>'-;. ;•' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * . . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. Bl9574 iMBimuL Musmniii INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE UNITED STATES ARMY (ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY) AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS FOURTH SERIES VOL. VIII IACAPRARO—JZIKOW1TZ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1943 For sale by the Superintendent of Documenta, Washington, D. C. Price $2.50 (cloth) Arck y £ 75, M 4 I 57 set-. 4 v. 7 1943 O.2. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL War Department, Army Medical Library, June 30, 1948. Major General Norman T. Kirk, The Surgeon General, United States Army. General: I have the honor to report the completion of the Eighth Volume of the Fourth Series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of The Surgeon General's Office, the fifty-fifth volume of the entire series. The volume contains references to medical subjects classified under headings from Iberis to Juxtarestiform Body, and the books of authors whose names begin with I or J. In addition to the regular text of the Catalogue, this volume also contains a few pages in continuation of the list of abbreviations used in the references. Wartime demands upon the Library and upon the Government Printing Office made impracti- cable the printing and publication of the other supplements which were to have been issued with this volume. However, the preparation of the Sixteenth Century Bio- Bibliography of Medical Authors by Dr Claudius F. Mayer, and the collection of further data on international and national congresses have been continued and both projects are far enough advanced so that supplemental fasciculi of substantial size can be published as soon as normal conditions return. The Eighth Volume consists of 757 pages. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue, as far as published: Author titles Subject titles Books Journal articles First Series (v.1-16,1880-95, edited by Dr Robert Fletcher)_____________________ Second Series (v.1-17,1896-1912, edited by Dr Robert Fletcher; v.18-21,1913-16, edited by Dr Fielding H. Garrison)________________________________________...... Third Series (v. 1-2,1918-20, edited by Dr Fielding H. Garrison; v.3-10, p. 1-784, 1922- 32, edited by Dr Albert Allemann; v.10 from p. 785 on, edited by Dr Claudius F. Mayer)_____________________________________________.....------------- Fourth Series (v.l, 1936 on, edited by Dr Claudius F. Mayer): Volume One (A) 1936___________.....---------.....--------------------- Volume Two (B) 1937____________.....-................------------------- Volume Three (C) 1938____________.....-....._____........-------------- Volume Four (D) 1939.....__________________......--------------........ Volume Five (E, F) 1940__________________________________.....-~.....- Volume Six (G) 1941_________..........____________________________...... Volume Seven (H) 1942_______________________________________________ Volume Eight (I, J) 1943______..........._______________________________ Total to date.......---------------.......-----------------.....---..... 176, 364 169, 812 88, 876 2,779 8,892 4,281 3,798 5,499 5,836 6,443 2,928 475,508 168,537 136,405 57,034 4,454 3,631 4,302 4,375 5,630 3,125 6,542 3,616 397,651 511,112 645,557 603,600 71,168 79,874 77,479 55,950 88,048 58, 871 60, 502 51.319 2,696,515 The Library now contains 430,954 volumes and 628,753 pamphlets of all sorts, including letters, broadsides and medical theses. During the last fiscal year 10,532 works have been purchased or received as gifts. The Library has also acquired many rolls of microfilms of medical and other scientific serials published abroad; thus, the integrity of the Index-Catalogue is guaranteed despite the disturbed conditions of the book markets. in IV LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Among the old books and rarities recently purchased, the following deserve special mention: Hexricus de Saxonia: Albertus Magnus de secrotis mulierum et virorum, cum commento (Leipzig, 1500); Huisman, R.: Nonnulla opuscula (Basel, 1518); More, T.: De optimo reipublicae statu (Basel, 1518); Bouchet: Les triumphes de la noble at amoureuse Dame (Paris, 1536). The Library also increased its material in medical illustrations and portraits by the purchase of the Hunt Collection, con- sisting of more than 1,400 pieces. The illustrative material is catalogued and classified, and is becoming a part of the references published in the Index-Catalogue. In addi- tion, the Library received a number of gifts including many engravings of portraits not in its Collection. The Index-Catalogue is now distributed free to about 800 domestic and foreign scientific institutions, including the depository libraries of the United States Govern- ment. Unfortunately, 65 copies of Volume Six (G) shipped to the British Isles were lost by enemy action. To serve as temporary replacements of the original current volumes of the Index-Catalogue, microfilm copies have been made and shipped to foreign libraries where requested. Very respectfully, Harold W. Jones, Colonel, Medical Corps, United States Army, The Librarian, Army Medical Library. SIXTH ADDITION TO THE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FOR SERIAL PUBLICATIONS Published in the Second Volume, Fourth Series, of the Index-Catalogue For explanations, see List of Abbreviations, 4. ser., v.2 Accad. med., Genova Accion med., La Paz Acta physicochim. URSS Actas Congr. panamer. endocr. Acta Univ. voroneg. Advance. Int. M., N. Y. Advance. Sc, Lond. ALA Bull. Am. Imago Am. M. Compend An. Ateneo pat. clin. med. Hosp. Alvear, B. Air. An. brasil. gin. An. Cated. pat. clin. tuberc, B. Air. An. Inst, neur., Montev. An. Inst, psicol., B. Air. Ann. mal. org. genitourin., Par. Annual Meet. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res. Annual Rep. Dep. Health Scotland An. Sala VIII Policlin. enf. infec, B. Air. Anuario cienc. med., Madr. Appl. Anthrop. Arch. Biochem., N. Y. Arch, brasil. hyg. ment. Arch. gen. med., Par. Arch. Hosp. israel., B. Air. Arch. Hosp. Rosales, S. Salvador Arch. Sanat. quir. Figueroa, Merida Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo Army Ordnance Arq. hig., Rio Arq. Inst, biol., S. Paulo 1. Accademia medica; organo officiale della Reale Acca- demia medica di Genova. Genova, v.53, No. 4, 1938- 2. Acci6n medica; organo oficial del Circulo medico. La Paz, Afio 1, No. 1, 1942- 3. Acta physicochimica U.R.S.S. Moskva, v.l, No. 1, 1934- 4. Actas; Congreso panamericano de endocrinologia. Montev., 1941. 5. Acta; Gosudarstvenny Universitet, Medicinskii Fakul- tet. Voronezh, v.4, 1927- 6. Advances in internal medicine. N. Y., v.l, 1942- 7. Advancement (The) of science; the report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London, No. 1, 1939- 8. ALA bulletin; pub. by the American Library Associa- tion. Chic, v.37, 1943- 9. American (The) imago; a psychoanalytic journal for the arts and sciences. Bost., 1942- 10. American medical compend. Toledo, v. 11, 1895- 11. Anales; Ateneo de patologia y clinica medica; Hos- pital T. de Alvear. B. Air., v.l, 1935- 12. Anais brasileiros de ginecologia; Sociedade brasileira de ginecologia. Rio, Afio 7, v. 14, No. 4, 1942. 13. Anales; Catedra de patologia y clinica de la tubercu- losis; Universidad. B. Air., v.l, No. 1, 1939- 14. Anales; Instituto de neurologfa. Montev., v.2, 1939- 15. Anales; Instituto de psicologia. Facultad de filosoffa y letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. B. Air., v.l, 1935- 16. Annales des maladies des organes genito-urinaires. Par., v.l, 1882- 17. Annual meeting; Central Society for Clinical Research. Chic, 1936- 18. Annual report; Department of Health; Scotland. Edinb., 1937- 19. Anales; Policlinica de enfermedades infecciosas; Sala VIII. B. Air., No. 3, 1941- 20. Anuario de ciencias medicas. Madr., 2. ser., v.7, 1911- 21. Applied anthropology; published by the Society for Applied Anthropology. Bost., v.l, 1941- 22. Archives of biochemistry. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 23. Archivos brasileiros de hygiene mental; orgao official da Liga brasileira de hygiene mental. Rio, v.2, No. 3, 1929- 24. Archives generates de m6decine. Par., v.l, 1823. 25 Archivos del Hospital israelita Ezrah; Asociaci6n medica. B. Air., No. 1, 1937- 26. Archivos del Hospital Rosales. San Salvador, v.3, No. 12, 1908- 27. Archivos; Sanatorio quirurgico del Doctor Figueroa. Merida, v.l, No. 1, 1926- 28 Archivos de la Sociedad de biologfa de Montevideo. Montev., v.l, No. 1, 1929- 29. Army ordnance; the journal of The Army Ordnance Association. Wash., v.24, No. 137, 1943- 30. Arquivos de higiene; Ministerio da educacao e saude; Departamento nacional de saude. Rio, v. 11, No. 1, 1941- 31. Arquivos; Instituto biologico. S. Paulo, 1940- [11 [2] Atti Conv. lombard. igiene rurale Australas. M. Gaz. Ausz. Diss. Jurist. Fak., Giessen Badger Pharmacist Battle Creek Idea Ber. Deut. chem. Ges. Ber. Versamml. Internat. Fed. Eugen. Org. Bienn. Rep. Kansas Crippled Child. Com. Biodynamics Bodleian Libr. Rec. Bol. Acad. nac. farm., Rio Bol. Centro antirreum. Fac. cienc. med., B. Air. Bol. clin., Medellin Bol. epidem. Dir. serv. saude Angola Bol. Inst, internac. amer. protec. inf., Montev. Bol. Inst, investig. vet., Caracas Bol. Lab. estud. med., Mex. Bol. museos, Guatemala Bol. san., Luanda Bol. Seer. san. benef., Trujillo Bol. Soc. cir. Rosario Bol. teen. Dir. gen. san., Madr. Borden's Rev. Nutr. Res. Britain, N. Y. Bull. Adelphi Hosp., Brooklyn Bull. Am. Heart Ass. Bull. Bronx Co. M. Soc. Bull. Chicago Ass. Heart Dis. Bull. Chicago Heart Ass. Bull. Creighton Univ. School M. Bull. Czech. M. Ass. Gr. Britain Bull. Linn Co. M. Soc. Bull. M. Soc. Co. Erie Bull. New York Pub. Libr. Bull. Omaha Douglas Co. M. Soc. Bull. Onondaga Co. M. Soc. 32. Atti; Convegno lombardo di igiene rurale. 1933- 33. Australasian medical gazette; the journal of the Australasian branches of the British Medical Associa- tion. Svdnev, v.l, 1881. 34. Ausziige a us den Dissertationen; Juristische Fakultiit; Universitat. Giessen, v.4, 1924- 35 Badger (The) pharmacist; pub. Wisconsin Chapter of Rho Chi. Madison, No. 22-5, 1938- 36. Battle Creek (The) idea. Battle Creek, v.5, No. 17, 1912- 37. Berichte; Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berl., v.71, No. 1, 1938- 38. Bericht; Versammlung der Internationalen Federation eugenischer Organisationen. 39. Biennial report; Kansas State Crippled Children s Temporary Commission. Topeka, 1933- 40. Bio-dynamics; published by the Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association. Phoenixville, Pa., v.2, No. 1, 1942- 41. Bodleian (The) Library record. Lond., v.l, 1940- 42. Boletim; Academia nacional de farmacia. Rio, v.4, 1942- 43. Boletfn; Centro antirreumatico; Facultad de ciennas medicas. B. Air., v.l, No. 3, 1937- 44. Boletfn clmico; organo de la Facultad de medicina y ciencias naturales de la Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin, v.4, No. 3, 1937- 45. Boletim epidemiologico; Direccao dos servicos de saude e higiene. Luanda, 1941- 46. Boletfn; Instituto internacional Americano de pro- tecci6n a la Infancia. Montev., v.16, No. 2, 1942- 47. Boletin; Instituto de investigaciones veterinarias. Caracas, v.l, No. 2, 1942- 48. Boletfn; Laboratorio de estudios medicos y biol6gicos. Mexico, D. F., 1942- 49. Boletin de museos y bibliotecas; publicaciones de la Seeretaria de educaci6n publica. Guatemala, 1941- 50. Boletim sanitario; Direccao dos servicos de saude e higiene, Angola. Luanda, v.3 (1940) 1941- 51. Boletfn de la Seeretaria de estado de sanidad y bene- ficencia. Ciudad Trujillo, v.l, No. 4, 1941- 52. Boletines; Sociedad de Cirugfa de Rosario. Rosario, v.9, No. 5, 1942- 53. Boletfn tecnico; Direcci6n general de sanidad. Madr., v.3, No. 12, 1928- 54. Borden's review of nutrition research; summaries and reviews of research information concerning the nutritive values of milk and milk products. N. Y., v.4, No. 1, 1943- 55. Britain; pub. by the British Information Services. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 56. Bulletin; Adelphi Hospital. Brooklyn, v.l, No. 1, 1942- 57. Bulletin; American Heart Association. N. Y., v.15, No. 1, 1940- 58. Bulletin; Bronx County Medical Society. N. Y., v.20, No. 6, 1942- 59. Bulletin; Chicago (The) Association for the Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease. Chic, v.l, No. 10, 1924- 60. Bulletin; Chicago Heart Association. Chic, v. 19, No. 1-6, 1941- 61. Bulletin; Creighton University; School of Medicine. Omaha, v.2, No. 3, 1942- 62. Bulletin; Czechoslovak Medical Association in Great Britain. Lond., No. 5, 1943- 63. Bulletin; Linn County Medical Society [Cedar Rapids] v.8, No. 1, 1939- 64. Bulletin; Medical Society; County of Erie and Buffalo Academy of Medicine. Buffalo, v.7, 1930- 65. Bulletin; New York Public Library. N. Y., v.47, No. 3, 1943- 66. Bulletin; Omaha-Douglas County Medical Society. Omaha, v. 15, 1942- 67. Bulletin; Onondaga County Medical Society, Syra- cuse, N. Y'. Syracuse, v.l, No. 4, 1936- [3] Bull. Orange Co. M. Ass. Bull. Polk Co. M. Soc. Bull. San Bernardino Co. M. Soc. Bull. San Diego Co. M. Soc. Bull. San Francisco Co. M. Soc. Bull. Sangamon Co. M. Soc. Bull. Spokane Co. M. Soc. Bull. Tulane M. Fac. Bull. Wayne Co. M. Soc. Case Rep. Child. Mem. Hosp., Chic. Centre med. pharm., Gannat Cervantes, Habana Charite Ann. Chem. Rev., Bait. Chirurgie, Lausanne Circ. Letter Off. Surg. Gen. War Dep. Circ. M. Ser. U. S. Off. Civ. Defense Clarifier, Pierre Clin. Conf. Rep. Wills Hosp., Phila. Clinics Clin, mod., Pisa Clin. Proc, Cape Town Clin. Virginia Mason Hosp., Seattle Collect. Lect. Metrop. State Hosp. Waltham Collect. Papers Osaka Imp. Univ. College & Res. Libr. Congr. argent, oft. Courage, N. Y. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS C. rend. Congr. internat. lymph. C. rend. Congr. internat. radiotellur. C. rend. Fed. dent, internat. Crippled Child Bull. Cuadern. Fac. med. Univ. Antioquia Current Mort. Anal. 68. Bulletin; Orange County Medical Association. Santa Ana, v.14, No. 5, 1943- 69. Bulletin; Polk County Medical Society [Des Moines] v.ll, No. 8, 1940- 70. Bulletin; San Bernardino County Medical Society. San Bernardino, v.9, No. 7. 1943- 71. Bulletin; San Diego County Medical Society, v.34, No. 6, 1943- 72. Bulletin; San Francisco County Medical Society. San Francisco, v.l, No. 1, 1928- 73. Bulletin; Sangamon County Medical Society. Spring- field, v.6, No. 6, 1941- 74. Bulletin; Spokane County Medical Society. Spokane, v.9, No. 8, 1937- 75. Bulletin; Tulane University of Louisiana; Medical School; Faculty. N. Orl., v.l, No. 2, 1942- 76. Bulletin; Wayne County Medical Society. Chic, v.24, No. 17, 1932- 77. Case reports; Children's Memorial Hospital. Chic, v.l, No. 12, 1942- 78. Centre (Le) medical et pharmaceutique; organe official de la Societe des sciences medicales de Gannat. Gannat, v.8, 1902- 79. Cervantes; revista mensual ilustrada. Habana, v.ll, 1936- 80. Charit6-Annalen; herausgegeben von der Direction des koniglichen Charite-Krankenhauses zu Berlin. BerL, v.l, 1874- 81. Chemical reviews; owned and controlled by the American Chemical Society. Bait., v.l, No. 1, 1924- 82.' Chirurgie; revue internationale de chirurgie et de neurochirurgie. Lausanne, n. ser., v.4, No. 2, 1942- 83. Circular letter; Office of the Surgeon General; War Department. Wash., 1943- 84. Circular, medical series; United States; Office of Civilian Defense. Wash., No. 19, 1942- 85. Clarifier (The). Pierre, S. D., v.5, No. 1 & 2, 1940- 86. Clinical conference reports; Wills Hospital. Phila., v.2, No. 1, 1940- 87. Clinics. Phila., v.l, No. 2, 1942- 88. Clinica (La) moderna. Pisa, v.l, 1895- 89. Clinical Proceedings; journal of the Cape Town Post- Graduate Medical Association. Cape Town, v.l, No. 5, 1942- 90. Clinics of the Virginia Mason Hospital. Seattle, v.15, No. 2, 1936- 91. Collected lectures of the seminars in neurology and psychiatry; Metropolitan State Hospital. Waltham, 1941- 92. Collected papers from the Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Imperial University. Osaka (1938) 1939- 93. College and research libraries; pub. by the Association of College and Reference Libraries. Menasha, v.l, No. 1, 1939- 94. Congreso argentino de oftalmologfa [Actas] B. Air., 1937-38. 95. Courage; pub. by National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. N. Y., v.4, No. 1, 1943- 96. Comptes rendus; Academie des sciences de l'URSS. Moskva, n. ser., v.31, No. 9, 1941- 97. Comptes-rendus et communications; Congres in- ternational du lymphatisme. Par. [1934]- 98. Compte-rendu; Congres international de radiotel- luristes et sourciers. Par., 1932- 99. Comptes rendus; Federation dentaire internationale. Par., 1903- 100. Crippled (The) child bulletin; pub. by The National Society for Crippled Children of the United States of America. Elyria, v.5, No. 5, 1943- 101. Cuadernos de la facultad; Facultad de medicina y ciencias naturales; ediciones de la Revista C Y M. Medellin, v.ll, No. 10, 1942- 102. Current mortality analysis; pub. by Bureau of the Census. Wash., v.l, No. 1, 1943- [■i] C Y M, Medellin Cyprus Pub. Health Dauphin M. Acad. Davis Nurs. Survey Dent. Health, Wash. Dent. Outlook, N. Y. Deut. Arch. klin. Med. Diet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y. Doctor, Santiago Chile) Doctor & Law Doctor & Od Q., S. Louis Domest. Engin. Druggist Circ, N. Y. Drug Topics, N. Y. Dutchess Co. Caduceus Ejercito, Madr. ENE, Caracas Engin. News Rec. Estadist. chilena Exp. M. & S. Eye Health & Safety News Family Physician, Los Ang. Fed. Proc, Bait. Field M. Bull. I • S. Army, N. Delhi First Aid J. Fol. clin. biol., S. Paulo Fol. urol., Lpz. Food Materials, N. Y. Foundation Facts, Pittsb. Gac. hosp., Ponce Gastroenterology Gillette Clin. Q., Toledo Glasnik, Beogr. Harrogate Spa M. J. Heilkunde, Wien 103. C Y M; revista de ciencia y medicina; Facultad de medicina, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin, .v.l 1, No. 17, 1942- . ,. 104. Cvprus public health; organ of the Cyprus Anti- Tuberculosis League. Nicosia, Xo. 16, !•>•*<". . . 105 Dauphin (The) medical academician; official journal of the Dauphin County Medical Society. Harnsburg, v.26, No. 4, 1937- . . 106 Davis' nursing survey; a publication devoted to the educational problems of the nursing profession. Phila., v 4, No. 3, 1940- ^T . , -. , , 107. Dental health; journal of the National Dental Hygiene Association. W ash., v.l, 1942- 108. Dental (The) outlook; official journal of the Allied Dental Council of Greater New York. N. \., v.b, No. 1, 1919- ,,. ,. . T , 109. Deutsches Archiv fur klinische Medizin. Lpz., v.l, 110. Dietetic and hygienic gazette; a monthly journal of physiological medicine. N. Y., y.22, 190b- 111. El* doctor; veterinaria, ganadena y avicultura. Santiago de Chile, v.l, No. 1, 1938- 112 Doctor (The) and the Law. Wheaton, 111., v.5, No. 4, [1938]- , , , _ , v , 113 Doctor (The) and Od quarterly; pub. by Od 1 ea< o( k Sultan Co. S. Louis, v.46, No 4, 1936- 114. Domestic engineering. Chic, v.159, No. 2, 194^ 115 Druggists (The) circular; a practical journal ot pharmacy and general business organ for druggists. N Y\, v.67, No. 2, 1923- 116. Drug topics. N. \'., v.28, No. 1, 1913- 117 Dutchess (The) County caduceus; official organ ot the Dutchess County Medical Society. Poughkeepsie, v.8, No. 7, 1942- , _ . . US Ejercito; revista ilustrada de las Armas y bervicios, Ministerio del Ejercito. Madr., No. 23, 1941- 119 ENE; 6rgano de la Escuela nacional de entermeras. Caracas,'v.l, No. 7, 1942- 120. Engineering news-record. Albany, in. x., v.i^o, No. 25, 1941- 121 Estadistica chilena. Santiago de Chile, 194^5- 122. Experimental medicine and surgery; a quarterly devoted to experimental investigations of clinical problems. Brooklyn, v.l, No. 1, 1943- 123 Eye health and safety news; pub. by National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1943- t e AT „ 124. Family (The) physician. Los Ang., v.5, No. 10, 125. Federation proceedings; published quarterly by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Bait., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 126. Field medical bulletin; pub. by United States Army Forces in China, Burma, India. New Delhi, 1942- 127. First aid journal. N. Y\, v.l, No. 1, 1941- 128. Folia clinica et biologica. S. Paulo, v. 12, No. 6, 1940- , . , ,• 129. Folia urologica; internationales Archiv fiir die Krankheiten der Harnorgane. Lpz., v.l, 1907- 130. Food materials and equipment. N. Yr., 1942- 131. Foundation facts; pub. by Industrial Hygiene Foundation. Pittsb., v.3, No. 12, 1941- 132. Gaceta del hospital; revista de medicina y cirugia. Ponce, v.3, 1939- 133. Gastroenterology; pub. by American Gastroentero- logical Association. Bait., v.l, No. 1, 1943- 134. Gillette Clinic quarterly; a bulletin published by the staff of the Gillette Clinic. Toledo, v.l, No. 3, 1943- 135. Glasnik. Beograd, 1919- 136. Harrogate (The) Spa medical journal; devoted to spa research and treatment. Harrogate, v.2, No. 1, 1939- , . , 137. Heilkunde (Die); Monatsschrift fiir praktische Medicin. Wien, v.2, 1897- [5] Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland Hosp. Counc. Bull. Hormone, Glendale Indust. Hyg. Digest Inform. Inst. teen. sal. rural, Habana Internat. J. Sex Econom. Internat. Zschr. Psychoanal., Lond. Interne, N. Y. Jackson Clin. Bull., Madison J. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico J. Am. Water Works Ass. J. Animal Sc. J. Ass. M. Students, N. Y. J. Bowman Gray School M. J. District of Columbia Dent. Soc. J. Electron. M. J. farm., Lisb. J. Minnesota M. Ass. J. Nat. Malaria Soc. J. Oral Surg. J. Parapsychol. J. Sc. Labour, Kurasiki J. Tennessee Acad. Sc. J. Tennessee Dent. Ass. Jubil. Vol. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay J. Urusvati Himalay. Res. Inst., Calc. Lab. Clin. Stud. Mem. Hosp. Cancer, N. Y. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. Libr. Q., Chic. Machletter, Springdale McNeilogram, Phila. Maine Health Welf. Bull. Maryland M. J. Massachusetts M. J. 138. Hospital (The) bulletin; pub. monthly by the Uni- versity of Maryland. Bait., v.3, No. 1, 1907- 139. Hospital Council bulletin; pub. by Chicago Hospital Council. Chic, v.5, No. 9, 1942- 140. Hormone (The); pub. by the Harrower Laboratory. Glendale, Cal., v. 19, No. 1, 1943- 141. Industrial hygiene digest; pub. by Industrial Hygiene Foundation. Pittsb., v.7, No. 1, 1943- 142. Informes; Instituto tecnico de salubridad rural. La Habana, 1940- 143. International journal of sex-economy and orgone- research; official organ of the International Institute for Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 144. Internationale Zeitschrift fiir Psychoanalyse und Imago. Lond., v.25, 1940- 145. Interne; journal of the Association of Internes and Medical Students. N. Y., v.6, No. 2, 1940- 146. Jackson Clinic bulletin. Madison, v.3, No. 1, 1941- 147. Journal of agriculture; Puerto Rico University. P. Rico, v.24, No. 1, 1940- 148. Journal; American Water Works Association. Bait., v.33, No. 1, 1941- 149. Journal of animal science. Menasha, Wis., v.2, No. 1, 1943- 150. Journal; Association of Medical. Students. N. Y., v.3, No. 6, 1939- 151. Journal; Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Wake Forest, v.l, No. 2, 1943- 152. Journal of the District of Columbia Dental Society. Wash., v.15, No. 3, 1941- 153. Journal of electronic medicine. S. Franc, v.27, No. 1, 1943- 154. Jornal dos farmaceuticos; orgao do Sindicato nacional dos farmaceuticos. Lisb., ser. 2, v.l, Nos. 1-2, 1940- 155. Journal (The) of the Minnesota State Medical Asso- ciation and The Northwestern Lancet. Minneap., 1906. 156. Journal (The) of the National Malaria Society. Talla- hassee, Fla., v.l, 1942- 157. Journal of oral surgery; pub. by American Dental Association. Chic, v.l, No. 1, 1943- 158. Journal (The) of parapsychology; a scientific quar- terly dealing with extra-sensory perception and related topics. Durham, v.7, No. 1, 1943- 159. Journal of science of labour; biological studies on social and industrial problems. Kurasiki, v.5, No. 2, 1928- Formerly: Studo (La) por la scienco de laboro. 160. Journal; Tennessee Academy of Science. Nashville, 1930- 161. Journal; Tennessee State Dental Association. Mem- phis, v.23, No. 2, 1943- 162. Jubilee volume; Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, 1938. 163. Journal; Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute. Naggar, Punjab, v.2, 1932- 164. Laboratory and clinical studies from the Memorial Hospital for the Treatment of Cancer and Allied Dis- eases. N. Y., v.22, 1941- 165. Libro de actas; Congreso internacional de la prensa medica. 166. The library quarterly; a journal of investigation and discussion in the field of library science. Chic, v.13, No. 1, 1943- 167. Machletter (The) pub. by Machlett Laboratories. Springdale, Conn., v.2, No. 1, 1941- 168. McNeil-O-Gram; abstracts of therapeutic articles in current medical and pharmaceutical literature; pub. by McNeil Laboratories. Phila., v.17, No. 1, 1943- 169. Maine health and welfare bulletin; pub. by Maine State Department of Health and Welfare. Bath, Me., v.l, No. 1-2, 1939 170. Maryland medical journal. Bait., v.l, 1877- 171. Massachusetts medical journal. Bost., v.26, No. 1, 1906- [6] Mber. Urol. Mead's M. Sports Rev. Med. biul., Irkutsk Med. Bull. Brownsville East N. York Hosp. Med. Bull. Univ. Iowa Med. Div. Mem. U. S. Off. Civ. Defense Med. Electr. Radiol. Med. Fortnightly, S. Louis Medica, Matanzas Med. J. Abstr. Med. mod., Valparaiso Med. News, N. Y. Med. Pocket Q. Med. Sketches, N. Y. Med. Soldier Med. Today, Richmond Med. Woche Mem. Congr. farm. Centr. America Mens. Buen samarit., Guanajuato Ment. Health Sentinel, Bost. Ment. Hyg. News, Alb. Mhefte prakt. Derm. Mil. Engineer Milwaukee M. Times Mitt. Ges. inn. Med. Wien Mod. Dent., Brooklyn Mod. Pharm., Detr. Month. Bull. Emerg. Pub. Health Lab. Serv., Lond. Month. Bull. Maryland Dep. Health Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila. Month. J. Foreign Med. Nassau M. News Nat. Found. News, N. Y. New Mexico Anthropologist News Letter Am. Ass. Psychiat. Social Work. News Letter Kansas Bd Health Newsletter Massachusetts Dep. Pub. Health 172. Monatsberichte fur Urologie. Berl., v.6, 1901- 173. Mead's medical sports review; pub. by Mead Johnson & Co. Evansville, Ind., v.l, No. 1, 1936- 174. Medicinskii biulleten; organ Irkutskovo medicinskovo instituta. Irkutsk, No. 1, 1939- 175. Medical bulletin; Brownsville and East New York Hospital. Brooklyn, N. Y., v.l, No. 1, ^Si- He. Medical bulletin; University of Iowa. Iowa City, n. ser., No. 1068, 1939- 177. Medical division memorandum; United States. Office of Civilian Defense. Wash., 1941- 178. Medical electrology and radiology; with which is incorporated The journal of physical therapeutics. Lond., v.4, 1903- 179. Medical (The) fortnightly. S. Louis, v.27, No. 1. 1905- 180. Medica; organo oficial de la Sociedad de medicina y cirugia de Matanzas. Matanzas, Cuba, v.l, No. 5, 1942- 181. Medical journal abstracts. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 182. Medicina moderna; revista mensual de medicina. Valparaiso, v.ll, No. 10, 1938- 183. Medical (The) news; a weekly journal of medical science. N. Y., v.78, No. 1, 1901- 184. Medical pocket quarterly. Jersey City, N. J., v.23, No. 3, 1942- 185. Medical sketches; pub. by Lobica Incorporated. N. Y., v.2, No. 3 [after 1938]- 186. Medical (The) soldier. Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1942- 187. Medicine today and tomorrow. Richmond, Engl., v.3, No. 5, 1942- 188, Medicinische (Die) Woche. Berk, v.l, 1900- 189. Memoria; Congreso farmaceutico de Centro-America y Panama. Guatemala, 1937. 190. Mensajero de Buen samaritano; peri6dico popular. Guanajuato, Mex., No. 1, 1908- 191. Mental health sentinel; pub. by The Massachusetts Society for Mental Hygiene. Bost., v.l, No. 1, 1940- 192. Mental hygiene news; pub. by New York State Department of Mental Hygiene. Albany, N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1930/31- 193. Monatshefte fiir praktische Dermatologie. Hamburg, v.7, 1888- 194. Military (The) engineer; journal of the Society of American Military Engineers. Wash., D. C, v.33, No. 189, 1941- 195. Milwaukee (The) medical times. Milwaukee, v. 13, No. 2, 1940- 196. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fiir innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde in Wien. Wien, v.l, 1902- 197. Modern dentistry. Brooklyn, v. 10, No: 1, 1943- 198. Modern Pharmacy; pub. by Parke, Davis & Co. Detroit, v.26, No. 2, 1942- 199. Monthly bulletin; Emergency Public Health Labora- tory Service. Lond., 1942- 200. Monthly bulletin; Maryland State Department of Health. Bait., v.15, No. 2, 1943- 201. Monthly cyclopaedia and medical bulletin. Phila., v.l, 1908- 202. Monthly (The) journal of foreign medicine. Phila., v.l, 1928- 203. Nassau medical news; pub. by the Nassau County Medical Society, Public Relations Committee. Mineola, X. Y, v.13, No. 11, 1939- 204. National foundation news; pub. by National Founda- tion for Infantile Paralysis. N. Y., v.l, No. 2, 1942- 205. New Mexico anthropologist; a quarterly published by Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, N. M., v.5, No. 1, 1941- 206. News letter of the American Association of Psy- chiatric Social Workers. N. Y., v.12, No. 2, 1942- 207. Newsletter; Kansas State Board of Health [Topeka?] v.10, No. 1, 1942- 208. Newsletter to boards of health; Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Bost., v.3, No. 2, 1938- [7] News Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Bost. News Nat. Inst. Indust. Psychol., Lond. North End Clin. Q., Detr. North Iowa M. News Northwest. Lancet Notic. Inst, internac. amer. protec. inf., Montev. Notulae naturae, Phila. Nuova riv. clin. ter. Nuovo race. med. Nu Sigma Nu Bull. Nutrit. Obs., Pittsb. Nutrit. Rev. Obst. Gyn. Rep. Sloane Hosp. Women, N. Y. Occup. Hazards Occup. Psychol., Lond. Old Dominion J. M. & S. Operat. Letter U. S. Off. Civ. Defense Ophtalmos, Belo Horizonte Ophth. iber. amer., B. Air. Optic. Index Oregon Health Bull. Pennsylvania Hosp. Bull. Ph, Montev. Pilot, Evanston Policia seer, nac, Habana Popul. Index, Princet. Praci Ukrain. inst. klin. med. Prelim. Rep. World Congr. Univ. Docum. Press Bull. Maryland Dep. Health Press Bull. N. Dakota State Dep. Health Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Path. Proc. Annual Conf. Milbank Mem. Fund Proc. Annual Meet. Indust. Hyg. Found. America Proc. Ass. Am. Univ. Proc. Balyeat Clin., Oklahoma Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res. Proc. Med. Surg. Sect. Am. Railw. Ass. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. 209. News (The) Massachusetts General Hospital. Bost., ,1942- 210. News; pub. monthly by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology. Lond., 1943- 211. North End Clinic quarterly. Detroit, v.2, No. 4, 1941- 212. North (The) Iowa medical news; pub. by The Cerro Gordo County Medical Society. Mason City, la., v.6, No. 8, 1940- 213. Northwestern lancet. S. Paul, v.l, 1881- 214. Noticiario; Instituto internacional Americano de protecci6n a la infancia. Montev., No. 1, 1942- 215. Notulae naturae of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Phila., No. 95, 1942- 216. Nuova rivista clinico-terapeutica. Nap., v.l, 1898- 217. Nuovo raccoglitore medico. Imola, v.l, 1902- 218. Nu Sigma Nu; Bulletin, [n. p.] v.30, 1941- 219. Nutritional observatory; ed. by Heinz Nutritional Research Division in Mellon Institute. Pittsb., v.4, No. 1, 1943- 220. Nutrition reviews; pub. monthly by The Nutrition Foundation. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 221. Obstetrical and gynecological reports; Sloane Hos- pital for Women. N. Y., v.l, 193 3- 222. Occupational hazards. Pittsb., v.5, No. 2, 1942- 223. Occupational psychology; pub. by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology. Lond., v. 17, No. 2, 1943- 224. Old (The) dominion journal of medicine and surgery. Richmond, v.l, 1902- 225. Operations letter; United States; Office of Civilian Defense. Wash., No. 101, 1942- 226. Ophtalmos; orgao da Sociedade de oftalmologia de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, v.3, No. 1, 1942- 227. Ophthalmologia ibero-americana. B. Air., v.4, No. 2, 1942- 228. Optical (The) index; a monthly publication devoted to the optical industry. Chic, v.15, No. 1, 1940- 229. Oregon health bulletin; pub. by Oregon State Board of Health. Portland, v.21, No. 6, 1943- 230. Pennsylvania Hospital; Bulletin. Phila., v.l, No. 1, 1943- 231. Ph; revista de la Asociacion de estudiantes de farmacia. Montev., v.3, No. 30, 1913- 232. Pilot (The) pub. by the Evanston Hospital Associa- tion. Evanston, v.4, No. 1, 1939- 233. Policia secreta nacional; organo oficial. La Habana, v.6, No. 4, 1940- 234. Population index; continuing Population Literature; published quarterly by the School of Public Affairs, Princeton University, and the Population Association of America. Princeton, N. J., v.3, 1937- 235. Praci; Ukrainsky institut klinichnoi medicini. Kiev, 1940- 236. Preliminary reports; World congress of universal documentation. Par., 1937. 237. Press bulletin; Maryland Department of Health. Bait., 1941- 238. Press bulletin; North Dakota State Department of Health. Bismarck, 1942- 239. Proceedings; American Society of Clinical Pathol- ogists. Clevel., 1941- 240. Proceedings of the annual conference; Milbank Memorial Fund. N. Y., No. 13, 1935- 241. Proceedings of the annual meeting; Industrial Hy- giene Foundation of America. Pittsb., No. 7, 1942- 242. [Journal of] proceedings and addresses; Association of American Universities. Chic, 1932- 243. Proceedings of the staff meetings; Balyeat Hay Fever and Asthma Clinic Oklahoma City, v.l, No. 5, 1932- 244. [Program of the] proceedings; Central Society for Clinical Research. Chic, 1942- 245. Proceedings; American Railway Association; Medical and Surgical Section. N. Y., 1921- 246. Proceedings; Pacific Science Congress. [8] Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ. Proc. R. Med. Chir. Soc. London Proctology Providence M. J. Providence M. News Psychiat. Q. Suppl. Pub. Centro tisiol., B. Air. Pub. Safety Pub. Philadelphia Anthrop. Soc. Pub. Welf. News, Raleigh Pub. Works, N. Y. Punjab M. J. Q. Balyeat Clin., Oklahoma Q. Bull. Hackensack Hosp. Q. Bull. Indiana Univ. M. Center Q. Chicago M. School Q. Rev. Passavant Mem. Hosp., Chic. Radiologia, B. Air. Rad. Ther., Seattle Ramazzini Rec. Columbia M. Soc. Richland Co. Rec. d. trav. sc. med. Congo Rep. Internat. Dairy Congr. Rep. Kansas Crippled Child. Com. Res. gen. Congr. cient. panamer. Rev. As. med. Cuenca Rev. Circ. odont. Cordoba Rev. Circ. odont. Rosario Rev. Clin. Marini, B. Air. Rev. colomb. pediat. Rev. espaii. derm. sif. Rev. Hosp. Obrero, Caracas Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, S. Paulo Rev. med. Cordoba 247. Proceedings; Post-Collegiate Clinical Assembly; Ohio State University; College of Medicine. Colum- bus, 1940- 248. Proceedings; Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Lond., v.5, 1893- 249. Proctology and allied subjects; a summary of the world's work in colon and rectal disease. Chic, v.7, No. 1, 1942- 250. Providence medical journal; pub. by the Providence Medical Association. Providence, v.l, 1900- 251. Providence medical news; pub. by Providence Medical Association. Providence, v.2, No. 9, 1941- 252. Psychiatric quarterly supplement; pub. by New York'(State) Department of Mental Hygiene. Utica, N. Y\, v.l, No. 4, 1927- 253. Publicacioncs; Centro de investigaciones tisiol6gicas. B. Air., v.3, 1941- 254. Public safety; pub. by National Safety Council. Chic, v.21, No." 1, 1942- 255. Publications; Philadelphia Anthropological Society. Phila., v.l, 1937- 256. Public welfare news; pub. by North Carolina State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Raleigh, v.3, No. 4, 1941- 257. Public works; pub. monthly by Public Works Journal Corporation. N. Y., v.72, No. 12, 1941- 258. Punjab medical journal. Banga, v.4, No. 1, 1939- 259. Quarterly; Balyeat Hay P'ever and Asthma Clinic. Oklahoma City, v.8, No. 1, 1939- 260. Quarterly bulletin; Hackensack Hospital. Hacken- sack, v.14, No. 1, 1941- 261. Quarterly bulletin; Indiana University; Medical Center. Indianap., v.3, No. 1, 1941- 262. Quarterly; Chicago Medical School. Chic, v.3, No. 3, 1943- 263. Quarterly review; Passavant Memorial Hospital. Chic, v.2, No. 3, 1940- 264. Radiologia; organo oficial de la Sociedad Argentina de radiologia y de difusi6n de la radiologia sudamericana. B. Air., v.5, No. 2, 1942- 265. Radiation therapy; a supplement to the staff journal of the Swedish Hospital, Seattle, Washington, from the Tumor Institute. Seattle, Wash., No. 1, 1940- 266. Ramazzini; giornale italiano di medicina sociale. Firenze, v.l, 1907- 267. Recorder (The); Columbia Medical Society of Rich- land County, S. C. State Park, v.5, No. 7, 1941- 268. Recueil de travaux de sciences medicales au Congo Beige; pub. by Direction du service de l'hygiene. Leopoldville, No. 1, 1942- 269. Report; International Dairy Congress. 270. Report; Kansas State Crippled Children's Temporary Commission. Topeka, 1931- 271. Resefia general; Pan American scientific congress. Santiago, 1915. 272. Revista; Asociaci6n medica de Cuenca. Cuenca, v.3, No. 7-9, 1942- 273. Revista del Circulo odontol6gico de C6rdoba. C6rdoba, v.6, No. 77-78, 1942- 274. Revista; Circulo odontol6gico. Rosario, Argent., v.13, No. 2, 1941- 275. Revista Clinica Marini; Instituto de clinica medica, quirurgica y especialidades. B. Air., v.7, 1941- 276. Revista colombiana de pediatria y puericultura; pub. by Sociedad colombiana de pediatria. Bogota, v.2, No. 2, 1942- 277. Revista espafiola de dermatologfa y sifiliografia. Madr., v.l, 1899- 278. Revista; Hospital Obrero. Caracas, v.2, No. 8-9, 1940- 279. Revista; Instituto Adolfo Lutz. S. Paulo, v.l, No. 2, 1941- 280. Revista medica de C6rdoba; organo oficial del Circulo medico y sus filiales. C6rdoba, v.30, No. 12, 1942- [9] Rev. med. Costa Rica Rev. med. fluminense Rev. med. forense, Habana Rev. med. Hosp. espaii., B. Air. Rev. med. Hosp. ital., B. Air. Rev. med. quir. Oriente, Santiago Rev. med. Sevilla Rev. mex. pediatr. Rev. M. Progr. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ. Rev. neur. psiquiat., Lima Rev. paul. med. Rev. prat. mal. org. genitourin., Lille Rev. san. mil., Caracas Rev. sc. med. Afrique fr., Brazzaville Rev. Soc. argent, proct. Rev. syniatr., Rio Rev. urol., Caracas Richmond J. Pract. Rorschach Res. Exch. Russk. vrach San. & benef. mun., Habana Sborn. nauch. trud. Bashkir, gosud. med. inst. Science Bull. Scope, Kalamazoo Select. Papers R. Cancer Hosp., Lond. S. E. M., Caracas Sem. gyn., Par. Sewage Works Engin. Sewage Works J. Sezd ross. khir. S. Joseph Valley M. News Soc. med. pregl., Beograd South Afr. Digest War M. South. Slav Bull., Lond. Southwest Water Works J. 281. Revista medica de Costa Rica. S. Jos6, v.5, 1942- Formerly called Rev. m6d., S. Jos6. 282. Revista medica fluminense; publicada pela Academia Imperial de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Rio, v.4, No. 10, 1839- 283. Revista de medicina forense y criminalistica. La Habana, Cuba,,v.l, 1941- 284. Revista medica del Hospital Espafiol; organo de la Sociedad medica del Hospital Espafiol. B. Air., 1940- 285. Revista medica del Hospital Italiano. B. Air., v.2, 1941- 286. Revista medico-quirurgica de Oriente; Colegio medico de Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, v.3, No. 3, 1942- 287. Revista medica de Sevilla. Sevilla, v.l, 1882. 288. Revista mexicana de pediatria; pub. by Sociedad mexicana de pediatria. M6x., v.12, No. 7, 1942- 289. Review of medical progress; Post-Collegiate Clinical Assembly; Ohio State University. College of Medicine. Columbus, v.4, 1937- 290. Revista de neuro-psiquiatria. Lima, v.3, No. 3, 1940- 291. Revista paulista de medicina; Associacao paulista de medicina. S. Paulo, v.17, No. 5, 1940- 292. Revue pratique des maladies des organes genito- urinaires. Lille, v.l, 1904. 293. Revista de la sanidad militar. Caracas, v.l, No. 1, 1942- 294. Revue des sciences medicales pharmaceutiques et veterinaires de l'Afrique frangaise libre. Brazzaville, Afr., v.l, 1942- 295. Revista; Sociedad Argentina de proctologfa. B. Air., v.l, No. 1, 1942- 296. Revista syniatrica; publicagao de propaganda da organizacao Orlando Rangel. Rio, v.34, 1941- 297. Revista de urologia; 6rgano de la Sociedad Venezo- lana de urologia. Caracas, v.l, No. 1, 1941- 298. Richmond journal of practice; a monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Richmond, v. 17, No. 10, 1903. 299. Rorschach research exchange; pub. by the Rorschach Institute, Inc. N. Y., v.l, 1936- 300. Russkii vrach. S. Petersburg, v.l, 1902. 301. Sanidad y beneficienca municipal. La Habana, v.l, No. 1, 1941- 302. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov; Bashkirsky gosudarst- venny medicinsky institut. Ufa, v.l, 1938— 303. Science bulletin; a quarterly devoted to the cause of freedom of publication in science. N. Y., v.l, No. 1, 1943- 304. Scope. Kalamazoo, Mich., 1942- 305. Selected papers from the Royal Cancer Hospital (Free) and the Chester Beatty Research Institute. Lond., v.l, 1939- 306. S. E. M; organo del Consejo de estudiantes de medicina de la F. E. V. Caracas, v.8, Nos. 85-86, 1942- 307. Semaine (La) gynecologique. Par., v.l, 1896. 308. Sewage works engineering and Municipal sanitation. N. Y., v.13, 1942- 309. Sewage works journal; official publication of the Federation of Sewage Works Association. Lancaster, Pa., v.14, No. 3, 1942- 310. Syezd rossiiskikh khirurgov. Moskva, No. 6, 1907. 311. S. Joseph Valley medical news; pub. by S. Joseph County Medical Society. South Bend, Ind., v.l, No. 2, 1940- 312. Socijalno-medicinski pregled; izvestaji i saop§tenja o radii sanitetskih ustanova Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Beograd, v.2, No. 5, 1931- 313. South African digest of war medicine; published monthly by The National War Supplies Committee of the South African Red Cross Society. Johannesburg, v.2, No. 1, 1942- 314. Southern (The) Slav bulletin; published on behalf of the Jugoslav Committee. Lond., No. 36, 1918- 315. Southwest water works iournal. Temple, Tex., v.24, 1942- [10] S. Paul M. J. Spec. Libr., Newark S. Petersb. med. Wschr. Stanford M. Bull. Stud. sc. laboro, Kurasiki Summary Proc. Am. Red Cross S. Vincent Hosp. Bull., Toledo Toulouse med. Tr. Ass. Surgeons South. Railw. Syst. Tr. Azov. Kraev. nauch. inst. okhr. mater. Tr. Bibliogr. Soc, Lond. Tr. Gosud. inst. med. znanii, Leningr. Tr. Gosud. rentg. inst., Leningr. Tribuna med., Habana Tr. Inst. Bunge, Anvers Tr. Inst. Gannushkina, Moskva Tr. Inst, then Univ. libre Bruxelles Tr. Konf. probl. genez. star. Tr. Lab. Exp. Biol. Zoo Moscow Tr. Leningrad, med. inst. Tr. M. Ass. Southwest Tr. Physiol. Inst. Leningrad Univ. Tr. Sibirsk. vet. inst., Omsk Tr. Soc. Plast. Surg. Tr. Stalingrad, gosud. med. inst. Tr. Tomsky gosud. med. inst. Tr. Voronezh, med. inst. Tr. Vost. Sibir. med. inst. Tr. West. Liter. Inst., Cincin. Univ. Colorado Stud. Vermont M. Month. Versl. Tuberc. Com. Ned. centr. vereen. tuberc. Vest, endokr. Victor News, Chic. Visual Digest 316. Saint Paul medical journal. S. Paul, v.9, 1907. 317. Special libraries; official journal of the Special Libraries Association. Newark, v.34, No. 1, 1943- 318. S. Petersburger medicinische Wochenschrift. S. Petersb., v.6, 1889. 319. Stanford medical bulletin; published quarterly by the Stanford Medical Alumni Association. S. Franc, 1942- 320. La studo por la scienco de laboro; studoj medicinaj kaj psikologiaj pri la problemo sociala; Instituto por la scienco de laboro. Kurasiki, v.l, No. 1, 1924- 321. Summary of proceedings; American Red Cross; National Convention. Wash., 1941- 322. Bulletin; St Vincent's Hospital. Toledo, v.l, No. 2, 1942- 323. Toulouse medical; organe officiel de la Societe anatomo-clinique de Toulouse. Toulouse, 1905. 324. Transactions; Association of Surgeons; Southern Railway System. Wash., D. C, 1942- 325. Trudy; Azovo-Chernomorsky Kraevy nauchno- issledovatelsky institut okhrany materinstva i mladen- chestva. Rostov on the Don, 1937- 326. Transactions; Bibliographical Society. Lond., v.l, 1893- 327. Trudy; Gosudarstvennyi institut medicinskikh zna- nii. Leningr., v.l, 1927- 328. Trudy; Gosudarstvennyi rentgenologischeskii, ra- diologischeskii i rakovyi institut. Leningr., 1936- 329. Tribuna (La) medica; 6rgano de la Federacidn medica de Cuba. La Habana, v.14, No. 262, 1941- 330. Transactions; Institute of Bunge. Anvers, v.2, No. 5, 1938- 331. Trudy Instituta i. m. Gannushkina. Moskva, v.5, 1940- 332. Travaux; Institut de therapeutique; Universite Libre. Brux., v.19, 1927- 333. [Starost] trudy; Konferencia po probleme geneza starosti i profilaktiki prezhdevremennovo starenia organizma. Kiev, 1939. 334. Transactions of the Laboratory of Experimental Biology of the Zoopark of Moscow. Moskva, v.l, 1926- 335. Trudy; Leningradsky (II) medicinsky institut. Leningr., v.6, 1935. 336. Transactions; Medical Association of the Southwest, United States. Oklahoma City, 1919- 337. Transactions; Leningrad State University of A. S. Boubnoff; Physiological Institute. Leningr., No. 16, 1936- 338. Trudy; Sibirsky veterinarny institut. Omsk, 1927- 339. Transactions; Society (The) of Plastic and Re- constructive Surgery. Chic, 1940- 340. Trudy; Stalingradsky gosudarstvenny medicinsky institut. Stalingr., v.l, 1939- 341. Trudy; Tomsky gosudarstvenny medicinsky insti- tut. Tomsk, v.6, 1938- 342. Trudy; Voronezhsky gosudarstvenny medicinsky institut. Voronezh, 1932- 343. Trudy; Vostochno—Sibirsky medicinsky institut. Moskva, No. 2, 1935- 344. Transactions; Western Literary Institute, and College of Professional Teachers. Cincinnati, 1835. 345. Studies; Colorado University. Boulder, ser. A, v.27, No. 1, 1942- 346. Vermont medical monthly; official organ of the Vermont State Medical Society. Burlington, v.13, No. 1, 1907. 347. Verslagen; Tuberculose-Studie-Commissie; Neder- landsche centrale vereeniging tot bestrijding der tuberculose. 's-Gravenhage, v.7, 1933- 348. Vestnik endokrinologii. Moskva, v.5, No. 1/3, 1935- 349. Victor news. Chic, 1942- 350. Visual digest; published quarterly by the American Optometric Association. S. Joseph, Mo., v.4, No. 1, 1940- [11] Visual Rev. Vitamin News, Milwaukee War Doctor Water Works Engin. Week. Bull. Oregon Bd Health Westchester M. Bull. West. Pennsylvania Retail Druggist Women Only, Kansas City Yale Sc. Mag. Your Health, Salt Lake City Zbl. Biblioth. Zbl. Krebskr. Zschr. Bucherfreunde 351. Visual review; pub. annually by the Society for Visual Education. Chic, 1943- 352. Vitamin news; pub. by Vitamin Products co. Mil- waukee, v.2, 1943- 353. War (The) doctor. N. Y., v.l, No. 8, 1943- 354. Water works engineering; the journal of the water works profession. N. Y., v.95, 1942- 355. Weekly bulletin; Oregon Board of Health. Portland, v.20, No. 1, 1942- 356. Westchester medical bulletin; pub. by Westchester County Medical Society. White Plains, N. Y., v.7, No. 1, 1939- 357. Western Pennsylvania retail druggist. Pittsb., Pa., Jan. 1915- 358. [Dr Richardson's for] women only magazine. Kansas City, 1935- 359. Yale (The) scientific magazine. New Haven, v. 17, No. 3, 1943- 360. Your health; pub. by the Utah State Department of Health. Salt Lake City, v.l, No. 1, 1942- 361. Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Lpz., v.l, 1884- 362. Zentralblatt der Krebskrankheiten. Lpz., v.6, 1910. 363. Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde. Lpz., 1898- SIXTH ADDITION TO THE INDEX TO ABBREVIATIONS OF PUBLICATIONS OF CORPORATE BODIES Accademia medica di Genova. 1. [America] Central Society for Clinical Research. 244. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of 131, 141, 241. Population Association of America. [America] America. [America] 234. [Americanl 242. American Workers Association of American Universities. of Psychiatric Social 133. and Association 206. American Dental Association. 157. American Gastroenterological Association. American Heart Association. 57. American Library Association. 8. American Railway Association; Medical Surgical Section. 245. American Red Cross. 321. American Societies for Experimental Biology, Federation of. 125. [American] Society of American Military En- gineers. American Society of Clinical Pathologists. 239. American Water Works Association. 148. Angola. Dneccao dos servicos de saude e higiene. 45, 50. Antioquia. Universidad; Facultad de medicina y ciencias naturales. 44, 101, 103. Anvers. Institute of Bunge. 330. [Argentina] Congreso argentino de oftalmologfa. 94. [Argentina] Sociedad argentina de proctologfa. 295. [Argentina] Sociedad argentina de radiologia y de difusi6n de la radiologia sudamericana. 264. Army (The) Ordnance Association. 29. Association of Medical Students. 150. Azovo-Chernomorsky kraevy nauchno-issledo- vatelskv institut okhrany materinstva i Mladenchestva. 325. Balveat Hav Fever and Asthma Clinic, Okla- homa City. 243, 259. Bashkirsky Gosudarstvenny Medicinsky Insti- tut. 302. Berlin, Germ. Charite-Krankenhaus. 80. Bombay. Anthropological Society of Bombay. 162. Boston, Mass. Massachusetts General Hospital. 209. Boston, Mass. Society for Applied Anthro- pology. 21. Bowman Gray School of Medicine; Wake Forest College. 151. Brazil. Academia nacional de farmacia. 42. [Brazil] Liga brasileiros de hygiene mental. 23. Brazil. Ministerio da educacao e saude; De- partamento nacional de saude. 30. Brazil. Sociedade brasileira de ginecologia. 12. British Association for the Advancement of Science. 7. Bronx County Medical Society. 58. Brooklyn, N. Y. Adelphi Hospital. 56. Bruxelles. University libre; Institut de thera- peutique. 332. Buenos Aires. Centro de investigaciones tisio- 16gicas. 253. Buenos Aires. Hospital espafiol. 284. Buenos Aires. Hospital F. J. Mufiiz; Policlfnica de enfermedades infecciosas; Sala VIII. 19. Buenos Aires. Hospital israelita Ezrah; Asocia- ci6n medica. 25. Buenos Aires. Hospital italiano. 285. Buenos Aires. Hospital T. de Alvear; Ateneo de patologia y clinica medica. ii. Buenos Aires. Instituto de clfnica medica. 275. Buenos Aires. Policlfnica de enfermedades in- fecciosas. 19. Buenos Aires. Universidad; Catedra de pato- logia y clinica de la tuberculosis. 13. Buenos Aires. Universidad; Facultad de ciencias medicas; Centro antirreumatico. 43. Buenos Aires. Universidad; Instituto de psi- cologia. 15. Buffalo Academy of Medicine. 64. Cape Town Post-Graduate Medical Association. 89. Caracas, Venezuela. Hospital Obrero. 278. Central Society for Clinical Research. 17, 244. Cerro (The) Gordo County Medical Society. 212. Chicago, 111. Children's Memorial Hospital. 77. Chicago, 111. Passavant Memorial Hospital. 263. Chicago Association for the Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease. 59. Chicago Heart Association. 60. Chicago Hospital Council. 139. Chicago Medical School. 262. Chile. Direcci6n general de estadistica. 121. Colombia. Sociedad colombiana de pediatria. 276. Colorado, U. S. A. University. 345. Congo Beige. Direction du service de l'hygiene. 268. Congreso farmaceutico de Centro-America y Panama. 189. Convegno lombardo di igiene rurale. 32. C6rdoba, Argent. Circulo medico y sus filiales. 280. C6rdoba, Argent. Circulo C6rdoba. 273. Creighton University. School of Medicine Cuba. Federaci6n medica de Cuba. 329. Cuenca, Ecuador. Asociaci6n medica de Cuenca. 272. Cyprus Anti-Tuberculosis League. 104. Czechoslovak Medical Association in Groat Britain. 62. Dauphin County Medical Society, Harrisbure Pa. 105. *' Detroit, Mich. North End Clinic. 211. District of Columbia Dental Society. 152 Dominica. Seeretaria de estado de sanidad y beneficencia. 51. Dutchess County Medical Society. 117. odontol6gico de 61. [12] [13] Erie County. Medical Society, County of Erie. 64. Evanston (The) Hospital Association. 232. Federation of American Societies for Experi- mental Biology. 125. Federation dentaire internationale. 99. Gannat. Societe des sciences medicales de Gannat. 78. Genova. Accademia medica di Genova. 1. [Germany] Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. 37. Giessen. Universitat; Juristische Fakultat. 34. [Great Britain] Bibliographical Society. 326. Great Britain. Emergency Public Health Labor- atory Service. 199. Guatemala. Seeretaria de educaci6n piiblica. 49. Hackensack, N. J. Hackensack Hospital. 260. Heinz Nutritional Research Division in Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. 219. Indiana, U. S. A. University; Medical Center. 261. Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America. 131, 141, 241. International Committee of Documentation. 236. [International] Congres international du lym- phatisme. 97. [International] Congres international de radio- telluristes. 98. [International] Congreso internacional de la prensa medica. 165. International Dairy Congress. 269. Internationale Federation eugenischer Organisa- tionen. 38. Internationale psychoanalytische Vereinigung. 144. [International] Federation dentaire interna- tionale. 99. International Institute for Sex-Economy and Orgone-Research, New York, N. Y. 143. [International] Instituto internacional Ameri- cano de proteccion a la infancia. 46, 214. Iowa, U. S. A. University of Iowa. 176. Irkutsk, U. S. S. R. Vostochno—Sibirsky medi- cinsky institut. 343. Irkutsky medicinskii institut. 174. Kansas, U. S. A. State Board of Health. 207. Kansas State Crippled Children's Temporary Commission. 39, 270. Kiev, U. S. S. R. Ukrainsky institut klinichnoi medicini. 235. Konferencia po probleme geneza starosti i profilaktiki prezhdevremennovo starenia or- ganizma. 333. Kurasiki, Japan. Instituto por la scienco de laboro. 159, 320. La Habana. Instituto tecnico de salubridad rural. 142. La Paz. Circulo medico. 2. Leningrad, U. S. S. R. Gosudarstvenny institut medicinskikh znanii. 327. Leningrad, U. S. S. R. Gosudarstvenny rent- genologischeskii, radiologischeskii i rakovyi institut. 328. Leningradsky (II) medicinsky institut. 335. Leningrad State University; Physiological Insti- tute. 337. Linn County Medical Society. 63. London, Engl. National Institute of Industrial Psychology. 210, 223. London, Engl. Royal Cancer Hospital (Free) 305. Madison, Wise Jackson Clinic. 146. Maine, U. S. A. State Department of Health and Welfare. 169. :j^0157—vol. 8, 4th series----11 Maryland, U. S. A. State Department of Health. 200, 237. Maryland, U. S. A. University. 138. Massachusetts, U. S. A. Department of Public Health. 208. Massachusetts General Hospital. 209. Massachusetts Society for Mental Hygiene. 191. Matanzas, Cuba. Sociedad de medicina y cirugia. 180. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Sanatorio quiriirgico del Doctor Figueroa. 27. Mexico. Sociedad mexicana de pediatria. 288. Mexico, D. F. Laboratorio de estudios medicos y biologicos. 48. Minas Gerais. Sociedade de oftalmologia. 226. Minnesota State Medical Association. 155. Montevideo, Urug. Instituto internacional americano de proteccion a la infancia. 46, 214. Montevideo, Urug. Instituto de neurologia. 14. Montevideo, Urug. Sociedad de biologia. 28. Moskva, U. S. S. It. Institut Gannushkin. 331. Moskva, U. S. S. R. Nauchno—issledovatelyskii institut psikhiatrii P. B. Gannushkina. 331. Moskva, U. S. S. R. Zoopark; Laboratory of Experimental Biology. 334. Nassau County. Medical Society; Public Rela- tions Committee. 203. Nederlandsche centrale vereeniging tot be- strijding der tuberculose; Tuberculose-Studie- Commissie. 347. New Mexico, U. S. A. University; Department of Anthropology. 205. New York, U. S. A. State Department of Mental Hygiene. 192, 252. New York, N. Y. British Information Services. 55. New York, N. Y. Brownsville and East New York Hospital. 175. New York, N. Y. Memorial Hospital for the Treatment of Cancer and Allied Diseases. 164. New York, N. Y. Milbank Memorial Fund. 240. New York, N. Y. Nutrition Foundation, inc. 220. New York, N. Y. Roerich Museum. 163. New York, N. Y. Rorschach Institute. 299. New York, N. Y. Sloane Hospital for Women. 221. New York Public Library. 65. North Carolina, U. S. A. State Board of Chari- ties and Public Welfare. 256. North Dakota, U. S. A. State Department of Health. 238. North End Clinic, Detroit, Mich. 211. Nu Sigma Nu. 218. Ohio State University; College of Medicine; Post Collegiate Clinical Assembly. 247, 289. Omaha-Douglas County Medical Society. 66. Omsk, U. S. S. R. Sibirsky veterinarny institut. 338. Onondaga County Medical Society. 67. Orange County Medical Association. 68. Oregon, U. S. A. Board of Health. 229, 355. Osaka Imperial University; Faculty of Medicine. 92. Pacific Science Congress. 246. [Panamerican] Congreso panamericano de endo- crinologia. 4. Pan American Scientific Congress. 271. Philadelphia, Pa. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 215. Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Hospital. 230. Philadelphia, Pa. Wills Hospital. 86. Philadelphia Anthropological Society. 255. [14] Pittsburgh, Pa. Industrial Hygiene Foundation. 131, 141, 241. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mellon Institute; Heinz Re- search Division. 219. Polk County Medical Society. 69. Princeton I'niversitv; School of Public Affairs. 2:U. Providence Medical Association. 250, 251. Puerto Rico. University. 147. Rho Chi; Wisconsin Chapter. 35. Richland County, S. C. Columbia Medical Society. 207. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. 282. Rosario, Argent. Circulo odontol6gico. 274. Rosario, Argent. Sociedad de cirugia de Rosario. 52. Rostov na Donu. Azovo-Chernomorsky kraevy xiauchno-issledovatclsky institut okhrany ma- terinstva i mladenehestva. 325. [Russia] Academie des sciences de l'URSS. 96. Saint Joseph County Medical Society. 311. Sanatorio quiriirgico del Doctor Figueroa, Meri- da, Yucatan, Mexico. 27. San Bernardino County Medical Society. 70. San Diego County Medical Society. 71. San Francisco County Medical Society. 72. Sangamon County Medical Society. 73. San Salvadu:". Hospital Rosales. 26. Santiago de Cuba. Colegio medico. 286. Sao Paulo. Associacao paulista de medicina. 291. Sao Paulo. Instituto Adolfo Lutz. 279. Sao Paulo. Instituto biologico. 31. Scotland. Department of Health. 18. Seattle, Wash. Virginia Mason Hospital. 90. Sibirsky veterinarny institut. 338. Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 339.' Society for Visual Education. 351. South African Red Cross Society; National War Supplies Committee. 313. Southern Railway System; Association of Sur- geons. 324. Spain. Ministerio del ejercito. 1 IS. Spain. Ministerio de la gobernacion; direccion general de sanidad. 53. Spokane County Medical Society. 74. Stalingradsky gosudarstvenny medicinsky insti- tut." 340. Tennessee Academy of Science. 160. Tennessee State Dental Association. 161. Toledo, Ohio. Gillette Clinic. 134. Toledo, Ohio. S. Vincent's Hospital. 322. Tomsky gosudarstvenny medicinsky institut. 341." Tulane University of Louisiana; Medical School; Faculty. 75. Ukrainsky institut klinichnoi medicini. 235. United States Army Forces in China, Burma, India. 120. United States. Bureau of the Census. 102. [United States] Medical Association of the Southwest. 336. [United Statesl National Dental Hygiene As- sociation. 107. [United States] National Foundation for In- fantile Paralysis. 95, 204. [United States] National Malaria Society. 156. [UnitedStates. National Safety Council. 254. [United States] National Society for Crippled Children. 100. [United States] National Society for the Pre- vention of Blindness. 123. United States. Office of Civilian Defense. 84, 177, 225. United States. War Department. Office of the Surgeon General. 83. [Uruguay] Asociacion de estudiantes de farma- cia. 231. Crusvati Himalayan Research Institute. 163. Utah, U. S. A. Department of Health. 360. Venezuela. Consejo de estudiantes de medicina de la F. E. V. 306. Venezuela. Escuela nacional de enfermeras. 119. Venezuela. Instituto de investigaciones veteri- narias. 47. Venezuela. Sociedad venezolana de urologia. 297. Vermont State Medical Society. 346. Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle. 90. Voronezh, USSR. Gosudarstvenny universitct; Medicinsky fakultet. 5. Voronezhsky gosudarstvenny medicinsky insti- tut. 342. Wake Forest College. Bowman Gray School of Medicine. 151. Waltham, Mass. Metropolitan State Hospital. 91. Wayne County Medical Society, Detroit, Mich. 76. Westchester County Medical Society. 356. Western Pennsylvania Retail Druggists' Associa- tion. 357. Wills Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. 86. World Congress of Universal Documentation 236. DISTRIBUTION LIST OF THE INDEX-CATALOGUE * Denotes official depositories of U. S. Government publications; numbers in parentheses indicate the series of the Index-Catalogue received by the institution AFRICA EGYPT. Cairo.—Ministry of education; Egyptian university; Faculty of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Cairo.—Societe royale de medecine (1, 2, 3, 4) SOUTH AFRICA (Union of) Johannesburg.—South African institute for medical research; Library (3, 4) AMERICA ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires.—Departamento nacional de higiene (4) Buenos Aires.—Universidad de Buenos Aires; Facultad de ciencias medicas; Biblioteca (1, 2, 3,4) BRAZIL. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul.—Dr Saint Pastous (3, 4) Rio de Janeiro.—Academia nacional de medicina (1, 2, 3, 4) Rio de Janeiro.—Faculdade de medicina; Biblioteca (1, 2, 3, 4) Sao Paulo.—Universidade de Sao Paulo; Faculdade de medicina; Biblioteca (2, 3, 4) CANADA. Edmonton, Alberta.-—University of Alberta; Provincial laboratory (2, 3, 4) Halifax, N. S.—Dalhousie university; Medical and dental library (3, 4) Kingston, Ont.—Queen's university; Library (2, 3, 4) London, Ont.—University of Western Ontario; Medical library (2, 3, 4) Montreal, Que.—McGill university; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Montreal, Qu6.—McGill university; Osier library (3, 4) Ottawa.—Department of agriculture (2, 3, 4) Ottawa.-—Department of militia and defense; Director General of medical service (3, 4) Quebec, Que.—Universite Laval; Faculte de medecine; Bibliotheque (3, 4) Toronto, Ont.—Academy of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Toronto, Ont.—Royal Canadian institute (3, 4) Toronto, Ont.—University of Toronto; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Vancouver, B. C.—University of British Columbia (2, 3, 4) Vancouver, B. C.—Vancouver medical association (2, 3, 4) Victoria, B. C.—Victoria medical society; Library; Royal jubilee hospital (3, 4) Winnipeg, Man.—Provincial library of Manitoba (1, 2, 3, 4) CHILE. Santiago.—Instituto bacteriologico de Chile (3, 4) CUBA. La Habana.—Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de La Habana (1, 2, 3, 4) La Habana.—Biblioteca nacional (1, 2, 3, 4) La Habana.—Universidad de La Habana; Escuela de medicina; Biblioteca (4) [15] [16] MEXICO. Mexico, D. F.— Academia nacional de medicina (1, 2, 3, 4) Mexico, D. F.—Escuela medico-militar; Biblioteca (3, 4) Mexico, D. F.—Public health department (4) Mexico, D. F.- Sociedad cientihca Antonio Alzate; Biblioteca (1, 2, 3, 4) Mexico, D. F.— Universidad nacional de Mexico; Instituto de biologia; Biblioteca (4) PERU. Lima.—Academia de la medicina (4) URUGUAY. Montevideo.- Universidad de la Republica; Facultad de medicina (4) VENEZUELA. Caracas.—Academia nacional de medicina (4) Caracas.—Ministerio de la sanidad y assistencia social; Biblioteca (3, 4) AMERICA—UNITED STATES ALABAMA. Auburn.—Alabama polytechnic institute; Library (*) Birmingham.—Public library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) Montgomery.—Department of archives and history; Library (*) Spring Hill.—Spring Hill college; Thomas Byrne memorial library (*) Tuskegee.—Tuskegee institute; Hollis Burke Frissell library (*) Tuskegee.—Veterans administration (3, 4) University.—University of Alabama; Library (*) University.—University of Alabama; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) ARIZONA. Phoenix.—Department of library and archives (*) Tucson.- -University of Arizona; Library (*) ARKANSAS. Fayetteville.-- University of Arkansas; Library (*) Hot Springs.—Army and navy general hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Little Rock.—University of Arkansas; School of medicine (2, 3, 4) CALIFORNIA. Berkeley.—University of California; Library (*) Claremont.—Pomona college library (*) Eureka.—Eureka free library (*) Fresno.—Fresno County free library (*) Loma Linda.—College of medical evangelists (2, 3, 4) Los Angeles.—Los Angeles County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Los Angeles.— Los Angeles public library (*) Los Angeles.- Occidental college library (*) Los Angeles.—University of California at Los Angeles; Library (*) Los Angeles.—University of Southern California; Library (*) Los Angeles.— University of Southern California; School of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Los Angeles. Veterans administration (2, 3, 4) Oakland.—Oakland free library (*) Redlands.—University of Redlands (*) Sacramento.—California state library (*) Sacramento.—City free library (*) San Diego.—San Diego County medical society; Library (2, 3, 4) San Francisco. —Letterman general hospital (2, 3, 4) San Francisco.- San Francisco County medical society (1, 2, 3, 4) San Francisco. San Francisco public library (*) San Francisco- Stanford university; Lane medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) San Francisco. Stanford university; Library (*) Sao Francisco.—U. S. Marine hospital (2, 3, 4) San Francisco.- -University of California; Medical department; Library (2, 3, 4) San Francisco. -Veterans administration (3, 4j [17] COLORADO. Boulder.—University of Colorado; Library (*) Colorado Springs.-Colorado college; Coburn library (*) Denver.—Fitzsimons general hospital; Medical technical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Denver.—Medical society of the City and County of Denver; Library (2, 3, 4) Denver.—National Jewish hospital; Research laboratories (3, 4) Denver.—Public library (*) Denver.—Regis college; Library (*) Denver.—University of Denver; Mary Reed library (*; also 3, 4) Fort Collins.—Colorado state college of agriculture and mechanic arts; Library (*) Pueblo.—McClelland public library (*) CONNECTICUT. Bridgeport.—Public library (*) Hartford.—Connecticut state library (*) Hartford.—Hartford medical society library (1, 2, 3, 4) Hartford.—Trinity college library (*) Middletown.—Wesleyan university library (*) New Haven.—New Haven medical association (1, 2, 3, 4) New Haven.—Yale university; Library (*) New Haven —Yale university; School of medicine; Medical library (3, 4, in dupl.) New Haven.-Yale university; School of medicine; Medical library; Cushing collection (1, 2, 3, 4) New London.—Connecticut college; Palmer library (*) Storrs.—University of Connecticut; Library (*) DELAWARE. Newark.—Franklin institute; Biochemical research foundation (3, 4) Newark.—University of Delaware; Library (*) Wilmington.—Wilmington institute free library (*). DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Washington, D. C.) Washington.—Army medical center (3, 4) Washington.—Catholic university of America (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—Georgetown university; Medical department (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—George Washington university; Medical department; Library (1, 2, 6, 4) Washington.—Howard university; Medical department (3, 4) Washington.—Library of Congress (*) Washington.—Medical society of the District of Columbia (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—Pan American sanitary bureau (3, 4) Washington.—St Elizabeth's hospital; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—U. S. Bureau of Census (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—U. S. Department of agriculture; Library (*; also 1, 2, 6, 4) Washington.—U. S. Department of justice; Library (*) Washington.—U. S. Department of labor; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—U. S. National museum (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—U. S. National research council (2, 3, 4) Washington.—U. S. Patent office; Scientific library (3, 4) Washington.—U. S. Weather bureau (1, 2, 3, 4) Washington.—Veterans administration; Medical library (1, 2, 6, 4) Washington.—Walter Reed general hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) FLORIDA. Coral Gables.—University of Miami; Law library (*) De Land.—John B. Stetson university; Sampson library ( ) Gainesville.—University of Florida; Library (*) Jacksonville.—Public library (*) Jacksonville.—State board of health (3, 4) Tallahassee.—Florida state library (*) [18] GEORGIA. Athens.- University of Georgia; General library (*) Atlanta.-—Carnegie library (*) Atlanta.—Fulton County medical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Atlanta.—Georgia state board of health; Department of public health (1, 2, 3, 4) Augusta.-—University of Georgia; Medical department (1, 2, 3, 4) Collegeboro.-—Georgia teachers college library (*) Emory University.—Emory University; Asa Griggs Candler library (*) Emory University.—Emory University; A. W. Calhoun medical library (4) Savannah.-—Public library (*) Savannah.—Public library; Georgia medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Savannah.—U. S. Marine hospital (2, 3, 4) IDAHO. Moscow.—University of Idaho; Library (*) Pocatello.-—University of Idaho; Library, Southern branch (*) ILLINOIS. Bloomington.—Illinois Wesleyan university; Buck memorial library (*) Carbondale.—Southern Illinois state normal university; Wheeler library (*) Chicago.—American college of surgeons (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.-—American medical association; Editorial department (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.-—Field museum of natural history (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.-—Johns Crerar library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4 dupl.) Chicago.—John McCormick institute for infectious diseases (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.—Loyola university; School of medicine (3, 4) Chicago.—Michael Reese hospital; Lillian W. Florsheim memorial library (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.—Newberry library (*) Chicago.—Northwestern university; Medical school; Archibald Church library (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.—Public library (*) Chicago.—Rush medical college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Chicago.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4j Chicago.—University of Chicago; Harper memorial library (1, 2, 3, 4 in dupl.) Chicago.—University of Chicago; Libraries (*) Chicago.—University of Illinois; Medical department; Quine library (1, 2, 3, 4) Kvanston.—Northwestern university; Library (*) Hines.—Veterans administration (3, 4) Lisle.—St Procopius college; Library (*) Rockford.—Public library (*) Springfield.—Illinois state library (*) Urbana.-—University of Illinois; Library (*) Wheaton.—Wheaton college library (*) INDIANA. Bloomington.—Indiana university; Library (*) CrawTfordsville.—Wabash college library (*) Fort Wayne.—Public library (*) Greencastle.—De Pauw university library (*) Indianapolis.—Indianapolis public library; Medical department (1, 2, 3, 4) Indianapolis.—Indiana state library (*) Indianapolis.—Indiana university; Medical center; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) La Fayette.—Purdue university; Library (*) Logansport.—Logansport state hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Muncie.—Public library (*) Notre Dame.—University of Notre Dame; Library (*) South Bend.—Public library; Medical department (1, 2, 3, 4) Terre Haute.—Indiana state teachers college; Library (*) IOWA. Ames.—Iowa state college; Library (*) Cherokee.—Cherokee state hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) [19] Clarinda.—Iowa state hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Des Moines.—Iowa state board of health; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Des Moines.—Iowa state traveling library (*) Grinnell.—Grinnell college library (*) Independence.—Independence state hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Iowa City.—University of Iowa; Library (*) Iowa City.—University of Iowa; College of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Mt Pleasant.—Mt Pleasant state hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) KANSAS. Baldwin City.—Baker university; Library (*) Emporia.—Kansas state teachers college; Kellogg library (*) Fort Leavenworth.—Station hospital; Command and general staff school (1, 2, 3, 4) Hays.—Fort Hays Kansas state college; Forsyth library (*) Kansas City, Kan.—University of Kansas; School of medicine; Library (2, 3, 4) Lawrence.—University of Kansas; Library (*) Manhattan.—Kansas state college of agriculture and applied sciences; Library (*) Pittsburg.—Pittsburg public library (*) Topeka.—Kansas state library (*) Wichita.—University of Wichita (*) KENTUCKY. Lexington.—Transylvania university (4) Lexington.-—University of Kentucky; Library (*) Louisville.—Louisville free public library (*) Louisville.-—State board of health; State medical association (1, 2, 3, 4 in dupl.) Louisville.-—University of Louisville; Library (*) Louisville.— University of Louisville; Medical department; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) LOUISIANA. Carville.—U. S. Marine hospital No. 66 (2, 3, 4) Lake Charles.—John McNeese junior college; Library (*) New Orleans.—Louisiana state museum; Library (*) New Orleans.—Louisiana-state university; Medical center; Agramonte memorial library (3, 4) New Orleans.—Loyola university; Library (*) New Orleans.—New Orleans public library (*) New Orleans.—Orleans parish medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) New Orleans.—State board of health of Louisiana (1, 2, 3, 4) New Orleans.—Tulane university; Howard-Tilton memorial library (*) New Orleans.—Tulane university; School of medicine; Rudolph Matas medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) New Orleans.—U. S. Marine hospital (2, 3, 4) Ruston.—Louisiana polytechnic institute; Library (*) Shreveport.—Shreve memorial library (*) University Station.—Louisiana state university; Library (*) MAINE. Augusta.—Maine state library (*) Bangor.—Bangor public library (*) Brunswick.—Bowdoin college library (*) Lewiston.—Bates college library (*) Orono.—University of Maine; Library (*) Waterville.—Colby college; Library (*) MARYLAND. Baltimore.—Enoch Pratt free library (*) Baltimore.—Dr Harry Friedenwald (3, 4) Baltimore.—Johns Hopkins hospital; Medical clinic (4) Baltimore.—Johns Hopkins university; Library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) Baltimore.—Medical and chirurgical faculty of Maryland; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Baltimore.—Peabody institute; Library (*) Baltimore.—State department of health (1, 2, 3, 4) Baltimore.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) [20] Baltimore.—University of Maryland; School of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Baltimore. Welch medical library (3, 4) Beltsville.—U. S. Department of agriculture; Zoological division; Index-Catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology (1, 2, 3, 4) Bethesda.—U. S. Naval medical center; Naval medical school (1, 2, 3, 4) Bethesda.—U. S. Public health service (1, 2, 3, 4) Bethesda.—U. S. Public health service; Division of mental hygiene (4) Bethesda.—U. S. Public health service; National institute of health (1, 2, 3, 4) Chestertown.— Washington college; George Avery Bunting library (*) College Park.—University of Maryland; Library (*) Towson.—Sheppard and Enoch Pratt hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Westminster.—Western Maryland college; Library (*) MASSACHUSETTS. Amherst.—Amherst college; Converse memorial library (*) Boston.—Boston Athenaeum library (*) Boston.—Boston City hospital; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Boston.—Boston medical library (1, 2, 3, 4 in dupl.) Boston.—Boston public library (*) Boston.—Boston university; School of medicine; Library (2, 3, 4) Boston.—Harvard university; Dental school (2, 3, 4) Boston.—Harvard university; Museum of comparative zoology (1, 2, 3, 4) Boston.—Harvard university; School of medicine and public health; Library (1, 2, 3, 4 in tripl.) Boston.— Massachusetts college of pharmacy; Sheppard library (1, 2, 3, 4) Boston.- State library of Massachusetts (*) Boston.—Treadwell library; Massachusetts general hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Boston.—V. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Cambridge.—Harvard university; Littauer center; Library (*) Cambridge.—Massachusetts institute of technology (4) Hathorne.—Danvers state hospital; MacDonald medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Northampton.—Forbes library (1, 2, 3, 4) Springfield.—City library association (1, 2, 3, 4) Taunton.—Taunton state hospital; Library (4) Tufts College.—Tufts college; Library (*) Waverley.—Walter E. Fernald state school (4) Wellesley.—Wellesley college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Williamstown.— Williams college; Library (*) Woods Hole.- Marine biological laboratory; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Worcester.—American antiquarian society; Library (*) Worcester.—Free public library (*) Worcester.—Holy Cross college; Library (2, 3, 4) Worcester.—Worcester medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor.—University of Michigan; General library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) Battle Creek.—Battle Creek public school; Library (*) Detroit.—Detroit public library; Medical science department (3, 4) Detroit.—Detroit public library; Reference department (*) Detroit.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Detroit.—University of Detroit; Library (*) Detroit.—Wayne University; Library(*) East Lansing.—Michigan state college of agriculture and applied science; Library (*) Lansing.— Michigan state library (*) Muskegon.—Backley public library (*) Saginaw.—Hoyt public library (*) MINNESOTA. Duluth.—Duluth public library (*) Duluth.—S. Louis County medical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Minneapolis.—Hennepin County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Minneapolis.—Public library■(*) [21] Minneapolis.—University of Minnesota; Library (*) Minneapolis.—University of Minnesota; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Minneapolis.—Veterans administration (3, 4) Northfield.—S. Olaf college; Library (*) Rochester.-—Mayo Clinic; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) S. Paul.—Minnesota state library (*) S. Paul.—Ramsey County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) S. Paul.—S. Paul public library (*) MISSISSIPPI. Columbus.—Mississippi state college for women; J. C. Fant memorial library (*) Jackson.—Jackson infirmary (2, 3, 4) State College.—Mississippi state college; Library (*) University.—University of Mississippi; Library (*) MISSOURI. Columbia.—University of Missouri; Library (*) Kansas City, Mo.—Jackson County medical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Kansas City, Mo.—Kansas City public library (*) Kansas City, Mo.—University of Kansas City; Library (*) Liberty.—William Jewell college; Library (*) S. Louis.—Missouri botanical garden (1, 2, 3, 4) S. Louis.-—S. Louis medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) S. Louis.—S. Louis municipal hospital (2, 3, 4) S. Louis.—S. Louis public library (*) S. Louis.—S! Louis university; School of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) S. Louis.—Washington university; Library (*) S. Louis.—Washington university; Medical school (1, 2, 3, 4) Springfield.—Drury college; Library (*) MONTANA. Billings.—Parmly Billings memorial library (1, 2, 3, 4) Bozeman.—Montana state college; Library (*) Helena.—Helena public library (*) Missoula.—State university of Montana; Library (*) NEBRASKA. Lincoln.—Lancaster County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Lincoln.—Nebraska state library (*) Lincoln.—University of Nebraska; Library (*) Omaha.—Municipal university of Omaha; Library (*) Omaha.—University of Nebraska; College of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) NEVADA. Carson City.—Nevada state library (*) Reno.—University of Nevada; Library (3, 4) NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord.—New Hampshire state library (*) Durham.—University of New Hampshire; Hamilton Smith library (*) Hanover.—Dartmouth college; Library (*) Hanover.—Dartmouth medical college; Baker memorial library (2, 3, 4) Manchester.—City library (*) NEW JERSEY. Bayonne.—Free public library (*) Jersey City.—Free public library (*) Madison.—Drew university; Rose memorial library (*) Morris Plains.—New Jersey state hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Newark.—Academy of medicine of Northern New Jersey (3, 4) Newark.—Free public library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) Newark.—Prudential insurance company of America (1, 2, 3, 4) [22] New Brunswick.—Rutgers university; Library (*) Orange. Orange memorial hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Princeton.—Princeton university; Library (*) Princeton.—Rockefeller institute for medical research; Department of animal and plant path- ology (2, 3, 4) Trenton.— Free public library (*) Trenton.—New Jersey state library (*) NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque.—University of New Mexico; Library (*) Fort Stanton.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Santa Fe.— New Mexico state law library (*) NEW YORK. Albany.—New York state library (*) Albany.—New York state medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Brooklyn.—Brooklyn college; Library (*). Brooklyn.—Brooklyn public library (*) Brooklyn.—Long Island college of medicine; Hoagland library (1, 2, 3, 4) Brooklyn.—Medical society of the County of Kings (1, 2, 3; 4 in dupl.) Brooklyn.— Pratt institute; Library (*) Brooklyn.- S. Johns university; Library (*) Brooklyn.—U. S. Naval hospital (3, 4) Buffalo.—Buffalo public library (*) Buffalo.—Grosvenor library (*) Buffalo. State institute for the study of malignant diseases (1, 2, 3, 4) Buffalo.—University of Buffalo; Medical department; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Canton.— S. Lawrence university; Library (*) Clifton Springs.-—Clifton Springs sanitarium; Medical library (3, 4) Clinton.—Hamilton college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Cold Spring Harbor.—Carnegie institution of Washington; Department of genetics (3, 4) Cooperstown.—The Mary Imogene Bassett .hospital; Medical library (3, 4) Ellis Island.—U. S. Marine hospital (2, 3, 4) Flushing.—Queens college; Library (*) Hamilton.—Colgate university; Library (*) Ithaca.—Cornell university; Library (*) Ithaca.—Cornell university; Medical college; Van Cleef memorial library (1, 2, 3, 4) Ithaca.—New Y'ork state veterinary college; Flower library (1, 2, 3, 4) Jamaica.—Queens Borough public library (*) Keuka Park.—Keuka college; Public library (*) Mount McGregor.—Metropolitan life insurance company; Sanatorium; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) New York.—American museum of natural history (1, 2, 3, 4) New Y^ork.—American social hygiene association (2, 3, 4) New York.—College of the City of New York; Library (*) New Y'ork.—Columbia university; Library (*; also 3, 4) New York.—Columbia university; College of physicians and surgeons; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) New Y'ork.—Cooper union; Library (*) New York.—Cornell university; Medical college (3, 4) New Y'ork.—Department of health; Bureau of laboratories (1, 2, 3, 4) New York.—Fordham university; Library (*) New York.—Lenox Hill hospital; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) New York.—Life extension institute (1, 2, 3, 4) New Y'ork.— Memorial hospital (2, 3, 4) New York.—Metropolitan life insurance company (4) New York.—Mount Sinai hospital; Pathological society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) New Y^ork.—Municipal reference library; Public health division (1, 2, 3, 4) New Yrork.—New York Academy of medicine (1, 2, 3; 4 in tripl.) New York.—New York hospital; Society (2, 3, 4) New York.—New York law institute; Library (*) New Yrork.—New York medical college and Flower hospital; Prentiss library (1, 2, 3, 4) [23] New York.—New York postgraduate medical school and hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) New York.—New York public library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) New York.—New York state psychiatric institute and hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) New York.—New York university; College of medicine; Egbert Le Fevre memorial library (3, 4) New York.—Rockefeller institute for medical research (2, 3, 4) Poughkeepsie.—Medical society of the County of Duchess; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Rochester.—Academy of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Rochester.—University of Rochester; Rush Rhees library (*) S. Bonaventure.—S. Bonaventure college; Library (*) Saranac Lake.—Saranac Lake laboratory for the study of tuberculosis; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Schenectady.—Union college; Library (*) Sonyea.—Craig colony for epileptics (1, 2, 3, 4) Stapleton.—U. S. Marine hospital (2, 3, 4) Syracuse.—Syracuse university; Library (*) Syracuse.—Syracuse university; College of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Troy.—Troy public library (*) Utica.—Utica academy of medicine (3, 4) Utica.—Utica public library (*) Willard.—Willard state hospital; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville.—Pack memorial public library (1, 2, 3, 4) Chapel Hill.—University of North Carolina; Library (*) Charlotte.-—Charlotte medical library (3, 4) Durham.—Duke university; Library (*) Durham.—Duke university; Medical school; Hospital library (1, 2, 3, 4) Greensboro.—Agricultural and technical college; Library (*) Morganton.—State hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Raleigh.—North Carolina state college; Library (*) Wake Forest.—Wake Forest college; Library (*) Winston-Salem.—Salem college; Library (*) NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck.—State historical library (*) Grand Forks.—Grand Forks public library (1, 2, 3, 4) Grand Forks.—University of North Dakota; Library (*) OHIO. Akron.—City hospital; Library (3, 4) Alliance.—Mt Union college; Library (*) Athens.—Ohio university; Edwin Watts Chubb library (*) Bowling Green.—Bowling Green state college; Library (*) Bucyrus.—Bucyrus public library (*) Cincinnati.—Cincinnati general hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Cincinnati.—Public library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) Cincinnati.—University of Cincinnati; Library (*) Cincinnati.—University of Cincinnati; College of medicine; Dandridge memorial library (1, 2, 3,4) Cleveland.—Cleveland medical library association (1, 2, 3, 4) Cleveland.—Cleveland public library (*) Cleveland.—Lakeside hospital; Department of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Cleveland.—Lakeside hospital; Department of surgery; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Cleveland.—U. S. Marine hospital (2, 3, 4) Cleveland.—Western Reserve university; Adelbert college; Library (*) Columbus.—Ohio state department of health; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Columbus.—Ohio state library (*) Columbus.—Ohio state university; Library (*) Columbus.—Ohio state university; College of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Dayton.—Dayton public library (*) Delaware.—Ohio Wesleyan university; Charles Slocum library (*) Gambier.—Kenyon college; Library (*) |2t] Granville. Denison university; Library (*) Marietta. Marietta college; Library (*) Oberlin. Oberlin college; Library (*) Oxford.- Miami university; Library (*) Springfield.— Warder public library (*) Toledo.- Toledo hospital; Medicai library (1, 2, 3, 4) Toledo.- Toledo public library (*) Van Wert.—Brumback library of Van Wert County (*) OKLAHOMA. Durant.—Southeastern teachers college; Library (*) Edmond.-—Central state teachers college; Library (*) Langston.—Langston university; Library (*) Norman.—University of Oklahoma; Library (*) Oklahoma City.—Oklahoma County medical association (1, 2, 3, 4) Oklahoma City.—Oklahoma state library (*) Oklahoma City.—University of Oklahoma; School of medicine; Dean's office (2, 3, 4) Stillwater.—Agriculture and mechanics college; Library (*) Tahlequah. Northeastern state teachers college; Library (*) OREGON. Corvallis.- Oregon agricultural college; Library (*) Eugene.—University of Oregon; Library (*) Forest Grove.—Pacific university; Library (*) Portland. Library association of Portland (*) Portland.—Reed college; Library (*) Portland.- University of Oregon; Medical school; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Salem.-—Oregon state library (*) PANAMA CANAL ZONE. Ancon.— Army medical research board (3, 4) Ancon.-—Gorgas hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) PENNSYLVANIA. Allentown.- -Muhlenberg college; Library (*) Altoona.—Public library (1, 2, 3, 4) Bethlehem.— Lehigh university; Library (*) Carlisle.— J. Herman Bosler memorial library (*) Carlisle Barracks.—Medical field service school (1, 2, 3, 4) Danville.—George F. Geisinger memorial hospital; Medical library (3, 4) Harrisburg.—Harrisburg academy of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Harrisburg.—Pennsylvania state library (*) Haverford.—Haverford college; Library (*) Huntingdon.—Juniata college; Library (*) Lancaster.—Franklin and Marshall college; Watts De Reyster library (*) Meadville.—Allegheny college; Library (*) Philadelphia.—Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—American philosophical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—College of physicians of Philadelphia (1, 2, 3; 4 in dupl.) Philadelphia.—Department of public health (2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—Drexel institute of technology; Library (1, 2, 3, 11 Philadelphia.—Franklin institute (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—Free library of Philadelphia (*) Philadelphia.—Hahnemann medical college and hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 1) Philadelphia.—Jefferson medical college; Daniel Baugh institute of anatomy and biology (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.— Jefferson medical college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—Lankenau hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—Pennsylvania hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.-—Philadelphia college of pharmacy and science (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—Philadelphia County medical society (1, 2, 3, 4) [25] Philadelphia.—University of Pennsylvania; Henry Phipps institute (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—University of Pennsylvania; Hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Philadelphia.—University of Pennsylvania; Library (*) Philadelphia.—University of Pennsylvania; School of medicine; McManes laboratory of pathology (1, 2, 3, 4) • Philadelphia.—Woman's medical college of Pennsylvania; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Pittsburgh.—Allegheny general hospital; William H. Singer memorial research laboratory (1, 2, 3, 4) Pittsburgh.—Carnegie library (*) Pittsburgh.—Pittsburgh academy of medicine; Library (3, 4) Pittsburgh.—Pittsburgh hospital association (3, 4) Pittsburgh.—University of Pittsburgh; Library (*) Pittsburgh.—University of Pittsburgh; School of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Pottsville.—Medical library association of Schuylkill County (1, 2, 3, 4) Reading.—Berks County medical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Reading.—Reading hospital; Medical library (4) Reading.—Reading public library (*) Scranton.—Scranton public library (*) State College.—Pennsylvania state college; Library (*) Swarthmore.—Swarthmore college; Library (*) Washington.—Washington and Jefferson college; Memorial library (*) Wilkes-Barre.—Luzerne County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Williamsport.—Lycoming County medical society (3, 4) York.—York County medical society; Library (2, 3, 4) PUERTO RICO. Rio Piedras.—University of Puerto Rico; Library (*) San Juan.—University of Puerto Rico; School of tropical medicine and University hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) RHODE ISLAND. Kingston.—Rhode Island state college; Library (*) Newport.—Redwood library (1, 2, 3, 4) Providence.—Brown university; Library (*) Providence.—Rhode Island medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Providence.—Rhode Island state library (*) Providence.—State board of health of Rhode Island (1, 2, 3, 4) SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston.—Medical college of the State of South Carolina (1, 2, 3, 4) Clemson College.—Clemson college; Library (*) Columbia.—University of South Carolina; Library (*) Rockhill.—Winthrop college; Carnegie library (*) Seneca.—South Carolina medical association (1, 2, 3, 4) SOUTH DAKOTA. Brookings.—South Dakota state college; Lincoln memorial library (*; also 3, 4) Vermilion.—University of South Dakota; Library (*) TENNESSEE. Chattanooga.—Chattanooga public library (*) Knoxville.—University of Tennessee; Library (*) Memphis.—Army school of roentgenology (3, 4) Memphis.—Cossitt library (*) Memphis.—University of Tennessee; Colleges of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy; Library (1, 2; 3, 4 in dupl.) Nashville.—Carnegie library (*) Nashville.—Joint university libraries (*) Sewanee.—University of the South; Library (*) [26] TEXAS. Austin.—Texas state library (*) Au>tin.- University of Texas; Documents acquisition (*) Canyon.— West Texas state teachers college; Library (*) College Station.—Agriculture and mechanics college of Texas; Library (*) Dallas.—Baylor university; College of medicine; Library (3, 4) Dallas.—Dallas public library (*) Denton.—Texas state college for women; College of industrial arts; Library (* ) El Paso.—El Paso County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Fort Bliss.—William Beaumont general hospital (1, 2. 3. 4j Fort Sam Houston.—Station hospital (2, 3, 4) Vnrt Worth.—Fort Worth library (*) Fort Worth.—State medical association of Texas (4) Galveston.—Rosenberg library (*) Galveston.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Galveston.—University of Texas; Medical department; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Houston.—Houston academy of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Houston.—Houston public library (*) Lubbock.— Texas technological college; Library (*) Randolph Field. School of aviation medicine (3, 4) San Antonio.—Bexar County medical society; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) San Antonio.—Carnegie library (*) Waco.—Baylor university; Library (*) UTAH. Logan.—Utah state agricultural college; Library (*) Provo.-Brigham Young university; Library (*) Salt Lake City.— University of Utah; Library (*) VERMONT. Burlington.—University of Vermont; Billings library (*) Middlebury.—Middlebury college; Library (*) Montpelier.-—Vermont state library (*) Waterbury.—Vermont state hospital for the insane (1, 2, 3, 4) VIRGINIA. Blacksburg.—Virginia polytechnic institute; Library (*) Fredericksburg.— Mary Washington college; Library (*) Hampden Sidney.—Hampden Sidney college; Library (*) Norfolk.—Norfolk County medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Norfolk.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Richmond.—Medical college of Virginia; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Richmond.—University of Richmond; Library (*) Richmond.—Virginia state library (*) University.—University of Virginia; Library (*) University.—University of Virginia; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Williamsburg.—College of William and Mary; Library (*) WASHINGTON. Fort Lewis/—Corps area laboratory (4) Olympia.—Washington state library (*) Pullman.—State college of Washington; Library (*) Seattle.—Seattle medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Seattle.—Seattle public library (*) Seattle.—U. S. Marine hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) Seattle.—University of Washington; Library (*) Spokane.—Spokane medical and dental library (2, 3, 4) Spokane. - Spokane public library (*) Tacoma.—Tacoma public library (*) Walla Walla.—Whitman college; Library (*) [27] WEST VIRGINIA. Athens.—Concord state normal; Library (*) Morgantown.—West Virginia university; Library (*) Wheeling.—Ohio Valley general hospital; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) WISCONSIN. Appleton.—Lawrence college; Library (*) Beloit.—Beloit college; Library (*) Eau Claire.-—Eau Claire public library (*) La Crosse.—La Crosse public library (*) Madison.—State board of health of Wisconsin (1, 2, 3, 4) Madison.—State historical society; Library (*) Madison.—University of Wisconsin; Library (*; also 1, 2, 3, 4) Milwaukee.—Law library of Milwaukee County (*) Milwaukee.—Milwaukee academy of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Milwaukee.—Milwaukee public library (*) Statesan.—Wisconsin state sanatorium (2, 3, 4) Superior.—Superior state teachers college; Library (*) Waupun.—Central state hospital for the insane (1, 2, 3, 4) WYOMING. Cheyenne.—Wyoming state library (*) Laramie.—University of Wyoming; Library (*) ASIA CHINA. Peiping.—National library of Peiping (4) Peiping.—Peiping union medical college; Library (3, 4) Shanghai.— Chinese medical association (1, 2, 3, 4) HAWAII. Honolulu.—Tripler general hospital (1, 2, 3, 4) INDIA. Bombay.—Tata memorial hospital; Sir Ratan Tata library (3, 4) Bombay.—University of Bombay; Library (2, 3, 4) Kasauli.—Indian research fund association; Scientific advisory board (4) Madras.—Madras university; Library (2, 3, 4) JAPAN. Kanazawa.—Kanazawa university of medicine (3, 4) Kyoto.—Kyoto imperial university; Surgical clinic (2, 3, 4) Sendai.—Tohoku imperial university; College of medicine; Library (3, 4) TokyS—Government institute for the study of infectious diseases (2, 3, 4) Tokyo.— Keio university; Kitasato memorial medical library (4) Tokyo.—Keio university; Medical college (2, 3, 4) Tokyo.—Tokyo teikoku daigaku (2, 3, 4) LEBANON. Beirut.—American university of Beirut; Medical library (2, 3, 4) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Manila.—Department of agriculture and commerce; Library (*) Manila.—Bureau of science (1, 2, 3, 4) Manila.—National library (*) Manila.—Philippine army library (3, 4) Manila.—University of the Philippines; Library (*) Manila.—University of the Philippines; School of hygiene and public health (3, 4) SIAM. Bangkok.—Siriraj hospital; Medical library (2, 3, 4) [28] AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA (Commonwealth Adelaide.—University of Adelaide; Barr Smith library (1, 2, 3, 4) Canberra.—Australian institute of anatomy (4) Melbourne.—Chief health officer for Victoria (1, 2, 3, 4) Melbourne.- University of Melbourne; Medical school; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Sydney.- New South Wales Branch of British medical association (3, 4) NEW ZEALAND (Dominion) Auckland.— Auckland university college (1, 2, 3, 4) Dunedin.— Medical school; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Wellington.—New Zealand branch; British medical association (3, 4) Wellington.—General assembly library (4) EUROPE AUSTRIA. Graz.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Innsbruck.— Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wien. — Allgemeines Krankenhaus; Aerztliches Lesezimmer (1, 2, 3, 4) Wien.—Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien; Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wien.—Militiirarztliche Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wien. -Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wien.-—Universitat; Neurologisches Institut (1, 2, 3, 4) BELGIUM. Anvers.- Societd de medecine d'Anvers (1, 2, 3, 4) Bruxelles.—Academic royale de medecine de Belgique (1, 2, 3, 4) Bruxelles.—Institut des hautes etudes de Belgique (1, 2, 3, 4) Bruxelles.—Service de sante de l'Armde beige; Inspecteur General (1, 2, 3, 4) Bruxelles.—Universite de Bruxelles; Faeultc de medecine; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) Gand.—Universite de (land; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) I^ege—International Congress of military medicine and pharmacy; International committee (3,4) CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Praha.—Ceska universita; Knihovna (3, 4) Praha.—Narodni a universitni knihovna (1, 2, 3, 4) Praha.-—Universitat; Pathologisch-anatomisches Institut (1, 2, 3, 4) DENMARK. Iv0benhavn.- U'niversitets-Biblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) ENGLAND. Birmingham.—Birmingham medical institute (1, 2, 3, 4) Birmingham.—Birmingham public libraries (1, 2, 3, 4) Birmingham.- Medical school; Hospitals centre (1, 2, 3, 4) Bristol.—University of Bristol; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Cambridge.—University of Cambridge; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Cambridge.—University of Cambridge; Department of pathology; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Leeds.—University of Leeds; School of medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Liverpool.—Liverpool medical institution (1, 2, 3, 4) Liverpool.—Liverpool school of tropical medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Liverpool.—University of Liverpool; Faculty of medicine; Departmental library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—British dental association (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—British medical association; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—British museum (Natural history) (3, 4j London.— Galton laboratory (3, 4) London.—Great Britain; Admiralty; Royal naval medical service; Medical Director-General of the Navy (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Great Britain; Patent office; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Great Britain; Ministry of health; Medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) [29] London.—Great Britain; War office; Royal army medical corps; Editor of the journal (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Great Britain; War office; Army medical service; Director-General (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Guy's hospital; The Wills library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Lancet; Editor (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Lister institute of preventive medicine; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—London hospital medical college (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—London school of hygiene and tropical medicine (3, 4) London.—London Royal free hospital; School of medicine for women; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—National central library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—National institute for medical research (3, 4) London.—Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Royal college of physicians (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Royal college of surgeons of England (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Royal college of veterinary surgeons (2, 3, 4) London.—Royal microscopical society (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Royal sanitary institute (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Royal society (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—Royal society of medicine (1, 2, 3; 4 in dupl.) London.—S. Bartholomew's hospital; Medical college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—S. Thomas's hospital; Medical school; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—South Kensington science library (3, 4) London.—University college; Medical sciences library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—University college; Hospital medical school; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) London.—University of London; Library (1, 2, 3 ,4) London.—Wellcome historical medical museum (1, 2, 3, 4) Manchester.—The John Ryland library (1, 2, 3, 4) Manchester.—Manchester medical library (1, 2, 3, 4) Newcastle-upon-Tyne.—King's college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Norwich.—Norwich medico-chirurgical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Oxford.—Bodleian library (1, 2, 3, 4) Oxford.—Radcliffe library (1, 2, 3, 4) Reading.—University; Library (3, 4) Sheffield.—University; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) ESTONIA. Tartu.—Tartu ulikooli raamatukogu (4) FINLAND. Helsinki.—Universitets-Biblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) FRANCE. Bordeaux.—Bibliotheque universitaire; Section de medecine (1, 2, 3, 4) Bordeaux.—Soci6t6 de medecine et de chirurgie (1, 2, 3, 4) Clermont-Ferrand.—Bibliotheque municipale et universitaire (2, 3, 4) Lille.—Bibliotheque universitaire (1, 2, 3, 4) Lyon.—Faculty de medecine; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) Marseilles.—University d'Aix-Marseille; Faculty de medecine et pharmacie (1, 2, 3, 4) Montpellier.—Bibliotheque universitaire (1, 2, 3; 4 in dupl.) Nancy.—University de Nancy; Faculty de medecine; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Academie de medecine (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Bibliotheque nationale (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Bureau de la statistique municipale de Paris (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Paris; Faculty de pharmacie; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—France; Minist&re de la guerre; Service de sant6 militaire; Bibliotheque centrale (1, 2, 3,4) Paris.—France; Ministere de la marine; Service de sante' de la marine; Inspecteur General (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—H6pital S. Louis; Bibliotheque medicale (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Institut de bibliographie scientifique (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—League of Red Cross societies (3, 4) Paris.—Museum national d'histoire naturelle; Bibliotheque centrale (1, 2, 3, 4) 320157—vol. 8, 4th series---in [30] Paris. Societ.6 anatomique de Paris i^l, 2, 3, 4) Paris.- Societ6 medicale des h6pitaux de Paris (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris- Soeiete de medecine legale de France (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Universite de Paris; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) Paris.—Universite de Paris; Faculte de medecine de Paris (1, 2, 3; 4 in dupl.) Paris.—University de Paris; Faculte de medecine; Laboratoire de parasitologie (3, 4) Rheims.- Soeiete medicale de Rheims (1, 2, 3, 4) Toulouse.—Bibliotheque universitaire de Toulouse (1, 2, 3, 4) GERMANY. Berlin.—Auskunftsbureau der deutschen Bibliotheken (1, 2, 3, 4) Berlin.—Berliner medizinische Gesellschaft; Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Berlin.—Deutsche Aerzte-Bucherei (1, 2, 3, 4) Berlin.—Germany; Armee; Generalstabsarzt (1, 2, 3, 4) Berlin.—Institut fiir Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften (3, 4) Berlin.—Preussische Staatsbibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Berlin.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Breslau.—Schlesische Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Kultur; Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Dresden.—Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde; Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Erfurt,—Stadtbiicherei (1, 2, 3, 4) Erlangen.—Physikalisch-medizinische Sozietat zu Erlangen (1, 2, 3, 4) Frankfurt a. M.—Senckenbergische Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Freiburg.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Giessen.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Gottingen.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Greifswald— Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Halle a. S — Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Hamburg.—Hygienisches Staatsinstitut (1, 2, 3, 4) Heidelberg.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Jena.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Karlsruhe.—Badische Landesbibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Kiel.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Konigsberg.—Staats- und Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Leipzig.—Institut fiir Geschichte der Medizin (1, 2, 3, 4) Leipzig.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Marburg.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Miinchen.—Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fiir Psychiatrie (1, 2, 3, 4) Munchen.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Munster.—Medizinische Klinik (1, 2, 3, 4) Rostock.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Strassburg.—Soeiete de medecine du Bas-Rhin (1, 2, 3, 4) Tubingen.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wiesbaden.—Nassauische Landesbibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wiirzburg.—Universitats-Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Wurzburg.—Universitat; Physiologisches Institut (1, 2, 3, 4) HUNGARY. Budapest.—Budapesti kiralyi orvosegyesiilet (1, 2, 3, 4) Budapest.—Orszagos kozegeszsegiigyi intezet (2, 3, 4) Kolozsv&r.—Egyetemi konyvt&r (1, 2, 3, 4) IRELAND. Dublin.—Registrar general of Ireland (1, 2, 3, 4) Dublin.—Royal college of physicians of Ireland (1, 2, 3, 4) Dublin.—Royal college of surgeons of Ireland (1, 2, 3, 4) IRELAND (Northern) Belfast.—Queen's university; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) ITALY. Bologna.—Istituto Rizzoli (3, 4) Bologna.—Univertita; Biblioteca universitaria (2, 3, 4) [31] Cagliari.-—Biblioteca universitaria (1, 2, 3, 4) Firenze.—Reale istituto di studi superiori; Biblioteca medica (1, 2, 3, 4) Firenze.—Regia biblioteca nazionale centrale (1, 2, 3, 4) Modena.—Biblioteca Estense e universitaria (1, 2, 3, 4) Padova.—Universita; Instituto di fisiologia (1, 2, 3, 4) Parma.—Biblioteca palatina (1, 2, 3, 4) Roma.—Athena; Redattore (4) Roma.—Giornale di medicina militare; Redattore (1, 2, 3, 4) Roma.—Italy; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (4) Roma.—Italy; Ministero dell'igiene; Direttore Generale di sanita pubblica (2, 3, 4) Roma.—Policlinico Umberto I; Biblioteca medica (3, 4) Torino.—Biblioteca nazionale di Torino (1, 2, 3, 4) Vatican City.—Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (1, 2, 3, 4) Venezia.—Biblioteca nazionale di S. Marco (1, 2, 3, 4) Venezia.—Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti; Biblioteca (1, 2, 3, 4) Verona.—Biblioteca civica e antichi archivi di Verona (1, 2, 3, 4) LATVIA. Riga.—University of Riga (3, 4) NETHERLANDS. Amsterdam.—Koloniaal instituut (1, 2, 3, 4) Amsterdam.—Universiteit van Amsterdam; Bibliotheek (1, 2, 3, 4) Amsterdam.—Universiteit van Amsterdam; Pharmaceutical laboratory (1, 2, 3, 4) 's-Gravenhage.—Koninklijke bibliotheek (1, 2, 3, 4) Groningen.—Universiteit-Bibliotheek (1, 2, 3, 4) Leiden.—Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden; Bibliotheek (1, 2, 3, 4) Utrecht.—Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht; Bibliotheek (1, 2, 3, 4) NORWAY. Oslo.—Norske medicinske selskap; Biblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) Oslo.—Universitets-Biblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) POLAND. Krak6w.—Bibljoteka Jagiellonska (1, 2, 3, 4) Warszawa.—Bibljoteka centrum wyszkolenia sanitarnego (1, 2, 3, 4) Warszawa.—Universite de Varsovie; Bibliotheque (1, 2, 3, 4) PORTUGAL. Lisboa.—Faculdade de medicina; Biblioteca (4) RUMANIA. Cernauti.—Universitate Cernauti; Biblioteca (1, 2, 3, 4) Cluj.—See under HUNGARY: Kolozsvar. RUSSIA. Kiev.—Ukrainian academy of sciences; Library (4) Leningrad.—Academie des sciences (1, 2, 3, 4) Leningrad.—All-Union institute of experimental medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Leningrad.—Voenno-medicinskaya akademia (3, 4) Moskva.—U. S. S. R. Society for cultural relations with foreign countries (3, 4) SCOTLAND. Aberdeen.—Aberdeen medico-chirurgical society (1, 2, 3, 4) Aberdeen.—University; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Dundee.—University college; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Edinburgh.—Edinburgh public library (1, 2, 3, 4) Edinburgh.—Royal college of physicians of Edinburgh (1, 2, 3, 4) Edinburgh.—Royal college of surgeons of Edinburgh (1, 2, 3, 4) Edinburgh.—Royal society of Edinburgh (1, 2, 3, 4) Edinburgh.—Scotland; Registrar General's office (1, 2, 3, 4) Edinburgh.—University of Edinburgh; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) Glasgow.—Anderson's college; Medical school (1, 2, 3, 4) [32] Glasgow.- -Mitchell library (3, 4) Glasgow.—Royal faculty of physicians and surgeons (1, 2, 3, 4) Glasgow.—University of Glasgow; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) S. Andrews.—University of S. Andrews; Library (1, 2, 3, 4) SPAIN. Madrid.—Academia de medicina; Biblioteca (1, 2, 3, 4) Madrid.—Universidad central (1, 2, 3, 4) SWEDEN. Goteborg.—Goteborgs stadsbiblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) Lund.—Karolinska universitetet; Universitets-Biblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) Stockholm.—Kungl. Karolinska mediko-kirurgiska institutet (1, 2, 3, 4) Uppsala.—Universitets-Biblioteket (1, 2, 3, 4) SWITZERLAND. Basel.—Korrespondenzblatt fiir schweizer Aerzte; Redakteur (1, 2, 3, 4) Basel.—Universitat; Oeffentliche Bibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Bern.—Eidgenossisches Gesundheitsamt (1, 2, 3, 4) Bern.—Stadtbibliothek (1, 2, 3, 4) Geneve.—Bibliotheque publique et universitaire de Geneve (1, 2, 3, 4) Geneve.—International labor organization; Library (3, 4) Lausanne.—Bibliotheque cantonale et universitaire (1, 2, 3, 4) Neuchatel.—Bibliotheque publique (1, 2, 3, 4) Zurich.—Zentralbibliothek (3, 4) TURKEY. Istanbul.—Gulhane military hospital library (3, 4) WALES. Aberystwyth.—The National library of Wales (1, 2, 3, 4) YUGOSLAVIA. Beograd.—Faculty of medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) Zagreb.—University of Zagreb; Library (4) CATALOGUE IACAPRARO IBACH IACAPRARO, Guillermo. Blenorragia y sul- famidas. 567p. inch illust. diagr. col. pi. tab. (6 fold.) 26Ucm. B. Air. [Impr. Ferrari Hnosl 1941. IACCHIA, Paolo. Bronchiettasie con speciale riguardo ai rilievi in giovani. 3 p. 1. lolp. 8? Bologna, L. Cappelli, 1931. IACOBESCU, Bernard, 1905- *Contribu- tion a. l'etude de la bilateralisation des lesions tuberculeuses au cours du pneumothorax [Paris] 64p. 8° Kremlin-Bicetre, M. Boivent, 1932. IACONO, Igino. See Boori, Giovanni. & Iacono, Tgino. Micosi dell'apparato respiratorio. 103p. 8°. Nap., 1932. IAGELLO, Georges, 1915- *Un cas d'echec du traitement d'une nephrite chronique hypertensive par decapsulation et resection du ganglion aortico-renal. 16p. 24cm. Par., A. La pied, 1939. IAKIMOV, Vasilii Larionovich, 1869-1940. [Obituary] Priroda, Leningr., 1910, 29: 110, portr. IAMPOLSKY, Samuil Moiseevich, 1875- fThirtv-five rears of scientific-pedagogic and social activity] Vrach. delo. 1039, 21: 75. IANATCHKOVA, Mara, 1909- *Resul- tats de 128 epreuves du travail; observations de la clinique obstetricale annees 1931 et 1932 [Lyonl 93p. 8? Trevoux, G. Patissier, 1934. IANCOVICI, Lazar, 1908- *Les causes les plus frequentes des otites chez les enfants. 80p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1935. IANCOVICI. Maurice, 1908- *L'osteo- myelite aigue du maxillaire superieur chez l'enfant (etat actuel de la question) 52p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1934. IANCU, Lupu. *Recherches sur les causes d'erreur dans la titration de la vitamine C des urines. 54p. 22}£cm. Geneve, Impr. Com- merce, 1937. IANISZEWSKI Courbis, Enrique, 1898- *Gangrene et perforation du caecum; leurs rap- ports avec la dysenterie amibienne chronique. 89p. 8° Par.. A. Legrand, 1927. IANKELEVITCH, Jacques. L'agent et, le m£canisme de la production du cancer. 21 lp. 8? Par., Vigot frores n 9351 IANNI, Raffaele. Ricerche sperimentali sulla circolazione delle vie urinarie; innesti, plastiche, protesi delle vie urinarie. xi, 288p. 10 pi. roy. 4? Tor., Unione Tipogr, 1910. IASILLO, Winter O. *Litiasis submaxilar y subungual. 45p. 2614cm. B. Air., D. Cerosimo, 1939. IASON, Alfred Herbert, 1891- Hernia; in 3 sections: Historical evolution of hernial surgery; technical; medico-legal aspects. xv, 1325p. inch illust. tab. diagr. form. 27cm. Phila., Blakiston co. [1941] IAVICOLI, I. See Spanio. A., & Iavicoii, I. Diabete mellito. 191 p. 8? Bologna 11932] IBACH, Erich, 1908- *Die Bedeutung der permanenten Kraftwirkung in der zahnarztlichen 3201-"7--1'"OL. 8, 4th series----1 Orthopadie [Minister] 21p. 8? Bottrop, W. Postberg, 1932. 'IBADI, Hunain ibn Ishaq, 809-873. Isagogae in tegni Galeni. 72 1. 4° Leipzig, Wolfgang [Stockel] of Miinchcn, May 27, 1497. ----The book of the ten treatises on the eye, ascribed to Hunain ibn Ishaq (809-77 A. D.) the earliest existing systematic text-book of ophthalmology. Tlie Arabic text edited from the only two known manuscripts, with an English translation and glossary by Max Meyerhof. liii p. 1., 227p.; 1 1., 222p.; 3 1. pi. 8? 'Cairo, Government press, 1928. See also Bergs-trasser, G. Hunain ibn Ishaq. 8? Lpz., 1925.------Neue Materialien zu Hunain ibn Ish&q's Galenbihliouraphie. 8° Lpz., 1932. Also Gabrifli, G. Hunain ibn Ishaq. Isis, 1923, 6: 282- 92.—Meyerhof M. New light on Hunain ibn Ishaq and his period. Ibid., 1920, 8: 685-724. •IBADI, Ishaq ibn Hunain, -910. ^j L«—jJ t Ia-»^ I (** Jb-Jui |LU f JbJ L» . [Posalat uS-6afiya fi advviyat un-nisyan] [Effica- cious treatise on remedies of the forgetfulness] MS. 913 A. H. IBANEZ, Joaquin, 1836-1922. [Biografia] Rev. med., Puebla, 1942, 15: No. 148, 29-36, portr. IBANEZ, Perez. El bromo en las harinas y en los trigos. 14p. 8? S. Martin, Belgrano, 1936. IBANEZ Benavente, Abelardo. For portrait see Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1940. 19: 848, portr. ----& CALVO Vera, Alfredo. Cirugia repara- dora de las lesiones de las articulaciones. 2 p. 1. 115p. illust. 23cm. La Paz, Pub. Min. defensa nac, 1939. IBANEZ Benavente, Abelardo, & GOMEZ, Valentin. Cirugia reparadora de las lesiones de los nervios perifericos. 126p. illust. tab. (part fold.) 23cm. [La Paz, Casa Ed. Renacimiento, 1936] IBANEZ Q., Sergio. *Estudio de las lesiones oseas en las distrofias. 3 p. 1. 72p. illust. 26cm. Santiago, Chile. Inst. Geogr. Mil., 1941. IBB A, Ferrucio. Rapport sur des experiences avec la Smalarina Cremonese. 4p. 8? Roma, Inst. ital. biol;, 1925. Reprint: Congr. internat. paludisme, 1. Congr. IBBOTSON, William, 1878- Surgical operations. 3 pts. xxxv, 356p. paged consec. 8? Lond, Faber & Gwyer, 1926. IBEL, Alfred, 1912- ^ *Experimentelle Beitriige zur Wirkung von Teilbadern auf die periphere Zirkulation [Wiirzbur-M ULJf -ilib [Kitab utfibb ul-gidfd ul-ki'mavi] [Book of the modern chemical medicine] MS. ca 1090 A. H. IJU-M ^ (,ULi^ 5-.U. [Gayat ul-itqan fi't-tibb] [The extreme perfection in medicine] MS. 1162 A. H. IBN Sina al-Qanuni, Abu 'Ali al-Husain ibn 'Ali, 980-1037. l»k-ii ^ <^.UJ, [Al- qanun fi't-tibb] [The Qanon in medicine] MS. 1005 A. H. ----The same [Hebrew transl. by Josef Lorki and Rabbi Nathan Ham-Meati] 5v. in 3. fol. Napoli, Azriel ben Josef, Nov. 9, 1491. --- The same. [Transl. bv Gerard of Cremona] 632 1. 4? Venezia, Simon Bevilaqua, July 20 & Nov. 21, 1500. ---- The same [Transl. Gerard of Cremona] 454 1. 4? Venezia, Heirs of Octaviauus Scotus, 1505. ----Liber canonis quartus de egritudinibus particularibus. 142 1. fol. Venezia, Battista de Tortis, Jan. 24, 1490. ----Fen I lib. I. Canonis. 87 1. 32? Vicen- tiae, Franc. Lenius, 1611. ---- De anima. 52 1. 4? Pavia, Antonius Carhanus [ca. 1485] JJ-iJ^aJ, _.CJe> [Kitab al-qulang] [On the colics] MS. XVII. ct. --— Metaphysiees compendium; transl. from Arabian and annotated by Xematallah Carame. lii, 271p. 8° Roma, Inst. Orient. Stud., 1926. ---- De viribus cordis; transl. by Arnoldus de Villa Xova. p.613a-632a. 4? Venezia, 1500. In his Canon. Venezia, 1500. ---- Canticum de medicina. For translation into German by K. Opitz, see Quellen Gesch Naturwiss. Med., 1937-39, 7:304-74. See also Eckleben, !•'. K. VV. *Die abendliindischen Avicenna Kommentare. 24p. 8° Lpz., 1921. Pariexte, M. *Avicenne (980-1037) 32o 8? Par.. 1926. '" See also Santa Sofia. De febribus. Lyon, 1507. IBN SINA 3 ICE Soubiran, A. *Avicenne, prince des mcdecins; contribution a, I'etude de sa vie et de sa doctrine. 175p. 8? Par., 1935. Ali, Z. Avicenna, der Fttrst der Aerzte (980-1037) Miinch med. Wsc.hr., 1938, 85: 453.—Dawson, J. H. Avicenna, the prince of physicians. Med. J. Australia, 1928, 2: 751-5.— Ducastel, G. Un medocin philosophe: Avicenne. Vie med., 192,1, 10: 911.—Gahrieli, G. Biogratie e bibliografic di scieuziati Arabi, Avicenna. Arch. stor. sc, 1923, 1: 258-70.— Giliberti, L. Avicenna. Gazz. med. nap., 1921, 4: 230.—Gruner. O. C. The interpretation of Avicenna. Ann. M. Hist., 1921, 3: 354 57.—Kraus, P. Eine arabische Biogranhie Avicennas Klin W'schr., 1932, 11: 1880-4- Mayer, C. F. |Medical codices of the Budapest University Librarv: ('od. 7(1. Avicenna De viiibus cordis] Orv. hetil., 1926, 70: 1 18-22, 3 ni.—Sayili. A. M. Was Ibu Sina an Iranian or a Turk'.' Isis, Bruges, 1939-40, 31: 8- 24.—/Jaki-Ali. Neuvieme centenaire d'Avieenne, l'ri'nce des mcdecins. Bull. Soc. fr. hist, med., 1938, 32: 215—21. IBN Tibbon, ca. 1190. Brav, A. A guide to the young physician bv a practitioner of the 12. century, the ethical will of Judah Ibn Tibbon, Granada. Spain, 1190 A. D. .J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 113: 638 IBN Tilmid ibn Salama, Amin ad-Dawla ad- Din Abu'l-Husain Hibatallah ibn Sa'id, -1165. G^V'sJ-2^* [Al-aqrabadin] [The antidotary] MS. 902 A. H. IBN Til mart, -1001. See Magribi. IBN Wahshiya al-Ka!dani, Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn 'Ali, fl. 912 A. D. Darby, G. O. S. Ibn Wahshiva in mediaeval Spanish literature. Isis. Menasha. 1941, 33: 433-8. IBORG, Helga, 1914- *Spezifische und unspezifische Heaktionen bei Tuberkulose und Krebs [Minister] 16p. 8? Bottrop, W. Post- berg, 1937. IBOS, Pierre, 1900- *L'absence congeni- tale du femur. 66p. 8? Par., Imp. Labor, 1927. IBOTSON, Edward Cecil Brearey, 1873- Partnerships, combinations and antagonisms in disease. 348p. 9 portr. 8? Phila., F. A. Davis co., 1929. IBRAHIM, Abdul Hay, 1891- *Sur un cas de luxation sous-cotyloi'dienne du femur. 18p. pi. 8? Geneve, Impr. Commerce, 1920. ---- *Les fractures associees du cou-de-pied et leur traitement. 76p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. IBRAHIM, Georges, 1913- *La reaction de Takata; sa valeur diagnostique et prnnostique dans les maladies hepatiques. 87p. 25cm. Lyon, C. Berlioz, 1938. IBRAHIM, Girgis. *Du curettage explorateur en gynecologie [Geneve] 18p. 8? Annemasse, J. Rosnoblet, 1934. IBRAHIM Hassan Khayat. *La doctrine de Clerembault ou I'automatisme mental. 38p. 20'/2cm. Lausanne, Jurassienne, 1938. IBRAHIM-KHALIL, Mohamed, 1914- *Contribution a, I'etude des fistules gastro- jejuno-coliques par ulcere peptique apres gastro- entero-anastomose. 1 17p. 25cm. Lyon, C. Berlioz, 1938. IBRAHIM Ramis Aly Bey, 1875 1928. Meyerhof, M. Nekrolog. Miinch. med. W'schr., 1928, 75: 1171. IBSEN, Henrik, 1828-1906. Tausk, V. Ibsen the druggist. Psychoanal. Q., 1934, 3: 137-41. ICE. See also Cold; Freezing; Refrigeration; Tem- perature; Water. Alexander, L. T., & Shaw, T. M. Determination of ice- water relationships by measurement of dielectric constant changes. J. Phys. Chcm., 1937, 41: 955-60.—Balavoine, P. Observations sur la glace. Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch,, Bern, 1929, 20: 77.—Beattie, J. A. The thermodynamic tem- perature of the ice point. In Temperature (Am. Inst. Physics) N. V., 1941. 74-88.—Bragg, W. Ice. Proc R. Ins!. Or. Britain. 1938-39, 30: 283-301, 9 pi.—Burton, E. F., & Oliver, W. F. 1 he crystal structure of ice at low temperatures. I'roc R. So,-., L,„,d., 1935, ser. A, 153: ] 06-72, pi.—Cassel. E. J. Ultra-violet absorption of ice. Ibid.. 534-41, r>l.— Euckon. A., & Schiifer, K. Weitere Untersuchunyen ilber die Anreicherung schweren WassersimGletschereis. t^ach^Ces. Wis.s.Gottin-ren, math. r>hys. Kl„ 1931-35, n. K... .1: Chem. Ac, 137 10 — Guillien, E. The Cryogenic Laboratory at Leiden. Annual Iten. Smithson. Inst., 1930, 177-84, 5 pi.—-Muggins, M. L. Hydrogen bridges in ice and liquid water. J. Plivs. Chem., 1930, 40: 723 31 .— No evidence of lasting harm due to drinking tee wafer. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1939, 36: 329.—Procede de M. Carre pour l'obteutioM de la glare. J. chim. med . Par., 1867, 5. s r., 3: 33;).—Qu'est-cc que I'exp^rience a prouve incontes- tablement sur la formation de la glace an fond des rivieres des Pays-Bns et ailleurs? Observ. sc med., 1823, 6: 200. Schwarz. Conservation de petites qnanlitesde glace. J. chim. med , I'ar 1865, 5. ser., 1: 535.- Thomas, J. L. Renroducibilitv of the ice point. In Temperature (Am. Inst. Physics) N. Y., 1941, 159-01. --- dry. See Carbon dioxide, solid. ---- Therapeutic use. See also Cold, Therapeutic use. Bunch. G. H. Ischemic necrosis from ice bag burn Am. J Surg., 193(3, 32: 519-21 .-lies.. M. Mechanische Wirkungen des Eises. Med. Klin., Perl., 1933, 29: 1647-9 — How to keep an ice bag in nlace. Am. .1. Nurs.. 1938, 38: 770.—Ice oaeking. Nurs. Times. Lond., 1938, 34: 1393.—Krakov, V. A.. r. Sodseeis als Li-adie einer Paratvphus-B-Eoidemie. Veroff. Me lv-rwalt.. 193 1 35. 41: 618-61.—Yurukoflf. B. Iufektio'cn un 1 Y-rtriftiincen dnrch Genuss von Speise:;is. Zsehr. Hyg., 1938-39, 121: 438-46. ---- Examination. Braunsdorf. K. Beitrarr zur Lntersuchung und Zusammen- setzung von Kremeis. Zsehr. Untersueh. I ebensmitt., 1936. 71 : 160-6.—Brohm. K.. & Frohwein. E. Nachweis von dnrch Siiuerung ontbirhten kunst'ichen Eigelbfarhstoffen in Milch- speiseei,. II id., 1937, 73: 30-2.—Buttenhcr... P. Beurteilung von Speiseeis, Rahmeis nnd deren I bilbfaOrikaien. Ibid.. 1928. 56: 110-18.—Chalke. H. I). The chemical and Lae- teii'ilotdcal e\amiuation of ice cream samides. Med. OIT.. Lond., 1939. 61: 219 52.---Cream ices, fat deficiency. Brit Food J.. 1910. 42: 74-6.—Fabian, F. W., Mickel, F. I., [et a'.J Analyzing frozen desserts arid ingredients. Am. .1. Pub. Hea'th, 1931b 29: No. 2, Suppl., 34; 75 7 -Fellenberg, T. von. Zur Bestimmung von Gelatine in Rahmeis. Mill. lebensmitt' 1 untersueh., Bern. 1934, 25: 210-9.- Foltz, V. I).. ,v Martin, W. H. A study of homemade ice cream. food lies., 1911, 6: 31-8. Gronovor. A., pischer Ichthyosis und svstematisiertem hypeiki tatotisi hen Naevns. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1921, 134: Oria.. 219 24. I'.e'.ler. O. I eber das Sxndiotn Ichthyosis und b r\ ptoichismus Med. Klin.. Berl.. 1937, 33: 271. V.arzollo, F." Ichthyosis vulgaris und Mopecie. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1936, 174: 171 0 Olivieri. G. Iehtyose et hematurie. .1. urol. m£d.. Pai 1927. 21: 15(1 3. Hrron, I. G., & Syrl,in, S. A. Lupus vulgaiis bei einein mit salzloser Liat bchaiuhlten Ichth\ oM-kianken. Lenn. Wschr., P.I36, 1C3: 1315 7- Woodv;Ui. 11. T. Ichthyosis, fever and efTor't syndrome. Tr. \ss. \m. l'h\ sicians. 1935, 50: 105-10. ---- Clinical aspect. Foster. P. 1). A case for diaioa.si-.; ichth\ osis ' Arch. brim. S.vph.. Chic, 1941, 44: 926. Giunelii. C. , (!. *Ein Beitiag zur Kusuistik der Ichthyosis congenita. 44p. 21cm. Erlangen. 1938.' Also Arch. Kinderh., 1939, 117: 272-7. Schnkke, CI. *Die elterliche Blutsverwandt- schtift bei Ichthyosis congenita IMiinchen] 16]). 8° Bonn. 1929. W\cner, I. *rel)er Ichthyosis congenita. 28p. 8? Heidelb.. 1926. Wimmel, II. *Zur Kennlnis der Ichthyosis congenita. 36p. 8? (Witt., 1929. Aftvatsaturov, K. R. [Case of squamous lichen in a patient, affected In universal ichthyosis] \ est. vener., 1939. No. 11, 59.- Ataev. A. |Congenjt d ichthyosis] .1. akush., 1929. 40: 924-7 - Borokhovich, V. Ein Fall von Ichthyosis congenita. Zbl Gvn 1930, 54: 2019-21. - Buzz do, L. I n caso di ittiosi congenita. - lin. pediat.. Mod., 1932, 14: 737, pi., ch. Caftier, P. Zur Frage der Ichthyosis congenita. Zbl. Gyn., 1929, 53: 1757-63.- Ecalle A: Suzcr. Bev^tement kerutosique exfol'iant chez un nouveni-n' fi-ht\ose congenitale) Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1937, 2t>: 717. Fr^nkenhius. Die Ichthyosis congenita; ein Beitiag zur blinik und Kasuistik der Ichthyosis congenita. Mschr. hinde.h . 1926. 33: 310-9.—Fret-, G. P. [Case of generalized ichthyosis heredity limited to male-] Genetica Gravenh., 1928-29. 11 : 451.—Frizzi, L. Ittiosi fetal ■ e distiroidismo. Pathnlogiea. Genova. 1930, 22: 115-22.— Garion, L. Queratoma dii'uso congenito, ictiosis fetal. Vida nueva. Habana. 1940, 45: 266.—Giordano, A. Studi sulla patologia del feto e del neonate); contributo alio studio mor- fologico e patogenetico dell ittiosi fetal". Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1938, 79: 765 89. 1 pi.- Heinrichsbauer. F. Ueber Ichthyosis congenita (ein Beitrag zur I-link un 1 pathologischen Anatomie dieser Haute, kiankung) Zsehr. Geburtsh. ( \ n.. 1925-26. 89: 597-095 Her.rv, A.. & k!jry, L. Ichta ose foetale chez un chien. Bull. So."-, fr. de:m. s- ph.. 1937, 44: 325 7.- Kahn, B. 1... & Brown. M. < ioneralized ichthyosis. Arch. Derm. Syph.. Chic.. 1937,35:754. Kehrer. E. Drei Piaparat" von Ichthyo- sis congenita. K!in. Wschi.. 1927. 6: 283. Kingery, L. B. b hth\ osis congenita with unusual complications. Arch. Derm. S\ph' Chic, 1926, n. ser. 13: 90-105— Krzyz inowski, J. [Case of congenital ichthyosis] PoUka gaz. lek.. 193,1, 9: 366.— Lar.zenfoerg, P., A: Sillier. J. icht-o.-ip g.'n'rabsee; mort en 24 heures avec lesions de congestion des centres nerveux s'accom- pagnant d acidose. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1931, 38: 288- 91. Mogilricki, T. In cas d'hyperkeratose diffuse congenitale ichi'iNOMs eonsr-'nita s. in1 :aute;ina s. foetalis) Rev. fr. I>ediat., 1920, 2: 350-2. pi.— Mussa, B. Coiisideiazioni su un caso di ittiosi congenita. Clin iim-ne inf., 1931, 6: 395-107.— Nadrai. A. (Ichthyosis congenita farniliaris] Budapesti orv. n.is. 19 10. 38: 73-6. — NHhL'aki. T. Four cases of congenital ichtliwi-L which appeaiel in family. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto. 1933, 14: 73.- Grel. H. Die Vererbung der Ichthyosis congenita mid der ichthyosis vulgaris; kleine Beitrage zur Vererbung.suissensehaft. 7.^ hr. Kinderh.. 1929, 47: 312-40.— Pavia M Su uji caso di itlios, congenita Gior. ..al rli-rm. J. P.3I 75: Suppl.. 211 6. PelufTo. K A Kerreira Bern,!,. P Icriosis •ong.4iiita. Aich. argent, pediat.. Ml 1_, I/. •>■ ■;■ Also ' I u, i.g. ncd.. 1912,20:77. Ro,. A.O.de.^ I .p.lurn. L. Co-,., lcacM0i.es sobre un- observacLn de nliasis familiar. Kev. \s m.-d. rgent,, 1937. 50: 49:19. I ob.ns.,.. P. S. Congenital id,, On osis; case report. Southwest. i\ . I.e. «*.T V"S*1, '." _J report of case. Arch. IVliU.. X. \ .. 1010. .,/: 7.)b (.1. - Siemens. H. W. Die bhtlnosis congenita painn sanata. A,eh. 1),in. Syph., Berl., 1932 33. 1«7: 511 -21. - - Zur 1 ilTe.eniialdiagnos" und I'rogno, • der ubeHebemlen 1 alle von lclillnos,, congenita. Ibi I.. 192S. 1M..-0LI •»•>■ Studien iiber Yore.bung von Haul k. ankheil. n, Ichthyosis congenita. Ibid.. 1929. !58: 111 27. Smith. O. W. A case of ichthyosis congenita. Biit. .1. Derm. S\ph.. 19.).. 4.»: !!•'• Stewart. R. M. Congenital ichtlnosis, i , infautilism and epilcps\ ; the svndrome of Bu-l d. Ment. Sc. Lu,d 193'. 8.>: 250 63. Thibaut. Kevctement kcrat «i.,uc i.-ollo......inH exfoliant chez un nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc. fi. del m. s.vph., 1937, M: 1840-4—Trefzer, ('. Leber emai ei-onaituen fall yon Ichthyosis congenita mit Beainn als Lxfolialio lamellosa ohne Missliil.lungen. Ann. paediat., Basal. 1912 !58: 120-7 I'sami, M. L.d.er einen Sektionsfall von Itdilbv osi« congenita gravis. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 19 10. 30: 501 5. ^rf\l" S" Observations on a family maiuO slmg congenital iehlh.\osis. laigen I-eivs. 1937. 22: 77 S5. Wiersema. M. I). |lchihv...-ia congenital Ned. tschr. geneesk , 1937.81:4701 VYillLirnson, G. K. Congenital ichthyosis. .1. l'e.liat.. S. Loin.-, 1934, 5: 1S4 -90. ---- Etiology. Boer, P. [Heielitaiv ichthyosis] Neb tschr. geneesk., 1932 .«: 1709.- Cs»r-z, K. Rezessiv ge.c'nle.ditsgebundene Yererbung bei Ichthyosis. Mvschr. ungar. Med.. 1928, 2: 180 7 Fonura, P. Sopra un caso di itliosi fauiiithare. \ieh. ital. derm, sif., 1925 26. 1: 535-1S. V, jiizalec-Alva-ez, M. Sm- drome ictii'sico de origen luetic). I'.-li-it. Psjufi., 192(), 15: 235 8 Jaurcguy. M. A., & Barberous-e, C. M. Caracter heie.lifnio de la ictiosis familiar. \.ch. pe liat. Liuguav. 1939, 10: 119 3. Kt.tnuri. B. M. Hereditv in ichthyosis. Ind. M. Ca/,.. 1930. 71: 588. I.efranc, M. A propos de I h''r.">dite de I ichlvose. AhL'iie med.. 1919, 4. s§r.. 44: 79. boewcithal, L. J. A. Hereditary ichth\ osis; sailor's skin; multi]>l- rodent ulcers. Liveipool M •.!. Chir. L, 1930, 38: 123 5. pi.—Navarro, A., Rodeiro, M., A: Peirotii, M. .1. Ieti >sis \ gliindulas endo- oinas. Sem. med., 15. \ii., 1939, 40: pt 2, 1185 91. -Pncane, ('. Sull'ittiosi familiare. Arch. ital. derm., 1935, 11: 527.-- Sieben, H. Ichthyosis als Folae endokiiuer Stoning. Derm. Wschr 1932 94: 710 2. Hvpothyreose als Lrsache der l.hthxosis. Me 1. Min., Berl.. 1932, 28: 50. Sparacio, B. Sullittio-i familiare. Bifoima med., 1923, 44: 1037-9.— Spillmann, \\ ei- & Rosenthal. Ichtvoses familiales. Bull. Soc. fr. derm. s\pl... 1933, It): 1216. ---- Pathology. Ka.vdel, A. ^StofTwechseluiitersuchungen bei Ichthyosis. 20p. 8? Miinch.. 1926. Artom, M. Keratosis spinulosa ed ittiosi fa ni'di ire. Rass. internaz. clin. tsr., 19_'7, 8: 01S 56. —Cav.illucci, 11. Ittiosi e pseudo-it I iosi cornee; contributo ana tomt -clinico e patogenetico. Arch. itil. derm, sif., 1939 31, 6: 385-95.- Lottini. G. B. T'ontributi alia partecipazione del sistema emolinfojioietico in malatiie cutanee e ven >iea; comparazione di raierti clinici, ematologici e I istopatolnrici; manifest azioni ittiosiche. Haema- tolo-i.a, I'avii, 193.8, 19:393 107. Laubenthal, F. Xerven- svst-m und lchth\i)sis; e: -bbiolo'tisch-pat ho^enet is'die Studien an Ie'ithvosissippeu. Zsehr. Ees. Xeiu. IJs\ chiat.. 1910. 168: 722 67 i.mi' rotiluiy- Le vin ski, R. J., & Kass, I. H. Functional disturbances associated with ichthyosis; case reports. J. Psvehol., Piovincet.. 1912. 13: 173-7.- Porter, A. Basal metabolism in ichthyosis. Biit. J. Derm., 1926. 38: 475-91.- Srbolotny, S. Ligenartige I'.iul-igeiaingen in den l,eukoe\ Oai bei drei an Ichthyose lei.lenden Sehw estei n. Yirchows Arch., 1930, 276: 63-76.—Sannicandro, G. La (piestione delle ittiosi e dei loro rapporti coi nevi ittiosiformi. Atti Soc ital. derm. sif., 1933, 1: 1044. ---- Treatment. Cederereutz, A. [Internal and external use of magnesia ueta in treatment of ichthyosis] Fin. lik. sail. hand.. 1933. 75: 179 81. Also Miinch. mad. Wschr., 1933. 80: 149.- Gundel, H. [Ichthyosis treated wdth metallos:d] Lgeskr. laegcr, 1926, 88: 489.—Kylin, E. [Case of advanced iehlbs osis tr-ated with pituil ar> grafting] Sven. lik. tidn., 1938, 35: 1123— Ljung- strom. ('. E. Eine einfachs un I wirksame 1'berapi- bei Ich- thyosis. Acta med. scand.. 1941, 108: 98 105 (microfilmj Also Nord. med., 1941, 12: [Discussion] 3179 (microfilm) — M .ditch. M., Ac Cousins, R. F. Di-nitrophemd in treatment of ichthyosis. Arch. Derm. S.\ ph., Chic, 1935, 32: 466. ---- vulgaris. Ki.i-ssmanx, E. *Zur P>age der Vererbung bei der Ichthyosis vulgaris [Minister] 21p. 21',cm. Giitersloh, 1938. ICHTHYOSIS 7 ICKOWICZ Beres, I)., & Messeloff, C. R. Ichthyosis vulgaris; report of a case illustrating sex-linked inheritance. .1. Mount Sinai Hosp. X. York, 1934, 1 : 181 3.—Burroni, II. Contributo rlinico alio studio dell'ittiosi volgare deU'infan/ia. Clin, igiene inf., 1929, 4: 201-17.— Daviee. T.. & McGregor, D. A ease of hologynic inheritance of ichthyosis vulgaris. Brit. .1. Derm. Syph., 1942, 54: 121.—Galeota, A. Su tie casi di ittiosi volgare. P'ediatiia (Riv.) 1938, 46: 159 70. Gate. J., Michel, P. J.. & Dugois. P. Ichtyose blanche. Bull. Soc fr. derm. syph.. 1935, 12: 702 4.—Hoede, K. Zur Erbbiologie der Ichthyosis vulgaris. Derm. Wschr., 1937, 105: 1030-2- Idelberp'er, K. Zur Erbbiologie der Ichthyosis vulgaris. Ibid., 1032. ------& Haberler, G. Kasuistische Reitrage zur Erbbiologie der Ich- thyosis vulgaris. Ibid., 104: 361-7.--Kuhlmann, F., &.Wagner, D. Leber Zusammenhange zwischen Ichthyosis vulgaris und Parmstorungen. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl.', 1939. 179: 639- 50.—Laubenthal. F. Leber den Krbkreis der Ichthyosis vulgaris. Ibid., 675-84.- Lundborg, H. Geschlechtsgebundene Vererbung von Ichthyosis simplex (vulgaris) in einer schwedi- sc hen Bauernsippe. Hereditas, Lund, 1927,9:45-8.—Niizawa. S. Ueber drei interessante Fiille von Ichthyosis vulgaris und die neue Behandlungsmethode. .1. Oiient. M., ILiiren, 1937, 27: 29.—Sannicandro. G. La ittiosi volgare e la eritrodermia ittiosiforme congenita sono malattie legate ad una insufficienza delle paratiroidi? Minerva med.. Tor., 1935, 26: pt 2, 46-50.— Spindler, A. Hereditary transmission of ichthyosis vulgaris. Lrol. Cut, Rev., 1938, 42: 761-3.- Verrotti, G. In die modo si pud intendere il rapporto della ittiosi volgare con la sifilide congenita. R?rss. clin. sc, 1935 13: 205 7. Wojciechowski [Ichthyosis nitida with atypic localization] Przegi. derm., Warsz., 1935. 30: 181. ---- vulgaris: Hystrix type [Sauroderma] See also Nevus. Hadjitheodorou, T. Ueber Ichthyosis hystrix und Ichthyosis congenita gravis. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 783 5. Houloussy Bedghet. Considerations concernant le probleme si Ion doit ou non distinguer les ichtyoses hystrix des ichtyoses vulgaires. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, svph., 1934, 41: 710 6. McFarland, J. Ichthyosis hystrix in a Chinese; review of the literature. Arch. Derm. Syph.. Chic, 1930, 22: 307-17 — Scheer, M. Ichthyosis hystrix. Ibid., 1941, 44: 1127. ---- vulgaris: Serpentine type. Bard, R. [Ichthyosis familiaris seroentina] Borgyogy. urol. vener. szemle, 1940, 18: 66.—Child-snake I The) mon- strosity which bonifies; sensational case [Ldit [ Canad. .1. M. & S., 1909, 25: 151.— Cimeno y Rodriguez-Jaen. V. Icono- graffa clinica de enfe;medade« de hi piel, sinlis v venereo; ictiosis serpentina. l'io«r. (din. Mali.. 1917, 9: 82. 2 pi.-- Skrivaneli X. bhthyosis seroentinea. Ann. pnediat., Rasel, 1911, 157: 215 (Abstr.) (microfilm) - Wojciechowski [Ich- thyosis serpentina] Pr/egl. derm., Warsz., 19.35, 3P: 181. ICHTHYOTOXISM. See Botulism; Fish, poisonous; Food poisoning. ICIGSON, Arthur. *Pankreaszvsten im Ront- genbild [Basel] 42p. 22cm. Riga, Vards, 1936. ICIKSON, Anna. *Sprachuntersuchungen bei Gaumenspalten [Basel] 35p. 8? Ziir., Buchdr. Berichthaus, 1934. Also Sehweiz. Msclu. Zahnh.. 1934, 44: ICKEN, Ernst, 1904- *Fntersuchungen iiber die vom Auge kontrollierten Leistungen stark sehwachsichtiger Menschen [Rostock] 18p. 8? Pritzwalk, A. Koch, 1934. ICKERT, Franz, 1883- Staublunge und Staublungentuberkulose. 63p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1928. Forms Bd 1, Tuberk. & ihre Gven-igeb. in Einzeldarst. •----Ueber exogene Reinfekte und die Super- infektion hei Tuberkulose. 67p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1939. Forms No. 71. Tuberk. Bibb, Lpz. ---- & BENZE, Hans. Stammbaume mit Tuberkulosen. 86p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1933. Forms No. 55, Tuberk. Bibb, Lpz. ICKERT, Franz, & WEICKSEL, Johannes. Grundrisz der sozialen Medizin. ix, 384p. 21 illust. 102 tab. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1932. ICKES, Theodor, 1907- *Die Lsolierung der Glyeerinphospborsaure aus fluoridvergifteter Muskiilatur [Frankfurt] lip. 8? Darmstadt, C. W. Leske, 1933. ICKOWICZ, Morduch. *Effets cytologiques d'un compose arsenical (arsyK-ne) 48p. Sc Geneve, Impr. Journ. Geneve, 1936, -- — *Etude comparee des effetst de diverses substances introduites dans l'organisme par injection et par ionophorese [Geneve] 27p. 24'vcm. Liege, H. Vaillant-Carmanne, S. A., 1937. I. (The) C. N. [International Council of Nurses] Geneve, v. 14, 1926-29. Title chang" 1 to International nursing review. ICONOGRAPHIC encyclopaedia of science, literature, and art; systematically arranged by J. G. Heck. Transl. from the German, with additions, and ed. bv Spencer F. Baird. Text v.1-4, plates v.l 2. 6v. 26cm.; 24L x 3\y2cm. (plates) X. Y., R. Garrigue, 1851-52. ICONOGRAPHY. See Graphic art; Illustration. ICONOLAGNY (incl. Glyptophilia) See also Autoerotism; Erotica; Fetishism; Infantilism. Brarhl'eld. O. Leber G!\ ;•'ooliilie. Zsehr. S-xwLs., 1930, 17: 120 5- Hoffmann. W. Schuudliteratur und Sclnmdfilm. Zsehr. padag. Psvchob, 1927 28: 281-95. Martens, K. Psvchopathie und strafiecht lic!w Bed"Utung unziicditiser Abbildungen. Zsehr. Sevwiss., 1931-32. 18: 17-23. ICORAL. Paffexhofer, A. *lTnfersuchungen iiber die Wirkung des 1 coral bei chirurgisclien Eingnffen [Giessen] 31 p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Action (The) of icoral after sninal anaesthesia. Practi- tioner. Lond., 1938, 141: 347. Bremer, H. Icoral. ein neues kombiniertes Kreislauf- und Atemanaleptikum. Zbl. Ghir., 1933. tiO: 1391 7.—Rrcklentz. B. W. Erfahrungen mit Icoral, dem neuen kombinierten Kreislauf- und Atemanaleptikum. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1933. 80: 814. Frank. H. Icoral, ein ueues kreislaufv\irk. 1-Bortz) Phila., 1937, sorv. Vol., "4 103 Yanc'er Di.nckt. J. Le 1'ictere. Presse med. beige, 1804 5. 17: 189; 216; 222 ---- acholuric familial. See under Icterus, hemolytic, familial. ---- ascitic. See also Ascites. Causes; Icterus, Pathology; Liver, Cirrhosis; Liver, Hepatiti- etc. Apmahjnac, Q. :Syndrome ietero-ascitiquc post-traumatique an cours d'un cirrhose hvper- trophiquc. 32p. S° Par., 1935. Braun. L. I. Jaundice with ascites, due to intravenous atopbaml injections. J. M. Ass. S. Africa, 1929, 3: 157. Bulmer, F. 1o>.ic jam.dice with a-cites. Biit. M. J.. 1929, 2- 141 Cabot, R. ('. Mne months' painless jaundice; 3 wicks' ascites. Boston M. & S. J., 1(527, 116: 916-9.------ Jaundice and ascite- in a boy of 18. Southwest. M., 1930, 14: 592-5.- Cavr-nEgh, J. R. Jaundice and ascites with recovery; report of a case Med. Ann. Listrict of Columbia, 1935. 4: 322-4.— C*here\. W. F. Ji undue with ascites; a clinical stud\ ii. differentia I .a: n .sis. Am. J. Ligest. Dig., 1934-35, 1: |13,— Cieene, C. H. Considerations in the management of ,,„,,!„ ,. ind sseites. J. Mi-souri M. Ass.. H ».-"■'• 26: 211 20.- lir.U Hart. J. K U«-«,y,-,> foil..» m.k ^""^^"oa ^ Me er! 'J'. * Learner A. Ascites occurring dm ,„, Jtu.nd.cc with iccoverv report of a case. Ibid., 1<>4. 1 14 ti. s avii. i., «. Rurcn. I. De la difficult* du diagnostic pathos niquo dans les Uteres; curi-us;- hiMoiie d'un ict^re -U <««««■' <'; ', '^ med., 1936. 99: 432 b Ramond.L. Syndrome .iter -.mi tique biesse med., 1937. 45: 399.- Romano. N. S4ii.liomc ctero-ascltic. en una liepitU.s infecciosa Am »' ™< , B. Air.. 1940. 10: 037 11. Also In his Lecc. clin, med., B. An., 1940. 4: 5 17. ---- Associated syndromes. Badra. P. Ictericia, glomerulo nefrite a raciuitismo tardio ■in lima crianca com invcis lo visceial total. An. Soc med. em uma crianca com in\eis..o w.sv...... ........ -■ ■ . . cir. Rio, 1941. 54: No. 1. 75 8-1.- I:ult.ivi-t. G fThrombos.s and jaundice] Hygica. Stock!... 1931., 98: 483 91. --Sne A. M. The .litTerential diagnosis of diseases assock ted with jaundice. Tr. Kansas City Acad. M., 1933 .J... 13 21. ■---- Eile. See also Bile subheadings (Chemistry, patho- logic; Metabolism; Secretion: Disorders) a so Icterus subheadings (Bile pigment; Cholesterol) M\thivat, P. A. *La fonction bihaire chez lesVteriques.' 147p. 251,cm. Par., 1939. Bi'luvtfct. M.. & Mtlthieu, J. Relation entre ehole-teriiic et bilirubine dans les ieLic-. C. rend. Soc. biol.. 1930 103: 878. Dun itresco-Mante. liului-ca, S., & !«>nesca-( raioya. Nouvelles lecheiche- sur I'l'lindnation biliane. au cours .les svndron es ictf rhpics. Aich. iral. aip. duu'st Par.. 1931. Z\: i'.'8li 702. Malthieu. .1. Relation entre la . bol.-tei ine et la biliiubine dans les icl.ies. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 105: 180. ---- Bile acids. See also Bile acids, Metabolism. Birch. C. A. The treatment of cholaomia. Med. Press & (ire I ond . 1942, 207: 310-2. -Hejda, P. [Reiention of bile acids in the blood in jaundice and its diagnostic .significance] Cas. lek. cesk.. 1930, 75: 1119-21- .lesephson, B., ic Kaunitz, H Leber die Resorption der Gallensauien bei experimentellem Ikterus. Zsehr. ges. ex p. Med., 1937-38, 102: 195 201.- Mcrenuo. G., & Galifani, I). Metabolisrro dei sab Lilian negli itteii. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1936, 61: 677-700.—Zanetti, B. Colemia e ipertermia i>: ssiva; riccrche sperimentali. Med. sper., Tor., 1940, 6: 183 OS. ---- File pigment (inch Bilirubin) See also Bile pigment; Bilirubin, Kstimation; Bilirubin—in blood: Hyperbilirubinemia. Balazs Cncah, O." *E1 valor de la bilirru- binemia, por el metodo de Chabrol, en los sindromas subictericos e icterico- [Chile] 32p. 26',cm. Santiago, 1940. Ehhlich [M.l (1. *Vergleiehende ITntersu- chungen fiber die Hohe des Bilirubinspiegels in Blut und Harn bei verschiedenen Formen der Gdbsucht. 36p. 8? Lpz., 192(1. Frances, E. *L'elimination de la bilirubine au cours des differents icteres. 67p. 8? Par., 1934. Hausdokfer, H. *Vergleichende Aceton- korper- und Bilirubinbestimmungen im Blut bei Icterus-Kranken. 21 p. 8! Bresl., 1930. Aschoff, P. Leber die Bildung des Farbstoffs im Blute bei der Gelbsucht. Arq. Inst, biol., S. Paulo, 1940. 11: 21 Keutel, A., & Heirerrann, J. Leber die Beeinflussung des Bilirubinspiegels im Piute bei Ikteruskranken .lui.b Aende rungen der Blutkonzentration. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1928. 107: 693-9.—Le Castro, V. II valore semeiologico cleH'iperbiliru- binen ia negli stati itterici. Riv. clin. mod., 1930, 31: 05 101. ErcuIieF, C., Es-culies, J., & Mcraffi, A. Ln nuevo caso de bilirrubina etero-extra'l le en el suerc de un icterico. Arch. Soc biol. ^:ontevideo, 1937-38, 8: 77. Faltit«-chek. J. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Gallonfarbstoffgehalt des Blutes und Harns bei den verschiedenen Ikterusformen. ^ itt. Ges. inn. Med. Wien, 1935, 34: 101.—I iessinger, N.. & Castt-nin. La reaction directe au diazonium comme clement de classifi. ation des icterea. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1925. 92: 71 3. File. E. [Circulation of liliar\ pigments in jaundice] (;is. 1< k. cesk., 1934, 73: 1151 1.—Fr^nhe. K. Klinische und lebeudn ikro- skopische Liiier-uchimgen der gestorten I.ebei funkt ion; Callenfarbstofiiulersiichungen bei Lebereikrankungen nit Ikterus. Zschi. kbn. Med., 1930, 130: 193-221. Meilbrun, N., & Hubbard, R. S. I be n . asurement of the cbloioform- mol'ub> fi i/tion'of bilirubin in persons with jaundice and its syndic me. .1. 1-al . < lin. M.. 194& 11, 26: 576-81. HijrpanH van den Bergh, A. A., Muller, P., & Verbeek. A. G M. L.-bei die sogeuannte l.lau-Beaktion beim Ikterus. Deut. med. ICTERUS 9 ICTERUS Wschr., 1930, ,rf>: 1093 5.— Hollo?, L. [Bilirubin icterus] Orv. hetib, 1929, 73: 706 8. Ritorfa, P. Contributo alia diagnosi dill'eien/iaL ('cgli it tori neriiante il dosaggio separate delle due bilirubine. Baglivi. 1936, 2: 133-51—Salvio j Mendonca. 1'ortuibacoos no rretabolismo da bilirubina, etiopathogenia das ictericias. Brasil med., 1934, 48: 679-84.— Stein, H. P. The Van den Pergh reaction with particular reference to obstructive and hepatocellular jaundice. S. Afr. J. M. Sc, It: II, 6: 104-1". Tsbocda Martin. F. I a reaccicn dr Van den Pergh en las ieteiicias. Guatemala nu'd., 1911, 6: No. 11. 13 5- Varelc-Fi.ertcs, B., Apolo. E., A- Viura, C. Pfoultats obtenus avec la nouvelle irethode pour le dosage -epai^ des bilirubine!- directe et indirecte dans les serums icti'ri.iues. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 1C8: 1014-0—Varela- Fuertec, P., & Carzari. R. 1 a diazo-r£action jaune anormalc de oueluues serums ictt'riques. Sang, Par., 1939, 13: 101-6. Also In 1 ib.ro de oro M. R. Castex, B. Air., 1939, 3: 1427-43. ------& Visra, C. Sobre una forma anormal de la diazo- reaccicn en el suero de ictericias quiiiirgicas graves. Pelat. Congr. argent, cir., 1937, 9. Congr.. 306-13.—Varela-Fuentee, B., & Fecrrte, P. Nouvelle technique simplify e pour le dosage separe des 2 bilirubines, directe et indue ete, des serums ictc- riques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934. 116: 1193-6. ------ & Fpculief, J. Methede sirrplifieo pour la separation et le dosage isolf des 2 bilirubines, directe et indirect.', du serum sanguin dans les ieteres. Ibid., 1931, 1C8: 1009-13.— Varela-Fuerte^, B.. & Viana, C. Le la nature de la bilirubine ethero-extractible de qtielques scrums ictcriques. Ibid., 1933, 114: 789-92. ------Ri'sultat du dosage isole des 2 bilirubines, directe et indirecte, du strum, dans les ieteres aigus a evolution froide (icterrs catarrhaux, ieteres neoplasiques, choledocho-lithiases, sans infection) Ibid., 1934. 115: 1657-61. •----— Les bilirubines, directe et indirecte, du scrum dans les ictfires aigus febriles et dans les ieteres chroniques; valeurs donnees par leur dosage separe. Ibid., 116: 1187-92. ----& Rubino, M. C. Delia natura della bilirulina eteie-estiaibile di alcuni siei i itterici. Eiochim. ter. sper.. 1935, 22: 21.3 9.—VocMnfky, M. A. [Hvreans van den Bergh s color reaction in diffciential diagnosis of jaundice in autopsies] Klin, med., Moskva, 1929, 7:35 40.— W'eltrrann, O. Las Ikterusproblen. unter besondeier Beriick- sichtigung des Verhaltens des Bilirubins. Wien. klin. Wschr.. 1929, 42: 811-3. ---- Blood. See also other subheadings (Hematology; Metabolism) Glrschixg, J. *Ueber eine photodynamische Reaktion im ikterischen Serum [Miinchen] 24p. 8? Berl., 1928. Schuler, B. *Spektrophotometrische Unter- suchungen am Blut von Kranken mit Ikterus und Infcktionskrankheiten [Miinchen] 31 p. 8! Borna-Lpz., 1929. Achard, C, Levy, J., & Ceorgiahakis. N. Tension super- Pcielle des serums ictcriques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 805-7 —Anderson, R. G. The plasma phosphatase in jaundice. S. Parth. Host.. Rep., lond., 1935. 68: 221-8.—Angeleri. C, & Pescarmona, M. La fesfatasi del siero di sangue nell'ittero. Minerva med.. Tor., 1939, 30: 425-30.—Armstrong, A. R., & King E J. s'euim phosphatase in toxic and haemolytic jaundice. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 32: 379-83— Bodansky, A., & JafiTe, H. L. Serum phosphatase, bilirubin, and cholesterol in experimental jaundice. J. Piol. Chem., 1935. 109: p. x.— C'antarow, A. The influence of icteric sera with high phospha- tase activity on the phosphatase activity of normal sera. Am. J Clin. Path., 1940, 10: 858-63.------& Nelson, J. Serum phesi hatase in jaundice. Arch. Int. M.. 1937. 59: 1045-50 — C'antarow, A., Stewart, II. I... & McCool. S. C Serum phos- phatase in cats with total bile stasis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 35: 87-9.—C'oppo, M. Sulla tensione superficiale del siero nell'ittero per ritenzione. Pull. Aecad. med. Roma. 1936, 62: 111-3.—Freeman, S.. Yen Ping Chen, & Ivy, A. C. On the cause of the elevation of serum phosphatase in jaundice. .1. Biol. Chem., 1938, 124: 79-87.—Greene. C. H.. Shattuck, H. F., & Kaplowilz, L. The phosphatase content of the blood serum in jaundice. J. Clin. Invest., 1934, 13: 1079-87.— Herbert F K. The plasma phosphatase in the various types. of jaundice. Frit. .1. Exp. Path.. 1935, 16: 305-75—McArdle, B. The serum choline esterase in jaundice and diseases of the liver. Q. J. Med., Oxf.. 1940, 9: 107-27- Payne, W. W. The plasma phosphatase in jaundice in children. Prcc P. Soc. M., lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Ther. 1'harm. I20..-7.-Varela- Fuenies. B., Munilla, A., : 533-11.- Okinc/vc, •!-. & rarturier, G. Deux observations d'icrVe cbroninue. Ilev. m^d. chir. ma,l. foie, 1933, 8: 185-95. — Ten z R. M. -\ propos d'icten's chroniques. Helvet. med. .eta 1938, 5: 671-4.—Tremolieres. Diagnostic des ieteres chroniques. Hey. m.'d., Par.. 1929. 46: 305 22 - Lrrutia. L. Ict ricias cr6nicas: disidi itteri. Ann med. nav., Roma. 1936. 42: 39 42. Also Sui bum, Nap., 1936 26: 16. - -Olomo, 1. Lie k'inischen Studien iiOei die akute Hepatopathie; pat h.conel i-elie Klas-ifikation der Patienten :U-fi Ikterus. ,i. Orient. M.. Daiien. 1939, 31: 115.- Paullin. J. E., jr. Different foiin- of jaundice and their siHiiificance. 1'ioc. Inteist. Post ond. M. A--. M. America, 1932, 7: 331-4.— Sole, R. Ictericia; clasificacion v tratamiento. Scm. m/d., R. Air., 1939. 43: 1197 219.TTri-er, V. A., & I.evin. R. I. [Diffi- culties in classification of jaun.li e| Klin, med., Mo.-Uva, 1927. 5: 300-2. Tripoli, C. J-., & Fader. I). F. The dillerential diagnosis of livei disease and the clarification of jaundice. N. Orleans M. & S. L, lalO-ll, 93: 13 S. ---- Clinical aspect. See also other subheadings (gynecological aspect; Surgical aspect) Barr, I). P. Significance of jaundice. Proc. Interst. Post- giad. M. Ass. N. America (1930) 1931, 6: 555-9.- Bauer. R. [Ikteruspioblem in der Klinik] Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 1467; 1927, 40: H. 4, Sondcrb., 1 -10— Beretta, A. La itterizie considerate nella pratica. Pensiero med., 1934, 23: 14.". 57. Blankenhorn, M. A. The clinical significance of iaundiee. Ann. Int. M., 1927, 1: 71 9. Also J. Am. M. Ass.. 1930. 9.-,: 106t) 8,—Blankinsidp. R. C. Medical aspects of jaundice. West Virginia M. J.. 1931. 27: 385 91. Also Wisconsin M. .1., 1931.30:619-24. Boyer. S. H. .Iaundiee problems. Minne- sota M., 1930, 13: 169 71. Brown, A. E. Clinical aspects of jaundice. Southwest M., 1936. 20: 42L6.- Christian, H. A. The significance of jaundice. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1934, 211; 1938, 13.—Cohn, I. The jaundiced patient. Am. J. Surg..1935, 30: 266-70. Collier, C. Clinical aspects of jaundice. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1928-29. 21: 80 9. Creveld, Si. van IJaundice in childien, especially in infants] Geneesk. gids, 1911. 19: 10; 60.- Heaver, J. B., & Burden. V. G. The significance of jaundice. Proc Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. > . Ameirca (1927) 1928. 3: 464-8— Gorman. J. J. Jaundice, a symptom of significance. Southwest. M., 1938, 22: 318-22. Hampson, A. C. Jaundice in childhood. Brit. M. J., 1931. 2: 932 6—Held. I. W., & Kramer, M. Clinical interpretation of jaundice based on physiologic princi- ples. Ann. Int. M., 1932, 6: 207--Jaundiced (The) patient. Physician's Bull., 1911. 6: 131-4.—Keefer. C. S. Jaundice; its clinical significance. Med. Clin. N. America, 1932, 15: 929-50.- bins, F. As ictericias na clinica. Fol. med., Rio, 1928, 9: 77. Lorbardi, S. L. A consideration of jaundice. Hahneman. Mom In. 1939, 74: 198-217.—Mcintosh, R. Jaundice as a paediatrician sees it. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1941, 45: 488-95.—McVicar, S. C. & Fitts, W. T. Clinical aspects of jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1927, 89: 2018-21.—Martin, W. B. The clinical aspects of jaundice. Virginia M. Month., 1940, 67: 742-8.—Melson, O. C. Jaundic • as a symptom. South. M. J., 1935, 28: 271.—Miano, A. Le insidie prognostiche dell'ittero benigno. Riforma med., 1933, 49: 1075.—Mone-i, G. El problema de las ictericias. Dia med., B. Air., 1932-33, 51: 599.—Mullin, H. Clinical significance of jaundice. Eclect. M. J., 1937, 97: 51 -8.—Ravdin, I. S. The problem of the jaundiced patient. Med. Today, 1938, 1: 5.—Riesman, D. Clinical causes and diagnostic and prognostic significance of jaundice. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass. (1926) 1927, 29: 189- 202. Also Am. J. M. Sc, 1927, 173: 668-82.—Sanders, R. L. Jaundice: diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. South. Sur- geon, 1936, 5: 50 9.—Schiff, L. The clinical significance of jaundice. Ohio M. J.. 1936, 32: 401 5. Schnndube, W. lkterusprobleme. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 601-3.—Sheldon, L. B. Jaundice, its clinical significance and management. Texas J. M., 1934-35, 30: 027 1. -Snell, A. M. The clinical application of recent studies on jaundice. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1926. 42: 528-35.- Snelling, C. E. Jaundice in children. Bull. Wad. M. Toronto, 1936, 9: Nov. 4, 93 9. -Steen, R. E. Iaundiee iii infants. Practitioner, Lond., 1938 140: 705 -12.-- Weiss, S. Medical and surgical jaundice with a consideration of liver deaths. Internat. Clin., 1938. n. ser., 1: 96-114.— Wiseman, B. K. The clinical interpretation of jaundice. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1937, 4: 11-3. — common. See Icterus, infectious, common. — congenital. Sec Icterus, neonatal. ---- Diagnosis. See also Bile-duct, common: Obstruction; Bile-ducts, Diseases: Diagnosis; Gallbladder, Disease: Diagnosis; Liver, Disease: Diagnosis. Brugsch. T. Zur Analyse des Ikterus. Deut. me 1. \\ schr., 1929. 55: 687. Cobb. ». B. Jaundice. South. M. & s., 1927 89: 18-22. Diagnostic!) de las ictericias. Dia moil., B Mr 1935, 7: 1597. Elton, N. W. The pathologic physi- olo«\ of icterus; I he detection of .iaundiee. Rev. Gastroenter., 1935 2: 331-1. Kmrys-Roberls. R. M. A note on ( our- voisier's Law. S. Thomas Hosp. Gaz.. bond., 1942, 40: 88.- - Eusterman, G. B. En or* in t lie diagnosis of diseases associated with jaundice: observations based on 533 cases verified by operation or necrops\ . Ann. Int. M., 1932, <•: 608-21. - - The nature, cause and incidence of en or in the diagnosis of conditions underlying jaundice. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1932 7: 504 Fredbarj, T. [Diagnosis of an unus-nal ease of jaundice] Hygiea, Stockh., 1932, 94: 568. Gamna, C Sintesi di diag- nostica medica. Minerva med.. Tor., 1933, 24: 336 42. (Bass. J. [Diagnosis of jaundice] Polsk. arch. med. wewn., 1936 14: 340 99. Gould, E. P. This puzzling jaundice. Middlesex Hosp. J., 1937, 37: 9 12. Hollos, L. [Importance of diagnosis in jaundice] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1930, 28: 1009- 14.—Ivanissevich. O., & Martiarena, L. H. Semiologla prActica; diagn6stic> de las ictericias. Bol. Inst. (din. quir., B. Air.. 1937 38, 13: 354 8. Also Sein. med., B. Air., 1937, ■14: pt 2.361 4. Ivanissevich. O., & Tanturi. C. A. Standardi- zacion del estudio de los ictpl icos. Rev. As. med. argent., 1935. 49: 302 7.- Maciel Crespo, F. A., Vanni, E., & Amiotti. E. Dificullades diagn. Micas en un caso clinico. Ibid., 1940, 54: 717-9.— Marcus, I. H. .Iaundiee laboratoia sheet; a convenient form for tabulating data. Med. Rec, N. V., 1941, 153: 209.— Martin, L. Jaundice; methods of diagnosis and treatment of its causes. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1930, 59: 78 98. Also Vida nueva, Habana, 1937, 40: 124-42. Mayerhofer. E. Meine Regel der fraktionierten Absattigung im Verlcdtnissc zum Hautikterus. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929. 42: 573-5.— Micheli, F. La diagnosi degli itieii. Fol. med., Nap.. 1935, 21: 1221 7. Also Riforma med.. 1935, 51: 102 1 9. Also Rass. inbinaz. < din. 'ter., 1935, 16: 1 147-56.—MofTatt, H. B. The investigation of the jaundiced patient. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1939, 40: 454-7. Nadler. W. H. Clinical problems in the diagnosis and treatment of jaundice. Southwest. M., 1942,26: 74-82.— Newman, C. The clinical problems of jaundice; the preliminary diagnosis; the final diagnosis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1940, 204: 37; 51- Ottenberg, R., & Colp, R. Diagnosis of surgical jaundice. N. York State .1. M., 1937, 37: 1011-7. Weir, J. F. The diagnosis of jaundice; value of clinical and laboial..r\ data. Am. J. Surg., 1932, n. ser., 15: 494-503. ---- Diagnosis, differential. See also other subheadings (hepatic; mechani- cal) Lemmel, H. *Zur feineren Diagnostik des nicht mechanisch bedingten Ikterus. 39p. 8? Lpz., 1927. Brule, M. Diagnostic differential des ieteres par hepatite et des ieteres par obstruction eholedocienne. Bull. Soc. mid. Paris, 1939, 195-200. Burrus, S. Jaundice; its differential diagnosis and treatment. Memphis M. J., 1927, 4: 206 9. Also J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1927 28, 20: 126 9.—Fine, B. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Med. Bulb, N. Y., 1939-40, 5: 145-8.—Flood, C. A., Segal, I)., & Loeb, It. F. The differ- ential diagnosis of jaundice; a study of 235 cases of nonhemolytic jaundice due to carcinoma, calculus in the common bile duct and liver degeneration. Am. J. M. Sc, 1933. 185: 358-65.— Graham, D. The differential diagnosis of clinical condi- tions accompanied by jaundice. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 21: 380 3. Also Univ. Toronto M. J., 1929-30, 7: 34-8.- Hanger. F. M., jr. The differential diagnosis of jaundice. Virginia M. Month., 1940. 67: 1-7—Hartsock, C. L. Dillerential diagnosis of jaundice. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1938. 5: 102-7.— Helrnreich, E. Die Drfferentialdiagnose des Iko-rus im Sauglingsalter. Wien. klin. W'schr., 1934. 47: 1266-8. Also Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1935, 9: 106-8.- Herman. K. Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Ikterus (Beitriige zur Diffei enti ddiagnose des Ikterus) Med. Klin., Berl., 1929, 25: 675 -7. Heyd, C. G. The diagnostic interpretation of jaundice. Nebraska \I .1 1937, 22: 445-9. Also N. England J. M.. 1937. 217: 161-4.— Holbrook, A. A. The differentiation of suigical and medical groups of jaundice. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1930 37, 3: 315--'.».— Horsters. H. Differentialdiagnose des Ikt.aus nach farberi- schen Meikrnalen. Erg. inn. Med. Kinderh., 1939, 56: 575- 613- Hulten, O. |Difl'i icntial diagno.sw between hepatic and obstructive jaundiee| Noi d. med^ 1940. 6: 974. Jacoby, H. Zui Differentialdiagnostik der Iktoruskrankheit. Deut-. med ICTERUS 11 ICTERUS Wschr., 1928, 54: 1513-5.—Johnson, L. W., & Dickens, P. F. Differential diagnosis of surgical from nonsurgical jaundice by laboratory methods. Am. J. M. Sc, 1928, 176: 090 700 — Johnson. W. R. The differential diagnosis of cases of jaundice without pain. Med. Clin. N. America, 1932, 15: 1513-27. Also South. M. J., 1937, 30: 1174-81.—Kaunitz. H. The differential diagnosis of jaundice. .1. Philippine M. Ass., 1940. 20: 709-20.—Killian, J. A. Interpretation of chemical analyses of blood and urine of cases exhibiting jaundice and disturbances of liver function. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1932, 12: 403-74.— Knapp, V. Clinical interpretation of jaundice. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1936, 33: 202-4.—Kress, H. von. Differentialdiagnose zwischen Icterus simplex und meehanisch bedingtcm Ikterus. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1937, 34: 128-32.— Lauda. E. Diffe- rentialdiagnose und Therapie ikterischer Zustande. Wien. klin. Wschr.. 1932, 45: 526-30. Also Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1933, 7: 79 83.—Lenormand, J. Diagnostic des ieteres neoplasiques. J. med. fr., 1930. 19: 291-5.—Maclean, B. The difi'e.ential diagnosis of jaundice. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 1052.—McOuiston, J. S. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 360-4.- Matthews, M. W. The differential diagnosis of jaundice. Tristate M. J., 1940-41, 13: 2790-5.—Olwin, J. H. Differentiation of surgical jaundice from severe damage of liver, subacute yellow atrophy, clinically simulating it. Arch. Surg., 1941, 43: 633-44. — Peery. T. M. Jaundice: its differential diagnosis. J. S. Carolina M. A-s., 1935, 31: 187-9.—Puestow, C. B. Differential diagnosis and surgical care of jaundiced patients. Ann. Surg., 1941, 113: 1067.—Rviusch, /. [Differential diagnosis of jaundicel Orv. hetib, 1932, 76: [melb] 11.—Simon, S. D. Some introductory remarks on the differential diagnosis of jaundice. J. Med., Cincin., 1941-42, 22: 26—Snell, A. M. The diagnosis of common causes of jaundice. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1937, 37: 319-27.- Turren, H. J. Differential diagnosis and treatment of jaundice. Northwest M.. 1941, 40: 437-45.—Walter--, W. Jaundice; differential diagnosis and treatment. .1. Michigan M. Soc, 1940, 39: 747-54.—Weltmann. O. Die Differential- diagnose des Ikterus. Prakt. Arzt, 1928, n. F., 13: 216; 243 — White, F. W. A studv of diagnostic errors in jaundice. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1939, 54: 259-68.—Winslow, K. Differ- ential diagnosis of jaundice. Northwest M., 1929, 28: 254- 60.—Wood, R. H., & Agnor, E. B. The differential diagnosis of jaundice and carotinemia; report of case. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1941, 30: 239-41.—Yater, W. M. General considerations and differential diagnosis of jaundice depicted by cryptograms. Med. Ann. Listrict of Columbia, 1939, 8: 258-61. ------ Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1941) 1942, 375-9. ---- Diagnosis, radiological. See also Bile-ducts, Roentgenography; Gall- bladder, Radiology; Icterus, mechanical. Baker. H, L., & Bacon. C. M. Lipiodol visualization of the bile tracts in lesions with jaundice. Surg. Gyn. Obst.. 1937, 65: 220-7.—Delp, M. H. Cholecystography in the presence of jaundice. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1941, 42: 434-0.—Ottenberg, R. Excretion of foreign substances by the liver and the question of visualization of the gallbladder in the presence of jaundice. Am. J. Roentg.. 1937, 38: 859 62—Rudisill, H., jr. Gallbladder visualization in jaundiced patients. J. Am. M, Ass., 1930, 95: 1425. ---- Diagnosis: Tests. See also Bilirubin, Estimation; Icterus, Blood. Araxibar Urqiidi, E. *Actividad fosfa- tasiea del plasma en el diagnostico diferoncial de las ictericias [Chile] 32p. 261.4cm. [Santiago] 1940. Adler, A. Neuere funktionelle Ikterusdiagnostik. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 700-4. —Alessandri, H., Ducci Claro. H., & Aranibsr. E. La actividad fosfat-'isica del plasma en .1 diag- • nostico diferencial de las icteiicias. Rev. med. Chile, 19-11, 69: 181-3.—BIcod phosphatase in diagnosis of jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1936, 107: 1 894. —Carlborg, C [Water test as-diag- nostic and prognostic method in jaundice] Nord. med., 1939 2: 1454-7.—Fischer, E. I. [Significance of the estimation of amino-acids in the urine in differentiation of jaundices] Klin. med., Moskva, 1940, 18: No. 6, 81-6.—G., A. E. Newer laboratory tests in the differential diagnosis of jaundice. Med. Rec, Houston, 1938, 32: 811.—Glgnzmann, E. Zur I'rage der griinen Benzaldehvdreaktion. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 01: 644— Gutman, A. B.. & Hanger. F. M., jr. Differential diagnosis of jaundice by combined serum phosphatase deter- mination and cephalin flocculation test. Med. Clin. N. Amerrca, 1941 25: 837-48.—Haley, T. J. Two valuable laboratory aids in the differentiation of obstructive from hepatogenous jaundice. Hosp. News, Wash., 1940, 7: No. 23, 15-21 — Hanger, F. M. Serological differentiation of obstructive from hepatogenous jaundice bv flocculation of cephalincholesterol emulsions. J. Clin. Invest,, 1939, 18: 261-9.—Herjhbcnr. A. L. [Differential diagnosis of parenchymatous and mechanical jaundice by Prof. Miasnikov's method] Klin. med.. Moskva, 1941 19: No. 6, 126-30.— Hynes, K. E., & Jensen, C. R. The differential diagnosis of jaundice, laboratory tests useful in the distinction between surgical and nonsurgical conditions. W est. J Surg 1038, 46: 371 8.—Kent, C. F. Laboratory aids in the differential diagnosis of jaundice. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1940, 37: 100-3.—Lehnherr, E. R. The value of icteric indices and plasma lipids in the diagnosis of jaundice. N. England J. M., 1934, 211: 487-92.—Le die, A. A simplifie I bedside test for latent jaundice. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1942-43, 28: 6.— Lord. J. W., jr, & Andrus, W. DeW. Differentiation of intra- , hepatic and extrahepatic jaundice; response of the plasma prothrombin to intramuscular injection' of menadione, 2- methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone, as a diagnostic aid. Arch. Int. M., 1941, 68: 199-210.—Love, J., & Leake, A. R. A simple test for jaundice. U. S.. Nav. M. Bulb, 1942, 40: 430-2.— Malamud, T. La prueba del agua o de la dilucion en la ictericia. Prensa med. argent., 1937, 24: 1469-78.—Ma«.iranPioli, J. Diagnostico biologic.) das icteiicias. Brasil med., 1935, 49: 443-7.- Morhardt, P. E. Une nouvelle methode de diagnostic des ieteres. Vie med., 1929, 10: 779.—Murphy, W. P. An easy method of estimating the amount of jaundice bv means of the blood serum. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 194': 297-9.— Nadler, S. B., & Butler, M. F. The cephalin-cholesterol flocculation test in the jaundiced patient. Surgery, 1942, 11: 732-8.—Rabinowitch, I. M. Jaundice and the anplication of the Van den Bergh and urobilinogen tests. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1931. 25: 255-65.—Robert', W. M. Blood phosphatase and the Van den Bergh reaction in the differentiation of the several tvpes of jaundice. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 734-S.—Rothman, M. M.. Merirze, I). R.. & Meranze, T. Blood phosphatase us an aid in the differential diagnosis of jaundice. Am. J. M. Sc, 1930, 192: 526-35.—Sainz, P. A. Evoluciones de la reac- cicn de Takata-Ara en las icteiicias. Rev. med. cir. Fabana, 1939, 44: 465-73.— Saleun, G., b.] 1937. ' Berardinelli, W. Les ieteres de la lune de miel. Paris mod., 193S 109- in". Catsas. G. Sur un cas d'iel ei e (Sinotif. Ann. nied le- 1938 18: 2*7 -9.- Chavigny & Moniatte. Ictere emotif cT medecine l< gale. Ibid.. 1937, 17: 1031 3. - Escudcro, P. Ictericia funcional. Dia med.. B Air 1935. 7: 1059 f.2 Gjuric, A. [Emotional jaundice] Cas. 16k. cesk., 19.*. (,, : 1103 -Lavitola, G. Gontributo alio studio degli itteri emot i\ i. Hior. med. nub, 1939. 87: 928 10. Marrhiabiva. E. L'lttero lefcale ex emotione. Policlinico, 1931. 28: >ez prat., 1771 -O.- Pavel 1 Les icuVes par obstacle fonctionncl (spasme i.'llexc du sphincter d'Oddil Biuxelles med., 1935-36. 16: 1781 91. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 506-8.—Schachter & Nedler, D. Contribution a I'etude de I'ictere emotionnel. Paris med., 1933 89: 141-4. Virgillo. S. Soma un caso di ittero letale ex emotione. Med. ital., 1035, 16: 395-402. ---- enzootic. See also Icterus- in animals. Albiston. H. E., Bull. L. B. [et al.l A preliminary note on the aetiology of enzootic jaundice, toxnemie jaundice, or yellows, of sheep in Australia. Vet. Bull.. Lond., 1912, 12: 12 lAbstr.) — Edgar, G., Hindmarsh. W. L. [ot al] The distribution and incidence of enzootic or toxaemic jaundice in south-eastern Australia with special reference to New South Wales. Austral. Ve.t. J.. 1941, 17: 120-30. Also Vet. Bulb, Lond.. 1942, 12: 42 (Abstr.) ---- erythroblastic. See under Icterus, hemolytic, familial; also Icterus, neonatal, grave. ---- Etiology. See also subheading Pathogenesis; also names of primary diseases as Anemia, hemolytic; Bile- ducts, intrahepatic: Diseases; Leptospirasis; Liver, Cirrhosis; Syphilis, etc. Itzen, S. * Ueber die Ursachen des Ikterus. I Op. 21cm. Gott., 1937. liavis, I)., igenes suspectcs du Moycn-Congo. Bull. Soc. path, exrt , Par., 1936, 29: 733-5 — Beeuwke<=. H., Walcott, A. M.. & Ki'mro, H. W. An obscure epidemic disease associated with iaundiee, observed in Nisreria, West Africa. Tr. R. Poc. Trop. M. Hvir., Lond.. 1930-31, 29: 429-51.—Pedichen, H. G. [Holla-disease: epidemic mani- festations of anemic crises in hemolytic jaundicel Norsk, mag. lacgevid., 1937. 98: 279-95. Fsirley, N. H. Obstructive and haemolvtic iaundiee in the trorics. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1933, 26: 57S S3.—Hudson. N. P. Ifistorathology of an eridemie disease associated with jaundice, occurring in Nisreria, West Africa. Tr. K. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1930-31, 24: 453 60, 2 pi.—Iefl-owitz. M. Per endemische Icterus in Palfstina. Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1037. 12: No. 3, p. v.— Molner, J. G.. & Karper, .1. A. An outbreak of jaundice in Detroit: pre'iminarv rercrt. J. Am. AC Ass., 1< 38, 110:2069.— Molner, J. G., A- Meyer. K. F. Jaundice in Letreit. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1940, 30: 509 15. Mun-karri. S.. Miki. Y.. & Abe, T. About the epidemic of a lind of febrile jaundice nccurrine in some parts of Okayama Citv durine the late sum- met 1! 35. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1937, 49: 635.— Muwazi. E. M. K.. Trowell. H. C, ,V Hf rnesfev. R. S. F. Liver diseases and iaundiee in natives of Lranda. East Afr. M. J., 1942-43. 19: 40 f(i. — Olcmo. T. Lie 1 'inischen Studien iiber die akute Hepatopa'l ie: id or die Fatienten des Ikterus, der von einisren Arten von Frankheiten verursacht wird und den man relativ hauPs' in der Mandschurei sieht. -I. Orient. M., Dairen, 1939. 31: 70. — Smith. E. C. Heratic findings excluding yellow fever in 14 cases of jaundice in West Africa. Ann. Trop. M. Parasit., liverp., 1942-43, 36: 38-46, 5 ph— Tanon, L., *• Neveii, F. I es syndromes iet^ro-hemorragiques en pathologie tropicale. Gaz. hop., 1931, 104: 929-31. ---- grave. See also other subheadings (infectious, hemor- rhagic; neonatal, grave, etc.); also Liver, Atro- phy; Liver, Insufficiency; also names of specific diseases with icterus as Leptospirasis; Yellow fever, etc. Ac una. M., & de Filippi, F. Sobre un caso de ictericia rrave en una nina de 10 anos. Pern, med., B. Air., 1927, 34: 65-73.— Antic, D. Icterus gravis (atrophia flava hepa.tis acuta) Arch. Yerdauunpskr., 1928, 42: 20-49.—Arntzenius, A. K. W. [Icterus giavis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935. 79: 1658.— Parkhash. P. A. [Analysis of grave jaundice flcterus gravis)l Vrach. delo. 1931. 14: 115-21. Also Arch. Verdauungskr., 1933, 53: 9-20.—Bernhard. F. Die Oholerystostomie zur chirurfischen Behandlung des schweren Ikterus. Zbl. Chir., 1935. 62: 3011-4.—Cain, A., & Cattnn, R. I'ictere grave primitif non sriroehetosioue. Bull, med., Par., 1935, 49: 837- 9. —Carrega CaFaffouflh, C. F. Icterias graves. Dfa meut. Arch. klin. Med., 1931, 171 : 1-9. Also Orv. hetib, 1932, 76: 136-9.— Jordan, F. M. Anemia in jaundice. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1928, 3: 306-8. ----- & McVicar. C. S. Anemia in jaundice; a clinical study of cases in which jaundice was of obstructive or intrahepatic types. Am. J. M.Sc. 1930, 179: 654-9.—Katz, G.. & Radt.P. Blutkorperchensenkuns beim Ikterus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 760.—Klein, M. [Qualitative changes of blood picture in jaundice] Orv. hetib, 1932, 76: 1084-7.------& Szentmi- halyi. S. Die Yeninderunren des qualitrtiven Blutbildes bei der Gelbsucht. Zsehr. klin. Med., J933, 124: 497-505.-- I.erman. J. A comoarison of arsphenamin and catarrhal iaun- diee with special reference to the blood picture. Am. J. M. Sc, 1929, 178: 54-62.—Medvei, C. V.. & Bjnrk, S. Lngewohnliche Kombinationen verschiedener Anumien mit Ikterus. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1937, 31: 287; 301.—Osajima, S. Leber das Si,urcbasengleichgewicht und den Durchmesser der Erythro- cyten bei verschiedenen experimentellen Ikterusarten. Acta med. rragasaki., 1939, 1: Suppl., 124-7.—Radosavljevic. A., & Sekulic, M. La sedimentation des h^maties dans his ieteres. Progr. med.. Par., 1932, 1750. Also C. rend. Congr. internat. lith. biliaire, 1932. 1. Congr., 2: 282-4.- Rosenthal, N.. & Blowstein. M. I. The sedimentation time of blood in jaundice. J. Lab. Clin. M.. 1928-29, 14: 164-72.— Saito. A. The influence of outbreak of icterus upon the component of blood. Orient. J. Lis. Inf., Kioto. 1940, 27: 1. ------ The influence of the lowering of the reticulo-endothelial system function upon the blood components of the animal with icterus. Ibid., 3.— Schalm, L. [Measurement of the mean average of erythrocytes and their value in affections of the liver and jaundice] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 5788-94.------ The average red blood cell diameter in liver disease and jaundice. Acta med. scand., 1937-38, 93: 512-25.------Le diametre moyen des globules rouges comme element de diagnostic dans la diffe- renciation des ieteres. Presse m£d., 1940, 48: 312-5.—Scherer, J. H. Reticulocvtosis in jaundice. Bull. M. Coll. Virginia, 1938, 35: 3-7.—Schernhardt. J. Ikterus und Blutkorner- chenzahl. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 920.—Sch0tt. E. D. De- termination des groupes sanguins sur des £chantillons de sang ictcriques, h/'molytiques ou anciens. Acta med. scand., 1932, 79: Suppl. 50, 389; 394.—Tronnberg, G. [Investigations on sedimentation reaction in jaundice] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1987-93. ---- hemolytic. See also Anemia, erythroblastic; Anemia, hemo- lytic; Hemolysis, Pathological aspect; Reticulo- endothelial system, Disease; Splenomegaly. Goldenstein, S. * Ueber hamolytischen Ikterus. 24p. 24cm. Lausanne, 1937. Hotop, L. *Drei Falle von hamolytischem Ikterus [Wurzburg] 22p. 8? Dillingen, 1931. Picaod, G. * Leber hamolytischen Ikterus [Heidelberg] 31p. 8? Walldorf, 1928. Teitelbaum, M. *Ueber hamolytischen Ikterus [Giessen] 23p. 8? Griinberg (Ilesseu) 1930. Topic, J. R. *Hemolytic jaundice. 31p. 4? S. Franc, 1938. Adler. A. Leber anamisch-hamolytische Splenomegalie, ein dem hamolytischen Ikterus ahnliches Symptomenbild. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 2167-71.- Babonneix, L., Levy, M., & Gole, L. Ictere h^molytrque chez un garcon de 10 ans. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1934, 32: 281-L—Battaglini, S., & Blasi. B. Contrihuto clinico sull'ittero emolitico. Gior. clin. med., 1931, 12: 109-23.—Brenizer, A. G. Hemolytic jaundice. South. M. & S., 1939, 101: 199 200.— Campbell. J. M. H. Early accounts of acholuric jaundice and the subsequent history of Wilson's patients. Q. J. Med., Oxf.. 1025-26. 19: 323-32 — •UTERI'S 14 KTERlS Carrara. V Su di un caso <\i ittero etno'iti.-o Oh. pediat Mi l"3s. 10: 199- Cerwi i, P. H.. A Grerro, A. Con- -i |.m . i.'.i. al margen de una ..I servacion de ictericia hemolttica. Arch, argent, pediat., 1032. 3: 9- 16. ("onto. M. As ictericias nritrinadas no sanctie. In his Clin, med., Rio, 1935, 2: 153 7. Cowen. S. O. Haemob tic jaundice. Brit. AC ,).. 1935. 2: S53. Del Kio. A. Ictericia hemolitica. Med. ibera. 1933, 27: 229 34. I'efsylla, C. In tema di ittero emo'itico; considera- I zioni criti.b' ed nw i \ nzioni i.isonali neH'infunzia. Clin. 1 igiene inf., 1031. 6: 201 310.— Dreiling. B. J., Brody, J. G., A.- Randall, A. HemoKtic jaundice; ie].rt of an unusual ease. Ohio M. J.. 1936. 32: 34 6.- Ferrannini L. Liein enmliiico. Minerva med.. Tor.. 1935. 26: 250-6. Ficssincer. N. lis ieteres h^moh !ii|iie>. Rev. gen. clin tin'.-.. 1938. T2: 520 35. - Vorklcn. F. P.. A. Brcuet G. Spl,'n. in.'■_':• be lepato'yti- I que et lCi.'iieene. p,u|i. Soc. med. lop. I':. i i-. 1031. 3. ser, ",0: 01 7. I'ortenelle. V. Ictetieia hemolytica. Fob med., Pio, 1933, 14: 432 8 Galan. J. ('. let. ricia hemolitica. Dia med., B. Air, 1930-31, 3: 981 Grzziano. F. Sull ittero emolitico. Cult. med. mod.. Pal., 1020. 8: 1 9.-Hartfirld, G.. & Hewer. T. F. Observations on a ccse of achobuic '..-torus. Loict bond.. 1020. 2: 121. —Hadley, H. G. lienioivi ic jaundice. .1. Med., Cin.in., 1940-41, 21: loo 8.- Hansen. Leber den li;im..lyli.-chen Ikterus. Zbl. inn. Med. P31, 5f>: 151.- Heilmever. L. 1 )er konstitutionelle und .a worbene hamolvtisrhe Ikterus Med Klin., Berl., 1030, 35: 201 3.—Hendricks. W. C. Hemolytic iaundiee with report of a case. Pennsylvania M. J., 1938-39, 42: 61. -Hernando, T. Ictericias hem.riticas Sislo med., 1931. 93: ■'•:(.'.----A- PiUaluga. let. n.ias hi mobti- cas. Ibid., 252. H«ss. Lei ,-r bteius I a ciim.'m ions. Zbl. inn. Med., 1927, 48: 0 17. Holler. G. Leber Ikterus liaenio- Ivticus. Wien. klin. Wsclu. 1(37, 50: 300 3. Ji.lles. L M. |Case of beniol\ tic jaundicel Msdn kindewnee-k., 1931-32. 1: 219 27. Kennedy, A. M. Acholuric jaundice. Clin. J.. Lond., 1934, 63: 59 62.- Kremer, M., & Mason, W. H. Acholuric jiunice in the adult. Lancet, Lond.. 1930. 2: 849 52. Kucikowna, '/. [Hemolytic icterus] Polska gaz. lek., 1931, 13:312 7. Klltiev, M. [Case histon of cln oiiic hemo- tic jaundicel \ racb. del,,. I 92X. II: 731. La Fleur-Birch. ('.. A- JafTe, R. H. ('hronic beinob ! ic icterus in adolescence. Med. Clin. N. America, 1928, 12: 255 69.- I.epehne. G. Lie Erkia.nkungeii de. Leber und Ciillenuegc; die ha inoh ti«chcn Iktenisforrnen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 716 8. - Lewis, G. V. Hemolytic jaundice. South. M. J., 1935, 28: 521 7. Makhalova, O. K. [Clinical aspect of hemolytic jaundice] Kazan, med. L, 1030, 3.">: Xo. 7. 17 21.- Meinertz, J. Lei liainoMKcbi-Ikteius. Med. Mm.. Perl.. 1933, 29: 73 7. Meyer, H. Leber hamnlvt ischen Ikteius. Klin. Wsclu.. 1027. 6: 1277 80.- Merrav-Lvon, R. M. Acholuric jaundice. Med. Press * Circ bond.. 1938, 196: 113 5. - Pangaro, J. A. Ictericia hemolitica < roiica Dia med., B. Air., 1038, 10: 93-5.—Pantolini, M. I. Ictericia hemolitica. Ibid., 1010, 12: 437 9.--Plavinskv, J. V., & Kutilova [Hemolytic jaundicel Sovet. klin., 1033, 19: 330 I.—Roskott, L. (Hemo- lytic jaundicel CeneesK. tschr. Xed, Indie, 1036, 76: 172-1. — Schoendube. Zwei l'.dle von hamolytischem ikteius. Med. Klin.. Perl.. 1920. 22: 1515. Also Munch, med. W^cln., 1926, 73: 1383. Schwartz, N. V. [Hemolytic jaundicel Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1933, 37: 100-94. Scott. W. M. Hemolytic jaundice. Tristate M. J., 1940-41, 13: 2782. Serio, F. Ricerche fisio-i atologirhe su di un caso di splenome'iidia emolitica. Rif.nma med.. 1936, 52: 775-8— Shallard, B. T. Acholuric jaundice, with t he repoi t of a case. Med. J A ustralia, 1940,1:12-5. Sharpe, J. C. Heniol.\ tic iaundiee. Internat. Clin., 1937, 47. ser., 2: 110 07. Stewart-Wallace, A. M. Splenomegaly with jaundice. I roc. I!. Soc. M., Lond.. 1935--36, 29: 1212.- Sutherland, I). M. Haomolvtic jaundice: an atMical ease. Lancet. Lond. 1933, 2: 861. Tenconi, J., & Franco, V. A. Ictericia hemolitica. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. \ii 103 1, 17:34 lit). -Thompson, W. P. Hemolytic jaundice. Bull X. York Ac.d. M„ 1939. 15: 177-87. —Urrulia, L. Ictericia hemolitica. Audi, med., Madr., 1925, 18: 289-301. ---- hemolytic, acquired (.Hayem-Widal type) See also subgroups of Icterus, hemolytic (infectious; toxic) also Icterus, pregnancy; also Spleen, Injury. .I.uoki, T. *Ein Beitrag zur Kcnntnis der erworbenen haemolytischen Ikterus [Basel] 34p. 22cm. Miinch., 1937. Otto, ('. *Zur Frage dos erworbenen haemo- lytischen Ikterus [Berlin] 29p. 8? Charlottenb., 1932. Witti'.ix, E. *Haemolvtischor Ikterus nach Milztrauma. 23p. 8? Krinigsb., 192."). Adler, A. Ein Beitrag zur l'ra'-ie des erworbenen hiirno- lyti-.-hen Ilerus. Munch, med. Wschr., 1029, 76: 454.— Antonelii. G. A proposito della forma da me per il primo de- scritta e diino^trata. 1912-13, di ittero emolitico acqtiisito con anemia a tipo peruicioso e del successo terapeutieo, in essa, della m knectomia. Policlinico, 1939, 46: sez. prat., 1100-1.— Bruni, G. Ca>'> d'ittero emolitico acquisitoefftcacemente curato ni-re' opoterapia epatica; raffronto con casi dr ansmia per- niriosa progressiva sottoposti alio stesso trattamento. Clin. med. ital., 1929, 60: 416-30.- C.dlina. G. Contributo alio studio degli me.i emolitici sec.....laid. Ibid. 1932 63: 132 90.- Cook. J. K. A Kotncr. L. M A.-.,..,, -d he.m.K tie jaun- dice- r.-i ort of a case. .1. Missouri M. Ass.. IHI. 38: 3.. I , Dalla Volta. A. Sugli itteri emohtiei sec.,elan \reh . p.o., Bol.vn- l"20 5: 188 520 Dimitriu. ( . < .. >V Gingolcl. IN. b-teii- bench tique constituiioimel, acquis, "lien |.at la -o|en"c- lomre Bull s'oc. med. hop. llucarest. 1939. 21: 2 11 10 Duthie. F. S. Acquired haemolytic jaundice with uiiusja features. 1 a,,c.-t. bond.. 1037. I: I 107 9. low er W. M \.,,uued hemolytic i.ten.s Ann. Int. M 1940 II, 14 ISts is Kr<-ilb>ri T Ein Fall von ham .l\t isch in. ment he'iodiiaiem Ikterus. \e,a pa-dia... L,.|s., 1930. 10: 15800 — «;enees. I., de.. Salles. P.. .v WijIH.. Sur un pas diet ere l.eim.btique acquis. Bull. Soc inch h..o. bans, 1937, 3. ser., 53: 301 S. Hanna, J. A. Acquired bench ti let tiis or atypical hemolytic anemia: case icnoit Memp u • Al. ,L. 1 ,».5». 13: 9- Heilmeyer. L. Die h:imol\ t,-die Hyperso erne; Beitrag zur Frage des oruorheuen hiiini.l.vt ischen Ikteius Deut Arch. klin. Med.. 1035. 178: 89 102. nine. Ac.|iurcd acholuric jauhdic-. Tr. K. Med. Chir. Soc. (dasgiw I'G/. 31.: 55 hamm.rlin", H. Km I'citt a • ztn I )iag lose und hcrapie des s\ nipiomitischen haci.iolvtisclieo Pic Us. Mel. Well. 1941 15: IsS 90.- Lynch. .'. H. Acquired heni..l.\ tic uterus, with report of a case NTcl ras'a M. J., 1032. 17: 71 .>.— Meinerl7 J Zur Fi -.<•'<• des erwoi henen hiimol\ t isch'-n Ikt'ius. Med. Klin, Berl., 1933. 29: 530. Ottenbcrg. R. Secon lary acquired hmihtic id ins. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. i ork, 1934, 1: 1.5 1-7. Pa-chkis. K. Ilebei den Ikt rus haeinolyticus fgibt' es einen erwii' eueu hainol,\ i i-.lioii Ikterus") Wien. klin Wschr 1930.43:1668 l'r«'idt. H. Ikterus haeiuolyli- cusalsLnfalllol"... Munch, rued. Wschr , 1931,78: 120S :10!I.— Fastelter, J. W. ,v Murphy, F. I). Ac :uired hem.I\ lie jaun- dice. Am. J. Digest. Lis. 1937-3?. <: 815-10. Reynolds, (L P. A cas • of acquued hemolytic jaun lice with unusual features and inn roved b\ solencetomy. Am. J. M. Sc., 1930, 179: '549-53. Repke. Lie h.nnolviische ILpers'denie; zur Frage des erworbenen h.i in .l.\ I ischen Ikterus. Zbl. Chir., 1936 63: 1607 Zur I'rsi'e des eiworl.enen hiimo- I.Nti^chen Ikt-rus. Ibid.. 973-5 Salah. M. Studies on anaemias in R;-\nt: acholuric jaundice .!. !•>■ > l>t. M. Ass., 1936, l!t: 205 28. Swan. W. G. A. A c .sc of cluouic acouired haeinobtie anaemia tteat.d by splenectomy. N-wcastle M. .].. 1938. 18: 173 80. Thomson. A. P. Acholu-ic jaundice with increased fragnit\ of the red hlnod conmscles apoearintr afl T splenectomy. I aneot, bond., 1033, 2: 1139-41. Warner, E. C. Acquired acholuric iaundiee, with acquired frairihtv of r d cells. Proc. B. Soc M., lond , 1933, 26: Sect Child., 1375. Wangh, T. R. .Acquired haemolytic jaundice in a woman mevioiidy snlenectomized for essential thromboevto'enia. Fol. ha-mat.. Lpz., 1932. 48: 218 60. Weber, F. P. Case dose ibed as acquired acholuric (haemolytic) jaundice in 1909. Proc. U, Soc. M., Lond., 1937-38, 31: 555. Wippert, R. Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung bei einein Fall von erworbenem hamo- lytischen Ikterus. Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 83: 928. ---- hemolytic, acquired: Acute type. See also Anemia, hemolytic, acute (Lederer type) Castellanos, A.. & Montero. R. Anemia hemolitica aguda de Le.Icier por el bacilo de Eberlh; present aeion de un caso clinico. Arch. med. int.. Habana, 1940. 6: 232-46.— Dameshek. W., & Schwartz. S. O. Acute hemolytic anemia facn. Ulcera cru is bei haemolytischem Ikterus. Zbl. Haul Cc-ddki., ]'.i3,t, b2: 257.- Harris, K. K. Acholuric jaundice a so.ialed with our- pura Proc. P. Soc M.. Lond 1933. 26: 369. Jansen lE'ze- ma in a patient with hemolvtit i iimdice] >id. tsehr. gnee.k.. 1031, 78: 4914. Laux, F. J. Uriterschenkelge-du, jn |,ei haniolytischeni Ikteius. Klin. Wschr., 1631, 10: 409.-- McGovern, J. J. Hemolytic jaundi-i- with idee: at ion of the skin. Arch. Derm. Syph.. Chic, 1040. 41: 408 Marinello, A. Probabile dermotifo seguito da grave itt io di d da ia natura emolitica. Prat, pediat., Milano. 1935, 13: 61 5. Marmcelli. P. Sulle sindromi miste di ittero em .IiIko e di anemia pcr- niciosa; contributo anatomo-clinico in s .cget.to I i.tic .. p(,h- clinico, 1940, 47: sez. med., 108 25.- Sanmcan Irj, <;. Sin- ICTERUS 15 ICTERUS drome di Schamberg su base ittero-anemica emolitica. Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1932, 73: 1570-94, pb—Seelig, S., & JafTe, K. IJnterschenkelgeschwiire bei hamolytischem Ikteius. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 840.—Snelling; C. E., & Brown. A. A case of hemolytic jaundice with bone changes. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1936, 8: 330-7. ---- hemolytic: Complication: Gansslen syn- drome. See also Osteoporosis; Oxycephaly; Skeleton, Abnormity. Acuna, M. Alteraciones radiologicas del esqueleto en la ictericia hemolitica congenita. Prensa m£d. argent., 1937, 24: 1878-83. ------ & Debre, R. Alterations radiologiques du sque'.ette dans I'ictere hemolvtioue congenital. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1937, 3. ser.. 53: 1528-35 —Caffey, J. The skeletal changes in the chronic hemolytic anemias (erythroblasticanemia. sickle cell anemia and chronic hemolytic icterus) Am. J. Boentg., 1937. 37: 293-324.—Cathala, J., Ducas. P., & Abaza. Anemie splenique hemolytique et dystrophic cranienne; syndrome de Gansslen. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1035, 3. ser., 51: 1655-61.—Cooper. E. L. Familial acholuric jaundice associated with bone changes. Ann. Int. M., 1941-42, 15: 858-68.—Friedman, L. J. Osseous changes in hemolytic icterus. Am. J. Roentg.. 1028. n. ser., 20: 440-4.—Mikulowski, W. [Case of conical skull and hemolvtic jaundice] Polska gaz. lek., 1927, 6: 403-6. Also Arch. med. enf., 1928, 31: 31- 6.—Noordenbos. W. [Occurrence of congenital hemolytic jaundice combined with mongolism, tower-shaped skull and other skeletal abnormalities in a child of 6] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929. 73: 1012-7, pi. ---- hemolytic, congenital. See Icterus, neonatal, hemolytic. ---- hemolytic: Diagnosis and symptoms. Cayla. A. E. Y. *L'epreuve du choc au froid dans les ieteres hemolvtiques. 63p. 8? Par., 1927. Rosenberg, J. *Schwicrigkeiten der klini- schen und anatomischen Diagnose des hamoly- tischen Ikterus [Berlin] p.288-326. 8? Miinch. 1926. Also Frankf. Zsehr. Path.. 1926. 34: Buus Hansen, A. [Adrenalin reaction in hemolytic jaundice and other forms of anemia) Laeskr. laeger. 1936, 98: 739-45.— Grob, M. Beitrage zur Symptomatolocie und Therapie des hamolytischen Ikterus im Kindosalter (Fieberkrisen, abdomi- nelle und hamolvtisehe Krisen, hamorrhagisehe Diathese) Jahrb. Kinderh., 1934, 3. F., 92: 163-86.—Johns. F. M. The differential diagnosis of hemolytic jaundice. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1927-28. 80: 375-80.—Sarty, P., & Eneelme, J. La reaction d'Hvmans van den Bergh dans les ieteres hemolytiques. Lvon mcto-iiia rami) trataruiento de la misma; su experiencia en la Argentina. Spin. med.. B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 2, 1225-32.— Deleonardi, S. Sulle discordanza fra emolisi in vitro ed emodistruzione in vivo nell'itteio emolitico costituzionale (a propo>ito di un caso a lendenza poliglobulica) Biforma med., 1935. 51: 517-50.— Dominici, G. t »sscr\ azioni sugli effetti clinici, ematologici e biulogici recenti e lontani al seguito della splenectomia e'sei casi di ittero emolitico costituzionale. Haematologica, Pavia, 1936. 17: 185 240. Duttjn. W. F. Chronic hereditary and familial hemolytic jaundice with splenomegaly and hepato- megaly; observations on 5 cases under study. Med. .1. & Rec, 1020, 124: 530-4. -Egilmez, E. [Constitutional hemolytic anemia; hemolytic jaundice, familiil acholuric jaundicj] \skeii sihhi.ve mecmuasi, 1940, 09: 59-05. lerro, A. Su di un caso di ittero emolitico splen<>megaliro c istituzional j. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1930, 12: 5'Jl 8.— tian-slen, M. Dei hamolvtisehe Ikterus und die hamob tis.-be Konstitution. Klin. "Wschr., 1927, 6: 929-33. ---- Di•-■ hamolytisch? Konstitution (konstitutioneller hamolytischer Ikterus, hjmo- lytische Anamie, Kugelzellenkrankheit) Klin. Fortbild., 1936-37, 4: 697-52. ------ Konstitutionellc hamolytisch" Aniimien. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 670 (microfilm) Also Med. Klin., Beil., 1940, 36: 723 (microfilm)—Gasbarrini, A. Splenomegalia emolitica costituzionale con cirrosi epatica atrofica ascitica e trombosi della vena splenica. Policlinico, 1937, 44: sez. prat., 1101-8.—Greppi, E. L'ipsrglobulia microcitica (microcitosi veia) con aumento della resistenza osmotica massima come varied ematologica nel qu idro dell ittero emolitico primitive Minerva med., Tor., 1931, 22: 180. -------& Scotti-Dougias, It. La valutazione quantit ttiva della lesistenza globulare m vitro nei limiti della massa san- Kiiigna individual.-; sui vaiio cont gno della resistenza nell ittero emolitico costituzionale. Policlinico, 1031, 38: sez. med., 533 56. Ingrassin. G. Iperemolisi costituzionale con microcitosi ed aumento della resist :inza globulare. Clinic i, Bologna, 1938, 4: 185 93.—Jacarelii. E. Contributo alio studio dell'ittero emolitico; ittero emohtico costituzionale sporadico con sindrome di-e.ini.a pluriglandolare guarit > con la splenectomia. Poli- clinico. 1933, 40: sez. med.. 632-18.—Jacobin, A. I. B. [Chronic hereditary haunolytie icteru- with cris s] Hospit dsti- dende. 1920. 69: [Jydsk med. selsk. forh.] 161-6.- Lowinirer, S. Das Bild des Knochenmarkes bei der konstitution "lien hamo- Ktischen Anamie ilkteiu.- haenioly ticus) Fob haemat., Lpz., 1935-36,54:27 32. Lucchi, G., & Mucci. D. Contributo alio studio deH'ittero emolitico costituzionale; eroditarict \ e splenectomia. Minerya med.. Tor., 1030, 21: pt 2, 46 51. - Meulengracht. E. Chronic hereditary hemolytic iaundic?. In Ilandb. Heinat. (Downey, 11.) N. V.. 1938, 3: 2283 327.— Momi ,'li ino Levi, G. Studi sulli resistenza globular.' osmotica; valutazione d-i dati statistic! delle curve di emolisi osmotica in casi di ntao emolitico costituzionale. Arch. sc. me b. Tor., 1935, 69: 873-S L ----- ModiGcazioni della resistenza osmotica di globuli trasfusi prima e dopo la splenectomia in un caso di itt'-ro emolitico costituzionale, Haematologica, Pavia, 1935, 16: 1001-19.-------& B lir.iti, A. Consngu'Uize im- mediate e remot" della splenectomia sulle curve erilrocit.i- metrica, reticolocitomett ica <■ di ie>isi ivia.i oinioiiea dei globuli rossi in casi di ittero emoliiie > c .stit uzi inab'. Aich. sc. med., Tor., 1935, 59: 717-40.--Navarro. It. J.. & Cr.vt. L It. Hema- tologic findings in chronic hemolytic anemia, familial jaundic. J. Philippine M. Ass., 1910, 20: 507-70, tab. Semih, V. L'ittero emolitico costituzionale. Riv. clin. ppdia.t,., 1937, 36: 97-100.—Sharpe, J. C. Hemolvtic jaundice; a clinic .1 analysis of 28 cases. Ann. Int. M., 1940 II, II: 953-9. -Smith. G. O. Chronic hereditary hemolytic jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1187.—Usseglio. G., Ma<-.'--obriu, R., & De Matt?!;. F. Appunti e considerazioni a proposito dell'ipjremolisi costitu- zionale con eritromicrocitosi ipocromica. Minerva med., Tor., 1035, 26: 140 57.-Vignolo. II.. & Semah, F. Sopra un caso di ittero emolitico costituzionale. Riv. clin. pediat., 1937, 36: 385 06. ---- Hemolytic, familial: Constitutional type, erythroblastic. Acuna. M., & Bonduel, A. A. Alteraciones hendticas en el curso de las anemias erilroblasticas: ictuicias eritroblasticas. Prensa med. argent., 1938, 25: pt 2, 2 H 1-53.—Della Volta, A. Splenomegalia emolitica familiare eritremica (sin lrom ■ di Coolev) Arch. pat., Bologna, 1935-36, 15: 31-71.--Dandi. G. Anemia solenom:;ga!ica emolitica con ei it roblast isi, t ipo Co iley. Os... maa-'dore No\ ara, 1934. 12: 020 O'l. - Ferrari), F. Con- tributo caiisticn alia sindrome di doley; anemi i s"leuomegalica emolitica familiare cm eritroblastosi el alterazioni sch^letriche osteoporotiche. Riforma mob, 1937, 53: 1022 6.—Ferri. U. Itfro emolitico con erilroblas! .,i in un Iattant2. Pe liatria fBiv.) 1923. 36: 93 8. Pa:iwi.ii. G. Mieloblastosi familiare e diatesi emolitica nei e >n-:u)'„rui'ioi di una inferma affetta da ittero etiiDlilic.) familiare. Arch. 1st. bi .chim. ital., 1931, 3: 283-301. pi.—Pint.>s. C. M., Yisilbc. V. O., & Celle, R. A. Dos nXievos cisos d" ictericia eritrobhSstira. Arch, argent. nediat.. 1941, 16: 412; 1942, 17: 165 74.—Troisier, J.. & Cattan, R. Ictere hemolytique avec leuco-ervthroldastnse; splenectomie; guerison dataut de 6 ans. Bull. Soc. med. hon. bans, 1938, 3. ser., 54: 1011-b—Wan?, C, & Khoo. F. Hemolytic anemia with erythro'last i-unia; a r.ioort of 3. cases seen in Chinese infants. Chin. M. J., 1910, 58: 177-92, 2 pi. ---- hemolytic, familial: Constitutional type, macrocytic. Lambie, C. G. MacrocytosU in hereditary haemolytic anaemia, acholuric jaundice, with report of a case. Med J. Australia, 1938, 2: 285 7. ---- hemolytic, familial: Constitutional type, sphaerocytic. Branch, C. D. Congenital hemolytic jaundice, sober >c tie jaundic Illinois M. J., 194], 89: 235-8.—Introzsd, P. Anemia ipocioniicii siilenomegalica emolitica con ovalocito-i felliltiei- tosi) poichilocilosi ed aumento della icM-tenza osmotica dei globuii ros.-i; sulcuectomia. Ha'-niatoloiden, I'nvia 1035 16- 525-70 I-,r,ie!s, M. C. G., & Wilkinson, .1. F. Ilaenubtic (spherocytic) iaundiee m th ■ adult. O. J Med Oxf 10'JS ser 7, 25: 137-50, 2 pi.-Weber, F. P. A member'of ari acho.unc (spherocytic) jauu lie family d-s.-ribeJ in 1910 Proc. R. Soc. AL, Lond., 1937-38, 31: 554; 917. ---- hemolytic, familial: Treatment. Beknstein, L. *L'ictere hemolytique familial chez 1 enfant ct won traitement par la splenec- tomie. 43p. 8? Par., 1935. Klhxe, H. J. *Ein Beitrag zur-Frage der Milzexstirpation bei familiarem hamolytischen Ikterus, nach eigenen Beobachtungen bei einer Hamolytiker-Ftimilie und zwei Splenektornien [Berlin] 23p. 8? Angermiinde, 1935. Schleiss, K [.IE.] *Erfahrungen iiber Lnterbindung der Milzarterie beim chronischen hereditaren hamolytischen Icterus 20n 8° [Berl.] 1931. ' ' a' Beckman, T. M. A- Jaderhalm. K. B. Contribution to the "nT16 u'V'.^'r11 ^'j™^* i'1.''^ in Swelen wdh ' ■ ) r , ^ -'■, 7,t;' r,S8uhs ."f. "i'-ratton. Acta chir. scand niHi., 1038. 54: 940- 7. Cowe, , S O ' fr' , ,Un?" of W^ acholuric jaundice, lint, M. J , i936 1: 690-2 Also 'S'j ICTERUS 17 ICTERUS Australia, 1936, 1: 265-8.—Di Gianni, E. Splenectomia per ittero emolitico splenomegalico costituzionale in fanciullo. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1932, 40: 102-10.—Dudley, G. S. Familial hemolvtic jaundice; splenectomy; 2 cases. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1936, 16: 830-42.—East, T. ' Haemolytic acholuric jaundice with splenomegaly and normal erythrocyte fragility treated by splenectomy. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1934, 27: clin. sec, 643.—Glover, D. M., & Fargo, W. C. Familial hemolvtic jaundice; clinical study of a case before and after splenectomy. Ohio M. J., 1933, 29: 428-32.—Hawksley, J. C, & Bailey, U. M. The mean diameter of the erythrocytes in acholuric family jaundice and the effects of splenectomy. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 1329-31.—Loop, F. A. Splenectomy in mother and daughter for familial haemolytic jaundice. Ann. Surg., 1934, 100: 518-22. ------ Familial haemolytic jaun- dice; splenectomy in mother and daughter. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1935, 28: 77-9.—McLaughlin, C. W. Familial hemolytic jaundice; a study of the results of surgical therapy. Surgery, 1942. 12: 419-25.—Makar, N. Results of splenectomy in a family with acholuric jaundice. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1938, 21: 13-22.—Paxton, W. T. W. Four cases of familial acholuric jaundice: the effect of splenectomy on red cell morphology. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1935, 10: 421-8.—Wise, W. D. Hemolytic jaundice; report of 5 splenectomies in one family. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1933, 45: 494-508. Also Am. J. Surg., 1933, 20: 722-36. ---- hemolytic, hematinic. Schmidt, H. Beitrag zum Hamatinikterus. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 1129. ---- hemolytic, hemoglobinuric (Marchiafava- Micheli) See Hemoglobinuria, nocturnal. ---- hemolytic, hemolysinic (Chauffard-Troi- sier) See also Hemolysin; Hemolysis, Pathological aspect. Dameshek, W„ Schwartz, S. O., & Gross, S. Hemolysins as the cause of clinical and experimental hemolytic anemias with particular reference to the nature of snherocvtosis and increased fragility. Am. J. M. Sc, 1938, 196: 769-92.— Farrar, G. E., jr, Burnett, W. E., & Steigman, A. J. Hemo- Ivsinic anemia and hepatic degeneration cured bv splenectomy. Ibid., 1940, 200: 164-72, pi.—Le Calve, J. Ictere hemolysini- que par choc anaphylactique. Presse mecl., 1926, 34: 1395-7.— Mosquera Ferres, V. Ictericias hemolisinicas. An. Soc. med. quir. Guayas, 1936, 27: 325; 357.—Reisner, E. H., jr, & Kalk- stein, M. Auto-hemolysinic anemia with auto-agglutination; improvement after splenectomy. Am. J. M. Sc, 1942, 203: 313-22. ---- hemolytic, infectious. See also Icterus, hemolytic, acquired; also names of primary diseases and infectious agents as Clostridium, welchii; Endocarditis, ulcerativa; Malaria; Undulant fever, etc. Beker, J. C. [Hemolytic jaundice in abortions] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1937, 77: 7-12.—Brule. Deux cas d'ictere hemolytique a trichocephales. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1931, 3. ser., 47: 960-5.—Cathala, J., Armingat, M., & Gouyen, E. Ictere hemolytique et bronchiectasie; splenectomie. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1934, 32: 123-9. -Lyon, R. M. M. Acholuric jaundice complicated by Bacillus coli septicaemia. Edinburgh M. J., 1931, n. ser., 38: 266-73.- McGovern, B. E. Hemolytic jaundice apparently caused bv Bacillus welcbi. Colorado M., 1929, 26: 46.—Petteruti, G. Sulla dottrina doll'itterizia ematogena a proposito di alcuni casi d'itterizia comitante le febbri palustri; nefrite parenchimale acuta consecutiva alle Stesse. Bull. Ass. natur. med., Nap., 1871, 2: 64-80. ---- hemolytic: Pathogenesis. Morali, A. Contribution k I'etude des ieteres hemolytiques. 320p. 24cm. Alger, 1934. Arcangeli, U. Etiologia dell'ittero emolitico e forme morbose affini. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1937, 63: 227-9.—Chauffard & Minkovsky [Pathogenesis of hemolytic jaundicel Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1040, 80: 427-34.—Dawson of Penn. The Hume lectures on haemolytic icterus. Brit. M. J., 1931, 1: 921; 963, 2 pi.—Doan, C. A., Wiseman, B. K., & Erf, L. A. Studies in hemolytic jaundice. Ohio M. J., 1934, 30: 493- 504.—Faure-Beaulieu. Existe-t-il un ictere hemolitique authentique? Rev. crit. path., Par., 1930, 1: 101.—Frontali, G. Icterus haemolyticus mit erhohter Erythrocytenresistenz. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 68: 217-9. ------ & Rasi, F. Itteri ernolitici con aumentate e con ridotte resistenze eritrocitarie. Minerva med., Tor., 1937, 28: pt 2, 349-56.—Heilmeyer, L. Neuere Forschungsergebnisse iiber die Pathogenese des hamoly- tischen Ikterus. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 661-5.— Holten, C. [Observations on hemolytic jaundice] Ugeskr. laeger, 1936, 98- 415-8—Janovsky, D. N. [Pathogenesis of hemolytic jaundice] J. med., Kiev, 1935, 5: 207-12.—Landau, A., &l 320157—VOL. 8, 4th series----2 Held, J. [Experimental hemolytic icterus in man and thera- peutrc value of phenylhydrazin] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 281-4.—Lepel, G. Zur Frage der Pathogenese des hamoly- tischen Ikterus. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1937, 180: 245- 1938-39, 183: 552—Miassnikov, A. L., & Samarin, G. A. Leber die Genese der Gelbsucht bei gesteigertem Erythro- cytenzerfall. Zsehr. ges. exn. Med., 1930, 71: 40-8.—Micheli, F., & Dominici, G. Ricerche sulla forma itterica dell'ittero emolrtico. Minerva med., Tor.. 1932, 23: pt 2, 33-43.—Mino, P. Osservazioni suH'ittero emolitico. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1931, 55: 663-85.—Mirsky. I. D. [Experimental hemolvtic jaundice and Lppmger's biliary thrombus] Russ. klin. 1930 13: 561-7.- Midler, H. K., & Rintelen, F. Bestehen Bezie- hungen zwischen dem hamolytischen Ikterus und demVorkom- men von Pupillarmembranresten? Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1935, 95: 609-13.—Netousek, M. A propos des ieteres soi-distant hemolytiques. Presse med., 1938, 46: 675.—Neuburger, J. Beitrag zur Frage des hamolytischen Icterus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 1453.—Ohno, Y. Gibt es eine echte hamo- lytrsche Gelbsucht? Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 2188-91.------ Zur Frage iiber den hamolytischen Ikterus. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1929, 19: 392-6.—Payne, R. L. Relation of the spleen to jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 1064-6.—Rietti, F. Les ieteres hemolytiques avec augmentation de la resistance globulaire. Ann. med., Par., 1937, 41: 405-16.—Salomonsen, L. Des crises hemolytiques dans I'ictere hemolytique. Acta psediat., Upps., 1926, 5: 309-18.—Thompson, W. P. The splenic lesion in hemolytic jaundice. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1932, 51: 365-70, pi.—Varela, M. E. Sobre la patogenia de los sindromes icteroanemicos por hiperhemolisis. Sem. med., B Ah\, 1935, 42: 321-7.—Varela Fuentes, B., Canzani, R., & Bono, W. Ictero hemolitico adicionado, con diazo-reacci6n amarilla en el suero durante una crisis de hiperhemolisis. Ibid., 1939, 46: 1177-81.—Wiseman, B. K. Fundamental differences between congenital and acquired hemolytic jaundice relating to the hemolytic phenomena. Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res., 1941, 14: 55 (Abstr.)—Wolff-Eisner, A. Ueber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen spezifischer Hamolyse und Resistenzverminderung der Erythrozyten in ihrer klinrschen Bedeutung speziell beim hamolytischen Ikterus. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1316. ---- hemolytic: Pathology. Bonnard, R. *Les lipoi'des et en particulicr le cholesterol dans les ieteres hemolytiques. 129p. 8° Par., 1933. Gerbbr, B. A. *Ueber den Cholesteringehalt der roten Blutkorperchen beim hamolytischen Ikterus. 28p. 8? Weende-Gott., 1935. Avellone, L. Comportamento delle sierolipasi nell'ittero emolitico. Riv. pat. sper., 1927, 2: 353-8.—Barlaro, P. M. Sindrome hemolitico; ictericias y anemias hemoliticas (espleno- megalias hemoUticas) Prensa med. argent., 1927, 14: 86; 133.—■ Boros, J. Ueber Grosse, Volumen und Form der menschlichen Erythrozyten und deren Zusammenhang; die Mikrozytose beim hamolytischen Ikterus. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1926, 12: 255-72.—Brock, A., & Joffe, A. Zur Biochemie des hamo- lytischen Ikterus. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 1990.—Cabot, R. C. A case of marked anemia wdth jaundice and spleno- megaly; surgical and medical departments; presentation of case. N. England J. M„ 1933, 208: 596-8.—Chabrol, E., Klotz, B., & Sallet, J. Les frontieres de I'ictere hemolytique avec grosse rate; ses formes lymphomateuses. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1935, 3. ser., 51: 1410-20.—De Weerdt, W. L'aspect de la moelle osseuse dans I'ictere hemolytique. Sang, Par., 1938, 12: 738-44.—Elliott, C. A. Hemolytic jaundice; malignant lymphoma. Proc Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1932, 275-8.—Escudero, P., & Varela, M. E. La biopsia medular en la ictericia hemolitica. Rev. Soc argent, biol., 1926, 2: 548-57. Also C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 96: 898 — Gallic, W. E., & Janes, R. M. Haemolytic jaundice associated with splenomegaly. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1926, 16: 379-83.— Greppi, E. Sugli itteri ernolitici con aumento della resistenza globulare, e sui microciti massimoresistenti come figura ema- tologica sui generis. Minerva med., Tor., 1935, 26: 409-15.— Grunke, W. Voriibergehende Hemmung der Erythropoes3 bei ernem hamolytischen Ikterus. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1939, 63: 213-6.—Hartfall, S. J., & Stewart, M. J. Massive paraverte- bral heterotopia of bone-marrow in a case of acholuric jaundice. J. Path. Bact., Cambr., 1933, 37: 455-9, 2 pi.—Heilbrun, N. Marked macrocytic, anemia in hemolytic jaundice with findings in the sternal bone marrow and spleen. Arch. Path., Chic, 1937, 24: 406.—Manini, L. Contributo anatomo-clinico alio studio degli itteri ernolitici. Gior. clin. med., 1927, 8: 41-61.— Marcussen, P. V. Damage to the liver on increased destruc- tion of blood. Acta path, microb. scand., 1938, Suppl. 38, 171-3 —Meyers, F. M. [The liver in hemolytic jaundice] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1932, 76: pt 4, 4930-5.—Morris, R. S. The similarity and contrast of acholuric jaundice and pernicious anemia. J. Med., Cincin., 1933, 14: 252-4.—Paschkis, K. Ueber den Urobilinstoffwechsel; Beitrage zur Kenntnis und Wertung der Blutzerstorung beim hamolytischen Ikterus. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1931, 116: 680-6.—Pizzini, B. R., & Fanelli, Z. F. Contributo alio studio del ricambio nell'ittero emolitico. Riforma med., 1931, 47: 1439-41.—Salaris, C. Ittero emolitico perniciosiforme. Gior. clin. med., 1937, 18: 1424-38.— Santy, P., & Enselme, J. Etude d' un cas d'ictere hemolytique UTERIS 18 ICTERIS rechciches sur les pigments d'origine spl6nique. Lyon med., 1931. 154: 114-8.- Specie. R. C'onsiderazioni a proposito di un caso di ittero emolitico con resistenza globulare aumentata Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 504-8 (microfilm)— Thompson, W. P. Pathology of hemolytic jaundice. Arch. Path., Chic . 1032, 14: 128. Totterman, G. Das Knochen- mark bei hainolyti.-chem Ikterus mit einem Beitrag zur Frage nach der Natur der Mcgaloblasten. Acta med. scand., 1936, 90: 527-42. Also Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1936, 79: 686-701 — Varela-Fuentes. B., & Canzani, R. La bilirubinemia en las ictericias hemobticas; la ictericia adicionada y la diazo-reaccion amarilla. Arch. urug. med., 1939, 15: 453-60, tab. Also Sang, Par., 1939, 13: 912-20.—Vaughan, J. M. Red cell characteristics in acholuric jaundice. J. Path. Pact., Lond., 1937, 45: 561-77.- Watson, C. J. Hemolytic jaundice and macrocytic hemolytic anemia; certain observations in a series of 35 cases. Ann. Int. M., 1938-39, 12: 1782-96. ---- hemolytic, simple. See also Anemia; Hemorrhage. Arneth. Leber die anamisch-hamolytisehe Reaktion mit Ikterus und Milzschwellunir (hamolytischer Ikterus) Fol. haeinat.. Lpz., 1928, 36: 395-7.- Newman. C. E. Jaundice caused by large extravasations of blood. Brit. M. J., 1928, 2: 52. Pepper. O. H. P.. &• Wise, H. M. The diagnosis of hemo- lytic ictero-anemia in an aplastic phase. Med. Clin. >J. Ameri- ca, 1933, 17: 571-80. ---- hemolytic: Surgery. Acuna, M. La esplenectomfa en la ictericia hemolttica del nifio. An. Fac med., Montev., 1933, 18: 109-30.—Alepsandri. La ligature de l'artere splenique dans I'ictere hemolytique. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1932, 41: 502.—Alcssandri, R. Due casi di legatura dell'arteria splenica nell'ittero emolitico. Bull. Accad. med. Roma. 1929. 55: 160-8. Also Rev. cir., B. Air., 1930, 9: 8-15.—Babonneix. L. De la splenectomie dans le tiaitcment de I'ictere hemolytique infantile. Gaz. hop., 1935, 108: 722-4. --- A: Jourdan. Ictere hemolvtique traite par la splenectomie. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1935, 33: 24-8. Bell, L. P. Ihnnolytic icterus and the technique ol splenectomy. Surg. Cvn. Obst.. 193(1, 50: 606 10. Berezov, E. L., & Belogl870va, T. I. (Thirty years of splenectomy in hemolytic jaundice] Nov. khir. arkh., 1941, 49: 195-203.- Biello, J. A. Surgery of the spleen with report of 2 cases of hemolytic jaundice tieated bv splenectomy. U. S. Nav. M. Bulb, 1934.32: 449 63, pi. Bjelke. H. [Blood count and esti- mation of cholesterol before and after splenectomy in a 5-year old boy with hemolytic jaundice] Norsk mag. krgevid., 1930, 91: 1087 106. Bocaert, R., & Van Damme. J. A propos d'un cas d'ictere hemolvtique; resultats de la splenectomie. Sang, Par.. 1940, 14: 236-44.- Brachetto-Brian. D. A prop6sito de las ictericias hemolfticas esplenomegilrcas. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires. 1932, 16: 260-9.—Brenizer, A. G. Hemolytic jaun- dice. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. (1939) 1940. 52: 332-43. Also Ann. Surg., 1940, 111: 998 1009.— Brunson, C. W. Hemobtic jaundice; report of 2 unusual cases with results following splen- ectomy. U. S. Nav. M. Bulb, 1934, 32: 441-9.- Capecchi, E. Splenectomia per ittero emolitico. Policlinico, 1933. 40: sez. prat., 414-8.— Chalier, A. Splenectomie pour ictere hemolytique. Lyon chir., 1933. 30: 105-7.—Delez, L. Deux observations d'ictere hemolvtique traite par la splenectomie. Liege med.. 1928, 21: 1555-62—Dobos, F., & Erdedy, G. [Hemolytic jaundice treated with splenectomy! Orv. het.il., 1936. 80: 922. Also Zbl. Chir.. 1936, 63: 2619-23.—Durante, L. Risultati del trattamenti■ dell'ittero emolitico colla legal nr:. dell'arteria splenica e colla splenectomia. Minerva med., Tor., 1931, 22: 504-7.—Escudero. P., & Varela, M. E. Est ado de In medula csea en la ictericia hemolitica, antes y despues .1. la esplenectomia. Rev. med. lat. amer., B. Air., 1928-29, 1011-8, pi.—Etienne, G., & Hamant, A. Ictere hemoly- tique; splenectomie; guerison. Rev. med. est, 1928. 56: 540-7.—Fa!k, R. Erfolge der Milzexstirpation bei hamolyti- schem Ikterus und essentieller Thrombopenie. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1939, 63: 1 85 -200.—Ferro, A. II risultato della splenec- tomia in un caso singolare di ittero emolitico. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1931. 13: 483 91.—Freund, M. Hemolytic jaundice not influenced by .splenectomy. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1932, 43: 645-54- Fricdorf, C. Milzexstirpation bei hamolytischem Ikterus. Mitt. Cienzgeb. Med. Chir., 1928. 40: 127 30 — Gelderen, van. Eine neue Anzeige zur Cholez.\ -totomie. beim hiimolytischen Ikterus. Med. Klin.. Berl.. 194U, 36: 631 (Abstr.) t microfilm'1—Gennes, L. de, & Laudat. Kesiiltats eloignes dune splenectomie pour ictere hemolytique; evolution de h. lipidemie. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1932, 3. ser., 48: 1417-21 —Gligeberg. E. S. [Hemolvtic jaundice and splenec- tomy] Ter. arkh., 1933. 11: 296-308.—Gordon, A. K-, & Maingot. R. A case of splenectomy for acholuric jaundice pic-entir.g certain interesting features. Med. Press & Circ, Lonu 192i'> n. ser., 122: 52 4. -Grt'goire, R. La splenectomie dans 1 ictere hemolytique. Bull. gi'n. clin. ther., 1931, 185: 362-9.------Le traitement chiruigical de l'icteie hemo- lytique et ses resultats. Presse med , 1-.CO. 44: 1953-5.------ La splenectomie dans I'ictere hemolytique. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 889. Also Internat. med. W. Schweiz (1936) 1937, 2. Congr., 467-72.----De Vindication operatoire dans I'ictere Mmolvtiquc. Arch. ital. chir.. 1938, 52: 496-500. Also Paris m6d. 1938 107: 449-51.--Haden, R. L. Splenectomy in hemolytic jaundice. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1941. 21: 1453-61.- Hanncma. L. S. Two cases of haemolytic icterus tie:.ted bv extirpation of the spleen. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 1: 18. -Jarobi & Naegeli. I, Liber erfolgreiche Milzexstirpation bei Ictci us haemoB ti.-us. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir., 1926, 39: 270 -5.—Jiiyasuri\a. J. 11. F. A case of acholuric jaundice fhaemolvtic icierusj treated bv splenectoins . .!. Ceylon Br. M. Ass., 1932, 29: 8 14. Joss, ('. V... Gcrundo. M., A: Brian. R. M. Hemolytic jaundice with case piesentation and results of spleneetomv. .1 Kansas M Soc, 1935, 36: 328-32.—Joyce. T. M. Hemolytic icterus. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1933, 13: 77-84- Kahn. B. L. Hemolytic jaundice with recovery by splenectomy. Arch. Pediat., N. Y.. 1926, 43: 610-6.— Kida. F. Ein Fall von bacmolytischem Ikterus, behandelt durch Milzexstirpation. Acta paediat. jap., 19:i7, 43: 46 (Abstr.)—Kohen, A. L. [Two cases of splenectomy in hemolytic jaundice] Vest, khir., 1936, 47: 229-32.— Kozaki, M. Ein Fall von haemolytischem Ikterus, behandelt durch Milz- exstirpation. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1939, 26: 11 — Kucharski, T. [Clinical research on pathogenesis of 2 cases of hemolytic icterus before and after splenectomy] In Opusc clin. int. praefect. scholae san. tuendae, Warszawa, 1927. 80- 80.—Lambert, G., & Secretan, W. B. A case of acholuric jaundice; spleneetomv; recovery. Roy. Berkshire Hosp. Rep., 1933, 158-60.—Mabille, P., , 1933, 11: 227 33.—Lupu, N. G., & Dimitriu, C. C. [A case of chihosis with ictero-hepatitis] Rev. St. med., Bucur., 1925, 14: 112-7.—Perrin, M. Cirrhose de Laennec; ictere grave hvpothermique. C. rend. Soc. mM. Nancy, 1904- 5, 6-8. Also Hev. med. est, 1905, 37: 27 9.— Pinard, M. A propos de la presentation de malades de MM. R. Debre et Ph. Serini'c; cirrhose hepatique familiale avec ictere; l'origine -\ philitique de certaines cirrhoses infantiles. Bull. Soc. mH, hop. Paris, 1938, 3. ser., 54: pt 2, 1228-30.—Rojas. C. M. de, & Fernandez Conde, A. Sobre una cirrosis alcoholica con ictero. Med d. hoy, Habana, 1939, 4: 126-31.—Schlossberg, B. R. Adenopatias del hilio hep&tico en algunas cirrosis hipertr6ficas icterigenas; cirrosis hepato-ganglionar. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1939, 22: 3; 112; 139; 236; 309; 339.—Shapiro, P. Atrophic cirrhosis of the liver with severe jaundice. In Path. Corvf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 119-21.—Sheldon, W., & Edwards, H. Cirrhosis with jaundice; cholecystgas-trostomy. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1941, 38: 24.—Thibaudeau, R., & Langlois, M. IctSrc avec hepatomegalie chez un enfant de 4 ans. Laval med., 1939, 4: 241-5- Thiodet, Zamith & Destin. Ictere chronique, cirrhose terminale. Algerie med., 1937, 4. ser., 41: 662-5.—Weber, F. P. Hypertrophic cirrhosis of the liver (probably of syphilitic origin) with chronic jaundice and xanthoma. Ti. Clin. Soc London, 1902-3, 31: 234.—Weir, J. F., & Snell, A. M. Chronic hepatitis with jaundice (biliary cirrhosis) Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass., 1936, 39. meet., 13-23. ---- hepatic, toxic. See also Icterus, paratherapeutic; also names of poisonous substances as Chloroform; Lead; Phosphorus, etc. Astros, L. d'. Ictere grave alcoolique k forme cardiaque; insuffisance rdnale avec diminution de la toxicity urinaire; uuerison. Rec Com. med. Bouches du Rhone, 1887-88, 26: 83-91, ch. D'Amato, L., & Locascio, R. Sulla patogenesi dell'ittero nolle opatiti tossiche sperimentali. Arch, pat., Bologna, 1938 39. 18: 340-59.— Jacobi, H. G. Glucose toler- ance as a diagnostic aid in jaundice; toxic hepatitis. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 162-70. ---- History of research. Brim, C. J. The biliary system; liver, gallbladder, and jaundice; Biblical and Talmudic data. Rev. Gastroenter., 1J41, 8: 2.).) 9. Stein, J. [Progress in the theories on the tormation of biliary pigment and the origin of jaundicel Warsz. czas. lek., 1935, 12: 878; passim. ---- infectious. See also Icterus, hepatic; also specific names of infections as Leptospirasis; Yellow fever, etc. Fiessinger, N. Traitement des ieteres in- fectieux. 49p. 8? Par., 1936. Martinet, H. *L'hyposulfite de soude dans le traitement des ieteres infectieux. 57p. 8? Troisier J & Clement, R. Les ieteres infectieux; etude clmique et aiologique. 152p. LZ. iHr., 19o(). lekBT9a3n8Wl87ka'i^i [fH8eK°f «£«\™* iaundiee] Polska gaz. fit. SB. L937°^Ba^--H& £S:1,S -nrochaetal infectious ja.i„diw Brit Ml 1936 1 ■ v>i ^ Benard, H. Estudiode las ,e,e, Ue.s ,,\i i'„f<';.,;«» i',- aT R Air lQ-t't-14 r.- ->7j d- ', . JX1 '"''-'ciosas. Diamed., B. Air., 1J33 34, (.. o74.- Bcrard, L., & Mallet-Guy, P. Sur ICTERUS 21 ICTERUS les donnees de la choice vstostomie dans les ieteres infectieux. Presse med., 1932, 40: 1920.—Blanton, W. B. Infectious jaundice. Virginia M. Month., 1927-28, 54: 210-4.—Brudnicki. E. [On infectious jaundice in children] Pedjat. polska, 1935, 15: 245-7.—Cefaly, A. Terapia degli'itteri infettivi. Rinasc. med., 1936, 13: 169.—Chabrol, E., Brocq, P., & Porin, J. Les enseignements de la cholecvstostomie dans les ieteres infectieux. Presse med., 1932, 40: 1053-6.—Chabrol, E., & Cottet, J. A propos d'un cas d'ictere infectieux avec atrophie sub-chronique du foie. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1932, 3. ser., 48: 784-91.— Chabrol, E., Sallet, J., & Parrot, J. L. Le cholesterol dans les ieteres infectieux. Paris med., 1937. 103: 434-7.—Chiarotti, C. Considerazioni e ricerche siiH'eziolorria doU'ittero infettivo della seconda infan/.ia. Osp. maguiuie Novara, 1939, 16: 109-12.— Comroe, B. I. Toxic and infectious jaundice. Med. Clin. N. America, 1938. 22: 1701-79.— Dahr, P. Xeueie Erkenntnisse iiber die Aetiologie und Epidemiologie des Ikteius infectiosus. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 12-5. Davis, N. S. Chronic infectious jaundice. Med. Clin. N. America, 1927, 11: 221-3.—Geoda- kian, M. B. [Infectious jaundice in children] Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 19, 19.—Gerlach, L. Leber die Inkukitionszeit des Icterus infectiosus. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1934, 56: 282.— Halita, M. [Icter toxi-infectios cu hidropizie] Cluj. mod., 1927, 8: No. 3-4, 80-5.—Hegler. Ikterus infectiosus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Isaev, N. S. [Significance of the cardio-vascular system in the origin of infectious jaundice] Tr. Acad. mil. meVh Kiroff, 1935, 2: 13-18. Jones, C. M.. & Mallory, T. B. Evolution and course of chronic infectious iaundiee. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1933, 48: 311.—J tingling. Leber einen seltenen Infektionsmodus von infektibsem Ikterus. Med. Klin., Berl.. 1940, 36: 634 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Kostrzew- ski, J. [Infectious jaundice] J'olska gaz. lek., 1936. 15: 181.—Kritschewski, J. L., & Dwolaitskaja-Baryschewa, K. M. Zur Kritik der phagocytaeren Doktrin; iiber die Abwehrap- parate im Organismus bei infektidsem Icterus. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 12: 209-24.—Lainer, F. Zur Frage des infek- tiosen Ikterus. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 215 (microfilm) Also Wien. klin. Wschr., 1940. 53: 601-4. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 198.—Lundgren, C [Observations on infectious jaundice] Sven. lak. tidn., 1931, 28: 758-60.—Lyon, G. Ieteres infectieux. Bull, med., Par., 1935, 49: Suppl., 1-3.— Manlio, P. Sui discusso : insoluto problema eziolocric.o del ittero infettivo nell'etfi, infantile. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1937, 19: 700-18.—Meyer, S. C. [Infectious jaundice, followed by cirrhosis of the liver] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1939, 8: 179- 86.—Norton, J. A. Acute infectious jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 916.—Pershina, M. A. [Bacteriological examination in infectious jaundice] Klin, med., Moskva, 1938, 16: 1202- 8.—Shapiro, P. Infectious jaundice. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 121.—Steinberg, L. D. [Atypic forms of the course of infectious jaundice in children] Vrach. delo, 1929, 12: 21-5.—Toomey, N. Clinical aspects of sporadic hepatitis; nonleptospiral, nonenteroid, infectious jaundice. Med. J. & Rec, 1932, 135: 313-6.—Tratamiento de las ictericias infecciosas. Dia med., B. Air., 1930-31, 3: 249; 1937, 9: 245.— Troisier, J. L'ictere infectieux experimental. Rev. crit. path., Par., 1930, 1: 405-11. ------& Clement, R. A propos de la classification des ieteres infectieux. Bull, med., Par., 1930, 44: 594. Also Gaz. hop., 1930, 103: 545-7.—Tscherikower, R. S., & Rubinstein, P. L. Ueber die Bedeutung des retikulo- endothelialen Apparatus bei Infektionskrankheiten; das retikuloendotheliale Svstem bei infektiosem Ikteius. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt„ 1929, 114: 65-8. ---- infectious, benign febrile. Fiessinger, N. Les ieteres infectieux henins. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1929, 43: 721; 1935, 49: 177.—Marino, E. L'ittero infettivo benigno nell'infanzia. Gazz. osp., 1935, 56: 141-3.— Meersseman, F. Le traitement des ieteres infectieux henins par les extraits hepatiques injectables. J. med. Lyon, 1939, 20: 539-42.—Olmer, D., Olmer, J. [et ah] Sur quelques cas d'icteres infectieux henins observes simultanement. Marseille med., 1936, 73: 233-9.—Ramond, L. Ieteres infectieux benins. Rev. med. chir. mal. foie, 1927, 2: 209-32. ---- infectious, common (Catarrhal jaundice) Dupuy, R. *Les ieteres catarrhaux. 136p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Grossmann, I. *Hepatitis infectiosa (katar- rhalischer Ikterus) [Halle-Wittenberg] 42p. 21cm. Bleicherode a. Harz, 1938. Mizrahi, A. *L'anasarque au cours de I'ictere catarrhal. 43p. 8? Par., 1936. Sicard, J. R. Contribution & I'etude de I'ictere catarrhal; I'epreuve de la galactosurie apres injection d'histamine. 50p. 25;2cm. Par., 1939. Stoopen, E. *De I'ictere s^rique a I'ictere catarrhal; etude de certains prodromes de I'ictere catarrhal et de leur signification physio- pathologique. 93p. 8? Par., 1937. Berland, A. S., & Lirzman, R. I. [Catarrhal jaundice and serous inflammation of the liver] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 177-80. —Brailovsky, S. A., & Genkin, A. M. [Glycogen, sugar and lactic acid in the blood of children; contents of glycogen, sugar and lactic acid in catarrhal jaundice (acute epithelial hepatitis)] Sovet. pediat., 1936, No. 12, 14-7.------■ [Glycogen, sugar and lactic acid in the blood of children; large doses of saccharose for children affected with acute epithelial hepatitis] Pediatria, Moskva, 1938, No. 2, 3-7.—Breese, B. B., & McCoord, A. B. Vitamin A absorption in catarrhal jaundice. J. Pediat., S. Louis. 1940, 16: 139-45.—Brouwer, D. |On the allergic etiology of the so-called icterus eatarrhalis in relation to certain cases] Ceneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1939, 79: 1636-46.—Brule, M., Sassier, R., & Cottet, J. Le metabolisme du sodium au cours de I'ictere commun. Ann. med., Par., 1938, 43: 380-8.— Caroli, J. L'ictere benin; intolerance et ictere catarrhal. Ibid., 344-59.—Chabrol, E. Le traitement de l'ictere catarrhal par les cholagogues. Ibid., 398-414.------Les confins de l'ictere catarrhal. In Annee med. prat., Par., 1939, 18: 223- 7.—Chiray, Maschas. H., & Dupuy, R. L'atteinte des voies biliaires au cours de l'ictere catarrhal. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1939-40, 29: 937-50.— Corelli, F. Proposta di una terapia di desensihilizzazione nell'ittero catarrale considerato come epatite allergica. Policlinico, 1939, 46: sez. prat., 1131-9.— Dumitresco-Mante, M. La bradycardie et le syndrome humoral au cours des ieteres du type catarrhal. J. physiol. path, gen., 1937, 35: 114; 416.—Fabrizio, A. La forma idropica dell'ittero catar- rale. Rinasc. med., 1936, 13: 475.—Faltitschek, J. Zur Pathogenese des Icterus eatarrhalis. Mitt. Ges. inn. Med. Wien, 1934, 33: 98-102.—Fiessinger, N. L'ictere benin; introduction. Ann. med., Par., 1938, 43: 333-7. Also J. prat., Par., 1938, 52: 833-5. ------& Phocas, E. Etude du pouvoir lipasique et tryptique du sue pancreatique au cours des ieteres catarrhaux. Paris med., 1933, 87: 430^11.—Hagiescu, D., & Vasiliu, C. [Pleuro-peritoneal symptoms in benign jaundice (hepatic insufficiency)] Spitalul, 1929, 49: 391-3.—Hampson, L. M. Acute catarrhal jaundice. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1939- 40, 17: 184-6.—Hofejsi, J. [Catarrhal jaundice, syndrome of hepatic insufficiency] Sborn. lek., 1939, 41: 05-270.—Hurst, A. F., & Simpson, C. K. Catarrhal jaundice and mild hepatic necrosis; their pathology and diagnosis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1934, 84: 173-85.—Romberg. A. Latent liver disease in persons recovered from catarrhal jaundice and in otherwise normal medical students as revealed bv the bilirubin excretion test. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 299-308.—Lainer. F. Frage der infektiosen Aetiologie des Ikterus katarrhalis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 308 (microfilm)—Loeper, M., & Soulie, P. La participation du pancreas au syndrome d'ictere catarrhal. Nutrition, Par., 1936, 6: 271-84.—Mazzei, E. S. Ictericia catarral. Dia med., B. Air., 1940, 12: 541-5. Also in Lecc. clin. m&i. (Romano, N.) B. Air., 1940, 4: 67-85.—Meersseman, F., & Duran, P. De l'hypocholesterolemie au cours des ieteres dits catarrhaux. Bull. Soc. mdd. hop. Paris, 1937, 3. ser., 53: 1448-50.—Miasnikov, A. L. [Etiology and pathogenesis of the so-called catarrhal jaundice] Sovet. med., 1937, No. 4, 3-7.—■ Milian, G. Ictere catarrhal et syphilis. Paris med., 1937, 105: 42. Also Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1938, 14:- 387.—Newman, J. L. Common infective hepatic jaundice. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 64: 21-3. - -Otomo, T. Die klinischen Studien iiber die akute Ilenatopathie; die klinische Svinptome des Icterus eatarrhalis. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1940, 32: 4-7.—Paraf, J., Klotz, B., & Lewi, S. Etude sur l'ictere catarrhal; I'epreuve de la galacto- surie provoquee avec injection d'histamine. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1939, 3. ser., 55: 1087-98.—Perrault, M. Le traitement de l'ictere catarrhal. Progr. m£d., Par., 1938, 973.— Pickles, W. N. Catarrhal jaundice. In Control Common Fevers (Lancet) Lond., 1942, 304-12.—Pocrean, E. Le choc proteique dan-, l'ictere infectieux de type catarrhal. Presse mod., 1928, 36: 101.—Raevskaia, G. A. [Prognosis and work- ing ability in catarrhal jaundice] Ter. arkh., 1940, 18: 612- 21.—Ratner, N. A., & Kononiachenko, V. A. [Pathogenesis of the so-called catarrhal jaundice] Ibid., 1939, 17: No. 6, 153- 64.—Romano, N. Ictericia catarral. In his Lecc. clin. med., B. Air., 1030, 1: 161-8.—Rosendahl, C. Etterlater icterus eatarrhalis, hepatitis acuta, ofte varig men? Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3091-5 (microfilm)—Schoen, R. Beurteilung und Behand- lung des Ikterus eatarrhalis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 397- 400.— Schwartzman, J., & Maffia, A. Catarrhal icterus; report of 35 sporadic cases. Arch. Pediat,, N. Y., 1940. 57: 181-6.— Segura, G. El mecanismo de las ictericias catarrales. Sem. med., B. Air., 1939, 46: 185-90.—Seyffarth, S. Beobachtung einer Uebertragung von Icterus eatarrhalis. Mschr. Kinderh., 1932, 53: 398.—Szauter, B., & Ari, L. [Clinical data on simple jaundice] Orv. hetib, 1939, 83: 56-60.—Szerb. Z. [Diet of icterus eatarrhalis] Gyogysiszat, 1939, 79: 494.—Tareev, E. M., Nikulenko, N. M., & Usmanova, M. A. [Etiopathology of catarrhal jaundice: catarrhal jaundice; postinfectious hepatitis] Ter. arkh., 1935, 13: 05-72.—Troisier, J. Ictere commun et troisieme ictere. Medecine, Par., 1925-20, 7: 751-4. ------■ L'ictere commun apyretiquc. Rev. crit. path., Par., 1930, 1: 273-82.------L'ictere commun, sa nature infectieuse. Ann. med., Par., 1938, 43: 338-43. Tumen, H. J. Catarrhal jaun- dice. In Cyclop. Med. U'ieisol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 195- 205.—Usseglio, G., & Olivetti, R. L'ittero catarrale. Minerva med., Tor., 1937, 28: 239-45.--Vega Umpierre. T. Considera- ciones modernas sobre la ictericia simple y algunos casos clinicos. Rev. san. mil., Habana, 1937, 1: No. 2, 84-7.—Varay, A. Traitement de l'ictere catarrhal. Presse med., 1938, 46: 1772.— Villar Caso, J. La ictericia catarral en nuestra pasada guerra. Actual, med., Granada, 1940, 16: 580-6.—Yamaguchi, K. Klinische Beobachtungen iiber den Icterus eatarrhalis im Kindesalter in Mukden. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1939, 31: 16.— ICTERUS 22 ICTERUS Ziegler, E. Erfahrungen aus der Praxis iiber den sogenannten Icieius eatarrhalis und Beitrag zur Haematologie desselben. bm. paediat., Basel, 1941, 157: 129-55 (microfilm) Also sb«u7. med. Wschr., 1942. 72: 426.------Practical experiences on so-called catarrhal icterus and contribution to its hematology. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 673 (Abstr.)— Zimanyi, I. [Case of acholuric icterus eatarrhalis in childhood] Cyogya.-zat, 1939. 79: 177-80. ------ Acholuric catarrhal j.uin.bce in infancy, report of case. Arch. Pediat.. N. V., 1940. 57: 207-15. ---- infectious, common, epidemic. See also subheadings of Icterus (Geography; Military aspect) also Liver, Hepatitis. Bloch, W. *Ueber epidemisches Auftreten des Icterus eatarrhalis. 21p. tab. 22Lpm. Basel, 1939. Also Schweiz. med. Mschr., 1939, 69: Deines, H. *Hepatitis epidemica in Dossen- heim bei Heidelberg [Heidelberg] p.526-38. Wtirzb., 1938. Also Zsehr. Hyg., 1937-38, 120: Morgan, M. T., & Brown, H. C. Epidemic catarrhal jaundice; some notes on the epi- demiology of the disease and an account of an epidemic in the Midlands. 28p. 8? Lond., 1927. Wallgrkn, A. Erfahrungen iiber epidemi- schen Icterus (sogenannten Icterus eatarrhalis) 90p. 8? Upps.. 1930. Forms Suppl. 2, Acta psediatr., 1930. Andersen, T. T. The etiology of hepatitis epidemica (epi- demic jaundice) Acta med scand., 1937, 93: 209-27.— Attinger, E. Akute epidenu.-ehe Hepatitis. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 55.--Bashford, H. H. Lpidemic catai ihal jaundice; notes on a departmental oint.,. -,k. Lancet. I.....,1., 1934, 2: 1008.— Bettencourt. N. de. A; 1'ereira da Silva, E. Ictere epidemiqut au Portugal. C. rend S.,c biol.. 1920. 91: 903. Blaisdell. J. L. Epidemic jaundice. M.-.l. .1.. bond., 1939, 9: 43-9 — Blever. L. F., & Murphy. G. R. Infantile infectious hepatitis. Arch. Pediat.. X. V., 1936, 53: 43 51. Bormann, F. von. Hepatitis epidemica und Weilsche Krankheit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1279-81 (microfilm) — Hepatitis* epidemica. Eig. inn. Mel. Kinderh.. 1940, .">8: 201 -84 (micro- film) -----The causation of epidemic hepatitis. Bull. Hyg., Lond., 1912. 17: 251 .Abstr.) -Bormann, F. von, Bader, R. E. [et al.] I be Ilcpatiti- epidemica. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942. 72: 578 t Abstr.) Brown. H. C. Lpid.ii.ic jaundice in the Andaman Islands. Lancet, L.md., 1928, 1: 388. Bush, C. E. Ictericia epidemica. Refonna med., Lima, 1941, 27: 789.- Carmena, M., Garrido, A. [et al.] Epidemia de ictericia infeeci.isa. Hev. espafi. med. cir. guerra, 1940, 4: 331-43.— Carrau. A. bteiicia epidemica. Arch. Hosp. Pereira Rossell, 1938. 1: 211 35.- Castenfors, J. [Jaundice epidemic in the medical, provincial district of Vimmerby] Sven. lak. tidn., 1933, 30: 273 8. -Celentano, A. L'epatite infettiva nell'in- fanzia. Pediatria (Biv.) 1933, 41: 1211-4.—Chomet, B. Leber epidemisches Auftreten von Gelbsucht ber Wiener Kindern. Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 1428-31.—Costa. S.. Romary [et ab] Ictere benin epidemique et bacilles paratvphiqiies atypiques. BuU. Acad, med., Par., 1927, 3. ser., 97: 16-8. Also Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds. 1928. 8: 420-3.—Courmont, P. Epidemic d'ictere catarrhal dans la region lyonnaise. Lyon med., 1934, 154: 264-70. Cullinan, E. R. The epi- demiology of jaundice. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Obst. Gyn., 933 50. Also Clin. J., Lond., 1939, 68: 437 44— Davidson, I. Infective hepatitis. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 508. Dietrich, S. Der sogenannte katarrhalische Ikterus und die Hepatitis epidemica. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1942, 67: 96 (Abstr.) Also Bull. War M.. Lond., 1942-43, 3: 29 (Abstr.) Also Praxis, Bern, 1942. 31: 415 (Abstr.)—[Discus- sions on H. G. Dedichen's paper: Infectious diseases, epidemic appearance of anemic crises with hemolvtic jaundice] Norsk. mag. laegevid., 1936, 97: Forh. X..i-k. med. selsk., 23-7 — Dondi. G. Considerazioni cliniche e ricerche sperimentali sulla attuale epidemia di ittero infettivo semplice a Novara. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1933, 8: 717-24.- Ehrstrom, R. Icterus eatarrhalis. akute gelbe Leberatrophie und chronische Hepa- titis als Aeusserungen derselben Krankheit, Hepatitis epi- demica. Acta med. scand.. 1926-27, 65: 573-81. Also Finska lak. sail, hand., 1927, 69: 275-83- Engel. M. Ueber Hepatitis epidemica; epidemisches Auftreten von Icterus eatarrhalis. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 53-5. Eriksson, Z. [Bilirubin content in epidemic jaundice] Fin. liik. -all. hand.. 1927 69: 937- 45.— Evans, P. Comments on an epidemi. of hepatitis. Brit. M. J., 1942. 2: 446-9.—Fernandez, F. < .nsi.leraeioi.e-, sobre una epidemia de ictericia en el frente de Gran.d.. \ctual. med., Granada, 1940, 16: 616-31.— Figueira, L. Estudo laboratorial da recent* epidemia de ictericia em Lisboa. Lisboa med., 1932. 9: 107-24.—Findlay, G. M. Infective hepatitis and catarrhal jaundice. Clin. J., Lond., 1940. 69: 178-83. AN.. J. R. Army M. Corps. 1940, 74: 72-9.------& Dunlop. J. L. A fatal case of acute necrosis of the liver associated with epi- demic catarrhal jaundice. Brit. M. J., 1932, 1: 652 6, pi. ------& Brown, H. C. Observations on epidemic catarrhal jaundice. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. H\g . Lond.. 1931. 25: 7 28 — Findlay, G. M.. MacCallum, F. O.. & Murgatniyil. F. Observa- tions bearing on the aetiologj of infective hepatitis (so-called epidemic catarrhal jaundice) II.id., 1938 39 Flaum. A., Malmros, H., & Persson, E. I 32 Ikterus-Lpidemie. 53. Follows, A. B. Lond., 1940, 63: 23. jaundice. Canad. Frazer, E. M. R. children. Brit. M. Aeia med. scand., 1920, Supp Kpideniie catarrhal .jaundice. - Fraser, R. A studv of epidem Pub. Health J., 1931, 22: Lpidemic catarrhal jaundice amongst J.. 1935, 1:701. Freudenberg, E. Hepa- 575 80. - osocomialo .16: 544- Med. Off., ie catarrhal 390-411.— litis epidemica. Praxis, Bern, 1912, 31: 265-7. Fuchs. Hepatitis epidemica. Ibid., 339.—Gaskell, J. F. The changes in the liver in a fatal ease of epidemic catarrhal jaundice. J. Path. Bact,. Cambr., 1933, 36: 257-62, 2 pi—Gioseffi, M. Episodio epidemico di ittero infettivo benigno. Riforma med., 1939, 55: 1749.—Glover. J. A.. & Wilson, J. An extensive epidemic of catarrhal jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 1: 722-5.—Golovine, S. Observations sur la pathogenese dc I'ictere epidemique dans la icgion de Betare Oya (1936) Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1930, 29: 975-9. •-Gram, H. C. [Epi- demic hepatitis] L/gcskr. heger, 1931, 93: 1171-4. Gram, N. J. [Three cases of infectious hepatitis with symptoms of the central nervous system] Ibid., 1931, 96: 1109-19.— Hartog, C. den [Epidemic of catanhal jaundice] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 4303-5.—Hoesslin, von. Zum Vorkommen der epi- demischen Hepatitis. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 414 (Abstr.)— Holm. K. Die Gelbsucht in den Wilhelmsburger Zinnwerken: cine Hepatitis epidemica. Arbeitsschutz, 1938, 257.---■—■ Hepatitis epidemica. Deut. Militiirarzt, 1941, 6: 234-6.—■ Honig, P. J. J. [An epidemic of benign jaundice in Zunder- dorp] Ned. 1schr. geneesk., 1926, 70: 2347.—Hunt, H. F., Johnston, C. L., & Moser, G. P. Jaundice; observations of a recent epidemic in Roaring Creek Valley. Pennsylvania M. J., 1934, 37: 900-2. -Hurst, A. Epidemic jaundice. In his Med. Dis. War, 2. ed., Lond., 1941, 237-54, pb—Izard, L. M. J. A. Les ieteres epidemiques. Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1927, 86: 393-454. ------Mazieres & Pond. Hepatite subaigue Epidemique avec eosinophilic Paris med., 1933, 89: 233-41.— Jorge, R. Des ieteres epidemiques. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1926, 18: 1283-94. ------ Lne epidemie, a. Lisbonne, d'ictere hemorragique d'origine hydrique contracts per os; nosologre, bacteriologie et epidemiologic Ibid., 1932, 24: 88 117, pi.—Learn, B. G. A clinical report of an epidemic of acute infectious jaundice. Pennsylvania M. J., 1940-41, 44: 18-20.—Lindquist, N. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Inkuba- tionszeit bei der akuten, epidemischen Hepatitis. Acta paediat., Lpps., 1932-33, 14: 160-71.—Linskis, D. [Etiopathogenesis of epidemic hepatitis] Medicina, Kaunas, 1941, 22: 382-95.— Lisney, A. A. Epidemic catarrhal jaundice in school children. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 703-6.—Lopez Pondal, M. Epidemies d'ictere infectieux. Nourrisson, 1935, 23: 17-24.—McFarlan, A. M. A village outbreak of common infective jaundice. Pub. Health, Lond., 1941-42, 55: 56-9.—Manfrini, P. Su di una epidemia di ittero infantile. Med. ital., 1938, 19: 585-96.—■ Martland, E. M., & Winner, A. L. Epidemic jaundice; a hospital outbreak. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 161-3.—Mehn- Andersen, O. Icterus eatarrhalis epidemicus. Med. rev., Bergen, 1920, 43: 97-117.—Montford, T. M. Epidemic jaun- dice in North Leicestershire. Brit. M. J., 1934, 1: 330 — Morgan, M. T. Sur une recente poussee d'ictere catarrhal epidemique en Angleterre. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1920, 18: 1399-403.------& Brown, H. C. Epidemic catar- rhal jaundice; some notes on the epidemiology of the disease and an account of an epidemic in the Midlands. Rep. Pub. Health, Lond., 1927, 1 27. Moore. M. A. Epidemic jaundice in children. West Yinrinia M. ,L, 1935, 31: 198-201.—Muller, F. Hepatitis. Biit. M. J.. 19 12, 2: 557.—Musser, J. H., & Miangolarra. C. J. A mild epidemic of jaundice in Louisiana. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1926-27, 79: 114-8.—Nelis, P., & Van den Branden, F. Au sujet d'une epidemie de jaunisse catar- rhal. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1936, 28: 514-20 — Newman, J. L. Infective hepatitis; the history of an outbreak in the Lavi.nt Valley. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 61-5.—Nicol, C. G. Epidemic catarrhal jaundice. Ibid., 406 ------ Epidemic hepatitis. Ibid., 2: 618.—Pandit, C. G., & Rao, R. An epi- demic of jaundice m the Alipuram jail, Bellary (South India) Ind. M Gaz, 1932, 67: 77 81.—Pickles, W. N. Epidemic catarrhal jaundice; an outbreak in Yorkshire. Brit. M. J., ly^U, 1: JU-o.---- - Epidemic catarrhal jaundice: with ioT«J,e,ooCo^° ltS el'id«»iol°K.v. Brit. J. Child. Dis., l\)6b Si: 192-201. —---- Epidemic catarrhal jaundice. Lancet. Lond., 1939, 1: 893-5.—Plantenga. B. P. B. [iiepatit,s epidemica; ,cterus eatarrhalis] Geneesk. gids, 19 10 18- ?'2^.— Poppyici-Lupa & Iliesco, E. Sur une epidemic d'ictere mfectreux benin infantde. Rev. fr. pediat., 1933 9- 380-3 - Popovci-Lupa & Petrescu-Coman. V. Epideimscher benigncr Pmnirt £ ^lrKlTnf'- ,.Ms,i,r- Ki'^lerh./ 1937, 70: 57-03 - 107P Ram.™ r ^ h?l'a,."«- Brit M. J., 1942, 1: £bl. f^Lo^^" i8rfe5i-^.n8onhlHlreL- Some observations made during an outbreak of epidemic jW ^...^^rA.3-fei?g: Kcingfll «? Robs. L. A. A note on the pathology of epidemic , aUrri.al ICTERUS 23 ICTERUS jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 1: 599.—Sainz de los Terreros, C. Ictericia (hepatitis) epidemica. Arch, espaii. pediat, 1933,- 17: 16-25.—Selander, P. Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in hepatitis epidemica. Acta med. scand., 1936, 89: 361-70. ------ Sektionsfall von epidemischem Ikteius (Hepatitis epidemica) Acta paediat., Upps., 1939, 26: 450-9.—Sergeant, B. Epidemic catarrhal jaundice in school children. Brit. M. J., 1937, 2: 703.—Sergiev, P. G., Tareev, E. M. [et al.] [Virus jaundice; epidemic hepatitis in relation to immunization with human serum] Ter. arkh., 1940, 18: 595-611.—Shafar, J. Infective hepatitis. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 307.—Siede, W., & Meding, G. Zur Aetiologie der Hepatitis epidemica. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 416 (Abstr.)—Sim, T. Infective hepatitis. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 237.—Snell, A. M., & Butt, H. R. Acute epidemic or infectious jaundice. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.) Bait, 1940, 2: 2376-9.—Steinmann. J. Observation d'une epidemie d'ictere catarrhal; transmissibilit^, formule sanguine. Rev. med. chir. mal. foie, 1938, 13: 359-65.— Sylvest, E. [Incubation time of epidemic hepatitis (catarrhal jaundice)] Ugeskr. laeger, 1930, 92: 936.—Taki, S. Icterus epidemicus. Acta paediat. jap., 1938, 44: 35 (Abstr.)— Taranssoff, S. L'eclosion d'une Epidemie d'ictere infectieux dans la region industrielle d'lvanovo, en automne 1933. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1935. 27: 690-6.—Terskikh, V. I. [Classification of epidemic jaundice] Klin, med., Moskva, 1933, 11: 310-3.—Thisted, A. [Frequency of catarrhal jaun- dice (hepatitis epidemica) and acute yellow atrophy of the liver in advanced age] Ugeskr. Iseger, 1926, 88: 823-6.— Thomas, W. S. R. Note on an outbreak suggesting epidemic jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 2: 701.—Thune Andersen, T., & Tulinius, S. The etiology of hepatitis epidemica (epidemic jaundice) Acta med. scand., 1938, 95: 497-509.—Vas, J. J. [Contributions to the epidemiologv of the hepatitis infectiosa] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1931, 29: 1227-31.—Wallgren. A. An epidemic of catarrhal jaundice (epidemic henatitis) Acta med. scand., 1928, Suppl., H. 26. 118-23—Wickstrom, J. [Epidemiologv of epidemic hepatitis] Fin. lak. srill. hand., 1936, 79: 499-540. ------ Der Grad der Uebertragbarkeit der Hepatitis epidemica. Acta paediat., Upps., 1941, 28: 385-9.—Willett, J. G., Sigoloff, E., & Pfau, C. L. An institu- tional outbreak of epidemic jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1644-6.—Wollenberg, R. A. C. The status and relation- ships of infectious (epidemic) jaundice in the United States. Ann. Clin. M., 1926-27, 5: 297-304.—Wolter, F. Die epi- demische Gelbsucht (Hepatitis epidemica) Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 172; 228.—Yoshida, K., & Nagaoka, H. Ueber das Auftreten von toxisch-granulierten Leukocyten bei Hepatitis epidemica an Kindern. Acta paediat. jap., 1939, 45: 12 (Abstr.) ---- infectious, common, grave. Jawitz, H. *Ikterus katarrhalis und akute Leberatrophie im Kindesalter; ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie beider Krankheiten. 39p. 21cm. Berl., 1936. Hirschberger, C. Akute Leberatrophie und Icterus eatar- rhalis bei Geschwistern. Acta paediat, Upps., 1935-36, 18: 482-90.—Mondon, H., & Provost, C. Syndrome confusionnel au cours d'un ictere catarrhal; role des polypeptides. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1938, 3. ser., 54: 885-7.— Ramhult. A. [Cirrhosis of the liver following catarrhal jaundice] Sven. lak. tidn., 1938, 35: 871-3.—Schendstok, J. D. [Severe pain in the so-called icterus eatarrhalis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 3841-4.—Snapper, I. Catarrhal jaundice and liver degenera- tion. In his Chin. Lessons to West. Med., N. Y., 1941, 225-8 — Troisier, J., Albot, G-, & Netter, A. Ictere commun mortel (hepatite icterigene maligne; atrophie jaune aigue du foie) Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1938, 3. ser., 54: 88-97. ---- infectious, common, prolonged. Chiche, R. *L/ictere catarrhal prolong6. 173p. 24^cm. Alger, 1934. Bottaliga, M. Un'osservazione di ittero epidemico (cosl detto ittero catarrale) a decorso prolungato e con ascite; guarigione. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. prat, 2-4.—Cabot. R. C. Fifteen weeks' iaundiee (mostlv without pain) in an old man. N. England J. M., 1933, 208: 1376-9.------Jaundice of 3 months' duration. Ibid., 1935, 212: 520-2— Cohen. Trois cas d'ictere prolonge chez l'enfant. Bruxelles med., 1937-38, 18: 684.—Doerfler. H. Die Aufgabe des Lrnktikers bei lang dauerndem Ikterus. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1935. 82: 1152-6. Also in his Fur d. Praxis, Munch., 1938, 2: 245-58.—Hill, L. W. Jaundice of long duration in a 9-vear-oId girl. Med. Clin. N. America, 1929, 13: 187.—Lenegrc, J., Albot. G., & Dupuy. Biopsie du foie au 08. jour d'un ictere catarrhal pro- longe. Ann. anat path., Par., 1939, If: 368-70. ------ Ictere catarrhal prolong^ gueri A, la suite d'une chol^cystostomie; donnees de la biopsie hepatique. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris., 1939, 3. ser., 55: 455-65.—Townsend, J. H., Mallory, T. B., & Stewart, J. D. Jaundice of a few weeks' duration. N. England J. M., 1940, 223: 227-9. ---- infectious, hemorrhagic. See also Hepato-renal syndrome; Icterus, Hemorrhagic diathesis; Liver, Acute yellow atrophy; also names of primary infectious dis- eases as Leptospirasis; Recurrent fever; Syphilis; Yellow fever, etc. Prtjnier, P. *Les syndromes ictero-h^mor- ragiques en pathologie tropicale. 84p. 8? Par., 1932. Ayer, D. Renal lesions associated with deep jaundice; with comments on their relations to those in the so-called heDa- torenal syndrome and in transfusion reactions. Arch. Path., Chic, 1940, 30: 26-41.— Boland. E. W. Pathologic data in cases of jaundice and fatal hemorrhage. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1938. 13: 70-2.—Chabrol, E., & Busson, A. A propos d'un cas d'ictere grave avec atrophie jaune aigue du foie. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1931, 3. ser., 47: 1568-73.—Ciechanowski. S., & Kostrazewski, J. [Ictero hemorrhagic jaundice] Polska gaz. lek., 1930, 9: 961-7.— Duthoit & Dupire. A propos de 4 cas d'ictere infectieux avec nephrite. Echo med. nord, 1930, 34: 43-5.—Enfermedad pir£tica confundida con la fiebre amarilla en la costa del Atldntico de Colombia. Rev. hig., Bogota. 1933, 14: 227-9.—II ling worth. C. F. W. Haemorrhage in jaundice. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinburgh, 1939, 118. meet., 32-40.—Jorge, R. Une epidemie ictero-hemorragique a Lisbonne d'origine hydrique per os; nosologie, baete>iologie, enid^miologie. Lisboa m(5d., 1932, 9: 1-30.—Laignel-Lavastine, Gallot. H. M. [et al.] Etude anatomo-clinique d'un cas d'ic- tere grave prolonge' cirrhogene. Bull. Soc. m<5d. hop. Paris, 1937, 3. ser., 53: 697-701.—Landau, A., Jochweds, B.. & Pekielis, R. [Renal ictero-hemorrhagic syndrome] Polska gaz lek.. 1928, 7: 484-6. Also in Prace klin. Oddz. chor. wewn. Szpit. Wolski, Warsz., 1932, 437-42.—Loeper, M., Lemaire, A., & Varay, A. Formes aigues, subaigues et chroniques de l'hepatite icterigene maligne. Progr. med., Par., 1937, 593. ------ La symptomatologie de l'hepatite ieterig&ne maligna primitive. Ibid., 625-9.------ L'hepatite icterigene maligne terminale, complication de cirrhose banale. Ibid., 665.—■ Loeper, M., Roy, A. [et al.] L'oedeme des hepatites icterigenes graves. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1936, 3. ser., 52: 1173-80.— Sazerac, R., Nakamura, H., & Kitchevatz, M. Action du bismuth sur I'ictere hemorrasique. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1927, 184: 411.—Snijders, E. P. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Leber bei Gelbfieber und Weilscher Krankheit In Arb. Tropenkrankh. (Festschr. B. Nocht), Hamb., 1927, 539-41.— T0nnesen, H. [Cases of jaundice with hemorrhage treated with ox gall] Hospitalstidende, 1933, 76: 154-61. Also Lyon chir., 1934, 31: 290-8. ---- infectious, secondary. See also names of primary diseases as Ame- biasis; Appendicitis; Endocarditis; Gonorrhea; Pneumonia, etc. Archambault. P. R. Ictere infectieux benin apyretique d'origine gonococcique. Union med. Canada, 1931, 60: 93.—■ Bruhl, I., & Ferru, M. Ictere infectieux de nature et d'eti- ologie discutables, spirochetosique ou paratyphique. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1926, 3. ser., 50: 512-5.—Chabrol, E., & Sal let, J. Sur un cas de gangrene de la main au cours d'une septicemic icterigene k perfringens. Ibid., 1936, 3. ser., 52: 624-30.—Halita, M. Ictere toxi-infectieux avec hydropisie. Ibid., 1927, 3. ssr., 51: 1266-71.—Klinkert, H. [Jaundice as a complication of acute infectious diseases] Geneesk. gids, Gravenh., 1926, 4: 509-23. —Kumm, H. W. A discussion on the recent literature on infectious epidemic diseases associated with jaundice. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1930-31, 24: 421-8.—Langeron, Archer & Danes. Sur les ieteres k anaerobies (k propos d'une observation personnelle) Rev. med. chir. mal. foie, 1928, 3: 319-26.—Leme da Fonseca, J. Forma icterica da molestia de Pfeiffer. Pediat. prat, S. Paulo, 1931-32, 4: 275-82.—Milian, G. Ictere syphilitique ou chan- crelleux. Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1931, 7: 23-7.—Oppenheim, M., & Fessler, A. Zur Frage des gonotoxischen Ikterus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 1299.—Popper, H.. & Wied- mann, A. Ueber gonotoxischen Ikterus. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1936-37, 131:258-84. ---- intermittent and recurrent. Debre, R., Cordey, F. & Duclos. Ictere 3, rechutes Hi k une infection par le diplobacille de Friedlander. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1932, 30: 661-5.—Hartshorn, W. E. Recurrent or intermittent jaundice in youth, Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1933, 15: 129-46. Also N. England J. M., 1933, 208: 1294-9.— Jewesbury, R. C. Recurrent attacks of jaundice. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1934-35, 28: 1321.— Krarup, N. B., & Roholm, K. [Histological examination by liver biopsy in icterus inter- mittens juvenilis] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 72-5. Also Klin. Wschr., 1941, 20: 193-6.—Liver biopsv in juvenile intermittent icterus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120 320 (Abstr.)— Meissner, R. Ueber chronisch-rezidivierenden Ikterus. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1053.—Meulengrachl, E. [Icterus intermittens juvenilis] Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: Suppl., 117-26. Also Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 118-21.— Polack, E. Chronic hepatitis in young persons, with or without intermittent jaundice. Acta med. scand., 1937-38, 93: 614-21. Also C. rend. Congr. internat. insuff. hepat, 1937, 1. Congr., 448-53.—Radvan, I. [Hepato-pancreatitis, with recurring jaundice, of diabetes; observations on diabetic icterus] Rev. §t med., Bucur., 1937, 26: 207-17.—Sande, D. van der [Re- lapsing jaundice] Ned.j.tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 405-7.— UTERI'S 24 UTERUS Weber. F. P. Sequel to supposed case of idiopathic hepatic cirrhosis with recurrent jaundice, shown on April 10, 1930; report and specimen. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1931, 27: 1010. ---- Kernicterus. See Icterus, neonatal, grave; Icterus, Nervous system; also Brain, Basal ganglia: Diseases: Hepatolenticular degeneration. ---- latent. Brodribb, H. S., & Cullinan. K. R. A simple test for latent jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1936. 1: 1237. Cabot. R. C. Ab- dominal enlargement wnth slight jaundice. N. Emdaud J. M 1932, 207: 989-93.—Ekenstam, H. [Histamin in diagnosis of latent jaundice] Hygiea. Stockh.. 1932, 91: 420-32.—Elton, N. W. Postoperative latent jaundice. Sur'i 22- 61 '-S — Malamud, T. LI prurito de los ictericos no es de origen cobilico. Prensa med. argent., 1930-31, 17: 1402- 4.—Merklen, F. Selles blanche. Presse nred., 1933, 41: 41.— Ottenberg, R. Painless jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 104: liM 8.— Parturier, G. S.'meiologie des ieteres. Rev. meVl. elm. nial. foie, 1928, 3: 415-60.—Rosenthal, F. Leber das Wi-en und die Behandlung des Haiitjuckens beim Ikteius, Th.'r. C.-enwart. 1929, 70: 297-301.—Snell, A. M., & Keyes, H C lTuritus of jaundiced patients: its incidence and treat- ment. M.d. (-Tin. N. America, 1933, 16: 1455-70. Weir, J. F., & Partch. W. T. The relationship of pain to jaundice. Ann, Int. M., 1931, 4: 1509-20. ---- mechanical. Sec also Icterus, emotional; Icterus, neonatal, mechanical. Bariety, M.. dt Lesobre. R. Les ieteres neopkudques. Bull. med., Par.. 1939. 53: 408-12.— Clute, H. M., & Veal, J. R. The J rediction of haemorrhage in obstructive jaundice by tie sedimentation rate. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 385.—Comfort, M. W., A: Nygard, K. K. Measuring the tendency to hemorrhage in cases of obstructive jaundice; with special reference to the photo-electric method. Wisconsin M. J., 1937, 36: 727-32.— He Blasi. A. Ricerche siill'it inn mcccanic. -periniontale. Clin. chir., Milano, 1930, n. sei . 12: 85'.» 77. Dill. L. V. The .•fleet of obstructive jaundice on the Mood platelets of the rabbit. J. Lab. Clin. M.. 1935-311. 21: 899 905.- Dominici, C, & Bruzzone, L. Sulle modaliti di origine dell'it tei .> ineccanico, Boll. Soc. iial. biol. sper.. 1938. 13: 913 5.- hlsom. K. A. Renal function in obstructive jaundice. Arch. Int. M , 1937. 60: 1028-33.—Foote, F. S.. A Carr, J. L. Obstiudive jaundice; l he differential diagnosis by roentgen-ray. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930. 63: 570 5. Fninke. H. Die Wirkung des Vitamin K auf die ('apillairesistenz beim Okklusionsikterus. Klin. Wschr., 1941. 20: 212-0. Goeters, W. Cholepathien im Kindesalter imechanischer Vorschlu.-siktei us bei einem zweijiihrigen Madchen) Audi. Kinderh., 1939, 117: 195- 8.—Gregory, R. L., & Andersch, M. The filtrahilitv of biiiiubin in obstructive jaundice. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1936-37, 22: 1111 I. -Griffiths, W. J., 1.....1-pigment in obstructive jaundice, with obseivations on the van den Bergh reaction. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1930-31, 11: 411-0. Hatchette, C. V. Jaundice with snecial attention to obstructive jaundice. Tn- state M. J., 1935-30, 8: 1637.—Hebert, W. H. Peptic ulcers following experimentally produced obstructive jaundice: a consideration of the factors concerned in their product ion. Surgery, 1938, 3: 370-8.—Hellman, L. M., Moore. R. A., & Andrus, W. IleW. Blood heparin and lipid amino N in experi- mental obstructive jaundice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 36: 170-8.—Hunt, V. C. Obstructive jaundice Southwest. M., 1942, 26: 220-4.—Linton, R. R. The relation of the blood fibrin to the haemorrhagic diathesis of obstructive jaundice. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 394.—Mirizzi, P. L. Causas de ictericias mec&nicas no cancerosas; importancia de la colan- giografia operatoria. Aich. argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1937-38, 13: 145-62.—Nafziger, H. C, Carr, J. L., & Foote, F. S. Ob- structive jaundice; the cause and prevention of the bleeding dvscrasia. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1937, 55: 204-70.— Nygaard, K. K., & Baldes, E. J. Interpretation and clinical significance of coagelgrams in obstructive jaundice. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1936, 11: 705-10.—Oppenheimer, G. D., Glass, A., & Netter, F. Status of cholecvstogastrostomv in obstructive jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 707-9.— Rabdin, I. S., Riegel, C, & Morrison, P. J. The haemoirhagic tendency in obstructive jaundice. Ann. Surg., 1935,101:005-12. -& Johnston, C. G. The hemorrhagic tendency of obstructive jaundice. Am. J. M. Sc. 1937, 193: 278-86. Shafiroff, B. G. P., Douhilet, H. |et al.) The effect of Ivniphutic block on bile resorption in obstmctive jaundice. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 97-103 — Shafiroff, B. G. P., Doubilet, H., & Ruggiero, W. Bilirubin resorption in obstructive jaundice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 203-5.—Snell, A. M. Complications and sequelae of obstructive jaundice with special reference to the hemorrhagic diathesis. Mississippi Doctor, 1939-40, 17: 1-5.—■ Stefanini, M. La sindrome emorragica sintomatica dell'ittero meccanico e delle disfunzioni epatiche quale espressione di carenza di un complesso anti-emorragico; ricerche sperimentali e cliniche; meccanismo patogenetico dell'avitaminosi K. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1940, 69: 177-225. -Stewart, J. D. Clinical and experimental evidence on the nutritional requirements in ob- structive jaundice. N. England J. M., 1940, 223: 1059-66.— Sutherland, I). M. Obstructive jaundice. Clin. J., Lond., 1936, 65: 409-15.- Thompson, L. L., jr, Frazier, W. D., & Ravdin, I. S. The renal lesion in obstructive jaundice. Am. J. M. Sc, 1940, 199: 305-12.—Varela Fuentes, B., Apolo, E., & Ksculies, J. Ictericia por obstruccion experimental; mo.lifi- ca.doi.es de las sales biliares, de la hilirubina y de la colesterina de la sangrc, en el perro. Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo, 1930, 2: 207-17. -Watson, C. J. Regurgitation jaundice; clinical different iat ion of the common forms, with particular n-fen-nce to the degree of biliarv obstruction. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2427-32.- Waugh, T. R. Diagnosis of the cause of an obstruc- tive jaundice bv means of the blood picture. Am. J. M. Sc, 1940. 200: 655-61. ---- mechanical, extracanalicular. See also names of primary diseases as Granu- loma malignum; Leukosis; Pancreas, Tumor; Vater's ampulla, Disease, etc. Alvarez, J. J. *Ictere chronique par pan- creatite curable coincidant avec une lithiase rdnale droite. 52p. 8? Par., 1929. Ali Helmi. Obstructive jaundice due to (?) carcinoma of head of pancreas relieved by choleeysto-gast iostomy J. Egypt. M. Ass . 1933,, 16: 1 152-0!.—Benkovich, G. [Bole of penbihary lymph node- in pathogenesis of mechanical jaundice] Orv. hetib, 1940, 81: 57*. Cathala. J., Bolgert, M., & Walther, R. Sur l'origine panrrt'at ique de certains ieteres prolonges avec hepatomegalie eh.-/ I. s enfants. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris 1940, 3. ser., 56: 583-8.— Cenini. E. Ittero da neoplasia pan- crefitica con .lotto di Wii-uns pcrvio. Gazz. osp., 1929, 50: 1103-8. Lehner.A. Lymphomeal-Uisaehe von mechanischern Ikterus. Helvet. med. acta, 1942, 9: 43-8. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 23- Mallet-Guy, P. Les ictdr.s ,iar ilm:im_ matron chronique du pancreas, I.moi,s anatomiques, causes, symptomes, evolution. Gaz. hop , 1920, 99: 1493-8______ Elements de diagnostic du syndrome pancreatite chronique avec ictere. Lyon med., 1926, 138: 241-50. Patterson R H Jaundice due to obstruction by an aberrant vi-.-l and adhesions Ann. Surg., 1936, 104: 1109-12.- Radvan, I. Ib-'patSpait- ICTERUS 25 ICTERUS creatite icterigene recidivante et diabete; considerations sur l'ictere chez les diabetiques. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1937, 51: 131-0.—Srholl, A. J. Jaundice due to movable kidney. Cali- fornia West. M., 1928, 29: 87-91. Also J. Urol., Bait., 1928, 19: 431-9.------& Verbrugge, J. L'ictere du au rein mobile. Arch. fr. belg. chir., 1927, 30: 541-5.—Terzani. A. Itteio meccanico cronicoper tubercolosi delle ghiandole dell'ilo epatieo. Riv. clin. med., 1929, 30: 401 9 — Waltman, W.. & Dehne, E. A. Jaundice caused by pancreatic lesions. Surg. Gvn. Obst., 1932, 54: 832-5. ---- mechanical, intracanalicular. See also Ascariasis; Bile-duct, common: Ob- struction; Bile-ducts, Obstruction: Jaundice; Biliary calculus, Jaundice in; Gallbladder, In- flammation; Giardiasis, etc. Aubert, V. A propos des ieteres de la lithiase du cystique. Marseille med.. 1942, 79: 133-9.—Berard. Ln nouveau cas d'ictere lithiasique trait*5 avec sueces par le tubage duodenal. Loire med., 1927. 41: 367-71.- Brule, M. Les ieteres par ehotfdocite. Bull, med.. Par., 1938, 52: 217 21.—Garin. C. & Bertrand, P. Un cas d'ictere febrile grave du au parasitisme des voies biliaires par Fasciola hepatica; gue>ison par l'anthio- maline associe> ik l'extrait de fougere male. Lyon med., 1938, 161: 409-12.—Levilina. P. S. [Case of obstructive jaundice, caused by echinoccocus] Khirurgin, Moskva, 1937, 166-8.— Pieri. J., & Rouet. Ictere par anguillulose rebelle; guerison par instillations duodenales de terebenthine eollordale. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1936, 29: 513-6-Sami, S. [Methods of radiological examination of the liver in jaundice caused by biliary calculus] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi, 1936, 65: 58 75. - Varela, B., Duomarco, J.. & Munilla, A. Ictericia por obstruc- ci6n experimental; modificaciones del gluc6geno, de las grasas totales y del glutati6n reducido del higado, despuos de la ligadura del col^doco o de un canal hepatico. Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo, 1930. 2: 15-34.—Varela Fuentes, B.. & Canziani, R. La bilirubinemia en las ictericias por col^doco-litiasis. Relat. Congr. argent, cir. (1939) 1940, 11. Congr., 334-50.— Wakeley, C. P. G. A case of obstructive jaundice cured by the construction of a new bile-duct. Brit. J. Surg., 1939-40, 27: 414-9. ---- mechanical: Treatment. See also Icterus, Surgery. Administration of bile in obstructive jaundice. Med. J. Australia. 1941, 1: 305- Banks, B. M., & Sears. J. B. Hepatic glycogen in obstructive jaundice; comparative effect of oral and intravenous dextrose administration. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939-40, 6: 83-7.—Boys, F. A report on the value of the Ivy bleeding time test and the use of viosterol in cases of obstructive jaundice. Surgery, 1937, 2: 817-22.—Brinkhous, K. M., Smith, H. P., & Warner, E. I). Prothrombin deficiency and the bleeding tendency in obstructive jaundice and in biliary fistula; effect of feeding bile and alfalfa, vitamin K. Am. J. M. Sc, 1938, 196: 50-7.—Carrega Casaffousth, C. F. Hasta cuando debe esperarse para intervenir a un icti^rico obstruido? Rev. As. med. argent.. 1935, 49: 319-25.— Crile, G., jr. The treat- ment of obstructive jaundice. Surg. Clin. X. America, 1939, 19: 1263-74.—Eliason, E. I,., & Johnson, J. The surgical aspect of obstructive jaundice. Pennsylvania M. J., 1939-40, 43: 152-6.—Gelderen, C. van [On the danger of nidation in mechanical jaundice] Ned. tschi. geneesk.. 1940. 84: 023-8.— Gregg, F. J. 1 he operative hazards in obstructive jaundice. Clin. Rev. Pift-burgh, 1939. 6: 1210. Hedenstedt, S. [Experiences with vitamin K i K-\ iminJ in obstructive jaundice] Nord. med., 1940, 6: 089-92.— Hicks, J. IX A review of the literature concerning haemorrhage in obstructive jaundice; the significance of prothrombin and of vitamin K therapy. Med. J. Australia, 1941, 1: 46-51.—Hunt, V. C. Surgical considera- tions of obstructive jaundice. Mississippi Doctor, 1940-41, 18: 660-4.—Illingworth, C. F. W. Recent developments in the surgerv of obstructive jaundice, with special reference to the risk of haemorrhage. Edinburgh M. J., 1939, 46: 762-80. Also in Edinburgh Postgrad. Lect. (1938-39) 1940, 1: 307- 25.—Johnston, C. G. Preoperative and postoperative treat- ment in cases of obstructive jaundice. Surgery, 1938, 3: 875- 83.—Johnston, L. B. The use of massive doses of viosterol to reduce the bleeding time in obstructive jaundice. J. Med., Cincin., 1937-38, 18: 235-8.—Klopp, E. J., & Cantarow, A. Jandice in biliarv tract disease; medical and surgical considera- tions. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1936, 16: 531-68.—Macfie, J. M.. Bacharach, A. L., & Chance, M. R. A. The vitamin K activity of 2-methyl-l ^-naphthoquinone and its clinical use in obstructive jaundice. Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 1220-3- MacGuire, D. P. Problems in obstructive jaundice cases. Am. J. Digest. Dis 1936-37, 3:244-8.- Mirizzi, P. L. Mechanischer Ikterus. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1937, 249: 148-61.—Olfon, K. B.. & Menzel, H. The bleeding tendency in obstructive jaundice and its correction l.\ means of vitamin K. Sin gory, 1939, 6: 206-20.— Pittman, J. E. Obstructive jaundice: diagnosis and treatment. South. Surgeon, 1940, 9: 485-91. Reed, C. S. The use of vitamin K in obstructive jaundice. X. Yoik State J. M., 1941, 41: 1653-5.—Stewart, J. D., & Rourke, G. M. Control of prothrombin deficiency in obstructive jaundice by use of vitamin K. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 2223-7. ------ & Allen A W. Control of postoperative bleeding in obstructive jaundice'. Ann. Surg., 1939, 110: 693-700.--Warner, E. D., Brinkhous, K. M., & Smith, H. P. Bleeding tendency of obstructive jaundice: prothrombin deficiency and dietary factors. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 37: 628-30.— Woodruff, M. F. A., & Wright, R. D. The diagnosis, incidence and treatment of avitaminosis A and D in obstructive jaundice. Australas. N. Zealand J. Surg.. 1940-41, 10: 135-45.—Zollinger, R., & Kevorkian, A. Y. Surgical aspects of obstructive jaundice. N. England J. M„ 1939, 221: 486-8. ---- Metabolism. See also Icterus, Diagnosis: Tests: Liver func- tion. Bielschowsky, P. Untersuchungen iiber das Saure-Basen- legichgewicht und die Ketonkorper im Blut bei Ikterus. Zsehr klin. Med., 1930, 111: 160-9.—Bumm. E., & Fehrenbach, K. Leber verschiedene Were des Zuckerabbaues im tierischen Dicauismus. Zsehr. phvsiol. Chem., 1930. 193: 238; 1931, 195: 101-Cantarow. A., Dodek, S. M., & Gordon, B. Calcium studies in jaundice; with special reference to the effect of para- thyroid extract on the distribution of calcium. Tr. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia, 1927, 3. ser., 49: 132-43.—Gunther, L., & Greenberg, D. M. The diffusible calcium and the proteins of the blood serum in jaundice. Arch. Int. M., 1930, 45: 983- 1003.—Hatakeyama, T. Leber den Eiweisstoffwechsel und Phosphorsiiurebestand bei dem experimentellen, haemolytischen und Stauungssikterus. J. Biochem., Tokyo, 1927, 8: 261-73.— Hemmeler. G. Serumeisen bei Ikterus. Helvet. med. acta, 1939, 6: 678-81.—Iwata, Y. Ueber das Verhalten des Ca, K und Na im Blutserum bei den verschiedenen experimentellen Ikterusarten. Acta med. nagasaki., 1939, 1: Suppl., 71; 90. ------ Leber die Ausscheidung des Ca durch die Galle bei verschiedenen experimentellen Ikterusarten. Ibid., 93. ------ Leber die Resorption des Ca bei der peroralen Ca-Belastung bei verschiedenen experimentellen Ikterusarten. Ibid., 95.— Labbe. M., Roubeau. H., & Nepveux, F. Le rapport azot^mi- que et l'aminoacid^mie au cours des ictr'res. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 349. Also J. mM. Paris, 1931, 51: 863.—Meulen- gracht, E. The blood sugar curve in various forms of icterus. Acta med. scand., 1932, 79: 32 75. Also Hospitalstidende, 1930, 73: 1091; 1145.—Meyer, K. A., Popper, H.. & Steigmann, F. Significance of rise of nonprotein nitrogen in medical and surgical jaundice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 847-50.-- Nicaud, P., Laudat, M., & Breton, P. Etude du m^tabolisme des lipides dans les ieteres Wnins. Bull. Soc. mM. hop. Paris, 1940, 3. ser., 56: 647-50.—Odaira, T. Studien iiber Gasstoff- wechsel und Minutenvolum; Gasumsatz und Minutcnvolum beim Ikterus. Tohoku J. Exp. M„ 1926, 7: 106-10.—Snell, A. M., & Greene, C. H. The calcium in the serum in jaundice. Am. J. Physiol., 1930, 92: 630-8.—Wainstein, S. S.. & Shata- lova, A. A. [The glycogen curve and the clinical aspect of jaundice] Ter. arkh., 1934, 12: 42-55.—Zemplen, B.,&Strobbe, F. [Changes of total lipoids and lipoid fractions in the blood serum during jaundice] Orvoskepzes, 1935, 25: oet. kiilonf. (L. Ketly Festschr.) 147-52, ---- Military aspect. Bormann, F. von. Hepatitis epidemica, epidemische Gelb- suclii. cine Militarkranklieit. Med. Klin., Ber]., 1940, 36: 201 3 (microfilm)- Dorland. W. A. N. Jaundice in the Army. Clin. Mcb. 19-12, 49: 283.- Doull, J. A. Jaundice in the Armv. Bull. Acad. M. Cleveland, 1942, 27: No. 10, 11.— Fauque. Les ieteres dans barmee. J. med. Bordeaux, 1937. 114: pt 2, 461- 71.— Jaundice following yellow fever vaccination. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 1110; 1203.—Jaundice in the armed forces. Ibid., 120: 40.—Leslie, P. Chronic jaundice. Med. J. Australia, 1942. 1:705. Osborne, J. W. Cases of jaundice. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1942, 78: 199-20L—Outbreak (The) of jaundice in the Armv. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 51-3.—Post-vaccinal jaundice. Mil. Surgeon, 1942, 91: 465.—Rogers, J. A. The outbreak of jaundice in the Army. Ibid., 386-93. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 51-3.—Ruge, H. Einige Beobachtungen iiber das Auftreten von Gelbsucht unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung von 1642 Fallen in der Marine. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1926, 103: 272-85. ------ Zehn Jahre Gelbsucht in der Marine (1919-29) Beobachtungen an 2500 Fallen (Statistik, Zusammenhangc mit Syphilis und Salvarsan, Klinik, Epi- demiologic) Erg. inn. Med. Kinderh., 1931, 41: 1-112. ---- mixed. Benard, H., & Caroli, J. Hepatite icterigene et lithiase. Paris med., 1930, 75: 483-7.—Beretta, A. A proposito di un caso di epatite cronica alcoolica complicata da calcolosi biliare; ittero grave secondario. Pensiero med., 1934, 23: 193-8.— Cole, C. E. C, Little, O. J. S. [et al.] An unusual case of obstructive jaundice and septicaemia. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 35: 188 90— Dupuy, R-, & Engel, M. Sur un cas d'ictere additionnd, ictere hepatique, au cours d'un ictere hemolytique. Sang, Par., 1937, 11: 22-8.—Foa, M. Sopra due casi di ittero grave da cloroformico in cirrotici latenti. Gazz. med. ital., 1907, 58: 41-3.—Gamna, C. Sintesi di dia- gnostica nredica; quadro di ittero cronico da epatocolangite ascendente come seguito ad una colecistite calcolosa; un grave episodio emorragico sopraggiunto altera repentinamente il reperto obiettivo per un interesante contegno del fegato e della milza. Minerva med., Tor., 1938, 29: pt 2, 565-9.—Grieco, F. Su di un complesso caso di ittero. Ann. ital. chir., 1938, 17: 297-306.— Herhsus, B. Parenchymatoser Ikterus nach UTERIS 20 ICTERUS Rl'lenektomie bei konstitutionellem hamolvtLschem Ikterus Munch, med. Wschr., 1937. 84: 1807-9. Hijmans van de- Bergh. A. A.. & Kamerling, A. W. C. G. ICirrhosis of the live- witb liemubtic anemia and profuse hcmatinemia] Ned. tschr gene.sk., 1934, 78: 1432-9. Abo Ann. mdd.. Par., 1935, 38: 309 10. Owen, H. R., & North, J. P. Spleneetomv- and cholecv-tectomv in 2 cases of splenomegaly with .iaundiee and cholelithiasis. "Ann. Surg., 1935, 101: 951-4. -Schilling, V. Leber die hamatologische Aufklatung einer angebbchcu Kohlen- oxydvergiftungals mehrfach komplizierten Icteru* haemolyticus und iiber die allgemeine Wichtigkeit der Blutuntersuchunj: zur Beurteilung von Traumen. Arch. Gewerbepath.. 1936-37, 7: 691-9.- Twiss. J. R., Carter, R. F., & Greene, C. H. Jaundice associated with disease of the liver and gall bladder, a statistical study of 020 cases. C. rend. Congr. internat. insuff. hepat., 1937, 1. Congr., 367-71.—Zoja, L. Sopra un caso di ittero emolitico con coliche biliari. Gior. med. prat., 1931, 13: 3-30. ---- neonatal. Bondcel, A. A. Ictericias infantiles. 310p. 27rm. B. Air., 1938. Eberhard, G. *Beitrag zur Frage des kongenitalen Ikterus. 30p. 8? Ziir., 1929. Schplte, G. C. *Ioterus neonatorum. 17p. 4° Wauwatosa, Wis., 1933. Alarrcin, G. Ictericias del iecien nacido. Rev. mex. pueri- cult., I'.i35, 5: 980. Alcantara, P. de. Ictericias do receiu- nascido. I'ediat. prat., S. Paulo, 193 1, 5: 349-58.— Arden, F. Haemorrhage, anaemia and .iaundiee in the new-born. Med, .1. Australia, 1911, 2: 3 13-0.— Bennett, F. Icterus neonatorum. V Zealand M. ,L. 1937. 36: No. 195. Suppl., 39-43.--Book, N. Icterus neonatorum. Canad. M. Ass. ,)., 193,5. 33; 269-72.— Butler, C. U. Icterus in the newborn. Illinois M. J., 1938, 73: 50-4. Also Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1939, 8: 105-10.— Carreon, L. C. Ictericia del recir-n nacido. Rev. chilena pediat., 1940,11:514 20.—Cerea, L. Sull it tei o d;i ncontui. Pediatria (Riv.) 1933, 41: 1243-8.- Danis. P. G. Recent observations on the etiologv, course, and treatment in idem.-, and anemia of the newborn. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc.. 1941- 12, 36: 46-51.—Giraud. P. I^es ieteres des nouveau-n's. Marseille med., 1931. 71: 029- 30. Also J. med. Paris. 1935, 55: 185-7. Also Med. inf., Par., 1935, 42: 16-27.- Goldbloom, A., & Gottlieb, R. Icterus neonatorum. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1929. 38: 57-74. Also Rev. fr. pediat., 1932, 8: 177.—Hampson. A. C. Jaundice in the newly born. Practitioner, Lond., 1933, 131: 59-70. -Huhs, K. Die Intrakutanreaktion mit Ferrizyankali bei Icterus neonatorum. Mschr. (.eburtsh. ( iyn., 1932, 91: 380-97.—Ide, M. L'ictere des nouveau-nes. Lev. mdd., I.ouvain, 1929, 110.--Jaundice noted one hour after birth. X. England J. M.. 1911. 221: 117-20.—Jemma, R. Oh itteri dei neonati. Baglivi, 1935. 1: 107 15. —Kaboth. Todliche Bluteikrankung bei einem Xeunebmeiien nach abgeheiltem angeborenen Ikterus. Deut. med. Wschr., 1922, 48: 905.— Krost, G. N. Human blood serum in the treatment of anemia associated with jaundice in the newborn infant. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 013-21.—Lange, C. de [Congenital jaun- dice] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2. 2408-10.—Mackay, H., & O'Flynn, E. Three types of h.ieinolvtic anaemia in the newborn. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1937, 31: 193-9.—Mackay, R. L. An atypical case of congenital jaundice with hepatic cirrhosis. Lancet, Lond., 1927. 1: 11*3.--Pierre, S. X. pseudo- icterus of the newborn. Tr. Pacific Soc. Obst. Gvn., 1935, 5: 117-25. Also West. J. Surg., 1930, 44: 156-04. Sanford, H. X. Jaundice in the newborn. Internat. Clin., 1940, n. ser. 3) 2: 159-08.—Schippers, J. C. [Jaundice in the new born] Xed. ts.br geneesk., 1932, 76: pt 2, 2898-904.—Velasco Blanco, L. Ictericia de los reci^n nacidos. Arch. amer. med., B. Air.. 1910. 16: 1-11.—Westrienen, A. [Four cases of rare jaundice in new-born children] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1934, 3: 465-73. Whitaker, W. M. Anemia and jaundice in the new- born. Illinois M. J.. 1938, 74: 134-42. ---- neonatal: Buhl's syndrome. See also Hemoglobinuria; Steatosis. Craciun, E. C, & Slobozianu, H. Contribution a la patho- genie de la maladie de Buhl. Bull. Acad. med. Roumanie, 1937, 4: 469-71.—Craciun, E., Slobozianu. H., & Ursu. A. Contribu- tion a lYuulo;rre ct A la pathogenie de la maladie de, Buhl. Arch. med. enf., 1937, 40: 636-43. Slobozianu, R. Forme c^reLrale de la maladie de Buhl. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1935, 33: 179. ---- neonatal, cyanotic (Laroyenne-Charrin type; WinckePs disease) Sec also Hemoglobinuria, epidemic. Gi, K. Ein Fall von Xeugeborenensepsis mit dem Sympto- nienkoinplex der Winckelschen Krankheit. Acta paediat. jap., 1938, 44: 6 (Abstr.)- Glaser, J., & Epstein, J. Winckel's disease. Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1940. 60: 1375-80, pi.—Polayes, S. H., & Kramer. B. Winckel's disease; report of a case, re- peated trat -fi.-icn. recovery. .1. Pediat.. S. Louis, 1933. 2: 4 82-C- Wheeling. W. S., & Slesinger, H. A. Winckel's di.sca.-r; .eport of ease. Arch. Podiat., X. Y., 1934,51: 740-2. ---- neonatal, familial grave (Lagreze-Pfan- nenstiel type) See also Brain, Basal ganglia: Disease: Hepato- lenticular degeneration; Anemia, erythroblastic; Erythroblastosis; Fetus, Hydrops; Icterus, grave. Blanc, M. *Sur des cas r6cents d'ictere grave familial du nouveau-ne1, maladie de Pfannenstiel. 107]). 254cm. Lyon, 1937. Bltjm-Zit.bermann, I. Contribution a I'etude de l'ictere des noyaux ce>6braux des nouveaux-nes a propos de 4 observations personnelles. 30p. 8? Geneve, 1935. Dollet, M. *L'ictere nucltSaire du nouveau- ne. 91p. 25y2cm. Lyon. 1939. Esters, W. *Ueber Icterus gravis familiaris. 5p. 22cm. Marb., 1920. Gkamaticoff, T. *L'ictere grave familial du nouveau-ne avec erythroleucoblastose. 71p. 8? Lyon, 1934. Marcovici, B. *L'ictere grave familial du nouveau-ne (maladie de Pfannenstiel) 55p. 8? Par., 1935. Sprugkl. W. *Ueber Beziehungen des Ikterus neonatorum gravis familiaris zu Storungen des neuroendokrincn Blutregulationsmeehanismus bei der Mutter [Berlin] 36p. 8? Kallmiinz, 1938. Wang, P. C. *Prophylaxie et traitement de l'ictere grave familial du nouveau-n^. 93p. 8? Lyon, 1935. Abt, A. F. Erythroblastosis in icterus gravis neonatorum. .1. Pediat., S. Louis, 1933, 3: 7-30.—Adams, J. M., & Cochrane. R. F. Erythroblastosis, icterus gravis, in the newborn; report of a family of 3 children. Minnesota M., 1940, 23: 569-72.— Altzitzoglou, J. Das Blutbild beim Icterus neonatorum familiaris gravis und seine diagnostische Bedeutung. Mschr. Kinderh., 1933, 58: 329-51— Arondel, A. Ictere grave familial du nouveau-ne Rans e>vthrohlasto.se. Bull. Soc. p-7.—Mauthner, O. lTeber das Verhalten des Vestibularis bei Ikterischen. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1926, 60: 770 3.- Monahan, D. T. Kernikterus: jaundice of the nuclear masses of the brain. Vale J. Biol., 1933. 5: 523-9.— Napoleoni, V. Ricerche sui senso luminoso centrale e peri- ferico in epato-pazienti con o senza ittero. Arch, ottalm., 1938, 45: 258-94.—Olivet, A. Polyneuritis nach Neosalvarsan- behandlung bei syphilitischem Ikterus. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1931, 123: 288-93.—Pons, M. Variazioni cronassimetriche nell'ittero. Boll. Accad. nred. Roma, 1935, 61: 270-2 — Ravkin, J. [Psychopathic symptoms in jaundice] Mosk. med. J„ 1927, 7: 10, 13-21. Rutledgc, E. K.f & Neubuerger, K. T. Icterus of the adult brain; report of a case. Am. J. Path., 1942, 18: 153 -7.—Saiki, S. Ueber den Farbstoffuber- gang in die Cerebrospinalfliissigkeit im Falle von Ikterus. Jap. J. Gastroenter., 1935, 7: 682-9.- Segal, H. L., & Glasser, J. Cerebrospinal and ocular fluids in experimental jaundice in dogs. Arch. Path., Chic, 1930, 9: 1038-43. ---- obstructive. See Icterus, mechanical. — occupational. London*. Royal Society of Medicine. The origin, symptoms, pathology, treatment, and prophylaxis of toxic jaundice observed in muni- tions workers. 106p. 8? Lond., 1917. Fairley, N. H. Jaundice in sewer workers. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1935-36, 29: 355.—McKeon, J. A., & Brown, H. C. An unusual case of jaundice in a mirier. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 174.—Tecoz, H. Diagnostic des hepatites professionnelles. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 117. ---- paratherapeutic. See also Icterus subheadings (hepatic, toxic; toxic) also under names of pharmaceutical com- pounds. Filliol, L. *Contribution k I'etude des ieteres paratherapeutiques. 124p. 8? Par., 1929. Ledru, J. *Les ieteres graves de la sero- therapie. 97p. 25cm. Lyon, 1938. Bayer, W. Ikterus nach Transfusion bei einem an Pyurie erkrankten Saugling. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 612.— Benard, R., & Tassin, M. Un cas de mort par ictere grave apres injection de derive acridinique; les accidents graves et mortels consecutifs a l'emploi de la trypaflavine. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1930, 3. ser., 46: 1804-14.- Caroli, J. Ictere grave serique; atrophie grise aigue du foie; biopsie hepatique; choiecystomie. Ibid., 1938, 3. ser., 54: 191-203- Cicchito, A. M. L'ittero arsenobenzolico: genesi e terapia. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1935, 8: 83-90.—Davidov, A. V. [Clinical aspect of syphilitic and salvarsan jaundice] Klin, med., Moskva, 1941, 19: No. 5, 96-103.—Findlay, G. M.. & MacCallum, F. O. Hepatitis and jaundice associated with immunization against certain virus disea.-cs. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1937-38, 31: 799-806.—Lane, ('. G. Jaundice occurring during the treat- ment of syphilis. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1939, 39: 278- 93.—Manai, A. Ittero da plasmochina. Policlinico, 1929, 36: sez. prat.. 1215-7.- Milian. Ictere paratherapeutique traite par le 914. Bull. Soc fr. derm, syph., 1933, 40: 1406-9 — Milian, G. Ictdre au cours dun traitement par les sels d'or. Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1936, 12: 345-51.—Motzfeldt, K. Ato- phan and toxic jaundice. Norsk mag. la-gevid., ]92'.», 90: 283-91.- Nagaoka, M., Sakimoto, T., & Tubouti, G. Ein durch starke haemoii hagi,i In- Diathese kompliziertei Ikterus- fall, der nach SalvaisauUdiandlung auftrat. Acta med. nagasa- ki., 1939, 1: Suppl., 53.—Photinos, P. Un cas d'ictere post- therapeutique (ictdre s\ plulitiquo Rev. fr. derm, vener.. 1933, 9: 598-603.—Ravaut, P. A propos de la pathogenie et du traitement des ieteres para-arsenicaux. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1928, 35: 818 29. Ruite. II. Beobachtungen an 205X Fallen von einfacher und Saivarsangelbsueht. \erztl. Mschr., 1928. 211 44. ------ Ictericia despm'- del -.alvnrsan. Rev. med. germ. iber. amer., 1930, 3: 52 4.- Schwertner, R. [Properties of jaundice due to salvarsan (arsphenamine prepa- ration)] Gyfigyriszat, 1930, 70: 384.—SSzary, A. A propos de la pathogenie et du traitement des ieteres par:iiirseiiiean\. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1928, 35: 883-92. Willcox. W. Toxic jaundice and anti-svphilitic treatment. Brit. J. Verier. Dis., 1933, 9: 65; 76. ---- Pathogenesis. Abeloff, A. J., & Hummel, R. Beobachtungen an der Fiste des Ductus thoracicus; Versuehe zur Kliirung der Iktvrus- genese. Bcitr. path. Anat., I'.i2'> Mt>, 83: 319-32.- Alsina, F. R. Patogenia de las icterias por reabsorcion. Rev. As. med. argent., 1935, 49: 647-55.—Arredondo. Patogenia de la ictericia. Arch, med., Madr., 1936, 39: 17.- AschoiT. Zur Frage des anhepatocelluliiren Ikterus. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 482.—Brugsch. Ueber meine neue Iktcrustbeorie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 48.—Bulmer, F. Modern views on jaundice. Birmingham M. Rev., 1931, 6: 258-67.—Cape!la, F. Ricerche sull'ittero sperimentale. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper.. 1928, 3: 857-9. Also Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia, 1928, No. 6, 1215-8.- (riado, V. Patogenia de las ictericias. Rev. espafi. med. cir., 192'.i, 12: 146-50.—D'Amore, S. Contributo speri- mentale alia genesi extiacpatica dell'ittero. Gazz. osp., 1932, 53: 131—5. Diebold, O. Zur Pathogenese des Ikterus. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1930, 27: 545-52.—Dreyfus, C. Nouveaux points de vue sur les ieteres. Paris med., 1929, 73: 135-8.—■ Elton. N. W. The mechanism of jaundice: a working hypothe- sis. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1935, 5: 40-54. ------ The pathc logic physiology of icterus; the mechanism of jaundice. Rev. Gastroenter., 1936, 3: 35-42.—Fanelli, Z. F. Vecchio e nuovo in tema d'itterizia. Morgagni, 1926, 68: 1219-30. —Fiessinger, N. Les ieteres retentionnels. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1938, 52: 145-50.—Heyd, C. G., & Killian, J. A. Pathogenesis of jaundice. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass. (1926) 1927, 29: 165-88. ■----- & Klemperer, P. Pathogenesis of jaundice. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1927, 44: 489-500.—Hollos, L. Untersuchungcn und kritische Bemerkiingcn iiber die neue Ikterustheorie von Brugsch. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1968.—Jaundice, prothrombin deficiency, and vitamin K. Calcutta M. J., 1940, 37: 603-5.—Kallo, A. Weitere Beitrage zur Ikterusforschung. Beitr. path. Anat., 1926, 75: 420-50. ■------& Dubrauszky, V. [Experimental icterus] Orv. hetib, 1928, 72: 1356-60.— Kerppola, W. Ueber die klinischen Kennzeichen und das Auftreten des Ikterus und seiner verschiedenen Formen. Karlsbad, arztl. Vortr. (1937) 1939, 16: 68-88.—Kup, J. von. Ueber den Zusammenhang von Nehenniereminde, Bluter- bereitschaft und Gelbsucht. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1939, 53: 331-40.—Landau, A., & Fejgin, M. [Icteric states; their pathogenesis and mechanism] In Prace klin. Oddz. chor. wewn. Szpit. Wolski, Warsz., 1932, 346-60.—Landau, A., & Held, J. Contribution k I'etude des ieteres. Ann. med Par., 1926, 19: 204-79. Also In Prace klin. Oddz. chor. wewn. Szpit. Wolski, Warsz., 1932, 1027-39. Loeper & Cottet, J. Les ieteres aigus par retention. Gaz. bop., 1936, 109: 1253-8.— Meulengracht, E. La pathogenic de l'ictere et le diagnostic fonctionnel du foie. Acta med. scand., 1926, Suppl. 16, 19-34 [Discussion] 00-ii. Monod, R. C. Ieteres par retention. Bull, med., Par., 1930, 50: 113. Munn, F. C, & Bollman, J. L. Jaundice; a review of some experimental investigations. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 104: 371-4- -Ohno, Y. Zur Frage der Patho- genese des Ikteius. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 1639; 1685. ------ Experimentelle Studien uber die Ikterusgenese. Tr Jap. Path. Soc, 1931, 21: 2-35. Also Munch, med. Wschr 1931, 78: 1639-42. ----,- Ohne Leberstorung k.-in Ikterus. Fukuoka acta med., 1938, 31: 39.—Palmer. W. L., Parmelee, A. H.[etab] Symposium on jaundice. Bull. Chicago M Soc' 1941-42, 44: 33-40.-Poupart, G. Cas d'ictere pai retention! J. Hotel Dieu Montreal, 1941, 10: 417-24. -Rich, A. R. The pathogenesis of the forms of jaundice. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1930, 47: 338-77.—Satke, O. Ein Beitrag zur Patho- genese des Ikterus. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1930 114: 490-6 -—— Zur Pathogenese, Differentialdiagnose 'und Therapie des Ikterus. \\ len. med. V> schr.. 1933, 83: 1172-5 — Scheel O Sur la pathogenese de l'ictere et le diagnostic fonctionnel'du foie. Acta med. scand., 1920, S,i],pi. 16,52-66.- Simon, S. I) , Levin, r.,& Sommer, S. Symposium on jaundice. J. Med Cincin 1941-42, 22: 26 8.- Simpson, V. E. Jaundice- a consideration of the phenomenon from clinical and biochemical' viewpoints. West \irgmia M. J., 1935, 31: 389-401.—Sotgiu y.:. .iarenchima epatico e vie biliari nella genesi dell'ittero d^Tfc^01?1?*' T'V: 43f2 :j8'-™'g™. J- La patnogf.de de 1 ictere et 1 exploration fouctionneUe du foie Acta med -cand. 1921, Suppl 16, 35 51 [Discussion] 60-6. Also Sven. lak. sail, hand., 1926, 52: l-ll.-Tunoo, S. Patho- genese des Ikicus. Jap. J M. Sc, 1936, 4: Proc. Int. Mel ber^ie-ilie P^e^ £1 ScruTl^ ^T^™ te^:^.&^^ft|..%SM" des" ^eri.s. Ibid., ---- Pathology. Albot, G. Recherche* experimentales sur les lesions his- tologiqui.- de 1 ,ctere. Ann. anat. path.. Par., 1933 10-%U - Gamier, M. Y a-t-il une lesion de l'ictere? Presse med ICTERUS 31 ICTERUS 1932, 40: 97.—Horsters, H. Storungen des Kreislaufes der Galle (Pathologie des entero-hepatischen Zirkels) KUn. Fortbild., 1937, 5: 432-51. ------ Ueber den Eisengehalt der Organe beim Ikterus. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1930, 152: 198-209.—Hiilse, W. Zur Frage des histochemischen ICisen- nachweises in der Haut beim Ikterus. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1967.—Jewsbury, R. C. Pathological specimen from a case of jaundice. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1937-38, 31: 75. Also Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1941, 38: 134.—Kanner, O. Des cellules de Kupffer dans les differents ieteres. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 1311.—Klemperer, P. Pathology of icterus. N. York State J. M., 1933, 33: 1309-17.—Kurose, I., & Hasi- moto, M. Ueber die Gitterfasern der Leber bei dem experi- mentellen Ikterus. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1926, 16: 9.—McNa- mara, F. P. Four cases of progressive jaundice with necropsy studies. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1931. 21: 180-6— Rosenthal. F. Die Bedeutung des Elastins beim Ikteius. Klin. Wschr.. 1930, 9: 1909-13.—Sherman, I. Observations o» rcticulo-endo- thelial cells in septic jaundice. Arch. Path., Chic, 1929, 7: 78-83.—Stewart-Wallace, A. M. Splenomegaly with jaundice. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1939, 36: 310.—Yamanaka, S. Das retikulo-endotheliale System und der Ikterus; iiber den Ein- fluss der Tuschespeicherung auf die Entwicklung des experi- mentellen Ikterus. Taiwan igakkai zassi, 1928, 70. ---- Pharmacology. Sauerbruch, F. *Versuche iiber die Ein- wirkung von Ascorbinsaure auf Gallenfarbstoff bei experimentellem Ikterus und in vitro [Miin- chen] 23p. 21cm. Gorlitz, 1937. Alexandrov, V. A., & Pavlov, D. I. [Contents of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood, during the treatment in Spa (Essentuki) for jaundice] Russ. klin., 1928, 10: 519-37 — Cantarow, A., Dodek, S. M., & Gordon, B. Calcium studies in jaundice; with special reference to the effect of parathyroid extract of the distribution of calcium. Arch. Int. M., 1927, 40: 129-40.—Dumitresco-Mante, Dulugea, S., & Gontea, I. L'influence de l'eau de Malnas (source Marie) sur l'6preuve de la galactosurie provoquee au cours des ieteres k type catar- rhal. Bull. Acad. med. Roumanie, 1936, 2: 629-33.—Enesco, J., & Busila, V. La diurese et l'hydremie chez les malades avec ictSre toxique cu ictere infectieux benin, apres ingestion d'eau et apres injection intraveineuse de serum physiologique. Ibid., 1937, 3: 308-26.—Fedeles Findeisen, L. [Effect of K-vitamin upon blood coagulation in jaundice] Orv. hetib, 1941, 85: 51.—Heupke, W. Quantitativ chemische Unter- suchungen iiber den Einfluss der Alkalien und alkalischen Erden auf die Bildung der Seifen und Kalkseifen im Stuhl der Ikterischen. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1927, 40: 184-96.— McNealy, R. W. The effect of viosterol in jaundice. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1936. 62: 254. ------Shapiro, P. F., & Melnick, P. The effect of viosterol in jaundice. Ibid., 1935, 60: J85- 801 —Milheiro, E. Novo principio ativo, de acao anti-icterica. Impr. med., Rio, 1939, 15: 1079-87.—Mora, J. M.. & Jirka, F. J. The effect of jaundice en intradermally injected salt solution. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1934-35, 20: 719-22.—Saiki, S. Experimental investigation on the fate of bilirubin introduced into the blood vessels; on the excretion of bilirubin from the liver; influence of intravenous injection of glucose; a contribu- tion to the treatment of jaundice. Jap. J. Gastroenter., 1931, 3: 123-6. ---- Physiopathology. Laborde, J. V. *Physiologie pathologique de l'ictere. 96p. 8? Par., 1869. Ahlberg, G. [On the disappearance of rheumatic pains in jaundice] Nord. med., 1939, 3: 2430-4.—Allodi, A La secrezione biliare pancreatica intestinale negli itteri. Riforma med., 1935, 51: 1630-3.—Elton, N. W. The pathologic physi- ology of icterus; jaundice in the clinical entities. Rev. Gastro- enter., 1936, 3: 132-42.—Greaves, J. D., & Schmidt, L. A. The effect of jaundice on the vaginal smear picture and preg- nancy of the rat. Am. J. Obst., 1934, 27: 570-5.—Gualdi, L. Fisiopatologia degli itteri. Gior. med. mil.. 1930, 78: ol8-28.— Hench. Wirkung des Ikterus bei rheumatischen Lrkrankungen. Zsehr. Rheumaforsch., 1938, 1: 143—Hench, P. S. The effect of jaundice on chronic infectious arthritis and on primary fibrositis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1396; 1481.—Najib- Farah. De l'effet de l'ictere dans le rhumatisme et dautres maladies k la lumiere des constatations cliniques, bacteri- ologiques et bilirubinemiques, et des recherches experimentales avec la bilirubine. Acta rheumat., Rotterdam 1939, 11: No. 41, 2-8.—Seitz, W. Die Glycerinaldehyddehydnerung durch Serum von Kranken mit und ohne Ikterus. Zsehr. klin. Med 1938 39: 603-12.—Watson, C.J. Pathologic physiology and diagnosis of jaundice. Surgery, 1938, 4: 271-6 —Wolfson, M., & Schultz, E. W. Inhibitory effect of jaundice on the growth of the tubercle bacillus. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 297. ---- pregnancy. See also subheading Gynecological aspect. Feinstein, H. ^Contribution a I'etude de l'ictere post-abortum. 32p. 8? Par., 1935. Mann, U. *Zur Beurteilung des Ikterus in der Schwangerschaft [Miinchen] 24p. 8: Diisseldorf, 1932. Beruti, J. A., & Sala, S. Ictericia hemolitica y embarazo. Bol. Soc. obst. gin. B. Aires, 1933, 12: 843-51.—Brentnall, C. P. Icterus gravis at the end of the 7th month of pregnancy. J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Empire, 1936, 43: 584.—Bubis, J. L., & Goodman, J. I. Jaundice complicating a case of twin preg- nancy. Ohio M. J., 1941, 37: 1167-70.—Carnot, P., Facquet, J., & Dreyfus, B. Atrophie aigue du foie, deceiee par des radiographies successives au cours d'un ictere grave de la grossesse. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1939, 3. ser., 55: 844-6. ------ Ictere .t 51. Meyer, K. A. Suigical considerations in jaundice. Southwest. M.. 1912. 26: 35-8. & Steig- mann, F. Surftieal jaundice; diagnostic considerations. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 67: 640 5. Milko, V. [Surgical aspect of jaundice] Orv. hetib, 1936. 80: 331 6. Oliver, S. Suigical problems in jaundice. Ohio M. J., 1926, 22: 21- 4.-Owen, H. R. The preoperative and postoperative treatment of the jaundiced patient. Pennsylvania M. J.. 1934-35, 38: 395 -400.— Sanders, R. L. The surgical significance of jaundice J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1926-27, 19: 128 -32.—Smith, M. K. Some surgical problems in jaundiced patients. Am. .1. Sure , 1929, n. ser., 7: 799-802.—Stevenson, L. A.. & Stevenson, V. L. Vitamin K in the preoperative treatment of obstructive jaundice; case report. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1940, 37: 209.— Thorlakson, P. H. T. The diagnosis and surgical aspects of jaundice Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1940, 20: .5-10.—Weir, J. F. Jaundice. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 56: 118-28. ---- toxic. See also Icterus, hepatic, toxic; Liver, Acute yellow atrophy; also names of poisons. Axgelici, I). *Sur l'etiologie des ieteres de la chimiotherapie. 53p. 8° Par., 1936. Agranovich, B. L, & Migina, N. I. [Clinical significance of the method of separate quantitative estimation of bilirubin in toxic jaundice] Ter. arkh., 1941, 19: 170-81.—Fiessinger, N. Les ieteres toxiques. Rev. gt'n. clin. ther., 1935, 49: 33-9.— Findlay, G. M. Toxic jaundice. Proc. R. Soc. AL, Lond., 1933 26- 584-8.—Lakin, C. E. Toxic and infective jaundice. Brit.' M. J.. 1938, 2: 437-9.----— Spence, A. W. [etal.] Toxic and infective jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 433-5.— Ohno, Y. Contributions of experimental study on the cause of toxic jaundice. China M. J., 1929, 43: 792-4 —Seval, J. L'ictere toxique benin par ingestion de pain fraude. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1928, 42: 102-1. — Tzanck, A., Layani, F., & Ne- greanu, A. Les ieteres mediats de la chimiotherapie. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1936, 3. ser , 52: 1068-70. -Wilcox, W. Toxic jaundice. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 2: 1; 57; 111, pi. Also Clin. J., Lend., 1931, 60: 241; passim. ---- Treatment. Hay, R. *Higado-protrombina-vitamina K; estudio experimental v clinico. 123p. 27cm. B. Air., 1940. l . ,. , ,. . Akatova, M. (Treatment of jaundice with insulin] \ racti. gaz 1928, 32: 195-8— Alessandri R., H. Diagnostico y tratamiento de la- ictericias. Rev. med. Chile. 1941, 69: 291-8—Bondi, S. Diatbehandlung bei Ikterus. Aerztl. Prax ' Wien, 1032. 6: 338—Bossert, O. Dei Ikterus im Kindesalter und seine Behandlung. Kinderarztl. Pi ax., 1931, 2: 537-40.—Brown, C. F. G. Jaundice: a brief discussion ol diagnosis followed by a proposed medical management. Med. Clin N. America, 1935-30, 19: 1103 70. Buschke, W. Merkwiirdiger Krankheitsverlauf bei tinem mit Carotin be- handelten ball von Ikterus mit Nuchtblindl.eil. Scbwei/. med. Wschr.. I'.i37. 67: 777 9. - Butt, H. R., Snell. A. M.. & °*u'r- berg, A. E. I be use of vitamin K and bile in treatment "f the hemonliagic diathesis in cases of jaundice. Proc. Mayo ( bn., 1938, 13: 74-8.--Cabot, R. A case of jaundice Heated by multiple transfusions. N. England J. M., 1933. 209: 504-7.— Carrega CasalTousth. ('. F. El tratamiento tie bis icienas. Prensa med. argent.. 1H35. 22: 39 43. Clascn. A. C Manage- ment of the jaundiced patient. Kansas Cit\ M. J., 1" 10, 16: No. 1, 8-11. -Coller, F. A.. A- Farris, J. M. I be management of the jaundiced patient; with special reference to vitamin K. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941. 73: 21 -9. -Echauz, F. Sobre un caso de ictericia tratado con insuliiia. Audi. nice].. Madi., 1927, 26: 558 -61. ------ Un cas d'ictere traite par 1'insiiline. Rev. med. chir. mal. foie, 1927. 2: 393 400. Escudero, P. El regimen alimenticio en los ictericos. Dia med., B. Air., 1931-35, 7: 691-3.—Fantus, B., i Steigmann, F. The therapy of icterus (jaundice) J. Am. M. Ass.. 1938. 110: 732-40.—Filo, E. [Treatment of jaundice] Bratisl. lek. list.\ . 1937, 17: 65; 133; 151.—Fraga, C. Tratamento das ictericias. Resenha med., Rio, 1942, 9: 8-13.—Franck, R. Iktcrische Hepatopathien, Gelbsucht. In his Mod. Ernahrungsthcr., 3. AufL, Berl., 1938, 117.- Guastamacchia, G. Osservazione di un ostinata itterizia eurata, col sorbin' nelle narice il succo del frutto della Momor- dica elateiium di I.inneo; ossia cocomero asinino diunito al latte. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1836, 11: 21.—Harvier, P. Sur le traitement de l'ictere benin par le tubage duodenal. Ann. med., Par., 1938, 43: 389-97.—Hoerner, M. T. The diagnosis and treatment of jaundice that is attributable to disturbances of the liver and biliary ducts. J. Med.. Cincin., 1938-39, 19: 236-44.—-Jaunisse traitee par le sue de coneombre sauvage. Gaz. san., Par., 1836, 6: 77.—Jones, C. M. The treatment of jaundice and hepatic insufficiency. Med. Clin. N. America, 1935-36, 19: 1651-7.—Judd, E. S., Snell, A. M., & Hoerner, M. T. Transfusion for jaundiced patients. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1653-8. - Lahey, F. H. The management of the patients with painless jaundice. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 1127--35. Leimbach, H. Beitrag zur Behandlung von Ikterus mit Curcumtn. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 1467.— Liegois. Que diuretico se deve preferir na ictericia'.' Novid. med. pharm., Porto, 1903-4, 9: 302-5.— Manzaneque, M. Las icteiicias en marmolejo. Siglo med., 1932, 90: 185.—Newell, T. E., it Hoerner, M. T. The diagnosis and treatment of iaundiee. Ohio M. J., 1940, 36: 365-71.—Notes on the treat- ment of jaundice. Army M. Bulb, 1942, No. 63, 102-4.— Olson, P. F. The prothrombin test and the vitamin K treat- ment for the bleeding tendency in the jaundiced patient. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1939, 29: 103.—Panthaleon van Eck, H. J. M. van [Treatment of jaundice with insuline and carbohydrate diet] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 5160-3.—Parturier, G. Conduite a tenir dans les ieteres. Rev. med. chir. mal. foie, 1929, 4: 491-517.------& Parlier. La phytotherapie dans les ieteres. Ibid., 1933, 8: 203-12.— Portis, S. A. Medical treatment of patients with jaundice. Illinois M. J., 1938, 74: 249-53. Also Med. Clin. N. America, 1939, 23: 83-92 — Rolleston, H. Treatment of jaundice. Med. Picss & Circ, Lond., 1938, 197: 304-0.—Rosenberg, M. Neuere Ergebnisse in der Behandlung des Ikterus. Deut. med. Wschr., 1020, 52: 485.—Simici, D., Popescu, M„ & Mustata, I. [Case of acute icterus successfully treated with insulin and dextrose] Rev. san. mil., Bucur., 1928, 27 :"411.—Sucupira, A. Ictericia. Rev. flora med., Rio, 1938-39, 5: 157-60.—Vitamin K, fish meal product, aids in treatment of jaundice. Science News Lett., 1938, 33: 156.—Weiler, E. S., & Casiello, A. Tratamiento de las ictericias con glucosa e insulina. Actas Congr. nac med., Bosaiio, 193 4, 5: pt 4, 88-97.—Winteler, J. C. The treatment of jaundice in childhood. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1938, 197: 278 82. Winternitz, L. La cura delle itterizie mediante il glucosio. Policlinico, 1932, 39: sez. med., 524-33. ---- Uropoietic system. See also Bile—in urine; Bile pigment—in urine; Bilirubin, Excretion; Icterus, hepatic; Kidney, Disease; Urobilin, etc. Brahine, L., & Lilliestierna, H. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Farbenwertes im Ham bei iktei ischen Zustaiiden. Acta med. scand.. 1029, 72: 05-91.—Brute, M., & Cottet, J. Les troubles de la dm res,} au cours des i< teres. Pi esse med., 1938, 46: 1265-8.- -Fiessinger, N., & Walter, H. Les subictere-i urn- bilmurique.s. J. med. fr., 1930. 19: 327.—Fiessinger, N Zuckerkandl. F., & Varay, A. Au sujet de la recherche de I urobibne dans le- ieteres. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris 1937 3 ser., 53: 1020. Foged, J. The clinical significance of dias'ta- suna, the significance of the diastatic power of the urine in the differential diagnosis of the various forms of icterus. Acta chir scand 1933, 73: 203-17.—Gaujoux, E., & Brahic, J. A propos des hepatonephntes; la fonction ur chol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1927, 105: 1. Abi , 1 12 Fahey, G. L. The questioning activity of children. J. Genei. Psychol., 1942. 60: 337-57.—Feldkeller, P. liber Bim ill-id'ern biebunpen. Audi. ges. Psychol., 1916, 36: 281-92.— Griinbaum, A. A. Negative Abstiaktion und Neben- aufgabe. Ibid.. 1919. 38: 105- 81.— Heidbreder, E. Perceptual and intellectual factors in the production of concepts. Psychol. Bulb. 1942. 39: 197 Abstr.)— Henning, H. Xeue Typen der Yorstellungsbilder und die Entwicklung des Vorstellens. Zsehr angew. Psychol., 1923, 22: 387-92-Irwin, F. W., & Newlund, E. A genetic study of the naming of visual figures. ,1. I's\chol., Provincet., 1940, 9: 3-16.—Jacob, E. Ueber Entstehung und Verm rulunp der Begriffe. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1925, 51: 495-539. Johnson, B. Development of thought. Child Develop., 1938, 9: 1-7.—Klineberg, O. Language and thouubt. In his Social Psychol.. X. V., 19ID. 12-0.—Lehman, H. V. Man's most creative vcars; then and now. JV.chol. Bull., 1942, 39: 447 (Abstr.) Long, L. Conceptual relation- ships in children; the concept of roundness. J. Genet. Psychol., 1940, 57: 289-315. ------ & Welch, L. Influence of levels of abstractness on reasoning ability. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1942, 13: 41-59.—Lovejoy, A. O. The historiography of ideas. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1937-38, 78: 529-43.—Meillet, A. Le caractere concret du mm. J. psychol. norm, path., Par., 1923, 20: 246 5S. Mokre, H. Ueber den Einfluss von Grosse und Abstand dei Klenicnte auf die Mengenauffassung. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1927, 105: 1. Abt., 195-225.— Montesano, G. Valore biologico dell'ideazione, del ragiona- mento e della coscienza. Cervello, 1924, 4: 184-7.—Moore, A. W. How ideas work. J. Philos., 1910. 7: 017-20.- Mott, S. M. The growth of an ab.stl.ul concept. Child Develop.. 1939, 10: 21 5.—Philip, B. R., it Peixotto, H. E. Generaliza- tion; absolute and relative. Psychol. Bulb, 19 12, 39: 498 tAbstr.)—Prince, M. Experiments to determine eoconscious (subconscious) ideation. In his Clin. Exp. Stud. Person., 2. ed., Cambr., 1939, 321-31.—VoronofT, S. The influence of stimulants and excitants on cerebral activity. In his From Cretin to Genius, N. Y., 1941, 111-22. ------ The role of chance in the creative process. Ibid., 125-42.—Weigl, E. Zur Psychologie sogenannter Abstraktionsprozesse; Unter- suchungen uber das Ordnen. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnes- org., 1927, 103: 1. Abt., 1.—Welch, L. Influence of levels of abstractness on reasoning abilitv. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc., 1941. 172-4.—Wolters, A. W. On conceptual thinking. Brit. J. Psychol., 1933, 24: 133-43.—Young, K. Two forms of language and of thought. In bis Person. & Probl. Adjust., N. Y.. 1941, 201-7. ---- Disorder. Sue also Agnosia; Delusion; Obsession; Para- noia; Psychosis, etc. Birnbaum, K. Abartige Yorstellungsablaufe; in Doku- n.e: ;. n dargestellt. Neur. Zbl., 1919, 38: 513-27.—Claparede, K. la perte des ldi'es. Arch, psychol., Geneve 1940, 28: 59-63. -Feuchtwanger, E. Ueber optisch-konstruktive Ag- nosie (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Pathologic der optischen \ orstelluiigstaiigkei- < Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1931, 151: 10!) -90. Kiesow, I'. Ueber sogenannto frei steigendo \ or- stellungei' und pldtzlich auftretende Aenderungen des Ge- mutszustandes. Atti Coner. internaz. psicob, 1905, 5. Congr., ISO 5.—Kiippen, M. Ueber einen reinen Fall von fiberwcrtiger Idee und iiber seine forensiscbe Beurinilung. Charite Ann., Berl., 1905, 29: 311-3- Belletier. M. L'id.al ion chez les d^hiles. M£d. mod., Par., 1905, 16: 97 100. Saussure, R. de. Haisomiement par n~?onnances verbales. inn. nn'd. psvchol., 1923, 81: pt2. 402- 9.- Seelert, H. Zur Pathologic der Denk- storungen bei orgaiu-cben I V\ chosen. Mschr. Psvcluat. Neur., 1928, 68: 535- 13. Seletzki, W. W. Dissociation der Yorstel- lungen und ihre Bedeuturrg. Russ. med. Rdsch., Berl., 1908, 6: 709-21.—Skvortsov, K. A. |Svndrome of mentism (flight of ideas)] Sovet. psikhonevr., 1938, 14: 84-93. IDELBERGER, Karlheinz. *Die Verdienste Friedrich Tiedemanns um die Anatomie des Gehirns [Miinchen] p.250-90. 23cm. Berl., J. Springer, 1936. Also Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1936, 105: ---- Die Zwillingspathologie des angeborenen Klumpfusses; Untersuchungen an einer unausge- lesenen Zwillingsserie von 251 Paaren. 95p. incl. map. 25cm. Stuttg., F. Enke, 1939. Forms Beilageh. of Zsehr. Orthop., 1939, 69: IDENTIFICATION. See also under such headings as Age, Determin- ation; Anthropology, criminal; Bertillon system; Cadaver, Identification; Criminology, Methods; Evidence; Fingerprint; Footprint; Hand-print; Newborn, Identification; Sex, Identification, etc.; also Identity. Castellanos, I. Identification problems, criminal and civil. 215p. 17cm. Brooklyn [1939] Ottolenghi, S. Trattato di polizia scientifica. Vol. 1: Identificazione fisica applicata alia medicina e funzioni della polizia; Vol. 2: Identi- ficazione psichica e biografica e investigazioni giudiziarie. 2 v. 446p.; 568p. 8? Milano, 1910-32. Di Tullio, B. Juez especializado; la cartilla biogrdfica y el medico criminologo en la justicia penal. Rev. crim., B Air 1933, 20: 132 43.—Fernandez Ortigosa, I. Identificaci6n cientifica de las reos. Mem. Congr. me ldentlficacao. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1933, No. 6, v,+ P' T , t,. "'^ona da idcnt,ificac5o. InLicoes elm. (Gonzaga, L.) Rio, 1931, 101 8. Sanabria Campos. A. Estudio juridico sobre identificacion personal. Policia seer. riac, Habana 1942, 10: 190 4. Vervaeck, L. Le traitement de tous les dehnquants dans le cadre ptmitentiaire. Ann med leg., 1924, 4: 165-92. ---- Card and tag. AnAt%l (VZ" KJVnti^cati?n taS" U- S- Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40 728.- [Brazil| Carteira profissional; o decreto que a ir.stit.ie no. 21.175 Marco 21, 1932. Arq. Inst, med leg., dur,e ,,' ]"'■ 5t '72"6" V°Uina' ns *■ Cartes d'identite R^Pt ^""-'^nitiure non revetu de l'uniforme militaire. Daunt Rar Cro.x-Rouge, 1930 12: 567-009,-Gumbleton ntoksf Xnm^rs^ ldentldad«- Arq. med. leg. ident., Kio, I9 M M oanr 6Bode l.d/nt,fi«acu6n Para ^s fuerzas armadas"eiicam: pana. Bol ejiSrc., Habana, 192.5-20, 20: 374-8 —RouDDert LTdu matfriTmsrrinternati,0rlal0 p0ur '- standaE: olaaue d'mentl 4 samtaire. fur la standardisation de la n A n ReJ- mternat- Croix-Rouge, 1928, lul con^idlration T*T i ?tUdes ?Ur les P^Ques d'identi e en S„ Je d stL^°H"tl?nS P^eS Par la Commission inter- 1930 12 9,, 77 daLd'8R Tr de Iua,^l sanitaire. Ibid., i/T ,? r , i j Also BoL farm- ™i ., Madr. 1931 «• 3»5-^ •M. \alidade das cartebras de identidkde com as armas de d". o i::vv?rs,p°oHr-hefev,do Servico de w"ti"^o t 1 o 2-451 * 8° re ° aSSUnt°- Ar^ polIc civ" civil, and military. na Bai ^d^ar^-awfA^sfris^ 1C0S Arq. IDENTIFICATION 35 IDENTIFICATION Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1932, No. 5, 170. -Identificacao (A) obrigatoria em Cuba. Ibid., 101. Identificacao (A) obriga- toria dos estrangeiros em Portugal, decieto no. 10,380, 1929. Ibid., 165-7.—Ley de registro general de identificacion de las personas. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1926, 13: num. exti., 323-33.— Llanos Valenzuela, G. A identificacao civil no ('bile. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1932, No. 5, 143 51— Ribeiro, L. Identi- ficacao civil e profilaxia criminal. Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio. 1938, 8: 534-9. Also Tr. Congr. Iat. amer. crim., 1938| 1. Congr., 3: 129-34. ------• Identificacao obrigatoria de estrangeiros. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1939, No. 17, 345-8.— Sannie, C. Informe sobre la identific.acidn civil. Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1938, No. 15, 1-58.------Identificacao civil. Ibid., No. 18, 231-7—Valsik, A. [Problems of identi- fication in the army] Voj. zdrav. listy, 1934, 10: 133-5. ---- Congresses and institutes. See also under Forensic medicine. Congreso nacional de identificacion de Rio de Janeiro, 16-23 de Julio de 1934. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1934, 21: 608-14.— Congresso nacional de identificacao, Rio de Janeiro, 1935. Arch. med. leg. ident.. Rio, 1935, No. 11, 148-55.—Domingues, A. Gabinete de identificacao do Pernambuco. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1932. No. 4, 128-32.—Ferreira da Costa, D. Sugestoes apresentadas pelo delegado do Espirito Santo. Arq. med. leg. ident.. Rio. 1934. No. 10, 151-5.—Gonzalez, J. V. L'tilidad dt hi unificacion de los sistemas de identifica- ci6n criminal en Centro America. Mem. Congi. med. centro- amer., 1934, 2. Congr., 255-7.- Instituto iO) de identificacao e a opiniao dos tecnicos estrangeiros. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1934, No. 8, 294-8. -Instituto de identificacao, regula- mento approvado pelodecreto no. 24.531. de 2 de julho de 1934. Ibid., 1935, No. 11, 163 -74.- bemaire, G. Creation d'un centre et d'un livret d'identification. Bull. san. Algerie, 1940, 35: 510-4.—Marques de Carvalho. J. Sugestoes apresentadas ao Congresso nacional de identificacao. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1934, No. 10, 160.— Mendonca, C. de. A centralizacao do servico de identificacao. Ibid., 159. —Novas (As) instalacoes do Gabinete de identificacao. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1931, No. 3, 57-08, 2 pi.—Reyna Almandos, L. A reforma do Gabi- nete de identificacao. Ibid., 80 8. -Ribeiro, L. A identi- ficacao no Rio de Janeiro. Ibid., 1932, No. 5, 5-23, 28 pi. -----■ Instituto de identificagao. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1940, No. 18, 244-61.------O Instituto de identificacao do Rio de Janeiro. Ibid., 1933, No. 7, 255-71, 35 pi.------ Sobre a reforma do Gabinete de identificacao. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1931, No. 2, 24-8, 2 plans, 0 ch— Sannie, C. Le Service de l'identite judieiaire a Paris. Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1936, No. 12, p. xiv-xxvii.— Sarmento, A. Servicos de identificagao. Bol. san., Luanda, 1940, 3: 239-43. ---- Method. See also under names of parts of the body and other objects used for personal identification as Bone, Forensic aspect; Hair, Forensic aspect, etc. Dufour-Lamaktinie, J. *Pieces d'identite sanitaire utilisables surtout en cas d'accidents. 42p. 24^cm. Par., 1939. Simox, C. The retinal method of identifica- tion; a new system of classifying retinal patterns. 13 1. 4? X. Y., 1936. Wilder, H. H., & Wentworth, B. Personal identification; methods for the identification of individuals, living and dead. 2. ed. 383p. 8? Chic, 1932. Auteri, L. Le costole in rapporto all'identrficazione. Arch. antrop. crim., Milano, 1940, 60: 550.—Aznar, B. La lumiere infra-rouge dans les techniques micrographiques d'identifica- tion. Ann. meii. leg., 1935, 15: 781-9.—Bartmann, F. Die Augenhintergrund-Photographie, eine neue Methode der Verbrecheridentifizierung? Arch. Krim., 1936, 98: 223-34.— Bucky. Kriminalistische Feststellungen (lurch Rontgenstrah- len. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1922, 28: 106-70. Also Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl.. 1922. 30: Kongrh., 79-81.—Casati, A. I fatti cicatriziali dell'api aiat<> respiratorio come segni personali di riconoscimento. Aicb. antrop. crim., Tor., 1931, 51: 494-8.— Culbert, W. L., & Law, F. M. Identification of a body by comparison of radiographs of the nasal accessory sinuses and mastoid processes. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1920, 32: 248-50, 2 pi.—Dos Rei3, A. A mordedura na identificacao. Ann. Fac. med. S. Paulo, 1927, 2: 491-532, 5 pi- F.,W. Das Rontgenportrat. Umschau, 1935, 39: 268.—Gianolio, G. La fotografia applicata all'antropologia e alia identificazione fisionomica; le gemelle Ellero. Boll. Ass. romana med. pedag. anorm., 1908, 2: No. 6, 15-8.—Hell wig, A. Ueber die Technik von Gegenuberstellungen zur Feststellung der Personengleich- heit. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1929, 34: 213-43.—Jannoni- Sebastianini. Faccetle articolari dei condili occipitali e cavita glenoidi dell'atlante in rapporto all'identitiL Zacchia, 1927, g. 19-37—Jorgensen, H. Belinographie und Fernidentifi- zi'erung. 'Arch. Krim., 1921-22, 74: 255-61. ------ Das Fernidentifizierungssystem. Ibid., 1926, 78: 229-44.— Mendonca, C. de. A prova de identidade entre n6s. Arq. | Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1931, No. 3, 19-21.—Modi, J. P. Examina- tion of blood and seminal stains, and of hair. In his Textb. Med. Jurispr., (i. ed., Bombay, 1940, 89 118. Obiglio, J. R. Identificacion de pelos. Rev. As. moid, argent., 1937, 51: V> ,, \,PeUy' W" L- I"'nois methods of identification. \\ elf. Mag., Pontiac, 1920, 17: Xo. 11, 65-8. Rebello Netto. J. Identificacao pessoal e a cirurgia. plastica. Arq. med. le". ident., Rio, 1934, No. 10, 87-90.- Reyna Almandos, L. Identifi- cacion monodactilar (sistema de Sagredo) Rev. crim B \ir 1927, 14: 129-13.- -Ribeiro, L. Mesa de identificacao Herschel; modelo lehsbello Belletti. Tr. Congr. Iat. amer. crim., 1938, 1. Congr., 3: 209 10.— Richter, H. Kin Beitrag zur Bedeutung des Rontgenverfahrens in Krimrnalfallen. Deut. Zsehr. genchtl. Med., 1920, 7: 626-33.—Simon, C, & Goldstein, I. A new scientific method of identification. Cur r. Leg. Thought, 1935 36, 2: 76. Also N. York State J. M., 1935, 35: 901-6 — Slot, G. Identification, especially in cases of dismemberment. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1940, 8: 133 -0. -Smith, S. Identlficanon from a finger-tip removed by bite. Bra. M. J., 1928, 1: 7)7, pi.—So, S. blentitatsbestimmung durch Haare. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1939-10, 3: I'roc. Soc. Med. & Hyg., 31-3.— Strassmann, G. Die I'lifrsiuduing zur Feststellung der Identi- tat und des Alters einer Person, la Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938, 4: T. 12, 1. Halfte, Bd 1, 556-72. ---- Method, dental. See also Dentistry, Forensic aspect. Brinkmann, [H. K.] A. *Identitatsl>('tem of classification. U. S. Nav. M." Bull., 1927, 25: 49-54. Weissenstein, S. Die Identitatsstanze zur Agnoszierung Lebender und Toter. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1931, 41 : 012 4. Also Zsehr. Stomat., 1931, 29: 742-4.—Zichel, (L (lerichtlich-mediziiiische Untcr- suchungen an Ziihneu, unter bisondeier Beriicksichtigung der quantitativen Bestimmung ihrer I nininesceuz. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1933, 21: 278-90. ---- Psychoanalytic aspect. See also Complex, Edipus complex. Graber, G. H. Die 'zweierlei Mechanismen der Identi- fizierung. Imago, Wien, 1937, 23: 24-48.—Thompson, C. Identification with the enemy .and loss of the sense of self. Psychoanal. Q., 1940, 9: 37-50.- Vie, J. Un trouble de l'identi- fication des personnes; l'illusion des sosies. Ann. m6d. psychol., Par., 1930, 88: 214-37. of animals. Tisseur, H. identification du cheval par les empreintes palatines. 47p. 25cm. Lyon, 1939. Torok, J. [Identity of dogs determined by rhinoscopy] Allatorv. lap., 1933, 56: 333-9. IDENTITY. See also Identification. Catalan, E. Aspectos penales sobre la identidad de los delincuentes. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1926, 13: num. extr., 163-77. —Cutujian, F. C. The role of identical stimulus- elements in judgments of similarity. Am. J. Psychol., 1942, 55: 18-32.— Falco, G. Sui concetto biologico di identita,. Riforma med., 1931. 50: 123-7. Also Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio 1930 \'o 12. 297 21.—Gumbleton Daunt, R. Da identi- dade da- pe-suas naturaes. Ibid.. 1931. No. 10, 167-71 — Hoover, J. E. The practitioner's n spousibility when fugitives attempt to conceal identity by means of surgery. J. Am. M. \sS., 1935, 104: 1663.—Metzger, W. Beobachtungen iiber phiineinenale Identitat. Psychol. Forsch., 1934, 19: 1-60 — Modi, J. P. Cases of mistaken identity. In his Textb. Med. Jurispr., 6. ed.. Bombay, 1940, 63. IDEOGRAPHY. See Writing. IDEOLOGY. See also Idea; Ideation; Intellect; Mind. Tabacaru, G. *Die Untcrsuchungen Binit's iiber die Psvchologie des Denkens I Miinchen] 60p. S? Bucuresti, 1915. Becknell, E. A. Probability; a function of ideology. Am. J. Psychol., 1940, 53: 604-9. Bidder, K. Zur Geschichte der Ausdruckstheorie. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Siunesorg., 1. Abt., 1933, 129: 246-61.—Dittmers, F. Zum Gesetz der speciellen Determination. Ibid., 1926, 99: 383-8.—Evlakhov, A. (Psy- chologv of creative power as a biological problem] J. teor. prakt. med., 1925. 1:313-7.—Graham, J. L. An experiment in generalizing: a unicursal problem. J. Exp. Psychol., 1938. 23: 96-100.—Hiiper, H. Ueber die Verwendung der Achschen Suchmethode zur Analyse der Begriffsbildung; eine experi- mentelle und kritische Untersuchung. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1928 62: 315-408. -Jacobi, W. Arbeiten zur Ideengeschichte der Psychiatric. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1932, 96: 479-520 — Kostylev, N. Les travaux de l'<5cole psycliologique russe; 6tude objective de la pensee. Rev. philos. France, 1910, 35: 483- 507.—Kiilpe, O. Ueber die Bedeutung der modernen Denk- psvchologie. Ber. Kongr. exp. Psychol., 1912, 5. Kongr., 117.— Lindworsky, J. Methoden der Denkforschung. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsineth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1925, Abt. 6, Teil B, 157-84.—Linke, P. F. Verstehen, Erkennen und Geist; zur Philosophic der psvchologi.-ch-geisteswissenschaftlichen Be- trachtungsweise. Arch. ges. Psychol.. 1936, 97: 3 40.—Metz, P. Schichtenanalvse des Abstraktionsvorgangs. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1930, 35: 2S7 352. Selz, O. Experimentelle Lnteisuchungr n iiber den Yerlauf detci miuicrter intellektueller Prozes.se. Ber. Kongr. exp. Psychol., 1911, 5. Kongr., 229-34 — Smoke, K. L. An objective studv of concept formation. Psychol. Monogr., Princeton, 1932, 42: No. 4, 1-46— Welch, L. A preliminary investigation of some aspects of the hierarchical development of concepts. J. Gen. Psychol., 1940, 22: 359-78. & Long, L. A further investigation of the higher struc- tural phases of concept formation. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1940, 10: 211-20. ---- philosophical [Weltanschauung] See also Cosmology; also such headings as Idealism; Realism, etc. Alters, R. Zur Frage nach einer Psychopathologie der WeltaiiM-liauungen. Zsehr. ees. Neur. Psychiat., 1925-26, 100: 323-31.-- Kopelowitsch, L. Die Biologie der Anschauung. l's\clnat. neur. Wscb,-.. 1935, 37: 250-04. -Krellenberg, P. Leber die Jlcrausdiffcrenzierung der Wahrnehmungs- und Vorstellungswelt aus der origimiren eidetischen Einheit. Zsehr. l\\chol. Physiol. Smncsorg., 1. Abt., 1921-22, 88: 56- 119.—-Wriuht, B. A. The development of the ideology of altruism and fairness in children. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 485 (Abstr.) IDE TEST. See under Syphilis, Serodiagnosis. IDIOAGGLUTININ. See Agglutinins, natural. IDIOCHROMOSOME. See Chromosome, X; Chromosome, Y; Sex, Determination. IDIOCY [and idiot] See also Mental deficiency; also names of primary conditions resulting in idiocy as Brain, Abnormities; Epilepsy; Hydrocephalus; Myx- edema, congenital; Syphilis, congenital, etc. Schecher, L. *Ueber die Grosse der Familien von Idioten; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ver- mehrung der Minderwertigcn. 12p. 8° Wurzb 1934. Aguello, D. M., & Ciafardo, R. Frenastenia cerebropatica de tipo idi6tico. Kcv. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1937, 2: 305- 12.—Gohde, G. Schwerschvvachsinnige Kinder.' Zsehr. Gesundhfurs 1923, 36: 308-10.—Hollingworth, L. S. The frequency of amentia as related to sex. Med. Rec N Y 1913, 84: 753-6.- Neurath, R. Konstitutione'lle Typen der »i 0tlwlm Kln^esi.lrer. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1930, 43: 208. Also Wien med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 364 -6.—Strauss. A. Bei- trage zur Eintedung, Entstehung und Klinik der schwersten -,<:nwa£,'LslnrVJ{on,10,!u Arch- Psychiat., Berl., 1933, 99: 693- r^Ai8^' [Current problems in the investigation of mental debility, and the attempt to form an etiological analysis ^QlQd,0n,h-?:,P^al r^orrl data, of idiocy inchildren) Nord. med.', 1939, 3. 2of,2-9.- Werner, H. Idiotie, Psychopathic. Sehwach- sinmgenfursorge 1937. Ails. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1939, 106: Liter. H., 16o-77.—Weygandt, W. Gruppierung der Idiotie IDIOCY 37 IDIOCY und Imbezillitat. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 765; 828. Also Zsehr. Behandl. Schwachsinn., 1926, 46: 49-61.—Zsako, I. [Idiocy in 3 brothers] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1936, 34: 1047-9. ■■ ■ ■ amaurotic familial. See Amaurotic familial idiocy. ---- Diagnosis. See also Imbecility; Intelligence test. Berry, R. J. A. A practical method for the detection, during childhood, of potential social inefficiency and high-grade mental deficiency. In Stoke Park Monogr. Ment. Defic, 1933, 1: 1-39.—Blixenkrone-M0ller, N. Papillarmuster und Imbezilli- tat. Mschr. Psychiat., 1937, 95: 28-31, 3 tab.—Gesell, A. L., & Amatruda, C. S. Amentia of high grade. In their Develop. Diagn., N. Y., 1914, 124-40.—Gordon, R. G. The Merrill- Palmer scale of intelligence tests for pre-school children applied to low-grade mental defectives. Brit. J. Psychol., 1933, 24: 178-86. Also in Stoke Park Monogr. Ment. Defic, 1933, 1: 209.—Meagher, J. F. W. Mental defectiveness; the psycho- logical and psychiatric diagnosis of the higher grades. Med. Leg. J., N. Y., 1931, 48: 102-16. ---- mongolian. See Mongolism. ---- Pathology. See also Brain, Abnormities; Goiter, Cretinism; Thymus, Disease, etc. Keller, E. L. P. *Ein Beitrag zur patho- togischen Anatomie der Idiotie. 32p. 8? Berl., 1890. _ Angarano, D. Idiozia con ipercinemelia (contributo di diagnostica clinica) Rinasc. med., 1924, 1: 494-7, pi.—Ashley- Montagu, M. F. The philosophy of as-if and Simon's orbital law of the canines, together with certain remarks on the skull of an idiot. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1934, 20: 25-47.—Bogaert, L. van, & Ley, R. A. L'^tat verruqueux de la corticalite c6r£- brale et c£r£belleuse dans un cas d'idiotie avec rigidite et amaurose; contribution k I'etude des paraplegics spasmodiques c6r£brales avec integrite de la voie pyramidale. Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1929, 24: 195-230.—Borda, J. T. Sobre un caso de rara malformacion cerebral de un idiota. Rev. argent. neur., 1930, 4: 387-97.—Delfini, C. Conglutinazioni della rete neurofibrillare endocellulare in cellule corticali in un particolare caso di idiozia. Riv. sper. freniat., 1934, 58: 1255.—De Sanctis, C, & Carchione, A. L'idiozia xerodermica. Riv. sper. freniat., 1932-33, 56: 269-92.—Eisner, E., & Roback, H. N. Cerebral dysgenesis; agenesis. Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1939, 57: 371-80.— Grimaldi, L. Cellule con due nuclei nei talamo ottico in idiota grave cerebropatico; sulla polinucleosi degli elementi nervosi. Manicomio, 1926, 39: 291-304.—Horanyi, B. [Peculiar vascular changes in the brain of idiots] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: 387-9. Also Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1940-41, 112: 279-83 (microfilm)—Inaba, C. Zur Pathologie der Hirn- rinde bei Idiotie. Arb. Neur. Inst. Wien., 1927, 29: 70-96.— Jakob, A. Ueber Megalencephalie als Grundlage der Idiotie. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 388.—Kahle, K. Zur Frage der Idiotia thymica H. Vogt. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1933, 145: 46- 51.—Keizer, D. P. R. M^galocornee combin^e avec une x^rophtalmie chez un nourrisson idiot. Arch. m<5d. enf., 1933, 36: 301.—Laubenthal, F. Ueber einige Sonderformen des angeborenen Schwachsinns (klinischer und erbbiologischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der kongenitalen Wortblindheit und Wort- taubheit. der Horstorungen bei Schwachsinnigen und der xerodermischen Idiotie) Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1938, 163: 233-88.—Pelagatti, V. Richerche anatomiche sulle ghiandole endocrine in una bambina con idiozia epilettica e nanosomia. Riv. pat. nerv., 1933, 41: 75-95.—Peter, K. Ein weiterer anatomischer Beitrag zur Frage der Megalencephalie und Idiotie. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1928, 113: 298-312. ------ & Schliiter, K. Ueber Megalencephalie als Grundlage der Idiotie. Ibid., 1927, 108: 21-40.—Peters. Ueber eine bisher nicht heschriebene Veriinderung des Schadeldaches hei idiotischen Kindern. Verb.. Deut. path. Ges.. 1937, 29: 273- 7.—Rabinowitsch, A. Cytoarchitektonik im Falle von Mikro- gyrie. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1933, 144: 650-6.—Thomas, E. Ueber das gleichzeitige Auftreten von Idiotie mit Stereo- typien, alimentarer Anamie, schweren Wachstums und anderen Storungen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1933, 59: 105-10.—Vogt, R. [Case of idiocy from external injury; pathological changes in brain] Norsk mag. lsegevid., 1928, 89: 568-70.—Waggoner, R. W., Lowenberg-Scharenberg, K., & Schilling, M. E. Agenesis of the white matter with idiocv. Am. J. Ment. Defic, 1942-43, 47: 20-4, 2 pi.—Wenderowic, E. L., & Sokolansky, G. G. Ueber den lissencephalischen (pachy-agyrischen) Idiotismus. Anat. Anz., 1934, 78: 129-55. ---- Physiopathology. Bentivoglio, G. Sulla possibility di attivare el potere oncoli- tico, originariamente assente, nei siero del bembino affetto da idiozia congenita. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1926, 5: 337-48.— Davenport, C. B., & Martin, B. E. The deviation of idiot boys from normal boys in bodily proportions. Proc. Am. Ass. Study Feebleminded, 1923, 47. session, 32-7.—Fahrenbruch. Siiug- liiigs-(Magnassche) Reflexe bei einem 734 Jahre alten Idioten. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1933, 35: 529-34.—Freund & Heidrich. Striare Symptome und encephalographische Befunde bei Idioten. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1926, 77: 651.—Jervis, G. A. Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia. Arch. Neur. Psychiat,, Chic, 1937, 38: 944-63. ■—■----■ The genetics of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia; a contribution to the studv of the influence of heredity on mental defect. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1939, 85: 719- 62. Also Proc. Am. Ass. Ment. Defic, 1939, 63. Session, No. 2, 13-24.—Meierhofer, M. Enthemmtes Wachstum bei Idiotie. J. Psychol. Neur., Lpz., 1938 39, 49: 231-47.—Nyssen, R. L'excr^tion urinaire d'acide phenylpyruvique chez certains oligophrenes. Bruxelles ml ility in an idiot] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1938, 36: 1-9.- Wcygandt. W. Talenticitc Schwachsinnige und ihre crbgesetzlii-be Bedcninng. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 12; 61. Also X-ebr. ge-. X.-m. Psychiat., 1938, 161: 532-5. IDMAN, Gustaf Rudolf, 1857-1927. Bonsdorff, A. von [Obituarv] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1927, 69: 841-4. IDOUX, Georges, 1897 *Le role du medecin et la therapeutique medicale dans une crise d'anurie calculeuse [Paris] 76p. 8? Gournay-en-Bray, A. Letresor, 1927. IDROLOGIA (L') la climatologia e la terapia fisica. Pisa, v.30-33, 1919-22. Title changed to Rivista di idrologia, climatologia e terapia fisica. IDSON, Georges Richard, 1886- *Dys- idrose et depuratil's. 30p. 8? Par., Association du Doctorat, 1930. TFFLAND, Hildegund, 190* *l)ic Augen- verletzungen in der Tiibinger Augenklinik in den Jahren 1930, 1931, 1932 ITiibingen] 23p. II 8° Schramberg, Gatzer & Hahn, 1935. IGARZABAL, Jose Enrique. Antecedentes, tftulos y trabajos. 23]). 23nn. B. Air., Impr. Kerrari, 1911. IGEA. Koniii, Nos. 1-10, 1935. Title changed to Attualita medica. 1GEL, Kurt. *Ueber spatauftretende Lymph- adenitis colli bei dei Diphtherie [Miinchen] 34p. S? Giinzburg, K. Maver, 1937. IGEL, Wilfried, 1907- *Tierexperimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber die leistungssteigernde Wirkung biuret-negativer Milzextrakte auf me- senchvmale Funktionen [Miinchen] 29p. 8? Radebeul-Dresd., Kupky & Dietze, 1933. IGELMIND, Anny, 1904- *Aisenbe- handlung bei Psoriasis [Marburg] 22p. 8? Koln, F. Paffenholz, 1932. IGERSHEIMER, Josef, 1S79- Syphilis und Auge. 514p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1928. Forms Teil 2, Bd 17, Handb. Haut. & Geschlkr. (Jadassohn, L) IGERT, Maurice. Le probleme des gue>is- seurs. 222p. 1 1. 4 portr. 8? I'm., Vigot fri-res, 1931. IGIENE 11/, della scuola. Genova, v.10 17, 1919-26. Ceased publication with v.17. IGIENE (L') e la vita. Torino, v.2 20, Xo. 1, 1929-37. IGIENE (L') moderna. Genova, v.12, 1919- IGLAUER, Samuel, 1871- For biography see J. Omaha Clin. Soc, 1942, 3: 102, portr. IGLESIAS, Manuel S., 1860- [Biografia; bibliografia] Hev. med. Veracruz., 1941, 21: 3565. IGLESIAS B., Rigoberto. *Tumores experi- mentales uterinos y extragenitales provocados por el benzoato de estradiol [C'hile] 32p. 2(>i;em. Santiago, Molina Lackington & cia, 1938. IGLESIAS Beaumont, Joaquin. *Colesteri- nemia en las paradentopatfas [Chile] 23p. 26,*cm. [Santiago] Gutenberg, 1940. IGLESIAS y Betancourt, Pedro, 1906- *Les bacteriemies et septic6mies cons6cutives aux chocs medicamenteux; 6tude clinique et expe>i- mentale. lllp. 24cm. Par., Le Frangois, 1938. IGLESIAS y de la Torre, Ernesto, 1909- *Contribution a I'etude des phlebites et des 16sions arte>ielles associees chez les tuberculeux pulmonaires. fiOp. 8? Par., Vigot freres, 1936. IGLOE, Max Charles, 1901- Go down, death! a story of facts and figures, iv, 46 1. incl. illust. tab. diagr. 28^cni. Big Rapids, Mich. [n. p.] 1939. IGNATIA. See Strychnos. IGNATOV, Nikolai Konstantinovich, 1870- IIpaKTHMecKoe pvkoboactbo no MeTOAHKe caHH- TapHO-rHrneHHHecKHx Hccjie^oBaHHft. 703p. incl. illust. tab. diagr. 23cm. Moskva, State pub. biol. med. lit., 1935. IGNIPUNCTURE. See under Cautery. IGNJATOVIC, Radivoje D., 1903- *Zur Kenntnis des primiiren Lungensarkoms. 29p. 8? Rostock, G. Hinstorff, 1930. IGRA, Simon, 1904 *Fonctionnement de la consultation de sterilite conjugale; resultats positifs. 53p. 8? Par., L. Rodstein, 1931. IGIIANODON. See under Dinosauria. IHLE, Werner, 1908- *Zur Frage der traumatiscli bedingten Halluzinose. 17p. 8" Berl., H. Michel, 1934. IHLENFELDT, Giinter, 1911- *Dic Rontgenbehandlung der Neuralgien. 23p. 22>,cm. Freib. i. B., R. Goldschagg, 1936. IHLOW, Hanns [Georg] 1906- *Ueber Karzinome der Haut, besonders der unteren Extremitaten; vom histologischen Charakter der Basaliome [Heidelberg] 12p. 8? Wiirzb., K. Triltsch, 1931. IHM, Albert, 1877- *Casuistische Zusam- menstellung der Falle von manueller Placenta- losung aus der Heidclberger Klinik und Poli- klinik speziell unter Beriicksichtigung der puer- peralen Morbiditat [Heidelberg] 26p. 1 1. 8? Schwctzingen, R. Kiienzlen, 1906. IHM, Karl [Rudolf Erichl 1907 *Die Familie in ihren Kntwieklungs- und Erschei- nungsformen im allgemeinen und ihr Einfluss auf IHM 39 1LBERG das Werden und Vergehen der Volker als Aus- gangspunkt fiir die Beurteilung der Frage der Eheberatung in Deutschland [Miinchen] 41 p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1937. IHM, Katharina, 1906- *Ueber einen Fall von Doppelperforation des Colon sigmoideum durch einen verschluckten Fremdkorper. 24p. 8? Miinch., R. Muller & Steinicke, 1931. IHM, Luise [Christine Ottilie] 1899- *Zur Frage der Aetiologie der Bronchiektasien im Kindesalter [Jena] p. 170-181. 8? [Stuttg., F. Enke] 1931. Also Arch. Kinderh., 1930-31, 92: IHM, Meta, 1908- *Die Malaria- und Pyriferbehandlung der Gonorrhoe mit Beriick- sichtigung der therapeutischen Ergebnisse der Dermatologischen Universitatsklinik Miinchen. 14p. 8? Miinch., Bayer. Dr., 1933. IHM, Wolfgang, 1909- *Ueber die Brauchbarkeit der Friedman-Schneiderschen Schwangerschafts-Schnellreaktion; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Physiologie des Corpus luteum- Hormons [Freiburg] 20p. 21cm. Kallmiinz, M. Lassleben, 1937. IHRE, Bengt Johan Elof, 1902- *Human gastric secretion; a quantitative study of gastric secretion in normal and pathological conditions. 226p. 8? Stockh., Mercator, 1938. Also another issue. 232p. incl. tab. diagr. 23^cm Lond., Oxford univ. pr., 1939. First published as Suppl. 95, Acta med. scand. IHRINGER, Theodor, 1903- *Die Ver- einfachung der Jacketkrone. 28p. 8? Freib. i. B. [n. pub.] 1927. IHSAN, Mehmed. Contribution k I'etude clinique et radiologique des cavernes pulmonaires tuberculeuses. 30p. 8? Geneve, Impr. du Commerce, 1933. IIJIMA, Isao, 1861-1921. For biography see Kaburaki, T. Rep. Nat. Res. Counc. apan, 1930, No. 2-3, 56. See also Ijima, Isao. in 2. ser. IIJIMA, Sigeru, 1869- Kogan byoron 6 p. 1. 202p. 4 pi. 22cm. Kyoto [?] 1913. Back title reads: Grundriss der Marschkrankheit. IJI-SINBUN; la jurnalo medicina. Tokyo, No. 1124, 1923- IKEDA, Singo, 1905- *Bakteriologische Untersuchungen an Mausetumoren [Leipzig] p.492-5. 8? Lpz., 1933. Also Zsehr. Krebsforsch., 1933. 39: IKENBERG, Rudolf, 1899 *Die Sporo- trichosede Beurmann. 41p. 21. 8? Freib. i. B., Studentendr., 1926. IKHTEIMAN, M. S. Pvkoboactbo fljin Kyp- cob cpenHero MenuuHHCKoro nepcoHajia. 715p. illust. 25^cm. Moskva, Gosud. izdat. biol. med. lit,, 1937. IKIN, Alice Graham, 1895- Religion and psychotherapy; a plea for co-operation. 139p. 8? Lond., Student Christ. Movement pr. [1935] ---- The background of spiritual healing; psychological and religious. 224p. 8? Lond., G. Allen & Unwin [1937] IKONOGRAPHIA dermatologica. See under Jadassohn, J., & Zieler, K. Ikonographia dermatologica. 37p. illust. pi. 4? Berl., 1932. IKONOMOFF, Stefan, 1906- *Das Psi- cobenyl als Anasthetikum der Mundhohlen- schleimhaut. 24p. 8? Wiirzb., K. Triltsch, 1929. ILBERG, Georg, 1862- See Laehr, H. Die Anstalten fiir Psychisch- und Nerven- kranke fete 1 8? Berl., 1929. For Festschrift see Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1932, 97: H. 1-4. See also Kiirbitz, W. [Biography] Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1932, 34: 169-71. ILBERG, Johannes, 1860-1930. Rufus von Ephesos, ein griechischer Arzt in trajanischer Zeit. 53p. 4? Lpz., S. Hirzel, 1930. Forms No. 1, Bd 41, Abh. Sachs. Akad. Wiss., philol. hist. Kl. Also editor of Soranus Ephesius. Gynaeciorum libri. 282p. 8? Lpz., 1927. For portrait see Ann. M. Hist., 1934, n. ser., 6: No. 1, front ILEITIS. See also Enteritis; Ileum, Disease. Borger, H. Stenosierende Ileitis. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 2772- 5.—Cimkhes, I. L. [Mesoileitisj Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 451- 4.—Colp, R., Garlock, J., & Ginzburg, L. Ileocolostomy with exclusion for non-specific ileitis. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1942, 9: 64-8.—Cucchini, F. Sopra l'ileite specifica dell'adolescente e dell'adulto. Q. radio]., Belluno, 1938, n. ser., 3: 328-48.— Dieulafe, R. Recherches exp£rimentales sur certaines lesions segmentaires de l'intestin grele; infarctus h^morrhagique, gangrene, ileite. Progr. m£d., Par., 1939, pt 1, 449.—-Erskine, E. B. The pathologic relationship of mesenteric adenitis, ileitis and appendicitis. Am. .1. Clin. Path., 1941, 11: 706-12.— Jones, T. E., & Byrne, R. V. Chronic nonspecific granulomatous ileitis; report of 4 cases. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1935, 15: 1035-45.—Kallius, H. U. Ileitis stenosans. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1026-30.—Kropveld, S. M. [Chronic ileitis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1934, 78: 5782-6.—Nakazima, T., & Samigawa, R. Enteritis phlegmonosa; supplement: 2 cases of ileitis phleg- monosa successfully treated. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1937, 27: 32.—Peters, K. O. Drei weitere Falle von Darmphlegmone im Ileum. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 1208-16.—Weiss, K. Die Ileitis circumscripta im Rontgenhilde. Fortsch. Rdntgenstrahb, 1937, 50. Kongrh., 37-9 [Discussion] 42. ---- regional (or terminal; Crohn-Ginzburg- Oppenheimer) See also Enteritis, regional. Boutron. J. R. *L'iIeitc terminale. H5p. 8° Par., 1938. Snappkk, I. Regional ileitis. p.3.">-81. 28cm. Haarlem, 1938. Strombeck, J. P. Ileitis lerminalis. 59p. 8? Stockh., 1937. Alhaique, A. Ileite terminale. Rinasc. med., 1935, 12: 38.—■ Allen, J. C. B. Crohn's disease. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 1: 831-3.—Bargen, J. A. Regional ileitis. Proc. Interst. Post- grad. M. Ass. N. America (1941) 1942, 192-5.------& Dixon, C. F. From the hospitals and laboratories: regional ileitis. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1935. 10: 814-6.—Biederman, M. Regional ileitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1937, 146: 528-30 — Bisgard, J. D., & Henske, J. A. Regional ileitis, Crohn. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 550.—Bonorino Udaondo, C. Ileitis regionales. Accion mdd., B. Air., 1941, 11: 17-20.—Buonomo La Rossa, F. L'enterite non specifica od ileite terminale. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1938, 19: 984-90.—Burba, V. [Re- gional ileitis] Medicina, Kaunas, 1939, 20: 822-5.-Burkell, C. C. Regional ileitis. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1940-11. 18: 79-83. -Capette, L., & Boutron. L'ileite terminale aigue. Rev. med. fr., 1939, 20: 349.—Christide. E., A- Sabaila. I. T. (Terminal ileitisj Rev. st. med., Bucur., 193*. 27: 1007-30 — Colbeck, J. C., Hurst, A. F., & Lintott, G. A. M. Regional ileitis, Crohn's disease. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1937. 87: 175-86.-Crohn, B. B. Regional ileitis. In Dis. Digest. Svstem (Portis, S. A.) Phila., 1941, 721-9. - Cushway. B. C. Chronic cicatrizing enteritis regional ileitis (Crohn) Illinois M. J., 1934, 66: 525-33. D'Arcy, T. N. Regional ileitis. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1937. 23: 350. Downing. W. L., & Allen, C. V. Regional ileitis. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1936, 20: 206-8.— Du Bourguet. Ileite terminale aigue primitive. Mem. Acad. chir., Par., 1939, 65: 177. Durand. G. Ileite regiounle. In: Arrnee mM. prat., Par., 1939, 18: 227-30.- Fabrizio, A. La malattia di Crohn. Rinasc. med., 1939, 16: 505. —Fergusson, J. D. Crohn's disease. S. Thomas Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1937-38, 36: 499-507.—Goudsmit, J.. & Kummer, A. [Regional ileitis] Geneesk. gids, 1935, 13: 673-82, 2 pi.—Graham, W. L. Re- gional ileitis. Canad. M. Ass. J.. 1941, 44: 108-71.—Gregory, R. Regional ileitis. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1936, 26: 640-3.— Groen, J. [Regional ileitis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 3909-16. ------ & Pompen, A. W. M. [Ileitis regionalis] Geneesk. bb, 1935, 33: 169-211.— Hadfield, G. Ileitis regional. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1941-42, 17: 335-67.— Hagen, O. J. Regional (terminal) ileitis. Minnesota M., 1936, 19- 766-9--Hanelin, H. A. Regional or segmental enteritis (ileitis) J. Michigan M. Soc, 1939. 38: 389-93—Harbitz, H. F. [Ileitis terminalis acuta] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1938, 99: 130.5-10 —Hawk, G. W., & Sanford, F. E. Regional ileitis. Guthrie Clin. Bull., 1940-41, 10: 3-15.— Hawkins, R. P., jr. Regional ileitis. West Virginia M. J., 1940, 36: 177.—Hodgson, J. C. Regional ileitis: Crohn's disease. Lancet. Lond., 1937, 1: 926 —Holloway, J. W. Regional ileitis. Clin. Bull. Cleveland, 1939 3: 11-3. Also Ohio M. J., 1939, 35: 1059-61.—Hurst, A. Regional ileitis. In Brit. Encyl. M. Pract. (Rolleston, H.) 1939, Surveys, 49.------& Linottt, G. A. M. Crohn's disease. Ibid., 1937, 3: 508-12.—lacobovici, I. Lil&te ILEITIS 40 ILEITIS terminale. Rev. chir. Bucur.. 1938,41:688-95. Also Romflnia med., 1938, 16: 173 5.- Jackman. W. A. Terminal ileitis. Proc. R. Soc. M.. Lond.. 1936-37, 30: 691 Junghanns Ileitis terminalis. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 1071 imicrofilm) Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1232 (niicn.filmt— Kaikini, V. M. Regional ileitis. Ind. M. Gaz., 193* 73: 214-8, pi.— Kantor, J. L. Regional ileitis. Pract. T.ibi. M. cV S. (Apple- tonl X. Y.. 1938, Suppl., 296-304.-Kinsella, V. J. Regional ileitis. Mid. .1. Australia, 1937, 1: 834— Knapper, C. [Ileitis tenninalisl Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 4782 92, pi.— Kristoff, A. ITciniinal iregional) ileitis] Xoisk. mag. laegcvid., 1938, 99: 192 -6 Longwood, O. W. Regional ileitis. J. Kansas M. Soc. 1939, 40: 54 -7. Marshall, S. F. Regional ileitis. N. England J. M., 1940, 222: 375 -82 — Mcndez, L. A. Las ileitis teiminales. Monterrey m Anatomie und Pathol genesi aer Ileitis regionalis, beziehungsweise terminalis Schweiz Zsehr. allg. Path. Bakt., 1939, 2: 217-29—OrtrowrtU S. Ileitis u cero.sa stenosans oder regionale Darruwandnhf«J' ^ipeUno1^ "rt 8chr?• ™' *"h'' S; i>//. ressagno, U. J. Regional i en s with invok-,.,„,.,,! ~i the cecum South M. J., 1937, 30: 1052-5 Hum P * 449 <•>. - Reiehert. 1. L.. & Mnthoa iv* vb '■' . •*., oc iviames, M. L. Experimental ILEITIS 41 ILEITIS lymphedema of the intestinal tract and its relation to regional cicatrizing enteritis. Ann. Surg., 1936, 104: 601-16. Also Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1936, 54: 128-13.—Seifert, E. Das Krank- heitsbild der sogenannten Ileitis terminalis. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1938, 35: 579-81.—Serafini, G. Contributo alio studio dell'ileite regionale. Clinica, Bologna, 1936, 2: 263-74.— Tanner, N. C. The mesentery in Crohn's disease. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 739.—Valdoni, P. Udteriore contributo all'ileite segmentaria. Baglivi, 1939, 5: 133-47. Also Rass. med. sarda, 1939, 41: 243-52.—Vos, P. A. [Chronic phlegmon at the end of the ileum] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 3931-4.— Wahl, Douglas, H. L. [et al.] A case of atypical regional ileitis with portal and mesenteric thrombosis. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1942, 43: 19-21.—Ward, C. W., & Thomas, D. T. Crohn's disease with acute obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 613. ---- regional: Radiology. Anzilotti, A. L'ileite regionale iperplastica ulcerosa; malattia di Crohn-Oinzburg-Oppenheimer. Radiol, med., Milano, 1939, 26: 68.5-719.—Chrom. S. A. Terminal ileitis. Acta radiol., Stockh.. 1941, 22: 493-500.—Friedlaender, G. Re- gional ileitis. Brit. .1. Radiol., 1941, 14: 104-70.—Jellen, J. Regional ileitis: a review of 40 cases. Am. J. Roentg., 1937, 37: 190-201.—Kantor, J. L. Regional (terminal) ileitis: its roent- gen diagnosis. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1934, 103: 2016-21.—Leonida Beluffi, E. II quadro radiologico dell'ileite terminale. Gazz. osp., 1939, 60: 707-10.—Meals, R., & Liljedahl, E. N. Ileitis Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1942, 18: 22.—Polgar, F. Beitrage zur Rontgensymptomatologie der regionalen Ileitis. Ront- genpraxis, 1938, 10: 155-60.—Root, J. C. The importance of the roentgen examination in the diagnosis of regional ileitis; report of a case. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1939, 6: 146-52.— Sproull, J. A review of some features of regional ileitis with report of a case involving approximately 3 feet of the mid- enteron. Am. J. Roentg., 1936, 36: 910-20.—Strdmbeck, I. R. Terminal ileitis and its roentgenpicture. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1941-42, 66: 352 (Abstr.)—Veltman, A. Ileitis termina- lis. Rontgenpraxis, 1937, 9: 465-7.—Yunich, A. M., & Crohn, B. B. Atypical regional ileitis; roentgenological limitations. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1941, 8: 185-8. ---- regional: Treatment. Adams, H. D. Regional ileitis. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1937. 17: 763-71; 1721-42.—Barrington-Ward, L., & Norrish, R. E. Crohn's disease, or regional ileitis. Brit. J. Surg., 1937-38, 25: 530 7.—Beluffi, E. L. L'ileite terminale. Arch. ital. chir., 1939, 56: 1-79.—Bockus, H. L., Johnson, T. A., & Lee, W. E. An appraisal of the results of surgically treated chronic regional ileitis. In Lahey Birthday Vol., 1940, 53-83. ------& Lee, W. E. Regional (terminal) ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 412-21.—Campo Posada, A. Ileitis regional; posibilidad de su tratamiento medico. Rev. med. cir., Barran- quilla, 1941, 8: No. 4, 45-54.—Capette. Iledte terminale. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 183-6.—Clute, H. M. Re- gional ileitis. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1933, 13: 561-7 — Colp, R., & Ginzburg, L. Ileocolostomy wdth exclusion in the treatment of regional ileitis. N. York State J. M., 1941, 41: 982-90.—Crile, G., jr. Inflammatory' lesions of the terminal ileum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1939, 19: 1171-84.—Crohn, B. B. Regional ileitis. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 46: 74-8. Also Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1939, 68: 314-21.—Deelman, H. T. [Resec- tion of the intestine in ileitis terminalis] Ned. t-chi-. geneesk., 1935, 79: 2042-54.—DelangSniere, Y. Iledte regionale aigue gangr^neuse avec resection du grele chez une malade ayant d£ja subi 7 ans auparavant une resection de grele pour tumeur avec invagination; gu^rison. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 771-4.—Dickinson, A. M., Vander Veer, A., & Clemmer, J. J. Acute and chronic cicatrizing enteritis; regional ileitis. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 43: 714-27.-Forbes, R. D., & Duncan, J. Some observations on regional ileitis and allied conditions with case reports. West. .1. Surg., 1937, 45: 362-7.- Frey, W. Ileitis terminalis. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 1760-9.—Ginzburg, L., & Garlock, J. H. Regional ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 906-12.—Gisbertz. 1st die Radikaloperation der unspezi- fischen, umschriebenen Entziindung des Ileumendes notwendig? Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 2687.—Harris, F. I., Bell, G. H., & Brunn, H. Chronic cicatrizing enteritis; regional ileitis (Crohn) a new surgical entity. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 57: 637-45.— Kapel, O. Ulcerose stenosierende Entziindung des unteren Ileum. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1934, 243: 676-86- Knapper, C. Ileitis terminalis. Arch. klin. Chir., 1937, 188: 152-66 — Koster, H., Kasman, L. P., & Sheinfeld, W. Regional ileitis. Arch. Surg., 1936, 32: 789-809.— Kross, I. Terminal ileitis; conservative surgical treatment. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1938-39, 5: 313.—Lafourcade. E. Iledte terminale primitive. Mdm. Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 180.—Langrand. Iledte terminale. Ibid., 176.—Meyer-May & Ton-That-Tung. Deux observa- tions d'ileite regionale et du traitement de cette affection par Pappendicostomie. Ibid., 179.—Mikeladze, T. B. [On terminal ileitis (Crohn's disease)] Vest, khir., 1941, 61: 341-7.—Mixter. C. G. Regional ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 674-94. Also Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1935, 53: 193-213.— Muir, E. G. Terminal ileitis. Proc. R. Soc M., Lond., 1938- 39, 32: Sect. Surg. Proct., 909.—Palmer, W. L. Cicatrizing enteritis and regional ileitis. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.) Bait., 1940, 2: 2302-5.—Pemberton, J. de.L, & Brown, P. W. Regional ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1937, 105: 855-70. Also Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1936, 49: 170-85.—Probstein, J. G., & Gruenfeld, G. E. Acute regional ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1936, 103: 273-8.- Rassieur, L. Discussion of the surgical aspects of regional ileitis. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1934, 28: 513-6.—Rhoads, J. E. The management of regional ileitis and certain other ulcerative lesions of the intestines. Pennsyl- vania M. J., 1938-39, 42: 1050-3.--Ryan, T. J. Acute regional fterminal) ileitis. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 36: 708-10.—Shearer, J. P., & Jackson, J. T. Recurrent regional (terminal) ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1937, 106: 459-61.—Valdoni, P. Sulla ileite della porzione terminale (ileite regionale) Policlinico, 1937, 44: sez. chir., 595-612.—White, H. E. Regional ileitis. South, Surgeon, 1941, 10: 194-8. ---- ulcerosa. See Ileum, Ulcer. ILEOCECAL region. See under Cecum, Ileocecal region; also Ileum. ILEOCECAL valve. See under Cecum. ILEOCOLITIS. See also Colitis, regional; Ileitis. Albert, J., & Abad, M. B. Unapparent ileocolitis among our children. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1937, 17: 745-56.— Barrera. B. Bacteriology and pathology of ileocolitis in children. Bull. Nat. Res. Counc. Philippines, 1939, 24: 171. Also J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1939, 19: 345-50.—Baz Oresch, E. Ileocolitis de la primera infancia. Tr. Panamer. M. Consi. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 546-52.—Berg, A. A. An operative procedure for right-sided ulcerative ileocolitis. Ann. Surg., 1930, 104: 1019-29.—Erb, I. H., & Farmer, A. W. Ileocolitis; acute ileocolitis simulating appendicitis and characterized by edema of the ileocecal region and mesenteric glands; its rela- tion to regional ileitis, chronic cicatrizing enteritis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1935, 61: 6-14.- Fainstein, R. S. [Diagnosis of ileocolitis] J. rami, detsk. vozr., 1933, 13: 211-8.—Hansson, C. J. Chronic, non-specific regional ileocolitis. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1937, 18: 635-42.—Klingenstein, P. Colectomy for chronic ileocolitis. Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 148-51.— Lee, W. E. Nonspecific regional ileocolitis. .1. Omaha Clin. Soc, 1942, 3: 41-6.—Poulsson, K. T. [Chronic ileo-colitis] Nord. med., 1939, 4: 3030.- Sison, A. G., Gomez, L., & Santa Cruz, J. Z. Ileocolitis; clinico-pathological conference. J. Philippine M. Ass., 1941, 21: 410-2.—Spengler, N. L. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ileocolitis. .1. Florida M. Ass., 1933, 19: 428-30.—Valdoni, P. Ileocolite regionale segmentaria. Poli- clinico, 1939. 46: sez. chir., 239-48.—Witzberger, C. M., & Agerty, H. A. Apple and pectin-agar diets in treatment of acute ileocolitis in children. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1937, 30: 479-84. ILEOCOLOSTOMY. See also Colon, Surgery; Colostomy; Enter- ostomy; Ileum, Surgery; Intestine, Surgery. Cattell, R. B. Management of ileostomy and colostomy. Proc Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1939, 67-71 — Duncombe, M. Occlusion intestinale post-operatoire trait^e par il^ocolostomie et injections intraveineuses de serum salin hypertonique. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 54: 1482-5.— Galli, R., & Bendandi, G. Studio sperimentale sui trapianto dello sfintere ileo-cecale nolle anastomosi fra tenue e colon. Arch. ital. chir., 1934, 38: 527- 74.— Joske, E. A. Ileo-colostomy for ileus secondary to appendicectomy. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 1: 329—Kozoll, D. D., & Necheles, H. A study of gastrointestinal motility in the dog following ileocolostomy and partial colonic resection. Surgery, 1942, 11: 360-73.—Lake, G. B. Notes from the International Medical Assembly; ileostomy and colostomy. Clin. M. & S., 1940, 47: 60-3.— Popesco, A. Occlusion intestinale; resection d'une portion de lm.50 de l'intestin, anastomose il^o-transverse; gu^rison. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1941, 44: 229-32.—Porzelt, W. Ringverschluss und Invagination als Spiitfolge einer lateralen Ileotransverso- stomie. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 531 3.—Rankin, F. W., & Graham, A. S. Aseptic end-to-side ileocolostomy: clamp method; technic and statistical data. Ann. Surg., 1934, 99: 676-81.—Ritter, A. Torsion eines Ooecum mobile; Ileo- coecalresekt ion; Ileot ransversostomie; glat te Heilung. Sch weiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 771. Steinberg, M. E. A new method of colostomy and ileostomy. West. J. Surg., 1940, 48: 682-4.— Taylor, J. The value of ileo-colostomy in acute intestinal obstruction. Edinburgh M. J., 1927, n. ser., 34: 727-45.— Weiss, A. G. A propos de la colisation de l'intestin grele. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1927, 17: 413-8. ILEOSIGMOIDOSTOMY. See also Ileum, Surgery; Intestine, Surgery; Sigmoid, Surgery. Dixon, C. F. Malfunctioning ileosigmoidal stoma. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1930, 11: 63.—Lardennois, H. L'il6o-sigmoido- stomie par le proc6d6 de la pince porte-bouton. Bull. Soc. nat. ILEOSIGMOIDOSTOMY 42 ILEUM chir., Par., 1935, 61: 514-7.— Mirizzi. P. L. Dos casos de ohstruccion intestinal (precoz y tardia) subsiguiente a la apendicectomia de urgencia: ileo-sicmoidostomfa; cnncifin Bol. Sue. cir. B. Aires. 192S, 12: 125 32 — Pasman. H. Dos casos de obstrucci6n intestinal (precoz y tardia) snl-iguienie a la apendicectomia de urgencia: ileo-sigmoidostomfa; curaci6n. Ibid., 436- v ILEOSTOMY. See also Ileocolostomy; Ileum, Surgerv. St hxf.ider, E. *Der Wert der ifeostomie beim akuten Darmversehluss [Heidelberg] 18p. 21 cm. Wiirzb., 1937. Thory, E. *Contribution k I'etude de ! deostoniie. 191p. 8? Lyon. 1936. Yovanovitch, B. Y. indications, technique et rosultats tie 1'ileostomie dans le traitement des occlusions intest males post-operatoires. 2(i7p. 8? Par.. 1937. Borkon. K. I... Templeton. R. D., & Lawson, H. C. The motility of the do;r'- colon follow ins ileostomy. Am. .1. Physiol., 1035, 113: 1 I Cattell. R. B. Closure of ileostomy in ulcera- tive coliti-. \im. Mil?.. 10 12. 115: 950-68.—Cave, H. W.. & Nickel, W. F, n. lV,..i,,im, Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1940, 58: 265—80.— De Poto, A. A. Some observations and deductions of ileostomy in low acute mechanical obstruction; a npoit of a series of caps. Am. J. Surg., 1930, 31: 526-32.- I.iuni. R. A suction Ihhe for ilee.-tom\. \. Enirland .1. M., 1937, 21G: 3-15.- MacCuire, D. P. Ileostomy. Am. .1. Surg., 1935, 29: 100-201.- I'lundey, S. The care of an ileostomy; bow one patient worked out hi- own procedure. Am. .1. Nurs., 1939, 39: 257 9. Pouyanne, L. A propos de I'llcostoiuie duns le IraiP-ment de I'ocebi-ion intestinale post-appendiculaire chez I'enfant. Bordeaux chir., 1938, 9: 95-105 —Schmechel, A. Ueber Indikationsbereich und Erfolg der Ileostomie nach dem Prinzip von Witzel. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933, 241: 391-409.— Yovanovitch, B. Y. Indications de l'illostomie dans le Iraite- mint des occlusions intestinales post-operatoires. Progr. meil . 1937. 1714; 1727. —— - lb'sultats de 1'ileostomie dans le tiaiteinent des occlusions intestinales post-op^ratoires. Ibid., 1833 X.------Technique de rilfostomie dans le traitement dis occlusions intestinales post-operatoires. Ibid., 1701; 1767. ILETIN. See Insulin. ILEUM. See also Cecum, Ileocecal region; Cecum, Ileocecal valve; Intestine; Intestine, small; Jejunum. Pfeiffer, L. *l>bcr den feineren Bau tier Taenia fibrosa ilei [Zurich] p. 177-95. 23J£cm. Weimar, 1937. Also Anat, Anz., 1938, 86: Frharl, M. B. Annotacoe* anatondi as; Plicae intestinales na ultima porciio do intestino ileo. Rev. biol., S. Paulo, 1933, 1: 98.— Hou-Jensen, H. M. Ueber die Anordnung der Blutge- iasse itii Intes-tiuuin ileum. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1931, M4: 08 -93.— lolTe. I. L. [Surgical analomv of blood vessels of lb.- terminal il. um| \<-*i. khir., I93X. 56: 96-9. ---- Abnormity. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum. Baldzsv. J. L. [Duplicir\ of ileum] Allatorv. lap., 1935, 58: 330.—Bartak, F.. 7 147: 31 1-20. --Rosenthal. Cystic lymphangi- oma of 1 he ileum. In Path. Conf. Maffe, R. H.) Chic., 1910, 283 Sipovsky, P. V. [Case of multiple hemangiomas of the ileum] Arkh. pat. anat., 19-11, 7: 104-6.—Weber, H. In- vaginitioileocoecahs. bedingt durch cm I laemaugionm simplex. Zbl. all-. Path., 1936-37, 66: 33 8.— White, R. .1. Hemangioma of the terminal ileum with recurrent heuiou-hages from the rectum. South. Surgeon, 1941, 10: 880-90. ---- Cancer. See also subheadings (Carcinoid; Sarcoma) Siheid, P. *Zur Kasuistik der Intussuscep- tion bei Carcinoma ileococcalis. *26p. S° lionn, 1926. SiiitKNSKN, J. *Ucher 2S Falle von Carcinom ties Ileum und Colon. 82p. 8? Lpz., 1903. Black. J. M. Carcinoma of lower end of ileum. Brit. M. .!., 1929, 1: 044.— Brickner, W. M., & Milch, H. Carcinoma of the terminal ileum causing sciatica. Internat. Clin., 1920, 36. ser., 4: 238.—Clark, K. 11. t'aicinomaof the small intestine; icport of a case of carcinoma of the ileum. Suig.. C-vn. Obst., 1920, 43: 757 03. Also Tr. West, Surg. Ass. (1925) 1920, 35: 303- 22. C'oryn. I'm ca- de cancer de l'ililon. J. chir., Unix., 1928, 27: 25-1-0. Desplats. Double r^trecissement sine de l'il£on: epithelioma, primitif. J. radio!, electr., 1926, 10: 405-7.— Flynn, J. M. Adenocarcinoma of the ileum. Am. J. Roentg., 1912, 48: 163-6.—Foged, J. Carcinoma ilei mit Invagination. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 58: 1883-5.—Griffith, F. W. Primary carci- noma of-the ileum. Ann. Surg., 1939, 109: 785-90. Also Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1938, 51: 145-50.—Hamlin, E., jr, Hampton, A. O. [et al.] Malignant lymphoma, lymphoblastic type, of ileum. N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 386-8.—Huergo Pino.M., Castellanos, U., & Nunez Nunez, A. Peritonitis porperforacii'm de adenocarcinoma del fleon. Acci6n mM., B. Air., 1910, 10: 571.—Johannessen, C. [Cases of primary cancer of ileum] Norsk mag. Isegevid., 1927, 88: 598-007.—Lanos, J. F.pithe- lioma primitif de lileon. Bull. Soc. nat. chir.. Par., 1931, 26: 124-31. - Lisa. J. R., & Flanigan, W. T. Carcinoma of the ileum; a case report, Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1926, 26: 44- 6.-- Loewenberg, S. A., & Segal, M. Primary carcinoma of the ileum with metastasis to the ;_oeat omentum; with a discussion of the symptomatolo'z\ and the report of a case. Rev. Gastro- enter., 1941,8: 193--7. Lvnch.J.M. Primal v carcinoma of the ileum. Am, J. Cancer, 1933. 18: 610-5. Also Tr. Am. Proct, Soc, 1931. 32: 145 9.- Mulholland, S. W. Carcinoma of ileocecal junction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1927. 7: 200-71.- Nixon. J. W. Fiimarv carcinoma of the ileum. South. M. .L, 1937, 30: 1049-52. Probstein, J. G.. & Seelig, M. G. Sub- acute ileocolic intussusception secondare to carcinoma, of the ileum. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1926, 42: 709-71—Robb. J. J. Carcinoma of the ileum. Brit. J. Surg., 1926-27, 14: 521 4. - Shaak, V. A. [Remote complications after the resection of the ileum in cases of malignant tumors] Vest, khir., 1929, 16:-17: 253-5.— Smith, C. Primary carcinoma of the ileum; report of case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1939, 14: 247-9.—Velasco, R. N. Carcinoma perforado del fleon. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1942, 41: 402-12.- -Verdi, W. F., & Scoville, H. M. Primarv carci- noma of the ileum. N. Albany M. Herald, 1926, 35: 34-7.— Volger. Das gemeinsame Vorkommen von Carcinom und Tuberkulose am Ileociicum. Arch. klin. Chir., 1940, 200: 91-5 (microfilm)—Wakeley, C. P. G. Carcinoma of the ileum. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1933, 56: 102. Carcinoid. Falk, I". *lTeber ein mali^ncs, stenosierendes und nietasiasierendes Karzinoid des Ileum, lip. 8? Miinch., 1925. Christopher, F. Iliac carcinoid; case report with obstruc- tion, resection, and recovery. Surg. (J\ n. Obst., 1931 58- 903-5. Also Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1933, 43: 91-102- Dangre- mond, G. Obstructive carcinoid of the ileum. Proc. Inst. M, ILEUM 43 ILEUM Chicago, 1940-41, 13: 330. Obstructive and metasta- sizing carcinoid tumors of the ileum. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1942, 12: 223-30.—Dukes, C, & Mummery, P. L. Carcinoid tumour of ileum with metastases. J. Path. Bact., Edinb., 1926, 29: 308.—Humphreys, E. M. Multiple carcinoid tumors of the ileum with regional metastases: report of 2 cases. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1933, 14: 129.—Meeker, L. H. A case of malignant carcinoid of the ileum. Arch. Path., Chic, 1932, 14: 264.— Merke, F. Das Karzinoid der untersten Ileumschlinge. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 639-41.—Wood, W. Q. A carcinoid tumour of the lower ileum. Brit.'J. Surg., 1935-36, 23: 764-8. ---- Cyst. Aitken, R. Y. Cyst of the ileum. Brit. J. Surg., 1930-31, 18: 521-3.—D'Abreu. A. L. Enterogenous cyst of the ileum in an infant. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 194.—Forlini, E. Occlu- sione intestinale da cisti enteroide multiloculare dell'aneolo ileo-ciecale in un bambino di 4 giorni. Arch, ostet. gin., 1936, 43: 273-90.—Theis, F. V. Ileorsecal enterocystoma producing partial intussusception. Ann. Surg., 1928, 87: 676-83. ---- Disease. See also Ileitis. Bosquet, A. *La stase ileale. 209p. 8? Par., 1935. Bezy, E. [Ileocoeeopathial Budapesti orv. ujs., 1934. 32: 580-2.—Boeve, H. J. [Case of death caused by an abscess of the lower portion of ileum! Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: 2621.— Braithwaite, L. R. The ileo-gastric syndrome. Brit. J. Surg., 1942-43, 30: 15-22.- Charbonnier. A., & Schauenberg, E. Un cas de gangrene ischcmique primitive de tout I'ileon et dune partie du colon. Rev. mM. Suisse rom., 1934, 54: 909- 38.—Chiray, M., Bosquet, A., & Le Canuet, R. La stase ileale. Presse med., 1936, 44: 818-20- Christopher, F. Necrosis of ileum following pelvic inflammatory disease. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 333-5.—Glasser, S. T. Idiopathic entero- spasm of entire ileum and large bowel. Am. .1. Surg., 193G, 33: 108.—Gray, I., Harten, M., & Walzer, M. Studies in mucous membrane hypersensitiveness; the allergic reaction in the passively sensitized mucous membranes of the ileum and colon in humans. Ann. Int. M.. 1939-40, 13: 2050-6- Halbertsma, J. J., jr. Multiple ileumstenose. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 1366-8.—Hundling, H. W. Suigical lesions of the ileo-cecal region of special inlerest. .1. Tennessee M. Ass., 1926-27, 19: 18-23.—Ibrahim, H. Bilharzial papilloma of lower end of ileum causing intussusception and under-going malignant change. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1932, 15: 303.—Kantor, J. L. Colon studies; the clinical significance of ileal stasis: its association with colitis. Am. J. Roentg., 1926, 16: 1-9.— Lefort, A. Deux observations d'infarctus partiel de l'intestin grele; une observation d'infarctus ileo-mesenterique du k hernie eTrangtee. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1935, 27: 495-501 — Lombard, P. Stenoses fonctionnelles de la fin du grele chez le nourrisson. Lvon chir., 1936, 33: 179-83.—MacKinlay, R. Hypertrophy of the distal portion of the ileum; with a report on 28 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 282-4. Also Canada Lancet Pract., 1929, 72: 49-56.—Melletti, M. Lipomatosi con enorme dilatazione ed ipertrofia dell'iieo terminale. Policlinico, 1933, 40: sez. prat., 1285-90.—Merke, F. Zur Verwachsung der untersten Ileumschlinge. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 637-9—Neugebauer, F. Phlegmone des Ilenms. Beitr. khn. Chir., 1928, 144: 228-30.—Nichols, A. C, & Glenn, P. M. Intubation studies of the human small inO-tine; flic bacterial flora of the ileum compaied with that of throat and -tomac li in normal subjects. J. Lab. Clin. M.. 1939-40, 25: 388 98. - Paulson, M. The bacterial flora and hydrogen-ion concen- tration of the lower human ileum; the effect of lactose and acidophilus milk administration; and the possible relationship of ileal flora to chronic ulcerative colitis. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.. 1929, 44: 315 30. Also Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass. (1928) 1929*31: 235 50. Pleach, .1. Regurgitatio coloiliaca. Zsehr. Win. Med.. 1928, 108: 310-59 Porcher, P. Le signe de I'anse ileale aeTique solitaire: qucliiue-observations nouvellea d'aeroiledte segmentate svmptoinatiquc. Arch. mal. ap p. digest., Par., 1936, 26: 317 24 -Rockey, E. W. Thickening of termi- nal ileum with mesenteric adenitis in children. Northwest M., 1933 32: 145-7. -Storck, A. H. The terminal ileum; its surgi- cal importance with special consideration of selected lesions. South M .1., 1938. 31: 1087-91.—Stout, A. P. Surgical lesions of the ileum. .1. Missouri M. Ass., 1942, 39: 333-5.—Sumwalt, M. & Krueger, H. The effect of various distending pressures on'the activity of the dog's ileum. In Rep. Com. Drug Addict. (U. S. Nat. Res. Counc.) 1941, 825.—Willis, D. A., Coe, G. C, & Arendt, J. Spasm of the last ileal loop simulating regional ileitis. Surgery, 1940, 7: 226-31. ---- Diverticulum. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum. Eerland [Volvulus of the ileum with multiple diverticulum] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1936, 79: 1160.- Galindez, A., & Bianchi, A Divertfculos multiples del fleon. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1927 11: 405-71.- Gilbert, R., & Gleichgewicht. Images diver'ticulaires de I'ileon terminal. Bull Soc. radiol. med. France 1935, 23: 497-500.—Koletsky, S. Ruptured diverticu- lum of the ileum; case record presenting clinical problems. Ohio M. j„ 1941, 37: 1078.- Lefevre & Laumunier. Sur un cas de diverticules de l'S iliaque. Bordeaux chir., 1935, 6: 382-4.—Lovisatti, N. Diverticolo dell'ultima ansa ileale. Riv. radiol., 1930, 2: 663.—McMurrich, J. P.. & Tisdall, F. F. A remarkable ileal diverticulum. Anat. Rec, 1928, 39: 325- 32, 2 pi.—Reineck, C. Diverticulites of ileum, acute perfora- tive. Wisconsin M. J., 1927, 26: 205.—Remijnse, J. G. [Diverticulosis ilei] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 2806-9.— Vervloet. C. G. [Gastric and pulmonary abscesses following operation for diverticulum] Ibid., 2809. ---- Fistula. Eudel & Guyot. Fistule il^o-vdsicale d'origine inflammatoire; cure radicale par voie abdominale. Rev. g£n. clin. th6r., 1934, 48: Suppl., 2337.—Fowler, H. A. Perivesical abscess with rupture into the bladder secondary to intestino-intestinal fistula (sigmoidoileal) a case report. J. Urol., Bait., 1937, 38: 74-80.—MacFee, W. F. Prolapsed, complete fistula of ileum associated with incompetence of anal sphincter. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 451-6.—Popper, H. L. Ein Fall von Ileum-Harnblascnfistel. Zsehr. urol. Chir., 1936, 42: 364-6.— Salghini, L. Su di un caso di fistola ileo-vescicale di origine tifica. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1935, 23: 364-73. ---- Granuloma. Bassler, A. The medical treatment of enteric granulomata (ileitis) and colitis. Rev. Gastroenter., 1938, 5: 150-4.— Colp, R. A case of nonspecific granuloma of the terminal ileum and the cecum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 443-9.—- Leonardo, R. A. Intestinal obstruction due to non-specific ileocecal granuloma. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 35: 007.—McMillan, F. L. Ileocecal granulomas. Illinois M. J., 1942, 81: 15-20.— Malchartzeck, H. W. Lymphogranulomatose des Ileums, Rontgenpraxis, 1940, 12: 179 (microfilm) -Molesworth, H. W L. Granuloma of intestine; stenosis of ileocaecal valve. Brit. .1. Surg., 1933. 21: 370 2. ---- Hernia. Camacho. Hernia de la S ilfaca a fravfe de la. pared abdomi- nal. Progr. clin., Madr., 1919, 13: 205.-Jackson, F. II. Hernia of the ileum through a rent in the mesentery. Am. J. Obst., 1922, 3: 527.—Long, E. R. Acute intestinal obstruction in a new-born infant from hernia of the lower ileum through a congenital mesenteric opening. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1923 27, 12: 335-7.- Lorin-Epstein, M. J. Hernia membrano- omentalis (.lejuno-ilei) Beitrag zur Lehre der inneren abdomi- nalen Briiche nebst Beinerkungen uber die Peritonitis fibrosa chronica ineapsulata. Arch. klin. Chir., 1932, 171: 744.— MacDonnell, H. H. Hernia of ileum presenting over the thoracic wall. Lancet, Lond., 1907, 1: 1710.- Markheim, H. R. Hernia of the ileum through a defect in the mesentery. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1940-11, 10: 307-9.—Roller, C. S. Hernia of a loop of ileum into the retrocecal fossa, wdth complete in- testinal obstruction. California West. M., 1935, 43: 151-3.— Stoney, R. A. Hernia of the iliac colon. Lancet, Lond., 1908, 1: 706-9. ---- Inflammation. See Ileitis. ---- Injury. Burns. B. B. R. Rupture of ileum due to direct violence. Med. Bull. Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1939-41, 4: 127 — Schlotthauer. C. F. Stricture of the ileum of a dog, the result of an automobile accident: report of a case. North Am. Vet., 1931. 15: 19. Trojan, K. [Trauma of the ileum] Budapesti orv. ujs. 1933, 31 : 25-8. ---- Invagination. Arlnlta, M. Invaginazioue dt ll'ileo per fibroma imxo- matode; onieiectomia.; guarigione Arch. ital. chir., 1927. 17: 472-88. Atchison, M. M., & Pfohl, A. C. Chronic intestinal obstruction ,\\ii' to intussusception of the ileum. .1. Iowa M. Soc, 1935. 25: 614 -6. — Badertscher, V. A. Traumatic triple intussusception of the ileum in a child. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 422. Botsford, T. W., & Newton, F. C. Intussusception in an adult due to submucous lipoma of the ileum. Surgery, 1941, 10: 265-9.--Cox, M. E., & Parker, E. F. Myo-epithelial hamartoma of the ileum with intussusception. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 355-9.—Di Paola, G., & Schena, A. T. Invaginaei6n ileal por p61ipo mucoso del delgado; invaginaeion ileo-c61ica por fibromioma del delgado. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1930, 14: 345- 53.—La Marnierre, de. A propos de la pathogenie de l'invagi- nation intestind- essentielle: r61e de l'ileite segmentaire. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 777-80—Lytle, C. C Fritz, L. H. Polyp of the ileum with double intussusception. J. Iowa M. Soc, '1935, 25: 207.—Mendl, K. Ileitis terminalis ais Ursaclie einer intermittierenden Invaginatio iliaca-ileocolica. Rontgenpraxis, 1938, 10: 408-10.—Pryde, A. Ileal intussus- ception in an adult. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 1: 648.—Sole, R. Buzzi A , er Darminvagination in der Ileocoecalgegend, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung von 10 Fallen aus dem stadt ischen Kranken- hause Landsberg a. W. in tier Zeit von 1914-26. 3d p. 8? CJottingen, 1927. Holzki, \Y. *TJeber Invagination, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ueoeoecalin- vagination und ihres Zusammenhanges mit Mesenterium ileo-colieum commune. 67p. 8? Konigsb., 1933. Blumenfeld, M. M. [Chronic ileocecal invagination] Vrach. gaz., 1931, 35: 855-7— Butler d'Ormond, R. de. Polypose de I'ileon; invagination il^o-caecale recidivante; hemi-eolectomie droite. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1932, 24: 421- 7.—Camera, U. Invaginazione cecale cronica in un bambino di 4 anni; resezione cecoileocolica; guarigione. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1920. 4. -er., 32: 143-7.—Castronovo, E. I segni radiologic della invaginazione ileocecale subacuta e cronica. Arch, radiol.. Nap.. 1928, 4: 79-96. ------ II segno della striscia nella invaginazione ileocecale. Ibid., 413-9.—Con- tiades, X. J. Invagination ileo-caecale du nouveau-n6; lavement opaque. M<=m. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 220-3.— D'Agata, G. A proposito di due casi di invaginazione ileo-cecale in bambini; contributo alia patogenesi e terapia. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 51: 496-500.--Dervaux. Deux cas d'invagination ileo-csecale oplifa et. gulris. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1920, 52:607-3.- Eisberg, H. B. Perforation of the cecum resulting in invagination of the small bowel into the large intesline with an ileocecal intussusception within a colic intussusception Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 13: 502.—Erukhimovich, A. E. [Roentgen picture in chronic ileo-cecal invagination) Yost. khir., 1939, 57: 422-5—Forfota, E. [Desinvagination by irregoscopy in a 2-week's old ileocecal invagination] Magy. rontg. kcizl., 1936, 10: 103-11.— Galdftu, I). [Ileo-coecal invagination diagnosed by X-rays] Cluj. med., 1926, 7: 75. ------ & Caspar, N. [Chronic iloocoecal invaginations! Ibid., 1931, 12: 335 40.—Goodyear, E. S. Retrograde intus- susception of cecum into ileum. N. York Slate J. M., 1938. 38: 1397.—Harrenstein, R. J. Ueber die ITsache der Schwierig- keiten bei der Aufhebung der ileocoecalen Invagination. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 203-6. -Ileo-caecal intussusception. Biit. J. Surg., 1934-35, 22: 466.- Latouche. Occlusion intestinale aigue par invagination il6o-csecale. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1926, 52: 631-5.— Lavesson, H. Studien iiber die sogenannte Invaginatio ileocoecalis. Acta chir. scand., 1926, 61: 48-90.— Pop, A. [Case of phlegmonous appendicitis due to ileo-cecal invagination of the appendix] Ciuj. med., 1938, 19: 13-6.— Ralston, A. J. A case of ileo-caecal-invagination. J. R. Army Vet. Corps, 1940-41, 12: 154. -----■ Ileocecal invagination in an Army horse. Vet. Med., Chic, 1942, 37: 409.—Renander, A. Das Rontgenbild bei Darminvaginationen; Fall von chroni scher tumorogener Invaginatio ileo-coecalis. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1932, 13: 64-79, pb—Sasaki, K., & Kim, K. Drei Fiille von partieller Coecumwandinvagination; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Entstehung der Ileo-Coecalinvagination und zugleich zur Arbeit von Dr Kohler: Ein Fall von partieller Invagination des Ooecuins. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 2802 — Schwartz, I. [Etiolngx of ileo-coecal invaginations] Vest, khir., 1927,11: No. 33, 85 -7.- Sorrel, E.. Merigot & Corcos. Sur un cas d'invegination il^o-caccalc a boudin exteriorise et edrangl<5 k l'anus. Bull. Soc. p&liat. Paris, 1934. 32: 105 70. Stephens, V. R. Ileocaecal intussusception in infants with special refer- ence to fluoroscopic findings. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1927, 45: 698- 700.—Vaccari, F. Sulla variety haustra-cecale dell'invagina- zionc acuta ileo-cecale. Clinica, Bologna, 1936, 2: 109-16.— Yidlicka, J. [Intussusception of the ileocecal angle] Bratisl. lek. b-ty, 1930, 10: 3-13— Wempe, J. W. N. [Invagination] Genec-k. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2223. ---- Invagination, ileocolic. See also Colon, Intussusception. Strangfeld, (J. *Ein Fall von Invaginatio iliaca-ileocolica durch einen Polvpen. 30p. 8? Halle. 1928. Araujo, O. C. de. Sobre um caso de invajinacao ileo-ceco- colica no adulto. Rev. med. cir. Brasil. 1934, 42: 152-9, 2 pi.— Bade, H. Ein Fall von chronischer Invaginatio ileo-coeco- colica, ein Beitrag zur Rontgen-vmptomatologie bei peroraler Passage. Rontgenpraxis, 1938, 10; 96-8.—Bolognesi, G. Invaginamento ileo-cieco-colico. Gior. med. prat., 1930, 18: 443-52.—Bonomini, B. Invaginazione lleo-ceco-colica da lipoma sottomucoso. Radiol, med.. Milano, 1939, 26: 1036- 40. ------ Su alcuni casi di invaginazione ileocoUca pura 0. radiol., Belluno, 1937, 8: pt 2, 30 9. Brin, H. Invagination subaigue de I'ileon dans le ca?cum et le colon ascendant d^termi- n6e par un ]£iomyome; resection; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 1302.- Cook, J. Ileocolic intussusception of infancy tending to natural cure. Brit. J. Surg., 1936, 24: 612-5.—Covarrfibias, A. Invaginaci6n ileo-c61ica por tumor del intestino delgado. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1926, 4: 110-6.— De Francesco, F. Tre casi di invaginazione ileocecocolica Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1930, 18: 527-32.—DuBose, F. G. Acute primary ileocolic intussusception in the adult, wdth report of casie. i r. South. Surg. Ass. (19291 1930, 42: 166- 74. 2 pi.— Ehmnark, E., A Zarhrisson. C. G. [Chronic dco-colic invagina- tion in adults] Sven. Lik. tidn., 1938, 35: 2107-23.- Famulari, S. Oss( ivazioni cliniche-anatomiche-radiologiche in un Caso di invaginazione cronica ileo-cieco-colica. Minerva med.. Tor., 1930, 21: pt 2, 643-9.—Freudenthal, P. [Chronic ileocolic intussusception with cecum mobile] Hospitalstidende, 1931, 74: 715-22. -Gofli Moreno, I. Invaginaeion intestinal aguda del lactante, variedad ileo-ceco-col6niea total. Arch, argent. enferm. ap. digest., 1937 38. 13: .197-00 1. Heeve, W. L., & Goldberg,R. Intussusception; involvingdistal ileum, appendix, ascending and transverse colon. Am. .). Surg., 1929, n. ser., 7: 801.—Jensen, S. [Case of invaginatio ileo-coliCa in the year 1725] Ugeskr. laeger, 1938, 100: 203— Lachapele, A. P. Un cas d'invagination il£o-il£o-colique de l'enfant; valeur diagnostic que et pronostique du lavement opaque. Bull. Soc. 6lectro- radiol. med. France, 1938, 26: 424-6. ------ Laumonier & Lacoste, G. A propos d'une invagination il^o-Colique. Bor- deaux chir., 1938, 9: 178-80.— Lenarduzzi, G. L'immagine a spirale nell'invaginazione ileo-colica. Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1928, 8: pt 2, 90-2.—Levitin, J. Iliocolic intussusception; diagnosis by X-ray without contrast media. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 54: 494-8.—Massabuau, Guibal & Duponnois. A propos de l'invagination intestinale aiguft; intussusception il^o-coliciue chez un enfant de 3 ans. Bull. Soc. sc. m£d. biol. Montpelller, 1926-27, 8: 275-81.— Melazzi. T. B. Contributo alio studio radiologico dell'invaginazione ileo-cieco-colica subacuta. Riv. radiol., 1932-33, 7: 250-8.—Ottonello, P. II valore del segno del Busi (immagine ad anelli) nella diagnosi radiologica di invaginazione intestinale (considerazioni su di Un Caso di invaginazione ileo-colica) Arch, radiol., Nap., 1931, 7: 216- 23.—Picard, Plchat &Thebaut. Pseudo^tumeur mucoide du caecum avec invagination chronique il^o-caeco-colique; desinvagination et resection du fond caecal. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1936, 26: 823-9.—Piccinino, G. Un caso di invaginazione ileo-cieco-colica. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1931, 7: 480-89.—Sacco. Invaginaci6n ileal dentro del ceco-colon. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1928, 12: 141-5.—Salmon, M. Invagi- nation aigud ileo-colique chez un homme de 53 ans; h£mi- colectomie en quatre temps. M£m. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 62: 733-9.—Sighinolfi, P. Sull'invaginazione ileo-cieco-colico e ileo-colica a decorso subacute e cronico. Riv. radiol., 1930, Suppl., 2: 85-112. — Stipa, F. Invaginazione cronica ileo-ceco- colica; studio anatomo-patologico. Arch. ital. anat., 1930, 1: 665-9.—Straus, 1). C. Ileocolic intussusception with strangula- tion of the appendix in 8-month-old infant. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 869-72. ---- Invagination, ileo-ileal. Milleket, P. *De l'invagination intestinale aigue de l'adulte dans sa variete ileo-ileale. 75p. 8? Par., 1928. Boutreau-Roussel. Invagination H6o-il6ale de l'adulte produite par un fibro-ledo-myome sous-muqueux; resection intestinale et anastomose termino-terminale; guerison. Bull, Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 921-4.—Cioffi, A. Invaginazione retrograda ileale alta da tumore in un fanciullo. Riforma med., 1934, 50: 612-7.—FSvre, M. Lavement opaque dans l'in- vagination; 5 nouveaux cas; le syndrome clinique de l'invagina- tion ileo-ileale. Bull. Soc. p&liat. Paris, 1933, 31: 144-50.— Goni Moreno, I., & Bolli, C. E. Invaginaci6n intestinal aguda ileo-ileal producida por un pequeno cistoadenoma. Arch. argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1939-40, 15: 70-8.—Maisto, A. J. Invaginaci6n ileo-ileal por tumor inflamatorio de la submucosa en un lactante de 2 meses. Prensa med. argent., 1934-35, 21: 713-7.—Marri, P. Su di un raro caso di invaginamento abituale ileo-ileale in adulto determinato da adenomi multipli; enterectomia. In Scritti in onore E. Burci, Nap., 1930, 9: 329.—Picchio, C. Le invaginazioni ileo-iliache e i loro stadi evolutivi nei quadro radiologico. Radiol, med., Milano, 1938, 25: 52-72.—Prim, J. Consideraciones sobre 3 casos de in- vaginaci6n ileo-ileal aguda en el adulto. Rev. cir. Barcelona, 1933, 5: 515-21.—Trias Pujol, J. Invaginaci6n ente>ica o ileal. Med. ibera, 1936, 30: 289. ---- Meckel's diverticulum. See also Ileum, Diverticulum; Omphalo- mesenteric duct. Duhuig, H. *Beitrag zur Klinik des Meckel- schen Divertikels. 25p. 8? Berl., 1937. Araujo, O. C. de. Diverticulo de Meckel. Rev. med. cir. Brasil, 1935, 43: 46-55.—Barney, L. F. Meckel's diverticulum. Internat. Clin., 1927, 37. ser., 3: 139-48. Also Month. Bull. Kansas City Clin. Soc, 1927, 3: 31.—Bock, H. Ueber Meckel'- sche Divertikel. Zbl. Chir., 1933, 60: 1715-8.—Bunch, G. H. The ubiquitous Meckel's. South. M. & S., 1938, 100: 79.— Carnes, E. H. Meckel's diverticulum. Hosp. News Wash 1941, 8: No. 11, 17-23.—Dickinson,A.M. Meckel's divertic- ulum. Internat. J. M. L- H. Meckel's diverticulum in emiaren; a clinical and pathologic study, with a report of 32 cases. Ibid., 1932, 206: 827-40.—Jutras, A., & St. Onge, G. Le diverticule de Meckel; revue clinique et radiologique k ?i2P!£ observations. J. Hotel Dieu Montreal, 1940, 9: xt -3V77KaraPetian. M. A. [Cases of Meckel's diverticulum Nov. khir. arkh., 1936, 36: 109.—Kelley, H. L. Meckel's diverticulum; a surgical anomaly, with report of 2 cases. U. S. Nav. M Bull., 1929, 27: 366-70.—Kelly, J. L. Meckel's diverticulum in sac of ventral incisional hernia; report of case. Wisconsin M. J., 1937, 36: 733.—McEuen, C. S. A case of Meckel's diverticulum. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 436.—Macken- zie, J. A. An unusual case of Meckel's diverticulum. Ibid., 193o, 1: 1388.— McSwain, B. Meckel's diverticulum, with report of 5 cases. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1938, 31: 209-15.— Moll, H. H. Giant Meckel's diverticulum (33'. inches long) Brit. J. Surg., 1926-27, 14: 176-9.—Moure, P., & Martin, R. H. Un cas de diverticule de Meckel. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1932, 9: 1030.—Palmer, D. W. Meckel's diverticulum, with reports of cases. J. Med., Cincin., 1928-29, 9: 21-7.— Pemberton. J. deJ., & Stalker, L. K. Meckel's diverticulum; a review of 20 cases with report of 2 cases. Surgery, 1938, 3: 563-7.—Peters, K. O. Zur Kasuistik des Meckel'schen Di- vertikels. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 2065-7.—Reed, J. C. An unusual type of Meckel's diverticulum. J. Coll. Surgeons Australasia, 1931, 3: 396.—Rentschler, C. B. Persistence of Meckel's diverticulum; report of a case. Arch. Surg., 1940, 40: 694.—Robinson, S. A gross Meckel's diverticulum. Tr. Pacific Coast Surg. Ass., 1933, 8: 134-43. Also West. J. Surg., 1933, 41: 285-91.—Rygh, E. A. Meckel's diverticulum; report of a case presenting unusual symptoms. J. Lancet, 1929, 49: 299.—Struthers, J. W. Diverticulum ilei (Meckel) within the layers of the mesentery. Edinburgh M. J., 1930, n. ser., 37: 403-8, 2 pi.—Trocki, F. Ein Fall von Meckel'schem Divertikel. Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 2139.—Warren, C. W. Mek- kel's diverticulum, with report of a case. Clifton M. Bull., 1926-27, 12: 28-31.—Wilson, H. Meckel's diverticulum; with a report of 12 cases. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 56: 614-8.— Yamao, O. Ueber das Vorkommen des Meckel'schen Diverti- kels bei den Japanern. Fol. anat. jap., 1932, 10: 515.—Yates, H. B. A remarkable Meckel's diverticulum. Brit. J. Surg., 1929-30, 17: 456-62. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Complication. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum: Ileus. Black, W. C, & Packard, G. B. Surgical complications resulting from the presence of heterotopic tissue in Meckel's diverticulum. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1938, 35: 859-63.— Del Valle. Diverticulo de Meckel y abdomen agudo. Bol. Acad, argent, cir., 1942, 26: 596.—Doolin, W. Acute abdominal emergencies due to the presence of Meckel's diverticulum Irish J. M. Sc, 1929, 6. ser., 299-305. Also Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1929, n. ser., 128: 234-8.—Eckhoff, N. L. An unusual complication of a persistent Meckel's diverticulum. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1926, 76: 429-32.—Erb, I. H. Complica- tions of Meckel's diverticulum. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936, 51: 476.—Everhart, M. W. The complications of Meckel's diver- ticulum in infancy and childhood; with an analysis of 14 cases. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 17: 483-9.—Finger, H. Beitrag zur Entstehung von sekundiiren Anamien, chronische hvpochrome Anamie bei Meckelschem Divertikel. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1161 (microfilm)—Fontaine, R., & Bauer, R. Aiguille arrfitee dans un diverticule de Meckel; extraction avec resection du diverticule; guerison. Rev. chir., Par., 1933, 71: 71-4.— Gerlach, W. Ueber Meckelsches Divertikel und Gallensteine. Zbl. allg. Path., 1934, 61: 84.—Gofii Moreno, I. Prolapso umbilical del diverticulo de Meckel; en el recien nacido. Arch. argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1941-42, 17: 72-6.—Grevillius, A. Intestinal calculi in a Meckel's diverticulum. Acta chir. scand., 1940, 84: 37-42.—Haberer, H. von. Beobachtungen iiber Komplikationen von seiten des Meckelschen Divertikels. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 225: 131-44.—Hanke, H. Ueber Meckelsches Divertikel und Gallensteine. Zbl. allg. Path., 1933. 57: 161-3.—Jorge, J. M., & De Nicola, C. P. Diverticulo de Meckel y abdomen agudo. Bol. Acad, argent, cir., 1942, 26: 571-81.—Mallory, T. B. Obstruction of small bowel; congenital adhesive band; gangrene of Meckel's diverticulum. N. England J. M., 1942, 226: 239-41.—Marshall, J. F. Meckel's diverticu- lum and its complications. North Carolina M. J., 1942, 3: 192-5.—Michael, P. Tuberculosis of Meckel's diverticulum. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 1152-6.—Miller, R. H., & Wallace, R. H. Meckel's diverticulum in acute abdominal emergencies. Ann. Surg., 1933, 98: 713-21.—Neumann, E. Verschiedene Kompli- kationen durch Meckelsche Divertikel. Miinch. mod. Wschr., 1935, 82: 655-7.—Palmer, D. W. Complications of Meckel's diverticulum; report of 2 cases. Tr. Ass. Physicians Mayo Clin. (1925) 1926, 6: 159-66.—Pasman, Ruiz Moreno, M.. & Allende, C. I. Diverticulo de Meckel y abdomen agudo. Bob Acad, argent, cir., 1942, 26: 628-31.—Peretzki, W. Ueber Komplikationen des Meckel'schen Divertikels. Zbl. Chir., 1933, 60: 145-7.—Popesco-Urlueni, M., & Bordos, S. Com- munication anormale par un canal (diverticule de Meckel?) entre 2 anses d'intestin grSle. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1938, 41: 375-8.—Riggen, G. H. Apendicitis aguda y divertloulo de ILEUM 46 ILEUM Meckel. Rev. cir. Hosp. Juiirez, Mc\., 1934, 5: 116 21 — Ruge. L. Das Meckelsche Divertikel; Komplikationen, Tumo- ren. lb terotopii n und pcptische Geschwiiie. Med. Welt. 1934, S: 015; 689.- Schullinger, R. N., & Stout, A. P. Meckel's diveiiiculum; rei ort of a case of heiiionh aire in the bowel associated with a Meckel's diverticulum that presented an adenoma composed of gastric and duodenal glands. Arch. Surg., 1934, 28: 440-66 Starling, H. J. Severe melaena from a po\\ n of Meckel » diverticulum. Guy's Hosp. Hep-, Lond., l'.'3.">. Sv~>: 2(>7. Tavernier & Fouzet. Prolapsus de diverticule ile Meckel et de l'mustm grele chez un nouveau-ne. Lyon chir.. I'lX.l. 30: 746- Veksler. G. J. [Cases of prolapse of M-ckel'- diverticulum] Nov. khir. arkh., 1936, 36: 279-81.--- Winkelbauer. A. Ueber die chirurgischen Erkranktrrrgen des Med., l.-clicn Divertikels. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1920. 42: 989- 93.— Zabludovski, A. M. Sluchal omei ivleniya Mcckel'eva divertikula. Khirurgia, Moskva, 1912, 32: 688-90. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Diagnosis and symptoms. Miji.bEH, B. *( Sesundheitsstorungen durch Meckelsche Divertikel; Bericht nach den Krank- hcitslallen der Wurzburgcr Klinik, 1924-34. 24p. 8? Wiirzb.. 1936. Abt, I. A., & Strauss, A. A. Meckel's diverticulum as a cause of intestinal hemorrhage. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 991-6.— Baker. A. H. Meckel's diverticulum as the cause of acute symptoms. Brit. M. J., 1931. 1: 202. Bicrcnt. P. Ih'nmr- ragies intestinales par divei i null de Meckel. Mc'm. Acad, chir., Par.. 1937, 63: 1100-3- llrites. G. be divciucule de Meckel; sur guelques caiacteres il utili-er dans le diagnostic anatomiqiio. Fob anat. Univ. conimbr., 1920, 1: No. 12. 1 -118, 0 pi. Chosterman, .1. T. Haemorrhage per rectum as an indication of disease in a Meckel's diverticulum. Brit. J. Surg., 1935-36, 23: 267-73.- Clark, D. F. Hemorrhagic Meckel's diverticulum. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 22: 308-11.—Collins, 1). C. The acute abdomen caused by a Meckel's diverticulum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1937, 37: 501.— Conti, G. Rilieve diagnostico-clinici sui diverticulo di Meckel. Clinica, Bolocaa. 1930, 2: 224 32.— Crawford, F. R. Report of a case of hem oi ilia ire from a Meckel's diverticulum. Virginia M. Month.. Mill. 68: 219 21.— Kerland. L. L). [Meckel's divei ticulum| Geneesk. tschr. Ned. In.lie, 1910, HO: 1054-64, pi. Ehrenprcis. B. The Roentgen diagiiu.-i* of Meckel's diverticulum. Am. .1. Iloentg.. 1939,42: 280-4.- Faust, L. S. Meck-1'« diverticulum with unusual clinical manifestations. Med. Clin. N. America, 1932, 15: 1 183- 9.— Fevre, M. Les manifestations cliniques du diverticule de Meckel. Gaz. m£d. France, 1932, 231 5.—Foucault, P. A propos de la radiographic du diverticule de Meckel. Medn. Acad, chir., Far., 1938, 64: 313-8.— Gabriel, W. B. Meckel's diverticulum causing severe recurrent haemorrhage from the bowel. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1936-37, 30: 1220.—Harren- stein. R. J. (Attack without apparent symptoms of Meckel's diverticulum] M-chr. kindergeneesk., 1933, 3: 91-101.— Higgons. R. A., A- Cundy, J. E. Hemorrhage from Meckel's diverticulum. J. l'ediat., S. Louis, 1937, 11: 563-7.—Klingen- hagen, H. Blutungen aus dem Meckelschen Divertikel im Siiuglings- und Kleinkindesalter. Chirurg, 1936, 8: 050. - Ledoux, A. C. Meckel's diverticulum. Radiology, 1942, 38: 728. Martin Du Pan, G, * Perrot, A. Le- manifestations cliniiiues du diverticule de Meckel. Rev. nc'd. Suisse rom., 1935, 55: 08U-90.—Mecray, P. M., Rintine, E. R., & Gunter, J. U. Abdominal emergencies associate 1 with Meckel's diverticu- lum; report of a case. J. AL Soc. N. Jersey. 1937, 34: 384-0.— Miller, R. IL. & Wallace. R. H. Meckel's diverticulum in acute abdominal emergencies. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1933, 51: 234- 42.—Moseley, H. F. Severe haemorrhae ■ trorn a Meckel's diverticulum. Lancet, Lond., 1938. 1: 945. Osterlin, M. L. Gross intestinal hemorrhage due to pathologic condition in Meckel's diverticulum in 2 infants under 1 \ ear of age. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 1354.—Peterman, M. G., & Seeger, S. J. Meckel's diverticulum with hemorrhage. Lid.. 1928, 36: 515 22. Also Tr. Ass. Physicians Mayo Clin. (1928) 1929, 9: 154-9.- Pfahler, G. E. The roentgenological diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 59: 929-34.— Prevot. R. Meckelsches Divertikel im Rontgenbild. Rontgen- praxis I93ii. 8: :'.o7. -Shapiro, B., & Tosti, V. G. Hemorrhage from Meckel's diverticulum; report of 4 cases. Arch. Pediat., N. V., 19 12, 59: 295-302.--Soetomo. R. |Case for diagnosis] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1936, 76: 771-8.—T alley, L. R. Meckel's diverticulum and its symptomatology. Texas .1 M. 1933 29: 380-3—Terrien. E. H^morragies int--tiuale- de l'entai.' et diverricule de Meckel. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1934, l.H: 772 -L- Tisdall, F. F. An unusual Meckel's diverticulum as a cause of intestinal hemorrhage. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1928, 36:1218-23. Weiner. S. IL, & Seley, G. P. Bleeding Meckel's diverticulum in a lO-inon,h-' old infant. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1938-39. 5: 620-0. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Herniation. Kellersmaxx, A. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Meckelschen Divertikels unter Beriicksichtigung eines Falles, in dem es den Inhalt einer Schenkel- hernie bildete. 23p. 8? Lpz., 1926. 1'khikk, V. '"A propos des complications du diverticule de Meckel; la hemic de Liltre en particuher. 42p. 21cm. I'm., 1938. Bani, U. Occlusione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel in sacco di ernia inguinale obliqua esterna destrn (ernia strozzata) Policlinico, 1920. 36: sez. prat., I0.">. Bianchi, G. Contributo alio studio delle ernie del diverticolo di Meckel Gazz. osp., 1927, 48: 651 5. -Carlo. O. Contributo alio studio delle ernie del diverticolo di Meckel. Ibid., 1013 5. Donato, G. S. Strozzamente, in einia crurale destra.del diverticolo di Meckel. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. chir., 278-87.- Cray, H. K. Meckel's diverticulum in a hernia: report of a case. Minnesota M.. 193 I, 17: 68-70.—Lind, S. C. Littre's hernia -a Meckel's diverticu- lum in a, hernia sac with report of a case. Ohio M. J., 1933, 29: 540 -53. Mason, G. A note on the association of Meckel's diverticulum with hernia. Newcastle M. ,L, 1933, 13: 72-80.— Nobili, lb Di una rara modalita di occlusione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel in una fessura del mesentere. Policlinico, 1930, 37: sez. prat., 171- 3. Perrinon de Troyes & Du Bourguet. Etranglement d'un diverticule de Meckel bourr6 de corps etrangeis dans un sac de hernie inguinale congenitale; resection en coin du divi rticule. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 681- 6. Quiri, A. Occlusione da diverticolo di Meckel in un sacco di ernia crurale. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 54: 16-23.—Sweet, R. H. Iucaiceration of a Meckel's diverticulum in a femoral hernia; a report of a case with a review of the literature. N. England J. M., 1930, 202: 997. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Ileus. (Jrossmann, CJ. *Die chirurgischen Kompli- kationen des Meckelschen Divertikels unter Be- riicksichtigung eines Falles von Ileus [Berlin] 31p. 21cm. Speyer a. Rh., 1938. Maximin, R. *Contribution a I'etude de I'occlusion intestinale par diverticule de Meckel 04p. 8? Par., 1929. Theurer, E. * Ueber einen im Sauglingsalter erfolgreieh operiotton Fall von Ileus, hervor- gerufen durch ein Meckelsches Divertikel [Miin- chen] 31 p. 8? Marbach-Neckar, 1935. Ude, F. *IIens durch Meckel'sches Diverti- kel; drei Falle aus der chirurgischen Universi- tatsklinik zu Halle (Saale) [Halle-Wittenberg] 16p. 8° Bleicherode, 1935. Andreoletti, G. Nodo del diverticolo di Meckel libero causa li occlusione intestinale acuta. Minerva med., Tor., 1933, 24: 2(1-1. Arri^'oni, C. Contributo alio studio del diverticolo di Meckel come causa di occlusione intestinale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1920, 29: :«8-l6. Bhutta, N. A. Acute obstruction caused b\ Meckel's diverticulum. Ind. M. Gaz., 1940, 75: 96.- Bianchetti, C. F. Ancora sull'ileo acuto da diverticolo di Meckel. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1932, 9: 223-9.— Bloch, J. C. Deux cas de rgtrdcissement de l'intestin grele en amont d'un volumineux diverticule de Meckel; diverticulo-anastomose; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 1227-32.— Bonelli, P. M. Un caso de ohstruccion intestinal por invagina- eion en comparaeiou con otro por diverticulo de Meckel con exposici6n de ambos especimenes. Bol. As. ml'-d. Puerto Rico, 1928, 21: No. 160, 11-4. -Botta-Micca. A. Occlusione in- testinale da diverticolo di Meckel. Minerva med., Tor., 1932. 23: pt 2, 247. -Bresadola, V. Occlusione intestinale acuta da diverticolo di Meckel. Gior. med. mil., 1939, 87: 398-404.— Calegari, L. Occlusione da diverticolo di Meckel. Minerva med., Tor., 1937, 28: 435-9.— Cathala, J., Martrou, P., & Gras, L. Occlusion intestinale par diverticule de Meckel, k forme febrile. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1939, 37: 92-6.— Costa, L. Contributo clinico alia chirurgia delle occlusioni intestinali da diverticolo di Meckel. Gazz. osp., 1938, 59: 369-71.—Csiki, J. [Ileus due to Meckel's diverticulum] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1929, 27: 1501.—Diaz Bobillo, I. Oclusi6n intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Prensa med. argent., 1930, 23: 1165-86.—Donovan, R. E. Oclusion intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1035, 19: 787. ——-— & Bueno, R. Oclusion intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Ibid., 410-26. Also Sem. med. B \ir 1935 42: pt 2, 1310-4.—Edwards, R. R. Meckel's diverticulum as a cause of intestinal obstruction. ,J. Iowa M. Soc, 1039, 29: 559-61.—Finny, C. M. A case of oh si ruction due to'a Meckel's diverticulum. Brit. .1. Surg., 1927-28, 15: 329. Gamboa, M. Oclusion intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1935, 19: 428-36.—Garrigues. Occlusion intestinale par diverticule de Meckel. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par. 1927 53: 748-50.—Guibal, A., Fayot & Henriet. Occlusion intestinale par diverticule de Meckel. Arch. Soc. sc. ni6d. biol Mont- pcllier, 1929, 10: 543-6.—Guipponi, E. Occlusione intestinale la diverticolo di Meckel. Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. prat., 707 12. Kaufmann, E. [Role of Meckel's diverticulum in I.iihoL'enesis of intestinal obstruction] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: 9o7-7n. Kiak.szto, A. [Meckel's diverticulum as cause of miestinal occlusion] Lek. wojsk., 1930, 16: :i2-4.- Kingreen O. Zur Operation des durch ein Meckebehes Divertikel liervorgei-ufeiieu Ileus. Deut. med. W'schr, 1927, 53: 197__ Kisman, M. [Two oases of ileus due to Meckel's diverticulum] ILEUM 47 ILEUM Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: 144.—Lawson, R. S. Intestinal obstruction associated with Meckel's diverticulum. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 2: 251.—Leo, C. La depressione omhellicale quale sintoma proprio di alcune forme di ileo da diverticolo di Meckel; suo valore diagnostico, prognostico e terapeutico. Arch. ital. chir., 1931, 28: 531-45.—Leo, E. Complessa occlusione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1933, 39: 943-6. Also Clin, chir., Milano, 1933, n. ser., 9: 38-53.—Lo Cascio, V. Occlusione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel. In Scritti in onore E. Burci, Nap., 1930, 9: 309.— Macenko, P. A. [Intestinal obstruction due to Meckel's diverticulum] Med. biulb, Irkutsk, 1939, No. 3, 121-5.— Macera, J. M., Criscuolo, E. F., & Martinez Cordoba, F. A proposito de un caso de oclusion intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Sem. med., B. Air., 1938, 45: pt 2, 205-8.- Maciulis, S. [Meckel's diverticulum with obstruction of the intestines] Medicina, Kaunas, 1932, 13: 351 3.- Majocchi. A. II diverti- colo di Meckel nella genesi della occlusione intestinale. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1935, 23: 561-4.—Matyas, M. Ueber einen eigenartigen Fall von Darmverschluss, durch ein Meckel'sches Divertikel hervorgerufen. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 880-9.— Meade, H. Intestinal obstruction caused by Meckel's diverti- culum. Irish J. M. Sc, 1935, 6. ser., No. 120, 702.—Melletti, M. Diverticolo di Meckel; occlusione intestinale. Policlinico, 1929, 36: sez. chir., 188-209.—Mester, K. E. Die Rolle des Meckelschen Divertikels in der Entstehung der Darmver- schlusse. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1936, 163: 34-44.—Mizutani, H. Six cases of intestinal obstruction caused by Meckel's diverticle. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg. &c, 283.—Modi, M. O., & Chvorov, V. V. [Intestinal obstruction caused by Meckel's diverticulum] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 36: No. 3, 203.—Morisson. Les occlusions intestinales par diverticule de Meckel. Bull. Soc. m£d. mil. fr., 1926, 41-7.—Moutinho, H. Nota sobre um caso de obstrucao intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1934, 52: 411-3.—Mulleder, A. Zu der Mitteilung: Ueber einen eigenartigen Fall von Darmverschluss durch ein Meckel'sches Divertikel hervorgerufen, von M&tyds Mdtyds. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1473.—Novi, M. Due casi di occlusione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel (osservazioni cliniche) Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1928, ser. 10, 6: 405-19.— Olariu, G., & Grigorescu, 1.1. [Intestinal occlusion by Meckel's diverticulum] Spitalul, 1932, 52: 176-8.—Onaca, N., & Safta, E. Schwere Tetanie in einem Fall von Darmokklusion hervor- gerufen durch ein Meckel'sches Divertikel. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 1981.—Orr, J. L. Tumour of Meckel's diverticulum pro- ducing intestinal obstruction. Tr. R. Med. Chir. Soc. Glasgow, 1932, 26: 149-53.—Page, B. H. Haemorrhage and intestinal obstruction due to a Meckel's diverticulum. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 1160-2.—Prim Roselli, J. Oclusion intestinal pro- ducida por el diverticulo de Meckel. Actual, mdd., Granada, 1940, 16: 205.—Puccinelli, V. Diverticolo di Meckel: occlusione intestinale. Arch. ital. chir., 1926, 16: 366-72.—Ritter, A. Koprolithenileus bei Meckel'schem Divertikel. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 770.—Romeo, M. Contributo alio studio della occlusione intestinale da diverticolo del Meckel. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1930, 2: 752-61—Roux, J. Occlusion intestinale k r£pitition, puis aigue, provoqu^e par le diverticule de Meckel; vidage de l'intestin par le diverticule de Meckel. Rev. m6d. Suisse rom., 1934, 54: 391-0.—Rudnev, N. [Ob- struction of intestines caused by Meckel's diverticulum] Vest, khir., 1927, 10: 262-4.—Ruiz, J. Oclusion intestinal por un diverticulo de Meckel. Villaclara med., S. Clara, 1941, 9: 108-13.—Schwarz, F. Meckel'sches Divertikel und Ileus. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 2290.—Shaw, W. C. Intestinal obstruc- tion caused by a Meckel's diverticulum. Atlantic M. J., 1926- 27, 30: 279.—Stefani, F. Inconsueta genesi di ostruzione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel. Riv. chir., 1939, 5: 326-8.—Steindl, H. Zur Pathogenese des Darmverschlusses durch ein Meckelsches Divertikel. Med. Klin., Berl., 1935, 31: 77-9.—Swift, D. T. Acute intestinal obstruction due to Meckel's diverticulum. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1938, 70: 334 — Szombati, S. [Cases of intestinal obstruction caused by Meckel's diverticulum in infancy and childhood] Orv. hetib, 1935, 79: 973.—Temple, H. V. Meckel's diverticulum as a cause of intestinal obstruction; report of a case. Q. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1941, 15: 301.— Tomasi, L. Occlusione in- testinale da diverticolo di Meckel. Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. prat., 712-4.—Workman, B. J. Meckel's diverticulum with subsequent intestinal obstruction. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1939, 35: 139-41. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Ileus—by in- vagination. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum: Invagination. Buquen, P. Contribution a I'etude de l'invagination intestinale par le diverticule de Meckel. 64p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Gautreau, H. Contribution a I'etude des invaginations par diverticule de Meckel et leur traitement. 50p. 24cm. Par., 1938. Mihoff, N. T. invagination intestinale provoquee par le diverticule de Meckel. 62p. 8? Par., 1933. Nadal, J. Contribution a I'etude des in- vaginations intestinales aigues par lumcur du diverticule de Meckel. 41p. 8? Lyon, 1937. Toknow, H. O. *iTeber die Invagination mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der durch das Meckel'sche Divertikel und durch Tumoren bedingten Falle an der Hand von 24 Fallen aus der Gottinger Chirurgischen Klinik und einem Fall aus dem Peiner Krankenhaus (Dr Mcyer- ingh) aus den Jahren 1912 bis 1929 [Gottingen] 30p. 8? Bethel-Bielefeld, 1931. Bowen, F. H. Intussusception associated with a polyp in a Meckel's diverticulum; report of a case. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1941, 30: 390.- -Christopher, F. Ileocolic intussusception with Meckel's diverticulum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 347-9.—Del Oampo, R. M. Invaginaci6n intestinal por di- verticulo de Meckel. Arch. urug. med., 1937, 11: 652-4.— Etienne-Martin, M., Henry, M., & Roman. Un cas d'invagina- tion intestinale par tumeur du diverticule de Meckel. Ann. anat. path.. Par., 1936, 13: 1141-5.—Gray, H. K., & Kernohan, J. W. Meckel's diverticulum; associated with intussusception and adenocarcinoma of ectopic gastric mucosa: report of case. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 1480-3.—Harris, H. I. Meckel's diverticulum; report of case; intussusception and gangrene. California West. M., 1938, 49: 380-8.—Intussusception associated with Meckel's diverticulum. Washington Univ. M. Alumni Q., 1940-41, 4: 244.—Johns, J. Low ileum in- tussusception caused by Meckel's diverticulum, report of a case. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1938, 37: 1083—Lefrancois, C. L'in- vagination intestinale aigue de la seconde enfance; 2 observa- tions dont une avec diverticule de Meckel. Union m6d. Canada, 1938, 68: 387-91.—Lichtenstein, M. E. Meckel's diverticulum; intestinal obstruction due to invagination and intussusception; peritonitis due to perforation by a fish bone. Q. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1941, 15: 296-300.— Macdonald, I. Intussusception in an adult due to a polyp of Meckel's diverticulum. Brit. M. J., 1928, 1: 442.—Mclver, M. A. Intussusception of the small intestine, with special reference to Meckel's diverticulum as a causative factor. N. England J. M., 1928, 199: 453-6.—Martin, W. S. Meckel's diverticulum containing gastric tissue as cause of intussuscep- tion; resume of literature and report of a case. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1939, 38: 590-2.—Montgomery, A. H. Intussuscep- tion produced by a small Meckel's diverticulum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1928, 8: 685-9.—Nassau, C. F. Impaction of small intestine, gangrene, and Meckel's diverticulum. Ibid., 1932, 12: 1339-41.—Nedelec, M. Invagination il^o-caeco- colique par diverticule de Meckel chez une adulte; h6mi- colectomie droite en un temps. M6ru. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 1331-4.—Paolucri, R. Invaginazione intestinale da diverticolo di Meckel. Clinica, Bologna, 1937, 3: 1-9. Also in his Lezioni clin. chir., Roma, 1939, 321-34.