap- ton, D. Midwinter and others, 1734-8. Bayle (Pierre). *De la mdningite des enfants. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 171. Bayles (James C.) House drainage and water service iu cities, villages, and rural neighbor- hoods. 360pp.,3pl. 8°. New York,D.Williams, 1878. Bayless (George Wood) [1816-73]. Some of the rewards of medicine. An introductory address deUvered in the Kentucky School of Medicine, October 30, 1858. 24 pp. 8°. Louisville, Ey., Morton 4- Griswold, 1858. -----. Reminiscences of the medical college: be- ing an introductory address delivered before the medical department of the University of Louis- ville. 50 pp. 8°. Louisville, Courier printing es- tablishment, 1866. See, also. Cowling (R. O.) An address on the life and professional character of George Wood Bayless, M. D. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1873, viii, 274-290. Bay let (Pierre-Philippe). *I. Des fumigations aromatiques dans le traitement des maladies. II. [etc.] 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 277, v. 335. Bay ley (Richard). An account of the epidemic fever which prevailed in the city of New York during part of the-summer and fall of 1795. 160 pp. 8°. New York, T. Sr J. Swords, 1796. Baylies (WilUam). A narrative of facts demon- strating the actual existence and true cause of that physical confederacy in Bath made known to the public in the printed letters of Dr. Lucas and Dr. Oliver, vi, 53 pp. 8°. Bath, J. Leake, 1757. [P., v. 153.] ------. An historical account of the rise, progress, and management of the general hospital, or in- firmary, in the city of Bath: with someAqueries to the principal conductors of that charity, xi, 140 pp. 8°. Bath, J. Leake, 1758. [P., v. 153.] ------. A full reply to a pamphlet entitled "A short answer to a set of queries directed to the principal conductors of the general hospital, or BAYLLES. 819 BAZIL. Baylies (William)—continued. iulirniarv, in the city of Bath", xv, 84 pp. 8°. London, A. Millar, 1759. [P., v. 153.] ------. Kurzo Siitze iiber die Pocken zur Er- forschung der wahren Natur dieser Krankheit. Aus dem Englischen von A. B. Kolpin. 5 p. 1., 68 pp. 12°. Stettin, H. G. Effenbart, 1775. ------. Aphorismes sur la petite vdrole. xvi, 44 pp., 11. 12°. Liege, [n. p.], 1768. ------. Facts and observations relative to inocu- lation in Berlin, and to the possibihty of having the small-pox a secoud time. 156 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, J. Dickson, 17H1. [P., v. 517.] For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bayliii (Victor). * Dissertation sur la fievre. 52 pp. - . Paris, an X [1802], v. 12. Baylon. Traitemeut du croup pseudo-membra- neux et de diverses angines. 44 pp. 8°. Geneve, Ch. Gruaz, 1*59. B a y I on (J can-Joseph-Philippe). * De l'hystdrie. 2t< pp. 4 . Paris, 1850, No. 19, v. 491. Bayly (Joannes). *De frigore quatenus morbo- ruin caussa. 31 pp. 8°. Edinburghi, Hamilton, Balfour el Neill, 1757. Bayma (Raymundo-Rodrigues). *De l'ascite. 31 pp. 4C. Paris, 1837, No. 446, v. 319. Baynard (Edward). Health, a poem ; shewing how to procure, preserve, and restore it. To which is annex'd The doctor's decade. 8. ed. xii, 48 pp. 8-\ London, J. Roberts, 1749. See, aho, Floyer (John). 'trvxpoXowia.; or, the history of cold bathing. 12°. London, 1706. Bayne (Alexander). *De pleuritide. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4->. Edinburgi, apud T. et W. Ruddimannos, IV 49. Bayne alias Kinneir (D.) A new essay on the nerves, and the doctrine of the animal spirits rationally considered; shewing the great benefit aud true use of bathing, and drinking the Bath waters, in all nervous disorders and obstructions: with two dissertations on the gout and on di- gestion with the distemper of the stomach and intestines, vi, 167 pp. 8°. London, W. Innys 4- R. Money, 1738. [P., v. 681.] Baynes (Geo. A.) See Public Health Magazine and Literary Review. Baynes (Stanhope). *De hypochondriasi. 1 p. 1., 63 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1777. [Also, in: P., v. 653.] Baynham (William). Biographical sketch of William Baynham. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1822, iv, 186-203. Baynton (Thomas). Descriptive account of a new method of treating old ulcers of the legs. 1 p. 1., 115 pp. 8°. London, Robinsons, 1797. ------. The same. 2. ed. 153 pp. 8°. Bristol, Emery Sr Adams, 1799. ------. An account of a successful method of treating diseases of the spine; with observations and cases in illustration. 1 p. 1., 128 pp., 11. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst and others, 1813. See, also, IVayler (Bichard). A cursory view of the treatment of ulcers. 8°. Glocester, 1800. Bayol (J. M.) * Quelques considdrations cUniqnes sur deux cas de ddgdndrescence cystoide des reins observds a l'Hopital maritime de Toulon. 49 pp., 11. 4J. Montpellier, 1874, No. 13. Bayon (Charles-Henri). *De l'dtranglement in- terne au point de vue du diagnostic et du traite- ment. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 28, v. 613. Bayonne. Labordc. Topographie mddicale, ou description de la situation, de l'air, des eaux de Balonne, et de la nourri- ture do ses habitants. J. de med. mil., Par., 1782, i, 274- 281. — Lesanragc. Essai topographique et mddicale sur Bayonne et ses environs. Bee. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1825, xvii, 1-134. Bayonne (Augustin-Thdodore). 'Desprincipaux accidents survenant dans le rhumatisme. 40 pp. 4-. Paris, 1866, No. 311. Bayonne (B.-S.) * Fracture de l'extrdmitd in- fdrieure du radius simulant les luxations du poig- net. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 380, v. 280. Bayoud (Francois-Rosier). *De la pdritonite en gdndral, et en particuher de la pdritonite aigue simple. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 84, v. 207. Bayr (Ernesto). * De charactere morborum Mo- nachii anno 1831-2 observato. 24 pp. 8°. Mo- nachii, typ. G. Jaquet, 1832. BayrnoflTer (Christ. Fridericus). * Diss, inaug. med. exhibens observationes quasdam in hydro- thoracem virorum ex cordis vitiis genitum. 49 pp. 8°. Tubinga, L. F. Fues, 1809. Bayrle (Joseph). *Die asiatische Cholera. 33 pp. 8°. Tubingen, G. Bahr, 1836. c. Bayrus (Petrus). See Bairo (Pietro). Bayssallance (Pierre-Jean-Hector). 'Disser- tation sur les phdnomenes de la pubertd. 17 pp. 4-. Paris, 1832, No. 16, v. 248. Bay ssellance (Jean-Marie). * Dissertation sur le renversement de l'utdrus. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 27. Bay *iva fer. See Hospitals (Construction of). Bayvel (Emile). 'Contribution k l'dtude des cedemes chez les diabdtiques. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 104. Bayvel (M.-F.-B.) 'Dissertation mddico-philo- sophique sur les inconvdniens attachds a l'exis- tence des enfans nouveau-nds confids k des nour- rices mercenaires. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 277, v. 162. Bay view Asylum. See Baltimore. Baz (Come-Damien). *Des causes et des ldsions anatomiques du cancer de l'estomac, prdedddes de quelques rdflexions sur la nature du cancer en gdndral. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 57, v. 258. Bazalgette (Joseph WiUiam). MetropoUtan commission of sewers. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 31 May, 1853, for a copy "of the reports of. . . to the metropoUtan commissioners of sewers, relating to the appUca- tion, state and examination of tubular-pipe drains or sewers". 19 pp., 3 pl., 2 maps. fol. [London, 1853.] -----. On the main drainage of London, and the interception ofthe sewage from the River Thames. Edited by James Forrest. 37 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, W. Clowes Sr Sons, 1865. See, aho, Bell (Bichard). Objections to Mr. Bazal- eette's scheme for the drainage of the metropoUs. 8°. London, 1856. Bazalgette (S.) * Des dyspepsies. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 145. Bazard (G.-Gaston). 'Quelques propositions sur la fistule vdsico-vaginale et les rdtrdcisse- mens organiques du canal de l'uretre, suivies d'observations. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 190, v. 274. Bazerque (E.-B. ) * I. Des diverses especes d'abces dans la rdgion lombaire. II. [etc. ] 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 100, v. 352. Bazet (Jean). * Diverses propositions de mdde- cine. vi, 7-19 pp. 4°. Part*, 1819, No. 125, v. 148. Bazierre (Joseph). * Dissertation sur l'emploi du sdton dans la pneumonie chronique. vi, 7-37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1815, No. 115, v. 111. Bazignan (Jean-Baptiste). * Quelques propo- sitions sur les tubercules des organes en gdndral. 14 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 168, v. 187. Bazil (Francois-Paul). *I. Des complications de la goutte .. . II. [etc.] 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 182, v. 335. BAZILE. 820 BEACH. Bazile (Prosper). * Dissertation sur le cathdtd- risme. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 203, v. 397. Bazille (Cldment-Francois). 'Considdrations sur la ddUvrance. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 21, v. 282. Bazille-Fresnieres (F^mile). * Du cancer des veines. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 114, v. 583. Bazin (Alphonse). *I. Du diagnostic . . . des tubercules des centres nerveux. II. [etc.] 29 pp. Paris, 1839, No. 345, v. 335. -----. These sur l'unitd propre au systeme nerveux de la vie animale et & celui de la vie organique, et sur les rapports physiologiques et zoologiques qui existent entre eux. 5 p. 1., 53 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, imp. de Moquet Sr Cie., 1839. -----. Du systeme nerveux de la vie animale et de la vie vdgdtative; de leurs connexions ana- tomiques, et des rapports physiologiques, psy- chologiques et zoologiques qui existent entre eux. x, 180 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1841. Bazin (Antoine-Pierre-Ernest) [1807-78]. 'Re- cherehes sur les ldsions du poumon, considdrdes dans les affections morbides dites fievres essenti- oUes. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1834, No. 300, v. 278. -----. De l'acnd varioliforme. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Brifre, 1851. [P., v. 453.] Repr. from,: J. de conn. m6d. -----. Recherehes sur la nature et le traitement des teignes. 152 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Leclerc, 1853. -----. Des teignes achromateuses. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, Plon fibres, 1853. Repr. from: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1853. -----. Considdrations gdndrales sur la mentagre et les teignes de la face. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, Plon freres, 1854. Repr. from: Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1854. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cliniques sur les af- fections cutandes parasitaires. Rddigdes par A. Pouquet. xvi, 236 pp., 5 1., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, F. Chamerot Sr A. Delahaye, 1858. -----. The same. Publides par A. Pouquet. 2. dd. xv, 292 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1862. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cUniques sur les syphi- lides considdrdes en elles-memes et dans leurs rapports avec les druptious dartreuses, scrofu- leuses et parasitaires. Rddigdes et publides par L. Fournier. x, 224 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1859. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cliniques sur les af- fections cutandes de nature arthritique et dar- treuse, considdrdes en elle-memes et dans leurs rapports avec les druptions scrofuleuses, parasi- taires et syphilitiques. Publides par L. Sergent. iv, 387 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1860. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cliniques sur la scro- fule, considdrde en elle-meme et dans ses rap- ports avec la syphilis, la dartre et l'arthritis. 2. dd., revue, corrigde et augmentde de recherehes sur la scrofule viscdrale et de nombreuses obser- vations, xxxv, 668 pp. 8C. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1861. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cliniques sur les af- fections cutandes artificielles et sur la lepre, les diatheses, le purpura, les difformitds de la peau, etc. Publides par le docteur Gudrard. xi, 499 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1862. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cliniques sur les af- fections gdndriques de la peau. 1. v. publid par le docteur E. Baudot; 2. v. publid par le docteur L. Gudrard. 2 v. xii, 416 pp.; viii, 451 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1862-5. ———. Examen critique de la divergence des opi- nions actuelles en pathologie cutande. Publides par le docteur Langronne. ix, 200 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1866. Bazin (Antoine-Pierre-Ernest)—continued. -----. Lecons thdoriques et cUniques sur la sy- philis et les syphilides. Recueillies, rddigdes et publides par L.-A. Dubuc. 456 pp., 4 col. pl. 8J. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1866. -----. Lecons sur le traitement des maladies chroniques en gdndral et des affections de la peau en particulier, par l'emploi compard des eaux mi- ndrales, de l'hydrothdrapie et des moyens pharma- ceutiques professdes k l'hdpital Saint-Louis. Rd- digdes et publides par E. Maurel. xii, 467 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1870. For hh Obituary, see Union med., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxvi, 989-996 (E. Pesnier). Also: Tribune med., Par., 1879, xii, 13 ; 25 (E. Pesnier). Aho: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1879, i, 175-198 (Baudot). Aho: Progres med., Par., 1879, vii, 11. Bazin (Cdsar-Charles-Octave). * De I'albumi- nurie dans l'dpilepsie. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 22. Bazin (David). * De lingua et ejus vitiis mor- bosis. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Basilea, F. Ludij, 1717. Bazin (Jean-Marie-Paulin). * Dissertation sur la non-existence de la maladie dite fievre adynami- que essentielle. viU, 9-52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 281, v. 162. Bazin (Ldo-Paul). * I. A quels signes reconnalt- on et distingue-t-on entre elles les divers especes des luxations coxo-fdmorales? II. [etc.] 29pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 52, v. 369. Bazin (P.-E.) 'Dissertation sur la fievre con- tinue adynamique, qui a rdgnd dpiddmiquement pendant l'an VIII, dans quelques communes des environs de Montmorency. 37 pp. 8°. Paris, an ATI [1803], v. 40. Bazin (P.-F.-A.) 'Essai sur le diagnostic des maladies de l'utdrus qui se terminent ordinaire- ment par le cancer de cet organe. vi, 7-39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 116, v. 160. See, aho, Annales franchises et etrang6res d'anatomie et de physiologie. Bazire (A.-M.) * Dissertation sur la pneumonie aigue. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 115, v. 241. Bazire (H.-C.) 'Dissertation sur la pleurdsie. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 29, v. 183. Bazire (Hilaire-Napoldon). *De l'absorption, considdrde comme moyen que la nature emploie pour la gudrison des maladies en gdndral. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 32, v. 283. Bazire (Pierre-Victor). * De la rdsection de l'ar- ticulation coxo-femorale dans certains cas de coxalgie. 75 pp. 4°. Paris, 1860, No. 59. For hh Obituary, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1867, ii, 141. Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1867, ii, 190. Bazochc (Gustave). * £tudo sur l'emploi dn buis en mddecine surtout comme fdbrifuge. 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, No. 463, 2. s., v. 26. Bazot (Adrien). * Quelques considdrations sur la dyspepsie essentielle chez les fumeurs. 36 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1877, No. 351. Bazot (Arsene-Apollinaire). * I. QueUe est la valeur sdmdiologique de la douleur sous le rap- port de son tvpe, de son sidge et de son dtenduef II. [etc.] 44'pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 83, v. 397. Bazot (L.-S.) *I. Ddterminer comment nos con- naissances en dtiologio ont contribud aux progres de l'art de gudrir. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 174, v. 383. Bazy (Pierre). * Du diagnostic des ldsions dos reins dans les affections des voies urinaires, des indications qu'elles fournissent au pronostic et au traitement. 101pp., 11., 5 tab. 4°. Pam, 1880, No. 48. Bdellatomy. See Leeches. Beach (Henry H. A.) Surgical cases. 11pp. 8C. Cambridge, 1876. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1876. See, also, Brown (Buckminster). Femoral aneurism. 8°. Cambridge, 1875. BEACH. 821 BEALE. Beach (R. E.) Uterine pathology and treatment. 9 i>p. *-. Vandalia, Ills., C. G. Smith 4' Son, prtrs., [1878]. Repr. from: Illinois M. Recorder, 1878. Sec, aho, Illinois (The) Medical Becorder. Beach (W.) The American practice of medicine; being a treatise on tho character, causes, symp- toms, morbid appearances, and treatment of the diseases of men, women, and children, of all cli- mates, on vegetable or botanical principles; con- taining also a treatise on materia medica and pharmacy, with an appendix on the cholera, etc. 3 v. 8°. New York, Betts j- Anstice, 1833. ■ The American practice condensed, or tho family physician; being tho scientific system of medicine, on vegetable principles, designed for all classes. 14. ed. xlviii, 800 pp., 1 phot., 21 pl. 8°. New York, J. M'AUster, 1848. -----. A treatise on pulmonary consumption (phthisis pulmonalis), with remarks on bronchi- tis. 24pp. 8°. [n.p.], J. B. Alice, 1840. -----. An improved system of midwifery, adap- ted to tho reformed practice of medicine; to which is annexed, a compendium of the treatment of female and infantile diseases, with remarks on physiologv and moral elevation. 272 pp., 50 pl. 4°. New York, Chas. Scribncr, 1851. See, also, Reformed Medical Journal. Beaconsfield. Kammell (T. W.) Report to the General Board of Health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town and parish of Beaconsfield. 8°. London, 1850. Beadle (E. R.) The sai-redness of tho medical profession. A sermon. 31 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. S. Claxton, 1865. Beafin. Noget om H0relsens Redskabet. 8 pp. 12°. Ejpbenhavn, trykt hos P. Horrebok, [1787]. Beakley (Jacob). Valedictory address, deUvered at the sixth annual commencement of the Ho- moeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, March 1, 1854. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1854. -----. Valedictory address, delivered at the first annual commencement of the Homoeopathic Me- dical College of New York. 30 pp., 11. 8°. New York, Fr. Hart Sr Co., 1861. See, aho, Hempel (Charles). Homoeopathic theory and practice. 8°. New York, 1868. Beal (Antoine-Augustin). * Etude critique sur la fievre traumatique, la septicdmie et la pyohdmie. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1868, No. 102. Beal (B.-Augustin). * Etude sur la constriction permanente des in&choires. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 225. Beal (Beujamin-Augustin). * Quelques considd- rations sur les maladies observdes au Sdndgal. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 107. Beat (Fdlix). * De la saignde au pli du bras, et de ses accidents. 28 pp. 4C. Paris, 1851, No. 187, v. 503. Beal (J.-B.) * Du choldra-morbus dpiddmique. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 94, v. 250. Beale (James). Address delivered before the Medical Society of Virginia, at its thirtieth an- nual meeting, April, 1853. 15 pp. 8°. Richmond, Va., Ritchies 4' Dunnavaut, 1853. For Biographical Notice, see Stethoscopo, Richmond, 1855, v, 182, 1 port. Beale (Lionel John). Observations on distor- tions of the spine; with a few remarks on defor- mities of the legs, vi, 102 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, J. Wilson, 1831. -----. Tho laws of health, in relation to mind and body; a series of letters from an old practi- tioner to a patient, xv, 306 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lon- don, J. Churchill, 1*51. Beale (Lionel John)—continued. -----. The sense, tho brain, and the mind; their connections and relations. 24 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London, Walton Sr Maberly, 1856. [P., v. 441.] For hh Obituary, see Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1871, ii, 24. Beale (Lionel Smith) [1828- ]. Of the forma- tion of the so-called intercellular substance of cartilage, and of its relation to the so-caUed ceUs; with observations upon the process of ossifica- tion. 11 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. The medical student a student in science. Introductory lecture . . . medical department of King's College. 31 pp. 8G. London, J. Churchill, 1855. -----. The same. 31 pp. 8°. London, A. Sr W. Ha W, 1855. [P., v. 527.] -----. On some points in the anatomy ofthe Uver of man and vertebrate animals, with directions for injecting the hepatic ducts, and making prepa- rations. Illustrated with upwards of sixty pho- tographs of the author's drawings, xx, 80 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1H56. -----. Tables for the chemical aud microscopical examination of urine, in health and disease. 24 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1856. -----. How to work with the microscope, xvi, 124 pp., 32 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. -----. Thesame. 3.ed. xvi, 272pp., 56pl. 8°. London, Harrison, 1865. -----. The same. 4. ed. xix, 383 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Harrison, 1868. -----. On the structure of the simple tissues of the human body. A course of lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, xi, 203 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill, [1861]. -----. On deficiency of vital power in disease, and on support, with observations upon the ac- tion of alcohol in serious cases of acute disease. 24 pp. 12°. London, T. Richards, 1863. -----. Indications of the paths taken by the nerve-currents, as they traverse the caudate nerve-cells of the spinal cord and encephalon. An abstract of a paper upon the minute anatomy of the papillae of the frog's tongue. 10 pp., 6 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, [1864]. Repr. from: Proc. Roy. Soc, 1864. -----. On the structure and growth of the tissues, and on life. Ten lectures delivered at King's College, London. vUi, 226 pp. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1865. -----. The microscope in its appUcation' to prac- tical medicine. 3. ed. with numerous original illustrations. 320 pp. 8°. London, John Chur- chill Sr Sons, 1867. —■---. Thesame. 3. ed., with numerous original illustrations, xxni, 320 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4" Blakiston, 1867. -----. Suggestions for taking cases and for mak- ing post mortem examinations. 24pp.,2pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1867. -----. Descriptive catalogue of microscopical specimens, illustrating tho structure of certain tissues . . . exhibited at the president's soirde (British Med. Ass'n, 1868). 24 pp., 16 pl. 8°. London, Harrison Sr Sons, 1868. -----. Kidney diseases, urinary deposits, and calculous disorders; their nature and treatment. 3. ed., enlarged, xxxi, 472 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1869. -----. Disease germs; their supposed nature. 82 pp., 4 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4' Sons, 1870. -----. Disease germs; their real nature. An original investigation, xv, 176 pp., 24 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4' Sons, 1870. -----. A lecture inaugural to the course of patho- logical anatomy, delivered at King's College, May 5th, 1870, ou medical progress; in memoriam BEALE. 822 BEARD. Beale (Lionel Smith)—continued. R. B. Todd. 30 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1870. Itepr.from: Brit. M. J., 1870. -----. Life theories; their influence upon religi- ous thought. viU, 2 p. 1., 97 pp., 6 col. pl. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1871. -----. The mystery of life: an essay in reply to Dr. GuU's attack on the theory of vitality in his Harveian oration for 1870. vi, 71 pp., 2 col. pl. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1871. ------. Bioplasm: an introduction to the study of physiology and medicine, xvi, 345 pp. sm. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1872. ------. Hospitals, patients, doctors and nurses; a lecture. 30 pp. 12°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1874. ------. Protoplasm; or matter and life, with some remarks upon the "confession" of Strauss. 3. ed. xviii, 388 pp. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1874. ------. The machinery of life. 47 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Sr A. Chm chill, [1875]. ——. On Ufe and on vital action in health and disease, being the Lumleian lectures delivered be- fore the Royal College of Physicians. 110 pp. 8°. London Sr Philadelphia, J. 4' A. Churchill, 1875. See, also, Archives of medicine. Aho: Todd (R. B.) & Beale (L. S.) The physiological anatomy and physio- logy of man. Newed. 8°. London, 1866. ife«: Wood- ward (J. J.) Reply to Lionel S. Beale. 8°. [n. p., 1872.] For Portrait, see JTIediea4 prof, in all countries. Lon- don, 1873, i, no. 11. Beale (Stephen T.) Trial and conviction of Dr. Stephen T. Beale, with the letters of Chief Justice Lewis, and Judges Black and Wood- ward, on his case, interesting ether cases, and letters of Prof. Gihson, Prof. Wiltbank, "Wm. Badger, esq., W. L. Hirst, esq., Rev. Albert Barnes, Dr. Henry A. Boardman, etc. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. BeaBes (John C.) [1803-78]. Obituary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1878, xiv, 140. Bcaley (Joseph). *De prima febrium continu- arum causae origine. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Smellie, 1797. [P., v. 5.] Beaman (George). Epilepsy and its cure. 2. ed. 64 pp. 8°. London, H. Renshaw, 1868. For hh Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1874, i, 146. Beamish (Franciscus). * De epilepsia. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Stewart, 1804. [Also, in: P., v. 28.] Beamish (Joh.)1 *De pneumonia. 2 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill cum soc., 1796. Beamish (Joh.)2 *De colica pictonum com- plectens. 2 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stew- art et soc, 1798. [Also, in: P., v. 8.] Beamish (Richard). Lecture ... on the func- tions of the skin, and the value of the bath, with special reference to the improved Turkish bath. 33 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1859. Beamish (W.) Practical observations on the pathology, prevention, and treatment of Asiatic cholera, from the author's experience in the epi- demics of 1849, 1853 and 1866. 32 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, Fannin Sr Co., 1867. Beaney (James G.) Original contributions to the practice of conservative surgery, xx, 168 pp. 8°. Melbourne, G. Robertson, 1859. ------. Contributions to practical surgery, patho- logical, therapeutic, and operative, pt. i. vii, 47 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Melbourne, Wilson Sr Mackinnon, 1861. ------. Syphilis, its nature and diffusion popularly considered. 303 pp., 15 col. pl. 8°. Melbourne, G. Robei-tson, 1869. ■-----. Constitutional syphilis; being a practical illustration of tho disease in its secondary and tertiary phases, xii (2 1.), 470 pp., 20 p. 1. 8°. Melbourne, F. F, Bailliere, 1872. Beaney (James G.)—continued. ------. Spermatorrhcea in its physiological, me- dical, and legal aspects, xii, 112 pp. 8°. Mel- bourne, F. F. Bailliere, 1872. ------. Children: their treatment in health aud disease. Part i: Infancy, xv, 253 pp. 12°. Melbourne, F. F. Bailliere, 1873. ------. The generative system and its functions in health and disease. 2. ed. xvi, 393 pp. 8°. Melbourne, F. F. Bailliere, 1875. Beard. See, also, Hair. Barthius (G.) 'De barba. 4°. Lipsia, 1671. Adam (A. M.) Is shaving injurious to tho health ? A plea for tho heard. Edinb. M. J., 1861, vii, 5GC-573.—Beard (The) question. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, v, 488-491.—Belcher (T.W.) Tho hygienic aspect of pogono- trophv. In his: Tractatus medici, 8°, Dubl., 1864, 23-36. Aho .-"DublinQ. J. M. Sc, 1864, xxxvii, 154-168. Aho: Dub- lin M. Press, 1864,li, 29.—Bcsmartis (T.) Inconvenientes que resultan de afeitarse. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1863, viii, 686-687.—Growth (The) of tho beard historically con- sidered. Boston M. & S. J., 1844, xxx, 353-356.—Hunt (W.) Tho beard question. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1861, v, 262.—Plea (A) for beard. Ibid., 234-236.—Wake (C. S.) La barho consider6e comme caractfcre de races. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1880. 2. s., iii, 34-77. Beard (Abnormities of). See Hair (Abnormities of). Beard (Diseases of). See Mentagra; Sycosis. Beard (C.) Operations on the eye, with illustra- tions. 24 pp. 8°. New Orleans, Bulletin book and job office, 1860. Itepr.from: New Orleans Medical News and Hospital Gazette. See, also, New Orleans Medical News and Hospital Gazette. Beard. (George M.) Cases of gastralgia treated by central galvanism. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. The cosmic law of intemperance. A con- tribution to the scientific study of the temperance question. 16 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] ------. Lecture before the Long Island Historical Society, on the decline of the moral faculties in old age. 4 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] ------. The longevity of brain-workers. 16 pp. 8U. [n. p., n. d.] ------. Representative cases of nervous disease. 8 pp. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] ------. To those suffering from hay-fever. [A circular to those who are familiar with the di- sease to answer questions relative to it. ] 21. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. Our home physician: a new and popular guide to the art of preserving health and treating disease, xxxii, 33-1066 pp. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat Sr Co., 1869. -----. Stimulants and narcotics, medicaUy, phi- losophically, and moraUy considered. 155pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam Sr Sons, 1871. ------. Recent researches in electro-therapeutics. 12 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1872. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1872. ------. Certain queries in electro-physiology and electro-therapeutics. Read before the med. sect. of the Am. Med. Ass., May 8, 1872. 13 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. Electricity in the treatment of diseases of the skin. 13 pp. 8°. New York, F. W. Chris- tern, 1872. Repr. from: Am. J. Syph. & Dermat., N. Y., 1872. -----. Atmospheric electricity and ozone: their relation to health and disease. 16 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1874. Repr. from: Pop. Se. Month., N. T., Feb., 1874. ------. Cases of hysteria, neurasthenia, spinal irri- tation, and allied, affections; with remarks. 14 pp. 8°. Chicago, J. J. Spalding, 1874. Repr. from: Chicago J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1874. BEAKD. 823 BEAU. Beard (George M.)—continued. -----. Legal responsibility in old age, based on researches into the relation of ago to work. Read before the Medico-Legal Society. Republished with notes and additions from the transactions of the society. 42 pp. 8°. New York, Russell's printing house, 1874. -----. Medical and surgical cases treated by elec- tricity. 8pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. A. Moore,prtr., 1874. Repr. from: Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1874. -----. The methods of performing electrolysis in aneurisms, navi, and other benign tumors. 12 pp. 8°. [h. p., n. d.] Itepr.from: Phila. M. Times, 1874. -----. A new method of treatiug malignant tu- mors bv electrolyzing the base. 16 j>p. 8°. [n. p.] T. L. Clacher, 1«74. Repr. from: Arch. Electrol. &. Neurol., N. Y., 1874. -----. A new method of treating malignant tu- mors by electrolysing the base. 7 pp. 8C. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen <)• Sons, 1874. -----. Suggestive cases treated by electricity. 8pp. 8°. Louisville, Ky., J. P. Morton 4- Co., 1874. Repr. from: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1874. -----. Tbe treatment of marasmus, whooping- cough, and debility in children, by electricity. 7 pp. 8°. [w. p., n. d.] Repr. from: Detroit Rev. Med. &. Pharm., 1874. -----. •Experiments with the alleged new force. 28 pp. 8C. A'cir York, T. L. Clacher, 1876. Repr. from: Arch. Electrol. & Neurol., N. Y., 1875. -----. Hay-fever; or, .summer catarrh: its nature and treatment. Including the early form, or "rose cold"; the later form, or "autumnal ca- tarrh"; and a middle form, or July cold, hitherto undescribed. x, 11-266 pp. 12°. New York, Har- per Sr Bros., 1876. -----. Morbid fear as a symptom of nervous di- sease. (Read at the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Neurological Association, June 18th, 1879.) 10 pp. rt-'. [New York, 1879.] Itepr.from: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y., 1879. -----. Neurasthenia (nerve exhaustion); with re- marks ou treatment. 20 pp. 8°. [New York, 1.-S79.] Repr. from: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1879. -----. A practical treatise on nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia); its symptoms, mature, sequences, treatment, xx, 198 pp. 8°. Neiv York, W. Wood 4'Co., 1880. See, aho. Archives of Electrologv and Neurology. Also: Rockwell (A. D.) &. Beard (Geo. M.) Observa- tions on tho physiological and therapeutical effects of galvanization, etc. 8°. New York, 1870. Also: ----- -----. Clinical researches in electro-surgery. 12°. New York; 1873. ----- & Rockwell (A. D.) The medical use of electricity, with special reference to general electrization as atonic, viii, 9-65 pp. 12°. Neio York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1837. -----------. A practical treatise on the medi- cal and surgical uses of electricity, including localized and general electrization, xxxv, 698 pp. 8C. •Yew York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1871. ------------. A year of experiment in electro- therapeutics: including the first annual report of the electro-therapeutical department of Demilt Dispensary. 18 pp. 8°. Louisville, J. P. Morton 4' Co., 1H72. Repr. from: Am. Pract., Louisville, 1872. Beare ( Mat. ) The sensorinm: a philosophical discourse of the senses: wherein their anatomy, and their several sensations, functions, and offi- ces are succinctly and accurately describ'd. 3 p. 1., 195 pp., 3 1. 8°. Exon., S. Farley, 1710. Beasley (Heury). The book of prescriptions, containing 3,000 prescriptions, collected from Beasley (Henry)—continued. practice of the most eminent physicians and sur- geons, English, French, and American. 562 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4' Blakiston, 1865. -----. The druggist's general receipt book: com- prising a copious veterinary formulary. 7. Am. from the last Lond. ed. 497 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lindsay 4' Blakiston, 1871. -----. The pocket-formulary and synopsis of the British and foreign pharmacopoeias, comprising standard and approved formulae. 9. ed. x, 547 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sr Blakiston, 1872. Beater (Nicolai). 'Bemerkungen zu den im Laufe der Jahre 1841 bis 1861 auf der chirurgi- schen Abtheilung der Dorpater Universitiits- Klinik beobachtcten Hernien. 36 pp. 8°. [Dor- pat], E. J. Earow, 1861. Beato y Dolz (Jose"). "Do l'6tat puerperal. 90 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 147. Beattie (Francis S.) See American Lancet. See, also, Beport (A) of the trial of an action for libel, in which Dr. Geo. McUlcllan was plaintiff, and Dr. Francis S. Beattie was defendant, at Philadelphia, March, 1829, comprising tho whole of tho evidence and the judgo's charge; with notes, subjoined by an eye witness. 8°. Philadelphia, 1829. Also: Statement of proceedings on the part of the members of the faculty and the trustees of the Jefferson Medical College, etc. 8°. Philadelphia, 182G. Beatty (Jacobus). * De consensu partium cor- poris humani in statu morboso. 30 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1808. Beatty (Louis H.) Introductory lecture, Phila- delphia College of Medicine, course 1847-8. 10 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. H. Gihon, 1847. Beatty (Thomas Edward). Address delivered at the opening of the 25th session of the Dublin Ob- stetrical Society, Nov. 29th, 1862. 16 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, J. Falconer, 1863. Repr. from: DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1863. -----. Contributions to medicine and midwifery. xv, 651 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Dublin, Fannin Sr Co., 1866. -----. Ou rigid perineum and an operation for its relief. 8 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1867. [P., v. 89.] Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867. For hh Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1872, i, 667. Aho: Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1872, i, 555. Beau. See Journal de me'decine. Beau (Alexandre). * Etude physiologique et clinique sur la periode de defervescence dans les maladies aigues f6briles. 124 pp., 11., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 133. Beau (E.) See Foville (Achille). Traite complet de l'anatomie. 8°. Parh, 1844. Beau (J. C.) * Essai historique sur la cremation. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 117. Beau ( Joseph-Honore"-Simou) [ 1806?-65 ]. Ob- servation d'une portion de doigt coupee entiere- ment, separeo du corps pendant plus de denii- heure, et rdunie d'une maniere incomplete. 11 pp. 8C. Paris, Migneret, [n. d.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. do med., Par., 1834. -----. Recherehes sur la cause des bruits respi- ratoires percus au moyen de l'auscultation. Md- moire pr6sent6 k l'Acad6mie royale de mddecine, dans la seance du 10. juin 1834. 16 pp. 8°. [n. p., imp. de Migneret, n. d.] Repr. from: Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1834. -----. Theorie du phenomene connu sous le nom de tintement metallique. 23 pp. 8°. [n.p.,imp. de Migneret, n. d.] Repr. from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1834. -----. Recherehes sur les mouvemens du cceur. 40 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Migneret, 1835. Repr. from: Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1835. -----. * Dc l'emploi des 6 vacuans dans la maladie connue sous les nomsde gastroentdrite, dothinen- tdrite, fievre maUgne, putride, typhoide, p6t<5- BEAU. 824 BEAUFORT. Beau (Joseph-Honord-Simon)—continued. chiale, entdronidsentdrique, etc. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 263, v. 301. ------. Recherehes d'anatomio pathologique sur une forme particuliere de dilatation et d'hyper- trophie du coeur (memoire pre"sent6 k l'lnstitut, le 28. mars 1836). 24 pp. 8C. [n. p., Migneret, n. d.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. demed., Par., 1836. ------. Recherehes sur la cause des bruits anor- maux des arteres et application de ces recherehes a l'6tude de plusieurs maladies, et principalement de la chlorose. 20 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Locquin S-' Cie., 1838. ------. Recherehes sur quelques points de la seme- iologie des affections du cceur. 29 pp. 8°. Paris, J. F. Locquin Sr Cie., 1839. Repr. from: Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1839. ———. NouveUes recherehes sur les bruits des arteres, et application de ces recherehes it l'dtude de plusieurs maladies. 240 pp. 8°. Paris, Fac. demed., 1845. [P., v: 465.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1845. ------. Etudes analytiques de physiologie et de pathologie sur l'appareil spieno-hepatique. 99 pp. 8°. Paris, Fac. de me'd., 1851. [P., v. 465.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. do med., Par., 1851. ------. Traitd experimental et cUnique d'auscul- tation appliquee k l'etude des maladies du poumon et du cceur. xii, 626 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baillere, 1856. ------. The same. Analisi bibliografica dell D. R. Rodolfi. 32 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Chiusi, 1857. Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., 1857. Bound with: Rodolfi (R.) Collection of medical essays. ------. De la diastole ventriculaire dans l'ordre do succession des mouvements du cceur. 31 pp. 8°. Paris, Henri Plon, 1861. Extr. from: Lecons cliniques sur les maladies du coeur. -----. Quelques reflexions sur le sphygmometre cardiaque de MM. Chauveau et Marey. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson Sr fils, 1863. Repr. from: Gaz. hebd. dem6d., Par., 1862. ------. De la valeur therapeutique des saignees gendrales dans les phlegmasies. 19 pp. 8°. Paris, Henri Plon, 1859. Repr. from: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1859. ------. NouveUes reflexions sur un nouveau trace cardiographique de MM. Chauveau et Marey. Lu & l'Academie de medecine, sdance du 12. avril 1864. 21pp. 8°. [Paris, E. Martinet, n.d.] Repr.from: Gaz. hebd. demed.. Par., 1864. ------. Traite de la dyspepsie. [Avec une pre- face par Dr. Hedouin. ] viii, 268 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1866. Opus posthumum. For his Obituary, see Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1865, ii, 589-597 (Parrot). Also: Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1865, xl, 797-800 (Axenfeld). •----- & Maissiat (J.-H.) Recherehes sur le mecanisme des mouvements respiratoirs. 114 pp. 8°. Paris, Rignoux, 1843. Beau (L.-H.) Fracture par arrachement du con- dyle occipital droit, survenue dans une chute d'une hauteur d'environ 22 metres sur le cdtd droit du corps, sans autre lesion superficiello ni profonde du crane ou de la face. Recueillio par le docteur Lacascade. 21 pp. 8°. [Paris, Ba- con Sr Cie., n. d.] Repr. from : Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1872. Beau (Louis). Contribution & la chirurgio des fractures des membres: appareils nouveaux. Avec fig. 124 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere <£ fils, 1872. -----. * Des lavements au point de vue du traite- ment topique des lesions intestinales. 31 pp. 4U. Paris, 1873, No. 344. -----. Du traitement des plaies en gdndral et en particulier d'un mode nouveau de pansement Beau (Louis)—continued. antiseptique par le coaltar et le charbon, suivi d'un apercu sur la pourriture d'hGpital et son traitement. 134 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere Sf fils, 1873. Beau ( Meinrade-Guillaume-Adolphe). * Disser- tation snr le rhumatisme aigu. 31 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1820, No. 119, v. 157. Beau (R.-T.-H.) * I. De la pharyngite et do 1'cesophagite. II. [etc.] 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 21, v. 352. Beaubien (Pierre). * Dissertation sur le rhu- matisme articulaire. vi, 7-44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 191, v. 175. Beaucens. Balencie (F.) M6moire snr les eaux min6rales de Beaucens, dans le ddpartement des Hautes-Pyrenees. Rev. med., Par., 1825, ii, 242-256. Beauchamp (Paul). * Essai sur la xdnomdnie. 60 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 723, 2. s., v. 38. Beauclaef (Alexandre-Marie-Rend). * Etude sur la dysenterie. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 127. Beauchef (Julien). * De la pleurdsie. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 146, v. 535. de Beaucnene. De l'influence des affections de l'aine dans les maladies nerveuses des fem- mes, avec le traitement qui convient k ces mala- dies. NouveUe ddition, revue, et augmentde du traitement des maux de nerfs des fennnes en-' ceintes. xvi, 248 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Me'qui- gnon, 1783. Beauchene fils (M.) * Considerations sur I'organisation de l'ceil, et sur l'operation de la cataracte, appliquee au traitement des animaux domestiques. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 5, v. 74. de Beauchene Pierre (E. C) Pariset. Eloge. Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1828, i, 232-239. Beauclaire (Adolphe). * Expose d'un nouveau mode de rupture de l'ankylose de la hanche. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 182, v. 568. Beaude (J.-P.) * Considerations sur l'influence de la medecine sur la civiUsation. 37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 192, v. 188. Bcandcnon-dc-Lamaze (Antoine). * Dis- sertation sur la paralvsie des extremites infdri- eures. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 66, v. 131. Beaudier (Aime). *Des troubles psychiques termiuaux chez les phthisiques. 42 pp. 4°. Pan's, A. Parent, 1879, No. 128. Beaudier (Henri). * Contribution k l'etude de la gangrene de l'intestin dans les hernies dtran- giees. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 497. Beaudouin (Simon-Francois). * I. De la dys- pepsie. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 263, v. 352. Beaufils (J. B. Edouard). * Notes sur l'aphasie. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 206. Beaufils (J.-B.-P.) * Observations gdnerales sur lateigne. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1809, No. 24, v. 74. Beaufils (Jean-Marie). * I. Du diagnostic et du pronostic de la pneumonie. II. [etc.] 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 348, v. 353. Beaufort. See Orfila. Recherehes m6dico-legales. 8°. Paris, 1842. de Beaufort (Comte). Considerations gdiidrales sur la prothese des membres. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, W. Remquet Sr Cie., 1858. Repr. from: Le Progres, 1858. ------. Recherehes sur la prothese des membres. 107 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1867. ------. Questions philanthropiques; transport des blessds; lmpitaux; appareils; assistance aux mu- tiies pauvres, etc. 1 1., 140 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, imp. nationale, 1875. BEAUFORT. 825 BEAUNTS. Beaufort County. See North Carolina. Beaufort (F.-Adolphe) matique. 23 pp. 4\ 535. Beaufort (Louis-EUe) * Do l'emphyseme trau- Paris, 1853, No. 304, v. * Considerations sur les causes et le traitement prophylactique de la phthisie pulmonaire. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1819, No. 213, v. 151. dc Beaufort (P.-E.-Ph.-Antonin). * Des causes de la phthisie puluionaire. 78 pp. 4C. Paris, 1857, Xo. 46, v. 598. Beaufume (Francois-Eugene). * Dissertation sur la transmission de quelques maladies des ani- maux aux hommes. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 53, v. 283. Beaugendre(Francois-Marie-Thdophile). *Dis- sertat ion sur l'apoplexie. 28 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1818, I No. Ill, v. 138. ! Beaugrand (E.) Des differentes sortes d'acci- dents causds par les verts arsenicaux employe's dans l'industrie; rapport prdsentd ii la commission d'hygiene et de salubritd du 5. arrondissement. 1 17 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1859. See, aho, Becqucrcl (A.) Traiteelementaired'hygifcne privce et publique. 4. ed. 123. Parh. 1868. 5. 6d. sm. 8°. Parh, 1873. Also: Crerdy (P.-N.) Melanges d'anatomie, etc. 2 v. 8-. Paris, 1875. Beaugrand (George). *Des ldsions traumati- ques des nerfs. 1 p. 1., 71 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1864, No. 789, v. 41. Beaujcu (Louis-Andrd). 'Dissertation sur la fievre jaune de Saint-Domingue. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1-15, No 302, v. 117. Beaujolin (Auguste). *I. Du diagnostic, du pronostic et de la cause prochaine do l'ictere spasniodique. II. [etc.] 44pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 285. v. 353. Beaujolin (Lucien). * Considdrations sur la rachialgie hysterique. 66 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 199. Beauties (H. G.) * Quelques considdrations sur la stomatite mercurieUe. 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862, 2. s., No. 618, v. 33. Beaulieu. See Bar. de Beaulieu (Jacques) [1651-1714]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Aho: Col- lection—van Kaathoven, i. Beaulieux (Antoine). *Du toucher dans la pratique des accouchements. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 213, v. 535. Beaumanoir (Jean-Marie). * Essai sur la ven- tilation des transports. 54 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 7. Beaume (Gustave). * Essai d'dtudes spectrales de l'urine daus divers dtats pathologiques. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 297. [Beaumers.] Rapport fait II la Socidtd de md- decine de Lyon dans la seance du 7. novembre 1825, sur 1'etabUssement orthopddique dirige par le Docteur Jal. 77 pp. 8°. Lyon, Louis Perrin, 1826. Beaumier (Auguste). Le cholera au Maroc, sa marche au Sahara jusqu'au Senegal en 1868. 20 pp., 2 maps. eS°. Paris, C. Delagrave 4' Cie., 1872. Repr. from : Bull. Soc. de g6ographie, 1872. Beaumont. Abhandlung iiber die Briiche. Nebst einer neuen Methode, alle Arten von Brii- ch. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere J-fils, 1876. ----- & Bouchard (A.) Nouveaux elements d'anatomie descriptive et d'embryologie. 2. dd. xvi, 1103 pp. 8C. Pan's, J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, 1873. Beaunis (H. E.) * Anatomie gdndrale et physio- logie du systeme lymphatique. Concours pour l'agrdgation. 96 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, v. 37. Beauperthuy (Louis-Daniel). * La cUmatolo- gie. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 350, v. 316. Beaupoil (Amand). *De l'entdropathie mdtal- lique. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1846, No. 62, v. 439. Beaupoil (H.) * Recherehes mddico-chimiques sjir les vertus et les principes des cantharides. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, an XI [1803], v. 37. Beauport. See Insane (Asylums for). Beaupre (Moricheau). Mdmoire sur lo choix des hommes propres an service militaire dans l'armde de terre, et sur leur visite devant les conseils de revision, viii, 100 pp. 8°. Paris, Anselin Sr Po- chard, 1820. -----. A treatise on the effects and properties of cold; with a sketch, historical and medical, of tho Russian campaign. Translated by John Clendinning, with appendix, xviii, 375 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan Sr Stewart, 1826. Beauquet (J.-N.) 'Propositions gdndrales sin: les hernies. 12 pp. 4°. Part's, an XII [1804], No. 192, v. 47. Beauquin (Francois-Alphonse). * Traitement des goitres. 47 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, 2. s., No. 231, v. 17. Beaurain. Cadet. Analyse des eaux mindrales de la fontaine dite de Saint-Martin, pres Guise, en Picardie. J. de rued., chir., pharm.. etc., Par., 1776, xlvi, 353-362.—Sovet (A.) Apercu do la constitution medicale du canton de Beauraing, suivi d'un coup d'ceil sur les systemes medicaux. Ann. Soc. do med. d'Anvers, Brux., 1840, i, 69-100. Aho: Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1840, i, 274-305. de Beauregard (Alexandre-Constantin-Biart). * Des affections chirurgicales de la langue. 1 p. 1., 33 pp. 4°. Strasboum, 1857, No. 391, v. 23. Beauregard (F. V.) Recherehes sur la nature et le traitement du choldra dpideinique. (Ob- servations recueUlies au Havre-Graville.) 1848- 9—1853. in, 55pp. 8°. Havre, Carpentier Sr Cie., 1854. Beauregard (G.) * Semeiotique des dactyloly- ses. 112 pp., 6 pl. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 288. -----. Des difformites des doigts (dactylolyses); dactylolyses essentielles (ainhum), dactylolyses de cause interne et de cause externe. fitude de semeiologie. Ill pp., 7 pl. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere 4" fils, 1875. Beauregard (Henri). * Contribution k l'etude du developpement des organes genito-urinaires chez les mammiferes. 52, iv pp., 12 pl. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 240. Beauregard (Philibert). * Essai surl'engorge- ment des mamelles chez les femmes en couches. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 216, v. 313. Beauregard (Victor-Francois). * De la tuber- culisation pulmonaire et de ses rapports avec les autres maladies de TappareU respiratoire. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 39, v. 426. Bcaurcpaire (L.-B.) * Dissertation sur le vin. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 155, v. 242. de Beaurepere (Alfred). * De Tdcrasement et des amputations des doigts; de leur traitement. 30 pp. 4J. Paris, 1872, No. 173. Beaurieux (Gabriel). * Essai sur la pseudo- gastralgio consideree comme gastrite chronique simple on ulcdreuse. 52 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 505. Beausicr. See Velasco (D.) & Villarcrde (F.) Curso t6orico practico de opcracionos do cirugia. 8°. Madrid, 1807. Beaussart (Louis-Joseph-Jeromc). *Des cau- ses qui s'opposent k l'expulsion du foetus, lo col etant assez dilatd ou dilatable, et des moyens d'y remedier. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. Ill, v. 411. Beaussenat (Simon). * Des tumeurs sanguines et purulentes de la cloison des fosses nasales. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 159. Beaussicr (Hyacihthe). * fitudo sur quelques opdratious do thoracentese pratiqudes k l'HOpital maritime do Cherbourg. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 29. Beaussier (J.-Cl.-J.) * Do metuendissimis erro- ribus popularibus in medicina, in hygiene, in therapeutica. vi, 7-37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 117, v. 241. Beauty. See, also, Cosmetics. Weyhl (J. J.) * De lethifera ac prematura formosorum deformatione. Schono Leute sterben bald. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, [1735]. J oslin (B. F.) Physiological explanation of tho beauty of form. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., 1837, iii, 299-326, 1 pl. Aho, Reprint.—Micbalowski (F.) De la beaute-comme signe de sante. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de St.-Etienne et do la Loire, 1866, iii, (1867), 585-614. Also: Gaz. med. de Lyon, 1867, xix, 192; 229. Beauvais. Note sur le rdgime alimentaire et le rdgime cellulaire de Mazas, au point de vue de leurs rapports avec une epiddmie de scorbut en 1877. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Chaix Sr Cie., [1879]. de Beauvais (Achille-Gustave). * De la caute- risation des bourrelets hdmorrhoidaux par le fer rouge. 124 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 147, v. 517. Beauvais (Gustave-Victor). * Du catarrhe pul- monaire, chez les enfants. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 234, v. 491. Beauvais (Landre). Observations pratiques sur quelques eaux minerales des Pyrenees. 10 1. 8°. [n.p., n.d.] [P., v. 131.] Beau-Verdeney (Bertrand). * Etude critique dc l'endocardite dans la diphtherie. 52 pp., 2 tab. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 137. Beau-Verdeney (J.-B.-Frederic). * Conside- rations sur les eftots de la saignee. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 25, v. 282. Beauville-Claverie (Heury). * Do Taction physiologique et pathologique des climats chauds sur l'homme. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 63, v. 626. Bcauvoisin. Du cancer et de son traitement; expose complet do la methode du Docteur Beau- voisin, excluant toute operation par l'instrument tranchant. xxiv, 471 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1843. Beauvoisin (Stanislas-Gustave). * Dissertation sur la deiivrance artificielle. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 32, v. 306. Beaux (J.-J.) Physiologie de la glande lacry- male. 27 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1821. Beaux (Jean-Jacques). * Quelques idees sul- la meiancolie, le jugement, la manie; sur un pre- mier chapitre de physique; un nouvel usage de la queue, des oreilles, des huppes, des aigrettes, etc.; et sur une nouvelle application de la trans- fusion. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 217, v. 176. ------. * Quelques iddes sur la mdlancolie. 14 pp. 4°. Paris, 1823, No. 54, v. 178. See, also, Rapport fait au nom d'une commission ot lu, par M. Renauldin, a l'Academie royale de m6decine. 8°. Parh, 1842. Beauxis (Lagrave-Antoino). * Considerations sur les h6morrho'ides. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 172, v. 218. BEAVER. 827 BECHILLOK Beaver. Sec Castor. Beaver County. See Pennsylvania. Bebeeru and bebeerine. Jablonowski (J.) * De santonini, beberini, . . . intra organismum humanum rationibus. 8°. [Dorpat], 1858. Albers (J. F. H.) Ueber dio physiologische "Wirkung des Bobeerins und Tlicins. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1862, xxiv, 304-315.—Blair (D.) Facts and obser- vations on the antiperiodic powers of bebeerine; in a re- port addressed to the government secretary of British Gui- ana. Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1847, Ixvii, 419-435. —Bailey (E. D.) On the use of sulphate of bebeerine as a substitute for sulphate of quinia. Med. Exam.. Phila., 1853, ix, 557-559.— Edwards. [Bebeerine]. Tr. OhioM. Soc, 1852, 28-30.— Halliday (A.) On the bebeeru tree of British Guiana, and sulphate of bebeerine. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1835, xliv, 546-548. — 3Iaclagau (D.) On the medicinal qualities of the bebeeru bark of British Guiana. Lond. &. Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, 1843, iii, 685-694. -----. On the medici- nal properties of bebeerin. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1845. lxiii, 359-387.—Merrill (A. P.) The sulphate of bebeerine in uterine diseases. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1867, ii. 7.—Neilson (R.) Sulphate of bebeerine. South. M. & S. J., Augusta, 1856, n. s., xii, 405.—Note sur lo bebeeru, la bebeerine, et le sulfate dc cette base. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1851, xii, 306.—Patterson (H. S.) Note on sulphate of bebeerine. Med. Exam., Phila., 1)»52, n. s., viii, 277-280.— Stratton (T.) On the comparative therapeutic powers of quinine and bebeerine. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1849, lxxii, 315-318. —Thweatt (J. J.) On the uso of sulphate of j bebeerine in intermittent fever. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz., Richmond, 1853, iii, 317-321. — Tillcv (T. J.) On ' the constitution of bebeerine. Lancet, Lond., 1845, i, 537. Bel>el (Friedrich Wilh.) See Storr (G. C. C), Bebcl (F. G.), & BischoffiG T. H.) Sciagraphia methodi, etc. 12°. Tubingce, 1792,1793. Becane (Stephanie-Camillc-Fmianuel). * Dulieu dans lequel on doit pratiquer l'amputation des membres. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1844, No. 221, v. 411. Bcccarius (Jacobus Bartholomaeus) [1682-1766]. See Bcnvenutus (Josephus). Dissertatio historico- epistolaris ad . . . 8°. Lucce, 1754. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Beccerus (Christophorus). * Theses physicas, de motu, sive circulatione sanguinis. 8 1. 4°. Vra- tislavia, typ. J. Baucri, [1659]. Beecius (Georg. Theodorus). Ex historia et sci- entia naturaU de animalibus noctu videntibus. 81. sm. 4°. Vitemberga, prelo C. Ereusigii,[1700], Been (August Caspar Emil). * De cataraeta cen- trali. 32 pp., app., 12 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lipsia, lit. Staritzii, [1830]. Bech (Emil). For his Life, see Knehn (Car. G.) Bech (Emil Paul). * Ueber Echinococcen der Le- ber. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. Elinkhardt, 1870. [Also, in: P., v. 294.] C. Bech(Henr. August Ant.) "Docyanosi. 28pp., 2 1. 8°. Halis, typ. Ploetzianis, 1847. c. Bechade (Jean-Ernest). * De l'heredite. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 109. Bechamp, Estor, & Saintpierre. Du role des organismes microscopiques do la bouche (ou deLeuwenhoeck) dans la digestion en general, et particulierement dans la formation de la diastase salivaire. 6 pp. 8°. [Montpelliei; Boehm Sr fils, 1867]. Repr. from: Montpel. med., 1867. [P., v. 791.] Bechamp (A.) *Sur les substances albumi- noides ct sur leur transformation en uree. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856, No. 376, v. 22. Bechamp (Joseph). *Des microzymas et de leurs fonctions aux differents ages d'un meme etre. 120 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Montpellier, 1875, No. 63. de la Beche (Henry T.) A geological manual. vni, 535 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey Sr Lea, 1832. Becher (David) [1725- ]. * Observationes me- dico-rationales necessarias ad formandam veram prognoshn in febribus acutis. 1751. In: Klinkosch (J. T.) Diss. med. select. Pragenses, 1775, i, 25-58. ------. Neue Abhandlung vom Carlsbad. Erster Theil: Chymische und physicalische Untersu- chung der Carlsbader warmen Quellen. 5 p. 1., 116 pp. sm. 4°. Prag, J. J. Clauser, 1766. ------. Thesame. . . . In dreyen Theilen. 5 p. 1., 148pp., 1 1., 1 pl., 1 1., 156pp., 240pp., 21., lpl. 8°. Prag, W. Gerlc, 1772. ------. The same. Zweite Ausgabe. 7 p. 1., 538 pp., 11., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, S. L. Crusius, 1789. ------. Kurze doch griindliche Untersuchung der Sprudelquelle im Karlsbade, des Konigreichs Bohcim, nach physikalischen und chymischen Griinden. Nebst angegebener Ursache, dass den Badegasten angerathen wird, das Wasser bey der Quelle zu trinken. 21 pp. 8°. Prag, J. Buch- ler, 179-2. ------. Nouveaux traites des eaux miuerales de Carlsbad. Trad nits avec des notes par Joseph Gruber. 2 v. in 1. 160 pp., 1 1., 354 pp., 11. 8°. Prague, A. Petzold, 1797. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Becher (Gallo. Henr.) *De inflammatione in genere. 23 pp. 4°. Tubinga, typ. Roebelianis, 1740. Becher (Gottlob Benjamin). * Sciagraphia me- thodi materia? medica? qualitatum aestimationi superstructa? ; pars quarta. 59 pp. 12°. Tubin- ga, typ. Hopfferianis, 1799. Becher (Johann Joachim) [1635-82]. Parnas- sus medicinalis illustratus. Oder, ein neues und dergestalt vormahln noch nie geschenes Thier- Krauter- und Berg-Buch, sampt der Salernischen Schul. Cum commentario Arnoldi Villanovani, und den pra?sagiis vita? ct mortis, Hippocratis Coi auch griindlichem Bericht vom Destilliren, Purgiren, Schwitzen, Schrepffen und Aderlassen. Alies in hoch teutscher Sprach, so wohl in ligatA alsprosa.. . . in vier Theilen beschrieben, und mit zwolff-huudert Figuren gezieret. fol. Ulm, J. Gbrlin, 1662-3. Each part has separate title-page and pagination. .For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 149,153. Aho: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Becher (Julius Carolus). *De grisea funiculo- rum posteriorum medulla? spinaUs degenera- tione. 32 pp. 8°. BeroUni, G. Schade, 1865. c. Bechet ( Francois ). * Quels sont les moyens d'apprecier la valeur therapeutique des medica- ments! II. [etc.] 40 pp. 4C. Paris, 1841, No. 202, v. 369. Bechet (Francois-Emmanuel). 'Dissertation sur l'hydrocephale aigue des enfants. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 76, v. 207. Bechet (Henri-fidouard). * Quelques considera- tions sur les hydropisies. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 84, v. 259. Bechet (J.-J.) De la meningite purulente epi- demique. Memoire sur cette affection qui a regn6 k Avignon dans l'hiver 1846-7. vii, 270 pp. 8D. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1852. Bechet (Jean-Francois). * Essai sur les mon- struosites humaines, ou vices congeniaux de con- formation. 38 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, 1829, No. 213, v. 227. Bechet (Victor-Francois). *De la meningite simple et de la meningite tuberculeuse comparees chez les enfants. 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 302, v. 517. de Bechillou (L.-Alexandre). * I. Du diagnos- tic du cancer. II. [etc.] 25 pp. 4°. Paris, I 1842, No. 70, v. 384. BECHIK 828 BECK. Becliin. Geklhatjsen (J. J.) Hoch-Graffliches Paar- Stenibergisches Bechiner-Baad sambt dessen Halt, Nutzen, Wiirckung und Gebrauch. 12°. Prag, 1730. -----. Hoch-Granich-Paarisches Bechiner Bad sammt dessen Kraft, Wirkung und Ge- brauch. 12°. Prag, 1769. Bechio (Ernesto). See Indipendente (L'). Bechler (Franz Hermann). * De dislocationihus lentis crystalUna? exponitur, addito gravi casu quodam dislocationis lentis inter scleroticam et conjunctivam. vi, 7-24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lipsia, C. W. Vollrath, 1853. Bechmann (Ferdinand). * Kaiserschnitt we- gen Carcinoma uteri. 52 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1876. Bechmann (Guilielmus). Sec Stnrni (Joh. Christophorus) & Bechmann (G.) Diducendi ali&s uberius argumenti, etc. 4°. Altdorffi, 1C87. Bechmannus (Andreas). * De peripneumonia. 24 pp. 4°. Jena, lit. Erebsianis, 1687. de Bechon (Jerome-Raymond). * De la m6nin- gito tuberculeuse (forme cerebro-spinale). 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 46. Bee list ein (Joh. Matt.) Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, p. 210. Becht (Carel Lodewyk George). * Over de plaat- selyko anaesthesie en hare aanwending. 2 p. 1., 56 pp. 8°. Leiden, Firnia, J. Hazenberg, C. Zoon, 1867. Becht (Carl Moritz). * Ueber blutiges Extrava- sat in der Schadelhohle und Eindriicke der Schii- delknochen in Folge ansserer Gewalt, und die Behandlung dieser Zustande. (Marburg.) 30 pp., 2 1. 8°. Hanau, Eittstein'sche Buchdruckerei, 1860. C. Becht (Johan. Georg.) * De syncope. 34 pp. 4°. Giessa, Earger, 1680 (?). Bechtel (August). * Ein FaU angeborner Ste- nose der PulmonaUs. 34 pp. 8°. Zurich, O. Fiissli u. Comp., 1862. Beck. See Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. Beck (Adam. Henr.) *De dysenteria, "rothe Ruhr". 27 pp. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. J. H. Stockenii, 1683. Beck (Bernhard). Laryngotomie bei einem Ty- phus-Kranken. 11 pp. 8°. -----. Ueber den Seiten-Steinschnitt mit dem Stromeyer'schen doppeltgedeckten Steinmesser (lithotome bicache). Mit einer Vorrede von Stro- meyer. vui, 46 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Carlsruhe u. Frei- burg, Herder, 1844. -----. Anatomisch-physiologische Abhandlung iiber einige in Knochen verlaufenden und an der Markhaut derselben sich verzweigenden Nerven. 24 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Freiburg, Herder, 1846. -----. Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber ein- zelue Theile des vii. und ix. Hirnnervenpaares. 69 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Heidelberg, J. Groos, 1847. -----. Ueber die Verbindungen des Sehnerven mit dem Augen- und Nasenknotcn, sowie iiber den feinern Bau dieser Ganglien. 54 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Groos, 1847. -----. Die Schuss - Wunden. Nach auf dem Schlachtfelde wie in dem Lazarethe wahrend den Jahren 1848 uud 1849 gesammelten Erfahr rungen. 343 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Groos, [1850]. —■---. Untersuchungen und Studien im Gebiete der Anatomie, Physiologie und Chirurgie. Mit microscopischen Zeichnungen. vi, 102 pp. 8°. Carlsruhe, C. T. Groos, 1852. -----. Ueber die Natur des Colloid-Cystoids und den Bau der Lymphdriisen. Nebst einem dahin beziigUchen chemischen Beitrage von Rudolph Beck (Bernhard)—continued. Schneyder. 48pp., 11., 2pl., 1 tab. 4°. Miinchen, E. Roller, 1854. Repr. from: Illust. med. Ztg., Miinchen, 1853. -----. KUnische Beitrage zur Histologie und The- rapie der Psendoplasmen, nebst einem Bericht iiber die vom Miirz 1851 bis Juli 1857 in Rastatt ausgefiihrten Operationen. vni, 200 pp. 8°. Frei- burg, F. Wagner, 1857. -----. Ueber das Wesen und die Arten der Ein- klemmung bei Unterleibsbriichen. 6 pp. 4°. Vorgetr. in der 34. Versamml. deutscher Naturf. u. Aerzte in Carlsruhe, 1858. -----. Leitfaden beim Unterrichte der Sanitats- mannschaft. 184 pp. 24°. Freiburg, F. Wagner, 1860. -----. Ueber Heranbildung und Verwendnng der Sanitatsmaiinschaft. 61. 4°. Darmstadt, 1861. Repr. from: Allg. MDitar-Ztg. -----. Ueber isolirten Bruch der Glastafel. 14 pp. 8°. Freiburg, 1861. -----. Zur Operation der wahren Ankylose im Kniegelenk durch Aussiigung eines Knockenkeils. 11 pp. 8°. Freiburg, 1861. -----. UranoplastischeStudien. 19pp., lpl. 8°. 1863. Repr. from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1863. -----. MittheUungen aus der chirurgischen Casu- istik, uud kleinere Mittheilungen. 1. Weitere Gaumenbildungen. 2. Totale Resection des Unken Kniegelenkes. 19 pp., Taf. vi, Fig. 6-12. 8°. Repr. from: Arch, ft klin. Chir., Berl., 1865. -----. Die Schadelverletzungen. vi, 117 pp. 16°. Freiburg i. Br., Fr. Wagner, 1865. -----. Zur Diagnose und Prognose der Bruche des Schadelgrundes. 16 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Repr. from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1867. -----. Kriegs-chirurgische Erfahrungen wahrend des Feldzuge91866 in Suddeutschland. 360 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., F. Wagner, 1867. -----. Chirurgie der Schussverletzungen. MUi- tiirarztliche Erfahrungen auf dem Kriegsschau- platze des Werder'schen Corps gesammelt. vni, 923 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., F. Wagner, 1872. Beck (Carl Joseph) [1794-1838]. Ueber die ange- bohrene Verwachsung der Finger. 3 1., 9-67 pp. 12°. Freiburg, Herder, 1819. -----. Ueber die Vorziige der Lappenbildung bei der Amputation in der Continuitat der GUedmas- sen und die ihr zukommenden Operations-Arten. Aus der Elentheria besonders abgedruckt. iv, 74 pp. 12°. Freiburg, Wagner, 1819. -----. Sacra semisa?cularia. Insunt anhnadver- siones de capitis vulneribus practica? annexis aU- quot insigniomm la?sionum narrationibus. iv, 35 pp. 4°. Friburgi Brisgovia, F. H. Eerkenmayer, 1826. -----. Die Krankheiten des Gehororganes, ein Handbuch zum Gebrauche seiner Vorlesungen. x, 296 pp. 8°. Heidelberg Sr Leipzig, K. Groos, 1827. -----. Rede bei der acodemischen Feier des fiinf- zigjiihrigen Amts-JubUaums des Herm Joseph Ignaz Sch|iiderer. 31 pp. 4°. Freiburg im Breis- gau, Gebriider Groos, 1829. -----. GoAiichtnissrede auf Herrn Matthias Alex. Ecker, Mi dessen Todtenfeier ein Jahr nach sei- neni Hi/tritte in der Universitiits-Kirche am 5. August/1830. 24 pp. 4°. Freiburg, Gebriider Groos, 1830. -----. ^Handbuch der Augenheilkunde zum Ge- brauche bei seinen Vorlesungen. 2. Aufl. xii, 657 pp. 8. Wien, K. Gerold, 1832. -----./Ueber den Kropf. vi,81pp.,lpl. 8°. Frei- burg J Gebriider Groos, 1833. -----J De oculorum mutationibus, quas cataraeta? opeiiitionem sequuntur, observatio, adnexis corol- / BECK. 829 BECK. Beck (Carl Joseph)—continued. lariis. 28 pp. 4°. Freiburg, Brisigavia, fratrum Groos, 1833. -----. Abbildungen von Krankheitsformen aus dem Gebiete der Angenheilkundo uud einigen augenarztlichen Werkzengen mit erliintcrndem Textc. iv, 38 pp., 11., 17 pl. 4°. Heidelberg u. Leipzig, K. Groos, 1835. Ueber die Anwendung der Ligatur an einer von der Wunde entfernten, dem Herzen zugewen- deten, Stelle der verwundeten Arterie oder des entsprechenden Arterienstammes. Ein Beitrag zur Therapio der traumatischen Blutungen. viii, 79 pp. 8°. Freiburg, Gebr. Groos, 1836. See, also, Baumgartner (K. H.) Gedachtnissreden auf KarlJoseph Beck bei dessen akademischcr Todtenfeier in der Universitiits-Kirche zu Freiburg am 15. Junius 1839. 4°. Freiburq, 1839. For his Obituary, see Med. Aim., Berl., 1840, 403-411 (J. Schworcr). For Portrait, tee Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Beck (Christian Daniel). See Funcciui (Christophilus Benedictus). De phy- Biognomia. sm.4°. Lipsice, [1777]. Beck ( Christian Friedrich Henr. ) De schola medicorum Alexandrina commentatio. 36pp. 4°. Lipsia, Ut, Aekermanniis, [1810]. See, also, Beck (Joa. Lud. Guil.) . 8°. Washington, Govt. Ptg. Office, 1868. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report of the United States Commissioners. Beckwith (Rains). *De morbo psoadico. 38 pp. sm. 8°. Edinburgi, apud Balfour et Smellie, 1784. Beckwith (S. W.) Electrical treatment of di- seases. 15 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 99.] -----. Electricity, in its various modifications for the treatment oi' chronic diseases. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. A. Ashmead, 1866. -----. The same. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, 1*6*. BECKWITH. 834 BECQUEREL. Beckwith (S. W.)—continued. -----. The same. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. B. Ashmead, 1869. Beckwith (Stephanus). #De cholera. 2 p. 1., 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill cum soc., 1797. [Also, in: P., v. 5.] BeclardL. See Annales des maladies de I'oreille et du larynx. Beclard. * Essai sur les maladies auxquelles les femmes sont le plus frdquemment exposdes k l'epoque de la cessation des menstrues. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, an X [1802], v. 10.. Bee lard. Tenette k mors article's du Dr. Amus- sat. 3 pp. 8°. [Paris, imp. de E. Martinet, n.d.] Beclard & Axenfeld. Rapport sur les progres de la mddecine en France. Publication faite sous l'auspices du ministere de ^instruction publi- que. 96 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, 1877. Beclard (J.) * I. Des differentes formes d'ictere. II. [etc.] 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 39, v. 384. -----. * Le systeme cartilagineux. 110 pp. 8°. Paris, Burgoyne Sr Martinet, 1846. [P., v. 456.] Concours pour la chaire d'anatomie. -----. Recherehes experimentales sur les fonc- tions de la rate et sur celles de la veine porte. Memoire prdsentd a. l'Academie des sciences le 17. Janvier 1848. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, Regnaux, 1848. [P., v. 474.] Repr. from: Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1848. -----. De la contraction musculaire dans ses rapports avec la teinpdrature animale. 63 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1861. Repr. from: Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1861. -----. Traite' dldinentaire de physiologie hu- maine, compreuant les principales notions de la physiologie comparde. 5. e"d. 1248 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1866. -----. Notices et portraits-dloges lus k l'Acaddmie de mddecine. viii, 321 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1878. See, aho, Koiliker (A.) iShSments d'histologie hu- maine. 8°. Parh, 1855. Beclard (Jules). Hygiene dela premiere enfance, ou de l'dducation physique du premier age. xU, 160 pp. 8°. Paris, Lobe', 1852. -----. Eloge de J. Delpech, prononcd dans la sdance publique annuelle du 13. ddcembre 1864. xxiv pp. 4°. Paris, E. Martinet, [1864]. Repr. from: Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par., 1865-6, xxvii. -----. Eloge de M. Gerdy prononcd daus la sdance publique annuelle de l'Acaddmie de mddecine le 11. ddcembre 1866. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, 1866. Beclard (Philippe). *Embryologie, ou essai anatomique sur le fcetus humain. viu, 112 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 265, v. 162. Beclard (Pierre-Augustin) [1785-1825]. 'Pro- positions sur quelques points de mddecine. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 147, v. 99. -----. Additions to the general anatomy of Xavier Bichat. Transl. from the French by Geo. Hay- ward. 1 p. 1., 328 pp. 8°. Boston, Richardson Sr Lord, 1823. -----. Eldmens d'anatomie gdndrale, ou descrip- tion de tous les genres d'organes qui composent le corps humain. xii, 728 pp. 8°. Paris, Bfohet jeune, 1823. -----. Elements of general anatomy, or a de- scription of every kind of organs composing the human body. Transl. from the French with notes by Joseph Togno. 541 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey Sr Lea, 1830. -----. Eldments d'anatomie gdndrale. Quatrieme ddition, augmentde d'un prdcis d'histologie de nombreuses additions et de 80. figures intercaldes Beclard (Pierre-Augustin)—continued. dans le texte, par M. Jules Bdclard. vi, 750 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1865. See, aho. Bichat (Xavier). Anatomic pathologique. 8°. Parh, 1825. Also: Bourdon (Tsid.) M6moire sur le vomissement, etc. 8°. Parh. 1819. Also: Nouveau Journal de medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. For hh Obituary, see Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1825, vii, 450-460 (Raige-Delorme). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1825, 2. ed., vii, 245-249. Also: N. Am. M. &. S. J., Phila., 1826, i, 426-431. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Beclere (Claude). *De l'hdrdditd dans les ma- ladies. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 145, v. 426. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.) Aho: Portraits of Celebrated French Surg. & Phys., no. 5. Becmann (Carolus Hilmarus). * De chocolata analepticorum principe. 3 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Francofurti cis Viadrum, typ. J. C. Winterii, [1763]. Becoeur (J.-G.) * Dissertation sur le rhuma- tisme aigu. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 372, v. 317. Becourt (Antoine-Joseph). * Essai sur l'usage mddical du froid. 23 pp. 4C. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 386, v. 53. Becourt (Ph. J. Gustave). * Recherehes sur lo paucrdas, ses fonctions et ses altdrations organi- ques. 1 p. 1., 81 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, F. G. Lev ran It, 1830. Becq (F. X.) Moyens salutaires d'administrer, en cas d'asphyxie, les premiers secours que cet dtat exige, et de combattre l'action mortifere des champignons vdndneux et les premiers effets de la morsure d'animaux hydrophobes. 16 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, M.-E. Rampelbergh, 1821. Becquembois (Auguste). *Des causes de la iuort chez les cancdreux. 92 pp. 4°. Paris, 1877 [1878], No. 1. Bccquerel (L.-Alfred) [1814-66]. * Recher- ehes cliniques sur les affections tuberculeuses du cerveau et de ses membranes chez les enfants. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 389, v. 353. -----. Sdmdiotique des urines, ou traitd des al- tdrations de l'urine dans les maladies; suivi d'un traitd de la maladie de Bright aux divers ages de la vie. xvi, 576 pp. 8°. Paris, Fortin, Masson S- Cie., 1841. -----. * De l'empirisme en mddecine. 82 pp. W°. Paris, Fortin, Masson Sr Cie., 1844. Concours pour l'agrdgation pr6s la Faculty de medecine de Paris. -----. Des cUmats et de l'influence qu'exerceut les sols boisds et non-boisds. viii, 360 pp., 2 pl., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Firmin Didot frdres, 1853. -----. Des applications de l'dlectricitd k la patho- logie. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1856. -----. De l'dtat puerpdral; rdsumd d'une sdrie de lecons cliniques rddigdes par Alphde Contesse. 43 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1c<57. -----. Conferences cliniques surl'hydrothdrapie. Recueilliespar leDr. Violette. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. W. RemquetSr Cie., 1859. Repr. from: Le Progr6s, Par., 1859. -----. Recherehes sur les causes des phlegmasies chroniques de l'utdrus, la nature de l'dtat gdndral morbide qui les accompagne, et le traitement qui leurs convient. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Plon, 1859. Repr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1859. -----. Traitd clinique des maladies de l'utdrus et de ses annexes. Avec atlas de 18 pl. 3 v. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1859. -----. Traitd dldinentaire d'hygiene privde et publique. xii, 644 pp. 12°. Paris, Labe, 1651. -----. The same. 4. dd. avec additions et bibUo- graphies par le Dr. E. Beaugrand. 967 pp. 12°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1868. -----. The same. 5. dd. avec additions et biblio- graphies par le Dr. E. Beaugrand. xx, 981 pp. sm. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1873. BECQTJEKEL. 835 BEDEL. Becqucrel (L.-Alfred)—continued. -----. Traitd des applications de l'dlectricitd k la thdrapeutique mddicale et chirurgicale. 2. dd. vii, 550 pp. 8°._ Paris, G. Bailliere, 1860. See, aho, Vernois (Maximo). Analyse du lait des prin- cipaux types de vache, etc. 8°. Parh, 1857. For Biographical Notice, see Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1862, viii, 308-310 (Durand-Fardel). -----& Rodier (A.) Recherehes sur la compo- sition du sang dans l'dtat de santd et dans l'dtat de maladie. 127, 55 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste Sr Cie. Sr V. Masson, 1844 & 1846. -----------. NouveUes recherehes d'hdmatologie. (Lues k l'Acaddmie des sciences, sdance du lundi 31. mai 1852.) 54 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot Sr Cie., 1852. -----------. Traitd de chimie pathologique ap- pliqude k la mddecine pratique, x, 608 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1854. -----------. Pathological chemistry, in its ap- plication to the practice of medicine. Transl. by Stanhope Templeman Speer. xxiv, 566 pp. 8J. London, J. Churchill, 1857. ----- & Vernois (Max). De I'albuminurie et de la maladie de Bright. 44 pp. 8C. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1856. Becquet (F.-E.-Louis). * Des ophthalmies qu'on observe k l'Hdpital des enfants. 47 pp., 8 pl. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 22, v. 517. Becu de Tavernier (Oscarus). *De speci- mine quodam ueuralgise infraorbitaUs dextri per neurectomiam sublata?. 