—Pettersen, E. [Case of intussusception and case of peritonitis due to Meckel's diverticulum] Norsk mag. tegevid., 1928, 89: 571-3.— Reiser, E. Dilnndarminvagination hervorgerufen durch ein Meckelsches Divertikel. Rontgenpraxis, 1935, 7: 90-4.— Salmon, Artaud & Granjon. Invagination intestinale aigue par diverticule de Meckel. M£m. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 1257-65.—Sprague, J. R., & Srigley, R. S. Intussusception due to a Meckel's diverticulum; a report of 4 cases. Ohio M. J., 1941, 37: 843-5.—Srigley, R. S. Intussusception due to Meckel's diverticulum; a report of 4 coses. Rev. M. Progr. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1941, 8: 29.—Stuppel, R. Treatment of irreducible intussusception due to Meckel's diverticulum. Brit, M. J., 1939, 2: 722. - Velasco Blanco, L., & Echegaray, E. M. Invaginaci6n in- testinal por diverticulo de Meckel. Arch. amer. med., B. Air., 1942, 18: 45-50. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Ileus —by strangu- lation. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum: Strangulation. Hollain, J. *Meckelsches Divertikel und Ileus (Strangulationsileus) 16p. 8? Bresl., 1925. Bona, T. Mesenterialliicke als Ursache von Darmverschluss in Verbindung mit Meckel'schem Divertikel und Coecum mobile. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 144-7.—Dorling, G. C. Meckel's diverticulum causing obstruction by tying a knot around the adjacent ileum in a man of 74 years. Brit. J. Surg., 1941-42, 29: 277.—Georgesco, G. Sub-occlusion intestine le par bride diverticulaire (Meckel) peritonite gSndralisee par perforation de la base d'implantation. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1940, 43: 253-6.— Giardina, S. G. Sulla occlusione intestinale acuta da diverti- colo di Meckel e sugli strozzamenti in fessure preformate del mesentere (contributo casistico) Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1926, 7: 3-21.—Ittzes, J. [Meckel's diverticulum as cause of in- carceration of inguinal hernia] Orv. hetib, 1934, 78: 714.— Kirby, F. J., & Needle, N. E. Intestinal obstruction caused by the mesentery of a Meckel's diverticulum. Virginia M. Month., 1934, 61: 43-5.—Stohr, R. Zur Klinik der inneren Einklem- mung durch das fixierte Meckel'sohe Divertikel. Beitr. klin, ILEUM 48 ILEUM Chir.. 1927. 141: 353 7. -Terbriiggen. A. Leber Strangu- lationsilens bei persistierendem Ductus oraphaloentericus (Meckel'sches Divertikel) Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 1805.— Thomson, E. [Strangulation ileus with peculiar cord forma- tion fiuin a Mpckcl's diverticulum] Ugeskr. hrger, 1927, 89: 413.- Waters. C. H. Massive strangulation of the intestine due to a nonadherent Meckel's diverticulum. Nebraska M. J., 1934, 19: 158. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Inflammation. Appelt, M. *Die acute Divertikulitis Meckeli untir dem Bilde der acuten Appendicitis (Bres- lau] 16p. 22^cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Mix Krx Kwong. *Contribution a I'etude de l'occlusion intestinale consecutive a. l'inflam- mation du diverticule de Meckel. 48p. 8° Par., 1930. Antonioli, G. M. Contributo alio studio della divertieolite di Meckel. Minerva med., Tor., 1927, 7: 847-52. Brin. Etranglement ou inflammation du diverticule de Meckel hernia. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1905, 31: 336-69.—Cardelle, G., Salazar, C. [et al.] Oclusion intestinal por diverticulo de Meckel; diverticulitis. Cr6n. m£d. quir. Habana, 1939, 65: 631-9.—Cosnier, A., & Vidal, M. Observation dun cas d'inflammation et perfination du diverticule de Meckel. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1930. 30: 78-83.—Diaz Bobillo, I. Patologia del diverticulo de Meckel en la infancia; diverticulitis. Prensa med. argent., 1936, 23: 1061-73.—Ehler. F. [Surgical compli- cations in inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum] ("as. lek. Cesk., 1933, 72: 1371-5.—Einaudi, M. Contributo alio studio delleflogosi deldiverticolodi Meckel. Minerva med.. Tor., 1941, 32: pt, 1, 175 80 (microfilm)-Fores, J. Y., & Magboo, M. C. Acute diverticulitis simulating acute appendicitis: Meckels divei ticulum: report of cases. .1. Philippine M. Ass., 1940, 20: 273-0, pi.—Franseen, ('., Schat?ki, R. [et al.| Appendicitis, healing; inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum, acute. N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 715 9. Fronticelli, E. Divertieolite acuta (contributo clinico alia patologia del diverticolo di Meckel) Policlinico, 1926, 33: sez. prat., 905-8. Cucci. G. La divertieolite (infiammazione del diverticolo di Meckel) Ibid., 1931, 38: sez. chir., 244-56.—Hunt, G. H. Foreign body in Meckel's diverticulum, with inflammation; report of a case. Hosp. News, Wash., 1937, 4: No. 6, 15-20, pi.—Khater. M. Un cas de diverticulite avec piSritonite tuberculeuse fibro- caseeuse et fistule stercorale. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1939, 19: 272-7.—Kung, N. C. Acute inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum with intestinal obstruction; report of case. Chin. M. J., 1937, 52: 85 8.— Lucarelli. G. Appendicite e flogosi del diverticolo di Meckel. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1934, 42: 362 70.—Moolten, R. R. Meckel's diverticulitis in an infant. N. Yoik State .1. M., 1932, 32: 1070. -Rementeria. Diverticulitis de Meckel. Med. ibeia, 1934. 28: 507.— Robyn, G. I"n cas de diverticulite de Meckel avec perforation. J. chir., Brux., 1020, 25: 33-48.—Sichel, M. S. Meckel's diver- ticulitis wdth gangrene: report of case. Minnesota M., 1927, 10: 198.—Solley, F. W. INci-ion of Meckel's diverticulum for bleeding and diverticulitis. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 417-21.—Verevkin, M. D. [Suppuiative inflammations of the peritoneum in Meckel's diverticulum] Klin, med., Moskva, 1936, 14: 1371-3.—Wolfson, W. L., & Clurman, M. J. Inflam- mation of Meckel's diverticulum. Ann. Surg., 1930, 92: 388- 93.—Wolfson, W. L., & Kaufman, B. Acute inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum. Ibid., 1929, 89: 535-10. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Invagination. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum: Ileus— by invagination. Dekan, E. *Inversion eines Meckelschen Divertikels mit sekundarer Invagination des Dunndarms. 25p. 8? Bresl., 1926. Vexler, I. *Sur deux cas d'invagination intestinale du diverticule de Meckel.' 47p. 8? Par., 1927. Bunch, G. H. Chronic invagination of Meckel's diverticu- lum. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 45: 14274.—Camera. U.. Per la diagnosi, a ventre chiuso, dell'invaginazione intestinale acuta da diverticolo di Meckel nei bambino. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1939, 14: 138-46.— Caminiti, R. Occlusione intestinale retrograda, ricorrente da diverticolo di Meckel invaginato ed invertito. Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. chir., 261-73.—Casper, M. Intussusception of a Meckel's diverticulum. Kentucky M. J., 1941, 39: 81.—Clute, H. M. Partial obstruction of the ileum from invagination of Meckel's diverticulum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 1119-25. Decker.H.R. Intestinal obstruc- tion by invaginated Meckel's diverticulum. Atlantic M. J., 1027-28, 31: 82-1.- Duncan, G. Intussusception due to in- vagination of a Meckel's diverticulum. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 1174.—Eisberg, H. B. Inversion of tumor of Meckel's diverticulum in a double ileocecal intussusception. Am. J. Surg.. 1928, n. ser., 5: 401-4.—Foucault, P. Invagination du diverticule de Meckel. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 349-51.— Godard, H. Invagination ileale consecutive k l'invagination d'un diverticule de Meckel. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1936, 13: 371-4.—Grigorescu, 1.1. [Chronic ileo-iliac invagination caused by invagination of Mrcker. ri verticulunil ' ,■ jf^.™^ Bucur., 1938. 27: 913 2S. Hanelin. H. A. Me. k. I .-. cli\rticu lum, invagination. .1. Michigan M. Soc, 1940, 39: 7«»-B. Harkins. H. N. Intussusception due to »™'»n»*dp^k:'1' diverticulum; report of 2 cases with a *..,ison. J. sc. m£d. Lille, 1926, 44: pt 2, 93-5.—Blanc, H. Diverticulite par perforation d'un diverticule de Meckel par une arfite de poisson. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1929, 21: 378.—Ferenc, V. [Perforation of Meckel's diverticu- lum] Orvosk^pzfe, 1934, 24: nov. kiilonf. (Hainiss Festschr.) 214-9.—Gamble. H. A. Subcutaneous rupture of Meckel's diverticulum. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 54: 727.—Henrichsen, J. [Case of perforating Meckel's diverticulum combined with tumor in the vermiform process] Hospitalstidende, 1936, 79: 320-4.—Hiller, R. I., & Bernhard, L. A. Gangrenous Meckel's diverticulum perforated by a tomato peel. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 101: 364.—Hunter, W. C. Perforated gangrenous Meckel's diverticulum in a new-born infant; report of a case. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1928, 35: 438-42.—Kubanyi, E. [Perfora- tion of a Meckel's diverticulum] Orv. hetib, 1932, 76: [melb] 64.—Kunz, H. Perforation eines Meckel'schen Divertikels durch eine verschluckte Kerr'sche Nadel. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 436.—Lindqvist, S. Perforation eines Meckel'schen Divertikels, von einem Fremdkorper bedingt. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 1756.—Perforation des Meckelschen Divertikels. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1059 (Abstr.) (microfilm)— Persson, T. Meckel'sches Divertikel, durch einen Fremd- korper perforiert. Acta chir. scand., 1939, 82: 530-48, pi.— Stamer, S. [Case of perforated Meckel's diverticulum] Ugeskr. laeger, 1939, 101: 630-2.—Travaglini, V. Delia perforazione del diverticolo di Meckel. Ann. ital. chir., 1933, 12: 1085- 118.—Val«ir, F. Perforation eines Meckelschen Divertikels. Arch. Kinderh., 1934-35, 104: 218-25.—Webb, R. C. Meckel's diverticulum perforation by a fishbone. Ann. Surg., 1933, 98: 159.—Weinstein, V. A. Fish-bone perforation of Meckel's diverticulum. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1942-43, 9: 29-32.—Williams, R. V. Perforation of Meckel's diverticulum by fish bone. Minnesota M., 1940, 23: 44. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Strangulation. Bach man, R. W., & Noble, J. W. Strangulated Meckel's diverticulum. Ann. Surg., 1940, 111: 150-2.—Harrington, S. W. Strangulated Meckel's diverticulum in right femoral canal. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1926, 6: 1188-90.—Talyshinsky, K. B. [Strangulation of Meckel's diverticulum in an inguinal hernia of the right side] Vest, khir., 1938, 55: 618-20. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Surgical aspect. Haber, S. *Die Bedeutung des Meckelschen Divertikels in der Chirurgie [Berlin] 32p. 8? Charlottenb., 1928. Chaffln, L. Surgical emergencies during childhood caused by Meckel's diverticulum. Ann. Surg., 1941, 113: 47-56. Also Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1939) 1940, 49: 143-69.—Goodman, B. A. Meckel's diverticulum; its incidence and significance in routine operations on the abdomen. Arch. Surg., 1938. 38: 144-62.—-Hohenbalken, W. Ein Meckel'sches Divertikel als Komplikation einer Mastdarmexstiroation. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 1811.—Iurovskaia, P. N. [Meck3l's diverticulum in children's surgery] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 5, 71-8.— Mixter, C. G. Meckel's diverticulum and its surgical signifi- cance. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1933, 9: 285-306.—Montgom- ery, A. H. Surgical conditions associated with Meckel's diver- ticulum. Internat. Clin., 1935, 45. ser., 1: 216-25. Also Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1932, 42: 295-312.—Stewart, G. A. The sig- nificance of Meckel's diverticulum in the surgical abdomen. Rev. Gastroenter., 1940, 7: 310-2.—Walters, G. A. B., & Wilkins, E. G. Surgical emergencies due to Meckel's divertic- ulum illustrated by 6 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1932, 2: 1430.— Womack, N. A., & Siegert, R. B. Surgical aspects of lesions of Meckel's diverticulum. Ann. Surg., 1938, 108: 221-36. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Treatment. Blumenthal, N. L. [Cass of intraintestinal hemorrhage aftsr excision of Meckel's diverticulum] Vest, khir., 1933, 30: 290-2 —Grigsby, G. P. Meckel's diverticulum; diverticu- lectomy. Internat. J. M. & S., 1929, 42: 131-5. Also Ken- tucky M. J., 1929, 27: 214-8.—Harbin, R. M. Meckel's diverticulum; methods of ressction; with a review of 13 cases. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1920. 43: 515-8.—Ladd. W. E., & Gross, R. E. Meckel's diverticulum. In their Abdom. Surg. Infancy, Phila., 1941, 71-82 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----4 ILEUM 50 ILEUM ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Tumor. See also Ileum, Meckel's diverticulum: Cancer. Bjiirksten, R. [Tumor and inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum] Fin. lak. sill, hand., 1932, 74: 734-44 — Cascino, R. Raro caso di amartoma del diverticolo di Meckel. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1930, 36: 861-7.—Ferroni, E. Fibroma sottosieroso, strozzato da diverticolo di Meckel. Arch, ostet. gin., 1934, 3. ser., 21: 387-92.—Koucky, J. D., & Beck, W. C. Perforated leiomyoma of Meckel's diverticulum; report of case. Surgery, 1941, 10: 636-41. —Vargas Velez, D. Un caso de enterocistoma del diverticulo de Meckel. Rev. med. cir., Barranquilla, 1940, 7: No. 1, Ed. extraordinaria, 122-5. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Ulcer. See also subheading Meckel's diverticulum: Peptic ulcer. Breccia, A. Ulcera del diverticolo di Meckel. Policlinico, 1936, 43: sez. prat., 1286-91.—Broca, R., & Maire, J. Ulcere du diverticule de Meckel. In Annee pediat., 1934, 1: 106-17.— Brown, P. W., & Pemberton, J. J. Solitary ulcer of the ileum and ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum. Ann. Int. M., 1936, 9: 1684-702, 6 pi.—Christopher, F., & Blessing, R. Perforated ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 31: 556.— Clark, J. A. Meckel's diverticulum wdth ulceration and bleed- ing; report of 2 cases. Clin. Bull. Cleveland, 1939, 3: 92-4.— Del Carril, M. J., & Diaz Bobillo, I. Sobre un caso de tilcera del diverticulo de Meckel. Prensa m£d. argent., 1934-35, 21: 851-3. Also Rev. As. med. argent., 1933, 46: 3456-9.—Dixon, C. F., & Famiglietti, E. V. Gigantic Meckel's diverticulum with ulceration producing massive hemorrhage: report of case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1937, 12: 545-7.—Etchegorry, J. Perfora- ci6n de ulcera simple del diverticulo de Meckel; operaci6n; curaci6n. An. Fac. med., Montev., 1926, 11: 621-8.—Fevre, M., Patel & Lepart. Ulceres performs du diverticule de Meckel, Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 756-67.—Fuss, H. Ueber einen Fall von blutendem Ulcus in einem Meckelschen Diver- tikel. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1926, 199: 336-41.—Guerrero Allande, J. Ulcera perforada del diverticulo de Meckel. Rev. mex. cir., 1942, 10: 153-5.—Jackson, A. S. Ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum as a cause of intestinal hemorrhage. Ann. Surg., 1927, 85: 252-6. Also Tr. Ass. Physicians Mayo Clin. (1926) 1927, 7: 102-10, 3 pi— Lanman, T. H. Ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum, N. England J. M., 1935, 213: 878.—Marty, J. L'ulcus du diverticule de Meckel. Bordeaux chir., 1932, 3: 123-32.—Matt, J. G. Clinical diagnosis of ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1942, 35: 414-7.—Meiss, W. C. [Grave intestinal hemorrhage from an ulcer in a Meckel's diverticulum] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1928, 72: pt 2, 4020-2.— Mondor, H., & Lamy, M. Etude clinique des ulceres du diver- ticule de Meckel. J. chir., Par., 1933, 41: 553-84.—Prussia, G. Su un caso di perforazione di ulcera del diverticolo di Meckel. Clinica, Bologna, 1939, 5: 712-21.—Roudil, G., & Marty. Sur un cas de perforation d'ulc^re du diverticule de Meckel. Bor- deaux chir., 1932, 3: 179-81.—Tavernier & Pouzet. Ulcere du diverticule de Meckel diagnostic^ et gu£ri. Lyon chir., 1933, 30: 711-3.—Treider, P. [Perforating ulcer in Meckels diver- ticulum] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1934, 95: 393-8.—Winkel- stein, A. Ulcer in Meckel's diverticulum; unusual roentgeno- logic findings; case report. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1941-42, 8: 1118-20. ---- Meckel's diverticulum: Volvulus. Hundemer, W. *Ein Volvulus des Mek- kel'schen Divertikels [Miinchen] 36p. 8? Kallmunz, 1932. Bettman, R. B. Volvulus of a Meckel's diverticulum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 363-73.—Courriades & Levy, J. Occlusion intestinale par volvulus du diverticule de Meckel. Bordeaux chir., 1933, 4: 273-5.—Desjacques. Volvulus de l'intestin gr£le portcur d'un diverticule de Meckel; resection de 1 metre 80 de grele. Lyon chir., 1936, 33: 87-9.—Forty, F. Intestinal atresia with torsion of Meckel's diverticulum. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 986—Gaisford, W. F. Volvulus in a 3-weeks-old baby with a Meckel's diverticulum and congenital morbus cordis. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1940, 15: 277.— Georget, P.. & Gouman, A. Sur un cas de volvulus du grfile par diverticule de Meckel. J. m£d. Bordeaux, 1937, 114: 758.— Holm, E. [Torsion of Meckel's diverticulum] Ugeskr. la>ger, 1930, 92: 551.—Lacroix, P. Un cas de volvulus du diverticule de Meckel. Rev. beige sc. m£d., 1940, 12: 187.—Olow, J. A case of torsion of Meckel's diverticulum] Acta obst. gyn. scand., 1932, 12: 90-2. Also Hygiea, Stockh., 1932, 94: 105 — Poste. H.R. G. Volvulus of a Meckel's diverticulum. Australas. N. 7a-aland J. Surg., 1937-38, 7: 351-3.—Soldevilla Rodriguez, V. Oelurdi'n aguda de intestino por torsi6n de un diverticulo de Meckel. Med. ibera, 1934, 29: pt 2, 51-4. ■--- Myoma. Daniel?, A. Ueber Leiomyome des Ileum. Arch. klin. Chir., 1928, 151: 442-4.—Finney, G. G. Cystic myoma of the ileum with intestinal hemorrhage. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1933, 100: 408-10.—Jones. T. E., & Brubaker. R. E. Leiomyoma of the ileum; report of a case. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1942, 9: 173-7.— Laval. H.. & Carpentier. G. Leiomyome diffus et jabots de lileon, chez le cheval. Rec. med. v6t., 1934, 110: 517- 23.—Pilot, L, & Brock, S. Fibromyoma of the ileum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1934, 14: 179. ---- Obstruction. See also subheadings (Invagination; Volvulus) also Ileus. Gaillard, A. *Etranglement du gr61e der- riere une anse d'anastomose gastrique. 63p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Peterson, L. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Ileum terminale fixatum und Ileus ilei terminalis fixati; Litteraturverzeichnis. 541p.; 112p. 8? Helsin., 1934. Arkhangelsky, N. A. [On the so-called ileum terminale fixatum et ileus ilei terminalis fixati] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 10, 84—6.—Beluffi, E. L. Sui comportamento dell'ansa afferente, terminalmente cieca, a valle delle enteroanastomosi latero-laterali per occlusione benigna dell'iieo terminale; ricerche sperimentali. Arch. ital. chir., 1939, 56: 433-58.— Burke-Gaffney, F. C. Obstruction of the ileum in pregnancy. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 1: 577.—Cole, J. M. Ileal obstruction. N. Zealand M. J., 1942, 41: 183.—Elman, R., & Hartmann, A. F. Experimental obstruction of the terminal duodenum and ileum; the importance of blood chemical changes in causing death. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1931, 53: 307-15— Flynn, J. M. Intestinal obstruction at terminal ileum caused by large irregu- lar gallstone; report of a case. Am. J. Roentg., 1940, 44: 69.— Goldberg, H. Ueber einen Fall von Ileus bei einem Neuge- borenen infolge Stenose der Valvula ileocoecalis (Bauhini) Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 1801-3.—Hatfield, M. Extrinsic antenatal intestinal obstruction at the ileum, with peritonitis. Kentucky M. J., 1939, 37: 451-5.—Hylkema, S. [A rare case of intestinal occlusion as a sequel of compression of the ileo- •> cecal passage by a chvlous cyst] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 2, 2713.—Illingworth, H. T. A case of Lane's ileal kink. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1921, n. ser., Ill: 497.—Kent, G. B., & Sawyer, K. C. Intestinal obstruction from a gallstone impacted in the distal portion of the ileum. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1938, 35: 713.—McNealy, R. W.. & Lichtenstein, M. E. Acute mechanical ileal obstruction following appendectomy. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 55: 157-9.—Marino. Oclusion intestinal aguda por amplia membrana embolsando el fleon. Bol. Soc cir. B. Aires, 1928, 12: 197-9.—Matheson, D. Mechanical obstruction of ileum by appendix. Brit. M. J., 1938, 1: 844.— Morton, J. J., & Sullivan, W. C. A comparison between simultaneous equalized closed obstructions of the duodenum and the ileum. Arch. Surg., 1930, 21: 531-8.—Boeder, C. A. Acute inflammatory obstruction of the terminal ileum. Ann. Surg., 1928, 87: 867-9.—Rosenfeld, A. Incarceratio retro- gradica intestini ilei. Acta chir. scand., 1925-26, 59: 439- 46.—Schultz, C. B. Acute postoperative obstruction of the lower small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 1733-7.— Speese, J., & Bothe, F. A. Ileocaecal obstruction associated with appendicitis. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1930, 48: 290-300.— Sperling, L. Effect of previous ileosigmoidostomy on survival period of dogs with low ileal obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 31: 323-6.—Stoian, C, & Mihailescu, G. Ocluzie intestinal^ prin strangulare,intr'un inel ileo-apendicular. Rev. san. mil., Bucur., 1928, 27: 251-3.—Stuiz, E., & Brenck- mann, E. Calcul stercoral arrets k la valvule de Bauhin; syndrome d'occlusion intestinale chronique simulant une tuberculose ileocaecale. Strasbourg m6d., 1927, 85: pt 2, 152. ---- Perforation, and rupture. Antonini, F. Perforazione spontanea dell'intestino ileo. Cazz. toscana sc. med. fis., 1849, 7: 241.—Coates, A. E. Spon- taneous rupture of the ileum. Melbourne Hosp. Clin Rep 1933, 4: 53.—Gaither, E. H. Perforation of the ileum; case with foreign body free in the abdominal cavity. Med Clin N. America, 1933, 17: 1185-97.—Kudirka, St [Case of multiple perforations of the intestinum ilei of uncertain origin] Medicina Kaunas 1940 21: 615-8 -Pryn, R. H. C. Two cases of period ration of the ileum. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1927 48: 374-8 — Sweet R. H Mallory, T. B.. & Allen, A. W. Foreign-body 1942 226 "891 g6n Penton>tis. N. England J. M., ---- Physiology. reinBenkn;rAm^KanitZ' ?" R' Ueber die Z"sammensetzung des reinen Darmsaftes aus dem untersten Abschnitte des Ileums beim Menschen. Biochem. Zsehr 1934 270- T78_8i Talabro O SuUa motilita dei vantra d intest^nklLrtnter"^ f^h-Dean e de'c°lon ™* ^e. . Riv. biol., 1933,' JsT^ /o, o en Dean, B. F.. jr. An experimental study of the reac- J°MOVch^T30te?71.Of82t8V'frmiVal B0rti0?,0f ^ileum Am. 326-8.-Denn?s.C.9&2v1ssc3herAM B°CsS° ^ 1929' H t^MuriefS^ Sl^^lt^H^ Mann.F.C. The activity^ & S^^fa*™-',* ILEUM 51 ILEUM dog in relation to the ingestion of food. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939-40, 6: 434-9.—Krueger, H., Lampe, I. [et al.] Contri- butions to the analysis of records obtained from balloons within Thiry-Vella loops of the dog's ileum. In Rep. Com. Drug Addict. (U. S. Nat. Res. Counc.) 1941, 824.—Lapenna, M. La peristalsi dell'ultima porzione del tenue (ileo) studiata mediante la radiografia in serie. Radiol, med., Milano, 1924, 11: 574-80.—Sachs, J. W., & Ivie, J. McK. The effect of acid on the guinea pig ileum contracted by acetylcholine and hista- mine. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1936, 57: 253-7.—Siaulis, B.. & Sollmann, T. The response of the circular and longitudinal muscle of rabbits' ileum to physical and mechanical conditions. Am. J. Physiol., 1927, 81: 579-605.—Sumwalt, M., & Krueger. H. The effect of various distending pressures on the activity of the dog's ileum. Ibid., 1936, 116: 152.—Zollner, S. Dunn- darmmotilitat und Nahrung, ein Beitrag zur Frage des gas- troilealen Reflexes. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1938, 57:356-66. ■--- Radiology. Caillard, E. J. B. *Contribution k I'etude radiologique de la valvule ileo-coecale et de I'ileon terminal [Parisl 74p. 24cm. Mont- rouge, 1939. Carter, L. J. Radiological findings in the terminal ileum and the proximal colon; a 25 year post-operative retrospect. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1942, 46: 151-5.—Crohn, B. B., & Yarnis, H. The anatomical position of the ileum in health and disease. Radiology, 1939, 33: 325-30.—Emery, E. S., & Monroe, R. T. Radiographic abnormalities of the ileo-cecal region; with a discussion on their interpretation. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 197: 337-45.—Gyorgyi, G. [Diagnostic importance of examina- tion of the mucosal relief in the lower ileum by irrigoscopy] Magy. rontg. kozl., 1934, 8: 116-22. ---;— Le role de l'irrigoscopie dans le radiodiagnostic de l'intestin grfele terminal. J. radiol. flectr., 1934, 18: 285-9.—Tmpiombato, G., & Capua, A. Studio radiologico della ultima ansa del tenue. Radiol. med., Milano, 1932, 19: 1113.—Lust, F. J. Roentgenological studies of the mucosa of the normal terminal ileum. Am. J. Roentg., 1941, 45: 63-8.—Ottonello, P. La proiezione laterale sinistra-destra del tratto ileo-ceco-colico. Radiol, med., Milano, 1929. 16: 74-90.—Perona, P. I processi cronici e produttivi dell'iieo terminale studiati con le seriografie mirate. Arch. radiol., Nap., 1934, 10: 145-81.—Rose, C. B. The terminal ileum, cecum, and ascending colon from the standpoint of the roentgenologist. Radiology, 1933, 21: 266-75. ---- Sarcoma. Heck, H. *TJeber Sarkome des Dunndarms (und Bericht iiber einen Fall von Myosarkom des Ileums) [Berlin] 24p. 23>^cm. Charlottenb., 1937. n . ., , RachS [W.] G. *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Dunndarmsarkome. 27p. 23cm. Berl., 1937. Carson, W. J. Lymphosarcoma of the ileum. J. Internat. Coll. Surgeons, 1941, 4: 72-6.—Cope, V. Z., & Grant, H. M. A case of lymphosarcoma of the ileum. Brit. J. Surg., 1941-4A 29: 356-8.—Cristofanetti, P. Su due casi d'invaginazione (ileo-colica per sarcoma della valvola ileo-cecale e ileo-ceco- colica da polipo dell'ultima ansa ileale) Ann. radiol., Bologna, 1936, 10: 315-28.—Donovan, R. E., & Lima, E. J. Invagina- ci6n Ileo-ileal por sarcoma fibrobl^stico. Bol. Acad, argent. cir 1942, 26: 483-91.—Foa, A. Sopra un caso di linfosarcoma primitivo' dell'iieo in un bambino. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1933 8: 704-13.—Frankman, C. F., & Drummond, D. H. Primary sarcoma of the ileum with perforation; case report. Ohio M J., 1940, 36: 841.—Gamboa, M. Invaginaeion Ileo- ileal por sarcoma fibrobldstico. Bol. Acad, argent, cir., 1942, 26- 693-5—Lefevre, H. Sur un cas de lymphosarcome de I'ileon. Bordeaux chir., 1931, 2: 417.—Lussana, S. Due resezioni ileo-trasverso-coliche per neoplasma del cieco. Mi- nerva med., Tor., 1928, 8: pt 2 230-40 -McDermott J. G. Leiomyosarcoma of the ileum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 19,10, mino-terminal. Bol. Acad, argent. cir., 1942, 26: 525-34.—Glassman, J. A. An artificial ileocecal valve. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74: 92-8.—Holm, C. E. The fate of the sidetracked loop of ileum following lateral anasto- mosis for complete, benign obstruction; a clinical experimental study. Ibid., 1933, 56: 746-51.—Isaac. C. L. Five cases of ileo-caecal resection. Brit. M. J., 1928, 1: 257.—Pieri, G. La resezione del plesso ileocolico. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 2, 560 (microfilm)—Quenu, J. Un cas d'ileo-coloplastie. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 856-63. ------ L'ileo- coloplastie. J. chir., Par., 1933, 42: 15-48.—Radice, L. Ri- cerche sperimentali sui comportamento anatomico e funzionale di anse di ileo innestate sui colon. Ann. ital. chir., 1932, 11: 847.—Robineau, M., & Laflitte, H. Technique et resultats de l'ileo-colectomie. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1926, 16: 1098-112.—Turner, G. A portion of ileum 10 in. long which was enucleated from its inflamed and oedematous peritoneal coat under the supposition that the appendix was being re- moved. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1938, 61: 106. ---- Tumor. See also subheadings (Angioma; Cancer; Carcinoid; Myoma; Sarcoma) Bagnaresi, G. Contributo radiologico e clinico alio studio dei tumori dell'iieo. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1931, 7: 745-64.— Casaubon, A.. Rocca, M. C, & Trostbach, F. M. Invaginaci6n intestinal cr6nica por linfoma de la porcion terminal del fleon; operaci6n de Barker; curaci6n. Sem. m£d., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt 2, 894-8.—Delore, X. Invagination il6o-il6ale par tumeur fibro-myxoemateuse; desinvagination; resection du grede. Lyon chir., 1936, 33: 334.—Du Bourguet. Perrignon de Troyes & Paponnet. Tumeur benigne de l'intestin grele, fibro-myxome, ayant entrain^ une occlusion aigue par invagination il6o-ileale; ent^rectomie; guerison. M£m. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 286-91.—Fobe, H. Endom£triome intestinal; resection ileo- coecale avec 5 ans plus tard, riScidive dans une hernie <5piploique. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1937, 26: 355.—Gallo, A. G., & Pozzo, J. J. Endometrioma del lleon. Bob Acad, argent, cir., 1940, 24: 999-1010. Also Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1942, 21: 104. Also Sem. m£d., B. Air., 1941, 48: 69-75.—Glenn, P. M., & Thornton, J. J. Endometriosis of the ileum with chronic partial intestinal obstruction. Clin. Bulb, Clevel., 1940, 4: 15-7. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 520-2.—Iason, A. H., & Filberbaum, M. B. Intussusception in an adult associated with adenoma of ileum. Ann. Surg., 1931, 93: 1191-6.— Keller & Fobe. Endom^triome intestinal; resection il<5o- coecale 5 ans plus tard r^cidive dans une hernie; epiplorque. Gynecologie, Par., 1937, 36: 17-23.—Knoepp, L. F. Sub- mucous lipoma of the ileum with intussusception; report of a case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1933, 8: 765-8.—Lee, W. E., & Taylor, J. S. Argentaffine tumors of the terminal ileum; a cause of intestinal obstruction. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 59: 469-73.— Masmonteil, F. Invagination ileo-csecale due a une tumeur de l'intestin grgle; resection ileo-csecale; guerison. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1933, 25: 51-6.—Milles, G. Lymphangioma of the ileum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1930,13: 316.—Morrison. W. A. A case of double intussusceotion from tumor of the terminal ileum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1928, 8: 1473-8.—Muir. E. G. Lymphoma of ileum? Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Surg. Proct., 910.—Nard. Fibrome develoop^ dans le meso intestinal, au carrefour de la terminaison du meso de I'ileon, du meso de l'appendice et du meso du caecum, simulant un kyste de l'ovaire, et enlevg par hemicolectomie droite. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 352.— Pan&, T.. & Popescu, C. [Sub- occlusive polypi of the ileum, complicated by invagination] Soitalul. 1939, 59: 73-6.—Perry, C. L., & Peters, J. S. Myxo- fibroma of the ileum. Bull. Jackson Mem. Hoso., Miami, 1941, 3: 17-20.—Rodriguez Egafia, A. Invaginaci6n ileo-ileal por tumor de intestino delgado. Bol. Acad, argent, cir. 1942, 26: 520-5.—Schousboe, J. Neurinoma intestini ilei. Nord. med., 1941, 10: 1305—Sowles, H. K., Schatzki. R-, & Mallory, T. B. Polyp of ileum; intussusception. N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 4gg —Wald, B. [Radiogram of an inflammatory tumor ol ileum] Gy6gySszat, 1935, 75: 350.—Warneld J. O., jr, Ar- gentaffinoma of the ileum; report of a case. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1939, 8: 242-4. ---- Ulcer. Bissell A D. Localized chronic ulcerative ileitis. Ann. Surg 1934, 99: 957-66.—Bogolepov, S. V. [Perforating ulcers of the ileum] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 4, 157.—Fenster. E. Ileitis ulcerosa. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1936, 164: 462-75.— Helm K Ileitis ulcerosa stenosans unter dem Bilde eines Adnextumors. Zbl. Gyn., 1938, 62: 2359-66-Kallay, F. [Ulcus simplex ilei] Gy6gydszat, 1938, 78: 519.—Kong. A. Ueber ein in das Colon perforiertes Ulcus simplex ilei. Beitr. klin Chir., 1929, 147: 133-7.—Landois, F. Ueber Ileitis ILEUM 52 ILEUS ulcerosa. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1690-2.—Levitsky, B. P. [Case of ulcus simplex idiopathicum ilei perforativum] Khi- rurgia, Moskvu, 1938, No. 2, 133-5.—Maddock, W. C, & Coventry, M. B. A perforated ulcer of the ileum opposite a Meckel's diverticulum. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941, 73: 105-7 — Patton, C. L. Simple solitarv ulcer of the ileum. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1928) 1929, 28: 439-55.-Reccius, A. Ulcus pepticum des Ileum bei gleichzeitigem Bestehen eines Meckel'- schen Divertikels. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 2058-60.—Ropke. W. /Cur Kenntnis der tumorbildenden, ulzerosen stenosierenden Entziindung des unteren Ileum. Ibid., 1934, 61: 1508-72.— Wu, P. P. T., & Thompson, H. G. Observations on the experi- mental production of peptic ulcer in the ileum. Brit. J. Surg., 1936, 24: 183-7, 3 pi. ---- Volvulus. Chardonneau, Chaptal & Laux. Volvulus de l'S iliaque. Bull. Soc. sc. m<5d. biol. Montpellier, 1926-27, 8: 306 — Cochrane, W. A. Ileo-caecal volvulus from adhesions formed by left-sided pelvic appendicitis. Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 193 — Hardoiiin, P. Quatre observations de volvulus de l'S iliaque. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 225-33.—January, D. A., & Smith, E. B. Antenatal volvulus with strangulation and perforation involving a portion of the ileum. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 50: 135-7.—Johnson, E. T. Volvulus of the ileum. Jackson Co. M. J., 1934, 28: No. 40, 9.—Kiernan, P. C, & Clagett, O. T. Volvulus of the ileum; report of case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1942, 17: 446-8.—Levine, V. Volvulus of lower ileum. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 714-6 — Miller, J. M., & Clagett, O. T. Volvulus of the ileocecal region. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, 15: 424-7.—Pauchet, V. Volvulus iliaque consequence d'une dolichosigmoide traitement; colecto- mie segmentaire en un ou 2 temps. J. vaM. Paris, 1932, 52: 801. Also Rev. techn. chir., Par., 1933, 25: 8-24.—Steinke, C. R. Volvulus of the ileum in the newborn. Tr. Ass. Physi- cians Mayo Clin. (1928) 1929, 9: 138.—Stoian, C, & Costesco, P. Occlusion intestinale k double siSge, par volvulus du colon ilio-pelvien, et torsion de la portion terminale de I'ileon. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 62: 798-801.—Valentine, J. S., Kinnear, J. S. Ileo-caecal volvulus in a mental patient. Brit. M. J., 1937,2:417. ILEUS. See also under name of intestinal segment affected as Colon (Intussusception; Obstruction; Volvulus) Duodenum (Obstruction; Volvulus) Ileum (Invagination; Obstruction; Volvulus); also under primary diseases as Appendicitis; Ileum, Meckel's diverticulum; Intestine, Atresia; Intestine, small, Invagination; Peritonitis, etc.; also in 3. ser. Intestine, Obstruction. Becker, P. *Intestinal obstruction [Mar- quette Univ.] 22p. 8? Wauwatosa, Wis., 1932. Knaut, H. *Ueber Ileus. 56p. 8? Jena, 1936. Stoppato, U. Occlusione intestinale. 354p.; 14p. 8? Roma, 1926. In Arch. Soc. ital. chir. (1925) 1926, 32: Wangensteen, O. H. Intestinal obstructions. 2.ed. 484p. 25^cm. Springf. [1942] Abell, I. Ileus. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1933, 212-6.—Bakay, L. [et al.] [Ileus] Magy. orv. nagyWt jegyzokve, 1933, 3: 222-43.—Barling, S. Intestinal obstruc- tion. Practitioner, Lond., 1942, 149: 129-36.—Battersby, J. S. Bowel obstruction. Q. Bull. Indiana Univ. M. Center, 1941, 3: 98.—Bazin, A. T. Intestinal obstruction. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1931, 25: 558-63.—Bender, C. A. Ileus. Memphis M. J., 1935, 10: No. 12, 10-3.—Binet, L. L'occlusion intestinale, son syndrome humoral, son traitement dit medical. In his Lecons phys. m<«d. chir., Par., 1935, 77-88.—Bukin, S. G. [Intestinal obstruction] Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 23, 19-22.—Bunch, G. H. Intestinal obstruction. South. M. & S., 1927, 89: 10-3.— Burgess, C. M. Intestinal obstruction. Proc. Clinic, Honolulu, 1941,7:51-5.—Campbell, S. A. Bowel obstruction. Nebraska M. J., 1935, 20: 463.—Carson, H. W. Intestinal obstruction. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1929, 4: 55-60.—Caywood, B. E. Intestinal obstruction. Kentucky M. J., 1940, 38: 446-50.— Christopher, F. Intestinal obstruction. Illinois M. J., 1935, 67: 515-7. Also Radiol. Rev., 1936, 58: 34.—Conzett, D. C. Intestinal obstruction. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1930, 20: 547-50.— Curry, W. A. Intestinal obstruction. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 352-5.—Doerfler, H. Der Darmverschluss (Ileus) In his Fiir Praxis, Miinch., 1938, 2: 298-320.—Donaldson, J. K. Intestinal obstruction. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1937-38, 34: 87- 9.—Drueck, C. J. Intestinal obstruction. Med. J. & Rec, 1930, 131: 512-5.—EckhofT, N. L. Intestinal obstruction. In Brit. Encycl. M. Pract. (Rolleston, H.) Lond., 1938, 7: 221- 52.—Erdmann, J. F. Intestinal obstruction. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1927, 24: 515-9.—Eve, F. C. Disordered regulation of traffic in the gut. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 364-6. Also Ind. M. Rec, 1933, 53: 183-7.- Flynn, C. W. Intestinal obstruction. Med. Rec, Houston, 192H, 20: 154-8.—Gigon. A. Ueber den Ileus. Wien. med. Wschr., 1932, 82: 107-10. -Green, J. A. Ileus intestinal obstruction. Illinois M. J., VX\S, 74: 315-20.— Haynes. H. H.. Weaver, A. J.. & Lembright. J. F. Intestinal obstruction. West Virginia M. J., 1939, 35: 459.- Hoy. C. llaC. Ileus (bowel obstruction) :i review. Internat. (din., 1937. 47. ser., 4: 263-96. -Hunt, V. C. Intestinal obstruction. Southwest. M., 1936, 20: 167-70.—Jose. I. B. Intestinal obstruction. Med. J. Australia, 19-10, 1: 215-0. —Kaiser, F. J. Der Darmverschluss. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 1 125-8.—Kaufman, J. Intestinal obstruction; diagnosis, biochemistry :md relaf ion- ship to therapy. Am. J. Surg., 1930, 34: 72-5. Kretchmar, C. A. Intestinal obstruction. Rep. Wayne Co. M. Soc., 1933-3-1, 4: 48-53.—L., M. Intestinal obstruction. Pennsylvania M. J., 1941-42, 45: 373.—Lewis, D. Intestinal obstruction. Wisconsin M. J., 1929, 28: 195-9.—Lupton, C. H. Intestinal obstruction. Virginia M. Month., 1939, 66: 010-20.—McGehee, J. L. Intestinal obstruction. Mississippi Doctor, 1934-35, 12: 10-6.—Mateer, J. G. Intestinal obstruction. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass. (1930) 1931, 33: 67-72.—Michael, P. R. [Ileus] Geneesk. gids, 1938, 16: 1344-54.—Miller, G. Intes- tinal obstruction. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1932, 26: 420-6.— Molesworth, H. W. L. Intestinal obstruction. Clin. J., Lond., 1938, 67:338-43.—Paul, M. Intestinal obstruction. J.Ceylon Brit. M. Ass., 1939, 36: 383-402.—Prat, D. Ileo; oclusi6n y obstrucci6n intestinal. An. Fac. med., Montev., 1931, 16: 49, 2 pi.; 321; 1932, 17: 27; 237; 1933, 18: passim.—Remijnse, J. G. [Ileus] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 2488-95.— Ritchie, W. P. Intestinal obstruction. Clin. Med., 1942, 49: 111.—Rosenthal, J. [Intestinal occlusion] Orv. hetib, 1935, 79: 523-6.—Ruding, R. [Ileus] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 1953-9.—Rusanov, A. G. [On the origin and significance of the word ileus] Vest, khir., 1939, 57: 243-9.—Sandifer, F. W., jr. Intestinal obstruction. Mississippi Doctor, 1939-40, 17: 599-603.—Scheetz, M. E. Intestinal obstruction. Eclect. M. J., 1936, 96: 467-72.—Sebastian, S. P. Intestinal obstruc- tion. J. Nat. M. Ass., Newark, 1930, 22: 181-6.—Shier, R. V. B. Intestinal obstruction. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1928, 18: 40- 5.—Silver, P. G. Intestinal obstruction. Ibid., 1930, 22: 839- 42.—Stone, H. B. Intestinal obstruction. Med. Rec, Houston, 1941, 35: 815-9. Also Mississippi Doctor, 1936-37, 14: No. 11, 1-6. Also Northwest M., 1942, 41: 340-3.—Storck, E. H. Ileus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1934, 140: 432-5.—Sturgeon, C. T. Intestinal obstruction. California West. M., 1935, 42: 34-7.— Syms, G. F. Intestinal obstruction. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1936, 22: 284-90.—Warren, R. Intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1936, 1: 245-8.—Woods, G. W. Intestinal obstruction. Mem. Congr. mM. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 2: 303- 19.—Wright, A. M. Intestinal obstruction. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1935, 32: 465.—Wright, E. B. Intestinal obstruction. West Virginia M. J., 1932, 28: 564-9. ---- acute. De Werth, J. H. *Acute intestinal obstruc- tion. 13p. Milwaukee, Wise, 1937. McIver, M. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. 430p. 8? N. Y., 1934. Pallasch, F. J. *Acute intestinal obstruction [Marquette Univ.] 26p. 8? Milwaukee, Wise, 1932. Pennsylvania. University. Bicentennial conference. Problems of intestinal obstruction. 56p. 23cm. Phila., 1941. Schnapp, A. C. *Acute intestinal obstruction. 17p. Wauwatosa, Wise, 1937. ,no«bni' ?™oA£ute intestinal obstruction. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 1903-7.—Austin, R. C. Acute intestinal obstruction. Ohio M J., 1936 32: 514-6-Beck, W. C. Acute intestinal obstruction. Guthrie Clin. Bull., 1939, 9: 73-7—Best R R io?r\e p,r eoo°/ acute intestinal obstruction. Nebraska'M. J.', irk w- fr u~ Ble^ger- Ueber akuten Ileus. Med. Korbl. Wurttemberg, 1926, 96: 267; 291.—Bliss, R. W Acute intestinal obstruction. Mil. Surgeon, 1932, 71: 152-61 — Boidalov, FT. [Clinical course, pathology and mechanism'of rare forms of acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1932, 27: WeiTl ™ \\ ■ o\CQUtoVnt!,Stinal o^ruction. California West. Al., 1934, 41: 219-22.—Brown, K. P. Acute intestinal obstruction Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 279 ——— Acute intestmal obstruction from the clinical standpoint. Edinburgh -vi j., 1942, 49: 234-46.—Buchanan, A. S. Acute intestinal obstruction. Tristate M. J., 1934, 6: 128 .-Bunker WH Acute ileus. Maine M. J., 1936, 27: 33-5.—Burgess A H Acute intestinal obstruction. Brit. M J 1932 2- ",1 ' au 829 1^9 B1Bu !°°\19H3V: ^ Affii,^ .-L„i ,° l.y^9, ' • »57-9.—Burgess. A. H., Frankau, C. H. S. [et al 1 Discus mV'ig^^^s'^Deave?^^^?"^1 ^1\ Sigl° tion. N. York State J. M 1929 29 • \*n w™^ °ha^ Acute inte^, ob ti ; Ti&^.^'ffihg-*- obstruction. Proc^ayo cSSfloSTg^rV..1-'11^^ A^'n^tinal obstruction. J. Sai M Soc" 'h> 4f: intestinal aguda. Dia'med., b! Air? 1941 13': Sf^l ILEUS 53 ILEUS Haggard, W. D. Acute intestinal obstruction. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 90: 1424-7.—Kadyrov, I. G. [Pathologico-anatomical data on acute intestinal obstruction] Shorn, nauch. trud. Bashkir, gosud. med. inst., 1938, 1: 56-69.—Kent, G. B., & Sawyer, K. C. Acute intestinal obstruction. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1942, 39: 283-7.—Kerr, A. B. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion. Glasgow M. J., 1936, 125: 5; 245.—Lemberg, D. A. [Anomalies of the intestinal tract as cause of acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 589-95.—McCormick, E. J. Acute ileus. Ohio M. J., 1930, 26: 117-21.—McGlannan, A. Acute intestinal obstruction. South. M. & S., 1930, 92: 221- 7.—Mclver, M. A. Acute intestinal obstruction; general considerations. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 1098-105.—Mackey, W. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 202: 297-304.—MacLean, N. J. Acute intestinal obstruction. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1941, 21: 207-11 — Melnikov, A. V. [Characteristics of acute, intestinal obstruc- tion] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 156-69— Meyer, K. A., & Brams, W. A. A clinical study of acute intestinal obstruction. Illinois M. J., 1927, 51: 43-7.—Moir, P. J. Acute intestinal obstruction. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 202: 196-9.— Molesworth, H. W. L. Acute intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1929, 2: 342-4.—Moore, G. A. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion. Rhode Island M. J., 1927, 10: 173-9.—Naegeli. T. Der akute Darmverschluss. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 513-5. ------ Der akute Ileus. Helvet. med. acta, 1934, 1: 33-58.—Nafe, C. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1934, 27: 293-8.—Newland, H. S. Acute intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1932, 2: 539.—Nichols, B. H. Acute intestinal obstruction. Ohio M. J., 1938, 34: 884-6.—Norman, J. F. Acute intestinal obstruction. Minnesota M., 1927, 10: 93-6.— North, J. P. Acute intestinal obstruction. Internat. Clin., 1929, 39. ser., 3: 206-15.—O'Brien, H. J. Acute intestinal obstruction. Tr. Minnesota M. Ass., 1903, 35: 106-17 — Ochsner, A. Acute ileus. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1932, 2: 104. ------ Acute intestinal obstruction. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1931, 28: 407-14. Also South. M. J., 1931, 24: 93-7—Pagen- stecher, G. A., & Gonzales, H. N. Acute intestinal obstruction. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1934, 140: 675.— Pawlowski, B. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Lek. wojsk., 1931, 17: 117-90.— Porter, A. R., jr. Acute intestinal obstruction. Memphis M. J., 1942, 17: 190-2.—Quinn, R. G. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion. Med. J. Australia, 1928, 1: 795-800.—Ravdin, I. S., & Johnston, C. G. Some problems of acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. M. Sc, 1940, 199: 289-95.—Roberts, C. G. The modern concept of acute intestinal obstruction. Illinois M. J., 1935, 67: 163-6. Also J. Nat. M. Ass., Newark, 1935, 27: 110-3 — Russell, R. D. Acute intestinal obstruction. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1930, 31: 351-4.—Sipes, D. R. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. Q., 1939-40, 31: 33-7.—Smithies, F. Acute intestinal obstruction. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 1899-903.—Stoppato, U. L'occlusione intestinale acuta. Studium, Nap., 1926, 16: 16.—Strobel, W. G. Acute intestinal obstruction. Minnesota M., 1932, 15: 836-40.—Stukas, B. [Acute intestinal occlusion] Mediicina, Kaunas, 1936, 17: 879-81.—Taylor, W. Acute emergencies of general practice; acute intestinal obstruction. Irish J. M. Sc, 1927, 6. ser., 34- 7.—Tremolieres, F., & Marceau, J. P6ri-entero-colites et occlusion intestinale aigue. Presse med., 1928, 36: 1489-91.— Trout, H. H. Acute intestinal obstruction. Virginia M. Month., 1937-38, 64: 256-64.—Trussler, H. M. A general consideration of acute intestinal obstruction. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1935, 28: 164-9.—Turner, J. W. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1934, 23: 89-93.—Wilkie, D. P. D. Acute intestinal obstruction. Bristol Med. Chir. J., 1930, 47: 97-110. Also Brit. M. J., 1932, 2: 545. Also Clin. J., Lond., 1931, 60: 1-6. Also Tr. R. Med. Chir. Soc. Glasgow, 1935, 29: 18-30.—Wilkinson, R. J., & Kappes, W. C. Acute intestinal obstruction. West Virginia M. J., 1926, 21: 180-3.—Yates, H. B. Acute intestinal obstruction. Clin. J., Lond., 1933, 62: 102-9. ---- acute: Cases. Ali Ibrahim Pacha. A case of acute intestinal obstruction due to an unusual cause. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1935, 18: 660.— Angel, E., & Kizinski, A. An analysis of 70 cases of acute intestinal obstruction. South. M. & S., 1936, 98: 595-8 — Bottin, J. Un cas d'occlusion intestinale aigue de cause rare. Ann. Soc. med. chir. Liege, 1935, 68: 145-8. Also Liege m6d., 1935, 28: 1450-6.—Bowles, H. E. Report of a puzzling case of acute intestinal obsrtuction. Chin. M. J., 1932, 46: 575, ph— Bresadola, V. Di un caso abbastanza raro di occlusione in- testinale acuta. Boll. med. trent., 1933, 48: 199-205.—Button, E. L. Acute intestinal obstruction; an analysis of Wellington Hospital cases, and statistics. N. Zealand M. J., 1933, 32: 320-9.—Fanstone, J., & Golden, G. An unusual case of acute intestinal obstruction. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 2: 15.—Finch, L. H. Acute intestinal obstruction; with report of 60 cases. N. York State J. M., 1928, 28: 195-202.—Floersheim, S. Acute intestinal obstruction; reporting a case with rare pathological findings. California West. M., 1927, 25: 348.—Homans, J. Acute intestinal obstructions; empyema. J. Maine M. Ass., 1941, 32: 107-10.—ludin, S. S. [Certain data and theories concerning acute ileus based on material from the Sklifasovsky Institute for 1928-38] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 410-35.—Low- man K E Acute intestinal obstruction; with report of 2 cases. U. S*. Nav. M. Bulb, 1926, 24: 91-6.—Mclver, M. A. Acute intestinal obstruction; obstruction due to neoplasms and strangulated external hernias. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 1125- 34.—Mazzini, O. F. Sobre oclusi6n intestinal aguda; esta- dlstica de 322 casos. Prensa med. argent., 1934, 21: 1811-8.— Moss, W., & McFetridge, E. M. Acute intestinal obstruction; a comparative study of 511 cases, with special reference to the lowered mortality achieved by modern methods of therapy. Ann. Surg., 1934, 100: 158-66.—Pizzagalli, L. Su alcuni casi di occlusione intestinale acuta. Boll, spec med. chir., Milano, 1929, 3: 241-54.—Spink, M. S. Three cases of acute intestinal obstruction. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1934, 48: 307-12.— Todyo, T. Acute intestinal obstruction; a statistical survey of 342 cases. Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 340-9.—Van Beuren, F. T., & Smith, B. C. Acute ileus; analysis of 130 cases operated upon at the Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, from 1932 to 1935, inclusive. Ibid., 321-39.—Vick. R. M. Statistics of acute intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1932, 2: 546.— Vidgoff, I. J. Acute intestinal obstruction; an analysis of 260 cases treated in the Los Angeles County General Hospital. Ann. Surg., 1932, 95: 801-9.—Voronchikhin, S. I. [Develop- ment of rare forms of acute intestinal obstruction (hernia)] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 208-10.—Watson, J. R. Acute intestinal obstruction due to a mesenteric defect. Ann. Surg., 1937, 106: 1097-100.—Whelan, H. M., & Maxwell, J. A. Five cases of acute intestinal obstruction. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1935, 21: 253-7. ---- acute: Diagnosis. See also other subheadings of Ileus (Diagnosis; Radiography) Curran, W. P., jr. *The importance of early diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction and its treatment [Marquette University] 17p. 4? Milwaukee, Wise, 1930. Anson, C. E. H. Unusual misdiagnosis in a case of acute intestinal obstruction. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 704.—Barnes, F. L. What minimum symptomatology justifies a clinical diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction? Med. Rec, Houston, 1937, 31: 419-22.—Bayley, W. A. The diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1928, n. ser., 4: 419-22.— Collins, C. U. The diagnosis of acute obstruction of the bowels. Clin. M. & S., 1933, 40: 449-51.—Douglass, F. M. The early diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Obst., 1930, 29) 196-203.—Dzhanelidze, J. J. [Diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 333-47.—Greene, E. I., & Greene, J. M. Acute intestinal obstruction; its early recogni- tion. Illinois M. J., 1935, 67: 51-3.—Heusser, H. Die Dia- gnose des akuten Ileus. Helvet. med. acta, 1934, 1: 1-32.— Nadein, A. P. [Early diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction] Khirurgia, Moskva, i938, No. 2, 93-8.—Reigner, J. Diagnostic des occlusions intestinales aigues, occlusions post-op6ratoires exceptees. Gaz. hop., 1938, 111: 1474; passim.—Seelaus, H. K. Clinical diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Pennsyl- vania M. J., 1931, 35: 17-20.—Semih Sumerman [Clinical diagnosis of acute intestinal occlusion; report of 19 personal cases] Bull. Soc turque m.Sd., 1940, 6: 30-71.—Van Beuren, F. T., jr. Symptoms and diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruc- tion. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1932, 29: 478-83. ---- acute: Treatment. See also Ileus, Surgery. Hetjsser, H. Die Erkennung und Behandlung des akuten Darmverschlusses. 35p. 8? Stuttg., 1936. Platou, E. Bidrag til den acute tarmoc- clusions pathologi og therapi. 174p. 8? Oslo, 1927. Amendola, F. H. Acute intestinal obstruction. Ann. Surg., 1935. 101: 1250-6.—Blackburn, J. H. Clinical and surgical aspects of acute intestinal obstruction. Kentucky M. J., 1932, 30: 242-9.—Block, F. B. Acute intestinal obstruction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1932, 12: 1473-83.—Bodenheimer, M., Casten, D., & Fried, J. J. Acute intestinal obstruction; a study of the diagnosis and treatment with an analysis of 104 cases. J. Internat. Coll. Surgeons, 1940, 3: 28-49.—Boland, F. K. Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1941, 10: 257-61.—Bonnin, N. J. The pre-operative and post-operative treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Med. J. Australia, 1940, 1: 219-22.—Boyce, F. F., & McFet- ridge, E. M. Acute intestinal obstruction. South. Surgeon, 1937, 6: 109-25.—Bregadze, I. L. [Acute intestinal obstruc- tion] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 526-31.—Brinkman, H. Acute intestinal obstruction; some important points in its diagnosis and treatment. J. Maine M. Ass., 1942, 33: 51-5.—Bruce, H. A., & Rush, J. W. Better results in acute intestinal ob- struction due to recent methods of investigation and treatment. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 21: 269-73.—Coates, A. E. The treatment of acute intestinal obstruction from non-malignant causes at the Melbourne Hospital for the 5-year period June, 1924, to June, 1929. Melbourne Hosp. Clin. Rep., 1931, 2: 109-16.—Codington, H. A. Diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. South. M. & S., 1931, 93: 877-9.— Cokkins, A. J. Acute intestinal obstruction and peritonitis. In Postgrad. Surg. (Maingot, R.) N. Y., 1936, 1: 973-1033.— DeCourcy, J. L. Acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 35: 532-8.—Dixon, C. F. Acute intestinal obstruction. ILEIS 54 ILEUS Surg. Clin. N. America, 1929, 9: 211-8.------& Deuterman, J. L. Acute intestinal obstruction. Ibid., 1937, 17: 983-93 — Dor, J. Considerations cliniques et th^rapeutiques sur 28 cas d'occlusion intestinale aigue. Marseille im$d., 1941, 78: 386- 95.—Elman, R. The treatment of late acute intestinal ob- struction; recent experimental and clinical studies. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 56: 175-81.- Emhardt, J. W. The management of acute intestinal obstruction. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1930, 23: 356-62. Lngel. L. P. Some important points in the diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Nebraska M. J., 1938, 23: 441—1—Ginzburg, L. Management of acute in- testinal obstruction. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1937-38, 4: 308-17.—Gurevich, G. M. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., VjAS, 56: 554-69.—Hendon, G. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. Internat. J. Surg., 1928, 41: 575-9.—Heusser. H. Zur Behandlung des akuten Darmverschlusses (interoperative Adsorptionstherapie) Helvet. med. acta, 1937, 4: 592-6.— Heyd, C. G. The management of acute intestinal obstruction. South. Surgeon, 1941, 10: 548-53.—Holden, W. B. Acute intestinal obstruction; its treatment. California West. M., 1929, 31: 403-5.—Isserson, M. D. [Acute intestinal obstruc- tion] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 532-6.—Kaplan, A. V. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Ibid., 539-41.—Khaitsis, G. M. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Ibid., 737-46.—Kirk, R. D., jr. Modern trends in treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Mississippi Doctor, 1941-^12, 19: 121-6.—Korolev, B. A. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 6, 68-83 — Ledoux-Lebard, R., Thalheimer, M., & Garcia-Calderon. J. L'occlusion intestinale aigue; elements de diagnostic et traite- ment. In Techn. chir. (Cosset, A.) Par., 1936, 273-91 — Levin, M. M. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 208-11.—MeGehee, J. L. The treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Mississippi Doctor, 1937-38, 15: No. 9, 15-22. Also New Orleans M. & S. J., 1936-37, 89: 339- 55.--Mackey, W. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. In Mod. Treat. Yearb., 1940, 273-88.—Mattison, J. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1929, n. ser., 7: 644-6.—Matus, M. La oclusi6n intestinal aguda y su tratamiento. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1926, 4: 239-43.—Mayo, C. W., Miller, J. M., & Stalker, L. K. Acute intestinal obstruction. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 71: 589-98.—Mendonca, J. Diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Ibid., 1931, 52: 1115-20.—Mills, W. M. Acute intestinal obstruction. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1930) 1931, 40: 501-8.— Moulonguet, P., & Decarie, R. Conduite a tenir en presence d'une occlusion intestinale aigue. Union mM. Canada, 1934, 63: 157-68.—Orhsner. A. Acute intestinal obstruction. Internat. Surg. Digest, 1931, 12: 3-10. Also Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1931, 52: 702-12.— Oltramare, J. H. Du traitement de l'il^us aigu; medhodes therapeutiques et mode d'action. Helvet. med. acta, 1934, 1: 59-77.—Orr, T. G. Acute intestinal obstruction. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.) Bait., 1940, 2: 2321-31. —----An outline of the treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1941, 42: 6-9. ------ Management of acute intestinal obstruction. Nebraska M. J., 1933, 18: 163-6. Also Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1939, 160-4.— Paikin, H. Acute intestinal obstruction; clinical features and treat- ment. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1 '.129-30, 7: 123-30.—Pasman, R. E. Tratamiento de la oclusion intestinal aguda del adulto. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1927, 6: No. 12, 785-7.—Patry, R. Les indications therapeutiques dans l'ileus aigu. Helvet. med. acta, 1934, 1: 78- 87.—Prat, D. Tratamiento de la oclusi6n intestinal aguda. Dia mM., B. Air., 1933-34, 6: 258.— Prokhorov, M. K. [Acute ileus] Sovet. khir., 1932, 3: 298- 304.—Quist, H. W. Diagnosis and treatment of acute in- testinal obstruction. Minnesota M., 1936, 19: 372-6.— Quistgard, P. C. The diagnosis and operability of acute intestinal obstruction. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1938, 35: 75-9.— Rentschler, C. B. Acute intestinal obstruction; immediate and late results in 100 consecutive cases. Arch. Surg., 1934, 29: 828-36.—Rochkind, I. M. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 512-20.—Ruiz Moreno, M. Oclusidn aguda intestinal; diagnostico v tratamiento. Sem. m£d., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 2, 62; 144; 228; 274.—Samarin, N. N. [Pathogenesis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 169-73.—Singh, S. A treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Ind. M. Gaz., 1934, 69: 444.— Stanbro, G. E. The diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1940, 33: No. 2, 11-5.— Stevens, C. H. Diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Maine M. J., 1933, 24: 130-9.—Stevens, G. A. Diagnosis and management of acute intestinal obstruction; clinical study of 100 consecutive cases. Southwest. M., 1940, 24: 17-20.—Stinson, J. W. Acute intestinal obstruction; modern methods in diagnosis and treatment. Pennsylvania M. J., 1937-38, 41: 473-6.—Stoppato, U. Occlusione intestinal acuta. Clin, chir., Milaro, 1926, 29: 130-5.—Storck, A. H. The diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal ileus. Mis- sissippi Doctor, 1934-35, 12: No. 12, 30-4.—Sturgeon, C. T. Acute intestinal obstruction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1933, 13: 215-20.—Summers, J. E. The practical management of some of the types of acute intestinal obstruction. Nebraska M. J., 1926, 11: 89-93.—Sweek, W. O., & French, G. C. Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Southwest. M., 1934, 18: 224-6.—Taylor, J. H. Acute intestinal obstruction and its management. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1930, 26: 173-8.—Trapezontsev, A. L. [Case of acute intestinal obstruc- tion, cured by contrast enema] Vest, rentg., 1938, 21: 369.— Wangensteen. O. H. Acute bowel obstruction. Minnesota M., 1931, 14: 16-28. ------ The diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Northwest M., 1931, 30: 389- 407. ------ The management of acute intestinal obstruction; with special mention of the character of the vomiting and dis- tension. J. Lancet, 1934, 54: 640-5. ------ Diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in the management of acute in- testinal obstruction. Wisconsin M. J., 1935, 34: 24-32. —■—— Acute bowel obstruction; its recognition and management. N. England J. M., 1938, 219: 340-8. — Experimental and clinical observations relating to the management of acute bowel obstructions. Ann. Int. M„ 1939 10, 13: 987-1000. ------ The value of diagnostic criteria for the choice of thera- peutic procedure in the management of acute intestinal ob- struction; experimental and clinical observations. Radiology, 1940, 35: 680-9.—West, H. Acute intestinal obstruction; diagnosis and physiologic treatment. J. Florida M. Ass., 1939-40, 26: 387-91.—Whipple, A. O. Safety factors in the treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 197: 218-22.—Wybert, A., & Maroni, J. J. Conducta terap^utica en la oclusion intestinal aguda. Dfa m&L, B. Air., 1941, 13: 578-80.—Zykova, E. T. [Acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 547-50. ---- adynamic. See also Ileus, postoperative, adynamic. Bryan, W. A. Paralvtic ileus. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1935, 28: 245-9.—Cox, W. 'Paralytic ileus. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1939, 40: 12-4.—-Durante, L. L'ileo paralitico come compli- canza dell'appendicite acuta ed il suo trattamento coll'entero- stomia. Arch. ital. chir., 1928. 22: 254-68.—Dyrenforth, L. Y., & Morri9, K. A. Paralytic ileus and congenital renal deformity. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1940, 44: 96-9.—Evans, R. L., & Skinner, C. Adynamic ileus. Bull. Guthrie Clin., 1936-37, 6: 139-43.—Ferguson, S. E. Intestinal atony in old dogs. Proc. Am. Animal Hosp. Ass., 1941, 8. meet., 165-71.— Foster, G. S. The influence of ileus paralyticus in surgery of the abdomen. Med. Times, N. Y., 1931, 59: 388-90.—Gillespie, J. B., & Rogers, J. C. T. Adynamic ileus of the newborn. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1939, 56: 269-73.—Hegge, E. [Blood ohanges in ileus paralyticus] Norsk mag. leegevid., 1932, 93: 1033-9.----—■ & Semb, C. [Examinations of post-operative reactions] Ibid., 1934, 95: 52-77 (Forh. kirurg. foren.) — Illoway, H. A case of hysterical paralysis of the intestine (paralysis intestinalis) of somewhat rare form. Arch. Diagn., N. Y., 1912, 5: 357-62.—Jasnogorodsky, A. J. [Alimentary, paralytic ileus] Nov. khir. arkh., 1936, 36: 212-25.—Lehmann, K. Clinical and experimental studies on intestinal paralysis in extra-abdominal traumatic injury to the trunk. Acta chir. scand., 1938-39, 81: 439-59.—Luthereau, Gossart & Laroche. Ileus paralytique apparu chez une filette de 8 ans k la suite d'une Eruption s^rique et ayant impost la laparotomie; occlu- sion secondaire du gr§le, par bride; intervention; gudrison. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1936, 28: 175-80.—Marbury, W. B. Adynamic ileus. Internat. J. M. & S., 1935, 48: 250-4.— Muller, E. F. Ueber den paralytischen Ileus. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir., 1928-29, 41: 417-42.—Ochsner, A. Beitrag zum paralytischen Ileus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1935, 65: 93.— Ohr, A. Toxische Darmatonie der Sauglinge. Ibid., 1942, 72: 171 (Abstr.)—Oppenheimer, A. Acute transient intestinal atony. Am. J. Roentg., 1939, 41: 575-80. ---— Trauma- tische Darmatonie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 657.— Orr, T. G. Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction complicat- ing skeletal injuries. South. M. J., 1939, 32: 508-11.—Part- ridge, C. E. Paralytic adynamic ileus. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1940, 41: 15-7.—Prini, I. Ileus paralitico. Dia med., B. Air., 1939, 11: 1095; 1122.—Ross, K. Paralytic ileus. Med. J. Australia, 1934, 2: 186; 203.—Schumann, E. A., & Missett, J. V., jr. Observations upon adynamic ileus, with report of a case. Am. J. Obst., 1933, 26: 59-64.—Smith, O. A. Intestinal obstruction, paralytic; report of case. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1932, 30: 522.—Szenes, A. Ueber Darmparalyse mit Diar- rhoen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1923, 177: 145-68.—Voss, E. A. Enterale Grippe, paralytischer Ileus, Invagination. Kinder- arztl. Prax., 1941, 12: 129-34.—Wahren, H. Studien uber Gaswechselverhaltnisse im Darm bei sogenanntem paralyti- schen Ileus. Acta chir. scand., 1933, 70: Suppl. 23, 1-91.— Wolpe, I. M. Zur Pathogenese und Therapie der atonischen und paralytischen Zustande des Darmes. Fortsch. Ther., 1927, 3: 826-9. ---- adynamic: Surgery. Cheever, D. Operative evacuation of the small intestine in paralytic stasis. N. England J. M., 1932, 207: 1125-31. Also Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1932, 15: 85-103.—David, V. C, & Loring, M. Splanchnic aniesthesia in the treatment of paralytic ileus. Ann. Surg., 1930, 92: 721-7.—Matthews, A. Adynamic ileus. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 1443-50.— Ochsner, A., & Gage, I. M. Adynamic ileus. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 20: 378-404. Also Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1933, 45: 174-200.—Penberthy, G. C. The treatment of adynamic ileus by gastrointestinal intubation in children. In Lahey Birthday Vol., 1940, 357-64. ------ Noer, R. J., & Benson, C. D. The treatment of adynamic ileus by gastrointestinal intubation in children. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 71: 211-7. ______ The treatment of adynamic ileus by gastro-intestinal intubation Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1939) 1940, 49: 128-42.—Rosenstein! Therapeutische Versuche zur Bekiimpfung der Darmliihmung durch Umspritzung des Ganglion coeliacum. Miinch med Wschr., 1926, 73: 507. ------& Kohler, H. Therapeutische ILEUS 55 ILEUS Versuche zur Bekampfung der Darmlahmung durch Umspriz- zung des Ganglion coeliacum. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 530-3. ------ Ueber die Beeinflussung der Darmparalyse durch Nikotirunjektion in das Ganglion coeliacum. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928, 210: 315-35, pi.—Smyth, G. J. C. A case of jejunostomy for intestinal paresis. S. Afr. M. Rec, 1926, 24: 476.—Spencer, G. T. Spinal anesthesia in paralytic ileus. Med. J. & Rec, 1930, 131: 572.—Studdiford, W. E. Spinal anaesthesia in the treatment of paralytic ileus. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1928, 47: 863-5. ---- adynamic: Treatment. Abel, A. L. Acetylcholine in paralytic ileus. Lancet, Lond., 1933, 2: 1247-52— Aylett, S. O. The treatment of paralytic ileus with especial reference to the use of intravenous pituitrin. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1938, 197: 386-8.— Boggon, R. H. Treatment of paralytic ileus. Nurs. Times, Lond.. 1940, 36: 109-11.—Cairney, J. The prevention of paralytic ileus. N. Zealand M. J., 1938, 37: 334-7.—Camelot & Lamoril, J. Azotemie post-op^ratoire et il6us paralytique gu£ris par injection de s6rum sate hypertonique. J. sc. mM. Lille, 1929, 47: pt 2, 223-6.—Clarke, J. M. The treatment of paralytic ileus. N. Zealand M. J., 1938, 37: 193-9.—Coro del Pozo, A. El Nehormonal en el tratamiento del ileus paralitico. An. vias digest., Habana, 1930, 1: 114-8.—David, W. E. Paralytic ileus cured with prostigmin. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 1100.—Di Paola, G. Tratamiento del Ileus paralitico con la soluci6n hipert6nica de cloruro de sodio. Dia med., B. Air., 1930-31, 3: 929.—Du Bois, A. H. Valeur de la transfusion sanguine dans les atonies intestinales fonctionnelles aigues. Presse meU, 1933, 41: 859.—Elmer, A. W., Ptaszek, L., & Scheps, M. Die Wirkung des Vasopressins und Oxytocins auf die Darmperistaltik und die Behandlung der Darmlahmungen (Ileus paralyticus) mit Vasopressin. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 1765-8.—Frey, S. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Prophylaxe und Therapie der Darmlahmung. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 142: 445-57.—Ghiron, V., & Scandurra. S. Sull'azione di alcune sostanze nell'ileo paralitico. Policlinico, 1930, 37: sez. chir., 579-87.—Hartman, H., & Dock, W. The use of cholin in paralytic ileus. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1926-27, 12: 430.—Heggs, F. M. Continuous duodenal aspiration in paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 2: 1250.— Henle. Treatment of intestinal paresis by hormonal. Ann. Surg., 1912, 55: 153-5.—Holt, R. L. Treatment of paralytic ileus. Brit. M. J., 1936,1: 929-31.—Kahn, K. Zur Behandlung der Darmatonien mit Bellergal. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 174.—Keusenhoff, W. Die Behandlung von Darmparesen mit Infusionen von hypertonischen Kochsalzlosungen. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 1411-5.—Kohler, H. Tonephin, ein Mittel gegen Darmatonie. Ibid., 1931, 58: 2702.—Morris, G. N. The therapeutic action of prostigmin in cases of ileus of the paralytic type. Clin. Rep. Melbourne Hosp., 1936, 7: 23-6.— Mowat, J. K. Acute intestinal obstruction followed by para- lytic ileus, treated by the intravenous administration of pitui- trin. Med. J. Australia, 1936, 2: 856.—Muller, H. Berizym, Vitamin Bi bei Darmatonien. Med. Klin., Ber!., 1940, 36: 199 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Nadein, A. P. [Use of permanent stomach tubes in paralytic ileus and peritonitis] Vrach. gaz., 1931, 35: 131-3.—Ney, H. Massnahmen zur Beseitigung der Darmlahmung und zur Anregung der Peristaltik. Chirurg, 1931, 3: 723-7.—Paralytic ileus; prevention and treatment. Roche Rev., Nutley, 1936-37, 1: 335-40.—Pou Orfila. J. Tratamiento del fleo paralitico en ginecologia. Arch. urug. med., 1938, 12: 637-44.—Power, R. W. Treatment of paralvtic ileus. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 1070.—Quattlebaum, J. K. The use of perfringens antitoxin in the treatment of paralytic ileus. South. M. & S., 1933, 2: 74-8.— Ransohoff, J. L., & Heiman, J. D. The recognition and treatment of paralytic ileus. Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1932, 42: 265-80. Also West. J. Surg., 1933, 41: 331-8.—Rohleder, T. Ueber die Wirkung des Prostigmins beim paralytischen Ileus der Sauglinge. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 115-7.—Rosenstein, P., & Kohler. Ein neuer Weg zur Behandlung der Darmlahmung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 555.—Ross, J. W. Hypertonic saline in adynamic ileus. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1926, 16: 241-4. —---- Hypertonic sodium chlorid solution in cases of adynamic ileus. Tr. Ass. Physicians Mayo Clin. (1925) 1926, 6: 227-35, pi.—Sainton, J. Le traitement de l'iteus paralytique par le choline et l'ac^tyl- choline. Presse me\L, 1934, 42: 386.—Santarius, K. [Pre- vention of paralytic intestinal occlusion] Lek. wojsk., 1936, 27: 361-5.—Selbacher, H. Die Behandlung der Blasen- und Darmatonie mit Doryl, Merck. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 534.—Sj0qvist, O. [Points in treatment of so-called paralytic ileus] Sven. lak. tidn., 1936, 33: 1116-20.—Solar Julia, J. El suero salado hipert6nica por via rectal en la par&lisis intestinal. An. Hosp. S. Creu, Barcel., 1932, 6: 270.— Uznanski, M. E. A new treatment for paralytic ileus. Illinois M. J., 1936, 70: 567-9.—Watson, J. Prevention and treatment of adynamic ileus. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1935-36, 5: 245-9. ---- angiomesenteric. See also Mesentery, Strangulation. Bol lag, K. Zur Kenntnis des arteriomesenterialen Darm- verschlusses. Korbl. Schweiz. Aerzte, 1913, 43: 262-7.— Hill, S. A. Intestinal obstruction with case report of mesenteric strangulation. Mississippi Doctor, 1940-41, 18: 15-22.— Hudson, F. A. Duodeno-arterio-mesenteric ileus. J. Okla- homa M. Ass., 1926, 19: 178-82.—Korhov, V. [A case of arterio-mesenteric obstruction] Vest, khir., 1928, 14: 140-2.— Palit, A. N. Intestinal obstruction due to torsion of the mesentery. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 1098.—Speziale, V. Dell'iieo da, obliterazione dei vasi mesenterici. Riforma med., 1933, 49: 576-82— Wangensteen, O. H., & Cooke, H. H. Observations on intestinal obstruction following the intravenous injection of particulate material. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, ---- Bacteriology. See also subheading Toxemia. Aubertin, E., & Magendie, J. Des bactertemies consecutives a 1 occlusion intestinale realisee chez le chien par un proc£d6 nouveau d'enroulement. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 101: 679- §A:—Badile> P- L. Sui microbismo nell'ansa intestinale chiusa. Clm. chir., Milano, 1927, 30: 1215-55.—Donaldson, J. K., Sive, E. B., & Lewis, N. Intestinal obstruction; possible role of bacteria in intestinal obstruction. Arch. Surg., 1941, 43: 811-38.—Rodind, D. Sui contenuto batterico del sangue portale nella occlusione intestinale acuta; ricerche sperimentali. Gior. batt. immun., 1939, 22: 764-77.—Turco. A. Ricerche batteriologiche sui sangue di cani in occlusione intestinale acuta sperimentale. Ibid, 1927, 2: 513-7. ---- biliary. See also other subheadings of Ileus (calculous; mechanical) also Biliary calculus, Complications, intestinal. Bremont, J. *De la symptomatologie et du diagnostic de l'ileus biliaire. 59p. 8? Par., 1929. Fotjrrey, J. P. *A propos de 4 observations d'ileus biliaire. 42p. 8? Par., 1929. Manine, A. *Contribution k I'etude des formes pseudo-neoplasiques de l'ileus biliaire. 51p. 25cm. Lyon, 1938. Penin, R. P. *Ileo biliar. 58p. 27cm. B. Air., 1942. Poirier, R. *Un cas d'ileus biliaire. 36p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Aimes, A. L'il6us biliaire. Progr. med., Par., 1928, 43: 1941.—Basset, A. Ileus biliaire. M6m. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63:72-7.—Bidoire & Fevre. Un cas d'ilfius biliaire. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1926, 3: 865.—Bonniot. A propos du diagnostic de l'il6us biliaire. Lyon chir., 1929, 26: 133-6.—Duboucher, H., Sauber [et al.] A propos de ileus biliaire. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 205-13.—Del Valle, D., & Donovan. R. E. Ileus biliar. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 2, 1566.—Desjac- ques & Doucet-Bon. I16us biliaire. Lyon mM., 1938, 162: 265-7.—Desjardins, E. L'ileus biliaire. J. Hotel Dieu Mont- real, 1937, 6: 153-8.—Farinas, P. L. Diagn6stico radio!6gico del ileus biliar. Vida nueva, Habana, 1938, 41: 314-9, 4 pi.— Flahault. Un cas d'il6us biliaire gu6ri. Bull. Soc chir. Paris, 1933, 25: 713-6.—Gatien, R., & Jutras, A. Diagnostic et localisation pr6-op6ratoires d'un ileus biliaire; operation; guerison. J. Hotel Dieu Montreal, 1938, 7: 205-15.—Masciot- tra, E. Ileus biliar a forma sub-aguda. Rev. m£d. quir. pat. fem., B. Air., 1941, 17: 331-7.—Matus, M. Ileus biliar. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1926, 4: 62-6.—Moons, E. I16us biliaire; considerations sur 3 cas observes. J. chir., Brux., 1926, 25: 21-8.—Pallasse & Regad. I16us biliaire. Lyon m6d., 1928, 142: 665-8.—Paviot, J., & Moulinier, J. Ileus biliaire (con- siderations diagnostiques) J. iaM. Lyon, 1931, 12: 33—42.— Quenu, J. Diagnostic, traitement et pronostic de l'ileus biliaire. Bull. m6d., Par., 1930, 44: 867-74. ------ Trois cas d'il6us biliaire op6r€s. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 8.5-91.—Santy. Deux observations d'ilfeus biliaire. Lyon chir., 1929, 26: 84-9—Sfineque. J., & Sicard, A. Ileus biliaire; enterotomie sur le grfele. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 960-2.—Trotta, H. P. Ileus biliar. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1933, 17: 751-64.—Vargas Molinare, R., & Correa Castillo, H. Ileus biliar y su tratamiento por la sonda de Miller-Abbott. Rev. med. Chile, 1942, 70: 46-8. ---- Blood. See also subheadings (Hematopoietic system; Metabolism) Muller, W. *Die Veranderungen der Ge- frierpunktserniedrigung im Blutserum sowie im Magen- und Darmsaft beim experimentellen Ileus. lOp. 8? Lpz., 1929. Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1929, 142: 371-80. Aird, I. Experiments in intestinal obstruction; the role played by the diminution of the effective circulating blood volume in acute intestinal obstruction. Edinburgh M. J., 1937, 44: 28-32. ------ Loss of blood from circulation in various types of intestinal obstruction. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1935-37, 33: 199-201. ------ The behaviour of the blood- volume in intestinal obstruction and strangulation. Brit. J. Surg., 1938-39, 26: 418-28.—Alberti, V. Contributo alio studio della occlusione acuta intestinale sperimentale; sui comporta- ILEUS 56 ILEUS merto del potere fagocitario e del potere battericida del sangue di animali in O. I. A. Riv. pat. sper., 1938, 20: 179-84.— Atchley, I). W. Blood changes in intestinal obstruction. N. York State J. M„ 1933, 33: 1191-4.—Bick, M., & Wood, I. J. The biochemical changes in paralytic ileus and intestinal ob- struction. Med. J. Australia, 1941, 1: 140-5.—Brandberg, R. An experimental and clinical study of chemical blood changes in ileus. Acta chir. scand., 1929, 65: 415-63.—Bross, W., Kubikowski, P., & Wolf, J. Die dynamischen Eigenschaften des Blutes beim Ileus; ein klinischer und experimenteller Bei- tiag. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 562-5.—Burget, G. E., Martzloff, K. H. [et al.] The closed intestinal loop; observations on dogs with jejunal and ileal loops and chemical analyses of the blood. Arch. Int. M., 1931, 47: 593-600.—Cataliotti, F. Sui com- portamento di alcuni elettroliti del sangue nelle occlusioni intestinali. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. chir., 17-28.—Chiariello, A. G. L'equilibrio elettrolitico del sangue nelle occlusioni intestinali. Minerva med., Tor., 1930, 21: 911-5.—Chia Yu Tieu. Pri la shanglo de la sango che ileuso duodena akuta. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1928, 9: 60.—Childs, S. B., & Scudder, J. The effect of distention upon whole blood specific gravity and whole blood potassium. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941, 73: 880-4.— Cosentino, G. Comportamento del glutatione ematico nell'oc- clusione intestinale acuta sperimentale. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1938, 9: 447-64.—De Victoriis-Medori, F. La concentrazione molecolare e proteica del sangue nell'occlusione intestinale acuta. Pathologica, Genova, 1937, 29: 332-6.—De Vincentiis, A. La diastasi, la lipasi, la fosfatasi e la catalasi del sangue nelle occlusioni intestinali acute sperimentali. Riv. pat. sper., 1940, 24: 129-46.— Dragstedt, L. R. Blood chemistry in intestinal obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y\, 1927-28, 25: 239—41.—Falconer, M. A. Clinical aspects of the blood chemistry in intestinal obstruction. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1938. 13: 460—4.------ & Lyall, A. Blood chemistry in intestinal obstruction; changes in response to treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 2: 1472-7.—Falconer, M. A., Osterberg, A. E., & Bargen. J. A. Intestinal obstruction in man; alterations in the serum buses and their significance. Arch. Surg., 1939, 38: 869-85.— Fine, J., Hurwitz, A., & Mark, J. A clinical study of the plasma volume in acute intestinal obstruction. Ann. Surg., 1940, 112: 546-56. Also Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1940, 58: 64-74.—Gatch, W. D., Trusler, H. M., & Ayers, K. D. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion; mechanism and significance of hypochloremia and other blood chemical changes. Am. J. M. Sc, 1927, 173: 649-67.— Gendel, S., & Fine, J. The effect of acute intestinal obstruc- tion on the blood and pla>ma volumes. Ann. Surg., 1939, 110: 25-36.—Greenwood, W. I•'., Haist, R. E., & Taylor, N. B. The plasma potassium following intestinal obstruction in dogs Surgery, 1940, 7: 280— Haida, S. [Ueber die Verschiebung der Wasserstomonenkonzentration und des Reservealkali im Blutplasma beim experimentellen Ileus am Kaninchen und Hunde] J. Chosen M. Ass., 1935, 25: 183-92.— H0egh-Guld- berg, O. [Changes in the blood in acute intestinal obstruction] Ugeskr. laeger, 1934, 96: 1300-8.—Mairano, M., & Vecchi, G. Sui comportamento del pB e della riserva alcalina del sangue nell'occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 912-5. ------ Sull'equilibrio acido-base del sangue nell'occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Arch, sc med Tor., 1930, 54: 677-84.—Mallone, T. L'iperbilirubinemia adrenalinica nell'occlusione intestinale acuta. Fisiol. & med Roma, 1935, 6: 1011-20.—Orr, T. G. Chemical aspects of acute intestinal obstruction. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1931) 1932 41: 537-44.—Plenk, A., & Kudlac, O. Ueber chemische Blut- veriinderungen beim Ileus. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1935, 48: 1452-5. ---- calculous [incl. coprolith, fecaloma] See also Ileus, biliary; also Biliary calculus, Complications, intestinal; Coprolith; Fecaloma. Kixdler, H. *Ueber Gallenstein-Ileus [Bres- lau] 32p. 8? Berl., 1927. Kramer, E. *Gallenkotstein als Ileusursache. 12p. 8? Berl., 1932. Langeheine, W. [K. E.] *Ueber den Gallen- steinileus. 33p. 23cm: Berl., 1936. Adamesteanu, C, & Dumitriu, C. Gallensteinileus in Verbindung mit Darminvagination. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 2112-6.—Alvarez, D. C. Obstruction intestinal por cdlculo biliar. Med. ibera, 1929, 25: ti45-7.—Angle. L. W. Acute intestinal obstruction caused bv impacted gallstones with case reports. Am. J. Surg., 1932, 17: 364.—Appelmans, J. Ob- struction intestinale par calcul. Scalpel, Brux., 1923, 76: 372.—Arnold, D. G. Intestinal obstruction caused by gall- stones. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 52: 381.—Auvray. Obstruction intestinale par calcul biliaire. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 1414.—Baillat, G. Occlusion intestinale par calcul biliaire. Ibid., 1929, 55: 346-9.—Balch. F. G., jr. Gallstone ileus. N. England J. M., 1938, 218: 457 62.—Beam, S. F. Gallstone ileus. J. Missouri M. Ass., 19.38. 35: 485-7.—Binder, Z., & Wolf, J. [Fecal calculus as cause of intestinal obstruction] I'.iska gaz. lek., 1938, 17: 674-6.—Bocharnikov, A. [Case of gallstone, causing complete intestinal obstruction, cured by atropine injections] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 327.—Bonorino Ldaordo, C. Obstruccidn intestinal por c^lculos biliares. Rev. As. med. argent., 1930, 43: 217-44.—Brocq. P., Brodin. P., & Aim§. Un cas d'ileus biliaire; examen radiologique ayant rev£l£, 15 jours avant l'apparition des accidents d'occlusion, l'existence du calcul enclave dans le duodenum apr£s perfora- tion chol£cysto-duod6nale. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 1194-200.—Buzzi, A. Oclusi6n intestinal por cnlculo biliar. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1930, 14: 64-8.—Chrapek, Z. (Acute ileus as sequel to biliary calculus] Polska g:iz. lek., 1926, 5: 49.—Colcock, B. P. Intestinal obst met ion due to gallstones. Lahey Clin. Bull., 1940, 2: 47-52.—Davis. N. P. Acute intes- tinal obstruction by a gall stone. Atlantic M. .1., 1925-26, 29: 778.—Dickson, D. M. Intestinal obsti net inn due to gallstones. N. Zealand M. J., 1937, 36: 245-50. Duboucher. IL Ob- struction et occlusion au cours de la migration intestinale des calculs biliaires (il6us par calculs biliaires) (U6us biliaire) Rev. m6d. chir. mal. foie, 1931, 6: 194.—Dulin, J. W., & Peterson, F. R. Intestinal obstruction due to gallstones, report of 10 cases. Arch. Surg., 1939, 38: 351-7.—Faber, L. A.. & Nesler, A. B. Intestinal obstruction due to a gallstone; recovery under conservative medical treatment. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1940, 30: 599-601.—Folliasson, A. L'ilfius biliaire aigu; on ne pense pas assez k I'occlusion intestinale aigue par calcul biliaire; des occlusions e'est la plus grave et la plus dficoncertante dans son pronostic Hopital, 1930, 18: 716-8.—Foss, H. L., & Summers, J. D. Intestinal obstruction from gallstones. Ann. Surg., 1942, 115: 721-35, pi.—Gallart Mones, F. Oclusi6n intestinal por c&lculo. Actas Congr. nac med., B. Air (1931) 1932, 4. Congr., pt 2, 11.—Caspar. E. Zur Frage der Erkennung und Behandlung des Gallensteinileus. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1938, 167: 214-28.—Gilman, P. K. Intestinal obstruction from gallstone. West. J. Surg., 1932, 40: 594-6.—Gregersen, N. F. [Gallstone ileus] Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: Suppl., 84-92.—Gutierrez, A. Obstrucci6n intestinal por bolo fecal; colectomfa sigmoidea en varios tiempos. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1934, 18: 1113-6. Obstrucci6n intestinal por ciilculo biliar; hernia um- bilical estrangulada. Ibid., 1928, 12: 581-3. Also Rev. cir., B. Air., 1928, 7: 575.—Harvey, S. C, & Connor, G. J. Intes- tinal obstruction due to a gallstone; report of an unusual instance. Yale J. Biol., 1941-42, 14: 501-4, pi.—Herzen, W. Un cas d'occlusion intestinale par obturation calculeuse du gros intestin (copro-enterolithe; vari6t6 clinique sp6ciale d'occlusion) Schweiz. Rdsch. Med., 1923, 23: 61-3.—Hinchey, P. R. Re- current gallstone ileus; report of a case. N. England J. M., 1940, 223: 174-9.—Holz, E. Zur Frage des Gallensteinileus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929, 145: 166-76.—Huet, P., Delafontaine, P., & Porcher, P. Obstruction intestinale par calcul biliaire. M6m. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 630-6.—Jackson, C. A. Intestinal obstruction due to gall-stones. Clin. J., Lond., 1940, 69: 265-9.—Junkin, H. D. Gallstone intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 19: 456.—Lamare, J. P., & Larget, M. Deux cas d'occlusion intestinale par calcul biliaire. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 1313-8.—Lima, B. Occlusao intes- tinal por calculo biliar. Brasil med., 1930, 44: 417.—Lunardl, B. Ostruzione intestinale da calcolo biliare consecutiva a fistola duodeno-cistica. Policlinico, 1939, 46: sez. prat., 643- 7.—McNeely, R. G. D. An unusual case of intestinal obstruc- tion. Bull. Vancouver M. Ass., 1942, 18: 281.—Matuschek, B. Ueber Darmverschluss durch Gallensteine. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1939, 169: 129-35.—Mommerell, B., & Engel, R. Zur Dia- gnose des Gallensteinileus. Klin. Wschr., 1938, 17: 1680-4.— Morice. Trois cas d'occlusion intestinale par calcul biliaire. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 1187-90.—Morrow, R. C, jr. Intestinal obstruction by gallstones; report of 2 cases with necropsy. Internat. Clin., 1941, n. ser. (4) 1: 204-17, 3 pi.— Novikova, T. B. [Obstruction of the gastro-intestinal tract by biliary calculus] Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 18, 18.—Olson, O. A. Gall-stone ileus; report of unusual case. Minnesota M., 1928, 11: 703.-—Pireaux. A propos d'un cas d'occlusion intes- tinale par calcul biliare. Arch. m£d. beiges, 1941, 94: 14-8.— Powers, J. H. Acute intestinal obstruction due to impacted gallstones^ report of 4 cases. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1928, 47: 416- 29— Pnb6k, L. [Ileus caused by biliary calculus the size of a pigeons egg] Orv. hetib, 1941, 85: 78.—Pritchard, T. G. A case of intestinal obstruction produced by a gall-stone Guy's Hosp. Gaz Lond., 1938, 52: 350.—Raagaard, O. [Case of ileus caused by resinous concrement (kopal, schellac) in the small intestine] Ugeskr. laeger, 1937, 99: 784-7.—Ramstedt, Foqi A^ndtl lle»° colelItico- Rev. m£d. germ. iber. amer., 1931. 4: 600-5.—Rigler, L. G., Borman. C. N.. & Noble, J. F. Gallstone obstruction; pathogenesis and roentgen manifesta- tions J Am M. Ass. 1941, 117: 1753-9.—Rosenthal. S. R. Intestinal obstruction due to impacted gallstone. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic 1940, 445-7.—Rosenthal, E. Intes- tinal obstruction caused by impacted gall-stone; diagnosis before operation. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 192—Ruggieri E M!fLaZ1Tei,dei Cilcoli biliaori nell'intestino ed occlusione intes- tinale Athena, Roma, 1932, 1: 324-34.—Scheie, A. A con- r^10n«+ iXe i^°£tgen diaKnosis of gall-stone ileus. Acta radiol., Stockh 1935, 16: 456-60, pi.—Serbanescu, V. Ob- struction intestinale par enteroliths. Bull. Soc med hoD Bucarest, 1933, 15: 165-9.-Slocker. Otro caso delusion Actual med. Granada, 1941, 17: 445.—Smeltzer. C. C Intes- r^lTn. %tU%d '?' ^tone; case report. Memphis obstruction of/b2 •r?"ydCr' L' H' Unrecognized gallstone obstruction of'the intestine; case report. South. M. J., 1938, fecal stonesf Nr?r V * [C,ase ofintermittant ileus caused by tecal stones] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1934, 95: 1090.-Turner -Y; Internal obstruction from gall-stone- gall-stone ileus l-^U0' v6^^*161, Postgrad' M" J- Lond. T9e26-27' H.nrf" ~Vertwny,. B. Zur Frage des Gallensteinileus an TAq ™'jnter<^anter Falle. Wien. klin. Wschr., 938 5l" 1259.-Wallden. L. Zur Rontgendiagnose von Gallen.teiiulcuV ILEUS 57 ILEUS Upsala Mk. fdren. forh., 1941, 46: 59-76, pi.—Webb, R. C. Gallstone ileus. Minnesota M., 1929, 12: 416-9.—Willway, F. W. Four specimens of gall-stone obstruction in the intestine Tr. M. Soc. London, 1936, 59: 93.—Zavaleta, D. E. Obstruc- ci6n intestinal por c£lculo biliar. Rev. med., B. Air , 1939 1- 10-8. ---- Cases. See also Ileus, acute: Cases. Achilles, A. *Zwei seltene Ileusfalle. 31p 8? Bonn, 1930. Kern, H. *Der Darmverschluss in der chirurgischen Abteilung der kantonalen Kranken- anstalt Aarau von 1899-1924 [Zurich] 19p. 8° Basel, 1927. Sander, A. *Darmverschlussfalle der Heidel- berger chirurgischen Klinik in den Jahren 1918- 27 [Heidelberg] 65p. 8? Walldorf b. Heidelb., 1930. Armingeat, J. Un cas curieux d'occlusion intestinale. Concours m&L, 1940, 62: 1318.—Baird, J. P. Intestinal ob- struction, with report of an unusual case. J. Tennessee M Ass., 1932, 25: 312.—Boland, F. K. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion in the Negro; review of 347 cases. Ann. Surg., 1933, 98: 698-705. Also Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1933, 51: 219-26.—Bolton, F. E. Two cases of intestinal obstruction. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1927, 13: 225-8.—Braimbridge, C. V. A rare case of intestinai obstruction. East Afr. M. J., 1937-38, 14: 92.—Butler, E., & Delprat, G. D. Intestinal obstruction; a study of 93 patients operated upon in the San Francisco Emergency Hospital Service. California West. M., 1926, 24: 488-92.—C, A. G. Intestinal obstruction; with an account of some illustrative cases. Univ. Durham Coll. M. Gaz., 1929-30, 30: 152-61.— Carson, H. W. The iliac passion. Ann. M. Hist., 1931, n. ser., 3: 638-49.—Cascino, R. Casi di occlusione intestinale. Arch. Soc. ital. chir. (1925) 1926, 32: 396-411.—Clements, R. G. Two cases of intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1930, 2: 687.— De Stefano, S. Un caso raro di occlusione intestinale. Pedia- tria (Riv.) 1927, 35: 1055-8.—Donaldson, J. K. Intestinal obstruction; our contribution to its parade of death. Tristate M. J., 1940-41, 13: 2754-6. ------ Intestinal obstruction; an analysis of 200 cases attempting improved correlation of mortality, pathologic physiology, and signs and symptoms. Am. J. Surg., 1938, 40: 505-13.—Fine Licht, E. de ICases of ileus] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1398-404.—Ghellani, N. M. A case of intestinal obstruction. Ind. M. Gaz., 1927, 62: 143.— Girdwood, W. A series of cases with signs of intestinal obstruc- tion. S. Afr. M. J., 1939, 13: 57-9.—Glover, W. E. An extra- ordinary case of intestinal obstruction. West Afr. M. J., 1934- 35, 8: No. 3, 17.—Gollwitzer, H. Statistik iiber 223 Ileusfalle. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1926, 197: 175-9.—Goyer, A propos de 6 cas d'occlusion intestinale. Arch. med. Angers, 1938, 42: 176.—Gray, T. Intestinal obstruction with an unusual cause. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 1339.—Gutman, M. I. [Rare cases of intestinal obstruction] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 5, 141.— Hallilay, H. An unusual case of intestinal obstruction. Brit. J. Surg., 1928-29, 16: 340.—Hancock, J. D. Intestinal obstruc- tion. Internat. J. Surg., 1928, 41: 297-302.—Holden, W. B. Intestinal obstruction; a survey of 135 personal cases. Arch. Surg., 1926, 23: 882-6.—Huck. V. T. [Intestinal obstruction according to the data of the Seredinsk Hospital, 1926-39] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 10, 22.—Ivakhnenko, E. S., & Chud- novskaia, A. G. [Acute intestinal obstruction based on data of the Obukhov Hospital from 1903-37] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 521-5.—Jordan, S. M. An interesting case of intestinal obstruction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1931, 11: 337-40 — Kennedy, C. C, & Hanson, H. J. Intestinal obstruction; with a statistical study of the Asbury Hospital cases. Minnesota M., 1939, 22: 757-67.—Kern, H. Der Darmverschluss in der chirurgischen Abteilung der Kantonalen Krankenanstalt Aarau von 1899-1924. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 924-9 — Kutumanov, N. J. [Casuistics of intestinal obstructions] Vest. khir., 1928, 14: 56-73.—Loyer. A propofe d'un cas d'occlusion intestinale. Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1933, 123: 111-5.— Lynch, K. M. Pathological conference, Medical College of the State of South Carolina. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1936, 32: 198-202.—Mason, R. F. Intestinal obstruction; case report. Memphis M. J., 1938, 13: 167.—Matheson, N. M. An unusual case of intestinal obstruction. J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Empire, 1934, 41: 410, pi.—Maxwell, J. A. Two cases of intestinai obstruction. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1938, 24: 145.—Melville, E. J. Dynamic ileus (report of 4 cases) Clin. M. & S., 1938, 45: 61-3.—Meyer. K. A., & Spivack, J. L. Intestinal obstruction; analysis of 505 cases from the records of Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Ann. Surg., 1934, 100: 148-57.—Miller, C. J. A study of 343 surgical cases of intestinal obstruction. Ibid., 1929, 89: 91-107.—Muzeniek, P. Der Ileus nach dem Material des I. Rigaschen Stadtkrankenhauses. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 202: 325-59.—Nykles, V. [Rare cases of ileus] Cas. lek. desk., 1927, 66: 701-3.—Petersen, E. [A few rare cases of ileus] Hospitalstidende, 1934, 77: (Med. Selsk. Fyens Stiffs. Forh.) C-14.—Riddel 1, W. R. Ileus, the iliac passion, 250 years ago. Med. J. & Rec, 1931, 134: 610.—Rippy, E. L. An unusual case of intestinal obstruction. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1942. 35: 140.—Rosenbach. Seltene Ileusfalle. Med. Kim., Berl., 1927, 23: 110.—Rounart-Marin, J. A propos de quelques cas d obstruction intestinales. Bruxelles med., 1935- 36, 16: 866-73 —St John, V. [Various cases of ileus] Rev chir Bucur 1929 21: 685-93.-Scheibel [Unusual case o ileus] Hospitalstidende, 1934, 77: (Dansk. kir. selsk. forh ) i\2 ~a rH,'. LVt\ Tw.° oases of benign intestinal obstruc- tion Surg. Clin. N.America, 1928, 8:1511-20.—Sikand, B K rV* mt E',o,n ^n Un^SU^ oase of intestinal obstruction Brit M. J., 1930, 2: 422—Spitzmiiller, W. Ein Fall von kombiniertem Ileus, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik innerer Hermen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928, 209: 43-55.—Ssusdewski, ou- w- kinhunderteinundzwanzig Ileusfalle. Arch. klin. Chir., 1933-34, 178: 101-15.—Stewart, J. S., jr. Intestinai obstruction, a statistical study. J. Florida M Ass 1934 21 • H^I^^J K- F^U von> Ileus- Wien- klin- Wschr., 1929; 42: 997.—Veldman, H. E.. & Warnshuis, F. C. Intestinal ob- !i.UQ-7loniaa review of 95 cases- J- Michigan M. Soc, 1932, Jil Ota—£cm. Tou- lon [1936] Wenner, P. *Ueber den mechanischen Darmverschluss [Kiel] 20p. 23^cm. Quaken- bruck, 1935. ,. , Bayma, F. ObstruccSes intestinaes de origem appendicular. Ann. paul. med. cir., 1928, 19: 1-15.—Cantelmo, O. Su due occlusioni intestinali meccaniche cecali; una da peritiflite iperplastica, una da inflessione e torsione di cieco mobile, ruotato in alto e a sinistra, operate e guarite. Morgagm, 1931, 73: 257-64.—Caraven. Obstruction intestinale par hydro- pyonephrose dans un rein en fer k cheval ectopique; nephro- stomies transperitoneal; guerison de I'obstruction; hemi- nephrectomie secondaire et guerison definitive. Bull, hoc nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 90.5-18.—Charrier, A., & Lange, J. Treize cas d'occlusion intestinale aigue, precoce, mecanique consecutive aux operations d'appendicite k chaud traites et gueris medicalement. Rev. chir., Par., 1939, 77: 366-72 — Chavannaz, J., & Magnant. Occlusion intestinale tardive post-appendiculaire. J. med. Bordeaux, 1926, 56: 586.— Chrom, S. A. Comparison between the roentgenologic and the operative findings in acute, mechanical ileus. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1940, 21: 182-8. Also Nord. med., 1940, 7: 1239-42,— De Marchi, E. Occlusione intestinale meccanica per peritonite appendicolare. Policlinico, 1928, 35: sez. chir., 470-81.— Grosso, A. J. Oclusion postapendicular tardia. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1928, 22: 669.—Hibbard, J. S. Gaseous distention associated with mechanical obstruction ot tne intestine. Arch. Surg., 1936, 33: 146-67—Krotkov, E V. [Etiology of mechanical obstruction of the intestines] Kni- rurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 11, 142.—Lockwood, A. L. Acute intestinal obstruction involving the appendix. Canad. M Ass. J., 1930, 23: 400-2.—Mclver, M. A. Acute intestinal obstruction; acute mechanical obstructions exclusive of those due to neoplasma and strangulated external hernias. Arch. Surg 1932 25: 1106-24.—Martel, T. de. A propos des occlu- sions'intestinales post-appendiculaires. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par 1928 54: 898-900.—Megnin. Etiologie de certaines occlusions intestinales mecaniques en pathologie algerienne. Bull. san. Algerie, 1938, 33: 1725-8.—Miller, E M. Acute intestinal obstruction associated with ruptured appendix. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1929, 9: 487-92.—Muromtsev, A. S. [Morphological changes of the nervous elements of the intes- tinal tract in experimental mechanical obstruction in dogs] Kazan, med. J., 1939, 35: No.. 4, 67-71.-Porcher. Sub- occlusion intestinale de cause unnaire; compression localisee du colon pelvien par une vessie en retention insoupgonnee. Arch maL ar]p. digest., Par., 1938, 28: 392-5.-Prin, I. Obstrucci6n intestinal por compresi6n extrinseca. Sem. med., B Air 1940 7:pt2, 1373—Samarin, N. N. [Pathogenesis of acute "obstruction ileus] Vest, khir^ 1938, 56: 317-23.— Strauss. L. Obturationsileus durch Polyp der Bauhinschen Klappe. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1932, 237: 557-65.—Van Rooyen, C. A. Intestinal obstruction; pelvic haematocele. Brit. M. J., 1934, 1: 428.—Wood, E. H. Acute intestinal obstruction, appendiceal. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1938, 38: 142-6. ---- mechanical: Treatment. Achmatowicz, L. Beobachtungen und Beitrage zur Therapie des akuten mechanischen Darmverschlusses. Arch. klin. Chir., 1936-37, 187: 506-29.—Eisberg, H. B. Treatment in acute mechanical intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1927, n. ser., 2: 435-42.—Fey, A., & Cubbins, W. R. Acute mechani- cal intestinal obstruction; mortality with and without enteros- tomies; based on a review of 241 cases from the records of the Cook County Hospital. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1935, 60: 738-45 — Guibal, P. L'occlusion intestinale d'origine appendiculaire; son traitement. Presse med., 1931, 39: 489-91.—Hadley, M. N. Decompression of the bowel in mechanical ileus. Med. Arts, Indianap., 1934, 37: 359-63—Korte, W. Zur Behand- lung des akuten, mechanischen Darmverschlusses. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1926, 37: 83-101.—Krasnoselsky, M. V. [Main principles in treatment of acute intestinal obstruction of mechanical origin] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 377-92—Mastin, E. V. Diagnosis and treatment of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction. Radiol. Rev., 1938, 60: 28-31.—Owings, J. C., & Smith, I. H. Massive resections in acute mechanical intestinal obstruction. Ann. Surg., 1932, 95: 840-9.—Ravens, C. Ueber die operative Behandlung des mechanischen Ileus. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933, 241: 668-94.—Romano, S. A. Acute mechanical intestinal obstruction; the dangers of prolonged preoperative decompression by means of the Miller-Abbott tube and gastroduodenal suction drainage. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1941-42, 94: 270-7.—Smith, B. A., jr. Fever therapy in the treatment of mechanical intestinai obstruction due to pelvic inflammatory disease. Surgery, 1940, 7: 61-8.— Smith, D. W., Gehring, H. D., & Wilson, R. A. A case of mechanical intestinal obstruction successfully relieved by the Miller-Abbott double lumen intubation tube. Bull. Jackson Mem. Hosp., Miami, 1940, 2: 33-6.—Stone, H. B., & Owings, J. C. Acute mechanical intestinal obstruction; treatment and results. South. M. J., 1937, 30: 699-705—Willcutts, M. D. Treatment of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1936, 34: 163-72, pi. ---- meconium. See also Ileus, congenital and neonatal. Rupp, J. *Der Ileus bei Neugeborenen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Mekoniumileus [Berlin] 29p. 23cm. Charlottenb., 1938. Adamson, E. W., & Hild, J. R. Meconium ileus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 2275.—Burger, P. Cas rare d'ileus du nouveau-ne par epaississement du meconium. Bull. Soc gyn. obst. Paris, 1938, 27: 329. Also Gyn. obst., Par., 1938, 37: 176.—Denzer, B. S. Meconium ileus. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1941, 62: 1114.—Dodd, K. Intestinal obstruction due to meconium ileus in a newborn infant; case report. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1936, 9: 486-91.—Hurwitt, E. S., & Arnheim, E. E. Meconium ileus associated with stenosis of the pancreatic ducts; a clinical, pathologic and embryologic study. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 443-54.—Kornblith, B. A., & Otani, S. Meconium ileus with congenital stenosis of the main pancreatic duct. Am. J. Path., 1929, 5: 249-61, 3 pi— Monnier. Ueber einen Fall von sogenanntem Mekoniumileus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1935, 65: 94.—Sobel, I. P. Meconium ileus. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1941, 62: 1114. ---- Metabolism. See also Ileus, Blood. Bottin, J. L'anhydremie et l'hypochloruremie au cours de l'occlusion intestinale experimentale. Rev. beige sc med., 1936, 8: 97-158.—Brunner, W. Beitrag zum Lipoidstoff- wech'sel beim mechanischen Ileus. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1935-36, 246: 238-43. ------ Weiterer Beitrag zum Lipoidstoff- wechsel beim mechanischen Ileus. Arch. klin. Chir 1935;-36, 184- 549-57.—Chiariello, A. G. La lipemia nell occlusione intestinale. Ann. ital. chir., 1934, 13: 162-72 ------ Lo zucchero libero e lo zucchero combmato del sangue nelle occlusioni intestinali. Pathologica, Genova, 1930, 22: 78.— Cimino, S. L'acido-lattemia nell'occlusione intestinale acuta. Morgagni, 1933, 75: 851-4—Corachan, M., & Pi Figueras, J. Importancia clinica de la hipocloruremia en la oclusi6n in- testinal. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1929, 11: 387-94.—Cortesi, P. Ricerche sui tasso del cloro nell'occlusione intestinale speri- mentale Clin, chir., Milano, 1932, 35: 1250-69.-De Courcy, J L. Intestinal obstruction with azotemia as a symptom: report of a case. Cincinnati J. M 1942-43 23: 288-91.- De Vincentiis, A. Comportamento del calcio, fosforo, potassio, magnesio e dei cloruri del sangue nelle occlusioni intestinali acute sperimentali. Riv. pat sper., 1940, 24: 81-100 — Domenech Alsina, F. Las modificaciones de la tasa de cloruros sansnifneos y de la reserva alcahna en la oclusi6n intestinal experimental. Arch, med., Madr., 1928, 28: 389-93 —— Rapport entre les variations de la reserve alcaline et le taux relatif du chlore et du sodium sanguins dans 1 obstruction intestinale experimentale et dans le choc histaminique. C, rend Soc. biol., 1929, 100: 1098-101. —— & Raventos Pijoan, J. Relaciones entre las vanaciones de la reserva alca- ILEUS 62 ILEUS ina y la tasa de cloro y sodio sangufneo en la obstrucci6n intestinal experimental. Arch, med., Madr., 1928, 29: 198-201 Also Tr. Inst, fisiol. Barcelona, 1929-30, 3: 254-60, 3 diagr ------ Variations de la reserve alcaline et du taux des chlo- rures du sang dans l'occlusion intestinale experimentale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 1278.—Dupont, R. Le phenomSne de Blum; essai d'interpretation du role des chlorures dans l'occlu- sion. Bull, med., Par., 1930, 44: 243.—Figurelli, G. II com- portamento del tasso dei cloruri del sangue nelle occlusioni intestinali acute, alte e basse (ricerche sperimentali) Ann. ital. chir., 1929, 8: 122-35.—Fogliani, U. II ricambio idro- carbonato e l'equilibrio acido-basico nell'occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Riv. pat. sper., 1933-34, 10: 261-80.—Fontaine, R., Guillemet, R. [et al.] La depense azotee endogene minima dans l'occlusion intestinale experimentale chez le chien. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 1304-7. ------ Les modifications de l'excretion purique dans l'occlusion intestinale experi- mentale chez le chien. Ibid., 1939, 131: 544-7. Sur divers aspects de la depense azotee dans l'occlusion in- testinale experimentale chez le chien. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1938, .207: 939-41.—Fontaine, R., Mandel, P. [et al.] La depense azotee dans l'occlusion intestinale experimentale chez le chien. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1939, 21: 1057.—Glatzel, J. [Basal metabolism in intestinal obstruction] Polska gaz. lek., 1933, 12: 865-7. Also Presse med., 1934, 42: 86 — Golovinchic, V. A. [Chlorides of the blood in acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 353-5.—Gosset, A., Binet, L., & Petit-Dutaillis, D. Quelques remarques pratiques k propos de l'abaissement des chlorures sanguins occasionn6 par ies occlusions aigues du tube digestif et par les vomissements. Presse med., 1928, 36: 1593-5.—Guarino, A. Equilibrio acido-basieo e ricambio clorato nelle occlusioni intestinali e nelle acidosi sperimentali. Pensiero med., 1933, 22: 299-305.— Herrin, R. C. The mechanism of the azotemia of experi- mental intestinal obstruction. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 40 (Abstr.)—Higasi, S. The relationship of acute in- testinal obstruction to the blood sugar content and the serum iodate value; effects of total and partial hepatectomy. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1933, 746-8— Izumi. J. Studien uber den Milchsaurestoffwechsel beim Ileus; zeitliche Veriinderung des Blutmilchsaurespiegels beim Ileus. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1933, 22: 201-26.—Kubanyi, A. Ileus und Blutzuckersenkung. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 139: 581-8.—Kuribayasi. H. Pharma- kologische Untersuchungen beim Darmverschluss des Kanin- chens; iiber die Veranderung des Reststickstoffgehalts beim Darmverschluss des Kaninchens, bei dem durch Phlogistica Darmentziindung hervorgerufen worden. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1934, 24: 1203-18, pi— Lambret. O., & Driessens, J. Hypo- chloremic et accumulation du chlore dan* la paroi intestinale au cours de l'occlusion intestinale experimentale C. rend. Congr. fr. med. (1938) 1939, 25. Congr.. 176-8 Role du systeme neuro-vegetatif dans la production de l'hypo- chloremie au cours de l'occlusion. Praxis. Bern. 1942, 31: 411 (Abstr.)—Lange, H., & Specht, H. Leber \ cr uiderungen im Kohlehvdratstoffwechsel beim experimented erzeugten Ileus. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 117: 87-91.—Loreto, C. Ricerche sperimentali sulla ipocloruremia nelle occlusioni intestinali. Riv. pat. sper., 1937, 18: 104—17.—Mairano, M. Sui comportamento del cloruro di sodio e dell'azoto residuo nei sangue neH'ocelusione intestinale alta e bassa. Minerva med., Tor., 1930, 21: pt 2, 289-92.—Mattioli, M. Comporta- mento del glicogeno epatico nelle occlusioni intestinali. Fol. med., Nap., 1933, 19: 1397-411.—Miani, A. La cloruremia e l'eliminazione dei cloruri nelle occlusioni intestinali. Arch. ital. chir., 1931-32, 29: 303-23. ------ La glicoregolazione nella occlusione intestinale. Arch. pat. clin. med., Bologna, 1931-32, 11: 331-40. ------ Ricerche sui glicogeno del fegato e dei muscoli nell'occlusione intestinale. Gior. clin. med., 1931. 12: 747-56.—Nelms, H. L. The metabolic ac- companiments of acute intestinal obstruction. N. York State J. M., 1927, 27: 64.—Nonnenbruch, W., Stary, Z. [et al. Studien iiber den Muskelstoffwechsel beim experimentellen Darmverschluss. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1934, 176: 563-72 — Pagliani, F. Ricerche sulle variazioni deH'azotemia, della riserva alcalina, del cloruro di sodio nell'occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1931, 34: 645-60.—Polonov- ski, M., & Driessens, J. L'hyperpolypeptidemie au cours de l'occlusion intestinale aigue. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 115: 1427-9.—Prati, M. Sulle cause della declorurazione nella occlusione intestinale. Riv. pat. sper., 1930-31, 6: 12-22.— Rathery, F., & Binet, L. La teneur du sang en sucre (libre et proteidique) au cours de l'occlusion intestinale experimentale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 739.—Ruggieri, E. Calcemia ed occlusione intestinale. Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. chir., 669-84. ------ Comportamento dell'ossalemia nell'occlusione in- testinale sperimentale. Ibid., 1937, 44: sez. chir., 346-71. ------ & Conti, G. II metabolismo del calcio negli stati occlusivi dell'iiomo. Clinica, Bologna, 1937, 3: 337-53.— Tarantino, A. M. Contributo alio studio del ricambio idro- clorurato nella occlusione intestinale; variazioni del cloro e dell'acqua nei sangue, nei muscoli e nella pelle e della perspiratio insensibilis. Arch. ital. chir., 1938. 54: 710-26.—Tasiro, S.. & Schmidt, L. H. Note on reciprocal relationship between blood tii^ar and Pettenkofer positive substances in blood in intestinal obstruction. Med. Bull. Univ. Cincinnati, 1931, 6: Sl-'r—Titone. M. Ricerche sperimentali sui corpi creatinici del i-angue nei! occlusione intestinale acuta. Riv. pat. sper., 1934-35. 12: 229-40.—Vitale, A., & Albo, G. Contributo sperimentale alia conoscenza del comportamento della azotemia e della glicemia nella occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1935, 41: 692-705- Walawelski. II. Ileus und Blutzucker. Arch. klin. Chir., 1933-34, 178: 615-53. ---- Mortality. Brill, S. The mortality of intestinal obstruction; analysis of 124 cases operated upon at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Ann. Surg., 1929, 89: 541-8.—Christopher, F., 108: 257. Also Rev. beige sc. med. 1932, 4: 1-75, 10 pi. ------ Les relations entre le pancreas et 1 intestin au cours de I'obstruction intestinale. Rev. belg. sc. med., 1938, 10: 38-54.—Cole, W. H., & Elman, R. 1 athological changes in liver accompanying intestinal obstruc- tion and strangulation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932 29- 1274.—Davidsohn, L Pathology of intestinal obstruction! Clin. Med., 1942, 49: 109.—Delrez, L. Le pancreas dans 1 obstruction intestinale. Bruxelles med., 1932-33, 13: 464- 6-—-Greco, A. Anatomia patologica e fisio-patologia del pancreas nell'occlusione intestinale. Sperimentale, 1934, 88: 746-69.—Guillaume, A. C. Recherches sur la stase intestinale. C. rend. Congr. fr. med., 1922, 16. sess., 111.—Hegge, E. [Recent researches on ileus] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1930, 91: 238-43.—-Holm, E. [Mechanism of ileus; post-mortem find- ings] Ugeskr. lajger, 1926, 88: 927.—Jianu, I., & Popescu, C. [Double intestinal occlusion] Spitalul, 1937, 57: 191-5.— Kellogg, E. L. Acute gastro-mesenteric ileus. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 13: 227-34.—Latteri, S. Le alterazioni anato- miche del fegato nelle stenosi sperimentali dell'intestino (con ricerche batteriologiche) Clin, chir., Milano, 1933, 36: 341- 72.—Leigh, O. C, jr. Ileus associated with edema of the bowel. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 75: 279-84.—Loeweneck. Ileus und Nebenniere. Arch. klin. Chir., 1940, 200: 99 (micro- film)—Lorda Audera, V. Anatomia patol6gica del pancreas en la oclusion intestinal. Ars medica, Barceb, 1935, 11: 336-45, 4 pl. —■——- Las lesiones pancredticas en la oclusi6n intestinal. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1936, 25: 355-66.—Lucarelli, G. Sulle modificazioni istologiche di alcuni visceri (fegato, reni, milza, pancreas, tiroide, paratiroidi) nell'occlusione intestinale acuta. Pathologica, Genova, 1934, 26: 321-3, pl. ------ Le sur- renali nell'occlusione intestinale acuta. Clin, chir., Milano 1934, n. ser., 10: 956-64.—McWhorter, G. L. Ends of omentum fused through opening in mesentery producing acute intestinal obstruction; chronic symptoms since childhood; resection of omentum, with relief. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1928, 8: 535- 44.—Mamedov, Z. M. [Rare forms of intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 210-4.—Matukura, S. Chemical studies on liver and other tissues in intestinal obstruction, closed loop, intestinal fistula and perforation peritonitis. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1930, 2: Tr. Surg., 1-145.—Mazzacuva, G. Sulle alterazioni istologiche epato-renali nell'occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Riv. pat. sper., 1930, 5: 343-58, 7 pl.—Mullen, B. P. Clinical pathological phases of intestinal obstruction. West. J. Surg., 1936, 44: 636^1.—Onaca, N. [Study of ileus from material of the surgical clinic of Cluj] Cluj. med., 1929, 10: 649-52.— Pagliai, E., & Mangione, G. II pancreas nell'occlusione intes- tinale acuta. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1934, 3: 325-36.— Pagliani, F. Le modificazioni della struttura del pancreas nella occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Pathologica, Genova, 1934, 26: 455-60.----—- & Miani, A. Le modificazioni della struttura delle capsule surrenali nell'occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1933, 105: 473-81.— Palma, R. Occlusione sperimentale dell'intestino e lesioni del pancreas. Ann. ital. chir., 1926, 5: 1073-90.—Pathology of intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1934, 1: 809.—Rubashev, S. M. [Partial intestinal obstruction] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 39: 540-50.—Sencert, L. Syndrome d'occlusion intestinale; elements d'anatomie et de physiologie pathologique. Stras- bourg med., 1926, 84: pt 2, 211; 285; 331; 378.—Staemmler, M. Ileus und Nebennieren. Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 87: 700-18.—■ Strauch, C. Eine eigenartige Form von Darmverschluss. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 971-3.—Titone, M. Alterazioni del rene nelle stenosi intestinali sperimentali. Riv. pat. sper., 1936-37, 16: 207-14, 2 pl. ---- Pathology, intestinal. Altschul, A. S. [Changes in the nerve ganglions of the diges- tive tract in experimental intestinal obstruction] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 58: 124-9.—Badile, P. Sui contegno anatomico dell'intestino nella esclusione sperimentale chiusa. Arch. ital. chir., 1928, 20: 1-97.—Carlson, H. A., & Wangensteen, O. H. Histologic study of the intestine in simple obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 421-4.—Eisberg, H. B. Observations upon certain isolated loops in intestinal obstruc- tion. Ibid., 1926-27, 24: 683-5— Gage, M., & Hosoi, K. Histological changes observed in the intestinal wall following simple mechanical obstruction in rabbits. Ibid., 1934-35, 32: 1651-3.—Rebustello, E. Le alterazioni morfologiche delle reti linfatiche intestinali nell'occlusione sperimentale dell'intestino. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1935, 6: 99-108.—Schempp, E. Zur Frage der Durchlassigkeit der Darmwand fiir geloste Stoffe, insbesondere beim Darmverschluss; experimentell-kritische Bemerkungen zu einer neueren Ileushypothese. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928, 143: 728-36.—Sperling, L., & Wangensteen, O. H. Influence of obstruction of the bowel upon its strength (bursting strength) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934-35, 32: 1183-5. Influence of obstruction of the bowel upon its length and weight. Ibid., 1219-24.—Tumaki, Y. Ueber die histolo- gischen Veranderungen des Darmes in der Nahe des verschlos- senen Teiles und der Leber beim experimentellen Darmver- schluss. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1931, 21: 368-70.—Wangensteen ILEUS 04 ILEUS O. W. Distention in intestinal obstruction. Bicent. Conf. Univ. Pennsylvania, Probl. Intest. Obstr., 1941, 17-33. ---- Pharmacology. Carlson, H. A., Dvorak, H. J. [et al.] Absorption of hydro- kollag from the obstructed bowel. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 542-4.—Civit Llobet, L. Ileus dimimicos. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1926, 2. ser., 5: .V.4-41.—Dragstedt, C. A. Some pharmacological considerations of intestinal obstruction. Illinois M. J., 1938, 74: 313-5.—Fine, J., Fuchs, F., & Mark, J. Effect of desoxycorticosterone on plasma volume in intestinal obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 514-6.— Fine, J., & Gendel, S. Plasma transfusion in experimental intestinai obstruction. Ann. Surg., 1940, 112: 240-8.— Fitzhugh, G., Miller, M. L. [et al.] Studies on calcium and phosphorus metabolism; the effect of intravenous calcium chloride on peristalsis following intestinal obstruction in dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 1931, 97: 142-5.—Gage, I. M., Ochsner, A., & Cutting, R. A. Effect of insulin and dextrose on the normal and on the obstructed intestine. Arch. Surg., 1933, 26: 658-83. ------ Effect of insulin and glucose on the normal and on the obstructed intestine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 29: 264.—Glatzel, J. [Effect of iodine on basal metabolism in intestinal occlusion] Polska gaz. lek., 1934, 13: 814-6.— Itihasi, T., & Hosaka, N. Chemical changes in the blood, and the therapeutic value of the bleeding and the infusion of salt solution in the intestinal obstruction of various sites. Sc. Rep. Gov. Inst. Infect. Dis., Tokyo, 1927, 6: 405-26 — Iwasima, T. Experimental studies on acute intestinal obstruc- tion; the effect of sodium chloride on the chemical changes in the blood after acute intestinal simple obstruction. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1929, 3: H. 4, 8.—Kuribayasi. H. Pharmako- logische Untersuchungen beim Darmverschluss des Kaninchens; iiber den Einfluss einverleibter Adstringentien auf die Lebens- dauer und den Keststickstoffspiegel im Blut beim Darmver- schluss. Jap. J. M. Sc.. 1934-36, 4: Surg., 288-90. Also J. Chosen M. Ass., 1934, 24: 10.------ Ueber den Einfluss adsorbierender Mittel auf den Reststickstoffspiegel beim ex- perimentellen Darmverschluss des Kaninchens. Ibid., 85; 1219-26. Also Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 292.—Miani, A., & Pagliani, F. L'azione dell'insulina sulla glieemia nella occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Bull. >c. med., Bologna, 1933, 105: 316- 25. -Ochsner, A., Gage, 1. M., & Cutting. R. A. Effect of morphine on obstructed intestine. Arch. Surg., 1934, 28: 406-16. •------ Influence of hypertonic salt solutions on the motility of normal and of obstructed intestine; an experi- mental study. Ibid., 1933, 27: 742-70. ------ The value of drugs in the relief of ileus; an experimental study. Ibid., 1930, 21: 924-58. ------• Treatment of experimental ileus by hypertonic saline solutions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 911-3.—Scott, H. G., & Wangensteen, H. Absorp- tion of strychnine sulphate from strangulated segments of bowel. Ibid., 30: 287-91. ---- Physiopathology. Arita, S. Beobachtungen iiber die Diinndarmbewegung beim experimentellen Ileus. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 287 — Atchley. D. W., & Benedict, E. M. The distribution of elec- trolytes in intestinal obstruction. J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 75: 697-702.—Best, R. R., Newton, L. A., & Meidinger, R. Ab- sorption in intestinal obstruction. Arch. Surg., i933, 27: 1081-6.—Binet. Fisiopatologfa de la oclusion intestinal. Cr6n. m6d. mex., 1930, 29: 442-5.—Bouisset, D., & Fabre, P. Le peristaltisme intestinal dans l'occlusion; action du chlorure de sodium hypertonique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 104: 847-50.—Brandberg, R. An experimental study of intes- tinal motility in mechanical ileus. Acta chir. scand., 1939-40, 83: 287-306.—Carlson, H. A., & Wangensteen, O. W. Motor activity of the distal bowel in intestinal obstruction; compari- son with the obstructed and normal. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 676-81— Costantini, A., & Ballarin, G. Ricerche sulla peristalsi intestinale; sulla motility dell'intestino nell'occlusione sperimentale praticata a varia altezza. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1935. 4: 663-76.—Donaldson, J. K. Intestinal obstruction; an attempt at an improved discussion of its pathologic physiology and treatment based on a simple classification and on past experimental and clinical experience. Arch. Surg., 1937, 35: 155-61. ------ & Stout, B. F. Me- chanics of absorption in intestinal obstruction with surgical considerations. Texas J. M., 1934, 30: 455-61.—Galli, R. Ricerche sperimentali sulle alterazioni della funzione motoria dell'intestino normale per azione del liquido di anse oerduse. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1935, 4: 60-92.—Guerreri D'An- tona, G. Sulla motility di un'ansa compresa fra due legature (ricerche sull'intestino isolate) Riv. pat. sper., 1935, 14: 231-6, 4 graph.—Gurevich, N. A. Ueber den Kreislaufshock bei dem akuten Darmverschluss. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929, 154: 584- 96.—Heusser, H., A Schar, W. Ein bemerkenswerter Fall von Ileus; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage der Resorption beim Ileus. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 1522-4. ------ Untersuchungen uber die Resorption beim Ileus. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931, 153: 548- 58.—Kajiura, G., & Oboroya, K. Investigation of the influence of ileus upon the electrocardiogram of rabbits. Acta Scholae med. Univ. Kioto, 1933-34, 16: 267-70.- Kin, S. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen uber die Sekretion der Verdauungs- safte beim Darmverschluss. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 293. Also J. Chosen M. Ass., 1935, 25: 95-120; 216-21.— Lamb ret, O., & Driessens, J. Accumulation intra-parietale du chlore au cours de l'occlusion intestinale experimentale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 129: 575. Mansfcld. G. [Patho- physiology of ileus] Orvoskepzes, 1939 29: 771-80.-Massera. L. II comportamento del rene mdie occlusioni mt<-3 in h sperimentali provocate a varia altezza. Arch. itaL chir., 1941, 60: 20-50 (microfilm) - Masuda. M. Ueber die Darmbe- wegung bei dem am Kaninchen kUnsthch hervorgerufenen mechanischen Ileus. Keijo J. M„ 1931, 2: 299-331.- Malu- ku ra S. On liver function in acute intestinal obstruction; the permeability of the liver to rose bengal. Jap. J. M. Sc, 191i- 29 1: Tr. Surg., 245-51.—Matthaes. Untersuchungen Uber die Resorption im Magen beim Ileus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1933, 175: 458-65 —Meyers, M. P., & Rosenblatt, M. S. Bile in intestinal obstruction; experimental observations. Surg. Gyn Obst., 1929, 49: 473-6.—Montgomery, M. L. Influence of balloon distention of duodeno-jejunal loops on volume of com- bined digestive secretions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938- 39, 39: 3S2-5.—Nisida, J. Ueber den Einfluss des akuten Darmverschlusses auf die Funktion des retikuloendothelialen Systems, der Leber und der Milz. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg 298.—Ochsner, A. Physiologic considerations of ileus. Am. J. Roentg., 1937, 37: 433-45.—Owings, J. C, Mcintosh, C. A. [et al.j Intra-intestinal pressure in obstruction. Arch. Surg., 1928, 17: 507-20.—Palma, R. L'assorbimento dell'in- testino ncir'ileo da strozzamento. Arch. ital. chir., 1926, 16: 549-69.—Rodino, D. Sull'assorbimento gastro-digiunale nella occlusione intestinale acuta. Clin, chir., Milano, 1939, 42: 333-47.—Rost. Die neuen Erkenntnisse der pathologischen Physiologie des Ileus und ihre Verwertung fur die praktische Therapie. Chirurg, 1930, 2: 692-9.—Smirnov, O. L. [Dis- tribution of chlorides in skin and muscles in grave obstruction of intestines in dogs] Vest, khir., 1931, 24: 130-5.—Sperling, L., & Wangensteen, O. H. Lymphatic absorption in simple obstruction: significance of distention upon its occurrence. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1935-36, 33: 23-6. ----— & Paine, J. R. Intra-enteric pressure in experimental and clinical intestinal obstruction. Ibid., 193-1- 35, 32: 1504-6.—Stout, G. The pathological physiology of ileus as a basis for treatment. Am. J. Surg.., 1933, 19: 283-91. Swindt, J. M., & Montgomery, M. L. Influence of closed intestinal loop strangulation on volume of the combined digestive secretions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, N. Y., 1934, 32: 176-8.—Tarantino, A. M. La idro- cloroemia nella occlusione intestinale acuta sperimentale in relazione al comportamento funzionale dei surreni. Pathologica, Genova, 1939, 31: 292T9— Tomassini, I. La funzionalitA renale nella occlusione intestinale sperimentale. Ann. ital. chir., 1937, 16: 171-86.—Traum. Untersuchungen iiber den Nachweis von Trypsin bei innerer und iiusserer Einklemmung. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 206: 8-11.—Wense, T., & Granzner, O. Zur Bedeutung der Nebennierenrinde und des Kochsalzes bei Infektion und Darmverschluss. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 1336-8. ---- postoperative. See also Ileus, Gynecological aspect. O'Donnell, L. A. * Acute intestinal obstruc- tion following abdominal operation [Marquette Univ.] 8p. 4? Milwaukee, 1925-26. Peres, A. A. *L'occlusion intestinale apres la kelotomie. 38p. 8? Par., 1928. Ascroft, P. B., & Samuel, E. Radiography in postoperative ileus. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 445-9.—Bakushinsky, R. N. [Cases of postoperative intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1929, 16: 77-87.—Brennan, J. Post-operative ileus. N. York State J. M., 1931, 31: 77.—Case, J. T. The value of the roentgen examination in the early diagnosis of post-operative ileus. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1922) 1923, 32: 181-98.—Deaver, J. B. Postoperative intestinal obstruction. Tr South. Surg. Ass. (1926) 1927, 39: 119-23.—Del Valle, D., hijo. Ileo post- operatorio. Dia mfd., B. Air., 1933-34, 6: 259.—Ferguson, R. T. Postoperative intestinal obstruction. South. M. & S., 1934, 96: 217-9.—Gunn, J. A. Post-operative ileus. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1927, 27: 1154-7.—Hannett, J. W. Postoperative intestinal obstruction. Southwest. M., 1935, 19: 89-91.— Heise, W. Ileus durch Braunsche Enteroanastomose. Chirurg, 1934, 6: 812-5.—Masmonteil, F. Occlusions intestinales post- operatoires. Rev. chir., Par., 1938, 76: 603-31. Also Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1939, 31: 309-15.—Matus, M. Dos casos de oclusion intestinal post-operatoria. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile. 1926, 4: 97-103.—Orosa, S. Y. Two cases of post-operative intesti- nal obstruction. J. Philippine M. Ass., 1940, 20: 289-91.— Palmer, D. W. Acute post-operative obstruction of the bowels diagnosed by the flat rontgenogram. Ann. Surg., 1933, 98: 672-7. Also Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1933, 51: 192-8.—Papai, Z. [Post-operative intestinal occlusion] Cluj. med., 1936, 17: 138-54.—Pasman, R. E. Oclusi6n intestinal aguda post- operatoria; diagn6stico radiol6gico. Bol. Soc cir. B Aires 1928, 12: 560-2, 2 pl.—Piotet, G. Remarques sur les ileus; l'iieus apr£s gastrectomie. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1941-42, 66: 174-81.—Postoperative ileus. Irish J. M. Sc, 1942, 6. ser., No. 198, 215.—Rivarola. R. A., & Detchessarry, R. Sobre do's casos de oclusi6n intestinal postoperatoria. Bol. Soc cir B Aires, 1927, 11: 278-81. ALso Sem. med., B. Air., 1927,'34: pt 2, 114.—Ryan, T. J. Acute postoperative intestinal obstruc- tion. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1932. 12: 1469-72.—Snodgrass, T. J. Acute intestinal obstruction caused by nonabsorbable suture material. Surgery, 1939, 6: 437-44.—Teri, N. Ileus als Spatfolgekomplikation einer Leopold-Czernvschen Opera- ILEUS 65 ILEUS tion. Mschr. ungar. Med., 1933, 7: 47-9.—Vergoz. Occlusion intestinale tardive aptes appendicectomie; tetanos d'origine viscerale. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 1354-6 — Zuckermann, C. Oclusiones intestinales postoperatorias. Rev. mex. cir. gin. cAncer, 1937, 5: 159-69. ------ Oclusiones intestinales postoperatorias; importancia de las oclusiones intestinales postoperatorias. Rev. med. veracruz., 1937, 17: 2431-8. ---- postoperative, adynamic. See also Ileus, adynamic. Howe, E. *Post-operative intestinal paresis. I5p. Milwaukee, 1936. Schrader [K. A.] H. *Ueber den post- operativen paralytischen Ileus. 30p. 8? Marb., 1935. Aimes, A. La paresie intestinale post-operatoire. Progr. med., Par., 1927, 42: 1387.—B. El Ileo paralitico constante de todo post-operatorio abdominal. Dfa med., B. Air., 1934—35, 7: 653.—Cambresier. L'iieus postoperatoire paralytique. Arch. med. beiges, 1926, 79: 1-9.—Ducuing, J. La parlsie intestinale post-operatoire d'origine phiebitique. Presse med., 1928, 36: 1060.—Funakosi, T. Die Bedeutung der Darm- lahmung nach operativen Eingriff in die Extraperitonealhohle. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kyoto, 1936, 18: 1292.—Heusser, H. Die postoperative Darmparese. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 79.—Nordland, M., & Larsein, L. M. Paralytic or reflex ileu*, with report of a case of 14 days duration following simple herniotomy. Minnesota M„ 1934, 17: 186-90.—Olivecrona, H. An experimental and clinical study of the postoperative, so-called paralytic ileus; pathological physiology of the post- operative and peritonitic intestinal paresis. Acta chir. scand., 1926-27, 61: 485-534, 2 pl.—Phifer, F. W., & Rae, H. B. Postoperative paralytic ileus. Colorado M., 1933, 30: 200-4.— Stajano, C, & Crotoggini, J. J. El fleo paralitico constante de todo post-operatorio abdominal. Arch. urug. med., 1934, 5: 559-72.—Ward, J. W. Post-operative paralytic ileus. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1932, 43: 415.—Zuckerman, C. Ileo paralitico postoperatorio. Dfa med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1104. ---- postoperative, adynamic: Treatment. Gaertner, W. *Verhalten und Beeinflussung der postoperativen Darmparalyse. 15p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1934. Avrov, E. A. [The use of physostigmine in post-operative paresis of the intestines] Vrach. gaz., 1928, 32: 1362.— Bergouignan, L. La paresie intestinale post-operatoire; com- ment la prevenir et la traiter. Prat. med. fr., 1929, 8: 120-5.— Borsotti, P. C. Sull'uso dell'acetilcolina nella cura della paresi intestinale post-operatoria. Minerva med., Tor., 1936, 27: 133.—Branco Ribeiro, E. Contribuicao ao tratamento da paresia intestinal post-operatoria. Ann. paul. med. cir., 1934, 28: 463-78.—Buchholz, C. Die Behandlung der postoperativen Darmatonie mit Prostigmin. Zbl. Gyn., 1932, 56: 294375 — Demme, H. Postoperativer paralytischer Ileus und Heiden- hainsche Darmfistel. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1926, 199: 333-6 — De Veszelka, F. L'atonia intestinale post-operatoria e il sue trattamento con un nuovo enterocinetico. Rass. ostet., 1934, 43: 382-9.—Engel, G. C. The treatment of postoperative adynamic ileus. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1938, 18: 1705-15.— Forgue, Lapeyrie & Soulas. Un cas d'ileus paralytique post- operatoire gueri par la rachi-anesthesie. Arch. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1929, 10: 589-92.— Gruesco. T., & Dragos, A. Le serum hypertonique chlorure dans un cas d'ileus paralytique post-operatoire. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1931, 23: 153-5 — Hartel, F. Zur Behandlung der postoperativen Darmatonie. Arch. klin. Chir., 1936, 186: 445-8.—Imianitov, F. F. El tratamiento de las pardlisis intestinales postoperatorias. Repert. med. cir., Bogota, 1931, 22: 56-66.—Kaplan, I. W., & Michel M. L. Treatment of postoperative adynamic ileus and obstruc- tion of the small bowel with the Miller-Abbott tube. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1940-41, 93: 558-65.—Kato, K. Rectale Infusion der hypertonischen Kochsalzlosung bei postoperativer Darmparese. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 280.—Kin, K. Rectale Infusion der hypertonischen Kochsalzlosung bei post- operativer Darmparese. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1934, 24: 58.— Kokoulin, S. N. [Use of hypertonic solution of sodium chloride in the treatment of post-operative paresis of the intestines] Sovet. khir., 193 ,6: 54-6.—Kreiner, W. M. Zur Behandlung der postoperativen Darmlahmungen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 526.—Krinsky, A., & Stein, E. C. Kasuistischer Beitrag zur intravenosen Hypophysin-Kochsalzinfusion bei der Behandlung der postoperativen Darmlahmung. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 591.—Levy, M., & Nora. Occlusion intestinale paralytique post-operatoire tardive; inefficacite du chlorure de sodium administre par voie buccale. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1925, 25: 190-3.— Loewe, G., & Herbrand, J. Zur Be- handlung der postoperativen Darmlahmung. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1935, 162: 201-12.—Mandillon. Sur quelques cas d'emploi de l'eserine (prostigmine) dans la paresie intestinale post-operatoire. J. obst. gyn., Par., 4: No. 4, 44.—Matukuma, M. Prostigmin for postoperative intestinal paralysis. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 274.—Mayer, A. Die Riicken- marksanasthesie in der Behandlung der postoperativen Darm- lahmung. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 2251.—Meyer-Wildisen, R. Beitrag zur Bekampfung der postoperativen Darmlahmung. 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----5 Ibid., 1933, 60: 1890-3.—Neuweiler, W. Versuche uber Isacenverabreichung zur Behebung der Darmatonie nach Laparotomien. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 1195.— Pankow. Ueber Physostigminbehandlung postoperativer Darmparalysen. Korbl. Bl. Allg. arztl. Verein. Thuringen, 1904, 33: 412.—Peluno, A. R. Profilaxis y tratamiento de las at6nias y par&lisis intestinales postoperatorias. Sem. med., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 2, 269-73.—Perget, G. Traitement de l'atonie intestinale post-operatoire. Prat. med. fr., 1933, 14: 329.—Ramadan, I. A., & El Boshi, Y. B. Action of choline injections in post-operative paralytic ileus; report on a case treated in hospital. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1934, 17: 461.— Scarcella, A. L'eserina nelle paresi intestinali post-operatorie; contributo clinico. Atti Soc. ital. ostet., 1905, 11: 137-46.— Schlaepfer, K. Relief of postoperative intestinal atony with prostigmin. West. J. Surg., 1936, 44: 437-9.—Schloessmann. Der Duodenalschlauch bei postoperativer Darmlahmung. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 43-6.—Sebening. Zur Behandlung der postoperativen Darmatonie. Ibid., 1936, 63: 2805.—Traite- ment de la paresie intestinale post-operatoire et de l'occlusion intestinale. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1934, 48: 235.—Tratamiento de la paresia intestinal post-operatoria y de la oclusion intes- tinal. Dfa med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1123.—Vogt, E. Die intra- venose Hypophysinkochsalzinfusion zur Behandlung der postoperativen Darmlahmung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926- 73: 1509-12.—Weise, W. Erfahrungen mit Esmodil bei post- operativen Darmatonien. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1935, 245: 309-11. ---- postoperative: Pathology. Francois, H. R. *Des occlusions intestinales precoces apres appendicectomie a. chaud; formes cliniques et traitement. 99p. 24%cm. Nancy, 1938. Vilhes, G. Contribution a I'etude des occlusions intestinales post-operatoires. 48p. 8? Par., 1929. Amorim, A. A. Consideracoes em torno de um caso de oclusao intestinal postapendicectomia em crianca. Pediat. prfit., S. Paulo, 1941, 12: 187-97.—Aspinall, A. Intestinal obstruction following operations on the lower part of the abdomen. Med. J. Australia, 1933, 2: 713.—Camera. U. Sopra un raro meccanismo di occlusione intestinale. Gazz. med. Roma, 1928, 54: 102-6.—Curry, E. F. Recurrent post- operative obstruction; report of 2 cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 197: 131.—Ducuing, J., & Fabre, P. C. Ileus post- operatoire; phiebite pelvi-abdominale. J. med. fr., 1934, 23: 55-62.—Eising, E. H. Intestinal obstruction due to stricture; following herniotomy for strangulated hernia. Am. J. Surg., 1927, n. ser., 3: 552-5.—Hoyt, H. S. Spastic contraction ring; a cause of postoperative intestinal obstruction. California West. M., 1931, 34: 105-7.—Mirizzi. Dos casos de ohstruccion intestinal (precoz y tardia) subsiguiente a la apendicectomia de urgencia; ileo-sigmoidostomia; curaci6n. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1928, 12: 459-61.—Pasman, R. E. ^ Oclusi6n aguda del duodeno post-operatoria (reseccion de estomago) por pediculo mesenterico. Ibid., 234-48.—Patry, R., & Heer, W. Ueber den postoperativen Strangileus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: i03-5.—Pizzagalli. L. Occlusione intestinale acuta post- appendicectomica. Boll. spec. med. chir., 1930, 4: 257-63.— Quenu, J., & Martinais, P. F. L'iieus par brides post-opera- toires. Gaz. med. France, 1930, 201-6.—Schlink, H. H. Post-operative intestinal obstruction in the lower part of the abdomen. Med. J. Australia, 1933, 2: 715-8.—Soresi, A. L. The carbolized scalpel and postoperative ileus. Am. J. Surg., 1929, n. ser., 6: 506-8.—Ugon, C. V. A. Oclusi6n post-opera- toria por peritonitis adhesiva en el curso de la apendicitis aguda. An. Fac. med., Montev., 1929, 14: 272-82.—Walters, W. Subacute, acute, and postoperative intestinal obstruction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1927, 7: 1567-77.—Yovanovitch, B. Y. Causes des occlusions intestinales post-operatoires; deductions prophylactiques. J. med. Paris, 1937, 57: 923-8.—Zoefgen, W. Spatileus durch postoperative Hernienbildung im Ligamentum latum. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926. 52: 450. ---- postoperative: Treatment. See also Ileus, postoperative, adynamic: Treat- ment. Shallow, B. H. *Drug therapy in the treat- ment of post-operative ileus [Marquette Univ.] 17p. 4? Milwaukee, 1931. Theillier, E. *Contribution a I'etude du traitement des occlusions intestinales apres appendicectomie. 61p. 8? Par., 1928. Asteriades, T. Deux nouveaux cas de guerison d'ileus spasmodique post-operatoire par la simple rachi-anesthesie. Arch. fr. belg. chir., 1927, 30: 337-41.—Autefage. Occlusion intestinale apr£s ablation de l'appendice; coeliotomie mediane, anastomose iieocolique; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 1352.-—Babcock, W. W. Prevention and manage- ment of postoperative intestinal incompetence. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1938, 18: 1599-620—Barthelemy. Accidents d'occlusion post-operatoire; injections de serum sale hyper- tonique; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 637-9.— Bosjovitch, V. Traitement des occlusions intestinales post- ILEUS 66 ILEUS operatoires. Presse med., 1930, 38: 1662.—Bottin, J. Influence des injections intraveineuses de citrate de sodium k 20% sur les accidents d'obstruction intestinale post-operatoire. Ibid., 1934, 42: 87-9.—Breitfuss, F. F. [Hermetic enterostomy in postoperative ileus] Vest, khir., 1936, 43: 54-7.—Chenut, A. Ileus dynamique post-operatoire gueri apr£s rachi-anesthesie; les indications de la rachianesthesie dans le traitement des occlusions intestinales. J. med. Bordeaux, 1927, 57: 140-3.— Christensen, A. [Statistics of ileus at Akers Hospital, with special regard to postoperative ileus: prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1927, 88: 846-61.—Clement, F. Un cas d'ileus post-operatoire traite avec succes par injec- tions intraveineuses de solution hvpertonique de chlorure de sodium. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1930, 22: 347-52.—Courty, L. Occlusion intestinale post-operatoire traitee par injections intraveineuses de serum sale hypertonique. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 602.—Dixon, C. F., & Gregg, R. O. Management of postoperative intestinal obstruction compli- cated by hemorrhage on the basis of prothrombin deficiency. Minnesota M., 1940, 23: 169-73.—Gilorteanu, I., & Petrulian, C. [Grave postoperative intestinal occlusion, treated with injections of hypretonic solution] Rev. chir., Bucur., 1929, 21: 600-4.—Guillaume-Louis, P. Occlusion aigue duodenale post-operatoire guerie par injection intraveineuses de serum Bale hypertonique. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 90.— Guthrie, D. The treatment of postoperative obstruction. Pennsylvania M. J., 1932, 35: 376-80.—Haberland, H. F. O. Die Therapie des postoperativen Ileus. Chirurg, 1930, 2: 409-12.—Harger, J. R., & Wilkey, J. L. Management of postoperative distention and ileus. J. Am. M. Ass., i938, 110: 1165-8.—Hendon, G. A. The treatment of post-operative ileus. Kentucky M. J., 1933, 31: 204-6.—Jancke, C. E. Die Dauerausheberung des Magens bei der Behandlung des postoperativen Ileus. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 1971-4.—Lambert, O. Sur les injections chlorurees sodiques hypertoniques dans l'occlusion intestinale et dans l'uremie post-operatoire. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 305-13.—Lastra, J. S. La 6.stulizaei6n temporal del intestino en el tratamiento del ileus post-operatorio. An. cirug., Habana, 1929, 1: 69-75.—Morgan, E. S., & Henderson, F. F. Postoperative intestinal obstruction; its early recognition and management. West J. Surg., 1939, 47: 474-81.—Niemann, G. H. Treatment in post-operative ileus. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1934, 27: 438-41.—Nora. Occlusion aigue duodenale post-operatoire guerie par injection intra- veineuse de serum sale hypertonique. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 1420-3.—Paine, J. R., Carlson, H. A., & Wan- gensteen, O. H. The postoperative control of distention, nausea and vomiting; a clinical study with reference to the employment of narcotics, cathartics, and nasal catheter suction- siphonage. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 100: 1910-7.—Pescarmona, E. La cura dell'occlusione intestinale post-operatoria con la prostigmina. Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. prat., 1899-905.— Potter, P. C, & Mueller, R. S. Posterior pituitary extract in the prevention of post-operative intestinal distension; a pre- liminary report. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 364.—Prochnow, F. [Prevention and treatment of postoperative ileus] Orv. hetib, 1934, 78: melb, 187.—Rouffart. Occlusion intestinale post- operatoire tardive; rachianesthesie; syncope cardiaque 6 minutes apres rachi; reanimation du coeur par 2 piqures intra- cardiaques d'adrenaline. Bruxelles med., 1936-37, 17: 1536- 40.—Simpson, B. S. Diffuse pneumococcal peritonitis in a boy; post-operative paralytic ileus treated by anti-gas-gangrene serum; empyema; recovery. Brit. M. J., 1929, 2: 1106.— Smith, R. N. Advanced treatment in postoperative ileus. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 19: 272-4.—Soupault, R. Accidents d'occlusion post-operatoire; injection de serum sale hypertonique; guerison. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 504-6.—Spinal anaesthesia as treatment for acute post-operative ileus. Practitioner, Lond. 1938, 141: 350.—Ten, N. Erfolge mit Glanduitrin in der Heilung des postoperativen Ileus. Mschr. ungar. Med., 1933, 7: 17-21.—Williams, O. C, & Smith, T. H. The use of con- tinuous nasal siphonage suction tube for postoperative disten- tion, nausea, and vomiting, also intestinal obstruction, and a comparison of the different types of apparatus. Hosp. News, Wash., 1936, No. 3, 7: 8-16.—Woods, L. S. The use of spinal anaesthesia in post-operative ileus. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 2: 545.—Yovanovitch, B. Y. Traitement des occlusions intes- tinales post-operatoires. Rev. med. fr., 1938, 19: 461-71. ---- pregnancy. See also Ileus, Gynecological aspect. Botzian, M. *Ueber Ileus und Graviditat. 20p. 8? Munch. [1929] Leitner, I. *Ueus und Schwangerschaft [Leipzig] 38p 8? Lucka, 1927. Thelen. W. *Ileus und Graviditat. 36p. 8? Bonn, 1927. Barone, C. J., Power, H. A., & Kuhn, C. L. Intestinal ob- struction complicating pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., 1941, 41: 890-4.—Barsky, C. [Ileus and pregnancy] Vest, khir., 1927, 10: 282-6.—Bemis, G. G. Acute intestinal obstruction com- plicating late pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., 1932, 24: 436.— Bettman, R. B., & Imerman, S. W. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion complicating pregnancy; intestinal resection and recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 90: 384.—Binel, B. Occlusione intestinale da fecaloma in gravidanza. Riv. r»tet. gin., 1932, 14: 200-4.— Bischoff, G. H., & Pinkerton, C. C. Late pregnancy compli- cated by intestinal obstruction due to in opening in the mesen- tery in a young primipara. Am. J. Obst.. 1937, 33: 675-8.— Blair, M. Intestinal obstruction caused bv normal pregnancy. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1932, 26: 426-9. Border, E. L'occlusion intestinale pendant la grossesse. Rev. fr. gyn. obst., 1931, 26: 17-25.—Bovin, E. Two cases of ileus during pregnancy with unusual etiology. Hygiea, Stockh., 1934, 96: 519; 568.— Cornell. E. L. Pregnancy complicated by intestinal obstruc- tion. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1932, 12: 1253.- Dellepiane. G. Su di un caso di ileo in gravidanza. Clin, ostet., 1926, 28: 175-9.—Dikv, I. F. [Case of intestinal obstruction during pregnancy] Vrach. delo, 1939, 21: 267.—Doiinier, L. V., & Elanchik, S. M. [Obstruction of the intestine and pregnancy] Klin, med., Moskva, 1940, 18: No. 12, 87-9.—Dzilikhov, I. G. [Three cases of intestinal obstruction during pregnancy] Akush. gin., 1938, No. 5, 101.—Eliason, E. L.. & Erb, W. H. Intestinal obstruction complicating pregnancy. Surgery, 1937, 1: 65-73.—Estienny, E. Occlusion intestinale et grossesse. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1936, 25: 180-3.—Fratkin, G. M. [Intestinal obstruction in pregnancy] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 636-45.—Gavioli, R. L. La oclusion intestinal y embarazo. Bol. Soc. obst. gin. B. Aires, 1940, 19: 711-33.—Halter, G. Beitrag zum Schwangerschaftsileus. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 762-5.—Hansen, F. A. Intestinal obstruction in the 4th month of pregnancy due to adhesions. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1941, 31: 237-9.—Havlasek, L. [Intestinal obstructions and preg- nancy] Cas. lek. desk., 1934, 73: 1312; 1344.—Hipsley, P. L. Intestinal obstruction at the 7th month of pregnancy, due to long-standing and extensive peritoneal adhesions of obscure origin. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 1: 680.—Kahr, H. Zum Vorkommen des Ileus in der Gestation. Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1936, 102: 121.—Kemkes, H. Ileus in der Schwanger- schaft. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 1161.—Klein, P. Schwangerschaftsileus und Pyelitis. Zbl. Gyn., 1929, 53: 2531-4.—Laffont & Calleja. Un cas d'occlusion intestinale au cours de la grossesse. Bull. Soc obst. gyn. Paris, 1932, 21: 531. —■—— De certaines formes d'occlusion intestinale au cours de la grossesse. J. obst. gyn., Par., 1932, 3: No. 7, 5.— Larson, L. M. Bowel obstruction in pregnancy. Minnesota M., 1941, 24: 395.—Lieberberg, R. M. [Obstruction of the intestines in pregnancy] J. akush., 1932, 43: 40.—Luchs, L. Ueber Schwangerschaftsileus und verwandte Symptomen- komplexe. Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1926, 72: 270-84.— Malfatti, J. Zur Frage des Schwangerschaftsileus. Ibid., 24—9.—Mascaro y Porcar, J. M., & Gubern Salisachs, L. Ileus y embarazo. Rev. espaii. obst., 1935, 20: 245-9. ------ Ileus en una gestante de noveno mes. Med. ibera, 1935, 29: 910-2.—Massey, W. E. Intestinal obstruction in pregnancy and labor. Texas J. M., 1935-36, 31: 566-8.—Meumann. Ileus in der Schwangerschaft. Zbl. Gyn., 1935, 59: 1113-5.— Mikulicz-Radecki. Ileus und Graviditat. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1352-6.—Naidich, M. S. [Problem of ileus in connection with pregnancy] J. akush., 1930, 41: 180-91.— Paci, G. Sopra un caso di occlusione intestinale in gravidanza. Clin, ostet., 1928, 30: 304-13.—Pastiels, P., & Straetmans, R. Occlusion intestinale aigue et grossesse. Bruxelles med., 1935-36, 16: 765-70. Also Gynecologie, Par., 1936, 35: 302.— Paulson, W. O., & Garrett, L. M. An unusual case of intestinal obstruction. Wisconsin M. J., 1938, 37: 1001-4.—Peralta Ramos, A., & Roth, A. El fleus paralitico en el embarazo como manifestaci6n de toxicosis gravidica. Rev. gyn. obst., Rio, 1932, 26: 99-104.—Priest, R. E. Intestinal obstruction com- plicating twin pregnancy. Minnesota M., 1936, 19: 49-51.— Rabinovich, K. N. [Acute intestinal obstruction and pregnancy] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 631-5.—Radaeli, G. Sopra un caso di ileo in gravidanza da volvulo del tenue, del cieco e del colon ascendente. Ann. ostet. gin., 1928, 50: 1085-98.—Reis, R. A. Intestinal obstruction complicated by pregnancy at term. Am. J. Obst., 1937, 34: 1038.—Rupp, H. Ileus unter der Schwangerschaft. Zbl. Gyn., 1929. 52: 1558-62.—Russin, Y. I. [Ileus during pregnancy] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 1666; 1763.— Sassower [Intestinal occlusion in pregnancy] Polska gaz. lek., 1933, 12: 114.—Sennewald, F. Schwangerschaftsileus und Pyelitis gravidarum. Zbl. Gyn., 1929, 53: 2535-41.— Slemons, J. M., & Williams, N. H. Ileus in pregnancy. Tr. Pacific Coast Soc. Obst., 1937, 7: 102-18.—Smythe, H. J. D. Acute intestinal obstruction due to hydrocephalic child. Brit. M. J. 1926, 2: 732.—Sokol, E. G. [Case of intestinal obstruc- tion during pregnancy] Akush. gin., 1938, No. 5, 102 — Sokolov, V. I [Case of acute intestinal obstruction during pregnancy] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 11, 207.—Steinitz. G. Schwangerschaftsileus. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1681-3 — Storp. Echter Schwangerschaftsileus. Ibid., 1929 3-383-5 — lo Sfo « L';1'0^]10 8?Va,t0 di gestazione. Clin.'ostet., 1937, ni«: ?w « Iti'q iIleus..in Pregnancy] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 371-3.—Vermelin, Chalnot & Louyot, J. Oc- clusion intestinale en cours de grossesse. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris 1936 25: 543-6.-Weintraub, F., & Jaffe, B. Acute intestinal obstruction complicating pregnancy and the post- !^ TaiPe-nod^,uth, a report of 4 casea- Am- J- Obst., 1940, 7h'l Chir~ iQ^'J?61.™:, J" Ueber Schwangerschaftsileus. mtesHne d,,Hn7' M: 274~8-Zhnx". V. A. [Obstruction of the intestine during pregnancy] Akush. gin., 1938, No. 5, 98-100. ---- Prognosis. Cserey-Pechany, A. [Prognosis of intestinal obstructionl Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 1142-4.-Frankau C Prog- nosis in acute intestinal strangulation. Lancet, Lond., 1935, ILEUS 67 ILEUS 1: 103.—Hudson, R. V., Smith, R., & Selbie, F. R. The prognosis of acute intestinal obstruction; experiments with intraperitoneal sulphanilamide. Ibid., 1941, 1:438-42. ---- Pseudo-ileus. See also under names of primary diseases as Intestine, Infarction, etc. Babitzky. P. S. [Cases of so-called pseudoperitonitis and pseudo-ileus] Vrach. gaz., 1928, 32: 1323-30.—Christianson, H. W., & Bargen, J. A. Functional abdominal distention simulating intestinal obstruction. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1931, 6: 441-8.—Ginglinger, A. Infarctus intestinal et pseudo-ileus puerperal. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1934, 23: 166. ------ Pseudo-ileus puerperal. Gynecologie, Par., 1934, 33: 270-2.— Scheflfelaar Klots, T. [Pseudoileus as a complication of diseases of the genito-urinary tract] Geneesk. gids, 1931, 9: 133-7.— Silva, H. LTm caso de pseudo-oclusao intestinal. Brasil med., 1941, 55: 709-14. ---- puerperal. See also Ileus, Gynecological aspect. Morin, P. E. *Les occlusions intestinales aigues au cours de la puerperalite\ 167p. 25cm. Par., 1939. Bernat. J. M. El ileus paralitico del post-parto. Dia med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1571-3.—Digonnet & Verne. Un cas d'occlu- sion intestinale aigue postpartum par condure de l'angle Bpienique du colon. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1936, 25: 643.—Donati, D. Ostruzione intestinale avvenuta durante l'espletamento del parto. Clin, vet., Milano, 1933, 56: 981-3.— Fronticelli, E. Occlusione intestinale in puerperio. Clin. ostet., 1934, 36: 239-42.—Guchteneere, R. de. Ileus paraly- tique du post-partum. Bruxelles med., 1928-29, 9: 307-10.— Heymans van Anstel, H. [Case of ileus in puerperium] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: 1487-90.—Jardine, R. A case of paralysis of the intestines with regurgitant peristalsis following delivery. J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Empire, 1907, 11: 410-2. ---- Radiography. Delvart, G. E. A. *Du diagnostic de I'ob- struction intestinale par la radiographie directe sans preparation [Nancy] 45p. 24cm. Lille, 1934. Patjmier, J. G. *Examen radiologique sans preparation dans les occlusions intestinales. 79p. 24cm. Lille, 1936. Rousset, J. *Le radiodiagnostic d'urgence de l'occlusion intestinale aigue. 82p. 8? Par., 1935. Samtjelson, S. *Zur Rontgendiagnose des Ileus [Frankfurt a. M.] p. 297-305. 8? [Lpz., 1930] Also Rontgenpraxis, 1930, 2: Wurtz, M. *Ist die Rontgendurchleuchtung bei Ileusverdacht zuverlassig? 23p. 8? Wiirzb., 1933. Abel, W. Ileus und Rontgenbild. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1014—6. ------ Zur Technik und Auswertung des Rontgen- bildes beim akuten Darmverschluss. Chirurg, 1938, 10: 867-72.—Ascroft, P. B., & Samuel, E. The X-ray diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Brit. J. Radiol., 1941, 14: 11- 22.—Barthelemy. A propos de la radiographie abdominale sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 133.—Bechet, M., Founder, J., & Delbreil, J. A propos de la radiographie abdominale sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Ibid., 456-61.— Becker, B. Was bedeutet der Befund von Flussigkeitsspiegejn im Abdomen bei der Rontgenleeruntersuchung? zugleich ein Beitrag zur Differentialdiagnose des Ileus im Rontgenbilde. Rontgenpraxis, 1936, 8: 145-56.—Bedetti, D. Contributo radiologico alio studio delle occlusioni intestinali. Q. radiol., Belluno, 1937, 8: pt 2, 150-63.—Bernard. A. Deux exemples d'analogie clinique et radiologique entre l'occlusion intestinale paralytique et l'occlusion mecanique. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1936, 26: 413-9.—Bizard, G., & Vandendorp, F. Utilite de l'examen radiologique sans preparation dans le diagnostic des occlusions intestinales aigues. Echo med. nord, 1933, 37: 550-2, pl.—Boele, A. [Surface level in the roentgendiagnosis of ileus] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 1028-33.—Braun, M. Ueber Erkennung einiger Formen des Darmverschlusses mit Hilfe der Rontgen-Leeruntersuchung. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1941-42, 66: 354 (Abstr.)—Brunn, H., & Levitin, J. A roentgenological study of intestinal obstruction. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 70: 914-21.—Buckstein, J., & Michaels, L. The roentgen diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1936-37, 3: 767-70.—Carlson, H. A., Dvorak, H. J. [et al.] Value of X-ray evidence of bowel obstruction in various states of intestinal stasis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 343.—Case, J. T. Roentgenological aid in the diagnosis of ileus. Am. J. Roentg., 1928, n. ser., 18: 413-25. ------ The value of X-ray study in acute bowel obstruction. Illinois M. J., 1938, 74: 326-30.—Chamberlain, W. E. Roentgenologic aids in the diagnosis and management of intestinal obstruction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1938, 18: 1621-32.—Chapman, J. F. Intestinal obstruction; a roentgen and statistical study. California West. M., 1935, 43: 419-22.— Charbonnel. A propos de la radiographie simple dans l'occlu- sion intestinale aigue. Bordeaux chir., 1935, 6: 278-81.— Cove, A. M., & Silverman, M. The value of roentgenography in the diagnosis and localization of intestinal obstruction. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1940, 9: 348-52.—Curtillet, E. La radiologie de l'occlusion aigue; Dropos de chirurgie d'urgence. Gaz. med. France, 1940, 47: 147-50.—Davis, K. S. A valuable roentgenographic aid in the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Roentg., 1927, n. ser., 17: 543-6.—[Discussion on Roentgendiagnosis of ileus] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1938, 99: Forh. kir. foren. Oslo, 40-7.—Durst, H., & Utzschneider, S. Beitrag zur Rontgendiagnose des Darmverschlusses. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1932, 79: 597-600.—Eliason, E. L., & Johnson, J. Diagnostic features of ileus. Radiology, 1936, 26: 342-8.— Fortier, L. A., & Gately, T. T. Pitfalls in the X-ray diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1938-39, 91: 481-3.—Ginzburg, L. X-ray diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction without the use of contrast media. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 368.—Giordano, D. Riflessioni su due casi di occlu- sione intestinale con speciale riguardo ai limiti utili della indagine radioscopica. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1929, 37: 679-83.—Gosset, A. A propos de l'examen radiologique pte- operatoire dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue ou subaigue. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 322-9.—Graves, J. Q., & Snelling, J. G. The early diagnosis of intestinal obstruction by x-ray examination. Texas J. M., 1932, 28: 25-7.—Gros, O. Beitrage zur Rontgendiagnose des Darmverschlusses. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 164: 407-41.—Hatcher, M. B., & Mass, M. Clinical and roentgenologic aspects of intestinal obstruction. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1942, 31: 167-70.—Hintze, A. Allgemeine, topische und Ursachendiagnose des Ileus durch die Ront- genuntersuchung. Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1928) 1929, 59: 2. Teil, 227-31.—Hoyer, A. [Roentgendiagnosis of ileus] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1938, 99: Forh. kir. foren. Oslo, 22-32. ---■— The roentgen diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1938, 19: 409-32. ------■ [Roentgen examination of intestinal obstruction at the Aker Municipal Hospital] Nord. med., 1940, 7: 1246-8.—Huber, H. G. Zur Rontgendiagnostik des Ileus im Sauglings- und Kindesalter. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1936, 7: 167-73.—Humbert, C. R. X-ray diagnosis of early intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 56: 659-62.—Kalbfleish, W. K. The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction by Roentgen-ray. Am. J. M. Sc, 1927, 174: 500-6, pl.—Kraas, E. Die rontgenologischen Zeichen des Darmverschlusses. Chirurg, 1930, 2: 829-33.—Lamarque & Betoulieres. Diagnostic radiologique dans 2 cas d'occlusion intestinale. Rev. Soc radiol. med. France, 1937, 25: 29-31.— Lamas-Pouey, E., & Menendez, C. Diagn6stico radiol6gico de la oclusi6n intestinal. Arch. urug. med., 1938, 13: 137-46.—■ Lardennois, G. La radiographie abdominale sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 202-10. Also Presse med., 1935, 43: 288.—Licht, E. de F. Roentgen diagnosis of ileus. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1940, 21: 32-8.—Lipschutz, E. W. Subacute intestinal ob- struction with unusual dilatation of the colon, shown roent- genologically. Am. J. Roentg., 1926, n. ser., 15: 326.—Lock- wood, I. H. The X-ray examination in ileus and intestinal obstruction. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1940-41, 37: 255-8.— MacPherson, R. A. The role of roentgenology in acute in- testinal obstruction. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1942, 22: 55-8.—Martens, M. Ileus im Rontgenbilde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 1417-9, 4 pl. Also Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1928) 1929, 59: 2. Teil, 199-206, 4 pl.—Mazza, H. L. Imagen radiogrdfica de niveles hidro-aereos en el ileus; radiograffas en la obstrucci6n y oclusi6n intestinal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 1559-62.—Meller, O. Beitrage zum Ront- genbild des Ileus mit topischer und kausaler Diagnose. Ront- genpraxis, 1930, 2: 964-8.—Metivet, G. A propos de la radi- ographie sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 609.—Milligan, E. T. C, & Simon, G. Routine radiograms for investigation of intestinal obstruc- tion. Brit. M. J., 1931, 1: 1114.—Mondor, H. La radiographie dans l'occlusion intestinale. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 270-8. Also Presse med., 1935, 43: 347.—Monie, de. L'examen radiologique dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Arch. belg. Serv. san. armee, 1939, 92: 93-100.—Moulonguet, P. Cloture de la discussion sur la radiographie sans prepara- tion dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 461-8. ------ La radiographie dans l'occlu- sion intestinale aigue. Gaz. med. France, 1938, 45: radiol., 412; 466. ------ La radiographie sans preparation dans le diagnostic des occlusions intestinales aigues. Paris med., 1936 99: 288-91, 2 pl. ------ & Rousset, J. La radiographie abdominale sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1935, 23: 102-11.—Ochsner, A. X-ray diagnosis of ileus; comparison of results obtained by roentgenograms in horizontal and upright position. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 29: 327. ------ X-ray diagnosis of ileus; the value of roentgenograms in simple and strangulated obstruction; an experimental study. Surg. Gyn. Obst , 1933, 56: 719-27. ------& Granger, A. The Rontgen diagnosis of ileus. Ann. Surg., 1930, 92: 947-54.—Orgel. D. H. A barium meal simulating intestinal obstruction. Med. J. & Rec, 1929, 129: 396-8.—Patey, D. H., & Ascroft, P. B. X-ray diagnosis ILEUS 68 ILEUS of acute intestinal obstruction. Brit. M. J., 1935. 2: 1197-9, pl.—Pchelina, E. A. [Significance of the roentgen method in investigation and diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 363-76. 6 pl. Pendergrass, E. P. The role of the roentgenologic examination in the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. N. England ,1. M.. 1941. 225: 037-41.— Perry, G. X-ray studies in intestinal obstruction. Cliu. Med., 1942, 49: 100-8.—Petrignani, R. L'examen radiologique dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. J. med. Paris, 1936, 56: 175.— Piepenborn, J. Der Wert des Rontgenbildes ohne Kontrast- mittel bei Verdacht auf Darmverschluss. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1942, 67: 95 (Abstr.V I'iot. E. Le diagnostic radi- ologique de 1'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Sue. radiol. med. France. 1935. 23: 170; 272.— Polgar, F. [Roentgen diagnosis of ileus] Orv. hetib. 1937, 81: melb, 92.--Prat, D. Diagnostico radiologico del ileo. Dia med., B. Air., 1934-35, 7: 29-35.— Rabwin, M. H. the Roentgen-ray diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg.. 1929, n. ser., 7: 656- 8. —-— - & Carter, R. A. Acute intestinal obstruction; its diagnosis bv the flat X-rav film. California West, M., 1930, 33: 483-6.—Rendich. R. A.. & Abrams, H. S. Intestinal obstruction; evaluation of the roentgen diagnosis. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 1040-9.—Reschke. Seitliches Rontgenbild beim Ileus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1940, 200: 96 (microfilm)--Reschke, K., & Vielhauer, W. Zur Rontgendiagnose des Darmver- scblusses; seitliche Aufnahme im Riickenlage des Kranken. Ibid., 1941, 201: 683-6 (microfilm)—Sante, L. R. Intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Roentg., 1935, 34: 744-54.—Schiir. W. Kontgenbefund und Operationsindikation beim akuten Ileus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 650-2.—Selby, J. H. The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction; X-ray of great value in early detection of intestinal construction. Am. Physician, 1926, 31: 19.—Seley, G. P. Acute intestinal obstruction without roentgenographs evidence. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1940-41, 7: 32-5. — Sicard & Malgras. Diagnostic radiographique d'une occlusion intestinale aigue. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 515-24.■ Solis-Cohen, L., & Levine, S. X-ray diagnosis of complete and partial acute intestinal obstruction. Radiology, 1938, 31: 8-14. Also Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1938, 5:31.—Sturr, R. P. Roentgen changes in intestinal obstruction. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1934, 31: 216-8—Swenson, P. C, & Hibbard, J. S. Roentgeno- graphic manifestations of intcMinal obstruction. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 578. Teilelbaum, M. D. The roentgen diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1942 43, 95: 157-68.— Wangensteen, O. H. Elaboration of criteria upon which the cai ly diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction may be made, with special consideration of the value of X-rav evidence. Radiology, 1931, 16: 44-62. ------& Lynch. F. W. Evaluation of X-rav evidence as criteria of intestinal obstruc- tion. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 674-6.— Weber, G. Ueber die Bedeutung der Rontgenuntersuchung fiii die Diagnose des Ileus im Kindesalter. Mschr. Kinderh., 1930, 47: 11-23.—Weber, H. M. The roentgenologic anriroaeh to the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. Med. Clin. N. America, 1941, 25: 1143-61.—Wigby, P. E., & Cochran, W. H. The roentgenogram in intestinal obstruction. Texas J. M. 1938-39, 34: 740-5— Williencourt, de. L'examen radiologique sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Lvon chir., 1935, 32: 459-62.—Zeitlin, N. S. Intestinal obstruction. Radiology, 1939, 33: 628-32. ---- Site of occlusion. Antitch, I). Les stenoses infraduodenales. Ann. med. chir., Par., 1927-28, 1: 77-85.—Brocq, P. A propos du diagnostic par la radiographic du siege de l'obstaele dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 268.—Morton, J. J. The differences between high and low intestinal obstruction in the dog; an anatomic and physiologic explanation. Arch. Surg., 1929, 18: 1119-39. ---- Site of occlusion: High occlusion. See also under Duodenum; Ileum; Intestine, small; Jejunum. Andrus, W. D., Guest, G. M. [et al.] Chemical studies of the blood in high intestinal obstruction; the relation between toxemia and chemical changes. J. Clin. Invest., 1932, 11: 475-88.—Chidester, W. C. High intestinal obstruction; a problem in diagnosis. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 1001- 4.—Dogliotti, M. A., & Mairano, M. Sui meccanismo d'azione e sulle vie di eliminazione del cloruro di sodio nei trattamento dell'occlusione intestinale alta con soluzioni ipertoniche. Ann. ital. chir., 1930, 9: 295-312.—Figurelli, G. Ipocloruremia e terapia cloi urosodica nelle occlusioni intestinali acute, alte (duodenali) Ibid.. 9: 878-91.—Guest, G. M..& Andrus, W. D. Chemical studio of the blood in high intestinal obstruction; the distribution of phosphorus and intracellular changes. J. Clin. Invest., 1932. 11: 455-73.—Jenkins, H. P. Prolonging life in high obstruction by administration of salt solution below the point of obstiuction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 111-3.—Jura. V. Valore della reazione del contenuto enterico nelle occlusioni sperimentali alte deU'intestino (nota preventive) Audi. Soc. ital. chir. (1925) 1926, 32: 393-5.— Mintz, S. Ein Fall von hohem Darmileus infolge eines inkar- zerierten Gallensteines. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1928, 44: 382- 6.—Portis, M. M., & Portis, B. Experimental high intestinal obstruction relief by irrigation and control of alkalosis. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1926, 6: 58.—Saito, K. Experimental studies of the high intestinal obstruction, especially tho study ot the bile. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 296. Stabins, S. J.. & Ken- nedy, J. A. The occurrence of B. web dm m experimental high intestinal obstruction. Arch. Surg., 192'.t, 18: 753.- Sweet. J. E. The cause of death in high obstruction. N. York State .1. M., 1933, 33: 1194-6.- White, J. G, & Bridge. E. M. Loss of chloride and water from the tissues and blood in acute high intestinal obstruction; an experimental studs on dogs with duodenal obstruction. Boston M. & S. .1., 1927. 196: 893-7.— White, J. C, & Fender, F. A. The cause of death in uncom- plicated high intestinal obstruction; experimental evidence to show that death is due not to toxemia, hut to loss of digestive fluids and salts. Arch. Surg., 1930, 20: 897 -905. Wohl, M. G.. Burns, J. C, & Clark, J. H. Adrenal glands in dogs with high intestinal obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol.. N. V., 1935-36, 33: 543-6. ---- Site of occlusion: Low occlusion. See also under Colon; Sigmoid. Tison, J. M. A. G. *Le syndrome humoral de l'occlusion intestinale basse et son traitement par les solutions salees hypertoniques [Nancy] 86p. 24cm. Lille, 1934. Del Valle, D., & Yodice, A. Tratamiento conservador de la obstruccion baja aguda del intestino grueso. Sem. med., B. Air., 1931, 38: pt 2, 718.—Guerreri D'Antona, G. Sulla motility della anse (a monte e a valle) in seguito aU'occlusione bassa deU'intestino prodotta sperimentalmente. Riv. pat. sper., 1935, 14: 153-9, 7 graph.—Hibbard, J. S., & Kremen, A. J. Effect of the volatile base in fluid intestinal contents on dogs with low intestinal obstruction. Surgery, 1938, 3: 325-32.— Jenkins, H. P., & Roome, N. W. Low intestinal obstiuction with biliary, pancreatic, and duodenal secretions short-circuited below obstructed point. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 395. Johnson, J. A. Acute mechanical obstruction of the lower bowel. Minnesota M., 1931, 14: 635-42.—Landau, A., Class, J., A Kaminer, S. Occlusion intestinale basse, avec hypochloremic, azotemie et acidose. In Prace klin. Oddz. chor. wewn. Szpit. Wolski, Warsz., 1932, 1231-43. Also Strasbourg med.. 1930. 90: 197-201. —Matumoto, R. Experimentelle Studien iiber den tieferen Ileus. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 294-6. ---- spastic. Sec also Ileus, neurogenic. Boman, K. [Studies on spastic ileus] Hvgiea, Stockh., 1936, 98: 465 74.— Brink, C. D. Spastic ileus. S. Afr. M. J., 1934, 8: 52 4. Colp, R. Colonic spasm as the cause of intestinal obstruction. Surgery, 1941, 10: 270-80.— Edelmann, H. Spastischer Ileus, Appendicitis und Darnigrippe. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 75-7.—Fagiani, R., & Unia, M. Sopra un caso di ileo spastico. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1936, 24: 212. -Guil- laume, A. C. Sur un cas de pseudo-occlusion intestinale par spasme d'origine medullaire, signe de debut d'une myeiite transverse. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1935, 25: 852-5.— Henle, K. Zur Kenntnis des spastischen Ileus. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir., 1928-29, 41: 443-50.—Idelsohn, F. Oclusi6n intestinal aguda del lactante por espasmo. Sem. med., B. Air., 1931, 38: pt 2, 1251.—Krinitsky, J. M. [Spastic ileus] Klin. med., Moskva, 1932, 10: 147-50.—Lichtl. Spastischer Ileus bei Neugeborenen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1938, 73: 63-70.—Pons Tortella, E., n. Melocchi, W. Le sindronii dolorose dulln fossa iliaca destra. Cii.r. clin. med., 1934. 15: 655-7. Muller, P. Les syndrome- douloureux chroniques de la fosse iliaque droite. J. med. Paris. 1929, 48: 226.—Prini, I. Sindromes de la fosa iliaca derecha. Dia med., B. Air., 1940, 12: 909-15.—Ramond, L. Syndrome douloureux de la fosse iliaque droite. Presse med., 1933. 41: 243. Votta, E. A. Contribuci6n al sindrome de la fosa iliaca derecha. Bol. Soc. obst. gin. B. Aires, 1934, 13: 761-6. ---- Surgery. See also Appendicitis, Surgery, etc. Leriche, R. De l'hemostase dans les operations pour anevrysme et hematome de la raiine de la cuisse et de la fosse iliaque; de 2 procedes utiles a connaltre pour operer avec securite. Pressa med., 1940, 48: 716.—Mauclaire, P. Balle entree par le 3e espace intercostal droit, et logee contre la face interne de l'6pine sciatique; ablation par decollement sous- peritoneal de la fosse iliaque. Bull. Soc chir. Paris, 1918, 44: 52.—Molina, L. El problema quirurgico de la fosa iliaca derecha en el afio 1938. Gac. peru. cir. med., 1938-39, 1: No. 8, 3-6. Also Rev. med. peru.. 1938, 10: 469-79.— Palma, E. ('., Pietropinto & Ugon, R. A. ('outribuci6n a la tecnica del abordaie simultaneo de la fosa iliaca derecha y la cavidad peiviea. Arch. urug. med., 1942, 20: 54-76. ---- Tumor. Anchelevich, V. D. [Errors in diagnosis of tumors and infectious granuloma in the right iliac fossa] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 315-8.—Bobbio, A. Pseudomixoma della reirione iliaca destra. Cancro, Tor., 1932, 3: 108-13.—Courtin & Montalier. I'aralysie du membre inferieur gauche; tumeur de la fosse iliaque gauche; atrophie bilaterale des testicules. J. med. Bordeaux, 1909, 39: 282.—Desjardins, E. Les tumefactions du flanc it de la fosse iliaque droits. Union med. Canada, 1938, 67: 158 lit). Muller. Tumeur de la fosse iliaque gauche, de diagnostic dillicile, appartenant an grand epiploon et au colon transverse; epiploite chronique. Loire med., 1931, 45: 156- 62.— Patino Mayer, C, A Castorino, C. 1 also tumor maligno de fosa iliaca derecha; tumor inflamatorio post-apendicular. Rev. As. med. argent., 1937, 52: IK-22.—Ronneaux, G. Fausses tumeurs de la fosse iliaque droite. Bull. Soc radiol. med. France, 1933, 21: 548-52. ILIAC lymph node. See also Groin, Lymph nodes; Retroperi- toneum. Bailey, H. Suppurating deep iliac glands. Practitioner, Lond., 1930, 124: 223-30.—Brown, A. E. Ileocecal lympha- denitis in children. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1937, 65: 798-806.— Coutts, W. E. Acute inflammation of deep iliac lymph-nodes. Ann. Surg., 1927, 86: 782-6.—Frank, L. Suppurative adenitis of the iliac lvmph nodes of hemolytic streptococcal origin. Ibid., 1937, 105: 975-81, ch. Also Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1936, 49: 369-75, ch.—Irwin, F. G. Acute iliac adenitis. Arch. Surg., 1938, 36: 561-70.—Love, R. J. McN. Adenitis of the iliac glands. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 2: 135.—Marshall, C. J. Simple ileo-caecal lymphadenitis. Brit. M. J., 1928, 1: 631 — Porumbaru, M., Trocmaer, C, & Oorumbaru, J. Lymph- drusenentziindung der Ileo-Coecalgegend. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 1913-6.—Rodino, D. Contributo alia conoscenza degli adenoflemmoni della fossa iliaca. Riforma med., 1937, 53: 1063-6. ILIAC muscle. See under Iliopsoas. ILIAC nerve. See Buttock; Gluteal nerve; Gluteal region. ILIAC region. See Groin; Hypogastrium. ILIAC spine. See also Ilium. Crawford. J. Fracture of anterior iliac spine. Brit. M J. 1929, 1: 1077.—Strauss, F. Zur Kenntnis der Abbruche des vorderen oberen und unteren Darmbeinstachels. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1932-33, 32: 478-85.—Weitzner, I. Fracture of the anterior superior spine of the ilium in one case, and anterior inferior in another case. Am. J. Roentg., 1935, 33: 39. ---- anterior inferior. Bachmann, W. Un cas d'arrachement bilateral de l'epine iliaque ant. inf. Schweiz. med. Wschr.. 1941, 71: 721.— Corlette. ('. E. Fracture of the anterior inferior spine of the ilium. Med. J. Australia. 11127, 2: 682. Callagher, J. K. fracture of the anterior inferior spine of the ileum; sprinter's fracture. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 86-8.- Hanke, H. Zur Kenntnis der isolierten Abrissfraktur der unteren Spina anterior ossis ilei. Arch, orthop. Lnfallchii.. 1932. 31: 377-82.— Janker, R. Der Knocbenkern der Spina iliaca anteiior in- ferior. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933, 241: 177-9. Kanert, W. Der Brueh des vorderen unteren Darmbein-tai-beL. Chirurg, 1937, 9: 721 (i.—Nusselt, H. Abrissfraktiuen des vorderen unteren Darmbeinstachels. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 436-8 (microfilm)—Palugyay, J. Trauinatische Losung einer Apophvse der Spina iliaca anterior inferior. Rontgenpraxis, 1940, 12: 282-4 (microfilm)—Pezcoller, A. Le fratture della spina iliaca anteriore inferiore. Clin, chir., Milano, 1931, 34: 249-54. Piirckhauer, R. Abrissbruch der Spina anterior inferior des Beckons. Chirurg, 1936, 8: 975-7.—Rothbart, L. Abrissfraktur der Spina iliaca ant. inf. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 781-3. Schoen, H. Die mntgenographi.sche I )arstellung der Abrissfraktur der Spina iliaca anterior inferior. Chirurg, 1939, 11: 124.—Wuthe, G. Abrissfraktur der Spina iliaca anterior inferior. Ibid., 10: 694. ---- anterior superior. Schloffel, W. [G.] *Abriss der Spina iliaca anterior superior als Sportverlctzung [Leipzig] 32p. 8? Zeulenroda i. Thttr., 1933. Akin, O. F., & Carlson, E. Fracture (epiphyseal separation) of the anterior superior spine of the ilium produced by muscular violence. Med. Sentinel, 1927, 35: 431-3.—Borusiewicz, F. [Case of tearing off of the spina iliaca anterior superior] Chir. narz. ruchu, 1936, 9: 173-6, pl.—Carmody, J. T. Epiphysitis of the anterior superior iliac spine. Yale J. Biol., 1930-31, 3: 159-64, pl.—Christopher, F. Fracture of the anterior superior spine of the ilium. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 100: 113.—Cleaves, E. N. Fracture or evulsion of the anterior superior spine of the ilium. J. Bone Surg., 1938, 20: 490. —Conwell, H. E.. & All- dredge, R. H. Fracture of anterior superior spine of ileum; a summary of the literature and report of a case. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 33: 114-7, 2 pl. Dupas. J. Apophysite de l'epine iliaque antero-superieure. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 1155-63.—Ebert, K. Ein Fall von Abriss der Spina iliaca anterior superior. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1931, 78: 27.—Hanke, H. Die isolierte Abrissfrakt ur der Spina iliaca anterior superior als Skilaufverletzung. Chirurg, 1932, 4: 23-5.—Heller, E. P. Avulsion of the anterior superior iliac spine, with symptomless sacralization of the 5th lumbar vertebra. J. Am. M. Ass., 1925, 84: 508.—Kahnt, E. Epiphysenabriss der Spina iliaca anterior superior als Sportverletzung beim Schnellauf. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 2507-60.—Kleinschmidt, H. Zur Frage der Abrissf rakturen der Spina iliaca anterior superior. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 1895.—Lohr. Ueber den Epiphysenabriss der Spina iliaca anterior superior, eine typische Sportverletzung beim Schnel- lauf. Ibid., 1930, 56: 958.—Losinsky, L. I. [Symptom of walking backward in fracture of anterior superior iliac spine] Ortop. travmat., 1931, 5: 70.—Mooney, V. Fracture of the anterior superior spine of the ilium. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 866.—Padula, A. Considerazioni cliniche sulla frattura da strappamento della spina iliac anteriore superiore. Chir. org. movim., 1937-38, 23: 69-82.—Passarge, E. Ueber den Abrissbruch der Spina iliaca ant. sup. (iliaca ventralis) Mschr. Unfallh., 1939, 46: 201-6.—Pezcoller, A. Le fratture della spina iliaca anteriore superiore da strappo muscolare. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1931, 19: 93-100.—Robertson, R. C. Frac- ture of the anterior superior spine of the ilium. J. Bone Surg., 1935, 17: 104.5-8.—Roegholt, M. N. [Epiphyseolysis with epiphysis-fracture of the anterior superior iliac spine] Ned. m-chi. geneesk., 1925, 13: 288-91.—Rush, L. V., & Rush, H. L. Avulsion of the anterior superior spine of the ilium; a case report. J. Bone Surg., 1939, 21: 206.— Siebner, M. Der Epiphysenabriss der Spina iliaca anterior superior als Sport- verletzung. Chirurg, 1931, 3: 59-63.—Sutherland, R., & Rowe, M. J., jr. Avulsion of the anterio-superior iliac spine associated with osteochondritis and hypothyroidism. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 57: 381—Szentmihaly, L. [Cartilagineous tumor of the spina anterior superior of the left iliac bone] Orvoskep- zes. 1935, 25: dec. kulonf. (T. Verebeiy Festschr.) 108.— Wilenius, R. [Rupture of the upper anterior iliac spinel Duodecim, Helsin., 1937, 53: 133-39. ---- posterior. Palugyay, J. Vergleichende anatomische und rontgeno- logische Studien iiber die Spina iliaca posterior inferior und den Sulcus paraglenoidalis (praauricularis) Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1931, 94: 474-89.—Riess, J. Eine isolierte Fraktur der Spina iliaca post. sup. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1932-33, 32: ILIAC vein. See also Caval veins; Femoral vein. Lundquist, D. T. The so-called common iliac vein of the rabbit. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 952.—Maurer & Portes. Note sur l'anatomie des veines iliaques primitives. Bull s„e anat Paris, 1920, 90: 54-8. ILIAC VEIN / 7 ILIOPECTINEAL ---- Disease. Contiades, X. J. Phiebite postoperatoire; resection ptecoce de la veine iliaque externe. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1935, 44: 340-5.—Kreuter. E. Aneurysma venosum verum der Iliaca externa als Folge eines Aneurvsma arterio-venosum der Femoralis. Zbl. Chir., 1919, 46: 977-80.—Schilling, W. Ueber Phlebosklerose, ihre Entstehungsweise und Ursachen; im Anhang iiber Bildungsanomalien in der Vena iliaca com- munis und externa. Virchows Arch., 1926, 262: 658-80. ---- Thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. Alves de Lima, J., & Novaes, L. Caso de thrombose da veia iliaca externa. Ann. Fac. med. S. Paulo, 1930, 5: 367-70.— Calandre, L. Gran circulacidn colateral por ohstruccion de vena iliaca externa. An. Hosp. S. Jose, Madr., 1929-30, 1: 131-4.------Obstrucci6n tromb6sica de vena iliaca. Ibid., 235- 7.—Chaton, M. A propos d'un cas de thrombose de l'iliaque externe; l'oedeme de la region inguinale de l'abdomen, signe de thrombose latente de cette veine. Rev. g6n. clin. ther., 1937, 51: 839.—Exner, B. Ueber eine Thrombose der Vena iliaca sinistra mit Aushildung eines Kollateralkreislaufes in den Bauchdecken. Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 161.—Nayrac, P. Sur un cas anatomo-clinique d'obliteration bilaterale chronique des veines iliaques. Rev. med., Par., 1929, 46: 239-51.— Robertson, D. S. Iliac thrombosis. Vet. Bulb, Wash., 1927, 20: Suppl., 8-10.—Taddei, D. Di una tromboflebite iliaca esterna traumatica. Policlinico, 1926, 33: sez. prat. 477-81. ILIEFF, Dimiter, 1903- *Ueber die Be- handlung der Vaginalcarcinome. 22p. 8? Miinch. [F. Pinn] 1928. ILIESCO, Pierre, 1905- Contribution a I'etude de l'insuffisance surrenale aigue; syndrome de Sergent-Bernard. 39p. 8? Par., Ed. Vega, 1932. ILIIN, Lev Fedorovich, -1937. For obituary see Farm. & toks., Moskva, 1939, 2: No. 2, 70, portr. ILIOCOCCYGEAL muscle. See Anus; Coccyx. ILIOCOSTAL muscle. See also Sacrospinal muscle; also Back; Lumbar region; Neck. Gutierrez, A. Interpretaci6n morfol6gica del musculo sacrobrmbar. Rev. cir., B. Air., 1929, 8: 475-7.—Kolesnikov, W. Zur Morphologie des M. iliocostalis. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1928, 88: 397-404. ILIOFEMORAL musculature. See Gluteus; Hip; Iliopsoas; Piriform muscle; Thigh. ILIOHYPOGASTRIC nerve. See under Lumbosacral plexus. ILIOLUMBAR ligament. See also Lumbar region. Esteve & Lafonb Calcification bi-laterale du ligament ilio- lombaire. J. radiol. electr., 1939, 23: 406-8— Jappert. S. Verkalkungen und Verknocherungen des Ligamentum ileo- lumbale und ihre unfallmedizinische Bedeutung. Helvet. med. acta, 1397, 4: 305; 407.—Laffont, Viallet & Salasc. Un cas d'ossificatior du ligament ilio-lombaire. Algerie med., 1940, 4. ser., 44: 46. Also Bull. Soc electroradiol. med. France, 1939, 27: 290. ILIOLUMBAR region. See Lumbar region. ILIOPECTINEAL bursa [incl. iliac bursa] See also Hip-joint (Ligaments; Synovia) Iliopsoas. Chandler. S. B. The iliopsoas bursa in man. Anat. Rec, 1934, 58: 235-40.—Iliopectineal (The) bursa, a synovial Cin- derella. Med. Times, N. Y„ 1939, 67: 401-3.—Kessel, F. Ueber die Bursa mucosa iliopectinea, ihre Entwicklung und ihre Kommunikation mit der Kapsel des Hiiftgelenkes. Morph. Jahrb., 1927, 58: 413-30. --- Cyst, and hygroma. Vasserot, P. A. *L'hygroma chronique simple rle la bourse sereuse du psoas iliaque. 108p. 8? Par., 1933. Bergeret, A., Audouin, J., & Millot, J. L. Volumineux kyste io5e°"'aglque de la bourse du Psoas. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1J36, 13: 1015-8.—Chastenet de G6ry. Un cas d'hygroma hemorragique de la bourse sereuse du psoas. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 1466-72.—Cozzi, N. Igroma della psoas complicate ad ascesso ossifluente. Fol. med., Nap., 1929, 15: 1635-47.—Gatch, W. D., & Green, W. T. Cvsts of the ilio- psoas bursa. Ann. Surg., 1925, 82: 277-85.—Seneque, J. Hygroma de la bourse sereuse du psoas. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 965.—Sorrel, E. Hygroma hemorragique de la bourse sereuse du psoas. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: ---- Inflammation. Finder, J. G. Iliopectineal bursitis. 'Proc Inst. M. Chicago, 1936, 11: 194.—Giuliani, G. M. Contributo alio studio delle borsiti acute dell'ileo-psoas. Chir. org. movim., 1934, 20: 240-50.—Kadyrov, I. G. [Case of iliopectineal bursitis] Sborn. nauch. trud. Bashkir, gosud. med. inst., 1939, 2: 188- 92.—Menninger, W. Ueber Entziindung der Bursa iliopectinea. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1932, 237: 775-8.—O'Connor, D. S. Early recognition of iliopectineal bursitis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 57: 674-84.—Ramage, J. S., & Morton, G. B. Two cases of iliopsoas bursitis. Brit. J. Surg., 1934, 21: No. 84, 705-8.— Timmermann, H. W. Ueber die Bursitis iliopectinea. Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 1172.—Vohnout, C. Eiterige Entzun- dungen in der Bursa subiliaca bei Streptokokkensepsis. Arch. klin. Chir., Berl., 1931, 168: 209-13. ILIOPECTINEAL ligament [and fascia] See also Groin, Inguinal canal; Hip-joint, Ligaments. Bottner, H. *Das Ligamentum iliopectineum; ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der Notwendigkeit und dem Sinn eindeutiger anatomischei Namen- gebung. 23p. 8? Maib., 1935. ILIOPSOAS. See also Hip; Iliac fossa; Iliopectineal bursa; Thigh. Barsony, T., & Winkler, K. Zur Rontgenologie der Muskel- schatten; ein Beitiag zur Rontgenologie des Musculus psoas unter physiologischen Verhaltnissen. Rontgenpraxis, 1938, 10: 242-9.—Bonin, G. v. Bau und Variationen des Iliopsoas. Anat. Anz., 1930, 69: 476-85.—Fryette, H. H. The psoas muscle. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1936-37, 36: 441-4.—Stefani, F. Sulla possibility di accertare preventivamente nell'organismo la presenza del muscolo psoas in ordine alle operazioni di pessia. Riv. chir., Nap., 1936, 2: 304-6.—Wierzejewski, I. Die perkutane Tenotomie der Sehne des M. ileopsoas. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 2384. ---- Abscess. See also Spine, Disease; Tuberculosis, Abscess. Cohen Solal, L. *Les suppurations aigues primitives developpees dans la gaine du psoas- iliaque. 231p. 23>km. Alger, 1936. Alpert, L. Report of a case of psoas abscess resulting from tuberculosis of the cervical spine. N. England J. M., 1934, 211: 675-7-Baer, W. S., Bennett, G. E., & Nachlas, I. W. Non-spinal psoas abscess. J. Bone Surg., i923, 5: 590-600.— Barney, J. D. Psoas abscess of pyogenic origin. N. England J. M., 1933, 208: 977-82.—Barsony, T., & Polgar, F. Ein Rontgensymptom der Psoasabszesse. Fortschr. Rontgenstrahl., 1926, 34: 634-6. Also Gy6gydszat, 1926, 66: 31.—Behrman, S. Non-spinous psoas abscess; 4 cases at a children's hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 2: 297.—Bodnar, T. [Non-tuberculous abscess of the iliopsoas muscle] Orv. hetib, 1937, 81: 1180.— Edelman, L. Psoas muscle abscess simulating perinephritic abscess; report of 2 cases. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1937- 38,4:928-34.—Given, J. B. Suppurative ilio-psoasitis. Long Island M. J., 1926, 20: 456-9.—Hellstadius, A. Psoas abscess from tuberculous spondylitis as the cause of coxitis. Acta orthop. scand., 1934, 5: 139-47.—Hoshall, F. A. Pyogenic psoas abscesses. South. M. J., 1937, 30: 1097-9.—Lewis, N. B. Psoas abscess. Mississippi Doctor, 1937-38, 15: No. 8, 9-11.— Long, LeR., & Long, LeR. D. Acute nontuberculous iliopsoas abscess. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1927, 20: 68-70.—Lyall, A. Acute psoas abscess caused by diverticulitis. Brit. J. Surg., 1936, 24: 192.—Morison, R. A contribution to the surgery of tuberculosis; notes of a case of double psoas abscess operated upon 29 years ago. Newcastle M. J., 1928-29, 9: 130-46.— Norrish, R. E. Acute ilio-psoas abscess. Brit. J. Surg., 1936, 24: 55-9, 2 pl.—Ortmayer, M. Bilateral non-tuberculous iliopsoas abscess. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 66: 778-84 — Plaats, G. J. van der. Ein Fall von verkalkten Psoasabszessen. Rontgenpraxis, 1929, 1: 807-9.—Racz, B. Akuter Psoasabszess im Anschluss an Sportverletzung. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 452- 5.—Russell, R. H. On abscess between the ilio-psoas muscle and the head of the femur. Intercolon. M. J. Australasia, 1908, 13: 552-5.—Shapiro, P. F. Psoas abscess following chronic ulcerative proctitis. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, ILIOPSOAS 78 ILIOPSOAS 87-9.—Srinivasan, V. Acute psoas abscess. Ind. M. Gaz. 1934,69:447.—Sworn, B. R. Acute psoas abscess. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 6- Tyler. G. T.. jr. Non-spinal psoas abscess. J. S. Carlina M. Ass.. 1927, 23: 466-9.—Wardle, M. Zinc ions in psoas abscess. Practitioner. Lond., 1923, 110: 195.—Warring, F. C. jr, & Kent, E. M. Paravertebral aspiration of tuberculous Psoas abscess. Am. Hev. Tuberc, 1939, 39: 338-47.—Wichtl, <). Ein Fall von idiopathi>rhem Psoasabszess. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 671.—Young, J. K. Early (Treves) operation for psoas abscess. Tr. Philadelphia Acad. Surg., 1911, 13: 121. Also Univ. Pennsylvania M. Bull., 1910-11, 23: 539-48. ------ Psoas abscess cured by posterior operation. Ann. Surg., 1908, 48: 788. ---- Disease. Gondos, B. [Data on the value of the so-called psoas edge symptom] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: 389-92— Herzog, K. Ueber durch Trauma verursachte Funktionsstorungen des M. iliopsoas. Munch, med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 718-20.—Jungmann, M. Beziehungen des Musculus psoas zu den Schmerzen im Unter- bauch. Zbl. Gyn., 1935, 59: 2505-12.—Klages, F. Nicht- tuberkulose Psoaserkrankungen im Kindesalter. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1933, 158: 171-80.—LeBreton, P. Foreign body in the psoas muscle; simulation of hip joint disease. N. York M. J., 1915, 101: 352-5.—McKenzie, W., & Morris, A. Psoas con- traction in children and its significance. Intercolon. M. J. Australasia, 1906, 11: 373-9.—Manclaire, P. Ablation d'une balle logee dans le muscle psoas. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1914, n. ser., 40: 1178.—Rathery, F., Mollaret, P., & Sainton, J. Un cas de myoclonies arythmiques localisees au psoas gauche et durant depuis plus de 10 ans. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1935, 3. ser., 51: 886-90.—Tallroth, A. Hemorrhage in the iliopsoas muscle causing injury to the femoral nerve; report of a second case. Acta chir. scand., 1940, 84: 124-8.—Wichtl. O. The pathology of the psoas and the psoas shadow. Am. J. Roentg., 1942, 47: 652 (Abstr.) ---- Echinococcosis. Baron, A. G., & Manzanos, J. Un caso de quiste hidatfdico del musculo psoas iliaco. Arch, med., Madr., 1935, 38: 318- 20.—Bolognesi, G. Echinococcuscyste des Musculus psoas. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 1398-402.—Pigeon & Bemasroni. Kyste hydatique du psoas; hydronephrose par compression et devia- tion de l'uretere; intervention; guerison. Bull. Soc fr. urob, 1927, 6: 215-9.—Prat, D., & Lopez-Gutierrez, J. C. Hidati- dosis primitiva de la logia del psoas iliaco derecho; quiste hid&tico del psoas iliaco. Arch. urug. med., 1939, 14: 576:-85. ---- Inflammation. Barras, J. *Le syndrome psoite chez l'enfant. 62p. 8? Lyon, 1935. Abbatucci. La psoitis considetee comme un furoncle mus- culaire. Ann. hyg., Par., 1913, 16: 177-81.—Artur & Provost. Psychose addisonienne au cours d'une staphylococcic insidieuse avec psoitis. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1938, 3. ser., 54: 44- 9.—Bartolucci, P. G. La psoite. Riv. osped., 1926, 16: 109- 16.—Borra, E. Contributo alio studio delle miositi tropicali; le piopsoiti. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 165-7 (micro- film)—Carbonnell Salazar, A., & Labourdette Soull, J. M. Un caso de psoitis supurada en el curso de una septicopyemia estafiloc6ccica. Arch. Soc. estud. clin. Habana, 1941, 35: 7-33.—Cohen-Solal, L. Les suppurations aigues primitives rieveloppees dans la gaine du psoas iliaque. Rev. chir., Par., 1936, 55: 534-45.—D'Audibert Caille du Bourguet. A propos d'un cas de psoitis. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1929, 23: 13-5.— Gounelle, H. Sur un cas de psoitis longtemps confondue avec plusieurs affections osteo-articulaires de la hanche. Ibid., 15-9.—Greene, J. A. Psoas fibrositis and myositis in the differential diagnosis of lower abdominal pain; analysis of 15 cases. Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res., 1942, 15: 57.—Ingelrans, P., & Minne, J. La psoitis de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. Arch. fr. belg. chir., 1929-30, 32: 1035-73. ------ Onze cas de psoitis primitives observes chez des enfants et des adolescents. Rev. orthop., Par., 1933, 20: 577-602.—Kettner, J. H. The treatment of psoasitis. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1941-42, 41: 401-4.— Laffont & Ezes. Psoitis suppuree post-abortum. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1934, 23: 198.—Larson, N. J. Psoasitis. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1939-40, 39: 265-7.— Lugin, M. Psoitis et coxalgie. Rev. internat. tuberc, Par., 1910, 18: 280.—McKenna, W. F. Suppurative myositis of the psoas iliacus suggesting renal pathology. Am. J. Surg., 1930, n. ser., 8: 118-20.—Martin du Pan, C. Psoitis primitive suppuree chez un enfant. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1937, 57: 165-8.—Matusige, T. Ueber Psoitis mit seltenem Ausgang. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kyoto, 1937, 19: 1202-10.—Piulachs & Aguilo-Mercader, G. Sobre la etiologia de la psoitis aguda. Medicina, Madr., 1941, 9: 393-400.—Popescu Severin, A., & Podeanu, G. [Primary psoitis in children] Spitalul, 1934,54: 269-73.—Robinson, B. Comparison of the effects (muscular peritonitis) of psoas trauma on viscera in the right and left iliac fossa. Med. Standard, Chic, 1907, 30: 483-8.—Rocher, H. L., & Malaplate. Psoitis suppuree primitive k staphyloco- que chez une enfant de 12 ans. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1928, 26: 540—4.—Holland. A propos de quelques cas de psoitis primitive. Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1934, 124: 210-7.— Romeo, M. Sopra un caso di psoite. Riv. chir., Nap., 1936, 2: 498-504.—Salmon. M. Psoitis suppuree; rupture en pint nine libre; ulceration de lart'ie iliaqu.- externe. Mem. Acad, chir Par., 1936, 62: 791-3. Santi. K. Psoiti o adeno-aseessi della fossa iliaca'.' Ann. ital. chir.. 1935. 14: 893-906.- Schroeder. E. Cinq cas de psoitis primitives. Acta chir. scand.. 1938, 81: 139-54, 2 pl.—Shulutko, L. I. [A new symptom in psoitis] Ortop. travmat., 1934, 8: 78-80- Stienon. Psoitis double suppuree. Clinique. Brux., 1910, 24: 213.--Topa, P., Craciun, E., & Dinischiotu, G. T. Sur un cas de psoite rhumatismale biTaterale. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Bucarest, 1934, 16: 111-26.— Varela-Fuentes, B., & Iraola, J. Sobre un signo radiol6gico de la psoitis aguda. Arch. urug. med., 1937, 10: 593-8.—Verdun, M. La psoitis. Gaz. h6p., 1909, 82: 136S-9; 1399. ---- Psoas major. Denslow, J. S. Discussion of a case of unilateral psoas major muscle shortening from contracture or fibrositis. J. Osteopathy, 1939, 46: No. 12, 24-8.—Rose, D. K. Influence of psoas major muscle on kidney function. J. Urol., Bait., 1941, 45: 558-69. ---- Psoas minor. Ayer, A. A. The muscle iliacus minor in the Indian langur, Semnopithecus entellus. Anat. Rec, 1941, 79: 79-82.- Hakala, P., & Hallman, N. [Origin of psoas minor in man] Duodecim, Helsin., 1937, 53: 856-69.—Mirizzi, P. L. Fibro- myxome du tendon du petit psoas. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1935, 12: 807-10.—Seib, G. A. Incidence of the M. psoas minor in man. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1934, 19: 229-46. ---- Rupture. Aberle, W. Muskelriss des Iliopsoas und Spondylitis. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1639-43.—Maxon, H. Schwere Blutung infolge Einrisses des Musculus psoas major. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1929, 146: 179-82.—Muniagurria, C. Hemorragia transperitoneal por ruptura del psoas derecho, simulando una apendicitis aguda. Rev. med. Rosario, 1926, 16: 28.—Racz, B. [Isolated ruptures of psoas] Orv. hetil., 1934, 78: 715. ---- Tumor. Natjdet, M. *Sur un cas d'angiome muscu- laire du psoas. 55p. 8? Lyon, 1911. Berard & Patel. Volumineux angiome du psoas gauche ayant erode l'os iliaque; ablation par voie sous-peritoneale anterolaterale; guerison. Lyon chir., 1910, 4: 74-8.— -Podio, G. Su di un caso di fibroma originate dalla fascia dello psoas di sinistra. Fol. demogr. gyn., Genova, 1939, 36: 459-74, incl. pl.—Stewart. Sarcoma of the psoas muscle treated by ex- cision, X-ray and Coley's fluid. Tr. Philadelphia Acad. Surg., 1910, 12: 216-9. ILIOSACRAL region. See Lumbosacral region; Sacroiliac region. ILIOVICI, Emile, 1905- *Des chondromes pulmonaires primitifs a propos d'un cas observe\ 52p. pl. 8! Par., Jouve & cie, 1932. ILIUM. See also Acetabulum; Buttock; Hip; Iliac fossa; Iliac spine; Pelvis; Sacroiliac joint; Sacroiliac region; also names of muscles of the ilium as Gluteus, etc. Andr&ssy. Kongenital Missbildung einer Darmbeinschaufel mit Keilwirbelkorperbildung in der Lendenwirbelsaule. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1925-26, 47: 264-7.—Cobau, A. Ricerche sulla struttura dell'osso iliaco. Chir. org. movim., 1928-29, 14: 326-34.—Grashey, R. Darmbeinkamm; Weichteilfalte. Ront- genpraxis, 1936, 8: 66.—Haeusermann, E. Zur Bestimmung von Geschlechts- und Rassenunterschieden am menschlichen Os ilium durch Messung. Zsehr. Morph. Anthrop., 1925-26, 25: 465-74.—Hecker, P. Sur le bord dit pubien de l'os iliaque chez l'homme et dans la serie des mammiferes. Bull. Soc. anthrop. Paris, 1926, 7: 79-84.—Lazorthes, G., & Lhez, A. La grande echancrure sciatique; etude de sa morphologie et de ses caracteres sexuels. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1939, 27: 143-69.— Letterman, G. S. The greater sciatic notch in American whites and Negroes. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1941, 28: 99-116.— Morestin, H. Resection de l'aile iliaque. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1910, n. ser., 36: 848-51.—Napalkov, P. N. Fern- resultate einer erweiterten Darmbeinschaufelresektion. Arch. orthop. Unfallchir., 1930-31, 29: 203-9.—Straus, W. L. jr. The human ilium; sex and stock. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1927, 11: 1-28. ------ Studies on primate ilia. Am. J. Anat., 1929, 43: 403-60.—Vilhena, H. de. Cartas s6bre anatomia; a um dLscipulo; o meu primeiro trabalho anat6mico de investigacao; das linhas curvas do osso iliaco. Arq. anat., LLsb., 1938, 19: 306-15.—Villemin, F. La differenciation sexuelle ptecoce de la grande echancrure sciatique et son teten- tissement sur revolution du bassin chez l'homme Bull Acad, med., Par., 1937, 3. ser., 117: 410-2. ILIUM 79 ILIUM ---- Dislocation. See also Hip-joint, Dislocation; Sacroiliac joint. Dunglas, J. *Luxation complete de l'os iliaque. 56p. 24^cm. Toulouse, 1935. Cyriax, E. F. A case of displacement of the ilium of 16 months standing; painless reposition; immediate recovery. Brit. ,1. Radiol., B. A. R. P. Sect., 1924, 29: 135-9.—Folliasson, A. Luxation traumatique de l'os iliaque gauche; reduction sanglante tardive. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 1308- 14.—Garraud, R. La luxation double verticale de l'os iliaque. Gaz. hop., 1937, 110: 829-35.—Masmonteil, F. Luxation de l'os iliaque en haut. Ibid., 1919, 92: 229-31. ---- Echinococcosis. Landfvar, A. F. Resultado alejado de la resecci6n de la porci6n ilfaca del hueso coxal por quiste hid&tico. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 228-31.—Matolcsy, T. [Echinococcosis of the iliac bone] Orvoskepzes, 1935, 25: dec. killonf. (T. Verebeiy Festschr.) 143-6, pl. Also Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1934- 35, 244: 218-22.—Pasman, R. Quiste hidatldico unilocular del hueso iliaco. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1929, 13: 803-9. ---- Epiphysis. Costes, G. *Arrachement des points epi- physaires de l'ilion chez l'adolescent. 60p. 8° Par., 1932. Kleinberg, S. Avulsion of epiphysis of iliac crest. Ann. Surg., 1935, 101: 1078-81.—Mouchet, A., Sorrel, E., & Stefani. Scoliose par contracture douloureuse des muscles lombaires au cours d'une epiphvsite du rebord iliaque. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 160-2.—Wiberg. G. Zwei Falle von Epiphysen- losung der Crista iliaca. Acta chir. scand., 1936, 78: 329-34, pl. ---- Fracture. See also Hip, Fracture; Iliac spine; Pelvis, Fracture. Collodin, R. *Les fractures isolees de l'aile iliaque. 41p. 25cm. Lyon, 1939. Aimes, A. Une variete rare de fracture de l'aile iliaque. Bordeaux chir., 1934, 5: 283. Also J. med. Bordeaux, 1934, 111: 40.—Aviles B.. V. M. Pelvis obstruida por fractura mal consolidada del hueso iliaco en una embarazada a termino. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1934, 12: 155-8, 2 pl.—Cobau, A. La structure de l'os iliqaue dans la statique humaine dans les fractures du bassin et dans le mecanisme de 1'accouchement. Presse med., 1929, 37: 1167-9. ------ Le role de la structure de l'os iliaque dans les fractures du bassin. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 492-6.—Eriekson, A. E. Rare case of fractured ilium in bovine. M. S. C. Vet., East Lansing, 1942- 43, 3: 23.—Gold, E. Zur Frage der Prognose und Behandlung der Beckenbruche im Bereiche der Hiiftpfanne. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 641.—Jimenez Pla, A. Fractura del ala del hueso ilfaco. Cir. ortop. traumat., Habana, 1941, 9: 37-41.— Lodder, J. [Fractures of the ilium] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2322.—Patel & Meysonnier. Presentation d'un cas de fracture de la branche iliopubienne simulant une conversion simple de la hanche. Lyon med., 1928, 142: 395. ---- Injury. Jahss, S. A. Injuries involving the ilium; a new treatment. J. Bone Surg., 1935, 17: 338-46— Linow, F. Zwei Rontgen- bilder seltener Darmbeinverletzungen. Mschr. Unfallh., 1933, 40: 571.—Mage, S. Gunshot wound of right iliac bone. Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 155-8. ---- Osteitis. Halle, G. P. M. *Periostite albumineuse; sa localisation k l'os iliaque. 118p. 8? Par., 1937. .... Barsony, T., & Polgar, F. Ostitis condensans ilii, ein bisher nicht beschriebenes Krankheitsbild. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1928, 37: 663-9.—Berent, F. Zur Aetiologie der Ostitis con- densans ilei. Ibid., 1934, 49: 263-6.—Blankoff. Osteite de l'ilion chez l'enfant. Paris med., 1927, 65: 228.—Godel, R. Kasuistischer Beitrag zum Krankheitsbild der Ostitis con- densans ossis ilei. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1936, 54: 256-8.— Pines, L. Zur Frage der Lumbo-Sakralgien (iiber Sacroileitis und Ostitis condensans ilei BArsony) Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1932, 126: 113-22.—Rendich, R. A., & Shapiro, A. V. Osteitis condensans ilii. J. Bone Surg., 1936, 18: 899-908.—Rendu, A. Osteite de l'ilion chez l'enfant. Paris med., 1927, 65: 66-70.— Shafar, J. Osteitis condensans ilii. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 1229-31, pl. Osteomyelitis. Badgley, C. E. Osteomyelitis of the ilium. Arch. Surg., 1934 28*83-124.—Capaccini, F. Su di un caso di osteomielite acuta dell'iieo nei fanciullo. Gazz. osp., 1926, 47: 339 — Cicconardi, G. Sur un caso di osteomielite acuta dell osso iliaco (necrosi e rigenerazione dell'iieo) Riv. chir., Nap.. 1935 1: 242-53.—Clark, E. D. Osteomyelitis. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 2: 278.—Echegaray, E. M., & Lima, E. J. Osteomielitis del ilium. Sem. med., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 2, 492-7.—Flick- inger, W. G. Osteomyelitis of the ilium; report of a case. Long Island M. J., 1927, 21: 95-7.—Ingelrans, P., & Vandeuvre, A. Diagnostic et traitement de rosteomyeiite chronique de l'ilion. Rev. orthop., Par., 1938, 3. ser., 25: 712-4.—Lagos Garcia, C, & Grosso, A. Osteomielitis aguda del hueso ilfaco: consideraciones con motivo de 10 casos observados. Sem. med., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 1, 193-210.—Laroyenne & Mestrallet. Osteomyelite de la crfite iliaque chez un jeune homme de 17 ans. Lyon med., 1926, 138: 682.—Magyary, G. [Acute osteo- myelitis of the iliac bone] Orvoskepzes, 1933, 23: jun. kulonf., 378-83, pl.—Marsili, A. Osteomielite acuta primitiva dell'iieo e del pube. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1937, 47: 16-23.— Massabuau, Guibal & Laux. Osteomyelite de la fosse iliaque interne; psoitis; luxation pathologique de la hanche. Bull. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1925-26, 7: 159-63.—Mintz- man, J. Case report; chronic ostomyelitis in the ilium. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1934, 133: 334-6.—Pazzagli, R. Considerazioni sulla sintomatologia e sulla patogenesi dell'osteomielite acuta dell'iieo. Chir. org. movim., 1933-34, 18: 331-40.—Pique, J. A., & Vails, J. E. Osteomielitis aguda del iliaco. Rev. ortop. traumat., B. Air., 1937-38, 7: 1-28.—Rabere. Osteo- myelite ptepubertique juxta-marginale de l'ilion. J. med. Bordeaux, 1907, 37: 378.—Rovida, F. Contributo alio studio deH'osteomielite dell'iieo nell'infanzia. Gazz. med. lombarda, 1927, 86: 9-13.—Ryan, C. A., & Funston, R. V. Osteomyelitis of ilium (probably tuberculous) case report. J. Bone Surg., 1930, 12: 165-7.—Sgroi, G. Due rari casi di osteomielite acuta della grande ala dell'iieo in adolescenti. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1933, 14: 350-9.—Short, A. R. Acute osteomyelitis of the ilium. Brit. M. J., 1931, 2: 97.—Torchiana, L. Sopra un caso di osteomielite acuta primitiva dell'iieo. Minerva med., Tor., 1928, 8: pt 2, 413-22—Torres Marty, L., & Falcon, J. Osteomielitis septicemica, con localizaci6n preferente en ileon. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1935, 23: 72-4.—Vengerovsky, I. S. [Osteomyelitis of the ilium in children] Kazan, med. J., 1939, 35: No. 10, 68-72.—Young, F. Acute osteomyelitis of the ilium. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 58: 986-94. ---- Tumor. Plesser, A. *Ueber einen Fall von Osteo- chondrosarkom des Darmbeines. 34p. 8" Kiel, 1907. Carless, A. Sarcoma of the ilium treated by Coley's fluid. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1911-12, 5: Clin. Sect., 169.—Case of a most enormous osteosarcomatous tumour of the ilium and femur. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 1: 63.—Cope, Z. Cyst of the left iliac bone. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1939-40, 33: Clin. Sect., 334.—Haret. Tumeur de l'os iliaque. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1929, 17: 142.—Ledoux-Lebard, R., & Piot, E. Deux cas de sarcome de l'os iliaque traites par la radiotherapie penetrante. J. radiol. eiectr., 1927, 11: 424-8.— Liebman, C., & Goldman, S. E. Solitary myeloma of the ilium. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 34: 511-3.—Matolcsy, T. Diagnose und Behandlung der Darmbeingeschwiilste. Arch. klin. Chir., Berl., 1935-36, 184: 82-92.—Moro, G. Condroma dell'iieo. Chir. org. movim., 1933-34, 18: 171-6.—Morrison, W. A. Osteochondroma of the ilium. Surg. Clin, N. America, 1933, 13: 167-73.—Pohle, E. A., & Stovall, W. D. Plasma-cell myeloma of the right ilium roentgenologically mistaken for giant-cell tumor. Radiology, 1935, 25: 628.—Rocher, H. L. Periosteome traumatique 'juxta-articulaire de l'os iliaque. J. med. Bordeaux, 1935, 112: 671.—Teufel, S. ZystLscher Knochentumor der Beckenschaufel, histologisch Zylindrom. Rontgenpraxis, 1937, 9: 49.—Watson, G. Large sarcoma of the ilium: direct digital compression of the right common iliac artery; removal; good recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910," n. ser., 90: 566.—White, M. J. A case of giant cell sarcoma of the ilium, treated by deep X-ray therapv Mil. Surgeon, 1928, 63: 387-9. ILJIN, Alexandra, 1903- *Interstitielle unspezifische, intrauterine (?) Pneumonie beim Neugeborenen [Miinchen] 17p. 8? Wertheim a. M.f E. Bechstein, 1935. ILKOFF, Iwan D., 1903- *Inhalations- versuche mit Impflymphe an Kaninchen [Leip- zig] lOp. 8? [Zeulenroda i. Thiir., A. Ober- reuter] 1926. ILL, Edgar Alexander, 1882-1942. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1156. Also J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1942, 39: 165, portr. ILL, Edward Joseph, 1854-1942. Eagleton, W. P. Tribute to Dr Edward J. Ill, First presi- dent, benefactor and trustee of the Academy of Medicine of Northern New Jersey, on the establishment of The Edward J. Ill Award. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1939, 36: 699-704.—Kosmak, G. W. Dr Edward J. Ill, the progressive gnyecologist. Ibid., 1934,31:363. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 666. Also J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1942, 39: 402, portr. ILLAIRE 80 ILLEGITIMA Y ILLAIRE, Jacques \V., 1902- ♦Contri- bution a I'etude du cancer de l'oesophage. 123p. s? Par., Jouve & cie. 1932. ILL ANA Sanchez, Federico, 1871-1930. [Nefrologia] Lev. san. mil., Madr., 1930, 20: 337. ILLEGITIMACY. See also Child, neglected; Coitus (extramarital; Free love and promiscuity; illicit) Illegitimate; Marriage, common law; Mental deficiency; Prostitution; Rape; Unemployment. Leffingwell, A. T. Illegitimacy, and the influence of the seasons upon conduct; two studies in demography. 160p. 12? Lond., 1892. Batten, L. W. Preserving the race. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 624.—Brownlee, J. On the probability that the distribution of illegitimacy in the British Isles depends upon survival of cus- tom from definite racial invasions. Man., Lond., 1926, 26: 181-4.—Caride, J. J., Rodriguez Egana, A., & Bonhour, A. Filiation natural. Sem. med., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 2, 444-9 — Farnell, F.;J. The unmarried mother; a sociological sex prob- lem. Arch. Pediat., N.Y., 1937, 54: 086-8.—Hanauer. Unehe- liche Geburten einst und jetzt. Umschau, 1928, 32: 932.— Illegitimacy during the depression. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1936, 17: No. 7, 7-9.—K., L. Die uneheliche Mutter- sehaft [by] H. Binder; Bern; 1941. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1942, 95: 510-2.--Popenoe, P. Some eugenic aspects of illegitimacy. ,1. Social Hyg.. 1923, 9: 513-27.—Scarzella. M. II problema delhi inontiigna ed i suoi rapporti en la natality legittima ed ille-iittima nei Biellese. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 402-7. ---- Forensic aspect. See also Abortion, criminal; Infanticide; Pater- nity. Bovensiepen, R. Exceptio plurium. In Handworterb. Sexualwiss. (Marcuse) Bonn, 1923, 118-20.—[France. Cour de cassation, 8 mars 1939] Accident mortel; enfant posthume; mariage posterieur k l'accident. Rec. spec, accid. trav., 1939, 39: 237.— Rosenthal, M. Das uneheliche Kind bei Hehr- verkehr der Mutter. Verh. Internat. Kongr. Sexforsoh., 1928, I. Congr., 5: 142-9. ---- Legal aspect. llambaren, C. A. Demograffa e ideas juridicas sobre natali d:ol ilegitiina. 'ion. med., Lima, 1935, 52: 465-81.- Cray, E. Illcgilimaev in Norwa\ ; the Castberg Laws. Mat. A Child Welf., Lond.. 1923, 7: 115-7.—Konig, A. Beebtssehutz den illegitimen Ehefiauen: Zsehr. Stxwiss.. 1929, If.: 171-4 — Nathansson, J. N. The dutv of the state to the unmarried mother and child. Pub. Health J., Toronto, 1922. 13: 30-3.— Ungern-Sternberg, R. von. Geburt und Tod im Jahre 1933 und das Inehelichenrecht als Bevolkerungsproblem. Fortsch. Med., 1934 52: 573-5.—Viana, O. Gli illegittimi e la politica demo- srrafica del fascismo. Arte ostet., 1937, 51: 197-202.—Workum, K. I. The Cincinnati illegitimacy plan. Hosp. Social Serv., 1923, 7: 247-55. ---- Maternity. Brisley, M. E. The unmarried parent-child relationship. 33p. 22Hem. X. Y., 1939. Dietrich, H. E. *Eheliche und uneheliche Schwangerschaften und Geburten [Berlin] 28p. 8? Giitersloh. 1936. Ruch, L. M. ♦Schwangerschaft und Geburt bei unehelichen Hausschwangern [Berlin] 31p. 23cm. Borna-Lpz., 1936. Weinzierl, E. Die uneheliche Mutterschaft; eine sozialgynakologische Studie, zugleich ein Beitrag zum Problem der Fruchtabtreibung. 79p. 8° Berl., 1925. Howland. G. W. Illegitimate mothers. Hosp. Social Serv., 1927. 16: 6-10.—Kasanin, J., & Handschin, S. Psychodynamic factors in illegitimacy. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1941, il: 66- S4.— Lauder, R. No longer alone: an intelligent approach to the unmarried mother. Trained Nurse, 1941, 107: 423-5.— McClure, W. E. Intelligence of unmarried mothers. Psychol. Clin., 1931, 20: 154-7.— Queen, S. A., & Gruener, J. R. Per- sonal stigma: unmarried mothers and ex-convicts. In their Social Path., rev. ed., N. Y., 1940, 484-519.- Rigtrenharh. O. Die uneheliche Mutterschaft. Praxis, Bern, 1941, AU: 797-9.— Skeehan, K. A. The unmarried mother. Abstr. Theses I'niv. Pittsburgh, 1930. 6: 3S2.—'lower, J. L. An unmarried molher. Ment. Hyg. News, Mb.. 1934-35, 5: No. 7, 3. ---- Medical aspect. Huverat, F. la secret medical et la defense de l'enfant prenatal. Rev. hyg. med. social., Par., 1939, 18: 153-8.— Danforth. W. C. The doctor and the unmarried mother. Illinois M. .1., 1940, 77: 58S -92.- Waite. I>. The role of the physician in t be care of unmarried mother and adi iptive children; new laws summarized. Wisconsin M. .1., 1936, 35: 59-64. ---- Moral aspect. Bett, W. R. One hundred vears ago; a scandal in high places. S. Barth. Hosp. J., 1......1., 1938-39, 46: 104— Driscoll, J. H. Birth, the defect of, illekm. Chic, 1927. Bierman, P. Public medical care; Illinois. Med. Care, 1942, 2: 226-9.—Brandon, R. H. The state's regional organiza- tion for welfare. Illinois Health Mess., 1942, 14: 29-31.— Camp, H. M. History of medical practice in Illinois. Illinois M. J., 1942, 81: 85; 171.—Civilian health promotion urgent. Illinois Health Mess., 1942, 14: 1.—Cross, R. R. How will war affect public health in Illinois? Bull. Chicago M. Soc, 1941-42, 44:393.—Holcomb, E. W. Illinois; climatic summary. Yearb. U. S. Dep. Agr., 1941, 841-51.—Illinois (The) Consolidation Bill becomes a law. J. Am. M. Ass., 1917, 68: 869-71.— Illinois hospital and other institutional facilities and services, 1939. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1941-42 13: 121-30.—Blinois marriages up sharply in 1940. Bull. Chicago M. Soc, 1940-41, 43: 391.—Jirka, F. J. Health propa- ganda and education in Illinois. Health Off., Wash., 1937, 2: 232-6.—Let the punishment fit the crime. Illinois Health Mess., 1942, 14: 10.—McCormack, J. N. Organization work in Illinois. Illinois M. J., 1907, 40: 176-9.—More births and fewer deaths. Illinois Health Mess., 1941, 13: 125.—Singer, H. D. Developments in Illinois. Am. J. Insan., 1919-20, 76: 15-20.—Vital statistics summary, Illinois: 1939. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940, 10: 1055-87. ILLINOIS alumni news; University of Illinois Alumni Association. Urbana, v.17, No. 8, 1939- ILLINOIS (The) arrow. Springf., v.2, No. 2— v.5, No. 1, 1919-22. ILLINOIS biological monographs. Urbana, 111., v.l, 1914- CONTENTS Vol. l (1914-15) 1-2. A revision of the cestode family Proteocephalidae G. R. La Rue. 3. Studies on the cestode family Anoplocephalidae. H. Douthitt. 4. Some North American larval trematodes. W. W. Cort ILLINOIS 83 ILLINOIS Vol. 2 (1915-16) 1. Classification of lepidopterous larvae. S. B. Fracker. 2. On the osteology of some of the Loricati. J. E. Gutberlet. 3. Studies on gregarines. E. Watson. 4. The genus Meliola in Porto Rico. F. L. Stevens. Vol. 3 (1916-17) 1. Studies on the factors controlling the rate of regeneration. C. Zeleny. 2. The head-capsule and mouth-parts of Diptera. A. Peterson. 3. Studies on North American Polystomidae, Aspidogastri- dae, and Paramphistomidae. H. W. Stunkard. 4. Color and color-pattern mechanism of tiger beetles. V. E. Shelford. Vol. 4 (1918) 1. Life history studies on Montana trematodes. E. C. Faust. 2. The goldfish (Carassius carassius) as a test animal in the study of toxicity. E. B. Powers. 3. Morphology and biology of some Turbellaria from the Mississippi Basin. R. Higley. 4. North American pseudophyllidean cestodes from fishes. A. R. Cooper. Vol. 5 (1919-20) 1. The skull of Amiurus. J. E. Kindred. 2. Contributions to the life histories of Gordius robustus Leidy and Paragordius varius (Leidy) H. G. May. 3-4. Studies on Myxosporidia; a synopsis of genera and species of Myxosporidia. R. Kudo. VOL. 6 (1920-21) 1. The nasal organ in Amphibia. G. M. Higgins. 2-3. Revision of the North American and West Indian species of Cuscuta. T. G. Yuncker. 4. The larvae of the Coccinellidae. J. H. Gage. VOL. 7 (1922-23) 1. Studies on gregarines; synopsis of the polycystid grega- rines. M. W. Kamm. 2. The molluscan fauna of the Big Vermilion River, Illinois. F. C. Baker. 3. North American monostomes. E. C. Harrah. 4. A classification of the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. H. Yuasa. Vol. 8 (1923-24) 1. The head-capsule of Coleoptera. F. S. Stickney. 2. Comparative studies on certain features of nematodes and their significance. D. C. Hetherington. 3. Parasitic fungi from British Guiana and Trinidad. F. L. Stevens. 4. The external morphology and postembryology of hoctuid arvae. L. B. Ripley. VOL. 9 (1924) 1. The calciferous glands of Lumbricidae and Diplocardia. F. Smith. 2-3. A biologic and taxonomic study of the Microsporidia. R. Kudo. 4. Animal ecology of an Illinois elm-maple forest. A. O. Weese. Vol. 10 (1925-27) 1. Studies on the avian species of the cestode family Hy- menolepididae. R. L. Mayhew. 2. Some North American fish trematodes. H. W. Manter. 3. Comparative studies on furcocercous cercariae. H. M. Miller. 4. A comparison of the animal communities of coniferous and deciduous forests. I. H. Blake. Vol. 11 (1927-28) 1. An ecological study of southern Wisconsin fishes. A. R. Cahn. 2. Fungi from Costa Rica and Panama. F. L. Stevens. 3. The structure and development of Corallobothrium. H. E. Essex. 4. Caryophyllaeidae of North America. G. W. Hunter, III. Vol. 12 (1929-34) 1. Morphological studies on the genus Cercospora. W. G. Solheim. 2. Morphology, taxonomy, and biology of larval Scara- baeoidea. W. P. Hayes. 3. Sawflies of the sub-family Dolerinae of America north of Mexico. H. H. Ross. 4. A study of fresh-water plankton communities. S. Eddy Vol. 13 (1934-35) 1. Studies on some protozoan parasites of fishes of Illinois. R. R. Kudo. , , , . 2. The papillose Allocreadiidae; a study of their morphology, life histories, and relationships. S. H. Hopkins. 3. Evolution of foliar types, dwarf shoots, and cone scales of Pinus. C. C. Doak. . 4. A monographic rearrangement of Lophodermium. L. K. Tehon. Vol. 14 (1935-36) 1. Development of the pectoral limb of Necturus maculosus. H. K. Chen. 2. Studies on North American Cercariae. E. L. Miller. 3. Studies on the morphology and life history of nematodes in the genus Spironoura. J. G. Mackin. 4. The life history of Cotylophoron cotylophorum, a trematode from ruminants. H. J. Bennett. Vol. 15 (1937) 1. Experimental studies on Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich) a fluke from birds and mammals. P. C. Beaver. 2. Generic classification of nearctic sawflies. H. H. Ross. 3. Studies on the biology of the crayfish Cambarus pro- pinquus Girard. W. C. Van Deventer. 4. Taxonomic studies on the mouth parts of larval Anura. R. J. Nichols. Vol. 16 (1937-38) 1-2. The turtles of Illinois. A. R. Cahn. 3. The phylogeny of the Hemiptera, based on a study of the head capsule. C. S. Spooner. 4. A classification of the larvae and puparia of the Syrphidae of Illinois, exclusive of aquatic forms. E. M. Heiss. Vol. 17 (1938-40) 1. Comparative studies on trematodes (Gyrodactyloidea) from the gills of North American fresh-water fishes. J. D. Mizelle. 2. The Microthyriaceae. F. L. Stevens & Sister M. Hilaire Ryan. 3. The Branchiobdellidae (Oligochaeta) of North American crayfishes. C. J. Goodnight. 4. Cytological observations on Endamoeba blattae. P. A. Meglitsch. VOL. 18 (1941-42) 1. Generic relationships of the Dolichopodidae (Diptera) based on a study of the mouth parts. Sister Mary Bertha Cregan. 2. Studies on Gregarina blattarum with particular reference to the chromosome cycle. V. Sprague. 3. Territorial and mating behavior of the house wren. S. C. Kendeigh. 4. The morphology, taxonomy, and bionomics of the nemertean genus Carcinonemertes. A. G. Humes. VOL. 19 (1942- ) 1-2. The ostracods of Illinois; their biology and taxonomy. C. C. Hoff. 3. The genus Conotrachelus Dejean (Coleoptera, Curculio- nidae) in the North Central United States. H. F. Schoof. ILLINOIS dental journal. Chic, v.l, 1931- ILLINOIS health messenger; official bulletin of the Illinois State Department of Public Health. Springf., v.l, 1929- ILLINOIS health news. Springf., 1915-28. Continued as Illinois health messenger. ILLINOIS health quarterly. Springf., v.1-5, No. 1, 1929-33. ILLINOIS Historical Records Survey. Guide to public vital statistics records in Illinois. vii, 138 numb. 1. form. 27}£cm. Chic, 1941. ILLINOIS medical and dental monographs. Urbana, 111., v.l, No. 2, 1936- CONTENTS Vol. 1 2. Studies in infant speech and thought. Pt. 1. Low, A. A. 1936. 3. Classification of yeasts and yeast-like Fungi. Fisher, C. V., & Arnold, L. 1936. 4. Hemophilia, clinical and genetic aspects. Birch, C. L. 1937. Vol. 2 1. Origin and development of mediastinal and aortic thy- roids and the periaortic fat bodies. Kampmeier, O. F. 1937. 2. The general tissue and humoral response to an avirulent tubercle bacillus. Rosenthal, S. R. 1938. 3. The vasomotor system in anoxia and asphyxia. Gell- horn, E., & Lambert, E. H. 1939. 4. Intestinal motility of the dog and man. Puestow, C. B. 1940. Vol. 3 1-2. Origin and development of the lymphatic system in the opossum. Zimmerman, A. A. 1940. ILLINOIS medical journal. Oak Park, 111., v.35, 1919- ILLINOIS State Dental Society. Bohland, C. B. Illinois State Dental Society. In Hist. Dent. Surg. (Koch, C. R. E.) Chic, 1909, 1: 924-42.—Illinois ILLINOIS 84 ILLUMINANT State Dental Society; directory of membership, 1941-42. Illinois Dent. J., 1941, 10: 395-437. ILLINOIS State Medical Society. Illinois, U. S. A. Sen*ate. An act to incor- porate the medical societies; report of the Com- mittee on Salines, January, 1841. 2p. 8° Chic, 1841. Bainbridge, W. S. Illinois State Medical Society outing at Starved Rock State Park, Utica, 111., July 12 and 13, 1916. Chicago M. Rec, 1916, 38.—Camp, H. M. Work of educa- tional committee of the Illinois State Medical Society. Bull. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 29: 36-40. ------ Illinois State Medical Society; proceedings of the house of delegates. Springfield, May i5-17, 1934. Illinois M. J., 1934, 66: 9-59.—Centennial meeting, Illinois State Medical Society, Peoria. Illinois, Mav 21, 22, and 23, 1940. Bull. Chicago M. Soc, 1939-40, 42: 675.—Cole, L. Woman's Auxiliary marks progress. Illinois M. J., 1935, 68: 112.—Ensign, W. O. History of medical organization in La Salle county and the La Salle County Illinois Medical Society. Ibid., 1918, 33: 288-92.—Green, D. H. Address. Ibid., 1942, 81: 482.—Hutton. J. H. The relation of the Illinois State Medical Society to 100 vears of progress, Ibid., 1940, 77: 565-79.—Illinois State Medical Society. Ibid., 1941, 79: 3-7.—Illinois (The) State Medical Society; archives era (1840-99) Ibid., 1940, 77: 386-97.—Illinois State Medical Society; eighty-sixth annual meeting, Springfield, Illinois; official program. Ibid., 1936, 69: 388-413.—Johnson, W. An ideal organization of physicians. Ibid., 1919, 35: 301-4.— Kreider, G. N. History of the Illinois State Medical Society; preliminary statement. Ibid., 1918, 34: 158.—Kreuscher, P. H. The Illinois State Medical Society service to medicine. Ibid., 1934, 65: 427-30.—Looking backward from our 99th birthday. Ibid., 1939, 75: 481-7.—Preliminary program of the One Hundred First Annual Meeting Illinois State Medical Society, Chicago, May 20-22, 1941. Ibid., 1941, 79: 276-99; 379-408.—Presidents and secretaries, Illinois State Medical Society, 1840-1940. Ibid., 1940, 77: 406-12; 511; 552; 561; 17 portr. ILLINOIS studies in the social sciences. Urbana, v.26, No. 2, 1941- ILLITERACY. Arroxellas Galvao, A. A escrita dos analfabetos. Arq. med. leg. ident,, Rio, 1936, No. 6, 76-81.—Batalla (La) del Ministerio de educaci6n contra el analfabetismo y la incultura. Policia seer, nac, Habana, 1942, 10: 197-200.—Embree, E. R. Illit- eracy. Britan. Bk 1942, 341.—How illiterate are we? Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1942, 23: No. 6, 1-3. Also Philadelphia M., 1942-43, 38: 606.—Illiteracy in the United States. School & Soc, 1918, 7: 374.—Patifio Area, W. Cual es el grado de analfabetismo en el Peru? Rev. mil. Peru, 1942, 39: 459-64.—Preliminary illiteracy tables from the 1920 census. School & Soc, 1921, 14: 466-8.—Talbot, W. Illiterate adults; our growing population that reads and writes in other languages or none at all. Sc. American, 1920, 123: 566; 580.— Vasconcellos, A. de. Lucta contra o analphabetismo. Brasil med., 1922, 36: pt 2, 222. ILLNESS. ILLOWAY, Henry, 1848-1932. Summer diar- rhoeas of infants; their etiology, pathology, and treatment. 150p. 16? N. Y., E. R. Pelton, 1904. For biography see Kagan, S. R. Hebrew M. J., N. Y., 1939, 1: 175. Also Med. Life, N. Y„ 1934, 41: 617-9. ILLUMINANT. See also under names of illuminants as Gas, illuminating; also Fluorescence; Illumination; Lamp; Light; Luminescence; Phosphorescence; Radioactivity, etc. Beese, N. C, & Marden, J. W. The fatigue effect in lumi- nescent materiaLs. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1942, 32: 317-23.— Bowen, E. J. Light and light sources. In his Chem. Aspects of Lights, Oxf., 1942, 34-44.—Dushman, S. The search for high efficiency light sources. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1937, 27: 1-24.—Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Uses and needs of variable illumination and a convenient device for obtaining it. J. Gen. Psychol., 1936, 14: 473-87.—Graff, J. H. Illuminator. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,144,653.—Hahn, W. Die neuesten Fortschritte in der Lichterzeugung; hohere Beleuchtungsstarken ohne Mehrkosten. Zsehr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1938, 551.— Kennzeichnung lichstreuender Hohlkorper. C. rend. Com. internat. eclair., 1935, 9. sess., 323-8.—Kogel, G. Ideale Zukunftsbeleuchtung; 65%ige Ausnutzung der Energie; der technische Leuchtkafer. Umschau, 1930, 34: 263.—Linke, F. Die natiirlichen Lichtquellen und ihre Wirkung auf die orga- nLsche Welt. Kongrber. Internat. Kongr. Lichtforsch., 1936, 3. Congr., 41-6. Also Strahlentherapie, 1937, 60: 294-8.— Macbeth, N. Color temperature classification of natural and artificial illuminants. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1928, 23: 302- 24.—Nickerson, D. The illuminant in color matching and discrimination; how good a duplicate is one illuminant for another'' Ilium. Engin., Bull., 1941. 36: 373-99. -Potter, W. M., & Meaker, P. Luminous architectural elements. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1931, 26: 1025-60, 14 pl.—Riehl. Leucht- stoffe; Loticht:mstrichc Arbeitsschutz, 1940, 69 72.—Robin- son, E. H. Alternate materials for luminaries. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 691-9.—Tscherning, M. La couleur des corps incandescents. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1927, 5: 298-307. Vaudet, M. Etude et emploi d'une source lumineuse de grande brillanre. Ann. phys., Par., 1938, 11. ser., 9: 645-722. Wendt, H. bane neue kiinstliche Lichtquelle. Umschau, 1936, 40: 851-4.- Wohlauer, A. A. Efficiency of asymmetrical light sources. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1928, 23: 551-9.—Wreschner, M. Lichtquellen fiir wissenschaftliche Zwecke. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938, Abt. 5. T. 10. Bd 4: 1235-61. ILLUMINATING engineering; including Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Bait., v.35, 1940- Prior to 1940 called Transactions of the Illuminating Engi- neering Society. ILLUMINATION. See also Illuminant; Light; Shadow; Vision; also under names of establishments and places illuminated as Factory, Lighting; Habitation, Lighting; Hospital construction, Lighting; Oper- ating room; Street, etc. Bard, O. W., Bunn, B. R. [et al.] This year's progress in lighting. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1938, 33: 918-63.—Bobek, F. Beleuchtung fur Spezialzwecke. Umschau, 1926, 30: 898- 900.—De Bard, D. M. England; its lighting in wartime; ex- cerpts from review. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 411-6.— Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Wartime lighting. Personnel J., 1942-43, 21: 68; passim.—Greenwood, J. I. Bibliography on illumination. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1931, 26: 611.—Harrison, W. War Production [Board] rulings as they affect the flighting] industry. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 814-7.—Tmbs, E. Les progres de l'eclairage. Rev. sc, Par., 1928, 66: 302-16.— Lighting development activities. C. rend. Com. internat. eclair., 1935, 9. sess., 651-66.—Luckiesh, M. Contributions of science to the lighting art. Science, 1927, 65: 531-5.—Modernas aplicacoes da 16z artificial. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 330, 129-32.—Moos, H. Das Berliner Lichthaus. Zbl. Gewerbe- hyg., 1926, n. F., 3: 39-45.—Owings, N. A. The illuminating engineer and the architect. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 369- 76.—Paterson, C. C. Science and electric lighting. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1936, 478-87.—Powell, A. L. A decade of modern lighting—some random thoughts. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1936, 31: 819-26.—Ramsey. S. Lighting as a more exact science. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1937, 37: 253-6.—Reynolds, R. Lighting and illumination. Army M. Bull., Carlisle, 1939, 50: 15-26.—Row, H. Lighting. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1935, 28: 486-8.—Salomon, A. En marge de l'exposition de Paris 1937; apercus historiques sur l'eclairage. Sciences, Par., 1938, 66: 97-103.—Weitz, C. E. Steps of progress; report of the I. E. S. Committee on Progress. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 990- 1029.—Year's (The) progress in illumination, 1926-27. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1927, 22: 689-824. ---- Artificial daylight. Artificial daylight. C. rend. Com. internat. eclair., 1935, 9. sess., 561-4.—Foerster. Ein neues Leuchtgeriit mit Tages- hchtcharakter. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 663 —Gage H. P., & Macbeth, N. Filters for artificial daylighting, their grading and use. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1936, 31: 995-1022 — Influence of room-colours on daylight illumination of interiors. C. rend. Com. internat. Eclair., 1935, 9. sess., 555-60.—Nicker- son, D. Artificial daylighting for color grading of agricultural products. J. Optic Soc. America, 1939 29- 1-9 ____■__■ ^/^oio1 daylighting studies. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1939, a4: 12,66—06. ---- Congresses and societies. Baltimore. Illuminating Engineering So- ciety. Transactions. Bait., v. 7, No. 34, 1912-39. [International] Commission Internatio- nale de l'eclairage. 9. Sess., Berlin et Karls- ruhe (193.)j Compte rendu des seances. 679n 231/2cm. Cambr., 1937. Brown, W. C. The Illuminating Engineering Society in wartime. Ilium Engin Bait., 1942, 37: 623-6.-Illuminating engineering; including Transactions of the Illuminating En- gineering Society. Ibid 1940, 35: 297.-Illuminating (The) ?9«nS"n£«u£,etyv ^ VT U&*"* Conference. Ibid 1942, 37: o46-50.—National Better-Light-Better-Sieht Bureau nTrpf^T"1,--1 Am' Optometr AsShi939-40" n. Hi.—raul, M. R. Joint session with Inter-Society Color ILLUMINATION 85 ILLUMINATION Council; opening remarks. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 293.—Reunion du Comite de la classification de la distribution du flux lumineux. C. rend. Com. internat. Eclair., 1935, 9. sess., 81-3.—Reunion du Comite des definitions et symboles. Ibid., 46-9.—Reunion du Comite de l'eclairage architectural. Ibid., 101.—Reunion du Comite de l'eclairage du jour et de l'eclairage du jour artificiel. Ibid., 124-6.—Reunion du Comite de l'eclairage des usines et des ecoles. Ibid., 98-100.—Reunion du Comite de l'enseignement de l'eclairage. Ibid., 140-4.— Reunion du Comite d'etudes des materiaux diffusants. Ibid., 76-80.—Reunion du Comite d'etudes sur la photometrie des tubes k decharge lumineuse. Ibid., 55-7.—Reunion du Comite d'etudes du vocabulaire. Ibid., 42-5.—Reunion du Comite des plaques d'essais photometriques. Ibid., 62-5.—Reunion du Comite sur la pratique de l'eclairage. Ibid., 145-7.—Weitz, C. E. Report of the Illuminating Engineering Society Com- mittee on Progress. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 655-90. ---- direct. Ketch, J. M., & Gianini, L. G. Engineering aspects of direct lighting; transmitting svstems. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1939, 34: 411-26.—Ketch, J. M., & LaWall, G. R. Engineering aspects of direct lighting; louvered systems. Ibid., 1938, 33: 545-65.—Reibmayr, H. Beleuchtungsverhaltnisse bei direk- tem Hochlicht. Arch. Hyg., Miinch., 1906, 58: 171-206. ---- Equipment. See also Illuminant; Lamp. Portable lighting set. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 439.— Schafranowa, A. S. Versuch einer Beurteilung versehiedener Lichtfilter bei industriellen Strahlungsquellen. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1934, 112: 245-59.—Specifications for testing lighting equipment; luminaries for general lighting. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1940, 35: 267-75.—Weitz, C. E. Lighting equipment. Ibid., 1942, 37: 684-8. ---- fluorescent. See also Fluorescence. Caverly, D. P. Improved illumination for textile operations with fluorescent lamps. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 489- 93. ------ The application of high-voltage fluorescent tubing to lighting problems. Ibid., 1298-313.—Chanon, H. J., & Barr, A. C. Some engineering aspects of lighting from cold- cathode fluorescent sources. Ibid., 1942, 37: 769-88.— Cleaver, O. P. Notes on the effect of fluorescent lighting on certain pigments. Ibid., 1940, 35: 795-808.—Franck, K. Performance evaluation of fluorescent units. Ibid., 1942, 37: 217-28.—Greenberg, B. F. Cost analysis of fluorescent vs incandescent lighting installations. Ibid., 165-70.—Karsner, H. T. Fluorescent lighting in the laboratory of pathology. J. Techn. Meth., Toronto, 1941, No. 21, 26-33.—Taylor, G. J. Lighting large factory areas with fluorescent lamps. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 1414-61. Also Bull. Hyg., Lond., 1942, 17: 376 (Abstr.)—Winkler, F. C. Fundamental facts of fluorescent fixture design. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 229-47. ---- Hygiene. See also Eye, Effect of chemical and physical agents; Eye, Hygiene; Eyestrain; Glare; Read- ing; Vision. Brugere, A. *L'oeil et la lumiere electrique. 48p. 8? Par., 1936. Holtzmann, Schneider, L. [et al.] Die Bedeutung der Beleuchtung fiir Gesundheit und Leistungsfahigkeit. 53p. 8? Berl., 1928. Renard, A. Eclairage moderne et hygiene. 224p. 8? Par., 1933. Bankhead, M. J. Light for accident reduction. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1940, 35: 514-22.—Bette, C. L'hygiene de l'ceil et l'eclairage. Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1928, No. 57, 68-78.—Blaydes, J. E. A few points in connection with lighting and seeing. West Virginia M. J., 1935, 31: 352-6.— Boege. Hygienische Beobachtungen uber die Beleuchtung von Wohn- und Arbeitsraumen. Gesundheit, 1909, 34: 385; 417.— Borges de Sousa, A. Vision; iluminacion; civilizaci6n. Rev. espafi. med. cir., 1935, 18: 70-5.—Cannell, D., Adams, E. Q., & Forbes, J. C. A new means of minimizing radiant heat from high level lighting systems. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1939, 34: 726-37.—Clerici, C. Tecnica sanitaria ed illuminazione. Atti Congr. internaz. teen, san., 1931, 2. Congr., 2: 373-81.— Escard, J. Sur les avantages et les inconvenients des differents systemes d'edairage au point de vue de I'hygiene et de la securite. Rev. sc, Par., 1910, 5. ser., 13: 367-9.—Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Lighting and the hygiene of the eye. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1929, n. ser., 2: 1-26. ------ Examination and care of the eye in relation to lighting. Ibid., 1937, 17: 78-103. ------ Prescribing light; an important factor in the care and treatment of the eye. Brit. J. Ophth., 1938, 22: 641-69.—Gariel. L'eclairage electrique dans ses rapports avec I'hygiene. Bull. Soc. med. pub., Par., 1892, 15: 18-28.— Harrison W., & Luckiesh, M. Comfortable lighting. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 1109-28.—Julian, M. J. A light- prescribing program. Lect. Am. Optometr. Ass. (1935) 1936, 38- Congr., 99-103.—Lancaster, W. B. The ophthalmologist and the lighting problems of his patients. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1932, 8: 1-8. —■---- Illumination levels and eye comfort conditions. Sightsav. Rev., 1938, 8: 163-73. Also Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1938, 33: 964-77. ------ Lighting in relation to ophthalmology. Proc Postgrad. Course Ophth. George Washington Univ., 1939, 3: 79-100.—Lebensohn, J. E. What light for the eyes? Hygeia, Chic, 1937, 15: 974; 1006 — Lee, R. H., & Neal, P. A. The importance of adequate illumi- nation. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 663-70.—Logan, H. L. The anatomy of visual efficiency. Ibid., 1057-108.—Luckiesh, M., & Moss, F. K. The human seeing-machine. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1932, 27: 699-724. —---- Lighting for seeing. Commonhealth, Bost., 1935, 22: 111; 1938, 25: 143. ------ Prescribing light and lighting. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1937, 32: 19-60. ------ Light, vision, and seeing. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 636-43. •------ Illumination and visual efficiency. Am. J. Optometr., 1942, 19: 5-15.—Marshutz, H. S. The lighting industry tells the eye story. Optic. J., 1941, 78: No. 9, 20.—Meisner, W. Licht und Auge. Umschau, 1936, 40: 841.—Michaux, A. L'eiectricite et nos yeux. Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1933, 34: 149-57.—Moeller. La question de l'eclairage au point de vue hygienique. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1911, 27: 389-94.—Pine, H. E. The optometrist and the lighting problem. J. Am. Optometr. Ass., 1937-38, 9: 250-3.—Plenty of light to save the eyes. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1940, 36: 833.—Report of the Illuminating Engineering Society committee on light, radiation and health, 1932-33. C. rend. Com. internat. eclair., 1935, 9. sess., 622-4.—Sharp, H. M. Radiant temperatures from lighting systems with comfort correlations. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1940, 35: 809-32.—Sheard, C. On the effects of quantity and quality of illumination upon the human eye and vision. Am. J. Physiol. Optics, 1924, 5: 468-85.—Sturrock, W., & Walker, J. H. The heating effect of artificial lighting. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1934, 29: 23-46 — Tinker, M. A. Hygienic illumination. Am. Interne, 1936, 1: No. 2, 9-12.—Vaughan, M. S. Lighting as an aid to health maintenance. Hosp. Social Serv., 1932, 26: 395.—Wells, W. F. Healthful lighting. Commonhealth, Bost., 1938, 25: 145-7.—Yanes, T. R. La prescripci6n de luz. Rev. cubana otoneuroft., 1937, 6: 5-23. ---- indirect. Aldrich, T. H., & Malia, J. P. Indirect illumination of the general offices of a large company. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1914, 9: 103-37.—Friedberger, E., & Callerio, C. Zur kiinst- lichen, indirekten Beleuchtung von Wohn- und Arbeitsraumen. Arch. Hyg., Miinch., 1931, 106: 241-8.—Harrison, W. Indirect luminaires; efficient and inefficient. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1939, 34: 255-70. ---- industrial. See also Factory, Lighting; also under names of industrial occupations. Auzeloux, J. *Les conditions physiologiques de l'eclairage artificiel dans les ateliers. 86p. 24cm. Par., 1939. American recommended practice of industrial lighting. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 275; 279.—Brainerd, A. A., & Denning, M. Improved vision in machine tool operations by color contrast. Ibid., 1941, 36: 1397-413.—Dates, H. B. Studies in lighting of intricate production, assembly and inspec- tion processes. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1937, 32: 1019-53.— Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Care needed in lighting. Personnel J., 1935-36, 14: 323-6. ------ Better lighting for workers. Ibid., 1936-37, 15: 207-13. ------ Work and its illumination. Ibid., 1940-41, 19: 55; 93.—Gaetjens, A. K. Lighting main- tenance in war industry plants. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1942, 37: 403-10.—Kammerer, E. Lighting and efficiency. J. Indust. Hyg., 1941, 23: Suppl., 161 (Abstr.)—Kuhn, H. Die elek- trische Beleuchtung laufender Bander; Ergebnisse psycho- technischer Wirklichkeitsversuche zum Thema: Lichtwirtschaft und Fliessarbeit. Arbeiterschutz, 1927, 3: 240-2.—Loriga, G. L'illuminazione artificiale ed i raggi ultravioletti. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1931, 2: 194-9.—Palmer, R. A. How good lighting can contribute to safety. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1940, 35: 361-71.—Researches on industrial lighting; report on lighting in the fluid milk division of the dairy industry; sub- mitted by the Committee on Lighting Practice of the Illumi- nating Engineering Society. Ibid., 1942, 37: 561-78.— Schaeffer, H. F. De l'eclairage rationnel d'une table de travail. Rev. hyg., Par., 1926, 48: 727-32.—Tuck, D. H. Protective lighting for American industry. Ilium. Engin., Bait., 1941, 36: 741-51.—Zolog, M. [External conditions and industrial pro- duction] Cluj. med., 1926, 7: 418-21. ---- Institutes, offices, and public buildings. See also under the names of types of public building as School, Lighting, etc. Adams, J. M. Office lighting. Med. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1939-41, 4: 75-86—Bazan, F., & Bayley Busta- mante, G. La iluminacion de las aulas en los colegios nacionales; su estudio experimental. Bol. san., B. Air., 1938, 2: 765-71.— Chapman, W. E. Artificial lighting of typical offices in State, War, and Navy Department Building. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1915, 10: 651-8.—Curtis, A. D., & Stair. J. L. Recent depar- ILLUMINATION 86 ILLUMINATION tures from usual lighting practice in public spaces and offices. Ibid., 1921. 16: 551-73.—Graves, L. H. Lighting without fixtures in the house of worship. Ibid., 1930, 25: 82-239-Jones T. Modern medical illustrating. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1939-40 92- 697-701 —Mayer, C. F. Art in Latin American medical books. Current List M. Liter., 1941, 1: No. 37, 2—Medical (The) illustrator; an alliance of art and medicine. Brit. M. J., 1937 1 ■ 341 —Shultz, F. Water color drawings for screen pro- jection.' J. Lab. Clin. M., 1941-42, 27: 271-3, pl.—Sudhoff. Traditionelles Schema und Naturbeobachtung in medizinischen Abbildungen des 14. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Munch, med. Wschr 1907 54:193.—Varden.L.E. Sharpness considerations in making scientific illustrations. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1940-41, 26- 1388-94—W., T. S. Color illustrations. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 52: 275-84.—Westgate, L. G. On numbering book illustrations. Science, 1942, 96: 581. ILLUSTRAZIONE (L') medica italiana. Ge- nova, v.1-13, 1919-31. Ceased publication with v.l 3. ILLYEFALVI, I. Lajos. A szekes ovaros multja es jelene grafikus abr&zol&sban. 200p. oblong 8? Budap., Budap. szekesfov., 1933. ILLYES, Geza, 1870- For Festschrift see Magy. urol., 1940, 3: H. 3, 55-170, portr. ILMER, Frida. oo XT Translator of Stekel, W. A primer for mothers. 8. N.Y., 1931. ILSE, Gerhard, 1910- *Beobachtungen uber Geburtenhaufigkeit und Schwangerschaft in den warmen Landern bei Frauen weisser Rasse. 67p. 8? Tub., A. Becht, 1938 ILTIS, Hugo, 1882- Ueber die Ver- breitung der Malariamucken in Mahren und uber die Gefahr einer Malariaendemie. 29p. 8. Briinn, A. Wiesner, 1921. ____ Life of Mendel; transl. by Eden & Cedar Paul. 336p. illust. 12 pl. portr. 8. Lond., G. Allen & Unwin ltd. [1932] ILUSTRACAO medica. Rio, v.5, JNo. 45, 1939- ILVENTO, Arcangelo, 1877-1936. See Lustig, A., & Ilvento, A. Igiene della scuola. Milano, VaBoc(c1ne1ttL1F. Una luce si e penta Arcangelo Ilvento. Lotta tuberk1936, 7: 645-57.-G., C. [Necrologio] Difesa sociale, 1936, 15: 567-71, portr. ILYIN, L. A., KLEIN, A. I., & ROSENBERG, A. V. CoBpeiweHHoe 6ojibHHHHoe crpouTejibCTBO BT> CBH3H Ch nOCTpOttKOH TOpOACKOH 6oJIbHHnH HMeHH LTeTpa BeniiKaro. 35p. 27cm. S. Peterb., Gosud. Tipogr., 1911. Repr. from Trudy Sezd. Russk. zodchikh, 1911, 4. Congr. IMABLE Barrientos, Julia. *Tratamiento de las inflamaciones de las manos por via intra- arterial [Chile] 48p. 26>4cm. S. Diego, Guten- berg, 1940. IMAGE. See also Eidetic; Hallucination; Idea; Imagina- tion; Memory; Perception. For retinal image see under Retina. Allpost, G. W. Change and decay in the visual memory image. Brit. J. Psychol., 1930, 21: 133-48. ------ The eidetic image and after-image. Am. J. Psychol., 1928, 40: 418-25.—Aveling, F. The relevance of visual imagery to the process of thinking. Brit. J. Psychol., 18: Gen. Sect., 1927, 15-22.—Bartlett. F. C. An experimental study of some prob- lems of perceiving and imaging. Ibid., 1916, 8: 222-66. — The relevance of visual imagery to the process of x, • , . r, f,__ O__J. IftO1, OO H Dn..r*.«i TJ thinking. Ibid., 18: Gen. Sect., 1927, 23-9.—Bowers, H. Studies in visual imagery. Am. J. Psychol., 1931, 43: 216-29. The role of visual imagery in reasoning. Brit. J. -------- 1 lie IOie Ol visual lliia&ci.y in ictwuiiiiig. j_.nu. u. Psychol., 1934-35, 25: 436-46.—Dallenbach, K. M. Two pronounced cases of verbal imagery. Am. J. Psychol., 1927, 8: 667-9.—Diez, M. Contributo alio studio delleimmagini consecutive in rapporto ai fenomeni eidetici. Riv. psicol., 1931, 27: 73-85.—Fox, C. The conditions which arouse mental imagery in thought. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc. (1913) 1914, 687.—Franceschi, A. El pensamiento sin imagen. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1934, 21: 424-42.—Griffitts, C. H. Individual differences in imagery. Psychol. Monogr., 1927, 37: 1-91 — Haby, G. Etude sur l'interpretation visuelle des images tactiles. Rev. philos. France, 1931, 31: 395-477.—Hey, R. Francis Galtor's Untersuchungen iiber das bildhafte Vorstellen. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1930, 76: 353-87.—Kerr, M., & Pear, T. H. Unseen drama and imagery: some experimental observations. Brit. J. Psychol., Gen. Sect., 1931, 22: 43-54.—Kliiver, H. Fragmentary eidetic imagery. Psychol. Rev., 1930, 37: 441-58.—Masson-Oursel, P. Les images selon la pensee indienne. J. psychol. norm, path., Par., 1929, 26: 790-6.— Meyerson, I. Les images. Ibid., 625-709.—Pear, T. H. Mental imagery and style in writing. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1935, 435. ------ The relevance of visual imagery to the process of thinking. Brit. J. Psychol., Gen. Sect., 1927, 18: pt 1 1-14 —Richardson, L. F. Imagery, conation, and cerebral conductance. J. Gen. Psychol., 1929, 2: 324-52. ---— The analogy between mental images and sparks. Psychol. Rev 1930, 37: 214-27.—Sanchez Herrero, A. La imagen inm6vil. Med. ibera, 1919, 7: 81.—Siebert, K. Plastisch- anschauliche Gedachtnisbilder. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1929, 72: 517-45.—Starr, H. E. A study of experimentally induced projection of visual imagery. Psychol. Bulb, 1935, 32: 742. IMAGINATION. See also Day-dreaming; Ideation; Illusion; Image; Intelligence; Memory; Reality; Super- stition. Barrett, M. C. An experimental study of the Thomistic concept of the faculty of imagination. 51p. 23cm. Wash., 1941. Hargreaves, H. L. The faculty of imagina- tion; an enquiry concerning the existence of a general faculty "or group factor, of imagination. 74p. 8? Cambr., 1927. In Brit. J. Psychol., 1927, Monogr. Suppl., No. 10. Leeming, B. C. Imagination, mind's dominant power. 288p. 8? N. Y., 1926. Rosett, J. The mechanism of thought, imagery, and hallucination. 289p. 26cm. N. Y., 1939. Bennett G. Some factors related to substitute value at the level of fantasy. Psychol. Bulb, .1942 39: 488 (Abstr.)- Berman, L. The control of imagination. In his New Creations, N Y 1938 153-70.—Boreas, T. Experimentelle psycholo- gische" Forschungen; die Phantasie und ihre Beziehungen zu den anderen Seelentatigkeiten. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1938 102- 247- 1939 105: 243.—Bowers, H. The constancy of [maginaf content. J. ?duc Psychol 1929 20: 295-8.- Dexter E. S. Imagination. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 692.— Gordon K. Imagination; a psychological study; introduction. J. Gen. Psychol 1935 12: 195-207 ——^Imagination and emotion. J. Psychol., Provincet 1937, 4-121-38. - Imagination and will. Ibid., 1938 5: 291-313. —— Homer on imagination. J. Gen. Psychol., 1940, 23: 401-13.— Grotjahn, M. A child talks about pictures; observations about the integration of fantasy into the process of thinking. Psycho- anal Q 1941 10: 385-94.—Jacobson, E. Electrical measure- ments of neuromuscular states during mental activities. IMAGINATION 90 IMAGINATION Am. J. Physiol., 1930. 91: 567-608; 1931, 96: 115-21; 1931, 97: 200-9.—Johnson, IL M. A simpler principle of explanation of imaginative and i- !■ atioual behavior and of learning. J. Comp. Psychol., 1927, 7: 187-235.—Lvbyer, P. C. Phantasy in the classroom. Ment. Hyg. News, Alb., 1935-36, 6: No. 2, 3 — McCloy, W., & Meier, N. C. Re-creative imagination. Psy- chol. Monogr., Princeton, 1939, 51: No. 5, 108-16.—Markey, F. V. Imagination. Psychol. Bull., 1935, 32: 212-36.— Meier, N. C. Reconstructive imagination. Psychol. Monogr., Princeton, 1939, 51: No. 5, 117-26, pl.—Nice, M. M. A child's imagination. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1919, 26: 173-201.—Perry, H. M. The relative efficiency of actual and imaginary practice in 5 selected tasks. Arch. Psychol., N. Y., 1939, No. 243, 5-76.—Schmid, G. Die Wachtraumbilder. Zsc.hr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1938, 142: 1-66.— Stuerwald, K. E. Imagination (the power of progress) Proc. Am. As.-. Ment. Defic, 1936, 60. Sess., 188-96.—Symonds, P. M. Adolescent phantasy. Psychol. Bulb, 1941, 38: 596.— Thorpe, C. I). Addison's theory of the imagination as percep- tive response. Papers Michigan Acad. Sc, i935, 21: 509-30.— Vernon, M. D. The relation of cognition and phantasy in children. Brit. J. Psychol., 1939^0, 30: 273; 1940-41, 31: 1 — Wimnier, H. Pal&gyi's Phantasmenlehre als vitalistische Grundlage der neueren wissenschaftlichen Biologic Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1935, 37: 399; 430; 440. ---- creative. See also Art; Invention; Poetry, etc. Lemoinb, L. *Quelques reflexions biologiquos sur la pensee creatrice. 72p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Spearman, C. E. Creative mind. 153p. 8? Lond., 1930. Benham, E. The creative activity: introspective experi- ments in musical composition. Brit. J. Psychol., Gen. Sect., 1929, 20: 59-65.—Campbell, C. M. A note on the imagination and its exploitation; Psalmanazar and Heiene Smith. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1940, 92: 605-13.—Driiner, R. Beharren und Bewegung. Zsehr. Menschenk., 1938-39, 14: 127; 183 — Dwelshauvers. G. Recherches experimentales sur l'imagination creatrice. J. psychol. norm, path., Par., 1935, 32: 435-42.— Hutchinson. E. D. The period of elaboration in creative en- deavor. Psychiatry, Bait., 1942, 5: 165-76— Lyle, J., & Shaw, R. F. Encouraging fantasv expression in children. Bull. Menninger Clin., 1936, 1: 78-86.—McCloy, W. Creative imagination in children and adults. Psychol. Monogr., Colum- bus, 1939, 51: No. 5, 88-102.-----Passive creative imagi- nation. Ibid., 103-7.—Simpson, R. M. Creative imagination. Am. J. Psychol., 1922, 33: 234-43.—Speich, R. Reproduktion und psychische Aktivitat. Arch. ges. Psvchol., 1927, 59: 225-338.—Squires, P. C. The evolution of the creative imagi- nation. Sc. Month, 1931, 32: 447-53.—Trow, W.C. Phantasy and vocational choice. Occupations, 1941-42, 20: 89-93.— Vaschide, N. Recherches experimentales sur l'imagination creatrice chez l'enfant. C. rend. Congr. internat. psychol. (1900) 1901, 4. Congr., 251-3.—Weaver, W. Science and imagination. Sc Month., 1929, 29: 425-34.—Zissulescu, S. The psychology of creative imagination. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1942, 88: 165. ---- Examination. See also Intelligence test. Berger, E. Der Sandersche Phantasietest im Rahmen der psychologischen Eignungsuntersuchung Jugendlicher. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1939, 103: 499-543— Burlingham, D. T. Phan- tasie und Wirklichkeit in einer Kinderanalyse. Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1939, 24: 292-303.—Hertz, M. R. The Rorschach ink-blot test: historical summary. Psychol. Bulb, 1935, 32: 33-66.—Leonhardt, C. Methodisches Vorge- hen zur Feststellung, ob ein angebliches in seiner Existenz streitiges oder zweifelhaftes Erlebnis der Auskunftsperson in der Tat stattgefunden hat oder lediglich erdichtet ist. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1936, 50: 183-208.—Lindworsky, J. Metho- den der Phantasieforschung. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1925, Abt. 6, Teil B, 131-56 — Lowenfeld, M. The value of direct objective record of chil- dren's phantasies with special reference to ideas of movement. Rapp. Congr. internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 396.— McGeoch, J. A. The relationships between 3 tests of imagina- tion and their correlation with intelligence. J. Appl. Psychol., 1924-25, 8: 439-43.—Murray, H. A. Techniques for a sys- tematic investigation of fantasy. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1937, 3: 115-43.—Rombouts, J. M. [Examination by fantastic shadow-pictures] Psychiat. neur. bb, Amst., 1939, 43: 311-7.— Rosenzweig, S. Fantas.v in personality and its study by test procedures. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1942, 37: 40-51.—Stern, W. Ein Test zur Priifung der kindlichen Phantasietatigkeit: Wolkenbilder-Test, Zsehr. Kinderpsychiat., Basel, 1938-39, 5: 5-11.—Ziehen, T. Die Priifung der Phantasietatigkeit bei Kranken und Gesunden. J. Psychol. Neur., Lpz., 1928, 37: 422-7. ---- Pathology. See also Dementia, schizophrenic, Art pro- ductions; also under names of mental diseases; also Pseudologia phantastica. Balken, E. R., & Masserman, J. H. The language of phantasy: the language of the phantasies of patients with con- version hysteria, anxiety state, and obscsive-compulsive neuroses. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1940, 10: 75-80.— Borel, A., & Robin, G. Les rfiveurs; considerations sur les mondes imaginaires. In Evolut. psychiatr., Par., 1925, 155-92.— Brown, J. F. Untersuchungen zur Handlungs- und Affekt- psychologie; uber die dynamischen Eigenschaften der Realit&ts- und Irrealitatsschichten. Psychol. Forsch., Berl., 1933, 18: 2-26.—Despert, J. L. Technical approaches used in the study and treatment of emotional problems in children; collective phantasy. Psychiat. Q., 1937, 11: 491-506.—Devine, H. The reality-feeling in phantasies of the insane. Brit. J. M. Psychol., 1923, 3: 81-94.—Eisner, E. Phantasy in mal-adjusted children as observed in 3 cases at the Southard school. Bull. Menninger Clin., 1939, 3: 27-34.—Freud, S. Beispiele des Verrats patho- gener Phantasien bei Neurotikern. Zbl. Psychoanal., 1910, 1: 43.—Gotz, B. Beteiligung auch ausserlicher Beziehungen am Zustandekommen pathopsychischer und volkstilmlicher Gebilde. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 1562.—Kanner, L., & Schilder, P. Move- ments in optic images and the optic imagination of movements. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1930, 72: 489-517.—Koerber, H. Sexual- symbolik in Phantasie und Krankheitsgeschehen. Arch. Frauenk., 1928, 14: 51-7.—Lorand, S. Perverse tendencies and fantasies; their influence on personality. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1938, 40: 217-20.—Masserman, J. H., & Balken, E. R. The clinical application of phantasy studies. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1938, 6: 81-8. ------ The psychoanalytic and psychiatric significance of phantasy. Psychoanal. Rev., 1939, 26: 343; 535.—Mollmann, M. Tagtriiumerei oder Wahnan- knupfung? zur Frage der Reichweite des Psychogenen. Mschr. Psychiat., 1938, 98: 1-20.—Wahl. Le Robinsonisme. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1934, 38. Congr., 341-6. ---- Psychoanalytical aspect. Abraham, K. Coincident phantasies in mother and son. Internat. J. Psychoanal., 1926, 7: 79.—Bender, L., & Vogel, B. F. Imaginary companions of children. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1941, 11: 56-65.—Ferenczi, S. Ueber forcierte Phantasien. Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1924, 10: 6—16. ------ Gulliver phantasies. Internat. J. Psychoanal., Lond., 1928, 9: 283-300.—Freud, A. The relation of beating-phantasies to a day-dream. Ibid., 1923, 4: 89-102.—Furrer, A. Tagphantasie eines sechseinhalbjahrigen Madchens. Imago, Lpz., 1922, 8: 82-93.—Harriman, P. L. Some imaginary companions of older subjects. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1937, 7: 368-70.—Hesnard, A. Contribution k I'etude des phantasmes erotiques. Rev. fr. psychanal., 1930-31, 4: 526-48.—Hurlock, E. B., & Burstein, M. The imaginary playmate; a questionnaire study. J. Genet. Psychol., 1932, 41: 380-92.—Kamiat, A. H. The cosmic phantasy. Psychoanal. Rev., 1928. 15: 210-9.—Lehrman, P. R. Phantasy in neurotic behavior. Med. J. & Rec, 1927, 126: 342-4. ------ The phantasy of not belonging to one's family. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1927, 18: 1015-23.—Sterba, R. Aggression in the rescue fantasy. Psychoanal. Q., 1940, 9: 505-8. IMAI, Kihati, & MATUTANI, Motosaburo. Ideals of the Shinran followers. English and Japanese text. 54 1. 8? Tokyo [n. pub.] 1918. IMAMI, Ahmed, 1901- *Noma, Wasser- krebs [Berlin] 39p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1930. IMAMI, Sinan, 1905- *Le corps medical en face du pe>il aero-chimique. 85p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1935. IMBACH, Fritz, -1932. Doser, M. Nekrolog. Bull. Eidg. Gesundhamt., 1932, [Gegen d. Tuberk.] 81. IMBACH, Robert, 1909- *Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik des retroponierten Colon trans- versum. 37p. 8? Zur., Gebr. Leemann & co., 1935. IMBECILITY. See also Mental deficiency. Schafer, A. *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Eigenschaften der Aussagen bei Imbe- zillen und ihre klinische Bedeutung. 20p. 8° Giessen, 1930. Wilson, F. T. *Learning of bright and dull children [Golumbia Univ.] 56p. 8? N. Y., 1928. Austregesilo, A., Gallotti, O., & Marques, A. Un cas d'imbecilite avec symptomatologie extra-pyramidale (myo- clonic) Rev. neur., Par., 1928, 35: pt 2, 701-9.—Berry, R. J. A., & Bates, R. M. A case of porencephalic imbecility. Brit M J ' 1932, 1: 830-2. Also Stoke Park Monogr. Ment. Defic, 1933, 1 • 177-85, pl.—Bing, R. The Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome (imbecillitas dystrophica complicata) report of 2 cases; a brotter and a sister. Norsk mag. lsegevid., 1931, 92: 956-65.— Bran der IMBECILITY 91 IMBIBITION T [Who is an imbecile? statistics and citations on the present question] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1936, 79: 409-20.—Carlton, T. The effect of chronological age on revised Stanford-Binet vocabulary score at the moron and imbecile levels. J. Genet. Psychol., 1942, 61: 321-6.—Earl, C. J. C. Affective-instinctive factors in the imbecile child. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1935 436. ------ The affective-instinctive psychology of imbecile children. Brit. J. M. Psychol., 1935-36, 15: 266-78 — Ehrenwald, H. Zur hirnpathologischen Analyse einer Imbezil- len; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Senkschrift und experimentellen Spiegelschrift. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1931, 134: 31-49.—Ekbom, K. A. [Imbecile woman with hypertrichosis, virile habitus and roentgenological cerebral changes] Sven. lak. tidn., 1937, 34: 1226-31.—FiHling, A. Ueber Ausscheidung von Phenylbrenztraubensaure in den Ham als Stoffwechselanomalie in Verbindung mit Imbezilitat. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1934, 227: 169-76.—Gersten, E. Beitrage zur Psychopathologie imbeziller Kinder. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1935-37) 1938, No. 152, 1-3.—Lokay, A. Ueber die hereditaren Beziehungen der Imbezillitat. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1929, 122:90-143 — Lopez Bancalari, E., Delpiano, J. [et al.] Un caso de imbecilidad en relaci6n a la capacidad civil. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 2, 1485-96.—Mahler-Schoenberger, M. Pseudoimbecility; a magic cap of invisibility. Psychoanal. Q., 1942, 11: 149-64.— Marchand, L., & Courtois, A. Imbecilite, Parkinsonisme et epilepsie consecutifs k une encephalopathie infantile. Bull. Soc. clin. med. ment., Par., 1928, 16: 57-60.—Mauriac, P. Les malins directeurs et les imbeciles diriges. Progr. med., Par., 1939, pt 1, 22.—Nogales Puertas, B. Estudio psiquiitrico- legal de un imbecil. Med. ibera, 1933, 27: pt 1, 521-6.— Obarrio, J. M., Coletti, T. F., & Zavaleta, M. A. Insania civil por imbecilidad. Rev. argent, neur., 1928, 2: 46; passim.— Ostmann. Ueber unsere Imbezillen. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1928, 88: 88-107.—Patry, F. L. Case notes in extramural psychiatry; mental deficiency, imbecility, in an 11-year-old white male. Med. Times, N. Y., 1941, 69: 510-2.—Paulian & Herskovits, E. Knochenveranderungen bei einem halbidio- tischen (kretinoiden) Knaben. Rontgenpraxis, 1939, 11: 181-3.—Palskuda, W. Ueber Dementia praecox auf dem Boden der Imbezillitat. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1910, 67: 134- 43.—Rodiet, A., & Qufiron, P. Debilite mentale, imbecilite, desequilibre mental et hereriite. Gaz. hop., 1936, 109: 351-5.— Stengel, E. Studie iiber die Beziehungen zwischen Geistes- storung und Sprachstorung; iiber Echolalie und verwandte Phanomene bei Idioten und Imbecillen. Jahrb. Psychiat. Neur., Wien, 1937, 54: 206-40.—Stern, M. E., & Maire. Un cas d'aptitude speciale de dessin chez un imbecile. Arch. med. enf., 1937, 40: 458-60.—Zaitsev, A. A. [Hemato-placental therapy of juvenile imbecility] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1941, 10: No. 6, 30.—Zappert, J. Acquired imbecility in children. Ars medici, Basel, 1939, 17: 197-201. IMBELLONI, J. See Dembo, A., & Imbelloni, J. Deformaciones intencio- nales. 348p. 20^cm. B. Air., 1938. IMBERT, Alexandre. See Herpin, A., & Imbert, A. ProthSse amovible. 387p. 24Hcm. Par., 1939. IMBERT, Alexandre, 1894- *Influence des variations meteorologiques sur la sante" du nourrisson. 92p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1930. IMBERT, Joseph, 1896- *La perilo- bulite et le retour k la notion de la tuberculose pulmonaire interstitielle [Paris] 53p. pl. 8? Gournay-en-Bray, A. Letresor, 1930. IMBERT, Leon, 1854- Dor, J. Medaille de M. le Prof. Leon Imbert. Presse med., 1938, 46: 243.—Portrait. Ibid., 1551. Also Marseille med., 1938, 75: pt 1, 65. ---- & IMBERT, Raymond. Manuel de curietherapie. 215p. diagr. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1932. IMBERT, Nath. Editor of Dictionnaire national des contemporains. 608p. fol. Par., 1936. IMBERT, Raymond. See Imbert. L., & Imbert, R. Manuel de curietherapie. 215p. 8? Par., 1932. --- MOSINGER, M., & HAIMOVICI, H. Les m^trorragies m£nopausiques et post-meno- pausiques; etude etiologique, clinique et biolo- gique. 193p. illust. 8? Par., J. B. Bailliere, 1936. IMBIBITION. See also Cell, Imbibition; Colloid, Hydration, Kohler D. Role des non-eiectrolytes dans le phenomene d'imbibition. C. rend. Soc. biol.,. 1936, 122: 1050-2.—KovaF, L. On the influence of surface active substances upon the imbibition of plant tissues; imbibition of potato tuber in monovalent alcohols and in chloralhvdrate, studied by the auxographic method. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1929-30, 8: 585- 627. IMFELD, Justus. *Die Fruhgeburtensterb- lichkeit an der Basler Kinderklinik. p.47-63. tab. 24J/2cm. Basel, S. Karger, 1941. Also Ann. Paediat., 157: IMFELD, Walther, 1911- *Die Ohrer- krankungen nach Kohlenoxydvergiftung. 39p. 22cm. Ziir., H. Borsig, 1938. IMHAEUSER, Alwin [Ferdinand August] 1897- *Ueber Neurofibromatose am Gau- men. 28p. 1 1. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1932. IMHAEUSER, Hedwig, 1903- *Ueber Beziehungen der Spina bifida zu Missbildungen am Medullarrohr, insbesondere zur Syringo- myelic. 31p. 8? Kiel, A. C. Ehlers, 1935. IMHAEUSER, Wilhelm. *Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Milzextrakt auf das rote Blutbild. 36p. 8? Miinch. [n. p.] 1926. IMHOF, Albert, 1878-1926, Blachian. Nekrolog. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1927,29: 115. IMHOF, Arthur, 1901- *Die Entwick- lung der zahnarztlichen Chirurgie seit Jahr- hundertbeginn [Tubingen] 38p. 8? Laufen, Vereinsdr. [1930] IMHOF, Nikolaus, 1905- *Fieber unter der Geburt [Wurzburg] 33p. 21cm. Lingen- Ems, R. van Acken, 1938. IMHOF, Ottmar, 1908- Untersu- chungen iiber die als Karzinom behandelten, aber nicht als Karzinom gefiihrten Falle. 19p. 8? Munch., L. Mossl, 1934. IMHOF, Robert. *Ein Fall von Kinder- sarcom [Zurich] 58p. 8? Brugg, Fisch, Wild & co., 1882. IMHOF [Sebastian] & MEYSTRE, Fritz. Generalregister iiber die Gesetze, Verordnungen, Erlasse und Bescheide fiir die deutsche Kranken- versicherung fiir die Jahre 1933-37. 309p. 20cm. Berl., Paetz-Rink Verl. [1938] IMHOFF, Karl, 1876- The arithmetic of sewage treatment works; authorized transla- tion from the German by G. M. Fair, viii, 99p. pl. 12? N. Y., J. Wiley & Sons, 1929. IMHOLZ, Alfred, 1912- *Die Beziehun- gen des Reticulumendothels zum Umsatz des Nichthamoglobineisens [Bern] 25p. tab. diagr. 23cm. St. Gallen, Buchdruck. Ostschweiz, 1941. IMHORST, Use, 1906- *Die Mund- schleimhaut- und Zahnveranderungen in ihrer Beziehung zur Schwangerschaft [Berlin] 22p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1934. IMHOTEP. Hurry, J. B. Imhotep, the vizier and phy- sician of King Zoser and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. 2. ed. 211p. 8? 16 pl. Lond., 1928. Garry, T. G. Imhotep; the reputed first physician and Egyptian God of Medicine. Med. Times, N. Y., 1929, 57: 279-82.—Imhotep, earliest historical practitioner and Father of Medicine. Clin. M. & S., 1940, 47: 87, pl.—Sarton, G. Imho- tep [two statuettes in the Boston Museum] Isis, Bruges, 1930, 14: 226, pl. IMIDAZOL. See also Amides; Amines; Amino-acids; Blood chemistry, Imidazol; Diazo-compounds; Hista- mine; Histidine. Green H., & Day, A. R. The tautomeric character of the imidazole ring. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 1167-73 — Guggenheim, M. Imidazolverbindungen. In his Biogen. Amine, Basel, 1940, 334-414.—Hunter, G., & Hlynka, I. Synthesis of 4- (or 5-) carbamidoglyoxaline. Biochem. J., Lond., 1937, 31: 488. ------ On a new indigoid formed from the glyoxaline (iminazole) nucleus. Canad. J. Res., 1941, 19: Sect. B, 305-9.—Hunter, G., & Nelson, J. A. On 4- (or 5-) aminoglyoxaline (iminazole). Ibid., 296-304.—Hunter, G., & Raragosky, T. M. On the determination of urinary glyoxalines IMIDAZOL 92 IMINE (iminazoles). Ibid., 310 7. Knpeller-Adlcr. R., & Kohut, H. Ueber Imidnzolkorperaiisschcidiitur im Saugetierharn. Bio- chem. Z-.-hr.. 1934, 272:.ill 7. Kirby, A. H. M., A Neuberger, A. (,1\ ovdines; the determination of their pK values and the use of their salts as buffer-. Miochem. J., bond.. 1938, 32: 1146-51.--Koessler, K. K., & Hanke, M. T. Studies on pro- teinogenous amines; a microchemical colorimetric method for estimating imidazole derivatives. J. Biol. Chem., 1919, 39: 497-519. ------ Studies on proteinogenous amines; the excretion of imidazoles in the urine under normal and patho logical conditions with special consideration of nephritis. Ibid., 1924-25, 59: 803-34.—Lang, K. Ueber die Ausscheidung von Imidazolkorpern und den intermediaren Aminosaurestoff- wechsel im Hochgebirge. Biochem. Zsehr., 1939, 301: 362-7.— Lelu, P. Le metabolisme de l'imidazol. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1935, 17: 637-56. Also C. rend. Acad, sc, 1935, 200: 353-5. ------ Valeur de la methode de Hanke et Koessler pour l'appteciation de l'imidazolurie. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1936, 18: 1636-49. ------ L'origine digestive ou m6ta- bolique de l'imidazolurie chez diverses espdees animales. Ibid., 1937, 19: 292-302. ------ Vitesse horaire de l'imida- zolurie dans le metabolisme proteique exogene. Ibid., 490-5.— Loeper, M., Lesure, A. [et al.] Recherches sur les imidazols. Progr. med., 1935, 489-93.—Loeper, M., Lesure, A., & Mougeot, A. Les imidazols de quelques aliments. C. rend. Soc biol., 1935, 119: 173-5. Also Progr. m6d., 1935, 909.—Loeper, Mahoudeau [et al.] Imidazolurie aptes l'administration d'extraits de foie. Ibid., 1934, 1041.—Loeper. M., Perrault, M., & Bioy. E. La crise d'iniidazols k la periode critique de certaines maladies. Presse med., 193 4, 42: 1973.—Markert, W. Recherches sur les imidazols dans le serum sanguin et les urines, particulierement dans les affections du svsteme circulatoire et des reins. Bull, internat. Acad, pnlon. sc, 1938, 773-85.— Riegert. A. Sur un procede nouveau d'adsorption et d'elution; son application k l'isolement des imidazols urinaires. C. rend. Soc. biol.. 1939, 132: 115-7.—Szendro, P. Untersuchungen iiber photochemische Umwandlungen von Imidazolverbin- dungen. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1931, 228: 742-50.—Wrede,F..& Feuerriegel, G. Die Aufspaltung des Imidazolringes in einer aus Eiweiss dargestellten Base C8H11N3O. Zsehr. phvsiol. Chem., 1932, 205: 198-200.—Wrede, F.. & Holtz. P. Ueber Imidazolyl-athylalkohol und Imidazolyl-acetaldehyd. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1934, 234: 432-6. ---- Benzimidazol. Lohmar, R., Dimler. R. J. [et al.] Carbohydrate character- ization; the identification of hexuronic or saccharic acids as benzimidazole derivatives. .1. Biol. Chem.. 1942, 143:551-6.— Phillips, M. A. His-benzimidazoU. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 187.—Richtmyer, N. K., : 501-11.—Kovarzik, K. Ujabb tapasztalatok a szerumok hatasar61. Allatorv. lap., 1909, 32: 563-6.—Koves, J., & HotTmann, F. Ueber den Wirkungsgrad der Immunsera zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach der Ein- spritzung. Deut. tieriirztl. Wschr., 1941, 49: 73-5.—Manteufel, P., & Zantop, H. Untcisuchungen iiber die Immunitats- reaktionen der Antisera gegen kochkoagulierte Blutzellen. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1930, 103: 75-83.—Mirto, F. Sull'azione ecbolica dei sieri citotossici. Atti Soc. lombard. sc. med., 1912, 1: 406-42.—Periti, E. Propriety agglutinanti dei sieri e gli- cemia. Riforma med., 1927, 43: 171-4.—Ponomarev, A. V. Quelques conditions de l'action sur l'organisme des serums antidiphterique et antidysenterique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 97: 505. Also Arkh. biol. nauk., 1928, 28: 463-70. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1929, 64: 126-32.— Puccinelli, E.f & Salvetti, B. Sopra i rapporti fra l'azione tossica degli antisieri eterogenetici nella cavia inietatti o per via venosa o per via carotidea. Pathologica, Genova, 1933, 25: 621-5.—Reiner, L., & Fischer, O. Beitrage zum Mechanismus der Immunkorper- wirkung; die Rolle des Ambozeptors und des Komplements bei der Zytolyse. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 61: 317-35.— Ritossa, P. Sui reperti anatomopatologici ed istopatologici nelle cavie trattate con sieri leucolitici omologhi e sulla para- specificita dei sieri citotossici. Pathologica, Genova, 1938, 30: 331-7.—Sauer, M. E. The cytotoxic principle in anti-euglena rabbitserum. J. Immun., Bait., 1935, 29: 157-64.—Sibitzker, D. H. [Anaphylactic properties of natural, heated and purified therapeutic serums] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1939, No. 11, 156- 61, pl.—Specificite (La) des serums. J. sc. med. Lille, 1920, 38: pt 1, 305-8.—Stein, J. [Effect of cytotoxic immune serums and heterogenous serums on tissue culture in vitro] Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 761-4.—Strimpl, V. [Cerebro-toxic serum] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1925-26, 5: 736-41.—Szelyes, L. [Pre- conditions of effects of specific immunsera] Allatorv. lap., 1933, 56: 103-8.—Thomson, S. The effect of injections of serum on haemolytic complement, with particular reference to Bordet's anti-immune-bodv effect. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1938, 47: 395-404.—Tuji, S., Tikamitzu, H. [et al.] Ueber die Hautreaktion durch organcytotoxische Immunsera. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1940, 30: 460-72.—Zozaya, J. Immunological re- actions between dextran polysaccharide and some bacterial antisera. J. Exp. M., 1932, 55: 353-60. ---- Chemical and physical properties. Adair, G. S., & Adair, M. E. Osmotic pressures and albumin- globulin ratios of sera of normal and immunized rabbits. J. Physiol., Lond., 1938, 93: Suppl., 11-13.—Baldassi, G. Polari- metrie und Refraktometrie wahrend des Immunisationsvor- ganges bei Pferden. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1934, 82: 336^-60.— Berthelsen, K. C, & Murdick, P. P. The distribution of electro- lytes in serum during immunization. J. Immun., Bait., 1931, 21: 69-84.—Boucek, J. Sur la lactogeiification des serums sanguins des animaux immunises. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935 119: 1134-6.—Demnitz, A., & Scholz, W. Ueber die Resorption von Heilserumpraparaten mit verschiedener Eiweisskonzen- tration. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 588-90.—Hyman, L. W. Lipids in the plasma of immunized and nonimmunized horses. In Annual Rep. Div. Lab. N. York Dep. Health, 1935, 23.— Ionesco-Mihaiesti, C, & Damboviceanu, A. Modifications de certaines constante* du serum de cheval au cours de l'immuni- sation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 104: 1357-9.—Ionesco- Mihaiesti. C, Damboviceanu, A. [et al.] Recherches sur les modifications de l'equilibre proteique du serum sanguin chez les chevaux en cours d'immunisation. Arch, roumain. path. Par 1935, 8: 269-316.—Khabas, I. M., & Khaustova, I. M. [Change of the physico-chemical properties of serums in the process of immunization] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 44: 185-202.—Lahiri, D. C. Physico-chemical changes in a therapeutic serum due to concentration and their effect on its absorption. Ind. J. M. Res., 1938-39, 26: 741-52.—Landsteiner. K., & Van Der Scheer, J. Precipitin reactions of immune sera with simple chemical substances. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., 1932, 29: 747.— Lecomte du Noiiy, P. Some physico-chemical characteristics of immune serum. In Colloid Chem. (Alexander, J.) N. Y., 1928, 2: 775-92.—Loiseleur, J. Sur la viscosite des serums antitetanique ou antidiphterique en presence de leurs antigenes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 128: 1105-8.—Luengo, N. Sobre algunos constantes flsicos de los sueros terapeuticos. Bol. teen. Dir. gen. san., Madr., 1931, 6: 732-43.—Modern, F.. & Ruff, G. El fraccionamiento proteico de los sueros durante la immunizaci6n. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1938, 14: 429-34.— Pepeu, F., & Pauli, P. Contributo alio studio del riassorbi- mento dei sieri curativi concentrati e non concentrati. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1929, 8: 529-32.—Puccinelli, E. Sull'azione fisiopatologica dei sieri eterologhi normali e degli antisieri; influenza del formolo sulle propriety, tossiche ed emolitiche dei sieri normali. Pathologica, Genova, 1931, 23: 140-7.— Rondoni, P. Polarimetrische Veranderungen des Serums wahrend des Immunisierungsvorganges. In Probl. biol. med. (Leontovich, A. V.) Moskva, 1935, 636-40.—Rubinstein, M., & Fischer, A. Transformations chimiques des proteides du serum au cours de 1'immunisation. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1934, 3. ser., Ill: 250-2.—Schmidt, A- A., & Tuljchinskaia, K. Biochemische Beitrage zur Immunitatsforschung; der Einfluss der Immunisation auf den Serumeiweisskorpergehalt. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1931, 70: 8-19.—Schultze, H. E. Ueber die Proteolyse von Immunseren durch Pepsin bei schwach saurer Reaktion; Beitrage zur enzymatischen Eiweissanalyse. Bio- chem. Zsehr., 1940, 305: 196-222 (microfilm)—Todd, C. On a dilution phenomenon observed in the titration of the serum of fowls immunized against the virus of fowl plague. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1928, 9: 244-52.—Van der Scheer, J., Wyckoff, W. G., & Clarke, F. H. The electrophoretic analysis of several hyperimmune horse sera. J. Immun., Bait., 1940, 39: 65-71.— Wadsworth, A., & Hyman, L. W. Phospholipids and choles- terol in plasma of immunized horses. Ibid., 1938, 35: 55-69.— Waters, E. T. Notes on the immunochemistry of serum. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1940-41, 18: 169-72.—Wollmann, E., & Bardach M. Recherches sur la presence d'antig^ne dans les antiserum par I'epreuve du choc anaphylactique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 118: 1425-7.—Zuverkalov, D., & Kucherenko, I. Die Serum-Eiweissfraktionen bei der Hyperimmunisierung der Schweine. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1935, 69: 61-8. ---- Convalescent serum. Jordan, C. F., & Vaubel, E. K. Human serum for human ills. 15p. 22cm. Des Moines, Iowa, 1940. Stillmunkes, A. Les serums de convalescents; leur emploi dans la prophylaxie et le traitement des maladies infectieuses (poliomyelite, rougeole, scarlatine, etc.) 171p. 8? Par., 1937. Beguet, M. Organisation et fonctionnement du service des serums de convalescents k l'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1938, 16: 232-41, 4 pl.—Borrel, A., & Loewenberg, E. L'activite du centre de serum de convalescent de Strasbourg, 1934-36. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1936, 3. ser., 115: 878-82. Also M6d. inf., Par., 1936, 43: 251-7.—Cibils Aguirre, R., & Saguier, J. C. Utilidad de crear el centro municipal de aprovisionamiento de suero de convalecientes. Rev. med., B. Air., 1940, 2: 316-22. -Clarke, F. Therapy of convalescent human serum. Nebraska M. J., 1939, 24: 55-8 — Clauden, D. B., Miller, G., & Handgrove, M. Incidence of positive serologic reactions among donors of human convales- cent serum. Vener. Dis. Inform., 1940, 21: 327-9.—Friede- mann, U. Ueber Verwendung von Rekonvaleszentenserum zu prophylaktischen und therapeutischen Zwecken. Fortsch. Ther., 1932, 8: 1-4.—Gonce, J. E., jr. Convalescent serum therapy. Wisconsin M. J., 1931, 30: 80-4.—Gordon, A. Cerebral complications following acute infectious diseases; therapeutic value of convalescent serum. Pennsylvania M. J., 1940-41, 44: 274-8.—Hardgrove, M. The Milwaukee con- valescent serum center. Minnesota M., 1935,. 18: 541.— Huber, J. Les serums de convalescents. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1936, 34: 305-7.—Human convalescent measles serum and human convalescent scarlet fever serum. J. Am. M. Ass., 19j3u 121: 49~~51-—Human convalescent poliomyelitis serum and human convalescent mumps serum; preliminary report of the Council. Ibid., 1941, 116: 950.—Hyland, C. M. Serum center. Mod. Hosp., 1937, 49: No. 5, 44-7. ------ Con- valescent human serum therapy. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1942 39: 679-83.—LeBlond, J. W. Les proprietes preventives du serum des convalescents et leur utilisation dans la prophy- laxie des maladies infectieuses. Bull. med. Quebec, 1929, 30: 33-43.—Lichenstein, A. Trockenrekonvaleszentenserum Med. Klin., Berl., 1932, 28: 299.— Lu;wenberg, E. L'activite du centre de serum de convalescent de Strasbourg dans la lutte contre les maladies contagieuses (en particulier rougeole, scarlatine et poliomyelite) quelques chiffres pour Iph annlpj 1930-35. J. m6d. Paris, 1936, 56: 417. ----_ Preparation de serum de convalescent. Bull. Acad. m6d., Par. 1940 123* 555-7. ------ S6rum de convalescent et maladies conta- gieuses; rougeole, scarlatine, poliomyelite. Bol Sanat T}Qf<,ol Lavista, Veracruz, 1942-43, 3: No. 4, 3-6.—McConnell, F. IMMUNE SERUM 95 IMMUNE SERUM Theory of convalescent serum therapy. Colorado M., 1935, 32: 884-9.—Measles and scarlet fever; immune serum, human, now obtainable in Brooklyn. Bull. M. Soc. Co. Kings, 1940, 19: 149.—Moran, J. La preparacion de sueros de convale- cientes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt 2, 898-906.—Penrud- docke, E., & Levinson, S. O. Human convalescent serum. Am. J. Nurs., 1936, 36: 121-3.—Piechaud, F., & Bentegeat, J. Les serums de convalescents. J. med. Bordeaux, 1936, 113: 591-602.—Prochazka, J. [Serums of convalescents and their application in treatment of infectious diseases] Cas. lek. Cesk., 1937, 76: 37-40.—Profilassi delle malattie infettive col siero di convalescenti. Morgagni, 1924, 66: 1-6.—Ramos Mejia, C. Tubo para extraer sangre de convalescientes. Dfa med., B. Air., 1938, 10: 1339.—Ribadeau-Dumas. Creation de centres de serotherapie humaine. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1937, 3. ser., 118: 416-9.—Salazar, M. Empleo del suero de la sangre de individuos que han padecido ciertas infecciones. Siglo med., 1927, 74: 405-7.—Souza Coelho, R. de. Do em- prego do soro de convalescentes em algumas doencas infecto- contagiosa. Arch, brasil. med., 1928, 18: 496-504.—Still- munkes. A. Les serums de convalescents. Rev. g6n. sc. pur., 1937, 48: 72-7.—Thalhimer, W. Convalescent serums have proved their value. Mod. Hosp., 1935, 45: No. 5, 53-6. ------ Convalescent serums; prophylactic and therapeutic value in measles and scarlet fever. Prev. Med., N. Y., 1937, 6: No. 11, 17-9.------ The use of convalescent scarlet fever and measles sera in prophylaxis and therapy. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1938, 14: 361-73. ------ The value of convales- cent scarlet fever, measles and mumps serums in prophylaxis and therapy. Med. Clin. N. America, 1939, 23: 613-33. ------ Convalescent measles and scarlet fever serums; their use in prophylaxis and therapy. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 63: 151. ------ The use of human convalescent serum. N. York State J. M., 1941, 41: 1579-86.— Tumpeer, I. H., & Rubens, E. An inquiry into reagins in convalescent serum indicating its inhibiting effect. J. Allergy, 1939-40, 11: 333-48.—Tunnicliff, R. Opsonins for Diplococcus morbillorum and for Streptococcus scarlatinae in convalescent measles serum, convalescent scarlet fever serum and placental extract. J. Infect. Dis., 1936, 58: 1-4.—Videla, C. A., & Caputo, G. El poder neutralizante de los sueros de convalecientes. An. Policlfn. enferm. infec, B. Air., 1940, No. 2, 44-50. Also Rev. med., B. Air., 1940, 2: 434-6.—Welker, D. H. The use of human convalescent serum in pediatrics. Med. Woman J., 1939, 46:35-8. ---- Manufacture. Henseval, M. Methodes de contr61e des serums antidiphterique, antitetanique et de la tuberculine. 15p. 8? Brux., 1909. Vrijbtjrg, B. *Beitrage zur Gewinnung und Priifung des Antiserums fiir biologische Unter- suchungen. 68p. 8? [Bern] 1910. Ando, K., Kee, R., & Komiyama, T. Studies on serum fractions; antisera prepared by immunizing rabbits with specific precipitates of pneumococcic S. S. S. and with flocculi of diphtheria-toxoid-antitoxin. J. Immun., Bait., 1937, 32: 181-94.—Breinl, F., & Haurowitz, F. Aenderungen der Spezi- fitat von Immunseren nach chemischer Vorbehandlung. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1932-33, 77: 176-86.—Bronfenbrenner, J. A useful modification in the preparation of therapeutic sera. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 734—Bystrenin, A. I. [Use of acetone for purification and concentration of therapeutic serums] Vest, mikrob., 1939-40, 18: 208-10.— Cardone, E., & Falk, K. G. The refining of antisera; improve- ments in the preparation of refined and concentrated pneumo- coccus and meningococcus antibacterial sera. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1938-39, 24: 417-20.—Cervera, E. Suero anti-alacrdnico. Bol. Of. san. panamer., Wash., 1936, 15: 142-9.—Chufer, R. L., Hekker, V. D., & Kurgansky, G. A. [Obtaining of mixed serums] J. microb., Moskva, 1937, 19: 207-9.—Decret du 26 aout 1936; sur les demandes d'autorisation de fabrication ou de vente de serums. Bull. Min. san. pub., Par., 1936, 108-13.— Dujarric de la Riviere, R., & Kossovitch, N. Propri6tes des immunserums obtenus par l'inoculation aux animaux de serums sanguins ayant subi Taction de certains agents phy- siques; reactions sero-seriques. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1940, 65: 63-6 (microfilm)—Dzerzhgovski, S. K. K voprosu o zagotovlenii Hechebntkh sivorotok i gosudarstvennom nad nimi kontrolle. Vrach, 1911, 10: 80-5.—Eisler, M. Ver- suche zur Erzeugung kiinstlicher Immunsera nach Mez und Ziegenspeck. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1927, 53: 136-50.— Fujita, K. Ueber die Darstellung der vollkommenen spezi- fischen Seren (Aoki) Ibid., 1935, 86: 84-6.—Gay. F. P., & Clark, A. R. A possible method of enhancing the therapeutic action of anti-bacterial serums. Science, N. Y., 1929, 69: 604.—Goodner, K. Experiments on the concentration of antipneumococcic and antimeningococcic horse sera. J. Immun., Bait., 1930, 19: 473-84.—Guilherme Lacorte, J. Os soros anti-meningococico e anti-estreptococico. Acta med., Rio, 1942, 9: 59-65.—Gundel. Antitoxische und bactericide Sera. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1376.—Landsteiner, K-, & Van der Scheer, J. On the production of immune sera for tissues. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1927-28, 25: 140 — Levitov, N. N., & Burdassov, A. I. [Increasing the serum production in hyperimmune horses through reverse introduc- tion of erythrocytes] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1932,9: 3.—Merrill, M. H., & Fleisher, M. S. Factors involved in the use of organic solvents as precipitating and drying agents of immune sera. J. Gen. Physiol., 1932, 16: 243-56.—Murdick, P. P. Methods of concentrating antibacterial sera. Annual Rep. N. York State Dep. Health, 1941, 45.—Mutsaars, W. Obtention d'immuniserum par injection de cholesterol absorbe sur du kaolin. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 120: 263-6.—Netter. Sur une proposition d'addition au texte de la loi du 25 avril 1895, visant la preparation, la vente et le debit des serums thera- peutiques, et autres produits analogues. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1912, 3. ser., 67: 293-304.—Nicolas, E., & Bonnand, O. Sur l'obtention d'un antiserum floculant les extraits lipoidiques d'organes et precipitant les proteides seriques du cheval. C. rend. Soc. biol., Par., 1931, 106: 518-21.—Pacheco, G., & Bueller Souto, A. Applicacao do methodo de retorno de Penfold, a sangria dos animaes productores de soros immuni- zantes. Brasil med., 1937, 51: 805-8.—Pasricha, C. L., Lahiri, M. N„ & Paul, B. M. The use of the domestic fowl for the preparation of diagnostic antisera. Ind. M. Gaz., 1939, 74: 741.—Ramon, G. Les serums antidiphterique et antitetanique purifies. J. med. fr., 1926, 15: 387-9. ------ Les serums antidiphterique et antitetanique purifies et la prophylaxie des accidents seriques. Presse med., 1926, 34: 323.—Sacquepee. Preparation d'un serum therapeutique anti-Bellonensis. Ibid., 1918, 26: 17.—Schmidt, S. Immuni- sierungsprobleme; Produktion von Diphtherie- und Tetanus- serum. Acta path, microb. scand.. 1928, 5: 129-54.—Schwer- ma, H., & Meyer, R. K. Purification of antigonadotropic sera by enzymatic digestion. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 51: 114.—Sen, B. B. Observations on the preparation of antisera of some pathogenic micro-organisms. Calcutta M. J., 1936, 31: 177-84.—Serums therapeutiques [France, Decret no. 104, 19 aoiit 1939] Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1939, 46: prof., 221-3.—Sorescu, A. I. [Study of anticellular serums; preparation of antimyocardial serum] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1930, 19: 2268-90.—Spinka, I., & Weichselbaum, P. K. Antisera for organ-proteins. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 447-9.—Zannelli, P. Sulla preparazione dei sieri diagnostici; osservazioni immunologiche e cliniche. Ann. igiene, 1934, 44: 769-81.—Zienovich-Kashtshenko, B. A. Novlye puti v voprosle polucheniya Ueehebnikh i predokh- ranitelnikh stvorotok. Russk. vrach., 1910, 9: 20-2.— Zink, A. Beitrag zur Frage der Sterilhaltung von Heilseren; Untersuchung iiber den Wert der gebrauchlichsten Konservie- rungsmittel. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1939, 144: 450-7. ---- Standardization and titration. Belgium. Arrete royal portant reglementation des serums antidiphterique et antitetanique, 11 Sept. 1936. Bull. Min. san. pub., Brux., 1936, 1: 21-3.—Bonjean, E. Definition des serums et application de la loi du 25 avril 1895. Ann. falsif., Par., 1918, 11: 293-5.—Cotoni, L., & Pochon, J. Titrage de divers serums th6rapeutiques par neutralisation des anticorps in vitro. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1936, 202: 1121-3.—Doladilhe, M„ & Mazille, M. Sur la purification de la proteine visqueuse d'un immunserum. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 1116-8.— Gebiihrenordnung fiir die Priifung von Heilserum. Reichsge- sundhbl., 1937, 12: 563.—Kossovitch, N. Application de la methode de Ramon au titrage des serums antimicrobiens. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 117: 1162-5.—Netter. Sur des demande. d'autorisation pour des serums therapeutiques; au nom de la Commission permanente des serums par M. Netter rapporteur. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1911, 3. ser., 65: 212-4.—Ornstein, O. Sur la valeur protectrice et curative des serums purifies et non purifies. Paris med., 1928, 69: 313-5.—Radais. Sur une demande d'autorisation de debit d'un s6rum therapeutique dans les conditions ptevues par la loi du 14 juin 1934. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1938, 3. ser., 119: 669.—Sickles, G. M. Methods of testing and standardizing immune sera. Annual Rep. Div. Lab. N. York Dep. Health, 1935, 8; 1937, 8, passim.— Vivaldi, G. La determinazione delle unite immunizzanti nei sieri antidifterico ed antitetanico. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1930, 9: 153-60.—Weinberg, M., & Davesne, J. Titre antitoxique et pouvoir anti-infectieux des serums thera- peutiques. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1935, 200: 1074. ---- Therapeutic use [Passive immunization] See also Immunization; Serotherapy; also under names of infectious diseases as Anthrax, Treatment: Serum, specific, etc. Leventis, C. New theory about immunity and new sero-therapy of all the infectious diseases. 28p. 8? Detr., 1921. Azzi Leal, R. Centros de soro-profilaxia. Rev. Ass. paul. med., 1939, 15: 159-68.—Beclere, A. L'allergie vaccinale aptes immunisation passive par serum virulicide. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1935, 42: 217-21.—Charache, A. Le centre de seroprophylaxie de l'Hopital Herold et son activite. Med. inf., Par 1939, 46: 155-79.—Cushing, H. B. On the use of immune sera. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1924, 14: 477-9.—Debre, R. Activite du centre de seroprophylaxie. J. med. Paris, 1939, 59: 429- 31.—Eichler. Praktikov&ni serotherapie ve vefejne okresni nemocnici v N&chode. Lek. rdzhledy, Praha, 1912, n. f., 1: 159.—Escomel, E. La autoseroterapia con suero calentado o seroterapia integral en las microbiosis humanas. Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo, Suppl., 1930-32, .1793-806—Flaum, H. [Serum therapy and serum prophylaxis] Sven. lak. tidn., 1935, IMMUNE SERUM 96 IMMUNITY 32: 1329-1 122.—Gautier, P. La seroprophylaxie de la rougeole et de la coqueluche. J. med. Paris, 1926, 45: 314-6. Also Rev. med. Suisse rom.. 1926, 46: 52-9.—Gay, F. P. The use of antiserums m the t real ment of disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 81: 284-7. —Godlewski, H. Debats sur les serotherapies curatives. J. mid. fr., 1931, 20: 413-30. ------■ Les con- troverses sur la serotherapie. Ibid., 185-92.—Hess, J. H. The present status of serum therapy in pediatrics. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1937, 54: 251-67.—Hill, L. F. The present status of serotherapy in whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1936, 26: 197-201.— Jungeblut, C. W. Serum prophylaxis and serum therapy. In Agents of Disease (Gay, F. P.) Springf., 1935, 1508-31 — Krichevsky, I. L. [Relationship between the therapeutic effect in serum treatment and the integrity of the reticulo-endothelial system] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1932, 9: 293-9.—Linser, P. Erfahrungen mit vakziniertem Serum. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1841.—Lorey. Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Behand- lung der Diphtheria, des Scharlachs und von eitrigen Prozessen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1912, 8: 1069-72.—Martmer. E. E. Passive immunity against measles and diphtheria. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 108-11.—Musci, F. Sulla sieroterapia di alcune forme infettive. Pensiero med., 1932, 21: 44-7/—Noir, J. La seroprophylaxie dans les maladies contagieuses de l'enfance. Concours med., 1940, 62: 592.—Polak. Serotherapie a seroim- munisace v okresni vefejne nemocnici v Ceskem Brode v roce 1911. Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1912, n. f., 1: 150-9.—Risel, H. Der therapeutische Wert der Heilsera. Ther. Monatsh., 1911, 25: 20-33. Also Verh. Ges. deut. Naturforsch, 1911, 82: 2. Teil, 248.—Rochaix, A. La seroprophylaxie des maladies infectieuses. J. med. Lyon, 1926, 7: 497-505.—Shaw, E. B. Passive prophylaxis against pertussis and chickenpox. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 98-102.—Stillmunkes & Dubois. La rougeole et la coqueluche au Preventorium de Venerique (Haute-Garonne) efficacite de la serotherapie preventive. Rev. hyg. med. ptev., 1937, 59: 161-7.—Tissier-Guy.- Con- ference de praticiens sur la serotherapie preventive. J. med. fr., 1931, 20: 250-6.—Triollet. La serotherapie d'urgence dans le cadre departmental. Medecine, Par., 1933, 14: 962-5.— Leber Serumbehandlung bei Ruhr und crouposer Lungent- zundung. Oesterr. san. Wes., 1910, 22: 529-32.—Use (The) of curative sera. Med. Off., Lond., 1917, 17: 101-3.—Wads- worth, A. B. Some of the practical problems in the serum therapy of bacterial infections. In J. H. Pratt Anniv. Vol., 1937,422-31. ------ Serum therapy; its value in pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever and other streptococcus infections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 204.—Zoeller, C. J. Les indications de la serotherapie preventive dans l'armee. Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1927, 87: 69-80. ---- Therapeutic use: Methods. Bezredka, A. Serotherapie locale. Acta med. URSS, 1938, 1: 353-6.—Blumenau, N. R., & Dzerzhgovski, S. K. Yeshstsho po povodu primleneniya llechebnikh slvorotok chrez pryamuyu kishku. Russk. vrach, 1913, 12: 313-5.—Fasold, H., & Gross- mann, H. Ueber die intralumbale Anwendung von Heilseren. Mschr. Kinderh., 1932, 54: 48-52.—Ferrari, A. Injeccoes intra- rachidianas de soro especifico. Brasil med., 194i, 55: 285.— Formanek, J. Vsaslvaniye llechebnikh slvorotok pri wedenii ikh v pishtshevaritelniy kanal i izmieneniya nashikh vzglyadov na vsaslvaniye. Russk. vrach, 1910, 9: 473-5.—Guinon. Sur la communication de M. Lesne relative a l'inefficacite de la serotherapie par voie rectale. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1913, 15: 55-7.—Horder, T. J. Discussion on the scope of normal and immune serum in treatment. Brit. M. J., 1911, 2: 667-71.— Larregla, S. Introduccion a una investigaci6n sobre autoin- munoterapia pasiva utilizando generador de defensas humano. Rev. san. guerra, 1937, 1: 299-301.—Morgan, F. G. The intravenous use of therapeutic sera. N. Zealand M. J., 1937, 36: 181-4.—Sorgfaltspflicht des Arztes bei der Vornahme von Serumeinspritzungen an Kindern. Reichsgesundhbl., 1934, 9: 455.—Stoeltzner, W. Immer hohere Heilserumdosen? Med. Klin.. Berl., 1936, 32: 241.—Vallee, H., & Finzi, G. Sur les modes d'utilisation des serums therapeutiques. Bull. Soc. centr. med. vet., Par., 1911, 65: 397-402.—Zuccola, P. F. A proposito di dosaggio di anticorpi. Policlinico, 1922, 29: sez. prat., 157. ---- Therapeutic use: Untoward effects. See also Serum sickness. Davis, H. M. Serum reactions after injection of concentrated therapeutic serum. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 193-5. Also Digest Treat., Phila., 1938-39, 2: 73.—Dean, H. R., Williamson, R., & Taylor, G. L. Passive anaphylaxis following the immediate injection of antigen after antiserum. J. Hvg., Cambr., 1936. 36: 570-87.—Girard, J., & Picard, D. Hemi- piegie post-senit.herapique. Rev. med. Nancy, 1938, 66: 306- 9.—Kennedy, F. Certain nervous complications following the use of therapeutic and prophylactic sera. Am. J. M. Sc, 1929, 177: 555-9.—Salassa, M. P. Paralysis post-serique; 3 cas cliniques dont un par serotherapie anti-charbonneuse et 2 par serotherapie anti-diphteritique. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 166 (Abstr.) IMMUNISIN. See Amboceptors. IMMUNITY [incl. resistance] See also Allergy; Immunization; Immunology; Infection; Phagocytosis; also names of infectious, parasitic and virus diseases. Ueeson, C. F. Immunity. Southwest. M., 1926, 10: 289- 91.—Bergin, F. Ueber Infektion und Immunitat. Natur, Lpz., 1921-22, 13: 317-20.—Billard, G. La phylaxie. J. physiol. path, gen., 1928, 26: 43-55.—Bodman, F. Phylaxis. Brit. M. J., 1932, 1: 170.—Bordet, J. Immunite, antigenes, anticorps. In Traite phvsiol. norm. path. (Roger & Binet) (2. ed.) Par., 1934, 7: 517-645.—Chalkley, A. J. Immunity. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1926, 23: 299-301.—Domingo, P. De ia inmunidad local a la resistencia especlfica general. Rev. med, Barcelona, 1929, 12: 553-60.—Faust, E. C. The human body's defense against disease. Sigma Xi Q., 1934, 22: 53-62.— Klopstock, A. Immunitiit. In Med. Kolloidlehr. (Lichtwitz) Dresd., 1935, 193-235.—Lomry. Quelques mots eonccruant 1'immunite. Liege med., 1933, 26: 257-64. Mackenzie, G. W. Immunity, hypersensitivity and normalcy. Med. World, 1937, 55: 392-5.—Martin Salazar. Inmunidad en general. Siglo med., 1926, 78: 25.—Montalbo, F. De la inmunidad. Rev. homeop., Barcel., 1892, 3: 39-46.—Nobre, B. A immunidade. Porto med., 1904, 1: 210.—Parr, L. W. Bacteria at work. Hygeia, Chic, 1942, 20: 504; 551.—Perrin, M., & Cuenot, A. Considerations sur la pbvlaxie de Billard. Rev. med. est, 1933, 61: 769-83.—Schlossberger, H. Immunitiit. In: Handb. norm. path. Physiol. (Bethe, Bergmann, et al.) Berl., 1929, 13: 508-649.—Silberschmidt, K. Natiirliche Resistenz und er- worbene Immunitat bei Pflanzen und Tieren. Sitzber. Ges. Morph. Physiol. Miinchen (1930-31) 1932, 40: 49-59.—Sobern- heim, G. Gewebsimmunitat und humorale Immunitat. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 588-91.—Tzanck, A., & Andre, R. L'immunite; le mot; le fait; l'idee. Rev. immun., Par., 1936, 2: 273-87. ---- acquired. Acquired immunity to disease. In De re medicina (Lilly Comp.) 2. ed., Indianap., 1941, 163.—Bluhm, A. Ueber erwor- bene Immunitat, Giftiiberempfindlichkeit und Vererbung; ein Beitrag zur Frage der Dauermodifikationen. Arch. Rassenb., 1938, 32: 97-110.—Dufour, H. De l'immunite acquise k la maladie chronique. J. med. Paris, 1930, 50: 89-91.—Salazar, M. Inmunidad adquirida: doctrinas mds corrientes para explicarla; toxinas y antitoxinas. Siglo med., 1926, 78: 113; 141; 158.—Stallybrass, C. O. Acquired immunity in human communities. Liverpool Med. Chir. J., 1929, 37: 14; 1930, 38: 42. ---- active. See also Vaccination; Vaccine. Harvey, W. F., & Iyengar, K. R. K. Development and duration of immunity by inoculation and re-inoculation. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1927, 7. Congr., 3: 503-11.—Herb, F. Suggestions as to the cause of immunity following an attack of one of the acute infectious diseases. Med. J. & Rec, 1928, 127: 185.—Houghton, L. S. How and why disease immunises. Med. Times, Lond., 1937, 65: 5.—Kolmer, J. A., Bondi, A., jr, & Rule, A. M. Persistence of antibodies one year after active immunization of human beings with a mixed heat-killed vaccine of B. typhosus, Br. abortus and Br. melitensis. J. Infect. Dis., 1942, 70: 54-7.—Le Bourdelles, B., & Plotz, H. Immunite vaccinale et pouvoir virulicide du serum chez l'homme. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 622.—Ramsin, S. [Study of active im- munity] Med. dosw., Warsz., 1933, 17: 427-38.—Schedrovicky, S. G., Korabelnikov, A. M., & Lopatin, E. K. Die Rolle der Milz in der aktiven Immunitiit. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 73: 625-30.—Weinberg, M., & Guelin, A. Recherches' sur 1 immunite active de I'embryon. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 122: 1229-31. ---- Allergic relations. See also subheadings of Allergy (Immunity; Mechanism; Pathology, etc.). Arthus, M. L'immunite et l'anaphylaxie sont 2 etats is? fL^UeS dlstmcts- Arch- internat. physiol., Liege, 1914-20, 15: 383-410. —-— Un nouvel exemple d'anaphylaxie- immunite. Ibid., 319-44.—Bordet, J. Relations entre l'al- lergie et 1 immunite. Presse med., 1932, 40: 1527.— Bronfen- brenner, J. J. Human allergy and its relation to experimental flSin/IS? «d ™ immuI»ty- Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. Otolar. (1940) 1941, 45: 30-42.—Cooke, R. A. Immunological studies Sn-« i2J?US} H1e"s,,'zatK)n of ^n. Bull. Johns Hopkins SuE- fi9,41'-68: Yf-5-~Cremonese, G. II posto dell'allergia, de anafilassi e dell avitaminosi nei quadro dell'immunita e del a biologia. Riv. osp., 1938, 28: 501-31. ------ Le r61e de 1 allergie de 1 anaphylaxie et de l'avitaminose dans le cadre de 1 immunite. Bull med., Par., 1939, 53: 447-58-Friede, so'vrtm ?ioimUiQW *■ fief -a-nd /7.ergy in Action] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1936, 5: 149-oo.—Galanova, N. V. [Effect of lflfrNaTfr h C6lKUlar ""'""rityl J- mikrob. Moskva AitvJ^ A 75-7.—Hamburger, F. Infektion und Krankheit, A lergie und Immunitat. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1933 7- 157-61 Also Wien. klin. Wschr., 1933, 46: 9-14.—Hooker SB A Smtn'the dnrJ^ "f^r °f ^"sensitiveness to horse serum on the duration of local passive antitoxic immunity in IMMUNITY 97 IMMUNITY man. J. Immun., Bait., 1931, 20: 269-89.—Kahn, R. L. Studies on tissue reactions in immunity; acquired sensitivity of rabbits to different organisms. Ibid., 1933, 25: 331-8. ■---:— Studies on tissue reactions in immunity; natural sensitivity of rabbits to different organisms. Ibid., 363-79. ------ Relation between immunity and allergy. Mil. Surgeon, 1934, 75: 390-2.—Kravchenko, A. T., & Galanova, N. V. [Effect of anaphylactic shock on acquired immunity; effect of anaphylactic test, made under anesthesia, on cellular im- munity] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 7, 77.—Kritschewski, I. L., & Galanowa, N. W. Neue Wege zum Studium der Immunitat und Allergie bei Infektionskrankheiten; vom Wesen der erworbenen Immunitat; die Beziehungen zwischen der erworbenen Immunitat der Zellen und ihrem anaphylaktischen Zustand. Zsehr. Hyg., 1935, 117: 263-78.—M'Lachlan, D. G. S. An experimental studv on allergy and immunity. Edinburgh M. J., 1936, 43: 185-93.—Man waring, W. H., Marino, H. D. [et al.] Relation of anaphylaxis to immunity; specificity of the fixed-tissue antianaphylatoxic immunity factor. J. Im- mun., Bait., 1927, 13: 319-21.—Metalnikov, S. Role d'hyper- sensibilite dans l'immunite et l'anaphylaxie. In Hommage mem. J. CantacuzSne, Par., 1934, 507-10.—Michelazzi, L. II fenomeno di Sanarelli-Shwartzman in alcuni stati immuni- tari. Gior. batt. immun., 1935, 14: 1226-32.—Much. H. Dysimmunitat; ein neues Problem. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 334-7.—Murillo y Palacios, F. Inmunidad v alergia. Siglo med., 1935, 96: 602-5.—Negro, G. Immunite ed ana- filassi. Gior. batt. immun., 1936, 16: 213-29.—Pagel, W. Experiments on dissociation of allergic hypersensitiveness and immunity. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1937, 44: 643-5J, 3 pl.— Pottenger, F. M. The relation of allergy to immunity. Tu- bercle, Lond., 1934-35, 16: 458-66.—Rich, A. R. Observations on the relation of allergy to immunity. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1930, 47: 189-214. ------ Studies on the dissociation of hypersensitivity from immunity. Rev. immun., Par., 1937, 3: 25-49.—Schick, B. Allergy and immunity. Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. M., 1935-36, 124-38. Also Radiol. Rev., 19371, 59: 1-7. ----■—• Immunity, allergy and anaphylaxis. In Pract. Pediat. (Brennemann, J.) Hagerstown, 1937, 1: chap. 6, 16p.—Sirotinin, N. N. [Anaphylaxis and immunity from the view-point of comparative pathology] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1937, 7: 277-97.—Wherry, W. B. Hypersensitivity to bac- terial proteins and its role in susceptibility and immunity. Am. J. Hyg., 1931, 14: 539-54.—Williams, J. W. The possible relation of allergy to immunity. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1936, 143: 15.—Wiltsie, J. W. Interrelationship of immunity and allergy. Med. J. & Rec, 1931, 133: 476-9.—Zironi, A. Sulla natura della immunite; sulla iperrecettivite d'organo. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1929, 8: 575-85. ---- antibacterial and antiviral. See also Bacteria, Viability and virulence; Blood, Bactericidal power; Blood serum, Bac- tericidal and antitoxic power; Phagocytosis; also under names of antibacterial immune bodies. Besredka, A. Etudes sur l'immunite dans les maladies infectieuses. 414p. 8? Par., 1928. Bernhardt, G. Ueber Bakterien verandernde Krafte des Organismus. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 510.—Braun, H., & Nodake, R. Ueber die Rolle des Ekto- und Endonlasmas der Bakterien fur die Serumbactericidie und fiir die Phagocytose. Ibid., 1924, 3: 1363.—Bull, L. B. A note on some aspects of anti-bacterial immunity. J. Counc. Sc. Indust. Res., Melb., 1933, 6: 43-6.—Doan, C. A., Woolpert, O. C. [et al.]. Studies in immunity to influenza virus and hemolytic streptococcus infections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1243.—Dresel, E. G. Beziehungen zwischen Lapineimmunitat und Nachweis von Lapinevirus beim Kaninchen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1932, 75: 337-47.—Eastwood, A. Bacterial virulence and immunity. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1927-28, 26: 235-70.—Falk, I. S. Electro- phoresis of bacteria and other microorganisms and some rela- tions to immunological theory. In Colloid Chem. (Alexander, J.) N. V., 1928, 2: 731-46.—Freeman, G. Lack of immunity to latent virus. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 568- 70.—Gauducheau, A. Microbes auxiliaires de l'immunite. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1938, 31: 844; 1939, 32: 177. ------ Sur la production et l'entretien de l'immunite anti- microbienne. Arch. Inst, prophyl., Par., 1939, 11: 45-56.— L, L. A propos de la genese de nos connaissances sur quelques phenomenes fondamentaux relatifs k l'immunite contre les microbes. Biol, med., Par., 1905, 3: 177-220.—Loghem, J. J. yan [Congenital and acquired immunity against commensal microbes] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 2694.—Moshkovsky, S. D. Sur une loi de l'immunite dans les maladies infectieuses (la loi de reinoculation). Acta med. URSS, 1938, 1: 340-52.— Ogata, T. Morphologische Studien iiber die bakterielle Immunitat und Allergie. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1938, 28: 166- 73, pl.—Pettersson, A. Bacterial immunity. Sven. lak. sail. hand., 1927, 53: 307-18.—Ramsay, A. M. The offensive powers of bacteria and the defensive mechanism of the body. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1927, n. ser., 124: 67-70—Wulff, F. On bactericides; the action of normal serum and plasma, on various bacteria. Acta med. scand., 1924, 60: 393-431.— Zironi, A. Sulla natura della immunite; sui problema della virulenza. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1928, 7: 455-67. I ---- antiparasitic. See also Helminthes, Serology; Helminthosis, Immunology; also names of parasitic protozoa and metazoa. Africa, C. M. Further studies on the host relations of Nippostrongylus muris with special reference to acquired im- munity. Bull. Nat. Res. Counc. Philippine Islands, 1935, No. 9, 22-4.—Metazoan immunity. In Med. Res. in Colonies (Gr. Brit. Colon. M. Res. Com.) 1929, 138-40.—Sarles, M. P., & Taliaferro, W. H. The local points of defense and the passive transfer of acquired immunity to Nippostrongylus muris in rats. J. Infect. Dis., 1936, 59: 207-20.—Taliaferro, W. H. The mechanism of immunity to metazoan parasites. Am. J. Trop. M., 1940, 20: 169-82. ---- antitoxic. See also Antitoxins; also names of poisonous substances as Abrus precatorius; Diphtheria, Toxin, etc. Brown, R. Chemical and immunological studies of toxin- producing bacteria. Annual Rep. N. York State Dep. Health, 1933, 54: 43.—Dujarric de la Riviere, R., & Kossovitch, N. Globules rouges et immunite. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1933, 51: 149-59. ------■ Globules rouges et immunite; adsorption des toxines par les globules rouges. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 284.—Ide, M. La notion de resistance aux medicaments. Rev. med., Louvain, 1933, 302.—MacNider, W. De B. A study of the acquired resistance of fixed tissue cells morphologi- cally altered through processes of repair; concerning physical modifications of cells associated with the development of a resistance to certain chemical agents; the acquired resistance of the kidney to bichloride of mercury. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1941, 73: 186-99.—Ramon, G. Essais sur l'immunite anti- toxique. Rev. immun., Par., 1938, 4: 5-23.------& Richou, R. De l'immunite obtenue par instillations d'abrine dans le sac conjonctival du lapin; immunite antitoxique locale ou generale? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 117: 1058-61. —----& Lemetayer, E. De l'influence de diverses substances ajoutees k l'antigSne anatoxique dans la reproduction de rimmunite antitoxique. Ibid., 1935, 1: 199-208. ---- cellular. See also subheading Immunity, tissue; also Leukocytosis; Phagocytosis; Reticulo-endothelial system, etc. Sainati, J. F. *Da immunidade cellular e sua influencia sobre a acgao pharmacodynamica do veneno de cobra. 82p. 8? [Sao Paulo] 1928. Breinl, F. Die zellularen Abwehrkrafte des Organismus. In Extrapulm. Tuberk., Berl., 1925-26, 1: H. 9, 19-38.— Bruynoghe. L'immunite cellulaire. Rev. med., Louvain, 1922, 268-73.—Fiorio, C. I ricettori cellulari (con speciale riguardo a quelli degli schizomiceti) Gior. batt. immun., 1935, 14: 393-430.—Galanowa, N. W. Untersuchungen iiber das Wesen der erworbenen Immunitat; Entstehen und Erloschen der Zellimmunitat gegeniiber Mikroorganismen. Ibid., 1936, 16: 690-6.—Kravchenko. A. T. [Correlation of immunity of the cells and anaohylactic shock with consideration of the time factor] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1939, No. 9-10, 101-7. ------ [Reciprocal dependence of cellular immunity and anaphylactic shock in relation to the time factor] Ibid., 1941, No. 7, 73-7. ------ [Immunity and allergy of cells] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1941, 14: 243-70.—Lehmann, F. M. Ueber die zellulare Theorie der Immunitat. Derm. Wschr., 1926, 82: 325-30 — MacNider, W. deB. Consideration of the resistance of tissue cells. Pennsylvania M. J., 1934, 37: 453-7.—Manwaring, W. H. Autocytotoxic antibodies? California West. M., 1935, 43: 256.—Marginesu, P. SuU'immunita cellulare; tentativi di immunizzazione dei globuli rossi nucleati. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1921, 9. ser., 13: 281-9.—Mellon, R. R. Newer knowledge on the relations of the cell to immunological processes. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1929, 22: 35-45.—Mitter- maier, R. Phagozvtose und Zellimmunitat. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1924, 93: Orig., 241-4.—Puntoni, V. La clamido- reazione come forma di difesa dell'organismo contro i microbi. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1939, 65: 152-6.—Reed, H. S. Cellular nutrition and immunity. In Rapp. Congr. internat. path, comp., 1936, 3. Congr., 1: pt 2, 99-106.—Stettner, E. Zur Kenntnis der zellularen Infektabwehr. Mschr. Kinderh., 1927, 37: 530-5.—Theilhaber, A. Cellulare Immunitat und Krankheitsdisposition. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1922, 117: 187. ------ Zur Lehre von dem Einflusse der Beschaffenheit der zellularen Immunitat auf die Krankheitsdisposition. Munch. med. Wschr., 1922, 69: 1044.------Die elektromagnetischen Schwingungen und die zellulare Immunitat. Fortsch. Ront- genstrahl., 1923, 31. Kongr., 80. ------ Die zellulare Im- munitat in ihrer Einwirkung auf Entstehung und Behandlung von Konstitutions- und Infektionskrankheiten. In Beitr. Probl. Gyn. Karzinoms, Berl., 1924, 171-200.------The significance of cellular immunity in the development (patho- genesis) and cure of disease. Am. J. Obst., 1924, 39: 458-62. 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----7 IMMUNITY 98 IMMUNITY ---- Chemistry. See also Immunity, Mechanism; Immuniza- tion, Mechanism; also Antibodies, Production: Effects of chemical and physical agents on; Antigens, Biochemistry, etc. Browning, C. H. Immunochemical studies. 239p. S° Lond., 1925. Dujarric de la Riviere, R. L'immunite par mecanisme phvsico-chimique. 71p. S? Par., 1934. ., . Pereira de Mesquita, M. *Contnbuicao ao estudo da immunidade nas molestias infecciosas (papel da cholesterina) 86p. 8? S. Paulo, 1931. Wells, H. G. Immunology as a branch of chemistry. 17p. 24cm. X. Y., 1927. ---- The chemical aspects of immunity. 2. ed. 286p. 8° N. Y., 1929. Anderson, C. G. Chemistry and immunity. Pharm. J., Lond., 1938, 86: 97.—Bacterial chemistry and immunity re- actions. Rep. M. Res. Counc, London, 1934, 5: 141-5.— Baserga, A. Recenti osservazioni nei campo della biochimica dell'immunite. Biochim. ter. sper., 1935, 22: 18-24 —Boez.L. Les theories physico-chimiques de l'immunite. Biol, med., Milano, 1930, 20: 345-83. Also Biol, med., Par., 1930, 20: 231-70.—Brown. H. C. & Broom, J. C. The importance of electric charge in certain aspects of immunity. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hvg., Lond., 1934-35, 29: 357-76.—Chase, M. W., & Landsteiner, K. Immunochemistry. Annual Rev. Bio- chem., 1939, 8: 579-610.—[Chemistry of immunity] Otchet (Vsesoiuz. inst. eksp. med., Moskva, 1940, 40-6.—Dooren de Jong, L. E. den [Immunology and chemistry] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 2844-62— Dujarric de la Riviere R. Immuno-chiroie. Rev. gen. sc pur., 1937, 452-9.— Ermolieva, Z. V. [The chemistry of immunity] Otchet Vsesouiz. inst. eksp. med., Moskva (1933-37) 1939, 27-30 — Haurowitz, F. Chemische L'ntersuchungen und neue An- schauungen iiber Immunitat. Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 936-9. ------ Antigene, Antikorper und Immunitiit; Ver- suche mit chemisch-markierten Antigenen. Klin. Wschr., 1937 16- 257-61. ------ Neue Ergebnisse der Immuno- cheniie. Med. KUn., Berl., 1938, 34: 873-6.—Hayri Sozen [Relation between immunology and biocheiny] Askeri vet, mecmuasi, 1938, 15: 363-^15—Heidelberger, M. Contribu- tions of chemistry to the knowledge of immune processes. Harvey Lect., Bait., 1932-33, 28: 184-201. Also Medicine, Bait 1933, 12: 279-95. ------ Immunochemistry. Annual Rev.'Biochem., 1932, 1: 655; 1933, 2: 503; passim Introduction to the Conference on Immunochemistry. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1942, 43: 35.—Herzfeld. E.. & Klinger. R. Neuere eiweiss-chemische Vorstellungen in ihren Beziehungen zur Immunitatslehre. Erg. Hyg. Bakt., 1920, 4: 282-309.— Horster, H., & Dorbath, E. Untersuchungen iiber die durch Krankheiten hervorgerufene Aenderung der Disoosition zu InfektionenbeziehungsweisezuErkrankungen nach Infektionen: Qber die Bedeutung des Cholesterins und Lecithins fur die Resistenz beziehungsweise Immunitat, insbesondere fiir die Phagocvtose. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1935, 178: 289-97 — Immunity and electric charge. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: 31.— Jarno, L. Versuche zur chemischen Deutung der Immunhamo- lyse. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 60: 410-6.—Kermack, W. O. Some recent advances in the chemistry of immunology. Sc. Progr., Lond., 1930, 25: 79-90.—Konikov, A. P. [Basic princi- ples of immunochemistry] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1939, 10: 410- 45 —Kopaczewski. W. Phylaxie et antagonismes physico- chimiques. J. physiol. path, gen., 1935, 33: 7-38.—Koulikov. V. Equilibre ionique et immunite. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 97: 516-9.—Krogh, M. von. Colloidal chemistry and immunology. J. Infect. Dis., 1916, 19: 452-77. Also Norsk mag. lsegevid., 1916, 77: 1177-210.—Lecomte du Notiy, P. Les aspects physico-chimiques de l'immunite. Erg. Hyg. Bakt., 1934, 15: 304-34.—Loewy, G. The chemical analysis of bacteria; chemi- cal aspects of immunity. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1929, n. ser., 128: 34-6. Also Presse med., 1929, 37: 752.—Marrack, J. R. Immunochemistry. Annual Rev. Biochem., 1942, 11: 629- 5g.—Rodriguez, O. F. Un ensayo de qulmica inmunol6gica. Siglo med., 1934, 93: 66; 94.—Salazar, M. La quimica de la inmunidad. Ibid., 1928, 82: 201-10.—Schnitzer. R.. & Silber- stein, W. Untersuchungen zur Chemozeptorentheorie; die Hemmungswirkung des Parafuchsins gegeniiber Brechwein- stein. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1926, 49: 387-92.—Schoen. Phenom^nes d'asymetrie dans les processus d'immunite; les polyholosides d'origine microbienne. Ann. Soc. sc med. natur. Bruxelles. 1936, Ann., 19-40.—Server Kamil Tokgoz [Role of chemistry in immunity] Turk, hifzissihha leer. biol. mecmuasi. 1940, 1: No. 3, 182-8.—Sivori, L. Valores dos acidos aminados na teoria imunitaria e na terapeutica. Ilust. med., Rio, 1939, 5: 4—8.—Sumner, J. B. Hemagglutinins, plant toxins, and the role of proteins in immunochemistry. Yale J. Biol., 1935-36, 8: 410.—Vaughan, V. C. The chemistry of living substance and its adaptability to its environment. Mil Surgeon, 1927, 61: 1-14.— Viale, G. Fisico-chimica delle reazioni umorali. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1931, 14: 17-24.—Wormalb A. Some chemical aspects of immunity. S. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1937, 70: 199-220. ---- Clinical aspects. Bueno Garza, V. Concepto vulgar y consideracionea practieas acerca de la infecci6n, inmunidad v prohlaxis. Olin. & lab., Zaragoza, 1928, 12: 404-10.- -Bystrit/.ky, Y. L. [Effect of ixcessive immunity reactions on the course of infectious diseases] Vrach. delo, 1931, 14: 556-60.—Cuizza, T. Sujle difese mimunitarie del sangue nelle malattie inflammatory, ginecologiche. Gior. batt. immun., 1931, 6: 350-9.—Fen ton, R. A. Immunity in otolaryngology. Ann. Otol. Rhinob, 1931 An. i_a__Gav F P. The principles underlying infection and immunity. Pract. Libr. M. & S.. 1932 1:1111-30. -Hirszfeld. H & Hirszfeld, L. [Hereditary predisposition and immunity to'infectious diseases] Med. dosw.. 1928. 9: 101-22.-Hirsz- feld L. [Definition of immunity in diseases of civilization, especially diphtheria] Nowiny lek., 1936, 48: 1-5.—Kolmer, J A The role of immunity in the conduct of the present war. j! Immun., Bait., 1918, 3: 371-4— Ledingham, J. C. G. Some problems of natural immunity and prophylaxis. J. btatei M., Lond 1926 34: 2-25.—Lischner, H. Artificial vs natural immunity. Pacific Coast J. Homeop., 1935 46: 381-5 — McClean, D. Certain aspects of immunity and their relation to clinical medicine. In: Dis. Child. (Thursfield & Paterson) Lond., 1934, 13-32.—Mukherji, D. R. A reflection on the immunity factor. Ind. M. Rec, 1937, 57: 1-7— Novak, F J., jr The Besredka theory of immunity and its possible apohca- tion in otolaryngology. Ann Otol. Rhinol 1930 39: 1033-8. Also Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. Otolar., 1930, 35: 419-27.— O'Brien R. A. Discussion on immunity; certain practical aspects of immunity. Brit M. J., 1927, 2: 976-8.—RItter.. J. Immunity in acute and in chronic diseases. Clin. M. & b., 1931, 38- 480-3 —Scapier. L'application de l'immunite du crapaud en'clinique. Paris med., 1939, 113: 331-4.—Smith, L. A. Is human immunity declining? J. M. Ass. Georpa, 1935, 24: 339—Thelander, H. E. Immunity; clinical and experimental observations. California West. M., 1940, 52: 64-6.—Willcox. W. Clinical immunity. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 2: 911-3. ---- Endocrine aspect. Arends, K. *Beeinflussung der Immunitats- lage durch das Sexualhormon Testasa [Munster] 21p. 21cm. Bottrop, 1935. Agduhr, E. Hormonal increase of resistance and its mecha- nism. Nature, Lond., 1942, 149: 171.—Anina-Radchenko, N. D. [Effect of hormonal preparations on the formation of anti- bodies and development of immunity] J. mikrob., Moskva. 1941, No. 7, 63-7.—Cope, O., & Kapnick, I. The relation of endocrine function to resistance and immunity; the changes in complement and response to vaccinia following alterations in thyroid, adrenal and pituitary function in the rabbit and dog. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 533-42.—Dreyfus-See, G. Les facteurs endocriniens de l'immunite. Gaz. med. France, 1930, 376-81.—Ebert, M. K. [Effect of the endocrine system on the processes of infection and immunity: effect of hormones on the state of sensibilization in white rats] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 7, 68.—Friede, K. A.. Kravchenko, A. T., & Soloviev, V. D. [Significance of the endocrine system in infection and immunity] Ibid., 1936, 17: 746-60.—Kapnick, I., & Cope. O. The relation of endocrine function to resistance and immunity; the independence of cevitamic acid and complement following alterations in thyroid function in the rabbit. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 543-7.—Karmanova, L. M. [Significance of the endocrine system in infection and immunity] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1936, 17: 833-43.—Molomut, N. The effect of hypophysectomy on immunity and hypersensitivity in rats with a brief description of the operative technic. J. Immun., Bait., 1939, 37: 113-31.—Nicosia, S. Adrenalina ed immunite: ricerche sperimentali di orientamento. Ann. igiene, 1938, 48; 350-61.—Schedrovicky, S. G., Lopatin, E., A Korabelnikov, A. Ueber die Rolle der Schilddriise und Testes in der aktiven Immunitat. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 72: 703-9.—Von Haam, E., & Rosenfeld, I. The influence of sex hormones on natural resistance. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1002.—Weil, P. G. The role of the adrenal cortex in resistance. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 55: 440. ---- Factors, and types. Turr6, R. Los fermentos defensivos en la inmunidad natural y adquirida. 2. ed. 164p. 8° Calpe, 1920. Anile, A. Le esperienze di Metalnikov. Umbria med., 1939, 19: 3536-41.—Barta, I. [Role of leukocytes and reticulo- endothelial system in immunity] Orv. hetib, 1930, 74: 923- 6.—Besredka, A. Du role des mordants dans l'infection etdans l'immunite. Bull. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1927. 26: 481; 529.— Bhatnagar, S. S., & Shrivastava, D. L. Immunity from cellular changes in the blood. Nature, Lond., 1941, 147: 58.—Binhold, H. Blutfaktoren und Immunitat. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 468-72.—Gauducheau, A. Facteurs auxiliaires de l'im- munite. Bull. Soc path. exot.. Par., 1939, 32: 796; 1940, 33, 225. Also Presse med., 1940, 48: 642.—Gay, F. P. The funda- mental factors of immunity. Medicine, Bait., 1929, 8: 211- 21.—Ghiron, M. Enzyme und Immunitiit. Zbl. inn Med., 1933, 54: 362-5.—Gley, P., Paulin, G., & Touchard T. Im- portance des vaso-moteurs dans la defend aiitimirrobienne. J. physiol. path, gen., 1939-40, 37: 965-9.—Helmreich, E. Das lokale Blutbild in seiner Bedeutung fur die Immunbiologie. IMMUNITY 99 IMMUNITY Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 1254-6.—Herb, F. Parenteral ferments at the service of immunity from the viewpoint of evolution. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 123: 422-4—Krichevski I. L., & Avrekh, V. V. Erwerben phagozytare Zellen immuner Tiere eine erhohte Aktivitat gegen Mikroorganismen? Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1933, 80: 28-41.—Lassabliere, P., & Richet, C. De l'immunite (leucocytaire) generale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1913, 74: 1167.— Loewi, O. Bemerkungen zur Rezeptorenfunktion im Ver- dauungskanal. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1751.—Metal- nikov, S. Facteurs biologiques et psychiques de l'immunite. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1932, 7: 212-23. Also Presse med., 1932, 40: 753-56. ------ Role des reactions de defenses dans l'immunite. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 61: 27-45. ------ Immunite d'adaptation et immunite de defense C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 101: 34-7. Also Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1938, 61: 824-6. Also Rev. gen. sc. pur., 1939, 50: 369- 77.—Miura, M. Experimentelle Studien iiber die sogenannte Depressionsimmunitat. Jap. J. Exp. M., 1928-29, 7: 379-87.— Perrin, M., & Cu£not, A. Contribution k I'etude du pouvoir anagotoxique et de la phylaxie; la metathese; ses rapports avec la phylaxie. J. physiol. path, gen., 1932, 30: 87-109.— Ramon, G. Essais d'immunologie comparee; l'immunite et I'influence des substances adjuvantes et stimulantes, etude experimentale, applications pratiques. Presse med., 1940, 48: 857-61.—Sergent, E., & Parrot, L. Immunite et ptemunition. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1935, 55: 385-401.—Silber, L. Ueber die Paraimmunitat. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1926, 47: 347-62.— Susman, W. A note on the spleen and immunity. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 1130.—Topley, W. W. C. Some aspects of herd immunity. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1935, 65: 368-80.—Wolff- Eisner, A. Die Bedeutung der Haut fiir Immunitat und Immunisierung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 1909-12. ---- hereditary and innate. See also Newborn, Immunization. Dreyfus-See, G. S. *L'immunite du nour- risson; contribution a, I'etude de l'immunite herSditaire. 194p. 8? Par., 1928. Hill, A. B. The inheritance of resistance to bacterial infection in animal species; a review of the published experimental data. 71 p. 8: Lond., 1934. Leclainche, X. L. *L'immunite transmise [Paris] 178p. 8? Toulouse, 1927. Bennett, J. Parental vaccination and transmissible im- munity. Publ. Health, Lond., 1935-36, 49: 216-19.—Bluhm, A. Immunitatsforschung und Vererbungswissenschaft. Zsehr. Hyg., 1931, 112: 246-53.—Bocchini. A. Contributo alio studio dell'immunite fetale. Pediatria (Riv.) 1927, 35: 1214-23.— Buttersack. F. Gedanken uber Immunitat. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1929-30, 2: 609-19.—Clay. J. The inheritance of acquired immunity. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1935, 12: 49-51.— Cole, L. J. Inheritance of disease resistance in animals. Am. Natur., 1930, 64: 5-14.—Crew, F. A. E. Genetical aspects of natural immunity and disease resistance. Edinburgh M. J., 1928, n. ser., 35: 361; 383.—Dalling, T., Mason, J. H., & Gordon, W. S. The transference of immunity from ewe to lamb. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect. Comp. M., 31. Also Vet. J., Lond., 1929, 85: 9-11.—Fraser, D. T.. & Halpern, K. C. Studies in immunity of mothers and their infants. Tr. R. Soc. Canada, 1933, 3. ser., 27: sect. 5, 91-6 — Gohar, M. A. Discussion of immunity and heredity. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1930, 13: 395-414.—Gonzalez, J. Immunite et heredite. J. sc. med. Lille, 1940, 58: 74-83. :----- Les grandes etapes historiques de 1'immunite congenitale. Ibid., 5; 58; passim. ------ Origine et existence de l'immunite congenitale. Ibid., 58-64.—Gowen, J. W. On the genetic structure of inherited constitution for disease resistance. Q. & Schott, R. G. A genetic Rev. Biol., 1933, 8: 338-47. technique for differentiating between acquired and genetic immunity. Am. J. Hyg., 1933, 18: 688-94. Also Collect. Papers Dep. Biol. Johns Hopkins, 1934, 9: (No. 9)—Grasset, E. A comparative study of the aptitude of the higher animal organism to acquire immunity throughout the vital cycle, and the relation of this aptitude to hereditary transmission. Pub. South. Afr. Inst. M. Res., 1927-29, 4: 171-90.—Hall. I. C. Maternally transmitted immunity to Bacillus sordellii. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 799-801—Herrmann, O. Die Vererbung der erworbenen Immunitat. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1926, 98: 81-5. Also J. eksp. biol., 1926, 21-7.------ Vererbung der erworbenen Immunitat durch das Keimplasma. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1929. 112: 460-4.—Hill, A. B., Hatswell, J. M., & Topley, W. W. C. The inheritance of resistance, demonstrated by the development of a strain of mice resistant to experimental inoculation with a bacterial endotoxin. J. Hyg., Lond., 1940, 40: 538-47.—Hofmeier, K. Vererbung und Immunitat. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 329-33—Irwin. M. R. The inheritance of resistance to the Danysz bacillus in the rat. J. Bact., Bait., 1928, 15: 45.—Knowlton, M. Do mothers transmit immunity to their children? J. Prev. M., 1929, 3: 3g5_g —Kozelka, A. W. The inheritance of natural immunity among animals. J. Hered., 1929, 20: 519-30.—Lehmann, W. Die Vererbung der Immunitat. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 444.__Lesng, E., & Dreyfus-S6e, G. Selection _ d'espSces animates a caracteres immunitaires fixes; transmission de ces caracteres selon les lois mendeiiennes et modifications durables obtenus par des vaccinations tepetees. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 98: 922-4.—Mason, J. H., Dalling, T., & Gordon, W. S. Transmission of maternal immunity. J. Path. Bact., Edinb., 1930, 33: 783-97.—Mesik, R. E. [Development of immuno- biological properties in puppies] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 40: 43-7.—Nasso, I. Immunita del neonato e del lattante. Pedi- atria (Riv.) 1930, 38: 641-52.—Nelson, J. B. The maternal transmission of vaccinial immunity in swine; the duration of active immunity in the sow and of passive immunity in the young. J. Exp. M., 1934, 60: 287-91.—Neonatal immunity. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1647.—Nizzoli, C. Sulla preesis- tenza della quarta immunite al momento della nascite. Gazz. osp., 1931, 52: 328-30. Also Prat, pediat., Milano, 1930, 7: 217- 20.—Ono, T. Study of inheritance of immunity. Jap. J. Exp. M., 1932, 10: 265-90.—Rhenter, J. Remarques sur l'immunite du nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1935, 24: 471.— Roi, G. Sulla trasmissione naturale al neonato dell'immunite materna. Riv. ostet. gin., 1931, 13: 280-8.—Schneider, L., & Szathmary, J. [Origin of the humoral immunity in the new- born foal] Allatorv. lap., 1936, 59: 265-70. ------ [Origin of immunity in the newborn] Orv. hetil., 1937, 81: 278-80. ------ Ueber die Immunitat des neugeborenen Kalbes. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1938, 94: 465-9. ------ Ueber die. Immunitat des neugeborenen Hundes. Ibid., 1939, 95: 177- 88. -----■ Ueber die Immunitat des neugeborenen Kanin- chens. Ibid., 189-200. —■—■—■ Ueber die Immunitat des neugeborenen Lammes. Ibid., 169-77. ------ Ueber die Immunitat der neugeborenen Saugetiere. Ibid., 1938, 94: 458-65.—Sergent, E., & Parrot, L. L'immunite, la premuni- tion et la resistance innee. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1935, 13: 279-319.—Timmerman, W. A. [Transmission of immune substances and immunity from parents to child] Ned. tschr. hyg. microb., 1931-32, 6: 107-37.—Transmission of anti- bodies from mother to child. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 44.— Webster, L. T. Inherited and acquired factors in resistance to infection; development of resistant and susceptible lines of mice through selective breeding. J. Exp. M., 1933, 57: 793- 817.—Werner, F. Beitrag zur Frage der plazentaren Ueber- tragung von Imniunstoffen. Zsehr. Infektkr. Haustiere, 1929. 35: 230-9. ---- humoral. See also Immune serum; also names of immune bodies. Aronson, M. Some remarks about the blood and immunity. Med. Critic, 1926, 25: 487-94.—Kimura, N. An experimental investigation of transfer of hemolysin and precipitin into the bile and saliva of immunized animals. Japan M. World, 1923, 3: 207-12.—Kolmer, J. A. The role of humoral elements in immunity. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 97: 1203-5.—Lewkowicz, K. [Immunity in infections and humors of the organism] Polska gaz. lek., 1930, 10: 681-4. ------ L'immunite et les humeurs; infections pneumococcique, meningococcique et tuberculose. Ann. med., Par., 1932, 32: 410-24.—Lumiere, A. Immunite humorale acquise et floculation; complexite du probieme de Pimunite; ses modalites. Presse med., 1932, 40: 139-41.— Wollman, E., & Uribe, V. Recherches sur l'immunite humorale chez les animaux k sang froid. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 108: 122; 415. ---- local. See Immunity, tissue. ---- Measurement. See also under names of specific diseases as Diphtheria, Immunity: Diagnosis, etc. Cattabeni, C. M. Postmortale Konservierbarkeit der Immunitatsveranderungen in Blut und Geweben; Grenzen ihrer diagnostischen Brauchbarkeit. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1938, 30: 33-42.—Chertkov, L. Ueber die Hautanergie bei Siiuglingen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 64: 407-12.— Fry, L. S. Tuberculin- and Schick-testing. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 260.—Harries, E. H. R. Immunity in the making; observations based upon some records of Schick and Dick tests. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect. Epidem., 11-25 — Huntemiiller, O. Der Nachweis der allgemeinen Widerstands- krafte (Alexine) im Blut bei Gesunden. Munch, med. Wschr., 1929 76: 490.—Inoue, S. Beitrage zur Rieckenbergschen Reaktion. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1930, 117: 80-6.—Mangada, E. Indice de la inmunidad y sus aplicaciones pr&cticas. Progr. clin., Madr., 1916, 8: 154; 265.—Prausnitz, C, & Meissner, G. Die Messung der Bakterizidie des menschlichen Blutes nach spezifischer und unspezifischer Vorbehandlung. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1925, 94: Orig., 376-87.—Whitehead, N. T. The testing of immunity. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1930, 55: 321-6. ---- Mechanism. See also Immunization, Mechanism. Amar, J. Action de masse et defense vitale. C. rend. Acad. sc 1927, 185: 1542-4.—Azzi, A. Equilibri delle difese im- miinitarie. Gior. batt. immun., 1931, 6: 577-94.—Belonovsky, G. D. [The nature of immunity] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 2: 325-31.—Benso, F. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie; localizzazioni sperimentali chirurgiche. Gior. batt. immun., 1933, 10: 372-403.—Browning, C. H. Biological principles in IMMUNITY 100 IMMUNITY immunity. Brit. M. J., 1927. 2: 978-85— Bruni, At. Gh apparecchi di difesa nellorganismo umano. Arch, pat., Bologna, 1933-34, 13: 467-81. Doerr, R. Kritik der Lehre von der erworbenen und naturlichen Immunitat. In Festschr. H. Zangger, ZUr., 1935, 2: 591-9.—Epstein. S. Les nouvelles conceptions de l'immunite. Nature, Tar., 1926, 54: 291-4.— Ferguson, B. The mediaiumh of resistance. Med. Rev. of Rev., 1929, 35: 299-302—Fischer, M. N. [Nature of immuno- activitv and mechanism of its excitation in living matter from the point of view of molecular bioenergetics and the general kinetic chain theory] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 41: 39-49.— Fisher, M. H. Immunological activity in the light of molecular bio-energetics; the concepts of E. Bauer. Biodynamica, Normandy, 1936, No. 15.—Gerster. Ueber Immunitat; ein Beitrae zur modernen Humoralpathologie. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1927, 37: 207-10.—Greenwood, M., Newbold, E. M. [et al.] On the mechanism of protection against infective disease. .1. Hyg., Cambr., 1928-29, 28: 127-32.—Harvey, W. F., & Iyengar, K. R. K. Development, duration and restoration of immunity. Ind. J. M. Res., 1927-28, 15: 935-50—Herb, F. The defensive mechanism of the human body as it appears today. Med. Rev. of Rev., 1928, 34: 525-8—Izquierdo. J. J. I a verdadera naturaleza de los fenomenos de inmunidad. Rev. mex. biol., 1927, 7: 1-9.—Jensen, K. A. Immunitats- studien. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 63: 298-326.—Krichev- ski. I. L., & Avreh, W. W. Ueber die Rolle des Mediums bei den Phanomenen der Immunitat. Ibid., 61: 464-77.—Licht- witz, L. Mechanism of defense. In his Funct. Path., N. Y., 1941 191-235.—Loizaga, N. S. Inmunidad; teorla biologica de Mendez. Dia med. urug., 1934, 2: 250; 270; 287.—Maignon. F. Theorie ferment aire de l'immunite. Rec. med. vet., 1939, 115: 513-22. Also Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1940, 23: 633-40.—Manwaring, W. H. The basic concepts of immunity. J. Immun., Bait., 1926, 12: 177-84.—Mendez, J. Sobre algunos problemas del proceso orgdnico de la inmunidad. Sem. med., B. Air., 1928, 35: 1305-7.—Metalnikov, S. L'im- munite en tant que reaction de defense. Presse med., 1928, 36: 1613-5. ------& Secreteva, V. L'immunite en tant que reaction de defense. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 572-4 — Perrin, M., & Cuenot, A. Contribution a I'etude du pouvoir anagotoxique et de la phylaxie. J. physiol. path, gen., 1931, 29: 478-95. ■------ Les phenom^nes de phylaxie immediate et de phylaxie mediate. Rev. med. est, 1931, 59: 583-5— Pugnani, E. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie. Atti Congr. naz. microb., 1931, 392. Also Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1931, 3: 439-4L—Rechmensky, S. S. [Electro-immunogens from the view-point of micellar theory of immunity] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1938, 20: No. 6, 3-8.—Rhoads, P. S. The quantita- tive nature of immunity. Illinois M. J., 1937, 72: 503-11.— Rich, A. R. The mechanism responsible for the prevention of spread of bacteria in the immune body. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1933, 52: 203-24. ------ & McKee. C. M. A study of the character and degree of protection afforded by the im- mune state independently of the leucocytes. Ibid., 1934, 54: 277-314.—Salazar, M. Slntesis de la inmunidad general. Siglo med., 1927, 74: 201; 235; 298; 322; 351.—Sbarsky, B., & Nikolaev, K. Zur Kenntnis des Mechanismus der Immunitats- erscheinungen; Dialysierungsversuche. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 183: 419-25.—Schnizer, von. Die funktionellen Beziehungen zwischen Komplementen, Vitaminen und Hormonen. Fortsch. Med., 1929, 47: 224-7.—Sirotinin, M. M. [Significance of reactions in animals during infection and the aspect of the latter during the various periods of development in relation to immunity and anaphylaxis] Tr. Konf. med. biol. (1936) Kiev, 1937, 130-42.—Tschermak-Seysenegg, A. Ueber Kristallanalogien zu den Begriffen der Immunitat, Infektion und Erregungsleitung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1932, 28: 287-9 — Wartiovaara, T. W. Ueber die Entwicklung der kongluti- nierenden Eigenschaft bei der Immunisierung. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1932, 14: ser. A, fasc. 3, No. 15, 1-143.—Wright. H D. The basis of immunity. Med. J. Australia, 1932, 1: 457-64. ---- Mechanism, neural. Metalnikov, S. Role du systeme nerveux et des facteurs biologiques et psychiques dans Tin munite. 166p. 8? Par., 1934. Aievoli, E. Riflessi condizionali e immunite. Riforma med., 1931, 47: 723.—Belak, S. [Immunity in relation to the nervous system and general hygiene] Orv. hetil., 1930, 74: 1313-5. ------ [Immunity as a vegetative function] Ibid., 1938, 82: 1129.—Bogendorfer, L. Beziehungen zwischen Zentralnervensystem und Immunitat. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1927, 39. Kongr., 83-5. ------ Ueber den Einfluss des Zentralnervensystems auf Immunitatsvorgange. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1927, 124: 65; 126: 378; 1928, 133: 107 — Cucco, G. P. Sistema nervoso e fenomeni immunitari. Gior. batt. immun., 1932, 8: 197-203.—Heilig, R., & Hoff, H, Leber zentrale Beeinflussung der Schutzkrafte des Organismus. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 2057-9.—Immunity (L') riflesso condi- zionale? Minerva med., Tor., 1934, 25: pt 2, Suppl., 4-6 — Koslowski, M. Die Bedeutung der bedingten Reflexe fur die Immunitatelehre. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1939-40, 54: 104-17.—Manolov, D. G. [Material for the study of the role of the neurodystrophic process in immunity] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 7, 58-63.—Marbais, S. Th6orie cetebrale de l'immunite et de l'anaphylaxie; excitabilite electrique des nerfs dans l'anaphylaxie et l'immunite. Schweiz. med.' Wschr., 1933, 63: 669-72.- Metalnikov. S. Du role du systeme nerveux dans l'immunite. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 102: 672-5. —---- R61e du systeme nerveux et des reflexes conditionnels dans rimmunite. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1931, 46: 137-68. ------ Die Rolle des Nervensystems und der psychischen Faktoren bei der Immunitat. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1932, 84: 89 ------ Sur le role des reflexes conditionnels dans 1 im- munite. Presse med., 1934, 42: 1893-5. ------ Le rdle du systeme nerveux et des reflexes conditionnels dans 1 im- munite et l'anaphylaxie. Gior. batt. immun., 1937, 18: 102-28 ------ & Chorine, V. Reflexes conditionnels dans rimmunite. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1926, 182: 1640-2.------ Role des reflexes conditionnels dans l'immunite. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1926, 40: 893-900.—Monari, D., & Gelli, G. Di una supposta influenza dei riflessi condizionali neH'immunite. Gior. clin. med., 1928, 9: 833-44.—Schambouroff, D. A., & Belikowa, O. P. Role du systeme nerveux dans rimmunite, irritation conditionnelle, inhibition conditionnelle et leuco- cytose. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1936, 56: 700-9.—Sko- beltzyne, V. Influence du systeme nerveux sur l'immunite chez les chenilles de Galleria mellonella. Ibid., 1931, 47: 660-6.—Zernoff, V. Le role du systeme nerveux dans rim- munite. Ibid., 1937, 58: 212-31. ---- Mechanism, reticuloendothelial. See also Antibodies, Production: Reticulo- endothelial system in. Antonioli. G. M. Sistema reticolo-endoteliale ed immunite istogena. Gior. batt. immun., 1931, 6: 86-95.—Baeza Alonso, E. Sobre las relaciones del sistema reticuloendotelial con la inmunidad. Med. ibera, 1933, 27: pt 1, 673; 705.—Benassi, E. Sull'importanza degli organi ematopoietici e dell'apparato reticolo-endoteliale nella produzione di sostanze immuni. Arch. pat., Bologna, 1926, 5: 145-66.—Berthold, G. Die Seiten- kettentheorie Ehrlichs, die Aggressintheorie Bails und das retikulo-endotheliale System. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1929, 45: 261-5.—Bieling. Retikulo-Endothel und Immunitat. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1929, 110: H. 6-8 [Beih.] 195-210, 3 pl.— Bohm, A., & Vamos, L. Esophylaxie und retikuloendotheliales System. Derm. Zsehr., 1931, 62: 246-52.—Doan, C. A. Rela- tionship of the reticulo-endothelial system to cellular and humoral immunity. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1942, 41: 295-303.— Doria, I. Influenza del sistema di Goldmann sulla immunite naturale. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1933, 39: pt 2, 641-6.— Epstein, E. Beitrag zur Theorie und Morphologie der Im- munitat; Histiocytenaktivierung in Leber, Milz und Lymph- knoten des Immuntieres (Kaninchen) Virchows Arch., 1929, 273:89-115. ------ Veranderungen am Retikuloendothel der Leber, Milz und Lymphknoten des Immuntieres (Kaninchen) Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1929, 110: H. 6-8 [Beih.] 223-8.—Ewald, W. Zur Morphologie der Immunitatsreaktionen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Gefassendothels. Beitr. path. Anat., 1929-30, 83: 681-704.—Karpachevskaia, B. P. [R61e of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1932, 9: 282. Also Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1931-32, 73: 190-2.— Marginesu, P. L'immunite naturale in rapporto al blocco del sistema reticolo-endoteliale. Igiene mod., 1928, 21: 169-83. ---- natural. Koch, W. F. Natural immunity; its curative chemistry in neoplasia, allergy, infection. 163p. 8? [Detr.] 1936. ---- The chemistry of natural immunity. 199p. 20^cm. Bost. [1938] Merrall, H. Resistance to disease; primary and paramount natural defence and immunity; a new orientation. 179p. 12? Lond., 1925. Arnold, L. The natural defensive power of the body against disease. Illinois M. J., 1930, 57: 65-7. ------ You and your germs; natural resistance to germs. Bull. Chicago M. Soc, 1934, 37: 313-5.—Balogh, E. Sur le problSme de la resistance naturelle (I'etude de la resistance naturelle et specifique des rats blancs) Ann. anat. path., Par., 1933, 10: 65-73.— Bruynoghe, R. L'immunite naturelle. Rev. med., Louvain, 1934, 119-23.—Crew, F. A. E. On natural immunity. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1927, 7: 811-4.—Jelin, W. Studien uber den Mechanismus der naturlichen Immunitat. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1926, 98: 86-94; 411-9.—Kleinschmidt, H. Die naturliche Immunitat des Kindes und die Moglichkeiten ihrer Beeinflus- sung. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1929, 20: H. 6, 17-32 — Kolmer, J. A. The nature of natural and acquired immunity. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1929, 22: 12-23.—Kiilz, L. Krankheits- bilder, die dem reinrassigen Naturmenschen fehlen, und die Nutzanwendung daraus fiir den Kulturmenschen. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1925, 29: Beih. 1, 461-75.—Leeds, J. G. Some aspects of the natural resistance of the body to bacterial diseases. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 263-6.—Lepanto, P. Gli idrati di carbonio nei rapporti coll'immunite naturale; influenza del glucosio sui potere complementare del siero di sangue. Gior. batt. immun., 1932, 8: 506-15.—Lian, C. L'immunite naturelle et l'immunite acquise. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1925, 25: 214- 24.—Mendelson, R. W. Natural immunity to infection as observed in natives of the tropics. South. M. J., 1927, 20: 501- 5.—Phisalix & Marcenac. La soi-distant immunite naturelle du chien Sloughi aux venins de scorpion et de vipere ainsi qu'au IMMUNITY 101 IMMUNITY virus rabique. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1926, 19: 438-40 — Proctor, E. R. Natural immunity in children. J. Am. Osteo- path. Ass., 1930, 30: 144-6.—R., F., & V., A. Sur l'immunite naturelle et artificielle. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1904, 10: 15; 56; 97.—Salazar, M. Resistencia natural a las infecciones. Siglo med., 1926, 78: 49-53.—Strohl, A. La resistance initiale du corps humain. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1931, 3. ser., 105: 636-9.—Webster, L. T. Inherited and acquired factors in resistance to infection; a comparison of mice inherently resistant or susceptible to Bacillus enteritidis infection with respect to fertility, weight, and susceptibility to various routes and types of infection. J. Exp. M., 1933, 57: 819-43.—Weichardt, W. Ueber natiirliche Resistenz und erworbene spezifische Immuni- tat. Ann. Tomarkin Found., 1931, 1: 53-65. ---- passive. See also Immune serum, Biological properties. Besredka, A. De rimmunite local passive; bases experi- mentales. Presse med., 1933, 41: 561-3.—Perrin, M., & Cu6not, A. Considerations sur la dutee de l'immunite passive. Bull. gen. ther., 1932, 183: 343. —--- L'immunite passive peut-elle etre considetee comme une protection phylactique? Progr. med., 1933, 857-61. Also Cr6n. med. mex., 1933, 32: 258-62.—Picado, C. Immunite passive heterologue; anti- toxines bacteriennes du serum antibothropique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 467-9.—Schmid, E. Versuche zur Dauer passiver Immunitat nach vorangegangener Sensibilisierung. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1938, 93: 229-36.—Sedallian, P., Jourdan. J., & Clavel, J. De l'immunite passive conferee k des animaux anciennement immunises activement. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 125: 676-8—Str0m, A. The duration of passive immunity. Acta path, microb. scand., 1935, 12: 275- 80.—Zernov, V. Sur la specificite de l'immunite passive chez Galleria mellonella. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 98: 1500-2. ---- Pharmacology. See also Immunity, Variation. Vor dem Esche, P. *Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Beeinfiussung der Immunitatslage durch AOI-Bertram [Miinster] 31p. 21cm. Gutersloh, 1937. Bortolotti, R. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie dell'or- ganismo; infezione sperimentale da Bacterium prodigiosum in animali intossicati con cantaridina. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 13: 1607-85.—Dechigi, M., & Torelli, L. L'influenza del manganese sullo stato immune. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1936, 15: 193-202.—Hoch-Ligeti. C. Studies on the effect of carcino- genic hydrocarbons on immunity reactions. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1941, 22: 233-40.—Klopstock. F. Ueber den Einfluss von Heparin und Germanin auf Immunreaktionen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1932, 75: 348-54—Leuchtenberger. R. Ueber Aenderungen der naturlichen Immunitat beim Peptonshock des Hundes. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 2163-5.—Molinengo, L. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie; infezione sperimentale da Bacterium prodigiosum sotto narcosi da cloruro d'etile. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 12: 65-80.—Mosiagina, E. N. [Effect of injections of so-called irritating preparations on the immuno- biological state of theconstitution] Sovet. pediat., 1936, No. 8, 16-21.—Nicolosi. G. Influenza della narcosi sui poteri im- munitari naturali ed artificiali dell'organismo. Arch. ital. chir., 1933, 34: 81-92.—Pfalz. G. J. Wie reagiert die natiir- liche Immunitat des Blutes auf Narkose und Anasthesie? Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 1343-5.—Pockels, W. Organextrakte ir ihrer Wirkung auf immunbiologische Vorgange. Mschr. Kinderh., 1929, 44: 123-8.—Podetti, V. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie dell'organismo; infezione sperimentale da stafi- lococco nei coniglio sotto narcosi da cloroformio. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 12: 250-6.—Ramon, G. L'immunite e 1 in- fluenza delle sostanze coadiuvanti e stimolanti. Minerva med., Tor., 1939, 30: pt 2, 225-33.—Torelli, L. L'influenza del ferro sullo stato immune. Gior. batt. immun., 1936, 16: 418-29. ------ L'influenza del rame sullo stato immune. Ibid., 430-8. ---- Reactions. See also Antibodies, Immune reactions; Im- munity, Chemistry, etc. Amiradzibi, S., & Baecher, S. Ueber quantitative Ver- hiiltnisse bei den biologischen Reaktionen und Aviditats- differenzen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1910, 6: 311-26.—Berger, E. Beziehungen zwischen immunochemischen und andern Reaktionen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 1309—Domingo, P. Aspectos de la reacci6n inmun6gena a la infeccion. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1927, 2. ser., 8: 107-13.—Duncan, J. T. The specific character of the stage of aggregation in agglutination and precipitation of antibody-antigen compounds. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1938, 19: 328-38.—Hirszfeld, L. Ueber sero- logische Reifungsvorgange und stille Feiung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 203-5.—Ivanovics, G. Ueber den Mecha: nismus der Bakteriumagglutininbindung; Bindungsgesetze bei Verwendung von gelosten Bakterienantigenen. Zsehr. Immun- forsch., 1935, 86: 165-80.—Kahn, R. L., & McDermott, E. B. Are there limits to the capacity for immunologic responses? Arch. Path., Chic, 1935, 20: 157.—Luzzatto, A. Intorno ad un particolare fenomeno immunitario. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1923-24, 9. ser., 15: 9-16.—Martin, D. S. The immunological reactions of the blood. Bull. Richmond Acad. M., 1939, 7: 45-53.—Seshadrinathan, N. Some modern ideas on immunity reactions. Madras M. J., 1931, 13: 286-91. ---- Specificity. Martiny, M., Pretet, H., & Berne, -A. La specificite biologique (anaphylaxie; immunity, heredity 209p. 8° Par., 1932. Weichardt, W. Unspezifische Immunitat. 90p. 8? Jena, 1926. Billard, G. Phylaxie non specifique et immunite specifique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 96: 503-7. ------ Phylaxie non specifique; phylaxie par certaines eaux minerales. Progr. med., Par., 1927, 42: 731-6.—Isikawa, T., & Yamamoto, H. Une contribution sur I'etude de la specificite organique. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1933, 21: 524-31.—Jordan, P. Zum Problem der spezifischen Immunitat. Fundam. radiol., Berl., 1939, 5: 43- 6.—Klein, J. E. Nonspecific immunity. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1937, 145: 192.—Liubarsky, V. A. [On non-specific immunity] Sovet. pediat., 1935, 4-9.—Morgan, W. T. J. A conception of immunological specificity. J. Hyg., Lond., 1937, 37: 372-83.— Paton, D. M. Non-specific immunity. Med. J. Australia, 1926, 2: 103-7.—Ruggerini, G. Immunita specifica e antagonismi immunitari. Ann. igiene, 1933, 43: 421-31.—Salazar, M. Inmunidad especial. Siglo med., 1927, 74: 453; 486; 515 — Schnabel, A. Das Phanomen der Spezifitat in der Immunitats- lehre. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1920, 11: H. 10, 15-24 — [Specific and non-specific immunity] In: Otchet nauch. deiat. (Vsesoiuz. inst. eksp. med.) Moskva, 1940, 46.—Topley, W. W. C. Chemical structure and immunological specificity. S. Thomas Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1935, 35: 225-33.—Wolff, L. K. [Specific and non-specific immunity] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: 965-8.—Zilber, L. A., & Manuilova, N. S. [The prob- lem o* specificity in immunity] J. epidem. mikrob., Moskva, 1932, 1: 4-13. ---- tissue [Local resistance] See also Infection; Inflammation. Besredka, A. Les immunites locales. 223p. 8? Par., 1937. Kahn, R. L. Tissue immunity. 707p. 8? Springf. [1936] Magrassi, F. L'immunita locale tissurale e cellulaire. 321p. 8? Milano, 1935. Shwartzman, G. Phenomenon of local tissue reactivity and its immunological, pathological and clininal significance. 461p. 8? N. Y., 1937. Bertarelli, E. Applicazioni pratiche dell'immunite locale. Pensiero med., 1926, 15: 497. —;---- I curiosi fenomeni dell'immunite locale. Igiene & vita, 1927, 10: 45.—Bonanno, A. Immunite locale e mucosa intestinale. Atti Congr. naz. microb., 1932, 4. Congr., 341-4.— Borok, M. R., & Pick, M. M. Zur Frage der gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen der allge- meinen und der ortlichen Immunitat. Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., 1926, 63: 123-7.—Camus, L. De l'influence des reactions physiologiques sur les manifestations locales de l'infection et de l'immunite. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1928, 3. ser., 100: 786- 93 —Cannon, P. R. Some aspects of tissue-immunity. Clin. Bull. Cleveland, 1938, 2: 28-31.—Cantani, F. Contributo alio studio dell'immunite locale attraverso i principali risultati di un sessennio di ricerche sperimentali. Atti Congr. naz. microb., 1932 4. Congr., 335-9. Also Boll. Sez. ital. Soc internaz. microb., 1932, 4: 613-6. ------ & Scala, V. Contributo sperimentale e clinico alio studio del meccamsmo di azione della immunite locale. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1929, 34: 13; No. 2, 50-60.—Cappelli, J. Espressioni cliniche dell'im- munita cutanea (prolusione al corso di clinica dermosifilo- patica) Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1927, 68: 3-16—Centanni, E. La immunita istogene studiata col metodo delle colture dei tessuti in vitro. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1927, 51: 373-6. Also Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1928, 6: 181-6— Coddington H. W. Studies in non-specific tissue immunity. Med. World, 1937, 55. 270-4.—Combiescu, D. [Local immunity and cutaneous immunity] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1930, 19: 833-41.—Del Castillo, H. Inmunidad local. Dia med., B. Air., 1931-32, 4: 391 —Domingo, P. Inmunidad local y general. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1926, 2. ser., 5: 491-3.—Engelhardt. W. Haut und Immunitat. Zbl. ges. Ophth., 1927, 17: 785-804.—FaviHi, G. Ricerche sui meccanismo della immunite locale. Atti Congr. naz. microb., 1932, 4. Congr., 339-41. Also Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1932, 4: 627-9. ------ Sulla probabile esistenza di fattori di origine istogena capaci di modificare la permeability, cellulare; azione antagonista degli estratti testi- colari e dei cosidetti antivirus; l'immunite locale come fenomeno in rapporto alia permeability cellulare. Sperimentale, 1932, 86. 303 ------& McClean, D. The influence of tissue perme- ability on local immunity. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1937, 45: 661-80.—Fiorani Gallotta, P. L. Le immunita locah. Gior. Soc ital. igiene, 1929, 51: 68-73.—Gay, F. P. Local or tissue immunity Arch. Path., Chic, 1926, 1: 590-604. —— The function of the tissues in immunity. Tr. Ass. Am. Physi- cians, 1926, 41: 262-7. ------ Tissue resistance and im- munity Harvey Lect., Bait., 1930-31, 26: 162-86, pl. Also J Am. M. Ass., 1931, 97: 1193-9.—Gerlach, W. Zur Frage IMMUNITY 102 IMMUNITY mrscnehymaler Reaktionen; die morphologisch fassbaren biologisrhen Abwehrvorgange in den inneren Organen normer- gischer und hvperergischer Tiere, insbesondere in Milz und I eber. Krankheiteforschung, 1928, 6: 279-322, pl. ------& Finkeldey, W. Zur Frage mesenchymaler Reaktionen; die Peteiligung der Lunge an den Abwehrreaktionen des normalen und lei»tunt.'sgesteigerten Organismus. Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1926, 21: 173-81.—Grumbach, A. Reaktive Zone und I eukozyten in' der lokalen Immunitat. Zbl. Bakt. 1. Abt., 1929, 110: IL 6-8 [Beih.] 146-50.— Haibe, A. A propos d'im- munite locale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 1043.—Hajos, K. Die Hnlle der Haut und Hautreize in der Immunkorperbildung. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1927, 55: 551-6.—Hanger, F. M. The effect of inflammatory reactions on tissue immunity. J. Exp. M., 1930-31, 52: 4S5-500, 2 pl.—Hervas Moncho, M. Con- tribuci6n al estudio de la inmunidad local. Rev. san., Madr., 1933, 8: 588; pt 2, 23.—Hoppe, E. N. The action of living tissue on bacterial toxins. Annual Rep. N. York State Dep. Health, 1933, 54: 49.—Kahn, R. L. Studies on tissue reactions in immunity; capacity of different tissues of protein-immunized rabbits to combine with antigen. J. Immun., Bait., 1934, 27: 143-67. ------ Tissue reactions in immunity: the specific reacting capacities of different tissues of an immunized animal, Science, 1934, 79: 172-5. ------ Tissue reactions in im- munity: some clinical implications. Yale J. Biol., 1934, 7: 133-46. ------ The tissues in immunity. In Med. Leaves LI. C. Beck) Chic, 1937, 81-5. ------ & McDermott, E. B. Studies on tissue reactions in immunity; union between specific antigen and skin of protein-immunized rabbits. J. Immun., Bait., 1934, 27: 125-42.—Klukhine. E. De l'immunite locale et de son mecanisme. C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 96: 35.— bushnariev, M. A. Infektion und Immunitat der Haut unter I lockadebedingungen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 60: 205-21. ------ Zur Frage nach der lokalen spezifischen Immunitat der Haut. Ibid., 1930, 65: 517-23.—Loewenthal, H. Untersuchungen Uber Immunitat und Anaphylaxie an Gewebekulturen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1927, 104: 52-61.— Mariani, G. Reazioni di difesa e stati immunitari cutanei. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1929, 1: No. 8, 81-7.—Menkian, V. Inflammation in relation to immunity. Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 1932, 14. Congr., 178.—Mutermileh, S. Immunite anti-microbienne de la cavite meningee. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 96: 397-9. ------ & Salamon, E. Sur l'immunite meningee passive et active. Ibid., 1931, 108: 696-9.—Nukada, S. Studies on tissue immunity. Japan M. World, 1924, 4: 92.—Pacheco, G. A. Local tissue immunity. Arch. Path., Chic, 1932, 13: 868-88.—Prigge, R. Lokale Immunitat. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 441-4.—Renaux, E. Le probleme de rimmunite locale. Bruxelles med., 1928-29, 9: Suppl., 58-61.—Rin, S. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Immunitatsreaktion des Gewebes. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1937, 27: 372-5; 1938, 28: 173-7.—Rodrigues, S. L. Inflammatory reaction; its immunological nature and purpose. Sind M. J., 1931, 4: 11; 74.—Salazar, M. Inmunidad local. Siglo med., 1927, 79: 73-5.—Shambourov, D. A., Kulkov, A. E., & Tamo- polska. M. E. Local immunity in the subarachnoid space. Acta med. scand., 1934, 82: 173-92. Also Vrach. delo, 1934, 16: 199-206.—Simotuma, K. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die locale Immunitat der Bauchhohle, besonders liber die Bedeutung der Histiozyten. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1926, 5: No. 6, 67.—Sobernheim, G. Gewebsimmunitat und humorale Immunitat. In Festschr. 70. Geburtst. Hermann Sahli, Basel, 1926, 88-96.—Stohlyhwo, N. Du caractere specifique de l'immunite locale de la peau. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 31.—Sullivan, F. L., Neckermann, E. F., & Cannon, P. R. The localization and fate of bacteria in the tissues. J. Immun., Bait., 1934, 26: 49-67.—Theilhaber, A., & Rieger, H. Zur Lehre von dem Gewebsschutz. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1920, 67: 368.—Tinozzi, F. P. Sull'importanza dell'immunite locale nella eliminazione degli innesti di cute omoplastica. Ann. ital. chir., 1928, 7: 660-83.—Walker, K. [Immunity of the skin and the nervous system] Polska gaz. lek., 1930, 9: 102-4. ---- Variation. Bosa, F., & Cerbone, R. Ricerche sulla influenza della temperatura sui poteri immunitari negli eterotermi. Riv. pat. sper., 1928, 3: 87-95.—Castellana, A., & Brancato, F. L'in- fluenza della intossicazione di origine intestinale sullo stato immunitario dell'organismo. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1927, 6: 55-71.—Cattabeni, C. M. Sono le reazioni immunitarie influenzate dal trauma? Ibid., 1939, 18: 730-4. ------ L'influenza del trauma sulle reazioni immunitarie; allergia e trauma. Arch, antrop. crim., Milano, 1940, 60: 656-62.— Eidinow, A. Immunity reactions after ultra-violet irradiation of the skin. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 540-2.—Finucci, V. Equilibrio delle difese immunitarie; stimoli aspecifici e infezione sperimentale. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 13: 139-45.—Holthu- sen, H. Licht und Immunitat. Strahlentherapie, 1928-29, 31: 238.—Kielanowski, T. [Significance of the nervous system and mental state in immunity; attempt to explain immunity from the view-point of the theory of holism] Polska gaz lek 1938, 17: 61-3.: Merrill, I. B., & Howe, E. C. The effect of exercise and fatigue upon resistance to infection; an experiment on the albino rat using Pseudomonas aeruginosa as infecting agent. Am. Phys. Educ. Rev., 1928, 33: 67-74, pl.—Moiler. A. Einfluss der Aussentemperatur auf Immunitat und Anaphy- laxis. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 1237—Schultz, F. W., & Wetzel, W. W. Correlation of ultra-violet absorption to the develop- ment of iminunitv. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol.. N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 878-80.- Seitz, A. Endokrine Drtisen und Abwehr. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1928, 109: 115-29.—Severi, R. Azione dell'aria compressa sui processi immunitari. Boll. 1st sieroter. milan., 1935, 14: 419-30.—Stewart, D. J., & Jones, F. G. Individual variation in immunity; variance of antitoxic response in guinea pigs inoculated with diphtheria toxoid. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1942, 33: 45.—Thelander, H. E. Individual variations in immunity. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1935, 25: 737-40.—Trossarelli, L. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie; reazione difensive nelle cavie sottoposte a infezioni ripetute ed a infezione unica col Bacterium pyocyaneum. Gior. batt. immun., 1932, 8: 583- 95.—V£s4n, S. [Experimental study on general immunity; effect of small dosages of Roentgen rays on the spleen] Cas. lek. desk., 1933, 72: 1086-90.—Virano, G. Equilibrio di difesa immunitaria nell'infezione sperimentale in animali sottoposti a stimoli unici e a stimoli ripetuti. Atti Congr. naz. microb., 1931, 390. Also Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1931, 3: 459. Also Gior. batt. immun., 1931, 7: 821-39. ---- Variation: Age. See also Immunity—in children. Chabrun, J. M. E. *De l'infection et de l'immunite humorale chez l'enfant en bas-age. 238p. 8° Par., 1928. Baumgartner, L. The relationship of age to immunological reactions. Yale J. Biol., 1934, 6: 403-34.—Becker, J. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber Abwehrreaktionen des jugend- Iichen Organismus. Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 34: 207-12.— Eguti, T., & Yositomi, I. Ueber die verschiedene Empfang- lichkeit junger und erwachsener Individuen fiir Infektionen; iiber den Mechanismus von natiirlicher Abwehrkraft erwach- sener Individuen gegen perorate Infektionen. Polyclin. Dairen, 1926-28, 3: No. 13, 17-20.—Gismondi, A. II bambino e le sue variazioni immunitarie. Prat, pediat., Genova, 1927, 4: No. 10, 277-87.—Kirschner, M. Die Abhangigkeit der Widerstands- kraft vom Lebensalter. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 1026-30 — Lyon, R. A., & Mitchell A. G. Studies in immunity; sponta- neous changes in the Dick and Schick reactions of children. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 734-7.—McKhann, C. F., & Kapnick, I. Immunity and susceptibility to disease in earlv infancy. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1938, 13: 907-18.—Meyer, L. F. Ueber Immunitat und Ernahrung im Kindesalter. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 1481-6.—Mussa, B. Difese immunitarie ed ete. Gior. batt. immun., 1933, 10: 1057-150.—Nasso, I. Ueber die Immunitatsverhaltnisse beim jungen Saugling. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1933, 4: 1-3.—Thompson, C. W. Are children more resistant to disease than adults? Internat. J. Orthodont., 1933, 19: 1062-5. ---- Variation: Diet. Bonanno, A. M. Pouvoirs immunitaires et defenses de Porganisme au cours de l'infection experimentale du cobaye entretenu avec un regime alcalosique et acidosique. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1931, 3: 651.—Davis, S. L. The relation of nutrition to general immunity. J. Dent. Res., 1928- 29, 9: 11-28.—Feller, A. E., Roberts, L. B. [et al.] Studies on the influence of vitamin A and vitamin C on certain immunologi- cal reactions in man. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 121-37.— Giroud, P. Variation du pouvoir infectant d'un virus de souris en fonction du regime. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 123: 862-4.— Glukhov, K. T., & Sokolova, J. V. [Influence of inanition on the formation of immune-body in persons and in animals according to data of vaccinations in Petrograd in 1921] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1926, 26: 1; 17.—Hotta, Y. Der Einfluss der Ernah- rung auf die naturliche Resistenz. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1928, 108: 413-30.—Jusatz, H. J. Die Beeinflussung des Immunitat- standes durch Vitamine. Erg. Hyg. Bakt., 1937, 19: 464-97 — Maz£, P. La nutrition minerale de la cellule vivante et les vitamines; la nutrition minerale et la resistance naturelle des vegetaux et des animaux aux maladies infectieuses. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1927, 41: 948-81.—Trabucco, A. Equilibri delle difese immunitarie; infezione sperimentale col Bacterium pyocyaneum in animali a dieta con fieno autoclavato e sistema endocrino. Gior. batt. immun., 1933, 10: 404-18.—Trossarelli, L. Equilibrio di difesa immunitaria nell'infezione sperimentale di animali normalemente alimentati e in avitaminosi. Atti Congr. naz. microb., 1931, 391. Also Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. in- ternaz. microb., 1931, 3: 461.—Virando, A. Avitaminosi, inanizione e difese immunitarie nell'infezione sperimentale da Bact. prodigiosum. Gior. batt. immun., 1932, 8: 596-614.— Wedgewood, P. E. The chemical basis of immunity; the influence of vitamins B and C on anaphylaxis. Med. Bull. Univ. Cincinnati, 1924, 2: 172-80. ---- in animals. Rosenthal, W. Tierische Immunitat. 329p. 22cm. Brnschw., 1914. Korsch, L. Beitrag zur Frage der Abwehrleistungen bei neugeborenen und jungen Kaninchen. Virchows Arch 1929 274: 230-46.—Topley, W. W. C. Some aspects of herd im- munity. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1935, 15: 1309-15.—Wollman, E. Recherches immunologiques sur les animaux inferieurs''les proprietes humorales chez les grenouilles. Rev. immun Par 1938, 4: 101-10. ------ & Uribe, V. Recherches sur l'im- IMMUNITY 103 IMMUNITY munite humorale chez les animaux a sang froid. C. rend. Acad. sc, 1931, 192: 982-4.—Zernov, V. Sur l'immunite chez Carausius (Dixippus) morosus. Ibid., 1934, 116: 148-50. ---- in animals: Invertebrata. Zernov, V. *L'immunite chez les insectes. 83p. 8? Par., 1935. Avrakh. V. V., & Heronimus, E. S. [Mechanism of immunity in invertebrata] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1936, 17: 614-8.— Cantacuzene, J. Le probleme de 1'immunite chez les inverte- bres. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: ceiebr. 75. anniv., 48-119. ------Recherches sur les reactions d'immunite chez les invertebres. Arch, roumain. path., Par., 1928, 1: 7-80, 24 pl.— Chorine, V. Sur l'immunisation des chenilles de la mite des abeilles (Galleria mellonella) C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 97: 1288-90. ------ Sur la specificite de l'immunite acquise chez les insectes. Ibid., 1395-7. ------ Sur l'immunisation des chenilles de Galleria mellonella contre le Bacterium galleria No. 2. Ibid., 1928, 186: 1659-61. ------ Contribution k I'etude de l'immunite chez les insectes. Bull. biol. France, 1931, 65: 291-393. ------ & Korvine-Kroukovsky, M. Sur 1'immunization du fragments isoies du corps des chenilles de Galleria mellonella. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 100: 15 — Couvreur, E. Quelques points relatifs a la question de rim- munite chez les invertebres. Ibid., 1926, 95: ceiebr. 75. anniv., 120-3.—Eckstein, F. Ueber Immunitat bei Insekten. Anz. Schiidlingsk., 1931, 7: 49-55.—Erber, B. A propos de l'im- munite chez les invertebres. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: ceiebr. 75. anniv., 123-8.—Huff. C. G. Immunity in inverte- brates. Physiol. Rev., 1940, 20: 68-88.— Kladienko, D. P. [Immunity in invertebrates] J. med., Kiev, 1937, 7: 277-82. ------ [Immunity in invertebrates; immunity in Coelenterata (Hydra fusca)] Ibid., 573-78, 2 pl.—Makino, K. Beobach- tungen iiber die Immunitatsreaktionen bei Molluskenarten. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1933-34, 81: 316-35.—Metalnikov, S. A propos de l'immunite chez l'Ascaris megalocephala. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: ceiebr. 75. anniv., 128. ------ Contribution a I'etude de rimmunite chez les invertebres. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1926, 40: 787-826. —----& Chorine, V. Etude sur l'immunite naturelle et acquise des Pyrausta nubilalis. Ibid., 1930, 44: 273-97.—Paillot. A. Les caracteres de rimmunite chez les insectes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: ceiebr. 75. anniv., 130-2. ------ La symbiose bacterienne et l'immunite humorale chez les aphides. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1929, 188:1118-20.—Trossarelli, L. L'immunite negli insetti. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 13: 769-74.—Tumanov, K. Essais sur l'immunisation des abeilles. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1927, 185: 1078- 80.—Zernov, V. L'immunite passive chez Galleria mellonella. C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 97: 1697-9.------ Sur la nature de l'immunite passive chez les chenilles de Galleria mellonella. Ibid., 1928, 99: 315-7. ------ L'immunite passive et la serotherapie chez les insectes (chenilles de Galleria mellonella) Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1930, 44: 604-18.------ L'im- munite et les anticorps non specifiques chez les insectes (che- nilles de Galleria mellonella) C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 151-3. ---- in children. Auricchio, L. Ricerche suH'immunita del neonato e del lattante. Pediatria (Riv.) 1930, 38: 65-74.—Dreyfus-See, G. Sur quelques caracteres specifiques de rimmunite du nourrisson. Arch. med. enf., 1930, 33: 15-23.—Munk, J. [Immunity in infants] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1931-32, 1: 311-24.—Vaccari, D. Contributo alio studio dell'immunite in generale e di quella dei bambini in particolare. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1932, 14: 479-506. ---- in plants. A rata, M. II meccanismo dell'immunite, nei vegetali. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1935, 14: 558; 682; 6 pl—Butler, E. J. The nature of immunity from disease in plants. Rapp. Congr. internat. path, como., 1936, 3. Congr., 1: pt 2, 1-15.—Carbone, D. L'immunite nelle piante. Gior. biol. med. sper., 1924-25, 2: 288-91. Also Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 131-3. -—— & Arata, M. Sur le mecanisme de l'immunite acquise chez les plantes. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1934, 6: 219- 26.—Carbone, D., & Jarach, M. Sur le mecanisme de 1 im- munite acquise active chez les plantes. Ibid., 1931, 3: 54-6.— Chester, K. S. The problem of acquired physiological immunity in plants. Q. Rev. Biol., 1933, 8: 129; 275. Also Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1934, 13: 637; 917; 1029—Doussain, C. L. Considerations sur 1'immunite des vegetaux. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1925, 25: 73-5.—Dufrenoy, J. Le r61e des amino-acides et des composes phenoliques dans la susceptibilite ou la re- sistance des plantes aux maladies. Rapp. Congr. internat. path, comp., 1936, 3. Congr., 1: pt 2, 16-38.— Fahmy, T. Immunity in plants and immunity to fusarium wilt in cotton. Ibid., 143-51.—Gaumann, E. Les facteurs de la susceptibilite et de la resistance des vegetaux aux maladies parasitaires. Ibid 39-63. ------ Immunitatsprobleme bei Pflanzen. Internat. med. W. Schweiz (1936) 1937, 2. Congr., 307-25 — Gardere, H.. & Le Van-Ngon. Production d'agglutinines pour le bacille d'Eberth chez le plante, apres injection microbienne dans la tige. C. rend. Soc biol., 1936, 123: 599.—Gheorghiu, I. Etude sur l'immunite chez les plantes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par 1936 57: 204-12.—Kostov, D. Induced immunity in plants. Proc. Nat. Acad Sc. US 1928 14: 236—— Acquired immunity in plants. Genetics, 1929, 14: 37-77.— Kunkel, L. O. Studies on acquired immunity with tobacco and aucuba mosaics. Phytopathology, 1934, 24: 437-66.—Lee- mann, A. C. The problem of active plant immunity. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1931-32, 85: 360-76.—Locke, S. B. Resistance in South American Lycopersicon species to early blight and Septoria blight. Phytopathology, 1942, 32: 12.—McKinney, H. H. Virus antagonism, natural host resistance, and the acquired-immunity concept with reference to plants. Ibid., 1941, 31: 1059-61.—Magrou, J. Contribution k I'etude de 1'immunite humorale chez les plantes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1938, 60: 565-600, 2 ph— Politis, J. Immunite et heredite" chez les vegetaux. Rapp. Congr. internat. path, comp., 1936, 3. Congr., 1: pt 2, 83-95.—Reed, H. S. Cellular nutrition and immunity. Ibid., 97-106.—Ricci, M. II problema dell'im- munita nelle piante; ricerche sulla natura della sostanza agglu- tinante dei tubercoli radicali delle leguminose. Med. sper., Tor., 1940, 6: 157-68.—Rieman, G. H. Genetic factors for pigmentation in the onion and their relation to disease resist- ance. J. Agr. Res., 1931, 42: 251-78, 3 pl— Sarejanni, J. A. L'immunite des plantes. Presse med., 1936, 44: 1698.— Sftvulescu, T. L'immunite aux maladies bacteriennes des plantes. Rapp. Congr. internat. path, comp., 1936, 3. Congr., 1: pt 2, 183-251.—Tobler, F. Untersuchungen und Betrach- tungen iiber Immunitat und Immunisierung im Pflanzenreich. Naturwissenschaften, 1931, 19: 413-6.—Wallace, J. M. Acquired immunity from curly top in tobacco and tomato. Phytopathology, 1942, 32: 24.—Weetmana, L. M. Genetic studies in oats of resistance to 2 physiologic races of crown rust. Ibid., 19.—Young, P. A. Wilt-resistant tomatoes with new genetic characters. Ibid., 24. IMMUNIZATION. See also Immune serum, Therapeutic use; Vaccination; also Biological products; also names of immune bodies, and of specific diseases. Bieling, R., & Meyer, F. Heilsera und Impfstoffe in der Praxis. 184p. 8? Lpz., 1932. Diexjdonne, A., & Weichardt, W. Schutz- und Heilimpfung; spezifische und unspezifische Therapie, Serumtherapie, Chemotherapie. 12. Aufl. 258p. 8? Lpz., 1932. Fleming, A., & Petrie, G. F. Recent ad- vances in vaccine and serum therapy. 463p. 8°. Lond., 1934. Gozony, L. [Vaccino- und serumtherapy] 31p. 8° Budap., 1932. Amaral, A. do. Aequalia cum aequalibus. Rass. clin. sc, 1932, 10: 189-92.—Anders, J. M. Certain aspects of immuniza- tion in communicable diseases of childhood. Internat. Clin., 1928, 38. ser., 4: 165-77. Also Tr. Coll. Physicians Phila- delphia, 1928, 50: 168-79.—Armstrong, C, & Harrison, W. T. Heterologous experience (immunization) as a factor in resist- ance to disease. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1933, 48: 597- 609.—Be wise, immunize; Florida's answer. Florida Health Notes, 1942, 34: 51-4.—Blanco Vitorero, J. R. Sintesis de los conocimientos actuales sobre la inmunizaci6n contra las enfermedades infecciosas. Rev. med., Rosario, 1936, 9: 1-19.—■ Boxwell, W. A sketch of the development of therapeutic immunisation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1912, n. ser., 94: 568-71.—Brauchle, A. Entgegnung zu dem Aufsatz von Riet- schel; die Stellung der Naturheilkunde zur aktiven und passiven Immunisierung. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1938, 9: 289-92.—Can immunisation stamp out disease? Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 65: 117.—Clement, R., & Dreyfus-See, G. Immunisations provoquees (vaccinations, sero-prophylaxie) Bull. gen. ther., 1934, 185: 205-10.—Coutiere, H. Chimiatrie. Biol, med., Milano, 1930, 20: 151-69.—Farrier, R. C. Immunizations. Illinois M. J., 1940, 77: 63-7. ------ Immunizations and vaccines. West Virginia M. J., 1934, 30: 20-2.—Faulds, J. S. Immunisation in theory and practice. J. R. San. Inst., 1935- 36, 66: 60-73.—Flandin, C. Les lois diverses de l'immunisation et'leurs consequences therapeutiques. Progr. med., Par., 1930, 1847-53 —Floyd, W. M. Serum and bacterin therapy. Ken- tucky M. J., 1911-12, 10: 119-27—Fothergill, L. D. Some recent advances in vaccines and serums: a review. Med. Clin. N. America, 1935-36, 19: 1409-38.—Gaiger, S. H. The principles of serum and vaccine therapy. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1921, n. ser., 1: 65-71.—Gamble, E. The value of present day immunological oractice in disease prevention. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1942, 22: 45-7.—Garrod, L. P. Recent develop- ments in' immunotherapy. Practitioner, Lond., 1932, 129: 471 ------ Medical bacteriology; immunity and immuniza- tion. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 724.—Gauthier, P. P. Vaccins et serums. J. Hotel Dieu Montreal, 1935, 4: 178-93.— Goodnough, J. H. Preventive medicine and immunization. Colorado M., 1932, 29: 523.—Greenwood, M. The artificial immunization of man. In his Epidemics [etc] Lond., 1935, 78-97__Gregory, W. S. The immunization of infants. Med. Herald 1930, 49: 417.—Harvard. S. C. Immunization. J. Florida M. Ass., 1937-38, 24: 49-52,-Hooker, S. B. Immuno- therapy (vaccine and serum therapy) In Pract. Libr. M. & b., 1935 8: 193-233.—Immunisations (Les) provoquees (vaccina- tion,'seroprophylaxie) Med. inf.. Par., 1934 41: 351-5— Lange, J. H. Immunizations. Bull. Fulton Co. M. Soc, 1941, 04 IMMUNIZATION IMMUNIZATION 15: No. 16, 5.—Lovrekovich, I. [Sera und andere Impfstoffe] Orsz. Kozegeszs. Int. kozl., 1934, 7: No. 20.- Mcintosh, J. Modern trend of prophylactic and therapeutic immunisation and its interpretation. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: 889-93. Also I'roc. R. So,-. M., Lond., 1926-27, 20: Sect. Path., 1-10 — Marks, T. M. The immunization of children; its value and importance. Bull. Dep. Health Kentucky. 1941-42, 14: 441.— Nussbaum. S. Vaccines and sera. In Ther. Infancy ^.itch- field, H. R., & al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 284-310- Packard, H. Therapeutic immunization. N. England M. Gaz., 1909, 44: 4-6.—Pazzini, A. El concept o de inmunizaci6n en la historia. Acci6n med., B. Air., 1940. 10: 75.—Pellegrini, F. Contributo alio studio della immunuterapia (stomoterapia) Gior.med.mil.. 1926, 74: 229-57.—Pritchett, J. H. The present status of immunization in childhood. Kentucky M. J., 1941, 39: 214- 7.—Queipo Camo, F. Profilaxis inmunisante, dificultades para su aplicacion en Marruecos. Med. ibera, 1935, 29: pt 2, 168^ 71.—Report of Committee on Immunization, including Vacci- nation. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: Suppl., 282-93.—Rietschel, H. Die Stellung der Naturheilkunde zur aktiven und passiven Immunisierung. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1938, 9: 281-9. ------ Schlussbemerkung zu den Aufsatzen von Brauchle, Schlegel. Donner und Schier iiber aktive und passive Immunisierung, Ibid., 637-42.—Schlegel, O. Die Stellung der Naturheilkunde zur aktiven und passiven Immunisierung. Ibid., 629-33.— Sedlacek, K. L'inimunoterapia. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1938, 17: 1-14. Also Med. prakt., Poznari, 1938, 12: 563; 587. Also Studium, Nap., 1938, 28: 49-56.—Sergent, E., Parrot, L. [et al.] C'e qu'il fant entendre par ptemunition. Presse med., 1931, 39: 1765.— Seshadrinathan, N. Bactero-therapeutics; recent progress. Madias M. ,L, 1939, 19: 1-5.—Sivori, L. La terapia immunitaria. In: Tisiol. prat. med. (Campani) Milano, 1933, 979-98.—Skinner, H. O. The present status of immunization. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1933, 26: 714-6.—Stone, B. H. The principles and applications of serum and bacterial therapy. Vermont M. Month., 1911, 17: 67-74.—Thompson, W. G. Clinical experiences with sera and vaccines. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, 1911, 51-67—Topley, W. W. C. Principles of im- munisation and preventive disease. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 1185-90.—Tysell, J. E. Serums and vaccines. Trained Nurse, 1942, 108: 175-8.—Underwood, R. B. Present day serum and vaccine therapy. Memphis M. Month., 1910, 30: 351-4.— Utter, H. E. [et al.] Panel discussion on preventive inoculation. South. M. & S., 1942, 104: 160.—Value (The) of immunisation. Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 66: 107.—Veeder, B. S., & Rohlfing, E. H. The present status of immunization procedures for the prevention of certain of the communicable diseases. Internat. Clin., 1941, n. ser., 1: 265-96.—Weinberg, M. Holoserums et holovaccins. Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 43: 327-9.—Wurm, K. Ueberblick iiber den derzeitigen Stand der Immuntherapie und Immunprophylaxe. Med. Welt, 1940, 14: 708-11. ---- active. See Vaccination. ---- combined, and simultaneous. See also Vaccination, combined. Glenny, A. T., & Waddington, H. Combined Schick test and diphtheria prophylactic; combined diphtheria-scarlet- fever prophylactic. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1926, 29: 118-22, pl.—Glotova, E. V., & Ostrovskaya, O. A. [Combined im- munization with tetanus anatoxin and typhoid vaccine] J. epidem. mikrob., Moskva, 1932, 1: 68-74.—Gordon, J. E., & Creswell, S. M. To what extent do toxin-antitoxin mixtures sensitize to therapeutic serum? J. Prev. M., 1929, 3: 21-30.— Hektoen, L., & Boor, A. K. Simultaneous multiple immuniza- tion. J. Infect. Dis., 1931, 48: 588-94.—Iliina, L. I., & Konikov, A. P. [Results in immunization with a mixture of 2 synthetic antigens] J. mibrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 83-90.—Ingels, A. B. Concurrent immunizations. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1934, 24: 1054.—Lapin, J. H. Combined immunization of infants against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 63: 225-37.—MacLean, I. H., & Holt, L. B. Com- bined immunisation with tetanus toxoid and T. A. B. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 581-3.—Marinelli, G. Ricerche serologiche nei conigli sotteposti ad immunizzazione mista con globuli rossi di bue e con antigene tifico. Studium, Nap., 1929, 19: 195-200.— Peltier, M., Durieux, C. [et al.] Vaccination mixte contre la fievre jaune et la variole sur des populations indigenes du Senegal. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1940, 65: 146-69 (micro- film)—Pontano, T. Si puo associare l'immunite passiva serica con l'immunite attiva anatossica? Minerva med., Tor., 1935, 26: 801-3.—Ramon, G. Combined, active-passive, prophylaxis and treatment of diphtheria or tetanus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2366-8. —---- Les immunisations associees, leur interet pratique et theorique. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 1366-8. ------ Peltier [et al.] Vaccination mixte contre la fievre jaune et la variole sur des populations indigenes du Senegal. Gaz. hop., 1940, 113: 164 (microfilm)—Reh, T. A propos des vaccinations antivariolique et antidiphterique associees. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 1368.—Ritossa, P. Sulla immunizzazione combinata attiva e passiva nelle infezioni tetanica e difterica. Pediatria (Riv.) 1934, 42: 1411-20.— Sachs, H. Zur Kenntnis des Prinzips der Kombinations- immunisierung. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1931-32 ser A 15: No. 7, I7I6— Sauer, L. W., & Tucker, W. H. Simul- taneous administration of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine in young children. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1942, 32: 385-8. —---— Immunization against whooping cough and diphtheria with mixed antigens. J. Bact.. Bait., 1942, 43: 269. ------ Immunization of children against whooping cough and diphtheria. Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1942,63: 199-201. Also Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1942-43, 14: 12. Simultaneous immuniza- tion against diphtheria and tetanus. Physician's Bulb, 1941, 6: 134.—Stern, C. S. Simultaneous immunization against smallpox and diphtheria. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1935, 25: 1034.—Stitz, B. Concurrence between antigens; the question of multiple immunization. Vet. Bull., Lond., 1941, 11: 781.— Vacunacion contra el tifo, el c61era y la peste. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1942, 21: 676.—Vashkov, V. I. [Reciprocal effect of 2 synthetic antigens in simultaneous immunization] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 90-4.—Yaoi, H. Combined active immunization against smallpox and typhoid fever; experimental studies. Jap. J. Exp. M., 1939, 17: 295-303. ------Hirose, S., & Sudzuki, Y. On the practicability of the combined active immunization against small-pox and typhoid fever; clinical studies. Ibid., 305-17.—Zlatogorov, S. J., Glusmann, M. P., & Kandyba, L. L. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber gleichzeitige Immunisierung gegen verschiedene Infektionen. Zsehr. Hyg., 1929, 110: 706-23. Also Mikrob. J., Leningr., 1929, 8: 116-33. ---- Epidemiological aspect. See also Epidemic, Immunological aspect. Dudley, S. F. Latent immunization and the seasoning of troops. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1934, 20: 101-20.—Fitzgerald, J. G. Controle specifique de certaines maladies contagieuses par action d'immunite. Union med. Canada, 1926, 55: 400-21.— Greenwood, M., Newbold, E. M. [et al.] On the mechanisms by which protection against infectious disease is acquired in natural epidemics. J. Hyg., Lond., 1926-27, 25: 336-53, ch — Lereboullet, P., & Joannon, P. L'immunisation spontanee occulte contre certains germes specifiques. Rapp. Congr. fr. med. (1925) 1926, 18. sess., 2: 284-9.—Pfaundler, M. Ueber stille Feiung (erlautert an dem Beispiel der Heine-Medinschen Krankheit) Munch, med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 45-9.—Zoeller, C. Les caprices de l'immunisation occulte; la part du hasard dans revolution des phenontenes epidemiologiques. Paris med., 1928, 67: 512-7. ---- experimental. Menke, H. *Tierexperimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber A O I-Bertram [Miinster] 20p. 21cm. Vechta i. O., 1937. Wahle, J. *Versuche zur Behandlung von experimentellen Infektionen mit AO II [Miinster] 28p. 21cm. Bottrop, 1937. Weber, R. E. H. *Experimentelle Unter- suchungen zur Frage der Schutzimpfung gegen Typhus und Cholera [Berlin] 53p. 8? Lpz., 1916. Also Zsehr. Hyg., 1916, 82: 351-404. Angeyine, D. M. A comparison of cutaneous sensitization and antibody formation in rabbits immunized by intravenous or intradermal injections of indifferent or hemolytic streptococci and pneumococci. J. Exp. M., 1941, 73: 57-66.—Camus, L., & Gley, E. Immunisation contre le serum de Mutene au moyen de ce serum rendu atoxique par le chauffage. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 535.—Djachenko, S. S. Ueber die Dauer der Immunitatsreaktionen bei Tieren nach Immunisierung mit Soja-hefeantigen. Kitasato Arch., 1936, 13: 199-208.— Ermolaev, J., & Metalnikov, S. Sur l'immunisation passive des fragments du corps des chenilles sepates par une ligature. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 860.—Landsteiner, K., & Levine, P. Immunization of chimpanzees with human blood. J. Immun., Bait., 1932, 22: 397-400.—Parker, R. F. The effect of separate inoculation of vaccine virus and immune serum on the protection test. Clin. Bulb, Clevel., 1942, 6: 10.—Pupilli, G. Intensity ed intervallo di stimoli nella immunizzazione antitossica dei piccoli animali. Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 224.—Wright, A. On vaccine therapy and immunisation in vitro. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 2: 225; 277; 333. ---- Indications. Milano. Istituto sieroterapico Milanese. Cenni di terapia immunitaria de alcune malattie infettive dell'infanzia. 38p. 8? Milano, 1929. Ainsworth, M. L. Prevention of diphtheria and tetanus. Rev. M. Progr. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1941, 8: 100-2.—Bensted, H. J. Immunisation against bacterial infections. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 755.—Bicak, J. F. Hypodermic treatment in difficult cases and a plea for its use to prevent disease. Med. J. & Rec, 1933, 138: 135-7.—Brown, J. E., jr. Prevention of smallpox and measles. Rev. M. Progr. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1941, 8: 99.—Burghard, E. Die Verbesserung der Immunitat 'des Siiuglings in der Praxis. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1073.__Carn- wath, T. Immunisation in the prevention of the sneeifie fpwra Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 566-8. ------ & O'Brien Ra! Immunization in the specific fevers. Brit. M. J., 1934 '2- 273- 5.—Centanni, E. Applicazione del trattamento apogiinnico IMMUNIZATION 105 IMMUNIZATION alia tubercolosi e al cancro. Minerva med., Tor., 1938, 29: 116-8.—Chiropractic (The) theory of patriotism. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 207.—Ciminata, A. La terapia immunitaria nelle infezioni chirurgiche e ostetriche. Rass. clin. sc, 1936, 14: 263-8.—Copeman, S. M. Immunisation in certain infectious diseases. J. State M., Lond., 1926, 34: 384-96. Also Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1926-27, 20: Sect. Epidem., 1-9.—Courtois- Suffit, M., & Bourgeois, F. Les aspects nouveaux de la re- sponsabilite medicale; serotherapie et vaccinotherapie dans les maladies infectieuses. Gaz. hop., 1936, 109: 91-6. ------ & Mauclaire. La responsibilite medicale en matiere de sero- therapie et de vaccinotherapie preventives. Ann. med. leg., 1936, 16: 143.—Cullinan, E. R. The prevention and treatment of infections by specific immune therapy. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1934, 10: 247-54.—Diphtheria and smallpox immuniza- tions. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1940, 24: 183.—Hoffman, E. F. Immunization for protection. Florida Health Notes, 1942, 34: 108.—Immunization against tetanus and diphtheria. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 1265.—Kilduff, R., jr. Serum and vaccine therapy; the use of serums and vaccines in certain diseases. Nurse, Jamestown, 1917, 7: 247-54.—Kinsella, R. A. The clinical value of serums and vaccines. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 93: 1524-6.—Ledingham, J. C. G. Prophylactic immunization against measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping-cough, and influenza. Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 841-6.—McCoy, G. W. Use- fulness of serums and vaccines under war conditions. Med. Insur., Dallas, 1916-17, 26: 424-6. ------ Prevention of communicable diseases under war conditions with especial reference to immunization. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1942-43, 65: 79-85.—Maurer, F. H. Immunization against common communicable diseases. Illinois M. J., 1941, 80: 323-32. Also Ind. M. Rec, 1942, 62: 39; 128.—Menzer, A. Ueber Schutzimpfung gegen Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1924, 20: 1644-6.—Nabarro, D. Immunization in measles, diphtheria and scarlet fever. Clin. J., Lond., 1934, 63: 286-94.—Neufeld, F. Schutzimpfung und Heilserumbehand- lung bei Masern, Scharlach und Diphtherie. Mschr. Kinderh., 1929, 44: 257-67.—Nobelf E. Modernes Impfwesen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1929, 79: 1321-4.—O'Brien, R. A. Active and passive immunisation against common infectious diseases. IVed. Press & Circ, Lond., 1926, n. ser., 121: 69-72. ---:--- Immunization in specific fevers, with special reference to diph- theria and scarlet fever. West London M. J., 1929, 34: 82-90. ------ Immunization in the prevention of specific fevers. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 712-4. ------ Precautions in an immuni- zation clinic. Ibid., 1935, 2: 819.—Ohlroacher, A. Ueber therapeutische Immunisierung bei Mischinfektion. Klin. ther. Wschr., 1908, 15: 673-6.—Omar, W. General immunisation for the diseases of childhood. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1930, 13: 415-29.—Otto, R. Schutzimpfungen bei Fleckfieber, Pest, Cholera. Med. Klin., BerL, 1940, 36: 58 (microfilm)—Pre- ventive inoculation. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 20.—Sanford, H. N. The immunization of infants and young children against in- fectious diseases. Med. Clin. N. America, 1935-36, 19: 1277- 90.—Silberschmidt, W. Die Immunisierung gegen Diphtherie, Scharlach und Masern. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1928, 58: 837- 9.—Sinclair, J. F. Against what diseases should the child be immunized? Week. Roster, Phila., 1937-38, 33: 1437-41 — Townsend, J. H. Specific preventive measures in diphtheria, scarlet fever and measles. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 196: 611- 5.—Underhill, E., jr. Counteracting the ills of immunization. Homoeop. Rec, 1941-42, 57: 355-7.—Wadsworth, A. B. Practical limitations of vaccine and serum therapy. N. Eng- land J. M., 1935, 213: 1285-92.—Wall, J. S. Preventive immunizations in childhood. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1937, 54: 198-217.—Whitby, L. E. H. The use and abuse of serums and vaccines. Practitioner, Lond., 1937, 138: 362-8.—White, B. Serums and vaccines in the prevention and treatment of disease. Ann. Int. M., 1929-30, 3: 309-27. ---- local. See also Antivirus. B., E. Imunidade local e antivirusterapia. Arq. biol., S. Paulo, 1941, 25: 291.—Besredka, A. Immunite generale par immunisation locale. Bull. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1922, 20: 473; 513. ------ La inmunizaci6n local y sus aplicaciones pteticas. Cr6n. med. mex., 1927, 26: 421; passim. ------ Serotherapie locale; mecanisme de rimmunite passive. Acta med. scand., 1929, 70: 400-20.—Cannon, P. R., & Pacheco, G. A. Studies in tissue immunity; cellular reactions of the skin of the Sg»nea pig as influenced by local active immunization. Am. J. Path., 1930, 6: 749-65, 3 pl.—Gottstein, A. Ueber lokale Immunisie- rung. Naturwissenschaften, 1927, 15: 488—Gutfeld, F. von. Lokale Immunisierung und lokale Immunitat. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1927, 24: 251-3.—Schwarz, E. Immunizzazione locale cutanea e modificazioni della reazione di Schick. Pedia- tria (Riv.) 1930, 38: 297-305.—Zinsser, H. Inmunologia general y local. Bol. teen. Dir. gen. san., Madr., 1931, 6: 553; 682; passim. ---- Mechanism. See also Immunity, Mechanism; Immunity, Reactions. Hosiasson, S. *Essai sur le mecanisme de production de rimmunite. 36p. 8? Par., 1930. Petric Petric, A. *E1 indice ops6nico y bacteriotr6pico en relaci6n con las aglutininas durante el curso de la inmunizaci6n [Chile, Dent.] 29p. 27cm. [Santiago] 1941. Aleksiev, A. G. [Observations on the importance of the reticulo-endothelial system during immunisation] Klin, med., Moskva, 1928, 6: 138-47.—Boissezon, P. de. Modifications histologiques du poumon au cours de l'immunisation du lapin contre les hematies de mouton. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 118: 223-5. ------ Le role du poumon dans l'immunisation du lapin contre les hematies de mouton. Sang, Par., 1936, 10: 592-601. ------ Le role du poumon dans l'immunisation. Biol, med., Par., 1938, 28: 31-48.—Carminati, V. Immuniz- zazione e potere battericida del sangue. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1929, 8: 731-41.—Carra, J. Contributo alio studio del meccanismo della terapia aspecifica delle infezioni. Policlinico, 1919, 26: sez. prat., 1020.—Dienes, L. The place of bacterial allergy in the immunization process. J. Bact., Bait., 1935, 29: 28-30.—Freund, J., & Bonanto, M. V. The effect of the amount of antigen on antitoxinformation during the primary and secondary immunizations. J. Immun., Bait., 1942, 45: 71-8.— Fujituna, S. Ueber das Verhalten der Phagozytose immuno- gener Substanzen zu der durch sie herbeigefuhrten Immunitat, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Koktoimmunogens, sowie iiber die immunologische Trias. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1928, 1091 93-9.—Gabinus, O. De l'immunisation par voie cetebrale et du role joue par l'endotheiium teticulaire locale du cerveau. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 114: 496-8.—George, L. V. de [His- tological changes in the receptive tissues in immunization] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1928, 5: 347-57.—Haurowitz, F. Che- mische Analyse des Immunisierungsvorganges. Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 14. Congr., 1932, 110.—Hellman, T., & White, G. Das Verhalten des lymphatischen Gewebes wahrend eines Immunisierungsprozesses. Virchows Arch., 1930, 278: 221- 57.—Jordan, P. Heuristische Theorie der Immunisierungs- und Anaphylaxie-Erscheinungen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1939- 40, 97: 330-44.—Katzin, E. M. Practical aspects of human isoimmunization; the role of the Rh factor. Mississippi Valley M. J., 1942, 64: 171-7.—Kredba, M. [Studies on the changes in reaction of immunized animals] Cas. lek. Cesk., 1928, 67: 1259-62.—Madsen, T., & Jensen, C. The negative phase. Acta path, microb., scand., 1933, Suppl. 16, 247-54.—Magheru, G., & Magheru, A. Recherches sur la Vitesse de fixation au cours de rimmunisation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 770- 2.—Naegeli, O. Versuch einer einfachen Darstellung der Immunisierungsvorgange bei Lues und Tuberkulose. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 782-6.—Neufeld, F. Experimentelle Grundlagen. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1929, 41. Kongr., 17-26.—Piazza, G., Adroni, M., & Furbetta, F. Controllo sierologico dei risultati della vaccinazione antitifo-paratifica- tetanica per via ipodermica; le propriety, agglutinanti del siero dei vaccinati ricercate con sospensioni di germi vivi e con sospensioni O ed H. Gior. med. mil., 1940, 88: 805-32.—S., W. T. Suppression of endocrine activity by immunization. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 749.—Sapozhkov, A. V. [Significance of the functional state of the physiological system of the con- nective tissue for the process of immunization] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 7, 54-7.—Skvirsky, P. V. [New data and theory of serological immunization reactions] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: No. 2, 117-24.—Touart, M. D. Effects of immuniza- tion upon vaccine skin reactions. J. Allergy, 1934, 5: 627.— Tzanck, A. Immunisation et mecanismes de l'immunite. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1930, 3. ser., 46: 561-9.—Vacirca, F. La glutathionemie chez le cheval injecte par des toxines bac- teriennes et par des venins d'animaux. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1939, 11: 85-90.—Virdis, F. Sui potere irradiante del sangue degli animali immunizzati. Gior. batt. immun., 1936,16: 897-914.—Wright, A.E. Studies in connexion with therapeutic immunisation. Lancet, Lond., 1907, 2:1217— 36.—Wright, H. D. The effect of immunisation upon tempera- ture response in rabbits. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1939, 33: 925-8. ---- Methods. Peskind, S. Photoimmunization and photo- vaccination. 13p. 12? [Cleveland, 1936] Anderson, J. F., & Leonard, G. F. Results from the use of the blood clot method of immunization. J. Immun., Bait., 1927, 13: 365-8.—Aoki, T. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber verschiedene Immunisierungsmethoden. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kyoto, 1936, 18: 328; 330.—Armbruster, G. Ueber makroskopische Autoimmunisation. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1920, 30: 269.—Armstrong, D. B., & Walker, W. F. Current immuniza- tion practice in diphtheria, scarlet fever and measles. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1926, 16: 1099-102.—Battoni, E. Concetti critici sulla profilassi delle malattie infective con particolare riguardo ad alcuni metodi di immunizzazione. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1933, 41: 459-65.—Bayer, F. Die Paracentese der Hornhaut als serotherapeutisches Hilfsmittel. Korbl. Verein. deut. Aerzte Reichenberg, 1920, 33: No. 6, 1.—Benson, W. T. Immunity methods in scarlet fever and measles. J. R. San. Inst., 1928-29, 49: 108-15.—Bensted, H. J. Immunisation against bacterial toxins. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 788 — Camus, L. Immunisation vaccinale passive et serotherapie. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1912, 155: 75-8.—Cutler, O. I. Immune reactions to acid treated bacteria, an attempt to produce im- munity without antibodies demonstrable in vitro. J. Infect. IMMUNIZATION HXi IMMUNIZATION Dis., 1929, 44: 203-14.—Diamond, J. Immunization proce- dures in infancy md rhildhood. Gradwohl Lab. Digest, 1939-40, 3: No. 7, 1.—Krmolieva. Z. V. [General immunology and rationalization "f immunization methods] Otchet Vsesoiuz. inst. eksp. med M. Ava > 1933-37) 1939, 38-45—Frankel, E. Leber den gegeuwaitigen Stand der peroralen Immunisierungs- methoden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 157-9— Gilvez, J. J. La unifirarii>n de los methodos de inmunoterapia en Centro- America. Hob san. Guatemala, 1938, 9: 83-6—Goret, P., & Lelandais, K. De l'utilisation des caillots de sang issu d'animaux hvperimmunises; emploi d'un extrait de caillot dans la maladie de Carre. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1938, 11: 211-6—Greene- baum. J. V., & Selkirk, T. K. The status of immunization pro- cedures in infancy and childhood. J. Med., Cincin., 1938^39, 19: 6JS-24.—Hamada, H., & Okamoto, N. Intracutaneous reaction of diphtheria <>t scarlet fever and the result of im- munization by means ofinhalntion. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1937, 30: 4-8.—Hart, J. C. Immunization procedures. Connecticut Health Bulb, 1941, 55: 259 61.-—Hida, O.. & Toda, T. Con- tribution to the knowledge of toxin-immunisation with special reference to immunisation with anatoxin and with viable organisms. Kitasato Arch., 1934, 11: 36-47.—Hill, A. V. Preventive measures for civilians. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 635. Hoyne, A. L. Immunologic methods in pediatrics. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1939, 112: 1581-4. Also Rev. med., Puebla, 1941, 14: No. 130, 50; No. 131, 20.—Imaizumi, M. Zum Untersehiede zwischen der Injektionsimmunisierung und der oralen. Acta paediat. jap., 1938, 44: 67-75 (Abstr.)—Immuni- sation against disease; safe and efficient methods. Pharm. J., Lond., 1935, 4. ser., 81: 109.—Immunisation with artificial antigens. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 399.—Immunization and therapeutic procedures for acute infectious diseases. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1941, 37: 147; passim.—Janney, F. R. Kxperience with immunization procedures in home and office practices. Wisconsin M. J., 1940, 39: 599-602.—Joannon, P. Du role de la voie nasale et de la voie respiratoire dans ['acquisi- tion de l'immunite. Ann. hyg., Par., 1940, n. ser., 18: 269.— Johnson, H. L. Peritoneal immunization. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 34: 266-71.—Karpov, M. K. [Effect of intervals and dosage of the antigen on the efficacy of immunization] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1939, No. 5, 39 46— Kinloch, J. P. Immunity methods in scarlet fever and measles. J. R. San. Inst., 1928-29, 49: 116-26.- Kodama, T., Sato, S., & Hata, M. Intranasal combined immunization of human subjects with toxoids. Kitasato Arch., 1940, 17: 155-66.—Kogan, I. S. [Donnces experimentales servant k etablir les schemas optimal d'immunisation et k evaluer les indices immunobiologiques] Med. exp., Kharkov, 1937, No. 8, 37-68.—Kolmer, J. A. Experiments upon the passive transfer of antibodies to the cerebrospinal fluid. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, 94: 84. Also Proc. Path. Soc. Philadelphia, 1918, 38: 45. ------ & Seki- guti, S. Experiments upon the passive transfer of antibodies from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid. J. Immun., Bait., 1918, 3: 101-7.—Kurokawa, A. ' Untersuchungen iiber perorale und perkutane Immunisierung. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1926, 46: 464-503.—Lucchesi, P. F. Worth-while immunization procedures. Pennsylvania M. J., 1938-39, 42: 521-6.— Magerl, J. F. Die Auslosung immunbiologischer Reaktionen durch Eigenblut- und Omnadininjektionen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 353-7.—Mayock. P. P. Sera and vaccines; their practical application. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, 1912, 20: 32- 40.—Morgan, E. L. Recent advances in immunization. Med. J. Australia, 1929, 1: 410-4.—O'Brien, R. A. Immunity methods in scarlet fever and measles. J. R. San. Inst., 1928-29, 49: 97-101.—Palmer, T.M. Modern methods of immunization. J. Florida M. Ass., 1941-42, 28: 330-3.—Park, W. H. Specific immunologic practices and'other techniques. Prev. M., 1937- 38, 7: 8-24.—Paukuls, E. [Various immunizations] Latv. arstu Z., 1928, 217-25.—Phillips, W. P., & Anderson, C. W. Preventive inoculation; apparatus and methods. Practitioner, Lond., 1942, 148: 364-8.— Pupilli, G., & Pupilli, M. Intensity ed intervallo di stimoli nella immunizzazione antitossica dei piccoli animali. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1926, 5: 115-21.— Ramon, G. L'immunite et l'influence des substances adjuvantes et stimulantes injectees en melange avec l'antigene; les facteurs d'accroissement de 1'immunite; etude experimentale; applica- tions pratiques. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1939, 39 615.— Rebeck, P. Sulla rapida immunizzazione preventiva del peritoneo. Ann. ital. chir., 1936, 15: 175-92.—Reiter, H., & Kurokawa, A. Versuche iiber perorale und percutane Im- munisierung. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 744-7.—Rosselet, A. Radio-immunisation. Brit. J. Radiol., B. I. R. Sect., 1927, 32: 316-23.—Schmidt, S. Sur l'emploi de l'anatoxine et du tapioca dans l'immunisation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 606-8.— Serum und Impfstoff. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 269.—Sham- burov, D. A. Immunisation der vorderen Augenkammer bei Kaninchen. Zsehr. Hyg., 1932, 114: 456-61.—Shaw, E. B. A comparative study of immunization. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1937, 54: 973-8. ------ Evaluation of methods for immuniza- tion. Mississippi Doctor, 1939-40, 17: 72-8. —-----Dietrich, H., & McCleave, T. C. Procedures for immunization against communicable diseases. California West. M., 1933, 39: 219- 26.—Sicard. J. A.. Paraf. J., & Wallich, R. Contribution a I'etude experimentale et clinique du renforcement de l'immunite par l'injection de substances amylacees (tapioca) Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris. 1927, 3. ser., 51: 1086-92. ------ Contri- bution a I'etude du renforcement de l'immunite par l'injection de substances amylacees. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 97: 217- '.».—Silberschmidt, W. Essais d'immunisation par inhalation; diphterie et tetanos. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1934, 52: 690-708. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 518 >L — Stallybrass, C. O. The methods and results of premuiusation. Pub. Health, bond., 1930-31,44: 114-20.—Standard immuniza- tion procedures. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1942-43, 21: 57.—Thayer, W. S. Reflections on modern meth- ods of treatment by sera and vaccines. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1915, 11: 240-57.—Trillat, A. Immunisation par voie aerienne. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1933, 3. ser., 109: 591-5.------ Technique k observer dans les essais d'immunisation et de medication sur les animaux par voie aerienne. Ibid., 1937, 3. ser., 117: 32-6.—Troche. De l'utilisation des caillots de sang issus d'animaux hyperimmunises. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1938, 11: 209.—Verge, J. Les methodes nouvelles de l'im- munisation. Rec. med. vet., 1929, 105: 634-60. Also Rev. zootecn., B. Air., 1930, 18: 1-13.—Von Meysenbug.L. Manage- ment of the breast fed baby, including immunization procedures. J. Florida M. Ass., 1940-41, 27: 229-33.—Weinberg & Barotte, J. Essais comparatifs de renforcement de 1'immunisation anti- gangteneuse des chevaux producteurs de serum par des sub- stances aspecifiques ou specifiques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 1921-3.—Wilson, E. B., & Worcester, J. Progressive immunization. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1941, 27: 129-35.— Workman, W. G. The status of serums and vaccines in general practice. Ohio M. J., 193(1, 32: 335-8. ---- Military aspect. Anwendung (Ueber die) von Heil- und Schutzseris im Heere; Beratungsergebnisse aus der Sitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Senats bei der Kaiser Wilhelms-Akademie fiir das militararzt- liche Bildungswesen. Veroff. Mil. San., 1908, H. 37, 1-42, tab.—Bartos, D. Die aktive Immunisierung mit kombinierten Vaccinen. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 321-4 (microfilm)— Bensted, H. J. Immunization against infection in the Army. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 18. ------ Modern practice in war-time; immunization of soldiers and civilians; immunization against bacterial infections and bacterial toxins. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1941, 4: 7-26.—Dudley, S. F., Whittingham, H. E., & Dawson, A. Preventive inoculation in the British naval, military and air services. Congr. internat. med. farm, mil., 1933, 7. Congr., 2: 3-24, ch.—Enders, J. F. The present pro- gram for the immunization of military personnel. N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 162-5.—Hachla, J. [The use of antitoxins and formol vaccines for active immunization in the army] Voj. zdrav. listy, 1928, 4: 123-43.—Hudleston, W. E. Im- munization against infection in the Army. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 170.—Immunization in the Army. Pennsylvania Health, 1941-42, 2: No. 8, 10.—Journal exposes false claims in anti- inoculation pamphlet; assails it as not only replete with lies and unscientific, malicious propaganda but a menace to armed forces' health. Memphis M. J., 1942, 17: 214.—Kaup, J. Der Wert der Cholera- und Typhusschutzimpfungen nach den Kriegserfahrungen. Arch. Hyg., Berl., 1923, 93: 151-76.— Kolle, W., & Hetsch, H. Die Leistungen der Schutzimpfungen im Weltkriege und deren Nutzanwendung fiir die Zukunft. Munch, med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 1196-202.—Leuking, H. F. Immunization of C. M. T. C. trainees at Camp McClellan, Alabama. Mil. Surgeon, 1927, 60: 573-6.—Mathieu. Inocu- lation et vaccination au port de Brest (an IV k 1809) Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1923, 113: 166-72.—Perrin, M. Serums et vaccins (emploi et resultats dans la medecine d'armee) Bull. gen. ther., 1929, 180: 49-66.—Sampson, B. F. Resistance of the new recruit. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 772.—Sellers, A. H. The immunization program in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1942, 33: 575-87.—Simmons, J. S. Immunization against infectious diseases in the United States Army. Army M. Bull., 1941, No. 57, 69-80.—Wohlfeil, T., & Maass, J. Schutzimpfungen in der Wehrmacht, ihre Wirksam- keit, Vorbereitung und Durchfuhrung. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 305-21 (microfilm) Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 890. ---- non-specific. See also Immunity, Specificity. Arloing, F., & Langeron, L. Nouvelles recherches sur la resistance anti-infectieuse preventive conferee par les injections de proteine; est-elle modifiee par les poisons k action vago- sympathique? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1923, 88: 1295-7.—Bonime, E. Immunotherapy in its nonspecific phases. Med. J. & Rec, 1932, 135: 53-7.—Cotrufo, P. Stimolazione aspecifica in corso di vaccinazione specifica attiva. Minerva med., Tor., 1936, 27: pt 2, 565-70.—Eckhart, F. Beitrag zur unspezifischen Immunisierung mit Stormin. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1637. Pfalz, G. J. Unspezifische Immunisierung durch parenteral Schwefelzufuhr. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 306.— Picardo, T., C. Inmunoterapia no espeeffica (tifoidea-pneu- monia) Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1932-33, 18: 1257-74.— Poullain. Therapeutique moderne; vaccino- et serotherapie paraspecifique. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1925, 25: 624.— Schlack, H. Versuche unspezifischer Immunisierung durch Behandlung mitExtrakt ausMilzgewebe. Zsehr. Immunforsch 1928, 57: 499-506.—Totafiore, E. Die unspezifische Immun- therapie in der Kinderpraxis. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 1207-9. —Wallbach, G. Immunisations non specifiques avec des sels de calcium; contribution k un nouveau te3t leucocytaire d'immunite. Acta brevia neerl., 1938, 8: 72- 4.- -Wolff L. K. [Non-specific immunization] Ned. tschr. geue.-sk' 1929 71 • 112; 1930, 74: pt 1, 3254-64.— Yosikawa, L. Muroo, S., & IMMUNIZATION 107 IMMUNIZATION Suzuki, S. Ueber das Verhalten der Thrombozyten bei der unspezifischen Immunisierung. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1933, 9: 767-79. ---- passive. See Immune serum, Therapeutic use; Sero- therapy. ---- percutaneous, and intracutaneous. OliVe, G. Contribution a, I'etude de la cuti- vaccinotherapie et de la colloido-vaccinotherapie cutanee. 62p. 8? Par., 1934. Besredka, A. De l'emploi des serums therapeutiques chez le cobaye, sous forme de cteme, par la voie cutanee. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 1228-30.—Boissezon, P. de. Etat reaction- nel du poumon au cours de diverses immunisations pratiquees par voie sous-cutanee. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1936, 56: 597-607.—Fukui, M. Concerning age incidence of the pro- duction of immune bodies caused by cutaneous immunisation. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1936, 19: 21. ------ Concerning the change of concentration of hydrogenic ion of the body fluid, due to cutaneous immunization. Ibid., 20: 36.—Gougerot, H. Les immunisations par la peau. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1932, 39: 98-100.—Gross, H. Zur Frage der intrakutanen Immuni- sierung von Kaninchen mit Bakterien und roten Blutzellen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1929, 113: 452-4.—Intracutaneous (The) method of immunization. Bull. Lederle Lab., 1935, 3: 75-7.— Isigami, J. Experimental studies of percutaneous immuniza- tion by albumin; appearance of precipitin in rabbit serum and Arthus' Phenomenon at a site receiving previous treatment. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1931, 18: 62.—Lowenstein, E. Ueber perkutane Immunisierung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 193- 6.—Mori, Y. Ueber die Gewinnung der lokalen aktiven Immunitat der Haut durch Einreibung mit Streptostaphylo- koktigensalbe. Verh. Jap. chir. Ges., 1932, 33: 17.— Richou, R. Passage k travers la peau des substances du serum, autres que l'antitoxine et anaphylaxie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1933, 51: 146-8.—Torikata, R., & Hasimoto, N. Ueber die Bildungs- statte der im Blute nachweisbaren Antikorper bei der Salben- immunisierung. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1939, 96: 454-65.— Torikata, R., & Ozn, S. Experimentelle Erforschung iiber die Gewinnung allgemeiner aktiver Immunitat mittels der kutanen Application der Immunogene als Salben. Ibid., 413-26.— Wyandt, H., Bayliss, M. [et al.] Intradermal immunization. Nebraska M. J., 1938, 23: 140-3. ---- peroral. Daxjdy, F. *De l'immunisation par voie gastro-intestinale contre le cholera, la dysenterie et les infections typho'ides. 55p. 8? Par., 1924. Besredka, A. De l'immunisation per os. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1923-24, 3: 547-58.—Ebert, B. [Superiority- of subcutaneous antitoxin injection over local immunization per os] Vrach. gaz., 1928, 32: 787-800.—Frankel, E. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen zur Frage der peroralen Immuni- sierung bei Typhus, Paratyphus und Ruhr. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 1874.—Fiirst, K., & Klotz, M. Ueber perorale Immunisierung. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 118.—Grasset, E. Sur l'immunite antitoxique passive, par voie buccale chez 1'animal d'experiences. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 1407-9.— Hosi, N. Local immunization in rabbits by oral methods. Polyclin. Dairen, 1926-28, 3: No. 15, 1; 1928-30, 4: No. 22, 107.—Immunisation by the oral route, by Pathologist. Aus- tralas. J. Pharm., 1937, n. ser., 18: 135-7.—Lubinski, H. Ueber perorale Immunisierung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1291-5.—Piorkowski, G. Enterale spezifische Immunisierung gegen bakterielle Infektionen. In: Extrapulm. Tuberk. (Blumen- feld, F.) Berl., 1927-30, 2: 256.—Ramon, G., & Grasset, E. Sur 1'immunite antitoxique active, par voie buccale, chez 1'animal d'experiences. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: HOo^.— Ramon, G., & Zoeller, C. Essais d'immunisation antitoxique, active et passive, par voie buccale chez l'homme. Ibid., 1409- 11 —Reiter, H. Versuche uber perorale Immunisierung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 946-9.—Rockwell, G. E., & Van Kirk, H. C. Oral heterophil immunization. J. Bact., Bait., 1935, 29: 47.—Siiba, Y., & Matuoka, K. Progress report on immunization per os against typhoid and dysentery. Acta med. Keijo, 1929, 12: 286-90.—Sivori, L. L'immunizzazione mista attiva e passiva per via gastrica. Riforma med., 1933,49: 787.— Torikata, R., & Imaizumi, M. Zum Unterschiede zwischen der Injektions- und der oralen Immunisierung. Zsehr. Immun- forsch., 1938, 94: 342-51. ---- Public health aspect. Baker, J. N. Medical and public health attitude toward smallpox vaccination and diphtheria immunisation. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1934-35, 4: 253.—Brady, M. R. Reduction of industrial absenteeism by preseasonal immunisation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 488-90.—Cruickshank, R. General principles [control common fevers] In Control Com- mon Fevers (Lancet) Lond., 1942, 1-24.—Cunningham A A. Compulsory immunisation. Lancet, Lond 1940, 2: 63b — Decrees of the 20th of August, 10th and 15th of September, 1941 on the organization of the vaccination service in France. Bull. Hyg., Lond., 1942, 17: 515 (Abstr.)—Gibson, J. P. The modern immunization program for children. Texas J. M., 1938- 39, 34: 301-4.—Hayek, J. M. Outline for organizing and con- ducting a state-wide immunization program. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 459.—Houston, H. S. The importance of immuniza- tion in the control of acute contagious disease. Illinois M. J., 1934, 65: 161-72.—Immunization policy of the State board of health for the production of active immunization by means of biological products of established value. Health Bulb, Raleigh, 1941, 56: No. 3, 9.—Jackson, F. W. Control of communicable diseases in rural areas by immunization. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1931, 22: 433-40.—Jacobs, E. R. Education for immuniza- tion. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1942, 45: 94.—Kinna- man, J. H. The promotion of immunization by the State department of health. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 618-20 — Kling, C. Skyddsympning not smittsjukdomar som samhallelig skydds&tgard. Nord. med., 1941, 11: 2613-27.—McCreary, A. B. Proposed immunization program. Virginia M. Month., 1936-37, 63: 426-8.—Nation (A) immunizes its school children; progress in preventive inoculation of school and preschool children is seen in falling incidence of acute infectious diseases. Ther. Notes, Detr., 1935, 42: 245-52.—Nicoll, M., jr. Im- munization in Scarsdale. Westchester M. Bull., 1934, 2: No. 11, 8.—Now is the time to be immunized. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1942-43, 21: 41-4.—Park, W. H. Infections, infectious diseases, and immunization. Med. J. & Rec, 1925, 122: 531-4.—Richardson, F. H. A suggested program for preventive inoculations. North Carolina M. J., 1942, 3: 488- 92.—Robbins, C. P. Immunization program of the Ohio Department of Health. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1925, 18: 793- 7.—Rubasheva, K. [Organization of active immunisation against scarlet fever and diphtheria] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 1754—6.—Westaby, R. S. An immunization clinic. J. Lancet, 1934, 54: 711.—Wildebar, D. J. Extensive immuniza- tion program conducted in Miami County. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1941, 44: 160. ---- Statistics. Boer, H. D. [Immunization against diphtheria and scarlet fever in schools of Wassenaar] Ned. mschr. geneesk., 1930-31, 17: 216-24.—Brother, G. M. The status of diphtheria and smallpox immunization in Indiana. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1942, 45: 86.—Collins, S. D. Frequency of immuniz- ing procedures of various kinds in 9,000 families observed for 12 months, 1928-31. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1935, 25: 1221-5. ------ Frequency of immunizing and related procedures in 9,000 surveyed families in 18 states. Milbank Mem. Fund Q., 1937, 15: 150-72.—Compulsory immunization in France. Nat. Health Rev., Ottawa, 1939, 7: 186.—Immunization survey of children under 10 years of age; Indiana. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 828.—Knapp, H. J. Toxoid and vaccine available. Bull. Acad. M. Cleveland, 1942, 27: No. 5, 11 — McBroom, D. E. Scarlet fever and diphtheria prevention reactions and observations in 2,000 immunizations. Minne- sota M., 1927, 10: 596-8.—Pierret, R. Present situation in France of biological prophylaxis and treatment in certain contagious diseases, especially whooping-cough and measles. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1932, 25: 1329-42.—Rodenberg, A. H. Experience in the immunization of 1,000 Cincinnati children against scarlet fever and diphtheria. J. Med., Cincin., 1927-28, 8: 339-41. ---- Surgical aspect. Daniel, G. Immuno-chirurgie; la serotherapie et la vaccinotherapie en chirurgie. 322p. 8? Par., 1931. Wolfsohn, G. Immunitat, Immunodiag- nostik und aktive Immunisierung im Dienste der Chirurgie. 371p. 8? Stuttg., 1924. Bazy, L. Serotherapie et vaccinotherapie dans les infections chirurgicales. Rapp. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1924, 6. Congr., 561-608.—Hitchens, A. P. Serotherapy and vaccino- therapy in surgery. Ibid., 555-60.—Spick, A. E., & Lauztere, J J A. Serums et vaccins, leur utilisation en chirurgie. Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1929, 91: 369-92.—Wirth, A. Sero- therapie et vaccinotherapie. Rapp. Congr. Soc internat. chir., 1924, 6. Congr., 609-14. ---- of animals. Bielkevicius, J. Intrapleural oder Litauische Methode der Immunisation. Zsehr. Infektkr. Haustiere, 1928, 33:239-46.— Boiicek, J. Lacto-geiification des serums d'animaux immunises. Tr. Inst. hyg. pub. etat. Tch6cosL, 1935, 6: 39-4.3, ch.— Cantacuzene, J. Reactions d'immunite chez Sipunculus nudus vaccine contre une bacterie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1922, 87:264—7. ------ Sur le sort ulterieur des urnes chez Sipun- culus nudus au cours de l'infection et de l'immunisation. Ibid., 283-5.—Dalling, T. Immunisation—its practical ap- plication in the control of animal diseases (preventive and curative). Vet. Rec, Lond., 1936, 16: 1-5.—Damboviceanu, A. Determination de certains constituants du plasma de Sipunculus nudus, au cours de l'immunisation. C. rend. Soc biol 1926 95: 115-8.—Detre, L. Immunisierungsverhaltnisse bei Vogeln. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1925-26, 97: 174-8.—Fokiinyi, L. A hat6sagi rendeletre foganatosftando ojtasokrol. Kozl. IMMUNIZATION 108 IMMUNOLOGY osszehas. elet & k6rt., 1928, 22: 101-9.- Fried, S. M.. & Zibitzker, D. H. [Significance of the age and sex of horses in hy peri minimization] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1939, No. 11, 172-7- (iozony, L. Leber biologische Zellveranderungen bei immunisierten iieren. Klin. Wschr., 1923, 2: 1220.—Hoffmann K. [Immunization of suckling pig] Allatorv. lap., 1934, 57: •">'.' -63.—Leimer. Die Blutserum-Impfungen zur Immunisierung und Heilung von Tierseuchen. Wschr. Tierh., 1898, 42: 451; passim.—Scott, W. A brief survey of sero-vaccine therapy; its application in general practice. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1929, 9: 463-72— Sedallian, P., Jourdan, F., & Clavel, J. Repartition des antitoxines et des agglutinines chez le lapin immunise activement. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 333.— Siegler, J. von. Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Kontaktim- munitat beim Kaninchen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 62: 252-5. ---- of plants. Baldacci, E. L'immunite acquisita attiva nelle piante superiori; esperienze di vaccinazione. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 744-6. ------ L'immunite acquisita attiva nelle piante superiori; ricerche sulla vaccinazione e sui liquidi usati come vaccini. Ibid., 1232.—Carbone, D. Ueber die aktive Immunisierung der Pflanzen. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1928-29, 76: 428-37. ------ Sulla natura dell'immunite vaceinale nelle piante. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 1264.—Kaliaev, A., Kravchenko, A., & Smirnova, N. Zum Problem der erworbenen Immunitat bei Pflanzen; Vakzination der Bohnen gegen den Pilz Toile. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1935, 92: 209-20.—Kostov, D. Studies on the acquired immunity in plants induced by grafting. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1932, 74: 339-46.—Passalacqua, T. Experiences de vaccination sur le Pelargonium ^onale. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1934, 6: 83-7. IMMUNOGEN. Set1 Antigen; Vaccine; also other specific names of immunogens. IMMUNOLOGY. See also Biological products; Blood group; Serology; also various immunological terms as Antibodies; Complement, etc. Mun roe, L. J. The Oakmont papers on immunology. 60p. 8? Glendale, Calif., 1935. Bruynoghe, R. L'immunologie. Rev. med., Louvain, 1930, 81-7.—Gay, F. P. Immunology; a medical science developed through animal experimentation. J. Am. M. Ass., 1911, 56: 578-83.—Hirszfeld, L. Proleeomena zur Immunitatslehre. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 2153 9. Keller, W. Immunbiologie. Mschr. Kinderh., 1936, 67: 179; 1937, 71: 277; 1938, 76: 268.—Lucchesi, P. F. The present status of immunology in childhood. Hahneman. Month., 1937, 72: 561-70.—Okell, C. C. Immunity and immunization. In Brit. Encycl. M. Praet. (Rolleston, H.) Lond., 1938, 7: 58-80.—Park, W. H. Certain clinical aspects of immunology. Tr. Coll. Physicians, Philadelphia, 1935, 4. ser., 3: 2-5.—Ranque, A., & Senez, C. Inmunidad e inmunizacion. Cr6n. med. mex., 1931, 30: 245-9.—Rosenthal, W. Prolegomena zur Immunitatslehre. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 112.—Scott, W. Some observations on immunology in general practice. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1925, 5: 265-74.—Selter. H. Immundiagnostik und Immuntherapie. In Irrtumer allg. Diagn., 1923, H. 6, 169-210.—Trask, J. D. Comparative immunology in pediatrics. Yale J. Biol., 1928-29, 1: 1-7.—Tzanck, A. Les doctrines medicales; introduction k I'etude de l'immunologie moderne. Presse med., 1933, 41: 1449-53.—Wells, H. G. Immunology, biochemistry and evolution. Proc Inst. M. Chicago, 1928-29, 7: 237-44.— Wright, A. E. On the need for abandoning much in immunology that has been regarded as assured. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond 1941-12, 35: 161 -SU. ---- Congresses, institutes and societies. American Association of Immunologists, second meeting held in Washington, May 10, 1915. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1915, 88: 1-36.—Baz&n, F., & Bayley Bustamante, G. Centro de profilaxis antiinfecciosa externa del hospital de ninos. Arch. argent, pediat., 1941, 16: 412.—Immunologic. In Notice Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1934, 1: 344-56.—Ionescu-Mihaesti, C. [Prof. Cantacuzino's Institute of serum and vaccine] Romania med., 1937, 15: 105-7.—Micheletti, E. Terzo convegno Volte; Convegno internazionale d'inmunologia tenutosi in Roma dal 25 Settembre al 1? Ottobre 1933-XI. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1933, 39: pt 2, 697-704.—Proceedings of the American Associa- tion of Immunol, .gists; twenty-first annual meeting. J. Immun. Bait., 1934, 26: 327-51.—[Report (annual) of the Institute of Serum and ^ accine Dr I. Cantacuzino from April 1, 1940 to April 1, 1941J Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1941, 30: 251-87.— Rizzuti, G., Patterson, A. [et al.] Convegno internazionale d'immunologia. Gior. med. mil., 1933, 81: 921-32. ---- History. Babes, V. Sur la premiere constatation de la transmissi- bilite des proprietes immunisantes et curatives par le sang des animaux immunises. Roumanio med., 1894, 2: 192-4. - Bieling, R. The evolution of the theory of immunity. In Med. chem. aspects, 1933, 69-77.—Bohme, W. Ueber Wand- lungen in der Immunitatswisseiisclmft. und ihre Riiekwirkung auf praktische Zielc der Kpidcnimlogie und Prophvlaxe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 177, 215; 246; 273.—Bristol. L. I). The present status of immunology. J. Lancet, 1916, 36: 292-7.—Debre, R. L'iiunmnologie, sa naissanee et son de- veloppement. Gaz. med. France, 1933, 423-30. Also Presse med.. 1933, 41: 433 -9. Donle, W. Riickblick uber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Epidemiologic. Hakteriologie und Immunitatslehre. Deut. Militararzt, 1936, I: 102-5.— Ecker, E. E. Recent progress in immunity. Tr. Kansas City Acad. M. (1939-41) 1942, 155-70.—Friede, K. A. [Twenty years of Soviet immunology] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1938, 19: 688-717.—Heymann, B. Zur Geschichte der Seitenketten- theorie Paul Ehrlichs. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1257; 1306.— Keller, A. E. Recent developments in the production and use of immunizing agents. Papers Health Work. Conf. Tennessee, 1937, 9: [Discussion] 90-105.—Laubenheimer, K. Die aus dem Staatlichen Institut fiir experimentelle Therapie veroffent- lichten Arbeiten uber Immunitat, Serologie und Serumdiag- nostik. Arb. Staatsinst. exp. Ther., 1931, H. 25, 75-90.— Le Bourdelles, B. De la bacteriologie k l'immunologie. Rev. hyg., Par., 1935, 57: 401-20.—Manwaring, W. H. Immuno- logical prophecy from ancient hieroglyphics. Science, 1929, 70: 1-7. ------ Renaissance of pre-Ehrlich immunology. J. Immun., Bait., 1930, 19: 155-63.------■ Post-Ehrlich immunology. Science, 1931, 74: 324-7.—Maragliano, E. II primum movens del movimento immunitario. Riforma med., 1933, 49: 627-9.—Mitchell, H. A. Modern conceptions of immunology. Pub. Health, Lond., 1933, 47: 4-11.— Morelli, E. I nuovi orizzonti della moderna immunologia. Rass. clin. ter., 1935, 34: 201-17.—Murillo, F. Progresos de la sueroterapia, inmunoterapia y suerodiagn6stico durante el afio 1913. Progr. clin., Madr., 1913, 1: 54-62. ------ Pro- gresos de la inmunologia y serologla en el afio 1913. Ibid., 1914,3:5-17. ------ Progresos de la inmunologia y serologia en el afio de 1914. Ibid., 1915, 5: 40-53.------Progresos de la inmunologia y serologla durante el afio de 1915. Ibid., 1916, 7: 21-37.—Nasso, I. Commenti bibliografici a cura del Prof. Ivo Nasso. Pediat i ia (Riv.) 1934, 42: 1225-7— Predte- chensky, S. N. [New ways in immunology] Dnipropetr. med. J., 1929, 8: 301-12.—Roussy, G. De la bacteriologie a l'immunite. Presse med., 1935, 43: 1013.—Sachs, H. Von neueren Fragen und Ergebnissen der Serologie und Immun- biologie. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1935, 26: H. 10, 16-31.— Salazar, M. Estado actual de las doetrinas de la inmunidad; introducci6n & la segunda edicion de mi libro sobre inmunidad. Siglo med., 1926, 78: 1-3.—Schieck, F. Neuere Ergebnisse der Immunitatsforschung. Zbl. ges. Ophth., 1932-33, 28: 1.— Schneider, R. Immunitatsforschung, Bakteriologie und Parasitologie. Jahrber. Ophth., 1922, 47: 121-36.—Skvirsky, P. [New ideas in pathology and immunology] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 1478-98.—Wassermann, A. von. Die Mikro- biologie und die Immunitatswissenschaft in den letzten 50 Jahren. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 1682-6.—Wright, A. Changing doctrines of immunology. Brit. M. J., 1942. 1: 50. ---- Manuals and periodicals. Billard, G. La phylaxie. 94p. 8? Par., 1931. ---- The same. Phylaxis; trans, by H. Gainsborough. 77p. 8? Lond., 1931. Boyd, W. C. Fundamentals of immunology. 446p. 24cm. N. Y., 1943. Bruynoghe, R. L'immunite et ses applica- tions. 5. ed. 455p. 8? Louvain, 1936. Citron, J. Die Methoden der Immuno- diagnostik und Immunotherapie und ihre prak- tische Verwertung; Anhang: Die Chemotherapie. 3. Aufl. 343p. 8? Lpz., 1919. Also 4. Aufl. 353p. Lpz., 1923. Dieudonne, A., & Weichardt, W. Immuni- tat, Schutzimpfung und Serumtherapie. 250p. 8? Lpz., 1925. GlORNALE DI BATTERIOLOGIA E IMMUNOLOGIAJ bollettino clinico ed amministrativo dell'Ospedale Maria Vittoria. Torino, v.l, 1926- Kolmer, J. A., & Tuft, L. Clinical immunol- ogy, biotherapy and chemotherapy in the diag- nosis, prevention and treatment of disease. 941p. 24j4cm. Phila., 1941. Le Bourdelles, B., & Sedallian, P. Precis d'immunologie. 927p. 8? Par., 1930. Lehmann, F. M. Die Losung des Immunitats- problems; eine Physiologie, Psychologie und Soziologie der Zelle. 208p. 8? Berl. 1924 IMMUNOLOGY 109 IMMUNOLOGY Paton, D. M. A solution of the septic problem and a new theory of immunity. 204p. 12° Lond., 1927. Perla, D., & Marmorston, J. Natural re- sistance and clinical medicine. 1344p. 25cm Bost., 1941. Preisz, H. Az infectio es immunitas tananak elemei. 583p. 8? Budap., 1936. Ratcliff, J. D. Men against microbes. 287p 22cm. Lond. [1940] Revue d'immunologie. Par., v.l, 1935- Rivista di immunologia e scienze affini Milano, v.l, 1921- Sherwood, N. P. Immunology. 608p. 8: S. Louis, 1935. Also 2. ed. 639p. 231%cm 1941. Topley, W. W. C. An outline of immunity. 415p. 8? Lond., 1933. ---: & Wilson, G. S. The principles of bacteriology and immunity. 2. ed. 1645p 8° Bait., 1936. Tzanck, A. Immunite, intolerance, biophy- laxie; doctrine biologique et medecine experi- mentale. 268p. 8? Par., 1932. Werthemann. A. Die Abwehrkrafte des menschlichen Korpers und die Moglichkeit der therapeutischen Beeinflussung. 128p. 8? Lpz 1934. Zinsser, H. Resistance to infectious diseases. 651p. 8° N. Y., 1931. --- Enders, J. F., & Fothergill, L. D. Immunity. 801p. 24cm. N. Y., 1939. Blier, J. A propos de 2 petits livres: Immunite, immuni- sation, par J. Rennes; Pratique bacteriologique, par A. Orticoni et R. Clogne. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1923, 23: 344-50.— Klopstock, F. Immunbiologie des Blutes. In Handb. allg. Hamat. (Hirschfeld) Berl., 1934, 2: 2. Halfte, 1253-338 — Rudder. B. de. Immunbiologie des Kindesalters. In Biol. Daten Kinderarzt (J. Brock) Berl., Bd 3, 1939, 283-307. ---- Nomenclature. Giddings, N. J. Immunity and resistance. Science, 1942, 95: 553.—Martin, L. The recent trend toward a differentiation between allergy and immunity, and the relationship to clinical medicine. Ann. Int. M., 1934, 8: 483-96.—Nicolle, C. Proposi- t tions generales pour une denomination plus precise en francais des etats et faits concernant l'immiinite. Arch. Inst. Pasteur, Tunis, 1935, 24: 513-9. Also Rev. immun., Par., 1935, 1: 269-75.—Nizzoli, C. Concezione di una nuova immunite: la quarta. Gazz. osp., 1927, 48: 145-8.—Takenaka, S., Takemura, T., & Uehara, F. [Ueber die sogenannten Pro- munitat von 0rskov und Kauffmann] Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1941, 31: 715; 1001.—Tschermak-Seysenegg, A. Ueber den Begriff der Spezifitat, der Immunitat und Infektiositat an Kristallschmelzen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1935, 65: 555. ---- Research methods, and problems. Pfeiler, W. Das Problem des mesenchymalen Reizes in der Zellulartherapie; seine Bedeutung fiir die Immunitatswissenschaft. 56p. 8? Jena, 1924. Schmidt, H. Die Technik immunbiologischer Untersuchungsverfahren. 157p. 12? Lpz., 1921. Albert-Weil, J- Les donnees actuelles du probleme de l'immunite. Gaz. hop., 1929, 102: 329; 369.—Bonet-Maury, P., & Olivier, H. R. Utilisation de l'effet biologique des radiations ionisantes dans I'etude de l'immunite. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 410-2.—Bordet, J. Les aspects actuels du probleme de l'immunite. Bruxelles med., 1926^-27,7: 1551-7.— Buchbinder, L. Heterophile phenomena in immunology. Arch. Path., Chic, 1935, 19: 841-80.—Centanni, E., & Trincas, M. Sui meccanismo di assuefazione degli organismi unicellulari ai veleni come studio dei tipi immunitari; tecnica di ricerca e primi risultati. Gior. batt. immun,. 1926, 1: 2-14.—Erhardt, A. Der Wert der Immunitatsreaktionen fur phylogenetische Untersuchungen in der Zoologie. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 60: 156-66.—Ermolaev & Metalnikov, S. Sur l'immunisation des fragments du corps sepates par une ligature. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 107: 517-20.—Forssman, J. Einige Immunitats- fragen im Lichte der heterogenetischen Forschung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 669-71.—Frankel. E. Studien zur Immunitatslehre. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1928, 108: 386-97 — Friedberger, E., & Meissner, G. Weitere Versuche iiber die karotal-zentrale Einspritzung. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1923, 36: Prig., 367-85.—Friedberger, E., & Ungermann, E. In- vestigacion de la inmunidad. An. cienc. med., Madr., 1912 3 ser 10: 21-48.—Goodpasture, E. W. Some uses of the chick ioqq0 study of infection and immunity. Am. J. Hyg., 1938, 28: 111-29.—Gunn, R. E. A study in immunology. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1926, 16: 407.—Ioffe, V. I. Aktuelle Aufgabe der Immunitatsforschung. Acta med. URSS, 1940, 3: 302-11. - [Future problem in the study of the question of infec- tion and immunity] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 58: 3-24 — Kimmelstiel, P. Ueber Immunitatsprobleme. Beitr. Klin. Tuberk, 1925-26, 62: 693-5—Krichevsky, I. L., Weissfeiler, j ii Galanova' N- v- [New methods in study of immunitv and allergy in infectious diseases] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1937, 18: 372-85. Also Rev. immun., Par., 1937, 3: 265-82.— Kyrklund, R. Resistenzstudien auf Grund bakterizider Versuche. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1926, 7: 1-8.—Levine, B. S. A new slide and hand shaker for use in slide precipitation and agglutination studies in immunology. J. Lab. Clin M 1934-35, 20: 543-5.—McCoy, G. W. The methods of im- munology. Science, 1923, 57: 481-3.—Madsen, T., Jensen, C, & Ipsen, J. Problems in active and passive immunity. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1937, 61: 221-45.—Metalnikov, S., & Ermolaev, J. Sur l'immunisation des fragments du corps des chenilles. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 118: 965.—Paraf, J., & Lewi, S. Probldmes chimiques de l'immunologie. Presse med 1940, 48: 726-30.—Peyron, A., Poumeau-Delille & Mercier, P. Sur l'importance des donnees de l'histo-physiologie experi- mentale dans I'etude de 1'immunite. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par. 1938, 61: 770-2.—Prigge, R. Neue Problemstellung der Immunbiologie. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 337-42. Also Orvos- kepzes, 1939, 29: 150-62.—Sedallian, P., Jourdan, F., & Clavel. C. Peut-on aborder I'etude physiologique des immunites antitoxiques ou antimicrobiennes? Rev. immun., Par., 1938 4: 211-5.—Suknev, V. V., & Timakov, V. D. [Methodology of certain problems of immunity] Vest, mikrob., 1933, 12: 79- 98.—Weichardt, W. Methoden der Erforschung unspezifischer Beeinflussungen. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1933, Abt. 13, Teil 2, pt 1, 665-718.—Witebsky, E. Neuartige Wege immunbiologischer Analyse. Seuchenbekam- pfung, 1929, 6: 110-20.—Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.*N. [Criti- cism of certain problems in modern immunology. Vest. mikrob., 192. 11: 221-37. IMMUNO-TRANSFUSION. See Blood transfusion, Blood, immune. IMOLA, Italy. Ospedale d'Imola. Sezione chirurgica. Rendiconto statistico. Imola (1895) 1896. IMP, John Frank, 1910- *Pulmonary embolism. 27p. 4? Milwaukee, 1938. Typewritten. IMPALEMENT. See also injuries of Abdomen; Anus; Bladder; Pelvis; Perineum; Thorax, etc. Deuchler, W. *Ueber Pfahlungsverletzun- gen. 28p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1928. Drape, P. *Ueber Pfahlungsverletzungen. 19p. 8? Halle a. S., 1918. Furrer, E. *Kasuistischer Beitrag zum Thema: Trauma am Ende der Schwangerschaft [Zurich] 22p. 8? Uznach, 1934. Graff, A. *Die Falle der in den Jahren 1928- 34 in der Bonner Universitatsklinik behandelten Pfahlungsverletzungen der Beckengegend unter Beriicksichtigung der in dieser Zeit erschienenen Literatur. 36p. 21cm. Bonn, 1935. Gubser, J. *Beitrage zu den Pfahlungs- verletzungen [Zurich] 23p. 8? Uznach, 1932. Kramer [K. W.] R. *Ueber die Schadigung der Blase bei Pfahlungsverletzungen vom Mast- darm aus [Giessen] 27p. 8? Gelnhausen, 1932. Rossmann, E. *Ueber Pfahlungsverletzung in gerichtsarztlicher Beziehung [Miinster] 27p. 22^cm. Heiligenstadt, 1935. Rouques, P. *Les plaies du rectum par empalement; diagnostic, pronostic et indications operatoires. 58p. 8? Par., 1931. Schulze, W. *Ueber Pfahlungsverletzungen [Berlin] 36p. 8? Giitersloh, 1935. Ackman, F. D. An impalement wound of the perineum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1939, 41: 290.—Anisimova, V. I., & Totsky, V. M. [Case of combined injury of the rectum and urinary bladder] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 8, 126-8.—Backer, I. Ein seltener Fall von Pfahlungsverletzung. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1930-31, 29: 544-7.—Barbieri Palmieri, C. Su 2 casi di impalamento perineale. Gior. clin. med., 1940, 21. IMPALEMENT 110 IMPARTIAL 117">-9.—Beach, E. W. The so-called straddle injury: its management. California West. M., 1937, 46: 234-40 — Breyer, J. H. Impalement of rectum. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 22: 305-7.—Burger. K. Fall von todlicher Pfiihlung. Zbl. Gyn., 1926, 50: 1160-3.—Clagett, O. T. Impalement of the rectum. Proc. Mnvo Clin., 1939, 14: 690-2.—Conway, F. M. Impale- ment cl ih.' rectum. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 66: 222-6 — Courty, L. Plaie extra-peritoneale du rectum et de la vessie par empalement; cvstostomie sus-pubienne d'embiee; guerison. J. sc. mid. Lille, 1922, 40: 481-6.—De Mees. Deux cas d'em- palement avec perforation du rectum. Rev. med., Louvain, 1923, 369-72.—Duncan, J. A., & Forbes, R. D. Abdominal injuries due to impalement of rectum; report of 2 cases. North- west M., 1940, 39: 61-3.—Ehalt, W. Ueber Pfahlungsverlet- zungen. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931, 152: 157-60.—Esser, F. Eine seltene Pfahlungsverletzung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1833.—Frank. R. T. Trauma in gynecologv. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1938, 18: 499-509.—Fuchs, H. Genitale Pfah- lungsverletzungen und ihre Spiitfolgen. Zbl. Gyn., 1931, 55: 1400-6.-—Garberson, J. H. Impalement of the rectum. J. Lancet, 1939, 59: 44-6.—Grabherr, E. Zur Kasuistik und Mechanik typischer Pfahlungsverletzungen. Zbl. Chir., 1933, 60:2742-4.—Gu£rin, R. Sur un cas d'empalement. Bordeaux chir., 1939, 10: 49.—Guibal, J., Sabotier, A., & VassilefT, N. Les perforations du rectum par empalement. Rev. chir., Par., 1933, 71: 466-76.—Hald, J. [Peculiar impalement in a 10- year old girl] Norsk mag. lsegevid., 1932, 93: [Forh. Norsk med. selsk.] 82-4.—Hambly, E. H. Injury by a steel rod pierc- ing perineum, abdomen, and thorax. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 672.—Hubrich, R. Pfahlungsverletzung bei einer Graviden. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 2099.—Hiibner, A. Pfahlungs- verletzungen der Blase. Zsehr. urol. Chir., 1937, 43: 38-40.— Hubs, M. L'importanza della cistoscopia nello studio clinico e nella valutazione medico-legale delle lesioni da impalamento trans-rettale della vescica. Rass. previd. sociale, 1932, 19: No. 6, 18 pl.—Isler, W. Eigenartige Pfahlungsverletzung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1929, 59: 437.—James, M. C. Impalement of the rectum with intra-abdominal rupture; a report of 3 cases. Nebraska M. J., 1940, 25: 399-402.—Kleckner, M. S. Impale- ment of rectum; operation and recovery. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1934, 35: 131-3.—Lahey, F. H. Puncture of the rectum by the axle of a baby carriage. Boston M. & S. J., 1914, 171: 821.—La Marniere, de. Un cas d'empalement. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1932, 58: 1225-7.—Landsman, A. A. A report of 2 cases of injury of the rectum caused by impalement. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1930, 31: 17-20.—Lumniczer, S. [Rare case of injury by impalement] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1940, 38: 601-3.— Masini. M. F.strazione di un pezzo di palo dal basso ventre. Arch. sc. med. fis. toscane (1837-38) 1840, 1: 194-9, pl — Massias, ('. Pur 5 cas d'empalement. Bordeaux chir., i936, 7: 343-5.-—M6negaux. Un cas d'empalement du rectum; guerison par resection abdomino-perineale. Caz. hop., 1938, 111: 885.—Morel, A. Empalement recto-vesical; cystostomie; Mickuliez perineal; guerison. Mem. Acad, chir.. Par., 1939, 65: 662-4.—Moritsch, P. Einige Falle von Pfahlungsverlet- zungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 737-9. -Mosettig, E. Zur Kasuistik und Problematik der Pfahlungsverletzungen. Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1933, 94: 357-63.—Nedelec, M. Un cas d'empalement du rectum; guerison par resection abdomino- perineale immediate. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 747- 55.—Nikonov, S. A. [Case of perforation by a peg into the abdominal cavity through the perineum] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 8, 128.—Okamura, V. Ein Fall von totaler Harn- rohrenzerreissung durch Pfahlungsverletzung. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1937, 49: 431.—Polacco, E. Impalamento transaddominotoracico. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1934, 40: 786- 90.—Porzelt, W. Penetrierende Pfahlungsverletzung der Harnblase unter Mitverletzung des graviden Uterus. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 232: 432-5.—Power, J. H., & O'Meara. E. S. Perforated wound of the rectum into the pouch of Douglas, caused by impalement. Ann. Surg., 1939. 109: 468-73.—Re, C. Contributo alia casistica e considerazioni sulla patologia e clinica delle lesioni da impalamento. Ann. ital. chir., 1937, 16: 573-86.—Reinhardt, H. Eine Pfahlungsverletzung ungewohn- licher Art. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 231: 512-4.—Ricci, G. Sopra un caso di impalamento in rapporto ai poteri di difesa del peritoneo. Riforma med., 1936, 52: 284-90.—JRosenburg, A. Ueber eine eigenartige Pfahlungsverletzung. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 719.—Scharsich, K. Pfahlungsverletzung. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1930-31, 151: 657-60.—Schoen. Pfahlungsverletzung des Schambeins. Rontgenpraxis, 1941, 13: 83.—Tierny, A. Empalement sur un soc de charrue; evisceration perineale; resection; mort tardive apres 37 jours. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 353T5.—Valme, C. Plaies recto-vesicales provoquees par des tiges d'arbustes dessechees et tailiees k quelques centimetres du sol. Bull. Serv. hyg., Port-au-Prince 1936, 3: No. 10, 9-11.—Wanelaert. Un cas de plaie du rectum par empalement. In: Livr. jubil. pub. P. Derache, Brux. 1933, 7-10.—Wurzel, P. [Injuries due to impalement] Cas. lek. cesk., 1934, 73: 1362-4. IMPALUDATIOX. See Malariotherapy. IMPARTIAL (An) account of the conduct of the excise towards the breweries in Scotland, particularly in Edinburgh; pointing out the I beneficial effects of the new mode of survey ... 1 p. 1. N.ip. 21'.cm. Edinb., 1791. IMPARTIAL (An) and correct history of the war between the United States of America, and Great Britain; declared by a law of Congress, June 18, 1812, and concluded by a ratification and exchange of a Treaty of Peace, at the city of Washington, Feb. 17, 1815; comprising a par- ticular detail of the naval and military operations, and a faithful record of the events produced dur- ing the contest. 304p. 12? N. Y., J. Low, 1815. IMPATIENS. See also Geraniaceae. Reagle, M. L. The vascular anatomy of Impatiens pallida. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1938, 14: 233-40. IMPEDANCE. See Electric impedance. IMPEDIN. See also Phagocytosis, Inhibition; Vaccine. Torikata, R. Die Impedinerscheinung; Grundlage und Methode fiir die Reform der heutigen Impfstoffe, sowie Beitrag zur Aetiologie bosartiger Geschwiilste. 871 p. 8? Jena, 1930. Aoyaghi, Y. Nachweis des Impedins in den Alttuberkulinen, zugleich die Kritik iiber ihre Herstellungsmethode sowie die staatliche Kontrollierung der Wertigkeit der Praparate. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1934-35, 84: 405-9.—Chistovich, N. J. K voprosu o znachenii antifaginov i lelkotsitov pri fagotsitozle. Sborn. posv. I. I. Mechnikovu, S. Peterb., 1909, 3-5.—Fiorito, G. Sulle sostanze mierobiche antifagocitiche (antifagina di Chistovich) Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1910, 16: 563-73 — Fujinami, S. Die Impedinerscheinung bei Geschwillsten. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 204.—Hayasi, S. Nachweis von einer Phagozytose hindernden Energie (Impedin) im Tuberkulin. Kekkaku, 1929, 7: 43.—Isimoto, Y. Mit welchem Bestandteile des Antigens ist die Impedinwirkung verbunden? Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1926-27, 101: 420-5.—Isitani, K. Zur Feststellung der optimalen Rontgenbestrahlungszeit zwecks Vernichtung des Impedins. Arch. jap. Chir., 1937, 14: 695- 705. ------ Nachweis des Impedins in den Anavakzinen betreffend EI-Tor-Vibrionen. Ibid., 716-8.—Iwaki, S. Nach- weis des im Huhnermyxosarkom enthaltenen Impedins. Ibid., 1087; passim.—Nakagawa, K. Nachweis des in den gewohn- lichen Gonokokkenvakzinen enthaltenen Impedins. Ibid., 1-37.—Okuma, Y. The impedin phenomena on myeloma; the 4 proof of the existence of impedin in the myelomatous tissue; with a side light on the pathogenesis of the tumor. Ibid., 171. ----— Studies on the impedin phenomena in the chicken myxosarcoma. Kumamoto M. J., 1938, 1: 22-8.—Okumura, Y. Immunologische Versuche mit BCG; wird das Impedin auch von BCG produziert'.' Kekkaku, 1936, 14: No. 5, 22.— Pike, R. M. The depression of phagocytosis by products of staphylococci. J. Immun., Bait., 1934, 26: 69-80.— Sawada, B. Ueber den Einfluss von den gekochten Bakterienleibern auf den immunisatorischen Prozess; Experiment iiber die Phago- zytose. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1929, 10: 23. Also Polyclin. Dairen, 1928-30, 4: No. 16, 23.------Ueber die immunisa- torischen Eigenschaften von Vakzine, dessen Medium eine Zeitlang gekocht ist (Impedin-Vernichtung) Ibid., No. 19, 101.—Suguro, H. Ueber die Impedinerscheinung bei Phago- zytose; experimentelle Grundlage zur Beurteilung eines anti- genen Materials an seiner Antigenaviditat sowie Giftigkeit. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1926, 46: 399-438.—Takayasu, A. Erforschung iiber die allgemeine roborierende Wirkung der von Tuberkelbazillen stammenden Praparate; Nachweis des im Alttuberkulin enthaltenen Impedins, sowie der Unterschied zwischen dem briginalen (impedinhaltigen) und dem vom Impedin befreiten Alttuberkulin in der allgemeinen roborieren- den Wirkung. Kekkaku, 1938, 16: 17-20.—Tatui, S. Ueber das Impedin in den antigenen Praparaten aus Tuberkelbazillen; Erforschung iiber die optimale Abkochungszeit des eiweiss- freien Tuberkulins fur die totale Regenerierung der Antigen- viditat. Arch. jap. Chir., 1937, 14: 68. IMPERATORE, Biagio. Razza e profilassi antivenerea. 123p. 18cm. Nap., Ed. C. L. E. T. 1938 IMPERATORI, Charles Johnstone, 1878- & BURMAN, Herman Joseph. Diseases of the nose and throat, xviii, 723p. illust. diagr. 8: Phila., J. B. Lippincott co. [1935] Also 2. ed., rev. xxi, 726p. 23^cm. Phila. [1939] IMPERIAL Cancer Research Fund. See under Great Britain. IMPERIAL! Ill IMPETIGO IMPERIALI, Giovanni, -1653. Musaeum historicum et physicum [6] 1. 219p. 111. portr. 8? Venezia, Giunta, 1640. IMPERIALI, Mina, 1893- Untersu- chungen iiber die Korperlange und ihre Varia- tionen an stadt- und landzurcherischen Stellungs- pflichtigen; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Determi- nanten des Langenwachstums. p.217-46. 8? Zur., O. Fussli, 1933. IMPETIGO. See also Eczema, Complication; Pyoderma; Staphyloderma; Streptoderma. Bloontfield, J. H., & White. C. J. Emphasis on impetigo. Mod. Hosp., 1936, 47: No. 5, 69.—Danforth, W. C. Spots on the babv! Hygeia, Chic, 1942, 20: 333.—Forman, L. Impe- tigo. Brit. Encycl. M. Pract. (Rolleston, H.) Lond., 1938, 7: 81-102.—Founder, A., & Lamouroux. Les impetigos. Marseille med., 1926, 63: 1748-56.—Gelber, A. Impetigo. Med. Woman J., 1942, 49: 195-200—Impetigo; a summary of present-day concepts. Pharm. J., Lond., 1941, 93: 193.— Lindsay, H. C. L. Impetigo; a brief review. LTrol. Cut. Rev., 1926, 30: 215-24— Swartout. H. O. Impetigo is contagious. Health, Mount. View, 1941, 8: No. 11, 7.—Thomas, E. W. P. Common skin diseases; impetigo. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1940, 36: 579.—Tcmkinson. J. G. Impetigo. Practitioner, Lond., 1932, 128: 334-42.—Vickers. H. R. The impetigos. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1942, 207: 295-8. ---- bullosa. See also Dermatitis, bullosa; Dermatitis, ex- foliativa: Ritter's type. Hecker, M. *Ueber Impetigo bullosa und ihr nahestehende Erkrankungen. 23p. 2 1. 8? Marb., 1926. Balog, P. Sur la bacteriologie de l'impetigo bullosa et du pemphigoide. Ann. derm, syph., Par., 1930, 7. ser., 1: 1277- 81.—Behcet. H. Impetigo phlyktaenularis et circinata unter dem Bild einer Trichophytie bei Geschwistern. Derm. Wschr., 1937, 105: 1619— Bottema, C. W. [Impetigo bullosa tropica and its treatment] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1933, 73: 1090- 5.—Bremener, M. Sluchal dermatitis bullosa (streptocqccica) s. pemphigus v. benignus. Russ. J. kozhn. vener. bolezn., 1910, 20: 71-4.—Gaucher, Gougerot & Meaux Saint-Marc. Pemphigus; dermatite polymorphe, eczematiforme et bulleuse, streptococcique. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1913, 24: 73-7.— Milian, G. Impetigo phlvctenulaire et erysipeloide de la jambe. Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1932, 8: 471. ------ Impetigo phlycte- nulaire de la jambe laissant a sa place une dermite erosive cuivtee. Ibid., 1935, 11: 288-94.—Schubert, M. Ueber Impetigo bullosa und ihr nahestehende Erkrankungen. Derm. Zsehr., 1925-26, 46: 198-202.—Si rota, L. S. [Study of pyo- dermia pemphigoides gravis] Vest, vener., 1938, No. 6, 86.— Weber, O. Ueber die Beziehung der Schalblasen zur Impetigo kont. und Dermatitis exfoliativa. Zsehr. KrankenpfL, 1922, 44: 121; 139. ---- bullosa neonatorum. See also in 3. ser. Pemphigus, neonatorum. Adam de Beaumais, B. Contribution a I'etude du pemphigus epidemique du nouveau-ne. 47p. 8? Par., 1935. Grandjean-Bagard, E. *Etude sur le pem- phigus congenital a kystes 6pidermiques. 15p. 8? Par., 1906. Muller, E. *Zur Kenntnis des Kontagiositat des Pemphigus neonatorum [Erlangen] 46p. 8° Niirnb., 1909. Vorster, C. E. *Ueber Pemphigus neona- torum, seinen Zusammenhang mit Dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum und Impetigo contagiosa. 56p. 8? Rost., 1907. Adamson, H. G. On the bacteriology of pemphigus neona- torum, and a suggestion for further investigation by a different method of cultural proceeding. Brit. J. Derm. Syph., 1937, 49: 93-9.—Allyn, W. E., & Allyn, W. E., jr. A study of urines of the newborn following ammoniated mercury rubs. Arch. Pediat., N. Y„ 1942, 59: 631-6.—Arning [Ein Kind mit Pemphigus neonatorum] Jahrb. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. (1909) 1910, 14: 1. Teil, 131.—Beane, G. F. The prevention of impetigo; a study of non-bathing of the newborn. Am. J. Nurs., 1936, 36: 1207-10—Belding, D. L. Notes on the etiology and epidemiology of impetigo contagiosa neonatorum. Am. J. Obst., 1926, 11: 70-9.—Benians, T. H. C, & Jones, B. H. Pemphigus neonatorum. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 174-6.— Bergstrand, K. [Staphylococcic pyodermia and its relation to pemphigus neonatorum] Sven. lak. tidn., 1937, 34: 1241-6.— Bindschedler, J. J., Vallette, A., & Woringer, P. Pemphigus congenital. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1935, 42: 397. Also Nourrisson, 1935, 23: 241.—Bowman, A. K. Pemphigus neonatorum. Brit. J. Derm. Syph., 1936, 48: 484-90.— Brochier, A., & Rousset, J. Eruption bulleuse, congenitale chez un nourrisson (pemphigus epidemique congenitale) Bull. Soc fr. derm, syph., 1936, 43: 954-6. ------ Nouveau cas d'eruption bulleuse congenitale chez un nourrisson (pemphigus epidemique congenital) Ibid., 1937, 44: 188-90.—Burn, J. L. Pemphigus neonatorum. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 53.— Capurro, R. Penfigo congenito sucesivo a quistes epidermicos. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1926, 3. ser., 20: 306-9.— Cathala, V., & Meyer, J. Traitement du pemphigus epidemi- que du nourrisson par la methode nitrate d'argent ultra-violets d'Huldchinsky. Ann. Inst, actin., Par., 1933-34, 8: No. 5, 30-2.—Chadwell. O. R. Impetigo neonatorum; its control and treatment. N. England J. M., 1928, 199: 983-5.—Collins, F. G., & Campbell, H. Phemphigus neonatorum; a series of 50 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 227-9.—Conn, L. C, & Vant, J. R. The care and prevention of impetigo neonatorum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 32: 75.—Cox, R. A case of pemphigus neonatorum. Practitioner, Lond., 1920, 105: 301.—Daubresse- Morelle & Van Rossum. Une epidemie de pemphigus aigu des nouveau-nes. Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1932, 33: 173-9.— Delbanco, E. Zur Aetiologie der Fingerkuppenimpetigo (Tourniole-Sabouraud) und des Pemphigus neonatorum. Derm. Wschr., 1921, 72: 362-6.—De Blasio, R. II pemfigo epidemico dei neonati. Rinasc. med., 1934, 11: 726.—Dickey, L. B. A study of an epidemic of impetigo in new-born infants. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1926, 43: 145-59.—Feilchenfeld, B. Beitrag zu den Beziehungen zwischen Pemphigus neonatorum und Impetigo contagiosa. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1921, 58: 1436.— Foerster, O. H. Pemphigus neonatorum, or bullous impetigo contagiosa of the new-born. J. Am. M. Ass., 1909, 53: 358- 62.—Foulkrod, C. Pemphigus neonatorum contagiosus. Atlantic M. J., 1925-26, 29: 454-7.—Fox, H. Extensive pem- phigoid eruption in an infant. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1934, 30: 588.—Candy, D. T. Bullous impetigo of the new-born. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1935, 52: 483-8.—Garot, L. Observations nouvelles sur le pemphigus epidemique des nourrissons. Rev. fr. pediat., 1927, 3: 353-64.—Gate, J., Racouchot, J., & Raynaud. Pemphigus congenital k kystes epidermiques chez un heredo-syphilitique probable. Bull. Soc fr. derm, syph., 1937, 44: 513-5.—Gawalowski, K. Pemphigus acutus and impetigo contagiosa; on the question of the identity of the 2 diseases in childhood. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1928, 32: 435-8.— Gregorson, A. W. A note on ultra-violet radiation in the treatment of pemphigus neonatorum. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 1: 703.—Guy, W. H.. & Jacob, F. M. Prophylaxis of impetigo neonatorum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 840.—Halle, J. Pemphigus congenital. Bull. Soc pediat. Paris, 1934, 32: 419-23.—Hart. F. D. Pemphigus neonatorum (bullous con- tagious staphylococcic impetigo of the newly born) an account of 2 epidemics and a review of the literature. Brit. J. Derm. Syph., 1938, 50: 118-39.—Haxthausen, H. [Pemphigus con- tagiosus neonatorum] Hospitalstidende, 1937, 80: [Foren. gynaek. obst. forh.] 1. ------ [Treatment of pemphigus contagiosus neonatorum] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 266.— Heraux, A. Les pemphigus infectieux non syphilitiques du nouveau-ne. Gaz. med. France, 1934, 975-83.—Herlitz, G. Kongenitaler, nicht syphilitischer Pemphigus. Acta paediat., Upps., 1935, 17: Suppl. 1, 234.—Herzmann, K. Pemphigus neonatorum simplex congenitus. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1934, 56: 483-5.—Hiemcke, H. J. T. [Impetigo bullosa neonatorum] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1934, 3: 223-38.—Imre, M. [Study of pemphigus epidemic in infants] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1928, 26: 219-21.—Jordan, H. P. B. Pemphigus neonatorum in ma- ternity hospitals. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1928, 30: 552-61.— Kahler, M. V. A case of pemphigus neonatorum. Indianapolis M. J., 1929, 32: 334-6.—Keho, J. A. Epidemic pemphigus neonatorum (impetigo?) a method of treatment. Northwest M., 1929, 28: 37.—Kellert, E. On the control of epidemic impetigo neonatorum by means of glycerine. Am. J. Obst., 1929, 18: 426.—Kownatzki. Zur Verbreitungsweise des Pemphigus neonatorum. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1907, 54: 1923.—Krigbaum, R. E. On a possible cause for pemphigus neonatorum: a preliminary report. Am. J. Obst., 1926, 11: 494-6.—Levin. S. J. The treatment of impetigo contagiosa neonatorum; the dry method. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1934, 33: 563.—Lieberman, S. L. [Case of pemphigus neonatorum gravis] Sovet. vest, vener., 1934, 3: 1114—6.—Lubczyfiski, W. [Control of pemphigus among the new-born in St. Sophia's municipal maternity hospital in Warszawa] Gin. polska, 1938, 17: 239-45.—McMillan, A. E. Impetigo contagiosa neona- torum; its prevention in obstetric nurseries. West. J. Surg., 1931, 39: 924.—Magelaner, I. Eradicating infant impetigo. Mod. Hosp., 1938, 51: No. 5. 48.—Moutot, H. Pemphigus congenital successif; lesions albo-papulo'ides? association de k6ratodermie palmaire et plantaire congenitale. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1930, 37: 798-804.—Mulert. Ueber Pemphigus neonatorum. Zsehr. Medbeamte, 1910, 23: 520.—Murray, R. A. Impetigo or pemphigus neonatorum, with special reference to etiology and prophylaxis. Minnesota M., 1931, 14: 399- 404.—Neff, F. C. Epidemic pemphigus of the newlv born. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1929, 46: 24-33.—Normark, A. Ueber die Behandlung des Pemphigus neonatorum. Uppsala lak. foren. forh., 1936, 42: 309-14.—Norrlin, L. [Pemphigus neonatorum] Sven. lak. tidn., 1937, 34: 1472.—Olmsted, H. C. Impetigo contagiosa neonatorum; a present day hospital nursery problem. Northwest M., 1930, 29: 166-9.—Pemphigus neonatorum. IMPETIGO 1 12 IMPETIGO Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 1333.—Plantenga, B. P. B. [Pemphi- gus neonatorum and ibe body] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1933, 11: 407-10.—Plein, M. Pemphigus neonatorum; a nursing care studv. Am. J. Nurs., 1941, 41: 834-7.—Poole, W. H., & Whittle, C. H. Epidemic pemphigus of the newly born (Impeti- go contagiosa et bullosa neonatorum) Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 1323-7.—Reed, C. B. Impetigo or pyodermatitis neonatorum. Arch. Derm. S\ ph., 1928, 18: 20-36. Also Am. J. Obst., 1929, 17: 49-58.—Reist, A. Zur Prophylaxe der staphylogenen I'vodermien der Neugeborenen, speziell des Pemphigus neona- torum, mit Schwefolbudern. Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: H. 29, Beih, 16-8. Also Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1941, 61: 834-7.— Ritter, J. A. The non-cleansing technic for the prevention of impetigo contagiosa neonatorum; a 4-year study. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1941, 45: 460-2. ------& Stephenson, R. The care of the skin of the newborn; a study of the noncleansing technic. Pennsylvania M. J., 1938-39, 42: 514-6.—Roederer, J. Pem- phigus congenital k kystes epidermiques. Bull. Soc. fr. derm. svph., 1937, 44: 2151-7.—Rubell, I. Impetigo contagiosa neonatorum. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1931, 48: 777-84.— Rucker, M. P. Repeated neonatal deaths from impetigo neonatorum. South. M. J., 1934, 27: 540—Rulison, E. T. Control of impetigo neonatorum; advisability of a radical de- parture in obstetric care. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 93: 903.— Silvestri, U. Sopra una epidemia di pemfigo dei neonati verifi- catasi in Bologna neU'estate 1937. Atti Soc. ital. derm, sif., 1938, 1: 988.—Simpson, R. E. H. Pemphigus neonatorum. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 195.—Smith, M. M. Pemphigus neona- torum occurring in the practice of a midwife. Brit. M. J., 1910, 1: 198.—Stern, E. Ueber eine kleine Endemie von Pemphigus neonatorum gravis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 36.— Swendson, J. J., & Lee, S. R. Impetigo contagiosa neonatorum with a report of 4 epidemics. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 2081- 5.—Tachau, P. Pemphigoid der Neugeborenen und Kinder. In: Handb. Haut & Geschlkr. (A. & G. Alexander) Berl., 1934, 9: pt 2, 159-234.—Troup, A. G., & White, R. M. Pemphigus neonatorum treated with sulphapyridine (M. & B. 693) Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 1367.—Valk, J. W. van der. Ein Beitrag zur iitiologischen Identitat der Impetigo bullosa, des Pemphigus neonatorum und der Dermatitis exfoliativa Ritter von Ritters- hain. Derm. Zsehr., 1928, 53: 668-74.—Voigt, O. Was sind Schalblasen? Allg. deut. Hebam. Ztg, 1906, 21: 235-8 — Weston, W., jr. Congenital pemphigus neonatorum. South. M. J., 1930, 29: 905-8.—Willemin-Clog, Stoerr & Cardyn. A propos d'un cas de pemphigus congenital observe k la clinique du professeur Rohmer. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1935, 42: 392-6.—Wiskott, A. Pemphigus neonatorum. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942. 72: 50 (Abstr.) ---- Complication. Lindenstraus, H. *Die Impetigonephritis im Kindesalter unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung atiologischer und pathogenetischer Verhaltnisse. 50p. 8? Konigsb., 1932. Rotjchon, A. Contribution a I'etude des affections renales dans l'impetigo. 75p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Schafer, N. *Ueber die Impetigo-Nephritis nach dem Material der Bonner Universitats- Kinderklinik. 35p. 8? Bonn, 1934. Abascal, H. Algunas consideraciones sobre las nefritis impetiginosas. Mem. Acad, nac cienc. Antonio Alzate, 1940, 55: 38-47.—Artom, M. La nefrite da impetigine. Dermo- sifilografo, 1926, 1: 370-5.—Cruickshank, R. Impetigo contagiosa and nephritis. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 410.— Debre, R., & Lelong, M. Les complications de l'impetigo chez l'enfant. Medecine, Par., 1926, 8: 128-32.—Gorchakov, I. A. [The kidneys in impetigo in children] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 12, 10.—Kristensen, B., & Grandjean, E. [Impetigo and diphtheria] Ugeskr. laeger, 1934, 96: 507.—Milian, G. Im- petigo confluent et rebelle du visage; ses reactions biotropiques; prurigo de voisinage. Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1929, 5: 23-5. ------ Impetigo; erythSme ortie nummulaire generalise. Ibid., 26. ------ Atrophie cutanee secondaire a un impetigo vegetant. Ibid., 548-53. ------ Parakeratose eczematiforme avec petits medaillons consecutive k un impetigo de la face. Ibid., 1931, 7: 522-5.------ Impetigo escharotique par svphilis associee. Ibid., 1932, 8: 414.------Keratose p'ost-impetigineuse. Ibid., 1935, 11: 283.—Palmer, H. E. Impetigo contagiosa complicated by hemorrhagic nephritis; case report. J. Florida M. Ass., 1940-41, 27: 73-5.—Perin, L., & Vrettakis, C. Impetigo et psoriasis; guerison du psoriasis par le vaccin strepto-staphylococcique. Bull. Soc. fr. derm. syph., 1930, 37: 375-7.—Silvers, S. H. Impetigo contagiosa complicated by acute nephritis. N. York State J. M., 1939, 39: 1093-5.—Solomin, S. P. [Impetigo contagiosa case, combined with acute glomerulonephritis, in adult] Beloruss. med. dumka, 1927, 3: 100-6. Also Derm. Wschr., 1927, 84: 433.—Sommer. Ueber die Haufigkeit und Eigenart der Impetigonephritis im Kindesalter. Veroff. Heer. San., 1931, H. 85, 178-86.—Sutton, L. E., jr. Nephritis complicating impetigo. South. M. J., 1934, 27: 798-802.—Swann, H. C. Streptococcal pyaemia secondary to impetigo. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1935, 15: 1317.—Wooldridge, G. H. Acne and impetigo. Ibid., 1918-19, 31: 34-7. ---- contagiosa [Tilbury Fox] Balmain, A. R. An investigation into the {etiology of impetigo contagiosa (56 cases) with notes on treatment (263 cases) Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: 484-7.—Burckhardt, W. Die perorale Behandlung der Impetigo contagiosa mit Sulfanil- amidothiazol (Cibazol) Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 663.—Campbell, H. S. Some considerations regarding the etiology of impetigo contagiosa. California West M., 1942, 57. i30_—Carpenter, C. C. Treatment of impetigo contagiosa with compound chlorhydroxyquinoline ointment. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1938, 37: 307.—Chambers, G. L. Impetigo contagiosa. S. Michael's Hosp. M. Bulb, Toronto, 1929-30, 4: 61-3.—Cruickshank, R. Bacteriology of impetigo conta- giosa. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 275.—Doch. Impetigo conta- giosa. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1426 (Abstr.) (microfilm) — Downie, V. J. The silver nitrate treatment of impetigo con- tagiosa. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1941, 77: 97-9.—Dunaway, H. A. Impetigo contagiosa. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1937, 34: 122.—Ebner, M. T. Treatment of impetigo contagiosa. Ohio M. J., 1942, 38: 35. Also South. M. & S., 1942, 104: 70.—Ellison, J. B. The treatment of impetigo contagiosa by means of ultraviolet rays. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 1343-5.— Epstein, S. Impetigo contagiosa; the streptococcic and staphylococcic varieties and their management. Wisconsin M. J., 1941, 40: 383-90.—Gauvain, E. A. Common skin condi- tions; impetigo or impetigo contagiosa. Long Island M. J., 1926, 20: 327.—Goldman, L. Ulcerative reaction from gentian violet in the treatment of impetigo contagiosa. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1940, 42: 1122.—Holder, H. G. Treatment of impetigo contagiosa with gentian violet. Am. J. Obst., 1928, 15: 857-9.—Hollander, L., & Hecht, J. J. A new auxiliary treatment for impetigo contagiosa. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1934, 48: 269-71. Also J. Chemother., 1934, 11: 93-5.—Impetigo contagiosa. Bull, san., Montreal, 1940, 40: 22.—Jamieson, R. C. Impetigo contagiosa. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 17: 695.—Jessner, M. Impetigo contagiosa und Ecthyma simplex. In Handb. Haut & Geschlkr. (A. & G. Alexander) Berl., 1934, 9: pt 2, 35-158.—Lindberg, G. Zur Therapie der Impetigo contagiosa. Ann. paediat., Basel, 1942, 158: 40-5.—Ludy, J. B. Impetigo contagiosa. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 7: 672-5, pl.—Mayerhofer, E. Behandlung der Impetigo contagiosa des Kindesalters durch Kelenvereisung. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 797.—Milian, G. Impetigo et dermites streptococciques. Rev. fr. derm. v6ner., 1935, 11: 285-7.—Newman, J. L. Impetigo contagiosa, its epidemiology and control. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1935, 35: 150-9.—Nobl, G. Zirzinare Epithelzystenaussaat im Gefolye von Impetigo contagiosa. Derm. Wschr., 1934, 98: 50-2.—Nolan, R. A. The use of adhesive tape in dermatology; treatment of impetigo contagiosa. Bull. Maryland Dep. Health, 1930, 2: 57-62.— O'Donnell, E. T. Experimental impetigo contagiosa. Yale J. Biol., 1934-35, 7: 377.—Ottino, U. Epidemia di impetigo contagiosa. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1932, 10: 121.—Oxenius, K. Zur Behandlung der Impetigo contagiosa im Kindesalter. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 584.—Perin, L. Impetigo streptococcique et pityriasis rose de Gilbert. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1927, 34: 734-8.—Photinos, P. Un nouveau procede du traitement d'impetigo contagiosa. Ibid., 1938, 45: 650.—Pratt, A. G., ImhofT, R. E., & Decker, H. B. Impetigo contagiosa treated with ammoniated mercury-colloidal kaolin lotion. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1939, 36: 442-7.—Seldowitz, M. Treatment of impetigo contagiosa with rubber containing 8-hydroxyquinoline. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940, 59: 67-75.— Snell, E. Treatment of impetigo contagiosa. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 178.—Tachau. P. The bacteriology of impetigo contagiosa. Brit. J. Derm. Syph., 1938, 50: 113-8.—Wertheimer, H. G. Impetigo contagiosa. Atlantic M. J., 1925-26, 29: 451-4.— Wildman, W. W. Observations on the etiology of impetigo contagiosa in children. Med. Off., Lond., 1937, 57: 221. ---- contagiosa, staphylogenes. Asano, H. Weitere Beitrage zur Frage der Erreger von Impetigo contagiosa albo-staphylogenes (Dohi) Jahrb. Kinderh., 1935, 3. F., 94: 222-5.—Epstein, S. Beitrag zur staphylogenen Impetigo contagiosa. Derm. Zsehr., 1934, 70: 328-40.------ Staphylococcic impetigo contagiosa. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1940, 42: 840-55, pl.; 1941, 44: 317-9. ----— Local allergic phenomena in circinary impetigo; a contribution to the etiology of staphylococcic impetigo conta- giosa. J. Invest. Derm., 1940, 3: 223-30.—Kasahara, M., & Takahasi, T. Zur Klinik und Aetiologie der Impetigo con- tagiosa staphylogenes im Sauglingsalter. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1930, 3. F., 77: 188-93.—Meinardi-Flaumenhaft. [Impetigo circinata] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1940, 80: 1504-6. ---- eczematodes. See Eczema, Complication. ---- Etiology. Aoti, M. Bacteriological studies of impetigo; Impetigo vulgaris, impetigo albostaphylogenes Dohi and impetigo Bockhart. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1927, 9: 539; 10: 317.—B, E. El impetigococo. Gac peru. cir. med., 1941-42, 4: No. 40, 5.— Evans, P. The impetigococcus. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 737.—Morrison, J. Impetigo in school children. Med. Off., Lond., 1930, 43: 221.—Muller, A. Entwicklung und Stand der Impetigofrage. Zbl. Haut. Geschlkr., 1927-28, 25: 385-96 — IMPETIGO 113 IMPETIGO O'Donovan, W. J. Impetigo in schools. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 1: 461-4.—Richter, W., & Walther, K. Milzbrandahnlicher Bazillenbefund bei einer Hauterkrankung; Impetigo anthra- coides. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1089-92.—Simpson, R. E. H. The impetigococcus. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 683. ---- follicular [Bockhart] See also Folliculitis; Staphyloderma; Sycosis. Stowe, W. R. Treatment of Bockhart's impetigo in the adult scalp by X-rays. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 2: Suppl., 143. ---- Pathology. Szput, M. *Impetigo ungu6al. 29p. 8? Par., 1936. Cannon, A. B., Kohn [et al.] Pyogenic diseases (Discussion) J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1938, 12: 829-32.—Cared, P. Su un caso assai raro di impetigo diffusa delle fauci e della bocca. Oto- rinolar. ital., 1932, 2: 504-9.—Giardino, F. Dermatosi di Tilbury Fox e dermatosi di Bockhardt. Rinasc. med., 1934, 11: 306.—Hiemcke, H. J. T. Untersuchungen iiber Impetigo vulgaris und verwandte Erkrankungen. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1934, 170: 123-42.—Menna, F. La prova di McClure e Aldrich nei bambini affetti da crosta lattea. Rinasc. med., 1936, 13: 407.—Milian, G. Plaque d'impetigo chronique geante. Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1937, 13: 500-2.—Milian & P6rin. Teigne amiantacee, impetigo retro-auriculaire et seborrhocides. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1927, 34: 16-9.— Nicolas, J., Roussat, J., & Colas, J. Impetigo gangteneux. Ibid., 1936, 43: 1331-3.—Stomatite (La) impetigineuse des enfants. Clinique, Par., 1936, 31: 291.—Turquety, R. La stomatite impetigineuse des enfants. Med. inf., Par., 1933, 40: 393-401.—Wolfe, J. T. Unusual impetigo; case report. South. M. & S., 1938, 100: 417. ---- staphylogenes. Hahn, T. F. Staphylococcus toxoid in impetigo. J. Florida M. Ass., 1940-41, 27: 549-51.—Kuznec, M. M. [Clinical course of impetigo circinata] Vener. derm., Moskva, 1931, 8: 28-30.— Williams, R. B., & Daines, L. L. The relationship of infectious omphalitis of poults and impetigo staphylogenes in man. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1942, 101: 26-8. ---- Treatment. Michaud, J. *Le traitement moderne de l'impetigo par la vaccinotherapie ou la medica- tion sulfamidee. 87p. 241/4cm. par.; 1939. Adams, H. M. The challenge of impetigo control; a compari- son of methods and results in 3 hospitals. Am. J. Nurs., 1935, 35: 811-9.—Benassi, E. Osservazioni e considerazioni sulla fototerapia dell'impetigine. Actinoterapia, Nap., 1930-31, 9: 128-36. Also Raggi ultraviol., 1932, 8: 52-6.—Brain, R. T. Treatment of impetigo. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 492.—Carslaw, R. W., & Swenarton, J. A. Economy in the treatment of impeti- go and scabies. Ibid., 225.—Chadwell, O. R. Preventing and controlling impetigo in maternity departments. Mod. Hosp., 1931, 37: 49-51,—Flandin, C, Ferrand, M., & Duchon, L. Pyodermites et impetigos; bacteriologie et vaccinotherapie. Gaz. med. France, 1940, 47: 23-8.—Flood, R. G. Control of impetigo. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 931-4—Frazier, C. N. Prevention and cure of impetigo in infancy and childhood. Chin. M. J., 1936, 50: 586-91.—Georges-Levy. Formulaire. Bull. gen. ther., 1934, 185: 101-4.—Girard, Delbos, J., & Jaubert, R. Note preiiminaire sur l'utilisation du corps 693 en applications locales. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1939, 46: 603.—Gittings, J. C. Ammoniated mercury in impetigo. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1010.—Hope-Simpson, R. E. Sul- phathiazole ointment for impetigo. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1 : 90.— Jagger, F. F. C. Treatment of impetigo. Ibid., 1941, 2: 560.—Manheimer, S. Sound technic prevents impetigo in the nursery. Mod. Hosp., 1942, 58: No. 6, 50.—Peterkin, G. A. G. Treatment of impetigo. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 422—Roques, K. R. von. Ueber die Behandlung des Milchschorfes mit Stiefmutterchentee und Okrinal. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1016.—Roxburgh, A. C. Etiology and treatment of impetigo. Practitioner, Lond., 1941, 146: 289-95.—Scheepe, F. L. [Methods in treatment of impetiginous wounds] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1934, 74: 43.—Schlesinger, B. E., & Martin, N. H. Sulphonamides by mouth in the treatment of impetigo. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 527-9.—Shelton, L. B. Sulphathiazole ointment in impetigo. Brit. M. J., 1942. 1: 245—Smith, C. S. Treatment of impetigo. Ibid., 2: 560.—Solonovich, G. A. [Impetigo and its control in children's institutions] Sovet. pediat., 1934, No. 11, 88-93.—Steigman. A. J. Sulphathiazole ointment in the treatment of impetigo. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 12. ------ Sulphonamide therapy of impetigo. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 632.—Thomas, E. W. P. The use of sulphonamide in the treatment of impetigo. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 53.— Tratamiento del impetigo en los nifios. Dfa med., B. Air., 1939, 11: 685.—Vasileva, E. K. [Treatment of impetigo with Tinct. gallarum and Tinct. ratanhae aa] Vest, vener., 1938, No. 2, 83-5.—Veyrieres & Valette. L'impetigo et son traitement. Vie med., 1926, 7: 2005.—Wertheimer. L'impetigo de l'enfant en pratique medicale courante. Paris med., 1939, 113: 304-7.— Wilcox, R. Sulphanilamide in impetigo. Pharm. J., Lond., 1942, 94: 217. 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----8 in animals. Carre, H. Impetigo chez l'agneau; son etiologie; son traite- ment. Rec. med. vet., 1933, 109: 394-9.—Fraser, A. C. Im- petigo in a greyhound bitch. Vet. J., Lond., 1936, 92: 67.— Swann. H. C. Impetigo in dachshunds. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1935, 15: 1316. IMPETIGO herpetiformis [Hebra, 1872] Salin, L. *Impetigo herpetiformis mit Te- tanie nach Strumektomie. 25p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1933. Batunin, M. P. [Impetigo herpetiformis Hebra, with joint and nail complications] Vener. derm. Moskva, 1929, 6: 38- 43.—Blum, P., & Bralez, J. Impetigo herpetiforme. In Nouv. prat. derm. (Darier, Sabouraud [et al.]) Par., 1936, 4: 505-17.— Bohnstedt, R. M. Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Frage Impetigo herpetiformis und Tetanie. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1933, 169: 357-63.—Bonnet, L. M. Impetigo herpetiforme. Lyon med., 1940, 164: 17-22.—Brill, E. Zur Aetiologie der Impetigo herpetiformis. Derm. Zsehr., 1928, 53: 70-9.—Buschke, A., & Boss, A. Ueber Impetigo herpetiformis mit Gelenkerkrankun- gen. Derm. Wschr., 1931, 93: 1394-402.—Carter, B., & Pearse, R. L. Impetigo herpetiformis occurring during pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., 1937, 33: 114-25.—Creri, B. Impetigo herpeti- formis. Atti Soc. ital. derm, sif., 1938, 1: 749-55.—Ferrari, A. V. Sull'eziopatogenesi dell'impetigo herpetiformis. Ibid., 1144. ------ Sull'eziopatogenesi della'impetigo herpetiformis; contributo clinico-sperimentale. Dermosifilografo, 1939, 14: 201-8.—Friedmann, M. Ein Fall von Impetigo herpetiformis. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1932, 165: 457-68.—Leszcynski, R. Klinische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pathogenese der Impetigo herpetiformis. Ibid., 1928, 156: 102-21.—Lutz, W. Zur Kenntnis der Impetigo herpetiformis. Derm. Zsehr., 1928, 53: 384-90.—Maccari, F. Dermite micrococcica a tipo di impetigo erpetiforme. Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1930, 71: 1341-3; 1575-93, 2 pl.—Manzi, L. Impetigo erpetiforme gravidico. Clin, ostet., 1935,37:538-45.—Nekam, L. [Impetigo herpetiformi?] Orv. hetib, 1938, 82: mell., 146.—Prokopchuk & Baranovsky. Die Heilung der Impetigo herpetiformis Hebra durch Bluttrans- fusion. Derm. Wschr., 1933, 96: 66.—Rao, G. T. L'impetigo herpetiformis. Clin, ostet., 1938, 40: 389-96.—Rotnes. P. L. Zwei Fiille von Impetigo herpetiformis. Derm. Wschr., 1930. 91: 1059-63. Also Norsk mag. laegevid., 1930, 91: 432-41.— Sandler, I. L. Impetigo herpetiformis; a report of a case and brief review of the literature. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1939, 43: 347- 50.—Scherber, G. Die Impetigo herpetiformis. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 934; 963.—Schreiner, K. Zur Frage der Impetigo herpetiformis. Derm. Zsehr., 1927, 51: 340-44.— Tanimura. T. Ueber Impetigo herpetiformis bei nichtschwan- geren Frauen. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1927, 153: 86-9 — Tenlen, S. Forut visat fall av impetigo herpetiformis hos gravida. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3380 (Abstr.) (microfilm) — Tissi, E. Sopra un caso di impetigo herpetiformis gravidarum Hebrae. Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1930, 71: 1343-7.—Touraine & Molevaux. Impetigo herpetiforme chez un garcon de 14 ans. Presse med., 1940, 48: 540.—Walter, F. [Contribution to etio- ology of impetigo herpetiformis] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 719-23. Also Ann. derm, syph., Par., 1927, 6. ser., 8: 257- 65.—Wanderer. Impetigo herpetiformis. Zbl. Haut Geschlkr., 1936, 54: 67.—Werthemann, A. Ueber ImDetigo herpetiformis Hebrae. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl. 1929, 157: 214-33 — Wohlstein. E. Impetigo herpetiformis beim Manne mit schwerer Infektpolyarthritis und Nagelveranderungen. Derm. Wschr., 1931, 93: 1888-93.—Wreszynski, E. Impetigo herpeti- formis beim Manne mit schweren Gelenk- und Nagelveran- derungen. Ibid., 1927, 84: 161-5.—Zocchi, S. Impetigo erpetiforme e gravidanza. Ginecologia, Tor., 1936, 2: 339-52; 1939, 5: 465-82.—Zumbusch, L. von. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von Wreszynski iiber Impetigo herpetiformis beim Manne mit schweren Gelenk- und Nagelveranderungen. Derm. Wschr., 1927, 84: 543 [Schlusswort von E. Wreszynski] 544. ---- Treatment. Bartmann, J. Zur atiologischen Therapie der'Impetigo herpetiformis. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1937, 175: 93-106 — Buschke, A., & Curth. Ueber die Behandlung eines Falles von Impetigo herpetiformis mit Folliculin (Zondek), Menformon (Laqueur-Zondek) Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 1757.—Cedercreutz, A. Un cas grave d'impetigo herpetiforme definitivement gueri apr^s castration radiographique (observe 7 ans aptes l'interven- tion) Acta derm, vener., Stockh., 1939, 20: 403-12, pl.— Fedosov, N. [Therapy of impetigo herpetiformis (case, cured by intravenous injections of calcium)] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 330.—Frank, L. J. Impetigo herpetiformis; report of success- ful treatment with sulfanilamide. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1939 40: 253-5.—Griitz, O. Rontgenkastration bei Impetigo herpetiformis. Strahlentherapie, 1930, 35: 501-12.—Lesz- czynski, R. [Etiology and treatment of impetigo herpetiformis] Przegl. derm., Warsz., 1936, 31: 127-30.—Migge, M. Ueber einen mit Follikulin geheilten Fall von Impetigo herpetiformis bei einer nicht graviden Frau. Derm. Zsehr., 1928, 56: 110-8.— Prokupchuk, A. J., & Baranovsky [Treatment of impetigo herpetiformis by blood transfusions] Sovet. vest, vener., 1934, 3. 331 —Scherber. G. Zur Anwendung von Parathyreoidea (G. Richter) und des Priiparates A. T. 10 bei der Behandlung der Impetigo herpetiformis und der Psoriasis vulgaris pustulosa. IMPETIGO 114 IMPREGNATION Derm. Wschr., 1938, 106: 391-4.—Schubert, M. Impetigo herpetiformis, ihre Behandlung mit A. T. 10. Ibid., 1936, 102: 761-5.—Tenten, S. [Hormone treatment in a case of impetigo herpetiformis during pregnancy] Hygiea, Stockh., 1936. 98: 404-9. Also Acta derm, vener., Stockh., 1937. 18: 165-72 IMP-FRAGE. 12p. 8° Berl., 1891. Repr. from Vegetarier, Berl., 1891. IMPLANTATION. See Grafting. IMPORTANT advice to married women, con- taining infallible means of securing the affections of their husbands, and preserving domestic harmony. By a lady of high distinction. 43p. 16? Phila., C. Bell, 1823. IMPOSTOR See also Diploma; Physician, License; Quack. Another impostor repeats; Aaron Raffelson found using name of New York physician. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 433.—Audacious (An) impostor [Harry Virtue] Lancet, Lond., 1913, 1: 777.—Benton County quack jailed; re: State of Minne- sota vs John Taylor alias Hobo Jack, the unlicensed specialist. Minnesota M., 1940, 23: 493.—Bogus doctors busy. West Virginia M. J., 1942, 38: 83.—Bogus (A) medical diploma in Australia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1919, 73: 356-9.—Brosnan, L. J. Illegal and fraudulent practice of medicine. N. York State J. M., 1934, 34: 858-60.—Chaffee, S. N. Fake doctors. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1927, 27: 4-6.—Ely, rheumatism doctor, sentenced to 6 month jail term. J. Lancet, 1940, 60: 85.— Fake doctor pleads guilty to petit larceny in St Paul. Minne- sota M., 1940, 23: 739.—How's that again, now? a Doctor Ohlendorf gets lost among the sublime forces. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 436.—Illegal practitioner sentenced. Ibid., 118: 829.—Impostor given suspended sentence. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1942, 28: 250. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 428.—Itinerant health lecturer pleads guilty to fraudulent advertising and practicing healing without a basic science certificate. Minne- sota M., 1940, 23: 813.—Josephson, E. M. Doc. Ceorge H. Simmons, quack. In his Merchants in Med., N. Y., 1941, 11-7.—Knowlton, M. Folks fall for fakers. Connecticut Health Bull., 1937, 51: 262-4.—M, A. P. Dollar doctor. S. Mary Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1938, 44: 116.—Mitchell, J. Dr. Sims, professional hoodwinker. Med. Econom., 1936-37, 14: 33.— Phillips alias Phillips; criminal impersonates his former medical corps superior. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 145.—Phillips, Impostor Arthur Osborne Phillips sentenced to 5 years. Ibid., 1943, 121: 59.—Prominent (A) impostor; Koba-Kuba shows up as Matsuzaka. Ibid., 1940, 115: 1739.—Punishment for bogus F. R. C. S. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 406.—Surgical impostor sentenced. J. Am. M. Ass., i942, 119: 1515.— Venereal (A) professor sentenced. Brit. M. J., 1920, 1: 384.— Warning of impostor. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1942, 28: 249. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 509. IMPOTENCE. See Coitus, Disorders; Sterility, male; also Anaphrodisia; Divorce, Causes; Genitals, Abnor- mity; Marriage, etc. IMPREGNATION. See also Birth control; Breeding; Conception; Fecundation; Fertilization; Genetics, applied; Ovum; Reproduction; Semen; Spermatozoon; Sterility. Brouha, A. A propos des phenom^nes uterins pteparatoires k la nidation de l'oeuf. Bruxelles med., 1933-34, 14: 810-2. Also Gynecologie, Par., 1934, 33: 697.—Ei und Sperma sind fur einander giftig. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 851 (micro- film)—Gray, J. The effect of egg-secretions on the activity of spermatozoa. Brit. J. Exp. Biol., 1928, 5: 362-5.—Guttmacher, A. F. The sperm and the egg. In his Human Sex I ife, N. Y., 1940, 33-56.—Keiffer, H. Le mecanisme de la fecondation humaine, de la progression des elements sexuels dans le tractus ovaro-tubaire. Bull. Acad. med. Belgique, 1938, 6. ser., 3: 435-44, pl.—Lacerda, D. A. Fecundacao. Med. cir. pharm., Rio, 1940, 95-9.—Lowenstein, A. Versuche iiber Beziehungen zwischen Eiern und Samenfaden bei Seeigeln. Arch. Entw- mech., 1907, 24: 434-8.—Portmann, A. Die Nahreierbildung durch atypische Spermien bei Buccinum undatum L. Zsehr Zellforsch., 1927, 5: 230-43. ------ Die Entstehung der Nahreier bei Purpura lapillus durch atvpische Befruchtung Ibid., 1930, 12: 167-78.—Stefanelli, A. Sui fenomeni respira- tori in rapporto alia fecondazione nei Bufo vulgaris Boll Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 475-7.—Verda, D. J., Greem F. C. & Burge, W. E. Evidence that the phosphorus of the spermatozoon is in part responsible for the increased metab- olism of the ovum following fertilization. Abstr. Internat Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 274. ---- artificial. See also Fecundation, artificial. Davis, F. P. Impotency, sterility, and arti- ficial impregnation. 2. ed. 168p. 8? S. Louis, 1923. Gautier, J. La fecondation artificielle et son emploi contre la sterility chez la femme. 2. 6d. 112p. 12? Par., 1930. Hammond, J. Fecundaci6n artificial. 24p. 23cm. B. Air., 1936. Rohleder, H. Test tube babies; a history of the artificial impregnation of human beings. 248p. 8? N. Y. [1934] Artificial insemination. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 2: 1357. Also Med. J. Australia, 1941, 2: 119.—Aza, V. Algunos comen- tarios cllnicos y sexuales sobre la fecundaci6n artificial. Dfa med., B. Air., 1933-34, 6: 504.—Babies, A. [Experimental study of male genitals and the problem of artificial impregna- tion] Orvostud. kozb, 1941, 2: 4-9, pl— Beardsley, G. S. Artificial cross insemination. Tr. Pacific Coast Soc. Obst. (1939) 1940, 9: 78-84.—Bonadonna, T. The work done on artificial insemination in Italy. Proc. Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 73.—Cary, W. H. Experience with artificial impregnation in treating sterility; report of 35 cases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2183-7.—Castanedo, J. A. La inseminaci6n artificial ha dejado ya de ser un experimento. Rev. san. mil., Habana, 1938, 2: 55.—Chalier, A. La feconda- tion artificielle. Lyon med., 1936, 158: 453-62.—Chiaudano, C. La fecondazione artificiale nella sterilite da causa maschile. Rass. stud, sess., 1930, 10: 36-41.—Cohen, J. Artificial insemination; report of cases. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1933, 85: 817-22. ------ Cervical discharge, sterility, artificial in- semination. Ibid., 1934, 86: 730.—Douay, E. Fecondation artificielle. Gaz. med. France, 1930, 96-100.—Fougerat de David de Lastours. L'impregnation; essai d'etude experi- mentale. J. med. Paris, 1926, 45: 691.—Fulconis, H. De la fecondation artificielle. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1937, 26: 470-2.—Goldberg, A. T., & Schatz, M. M. Artificial insemina- tion. California West. M., 1938, 49: 212.—Guttmacher, A. F. The role of artificial insemination in the treatment of sterility. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 442-5.—Hirsch, J. Schwanger- schaft nach kiinstlicher Befruchtung. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1912, 49: 1361-3. Also Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1912) 1913, 43: 2. Teil, 293-9 [Discussion] 1. Teil, 225-30.—Imerlishvili, J. [Cases of artificial impregnation of women] J. akush., 1933, 44: 380-4.—Israel, S. L. The scope of artificial impregnation in the barren marriage. Am. J. M. Sc, 1941, 202: 92-8.—Jeanneney, G. Fecondation artificielle et desensibilisation dans le traite- ment de la sterilite. Gynecologie, Par., 1936, 35: 692.— Macias de Torres, E. La fecundaci6n arlificial. Sem. med., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 2, 402-5.—Mariscal, N. La fecundaci6n artificial. Siglo med., 1932, 90: 57-9.—Martin, A. Fecunda- tion artificial. An. cienc. med., Madr., 1912, 3. ser., 7: 65.— Meaker, S. R. A further note on artificial insemination. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 195: 471-3.—Mettenleiter, M. Sperma und kunstliche Befruchtung bei Mensch und Tier. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1925, 126: 251-90.—Mosbacher, E. Kunst- liche Befruchtung. Allg. deut. Hebam. Ztg, 1925, 40: 349.— Piraja, O. Fecundac3o artificial (sobre um caso de exito) Ann. paul. med. cir., 1933, 25: 131-4.—Preda, V. [Physi- ological epigenesis in artificial impregnation] Cluj. med., 1937, 18: 312-5.—Schultze, G. K. F. Kunstliche Befruchtung; ihre Stellung im Gesamtrahmen der Sterilitatsbehandlung. Zbl. Gyn., 1941, 65: 988-1012.—Seashore, R. T. Artificial impregnation. Minnesota M., 1938, 21: 641-4.—Seymour, F. I. Present status of knowledge concerning artificial im- pregnation (abstract) Eugen. News, 1936, 21: 104. —---- & Koerner, A. Artificial insemination; present status in the United States as shown by a recent survey. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 2747-9.—Shidler, G. W. Induced pregnancy. West. M. Rev., 1910, 15: 644.—Shorohova, A. A. La feconda- tion artificielle dans l'espece humaine. Gyn. obst., Par., 1927, 15: 132-9.—Stokes, W. R. Artificial insemination. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1938, 7: 218. Also Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1939, 8: 317-9.—Valtorta, F. Considera- zioni sulla fecondazione artificiale della donna. Rass. ostet., 1938, _ 47: 295-9.—Vignes, H. La fecondation artificielle; ce qu elle nous apprend sur la physiologie de la fecondation naturelle; ce qu'on pourrait lui demander dans le traitement de la sterilite. Progr. med., Par., 1929, 44: 1646-56.—Walton, A., & Prawochenski, R. An experiment in Eutelegenesis. J. Hered., 1936, 27: 341-4. ---- artificial: Legal and moral aspects. Abruzzese, G. Problemi ed aspetti morali, medici e giuridici della cura della sterilite con particolare riguardo alia feconda- zione artificiale. Riv. ital. gin., 1937, 20: 417-44.—Artificial insemination and illegitimacy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1832.—Aza, V. Algunos comentarios cllnicos y sexuales'sobre la feeundaci6n artificial. Rev. espafi. obst., 1932, 17: 515-21__ Guttmacher, A. F. A physician's credo for artificial insemina- tion. West. J. Surg., 1942, 50: 357-9.—Obiglio? j! RCo£ sideraciones medicolegals sobre la fecundaciVm' artificial Rev. crim., B. Air., 1932, 19: 427-45.—Sadi Fonsof F. La IMPREGNATION 115 IMPREGNATION esterilidad y la fecundaci6n artificial bajo el punto de vista social, cientlfico y legal. Rev. med. Rosario, 1935, 9: Suppl., 1; passim.—Seymour, F. I., & Koerner, A. Medicolegal aspec t of artificial insemination. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1531-4. ---- artificial: Technic. Beardsley, G. S. Artificial cross insemination. West. J. Surg., 1940, 48: 94-100.—Biologist predicts babies may come from borrowed ova; mother might serve merely as incubator to infant from ideal parentage; present eugenics condemned. Science News Lett., 1936, 29: 228.—Grosser, O. The time of ovulation and the prognosis of artificial insemination. Am. J. Obst., 1927, 13: 356-61.—Guttmacher, A. F. Practical ex- perience with artificial insemination. J. Contracept., 1938, 3: 75-7.—Hammond, J. Uterine grafts. Brit. J. Exp. Biol., 1926-27, 4: 349-56, 2 pl.—Kulagin, N. M. [Process of im- pregnation; experimental] Klin, med., Moskva, 1929, 7: 1467-75.—Lardy, H. A., & Phillips, P. H. The effect of certain inhibitors and activators on sperm metabolism. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 138: 195-202.—Lifvendahl, R. A. Tubal preg- nancy following uterine insemination. Am. J. Obst., 1933, 25: 733-5.—-Mason, L. W. Artificial intrauterine insemination. Colorado M., 1929, 26: 86-9.—Selection (The) of donors for use in artificial insemination. Gradwohl Lab. Digest, 1942-43, 6: 5-7.—Stepita, C. T. Physiologic artificial insemination. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 21: 450.—Weisman, A. I. The selection of donors for use in artificial insemination. West. J. Surg., 1942, 50: 142-4. ---- artificial—in animals. See also Breeding; Cattle breeding; Horse breeding; Hybridization. Ftjchs [R.] W. *Die Bedeutung der kiinst- lichen Besamung der Rinder fiir die Bekampfung der Deckinfektionen. 36p. 8? Giessen, 1936. Hammond, J. Fecundation artificial. 24p. 8? B. Air., 1936. Hocker, U. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Sexualvorgange des Karakulschafes im Hinblick auf die kunstliche Besamung. p.29-77. 25cm. Berl., 1938. Altara, I., & Adriano, P. La fecondazione artificiale nella lotta contro la sterilite delle bovine, osservazioni e rilievi sui priroi esperimenti in Piemonte. Clin, vet., Milano, 1938, 61: Suppl., 34; 49.—-Anderson, J. Artificial insemination of sheep and cattle. In Animal Breed. Internat. Genet. Congr., 1939. 7. Congr., 29; Also Proc Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr,, 47.—-Artificial insemination. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1942, 54: 297.—Avella, M. A. Apuntes sobre la fecundaci6n artificial. Rev. zootecn., B. Air., 1930, 18: 19-24.—Beller, K. Kunstliche Befruchtung in der Tiirkei. Miinch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 86: 541-4.—Berliner, V. R. Problems of arti- ficial insemination in horse and mule production. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1941, 98: 384-8.—Bonadonna, T. Note preliminare sulla fecondazione artificiale dei bovini e la lotta contro la sterilite; osservazioni sui comportamento e sui risultati della fecondazione delle vacche. Clin, vet., Milano, 1937, 60: 267-74.------Osservazioni sui primi vitelli nati per fe- condazione artificiale. Ibid., 1938, 61: Suppl., 9-14, 4 pl. ------ Esperimenti orientativi di fecondazione artificiale nei suini. Ibid., 19-28. ----■— The work done on artificial insemination in Italy. In Animal Breed. Internat. Genet. Congr., 1939, 7. Congr., 26.—Burch, G. E. Artificial insemina- tion in New York State dairy herds. Cornell Vet., 1939, 29: 395-406.—Cadeot, C. Sterilite et fecondation artificielle chez les bovides. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1939, 39: 1-8.— Cady, D. L. Artificial impregnation in bitches. Vet. Med., Chic, 1933, 28: 198.—Control of the artificial insemination of live- stock. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1942, 54: 217.—Dimock, W. W. Artificial insemination. North Am. Vet., 1934, 15: 22-8.— Escauriaza, R. La fecundaci6n artificial. Rev. zootecn., B. Air., 1925, 12: 344-6.—Fuchs. Die Bedeutung der kiinst- lichen Besamung der Rinder fiir die Bekampfung der Deckin- fektionen; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 43: 230.—Garlick, G. G. Transmission of bovine venereal trichomoniasis through artificial insemination. Vet. Med., Chic, 1939, 34: 43.—Gendreau, L. A. Artificial insemination of cattle. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1940, 4: 230-3.—Hadley, F. B. The pros and cons of artificial insemination of cattle. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1942, 100: 62.—Hamilton, J. G. Artificial in- semination of dairy cattle. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1940, 4: 323-8.—Heizer, H. E. Artificial insemination of cattle. M. S. C. Vet., East Lansing, 1941-42, 2: 126-8.—Henderson, J. A. Artificial insemination of cattle. North Am. Vet., 1940, 21: 92-4.—Hermansson, K. A. Artificial insemination of the bitch. Vet. J., Lond., 1935, 91: 15-7.—Huelguera, H. La fecundaci6n artificial y las selecciones sexual y natural. Rev. zootecn., B. Air., 1935, 22: 11-7.—Kingman, H. E. Artificial insemination. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1936, 88: 126-38. :---— The function of the veterinarian in the artificial insemination program. North Am. Vet., 1938, 19: No. 9, 29-33.—Kiist. Die kunstliche Besamung des Rindes. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1936 52: 805-8.—Mcintosh, R. A. Artificial insemination in cows Canad. J. Comp. M., 1942, 6: 239-41.—McNellis. R. Artificial impregnation. Vet. Bull., Wash., 1937, 31: 145-9 — Marcsfy, L. [Artificial impregnation of animals] Allatorv. lap., 1939, 62: 183.—Marvell, A. The artificial insemination of stock. Vet. J., Lond., 1933, 89: 518-20.—Nelson, C. A. Practical application of artificial insemination in Danish cattle- breeding. North Am. Vet., 1941, 22: 32.—Nicholas, J. S. Experiments on developing rats; the induction of artificial pregnancy. Anat. Rec, 1942, 83: 457-70.—Olbrycht, T. Die kunstliche Besamung, ihr Wert fur die Tierzucht. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1939, 47: 347.—Pommerenke, W. T. Effects of sperm injections into female rabbits. Physiol. Zool., 1928, 1: 97-121.—Prima adunata nazionale veterinaria per la fe- condazione artificiale; Pavia, aprile XVII. Clin, vet., Milano, 1939, 62: Suppl., 1.—Ruiz Tello, C. La reproducci6n de la especie equina; notas liminares acerca de la ovulaci6n, fecunda- ci6n e inseminaci6n artificial. Rev. mil. Peru, 1942, 39: 390- 405.—Schuldenzucker, F. Ein Versuch mit kunstlicher Befruchtung bei Edelfuchsen. Munch, tierarztl. Wschr., 1925, 76: 753-8.—Soeiete (La) di allevatori per la fecondazione artificiale nei New Jersey. Clin, vet., Milano, 1938, 61: 91-4 — Tagliavini, A. Osservazioni sulla fecondazione artificiale nella cavalla. Ibid., 1939, 62: 625-30.—Teodoreanu, N. Studies in artificial insemination of sheep. In Animal Breed. Internat. Genet. Congr., 1939, 7. Congr., 28. Also Proc. Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 281. Also Bull. Acad. roumain., 1939-40, 22: 215-9.—Terrill, C. E., & Gildow, E. M. Another experiment on long range paternity in sheep. J. Hered., 1938, 29: 77.—Walton, A. Agricultural physiologv. Science Progr., Lond., 1933, 27: 598-601.—Wettengl, F. Ueber die Grenzen der Indikation zur kiinstlichen Befruchtung. Wien. tierarztl. Mschr., 1938, 25: 370-7.—Work on fatherless rabbits. Science News Letters, 1940, 37: 261. ---- artificial—in animals: Technic. Bottchek, H. Untersuchungen iiber die Verwendungsmoglichkeit von aufbewahrtem Bul- lensperma und von Samen trichomonadenkranker Tiere fiir die kunstliche Besamung. 38p. 21cm. Bleicherode a. Harz, 1939. Feiling, O. [L.] *Gewinnung und Unter- suchung von Samen gesunder und kranker Bullen zum Zwecke der kiinstlichen Besamung des Rindes [Giessen] 80p. 8? Birkenau i. Odw., 1935. Great Britain. Imperial Bureau of Animal Genetics. The technique of artificial insemination. 56p. 8? Edinb., 1933. Kuhne, W. *Untersuchungen von Bullen- sperma auf Beschaffenheit und Eignung fiir die kunstliche Besamung [Giessen] 79p. 8? Butz- bach (Oberhessen) 1936. Mockel, H. *Zur Physiologie des Ziegen- bockspermas, im Hinblick auf die kunstliche Besamung. 47p. 21cm. Lpz., 1937. Morosoff, N. P. *Contribution a I'etude de la fecondation artificielle et de la conservation des spermatozoides chez les animaux domestiques [Alfort] 27p. 8? Par., 1930. Schottle, R. *Zur Physiologie des Schaf- bockspermas (im Hinblick auf die kunstliche Besamung) 56p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Weber, H. *Zur Physiologie des Bullen- spermas (im Hinblick auf die kunstliche Be- samung) 52p. 21cm. Lpz., 1936. Black, D. J., & Scorgie, N. J. The collection of semen and artificial insemination in the domestic fowl. Vet. J., Lond., 1942, 98: 108-14, pl.—Blandau, R. J., & Jordan, E. S. A technique for the artificial insemination of the white rat. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1940-41, 26: 1361-3.—Bonadonna, T. L'accop- piamento artificiale ed il problem zootecnico nazionale. Clin. vet., Milano, 1935, 58: 808; 870. ------ Note preliminare sulla fecondazione artificiale dei bovini e la lotta contro la sterilite; il problema zootecnico ed el problema sanitario della fecondazione artificiale. Ibid., 1937, 60: 252. —— Kunst- liche Besamung, gegenwartiger Stand, Bedeutung, Technik. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1939, 47: 537-43.------Storage and shipment of semen. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1939, 51: 999-1008. ------& Mocchi, E. Costruzione ed attrezzamento dei locali per la fecondazione artificiale. Clin, vet., Milano, 1938, 61: 150; 161; 177.—Camici, D. Camera produttiva di alcuni cavalli nati per fecondazione artificiale alia razza governativa di Persano. Ibid., Suppl., 68-73.—Easley, G. T., Mayer, D. T., & Bogart, R. Influence of diluters, rate of cooling, and storage temperatures on survival of bull sperm. Am. J. Vet. Res., 1942, 3: 358-63.—Edwards, J., & Walton, A. Problems of semen pro- duction related to artificial insemination. In Animal Breed. Internat. Genet. Congr., 1939, 7. Congr., 30.—Frank, A. H., Smith, C. A., & Eichhorn, A. Preliminary report on prolonging the viability of spermatozoa in vitro. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1941, 99: 287.—Garcia Mata, E. La tecnica de la insemina- IMPREGNATION U(i IMPREGNATION eion artificial en los animates domesticos. Rev. med. vet., B. Air., 1936, 18: 623-49.-----A- Cano, A. E. Inseminaci6n artificial de ovinos en vasta escala; operaciones realizadas en 6,300 ovejas en un establecimiento de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Ibid., 1941, 23: 208-31.—Gildow. E. M., & Terrill, C. E. Artificial insemination of ewes with transported semen. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass.. 1938. 93: 157-9.—Gotze, R. Ueber die neuen russischen Methoden der kiinstlichen Besamung bei Haustieren. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1933, 41: 801: 820. ------ Spermage- winnung, Spermapriifung und kunstliche Besamung bei den Haustieren. Ibid., 1939, 47: 194-201.—Hamilton, J. G., & Svmington, E. L. Cooperative artificial insemination of dairy cattle. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1939, 3: 337-40.—Harrow, W. T. A home-made bovine artificial vagina. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1942, 54: 292. - Henderson, J. A. Artificial insemination under field conditions. Cornell Vet., 1939, 29: 135-43.— Hofmann, W. Ueber die kunstliche Besamung des Rindes. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 193K. 80: 1-13. ------ Die kunstliche Besamung beim Rind in der tierarztlicben Praxis. Ibid., 1939, 81: 317- 27.—Hollingsworth, J. The activation of Cumingia and Arbacia eggs by bivalent cations. Biol. Bulb, 1941, 81: 261- 76.-—Ivanov, I. L'insemination artificielle des mammiteres en tant que methode scientifique et zootechnique. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1930, 3: 49-63. Also Vet. Rec, Lond., 1930, 10: 25-30.—Kafka, H. Besamungsspritze fiir Schafe. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1939, 47: 376.—Kelly, G. L., Fulghum, C. B. [et al.] Artificial insemination by wav of the ovarian bursa in the guinea pig. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1929, 48: 200-3—Kissileff, A. Artificial insemination of dairy cattle in private practice. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1940, 96: 309-15.— Kiist, Beitrag zur Technik der kiinstlichen Besamung des Rindes. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1937, 53: 745.—Landauer, W. Russian methods of artificial insemination multiply sires' value. J. Hered., 1933, 24: 87-92.—Letard, E. L'insemination artificielle chez les animaux domestiques. Rec. med. vet., 1935, 91: 683-713. ------ Demonstration sur l'insemination artificielle chez quelques especes animates. Ibid., 1937. 113: 716-26.—Loessl, H. The practical use of artificial impregnation. Vet. Med., Chic, 1934, 29: 441-3.—Makkovka, V. V. [Appliances for effecting the fusion of the spermatozoid with the ovum in the vertebrates in artificial fecundation and their evolution in internal fecundation] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 7: 248-53; 8: 12-6.—Miller, F. W. The technic of artificial insemination with dairy cattle. Cornell Vet., 1937, 27: 103-9. ------ & Evans, E. I. Technic for obtaining spermatozoa for physiologi- cal dairy studies and artificial insemination. J. Agr. Res., 1934, 48: 941-7.—Miller, W. C. Observations on the employment of artificial insemination as applied to British livestock breeding. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1938, 50: 25-33.—Olbrycht, T. M. The Lw6w methods of artificial insemination. In Animal Breed. Internat. Genet. Congr., 1939, 7. Congr., 28.—Phillips, P. H. Preservation of bull semen. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 130: 415.— Phillips, R. W., Schott, R. G. [et al.] Long range transportation of ram semen for use in artificial insemination. In Animal Breed. Internat. Genet. Congr., 1939, 7. Congr., 27.—Pincus. G. The breeding of some rabbits produced by recipients of artificially activated ova. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1939, 25: 557-9.—Pribyl, E. 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Do spermatozoa penetrate the membrane of self-inseminated eggs of Ciona and Styela? Biol. Bulb, 1942, 82: 455-60 — Motomura, I. Materials of the fertilization membrane in the eggs of echinoderms. Sc. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 1941, 4. ser., 16: 345-63, 2 pl.—Pincus, G. The comparative behavior of mammalian eggs in vivo and in vitro; the development of fertilized and artificially activated rabbit eggs. J. Exp. Zool., 1939, 82: 85-129, 8 pl. ------& Shapiro, H. The comparative behavior of mammalian eggs in vivo and in vitro; further studies on the activation of rabbit eggs. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1940, 83: 631-47, 3 pl.—Schechtman, A. M. Mechanism of ingres- sion in the egg of Triturus torosus. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934-35, 32: 1072.—Schreiber, G. Le ossidasi nella membrana di fecondazione delle uova di echino. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper.. 1929, 4: 1190-3.—Sokolow, A. J. Zur Frage der Spermatophor- befruchtung bei der Wanderheuschrecke (Locusta migratoria L.) das Weibchen. 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Zellforsch., 1929, 9: Kurzrok, R. *Biochemical studies of human semen and its relation to mucus of the cervix uteri [Columbia Univ.] 19p. 8? N. Y., 1927. Wahlig, F. *Zur Frage der ausseren Sper- mien-Ueberwanderung [Heidelberg] 36p. 8° Walldorf, 1928. Abraham, R. Das Verhalten der Spermien in der weiblichen Bettwanze (Cimex lectularius L.) und der Verbleib der iiber- schiissigen Spermamasse. Zsehr. Parasitenk., 1933-34, 6: 559-91.—Ardelt. Spermaresorption bei gesunden und genital- kranken Frauen. Arch. Gyn., 1933-34, 156: 357-61.—Belonosh- kin, B. Das Verhalten der Spermatozoen zwischen Begattung und Befruchtung bei Oktopus vulgaris. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1929,9:750-3. ------ Biologie und Klinik der Spermatozoen; experimentelle Untersuchungen am menschlichen Sperma ausserhalb des Korpers und im weiblichen Organismus. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1939, 169: 151-83. ------ Das Verhalten der menschlichen Spermatozoen im weiblichen Organismus. Munch, med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 847-50.—Boas, K. Konser- vierungsdauer von Stiersperma in der Scheide der Kuh. Arch. Krim. Anthrop., 1914, 57: 373.—Cary, W. H. Duration of sperm cell migration in uterine secretions; preliminary report; maximum 80 hours. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 2221-3. ------Necrospermia and viabilitv of spermatozoa in the cervical canal. Ibid., 1937, 108: 1280.—Comstock, R. E. A study of the mammalian sperm cell; variations in the gly- colytic power of spermatozoa and their relation to m >tility and its duration. J. Exp. Zool., 1939, 81: 147-0 1.- -Evan?, E. L The transport of spermatozoa in the dog. Am I Phvsiol 1933, 105: 287-93. Folk. G. E., jr. The longevity of sperm in the female rat. Anat. Rec, 1940, 76: 103-9, pl. Genell, S. Mechanism of transport of spermatozoa through uterus Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1937, 77: 28.---" _ [The mechanism of the transport of spermatozoa through the female IMPREGNATION 117 IMPREGNATION genital tract] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1779-84.—Green, W. W., & Winters, L. M. Studies on the physiology of reproduction in the sheep; the time of ovulation and rate of sperm travel. Anat. Rec, 1934-35, 61: 457-69, pl.—Hammond, J., & Asdell, S. A. The vitality of the spermatozoa in the male and female reproductive tracts. Brit. J. Exp. Biol., 1926-27, 4: 155-85.— Harkness, A. H. Sperm survival. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 558.—Hartman, C. G. On the survival of spermatozoa iri the female genital tract of the bat. Q. Rev. Biol., 1933, 8: 185-93. ------& Ball, J. On the almost instantaneous transport of spermatozoa through the cervix and the uterus in the rat. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 312-4.—Huhner, M. Necrospermia and viability of spermatozoa in the cervical canal. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1581.—Kaufmann, B. P., & Demerec, M. Utilization of sperm by the female Drosophila melanogaster. Am. Natur., 1942, 76: 445-69. ------■ Sperm utilization in Drosophila melanogaster following single and multiple inseminations. Genetics, 1942, 27: 150.—Khreninger- Guggenberger, J. von. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die vertikale Spermienwanderung. Arch. Gvn., Berl., 1933, 153: 64-6.—Krehbiel, R. H., & Carstens, H. P. Roentgen studies of the mechanism involved in sperm transportation in the female rabbit. Am. J. Physiol., 1939, 125: 571-7 — Kugota, T. Der Einfluss des Uterussaftes in verschiedenen Perioden des oestrischen Zyklus auf die Lebensdauer der Spermatozoen. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1929, 9: 457-65.—Kurzrok, R., & Lieb, C. C. Biochemical studies of human semen; the action of semen on the human uterus. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 268-71.—Kurzrok, R., & Miller. E. G., jr. Biochemical studies of human semen and the mucin of the cervix uteri. Ibid., 1926-27, 24: 670-2. Also Am. J. Obst., 1928, 15: 56-72.—Laffont, A., & Bourgarel, R. Secretions feminines et progression des spermatozoides dans les voies genitales. Bull. Soc. gyn. obst. Paris, 1938, 27: 669-71 ------Rapport entre Taction biologique des secretions cervicales et vagjnales sur les spermatozoides et leur aspect cyto-bacteriologique. Ibid., 1939, 28: 337.—Lamar, J. K., Shettles, L. B., & Delfs, E. Cyclic penetrability of human cervical mucus to spermatozoa in vitro. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 234^1.—Miller, E. G., jr, & Kurzrok, R. Biochemical studies of human semen; factors affecting migration of sperm through the cervix. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 28: 857-9. Also Am. J. Obst., 1932, 24: 19-26.—Moench, G. L. The longevity of the human spermatozoa. Ibid., 1939, 38: 153-5.—Munro, S. S. Functional changes in fowl sperm during their passage through the excurrent ducts of the male. J. Exp. Zool., 1938, 79: 71-92.—Ohlin, C. A. The duration of life of the spermatozoa in the human uterine tube. Acta obst. gyn. scand., 1935, 15: 50-7.—Parker, G. H. Ciliary currents in oviducts of turtles in relation to transportation of sperma- tozoa. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 52 — Penetrability of mucus in the cervix uteri by spermatozoa. Yearb. Carnegie Inst. Washington, 1940, 39: 186.—Popa, G. T., & Marza, V. La phagocytose des spermatozoides vivants par les elements cellulaires du tractus genital femelle de la meme espece. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 101: 1185.—Phillips, R. W., & Andrews, F. N. The speed of travel of ram sperma- tozoa. Anat. Rec, 1937-38, 68: 127-32.—Quinlan, J., Mare. G. S., & Roux, L. L. A study of the duration of motility of spermatozoa in the different divisions of the reproductive tract of the merino ewe. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1933, 1: 135- 45.—Redenz, E. Das Verhalten der Saugetierspermatozoen zwischen Begattung und Befruchtung. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1929, 9: 734-49.—Rodolfo, A. The physiology of reproduction in swine; the semen of boars under different intensivenesses of mating. Philippine J. Sc, 1934, 53: 183-203.—Rubenstein, B. B. Human sperm survival in vivo. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 75 (Abstr.)—Seymour, F. I. Viability of spermatozoa in the cervical canal: preliminary report. J. Am. M. A*s., 1936, 106: 1728.—Shedlovsky, L., Belcher, D., & Levenstein, I. Titrations of human seminal fluid with acids and alkalis and their effects on the survival of sperm motility. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 136: 535-41.—Simpson, S. L. Sperm survival. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 499.—Sjovall, A. [The mucosal cycle in the cervix uteri and passage of the spermatozoa] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1288-90.—SoderwalI, A. L., & Blandau, R. J. The duration of the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa in the female genital tract of the rat. J. Exp. Zool., 1941, 88: 55-64.------ Start of human life shown by electron microscope pictures; problems of human sterility may also be solved with aid of pictures magnifying spermatozoa 27,000 times. Science News Lett., 1941, 39: 355.—Stemmer, W. Vegetative Vvir- kungen des Spermas im weiblichen Organismus. Med. Kim., Berl., 1940, 36: 1109 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Szabuniewicz, B. [Mechanism of migration of the sperm in the genital tract of women] Polska gaz. lek., 1935, 14: 407.—Terni, T., & Maleci, O. Ueber das Eindringen von Spermatozoen in m-vitro- geziichtete somatische Zellen. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., W^o-^, 19: 165-70, pl. Also Monit. zool. ital., 1937, 47: Suppl., 72- 9.—Tuci, M. Sulla sopravvivenza degli spermi negli organi genitali femminili della Gambusia. Ibid., 1937-38, 48: 269- 72 —V. Wie lange bleiben menschliche Spermatozoen im weiblichen Organismus lebensfahig? Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 36: 623.—Walton, A., Hammond & Asdell. On the vitality of the spermatozoon in the male and female genital tracts and outside the body. Verh. Internat. Kongr. Sexforsch., 1927, 2: 217-9.—Walton, A., & Whetham, E. O. The survival of the spermatozoon in the domesticated fowl. J. Exp. Biol., Lond 1933, 10: 204-11.—Watson, M. C. The effect of cervical secretions on the vitality of spermatozoa. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1939, 40: 542.—Weisman, A. I. The endurance of spermatozoa within the vagina as compared with spermatozoal vitality outside of the body. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1939, 150: 87.— Williams, W. W., & Simmons, F. A. The intracervical survival of spermatozoa. Am. J. Obst., 1942, 43: 652-62.—Wimsatt, W. A. Survival of spermatozoa in the female reproductive tract of the bat. Anat. Rec, 1942, 83: 299-307, incl. pl.— Yochem, D. E. Spermatozoon life in the female reproductive tract of the guinea pig and rat. Biol. Bulb, 1929, 56: 274-97. ------A study of the motility and resistance of rat sperma- tozoa at different levels in the reproductive tract. Physiol. Zool., 1930, 3: 309-29.—Zalkind, S. [Penetration of spermato- zoids into tissue cells] Priroda, Leningrad, 1938, 27: 97. ---- Pathology. See also Reproduction, Pathology; Sterility. Asdell, S. A., & Salisbury, G. W. The viability of sperma- tozoa in the abdominal epididymis and the failure of motile sperms to fertilize ova. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 132: 791-5.— Ball, J. Frequent failure of a single insemination to activate the corpora lutea of the rat sufficiently for implantation of fertilized ova. Ibid., 1940, 130: 471-4.—Brujas, E. Nuevas orientaciones para el estudio de la esterilidad matrimonial y de algunos trastornos de la fecundaci6n. Med. ibera, 1935, 29: pt 1, 345-9.—Dantschakoff, V. Sterilite de I'embryon resultant des troubles dans le mecanisme de transport des cellules genitales. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109, 860.—Seguy, J., & Vimeux, J. Contribution k I'etude des sterilites inex- pliquees; etude de l'ascension des spermatozoides dans les voies genitales brasses de la femme. Gyn. obst., Par., 1933, 27: 346-58. IMPREGNATION [histological] See also Gold impregnation; Histology, Tech- nic; Silver impregnation; Staining, etc. Achard, C, & Aynaud, M. Sur l'impregnation histologique par les precipites colotes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1906, 61: 74.— Chatton, E., & Iwoflf, A. Impregnation, par diffusion argen- tique, de l'infraciliature de cilies marins et d'eau douce, aptes fixation cytologique et sans dessiccation. Ibid., 1930, 104: 834-6.—Lavrov, K. A. [Impregnation of objects by con- stant current] Tr. Gistol. konf., Moskva (1934) 1935, 1. Conf., 272-80.—Pastori, G. Sulla tecnica di impregnazione argentica delle sezioni incluse. Monit. zool. ital., 1929, 40: 42-7.— Visintini, F. Ricerche sperimentali e considerazioni teoriche sui fenomeni chimico-fisici delle impregnazioni istologiche. Riv. pat. nerv., 1931, 38: 667-7. IMPRENSA medica. Rio, v.15, 1939- IMPRESSION [psych.] See also Emotion; Judgment; Perception. For dental impression see Dentistry, Impression and moulds; for maternal impression see Fetus, Maternal impression. Bertrand, A. Le mouvement psychologique; memoire inedit de Maine de Biran sur les perceptions obscures ou sur les impressions generales affectives et les sympathies en particu- lier. Arch, anthrop. crim., Lyon, 1914, 29: 529-38; 651-85.— Lechner, K. Das Wesen der Impressionen und Revelationen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1914, 64: 2261; 2463. IMPULSE [and impulsiveness] See also Emotion; Instinct. For nerve impulse see Nerve, Conductivity. For cardiac impulse see under Heart. Bender, L., & Schilder, P. Impulsions; a specific disorder of the behavior of children. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1940, 44: 990-1008.—Challman, R. C. An experimental study of resistance to impulse in normal and subnormal children of the same mental age. Abstr. Diss. Stanford Univ., 1935-36, 11: 176-8.—Dublineau, J., & Doremieux. Le traitement par l'acetylcholine de certains troubles du caractere de l'enfance k type d'impulsivite. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1936, 94: pt 2, 99-102.—Rickman, J. On the nature of ugliness and the crea- tive impulse; marginalia psychoanalytica. Internat. J. Psy- choanal., Lond., 1940, 21: 294-313.—Rudert, J. Gezogen- und Getriebenwerden, zwei Seiten unserer Triebregungen. Ber. Deut. Ges. Psychol. (1933) 1934. 13. Kongr.. 167. IMPULSIVE state. See also Obsession; also under names of im- pulsions as Alcoholism, periodic; Exhibitionism; Kleptomania, etc.; also Psychoneurosis; Psy- chosis. Medioni, A. *Instinct d'imitation et im- pulsions morbides. 122p. 8? Par., 1926. Aiginger, J. Ueber psychische Zwangsphanomene bei Hirn- kranken und einen hirnphysiologischen therapeutischen Weg. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1934, 36: 481; 498.—Ameline. IMPULSIVE 11 S INANITION Considerations sur la psycho-physiologie des obsessions et impulsions degeneratives. C. rend. Congr. internat. psychol. (1900) 1901, 4. Congr., 572-8.—Assad Hakim. Impulsivite a mordre et a pincer les joues post-encephalitique. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1938, 18: 287.—Bagby, E. A compulsion and its motivation. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1926-27, 22: 8711.— Bartemeier, L. H. A counting compulsion; a contribution to the unconscious meaning of time. Internat. J. Psychoanal., Lond., 1941, 22: 301-9.—Benon, R. Obsessions morbides et violences. Bull, med., Par., 1934, 48: 219-22.—Bolten, G. C. [Case of impulsive insanity] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1928, 72: pt 1, 1246-52.—Bresowsky, M. Zur Frage des sogenannten impulsiven Irreseins. Mschr. Psychiat., 1934-36, 90: 113-32.— Carp, K. A. D. E. [Impulsive neurosis: 5 cases] Ned. tschr. gene, -k . 1928, 72: pt 1, 511-9.—Colapietra, F. Sulle condi- zioni < imicu-patogenetiche deH'impuIsivita negli infermi di mentc Aen. Osp. psichiat. Perugia, 1934,28: 15-20—Elias- berg. W. Das Zwangserlebnis und der soziale Zwang. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1930, 126: 417-24.—Epstein, J. Bemer- kungen iiber die Bedeutung des Jus talionis im Aufbau der Neurose und fiber die Existenz einer archaischen Ethik. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1927-28, 14: 193-201.—Ewald, G. Ueber Drang- zustande. Mschr. Psychiat., 1931, 78: 42-9.—Faraone, A. Un raro caso di ossessione impulsiva. Gior. med. mil., 1936, 84: 1207-9.—Gordon, A. Medico-legal aspects of morbid impulses. Virginia M. Month., 1926-27, 53: 16-22.—Her- mann, I. Randbemerkungen zum Wiederholungszwang. Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., 1922, 8: 1-13.—Herschmann, H. Zur forensisch-psychiatrischen Beurteilung krankhafter Triebhandlungen. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1930, 91: 750-66 — Hitschmann, E. Todesangst durch Totungsdrang, ein neuro- tischer Mechanismus. Zsehr. Kinderpsychiat., Basel, 1936-37, 3: 165-9.—Isaacs, S. Bad habits. Internat. J. Psychoanal., Lond., 1935, 16: 446-54.—Kehrer, F. Ueber hyperkinetische (choreiforme) seelische Zwangszustande. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1938, 161: 491-3.—Levi, L. Impulso a mordere e psiconeurosi nell'infanzia. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1930, 4. ser., 50: 543-59.—Lofthus, J. [Case of impulsive mental disorders] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1928, 89: 388-403.—Meagher, J. F. W. Crime and insanity; the question of premeditation; the case of Caruso, the murderer of Doctor Pendola. Long Island M. J., 1927, 21: 517-26. Also Med. Leg. J., N. Y., 1927, 44: 102-14.—Miller, E. Obsessional and compulsive states in childhood. In Surv. Child Psychiat. (R. G. Gordon) Lond., 1939, 106-14.—Myslivecek, Z. 1'ne impulsion de forme rare. Rev. neur., Par., 1934, 41: pt 2, 307—Pilcz, A. Zur Begutach- tung von krankhaften Triebhandlunpen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 37-9.—Porot, A., & Arrii. D. C. L'impulsive crimi- nelle chez l'indigene algerien; ses facteurs. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1932, 90: pt 2, 588-611.—Raviart. Vullien & Nayrac. Considerations sur les obsessions-impulsions inemotives. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1923, 27. Congr., 145-51.— Revault d'Allonnes, G. I>es hetero-impulsions. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1927, 85: pt 2, 414-22. Also Rev. crim., B. Air., 1927, 14: 462-70.—Rojas, N. La obsesi6n impulsiva delictuosa. Dia med., B. Air., 1931, 4: 133.—Ronge, P. H. [Impulsive gluttony and theft] Geneesk. gids, 1932, 10: 269-77.— Schaefer, H. Ueber corticale Nacherregungen und Zwangser- regungen. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1932, 140: 565.— Schiller, P. von. Eine Erhebung uber Nervosit&t; zur Phano- menologie der Handlungsantriebe. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1935, 49: 234-52.—Schlesinger, B. Zwangshandlungen und Religionsiibung. Jahrb. Psychiat. Neur. Wien, 1926, 45: 63- 79.—Steiner, G. Von Zwangserscheinungen bei organisch Nervenkranken. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1930, 128: 515- 27.—Stenberg, S. [Impulsive insanity and basal ganglia Sven. lak. sail, handl., 1927, 53: 70-9.—Wiersma, D. [Develop- ment of impulsive phenomena in a sentimental subject] Psychiat. neur., Amst., 1929, 33: 276-87 IMRE, Jozsef, 1851-1933. Dollinger, G. [Obituary] Orvoskepzes, 1933, 23: 765-7, portr.—Grosz, E. [Obituary] Orv. hetil., 1933, 77: 817.— Laszld, J. E. [Biography] Mschr. ungar. Med., 1934, 8: 9, portr. IMRIE, David, 1888-1938. Obituary. Vet. J., Lond., 1939, 95: 57-61, portr. IMRIE, David A. *L'infection des dents et des os maxillaires; son interpretation radio- graphique et macroscopique, avec un cas d'osteite deibrmante. 24p. 4 pl. 8? Lausanne, Impr. La Concorde, 1927. IMSEL, Karl, 1904- *Indikation und Technik der Sterilisierung des Weibes. 50p. 8° Bresl., A. Schreiber, 1933. IMUS, Henry Alfred, 1903- See Bender, I. E., Imus, H. A. [et al.] Motivation and visual factors. 369p. 24cm. Hanover, N. H., 1942. INANITION. See also Beriberi; Cachexia; Deficiency dis- ease; Edema, nutritional; Famine; Fasting; Malnutrition; Starvation, etc. Miller, S. P. *The effects of inanition upon the stomach and intestines of albino rats under- fed from birth for various periods [Univ. Minnesota] 16p. 8? Minneap., 1923. Balli. A. Osservazioni biologiche sulla inanizione nei Bombyx mori L. Riv. biol., 1938, 25: 235-56, tab.—Berri, P. L'anisocitosi dei globuli rossi nell'inanizione prolungata; con- tributo alio studio della formula eritrocitometrica. Minerva med., Tor., 1927, 7: 397-405.—Biel, W. C. The effects of early inanition on a developmental schedule in the albino rat. J. Comp. Psychol., 1939, 28: 1-15.—Bonciu, C. Contribution a I'etude de la reaction peritoneale chez lps cobayes inanities aptes injection de globules rouges etrangers. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926,95:415. ------ Apparition et variations de l'hemolysine chez les animaux inanities. Ibid., 416.—Ch6nier, G. Un cas d'autophagisme; guerison. Bull. Soc. centr. med. vet., Par., 1922, 75: 140.—Clark, G. The effects of inanition on tempera- ture regulation. Am. J. Physiol., 1938, 122: 646-9.—D'Ancona, U. Studi sull'inanizione; l'azione del lunge digiuno sulle cellule e sui tessuti. Am. J. Anat., 1927, 39: 135-85. ------ Con- clusion! che si possono trarre dall'osservazione del comporta- mento delle miofibrille nell'inanizione. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1927, 2: 148-50.—Dembowska, W. S. Korperreorganisa- tion von Stylonychia mytilus beim Hungern. Arch. Protistenk., 1938, 91: 89-105, pl. Also C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 565- 7.—Devaux, E. Des animaux en etat de jeune chronique et le mecanisme de la regeneration et de la metamorphose, Rev. g6n. sc. pur., 1926, 37: 669-74.—Egoron", A., Gall, W. J. [et al.] Regeneratorisches Bild der Hamopoese nach 50tagigem vollstandigen Hungern eines Menschen. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1934-35, 53: 155-65.—Elliott, C. A., & Nadler, W. H. Inani- tion. Med. Clin. N. America, 1937-38, 21: 75-87.—Emmel, V. E., & Streicher, M. H. Leucocyte reaction to acute inanition. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1929-30, 39: 223-39.—Falik, E., & Bielinski, Z. Recherche sur le diantetre des globules rouges; variations pendant I'inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 108: 161-4.—Fatta, G., & De Mundula, S. Le cours de I'inanition absolue chez le Caralus morbillosus k la lumiSre diffuse et dans 1'obscurite. Arch. ital. biol., 1908, 49: 65-78.—Filippi, F. Ricerche sperimentali sui passaggio dei germi in circolo e sull'in- fluenza della luce nella cavia e nei piccione soggetti ad inanizione acuta. Boll. Soc. eustach., 1931, 29: 241-56.—Finucci, V. Sui processo di reazione infiammatoria e sulla rigenerazione del- 1 epitelio della cornea in animali in inanizione. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1935, 60: 69-72.—Florkin, M. L'abaissement cryoscopi- que du milieu interieur de l'anodonte au cours d'une inanition prolongee. Bull. Acad. Belgique, 1938, 5. ser., 24: 24-8 — Gerundo, M. Insufficienza alimentare; prova sperimentale clell'inanizione. Arch, biol., Genova, 1930, 7: No. 3, 47-57.— Goldner, J. Sur le sort des cellules adipeuses durant I'inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 115: 1331-4.—Jackson, C. M. Recent work on the effects of inanition and malnutrition on growth and structure. Arch. Path., Chic, 1929, 7: 1042, 8: 81; 273. ------ Inanition. Contr. Dep. Anat. Univ. Minnesota, 1934-35, 14: No. 15. Also in Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 7: 677-721.—Kalaja, L. Histologische Unter- suchungen iiber den Einfluss des A-Vitamins, der B-Vitamine sowie der Inanition auf die Knochen der Ratten. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1939, Ser. A, 21: No. 12, 1-148, 5 pl.— Kepner, W. A., & Jester, P. N. The reaction of hydra to inanition. Biol. Bull., 1927, 52: 173-84, pl.—Kopec, S. L'administrationdes tissus d'organismes mortsd'inanitionpeut- elle exercer un effet sur le d6veloppement des animaux? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 1459.—Kremer, J. Muskelzerfall und Kernvermehrung im extremen Hungerzustande. Virchows Arch., 1929-30, 274: 729-77. ------ Die fortlaufenden Veranderungen der Amphibienleber im Hungerzustande. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1932, 28: 81-157, 3 pl.—Kuch, M., & Lazarovich-Hrebeljanovich, M. von C. Die histologischen Veranderungen der Fettgewebe im Hunger. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1935, 179: 191-9.—Langfeld, H. S. Supplementary report of the effect of a prolonged fast. Psychol. Bull., 1914, 11: 65.—Laskowski, M. Sur la toxicite presomptive du sang des animaux soumis k I'inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 1461-3.—Lilleland, O. Duration of life without food in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Biol. Bull., 1938, 74: 314-8.— McLennan, C. E., & Jackson, C. M. Weights of various organs in the adult rat after inanition with or without the dietary accessories. Arch. Path., Chic, 1933, 15: 636-48 — Maluf, N. S. R. The longevity of insects during complete inanition. Am. Natur., 1939, 73: 280-5.—Meiklejohn. A. P., Passmore, R., & Peters, R. A. Further observations showing the independence of Bi deficiency and general inanition. Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 1932, 14. Congr., 177.—Miller, S. P. Effects of inanition on the stomach and intestines of albino rats underfed from birth for various periods. Arch. Path., Chic, 1927, 3: 24-41.—Mouriquand. G., & Leulier. A. De la re- sistance des organismes aux differents modes d'inanition. Bull. Acad. m6d., Par., 1928, 3. ser., 100: 1074-6.—Nichita, G., & Cretzu, V. Etude de I'inanition alimentaire pour quelques races de poules. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 121: 1221-3. ------ Etude de I'inanition absolue pour quelques races de poules, Ibid., 1223-6.—Palma, J. Chronic inanition. Proc Clinic Honolulu, 1936, 2: No. 6, pt 2, 1.—Parodi, U., & Schi'llaci. G. Sui comportamento del tessuto linfatico nella inanizione acuta e protratta (con particolare riguardo alia struttura ed al signi- ficato funzionale del follicolo secondario) Boll. Soc. ital. biol. INANITION 119 INANITION sper., 1927, 2: 591-3.—Podkopaev, N. A. [Effect of extra- cardial nerves upon the volume of loss of cardiac weight in dogs in complete starvation] J. Physiol. USSR, 1936, 20: 277- 80.—Randoin, L., & Lecoq, R. Sur les effete d'une inanition partielle avec une ttes forte proportion de glucose pur dans la ration et avec un grand exc^s de vitamine B. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 933.—Schillaci, G. De la facnn de se comporter du tissu lymphatique dans I'inanition aigue et prolongle par Sgard particulier k la structure et k la signification fonction- nelle du follicule secondaire. Arch. ital. biol., 1928, 80: 154- 60.—Schultz, F. W., Hastings, A. B., & Morse, M. Changes in certain blood constituents produced by partial inanition and muscular fatigue. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 104: 669-76 — Solarino, G. Sulla possibilite di ottenere fenomeni di avitami- nosi nei corso dell'inaniziolie. Riv. pat. sper., 1936, 17: 1-4. ------ & Lenzi, S. Riserva di fattore antineuritico e decorso dell'inanizione nei Colombo. Ibid., 16: 365-72.—Sziirenyi, I. Deutung und Folgen der Veranderung in der Korperzusam- mensetzung kleiner, an Hunger oder Unterernahrung verendeter Tiere. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 183: 350-61.—Tarsitano, F. Erosioni emorragiche dello stomaco nella morte per inanizione acuta. Zacchia, 1939, 2. ser., 3: 200-11.—Teissier, G. Diffe- rence sexuelle dans la resistance a I'inanition de Tenebrio molitor. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 115: 791-3.— Terroine, E. F., Brenckmann, E., & Feuerbach, A. Identite de composition des organismes de mtoe espfice lors de la mort par inanition. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1922, 175: 1112-1.—Van Liere, E. J., & Sleeth, C. K. The effect of prolonged inanition on the heart weight/ body weight (HW/BW) ratio in the mammal. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 116: 635-7.—Vaudin, L.. Javillier, M. [et al.] Con- tribution k I'etude chimique du foie dans I'inanition. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1930, 12: 894-902.—Vetter, J. Ueber das Verhalten der basalgekornten Zellen bei hungernden Tieren (Meerschweinchen, weisse Ratten und weisse Mause) Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1938, 43: 623-32.—Vieweger, J. Re- cherches sur I'inanition de Colpidium colpoda Ehrbg. Arch. biol., Liege, 1925,34: 479-506. ------ L'influence de I'inani- tion sur la composition chimique des anguilles. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1928-29, 30: 133-47.—Zotta, G., & Ionescu, C. Sur l'inversion de la formule leucocytaire dans I'inanition. Arch, roumain. path, exp., Par., 1929, 2: 275-90.—Zylberszac, S. Sur la pigmentation du foie de Rana fusca femelle en inanition experimentale. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1938, 34: 277-305, pl. ---- Death. Brioso Vasconcelos, A. Un caso curioso de muerte por inanici6n. A. M. M., Mex., 1925, 3: 750-2.—Choy (To Sai) P. D. The influence of vitamin C. on the hunger death. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1939-40, 3: Proc. Soc. Med. & Hyg., 194.—Exemples remarquables de suicide par abstinence. Gaz. san., Par., 1834, 3: 176-80.—Giaja, J., & Gelinec, S. Sur les causes de la mort par inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 119: 641-3.—L., P. Un cas de mort par inanition progressive consecutive k un regime carence systematique. Concours med., 1940, 62: 1362.— Macfie, R. C. Death from starvation. Hospital, Lond., 1920- 21, 69: 99.—Salamanca, E. de. La muerte stibita en la inedia. Medicina, Madr., 1942, 10: pt 2, 253-63.—Teissier, G. La perte de poids de Tenebrio molitor L. lors de la mort par inanition ne depend pas de la temperature. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 602.—Vedder, E. B., & Chinn, A. B. Beriberi or inanition? the effect of starvation, with and without vitamin B,. Am. J. Trop. M., 1938, 18: 469-75. ---- Endocrine aspect. Blumenthal, H. T., & Loeb, L. Two antagonistic effects of underfeeding on the adrenal cortex of the guinea pig. Am. J. Path., 1942, 18: 615-31, incl. 2 pl.—Chirife, A. Effetti dell'inanizione grave e prolungata sui caratteri e funzioni sessuali del gallo. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 987-9. Also Arch, fisiol., Fir., 1932-33, 31: 250.—Martino, G. Effetti dell'inanizione sui caratteri sessuali del gallo. Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 279-82.—Mulinos, M. G., & Pomerantz, L. Hormonal influences on the weight of the adrenal in inanition. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 132: 368-74.—Mulinos, M. G., Pome- rantz, L. [et al.] Estrus-inhibiting effects of inanition. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 40: 79-83.—Stefko, W. Patho- logie der Thymus- und Schilddrilse bei Inanition. Krankheits- forschung, 1931, 9: 70-80.—Watrin, J. Modifications du pancreas et de l'intestin grele chez le rat inanitie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1924, 91: 788-90.—Werner, S. C. Failure of gonadotropic function of the rat hvpophysis during chronic inanition. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 41: 101-5.—Whitehead, R. The fat of the adrenal cortex in fasting guinea-pigs and rabbits. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1942, 54: 169-76, 2 pl. ---- Metabolism and nutrition. Weickert-Meyer, G. *Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Hungerstoffwechsels [Minister] 16p. 8°. Berl., 1933. Axenoff, W. Ueber den Einfluss von Wasserentziehung und Wasseraufnahme auf den Stoffwechsel beim Hungern. Zsehr. Biol., 1930, 90: 50-6.—Baltaceanu, G., & Vasiliu, C. La relation entre le debit biliaire et urinaire dans I'inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 123: 846-8.—Benedict, F. G. Metabo- lism during inanition. N. York M. J., 1907, 86: 527-36.— Bierry, H. Glycog^ne reserves glucidiques, chez 1'animal en inanition. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1930, 190: 649-51. —---- Gouzon, B., & Magnan, C. Inanition et reserves glucidiques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 123: 760-2.—Boy, G. La repartition des representants urinaires du metabolisme azote et sa signifi- cation physiologique: I'inanition. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1934, 16: 1009-106.—Friedemann, T. E. The starvation ketosis of a monkey. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1926-27, 24: 223-6.—Giaja, J., & Males, B. Le metabolisme de sommet au cours de I'inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 226.— Holt, L. E., jr, & Kajdi, C. N. Nutritional requirements in inanition. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 669.—Martini, R., & Bonsignore, A. Comportamento dell'acido ascorbico dei tessuti nell'inanizione. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1935, 10: 60-2. Also Arch. sc. biol., Bologna, 1935-36, 21: 167-74.— Mouriquand, G., & Leulier, A. Inanition et cholesterine du sang et de quelques organes chez le cobaye. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926,94:533. ------ A propos du metabolisme des glucides dans I'inanition. Ibid., 1928, 98: 125. ------ Recherches experimentales sur le metabolisme des glucides k l'etat nor- mal et au cours de I'inanition. Ibid., 1110-3. & Sedallian, P. Inanition totale ou partielle et reserve alcaline. Ibid., 1927, 97: 763.—Mouriquand, G., Leulier, A. [et al.] Contribution k I'etude du terrain en pathologie; recherches biochimiques sur la terrain inanitie. Paris med., 1928, 67: 406-11.—Przylecki, S. J., & Opienska, J. Le metabolisme chez les grenouilles inanities et aptes une nourriture composee de graisses. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1926, ser. B., sc. natur., 293-314.—Shaternikov, M. [Nitrogen equilibrium and deposit of protein in the organism after inanition] Russ. klin., 1929, 12: 860-5.—Sinclair, R. G. Effect of inanition on the phospholipid fatty acids of the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 795.—SIowtzofT, B. Der Hungerstoff- wechsel der Eidechsen; Beitrage zur vergleichenden Physio- logie des Hungerstoffwechsels. Beitr. wiss. Med. Chem. Festschr. E. Salkowski, Berl., 1904, 365-74.—Susskind, B. Ein Stoffwechselversuch bei knapper Ernahrung. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 72: 119-22.—Synephias, S. La participation relative des protides et des lipides k la couverture des depenses 6nergetiques dans I'inanition. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1937, 19: 1037-58.—Terroine, E. F., & Barthetemy.H. Influence de la temperature sur la consommation des reserves au cours de I'inanition. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1922, 19: 88-102. Avitaminose et inanition. Ibid., 1922-23, 20: 62- 78.—Terroine, E. F., Feuerbach, A., & Brenckmann, E. La composition globale des organismes dans les carences et sur- charges diverses: inanition absolue, inanition hydrique, inani- tion proteique, inanition minerale, avitaminose, surcharge proteique. Ibid., 1923-24, 22: 233-58.—Terroine, E. F., A Sziics, F. Influence de I'inanition (inanition complete et inanition azotee) sur le taux des protides et des corps puriques chez les microorganismes. Ann. physiol., Par., 1930, 6: 157- 77.-—Terroine, E. F., Trautmann, S., & Schneider, J. Grandeur des echanges au cours de I'inanition chez les homeothermes et notion de masse active. Ibid., 1926, 2: 468-87.—Tiba, M. Ist die Vergrosserung der Nebennieren bei Inanition durch Vitamin B-Mangel bedingt? Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1938, 33: 85-106.—Valla, S. La physiologie des lipides et des sterols dans I'inanition complete et I'inanition proteique. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1935, 17: 1715-40—Vogt-M0ller, P. On the glyoxalase-coenzyme ratio in liver tissue in inanition. Bio- chem. J., Lond., 1931, 25: 1540-2.—Wendt, H. Lipoidstoff- wechselstudien am Hungertier. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 2183- 5.—Witsch, K. Untersuchungen fiber die Organveranderungen und das Stoffwechselgeschehen im Hungerzustand. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 211: 185-212. ---- Nervous system. Andrew, W. Metamorphosis of the nucleus of the neuron in inanition due to prolonged starvation. Arhc. Path., Chic, 1940,29:723. ------ Phagocytic activity of the oligodendrog- lia and amphicytes in the brain, spinal cord, and semilunar ganglion of the mouse during inanition. Am. J. Path., 1941, 17: 421-36, 2 pl.—Carey, E. J. Morphologic effects of acute inanition on motor end plates. Proc. Soc. Exo. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 50: 155-9.—Efimoff, M. Inanitionspsychose nach einer Fastenkur. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70: 260-2.—Ferraro, A., & Roizin, L. Cerebral histologic changes in acute experi- mental inanition in cats. J. Neuropath., 1942, 1: 81-99.— Palladin, A., & Bjeljaewa, W. Zur Frage der Aminogenese in der grauen und weissen Gehirnsubstanz im Hungerzustande; Versuche am Kaninchengehirn. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1924, 141: 33-9.—Rezza, A. Contributo alle lesioni nervose nella morte per inanizione. Gior. internaz. sc. med., 1908, n. ser., 30: 1026-32.—Stefanowska, M. La grande hypnose chez les grenouilles en inanition. Trav. Lab. physiol. Inst. Solvay, Brux., 1902, 5: 185-227, pl.—Tanak, H. Studies on the glyco- gen in the central nervous system of some mammals; effects of inanition upon the glycogen content. Sei i kwai M. J., 1929, 48: No. 2, 4.—Urechia, C. I., & Mihalescu, S. Les noyaux vegetatifs du tuber dans I'inanition. C. rend. Soc. biol., Par., 1926, 94: 1297. INBAU, Fred Edward. Lie detection and criminal interrogation, vii, 142p. illust. diagr. 24cm. Bait., Williams & Wilkins co., 1942. INBERG 120 INBREEDING 1 INBERG, K. R. *Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage der Entstehung von Pseudarthrosen. 133p. 14 pl. 8? Hels., 1931. Also Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1930-31, 13: ser. B INBREEDING. See also Breeding; Consanguinity; Endogamy; Marriage. Chapeaurouge, A. de. Einiges iiber Inzucht und ihre Leistung auf verschiedenen Zuchtge- bieten. 9Sp. 4? Hamb., 1909. Hayot, (.'. *La consanguinity comparee chez l'homme et les animaux. 64p. 8? Par., 1928. Keller, L. *Die fragliche Wirkung hoch- gradiger Inzucht unter besonderer Beriicksich- tigung eines bestimmten Genes. 14p. 8? Munch., 1936. Aichel, O. Begriffsbezeichnungen zur Inzuchtfrage. Eu- genik, Berl., 1933, 3: 125-8.—Bartlett, M. S., & Haldane, J. B. S. The theory of inbreeding with forced heterozygosis. J. (ionet., Cambr., 1935, 31: 327-40.—Herwerden, M. A. van. Bloodgroups and inbreeding. Sc. Papers Internat. Congr. Eugen. (1932) 1934, 3. Congr., 436-40.—Muller, H. J. In- breeding versus accumulation of blood; defense of the genetical concept of inbreeding attacked by Baachuus-Jessen. J. Hered., 1926, 17: 240-2.—Nilsson, H. Eine Priifung der Wege und Theorien der Inzucht. Hereditas, Lund, 1937, 23: 236-56.— Wright, S. Coefficients of inbreeding and relationship. Am. Natur., 1922, 56: 330-8.------Inbreeding and homozygosis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1933, 19: 411-33.—Zeleny, C. Genetics and embryology. Science, 1933, 77: 177-81. ---- human. Albrecht, Z. *Etude sur la consanguinite et le manage. 52p. 8? Par., 1936. Blavier, A. *Etat actuel de la question des manages consanguins. 62p. 8? Par., 1927. Hall, S. W. Tangier island; a study of an isolated group. 122p. 23^cm. Phila., 1939. Haungs, G. *Genealogische Untersuchungen in einem Inzuchtsgebiet [Heidelberg] 18p. 8? Borna-Lpz., 1938. Hauser, K. J. *Genealogie und erbbiologische Bestandesaufnahme eines Inzuchtdorfes der Sudostschweiz [Zurich] 62p. 22Ucm. Schaff- hausen, 1940. Helming, B. *Wargolshausen, ein main- frankisches Inzuchtsdorf. 33p. 24cm. Wiirzb., 1937. Kleinkurt, H. *Ein Beitrag zur Inzuchtfrage [Philos.] [2]p. 23cm. Giessen, 1924. Kraft, H. [I. K.] *Ausschnitt aus einem Stammbaum; ein Beitrag zur Inzuchtfrage [Heidelberg] 14p. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1937. Bell, J. A determination of the consanguinity rate in the general hospital population of England and Wales. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1940, 10: 370-91.—Callamand, E. Manages consanguins. Chron. med., Par., 1905, 12: 269-73.—Cantoni, G. Su di un paese altamente consanguineo dell'alta Val Venosta. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1936, 11: 284-6.—Castro y Valero, J. de. De la consanguinidad y su influencia en la conservaci6n y modificaci6n de las especies. C. rend. Congr. internat. med., 1904, 14. Congr., Sect, physiol., 168-90.— Clemente, L. S. Inbreeding in man through first cousin marriage. Bull. Nat. Res. Counc Philippine Islands, 1935, No. 9, 8.—Consanguineous marriages. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 55.—Corner, W. Cousin marriages. Ibid., 1936, 1: 503.— Dahlberg, G. Inzucht beim Menschen. Upsala lak. foren forh., 1928-29, 34: 849-911. ------ Theoretische Berech- nungen fiber Inzucht beim Menschen. Arch. Rassenb., 1929, 22: 129-69. ------ Inbreeding in man. Genetics, 1929, 14: 421-54. ------ Inzucht bei Polyhybriditat beim Menschen. Hereditas, Lund, 1930, 14: 83-96.—Decline (The) of consan- guineous marriages. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1674.— Deluca, F. A. Del matrimonio entre consangufneos. Prensa med. argent., 1939, 26: 2434-8.—Euzifere, J., Pages, P., & Lafon, R. Consanguinite et descendance; resultats d'une enquete conduite pour l'Assembiee francaise de medecine generate aupres des medecins de l'Herault. Arch. Soc sc med. biol. Montpellier, 1935-36, 17: 471-504.—Haldane, J. B. S., & Moshinsky, P. Inbreeding in Mendelian popula^ tions with special reference to human cousin marriage. Ann Eugen., Cambr., 1939, 9: 321-40.—Kiihn, A. Inzucht und Auslese in zwei Eifeldorfem. Arch. Rassenb., 1937, 31: 482- 505.—L6pez Campello, J. M. Los matrimonios consangufneos Escuela med., Mex., 1907, 22: 252; 268; 292. Also Siglo med., 1907, 54: 232.—Marriage of relatives. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 2610.—Moschl, H. Inzucht. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 1172-5.—Muller, H. C. Ibwelijken tussehen bloodver- wanten. Geneesk. courant, 1907, 61: 287; 296. Penrose, L. The grandchildren of consanguineous unions. Tr. R. Soc. Canada, 1940, 34: sect. 5, 93-7.—Schafer, W. Ueber die Zunahme der Isozygotie (Gleicherbigkeit) bei fortgesetzter Bruder-Schwester-Inzucht. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm., 1936, 72: 50-79.—Schmidt, G. M. T. Untersuchungen an einer kinderreichen Inzestfamilie. Munch, med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 1355.—Schultze, K. W. Inzuchtverhiiltnisse auf der Frischen Nehrung. Zbl. Gyn., 1934, 58: 2420 3— Should cousins marrv? Hygeia, Chic, 1937, 15: No. 11, 980; 1011.—Study (A) of intermarriage [Japan] J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 314.— Willoughby, R. R. Cross-cousin marriages and population stabilization. J. Genet. Psychol., 1928, 35: 129-31. ---- human: Untoward effects. See also Eugenics; Heredity, Pathology, etc. Le Gall, J. *Consanguinit6 et descendance. 134p. 8? Par., 1936. Ruepp, G. *Erbbiologische Bestandesauf- nahme in einem Walserdorf der Voralpen; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vererbung des Schwach- sinnes und der Schizophrenic in einem Inzucht- gebiet. p.193-218. 8? Zur., 1935. Also Arch. Julius Klaus Stift., 1935, 10: Aschenbrenner, A. Inzucht und Erbgesundheit; erbbio. logische Untersuchungen in einem frankischen Inzuchtgebiet- Arch. Rassenb., 1940, 34: 89-100.—Bar, G. F. J. M. [Children with corporal defects from consanguineous marriages] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 1929.—Bertha, H. Das Problem der Inzucht in der menschlichen Erbbiologie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1149 (microfilm)—Cianni, A. La consangui- neite e l'eredite patologica in rapporto al matrimonio. Cesal- pino, Arezzo, 1906, 2: 187-201.—Demoll, R. Inzucht-Schaden, Umschau, 1940, 44: 420-3.—Du«f, P. B. E., & Dingee, R. W. The incidence of consanguineous parentage in mentally defec- tive patients. Am. J. Ment. Defic, 1941-42, 46: 21-5.— Feer. Einfluss der Blutverwandschaft der Eltern auf die Nachkommen. Korbl. Verein. Aerzte, Reichenberg, 1906, 21: No. 10, 1-3. ----— Ueber den Einfluss der Blutsverwand- schaft der Eltern auf die Kinder. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1906, 53: 1981. Also Verh. Ges. deut. Naturforsch. (1906) 1907, 23: 76-102.—Fischer, M. Ueberkreuzehen. Arch. Rassenb., 1939, 33: 232-43.—Godlewski, H. Consanguinite et descen- dance. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1935, 49: Suppl., 485.—Haldane, J. B. S. Is cousin marriage dangerous? Lancet, Lond., 1936, 1:332. ———■ Some theoretical results of continued brother- sister mating. J. Genet., Cambr., 1937, 34: 265-74.—Hogben, L. The effect of consanguineous parentage upon metrical characters of the offspring. Proc R. Soc. Edinburgh, 1933, 53: 239-51.—Ignatiev, M. V., & Prokofieva, T. I. [Material on inbreeding in the population of Moskva] Proc. Maxim Gorky Med. Genet. Res. Inst., Moskva, 1936, 4: 201-12.—Ludovici, A. M. Eugenics and consanguineous marriages. Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1933, 25: 147-55.—McFeeters, J. W. Morbid inheritance in an isolated rural community. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: 218-20. ------ A study of heredity in an isolated village community. Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1941-42, 33: 73-80.— Manne, J. Mental deficiency in a closely inbred mountain clan. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1936, 20: 269-79.—Munro, T. A. Consanguinity and mental disorder. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1938, 84: 708-17.—Niessner, E. Kinderfruhsterblichkeit und ihre Behebung bei drei Vetter-Basenehen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 326.—Orel, H. Der Einfluss der Blutsverwandtschaft der Eltern auf die Kinder. Arch. Rassenb., 1934, 28: 281-307. Also Mschr. Kinderh., 1934, 62: 186-90.—Thomen, A. A. Why does a marriage between cousins produce defective offspring? In his Doctors don't believe it, N. Y., 1941, 352-5.— Turkalj-Aschner, B. Sind Verwandtenehen vom eugenischen Standpunkt aus zulassig? Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 341-4.—Viggiani, G. La consanguineita al lume delle piu recenti vedute della genetica. Boll. Soc. natur. Napoli (1925) 1926, 2. ser., 17: 19-27. ---- in animals and plants. Frey, R. J. *De la consanguinite" [Veter.] 43p. 2 pl. 8? Lyon, 1937. Ritzman, E. G., & Davenport, C. B. Some results of inbreeding on fecundity and on growth in sheep. 27p. 8? Durham, 1931. Baashuus-Jessen, J. Consequences of mendelism on the problems of in-breeding in live-stock. Hereditas, Lund, 1926, 7: 189-214.—Bartlett, M. S., & Haldane, J. B. S. The theory of inbreeding in autotetraploids. J. Genet., Cambr 1934 29: 175-80.—Baur, E. [Inbreeding] Aarsskr. Vet. Lan'dboh0jsk., Kbh., 1918, 408-18.—Bushnell, R. J. Incompatible matings in inbred families of the bean weevil. Genetics, 1942 27: 135.—Craigie, E. H. The vascular supply of the 'archicortex of the rat; inbred albino rats. J. Comp. Neur 1932 55" 443-51— De Garis, C. F. A genetic study of Paramecium caudatum in pure lines through an interval of experimentally induced monster formation. J. Exp. Zool., 1927, 49; 133-45 INBREEDING 121 INCA pl.—Dickinson, W. F., & Lush, J. L. Inbreeding and the genetic history of the rambouillet sheep in America. J. Hered., 1933, 24: 19-33.—Eaton, O. N. A quarter-century of inbreed- ing in guinea pigs. J. Exp. Zool., 1932, 63: 261-90. Weights and measurements of the parts and organs of mature inbred and crossbred guinea pigs. Am. J. Anat., 1938, 63: 273-95. ------ A comparative analysis of the measurements of the limb bones of inbred families of guinea pigs and their hybrids as affected by family, sex and age. Ibid., 1939, 64: 485-99. ------ Crosses between inbred strains of mice. J. Hered., 1941, 32: 393-5.—Efroimson, V. P., & Rylova, K. N. [Division of lethal mutations in inbred lines of the synthetic bivoltine race of Bombyx mori L.] Biol. J., Moskva, 1936, 5: 625-32.—Fekete, E. Sexual abnormalities in an inbred strain of mice. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 59-62.— Frets, G. P. Pure lines in beans. Eugen. News, 1935, 20: 33-6.—Geissel, H. Entwicklungsdauer, Flugellange und Vitalitat ingeziichteter Mehlmottenstamme und ihrer Kreuzun- gen. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm., 1936, 71: 382-416.—Gourdon, J. La consanguinite chez les animaux domestiques. J. med Toulouse, 1862, 4. ser., 1: 331-5.—Green, E. L. Genetic and non-genetic factors which influence the type of the skeleton in an inbred strain of mice. Genetics, i941, 26: 192-222.— Hodgson, R. E. An 8 generation experiment in inbreeding swine. J. Hered., 1935, 26: 209-17.—Hughes, E. H. In- breeding Berkshire swine. Ibid., 1933, 24: 199-203.—Huvellier. Memoire sur la reproduction des animaux par la consanguinite. M6m. Soc centr. med. vet., Par., 1859, 4: 131-70.—Huzard. Note sur les accoutrements entre consanguins dans les families ou races des principaux animaux domestiques. J. med. vet., Lyon, 1857, 13: 222; 256.—Jones, D. F. Continued inbreeding in maize. Genetics, 1939, 24: 462-73.—KaaIund-J0rgensen, O. On the occurrence of diverse leukotic conditions in an inbred mouse-strain. Acta path, microb. scand., 1940, 17: 438-52.— Kamenoff, R. J. Erythrocyte count in 4 inbred strains of mice. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 36: 411-4.—Karp, M. L. [Inbreeding and heterosis; effect of intra-chromosome and inter-chromosome correlation on inbreeding depression and heterosis] Bull. Acad. sc. URSS, ser. biol., 1940, 219-50, pl.— Koboziev, N. Influence de la consanguinite sur la mortalite ptecoce chez la souris. C. rend. Soc biol., 1931, 106: 1205-8. ------ & Pombiaskinsy-Koboziev, N. A. Sur le probleme de la consanguinite chez la souris. Ibid., 1937, 126: 994-7.— Kozelka, A. W. Individuality of the red blood cells of inbred strains of fowls. J. Immun., Bait., 1933, 24: 519-41.—Kroning, F. Wurfgrosse, Zahlenverhaltnis der Geschlechter und Lebens- fahigkeit bei sieben Inzucht-Meerschweinchenstammen. Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, math, physik. Kb, 1934-35, n. F., 1: Biol., 25-51. ------ Abnorme Vorderzehen als ein neues erbliches Merkmal des Meerschweinchens. Biol. Zbl., 1938, 58: 268-72.—Loeb, L., & King, H. D. Individuality differen- tials in strains of inbred rats. Arch. Path., Chic, 1931, 12: 203-21.—Lush, J. L. An empirical test of the approximate method of calculating coefficients of inbreeding and relationship from livestock pedigrees. J. Agr. Res., 1932, 45: 565-9. ------ The amount and kind of inbreeding which has occurred in the development of breeds of livestock. Proc. Internat. Congr. Genet., 1932, 6. Congr., 2: 123-6. ------ A herd of cattle bred for twentv years without new blood. J. Hered., 1934, 25: 209-16.—MacGill, E. I. On the biology of Dysdercus howardi Ballou; the effect of continued inbreeding on the life history. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1941, 32: 185-90.— McPhee, H. C. The effects of inbreeding and crossbreeding on swine. Proc Internat. Congr. Genet., 1932, 6. Congr., 2: 132. ------Russel, E. Z., & Zeller, J. An inbreeding experi- ment with Poland China swine. J. Hered., 1931, 22: 393-403.— Meirowsky & Konigs, K. Ergebnisse aus Inzuchtversuchen an Hollanderkaninchen. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 2. Abt., 1927, 13: 83-5.—Miller, D. F. Insect cultures inbred for 200 generations. Science, 1940, 92: 147.—Natali, F. Sugli effetti della consan- guineite osservati in un allevamento di Serinus canaria L. Riv. biol., 1935, 19: 61-8.—Norris, M. J. Inbreeding in Ephestia kuhniella Z. (Lepidoptera, Phycitidae) J. Genet., Cambr., 1936, 32: 179-81.—Reed, S. C. Interaction between the autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster as measured by viability and rate of development. Proc. Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 246.—Stang. Inzucht vom Standpunkt der neuzeitlichen Vererbungslehre. Wien. tierarztl. Mschr., 1938, 25: 309-13.—Strandskov, H. H. Inheritance of internal organ and skeletal variations in guinea-pigs. Proc. Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 278.—Strong, L. C. The establishment of the A strain of inbred mice. J. Hered., 1936, 27: 21-4. ------ The origin of the JK strain of inbred mice; 22 generations of mice without cancer. Ibid., 1937,28:41. ------ The origin of some inbred mice. Cancer Res., 1942, 2: 531-9.—Trelut, A. Quelques observations sur la generation consanguine. Mem. Soc. centr. med. vet., Par., 1859, 4: 171-80.—Wright, S. An analysis of variability in number of digits in an inbred strain of guinea pigs. Genetics, 1934, 19: 506-36. ------ The results of crosses between inbred strains of guinea pigs, differing in number of digits. Ibid., 537-51.—Zootechnie; influence de la consanguinite. Mem. Soc. centr. med. v6t., Par., 1866, 6: 217-28. INCA [inch allied tribes] See also Bolivia; Chile; Peru; South America. Bennett, W. C. Archaeology of the north coast of Peru; an account of exploration and excavation in Viru and Lambayeque vallevs 153p. 24y2cm. N. Y., 1939. Holmes, W. H. Textile fabrics of ancient Peru. 17p. 8? Wash., 1889. Locke, L. L. The ancient quipu or Peruvian knot record. 84p. 8? [N. Y.] 1923. Poindexter, M. Peruvian Pharaohs. 348p. 8? Bost. [1938] Bennett, W. C. Chimu archeology, the archeology of the north coast of Peru. Sc Month., 1937, 45: 35-48.—Bones of Incas to be studied by American, off to Peru. Science News Lett., 1941, 39: 116.—Bowman, I. A buried wall at Cuzco and its relation to the question of a pre-Inca race (Yale Peru- vian expedition, 1911) Am. J. Sc, 1912, 34: 498-509.— Dorsey, G. A. A ceremony of the Quichuas of Peru. J. Am Folklore [1894?] 7: 307-9.—Echague, J. P. Tupac Amaru Bol. clase, Lima, 1942, 10: 192-9.—Enthusiastic over find of lost Incan cities. Science News Lett., 1941, 39: 135.—Hfdlicka, A. Some results of recent anthropological exploration in Peru Smithson. Misc. Collect., 1911, 56: No. 16.—Karsten, R. Ueberbleibsel der Inkareligion im heutigen Peru und Bolivien. Arch. Anthrop., Brnschw., 1939, n. F., 25: 36-46.—Kroeber, A. L. Archaeological explorations in Peru; the Northern Coast. Field Mus. Dep. Anthrop., 1930, 2: 54-116, 18pb—Malinovsky, C. Pre-Columbian art in Peru and its significance for the Americas. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1941, 75: 700-5.—Means, P. A. Pre-Columbian Peruvian chronology and cultures. Man, Lond., 1918, 18: 168.—Menier. Les terres cuites p6ru- viennes. Arch, internat. laryng., Par., 1910, 29: 536.— Rouma, G. La civilisation des incas et leur communisme autocratique. Bull. Soc. anthrop. Bruxelles, 1923, 38: 245- 315.—Tello, J. C. Hacia el Perti en pos del oro de los Inkas. Bol. Com. nac peru. coop, intelect., 1941, 1: No. 1, 57-61.— Trimborn, H. Der Kollektivismus der Inkas in Peru. An- thropos, Modling, 1923-24, 18:-19: 976; 1925, 20: 579.------ Straftat und Siihne in Alt-Peru. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1925, 57: 194-240.—Tuya, A. de. Die anthropomorphe Proto-Chimu- Keramik. Ibid., 1935-36, 67: 265-9. ------ Las ceremonias a la muerte del Inca, en el Peril precolombino. Anthropos Modling, 1937, 32: 147-54. ---- Medicine. Hrdlicka, A. Anthropological work in Peru in 1913, with notes on the pathology of the ancient Peruvians. 69p. 8? Wash., 1914. Capitan. La pathologie dans la ceramique des anciens peruviens. Rev. Ecole anthrop. Paris, 1909, 19: 204.— Dietschy, H. La medicina en el Peril de Antafio; el rey-dios y las enfermedades. Reforma med., Lima, 1938, 24: 918; 938.— Gallardo, B. L. El gran Imperio Inca y la medicina. Gac peru. cir. med., 1940-41, 3: No. 35, 12.—Hollander, E. Ueber Krankheitsdarstellungen aus praekolumbischer Zeit. C. rend. Congr. internat. nted. (1909) 1910, 16. Congr., vol. gen., 319-47.—Mazzini, G. I medici e la medicina del Peru incaico. Archeion, Roma, 1931, 13: 408-23.—Medicina degli Incas. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 1, varia, 160-2 (microfilm).— Olano, G. Conocimientos anatomicos de los antiguos peruanos o'incas. Cron. med., Lima, 1909, 26: 297-301.—Pardal, R. La patologia en la ceramica del antiguo Perti. Prensa med. argent., 1935, 22: 2495-502.—Vllez. Les vases peruviens anthropomorphes. Presse med., 1909, 17: annex, 809-12.— Velez Lopez, L. Apuntes para la historia medico-quirlirgica de los Yungas. An. Soc. peru. hist, med., 1940, 2: 58-63. 8pl. INCA bone. See Parietal bone. INCANTATION. See also Charm; Demonology; Magic; Medi- cine man; Superstition. Hoffmann, G. *Beitrage zur Lehre von der durch Zauber verursachten Krankheit und ihrer Behandlung in der Medizin des Mittelalters [Berlin] 37p. 8? Leiden, 1933. Pomponazzi, P. De naturalium effectuum causis; sive, De incantationibus. 349p. 12cm. [text] Basel, 1556. Castellanos, I. La jerga de los fiiinigos. In his Med. leg. crim. afrocuban., Habana, 1937, 127-32.—Exorzismus und Heilkunde auf Ceylon. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 73.—Frazer, J. G. Incantations. In his Native Races of Asia, Lond., 1929, 168-70. ------ Incantation for rheumatism in the legs. Ibid., 170. ------ Incantation for the cure of swelling on the arm. Ibid., 169. ------ Incantation for charming an amulet for a woman. Ibid., 169. ------ Incantation for the protec- tion of a lonely traveller against evil spirits. Ibid., 169. ------ Incantation for the treatment of headache. Ibid., 169.— Gimlette, J. D. A formula to cast out forest spirits and demons, or any disease (in Malay) In his Malay Poisons, 3. ed., Lond., INCANTATION 122 INCAPACITY 1929, 270. An incantation for snake-bite, stings of orpious, stings of centipedes and other poisons (in Malay) Ibid., 272.------The hundred and ninety charm for any kind of poison (in Malay) Ibid., 272. ------ A spell to neutralise the effect of Jack-a-Lantern or Will-o'-the-Wisp (in Malay) Ibid., 273.------The introductory song of the to' minkok (in Malay) Ibid., 275-8. ------ The bestirring song of the to' bomor minkok (in Malay) Ibid., 278. ------ The exorcism of the to' bomor peteri (in Malay) Ibid., 279.— Kelley, D. M. Conjuring as an asset to occupational therapy. Occup. Ther. Rehabil., 1940, 19: 71-108.—Marzell, H. Heil- segen aus dem bayerischen Franken. In: Natur & Heilwiss. (Festgabe G. Sticker) Berl., 1930, 27-38.—Saveliev, A. A. [Sacred conjurations in the Angara region] Sibirsk. vrach, 1915, 2: 209; passim.—SudhofT. Mittelgriechische Beschwo- rungen und Gebete gegen Krankheiten und eine Liste von Korperteilen aus einem i^opKiaixot. Mitt. Gesch. Med. Naturwiss., 1917, 16: 257.—Wellcome, H. S. Anglo-Saxon methods of healing by charm and incantation. In his Anglosax. Leechcraft, Lond., 1912, 91-100.—Wickersheimer, E. For- mules de pri^res k dire en cas de maladie recueillies par un soldat de la Republique. Bull. Soc. fr. hist, med., 1910, 9: 253-7. INCAPACITY [mental] See also Insanity; Irresponsibility; Responsi- bility. P\>r physical incapacity see Disability; also names of incapacitating diseases. Neumann, M. *Ueber Haft-, Verhandlungs- und Terminsfahigkeit [Frankfurt] 54p. 8? Quakenbruck, 1932. Abely, X. Capacite civile et valeur des actes des aliens intern6s. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1940, 98: 1; 105.—Bersot, H. Etat-civil et forme de maladie des malades mentaux entr6s pour la premiere fois dans les etablissements psychiatriques suisses. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 1099-1101.—Bianchi, V. La capacite civile degli infermi anormali di mente nella legislazione attuale e possibili riforme di questa. Ann. nevr., Nap., 1927, 44: 151-64.—Bravo, y Moreno, F. Apuntes para un informe de incapacidad. Protoc. med. forense, Ternel, 1907,8:81-3. ------ Informe de incapacidad mental. Ibid., 1911, 13: 161.—Carrara, M. II concetto medico-legale dell'in- fermite di mente in rapporto all'interdizione. In Festschr. H. Zangger, Zfir., 1935, 1: 439-56.—Chamberlain, R. L. The law of incompetency. California West. M., 1935, 43: 342-5.— Claveria, M. Estudio medico legal y psfquico de los desequili- brados mentalas. Protoc. med. forense, Teruel, 1912, 14: 4; 17; 25.—Dixon, W. Document for emergencies. Med. Econom., 1941-42, 19: No. 5, 73.—Ehrnrooth, E. Die Zu- rechnungsfahigkeit. Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1923, 65: 54-68.— Hentig, H. von. Probleme der Verhandlungsfahigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst-Ztg, 1933, 39: 175-85.—Herz, H. Zur Frage des Wahlrechts von Irrenanstaltsinsassen. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1932, 34: 295-7.—Leppmann, F. Probleme der Verhandlungs- fahigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst-Ztg, 1933, 39: 170-5.—Lopez Albo, W. Informe m6dico-legal de incapacidad. Monterrey med., 1941, No. 66, 1544-6.—Malberti, J. A. Informe sobre el estado mental de un individuo. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1908, 13: 231-4.—Martinez, C. Documento medico legal (acerca del estado de las facultades mentales) Protoc. med. forense, Teruel, 1907, 9: 113.—Pieraccini, A. In causa di impugnata capacite civile per supposta infermite mentale. Cesalpino, 1908, 4: 241-55.—Ruiz Funes, M. Las formulas legales de la imputabilidad. Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1940, 5: 371-82.— Seiffer, W. Beitrag zur forensischen Psychiatric Charite Ann., Berl., 1907, 31: 191-220.—Strassmann, F. Zur Frage der Verhandlungsfahigkeit. Mschr. Krim., 1913-14, 10: 686- 9.—Strassmann, G. Die Verhandlungs- und Terminsfahigkeit bei geistigen und korperlichen Erkrankungen. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1924, 4: 539-47.—Tamassia, A. La imputa- bilita parziale per vizio di mente secondo la tendenza della giurisprudenza italiana. Atti Ist. venet. sc, 1905-6, 65: pt 2, 985-7.—Tobben, H. Ueber Geschaftsfahigkeit und Zu- rechungsfahigkeit. Zsehr. Medbeamte, 1914, 27: 649-57. ------ Ueber Prozessfahigkeit im arztlichen Blickfeld. Deut Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1939, 31: 49-54. ---- Cases. See also under names of various mental condi- tions and diseases as General paralysis; Hallu- cinosis, etc. Ajello, S. Relazione medico-legale sullo stato di mente di Amedeo B. il fatto-anamnesi-incarico di perizia. Gazz med sicib, 1910, 13: 121; 160. ------ Perizia sullo stato di mente di Giuffnda Giuseppa. Ibid., 1911, 14: 121-4.—Altavilla, E. L'interrogatorio di Filippo Cifariello. Anomalo, Nap., 1909* 5 ser., 12: 329-33.—Benon, R. La d6mence au temps de l'action. Gaz. h6p., 1940, 113: 338 (microfilm)—Bertelli, L. Un processo tutto da ridere; il beneficio della semi-infermite di mente. Scuola posit., 1906, 2. ser., 16: 456-62.—Bonhoeffer K. Zu dem Artikel des Herrn von Kunowski: Der Fall Lubecki' Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1908-9, 10: 525.—Bravo, F. Remi- niscencias de un informe medico-legal. Protoc. med forense Teruel, 1905, 7: 73-7.—Catal&n, E. Incapacidad civil por mania total. Rev. argent, neur., 1929, 3: 61-6.—D'Ormea A Perizia giudiziaria sullo stato di mente di B. L. (per giudizio di capacite civile) Gazz. internaz. med., 1906, 9: 33-6.—Fontane, F. (iutachten fiber den Geisteszustand des G.; neurasthenische Psvelmse mit Erregungszustandon, Beeintiachtigungsideen und hafluzinatorischer Verwirrtheit. Frieilreichs BI. gerichtl. Med . 1908, 59: 321; 401; 1909, 60: 20.—Garcia, E. Estado mental de A. T. Rev. med. Uruguay, 1920, 23: 492-501.— Goenaga, F. R. Dictamen policial referente al estado psfquico del procesado Ramon Torres Gimenez. Bol. As. med. Puerto Rico, 1904, 2: 293; 328; 350; 370.—Gordon, A. Affections nerveuses organiques tardives k la shite des traumatismes et le probleme medico-legal de l'ineapacite. Rev. neur., Par., 1935, 42: pt 2, 662-7.—Gudden, H. Einige Gutachten fiber bestrittene Vertragsfiihigkeit beziehungsweise Testierfahigkeit. Friedrichs BI. gerichtl. Med., 1912, 63: 226; 302.—Harnett v. Fisher; judgement of the House of Lords. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 1036-8.—Iglesias, T., & Tolosa Latour, M. Dictamen de la tercera Comisi6n de medicina forense sobre el estado mental de un procesado. An. Acad, med., Madr., 1911, 31: 337-51.— Jelgersma, G. Psychiatrisch-psychologisch onderzoek in de zaak van het O. M. contra H. Gartsthagen. Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1910, 14: 497-578.—Jung, C. G. Obergutachten fiber zwei sich widersprechende psychiatrische Gutachten. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1906, 2: 691-8.—Krtiche, A. Psychologisches zur Affare von Kopenick. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1906, 16: 519.— Kunowski, von. Der Fall Lubecki. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1908-9, 10: 313-20.—Lopez, G., Perez Vento, R., & Mestre, A. Informe sobre el estado mental del Sr. F. M., que ha sufridc una lesi6n en el craneo. Rev. frenop&t. espafi., 1911, 9: 65-71.— Loureiro, J. Paracer medico-legal sobre o estado mental de D. B. de O. R. J. med. Pernambuco, 1907, 3: 65-9.—Lunacy (The) Law; limitation of actions; Harnett v. Fisher. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 1084.—Marro, G. Giudizio peritale sulle condizioni psichiche e somatiche de B. A. Ann. freniat., Tor., 1907, 17: 193-202.—Marti y Julia, D., Rodriguez-Morini, A.. & Gine y Marriera, A. Caso de incapacidad mental; informe emitido. Rev. frenop&t. espafi., 1910, 8: 1-11.—Mercier. The Towns- hend case. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1906, 52: 776-9.------ Recent medico-legal cases: Rex v. Chetwynd. Ibid., 1914, 60: 102-11.—Perez Vento, R. Nowack. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1906, 1: 187-94.—Ponce de Leon, R., & Hurtado y Merino. Un informe medico-legal (observaci6n de las facultades in- telectuales de A. P. F.) Protoc. med. forense, Teruel, 1905, 7: 49-61.—Raecke. Nicht geisteskrank; zwei Gutachten, Friedreichs Bl. gerichtl. Med., 1906, 57: 93.—Re William Henry King: an inquisition in lunacy. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1908, 54: 575.—Rodriguez-Morini, A., Ortiz, F., & Bravo y Moreno, F. Dictamen sobre integridad y capacidad mental en una supuesta alienada. Rev. frenop&t. espafi., 1941, 12: 125-37.—Rossi, E. Sullo stato mentale di Ottavio Silva; parere freniatrico in causa d'interdizione. Manicomio, 1906, 22: 178-86.—Seglas & Vallon. Affaire Ceiestin Bosc; rapport medico-legal. J. m6d. leg. psychiat., Par., 1906, 1: 68-74.—Tomellini, L. Alcune perizie psichiatriche in tema di imputabilite. Boll. Accad. med. Genova, 1911, 26: 159-244.—Witry. L'expertise medicale concernant l'etat mental de Sa Majeste le roi Othon de Baviere. Rev. psychother., Par., 1913-14, 28: 239-42.—Zamora, A., & Garcia Austt, E. Inhabilitaci6n civil por psicosis querulante; persistencia de una actividad intelectual engafiosa a traves de 20-anos de comportamiento delirante. Rev. psiauiat. Urueuav. 1939,4: No. 24,3-70. ---- contractual. Beringer, K. Zur Frage der partiellen Geschaftsunfahigkeit. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1934-35, 24: 275-83.—Owen, J. F. Insane persons; contracts of persons non compos mentis may be valid, void or voidable [North Carolina] North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 505.—Santangelo, G. Capacite civile e capacite matnmoniale nei nguardi della psichiatria. Note psichiat., Pesaro, 1931, 60: 1-46. ---- Diagnosis. See also Forensic medicine, Psychiatric aspect; Insanity; Psychosis. Antheaume, A. Expertise psychiatrique. J. med. leg. psychiat., Par. 1906, 1: 214-23.—Austerveil, L. Elmedllapot meghataroziisa haldl uUn a periratokb61. Gy6gyaszat, 1906, **'• 155.—Boas, K. Zur forensischen Beurteilung der Frage: War„elJ1. Verstorbener geistig, gesund oder krank? auf Grund des Gehirnbefundes an der exhumierten Leiche. Arch. Krim., ■Si ?0: 131-3-—Borri, L. Sulla diagnosi differenziale tra indebolimento permanent* e malattia probabilmente o certa- mente insanabile a scopo medico-forense. Gazz. osp., 1912, 33: 369-71.—Graven, G. C. Perizia per contestata interdizione (autonassunto) Arch, psichiat., Tor., 1908, 29: 397-406, 3 ch.—D Alessandro, F. Perizia chirurgico-psichiatrica. Anomalo, Nap., 1908, 5. ser., 12: 172.—Dupony, R. Au !VH« .~8 certlficats de situation. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1912, 10. ser. 1: 348-51—Fernandez-Victorio, A. Notas de psiquiatrfa clinica; la exploraci6n mental. Rev frenoDat espafi 1906, 4: 13-9.-Frost, J. L. [Procedure in declaring mental incapacity of patients] Ugeskr. laeger 1941 103- 756-9.—Hummel, EM. Medico-legal consideration in cases ot mental defect or disease. N. Orleans M. & S J 1908 60- 921-6 —LoudetO. Diagn6stico retrospective 'de"alienaci6n mental y capacidad civil. Rev. crim., B. Air 1933 9n- ibq 90. Abo Rev. As. med. argent., 1933, 46: 2472-9 —Olsen A [Psychiatric value of the intelligence test for adults] Ugeskr! INCAPACITY 123 INCAPACITY laeger, 1940, 102: 902-5.—Sierra, A. M. Valor ptetico de la prueba histopathol6gica del sistema nervioso central, en litigios de orden civil (anulaci6n de testamento, anulaci6n de derechos sucessorios matrimoniales, etc.) por supuesta alienaci6n mental de alguno de los conyuges. Sem. med., B. Air., 1930, 37: pt 2, 1457-69.—Stadelmann, H. Die Analyse der Anlage. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1906-7, 8: 347; 358; 366.—Strassmann, G. Die Begutachtung der Verhandlungsfahigkeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 712-4. ------ Die Untersuchung zur Feststellung der Verhandlungs- und Terminsfahigkeit, der Haft- und Reisefahigkeit. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938, 4: T. 12, 1. Halfte, Bd 1, 537-56.—Urilelualla, G. Importance des decisions psychiatriques dans les questions civiles et penales. Ann. med. leg., 1935, 15: 800-10.—Victorio, A. F. La exploraci6n mental. Med. mil. espafi., 1905, 12: 137- 40.—Ziehen, T. Untersuchung und diagnostische Beurteilung der geistig Minderwertigen und psychisch Kranken, mit be- sonderer Berficksichtigung der experimentellen Psychologic Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1912, 9: 577; 617. ---- Lucid interval. Anibarro, R. de. Informe de incapacidad; locura de los degenerados de forma lucida. Rev. frenopat espafi., 1911, 9: 97_104 —Courbon, P., & Bauer, E. La lucidite et la validite mentales. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1924, 82: pt 2, 101-15 — Mitaftsis, K. A. Ueber die luciden Intervalle in psychiatrischer und juristischer Hinsicht. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1936, 27- 125-31.—Osty, E. Le phenomene psychique dit de lucidite. Bull. Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1919, 19: 29-56.—Rojas, N. Los intervalos liicidos. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1926, 1: 709-19. -----• Los intervalos liicidos en medicina legal. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1926, 13: 536-43.—Zangger, H. Das sogenannte freie Intervall (friiher das lucide Intervall) dessen rechtlich-medi- zinische Bedeutung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 875-7. ---- testamentary. See also Testament. Arnott, D. W. H. Testamentary capacity. Med. J. Aus- tralia, 1941, 1: 60.—Bramwell. E. Testamentary capacity. In Brit. Encycl. M. Pract. (Rolleston) 1939, 11: 650-5 — Frackman, H. D. Mental fitness to execute a will. Am. Med., 1936, 42: 320-2.—Fuertes Perez, F. Informe psiquiiitrico sobre capacidad para testar. Med. ibera, 1936, 30: pt 1, 758- 67.—Grasso Biondi, I. Le basi biologiche della capacite di testare. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1936, 56: Suppl., 238-74 — Lopez, L. V. Nfilidad de testamento por demencia. Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1937, 2: 157-80.—Luciani, L. Sullo stato mentale della Contessa Aurelia Gentili di Rovellone in causa d'invocata nullite di testamento. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1912, 4. ser., 4: 533; 677; 1913, 4. ser., 6: 61.—Obarrio, J. M. Nulidad de testamento por confusi6n mental. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1929, 4: 473-519.—Remick, R. M. Wills and testa- mentary capacity. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1935, 34: 434-43.—Urban, H. Zur Frage der Testierfahigkeit Geistes- kranker. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1907, 50: 1200; 1228.—Wills: dysfunction of endocrine glands in relation to testamentary capacity [Iowa] J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 144. ---- testimonial. See also Witness, Psychology. Caziu, E. A. *Etude medico-legale sur la valeur du temoignage du vieillard. 173p. 8°. Nancy, 1906. Girard, L. *La psycho-pathologie du temoign- age: etude experimentale de sa valeur chez l'enfant. 77p. 8? Par., 1937. Plaut, P. Die Zeugenaussagen jugendhcher Psychopathen; ihre forensische Bedeutung. 86p. 8? Stuttg., 1928. Bauer, R. Unrichtige Aussage eines Zeugen mfolge einer erlittenen Kopfverletzung. Arch Krim., 1906, 25: 88^-90.— Boas, K. Materialien zu einer Pathologie der Zeugnisfahigkeit. Ibid., 1910-11, 40: 216-24.—Collin, A. La suspicion legitime du temoignage des enfants temoins judiciaries; 1 examen mental des enfants temoins. Ann. med. leg., 1926, 6: 379-91 — Eckstein, E. Ein Beispiel von der Unglaubwurdigkeit von Kinderaussagen. Arch. Krim., 1911, 41: 147—Egloffstein, L., von. Zeugenaussage und Trunk; eine Untersuchung zur gerichtlichen Seelenkunde. Alkoholfrage, 1925, 21: 277-8A— Foerster, R. Zur Psychologie der Aussagen Unfsilverletzter. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1913, 60: 1880.—Higson, W. D. Unfit- ness to plead. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1935, 81: 822-33.—Hoche, A. Zur Frage der Zeugnisfahigkeit geistig abnormer Personen. Jurist, psvehiat. Grenzfr., 1904, 1: H. 8, lr23.—Kreuser Die Zeugnisfahigkeit der Schwachsinnigen. Vjschr. gerichtl. Med., 1907, 33: Suppl., 70-8.—Leppmann, F. Zur arzthchen Be- gutachtung der Glaubwurdigkeit von Zeugenaussagen. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1925, 31: 63-5.— Luetgebrune. Parteifunk- tionar und Zeuge (ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Zeugnisfahig- keit) Arch. ges. Psychol., 1927, 59: 163-72.-Moll, A. Zur arztlichen Begutachtung der Glaubwurdigkeit von Zeugen- aussagen. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1925, 31 ^ 45; 59.— Ojing E. [A series of perjuries committed by a mentally sick subject] Sven. lak. tidn., 1938, 35: 1713-25.—Parisot, P. Le temoignage du vieillard en justice; sa valeur medico-legale. Rev. med. leg., Par., 1906, 13: 143.—Pear, T. H., & Wyatt, S. The testimony of normal and mentally defective children. Brit.-J. Psychol., 1914, 6: 387-419.—Peiper, U. Die Psycho- pathologie der Aussage des Kindes in forensischer Beziehung. Arch. Kinderh., 1926, 78: 20-31.—Pick, A. Pathologische Beitrage zur Psychologie der Aussage. Arch. Krim., 1914, 57: 193-215.—Ranschburg, P. Leicht schwachsinnige Kinder als Zeugen. Eos, Wien, 1907, 3: 81-101.—Reichel, H. Verwer- fung eines Zeugen wegen Untauglichkeit. Arch. Krim., 1907 26: 144.—Rogues de Fursac, J. Le temoignage des psycho- pathes. Ann. med. leg., Par., 1926, 6: 177-214. Also Presse med., 1926, 34: 853. ------ Rapport sur le temoignage des psychopathes. Arch, internat. neur., Par., 1926, 19. ser., 2: 44-53.—Sacerdate, A. Contributo alio studio sulla fallacia delle testimonianze. Arch, psichiat., Tor., 1907, 28: 559-66.— Schouten, H. J. Ein wegen Zeugenaussage merkwiirdiger Fall aus der alten niederlandischen Kriminalgeschichte. Arch. Krim., 1911, 41: 67-74.—Sommer. Die strafrechtliche Be- wertung von Behauptungen hysterischer Personen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 65.—Stefan, H. Zur Frage der Testier- fahigkeit. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1939, 41: 345-8.—Stern, W. Ueber psychologische Zeugenbegutachtung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1467-70.—TUrkel, S. Zur Beurteilung von iiber Gehorswahrnehmungen berichtenden Zeugenaussagen. Arch. Krim., 1926, 78: 258.—Wyatt, S. The testimony of normal and mentally defective children. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc. (1913) 1914, 690. INCARCERATION. See under part or organ incarcerated as Hernia, incarcerated; Uterus [pregnant], incarcerated. INCE, Richard Basil, 1881- See Hort, G. M., Ince, R. B., & Swainson, W. P. Three famous occultists. 190p. 19cm. Phila., 1940. INCENDIARISM. See also Fire. For the morbid impulse of setting fire to buildings see Pyromania. Finscher, H. *Ueber jugendliche Brand- stifter [Kiel] 75p. 8? Bonn, 1930. Herold, E. *Zwei Falle von Brandstiftung bei Hysterie und Imbezillitat [Kiel] 48p. 8? Heidelb., 1913. Pettker, W. *Zur forensischen Beurteilung der Brandstiftung bei jugendlichen Imbezillen. 36p. 8? Kiel, 1916. Strauss, A. *Zur forensischen Beurteilung von Brandstiftung durch Geisteskranke. 26p. 8? Kiel, 1913. Amschl, A. Die Donawitzer Brande in den Jahren 1893 und 1894. Arch. Krim., 1903, 12: 1-24.—Bauer, R. Betrachtungen uber das Verbrechen der Brandlegung. Ibid., 1905, 20: 134- 41. ------ Eine 14jahrige Brandlegerin. Ibid., 21: 269- 7l'—Bender. Zwei merkwurdige Falle von falschem Verdacht der Brandstiftung. Ibid., 1921, 74: 18-31.—Bernhard, H. Ueber jugendliche Brandstifter. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1930, 36: 51-60.—Bohhoeffer, K., & Zutt, J. Ueber den Geistes- zustand des Reichstagsbrandstifters Marinus van der Lubbe. Mschr, Psychiat., 1934, 89: 185-213.—Camara Silveira, J. Pericias de acidentes e incendios. Arq. polic. civ. S. Paulo, 1941, 2. 193.—Castellanos, I., & Plasencia Maydagan, R. Incendio de un cami6n. Rev. med. forense, Habana, 1941, 1: 106-11.— Christie T. Criminal lunatics and the crime of arson; 100 cases Brit. M. J., 1930, 1: 162.—Crowder, F. What length apron strings. Hygeia, Chic, 1936, 14: 402-5.—Di Paravicini Torres G. Elementos de pericia em incendio. Arq. polic civ. S Paulo 1941, 2: 153; 1942, 3: 195; passim.—Haussner. Brandstiftungen. Arch. Krim., 1907 26: 225-35.r-Kant O. Beitrag zur Psychologie der Brandstiftung. Ibid., 1926, 79: 58-74.—Kersten. Brandstiftung. Ibid., 1904, 15: 277.— Klaar Erfahrungen mit einer pommerschen Brandstifterbande. Ibid 'l937, 100: 225; 101: 47; 128; 232.—Klauer, H. Brand- stiftung durch eine Katze? gebrannter Kalk durch unnierende Tiere zum Gliihen gebracht. Ibid., .1938, 103: 49 14 pb- Krefft J Dient die Schwadentheone des Herrn Dr bchatz zur Klarung von Zweifelsfallen bei Brandermittlungen? Ibid., oio 95__Lerov. R. Examen medico-legal d'une jeune m- cendiai're. Bull. Soc. med. Yonne (1904) 1905 45: 54-62.- Maiorfi G Perizia medico-legale per incendio doloso. Gron. manic. Siena, 1905, 31: 107-16.-Martin E. Brandstiftung aus Heimweh. Arch. Krim., 1905 20: 144.-Mohr, H Brand stiftung um Mord zu verdecken; Ueberfuhrung des Taters durch Gruppensubstanzbestimmung des Fingernagelschmutzes. Ibid 1935 97: 100-03.—Morelli, B., jr. Danos k propnedade poftneendio9 Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio 1932, No. 5 65-7L- Reichel, H. Brandstiftung aus Heimweh. Arch. Krim., 1910, 36: 193.—Reitberger, L. Echte und vorgetauschte Brandur- sachen Ibid., 1939, 105: 13-7.------ Brandstifter; Erfah- rungen aus der staatsanwaltschaftlichen Praxis in Bayern. 24 INCINERATOR INCENDIARISM IS Ibid., 57; 114.- Rokitansky, K. von. Zweimalige Brandlegung aus Heimweh. Ibid., 1910, 38: 138-42. Sch., E. Brand- stiftertrustsin Nnnlamerika. Ibid., 1914,57: 189.—Schatz, W. Erfahrungen bei < 1«-1 Ennittelung von Brandursachen. Ibid., 1934,94:1-7.- Scheller. H. Sp ektrographische Identifizierung von Zigaretteiimundstucken. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1937 38 29: 200-2.- Schmidt-Lamberg. H. Kinder als Brandstifter. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat. 1932, 98: 377-80.- Schriss. H. Wiederholte Brandstiftung unter dem Einflusse des Alkohols. Wien. med. Wschr., 1903, 53: 953-8.—Specht, W. Optische Methoden zur Identifizierung geringer Brandmittel- ruckstande; ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung von Brandresten. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1937, 28: 290-322.------ Psycholouisrhe Beitrage zur Aufklarung von Doppelbranden. Ibid., 322 40. — Der naturwissenschaftlich-kriminali- stische lndizienbeweisinderBrandermittelung. Ibid., 1937-38, 29: 203 IS. Stato (Lo) mentale di Martino Van der Lubbe imputato deH'ineendio del palazzo del Reichstag eondannato a morte e giustiziato. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor.. 1934, 54: 80- 97.—Strassmann. G. Gerichtsarztliche Begutachtungen von Brandstiftern, ein Beitrag zum Sicherungs- und Vei wabrungs- problem. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1928, 12: 270-7 — Tambroni, R. Due imbeeilli incendiart studiati sotto il punto di visti me.lio-le.rale. Gior. psichiat., 1912, 40: 186-210.— Timm, F. Leber Brandstiftungen und ihren Nachweis. Arch. Kiim, 1927. 81: 193-206.------Ueber Brandstiftungen. Ibiil., 1928, 83: 306 8. Tiirkel, S. Mehrere Ausgangspunkte eines Brandes ohne Brandlegung. Ibid., 1926, 78: 65.— Zirovc'c, I. Slaboumnik paliku6a. LijeS. vjes., 1906, 28: 219- 23.------Zagonetan palez. Ibid., 1908, 30: 231-5. ------ Ucitelj palikuda. Ibid., 1911, 33: 313-21. INCENDIARY. See also Air-raid; Burn; Chemical; Chemical warfare; Fire. Chemical warfare through the ages; incendiaries and poi sonous fumes used .since biblical times; flame throwers known to ancients; a chronicle of past precedents compiled from varied sources. Chem. Warf. Bulb, 1942, 28: 118 52. Existing water type fire extinguishers effective on lisrhl magnesium incendiary bombs. Hospitals, 1941, 15: No. 11, 80.--For- braending med en brandstiftende fosfor-kautsjuk-opl0sning, I'geskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 1465.—Fuhs, H. Hautschaden durch Brandbomben und chemi.sclie Kampfstoffe. Wien. klin. W'schr., 1940, 53: 40-4.—Otto, C. E. Fires from incendiary bombs. Chem. Warf. Bull.. 1941. 27: 94-8, illust. —Structural protec- tion against ineendiar.\ bombs. J. Franklin Inst., 1942, 233: 381.— Waitt, A. H. The screening smokes and the incendiaries. In his Gas Warfare, N. V.. 1942,69-83.—Zanetti, J.E. Strategy of incendiaries. Chem. Warf. Bull., 1941, 27: 4i-4. INCENTIVE. See also Conditioned reflex; Learning; Motiva- tion; Stimulus. Berze, J. Psychischer Antrieb und Hirnstamm. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1926, 28: 62. ------ Storungen des psychischen Ant riches. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1932, 142: 720-73.— Crespi. L. P. Quantitative variation of incentive and per- formance in the white rat. Psychol. Bulb, 1942, 39: 442 (Abstr.)- Dorcus. R. M. A new device for studying motiva- tion in rat*. J. Comp. Psychol., 1934, 18: 149-51.—Hurlock, E. B. The psychology of incentives. J. Social Psychol., 1931, 2: 261-305.—McDougall, W. Motives in the light of recent discoveries. Mind, Lond., 1920, 29: 277-93.—Mace, C. A. The influence of indirect incentives upon the accuracy of skilled movements. Brit. J. Psychol., 1931, 22: 101-14.—Maclver, R. M. The imputation of motives. Am. J. Sociob, 1940-41. 46: 1 12. Nagge, J. W. Motivation and incentive. In his Psychol. Child, N. V., 1942, 370-409. ------ The experi- mental study of incentives. Ibid., 393-404.—Rethlingshafer, D. Experimental evidence for functional autonomy of motives J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, 1942, 58: 137.—Stocks, J. L. Motive. Mind, Lond., 1911, n. ser., 20: 54-66. INCEST. See Coitus, Incest. INCHAUSTI, Jose Andres. *Morfologia san- guinea en los vertebrados [Pharm.] 39p. tab pl. 27cm. B. Air., L. Bernard, 1932. INCHES, Howard von Hardenburg, 1910- Brother, heal thyself; recipes by Caroline Hills Inches. 333p. illust. pl. portr. 24cm. Clevel., The New Hunger pub., 1938. INCINERATION. See such headings as Chemistry, Methods; Cremation; Mineral, Chemistry, etc.; also Incinerator. INCINERATOR. See also Garbage, Disposal: Incinerator. ( hukerbuti. J. C. Collapsible swing incinerator. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1931, 56: 453. Cohn, M. M. Highlights of incinerator construction, 1941; sanitary disposal of municipal, institutional and industrial refuse and wastes reported; collec- tion strikes hit cit.\ systems. Sewage Works Engin., 1942, 13: 87.—Gwin, T. J. Screenings incinerator. Sewage Works 1 , 1942, 14: 715.—Herber, J. Un four k incin^rer les ordures des ramps. Ann. hyg., Par., 1939, n. ser., 17: 502-4.—Hutchinson, J. A. Benefits derived from the incineration of refuse in the city of Westmount. Bull, san., Montreal, 1910, 10: [Discus- sion] 88-92.—Martin, H. G. Incinerator in combination with latrines or the like. V. S. Patent Off., 1942, No. 2,279,577. Orpen, W. W. Practical operation of incinerators. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1941, 25: 236-40.—Report (A) on the A. S. H. faeces destructor and oil-and-water-flash fire burner; designed by members of the staff of the Field Sanitation Department of the Army School of Hygiene. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1942, 78: 209-19.—Stilson, A. E. Incinerators; design, construction, cost and location. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1941, 25: 227-36.—Tate, R. G. F. A new type of incinerator. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1909, 12: 559-63. INCISION. See Surgery; Wound. INCISIVE canal [Stensen] See under Nasal fossa. INCISOR. See under Tooth. INCLAN, Alberto. Artrorisis posterior y anterior del tobillo, asociada a la triple artrodesis en el pie pendulo y pie calcaneo paralitico. 29p. illust. 26cm. La Habana, Hermes, 1939. INCLAN Costa, Clemente Jose [M. D. 1901, Habana] For portrait see Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1938, 10: 153. INCLUSION blennorrhea. See also Conjunctivitis, inclusion; Genitals, Disease; Ophthalmia, neonatal; Urethritis; Va- gina, Disease. Hummel, K. *Ueber Einschlusshlennorrhoe der Neugeborenen [Miinchen] 16p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Barabas, E. Zur Symptomatologie der Chlamydozoon- Urethritis. Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) *1935-37, 9. Congr., 2: 974-6.—Barnshaw, H. D. Inclusion blennorrhea. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1941, 38: 312-4. Also South. M. & S., 1941, 103: 386.—Fischer, M., & Pasch, C. Zur Frage der Einschlusshlennorrhoe Neugeborener und Einschlussvaginitis. Zbl. Gyn., 1924, 48: 1539-50.—Giddens, S. W., & Howard, W. A. Inclusion blennorrhea in pediatric practice. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1940, 9: 333-41.- Harrison, L. W. The relation between some forms of non-gonococeal urethritis, lymphogranuloma inguinale, trachoma, and inclusion blenor- rhoea; critical review. Brit. J. Vener. Dis., 1939, 15: 237-59, pl.—James, W. M. Inclusion blennorrhea. Am. J. Ophth., 1930, n. ser., 13: 1084-9.—Julianelle, L. A., Harrison, R. W., & Lange, A. C. Studies on inclusion blennorrhea; expressional transmission. Ibid., 1938, 3. ser., 21: 1137-47 [Discussion] 1381.—Lewis, P. M. Inclusion blennorrhea. Ibid., 1942, 25: 595.—McKee, S. H. Inclusion blennorrhea. Ibid., 1935, 18: 36-46. Also Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 32: 119-22.—Okamura, K., Takano, Y., & Mitui, Y. [Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Linschlussblennorrhoe und Genitalorgan] Acta Soc. ophth. jap., 1940, 44: 1986-2001.—Patat, P. [Role of genital in- clusion-bodies in gynecology and obstetrics] Orvoskepzes, 1935, 25: 570-4 3 pl.—Schmitz, H. Ueber Einschliisse in den Harnrohrenepithehen bei chronischer Urethritis. Derm. Zsehr., 1928, 52: 116-8.—Takano, Y. Ueber die klinische Beobachtung der L,inschlussbIennorrhoe. Acta Soc. ophth. jap., 1940, 44: 8 rTTl!den: E- ?- & GifTord, S. R. Filtration experiments ™ the V11"us of inclusion blennorrhea. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1936, 16: 51—4. INCLUSION body. See also Virus disease; also proper names of virus diseases as Conjunctivitis, inclusion; Herpes; Mosaic disease, etc. Findlay, G. M. Inclusion bodies and their relationship to viruses. p.292-368 25cm Wien, 1938. INCLUSION BODY 12 Black, C. E. Interpretations of neurotropic virus cell inclusions, with special reference to the Negri body. J. Infect. Dis., 1940, 67: 42-7.—Broadhurst, J., Liming, R. A. [et al.] Cultivation of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies occurring in human throat epithelial tissues. J. Bact., Bait., 1936, 31: 41.— Campbel I, J. A. An inclusion bodv in the liver cells of the mouse J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1939, 48: 223, pl.—Cherniuk, E. K. [Investigation on the nature of intracellular inclusion bodies in rats] Tr. Konf. med. biol., Kiev (1936) 1937, 230-4.—Clarke, J. J. Viruses and cell-inclusions. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond. 1929, 32: 231-3.—Covell, W. P. The occurrence of intranu- clear inclusions in monkevs unaccompanied bv specific signs of disease. Am. J. Path., 1932, 8: 151-7, pl.—Cowdry, E. V. Identification of inclusions in virus diseases. - Am. J. Clin Path., 1940, 10: 133-46.—Glaser, R. W., & Lacaillade, C. W., jr. Relation of the virus and the inclusion bodies of silkworm jaundice. Am. J. Hyg., 1934, 20: 454-64.—Grtiter, W. Nature of the Prowazek bodies and other inclusion bodies. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1938, 19: 641.—Haagen, E., & Rodama, M. Zur Frage der Entstehung der Einschlusskorperchen; Unter- suchungen an virusinfizierten Gewebekulturen. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1936-37, 19: 421-7.—Hirsch, E. F. Radial in- clusions of giant cells. Arch. Path., Chic, 1935, 20: 665-82.— Kunitomo, N. Studies on the inclusion bodies of Prowazek. Acta Soc. ophth. jap., 1939, 43: 165.—Levaditi, C. Ultravirus et fluorescence; methode d'estimation numerique des corpus- cules £lementaires de la vaccine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 849-52.------ Krassnoff, D. [et ah] Ultravirus et fluores- cence; numeration des corpuscules elementaires vaccinaux et ultrafiltration. Ibid., 131: 35-9.—Lipschiitz. B. Kritik und Diagnose der Zelleinschlussbildung. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1925, 96: Orig., 222-7.—Lucas, A. M. Ultracentrifugation of intra- nuclear inclusions in the submaxillary glands of guinea pigs and ground moles. Am. J. Path.. 1936, 12: 933-47, pl.—Markham, F. S., & Hudson, N. P. The cellular inclusions of the sub- maxillary gland virus of guinea-pigs. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1933, 14: 135.—Nauck, E. G., & Robinow, C. Untersuchungen iiber Guarnierische Korperchen in der Gewebekultur. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1935-36, 135: 437-45, 2 pl.—Schilling, V. Parasitoide Zellstrukturen (Chlamvdozoeneinschlusse, usw.) Berl. klin. Wschr., 1920, 57: 403.—Stewart. F. H. Prowazek- Halberstaedter body. Annual Rep. Giza Ophth. Lab., Cairo, 1933, 8: 113-7, 3 pl.—Turevich, E. I. On the nature of ele- mentary bodies. Gior. batt. immun., 1935, 14: 1233-9.— Wolf, A., •& Holden, M. Studies on inclusion bodies of a neurotropic virus in various organs. Am. J. Path., 1935, 11: 840. ---- artificial. Birch. F. M.. & Lucas, A. M. Effects of centrifugation on intranuclear inclusions produced by subcutaneous injections of aluminum oxide. Am. J. Path., 1942, 18: 1051-9, incl. pl.— Lee, J. Nuclear changes following intravenous injection of various solutions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 31: 383-5.—Olitsky, P. K., & Harford, C. G. Intranuclear in- clusion bodies in the tissue reactions produced by injections of certain foreign substances. Am. J. Path., 1937, 13: 729-47, 2 pl.—Sugita, Y. Das Wesen der Prowazekschen Korperchen und der anderen Einschlusskorperchen, insbesondere iiber kiinstlich von und mittels unserer physikochemischen Methode erzeugte Korperchen. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1939-40, 141: 46-58. ------ Sugita, S., & Sugita, A. [Weitere Studie uber das Wesen der Prowazekschen Korperchen und anderen Ein- schlusskorperchen, speziell iiber unsere kiinstlich erzeugten Korperchen durch Pocken-Gift] Acta Soc ophth. jap., 1940, 44: 2031-7.—Weld, J. T.. Von Glahn, W. C, & Mitchell, L. C. Production of cytoplasmic inclusions in liver cells of rats in- jected with certain proteins. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 229-33. ---- intranuclear. Andrewes, C. H. Virus III. in tissue cultures; the appear- ance of intranuclear inclusions in vitro. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1929, 10: 188-90.—Cowdry, E. V. The problem of intranu- clear inclusions in virus diseases. Arch. Path., Chic, 1934, 18: 527-42.------Lucas, A. M., & Fox, H. Distribution of nuclear inclusions in wild animals. Am. J. Path., 1935, 11: 237-52, pl.—Kassanis, B. Intranuclear inclusions in virus infected plants. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1939, 26: 705-9, pl — Kinney, T. D. Intranuclear inclusions in infancy. Am. J. Path., 1942, 18: 799-811, incl. 2 pl.—LaVake, R. T. The distribution of intranuclear inclusion bodies primarily involving vascular endothelium. J. Lancet, 1933, 53: 631-3.—Magarinos Torres, C. Alterations non specifiques de l'oxychromatine et du nucl^oplasme et inclusions intranucl^aires dans les maladies k virus. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 363-5. —---- Sur la margination, ou apposition de la basichromatine sur la mem- brane nucleaire dans les inclusions intranucteaires des maladies k virus. Ibid., 366.—Rector, L. E. Coexistence of nuclear inclusions in salivary glands and kidneys of wild rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 34: 700-2.—Teruyama, N. Ueber einen eigentiimlichen Kerneinschluss. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1924, 14: 60.—Turevich, E. I. Nucleal reaction of the ele- mentary bodies. Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS, 1940, 9: 222-4 — Wlassics, T. Die Gleichartigkeit verschiedener basophiler Kerneinschliisse. Derm. Wschr., 1933, 97: 1376-8—Wolf, A., & Orton, S. T. The occurrence of intranuclear inclusions in human nerve cells in a variety of diseases. Bull. Neur. Inst. N. York. 1932. 2: 194. INCLUSION BODY ---- Pathology. Bawden, F. C, & Sheffield, F. M. L. The intracellular inclusions of some plant virus diseases. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond 1939, 26: 102-15, 2 pl.—Cowdry, E. V. The nature and significance of cellular bodies in diseases due to filterable viruses. J. Bact., Bait., 1927, 13: 20.—Gilbert, S. J., & Simmins, G. B. Notes on a minor outbreak of cell inclusion disease. J. Comp. Path., Lond., 1936, 49: 148-50.—Good- pasture, E. W. Cellular inclusions and the etiology of virus disease. Arch. Path., Chic, 1929, 7: 114-32.—Hammer- Schmidt, J. Die Genese der Einschlusskorper in der Haut bei einigen Chlamydozoenerkrankungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1918, 31: 271.—Komarov, A. A study on cell-inclusion disease in fowls; on the diagnostic value of the chromatic inclusions in the leucocytes. J. Comp. Path., Lond., 1934, 47: 296-301.— La Ferla, G. A. Sui significato di taluni inclusi cellulari ris- contrati in condizioni normali e patologiche nella congiuntiva ed in altre mucose. Ann. ottalm., 1912, 41: 255-77.—Landrieu. Les maladies k inclusions. Biologica, Par., 1913, 3: 8-15.— Lewy, F. H. Die Entstehung der Einschlusskorper und ihre Bedeutung fiir die systematische Einordnung der sogenannten Viruskrankheiten. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1932, 124: 93- 100.—Lipschiitz, B. Ueber Chlamydozoa-Strongyloplasmen; cytologische Untersuchungen iiber das Condvloma acuminatum. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1923-24, 146": 427-42. ------ Die mikroskopischen Grundlagen der Lehre von den Ein- schlusskrankheiten (Chlamydozoen-Strongyloplasmen) Seu- chenbekampfung, 1926, 3: 79-95.—McKinley, E. B. Filterable virus and rickettsia diseases in the tropics; intracellular in- clusions in filterable virus diseases. Porto Rico J. Pub. Health, 1929-30, 5: 114-33.—Miller, E. D. A study of the bacterial and alleged mitochondrial content of the cells of the clover nodule. Biol. Bull., 1937, 73: 112-25.—Neviadomsky, M. M. [Elementary bodies of tumors] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 58-63, pl.—Research on the elementary bodies in virus disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1352.—Ross, E. H. Cell-inclusions in scarlet fever and measles, a suggestion for the preventive treatment of these diseases. J. State M., Lond., 1914, 22: 94-8.—Salyi, G. [Primary inclusion in ultravirus diseases] Allatorv. lap., 1937, 60: 185-91.—Schilling, V. Zur Frage der Einschlusskorper (Chlamydozoa, von Prowazek) Erythromegalie, eine neue Erkrankung der Ringelnatter (Tropidonotus natrix) mit Toddschen Einschliissen (Chlamy- dozoide) Arch. SchifTs Tropenhyg., 1925, 29: Beih. 1, 316-22, 3 pl.—Sheffield, F. M. L. The formation of intracellular in- clusions in solanaceous hosts infected with aucuba mosaic of tomato. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1931, 18: 471-93, 9 pl. ------Experiments bearing on the nature of intracellular inclusions in plant virus diseases. Ibid., 1934, 21: 430-53, 3 pl.—Smith, J. H. Virus diseases in plants; the amoeboid intracellular inclusions. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1930, 5: 164-9. ---- Staining. Gutstein, M. New direct staining methods for elementarv bodies. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1937, 45: 313.—Herzberg, K. Ueber die farberische Darstellung einiger Virusarten (Ele- mentarkdrperchen) unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der intracellularen Vermehrungsvorgange. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1385-9.—L6pine, P. Methode de coloration histologique du n6vraxe pour I'etude cytologique de la rage et des maladies k virus (inclusion nucl6aires et inclusions protoplasmiques) C. rend. Soc biol., 1935, 119: 804.—Nicolau, S. Colorabilite et morphologie de quelques ultravirus; morphogenese des in- clusions qu'ils produisent. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1938, 61: 860-2.—Ruiter, M. [Virus staining; attempt to demon- strate elementary bodies in sebaceous cysts and pemphigus vulgaris] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 4955. INCOME. See also Charity; Diet, Economic aspect; Economics; Employment; Family, Economics: Fee [physician's] Group subheadings (Diseases: Economic aspect; Economics; Social security; Welfare) Physician, Economics; Poverty; Relief; Sickness; Unemployment, etc. Kaplan, A. D. H., Williams, F. M., & McCamman, D. Family income in 5 New England cities, 1935-36. 351p. 8? Wash., 1939. United States Public Health Service. Na- tional Institute of Health. National Health Survey. The relief and income status of the urban population of the United States, 1935. 29p. 4? Wash., 1938. Willeford, M. B. *Income and health in remote rural areas; a study of 400 families in Leslie County, Kentucky. 91p. 8? N. Y., 1932. Assessment of income of medical practitioners. J. Ind. M Ass 1940-41,10:346.—Balsamo, J. Situaci6n econ6mica de los medicos. Rev. med. veracruz., 1937, 17: 2368-70.— INCOME 126 INCOME-TAX Buerki, R. C. Medical care of the American people; income and distribution of physicians from the standpoint of the hospitals. T A.-.. Am. M. Coll., 1934, 9: 204-15.—Collins, S. D., & Perrott, (L St J. The economic depression and sickness. J. Am. Statist. A.-.., 1934, n. ser., 29: Suppl. No. 185A, 47-51 — Cooper. C. E., & Hillkowitz, P. An analysis of the incomes of phvsicians in Colorado for the period 1930 to 1933. Colorado M.\ 1933, 30: 478. Finkenrath, K. Einnahmen der Aerzte in Deutschland. Deut. med. Wschr., 1932, 58: 1332.—Geiger, A. J. They do without dollars. Med. Econom., 1939-40, 17: No. 1, 31-4.-—Grouping (A) of doctors by incomes. Ibid., 1941-42, 19: No. 2, 56.—Leland, R. G. Income from medical practice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 95: 1683-91.—Mulfinger, C. L. Doctors' incomes. Med. Rev. of Rev., 1932, 38: 667-70 — Notes on the Excess Profits Tax Act, 1940; methods of de- termining standard income. N. Zealand M. J., 1941, 40: 335-40.— Perrott, G. St J., & Collins, S. D. Sickness and the depression; a preliminary report upon a survey of wage-earning families in Baltimore, Cleveland, and Syracuse. Q. Bull. Milbank Mem. Fund, 1934, 12: 28-34. —---- & Syden- stricker, E. Sickness and the economic depression; preliminary report on illness in families of wage earners in Birmingham, Detroit, and Pittsburgh. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1933, 48: 1251-64.—Richardson, W. A. Medical incomes in metro- politan areas. Med. Econom., 1941—42, 19: No. 5, 71.— Schuurmans Stekhoven, W. [The income of the physician as a social-economic question] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 4257-9.—Share of the profession's total income received bv each tenth of M. D.'s. Med. Econom., 1941-42, 19: No. 7", 56.—Tucker, R. S. Distribution of income in 1935-36. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1942, 37: 489-95.—Warner, E. F. Health and the economic depression. Med. Woman J., 1934, 41: 81-3.— White, R. C. Low-income classes. Am. J. Sociol., 1941-42, 47: 918-28. INCOME (The) and property tax. Passed 22nd June 1842; by a Barrister. 11. thousand. xiv, 50p. 8? Lond., J. Gilbert [1842] INCOME tax. See also Income; Physician, Economics; Taxation. Joachim, H. Der Arzt im Einkommensteuer- gesetz. 80p. 8? Jena, 1933. Allowances for invalid children. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 634.—Arzt und Steuer; wann erhalt man bei Ruckgang des Einkommens und Vermdgens eine Ermassigung der Burger- steuer? Fortsch. Med., 1941, 59: 84.—Brandenburg, K. Der Steuerfiihrer fiir Aerzte, Zahnarzte und Dentisten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 256 (microfilm)— Bronner. Die Ein- kommensteuer des Arztes. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1356.—Burkardt. Der Kriegszuschlag zur Einkommensteuer. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 1517.--Complicated tax system for French physicians. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 1763.—Cordes. Die Aussenstande der Aerzte bei der Einkommensteuer. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1348 (microfilm) ------ Zuschusse fiir den Kassenarzt zum Ausgleich von Familienlasten sind einkommensteuerpflichtig. Med. Welt, 1940, 14: 798.— Dominion income tax returns by members of the medical profession. Nova Scotia M. Bull., 1940, 19: 647. Also Bull. Vancouver M. Ass., 1942, 18: 207.—Fortuin, J. [The income- tax 1940-41, and mobilized reserve officers (dentists)] Tschr. tandheelk., 1940, 47: 467-70.—Leroux, A. G. L'impot du dentiste. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1942, 8: 566-70.—Reiber, F. Die neuen Vorauszahlungen fiir die Einkommensteuer; wann kann der Arzt nach den neuen Bestimmungen die Herab- setzung der Vorauszahlungen erreichen? Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 1504.—Rejtharek, S. [Income tax on doctors] Vest Cesk. l£k., 1920. 38: 803-5.— Ribadeau Dumas, H. Le medecin et l'impot sur le revenu. Gaz. hop., 1924, 97: 1638-40.— [Rumania] Taxation on basis of prescription writing. J. Am M. Ass., 1936, 106: 480.—Schultze-Brachmann. Einkom- mensteuerpflicht fiir die Leistungen der Familienlastenaus- gleichskasse der KVD. Med. KUn., Berl., 1940, 36: 664 (microfilm)—Sonntag, G. Kinderzuschlage und Kinder- beihilfen fur Beamte, Angestellte und Arbeiter. Vertrauens- arzt, 1941, 9: 67.—Spohr, W. Zweifelsfragen bei Abgabe der Steuererklarung fiir 1935. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 212.— Steinwallner. Steuerliche Behandlung von Gehdfinnen eines arztlichen Haushalts. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 198.— Wolf, J. Die steuerliche Behandlung bei Beschaftigung eigener Kinder in der Praxis. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 929.— Wuth, K. Die Einkommensteuer von den Kassen-Einkiinften Ibid., 1940, 66: 1082. ------ Die Kraftwagenkosten des Arztes in neuer Steuerrechtsprechung. Med. Welt, 1940, 14: 828. ------ Die Anfechtung des Steuerbescheids und die Kostenfrage. Ibid., 1941, 15: 538. ---- United States. Baker, R. M. L. Income taxes and the doctor. Clin Osteopath., 1940, 36: 105-12.—Barwick, C. F. The assessment and collection of the federal income tax (1929-31) Bull. George Washington Univ., 1931, 65-9.—Check-list of professional income tax deductions; study of these deductions will aid in reducing your 1942 tax bill. Med. Econom., 1942-43, 20: No 4, 36.—Dentist's (The) federal income tax. 1942. J. Am Dent Ass., 1942, 29: 301-4— Drolet. E., & Mathews, I. A. Chirop^ odist's federal income tax, 1942. Chiropody Rec, 1942, 25: 33.—Federal income tax on accounts receivable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 149.—Federal income taxes; Revenue Act of 1942, oath no longer necessary. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1942- 43, 42: 164.—H., J. W. Hook accounts and Federal income tax. Nebraska M. J., 1942, 27: 25.—Hacker, S. Income-tax savings. Med. Econom., 1941-42, 19: No. 4, 66; 110.— Hadley, K. W. The physician and his Federal income tax. Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 59-61. Hartman, K. C. Have you made your plans for your income taxes? Iowa Dent. Bull., 1942, 28: 12.—Holloway, J. W., jr. Concerning federal income tax on accounts receivable. California West. M., 1942, 56: 275.—Income tax provisions affecting the medical profession. Wisconsin M. J., 1934, 33: 137-45; passim.—Lasser, J. K. Keeping your income tax down. Med. Econom., 1940-41, 18: No. 5, 71-8.—Lewis, S. R. Preparation of dentists' income tax returns. Illinois Dent. J., 1942, 11: 51-5.— Maxfield, T. B. The professional man's business records and income tax. Cor- nell Vet., 1942, 32: 103-12.—Paxman, T. D. How income and victory taxes affect the medical profession. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1942, 11: 493.—Payette, H. J. You are going to pay more taxes. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1941, 40: 995; passim.— Payment of income tax by persons in military service. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 737.—Physician's (The) income tax [1938- 1942] Ibid., 1938. 110: 45B-47B; 1939. 112: 151-3; 1940, 114: 254-6; 1941, 116: 520-2; 1942, 118: 387-90.—Physician's (The) income tax; 1941. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1941, 38: 100-2. Also WTeek. Roster, Phila., 1940-41, 36: 810-4.—Revenue (The) Act of 1942; taxation of accounts receivable; income of chari- table hospitals; deductions of medical expenses. California West. M., 1942, 57: 258.—Smith, W. H. Federal income tax as it applies to professional men. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1936, 29: 85. ------ Your Federal income tax. Ibid., 1941, 34: 86.— Swope, C. D. Federal income taxes. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1941-42, 41: 284.—Taxes; credit association composed in part of physicians not exempt from taxation. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 2178.—Taxes, Federal income; accounts receivable as gross income for taxable year in which death occurs. Ibid., 1941, 116: 2426.—Taxes; salary of physician employed by state hospital not exempt from Federal income tax. Ibid., 2620.— There should be no tax on health. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1942, 35: 159.—When, how and where physicians should file Federal and State tax returns and pay the taxes which are due. Ohio M. J., 1940, 36: 189-95. INCOMPATIBILITY. See Drug, Incompatibility; also Reproduction. INCOMPETENCE. See Incapacity [mental] INCONSTANS bacillus. Braun, H., & Lowenstein, P. Ueber den Bacillus inconstans; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Bedeutung der Zuchtungstemperatur fiir die Entwicklung der Geisseln und des antigenen Apparates. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1923-24, 91: Orig., 1-11. INCONTINENCE. See under such headings as Anus, Sphincter: Incontinence; Bladder, Sphincter: Insufficiency; Enuresis; Sex life. INCOORDINATION [motor] See Ataxia; Chorea; Tabes dorsalis, etc. INCORONATO, Angelo. Di un'anomalia del poligono arterioso cerebrale. p.95-100. pl. 8° Roma, 1873. Cutting from Ricerc. Co. Lab. anat. norm. Roma, 1873, 1: INCRETION. See Endocrine gland, Secretion; Endocrine system, Function; Hormone. INCUBATION. See also Bacteria, Cultivation; Egg, Hatch- ability; Egg industry; Embryogeny; Incubator; Ovum. Cunningham, B., & Hurwitz, A. P. Water absorption by reptile eggs during incubation. Am. Natur., 1936, 70: 590-5.— Dawydoff, C. Incubation des oeufs et viviparity chez les coe'lo- planides indochinois. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1940, 211: 146-8 — Dougherty, J. E. Studies in incubation; the effect of low temperatures previous to incubation on hatchabilitv of enna fV ^m-AJ,-./1TiS1-,.1926L 7?: 39-43.-Lienha^ R CoS tnbution a 1 etude de 1 incubation. C. rend. Soc biol 1927 97: 1296.—Masera, E. La concentrazione idro-VnioniCa dei succo dell'uovo di Bombyx mori L. durante la diarmusa e l'incubazione. Riv. biol., 1938, 25: 31-9.—Monticem, F. s! INCUBATION 127 INCUBATOR Delia particolare maniera d'incubazione delle uova da parte dell'Octopus vulgaris Lamk. Pubb. Staz. zool. Napoli, 1921, 3: 187-90, pl.—Price, J. W., & Fowler, E. V. Eggshell cap method of incubating chick embryos. Science, 1940, 91: 271.—Riboul- leau, J. Variation des substances oestrogSnes de l'oeuf de poule au cours de l'incubation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 129: 1045.—Serono, C, Montezemolo, R., & Balboni, G. Rapporto tra il contenuto in lipidi e la formazione di estrina nell'uovo in incubazione. Rass. clin. ter., 1936, 35: 241-6.—Sheard, C, & Higgins, G. M. Production, fertility and incubation of eggs as influenced by ultraviolet light, solar irradiation and cod- liver oil. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1929, 4: 90.—Stuart, H. O., & Charles, T. B. Incubation. Extens. Circ. Univ. N. Hampshire Extens. Serv., 1930, No. 108. INCUBATION period. See under Infection. INCUBATOR. See also Bacteriology, Apparatus; Thermostat. B., H. Etuves k culture 61ectriques de fortune. Gaz. sc. med. Bordeaux, 1920, 41: 451.—Braun, H., & Goldschmidt, R. Die Brutschrankluft als Stickstoff- beziehungsweise Kohlen- stoffquelle fiir Typhus-, Paratyphus B-, Shiga-Kruse- und Coli- Bazillen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1926-27, 101: 283-90.—Bryan, C S., & Jennings, L. F. An inexpensive bacteriological incu- bator. Vet. Med., Chic, 1941, 36: 567.—Burian, R. Notiz uber E. Mislowitzer's Mikro-Brutschrank. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 1202-4.—Carson, C. C, West, D. E., & Mickle, F. L. Laboratory incubator temperatures; studies of mechanical convection. Rep. Connecticut Dep. Health, 1934, 169-76.—Chatton, E. R^gulateur k fl^au bimetallique pour thermostats a chauffage electrique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1921, 85: 116-8.—Coulter, C. B. Electric heating and control mechanism for bacteriologie incubators. Arch. Path., 1926, 2: 528-31.—Dammann, E. Steril-Inkubator zur Massenziichtung von Erregern. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1938, 141: 93— Hankey, R. A. An improvised bacteriologie incubator. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1934, 19: 1098.—Hansmann, G. H. The adaptation of electric refrigeration to room temperature incubation. Arch. Path., Chic, 1927, 4: 556.—Hesse, E. Ein behelfsmassiger, flammen- loser, versendbarer Brutschrank fur den Feldgebrauch. Deut. med. Wschr., 1916, 42: 979.—Jennison, M. W. A bacterio- logical incubator for uniform temperatures with accurate con- trol. J. Bact., Bait., 1931, 21: 24—Matausek, K., & Burijan, H [New model of portable incubator for bacteriological pur- poses] Voj. san. glasnik, 1935, 6: 631-8.—Mavor, J. W., & Thatcher, E. W. A thyratron control for incubators and water baths. Science, 1935, 82: 201.—Messerschmidt. Wie lassen sich starke Temperaturschwankungen in den Brutschranken mit Gasheizung vermeiden? Deut. med. Wschr., 1921, 47: 1591 —Mohr, O. L. A cheap and practical incubator for small and 'delicate objects. Anat. Rec, 1926-27, 34: 391-5 — Rondeau du Noyer & Charles, G. Sur un modele pliant d etuve de Foot. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 103: 400.—Schweizer, G. Ein neuer Impfschrank. Arch. Mikrob., Berl., 1937, 8: 407-14. ---- human. See also Prematurity. Bauer. A. R. A combination resuscitator and incubator for new-born infants. J. Am. Med. Ass., 1937 108: 1874[ — Benedict, F. G., White, P., & Lee, R. C. An infant incubator; employing controlled mixtures of helium and oxygen to combat respiratory failure. Am. J. Obst., 1940,.39: 63-70.-Better care for premature infants. Surg. Equip., 1940, 7: 10 — Boothby, W. M. Miniature oxygen chamber for infants; a modification of the Hess incubator. Proc. Mayo Clin 1934, 9- 129-31— Brusa, P., Fontana, C. G., & Terzano, G. Reparto di incubazione per bambine debili congeniti. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1931, 13: 889-902.—Caviglia, P. Una camera incuba- trice trasportabile; Pozzo-Malerga. Atti Soc ital. ostet., 1908, 14: 431-3.—Chappie, C. C. Controlling the external environ- ment of premature infants in an incubator. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, 1938, 50: 16. Also Am J. Dis Child. 1938, 56 459 ------ An incubator for infants. Am. J. Obst., 1938, 35. 1062-5 ------ Baby incubator and the like. U. b. 1 atent Off 1941 No. 2,243,999. ------& Kenney, A. S. Limitation of bacterial contamination of air by a new automatic incubator for infants. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 57: 1058-66.—D Erchia, F II valore morfologico della camera incubatnce dell uovo umano. Riv. ital. gin., 1936-37, 19: 159-64 -Duhaze P Realisation simple et pratique d'une chambre chaude dans un maternite. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris ^Vt- fJ' „ r Gynecologie, 1937, 36: 154.-Dunham, E. C., Dickinson H.C. [et al.] Incubators for premature infants. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1940, 30: 1415-21—Hanby, E. Baby incubator. U. b. Patent Off., 1942, No. 2,292,l^O.-Harper, K A. An electric incubator for premature infants Virginia M. Month., 1939, 66: 408.—Hirleman, C. W. Incubator. U S. Patent Off _1940, No 2 219,185.—Improvised (An) incubator. Canad. Nurse, 1935 11 • 17—Incubators for the premature baby, rue, Health Nurs' 1942, 34: 244—Incubators—then and now. Sum Eouk'l941 8: 16.—Lake, G. B. A home-made baby PncubaS PClin M. & S., 1936, 43: 608-Livingston H H. Incubation; an improved and »^P^^e mcubator for pre- mature and hypothermic infants. N. England J. M., 1932, 207. 320.—Modern incubator. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1940, 36, 1348.—More, W. Electrically heated cot. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 182.—Parmelee, A. H. An inexpensive incubator for pre- mature infants. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1931, 41: 33.—Parsons, M. I. An improvised portable incubator. Am. J. Nurs., 1940, 40: 640.—Portable incubators. Hygeia, Chic, 1941, 19: 791.— Quinn, J. L., jr. General information about premature infant incubators. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1941, 44: 109; 120.—Rice, P. S. Human incubator. U. S. Patent Off., 1937, No. 2,093,648.—Scientific equipment for care of the premature infant. Surg. Equip., 1938, 5: No. 6, 18-9.—Taylor, T. A. Infant incubator. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,246,820.— Zaitsev, D. I. [Simplified incubator for premature new-born) Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 18, 27. INCUBUS. See Dream, Types: Nightmares. INCUNABULUM. See also Book; Printing. [Chicago, III.] Newberry Library. A check list of the fifteenth century books in the Newberry Library and other libraries in Chicago, compiled by Pierce Butler. 362p. 8? Chic, 1933. Condit, L. A provisional index to Roman printing types of the fifteenth century. 37p. 23#cm. Chic. [1935] Garrison, F. H., & Mayer, C. F. Collection of incunabula and early medical prints in the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, U. S. Army. p. 1415-36. 4? Wash., 1932. [Germany] Kommission fur den Gesamt- katalog der Wiegendrucke. Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Lpz., 1: 1925- Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum M. D. typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 4v. 8? Stuttg., 1826- 38. Klebs, A. C. Incunabula scientifica et medica; short title list. p. 1-359. 8? Bruges [1937] North Carolina. University. Library. hanes foundation for the study of the origin and development of the book. in- cunabula in the Hanes collection of the Library of the University of North Carolina. 126p. 24cm. Chapel Hill, N. C, 1940. [San Marino, Calif.] Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Incunabula in the Hunting- ton Library; compiled by H. R. Mead. 386p. 8? S. Marino, Calif., 1937. Sarton, G. Scientific incunabula, p.43-245. 8? Bruges, 1938. Schramm, A. Der Bilderschmuck der Frtih- drucke. Lpz., 1: 1922- Stillwell, M. B. Incunabula in American libraries. 619p. 26cm. N. Y., 1940. Vindel, F. Manual grafico-descriptivo del bibliofilo Hispano-Americano (1475-1850) Suppl. Vol. 12: Siglo xv. 205p. 4? Madr., 1934. [Vollbehr Collection] Newspaper clippings on the Vollbehr collection and the speech of the Honorable Ross A. Collins in the Congressional record. 6 1. 8? [v. p.] 1930. Winship, G. P. Printing in the fifteenth century. 158p. 21#cm. Phila. 1940 Ballard J F. Medical incunabula in the William Norton Bullard collection. Boston M. & S. J., 1927 196: 865-75.— Biihler C F. Notes on 2 incunabula printed by Aldus Manu- tius. Papers Bibliogr. Soc America, 1942 36: 18-26.—Butler. P Incunabula markets of Europe. Pub. Week., 1927, 111. No 10 835-9 —Catalogue of an exhibition of medical manu- scripts and incunabula. Bull. N. York Acad M., 1929 2. sen, 5 • 278-92 —Cunha, F. Incunabula medica, the year 1000 A. D. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 43: 807-15.—Fisher, C. P. A descriptive list of the incunabula in the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Ann. M. Hist,, 1931, n. ser., 3: 228; 325; 439 —Garrison, F. H. Progress in the cataloguing of medical incunabula; with a revised check-list of the incunabula in the IXCI NABILUM 12S INDEX Armv Medical Librarv. Washington, D. C. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1930, 2. ser., 6: 365-435.—Incunabula of the Cleve- land Medical Library Association. Ann. M. Hist., 1930. n. ser., 2: 440.- Incunabula in the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Ibid., 1931, n. ser., 3: 674-6.—Klebs, A. (J. Gleanings from incunabula of science and medicine. Papers Bibliogr. Soc. America, 1932. 26: 52-88.—Medical incunabula in the Library of the Universitv of Michigan Medical School. Ann. M. Hist., 1931, n. ser . 3: 110-3.—Quinby. W. C. The manuscripts, incunabula and early books of the Hyams collec- tion in the Boston Medical Library. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1937-38. 4: 654-71. INCURABILI (GP) Nap., v.34-37, 1919-22. INCURABLE. See Sickness, incurable. INCUS. See Middle ear; Sound, Conduction. INDACOCHEA Ponce de Leon, Abelardo, 1905- *Le vert de Schweinfurt dans la prophylaxie du paludisme. 99p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1935. INDAGINE, Johannes ab, fl. ca 1530. Chi- romanee et phvsiognomie [Transl. by Antonie du Moulin] 287p. illust. 12? Lyon, Jean de Tournes, 1549. ----[Periaxiomata de faciebus signorum] Proposition astrologique et pronostication natu- relle. Transl. by Antoine Des Gois. 15p. [l]p. 13cm. [text] Par., Chrestien Wechel, 1545. INDAMINE. Sec under Quinone. INDAN [incl. indene] See also Indol; Indoxyl. Allen, ('. F. H., & Gates, J. W., jr. The structures of certain highlv arvlated indenones and their behavior with bromine. J. Am. C'bein. Soc, 1942, 64: 2127-30.—Bachmann, W. E., & Struve, W. S. A new synthesis of 4-ketohexahydroindan. Ibid., 1941, 63: 2589-91.—Cameron, G. R., & Doniger, C. R. The toxicity of indene. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1939, 49: 529-33, pl.—Dostai. H., & Raff, R. Die Kinetik der thermischen Polvmerisation von Inden. Zsehr. phvs. Chem., Abt. B, 1936, 32: 417-29.—Gagnon, P. E., & Charette, L. P. Contribution to the study of cis-trans isomers derived from 3,3-diphenyl-l- hydrindone; synthesis of 3,3-diphenvlhvdrindene and some of its derivatives. Canad. J. Res., 1941, 19: Sect. B, 275-90.— Geissman, T. A., & Tulagin, V. The reaction between cyclic beta-diketones and Grignard reagents; l,3-diketo-2,2-dimethyl- hydrindene. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 3352-6.—Jordan, C. W. An anomalous bromination reaction; the analytical bromination of stvrene and indene by the Kaufmann method. Ibid.. 2687-9.- Lutz, G. A. The preparation and reactions of some chlorine derivatives of indene. In Sum. Doct. Diss. Northwestern Univ., Chic. 1937, 5: 144-8.—Orekhov, A. P. [Synthesis of indene derivatives] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1916, 48: 433-49. ------ [Syntheses in indene series] Ibid., 1702; 1820. ------ [Syntheses in the indene series; synthesis of indene ketones] Ibid., 1827-9. Grinberg, R. [Syntheses in indene series] Ibid., 1713-27. INDEPENDANCE medical. Montreal, v.1-7, 1920-27. INDERBITZIN, Alois. *Ueber Anosteoplasia congenita beim Kalbe [Zurich] p.665-81. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1928. Also Virchows Arch., 1928, 269: INDEX [and indexing] See also Bibliography; Catalog; Literature. For anthropometrical indices see such headings as Cranium, Indices and angles, etc. American (The) Journal of Hygiene. Index to v.1-28 (1921-38) Authors and subjects. 168p 26cm. [Lancaster, Pa.] 1939. American Journal of Physical Anthro- pology. Index to v.1-22 (1918-37) Pt 1: Origi- nal articles, notes and communications. 330p 23cm. Mex., 1941. American Journal of Physiology. Index to v.91-120 (1929-37) 383p. 24cm. Bait., 1939. Andrade Maia, J. de. Indice-cata-logo medico brasileiro, 1937-38. v.l. 300p. 27cm. S.Paulo, 1939. British (The) Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice. Complete index. 4S(ip. 25cm. Lond., 1941. Clarke, A. L. Manual of practical indexing, including arrangement of subject catalogues. 2. ed. 276p. 8? Lond., 1933. Ireland, N. (). An index to indexes, a subject bibliography of published indexes. 107p. 22J^cm Host., 1942. Revista do arquivo municipal. Indice dos volumes 61-75. 105p. 23cm. S. Paulo, 1941. Rockefeller (The) Institute for Medical Research. Studies. Index, Authors, v.51-116, 1924-40. 200p. 23y2cm. N. Y., 1941. United States. Army Medical Library. Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office. Wash., 1. ser., v.l, 1880- United States. War Department. Digest of War Department directives and index to general orders, bulletins and numbered circulars. 76p. 23cm. Wash., 1942. Weeks, B. M. How to file and index. 261p. 8? N. Y. [1937] Garrison, F. H. The Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus, what it stands for and how to use it. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 89: 26-9.—Index to the nation's legal periodicals. Current Leg. Thought, 1941-42, 8: 518-70.—Mayer, C. F. The Current List of Medical Literature, an explanation. Science, 1942, 95: 43-5.—Pascual y Prats, J. Conveniencia de establecer un Index met6dico de los trabajos que publica la prensa. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa m6d. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 142-8.—Seidell, A. Medical indexing. Current List M. Liter., 1942, 3: No. 13, 2; passim. INDEX analyticus cancerologiae. Par., v.l, 1927- INDEX bibliographique des ouvrages, mi- moires et publications diverses de M. M. les mcdecins, chirurgiens et accoucheurs des h6pi- taux et hospices. 211p. 4? Par., Grandremy & Henon, 1889. INDEX-CATALOGUE of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, U. S. Army. See [United States] Army Medical Library. Index-Cata- logue. 54v. 27^cm. Wash., 1880- INDEX der deutschen zahnarztlichen Literatur und zahnarztliche Bibliographie. See [Germany] Zentralverein deutscher Zahnarzte. Index der deutschen zahnarztlichen Literatur. 12v. 8° Heidelb (1903) 1904-U934) 1936. INDEX des etablissements medicaux, 1938. 28p. 8? Par., Presse meU, 1938. INDEX generalis; annuaire general des uni- versite^, grandes 6coles, academies, archives, bibliotheques, instituts scientifiques, jardins botaniques et zoologiques, musses, observatoires, societes savantes. Par., 1919- INDEX medico; nomenclator del C6dex medical argentino y guia general de especialidades medicinales. xlii, 458p. 26cm. B. Air., Peuser, 1941. INDEX number. See under Statistics. INDEX of the periodical dental literature published in the English language. Compiled by Arthur D. Black. Buffalo, (1839) 1923- INDEX veterinarius. See under Great Britain. Imperial Bureau of Animal Health ■ [INDIA] All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health. See Calcutta. All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health. [INDIA] All-India Ophthalmological Society. Proceedings. Bombay, v.l, 1930- INDIA 129 INDIA [INDIA] All-India Veterinary Association. See Indian (The) veterinary journal. Madras. INDIA. Army. Medical Directorate. Annual report on the health of the Army in India. Delhi, v.l (1938) 1940- Health (The) of the Indian Army. Med. Off., Lond., 1934 52: 52. [INDIA] Bundelkhund. Part map of Bundelk- hund [n. s.] 30.5 x 38cm. [n. p., n. d.] INDIA. Census Commissioner. Census of India. Hyderabad, 1891- [INDIA] Central Co-operative Anti-Malaria Society. See Calcutta. Central Co-operative Anti-Malaria Society. [INDIA] Central India Agency. Annual re- port of the Administrative Medical Officer on the working of the hospitals, dispensaries, jail hospitals and the registration of vital statistics. Indore, 1912- INDIA. Central Provinces and Berar. Public Health Department. Annual report. Nagpur, v.l, 1868- ---— Annual report on the mental hospitals. Nagpur, 1888- Former title was Annual report on lunatic asylums. ---- Annual report on hospitals. Nagpur, 1890- ---- Annual public health report. 1898- ■—— Notes on vaccination. Nagpur, 1911— [INDIA] Christian Medical Association of India, Burma and Ceylon. Journal. Mysore City, v.16, 1941- INDIA. Commercial Intelligence Department. Statistical abstract for British India. Calc, 1911/12- [INDIA] Conference of Medical Research Workers. Proceedings of the 11. Conference, Calcutta, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 1933. 322p. 25cm. Simla, Govt pr., 1934. INDIA. Director of Public Information. India in 1928/29[-] Calc, 1929- INDIA. Government. Health bulletin. Del- hi, 1936- CONTENTS No. 5. Lectures on malaria. G. Covell, 1940. No. 10. Synoptic table for the identification of the anoph- eline mosquitoes of India. 3. ed. I. M. Puri. 1938. No. 12. Table for the identification of Indian freshwater fishes. 2. ed. S. L. Hora & D. D. Mukerji. 1938. No. 13. Instructions for collecting and forwarding mos- quitos. 3. ed. I. M. Puri. 1940. No. 16. Synoptic tables for the identification of the full- grown larvae of the Indian anopheline mosquitoes. 4. ed. I. M. Puri. 1941. No. 17. The distribution of anopheline mosquitoes in India. 2. ed. G. Covell. 1936. No. 18. A practical entomological course for students of malariology. 3. ed. I. M. Puri. 1942. No. 22. Man-made malaria in India. J. A. Sinton & R. Ram. 1936. No. 24. Hand-book of common water and marsh plants of India and Burma, 1936, K. Biswas & C. C. Calder. 1937. No. 25. The prevention of malaria incidental to engineering construction. H. W. Mulligan & M. K. Afridi. 1938. No. 26. What malaria costs India. J. A. Sinton. 1939. [INDIA] India office list. See under Great Britain. Secretary of State for India in Council. [INDIA] Jullundar Dooab. Sketch of the Jullundar Dooab [n. s.] 25.5 x 42.5cm. [n. p., n. d.] INDIA. Malaria Bureau. Bulletin. See India. Government. Health bulletin. INDIA. Meteorological office. Summary of the weather conditions of India. Calc, 1896- Prior to 1915 title was India weather review, annual sum- mary. ---- India weather review. Poona, 1928- INDIA. North-West Frontier Province. Di- rector of Public Health. Annual report on the hospitals and dispensaries. Peshawar, 1902- 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----9 „ ~~— Public health and vaccination report. Peshawar, 1906- ---- Administrative report on the jails of the North-West Frontier Province. Peshawar, 1922- INDIA. Pasteur Institute of India. See Kasauli, India. Pasteur Institute of India. INDIA. Pasteur Institute of Southern India. See Coonoor, India. Pasteur Institute of Southern India. INDIA. Public Health Commissioner. See India. Sanitary Commissioner. INDIA. Sanitary Commissioner. Annual report. Calc, 1864- Before 1919 called Public Health Commissioner. —;— Scientific memoirs by the officers of the medical and sanitary departments of the govern- ment. Calc, pt 1-12, 1884-1901; n. ser., No. 1- 60, 1902-13. INDIA. Southwest Frontier. Skeleton plan of the districts under the jurisdiction of the Governor General's Agent in the Southwest Frontier. Scale 1-.3,294,720. 25cm x 31cm. [n. p., n. d.] INDIA. United Provinces. Chemical Ex- aminer. Annual report. Allahabad, 1894- [INDIA; divisions of the country; tribes, castes and sects; history, science and art; natural history] MS. viii, 460p. fol. [n. p., n. d.] INDIA. See also names of cities and provinces in India as Bengal; Bihar and Orissa; Bombay; Kedah; Mysore; Travancore, etc. Bhavnagar, India. State Council. Ad- ministration Report (1933-34) Bhavnagar, 1935. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. 7. Congr. Souvenir: the Indian empire. 346p. 22^cm. Calc, 1927. Great Britain. Secretary op State for India in Council. India (the) office list for 1933, compiled from fficial records. 47. pub. 1004p. 8? Lond. [1933] India. Part map of Bundelkhund [n. s.] 30.5 x 38cm. [n. p., n. d.] India. Sketch of the Jullundar Dooab [n. s.] 25.5 x 42.5cm. [n. p., n. d.] India. Bureau of public information. India in 1930-31; a statement prepared for presentation to Parliament. 762p. 8? Calc, 1932. India. Southwest Frontier. Skeleton plan of the districts under the jurisdiction of the Governor General's Agent in the Southwest Frontier; Scale 1: 3,294,720. 25 x 31cm. [n. p., n. d.] Farr, S. E. In India. Radiography, Lond., 1937, 3: 182- 4 —Jones, H. W. The man who understood India. Current List M. Liter., 1942, 3: No. 8, 2.—Kalapesi, A. S., Chhapgar, S. K., & Sukheswala, R. N. A note on the lead-ratio method for determining the age of the Deccan Traps. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 526-8.—Meston, J. S. India. Britan, Bk, 1942, 343-5.—Murray. On the topography of Meerutt. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1913, 601; 713.—Pascoe, E. H. A sketch of the geology of India. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 207-18, map.—Physical features, popu- lation, political divisions, administration, railways, commerce, products and industries with a brief note on scenery and places of special historical or archaeological interest. Ibid., 1-18.— Ramaswami, C. On the heat-wave over northern India in April-May, 1941. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 285.— Senn, N. Four thousand miles through India by rail in mid- summer. In his Around the World, Chic, 1905, 277-347. ------ Indian summer climate. Ibid., 290-9. — Anthropology, ethnology, and sociology. See also Caste. Bingley, A. H. Jats, gujars, and ahirs. 89p. ' Calc. (Repr. 1918) 30 INDIA INDIA ----& Longden, A. B. Dogras. lOlp. 8? Calc. (Repr. 1918) Bingley, A. H., & Nicholls, A. Brahmans. [64]p. 8? Calc. (Repr. 1918) Hawahd, E. A picture of India; its history, people and government. 47p. 21cm. [Lond., 1942] Meyer, J. J. Sexual life in ancient India; a study in the comparative history of Indian culture. 2v. 8? Lond., 1930. Symington, J. In a Bengal jungle; stories of life on the tea gardeins of northern India. 245p. 8? Chapel Hill [1935] Anthropological studies in India. Nature, Lond., 1939, 144: 721-3.-—Anthropological survey of the people of the United Provinces of India. Science, 1942, 95: 570.—Cipriani, L. Brahmini del Coccin. Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1939, 69: 5-30, 8 pl.—Das Gupta, C. R. The Arneth count in normal Indians. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 404-6.—Dasgupta, S. N. Indian realism; by Jadunath Sinha. Mind, Lond., 1942, 51: 293.— Eickstedt, E. von. Zur Anthropologic der Garhwali im Hima- laya. Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1926, 56: 173-83. ---— Rassengeschichte einer singhalesisch-weddaischen Adelsfamilie. Arch. Rassenb., 1927, 19: 369-88, 7 pl. ——— Das Bergvolk der Sora. Umschau, 1927, 31: 1034. ■----— Dae Rassenbild des westlichen und zentralen Hinterindien. Anthrop. Anz., 1928, 5: 176-87, 2 pl.—Enthoven, R. E. The Ethnographical survey of India. Jubil. Vol. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1937, 54-63.—Fabisch, W., & Hamburger, H. J. Observations on the physical development of Punjabi boys. Ind. J. M. Res., 1941, 29: 613-25.—Frazer, J. G. Hindu love of offspring. In his Native Races of Asia, Lond., 1939, 229. ------ The Todas of southern India. Ibid., 214.—Furer-Haimendorf, C. von. Volker- und Kulturgruppen im westlichen Hinterindien, darge- stellt mit Hilfe des statistiachen Verfahrens (ein vorliiufiger Versuch) Anthropos, Modling, 1934, 29: 421-40.—Germano da Silva Correia, A. C. Anthropology in India and ethnical position of Indians. Arq. Esc. med. cir. Nova Goa, 1938, sir. A, No. 12, 23-35, 14 pl.—Ghurye, G. S. Physical data from Kathiawar. Jubil. Vol. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1937,159-68 — India's teeming millions. Calcutta M. J., 1938, 34: 440-2.— Jhaveri, K. M. Das Leben der Hindufrauen in Indien. Zsehr. Menschenk., 1927-28, 3: 307-18.—Konrad, P. P. Zur Ethno- graphie der Bhils. Anthropos, Modling, 1939, 34: 23-117, 12 pl.—Kurulkar, G. M„ & Rajadhyaksha, V. S. Anthropometric measurements in Bombay; anthropometric study of 200 subjects (100 male and 100 female) Ind. J. M. Res., 1932, 20: 155-61 — Mann, H. M. The untouchable classes of an Indian city. Sociol. Rev., Lond., 1912, 5: 42-55.—Masson-Oursel, P. La conception indienne du fait psychologique. Rapp. Congr, internat. psychol. (1937) 1938,11. Congr., 399-401.—Mitnitzky- Vag6, M. Ethos, Hypokrisie und Libidohaushalt; versuch einer libidookonomischen Analyse der indischen Gesellschaft. Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Lond., 1940, 25: 356-96.— Mitra, P. N., & Chaudhuri, H. P. A serological proof of ethnological identity of the Hindus and the Mohammedans of Assam. Ind. M. Gaz., 1933, 68: 393.—Mukerjee, R. Caste and social change in India. Am. J. Sociol., 1937-38, 43: 377- 90.—Noronha, A. R. de. Alguns dados etnogrdficos sobre as populacSes da subdelegacia de Noroli. Arq. Esc. m£d. cir. Nova Goa, 1938, ser. A, No. 12, 319-29.—Racial problems and the Indian census report, 1931. Nature, Lond., 1933, 132: 833- 5.—Sarkar, S. S. Negrito racial strain in India. Ibid., 1936, 137: 1035.—Seidenfaden, E. The peoples of further India; notes on the research work of Dr Hugo Bernatzik. Man. Lond., 1939, 39: 69-71.— Senn, N. Dress, for natives only. In his Around the World, Chic, 1905, 200-2.—Sett, M. K. Sri Vatsyayana; an ethnological study of India of 300 B. C. Jubil. Vol. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1937, 195-206.—Sewell, R. B. S. Racial ethnology. In Souvenir 7. Cbngr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 179-88, pl.—Sokhey, S. S., Gokhale, S. K. [et al.] Normal Indian women; a study based on the examina- tion of 101 women. Ind. J. M. Res., 1937-38, 25: 723-39.— Spencer, D. M. A study of the ethnology of one of the Munda- speaking peoples of India. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc (1940) 1941, 252. ---- Art and religion. Bramzelius, A. W. Die hinduistische Pan- theon Glasmalerei; eine ethnographische, re- ligions- und kunstgeschichtliche Studie iiber die hinduistischen Glasgemalde im Staatlichen ethno- graphischen Museum zu Stockholm (Schweden) 117p. fol. Leiden, 1937. Fiirer-Haimendorf, C. Gibt es in Hinterindien totemistische Kultur? Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1932, 66: 328-37.— Rahmann, R. Gottheiten der Primitivstamme im nordostlichen Vorderindien. Anthropos, Modling, 1936, 31: 37-96.—Reddy, D. V. S. The art of surgery in ancient Indian sculptures. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., Bait., 1938, 6: 81-7. ------ Fainting and collapse as illustrated in ancient Indian sculpture. Ibid. 1940' 8: 277-84—Senn, N. Indian art. In his Around the World, Chic, 1905, 304-10.—Solomon, W. K. G. Indian art. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 231-5. ---- Culture and science. Brown, W. N. The story of Kalaka: texts, history, legends, and miniature paintings of the Svetambara Jain hagiographical work, the Kalakacaryakatha. 149p. fol. Wash., 1933. De Terra, H., & Paterson, T. T. Studies on the ice age in India and associated human cul- tures. 354p. 29cm. Wash., 1939. Eggers, W. *Das Dharmasutra der Vai- khanasas; iibersetzt und mit textkritischen und erklarenden Anmerkungen versehen; nebst einer Einleitung iiber den bramanischen Waldein- siedler-Orden und die Vaikhanasa-Sekte [Kiel] 93p. 8? Gott., 1929. Lupton, A. Happy India; as it might be if guided by modern science. 188p. 12? Lond. [1922] Mackay, E. Die Induskultur. 152p. 20>^cm. Lpz., 1938. Ruben, W. Eisenschmiede und Diimonen in Indien; Ergebnisse einer Reise, die mit, Unter- stiitzung des Forschungs-Institutes fiir Kultur- morphologie in Frankfurt am Main und des tiirkischen Unterrichtsministeriums durchgefuhrt wurde. 306p. fol. Leiden, 1939. Archaeology. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 169-78, 4 pl.—Brief (A) resume of Indian History. Ibid., 19-33.-—Brunn, von. Von einer bisher unbekannten friih-indischen Kultur. Sudhoffs Arch., 1935-36, 28: 347-58.— Carleton, P. The Indus Valley discoveries. In his Buried Empires, N. Y., 1939, 137-46.—Clouston, D. Agriculture in India. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 141-55.—Cowan, J. M. Indian botany. Ibid., 201-5, pl.—Datta, B. Chronology of the history of science in India during the XVI. century. Archeion, Santa F6, 1941, 23: 78- 83.—De Terra, H. The megaliths of Bursahom, Kashmir, a new prehistoric civilization from India. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1941-42, 85: 483-504, 3 pl.—Hutton, J. H. Assam origins in relation to Oceania. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1937, 107: 161-83.—Indian Institute of Science. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1940, 9: No. 9, Suppl., 24-27.—Indian (The) Research Fund Association. Ind. M. Gaz., 1934, 69: 691.—Irrigation in India. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 157-67.—Mahon, A. E. Recent archaeological discoveries in India. J. Urusvati Himalay. Res. Inst., Calc, 1932, 2: 5-9.— Mandelbaum, D. G. Culture change among the Nilgiri tribes. Am. Anthrop., 1941, 43: 19-26.—Pizzagalli, A. M. L'India e le vie del mare. Scientia, Bologna, 1940, 68: 110-5.-—Poisson, G. Les relations prGhistoriques entre l'lndie et le bassin de la Mediterrande. Rev. anthrop., Par., 1937, 47: 29-45.—Prashad, B. Zoology of India. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 189-99.—Singh. A. N. On the use of series in Hindu mathematics. Osiris, Bruges, 1936, 1: 606- 28.—Sramek, E. Panjabi phonetics; experimental study of Amritsar dialect. J. Urusvati Himalay. Res. Inst., Calc, 1932, 2: 53-84, incl. 9 pl.—Uvanovifi, D. The Indian prelude to European mathematics. Osiris, Bruges, 1936, 1: 652-7. --- Diseases and hygiene. See also under Health organization. Dharmavir, N. R. Public health in India. 361p. 12? Lahore, 1934. Intergovernmental Conference of Far- Eastern Countries on Rural Hygiene. Preparatory Paper: Preparatory papers relating to British India. 414p. 8? Geneve, 1937. McNally, C. J. A sanitary handbook for India, with special reference to the Madras Presidency. 4. ed. 436p. 8? Madras, 1911. Wilson, D. C, & Widdowson, E. M. A comparative nutritional survey of various Indian communities. 119p. 24^cm. Calc, 1942. Annesley, J. Researches into the causes, nature and treat- ment of the most prevalent diseases of India, and of warm climates generally. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 2: 66-75.— Annual report of the public health commissioner with the gov- ernment of India for 1933. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1936, 39: Suppl., 52.—Annual report of the Public Health Commissioner with the government of India for the year 1940. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 756-8.—Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1928. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond 1930 33: Suppl., 78-80.—Bose, B. B., & Banerji, J. Physical exer- INDIA 131 INDIA cise and medical inspection of Indian girls. Ind. M. Rec, 1927, 47: 65.—Chatterjee, G. C. How others see us. Ibid., 1937, 57: 132-4.—Chatterji, A. C. Report of the nutrition and diet survey work in the province for the year 1939. Bengal Pub. Health Rep. (1939) 1941, 158-69.—Chopra, R. N. Or- ganization of public health and medical services in India. Calcutta M. J., 1941, 38: 91-4.—Dimond, W. E. R. Note on public health and medical services in the North-West Frontier Province. In Prepar. Papers Intergov. Conf. Far East. Rural Hyg., 1937, 1. Conf., C. H. 1235(b) 297-303 — Fabisch, W., & Hamburger, H. J. Health survey of Punjabi boys; skeletal system, lymphatic organs and circulation. Ind. M. Gaz., 1942, 77: 206-10.—Ghosh, J. C. Rural sanita- tion in India. Ind. M. Rec, 1933, 53: 67-9. ------ Rural sanitation; a key to success. Ind. M. Gaz., 1942, 77: 427-32.— Health (The) of India. Med. Off., Lond., 1939, 62: 185.— Health leagues in Indian villages. Ind. M. Gaz., 1942, 77: 117,—Health and social services in India. Med. Off., Lond., 1935, 53: 71.—Inde Britannique. Statistique sanitaire pour l'annee 1921. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1928, 20: 104-8.—Indian trilogy; a 3-cornered view of India, babies, donkies, and winter sunshine. Med. Missionary, Phila., 1941, 15: 170.—Kellogg, J. H. Health work in India. Good Health 1937, 72: 302.—Makand, S. N. Public health organisation in the Central Provinces [British India] In Prepar. Papers Intergov. Conf. Far East. Rural Hyg., 1937, 1. Conf., C. H . 1235(b) 237-50.—Mason, E. D. The basal metabolism of European women in South India and the effect of change of climate on European and South Indian women. J. Nutrit., 1934, 8: 695-713.—Mathur, K. P. Public health organisation in the United Provinces. In Prepar. Papers Intergov. Conf. Far East. Rural Hyg., 1937, 1. Conf., C. H. 1235(b) 359-81.— Megaw, J. W. D., & Gupta, J. C. The geographical distribution of some of the diseases of India. Ind. M. Gaz., 1927, 62: 299-313.—Mukherjea, M. K. Nation's health. J. Ayurveda, 1934-35, 11: 379-84.—Pathi, A. L. National health. Ibid., 1938-39, 15: 371-5.—Public health in India. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 122.—Report (The) on the health of India. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 67: 27.—Russell, A. J. H. Population and public health in India. Abstr. Papers Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1927, 7. Congr., 34-7, tab.—Sanitary (The) awakening of India (Edit.) Brit. M. J., 1913, 2: 1243.—Sankaran, G. Report of the Professor of Biochemistry and Nutrition. An- nual Rep. All India Inst. Hyg., Calc. (1938) 1939, 33-42.— Toll of diseases in India. Calcutta M. J., 1937, 32: 474-81.— Ukil, A. C. Public health in modern states and its application in India. Ibid., 1941, 38: 199; passim. ------ Some aspects of public health in India. Ibid., 263-76.—Vital Indian health problems. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1938-39, 8: 250-4.—Williams, G. B. The sanitation of Indian railway settlements. J. R. San. Inst., 1932, 53: 78.—Wilson, H. E. C. Report of the Professor of Biochemistry and Nutrition. Annual Rep. All India Inst. Hyg., Calc. (1937) 1938, 19-22. ---- Hospitals. See also under Hospital report. Andersen, D. A., & George, M. M. Ahmednagar, S. A.; Evangeline Booth Hospital. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1941, 16: 367.—Doak, J. M. At an Indian hospital. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1941, 37: 129.—Muller, R. F. G. Ueber Kranken- hauser aus Indiens alteren Zeiten. Sudhoffs Arch., 1930, 23: 135-51.—Racial discrimination at Hammersmith Post Gradu- ate Hospital. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1935-36, 5: 701.—Ray, K. S. Evacuation of non-essentials and inmates of hospitals. Ibid., 1941-42, 11: 213.—Sander, P. Visit to Indian hospitals. Bull. Ophth. Soc. Egypt, 1939, 32: 242-53, 6 pl. ---- Medicine. Hehir, P. The medical profession in India. 139p. 8? Lond. [1923] Alexander, J. Answering a village call. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1942, 17: 16-8.—Alger, L. J. Medical observations in India. J. Lancet, 1940, 60: 442.—Anderson, G. C. Report to the council of the British Association by the secretary on his visit to India, 1936-37. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1937-38, 7: 105-19.—Annual report of the Indian Red Cross. League Red Cross Soc, 1937, 19: 108-9.—Bagchi, R. P. U. P. Pro- vincial conference; address. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1938-39, 8: 176-8.—Beals, L. N. Medicine in India. Physician & Surg., 1911, 33: 115-7.—British medicine in India. Brit. M. J., 1907, 1: 1245-53.—Canaran, B. V. Rural medical work. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 251.—Chatterjee, A. C. Lag in the utilization of medical knowledge in India. Calcutta M. J., 1941, 38: 100-2.—Chopra, R. N. Organization of public health and medical service in India. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 109-16. Also Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 54-8.—Cochrane, R. G. Co-operation in medical work. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1941, 16: 255-60.—Coordination of the medical services. Ind. M. Gaz., 1940, 75: 227.—Countess of Dufferin Fund Report, 1940, including the Women's Medical Service. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1941, 16: 368-70.—Crawford, D. G. The minor medical services. Ind. M. Gaz., 1910, 45: 1-8 —Dengel, A. The work of the medical mission sisters in India. Med. Woman J., 1942, 49: 263-7.—Deshmukh, G. V. Problems of medical education and research in India. Med. Times Lond., 1929, 57: 35-8.—Fighting disease on the Fron- tier Ind M Gaz., 1941, 76: 243.—Fullerton, A. M. The practice of medicine in India. Maritime M. News, 1905, 17: 85-9. Also Proc Philadelphia Co. M. Soc, 1905, 26: 75-9.— Future (The) of medical organization in India. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941 76: 41.—GiflTard, G. The future of medicine in India. Brit. M. J., 1924, 2: 966.—Gill, C. A. The present position of medical science in India. Ind. M. Gaz., 1929, 64: 152-5.— Graham, J. D. Medical and sanitary problems of India. In Souvenir 7. Congr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., Calc, 1927, 55-79.—Hakim. Grains and scruples. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 695-7.—Hewett, J. P. Introductory address on the work of the medical profession in India. S. Mary Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1913, 19: 135-9. Also Lancet, Lond., 1913, 2: 983-5.— Husain, S. M. The future of scientific medicine in India. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1939-40, 9: 600; 1940-41, 10: 281.—Inde- pendent (An) medical profession in India. Lancet, Lond., 1909, 1: 415.—India; Countess of Dufferin's fund. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 122.—Indian (The) Medical Council; a retro- spect. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1938-39, 8: 234-6.—Indian Medical Service. Lancet, Lond., 1923, 2: 420; passim.—Koshy, M. Our medical work. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1941, 16: 362.— Lewy, F. H. Laufbahn und Stellung des Arztes in Indien. Zsehr. Balneol., 1909, 2: 610; 649; 691.— Lukis, C. P. Inaugu- ral address on the medical needs of India. Mag. London School M. Women, 1912-13, 8: 265-76. Also Brit. M. J., 1913, 2: 837-9. Also Lancet, Lond., 1913, 2: 977-9.—Macleod, K. An Indian civil surgeon. Caledon. M. J., 1907, 7: 58-68. ------ Indian medical administration: a historical and per- sonal sketch. Ibid., 103-14.—Medical associations in India. Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1940, 9: 341-3.—Medical (A) council in Sind. Sind M. J., 1937-38, 10: 187.—Medical (The) council of India. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1940-41, 10: 118-21.— Medical problems in India. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 554.— Medical (The) profession in India [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1913, 1: 707-9.—Medical schools in India. Sind M. J., 1935-36, 8: 203-6.—Medical services in India, a comprehensive review. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: Suppl., 43.—Medicine in India. Ibid., 1919, 2: 540.—Mehta, J. N. Seth Jamnadas Lalubhai Museum Hall, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College, Bombay. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1938-39, 8: 367-70.—Milne, R. L. Medical education and practice in India. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 403-6.—Naidu, M. G. Welcome address. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 125-9.—Nauth, B. Presidential address. Ibid., 1934-35, 4: 210-9. ------ The medical services and the medical profession in India. Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madr., 1935, 4: 88-103.—Organization (The) of the profession in India; representative meeting of Indian branches at Bombay. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 413.—Organisation of the medical pro- fession in India. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1935-36, 5: 347.—Phipson, E. S. Medical practice in India; the economic outlook. Ind. M. Gaz., 1937, 72: 495-7.—Proctor, A. H. Medical unemploy- ment in India. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 462. Also Calcutta M. J., 1938, 34: 335-7.—Public medical services. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: Suppl., 161.—Racial discrimination in the services: the verdict of the Indian medical profession. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1936-37, 6: 686.—Rajan, T. S. S. The task before the medical profession. Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1935, 4: 1-8.— Rao, N. A. Internal reforms in the medical profession. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 253.—Ray, K. S. Presidential address. Ibid., 129-36.—Report to the council of the British Medical Association by the secretary on his visit to India, 1936-37, Brit. M. J., 1937, 2: Suppl., 221-32.—Rottschaefer, M. Village medical work. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1942, 17: 207-9 — Roy, B. C. Medizinische Probleme in Indien. Wien. khn. Wschr., 1938, 51: 179.—Samey, M. R. Bankruptcy of medical statesmanship in modern India. J. Ayurveda, Calc, 1935-36, 12: 1-6.—Scheme (A) for re-organisation of rural medical and public health services. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 216-20.— Sister Alma Julia Le Due. Health visiting in India. Pub. Health Nurs., 1942, 34: 438-41.—Sprawson, C. Medical Council of India. Calcutta M. J., 1937, 32: 131-7. ------ The Indian medical profession. Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1939, 8: 132-41.—Stott, H. Some notes on the scientific system of medicine in India. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1932, 82: 297-300.—Vyas, R. B. B. N. Presidential address. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1936-37, 6: 139-46, portr.—Wanless, W. J. Medicine in India. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1930, 2 ser., 6: 105-31.—War-time problems before the medical profession. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 205.—Wijnen, M. E. Now, when I had my operation. Med. Missionary, Phila., 1941, 15: 145.—Wilson, N. M. Medical organisation in the Central Provinces and Berar [British India] In Prepar. Papers Intergov. Conf. Far East. Rural Hyg., 1937, 1. Conf., C H. 1235(b) 230-6.—Women's Medical Service for India. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 474. ---- Medicine: Congresses and societies. All-India hereditary Ayurvedic doctors' conference at Hampi. J. Ayurveda, 1936-37, 13: 205; 272.—All-India (14.) Medical Conference, Madras, 1937. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1937-38, 7: 247-80.—All-India (15.) Medical Conference, Meerut, 1938. Ibid., 1938-39, 8: 275-309, 3 portr.—All-India (17.) Medical Conference, Vizagapatam, 1940. Ibid., 1940-41, 10: 181-97, 3 portr. Also Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1941, 10: 1-21.—All-India (18.) Medical Conference, Hyder- abad', 1941. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 505. Also J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 123-37; 140-7.—All (The) India Medical Licentiates' Conference (30.) Bombay; addresses.— Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1941, 10: 23-38—All- 32 INDIA INDIA India Medical Licentiates Conference (31.) Ahmedabad, Dec 23-25, 1941. J. Ind. M. Ass.. 1941-42, 11: 289-91 — Annual repoit of the Indian Medical Association. 1940- 11. Ibid.. ?uppl., 27-32.—Bose, A. M. The All-India Med- ical ('.mference at Vizag. Ibid., 1940-41, 10: 22").—Lak- shmipathi. A., «) inter- national des maladies professionnelles, Bruxelles, septembre 1910. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1910, 26: 333-7.—Congres (VIIe) international des accidents et maladies du travail; section des accidents du travail. Paris med., 1935, 98: annexe, 228; 240.—Congreso (7.) internacional de accidentes y enfer- medades del trabajo. Siglo m6d., 1935, 95: 331.—Congreso (1) nacional de higiene y medicina del trabajo. Labor m6d., Mex., 1936, 4: 117-20.—Congress on industrial health. Month. Labor Rev., 1939, 43: 595.—Congress on Industrial Health to meet January 12-13. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1941, 34: 545 — Congresso (13.) di medicina del laboro, Bari, 10-12 settembre 1938. Difesa sociale, 1938, 17: 863-79.—Congresso (VII) internazionale degli infortuni e delle malattie del laboro. Med. lavoro, 1935, 26: 161.—Convegno sanitario della mutuality dell'industria. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1937, 11: 762-78.— D'Alessandria, P. Quattro riunione della Commissione internazionale per le malattie professionali. Rass. previd. sociale, 1929, 16: 27-39.—Dhers, V. Le Congres de Lyon sur les maladies professionnelles. Ann. hyg., Par., 1929, n. ser., 7: 341-67.—Fioretti, E. Congresso (VIII) internazionale per gli infortuni e le malattie professionali, Franfkurt, 1928. Assist. sociale, Roma, 1938, 12: 1017-40.—Health of industrial workers Peoria conference. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 518-20.—Industrial health; report of a joint session between the Subcommittee on Industrial Health and Medicine, Federal Security Agency, and the Council on Industrial Health, American Medical Associa- tion. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1228.—Industrial Physician's Convention, Cincinnati, Apr. 13-17, 1942. Illinois M. J., 1942, 81: 88.—Industrial (The) physicians and surgeons; still more of the papers and discussions, at the 23. annual meeting of the American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons, and 2. Midwest Conference on Occupational Diseases, Chicago, June 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1938. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 550.— Institute of Industrial Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, May 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, 1941, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pennsylvania M. J., 1940-41, 44: 911-3.—International (7.) Congress on Occu- pational Diseases, Brussels. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1675.—International (1.) Congress of Industrial Medicine. Ibid., 1937, 109: 722.—Internationaler (8.) Kongress fur Unfallmedizin und Berufskrankheiten, Frankfurt a. M., 26. bis. 30. Sept, 1938. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 842. Also Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1938. n. F., 15: 257-60.—Journees inter- nationales de traumatologic et des maladies professionnelles, Liege. 25, 26 et 27 juin, 1939. Bruxelles m6d., 1939-40, 20: Spec. No., 82.—Meeting of industrial dentists called for February 22, 1943. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1943, 30: 143; 313 — Midwest conference: Occupational diseases (Abstracts of papers delivered at Detroit, May 3-5, 1937) Indust. M., 1937, 6: 243-54.—Monti. A. II Congresso Internazionale di Bruxelles por lo studio delle malattie del laboro. Ramazzini, 1911 5: 103 1 ".—Morales y Garcia, J. F. Sexto Congreso medico- latino-americano; higiene industrial. San. & benef., Habana, 1923, 28: 445-57.—Mosso. Pflege der Arbeitshygiene in Italien. Med. KUn., Berl., 1940, 36: 150 (microfilm)—Muller, L. Siebter internationaler Kongress fur Unfallmedizin und Berufskrankheiten (Brussel 22.-26. Juli 1935) Praxis, Bern 1935, 24: 555-60.—Muntsch, O. Bericht uber den VIll Internationalen KongTess fur Arbeitsmedizin und Berufs- krankheiten. Brussel, Juli 1935. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 1226. National Safety Congress and Exposition. Am. J. Nurs., 1912, 42: 1462.- Occupational disease symposium. Indust. M., 1937,6:5.50-3. -Osborn, S. H. Report of Industrial Hygiene Committee. Proc. Conf. Health Author. N. America, 1940, 55. Meet., 71-SS.—Paz Sol dan, Lorente, S., & Caravedo, B. Peru: higiene industrial; 8. Conferencia sanitaria panamericana. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1928, 7: 184.—Pool, E. H. Trauma; occupational diseases and hazards, October 19 to 31, 1936. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1936, 12: 593-6.- Preliminary arrangements for 99th anniversary meeting of State Medical Society, Milwaukee, September 18, 19 and 20, announced; industrial bealth featured. Wisconsin M. J., 1910, 39: 548.— Price, G. M. Industrial hygiene abroad and the Hygienic Exposition at Diisseldorf. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1926, 16: 1202-4.—Proceedings of the Industrial Hygiene Section, American Public Health Association, Pittsburgh, 1'ennsvlvania, October 17-20, 1939. Indust. M., 1939, 8:497-506.—Rodriguez Rey, O. Breves consideraciones sobre los prop6sitos del primer Congreso de sociologfa y medicina del trabajo. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 1, 49.—Salvini, C. Congresso (XI) nazionale di medicina del laboro, Torino, 29-31 ottobre 1934. Gior. med. mil., 1934, 72: 1192-8.—Sappington, C. O. Industrial hygiene meetings; abstracts of papers in the Industrial Hygiene Section, 67th annual meeting, American Public Health Association, Kansas City, Mo., October 25-28, 1938. Indust. M., 19.38, 7: 723-9. ------ Industrial health congress; abstracts of papers delivered at the first annual congress on industrial health of the A. M. A., Chicago, January 9-10, 1939. Ibid., 1939, 8: 64- 73. ■------ Industrial hygiene; abstracts of papers presented at 69. meeting, American Public Health Association, Detroit, October7-11, 1940. Ibid., 1941, 10: 17-26. ------ Industrial health; symposium on industrial health held at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, on September 11 and 12, 1941. Ibid., 537-42.—Seeger, S. J., Sawyer, W. A. [et al.] Annual Congress on Industrial Health. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 641-53.—Shoudy, L. A.. Everts, G. S. [et al.] Roundtable Conference on Industrial Medicine. Penn- sylvania M. J., 1940-41, 44: 825-37.—Symposium of in- dustrial diseases; joint session with the American Medical Association. Am. Labor Legisl. Rev., 1912, 2: 183-252.— Teleky. L. Der erste internationale Kongress fur Gewerbe- krankheiten. Zsehr. soziale Med., 1906, 1: 344-60.—Topa, P. [International (7th) Congress of Industrial Accidents and Diseases in Bruxelles] Romania med., 1935, 13: 219.— Vigliani, E. II VII Congresso internazionale degli infortuni e malattie del lavoro k Bruxelles. Bass. med. lavoro indust., 1935, 6: 267-75.—Walls, R. M., & Dollar, M. L. A meeting of industrial dentists. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 1286. ---- Essays. Devoto, L. Medicina del laboro; conferenze, lezioni, scritti, pubblicati degli amici della clinica del laboro. 417p. 8? Milano, 1935. Agostini, C. Cenni di medicina del laboro. Ann. Osp. psichiat. Perugia, 1928, 22: 115.—Allan, J. W. On the need for a progressive study of industrial diseases. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Glasgow, 1905-7, 6: 265-77. Also Glasgow M. J., 1907, 67: 97-109; 153. Also Chicago M. Times, 1907, 40: 641-9 — Andrews, C. A. Medicine as related to workers and production. Nation's Health, Chic, 1921, 3: 505.—Bashford, H. H. The contribution of industry to medicine. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1937-38, 31: 185-92.—Becker, M. E. The role of industrial medicine in a public health program. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1940, 33: 488-91.—Bloomfield, J. J. Influence on war on industrial medicine. War Med., Chic, 1942, 2: 561-70.— Bridge, J. C, Hird, B. [et al.] A week-end of industrial medi- cine. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 581.—Burlingame, C. C. The art, not the science, of industrial medicine. J. Indust. Hyg., 1920-21 2: 368-73.—Clark, W. I., jr. Industrial medicine and public health. N. England J. M., 1930, 202: 1187-94 — Collis, E. L., & Goadby, K. Importance of industrial medicine to the community. Lancet, Lond., 1921, 2: 487-91.—Cutter, aJ}'„, Introductory remarks. Proc. Occup. Dis. Sympos. (1938) 1939, 1.—Dobbie-Bateman, M. L. The purpose and practice of industrial medicine. J. R. San. Inst., 1930, 51: 222-8.—Drinker, C. K., & Drinker, K. R. The economic aspects of industrial medicine. J. Indust. Hyg., 1920-21, 2: 53-6o. Duvoir, M. Le changement de profession en accident du travail et en maladie professionnelle. Ann. med. leg., 1938, 18: 390-99. Dyktor, H. G. Integration of industrial hvgiene with industrial medicine. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 193-6.— Edsall, D. L. The relation of industry to general medicine. Boston M. & S. J„ 1914, 171: 659-62 [Disucssion] 672-4 — frank, L. W. Industrial medicine from the standpoint of the internist. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1940, 37: 502-7.—Fulton, at" VAno cme; the £uide and measure of safety. Indust. -VI., 1938, 7: 500-10.—Gehrmann, G. H. Industrial medicine as a specialty and its relation to general practice. Ann. Int. M., 1940741 14: 621-7—Giuffre, L. La medicina sociale e le malattie del laboro. Gazz. sicil. med., 1906 5: 517-24 — Goldblatt, M. W., Chiesman [et al.] Aims of industrial medi- cine. Brit M. J., 1941, 2: 745.—Hazlett, T. L. Industrial medicine; facts of interest to the employer and the physician. Pittsburgh M. Bull., 1942, 31: 792; 815.-HorTman; F. L. Some theoretical and practical aspects of industrial medicine. Tr. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia, 1917, 39- 421- 436 — Industrial medicine and social hygiene. Med Times' N Y INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE 153 INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE 1940, 68: 569-72.—Industrial medicine in wartime. Ther. Notes, Detr., 1942, 49: 35-40.—Johnstone, R. T. Industrial medicine's challenge to the internist. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1741-4.—Kemble, J. Doctors and tradesmen. In his Idols & Invalids, Lond., 1935, 191-203.—Kessler, H. H. Social significance of industrial medicine. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1936, 26: 158-64.—Kettering, C. F. Unfinished business. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 69-72.—Koelsch, F. Aerztliche Erlaute- rungen. In his Meldepflicht. Berufskrankh., Miinch., 1926, 30-42.—Legge, R. T. Industrial medicine of tomorrow: chairman's address. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 291-3.— Leven, A. S. The national defense and health program and its relation to industrial medicine. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. Q., 1941- 42, 33: No. 2, 29-34. —---- Whither industrial medicine? observations on certain economic and social factors. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 58-61.—Little, R. M. Industrial medicine and surgery an integral part of industry. N. York M. J., 1919, 110: 1022-4.—Lockhart, L. P. Industrial medicine in relation to public health. J. R. San. Inst., 1930-31, 51: 501-9.—Lowe, D. B. A discussion of industrial medicine. Ohio M. J., 1932, 28: 781.—-McCord, C. P. The economics of industrial medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 98: 1237-41. ------ Occupational diseases; medicine's unclaimed province. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 56: 547-50.—McCurdy, S. Hindsight and foresight. Ohio M. J., 1939. 35: 543-5.—Maugeri, S. AttualiU della medicina del lavoro. Rass. med. indust., 1941, 12: 285-97 (microfilm)—Medecine (La) du travail dans l'industrie. Arch. mal. profess., Par., 1939-40, 2: 617-21.—Morrison, J. C. Industrial medicine; bulwark of war production. Med. Econom., 1941-42, 19: No. 6, 45; 112.—Muller, E. Le role de la science dans 1'industrie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70: 558.— Mummery, N. H. Some aspects of industrial medicine. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1932, 25: 679-86.—Peterson, C. M. Medi- cal relationships in industry. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1941, 34: 378-81.—Place of medicine in industry. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 1277.—Preti, L. Medicina del lavoro e Carta del Lavoro. Med. lavoro, 1935, 26: 417-26.—Roberts, C. W. Modern concepts in industrial medicine. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1939, 28: 167.—Sayers, R. R. Present status of disease in industry. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 486.—Seeger, S. J. The role of industrial medicine in medical preparedness. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 182-4.—Swope, S. D. La creciente importancia de la medicina industrial en el hemisferio occidental. Actas Congr. As. m€d. panamer. (1928-29) 1930, 1. Congr., 141-8.—Winslow, C. E. A. Industry in medicine. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1933, 23: 450-8 — Woody, Mel. President's address. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 349- 51.------ Industrial medicine as a specialty. Ibid., 510-3.— Wyatt, B. L. Industrial medicine: its motives and merits. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1923, 13: 660-3. ---- History. Ling, T. M. Recent advances in industrial hygiene and medicine. 212p. 8? Phila., 1937. Ramazzini, B. De morbis artificum diatriba, cum supplemento; ed. by C. F. Mayer. 228p. 16? Budap., 1928. ---- Diseases of tradesmen; together with biographical notes translated from the French of C. F. Mayer (1928) ... With which is bound: Silk handlers' disease of the skin, by Herman Goodman. 95p. 8? N. Y. [1933] ---- Le malattie dei lavoratori. Ital. transl. by O. Rossi. 147 (i. e. 292)p. 25cm. Tor., 1933. ---- De morbis artificum Bernardini Ra- mazzini diatriba; diseases of workers. The Latin text of 1713 rev., with transl. and notes, by W. C. Wright. 549p. 24cm. Chic, 1940. Armstrong, D. B. The Framingham health demonstration and industrial medicine. J. Indust. Hyg., 1921, 3: 183-6. Blue book of industry: the remarkable development of an adventure in ideals. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 131-42—Bridge, J. C. A pioneer of industrial medicine. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1936 7: 431-6—Carrozzi. J. Enfermedades profesionales (historia) Med. trabajo, 1931, 2: 31; 283; 386.—Clark, W. I., jr. Industrial medicine in 1922. J. Indust. Hyg., 1922-23, 8: 474_g _---- Industrial medicine (report on medical progress) N. England J. M., 1939, 221: 269-73.—Collier, H. E. Industrial medicine; its present state and future prospects. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1942, 5: 107-10.—Commons, J. R. Govern- ment study of occupational diseases. Tr. Internat. Congr. Hyg. Demogr. (1912) 1913, 15. Congr., 3: 928-33—DelfinoV. Una disciplina italiana; la medicina del trabajo. Prensa med. argent., 1940, 27: pt 1, 194-8—Farnum, C. G. Modern industrial medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1918, 71: 336.—Fishbem, M. The future of industrial medicine. Proc. Occup. Lbs. Sympos. (1937) 1938, 82-6—Geier, O. P. The future of indus- trial medicine in a labor policy. Ohio M. J., 1921, 17: 386-9.— Giglioli, G. Y. Dalle malattie degli artefici alia patologia del lavoro. Ramazzini, 1907, 1: 45-61—Goldwater, L. J. From Hippocrates to Ramazzini: early history of industrial medicine. Ann. M. Hist., 1936, 8: 27-35.—Goodman, H. Of the diseases of learned men, by Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714) Am. Med 1935 41: 573-6.—Holtzmann. Neue Erkenntnisse der Gewerbeme'dizin und Gewerbe-Hygiene, 1938. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1939, 10: 421-5.—Industrial medicine in flux. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 377.—Industrial medicine in 1934. Indust. M., 1935, 4: 428-34.—Izar, G. Medicina del lavoro disciplina itahca. Riv. san. sicil., 1932, 20: 593-605.— Kemble, J. Occu- pational diseases; a historical note. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1933, 26: Sect. Hist. M., 1117-20.—Khaum, A. Arbeits- medizin und Volksgesundheit in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1932, n. F., 9: 161.—Kiper, C. Industrial medicine and hygiene in Turkey. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 520.—Knudsen (The) award. Ibid., 1938, 7: 517 — Kuh, C. Industrial medicine of tomorrow. Connecticut M. J., 1940, 4: 94.—Langelez, A. Ueberblick uber die Arbeits- medizin in Belgien. Ber. Internat. Kongr. arztl. Fortbild. (1937) 1938, 3. Kongr., 399-401.—Lanza, A. J. Medical developments and trends. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 21.—Legge, R. T. The history of industrial medicine. Ibid., 1933, 2: 333-40. ------ Modern industrial medicine. Ibid., 1934, 3: 143-6. ------ The history of industrial medicine and occu- pational diseases. Ibid., 1936, 5: 300; 371; 420; 513; 569; 633; 1937, 6: 34; 97. ------ Bottlenecks and progress in industrial medicine. Ibid., 1942, 11: 530.—Lind, G. [Industrial medicine and industrial hygiene in Germany] Ugeskr. laeger, 1936, 98: 355-9.—Ling, T. M. Historv of industrial medicine. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1938, 197: Suppl., 1-3.—Lockhart, L. P. Medicine's contribution to industry. Ibid., Suppl., 3-5.— McCombe, J. Three phases of medical endeavor as its relates ti mercantile and industrial medicine. Internat. J. M. & S., 1933, 46: 336-9— Mallette, F. S., & Meller, H. B. Trends in occu- pational disease and industrial hygiene. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 466-8.—Mock, H. E. Industrial medicine and surgery; a resume of its development and scope. J. Indust. Hyg., 1919, 1: 1-8; 251.—Occupational disorders in the 18th century. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 233.—Pach, H. Gewerbe-Patholo- gisches aus Ungarn. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1914, 27: 1028.— Piccinini, P. La premiazione dei vincitori del concorso sulle malattie del lavoro. Italia san., 1909, 5: 97.----— Osser- vazioni anatomo-patologiche di G. B. Morgagni riferentisi a malattie professionali. Atti Soc lombard. sc. med., 1922-23, 12: 151-60.—Quarelli, G. Sintesi di storia delle malattie professionali. Gior. med. mil., 1934, 82: 401-8. Also Med. lavoro, 1934, 25: 139-46.—Recent studies of industrial diseases and poisons. In Handb. Lab. Statist. (Parker, F. E.) Wash., 1936, 331-56.—Roche, H. Arrest de la cour de parlement du 20 mars 1728 en faveur du libre choix du m^decin par les blesses. Bull. Soc. fr. hist. m£d., 1914, 13: 127-33.—Rosen, G. On the historical investigation of occupational diseases. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., Bait., 1937, 5: 941-6.—Sand, R. Industrial medical reconstruction in Belgium. In: Nelson Loose-Leaf Med., Oxf., 1920, 7: 526-56.—Sappington, C. O. The occupational disease situation. Indust. M., 1937, 6: 85.—Selby, C. D. The trends of industrial medicine, with particular reference to the preven- tion of occupational diseases. Ibid., 1936, 5: 489-93. ----—- New medical opportunities in national defense industries. N. York State J. M., 1941, 41: 2023-6.—Semizzi, R. Storia della medicina e medicina del lavoro. Med. sociale, Nap., 1934, 24: No. 3, 13; passim.—Sigerist, H. E. Historical background of industrial and occupational diseases. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1936, 12: 597-609. Also Centaur, Menasha, 1941, 46: 309- 15.-—Vaccaro, L. History of industrial medicine and the compensation laws. Hahneman. Month., 1941, 76: 474-89. Also Week. Roster, Phila., 1941-42, 37: 71; passim.—Venable, C. S. The industrial value of medicine in San Antonio. Texas J. M., 1933, 29: 462-4.—Whittaker, A. H. Milestones in industrial medicine; acts and laws of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 532-5. ------ & Sobin, D. J. Historical milestones in occupational medicine and surgery. Ibid., 203-5.—Zwanck, A. Gewerbemedizin in Argentinien. Ber. Internat. Kongr. arztl. Fortbild. (1937) 1938, 3. Kongr., 404-7. ---- Institutes and laboratories. See also subheading Clinics and hospitals; also Industrial hygiene, Institutes. Clinical (The) Institute for the Study of Diseases of Occu- pation, Milan. Brit. M. J., 1910, 1: 1062.—Dvorkin, A. M. [V. A. Obukh central institute for occupational hygiene and industrial diseases] Gig. san., Moskva, 1940, 5: No. 12, 7-11.— Fitz, F. Northwestern University Medical School Department of Industrial Medicine. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 576.—Hausser, G. Le fonctionnement et le role de l'lnstitut d'6tude et de prevention des maladies professionnelles de Paris. Arch. med. sociale, Brux., 1939, 2: 768-75.—Holstein. Das Universitats- institut fiir Berufskrankheiten in Berlin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1144.—Lederer, E. Ueber die Notwendigkeit von Verwaltungssektionen fur die Arbeitsmedizin. Zbl. Gewerbe- hyg 1929 n F., 6: 72-8.—Ohio. Bureau of occupational diseases. Ohio Health News, 1937, 13: No. 1, 3.—Schwarz, F. Das Institut zur Erforschung und Verhutung von Berufskrank- heiten in Paris. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 433.— Vigliani G. A. Gli instituti di medicina industriale. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1937, 8: 361-75. --- Instruction. Pisa, Italy. TJniversita. Scuola di Per- fezionamento in medicina del lavoro. Conferenze. Pisa (1934/35) 1935- INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE 154 INDISTRIAL MEDICINE Allan, J. W. Lectureships on trade diseases. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Glasgow, 1902, 3: 129-35- Bnader. K. W. Aus- und Fortbildungsmogliohkeiten in der (leweibemedizin in Deutschland. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1937, n. F. 14: 273-7. ------ Facilities for undergraduate and postgraduate study in industrial medicine in Germany. Ber. Internat. Kongr. iirztl. Fortbild. (1937) 1938, 3. Kongr., 376.—Balthazard. V. Etude et enseienement des maladies professinnell ~. Arch. mal. profess, bar., 1938, 1: 3-6.—Bernard. P. l.enseigne- ment de la medecine du travail k l'etranger. Ibid.. 131-4 — Bogolepov, L. S. [Industrial medicine and its study in Soviet Russia] Centr. med. J., Moskva, 1929, 3: 221-32.--Collier, H. E. Education of medical practitioners for industry. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: Suppl., 314.—Cotutiu, C. [Occupational diseases as obligatory study in medical education] Cluj. med., 1934, 15: 271-3 - Crawford, A. H. Postgraduate course in industrial medicine at the Long Island College of Medicine. Science, 1942, 96: 353.—De Laet, M. La physio- pathologie du travail dans l'enseignement universitaire. Bruxelles med., 1930-31, 11: 225-34.—Devoto. L. L'insegna- mento della medicina del lavoro in Italia. In Festschr. H. Zangger, Zur., 1935, 1: 139-43.—Duvoir, M. L'enseignement de la medecine du travail en France. Ber. Internat. Kongr. arztl. Fortbild. 11937) 1938, 3. Kongr., 363-7. Also Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1938. 44: 57-60.—Fabre, R., & Duvoir, M. L'enseignement de la medecine du travail et de la toxicologic industrielle k la Faculty de Medecine de Paris. Paris m6d., 1934, 93: 381-5.—Gelman. I. G. [Study of industrial diseases] Profess, pat. gig., 1929, 30-5.—Gerbis, Teleky [et al.l Der Unterricht in Gewerbehygiene und uber Gewerbekrankheiten; Entgegnung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Gewerbehygiene zu rler Abhandlung von Dr Ludwig Telekv. Miinch. med. Wscbr., 1926, 73: 695-7.—Golubovsky, I. E., & Goldgorsky, A. [Metbods of clinical instructions with special regard to indus- trial lactorsl Klin, med., Moskva, 1932, 10: 26.—Hazlett, T. L. Instruction in industrial medicine for medical students. Indust. M, 1942, 11: 115. Also J. Ass. Am. M. Coll.. 1942, 17: 65 S | Discussion] 75 9. -Holslein, E. Cewei bemedizinische unci teclinolotriscbe Studien in Italien. Arbeiterschutz, 1935, 89-93.—Johnstone, R. T. The teacbing of the occupational diseases. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 546.--Kalmus. Die \'ntwrndian., B. Air., 1938, 2: 605-12. ---- Safety measures and health standards. See also Accidents, industrial: Safety devices; Industrial worker, Health protection. Norway. Rikstrygdeverket. Industriar- beidertrygden. Oslo, 1936- United States. Department of Labor. Minimum standards for the safety and health of workers in manufacturing industries. 2. ed. 7p. 8° Wash., 1934. United States. National Bureau of Standards. Handbook series No. 2: National safety code for the protection of the heads and eves of industrial workers. 2. ed. 66p. 19cm. Wash., 1923. Weston, H. C. On the design of machinery in relation to the operator. 32p. 8? Lond., 1926. Agnew, P. G. National safety codes progress. Bull. U. S, Bur. Labor Statist., 1934, No. 602, 166-76.—Allan, J. R. Industrial hvgiene odes. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1939, 29: 748-52.—Baldwin, C. E. Status of industrial safety codes and regulations in the various states. Bull. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., 1934, No. 602, 151-66.—Bard, L. Higiene y seguridad del trabajo en los establecimientos mercantiles e industriales y trabajo a domicilio. Ann. igiene, 1931, 41: 701-6.—Bashford, H. H. Health standards in industry. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 1: 1505.—Boulin, P. L'organisation de la s6curit6 du travail. Ann. hvg., Par., 1935, n. ser., 13: 101; 198; 290; 330; 396; 476; 655; 711; 1936, 14: 217.—Bristol, L. D. Measuring the in- dustrial safety program. Personnel J., 1934, 13: 193-6.— Cameron, W. H., Berger, J. A. [et al.] Safety and health. Proc. Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 184-7.— Connolly, J. I. Engineering services in industry other than control of occupational diseases. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1941, 31: 21-6.—Forster. Vorbeugung gewerblicher Erkrankungen durch verbesserte Spritzapparate. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1926, n. F., 3: 185.—Folkhard, S. Verhutung des Berstens grosser Schleifsteine. Ibid., 25-8—Gallego Ramos, E., & Florez, G. La reglamentaci6n t6cni co-sanitaria de las industrias. Actas Congr. nac. san., Madr. (1934) 1935, 1. Congr., 3: 438-45 — Hallock, J. W. The development of industrial safety standards in Pennsylvania. Univ. Pittsburgh Bull., 1936, 33: No. 1, 122-9.—Hazlett, T. L. Medical-engineering control of in- dustrial health hazards. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 232.—Health and industrial safety; safety and health standards for mercantile establishments. Month. Labor Rev., Wash., 1934, 39: 1392- 4.—Heiser, V. G. Do good working conditions pay? In Sympos. Indust. Health (M. Coll. Virginia) Richmond, 1940, 49-54.—Henne & Beenken. Priifung und Ueberwachung von selbsttatigen Feuerloscheinrichtungen, insbesondere von CO2- Anlagen. Arbeitsschutz, 1940, 293.—Owen, C. I. The pro- fessional aspects of industrial safety work. Grace Hosp. Bull., Detr.. 1940, 24: 22-7.—Owens, R. J. Division of Industrial Hygiene; regulations of maximum permissible concentrations of dusts, gases and vapors, metallic dusts and fumes. Colorado Bd Health Bull., 1941, 5: No. 6, 4-6.— Poenaru Caplesco, C. Les constructions, les accidents et la sante des travailleurs. Ber. Internat. Kongr. Unfallmed. (1938) 1939, 8. Congr., 2: 1134-7.—Polenov, A. L. [Preventive measures against industrial traumatism and its sequels] Sovet. khir., 1931, 1:_ 15-25.—Porrini, G. Sull'azione comu- nale per prevenire i pericoli ed incomodi dell'esercizio delle industrie nell'abitato. Igiene mod., 1930, 23: 369-78.— Ridinger, J. L. Industrial health and safety precautions. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1941, 34: 188-91.—Safetv at the New York World's fair. Travelers Stand., 1940, 28: 96-100.— Spot-welding (A) machine hood guard. Ibid., 85-8.—Steinicke. Die Polizeiverordnung zur Verhutung der Selbstentziindung von geschmiilzten Faserstoffen (Schmtilzmittelverordnung) Arbeitsschutz, 1940, 240-5.—Strove. Kippsicherheit fahr- barer Auslegerkrane. Zsehr. Gewerbehyg., 1926, 32: 207-11.— Teissl, L. Sicherung der Arbeit an Pressen und Stanzen. Ibid., 53-5.—Thielberg, R. Vom Bauarbeiterschutz; Berufs- Kefahren in der Bauarbeit. Arbeiterschutz, 1927, 3: 31-4.— Urbanek, J. [Prophylaxis in the industries of Praha] Cas. 16k. Cesk., 1941, 80: 264-9. ---- Sanitation. [Germany] Reichsamt Schonheit der Ar- beit. Die Abort-Anlagen gewerblicher Betriebe. 4. verb. Aufl. 43p. 28^cm. Berl., 1939. Romanin-Jacur, L. Exposition internationale et congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage k Bruxelles; assainissement des ateliers ou se ddgagent des gaz, des vapeurs, de la bu6e, poussieres nuisibles. 30p. 20Kcm. Padova, 1876. Beaudry, J. A. L'hygi^ne dans les 6tablissements industriels. Bull, san.,Montreal, 1910, 10: 107-16.—Butkevich, M. M. [Investigation of the methods used in purifying industrial sites] Gig. san., Moskva, 1940, 5: No. 12, 48-50.—Carreflo, C. La higiene en los talleres. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1931, 38: pt 1, 952-68.—Cook, W. A. The engineer's place in industrial hygiene. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 551-5.------The industrial hygiene engineer. Ibid., 1941, 10: 196-200.—DallaValle, J. M. Defense work of industrial hygiene engineering unit. Indust. Hyg., Alb., 1941, 20: No. 7, 3. ------& Jones, R. R. Basic principles of industrial sanitation. Am. J. Pub Health 1940, 30: 369-84.—Engineer's (The) part in the industrial hygiene program. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub Health 1938-39, 17: 165.—Giese, F. Lichtwirtschaft und Fliessarbeit' INDUSTRIAL PLANT 159 INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 270.—Johnson, W. S., Harris, R. M. [et al.] Industrial sanita- tion. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1942, 32: No. 3, Suppl., 75-9.— Kassilov, A. P., & Shapiro, A. D. [Ventilation of closed premises, used for electrical soldering] Gig. san., Moskva, 1939, 4: No. 12, 64-6.—Keep a broom handy; keep refuse off the floor. Travelers Stand., 1942, 30: 14.—Mix, K. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Gas- und Atemschutztechnik und ihre Bedeutung fur die Gewerbehygiene. Zbl. Gewerbe- hyg., 1935, n. F., 12: 7-12—Miiller-Wernecke. Entnebelung einer Fasswaschanlage. Arbeitsschutz, 1941, 103.—Pool, C. L., Cary, W. H., jr [et al.] Industrial sanitation. Am. j' Pub. Health, 1939, 29: No. 2, Suppl., 82.—Quinn, J. L., jr. Environmental sanitation in industry. Month. Bull ' Bd Health Indiana, 1943, 46: 5.—Wiley, J. S. Industrial sanita- tion in Indiana. Month. Bull. Indiana Bd Health, 1939 42- 103; 111; 128.—Yaglou, C. P. The thermal index of atmos- pheric conditions and its application to sedentary and to industrial life. J. Indust. Hyg., 1926, 8: 5-19.—Young, A. G. Air conditioning and industrial health. J. Am. M. Ass 1938 111:863. INDUSTRIAL psychology. See also Mental hygiene; Psychotechnics; also under such terms as Fatigue, industrial, etc. Robbins, F. C. Psychiatry and industry. 4 numb. 1. 23^cm. Wash., 1930. Appel, K. E. Psychiatry in industrv. Occupat. Ther Rehabil., 1931, 10: 207-16.—Bingham, W. V. Achievements of industrial psychology. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1930, 14: 369-83. ------ The future of industrial psychology. J. Consult. Psychol., 1937, 1: 9-11. ------ Industrial psychology and government. J. Appl. Psychol., 1940, 24: 1-9.—Blum, E. Zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie der Arbeit. Praxis Bern, 1941, 30: 119-25.—Carlton, F. T. Psychology and man- agement. Sc Month., 1928, 26: 350-2.—Chambers, E. Psychology in the industrial life of the nation. In Human Affairs (Cattell, R., et al.) Lond., 1938, 72-89.—Culpin, M. Psychological disorders in industry. Practitioner, Lond. 1936, 137: 324-33. The application of medical psy- chology in industry. Med. Off., Lond., 1937, 57: 117-20.— Eliasberg. W. Richtungen und Entwicklungen der Arbeits- wissenschaft mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Psycho- pathologie und Psychotherapie der abhangigen Arbeit. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1926, 102: 250-82. ------ Brief aus Moskau; iiber den gegenwartigen Stand der psychischen Hygiene der Arbeit und iiber die moderne Psychotechnik in Russland. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 211.5-7.—Enter the industrial psychologist. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 164.—Garrison, K. C. Industrial psychology. Personnel J., 1939, 17: 274-8.— Giberson, L. D. The technique of listening to the worried employee. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 414-7.—Gilbreth. Psycho- technique and scientific management. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 283.—Giusti. Taylorisme et psychotechnique. Arch, internat. neur., Par., 1935, 27. ser., varia, iii-vii.—Goode, C. E., & Trimble, O. C. Industrial uses for applied psychology. Personnel J., 1939, 18: 173-6.— Hall, G. S. Psychology and industry. Pedag. Semin., Wor- cester, 1920, 27: 281-93.—Hellerstein, S. G. The foundations of psychotechnics as applied to the field of industrial psychology in the USSR. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 103-7.—Industrial psychology. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 64: 215; 1942, 67: 59.—Kessler, H., & Reznikoff, L. Industrial psychiatry and vocational rehabilitation of the physically disabled. Occup. Ther. Rehabil., 1936, 15: 77-98 — Levi, E. Finality etico-pratiche e metodologia dell'indagine psicologica nelle malattie del lavoro. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1931, 2: 169-93.—Lockhart, L. P. Some psychological prob- lems in industry. J. R. San. Inst., 1933, 54: 87-91.—McGregor, D., Arensberg, C. [et al.] Industr. Psychol. Bulb, 1940, 37: 433-7.—Mayo, E. Psychopathologie aspects of industry. Tr. Am. Neur. Ass., 1931, 57: 468-75.—Meltzer, H. Explora- tions in humanizing relations of key people in industry. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1942, 12: 517-28.—Moore, B. V. Interpret- ing psychological data to those who must use them in industry. J. Consult. Psychol., 1940, 4: 106-10.—Musgrave, H. In- dustrial psychology. In Fields of Psychol. (Seashore, R. H.) N. Y., 1942, 359-403.—National (A) Institute of Industrial Psychology and Physiology. Lancet, Lond., 1920, 1: 779.— Norbury, F. P. Psychology and psvchiatrv in industry. Internat. J. M. & S., 1933, 46: 222-32.—Oakley, C. A. The psychological factor in industry. Glasgow M. J., 1938, 129: 140.—Palme, A. Der Werkspadagoge in der Textilindustrie. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 152-9.—Parney, F. S. A practical approach to supervision of mental health in industry. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 72-7.— Pear, T. H. Industrial psychology and public health. J. R. San. Inst., 1933, 54: 76-81.—Plaut, P. Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1930, 36: 87-103.—Raphael, R. O. The application of psychology to industry. Discovery, Lond., 1926, 7: 353-7.—Saper, A. L. [Use of psychotechnics in the study of industrial diseases] Profess, pat. gig., 1928, 39-45.—Schultz, R. S. Psychology in industry. Personnel J., 1937-38, 16: 220-3.—Starch, D. What psychologist can do in business. J. Consult. Psychol., 1942, 6: 92-4.—Technopsychology. Med. J. & Rec, 1927, 125: 563.—Uhrbrock, R. S. Industrial psychology as a career; I PSnrinl P \ ?■ ?o£0m.mi£tee 0n P^chology in industry. J. Social Psychol 1938, 9: 251-86.—Viteles, M. S. Psy- chology and psychiatry in industry; the point of view of a psychologist. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1929, 13: 361-77 °ZJl_2 Ine application of psychology in American industry. Gen. M^wui6™4',' Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 78- 83.—Walther L Technopsychology in a Swiss industry. Personnel J., 1929, 8: l-18.-Wilson, D. R. On the interna- tional organisation of industrial psychology. C. rend Conf internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf.,'619-24.—Wulfeck' TL' a* psychology and management. Personnel J., 1940-41 19: 49-54—Zabugin, F D. [Association experiment in the 1929° l06-23 S°Cial diseases] Profess. pat. gig., INDUSTRIAL school. See also Industrial worker, Apprenticeship. q i^Vrst' 3\ Einise Beobachtungen uber die Umschulung von Schulern hoherer Lehranstalten in gewerbliche Berufsschulen. Zsehr Schulgesundh., 1929, 42: 494-500.—Hopkins, W. S. Ihe Pacific Coast School for Workers. Labor Inform. Bull., Wash., 1939, 6: No. 8, 6.—Martiny, M., & Morlaas, J. L'orien- tation professionnelle; le depistage medical realise aux ateliers- ecoles de la Chambre de Commerce de Paris (son importance |conomique et sociale) Vie m6d., 1931, 12:1171-6.—Marzi, A. L orientation professionnelle dans les 6coles industrielles et les services de la ville de Florence. C. rend. Conf. internat psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 363-6.—Tomlinson, R. W Medical report of the Ferris Industrial School. Delaware M. J.t lyob, 8i loi—4. INDUSTRIAL work. See also Industrial worker; Work. Snoep, P. P. *Technisch-hygienische be- schouwingen over de economie van den indus- trieelen arbeid [Delft] 194p. 26cm. Leiden, 1918. Bloch, W. Die Anwendungen der Mathematik im Zeit- studienwesen. Product. Papers Internat. Management Congr 1938, 7. Congr., 144-51.—Gazcue, A. Trabajo frente al im- perativo de la vida. Bol. sal. pub., Montev., 1941, 2. 6poca 1- No. 3, 111-7.—Gomes, E. L. Higiene do trabalho industrial! Med. cir. pharm., Rio, 1941, 203-5.—Imbert, A. Etudes experimentales de travail professionnel ouvrier. Arch Volks- wohlf., 1907-8, 1: 166; 824.—Kaplun, S. Sanitare Charakteris- tik detaillierter Berufszweige. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1926, n. F., 3: 309-12.—Prosperi, G. La salute e l'igiene nei lavoro Italia san., 1927, 19: No. 13, 3-6.—Van Poppelen, F. J. Work standardization and evaluation. Product. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 117a-117c ---- Conveyer system. DijKER, H. Psychologische Untersuchungen iiber freie und zwangslaufige Arbeit; experi- mentelle Beitrage zur Willens- und Arbeits- psychologie. 160p. 8? Lpz., 1931. Durig, A. Fliessarbeit und Arbeiterschutz. Arbeiterschutz, 1928, 1-7.—Efimov, V. V., Salzgeber, O. A. [et al.] Die vergleichende physiologische Wirkung der Arbeit beim indi- viduellen, beim manipulationsweisen und beim Konveyor- syjstem. Arbeitsphysiologie, 1930, 3: 218-29. Also Gig bezopas. pat. truda, 1930, 8: 24-31.—Efimov, V., Sarkh, M., & Krasnikova, J. Uebung und Ermiidung der Arbeiter bei Fliessarbeit. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1931, 38: 120-35 — Efimov, V. V., Sarkh, M. N. [et al.] Physiologische und bio- chemische Untersuchungen der Fliessarbeit des Nerventypus (Eigenttimlichkeiten des Gaswechsels und der Biochemie des Blutes bei Nerventatigkeit) Arbeitsphysiologie, 1930, 3: 372-96.—Graf, O. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung zwangs- laufiger zeitlicher Regelung von Arbeitsvorgangen. Ibid. 1929-30, 2: 575; 1933, 7: 333; 381.—Kagan, E. M. Physio- logische Vergleichsuntersuchung der Hand- und Fliess-(Con- veyer) Arbeit. Arch. Hyg., Miinch., 1928, 100: 335-66.— Preller, L. Der Betriebsschutz bei Fliessarbeit. Arbeiter- schutz, 1927, 3: 21-7.—Riedig, F. Fliessarbeit und Hygiene. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1927, n. F., 4: 72-5.—Rupp, H. Psychologie der Fliessarbeit. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 235-41.—Seiff. Die Fliessarbeit in Deutschland und ihre Gefahren vom Standpunkt der Arbeiterfiirsorge. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1928, n. F., 5: 247-50.—Wunderlich, H. Bemerkungen zur Psychologie der einformig zwangslaufigen Arbeitsprozesse. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1927, 28: 328-32. --- Effect. See also Industrial worker, Disease, occupa- tional. United States. National Research Coun- cil. Committee on Work in Industry. Fatigue of workers. 165p. 23cm. N. Y., 1941. Armbruster. Direkte und indirekte Krankheitsfolgen einer Hausindustrie. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1921, 27: 276-8.— INDUSTRIAL WORK 160 INDUSTRIAL WORKER Barvshnikov, K. I. [Characteristic of speed in physiology and pathologv of work] Gig. bezopas. pat. truda, 1930, 8: 20-6.— Budarin.P. L, Ivanov, A. P. [et al.] [Effect of muscular work on various constitutions of the workmen] Vrach. gaz.. 1930, 34: 601-5.—Davies, A. H., Smith, M. [et al.] Discussion on the physical and mental effects of monotony in modern industry. Brit, M. J., 1926, 2: 472-9.—-Donaggio, A. Effetti psichici del lavoro macchinale (considerazioni sull'opportunita del risveglio dell'artigianato) Med. lavoro, 1926, 17: 285-95. Also Riv. sper. freniat., 1926, 50: 278-94.—Fuchs, P. Gesundheits- stbrungen durch korperliche Arbeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927. 53: 1479.—Giintz. Schaden der Arbeit. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1935) 1936, 30. Kongr., 205-20.—Hallermann. Wechsel- beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Arbeit in Grossbetrieben. Ber. Internat. Kongr. Unfallmed. (1938) 1939, 8. Congr., 1: 304-22.—Hayhurst, E. R. Industry as a source of disease. Indust. M., 1937, 6: 329-37.—Hebestreit, H. Die Kennzeich- nung der Arbeitsbeanspruchung und ihre praktische Bedeutung. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1940-41, 10: 164-222 (microfilm)— Mediral aspect of the problem of high production. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 2183.—Nachimson, L. L, & Rozhansky, V.I. [Dependence of the virulence of bacterial flora of the worker's hands upon the specificitv of the industry] Tr. Moskov. gosud. med. inst., 1936, No. 5, 203-9.—Oliver, T. Our mechanistic age. J. State M., Lond., 1936, 44: 191-8—Podkaminsky, N. A., Beitrage zur pathologischen Arbeitsphysiologie; die Einwirkung der Gewerbearbeit in einer gebeugten Sitzstellung auf die Dimensionen des Herzens. Arbeitsphysiologie, 1930, 3: 347- 59.—Rosenthal, W., A Rosenthal-Deussen, E. Gesundheit liche Gefahren neuer Arbeitsmethoden. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1444; 1487.— Speroni, C. La voz de la asistencia publica; influencia de la industria en la salud del obrero. Rev. med. Rosario, 1937, 11: No. 107, 32-5.—Strauss, W. Klima und Arbeit; methodische Voruntersuchungen. Arch. Gewerbe- path., 1930, 1: 203-39.—Wunderlich, H. Die Einwirkung einformiger, zwangslaufiger Arbeit auf die Personlichkeits- struktur; ein experimenteller Beitrag zur industriellen Psycho- technik. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1925, 25: 321-73— Zhdanov, N. P. [Influence of night work on the psychophysical sphere in women] Gig. epidem., 1928, 7: 44-53. ---- Physiology. See also Work, Physiology. Ascher, L. Arbeitsphysiologie. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1926, n. I'., 3: 123. -Brugger, H. Ueber Wesen und Sinn des Berufes; zur Struktur des Arbeitsablaufs. Zsehr. Psychol. Phvsiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1937, 140: 309-29.—Crowden, G. P. Some applications of phvsiology in industry. Proc Internat. Physiol. Congr. (1935) 1938, 15. Congr., 552.—Efimov, V. V., Mitrofanov, P. P. [et al.] Die physiologische Rationalisierung der Arbeitsordnung bei verschiedenen Berufen; Untersuchungen iiber den physiologischen Einfluss von physischer Arbeit bei sehr hoher und bei massiger Umgebungstemperatur, besonders beziiglich der Arbeitszeit. Arbeitsphysiologie, 1930, 3: 207- 17.—Knabenhof, V. G. [Energy loss in workers during rota- tional pit-boring] Vopr. pitan., 1941, 10: No. 2, 14-7.— Kravchinsky. B. D. Die Wirkung der Gewerbearbeit auf das Basensauregleichgewicht des Blutes. Arbeitsphysiologie, 1931, 4: 259-67.—Laugier, H. La phvsiologie et la science du travail. Rev. gen. sc. pur., 1929, 40: 266-72— S., E. H. Physiology in the workshop. Nature, Lond., 1916-17, 97: 162.—Semernin, I. I. [Investigations of the neuro-muscular excitability in rela- tion to work; changes in rheobase and chronaxia in relation to industrial working processes] J. physiol. USSR, 1938, 25: 276-82.—Simonson, E. Rationalisierung industrieller Arbeit nach physiologischen Gesichtspunkten. Arbeitsphysiologie. 1928-29, 1: 503; 540.—Zelensky, E. A. [Investigations of physiological over-load in present methods of working in the coal-mines] Avtoref. Sezd fiziol. biokhim. farm., 1937, 7. Congr., 204. INDUSTRIAL worker. See also Industry; also such headings as Employee; Employment; Occupation; Unem- ployment, etc. McCord, C. P. Industrial workers of 1960. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 173-9.—Reuter, F., & Atzler, E. Der Mensch in Betrieb und Wirtschaft, ein gemeinschaftlicher Beitrag. Gen. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 57- 60.—Schulte, K. O. Grading of labor occupations. Product. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 152-7. ---- Absenteeism. Brown, M. Role of psychiatry in absences. Indust. M., 1943, 12: 26 (Abstr.)—Colquitt, Z. A. Absenteeism follow-up by the nurse. Pub. Health Nurs., 1942, 34: 138-41.—Diagnosis of absenteeism; highlights on the problem. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 429.—Fletcher, A. What the results of absenteeism audit mean in dollars and cents. Proc. Indust. Hyg. Found. America, 1941, 6. meet., 28-34. ------ Absenteeism costs. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 21.—Fremantle, F. [Absenteeism] permissible on occasion. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 171.—Hours of work and lost time. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 298.— Kurz, R. F. How the industrial nurse can help to prevent absenteeism from non- occupational causes. Pub. Health Nurs., 1936, 28: 93.— Kushnick, W. H. Role of psychology in absences. Indust. M„ 1913, 12: 25 (Abstr.)—McMahon. J. F. Audit your absentee- ism. Personnel J., 1942, 21: 158 -64.—Mudd, R. D. Absentee- ism in industrv. Trained Nurse, 1941, 106: 344 -;>(). -Sayers, R. R., & Gafaier, W. M. More manpower through the, reduc- tion of absences. Indust. M., 1943, 12: 23 (Abstr.)-Studies on absenteeism; American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons. Ibid., 1940, 9: 450. ---- Absenteeism, involuntary. See subheading Disease: Statistics; also Em- ployee, Sickness. ---- Apprenticeship. See also subheading Youth. Arend, J. P., & Robert, A. Role dela psychotechnique dans la rationalisation de l'apprentissage industriel. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 443-08.-Buyse, (>. Le probleme psycho-physique de l'apprentissage. Rev. psvchol., Brux., 1910, 3: 377-96.—Gerber, P. Ueber Entwick- iun-rsstoruniren und Krankheitsanfallifikeit im Lehrlingsalter. Wien. med. W'schr., 1929, 79: 240-5.—Godeke, J. Berufs- sehiiden im Lehrlingsalter. Zbl. Gewerbhyg., 1937, n. F., 14: 57-9.—Heinzler, A. Volksschulleistung, Eignungspriifung und handwerkliche Berufstuchtigkeit; eine Untersuchung an Lehr- lingen aus dem Wurzburger Metallgewerbe. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1939, 105: 162-216.—Hochholzer, H. Berufswiinsche und Berufssorgen untersucht an Wiener Lehrmadchen. Zsehr, piidag. Psychol., 1938, 39: 137-43—Lukacs, H. Die Psycho- logie des Lehrlings. Zsehr. Gewerbehyg., 1925, 31: 125; 140 — Pallokat, F. Ostpreussische Lehrling und Hofganger in ihrem Verhaltnis zu Beruf und Arbeit. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1935, 49: 2-91.—Patterson, W. F. Identured apprenticeship. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 96-9.—Schlesinger, E. Die Ent- wicklung der Lehrlinge in den verschiedenen Berufen. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1935, 6: 393-410.—Schmid, E. One man looks at apprenticeship. Occupations, 1940-41, 19: 341.—Zimmcr- mann, I., & Peller, S. Nachuntersuchungen von Elektrotecb- nikern und Ledergalanteriearbeitern im Lehralter. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1933-34, 5: 424-8. ---- Clothing. See also Clothing. Feilgenhauer, H. Die Bedeutung weiblicher Arbeits-, Berufs- und Schutzkleidung und die Moglichkeit ihrer Nor- mung. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1939, Beih. 28, 37-42.—Giesenhaus, O. Arbeits- und Schutzbekleidung in Hitze- und Feuerbe- trieben. Ibid., 52-70.-—Hebestreit, H. Ein guter Wetter- schutzumhang. Ibid., 1938, n. F., 15: 261.—Heidorn, W. Der gegenwartige Entwicklungsstand der Schutzkleidung unter Tage. Ibid., 1939, Beih. 28, 89-102.—Koenig, W. Arbeitskleidung und Schutzkleidung in Staub- und Schmutz- betrieben. Ibid., 103-14.—Pilz, R. Sozialpolitische Fragen zum Thema: Arbeit und Kleidung. Ibid., 43-8.—Safety in uniform. Travelers Stand., 1942, 30: 204-8.—Schophaus, H. Arbeitsschutz durch Kleidung; Wirtschaftliches zum Thema. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1939, Beih. 28, 26-36.—WolfiT. Arbeits- kleidung und Schutzkleidung in der chemischen Industrie. Ibid., 115-27.—Zeiss, H. Vom Sinn und Wesen der Arbeits- kleidung. Ibid., 1-10.—Zweiling, G. Erfahrungen iiber die Verwendung von Arbeitsschutzkleidung in Hiitten, Walz- werken und Giessereien; unter Anfuhrung von schweren, auch todlichen Unfallen, die auf ungeeignete Arbeitskleidung sowie auf Nichtbenutzung von Arbeitsschutzkleidung zuriickzu- fiihren sind. Ibid., 71-5. ---- Dental service. See also Dentist, Social service; Group medi- cine, Dental care. Dunning, J. M. Steps in the initiation of an industrial dental service. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 1523-7.—Hooper, H. A. Dental services in industry; observations on their effects in the reduction of absenteeism. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 157-62.—Leedke, H. H. Report of a dental program; Febru- ary, 1941, through January, 1942. Ibid., 400-2.—Magnelia, W. War workers need dental care. Oral Hyg., Pittsb., 1943, 33: 46-9.—Morgan, L. D. Dental experts for transport com- panies. Ibid., 1942, 32: 925-8.—Sykes, F. C. A dental service in industry; outline of an interim scheme. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 352.—WaUs, R. M. A dental program for industry. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 1083; 118: 644. ------& Dollar, M. L. Dental service in industry. Ibid., 29: 299-301. ---- disabled. See Disability; Disabled; Rehabilitation; Workmen's compensation. ---- Disease. See also under names of various diseases. Schmidt, E. *Der Einfluss langerer vorange- gangener Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Krankenziffer der Textilarbeiter im Bezirk Lorrach [Freiburg] 19p. 21cm. Mullheim, 1937. INDUSTRIAL WORKER 161 INDUSTRIAL WORKER Alessandri, C. Malattie professionali e malattie comuni nei lavoratori. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1936, 10: 464-72.— Boccia, D. Biotipologia y medicina del trabajo. Prensa m6d. argent., 1939, 26: pt 2, 2331-40.—Dignam, B. S. A survey of non-occupational injuries and illnesses in a major carpet mill for 1940. Indust. M., .1941, 10: 242-4.—Di Prisco, L. Importanza clinica della prognosi lavorativa nei suoi riflessi medico-sociali. Fol. med., Nap., 1939, 25: 1089-95.— Forster, N. K., & Leedke, H. H. A survey of non-occupational illnesses and injuries in a major oil refinery. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 1-5.—Gafafer, W. M. The course of disabling morbidity among industrial workers, 1921-38. Ibid., 1940, 9: 55-61.—Garton, H. W. Chronic systemic diseases; in industrial workers; public health and compensation aspects. Ibid., 1939, 8: 459-64.—Gelmann, J. G. Klinische Bewertung der Reaktionen des Arbeiterorganismus und ihre pathogene- tische Bedeutung. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1929, n. F., 6: 138; 161; 207; 232.—Goldhorn, E. Dental infections and the industrial worker. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 118-26.—Hallermann. Arbeitsmedizinische Erfahrungen iiber Krankheitsanfange. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 639 (microfilm)—Hoffman, C. E. Influence of trades on disease. North Am. J. Homeop., 1910, 58: 234-50.—Hoffmann, H. F. Krank oder gesund? Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 267-9.—Ichok, G. L'infirmiere in- dustrielle; la fatigue dans l'industrie; le chomage et les maladies; le travail des ouvriers atteints d'une maladie chronique. Infirmiere fr., 1926, 4: 187-93.—Industrial diseases in British factories, 1937. Month. Labor Rev., 1938, 47: 1027-9 — Kotkis, A. J. Emergencies arising from physical agents. Med. Clin. N. America, 1942, 26: 509-26.—McGee, L. C, & Creger, J. D. Gastrointestinal disease among industrial workers. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 1367-9.—Mastio, C. Osservazioni sulla patologia dei lavoratori delle bonifiche. Difesa sociale, 1937, 16: 909-15.—Rabinovich, J. S., & Shukher, I. S. [Role of various industries on the course and outcome of typhoid fever and acute pneumonia] Mosk. med. J., 1929, 9: 44—50.— Schevelov, M. M. [Influence of diseases on the population and its capacity for work] Profil. med., Kharkov, 1927, 6: No. 3, 66-71.—Schoenleber, A. W. Medical statistics for 1940. Med. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1941-42, 5: 1-21.—Squier, T. L. The prevalence of unsuspected disease in industrial workers. Wisconsin M. J., 1931, 30: 167-72.— Swan, J. M. The relation of industry to diseases of the heart and lungs. N. York M. J., 1913, 98: 69.—Ward, R. V. Adult diseases in an industrial population. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1932, 23: 420. —---- Chronic fatigue symptoms among industrial workers. Ibid., 1941, 32: 464-7. ---- Disease: Certification and notification. Mettert, M. T. State reporting of occupa- tional disease, including a survey of legislation applying to women. 99p. 8? Wash., 1934. Andrews, J. B. The beginning of occupational disease reports. Am. Labor Legisl. Rev., 1911, 1: 107-13.—Cannon, O. A. Notification of occupational diseases. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1926, 16: 278-80.—Curschmann, F. Die Anzeigepflicht von Berufskrankheiten. Medizinalarch. Deut. Reich, 1913, 4: 1-16. Also Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1913, 1: 39-46. ------ An- zeigepflicht von Berufskrankheiten durch den behandelnden Arzt. Ibid., 1925, n. F., 2: 131-5.—Feil, A. La declaration des maladies professionnelles. Presse med., 1937, 45: 31.— Gerbis. Meldepflichtige Berufskrankheiten. Fortsch. Med., 1926, 44: 45-50.—Had the certifying doctor known. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 471.—Hatch, L. W. Compulsory reporting [of industrial diseases] by physicians. Am. Labor Legisl, Rev., 1912, 2: 264-72.—Howitt, H. G., & Curry, S. Certificates by practitioners. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 794.—Koelsch, F. Die Anmeldung von Gewerbekrankheiten. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1912, 59: 2345.—Kranenburg, W. R. H. Die Meldung von Gewerbekrankheiten in den Niederlanden. Zbl. Gewerbe- hyg., 1914, 2: 5-8.—Lautsch. Wer ist bei Meldung von Berufserkrankungen gebuhrenpflichtig? Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 1477.—Marcus, A. Record card for industrial cases. Ohio M. J., 1940, 36: 971.—Medical certification. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 802.—Pollet, L. Le nouveau decret sur la declaration des maladies d'origine professionnelle. Ann. m6d. leg., 1935, 15: 976-81.—Reinheimer, L. Der behandelnde Arzt und die Meldepflicht der gewerblichen Berufskrankheiten. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 624.—Status of certification. Connec- ticut M. J., 1941, 5: 591.—Tekelenburg, P. Monthly medical reports. Med. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1935-36, 2: 199-203.—Teleky, L. Feststellung und Ueberwachung ge- werblicher Erkrankungen in Preussen; Riickblick und Aus- blick. KUn. Wschr., 1922, 1: 1801.—Thompson, N. G. Re- porting of occupation diseases by physicians. Acad. Polit. Sc, N. Y., 1911, 2: 24-31.—Wrabetz, V. Prompt reporting and cooperation with commissions. Diplomate, 1938, 10: 63-70. ---- Disease: Compensation. See Workmen's compensation. ---- Disease, occupational. See also Occupational disease; also names of diseases as Anthrax, industrial; Deafness, in- dustrial; Dermatitis, occupational, etc. 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----11 Andrews, J. B. Occupational diseases. Proc. Nat. Safety Counc, 1913, 2: 91-4.—Baader, E. W. Experience in tema di malattie professionali. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1933, 4: 497-504. ------ La importancia de las enfermedades pro- fesionales en un pais industrial. Reforma med., Lima, 1938, 24:-699; 745.—Baldi, F. Berufskrankheiten in Gewerbe- betneben. Mschr. GesundhpfL, 1907, 25: 2-16.—Caplescu, P. Industrial diseases] Romania med., 1935, 13: 90-3.—Cursch- mann, F. Der Begriff der Berufserkrankung. Zbl. Gewerbe- hyg., 1924, n. F., 1: 2-5.—Drooge, J. van. Het groote vraag- stuk der bedrijfsziekten. Centr. org. Werkl. verzeker., 1907, 5: 49; 97.—Ferguson, T. Industrial diseases. In Textb. M. Treat. (Dunlop, D. M.) 2. ed., Edinb., 1942, 313-38.—Fulton, W. B. National defense and occupational disease. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 398-400.—Greene, A. J. Industrial diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1907, 1: 685.—Hayhurst, E. R. Occupational diseases. Proc Nat. Safety Counc, 1916, 5: 640-6. Also Indust. M., 1935, 4: 653-5.—Heijermans, L., & Kooperberg. P. Bedrijfsongerallen en bercepsziekten. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1911, 1: 754-68.—Heinrich, H. W. Occupational disease. In his Indust. Accid. Prev., 2. ed., N. Y., 1941, 289-96.— Hope, E. W. Industrial disease as viewed from the standpoint of a medical officer of health. J. State M., Lond., 1929, 37: 210-20.—K. Malattie professionali e infortunii sui lavoro. Riv. ingegn. san., 1910, 6:, 21-3.—Koelsch, F. Die gewerb- lichen Berufskrankheiten. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 123-34.—Legge, R. T. Occupa- tional diseases and their relative importance to medical prac- tice. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 217; 219.—Lenoir, O. Accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles. M6d. accid. travail, Par., 1911, 9: 18-22.—McCord, E. P. Industrial diseases. Eclect. M. J., 1930, 90: 812-8.—Meeker, R. Industrial disease from a new angle. Mod. Hosp., 1920, 14: 66.—Oliver, T. Industrial diseases as international problems. J. State M., Lond., 1929, 37: 435-8.—Prochazka, F. O nemocech zivno- stensk^ch a jieh vyznamu hygienick6m a socialnim. Rev. neuropsychopath., Praha, 1911, 8: 321-38.—Quensel. Er- fahrungen uber gewerbliche Berufskrankheiten. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 485- 92.—Querton. Les maladies professionnelles et les accidents du travail. Rev. med. Normandie, 1911, 12: 21-8.—Rand, W. H. Industrial accidents and occupational diseases. Med. Counc, Phila., 1918, 23: 827-30.—Reiter. Berufsschiidigung und Volksleistung. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1937, n. F., 14: 145-8 — Rohrbach, E. Gewerbekrankheiten. Mitt. Biochem., 1938, 45: 3; 24.—Sappington, C. O. The significance of occupational diseases. Indust. M., 1935, 4: 294-6.—Scott, A. Industrial diseases. Practitioner, Lond., 1908, 81: 837-45.—Shuffle- botham, F. Industrial accidents and diseases. Ophthalmo- scope, Lond., 1915, 13: 486-91.—Szumski, J. [Industrial diseases] Polska gaz. lek., 1932, 12: 238-41.—Zusammen- stellung der meist vorkommenden Gewerbekrankheiten; iiber Symptome nebst Notizen iiber Behandlung; erste Hilfe und Vorbeugung. Zsehr. Gewerbehyg., 1909, 16: 539; 595. ---- Disease, occupational: Diagnosis. Baader, E. W. Entlarvung von Simulanten gewerblicher Krankheiten. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1934, 25: No. 9, 43-56.—Ballotta, F. Alcune considerazioni sui concetto di ricaduta. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1934, 54: Suppl., 283-9.— Brailsford, J. F. Radiological demonstration of pathological changes induced by certain industrial processes. Brit. J. Radiol., 1938, 11: 393-400.—Curschmann, F. Aerztliche Unterscheidungsmerkmale zwischen Unfall- und Berufskrank- heit. Vjschr. gerichtl. Med., 1914, 3. F., 47: 1. Suppl., 89- 104.—-Dublin, L. I., & Leiboff, P. Occupation hazards and diagnostic signs; a guide to impairments to be looked for in hazardous occupations. Bull. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., 1922, No. 306. Also U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1922, 17: 883-919.— Grafe, E. Amnestischer Insult als Einzelsymptom. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 838.—Hanauer, W. Ist eine Trennung der Gewerbekrankheiten von den gewerblichen Unfallen moglich, und welches sind die Unterscheidungsmerkmale. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1910, 16: 405; 429.—Koelsch. Schadigungen des Blutes durch physikalische gewerbliche Einflusse. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1936-37, 7: 607-41—Laty- shev, L. S. [Pathology of metabolism in industrial diseases] Sovet. klin., 1934, 20: 287-93.—Lopez Esnaurrizar, M. En- sayo de clasificaci6n de las enfermedades del trabajador. Medicina, Mex., 1934, 14: 595-7. -—;--- Classification des maladies du travailleur. Cir. & cirujanos, Mex., 1936, 4: 7-9.—Martin, E. Que se debe entender por enfermedades profesionales? Med. trabajo, 1930, 1: 205-11.—Meyer, S. Changes in the blood as reflecting industrial damage. J. Indust. Hyg., 1928, 10: 29-55. Also Arch. Gewerbepath., 1931, 2: 526-57.—Pribram, E. A. Mikrochemische Unter- suchungen des Blutserums zur friihzeitigen Erkennung ge- werbepathologischer Schadigungen. Ibid., 1933-34, 5: 345-54. ---- Disease, occupational: Etiology and patho- genesis. Berger, H. Gewerbliche TJnfalle und Er- krankungen durch chemische Wirkungen. 74p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Bosio, B. Biotipologia y medicina del trabajo. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 1, 912-5.—Bowen, E. G. Some geographi- cal and anthropological factors in the study of industrial INDUSTRIAL WORKER 1(>2 INDUSTRIAL WORKER diseases. J. State M., Lond., 1930, 38: 666-71.—Feinberg, S. The role of allergy in industry. Proc. Occup. Dis. Sympos. (1937) 1938, 1-8.—Granda, B. Aparato digestivo y enferme- dad profesional. Med. trabajo, 1931, 2: 67-83.—Hirsch, S. Berufskrankheiten, ihre Entstehungsbedingungen und ihre Verhutung. Umschau, 1928, 32: 743-5.—Hoder, F. Berufs- krankheiten des Arbeiters, besonders im Bauwesen. Zsehr. Gesundhtechn., 1933, 25: 207-16.—Jagic, N. von, & Seyfried, H. Ueber Bedeutung von Konstitution und Rasse bei der Entstehung von Arbeitsschiiden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1411-3 (microfilm)— Molfino, F. Malattie professionali da cause tisiche ambientali. Rass. med. indust., 1939, 10: 661- 73.— Mori, A. Contributo alle affezioni professionali (lesioni da compressione) Ramazzini, 1908,'2: 78-84. ------■ Ancora un contributo alle affezioni professionali da compressione e da contusione. Lavoro, Milano, 1914, 7: 1-7. ------ Delle asimmetrie delle regioni esterne del corpo umano in rapporto alia patologia del lavoro. Ramazzini, 1915, 9: 417-20. ------ Idiosincrasia e anafilassi in rapporto alia patologia del lavoro. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1927, 47: 630-60.—Panisset, L. Les maladies professionnelles d'origine animale. Rev. path. comp., Par., 1922, 22: 457-9.—Piccinini, P. Malattie e stimmate degli scopai. Q. med. leg., Milano, 1918, 2: 97; 129.—Prenn, J. Industrial etiology. Boston M. & S. J., 1919, 180: 628.—Rand, W. H. Missing links in the chain of evidence concerning occupational diseases. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1917, 7: 835-9.—Raspail, F. V. Pseudo-6pid6mies; 6pid6mies industrielles et m£dicales. Rev. compl. sc. appl. mM., Par., 1855-56, 2: 259-61.—Sandwith, F. M. Diseases of miners, wool-sorters, and others. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, 33: 133-8.— Sappington, C. O. The etiologic, diagnostic, and medicolegal problems of occupational diseases. Illinois M. J., 1937, 71: 143-50.—Schweisheimer, W. Berufshygiene bei Tischlern und Schreinern; Berufsgefahrdung; Berufswahl. Zsehr. Gewerbehyg., 1929, 35: 107.—Selissky, A. B.t & Braude, R. S. [Industrial injuries and dermatoses] Vener. derm., Moskva, 1930, 7: 36-43.—Shirley, J. N. Disease-producing causes in industry. Bull. U. S. Dep. Lab. Div. Lab. Stand., 1935, No. 2: 234— 42.—Supino, F. Animali causa di malattie sui lavoro. Med. lavoro, 1929, 20: 207-14.—Tome Bona, J. M. Estudio elemental de las afecciones cut&neas del trabajo. Siglo med., 1931, 87: 707-10.—Vergiftings en infectieziekten in verband met bedrijfswerkzaamheden. Centraal-Org. Werklieden-Verzekeringen, Haarlem, 1908, 5. Aflev., 145; 209.—Vishniakov, A. [Skin diseases of workers with brick- kilns] Vrach. gaz., 1931, 35: 539.—Workmen's compensa- tion acts; manifestation of symptoms of occupational disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 104: 1936. —— Disease, occupational: Medico-legal as- pect. See under Disability; Occupational disease; also Workman's compensation. ---- Disease, occupational!: Prevention. See subheading Health protection. ---- Disease, occupational: Treatment. Andrews, J. B. Industrial diseases and occupational standards. Proc. Nat. Conf. Charity, 1910, 37: 440-9.— Betke, H. Die Bedeutung der Baderbehandlung fiir die Berufskrankheiten. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1929, n. F., 6: 261 — Carozzi, L. M6decins et reparation des maladies professionelles. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1933-34, 5: 583-91.—Feil, A. La repara- tion des maladies professionnelles. Presse m6d., 1938, 46: 763.—Goldwater, L. J. Criteria of cure in occupational diseases. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 294-6.—Gtintz, E. Berufs- schaden am Bewegungsapparat, ihre Verhutung und Behand- lung. Ther. Gegenwart, 1939, 80: 473-7.—Howes, E. L. Debridement, suturing and chemotherapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 651.—Michael is. Prophylaxe und Therapie der Berufskrankheiten. Fortsch. Med., 1929, 47: 605; 652.— Querton. La reparation sociale des maladies professionelles. J. med. Bruxelles, 1914, 19: 428-30.—Sternberg, M. Prophy- laxe und Therapie gewerblicher Erkrankungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 943. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 627-31.—Wachtel, C. Das Heilverfahren bei Berufskrank- heiten. Mschr. Unfallh., 1931, 38: 518-22.—Zbrojek, V. R. [Correction of heredity and constitution in professional diseases] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 410-6. ---- Disease: Statistics. See also subheading Absenteeism. Koebner, F. Die Reform der Morbiditats- statistikder Krankenkassen. 134p. 8? Miinch 1932. Massachusetts, TJ. S. A. Special Indus- trial Disease Commission. Report to the general court. Bost., 1934— Smith, K. D., & Kistler, J. B. Occupational diseases in Ohio. 52 numb. 1. 28cm. fColum- bus, 0.] 1937. Bashford. H. Some aspects of sick absence in industry. J. R. San. Inst., 1939-40, 60: 360-3. ------ Supervision of sick absence in industry. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 289.— Berufskrankheiten (Die) im Jahre 1932 (nach den Jahres- berichten der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften) Arbeiter- schutz, 1933, 269; 1934, 204; 1935, 182.—Berufskrankheiten (Die) in den Jahren 1935 und 1936. Arbeitsschutz, 1938, 62-9.—Bogolepov, L. S. [Industrial pathology of Soviet Russia) Mosk. med. J., 1928, 8: 54-61.—Brady, M. R. Re- duction of industrial absenteeism by preseasonal immunization against catarrhal illness. Am. J. M. Sc, 1942, 203: 469-73.— Brehm, P. A. Wasting industrial manpower. Wisconsin Bd Health Q. Bull., 1941, 6: No. 24, 11.—Brinton, H. P., & Frasier, E. S. Disabling morbidity among male and female employees in mail order stores, 1930-34, inclusive. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1940, 55: 1163-78.—Brundage, D. K. Sickness among male industrial employees in the second quarter of 1931. Ibid., 1931, 46: 2499-502. ------ Sickness among male industrial employees during the last 3 months of 1931, and a summary of sickness frequency by years since 1920. Ibid., 1932, 47: 995-1006. •---■--- Sickness among male industrial employees [1933, 3. & 4. quarter] Ibid., 1934, 49: 53; 419. --■ Incidence of illness among male industrial employees in 1933 as compared with earlier years. Ibid., 615-9. ■------ Sick- ness among male industrial employees [&c, 1934] Ibid., 749-51; 1935, 50: 95; 557.—Burkard, O. Ueber die Mor- bilitatsbewegung in der dsterreichischen Arbeiter-Kranken- versicherung. Oesterr. San. Wes., 1915, 27: 774-82.—Court, A. T. Sickness absenteeism, present and future. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 271-5.-—Di Prisco, L. Condizioni igienico-sanitarie dei coltivatori di canape nella Campania; dati statistici sulla mortality e morbilitk. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1932, 3: 378.—Edginton, R. W. Industrial diseases of Birmingham. Brit. M. J., 1911, 2: 335-7.—Gafafer, W. M. Disabling industrial morbidity, third and fourth quarters of 1938 and the entire year [&c, for 1939] Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1939, 54: 691; 1878; 1940, 55: 1; 650. ■—■--- The course of disabling morbidity among industrial workers, 1921-38. Ibid., 1940, 55: 962-74. ------ Disabling morbidity among male and female industrial workers during 1938 and 1939, and among males during the first quarter of 1940, with an inquiry into the occur- rence of multiple attacks of disabling sickness and injuries, 1939. Ibid., 1402-6. ------ Studies on the duration of disabling sickness; duration of disability from sickness and nonindustrial injuries among the male and female memberships of 25 industrial sick benefit organizations, 1935-37, inclusive. Ibid., 1892-1903. ------ Disabling morbidity among in- dustrial workers [2. & 3. quarter, &c] with a note on the occur- rence of bronchitis, pneumonia, and appendicitis, 1931-40. Ibid., 2127; 2397. ------ Disabling sickness among industrial workers; with particular reference to time changes in duration. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1941, 31:443-56. ------ Sick absentee- ism among a sample of member companies of the Industrial Hygiene Foundation, first 6 months of 1941. Proc. Indust. Hyg. Found. America, 1941, 6. meet., 12-27. ------ Dis- abling morbidity among industrial workers, final quarter of 1940, with an index of the previous publications of this series. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1941, 56: 799-801. ------ Fre- quency of disabling morbidity by cause, and duration, among male and female industrial workers during 1940, and by cause among males during the first quarter of 1941. Ibid., 1848-52. ------ Disabling morbidity among industrial workers, second quarter of 1941, with a note on the occurrence of pneumonia among iron and steel workers. Ibid., 2052. ------ Dis- abling morbidity among industrial workers [3. & 4. quarter, 1941; 2. quarter, 1942] Ibid., 2428; 1942, 57: 588; 1620. ------ Frequency and duration of disabilities causing absence from work among the employees of a public utility, 1938-41. Ibid., 625-8. ------ Disabling morbidity among male and female industrial workers during 1941, and among males during the first quarter of 1942. Ibid., 1344-7. ------ Sick absences. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 21. ------ The meas- urement of sickness among industrial workers. Med. Clin. N. America, 1942, 26:1105-20.—George, I. L., & Allen, C. E., jr. Preliminary report on sickness at Baton Rouge refinery. Med. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1939-41, 4: 7-13.— Gudakunst, D. W., Markuson, K. E., & Hepler, J. M. One year of occupational disease reporting in Michigan. J. Michi- gan M. Soc, 1939, 38: 222-6.—Hatlapa, W. Berufskrankheiten und Arbeitsunfiille des Jahres 1937 mit besonderer Beachtung der im Gesundheitsdienst und in der Wohlfahrtspflege Be- schaftigten. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 924-6.—Hayhurst, E. R. A summary of occupational diseases and diseases partly occu- pational reported to the State Board of Health in the last 6 months of the year 1915, in accordance with section 1234, 1-3 (O. L., 103, 1913) and arranged according to U. S. census symbols. Ohio Pub. Health J., 1916, 7: 144-50. ------ Occupational disease report shows increase of cases. Ohio Health News, 1935, 11: 1. ------ Occupational disease report for 1934 and summary for past years. Ohio M. J., 1935, 31:275-8. ------ Occupational diseases in Ohio; an analysis of reports filed with State Department during the year 1935. Ibid., 1936, 32: 676-9. ------& Kindel, D. J. Occupational diseases reported to the Ohio State Department of Health for the 5-year period ending June 30, 1925. J. Indust. Hyg 1926 8: 143-64.—Hepler, J. M. Six months of occupational disease reporting. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1938, 37: 621-3.—Hoffman, F. L. Industrial accidents and industrial disease-- Puh Am' Statist. Ass., 1908-9, 11: 567-603.------Industrial'acci- dents and trade diseases in the United States. Tr. Internat INDUSTRIAL WORKER 163 INDUSTRIAL WORKER Congr. Hyg. Demogr. (1912) 1913, 15. Congr., 1: pt 2, 763- 803.—Hooper, H. A. Dental ill-health in relation to absentee- ism. Indust. M., 1943, 12: 3-5.—Increase (The) in occupa- tional diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 741.—Industrial disease in 1932. Lancet, Lond., 1933, 1: 318.—Industrial diseases in 1939. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1941, 9: 155-8.—Industrial morbidity statistics. Pub. Health Rep Wash., 1918, 33: 1429-34.—Industrial morbidity statistics J. Indust. Hyg., 1924-25, 6: 357-60.—Krundage, D. K. Sickness among male industrial employees during the first quarter of 1932. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1932, 47: 1509-11.— Langelez, A. Les maladies professionnelles en Belgique Bruxelles med., 1934-35, 15: 673-8. ------ Le malattie professionali nei Belgio, 1938-40. Rass. med. indust., 1941, 12: 490 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Leak, W. N. Industrial medicine and sickness absence. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 592.—Lewinski- Corwin, E. H., & Conover, A. E. Incidence of disease among hospital patients, with reference to occupation. J. Indust Hyg., 1926, 8: 270-9.—McAusland, S. Industrial medicine and sickness absence. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 566.—Manfredi, G. Le malattie professionali in Francia. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1939, 13: 146,-54.—Medical service statistics; Standard Oil Company's 10-year review. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 593.— Morbidity of British workers. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1393.—Nixon, J. A., & Fox, W. W. Industrial medicine and sickness absence. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 620.—Occupational disease reports. Annual Rep. Michigan Dep. Health, 1939-40, 68: 93.—Occupational poisons and diseases in New York 1934. In Handb. Lab. Statist. (Parker, F. E.) Wash., 1936^ 756.—Pach, H. Die Berufs-Erkrankungs-, Sterblichkeits- und Unfallverhaltnisse der ungarischen Industriearbeiter. Deut med. Wschr., 1914, 40: 1126; 1171.—Pelc, H. [Professional morbidity of the industrial population] Cas. 16k. 6esk., 1935, 74: 811-4.—Pryll, W. Krankenkassen-Morbiditiits Statistik nach Gewerbegruppen. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 138-62.—Rambousek, J. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber Gewerbekrankheiten in Bohmen. Zbl Gewerbehyg., 1914, 2: 172-8.—Rand, W. H. 150 cases of occupational disease reported in New York in 1918. Am. Med., 1919, n. ser., 14: 718.—Reducing absenteeism in industry. Med. Care, 1942, 2: 50.—Riddell, A. R. Some remarks on industrial diseases in Ontario. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1925, 15: 510.—Roberts, K., & Brown, M. W. Medical plans for in- dustry. J. Indust. Hyg., 1942, 24: Suppl., 2 (Abstr.)—Rund- berg, G. [Physician's report of all cases of illnesses caused by industrial work] Hygiea, Stockh., 1935, 97: 737-55 [The problem of modern occupational diseases in Sweden] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1845-56.—Rutten. Les maladies pro- fessionnelles en Angleterre. Bull. Ass. beige med. Soc, 1913, 1: 101-4.—Sappington, C. O. Industrial morbidity data and the physician. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1927, 17: 711-3. ----;— Occupational diseases; the situation in Illinois. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 71-3. ------ The national occupational disease situation. Connecticut Health Bull., 1936, 50: 271-3.— Scottish sickness experience. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 869.— Sickness among male industrial employees during the first quarter of 1933. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1933, 48: 789-91 — Sokolov, J. A. [Data, collected from special notices, in re professional infections and sicknesses] Mosk. med. J., 1926, No. 8, 73-80— Soltissky. E. I. [Technique of collecting data on occupational morbidity and traumatism in industry] Gig. sotsial. zdrav., 1932, No. 2-3, 17-24.—Status of the occu- pational disease question in Ohio based on official figures; retrospect and prospect. Ohio Health, 1923, 14: 134-41.— Thompson, W. G. Occupational diseases in New York. Tr. Internat. Congr. Hyg. Demogr. (1912) 1913, 15. Congr., 3: 829-35. Also Cornell Univ. M. Bull., 1915, 4: Repr. 3 — Toja, G. Tavole di morbilita e frequenza delle malattie per i prestatori d'opera del commercio (esperienza 1931) Metron, Roma, 1932-33, 10: 79-208.—Truzzi, G. La morbilite rurale nei suoi rapporti con la medicina del lavoro. Med. lavoro, 1934, 25: 59-64.—Watkins-Pitchford, W. The in- dustrial diseases of South Africa. Med. J. S. Africa, 1914, 9: 196-203; 222. Also S. Afr. M. Rec, 1914, 12: 33-50—Wenge- ler, _F. Unfalle und Berufskrankheiten in den Jenaer Uni- versitatskliniken. Zsehr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1939, 1-8.— Wisconsin workers lose fewer days from their jobs as a result of sickness or accident. Wisconsin M. J., 1941, 40: Suppl., 5.—■ Work of Home Office: factory accidents and industrial dis- eases. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 223-6.—Workers' health and war production. Med. Care, 1942, 2: 103-10.—Zanevsky. [Professional diseases of industrial population of Minsk as per data of the surgical section, Central Worker's Hospital] Be- lorussk. med. misl, 1924, 1: No. 2-3, 67-74.—Zollinger, F. Einige Bemerkungen zu den statistischen Ergebnissen der SUVA iiber die Berufskrankheiten und Arbeitsschadigungen in der Schweiz in den Jahren 1928-32. In Festschr. H. Zangger, Zur., 1935, 1: 153-62. ---- Efficiency. Vernon, H. M. The influence of hours of work and of ventilation on output in tinplate manufacture. 29p. 8? Lond., 1919. Bramesfeld, E. Das Bedaux-Prinzip. Arbeiterschutz, 1929, 209-11.—Ewart, E., Seashore, S. E., & Tiffin, J. A factor analysis of an industrial merit rating scale. J. Appl. Psychol., 1941, 25: 481-6.—Freund, H. Die objektive, mathematisch- physiologische Bestimmung menschUcher Arbeitsleistung durch Zeitstudien und ihre sozialpolitische und privatwirtschaftliche irfooei^un,g- Product. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 141-3.—Hallett, G. B. Studying the causes of 7n°i"rV ,5i u?Lanlong industrial employees. Trained Nurse, 1940, 105: 462-4.—Holmes, L. L. The problem of the middle- aged worker: with special reference to the Akron industrial district. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1930, 6: 293.— Kunst, E. J. Variations in work performance under normal industrial conditions. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 530.—Lipmann, U. Der Anted des Menschen am Produktionseffekt. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 215-27 — V^UoraX' H# M# L* Bases of worker efficiency. Personnel J., 1942-43, 21: 131-45.—N., A. G. The efficiency of industrial workers. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1941, 45: 548-50.—Ochsner, P. J. -the substandard worker; physical examination and placement. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 283-5.—Physiologic (The) limit to sprint- ing for war production. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 360.— Vennewald, H. Der Wirkungsgrad von Mensch und Maschiiie. Umschau, 1940, 44: 753-6. ouvriere [Paris] ---- female. Cunin, B. *La femme 126p. 24cm. Rennes, 1939. Alexander, G. G. L. Vom Allrussischen Kongress der Arbeiterinnen und Bauerinnen. Neue Generation, 1928, 24: 8-13.—Ascher, L. Schwere Frauenarbeit und ihre Messung. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1928, n. F., 5: 161.—Bohm. Die Beschafti- gung von Frauen auf Fahrzeugen. Arbeitsschutz, 1940, No. 11, Beil., 7.—[Brazil] O trabalho das mulheres nas fabricas; decreto N. 21.417, de 17 de Maio de 1932. Arq. Inst. med. le<* Rio, 1932, No. 5, 169-71.—Collet, C. E. The present position of women in industry. J. R. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1942, 105: 122-4.—Corsellis, M., Rowland, G. [et al.] Women confer on industry. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 537.—Dunn, W. Six million women. J. Am. Insur., 1942, 19: No. 6, 17-20.—E., L. Der weibliche Arbeitsschutz im Kriege. Aerztebl. Hessen, 1941, 9: 122-4.—Feil, A. Le regime de la main-d'oeuvre pendant la guerre. Presse med., 1940, 48: 357.—Hickey, M. A. The role of women in the war effort. Occupations, 1942, 21: 203-7.— Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts. School & Soc, 1918, 7: 132-4.—Kremer. Die Verordnung iiber die Beschaftigung von Arbeiterinnen und jugendlichen Arbeitern in Ziegeleien und verwandten Betrieben (Ziegelei- verordnung) Arbeitsschutz, 1937, 148-50.—Kuh, C. Women in industry. Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 754.—Lyne, R. F. The legal protection of the woman worker. J. State M., Lond., 1927, 35: 287-92.—Masciotta, A. L'operaia, donna e madre; rassegna e considerazioni generali con contributo statistico. Rass. med. indust., 1941, 12: 218 (Abstr.) (microfilm)— Mitarbeit (Die) der Frau; der Fraueneinsatz in der Landwirt- schaft und in der Eisen- und Metallindustrie. Aerztebl. Hessen, 1941, 9: 82.—Occupation of women; circular of the [German] Minister of Labor, January 11, 1941. J. Indust. Hyg., 1941, 23: Suppl., 164 (Abstr.)—Problems of women's work in Germany in war time. Ibid., 1942, 24: Suppl., 27 (Abstr.)—Queen (The) was in her parlour eating bread and honey. Brit. J. Nurs., 1939, 87: 273.—Training women for skilled jobs in industry. Occu- pations, 1941-42, 20: 556.—Wettstein-Adelt, M. Zur Arbei- terinnenfrage. Ethische Kultur, 1893, 1: 11-3. ------ Die Putzsucht der Arbeiterin. Ibid., 87. ------ Das Erwerbs- leben der Frau. Ibid., 155-7.—Women workers in chemical factories. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1942,10:6.—Zapoleon, M. W. Women in defense occupations. Occupations, 1940-41, 19: 509-11. ---- female: Health and disease. Mettert, M. T. The occurrence and preven- tion of occupational diseases among women, 1935-38. 46p. 23cm. Wash., 1941. Rattchwetter, N. *Bela»tungsschaden am Stehapparat der berufstatigen weiblichen Jugend. 23p. 21cm. Berl., 1937. Burnell, M. R. Women in industry; placement and health maintenance. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 282; 521-3.—Fekete, A. Erkrankungen der Geschlechtsorgane infolge weiblicher Berufs- arbeit. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 567-70.—Guthmann, H. Arbeitsschaden der Frau. Aerztebl. Hessen, 1939, 7: 252. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 1366.—Health service plan for women in industry. Hosp. Management, 1918, 6: 34-6.—Herbert, E. M. Industrial medical boards for women. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 711.—Howard, R. R. Safety of women in war industries. J. Am. Insur., 1942, 19: No. 4, 11; 24.—Klebe. Schutzmassnahmen bei schweren und ungeeigneten Frauenarbeiten, insbesondere in der kera- mischen Industrie und bei Beschaftigung an Maschinen mit Fusseinriickung. Arbeitsschutz, 1937, 64-70.—Koch. Richt- linien fiir die Beschaftigung von Frauen an Seifenpressen. Ibid., 1939, 340.—Kronenberg, M. H. Women in industry, their problems of health. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 589-92 — Manfrini, P., & Andreis, N. II lavoro femminile nei medie piccoli centri industriali, nei riflessi della prole. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1939, 14: 892-916.—Mayer, A. Ueber Unfall- begutachtung in der Gynakologie. Chirurg, 1931, 3: 145-51.—■ Niedermeyer. Frauenerwerbsarbeit und Frauenkrankheiten. Zsehr. Bahnarzte, 1927, 22: 103-8.—Occupational injuries to INDUSTRIAL WORKER 164 INDUSTRIAL WORKER women in the United States, 1930 and 1931. Month. Labor Rev., Wash., 1935, 41: 980.—Prevalence (the) of disabling illness among male and female workers and housewives. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1941, 56: 802.—Robinson, M. V. Saving the women, too. Trained Nurse, 1941, 107: 340-5.—Teruoka, G. I'rauenarbeit unter biologischem Gesichtspunkt. Arch. Frauciik., 1932, 18: 29--58.- |United States Department of Labor. Women's Bureau] Lilting heavy weights in defense industries; methods for conserving health of women workers. .1. Indust. Hyg., 1941, 23: Suppl., 137 (Abstr.)—Zimmermann, I. Nachuntersuchungen an Stickerinnen, Wasche- und Kon- fektionsnaherinnen im Lehralter. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1933- 34, 5: 265-73. ---- Health, and health habits. Ahearn, V. P., Watt, R. J., & Taylor, W. C. The role of employee health in industrial relations. Proc. Indust. Hvg. Found. America, 1941, 6. Meet., 153-71.—Bevin, E. Health in industry. Med. Care, 1942, 2: 39-42.—Forum (The) on health in industrv. Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 560.—Health of the industrial worker. Ind. M. Gaz., 1942, 77: 153.—Irish labour facing health problems. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 146.— Laquer, B. Der Alkohol im Arbeiterhaushalt, eine sozial- hycienische Studie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, 2: 1205-7 — Oliver, T. Side lights upon the health of workers and their occupations. J. State M., Lond., 1935, 43: 497-504.—Output and health; lessons of the last war. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 123.- Thomas, C. K. My observations of careless habits. Tr. Nat. Safety Counc, 1933, 22. Congr., 263. ---- Health education. See also Group medicine, Health education. Bristol, L. D. Health education for industrial workers. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 650.—Dietrich, Chajes [et al.] Die Belehrung der Arbeiterschaft iiber die Berufsgefahren und ihre Mitwirkung bei der Bekampfung derselben. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1925, 1: Beiheft 1, 1-40.—Heinrich, H. W. Education of employees. In his Indust. Accid. Prev., 2. ed., N. Y., 1941, 345-65.—Labok, S. I. [Cabinets for hygienic-technical instruc- tions for the workers of various industries] Gig. san., Moskva, 1940, 5: No. 12, 50-2. ---- Health examination. See also Health examination, periodical. Austin, W. S. Periodic examinations of industrial employees. Indust. M., 1937, 6: 422-4.—Brandabur, J. J. Practical aspects of a physical examination program. South. M. J., 1941, 34: 1276-81.—Clift, M. W. X-ray in industry. Indust. M., 1940. 9: 51.—Conwav, J. M. Physical examinations of workers. Pub. Health Nurs., 1940, 32: 90-2.—Crasier, C. V. Health examination for employment. J. Social Hyg., 1937, 23: 89- 94.—Fisher, H. E. Periodic medical examinations; the truth about them after 20 years' observation. Indust. M., 1933, I: 1-9.—Fisk, E. L. Periodic health examinations in industry. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust, Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 570-4.—Friedland, I. G. [Periodical medical examinations of the personnel in industries] Sovet. vrach. J., 1938, 42: 850-8. ------[Preliminary medical examination of workers applying for work with toxic substances] Gig. & zdorov., 1941, 6: No. 6, 22-6.—Garden, H. L. The compulsory medical examination of factory workers. J. State M., Lond., 1932, 40: 231-5.—Cray, A. W., O'Leary, E. B. [et al.] Recommendations of the medical sub-committee on Dhytical examinations in industry, ^vmpos Silicosis, 1939, 4. Sympos.. 356-66.—Hall, M. I. Special types of examinations, Justifying their cost. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 583-6.—Hazlett, T. L. What are we examining for; types and frequency of physical examinations. Ibid., 581-3.—Industrial Commission of Wisconsin; declaration of principles concerning physical examinations in mdustiy Sympos. Silicosis, 1939, 4. Sympos , 352-5.—Johnslone, R. T. The preemployment examination. In his Occup. Dis., Phila.. 1941, 514—21.— Kammer, A. J. Some practical results of r>h vsical examinations. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 230-3.—Kirby, F. B. Physical examina- tions for efficiency. Ibid., 1940, 9: 035.—Kremer, E. H. Physical examinations of workers. Kentucky M. J., 1942, 40: 414.—Kuh. C. Physical examinations in industry. Proc. Life Ext. Exam., 1940, 2: 109-12.—Lanza, A. J. The periodic health examination as an essential procedure in industrial medicine. Ibid., 1941, 3: 3-6.—Leak, W. N. Medical examina- tions in industry, their function and scope. Brit. J. Phys. M. 1942. 5: 116-20—McSweeny, E. S. The prospective outside plant employee: practical brief physical appraisal. N. York State J. M., 193S. 38: 262-5.—Mishler, W. E. The annual physical examination; its effect in raising standards of employee health and efficiency. Indust. M., 1939, 8: 73-5.—Myers, G. P. Physical examinations; entrance and return-to-service Ibid., 1942, 11: 579-81.—Nelson, H. A. Pre-employment examination. Ibid., 1940, 9: 451-6. Also Wisconsin M J 1940, 39: 865-70— Ranelletti, A. II controllo periodico della salute per la murhore prevenzione delle malattie del lavoro e comuni. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1933, 4: 198-208.—Red- fern, J. N. The value of physical examinations in industry. Texas J. M., 1925-26, 21: 414 7.—Regular health examinations in industrial plants. J. Am. M. A-.. 1936, 106: 227.—Sand, R. L'examen preventif dans la -iiuiide industrie et la pratique organisee de la medecine. Lidge med., 1930, 23: 1105-25.— Sawyer, W. A. Prehabilitation and rehabilitation in industry. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: -419-23.—Sykes. F. C. The bctrinner in industry. Nurs. limes. Lond., 1912. 38: -188.- -Trembly, A. G. Industrial health from the viewpoint of selecting the new employee. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 617-9. Price, M. F. Pre employment examinations and related activities of the North Carolina division of Industrial Medicine. Ibid., 188-93.— Trigg, R. Pre-employment examinations. Texas J. M., 1940- 41, 36: 566-8.—Watson, C. H. Phases of physical examination problems in industry. Nation's Health, Chic, 1927, 9: No. 3, 30; 84.—Woodruff, I. O. The physical examination of em- ployees. In Indust. Hyg. (Lanza & Goldberg) N. Y., 1939, 46-67.—Woody, M. Objectives of the health examination and their industrial application. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 983.— Workmen's compensation acts: right of employer to require employee to take medication in connection with physical examination (Louisiana) Ibid., 1942, 120: 1160.—Wrabetz, V., Burczyk, H. J., & Miler, C. L. Physical examinations of industrial workers. Sympos. Silicosis, 1939, 4. Sympos., 350.— Zillhardt, J. C. Medical examination and the prospective worker. N. York State J. M., 1940. 40: 1104-10. Health protection. See also Industrial hygiene; Industrial plant, Safety measures; also subheadings of Industrial worker such as Hospital service, etc. Andrews, J. B. Protection against occupa- tional diseases. p.17-23. 8? N. Y., 1911. Emmons, A. B. Health control in mercantile life; a problem of conserving human energy. 2. ed. 234p. 8? N. Y., 1926. Klebe, H. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Arbeitsschutzes insbesondere der Gewerbehy- giene. 128p. 8? Berl., 1932. United States. Department of Labor. Division of Labor Standards. Protecting eyes in industry; addresses presented before the Industrial Section, National Society for the Prevention of Blindness at its Annual Conference in New York City, October 27, 1939. 18p. 8? Wash., 1940. Waffenschmidt, Gerbis, H., & Eibel, H. Arbeiterschutz und Rationalisierung. 59p. 8? Berl., 1929. Bard, L. Higiene y seguridad del trabajo en los estableci- mientos mercantiles, industriales y trabajo a domicilio. Progr. clin., Madr., 1931, 39: 590-3.—Barthie, R. Les maladies pro- fessionnelles Svitables et ine/vitables. Presse m6d., 1938, 46: 539.—Bloomfield, J. J. Engineering control of occupational diseases. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1935, 25: 1196-204.—Brehm, P. A. Keep the worker on the job. Wisconsin M. J., 1941, 40: 208; 433; 518.—Bridge, J. C. Prevention of occupational diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 471-5. ■------ The pre- vention of disease in industry. Practitioner, Lond., 1936, 137: 260-9.—Caldwell, S. Guarding the health of industrial workers. Health, Toronto, 1942-43, 10: 20.—Caplescu, P. [Preventive medicine and industrial diseases] Romania med., 1935, 13: 45-7.—Carli, E. Prevenzione e assistenza. Assist. sociale, Roma, 1934, 8: 40-4.—Carozzi, L. II fattore umano nella prevenzione della morbiliU professionale. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1933, 4: 181-97.—Clusellas, F. J. Higiene social del obrero; profilaxis de los accidentes del trabajo; profilaxis de las enfermedades venereas. Sem. med., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 2, 1313-5.—Coburn, G. A. Control of hygienic exposure. Indust. M., 1937, 6: 375-7. ------ Practical methods for the control of hygienic exposures. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1939, 29: 501-14 — Collis, E. L. Prevention of industrial diseases. J. State M., Lond., 1931, 39: 249-56.—Culpin, M. Methods of investi- gating and of improving the health of industrial workers. J. R. San. Inst., Lond., 1930, 51: 217-21.—Eden, P. H. van. Anpassung und Berufswechsel. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 560-4.—Fink. Die UnfaUverhiitungstatigkeit der Rheinischen Stahlwerke, Ab- teilung Arenberg, im Jahre 1926. Arbeiterschutz, 1927, 3: 44-9.—Fischer. Gewerbehygiene und Arbeiterschutz. Ibid., 1926, 2: 17-23.—Fishbein, M. Health in industry. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1942, 35: 401—Forster, F. A. Gewerbehygienische Atemschutzgerate; ihre Anwendung in Prophylaxe und Thera- pie der allergischen Krankheiten. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 273- 6.—Forster, M. Leibestibungen als Mittel gegen Berufs- schaden. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1928, n. F., 5: 9-12.—Foulger, J. H. Prevention of ill health in industry. Med. Clin. N. America, 1942, 26: 1145-60.—Gallac, H. I. La higiene del obrero en la prevenci6n de los accidentes del trabajo. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1939, 38: 846-64.—Golke, E. Fangvor- richtungen als Schutzmittel. Arbeiterschutz, 1929, 178-80.— Heacock, B. C. The prevention of occupational disease Proc. Occup. Dis. Sympos. (1937) 1938, 79-82.—Health and safety of industrial workers. Nature, Lond., 1937, 139: 857- 9.—Hilliard, C. M. Health of the worker and his familv N England J. M., 1941, 225: 1033.—Hope, E. W. Some aspects INDUSTRIAL WORKER 165 INDUSTRIAL WORKER of industrial occupations which specially concern the medical officer of health. J. State M., Lond., 1931, 39: 537-43 — Hunter, D. Prevention of disease in industry. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 700-3.—Ichok, G. La protection de la sante. et la classification des professions. Rev. hyg., Par., 1938, 60: 108- 15.—Kuh, C. Employee morale and the industrial health pro- gram. Proc. Life Ext. Exam., 1941, 3: 39-43.—Lamenzo, J. B. The insurance carrier and the control of occupational diseases. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 370-7.—Lanza, A. J. Occupational diseases. In Prevent. Med. Modern Pract. (J. A. Miller) N. Y., 1942, 349-73.—Leclercq, J. La reparation des maladies pro- fessionnelles. Rev. palud., Par., 1939, 1: 189.—McCord, C. P. Industry's manpower; its conservation. California West. M., 1942, 57: 237.—Mauro, G. II valore della prevenzione nella patologia professionale. Gazz. osp., 1933, 54: 1497-9.— Moore, P. G. Conserving the eye health of industrial em- ployees. Proc Conf. Nat. Soe. Prev. Blindness, 1936, 32-43.— Mummery, N. H. Catarrhal prophylaxis in industry. J. Indust. Hyg., 1928, 10: 295.—Nikolaev, I. [Measures against industrial traumatism] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 40-4.— Nowakowski, B. The Polish legation concerning the control of occupational diseases. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 667-9.—Ohlheiser, H. R. Industrial hygiene procedure for effective occupational disease control. Indust. M., 1940, 9: Supp., 45-8.—Private (Die) Initiative bei der Verhutung von Arbcitsunfallen in Belgien. Arbeiterschutz, 1926, 2: 75.—Proteccion (La) de la salud en las empresas particulares. Rev. hig. Bogota, 1938, 19: 3.—Razons, P. La prevention des maladies professionnelles. Rev. sc, Par., 1906, 5. ser., 6: 396-400.—Roche, J. Health of the nation's workers. Personnel J., 1937-38, 16: 159-64.—Rolleston, H. Industrial diseases and their prevention. J. R. San. Inst., 1928-29, 49: 617-32. Also Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1929, n. ser., 127: 325.-—Rosebush, F. H. Social phases of safety work. Proc. Nat. Safety Counc, 1921, 10: 565-8.—Sappington, C. O. Preventive medicine in industry; experience of a western mail order house. J. Indust. Hyg., 1927, 9: 12-7.— Selby, C. D. Health maintenance in industry. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1938, 28: 1328-31. Also J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1939, 36: 26.—Sparing the worker and speeding the work. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 1169.—Tamm, E. A. Protection of men and machines in the national emergency. Proc. Indust. Hyg. Found. America, 1941, 6. Meet., 3-11.—Townsend, J. G. Public health for the worker. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1941, 37: 306-10.—Vernon, H. M. Methods of investigating and of improving the health of industrial workers. J. R. San. Inst.. Lond., 1930, 51: 211-6.—Vintinner, F. J. Health protection for industrial workers. N. Hampshire Health News, 1942, 20: No. 3, 5-9.—Williams, J. Industrial diseases and their pre- vention. Proc. Conf. San. Off. N. York, 1912, 12: 238-42 Williamson, E. W. Preventive health measures in industry a? revealed in a 3 years' survey. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 58: 496.—Wittmer, J. J. A health program in terms of results, Indust. M., 1943, 12: 9-11.—Workman (The) and his job. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 1075. ---- Health protection: Employer's point of view. Flanders, R. E. The balancing of incentive and security. Proc. Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 42-5.— Foisie, F. P. San Francisco management looks at industrial health. California West. M., 1942, 57: 238.—Gehrmann, G. H. Industry's responsibility for the worker's health. Tr. Nat. Tuberc. Ass., N. Y., 1942, 38: 210-5.—Heacock, B. C. In- dustrial health from the viewpoint of the employer. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 590-2.—Heiser, V. G. Industrial medicine; the plan and scope of the interest of the National Association of Manufacturers in this field. Ibid., 1938, 7: 541-3.—Hooper, F. C. Industrial health; the employer's viewpoint. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 28: 712.—Johnson, W. S. An administra- tive approach to industrial hygiene. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1940, 30: 806-10.—Kelly, A. Industrial health from the view- point of the insurance company. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 604-6.— Lawson, H. The attitude of the manufacturer towards in- dustrial health. Bull. Acad. M. Toronto, 1942-43, 16: 65-7.— Nabors, V. R. Los Angeles management looks at industrial health. California West M., 1942, 57: 239-41.—Odom, W. E. Industrial health from the viewpoint of employer-employee relation. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 611-5.—Persons, W. F. Sa,n Diego management looks at industrial health. California West. M., 1942, 57: 241.—Porter, J. J. Industrial safety and health; from an executive viewpoint. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 542-6 —Schoenleber, A. W. How industrial medicine aids in management. Personnel J., 1935-36, 14: 297-302.—Smith, M. The human factor in production. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 142-4.—Staples, P. C. Medicine in industry from the stand- point of the executive. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1931, 52: 587-91. ---- Health protection: Legislation. See also Group, Social security; Group medi- cine, Laws; Industrial hygiene; Industrial medi- cine; Workmen's compensation, etc. Altarelli, A. Codice del medico del lavoro. 400p. 16? Milano [1936] Bauer, M., Engel, H. [et al.] Dntte Ver- ordnung iiber Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf Berufskrankheiten vom 16. Dezember 1936. 513p. 8? Lpz., 1937. Bleitrach, M. *Etude medico-sociale des legislations franchises sur les accidents du travail (loi du 9 avril 1898 et legislation appliquee en Alsace-Lorraine) [Strasbourg] 85p. 8? Lar- gentiere, 1931. Goldberg, R. W. Occupational diseases in relation to compensation and health insurance. 280p. 8? N. Y., 1931. Langelez, A. Les maladies professionnelles; donnant droit k reparation legale; legislations beige et franchise. 312p. 8? Par., 1936. Pelletier, N. A. *Etude critique de la legislation francaise sur les etablissements in- dustriels dangereux, insalubres ou incommodes. 50p. 8? Bord., 1908. Pollet, L. Les maladies professionnelles; leur legislation. 334p. 8? Par. [1935] United States. Department of Labor. Occupational-disease legislation in the United States, 1936. 58p. 8? Wash., 1937. ---- Occupational-disease legislation in the United States, 1936; with appendix for 1937. 88p. 8? Wash., 1938. Andrews, J. B. Occupational diseases and legislative remedies. Med. Times, N. Y., 1913, 41: 166-9. Also Am. J. Pub. Health, 1914, 4: 179-84.—Application pendant les ann6es 1921 et 1922 de la loi du 21 octobre, 1919, sur les maladies professionnelles. Ann. hyg., Par., 1924, n. ser., 2: 438-43.— Ausbau (Der) der auslandischen Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung. Zsehr. Gewerbehyg., 1921, 27: 68.—Bauer, M. Berufskrank- heiten und soziale Gesetzgebung. Arbeiterschutz, 1929, 31-4. ------ Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen der beruflichen Gesund- heitsfuhrung. Arch, sozial. Hyg. Demogr., 1933-34, 8: 328- 32.—Bazan, J. Hacia la modification de la Ley de Amparo. Bol. san., B. Air., 1938, 2: 468-71.—Behrend, M. Workmen's compensation and occupational disease laws in the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania M. J., 1939-40, 43: 18-20.—[Belgium] Application 6ventuelle de la loi du 9 juillet 1936 permettant une reduction de la duree du travail dans certaines industries; rapport compl6mentaire relatif aux ardoisiSres souterraines. Bull. san. pub., Brux., 1938, 3: 495-502. ------ Application 6ventuelle de la loi du 9 juillet 1936 aux cristalleries, gobeleteries et glaceries. Ibid., 1939, I: 28-33. ■-----■ Arrete royal du 8 fevrier 1939, portant rdglement g6n£ral des mesures il observer en vue de proteger la sant£ des employes occup6s dans les entreprises industrielles et commerciales, ainsi que dans les services et etablissements publics ou d'utilit£ publique. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1939, 31: 1365-8. Also Bull. san. pub., Brux., 1939, 4: 133-7.—Bevin, E. The wider issues of health legislation in industry. Brit. M. J., 1937. 2: 610-2.—Bloomfield, J. J., & Gafafer, W. M. The public health administrator's responsi- bility in the field of occupational disease legislation. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1941, 56: 2033-41.— Borri, L. Brevi note al disegno di legge per modificazioni alia vegliante legge infortunj presentate alia Camera dei deputati dal Ministro di A. I. C. Med. infort. lavoro, 1908, 1: 65-9— Browne, O. G. Developments in occupational disease legislation. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 394—8.—Calamani, G. La nuova legge per l'assi- curazione obbligatoria degli infortuni e delle malattie pro- fessionali. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1937, 11: 573-81.—Carozzi, L. Le Bureau international du travail et la legislation mondiale des maladies professionnelles. Presse mid., 1937, 45: 1227.— Casiccia, T. La legge sugli infortuni e la sua influenza sui carattere e sui valore morale dei lavoratori. Rass. previd. sociale, 1932, 19: No. 11, 3-8.—Cassano, G. Restrittivitil interpretative nell'applicazione della legge infortuni. Assist. sociale, Roma, 1940, 14: 285-94.—Castellino, N. Attuazione della legge sulle malattie professionali. Med. lavoro, 1934, 25: 18-24.—Dal Padulo, F. La nuova legge francese susrli in- fortuni nei lavoro. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1938, 12: 770-8.— Desclaux, L., & Dubost, M. Maladies professionnelles et loi du 25 octobre 1919. Paris med., 1935, 97: 406-9.—Disposizioni per l'assicurazione obbligatoria degli infortuni sui lavoro e della malattie professionali (Regio decreto 17 agosto 1935) Assist, sociale, Roma, 1935, 9: 541-68.—Dorsett, J. D. Legal trends and new legislation respecting occupational diseases. Proc. Indust. Hyg. Found. America, 1941, 6. Meet., 113-6 — Enfermedades profesionales; un proyecto de ley interesante. Bol. med., Madr., 1936, 4: No. 75, 7.-—Extension des maladies professionnelles de la loi sur les accidents du travail. J. sc. med. Lille, 1913, 36: pt 2, 92-4.—Florentin, D. Les maladies professionnelles et leur legislation. Ann. hyg., Par., 1937, n. ser., 15: 269-77.—Gentile, G. La risoluzione delle contro- versie nella nuova legge infortuni. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1937, 11: 795-810.—Gill, D. G. Ocupational disease legislation and the Medical Association. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1938-39, 8: 125-7.—Giolla, P. Incongruenze e lacune della nuova legisla- zione infortuni: 1'art. 37. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1936, 21: 161—9.—Giorgio, H. Die Organisation des Dienstes zur INDUSTRIAL WORKER 166 INDUSTRIAL WORKER Verhtitung von Unfnllen und Berufskrankheiten in der Arbei- terschutzgesetzgebung des schweizerischen Bundesstaates. In Festschr. H. Zanepr, Zur., 1935. 1: 481-95.—Gisbertz. Zur Reform des Aibeite-chut/wsetzes: Voischlag zur lntensi- vierung prakth-eber gewerhebvgieniseber Tiitiskeit ohne Kostenerhohunp. Z-ebr. Medb'eamte, 1930. 43: 479-86.— Godlewski, H.. <& Detrieux, H. Les affections envisages par la loi de 1931. J. med. fr., 1932, 21: 277.—Higiene in- dustrial. In Leves (Costa Rica) S. Jos£, 1935, 20.—Hoffman, F. L. Industrial diseases in America. Am. Labor. Legisl. IS. v.. 1911. 1: 35-40.—Industrial health. Brit. M. J., 1938. 2: 578 — Jackson, J. P. The attitude of the Department of Labor and Industrv towards the problem of occupational diseases. Pennsylvania M. J., 1917, 20: 472-8.—Jeanbrau, E. Ce que le medecin doit savoir de la loi sur les maladies pro- fessionnelles. Clinique, Par., 1923, 18: 231-3.—Kirby, G. D. The Shops Acts, 1912 to 1934, and their application to the city of Norwich. J. R. San. Inst., 1936-37, 57: 528-46.—Koelsch, F. Einfiihrung; Unfall- oder Gewerbekrankheit; die deutsche Verordnung. In his Meldepflicht. Berufskrankh., Miinch., 1926, 5-13. ------ Die 3 Berufskrankheiten-Verordnung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 490.—Rural, H. La legislation protectrice du travail dans la R6publique Turque. Arch. med. sociale, Brux., 1939, 2: 943-6.—Lane. R. E. The wider issues of health legislation in industry. Brit. M. J., 1937, 2: 608-10.—Leoncini, F. Linee fondamentali dell'ultima riforma della legge per gli infortuni del lavoro e per le malattie pro- fessionali. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1936, 46: 562-73. ------ Considerazioni sui nuovo regolamento per l'assicura- zione obbligatoria degli infortuni del lavoro e delle malattie professionali. Ibid., 1938, 48: 203-15.—Lencioni, J. El perfodo de careneia en la ley de accidentes de trabajo. Rev. med. Rosario. 1934, 24: 245-59.—Lockhart, L. P. The wider issues of health legislation in industry. Brit. M. J., 1937, 2: 605-8.—Loriga, G. II regolamento generale di igiene del lavoro. Rass. previd. sociale, 1927, 14: 13-24. ------ Criteri generali della legislazione del lavoro. In Conf. Univ. Pisa, 1934-35, 129-33.—McCord, C. P. The Illinois occupational disease law. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 224— McManus, J. B. Industrial law and the medical profession. Delaware M. J., 1938, 10: 209-13.—Maillon. Les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles devant la legislation et la juris- prudence. Loire med., 1924, 38: 384-92.—Manunza, P. La nuova legge sugli infortuni industriali e le ripercussioni neH'ambito medico. Rass. med. sarda, 1937, 39: 257-76.-— Martinez Roca, J. Neeesidad y bases de una ley de higiene industrial. Actas Congr. nac. san., Madr. (1934) 1935, 1. Congr., 3: 470-5.—Mauro, G. Le malattie professionali nell'ambito del nuovo ordinamento legislative. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1937, 11: 603-12.-—Mazeaud. Maladie non profession- nelle; exclusion des lois de 1898 et de 1919; recevabilite de Taction fondee sur le droit commun. Rec. spec, accid. trav., 1936, 36: 154-6.—Merklen, P. Le rapport de M. Breton, depute, sur l'extension aux maladies d'origine professionnelle de la loi sur les accidents du travail, legislations etrang^res et principales dispositions du projet de loi francais. Presse m6d., 1909, 17: annex, 812-5.—Milian, A. Nota sobre la definici6n legal de riesgo profesional. Gac. med. Mexico, 1937, 67: 206-16.—Newquist, M. N. A three years' survey of medi- cine and surgery in industry: including legislative enactments and other indemnity problems. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 58: 492-6.—Noack. Zur Verordnung iiber die entschadigungs- pflichtigen Berufskrankheiten. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1926, 39: 353-6.—Neuvelle (La) legislation sur les maladies pro- fessionnelles. Marseille med., 1931, 68: 548-53.—Occupational disease legislation in the United States. Month. Labor Rev., Wash., 1934, 38: 1348-64.—Occupational disease legislation in the United States. In Handb. Lab. Statist. (Parker, F. E.) Wash., 1936, 362.—Occupational disease legislation in the United States, 1936. Month. Labor Rev., 1936, 43: 1096- 1101.—Parisot, P. Sur I'etude critique de la loi sur les malades professionnelles. Ann. med. leg., 1923, 3: 399-404.—Parodi, A. Hygiene des travailleurs; communication pour le Ministre secretaire d'Etat k la production industrielle et au travail; k Messieurs les Inspecteurs divisionnaires du travail et de la main-d'oeuvre. Arch. mal. profess.. Par., 1939-40, 2: 700.— Peregrine, F. R. Industrial health from the viewpoint of the legal profession. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 606-8.—Perkins, F. Occupational disease legislation in the United States. Arch Gewerbepath., 1931, 2: 199-204.—Pisenti, G. La difesa degli infortuni sui lavoro e, incidentalmente, delle malattie pro- fessionali. Difesa med. leg. lavoro, 1921, 3: No. 11-12, 1-7.— Poels & Warnotte. Legislation compare des accidents du travail au point de vue medical. Bull. Ass. internat. med. exp. comp. assur., 1905, 4: 127-61.—Polizei (Die) kann aus allgemeinen gesundheit spolizeilichen Griinden die Schliessung einer gewerblichen Betriebsstatte anordnen; zur Untersagung des Gewerbebetriebes ist sie dagegen nicht berechtigt. Reichs- gesundhbl., 1939, 14: 535.—Progetto (Sui) di riforma della legge infortuni. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1935, 20: 109-14; 172-9.—Protecting health of workers. Personnel J., 1938-39' 17: 220-5.—Regolamento (II) sulle malattie professionali! Italia san., 1933, 25: No. 21-22, 3-5.—Regulations to protect the health of employees [Belgium] J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 696.—Reichardt, M. Die Einwirkung der Unfallfgestzgebung auf die Seele des Unfallverletzten. Zsehr. Kriippelfurs., 1934 27: 153-73.—Report of the committee on the National In- dustrial Recovery Act. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1933, 35: 80- 140.—Resume of occupational disease laws in the United States; discussion of their application. Indust. M., 1933 2: 18-23- Rist & Doubrow. La revision de la convention in- terna tionulc sur les maladies professionnelles et ses conse- quences medico-juridiques. Ann. med. leg., 1934, 14: 878; 1935, 15: 255; 344; 541. Also Presse med., 1935, 43: 725.— Romancse, R. Sulla nuova legge degli infortuni sui lavoro e delle malattie professional!. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1937, 100: pt 2, 166 -S3. Rossi, A. L'assistenza e la rappre- sentanza dei lavoratori nella nuova legge infortuni. Assist. sociale, Roma, 1938, 12: 17-28.—[Russia] [Statute on build- ings, used for medico-sanitary institutions in territories belong- ing to factories and mills] In Sborn. deistv. zakon. zdrav. (Cherniak, S.) Moskva. 1929, 148-58.—Sappington, C. O. How far shall the state go? does responsibility for employees' mental and physical fitness belong to the employer, the state, or both? Indust. M., 1932, 1: 75-7.—Scatamacchia, E. II medico di fronte alia nuova legge infortuni. Difesa sociale, 1937, 16: 1027-35.—Seele, H. Die Haftung des Unternehmera fiir Gesundheitsschaden seiner Gefolgschaft. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1938, 44: 71-3.—Seitz, A. Sozial- und Gewerbehygiene und das erweiterte Unfallversicherungsgesetz. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 1571-6.—Strandberg, J. Einige Worte anlasslich des neuen Gesetzes iiber Berufskrankheiten. Acta derm, vener., Stockh., 1937, 18: 354-6.—Stump, A. Law pertaining to occupational diseases. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1942, 35: 438.— Turban, E. Die neue Berufskrankheiten-Verordnung. Mschr. Unfallh., 1937, 44: 439-44.—Velasco Suarez, C. La ley de accidentes del trabajo; imprescindible neeesidad de su reforma. Sem. med., B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 2, 1440-5.—Waters, T. C. Administration of laws for the prevention and control of occu- pational diseases. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1939, 29: 728-38. Report of the Legal Committee of the Industrial Hygiene Foundation, Nov. 1942. Indust. M., 1943, 12: 21 (Abstr.)—Wenzel. Gewerbehygiene im jetzigen und zukunftigen Strafrecht. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1933, n. F., 10: 216-9. ---- Health protection: Organization. Bank, I. L., & Glozman, E. S. [Results of medical-sanitary work at construction projects] Gig. san., Moskva, 1940, 5: No. 11, 14-9.—Belgique. Reorganisation de la tutelle sanitaire des adolescents au travail. Bull. san. pub., Brux., 1939, 4: 65.—Berufskrankheiten (Die) und ihre Bekampfung durch die gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften im Jahre 1937. Arbeits- schutz, 1938, 330-8.—Bracken, H. von. Rationalisierung und Gesundheit. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1928, n. F., 5: 1-3.—Buchan, J. J., & Stewart, D. Public health services and industrial hygiene. Pub. Health, Lond., 1937-38, 51: 163-8.—Castilla, C. M. Higiene industrial: su organizaci6n y funciones. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1941, 20: 557-69.—Cunningham, J. G. Industrial hygiene in Ontario. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1939, 30: 524-6.—Dearden, W. F. The relation of public health to industrial diseases. Pub. Health, Lond., 1910-11, 24: 208-16, portr.—France. Minist&re du travail; recommandation rela- tive k l'organisation des services medicaux sociaux et de securite dans les etablissements vises k l'article 65 du Livre II du Code du travail. Arch. mal. profess., Par., 1939-40, 2: 694-700.—Frazer, W. M. State medicine and industrial hygiene. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1937-38, 1: 587-602.— Freise, F. W. Die gegenwartigen gewerbehygienischen Ver- haltnisse in Brasilien. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1931, 2: 385-97.— Gerbis. Die Mitarbeit der Gemeinden der Trager der sozialen Versicherungen und der Gewerkschaften in der Gewerbe- hygiene. Arbeiterschutz, 1926, 2: 69-71.—Harmandarian, G. [Medicine and sanitation on transportation routes of Soviet Russia and perspectives of its further development] Profil. med., Kharkov, 1927, 6: No. 5, 135-45.—Health and social welfare. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 703-6.—Health and welfare services in factories. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 64: 7.— Hebestreit, H. L'assistenza sanitaria aziendale e l'igiene del lavoratore. Rass. med. indust., 1939, 10: 615-28.—Jakovenko, E. I. [Organization for fighting industrial diseases] Gig. epidem., 1930, 9: 49-51.—Jenkins, W. D. The public health services in relation to industrial hygiene. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1939, 2: 178-86.—Kalmus, E. Gewerbehygienische Bestrebungen in Belgien. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1927, n. F., 4: 114-7.—Kaplun, S. Arbeiterschutz und Gewerbehygiene in der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken. Arch. sozial. Hyg., 1926-27, n. F., 2: 399; 505.—Kipnis, A. B. [Medi- cal-hygienic public health service in the industrial regions] Vrach. delo, 1941, 23: 225.—Koelsch, F. Einiges uber Berufs- krankheiten aus deutscher Vergangenheit und Oegenwart. Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 1435.—Landiss, M. [Basic principles in organizing health protection in industrial areas] Gig. sotsial. zdrav., 1932, No. 1, 16-27.—Massey, A. The public health service in relation to industry and the industrial worker. J. State M., Lond., 1934, 42: 552-6.—Matveieva, ™" h\ tT^° years' work in female consultation committee! Profil. med., Kharkov, 1927, 6: No. 2, 65-74.—Nombreuses enqufites sur la salubrite industrielle. Union m6d. Canada, 1943, 72: 98.—Oliveira Lima, A. de. Recrutamento e defesa do pessoal trabalhador nas grandes empresas. Hora med., Rio, 1941, 5: No. 7, 7-29.—Organizzazione (L') del'as- sistenza sanitaria nei gruppo Montecatini. Gen. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr 102-6__ Pearse, I. H., & Williamson, G. S. Biologischer Gesundhei'ts- dienst in einer englischen Arbeiterbevolkerunz Areh anrml Hyg. Demogr., 1933-34, 8: 333-42.—Pedley. F G The place of industrial hygiene in a municipal health nroeramme Canad. Pub. Health J., 1934, 25: 513-8.—Pennoyer? a! B. INDUSTRIAL WORKER 167 INDUSTRIAL WORKER Industrial health service; industrial medicine with special reference to the medical and allied activities of a large Canadian organization. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 20: 361-4.—Popkov, L. P. [Organization and perspective of the workers' committees of health protection] Profil. med., Kharkov, 1927, 6: No. 2, 52-4.—Prophylactic measures against occupational diseases in Sweden. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1941, 9: 152.— Reiter. Arbeitshygiene und Vierjahresplan. Reichsgesundhbl., 1939 14: 332-6.—Roubal, J. [Organization of industrial hygiene] Cas. lek. cesk., 1936, 75: 713-8.—Russell, A. J. H. Industrial hygiene under tropical conditions. J. State M., Lond., 1930, 38: 497-508.—Schnatenberg, W. Die Gesund- heitskontrolle in den Betrieben. Aerztebl. Hessen, 1940, 8: 259.—Solomonov, O. S. [New methods of sanitary service for workers in industries] Gig. san., Moskva, 1939, 4: No. 5, 19-21.—Teissl, L. Der Sicherheitsingenieur. Zsehr. Ge- werbehyg., 1930, 36: 61-3.—Tourangeau, F. J. Industrial hygiene in the Province of Quebec. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1939, 30: 527-9.—Tsukernik, I. B. [Factory policlinics in control of sanitary conditions for workers] Gig. & zdorov., 1941, 6: No. 5, 61-3.—Uglov, V. A. [Role of sanitary organiza- tion in relation to industrialization] Voen. med. J., Moskva, 1930 1: 3-14.—Urbandt, I. Higiene industrial y social; ficha personal. Bol. san.. B. Air., 1938, 2: 880.—Vigliani, E. Der Kampf gegen die Berufskrankheiten in Italien. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1935, 41: 118.—Wendenburg n the causes of death among industrial policyholders. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1942, 23: No. 7, 11.—Dublin, L. I. Mortality of the industrial popula- tion of Michigan. Pub. Health Michigan, 1916, 4: 92. ------ Occupational mortality experience of 94,269 industrial workers; Metropolitan Life Insurance Company experience, 1911-13. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1916, 6: 663-70. Also Cleveland M. J., 1916, 15: 315-39. ------ The mortality trend in the indus- trial population. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1929, 19: 475-81.— Fewer occupational fatalities among insured wage-earners in 1935. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1936, 17: No. 5, L— H., E. Beruf und Sterblichkeit. Deut. Aerzte Ztg, 1937, 12: No. 440.—Hazard factors in the accident mortality record. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1923, 4: No. 9, 5.—Hedrich, A. W., Murphy, T. F. [et al.] Occupational mortalitv statistics. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1933, 23: Suppl., 68-70.—Kerr, F. R. Morbidity figures of various public service occupations. Med. J. Australia, 1924, 1: Suppl., 306-8.—Loro, A. Le morti improwise sui lavoro. Ber. Internat. Kongr. Unfallmed. (1938) 1939, 8. Congr., 2: 1154.—Lutz, G., Beuttenmtiller & Feldmann. Erhebungen iiber die Krankheitsverhtiltnisse in der Schuhindustrie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Krankenziffern der AOKK. Ludwigsburg. Vertrauensarzt, 1939, 7: 193; 217.—Mortality by occupation and social class. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 897.—New minima in industrial mor- tality. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1935, 16: 1-5 — Occupation and environment as causes of excessive mortality. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 67: 65.—Occupational death rates in 1930. In Handb. Lab. Statist. (Parker, F. E.) Wash., 1936, 768-71.—Occupational fatality rate lowest in 20 years. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1932, 13: 1-3.—Occupational mor- tality; the Registrar-General's decennial supplement, 1931. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 906-9.—Pearl, R. A note on the mor- tality of brewery employees. Human Biol., 1929, 1: 136-8.— Roubakine, A. Les assurances sociales et la mortality. Presse med., Par., 1937, 45: 242.—Royo Villanova, R. iPor que se mueren los que trabajan? Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1913, 12: 179-85.—Selleslags, W. Mortality professionnelle et sociale en Angleterre. Arch. m£d. sociale, Brux., 1939, 2: 450-3.— Social insurance and the mortality rate; Paris. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 1352.—Stocks, P. The effects of occupation and of its accompanying environment on mortality. J. R. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1938, 101: 669-708.—Teleky, L. Ein Beitrag zur Mortalitatsstatistik der Krankenkassen. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1917, 5: 105-8.—Truesdell, L. E. The outlook for mortality statistics by occupation. Am. J. Pub. Health. 1929, 19: 620-6. Nutrition. [America] Colonial Life Insurance Com- pany [et al.] The Mortality experience of industrial policyholders, 1916-20; a contribution to the public health movement in America 150p. 8? N. Y., 1923. [America] Prudential Insurance Co. of America. Anthropometric statistics; ordinary mortality-experience 1886-1911, and Indian and Mexican applicants for industrial insurance 1907-12. 30p. 8? [n. p., n. d.] Dublin, L. I., & Lotka, A. J. Twenty-five years of health progress; a study of the mortality experience among the industrial policyholders of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Comnanv 1911 to 1935. 611p. 8? N. Y., 1937. Dunlop, J. C. Occupation mortalities; with abstract of discussion thereon. 86d. 8° Lond 1909. Kleipool, C. M. *Een kritische beschouwing over beroepsziektc en beroepssterfte-statistiek 121p. 23cm. Amst.. 1912. See also Nutrition. Bigwood, E. J. Workers' nutrition. In Occup. & Health, Geneve, 1940, Suppl. 4, art. 4, 1-15.—Booher, L. E. Adequate nutrition for the industrial worker. In Svmpos. Indust. Health (M. Coll. Virginia) Richmond, 1940, 30-42, incl. 2 tab. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 548-53.—Canteens at work. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 268.—Cook, C. F. Feeding industrial national defense workers. J. Am. Diet. Ass 1941 17: 794-6.—Floore, F. B. The dietitian and industrial feeding. J. Am. Diet. Ass., 1942, 18: 635-41.—Haggard, H. H., & Greenberg, L. A. The selection of foods for between-meal feeding in industry. Ibid., 1941, 17: 753-8.—Hall, H. M. Pack a lunch a man can work onl Hygeia, Chic 1942 20: 900; 928.—Jukes, T. H. The role of nutrition in industrial hygiene. Pacific Coast M., 1941, 8: No. 3, 7.—Kelly, M. C. Ihe industrial cafeteria, a school for nutrition. J. Am. Diet. Ass 1942, 18: 840.—Kershaw, J. D. The diet of factory workers in war time. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1942, 207: 15274.—Morgan, A. F. The role of nutrition in industrial hygiene. Pacific Coast M., 1941, 8: No. 3, 2-7—Podgaetzky, V. Jeedmg of laborers and workers in soviet industries. Profil. med Kharkov, 1927, 6: 6, 13-20.—Schafgen. Die L.emeinschaftsverpflegung in gewerblichen Betrieben wahrend des Krieges. Arbeitsschutz, 1940, 174-8.—Vitamins and indus- trial workers. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 623.—Wiehl, D. G. U^u , a,rgrou£ of aircraft workers' in southern California. Mdbank Mem. Fund Q.. 1942. 20: 329-66. ---- Psychological aspect. See also Industrial psychology. Tead, O. Instincts in industry; a study of working-class psychology. 221p. 8°. Bost., Banissoni, F. Concetto di volonterosita. in psicotecnica. Kass. med. lavoro indust., 1933, 4: 89-95—Blood W Har- wood, J. & Vernon, H. M. Discussion on effects of war-time industrial conditions on mental health Proc R Sop \T Lond., 1941-42, 35: 693-8.-Brailovsky. V. [Psych^neurologb cal survey of workers on dredging machines] Vrach. delo INDUSTRIAL WORKER 171 INDUSTRIAL 1927, 10: 517-20.—Castaldi, L. Costituzioni e attitudini- ricerche italiane. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1939, 20: 773-86 — Eliasberg, W. Bemerkungen zur Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie der abhangigen Arbeit. C. rend. Conf. internat psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 525-32.—Hannich, w' Zur Psychologie des Werkstatten- und Fabriksarbeiters. Zsehr' Gewerbehyg., 1926, 32: 131-4.—Hersey, R. B. Psychology of workers. Personnel J., 1935-36, 14: 291-6.—How to learn worker attitudes. Ibid., 1937-38, 16: 258-64.—Jahoda, M Some socio-psychological problems of factory life Brit J* Psychol., 1940-41, 31: 191-206.—Link, H. C. Workers' reac- tions to industrial problems in a war economy J AddI Psychol., 1942, 26: 416-38.—Mackenzie. I. Psycho-analysis1 an occupational psychosis, or volvulus of the psyche. Caledon' MJ... 1922-23, 12: 102-11.-Moore, H. The value! and limitations of employe attitude studies. Psychol. Bull., 1941 38: 530.—Oeser, O. A. Psychological and sociological aspects of labour transference. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1937 107: 382.—Robinson, G. C. Les facteurs emotifs comme causes morbides dans l'industrie. Arch. m6d. sociale, Brux., 1939 2- 16-25.—Slocombe, C. S. Workers as individuals. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 168-75.-Stagner, R., Rich., J. N.. & Britten R. H., jr. Job attitudes; defense workers. Ibid., 1941-42 20- 90-7.—Super, D. E. Occupational level and job satisfaction' J. Appl. Psychol., 1939, 23: 547-64. ---- Recreation and rest periods. See also Rest; Vacation. Keller, F. Beurlaubung von Industrie- arbeitern zur Beschaftigung in landwirtschaft- lichen Betrieben unter Mitwirkung der sozialen Versicherungsanstalten; eine Vorbeugungs- und Volksheilmittel gegen Nervenkrankheiten. 56p. 8? Lpz., 1905. Eastwood, F. R., & Diehl, L. J. Survey of industrial recrea- tion. Personnel J., 1940-41, 19: 284-9.—Guilhaud, G. A. La ration du repos et la journfie maxima sanitaire dans l'in- dustrie. Hygiene gen. appl., Par., 1909, 4: 661-74.—McGehee, W., & Owen, E. B. Authorized and unauthorized rest pauses, in clerical work. J. Appl. Psychol., 1940, 24: 605-14.— Simonson, E. Physiologische Grundlagen der Pausenregelung C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf. 566-72.—Water, M. V. De. The importance of rest periods' Science, 1942, 96: Suppl., No. 2485, 7. ---- Sickness insurance. See also Accidents and injuries, Compensation; Disability, Insurance; Group, Social security; Group medicine, Sickness insurance; Workmen's compensation. Deutsche (Das) Handwerk; sozialpolitische Schriftenreihe. H. 11: Der Handwerker in der Unfallversicherung. 64p. 8? Berl. [1937?] Hebestreit, H., & Bartsch, H. Die Berufs- krankheiten in der Unfallversicherung. 145p. 8? Berl., 1937. Krohn, J., Martineck, O. [et al.] Die Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf gewerb- liche Berufskrankheiten. 56p. 8? Berl., 1926. Patijn, J. A. N. Ontwerp arbeiders-ziekte- verzekering. 138p. 24cm. Haarlem, 1910. Siegmund, B. *Rechtsbegriffliche Schwierig- keiten in der zweiten Verordnung uber die Aus- dehnung der Unfallversicherung auf Berufs- krankheiten fur den zur Anzeige verpflichteten und begutachtenden Arzt. 144p. 23^cm. Beri., 1936. Also Veroff. Medverwalt., 1936, 46: 915-1057. Assicurazione di responsabiliti civile; divieto di chiamare in garanzia l'assicuratore. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1935, 24: 13-5.— Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf Berufskrankheiten. Reichsgesundhbl., 1937, 12: 39-41; 272.—Balthazard, V. Maladies professionnelles et assurances sociales. Paris m£d., 1930, 77: 429.—Beintker, E. Unbestimmte medizinische Begriffe der Verordnung vom 11. Februar 1929 iiber die Aus- dehnung dei* Unfallversicherung auf Berufskrankheiten. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1934, 40: 16-9.—Boldrini, B. Criteri generali di valutazione delle menomazioni in materia di assicura- zione contro la malattie professionali. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1934, 54: Suppl., 254-8.—Bonvoisin, G. Influence demographique des caisses de compensation et de leurs services sociaux. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 7: 196-9.—Bottai, C. Riforma (La) delle leggi di assicurazione obbligatoria contro gli infortuni sui lavoro al Consiglio Na- zionale delle Corporazioni. Rass. previd. sociale, 1932, 19: No. 10, 24-69.—C., L. L'assimilazione delle malattie profes- sionali agli infortuni del lavoro in Francia. Ramazzini, 1910, 4: 350-60.—Carozzi, L. Das Internationale Arbeitsamt und ?W^i"^7runS d« Berufskrankheiten. Arch. Gewerbepath., rW vI^Ia7-29-—Cha->Aes- B. Die sozialhygienische Bedeutung lI?Unn8 U,b,er Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf gewerbliche Berufskrankheiten. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1926, iq^q, ai iT,r" £- L'escr°querie k l'assurance. Presse med., 1j„L l3f—Deutsches Reich; Erlass des Reichsarbeits- Sint, k ■' 5etr-^geT/bearztlicher Dienst im Lande Oester- a a u dei'_, Durchfiihrung der Dritten Verordnung uber Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf Berufskrankheiten, vom 13. April 1939. Reichsgesundhbl., 1939, 14: 487.— iJiez, h. Le malattie mfettive e parassitarie occasionate dal lavoro, nelle leggi delle assicurazioni sociali. Rass. previd. sociale 1929, 16: No. 12, 4-27.-DisPosizione per l'assicurt zione obbligatoria degli infortuni sui lavoro e delle malattie professionali. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1935, 20: 225-44 — Uomenichini, G. Appunti su l'assicurazione malattie profes- sionali. Boll. Soc. med. chir. Modena, 1934, 34: 93-106 — Untten (Zur) Verordnung uber Ausdehnung der Unfallver- sicherung auf Berufskrankheiten. Reichsgesundhbl., 1938, 13: 51—Urooge, J. van. Bedrijfsziekte en de Nederlandsche ongevallenverzekering. Centr. org. ongeval. verzeker., 1906, i' \~9.—Extension of insurance against occupational diseases. il £m- M. Ass., 1937, 108: 1190.—Ferrari. R. P. Brief aus italien; Emfuhrung der obligatorischen Versicherung gegen die Berufskrankheiten in Italien. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: "■—Francioni, G. Patologia professional e assicurazioni sociali. Rass. previd. social., 1933, 20: No. 10, 29-35.—G., io*qB* , ,T1 l^oro nell'Alrica italiana. Assist, sociale, Roma! I9d7, 11: 1003.—Giromoni, M. L'assicurazione obbligatoria delle malattie professionali. Ibid., 1938, 12: 1076-84.— Glibert, D. Les quatre premieres annees de l'Assurance des ™f professlonnelles en Belgique. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1932-33, 4: 400-13.—Goetze. Arbeitsunfallversicherung in Spamen. Vertrauensarzt, 1935, 3: 177.—Health insurance of women war workers. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 338.—Hoffman, F. L. The relation of insurance companies to industrial diseases Boston M. & S. J., 1914, 171: 662-8 [Discussion] 672-4.— Insurance of health of workers [Italv] J. Am. M. Ass., 1938 111: 2029.—Koelsch, F. Berufskrankheiten und Sozial- versicherung. In his Handb. Berufskrankh., Jena, 1937, 2: 1108-50. ------ Die Erfahrungen mit der Versicherung der gewerblichen Berufskrankheiten im ersten Jahr. Munch med Wschr 1927, 74:496. —---- Die Gleichstellung von Gewer- bekrankheiten mit den Unfallen; die Erfahrungen in Bayern im ersten Berichtsjahr. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1927, n. F., 4: 170-4.-—Kossanovitch. Assurances sociales et maladies pro- fessionnelles en Yougoslayie. Arch. mal. profess., Par., 1938, 1: 29-33.—KUhnl, O. Die Berufskrankheiten nach dem neuen (gewerblichen) Sozialversicherungsgesetz. Zsehr. Gewerbehyg., 1935, 42: 115.—Leoncini, F. Considerazioni mediche sulla assicurazione obbligatoria contro le malattie profefesionali Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1936, 46: 205; 242.—Leprotti, F. Per la liquidazione delle indennitd. di infortunio nelle zolfare di Sicilia. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1935,9:19-28.—Lewy.R. Medical aspects of compensation insurance. Proc. Internat. Ass Indust. Accid. Bds (1917) 1919, 4: 117.— Loriga, G. L'assicura- zione contro le malattie professionali degli operai. Igiene mod., 1909, 2: 165-74. ------ A proposito della assicurazione contro le malattie professionali. Difesa sociale, 1934, 13: 132-6.—Luxenburg, J. Die Berufskrankheiten als Gegen- stand der Sozialversicherung. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 646-9.—McCord, C. P., & Eyster, S. The monetary cost of occupational disease liability insurance. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 139-43.—Mariotti, F. L'assi- curazione contro gli infortuni sui lavoro e le malattie profes- sionali in Libia. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1939, 13: 850-2.— Mauro, G. La legge per l'assicurazione obbligatoria contro le malattie professionali e la sua applicazione pratica. Rass. previd. sociale, 1930, 17: 31-42.—Mendel, K. Verordnung uber die Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf gewerbliche Berufskrankheiten vom 12. Mai 1925. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 345.—Neumann. Zur 3. Verordnung uber Anwendung der Unfallversicherung auf Berufskrankheiten. Zbl. Haut Geschlkr., 1937, 57: 161.—Palmieri, V. M. Per l'assicurazione obbligatoria contro le malattie professionali. Riforma med., 1934, 50: 583. ------ Valore dell'assicurazione contro le malattie professionali. Ibid., 1129. —■---- L'assicurazione contro le malattie professionali. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1938, 19: 191-9.—Perrando, G. G. Alcool e tabacco in relazione alle assicurazioni sociali. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1930, 50: Suppl., 1599-602.—Prosperi, G. Alcuni rilievi sulla legge sull'assicurazione obbligatoria contro le. malattie professionali. Ibid., 1602-17. ------ Alcuni rilievi sui decreto che istituisce l'assicurazione obbligatoria contro le malattie professionali. Rass. previd. sociale, 1930, 17: No. 11, 5-17.—Raneletti, A. L'assicurazione obbligatoria contro le malattie professionali. Ibid., 1933, 20: No. 11, 14-24. Also Assist, sociale, Roma, 1934, 8: 1; 287.—Reckzeh. Welche Aufgaben erwachsen dem Arzt durch die Ausdehnung der Unfallversicherung auf gewerbliche Berufskrankheiten? Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1925, 22: 439-44.— Riforma (La) delle leggi d'assicurazione obbligatoria contro gli infortuni sui lavoro. Rass. previd. sociale, 1931, 18: No. 6, 1-45.—Riforma (La) delle leggi di assicurazione contro gli infortuni del lavoro e contro le malattie professionali. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1935, 20: 75-88.—Roepke, O. Die Einbezie- hung der Berufskrankheiten in die Unfallversicherung und die Zusammenhangsfrage. Zsehr. Bahnarzte, 1926, 21: 251-71.— Schweighaufer, F. Zur Frage der Mitwirkung des Staatlichen Gewerbearztes im Feststellungsverfahren bei Berufskrank- INDUSTRIAL WORKER heiten im Rahmen des §6 der Dritten Verordnung iiber Aus- dehnung der Unfallversichpruniz auf Berufskrankheiten. Arbeitsschutz, 1939, 302.- Sol brie Zur Einfuhrung der Zwangsversicherung gegen Bcruf-krankheiten in Italien. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1934, 40: 234-6—Tayler, H. H. The institute of actuaries, on paid-up policies and surrender values under the industrial assurance acts. J. Inst. Actuaries, Lond., 1932,63: 217-306.—Teleky. Verordnung uber Gleichstellung von Berufskrankheiten mit den Unfiillen. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 1782-5.—Togut, C. A. (>ne hundred million dollar premium, income for workmen's compensation insurance in 1941. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 182-4.—Unterhinninghofen, W. Die berufs- genossenschaftliche Versicherung. In Aerztl. Gutacht. (A. W. Fischer, & G. Molineus) Lpz., 1939, 2: 992-1016.—Witowski. Unfallversicherung. In Soc. Kult. & Volkswohlf. Kaiser Wilhelm II, Berl., 1913, 1: 193-206, 2 pl.—Zollinger, F. Die Stellung der Berufskrankheiten im Schweizerischen Unfall- versicherungsgesetz. Arch. (lewerbepath., 1930. 1:330-47.— Zur Verth, M. Rundschau: I'nfallheilkundeund Versicherungs- medizin. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1936, 27: H. 11, 16-25. ---- Sociology. Owen, A. D. K. The social consequences of industrial trans- ference. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1937, 107: 383.— Sherman, H. C. A glimpse of social economics in Porto Rico. Porto Rico J. Pub. Health, 1930-31, 6: 221-8.—Smith, W. C. The rural mind; a studv in occupational attitude. Am. J. Sociol., 1927, 32: 771-86.—Strunckmann, K. Die Volks- Wende. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1929, 31: 339-42. ---- Statistics and labor supply. Bodo, J. [A- magyar kfezmuvesiparossdg £letkor szerinti megoszhisa] Magy. statiszt. szemle, 1940, 18: 179.—Davis, W. C. Teachers don overalls. Occupations, 1941-42, 20: 440.—Dearborn, W. F., Rothney, J. W. M., & Shuttleworth, F. K. Occupational code. Monogr. Soc. Res. Child Develop., 1938, 3: No. 1, 20-2.—Hazlett, T. L., Chester, E. P., & Biram, J. H. [Rehabilitation] Indust. M„ 1943, 12: 27 (Abstr.)— Jones, J. H. The report of the Royal Commission on the distri- bution <>I the industrial population. J. R. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1940, 103: 323-43.—Kavanaugh, N. New terms for occupa- tional roles. Occupations, 1941-42, 20: 257- 9.—Myers, H. B. Dynamic* of labor supply. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1941, n. ser., 36: 175-84.—Palmer, G. L. The convertibilitv list of occupa- tions and the problems of developing it. Ibid., 1939, 34: 693- 708.—Seifert, H. E. The coding of occupations for machine tabulating purposes with reference principally to studies on occupational morbidity. J. Indust. Hyg., 1939, 21: 246-55.— Woodbury, R. M. Occupational changes in relation to the increasing age of the population in the United States. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 7: 108-17. ---- Supervision and management problems. Adams, R. W., & Pond, A. W. How to supervise. Personnel J., 1942-43, 21:-223-7.—Armstrong, T. O. New methods in promotion and hiring. Ibid., 1935-36, 14: 280-3.—Berni, I. J. Maintaining a responsive office staff. Admin. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr.. 74-7.—Burg, J. C. Personnel work and public relations. Personnel J., 1937-38, 16: 179-84.—Burnham, T. H., & Robinson, G. A. English management training methods. Ibid., 1936-37, 15: 183-7.— Estimating skilled labor requirements; a company report. Ibid., 1940-41, 19: 300-6.—Hardwick, G. A. The control of office work. Admin. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7.Congr., 69-73.—Jackey, D. E. Supervision; training. Personnel J., 1941-42, 20: 357-62.—Keegstra, H. Office management; recent developments in office technique. Admin. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 101-5.— Landis. J.M. The administrative process. Personnel J., 1938- 39, 17: 120-32.—Link, H. C. Psychological foundations of management. Proc. Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 46-8.—Moore, H. Supervision; selection. Personnel J., 1941-42, 20: 353-6.—Nienburg, B. M. Industrial self- regulation. Ibid., 1936-37, 15: 214-9.—Pritchard, G. C. Service, production, and quality records. Ibid., 129-35.— Seebauer, G. Die soziale Seite der Rationalisierung. Proc. Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr.. 31-5.— Shartle, C. L. New defense personnel techniques. Occupations, 1940-41, 19: 403-8.—Shepard, J. L. Recognition on the job. Personnel J.. 1937-38, 16: 111-9.—Some recent developments in the psychology of personnel management in Great Britain. Gen. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr. 84-6.—Stead, W. H. Democracy and social controls in indus- i'y. Am. Sociol. Rev., 1942, 7: 176-84.—Tead, O. New duties in personnel work. Personnel J., 1937-38, 16: 36-45.— Wolman, L. Employee elections in industry. Ibid., 1935-36 14: 243-6.—Wulfeck, W. H. Social changes in relation to industrial management. J. Social Psychol., 1942, 15: 145- 51.—Wylie, H. L. Adapting office procedures and facilities to administrative requirements. Admin. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 82-6. ---- Training and education. See also Industrial school. Burford, F. W. The importance of being educated for any job that one undertakes. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1938, 40: 450- INDUSTRIAL WORKER 5.—Corsi professionali per le maestranze operaie nei gruppo Montecatini. Gen. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 65-8.—Formazionc (La) ed il perfczionamento dei lavoratori. Ibid., 61-4.- Geiger. H. E., Remmers, H. H., & Greenly, R. J. Apprentices' attitudes toward their training and the construction of a diagnostic scale. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 32-41.—Jochen, A. L. Consider the trade journal. Occupations, 1942, 21: 214-8.—Price. D. G. Occupations included in the defense vocational training program. Ibid., 1941-42, 20: 181-90.—Rauch, F. R. Training for defense indus- try. Ibid., 191-3.—Sawyer, W. A. Medical aspects of voca- tional and industrial training. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 641.—Shepard, W. P. The trained worker goes to work. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1939, 29: 1313-7.—Smith, E. M. Foreman training in WPA. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 176-82.— Training for critical and essential occupations. Occupations, 1942-43, 21: 67-74.—Training (The) within industry, program. In Hearings Interstate Migr. U. S. Congr. H. Repr., 1941, 76. Congr., 3. sess., pt 10, 3927-9.—Training (The) of workers for the war industries. Science, 1942, 96: 464. ---- Vocation guidance, and placement. See also Psychotechnics; Vocation. Anderberg, R., & Westerlund, G. Psychological testing of abilities and personnel selection; researches in the textile industry. Acta psychol., Hague, 1940, 5: 16-52.—Appraising individual assets for service. Occupations, 1942-43, 21: 81- 91.—Bahnsen, P. [Intelligence tests and psychotechnio examinations with regard to the choice of occupation] Hospi- talstidende, 19,32, 75: [Kobenh. med. selsk. forh.] 40.—Burros, O. de. Orientagiio profissional dos aprendizes das escolas profissionais de Sao Paulo. Rev. neur. psiquiat. S. Paulo, 1942, 8: 25.—Bingham, W. V. Metocli non tenuti in valore nella psicologia dell'impiego. Riv. psicol., 1928, 24: 1-6.— Blum, M. L. A contribution to manual aptitude measurement in industry; the value of certain dexterity measures for the selection of workers in a watch factory. J. Appl. Psychol., 1940, 24: 381-416. —---- & Candee, B. The selection of department store packers and wrappers with the aid of certain psychological tests. Ibid., 1941, 25: 76; 291.—Brockmann- Rohne, K. Stand und Organisation der Berufsberatung und Lehrstellenvermittlung. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 517-20.— Coburn, G. A. The doctor's part in the personnel program. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 64-7.—Coerper, C. Aerztliche Berufs- beratung. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1927, 40: 209-15.—Corris, R. C. Testing before training. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 87-90.—Diez Gasca, M. Orientamento professionale e psico- tecnica. Difesa sociale, 1935, 154: 425-9.—Drake, C. A. Job tests. Personnel J., 1941-42, 20: 184-9.—Dudycha, G. J. Dependability and clerical aptitude. J. Appl. Psychol., 1939, 23: 3.32-6.—Dunford, R. E., Griffen, L. L., & Adams, S. The personnel testing program of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Psychol. Bulb, 1942, 39: 579.—Efforts (Les) francais dans le domaine de la selection rationnelle des travailleurs. Gen. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 74-7.— Freeman, G. L.. Manson, G. E. [et al.] The stress interview. J. Abnorm. Psychol.,1942, 37: 427-47.—Fulk, M. E. The measurement of physiological values in industry. J. Aviat. M., 1930, 1 : 237-94, ch.—Garner, J. R. The proper studv of man- kind is man. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 221.—Ghiselli, E. E. Tests for the selection of inspector-packers. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 468-76.—Hanman, B. The performance of adult males on the Minnesota Paper Form Board Test and the O'Rourke Mechanical Aptitude Test. Ibid., 809-11.—Hauck, K. Berufs- beratung und Unfallsdisposition. Zsehr. Kinderschutz, 1926, 18: 163-5.—Hay, E. N. Tests in industry; their proper use. Personnel J., 1941-42, 20: 3-15.—Hazlett, T. L. Placement of the worker. In Sympos. Indust. Health (M. Coll. Virginia) Richmond, 1941, 92-6. Also Indust. M., 1941, 10: 535 — Hoppe, F. Schwierigkeiten iirztiicher Berufsberatung. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1926, 39: 546-56.—Intelligent placing of war workers, women, older men and the handicapped; plans and practices outlined. Pittsburgh M. Bull., 1943, 32: 7-9.— Jacob, A. Psychotechnische Eignungspriifungen fiir weibliche Angestellte. Umschau, 1928, 32: 1009-11.—Kelley, D. J. The jobs joins. Hygeia, Chic, 1941, 19: 696-8.—Lahy, J. M. Les tests psychologiques et leurs applications industrielles. C._rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 327-12, 2 pl. -Lane. K. Selection of employees for [personal] service industries. Hospitals, 1942, 16: 116.—Lawshe, C. IL, jr. The Purdue Industrial Training Classification Test. J. Appl Psychol., 1942, 26: 770-6.—Lersmacher, G. Struktur- psychologische Erorterungen uber die arbeits- und berufs- typologischen Zusammenhange. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1931, 40: 239-76— Levitoff, N. Essai d'application des testa collectifs pour la repartition des apprentis. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 469-80.—Lorge, I., & Blau, R. D. Broad occupational groupings bv estimated abilities. Occupations, 1942-43, 21: 288-95.—Mitrano, A. J. The relationship between age and test performance of appli- cants to a technical-industrial high school. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 482-6.—Moskalenko, V. [Consideration of the influence of the work upon the constitution in the choice of a working crew] J. eksp. biol., Moskva, 1930, 14: 27-32.