36 pp. 8°. BeroUni, G. Lange, [I860]. Bedane (Frcddric). * De la symptomatologie des caucers squirrheux et encdphaloide du sein, chez la femme; de leur diagnostic d'avec les tumeurs bdnignes. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 209, v. 568. Bed-case. Changing (W.) Bed-case; its history and treatment. 8°. Boston, 1860. Berlyn (C. ) Schnelle Heilung einer langwierigen Bettsucht. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1850, iv, 341-343.—Channing (W.) An imaginary affection ■which confines the patient in bed and is preceded or not by disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1860, lxiii, 72; 92; 112; 134; 152.— Nasse (J.) Die Bettsucht. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn, 1844, iii, 143-146.—Taylor (C. F.) Carnomania. Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y., 1868, ii, 266-322. Beddeus (Samuel Sigefriedus). *De verme tae- nia dicto. 35 pp. 8°. Vienna, typ. J. T. de Tratt- nern, 1767. Beddington. See Hospitals (Construction of). Beddoe (J.) A somewhat peculiar case of fever. 4 pp., 1 chart. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, [1868]. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1868. Beddoes (Thomas). A letter to Erasmus Dar- win, M. D., on a new method of treating pul- monary consumption, and some other diseases hitherto found incurable. 72 pp. 8°. Bristol, prtd. by Bulgin Sr Rosser, [1793], [P., v. 716.] -----. Observations on the nature and cure of calculus, sea scurvy, consumption, catarrh, and fever. Together with conjectures upon several other subjects of physiology and pathology, xvi, 278 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1793. [P., v. 121,366.] -----. The same. Bound withhh: Researches anatomical, etc. 8°. London, [1807]. -----. The same. 4 1., 270 pp., 4 1. 8°. Phila- delphia, James Webster, 1815. -----. Letters from Dr. Withering, of Birming- ham, Dr. Ewart, of Bath, Dr. Thornton, of Lon- don, and Dr. Biggs, late of the Isle of Santa- Cruz : together with some other papers, supple- mentary to two pubUcations on asthma, con- Beddoes (Thomas)—continued. sumption, fever, and other diseases. 48 pp. 8°. Bristol, J. Johnson, [1794]. -----. A lecture introductory to a course of popu- lar instruction on the constitution and manage- ment of the human body. 72 pp. 8°. Bristol, N. Biggs, 1797. -----. The same. 72 pp. 8C. Bristol, J. Cottle, 1797. [P., v. 552.] -----. A collection of testimonies respecting the treatment of the venereal disease by nitrous acid. xvii, 277 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1799. -----. Contributions to physical and medical knowledge, principally from the west of Eng- land. 13 1., 539 pp. 8°. Bristol, T. N. Longman Sr O. Rees, 1799. -----. Essay on the causes, early signs, and pre- vention of pulmonary consumption, for the use of parents and preceptors. 2 p. 1., 274 pp. 8°. Bristol, T. N. Longman Sr O. Rees, 1799. -----. Notice of some observations made at the Medical Pneumatic Institution. 45 pp., 11. 8°. London, T. X. Longman Sr O. Rees, 1799. -----. Communications respecting the external and internal use of nitrous acid ; demonstrating its efficacy in every form of venereal disease, and extending its use to other complaints, with ori- ginal facts, and a preUminary discourse. lxUi, 125 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1800. Bound with hh: A collection of testimonies. 8°. Lon- don, 1799. -----. Hygeia: or essays moral and medical ou the causes affecting the personal state of our middling and affluent classes. 3 v. 8°. Bristol, It. Phillips, 1802-3. -----. Observations on the medical and domestic management of the consumptive; on the powers of digitalis purpurea; and on the cure of schro- phula. 162 pp. 8°. Troy, 0., Penniman Sr Co., 1803. -----. A translation of the elementa medicina? Brunonis. With large notes, illustrations, and comments. With observations ou the character and writings of the author. New ed. 390 pp., 128 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Bartram, 1806. -----. Researches anatomical and practical con- cerning fever, as connected with inflammation. vi, 256 pp. 8°. London, Longman 4" Co., [1807], See, aho. Brown (John). The elements of medicine. 8°. London, 1795. For Memoir, see Edinb. M. & S. J., 1810, vi, 124-126. ----- & Watt (James). Considerations on the medicinal use, and on the production of facti- tious airs. pts. 1, 2. 2. ed. 172, 39 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Bristol, J. Johnson, 1795. ----- -----. The same. pt. 3. x, ii, 121 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Bristol, J. Johnson, 1795. ------------. The same. pts. 1-5 in 1 v. 8°. Bristol Sr London, 1796. Pts. 1 & 2, 3. ed.; pt. 3, 2. ed. Pts. 4 & 5 with addi- tional title " Medical cases and speculations ". Bedeguar. Clemens (T.) Die Schlafkunze (Fungi cynosbati). Ein Beitrag zur wirklichen Kenntniss der Arzneimittel. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1873, xxv, 197. Bcdeille. Poggiale. Eau minerale de B6deille (Ari6ge). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1879, 2. s., viii, 278. Bedel ( Antoine ). * Des perforations trauma- tiques de la voute palatine et de leur traitement. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 188. Bedel (Charles). * De la syphiUs cdrdbrale. 49 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1851, No. 234, 2. s., v. 17. Bedel (Charles-CamiUe). * Des abces du foie. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 220, v. 466. Bedel (Francois). *De la kdratite ulcdreuse. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 282, v. 535. BEDEL. 836 BEDS. Bedel (J.-M.) * Dissertation sur les soins hygid- niques k donner aux nouveUes accouchdes. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 122, v. 91. und Unterricht, Wie man sich, nechst Giittlicher Hiilffe, vor der Pest, zeitlich vorsehen uud bewabren, oder auch in der Noht selbst in acht nemcn und curiren soil, auf obrig- keitliche treu - viiterliche Vorsorge und ober- herrUchcn Befehl gcsteUet durch die Ordiuarios medicos der Stadte: Niirnberg, Regensburg und Ulm, samt einem Unterricht, wie sich die Geist- lichen, item Balbierer, Biider, und andre bey so i gestaiten sachen verhalten soUen. ^9" pp. 12°. ] Franckfurt am Mayn, A. Hartman, 1680. [P., V. 775.] Bedford (Arthurus). * De angina maligna. 2 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1792. Bedford, England. See Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of). Bedford (Gunning S.) [1806-70]. Eulogy on the late James M. Pendleton, M. D. 16 pp. 8°. New York, J. Watt, 1832. -----. An address, introductory to a course of lectures . . . Medical College of South-Carolina. 29 pp. 8°. Charleston, J. S. Burges, 1833. [Also, in: P., v. 836.] -----. An address, introductory to a course of lec- tures. 29 pp. 8°. Neiv York, J. M. Elliott, 1834. -----. The same. 2. ed. 29 pp. 8°. New York, J. M. Elliott, 1835. -----. An address, introductory to a course of lectures, Nov. 15, 1835. 32 pp. 8°. New York, J. M. Elliott, 1836. -----. Introductory lecture before the Albany Medical College. 23 pp. 8°. Albany, Munsell, 1839. -----. A valedictory address. (New-York Uni- versity, medical department.) 20 pp. 8°. New- York, J. H. Jennings, 1845. -----. An introductory lecture. Session 1845-6, New-York University, department of medicine. 18 pp. 8°. New York, Herald job office, 1845-6. -----. Lecture introductory to a course on obste- trics and the diseases of women and children. 26 pp. 8°. New York, press of the N. Y. Univer- sity, 1846. [Also, in: P., v. 259.] -----. A lecture introductory to a course on ob- stetrics and the diseases of women and children, in the University of New York, session 1847-8. 27pp.,2pl. 8°. New York, J. H.Jennings, 1847. [P., v. 259.] -----. A lecture introductory to a course on ob- stetrics and the diseases of women and children, deUvered November 5, 1848. 25 pp. 8°. New- York, J. H. Jennings, 1848. -----. A sarcomatous tumor, containing hair and stearine, removed from the womb. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr. from: N. York J. M., 1849. -----. Clinical lectures on the diseases of women and children. 4. ed. xvi, 602 pp. 8°. New York, Sam'l S. Sr Wm. Wood, 1856. -----. The same. 8. ed., revised and enlarged. xviii, 667 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood Sr Co., 1866. -----. The principles and practice of obstetrics. 2. ed. xxxii, 731 pp., 4 pl. 8°. New York, W. Wood, 1862. -----. The same. 3. ed. xxxii, 743 pp. roy. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1866. -----. The same. 4. ed. xxxii pp., 1 1 763 pp. 8°. Neio York, Wm. Wood Sr Co., 1868. See, aho, Baudelocque (A. C.) Treatise on puerpe- ral peritonitis. 8°. New York, 1831. A ho: Chailly. A practical treatise on midwifery. 8°. New York, 1844. 8°. New York, 1846. For his Obituary, see Med. Rec, N. Y., 1870, v, 330. Bedford (P. W.) Valedictory address delivered at the forty-fourth annual commencement of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. In: Rep. Alumni Ass. College Pharm. City of N. Y., 1874, iii, 11-20. Bedford, Virginia. Blackford (B.) The Bedford alum and iron springs. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876, iv, 778-782. — nil- lard (J. W.) Remarks on tho water and mass from the Bedford alum and iron springs, Va. Ibid.. 718-722. Bedford County. See Tennessee. Bedford Springs Pennsylvania. morris (C.) Notes on Bedford springs, and the diseases in which a resort to them is useful. Med. Exam., Phila., 1852, n. s., viii, 358-367. Bed-gown. Joyce (T.) A new form of bedgown for sickness. Practitioner, Lond., 1875, xv, 268. Bedie (Joseph-Henry). * Essai de topographie mddicale sur Biskara (Afrique). 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1849, No. 222, v. 479. Bedingfield (James). A compendium of medi- cal practice, illustrated by interesting and in- structive cases, and by practical pathological and physiological observations, xvi, 309 pp. 8°. London, Highley Sr Son, 1816. -----. The same. With notes by Stephen W. Williams. 1. Am., from the last Lond. ed. iv, 192 pp. 8°. Greenfield, Mass., Ansel Phelps, 1823. Bedlam. See Insane Asylums, London. Bcdnar (Alois). Die Krankheiten der Neugebor- nen und Saugliuge vom clinischen und patholo- gisch-anatomischen Standpunkte. 4 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold, 1850-53. -----. Lehrbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. xx, 594 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1856. Bedndrik (Joannes). *De aneurysmate. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Pestini, J. T. Trattner de Petrdza, [1823]. Bedoin* Des baUes explosibles; reflexions et faits relatifs k ce sujet. 16 pp. 8C. Rouen, L. Deshays, 1873. Repr. from: Union med. de la Seine-Inf., Rouen, 1873. Bedoin (Jh.-Mc.-Laurent). * De l'influence mor- bifique de la carie dentaire. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 108, v. 132. Bedor (Henri). * Quelques considerations gene-- rales sur l'excitation subite des affections de l'ame. viU, 9-22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 157, v. 93. Bedouin itch. See Skin (Anomalous diseases of), Beds and bedsteads. See, also, Tables, chairs, etc. Fcersterus (J. F.) *De diversis aegrotorum lectis a medico clinico probe observances. 4°. Vitemberga, 1773. Frakoual (M.) * Essai sur les lits et examen de leur influence sur l'economie animale. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Gros (J.-P.) * Essai sur le Ut, consider6 comme moyen the'rapeutique, et nouveUes recherehes pour l'ameliorer. 4°. Paris, 1819. Hahn (F. G.) * Meletemata quaedam de lectis. 8°. Dorpat, 1822. Lamarque (P.) 'Considerations sur l'usage du lit en sant6 et en maladie. 4°. Paris, 1816. von Siebold (E.) Abhandlung iiber den neuen von ihin erfundenen Geburtsstuhl. 4°. Wei- mar, 1804. Stanelli (R.) Das Triclinum mobile, oder die aufrichtbare dreifach schiefe Ebene betrachtet im 1. Theil als Lagerungsapparat fur die HeUung der Oberschenkel- und Schenkelhalsbriiche und fiir Hiiftkrankheiten im AUgemeinen; im 2. Theil BEDS. 837 BEDSORES. Beds and bedsteads. als Grundlage eines neuen Systems fiir den Ver- band uud Transport Schwerverwundeter im Kriege. 8°. Berlin, 1*70. Stein (G. W.) Kurze Beschreibung, eines neuen Geburtsstuhls und Bettes, sammt der An- weisung, zum vortheUhaften Gebrauch desselben. Nebst einer Anzeigo seiner Vorlesuugen iiber die Entbindungskunst. 4U. Cassel, 1772. Thaden (G. F.) *Nova>, seUa> aegrotantinm j una cimi capsa pro pede fracto pendula descrip- tio. 8-. Erlanga, [1798]. Van Allen (C.D.) The invaUd's bedstead. 12°. Neic York, [n. d.] Arrieta(A.) Camilla de hierro articulada; inventada por...,Madrid,1879,v,410-414.—Atkin- son (E.) The invalid crane or bed-hoist; a new apparatus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, i, 533.—Balbach. Beschreibung I einer BcttsteUc fiir Kranke. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl., 1836, xxiv, 612-614, 1 pl.—Ball's revolving or non-revolv- ing invalid bed or couch. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1873, ii, 435.— Belcher (T. W.) A description of a bed intended to be used in protracted fever cases. Inhh: Tractatus medici, ! 8°, Dubl., 1804,4-7.—Belluzzi(C) Lettoostetricopoita- tilc, idcato dal Dott. Angelo Cavalli. Bull. d. sc. med. di j Bologna, 1872, 5. s., xiv, 33-40.—Big*; (II.) Bed invented l by Dr. Dobell for patients with severe heart-disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1872, i, 214.—Cholera-bed. Invented by Dr. Dill. Dublin M. Press, 1849, xxi, 325.—Coated (B. H.) Description of a new machine-bed for the sick and persons ! with fractures of the lower extremities. Eclect. Kepert., Phila., 1819, ix, 543-546. -----. Description of a machine j bed, for tho use of patients with fractures of the lower ex- tremities, and of others whose situation does not admit of their being moved. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc, 1824, ix, 294- j 304. — Corrigan's adjusting-bed for invalids. DubUn | Hosp. Gaz., 1845, i, 6-8.—Cosmao-Dumencz. Duma- j telas hydrostatiquc dans le traitement des fractures du col femoral et de l'os iliaque. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1865, xxxviii, I 26.—C utter (E.) Description of a bed for invalids which admits of leg exercise, and of a noiseless and easv adjust- ment to any point between a horizontal and vertical posi- tion Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1867, n. 8., liii, 407-410.—Da- | moigean (H.) Sur l'emploi des lits medico-chirurgieaux. J Union med., Par., 1850, x, 264.—Daujon. Rapport sur ' un lit mccanique presents ii la Soc. dc med. par M- Daujon, machiniste. j. gen. de med., chir. et pharm.. Par., 1807, xxx, 195-201.— Dcnncr. Litasuspension. Bordeaux, 1857, 2. a., ii, 712-714.—Directions for using, and description of Mr. Earle's fracture-bed, or bed for in- valids: illustrated. Lancet, Lond., 3. ed., 1823-4, ii, 251- 250.—Dumenez (S. C.) Du matclas hydrostatiquc; de ses applications en medecine et en chirurgie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1865, 3. s., xx, 185-188— Dume.snil. Un lit de ga- tenx. Ami. med.-psych., Par., 1870, 5. s.. iii, 80-88.—Fel- ton (A. D.) The running cold-water bed; a new method of reducing temperature. Med. Bee, X. Y., 187.3, x, 709.— Fonssagrires v TepfiaviKiov Kara- Troriov. Uapovuia ^oAoAttJiui' ev Trj xo\r)&6x

    r)p., AOrivai, 1859, i, 393.—Altncn (A.) Svenska malt- dr.veker. [Swedish malt-liquors.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1*79, xiv, 404-409.—Barruel. Analyse d'une bicrre quo l'on croyait falsifiee. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1833, x, 75-79.— Bartlett (H.C.) Condensed beer. Pub.Health,Lond.,1876, iv, 103-104; 111-116. — Bekanntmachung des schles- wig-holsteinischen SanitatscoUegiums, das Bier betreffend. Mitth. a.d. Geb. d. Med., etc., Kiel, 1832, i, 3. u. 4. Hft., 153.— Bier (Ueber) und seine Verfalschungcn. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. bff.Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1878,x,114-137.—Bias. Do la presence de l'acide saUcyUque dans les biferes. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii, 861-872. Aho: Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1878, xxx, 393-396. Also: J. de med. et de pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1879-80, iv, 8.— Boecker (F. W.) Ueber die "Wirkung des Biers auf den Menschen. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. HeUk.,Gotting.,1854, i, 544-570, lltab.—Boens. Maladies et accidents occasionnes par l'usage de la biere de Baviere. Bull. Acad. roy. do m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1877, 3. s., xi, 269-288. -----. La bi6re, au point de vue medical, hygienique et social. Ibid., 1878, 3. s., xii, 21-25. Also: M6m. couron. Acad. roy. de med. do Beig., Brux., 1878, iv, 1-160.—Chevallier. La biere en contact avec le plomb dissout-elle de cc m6tal, peut-eUo devcnir nuisible a. la sant6 >. De Taction de la biere sur le plomb. Sant6, Brux., 18.33-4, v, 256; 270.—Coleman (J. J.) The constitution of malt liquors, and their influence upon digestion and nu- trition. Chem. News, Lond.. 1878. xxxvii, 177-181. Aho: Pop. Se. Month., N. T., 1878, (suppl.), 172-179.—Dannen- berg (E.) "Colcbicin" im Bier. Arcb. d. Phami., Halle, 1877, vii, 238-246.—Dcpaire. Rapport sur l'emploi de la Beer. coque du Levant dans la bidre. BuU. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1868, 3. s., ii, 889-900. Discussion, 900-904. -----. Picrotoxinc dans la biere. Ibid., 1873, 3. s., vii, 81- 101. -----. Fabrication de la biere. Cons. sup. d'hyg. pub. Rap. 1874-6, Brux., 1877, v, 40-44. Aho: Cong, period, in- ternat. d. sc. m6d. Compt.-rend. 4. sess., Brux., 1875, Brux. et Par., 1876, 549-568. — Dragcndorff. Zur Bier-Unter- suchung. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen, 1877, xv^364; 371.—Esteourt(C) Kotes upon the desira- bility of fixing bv analysis some standards of value for beer based upon tho qualities usually sold in large towns. Ana- lyst, Lond., 1*78. iii, 3:.'.">.—Eulenberg (II.) Ueber dio chemische Untersuchung einiger Biersorton aus England. Beitr____d. San.-Pol., Berl., 1862, 4. Hft,, 53-55.—Eyniael (J.-F.) Note sur les bieres. Arch, beiges do med. mil., Brux., 1860, xxv, 36-41.—Falsifications des bieres. Rap- port d'une commission speciale. Cons, sup.d'hvg. pub- Kap. 1874-6, Brux., 1877, v, 145; 199.—Falsification dolabiero aveo l'acido picrique. (Extr. du compt.-rend d. trav. du Conseil de salubrit6 de Li6ge pendant l'ann6e 1854.) Sante, Brux., 1854-5, 2. s., vi, 255.— Oriinbauni (E.) Welche der Gesundheit des Menschen sehiidliche Zusiitzo zum Uicro sind erfahrungsmiissig angewendet worden, und was hat die MedizinalpoUzei dabei zu thun ( Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1852, lxiii, 102-176.—Giinther. .Ucbcr ilio Biero, alsGegenstand offentUeher und privater Gesundheits- pflege. Ibid., 1826, xi, 5G-80.—Iloche. Dio Verfalschungcn des Biers und ihre Entdeckung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1869, n. F., xi, 140; 263.—Hoffstedt (Ii.) Om friimmande bitteramnen i maltdrycker. [On fictitious bit- ters in ale.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1872, vii, 431-152.— JTacobson (E.) Qvantitativa analyser af uagra i Up- sala begagnado maltdrycker. Ibid., 1873, viii, 342-345.— Jong Jet (A.) Nouveau procede do fabrication do la biere. Monit. scient., Par., 1872, xiv, 765-770.— Klcist. Dio Bier-Bereitung aus dem sogenannten Getrcidesteine. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1855, xxiv, 149-151. —von Kranz. Ist Bier ein Nahrungsmittcl und von welchcm Werthe? Cor.-Bl. nied.-rhcin. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1877, vi, 160-162.—Kriigelstcin. Ueber die niithigo Aufsicht auf die lieinheit und Aechtheit des Bieres. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1858, lxxvi, 36-74.—Kiintncr (C.) Biere. Monit. scient., Par., 1878, 3. s., viii, 203-239.—Lion sen. Das Bier als Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.-Wes., Hannov., 1865, ii, 45-53.— Lis- sauer. Ueber den Alkoholgehalt des Biers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1865, U, 348-350.—Mair (A.) Das Bier und (les- sen Uutersuchung auf Gehalt und Falschungen. Aerztl. Int.-BL, Miinchen, 1864, xi, 161; 174; 193. -----. Zur Bier- Frago. Ibid., 1866, xui, 118.—Matthyssens (F. J.) Kap- port sur la falsification du genievre et de la biere. Ann. Soc. de med. dAnvers, 1845,185-197.—Mease (J.) On the adulteration of British malt liquors. Am. M. Recorder, PhUa., 1818, i, 29-36.—Meurin (V.) Recherehes chimiques sur les bieres plombiferes. J. dc chim. med., etc., Par., 1853, 3. s., ix, 595-610.—Michaelis (C.) Die Bier-Frage. Cor.- Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln, 1870, v, 36- 39.—Mulder (G. I.) Des falsifications de la bifere. Ann. d'hvg.,Pai., 1861,2. s.,xvi, 233; 430.—Pasteur (L.) Etudes sur'labifere. Compte-rendu par C. Graham. Monit. scient., Par., 1877, 3. s., vh, 257-263.—Pfaff. Untersuchung einer Bierverfiilschung und Vorschlago zu eiuer sanitats-polizei- lichen Beaufsichtigung dea Biere. Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang., 1860, lxxix, 60-69.—Bapport dc la com- mission qui a examin6 la communication de M. Bias, rela- tive a la recherche de la picrotoxinc dans la biere. M. Dc- paire, rapporteur. Bull. Acad, rov- de ni6d. do Belg., Brux., 1869, 3. s., iii, 1232-1239. Discussion, 1871, 3. s., v, 371: 1872, 3. s., vi, 53.—Reins (X.) Biere a. la strychnine. Sant6, Brux., 1851-2, iii, 217.—Beport on the malt liquors sold in the United Kingdom; with analysis and comments. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 245—Bitter (B.) Das Bier von Seiten der MedicinalpoUzei. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1854, Ixvii, 41-78. — Rothermel ( F. ) Ueber Bieranalysen. Bull. Soc. d. sc. ni6d. du gr.-duch6 do Luxemb., 1864, 75-79.—Schmidt (A.) Bier, Verfalschung und Priifung desselben. Arch. d. Pharm., HaUe, 1878, ccxii, 392-422.—Schneider. Medicinisch-poUzeiliche Be- trachtung des Biers, in besonderer Beziehung auf Deutsch- land. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1829, 11. Er- gzgshft., 49-67. -----. Die ruediciniseh-polizeiliche Unter- suchung und Priifung der Biere Deutschlands, hinsichtlich ihrer Giite und ihres Gehaltcs. Ibid., 1846, U, 1-41. -----. Diatetische Bemerkungen iiber das Bier. Ibid., 1848, lv, 4G4-471.—South by (E. K.) Considerations scientifiques et pratiques sur la fabrication de la bi6rc. Monit. scient., Par., 1878, 3. s., viii, 624-664.—Strauss (E.) Zahlreiche Erkrankungen durch gahrendes Bier. Arch.f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 601.—Strehler (L. P.) Ueber Bier. proben in polizeUicher und gerichtliche-r Beziehung. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Frcib., 1844, ix, 539-559.—Thompson (B. S.) Malt Uquors and their therapeutical action. Med. Rec, N.T., 1869, iv, 241-24.'!.—Weinberg (A. M.) Rozbiory piw krajowvoh. [Analysis of beer.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1808, v, 17; 37.—Wei**' (II.) De. cerevisia. In: Schmidt (J. A.) Misc.phvsii ,2.ed. [n. p., n.d.],15-26.—Ziurek((>. A.) Dicsanitiits-polizeiUchc Controlo des Bieres. Berichtuber BEER. 840 BEERMANK Beer. die polizeiUch-chemische Untersuchung von 24 in Berlin ge- brauten und verschenkten Bieren. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.- Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Erlang., 1858, ii, 107; 116; 124; 132. Beer (Anton). * Ueber die Bestimmung der Feucbtigkeit der Wando und hygrometrische Be- stimmungen zu hygienischen Zwecken im AU- gemeinen. 35 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. Th. Jacob, 1878. Beer (Arnold). * De renibus nonnuUa. [ Wirce- burg. ] 29 pp. 8°. Francofurti ad Manum, typ. C. Naumann, 1858. -----. Die Bindesubstanz der menschlichen Niere im gesunden und krankhaften Zustande. 190 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1859. -----. Die Eingeweidesyphilis. viii, 172 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1867. Beer (Carolus Gottlieb). * De vomitu et vomi- tionibus. 32 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeb., lit. J. C. Hilligeri, [1742]. Beer (Francis Joseph). * De chorea s. Viti. 17 1. 8°. Vienna, typ. a Ghelenianis, 1769. Beer (Fridericus Gotthilf). * De variolarum ex- tirpatione insitioni substituenda. xUi pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemia, [1762]. [Also, in: P., v. 620.] For hh Life, see Plae (Antonius Guilielmus). Beer (Friedrich). * Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Missgeburten. 40 pp., 1 Taf. 8°. Zurich, Ziircher u. Furrer, 1850. Beer (Georg. Fridericus). Deum ex inspectione cordis investigatum exponit. 36 pp. 1 pl. sm. 4°. Jena, sumpt. Gollnerianis, 1706. Beer (Georg Joseph) [1763-1818]. Lehre der Augenkrankheiten. 2 v. xxx, 408 pp., 8 pl.; viii, 497 pp., 5 col. pl. 8°. Wien, C. F. Wappler, 1792. -----. Bibliotheca ophthalmica, in qua scripta ad morbos oculorum facientia, a rerum initiis usque ad finem anni mdecxevii. Breviter recensentur. 3 pts. in 1 v. xxviii, 170 pp.; 114 pp.; 212 pp. 4°. Vindobona, C. Schaumburg et soc, 1799. -----. Repertorium aUer bis zu Ende des Jahres 1797 erschienenen Schriften iiber die Augenkrank- heiten. 3 pts. in 1 v. xxviU, 170 pp.; 114 pp. j 212 pp. 4°. Wien, C. Scliaumburg u. Comp., 1799. Same work as the preceding. -----. Methode den grauen Staar sammt der Kapsel auszuziehen. Nebst einigen andern we- sentUchen Verbesserungen der Staaroperation uberhaupt. 60 pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. Wien, C. Schaumburg u. Comp., 1799. -----. Pflege gesunder und geschwachter Augen, nebst einer Vorschrift, wie man sich bei plotz- lichen ZufaUen an den Augen, welche nicht eine eigentliche medizinisch-chirurgische Kenntniss fordem, selbst helfen kann. Neueste Aufl. vii (11.), 363 pp. 12°. Frankfurt u. Leipzig, 1802. -----. Ansicht der staphylomatosen Metamor- phoscn des Auges, und der kiinstlicheu Pupillen- bildung. 7 p. 1., 15-146 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wien, Camesinai, 1805. —-i—. Thesame. Nebst einem Anhange. 7p.l., 15-146pp., 20 pp., ll.,2pl. 8°. Wien,Camesinai, 1806. -----. Nachtrag zur Ansicht der staphylomatosen Metamorphosen des Auges, und der kiinstlkhen | Pupillenbildung. 20 pp., 1 pl. 8\ Wien, Ca- j mesinai, 1806. -----. Geschichte der Augenkunde uberhaupt I und der Augenheilkunde insbesondere. 1. Hit. 53 pp. 8°. Wien, A. v. Haykul, [1813]. -----. Lehre von den Augenkrankheiten, als Leitfaden zu seinen offentlichen Vorlesungen entwori'on. v. 1 & 2. xx, 636 pp., 4 pl.; xvi, ! Beer (Georg Joseph)—continued. 680, U pp., 11., 5 pl. 8°. Wien, Camesina, Ruebner u. Volke, 1813-17. See, aho, Friek (George). A treatise on the diseases of the eve, etc. 8°. Baltimore, 1823. 8°. London, 1826. Also: Preyss (Georg). Rede zum Andenken... gehalten bei Gelegenheit der siebenten Jahresfeier der wissenschaft- lichen Thatigkeit des Doctoren-Collegiums der Wiener medicinischen Facultat am 18. April 1857. 8°. Wien, 1857. Bound with: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., "Wien, 1857, iii 1-8, [at end of vol.] Aho, transl.: Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1857, xxxviii, 85-99. Aho: Weller (C. H.) A manual of the diseases of the human eye, etc. 8°. Glasgow, 1821 For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men ofSc.,p. 13. Aho: Portraiten-Crallerie. 4°. Wien, 1838, No. 33. Aho: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Beer (Herm. Hieron.) Rosenthal (M.) Ein Nachruf an Herm. Hieron. Beer [1798-1873]. "Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv, 1091-1093. See, aho, Popnlare osterreichische Gesnndheits-Zei- tnng. Aho: Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Beer (Hyppolite). * Apercu sur la menstruation. 25 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 102, v. 98. Beer (Jacobus Eduardus). * De effectibus, quos habet prieproperum corporis juvenilis incre- mentum. 39 pp. 8°. Eilia, typ. C. E. Mohr, 1828. Beer (Joh. Abraham.) *De pleuritide. 42 pp. 4°. [Lipsia], lit. Gazianis, 1696. -----. Exercitatio inedica-chirurgica de vesica- toriis. unp., 15 1. 4°. Lipsia, typ. Gazianis, [1696]. For hh Life, see Bivinus (Augustus Quirinus). Beer (Julius). * Choreas casus singulari compli- catione insignis, in Wolffiana caritatis clinico ab auctore observatus. 48 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Schade, [1846]. Beer (Leopoldus)1. * De febribus nervosis secun- dariis. 35 pp. 8°. [ Vindobona], typ. A. de Hay- kul, [1826]. Beer (Leopoldus)2. *De neuralgia intercostali. 32 pp. 8°. BeroUni, typ. Friedlanderianis, [1843]. ^ Beer (Martin) [1567-1614]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. &. Men of Sc, p. 148. Aho: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Beer (Robert Karl). Pharmacological dictionary. A lexicon of pharmaceutical terminology, con- taining all the terms of the pharmacopoeias of the United States and Germany, in English, Ger- man, and Latin, with all popular dialectic or provincial German names of drugs, herbs, medi- cines, preparations, concoctions, decoctions, infu- sions, and their EngUsh synonyms, alphabeti- cally arranged. 80 pp. 16°. Baltimore, Beer Sr Sadler, 1876. Beer (Xaver). * Ueber die Ruhr. 22 pp. 8°. Erlangen, C. H. Eunstmann, 1859. C. Becrbalck (Christianus Fredericus). * De cor- pore huiuido et sicco. 101. 4C. Servesta, excud. J. E. Ilczclius, [1687]. Beerel (Martiuus). * Do contracturis musculo- rum et de vi, quam chloroformum in eas exserit. 36 pp. 8C. Berolini, typ. G. Schade, [1849]. Beeren broek (Arnould - Barthelemi) [1751-1825]. See Pott (Percival). Kcmarqnes sur cette espece de pa- ralysie des extremites inferieures. 8°. Parh, 1783. p. 4°. Berolini, typ. W. Maseret Euehn, [lf*54]. Behne (Joh. Heinr.) *Der Scharlach. 54 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, C. W. Becker, 1825. Bchnccke (Joh. Henrico). * Quaedam de he- patopathia. 31 pp. 8°. Herbipoli, F. E. Thein, 1830. Behnes (Fridericus Augustus). * Observationes chirnrgicae. 20 pp. 4°. Jena, lit. Fickelscherrii hared., et Stranckmanni, 1781. Behnken (Joannes Ernestus). *De alvi ob- structione hypochondriaca. 20 pp. 4°. Erfor- dia, typ. J. C. Heringii, [1750]. Behr (A. H.) * De hysteria. 18 pp. 8°. Wirce- burgi, ex off. vid. C. Becker, 1847. von Behr (Alfred). Handbook of human ana- tomy, general, special, and topographical. Transl. by John Birkett. viii, 487 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4' Blakiston, 1847. ------ & minding (Jul.) Taschen-Encyclo- piidie der medicinischen Wissenschaften. I. Biindchen: Taschenbuch der Anatomie des Men- schen von Dr. Alfred von Behr. II. Biindchen: Taschenbuch der Physiologie des Menschen von Moriz Friinkel. viU, 496 pp.; vi, 294 pp. 12°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1845-7. Behr (Bernhardus). *De antagonismo ejusque i iu therapiam usu. 30 pp., 11. »°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1832]. Behr (C. J.) *De morborum oesophagi cogni- tione. 40 pp. 8°. Bonna, typ. C. Georgii, 1836. Behr (Carolus). *De spasmo iridis. 1 p. 1., 38 pp., 11. 8°. Hala, typ. Grunerti, 1817. Behr (Carolus Josephus Gaudentius). * De syphi- lidis origine et natura. 32 pp. 8°. BeroUni, G. Lange, [1864]. Behr (Fridericus Christianus). *De tendinis AchUUs soluti sanationo in integrum facta sine adunatione partium tentata casu quodam nota- bili comprobata. 40 pp. sm. 4°. HalaadSalam, are Curtiano, [1765]. Behr (Georgius Henricus) [1708-61]. *De variis diaetae etiam nimis strictaa noxis. 84 pp. sm. 4°. Argentorati, lit. D. Maagii, [1728]. ------. Lexicon physico-ehymico-medicum reale; iis praeprimis utile, qui de hac vel ilia materia aliorum etiam doctorum vitrorum suffragia et observationes scire, sicque de suis simul opinioni- bus certiores fieri cupiunt. Cum praefatione D. D. Michaelis Alberti. 13 p. 1., 876 pp. 4°. Ar- gentorati, J. Beckius, 1738. ------. *De pancreate ejusque liquore. 40 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. S. EUrsneri, [1730]. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 153. Also: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. BEHR. 844 BEHRENS. Behr (Henricus Gustavus). *De inflammationo ! tunicaj humoris aquei propriae. 28 pp. c-. I Jena, typ. Schlotteri, 1839. Behr (Hugo). *Meletemata de effectu nonnuUa- rum resinarum in tractum intestinalem. 36 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. H. Laakmanni, 1857. Behr (Joannes Carolus Ludovicus). *De noxis medicina} popularis. 18 pp. 4°. (Cum appen- dice) De urina tenui et crassa. 8 pp. 4C. Jena, typ. Goepferdtii, 1791. For hh Life, see Nicolai (Ernestus Antonius). Behr (Joannes Henricus)1. * De anaemia spuria. 35 pp., 1 1. 4°. Erlanga, apud I. D. M. Came- rarium, [1766]. Behr (Joannes Henricus)2 & Teubner (Joannes Carolus). A De superstitione Hieronymi Cardani in rebus naturalibus. 44 pp. 4°. Lipsia, typ. I. Titii, [1725]. Behr (Otto). Die Cholera iu Deutschland. Po- pulaire Belehrungen iiber das Auftreten und die Bekiimpfung dieser Seuche. 36 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, H. BrUgmann, 1848. [P., v. 210.] Behr (Sebastianus). *De ratione qu& venae et vasa lymphatica resorbeant. 27 pp. 8°. Turici, ex off. ZUrcheri et Furreri, 1842. Behre (G. C. F.) Versuch einer historisch-kri- tischen Darstellung des Steinschnittes beim Weibe. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. CheUus zu Heidelberg, iv, 160 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Heidelberg u. Leipzig, E. Groos, 1827. Behrend (David). * De fissura ani. 25 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, fratrum Schlesinger, 1842. Behrend (Fridericus Jacobus). *De chymosi pars prior. 2 p. 1., 54 pp. 8°. Regimontii, typ. Hartungianis, [1826]. -----. De reis der cholera morbus uit Azie naar Europa, als een overtuigend bewijs van derzel- ver besmettelijkheid aangenomen, en de voorbe- hoedmiddelen, door de regering aangewend, tot stuiting van den verderen voortgang dezer vrees- selijke kwaal, gebillijkt. Uit net Hoogduitsch. 35 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. van Eesteren, 1831. [P., v. 203.] -----. Ikonographische Darstellung der nicht- syphilitischen Hautkrankheiten, mit darauf be- ziiglichem systematischem Texte. Unter Mit- wirkung von Triistedt. xv, 96 pp., 30 col. pl. fol. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1839. -----. Ikonographische DarsteUung der Bein- briiche und Verrenkungen. Unter Mitwirkung des Prof. Dr. Kluge besorgt. xiv, 127 pp., 40 pl. fol. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1845. See, also, Archiv fur SyphUis und Hautkrankheiten. Also: Chowne (W. D.) Ueber diejenigen Leichenerschei- nungen, etc. 8°. Leipzig, 1843. Also: Great Britain. India. [Translation ot report.J WilUam Scot's amt- Ucher Bericht uber die epidemische Cholera. 8°. Ber- lin, 1832. Also: Journal fiir Kinderkrankheiten. Also: Neueste medizinisch-chirurgische Journalistik des Aus- landes in vollstandigen kurzgcfassten Ausziigen. Aho : Wallace ('William). DarsteUung des Verlaufs und der Behandlung, etc. 8°. Leipzig, 1842. Behrend (Fridericus Joachimus). *De tussi convulsiva. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. fra- trum Schlesinger, [1845]. Behrend (Gustav). Die Hautkrankheiten fiir Aerzte und Studirende dargestellt. xv, 569 pp. 12°. Braunschweig, F. Wreden, 1879. Behrend (Israelis). *Diagnoseos morbi, ex ventricuU mutata fabrica orti difficilliniae speci- men. 38 pp. 8°. Rostochii, typ. Adlerianis, [1827]. Behrend (M.) See Wdhlcr. Das Sool- und Seebad Colberg, etc. 12°. Colberg, 1860. Behrend (Moses). *De cura radicale hydropis saccati. 36 pp. 12°. Regiomonti Pr., Sumter et Rathkc, 1846. Behrend (Samuel). *Zur Casuistik der Can- croide der iiussern GenitaUen des Weibes. 16 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neucnhahn, 1869. [P., v. 304.] Behrends (Joanu. Bernard. Jacob. ) * Diss. inaug. qua demonstratur "cor nervis carere", addita disquisitione de vi nervorum arterias cin- geutium. 1 p. 1., 43pp., lpl. 4°. Moguntia,apud A. Crass, [1792]. Aho, in: Scriptokes neur. min. sel., Ui. -----. The same. MSS. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Mo- guntia, 1792. Behrends (Joannes Adolphus). *De carie os- sium in genere. 36 pp. 4°. Jena, lit. Fickel- scherrianis, [1762]. For hh Life, see Kaltschmicd (Carolus Fridericus). Behrendt (Salomon). * Ueber die Anwendung des Quecksilbers in der AugenheUkunde. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1870. Behrens (Brandan Diderich). * De aquae calidae potu. unp., 15 1. sm. 4°. Helmestadi, typ. G. W. Hammii, [1689]. -----. * De leniorum medicamentorum eximio usu. 191. 4°. Helmestadii, typ. Georg -Wolfgangi Hammii, 1692. Behrens (Burchard. Henricus). *De lumbricis effractoribus. 21 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1740]. Behrens (Conradus Bartholdus [1660-1736]. * De suffocatione hysterica. 23 1. 4°. Helmestadi, typ. G. W. Hammi, [1684]. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Behrens (Daniel Sigmund GottUeb). * De hae- morrhoidum anomaUis. 60 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1717]. -----. De vulnere cerebri, non semper et abso- lute lethaU. Oder merckwurdige Observation von einer greuUchen Verwunduug des Gehirns, da desellben ein ziemUcher Theil herausgenom- men, und durch die Eyterung verzehret, dennoch aber der Verwundete bey den Leben, voUiger Vernunfft und Gesundheit erhalten worden, nebst einer kurtzen Vorrede, worin gezeiget wird, dass es nicht mogUch sey, ein reenter Me- dicus, und zugleich ein Atheiste zu seyn, kurtz- lich und nach der Wahrheit entworfen. 40 pp. sm. 4C. Franckfurth am Mayn, 1733. Behrens (Eduardus). * De abortus symptoma- tologia et aetiologia. 56 pp. 12°. Dorpat, typ. J. C. SchUmmanni, 1833. Behrens (Fridericus). * De scirrho. 32 pp. 4°. Viteberga, Ut. C. H. Graessleri, [1810], For his Life, see Kletten (Georgius Ernestus). Behrens (Fridericus-Godofredus). *De animaB fcetore. vni, 9-30 pp. 8°. BeroUni, typ. F. Nie- tack, [1829]. Behrens (Georgius Henningus). *De lue pan- nonica, vulgo dicta die Haupt- oder hungarische Krankheit. Resp. Joh. Ernesto Jacobi. 48 pp. 4°. Erfurti, J. H. Groschii, [1687]. Behrens (Henricus). *De phthisi pulmonum tuberculosa. 30 pp., 11. b !. Berolini, typ. Hacht- mannianis, [1840]. Behrens (Joannes Fridericus). *Diss. inaug. dulcium naturam et vires expendens. 39pp. sm. 4U. Gottinga, Jo. Chr. Dieterich, 1779. For his Life, see ?furray (Jo. Andreas). Behrens (Joh. Brand. Henr.) *De partu mira- bili foetus vivi in somno matris profundo. 36 pp., 21. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, lit. P. D. Schnorrie, [1751]. Behrens (Job. Daniel.) * Diss, inaug. qua casus oppido rarus sarcomatis e pudendo muliebri sec- tione sublati historiam continens. 32 pp., 1 pl. sm. 4. Wittenberga, apud viduam Gerdesiam, [1728]. For hh Life, see Vatcr (Abrahamus). Behrens (JuUus). * Ueber Iuhalation zerstaub- ter Medicameute. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Halle, Lipke, [1872]. C, Y,,x^fc-- »■+•• R*'^" BEHRENS. 845 BELNS. Behrens (JuUus Georgius). * Dc scorbuto. 141. sm. 4°. Helmestadii, exeud. M. Vogel etJ. G. Tager, 1659. Behrens (Ludov. Albert. Hugo). *De aquis Sancti Huberti medicatis in Budae Convalli. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halis, typ. Ploetzianis, 1845. Behrens (Rudolphus Augustus) [1724-47]. Cou- sideratio animae rationalis medica. 40 pp. sm. 4°. I Lipsia, Uteris I. Titii, [1720]. -----. * Examen aquarum mineralium Furste- nauiensium et Vechteldensium. 72 pp. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, typ. P. D. Schnorrii, [1724]. -----. Trigam casuum memorabilium historico medicorum simul exponit. 35 pp. sm. 4e. Wolf- fenbuttela, apud J. C. Meisnerum, 1727. ■-----. De affectionibus a comestis mytuUs. Diss. epistol. Ip. l.,28pp. sm. 4°. Hannovei-a, sumt. haredum N. Foersteri etfilii, [1735]. -----. Oratio de fortuna medicorum, aucta in ter- ris Brunsvicensibus. 3p. l.,40pp. sm. 4°. Bruns- viga, typ. F. G. Meicri, [1747]. Behring (Emil). * Neuere Beobachtungen iiber die Neurotomia optico-ciUaris. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. BerUn, G. Schade, 1878. Behringer (Joh. Gottlob.) For hh Life, see Winkler us (Joh. Henricus). Behriseh (Carolus Fredericus). *De sectione cadaveris occisi. 26 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemia, [1769]. Behriseh (Christianus George Wolffgang). * De causis senectutis in genere. 15 pp. 4°. Lipsia, lit. F. G. Jacobaeeri, [1761]. -----. 'Adversaria de historia morbi Ariadnaeo im- praximedicafilo. 