— Pachomichev, A. I. [Is medical consultation on choice of profession possible?] Mosk. med. J., 1927, 7: 3, No. 73-7.__ Pallister, H. Vocational preferences of school-leavers in a Scottish industrial area. Brit. J. Psychol., 1938-39 29- 144- INDUSTRIAL WORKER 173 INDUSTRIAL WORKER 66.—Paul, G. A. Study of the factors of employability; especially disabilities and infirmities of the elderly, and prob- lems arising from employment of the same. Indust. M., 1940, 9: 79-82.—Pechhold, E. Psychotechnik und Arbeiterauslese im Grossbetrieb. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 163-75.—Pende, N. La biotipologia umana quale fondamento della moderna fisiologia e medicina del lavoro. Rass. med. lavoro. indust., 1930, 1: 50-9.—Ponzo, M. La psicotecnica nell'ordinamento del lavoro industriale. Med. sociale, Nap., 1934, 24: No. 5, 3.—Randell, A. Volksschul- leistung, Eignungspriifung und handwerkliche Berufstiichtig- keit; Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung an Lehrlingen aus dem Wiirzburger Metallgewerbe. Zsehr. padag. Psychol., 1941, 42: 80-3.—Rodrigo, M. La psicotecnia en la prevenci6n de los accidentes del trabajo. Med. trabajo, 1930, 1: 403-17 — Rosenthal, D. Etablissement rationnel d'un test industriel k la base de la statistique. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 140-6.—Solomon, R. S. Do your tests pick good workers? Personnel J., 1941-42, 20: 277-83.— Tiffin, J. Placement of the industrial employee. J. Am. M. Ass, 1942, 118: 651.—Weisbach, W. Gewerbliche Berufs- kunde. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1926-27, 9: 455-8. ---- Wages. Hinrichs, A. F. Wages in cot£on-goods manu- facturing. 154p. 23cm. Wash., 1938. Balderston, C. C. Wage-setting research. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 220-4.—Burk, S. L. H. Salary and wage adminis- tration. Ibid., 105-15.—Mitchell, W. Industrial wage and hour surveys for management guidance. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1939, 34: 482-91.-—Nicol, E. A. Selling employees on job-wage revision. Personnel J., 1935-36, 14: 273-9. ---- Welfare. See also Age, Sociological aspects; Group, Social security. Claude, G. *Du village a la citl industrielle: evolution de la protection sanitaire et sociale, Joeuf (Meurthe-et-Moselle) 121p. 25cm. Nancy, 1936. Brentnall, M. The industrial worker's family in war-time. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1940, 36: 1144.—Bulla, A. L'assistenza ai lavoratori in Italia. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1935, 9: Suppl., 1-30.—Coombs, C. H. A factor analytical approach to job families. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39:452 (Abstr.)—Duncan, M. E. Personnel practices of 2 electrical equipment companies with reference to employee training and welfare. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1932, 8: 295.—Gillet, E. Le service social dans l'industrie. Rev. hyg. m6d. social., Par., 1938, 17: 171; 212.—Gurevich, Z. A., & Petrov, P. T. [Deviations in the health of the worker's families] Vrach. delo, 1938, 20: 691; 989.—Henderson, L. J., & Mayo, E. The effects of social environment. J. Indust. Hyg., 1936, 18: 401-16.—Kuiper, T., & Lennep, D. J. van. Social assistance to personnel as a permanent service; selection of staff and psychological organisa- tion. Gen. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 87-90.—Mason, A. T. Doubts new law will aid workers. Personnel J., 1935-36, 14: 216-21.—Newman, G. The welfare of the industrial worker. In his Building Nat. Health, Lond., 1939, 360-89.—Oliver, T. Industrial welfare under existing conditions. J. State M., Lond., 1933, 41: 497- 504.—Seldte, F. Die Altersversorgung des Deutschen Hand- werks. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1939, 13: 111-5.—Smith, G. Some aspects of industrial welfare work. J. State M., Lond., 1927, 35: 228-39.—Spline, R. E. The worker's welfare; what one plant is doing about it. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 68.—Welfare in factories [Great Britain] J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1391 — Welfare work in factories. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 26. --- Working hours. New York State. Department of Labor. Hours of work in relation to health and efficiency [4p.] 26^cm. [N. Y., 1941] Bauer, T. Vorschlage zur Beschriinkung notwendiger Arbeitszeitverlangerungen in durchgehend arbeitenden Betrie- ben. Arbeitsschutz, 1940, 248-51.—Bradford, E. A. M. The evils of long working hours. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 266.—Hours of work. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 423-6.—Hours of work and efficiency. Nature, Lond., 1940, 146: 108-10.—Hours of work in wartime. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 527.—Overtime and overtmng. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 181.—Scotus, D. Working hours. Ibid., 2: 652.—Vernon, H. M. The contrast between men and women in their reaction to long working hours. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1942, 5: 166-8.—Wiberg, M. Work-time analysis. Per- sonnel J., 1940-41, 19: 216-30.—Wilkinson, G. R. Is the 8- hour day physiological? South. M. & S., 1941, 103: 670. ---- Young worker. Baker, G. C. What should be the obligations and rights of a minor in regard to notice and demand? Bull. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., 1934, No. 602, 19-22.—Barros Barreto, J. de. Obligatoriedade dos exames medicos pen6dicos para os menores empregados nas industrias. Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1930-31, 4: 621-44.—Bashford, H. Adolescents in industry Practitioner, Lond., 1942, 148: 359-63.—Hazardous occupa- tions for young workers. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1373.— Health (The) of adolescent workers [Belgium] Ibid., 1938, 110: 2095.—Johnson, E. S., & Wallen, S. The hazardous- occupations program; an administrative function of the Chil- dren's Bureau. Child, Wash., 1941, 6: 21-3.—Ohnishi, S. Jugendfiirsorge, insbesondere fiir die Arbeiterklassen in Japan. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 669-71.—Petruchenko, A., Varfolomeiev, M., & Petrov, L. [Survey of work and life of industrial youth of Moskva] Mosk. med. J., 1927, 7: No. 9, 92-6.—Thiele, D., & Meier. Die sozial-biologische Gefahrdung der Jugendlichen. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 649-53. INDUSTRY. See also Industrial hygiene; Industrial medi- cine; Industrial work; Industrial worker; also under names of industries and trades as Dairy industry; Home industry; Metal industry, etc.; also Occupation. California. Department of Industrial Relations. Report. S. Franc,. 1933- Ohio Department of Health. Industrial survey of the State of Ohio. 291p. 23)^cm. Columbus, 1940. Arensberg, C. M. Industry and the communitv. Am. J. Sociol., 1942-43, 48: 1-12.—Block, H. Subcontracting in German defense industries. Social Res., 1942, 9: 4-21.— Bridge, J. C. The influence of industry on public health. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1933, 26: 943-51.—Camail. Protection et dfrveloppement de la main-d'oeuvre indigene chez l'adulte. Rapp. Congr. san. pub., Marseille, 1922, 3. Congr., 389-406 — Considine, D. M. Modern instruments and controls. Sc. Month., 1942, 54: 455-60.—Farkasfalvy, S. A magyar gy&ripar helyzete 1940-ben. Magy. statiszt. szemle, 1941, 19: 617-42.— Hambly, A. N. Some problems of Australian industry. Aus- tralas. J. Pharm., 1942, 23: 157.—Human problems of progres- sive industry. Nature, Lond., 1937, 139: 85-7.—Industrial congestion and the public health; report of the Royal Commis- sion. Brit. M. J., 1940, 1: 404.—Legge, R. T. Occupations of antiquity. Indust. M., 1933, 2: 145-51.—Location of industry on Merseyside. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 437.—Lowy, J. Medizinische Betrachtungen iiber die Rationalisierungs- bestrebungen in der Industrie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 568-71.—Ritchie, T. K. A mecanizacao da humanidade. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 334, 157.—Shustov, A. [But- ton and comb making as a home industry] Vrach. delo, 1927, 10: 1333.—Turner, R. The cultural significance of the early English industrial town. Univ. Iowa Stud. Social Sc, 1941, 11: No. 2, 32-77. ---- Classification. Mexico. Direcci6n general de ESTADfsTiCA. Nomenclatura nacional de ocupaciones. 148p. 8? M6x., 1933. Fels, B., & Whelpton, P. K. An industrial classification for reports from individuals. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1940, 35: 74- 85.—Kolesnikoff, V. S. Standard classification of industries in the United States. Ibid., 65-73.—Moir, J. R. A classification of the eolithic industries of England. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 220.—Palmer, G. L. Some considerations involved in apprais- ing the adequacy of occupational statistics. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1941, n. ser., 36: 61-70. ---- Economics. Luck, P. *Die Gewerbesteuer als Finanz- und Wirtschaftsproblem in der kommunalen Finanz- politik Preussens [Philos.] [4]p. 22%cm. Gies- sen, 1925. Doblin, E. The German profit stop of 1941. Social Res., 1942, 9: 371-8.—Hayes, F. A. Constructive purchasing policies. Product. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 17-22.—Relation between industrial homework and industrial depressions. In Handb. Lab. Statist. (Parker, F. E.) Wash., 1936, 197.—Slocombe, C. S. Labor costs and adminis- tered prices. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 241-6. ---- Organization and planning. Greensfelder, A. P. The business man and his regional planning, lip. 23cm. Urbana, 1936. Hawkes, A. W. The public and a program for industrial harmony. 18p. 22cm. [N. Y., 1939] Angus, M. Reorganisation of industry to provide manpower. Australas. J. Pharm., 1942, 23: 616.—Batt, W. L. Manage- ment's role in defense. J. Franklin Inst., 1942, 233: 125-33 — 74 INDUSTRY INDUSTRY 1 Biegeleisen. B. La psychotechnique et l'organisation scientifi- que du travail. C. rend. ("onf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 289-96.— Brule, A. Aspects humains et psycho- logiques de l'organisaiiuii. Proc. Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 49-52.—Caceres, A. M. La psico- tecnia en la racionalizacion del trabajo. Rev. psiquiat. Uruguay, 1940, 5: No. 26, 15-23.—Chappie, E. D. Organization problems in industry. Appl. Anthrop., 1941-42, 1: 2-9.—Cowdrick, E. S. Problems of industrial statesmen. Personnel J., 1936-37, 15: 119-28.—Devinat, P. LTnstitut international d'organisa- tion scientifique du travail. C. rend. Conf. internat. psvcho- techn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 634-40.—Holden, P. E., Fish, L. S., & Smith, H. L. Top-management organization and control. Personnel J., 1941-42. 20: 243-53.—Kendall, H. P. The con- stituents and functions of the administrative group. Admin. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 10-2.— Lachmann, K. More on the Herman Boring works. Social Res., 1942. 9: 396-401.—Lava, V. G. The establishment of the home market as the basis for our industrialization program. Bull. Nat. Res. Counc. Philippines, 1938, No. 17, 169 — McCormick, C. P. Junior executive boards. Personnel J., 1937-38, 16: 151-8.—Moede, W. Arbeitswirtschaft als psychotechnische Rationalisierung. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1927) 1929, 4. Conf., 267-72.—Murray, H. G. Health supervision of executives in industry. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: 627-30.—Pomilio, U. Razionalizzazione del lavoro nell'industria chimica mediante cicli continui. Product. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 60.—Ponzo, M., & Banissoni, F. Rapporti tra university ed organizzazioni industriali per l'organizzazione scientifica del lavoro; un esempio. Ibid., 27-9.—Post-war industrial reconstruction. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 279-81.—Schwarz, S. M. Heads of Russian factories; a sociological study. Social Res., 1942, 9: 315-33.—Starch, D. An analysis of the careers of 150 executives. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 435 (Abstr.)— Zimmler. E. Das Zustandekommen des ersten Internationalen Kongresses fiir wissenschaftliche Organisation der Arbeit, seine Aufgaben, seine Bedeutung und sein Einfluss auf die Weiterentwicklung des Gedankens. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 831-3. ---- Production. Alger, P. L. The importance of the statistical viewpoint in high production manufacturing. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1941, n. ser., 36: 50-2.—Fabricant, S. Problems in the measurement of the physical volume of output, by industries. Ibid., 1938, 33: 564-70.—Man-power and war production. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 733-5.—Mora Otero, J. A. Conference of American Associations for Commerce and Production. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1941, 75: 497-503.—Rathbone, A. D., 4th. A pier in time; psychology joins with engineering skill to pro- duce a hospital pier in record time of 43 days. Sc American, 1942, 167: 14.—Schulze-Gaevernitz. Die Maschine in der Wirtschaftsordnung der Gegenwart. Umschau, 1930, 34: 221-4.—Sociological aspects of production committees. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 1-3.—Vinogradov, M. I. [Rhythm as one of the factors of high production in factories] Sborn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937, 6. Congr., 326-31.—Wallis, W. D. Der Einfluss der Geistesform auf Methode und Theorie. Zsehr. Volkerpsychol., 1930, 6: 10-21. ---- Research. American Refractories Institute. Re- fractories investigations in Mellon Institute on the American Refractories Institute's multiple industrial fellowship. 20p. 21%cm. Pittsb., 1940. Bernal, J. D. Science and industry. In Frustr. Science (Hall, D., et al.) Lond., 1935, 42-78.—Buckley, O. E. Research laboratories in industries. Science, 1942, 96: 100-2.—Hamor, W. A. Industrial research. Britan. Bk 1942, 347-50.— Industrial growth; new products and processes that reflect applications of research to industrial production. Sc. Ameri- can, 1942, 166: 92-6.—Kettering, C. F. Address. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1941, 30: 520-8.—Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 29.—Midgley, T., jr. Science and industry. Ohio J. Sc, 1942, 42: 161-4.—Or- ganizzazione (L') Servizio di documentazione dell'ENIOS, Ente nazionale italiano per l'organizzazione scientifica del lavoro. Admin. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 115-9.—Present status of research work under the auspices of the War Production Board. -Science, 1942, 96: 104.—Ratcliff, J. D. Science prophet. In his Lives & Dollars, N. Y., 1941, 131-43.—Scientific and industrial research in New Zealand. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 667.—Simon, L. E. On the initiation of statistical methods for quality control in industry. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1941, n. ser., 36: 53-60.— Tata Hall. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 159.—Urey, H. C. The position of science in modern industry. In Science & Man (Anshcn. R. N.) N. Y., 1942, 163-71.—Wells, H. L. Industry; a catalyst to science. Sigma Xi Q., 1935, 23: 58- 64.—West, V. J., & Hull, C. Industrial research laboratories of the United States including consulting research laboratories. Bull. U. S. Nat. Res. Counc, 1931, No. 81, 5-267; 1933 No 91 1-223. ---- Resources. Block, H. German methods of allocating raw materials. Social Res.. 1942, 9: 356-70.—Materials. Rev. Sc. lustrum., 1942, 13: 306.—Randolph, E. E. Important North Carolina raw materials and manufacturing facilities available for war use. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, 1942, 58: 126.—War Resources Board. Chem. Warf. Bull., 1939, 25: 159-61. ---- in wartime. [Baruch, B. M.] Taking the profits out of war; a program for industrial mobilization. 150p. 8? [N. Y.? 1936?] Anderson, N., & Rogg, N. H. Impact of the war on labor and industry. Am. J. Sociol., 1942-43, 48: 361-8.—Maldonado, A. Utilizaci6n de ciertas industrias del pals, en caso de movi- Iizaci6n. Rev. san. mil., Lima, 1939, 12: 72-90.—Sloan, A. P., jr. Wartime production. J. Am. Insur., 1941, 18: No. 12, 17.—Slocombe, C. S. How to increase war production. Personnel J., 1941 42, 20: 194-204.—War stimulus to manu- facturers. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 678.—Wilson, H. J. De- lays in war production. Personnel J., 1942-43, 21: 273-6. INEBRIETY. See Alcoholism. INEICHEN, Josef. *Hundertundachtzig Kai- serschnitte an der Krankenanstalt Aarau in den Jahren 1921-25 [Zurich] 35p. 8? Luzern, Schill & cie, 1926. INERTIA. For psychological inertia see Sluggishness; for organic inertia see under the names of organs. INFANCIA y juventud. B. Air., v.2, 1937- INFANCY. See Infant. INFANT. See also Child; Childhood; Infant mortality; Infant nutrition; Infant welfare; Maternity; Newborn; Prematurity, etc. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, The baby. 32p. 19^cm. N. Y. [1941?] Bertrand, F. L. L'enfant de 2 ans. C. rend. Congr. inter- nat. enf. (1931) 1933, 9. Congr., 260-2.—Blonsky, P. P. Friih- und Spatjahrkinder. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1929, 3. F., 74: 115- 20.—Bolt, R. A. The infant before, during, and after birth. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1931, 21: 843-50—Coolidge, E. L. Some facts and fancies about babies. Hygeia, Chic, 1936, 14: 208-11.—Irwin, O. C. Infancy: a frontier of science. Ibid., 1935, 13: 503; 570.—McCann, J. D. The baby. Proc. Indiana Eclect. M. Ass. (1905-6) 1906, 41: 73-6. ---- Anatomy and biometry. See also subheadings; also Growth (human) Aleonard, J. J. L. *Etude statistique sur les gros enfants; observations de la Clinique d'accouchements de Bordeaux 1924-33. 61p. 25cm. Bord., 1934. Brochier, J. Contribution k I'etude des enfants pesant moins de 1,500 gr. k la naissance; leur vitality; leur avenir. 79p. 25^cm. Lyon, 1939. Albano, G. Der Verdauungskanal des Neugeborenen (anatomische und physiologische Rontgenstudie) Mschr. Kinderh., 1929-30, 45: 306-17.—Bustamante Espinoza. W. Consideraciones sobre mediciones pondoestaturales del reci6n nacido y lactantes en Santiago. Rev. chilena pediat., 1940, 11: 784-6. ------ Estudio pondo-estatural del reci&i nacido y del lactante. Ibid., 803-10.—Gunn, W. R. L. An ab- normally large infant. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1928, 18: 711.— Marchante, R. F. Relaci6n entre el peso y la estatura de loa nifios. Puerto Rico Health Bull., 1942, 6: 19-22.—Mottola, N. L'influenza della giacitura sulla forma del cranio nei lattanti. Morgagni, 1935, 77: 101.—Pretto, J. C, & Huaman Oyague, N. Desarrollo antropom6trico del lactante en Lima. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1942, 59: 117-9.—Robin, P. A propos de la morphologie infantile. J. m6d. Paris, 1931, 51: 11. Also Med. inf., Par., 1931, 38: 68-75.—Saito, I. Examination of infants in Mukden in 1936. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1937, 27: 116.—Schmitt, R. Das Nervensystem und der Situs viscerum eines vier Wochen alten Sauglings. Anat. Anz., 1927, 64: 84-7.—Suzuki, T. Wie muss ein japanischer Normalsaugling beschaffen sein? Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto. 1930, 7: 31-5. INFANT 17 ---- Atrophy. See under Infant nutrition. ---- Behavior. See Infant, Psychology; also Behavior, infant. ---- Biochemistry. See also Infant, Metabolism; also Infant nutri- tion. Fukuyama, M. Die Katalasezahl des Blutes beim gesunden und kranken Saugling. Mschr. Kinderh., 1928, 40: 441-3.— Guest, G. Variations in the diastase of the blood of infants. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 196: 397.—Moritz, D., & Kerpel- Fronius, O. [Histochemical investigations on infants] Orvos- kepz£s, 1932, 22: Oct. Kulonf., 77-9—Suranyi, G., & Sonnauer. P. [Viscosimetric studies on infants] Ibid., 80-6.—Tur, A. F, Beobachtungen iiber die fermentativen Eigenschaften des Blutes und des Magensaftes bei Kindern im 1. Lebensjahre. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927-28, 45: 468-86. ---- Biology and physiology. Auricchio, L. Peculiarity anatomo-fisiologiche del lattante. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1939, 12: 66-73.—Biihler, C, & Spiel- mann, L. Die Entwicklung der Korperbeherrschung beim Kinde im ersten Lebensjahr. Zsehr. Psvchol. Physiol. Sinnes- org., 1. Abt., 1928, 107: 3-29.—Burghard, E., & Wunnerlich, A. Das Elektrokardiogramm des Sauglings, des Neugeborenen und des Fruhgeborenen. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 45: 56-67.— Egidi, E. Fascia a nastro e termoregolazione nei lattante. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 497-505.—Hecker, R. Der Saugling in Abhangigkeit von der Jahreszeit. Bl. Ge- sundhfurs., 1927-28, 5: 132-48, ch.—Koch. L. A. Anatomy and physiology [infants] Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Appleton) 1935, 7: 3-20.—Lesage, A. Acerca de la influencia de la temperatura estival sobre el lactante (fiebre del calor) Progr. clin., Madr. 1926, 34: 39-47.—Nizzoli, C. Quaderni di fisiologia del lat- tante. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1932, 10: 397; 1933, 11: 65 — Portmann, A. Die biologische Bedeutung des ersten Lebens- jahres beim Menschen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 921-4.—Richards, T. W. The relationship between bodily and gastric activity of newborn infants; simultaneous variations in the bodily and gastric activity of newborn infants under long-continued light stimulation. Human Biol., 1936, 8: 381-6.—Segura, A. S. Registro e interpretation de la actividad cardiovascular en el lactante normal. Rev. argent, card., 1936-37, 3:3; 85; 167. ---- Care and nursing. See also Infant nutrition; also Child, Care. Zenker, I. Pflege des gesunden Sauglings. p.271-322. 25^cm. Lpz., 1939. Abt, I. A. The management of the infant during the first 3 months of life. Med. Rec, Houston, 1934, 28: 507-14. Also J. Indiana M. Ass., 1935, 28: 573-9. Also Radiol. Rev., 1936, 58: 123-33.—Amarante, J. Cuidados com o lactante normal. Fol. med., Rio, 1927, 8: 133-8.—Borovsky, M. P. Common errors in the care of infants. Illinois M. J., 1926, 49: 491-5.— Bradford, O. F. The care of infants. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1938, 35: 224-6.—Brossard, L. C. A study of the time spent in the care of babies. J. Home Econom., 1926, 18: 123-7.— Cacace, E. Nipiologia y education del lactante. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1938, 9: 5-13.—Care of nurslings and infants. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 804.—Catecismo higi<5nico del nino. Salud & san., Bogotfi, 1940-41, 10: No. 108, 22-4.—Catel, W. Entwicklung, Ernahrung und Pflege des gesunden Klein- und Schulkindes. In his Pflege gesund. & krank. Kind., Lpz., 1939, 323-31.—Chittenden, G. E. Como falar its criancas. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 333, 143-5.—Coblentz, C. C. First babies. Trained Nurse, 1937, 99: 601-5.—Coolidge, E. L. The general care of the infant's skin. Med. Sentinel, 1930, 38: 352-5.—2cm. Par., 1938. Haselmayr, I. *Die geringere Sterblichkeit gestillter Sauglinge im Spiegel einer Untersuchung von 450 Sauglingstodesfallen. 22p. 23cm. Miinch., 1937. Roscher [P. K.] W. *Ueber den Grund der Totgeburt und die Ursache der Friihsterblichkeit bei Spontangeburten [Leipzig] 32p. 8? Zeu- lenroda, 1936. Schaank, J. R. H. *Over de doodsoorzaken der pasgeborenen. 71p. 24cm. Leiden [1929] Sturm, P. *Die Todesursachen und deren forensische Bedeutung bei Neugeborenen und in den ersten Lebenswochen Verstorbenen [Miin- chen] 41p. 8? Ludenscheid, 1933. A. Brasil, M. de. Causas da mortalidade na primeira in- fancia. Arq. riogrand. med., 1938, 17: 243-8.—Altmann Smythe, J. Espejismo de los resultados de la multinatalidad. Guatemala m6d., 1942, 7: No. 8, 13-5.—Anteil (Der) der Verdauungskrankheiten an der Sauglingsterblichkeit. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 364.—Archambault, J. Artificial feedmg and infant mortality. Bull, san., Montreal 1935, 35: 111-4.—Barthe, L. Une cause m^connue de mortality infantile. J. med. Bordeaux, 1927, 57: 471.—Bjerre, H. Sur la mortalite infantile primaire; rapports avec le poids du foetus et l'eti- ologie. Gyn. obst., Par., 1938, 38: 438-43.—Breyer, G. [Striking correlation of infantile mortality and the daily varia- tions of temperature of the child] Budapesti orv. ujs , 1936, 34: 1092-4.—Burkhardt, F. Relationen, die die Sterblich- keitsstatistik der ersten Lebensjahre durchziehen Congr internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 5: 183-7.— Camerer, w! Zur Todesursachenstatistik im Sauglingsalter. Mschr Kinderh 1937, 68: 343-6.—Carvalho Borges, S. M. de. Mortalidade INFANT MORTALITY 183 INFANT MORTALITY infantil; perturbacoes da nutrigao. Pediat. prat., S. Paulo, 1935, 6: 111-28, 4 ch.—Chevallier, A. Les nourrices; la mor- tality des enfants. J. chim. med., Par., 1869, 5. s6r., 5: 598- 602.—Chodak-Gregory, H. H. Acute respiratory diseases as a factor in infant mortality. Hosp. Social Serv., 1928, 17: 533-40.—Christiansen, J. Saughngssterblichkeit und Volks- ernahrung. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49. Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med., 103-7.—Concepcion, I. Infant mortality and nutrition of the mother. Rev. filip. med., 1928, 19: 240-5.—Deacon, W. J. V. The influence of respiratory diseases on the infant mortality rate. Michigan Pub. Health, 1936, 24: 43-50, 4 ch.—Ebbs, J. H., & Mulligan, F. The incidence and mortality of breast- and artificially-fed infants admitted to hospital with infections. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1942, 17: 217-9.—Fatal accidents to infants in wartime. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1942, 23: No. 11, 3-5.—Gastro- intestinal disease and infant mortality. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1445-7.—Gate, J., Dechaume, J. [et al.] Contribution k la pathogenie de la mort rapide chez les nourrissons ecz6ma- teux. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 102: 777-9.—Gini, C. Sulla selettivitil delle cause di morte durante l'infanzia. Metron, Roma, 1933-34, 11: 163-83, 2 ch.—Green, H. W. An analysis of infant mortality by causes. J. Prev. M., 1926-27, 1: 391- 400.—Haas, F. H. de. Die Uebersterblichkeit der Knaben als Folge recessiver geschlechtsgebundener Erbanlagen. Zsehr. menschl. Vererb., 1938-39, 22: 105-26—Iordachescu, Z. [Mortality of infants due to early weaning] Romania med., 1928, 6: 64.—[League of Nations inquiry on the causes of infantile mortality] Ned. mschr. geneesk., 1929-30, 16: 361-441.—Lestocquoy, C. Mortality infantile et mauvais lait; les m6faits de la pasteurisation. Gaz. m6d., 1927, 673-7.— Lozano, A. R. Sifilis y tuberculosis en relaci6n con la mortali- dad en el primer afio de la vida. Arch, espaii. pediat., 1931, 15: 661-84. Also Pediat. espafi., 1931, 20: 401-27.—Meier, E. Eine internationale Enqu6te fiber die Ursachen der Saughngs- sterblichkeit. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1926-27, n. F., 2: 512-9.— Miller, F. J. W. Analysis of 272 infant deaths. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1942, 17: 61.—Mortalidad (La) de los ninos en su relacion con los cortes de cafe. Bol. san. Guatemala, 1938, 9: 547-9.—Nardi, G. M. Le cause della mortality infantile in una inchiesta del dott. De Lieutaud nei 1776. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1936, 14: 382-7.—Nobecourt & Bou- langer-Pilet, G. Les morts subites ou impr6vues chez les nourrissons. J. med. Paris, 1929, 48: 1009; 1031. Also Med. inf., Par., 1929, 35: 258; 289; 321.—Palmer, L. Factors affecting the mortality in early infancy. Kentucky M. J., 1934, 32: 128-30.—Peiper, A. As;one und Tod im frfihen Sauglingsalter. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 119-21 — Pfaundler, M. Saughngssterblichkeit und Erblichkeit. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 395-8.—Plaschke, U. Inter- nationale Erhebung fiber die Ursachen der Saughngssterblich- keit. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1926-27, 2: 438-44.—Problema de mortalidad infantil en las fincas; los beneficios de cafe y su relaci6n estrecha con tal problema; brillante pl&tica cientifica de los Doctores Castillo y Vilanova. Bol. san. Guatemala, 1938, 9: 532.—Reploh, H. Die Ursachen der Friihsterblich- keit; eine Erhebung im rheinisch-westfalischen Industriegebiet. Gesundhffirs. Kindesalt., 1930, 5: 292-306.—Rodriguez R., J. M. Mortalidad infantil por causas cong£nitas. Rev. san., Caracas, 1942, 7: 144—59.—Rose, I. Some dangers in the first month of life. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1940, 16: 331-42.— Rott. Der Anteil der Verdauungskrankheiten an der Sauglings- sterblichkeit. Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 669.—SaxI, O. Ursachen der Friihsterblichkeit. Mschr. Kinderh., 1935-36, 64: 136-57.—Schirmer, W. Ueber den Einfluss geschlechts- gebundener Erbanlagen auf die Sausrlingssterblichkeit. Arch. Rassenb., 1928-29, 21: 353-93.—Scott, G. D. Factors in infant mortality. Med. World, 1940, 58: 19; 90. ------ Nutrition and conduct in longevity of children. Ibid., 1941, 59: 331-4.—Seibert, H. C. Observations on the somatic constitution of mothers with and without infant mortality among their progeny. Human Biol., 1940, 12: 232-46.— Smith, R. M. The important causes of infant mortality. Child Health Bull., 1929, 5: 97-109.—Sure, B. The inefficiency of the lactating mother (Mus norvegicus albinus) to secrete vitamin B in the milk and the relation of such phenomenon to infant mortality. Science, 1927, 66: 265.—Szel, T. Statistik der Todesursachen des Sauglingsalters. Verh. ungar. iirztl. Ges., 1929, 1: 43-6.—Teichmann, E. Die Sterblichkeit der Erstgeburten wahrend des Sauglingsjahres. Zbl. Gyn., 1931, 55: 1194-201.—Vaternahm, T. Wandlungen in der Todesur- sachengruppierung der Saughngssterblichkeit. Zsehr. Hyg., 1932, 114: 302.—Williams, J. E. Infantile and maternal mortality in relation to nutrition. Nature, Lond., 1936, 137: 529-31.—Yerushalmy, J. Age of father and survival of off- spring. Human Biol., 1939, 11: 342-56.—Ylppo, A. Ueber die Mortalitat und Pathologie der Friihgeburten und Neugebore- nen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 69: 407-15.------ Verdauungs- storungen und Luftwegserkrankungen als Todesursache der Sauglinge. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1939, 27: ser. B, No. 1, 1-7. ---- Causes: Climate and seasons. Adrian-Gonin, M. *L'evolution de la mor- tality estivale du nourrisson. 41p. 24}£cm. Strasb., 1936. Brand, A. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit in der Stadt Minister in den Jahren von 1900 bis 1929, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Witterungs- verhaltnisse [Miinster] 30p. 8? Bottrop, 1932. Brod, W. M. *Der Riickgang des Sommer- gipfels der Saughngssterblichkeit; eine statistische Betrachtung zur Entwicklung der Sommersaug- lingssterblichkeit in der Kreishauptstadt Wiirz- burg. 22p. 22/2cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Busch, E. Das Verschwinden des Sommergipfels der Saughngssterblichkeit. Gesundhffirs. Kindesalt., 1932, 7: 249-74.—Gottstein, A. Neues vom Sommergipfel der Saughngs- sterblichkeit. Virchows Arch., 1935, 295: 343-65.—Grulee, C. G., Sanford, N. H. [et al.] Age and seasonal incidence in the morbidity and mortality of 20,000 infants in the first 9 months of life. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1935, 49: 825.—Iwasaki, T. Infant mortality in relation to the climate of Japan. Rep. Inst. Sc. Labour, Kurasiki, 1934, No. 23, 1-18.—Morrell, C. C. Recent changes in the seasonal distribution of marriages and their effect upon the incidence of births and upon infantile mortality. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 5: 1-12.— Risel. Die Sommersterblichkeit in Leipzig. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 557.—Yerushalmy, J. Hour of birth and stillbirth and neonatal mortality rates. Child Develop., 1938, 9: 373-8. ---- Causes: Medical factors. See also names of specific causes as Cesarean section, etc. Deutsch, W. *Primare Kindersterblichkeit bei und nach Geburten in Hinterhauptslage. 48p. 8? Berl., 1933. Geltz, F. *Ueber Friihsterblichkeit an bayerischen Gebaranstalten [Miinchep] 15p. 8? Munch., 1929. Spiegelburg, A. *Kindliche Mortalitat bei poliklinischer Geburtshilfe. 33p. 23cm. Berl., 1939. Boggess, S. R. The relationship of infant mortality to prenatal care. Kentucky M. J., 1934, 32: 125-7.—Coester, E. Zur Kindersterblichkeit in den geburtshilflichen Kliniken. Zbl. Gyn., 1933, 57: 2295-8.—Duffield, T. J., & Weiner, L. The use of vital records in the reduction of fetal, infant, and maternal mortality; operative procedures for delivery and their effects on neonatal and maternal mortality. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1942, 32: 803-10.—Eckstein-Schlossmann, E. Zur Frage des Hospitalismus in Sauglingsanstalten. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1926, 42: 31-8.—Hohlfeld, M. Die Sterblichkeit der Krippen- kinder. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1930, 3. F., 77: 212-20.—Horvath, K. [Influence of active obstetrical management upon fetal and neonatal mortality] Orvosk6pz6s, 1937, 27: 712-21.—Lehmann, H. Proluton und Knabenubersterblichkeit. Zbl. Gyn., 1939, 63: 2505-7.—Lewis, D. M. The medical factors in infant mortality. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1935, 142: 27; 66.—Polano, O. Was lehrt die Fruhsterblichkeitsstatistik der bayerischen Gebaranstalten? Miinch. med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 1140-3 — Poletti, P. La mortality infantile nei primo biennio di vita in un reparto ospedaliero. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 483- 7.—Pritzi, O. Kindersterblichkeit bei Geburten und Zangen- anwendung. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1926-27, 129: 592-609.— Zecca, E. Alcune considerazioni sulla mortality infantile per disturbi della nutrizione in ambiente ospedaliero. Pediatria (Riv.) 1938, 46: 621-7. ---- Causes: Social, economic, and racial factors. Alexander, K. E. *Untersuchungen iiber den Anteil der Frtihgeburtensterblichkeit an der Friihsterblichkeit der Sauglinge und Ursache der Friihgeburt und sozialer Lage der Mutter [Freiburg] 36p. 21^cm. Seyer, 1937. Csillag, I. *Statistische Untersuchungen uber die Hohe und Ursachen der Saughngs- sterblichkeit in verschiedenen sozialen Gruppen [Frankfurt] 27p. 8? Debrecen, 1927. Green, H. W. Infant mortality and economic status, Cleveland five-city area [1919-37] 123p. 28cm. [Clevel.] 1939. Haguenauer-Brum, T. *Der Einfluss des Weltkrieges auf die Geburtenzahl und die Sauglihgssterblichkeit. 7p. 8? Zur., 1924. Koch-Schwalbe, .A. *Ueber die Saughngs- sterblichkeit der Unehelichen in Berlin im Jahre 1922-23 [Berlin] 15p. 8? [Berl.] 1927. INFANT MORTALITY 184 INFANT MORTALITY Aiello, G., & Pezza, E. L'alimentazione e l'ambiente rurale nei determinismo della mortalita infantile. Difesa sociale, 1937, 16: 792- 802.—Bellows, M. T., & Reed, L. J. Effect of certain environmental factors on urban infant mortality rates. Am. J. Hyg., 1934, 20: 565-73.—Cacace, E. I fattori dell'am- biente fisico e sociale della mortality infantile. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1937, 15: 147-9. Capellini, A. La mortality e la morbilitA infantile nei primo biennio di vita in rapporto alia professione dei genitori. Med. lavoro, 1939, 30: 313; 347.— Carelli, A. Di alcuni fattori sociali della mortalita infantile. Difesa sociale, 1927, 6: No. 6, 4-15.—Causes of infant mortality in relation to nationalitv of mothers. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1935, 16: No. 8, 6-9.—Dashiell, A. M. The influence of racial factors on infant mortalitv in Texas. Texas J. M., 1941-42, 37: 738-40.—Frontali, G. Mortality infantile in generale e nelle famiglie numerose. Minerva med., Tor., 1937, 28: pt 2, 541-4. ------ I fattori della mortality infantile nelle citta e nelle zone rurali del Padovano; mortalita infantile nelle famiglie numerose. Pediatria (Riv.) 1937, 45: 1093.— Hofbauer, A. Sauglmg.-sterhlichkeit und soziale Laee. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 1536-8; 1935, 61: 311. Also Zsehr. Gesundhverwalt., 1933, 4: 78-80.—Kaplan, A. D. H. Infant mortality as an index of community welfare. Trained Nurse, 1933, 90: 241-7.—Lemiere, G. La mortality infantile dans ses rapports avec la situation sociale de la mfere. J. sc. m£d. Lille, 1922, 40: 97; 117; 137; 161.—Lesage & Moine. Influence comparee du milieu familial sur la mortality infantile, k Paris, en France et en Angleterre. Bull. Acad. mM., Par., 1940, 123: 951-60.—Lewis, J. H. Infant mortality. In his Biol. Negro, Chic, 1942, 17.—Lyon, G. M. Infant mortality, a sensitive index of social welfare. West Virginia M. J., 1933, 29: 365- 72.—Macciotta, G. Fattori fisici e sociali della mortalita nei 1. biennio di vita. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1938, 20: 1; 77 — McKinley, P. L. Infant mortality and economic status. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 2: 938-40. —Martin Yumar, D., & Huertas Mugica, E. La mortalidad infantil en el ambiente rural. Rev. san., Madr., 1933, 8: pt 2, 470-85.—Montefirosso, G. Con- siderazioni sulla mortality infantile in rapporto alia professione dei genitori. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 609-13.— Muraz. Vie de la femme noire africaine et survie de son nourrisson. Presse mM., 1938, 46: 1586-8.—Poverty and infantile mortality in Belfast. Ulster M. J., 1938, 7: 99-104.— Reploh, L. Die Saughngssterblichkeit in der Stadt Essen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung sozialer Yerhaltnisse. Arch. Hyg., Miinch., 1937-38, 119: 297-310-Seiffert, G. Saughngs- sterblichkeit bei Familien verschiedener Volksstamme. Ge- sundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1928, 3: 3-12. ------ & Oettl, A. Beziehungen zwischen Saughngssterblichkeit und Rasse. Arch. Rassenb., 1927, 19: 257-300.—Tarugi, P. II fattore sociale della mortality infantile. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1937, 12: 487-504.—Wiese, C. Die hohere Sterblichkeit der unehe- lichen Sauglinge in Berlin. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1925- 26, 1: 439-46. Prevention. American Academy of Medicine. Preven- tion of infant mortality. 347p. 24cm. [Easton, 1909] Bernsee, H. Kampf dem Sauglingstod. 136p. 25cm. Miinch. [1938] Epstein, E. *Les variations de la mortalite- infantile a Soissons avant et apres la creation d'un Service medico-social polyvalent; deces Svitables. 44p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Great Britain. National Association for the Prevention of Infant Mortality. Mothercraft. 4. ed. 358p. 8? Lond., 1924. Haimovici, M. *Denatalit6, morbidite et mortalite infantiles rurales et moyens de les combattre. 88p. 25}^cm. Nancy, 1935. Schi0tz, C. Eine Darstellung und kritische Bewertung der Ursachen des Riickganges der Saughngssterblichkeit in Norwegen. 133p. 8° Upps., 1934. Watnbaum, M. *Les maisons maternelles; leur r61e dans la lutte contre la mortality infantile et 1'abandon des enfants. 52p. 8? Par., 1928. Alfieri, E. II contributo dell'ostetrico nella lotta contro la mortalita infantile. Arte ostet., 1939, 42: 1H3.—B„ A. The physician's share. Bull, san., Montreal, 1939. 39: 67.— Baccino, M. Une arme nouvelle individuelle contre la mortality infantile (fl£au social) le berceau isotherme. Ann. hyg., Par. 1933, n. ser., 11: 43-54.—Bakwin, H. The sex factor in infant mortality. Human Biol., 1929, 1: 90-116. ------& Bakwin, R. M. The importance of medical supervision during early infancy on the infant death rate. N. York State J. M., 1935, 35: 313-6.—Bekampfung der Saughngssterblichkeit durch Blutubertragung. Aerztebl. Hessen, 1940, 8: 90.—Bellei, A. La lotta contro la mortality del lattante per enterite e la propaganda per I'allattamento materno. Difesa sociale, 1938 17: 377-91.—Bennett, V. E. M. Modern methods of preventing infant mortality. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1936, 193: 370-3.—Bielek, T. [The control of infant mortality and the pediatric wards of hospitals] N6peg6szs6gilgy, 1940, 21: 1468-79.—Bolt, R. A. Municipal expenditures for public health in cities of the United States of 70,000 population and over for the year 1923 in relation to their infant mortalitv rates. Am. J. Hyg., 1930, 11: 601-18.— Brennemann, j. Prevention and treatment of neo-natal morbidity and mortalitv. Illinois M. J., 1928, 54: 452-61.—Buchanan, E. B. Dividends payable in life and health. Bull. Acad. M. Cleveland, 1940, 25: No. 8, 9.—Bundesen, H. N., Fishbein, W. I. [et al.] Factors responsible for failure further to reduce infant mortalitv. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 337-43.—Carreflo. A. Lucha contra la mortalidad infantil en el medio rural y en el campo. Actual. m<§d., Granada, 1940, 16: 476-9.—Cassie, E. Preventive measures against infant mortality from diseases of nutrition. Med. Off., Lond., 1938, 59: 35-7.—Cocchi, C. Progressi nella lotta contro la mortality infantile. Difesa sociale, 1940, 19: 171-82.—Comin, G. A proposito del contributo dell'ostetrico nella lotta contro la mortalita infantile. Arte ostet., 1939, 42: 65-8.—Declines in infant mortalitv from the principal causes of death. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1939, 20: No. 7, 6-8.—Dejage, L. Mesures legislatives k £tudier pour com- battre la dipopulation et la mortality infantile. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1911, 27: 28-32.—D'Elia, E. Natality, nati- mortality e mortality nei primi periodi di vita. Difesa sociale, 1939, 18: 105-17.—Douglas, V. A. Lowering the infant mor- tality rate. Northwest M., 1931, 30: 96-8.—Duncan, C. H. Obvious methods of reducing infant mortality. Ind. M. Rec, 1932, 52: 68-74.------ The reduction of infant mortality. Ibid., 1938, 58: 35.—Federhen, L. Ueber die Friihsterblich- keit der Sauglinge und ihre Bekampfung. Gesundhffirs. Kindesalt., 1930, 5: 402-34.—Fermoselle Bacardi, J. Con- tralor pre-natal y encuesta sobre mortalidad infantil. Rev. med., San Jos<5, 1937-38, 5: 60-9. ---— Trabajo de la Unidad Sanitaria de la Uni6n y Curridabat; contralor pre-natal y encuesta sobre mortalidad infantil (nota previa) Bol. san. Guatemala, 1938, 9: 425-9.—Freund, W. Der Riickgang der Breslauer Saughngssterblichkeit im Lichte der Rott'schen Lehre von den drei Senkungsperioden. Gesundhfiirs. Kindes- alt., 1928, 3: 131-40.—Gautier, P., & Thevenod, A. La lutte contre la mortality des nourrissons en Suisse. Nourrisson, 1929, 17: 277-87.—Harper, M. Causation and prevention of mortality during the first month of life. 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M., 1938, 38: 1165-8.—Kollmann, A. Ueber Friihsterblichkeit und ihre Bekampfung. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1939-40, 5: B, 113-22.—Krafft, H. C. Role medico-social du gyn^cologue dans l'offensive de la vie. Helvet. med. acta, 1942, 9: 217-20.—Laurinsich, A. La lotta contro la mortalita infantile. Pediatria (Riv.) 1937, 45: 289-304.—Let us save our infants; an appeal to mothers. Bull, san., Montreal, 1910, 10: 34-41.—Levy, J. New Jersey's new low infant- maternal mortality rates. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1938, 22: 343-7.—McKinlay, P. L. The decline in infant mortality. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1927-28, 27: 424-37—Magni, S. Contributo alia conoscenza della mortalita infantile nei primi due anni di vita e modo di prevenirla nella Provincia di Pistoia. Riv. osp., 1938, 28: 555.—Matias, M. Y., & Gan, T. M. Effect of medical supervision on infant mortality in a rural community. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1939, 19: 549-54.—Matthias. Herabminderung der Saughngssterblichkeit. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1926-27, 2: 371-8.—Moine. La lutte contre la mortality infantile est un facteur important du probleme de la depopulation. J. m6d. Paris, 1940, 60: 203. Also Med. inf., Par., 1940, 47: 2-9.—Monrad, S. [Prevention of diseases and mortality among infants] Hospitalstidende, 1936, 79: [K0ben- havn med. selsk. forh.] 27-35.—Muggia, A. Influenza dell'eu- genica sulla nati e neonati mortalita nei primo anno di vita. Lattante, 1938, 9: 27-32.—Nadeau, E. The importance, from a national point of view, of reducing our infant death rate. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1931, 22: 551-3.—Niblack, H. C. Reducing infant mortality. Illinois M. J., 1937, 71: 109-15.— Nyb011e, H. C. On an attempt to reduce infant mortality in Denmark. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1937, 32: 489-508.—Ortolani, M. La mortalitsi infantile e l'assistenza ospedaliera. Lattante, 1939, 10: 487-9.—Osincup, G. S. The reduction of infant mortality. J. Florida M. Ass., 1933, 20: 263.—Peiris, W. S. J. Child welfare and infant mortality. J. Ceylon Br M. Ass., 1925, 22: 133-52.—Peller, S. Erfordert die Bekampfung der pra-, intra- und postnatalen Sterblichkeit medizinische oder sozialmedizinische Reformen? Zbl. Gyn., 1931 55- 268-75.— Petragnani, G. Per diminuire la mortality infantile. Clin. pediat., Mod., 1939, 21: 225-32.—Pincherle, M. I capisaldi INFANT MORTALITY 185 INFANT MORTALITY piil concreti e fattivi della prevenzione nazionale sociale della mortality infantile. Pensiero med., 1937, 26: 340-4.—Plaflan- sky, K. Potfebujeme dobr6 vnitfnf populacni politiky. Lek wojsk., 1941, 34: 161.—Potter, E. L. The Chicago plan for the reduction of infant mortality. N. York State J. M., 1941, 41: 2047-51.—Recommendations for reducing neonatal mortality in Westchester County. Westchester M. Bull., 1941, 9: No. 5, 7.—Rommel, O. Praktische Vorschlage zur Bekampfung der Friihsterblichkeit. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 1692- 4.—Rott, F. Der Riickgang der Saughngssterblichkeit. 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Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: 754.—Statistica della mortality dei bambini. Gior. farm, chim., 1866, 15: 381 .— u7 it' f • ,i?oo differences in infant mortality. Canad. Pub. Health J.. 1933, 24: 177-85. ---- Statistics: Africa. Ruschdi, A. *Ueber Saughngssterblichkeit in Aegypten und ihre Bekampfung [Berlin] 25p. 8? Charlottenb., 1925. Ch'ld mortality in Egypt. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: ■ j;—Damas Mora, A. A mortalidade infantil de brancos e mdfgenas nas col6nias de Angola e Mocambique, Impr. med Rio, 1941, 17: No. 331, 135-44.—Maass, E. W. H. Notes on the infant mortality rate among an indigenous tribe in the Libenan Hinterland. West. Afr. M. J., 1929-30, 3: 34-6.— Whitbourne, D. Notes on the infantile mortality of the Colony of Lagos, Nigeria. Ibid., 1930, 4: 3; 39. Statistics: America. ---- Statistics. Alba Perez, A. Contribution a, I'etude des rapports entre la natalite et la mortalite in- fantile. 45p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Boursault, B. 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In Annals (Am. Acad. Polit. Social Sc.) 1940, Nov., 32-7.—Hark, B. A study of the neo- natal mortality at the Jewish Hospital [Philadelphia] a 10-year study. West. J. Surg., 1942, 50: 258-61.—Hibbs, H. H., jr. The mother and infant mortality. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., 1916, 15: 66-79.—Hojer, J. A. Ueber die ungleichformige Verminderung der Sauglingsmortalitat in gewissen Landern und deren Ursache. Acta paediat., Upps., 1932, 13: 238-43.— Holmes, S. J., & Mentzer, V. P. Changes in the sex ratio in infant mortality according to age. Human Biol., 1931, 3: 560-76.—Hutching, B. L. Infantile mortality and the propor- tion of the sexes. J. R. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1914, 77: 84-6.— Ichok, G. La natality et la mortality infantile dans les colonies francaises. Paris med., 1938, 108: 364-7. —Infant mortality for specified countries. In Fact. Data M. Econom. (Am. M. Ass.) Chic, 1940, 81.—Infant mortality per 1,000 living births, 1930-32. Rapp. epidem., Geneve, 1930, 9: 471; 1931, 10: 31; 76; passim; 1932, 11: 38.—Infant mortality rates adjusted for residence. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1937-38, 16: 29.—Kaplan, A. D. H. Significance of infant mortality data in appraisal of an urban community. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1932, 22: 1037.—Levy, J. The status of maternal and infant mortality, report of the committee. Tr. Am. Child Health Ass., 1929, 6: 115-24.—Mackenzie, L. L. Studies of the Special Committee on Infant Mortality. New York M. Week., 1940, 19: No. 30, 4.—McKinlay, P. L. Some statistical aspects of infant mortality. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1928-29, 28: 394-417 — Manuila, S. L'aspect statistique de la mortalit6 infantile. Bull. Acad. med. Roumanie, 1937, 2: pt 2, 697-715.—Nobe- court.'P. La mortality suivant le sexe dans l'enfance et la jeunesse. BuU. Acad, med., Par., 1940, 123: 518-22— Nogue & Adam. La mortinatality et la mortality infantile dans les colonies franchises. Rapp. Congr. san. pub., Marseille, 1922, 3. Congr., 418-17.—Palmer, G. T. Infant mortality in 1922. Mother & Child, 1923, 4: 357-60.—Popoviciu, G. [Infantile mortality according to sex; relation to vitamins] Cluj. med., 1935, 16: 563-8.—Rott, F. Grundsatze fiir die internationale See also subheading Statistics: United States. Antunes, I. *Mortalidade infantil em Curi- tiba [Parana] 68p. 23cm. [Curitiba] 1939. Almenar, E. Breve comentario sobre mortalidad infantil. Bol. Min. san., Caracas, 1937-38, 2: 1024-8, graph., map, ch.— Balcazar, V. R. Demograffa infantil del partido de Las Conchas de 1935 a 1939; la acci6n social durante el afio 1940. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 1, 597-605.— Barreto, J. B., & Jansen de Mello, E. Quelques aspects des enqufites sur la mortalite infantile dans huit districts du Bresil. Bol. Inst, protec inf., Montev., 1930-31, 4: 500-34.—Bettinotti, S. I. La morbilidad y la mortalidad entre los hijos de las dadoras del Lactario. Arch, argent, pediat., 1941, 15: 494-6.—Bonnier, J. W. Quel- ques chiffres officiels sur la mortality infantile dans la province de Quebec. Bull, san., Montreal, 1910, 10:145-51.—Calafange, A. A mortalidade infantil em Natal. An. Soc. med. cir. Rio Grande do Norte, 1941, 3: No. 5, 23-54.—Carrillo, R. Natali- dad y mortalidad infantil. Rev. mex. puericult., 1933-34, 4: 692-6.—Chattas, A. La morbi-mortalidad infantil en la ciudad de C6rdoba, Rep. Argentina. Tr. Congr. argent, med. gremial (1936) 1937, 2. Congr., 133^8.—Cometto, C. S. Natalidad y mortalidad infantil de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, comparada con la de su Capital. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1928, 3. ser., 22: 1-19.—Dezeo, P. O. Estimacion de la mortalidad infantil del pais segtin nuestro criterio; quinquenio 1930-35. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: 24-6.—Encuesta de la mortalidad infantil en Sur America. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1940, 19: 932.—Fermoselle Bacardi, J. La unidad sanitaria frente a 1« mortalidad infantil. Ibid., 1942, 21: 431-9.—Garcia, E. L. Porqu6 mueren los nifios en Lima. Cr6n. m6d., Lima, 1939, 56: 99-105.—Kuon Cabello, G. El problema infantil de Tacna. Ibid., 1942, 59: 213; passim.—Lacerda, C. Mortalidade in- fantil, causas e meios de combate em Santos. Mem. Congr. med. (Brazil) 1936, 1. Congr., 329-38—Lopera L., B. El problema de la mortalidad infantil en Colombia. Rev. colomb. pediat., 1942, 2: 61-6.—Lorenzo y Deal, J. Tres gr&ficas de mortalidad infantil en el Uruguay. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1940, 11: 544; 14: 90.—Luque, P. L. El criterio regional en la apreciacion de la mortalidad infantil. Bol. Dep. hig. Prov. C6rdoba, 1941-42, 1: No. 4, 21-7.—Macphail, E. S. Infant mortality as shown by Canadian vital statistics. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1927, 17: 476-84.—Menchaca, F. J. La mortalidad de 0 a 1 afio en la ciudad de Santa Fe. Actas Congr. nac. med., Rosario, 1934, 5: pt 4, 1304-28.—Mfchalup Ham on, E. Al- gunos datos sobre la mortalidad infantil en Venezuela. Arch. venezol. puericult., 1942, 4: 648-64.—Mileo, J. N. A mortali- dade infantil na regiao do Vale do Parafba. Arq. hig., S. Paulo, 1940, 5: No. 10, 87-97.—Morbilidad y mortalidad infantil; Servicio de nifios del Hospital Pereira Rossell, 1908-18. An. Fac. med., Montev., 1920, 5: Suppl., 189-204.—Mortalidade (A) infantil em Sao Paulo—problema sanit&rio ou politico? Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 330, 136-8.—Parreiras, D. Estudos e consideracoes sobre a mortalidade de 0 a 1 anno, no Municipio de Sao Goncalo (Neves) em 1928. Ann. Congr. brasil. hyg., 1929, 5. Congr., 2: 479-84, 2 ch.—Paso, J. R., & Zauchinger, A. Evoluci6n de la vivinatalidad, nacidos vivos, y de la mortalidad infantil, menores de un afio, en la repiiblica Argentina durante el periodo 1911-35. Bol. san., B. Air., 1937, 1: No. 11, 757-63. ------ Mortalidad por sexos y grupos de edades en el primer afio de vida. Ibid., No. 12, 823-7. ------ Mortalidad infantil estacional en la Repiiblica Argentina. Ibid., 1938, 2: 241-6, tab.—Pequegnat, L. A. The present problem in infant mortality. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1938, 29: 477-83.—Pinero Garcia, P. P. Mortalidad infantil de 1 a 30 dfas en Rosario (afios 1900-25) Sem. med., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 2, 1586-612. ■------ Mortalidad infantil de 1 a 6 meses en Rosario (1900-25) Ibid., 1928, 35: 392-413. ------ Mor- talidad infantil de 6 a 12 meses en Rosario 1900-25. Ibid., 1929, 36: pt 2, 80-102. ------ Mortalidad infantil de 0 a 12 meses en Rosario de Santa Fe (1900-25) Ibid., 1931, 38: 65- INFANT MORTALITY ISO INFANT MORTALITY 97.—Portugal, A Mortalidade infantil na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, 1891-94. Mem. Congr. med. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 2: 719-34.—Ramires. A. Mortalidade infantil. An. Soc. med. cir. Rio Grande do Norte, 1940, 2: No. 3, 21-8.— Kesumen de la mortalidad infantil, menos de un afio mensual ocurrida en Caracas durante el afio de 1936, y clasificadas por sexo, causas de muerte y mes. In Memoria (Venezuela Min. san.) Caracas, 1937, tab. opp. p 56.—Ruesta, S. La mortalidad infantil en Barquisimeto durante el afio 1938. Bol. Min. san., Caracas, 1939, 4: No. 5, 75-81.—Salcedo, M. Mortalidad infantil. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1942, 59: 181-6.—Sylvain, Y. G. Mortality infantile en Haiti; essaide statistique tir6 des resist re.*. journaliers du Service de maternite et de pediatrie de l'Hopital general de Port-au-Prince. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1941, 20: i 107-11.—Valenzuela Hernandez, U. Mortalidad infantil de Lima en el quinquenio 1935-39. Cron. m6d., Lima, 1941, 58: 252-6; passim.-—Vilaca, M. Mortalidade pre-natal, morti- natalidade e mortalidade infantil em Natal. An. Soc. med. cir. Rio Grande do Norte, 1941, 3: No. 5, 55-62.------ Mortalidade pre-natal, mortinatalidade e mortalidade infantil em Natal; contribuigao ao seu estudio. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 329, 109-11.—W. Kindersterblichkeit und allgemeine Sterblichkeit in Buenos Aires. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70: 1112. ---- Statistics: Asia and Australia. Bosma, M. J. [Comparative statistics on infant mortality at Batavia and Medan] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 1582-608.-—Camomot, C. Infant mortalitv in 8 municipalities in 12 years, from 1917 to 1928. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1929, 9: 397-402. ------ Infant mortality in Cebu Province from 1916 to 1932 compared with that in the entire Philippine Islands from 1914 to 1932. Ibid., 1935, 15: 362-70.—Chang, T. S., Lai, D. G., & Chu, H. J. A note on the infant mortality rate in Kao-Chiao, Shanghai. Chin. M. J., 1936, 50: 581.— Chatterji, A. C. Infant mortalitv in districts. Bengal Pub. Health Rep. (1939) 1941, 30-3.—Cross, B. A short investiga- tion of infantile mortality and child welfare on estates in Kedah. J. Malaya Brit. M. Ass., 1940, 4: 141-03.—Cruz, F. Z. Infant mortality in the Philippines: its present status and the general death rate. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1935, 15: 479-88. ------ Infant mortality in the Citv of Manila. Ibid., 1937, 17: 211-9, 2 eh.- Exley, H. J. Infantile mortality in Australia, 1906-30. J. R. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1932, 95: 684.—Goco, E. A study of the causes of infant mortality in one of the provinces of the Philippines. Rev. filip. med., 1928, 19: 231-9.—Haas, J. H. de [Mortalitv among Indo-European infants in the Dutch West Indies in 1929-31] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie. 1933, 73: 727-57. Also Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1933,3: 1-17. ----— (Death rate among infants in Batavia in 1934] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1936, 76: 2186-203. ■------ [Infant mortalitv in Batavia, 1935-36] Ibid., 1938, 78: 1467-512. Also Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1938-39, 7: 421-39. Also Ind. J. Pediat., 1939, 6: 12-45, tab.—Hsu, S. C, & Wang, T. H. A study of infant mortality in Nanking. Chin. M. J., 1936, 50: 573-80.—Infant mortalitv in South Australia. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1938, 110: 1764.—Infant mortality in the antipodes. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 129.3.—Infant mortality rate declines radically from level of 1904. Filip. Nurse, i933. 7: 25.—Kapur, R. Infant mortality in India. Antiseptic, Madras, 1929, 26: 149-52.—Liem Tjay Tie & Haas, J. H. de [On the infant mortality in certain subdistricts of the Tasikmalaja Regency (West Java) in 1935, 1936 and 1937] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1939, 79: 2315-38. ------ [Infant mortalitv among the Chinese inhabitants of Batavia in 1935, 1936 and 1937] Ibid., 898-927.—Morgan, E. S. Infantile mortality in New South Wales, 1875-1935. Rep. Dir. Pub. Health N. S. Wales (1935) 1937, 44.—Mortality and sickness among infants. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 809.— Muktha Bai, B. Infant mortality in India. Ind. M. Gaz., 1939, 74: 354-60.—Padua, R. G. A preliminary study on the variations of the infant mortality and its relation to the crude death-rates in the rural districts of the Philippines. Month. Bull. Philippine Health Serv., 1927, 7: 471-6. Also Rev. filip. med., 1928, 19: 258-66.—Record low infant mortality rate in Adelaide. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1055.—Satomi, K. Ueber die Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse der Sauglingen neuerdings in der Stadt Osaka. Acta paediat. jap., 1937, 43: 32 (Abstr.)— Suzuki, T. Special causes of infant mortality in Dairen Polyclin. Dairen, 1924-2(1. 2: No. 8, 1-7.—Yang, M., & Yuan, I. C. Report of an investigation on infant mortality and its causes in Peiping. China M. J., 1933, 47: 597-604.—Yosioka, Y. Infant mortality in Japan. Japan M. World, 1929 9- 12-8. ---- Statistics: Europe. Abdel Ghaxi Khatib. Considerations sur la mortalite infantile 0 a 1 an en Suisse ot a l'etranger. 36p. 8° Lausanne, 1932. Hophan, A. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit im Kanton Glarus in den Jahren 1876-1930 [Zurich] 47p. s? X-i f els, 1932. Tayara, S. Considerations sur la mortalite infantile en Suisse et a l'etranger. 31 p. 8? Lausanne, 1932. Wulfahrt, R. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Basel von 1S70 bis 1925 I Basel] 33p. 8? Zur., 1927. [Cyprus] Population, taux de natality, mortality generate et mortalite infantile; annees 1937 et 1938. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1940, 32: 583.—Homenaje a la Nifiez nn Huesca; 12 de asrosto de 1925. Med. nifios, 1925, 26: 257; 292.—Kaporas, B. [Statistics of the mortality of infants in Vilijampol (Lithuania)] Medicina, Kaunas, 1930, 11: 546- 58.—Loste, L. La mortalidad infantil en Jaca. Med. nifios, 1925, 26: 161-71.—Mortalite generale et mortalite .les nourris- sons au cours de l'annee 1930 (England and Wales, I'ranee, Switzerland) Bull Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1933, 25: 1793-8.—Mortalite generale et mortalite des nourrissons (0-1 an) au cours de l'annee 1930 (Hongrie) Ibid., 2140.— [Netherlands] Mortality infantile, mortality generale et par des di(T(5rentes categories d'&ge dans la mortality g£n£rale (annees 1923 k 1932) Ibid., 1934, 26: 1099.—Pohlen, K. Die Lhsachen des Sauglingssterbens in Grieehenland. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 62: 1139.—Popoviciu, G. Les variations de la mortality infantile en Roumanie, selon les sexes, les saisons et la situation g<5ographique; ses relations avec le metabolisme mineral et les vitamines. Acta paediat., Upps., 1938, 22: 441.—Preisich, K. [Infant mortality in Csepel] Gy6gy£szat, 1934, 74: 673-6.—Stefanoff, T., & Pohlen, K. Probleme der bulftarischen Friihsterblichkeit. Oeff. Gesundh- dienst, 1936-37, 2: A, 557-60.—Szel, T. [Statistics of infant mortality] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 731-4. ------ [Mortality de nourrissons pendant les derniers tempsl Magy. statiszt. szemle, 1937, 15: 869-79.------A csecsemohalan- d6s&g ujabb alakulasa. Ibid., 1939, 17: 1027-37.—Tomilin, S. The Ukrainian peasant woman. Birth Control Rev., 1930-31, 14: 207. ---- Statistics: France and Great Britain. Berger, I. *Contribution a, I'etude de la mortalite pendant les premieres semaines de la vie d'apres les statistiques de la Clinique Tarnier (ann6e 1925) 40p. 8? Par., 1930. Cheinisse-Wertheimer, M. *La mortalite dans les nourriceries de l'Hospice des Enfants- Assist^s en 1929 et en 1930. 69p. 8? Par., 1931. Steiner, M. *La mortinatality et la mortalite infantile precoce k la maternite de l'Hopital St Louis; annees 1936 et 1937. 43p. 8? Par., 1938. Verrier, M. *La mortalite infantile observee a la clinique obstetricale au cours de 2 periodes separees par un intervalle de 20 annees [Lyon] 47p. 8? Trevoux, 1935. Baird, D., & Wyper, J. F. B. High stillbirth and neonatal mortalities. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 657-9.—Cassoute. Mortality des nourrissons k l'Hospice depositaire des enfants- assistes de Marseille en 1926. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1927, 3. ser., 97: 23-6.—Delair, M. Natality et mortality infantile dans le Departement de la Seine. Ann. hyg., Par., 1931, n. ser., 9: 469-88.—[England and France] Taux de mortality brut et standardise, par sexe et par groupe d'age et taux de mortalite infantile (annees 1838 a 1935) Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1937, 29: 595-602.—[France] Mortalite generale et mortalite des nourrissons au cours de l'annee 1929. Ibid., 1933, 25: 1048.—Huber, M. Mortalite infantile d'apres le mois de la naissance. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 5: 224-7.—Infant mortality. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 63: 204.—Infant mortality [Ireland] Rep. Dep. Local Gov. Pub. Health, Dubl., 1933-34, 67.—Infant mortality [Scotland] Annual Rep. Dep. Health Scotland, 1939, 10: 71.—Infant mortality 100 years ago. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 726.—Infantile mortality in Staffordshire. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 64: 199.—Lesage, A. Enfants de premiere annee. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1934, 3. ser., Ill: 451-64.------ Rapport annuel de la Commission permanente de l'hygi&ne de l'enfance au cours de l'annee 1939. Ibid., 1940, 123: 837-42. ------■ & Moine. La mortalite infantile (zero k un an) pendant un siecle (1831-1935) Ibid., 1937, 3. ser., 118: 127-54. Also J. med. Paris, 1938, 58: 319-23. Also Med. inf., Par., 1938, 45: 74-94. ------ Les variations de la mortalite du premier age en France. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1939, 3. ser., 122: 456-70.—Lishman, F. J. G. A survey of 60 years of infant mortality in a county borough, with special reference to pre- ventability. Pub. Health, Lond., 1937-38, 51: 13-22 — Menzies, H. F. Racial variation in relation to infant mortality in the 4 principal Scottish towns. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1929, 4: 33-46.—Morrell, C C. Tudor marriages and infantile mortality. J. State M., Lond., 1935, 43: 173-81.—Mortalite generale et mortalite des nourrissons au cours de l'annee 1929 [England & France] Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., J? ,' £~: 834.—Russell, v. Infant mortality in Kensington. Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 65: 81.—Stocks, P. Infant mortality in the metropolitan boroughs in relation to occupations. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1927-28, 3: 194-200.— Titmuss, R. M. Still- birth and neonatal mortality. Lancet, Lond 1941 2" 746__ Veyrieres. Mortalite infantile de la naissance k un'an'dans le departement du Puy-de-Dome. Bull, med., Par., 1927, 41-1038- INFANT MORTALITY 187 INFANT MORTALITY ---- Statistics: Germany. Abraham, F. *Untersuchungen iiber die Veranderungen der Sterblichkeitsstatistik des ersten Lebensjahres in Frankfurt am Main. 31p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1928. Axter, O. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Stuttgart. 19p. 8? [Tub., 1936] Backert, P. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Niederbayern [Wurzburg] 59p. 8? Kulm- bach, 1932. Fakler, H. *Einwirkungen lokaler und sozialer Art auf die Entwicklung der Geburtlich- keit und Saughngssterblichkeit in Bayern von 1900 bis 1923 [Miinchen] 49p. 8? Eichstatt, 1926. Gohlisch, H. J. *Ueber die Todesursache der totgeborenen und fruhverstorbenen Kinder in der Provinzial-Hebammen-Lehranstalt Breslau in den Jahren 1930 bis 1935. 32p. 22^cm Bresl., 1937. Gummer, H. *Untersuchung iiber Friihsterb- lichkeit und Friihgeburt [Miinchen] 20p. 8! Birkeneck-Freising, 1934. Gussone, J. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit des Berliner Stadtbezirks XIV im Jahre 1925 [Berlin] 40p. 8? Frankf. a. O., 1930. Jung, H. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Wurzburg in den Jahren 1905-34 [Wiirzburg] 32p. 21cm. Ochsenfurt, 1938. Korber, R. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit, die Sterblichkeit an Erkrankungen der Kreislauf s- organe, der Atmungsorgane und an Krebs in der Stadt Miinster in den Jahren 1930-34 [Miinster] 33p. 21cm. Bottrop, 1936. Reinicke, H. *Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Mecklenburg-Schwerin und Mecklenburg-Stre- litz im Hinblick auf die drei Rott'schen Senkungs- perioden [Rostock] 18p. 8? Neustrelitz, 1929. Severin, A. *Die Beeinflussung der Ge- burtenhaufigkeit in der Stadt Essen durch die bevolkerungspohtischen Massnahmen des dritten Reiches und die Entwicklung der Saughngssterb- lichkeit [Miinster] 28p. 8? Bottrop, 1935. Teichmann, E. *Die Sterblichkeit der Erstge- burten wahrend des Sauglingsjahres auf Grund einer Breslauer Statistik aus den Jahren 1925- 28 [Breslau] 8p. 8? Lpz., 1931. Also Zbl. Gyn., 1931, 57: Behla, R. Die Saughngssterblichkeit im preussischen Staate, in den Provinzen und Regierungsbezirken nach Alters- monaten im Jahre 1910. Med. statist. Nachr., 1911-12,. 2: 485. ------ Die Gesamtsterblichkeit und die Saughngssterb- lichkeit wahrend des Hitzevierteljahres 1911 im preussischen Staat und speziell im Stadtkreis Berlin. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1912, 49: 507.—Briining, H. Ueber die Friihsterbhchkeit der Sauglinge in Mecklenburg-Schwerin in der Zeit vor und nach dem Kriege (1901-5 und 1921-25) Arch. Kinderh., 1928-29, 86: 1-8. ------ & Josephy, E. Ueber Saughngssterblichkeit in Rostock. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1928, 3: 141-52.— Briining, H., & Mahlo, E. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Friihsterb- lichkeit der mecklenburgischen Saughnge vor und nach dem Kriege. Arch. Kinderh., 1928-29, 86: 122-4Q— Camerer, W. Zur Saughngssterblichkeit in Wiirttemberg. Mschr. Kinderh., 1939, 77: 428-39.—Furth, E. Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Oesterreich. Ibid., 1936, 67: 1-19. ------ Saughngssterb- lichkeit in Wien. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1532. ------ Die Saughngssterblichkeit im Deutschen Reich. Arch. Kinderh., 1937, 111: 106-11.------Sauglings-Fruhsterb- lichkeit in Oesterreich. Ibid., 112: 158-67.—Hanauer. Die Saughngssterblichkeit in Frankfurt a. M. 1908-26. Zsehr. Hvg., 1929, 110: 654-80—Infant mortality in Austria. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935,105:1447.—Kindermann, V. Die Saughngs- sterblichkeit in den Sudetenlandern, besonders bei den Deut- schen und Tschechen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 694-7.— Lubinski, H. Untersuchungen iiber die Friihsterblichkeit der Sauglinge; die Friihsterblichkeit in Nurnberg. Zsehr. Hyg., 1931,112:191-7.------& Cosack, G. Untersuchungen uber die Friihsterbhchkeit der Saughnge; die Friihsterblichkeit in Breslau. Ibid., 1930, 111: 143-61.—Meier. E., & Baland. M. Bifo^^?*^ Ursachen der Saughngssterblichkeit im deut- 83^-47RevhK W^l, 1933' R«chsgesundhbl., 1936 11: 838-47—Nobel, E., & Rosenfeld, S. Ursachen und Bekam- pfung der Saughngssterblichkeit in Oesterreich. Mitt Volks- gesundhamt., Wien 1930 [Sonderbeil.] l-46.-Roesle, E Pom 9rghngSSterJLH?hkeit im, Deutschen Reich in den Jahren 1923-26. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1928, 3: 117-31 —Rosen- M?£ ' T^ntenoUcch£ngSn jiber die Sauglingssterbl'ichkeit in Mainz. Ibid., 1926-27 2: 473-85.—Rott, F. Die drei Sen- kungsperioden der Saughngssterblichkeit im Deutschen Reiche- eine Vorstudie zu der internationalen EnquSte uber die Ursa- chen der Saughngssterblichkeit. Ibid., 491-508 ______ Sterblichkeit, Fruhtod; die Geburten und Sauglings'sterbefalle ld™Jah'en 1933 und 1934- Mschr. Kinderh., 1935-36 64- ,nL32°—Saughngssterblichkeit (Die) in Preussen im Jahre l924-0.M(jd- statist. Nachr., 1926-27, 14: 146-51.—Scheldt, E. Die Sauglmgssterbhchkert im Reg.-Bez. Diisseldorf. Zsehr Schulgesundh. 1926 39: 3-10.-Stuckmann, K. Ursachen der Saughngssterblichkeit im Kreise Cham, Bayerische Ost- mark, und Rees, Niederrhein, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der hygiemschen Verhiiltnisse. Arch. Hvg., Munch 1940 124- 46-59 (microfilm)—Tasche, T. Ursachen der Saughngssterb- lichkeit; eine Analyse der Todesfalle in Frankfurt a M 1926 Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1929, n. F., 4: 89-106—Ursachen" (Die) der baughngssterbhehkeit im Deutschen Reich im Jahre 1932 Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 743-50. ---- Statistics: Italy. Fortunati, P. La mortality infantile; con particolare riguardo alle statistiche demografiche della citta di Ferrara. 85p. 8? Padova, 1933. Agrifoglio, L. Studio critico sulla mortality infantile nei primo biennio di vita in Sassari e nei comuni della sua provincia Igiene mod., 1939, 32: 536-46, tab.—Berghinz, G., & Cantaruttii F. Osservazioni sulla natality e mortality infantile nell'ultimo quindicennio in Friuli. Chn. pediat., Mod., 1938, 20: 490.__ Bersani, I. Note ed osservazioni sulla mortality infantile e sulle modality d'sllevamento del bambino nei Comune di Carma- gnola. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 589-96.—Borsarelli, F. Natality e mortality infantile nelle campagne Osp' maggiore Novara, 1937, 14: 272-6. Also Pediat. med. prat ' Tor., 1937, 12: 617-32.—Buonomini, G. La mortality infantile in Napoli nei quinquennio 1931-35. Pediatria (Riv.) 1937, 45: 1053-65.-—Cantarutti, F. La mortality infantile e le sue cause nei comune di Udine neH'ultimo trentennio. Ibid., 1934, 42: 1029. ----—■ La mortality infantile e le sue cause nei comune di Udine dal 1901 al 1932 compreso. Clin, pediat , Mod 1935, 17: 307-37.—Castane, V., & Cannarsa, F. La mortality infantile a Roma nei decennio 1913-22. Pediatria, Nap., 1925- 26, 1: 467-89.—Chiaroti, C. Demografie e mortality infantile nella Provincia di Novara. Osp. maggiore Novara 1937 14- 276-84; 553-82.—Ciminata, A., Ferrario, A., & Oreni, A, Sulla mortality infantile nei primo biennio di vita, considerazioni sopra una statistica ospedaliera. Policlinico, 1939, 46: sez. prat., 441.—De Luca, B. Natality e mortalita nella citta. di Grossett'o nei dodicennio 1921-32 con particolare reguardo alia mortality del lattante. Med. inf., Roma, 1933, 4: 277-84.—Di Lorenzo, S. La mortality infantile in una piccola isola italiana del Mediterraneo (Lampedusa) dal 1912 al 1932. Pediat. med prat., Tor., 1934, 9: 644-50— Giacobbe, M. O. La natalita e la mortality infantile di un ventennio studiato in un paese rurale della Sardegna. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1933, 15: 587-626.— Gini, C, & De Berardinis, L. Cenni riassuntivi circa una indagine sulla mortality infantile condotta nei territorio del Governatorato di Roma. Rass. previd. sociale, 1931, 18: No. 2, 4-29.—Gioseffi, M. La mortality infantile nella Venezia Giulia. Difesa sociale, 1931, 10: 523-36. ------ Risposta al referendum sui problema della mortality infantile nei 1. biennio di vita indetto dalla Assise italiana di medicina generale. Lattante, 1940, 11: 28-30.—Guiffrida, G. La mortalita infantile e le sue cause nei comune di Novara nei trentennio 1902- 31. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1932, 14: 791-815. ------ Con- siderazioni sulla mortalita infantile nei Comune di Novara. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1936, 13: 399-406.—Gurrieri, S. Natality e mortality infantile in un piccolo comune del Piemonte interamente dedito all'agricoltura nei passato e nei presente. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 281-5.—Lucca, A. Sulla mortality infantile in Torino. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1937, 14: 286-97.—Maccolini, R. Rilievi sui movimento demografico e sullo stato sanitario del comune di Bologna con particolare riguardo alia mortality infantile; notizie di urbanistica e demografia bolognese. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1940, 112: 103-43.—Mazzeo, M. Sulla mortality infantile in Italia nei decennio 1918-27. Fol. med., Nap., 1932, 18: 801-32.— Morganti, F. Sulle condizioni della mortality, infantile nei comune di Perugia. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1933, 8: 310- 27.—Ortolani, M. L'opera del medico nella campagna demo- grafica; la mortality infantile e le sue cause nella provincia di Ferrara. Lattante, 1937, 8: 431-7.—Pampirio, P. L. Le prime statistiche sulla mortality infantile di Torino. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1939, 114: 601-6.—Pinto, F. Mortalita infantile da 0 a 1 nellT. P. P. I. di Bari nei quinquennio 1931-35. Igiene mod., 1937, 30: 364-70, 3 graph.—Roi, G. Morti-natalita. e mortality infantile. Rass. ostet., 1938, 47: 333-7.—Storchi, L. Natality e mortality infantile in piccoli centri dell'AIto Adige. INFANT MORTALITY 188 INFANT MORTALITY Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1932, 7: 107-27.—Strozzi. R. Dati Btatistici sulla mortalita infantile del Comune di Formigine nei periodi 1904-13 (prebellico) 1914-18 (bellico) 1919-28 (post- bellieo) Pediat. prat., Mod., 1930, 7: 381-417.—Tagliaferro, P. Natimortality e neonatimortaliti; comune di Gorizia negli anni 1929-35. Riv. ostet. gin. 1937, 19: 49; 84.—Tamburri, T. La morbilit& e la mortality infantile negli anni 1926-30. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1932, 10: 147-70.—Tecce, R. II movi- mento demografico di Matera nei trentennio 1906-36. Igiene med., 1937, 30: 120-4, 2 graph.—V., R. La mortality infantile. Riv. Soc. ital. igiene, 1940, 62: 154-6.—Zambrano. E. Cause generiche della mortality infantile nella Provincia di Brindisi. Pediatria (Riv.) 1939, 47: 332-40. ---- Statistics: Scandinavia. Johannessen, A. De forskjellige d0dsaar- sagers indflydelse paa spaedbarnsd0deligheden i Norge. 27p. 8? Christiania, 1908. Brodin, A. [Mortality among infants in Goteborg between 1908-37] Nord. med., 1939, 4: 3659-70. Also Acta paediat., Upps., 1939, 24: 42-9 [Discussion] 68-73.—Hanssen, P. Sauglingsfiirsorge und Sauglingssterblichkeit in Danemark und Schleswig-Holstein. Ibid., 1932-33, .14: 369-87.—Heinio, P., Die Sauglingssterblichkeit in Finnland von 1750-1935. Ibid., 1937, 21: 166-87.—Hertz, P. The mortality amongst infants under municipal supervision in Copenhagen during the period 1925-30. Ibid., 1931-32, 12: 203-11.—Hjarne, U. [Investi- gation of infant mortality in the Northwest and plains in 1928- 33] Hygiea, Stockh., 1937, 99: 609-31—Jtfrgensen, A. T. [Infant welfare stations and infant mortality in K0benhavn] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 1377.—Mortalite g6n6rale et mor- tality des nourrissons (0-1 an) au cours de l'annee 1930 (Su&ie) Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub.. Par., 1933, 25: 2144. ---- Statistics: United States. American Child Health Association. Sta- tistical report of infant mortality for 1933. N. Y., 1934. Berkowitz, A. Infant mortality and diph- theria prevalence in New York City during 6- year period (births, deaths under 1 year, infant mortality rates, diphtheria incidence, diphtheria deaths, diphtheria case rates, by boroughs, health districts and health areas, from 1929 to 1934) 131p. 4? N. Y., 1935. Oppenheimer, E. Infant mortality in Mem- phis. 103p. 8? Wash., 1937. Woodbury, R. M. Infant mortality and its causes, with an appendix on the trend of maternal mortalitv rates in the United States. 204p. 8? Bait., 1926. Births, stillbirths, deaths and infant mortality, United States: 1939; data are shown by race and by cities of 10,000 or more, cities of 2,500 to 10,000, and rural, in each state. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940-41, 12: 439-92.—Bolduan, C. F. Course of infant mortality in New York City. Prev. Med., N. Y., 1936, 6, 4: 14-9. ------ & Weiner, L. Infant mortalitv in New York City 100 years ago. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1935, 7: 55-9.—Brooks, B. U. A study of infant mortality in the Southern States. South. M. J., 1930, 23: 869-74.—Collinson, J., & Councell, C. A study of the white and Negro infant mortality in Maryland 1916-30, inclusive. Child Health Bull., 1931, 7: 206-11.—Collopy, P. J., & Rose, J. C. A study of infant mortality in Oklahoma 1934- 38. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1940, 33: No. 4, 9-13.—Crittenden, C. B. Infant and neonatal deaths in Kentucky, 1911-36. Bull. Dep. Health Kentucky, 1938-39, 11: 543-6. A declining infant mortality rate. Ibid., 1940-41, 13: 219-21.— Crumbine, S. J. A statisical report of infant mortality for 1926. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1927, 17: 922-7.—Deaths under 1 year by place of residence, United States, 1939. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940-41, 12: 493-7.—Deaths under 1 year from selected causes by age, sex, and race, United States: 1939. Ibid., 431-8.—Decline in infant mortality. In Fact. Data M. Econom. (Am. M. Ass.) Chic, 1940, 77.— Decline (The) in infant mortality since 1915. Statist. Bull Metrop. Life Insur., 1937, 18: No. 2, 2-i.—De Porte, J. V. Recorded and resident death rates in New York State; infant mortality, 1927-30. N. York State J. M., 1932, 32: 257 — Detroit's infant death rate under 40 since 1938; rate for entire state cut a third in 10 years. Michigan Pub. Health, 1941, 29: 30.—Donahue, J. J. Infant mortality in Southern Illinois. Illinois M. J., 1930, 58: 278-82.—Dotterer. T. D. Infant mortality in South Carolina. J. South Carolina M. Ass., 1930, 26: 277-81.—Downward trend of infant death rate leveling off though 1940 rate of 40.7 sets new low mark. Michigan Pub Health, 1941, 29: 26-30.—Fern6s Isern. A. Infantile morbidity and mortality in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Rev. Pub. Health 1927-28, 3: 461-7.—Figueroa, L. El grave problema de la mortalidad infantil en Puerto Rico. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 190-211.—Fishbein, W. I. Infant mortality in Chicago, 1935 to 1939. Bull. Chicago M. Soc. 1939-40, 42: 796-8.—Frontiers; infant mortality in the United States, 1936. Health Notes, Jacksonville, 1938, 30: 167.- Gengenbach, F. P. Denver's infant mortality. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1933, 3: 718-29. Geographic distribution of declines in infant mortalitv. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1939, 20: No. 6, 2—4.—Gleason. A. L. A studv of infant mortality in Montana. J. Lancet, 1939, 59: 197-201.—Hazardous (The) first month of life. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1934, 15: 4-6.—Hood. R. C. Infant mortality rates per 1,000 live births for 1931-40, inclusive. Annual Rep. Bd Health Florida (1941) 1942, 42: 104, tab.—Hooker, A. M. Infant mortalitv in the United States. Drug Topics, N. Y., 1913, 28: 130.—Hudson. F. I. Infant mortality in Delaware. Delaware M. J., 1939, 11: 179-81.—Infant deaths and infant death rates, 1915-40 Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1911-12, 15: 147- 68.—Infant deaths and death rates by place of resilience; 1940. Ibid., 371-6.—Infant deaths from selected causes bv age, sex, and race; United States, 1940. Ibid., 423-30.—Infant death rate. Southwest. M., 1940, 24: 267.—Infant death rates in the United States, by States, for 1938 and prior years. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1940, 55: 602.—Infant deaths reach new low. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1940-41. 19: 49 — Infant deaths; United States, 1939; number of deaths under 1 year of age, and death rate, by race and by urban and rural areas, for each State and for cities of 100,000 or more, 1939; all figures are shown by place of occurrence. Vital Statist. Spec Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940-41, 12: 229-35.—Infant mortality. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1938-39, 17: 93.— Infant mortality. N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 189.—Infant mortality from selected causes; United States: 1938. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940, 9: 461-8.—Infant mortality in Hartford. Health Bull., Hartford, 1938, 3: No. 7 [1]—Infant mortality in New York State, 1933. Health News, Alb., 1934, 11: 205.—Infant mortality in the United States. In Fact. Data M. Econom. (Am. M. Ass.) Chic, 1940, 79.— Infant mortality rates rise. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1937-38, 16: 101-3.—Infant mortality; United States; number of deaths under 1 year of age, by urban and rural areas and by race, in each State, 1940; trends of infant mortality by urban and rural areas and by race, and neonatal mortality, in the registration States, 1915-40. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1941-42,15: 351-63.—Jost. A.C. The loss of infants in Delaware. Delaware M. J., 1937, 9: 159-62.— Kaplan, A. D. H. Some preliminary observations on Denver's infant mortality study. Colorado M., 1931, 28: 165-9.— Kerner, J. W. A shift in the infant mortality rate in Durham County, North Carolina. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 236- 42.—Lam, F. K. Maternal and infant mortality in Hawaii, Tr. Hawaii M. Ass., 1936, 46: 55-65.—Levy, J. Infant deaths show a steady drop in New Jersey; State's record is sixth on II. S. list; decline noted for babies under month. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1940, 24: 111-3.—Loder, R. H. Infant mortality. Nebraska M. J., 1940, 25: 172.—Low infant mortality for first 9 months indicates record may be set for 1940. Michigan Pub. Health, 1940, 28: 203.—Lowest infant mortality rate. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2316.—Lyon, G. M. Infant mortality studies in West Virginia. West Virginia M. J., 1934, 30: 289-310.—Mortalidad infantil en Estados Unidos. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1942, 21: 189.—Mortality experience of the first 3 months of 1932. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1932, 13: 1-4.—Mortality summary; the infant under one year of age. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1942, 16: 243-62.—Mortality summary for U. S. registration states: congenital malformations and diseases peculiar to the first year of life. Ibid., 221-4.—Mortality summary for U. S. registration states: congenital debility. Ibid., 229-32.— Nation's infant death rate decreases. Texas J. M., 1940-41, 36: 254.—New lows in infant mortality. Week. Bull. Oregon Bd Health, 1942, 20: No. 51, 1-4.—Provisional birth and infant mortality statistics for 1939. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1940, 55: 1131.—Provisional infant mortality statistics, United States: 1940-41. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940-41, 12: 507-10; 1941-42, 15: 417-22.—Rice, J. L., Barnard, M. [et al.] Infant mortalitv in New York Citv. Am, J. Pub. Health, 1937, 27: 701-6.—Ross, H. R. Maternal neonatal and infant death rate? in Kansas, 1931-35. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1937, 38: 198-204.—Saunders, J. M., & Puffer, R. R. A study of infant mortality in Tennessee, 1934-37. J. Tennes- see M. Ass., 1939, 32: 342-9.—Simpson, W. E. Infant mor- tality in South Carolina. J. South Carolina M. Ass., 1928, 24: 27-32.—State infant mortality rate again lowered. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1936, 15: 53.—State's infant death rate in 1941 lowest in history; birth total is highest. Michigan Pub. Health, 1942, 30: 47.—Study (A) of infant mortality by health areas and census tracts for 1933; prepared by the Boston Health League, Inc. N. England J. M., 1934, 211: 468-71.—Tandy. E. C. Maternal and infant mortality in 1939 lowest on record. Child, Wash., 1941, 5: 189-96.— Tewksbury, R. B. A biometric study of infant mortalitv in the United States Birth Registration Area, 1919-22. Am. j. Hyg., 1926, 6: 32-73.—Tracy, M. H. Five-year resident infant mortality rate in Boston, 1930-34. N. England J. M., 1936, 214: 894-8.—United States infant mortality drops 3 percent in 1940. Diplomate, 1942, 14: 51.—Wegman, M E Mar- chante, R. F., & Kramer, M. Infant mortality and infant (%edloogo1Iil;Pue™.0,?,00-«Fu^rt0?1,C0 J- Pub- Health, 1941-42, 17: 228-45.—Welling, W. C. Infant mortality rates for 10 years in Connecticut. Connecticut Health Bull. 1933 47: INFANT MORTALITY 189 INFANT NUTRITION 217-9. ------ Infant mortality and maternal mortality in Connecticut. Ibid., 1941, 55: 100-5.—Wilinsky, C. F. A study of maternal and infant mortality in Boston. Tr. Am. Child Health Ass., 1929, 6: 125-38.—Yerushalmy, J. The 1940 record of maternal and infant mortality in the United States. Child, Wash., 1941-42, 6: 195-206. INFANT nutrition. See also Breast-feeding; Diet—for children; Infant, Care; Nutrition; Newborn. Deschamps, M. *Quelques considerations sur l'alimentation des nourrissons. 63p. 8? Par., 1929. Aguiar, A. Puericultura e dietStica infantil. Impr. m6d., Rio, 1942, 18: No. 344, 91-7.—Amarante, J. A alimentagao da crianca. Fol. med., Rio, 1927, 8: 143-7.—Ameels, J. Nutri- tion infantile. Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1928, 361-4.—Anderson, W. W. Infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1933, 50: 519- 23.—Asher, C. Some aspects of infant nutrition. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 221-5.—Ball, W. H. Increased application of nutrition and preventative medicine needed to improve health of young children. Health Notes, Jacksonville, 1941, 33: 42- 6.—Baptista, V. Conrideragoes sobre a nutricao da crianca. Tribuna med., Rio, 1926, 32: 241.—Barber, W. W. Newer aspects of infant feeding. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1938, 35: 537-43.—Barenberg, L. H., Green, D., & Abramson, H. The relationship of nutrition in infancy and childhood. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 440-3.—Bentivoglio, G. C. Alimentazione. In: Man. pediatr. (Frontali, G.) Tor., 1936, 1: 55-126.— Berger, H. C. Rational feeding of infants. Month. Bull. Kansas City Clin. Soc, 1929, 5: 24-9.—Bernhaum, B. Infant feeding and nutrition. Rep. Wayne Co. M. Soc, 1932-33, 3: 44-6.—Blackfan, K. D., & Johnston, J. Notes on infant feeding. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 196: 395-7.—Blechmann, G., & Bohn, A. Alimentation du nourrisson. Hopital, 1933, 21: 139.— Bocchini, A. Lezioni di puericultura. Arte ostet., 1934, 48: 269-75; 1935, 49: 25-8; 97-102.—Bowes, A. deP. Nutrition in the maternal and child health program. Pennsylvania Health, 1940, 1: No. 5, 14-8.—Bruce, J. W. Infant feeding. Kentucky M. J., 1926, 24: 230-5.—Cadwallader, R. Infant feeding. Compend M. & S., 1927, 5: 13.—Cardoso, J. Como se devem alimentar as criancas. Novid. med. pharm., Porto, 1907, 12: 257; 289.—Caxtro Freire, L. de. Ligoes de pediatria; alimen- tagao infantil. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1934, 52: 248-52. ------ Alimentagao do lactante. Ibid., 1937, 55: 407-14.— Caudill, F. W. Infant feeding. Bull. Dep. Health Kentucky, 1935-36, 8: 76-80.—Cautley, E., & Paterson, D. The feeding of infants and children. In Dis. Child. (Thursfield & Paterson) Lond., 1934, 41-77.—Commission (La) de l'alimentation du Comit6 national de l'enfance; conseils utiles. J. m6d. Paris, 1940, 60: 331.—Dossin, M. Quelques considerations pratiques sur l'alimentation du nourrisson. Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1928,29:25^33.—Faz Tabio, H. Algunos apuntes y notas sobre la alimentaci6n del nino. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1939, 11: 582-608.—Feeding (The) of infants. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 68: 3.—Findlay, L. Some reflections on infant feeding. Mat. & Child Welf., Lond., 1927, 11: 184-7. ------ Diet of the infant. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1934, 10: 422-8.—Fischl, R. Ueber Sauglingsernahrung. Tungchi med. mschr., 1927-28, 3: 29; 39.—Furuhashi, Y. Kleine Erfahrungen iiber Sauglings- ernahrung und -ausscheidung. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1935-37, 3: Biochem., 239.—Garipuy. L'alimentation du jeune enfant. Med. inf., Par., 1921, 27: 115.—Gehman, J. M. Feeding your baby. Health Cult., N. Y., 1941, 47: 34-6.—Gengenbach, F. P. Infant feeding, suggestions for the general practitioner. Colorado M., 1930, 27: 382-7.—Gerstley, J. R. Infant nutri- tion. Pennsylvania M. J., 1933, 36: 483-8.—Goebel, F. Ernahrung des Sauglings. Med. KUn., Berl., 1939, 35: 1214 — Graham, H. B. Some aspects of infant feeding. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 614-7. ------ Infant feeding. Med. J. Australia, 1935, 2: 272.—Grulee, C. G. Infant feeding. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 137-9.—Hergert, E. L. Factors in the diet and inoculations of infants. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1934, 51: 666- 72.—Heymann, S. Some remarks on infant feeding. S. Afr. M. J., 1935, 9: 377-81.—Hill, F. S. Infant feeding. Mississippi Doctor, 1935-36, 13: No. 12, 50-2.—Holtz, K. Die Ernahrung des Sauglings. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1935, ser. B, 1: 174-82 — Hughes, R. O. Infant feeding. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 139-41.—Humphreys, E. B. B. Infant feeding. Nurs. Times, Lond.,, 1942, 38: 533; passim.—Ide, M. Nutrition infantile. Rev. med., Louvain, 1928, 135-9.—Jackson, R. L. Infant feeding. Southwest. M., 1940, 24: 298-300.—King, F. T. Infant feeding. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 2: Suppl., 119-22 — Labbe, H. Alimentation de l'enfance. Ann. hyg., Par., 1926, n. ser., 4: 618-29.—Lemaire, J. L'alimentation des nourris- sons. J. diet., Par., 1911, 2: 199-202.—Marriott, McK. Infant feeding and nutrition. South. M. J., 1927, 20: 352-5.— Maurer, E. Gedanken zur Sauglingsernahrung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 663-6.—Miller, M. V. [Feeding of infants] J. detsk. bolez., 1925, 1: 221-5.—Mills, H. B. Infant feeding. Med. J. & Rec, 1928, 127: 379; 407.—Mitchell, A. G. A consideration of some phases of nutrition in early life. Pennsyl- vania M. J., 1932, 35: 233-40. Also South. M. J., 1932, 25: 39-46,—Moore, C. U. Aids to adequate infant feeding. Am. Med. 1928 23:852-7.—Mottram. V.H. Feeding of the young. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 466.—Muller, E. Die Ernahrung des Sauglings und Kleinkindes. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 1528-31 — Nelson, W. E. Infant feeding, 1937, 1939-41. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1937, serv. vol., 583-6; 1939, serv. vol., 532; passim.—Nobecourt, P. [Diet of infants and chil- dren] Ucheb. detsk. bolez., 1928, 4: 833-9.—Pegnine (La) chez les enfants. Arch. med. enf., 1907, 10: 743-6.—Plantenga, B. P. B. [Rational infant feeding] Geneesk. gids, 1928, 6: 697-701.—Queiroz, L. de. Dietetica do lactente. Rev. med. cir. Brasil, 1926, 34: 388-92.—Rothschild, H. B. Feed the baby. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1935, 52: 64-7.—Sagalevich, M. M. [How a child should be fed] Vopr. materin., 1940, No. 10, 1-7.—Schlutz, F. W. Infant feeding. J. Lancet, 1938, 58:. 485-93.—Schwartz, A. B. The feeding of infants and children. Collect. Papers Marquette Univ. School M., 1930-31, 6: repr. No. 32.—Smith, C. H. The diet of the infant. Maine M. J., 1937, 28: 89-100. Also South. M. J., 1937, 30: 650-4.—Some aspects of dietetics; acidosis, diabetes, constipation, and infant feeding. Pharm. J., Lond., 1935, 4. ser., 80: 259.—Soxleth. Sulla alimentazione dei bambini. Gior. farm., Trieste, 1902, 7: 110.—Stewart, C. A. The feeding of the child. J. Lancet, 1938, 58: 239-44. ------ The feeding of children. Texas J. M., 1942-43, 38: 586-9. ------ Feeding infants. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1942-43, 95: 225-7.—Stone, J. B. Infant feeding. Virginia M. Month., 1933, 60: 176-82.—Storms, L. B. Some aspects of modern feeding in infancy. Med. Woman J., 1935, 42: 213-6.—Suarez. R. M. Alimentacion infantil. Bol. As. med. Puerto Rico, 1930, 22: 191-4.—Swift, F. L. Infant feeding. Med. Soc. Rep., Scranton, 1940, 34: No. 9, 16-8.— Tooker, H. C. Infant feeding. Hygeia, Chic, 1938, 16: 406.— Toverud, K. U. Nutritional condition of new-born infants; a statistical study. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, 46: 954-62.— Turner, A. J. Infant feeding. Med. J. Australia, 1926, 1: 667-72; 1927, 2: Suppl., 116.—Tyson, R. M. Infant feeding and nutrition. Delaware M. J., 1934, 6: 75-7.—Ullrich, O. Die Regelung der Lebenshaltung und Ernahrung im Sauglings, und Kleinkindesalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 431; 454 (microfilm)—-Weston, W., jr. Nutrition of infants and pre- school children. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1928, 25: 351-4.— Wilson, W. Infant nutrition. In Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Apple- ton) 1935, 7: 111-210.—Wright, R. E. Infant feeding. J. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1939, 36: 586. ---- Accidents. Maurellet, A. G. *Les dangers des sucettes; en particulier la suffocation accidentelle du nourrisson. 44p. 8? Par., 1926. Another way to kill a baby. Med. World, 1942, 60: 362-4.— Weiss, F. Schadigung durch rektale Verabreichung von Nauti- san im Sauglingsalter. Mschr. Kinderh., 1930, 46: 419-25. ---- Anthropological and ethnographical as- pect. Acuna, M., & Oneto, J. A. Como fueron alimentados los lactantes que concurren a la policlinica del Instituto de pedia- tria. Cron. mdd., Lima, 1937, 54: 238-44.—Alimentacion. Salud & san., Bogotd, 1940-41, 10: No. 108, 13.— Beguez y C6sar, A. Contribution al estudio de la alimentacion del nino Cubano a partir del destete hasta los 30 meses de edad. Rev. med. cubana, 1939, 50: 311-29.—Bizal, R. S. Our babies: what they are fed; a study of infant feeding practices as found by a survey of 657 babies. Med. Woman J., 1934, 41: 158-62.— Gopalachari, P. Nutrients in the rearing of infants in South India. Med. Surg. Suggest., Madras, 1934, 3: 1-11, pl.— Hodge, E. H. V. The feeding of infants in India. Ind M. Gaz., 1936, 71: 1-13.—Piatt, B. S., & Gin, S. Y. Chinese methods of infant feeding and nursing. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1938, 13: 343-54.—Pritchard, E. A few reflections on the present position of infant feeding in England. Am. Med., 1928, 23: 881-3.-—Radhakrishna Rao, M. V. Observations on the nor- mal dietary of infants and children in Vizagapatam. Ind. M. Gaz., 1934, 69: 142-4.—Roberts, R. F. K. Infant feeding. Native M. Pract., Suva, 1932, 1: 62.—Tobler, W. Ueber die Stillverhaltnisse in Bern. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 457-60.—Togamau Faatiga. Infant feeding in native villages. Native M. Pract., Suva, 1935, 2: 255-62.—Williams, E. H. Infant feeding and the plunket society. N. Zealand M. J., 1933, 32: 330-5. ---- artificial. See also other subheadings (Food; Milk, etc.) Beuchat, A. *A propos de l'alimentation de l'enfant prive, pendant les premieres semaines de sa vie, du lait de sa mere. 44p. 8? Lausanne, 1929. Steinberg, A. J. The bottle-fed baby. 22p. 8? Wash., 1921. Abraham, G. Milchlose Ernahrung im Sauglingsalter. Arch. Kinderh., 1928, 84: 36-54.—Araya Ch., P. Alimentaci6n artificial del lactante sano;suaspecto medico-social y economico. Rev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 716-67.—Ariztia, A., & Eggers, F. Alimentacion artificial del lactante sano en establecimientos INFANT NUTRITION 190 INFANT NUTRITION cerrados. Ibid., 73-93.—Artificial feeding of infants. Bull. Chicago M. Soc, 1935-36, 39: 11A-14A— Babonneix, L. Technique de l'allaitement artificiel. Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 1487.—Baize, P. Technique et indications de quelques regimes sans lait et regimes complexes dans la premiere enfance. Bull. m&L, Par. 1935, 49: 523-8. ------ Les regimes sans lait dans la premiere enfance. Gaz. hop., 1935, 108: 1317-21.— Bauer, J. Korperbau und Ernahrung des gesunden Sauglings. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 1391.—Bauza, J. A. Alimentaci6n arti- ficial en el lactante sano. Rev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 107- 20.—Bentivoglio, G. C. Su alcune nozioni di chimica colloidale applicate al problema e alia tecnica dell'allattamento artificiale. Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia, 1928, 42: 537-50. Also Riv. clin. pediat., 1928, 26: 889-98.—Beretervide, E. A. Alimentaci6n artificial del lactante: indicaciones fundamentals y tecnica a seguii en estos casos. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1928, 35: pt 2, 887- 9(3 —Bessau, G. Zur Physiologie der kiinstlichen Ernahrung. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 68: 297-303. ------ Zum Problem der kiinstlichen Ernahrung des Sauglings. Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 397-403.—Beuchat. A propos de l'alimentation de l'enfant priv6 du lait de sa m6re pendant les premieres semaines de sa vie. Praxis, Bern, 1929, 18: H. 34, 1; 3.—Beumer, H. Ueber die kiinstliche Ernahrung des Sauglings. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 44-6. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1935, 31: 1035-7.—Blanco, V. Indicaciones de la alimentaci6n artificial en el lactante tierno. Arch. amer. med., B. Air., 1939, 15: 33-42.—Blechmann. Ragles de l'allaitement artificiel. Rev. gen. clin. th6r., 1933, 47: 261-3.—Bocchini, A. Allattamento artificiale. Arte ostet., 1934, 48: 471-5.—Borges y Hernandez, F. Lactancia artificial y nociones sobre su administraci6n. Cr6n. med. quir. Habana, 1939, 65: 697-708.—Bortagaray, M. H. La alimentaci6n artificial en la protecci6n a la primera infancia de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Rev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 121-4.—Brennemann, J. Artificial feeding of infants. In Pract. Pediat. (Brennemann, J.) Hagerstown, 1937, 1: Chap. 26.—Brtindlmeier, I. [Artificial feeding of infants at Budapest] Orv. hetib, 1938, 82: 84—Cathala, J., & Vermorel, M. Le probleme de l'alimentation sans lait das la premiere enfance. Presse m6d., 1928, 36: 1595-9.—Cattaneo. Allattamento artificiale in teoria ed in pratica. Arte ostet., 1927, 41: 105- 12.—Collett, A. Remarks on the artificial feeding of infants after 6 months of age. Acta paediat., Upps., 1939, 24: 431-4 [Discussion] 434-9.—Difficultes de l'allaitement artificiel. Strasbourg med., 1938, 98: 455-7.—Drucker. P. [Artificial feeding of children during the first year] Ugeskr. laeger, 1938, 100: 1171-7.—Eley, R. C. Artificial feeding of infants. N. England J. M., 1941, 225: 230-2.—Elizalde, P. de, & Giussani, A. La alimentacion artificial de los lactantes enternados en la Casa de exp6sitos de Buenos Aires. Rev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 94-102.—Enclnas, A. Apuntes sobre lactancia artificial. Analecta med., Me\., 1941, 2: No. 4, 19-^2.—Epstein, B. Milchlose und milcharme Ernahrung im Sauglingsalter. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1927, 3. F., 67: 281-312.—Etchegaray, M. El verano y la alimentaci6n artificial del lactante. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt 1, 376.—Fervers, C. Mutterbrust und Flaschensauger. Zbl. Gyn., 1932, 56: 2424.—Finkelstein, E. Cincuenta aflos de alimentaci6n artificial del lactante; recuerdos personales. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1940, 11: 308-25.— Fischer, C. C. The artificial feeding of the healthy normal in- fant. Hahneman. Month., 1934, 69: 528-34.—Fonnelly, J. D. Artificial feeding of infants in private practice. Pennsylvania M. J., 1933, 36: 578-82.—Garzon, W. P. Alimentacion arti- ficial del lactante sano. Dfa m6d. urug., 1936, 3: 584-90.— Graham, H. B. The principles of artificial feeding of the nor- mal infant. Med. J. Australia, 1930, 2: 254-62.—Groth, A. Erhebungen iiber die Ausbreitung natiirlicher und kiinstlicher Sauglingsernahrung auf den offentlichen Impfterminen in Bayern. Bl. Gesundhfurs., 1927-28, 5: 125-31.—Guggeri, E. Alimentacion artificial de la primera infancia, nifios normales Dfa m6d. urug., 1938-39, 6: 604; 623; 664; 689.—Guillain, P. Les regimes sans lait ou pauvres en lait dans la premiere enfance. Gaz. med. France, 1933, 220.—Hainiss, E. [Present methods of artificial feeding of infants] Orvosk6pz6s, 1937, 27: 419-31.—Hofmeier, K. Die Indikation zu milchfreier Ernah- rung. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1937, 34: 195-7.—Holt, L. E., & Bell, A. J. Nursing and artificial feeding. In Cyclop. Med (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 10: 635-67.—Hottinger, A. Ueber die kunstliche Ernahrung des Sauglings. Schweiz. med Wschr., 1929, 59: 97-105.—Hutchison, R., & Moncrieff, A. Artificial feeding. In their Lect. Dis. Child., 8. ed., Lond 1940, 23-38.— Janifer, C. S. Some simplified methods of the artificial feeding of infants. J. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1936, 33: 636-9.—Jefferson, J. A. The artificial feeding of infants. J Nat. M. Ass., Newark, 1931, 23: 54-7.—Jones, A. G. M. Artificial feeding of infants. In Diet in Health & Dis. (H D Rolleston [et al.]) Lond., 1939, 277-86.—Kerley, C. G. Sub- stitute breast feeding. Med. J. & Rec, N. Y., 1932, 136: 371.—Kincaid. H. E. The principles of artificial feeding. Med J. Australia, 1930, 2: 222-6.—Larkin, C. L. The growing tendency among modern mothers to feed babies artificiallv Med. J. & Rec, 1927, 125: 624.—Lederer, R. Erros mais frequentes na nutrigao dos lactentes; alimentagao artificial Brasil med., 1928, 42: 1014-6.—Levesque. J. Regime sans lait du nourrisson au-dessous de 6 mois. Bull, med., Par., 1935, 49: 511-4.—Longpre, D. L'alimentation artificielle du'nour- risson normal. Union med. Canada, 1939, 68: 748-50 — McCord, M. M. The bottle-fed baby. Med. Times, N Y 1927, 55: 83; 94.—Malyoth, G. Zur kiinstlichen Ernahrung des Sauglings. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1939, 61: 316-50.—Marfan, A. R. Les regimes sans lait chez le nourrisson. Rev. g£n. clin. th£r.' 1930, 44: 609-11.—Marriott. J. McK., & Jeans, P. C. Arti- ficial feeding. In their Inf. Nutr., 3. ed., S. Louis, 1941, 167- 75.—Marshall, J. T. The growing prevalence in the rural districts of artificial feeding of infant:-:. Kentucky M. J., 1927, 25: 369-71.- Meyer zu Hiirste, G. Zur Erniibrung des ge- sunden Sauglings; die unnatiirliche Ernahrung des Sauglings. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 85-8.—Moore, R. H. Some practical points in the artificial feeding of normal infants. Dallas M. J., 1926, 12: 182.—Moraga F., G. Alimentaci6n artificial en el lactante en el primer trimestre. Rev. chilena pediat., 1941, 12: 503-12.—Morse, J. L. Recollections and reflections on 45 years of artificial infant feeding. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1935, 7: 303-24.—Mulherin, W. A. A yardstick measure artificial feedings for infants. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1936, 25: 265-8.—Neff, F. C. Artificial feeding. In Ther. Infancy (Litchfield, H. R., & al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 458-82.— Netto, L. Aleitamento artificial; desvantagens e t6cnica. Rev. med. Bahia, 1941, 9: 173-85.—Pikler. L. [Physico-chemical foundation of artificial feeding of infants] Gy6gyiiszat, 1937, 77: 524-30.—Popowa, A. Ueber einige Indikationen der milchfreien Diiit bei Sauglingen und jungen Kindern. Mschr. Kinderh., 1927, 35: 416-28.—Pritchard, E. Recent improve-' ments in the artificial feeding of infants. J. R. San. Inst., 1927-28, 48: 216-21.—Ribadeau-Dumas. L'allaitement arti- ficiel et ses complements. Sem. hop. Paris, 1927, 3: 4-14.— Rohmer. La prdctica de la alimentaci6n artificial en el nifio normal. Progr. clin., Madr., 1930, 38: 745-50.—Salud, E. B. A guide to artificial feeding of infants. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1928, 8: 307-11, 2 ch.—Sarrouy, C. & Dendale, R. Allaitement artificiel et periode de restrictions. Bull. san. Algerie, 1940, 35: 702-4.—Schiavone, G. A. Sobre algunos aspectos de la alimentaci6n artificial del lactante. Sem. m£d., B. Air., 1937, 44: pt 1, 617-21; 892-9.—Schlesinger, B. Prac- tical points in artificial feeding. Clin. J., Lond., 1929, 58: 289-97.—Schweizer, F. Los factores decisivos en los resultados de la alimentacion artificial. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1926, 3. ser., 20: 600-4. ■------ Alimentaci6n artificial del lactante sano; aspecto cientifico. Dfa m6d., B. Air., 1942, 14: 250-2. ------ Alimentaci6n artificial del lactante sano. Rev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 125-32.—Sheldon, W. The artificial feeding of infants. Practitioner, Lond., 1935, 134: 415-28.—Smith, R. M. The underlying principles employed in the artificial feeding of infants. Rhode Island M. J., 1929, 12: 1.—Spolverini, L. Nuovi progressi di tecnica nell'allatta- mento artificiale. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. prat., 1847-55. Also Arch. Kinderh., 1931-32, 95: 278-89. ------ Progressi di tecnica nell'allattamento artificiale. Acta paediat., Upps., 1933, 16: 526-39.—Tiegel, W. Die kunstliche Sauglings- ernahrung in der naturarztlichen Praxis. Naturarztl. Rdsch., 1938, 10: 286-96.—Tobler. W. Zur kiinstlichen Ernahrung des Sauglings. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 285; 310.— Wieland, E. Ueber kunstliche Sauglingsernahrung. Ibid., 1932, 62: 443-8.—Willemin-CIog, L. Les regimes sans lait en diStetique infantile. Rev. fr. pediat., 1930, 6: 237-53. ----- artificial: Effect. Armand-Delille, P., Mentzer & Urbain. Contribution k l'6tude de l'assimilation glucides (amidon et produits d'hy- drolyse) chez le nourrisson age- de moins de 6 mois soumis k l'allaitement artificiel ou mixte. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 122: 1212.—Bikoff, H. S. Bottle babies thrive as well as the breast fed. Certif. Milk, 1937, 12: No. 136, 3; 20.—Giuffre, M. Gli aminoacidi delle urine nei bambini allevati artificialmente. Riv. clin. pediat., 1933, 31: 298-307.—Gulick, A. W., & Daniels, A. L. The excretion of vitamin B by artificially fed infants. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 28: 861-2.—Jahr, J. M. Das Stuhlbild des kiinstlich genahrten Sauglings in der Anstalt. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1931, 51: 135-69.—Liccardi, V. Risultati di allattamento artificiale nei Centri dell'Opera Naz. M. I. di Napoli. Morgagni, 1935, 77: 575-9.—Maurer, S., Greengard, J. [et al.] The effect of small quantities of breast milk, liver extract, iron and copper, respectively and in combinations, upon the iron balance of artificially fed infants. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1934, 4: 356-65.—Rothe Mayer, A. [Hemoglobin and erythro- cyte values in healthy, artificially fed infants up to 1 year of age] Ugeskr. laeger, 1940, 102: 1287-90. ---- artificial: Pathology. See also Anemia; Dyspepsia; Infant mortality, Causes; Infant nutrition, Disorder, etc. Gravinghoff, W. Untersuchungen iiber die Ziegenmilchanamie. 84p. 8? Berl., 1928. Careddu, G. Idremia ed eliminazione del cloruro di sodio nei bambino ad allattamento al seno e ad allattamento artificiale. Acta paediat., Upps., 1938, 22: 150.— Daniels, A. L., & Forman, M. B. Relation of various substances used in the artificial feeding mixtures of infants to nutritional anemia. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 431.—Groot, J. de, sr. [Vita- mins, rickets and artificial feeding of infants] Geneesk. gids, 1928, 6: 901-12.—Taillens, J. Lait condense sucre et carie dentaire. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1930, 50: 770-2.—Tezilacic, F. Studio comparativo tra lattanti al seno e ad alimentazione innaturale nei riguardi della morbilita. Med ital 1934 15: 443-54. INFANT NUTRITION 191 INFANT NUTRITION ---- Climatic and seasonal factors. Bloom, C. J. The care and feeding of babies in warm climates. 358p. 8? N. Orl. [1937] Blackham, R. J. Infant feeding in warm climates. J. State M., Lond., 1937, 45: 462-73.—Brooke, R. Infant feeding in the tropics. Am. J. Trop. M., 1926, 6: 403-19.—Hamburger, R. Ueber die zweckmassige Ernahrung des Sauglings und Klein- kindes in den Sommermonaten. Med. Welt, 1931, 5: 1056.— Hasselmann-Kahlert, M. Meine superkalorische Sauglings- nahrung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Energiequotien- ten beim Saugling in den Tropen. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1933, 37: 399-408.—Trambusti, B. Acclimatazione ed alimen- tazione del bambino italiano in Africa. Difesa sociale, 1940, 19: 625-62. ---- Clinical aspect. See also subheadings (Principles; Problems) Baptista, V. Consideragoes sobre a nutrigao da crianga. Tribuna med., Rio, 1926, 32: 241; 253; 265.—Fitzgerald, E. Some practical experiences in modern infant feeding. N. Zealand M. J., 1933, 32: 21-33.—Irving, F. C. The feeding of the newborn infant from the obstetrician's point of view. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 194: 1167.—McKee, J. H. Infant feeding once more. Atlantic M. J., 1925-26, 29: 618-23.— Marriott, McK. Practical points in feeding and care of infants. Month. Bull. Kansas City Clin. Soc, 1927, 3: 15-8.—Potter, P. S. The clinical aspects of infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1934, 51: 310-9.—Rohrbach, H. O. Preventive pedi- atrics from an infant-feeding standpoint. Atlantic M. J., 1927-28, 31: 379-81.—Scobey, R. R. The importance of infant feeding to the general practitioner. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1933, 50: 110-22.—Wilson, J. G. Infant feeding and its relation to the health of the school child. Pub. Health, Lond., 1933, 46: 356-63. ---- complementary [pre- and postlacteal] Bonneau, H. *L'alimentation complemen- taire du nourrisson a l'allaitement artificiel. 86p- 8? Par., 1927. Dayras, J. L'usage pr6coce des bouillies chez le nourrisson. Hopital, 1931, 19: 454.—Kaliski, S. A reappraisal of prelacteal feeding. Texas J. M., 1941-42, 37: 288.—Kozlov, F. S. [On early additional feeding and weaning] Sovet. pediat., 1935, No. 4, 113-20.—Montagna, C. P., & Vernocchi, P. J. Neeesidad de completar la alimentacion en el primer ano de vida (agregados de vitaminas y minerales) Sem. med., B. Air., 1937, 44: pt 1, 1048-51.—Riesenfeld, E. A., & Lichtenberg, H. L. A com- parative study of complementary feedings in 1,182 newborn infants. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1938, 55: 553-9.—Ruiz Marin, J. A. Alimentacion complementaria precoz del lactante. Medicina, Madr., 1942, 10: pt 2, 149-58.—Russell, A. E., McKeown, T. Complementary feeding of the suckling infant. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 832.—Sanford, H. N. Various com- plementary feedings used during the neonatal period; effect on the gain in weight and the stimulation of breast milk. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 470-5.—Schneider, G. H. Zweckmassige Formen der Sauglingszukost. Zsehr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1930-31, 99: 557-65.—Schorer, E. H., & Laffon, F. L. A clinical evalua- tion of 7 prelacteal feeding procedures in 962 consecutive new- born infant. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1935, 7: 613-24.—Schorer, E. H., & Seely, C. W. Efficiency of the sugar hydrating solu- tion as a prelacteal feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1941, 58: 769-73.—Walthall, D. Postlactation feeding. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 1350.—Wilbar, C. L., jr. Prelacteal feeding. Tr. Hawaii M. Ass., 1938, No. 48, 22-8. ---- deficient and faulty. See also Deficiency disease—in children; also under names of deficient nutrients as Vitamin, etc. Bloch, C. E. [Effects of vitamin deficiency in infants during the first year of life; dental caries and vitamins] Hospitals- tidende, 1931, 74: 265-82.—Capper, A. Facts and fads in infant feeding. Med. Times, N. Y., 1931, 59: 102-5.—Carrillo Gil, A. Manifestaciones de la nutrition deficiente en los nifios. Rev. med. Yucatan, 1940-42, 21: 29-36—Chwalibogowski, A. von. Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber kalorisch aus- reichende, qualitativ einseitige Ernahrung des Sauglings. Acta paediat., Upps., 1938, 22: 110-23.—Darrow, D. C, Ross, W. R. [et al.] Diseases due to defective diets. In Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Appleton) 1935, 7: 211-28.—Hoffmann, P. Welche Fehler miissen in der naturlichen und kiinstlichen Ernahrung im Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalter vermieden werden? Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 948-53.—Horn, F. Bedenkliche Ratschlage und Wege auf dem Gebiet der Sauglingsernahrung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 1401.—Jaso, E. La hipoalimentaci6n vitaminico-salina en el periodo de destete. Arch, med., Madr., 1930, 33: 557-63.—Lederer, R. Die hiiufigsten Fehler in der Sauglingsernahrung; kunstliche Ernahrung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 1059-61.—Lorenz, E. Erfolge und Misserfolge bei der Ernahrung des Sauglings und Kleinkindes. Internat. Nurs. Rev., Geneve, 1938, 12: 356-76.—Mathieu, R., & Vasseur, N. Etude sur le prurigo strophulus et les insuffisances alimentaires 2an\i enfan,ce- Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1930, 20: 322- T™oro' Haufige Fehler bei der Sauglingsernahrung, die auf Missverstandnissen beruhen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 949-51.—Mouriquand, G. La precarencia en el nino; sus aspectos climcos y biol6gicos. Siglo med., 1932, 89: 187- 91 •,. Les precarences infantiles devant la therapeutique. Pediat. prat., S. Paulo, 1939, 10: 279-86.—Pritchard, E. Observations on common mistakes in the artificial feeding of infants. Brit. M. J., 1926, 2: 549-51.—Rueda, P. Dos nuevas formas de hipovitaminosis en el lactante. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 1, 585-90.—Schreiber, G. De quelques erreurs courantes dans l'alimentation des nourrissons. Bull. m6d., Par., 1936, 50: 127.—Scroggie, A. Sindromes carenciales en la infancia. Rev. chilena pediat., 1941, 12: 247-87.—Wright, M. D. Nutritional problems of the nursery school; supplementing vitamin and other deficiency. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: ---- Disorder. See also Nutrition, Disorder; also specific names of nutritional disorders in infancy and childhood as Dehydration; Dystrophy, infantile; Enteritis, etc. Freudenberg, E. Physiologie und Pathologie der Verdauung im Sauglingsalter. 201p. 8? Berl., 1929. Schweizer, F. Trastornos nutritivos del lactante (disontia) 379p. 23cm. B. Air., 1941. Alcantara, P. de. Aspectos geraes dos disturbios do estado nutritivo do lactente. Ann. paul. med. cir., 1939, 37: 493- 512.—Amarante, J. Doengas digestivas e nutritivas da crianga. Fol. med.^ Rio, 1927, 8: 159-63.—Ariztia, A. Distrofias y alimentaci6n en la infancia. Rev. med. aliment., Santiago 1933-35, 1: 15-26.—Aron, H. Die Nahrschaden des Kindes. Erg. ges. Med., 1928, 11: 469-518.—Baumann, T. Ernahrung und Ernahrungsstorung im Sauglingsalter. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 389-94.—Bickerstaff, J. H. Malnutrition of infants. J. Florida M. Ass., 1927-28, 14: 78-82.—Blanton, J. L. Malnutrition during early childhood. West Virginia M. J., 1932, 28: 163-6.—Bratusch-Marrain, A. Ernahrung und Ernahrungsstorungen des Sauglings. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 1581; 1625; 1931, 44: 710.—Burghi, S. E. Contri- buci6n al estudio de las perturbaciones digestivas y de la nutri- ci6n del lactante. An. Fac. med., Montev., 1929, 14: 253-71.— Capon, N. B. Malnutrition in children. Med. Press & Circ Lond., 1941, 205: 417-21.—Cardona Mateo, L. Ideas actuales sobre los trastornos nutritivos del lactante. Actual. m£d., Granada, 1942, 18: 386-95.—Caselli, E. G. Nueva orientaci6n funcionai en el lactante. Rev. As. m£d. argent., 1940, 54: 124-6.—Cavengt, S. Breves consideraciones acerca de las dispepsias de los lactantes. Pediat. espafi., 1926, 15: 15; 51; 65.—Cienfuegos, E. Los trastornos nutritivos cr6nicos del lactante. Rev. chilena pediat., 1939, 10: 629-39.—Cozzolino, O. Prolegomeni sulle turbe della nutrizione nei lattanti. Lattante, 1931, 2: 617; 671.— Dembo, L. H. Malnutrition in infancy and childhood. In Ther. Infancv (Litchfield, H. R., et al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 522-6.—Elizalde, P. de. Las ideas que encarnaba Finkelstein sobre la patologia de los procesos nutri- tivos del lactante y su influencia sobre la pediatria argentinp. An. Soc. puericult. B. Aires, 1942, 8: 207-17.—Gomez, F. Desnutricion infantil en Mexico. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 495-501.—Hamburger, F. Die chro- nische Untererniihrung und Ueberflitterung im Sauglingsalter. Mitt. Verein. Aerzte Steiermark, 1925, 62: 152.—Hess, J. H. Feeding and the nutritional disorders of infancy. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1930, 29: 1-6.—Ismail Sabri. Nutritional disturbances J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1935, 18: 56-62.—Jaccottet, M. Les maladies de la nutrition chez le nourrisson. Praxis, Bern, 1929, 18: H. 43, 1; 3; H. 45, 1 .—Kerr-Cross, G. The disorders of infant feeding. J. M. Ass. S. Africa, 1929, 3: 539-45.—La Torre, G. I disturbi della nutrizione nei lattante. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1934, 11: 309-14.—Lattes, E. Andamento stagionale della morbidita per malattie della nutrizione nella prima infanzia in Torino. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1937, 12: 346-52.—Lepsky, E. M. [Disorders of digestion and nutrition in children] Kazan, med. J., 1941, 37: No. 2, 3-7.—Mcllwaine, W. B. Some impressions on gastro-intestinal diseases in infants and young children. Virginia M. Month., 1929-30, 56: 17- 23.—McNeil, C. Some minor digestive disorders in breastfed infants during the first month. Tr. Edinburgh Obst. Soc, 1931, 51: 72-83.—Marfan, A. B. Quelques aphorismes sur l'alimen- tation et les troubles digestifs dans la premiere enfance. Nour- risson, 1929, 17: 129-32.—Marriott, W. McK., & Jeans, P. C. Malnutrition, athrepsia, marasmus. In their Inf. Nutr., 3. ed., S. Louis, 1941, 234-52.—Mills, H. B., & Goldberg, S. Malnu- trition in infancy. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 124: 220- 2.—Nelson, W. E. Nutrition and nutritional disturbances. In Cyclop, Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1938, serv. vol., 1003-13 — Newman, S. A graphic presentation of nutritional disturbances of infancy. Virginia M. Month., 1925-26, 52: 642-4.—Nutri- tional disorders. In Ther. Infancy (Litchfield, H. R., et al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 512-29.—Ortiz, A. The severe acute nutri. tional disturbances of infants. Bol. As. mM. Puerto Rico- 1940, 32: 75-85.—Reiche, A. Die Systematik der Ernahrungs- storungen des Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalters und ihre INFANT NUTRITION 192 INFANT NUTRITION Behandlung. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1925, 22: 4-9.—Rohmer, P. Contributions k I'etude des troubles digestifs du nourrisson. Rev. fr. pediat., 1927, 3: 275.—Ronald, A. R. Nutritional dis- turbances of infancy. Ind. J. Pediat., 1940, 7: 20-32.— Ruiz, C. Conceptos actuales sobre algunos trastornos nutritivos del lactante. Dia med., B. Air., 1941, 13: 336-8.—Schlutz, F. W. Malnutrition in infancy and childhood. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 9: 515-21.—Scroggie, V., A. Trastornos nutritivos agudos en el lactante. Rev. chilena pediat., 1939, 10: 585-628.—Taillens, J. Considerations sur i'alimentation et les troubles digestifs du nourrisson. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1936, 56: 460-78.—Tatafiore, E. Costituzione e disturbi della nutrizione. Pediatria (Riv.) 1934, 42: 882-8.— Thatcher, L. The food disorders of infancv. Edinburgh M. J., 1931, n. ser., 36: 177-87.—Torday, F. Die chronischen Erniih- rungsstorungen des Sauglingsalters. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 1693-5.—Torello Cendra, M. Conceptos basales en los trastornos digestivos del nino de pecho. Rev. espafi. med. cir., 1926, 9: 1-5.—Vogt, H. Erniihrungsstorungen des Sauglings 1936-39. Mschr. Kinderh., 1936, 65: 344-55; 1937, 71: 98-115; passim. ---- Disorder: Allergy. See also Allergy, food: Milk; Allergy-—in children. Belfrage, H. [Idiosyncrasy to cow's milk] Sven. lak. tidn., 1931, 28: 559-62.—Donnally, H. H. Feeding after first year in relation to allergy. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 16: 665-72 — Foil, A. L'anafilassi da latte vaccino nei lattante. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1933, 8: 538-^5.—Greer, D. The treatment of food allergy in young infants. Texas J. M., 1933, 29: 370- 2.—Hallarman. H. Milk allergy in infants. Med. J. & Rec, 1929, 130: 147.—Hill, L. W. Infant feeding in the first year in relation to allergy. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 16: 663-5.— Marfan, A. B. Les injections sous-cutan£es du lait de vache comme dpreuves r6v£latriees de l'anaphylaxie pour ce lait; leur action d&sensibilisente. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1940, 11: 345-7.—Ross, J. B. The advantages of evaporated milk in allergy and infant feeding. Med. J. & Rec, 1932, 136: 276 — Rubin, M. I. The intestinal manifestation of milk allergy in the newborn period. Pennsylvania M. J., 1941-42, 45: 711- 4.—Weill, E. Intolerance pour le lait chez le nourrisson; tentative de traitement par l'injection sous-cutan^e du lait intole>e\ Mc?decine, Par., 1919-20, 1: 655-8.—Wolpe, L. Z., & Silverstone, P. C. A series of substitutes for milk in the treat- ment of allergies. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1942, 21: 635-58. ---r Disorder: Atrophy [Athrepsy of Parrot; Decomposition of Finkelstein] See also Atrophy; Dystrophy; Marasmus. D'Arcy, M. J. A. *Des hypotrophies d'origine digestive dans la premiere enfance; de leurs causes et de leur traitement. 191p. 8? Par., 1936. Goebel, A. *Spateres Schicksal atrophischer Sauglinge. 16p. 8? Gott., 1934. Levy, M. M. *Etudes sur les cachexies des nourrissons. 116p. 8? Par., 1926. Schuller, A. *Ueber die alimentare Dekom- position und Inanitionszustande mit einem eigenen Fall von Hungeratrophie bei einem nur mit Rohkost ernahrten Kind [Heidelberg] 16p. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1937. Sibilsky, C. E. *Athrepsia (malnutrition in infants) [Marquette Univ.] 13p. 4? Mil- waukee, 1926. Wenke, F. *Ueber einen Fall von perforiertem Geschwur der Vorderwand und frischem Ge- schwiir der Hinterwand des Duodenum bei Padatrophie. 24p. 8? Erlangen, 1926. Acute infantile atrophy, decomposition; marasmus. In Ther. Infancy (Litchfield, H. R., et al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 527-9.— Ajinkya, Y. N. Marasmus or infantile wasting. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1940-41, 10: 55-8.—Aron, H., & Pogorschelsky, H. Organanalytische Untersuchungen bei ernahrungsgestorten Kindern (ein Beitrag zur Dystrophiefrage) Jahrb. Kinderh., 1926, 3. F., 62: 111-34.—Cannata, S. Sulla distrofia del lattante. Rass. clin. sc, 1935, 13: 395-9.—Chabrun, J. Les hypotrophies du nourrisson au deli du cinquiSme mois. Bull. med., Par., 1931, 45: 471-3.—Coppolino, A. La tiroide in lattanti atrofici. Pathologica, Genova, 1936, 28: 462-6.— Dorlencourt, H. Etude des processus d'adipolyse au cours des etats de denutrition de la premiere enfance. Nourrissons, 1933, 21: 221-31. ------& Falcon. Recherches sur les processus d'adipolyse au cours des etats de denutrition de la premiere enfance. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1929, 27: 82-7.—Engel, S. Die Dystrophic und Atrophie der Sauglinge. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 561-5.—Escontria, M. La desnutrici6n en la primera infancia. Gac. med. Mexico, 1928, 59: 580-5.— Franke, J., ft Wittenberg, A. Ernahrungsstudien bei atrophi- schen Sauglingen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 32: 413-20.— Garot, L. Les syndromes de la denutrition grave duns la premiere enfance. Liege med., 1928, 21: 3-26.—Gralka, R., & Pogorschelsky, H. Untersuchungen iiber die Lipoidfraktionen des Gehirns bei ernahrungsgestorten Kindern (ein weiterer Beitrag zur Dystrophiefrage) Jahrb. Kinderh., 1927, 116: 1-7, tab.—Greenwaid, H. M. Dystrophy in artificially fed infants. Med. Clin. N. America, 1927-28, 11: 1055-69.— Hainiss, E. II lattante cunctatrofo. Lattante, 1937, 8: 263-6. ------ [Dissociation of water and salt metabolism in certain cases of infantile atrophy] Orv. hetib, 1937, 81: 1285. ------ Ueber den Wasserhaushalt atrophischer Sauglinge. Acta paediat., Upps., 1938, 22:133-5.—Hamilton, B., & Shock, N. W. The composition of growth; infantile atrophy. Ibid., 1933-34, 15: 314-29.—Jancu, A. [Infantile dystrophy of nutritional and infectious origin] Cluj. med., 1927, 8: 465-79.—Jansen, J. L. M. La perte de poids peut-elle servir au pronostic de l'hypo- threpsie et de l'athrepsie? Nourrisson, 1926, 14: 377-80.— Jaso, E. Glycemia in cachexia of nurslings. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1932, 43: 1051-61.—Jehle, L. [Ueber einen Fall von rapidem Gewichtssturz bei einem Saugling von 2l/> Monaten] Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 1587. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 888.—Lemaire, H. Les etats de denutrition de la premiere enfance. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1926, 46: 772-91.—Levine, S. Z., Wilson, J. R., & Gottschall, G. The respiratory metabo- lism in infancy and in childhood; the respiratory exchange in marasmus: basal metabolism. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1928, 35: 615-30.—Levy, M. M. Le fonctionnement renal des nourris- sons cachectiques. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 280-7.— Mattei, C. Note sur l'anatomie pathologique des glandes k secretion interne dans l'athrepsie. C. rend. Congr. fr. med., 1923, 17. sess., 370-6.—Moncrieff, A. Wasting or marasmus. Practitioner, Lond., 1939, 142: 413-20.—Morelli, E. Con- tributo alia conoscenza della patogenesi deH'atrofia infantile. Sperimentale, 1928, 82: 57-66.—Mouriquand, G. Notes sur l'athrepsie. Medecine, Par., 1925-26, 7: 808-13. —---- Influence du jeune age sur la genese des dystrophies d'origine alimentaire. Rev. mid. Suisse rom., 1926, 46: 155-62. ------ Les etats de denutrition de la premiere enfance; etiologie, pathog6nie et traitement. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 345-52. Also Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1926, 46:709-71. ------ Les etats de denutrition de la premiere enfance. M6d. inf., Par.. 1927, 33:15-31. ------ Les etats de denutrition dans la premiere enfance et l'athrepsie. J. med. Paris, 1927, 46: 151-5. ------ Formes etiologiques de l'athrepsie et des dystrophies du premier age. Ann. m6d., Par., 1928, 22: 97-118. ------ Athrepsie et dystrophies irreversibles. Bull. Acad. med. Roumaine, 1936, 1: 239-45.—Navarro. J. C. Hipertonia muscular generalizada en lactantes en estados caqu6cticos. Arch, espafi. pediat., 1931, 15: 577-90. ------ Hipertonia muscular en un lactente caqu6ctico. Arch, argent, pediat., 1935,6:356-61.—Nobecourt. P. Azot6mie et athrepsie. Rev. fr. pediat., 1927, 3: 601-10. ------ & Levy, M. M. La tolerance au sucre des nourrissons cachectiques. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 287-92.—Parsons. L. G. Diseases of nutrition: infantile atrophy. In: Dis. Child. (Thursfleld & Paterson) Lond., 1934, 112-22.—Ramon Guerra, A. U. Sobre si concepto de la distrofia farinacea. Arch, argent, pediat., 1942, 17: 397.—Ribadeau-Dumas, L., Chabrun & de Traverse. Les graisses viscerales des athrepsiques. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1927, 25: 46-50.—Robin, P. Les facies dysthrepsiques chez l'enfant; leur causes, leur consequences, leur traitement. J. med. Paris, 1922, 41: 780-2.—Rohmer, P. Contributions a l'etudes des troubles digestifs du nourrissons; a propos de la definition de l'athrepsie vraie et son pronostic. Rev. fr. pediat., 1927, 3: 409-15.—Roi, G. Ricerche sui contenuto in ferro nei fegato e nella milza degli atrepsici. Lattante, 1931, 2: 753- 60.—Rominger, E., & Meyer, H. Mineralstoffwechselunter- suchungen beim Saugling; die Mineralbilanz bei dystrophischen Zustanden. Arch. Kinderh., 1928, 85: 23-58.—Rougichitch, D. O. S. Dissociation in the ponderal and statural growth of the atrophic infant. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1935, 11: 304-13.— Sarabia y Pardo, J. Atrofia infantil. Pediat. espafi., 1927, 16: 161; 193.—Schiaparelli, P. Ricerche sulla lipemia, sulla aminoacidemia, e sulla glicemia del periodo digestivo, nei lattante sano e nell'atrepsico. Riv. clin. pediat., 1935, 33: 946-70.—Schlutz. F. W. Athrepsia. In Cyclop. M. (Piersol- Bortz) Phila., 1939, 1: 850-5.—Seckel, H. Die Blutmenge normaler una dystrophischer Sauglinge. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1929-30, 3. F., 76: 83-94.—Simonini, A. Contributo alio studio dell'ipotrofia ed atrofia nei lattante. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1933, 15: 39-83.— Spat, W., & Hoder. F. Zur Frage des Marasmus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1922, 18: 1057; 1931, 27: 1102.—Spyropoulos, N. J. Contribution a I'etude et au traite- ment de l'hypothrepsie des nourrissons. Arch. m6d. enf., 1930, 33: 223-30.—Suzuki, T., & Siraisi, S. • Nuclear shift of neu- trophiles in infantile atrophy. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1938, 32: 464-9.—Thursfleld, H. The use of banana pulp in the feeding of marasmic infants. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1927, 2: 49-54.—Torok, G. Die Chloraufnahme aus dem stromenden arteriellen Blute bei der Atrophie. Mschr. Kinderh., 1933, 56: 237-9.—Torday, F. [Trauma of the newborn as etiological factor of infantile atrophy] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1932, 30: 1035-40.—Tripputi, V. L'eliminazione della creatinina nei lattanti distrofici. Pediatria (Riv.) 1926, 34: 415-20.—Vaccari, D. Contributo alio studio de 1'atrepsia infantile. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1930, 7: 111-26.—Vegas. Atrofia en el lactante. Siglo med., 1933, 92: 5-8.—Viladrich, V. Algunas consideraciones sobre etiologfa y patogenia de la atrofia general. Med. nifioa, INFANT NUTRITION 193 INFANT NUTRITION 1931, 32: 340-5.—Wilson, J. R.. Levine, S. Z., & Kelly, M. The respiratory metabolism in infancy and in childhood; the respiratory exchange in marasmus; effect of muscular activity. Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1930, 39: 736-46. ---- Disorder: Atrophy: Treatment. Guerin, S. *Contribution a I'etude du traite- ment thyroidien dans les cachexies des nourris- sons. 88p. 8? Par., 1930. Acuna, M., & Winocur, P. Consideraciones sobre dos casos de atrepsia tratados con raciones concentradas de alimento artificial. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1929, 4: 344-55.—Amici, D. L'insulinoterapia nell'atrepsia della prima infanzia. Policlinico, 1930, 37: sez. prat., 1318-20.—Auerbach. Die Insulinbehand- lung bei Friihgeburten und dystrophischen Neugeborenen. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 90.—Benfey. A. Zur Insulinbehandlung schwerer Ernahrungsstorungen im Sauglingsalter. Ther. Gegenwart, 1927, 68: 381.—Bernheim-Karrer, J. Erfahrungen mit der Ernahrung dystrophischer Sauglinge mit Milchsaure- Vollmilch nach Marriot. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1929, 59: 973-5.—Blechmann, G., Chabanier, A., & Pruneau, J. Hypo- threpsie avec hyperglycemic chez une debile issue d'une toxi- comane; resultats heureux du traitement insulinique. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1933, 31: 195-202.—Bodin, E., & Chevrel, M. L. Traitement de l'athrepsie par le sulfars6nol. Presse med., 1926, 34: 771.—Buschmann. Lipoidtherapie der Atrophie mit Dekomposition; schwere Dekomposition (Finkelstein) Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 34: 472-7.—Cabanilla Cevallos, F. El extracto tiroideo en los estados de desnutrieion de la infancia. Cr6n. m6d. mex., 1932, 31: 641-8.—Cozzolino, O. La debole fiam- mella che si spegne; il lattante atrepsico (le benemerenze del regime nella tutela della primissima infanzia) Lattante, 1932, 3: 341-54.—Dorholt, P. Weitere Erfahrungen mit entfetteter Frauenmilch bei jungen dekomponierten Sauglingen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 32: 366-72.—Engel, S. Contribution to the pathology and treatment of the wasting infant. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1941, 38: 123-9.—Garot, L. Donnees nouvelles sur l'ac- tion de l'insuline dans la denutrition grave du nourrisson. C. rend. Congr. fr. med. (1930) 1931, 21. sess., 315-21.—Garrahan, J. P. Dos casos de descomposicidn (Finkelstein) curados con leche albuminosa. Sem. med., B. Air., 1919, 26: 2; 49.------ & Pintos, C. M. La leche de almendras de Moll en el trata- miento de la dispepsia del lactante, alimentado artificialmente. Sem. med., B. Air., 1929, 26: pt 2, 1043-5.—Hinden, E. Marasmus treated by breast-milk. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1939-40, 33: Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 371.—Kop, W. A. [Blood transfusion in the treatment of infantile marasmus] Ned. mschr. geneesk., 1928-29, 15: 415-31.—Lesne. A propos du traitement de l'hypothrepsie et de l'athrepsie. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 356.—Lopez Lomba, J. Revista crftica de los tratamientos modernos de la atrepsia y las hipo- trofias de la primera infancia. Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1932-33, 18: 664-73. Also Cr6n. med. mex., 1933, 32: 180-5 — Lyon, G. Le traitement de l'athrepsie et des hypotrophies infantiles. Bull, med., Par., 1939, 53: No. 37, Suppl., 1-4 — Macciotta. G. La alimentazione degli atrofici. Riv. clin. pediat., 1931, 29: 209-34.—McCrea, E. F. W., & Raper, H. S. The treatment of certain forms of infantile atrophy with atmospheres enriched by oxygen and carbon dioxide. Q. J. Med., Oxf., 1928-29, 22: 269-79.—Maillet, M. Notes cliniques k propos des regimes de reduction et de suppression du lait chez les nourrissons dyspeptiques et hypotrophiques. J. med. Paris, 1933, 53: 247-50. Also Med. inf., Par., 1933, 40: 1-18 — Marfan, A. B. Sur la definition de l'athrepsie; sa prophylaxie par le regime alimentaire et l'hygitoe. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 370-6. ------ L'alimentation des debiles et des hypothrepsiques k l'hospice des Enfants-Assistes. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1928, 3. ser., 99: 973-88. Also Nourrisson, 1929, 17: 1-15. ------ & Chevalley, M. Essai de substitution du lait acidifie au babeurre dans l'alimentation des nouveau-nes debiles et hypothrepsiques. Ibid., 1928, 16: 257-66.—Marini, R. L'estratto tiroideo nella cura delle cachessie del lattanti. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. prat., 1693-7.—Morales Gonzalez, J. L. Tratamiento de la atrepsia. Med. nifios, 1933, 34: 198- 202.—Mouriquand, G. Traitement des etats de denutrition du premier age et de l'athrepsie. J. med. Lyon, 1927, 8: 81-7. ------ & Bertoye. Ultraviolette stralen en atrophie. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 119.—Mouriquand, G., Cheval- lier & Josserand, A. Essai de traitement par la diathermie dans l'athrepsie. Lyon med., 1926, 137: 468-70.—Nobecourt, P. Les hautes doses de sucre de canne chez les nourrissons cachecti- ques. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 352-6.------La tolerance des nourrissons pour le sucre; les hautes doses de saccharose chez les b6bes cachectiques. Arch. med. enf., 1927, 30: 313-38.------& Levy, M. M. Les injections d'extrait thyroidien a haute dose dans certaines cachexies des nourrissons. Bull. Soc pediat. Paris, 1926, 24: 64-8. Also Progr. clin., Madr., 1926, 34: 523-35.—Nobecourt, P., Liege, R., & Gugrin, Observations de nourrissons athrepsiques traites par l'extrait thyroidien. Arch. med. enf., 1930, 33: 647-58—Novic. De l'emploi du glucose k doses massives dans le traitement de l'athrepsie du nouveau-ne. Rev. fr. gyn. obst., 1927, 22: 281- 3.—Pgteri, I. [Pathology and therapy of infantile atrophy] Orvoskepzes, 1932, 22: 620-32.—Poggi, M. Efficacia delle iniezioni di siero normale di cavallo nei bambini affetti da atrepsia del Parrot o decomposizione di Finkelstein. Gior. clin. med., 1928, 9: 177.—Ribadeau-Diimas, L., Mathieu, R. [et al.] Indication des differents s6rums artificiels dans les marasmes 320157—VOL. 8, 4th series----13 infantiles; valeur du rapport; chlore globulaire, chlore plasma- tique. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1930, 28: 71-82.—Roboz, P. [Hormonal therapy of infantile atrophy] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: 467-9. Also Jahrb. Kinderh., 1935, 3. F., 94: 240-7.—Roi, G. L'insulino-terapie in alcuni stati distrofici della prima infanzia; l'azione dell'insulina negli stati di denutrizione. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1927, 9: 823-38.—Simian, I. [Case of infantile athrepsia with paradoxal hypergenital svndrome, treated with thyroidian opotherapy] Spitalul, 1934, 54: 171-4.—Szasz, A., & Gardos, S. Behandlung der Sauglingsatrophien mit Leber- und Hypo- physenhinterlappen-Extrakten. Mschr. Kinderh., 1938, 76: 322-7.—Torello Cendra, M. Consideraciones sobre la etiologfa y tratamiento de la atrepsia. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1926, 2. ser., 5: 236-62.—Valledor, T. Lipoterapia intravenosa en los estados de desnutrieion grave del lactante. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1938, 10: 134-46. ------Casas, F., & Gomez del Rio, G. Lipoterapia intravenosa en el tratamiento de la atrofia infantil. Vida nueva, Habana, 1929, 23: 156-62.—Vasconcellos, J. Un caso de atrepsia, tipo Parrot, curado. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1928, 22: 712-7.—Vergara E., A. El trata- miento de la atrepsia org&nica infantil. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 502-11.—Voinovici, V. [Moro- brei in the treatment of dystrophy in nursing infants] Romania med., 1935, 13: 62.—Vollmer, H. Perorale Aktivierung bei Dystrophien im Kindesalter. Fortsch. Ther. 1928, 4: 247- 50.—Wateff, S. Behandlung der Dystrophien mit Hormonen der Hypophyse. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 649.—Weissen- berg, H. Die Behandlung der Sauglingsatrophie mit der Zitrotibinmilch. Arch. Kinderh., 1930, 90: 288-304.—West, J. H. Low fat high starch evaporated milk feeding for the marasmic baby. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1931, 48: 189-93. ---- Disorder: Diagnosis and classification. Podolsky, L. *Was leistet die Bestimmung der Darmdurchlaufszeit beim Saugling fur die Klinik der Ernahrungsstorungen? [Berlin] 32p. 8? Bottrop, 1933. Cavengt, S. Lacteopatologfa del lactante: su clasificaci6n. Arch, espafi. pediat., 1928, 12: 193-217.—Foster, E. Clasi- ficaci6n de los trastornos de la nutrici6n y de la digesti6n en el lactante. Sem. med., B. Air., 1932, 39: pt 2, 32-43.—Gaing, E. Las disontias del lactante segiin Bessau; sintesis de su doctrina. Ibid., 1941, 48: pt 2, 1332-8.—Mathiesen, H. Einige Versuche mit einer Milchprobemahlzeit bei Sauglingen. Acta paediat., Upps., 1926, 6: 145-59.—Mouriquand, G. Les syndromes d'inassimilation chez l'enfant; leurs aspects cliniques et biolo- giques. J. med. Lyon, 1933, 14: 515-23.—Ordonez de V. y G., A. Normas que debemos seguir en el diagn6stico de los tras- tornos nutritivos agudos del lactante. Rev. med. cir., Ba- rranquilla, 1941, 8: No. 8, 11-44.—Raspi, M. L'enzimorea- zioni per il latte nello studio dei poteri digestivi del lattante. Arch, biol., Genova, 1927, 4: No. 6, 1-10.—Rohmer, P., & Tassovatz, B. La valeur clinique de l'albuminurie et de la cylindrurie dans les troubles digestifs des nourrissons. Rev. fr. pediat., 1935, 11: 617-29.—Saenz Herrera, C. Diagnostico de los trastornos nutritivos agudos del lactante. Rev. med., S. Jose, 1940-41, 4: 521-32.—Vergara E., A. Clasificacion de los trastornos nutritivos de la primera infancia. Gac med. Mexico, 1941, 71: 24-34.—Wilkins, E. H., & Rollason, A. H. Supplementary feeding as a test for malnutrition. Med. Off., Lond., 1937, 58: 115-8. ---- Disorder: Etiology. Maier, E. *Die nachweislicheh Entste- hungsbedingungen der Ernahrungsstorungen bei Sauglingen [Freiburg] 9p. 8? Stuttg., 1929. Also Arch. Kinderh., 1929, 87: Marfan, A. B. Etude historique et critique sur les affections de l'appareil digestif dans la premiere enfance, suivi d'un essai de classifica- tion clinique de ces affections. 86p. 8? Par., 1918. ---- Les affections des voies digestives et les etats de denutrition dans la -premiere enfance. 2. eU 735p. 8? Par., 1930. Acuna, E. J. Estudio de los t6xicos de los forrajes, y su nfluencia en la alimentacion del nifio. Rev. med., Rosario, 1939, 13: No. 127, 10-26.—Barchetti, K. Ueber periodisch auftretende Darmerkrankungen bei kiinstlich genahrten Sauglingen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 357.—Behrendt, H. Ueber Schadigungen der Sauglinge durch Ernahrung mit Ziegenmilch. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1365. ------ Untersuchungen zur Frage der Ziegenmilchschadigungen bei Sauglingen. Veroff. Medverwalt., 1930, 31: 577-95.—Brenne- mann, J. Minor nutritional and digestive disorders of the artificially fed infant. In Pract. Pediat. (Brennemann, J.) Hagerstown, 1937, 1: chap. 27.—Broca, R., & Marie, J. La fievre de lait sec. In Annee pediat., 1934, 1: 83-7.—Castaneda, H. Causas de la desnutrieion infantil en Mexico. Rev. mex. puericult., 1932-33, 3: 315-44.—Cavengt, S. Lacteopatologia del lactante: su clasificaci6n. Arch, med., Madr., 1928, 29: 126-37.—Epstein, B., & Jelinek, O. Abweichungen von der physiologischen Darmflora bei mit abgedrlickter Frauenmilch INFANT NUTRITION 194 INFANT NUTRITION erniihrten Sauglingen. Arch. Kinderh., 1931-32, 95: 194- 201.—Escribano, R. Importancia de la dietetica infantil; trastornos en el lactante. Monterrey med., 1940, No. 49, 1235.—Espirito Santo, ('. A. do. O abuso do leite como factor distrofiante, on relp af Brintoverilte. Nord. tskr. ter., 1906-7, 5: 225; 261; 291 — Brennemann, J. The use of boiled milk in infant feeding and elsewhere. J. Am. M. Ass., 1916, 67: 1413-8.—Caldwell, G. W. The value of homogenized foods in infant feeding. J. Am. Diet. Ass., 1935-36, 11: 428-36.—Catel, W. Ueber die Be- deutung der Milchsterilisation fiir den Erniihrungserfolg. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1929-30, 3. F., 76: 38-49.—Clevisch. A. Institut municipal de sterilisation du lait destinfi aux nourris- sons. Hyg. viande, 1907, 1: 150-4.—Glazier, M. M. Ad- vantages of strained solids in the early months of infancy. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1933, 3: 883-90.—Griffith, J. P. C. Demon- stration and discussion of some methods of infant feeding and of food preparation. Atlantic M. J., 1926-27, 30: 703-6 — Herrmann, M. Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss der Nahrungs- temperatur auf das Verhalten des Sauglings. Mschr. Kinderh., 1931, 51: 49-69.—Jensen, O., & Plattner, E. De Taction du chauffage sur le lait de vache (contribution k la question de l'allaitement artificiel) Rev. g6n. lait, 1904-5, 4: 361-8; 388; 419.—Kerr, L. G. The reliability of sterilized and pas- teurized milk as an infant food. Long Island M. J., 1908, 2: 371-3.—Knolle. Milchhygienische Untersuchungen, insbe- sondere iiber das von Behringsche Verfahren, Sauglingsmilch durch Formalin haltbar zu machen. Molkerei Ztg, 1905, 15: 25.—Launoy, L. Le lait; apercu sur la sterilisation du lait et sur la valeur des laits st6rilis6s dans l'alimentation de l'enfance. Biol, med., Par., 1904, 2: 397-425.—Meurer, R. Das Lobeck- sche Verfahren zur Herstellung einwandfreier Trinkmilch, insbesondere solcher fiir Sauglinge und die mit diesem Ver- fahren zu erzielenden Erfolge hinsichtlich Sterilisierungsfahig- keit, Verh. Ges. deut. Naturforsch. (1912) 1913, 84: 2. Teil, 2. Halfte, 446-50.—Morris, N., & Graham, S." Nutritive value of boiled and raw milk in infant feeding. Lancet, Lond., 1933 2:1314.—Pedraza, H. Manera de preparar los biberones. Salud & san., Bogota, 1940-41, 10: No. 108, 8-10.—Renault. J., & Levy, P. P. La purification du lait destine aux nourrissons. Rev. hyg., Par., 1916, 38: 737-67.—Schaps, L. Zur Frage der Conservierung der Milch durch Formaldehyd, speciell zum Zwecke der Sauglingsernahrung. Zsehr. Hyg., 1905, 50: 247-64.—Senellart, T. La premiere bouillie. J. obst. gyn., Par 1933, 4: No. 10, 23-30.—Sill, E. M. Is sterilized milk a safe food for infants? N. York M. J., 1908, 87: 243-5.— Weiss, S., & Brudny, V. Sterilac; Apparat zur aseptischen Milchgewinnung, Dauerkiihlung und Bereitung von Sauglings- milchmodificationen. Arch. Kinderh., 1911, 56: 129-40. ---- Food requirements. Strong, R. A. The nutritional requirements of early life. 86p. 23cm. [n. p., 1936] Babonneix, L. La notion d'equilibre en mature de regimes chez l'enfant. Gaz. hop., 1935, 108: 1549-53— Butler, A. M. Nutritional requirements in infancy and childhood. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 898-918.—De Toni, G., & Tarozzi, G. C. Proposta di un semplice metodo per lo studio delle proporzioni tra i singoli elementi energetici nei regime dietetico infantile. Riv. clin. pediat., 1933, 31: 906-22.—Etudes sur l'alimentation; mdthodes d'apprgciation de l'etat de nutrition de la jeunesse; les besoins alimentaires pendant la premiere annge de la vie. Rev. hyg. med. social., 1937, 16: 78-86.—Findlay, L. Infant feeding; the amount of food required. Practitioner, Lond., 1930, 125: 5-15.—Larini, D. Razione alimentare e tipi mor- fologici infantili. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 858-60.—Lemgruber, O. Das necessidades alimenticias da crianca em face do seu desenvolvimento physico normal. Fol. med., Rio, 1932, 13: 337; 368.—Lereboullet, P. Les besoins alimentaires dans la premiere annee de la vie. Nourris- son, 1937, 25: 158-67.—Pernetta, C. Exigencias nutritivas na infancia. Rev. med. 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Illinois M. J., 1938 74: 142-4.—Codet, O. L'alimentation variee pour l'enfant de 6 k 18 mois. Progr. med., Par., 1931, 1781-92 — Davis, C. M. Feeding after the first year. In Pract. Pediat. (Brennemann, J.) Hagerstown, 1937, 1: chap. 30.—Ferguson, S. Feeding and management of children after weaning and the bottle age. Med. J. Australia, 1930, 2: 226-8.—Haller, G. L Les regies actuelles de l'alimentation du nourrisson apres le sixieme mois. Prat, med fr 1938 19: 16-34.—HofmeierK. Ernahrung im Kleinkindesalter. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 652. ------Die Ernahrung des Kleinkindes. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 665; 715.—Hotz, A. Ueber Neugeborenen-Ernahrung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1930, 60: 1201-4.—Infant feeding during early hours of life. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 302 — Jemma, R. L'alimentazione del lattante sano dopo il sesto mese. Med. inf., Roma, 1937, 8: 345-9.—Jones, T. D. Feed- ing the normal infant the first year. Virginia M. Month., 1926-27, 53: 372-8.—Kleinschmidt, H. 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Feeding the new-born baby. Practitioner, Lond., 1941, 146: 435-41.— Wagner, R. Welche Regeln gelten fiir die Ernahrung des Neugeborenen? Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1934, 8: 255. ---- History. Berliner, E. Recent developments in infant feeding. 21p. 8? [Wash.] 1918. Ctjlesco, E. B. *Sur quelques nouvelles acquisitions dans l'alimentation du nourrisson. 34p. 8? Par., 1937. Denkberg, S. Consideration sur revolution de l'alimentation du nourrisson. 70p. 8? Par., 1934. Monimart, M. ^Contribution a I'etude com- parative de quelques methodes ancienne et nouvelles d'alimentation des nourrissons. 63p. 24cm. Par., 1938. Aldrich, C. A. Ancient processes in a scientific age; feeding aspects. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 714-22—Bokay, J. Ueber die Geschichte der kiinstlichen Ernahrung der Sauglinge. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1928, 46: 280-5.—Carr, W. L. Progressive steps in infant feeding. Certif. Milk, 1935, 10: 3-11.—Chown, G. Some notes on the historv of infant feeding. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1936, 16: 177-84.—Corson, H. Food for in- fants [1870] J. Lancet, 1942, 62: 59-61.—Drake, T. G. H. Infant feeding in England and in France from 1750 to 1800. Am J. Dis. Child., 1930, 39: 1049-61. ------ Pap and panada. Ann. M. Hist., 1931, n. ser., 3: 289-95. ------ Infant nutrition in Paris in the year 1780. Canad. M. Ass. J 1937 37: 595-7.—Durand, J. I. Progress in the nutrition of infants. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 275-7.—Fischl, R. Wandlungen auf dem Gebiete der Sauglingsernahrung. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 1479-84.—Friedman, S. Infant feeding and nutrition; a decade of progress. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1935, 49: 153-90; 461.—Gohier-Desplas. Les donnees actuelles de l'alimentation du nourrisson normal. Rev. m6d. fr., 1937, 18: 735-7—Hess, J. H. Infant feeding; its present status. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1927, 20: 419-22.—Husler, J. Ueber Altes und Modernes in der Sauglingsernahrung. Bl. Gesundhfurs., 1928-29, 6: 21-31.—Hymanson, A. A short review of the history of infant feeding. 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Ueber Ernahrungsfragen in der Siiuglings- und Kleinkinderfiirsorge unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kasseler Einrichtungen. Zsehr. Gesundhverwalt., 1930, 1: 225-34.—Blstt, M. L., & Nichamin, S. J. Infant feeding in an institutional environment. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1933, 2: 469-71.—Bohn, A. La pouponni&re d'adaptation k l'allaite- ment artificiel des nourrissons assistes de la Seine. Nourrisson, 1935, 23: 223-37.—Buttenburg, P. Die Ed. Lippert che Kindermilchanstalt in Hokenbuchen. Milch. Ztg, 1907, 4 1.— Camacho Gamba, J. Como debe prestarse la asistencia ali- menticia en las instituciones de protecci6n a la infancia. Rev. med. cir., BarranquiUa, 1940, 7: No. 10, 37-46.—Camelli, R. Relazione sui dispensario dei lattanti di Bolzano. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1929, 6: 160-5.—Deutsch, E. L'ceuvre de la Goutte de lait k Budapest. Arch. med. enf., 1906, 9: 32-7. ------ La Goutte de lait de Budapest. Ann. m6d. chir. inf., 1906. 10: 94-9.—Dufour, L. Quatorze ans de la Goutte de lait a Fecamp. Normandie med., 1909, 25: 481-7.—Enderlein. Ueber Kindermilchversorgung und Milchkiichen. Aerztl. Mitt. Baden, 1906, 60: 93-8.—Fortescue-Brickdale, J. M. Infant milk depots in Great Britain. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1905, 2: 503-7.—Foster, E. Dispensario de lactantes la Gota de leche. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1905, 1: 342-51. ------ Memoria sobre el funcionamiento de la Gota de leche presentada a la intendencia municipal. Ibid., 1906, 2: 275--81. ------ Informe del Doctor Foster sobre el proyecto para establecer la botica de leche. Ibid., 1907, 3: 262-7.—Gaing, E. Sobre la neeesidad de establecer un con- sultorio modelo para nifios lactantes: la botica de leche. Ibid., 208-14.—Gamboa Fchandia, R. Alimcntaci6n artificial del lactante; Depart.amento de protecci6n infantil y materna. Rev. hig., Bogota, 1910, 21: No. 11, 49-04.—Guisan, A. La Goutte de lait de Belleville, il Paris. Praxis, Bern, 1928. 17: H. 34, 1-3. Gutbrod. <). 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Con- sideraciones sobre los consultorios Gota de Leche. Hev. m6d Uruguay, 1910. 19: 588 92. ------ Sur le restiltat de l'ali- mentation artificielle dans la creche de Montevideo. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1920, 18: 111-27.—Morales Beltrami, G., & Bustamante Kspinoza. W. Estudio m6dico-social y econ6mico de la alimentacic'ii del lactante sano en los organismos de pro- tecci6n materno-infa.n1.il en Chile. Hev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 103-8.- Moreau. Les Gouttes de lait et lopinion publique. Anjou med.. 1905, 12: 109-14.—Nee. La Goutte de. lait de Rouen pendant les annees 1906 et 1907. Normandie med., 1907 22: 551; 630.—Neff, F. C. Feeding care of the infant in the obstetric nursery. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1927, 34: 870-6.— Notes on infant feeding; as carried out at the Babies' Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1934, 30: 1051-3.— Oropeza, P. Centros de alimentacion infantil en Venezuela. Mem. Congr. venezol. leche, 1939, 1. Congr., 323-5.—Pastega, A. L'istituzione Nathan Straus in New York. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1900, 1: 281-8.—Robertson, W. The practical side of an infant's milk depot. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinburgh, 1905-6, n. ser., 25: 210-20. Also Edinburgh M. J., 1900, n. ser., 19: 489-97.— Rogers H. W. A modest experiment in foster-motherhood; the work of the pure milk commission of the Children's Aid Association of Indianapolis. Survey Social Charit., 1909, 22: 176-83.—Roussel, M. Lait maternise et lait cru k la Goutte de lait de Rouen en 1904-5. Normandie mM., 1905, 20: 480; 499.—Schmitt, C, & Benech, J. La Caisse des ecoles maternelles de Nancy et son role dans l'ali- mentation des enfants. Rev. hyg. m6d. social,. 1938, 17: 361-7.—Scottish (A) baby-feed kitchen. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1941, 37: 187.—Spolverini & Bentivoglio. Metodo in uso nella clinica pediatrica di Roma per l'allattamento arti- ficiale. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 826-9 — Thwaites, J. What is a Truby King baby? Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 595.—Ulecia y Cardona, R. La Goutte de lait de Madrid et la propagation de cette institution en Espagne. Arch. med., Par., 1906, 7: 73-81.—Watkins, A. G. What is a Truby King baby? Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 454.—Weigand, C. G. Methods of infant feeding as used in the newborn clinic, Uni- versity of Nebraska College of Medicine the past 3 years. Nebraska M. J., 1934, 19: 451-3.—Weiss, S. Milchkassen- organisationen zur Forderung der Selbststillung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1905, 18: 727-9. --- Instruction. Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Department of Health. Bureau of Maternal and Child Health. Division of Nutrition. Nutrition exhibits. 8 numb. 1. 28cm. [Harrisb.] 1941. Bowes, A. deP. Activities of the Division of Nutrition, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health. Pennsylvania Health, 1942, 3: No. 3, 19-23.—Dennett, R. H. The teaching of infant feeding: past and present. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1931, 48: 226-37.—Heller, C. A. Education in nutrition as part of the maternal health program. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1942, 32: 1021-4. ---- Instruments. Barbacci, R., & Zambelli, F. H. Proposta di un particolare cilindro graduato per le diluizioni correnti del latte nell'allatta- mento artificiale. Atti Accad. fisiocrit. Siena, 1927, 10. ser., 2: 255-8.—Bickel, A., & Roeder, H. Der Thermo-Sterilisator: ein Apparat zur Sterilisierung und Kuhlhaltung ohne Eis fiir kunstliche Sauglingsnahrung. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1910, 47: 1370-3.—Bokay, J. [Feeding bottles for infants] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: 106-8.—Consolazio, W. V. A vacuum seal for preservation of feeding formulas. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1941, 19: 90.—Dittrick, H. The nursing can, an early American infant feeding device. Bull. Hist. M., 1939, 7: 696-704.— Drake, T. G. H. Antique infant feeding apparatus. Bull. Acad. M. Toronto, 1938, 11: 181.—Grip-tight latex feeding- bottle teats. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1941, 4: 271.—Haffner, G. Ist die Masseinteilung der Sauglingsmilchflaschen zuver- lassig? Kinderarztl. Prax., 1938, 9: 521.—Ilyin. K. V. [Drop- nipple feeding bottle] Pediatria, Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 83.— Infant feeding vessels of the stone age. Bull. Chicago M. Soc, INFANT NUTRITION 203 INFANT NUTRITION 1938-39, 41: 9A.—Kahn, O. J. An improved sanitary cap for nursing bottles; an added factor of safety against formula contamination. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1938, 55: 218-24.- Moll L. Ein automatisch regulierbarer Apparat zum Erwar- men der Milchflaschen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1929-30, 45: 289-92.—Muller, E. Ein Apparat zum Kochen oder Pas- teurisieren von Kindermilch. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1905, 62: 825-7.—Oeder. Ueber eine Ernahrungskontrolluhr. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1921, 68: 316.—Rosenthal, R. A short pictorial review of the evolution of infant-feeding vessels up to the beginning of the 19th century. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1936, 25: gg_94 —Young, P. E. Nipple for nursing bottles. U. S. Patent Off., 1936, No. 2,041,670. ---- Manual. See also Infant, Care; Pediatrics. Babonneix, L. Les regimes chez l'enfant. 607p. 8? Par., 1936. Bartlett, F. H. Infants and children, their feeding and growth; completely rev. ed. 409p. 18cm. N. Y. [1942] Barton, E. A. Essentials of infant feeding. 80p. Lond., 1925. Berton, C. *Essai de dietetique pratique du nourrisson. 80p. 8? Par., 1931. Betjmer, H. Ueber die Ernahrung des Sauglings. 26p. 8? Lpz., 1930. Boyd, J. D. Nutrition of the infant and child. 198p. 8? N. Y.. 1937. Braithwaite, J. V. C. Infant feeding in general practice. 140p. 12? Brist., 1930. Burgos, H. I. *Contribuci6n al estudio de la alimentacion del lactante normal y sano en el primer semestre de vida. 139p. 26^cm. B. Air., 1941. Castro, J. M. de. *Breves consideracoes sobre a bromatologia nas suas relacoes com a primeira infancia. 68p. 12? Lisb., 1875. Dennett, R. H. Simplified infant feeding, with 80 illustrative cases. 3. ed. 415p. 8? Phila. [1926] Douglas, C. Treatise on feeding and nursing the baby for mothers and nurses. 6lip. 8? Detr., 1901. Gaing, E. Compendio practico de alimenta- cion del lactante. 78p. 23cm. B. Air., 1940. Gildersleeve, E. Baby epicure; appetizing dishes for children and invalids. 141p. 8? N. Y., 1937. • . Gladstone, H. B. Clinical observations on infant feeding and nutrition. 118p. 8? Lond., 1928- , , 1 ^ X. J Herb, F. Care-feeding of the baby; a hand- book for mothers, midwives and nurses. 267p. 8? Superior, Wis., 1907. Lesxe, E., & Clement, R. Les regimes du nourrisson. 172p. 8? Par., 1930. Marriott, W. McK. Infant nutrition; a textbook of infant feeding for students and practitioners of medicine. 375p. 8? S. Louis, 1930. Also 2. ed. 431p. 1935. Also 3. ed. 475p 1941 Meyer, L. F., & Nassau, E. Die Sauglings- ernahrung; eine Anleitung fur Aerzte und Studierende. 353p. 8? Miinch. 1930 Moncrieff, A. Infant feeding. 31p. ^l>2cm. Lond. [1941] Myers, B. Modern infant feeding. 160p. 20cm. Lond. [1390] Nobel, E., Pirquet, C, & Wagner, R. The nutrition of healthy and sick infants and children for physicians and students. 2. ed. 243p. 8. Phila., 1929. , , Paterson, D., & Smith, J. F. Modern methods of feeding in infancy and childhood. 106p. 8? Lond., 1926. Also 7. ed. 219p. 22cm. [1939] Perkins, R. A. Milk laboratory manual for nurses. 106 1. 8° Columbus, O., 1935. Reuss, A. Sauglingsernahrung. 98p. 8? Wien, 1929. Scott, G. D. Heredity, food, and environ- ment in the nutrition of infants and children. 778p. 22/2cm. Bost. [1942] Tallerman, K. H., & Hamilton, C. K. J. The principles of infant nutrition and their practical application. 183p. 8? Lond., 1928. Trumpp, J. Die Ernahrung des Kindes nach neuzeitlichen Grundsatzen. 2. Aufl. 84p. 8? Miinch., 1935. Valagussa, F. Consultazioni di clinica, dietetica e terapia infantile; manuale per medici praticie studenti. 4. ed. 832p. 8? Roma, 1932. Wright, H. P. Essentials of infant feeding and paediatric practice. 212p. 8? Lond., 1934. Macciotta, G., Brusa, P., & Lucca, A. Direttive dietetiche nelle collettivitit infantili. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., 7-173. ---- Meals. Fischer, C. C, & Agerty, H. A. A study of the feeding- interval in healthy newborn infants. J. Am. Inst. Homeop.. 1939, 32: 1-3.—Stoeltzner, W. Das Dogma von den fiinf Mahlzeiten des Sauglings. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 1561.—Ylppo, A. Ueber die verkurzte Fiitterungszeit bei Brust- und Flaschenkindern und ihr Einfluss auf die Magen- funktion. Acta paediat., Upps., 1939, 24: 258-64. Milk. See also subheading Milk supply; also Breast feeding; Breast milk; Milk; Milk supply. Domela, M. *Etude sur les regimes lact6s restreints en dietetique infantile. 65p. 8? Par., 1930. Hirschfeld, H. *Ueber die Verweildauer verschiedener Milchgemische im Sauglingsmagen. 14p. 8? Gott., 1933. Rohde, A. *Ueber die Flockengrosse einiger Milchmischungen im Sauglingsmagen. 8p. 8? Gott., 1931. Trusov, I. I. [Influence upon sterilized milk of so-called acidophil bacteria of the intestines of the infant] 3 1. 8? S. Peterb., 1904. Uchiyama, K. *TJeber Viskositatsbestim- mungen der Milch und der gebrauchlichsten Sauglingsnahrungen. 35p. 8? Munch., 1909. Abadie, I., & Rodas Zamora, M. Causas de la alteraci6n de la leche de vaca (como alimento artificial) Sem. m&L, B. Air., 1920, 27: 98-100.—Agcaoili, F. The composition of various milks and their adaptability for infant feeding. Philip- pine J. Sc, 1913, 8: (a), 141-9, pl.—Allaria, G. B. II problema pediatrico del latte alimentare dopo il III? Congresso pediatnco internazionale di Londra. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1934, 9: 257-321—B„ O. Redivivo pelo leite de mulher. Brasil med., 1941 55: 470—Beach, E. F., Bernstein, S. S., & Macy, I. G. Intake of amino acids by breast-milk-fed infants and amino acid composition of cow's milk and human milk. J. Pediat., S Louis, 1941, 19: 190-200.—Behrendt. H. Ziegenmilch als Sauglingsnahrung, Ergebnisse und Forderungen. _ Klin. Wschr 1926, 5: 1187-90.—Blechmann, G., & Frangois, R. C. Alimentation du nourisson; les groupes de lait. In Ann6e mM prat., Par., 1939, 18: 24-6.—Bordas, F. De la normalisa- tion de l'allaitement artificiel des nouveau-n<$s. Ann. hyg., Par 1929, n. ser., 7: 253-63.—Chapin, C. V. [et al.] Report of the Committee on clean milk for babies. Providence M. J., 1908 9- 1-4 —Courtney, A. M., & Brown, A. A comparison of the buffer capacity of various milk mixtures used in infant feeding. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1928, 19: 51-3.—Daniels A. L Hutton M. K., & Marks, C. Relation of food consumption of milk-fed rats to the growth of the suckling young. Proc. Soc. Exp Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 759— Daniels, A. L., Jordan, D & Hutton, M. K. The development of the suckling young of'milk fed rats. J. Nutrit. 1929-30^ 2: 19-29 -Davis CM. Milks for infant feeding. Am. J Nurs. 1937 37: 969r79.— Demuth F. Zur Physiologie und pathologischen Physiologie der Milchverdauung im Sauglingsalter Erg. inn Med. Kinderh 1926, 29: 90-151.—Edelstein, E. Die Bedeutung des Vitamingehalt.es der Sauglingsmilch. Deut med. Wschr., 1926 52- 574-7.—Epstein, L. G. [Fat assimilation in children on fermented and non-fermented milk diets! Vrach. delo, 1941 23- 353-6—Federico Gomez, M. C. El metabohsmo de los componentes de la leche y la alimentacion infantil. Gac med. mil., Mex., 1933-34, n. ser., 1: 267-82.-Garzia, O., INFANT NUTRITION 204 INFANT NUTRITION & Savini, K. Sulla determinazione diretta ed indiretta del potere enorgetico del latte in rapporto al fabhisogno alimentare del lattante. Pediatria (Riv.) 192S. 36: 339-46.—Gille. M. La traite .los blanches. Rev. prat, biol., Par.. 1930,29:232-7. - Goder, G. W. But a thousand a year; the cost and the results in Rochester of feedinp: clean milk as food for the hand-fed baby. Charities, N. Y., 1905-6, 14: 966-73.—Guinon. Do abuso do leite no regimen das creancas. Novid. med. pbarm., Porto, 1903-4, 9: 299. —Hofmeier, K. Schafmilch als Saug- lingsnahrung. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 1002.—Joslin, C. L. Some clinical observations on feeding infants whole milk, gelatinized milk and acidified milk; a preliminary report. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1937, 54: 20-5. ------ Further clinical observations on feeding infants whole milk, gelatinized milk. and acidified milk. Bull. School M. Univ. Maryland, 1938-39, 23: 118-22.—Langlois, M. Les laits dans ralimentation pratique du nourrisson normal. Laval m&L, 1941, 6: 394-7.— Latte (II) preparato per l'alimentazione dei bambini; latte pasterizzato, sterilizzato, maternizzato ed umanizzato. Gior. farm., Trieste, 1903, 8: 161; 195—Lesne & Dubreuilh. Du pouvoir antiscorbutique des differents elements du lait. Nour- risson, 1923, 11: 172.—Lesne, E., & Vaglianos, M. Du pouvoir antiscorbutique de differents laits servant k ['alimentation des nourrissons. Ibid., 1922, 10: 377-85.—Macy. I. G.. & Out- house, J. The vitamin content of milk used in infant feeding. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1929, 37: 379-400- Manteufel. Statis- tische Erhebungen iiber die Bedeutung der sterilisierten Milch fiir die Bekampfung der Sauglingssterblichkeit. Miinch. med. Wsebr.. 1906, 53: 303-7 .—Milk. Homceop. Rec, 1942-43, 58: 150; passim.—Moll, L. Ratschlage fiir die kunstliche Kniahrunggesund.r Sauglinge, mit Beriicksichtigung des Milchbedarfes. Fortsch. Med, 1<»30, 48: 393; 435. ------ Weitere Indikationen der milcharmen heziehungsweise milch- freien Diat, ini Sauglingsalter. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 1197. Ogilvie. J. W., & Peden, O. D. Gastric digestion of raw and bailed milk in infants. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 76-8.— Orlov, N. [Produeiion and supplv to the trade of guaranteed (infant's) milk] Mosk. med. j., 1927, 7: No. 8, 65-72.—Popov, A. V. |Modern requirements as to quality of the milk used for infants] Profil. med., Kharkov, 1928, 7: 8-16.—Pougeoise, O. Le lait dans l'alimentation du nourris- son. In Le lait (France. Journ^e <5t. social.) Troyes, 1934, 31-5.—Powers, G. F. The alleged correlation between the rate of growth of the suckling and the composition of the milk of the species. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1933, 3: 201-16.—Rumina, B. O leite e o tinico alimento apropriado a criancas de poucos meses de idade. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1931, 52: 225-8.— Ryzhik, D. L. [Results from the use of asses' milk in the. home of foundlings] Vopr. materin., 1940, No. 11, 26-9.—Schmal- fuss, M. Bemerkungen zu Technik und Ziel der Zwiemilcher- nahrung. Mschr. Kinderh.. 1923, 26: .187-91.—Schwar- tzer. K. Ist Ziegenmilch als Sauglingsnahrung schadlich? Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 937-9.—Sisson, W. R., & Denis. W. The chlorin content of cows' and goats' milk and formulas commonly used in infant feeding. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1922, 23: 431-7.—Svejcar, J. Sur la digestibility de l'albumine du lait chez le nourrisson. Acta paediat., Upps., 1931, 11: 577- 81 [Discussion] 584.—Wang, C. C, Witt. D. B., & Felcher, A. R. A comparison of the metabolism of some mineral con- stituents of cow's milk and of breast milk in the same infant. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1924, 27: 352-68.—Wolf, K. Kinder- milchgewinnung. Zsehr. Fleisch. Milchhyg., 1927-28, 38: 169-71.—Ylppo, A. Die Zusammensetzung der Renntiermilch und ihre Anwendung als Sauglingsnahrung. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 43: 255-7. ---- Milk: Buttermilk. See also Buttermilk. Sherman, A. * L'emploi du babeurre chez les enfants debiles [Geneve] 15p. 8? Annemasse, 1933. Babonneix, L. Le babeurre. Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 1709- 11.—Bauer, J., & Schein, H. Erfahrungen mit der Trocken- Buttermilch Eledon. Fortsch. Ther., 1928, 4: 422.—Chasseray, E. Clinique di£t6tique de l'enfance: le babeurre; aliment medicament. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1923-24, 3: 223-44.—Christiansen. W. Erfahrungen mit Trockenbutter- milch. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 2106.—Filippi, F. de. EI problema de la acidez del babeurre. Rev. As. mM argent 1933, 46: 3274-6.—Gierthmiihlen. F. Erfahrungen mit Trockenbuttermilch. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928. 54: 1678.— Haas. J. H. de, Posthuma. J. H. [et al.] [Buttermilk as food for infants in the tropics in the second half-year of life] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2719-31.—Langstein, L. Butter- milch in Pulverform. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 957-9.— Marfan, A. B. Le babeurre et ses indications dans l'alimenta- tion des enfants du premier age. Rev. gen. clin. th£r., 1928, 42: 529-36. ------ Nouvelle gtude sur le babeurre. Nour- risson, 1930, 18: 137-60. Meulemans, I. O., & Haas, J. H. de. [Buttermilk as nourishment for infants; prepared from skimmed and whole milk] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1940 80- 2465-77 Also Ind. J. Pediat., 1941, 8: 158-74.—Plantenga, B. P. fi! [Buttermilk as food for children] Geneesk. gids, 1934, 12: 529-38.—Putzig. Ueber die Anwendung der Trockenbutter- milch Eledon in der Aussenpraxis. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1088.—Ronget, D. La babeurre dans l'alimentation des nourrissons. Bull, m^d., Par., 1935, 49: 514-7.—Rueda, P. El empleo del babeurre en la diettHica infantil. Dia m^d., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1101- Suit/., C. [Buttermilk in the diet of infants] Cas. lelc. Cesk., 1929, 68: 733-7.- Weil, H. Leber konzentrierte Ernahrung mit Buttermilch. Msehr. Kinderh., 1926, 32: 40-3. ---- Milk, cow's. Domanska, I. *Les inconvenients de l'emploi du lait pasteuri.-e dans ralimentation des nourris- sons. 48p. 8? Strasb., 1933. Wolff, G. * Ueber den Kalk- und Phos- phorsauresf off wechsel des Siiuglings bei knapper und reichlichcr Ernahrung mit Kuhmilch. 29p. 8? Berl.. 1912. Bacon, E. Whv we feed certified milk to infants and ■children. Med. Sea'rchlight, 1935. 11: No. 5, 29.—Basu, V. P. Cow's milk as diet for infants. Ind. J. Pediat., 1941, 8: 21-6.— Batsche, J. H. Certified milk important for children up to at least 3 years. Certif. Milk, 1941. 16: No. 188, 7.—Belle, G. Composition des laits au Maroe et alimentation des enfants. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1933, 26: 792 5.—Bentivoglio, G. C. Sui criteri di diluizione del latte per l'alimentazione artificiale nei primi mesi di vita. Policlinico, 1930, 37: sez, prat., 1409; 1441.—Cassidy, P. B., & Tobey, J. A. Certified milk for infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1936,53:420-5.— Deslandes. Unmoyen pratique de materniser le lait de vaches; utilisation courante de ce lait pour l'elevage des nourrissons. Gynecologie, 1935, 34: 683-7.—Dolk, H. [On the possibility of using cow's milk as addition to breast milk] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1996-8.—Ellinghaus. J., Muller, E., & Steudel, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Sauglingsstoffwechsels; iiber das Verhalten von Ammenmilch und Kuhmilchmischung im St off wechsel des Sauglings. Arch. Kinderh., 1926, 79: 131-8.— Feer. E. La quantity exig^e de lait de vache dans l'alimentation du nourrisson sain. Li6ge m£d., 1937, 30: 557-63.—Griininger, U., & Hiinermann, C. Ueber die Anwendungsmoglichkeiten mit Pegnin gelabter Kuhmilch in der Ernahrungstherapie des Sauglings. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1931, 51: 419-31.—Henry, H. B. A comparison of the use of certified milk with other milks formerly used in infant feeding. Certif. Milk, 1938, 13: 3; 21.—Holzmann, E. Ueber die Ursache der. Hemmung der glvkamischen Reaktion durch Kuhmilchmolke. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927-28, 45: 720-4.—Kobayasi, A., & Sugihara, J. Beitrag zur Vollkuhmilchernahrung bei jungeren Sauglinge. Acta paediat. jap., 1939, 45: 80 (Abstr.)—Ladd, M., Evarts, H. W., & Franks, L. W. The relative efficiency of certified and pasteurized milk in infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y„ 1926, 43: 380 5.—Lereboullet, P. Les bases de la r^glementa- tion du lait de vache destine! aux enfants. Paris mM., 1933, 89: 361-8.—Levine, V. E. Pasteurized milk as a food for the infant. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1927, 44: 273-81.—Lewis, M. S. A comparative studv of certified and pasteurized milk in infant feeding. Ibid., 1929, 46: 85-98.—Mallinckrodt, van. Erfah- rungen mit Dubo. Mschr. Kinderh., 1923-24, 27: 438-41 — Marriott, W. McK., & Jaens, P. C. Composition and character of cow's milk. In their Inf. Nutr., 3. ed., S. Louis, 1941, 176- 87.—Moro, E.. Ueber die Drittelmilch als Sauglingsnahrung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 89.—Mosher, G. C. Percentage modification of milk for infant feeding. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1906-7, 3: 392-6.—Muggia, A. Alcuni metodi di approv- vigionamento e preparazione del latte vaccino per l'alimenta- zione del bambino. Clin, igiene inf., 1933, 8: 283-9.—Murison, C. C. Non-diluted milk for infants. Ind. M. Gaz., 1926, 61: 444-6.—Nelson, M. Van K. The growth and nitrogen metab- olism of infants receiving undiluted milk. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1930, 39: 701-10. ------ Calcium and phosphorus metab- olism of infants receiving undiluted milk. Ibid., 1931, 42: 1090-9.—Nottbohm, F. E. Eindriicke uber die Stellung der Vorzugsmilch in England. Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebensmitt., 1929, 57: 201-4.—Renault, J.. & Rolants, E. L'alimentation des enfants par le lait de vaches nourries avec les pulpes de betteraves. Rev. hyg., Par., 1923, 45: 216-27.—Reyher, P. Das Problem einwandfreier Sauglingsmilch. Arch. Kinderh., 1927, 81: 196-217. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 613.------Einwandfreie Sauglingsmilch. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 773. ------ Ueber den Gehalt der Kuh- milch an antineuritischem B-Vitamin. Arch. Kinderh., 1928, 84: 55-67.—Rogers, A., Pavey, C. W., & Williams, A. Com- plemental feeding of the newborn; a comparison of plain cow's milk with cow's milk modified by the base exchange method. Ohio M. J., 1934, 30: 441.—Rominger, E., & Muller, E. Vorschlag zur einfachen Herstellung einer Kuhmilchmischung fiir die kunstliche Ernahrung des Sauglings. Kinderiirztl. Prax., 1938, 9: 411-5.—Rueda, P. Suministraci6n de leche higiemca al lactante. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1927, 3. ser., 21: 61-73.— ScharfT, I. Die Gefahr der Verabreichung von roher Vorzugsmilch im Sauglingsalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1076.—Scheer, K. Die Diatetik des Kindesalters unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Milch. In Med. Kolloidlehr. (Lichtwitz) 1935, 775-90.—Spiegel. Ueber Rohmilchernahrung bei Sauglingen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 805.—Valagussa, F., & Hafera, G. Sulla presenza dei saccaromiceti nei latte di vacca; importanza dell'attivita biologica di essi entro il latte; contributo alio studio dell'ali- mentazione artificiale del bambino. Riv. clin. pediat 1905, 3: 825-41.—Wilkes, E. T. Whole milk plus carbohydrates in INFANT NUTRITION 205 INFANT NUTRITION early infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1939, 56: 106-13.— Zoeller, E. Ueber Versuche mit Silomilch. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 44: 517-29. ---- Milk, curd. Blatt, M. L. The importance of milk of low curd tension in infant feeding. Illinois M. J., 1939, 75: 545-9.—Brennemann, J. The curd and the buffer in infant feeding. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 364-6.—Elias, H. L. Soft curd milk. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1932, 44: 296.—Fowler, C. D. Observations on feeding infants with low fat and otherwise modified evaporated milk. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1939, 56: 535-8.—Glynn, J. H. A simplified milk of low curd tension for infant feeding. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 202: 424-7.—Hill, R. L. Soft- curded milk; a modern solution of the difficult feeding problems with infants. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 122. ----■— Soft-curd milk: nature's food for infants. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1931, 48: 417-25.—Jeans, P. C, Sterns, G. [et al.] Factors possibly influencing the retention of cal- cium, phosphorus, and nitrogen by infants given whole milk feedings; the curding agent. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1936, 8: 403-14.—Morris, M., & Richardson, G. A. The production and use of soft curd milk. Ibid., 1933, 3: 449-60.—Wolman, I. J. Soft curd homogenized milks in infant feeding; pre- liminary report. Week. Roster, Phila., 1939—40, 35: 999- 1001. ------ Borowsky, S. [et al.] Soft curd homogenized milk in infant feeding; a laboratory and clinical study. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1942, 21: 45-72. ---- Milk, dried. Gelfeld, R. *Die Erfahrungen mit Alipogal (fettfreie Trockenmilch) an der Basler Kinder- klinik [Basel] 20p. 8? S. Louis, 1931. Gireaux, M. R. Le lait sec en dietetique infantile [Paris] 75p. 8? Fontenay-aux- Roses, 1933. Abt, A. F., & Feingold, B. F. The use of powdered milk and milk derivatives in the concentration of infant foods. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1930, 130: 449-51.— Amick, A. E. 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Some observations of the results following the use of dry milk in infant feeding extending over a period of 10 years. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1929, 46: 561-70. ------ A summary of various types of infants fed on dry milk extending over a period of 14 years. Ibid., 1933, 50: 873-8.—Martino, L. L'impiego de latte secco nell'allattamento misto ed artificiale. Studium, Nap., 1930, 20: 273.—Mossmer, E. Milchpulver in der Sauglingsernah- rung. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 802.—Murtagh, J. J. Las leches secas y los babeurres en polvo. Dia mM., B. Air., 1936, 8: 692-7.—Naish, A. E. The use of dried milk. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1914, 26: 247-51.—Nobel, E., & Wagner, R. Trocken- milch in der Kindererniihrung. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1921, 30: 281-301.—Ostrovskaia, I. M., & Emdina, K. L. [Dessicated milk in the diet of young children] Pediatria, Moskva, 1941, No. 3, 37-42.—Person", L. E. Dried milk products. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1928, 45: 681-6.—Pogorschelsky, H. Die Trockenmilch und ihre Verwendung in der Sauglingsernahrung. Fortsch. Med., 1926, 44: 529-31.—Pritchard, E. Clinical lecture on the uses of dried milk in infant feeding. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1914, n. ser., 97: 192-5.—Roume, A. Etude de la poudre de lait et sur son usage pour l'alimentation des enfants. Gynecologie, 1928, 27: 643-83.—Suzuki, T. Studies on artificial feeding of infants; clinical studies of dried milks for infant feeding. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1927, 2: I*0-. 4- }~12' ~---- Studies on the artificial feeding of in- fants; the nutritive value of dried milk as food for infants. In Med. Conf. New Dairen Hosp., 1927, 1-6. Also J. Orient. M., Dairen 1927, 7: 7-38, 6 pl. Also Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1927, 2: 125-32.—Vitale, E. Sull'impiego del latte in P°-200 nen alimentazione del lattante. Rinasc. med., 1935, ---- Milk, evaporated and condensed. Chicago, III. Irradiated Evaporated Milk Institute. Infant feeding with irradiated evaporated milk; a statement for physicians 31p. 23cm. Chic, 1935. Beattie, B. Advantages of evaporated milk in infant feed- ing. Med. Woman J., 1930, 37: 87.—Cannady, N. B. Evapor- ated milk dilution in infant feeding. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, 1930, 63: 382-6.—Eichelberger, M. Irradiated evaporated milk and its use in infant feeding. Med. Woman J. 1935 42- 326-30— Ellis, R. W. B. The use of irradiated evaporated milk in infant feeding. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1939 14- 295-306.—Jeans, P. C, & Stearns, G. The growth and re- tention of infants receiving evaporated milk. Tr. Am. Pediat Soc, 1931, 43: 41-3. ------ Growth and retentions of calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen of infants fed evaporated milk. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, 46: 68-89. ------ Retention of calcium by infants fed evaporated milk containing cod liver oil concentrate. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934-35, 32: 1464-6.—Kerley, C. G. Evaporated milk in infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1932, 49: 22-6.—Kohn, R. Sur l'emploi d'un lait concentre homog£n£is6 non sucr£, lait evapor<5, chez les nourrissons sains; essais cliniques. Nourrisson, 1939, 27: 261-79.—Kositza, L. A comparative study on the use of un- sweetened evaporated milk and bottled cow's milk in infant feeding. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1932, 1: 426-34.—Krauss, R. Yollmilchkonserven (evaporierte Milch) als Sauglingsnahrung. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 513-7.—Lowenburg, H. Clinical experience with evaporated milk as a source of food supply in 175 artificially fed sucklings. Med. Times, N. Y., 1929, 57: 84; 89.—McAlpine, K. L., & Sumner, G. A comparative study of S. M. A., evaporated milk and breast milk feedings. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 757.—McMahon, H. O. A simplified infant feeding formula; a report of the use of irradiated evapor- ated milk and water in 2,004 cases. Wisconsin M. J., 1939 38- 874-6.—Marriott, W. McK., & Jeans, P. C. Evaporated milk mixtures. In their Inf. Nutr., 3. ed., S. 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Adaptabilidad y sufi- ciencia de la leche evaporada en la alimentacion infantil. Bol. As. mM. Puerto Rico, 1939, 31: 86-90.—Snelling, C. E. Use of evaporated half-skimmed milk in infant feeding. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 755.—Stringfield, O. L., & Tobey, J. A. The advantages and limitations of condensed milk in infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1930, 47: 769-78.— Tobey, J. A. Evaporated milk for infant feeding. Med. J. & Rec, 1931, 133: 65-7. ---- Milk, fatty. Aschenheim, E. Quarkfettmilch, ein weiterer Ersatz der Eiweissmilch. Ther. Mhefte, 1914, 28: 435-7.—Frontali, G. Die Oelmilch. Mschr. Kinderh,, 1938, 75: 189-201.—Pirquet, C. Milch von hoherem Fettgehalte. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 43: 457-61. ---- Milk, modified. Chanowicz, S. *Le lait au roux comme aliment-remede pour les nourrissons [Geneve] 20p. 8? Annemasse, 1935. Chicago, III. Irradiated Evaporated Milk Institute. Irradiated evaporated milk [4]p. 23cm. Chic, 1934. Herzlich, H. 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Klin Wschr., 1927, 6: 1313-7. ------ Methodisches zur Ernahrung des jungen, gesunden Sauglings. Arch. Kinderh., 1939, 117: 68-71.—Myers, B. Some important points in infant feeding. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1931, 132: 361-4. Also Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1931, 6: 1-5. ------■ The essentials of nutrition in infants and toddlers. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1937-38, 1: 736-52.—Potter, P. S. Basic feeding principles. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1928, 45: 708-18.—Sankaran. G. Phvsio- logical bases of infant nutrition. Ind. J. Pediat., 1941, 8: 1-20.—Stettner, E. Die Grundlinien der Sauglingsernahrung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1247; 1303.—Storms, L. B. The relationship of some of the recent research to infant feed- ing. Med. Woman J., 1934, 41: 128-42.—Ullmann. Ange- wandte Kolloidlehre in der Sauglingsernahrung. Arch. Kinderh. 1936, 109: 84-9.—Walker, A. A. Common sense and infant feeding. South. M. J., 1926, 19: 860-5.—Wilkerson, A. Infant feeding; principles and problems in general practice. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1941-42, 11: 297. ---- Problems. Elert, R. *Ein Beitrag zum Ernahrungs- problem des Neugeborenen. 40p. 2 tab. 8? Berl., 1934. Geiser, J. *Beitrag zur Neugeborenenernah- rung [Zurich] 24p. 8? Sempach-Station, 1930. Vermorel, M. C. *Le probleme de l'alimen- tation sans lait dans la premiere enfance. 92p. 8? Par., 1930. Barton, E. A. Some difficulties of infant nutrition. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1930, 125: 36-41.—Bennett, J. T. Common feeding difficulties in pediatric practice. Southwest. M., 1939, 23: 257-60.— Bergamini, M. L'alimentazione del secondo anno di vita possiede caratteristiche meritevole di essere studiate e contemplate a se? Lattante, 1939, 10: 275-301.—Brown, A. Some nutritional problems of the neonatal period. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1942, 43: 369-74.—Fischl, R. Das Problem der Sauglingsernahrung. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 1055; 1093.— Freire, G. O problema alimentar no lactente. Brasil med., 1940, 54: 494.—Hamburger. R. Strittige Fragen aus der Sauglingsernahrung. Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 34: 461-6.— Hill, N. Some problems of infant feeding. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 202: 307-9.—Horton, A. L. Some rural problems in infant feeding. Med. Times, N. Y., 1928, 56: 231.—Kerley, C. G. Difficult infant feeding cases. Med. Clin. N. America, 1935, 19: 785-9.—Kornfeld, W. Ueber Ernahrungsschwierig- keiten beim Kleinkinde. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 938. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1929, 79: 969; 1001.—Langstein, L. Algunas cuestiones relativas a la alimentaci6n de los nifios sanos y enfermos en la segunda infancia. An. cienc. med., Madr., 1912, 3. ser., 6: 38-67. ------ Zur Ernahrungsfrage im Saug- lingsalter. Gesundhfiirs. Kindesalt., 1925-26, 1: 420-7.— Lott, G. M. Feeding problems. Hygeia, Chic, 1942, 20: 320157—vol. 8, 4th series- -14 INFANT NUTRITION 210 INFANT NUTRITION 3SI-7. Also News Lett. Suffolk Co. M. Soc, 1942, 20: 81-5.— McCarthy, D. Children's feeding problems in relation to the food aversions in the family. Child Develop., 1935, 6: 277-84.— Nutritional problems in infancv; lectuie to East Hertfordshire Division of the R. M. A. Brit. M .1., 1939, 1: Suppl., 214 — Prabhu, M. B. Nutritional problem in infancv. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1937-3S. 7: 539-42.—Renner, J. H. Treatment of feeding problems by homoeopathic remedies. Pacific Coast J. Homeop., 1933, 44: 502-5.—Reuss, A. Ernahrungsfragen im Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalter. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 14-8. ------ Einige aktuelle Fragen der Sauglingsernahrung. Aerztl. Pi ax.. Wien, 1937, 11: 207-11.—Robertson, G. E. Feeding pioblems in infancy. J. Lancet, 1937, 57: 444-8.— Scales, H. L., jr. Feeding problems in infancy. Mississippi Doctor, 1940-41, 18: 342-4.—Sheldon, W. Problem in infant feeding. Practitioner, Lond., 1941, 147: 728.—Stolte, K. Ernahrung schwer erniihrbarer Sauglinge. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1926, 3. F., 64: 133-41.—Tyson, R. M. Problems in infant feeding. Med. Clin. N. America, 1937, 21: 1153-66.—Vogt, H. Umstrittene Fragen der Sauglingsernahrung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 1543-5.—Von Meysenbug, L. Feeding dur- ing the first veai, with reference to some of its problems. Arch. Pediat,, N. Y., 1927, 44: 215-21.------ Infant feeding with especial reference to some of its problems during the first year. Texas J. M., 1932, 28: 543-7. ---- Psychological aspect. Garland. J. The hunger strike in infants. Child Health Hull., 1929. 5: 111-8.—Gesell, A. The psychological hygiene of infant feeding. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1938, 22: 216-20.— Kantrow, R. W. Studies in infant behavior; an investigation of conditioned feeding responses and concomitant adaptive be- havior in young infants. Univ. Iowa Stud., 1937, 13: 1-64.— Langford, W. S. The psychological aspects of feeding in earlv childhood. J. Am. Diet. Ass., 1941, 17: 208-16.—Panzer, P. Graphic presentation of the infant's desire for food. Internat. Counc. Nurs., Geneve, 1927, 2: 95-7, ch.—Rogerson, B. C. F., & Rogerson, C. H. Feeding in infancy and subsequent psycho- logical difficulties. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1939, 85: 1163-82.— Sibek, J. [Indifference to feeding in the new-born during the first days following birth, and physiological and excessive loss of weight; causes and prevention] Cas. lek. desk., 1941, 80: 20.5-12. ---- Standards and tables. Pirquet, C. Pelidisi-Tafel. 4p. 8? Wien, 1921. Abbott, C. E. The feeding schedule during the first year. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1939-40, 9: 180-3.—Babonneix, L. Quelques procedes mnemotechniques concernant l'alimentation du nourrisson. Gaz. h6p„ 1937, 110: 782-4.—Bell, G. H., & Paterson, A. C. A nomogram for use in infant feeding. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1930, 5: 369, ch.—Billo, C. Tabelle dietetiche in alcune comuniti infantili del Veneto. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 860-5.—Bones, E. Gegen die Budinsche Zahl. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 979 (microfilm)—Botelho, T. Tipo de racao alimentar para crianeas. Educ. fis., Rio, 1941, No. 55, 29.—Castelli, I., & Castellano, G. Vari metodi per la determinazione della razione alimentare nelle comuniti infantili. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 868-74.—Cuevas G., F. Regfmenes alimenticios para los nifios sanos de 0 a 30 meses (primera infancia) Rev. med. Bogotd, 1933-34, 43: 381-401.—De Toni, G. Proposta di una tabella per l'alimentazione del lattante. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 848-51. ------ Una nuova tabella per l'alimentazione del lattante. Riv. clin. pediat., 1932, 30: 993, ch.—Fernandez Marchante, R. Suges- tiones para la construcci6n de una formula artificial para la alimentaci6n infantil. Bol. As. med. Puerto Rico, 1941, 33: 298-301.—Geldrich, J. Sauglingsernahrungsschema. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 720 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Henderson, H. H. F. [Rations and menus of healthy and inexpensive foods] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1935, 4: 164-6.—Huber, J. Les regimes des nourrissons. Rev. crit. path., Par., 1932, 165-80.—Koeppe, H. Die Wertbemessung der Nahrung speziell bei der Sauglingsernahrung. Aerztl. Prakt., 1931-32, 2: 113-5.—Kugelmass, I. N. Infant feeding; individualized vs. routine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 240-5.—Lang- stein, L. Ueber die Ernahrung des Sauglings lege artis. Mschr, Kinderh., 1927, 37: 365-83. Also Munch, med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 2004; 2059.—Lereboullet, P. Les regies actuelles de l'ali- mentation dans les 6 premiers mois de la vie. Progr. med., Par., 1937, 1419-24. ------ Les regies de l'alimentation du nourrisson de 6 a 12 mois. Ibid., 1605-9.—Lesne, E. Ragles generates et bases physiologiques de l'alimentation de la premilre enfance. Presse med., 1935, 43: 1873. ------ Quelques bases et regies de l'alimentation du nourrisson apr£s 6 mois. J. med. Paris, 1936, 56: 500-4. Also Med. inf., Par., 1936, 43: 109-26.— Lukacs, J., & Ebel, A. Rechentafel zur Sauglingsernahrung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 1121.— Makhlina, M. S. [What, and when to feed infants] Feldsher, Moskva, 1939, No. 5, 21.—Renaud, M. Regimes officiels et autres pour les nourrissons. Rev. crit. path., Par., 1935-37, 5: 379-95.—Sauer, L. A simple, inexpensive stock formula for young infants. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1932, 1: 194-202.— Siegl, J. Diatetik im Sauglingsalter. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1939. 52: 1117-22.—Stadtmuller, E. S. Schedule for feeding the babv. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1935, 14: 101.—Teed, R. W. A new infant feeding chart. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1930-31, 40: 504. Tow. A. Simplified infant feeding, a 1 feeding schedule. Arch. I'cdiat., N. Y., 1931. 51: 49-54.— Wagner, R. Welchc Hegeln gelten fiir die Krnahrung de-i Neugeborenen-.' Wien. klin. Wschr., 1933, 46: 1207. ---- Systems and methods. Douglas, M. Simplified methods of infant and child feeding, with full dietary and numerous recipes for children up to 2 years of age, based on Truby King principles. 112p. 12? Melb. [1935?] Paterson, D., & Smith, J. F. Modern methods of feeding in infancy and childhood. 2. ed. 149p. 8? Lond. [1929] Accordini, G. Allattamento naturale, innaturale e misto. Lattante, 1937, 8: 168-71.—Barbour, O. Newer methods of infants feeding. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1938, 10: 122-6.— Bircher, M. E. Rohkost in der Sauglingsernahrung. Munch. med. WTschr., 1930, 77: 19.—Camerer, W. Rohkost in der Sauglingsernahrung. Ibid., 1928, 75: 1410-3.—Cordoba, J. Sistema dietetico gradual del profesor Stifier (consideraciones sobre su importancia) Arch, espafi. pediat., 1931, 15: 536- 43.—Daglia, G. Proposta di una modificazione alia miscela alimentare B. Pediatria (Riv.) 1938, 46: 515-28.—Deutsch, E. Die vereinfachte Diatetik der Sauglinge. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 66.—Dwyer, H. L. Concentrated feedings in infancv. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1926, 23: 403-5.—Fitzgerald, E. Modern infant feeding. N. Zealand M. J., 1935, 34: 388-95.—Giraud, P. Que fait-il penser des regimes actuellement adoptes pour l'alimentation des enfants du premier &ge? Presse med., 1937, 45: 1-3.—Goldbloom, A. Special feeding methods for infants. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1930, 23: 807-10.—Goldman, T. H. Feed- ing the newborn high protein, low fat, low carbohydrate mix- tures; a comparative, clinical 2 year study. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1942, 59: 756-9.—Hiden, J. H. A simple method for infant feeding: well adapted to the rural districts. Virginia M. Month., 1936-37, 63: 375.—Hoffmann-Mendelewa, J. Das Ernahrungssystem der Kinder im Alter von 9 Monaten bis zu 2 Jahren. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1928-29, 3. F., 72: 221-41.— Jungwirth, G. Erfahrungen mit Fettbreiernahrung. Mschr. Kinderh., 1928, 38: 500-6.—Lummis, C. P. Simplified infant feeding in health and disease. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1929, 26: a3-45.—McGee, W. A. Suggestions for simplifying infant feeding. Am. Med., 1928, 23: 864-7.—Mcllwaine, W. B. Some new methods of infant feeding. Virginia M. Month., 1927-28, 54: 489-92.—Ochsenius, K. Ueber Eiweissmilch- Buttermehlnahrung. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1925-26, 40: 422. [Erwiderung von H. Pogorschelsky] 424.—Park, J. H., jr. Resume of present methods of infant feeding. West. M. Rev., 1928, 33: 907-17.—Parrish. P. L. A present-day conception of infant feeding. Med. Times, N. Y., 1936, 64: 207-12.— Pirquet, C. Vereinfachte Sauglingsernahrung. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 1434.—Rowe, O. W. Simplified infant feed- ing. Minnesota M., 1932, 15: 707.—Sagalevich-Margolina, M. M. [Methods of child feeding during the first 6 months; breast- and bottle-feeding] Pediatria, Moskva, 1939, No. 5, 77-86.—Scobey, R. R. A practical method in infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1930, 47: 355-68.—Smith, C. A. Present- day methods of feeding infants. Med. Clin. N. America, 1941, 25: 1435-49.—Speransky, G. N. [Methods of rational ali- mentation of infants] Tr. Vsessouz. sezda detsk. vrach. (1927) 1929, 4: 89-107.—Vogt, H. Saure Sauglingsnahrung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 478.—Waring, A. J. Sectional feeding. South. M. J., 1923, 16: 841-7.—Wright, H. P., & Geddes, A. K. A simple method of artificial feeding in infancy. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1930, 23: 537-9.—Wyman, E. T. Modern tenden- cies in infant feeding. Maine M. J., 1932, 23: 204. ---- Systems and methods: Pirquet system. Nobel, E. Principles of Professor Pirquet's system of nutrition. 15p. 8? Lpz., 1921. Pirquet von Cesenatico, C. P. An outline of the Pirquet system of nutrition. 96p. 8" Phila., 1922. Schick, B. Das Pirquetsche System der Ernahrung fiir Aerzte und gebildete Laien dargestellt. 2. Aufl. 49p. 8? Berl., 1919. Apfel, H. The feeding method of the von Pirquet School. Long Island M. J., 1922, 16: 45-50.—Babonneix, L. Le NEM-system dans l'alimentation du nourrisson. Gaz. hdp., 1935, 108: 285.—Birnberg, T. L. The NEM system of feeding. Minnesota M., 1923, 6: 579-85.—Blythe, B. The care of undernourished children as followed by Dr Clements Pirquet in Vienna, Austria. Indianapolis M. J., 1921, 24: 271-5.— Bortagaray, M. H. El NEM sistema del profesor von Pirquet. Sem. med., B. Air., 1922, 29: pt 2, 229-36.—Bottelli, U. II sistema alimentare di Pirquet. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1922, 3. ser., 10: 21-8.—Carter, W. E. The Pirquet system of nutrition and its applicability to American conditions. J. Am. M. Ass., 1921, 77: 1541-6; 1911.—Coulter, H. M. Origin and application of the Pirquet NEM system of child feeding, under INFANT NUTRITION 211 INFANT NUTRITION the Hoover Relief Administration in Austria. California J. M., 1923, 26: 62-4.—Dattner, A. Principles of Pirquet's system of nutrition. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. (1924) 1926, 24: 21-6.—Eyzaguirre, R. El NEM de von Pirquet en la confecci6n de la racion alimenticia. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1922, 39: 234—42.— Faber, H. K. A critique of the Pirquet feeding system; with special reference to its underlying principles. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1923, 25: 339-49.—Fisher, C. F. Principles of the Pirquet method of feeding. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1921, 100: 1023-5.—Ghisoland, S. P. Le systeme de nutrition de Pirquet; l'alimentation des enfants. Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1928, 29: 181-9.—Golin, A. II metodo del Pirquet nell'alimentazione dei bambini convalescenti. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 865-8.—Herz, R. Pelidisi and Sacratama in Czecho-Slovakia. Am. Med., 1921, n. ser., 16: 655-7.— Hjarne, U. Einige Beobachtungen betreffend Korperlange, Korpergewicht und Ernahrungszustand; mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung eines von Pirquet vorgeschlagenen objektiven Masses des Ernahrungszustandes. Acta psediat., Upps., 1921, 1: 324-36.—Leitkep, A. O. Pirquet's system of nutrition as related to the nursing care. Trained Nurse, 1925, 74: 363-7.— Meirelles, E. O NEM von Pirquet na alimentagao infantil. Tribuna med., Rio, 1922, 28: 241; 253.—Newman, S. A new system of dietetics in the light of European experience with the problem of nutrition. Virginia M. Month., 1923-24, 50: 583-7.—Nobel, E. Einige Betrachtungen betreffend Korper- lange, Korpergewicht und Ernahrungszustand; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines von Pirquet vorgeschlagenen objektiven Masses des Ernahrungszustandes; Entgegnung auf den gleich- namigen Artikel von Urban Hjarne, in fasc 3, Vol. I, dieser Zeitschrift. Acta psediat., Upps., 1921-22, 1: 449-51. ----— Das Pirquet'sche Ernahrungssvstem. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 1611-5. Also Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1931, 5: 359-61 — Olaran Chans, A. El NEM de Pirquet y su sistema de ali- mentaci6n. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1923, 2. ser., 17: 359-74.—Patey, G. Le NEM-systSme, son pripcipe, son application k l'alimentation des nourrissons. Arch, med; enf., 1931, 34: 645-55, 2 ch.—Pirquet, C. Ernahrungstherapie des Kleinkindes. Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: 987.—Soder- strom. H. [Results of Pirquet's researches in children] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1924, 66: 879-90.—Weymouth, F. W. The Pirquet system of nutrition and its applicability to American conditions. J. Am. M. Ass., 1921, 77: 2080. ---- Technique. Greig-Smith, R. The bottle-feeding of infants. lOOp. 12? Sydney, 1917. Marcus, O. indications et technique du gavage des nourrissons. 67p. 8? Par., 1934. Ainsworth. M. L. Helpful tricks in infant feeding. Proc Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1939, 6: 276.— Bentivoglio, G. C. Comment on peut administrer aux nourris- sons mfime trte petits le lait de vache tr6s faiblement dilue. Nourrisson, 1931, 19: 22-39.—Borrino, A. Tecnica di alimen- tazione del neonato senza madre. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1935, 10: 478-94. ------ Particolari di tecnica dell'allatta- mento artificiale (somministrazione del latte colla tazza) Lattante, 1937, 8: 267-72.—C, G. Allattamento per mezzo di una nutrice, e per mezzo di un animate. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1837, 14: 105-9.—Cattaneo, C. Direttive pratiche e serene nell'alimentazione artificiale del lattante. Nipiologia, Nap., 1928, 14: 173-6.—Exchaquet, L. Quelques resultats des divers modes d'allaitement. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1937, 35: 620-7.—Hamburger, F. Ueber die natiirliche Technik der Kinderernahrung. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1937, 11: 245-8.— Hamburger, R. Rektale Zufuhr von Milch beim Saugling. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1933, 3. F., 89: 64-73.—Jaschke, R. T. Neue Erfahrungen in der Technik der Ernahrung sowie zur Physiologie und Pflege des Neugeborenen. Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1912, 35: 60-75.—Jordan, I. M. Essential principles of infant feeding technic. Am. J. Nurs., 1935, 35: 925-31.— McKee, J. H. Little things in successful infant feeding. Ther. Gaz., Detr., 1926, 3. ser., 42: 841-4.—Marcus, J. H. Helpful suggestions on infant feeding. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1926, 23: 261-3.—Myers, B. Practical points on modern infant feeding. Practitioner, Lond., 1932, 128: 425-36.—Noel, M. B. How to give baby his bottle. Health, Mount. View, 1942, 9: No. 7, 16.—Raphael, I. J. Practical points in infant feeding. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1931, 24: 258-61.—Salen, A. K. Hints on infant feeding. Am. J. Nurs., 1940, 40: 649.—Scott. G. D. The psychic value of music and color in infant and child nutri- tion. Med. J. & Rec, 1931,133:161; 216; 266; 329.—Summers. C. B. Infant feeding; some practical suggestions. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1938, 35: 449. ---- Therapeutic use. Bron, A. *Le role du lait calcique dans l'alimentation du nourrisson malade [Genevel 30p. 24cm. Par., 1938. Jacob, A. *Ernahrung kranker Sauglinge im ersten Lebensquartel mit Buttermilch. 27p. 8? Gott., 1920. Lataste M. A. M. *Le regime des nourris- sons debiles. 127p. 8? Par., 1932. Oliveira Lima, O. de. *0 caseinato decalcio na dieto-therapia do lactente. 73p. 8? S. Paulo, 1928. Pehu, M., & Bertoye, P. L'alimentation du nourrisson malade. 207p. 12? Par., 1935. Ariztia, A. La alimentaci6n del lactante en difcrentes esta- dos patol6gicos originados dent.ro o fuera del tubo digestivo. Clin, lab., Zaragoza, 1928, 12: 30-46.—Briining. H. Krank- heitsbereitschaften und Sauglingsernahrung. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1927, 24: 241-6.—Cameron, H. C. A discussion on therapeutic modification of the diet in infancy. Brit. M. J. 1927, 2: 1171-4.—Carrillo Gil, A. Conceptos sobre la nutrici6n de los nifios enfermos. Rev. med. Yucatiin, 1938-40, 20: 245- 60.—Davison, W. C. Enzymic therapy in infant feeding. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1942, 21: 727-32.