3p. 1., xU pp. 4°. Wittenberg., lit. C. C. DUrr, [1765]. For his Life, tee Boehnier (Georg. "Wolfg.) Behriseh {Christianus Gothofredus). * De phau- tasiaB usu, lusu et abusu in medicina. 38 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1722]. -----. * De singulari fluoris albi et steriUtatis muUebris cura. 23 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, typ. J. Gruneri, [1722]. Behrnauer (Wolf Ottomar Adolf.) *De zona. 44 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Herbipoli, F. E. Nitribitt, 1811. Behrs (Georg Heinrich). Zwey Biicher von der Materia medica, oder voUstiindige Beschreibung aUer und jeder Artzeney-Mittel: samt beyge- fiigter wohl-eingerichteter und hochst-nutzbarer Therapie. lport., 5 p. l.,xu, 608 pp. 4°. Strass- burg, J. Beck, 1748. Behse (Eduard). 'Beitriige zur Lehre vom Fieber. 48 pp., 1 pl. 4°. [Dorpat], E. J. Earow, 1834. Behse (Gustavus). *De graviditate tubaria in specie, et de graviditate extrauterina in genere. 69 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Dorpat], typ. vid. J. C. Schun- manni et C. Mattieseni, 1852. Behse (JuUus). * Ueber Aniisthesiren nach vo- rausgeschickter Morphiuminjection. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1877. Beickardt (Joh. Christian). . * Totius morbi tem- poribus. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Hala, lit. Hendelianis, [1771]. Beier (Arnoldus Fridericus). * Exhibens aegram ex lochiorum retentione graviter decumbentem. 23 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, lit. Erebsianis, [1697]. For hh Life, see Crauwius (Rndolfus Wilhelmus). Beier (Friedericus Carolus). *Diss. inaug. med. sistens cogitata quajdam pathologica et thera- peutica. 18 pp. 8°. [Dorpat], Uteris M. G. Gren- zii, 1812. Beier (Gothofredus). *De constitutione mani- marum. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, typ. J. Wertheri, [1669]. -----. De aloe. 14 1. sm. 4°. Jena, typ. J. Wer- theri, [1670]. Beigel (Hermann) [1830-79], Recidiv eines pa- pillosen Cystosarkouis der Bauchhohle. 11 pp., 3 pl. t-!c. Berlin, G. Reimer, [n. d.] -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Harn-und Harn- stoffnieugen, welche von Gesunden ausgechieden werden bei gewbnlieher, knapper und rcicher Diiit und dem Gebrauche einiger antiphlogisti- scher Arzneimittel. Eine gekronte Preisschrift. 52 pp. 4°. Wien, C. Ceroid 4- Sohn, [1855]. -----. Balneologische Notizen fiber dio Kurniittel des Bades Reinerz in Schlesien, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der daselbst eingerichteten jod- haltigen Moorbader. 196 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Erlan- gen, F. Enke, 1863. -----. On inhalation, as a means of local treat- ment of the organs of respiration, by atomized fluids and gases, xv, 200 pp. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1866. -----. Ueber abnorme Haarentwickelung beim Menschen. 11 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, [1868]. Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., xUv. -----. The human hair: its structure, growth, diseases, and their treatment, vni, 152 pp., 22 fig. 8°. London, H. Renshaw, 1869. -----. Die Krankheiten des weibUchen Geschlech- tes vom kUnischen, pathologischen und therapeu- tischen Standpunkte aus dargestellt. 2 v. xvi, 603 pp., 5 pl.; xiv, 882 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1874-5. -----. Atlas der Frauenkrankheiten. 312 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1876. -----. Pathologische Anatomie der weibUchen Unfruchtbarkeit (Sterilitiit), deren Mechanikund Behandlung. xii, 419 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn, 1878. For hh Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1879, i, 175. Beihl (Paul). * Ueber neuere Behandlungsweise der Carcinome auf nichtblutigeu Wege. 32 pp. 8°. BerUn, G. Lange, [1875]. Beijen (John Franco). *De tussi convulsiva. 1 p. 1., iv, 90 pp. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, typ. N. van der Monde, [1828]. Beil (Wilhelm). * UberNerveneudigungen in den Haarbalgen einiger Tasthaare. 21pp. 8°. Got- tingen, G. Hofer, 1871. Beilfuss (Jacobus). Wolgemeinetes Bedencken, was von der Astrologia, oder von der, aus dem Positu des Gestirns geschopffeten Weissagung zu halten. 60 pp. 4°. Alten Stetin, gedr. bey M. Hbpfern, 1668. [P., v. 631.] Beillet (P.) "Dissertation sur les fievres inter- mittentes. viii, -9-44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 82, v. 207. Beilot (Guy-Thdobald). 'Dissertation sur la goutte. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 128, v. 157. Beilschmidt (Frider. August). * De scarlatinas origine et propagatione. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1834], Bein (Joannes Arminius). *De dysenteria. [Cum vita.] 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Schle- singer, [1845]. [Also, in: P., v. 164.] Beinl (Anton). Von einer eigenen Art Lymph- geschwulst, und der zweckmassigsten Methode, dieselbe zu heilen. 38 pp. 4°. Wien, A. Came- sina, 1801. Beinlieh (Joannes). * De carcinomate mam- mae, adjectis morbi historiis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vratislavia, typ. Neumanni, [1862]. Beinlieh (Paulus Adolf us Georgius). * NonnuUa de morborum cordis diagnosi. 30 pp. 8°. Bero- Uni, typ. G. Lange, 1865. C. Beins (Hendrik). * Verhandeling over de gal vani- sche polarisatie met betrekking tat de leer der dierUjke electriciteit, en over de middelen om haren invloed bij het onderzoek te voorkomen. xii, 54 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Walters, [1858]. BEINS. 846 BEKKER. Beins (Hendrik)—continued. -----. Spicrarbcid en voedsel. Eene bijdrage tot de voedingsleer. 49 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1864. Beitistein. Fureh (F. R.) Analyse der MineralqueUe oberhalh Beinstcin im Oberamt WaibUngen. Jahresh. d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. in Wiirttemb., Stuttg., 1851, vU, 181-188. Beireis (Godofredus Christophorus) [1730-1809]. * Do paralysi gravissima femorum crurumque sanata. Resp. Jo. Phil. Du Roy. 27 pp., 11. 4°. Helmstadii, typ. J. Drimbornil, [1762]. For his Obituary, see Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1810, n. F., xiv, 307-321 (Briickmann). Beissat (Adr.) * Propositions sur quelques points de mddecine et de chirurgie. 16 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 215, v. 288. Beissenhirtz (Frider. Aug.) * De arsenicis efficacia periculis illustrata. 32 pp. 8°. [Bero- lini], formis Brueschckianis, [1823]. Beissenhirtz (Joannes Augustus Ferdinandus). * De stricturis oesophagi. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Lange, 1860. Beisser (Andrd). * Dissertation sur la calenture. viii, 9-27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 73, v. 250. Beisso (Torquato). Del midollo spinale studi. 53 pp. 8°. Genova, tipo. della Gioventu, 1873. Beistegui (Mathias). * I. fitablir les caracteres qui distinguent le prurigo de la gale. II. [etc.] 117 pp. 4°. Paris, 1841, No. 49, v. 369. de Beitler (A.) * De tribus pneumoniae gradibus, eorumque diagnosi. 84 pp. 8°. Gottinga, H. C. Secmann, 1839. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie als Fest- gabe Carl Ludwig, zum 15. October 1874, ge- widmet von seinen Schulern. 2 pts. in 1 v. 3 pl., ccxxxii pp.; 9 pl., lxxvi pp., 5 pl. 4°. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1874. Beitrage zum Archiv der medicinischen Polizei und Volksarzneikunde. Hrsg. von J. C. F. Scherf. Bd. 1-8, 1789-99. 8°. Leipzig, Weygand. A continuation of Archiv der medicinischen Polizei, [etc. J Announced to be continued as Analekten fur die Staats-Arzneiwissenschaft. Beitrage zur exacton Forschung auf dem Ge- biete der Sanitiits-Polizei. Hrsg. von Louis Pa- penheim. 1.-4. Hft., 1860-62. 1 v. 483 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer. Completed. A reprint, with new pagination, of nos. 4- 12, v. 2, of Monatsschrift fiir exacte Forschung, [etc.] Beitrage zur experimentellen Pathologie und Physiologie. Hrsg. von Dr. L. Traube. 2. Hft. in 1 v. 8°. Berlin, A. Forster, 1846. Beitrage zur Geburtshulfe und Gynakologie. Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshulfe in BerUn. Dr. Fassbender, Dr. v. Haselberg, Dr. Louis Mayer. Bd. 1-3, Hft. 1, Bd. 4; May, 1870- 76. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. ConsoUdated with Zeitschrift fiir GeburtshiUfe und Frauenkrankheiten, etc., Stuttgart, forming Zeitschrift fiir GeburtshiUfe und Gyniikologie; etc., Stuttgart. Beitrage zur Geburtskunde, von Franz A. Ki- wisch. 1.-2. Abth. 8°. WUrzburg, Stahel, 1846- 48. Continued by Scanzoni with titlo Beitrage zur Ge- burtskunde und Gynaekologie. Beitrage zur Geburtskunde und Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von F. W. Scanzoni. Bd. 1-7, 1853-73. 7 v. 8°. WUrzburg, Stahel. A continuation of Beitriige zur Geburtskunde, 1846- 8. v. 1, 1853-1; V. 2, 1855; v. 3, 1858; v. 4, 1860 ; V. 5,1868- 9; V. 6, 1869; V. 7, 1870-73. Beitrage zur Heilkunde. Hrsg. von der Gesell- schaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. Bd. 1-4. 8°. Riga, E. Gbtschel, 1849-60. Each v. in 3 parts. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Medizin im Norden, in einer Auswahl der wichtigsten Abhandlungen Beitrage, etc.—continued. nordischer Aerzte. Hrsg. von Dr. J. J. Albrecht. von Shonberg. x, 292 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Braun- schweig) F. Vieweg, 1829. Beitrage mecklenburgischer Aerzte zur Medicin und Chirurgie. Hrsg. von Dr. W. Hennemaun. Hft. 1, Bd. 1,1830,180 pp. 8°. Rostock u. Schwe- rin, Stiller. Beitrage zu Medizinal - Statistik. Hrsg. vom deutschen Verein fiir Medizinal-Statistik. Drs. Schweig, Schwartz und Zuelger. 1. Hft. (1875), 2. (1876), 3. (1878). 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1875-8. Beitrage zur offentUchen und gerichtlichen Arz- neikunde. Hrsg. von Theod. Geo. Aug. Roose. 2. St., 1802. 233 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., F. Wilmans. Stuck 2 was last pubUshed. Beitrage zur physiologischen und pathologi- schen Chemie uud Mikroskopie in ihrer Anwen- dung auf die praktische Medizin, unter Mitwir- kung der Mitglieder des Vereins fiir physiologi- sche und pathologische Chemie und anderer Ge- lehrten. Hrsg. von Dr. Franz Simon. Bd. 1. 1 p. 1., iv pp., 2 1., 620 pp., 1 pl. 8°. BerUn, A. Hirschwald, 1843-4. Dr. Simon died Oct. 23, 1843; v. 1 was completed, in 5 nos., by J. Minding. Continued by J. F. Heller, in Vienna, as Archiv fur physiologische und pathologische Chemie, [etc.] Beitrage zur Poleoprophylaxis gegen die gan- getische Pest, gewohulich Cholera genannt. 1. Hft., viii, 70 pp., 11. 12°. Braunschweig, Com- toir, 1831. [Also, in: P., v. 739.] Beitrage zur praktischen Heilkunde, mit vorzii- glicher Berucksichtigung der medicinischen Geo- graphie, Topographie und Epidemiologie. Hrsg. von J. Chr. A. Clarus und J. Radius. Bd. 1-4, 1834-7. 4 v. 8°. Leipzig, F. Fleischer. Completed. A continuation of Woeheutliche Bei- trage zur medicinischen und chirurgischen KUnik. Beitrage zur Reform des Sanitats-Wesens aus Westfalen. Von Franz Brefeld. 1. Bd. [in 2 nos.], 1849. 1 v., 201 pp. 8°. Arnsberg, H. F. Grote. Completed. No. 2 pubUshed at Arnsberg and Hamm. Beitriige zur theoretischen und practischen Ge- burtshiilfe und zur Kenntniss und Kur einiger Kinderkrankheiten. Hrsg. von Just. Hein. Wi- gand. Hft, 1-3, 1798-180«. 3 v. 8°. Hamburg. Bcivinkler (Karl). Studienmiissigo Bespre- chung der Reinigung und Entwiissermtg der Stadte durch KanaUsirung, mit Riicksicht der (lurch den iii. internationalen medicinischen Con- gress in Wien gestellten Anforderungen und deren Losung. 19 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Budapest, A. von Rud- nydnszky, 1876. Bcjar. Gimcncz y Sanchez (P.) Noticias topograficas de la ciudad do Bejar y sucinta historia del colera morbo asia- ticocn la misma el ano de 1855. Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 220.—Hcrrero (J.) Breves reflexiones sobre la consti- tucion m6dica reinante; Bejar. Espaiia ined., Madrid, 1864, ix, 295; 309; 319 -----. Constituciones medicas do Bejar. Ibid., 1865, x, 314; 411. Bekcl (Carolus Henricus). * De pede varo. 22 pp., 2. 1. 8°. Halis, formis O. Hendelii, [1856]. Bekella ( Demetrius). 'Idea generalis homi- nis, physiologice et pathologice considerata. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Buda, typ. Reg. Univers. Hungarica, [1826]. Greek and Latin text. Bekcnn (W. F.) See Krcysig (F. [L.]) A treatise on the use of the natural and factitious waters of Carlsbad, etc. 8°. Lon- don, 1824. Bekker (Christophorus). Exercit. med. sistens ajgruin vulnere capitis laborantem. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, lit. Erebsianis, [1684]. BELA. 847 BELGIUM. Bela. Baboo Bantcomol Shen. Notice ofthe bela.vUwa, or bei. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1829, iv, 110-114.— Christison(SirR.) Thehael fruit. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1878, U, 86.—Fayrer (J.) .iEgle marmelos or bael. Ibid., 1877, ii, 669. -----. On the bael fruit and its medicinal properties and uses. Ibid.. 1878, i, 611; 645. Aho,Keprint.— Waring (E. J.) Notice of the iEgle marmelos, Corr. (nat. ord. Aurantiacea1), the bela, or bad of the new British pharmacopoeia. Med. Tunes & Gaz., Lond., 1864, i, 198. Bela-aye. Son uer at. Observations surles proprietes de l'ecorce d'un arbre connu k Madagascar, sous le nom de bela-aye. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par., 1779, pt. U, 689. Belart (Joannes). * De morbo, quem radesyge nominant. 1 p. 1., 54 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, typ. fratrum Unger, [1830]. [AUo, in: P., v. 107.] Belascoain. Cenoves y Tio (J.) Descripcion de las aguas mine- rales de Belascoain en la provincia de Navarxa. Siglo m£d., Madrid, 1801, viii, 10. Belay (Jules). * Des cholelithes ou calculs bUi- aires. 4^ pp. 4-. Paris, 1855, Xo. 178, v. 568. de Beleastel (Gabriel). Les Ues Canaries et la vallee d'Orotava au point de vue hygie'nique et medical. 39 pp. 8J. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Sr fils, 1861. Belcher (Geo. E.) * Inaugural address before the Hahnemann Academy, 21 pp. 8°. New York, H. Liulwig, 1857. -----. Observations on membranous croup, with cases. 30 pp. 8Z. New York, Ludwig, 1867. Belcher (Gulielmus). * De hysteria. 2 p. 1., 43 pp. p°. Edinburgi, A. Neill cum soc, 1793. Belcher (T. W.) Tractatus medici. 36, 20, 16 pp. s~. Dublin, Fannin Sr Co., 1864. Contents: I. A description of a bed intended to be used hi protracted fever cases. II. Dr. Abbotts Smith on human entozoa (review). IU. A short biographical sketch of a remarkable case of insanity. IV. The hygienic aspects of pogonotrophy. V. Reformatories for drunkards (review). VL Notes on the treatment of continued fevers and other acute diseases. Repr. from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. -----. Our Lord's miracles of healing considered in relation to some modern objections and to medi- cal science. vUi, 168 pp. 8°. London, J. Parker 4- Co., 1872. Belchier (John). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Belchilgen (Count) & Cope (J. A.) An essay on the virtues and properties of the ginseng tea. With observations ou the pernicious effects of tea- drinking in general. 32 pp. 8°. London, ptd. for the author, 1786. Belcoinbe (Gulielmus). * Diss, inaug. physiol. - niedic. animadversiones quasdam circa motum bilis sistens. 38 pp., 1 1. sm. 8°. Gottinga, J. C. Dieterich, [1787]. Belcombe (Henricus Stephens). *De febre hectica. 2 p. 1., 20 pp. £~. Edinburgi, Abernethy Sr Walker 1812. Beiden (Lemuel W.) [1801-39]. An account of Jane C. Rider, the Springfield somnambulist: the substance of which was deUvered as a lecture before the Springfield Lyceum, Jan. 22, 1834. 134 pp., 1 1. 8°. Springfield, G. 4' C Merriam, 1834. For hh Obituary, see Boston M. & S. J., 1839, xxi, 281-285. Aho: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1841, vi, 335-342. Belehrung iiber ansteckende Kinder-Krank- heiten zum Gebrauch fiir SchuUehrer. Hrsg. von Deputirten der Berliner Lehrer-Vereine und der Hufeland'schen medicinisch - chirurgischen Gesellschaft. 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Loeicenstein, 1869. Belehrung und Aufforderimg wegen Benutzung der GrossherzogUchen HeU- und Pflegeanstalt IUenau und wegen Behandlung von Seelenge- Belehrung, etc—continued. storten in ihrer Heimath. 32 pp. 8C. Rastatt, W. Mayer, 1846. Belehrung iiber die Entstehung und Verhu- tuug der Trichinenkrankheit bei den Menschen. Auf Anordnung des Konigl. Ministeriums des In nern bearbeitet. 22 pp., lpl. 8°. Dresden, C. C. Mcinhold 4- Sbhne, 1864. Belehrung iiber die gegen die ansteckende oder asiatische Cholera anzuwendenden Schutz-Maass- regeln und ersten Hulfsleistungen. 16 pp. 8-. [n. p., n. d.] Belehrung iiber die orientaUsche Cholera fiir Nichtarzte. See Seller (Burcardus"Wilhelmus). 12°. Miinchen, 1831. Beley (C.) * Dissertation sur l'eau froide et la glace, considerees sous le rapport the'rapeutique. 5i3 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 102, v. 259. Belfast. See, also, Hospitals (Descriptions andreportsof); Insane (Asylums for); Skin (Diseases of, Hospi- tals for). Browne (S.) On the progress of sanitary inquiry in Belfast. Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc. 1867, Lond., 1868, 477; 558.—IScCormqc (H.) Medical topography, etc., of Belfast, Ireland. Boston M. & S. J., 1845, xxxU, 19-23.— Transactions of the Belfast Medical Societv, sessions 1858-9 and 1859-60. DubUn Q. J. M. Sc, 1859, xxvUi, 469: 1860, xxix, 221; 458; 503. Belfast District Hospital for the Insane of the County Antrim and the County of the town of Carrickfergus. Annual reports of the resident medical superintendent of the Belfast District Hospital for the Insane of the County Antrim and the County of the town of Carrickfergus, to the governors. 33. (1862-3), 36. (1865-6), 43.-48. (1872-7). 8°. Belfast, 1863-78. Belfast Natural History and PhUosophical So- ciety. Proceedings of the Belfast Natural His- tory and Philosophical Societv for the sessions of 1872-3—1873-4. 8C. Belfast, 1874. Belfield-Liefevre (Henry). * Recherehes sur la nature, la distribution et l'organe du sens tac- tUe. 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 96, v. 308. ^^ Belford Hospital, Fort-WiUiam. Abstract of O trustees' account from 10. Oct., 1876, to 10. Oct., ^i 1877. 7 pp. 8°. [n.p., 1878.] Belfrage (Joannes). * De viribus coeU in morbis inducendis. 2 p. 1., 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1815. [P., v. 735.] Belgaum. Bell (H. W. B.) Town of Belganm. Rep. San. Com. Bombay, 1869, (app.), 120-128. Belgiojosso. Giuseppe (C.) Resoconto di un triennio in condotta a Belgiojosso. Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1870, ccxU, 62. Belgium. Arrets ordonnantla pubUcation d'une instruction relative au cholera-morbus. [8 mai 1832.] 25pp., lpl. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1832.] Text in French and Dutch. -----. Arrets relatif a la police sanitaire. Bru- xeUes, le 17. sept. 1831. 8 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1831.] -----. Arrete" du roi [isolating certain provinces during epidemic of cholera]. 1. mai 1832. 11. 83. [Bruxelles, 1832.] -----. Besluit reglement betrekkelijk het weren van besmetteUjke ziekten door het binnenkomen of stranden van schepen. Gedeputeerde staten der provincie West-Vlaanderen. 11. Sept. 1826. No. 40. 12 pp. 8°. [Brugge, 1826.] -----. Circulaire betrekkelijk de naders wijszi- ging van eenige artikelen in het reglement op het geneeskundig toevoorzigt. Geneeskundige dienst, besmetteUjke ziekten. Brugge, den 10. Sept. 1827. No. 46a. broadside 8-\ [Brugge, 1827.] BELGIUM. 848 BELGIUM. Belgium—continued. -----. Modeles E, F, G, H, I, J, K. ModMes No. 1-15, 17, 18, 20-26, 28. [Collection of printed blank forms of the medical department of the Belgian army.] fol. Bruxelles, [n. d.] -----. Conseil superieur d'hygiene publiquo. In- struction pratique pour la construction des egouts. (Ministere de l'intdrieur.) 14 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, G. Stapleaux, 1852. -----. Conseil superieur d'hygiene publique. Rapports adressds k MM. les Ministres de l'in- tdrieur et de la Justice. Pour les anndes 1867-73 (4. v.), 1874-76 (1. fasc, 5. v.) 8C. Bruxelles, 1868-77. -----. Extrait des rapports adressds au conseil superieur de santd de la Belgique, par les mdde- cins envoyds k Paris par le gouvernement, pour y observer le choldra. (Publid par ordre du gou- vernement.) 16 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, M. E. Ram- pelbergh, [1832?] -----. Gymnastique scolaire k I'dtranger. Rap- port prdsentd k M. le Ministre de l'intdrieur sur la situation de l'enseignement de la gymnastique en Hollande, en Allemagne et dans les pays du nord. 198 pp., 3 pl. fol. Bruxelles, F. Gobbaerts, 1873. -----. Liste par rang d'anciennetd des officiers du service de santd au mois de Janvier 1877. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1877.] -----. Loi et reglements sur le rdgime des alid- nds. I. Loi du 18. juin 1850 sur le rdgime des aUdnds. II. Reglement gdndral et organique sur le rdgime des alidnds, en application de la loi du 18. juin 1850. III. Reglement spdcial pour I'or- ganisation de l'dtablissement d'alidnds do Gheel, en appUcation de l'art. 6. de la loi du 18. juin 1850. 42 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, imprimerie de Deltombe, 1851. -----. Le ministre d'dtat, gouverneurde la Flan- dre Occidentale, k messieurs les bourgmestres et dchevins des villes et des communes et k mes- sieurs les commissaires d'arrondissement de la province, 18. novembre 1848. [Mesures k prendre par les autoritds administratives, k l'occasion du choldra dpiddmique. ] 10 pp. 8°. Bruges, 1848. -----. Thesame. In Dutch. 10 pp. 8°. Bruqes, 1848. J -----. Muiistere de l'intdrieur. Hygiene publi- que. Documents et instructions. 1848 k 1858. iv, 161 pp., 11. 8°. Bruxelles, M. Hayez, 1859. -----. Ministere de l'intdrieure. Hygiene publi- que. Documents et instructions relatifs k l'as- sainissement des lieux insalubres. 68 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Deltombe, 1849. -----. Ministere de l'intdrieur. Rapports et documents officiels relatifs k l'inoculation de la pleuropneumonie exsudative d'apres le procddd de M. le docteur Willems. (Rapports de la com- mission institude pres du ministere de l'intdrieur.) 3. (1855); 5.(1858). 8°. Bruxelles, 1855-8. -----. Ministere de l'intdrieur. Service sanitaire dans les ports. 12 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, T. Lcsiqne, 1859. -----. Ministere de l'intdrieur. Statistique gd- ndrale. Causes de ddces [en Belgique]. Cir- culaire du 19. septembre 1866. 20 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, Deltombe, 1866. Repr. from: Monit. beige, 1866. -----. Ministerie van justitie. Algemeen veror- dening instellende den regel der krankzinnigen. Koninglyk besluit. 25 pp. 8°. Brussel, Del- tombe, 1851. -----. Rapport de la commission chargde par M. le ministre de la justice de proposer un plan pour 1'amdUoration de la condition des alidnds en Bel- gique . . . Enquete sur l'dtat actuel des maisons d'aUdnds avec pl ans et pieces k l'appui. vii, 178 pp. royal 8°. Bruxelles, imp. de Mortier freres, 1842. Belgium—continued. -----. Recueil des lois, arretds et instructions relatifs au service sauitaire des ports de mer do Belgique. 103 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bruxelles, Demortier freres, 1839. Text in French and Dutch. -----. Reglement d'ordre intdrieur de l'dtablisse- ment d'alidnds k Gheel, en exdcution des art. 10, 12, 16, 17, 26, 28, 32 et 33 et suivants 43, 45, 49 et 50 du reglement du ler mai 1851. (Ministere de la justice.) 16 pp. 8°. Gand, imp. L. Hebbelynck, 1855. -----. Rdorganisation du service sanitaire de l'armde beige. Projets de loi, rapports, amende- ments, discussions parlementaires et loi sur cette rdorganisation. vii, 5-207 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, J. B. Tircher, 1847. i -----. Royaume de Belgique. Mesures preven- tives contre le choldra dpiddmique, 1848. (TJap- port de l'Acaddmie royale de mddecine.) 36 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, J. B. Tircher, [1848]. -----. Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de l'in- tdrieur. BuUetiu de la commission centrale de statistique. v. 10 (1866), 12 (1872). 4°. Bru- xelles, 1866-72. -----. Service sanitaire de l'armde. 212 pp. 8°. [Bruxelles, n. d.] -----. Statistique mddicale de l'armde beige. (Pdriode de 1870-74.) xii, 271 pp. 4°. Bruxelles, F. Gobbaerts, 1877. -----. Explorations par zones pour travaux d'utilitd communale. Lois du 15. novembre 1867 et du 1. juillet 1858. Documents parlementaires et instructiones. Lois du 8. mars 1810 et du 17. avril 1835, sur l'expropriation pour cause d'utilitd publique. 162 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, imp. de Ve. Parent 4-fils, 1867. -----. Statistique mddicale de l'armde beige, 1868-9. Statistique sur la mortaUtd dans les h6pitaux et infirmeries militaires, 1862-7. 507 pp. 4°. Bruxelles, F. Gobbaerts, 1871. -----. Huitieme rapport de la commission perma- nente d'iuspection des dtablissements d'aUdnds. 138 pp. (Avec suppldment.) Notice sur les asiles d'alidnds francais de Bicetre, Charenton, etc. 152 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Bmxelles, imp. de M. Hayez, 1864. ---;—. Rapports de la commission permanente d'inspection des dtablissements d'alidnds. 1.-5. In 1 v. roy. 8C. Bruxelles, 1853-9. Belgium. See, also, Alost; Antwerp; Army (Belgian, Medical department of'); Army (Belgian, Medical reports and statistics of); Berchem; Boom; Bruges; Brussels; Caisse de pensions du corps me'dical beige; Contich; Courtrai; Dender- monde; Dixmude; Duffel: Education (Medi- cal); Eeckeren; Eeckloo; Federation medi- cale beige; Flanders (West); Furnes; Ghent; Haeght; Herenthals; Hey st-op-den - Berg; Insane (Asylums for); Liege; Lierre; Mechlin; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Medicine (History of, in Belgium and the Nethei'lands); Medicine (Legislation of, by countries); Mons; Ostend; Perwez; Pharmacy (Educationin, and schools of); Roulers; Societe beige de microsco- pie; Societe entomologique de Belgique; Societe de me'decine mentale de Belgique; Societe de me- decine pratique de la Flandre Orientate; Societe de me'decine pratique de la province d'Anvers; Spa; Syphilis (Statistics of); Thielt; TJccle; Universities (Belgian); WiUebroek; Zweve- zeele. Bulletin de la commission centrale de statis- tique. Royaume de Belgique. Ministere de l'in- tdrieur. v. 11, 12. 4°. Bruxelles, 1866-72. BELGIUM. 849 BELGIUM. Belgium. Bulletin trimestriel de statistique ddmo- graphique et mddicale dressd d'apres des docu- ments officiels fournis par les principales villes beiges. ler au 3rae trimestre de l'annde 1875; 3e et 4e 1877 ; lc et 2C 1878. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Coopmans (G.) Oratio de metUcamentis in- digenis ad morbos Belgio famUiares feliciter de- pelleudos suffecturis. 4°. Franequera, 1774. Houzeau (J. C.) & Buijs-Ballot (C. H. D.) Observations mdtdorologiques faites aux sta- tions internationales de la Belgique et des Pays- Bas. Premiere annde 1877. 4°. Bruxelles, 1878. Meynne. Topographie mddicale de la Bel- gique. Eludes de gdologie, de climatologie, de statistique- et d'hygiene publique. 8°. Bruxelles, 1865. See, aho, Analyse de M. le docteur Ch. "Willems. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1866, xxxiii, 98-108. Quetelet (A.) Mdtdorologie de la Belgique comparde k celle du globe. 8°. Paris, 1867. Resume annuel de statistique ddmographique et mddicale dressd d'apres les documents officiels fournis par les principales villes beiges. Pour l'annde 1877. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Voelcker (A.) & Jenkins (H. M.) Report on the agriculture of Belgium. 8°. London, 1870. Contents: I. Soil and climate. II. The sandy district of Northern Belgium. "La Petite culture." in. [etc.] From: J. Roy. Agric. Soc. England, vi, a. s., pt. 1. Bcrtillon. Belgique. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1868, ix, 3-46. -----. Considerations 'generates sur la de- mographic, appUquee tout particulierement ii la Belgique. Bull. Acad. roy. do med. de Belg., Brux., 1876, 3. s., x, 749- 776. -----. iStudode la natalitebeige compares a. celle des autres pays; apparent© contradiction entre sa faible nata- lity generalo et'Tenergique fecondite des epouses beiges. Bull. Soc. roy. d. sc. m6d. et nat. de Brux., 1876, 87-97.— van den Bosch (R. li.) Enumcratio plantarum Zeelan- dias IMgicae indigenarum. Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschicd. en Physiol., Leiden, 1841, viii, 1-55.—Boudin. Statistique des maladies qui out et6 cause de deccs dans le royaume de Belgique, pendant la periode quinquennalo do 1851 a. 1855, inclusivcment. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1858, 2. s., ix, 203- 208.—Broeckx (C.) Coup d'ceil sur les institutions md- dicales beiges, depuis les dernieres annees du dix-huitieme sieclc, jusqu'a. nos jours, suivi de la bibliographic de cette epoque. Ann. Soe. de med. d'Anvers, 1841, 5-215. Also: Arch, dela med. beige, Brux., 1841, iv, 96-133.—de Ceu- leneer (II.) Dix ann6es de pratique civile, ou maladies epidemiques observees dans les Flandres. Ann. Soc. de mC'd. prat, de la prov. dAnvers, Malines, 1850, viii, 249; 289; 369.—Xiuyekx (B.) Memoire sur la constitution me- dicale regnante. Ibid.,~Boom, 1847,v, 153; 195; 227.—Mala- dies (Des) epidemiques qui out regne en Belgique de 1841 a 1850. Ann. Soc. demed. dAnvers, 1853, xiv, 385; 441; 539: 1854, xv, 48.—dc fflcrwcHiiiii. Rapport de la commis- sion chargce de presenter lc plan pour la confection d'une topographie mddicale de la Belgique. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. dc Belg., Brux., 1849-50, ix, 424; 443. Discussion, 504- 512.—JVIouvcnicnt de l'etat civil do la Belgique pendant les annees 1849 et 1850. Ibid., 1851, xviii, 294; 315.—IVoti- zie statistiche mediche sul Belgio. (Estratto dall'opera del Conte Arrivabene, pubblicata sotto il titolo. Situation eeonomique de la Belgique, expos6e d'apres des documens officiels, Bruxelles, 1843.) Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1845, xxiii, 255.—Pigcolct. Rapports relatives & diverses epi- demics qui ont regno dans le pays. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. do Belg., Brux., 1873, 3. s., vii, 439-453.—de Pla. Observations medico-topographiques sur la bruyere sise entre les communes de Ruddervoorde, Zwevezeele, Thou- rout et Lichtervelde. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. dc Bruges, 1843, iv, 63-68.—Quetelet (A.) Sur l'age et l'etat civil des maries, en Belgique, pendant lc dernier quart de sifecle (1841 a 1865). Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. . . . do Belg., Brux., 1868, 2. s., xxv, 227-246.—Rapport adress6 a M. le gou- verneur de la Flandre-Occidentale, sur l'etat sanitaire do la population d'une bruyere, situee entre les communes de Zwevezeele, de Lichtcrwelde et do Ruddervoorde, par la commission medicale de la province. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. do Bruges, 1842, iii, 45-48. —Schon. Zur medicinischen Statistik von Belgicn. Med. Aim., Berl., 1840, 169-176.— Verclst (J.) Expose de la constitution atmospherique et medicale pendant les annees 1846 et 1847, 1848-9, et 1849- 50. Ann. Soc. de m6d. prat, do la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1848, vi.41-46: 1851, ix, 185-197.—Verclst (P. J.) Constitu- tion atmospherique de 1843-4. Ibid., Boom, 1844-5, iii, 103-112. Belgium (Mineral waters of). Lausscdat (L.) Villes d'eaux ct hydrologie medicale do Belgique. Analyse par M. le Dr. van der Moersch. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1874, xii, 155-160. Belgium (Public hygiene in). See, also, Hygiene (Public, Laws of) by coun- tries. Annales du conseil central de salubritd pubU- quo de Bruxelles, par le docteur Dieudonnd. 8°. Bruxelles, 1841-50. Arrete relatif a. la poUce sanitaire, BruxeUes, le 17. sept. 1831. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Conseil snpdrieur d'hygiene pubUque. Rap- ports adressds k MM. les ministres de l'intdrieur et de la justice. 8°. Bruxelles, 1868-77. Ministere de l'intdrieur. Hygiene publique. Documents et instructions, 1848 k 1858. 8°. Bruxelles, 1859. Rapports fait au conseil communal, viUe de Bruxelles, par le coUege des bourgmestres et dchevins, eu exdeution de l'article 70 de la loi du 30. mars 1836. Pour les anndes 1876-7. 8C. Bruxelles, 1877-8. Cilleau. Memoiro de M. Gilleau de Liege; legislation relative a, l'hygiene publique; projet d'organisation de cellc-ci. In: Cons. sup. d'hyg. pub., Rap., Brux., 1868-74, iv, 19-24.—Kuborn. Rapport sur la proposition concer- nant les comit6s locaux de salubrite publique. Bull. Acad, roy. de med. de Belg., Brnx., 1871, 3. s., v, 619-634.—OTe- siireN administratives adoptees par le gouvernement beige a. l'occasion des epid6mies et des epizootics. Ibid., 1865, viii, 280-282.—Organisation (De 1') d'un service medical rural et de la creation des medecins cantonaux en Belgique. J. de med., Brux., 1865, xl, 482-486. Aho, Reprint.—Pu- bl ication d'un recueil de reglements et instructions d'hy- giene publique. In: Cons. sup. d'hyg. pub., Rap., 1872-3, Brux.. 1868-74, iv, 554-558.—Questions (Des) relatives a I'organisation de l'hygiene publique dans le royaume. [Rap. de M. Kuborn.) Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1872, vi. 200-242.—Service de sante des chemins do fer de l'etat beige. Scalpel, Liege, 1878, xxxi, 31-33.— Statuts, "Societe de medecine publique du royaume". J. d. sc. m6d. de Louvain, 1877, ii, 521-525. Belgium (State medicine and medical police in). Caisse de pensions du corps mddical beige (mddecins, pharmacieus, et mddecins vdtdri- naires). Bilan. Listes nominatives. Assemblde gdudrale du septembre 1875. roy. 8°. BruxeVes, 1875. van Bcrehein (H.) Discours a l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers, Boom, 1846, iv, 105-152. -----. Memoire sur les officines des medecins des campagnes. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, dela prov. d'Anvers. Malines, 1853, xi, 347-378.-----. Refutation du rapport de M. le Dr. Sauveur, secretaire de l'Academie royale do medecine de Belgique. Ibid., 1854, xii, 7-40. — Bulckens. Memoire a adresser a l'Academie de medecine do Belgique, lu et approuve dans cette meme reunion. Ibid., 1853, xi, 384-397.—Cnniber- lin (F. P. J.) Jurisprudence medico-lcgalc. Observa- tions pour . . . docteur eu medecine, domicilie a Nauiur, del'endeur en cassation, contre le ministere public, deman- deur. Arch, de la med. beige, Brux., 1841), ii, 204-^22.— Crocq. Rapport de la commission chargee de l'examen de diverses questions qui se rattachent a la police et a la discipline medicales. Bull. Acad. roy. de ni6d. do Belg., Brux., 1867, 3. s., i, 932: 1868, ii. 2;'l70; 229; 295; 349.— Didot (A.) De I'organisation de la medecine politico-ju- diciairo en Belgique, a, propos du r6glement propose par l'Academie royalo de la medecine le 3. juin 1843, pour la veri- fication des deeds et la police des inhumations. Ann. med. beiges, Brux., 1843, ii, 439; 447; 456.—Exercice illegal de la medecine. Scalpel, Liege, 1878, xxxi, 115.—Fay. Quel- ques observations sur lo projet de loi relatif & la police ct a la discipline medicales. Bull. Acad. roy. dc med. de Belg., Brux., 1868,3. s.,ii, 225-229.—Ilelinditcolson. Quelques considerations sur la legislation medicale du plat-pays en Belgique. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d' Anvers, Malines, 1851, ix, 148; 165.—Memoire sur le service sani- taire des indigents dans les communes rurales. Ibid., 308; 317.—Petit. Reponse a la question mise au concours pour l'an 1852, par la Societe de medecine pratique dela province d'Anvers, etablic a "VVillebroeck: "Quels sont les change- nients et les ameliorations que reclame la legislation medi- cale des campagnes en Belgique?" Ibid., 1852, x, 388- 412: 1853, xi, 5-35.—Pieces de correspondancc relatives a l'exercice de l'art de gu6rir et au projet de petition im- 54 BELGIUM. 850 BELL. Belgium (State medicine and medical police in). prime dans le 2. volnme des annales. (Rapport et peti- tion.) Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Li6ge, 1848, iii, 2. fasc, 81-106.—Projet de loi sur l'organization sanitaire et sur l'exercice de l'art de gu6rir. Ann. Soc. de med. Srat. de la prov. d'Anvers, Malines, 1853, xi, 341-346.— •rojet d'organisation d'un service m6dical-rural, sounds ar le gouvernement a l'appr6ciation du conseil provincial Anvers. Rapport sur ce projet fait k la Soci6t6 de mede- cine pratique de la province d'Anvers, etablie a Wille- broeck, par une commission nominee a cette fin dans la seance ordinaire du 2. Janvier 1850. Ibid., 1850, viii, 169- 201.—Rapport fait par la commission de l'arrondissement de Malines, institu6e par la deputation permanente du con- seil provincial d'Anvers, pour l'examen des questions qui interessent les classes ouvrieres et agricoles. Ibid., 386; 441.—de Santblanc. Considerations sur le service sani- taire des indigents, dans les communes rurales. Ibid., 1851, ix, 282-307.—Sovet (A.) Du servico sanitaire des indi- gents dans les communes rurales de Belgique. I bid., Boom, 1847, v, 9; 33; 81; 121. Belgodere (Andre). * Quelques considdrations sur les tumeurs formdes par la vdsicule biliaire. 51 pp., 2 1. 4°. MontpelUer, 1876, No. 75. Belhomme. Observations d'ectrogdnie asymd- trique. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Hennuyer Sr Cie., 1847. [P., v. 456.] Belhomme (Edmond). * Essai sur la traite- ment des hdmorrhagies artdrieUes de la main et de la partie infdrieure de l'avant-bras. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 191. Belhomme ( Jacques-fitienne ). * Essai sur l'idiotie. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1824, No. 125, v. 186. -----. Essai sur l'idiotie, propositions sur l'ddu- cation des idiots, mise en rapport avec leur de- grd d'inteUigence. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bail- liere, 1824-43. t -----. Influence des dvdnements et des commo- tions poUtiques sur le ddveloppement de la folie. Mdmoire lu a l'Acaddmie de mddecine dans la sdance du 2. mai 1848; suivi d'un rapport de M. Londe, fait a l'acaddmie dans la sdance du 6. mars 1849, et des rdflexions de l'auteur. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Baillihre, 1849. Belhomme (Lucien). *Du chancre phagddd- nique et de son traitement. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 25. -----& Martin (Aimd). Traitd pratique et dld- mentairede pathologie syphUitique et vdndrienne. Ouvrage adoptd par le conseil de santd des armdes. iv, 690 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Coccoz, 1864. -----------. The same. 2. dd., entierement re- fondue, ix, 804 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1876, [1875]. Beliard (Aug.) * Essai sur l'asthme, considdrd chez les vieillards. vi, 7-28 pp. 4C. Paris, 1824, No. 149, v. 187. Beliard (Ldon). 'Considdrations hygidniques sur la population ouvriere des forges de la ma- rine, dans le ddpartement de la Nievre. Ddduc- tions pathologiques. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 24. Belief. See, also, Mind (Influence of); Presentiments. Wagner (C, W.) *De voluntate medici re- medio potenti, 8°. Hala, 1839. Dumont. De l'influence de la foi religiense dans le traitement des maladies. Rev. de therap. du midi, Mont- pel., 1853, iv, 193-199.—I.atour (A.) De la foi en mede- cine. Union m6d., Par., 1856, x, 613. Beliere (Cdlestin), * Du traitement de l'dclamp- sie pendant la grossesse. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 285. Belieres (Louis). *Kapports cUniques et ana- tomo-pathologiques de 1'alcooUsme avec la para- lysie gdndrale progressive. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 342. Belime (Jules). * fitnde clinique sur la nature de l'ictere grave. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871. Belin (Aug.) De l'auscultation appliqude au diag- nostic des prdsentations et des positions du fcetus, extrait traduit de Hohl. Edition de HaUe, 1833. Suivie de quelques considdrations pratiques par ChaiUy - Honord. 6 pp. 8C. Paris, F. Malteste Sr Cie., [^4.'] [P., v. 447.] Repr. /rowiAL'Union medicale, 1851. Belin (Cdsar). * Contribution a l'dtude des gom- mes du poumon. 62 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 68. Belin (F. X. Edmond). * De la version du foetus par manoeuvres externes. 1 p. 1., 83 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1856, No. 365, v. 22. Belin (Henri). * Essai sur la lymphangite super- flcielle et principalement sur sa forme rdticulaire. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 137. Belin (Isidore). * Dissertation sur 1'angine pha- ryngde ou gutturale. vi, 7-30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 90, v. 85. Belin (Marie-Pierre-Auguste). * De 1'dpUepsie. 110 pp. 4°. Paris, 1847, No. 222, v. 452. de Belina (Ladislas) (BeUna - Swiontkowski). Die Transfusion des Blutesin physiologischer und medicinischer Beziehung. vi, 156 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1869. -----. La transfusion du sang appliqude au traitement des blessds. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson S- fils, 1870. [P., v. 791.] -----. De la transfusion du sang ddfibrind. Nou- veau procddd pratique. 64 pp., 3 1. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1871. -----. * De la transfusion du sang ddfibrind. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1873, No. 63. Belinaye (Henry). The sources of health and disease in communities; or, elementary views of hygiene, vii, 261 pp. 12°. London, Treuttel [Sr others], 1832. -----. The same, vii, 160 pp. 12°. Boston, Allen Sr Ticknor, 1833. -----. Compendium of Uthotripsy: or an account of removal of the stone from the bladder with- out incision. (PubUshed for the benefit of the Lithotriptic Society.) vii, 215 pp. 8°. London, J.-B. Balliere, 1837. Belin-Desparquets (Jean-Marie). *I. Quelle est la valeur des signes fournis par la sdcheresse et l'humiditd de la cavitd buccale? II. [etc.] 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 167, v. 397. Beling (Benjamin Erdmann). *De intestino recto corporis humani anatomico-pathologica dis- quisitio. 54 pp. sm. 8°. Hala, typ. Batheanis, 1796. -----. Geist der preussischen Gesetzgebung im Gebiete der gerichtlichen Medizin, nebst einer Darstellung wie demselben entsprochen werden kann, fur Aerzte, Wundarzte und Kechtsgelehrte. xxviii, 546 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau u. Lepzig, W. G. Eorn, 1819. Belisarius (Gadaldinus). See Trincavellius (Victoris). De ratione curandi. fol. Yenetih, 1575. Belitz (Helmuthus Frider. Ludov.) *De gas- tritide. 40 pp. 8°. Rostochii, typ. Adlerianis, 1827. Belius (Joannes TheophUus). *De cholera hu- mida. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Gottinga, typ. J. C. L. Schult- zii, [1747]; For his Life, see Brendelius (Jo. Gothofred.) Bclke (G.) *Welchen Einfluss hat die Dauer der Geburt auf das Leben des Kindes? 12 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, [1870]. c. Belkmeer (Nicolaus). * De solidorum elastici- tate. 1 p. 1., 10 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, J. Moojen, 1754. Bell. See Butter (John). Remarks on irritative fever. 8°. Bevonport, 1825. BELL. 851 BELL. Bell (A. N.) Quarantine. 14 pp. 8°. New York, G. W. Wood, 1856. [P., v. 220, 640.] Repr. from: Merchants' Magazine, 1856. -----. A knowledge of living things, with the laws of their existence, x, 318 pp., 2 pl. 8°. New-York, Bailliere Bros., 1860. -----. MaUgnant pustule in the United States. 25 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1862. -----. Disinfection of vessels. 12 pp. 8C. Neio York, G. W. Wood, 1863. Repr. from: Merchants' Magazine, 1863. -----. Merritt H. Cash prize essay. How com- plete is the protection of vaccination, and what are the dangers of communicating other diseases with the vaccinia? 27 pp. 8°. Albany, 1864. [P., v. 254.] J' Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.,1864. -----;. Medical progress. An oration on the forty- seventh anniversary of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, Brooklyn, April 27th, 1870. 33 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] See, aho, Sanitarian (The). Bell (Alex. Graham). EstabUshment for the study of vocal physiology; for the correction of stam- mering, and other defects of utterance; and for practical instruction in "visible speech". Con- ducted by . . . 16 pp. 8°. Boston, Rand, Avery Sr Co., 1872. Bell (Benjamin)i [1749-1806]. A treatise on the theory and management of ulcers, with a disser- tation on white swelUngs of the j oints, to which is prefixed, an essay on the chirurgical treatment of inflammation and its consequences. 401 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, 1778. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 436pp. 8°. Edinburgh, T. Cadell, 1779. -----. The same. 3. ed. 491 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, 1784. -----. Thesame. xv, 17-295 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas Sr E. T. Andrews, 1791. -----. The same, xiv, 15-264 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Boston, I. Thomas Sr E. T. Andrews, 1797. -----. A system of surgery. With plates, v. 2-6. 5 v. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliott, 1784-8. -----. The same. 2. ed., v. 1, 1785. 3. ed., v. 4-6, 1789. 4. ed., v. 1-3, 1790. -----. The same. 5. ed. 6 v. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Bradfute, 1791. -----. The same. 7. ed. 7 v. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Bradfute, 1801. -----. The same. 1. Am. ed. Illustrated. 4 v. 8°. Worcester, I. Thomas, 1791. -----. The same. 2. Am., from the 7. Edinburgh ed. 4 v. 8°. Troy, Neiv York, O. Penniman Sr Co., 1801. -----. Treatise on gonorrhoea virulenta, and lues venerea. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 278 pp.; 327 pp., 7 1. 8°. Dublin, Wm. Jones, 1793. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. xvi, 467 pp.; vUi, 560 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Mudie Sr Son, 1797. -----. The same. 2 v. in 1. 220, 250 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, R. Campbell, 1795. -----. The same. With notes adapted to the pre- sent state of practice in those diseases. 2 v. in 1. xii, 17-244; 332 pp., 6 1., 5 pl. 8°. Albany, E. F. Backus, 1814. -----. A treatise on the hydrocele, on sarcocele, or cancer, and other diseases of the testes. 295 pp., 5pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Bradfute, 1794. [P., v. 703.] -----. Kemarks on interstitial absorption of the neck of the thigh-bone. 32 pp., 3pl. 8. Edin- burgh, Maclachlan Sr Stewart, 1824. [Also, in: P., v. 688.] See, aho, Bell (Benjamin)3. The life, character, and writings of ... by his grandson. 12°. Edinburgh, 1868. Also: Vita (Sulla) e sugli scritti di . . . B. Bell e Swie- diaur (C. Bazzoni). In: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, Bell (Benjamin)1—continued. 1864, iii, 5. s., 337; 309. Also: Waters (Nicholas B.) A system of surgery. 8°. Philadelphia, 1791. For Portrait, see Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Bell (Benjamin)2. A probationary essay on blen- norrhagia venerea. June, 1823. 38 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, P. Neill, 1823. -----. A treatise on the diseases of the bones. xii, 294 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1828. Bell (Benjamin)*. A probationary essay on inju- ries of the male urethra. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Shortrcde, 1835. -----. The life, character, and writings of Benja- min Bell, by his grandson, viii, 170 pp., 1 port. 12°. Edinburgh, Edmonston Sr Douglass, 1868. Bell (Sir Charles)1 [1775-1842]. the organs of the senses familiarly described, being an account of the conformation and functions of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, viii, 85 pp., 20 pl. 8°. London, Harvey Sr Co., [n. d.] -----. A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body, the manner of dis- playing the parts, and their varieties in disease. 2. ed. 2 v. in 1. xii, 137 pp., 20 pl.; 25 pp., 4 pl. fol. Edinburgh, Mundcll Sr Son, 1799-1801. v. 1 containing the dissections of the abdomen, thorax, pelvis, thigh, and leg. v. 2 containing the dissections of the arm, or the neck and face, of the nervous system of the viscera, and of the brain. -----. Appendix to system of dissections, part 1. ; containing additional descriptions of the ab- dominal muscles. 6 pp., 1 pl. fol. Edinburgh, Mundell Sr Son, 1800. Bound with hh: A system of dissections, etc., 2. ed. fol. Edinburgh, 1799. -----. A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body, with the manner of displaying the parts, the distinguishing the natu- ral from the diseased appearances, and pointing out to the student the objects most worthy of at- tention: during a course of dissections. 1. Am., from the 3. London ed. 2 v. 265, 264 pp. 16°. Baltimore, S. Jcfferis, 1814. -----. The anatomy of the brain, explained in a series of engravings. vU, 87 pp., 12 pl., part col. 4°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1802. ——. A series of engravings explaining the course of the nerves. 49 pp., 9 pl. 4°. London, T. N. Longman 4- O. Rees, 1803. -----. Thesame. With an address to young phy- sicians on the study of the nerves. 2. ed. xx, 49 pp., 9 pl. 4°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1816. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. xvi, 47 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1834. -----. A system of operative surgery, founded on the basis of anatomy. 2 v. xxxii, 448 pp., 14 pl.; xxiv, 385 pp., 7 pl. 8°. London, Long- man [4- others], 1807-9. -----. The same. 2 v. xxii, 323 pp., 12 pl.; xvi, 272 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Hartford, HaleSrHosmer, 1812. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 v. xxxvUi, 410 pp.; xxxi, 523 pp. 8°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1814. -----. The same. 2. Am., from the last Lond. ed. 2 v. xxxviii, 408 pp.; xviii, 523 pp., 13 pl. 8°. Hartford, Hale Sr Hosmer, 1816. -----. Idea of a new anatomy of the brain; sub- mitted for the observations of his friends. 36 pp. 8°. London, Strahan Sr Preston, [1811?] -----. Letters concerning the diseases of the ure- thra. 149 pp. 8°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1811. -----. Thesame. 155 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Boston, W. Wells Sr T. B. Wait S~ Co., 1811. -----. A treatise on the diseases of the urethra, vesica urinaria, prostate, and rectum. New ed. 416 pp. 8°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1820, BELL. 852 BELL. Bell (Sir Charles)1—continued. -----. Engravings from specimens of morbid parts preserved in the author's collection, now in Wind- null street, and selected from the divisions in- scribed Urethra, Vesica, Ren, morbosa, et laesa, containing specimens of every disease which is attended with change of structure in these parts, and exhibiting the injuries from the bougie, catheter, caustic, trochar, and lithotomy knife, incautiously used, with observations. Fasc. i. vii, 45 pp., 12 pl. fol. London, Longman [Sr others], 1813. -----. Engravings of the arteries, illustrating the anatomy of the human body, and serving as an introduction to the surgery of the arteries. 2. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. 78 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, A. Finley, 1816. -----. Surgical observations: being a quarterly report of cases in surgery, treated in the Middle- sex Hospital, in the cancer establishment, and in private practice. Embracing an account of the auatomical and pathological researches in the school of Windmill street. 2 v. in 1. x, 500 pp., 15 pl.; xii, 140 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, Longman [4- others], 1816-18. -----. An essay on the forces which circulate the blood: being an examination of the difference of the motions of fluids in living and dead ves- sels, viii, 83 pp. 12°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1819. [Also, in: P., v. 885.] -----. Illustrations of the great operations of surgery, trepan, hernia, amputation, aneurism, and Uthotomy. 134 pp., 20 pl. fol. London, Longman [Sr others], 1821. -----. Of the nerves which associate the muscles of the chest in the actions of breathing, speaking, and expression: being a continuation of the pa- per on the structure and functions of the nerves. 29 pp., 1 pl. 4°. London, W. Nicol, 1822. Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1822. -----. On the motions of the eye, in illustration of the uses of the muscles and nerves of the orbit. 20 pp., 1 pl. 4°. London, W. Nicol, 1823. Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1823. -----. Second part of the paper on the nerve« of the orbit. 19 pp. 4°. London, W. Nicol, 1823. Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1823. -----. An exposition of the natural system of the nerves of the human body, with a republication of the papers delivered to the Royal Society on the subject of nerves, vii, 392 pp., 3 pl. 8°. London, A. 4' R- Spottiswoode, 1824. -----. The same. U, 165 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Phila- delphia, Carey Sr Lea, 1825. -----. Appendix to the papers on the nerves, re- published from the Royal Society's transactions, containing consultations and cases illustrative of the facts announced in those papers. 144 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1827. -----. The nervous system of the human body, embracing the papers delivered to the Royal So- ciety on the subject of the nerves. [With] ap- pendix, containing cases and letters of consulta- tion on nervous diseases, submitted to the author since tho publication of his papers on the func- tions of the nerves, in the transactions of the Royal Society, and illustrative of the facts an- nounced in the preceding pages. 230, 176 pp., 9 pl. 4°. London, Longman [Sr others], 1830. -----. The same. 230 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Washing- ton, Duff Green, 1833. -----. Observations on injuries of the spine and of the thigh-bone, xv, 101 pp., 9 pl. 4°. Lon- don, T. Tcgg, 1824. -----. Institutes of surgery; arranged in the order of the lectures delivered in the University of Bell (Sir Charles)1—continued. Edinburgh. In 2 v. xxiv, 353; ix, 380 pp. 8«. Edinburgh, A. Sr C. Black, 1838. -----. The same, viii, 446 pp., 1 1. 8°. Phila- delphia, A. Waldie, 1840. In: Dunguson'b American med. hbrary. -----. Thesame. viii,448pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Barrington Sr Haswell, 1843. -----. The hand, its mechanism and vital endow- ments, as evincing design, vi, 313 pp., with illus- trations. 8°. New York, Harper Sr Brothers, 1840. -----. The same. 5. ed., revised, with wood-cuts. xvi, 428 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1852. -----. Practical essays, vi, 11., 104 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Maclachlan, Stewart 4' Co., 1841. [Contents:] I. On the powers of life to sustain surgical operations; the effects of violence in wounds and in opera- tions ; and the causes of sudden death during surgical ope- rations in some remarkable instances. II. On the ques- tionable practice of bleeding in all apoplectic affections, and tho different effects of drawing blood from the artery and from the vein. III. On squinting; its causes, the actual condition of the eye, and the attempts to remedy the defect. IV. On tho action of purgatives on the different portions of the intestinal canal, with a view of removing nervous affec- tions and tic douloureux. See, also. Bell (John)1 &. Bell (Sir Charles). The ana- tomy of the human body. 8°. New Tork, 1809. ----- -----. The anatomy and physiology of the human body. 5.ed. 8°. London. 1823. Also: Cas tel. Exposition des attributsdu systeme nerveux, etc. 8°. Paris, 1845. Aho: Morison (James). Morisoniana. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1831. Aho: 0'Beirne(J.) New views of the process of defecation. 8°. Washington, 1834. Also: Shaw (Alex- ander). Narrative of the discoveries of ... in the nervous system. 8°. London, 1839. Aho:-----. An account of Sir Charles Bell's discoveries in the nervous system. 12°. London, 1860. For Biographical Notices, see Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1845, i, 252-254. Also: Birmingh. M. Rev., 1875, iv. 85-100. Aho, Reprint. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1833.ii,756-761. Also: Lond. M. Gaz., 1842, ii, 406-409. Aho: Pichot (A.) 12°. London, 1860. Bell (Charles)2. Practical observations on diph- theria, and its treatment. 11 pp. 8°. London, G. P. Waterhouse, [n. d.] Repr, from: Lond. M. Rev., 1861. -----. Cases attended at the Maternity Hospital. 6 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, [1869]. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1869. -----. Cases of phlebitis and face presentation: with remarks on the Edinburgh Royal Maternitj Hospital. 7 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4' Boyd, 1871. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1871. -----. A new mode of treating puerperal fever. 5 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Olirer f Boyd, [1872]. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1872. Bell (Charles)3. See New Hampshire Journal of Medicine. Bell (Clark). Inaugural address as president of the Medico-Legal Society ofthe City of New York. Delivered November 14, 1872. 11 pp. 8°. New York, H. E. Thomson Sr Co., [1872]. -----. Speech of ... to the jury, in the proceed- ing before Chief Justice Charles P. Daly and a jury, upon the inquiry as to the sanity or insanity of Geo. Francis Train. 43 pp. 8°. New York, Russell Brothers, 1873. -----. Inaugural address delivered before the Medico-Legal Society of the City of New York, Nov. 26,1873, with list of members and contribu- tions to the library of the society, etc. 23 pp. 8°. New York, Russell Brothers, 1874. -----. Medico-Legal Society of the City of New York. Third inaugural address; with appendix of contributions to the library of the society for vear ending Nov. 27,1873. 16, 4 pp. 8°. [New York, 1874?] -----. The same. 16 pp. 8°. New York, San. pub. off., 1874. Repr. from: Sanitarian, N. T., 1874. BELL. 853 BELL. Bell (Clark)—continued. -----. The same. 18 pp. 8°. [New York, Metro- politan print, 1874.] -----. Valedictory address (Medico-Legal Society of New York), 1875; with appeal for library, ana statement of library contributions. 26 pp. 8C. New York, Russell Bros., 1876. Bell (George)1 [1755-85]. *De physiologia plantarum. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Bal- four et Smellie, 1777. [Also, in: P., v. 653.] Aho, in: Smkllius, Thesaurus medicus, iii. For hh Obituary, nee Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1785, ii, 381-393 (J. Curric). Bell (George)2. Thoughts on the cancer of the breast. 34 pp., 1 pl. sm. 8°. Birmingham, J. Johnson, 178&. Bell (George)3. Case of phlebitis, successfully treated. 7 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Stark, [1838]. ^ ' Repr. from: Edinb. M. & S. J. -----. [Review of] a practical treatise on vene- real disorders, or critical and experimental re- searches on inoculation, applied to the study of these disorders. By M. Ricord. 24 pp. 8U. Edinburgh, J. Stark, [1838]. Repr. from: Edinb. M. &. S. J., 1839. Bell (George)4. A treatise on the cow-pox; con- taining an enumeration of the principal facts in the history of that disease; the method of com- municating the iufection by inoculation; and the means of distinguishing between the genuine and spurious cow-pox. xii, 115 pp., 2 pl. sm. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Laing, 1802. Bell (George)5. Blackfriars' wynd analyzed. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Johnstone Sr Hunter, 1850. [P., v. 446.] Bell (George Hamilton). Letter to Sir Henry Halford on the tendency of the proposed regula- tions for cholera; with observations as to the nature of the disease, and the course to be fol- lowed immediately on its appearance in a family. 16pp. H-. Edinburgh, W.Blackwood, 1631. [Also, in: P., v. 110.] -----. Treatise on cholera asphyxia, or epidemic cholera, as it appeared iu Asia, and more recently in Europe, vii, 150 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1831. -----. The same. With practical remarks on the disease in Europe; an appendix of cases; and the reports and regulations of the boards of health of London and Edinburgh. 2. ed. xi, 244 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, 1832. -----. A treatise on the diseases of tbe liver and on bilious complaints; with observations on the management of the health of those who have re- turned from tropical cUmates, and on the diseases of infancy, xii, 152 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Bradfute; London, Longman 4* Co., 1833. Bell (Guido). See Indiana Journal of Medicine. Bell (Gulielmus). *De arthritide. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Joannes Moir, 1823. Bell (H.) An essay on tUabetes. Transl. by Al- fred Markwick. viii, 96 pp. 8°. London, A. Pigott, 1842. Bell (Henri). * Dissertation sur quelques points de medecine et de chirurgie. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1KU, No. 224, v. 275. Bell (Jacobus). *De apoplexia hydrocephalica. 2 p. 1., 32 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, G. Murdie et filii, 1796. See, also. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. For hh Obituary, see Lancet, Lond., 1859, i, 627. Bell (James B.) The homceopatbic therapeutics of diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, and all other loose evacuations ofthe bowels, iv, 168 pp. 8°. New York, Boe- ricke Sr Tafel, 1870. Bell (John)1 [1762-1820]. * De febre maUgna, quae, anno 1779, legionem de Buccleugh afliixit. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1779. -----. Discourses on the nature and cure of wounds. 477 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell Sr Brad fute, 1795. -----. The same. 2 v. in 1. vi, 7-192, 80 pp. 8°. Walpole, N. H., T. Thomas Sr Co., 1807. -----. Answer for the junior members of the Royal CoUege of Surgeons of Edinburgh, to the memorial of Dr. Jas. Gregory. 159 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. Hill, 1800. -----. The principles of surgery. 3 v. in 4. 4°. v. i, Edinburgh, T. Cadell, jun., Sr W. Davies, 1801; v. ii & iii, London, T. Cadell 4' W. Davies, 1806 & 1808. -----. The same. v. 3, abridged by J. Augus- tine Smith; with notes and additions, xii, 562 pp., 7 pl. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Perkins, 1810. -----. The principles of surgery as they relate to wounds, ulcers, fistulas, aneurisms, wounded ar- teries, fractures of the limbs, tumors, the opera- tions of trepan aud lithotomy. Also of the duties of the military and hospital surgeon. A new edition, with commentaries by Charles Bell. 4 v., with engravings and marginal illustrations. 8°. London, T. Tegg, 1826. -----. The anatomy of the human body. Con- taining the anatomy of the bones, muscles, and joints. 3. ed. v. 1. 459 pp. 8°. London, T. N. Longman Sr 0. Rees, 1802. (See infra.) -----. Letters on professional character and man- ners : on the education of a surgeon, and the duties and quaUfications of a physician: ad- dressed to James Gregory. xxUi, 636 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, J. Moir, 1810. -----. Engravings of the bones, muscles, and joints. 1. Am., from the 2. Lond. ed. xxvii, 230 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1816. ----- & Bell (Sir Charles). The anatomy and physiology of the human body, containing the anatomy of the bones, muscles, and joints, and the heart and arteries, by John BeU; and the anatomy and physiology of the brain and nerves, the organs of the senses, and the viscera, by Charles BeU. 5. ed. 3 v. 571, 541, 466 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst Sr Co., 1823. ------------. The same. From 4. Lond. ed. 4 v. in 2. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Perkins, 1809. -----------. The same. 3. Am., from the 4. English ed. 3 v. New York, Collins 4' Co., 1817. ------------. The same. 4. Am. from the 4. English ed. 3 v. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Co., 1822. -----------. The same. 5. Am. ed. 2 v. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Co., 1827. -----------. The same. 6. Am., from last Lond. ed. With various important additions, from the writings of Soemmering, Bichat, Beclard, Meckel, Spurzheim, Wistar, etc. Edited by John D. Godinan. 2 v. xix, 613; vii, 549 pp. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Co., 1834. Bell (John)2 [1796-1872]. Syllabus of a course of lectures on the institutes of medicine and medical jurisprudence, in the PhUadelphia Medi- cal Institute. 18 pp. 8°. -----. On the influence of medicine. An oration delivered before the Philadelphia Medical Society, pursuant to appointment, February 9,1828. Pub- lished by the society. 36 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Mifflin Sr Parry, 1828. [Also, in: P., v. 118, 763, 827.] -----. An address introductory to a course of lectures 0, iv, 107-175.— Butler ( W. H.) t Am. M. Times. N. T., 1861, ii, 254.— Casanova (E.) Caso di avvelenamento causato dall'uso endermico dcll'estratto di belladonna. Gazz. med., Milano, 1846, v, 261-263.—[Cases.] Vcrgifl img ohne bose Absich- ten durch einen Absud von BeTladounablaltera mittelst Klystier. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1815, iii, 333-336.—Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe, 1828, iii, 163-155.—BuU. g6n. de th6rap., etc., Par., 1832, i, 102__J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1844, 2. 8., x, 627-629.—Case of alleged poisoning by extract of belladonna. Was death produced by poison, or was it tho result of disease? Lond. M. Gaz., 1848, n. s., vii, 589- 594.—Siglo med., Madrid, 1856, iii, 387.—Poisoning by mor- phia and beUadonna. Boston M. & S. J., 1856-7, lv, 468.— J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1857,4. 8., iii, 716—Traite aveo succ6s au moyen de l'opium. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 182.—Aerztl. Ber. a. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1865), 1866, 25.—Case of poisoning by belladonna and opium. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 473.—Caslaldi. t Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1861, iv, 79-82. Discussion, 102; 117.—Chavane. Empoisonnement par la decoction d'atropa beUadona en lavement. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1834-5, ii, 46.—Che vallier (A.) De l'oxide de zinc contre les accidens produits par la beUadone. J. d. chim. m6d., Par., 1836,2. s., ii, 259.—Coles (W.) Belladonna poisoning. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1875, ii, 461-467.—Cook (J. S.) Belladonna poisoning. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersev, Newark, 1871, 333.—Coombs (C. P.) 11 Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, ii, 654.—Cooper (A.) Symptoms of poisoning following the appUcation of extract of beUadonna to the scrotum. Ibid., 1877, i, 164.—Cotter (S. K.) Case of poisoning with bella- donna and opium. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 564.— Cowan (S.) ft Prov. M. & S. J.. Lond., 1848,628.—Dab- lin. t Unionm6d., Par., 1850, iv, 134.—Davison (F.) Caso of poisoning by liniment of belladonna. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1875, i, 267.—Delstanchc. t Ann. de med. beige, Brux., 1837, iv, 203.—Diday (P.) t Lyon med., 1869, ii, 547-549.—Dubois (H. A.) t Med. Rec, N. T., 1867, ii, 437.—Edwards (G.) t Lancet, Lond., 1851, i, 568.—Evans (G.F.) t Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1861, ii,305.—Finek. t Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1841, vii, 445-449.—Fischer (F.) t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1876, xlvi, 258.— Fleischmann (L.) t. . . bei einem sechsjahrigen Kinde. Wien. med. Presse, 1874, xv, 294-296.—Flint (A.) jr. Caso of poisoning by syrup of poppies and belladonna. Buffalo M. J., 1857-8, xiii, 281.—Fraser. Endemiic poisoning with belladonna. Lancet, Lond., 1865, ii, 536. -----. Case of poisoning by the external use of belladonna. Glasgow M. J., 1866-7, 3. s., i, 282-284.—Gaultier (E.) Relation d'un enipoisonuement de cent quatre - vingts personnes, pro- duit par les baies de l'atropa belladonna. J. g6n. de med., chin et pharm., Par., 1813, xlviii, 355-365. Also, transl.: Med. & Phvs. J., Lond., 1814, xxxii, 390-393. —Oaul- tier de Claubry. Observations sur les effets toxiques de la belladone. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par.. 1 *{.'». i, 13-21. A ho: Lond. M. & S. J., 1835. vii, 748.— Gerson. 11 Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1833, ii, BELLADONNA. 858 BELLADONNA. Belladonna (Toxicology of). 1116-1120.—Girdlcstonc (T. M.) t . . . cured by the hy- podermic injection of morphia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1870, xv, 204.—CJiscnro. Accidents toxiques determines par la beUadone appliquee k l'ext6rieur. Rev. m6d. de Toulouse, 1870, iv, 361-368.—Godemer. t J. de m6d. et chir.-prat., Par., 1832, iii, 361-363.— Golding. t t Lancet, Lond., 1859, ii, 560. — Ooldschmidt. t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1838,687.—Goodwin (R. S.) An infant oisoned by the use of a belladonna plaster on the mother's reast. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1871, xxiv, 346.— Grainger (E. B.) BeUadonna poisoning. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1878, iii, 64. —Gray (H. M.) t t N. York J. M., 1845, v, 182-185. — Griffith (G. Do G.) Attempt at suicide by swaUowing beUadonna lotion. Med. Exam., Lond., 1876, i, 542.—von Gross. Vergiftung durch Oel- kuchen der Tollkirscho. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1851, xxi, 260.—[H.-M---.] t Gesundheit, Elberfeld, 1875-6, i, 348. —Hayden (T.) On poisoning with the berries of atropa belladonna. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxvi, 51-54.—Horing (G.) t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1857, xxvii, 238. — Hoge- boom (C. E.) Poisoning by belladonna. Chicago M. J., 1870, xxvii, 330.—Horton (H. L.) t . . . in an infant. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1876, xxxiv, 4G4.—Huber. Ein FaU von Belladonnavergiftung mit Mcteorismus. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, 1874, xxi, 454.—Hudson. Case ofpoi- soning by belladonna and opium in a man suffering from hydatids of the Uver and right lung. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1861, vi, 54-58.—Kurd (E. P.) t Boston M. &. S. J., 1870, Ixxxiii, 41.—Jenner ("W.) Case of poisoning from the application of belladonna plaster to the skin. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1856, n. s., xni, 513.—John- son (J. G.) t Tr. M. Soc. County Kings, 1858-64, Buffalo, 1865, i, 22. Also: N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s., vii, 192.— Kluczenko. t "Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1869, xix, 1236.— Hostler (A. L.) t Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staates, Wien, 1829, n. F., i, 1. Hft., 240-249.—Kiirner. t Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1856, xxvi, 273- 276.—Labbc (J.) Note sur les effets toxiques de la bella- done. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1839, 2. s., v, 122-125.— Lantier. Empoisonnement par la belladone, conjure par le sulfate de morphine en injection sous-cutan6e. Ibid., 1874, xlviii, 360. Also: Gaz. d.'hop., Par., 1874, xlvii, 515.— Xiaubaud (M. A.) t J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par., 1834, iv, 321-327. — Lanrand (A.) t Lond. M. & S. J., 1835, vii, 685. — Leary (J. B.) t Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1877, ii, (C. A.) Remark's on the trial of' Calvin M. Northrup, esq., indicted for the crime of administering belladonna to his wife, with in- tent to kill. Quart. JT Psych. M., N. Y., 1868, ii, 28-47.— Eiegrand (A.) Des effets toxiques de la beUadone, k pro- pos ae son empioi dans le traitement du rhumatisme articu- laire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1846, viii, 221.—fjbwenstanim. t Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien, 1877, xii, 100.—Iiyman (G. H.) Poisoning from beUadonna plaster. Extr. Rec. Bost. Soc M. Improve. 1859, ui, 51. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1856-7, lv, 451.—McDowel. lUustrations of the poiso- nous effects of extract of belladonna. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, n. s., i, 151-153.—Macnamara (R.) t Successfully treated with opium. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1863, xxxv, 246- 248.—martin (M.) Empoisonnement de trois personnes par l'extrait de beUadone; guerison. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1853, xUx, 417-419.—Martino (G.) Storia di sette per- sone avvelcnato daU'estratto di beUadonna e guarite; con riflessioni tossicologiche. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1872, ccxxi, 56-78.—Slash, t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, ii, 326.—Mattioli (G. B.) t Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1868, xi, 244.—Mavel. Empoisonnement par une decoction de feuiUes de beUadone en lavement. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1854, xxvii, 399.—Melion. t Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. HeUk., Prag, 1845, i, 90-92.—Meredith (J.) Case of poisoning bv beUadonna Uniment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1876, ii. 678:—Moll, t Gen. Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU, 1843, Koblenz, 1845, 114-116. Aho: "Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1846, 26-28.—Molyncux (J. L.) t Lancet, Lond., 1869, ii, 327.—Morel. 11 Ann. Soc. de m6d. do Gand, 1873, U, 181-198. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. dc Gand, 1873, xl, 357-360.—"Worth Carolina Physician". [Caso of poisoning by belladonna.] North Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1879, iii, 66.—Otto, t Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1866, v, 157-160.—Oxley. Cases of beUadonna poisoning treated with opium; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1871, i, 533.—P. Empoisonnement par nn gros et demi d'extrait de belladone. J. de chim. m6d., etc., Par., 1837, 2. s., iii, 591.—Parks (E. L.) t Boston M.» & S. J., 1878, xcvui, 551-553.—Parsons (C. W.) t Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 384.—Perbandt. t Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. HeUk., Leipz., 1845, 226.—Pcrroud. Intoxica- tion par un emplatre d'extrait de belladone; bons effets de l'opium. Gaz. m6d. de Lyon, 1860, xii, 285-287.—Peyrani. Avvelenamento daM'uso esterno della belladonna. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, 2. s., xv, 97-108.— Poma (A.) Caso de avvelenamento coUa beUadonna cu- rato col laudano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1802, 5. s., i, 399.—Putcgnat. Empoisonnement par un lavement belladonise. Gaz. med. de Par., 1835, 2. s., iii, 269.—Ran- king (J. L.) t Treated by opium. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, Belladonna (Toxicology of). 1866, x, 401.—Raymond (G.) Sur nn cas d'empoisonne- ment par le sirop de belladone. Bull. g6n. do therap., etc., Par., 1875, lxxxvin, 174-177.—Ringer (S.) Two cases of beUadonna poisoning, treated by jahorandi; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1876, i, 346.—RoHctt (E.) Ueber die toxi- schen Wirkungen der Beeren und Blatter der ToUkirsche und des Tannin. "Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1865, xv, 1705; 1731; 1745.—Roscnberger (J.) tt Oesterr. med. "Wchn- schr., Wien, 1843, 565-568.—Rowbotham (H. C.) t Bella- donna poisoning. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1879. i, 590.— Saint-Martin. Observation sur les mauvais effets des fruits de beUa-dona. J. de m6d., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1763, xviii, 144-150.—Sauter. Nutzen des Essigs bey einer Vergiftung durch die BeUadonna. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk., Berl., 1801, xi, 3. St., 126-130.— Scharf (W. F.) TodtUche Narcose durch Belladonna- Klystiere. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1845, 101- 103.—Schneck (B. F.) t Chicago M. J., 1859, n. s., u, 32.— Schnitzer. t Med. Ztg., Berl., 1846, xv, 219.—Schou (F.) f t Hosp. Tid., Kjebenh., 1859, ii, 155.—Sehustcrus (G.) De Icthali baccarum solani furiosi effectu. Acta Acad. nat. curios., Norimb., 1742, vi, 165-167.—Seaton (J.) On the relations of belladonna and opium, and on poisoning with belladonna. Med. Times & Ga z., Lond., 1859, xl, 551.— Sinosowitz. Jod gegen Belladonna-Vergiftung. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1854, xxix, 70-72.—Smith (A.) Empoisonne- ment par la belladone. J. de chim. ni6d., etc., Par., 1827; in, 586-590.—Smith (F. L.) A case of belladonna poisoning. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1879, ci, 895.—Smith (H. F.) Poisoning by belladonna. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, i, 259.—Solly (S.) 1 Lancet, Lond., 1855, i, 121.—Steinebacb. Subcutane Mor- phium-Injection gegen Vergiftung mit Tollkirschen. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1872, xiii, 193.—Stevenson (T.) t Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1869, 3. s., xiv, 267.—Stokvis (B. J.) 11 Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., 1869, i, 585-587.—[Streck- er]. Gefahrliche Folgen der Einspritzung von BeUa- donna in den Mastdarm bei einer Kreiscnden. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1828, xxv, 578-580.—Tappari (G.) t Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1866, xiv, 549-552.—Taylor (A. S.) Recovery from a large dose of extract of bella- donna injected into the rectum. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1865, xi, 290-293.—Taylor (R. H.f t Brit. M. J., Lond., 1869, ii, 555.—Teschcmachcr. t Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-CoU., 1840, Koblenz, 1841,138-140.-----. t Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1843, 515.—Thomas. BeUadonna poisoning from the application of the extract to dilate a supposed rigid os. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 214.—Thompson (H.) Poisoning by the extract of belladonna in a child seven years old; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1859. n, 561.—Tosquinet. t t Arch, beiges de m6d. mil., Brux., 1860, xxvi, 193-196.—Trapenart. Em- poisonnement par des baies de beUadone; considerations therapeutiques. Unionmed., Par., 1859,2. s., iv, 518-521.—. Troquart (R.) Note sur un cas d'empoisonnement par la belladone traite par lo chloral. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1879-80, ix, 326.—Tufnell (J.) On poisoning by the berries of belladonna. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix, 2-6.— Underbill (A.) t N. York M. Gaz., 1841-2, i, 177-179.— Van-Dekeerc (L.) ResponsabUite medicale, a propos de phenomenes insolites survenus apres l'administra- tion d'un lavement de beUadone. France med., Par., 1855, ii, 213-216.—Van Horn (A. K.) t Chicago M. J., 1862, n. s., v, 132-134.—Vite (J.) t Proc. M. Soc Oregon, Portland, 1876, ni, 49-57.—Vosnak (J.) t Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1861, vi, 295.—Walker (T. L.) Ammonia as an antidote for belladonna. Med. Exam., PhUa., 1841, iv, 742.—Wharton (J. H.) t Dublin M. Press, 1862, xlviu, 225.—Whitley (J. D.) t Chicago M. J., 1877, xxxv, 271- 273.— Willcy (S.) t Cincin. Lancet Sc Obs., 1861, n. s., iv, 609-611—Williams (J.) t SuccessfuUy treated by the subcutaneous injection of morphia. Austral M. J., Mel- bourne, 1877, xxi, 100-102. -----. Case of belladonna and eucalyptus poisoning. Ibid., 1879, n. s., i, 590.—Wood- man (B.) Poisoning by a beUadonna liniment; treated by opium; calabar bean to the eyes. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1864, n, 385. Belladonna and opium. See, also, BeUadonna (Toxicology of); Opium (Toxicology,of)—Antidotes. Camus (E.) * fitude sur l'antagonisme de l'opi- um et de la belladone. 4°. Paris, 1865. Frommhold (C. E.) * Ueber den Antagonis- mus zwischen Opium uud Belladonna. 8°. Leip- zig, 1869. Kay (C. C. T.) * Ueber den Antagonismus zwischen Opium und Belladonna. 8°. Jena, 1866. Lipp (J.) *De veneficio baccis belladonnas producto atque opii in eo usu. 8°. Tubinqa, [1810]. * ' Raynaud (A.-E.) *Autagonisme de l'opium et de la belladone. 4°. Paris, 1866. BELLADOMA. 859 BELLEFItf. Belladonna and opium. AbeiUe. Antagonisme do l'opium et de la beUadone. Gaz. med. do Par., 1868, xxiii, 619.—Adamson (J.) Bella- donna vs. Opium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, i, 18.—Ander- son (T.) On tho influence of belladonna in counteracting the poisonous effects of opium. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1854, xviii, 377.—Antagonisme (Del') do l'opium etdela belladone. BuU. g6n. doth6rap., etc., Par., 1866, lxx, 494; 529.—Asprea (V.) Oppio e belladonna. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1870, xxvi, 575-580.—Reil (B.) The therapeutic relations of opium and beUadonna. Edinb. M. J., 1858, iv, 1-7.—Bellamy (W. C.) Is beUadonna an antidote to opium? Atlanta M. & S. J., 1867. viii, 415.— Binz (C.) Ueber den sogenannten Antagonismus zwi- schen Atropin und Morphin. Deutscho med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1877, in, 133. Also, transl.: Practitioner, Lond., 1877, xvii, 356-358.—Black (C.) On the antagonistic ac- tion of beUadonna and opium. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1879-80, viu, 65-67.—Blondeau (L.) NouveUes observa- tions relatives a l'antagonisme do l'opium et de la beUa- done. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1865, i, 202-209. — Camus. Recherehes experimentales sur l'antagonisme de l'opium et de la belladone. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1865, 2. s., n, 498-503.—Claiborne (J. H.) Two cases illustrating the effect of beUadonna in opium poisoning. Virginia M. Month., 1874, i, 603-605.—Colter (S. K.) Tbe action of beUadonna and opium. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1878, ii, 125.— Corona. La morfina e l'atropina considerate neUa loro azione antagonistica-fisiologica-terapeutica. Soc. med.- chir. in Modena. Resoc, 1875, 7-10.—Davis (W. B.) A consideration of the aUeged antagonism of opium and beUa- donna. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1879, xix, 97-103.—Dodeuil (T.) Quelques reflexions sur l'antagonisme de la beUadone etde Topium. BuU. g6n. de therap., etc., Par., 1865, lxix, 276-279.—Downs (H. S.) On the mutuaUy antidotal §roperties of opium and beUadonna, with cases. Tr. M. oc, N. Y., Albany, 1865, 157-161.—Faits d6montrant l'antagonisme r6ciproque de l'opium et de la beUadone. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1859, xxxu, 342.—Fitz(R. H.) BeUa- donna vs. Opium. The antagonistic physiological action of opium and beUadonna; its value in cases of poisoning by either agent. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxix, 273; 289.— Praigniaud. Etude sur l'antagonisme entre l'opium et la beUadone au point de vue surtout des injections sous-cu- tanees. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1866, xxxix, 202; 206.—Fron- inii Her sen. Antagonismus zwischen Opium und BeUa- donna. MemorabUicn, Heilbr., 1861, vi, 255.—Ueubnch (H.) Antagonismus zwischen Morphin und Atropin. Arch, f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1877, viii, 31-49, 1 pl.—Horton (H. J.) BeUadonna an antidote for opium. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1866, xv, 225— Kavanagh (B.) On the antagonistic action of belladonna and opium. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1869, viii, 116.—Kiithe (F. P.) Over de antagonistische werking van opium en beUadonna. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1870, i, 497-502.— Kia Brie (G.) Efficacy of opium in belladonna poisoning. West. Lancet, San Fran., 1879-80, viii, 548.—Lewis (J. O.) BeUadonna in opium poisoning. Atlanta M. Sc S. J., 1874, xii, 403.—Little (J. A.) Report on the antagonistic power of opium and beUadonna. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1871, 83-90. Aho: Cincin. M. Repert., 1871, iv, 197-203.—Mar- tin-Solon. Empoisonnement occasionne par deslavemens d'opium et de belladone; narcotisme profond et prolonge; guerison. J. hebd.dc m6d., Par., 1830, vui, 73-77.—Maxon (O. T.) Belladonna vs. Opium. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1874, xv, 576.—Paget (G. E.) Atropia as a remedy for opium poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1877, U, 374.—Rick- etts (E. S.) Evidence and conclusions on the antagonism of beUadonna and opium. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus, 1877, u, 496-501.—Riddell (T. J.) Two cases illustrating the effects of beUadonna in opium poisoning. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1874, i, 605.—Rose (P. B.) The antago- nistic action of atropia to morphia. Chicago M. Times, 1872, iv, 27-35.—Sabin (R. H.) The antagonistic action of opium and belladonna. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1867, xvu, 244.—Schneck (J.) BeUadonna vs. Opium. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1875, xvi, 207.—Scriren (J. B.) BeUadonna an antidote to opium. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 182: 1870, v, 54.—Shepord (A. A.) Opium vs. BeUadonna. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Arbor, 1872-3, ni, 585-588.—Sinio (B.) Sur l'antagonisme de l'opium etde la belladone. BuU. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1869, lxxvi, 126-128.—Smith (T. C.) Opium vs. BeUadonna, with cases of poisoning, in three separate classes, comprising those cases of opium poisoning treated with, and those treated without belladonna; also, of beUadonna poisoning treated with opium. Med. & Surg. Reporter, PhUa., 1874, xxxi, 364; 381, 401.—Thomas (J. P.) The toxical, antidotal, and antagonistic properties of opium and beUadonna con- sidered, with two cases of poisoning by opium, and one by belladonna. Richmond & LouisvUle M. J., LouisvUle, 1875, xx, 30-36.—Trcviranus. Versuche iiber den Einfluss des Opiums und der Belladonna auf die Lungen der Am- phibien, nebst einigen Beobachtunsen iiber das galvani- sche Reizmittel. Nord. Arch. f. Nat.- u. Arznciw., Ko- penh., 1800, i, 305-314.—Wardner (H.) Tho antagonistic effects of belladonna and opium. Med. Exam., Chicago, 1874, xv, 79-83. Bellais (Pierre-Isidore). Coup-d'oeil historique sur la miliaire, snr la topographie mddicale de Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives et do ses alentours, ou cette maladie regne enddmiquement; ses symp- tomes, son traitement. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 110, v. 259. Bellaius(J) See Nicandcr. Alexipharmaca, [etc.] 12°. Parhih, 1549. Bellamy (Bruno-Antoine-Marie). * Dissertation inaugurale sur l'apoplexie. vi, 7-37 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 9G, v. 104. Bellamy (Edward). The student's guide to sur- gical anatomy, xii, 297 pp. 12°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1873. -----. Thesame. xii, 13-300 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, H. C. Lea, 1874. See, aho, Masse (Joseph Nicolas). The handy book of anatomical plates. 8°. London, 1873. Bellamy (Fdlix-C.-M.) *De l'hydropisie con- sdcutive k la scarlatine. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 112, v. 583. Bellamy (Francois). * I. De la contractility musculaire. II. [etc.] 31pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 391, v. 336. Bellamy (Francois-Auguste). *Des causes de la lymphangite superflcielle. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 115. Bellamy ( Thomas ). Noctes Sarnise: de jeci- noris morbis vel tractatio simul morbidis urina} signis. 690 pp. 32°. Sarnia, G. Hamilton, 1850. Bellanfre (Hippolyte). CoUection des types de tous les corps et les uniformes militaires de la rd- publique et de I'empire. 112 pp., 50 pl. 4°. Paris, J. J. DuboehetSr Co., 1844. Bellanger (Augustin-Rend). * I. De la liga- ture des arteres suivant la mdthode ancienne. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvenients de la ligature des arteres suivant cette mdthode? II. [etc.] 27 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1840, No. 80, v. 353. Bcllantrer (C.) * Dissertation sur le catarrhe vesical. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 110, v. 232. Bellanger (Felix). * Du tissu tuberculeux et de la tuberculisation, violation organique et fonc- tionnelle. 80 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 135, v. 627. Befllani (Luigi). Ripa (L.) Necrologia del Luigi BeUani. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1871, 6. s., iv, 32. Bellano. Ferrario (O.) Analisi chimica deU'aqua salino-ferrn- ginosa di Bellano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., MUano, 1851, 3. B., U, 173-177. Bellaspect (J.-P.-H.-Fanile). *Du croup. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1858, No. 128, v. 613. Bellat (Antoine). * Du phlegmon spontand de la parotide. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 253. Belle (E. II.) * De la thoracentese comme moyen thdrapeutique des dpanchements de la plevre. ix, 10-51 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1873, No. 33. Belle (Eugene). * Necrose. Trepanation sur la continuitd des os longs. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1865, No. 117. Belle ( Eugene-Ldonard ). * I. Ddterminer si le lait parfaitement forme" peut dprouver par la suite des altdrations notables. II. [etc.] 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1838, No. 213, v. 321. Bellcau (Charles). * Essai sur les ldsions des nerfs par coup de feu. 2 p. 1., 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 2. Bellebaum (Hermann). * De meningitide cere- bro-spinaU epidemica. 23 pp. 8°. Bonna, F. Eruegeri, 1865. C. Belleboil (Laurent). * Essai sur l'inflammation des membranes du cerveau. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1810, No. 73, v. 80.. Bellefiii (M.) * Observations sur le traitement du scorbut en pleiue mer. 28 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*10, No. 52, v. 79. [P., v. 49.] BELLEFROID. 860 BELLINA. Bellefroid (Antonius Ludovicus). *Dfe testa- mentis ordinandis, secundum jus civile hodier- num. 24 pp. 4°. Leodii, H. Dessain, 1821. Bellegarde (Dominique). * Dissertation snr la pleurdsie aigue. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1822, No. 148, v. 174. Belle-isle-en-UIer. Royer. Description topographique de Belle-lsle-en- Mer. J. de m6d. mil., Par., 1785, iv, 125-151.—Cabrol. Topographie medicale de Belle-llc-en-Mer. Rec. de mem. de med. . . . mil., Par., 1850, 2. s., vi, 51-92.— Rochard. Memoire sur la topographie medicale de Belle-lsle-en-Mer, etc. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1789, lxxx, 360-399. Bellemain (A.) * Essai sur les cicatrices. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 302, v. 51. Bellemere (Numa). 'Considdrations sur les fractures indirectes de la colonne vertdbrale. 62 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 395. Bellesiand (M.) * Essai sur le diagnostic des tumeurs de l'aine. vi, 7-17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1808, No. 28, v. 69. Bellencontre (EUe). 'Dissertation sur l'hys- tdrie. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 92, v. 308. Bellencontre (Paracelse-Elie-Ddsird). 'Con- tribution k l'dtude des kystes hydatiques compri- mant la moelle dpiniere. 66 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 133. Bellendy (Adrien). * Du traitement de l'dpidi- dymite. 35 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, L. Cristin Sr Cie., 1867, No. 61. c. Bellenger (G.-D.) 'Considdrations mddico-ld- gales sur les maladies spontandes qui peuvent etre confondues avec l'empoisonnement aigu, produit par les substances vdndneuses irritantes ou corrosives, vi, 7-23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 102, v. 232. Bellenger (Louis-Rend). 'Essai sur l'action combinde de la pile galvanique et des substances chimiques appliqude au traitement des calculs vdsicaux. 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1837, No. 105, v. 309. Bellcn jrer (M. S.) See Georgia Botanic Journal and College Sentinel. Bellerinann (Joannes Joachirans). See Schultze (Car. Aug. Sigismund). Prodromus de- scriptionis formarum partium elementariarum in animali- bus. 4°. Berolini, 1828. Belief (Charles)i. * De la kdratite. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 90, v. 491. Bellet (Charles)2. *Du traitement curatif des varices et en particuUer du traitement par isole- ment de.s veines. 30 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 828. Bellet (F.-A.) 'Dissertation sur les squirrositds et le rdtrdcissement de l'intestin rectum et de l'anus. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, an XIII [1805], No. 419, v. 54. Bellet(L.-J.) 'Considdrationssurl'hvposthdnio. I 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 86, v. 296. Bellet (Louis). * Considdrations sur les fractures | simples des membres chez les enfants; appareU en feutreplastique. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 288. [Bcllett (Isaac).] Lettres sur le pouvoir de l'imagination des femmes enceintes. Oil l'on ! combat le prdjugd qui attribue k l'imagination des meres le pouvoir d'emprimer sur le corps des enfans renfermds dans leur sein la figure des ob- jets qui les ont frappds. xii, 226 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, F. Guerin, 1745. Bellettre (Ch.-Hippolyte). * I. Diathese scro- fuleuse. II. [etc.] 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 229, v. 336. Bellety (Romain-Andrd). *I. Comment peut-on constater la prdsence d'une prdparation de cuivre long-temps apresl'inhumation d'uncadavre? II. [etc.] 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 142. v. 369. de Belleval (Pierre-Richer). It. (V.) Notice historique sur Pierre-Richer de Belleval [1555-1632 (?)]. J. d. sc med. deMon'pel., 1834. ii, pp. i-xiii, | de Belleval (Pierre-Richer). 1 port.—Planchon (J.-E.) [Notice biographique sur] Pierre-Richer de BeUeval. Montpel. m6d., 1870, xxiv, 76-93. Belleville. Chevallier & Henry. Rapport sur les eaux mine- rales de BellevUle [Seine]. BuU. Acad, de med., Par., 1852-3, xvui, 1081-1086. Belleville (E.) La rage au point de vue physio- logique. 16 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Paris, Meisson- niere pere 4" fils, 1873. Bellevue Hospital. Rules and regulations for the government of the BeUevue Hospital. 40 pp. 8°. [Neiv York], 1860. -----. The same. 42 pp. 8°. [New York], 1863. -----. Report of special committee of the medical board of Bellevue Hospital on erysipelas and pyaemia. 9 pp., 3 chrts. 8°. New York, Belle- vue press, 1872. Bellevue and Charity Hospital. Annual reports of the Bellevue and Charity Hospital, New York, for 1870. xviii, 415 pp. 8°. Neio York, D. Ap- pleton Sr Co., 1870. Bellevue Hospital Medical CoUege. Annual announcements and circulars of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, for the sessions of 1861-2—1879-80 (1.-19.) 4° & 8°. New York, 1861-79. -----. Announcements of the spring and summer sessions of 1873-8. 4°. New York, 1873-8. ---i—. First decennial catalogue of the trustees, faculty, officers, and of the alumni of the . . . of the city of New York, from 1861 to 1871. Compiled by Frederick A. Castle. Preceded by a. history of the college from its organization to 1872, by Leroy Milton Yale. 60 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1873. -----. Inauguration of the ... at the first an- nual session, Oct., 1861. 15 pp. 8°. New York, Baker Sr Godwin, 1862. Repr. from: Am. M. Times, N. T., 1862. List of officers and students for the years 1862-3 to 1877-8 in announcements for foUowing years. Belley. Tenand. Memoire snr les eaux minerales de la cote de ChatiUon, dites de Thoy. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc., Par., 1817, xxxix, 186-200. Belliard (Ange-Louis). 'Paralysie du moteur oculaire comniun. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1864, No. 171. Belliard (Louis). * Du traitement de l'hdmor- rhagio utdrine apres la ddlivrance. 26 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., No. 829. Bellier (Marc-Henri). * Dissertation sur la fievre muqueuse ou pituiteuse. 41 pp. 4°. Paris, 1813, No. 35, v. 95. Bellier-CIiauvelais (Joseph-Prosper-Fran- cois-Ernest). * Quelques propositions sur les poisons irritans mindraux. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 199, v. 262. tie la Be Hi ere (Th.) 'Etude sur l'otite des phthisiques et principalement sur sa pathogdnie. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 450. -----. Tho same. 86 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Dela- haye, 1874. Bellin (Thomas-Francois-Victor). * Dissertation sur la gastrite aigue. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 85, v. 192. Bellina (Eugenio). Impressioni di viaggio. I Treni-Ospedali della Germania nella guerra del 1870-71. 57 pp. 8°. Firenze, tipografia coopera- tiva, 1872. -----. I comitati di soccorso ai malati e feriti in guerra. Lettura fatta nell'Adunanza deU 29. ot- tobre 1873 della classe medica nel xi. Congresso degli scienziati italiani in Roma. 24 pp. 8°. Roma, G. B. Pararia e Cie., 1*75. See, also, MacCormae (W.) Notee ricordidi un cbJ. rurgo di ambulanza. 8°. Firenze, 1872. BELLINA. 861 BELLIOL. Bellina (Giovanni). Insteuzione generali pra- tiehe per il nuovo methodo d'inoculareilvajuolo vaccino suo svUuppo, distinzione del vero, e del falso, e maniera di conservare il virus, fatte .dis- porre dal tribunale del real patrimonio dal chi- rurgo D. . . . 19 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Bellinger (John). Obituary notice of John Bellinger. Charleston M. J., 1860, xv, 698-703. Bellinger (John Skottowe). *An inaugural dissertation on chronic pneumony, or pulmonary consumption. 78 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Way Sr Graff, 1799. [P., v. 509.] Belling'eri (Carlo Francesco). SuUa struttura e posizione degU organi dell' udito e deUa vista nei principali generi mammiferi. 10 1. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. De meduUa spinali nervisque ex ea prode- untibus; annotationes anatomico-physiologicse. 133 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Augusta Taurinorum, 1823. ■-----. Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchun- gen uber das RUckenmark und seine Nerven. Deutsch bearbeitet von Hermann Kaulla, mit einem Vorwort von W. v. Ludwig. viii, 55 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Stuttgart, 1833. -----. Ragionamenti, sperienze ed osservazioni patologiche comprovanti l'antagonismo nervoso. 397 pp. 8°. Torino, G. Balbino, 1833. -----. DeUa feconditit e deUa proporzione dei sessi neUe nascite degU animali vertebrati e mastolo- gia con considerazioni anatomico-fisiologiche sul nuinero e posizione deUe mammeUe. Tomo i, fasc. i. 64, 7 pp. 4°. Torino, Cassone e Marzorati, 1840. -----. The same. Tomo Ui. (Mastologia.) 172 pp. 4°. Torino, Cassone e Marzorati, 1840. -----. Delia influenza del cibo e della bevanda suUa fecondita., e suUa proporzione dei sessi neUe nascite del genere umano. 79 pp. 8°. Torino, Alessandro Fontana, 1840. Repr. from: Gior. d. sc. med. di Torino, 1840. Bellingham (O'Bryen) [1805-77]. Observa- tions on aneurism, and its treatment by compres- sion. vUi, 181pp. 12°. London,J.Churchill, 1817. -----. A treatise on diseases of the heart, xni, 252 pp. 8°. Dublin, Fannin Sr Co., 1853. For hh Obituary, see DubUn J. M. Sc, 1877, lxiv, 469- 475. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, n. s., xxni, 399-401 (E. D. Mapother). de Bellingshausen (Petrus L. B.) *De soli- dis morborum canssis. 36, xvi pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Elarbarthia, 1786. For hh Life, see Bone (Ernestus Gottlob). Bellini (Giovan. Battista) [1793-1853]. See Mascagni (Paulus). Istoria completa dei vasi Unfatici. 8°. Colle, 1816. For his Obituary, see Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di To- rino, 1853, 2. s., xvn, 93 (Freschi). Bellini (Laurentius) [1643-1704]. Exercitatio anatomica de structura et usu renum. 28 pp., 3 pl. 4C. Florentia, Stella, 1662. Bound with: Redi (F.) Osservazioni intorno alle vipere. 4°. Firenze, 1664. -----. Exercitatio anatomica de structura et usu renum. Cui renum monstrpsorum exempla, ex medicorum celebrium scriptis, addidit Erardus Blasius. 7 p. 1., 16-132pp., lpl. 32°. Amstelo- dami, sumptibus Andrea Frisius, 1665. -----. Exercitationes anatomicae duae de structura et usu renum ut et de gustus organo novissime de- prchenso; praumissis ad faciUorem inteUigentiam quibusdam de saporibus. Accedunt renum mon- Btrosorum exempla, ex medicorum celebrium scrip- tis collecta per Gerhardum Blasium. 4 p. 1., 166 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud J. A. Langerack, 1711. -----. The same. EiUtio novissima praecedenti longe emendatior. 4 p. 1., 166 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Lug- duni Batav., apud Joannem a Eerkhem, 1726. Bound W'th hh: Opuscula aliquot, 1737. Bellini (Laurentius)—continued. -----. De urinus et pulsibus, de missione sangui- nis, de febribus, de morbis capitis, et pectoris. Dicatum Francisco Redi. Cum praefatione Johanis BohnU. 15 p. 1., 688 pp., 16 1. sm. 4°. Franco- furti ct Lipsia, Johanis Grossii, 1685. -----. Opuscula practica de urinis, pulsibus, san- guinis missione et febribus nee non de capitis pec- torisque morbis, cum prasfatione Hermanni Boer- haave. Ed. 4\ 11 p. 1., 578 pp., 15 1. 4°. Lip- sia, haredes J. Grossii, 1731. -----. Opuscula aliquot ad Archibaldum Pitcar- nium. 8 p. 1., 215 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 4°. Pistoria, S. Gatti, 1695. -----. Opuscula aliquot, ad Archibaldum Pitcar- nium, in quibus praecipue agitur de motu cordis, in et extra uterum, ovo, ovi aere et respiratione. Do motu biUs et liquidorum omnium per corpora animalium. De fermentis et glandulis, etc. Aucta consideratione nova de natura et modo respirati- onis. Editionibus praecedentibus non adjuncts. 10p. l.,273pp.,3pl. 4°. Lugd. Batav., apudSamue- lem Luchtmans, 1737. -----. A mechanical account of fevers. Done into EngUsh: with a large explanatory introduction; helping the better to understand some other writ- ings also of the same author, xxxii, 416 pp. 8°. London, A. Bell, 1720. -----. Opera omnia. Ed. 2B. xii p. 1., 809 pp. 4°. Venetiis, J. G. Hertz, 1732. -----. Discorsi di anatomia. Colla prefazione di Antonio Cocchi. 2 v., xxxxii, 296; xix, 386, 155 pp. 8C. Firenze, F. Moiicke, 1741-4. For Biographical Notice, see Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1833, lxvi, 193-218 (G. Uberti). Sec, aho, Atti (G.) Notizie edite ed inedite deUa vita e deUo opere di Marcello Malpighi e di Lorenzo Bellini. 4°. Bologna, 1847. Bellini (Ranieri) [1817-78]. DeU'azione di al- cuni rimedi saggio. 76 pp. 8°. Pisa, Nistri, 1847. -----. Delle azioni simpatiche, invocate a spie- gaziono di alcuni fenomeni occasionali dalle sos- tanze medicamentose. 8 pp. [8°. Firenze, M. Cec- chi, 1850.] Repr. from: Gior. ital. di sc. med. e nat. II Progresso, u. -----. DeUo stato deUa fibrina del sangue nelle febbri essenziaU. 16 pp. 8°. [Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1850.] Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. feder., Firenze, 2. s., i. -----. SuUe febbri sintomatiche. Memoria. Ill pp. 8°. Pisa, Nistri, 1850. -----. Della importanza degli studi tossicologici e dell'insegnamcnto deUa tossicologia. Prelezione letta il 10. marzo 1860, all'Istituto di Firenze. 20 pp. 8°. Pisa, Nistri, 1860. -----. DeUo avvelenamento prodotto dal fosforo. 1 p. 1., 133 pp. 8°. Firenze, Mariani, 1864. Repr. from: Sperimentale, Fnenze, 1864. -----. Lezioni sperimentaU di tossicologia gene- rale applicata alia medicina clinica e legale ed alia terapeutica. 295 pp. 12°. Firenze, G. Ma- riani, 1865. ----. Manuale deUe simulazioni, dissimulazioni e imputazioni. x, 219 pp. 8C. Pisa, T. Nistri. e Cie., 1877. v. i of BibUoteca medico-legale (Bellini &FiUppi). -----. Manuale di tossicologia. viii, 321 pp. 8°. Pisa, T. Nistri e Cie., 1878. v. in of Biblioteca medico-legale (Bellini Sc Filippi). For hh Obituary, see Ann. univ. di med., MUano, 1878, ccxbii, 580-582. -----& Filippi (Angiolo). Biblioteca medico- legale. 3 v. 8-. Pisa, T. Nistri e Cie., 1877-8. Contents: v. i. Manuale deUo simulazioni, dissimula- zioni e imputazioni del R. Bellini, x, 219 pp. 8°. Pha, 1877. v. ii. Manuale di tanatologia e traumatologia del A. Filippi. x, 381 pp. 8°. Pi.*a, 1877. v. in. Manuale di tossicologia per il Prof. R. Bellini, viii, 321 pp. 8°. Pisa, 1878. Belliol (J. F.) Der Arzt fiir Unterleibskranke oder Anleitung zur sichern Heilung aUer Unter- BELLIOL. 862 BELLOUAKD. Belliol (J. F.)—continued. leibskrankheiten. Nebst einem Anhang iiber die Entstehung und Behandlung der Briiche und Bruchbander. viii, 208pp. 8°. Ulm,F. Ebner,1852. Belliol (Jean-Alexis). 'Essai sur les avantages de l'iode dans le traitement de la dartre furfuracde, prdcddd de quelques rdflexions gdndrales sur cette affection de la peau. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 2, v. 190. • Memoir on a new mode of treatment for the cure of herpetic affections. Transl. from the 3. Paris ed. 94 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. N. Toy Sr W. R. Lucas, 1830. Bellion (JuUen-B.) * Recherehes historiques sur la pathologie et la physiologie des sensations tac- tiles cutandes. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 107, v. 535. Bel lis perennis. Erasmi(G. O.) BeUicographia. 4°. Erfordia, 1714. Bellislc (Emile de Poyen). * De la convalescence. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 218, v. 491. Bellmer (Franciscus). *De cerebelli degenera- tionibus. 37 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bonna, typ. P. Neus- seri, [1825]. Bell-metal. E xperimen ts and observations on the use of beU-metal mortars in the shops of apothecaries. In: Med. Comment., 2. ed., Lond., 1783, vii, 303-314. Be I lino nt. See Schweizerische Monatsschrift fur praktische Medicin. Bellmont (O.) 'Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatomie der Dysenterie. 39 pp. 8°. Bern, J. A. Weingart, 1856. Bellmund (Franciscus Casparus). 'Exhibens theoriam nervorum. 4 p. 1., 32 pp., 4 1. 4°. Wirceburgi, J. J. C. Kleyer, [1737]. Belloe (H.) Les asiles d'alidnds transformds en centres d'exploitation rurale, moyen d'exondrer, en tout, ou en partie, les ddpartements des dd- penses qu'ils font pour leurs alidnds, en augmen- tant le bien-etre de ces malades et en les rappro- chant des conditions d'existence de l'homme en socidtd. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet jeune, 1862. See, aho, Trounseau (A.) Sc Belloe (H.) Traite pratique de la phthisie laryng6e. 8°. Parh, 1837. A ho: -----------. Thesame. Transl. 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. Belloe (J.-Hippolyte). 'Quelques propositions gdndrales sur divers points de mddecine. vi, 7-13 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 175, v. 106. Belloe (Jean-Jacques) [1732-1807]. Cours de mddecine ldgale, thdorique et pratique. 2. dd. xxxii, 368 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon Vaine', 1811. -----. The same. Suivi des lois d'exemption du service militaire, pour causes d'infirmitds, etc. 3. dd. xxxii, 382 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon, 1819. See,taho, Notice historique sur Jean-Jacques Belloe Inhh) Cours de medecine legale. 2. ed. 8°. Parh, 1811, pp. vu-xii. For hh Obituary, see J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1808, xxxii, 236-240 (Lafaurie). Belloe (Ldon). * De l'ophthalmie glaucomateuse, son origine et ses divers modes de traitement. 140 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 25. Belloe (Pierre-Hippolyte). 'Propositions sur diffdrens points de mddecine. 17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1833, No. 257, v. 263. a Belloforti (Joannes). Td k^r)yr)nava in libel- lum Galeno male attributum, cujus itepl ovpoov, hoc est, de urinis, inscriptio circumfertur. Quibus sane commentariis, contra communem medicorum opinionem, qui hactenus de urinis scribentes, quod voluerunt probabile fieri et quasi verisimile, Veri- tas limatur, philosophicaque subtUitate disputa- tur, exquiritur, atque pro nova et pulchra urina- rum institutione, quo obscurius dicta explanatius edisserantur certamen in tyronum gratiam astrui- tur. 6p.l., 124ff. sm.8°. Parisiis, G.Nigrus, 1581. Date, at end of book, 1580. Belloil. Radicale Heilung der Scropheln, Flech- ten und galauten Krankheiten, sowie aUer chroni- schen Krankheiten des Kopfes, der Brust und des Unterleibes. Nach der siebenten Auflage aus dem Franzbsiehen iibersetzt. xiv, 266 pp. 8°. Qued- linburg u. Leipzig, G. Basse, 1839. Belloir(V.-L.) * Considdrations sur les rapports de l'enfance et de la vieillesse. vi, 7-39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 74, v. 131. Bellom (Pierre-Marie-Prosper). * Considdrations sur la pathologie du taenia et son traitement par la grainedecourge. 76 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875, No. 408. Belloil (Georgius Martinus). * Rndimenta mine- ralurgiae. 9 p. L, 94 pp., 5 1. 4°. Herbipoli, M. A. Engmann, [1734]. Bellon (Maurice). * Des sympt6mes de l'dtrangle- ment interne dans leurs rapports avec le sidge de la ldsion. 80 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1878, No. 397. Bellonius (Petrus). De admirabili operum an- tiquorum et rerum suspiciendarum praestantia. Liber primus. De medicato funere, seu cadavere condito, etlugubri defunctorum ejulatione. Liber secundus. De medicamentis nonnullis, servandi cadaveris vim obtinentibus. Liber tertius. 7 p. 1., 54 ff., 4 1. 8°. Parisiis, apud G. Cauellat, 1553. -----. De arboribus coniferis, resiniferis, alus quoque nonnuUis sempiterna fronde virentibus, cum earundem iconibus ad vivum expressis. Item de melle cedrino, cedria, agarico resinis, et Us quae ex coniferis proficiscuntur. 7 p. 1. 32 ff. 8°. Parisiis, G. Cauellat, 1553. Bellony (Carolus). * De nostalgia. 22 pp. 8°. Pestini, typ. Landereris, 1835. Bellony (Josephus). * De struma. 69 pp. 8°. Buda, typ. Univers. Hungarica, [1836]. Belloste. Chirurgie complette, suivant le sys- teme des modernes. 2. dd. 2 v. xii, 336, 239 pp.; x, 204, 251 pp. 12°. Paris, veuve de C. M. d'Houry, 1757. Belloste (Augustin). Le chirurgien d'hdpital, en- seignant la maniere douce et facile de gudrir promptement toutes sortes de playes, et le moyen assure d'dviter l'exfoliation des os. Avec une plaque nouveUement inventde pour le pansement des trdpans. 3. dd. 23 p. 1., 540 pp. 8°. Paris, Laurent d'Houry, 1716. -----. The hospital surgeon: or a new, gentle, and easie way, to cure speedily all sorts of wounds, and other diseases belonging to surgery. Also a discourse on discovered bones; and a new way to dress after trepanning, with a new instru- ment invented by the author. In three parts. The second edition with amendments. To which is added a treatise of bandages by L. Verduc. 15 p. 1., 292, 190 pp. 12°. London, S. Sr F. Sprint, 1706. Bellosts. Sec Turner (D.) The ancient physician's legacy im- partially survey'd. 8°. London, 1733. Bellot (Florentius-Josephus). 'An nostrates etiam febres intermittentes maUgnae? 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1804, No. 359, v. Jo2. Bellot (Ludovicus Florentinus). An in diutur- nioribus evacuationibus raro adstringentia f Pro- ponebat Urbanus de Vandenesse. [ 1742. ] In: Sigwabt(G.F.) Tubingce, 1789, ii, 39-42. Bellott. See Galen. On the hand. 8°. [n.p., 1850?) Bellon (Martial-Ldon). * De la mdtrite chronique. Application des eaux de Saint-Sauveur (Hautes- Pyrdndes) au traitement de cette maladie. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 228. Bellouais (Sdbastian-Rend). Essai sur le tdta- nos. vi, 7-29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 43, v. 120. Bellouard (Victor). * De l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1852, No. 97, v. 518. BELLOUARD. 863 BELOW. Bellouard (Volny). *De I'hdmianopsie. Prd- cddde d'une dtude d'anatomie sur l'origine et l'entrecroisement des nerfs optiques. 161 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 589. Bellows (Albert J.) "Currents and counter- currents in medical science". Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., reviewed in an address delivered before the Boston Academy of HonuBopathic Medi- cine. 2. ed. 27 pp. 8°. Boston, J. M. Hewes, 1860. ------. Thesame. [3. ed.] 27pp. 8°. Boston, 1860. [P., v. 528.] ------. A memorial to the trustees of the Free City Hospital, with statistics and facts showing the comparative merits of homeopathy and allopathy, as shown by treatment in European hospitals. 26 pp. 12°. Boston, 0. Clapp, 1863. ------. The philosophy of eating. 342 pp. 8°. New York, Hurd Sr Houghton, 1867. Bellows (Henry W.) Address before the "Col- lege of Pbysiciaus and Surgeons" at their annual commencement, March 14, 1867. 12 pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow Sr Co., 1867. [Also, in: P., v. 257.] Bellows (Henry W.), Hitchcock. (Roswell D.), & Turner (J. Edward). Addresses de- Uvered at the Broadway Tabernacle, Nov. 7,1855, in behalf of the United States Inebriate Asylum. 48 pp. 8°. New York, M. B. Wynkoop, 1856. -----. The same. 54 pp. 8°. New York, Wyn- koop, Hallenbeck Sr Thomas, 1857. Bellows (Matthias B.) [1788-1854]. Obituary notice of ... by J. BeUows. Buffalo M. J., 1854-5, x, 188-190. Bells. See Noise. Bellunensis (Andrae Alpagi). See Avicenna;. Liber canonis; de medicinis cordiaU- bus. fol. Venetih, 1582. Belluzzi (Cesare). Ipertrofia generale straordi- naria di cuore e dUatazione aneurismatica dell' arco deU'aorta. 13 pp. 8°. Bologna, A. Volpe, 1854. Repr. from: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 4. s., i. ------. Ulustrazione di un voluminoso calcolo biliare-cistico einesso per l'ano e di alcuni calcoli renali dello stesso individuo donati al museo deUa Societa. medico-chirurgica di Bologna. 11 pp. 8°. Bologna, Volpe e Sassi, 1856. Repr. from: BnU. d. sc. mod. Ai Bologna. 4. s., vii. Bound with his: Ipertrofia, [etc.] 8°. Bologna, 1854. ------. Necrologia deU dottore Enrico Costetti di Bologna. Letta alia Society medico-chirurgica di Bologna 1' 8 dicembre 1856. 8 pp. 8°. Repr. from: BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1857. Bound with hh: Ipertrofia, [etc.] 8°. Bologna, 1854. ------. Osservazioni ostetriche dirotte al fine di studiare ulteriormente il vero meccanismo del parto naturale neUe presentazioni del vertice in posizione occipito-anteriore. 11 pp. 8°. Bologna, Volpe e Sassi, 1857. Repr. from: BnU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 4. s., vii. Bound with hh: Igprtrofia, [etc.] 8°. Bologna, 1854. ------. Rendiconto sanitario degU asUi infantiU di Bologna per l'anno 1855. 20 pp. 8°. Bologna, Volpe e Sassi, 1857. Repr. from: BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 4. s., vii. Bound with his: Ipertrofia, [etc.] 8°. Bologna, 1854. ------. Parto forzato in donna gravida del nono mese prossima a morire onde salvare con mag- giore sicurezza la vita al feto. 15 pp. 8°. Bo- logna, Gamberini e Parmeggiani, 1861. Repr. from: BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 2. s., xvi. ------. Ancora della convenienza ed utility del parto forzato nelle do nne morte incinte o credute morte. 8 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini e Parmeg- giani, 1878. Repr. from: BuU. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 6. s., i. Belmas (Denis). 'L'anatomie chirurgicale du perinee. 11pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 243, v. 160. ------. Traitd de la cystotomie sus-pubienne. 311 pp., 2 pl. h . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1827. Belmas (Dionysius). De ischuria. 68 pp. 4°. Parisiis, ex typ. Lachevardiere, 1827. Belmont (The) Medical Journal: a monthly pe- riodical, published under the patronage of the Belmont Medical Society. Edited by James M. McCouahey, John G. Affleck, Wm. Estep, and Ephraim Gaston, v. 1-2, June, 1858-May, 1860. Inlv. 12°. Bridgeport, Ohio, J. G.Affleck. [Com- pleted. J Belmont Medical Society. Transactions of the Belmont Medical Society from 1847-55; with which is bound the constitution and by-laws of the . . . together with a code of medical ethics and a bill of rates adopted by said society. 2 v. f \ Bridgeport, Ohio, J. G. Affleck. Belmonte (Jacobus Colaco). 'Ueber die An- wendung der Trepanation bei traumatischen Hirn- abscessen. 2 p. 1., 64 pp. 4°. Gottingen, W. F. Edstner, 1854. Be I OBI (Pierre). Portrait in: Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Beloochistan. See, also, Dadur; Jhalawan; Sarawan. Cook (H.) Geological report on a part of Beloochistan. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc, Bombay (1859), 1860, n. s., v, 105-139. Belust (Stanislas). * Considdrations sur les qua- tre principaux dtats de l'atmosphere, ou sur le chaud, le froid, le sec, et l'humide. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 312, v. 51. Belot (Augustin). * Dissertation sur la fluxion de poitrine ou la pdripneumonie. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1814, No. 183, v. 107. Belot (Carolus Eduardus). * De typho abdomi- nali. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsia, typ. G. Staritzii, [1844]. ------. * De la cataracte. 51 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 20, v. 427. Forhh Life, see Clams (Jo. Christ. Aug.) Belot (Charles). La fievre jaune k la Havane; sa nature et son traitement. 160 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1865. Belot (Charles-Ignace-Nepomuck). * Rdflexions sur les opdratious de la cataracte. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, 1818, No. 174, v. 141. Belot (D.-Augustin). * Du mode d'action du dia- phragme dans la production des hernies. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 267, v. 568. Belot (Joseph). * Essai sur une opdration de polype naso-pharyngien par la Ugature extempo- rande, quelques rdflexions k ce sujet. 48 pp., 11. 4°. Montpellier, 1876, No. 83. Belot-Edouard. * Sur divers especes de cata- ractes. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 274, v. 551. Belotti (Joseph). Idioiatrie, ou nouveUe mdde- cine spdcifique; mdthode de gudrir les affections tant spdcifiques que communes de chaque organe du corps humain avec une mddication spdcifique propre. xx, 484 pp., 1 port. 8°. Turin, 1862. Belong on (A.) See Revue mddicale et pharma- ceutique du midi. Belouino (Paul). 'Del'ictere. 21pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1837, No. 80, v. 308. Below (Carolus Fridericus). * De digitis manus dextra? in quadam fcemina per conquassationem nodositate, spina ventosa et atheromate mon- strosis. 6 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. sm. 4°. Rosto- chi, typ. J. Wepplingii, [1698]. ------. 'Decaducomuliebri. 38 pp. sm.4°. Ros- tochi, typ. J. Wepplingii, [1699]. Below (Ernst). ' Untersuchung eines FaUes von Lithopiidion beim Schaaf. 42 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1870. BELOW. 864 BENCKHARD. Below (Jacob Christian). * Diss, inaug. casum niatronae hypochondriac* exhibens. 24 pp. 4°. Erfordia, Groschianis, [1685]. Beltremieux (Paul Emile). * I. Exposer les ca- racl eres, les terminaisons et le traitement de l'dry- sipele dans la rdgion ombiUcale chez les nouveau- nds. II. [etc.] 33 pp. 4°. Paris, 1842, No. 200, v. 384. Beltz (Antoine-Luc). * Dissertation sur letdtanos. 27 pp. 4°. Paris, 1828, No. 225, v. 219. BcltZ (Camille). * De la rdtraction de l'utdrus comme cause de dystocie. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1863, No. 108. Beltz (Georgius Urbanus). *De came ferina; vom Wildpriit. 4 p. 1., 20 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [1735]. Beltz (Joannes Fridericus). * Quaedam de hepa- tis dignitate. 43 pp. 8°. [Berolini], formis Briischckianis, [1822]. Beltz (Ldon). * Recherehes sur les causes de la mortalitd des tailleurs des pierres et sur les moyens de la prdvenir. 27 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1862, 2. s., No. 600, v. 32. Belugon (Pierre). * Dissertation sur l'hydrocele de la tunique vagiuale. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1830, No. 124, v. 232. Belugou (Alphonse). * Recherehes nouveUes sur le pouls et la tempdrature; dtude compara- tive de leur marche. ix, 10-112 pp., 1 1., 10 pl. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 76. -----. Note sur le traitement de l'ataxie locomo- trice par les eaux de La Malou. 31pp. b°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1879. Repr. from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1878-9. Belval (Th.) Essai sur ^organisation gdndrale de l'hygiene pubUque. viii, 306 pp. roy. 8C. Bruxelles, Bauvais, 1876. -----. Essai sur les maisons mortuaires. 34 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1877. Repr. from: BuU. de TAcad. roy. de med., 3. s., xi. Belville (John Henry). A manual of the ther- mometer; containing its history and use as a meteorological instrument. To which is added an essay on the vapour-point and terrestrial ra- diation ; also, a general outline of the climate of the eastern part of England. 56 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, M'AUister Sr Bro., 1860. Beman (Henry D.) An address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Atlanta Medical CoUege, July 21, 1855. 22 pp. 8®. Atlanta, Ga., 1855. Bement (C.N.) See American Journal of Agri- culture and Science. Bemerkungen fiber das altromische Bad in seiner verbesserten irischen Form, uud seine aus- serordentUehe Heilkraft in langwierigen Krank- heiten. Mit einer Ansicht der im Bade Nuders- dorf bei Wittemberg errichteten romischen Bii- der. 46 pp. 8°. Dessau, Baumgarten u. Comp., 1861. Bemerkungen fiber die Furcht vor der herr- schenden Brechruhr, zugleich enthaltend eine wissenschaftUch begriindete Vorstellung an die oberpolizeiUchen und Gesundheitsbehorden zur Beruhigung des Publikums. vi, 7-54 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Teubner, 1831. [P., v. 738.] Bemerkungen aus der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, zuniichst im deutschen Reiche der Medicin. 10 1. 16°. Osnabruck, J. H. Evering, 1850. Bemich (Friedrich Eustach). * Geschichte und Anwendung der Belladonna in der Medicin. iv, 7-75 pp. 8°. WUrzburg, F. Bauer, 1831. Bemiss (John) [1773-1851]. Biographical sketch of John Bemiss, late of Nelson County, Kentucky. Month. M. News, LouisvUle, 1860, ii, 374-380. Bemiss (S. M.) Report on influence of marriages of consanguinity upon offspring. 109 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1858. Repr. from: Tr. Am. M. Ass., 1858. -----. Report to the faculty of tho medical de- partment of the University of Louisiana, in re- gard to the convention of medical teachers, lately held in Washington City. Published by order of the faculty. 7 pp. 8°. New Orleans, Bronze Pen book office, 1870. -----. Sanitary legislation in New Orleans. 33 pp. 8°. [New Orleans, 1870.] Repr. from: N. Orl. J. M., 1870. [Aho, in: P., v. 220.] -----. Sudden death of an applicant for life in- surance. 8 pp. 8°. Louisville, J. P. Morton 4" Co., 1871. Repr. from: Am. Pract., LouisvUle, 1871. [Aho, in: P., v. 220.] See, also. New Orleans Journal of Medicine. Aho: New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. Also: Semi-Monthly Medical News. -----, Bickliam (C. J.), & Pope (B. A.) Memoranda of cases treated before the medical class in the session of 1866-7. 51 pp. 8°. New Orleans, L. Graham, 1867. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1867. BemlOtt(Joannes Christophorus). * De scorbuto. 20 1. sm. 4°. Erfordia, typ. Groschianis, [1708]. van Bemmelen (Jacobus Albertus). See Kemper (J. M.) De consensu inter primas vias et cutem. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1815. Ben (Johannes). * De suffocatione hypochondri- aca. 10 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud Abrahamum Elze- vier, 1683. Bena'is (Gustave). *De l'arthrite envisagde comme complication des luxations. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1870, No. 50. Benancius (Lissetus). Declaratio fraudum et errorum apud pharmacopceos commissorum; latinitate donata et edita ex museo Th. Bartho- lini. Accessit ejusdem argumenti dialogus Joh. Antonii Lodetti. 159 pp. 16°. Francofurti, apud J. Racherum, 1667. Benard ( Charles - Alexandre). * Dissertation thdorique et pratique sur la fievre quarte. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, an XII [1804], No. 198, v. 48. Benard (Gustave-Licin). *De la phthisie pul- monaire. [Sympt6mes et diagnostic] 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1845, No. 78, v. 427. Benard (J.-B.-Charles). *I. Ddterminer si l'en- gorgement de la rate est cause ou dffet des acci- dents pathologiques dans les fievres intermit- tentes. II. [etc.] 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 287, v. 353. Benard (L.-Q.) *Dissertatiou sur la fievre quarte. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, an X [1802], v. 4. Benard (Louis). * D'un mode de traitement de la pleurdsie purulente. 54 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871. Benard (Maurice). * De l'hdmipldgiefaciale pdri- phdrique. 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1874, No. 312. Benard (Paul). *De Taction hdmostatique des injections sous-cutandes d'ergotine. 160 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 249. -----. The same. 158 pp. 8°. Paris, V. A. Delahaye Sr Cie., 1879. Benard (Th.) 'Etude sur le mal de mer. 130 pp. 4°. Paris, 1879, No. 312. Benary (Otto). * Die Exstirpation des Zungen- carciuoms nach B. von Langenbeck. 40 pp., 11 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Lange, [1876]. Bcnek (Georg. Adam). * Faniigeratum lemma memento mori. 46 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1723]. Beneke (Josephus). *De cholera asiatica. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. G. Lange, [1866]. Benckhard (Victor). * De l'alimentation dana les maladies aigues. 30 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1860, No. 539, 2. s., v. 29. BENCKISER. 865 BENEDICT. Bcnckiser (Robertus). * De haemorrhagia inter partuin orta ex rupto venae umbilicalis ramo. 3 p. 1., 23 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Heidelberga, C. Groos, 1831. Benckiser (Theodorus Fridericus). For hh Life, sec Gruner (Christ. Gott.) Beneoolen. Tytler (R.) On the climate and diseases of Beneoolen. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1826, ii, Wl-200. Benda (Conrad). * Ueber den wissenschaftli- cben Standpunkt der Jetztzeit zur Frage des sog. Morbus Brightii. 32 pp. sm. 8°. BerUn, G. Lange, [1872]. Benda (Maximilianus). * De ovarii degenera- tionibus. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. Schnitzeria- nis, [1844]. Bender (Fridericus). * De pneumatotborace. 17 pp. 8°. Wirceburgi, C. Becker, 1849. c. Bender (Fridericus Henricus). * De morbi scro- phulosi therapia et pathologia. 27 pp., 21. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1843]. Bender (Joannes Henricus). Triga observatio- num medicaruni. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Giessa, typ. E. H. Lammcrs, [1748]. Bender (Paul). * Zur Kasuistik der progressi- ven perniziosen Aniimie. 24 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Grass, Barth u. Comp., 1879. Bender (Philippus Henricus). * De cosmeticis. 28 pp. 4C. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1764], Also, in: "Wittweh (P. L.) Delect, dis. med. Argent. 8'. Norimb., 1778, ii, 120-157. Bender (Robertus). * De carcinomate hepatis. 34 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1862]. Bender (Wilhelm). * Ueber die therapeutische Anwendung der Electricitiit. 21pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, Becker, 1852. c. Bendix (Meier). * Depilis corporis humani. 51 pp. sm. 8°. Berolini, typ. Briischckianis, [1829], Bendixen (Joannes Jacobus). * De diarrhceae in febribus exanthematicis salute et noxa. 52 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeburg., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1765]. Bendorf. See Idiots (Asylums for); Insane (Asylums for). Bendowski (Julianus). * De telangiectasiis tractandis, methodorum, Vratislavia} quae usitan- tur, ratione habita. 24 pp. 8°. Vratislavia, A. Neumanni, 1862. [P., v. 267.] Bendz (Henricus Carolus Bang.) * De anasto- raosi Jacobsonii et ganglio Arnoldi. 2 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Havnia, ex off. Quistii, 1833. ------. * Tractatus de connexu inter nervum va- gum et accessorium Willisii. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 11., 3 pl. 4°. Havnia, Bianco, Luno et Schmider, 1836. ------. Bidrag til den sammenlignendo anatomie af nervus glossopharyngeus, vagus, accessorius Willisii og hypoglossus hos reptilierne. 40 pp., 10 pl. 4°. EjQbenhavn, trykt i B. Lunos, 1843. ------. Haandbog i den almindeligo Anatomie, med seerligt Hensyn til Mennesket og Huusdy- rene. 3 p. 1., 646 pp., 11., 7 pl. roy. 8°. Ejfi- benhavn, C. A. Reitzel, 1846-7. Bcndz (Jacobus Christianus) [1802-58]. De fis- tula urethro- et vesico-vaginaU commentatio; re- media, contra nunc morbum, turn ab antiquiori- bus, quum a recentioribus adhibita, systematice et critice exponens. 3 p. 1., 138 pp., 2 p. 1. 8°. Havnia, typis J. D. Quist, 1836. See, also. Journal for Medicin og Chirurgie. For hh Obituary, see Hosp. Tid., Kjebenh., 1858, i, 181. von Bene (Franz)1. Elementa politiae medicae. xvi, 294 pp., 11. 8°. Buda, typ. Reg. Univ. Htin- garica, 1807. ------. Elementa medicinae forensis. x, 250 pp. 8°. Buda, typ. Reg. Univ. Hungar., 1811. 55 von Bene (Franz)1—continued. -----. Elementa inedicinae practicae e praelectio- nibus illius publicis, edita per Franeiscum Bene, jun. 5 v. 8°. Pestini, C. A. Hartleben, 1833-4. v. ii wanting. For hh Obituary, see "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1858, viii, 547-549. von Bene (Franz)2. * Quaedam memorabilia cU- nica anno scholastico 1824-5 in nosocomio Acade- mico regiae scientiarum Universitatis Hungaricae collecta. 58 pp. 8°. Pestini, L. Landerer de Fiis- kut, 1825. See, aho, von Bene (Franz)1. Elementa medicinae prac- ticae, etc. 5 v. 8°. Pestini, 1833-4. Benecli (Louis-Victor). * De la sensibilitd de nos tissus, de nos organes, etc., consfddrdo comme ayant besoin, pour exister, d'etre excitde, et de l'etre relativement k sa nature. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1817, No. 128, v. 133. ------. Du choldra morbus, de ses causes, de sa na- ture, de ses moyens prdservatifs et de son traite- ment. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Bailliere, [n. d. ] Examen gdndral des connaissances de la nature des maladies, et de leur traitement chez les anciens et les modernes, prdcddd dn tableau du mddecin, du plan du traitd de pathologie md- dico-chirurgicale, et suivi des principes de cette science. 504 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, Compere, 1827. Supdrioritd de la mddecine naturelle prou- vde par un tres grand nombre d'observations md dicales, de cures inconnues jusqu'& ce jour, et le changement gdndral de mddication. 2. dd. 486, 7 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1846. Benecli (Lucien). * Des phlegmons de la fosse iliaque consdeutifs k des plaies par armes k feu. 36 pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 68. Bencclii (Arthur). * De la marche k la suite des amputations et des resections du pied et de la partie infdrieure de la jambe. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1869, No. 93. Benecke (B.) [31 photo-micrographs.] 2 v. Eonigsberq, 1872. Benecke (Bertholdus). * De vi acidi puro ni- trici physiologica. 28 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Pr., typ. Dalkowskianis, 1866. Beneckendorf (Carol. Frid. Guilielmus). *De febre spontaneo atque baud infrequente aUo- runuauxilio. 32 pp. sm. 8°. Francofurti ad riadruni, e typogra4)heo^Apite&uui)[180b]. van Beneden (Edouard). Sur^uue nouvelle espece de grdgi^ne^lesrg^iijesous le nom de grd- gariua jjfigliutMa. 15 pp./DPlr-r^\_ Bruxelles, [n. ds] \L /*i; f**i- 'rom: Bull. Acatt. IViy.' do 'lielg'., Benedict (Abija G.) [^790-1862]. Willard (S: D.) Kotice of Abija G. Benedict. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1864, 447. Benedict (Carol. Christ. Fredericus). * aneurysmate spurio ejusque medela, adjectis obus morbi exempUs. 54 pp. 4°. Vratislavia, typis H. Richterii, 1841. [P., v. 583.] Be nedict (Traugott Fredericus Alexander). * De gangrama sicca adnexi morbi historia. 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Vratislavia, typ. L. Freund, [1844]. Benedict (Traugott Guilielmus Gustavus). * De morbis humoris vitrei in oculo humano. 36 pp., 1 1. 4C. Lipsia, ex off Weinedelia, [1809]. ------. De pupiUae artificiaUs conformatione Ubel- lus. vUi, 47 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lipsia, sumt. F. C. G. Vogelii, 1810. ------. De morbis oculi humani inflammatoriis libri xxii. 1 p. 1., x, 304 pp. 4°. Lipsia, C. H. Reclam, 1811. ------. Einige Worte iiber die Amputation in den Kriegsspitalern. Ein Sendschreiben an den Hrn. Dr. Griife. 46 pp. 4°. Breslau, C. F. Barth, 1814. ------. Monographie des grauen Staares. vii, 180 pp. 4°. Breslau, C. F: Barth, 1814. BENEDICT. 866 BENEKE. Benedict (T. G. G.)—continued. -----. Commentatio de herpeticis oculorum inflammationibus. xx pp. 4°. [Vratislavia, 1817.] -----. Commentatio ophthalmiatrica de sanati- one blennorrhccae oculi siphiUticae. 15 pp. 4°. [ Vratislavia, 1818. J -----. Commentatio chirurgica de seirrhi glandu- larum axiUarium sectione. xiv pp. 4°. [ Vra- tislavia, 1819.] -----. Handbuch der praktischen Augenheil- kunde. 5 v. bd. in 3. 8°. Leipzig, Dyk, 1822-5. -----. Bemerkungen iiber dio Krankheiten der Brust- und Achsel-Driisen. iv, 5-120 pp., 1 1. 4°. Breslau, W. A. Holaufer, 1825. -----. Kritische Darstellung der Lehre von den Verbanden und Werkzeugen dor Wundarzte. xii, 690 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Dyk, 1827. -----. Meletemata chirurgica circa lithotomiam. [In Academia Lipsiensi.] iv, 5-22pp., 1 pl. 4°. Vratislavia, typ. universitatis, [1827]. -----. Bemerkungen fiber Hydrocele, Sarkocele und Varicocele, vi, 181 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Dyk, -----. Christophoro GuUelmo Hufelandio gratu- latur. Inest commentatio de diagnosi tumorum in ossibus fungosorum. 31pp., lpl. 4°. Vra- tislavia, typ. Grassii, Barthii et soc, [1833]. -----. KUnische Beitrage aus dem Gebiete der Wundarzneikunst und Augenheilkunde. 2 p. 1., 250 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Breslau, A. Gosohorsky, 1837. -----. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Chirurgie und Operationslehre. Eine selbststandige Abtheilung von des Verfassers academischen Vorlesungen iiber (Ue gesammte Wundarzneikunst und Opera- tionslehre fiir Aerzte und Wundarzte. x, 589 pp. 8°. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1842. -----. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Au- genheilkunde. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 167 pp.; vii, 160 pp. 8°. Breslau, L. Freund, 1842-5. -----. Praomissa sunt coUectanea ad historiam rhinoplastices Italorum. 25 pp. 4°. Vratislavia, 1843. See, also, Annalen des klinisch-chirurgischen Insti- tuts auf der Universitat zu Breslau. A ho: Barkow (H. C. L.) Beitrage zur pathologischen Entwickelungsge- schichte. fol. Breslau, 1859. Aho: Lux (Joh. Jos. Guilielm.) Sc Benedict (T. G. G.) Disquisitiones pobtico- ceconomicaB et veterinariaB. 4°. Lipsice, [1806]. For his Life, see Platnerna (Ernestus). Benedict beuren. See Heilbrunn. Benedictus. See de Nursia (Benedictus). Benedictus (Alexander). Anatomice, sive his- toria corporis humani. Ejusdem coUectiones me- dicinales seu aforismi. 82 ff. sm. 4°. Parisi- orum, H. Stephanum, 1514. -----. Anatomice, sive historia corporis humani. Adjectum est huic opusculum Georgii Valla? Placentini, ejusdem rei sive argumenti, elegans sane et perutile. 1181. 12°. Colonia Eucharius excudebat, 1527. -----. Anatomiae sive de hystoria corporis hu- mani libri quinque. Eiusdem aphorismorum Uber. Aphorismi Damascami. Hippocratisjusju- randum. 112 ff. 12°. Argentorati, apud J. Herva- gium, 1528. -----. De pestilenti febre liber unus, in quo sane compendio omnia quae de eodem morbo dici possunt, doctiss. sunt tractata. In: Schii.lekus (Joachimus). De peste Brittannica, etc. 12°. ff. 25-60. Basilece, 1531. Aho, in: Petrus he Abano. De venenis eorumque remediis. 12°. ff. 139-193. [Basilece, 1531? 1561?] -----. De omnium k vertice ad plantam morbo- rum signis, causis, differentus indicationibus & reinedus, tarn simplicibus quam compositis, lib. xxx. De medici et segri officio aphorismorum, Benedictus (Alexandras)—continued. lib. i. De pestilentiae causis, praeservatione & auxilioru materia, lib. i. Humani corporis ana- tome tractata, lib. v. 13 p. 1., 623 pp. fol. Ba- silea, H. Petri, 1549. See, aho. Bocrnerus (F.) De Alcxandro Benedicto medicinae post renatas literas restauratore commentatio. In hh: Noctes Guelphicas. 8°. Rostochii et Wismarue, 1755, 1-14. Benedictus (Christopher). See Bennet (Chris- topher). Benedictus (Crispus). Ullrich (J. V.) * S. Benedicti Crispi. Com- mentarium medicinale. Ad finem coiUcis Vin- dobonensis. 8°. Eizinga, 1835. Benedictus (Joannes). Libellus nouus de cau- sis et curatic© pestilentiae, ad preservationem simul et curam eius mali, apprime utiUs. 13 1. sm. 4°. Cracovie, imp. per H. Victorem, 1521. Benedictus (Julius Caesar). Consultationum medicinaUum opus. 8 p. 1., 422 pp., 9 1. 4°. Venetiis, apud Bertanos, 1650. Benedikt (Moriz) [1835- ]. Die Resultate der elektrischen Untersuchung und Behandlung. 31 pp. 8°. [Wien, I. Lbwenthal, 1864?] -----. Elektrotherapie. xvi, 485 pp. 8°. Wien, Tendler Sr Comp., 1868. For Portrait, tee Collection—van Kaathoven, i. Benedix (Gustavus). * De partu Agrippino. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. A. Petschi, [1828]. Benedix (Jacob Gothofr.) * Diss, inaug. sistens aneurysma externum ejusque curationem. 31 pp. 8°. Jena, lit. Schlotterianis, [1801]. For hh Life, see Grnner (Christ. Goth.) Benedix (Rudolphus). * De catarrhis. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, B. Schlesinger, [1855]. Benefeld (Georgius Guilielmus). *De habitu virinm motricium corporis humani ad actionem medicamentorum. 20 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Got- tinga, typ. J. F. Hageri, [1758]. For hh Life, see Koederer (Jo. Georg). Benefeld (Lvdovicus GviUelmus Ernestus). * De origine et reditu febris hectica?. 20 pp. 4°. Jena, ex off. Strauckmanniana, [1793]. Beneke (Eduard). See Archiv fiir die pragma- tische Psychologie oder die Seelenlehre in der Anwendung auf das Leben. Beneke (Frid. Wilh.) De ortu et causis mon- strorum disquisitio. vi, 124 pp. 8°. Gottinga, libraria Dieterichiana, 1846. -----. Physiologische Vortriige. Fiir Freunde der Naturwissenschaften. 2 v. in 1. viii, 314, 424 pp., 2 pl. 8° Oldenburg, F. Schmidt, 1856. -----. Studien iiber das Vorkommen, die Ver- breitung und die Function von GaUenbestand- theilen in den thierischen und pflanzlichen Or- ganismen. vi, 144 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Giessen, J. Bicker, 1862. -----. EpidemiologischeNachrichten. [3papers.] 20 pp., 1 map; 10 pp.; 7 pp. 8°. [w, p., 1865. ] Repr. from: Arch. a. Ver. f. wissensch. Heilk., Leipz., 1865, ii. -----. Zur Geschichte der Associationsbestre- bungen auf dem Gebiete der wissenschaftlichcn und praktischen Heilkunde. Ein Beitrag zur Forderung der offentlichen und privaten Gesund- heitspflege. 60 pp. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1870. -----. Zur Wiirdigung des phosphorsauren Kalkes in physiologischer und therapeutischer Bezie- hung. 48 pp. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1870. -----. Zur Therapio des Gelcnkrheumatismus und der ihm verbundenen Herzkrankheiten. iv, 54 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1872. —----. Vorlagen zur Organisation der MortaUtsits- Statistik in Deutschland. vii, 240 pp., 1 1., 14 chrts. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1875. BENEKE. 867 BENGEL. Beneke (Frid. Wilh.)—continued. -----. Die anatomischen Grundlagen der Consti- tutionsanonialieen des Menschen. viii, 262 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1878. See, aho, Archiv des Vereins fiir gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur I'drderung der wissenschaftnchen Heilkunde. Aho: Correspondenzblatt des Vereins fiir gemein- schaf'tlieho Arbeiten zur forderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Benemann (Joannes GottUeb). * Sistens com- pendiosatn et cUnicam convulsionum praxin cum cautelis. 34 pp. sm. 4°. Hala Magdeb., typ. J. Gruneri, [1707]. Benesch (Raimund). *Die Brust-Paracentese mittelst des Schuh'schen Apparates. xvi, 17-84 pp. 8°. Prag, J. Sporny, 1842. Be net (Z. -F. -R. - A.) * Essai sur la chlorose ou les pales couleurs. 22 pp. 4°. Paris, 1835, No. 225, v. 289. Bcnetsch (Alf. Bern. Cam.) * De hernia crurali. 19 pp., 11. 4°. Halis Saxonum, formis Schwetsch- kianis, 1852. C. Benevolent Institution for the sole purpose of delivering poor married women at their own ha- bitations. An account of the Benevolent Insti- tution for the solo purpose of delivering poor married women at their own habitations. 32 pp. 8°. London, 1785. -----. The same. 16 pp. 8°. London, [1800]. -----. The samo. 23 pp. 8°. London, 1801. -----. The same. 24 pp. 8°. London, 1806. -----. A list of tho governors of the ... 23 pp. 8°. London, 1791. Established Jan., 1780. Benevolent Society, Hobart Town. Annual report for 1869. 4 pp. fol. Tasmania, J. Bar- nard, 1870. Benevoli (Antonio). Lettera aU' UL Valsalva sopra la cateratta glaucomatosa. In: Disconsi di chirurgia, etc. 12°. Venezia, 1840, 109-183. -----. Nuova proposizione intorno aUa caruncola dell' uretra. In: Discousi di chirurgia, etc. 12°. Venezia, 1840,75-138. ----- & Tacconi (Cajetanus). Heelkundige vvaarneemingen. Vertaald en met aanmerkingen vermeerderd door Jan Bernard Sandifort. 8 1., 278 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Gravenhage, bij de weduwe Otto van Thol, 1770. Beneys (Jean). * Dissertation sur 1'angine gan- greneuse. 29 pp. 4°. Paris, 1816, No. 98, v. 122. Bengal. See, also, Abbottabad; Army (British Indian, Medical department of); Arracan; Belgaum; Calazouk Island; Calcutta; Chittagong; Delhi; education (Medical); Insane (Asylums for); Juggurnaut; Medical and Physical Society of Bengal; Medicine (Condition and progress of); Prisons; Syphilis (Hospitals for); Tirhoot; Vaccination (Statistics of). Bryden (J. L.) Vital statistics ofthe Bengal Presidency. Annual returns of the European aftny of tho Bengal Presidency from 1858 to 1869; of the native army since its reorganization in 1851; aud of tbe jails for each year from 1859. (Printed by order of government.) fol. Calcutta, 1871. -----. Vital statistics of the Bengal Presi- dency. Age and length of service as affecting the sickness and mortality of the European army; and aggregate of the statistics of the army for the ten-year period 1860-69. fol. Calcutta, 1874. Macnamara (F. N.) Reports on the analysis of potable waters of cantonments in the presi- dency of Bengal, for the years 1866-71, (1.-8.) fol. Calcutta, 1867-71. Reports (Annual) on the charitable dispensa- ries under the government of Bengal. By the Bengal. surgeon-general of Bengal, to the secretary to the government, for the years 1872, 1874-7. fol. Calcutta, 1874-8. Reports (Annual) of tho sanitary commis- sioner for Bengal, with appendices, containing returns of sickness and mortality among the British and native troops, and also among the prisoners, in the Bengal Presidency, for the years 1864-5,(1.-2.) fol. [n.p., n.d.] Reports (Annual) of the sanitary commis- sioner for Bengal. 1. (1868), 3. (1870-71), 5.-10. (1872-7). fol. Calcutta, 1869-78. Twining (W.) Clinical illustrations of the more important diseases of Bengal, with the result of an inquiry into their pathology and treatment. 8°. Calcutta, 1832. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Calcutta, 1835. Vital statistics of the Bengal Presidency. 3 v. fol. Calcutta, 1871-4. v. 1. Annual return of the European army of the Bengal Presidency from 1858 to 1869, of the native army since its reorganization in 1861, and of the jails for each year from 1859. v. 2. Age and length of service as affecting tbe sickness and mortaUty of the European army; and aggre- gate of the statistics of the army for the ten-year period 1868-9. Abstract statement showing the deaths according to diseases, and the ratios of mortality in selected areas, town and rural, during the year 1873. Rep. San. Com. Bengal 1873, Calcutta, 1874, pt. iii, 1-25.—Annaal re- turns of the European army of India and of the native army and jail population of the Bengal Presidency for the year 1873. Rep. San. Com. India 1873, Calcutta, 1874, x, suppl.—Average ris^k of life in the Bengal civil service. Lancet, Lond., 1838, i, 559.—Fauvel (A.) Etat sanitaire du Bengale et influence des travaux d'hygidne entrepris a Calcutta sur le d6veloppement du cholera. Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1877, vi, 204- 217.—Fevers in Bengal .during the years 1873-4. Rep. San. Com. Bengal (1873), Calcutta, 1874, 78-114: (1874), 1875, 27-34.—Food supply in Bengal during the vear 1873. Ibid. (1873), 1874, 122-138.—General death and birth-rate in Bengal for the year 1874. Ibid. (1874), 1875, 8-16.—His- tory of tho specific diseases in Bengal during the year 1874. Ibid., 17-35.—JSackinnon (K.) Dispensaries in Bengal. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1853, i, 242-247. -----. On the epidemics of the Bengal and Northwest Presidencies. Ibid., 1855-6, iii, 125-167: 1856, iv, 127-163.— memorandum of the army sanitary commission on reports by Dr. Bryden, bringing up the statistical history of the European army in India, and of the native army and jail population of Bengal, to 1876, etc. Kep. on San. Meas. in India, Lond., 1879, xi, 220-237.—Meteorology of the Bengal Presidency. Rep. San. Com. India 1875, Calcutta, 1877, 56-63.—Meteorology for the years 1872,1873, and 1876. Rep. San. Com. Bengal 1872, Calcutta, 1874, 109- 114: (1873), 1874, 156-171: (1876), 1877, 74.—Oldham (T.) Rough notes on the position, etc., of stations for European troops in Bengal, with reference to tbe geological structure of tho station. Indian Ann. M. Sc. Calcutta, 1868, xii, no. 24, 265-279.—Beport on the collection of vital sta- tistics in selected areas for th9 year 1873. Rep. San. Cora. Bengal 1873, Calcutta, 1874, pt. iii, 1-27.—Roy (G. C.) Suggestions as to the cause of unhealthiness of Lower Ben- gal and the recent outbreak of epidemic fever. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1873, viii, 63.—Sanitary progress in Ben- gal during the year 1873. Rep. San. Com. Bengal 1873, Calcutta, 1874, 139-155.—Stewart (D.) Observations on some of the diseases of European seamen in Bengal. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1636, viii, pt. 1, 143-155.— Vital statistics (mortality and births) of the selected areas in Bengal for the year 1874. Ibid. (1874), 1875, (app.), i-xlix. Bengal Branch of the British Medical Association. See British Medical Association. Bengal medical regulations. Part I. Regula- tions and orders for the medical department of the British army in the Bengal Presidency, iv, 250 pp. 8°. Calcutta, office of the Sup. of Gov't Printing, 1877. Bengalese. Dal ton. Beschreibende Ethnologie Bengalens, ana offiziellen Dokumenten zusammengesteut. Ztschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1873, v, 180; 258; 329: 1874, vi, 229; 340; 357. Bengel (Victor). Rhabarbarum officinarum. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Tv.binga, lit. Erhardianis, [1752]. BENGELSDORFF. 868 BENNATI. Bengelsdorff (Axel). * De morbis quibus ence- phali organicis. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1837]. Bengelsdorff (Ernst). * Einige Versuche iiber die Wirkung des Chloralhydrates. 48 pp. 8°. Greifswald, Fr. Hache, 1869. C. Bengen (Samuel Schneer). * Ueber chronischo Peritonitis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1877]. Benham (WilUam T.) On the value of the cor- pus luteum as a proof of impregnation; with a case in which an unimpregnated ovum was found in the virgin uterus. 9 pp., lpl. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver 4- Boyd, 1873. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1873. Ben-Haroun. Lasnier. Eaux minerales de 1'Alg6rie. Ben-Haroun, pres Dr&-el-Mizan, Kabylie, province -> _, isis. W> •••7j Otatt 1528, U&/UA(A'>J \ ?! dilatation des rdtrdcissements de l'uretre pour en nonnullis ac mirandis morborum et sanationum causis, Uber; cum annotationibus Remberti Do- donaei. In: DoDONiEUS(R.) Medicinalium observationum. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1585, pp. 122-2#f Benjamin (E. B.) American hand-book of che- mical and physical apparatus, minerals, fossils, / rare chemicals, etc., for the use of schools, col- ' leges, factories, hospitals, laboratories, assayers, dentists, perfumers, chemists, druggists, physi- cians, etc., etc. 266 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, 1872. Benjamin (Jacobus). *De variis stomatitidis speciebus nonnulla. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, typ. Nietackianis, [1841]. Benjamin (Ludovicus). * Nonnulla de morbis unguium. 30 pp., 21. 8°. Berolini, J. Plessner, [1848]. Benk (Petrus Paulus). * Experimenta de pene- tratione sulphuris in corpus vivum. 27 pp. sm. 8C. Tubinga, lit. Fuesianis, [1813]. Benkhausen (Jacobus Georgius). * De sutu- ris siccis et cruentis. 15 pp. sm. 4°. Jena, lit. Hellcrianis, [1786]. For his Life, see Gruner (Christ. Goth.) Benko (Samuel). Ephemerides meteorologico- medicte, ab aun. 1780 ad ann. 1793. 5 v. 8°. Vindobona, A. Patzowsky, 1794. Bennati (F.) Recherehes sur les maladies qui affectent les organes de la voix humaine, lues k l'Acaddmie royale des sciences, et couronndes par la Socidtd des sciences physiques et chimiques de Paris, xvi, 152 pp., 3 pl. 12°. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 1832. [Pl. 1 missing.] [Also, in: P., v. -----. Recherehes sur le mdcanismo de la voix humaine; ouvrage, qui aobtenu un prix Ma Soci- dtd des sciences physiques et chimiques de Paris, prdcddd du rapport de G. Cuvier, do Prony et Sa- vart. a xix, 160 pp., 11., 1 pl. jf£>. Paris, J. B. Baillifre, 1832. [Also, in: P., v. 132.] Mdmoire sur uu cas particulier d'anomalie / / d&Aa voix humaine; lu k l'Acaddmie royale des fiences le 30. septembre 1833. 17 pp. 8°. Paris, 'H. Dupuy, 1834. "l./oTj BENNDORF. 869 BENNETT. Benndorf (Hugo Max). *Mittheilung zweier Fiille von Excision fremder Korper im Kniegelenk mittelst directen Einschuittes. 36 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Fischer u. Witlig, 1867. Benndorf (Moritz Emil). *Muskelverande- rungen in einem Falle von Erfrierung. 17 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Druck von C. G. Naumann, 1865. Benne. See Sesamum. Bennccke (Conradus). * Quatuor partuum historic cum observationibus epicriticis do pla- centa previa. 2 p. 1., 49 pp. 8°. Gryphiswal- dia; F. G. Eunike, [1862]. Benneman (Bernardus). * De ptyalismo. Ac- cedit exemplum in carcinomate ventriculi obser- vatuiu. 29 pp. 8°. Gryphia, F.Hache, 1861. c. Bennet (Christopher). Tabidorum theatrum, sive phtisios, atrophia; et hecticae Xcnodochium. 12 p. 1., 208 pp., 3 1. 12°. Francofurti, G. Fick- wirtt, 1665. ------. Theatrum tabidorum; or the nature and cure of consumptions. 236 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lon- don, W. S' J. Innys, 1720. Bennet (James-Henry) [1816- ]. * Des ulcdra- tions ct des eugorgements du col utdrin. 37 pp. 4°. Parts, 1843, No. 206, v. 397. ------. A practical treatise on inflammation, ulceration, and induration of the neck of the uterus: with remarks on the value of leucorrhoea and prolapsus uteri as symptoms ofuterine di- sease, xvi, 212 pp. 8l 1845. The same. 3. ed. don, John Churchill, 1853. -----. The same. 146 pp. London, J. Churchill, xx, 532 pp. 8°. Lon- 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4- Blanchard, 1847. ----. The same. 2. Am., from 2. Lond. ed. 355 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Sr Blanchard, 1850. -----. A review of the present state of uterine pathology. 99 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 210 PP 1856. Nutrition in health and disease, x, 1 pl. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. —. Ment one, the Riviera, Corsica, and Biarritz, as winter climates. 2. ed. viii, 288 pp., 1 pl., 1 map. 8C. London, J. Churchill, 1862. On the treatment of pulmonary consump- tion by hygiene, climate, and medicine, in its connexion with modern doctrines. 2. ed. x, 190 pp. 8°.^ London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1871. See, aho, Lancet (Tho). Also: London and Edin- burgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science. For Biographical Notice, see Med. Circ, Lond., 1852, i, 189-191, lport. Bennet (Jan. Aaruoud). *De homine primum respirante. 2 p. 1., 44 pp., 11. 4°. Hardervici, J. Moojen, [1782]. Bennet (Timotheus). *De pleuritide. 28 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud J. 4" E. Verbeek, [1726]. Bennett (Alexander). Notes, with observations, on cases treated in the surgical wards, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, under tho care of Dr. Gil- lespie. 14 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, 1871. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1871. ------. E x periment al i n q uiry into tho physiologi- cal actions of theine, caffeine, guaraniuo, cocaine, aud theobromine. 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver S- Boyd, 1873. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1873. Bennett (Edvardus Weekes). De febre pucr- perarum. 23 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1823. Bennett (Jacobus). * De hydrope-anasarca. 2 p. 1., 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1779. Bennett (James Risdou). The causes, uature, diagnosis, and treatment of acute hydrocephalus; Bennett (James Risdou)—continued. or, water in tho head. A prize essay, to which the Medical Society of London awarded tho Fothcrgillian gold medal for 1842. v. 1 (1 1.), 248 pp. 8°. London, S. Highlcy, 1843. Report on the progress of pathology, practi- cal medicine and therapeutics; for the years 1842- 3-4. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, 1845. c. Repr. from: Brit. Sc For. M. Rov., Lond., 1845. -----. Cancerous and other intra - thoracic growths, their natural history aud diagnosis: being the substance of the Lumleiau lectures. 189 pp., 5 pl. 8C. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1872. See, also, Kramer (W.) Tho nature and treatment of diseases of the (;ir. 8°. London, 1837. Bennett (John B.) * Do diabeto mellito. 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, R. Allen, 1801. [P., v. 19.] Bennett (John Hughes) [1812-75]. On tho therapeutic value of oil and water iu tho treat- ment of skin diseases. Opp. 8C. [n.p., n. d.] [P., v. 592.] -----. On the employment of the microscope in medical studies. A lecture introductory to a course of histology. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, M. Stewart S' Co., 1841. [P., v. 95.] -----. Note sur lo ddveloppement de nerfs par- ticuliers, k la surface du cermet. 4 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [Paris, Moquct 4- Cie., 4rHrj- Z~"l • ' i*~ '. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. anat.dePar., 1841-2. ------. Pathological and histological researches on inflammation of tho nervous centres. 83 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart 4' Co., 1843. ------. Treatise on inflammation as a process of anormal nutrition, viii, 9-80 pp., lpl. 8°. Edin- burgh, Maclachlan, Stewart 4' Co., 1844. ------. Case of poisoning by hemlock (Conium maculatum). 7 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Stark4' Co., [1845]. Repr. from: Edinb. M. ScS.J., 1845. Case of ovarian dropsy, in wliich both ovaries were excised, terminating fatally on the seventieth day from strangulation of the intes- tine. 50 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Edinburgh, Stark 4" Co., 1846. [P., v. 524.] On the structural relation of oil and al- bumen in the animal economy, and on certain physical laws connected with the origin and development of ceUs. 10 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Enox, 1847. Treatise on the oleum jecoris aselli, or cod- liver oil, as a therapeutic agent in certain forms of gout, rheumatism, and scrofula. 196 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart Sr Co., 1848. -----. On cancerous and cancroid growths, xii, 260 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Enox, 1849. Case of spontaneous cure of ovarian dropsy by means of an ulcerative opening of the cyst into the bladder. 4 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Murray Sr Gibb, 1849. Repr. from: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1849. -----. Memoir of the late Professor John Reid, of St. Andrews. 7 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Murray Sr Gibb, 1850. Repr. from: Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. & Edinb., 1850. The mesmeric mania of 1851, with a phy- siological explanation of the phenomena pro- duced. A lecture. 21pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Suther- land 4' Enox, 1851. ----. An introductiou to clinical medicine. Six ?.,* S~hfj lectures on the method of examining patients; percussion; auscultation; the use of tho micro- scope; and the diagnosis of skin diseases. 2. ed. vi, 134 pp. sm. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Enox, 1853. Tbe pathology and treatment of pulmo- nary tuberculosis; and on the local medication of BENNETT. 870 BENOIST. Bennett (John Hughes)—continued. pharyngeal and laryngeal diseases frequently mis- taken for or associated with phthisis. 142 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Enox, 1853. -----. Thesame. viii, 17-128 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Blanchard Sr Lea, 1854. —;—. The present state of the theory and prac- tice of medicine. An introductory lecture to the class of the institutes of medicine in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, deUvered November 6, 1855. 23 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Enox, 1855. [P.,v. 97, 590.] Thesame. 2.ed. 23pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland Sr Enox, 1855. ----. Outlines of physiology. 247 pp. 12°. Edin- burgh, A.SrC. Black, 1858. Clinical lectures on the principles and prac- tice of medicine. From the last Edinb. ed. xxiii, 952 pp. 8°. New York, S. S. S-- Wm. Wood, 1860. ----. The same. 2. Am. from tho last Edinb. ed. xxiv, 952 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood Sr Co., 1863. The same. 5. Am. from the 4. Lond. ed. 1022 pp. roy. 8°. New York, William Wood Sr Co., 1870. ----. On the parasitic fungi found growing in Uving animals. 18 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Edinburgh, Neill S-Co., 1862. Repr. from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., xv. P., v. 588. ----. On the molecular theory of organisation. 11 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1864. Repr. from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 18C1. ----. Combined labour necessary for the future progress of medicine. An address to the British Medical Association. 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Sr C. Black, 1866. [P., v. 592.] ----. The restorative treatment of pneumonia. 3. ed. 110 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Sr C. Black, 1866. ----. Observations on medical education. 27 pp. 8C. Edinburgh,A.SrC.Black, 1867. [AUo,in: P., v. 592.] ----. On the atmospheric germ theory and origin of infusoria. A lecture deUvered to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 17. January, 1868. 28 pp., 12 figs. 8°. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1868. [P., v. 592.] Physiology as a branch of general educa- tion and of natural science for students in arts. An address deUvered to the Royal Medical So- ciety of Edinburgh, November 6, 1868. 19 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Edmonston Sr Douglas, 1869. [P., v. 592.] ----. Text-book of physiology, general, special, and practical. vUi, 606 pp., 21 pl., 21 1. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Thin, 1872. Researches into the antagonism of medi eines; being the report of the Edinburgh com- mittee of the British Medical Association. 100 pp. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1875. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875. See, aho, Cien (J.) Reply to Dr. McGilchrist's "re- marks" on —:—'s introductory lecture, etc 8°. Edin- burgh,lS56.—M'Crilchrist(J.) Remarkson "thepresent state of the theory and practice of medicine", etc. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1856. For hh Obituary, see Edinb. M. J., 1875, xxi, 466-474 (J. G. M'Kendrick). Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1875, ii, 473-478. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1875, ii, 286-288. AUo: Boston M. & S. J., 1875, xciii, 509-512. Bennett (John J.) Sec BeU (Thomas). Address, etc. 8°. London, 1855. Bennett (Parkerus). #De menstruis. 14 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Edinburgi, apud W. et T. Ruddimannos, 1745. Bennett (Sidney). The anti-me«hanical treat- ment of spinal deformities and injuries; rheuma- tism, [etc.], practised for several years by the late Henry Harrap in Brighton. 3. ed. 38 pp. 12°. London, [by the author], 1870. Bennett (Thomas). See California Medical Gazette. Bennett (WiUiam)1. A dissertation on the teeth and gums, and the several disorders to which they are liable. 1 p. 1., 58 pp., 21. 12°. Lon- don, J. Harrison, 1779. Bennett (WilUam)2. See Tiedemnnn (Fr6d6ric). The anatomy of the fatal brain. 12°. Edinb., 1826. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Sur- gery. Annual announcements of the Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Chi- cago, for the sessions of 1869-70 (2.), 1870-71 (3.), 1872-3 (5.), 1873-4 (6.), 1878-9 (11.), 1879-80, (12.) 8°. Chicago, 1869-79. Chartered' Mar. 25, 1869. List of students and graduates for the sessions of 1868-9, 1809-70,1877-8,1878-9 in announcements for following years. List of graduotes from 1869-79 in announcement for 1879- 80. BennewitZ (Christianus). * De ventriculi ha> morrhagiis. 31 pp. 8°. Bonna, typ. F. Eruegeri, 1863. c. BennewitZ (Henr. Gottl.) * De diabete mellito, graviditatis symptomate. 30pp., 11. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. J. F. Starckii, [1824]. Benni (Charles). * Recherehes sur quelques points de la gangrene spontande. 135 pp. 4°. Paris, 1867, No. 149. -----. The same. (Accidents inopexiques et en- dartdrite hypertrophique.) 135 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1857. Bennighaus ( Carolus Robertus Guilelmus). * Historia vensesectionis usque ad Corn. Celsum. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, F. G. Nietack, [1856]. Bennighof. See Geschichte der Eorschungen, etc. 8°. Giessen, 1857-9. Bennighof (Heinrich). * Die Gastrectasie mit Aufstossen brennbarer Gase und deren Behand- lung. [Wiirzburg.] 23pp. 8°. Heidelberg, W. Wiesc, 1873. Bennignof (J. P.) * Ueber MeUturie. 15 pp. 8°. Miinclien, C. Wolf, 1843. Benny (Joannes). * De phthisi pulmonali com- plectens. 65 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy et Walker, 1813. [P., v. 734.] Benoict (Albertus). * De dysenteria. 6 1. sm. 4°. Basilea, J. Rodolphus, 1674. Benoist (Alcide-Heuri-HUaire). * Des abces du sein. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1854, No. 11, v. 551. Benoist ( Antoine-Dieudonnd ). * Dissertation sur l'amputation de la jambe. vi, 7-17 pp. 4°. Paris, 1811, No. 106, v. 85. Benoist (Auguste). * Considdrations sur la pu- bertd chez la femme, l'amdnorrhde et la mdnor- rhagie. 42 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 10*1, v. 193. Benoist (Charles-Rend-Louis). * Sur quelques points de mddecine et de chirurgie. 26 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 47, v. 295. Benoist (E.-B.-M.) * Des marais, de leur in- fluence sur la santd. 31 pp. 4°. Paris, 1832, No. 268, v. 518. Benoist (Emile-Auguste). * Du croup ou diph- thdrite laryngde. 30 pp. 4°. Paris, 1855, No. 291, v. 569. Benoist (Ferdinand). * De Paeropneumonasie (emphyseme vdsiculaire). 23 pp. 4°. Paris, 1850, No. 149, v. 492. Essai sur la mddication isolante, ou traite- ment des inflammations en gdndral par les enduits impermdables, avec des observations cliniques k l'appui, suivi do quelques considdrations sur la nature et le traitement de la fievre dite puerpdrale. 62 pp. 8°. Poitiers, H. Oudain, 1864. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1804. Benoist (II.) * I. Quelle est la vajeur sdmdiolo- gique des douleurs de poitrineT II. [etc.] 20pp. 4°. Paris, 1840, No. 144, v. 353. BENOIST. 871 BENTELY. Benoist (J. B. C.) * Quelques rdflexions sur l'dtude et la pratique dela mddecine. 52 pp. 4°. j Strasbourg, 1861, No. 575, 2. s., v. 31. Benoist (J.-C.) * Dissertation sur la goutte. 21 pp. 4°. Paris, 18J), No. 50, v. 155. Benoist (Pierro-Valere). * De la dysenterie. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, 1848, No. 185, v. 466. Benoist (T.-Alphonse). * Du rhumatisme muscu- laire. 20 lip. 4°. Paris, 1853, No. 179, v. 535. j Benoist de la Orandiere (A.-E.) * Rela- tion mddicale d'uue traversde de Cochinchine en France, a bord du transport mixte La SaOne, (an- nde 1861). 62 pp. 4°. Paris, 1862, No. 99. -----. De la nostalgic, ou mal du pays. 221pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1873. -----. Notions (l'hygiene a l'usage des institu- teurs et des dleves des dcoles normales primaires. Ouvrage couronnd par la Socidtd des anciens dle- ves de l'Ecole normale do Versailles, xii, 108 pp. 12°. Paris, v. A. Delahaye Sr Cie., 1877. Benoiston de CSnateauncuf. Do l'influ- euce de certaines professions sur le developpe- ment de la phthisic pulmonaire. 47 pp. 8°. [P., v. 449.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1831, vi. -----. Essai sur la mortalitd dans l'infanterie francaise. 80 pp., 4 tab. 8°. [n. p.], Paul Re- nouard, [n. d.] [P., v. 449.] Repr. from: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1833, x. See, also, Terme (J. F.) Sc ITIonfalcon (J. B.) Nou- veUes considerations sur les enfants trouv6s. 8°. Parh, 1838. Benoit. See Guorard (A.) Appareils respiratoires do M. Ga- liheit. Lampe photo-61ectnque do MM. Dumas et. . . 8°. [Parh, 1865. J Benoit (Alexandre-Gabriel)'. * Sur les fievres in- tennitteutes bdnignes en gdndral. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1812, No. 3, v. 87. Benoit (Alexandre-Gabriel)2. * De la pdritonite puerpdrale. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 57, v. 398. Benoit (Auguste Edouard). * De la cdphalo- tripsie. 102 pp. 4°. Lille, 1880, No. 12. Benoit ( C.-F.-Eugene). * Des difiicultds que l'on rencontre dans la pratique de la version pel- vieune. 30 pp. 4C. Paris, 1853, No. 171, v. 535. Benoit (Camille). * De la paralysie gdndrale des alidnds. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1859, No. 233, v. 627. Benoit (Emile). * Des causes de l'hdmoptysie. 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1874, No. 19. Benoit (Ferdinand). * Des hdmorrhagies gastro- intestinales dtudides surtout au point de vue de la sdmdiologie et du pronostic. 51pp. 4°. Paris, 1872, No. 199. Benoit (Francois- Joseph). * Observations sur quelques maladies simuldes. viii, 9-21 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 114, v. 193. Benoit (Gabriel). * Des compUcations viscdrales dans l'ostdite snppurante aigue spontande des adolescents et de leur origine septicdmique. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 308. Benoit (Hdgdsippe). * Essai sur l'examen des malades. 1 p. 1., 83 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1846, No. 159, v. 12. Benoit (J.) Considdrations sur le but et les principes do l'enseignement clinique. Discours k l'ouverture du cours de clinique chirurgicale, fait a la Facultd de mddecine de MontpelUer, en remplacement du Prof. Serre. 63 pp. 8°. Montpellier, L. Cristin Sr Cie., 1850. Benoit (J.-L.-Emile). * Essai sur la ndphrite aigue simple; ou inflammation idiopathique des reins. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1825, No. 235, v. 196. Benoit (J.-M.) * Dissertation sur les hernies ou desceutes. 33 pp. 4°. Pam, 1807, No. 64, v. 67. Benoit (Jules). Des purgatifs et du sulfovinate do soude. 13 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Adrien Dela- haye, 1873. [Also, in: P., v. 801.] Benoit (Justin). De l'influence de l'air et des aliments sur la production et le traitement des maladies chirurgicales. 65 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Martel, 1842. Benoit (Ldopold-Hilarion). * De l'dclampsie pu- erpdrale. 136 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, De Gras, 1867, No. 66. C. Benoit (M. H.) De la libertd d'exercice de la mddecine. 22 pp. 8°. Strasbourg, typog. G. SiU bermann, 1865. Repr. from: Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1865. Benoit (Nicholas-Thdodore). * I. Quelle est la valeur des signes fournis par la palpation et la percussion do la rate? II. [etc.] 78pp.' 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 248, v. 398. Benoit (Pierre-Emile). * De l'acide salicylique et du salicylate de soude. 63 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1877, No. 2. Benoit (Rend). Etudes spectroscopiques sur le sang. 104 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1869. Benoit (Victor). * Des cas dans lesquels il con- vient d'employer lo forceps. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1856, No. 100. Benoly (Nathanael). •* Statistische Beitrage zur Keuntuiss der Puerperalpsychosen. 41 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. X. Bucher, 18/6. Ben Rhydding, Wharfedale, as a hygienic and hydrotherapeutic establishment. 11 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, Oliver Sr Boyd, 1872.] See, aho, Edinb. M. J., 1872, xvu, pt. 2, 660; 759. Bens (Mauritius Ludovicus). * De genuinis ple- thora} effectibus in corpus humanum. 28 pp., 2 1. 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, C. F. N. Fiirst, 1747. Bensberg. Oilnther (J. J.) Versuch einer skizzirten medizini- schen Topographie des Kantons Bensberg im Bergischen. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1819, xlviii, 6. Hft., 70-93. Bensberg (Petrus). * De paralysis progressiva. 36 pp. 8°. Gryphia, F. Haehe, 1861. c. Bensch (Heinrich). * Beitrage zur Beurtheilung der chirurgischen Behandlung der Nasenrachen- polypeu. 110 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1877. Ben'se (W.) * Ueber die Entstehung des Eiters im Corpus vitreum. [Gottingen.] 16pp. 8C. Nien- burg, Weichelt, 1869. Bensen (Rudolph).. * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von dem Nerveneinlluss auf den Blutdruck. 24 pp. 8°. [ WUrzburg], Grimme, [n. d.] Bensheim (Ernestus). Tractatus de hydrope. 48 pp. sm. 4°. Lipsia, typ. J. C. Brandenburgeri, 1700. Benson (CJiarles). Obituary of Charles Benson (1797-1880]. Med. Presa & Circ, Lond., 1880, n. s., xxix, 77. Benson (J. W.) See Semi-Monthly Medical News. Bent (Silas). An address deUvered before the St. Louis Historical Society, upon the thermometric gateways to the pole, surface currents of the ocean, and the influence of the latter upon the climate of the world. 29 pp. 8°. Saint Louis, R. P. Studley Sr Co., 1869. Bent (Thomas). * De hepatitide chronica. Ip. 1., 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy Sr Walker, 1807. Bente (Georgius Henricus). *De sterilitatis fcemi- narum causis. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Gottinga, typ. J. C. Baier, [1812]. Bentejac (Ldon). *Des ldsions trophiques des nerfs et des muscles dans la paralysie saturnine. 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1876, No. 380. Bentejac (Ldopold). *I. Du thermometre k air. II. Role des cellules mastoidiennes dans le phd- nomene de l'audition. III. Ddnudations et plaies des os. IV. De la nage sous le rapport de l'hygiene. 28 pp. 4°. Paris, 1839, No. 35, v. 336. Bentely (Emanuel). * De sectione synchondro- seos ossium pubis. 62 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. H. Heitzii, [1779]. BENTFORT. 872 BENZLER. Be tit fort (Jacobus Johannes Ewoud). * Een door den schryver waargenomen ziektegoval. 2 p. 1., 3* pp. i"1' . Lcyden, gebrocders van der Hock, 1856. Benthani (George). Address read at the anni- versary meeting of tho Linnean Society, May 24, lH;i7. 24 pp. 8°. London, Taylor Sr Francis, 1837. [P., v. 257.] Benthaus (Franz). * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Melainemie. 31 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Eunike, 1875. Bentheini. Aochendorf (H.) Over de working on hot gebruik der zwavelbron te Bentheim. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1839, v, (suppl.-bd.), 80; 251. -----. Bad-kro- nijk van het zwavclbad bij Bentheim, benevens eenige op- merkingen torvaststelling der indication voor de aanwen- ding der natuurhjke zwavel-, slijk-, gas-, damp- en regenba- den aldaar voor zich alleen, of in vcrbinding met de geiten- mv avaroKiKtav 'IvSidv. "IaTpiKTj 'E^n., AOfjvai, 1859, i, 367.—Bernelot Mocns (J. G. T.) Beschouwingen der mededeelingen omtrent beri-beri, voorkomende iu het Nederl. Tijdschr. voor Geneesk., benevens eenige opmerkingen omtrent dcze ziekte. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1859, vii, 366-396.—Betoldi (J.) Lo beriberi, quelques mots 8ur chacun des symptomes. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1877, fxxv], 484; 512; 538; 570. -----. 11 beriberi os- servato nella provincia di San Paolo nel Brasilc. Ann. nniv. di med., Milano, 1878, ccxliii, 526-544. — Boylnnd (G. H.) Beriberi. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1876, iii, 2">5.—Bucno Maniorc. O beriberi 6 molcstia apy- retica. Rev. med., Bio do Jan., 1873, i, 56. — Carlos (D.) A ilha do Itapaiica e o beri-beri. Ann. Brazil, do med., Ilio do Jan., 1877, xxix, 103-111. —Carter (H. J.) Beriberi among the marines of the Indian navy, on board tho n. C. surveying vessels "Palinurus" and "Nurbudda", between November, 1844, and June, 1864. Tr.M. & Phys. Soc. Bom- bay, 1847, viii, 78-90.—Cazals. Sur les effets do l'oxide blanc de bismuth dans un cas d'affection convulsivo, suivie de beriberi. J. g6n. de ni6d., chir. et pharm., Par., 1810, xxxix, 368-374.—Clapham (W. S. C.) On beri-beri as seen in Java. Lancet, Lond., 1872, ii, 293.—van Disscl (J. A.) lets overdo behandcling der beri-beri. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1866, i, 497-499. — Domingncz (E.) Beriberi: un sola entidad morbosa bajo dos 1'ormas; teoria do su asiento en la mcdula oblongada; tratamiento por la beUadona. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid, 1874, ii, 253; 267.—Eadcs (It.) On barbicrs. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1856, i, 13-17.—Eisinger (T. H.) Bijdrage tot do therapio van beri-beri. Geneesk. Arch. v. do Zee- macht, Nieuwediep, 1875, iv, 133-139. ■----r. Eenige be- schouwingen over do oorzaken van beri-beri. Ibid., 1874, iii, 34-41.—Erinerins (J. F. P.) Bijdrage tot do kennis der geographische verspreiding van beri-beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. do Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1868, vi, 277-279.—Eve- zard (E. DA.) Remarks on beriberi. Madras Q. J. M. Sc, 1862, iv, 44-65. —de Earia (A.J.) Algumas con- sideracoes sobre a molcstia denominada beriberi, etc. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1869, iii, 169.—Fayrcr (J.) Beriberi. Practitioner, Lond., 1877, xviii, 1-9.— Fonssagrivcs & Lc Boy de Mericourt. Memoire sur la caracterisa- tion nosologique do la maladie connue vulgairement dans l'Inde sousle nom do b6riberi. Arch. gen. do med.. Par., 1861, ii, 257-292.—Francois (A.) Quelques refloxions sur lo beriberi. Arch, do'med. nav., Par., 1878, xxx, 266- 272.—Oallardo (S.) Leccioncs dadas acerca del beriberi. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1876, ii, 477-514.—Gclpkc (C. O.) Beri-beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1879, n. s., viii, 256-279.—Gijsbcrti Hodenpijl (L. P.) Bijdrage tot do oorzakenlccr van beri-beri. Ge- neesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1872, i, 126- 145.—Hamilton (K. W.) Waarneming omtrent beri- beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie", Batav., 1859, vii, 192-204.—Hamilton (W.) Observations on the nature, causes, and treatment of beriberi. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1826, ii, 12-34. Aho: Edinb. J. M. Sc, 1826-7, Beriberi and Barbiers. ii, 285-288. Aho: Lond. M. Sc Phys. J., 1828, n. 8., iv, 197- 207.—Hava (J. G.) Sobro una epidemia do beriberi. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1865, ii, 158-KU.— Hermann (S. L.) Zum Wesen des Beri-Beri. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1859, xvi, 331-340.—Uorton (J. A. B.) Beriberi, tho bad sickness of Ceylon, or tho sleep- ing sickness of Africa. In his: Dis. Trop. Climates, 2. ed., 8°, Lond., 1879, 531-537.—Kamcya (G.) [Chronic beri- beri.] Tokei Ijishinshi, 1879, no. 92.—Eaboulbcnc (A.) Lecon sur un cas do b6rib6ri observe a l'h6pital do la Charite. Arch, do med. nav., Par., 1878, xxx, 372-398. -----. "Un cas do beriberi. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1879, Iii, 203; 209. — van JLccnt (F. J.) TJeber Beri-Beri. Allg. Wien. mod. Ztg., 1879, xxiv, 446; 471. Also: Wien. med. BI., 1879, ii, 941-943.—Lc Boy dc OTcriconrt (A.) Beriberi ou bcri bcri. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1868, ix, 129- 165. — Lindman (L.) Beschrijving dor op het eiland Banka waargenomeno beri-beri gedurende het jaar 1853. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1854, iii, 131- 159.—tiodcwijks (J. A.) Hypertrophic en degenoratio van het hart bij beri-beri. Ibid., 1878, viii, n. s., 17-22.— Kiorenco (J.) Des affections oculaires qui rC-sultcnt du b6rib6ri.' J. d'ophth., Par., 1872, i, 586-594.—Maccari (A.) Observation sur lo b6rib6ri sth6nique. Ann. clin. do Montpel., 1810, xxii, 268-277. —Mackay (G.) t Beri- beri. Ind. Ann. M. Sc., Calcutta, 1855-6, iii, 349-351.—de Mcijer (G. van O.) Beri-beri, beschreven naar hetgen omtrent die ziekte tot heden bekend gemaakt en in het bozonder ook door officieren van gezondheid der zeemagt in hunne (onuitgegeven) officielo rapporten medegedeeld werd. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. do Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1865, iii, 1-117.—Meycr-Ahrens. Dio Beri-Beri-Krankheit nnter der Armee des Aelius Gallus in dem Fcldzuge nach Arabicn im Jahro 24 vor Christi Geburt. Janus, Gotha; 1853, ii, 205-256.—Mintcgniaga (J.) Sur lo berib6ri. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1874, 4. s., iii, 35.—de Miranda Aze- vedo (A. C.) Do beriberi contribuicoes para o estudo do sua svmptomalogia. Rev. med., Bio do Jan., 1874, i, 277- 279.—Morehead (C.) Remarks on the pathology and treatment of beri-beri. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1855, n. s., ii, 87-101.—Mouat (J.) Caso of heri bcri, with pathological remarks. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1835, vii, pt. 2, 243-257.—Moura (J.) Nobis acerca do cinco casos do beriberi, do formas mixta e paralytica. Rev. med., Rio de Jan., 1877, iv, 92.—de Moura (J. R.) Do beriberi; contribuicoes paraestudo do sua symptomatologia. Ibid., 1874, i, 324.—O'Brien (J.) Acute dropsy, (beriberi?) [12 cases.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1879, xiv, 5-8.— Oudcnhoven (H. L.) lets over beri-beri. Nederl. Tijdschr. v.Geneesk., Amst.,1858, ii, 577-584. Also, transl.: Arch, beiges do med. mil., Brux., 1859, xxiii, 97-108.— Poole (W.) & Trail (D.) Three cases of beriberi. Ma- dras Q. M. J., 1842, iv, 150-158.—Praegcr (L. F.) Nas- poring van het wezen der beri-beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. do Zeftnagt, Gravenh., 1864, ii, 1-40: 1870-71, ix, 1-52. Also, transl.: Arch, domed, nav., Par., 1870, xiv, 378-421.— Bey (H.) A propos dun memoiro sur lo berib6ri. Cour- riermed., Par., 1874, xxiv, 257.—Bcyncs (J. A.) Casos do beriberi; observacion en el hospital de San Felipe y San- tiago. An. r. Acad, do cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1870, vii, 682-684.—Bibeiro da Cnnha. Natureza e patho- genia do beriberi. Progresso med., Rio do Jan., 1876-7, i, 265-272.—Bidlcy (J.) An account of an endemic disease of Ceylon entitled berri berri. Dublin Hosp. Rep., 1818, ii, 227-253.—Boc(W.C) & Jessop. Reports on the sanitary condition of Lahuan. Army M. Dep. Rep., Lond., 1871, xi, 312-345,1 map.—Schnl tc (H.) Le beriberi consid6re comme anemio pernicieuse secondaire. Analyse et commentaires par Van Leent. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1879, xxxii, 121; 190.—daSilvaliima. Leberib6riaiiBresil. (Analyse et traduction du portugais par M. Palasne-Champeaux.) Ibid., 1873, xx, 321-350.—Some remarks upon the nature ofthe disease called "berry berry", observed frequently in the N. E. monsoon amongst tho natives of India and Malays coming to China in the capacity of lascars or sailors on board country ships. Tr. China Med.-Chir. Soc, 1845-6, Hong Kong, i846, i, 68.— Stecndijk (J. C. D.) Beri-beri, voorgekomen aan boord Banka. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. do Zeemagt, Gravenh., 1871, ix, 378-401. -----. Rapport om- trent eene, aan Zr. Ms. stoomschip Banka, bemand met 90 Europeanen en 38 Inlanders, geheerscht hebbende epidemio van beri-beri, van af den 2. Maart tot den 28. Maart 1871. Geneesk. Arch. v. do Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1872, i, 1- 20.—Thepass (A. H.) Beri-beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1860, viii, 354-361. —Thomson (G.) Some observations on beriberi; being an extract from tho report on tho jail at Masulipatam, for 1838. Madras Q.M.J., 1839, i, 467-472.—Ullersperger (J.B.) Neuester nosologischcr Standpunct des Beri-Beri als Krankheit und als Epidemio. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Berl., 1874, 12-14. Also, transl.: Gaz. med. do Lisb., 1874, 4. s., ii, 105-111.—Vinson (A.) Du barbiers et du beri- beri. Union m6d., Par., 1870, ix, 181-191.—Vinson (D. C.) Beri-beri. [Rapport dn Dr. Vinson, Moka, 20 jan. 1879.] [Newspaper cutting, Cernecn, Port-Louis.]—Was- sink(U.) Beri-beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1860, viii, 472-182— Wright (P. W.) Remarks BERIBERI. 884 BERKELEY. Beriberi and Barbicrs. on beriberi. Edinb. M. &. S."J., 1834, xb, 323-329.— Zuur (J. W.) Rapport omtrent eene rcis naar het, in do Luciparapassagp gcstationccrdo Lichtschip, naar aan- leiding van eene daar aan boord uitgobrokeno beri-beri- epidemie, in de maand Juni 1871. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep, 1873, ii, 266-280. Bericht iiber die dritte Versammlung des Vereins baltischer Aerzte, erstattet von dem allgemeinen arztlichen Verein zu Kiel. 69 pp. 8°. Eiel, Schwers, 1866. Bericht (Kurtzer) wie die Artzneycn, welche in vorstehender sterbens Gefahr, alhier zu Witten- berg, in den Apotheken angeordnet, niitzlich mit Gottes Hiilff zu gebrauchen sind. Gestellet, von dem Collegio Medico daselbst. 11 1. 4°. Wit- tenberg, P. Helwigs, 1607. Bericht und Ordnung wie man sich in den jetzo anfelligen bosen Fiebern vormittelst gottlicher Gnaden verwahren und curiren sol durch die. Medicos der Stadt Gorlitz zu Wolfarth jbres ge- liebten Vater-Laudes gestellet. 11 1. sm. 4°. Gedruckt in der kayser- und koniglichen Stadt Gorlitz durch J. Rhambau, 1613. Bericht iiber die Saison riitiscber Biider u. Kur- orte im Jahr 1877. Hrsg. auf Veranstaltung der graubiiudnerischen Section des schweizeri- schen arztlichen Centralvereins. 48 pp. 8°. Chur, Hitz u. Hail, 1878. Bericht iiber die Sitzungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle in den Jahren 1870-77. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Bericht des Vereins fiir Anthropologie zu Leip- zig, fiir das Jahr 1870. xi, 33-48 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, Ackermann u. Glaser, 1871. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Vortrage der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, in den Jahren 1875 und 1876. 52 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1877. Berichte des naturhistorischen Vereins in Augs- burg. 9. (1855); 18.-23. (1865-75). 8°. Augs- burg, P. J. Pfeiffer, 1855-75. Want 1.-8.; 10.-17., incL, and all after 23. Berichte des naturhistorischen Vereins in Pas- sau. Fiir die Jahre 1857-74. 1.-10. Berichte. 8°. Passau, 1858-75. Want 3. report, 1859. Berichte der naturwissenschaffclichen Gesell- schaft zu Chemnitz. 1.-5.(1859-74). 8°. Chem- nitz, 1865-75. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich - medizini- schen Vereines in Innsbruck. Jahrg. i-vi; 1.-3. Hft., vii; 1.-3. Hft., viii (1870-77). 8°. Inns- bruck, 1870-79. Berichte der oberhessischen Gesellschaft fiir Na- tur-und Heilkunde. 1.-17.(1847-78). 8°. Gies- sen, 1847-78. Berichte iiber die Thiitigkeit des Offenbacher Vereins fiir Naturkunde. 1.-18. (1859-77). 8°. Offenbach a. M., 1860-77. Berichte iiber die Thiitigkeit der St. GaUischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft wahrend der Vereinsjahre 1866-7; 1867-8; 1870-71—1872-3: 1875-6; 1876-7. 8°. St. Gallen, 1867-78. Want 1868-9; 1869-70; 1873-4; 1874-5. Berichte iiber die Versammlungen deutscher Irrenarzte fur die Jahre 1860,1861, 1864 u. 1865. 8°. Berlin, 1860-65. Berichte iiber die Versammlung der ophthalmo- logischen Gesellschaft. 10. (Heidelberg, 1877). iv, 196 pp., 1 chrt. 8C. Rostock, H. Schmidt, 1877. Aho, in: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., xv. -----. Thesame. 11. (Heidelberg, 1878). 8°. Rostock, 1878. Berigard (Gland). Portrait in: Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Sc, 187. AUo, in: Collection—von Kaathoven, i. Bering (Fr.) * Ueber unbrauchbare Amputa- tions-Stiimpfe. [Wiirzburg.] 1 p. 1., 20 pp. b°. Menden, W. Riedel, [1875]. Beringen. Ziegler (C. A. F.) *De aquis Bcriugensibus. 4°. Berolini, [1830]. Beringer (Antome-Annet). * Considerations sur les plaies pe"n6trantes des articulations. 19 pp. 4°. Paris, 1820, No. 74, v. 156. Be ringer (Joannes Ludovicus Christophorus). *Semiologiam Hippocratis sive doctrinainde sig- nis sanitatis et morborum succinctis thesibus proponens. 4 p. 1., 99 pp., 2 1. 4°. Herbipoli, M. A. Engmann, 1731. Beringier. * Etude sur quelques formes do pa- ralysies dans la phthisie pulmonaire chronique. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1880, No. 72. Beringier (Philippe-Gustave). * Propositions sur lo traitement dc la fievre intermittente. 18 pp. 4°. Paris, 1831, No. 22, v. 238. Beringuier (Leopoldus). * Do neonatorum as- phyxia. [Cumvita.] 29 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1846]. Bcrjaud (Jean-Baptiste-Marie). * Examen cri- tique de cette question: dans l'dtat actuel des sciences me'dicales, peut-on rendre l'ouie et la parole aux sourds-muets de naissance? 49 pp. 4°. Paris, 1827, No. 184, v. 209. (J. Ph.) The homoeopathic treatment of syphilis, gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea, and uri- nary diseases, revised by J. H. P. Frost, xi, 256 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. J. Tafel, 1870. Berka. Ebert (C.) Die balsamischen Kiefernadelbader und Kiefernadeldampf biider (pseudo Fichtenna- delbiider) deren Weseu, Wirkung und Gebrauch. Die Verbindung der balsamischen Kiefernadel- bader mit Stahl- oder Schwefelquellen in ver- schiedenen Krankheitsfallen. Bereitung uud Ge- brauch sammtlicher Praparate aus der Kiefer- nadel: Extract, Decoct, Oel undWaldwollo. Fiir Aerzte und Nicht-Aerzte: besonders aber fiir Hiilfesuchende bei Scrofeln, Gicht, Eheumatis- mus, Lahmnngen, chronischen Hautkrankheiten, Flechten, Bleichsucht, Schleimflussen,Unterleibs- leiden und anderen Krankheitsformen. 8°. Wei- mar, 1853. Berkart (J. B.) Preliminary notice on tho treat- ment of emphysema of the lungs by artificial expiration. 15 pp. 12°. London, J. 4' A. Chur- chill, 1871. -----. On asthma: its pathologv and treatment. viii (11.), 264 pp. 8°. London, "j. Sr A. Churchill, 1878. Berke (Albert Augustus Waldemar). * De apo- plexia cerebri. 31 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, 1866. van Bcrkelaar (Leendert). * De efficacia re- petitae vensesectionis in la^sionibus capitis. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, F. A. Bcnthon, [1766]. Berkeley. See Education (Medical). Berkeley (Carter). *De corpore humano. 52 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, A. Neill, 1793. [P., v. 2.] Berkeley (George), Bishop of Cloyne. An essay towards a new theory of vision. 2. ed. xiv pp., 5 1., 198 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Pepyat, 1709. [-----.] Siris: a chain of philosophical reflexions and inquiries, concerning the virtues of tar-watcr and divers other subjects connected together and arising one from another. By G. L. B. O. C. 261 pp. 8°. Dublin, Ii. Gunne, 1744. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 174pp., 11. 8°. Lon- don, W. I any 8, 1744. -----. Philosophical reflexions and inquiries con. cerning the virtues of tar water, and divers other BERKELEY. 885 BEELIE. Berkeley (George)—continued. subjects connected together and arising one from another. 176 pp. 8°. London, C. Hitch Sr C. Davis, 1744. [-----. ] A letter to T[homas] P[rior], containing some farther remarks on the virtues of tar-water, and tho methods for preparing and using of it. To which is added, an answer to a supposed phy- sician's letter to the Right Reverend the Bishop of Cloyne, occasioned by his lordship's treatise on the virtues of tar-water. 28 pp. 8°. London, M. Cooper, 1744. [-----.] Thesame. 3. ed. 32pp. 8°. Dublin and London, W. Innys, C. Hitch, M. Cooper, C. Davis, 1744. Two letters. The one to Thomas Prior, concerning the usefulness of tar-water in tho plague. (Wherein also it is considered, whether tar-water, prepared with the distilled acid of tar, should be preferred to that made in the common way, by mixing tar with water, and stirring them together.) Tho other to the Rev. Dr. Hales, on the benefit of tar-water in fevers, for cattle as well as the human species. Published at his lordship's desire, on occasion of tho present dis- temper among tho cattle, and for the general good of mankind. 36 pp. 8°. London, W. Innys, C. Hitch, Sr M. Cooper, 1747. Berkeley (M. J.) Sec Cooke (M. C.) Funei: the nature and uses. 8°. New Tork, 1875. Also: Griffith (J. W.) & Henfrcy (Arthur). The micrographic dictionary. 3. ed. 2 v. 8°. London, 1871-4. Berkeley (Robert). * An inquiry into the modus operandi of that class of medicines called seda- tives. 34 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Way Sr Groff, Berkenhout (John). * De podagra. 28 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Lugduni Bat,, T. Haak, 1765. -----. Pharmacopoeia medici. 5 p. 1., 117 pp., 7 1. 12°. Londini, T. Becket Sr P. A. De Hondt, 1768. -----. Doctor Cadogan's dissertation on the gout, and aU other chronic diseases, examined and re- futed. In a letter to the author. 38 pp. 8°. London, S. Bladon, 1772. -----. A volume of letters to his son at the uni- versity. 374 pp. 8°. Cambridge, J. Archdeacon, 1790. Berkhan (Oswald). Beitrage zur Geschichte der Psychiatrie. 43 pp. 8°. Neuwied, J. H. Heuser, 1863. 1. Hft. Das Irrenwesen der Stadt Braunschweig in den friiheren Jahrhunderten. -----. Irrsein bei Kindern. 16 pp. 8°. Neuwied, J. H. Heuser, 1863. van Berkhey (Joannes le Francq). * Expositio characteristica structuree florum, qui dicuntur compositi. 151 pp., 3 1., 8 pl. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud P. van der Eyk, 1760. -----. Natuurkundigevergelijkingentenbetooge, dat men de zoo veel geruchtmakende koepokkeu te houden hebbe voor een soort van Etterblijnen, en Blaaren, die alom, inzonderheid in ons vader- land, bij de landlieden bekend zijn onder den naam van de Blaar, met aanmerkingen en waar- neemingen over deeze stof, en over derzelver inenting. 65 pp. 8°. Leyden, J. van Thoir, 1801. Bound vrith: Kb auss (J. C.) Geneeskundige verhande- ling over der Dauwworm, [etc.] 8°. Amst, 1791. Vervolg, op de natuurkundige vergelij kingen betreffende de zo veel gerugtmaakende koepokken. Ten nadere betooge, dat de door Doctor Jenner vooronderstelde besmettende oor- zaak uit de hoeven der paerden, volstrekt te genstrijdig is. En verdere vrijmoedige beoordee- ling over de verschiUende gevoelens der inenting, door vacciuatio in den mensch. Met ernstige beantwoording op de aanmerking in de verzame- van Berkhey (Joannes le Francq)—continued. ling van brie ven en waarneemingen over do vaccinatie. No. 3. 86 pp. 6°. Leyden, J. van Thoir, 1801. Bound with: Kkauss(J. C.) Geneeskundige verhandc- bngover der Dauwworm, [etc.] 8°. Amst., 1791. For hh Biography, see Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1867, ii, 272-278. Berkhoat (Nanningius). *De tussi. 27 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud A. Callewier, [1735]. van Berkman (Job. Math.) * De actione secretoria cerebri, cerebelli, medulla? spinalis. 45 pp., 11. 4°. Lugd. Bat, apud C. Wishoff, 1731. -----. Tho same. In: de Obkrkamp (F. J.) Collect, diss. 4°. Francof. a. M., 1767, i, 233-274. Berkofsky (Aemilius Eduardus Theodorus). * Do elementis sputorum. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, [1861]. Berkowski (Adolphus). *De pemphigo quae- dam. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, lit. A. Petschii, [1826]. Berks County. See Pennsylvania. Berkshire Medical College. Annual announce- ments ofthe Berkshire Medical College, Pittsiield, Mass., for the sessions of 1823 (1.), 1824 (2.), 1830 (8.), 1841 (19.), 1842 (20.), 1845-8 (23.-26.), 1864 (42.), 1866 (44.), 1867 (45.) 16° & 8°. Pittsfield. 1823-66. -----. Annual catalogues of the . . . for the years 1829, 1841, 1844-7, 1862, 1863, 1866. 8°. Pittsfield, 1829-66. A list of all the graduates from 1823-66 in announce- ment for 1867. A summer school. Organized 1822, and incorporated in 1823. Last course of lectures held June- Sept., 1867, when it ceased to exist. Berkshire (The) Medical Journal; devoted to the interests of rational medicine. Edited by Wm. H. Thaver and R. Cresson Stiles. Monthly. v. 1, Jan.-Dec, 1861. 572 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, Mass., H. Chiekei'ing. [Completed.] Bcrkliu (Hermann). *De lassitudine morborum symptomate. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, formis Erau- sianis, [1825]. Berladsky (Anastasie). * Etude histologiquo sur la structure des arteres. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1878, No. 4. Berlage (Henricus). * De asthmate sanguineo. 30 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Jena, lit. Mullerianis, [1710]. Berlak (Salomon). *Symbola ad anatomiam vesica? natatorial piscium. 40 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Regimontii Prussorum, C. Paschke, [1834]. Berland (F6lix-Arsene). *I. Des phdnomenes et des consequences de l'hydarthrose. Comment counait-on l'hydarthrose du genou et cello du poignet ? Quel traitement lui oppose-t-on ? II. [etc.] 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1843, No. 125, v. 398. Berland (Louis). * Epidemic de fievre typhoide tendant k prouver que cette maladie est conta- gieuse. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, 1836, No. 103, v. 297. Berland (Rend). "Traitement par le tartre stibi6 d'une forme de choree dite electrique. (Etude clinique et thdrapeutique.) 56 pp. 4°. Poitiers, Oudin freres, 1880, No. 90. Berlein (Martin). * Ueber zwei Fiille von alveo- liirem Sarcom des Oberkiefers. 30 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1876. van Berlekom (Johan Pieter Berdenis). * By- drage tot de leer der aangezigtsgeboorte. [Ley- den.] 2 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Middelburg, de gebroc- ders Abrahams, 1857. ■^—*—. * De motu arteriarum vitali. 2 p. 1., 45 pp., / 5 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. Hasebroek, 1758. ^ Berlie (C.) * Dissertation sur les soins qu'on doit donner aux enfans dans les premiers mouicns de leur naissance. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1806, No. 87, v. 62. YOU*. (loW^^n*/^ AiUc. *De la lym- phorrhagie consecutive aux ad6nites et aux lym- phangitessuppur6es. 43 pp. t4°. Paris, 1878, No. 108. Berlin (Nicolaus J.) Circa praeparata chemica pharmacopeae Suecicae observationes. Resp. Ca- rolus Johannes Kjerrulf, Petrus Johannes Eri- cus Afzelius, et Carolus Fredericus Kindlundh. 28 pp. 4°. Upsala, 1836. Berlin (Nils Johan). See Hwasser (Israel). Om Colik. 4. Delen. 8°. Up- sala, 1837-9. Berlin (Rudolf). * Beitrag zur Structurlehre der Grosshirnwindungen. 27 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Erlan- gen, A. E. Junge, 1858. Berlin (W.) * Spec. med. inaug. continens quaa- dam de circulatione in cavo cranii. [Utrecht.] 2 p. 1., 59 pp. 8°. Amstelodami, C. G. van der Post, 1850. Ars longa, vita brevis. Redevoering bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt in de ontleedkunde, aan het Athenaeum illustre te Am- sterdam den 17. den October 1864 uitgesproken. 26 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. Muller, 1864. See, aho, Archir fiir die hoUiindischen Beitrage zur Natur- und HeUkunde. Berliner (Abrahamus). * De somno. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, J. C. Fuchs, [1854]. Berliner (Hermannus). * De graviditate extra- uterina. 28 pp., 21. 8°. BeroUni, typ. fratrum Schlesinger, [1845]. Berliner (Isidor). *De polypis bronchiorum, seu de morbo sic dicto: croup bronchiorum. 29 pp. 8°. Regiomonti Prussorum, imp. Samter et Rathke, 1848. Berliner (Leopold). Ueber Eczema. 18 pp. 8°. Miinchen, [n. p.], 1847. Berliner Cholera-Zeitung. Materialien zur Ge- schichte und Behandlung der asiatischen Cho- lera, etc. Hrsg. von Dr. J. L. Casper. Nos. 1-36, Sept. 24-Dec. 27, 1831. 300pp. 4°. Berlin, F. Dummler, 1831. [Completed.] Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von dem entomologischen Verein in Berlin. Redac- teur, Dr. G. Kraatz. 1.-2. Jahrg., 1857-8. 2 v. roy. 8°. Berlin, Nicolai, 1857-8. Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethno- logie und Urgeschichte. Verhandlungen der Ber- liner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. In: Zeitschr. f. Ethn., Berl., 1869-75, 8 v, 8°. Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethno- logie und Urgeschichte. Rathschliige iiir anthro- pologische Untersuchungen auf Expeditionen der Marino. Auf Veranlassung des Chefs der kaiser- lich deutschen Admiralitat, ausgearbeitet von der ... 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, Wiegandt u. Hempel, 1872. Berliner Hiilfsverein fiir die deutschen Armeen im Felde 1870. Gesundheitsregeln fiir die Solda- ten im Felde. 7 pp. 24°. [Berlin, G. Bernstein, 1870?] Berliner kliuische Wochenschrift. Organ fiir practische Aerzte. Redigirt von L.Posner. Jahrg. 1-16, 1864-79. 16 v. fol. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald. Current. In Jan., 1865, Preussische Medicinal-Zeitung merged in this journal. In 1868 L. Waldenburg became editor. Berliner medicinische Central-Zeitung; vom Neuesten und Wissenswerthen aus der gesamm- ten Heilkunde des In- und Auslandes. Redigirt von J. J. Sachs, unter Mitwirkung vieler Aerzte im gesammten Deutschland. [Weekly. ] Jahrg. 1-48,1832-79. 48 v. 4°&fol. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald. Current. In 1842 title became AUgemeine Medicini- sche Central-Zeitung, and it became tol. In 1842 became semi-weekly. In 1846 W. Hoff bauer added as editor. In 1851 by Sachs and L. Posner. In 1852 by Posner alone. In 1864 by H. Rosenthal and L. Waldenberg. In 1868, etc., by Rosenthal alone. Berliner medicinische Gesellschaft. Bericht der zur Berathung der Trichinenfrage niedergesetzten Commission der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin iiber ofl'entliche Schlachthauser. Bericht- erstatter, Dr. A. C. Feit. 1 p. 1., 34 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1864. -----. Statut der . . . 2 1. 4°. Berlin, J. Sit- tenfeld, [n. d.] -----. Verhandlungen der . . . Hrsg. vom Vor- stande der Gesellschaft. v. 1-8 (1866-7—1876-7). 8°. BerUn, J. Sittenfeld, 1866-77. See, aho, Berl.klin.Wchnschr., 1874,xi, 169; 193. Also: Wien. mod. Presse, 1868, ix, 17; 170; 332; 356; 798; 821; 843. BERLINER. 888 BERLINSKI. Berliner medicinisch-psychologische Ge- sellschaft. Berliner medicinisch-psychologische GeseUschaft [for the years 1807-77]. Arch. f. Psych, u. Nervenkr., Berl., 1868, i: 1869-70, ii: 1871-2, ui: 1873-4, iv: 1874-5, v: 1875-6, vi: 1876-7, vii: 1877-8, vui. Berliner stadtisches Krankenhaus im Friedrichs- hain. Berichte iiber die Verwaltung des Berliner stadtischen Krankenhauses im Friedrichshain von den Jahren 1875-6. 4°. Berlin, J. Sitten- feld, 1876-7. -----. Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Ab- theilung des .. . 1. Hft. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren DDr. Boters, Rinne, Stahl und Wildt. Hrsg. von Dr. Max Schede. 1 p. 1., 130 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkopfu. Hartel, 1878. -----. Das stadtische aUgemeine Krankenhaus im Friedrichshain zu Berlin von Gropius und Schmieden. Text von V. von Weltzien. 45 pp., 27 pl. fol. Berlin, Ernst u. Eorn, 1876. Berlinerblau (Fanny). * Ueber den directen Uebergang von Arterien in Venen. Med. Facultat zu Bern. 16 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger (Th. Grimm), [1875]. Berling1 (Andreas). Ueber Kopfblutgeschwulst derNeugebornen. 27 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Bonitas- Bauer, 1851. C. Berling (Carolus Gustavus). * Comparatio cele- bratissimarum novissimarumque doctrinarum de natura et propagatione luminis. 44 pp. 4°. Lunda, lit. Berlingianis, [1831]. Berlin^ (Christian Fredrik). *Om Eczema. 59 pp. 8°. Lund, tryekt uti Berlingska, 1863. c. Berlingeri (Antoine). * De l'accouchement pre- mature' artificiel. 38 pp. 4°. Paris, 1861, No. 72. Berlinghieri. See Vacca-Berlinghieri. Berlinische Sammlungen zur Beforderung der Arzneywissenschaft, der Naturgeschichte, der Haushaltungskunst, Cameralwissenschaft und der dahin einschlagenden Litteratur. v. 1-10, 1768-79. 8°. Berlin, J. Pauli. [Completed.] Berlinisches Jahrbuch fiir die Pharmacie und fiir die damit verbundenen Wissenschaften. v. 1-37,1795-1837. 12°. Berlin, F. Oehmigked. Aelt. Wantvol. forl796and2. part of vol. for 1828. I.yearis3. ed.; 3. and 4. years are 2. ed. Nothing published in 1809- 14. v. 24-31, 33-36, are bound in 2 parts. In 1803 a new aeries commenced; title Neues Berlinisches Jahrbuch, [etc.] In 1815 title became Deutsches Jahrbuch, [etc.] Berliiiski (Marcus). *De nascentium morien- tiumque numero ex lege naturae diversis diei tem- poribus diverse vi, 34 pp. 8°. Berolini, typ. L. F. Herrmannii, [1834]. END OF VOL. I. ■i-;.', :.^r' ^;.!A-\V. v * - .i ■■■,. '•■rM?.-:,\;> -m; '■^'-l ■"..■.',-t-,).V:H- .<'S-■ ■ VV .'.v-".'iV.'iVi :(G.'r »«■ frK Vmi»- •\«Vt'-' f*V si .«>\ B rHi'.-- ■Vi ■■•v. ^n^m* Ap.-'-'OTJ «>* i-:f ^ Bfvi ■ \^AismmM y^s-i^:^m ' ,A- 'V'' A-it'-WiiifM !).V! il?** J^