—Gautier, P., & Bron, A. De l'emploi du lait calcique chez le nourrisson malade. J. med. Paris, 1938, 58: 705.—Graham, H. B. The feeding of sick babies Med. J. Australia, 1940, 1: 278.—Herz, O. Heilnahrungen im Sauglingsalter. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 798-801.—Infant feeding and infections. Med. Off., Lond., 1935, 54: 201.—Jauregui, M. A. Consideraciones sobre dietetiea infantil hospitalaria. Arch, argent, pediat., 1936, 7: 128.— Letondal, P. Therapeuti- que du nourrisson. Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 855; 974.— Macein. Leches vegetales en dietoterapia infantil. Med. ibera, 1935, 29: pt 1, 415.—Marfan, A. B. Le regime alimen- taire dans certaines maladies de la premiere enfance. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1930,44: 641-5.—Mazzeo, A. Sull'alimentazione del bambino ammalato. Pediatria (Riv.) 1932, 40: 726-30.— Neff, F. C. The modern dietary of the infant. In Ther. In- fancy (Litchfield, H. R., et al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 452-93.— Rominger, E. Repetitorium der diatetischen Behandlung kranker Sauglinge. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 963; passim.— Stein, A. C. Consideracoes sobre alimentagao e crianca doente. Pediat. prat., S. Paulo, 1931-32, 4: 94-8.—Sweet. C. Essential points in the dietetic management of infants. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1928, 45: 740-3. ---- in wartime. Out of the mouths of babes [question in Parliament] Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 712.—Stirnimann, F. Die Kohlenhydrate in der Sauglingsernahrung der Notzeit. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 962.—Woolton. Feeding of infants in wartime. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 50.—Wyllie, W. G. Some points in infant feeding in wartime. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 208-10. INFANTRY. See Army; Marching; Military service; Re- cruit; Soldier, etc. INFANTRY journal. Wash., v.23, 1923- See also Soldier's (The) handbook. 2. ed. 247p. 15cm. N. Y., 1941. INFANT weight chart, one ounce scale, for daily records. 8? Lond., H. K. Lewis & co. [19-] INFANT welfare. See also Child, Adoption; Child, foster: Wel- fare; Child welfare; Foundling; Maternity; Orphan, etc. Elderton, E. M. On the relative value of the factors which influence infant welfare. 307p. 31cm. Lond., 1928. Gregory, H. H. C. Infant welfare for the student and practitioner. 144p. 8? Lond., 1926. Liddiard, M. British Red Cross Society infant welfare manual No. 9. 5. ed. 158p. 14cm. Lond., 1940. Alarco, G. Algunos temas de protecci6n al lactante. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1941, 58: 3-9.—Araoz Alfaro. G. El concepto integral de la protecci6n de la infancia. Sem. med., B. Air., 1933. 40: pt 1, 2027-32.—Bennett. V. E. M. The importance of infant welfare in war time. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1942, 207: 381-3.—Borobio, P. Nipiologia, nipiohigiene, nipio- sociologia. Arch, espafi. pediat., 1929, 13: 28.—Carstens, J. H. G. [Protection of infants] Groene & witte kruis, 1936, 32: 31-40.—Carter, P. J. After the child is born. Mod. Hosp., 1940, 54: No. 5, 80-2.—Dealey, W. L. Infant welfare. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1919, 26: 109-42.—Defensa de la infancia, motivo fundamental de la medicina social y objetivo de las nuevas horas que vivird el mundo. Reforma med., Lima, 1942. 28: 245-7.—Elderton, E. M. On the relative value of the factors which influence infant welfare. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1926-27, 2: 266; 1927-28, 3: 96.—Falk, I. S. Does infant welfare work operate to preserve the unfit? Am. J. Pub. Health, 1927, 17: 142-7. Also Med. Off., Lond., 1927, 37: 119-21.— INFANT WELFARE 212 INFANT WELFARE Garber, J. R. Maternal and infant welfare. J. M. Ass. Ala- bama, 1937-38, 7: 128.—Gonzalez, F., L. F. Paidofilaxis o preservaci6n de la infancia. Proc Am. Sc Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 6: 435. Also Eugenesia, Mex., 1942, 3: No. 30, 4-7 — Graves, G. W. Up through the first year of life. Pennsylvania Health, 1940-41. 1: No. 12, 15-9.—How much does he weigh? Nurs. Times, Lond., 1939, 35: 1408.—Lassablifire, P. Enquete medico-sociale sur 4,966 nourrissons de un mois k un an. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1939. 3. ser., 121: 456-64.—Martinez Vargas. El hogar infantil. Med. nifios, 1926, 27: 193.—Mercurio, R. Le basi biopsichiche dell'assistenza al neonato a al lattante. Pediatria (Riv.) 1935, 43: 461-5.—Molina, W. F. Lactante y servicio social. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1937, 54: 503-7.—Morquio, L. Assistencia & primeira infancia. Rev. gin. obst., Rio, 1920, 14: 353-8 (Abstr.) ------ Sobre asistencia de lactantes. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1935, 6: 302-24.—Newman, G. The mother and her infant. In his Building Nat. Health, Lond., 1939, 281-321.—Problemi assistenziali della maternity, e dell'infanzia. Arte ostet., 1938, 52: 85-7.—Reuss, A. Wiin- schenswertes auf dem Gebiete der Sauglingsfiirsorge. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 285-9.—Rott, F. Zur Frage der Fursor- gebedurftigkeit im Sauglingsalter. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1926, 2: 33-7.—Salomone Allievi, R., & Aguilar Giraldes, D. Consideraciones que sugiere la asistencia a los recien nacidos en las maternidades. An. Soc. puericult. B. Aires, 1939, 5: 5-15.— Sobel, J. Antenatal and neonatal protection of the infant. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1926, 43: 448-65.—Strina, F. A proposito di una nuova forma di pauperismo infantile. Lattante, 1934, 5:290.—Weill-Halle, B. Hygiene sociale du nourrisson. Sem. hop. Paris, 1928, 4: 539-45. ---- Congresses and conferences. Castorina, G. La mostra nazionale dell'assistenza all'in- fanzia. Med. inf., Roma, 1937, 8: 374-80.—Conference on maternity an child welfare. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 1217.— Congres (10.) international pour la protection de l'enfance [Paris, July 1933] Presse med., 1933, 41: 1268-70.—Congres (11.) international de la protection de l'enfance [Bruxelles, 1935] Paris med., 1935, 97: annexe, 215; 223.—Congreso (12.) de la Asociaci6n internacional para la protecci6n de la infancia; Paris, 19-22 de Julio de 1937. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 137, 8: 715—7.—Congreso (10.) internacional de protucci6n a la infancia y a la maternidad, Madrid, 1926. Med. nifios, 1926, 27: 97- 121.—Dumont, A. Congres international des gouttes de lait. Rev. med., Louvain, 1905, n. ser., 2: 321-4.—Huber, J. Congres (10.) international pour la protection de l'enfance, Paris, 4-9 juillet 1933. Gaz. h6p., 1933, 106: 1289-93.—Maternity (The) and child welfare conference. Med. Off., 1934, 52: 41.— Moncorvo. Segundo Congreso de las gotas de leche, celebrado en Bruselas (Septiembre de 1907) Med. nifios, 1908, 9: 161- 6.—Morquio, L. Segundo congreso de gotas de leche y pro- tecci6n a la primera infancia. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air, 1907,3:352-39. ------ Congreso internacional de protecci6n a la infancia. Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1933-34, 7: 135-68.—National conference on maternity and child welfare. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 39; 152.—Potter, P. S. Observations from well baby conferences. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1930, 47: 784-9.—Roueche, H. Le Congres international pour la protec- tion de l'enfance; Paris, 4-9 juillet 1933. J. med. Paris, 1933, 53: 707-11.—Schreiber, G. Les j ounces de la Maternite et de l'Enfance. Presse med., 1937, 45: 1183.—Session (11*»><>) de l'Association internationale pour la protection de l'enfance. Med. inf., Par., 1935, 42: 294-304.—Variot, G. III« Congres international des gouttes de lait (Paris 1900) Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1907, 3: 383-5. ---- History. Caulfield, E. The infant welfare movement in the 18th century. 203p. 8? N. Y., 1931. McCleary, G. F. The early history of the infant welfare movement. 176p. 8? Lond., 1933. Schlieben, E. Mutterschaft und Gesell- schaft; Beitrage zur Geschichte des Mutter- und Sauglingsschutzes. 284p. 8? Osterwieck [1927] Caulfield, E. The infant welfare movement in the 18. century. Ann. M. Hist., 1930, n. ser., 2: 480; 660.—Freuden- berg, K. Sauglingsfiirsorge und Statistik. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1928, n. F., 3: 25-31.—Kahn, W. Pflege und Hygiene des Sauglings im deutschen Mittelalter. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1932, 3: 321-6.—Macneill, N. Infant welfare as taught in Phila- delphia 100 years ago. Ann. M. Hist., 1936, 8: 36-43.— Mazzini, G. Maternity e infanzia nei Peril degli Incas. Rass. clin. ter., 1938, 37: Suppl., 28-33.—Schlieben. E. Siiuglings- heime im 18. Jahrhundert. Fortsch. Gesundhfurs., 1930, 4: 366-9.—Schopohl, H. Sauglingssterblichkeit und Sauglings- fiirsorge in Preussen wahrend der letzten 25 Jahre. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt,, 1925-26, 1: 411-20.—Simonini, R. La biologia e l'assistenza del neonato e lattante negli scrittori del medio-evo. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1932, 9: 271. ------ Assistenza alia materniti ed all'infanzia in Modena durante il medio-evo (dalla casa di Dio al Brefotrofio) Ibid., 1933, 10: 244-55.— Tidey, S. Some notes on mediaeval Italian provisions for infant welfare. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1930, 130: 535-8. ---- Institutes and organization. See also Infant nutrition, Institutes; Nursery, etc. Geller [n6e Novic] A. *L'asile des meres a Marseille, oeuvre d'assistance k la mere et l'enfant. 47p. 24cm. Marseille, 1934. Kortmann, K. *Die Erholungs- und Heil- fiirsorge fiir Kinder und Mutter in der Provinz Westfalen. 29p. 8? Miinster [1934] Pfeffer, B *Fonctionnement de la consulta- tion de nourrissons annexee a la maternite de l'Hopital Saint-Antoine, 1934. 32p. 8? Par., 1935. Roux-Dessarps, A. *La protection de la mere et de l'enfant et les assurances sociales. 71p. 8? Par., 1933. Schulte, J. Ueber die geschlossene Sauglings- fiirsorge der Stadt Miinster unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Siiuglingsheims. 24p. 8? Miinster [1933] Weitpert, K. Die Miinchener Sauglings- fiirsorge-Einrichtungen. 2. Aufl. 30p. 8? Miinch. [1914] Acuna, M. El lactario como instituci6n medico-social de previsi6n. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt 2, 1913-7 — Armand Delille, P. F. Puericulture et chambre d'allaitement boxee et surveiliee. Bull, med., Par., 1927, 41: 853.—Aubrun. Le probleme de la protection de l'enfance; les chambres d'allaite- Ment. Paris med., 1929, 72: annexe, 512-5.— Balard, P. La Maison du Bebe; oeuvre de solidarite sociale. J. med. Bor- deaux, 1928, 58: 333-43.—Benzing, R. Praktische Gegenwarts- massnahmen in der Fiirsorge fiir Mutter und Kind durch das staatliche Gesundheitsamt. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1937-38, 3: 282-97.—Boll, R. A. Maternal, infant, and child hygiene. In Admin. Med. (Emerson, H.) N. Y., 1941, 583-604.—Bosco, L. Consultorio per lattanti Adolfo Arduino in Moncalieri (1930-35) Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1936, 11: 206-12.—Boyd, W. M. Creches. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 30.—BruguiSre, R. La rationalisation des services de l'enfance en regard des mesures pour le renforcement de la natalite et des realisations en faveur des pupilles de la nation. Rev. hyg. med. social., Par., 1939, 18: 205-17.—Carreno, C. Los dispensarios de lactantes. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1928, 3: 882-93.—Carvallo. La protecci6n a la infancia con la cooperaci6n de la Caja del seguro social. Reforma med., Lima, 1941, 27: 679.—Childs, A. B. The Infant Welfare Society of Chicago. Med. Woman J., 1936, 43: 177- 80.—Clifford, M. L. Safeguarding the health of children in day care centers. Connecticut Health Bulb, 1942, 56: 191-3.— Cozzolino, O. Per la funzione dei consultori profilattici per bambini dell'Opera nazionale protezione maternity ed infanzia. Lattante, 1933, 4: 156-61.—Creacion de nuevos dispensarios y gotas de leche en Lima y algunas provincias. Reforma med., Lima, 1942, 28: 159.—Danner, F. Die derzeitige Erfassung der Freiburger Sauglinge durch die Mutterberatungsstellen. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1940-41, 6: B, 501-11.—Departamento nacional da crianga. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 333, 121.— Deutsch, N. Public health nursing services in the national program with special emphasis on the better care of Negro mothers and babies. Trained Nurse, 1939, 102: 124-8.— Earp, J. R. Correlation of infant salvage with nursing effort. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1927, 17: 557-9.— Fabri, S. L'CEuvre nationale italienne pour la protection de la maternite et de l'enfance. Nourrisson, 1936, 24: 347-58.—Favre-Dollfus, M. La Pouponniere de l'Ermitage. Ann. hyg., Par., 1926, n. ser., 4: 575-81.—Feliciano, O. A Gota de leite e uma instituic5o particular e uma grande obra de assistencia social. Mem. Congr. med. (Brazil) 1936, 1. Congr., 401-50, 19 pl.—Fernandez Marchante, R. Infant and pre-school hygiene clinics in the public health units. Puerto Rico Health Bulb, 1942, 6: 286- 91.—Filippi, F. de. La familia en la protecci6n a la infancia. Arch, argent, pediat., 1942, 17: 87.—French, W. J. Place of maternal and child health services in a generalized program in a health unit. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1941, 31: 465-70.—Gaifami, P. I consultori dell'Opera nazionale maternita el infanzia. Clin, ostet., 1933, 35: 175-80. Also In his Convers. & lez. ostet. gin., Roma, 1933, 521-5.—Gallo, C. II Centro assisten- ziale della maternity e infanzia di Matera nei primo anno del suo funzionamento. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1936, 11: 84-90.— George, R. Antenatal clinics in England and France. Pub. Health J., Toronto, 1927, 18: 210-5.—Gruneisen, F. Die Mitwirkung des Roten Kreuzes bei der Durchfiihrung der Sauglingsfiirsorge. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 192.5-26, 1: 383-9.—Hagen. Werbung zur Erfassung der fiirsorgebedurf- tigen Sauglinge und die Aerzteschaft. Ibid., 1926, 2: 38-54.— Hart, A. P. The value of organized supervision in the care of children as exemplified by results at the Infants Home, Toronto. Tr. Canad. Soc. Stud. Dis. Child., 1926, 4: 67-71. Also Canad. M. Ass. J., 1926, 16: 1498.—Health services for mothers and children in wartime. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1942-43, 12: 93.— Hoffmann. Das Institut fiir Mutter- und Kinderschutz in Leningrad. Mschr. Kinderh., 1928, 38: 167-75. -----■ INFANT WELFARE 213 INFANT WELFARE Ueber Miitterberatungsstunden fur Sauglinge und Kleinkinder als wertvollste staatliche Fiirsorgeeinrichtung. Oeff. Gesundh- dienst, 1937-38, 3: B, 331; 364.—Ichock, G. La protection de l'allaitement maternel dans l'industrie. Med. inf., Par., 1927, 33: 226-34.—Instruction au Gouverneur General, du 18 Janvier 1934, sur l'organisation des services de la protection maternelle et infantile. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1934, 26: 799-815.—Isberg, H. [Development of social infant- welfare and the work of the new infant-welfare organization] Sven. lak. tidn., 1926, 23: 873-81.—Lasnet. Organisation des services de la protection maternelle et infantile en Algerie. Rev. hyg. med. prev., Par., 1935, 57: 6-29.—Letellier, G. La chambre d'allaitement d'un grand magasin k Paris. Ann. hyg., Par., 1926, n. ser., 4: 471-81.—Levi, M. F. [Twenty years of activity of the organization for protection of motherhood and infants] Akush. gin., 1937, No. 11, 5-18.—McKown, A. The social security program for children; maternal and child health services. Child, Wash., 1936, 1: No. 1, 5-10.—Maddux, W. H. The Slossfield Health Center, an example of local medical service for mothers and children under public health auspices. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1941, 31: 481-6, illust.—Mamerto Acuna. Acci6n medico-social del servicio de lactantes del Instituto de Pediatria y Puericultura del Hospital de Clfnicas. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: 918.—Marriner, J. L. State maternity and infancy hygiene work. Nation's Health, Chic, 1927, 9: No. 5, 27; 70.—Medical and hospital obstetric and pediatric care for wives and infants of men in military service. Nebraska M. J., 1942, 27: 388-91.—Mettel, H. B. Organization of child- health conferences, prenatal clinics and home-deliverv-nursing services in Indiana. Child Wash., 1942, 6: 269.—Misch, P. Die Entlastung des Krankenhauses durch Sauglingsfiirsorge- stellen und Siiuglingskrippen. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1527-9.— Moll, L. Zehn Jahre Reichsanstalt fiir Mutter- und Sauglings- fiirsorge. Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 32: 387-99. pl Die Reichsanstalt fiir Mutter- und Sauglingsfiirsorge in Wien als Sauglingskrankenhaus. Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 778- 80.—Mookherji, B. Organisation of maternity and child welfare services [Bengal] Bengal Pub. Health Rep. (1940) 1942, 115-7.—Morales Beltrami, G. Proyecto de Organizaci6n de la protecci6n a la infancia en Chile. Rev. chilena pediat., 1941, 12: 663-80.—Mountain, J. W., & Flook, E. Distribution of health services in the structure of state government; ma- ternity-child-health activities by state agencies. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1942, 57: 1791-821.—Mutter- und Siiuglings- beratungsstellen. Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 292; 1937, 12: 353. Also Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1937-38, 3: A, 363.—Murtagh, J. J. El Servicio social del dispensario de lactantes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 848- 51— Orkney, J. M. The functions of a central maternal and child health department. Ind. M. Gaz., 1942, 77: 546-8.—Oropeza. P. Centros de alimentaci6n infantil en Venezuela. Bol. Min. san., Caracas, 1939, 4: No. 5, 97-100. ----■— Las casas cunas en Venezuela. Ibid., 101-13.—Pacheco, M., & Cazzano, M. L. Trabajo de asistencia social en el Dispensario de lactantes numero nueve. An. Soc. puericult. B. Aires, 1939, 5: 51-4.—Palacios Costa, N., & Escardo, F. Organizacion del servicio de puericultura en Maternidad Samuel Gache del Hospital Rawson. Actas Congr. nac. med., Rosario, 1934, 5: pt 4, 1293-303.—Pigot. La defense sanitaire de la mere et de l'enfant par les assurances sociales. Paris med.. 1933. 88: annexe. 254-60.—Plan for medical and hospital obstetric and pediatric care for wives and infants of men in military service. Month. Bull. Maryland Dep. Health, 1942-43, 14: 90.—Revoltella, G. Sfollamento in guerra delle cittlt e organizzazione dell'assistenza materna ed infantile. Clin, ostet., 1939, 41: 148-53.—Robert de Romeu, M. Bureau of Maternal and Infant Hygiene. Puerto Rico Health Bull., 1942, 6: 270-4.—Roux-Dessarps, A. La pro- tection de la mere et de l'enfant et les assurances sociales. Med. inf., Par., 1933, 40: 370-5.—San Bartolomo, J. A. El consultorio maternologico base de la asistencia del nifio. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1935, 52: 441-5.—Sanchez, J. La pro- tection a la primera infancia: cantinas maternales. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1921, 2. ser., 15: 217-21.—Sellheim, H., & Rott, F. System einer Geburts- und Neugeborenenfursorge. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1930, 5: 475-89.—Simpson, J. V. A. Various aspects of the public health services; infant welfare. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1937, 194: 544-6.—Sominsky, R. Quel- ques principes d'education et les resultats obtenus a la maison de nourrissons. Arch. med. enf., 1936, 39: 349-53.—Sordo Noriega, A. Neeesidad de establecer servicios ginecologicos para embarazadas en el Centro de higiene infantil y manera de organizarlos. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr. 246-54.—Suner, E. Organizaci6n del empleo de euarda lactantes y su uniformacion internacional. Arch, med., Madr., 1926, 23: 49-52.—Thomas, E. Das stadtische Mutter- und Sauglingsheim zu Duisburg (Keetmanstiftung) Zsehr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1928, 24: 325-8. ------ Saughngsschutz inEntbindungsanstalten. Ibid., 1936,518. ------ Saughngs- schutz in Anstalten. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 68: 412-36.— Tobias, J. W., & Bettinotti, S. I. Organizacidn de lactarios en las capitales de provincias, departamentos y territonos nacio- nales; obra social de protecci6n a la infancia a traves de la unidad familiar. Rev. med., B. Air., 1940, 2: 61T70.—Tropeano, G. La funzionediunbrefotrofioainostri tempi. Med. sociale, Nap., 1932, 22: No. 4, 5-11.—Tugendreich, G. Funfund- zwanzig Jahre Berliner Sauglingsfursorgestellen. Gesundhturs Kindesalt., 1930, 5: 89-98.—Wildebar, D Maternal and child care institutes. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1940, 43: 149; 159. ---- Instruction. See also Infant, Care; Infant nutrition, In- struction. [Great Britain] National Association for the Prevention of Infant Mortality. Moth- ercraft; a selection from courses of lectures on infant care. 6. ed. 376p. 12? Lond., 1931. Damianovich, J., & Sanchez, J. Instrucci6n y educaci6n del personal no medico de los servicios de primera infancia. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 2, 1958.—Frankenstein, C, & Zerwer, A. Der Unterricht in der staatlich anerkannten Saug- lingspflegeschule des Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Hauses, Charlottenburg. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1925-26, 1: 369- 82.—Helbich. Zur Frage des Sauglingspflegeunterrichts in den Miidchenschulen. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1926, 39: 385- 90.—Larcomb, J. W. Instructions to mothers on infant care. Ohio M. J., 1938, 34: 1009-11.—Liefmann, E. Der Sauglings- pflegeunterricht fiir die weibliche Jugend. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1926, 2: 79-86.—Mutterschulung des Reichs- mlitterdienstes im Deutschen Frauenwerk. Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 239.—Nissim, L. [Importance of universal obstetrical lectures in the realization of maternal-infantile protection and assistance] Romania med., 1939, 17: 225.—Rosenhaupt, H. Sauglingspflege als Lehrgegenstand in den Unterrichtsanstalten fiir die weibliche Jugend. Zsehr. Saughngsschutz, 1915, 7: 356; 421; 480; 563.—Schoedel, J. Die Ausbildungszeit der staatlich anerkannten Sauglingspflegerinnen. Gesundhfiirs. Kindesalt., 1925-26, 1: 606-14.—Unit course in infant hygiene. Rep. Wisconsin Bd Health, 1933-34, 35: 87-9.—Winkler. Entwurf zur Einfiihrung von Schiilerinnenkursen fiir Sauglings- pflege. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1927, 40: 330. ---- Legislation. Sentex, J. *De la protection des enfants du premier age (decrets-lois d'octobre 1935) lllp. 24Hcm. Toulouse, 1937. Aguerrevere, L., & Murzi, J. Neeesidad y urgencia de una ley de proteccion a la madre y al nifio en Venezuela; contri- buci6n al estudio de la misma. Bol. Min. san. Venezuela, 1937- 38, 2: 1436-49.—Altmann Smythe, J. Como la ley chilena de seguro social protege al binomio madre-hijo. Cron. med., Lima, 1937, 54: 325-35.—Burga Larrea, C. Proteccion legal del lactante, hijo de mujer que trabaja. Ibid., 361-7.—Codigo del nino. Rev. hig., Bogotd, 1934, 15: 264-317.—Decreto que ordena girar al Hogar Cristiano de Puntarenas la subvenci6n dada a la clinica infantil de la misma ciudad. In Leyes (Costa Rica) S. Jose, 1935, 175.—Decreto que crea en el presupuesto de la cartera de proteccion social, una partida mensual de £15,000.00 para que el Patronato nacional de la infancia auxilie con leche a los nifios pobresde la Republica. Ibid., 182.—Decreto que reglamenta la ley que auxilia con leche a los nifios pobres. Ibid., 184.—Drake, T. G. H. Infant welfare laws in France in the 18. century. Ann. M. Hist., 1935, 7: 49-61.—Hayes, C. E. Maternal and child health services under the Social Security Act. West Virginia M. J., 1939, 35: 164-8—Ichok, G. Legal protection of maternal nursing in French factories. J. R. San. Inst., 1927-28, 48: 11-3.—[Instructions for carrying out the sta- tute of March 31st, 1937 in combating diseases among children during the first year of life] Ugeskr. laeger, 1938, 100: 142-52.— Lenroot, K. F. Maternal and child welfare under the social security program. Bull. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 31: 180-3.------ La protecci6n de la maternidad y de la infancia en las obras del seguro social. Bob Of. san. panamer., 1937, 16: 308-16. Grants to States for maternal and child-welfare serv- ices under title V, pts 1, 2. and 3 of the Social Security Act administered by the Children's Bureau in relation to services for children of migrants. In Hearings Nat. Defense Migr. U. S. Congr. H. ReDr., 1941, 77. Congr., 1. sess., pt 17, 6984-7.— McNeile, L. G. Maternal and child welfare: its progress under the Social Security Act. California West. M., 1937, 47: 240- 3 —Maternal and child health work under the Social Security Act. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1936, 33: 159—Maternal and child welfare services under the Social Security Act. Publ. Health Nurs., 1937, 29: 429-32.—Monge, L. G. La madre y el lactante en la ley peruana de seguro social. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1937, 54: 407-14.—Olaran Chans, A. Comentarios sobre la ley 12,341 y la organizaci6n de la direccion de maternidad e infancia. Bol. san., B. Air., 1937, 1: 505-20. ------ Comentarios sobre la ley 12,341, por la cual se crea la Protecci6n nacional a la maternidad y a la infancia en la Republica Argentina. Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1937-38, 11: 5-28.—Rou6che, H. Lois sociales et protection maternelle et infantile. Med. inf., Par ,1937, 44: 51-60. Also J. med. Paris, 1937 57: 273 - Solano S. La madre y el lactante en el nuevo Codigo civil del Perti Cr6n. med., Lima, 1939, 56: 135-8.—Stadtmuller, E. Social Security Act: in relation to maternal and child health. California West. M., 1930, 47: 301-7—Teleky, L. Die Arbeit ausserhauslich erwerbstatiger Mutter ihr und ihrer Kinder Schutz durch Gesetz und Fiirsorge. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1925- 26 n. F., 1: 17-23.—Valenzuela Hernandez, U. Elementos legale's y' administrativos para canalizar la protecci6n de la infancia. Cr6n. med., 1942, 59: 254-61. INFANT WELFARE 214 INFANT WELFARE ---- Medical aspect. Adair, F. L. Care of the mother and the newborn in the general hospital; administrative and clinical efficiency and con- trol. Hospitals, 1939, 13: No. 2, 50-2.—Af Klercker, K. O. [The phvsician and communal infant-wolfare] Sven. lak. tidn., 1926, 23: 801-12.—Althausen, N. E.,Gursky, P. A.,& Nazarova, N. S. [Organization of the work for physicians in maternity hospitals in the section for the new-born] Sovet. pediat., 1935, \o. 4, 122-6.—Fleminger, S. Stillgeldzahlung und Sauglings- fursorgestell. . Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1925-26, 1: 390.— Kugelmass, 1. N. Influence of prenatal and infant care on child development. Hospitals, 1941, 15: 59-61.—Medical care for wives and infants of men in military service. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 846.—Mischke, H. Die Sauglingsfiirsorge und der Arzt in der Praxis. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 525-9.—Paucot, H. L'extension des consultations prenatales par le libre choix du medecin; experiences de la fondation pour I'etude des moyens de preservation de l'enfance. Echo med. nord, 1933, 37: 476-9.—Phillips, C. H. The responsibilities of the district maternal and child health physician. Pennsylvania M. J., 1942, 46: 117.—Thompson. A. W. S. The doctor at the infant welfare centre. Med. Off., Lond., 1939, 62: 209.— Tietze, F. Sauglingsfiirsorge und Rassenhygiene. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 1014-6. ---- Methods. Krzypow, B. *Contribution a P6tude des consultations de nourrissons. 78p. 8? Par., 1930. Theophilides, P. *L'int6ret du dispensaire dans J'elevage du nourrisson. 61p. 8? Par., 1929. Bell, R. E. Infant welfare schemes. J. R. San. Inst., 1932, 52: 388-94.—Berecz, J. [Infant welfare should begin at birth] Orv. hetil., 1927, 71: 74-7.—Boenheim, C. Die Ueberwachung der geistigen Entwicklung der Kinder in den Sauglingsfiirsorge- stellen. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1930, 5: 138-41— Bohn, A. Limites des indications, modalitAs, role educatif du placement des nourrissons des villes et, notamment, de leur placement k la campagne. Rev. hyg. med. social., Par., 1938, 17: 350-6.— Dragenhjelm, H. Nogle bemaerkninger om btfrnelegepladser i Danmark. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3050 (Abstr.) (microfilm) — Geldrich, J. Praktische Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Sauglingsfiirsorge und die daraus zu schliessenden Folgerungen. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1936, 3. F., 97: 215.—Klotz, M. Sauglings- fiirsorge in Theorie und Praxis. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 370-2.—Provision of day care for children of working mothers. California West. M., 1943, 58: 30.—Stransky, E. Neue Wege der Sauglingsfiirsorge. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 525-30.— Townsend, J. Chicago baby week, April 29-May 5. Illinois Health Mess., 1934, 6: 61.—Younggren, H. Resources and plans for child care where mothers are employed. Welf. Bulb, Springf., 1942, 33: No. 12, 16-9. ---- rural and colonial. Willeme, M. *Un consultation de nourris- sons a la campagne. 76p. 8? Par., 1927. Abbatucci, S. La protection de la maternite et de l'enfance dans les colonies francaises. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1932, 201-12.—Aiello, G. L'assistenza alia madre ed al fanciullo nelle lavorazioni stagionali agricole. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1939, 13: No. 8, 196-203.—Beaudiment, R. La protection de la maternite et de l'enfance dans les colonies francaises en 1936. Ann. med. pharm. cob, Par., 1938, 36: 148-240.—Deiches, M. T. [Protection of motherhood and childhood in the program of the rural medical stations] Vrach. delo, 1941, 23: 457.— Dohrn, K. Aus der Praxis der Sauglingsfiirsorge auf dem Lande. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1928, 3: 167-70.—Dyer, I. A county health unit with proper functioning maternal and child health program. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1941, 31: 471-6.— Flatzek. Zur Kritik der Sauglingsfiirsorge in Landkreisen. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1926, 39: 540-6.—Grigoriu, C, Voicu, I., & Iancu, A. [Protection of motherhood and childhood in rural districts] Rev. endocr. gin., Cluj, 1940, 4: 149-61.—Gutt. Sauglingsfiirsorge und Mitarbeit der Hebammen in einem Landkreise. Zsehr. Medbeamte, 1929, 42: 403-9.—Hoffmann, E. Organisation der Sauglingsfiirsorge in einem landlichen Gesundheitsamt. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1938-39, 4: B, 1-11.— Kreuser, F. Sauglingsfiirsorge auf dem Lande. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1926-27, 2: 396^08— Laurinsch, A. L'assistenza alia madre ed al bambino in ambiente rurale. Rass. clin. sc, 1937, 15: 475-81.—Martial, J. E. Protection de la maternite et de l'enfance indigenes dans les colonies francaises en 1935. Rev. med. sociale, Par., 1939, 7: 41; 105.—Paulo Sousa, G. de. & Moura Campos, F. de. Assistencia a maternidade e k infancia na zona rural. Fol. med., Rio, 1937, 18: 586.—Protection de la maternite et de l'enfance indigene dans les colonies francaises en 1934-35; 1937-38. Ann. med. pharm. col., Par., 1936, 34: 89-133: 1937, 35: 504-64; 1939, 27: 97.—Thiroux, A. La protection de la maternite et de l'enfance dans les colonies de 1'Afrique francaise. Presse med., 1936, 44: 1553-5.—Wulffing, E. Ein Beitrag zur Sauglingsfiirsorge auf dem Lande. Zsehr. Gesundhverwalt., 1934, 5: 33-5. ---- in various countries. Boruchin, S. *Mutter- und Siluglingsschutz im neuen Russland [Jena] p.172-9. 4? Erfurt, 1930. Also Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1930, 5: Guha, B. C. *Mutter- und Sauglingsfiirsorge in England. 40p. 8? [Berlin] 1927. Gysin, P. *Die Leistungen der Geburtshilfe fiir die Kinder an der Basler Frauenklinik 1868- 1935 [Basel] 28p. 21cm. Liestal, 1939. Roubakine, A. The protection of mother- hood and early childhood. 18 1. 4? [n. p., 1932] Trisca, P. Apergu sur la protection de la maternit6 et de l'enfance en Italie; quelques considerations sociologiques. 122p. 8? Par., 1925. Valero Bernal, C. A. *Les maternit6s, la puericulture et la prophylaxie en France. 47p. 8? Par., 1938. Amarante, J. E. P. Pro infancia. Fol. med., Rio, 1941, 22: 200.—Antonov, A. N. [Material on the history of protection of motherhood and infants in USSR; 10 years of activity in Leningrad 1920-39] Pediatria, Moskva, 1940, No. 5, 77.— Araoz Alfaro, G. Hacia la protecci6n integral del nifio; la obra italiana por la maternidad y la infancia. Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1934-35, 8: 379-88.—Armstrong, W. G. The infant welfare movement in Australia. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 2: 641-8.—Asistencia pediatrica y puericultura; primera infancia. Bol. san., B. Air., 1941, 5: 63-8.—Augustin, G. Der Schutz von Mutter und Kind in Italien. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1937-38, 3: B, 525-30.—Bonilla, R. La protecci6n infantil. Rev. hig., BogoU, 1934, 15: 56-67.—Cacace, E. Nipiologia e educazione del lattante. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1937, 54: 231-7.— Carabellese, G. L'assistenza all'infanzia durante il primo quinquennio (Nov. 1927-Nov. 1932) Lattante, Parma, 1933, 4: 214-34.—Cooper, G. M. Ten years in maternity and infancy work in North Carolina. South. M. J., 1941, 34: 437-43 — Couvelaire, A., & Lesne, E. Protection de l'enfance; protection de la maternite et de l'enfance dans les departements d'accueil. Nourrisson, 1940, 28: 76-8.—De Sanctis, S. L'Opera nazionale per la maternita e l'infanzia e gli anormali fisici e psichici. Scuola posit., 1933, n. ser., 13: 294-301.—Desarrollo de un amplio sentido de cooperaci6n en favor del nifio. Bol. educ. san., Caracas, 1941, 5: No. 83, 1-3.—Deussen-Rosenthal, E. Mutter- und Kinderfursorge auf Ceylon. Internat. Nurs. Rev., Geneve, 1936, 10: 79-86.—Dodds, P. The Pennsylvania Maternal and Child Health Program. Pennsylvania Health, 1942, 3: No. 3, 11-4.—Florentin, R. La consultation de nourrissons de Robert-Espagne (Meuse) Rev. med. est, 1934, 62: 8-17.—Gardinier, E. M. Maternity and infancy work in New York State. Med. Woman J., 1927, 34: 72-6.—Gordon, D. C. Maternal and child welfare in Italy. N. Zealand M. J., 1939, 38: N. Zealand Obst. Gyn. Soc, 17-22.—Iancu, A. [Ambulatory infirmaries and infant protection work in Lyon] Cluj. med., 1926, 7: 351.—Indiana's program for better care of the premature and newborn infants. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1940, 43: 79.—Infant (The) and pre-school child [Scotland] Annual Rep. Dep. Health Scotland, 1938, 9: 73.— Infant welfare in Queensland. Med. J. Australia, 1936, 1: 210.—Jemma, R. La protezione ed assistenza della maternity e dell'infanzia in Italia secondo le pih recenti direttive. Acta paediat., Upps., 1933, 16: 277-80.—Konius, E. M., & Sokolora, A. N. [Twenty years of care for mother and infant in Soviet Russia] Sovet. med., 1938, No. 14, 78.—Lereboullet, P. Les oeuvres d'assistance maternelle et infantile au Creusot. Paris med., 1926, 72: annexe, 376-81.—Letellier, G. Pour que l'ouvriere ou l'employee puisse allaiter son enfant. Ann. hyg., Par., 1926, n. ser., 4: 587-99.—Manicatide, M. La protection publique de la mSre et de l'enfant. Bull. Acad. med. Roumanie, 1940, 5: 522-6.—Maternidad (La) y la infancia en el piano de la actividad nacional. Reforma med., Lima, 1941, 27: 345-50.— Meier, J. Ein Vierteljahrhundert Sauglingsfiirsorge in Bayern. Bl. Gesundhfiirs., 1927-28, 5: 149-62.—Monjardino, A. Proteccao a maternidade e infancia. Arq. obst. gin., 1938, 3: 129-39.—Montoya, J. M., Bejarano, J. [et al.] Protecci6n infantil y de maternidad. Rev. med. Bogota, 1934-35, 44: 759-62.—Moreno Frers, L. La asistente social en los Estados Unidos y la obra de protecci6n a la infancia. An. Soc. puericult. B. Aires, 1942, 8: 64-71.—Moroder, J., & L6pez, F. Un estudio sobre los servicios de atenci6n a embarazadas y lactantes en Valparaiso y Vifia del Mar. Rev. chilena hig., 1942-43, 5: 83-104, 2 tab.—Morquio, L. Sobre asistencia de lactantes. Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1935-36, 9: 30-57.—Mossfe, C. La protection maternelle et infantile pendant les hostilites. Med. inf., Par., 1939, 46: 378-81.—Nothmann, H. Bilanz der Sauglingsfiirsorge in Berlin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1520.—Oropeza, P. El servicio de higiene materno infantil de Valencia. Bol. Min. san., Caracas, 1938, 3: 1921-31, ch. ------ La higiene maternal e infantil en Venezuela; adelantos obtenidos desde el VII Congreso panamericano del nifio. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1942, 21: 1077-83.—Paz Soldan, C. E. Higiene y nipiologia; dos fen6menos nipiogeneticos que brinda Lima. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1935, 52: 242-7.—Pedraza Mendoza, INFANT WELFARE 215 INFARCTION H., Gamboa Echandia, R. [et al.] Informe para el VIII Congreso panamericano del nifio sobre la organizaci6n y actividades de la protecci6n materna! e infantil en Colombia. Rev. hig., Bogota, 1942, 23: No. 6, 10-35.—Plans for the child. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 106.—Protection maternelle et infantile dans les d6partements d'accueil. Med. inf., Par., 1940, 47: 67.—Reiche, A. Vereinheitlichung der Sauglingsfiirsorge. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 68: 389-98.—Roeder. Krisis der Sauglingsfiirsorgestellen? Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1927, 40: 139-43.—Roubakine, A. La protection de l'enfance et de la maternite dans l'Union des Republiques Sovietistes Socialistes. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1928, 20: 425-31.—Roueche. Protection et hvgiene sociale des tout-petits de la naissance a 2 ans. J. med. Paris, 1929, 48: 415-9.—Ruesta, S. Estudios previos para la instalaci6n de un servicio de higiene materno- infantil. Rev. san., Caracas, 1942, 7: 78-143.—Ruiz, C. La asistencia medico-social a la madre y al nifio en Francia y Alemania. Arch, argent, pediat., 1939, 11: 46-80.—Russell, V. Maternity and child welfare in 1940; a retrospect in a London borough. Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 65: 21.— Salcedo, F. M. Organizaci6n minima de la protecci6n que el lactante requiere en el Perti. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1939, 56: 108-14.—Scantlebury, V. Experiences abroad with special reference to infant welfare. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 1: 35—46; ------ Address on some aspects of infant welfare work in Victoria. Health Bull., Melb., 1928, No. 13, 409-24. ------ Some aspects of the infant welfare movement in Victoria, 1917-35. Health Bull., Melb., 1935, 1239-52.—Stimpson, R. T. Need of infant care in North Carolina. Health Bull., Raleigh, 1935, 50: No. 6, 7-9.—Suares, L. A. Desarrollo del lactante peruano. Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1935-36, 9: 17-29.—Taunay Leite Guimaraes, A. Salvar a creanca e zelar pelo Brasil. Vida med., Rio, 1940, 8: No. 2, 22-4.—Turova, F. D. [Protection of mother- hood and childhood in the western Ukraine] Vopr. materin., 1940, No. 7, 1-5.—Valaguessa, F. L'azione dell'Opera na- zionale per la protezione delle maternita e dell'infanzia nella difesa del bambino lattante. Nipiologia, Nap., 1928, 14: 153-66. ------ Relazione dell'Opera nazionale per la pro- tezione della maternity e dell'infanzia. Atti Congr. pediat. ital., 1931, 14. Congr., pt 2, 947-67.—Valenzuela Hernandez U. La protecci6n de la infancia en el Perti; medidas que com- prenden al binomio madri-hijo. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1942, 59: 99-105. •—■—■— Protecci6n legal de la embarazada. Ibid., 120—4.—Vidal Freyre, A. Funcion de las escuelas maternales y jardines de infantes; importancia de la obra que realizan; neeesidad de multiplicar e intensificar su acci6n. An. Soc. puericult. B. Aires, 1942, 8: 302-4.—Vienozinskiene, N. [Safeguarding of motherhood and childhood in USSR]> Medi- cina, Kaunas, 1936, 17: 454-60.—Vigne, P., & Gardere, C. Les ceuvres municipales de protection de la premiere enfance k Lyon. Med. inf., Par., 1934, 41: 370-82.—Walder. C. Die Krisis der Sauglingsfiirsorgestellen. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1926, 39: 494-7.—Williams. W. C, & Bishop. E. L. The infant hygiene program and the relationship of infant mortality to the maternal hygiene program; an analysis of 7 years' work in Williamson County, Tennessee, 1927-33. South. M. J.. 1935, 28: 928-31.—Young. M. [A brief review of maternity and child health work in China] Nat. M. J. China, 1941, 27: 280-91 (microfilm) INFANZIA (L') anormale. Milano, v. 12-18. 1919-25. Ceased publication with v. 18. INFARCTION. See also Blood circulation, Disorders; Embo- lism: Thrombosis; also names of primary diseases as Endocarditis; also names of parts and organs affected as Coronary arteries, Occlusion; Heart muscle, Infarction; Intestine; Kidney; Lung. etc.; also Autolysis; Necrosis. Germer, W. *Untersuchungen zur patho- logischen Physiologie des Infarkts; iiber die Arginase in der Nekrose; Versuchsteil [Miinchen] p.232-6. 8? Berl, 1936. Also Hoppe Seyler Zsehr., 1936, 243: Peters, E. *Untersuchungen zur patho- logischen Physiologie des Infarkts; Ammoniak und Milchsaure bei Nekrose und, Autolyse [Miinchen] p.113-20. 8? Loz., 1935. Also Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1935, 237: Vakili, G. A. *Etude sur la physiopathologie des infarctus. 146p. 8? Par., 1938. Borger, G., & Mayr, T. Untersuchungen zur pathologischen Physiologie des Infarkts; die proteolytische Wirksamkeit des infarzierten Gewebes. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1935, 234: 245- 53.—Borger, G., Peters, T., & Kurz, M. Untersuchungen zur pathologischen Physiologie des Infarkts; der Gehalt des Infarktgewebes an reduziertem Glutathion und anderen Sulf- hydrylgruppen. Ibid., 1933, 217: 255-73.—Capocaccia, M., & Agnoli, R. II significato degli istiociti nei processo di evoluzione cicatriziale dell'infarto. Arch, biol., Genova, 1927, 4: No. 5, 3_23,_Cleland, J. B. Infarcts and thromboses met with in 3,000 autopsies. Med. J. Australia, 1936, 1: 572-6.—Gosset, J., & Patel, J. Contribution a I'etude des infarctus visceraux. Presse med., 1939, 47: 665-7.—GrGgoire, R., & Couvelaire. R. Les infarctus visceraux experimentaux. Bull. Soc nat. chir., u' u **l: 1174—81. ------ Les infarctus visceraux; recherches experimentales et interpretation pathogenique. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1936, 1: 31-62.—Kilduffe, R. A. Infarction. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 5: ioqo —Loeffler' L- Genesis of infarction. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 28: 323-30.—McNamara, E. P. Thrombosis, embolism &nd infarction; incidence, prevention and treatment. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 24-6.—Meakins, J. C. Arteriolar infarction. Ann. Int, M., 1934, 8: 661-8.—Mortensen, M. A. Infarcts of cardiac origin. Bull. Battle Creek. Sanit., 1931, 26: 81-7.— Pelle, A. Infarctus genital. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 62: 202-7.—Teleman, I. A propos d'un cas d'infarctus intestinal et renal gueri spontanement. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1934, 24: 1052-9.—Tobias, J. W. Infarto de coronaria y de pulm6n postoperatorio. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 1, 42-7.—Wegelin, C. Zur Entstehung des hamorrhagischen Infarkts. Virchows Arch., 1930, 275: 585-94. INFECTION. See also Infectious disease; also names of in- fective agents. Fleisher, M. S. Role of bacteria and host in infection and resistance. 312p. 8? [Mt. Vernon, 111.] 1933. Hill, J. [H.] Germs and the man. 461p. 22cm. N. Y. [1940] Pombo Bricio, J. *Contagio. 29p. 8? Bahia, 1867. Weinzierl, J. *Plenciz' Anschauung iiber Ansteckung. 32p. 21cm. Munch., 1937. Boyd, L. J. Types of infections. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1931, 24: 117-21.—Castex, M. R. Estado del problema de la infecci6n. Siglo med., 1930, 86: 220; passim. Also Prensa med. argent., 1930-31, 17: 197-248.—Chauveau, A. Theorie de la contagion mediate ou miasmatique, encore appeiee infection. J. med. vet., Lyon, 1868, 24: 485-501.—Davidovsky, I. V. [Outline of theory of infection] Klin, med., Moskva, 1927, 5: 407-15; 463-73.—Eppinger, Kaunitz & Popper. Ueber Intoxi- kation und Infektion. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 225; 262.— Federigo, G. Sui predominio di alcune nuove dottrine. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1838, 8: 287-303.—Graves, G. W. The aftermath of contagion. Pennsylvania Health, 1940, 1: 30- 2.—Hall, L. M. Infections. Hygeia, Chic, 1938, 16: 225-7 — Heidelberger, M. Newer concepts of infection and immunity and chemistry's part in their development. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1942-43, 9: 893-900.—Hirszfeld, L. [On the nature of infection] Med. d6sw., 1927, 7: 279-98. ------ [Significance and evolution of infections in Naturel Warsz. czas. lek., 1937, 14: 485-93.—Horing, F. O. Die Phylogenese der Infektion; Grundlagen der entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Betrachtung der Infektionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1941, 20: 161-5.—Huber, J. B. The nature of infection. Med Times, N. Y., 1908, 36: 232-5.—Lins, A. Notas sobre infeccao. Trnpr. med., Rio, 1939, 15: 563-80.—Mcintosh, T. S. Some observations on infection and infectious diseases. Med. Off., Lond., 1924, 31: 133-6.—Petrescu, G. Z. [Evolution of the conception of infection from ancient days to the present time] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1938, 27: 270; 341.—Pringle, A. M. N. Variations in infections. Med. Off., Lond., 1934, 51: 175.— Rivers, T. M. General aspects of infection and resistance. In Pract. Pediat. (Brennemann, J.) Hagerstown, 1937, 2: chap. 1.—Roger, G. H. Notions generales sur les infections. In Nouv. traite med. (Roger) Par., 1920, 1: 1-98.—Schilling, C. Spontaneous and experimental infection. J. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1930, 33: 334-6.—Snyder, E. E. Before and after the germ theory; Jenner, Pasteur, Koch, and Lister. In her Biol. in the Making, N. Y., 1940, 175-206.—Sticker, G. Vorge- schichte der Lehre von Ansteckung und Uebertragung der Krankheiten. Janus, Leyde, 1927, 31: 55.—Suknev, V. V. [Criticism of certain theories on infection] Vest, mikrob., 1934, 13: 243-56.—Tinker, M. B. Infections. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 7: 787-98. ---- Agent. See also Bacteria; Fungi; Parasite; Protozoa; Virus; also proper names of infective agents as Actinomyces; Aertrycke bacillus; Anaerobes; Anaplasma, etc. Forssman, J. Pathogena bakteriers, infek- tioners och vissa epidemiers beroende af fram- mande bakterier. 36p. 4? Lund, 1918. Musser, J. H., & Jones, P. H., jr. The bacillary infections, p.799-865. 25cm. N. Y., 1940. Bacnewitz. Untersuchungen iiber Konstitution und Krank- heitsdisposition; iiber die Bedeutung der Zahl der infizierenden Bakterien bei der Futterungsinfektion. Zsehr. Hyg., 1924, INFECTION 216 INFECTION 102: 164-7S.—Cecil, R. L. The bacteriologie point of view. N. England J. M., 1932, 206: 114-21—Lhauveau, A. Action des milieux infectes sur les sujets sains exposes k la contagion; determination experimentale des conditions qui permettent k ceux-ci de subir l'influence de ceux-lik. J. med. vet., Lyon, 1868, 24: 543-54.—Flachs, R. Infektion und Bakteriologie. Arch. Kinderh., 1931-32, 95: 210-7.—Germs. Health Off., Wash., 1939, 4: Suppl., 1-6.—Glynn, J. H. Radio talk given for educational committee; WAAF June 9, 1939; bacteria and infection. Bull. Chicago M. Soc, 1939-40, 42: 76.—Ide, M. La contagion infectieuse. Rev. med.,Louvain, 1926, 121-7.— Lins, A. Kstudios brasileiros sobre infecc5es e seus agentes etiologicos. Impr. med., Rio, 1939, 15: 997; 1198; 1426. ------Sobre a contagem das bacterias. Rev. brasil. farm., 1940, 21: 262-4.—Loghem, J. J. van [Commensal infection] Ned. tschr. geneesk.. 1929, 73: pt 2, 5460-7.—0rskov, J., & Lassen, H. C. A. Die Bedeutung der Grosse der primareu Infektionsdosis bei einigen naturlichen Infektionen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1930, 67: 137-58.—Pazzini, A. L'elemento religioso nei primitivo concetto di contagio. Athena, Roma, 1939, 8: 377-9.—Poels, J., & Boersma, J. Der Einfluss der sauren Molke auf Tuberkelbazillen, auf den Ansteckungsstoff der Maul- und Klauenseuche und auf andere Krankheitskeime. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1923, 31: 272-4.—[Rentschler, H. C.j Germs inherit strong or weak constitutions. Diplomate, 1941, 13: 135.—Rosenthal, G. Complexite de la notion des con- tagions d'ou demembrement necessaire. J. med. Paris, 1933, 53: 710.—Solovieva, O. I., & Krol, M. E. [Epidemiological significance of the so-called atypical strains of pathogenous microbes] Tr. Leningr. Inst, epidem. bakt. Pasteur, 1938, 6: 53-70.—Van Laethem, A. Modalit£s particulieres de l'infection bacillaire. Rev. med., Louvain, 1925, 265-8. ---- Clinical aspect. See Infectious disease. ---- Cross-infection and infection in institutes. See also Epidemic—in institutes. Fries, G. *Hausinfektionen in der Beobach- tungsstation 1916-24 (Auszug) [Zurich] 5p. 8? Oerlikon, 1925. Jolivet, M. *La prevention des infections dans les collectivites de nourrissons et en parti- culier a l'Hospice des Enfants-assistes. 79p. 8? Par., 1938. Kltjssmann, H. U. *Hausinfektionen der II. Medizinischen Klinik [Miinchen] 19p. 21cm. Bleicherode, 1938. London. Medical Officers of Schools Association. A code of rules for the prevention of communicable diseases in schools. 10. ed. 71p. 21i/2cm. Lond., 1940. Adamson, A. F. The control of infectious diseases in schools. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1939, 2: 81-90.—Barba, P. S., & Williams, J. C. The nurse as a factor in cross infections as they occur in children's wards. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1937, 39: 578- 90.—Bardachzi, F., & Sekeles, W. Die Rolle des Kranken- hauses im Kampfe gegen die akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 1425-8.—Barenberg, L. H., Greene, D. [et al.] Effect of irradiation of air in a ward on the incidence of infections of the respiratory tract with a note on varicella. Pub. Am. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1942, No. 17, 233-6.------ & Grand, M. J. H. Prophylactic use of parental blood serum against contagion in a pediatric ward. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 57: 322-9.—Barnes, M. E. Applied epidemiology in a general hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 1757-60.— Bauza, J. A. Comentarios al film: Como se previene la infec- ci6n en la casa-cuna de Evanston, Illinois. Arch. urug. med 1942, 20: 395.—Berman, E. I., & Blioch, M. A. [Hospital infections in children] J. epidem. mikrob., 1932, 1: 53-61.— Brooks, G. L., Wilson, U., & Blackfan, K. D. Studies on cross- infection in the Infants' Hospital in Boston. Pub. Am Ass Advance. Sc, 1942, No. 17, 228-32.—Brunn, von. Kinderer- holungs- und -kurheime und Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr Schulgesundh., 1928, 41: 225-8.—Carling, E. R. Streptococcai cross-infection in wards. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 742—4.—Cassini- Ingoni, G. Sulla profilassi delle malattie infettive nella scuola Igiene med., 1937, 30: 97-102.—Cirajas, F. De la infecci6n y de la profilaxis en el escolar. Arch, espafi. pediat., 1931, 15: 210-9.—Colebrook, L. A connected series of misadventures Brit. M. J 1941, 2: 743.—Control (The) of epidemics in schools. Clin. J., Lond., 1941, 70: 18.—Cross infection in hospital wards. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 511; 822.—Cross- infection in wards. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 301.—Cruickshank R. Cross-infection in hospital wards. Pub. Health Lond 1942^3, 56: 17-9. ------Dobbs, R. H. [et al.] Cross-infec- tion in wards. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 448.—Danilevich, M. G [Fighting infections in day nurseries in Leningrad] Vrach. gaz ' 1931, 35: 529-33. - [Prevention of internal infections in children's hospitals] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 195-9. [Combatting infectious diseases in children's hospitalsl Sovet vrach. -I 1936, 1: 587-92. ------ & Dobrokhotov, V. N [lighting hospital infection in Soviet Russia] Tr. Sezda bakt. epidem. san. vrach., 1929, 1: 81-90.—De Biasi, E. La sor- veglianza sulle malattie infettivo e l'ispeziono medica delle scuole. Igiene della scuola, 1911, 2: 441-6.—D'Ewart, J. School infectivity. Child, Lond., 1912-13, 3: 162 -7.—Doty, ('. A. How Highland Park Hospital reduced nursery infection; present method of treatment decreased cases of impetigo from 56 in one year to 11 in nearlv 3 years. Hosp. Management, 1932, 34: 37.—Eberstaller. O. Verhutung der Infektions- krankheiten in Schulen. Oesterr. San. Wes., 1918, 30: |Beilago] 1-26.—Engel, S. Massnahmen in Kinderanstalten zur Ver- hiitung von Infektionskrankheiten. Mschr. Kinderh., 1929, 44: 430-7 [Discussion] 444 -55.—Kpidemics in English schools. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 2150.-Finland, M. The spread of pneumococcal and streptococcal infections in hospital wards and in families. Pub. Am. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1942, No. 17, 212-22.—Forbes, D. Terminal disinfection and exclusion from school. Pub. Health, Lond., 1938-39, 52: 133. ------Topping, A., & Mitman, M. Terminal disinfection and exclusion of con- tacts from school. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 1359-61.—Freund, \V. Zur Frage der Infektionsverhiitung in Anstalten. Mschr Kinderh., 1923, 25: 158-70.—Frolich, T. Infections noso- comials dans les creches et hopitaux pour enfants. Acta paediat., Upps., 1935, 17: Suppl. 1, 18-23 [Discussion] 99- 109.—Gleich, M. The problem of cross-infection. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1929, 46: 59-61.—Glover, J. A. Discussion in infection in the dormitory. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1932, 25: 1783.—Golub, J. J. Infections in hospitals; what the adminis- trator should do toward their control. Hospitals, 1940, 14: No. 5, 36-8.—Gyllensward, C. [Infectious diseases in schools; an English investigation] Nord. med., 1939, 1: 609.—Harries, E. H. R. Infection and its control in children's wards. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 173-8; 233-9— Harrington. T. F. The super- intendence of infected children when out of school and the con- ditions of their readmission to school. 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H. INFECTION 217 INFECTION Communicable disease technique in general hospitals. Trained Nurse, 1940, 104: 127-9.—Popoviciu, G., & Popescu, A. [Pre- vention of infectious diseases among children in asylums] Cluj med., 1931, 12: 487-94.—Posner. Die Gefahrung von Kinder- erholungsheimen durch infektiose Kinderkrankheiten und die zu deren Verhiitung beziehungsweise Unterdrlickung zu ergrei- fenden Massnahmen. Zsehr. Schulgesundh., 1927, 40: 454- 64.—Possible role of the bathroom in the spread of hospital infections. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 83.—Poulsen, V. Ueber das heutige Auftreten der nosocomialen Infektionen an Kinder- krankenhausern, insbesondere in bezug auf die Haufigkeit und die Infektionswege. Acta paediat., Upps., 1935, 17: Suppl 1 24-35 [Discussion] 90-109.—Preisich, K. [Infections ' in hospitals] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1936, 34: 315-20.—Prevencion de enfermedades infecciosas en hospitales para nifios. Bol. 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The control of cross-contamination by the use of mechanical barriers; testing the efficiency of mechanical systems for con- trolling cross-infection. Ibid., 260-6.—Robertson, E. C. Ultraviolet light in hospital practice. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass 1939, 41: 568-75. ------& Doyle, M. E. On the control of cross-infections in a children's hospital. Pub. Am. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1942, No. 17, 223-7.—Rosengart, I. M. [Prevention of hospital infections] Tr. Vsessouz. sezda detsk. vrach. (1927) 1929, 4: 212-21.—Rozanov, S. N. [Methods of control of infectious diseases in hospitals] Sovet. pediat., 1934, Nos. 8-9, 132-40.—Rundle, C. The bed isolation of cases of infectious disease; further experience at Fazakerley. Lancet, Lond., 1922, 2: 376.—Sante maritime et aerienne. Nat. Health Rev., Ottawa, 1939, 7: 186.—Scharling, H. [Epidemic in an institu- tion] Nyt tskr. abnormvaes., 1908, 10: 25-34.—Schlechtinger, H. Infektionskrankheiten und Schule. Gesundh. & Erzieh., 1932, 45: 97-107.—Schwartzer, K. Experimentelle Studien zur Frage der Infektverhiitung in Kinderkrankenhausern. Med Welt, 1937, 11: 906.—Shanley, J. P. Some aspects of the control of infectious diseases in a children's hospital. Irish J. M. Sc, 1933, ser. 6, 88: 145-9.— Siegl, J. Zur Vorsorge vor den ubertragbaren Erkrankungen im Schulalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 536-8 (microfilm)—Smith, C. H., & Davis, M. M. Controlling infectious diseases in children's out-patient services. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1925, 42: 688-96.—Smith, R. E. Acute infectious diseases at school. Practitioner, Lond., 1935, 135: 283-97.—Somervell, T. H. How nurses can prevent the spread of infection in the surgical wards. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1941, 16: 284.—Spooner, E. T. C. Observations on hospital infection in a plastic surgery ward. J. Hyg., Lond., 1941, 41: 320-9.—Stebbins, E. L. Communicable diseases and the school. N. York State J. M., 1939, 39: 2174-7.—Straub, H. Akute Infektionskrankheiten in Kinderheimen. Zsehr. Medbeamte, 1930, 43: 450-66.—Sutherland, R. The limita- tion of the spread of infectious diseases in schools; a memo- randum for teachers. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 68: 54.—Tolle, D. G. Patients, staff and public must be protected against communicable disease. Mod. Hosp., 1943, 60: 57-9.— Tomanek, E. [Prevention of infectious diseases in school children] Cas. lek. Cesk., 1938, 77: 279-84.—Weinstein, L. Further studies on the prophylaxis of experimental infections and intoxications with various hormone preparations. Yale J. Biol., 1939-40, 12: 549-57.—Zeitlin, A. T. [Intra-dispensary infection in children's polyclinics] Gig. & zdorov., 1942, 7: No. 7, 39-45.—Zischinsky, H. Ein Vorschlag zur Reform der Kinderambulatorien. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1935, 3. F., 94: 172-4, tab.—Zwang, I. M. [Control of hospital infections in children's hospitals by means of individual isolation] Sovet. vrach. J., 1939, 43: 301-6. ---- Etiology. See also subheadings; also Autopsy, Infection from; Wound infection, etc. Bayne-Jones, S. The effects of carbohydrates on bacterial growth and development of infection. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1936, 12: 278-84.—Deelman, H. T. [Degeneration and infection] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1931, 75: pt 3, 4150-5, 2 pl.—Dynamics (The) of crowd infection. Med. J. Australia, 1940, 2: 40.—Fischer, A. W. Ueber den Locus minoris re- sistentiae. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 1534-7.—Foveau de Cour- melles. Contagion ou inoculation? J. med. Paris, 1933, 53: 707-10.—Gundel, M., Gyorgy, P., & Pagel, W. Experi- mentelle Beobachtungen zu der Frage der Resistenzverminde- rung und Infektion. Zsehr. Hyg., 1931-32, 113: 629-44 — Haberland, H. F. O. Der Locus minoris resistentiae. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 77-9.—Lavison, R. de. Influence de la duree du sejour dans des lieux infectes sur la production des maladies epidemiques. J. chim. med., Par., 1867, 5. ser., 3: 141.— to1?* ,'J" [Mechanism of bacterial infection] Bibl. laeger, 1933, 125: 423-56,-Solis-Cohen, M. Determining the in- tectivity of bacteria for their host with special reference to the pathogen-selective culture. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 2: 1447-50.— t nli J?- Factors influencing the pathogenicity of bacteria. J. Path. Bact., Cambr., 1933, 37: 185-232.—Wetherell, F. S. ™ct!°ns following trauma. N. York State J. M., 1940, 40: 1094-8. ---- experimental. See also Bacteriology, Methods; Infectious disease, experimental. Blaisdell, J. L., & Hambleton, A. A device for infecting animals by inhalation. Am. Rev. Tuberc, 1942, 46: 205-9.— Bloomfield, A. L., & Felty, A. R. Quantitative factors in test- tube infection. J. Exp. AL, 1924, 39: 367-91.—Cianci, V. Sulla infezione microbica in presenza di zuccheri diversi. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 130.—Epstein, G. W. Bacterial infection in an amoeba. J. R. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1935, 55: 86-94.—Etinger-Tulczynska, R. Nasale Infektion von Mausen und Ratten mit Trypanosomen und Spirochaten. Zsehr. Hyg., 1931-32, 113: 590-6.—Kisskalt, K. Die ersten Versuche zur experimentellen Uebertragung von Infektionskrankheiten. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1933, 130: 69-74.—Lange, L. Behelfs- massige Vorrichtung zu Einatmungsversuchen an Kaninchen. Ibid 1934, 131: 399.—Laporte, R., & Goyal, R. K. Influence de 1 etat d'immunite active ou passive sur le passage dans le sang des germes inocuies par voie cutanee. C. rend. Soc. bio' , 1937, 126: 1089-92.—Le F£vre de Arric, M., & Millet, M. La permeabilisation vasculo-meningee aux virus sous Taction de certains colorants. Ibid., 1927, 96: 206.—Nickel, A. C. The infection of artificially produced sterile abscesses by the intravenous injection of bacteria. Proc Mayo Clin., 1928, 3: 297-9.—-Remlinger, P. Le cloutage des petits animaux de laboratoire procede extemporane d'inoculation intra-cranienne. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 259. ------& Bailly, J. Inocula- tions dans le canal medullaire des os par le proc6de du cloutage. Ibid., 389.—Shoukri, Y. S. Versuche einer Infektion durch Einreiben von Infektionserregern auf die intakte und die oberflachlich verletzte Haut. Zsehr. Hyg., 1929, 110: 697- 705.—Tawara, M. Altersunterschied im Schicksal der in- travenos zugefuhrten lebenden Bazillen. Acta paediat. jap., 1937, 43: 59 (Abstr.)—Topley, W. W. C. The minimal lethal dose. J. State M., Lond., 1927, 35: 63-88; 125-46. — Human carriers. See Bacillus-carriers. latent. See also Bacillus-carriers; also such diseases as Actinomycosis; Gas gangrene; Leprosy; Malaria; Tetanus; also Infectious disease (chronic; focal; Relapse) Kolle, W., & Prigge, R. Die symptomlose Infektion. 48p. 8? Jena, 1933. Bonnin, H., & Jeansotte, G. L'infection latente residuelle des recurrentes experimentales. Biol, med., Par., 1940, 30: 121-71.—Breinl, F. Die symptomlose Infektion. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 1793.—Bruynoghe, R. Les infections in- apparentes. Rev. med., Louvain, 1931, 271.—Carossini, G. Ricerche sulla flora batterica nei postumi settici delle ferite (di guerra) contributo alio studio del microbismo latente. Sperimentale, 1926, 80: 25-40. ------ Microbismo ed antiche ferite di guerra: nuovo contributo alio studio del microbismo latente. Policlinico, 1928, 35: sez. chir., 627-32.—Doerr, R. Latente Infektionen. Ann. Tomarkin Found., 1932, 2: 51- 64.—Eisenberg, F. [Non apparent infections] Polska gaz. lek., 1935, 14: 577-81.—Garber, I. A. [Treatment of latent infection] Vrach. delo, 1925, 8: 498.—Girgolav, S. S. [Latent infection] Vest, khir., 1929, 18: 9-12.—Hallows, N. Minimal infections. Practitioner, Lond., 1935, 134: 513-7.—Hatake- yama, I. Influence of the partial obstruction of nutrition upon the experimental animals that are in the latent infection by suppurative germs. Bull. Nav. M. Ass., Tokyo, 1939, 28: 49; 62.—Jacono, I. II microbismo latente. Riforma med., 1925, 41: 900-2.—Janishevsky, F. I. [Data on latent infec- tion] Sovet. klin., 1932, 18: 102-5.—Kolle, W. Ueber symp- tomlose Infektionen und ihre Bedeutung fiir Epidemiologic, Pathologie und Immunitat, insbesondere der Syphilis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1929, 59: 517-20.—Krecke, A. Ruhende Infek- tion. In his Beitr. prakt. Chir., Munch., 1934, 86.—Kuntzen, H. Die Bedeutung und die Erkennung der ruhenden Infek- tion. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1933, 43: 203-6.—Maske, B. Ergebnisse der Untersuchung auf ruhende Infektion an Extremitaten. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 164: 58-65.—Meyer, K. F. Latent infections. J. Bact., Bait., 1936, 31: 109-35.—Michelman, M. D. [Latent infection in orthopedics] Ortop. travmat., 1937, 11: 3-13.—Negro, G. Del microbismo latente. Gior. batt. immun., 1932, 8: 615-31.—Nicolle, C. Les infections inapparentes. Scientia, Bologna, 1933, 53: 181-8. ------ Sur les conditions de la recherche des infections inapparentes chez les animaux qui ne reagissent pas visiblement a l'inoculation du virus d'une fievre exanthematique ou d'un produit dans lequel on suppose sa presence. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, INFECTION 218 INFECTION 1934, 23: 19-31. ------ L'infection inapparente, forme naturelle d'extinction de certaines maladies infectieuses. Ibid., 438-40.—Pangalos, G. E. Das Problem der erschei- nungslosen Infektionen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 899- 901.—Problems of latent infection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 103: 1951.—Reiter, H. Zur Bedeutung der stummen Infektion. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 2181.—Scalfl, L. II problema dei rapporti tra infezione latente e immunita, studiato a mezzo di minime dosi di virus vaccinico, dosi subpatogene. Ann. igiene, 1939, 49: 429-41.—Schnitzler, J. Kann ein Trauma das Manifestwerden einer latenten Infektion bewirken? Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1933, 7: 323.—Sergent, E. Infections latentes et infections actives. In Festschr. B. Nocht, Hamb., 1937, 565-7. Also Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1938, 16: 3-6.—Silent infection. Michigan Pub. Health, 1936, 24: 103-8.—Solovov, P. D. [Latent infection in tissues and organs] Klin, med., Moskva, 1929, 7: 917-32.—Waldman, V. A. [Latent infections] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 41: 1202-7.—Wiese, O. Aktivierung latenter Infektionskrankheiten durch unspezi- fische Reize. Fortsch. Med., 1923, 41: 57.—Zlatogorov, S. I. [Latent infections] Klin, med., Moskva, 1929, 7: 1627-33. ---- Pathways, distribution and fate of agent. See also Bacteriemia; Sepsis; also names of specific infectious diseases. Beye, H. L. Transphrenic infection; report of 10 cases. Arch. Surg., 1927, 14: 240-60.—Bruzzone, L. Distribuzione quantitative dei germi (Bact. prodigiosum) introdotti nell'or- ganismo per via venosa e rispettivamente per via arteriosa. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 13: 540-6.—Cannon, P. R. Bacterial localization and growth in normal and immune tissues. Am. J. Path., 1935, 11: 852.—Catron, L. Studies on bacterial localization; effects of specific immunization and of a gum acacia medium on localization of type I pneumococci in mice. J. Exp. M., 1935, 61: 735-52, 3 pl.—Doerr, R. Die Organo- tropic, ein Fundamentalproblem der Lehre von der Infektion. Ned. mschr. geneesk., 1927, 14: 45-65.—Ely, J. O. The determination of the distribution of bacteria in the rat by the use of radioactive isotopes. J. Franklin Inst., 1941, 232: 385-7. ----■—■ Distribution in the rat of injected radio- activated bacteria. Ibid., 1942, 234: 500-14.—Finucci, V. Passaggio dei germi dal tubo gastroenterico e dal sottocutaneo. Pathologica, Genova, 1935, 27: 518-23.— Gutfeld, F. von, & Mayer, E. Die Bewertung von Bakterienbefunden, das Eindringen und die Verteilung von Keimen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1932, 124: 122-59.—Hoeden, J. van der [Bacteremia and localization of microbes] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 337-40.—Horing, F. O., & Arjona, E. Ueber elektive Lokalisa- tion von Bakterien. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1933, 91: 549-61.— Huntemiiller, O. Die Ausscheidung von Mikroorganismen durch Leber und Niere und ihr Nachweis durch ein Anreiche- rungsverfahren. Med. Klin., Berl., 1924, 20: 960-3.—Kadisch, E. Der Einfluss von Temperatur und Sauerstoff auf die Lokalisation der Infektionen; wagende Untersuchungen an Fadenpilzen; Untersuchungen mit dem Pulfrich-Photometer an Hefen; Modifikation des Pulfrich-Photometers. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1933, 168: 438-75.—Laporte, R., & Goyal, R. K. Sur le passage dans le sang des germes inocuies par voie dermique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 761-4.—Link, T. Wann sind intrakutan eingespritzte Bakterien in inneren Organen nachweisbar? Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1937, 139: 489- 92.—Miller, A. A., & Bojarskaja, W. G. Zur Frage der elek- tiven Lokalisierung der Mikroben. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 61: 4-15.—Pansini, G. I/e vie di penetrazione dei germi nell'organismo ed i poteri naturali di difesa. Med. prat., Nap., 1927, 12: 81-92.—Pariscenti, P. Ricerche sperimentali sulla eliminazione precoce dei batteri attraverso gli emuntori. Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia, 1937, 51: 697-706.—Perazzi, P. Sulla sorte di alcuni stipiti di germi sporigeni introdotti nei sangue circolante. Pathologica, Genova, 1921, 13: 293-9.— Pette, H. Ueber einen Modellversuch zum Problem der Aktivierung apathogener Keime durch akute Infektionen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1929, 113: 432-8—Radaody-Ralarosy, P. Le sort de quelques bacilles attends dans les principaux organes du cobaye. Languedoc med., 1939, 31: 305-19.— Sacchi, M. Ricerche sulla localizzazione elettiva dei germii Gior. batt. immun., 1932, 9: 314.—Sager, W. W., & Nickel, A. C. Localization of bacteria in tissues of lowered resistance. Arch. Surg., 1929, 19: 1086-9.— Salvioli, I., & Oselladore, G. Condizioni che possono determinare la localizzazione di germ. circolanti. Gior. batt. immun., 1928, 3: 145-50.—Sanarelli, G. Galvanotropisme microbien dans l'organisme animal. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1926, 40: 161-6.—Schmidt-Ott, A. Ueber das Eindringen von Infektionserregern in die regionaren Lymphdriisen und den Blutkreislauf nach cutaner Infektion; ein Beitrag zur Frage der lokalisierten und der Allgemeinin- fektion. Zsehr. Hyg., 1927, 107: 441-52.—Serra, G. Con- tributo al tropismo e localizzazione elettiva dei germi. Arch Sor. ital. chir., 1934, 40: 673-5.—Steinfeld, F. Untersuchungen uber elektive Lokalisation. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1931-32, 80: 472-86.—Virando, A. Ricerche sperimentali sulla localizza- zione elettiva dei germi. Gior. batt. immun., 1934, 12: 1-38. ---- Portal of entry. Kretschmer, A. *Die Xase als Eintritts- pforte fur Infektionserreger [Berlin] 24p. 8? Gutersloh, 1935. Cristiani, M. Infezioni da tripanosomi e spirochete per via auricolare; ricerche sperimentali. Arch. ital. sc. m-id. cob, 1938, 19: 406-15.—Rake, G. W. Infection through rhe olfac- tory mucosa. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 1133. Siiba, Y., & Matuoka, K. Zur Frage der Infektion (lurch die normale Haut bei Typhus, Dysenterie und Cholera. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1927, No. 74, 30-4. ---- postoperative. See Infectious disease, Surgical aspect; Wound infection. ---- Prevention. See also Immunization; Infection, Source and spread; Infectious disease, Control; also such headings as Air, Purification; Alcohol, Thera- peutic use, external; also under names of specific infectious diseases. Benveniste, E. *Recherches experimentales sur Taction protectrice du masque dans lea maladies infectieuses [Lausanne] 26p. 8°. Sainte-Croix, 1919. Kazansky, S. [How transport should be pro- tected against infectious diseases] 64p. 17}{cm. Moskva, 1929. Mechnikov, E. The new hygiene; three lec- tures on the prevention of infectious diseases. 104p. 16? Chic, 1907. Barksdale, I. S., Mullenix, G. K., & Fuster, L. B. The prevention of diphtheria and scarlet fever in contacts. South. M. & S., 1942, 104: 192-5.—Barnes, H. L. How to avoid common contagious diseases. Certif. Milk, 1941, 16: No. 187, 3; 19.—Bessau, G. Verhutung der wichtigsten Infections- krankheiten; Tuberkulose, Lues congenita. Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 1645; 1715-8.—Bonnie, W. Andere Gesichtspunkte pro- phylaktischer Handlung bei Infektionskrankheiten, dargelegt an experimentellen Versuchen bei Rotlauf. Wiirzb. Abh. Med* 1923, 21: 95-119.—Clarke, F. The prevention of con- tagious diseases in children. Nebraska M. J., 1940, 25: 290.— Corpus, T. The nature and prevention of the common com- municable diseases. Month. Bull. Bur. Health, Manila, 1938, 18: 83-91.—Deicher, H. Schutz der Angehorigen bei Infek- tionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 351.— Doyer, J. J. T. Lutte contre la scarlatine et la diphterie au moyen de l'immunisation. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub.. Par., 1938, 30: 1785-8.—Elkin, I. I. [Anti-epidemic work and problems of therapeutic prophylactic institutions] Sovet. vrach. J., 1939, 43: 572-7.—Evacuation and infection. Med, Off., Lond., 1940, 64: 153.—Fenton, J. Protection from in- fections. Ibid., 1941, 65: 49.—Gard, P. W. A program for the prevention of the common communicable diseases. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1938, 7: 279-85.—Gerdts. K. E. Seuchenschutz bei Wanderfahrten. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1938-39, 4: A, 801-3.—Gins, H. A. Wie schiitzen wir unsere Jugend vor Infektionskrankheiten? Bl. VolksgesundhpfL, 1922, 22: 89-91.—Gloyne, L. B. The family physician and certain preventive disease measures. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1924, 24: 36—41.—Grant, L. Some modern causes of the spread of infectious diseases and the onset of some physical ailments, with simple methods for assisting in their prevention. Caledon. M. 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Eine einfache Anord- nung zur Verhinderung familiarer und nosocomialer Infek- tionen. Acta paediat., Upps., 1928, 8: 375-92.—Jusatz, H. J. Grundlagen einer Vitaminprophylaxe bei Infektionskrank- heiten. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 1109 (Abstr.)— ■Kacprzak, M. [Principles in prevention of infectious diseases | Warsz. czas. lek., 1937, 14: 294-8.—Kellogg, J. H. Biologic antisepsis. Am. J. Surg., 1926, n. ser., 1: 249-56.—Kutscher, G. W., jr, Baird, J. S. [et al.] Round table discussion on the prevention of contagious diseases. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 17: 405-17.—Kuttner, A. G., & Reyersbach, G. The preven- tion of streptococcal upper respiratory infections and rheumatic recurrences in rheumatic children by the prophylactic use of sulfanilamide. J. Clin. Invest., 1943, 22: 77-85.—Lafosse, G. Introduction a I'etude de I'hygiene prophylactique. Infirmiere fr., 1923, 1: 89; 221. ------ La methode de Milne; sa tech- nique. Ibid., 1924-25, 2: 201-11.—Ledingham. J. C. G INFECTION 219 INFECTION The prevention of acute specific fevers. Practitioner, Lond., 1940, 145: 85-91.—Lotze, H. Bedingungen, Abwehr und Verhutung von Infekten. Ther. Gegenwart, 1938, 79: 438- 44.—McCoIlom, J. H. The decrease of infectious diseases consequent upon the application of preventive measures. Boston M. & S. J.. 1907, 156: 226-37.—McSweeney, C. J. The prevention and treatment of fevers. Irish J. M. Sc, 1939, 6. ser., No. 165, 673-80.—Matulevicius, A. [Means of pre- vention against spontaneous infections in children] Medicina, Kaunas, 1929, 10: 101-8.—Meyer, K. F. Why epidemics? U. S. Nav. M. Bulb, 1939, 37: 333-51.—Mitchell, E. C. & Goltman, D. W. Infection and immunity with a resume of prevention of infection. Texas J. M., 1937-38, 33: 220-8.— Nihoul. L'hemoprophylaxie des maladies infectieuses. Liege med., 1931, 24: 1069-81. Also Ann. Soc. med. chir. Liege, 1932, 65: 45-50.—Palmer, L. Measures other than immuniza- tion for the prevention of communicable diseases. Bull. Dep. Health Kentucky, 1941-42, 14: 442.—Peeters, H. [Preventive medecine and acute bacterial infections] Geneesk. gids, 1937, 15: 957; 977; 1001.—Pous Chazaro, E. La lucha contra la infecci6n. Hosp. gen., Mex., 1925-26, 1: 238-44, pl.—Ramon, G. La defense des populations contre les maladies infectieuses, fievres typhoides, diphterie, tetanos, au moyen de la generalisa- tion des vaccinations associees. Presse med., 1940, 48: 803.— Regamey, R. Principes de prophvlaxie antiinfectieuse. Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: 569-74.—Reynaud, G. L'hygiene dans les maladies infectieuses. Medecine, Par., 1922-23, 4: 192-4.— Richter, J. Beitrage zur Frage des Hautschutzes gegen Infek- tion mit Rotz- und Rotlaufbazillen. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1926, 34: 773-5.—Rolko, S. [How could we solve the problem of prevention of infectious diseases?] Orv. hetil., 1937, 81: 465.—Romeo Lozano, A. Profilaxis de las infecciones de la infancia. Arch, med., Madr., 1926, 23: 249-63.—Ruata, G. La chemio-profilassi delle infezioni. Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1938, 9: 195-8.—Sandler, A. S. Prevention of the common contagious diseases. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1938, 55: 360-71.— Siegl, J. Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 1639; 1676. —---- Spezifische Prophylaxe der akuten Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 275.—Smith, G. The prevention of infection in early infancy. Pub. Health J., Toronto, 1925-26, 17: 405-9 — Staudt. De la desinfecci6n en funci6n de las enfermedades contagiosas. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1938, 37: 53-8.—Strimpl, V. [Prevention of infectious diseases] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1934, 14: 347-59.—Tanon, L. Hygiene et maladies infectieuses. Rev. med. fr., 1927, 8: 267-76.—Tello Puertolas, P. La infecci6n: c6mo se contrae y c6mo se evita. Siglo med., 1927, 74: pt 2, 273-81.—Thompson, A. G. G. Some aspects of in- fectious disease prevention. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1937, 195: 9-11.—Thomson, C. S. The private practitioner and pre- ventive medicine. Med. Off., Lond., 1923, 30: 231.—Toomey, J. A. Passive prophvlaxis against acute infections in childhood. Ohio M. J., 1938, 34: 1213-9.—Top. F. H. Prophylaxis of the common communicable diseases of childhood. Rep. Wayne Co. M. Soc, 1937-38, 8: 29-33. Also Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1938, 55: 259-67.—Vallee, H. De la prevention contre la tuberculose et diverses infections chroniques. Rec med. vet., 1924, 100: 513-7.—Vieira, B. Valor da desinfeccao na pro- phylaxia das doencas infectuosas. Ann. paul. med. cir., 1923. 14: 123-8.—Welford, N. T. The prevention of contact in- fections in children. Illinois M. J., 1940, 78: 435-41.—White, P. J. The importance of periodic examinations of those who have contact with children. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1938-39, 33: 124-8.—Wu, L. T. The prevention of infectious diseases in China. Rep. Manchur. Plague Prev. Serv., 1929-30, 7: 137-42. Resistance and susceptibility. Foster, C. Effect of diet on resistance to infection: maternal diet. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1937, 54: 1178. ------ Diet and resistance to infection; genetic versus dietary factors. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1940, 30: 1217-20. ------& Asher, D. W. Diet and resistance to infection; the effect of the maternal diet. Ibid., 1937, 27: 1232-9.—Clausen, S. W. The influence of nutrition upon resistance to infection. Physiol. Rev., 1934, 14: 309-50.---— Nutrition and infection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 104: 793-8.—Costa, D. Valor das vitaminas na resis- tencia as infecc5es. Impr. med., Rio, 1939, 15: 983.—Di Macco, G. Mecanismos da resistencia natural ks infeccoes. Resenha clin. cient., S. Paulo, 1940, 9: 213-7.—Doerr, R. Die erblichen Grundlagen der Disposition fiir Infektionen und Infektions- krankheiten. Ber. Phys. med. Ges. Wurzburg (19371 1938, n. F., 61: 14-42. Also Zsehr. Hyg., 1936-37, 119: 635-59.— Duran-Reynals, F. Tissue permeability and the spreading factors in infection; a contribution to the host parasite problem. Bact. Rev., Bait., 1942, 6: 197-252. ------ Factores de infecci6n de resistencia. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1934, 21: 115-40. ------ The extent of local dispersion of infectious agents as a factor in resistance to infection. J. Exp. M., 1935, 61: 617-42, pl.—Eguti, C, & Yositomi, I. Ueber die ver- schiedene Empfanglichkeit junger und erwachsener Individuen fiir Infektionen; iiber den Mechanismus von natiirlicher Abwehrkraft erwachsener Individuen gegen perorale Infek- tionen. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1928, 7: 17-20.—Faulkner, J. M., & Taylor, F. H. L. Vitamin C and infection. Ann. Int. M., 1936-37, 10: 1867-73. Also in J. H. Pratt Anniv. Vol., 1937, 146-52.—Ferguson, B. Resistance and its apparent control. Am. Med., 1926, n. ser., 21: 182-6.—Frei, W. Ueber den Einfluss der Injektion von Blut auf die Widerstandsfahig- keit gegen Infektionen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 751. —■---- Beeinflussung der Infektionsreslstenz durch neurovegetative Gifte. Ibid., 1941, 71: 377-9.—Frey, W. Die Bedeutung der Organe mesenchymaler Abstammung fur die Widerstandsfahigkeit des Organismus gegeniiber bakteri- ellen Infektionen im Wachstumsalter. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 1604-6.—Friedberger, E., & Hoder, F. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage des Zusammenhanges zwischen Ernahrung und Infektion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 1353-5.—Gins, H. A. Rassenbedingte Unterschiede in der Empfanglichkeit fur Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 1228-30 — Gordon, B., & Baker, J. C. Observations on the apparent adaptability of the body to infections, unusual hardships, changing environment and prolonged strenuous exertion. Am. J. M. Sc, 1929, 178: 1-8.—Gottstein, A. Personliche Empfanglichkeit. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 615.—Haam, E. von, & Rosenfeld, I. The influence of sex hormones upon natural resistance. Proc Centr. Soc Clin. Res., 1941, 14: 6 (Abstr.)— Hazelhurst, W. D., Johnston, W. O., & Patton, E. W. The relationship of vitamin A to infection in the chick embryo. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 638.—Herrman, C. The relation of sexual maturity to serological maturity and resistance to infection. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1932( 49: 785-93.—Hess, A. F. Diet, nutrition and infection. Acta paadiat., Upps., 1932, 13: 206-24. Also N. England J. M., 1932, 207: 637.— Hirszfeld, H., & Hirszfeld, L. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Verer- bung der Empfanglichkeit fiir Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1927-28, 54: 81-104. ------ & Brokman, H. Untersuchungen iiber Vererbung der Disposition bei Infektions- krankheiten, speziell bei Diphterie. Klin. Wschr., 1924, 3: 1308-11.—Hoff, F. Infektionsabwehr und vegetatives Nerven- system. Deut. med. Wschr., 1941, 67: 417-20.—Hou, H. C. Infections observed in experimental animals fed upon certain unbalanced diets. Chin. M. J., 1938, 53: 47-52.—Influence (The) of nutrition upon resistance to infection. Med. J. Australia, 1934, 2: 652.—Inheritance of resistance to infective disease. Ibid., 1934, 2: 755.—Irwin, M. R. Inheritance as a factor in resistance to an infectious disease; the correlations between resistance of the host and certain measured variables. J. Immun., Bait., 1933, 24: 329-42.—Keeton, R. W. Factors in tissue repair and resistance to infection. J. Am. Dent. Ass , 1936, 23: 194-201.—Khreninger-Guggenberger, J. von. Die Disposition zur Infektion und ihre experimentelle Erfor- schung. Radiol. Rdsch., T934, 3: 314-22— Kiselev, P. N. [Changes in general and local resistance against infection in relation to preliminary treatment with roentgen rays] Vest. rentg., 1936, 16: 363-72.—Kligler, I. J. Relation of temperature susceptibility of host to disease. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., Y., 1927-28, 25: 20. ------& Olitzki, L. The influence of solar irradiation on the susceptibility of mice to an infection with S. enteritidis. Am. J. Hyg., 1935, 22: 1-10.—Kobasi, S. Experimentelle Untersuchung fiber Avitaminose und Disposi- tion der Empfanglichkeit; fiber die Beziehungen zwischen Infektion von Notoedres alepis und Vitamin. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1932, 22: 117. ------ Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Avitaminose und Infektiositat; Tierexperimente mit menschlicher Lepraknotenemulsion; pathologisch-histologischer Befund der mit Lepraknotenemulsion geimpften Avitamino- sentiere. Ibid., 1933, 23: 32.—Kowalzig, H. Zur Widerstands- fahigkeit des Eingeborenen gegeniiber Infektionen. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1929, 39: 364.—Kudo, S. Experimental study for the refrigeration of body as a provocative factor of pneumo- coccus and influenza bacillus infection. Bull. Nav. M. Ass. Japan, 1929-30, 18: 3.—Lange, B., & Gutdeutsch, H. Ex- perimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Organdisposition fiir verschiedene Infektionen und uber die Immunitat nach Infek- tionen ohne nachweisbare Erkrankung. Zsehr. Hyg., 1928, 109: 253-65.—Lauber, H. J. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Beziehungen der Vitamine zur Infektion. Beitr. See also Immunity and its subheadings; also Infectious disease, Etiology; also names of specific infectious diseases. Brendel, H. *Haften von Infektionen bei Meerschweinchen und Mausen unter verschiede- nen Temperatureinfliissen. 16p. 8? Berl., 1937. Philipson, J. Experimental studies on en- hanced resistance to infection following some non-specific measures. 148p. 8? Kbh., 1937. Albrecht. W. Die Bedeutung der Erbmasse bei Infektionen der Schleimhaute und die Methoden ihrer Erforschung. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1927, 11: 16-23.—Andreis, N. Vitamine e infezioni. Med. ital., 1936, 17: 80; 149; 210; 285; 334 — Arnold, L. A new mechanism of defence against bacteria through the use of certain foods. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1934, 24: 854-8.—Bernabeo, E. Infezione ed avitaminosi. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1936, 42: 744-57.—Bieling, R. Unterernahrung und Infektion. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 182; 228 — Blumenthal, F. Racial difference in resistance to respiratory infection. Human Biol., 1942, 14: 104-9.—Brown, A. The role of minerals and vitamins in growth and resistance to in- fection. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 55-7.—Bruynoghe, R. La resistance aux infections. Rev. med., Louvain, 1934, 129-34.— Cannon, P. R. Some changing emphases in the study of infec- tion and resistance. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1933, 14: 85-90.— Church, C. F. Factors influencing nonspecific resistance to infection. Am. J. Pub. Health., 1939, 29: 215-23. ------& INFECTION 220 INFECTION klin. Chir., 1936, 164: 365-9.—Lawson, C. E. The Dick and Schick reactions; results of 500 Schick and 400 Dick tests. Hahneman. Month., 1933, 68: 606-10.—Leppo, E. Ueber die Bedeutung des A- und C-Vitamins bei Infektionskrankheiten. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim. 1939. 27: Ser. B, No. 30, 1-4. Also Duodecim, Helsin., 1939, 55: 129-42.—Levine, V. E. Faulty food and susceptibility to infection. Mil. Surgeon, 1933, 72: 307-18.—Locke, A. Non-specific factors in resistance; capacitv to sustain effective circulation. J. Immun., Bait., 1939 36: 159-72. ----— Main, E. R., & Mellon. R. R. Non- specific factors in resistance; capacity for retarding bacterial proliferation. Ibid., 183-92.—Lotze, H. Der Mensch und sein Verhiiltnis zur korpereigenen Keimwelt. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1938, 9: 393-401.—McClean, D. A factor in culture filtrates of certain pathogenic bacteria which increases the permeability of the tissues. J. Path. Bact., Cambr., 1936, 42: 477-512.—Mackay, H. M. M. Dietetic deficiencies and sus- ceptibilitv to infection with special reference to children. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 1462-6.—Manwaring, W. H., & Fritschen, W. Studv of microbic-tissue affinity bv perfusion methods. J. Immun., Bait., 1923, 8: 83-9.—Martin, D. W., & Arena, J. M.' Relationship of race to the incidence of diph- theria and of positive Schick, tuberculin and Wassermann tests in hospitalized children. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: M48.—Masson, G., & Selye, H. Reaction generale d'adapta- tion; ses indications pratiques. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1938, 2: 282-5.—Mills, C. A., & Schmidt, L. H. Environmental tem- peratures and resistance to infection. Am. J. Trop. M., 1942, 22: 055-60.—Monaco, B. Resistenza alle intossicazioni micro- biche in animali sottoposti a variazioni di pressione barica; brevi ripetute esposizioni a pressione di 330 mm. Hg. 6.500 m.; tossine difteriea, tetanica e dissenterica, Shiga. Riv. med. aeronaut., I'.it.t, 2: 143-53.—Muller, E. F. Ueber Wesen und Bedeutung tier korpei lichen Abwehrkrafte bei der Infektion und ihre therapeutische Yei wertung. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1489; 1533.—Natvig, H. Die Bedeutung der Vitamine fur die Resistenz des Organismus gegen bakterielle Infektionen. Vet. Bulb, Lond., 1942, 12: 548 (Abstr.) Also Zsehr. Vita- minforsch., Bern, 1942, 12: 287 (Abstr.)—Neufeld, F., & Etinger-Tulczynska, R. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die zeitlichen Schwankungen der naturlichen Empfanglichkeit fur Infektionen. Zsehr. Hyg., 1933, 115: 573-93.—Nisikawa, N. The effect of cooling the body on the infection of Strepto- coccus hemolytique (!) scarlatinosus and Diplococcus pneu- moniae. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1935, 22: 7.—Nutrition and resistance to infection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 103: 994.— Perla, D. Role of vitamin B in resistance. Arch. Path., Chic, 1938, 25: 539; 694. ------& Marmorston, J. Role of vitamin C in resistance. Ibid., 1937, 23: 543-75.—Pfannenstiel, W. Die Bedeutung der Vitamine fiir die Infektionsabwehr. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 231-5.—Popoviciu, G. [Carbohydrates and avitaminosis in relation to resistance in infections] Cluj. med., 1934, 15: 401-3.—Ragland, D. C. Relationship of colonic fermentation to calcium metabolism and susceptibility to in- fection. Med. World, 1936, 54: 712-4.—Rasmussen, A. F., jr, Waismann, H. A. [et al.] Influence of thiamin and riboflavin deficiencies on resistance to Theiler's virus and to Lansing strain poliomyelitis in mice. J. Bact., Bait., 1943, 45: 85 (Abstr.)—Reiter, H. Lipoidnahrung und Infektion. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 589. ------ Einfluss der Ernahrung auf Infektionsempfanglichkeit und Infektionsverlauf, verglichen mit der Wirkung artspezifischer stummer Infektion. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1929, 61: 433-41. ------ Studien uber abso- lute und relative Disposition gegeniiber bestimmten Infek- tionen. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 1158-65.—Riddle, J. W., Spies, T. D., & Hudson, N. P. A note on the interrelationship of deficiency diseases and resistance to infection. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 361-4.—Robertson, E. C, & Weld, C. B. Relation of humidity to resistance to infection in rachitic rats. Ibid., 1932, 30: 33-5.—Rudder, B. de. Infektions- anfalligkeit und Konstitution. Gesundh. & Erzieh., 1934, 47: 312-8.—Saffbrd, V. Nature'sway; resistance to disease. Mil. Surgeon, 1942, 90: 630-6.—Sako, W. S. Resistance to infection as affected by variations in the proportions of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the diet; an experimental study. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1942, 20: 475-83.—Bamberger, F. Die somatische Resistenz. Ther. Gegenwart, 1941, 82: 149-55.— Saslaw, S., Woolpert, O. C, & Schwab, J. L. Clinical and mmunological response of normal and nutritionally-deficient monkeys to intranasal inoculations with Streptococcus hemo- lyticus and influenza virus. J. Bact., Bait., 1943, 45: 82 (Abstr.)—Schiff, F. Person und Infekt. In Biol. d. Person (Brugsch & Lewy) Berl., 1926, 1: 595-748.—SchUtze, H., Gorer, P. A., & Finlayson, M. H. The resistance of 4 mouse lines to bacterial infection. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1936, 36: 37-49.— Schwartzer, K. Biologische Infektabwehr im Kindesalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 322-5.—Shambaugh. P. Post- operative wound infection; an evaluation of factors concerned with resistance of the tissues to infection. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1940-41, 13: 311.—Smith, F. Allergy and resistance to infection. Am. J. M. Sc, 1941, 202: 447-56.—Sprunt, D. H. The part played by age and the female sex hormones in resis- tance to infection. Endocrinology, 1939, 25: 625-8. ------& McDearman, S. Studies on the relationship of sex hormones to infection; a quantitative study of the increased resistance to vaccinial infection produced by the estrogenic hormone and pseudopregnancy. J. Immun., Bait., 1940, 38: 81-95.— Staemmler, M. Infektion und Abwehr vom Standpunkt des Morpbologen. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1776.—Tasiro. K. Ex- perimental studies on the susceptibility of rats fed with vitamin B deficient food to the paradysentery infection; II. report- Bull. Nav. M. Ass., Tokyo, 1940, 29: 44.- Thoenes. F. Er- nahrung und Infektionsresistenz. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1937, 28: H. 0. 1-31.—Thomson, S.. Glazebrook, A. J., & Green, C. A. Schick and Dick reactions in different classes of the community. J. Hyg., Lond., 1940, 40: 115-21.— Topley, W. W. ('. Quantitative experiments in the study of infection and resistance. J. State M., Lond.. 1927. 35: 2 -24.— Torrance, C. C. The relationship between vitamin ('metab- olism and susceptibilitv to bacterial toxins. Annual Rep. Div. Lab. N. York State Dep. Health, 1939, 27-9.—Turpin, R. De l'infiuence des qualites hereditaires sur la sensibilite des animaux k l'egard des maladies infectieuses. Rev. immun., Par., 1936, 2: 54-95.—Watson, M. Studies on the influence of diet on resistance to infection; the effect of various diets on the fertility, growth, survival and resistance to bacterial infection of mice. J. Hyg., Lond., 1937, 37: 396-444.— Webster, L. T. Inborn resistance to infectious disease. Sc. Month., 1939, 48: 69-72.—Weitzenberg, R. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Bedeutung und fiber das Verhalten des Vitamin C bei bakteriellen Infektionen. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1938, 73: 188-204.—Wherry, W. B. Tissue hydration and its rela- tion to susceptibility and immunity as shown by skin tests in asthma, chronic sinusitis and other infections. J. Infect. Dis., 1927, 41: 177-89.—Wilson, H. E., Saslaw, S. [et al.] Nutri- tional deficiency and resistance to infection in monkeys. Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res., 1942, 15: 21.—Woringer, P. Carence solaire et infection. Rev. fr. pediat., 1926, 2: 161- 224.—Zironi, A. Sull'aumento specifico di ricettiviti alle infezioni. Atti Soc lombard. sc. med., 1924, 13: 438, ------Sur l'hyperreceptivite specifique aux infections. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc internaz. microb., 1931, 3: 93-151. ------ SuH'iperrecettivit& specifica alle infezioni. Studium, Nap., 1931,21:235-49. ------ Ancora sull'iperrecettivitd, specifica alia infezione; riprove e conferme. Boll. Ist. sieroter. milan., 1937, 16: 565-81. ---- Source and spread. See also Communicable disease, Transmission; Epidemic, Source; Infection, Vector and reser- voir, etc. Brulin, P. Contribution a l'dtude du mecanisme de la contagion par l'air et l'eau. 145p. 8? Par., 1931. Fekete, I. *Ueber das Vorkommen von Bakterien an Gebrauchsgegcnstanden des tag- lichen Lebens [Leipzig] 16p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1933. Garez, R. *Du role des excreta dans la propagation des maladies infectieuses des animaux [Alfort] 55p. 8? Saumur, 1933. Abt, I. A. How contagious diseases are spread. Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1940, 9: 99-106.—Aeroplanes as carriers of infectious disease. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 553.—Alexander, A. Zur Infektionsquellenforschung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 415-7.—Arnold, M. L. H. Bacteriological study of school utensils. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1898-99, 6: 382- 5.—Bierring, W. Water- and food-borne outbreaks, U. S. A., 1940. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 28.—Brown, H. C. The clinical thermometer as a carrier of infection. Lancet, Lond., 1924, 2: 406.—Cameron, J. J. The source of infection. Pub. Health J., Toronto, 1922, 13: 543-6.—Cherkinsky, S. N. [Sanitary-technical factors in the epidemiology of water-borne infections] Gig. & zdorov., 1942, 7: No. 8, 8-13.—Communi- cable diseases; transmissible by oral and nasal discharges. U. S. Nav. M. Bulb, 1939, 37: 699-701.—Dudley, S. F. Some fundamental factors concerned in the spread of infectious disease. J. State M., Lond., 1925, 33: 79-90.—Garrod, L. P. The spread of infection. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 740.— Greenwood. Droplet infection; some theoretical considera- tions. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1934, 34: 1-9.—Griswold, M. Sources of infection. Wisconsin M. J., 1924-25, 23: 507-10.—Locke- mann, G., & Ulrich, W. Ein Vorschlag zur Schutzmassnahme gegen bakterielle Ansteckung durch den Mund. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1936, 136: 284-9— McKendrick, A. G. The dynamics of crowd infection. Edinburgh M. J., 1940, 47: 117-36.— Monjaras, J. E. Papel de los agentes flsicos en la propagaci6n de las enfermedades transmisibles. Mem. Congr. med. pan- amer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 2: 820-3.—Remlinger, P., & Bailly, J. Les microbes des cartes k jouer dans les cafes maures. Rev. hyg., Par., 1934, 56: 594-8.—Rezende, C. de. Some ideas and comments on the origin and transmission of the infectious diseases. Pacific Coast J. Homeop., 1940, 51: 389-401.— Rhodes, E. C. Notes on the spread of bacterial infection. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1923-24, 22: 6-11.—Smith, H. G. Changing views as to the spread of infection. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1937-38, 1: 781-9. Also Nat. Health Rev., Ottawa, 1938, 6: 93.—Stallybrass, C. O. Changing views as to the spread of infection. J. R. Inst. Pub. Health, 1937-38, 1: 769-80 — Stiles, C. W. Some of the factors influencing the spread of disease. Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1939, 5: 115-8.— Thompson, T. O. Saliva-borne disease control; crockery dis- infection. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1932, 58: 136-9.—Topley, W. W. C. The spread of bacterial infection; some character- istics of the pre-epidemic phase, and of subsequent re-aggrega- INFECTION 221 INFECTION tion. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1922-23, 21: 10-32. - J., & Lewis, E. R. The spread of bacterial infection; further Ayrton, studies on an experimental epidemic of mouse-typhoid Ibid 1924-25, 23: 223-9.—Winfield, G. F. Studies on the control of fecal-borne diseases in North China; problems and methods Chin. M. J., 1930, 51: 217-36. — Source and spread: infection. Air-borne and droplet Dudley, S. F. The spread of droplet infection in semi-isolated communities. 61 p. 8? Lond 1926'. Baker, A. H., Finn, S. R., & Twort, C. C. The use of hypo- chlorites for aerial disinfection. J. Hyg., Lond., 1940, 40: 560- 82.—Bryant, W. S. Air-borne infections, their mode of'entrance; preventive, abortive, and ameliorative treatment. Med Rec N. Y., 1908, 73: 816-9.—Chope, H. D., & Smillie, W. G. Air borne infection. J. Indust. Hyg., 1936, 18: 780-92. Also In Environment &c (Harvard Univ.) Bost., 1937, 32-44.— Cruickshank, R. Air-borne infection and its prevention. Pub Health, Lond., 1939-40, 53: 254.—D. Ein Tonfilm von der Tropfcheninfektion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 367 (micro- film)—Del Mundo, F., & McKhann, C. F. Effect of ultraviolet irradiation of air on incidence of infections in an infants' hospi- tal. Am. J. Dis. Chib, 1941, 61: 213-25.—Eberts, V., & Skrotsky, A. I. [Peculiarities of airborne infections in children] Sovet. pediat., 1936, No. 8, 26; No. 9, 45; No. 10, 19.—Fox, M. J., & Erbes, J. Air-borne bacteria in an isolation hospital. Marquette M. Rev., 1941-42, 6: 67-9.—Henle, W., Sommer, H. E., & Stokes, J., jr. Studies in the prevention of air-borne infection. J. Bact., Bait., 1942, 44: 142.—Hollaender, A., & Dal I a Valle, J. M. A simple device for sampling air-borne bacteria. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1939, 54: 574-7, pl.— Infection of air by sneezing. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1940, 24: 113.—Jennison, M. W. The origin of droplet and air- borne infections, as shown by high-speed photography. J. Bact., Bait., 1941, 42:817. ------& Edgerton, H. E. Droplet infection of air; high-speed photography of droplet production by sneezing. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 455-8.— Lange, B. Die Infektion auf dem Luftwege durch Tropfchen und durch Staub. Erg. Hyg. Bakt., 1928, 9: 237-94.—Mc- Khann, C. F. Prevention of spread of air-borne infections. Univ. Hosp. Bulb, Ann Arb., 1940, 6: 76.—Mackie, T. J. The problem of air-borne infection. Edinburgh M. J., 1942, 49: 607-27— Major, C. P., & Wilder, T. S. Air-borne infection and air sterilization; a discussion of preliminary work. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1937, 39: 590-600.—Middleton, D. S., & Gilliland, I. C. Prevention of droplet-borne infections by spray; a field experiment. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 598.— Moffat, H. A. Dust infection in wards. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 496.—Olsen, O., & Strauss, W. Untersuchungen zur Frage der Tropfchenverstreuung mittels des d'Herelleschen Lysats. Zsehr. Hyg., 1925-26, 105: 552-9.—Peirce, E. R. The control of sea- and airborne disease. J. R. San. Inst., 1943, 63: 8-15.— Rooks, R. Air-borne infection. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1941, 31: 100-4.—Thomas, J. C, & Van den Ende, M. The reduction of dust-borne bacteria in the air of hospital wards by liquid paraffin treatment of bedclothes. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 953-8.— Van den Ende, M., Lush, D., & Edward, D. G. Reduction of dust-borne bacteria by treating floors. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 133.—Walters, W., & Magath, T. B. Operative and post- operative infections with special reference to air-borne bacterial contamination. Ann. Surg., 1940, 112: 271-9.—Weaver, G. H. Droplet infection and its prevention by the face mask. J. Infect. Dis., 1919, 24: 218-30.—Wells, M. W., & Wilder, T. S. Epidemiologic study of selected aggregations breathing irra diated air. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940, 60: 759.—Wells, W. F. Air-borne infections. Mod. Hosp., 1938, 51: 66-9. ------ An apparatus for the study of experimental air-borne disease. Science, 1940, 91: 172-4. ------& Stokes, J., jr. Bactericidal irradiation of air breathed by selected aggregations. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940,60: 758.—Wells, W. F., & Wells, M. W. Air-borne infection; sanitary control. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1805-9. Also in Environment &c (Harvard Univ.) Bost., 1937, 45- 67. ------ Air-borne infection as a basis for a theory of contagion. Pub. Am. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1942, No. 17, 99-101.— Wells, W. F., Wells, M. W. [et al.] Air-borne infection and experimental air-borne disease. Ibid., 284-9. ------ & Mudd, S. Infection of air; bacteriologie and epidemiologic factors. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1939, 29: 863-80, pl.—Weyrauch, F. Photographien zur Tropfcheninfektion. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 1684.------& Rzymkowski, J. Photographien zur Tropfcheninfektion. Zsehr. Hyg., 1937-38, 120: 444-9.------ Nuevas fotograffas de la infecci6n por gotitas; aplicaciones al acuartelamiento en masa de las tropas. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1941, 40: 994-7. ---- Vector and reservoir. See also Animals, Diseases: Relation to public health; also names of vectors of infection as Anopheles; Anophelinae; Insecta, etc. Zinsser, H. Rats, lice, and history. 301 p. 19^cm. Lond. [1942] Basile, C. Studi di biologia nelle infezioni ad ospite tras- missore, per medici e laureandi in medicina. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1927, 8: 55; 123; 233; 299.—Brumpt, E. [Factors, tnat ettect transmission of infectious diseases by means of nematophagous arthropoda] Med. parazit., Moskva, 1937, 6: 304-14.—Day, A. M., & Shillinger, J. E. Predators and rodents are factors in the spread of disease. Yearb. U. S. Dep. Agr. 1935, 284-6.—De Kock, G. Wild animals as carriers of infection S Afr. M. J„ 1938, 12: 725-30.—Griswold, M. Vectors of infections; how spread and how controlled. Nation's Health, Chic, 1925, 7: 460-2.—Hinman, E. H. Hereditary transmission of infections through arthropods. Am. J. Trop. M 1933, 13: 415-23.—Hoffmann, W. H. La incubacion extrlnseca, propiedad de Finlay. Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1940, 6: 157-66.—Iturbe, J. F. Invertebrate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni and Paragonimus kellicotti in the valley of Caracas and in other parts of Venezuela. Proc. Am. Sc. Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 6: 371-82.—Lorincz, F. [Insects as carriers of infectious diseases] Gy6gy£szat, 1938, 78: 277; 296.—Matheson, R. Control of insect vectors and rodent carriers. In Prevent. Med. Modern Pract. (J. A. Miller) N. Y., 1942, 625-43.—Mohler, J. R. Dangerous microbian immigrants'. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1925-26, 67: 764-72.—Nattan-Larrier, L. Le role des reservoirs du virus et des porteurs de germes dans la pathologie exotique. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1922, 1: S'J^l-—Nicolle, C. Forma de transmision del tifus exante- matico y de la fiebre recurrente. Prensa med. argent., 1925-26, 12: 568.—Skinner, G. A. Insects, ticks, and worms in human medicine. Clin. Med., 1942, 49: 327; 372.—Unti, O. Informes sobre parasitas de caes e ratos da cidade de Curitiba, Est. Parana. Rev. biol., S. Paulo, 1939-40, 10: 109-11. INFECTION, focal. See also Infection, latent; also names of foci of infection as Gallbladder; Middle ear; Mouth; Nasal sinus; Prostate; Tonsil; Tooth. Girod, P. Contribution a I'etude des in- fections focales [Paris] 36p. 8? Pontarlier, 1931. Goldenberg, M. D. *Focal infection [Mil- waukee Co. Hosp.] 24 1. 4? Wauwatosa, Wis., 1929. Gording, R., & Bj^rn-Hansen, H. Fokalin- fektion. 186p. 8? Oslo, 1933. Kopeloff, N. Why infections? in teeth, tonsils and other organs. 182p. 8? N. Y., 1926. Romer [K] H. *Studien iiber die Herdin- fektion an Material der Medizinischen Universi- tatsklinik zu Jena [Jena] 35p. 23cm. Lpz., 1938. Thiel, A. *Welche Schlussfolgerungen sind aus den Veroffentlichungen der Jahre 1931 bis 1934 iiber die fokale Infektion zu ziehen? 27p. 22>km. Greifswald, 1937. Anderson, H. B. Chronic focal infection of the mouth and tonsils in relation to life insurance. Abstr. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. M. Dir. America, 1922-23, 9: [Discussion] 144-60.— Barnhill, J. F. Focal infection. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol- Bortz) Phila., 1939, 6: 328-45.—Behrenroth, E. Ueber fokale Infektion. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 1002-5.—Bence, G. [Clinics of focal infection] Orvoskepzes, 1935, 25: 651-64.—Bierring, W. L. Focal infection; quarter century survey. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1623-7. Also Diplomate, 1939, 11: 1-9.— Bove, A. M. [Focal infection] Mosk. med. J., 1929, 9: 85-9.— Bradshaw, W. M. Focal infections in relation to life insurance. Abstr. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. M. Dir. America, 1920-21, 7: [Discussion] 222-43.—Brandt, T. [Focal infection] Ugeskr. Iseger, 1931, 93: 73; 103.—Bryan, A. W. The problem of focal infection. Am. Dent. Surgeon, 1925-26, 46: 615-9.—Bumpus, H. C, jr. Medical and dental aspects of focal infection. N. England J. M., 1929, 201: 1229-33.—Cecil, R. L. Focal infection; some modern aspects. California West. M., 1934, 40:397-402.------The rise and fall of focal infection. Proc Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1941) 1942, 301-4 — Cooke, W. E. Focal sepsis. Brit. Dent. J., 1926, 47: 1316-9.— Curtis, A. C. Focal infection. In Am. Textb. Oper. Dent. (Ward, M. L.) Phila., 7. ed., 1940, 751-72.—Daniel, P. An address on diseases of the orifices of the body with remarks on latency in disease and overlooked infections. Brit. M. J., 1910, 1: 121-5.—Deaver, J. B. Focal infection. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1927) 1928, 3: 449-53.— Delbanco, E. Zur Geschichte der fokalen Infektion. Derm. Wschr., 1929, 89: 2014-9.—Dordi, A. Su due casi d'infezione focale nell'infanzia. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1937, 12: 207- 12.—Dowling, J. I. Focal infections. Clin. M. & S., 1936, 43: 326-8.—Drueck, C. J. Focal infection. Med. Times, N. Y., 1934, 62: 384-402.—Dunlap, E. Focal infection. Texas J. M., 1934, 29: 589-93.—Dunn, A. D. Some principles and experi- ences in the application of the conception of focal infection to medical practice. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1927, 33: 583-92.—Eason, S. E. Focal infection. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1925-26, 78: 490-3.—Farris. H. A. Focal infection, INFECTION, FOCAL ')99 INFECTION, FOCAL Dominion Dent. J., 1920, 38: 29-35.—Focal infection. Clin., Rev. Pittsburgh, 1934-35, 3: 33-44. Also Med. Off., Lond. 1939, 61: 183.—Frugoni, C. La clinica delle infezioni focali. In Attual. ter. med., Milano, 1937, 1: 236-55.—Gins, H. A. Fokale Infektion. Verh. Bei I. med. Ges. (1935) 1930, 66: 237- 45.------& Wassmund, M. Fokale Infektion. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1503-7.—Graham, D. Focal infection. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1931, 25: 422-4.—Grossman, M. [Observa- tions on focal infection] Lijed. vjes.. 1940, 62: 527-9.— Grumbach, A. Herdinfektion. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 409- 13.—Gutzeit, K., & Parade, G. W. Fokalinfektion. Erg. inn ■ Med. Kinderh., 1939, 57: 613-722.—Hasskarl, R. A. Foci' infections. Med. Rec, Houston, 1920, 20: 103-7.—Hoge, S. F- Focal infection. J. Arkansas M. Soc. 1926-27, 23: 88-92.— Hoist, J. J., & Heiberg, S. Focal infection. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3161-4 (microfilm)—Horder. Foreword to the symposium on focal sepsis. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1940, 16: 23-5 — Kelleway, C. H. Focal infection. Melbourne Hosp. Clin. Rep., 1930, 1: 9-20.—Kerl, W. Ueber fokale Infektion. Derm. Wschr., 1932, 95: 1254.—Leeuwen, H. C. v. [Focal infection] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1939, 79: 112.—Lehmann, W. [Focal infection] Geneesk. gids, 1939, 17: 44—6.—Lukomsky, I. G. [On focal infection] Klin, med., Moskva, 1938, 16: 767- 75.—Lusena, M. Studi ed esperienze sulle infezioni focali. Policlinico, 1933, 40: sez. prat., 292-304. —---- Le infezioni rocali. Bass, internaz. clin. ter., 1934, 15: 1130-48.------ 347-54.—Farrell, M. D. Puede la radiografia determinar la presencia de infecci6n? infecci6n focal y radiografia. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1940, 28: 673-81.—Foldvari, F., & Nek am, L., jr. Untersuchungen fiber Komplementablenkung bei foka- len Prozessen. Derm. Wschr., 1935, 101: 890-4. ------ Komplementbindungsversuche bei fokalen Prozessen. Ibid., 1936, 102: 55.—Gording, R., & Bjorn-Hansen, H. Fokal- infektiose Symptome tonsillaren und dentalen Ursprungs; focal infection bei rheumatischen Muskel- und Gelenkleiden; Untersuchungen des leukozytaren Blutbildes. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1931, 16: 251-74.—Grande, J. J. [et al.] Prolonged fever due to focal infection. Hosp. News, Wash., 1935, 2, 20: 21-8.—Grumbach, A. Diagnostische und therapeutische Probleme der Herdinfektion. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 169-73.—Haden, R. L. The etiology of focal infection; medical aspects. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1927, 36: 896-902.—Johnson, P. B. A method of locating focal infection available to the general practitioner. Hahneman. Month., 1926, 61: 415-21.— Kenzia, B. Aktivitatspriifung von Fokalherden nach Rat- schow. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1942, 52: 448 (Abstr.)— Kindler, W. Die Diagnostik chronischer Infektionsherde im Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrengebiet zur Klarung allgemeiner Krank- heitsvorgange. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 839-42.—Kinsella, V. J. Focal infection. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 2: 369.— Kolmer, J. A. Focal infection from the laboratory standpoint. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 824-6.—Lowe, E. C. Pathogen- selective cultures as an aid to the diagnosis of infective foci. Brit. M. J., 1928, 2: 98-100.—MacKenzie, G. W. The differ- ential diagnosis of syphilis and focal infection from the eye and ear manifestations. West Virginia M. J., 1926, 21: 292-301 — Morales y Romero-Giron, M. Diagnostico diferencial de las inflamaciones perifocales, en cuanto a su situaci6n en los estadios alergico-inmunitarios. Medicina, Madr., 1941, 9: 300-7.— Morgenroth, K. Die Durchfiihrung und Auswertung der Blutsenkungsreaktion bei der stomatogenen Herdinfektion. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn 2p. 8? I'ar., 1933. AbrikossofT, A. L, & Rudik. Sur les alterations allergiquea des vaisseaux sanguins dans les maladies infectieuses. Arch. internat. med. exp., Liege, 1935-36, 10: 303-20.—Asayama, A. Beitrage zum Elektrokardiogramm bei akuten fieberhaften Krankheiten. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1938, 24: 1166; 1169.—Attinger, E. Beobachtungen fiber Schadigungen des Kreislaufapparates bei Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. Kreis- laufforsch., 1940, 32: 799-809.—Bender, N. J. Circulatory failure in acute infectious diseases. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1941-42, 94: 261-5.—Benjamin, K. Der Blutkreislauf bei Infektionskrankheiten (besonders im Kindesalter) Deut, med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 1174-7.—Bizzozero, R. C. El electro- cardiograma en las enfermedades infecciosas. Dia med., B. Air., 1938, 10: 659-63.—Chatterjea, J. B. Circulatory failure in some common acute infectious fevers and its manage- ment in general. Ind. M. Rec, 1942, 62: 263-7.—Ebert, R. V., & Stead, E. A., jr. Circulatory failure in acute infections. J. Clin. Invest., 1941, 20: 671-9.—Echague, E. S. Alterations electrocardiographiques au cours des maladies infectieuses aigues. Bruxelles med., 1938-39, 19: 360-4.—Ederer, S., & Zarday, I. Ueberdauernde Myokardschadigungen nach Infektionskrankheiten. Mschr. Kinderh., 1938, 72: 351-63.— Eggleston, C. Drugs used in the treatment of circulatory failure in acute infectious diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1213-5.—Floriani, C. Las presiones venosa-periferica y arteriales en determinados procesos infecciosos agudos. Prensa m6d. argent., 1932-33, 19: 688.—Fontana, L. Ricerche sullo stato dei vasi cutanei nella endocardite lenta e in altre in- fezioni. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1926, 4. ser., 32: 49-55.— Franke, M., & Lipinski, W. [Electrocardiographic changes in infectious diseases] Polska gaz. lek., 1936, 15: 809-12.----- [Significance of electrocardiography in treatment of acute infectious diseases] Polskie arch. med. wewn., 1938, 16: 463.—Gedda, L.. & Asinelli, C. Ricerche sulle condizioni di circolo negli stati postinfettivi. Arch, sc med., Tor., 1936, 61: 281-302.—Grosser, P. Die Behandlung der Kreislauf- schwache bei Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1931, 28: 50-2.—Guarino, A. Le modificazioni elettrocardio- grafiche durante il decorso di alcune malattie infettive: reuma- tismo articolare acuto, polmonite e broncopolmonite acuta, febbre tifoidea. Baglivi, 1937, 3: 125-44.—Hecht, A. F. The treatment of disturbances of circulation in infectious diseases of childhood. Ars medici, Wien, 1936, 14: 51-3.— Herderschfie, D. [The heart in scarlet fever and diphtheria] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1930, 74: 248-58.—Joachim, G. Die Kreislaufschwache bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten und ihre Behandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 171-4—Kayser- Petersen, J. E. Fortlaufende Blutdruckmessungen bei Infek- tionskrankheiten (Typhus und Grippe) Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1922, 34: Kongr., 431-3.—Kuiper, J. [The influence of infectious diseases upon the heart and blood vessels] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1922, 66: pt 2, 2704-12.—Lebedev, D. Beob- achtungen iiber die Herzfunktion der Kinder in der Re- konvaleszenz nach fieberhaften Zustanden. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1922-23, 3. F., 50: 295-311.—Lemke, R. Arterienveranderun- gen bei Infektionserkrankungen. Virchows Arch., 1923, 243: 52-80.—Lewy, F. Kreislaufschwache bei Infektionskrank- heiten. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 1993-9.—Mentl, S. [Circula- tory disorders due to infectious diseases] Sborn. 16k., 1928, 30: 84-168.—Monies Pareja, J., Uraga, A., & Vazquez. J. Con- tribuci6n al estudio del colapso en el curso de las enfermedades infecciosas agudas. Prensa m6d. argent., 1933-34, 20: 1775- 7.—Mulder, J. [Asthenic radial pulse in infectious diseases (James Mackenzie)] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 1891-8, pl.—Nelson, G. The circulation in infectious diseases. South. M. J., 1920, 13: 861-5.------The bedside study of the circulation in acute and chronic infections. Virginia M. Month., 1926-27, 53: 91-5.—Pismarew, M. M. Ueber die durch Hyperpnoe entstehende, mittels C02-Bestimmung in der Alveolarluft feststellbare Hypokapnie als Ursache der lebensbedrohenden Zirkulationsschwiiche (Atmungskomplex) bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1930, 168: 287-300.—Pozzi, A. La pressione media nello studio dell'ipotensione arteriosa delle malattie infettive. Cuore & circol., 1932, 16: 233-52.—Rohrbach. E. Herz- und Infektionskrankheiten. Mitt. Biochem., 1940, 47: 12.— Scheer, K. Die Behandlung der Kreislaufschwache bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1931, 28: 694-7. Also Prakt. Arzt, 1932, n. F., 17: 52.— Schottmiiller. Zur Behandlung der Kreislaufschwache bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten, insbesondere bei der krupposen Pneumonic Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 1538.—Schwarz, W. Osservazioni elettrocardiografiche in alcune malattie infettive acute (difterite, scarlattina) Cuore & circol., 1934, 18: 166-76, 2 pl.—Siemens, H. H. Diagnose und Behandlung von Kreis- laufschadigungen bei Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 1696.—Sisto, P. La cura delle insufficenze di circolo nelle malattie acute da infezione. Gazz med. ital. 1937, 96: 239-45.—Smith, G. R. The use of cardiac stimulant INFECTIOUS DISEASE 227 INFECTIOUS DISEASE in acute infectious diseases. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1935-36, 5: 415-7.—Soaje Echague, E. Alterations eiectro-cardiogra- phiques au cours des maladies infectieuses aigues. Bruxelles m6d., 1938-39, 19: No. spec, 40.—Stead, E. A., jr, & Ebert, R. V. The peripheral circulation in acute infectious diseases. Med. Clin. N. America, 1940, 24: 1387-95.—Stejskal, K. Ueber Kreislaufschwache bei Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 376-80.—Taylor. F. R. The circulation in the infections other than endocarditis, rheumatic fever, and syphilis. Virginia M. Month., 1923-24, 50: 624-8.—Tour, A. F. [Electrocardiographic observations in acute infectious diseases: tonsillitis, influenza, lobar pneumonia, pleurisy, and acute myocarditis of unknown causes] Ter. arkh., 1935, 13: 123-38.—Tutiya, S. Electrocardiographic studies in acute infectious diseases. Orient. J. Dis. Inf.. Kyoto, 1933, 13: 57-60.—Williams, W. R. Circulatory failure in acute infec- tious diseases. Proc Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1936, 201-4.—Zavodskoi. S. P. [Mechanism of serious circula- torv disorders in various infections] Vrach. gaz., 1930, 34: 437-40. ---- chronic. See also Infection, latent; Infection, focal; also names of chronic specific infections as Syphilis; Tuberculosis, etc. Baccarani, U. Sindrome neurasteniforme da piccole in- fezioni croniche nascoste. Riforma med., 1930, 46: 199-201.— Chaika, E. I. [Certain forms of reaction of the constitution to chronic infection] J. med., Kiev, 1939, 9: 99-107.—Chap- man, G. H., & Berens, C. Comparison of intradermal tests with agglutinability and certain in vitro tests of streptococci, staphylococci, Micrococcus eatarrhalis, and colon bacilli isolated from persons suspected of having chronic infection. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1938-39, 24: 601-4.—Chapman, G. H., Berens, C. [et al.] Examination of cultures from persons sus- pected of having chronic infection. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1939, 9: 491-503.—Denslow, J. S. A discussion of the effect of osteopathic lesion pathology on a chronic infection. J. Osteo- pathy, 1940, 47: No. 7, 20-3.—Ferran. J. Reflexiones sobre el mecanismo de la cronicidad en los procesos infectivos. Rev. espec. m6d., Madr., 1908, 11: 1.—Fuendeling, M. J. Specific immunization in the treatment of chronic infections. North- west M., 1936, 35: 119-26.—Golianitzky, I. A. [Integral therapy of chronic infections] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 205- 9.—Gordon, A. S. The bacteriology and bacteriallergv in chronic infections. J. Bact., Bait., 1936, 31: 63.—Gutfeld. F. von. Die spezifische Diagnose chronischer Infektionen. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 1646-8.—Krause, A. K. Remarks on chronic infections. Ann. Int. M., 1930-31, 4: 455-61.— Shapiro, J. E. [Chronic infections, rheumatism, svphilis, tuberculosis, and cancer] Ter. arkh., 1934, 12: 23-40.— Stiles, M. H., & Chapman, G. H. Relationship between agglutinability and certain in vitro tests of staphylococci, streptococci, and colon bacilli isolated from persons suspected of having chronic infection. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1938-39, 24: 620-3.—Voornveld, H. J. A. van. Hautwirkung und aspezi- fische Immunisierung bei chronischen Infektionen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 792-7.—Witzel, A. Die Bedeutung der Familienuntersuchung bei chronischen Infektionskrankheiten, insbesondere bei Tuberkulose oder Lues eines Ehegatten. Zachr. arztL Fortbild.. 1922. 19: 684-8. ---- Classification. Bezancon, F., & Philibert, A. Classification des maladies infectieuses. Presse med., 1925, 34: 65.—Hiiring, F. O. Die Systematik uncharakteristischer Infektionen und deren Stellung im nosologischen System. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1932, 121: 231.—Liebermeister. G. Das naturliche System der Infek- tionskrankheiten. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49. Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med.. 384-8. ---- Climatic, meteorological and seasonal factors. See also Epidemic (Climatic and geological factors; Meteorological and seasonal factors) Meidinger, F. *De l'influence des facteurs atmospheriques sur les maladies infectieuses. 63p. 8? Par., 1932. Aimes, A. L'humidite et la propagation des maladies in- fectieuses. Rev. hyg., Par., 1933, 55: 614-21.—Ebert, M. K. [Effect of temperature on the course of infectious process] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1936, 17: 590-4.—Madsen, T. Le rvthme saisonnier des maladies infectieuses. Rev. hyg., Par., 1929, 2: 793-817. Also Pub. Health, Lond., 1929-30, 43: 309-20.------The influence of seasons on infection. In his Lect. Epidem., Bait., 1937, 123-71, tab., diagr—Martfnez- Fortun y Foyo, O. Benignidad de las infecciones en Cuba. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 839-41.— Mills, C. A. Infection frequency and host resistance as in- fluenced by climate and the weather. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1942, 6. Congr.. 5: 473-92.—Monaco. B. Resistenza alle intossicazioni microbiche di animali sottoposti a variazioni di pressione barica: variazioni della resistenza delle cavie alia intossicazione dif terica o tetanica per effetto di brevi ascenzioni a quote di 6.500, di 4.500, e di 3.000 metri. Riv. med. aeronaut., 1939, 2: 252-8.—Park, C. L. The relation between geographi- cal distribution, and climatic factors, and spread of plague, cholera, and smallpox. Proc Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1942, 6. Congr., 5: 497-518.—Schi0tz. C. [Acute infectious diseases and the seasons] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1935, 96: 1-14.— Seasonal incidence of infectious diseases [Scotland] Annual Rep. Dep. Health Scotland, 1939, 10: 104.—Spring and summer infections. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 81.—Wakil. A. W. Seasonal periodicity of common acute infectious diseases in Egypt. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1934, 17: 16-71.— Winter (The) epidemics. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 673.—Wolf, J. E. Vitamin- und Fermentgehalt des Blutes im Verlaufe von Infektionskrankheiten im Hochgebirge. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 1393-5.—Woringer, P. Comment expliquer les variations saisonnidres des malades infectieuses? Rev. actin., Par., 1928. 4: 408. Also Rapp. Conf. internat. lumiere (1928) 1929, 1. Conf., 156-60. ---- Clinical aspects. Ordman, D. Some aspects of the local appli- cation of recent work in experimental medicine: (a) cerebrospinal meningitis, (b) pneumonia, (c) influenza, (d) typhoid fever, (e) typhus fever. lip. 8? Johannesburg, 1936. Benhamou, E. Du diagnostic, du pronostic et du traite- ment des maladies infectieuses. Hopital, 1925, 13: 538-41.—■ Bieling, O. Aus 40jahriger Krankenhaus- und Privatpraxis. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 247-9.—[Clinical aspect of infectious diseases] In Otchet nauch. deiat. (Vsesoiuz. inst. eksp. med.) Moskva, 1940, 102.—Cremonese, G. La perniciosit^ di fronte alia medicina moderna. Riv. osped., 1933, 23: 229-34.— Eaton, P. Modern conceptions of infectivity. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1926, 15: 415-20.—Epidemics and the general practi- tioner. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 422.—Ferri, A. Le forme ambula- torie nella pratica. Riv. med., 1923, 31: 178: 1924, 32: 4.— Garrod. L. P. Medical bacteriology; changes produced in infection. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 680.—Hegler, C. Seltenere Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 1509-14.—HSricourt, J. Les formes attenu6es des maladies microbiennes chroniques. In his Fronti^res de la maladie, Par., 1920, 119-60. ------ Les formes attenuees des maladies microbiennes aigues. Ibid., 163-97. ------ Generalites sur les maladies microbiennes aigues, considerees dans leurs formes attenuees. Ibid., 163-7.—Jensen, E. Einfluss klima- tischer und rassischer Faktoren auf den epidemiologischen Ablauf von Diphtherie und Scharlach. Arch. Schiffs Tropen- hyg., 1938, 42: 481; 1939, 43: 487.—Karczag. L. [Clinics of the acute infectious diseases] Orvoskepzes, 1933, 23: 386-96.— Mariana, C. La toxicidad y la virulencia infecciosas en la clfnica. Actual, med., Granada, 1942, 18: 166.—Martinez- Fortun y Foyo, J. A. De la fiebre y enfermedades agudas in- fecciosas; mis treinta anos de ejercicio profesional en remedios; bosquejo hist6rico, clinico, epidemiologico y estadfstico. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1938, 43: 609-49.—Peters. B. A. Some ideas on the result of infections and their clinical application. Med. Off., Lond., 1931, 45: 37-41.—Petersen, W. F., & Hecht, R. The contrary therapeutic and sex relationship of svphilis and tuberculosis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 108-10.—Portela, B. O problema das infecgoes em obstetricia. Impr. med., Rio, 1942, 18: No. 342, 82-7.—Puccinotti. F. Annotazioni cliniche sui cholera morbus e sulle malattie epidemiche e contagiose in generale. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1836, 11: 305; 1836, 12: 61; 110; 166.—Schilling, V. Erfahrungen als beratender Hygieniker und Interner unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Blutuntersuchung. Med. Welt, 1937, II: 1718-21.— Schmitt, W. Seltene Infektionskrankheiten. Mitt. Biochem., Lage, 1935, 42: 95-7.—Schultz, W. Praktische Winke zur Fruherkennung, Verhutung und Fruhbehandbmg haufiger akuter Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 81; 120 — Sodeman. W. A. Some clinical aspects of certain bacterial diseases. Am. J. M. Sc, 1937, 194: 125-35.—Thomson, F. H. Points in the diagnosis and treatment of the infectious diseases. Clin. J., Lond., 1924, 53: 61; 73; 85; 104.—Wentzler, E. Uebertragungsweise und Eigentiimlichkeiten der haufigsten akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1935, 6: 341-4.—Wilkins, J. A clinical lecture on some points on the diagnosis and treatment' of infectious diseases. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1927-28, 3: 8-13. ---- Complications and sequelae. See also such headings as Asthma, Bacteriology; Cancer, Causes: Local disorders of tissues, etc. Greco. N. V. C6mo defenderse de las consecuencias de algunas enfermedades como la lepra y los males venereos. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 2, 1775-8.—Gregory, A. Chirurgische Erkrankungen als Komplikation nach Typhus exanthematicus und recurrens. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1923, 181: 66-73 —Hegler. C. Praktisch wichtige Komplikationen bei infektiosen Erkrankungen. Fortsch. Ther., 1936. 12: 718-23 — Hesse, E. Zur Kenntnis der chirurgischen Komplikationen und Nachkrankheiten des Fleckfiebers, Ruckfallfiebers und des Paratyphus N. (Erzindjan) einer Mischinfektion des Recurrens. Arch. klin. Chir., 1924, 128: 739-814.—Jausion, H., Pecker, A., & Meersseman. F. Infections biotropiques et associations INFECTIOUS DISEASE morbides; essai d'interpretation des maladies secondes. Presse med., 1927, 35: 1473-6.—Kemeri, D. [Pathogenesis of late complications of acute and chronic infectious diseases, and its dermatological aspect] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1937, 35: 1145- 53.—Rubashov, S. M. [Surgical complications in typhus, relapsing and typhoid fevers] Vrach. gaz., 1923, 28: 100-2.— Rudder, de. Die Familiaritat postinfektioser Komplikationen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1934, 62: 180-2. ---- contagious. See Communicable disease, contagious. ---- Control. See also Antisepsis; Asepsis; Communicable disease, contagious: Control; Communicable disease, Control; Epidemic, Control; Group, Diseases: Prevention; Immunization; Quaran- tine, etc. Lancet (The) Control of the common fevers, by 21 contributors. 361p. 22}£cm. Lond., 1942. McFarland, J. Fighting foes too small to see. 309p. 8? Phila., 1924. Nobel, E. Prophylaxe der wichtigsten In- fektionskrankheiten des Kindesalters. 62p. 8? Lpz., 1928. Robinson, E. S. Recent progress in the pre- vention and treatment of scarlatina, measles and diphtheria. 61o. 8? Providence, 1926. Armstrong, W. G. The duties and responsibilities of the general practitioner in regard to infectious diseases. Med. J. Australia, 1924, 2: 463-7.—Bravo y Frias. Contribuci6n al estudio de la profilaxis de las enfermedades infecciosas en la infancia. Arch, med., Madr., 1928, 29: 338-46. Also Rev. med. Barcelona, 1928, 10: 3-14.—Bustamante, M. E. Algunos factores para contrastar las enfermedades transmisibles. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 335-50.—Carn- wath, T. Presidential address on some aspects of the problem of the prevention and control of infectious disease. J. R. San. Inst., 1935-36, 56: 91-5.—Catto, H. W. The changing outlook on the control of infectious diseases. J. R. San. Inst., 1934, 54: 559-68.—Control y profilaxis de las enfermedades transmisibles al hombre. Bol. san., B. Air., 1938, 2: 799-801.—Control (The) of infectious diseases. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 68: 1.—Cottle, G. F. The control of communicable disease. U. S. Nav. M. Bulb, 1939, 37: 357-60.—Delia Cioppa, A. Le affezioni catar- rali del naso e della gola in rapporto alia profilassi delle malattie infettive. Italia san., 1924, 16: No. 27, 9-13.—Donnolly, F. A., & Nelson, H. Some observations on the control of infectious disease. S. Afr. M. J., 1935, 9: 629-41.—Doull, J. A. Infec- tions and infestations; miscellaneous infections. In Prevent. Med. Modern Pract. (J. A. Miller) N. Y., 1942, 268-86.— Dupont, H. La lutte contre les maladies pestilentielles. Mouve- ment hyg., Brux., 1908, 24: 361-74.—Edwards, A. C. Typhoid and diphtheria on the way out. Bull. Bd Health Wisconsin, 1940, 6: No. 17, 8-10.—Erikson, C. A., & Sauer, L. W. Con- trol of infection begins in the Cradle. Mod. Hosp., 1940, 55: No. 4, 54-7, illust. plans.—Fischl, R. Die Prophylaxe der Infektionskrankheiten. Erg. ges. Med., 1928, 11: 181-202.— Flemming, C. E. S. Disappearing diseases. Brit. M. J., 1926, 1: 321.—Freeman, A. W., & Fales. W. T. Control of communi- cable diseases. Pub. Health Bull., Wash., 1923, 136: 52-85.— Garcia del Diestro. J. Profilaxis general durante todos los perlodos de la infancia. Rev. san., Madr., 1933, 8: 329-48.— Gibson, T. The prevention and control of infective diseases. J. R. San. Inst., 1934, 54: 519-32.—Groer, F. [Essential knowl- edge of pathology and control of infectious diseases] Polska gaz. lek., 1927, 6: 794-7.—Herdman, R. D. Laboratory com- ments. Delaware M. J., 1936, 8: 177.—Iimura, Y. Prevention of acute infectious diseases. In League of Nations. Health Organ, in Japan, Geneve, 1925, 207-38, 5 ch.—Kampf (Der) gegen die Seuchen. Umschau, 1940, 44: 301.—Kenwood, H. R. The reduction of preventable disease; a few observations there- on. J. State M., Lond., 1930, 38: 444-8.— Kober, G. M. The management and control of infectious diseases. Bull. Vermont Bd Health, 1911-12, 12: No. 4, 3-25.—Laache, S. [Etiology and prevention of acute infectious diseases] Med. rev., Bergen, 1925, 42: 374-90.—Lutterloh, P. W. The control of infection. Internat. J. M. & S., 1931, 44: 120-6.—McLaughlin, A. J. The outlook in communicable disease control. Michigan Pub. Health, 1938, 26: 5-9.—Marin, R. Influencia de las medidas profildcticas, en la no propagaci6n de las enfermedades infecto- contagiosas. Mem. Congr. med. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 2: 735-52.—Matheson, C. Some animals and public health. J. R. San. Inst., 1942, 62: 128-36.— Padua, R. G. Two fundamental factors in the control of infectious diseases. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1939, 19: 476-81.—Paton, R. Control of infectious disease. Pub. Health, Lond., 1922-23, 36: 153-9.—Pepeu, F. Profilassi delle malattie infettive e disinfezioni. Boll. Ist. sieroter. milan, 1926, 5: 183-7; 365- 73.—Practitioner (The) and infectious disease. Brit. M. J., 1934, 1: Suppl., 153; 213.—Prophylaxis of acute specific fevers. INFECTIOUS DISEASE Brit. M. J., 1943, 1: 229.—Rice, T. B. The control of epidemic disease. Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana, 1942, 45: 52.— Secret service in public health. Illinois Health Me.ss., 1941, 13: 125.—Shutter, M. D. The warfare of science against disease. J. Lancet, 1923, 43: 291-7. -Sister M. Helen. Epi- demic. Med. Missionary, Phila., 1941, 15: 45.—Teissier, P. Les maladies infectieuses et I'hygiene sociale. Gaz. hdp., 1927, 100: 1361-4.—Tricomi, E. Difesa sociale control le malattie. Med. sociale, Nap., 1924, 14: 37-42.—Vila Rodriguez, A., Garcia Ibaflez, A., & Martin P6rez, P. L. Concepto actual de la lucha y defensa contra las enfermedades importables por mar y tierra. Actas Congr. nac. san., Madr. (1934) 1935, 1. Congr., 1: 89-112.—Wadley, S. L. Communicable disease control, Memphis M. J., 1941, 16: 44-6. ---- Control: Methods. Bateman, A. Infectious diseases, disinfect- ants, garbage disposal; instruction paper. 31p. 8? Chic. [1918] Devin, L. G. *La prophylaxie des maladies contagieuses en pr6ventorium. 184p. 25}£cm. Nancy, 1937. Guyton-Morveau. Metodo per purgare le arie infette e per preservarsi da tutte le malattie contagiose ... ed estratto di notizie relative al metodo stesso di Cadet de Veaux con esperienze del signor Paroletti. 2. ed. 56p. 21cm. Milano, 1831. Iowa, U. S. A. State Department of Health. Rules and regulations relating to communicable and other reportable diseases. 80p. 8? Des Moines, 1935. Anderson, J. F. Some of the newer biologic methods for the control of infectious diseases. Am. J. Pharm. Educ, 1942, 6: 329-38.—Battoni, E. Mezzi e metodi di profilassi delle malattie infettive. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1932, 9: 189; 203.— Benavides, B. M. Labor de la enfermera visitadora en la lucha contra la sifilis y la tuberculosis. Salud & san., BogotA, 1936, 5: No. 47, 19-21.—Burdman, A. [Prevention of epidemics in homes] Vrach. gaz., 1931, 35: 533-6.—Bull, H. W. The con- trol and prevention of infectious diseases by the newer methods. Health Bull., Melb., 1930, 743-7.—Burdick, W. F. What may be done in control and prevention of the common contagious diseases. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1938, 7: 81-5.— Clay, C. C. Control of infections and isolation of infected patients. Hospitals, 1939, 13: No. 6, 53-6.—Danilevich, M. Prophylaxis of children's infections in the second 5 year plan] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 36: 1035-9.—Degkwitz, R. Prinzi- pielles und Praktisches zur Methodik der Bekampfung akuter Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Gesundhfurs. Kindes- alt., 1925, 1: 109-19. ------ Die Bekampfung der akuten Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter vom Standpunkte des Schularztes. Veroff. Medverwalt., 1927, 24: 693-710 — Deicher, H. Familienprophylaxe bei Infektionskrankheiten. Fortsch. Ther., 1930, 6: 53-8.—Garrahan, J. P. Sugestiones sobre profilaxis de la sifilis y de la tuberculosis en la escuela. Rev. As. med. argent., 1924, 37: Soc. hig. microb., 21-5.— Gorman, A. E. Public health engineering aspects of epidemi- ological investigations of water- and food-borne outbreaks. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1940, 30: 1399-1405.—Hamburger, F. Moderne Prophylaxe der Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Wien. med. Wschr., 1932, 82: 203-5.—Harries, E. H. R. The use of specific prophylactic measures in the control of acute infectious diseases. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1941, 17: 185-9.— Henderson, R. G. Advances in the treatment and control of epidemic diseases. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1941, 37: 227; pas- sim.—Hoyne, A. L. Modern methods of control for measles, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. Minnesota M., 1943, 26: 167- 70.—Lahille, F. El metodo biol6gico de lucha contra las plagas. Rev. Fac. agron. vet., B. Air., 1927-28, 6: 50-72.—Lewan- dowski, A. Die Infektionskrankheiten des Kindesalters und die praktische Kinderfursorge. Gesundhfurs. Kindesalt., 1925, 1: 120-33.—Marginesu, P. Attuali conoscenze sull'epidemio- logia e profilassi delle infezioni pifi comuni dell'eti scolastica. Igiene della scuola, 1921, 12: 49; 73; 97.—Matfirn, H. von [Schools and infectious diseases] Hygiea, Stockh., 1916, 78: 161-213.—Misure contro la diffusione delle malattie infettive dell'uomo e degli animali. Progr. ter., Milano, 1902, 7-31.— Paul, H. Modern practice in relation to infectious diseases and disinfection. Practitioner, Lond., 1938, 141: 79-88.— Pritchard, D. E. P. The control of infectious disease in rural areas. J. R. San. Inst., 1935-36, 56: 432-6.—Puente, J. J. Profilaxis antivenerea, antileprosa y antirrabica. Sem. med., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 2, 197.—Rhode. Fortschritte in der Bekampfung bakterieller Infektionen. Umschau, 1939, 43: 753-5.—Robertson, J., Box, C. R. [et al.] Discussion on the modern control of infectious diseases. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1925-26, 19: Sect. Med., 7-28.—Sagona, L. II valore della propaganda contro la tubercolosi e le malattie veneree. Rinasc med., 1924, 1: 258.—Siegl, J. Zur Bekampfung von Diph- therie und Scharlach in Stadt und Land. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 509-14.—Stuart, H. C. Progress of public health as it relates to the child. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1935, 6: 839-49.— Trannoy. Des moyens propres a prevenir les maladies con- !p. S? Berl., 1932. Herrmann, G. *Ueber das Verhalten der Blutkorperchensenkungsrcaktion bei akuten In- fektionskrankheiten [Rostock] 19p. 8? Gii- strow, 1933. Acevedo, B. S., & Bianchi, A. E. Sobre las profundas alteraciones hemdticas en los procesos toxico-infecciosos, Sem. med., B. Air., 1929, 36: 1447-51.—Amidon, E. L. Hema- tologic studies in acute infections. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1938-39, 24: 1009-14.—Bacaloglu, C. [Hematological syndrome in relation to infections] Spitalul, 1932, 52: 1-8.—Barta, I. Ueber die Tiitigkeit des leukopoetischen Systems bei Infek- tionskrankheiten. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1933, 50: 287-312.— Bellelli, F. Trapianto di midollo e di milza in alcuni processi nfettivi. Boll. Ist. sieroter. milan., 1932, 11: 303-10.— Bergman, R. [Experience with sedimentation reaction in acute, specific infectious diseases] Tskr. mil. halsov., 1934, 59: 388-91.—Birk. Die Wirkung des fieberhaften Infekts auf den Blutchemismus des Kindes. Mschr. Kinderh., 1927, 37: 313.—[Blood groups and their relation in infectious diseases] Geneesk. gids, 1936, 14: 55.—Blume, R. [Sedimentation re- action in certain infections in children] Sven. lak. tidn., 1938, 35: 1471-9.—Bokretas, A. [Cholesterin changes in leukocytes n acute infectious diseases] Orv. hetib, 1936, 80: 1164. Also Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1937-38, 58: 230-5.—Buccianti, E. II comportamento del volume totale di plasma circolante nelle malattie infettive acute. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. med., 138-60.—Curschmann, H. Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung der Senkungsreaktion bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1767.—Fisher, M. N., & Volkova, E. A. [Effect of infectious process on the permeability of erythrocytes] J. mikrob., 1932, 9: 232-7.—Friedemann, U., & Nubian. Ueber die Blutkrise bei Infektionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1922, 1: 1992-7.—Fuchs, H. J. Beziehungen der Blutgerinnung zu Infektionskrankheiten und innerer Medizin. Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1930) 1931, 61: pt 2, 39-47.—Gavrila, J., & Pantea, P. La vitesse de sedimentation des hematies dans quelques maladies infectieuses aigues. Ann. med., Par., 1937, 41: 132-7.—Grunke, W. Kreislaufstudien bei Infek- tionskrankheiten; iiber das Verhalten der Blutmenge beim Scharlach, Typhus abdominalis und Erysipel. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1929, 191: 233-49.—Gurevich, E. S., & Gladkovsky. A. P. [Oxidation-reduction potential of the blood and its clinical significance in acute infectious diseases] Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 1864-73.—Heckscher, H. [Sedimentation reaction for control examinations in acute febrile diseases] Ugeskr. laeger, 1933, 95: 687-90.—Hoppe-Seyler, G.. & Hoff, F. Infektion und Blutkrankheiten. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 185-8 — loan, H. G. Etude sur les variations numeriques des plaquettes sanguines au cours des maladies infectieuses. Arch, roumain. path., Par., 1936, 9: 299-350.—Kobetz-Almasova, O. E. [Reaction of blood and bone marrow in various infections] Vrach. delo, 1931, 14: 917-22.—Kugelmass, I. N. Infectious diseases. In his Blood Disord. Child., N. Y., 1941, 808-33.— Markowitz, B. The hematopoietic system and infection. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1932, 2: 449-55.—Mironesco, T. Les variations de la sedimentation des globules rouges au cours des infections aigues. Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Paris, 1923, 3. ser., 47: 1022-4.------Les groupes sanguins dans les maladies infectieuses. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1929, 25: spec, no., 166-72.—Piney, A. Post-infective blood changes. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 565.—Pittaluga, G. Semiologia hematol6gica de las infecciones. Dia med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1289-91. Also in Lecc. clin. med. (Romano, N.) B. Air., 1936, 1: 33-9.----- La hematologia y las enfermedades infecciosas. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1938, 43: 451-72: 559-75. Also Rev. med., Rosario, 1938, 12: No. 119, 1-14.—Pugnani, E. Sui comporta- mento dei corpi di Kurloff-Fo&-Demel nelle infezioni speri- mentali. Gior. batt. immun., 1933, 11: 97-125.—Pulver, W. Ueber die Erythrozytensenkungsgeschwindigkeit bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung ihrer Beziehung zu Krankheitsverlauf, Fieber, Blutbild, sowie Therapie, Diagnose und Prognose. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1930, 60: 710-5.—Ray baud, A.. & Scarpellini, L. Sur le determinisme des phenomenes hemorragiques au cours de certaines infections aigues; comportement des plaquettes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 376-8.—Rendonen. K. O. Om pavisandet av blod i avforingen. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 2922 (Abstr.) (microfilm)— Schulze, K., & Steuer, K. Ueber lokale und periphere Blutuntersuchungen bei einigen Infek- tionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1934, 13: 407-9.— Stenger, K. Blutveranderungen bei schweren Infektionskrankheiten und anderen toxischen Einflussen und deren Beziehung zur Ne- bennierenschadigung. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1939, 61: 31-51.— Thoenes. F. Infektion und Blutmauserung im Kindesalter. Mschr. Kinderh., 1938, 73: 197-215., __ ---- Hematology: Leukocytosis. See also Leukocytosis. Bayle, V. *Valeur pronostique de la varia- tion de certains elements figures du sang au cours de revolution des maladies infectieuses. 85p. 8? Par., 1936. INFECTIOUS DISEASE 233 INFECTIOUS DISEASE Busche, H. J. *Biologische Leukocyten- kurven bei Infektionskrankheiten [Miinster] 58p. 8? Zculenroda, 1936. Jagic, N. von. Die diagnostische Verwertung des Leukocytenbildes bei Infektionskrankheiten 48p. 8? Wien, 1919. Loewie, M. *Ueber das Verhalten der Re- tikulozyten im Verlauf der Infektionskrankheiten 30p. 8? Halle, 1933. Sandels, A. *Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Veranderungen der neutrophilen Granula bei Infektionskrankheiten [Frankfurt a. M.] p. 196- 218. 8? Berl., 1928. Winkler, H. *Beitrag zur Frage der Blut- veranderungen bei Infektionskrankheiten; iiber die diagnostische und prognostische Bedeutung und das Wesen der Antoni'schen Kernverande- rungen. 34p. 8? Bresl., 1929. Aschoff, L. Ueber die morphologischen Reaktionen des Blutes bei Infektion. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 985-7.—Auber- tin, C, & Morin, M. Le myeiogramme dans les infections aigues avec polynucieose. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1938 3. ser., 54: pt 2, 1282-4.—Belau, R. S. [Case of intensive post- infectious leucocytosis] Pediatria, Moskva, 1938, No. 9, 108-10.—Bossa, G. Ricerche sperimentali sulla reazione emoclasica del d'Amato nelle infezioni tifoidi e nell'infezione. Riforma med., Nap., 1929, 45: 211-20.—Boswell, C. O. Leukocytosis in surgical infections. Tr. M. Ass. Centr. N. York, 1906, 13: 39-44.—Cartia, G., & Rapisardi, S. Ricerche sulle inclusioni leucocitarie nella scarlattina ed in altre malattie infettive. Pediatria, Nap., 1924, 32: 725-34, pl.—^Castana, V. Fenomeni di basofilia nelle malattie infettive. Rinasc. med., 1926, 3: 78-81, pl.—Chediak, M. Concepto actual de la teoria del hemograma en las infecciones. Rev. med. cubana, 1933, 44: 1389-405.—Cincinator, R. M. [Leucocyte formula and changes in infantile infections] Vrach. gaz., 1920, 31: 439-43.—Eisenberg, A. A., & Nemens, H. S. Value of the Schilling hemogram in infections; preliminary report based on 3,500 cases. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 21: 56-71.—Gorini, P. Sulla comparsa in alcune malattie infettive delle cellule irrita- tive di Tiirck nei sangue dei bambini. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1931, 13: 387-404.—Griffith, W. H. The Schilling hemogram in acute infections. J. Lancet, 1930, 57: 239-42.—Hirschf eld, H., & Kothe, R. Ueber abnorm hohe Leukocytose bei schweren Infektionen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1907, 33: 1253-5.—Josephs, H. W. The blood pictures of the infectious diseases occurring primarilv in childhood. In Handb. Hemat. (Downey, H.) N. Y., 1938, 4: 2647-88.—Kartaschowa, F. W. Ueber Mono- cyten-Makrophagen im peripheren Blut bei einigen Infektions- krankheiten. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1925, 146: 226-32.— Kiraly, J. Interpretation clinique des reticulocytes dans les etats infectieux. Presse med., 1933, 41: 2113-5.—McGee, W. A. The significance of the Schilling differential blood count in acute infections of childhood. Virginia M. Month., 1932, 58: 665-9.—Meranze, D. R., Mendell, T. H., & Meranze, T. Cytoplasmic changes in the peripheral neutrophil as an aid in diagnosis and prognosis. Am. J. M. Sc, 1935, 189: 639-56, pl. ------Comparative study of cytoplasmic and nuclear changes in neutrophils in severe infectious states. Ibid., 1936, 192: 316-27, 2 pl.—Mochkovski, C. Les images leucocytaires dans les infections. Sang, Par., 1936, 10: 668-85.—Mommsen, H. Ueber die gesetzmassige Veranderung der neutrophilen Granula im Verlauf akuter Infektionskrankheiten. Mschr. Kinderh., 1927, 37: 526-9.—Moshkovski, S., & Michina, S. [Morpho- logic changes in the blood in infectious diseases] Med. biol. J., Leningr., 1926, 2: No. 4-5, 146-56.—Neal, M. P. The leukocyte blood pictures in acute infections. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 321-7. Also Quincy M. Bull., 1934, 11: 295-8. ------ The reactive blood cells in acute infections. Texas J. M., 1936-30, 32: 397-403.—Nikolaev, N. M. [Diagnostic and prognostic significance of the blood-picture in infectious diseases in young children] J. rann. detsk. vozr., 1933, 13: 294-302.—O'Reilly, M. F. X. Leucocytic reaction to bacterial infection in animals. Papers Michigan Acad. Sc. (1940) 1941, 26: 239-50, 3 pl.—Patrassi, G. Modificazioni del quadro citologico midollare nelle malattie infettive e genesi delle granulazioni tossiche dei neutrofili circolanti. Sperimentale, 1934, 88: 354- 89.—Prado Vargas, G. Algunas consideraciones sobre las alteraciones de los granul6citos neutr6filos en los procesos septicos y enfermedades infecciosas de la infancia. Vida nueva, Habana, 1930, 40: 237-53.—Riccitelli, L., & Costanzi, F. La curva dei monociti nelle malattie infettive. Arch, pat., Bologna, 1933-34, 13: 526-59.—Robertson, G. H., & Buston, E. L. F. The staff or band count; its importance in diagnosis. N. Zealand M. J., 1934, 33: 1-9—Rosenthal, N., & Kugel, M. A. Importancia en clinica de las alteraciones de las granulaciones de los neutrofilos en las infecciones. Rev. med. cubana, 1932, 43: 1207.—Sandels, A. Untersuchungen uber die Veranderungen der neutrophilen Granula bei Infektions- krankheiten. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1928, 3. F., 70: 196-218.- Scherer J H The cellular reactions occurring in the blood during infections. Bull. Richmond Acad. M., 1939, 7: 53-8.— Schulten H. J. Ueber neutrophile Leukozyten mit veranderten Granulis* bei Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1923, 3. F., 52: 303-10.—Shchegolev, M. G. [On leucocytosis, its healing action in acute infectious diseases, and irSie8 utilizing it as a diagnostic method] Russk. vrach, 1906, 5: 665-72.—Spagnoletti, G. L'emogramma di Schilling e il suo valore prognostico nelle malattie infettive. Gior. med. mil., 1934, 82: 942-9.—Strumia, M. M. Blood pictures in infections, from the standpoint of the general practitioner. Pennsylvania M. J., 1934-35, 38: 950-3.—Wallbach, G. Zur Frage der lymphocytaren und monocytaren Reaktion bei Infektion der weissen Maus. Virchows Arch., 1928, 267: 269-71.—Warnock, F. B. The Schilling differential blood count: its significance as an aid to diagnosis in typhoid, malaria and undulant fever. Illinois M. J., 1935, 67: 182-4.—Weiss, A. The blood picture in infectious disease. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1930-31, 16: 655-69. ------ The staff count, its importance in acute infectious disease. Arch. Int. M., 1931, 48: 399-411.— Wienbeck, J. Das Zellbild des kindlichen Knochenmarkes bei Infektionskrankheiten. Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1937, 30: 375-80.—Ziegler, K., & Schlecht, H. Untersuchungen fiber die leukocytotischen Blutveranderungen bei Infektionskrank- heiten und deren physiologische Bedeutung. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1908, 92: 564-601, pl. ---- History of research. See also Epidemic, History. Dible, J. H. Recent advances in bacteriology and the study of infections. 2. ed. 476p. 8? Lond., 1932. Oliver, W. W. Stalkers of pestilence; the story of man's ideas of infection. 251p. 8? N. Y., 1930. Sudhoff, K. Elf ansteckende Krankheiten vor 1300. p.[132]-134. 8? Lpz., 1917. Waterhouse, B. Of epidemic diseases, being a proposal to collect the history of all the epi- demics of our country in order, as they arise, or an attempt towards filling up that capital de- sideratum so earnestly recommended by Syden- ham. 7p. 20}4cm. [Bost.] 1942. Zelle, K. The fight against germs. 36p. 22cm. Evanston, 111., 1941. Zwick, W. Infektion und Immunitat in geschichtlicher Beleuchtung. 21p. 8? Giessen, 1927. Atkinson, E. M. Medicine and civilization. In his Behind the Mask of Med., N. Y., 1941, 1-16.—Burnet, F. M. Changes of 25 years in the outlook on infectious disease. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 2: 23-8.—Cosentino, A. Riflessioni sulla malattia epidemica di Calabria corsa nell'autunno del 1840. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1841, 22: 139-49.—Costume of physi- cians and other persons when visiting cases of contagious dis- ease. Medical cartoon.—Deicher, H. Neuere klinische und experimentelle Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiete der Infektions- krankheiten. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1931, 2: 351-8.—Goodall, E. W. Pre-bacteriological views on infectious diseases. Pub. Health, Lond., 1932, 45: 166-75.—Gourdon, J. Le typhus et le cholera. J. med. Toulouse, 1865, 4. ser., 4: 295-301.— Jelapi, A. Sull'epidemia febbrile di Calabria ultra 2* nei 1840. Filiatre sebezio, Nap,. 1842, 23: 67-70.—Koch, H. Welche Ergebnisse haben diese Forschungen bei Scharlach und Diph- therie? Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 619.—Kraus, R. Fort- schritte der Aetiologie, Prophylaxe und der Serumtherapie der Infektionskrankheiten. Ibid., 1928, 41: 149; 200.—Lint, J. G. de [The BNW-T disease of the Egyptians] Bijdr. gesch. geneesk., 1934, 14: 45-7.—Lubarsch, O. Wandlungen in der Lehre von den Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 234: 31-8.—McSweeney, C. J. Some recent additions to our knowledge of infectious diseases and their significance. Irish J. M. Sc, 1935, 6. ser., 108-16.—Matthes, M. Die Lehre von den Infektionskrankheiten in den letzten 50 Jahren. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 1723-6.—Pasteur, L. Extension de la theorie des germes a I'etiologie de quelques maladies communes. Paris med., 1922, 45: 572-7.—Picaza, S. Historia de las grandes endemias tropicales en Cuba; nuestra contribu- ci6n a su estudio. In Aport. Inst. Finlay, Habana, 1938, 83- 124 —Piguillem, F. Lettre sur la maladie de Barcelone. Observ. sc. med., 1822, 4: 13-20.—Pruvost, P. Mouvement medical et maladies infectieuses. Hopital, 1922, 10: 412.— Reko, V. A. Infektionskrankheiten im alten Mexiko. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 678; 700.—Rolleston, J. D. The practi- cal results of recent researches in acute infectious diseases. Clin. J., Lond., 1927, 56: 109-14.—Skinner, H. The germ theory of disease. Science, 1910, n. ser., 31: 617.—Staehelin, R. Neues aus der Klinik der Infektionskrankheiten. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 1-6.—Tecoz, R. M. Notions recentes sur les maladies infectieuses. Praxis, Bern, 1938, 27: 51-3.— Vallejo de Simon, A. M Estado actual de la clinica de las enfermedades infecciosas; patogenia y terapeutica. Medicina, Madr., 1941, 9: pt 2, 175-204.—Walker, C. Germ theories of transferable diseases from the 17. century to the time of Pasteur. Science Progr., Lond., 1924-25, 19: 443-51.— INFECTIOUS DISEASE 234 INFECTIOUS DISEASE Zechnowitzcr. M. M. [Present state of diagnosis, prophylaxis and specific treatment of infectious diseases] Radianska med., 1940, 5: No. 9, 15-24. ---- Hospitals and hospitalization. See also Epidemic, Hospitals. Essex County Isolation Hospital. An- nual report, Belleville, 1912/13-1915/16; 1938- 39. London Fever Hospital. Annual report. Lond., 1802-14; 1819; 1861-87; 1889-90; 1893- 1918. New York, N. Y. Hospital for Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria Patients. Annual report. N. Y., v.3, 1901; v.6, 1904. Rangoon, India. Contagious Diseases Hospital and Municipal Observation Hospi- tal. Annual report. Rangoon, 1922; 1923; 1925. Romanin-Jacur, L. Exposition internationale et Congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage k Bruxelles; projet d'un hopital pour les maladies epidemiques et contagieuses (lazaret) 35p. 20}£cm. Padua, 1876. Anderson. T. The fuller development of the fever hospital. Glasgow M. J., 1942.138: 168-76.—Andersson. O. [Centraliza- tion of hospital wards for infectious diseases] Nord. hyg. tskr., 1926, 7: 283-302.—Atkins, C. N. Record of last year's work at the Hobart Infectious Diseases Hospital (Vaucluse) Med. J. Australia, 1935, 1: 547-9.—Banks, H. S. Fever hospital policy and modern treatment. Pub. Health, Lond., 1932, 45: 101- 11. ------ Laurent, L. J. M. [et al.] Fever hospitals and pathological services in post-war planning. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 762-4.—Bazan, F., & Bayley Bustamante, G. Centro de profilaxis anti-infecciosa externa del Hospital de nifios, Buenos Aires. Arch, argent, pediat., 1942, 17: 268-88. Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1942, 49: 1164-74.—Bj4cm. Phila., 1942. INFECTIOUS DISEASE 237 INFECTIOUS DISEASE GARcfA del Real, E. Fiebre tifoidea, para- tifus, tifus exantematico. 113p. 23^cm. Madr., 1942. rT „T1 Goodall, E. W., & Washbourn [J. W.] A text-book of infectious diseases. 3. ed. 718p. 8? Lond., 1928. Gordon, A. K. Systemic infections; their diagnosis and treatment. 176p. 8? Lond., 1928. Halbron, P. Les maladies infectieuses. 190p. 16? Par., 1925. Halle, J., Armand-Delille [et al.] Infec- tions k germe inconnu. 383p. 8? Par., 1921. Handbuch der inneren Medizin. Bdl: Infektionskrankheiten. R. Doerr [et al.] 3. Aufl. 1299p. 8? Berl., 1934. Harries, E. H. R., & Mitman, M. Clinical practice in infectious diseases. 468p. 22%cm. Edinb., 1940. Hegler, C. Praktikum der wichtigsten In- fektionskrankheiten. 186p. 8? Lpz., 1934. Also 2. Aufl. 1939. Holmes, W. H. Bacillary and rickettsial infections, acute and chronic. 676p. 24cm. N. Y., 1940. Huntemuller, O., & Kliewe, H. Die Infektionskrankheiten; ihre mikrobiologische Dia- gnostik und Therapie sowie Massnahmen zu ihrer Verhutung. 140p. 12? Munch., 1926. Jochmann, G. Lehrbuch der Infektions- krankheiten fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 2. Aufl. 1077p. 4? Berl., 1924. Ker, C. B. Ker's infectious diseases; a practical textbook. Rev. by C. Rundle. 3. ed. 614p. 8? Lond., 1929. Kolle, W., & Hetsch, H. Die experimentelle Bakteriologie und die Infektionskrankheiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Immunitats- lehre 5. Aufl. 2v. 8? Berl., 1919. Also 7. Aufl. 2 Bd. 1929. Also 8. Aufl. 836p. 24y2cm. Berl., 1938. Also English transl. of 7. German ed. 2v. Lond. [1934] Lemierre, A. A. Maladies infectieuses (deuxieme serie) lecons cliniques professees a l'Hopital Claude-Bernard. 307p. 8? Par., 1937 Loeper, M., Turpin, R. A. [et al.] Maladies infectieuses et parasitaires. 414p. 8? Par., 1935. Marx, E. Die experimentelle Diagnostik, Serumtherapie und Prophylaxe der Infektions- krankheiten. 3. Aufl. 486p. 8? Berl., 1914. Newsom, B. Communicable disease workbook. 4. ed. [87] 1. 25cm. [Seattle, Wash.] 1942. Nicolle, C. Naissance, vie et mort des maladies infectieuses. 219p. 12? Par., 1930. ---- Destin des maladies infectieuses. 3. ed. 301p. 12? Par., 1937. . . . Nicolle, M. Elements de microbiologic generale et d'immunologie; morphologie et physiologie des microbes, pathologie generale des infections microbiennes. 2. ed. 358p. 8. Par., 1926. , . Pontano, T. Le malattie da infezione. 426p. 8? Nap., 1932. , , , . Raust, R. *Le rouget et le charbon chez les animaux et chez l'homme [Alfort] lllp. 24*/2cm. Evreux, 1935. Rolleston, J. D. Acute infectious diseases; a handbook for practitioners and students. 376p. 8? N. Y., 1925. Also 2. ed. 419p. Lond., 1929. Also 3. ed. [with Ronaldson, G. W.J 477p. Lond., 1940. Schamberg, J. F., & Kolmer, J. A. Acute infectious diseases. 2. ed. 888p. 8? Phila., 1928. Schultz, W. Infektionskrankheiten. 191p. 8? Dresd., 1936. Stimson, P. M. A manual of the common contagious diseases. 3. ed. 465p. 20cm. Phila., 1940. Thomson, F. H. The diagnosis and treatment of the infectious diseases; a manual for practi- tioners. 208p. 8? Lond., 1924. Thorp, E. Infectious diseases for nurses. 134p. 12? Lond., 1929. Top, F. H. [et al.] Handbook of communicable diseases. 682p. 23^cm. S. Louis, 1941. Verhoogen, R. Traits 61ementaire de patho- logie interne: Maladies infectieuses. 354p. 8? Par., 1921. Weyl's Handbuch der Hygiene. Bd. 8: Epidemiologic und Immunitat; Infektionskrank- heiten und Desinfektion; Geschlechtskrankheiten. 2. Aufl. 1389p. 8? Lpz., 1922. Kraus, R. Infektionskrankheiten. In Spec. Path. Ther. inn. Krankh., Berl., 1919, 2: Teil 1, 1-148.—Park, W. H., & Seigel, M. The infections. In Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Appleton) N. Y., 1937, 12: 535-648.—Staehelin, R. Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie der Infektionskrankheiten. In Lehrb. inn. Med., 3. Aufl., Berl., 1936, 1: 179-319. Metabolism. Balenbois, M. *La deshydratation dans les maladies infectieuses. 40p. 24cm. Par., 1940. Kourie, A. *Contribution k I'etude de la phosphoremie au cours de quelques maladies infectieuses aigues de l'enfance. 98p. 8? Par., 1935. Sick, W. *Blutzuckerkurven bei akuten fieberhaften Infekten. 9p. 8? [Lpz.] 1931. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1931, 78: Andresen, J., & Schmidt, A. Zur Frage des Blutzucker- spiegels bei Infektionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 213.—Bareggi, A. II comportamento del bilinogeno nelle malattie infettive acute (contributo alio studio del ricambio emoglobinico) Boll. spec. med. chir., 1927, 1: 105-46.— Berinskaia, A. N. [Carbohydrate metabolism in infectious diseases and glucose-insulin therapy] Klin, med., Moskva, 1940, 18: No. 4, 102-13.—Brems, A. [Alimentary hypergly- cemia in certain acute infectious diseases] Ugeskr. laeger, 1932, 94: 403-7. ------ & Nissen, N. J. [Oral and intra- venous glucose tolerance curves in certain acute infectious diseases] Ibid., 1933, 94: 1203-6.—Brugi, A. II coefficiente uro-emolitico nelle malattie infettive. Fol. med., Nap., 1923, 9: 731-5. ------ Sui comportamento della reazione xanto- proteica nelle malattie infettive generali. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1929, 37: 274-81.—Cho, T. S. Blood calcium content in several infectious diseases. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1938, 28: 51.—Cugnini, J. La polipeptidemia en las enferme- dades infecciosas. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1941, 24: 468.—Dubrovin, V. F. [Assimilation of protids, fats and carbo- hydrates in certain infectious diseases] Tr. Gosud. inst. med. znanii, 1929, No. 5, 81-90, ch.—Elkeles, A., & Heimann, F. Ueber Storungen der Blutzuckerregulation bei akuten Infek- tionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 836-9.—Flanchik, S. I., & Odinov, A. I. [Dynamics of the changes of blood lipoids in certain infectious diseases (typhus, typhoid, pneumonia)] Vrach. delo, 1936, 19: 857-62.—Frola. E. Sui comportamento dei lipidi tissurali nei decorso delle infezioni acute; ulteriore contributo alio studio delle alterazioni del ricambio materiale nelle infezioni acute. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1934, 5: 251-64.— Fukuda T-, & Itabasi, K. Ueber die Hyperglykiimie bei der experimentellen Infektion. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1931 76: 75g_9__Garibbo A. Metabohsmo basale e fondamentale nei npriod'o di stato e di convalescenza di alcune malattie infettive Lute Arch ital. pediat., 1932 Is 373-401.-Hamilton, C..B The calcium and phosphorus of the human Wood serum with respect to various infections. Bull. George Washington Univ., Wash (1931) 1925-28, Summ. Theses, 22-34.—Harris, L. J., Passmore R & Pagel, W. Vitamin C and infection; influence of infection on the vitamin-C content of the tissues of animals. f ' 't Lond 1937 2: 183-6.—Kuzmicheva, A. 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Progr. med., Par., 1939, 447-9.—Nielsen, N. A. Ueber die Ursache der alimentaren Glvkosurie bei acuten Infektionskrankheiten. Acta med. scand., 1934, 82: 306-10.—Oberdan. T. La coles- terinemia nelle malattie infettive; fattore che ne provocano le variazioni. Gazz. osp., 1934, 55: 1483-6.—Pamboukis, D., & Sotiriades, D. Recherches experimentales sur le role de l'alcalose du sang pendant les infections. Rev. m§d. fr., 1933, 14: 597.—Petrunkin, M. Ueber die Veranderungen im Gange der Blutzuckerkurven wahrend einiger infektioser Krankheiten. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1934-35, 57: 138-52.— Slatineanu, A., Balteanu, I. [et al.] Equilibre acido-basique dans les maladies infectieuses. Arch, roumain. path., Par., 1936,9:531-75. ------ Sur la teneur en phosphore, en calci- um et en potassium dans quelques maladies infectieuses. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 814-6.—Stefanini, S., & Antonini, M. La proteinemia in alcune malattie infettive dell'infanzia. Med. inf., Roma, 1937, 8: 2,31-67.—Sterkin, E. L, Vengerova, F. M., & Shenderovich. M. I. [Lactacidemia in giving invert sugar (fructose) in certain acute, infectious diseases in man itvphus and pneumonia)] Vrach. delo, 1934, 17: 701-8.— Stoesser, A. V. Study of cholesterol fractions in acute infec- tions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934-35, 32: 1324 — Williams, J. L., & Dick, G. F. Decreased dextrose tolerance in acute infectious diseases. Arch. Int. M., 1932, 50: 801-18.— Zuckermann, C. La hipercetonuria en los enfermos infecciosos sometidos a regimen ldcteo. A. M. M., Mex., 1925, 3: 683-5. ---- metazoic. See under proper names of metazoic diseases as Filariasis; Helminthosis, etc. ---- Microbiology. Krichevsky, I. L. [Microbiology of infectious diseases in man] 4. ed. 271p. 244cm. Moskva, 1931. Bezancon, F., & Philibert, A. Maladies dues aux bact^ries du genre bacillus. In Prrfkis path. m6d. (Bezancon, et al.) 2. M„ Par., 1935, 1: 289 -332.— Bonmati. C. Las dualidades microbianas en la ctioloacti'rias de determinado meio. Acta med., Rio, 1939, 3: 130-2.—Lumiere. A. La lutte contre l'infection; le microbe et le terrain. Progr. med., Par., 1936, 761-5—Reimann, H. A. The significance of bacterial type transformation in infectious disease and epidemiology. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1938, 53: 270-4. ------ The bacillary diseases. In Int. Med. (Musser, J. H.) 3. ed., Phila., 1938, 21-123. ---- Military and naval aspects. See also Epidemic, Military and naval aspects; Infection—in wartime. Ghivarello, R. Per la difesa sanitaria del nostro esercito: Vaiuolo e vaccinazione contro febbre tifoidea, il colera e la sua profilassi; sulla meningite cerebro-spinale-epidemica. 2. ed. 82p. 8? Campobasso, 1918. United States. War Department. Army regulations. no. 40-210. medical depart- MENT. The prevention of the communicable diseases of man; general. 5p. 8? Wash., 1923. United States. War Department. Army regulations. No. 40-240. Medical Depart- ment. The prevention of the communicable dis- eases of man; miscellaneous diseases. 4p. 8? Wash., 1923. United States. War Department. Sur- geon General's Office. The Medical Depart- ment of the United States Army in the World War. Volume 9: Communicable and other diseases. 628p. 26cm. Wash., 1928. Altschul, T. Walter Friedrich; die Entstehungsursachen der Kriegsseuchen; ihre Verhutung und Bekampfung auf Grund der Kriegserfahrungen von 1870-71. Prag. med. Wschr., 1915, 40: 276; 288.—Army appoints commissions to fight epidemics. Science News Lett., 1941, 39: 171.—Army Central Epidemic Control Board organized. Diplomate, 1942, 14: 123.— Barrenscheen, H. K. Ueber Kriegsseuchen im Weltkrieg. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1940, 53: 654-6.—Bijl, J. P. [Civilian physicians and the control of infectious diseases during mobili- zation] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 5081-6.—Board for the Investigation and Control of Influenza and Other Epidemic INFECTIOUS DISEASE Diseases in the Army. Army M. Bull., 1942, No. 64, 1-22.— Bormann. F. von. Kriegsseuchen und aktive Immunisierung. Mnl. Welt, 1940, 14: 861-5.—Brown, O. G. Problems in the control of communicable diseases at replacement depots; A. E. V. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1926, 6: 895-8.—Caldwell, R. The role of the microbe in war. J. Prev. M., Lond., 1906, 14: 641-57.—Callender, G. R. Divi- sion of Infectious Diseases and Laboratories; Surgeon General's Office. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1923, 1: 286-307.—Canadian Air Force immunized against diphtheria and scarlet fever. Diplomate, 1941, 13: 335.— Chamberlain, W. P. Prevention of dissemination of disease by discharged soldiers. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1926, 6: 514-8.—Civilian physicians to advise Army on epidemics. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 510.— Coutinho de Sousa Refoios, J. A epidemiologia militar na paz e na guerra. Bol. Dir. serv. saude mil., 1938, 449-74.— D'Ovidio, R. 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Epidemiology in the Army. Ann. Int. M., 1939-40, 13: 2229-34. ------ Immunization against infectious diseases in the United States Army. Diplomate, 1941, 13: 177-83. Also South. M. J., 1941 34: 62-7.—Simpson, W. J. Dysentery and typhoid, among British prisoners at Waterval. Rep. Comm. Dysentery (Gr. Britain, Seer. War) Lond., 1903, 73-6.—Skinner, G. A. In- fluence of epidemic diseases on military operations in the his- tory of the Western hemisphere. Mil. Surgeon, 1931, 69: 579-94.—Soper, G. A. Epidemiology and the work of epi- demiologists in camps; conditions in the camps in the early winter of 1917 and the remedies proposed. In Med. Dep. U. S Army in the World War, Wash., 1926, 6: 68-85.—Stimson, P. M. The role of the pediatrician in the control of contagious diseases in the Army. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1941, 18: 701-3.— Stokes, J. Communicable diseases in Army camps. N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 237.—Suhateanu, C. S. Sur la prophylaxie des maladies contagieuses dans le cadre de la nation arm<5e. Bull. Acad. mM. Roumanie, 1938, 3: 295-301.— Szulc, G. [General principles in prevention of infectious dis- eases in the army during campaign] Lek. wojsk., 1929, 13: 393-407; 449; passim.—Waldmann. Indicaci6n de la vacuna- ci6n preventiva. Congr. internac. med. farm, mil., 1933, 7. Congr., 2: tema 4, 319-22.—Zinsser, H. Field army sanitary organization for the control of communicable diseases; A. E. F. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1926, 6: 551-64. ------ General problema of the control of com- municable diseases; A. E. F. Ibid., 882-94. ---- mixed. See also Infectious disease, secondary. Pigeon, J. *Contribution a I'etude de l'asso- ciation de la diphterie et de la fievre typhoide (typho-diphterie) 41p. 8? Par., 1922. Rabinovitch, K. Contribution a I'etude des associations de la fievre de Malte et de la fievre typhoide. 59p. 24^cm. Toulouse, 1935. Abderhalden, E. Einige Gedanken fiber synergetische Wirkungen bei Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1923, 19: 409.—Antoniazzi, E. Ricerche sulle modificazioni della reattiviti cito-umorale e della batteriemia reciprocamente esercitate da due infezioni croniche contemporanee: tubercolosi ed infezione streptococcica focale. Boll. 1st. sieroter. milan., 1935, 14: 967-96.—Auricchio, L. Sull'infezione associata tifo- melitense. Pediatria, Nap., 1922, 30: 1155-63.—Barnardo, F. A. F. The importance of the recognition of mixed, multiple and secondary infections in the treatment of tropical diseases. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M. (1927) 1928, 1: 1-7.—Burgers, J. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Mischinfektion. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 1666.—Burke, V., Jessup, M. P., & Philips. S. Choice of antiseptic dye in mixed infections. J. Infect. Dis., 1928, 43: 131-6.—Canning, G. A., & Fisher, J. M. Increased mortality in rats with concomitant dual infections. J. Parasit., Lancaster, 1942, 28: Suppl., 18 (Abstr.)—Castorina, G. Un caso di infezione associata paratifo B-melitense. Pediatria, Nap., 1924, 32: 44-6.—D'Arbela, F. Studi sulle associazioni morbose; le infezioni miste e secondarie; generality. Riv. clin. med., 1931, 32: 688-94.—Dickinson, W. H. Observations on the inter-relations of pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and pneumonia. Tubercle, Lond., 1923-24, 5: 479-89.—Doane, J. C, & Cates, H. B. Double bacteremia (Streptococcus viri- dans and Staphylococcus aureus) diagnosed before death. Am. J. M. Sc, 1933, 185: 772-4.—Domingo, P. Las infecciones de tipo mixto producidas por una sola especie bacteriana. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1934, 22: 119-29.—Dongen, A. van [Malaria- typhoid] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1923, 67: pt 2, 883.—Dorsics, I., Fenyvessy, B., & Rabati, F. Chemother&pia hat&sa vegyes fertozes eseten. Nepeg&szs£gugy, 1941, 22: 1262-9 — Emmanuele, A. Su due casi d'infezione associata leishmaniosi interna-melitense. Pediatria, Nap., 1923, 31: 603-8.—Grillo, J. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Misch- und Sekundar- infektion; fiber den Verlauf einer Infektion mit Trypanosomen und Rekurrensspirochaten beim Meerschweinchen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1933, 128: 252-65.—Hassko. A. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Misch- und Sekundarinfektion; Heil- versuche bei mischinfizierten Tieren; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Funktion des retikuloendothelialen Systems bei den chemo- therapeutischen Heilungsvorgangen. Ibid., 1931-32, 123: 140-50.—Hurst, E. W., & Fairbrother, R. W. Simultaneous infection of the monkey with the viruses of poliomyelitis and vaccinia. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1931, 12: 17-21.—Kharchenko, £' J^l?ed lnfection of typhus and relapsing fever] Klin. med. Moskva, 1923, 2: 11.—Kirchner. Zum Begriff der Mischinfektion. Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., 1926, 64: 247-9 — "irum?l<:h\ R- & GriII°. J- Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Misch- und Sekundarinfektion; Misch- und Sekundar- lnfektionen mit bakteriellen Krankheitserregern. Zbl Bakt 1. Abt., 1934, 131: 448-61.—Lonero, G. Sulle infezioni associate paratifo B-melitense. Fol. med., Nap., 1927, 13: 885-901.—Lo Presti-Seminerio, F. Cinque casi d'infezione associata malaria-melitense. Policlinico, 1924, 31: sez. prat., 1036-8. ------ Studio sulle infezioni associate nell'infanzia. Riv. clin. pediat., 1929, 27: 483-500.—Meyer, F. Die Dia- gnostik und Behandlung der Mischinfektion. Jahrkurs. arztl Fortbild., 1928, 19: H. 10, 28-38.—Oettinger, J., & Halbreich, J. Ueber den kombinierten Verlauf von Typhus exanthema- ticus und Febris recurrens. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1927, 105: 136- ~£3°~I>earce' L' ReciProcal effects of concomitant infections; the influence of vaccinia and of vaccinal immunity on the reac- tion to infection with experimental svphilis (intracutaneous inoculation) J. Exp. M., 1928, 48: 363-77.—Ramon, G., & Djourichitch, M. L'infection mixte strepto-dipht6rique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1934, 53: 325-40.—Reiter, H. Studien iiber Mischinfektionen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1932. 125: 394.— Rival ier, E., Pham, H. C, & Decourt, P. Les infections de sortie; essai d'interpr^tation pathoggnique. Rev. immun Par., 1937, 3: 219-41.—Sarnowiec, W. Evolution experi- mentale des infections tuberculeuse et brucellique associees chez le cobaye. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 123: 452-4.—Schloss- berger, H., & Grillo, J. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Misch- und Sekundarinfektion; weitere Versuche fiber den Einfluss einer Mischinfektion mit Rekurrensspirochaten auf die trypanozide Wirkung des Germanins. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1935-36, 135: 203-15.—Shope, R. E. Complex infections. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 27: 913-32.—Shubert. V. F. & Baiden, M. N. [Course of mixed acute infections in children] Klin. med., Moskva, 1931, 9: 377.—Souza-Araujo, H. C. de. Um caso de triplice infecgao; lepra, lymphogranuloma venereo e molluscum contagiosum. Acta med., Rio, 1941, 7: 87-100, pl.—Starcke, H. Infektionskrankheiten und Tuberkulose. Zsehr. Tuberk., 1936. 75: 158-61.—Stransky, E. Beitrage zur Kenntnis von gleichzeitiger Erkrankung an mehreren Infektionskrankheiten. Mschr. Kinderh., 1934-35, 61: 175- 81.—Suchy, S. Einfluss von Infektionskrankheiten auf andere infektiose Prozesse. Med. Klin., Berl., 1922, 18: 1092.— Taddia, L. Sopra un caso di contemporanea infezione ebertiana e spirochetica in Somalia. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1938, 19: 490-3.—Tricoire, R. Etude de l'association de l'amibiase et du paludisme. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1923, 16: 304-8.— Varvaro, G. B. Infezione mista tifo-malarica. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1923, 2: 709-24.—Westphal, A. Zur Frage der Misch- infektion von Amobenruhr und Typhus. Trop. Dis. Bull Lond., 1942, 39: 843 (Abstr.)—Willoughby, H. Two cases of multiple infections. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1939, 25: 416. Mortality. See also subheadings (Prevalence; Statistics) Mai, H. Ueber den Riickgang der Sterblich- keit an Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter im Laufe der letzten 60 Jahre und seine Ursachen. 96p. 23cm. Berl., 1939. Also Veroff. Volksgesundhdienst, 1939, 52: 217-312. Schipper, H. *Ueber Kindersterblichkeit an den Infektionskrankheiten Keuchhusten, Masern, Scharlach und Diphtherie in der Provinz Schlesien [Bonn] 20p. 21cm. Bottrop, 1938. Calmette, A. La mortality par maladies microbiennes en France, avant et apr&s Pasteur. Bull. Acad. m£d., Par., 1923, 3. ser., 89: 572-8. Also Nature, Par., 1923, 51: 406-13.— Fatality of endemic infections. Med. Off.. Lond.. 1941, 66: 73.—Geographic (The) distribution of deaths from infectious diseases; Louisiana 1940. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1942-43, 95: 150.—Ianovsky, M. F. [Mortality from infectious diseases and infant mortality in the City of Lw6w between 1927-36] Radianska med., 1940, 5: No. 4, 71-80.—Mortality from typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and pneumonia in large cities, 1923. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1924, 39: 150-2.—Mortality from communicable diseases of childhood; Metropolitan Life In- surance Company, Industrial Department, 1911—41. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1941, 22: No. 4, 10.—Number of cases of and deaths from infectious diseases reported in each country from which official reports are received. Rapp. 6pid6m., Geneve, 1932, 11: 93-105.—Petrilla, A. [Mortality of infectious diseases] Orsz. K6zeg6szs. Int. kozl., 1927-28, 1: No. 24, 1- 10.—Prinzing. Geburtsterblichkeit und Sterblichkeit an Infectionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1922, 48: 1390.— Rondani, V. La mortality in Torino per malattie infettive e per tubercolosi (1913-25) confronti e dati statistici. Minerva med., Tor., 1928, 8: 18-33.—Schtitz, F., & Fischer, A. D. Die Sterblichkeit an Infektionskrankheiten bei den Sauglingen in Kiel nach Lebensmonaten Zsehr. Hyg., 1924, 102: 313-22.— Sterbefalle infolge von Infektionskrankheiten 1932 und 1933. Bull. Eidg. Gesundhamt., 1933, 363; 1934, 235.—Stouman, K. Mortality conditions in rural Europe. Rapp. 6pid6m., Geneve, 1931, 10: 175.—Tizzano, A. La mortality per alcune malattie infettive in Italia dal 1887 al 1935. Studium. Nap.. 1937, 27: INFECTIOUS DISEASE 240 INFECTIOUS DISEASE 1 19 51.- Yager. I. I. Der Einfluss der Infektionskrankheiten auf die Sauglingssterblichkeit in der Schweiz. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1935-37) 1938, No. 36, 1. ---- Nervous system. See also Coma; Delirious states; Headache; Neuralgia; Paralysis, etc. Baatard, J. *La barriere h4cm. [Zeulenroda, 1936] Lhxjerre, R. *Le paludisme et la peste a Madagascar, influence des climats, des races, des moeurs [Lyon] 134p. 25^4cm. Bourg, 1937. Soblik, H. *Die Gefahrdung des Kindes- alters durch Diphtherie, Scharlach, Keuch- husten und Masern in Breslau wahrend der letzten 55 Jahre [Breslau] 32p. 8? Wiirzb., 1938. Sundermann, M. *Die Verbreitung von Scharlach und Diphtherie im Regierungsbezirk Miinster. 27p. 22cm. Miinster, 1934. United States. Public Health Service. The notifiable diseases, prevalence in States, 1939. 14p. 23cm. Wash., 1941. Araneo, L. Sulla epidemia di Pescopagano nella Lucania. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1842, 23: 321-32.—Blumer, G. The occurrence of undulant fever and typhus fever in Connecticut. N. England J. M., 1929, 200: 215-7.—Candido, G. Le febbre infettive predominanti nei Leccese. Riforma med., 1923, 39: 157.—Carones, C, & Manzoni, A. R. Morbilidad y mortalidad por infecto-contagiosas en la ciudad de Rosario, 1930 a 1937. Rev. Centro estud. Fac. cienc. med., Rosario, 1928, 18: No. 57, 53-73.—Cerebrospinal fever and acute poliomyelitis [week ended Aug. 24] Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 371.—Communicable disease incidence. Annual Rep. Michigan Dep. Health, 1939- 40, 68: 73-5.—Current prevalence of communicable diseases in the United States, December 31, 1933-January 27, 1934. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1934, 49: 221-3.—Current world preva- lence of disease. Ibid., 1924, 39: 2146-9; 1925, 40: 761 — De Renzi, S. Sulla costituzione epidemica regnata in Napoli al cadere del 1831. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1831, 3: 114-23 — Diphtheria and scarlet fever. In Med. Res. in Colonies (Gr. Brit. Colon. M. Res. Com.) 1929, 100-3.—Doull, J. A.. Ferreira, M. J„ & Parreiras, D. Common infectious diseases in Brazil; their prevalence in comparison with certain North American areas. J. Prev. M., 1926-27, 1: 503-12.—Elsbach, E. M. [Malaria and filaria investigation in New Guinea] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1937, 77: 1036-54, 2 pl.—Epidemics in Halifax. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1979.—Fadda, S. Ras: segna sintetica di talune forme endemo-epidemiche piu frequenti nelle terre dell'Impero. Gior. med. mil., 1939, 87: 135-55.— Foley, A. R. Epidemiological investigations in Quebec. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1940, 31: 124-6.—Gilmour, C. C. B. Some notes on infectious diseases in Singapore. Malay. M. J., 1935, 10: 9-13.—Grandes (Les) 6pidemies mondiales a la Societ6 des Nations. Clinique, Par., 1939, 34: Suppl., 48.— Guilherme Lacorte, J. Segunda nota sobre a occorencia de determinadas molestias infectuosas em algumas localidades do Brasil. Brasil med., 1937, 51: 561-3.—Gutschmidt, H. Der Seuchenstand in Polen und in den Baltischen Staaten. Deut. Militararzt, 1939, 4: 454-61.—Hanson, H. Observations on communicable diseases in South America. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1942, 6. Congr., 5: 457.—Infectious diseases in Glasgow. Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 65: 157.—Influenza, pneumonia, measles chief threats in England. Science News Lett,. 1940, 38: 327.—lonescu-Mihaesti, C, & Ciuca, M. [Infectious diseases in Roumania] In Probl. san. pop. rurale Romania, Bucur., 1940, 517-32.—Jirka, F. J. New aspects of the public health situation. Illinois M. J., 1934, 66: 139-46.— Keefer, C. S. Uncommon infectious disease in New England. N. England J. M., 1941, 224: 242-7.—Kling, K. Scharlach und Diphtherie in Niederosterreich. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 780-3.—Lacorte, J. G. Note sobre a occorrencia de determi- nadas molestias infectuosas em algumas localidades do Brasil. Brasil med., 1934, 48: 795.—Ledentu, G., & Peltier, M. Les maladies transmissibles dans les colonies francaises d'Am6rique. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1940, 19: 674-81.—M., A. L. The health situation in Halifax. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1941, 45: 161.—McDonagh, J. E. R. The winter 1940. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 63: 215-7.—Magalhaes, A. de. Pellagra e lepra em Portugal. Porto med., 1906, 3: 1-4.—Menk, W. Infek- tionskrankheiten in Zuckerplantagengebieten der Provinz Oriente de Cuba. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1929, 114: 345-54.— Moragas y Gracia, R. Die Verteilung und die Haufigkeit einiger Bakterienkrankheiten in Spanien. Med. KUn., Berl., 1926, 22: 1257-9.—Padua, R. G. Epidemics of gastro-intes- tinal and respiratory diseases among young children of the city of Manila in 1936. Rev. filip. med., 1936, 27: 407-28.—Perry, J. C. Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, and rodent. INFECTIOUS DISEASE 243 INFECTIOUS DISEASE plague; brief discussion of these specific diseases in their bearing on public health in Western states. California West. M., 1928, 29: 217-21.—Picken, R. M. F. Public health in the United States of America; infectious disease. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 678.—Pohlen, K. Die ortliche Gliederung der haufigeren anzeigepflichtigen Krankheiten im Deutschen Reich in den Jahren 1931 bis 1934. Reichsgesundhbl., 1936, 11: 305-15. ------ Die Bewegung der haufigeren Infektionskrankheiten im Deutschen Reich. Ibid., Stat. Sonderb., 197-219.— Polese, N. Brevi notizie sulle malattie solite a grassare in Venosa nell'autunno di ciascun'anno, e soprattutto delle periodiche. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1937, 13: 281-6.—Pollitzer, R. The history of certain infectious diseases in China. Rep. Manchur. Plague Prev. Serv., 1929-30, 7: 127r36.—Reitler, R. Die haufigsten Infektionskrankheiten Palastinas. Fol. med. int. orient., 1936, 2: 57-66.—Rilievi sulle malattie infettive verificatesi a Bologna durante il 1939. Riv. Soc. ital. igiene, 1940, 62: 100-6.—Scholes, F. V. The behaviour of infectious diseases in Greater Melbourne during the past 25 years. Med. J. Australia, 1935, 1: 607-23.—Sellek Azzi, A., & Del Frade, A. Reacciones serol6gicas de la sffilis y paludismo en la infancia; revisi6n de la literatura y experiencia personal. Arch. med. inf., Habana, 1938, 7: 388-93.—Snapper, I. Bang's disease, Weil's disease, and malaria. In his Chin. Lessons to West. Med., N. Y., 1941, 132. ------ Infectious diseases. Ibid., 32- 143.—Spadaro, O. Le reazioni di Von Pirquet, Wassermann, citochol e Dick nelle popolazioni della Arabia e della Dancalia settentrionale. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 353-8.— Srnetz, K. Diphtherie und Scharlach. Med. KUn., Berl., 1934, 30: 331-4.—Sydenstricker, E. Current world prevalence of disease. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1924, 39: 3089-93.—T'ao, L. A short history of the acute infectious diseases in China. Chin. M. J., 1936, 50: 172-83.—Tomanek, E. [Infectious diseases in Belgium] Vest. desk. 16k., 1936, 48: 887-9 — Trabaud. De la fievre estivale de 3 jours et de la dengue en Syrie. Rev. med., Par., 1924, 41: 379-88.—Tuberculosis and syphilis among summer students at the State Teachers College, Montgomery. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1940-41, 10: 149.— Wilson, C. M. Microbe tourists. In his Ambassadors in White, N. Y., 1942, 208-27. ---- Problems. Lotze, H. Neuere Gesichtspunkte zum Infektionsproblem- Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1937, 34: 437-43.—Reiter, H. Studien iiber das Infektionsproblem. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1926, 46: 173-82. ------ Grundsatzliches zum Problem der Infektions- krankheiten. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1936, 33: 481-5.—Reye. Aktuelle Fragen aus dem Gebiet der Infektionskrankheiten. Zbl. inn. Med., 1938, 59: 115. ---- Prognosis and cure. Caulfield, P. A. The major importance of minor infections. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1935, 4: 263-8.—Parade, G. W., & Liehr, A. Zur Frage der sportlichen Leistungsfahigkeit nach Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 1093.—Pavesi, A. L'enzimoreazione coi disintegrati di rene, cuore e fegato nella prognosi delle malattie infettive. Clin. med. ital., 1926, 57: 566-70.—Richet, C. Mecanisme de la guerison spontanee dans les maladies infectieuses. Medecine. Par., 1928, 9: 1161-6.—Zironi, A. Sguardo d'insieme sulle modality di guarigione delle malattie infettive. Terapia, Milano, 1924, 14: 357; 1925, 15: 12. ---- protozoic. See under proper names of protozoic infections as Amebiasis; Babesiasis; Balantidiosis, etc.; also Protozoa. ---- Psychological aspect. Goldberger, P. Infektionskrankheiten und Individual- psychologie. Internat. Zsehr. Individpsychol., 1928, 6: 26- 35.— Timme, A. R. Relation of childhood infections to be- havior. California West. M., 1938, 49: 454-7. ---- Public health aspect. See also Infection, Prevention; Infectious dis- ease, Control. Bonjean, E. Repression de la publicite trompeuse et des produits concernant les maladies epidemiques et transmissibles. Gaz. med. Paris, 1916, 87: Suppl., p. hi.—Chavez, T. El tifo y el c6lera epidemico; estudio comparativo de estas enfermedades con relaci6n a la higiene publica. Mem. Congr. med. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 1: 238-40.—Gottstein, A. Auslese- wirkungen der menschlichen Infektionskrankheiten. Natur- wissenschaften, 1934, 22: 231-5.—Lekarev, L. G. [Significance and placement of sanitary-epidemic regional stations] Radi- anska med., 1940, 5: No. 10, 73-6.—Lundborg, O. [State Com- mittee for the care of sick and care during epidemics] Sven. lak. tidn., 1934, 31: 1133-6.—McCoy, G. W. Newer concepts of public health. Am. J. Pharm., 1935, 107: 227-36.—Mercer, W. B. The responsibilities and duties of the state and of the community in regard to infectious diseases. N. Zealand M. J., 1928-29, 27: 375-81.—Moroder, J., & Lopez, F. Un estudio del Servicio de epidemiologia de Santiago. Rev. chilena hig., 1942-43, 5: 167-83.—Place (The) of zymotic diseases in public health effort. Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 66: 187.—Richardson, T. L. Communicable disease, the health officer, physician and people. Virginia M. Semimonth., 1909-10, 2: 273-7.—Tonney, F. O. Bacteriology and the public health. Illinois M. J., 1936, 69: 533-7. ---- pyogenous. See also Abscess; Antrum, Empyema; Antrum, Inflammation, purulent; Anus, Abscess; Car- buncle; Cellulitis; Necrosis; Pyemia; Suppura- tion, etc. Das Neves Castro e Silva, H. J. *A infeccao purulenta; sua etiologia, genese e therapeutica. 143p. 12? Lisb., 1873. Klapp, R. E. *Gegensatze in der Behandlung pyogener Infektionen. 31p. 22}£cm. Marb., 1937. Lexer, E. Die pyogenen Infektionen und ihre Behandlung. 118p. 8? Stuttg., 1936. Rodrigues d'Oliveira, M. *Breves con- sideracoes sobre a infecao purulenta e theorias que a explicam. 80p. 12? Lisb., 1864. Selbach, K. *Die Wirkung der Bluttrans- fusion bei eitrigen Infektionskrankheiten. 24p. 8? [Miinch., 1933] Silva, M. A. da. *Consideracoes sobre a infeccao purulenta e theorias que a explicam. 51p. 12? Lisb., 1865. Azzi, A., & Muggia, A. Sui trattamento delle infiammazioni da piogeni. Gior. batt. immun., 1929, 4: 154-9.—Buzello, A. Die allgemeine Lehre von den eitrigen Infektionen (einschliess- lich septische Allgemeininfektion) In Chirurgie (Kirschner & Nordmann) Berl., 1926, 1: 781-876, 7 pl.—Capaldi, B. Con- siderazioni pratiche sulla terapia delle infezioni da piogeni. Gior. med. prat., 1935, 17: 162-75.—Causey, F. A. Treatment of pyogenic infections; report of 313 cases in the Chicago State Hospital. J.Am. Ass. Med. Phys. Res., 1938-39, 13: 215-7.— Chianese, R. Osservazioni sui vaccino antipiogeno polivalente I. S. M. nelle infezioni piogene. Terapia, Milanc 1933, 23: 324—8.—Christ, A. Erfahrungen mit Bakteriophag in der Behandlung eitriger Infektionen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 1238-41.—Donald, C. The conservative attitude in the treatment of acute pyogenic infections. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: 963-6.—Gerber, I. The X-ray treatment of superficial pyo- genic infections. West. M. Rev., 1926, 31: 175-85. Also Radiol. Rev., 1927, 49: 339-41.—Gindin-Finkinstein, E. M. [Bizzozero's corpuscles in suppurative infections] Sovet. khir., 1933, 4: 46-61.—Grieco, F. Infezioni sperimentali piogeniche acute, trattate con ormone corticale. Ann. ital. chir., 1934, 13: 1185-98.—Grumbach, A. Bakteriologie und Biologie der pyogenen Infektionen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 1220-7.—Hesse, E. R. [Transfusion of blood after general suppurative infection] Vest, khir., 1930, 51: 247-55.—Holz- knecht, G. Roentgen treatment of spontaneous, post-traumatic and post-operative coccus infections and suppurations. Am. J. Roentg., 1926, n. ser., 15: 332-6. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: 9-11.—Imaz, I. Tratamiento de las infecciones agudas piogenas. Actas Congr. nac. med., B. Air., 1931, 4. Congr., 1: 104-24 [Discussion] 186-206.—Knight, H. C. The use of bacteriophage in the treatment of pyogenic infections. Hosp. News, Wash., 1935, 2, 5: 7-26.—Kukoverov, N. A. [Role of intermuscular fissures and their lymphatic tissue and embryonic mesenchyma in the localization and distribution of acute suppurative infections in the extremities in military and industrial trauma] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 305-20.— Lawson, J. D. The treatment of pyogenic infection by Roent- gen irradiation. Radiology, 1926, 6: 153-5.—Legroux, R., & Giroud, P. Les suppurations k bacilles de Pfeiffer. Presse med., 1928, 36: 273.—Lexer, E. Die Behandlung der pyogenen Infektion und ihrer Folgen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934, 180: 183-98 [Discussion] 87. ------ Biologische Behandlung der ortlichen pyogenen Infektionen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1935, 65: 73-5.—Lohr, W. Biologische Behandlung der ortlichen pyogenen Infektionen. Ibid., 927-32.—Lyons, C. Modern methods in the treatment of pyogenic infections. South. Surgeon, 1938, 7: 308-12.—Marussa, M. [Changes in the bacillary flora in purulent infections] Polska gaz. lek., 1934, 13: 496.—Mfindez, J. Tratamiento de las infecciones agudas pi6genas. Actas Congr. nac. med., B. Air., 1931, 4. Congr., 1: 91-103 [Discussion] 186-206. Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1931, 38: pt 2, 1109-16. Also Siglo med., 1931, 88: 603-8.—Menkin, V. Further studies on mechanism of invasiveness by pyogenic bacteria. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 32: 162-4.— Mikhlin, M. S., Rakhmalevich, E. M., & Ozerkovich, M. M. [Changes in carbobvdrate and biliary metabolism in general and local suppurative infection] Klin, med., Moskva, 1936, 14: 873-9.—Miley, G. Ultra-violet blood irradiation therapy in acute pyogenic infection at Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, from November 1, 1938 to September 1, 1940. Hahneman. Month., 1940, 75: 977-96. -—— Ultraviolet blood irradia- tion therapy, Knott technic, in acute pyogenic infections. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 57: 493-507. Also Hahneman. Month., 1942, INFECTIOUS DISEASE 244 INFECTIOUS DISEASE 77: 161-7.—Mirizzi. P. L. Tratamiento de las infecciones agudas pi6genas en su aspecto quinirgico. Actas Congr. nac. mod., B. Air., 1931, 4. Congr., 1: 125-58 [Discussion] 186-206. Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 2, 1052-68—Muniagurria, C. Tratamiento de las infecciones pi6genas agudas de la in- fancia. Actas Congr. nac. med., B. Air., 1931, 4. Congr., 1: 159-206.—Pacetto, G. La batteriofago-terapia nelle infezioni piogeniche localizzate. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. chir., 76-95.— Parmenov, V. I. [Treatment of suppurative infection by balsam dressing, according to Vishnevsky] Nov. khir. arkh., 1940, 46: 143-50.—Pettersson, A. Ueber die Immunitat gegen die pyo- genen Infektionserreger. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1930, 68: 304-17.—Pometta, D. Prevention et traitement des infections pyogenes provoquees par des traumatismes. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 1227-35.—Reok, I. [Surgery in suppurative infections] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1926, 24: 1173-9.—Rosenstein, P. Die Tiefenantisepsis in der Hand des praktischen Arztes bei chirurgischen Infektionen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1933, 74: 145-8.—Rufanov, I. G., & Stepanian, E. P. [Vitamin C metabolism and treatment of cases of local suppurative surgical nfections with rose hip preparations] Klin, med., Moskva, 1940, 18: No. 2, 34-43.—Schiirer von Waldheim, F. Protein- korpertherapie bei eitriger Infektion. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936,86:543-6. ------ Unblutige Massnahmen bei ortlicher, eitriger Infektion. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 726.— Seemen, H. von. Elektrochirurgie der pyogenen Infektion. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934, 180: 199-205 [Discussion] 87 — Soto, J. A., Brunschwig, A., & Schlutz, F. W. An experimental study of the effects of X-radiation upon acute pyogenic infec- tion of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Surgery, 1938, 3: 593-600.—Stettner, E. Studie uber das Verhalten des kind- lichen Blutes im Falle der Infektion mit Eitererregern. Arch. Kinderh., 1926, 78: 128-76.—Szeleczky, G. [Chemotherapy of pyogenic infections] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1938, 36: 125-7.— Terada, S. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Organextrakte auf die ortlichen pyogenen Infektionen. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1934-35, 95: 112-20.—Van Zwalenburg, C. Deoxygenation and pus infection. Am. J. Surg., 1934, 23: 339-45.—Veiga Soares, J. O caryophenylenosulfonato de sodio nas infeccoes pyogenicas. Fol. med., Rio, 1936, 17: 100.— Volkmann, K. Eitrige Infektionen und ihre Behandlung mit einer hellen Ichthyolsalbe Dermichthol. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1507.—Wangensteen, O. H. Anti- or prophlogistic treatment of acute infections? the role of immobilization and elevation in pyogenic infections of the extremities. Surgery, 1938, 4: 140-4.—Watson, C. H., & Sarjeant, T. R. The signifi- cance of a low leucoevte count in acute pvogomc infections. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1938, 39: 460-4.—Wood, E. H. Alcohol and glycerine in the treatment of pyogenic infections. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 35: 168-72.— Zherdev, P. I. [Metastatic ulcers in general suppurative infection with metastases] Klin, med., Moskva, 1936, 14: 1673-9. ---- Quarantine and isolation of cases. See also Quarantine. Can the state examine people entering the state who may be suspected of having an infectious disease? California West. M., 1937, 46: 177-9.—Ciaccia. M. La chiusura delle scuole come misura di difesa contro le malattie infettive. Atti Congr. internaz. teen, san., 1931, 2. Congr., 3: 57-61.—Curtis, F. G. Problems of quarantine in contagious disease work. Rep. Am. Pub. Health Ass. (1908) 1909, 34: pt 1, 437-43. Also Am. J. Pub. Hyg., 1909, 19: 355-61.—Fischer, M. Isolierung und Infektionskrankheiten der Kinder. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1926, 36: 225-7.—Forbes. D. School exclusion in infectious disease. J. R. San. Inst., 1938-39, 59: 559-65.—Ivanov. Y. E. [Official isolation periods in infectious diseases in students in schools from a prophylactic viewpoint] Tr. Vsesoiuz. sezda detsk. vrach., 1913, 1: 618-25.—Kassowitz. K. Isolierung von Infektionskrankheiten. Erg. inn. Med. Kinderh., 1923, 24: 170-8.—Kleinschmidt. H. Das Isolierungsproblem in der Prophylaxe der akuten Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1890-2.—Morgan. M. T. Quarantine by sea, land and air; an account of the work of the International Health Office, Paris. Med. Off., Lond., 1941, 65: 177; 185.— Nash, J. T. C. Bed isolation of infectious diseases in fever hospitals. ft>id., 1924, 32: 285-7.—[Periods of isolation of patients with infectious diseases and persons coming into contact with them; approved by the People's Commissariat of Public Health of SSR, Aug. 1, 1940] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 160-71.—Perkins. J. E. Isolating communicable disease. Mod. Hosp., 1940, 55: No. 4, 85.—School exclusion and closure for infectious disease. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 826-9.—School exclusions for infectious diseases. Med. Off., Lond., 1942. 67: 204.—Stimson. P. M. Individual isolation. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1938, 12: 313-22.—Vallat, P. Projet de creation d'internats pour les enfants exclus de l'ecole par mesure prophylactique. M6d. scol., Par., 1911, 4: 100-5. ---- Reinfection and relapse. See also Infection, latent; Infectious disease, Immunity. Szczygiel, C. *Zur Frage des Rezidivs und der zweimaligen Erkrankung bei Scharlach, Masern, Diphtherie und Keuchhusten. 30p. 21cm. Bresl., 1935. Brusin, A. M., & Rubinstein, P. L. [New data on the immunity in relation to super-infection] Arb. Microb. Inst. Volksunterrichtskom., Moskva, 1925. 1: 70-86.—Carle. Reinfection et superinfection. Progr. med., Par., 1926, 41: 1372.—Celeda, R. Ueber das zweite Kranksein bei einigen Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 920-2.— Comby. J. Recidives et rechutes dans les maladies infectieuses. Arch. med. enf., 1932, 35: 185-211.—Dumitrescu. T., & Stefaniu, A. [Recurrence of erysipelas and scarlet fever] Spitalul. 1930, 50: 167.—Finger. E. Ueber Immunitat und Reinfektion. Derm. Stud., Hamb., 1910, 20: 31-40.— Fritz, S. [Recurrence in infectious diseases] Gy6gytiszat. 1934, 74: 513.—Hamburger, F. Ueber Erstinfektion und Reinfektion. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 45: 533-6.—Jacoby, M. Ueber das Zustandekommen der Rezidive infektioser Er- krankungen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1925, 66: 383.—Ochsenius, K. Zur Frage der Wiederholung von Infektionskrankheiten. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1934, 5: 5.—Recurrence in acute infectious diseases of childhood. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 386.— Ribadeau-Dumas, L., & RaulL Infection et reinfection chez le nourrisson. Nourrisson, 1933, 21: 79-93.—Ryhiner, P. Wiederholte Erkrankung an den akuten Infektionskrankheiten des Kindesalters. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1935, 65: 813.— Valenza, J. Maladies experimentales de reinfection. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 1935, 24: 92-8.—Zischinsky, H. Zweit- malige Erkrankungen und Rezidive bei den akuten Infektions- krankheiten des Kindesalters. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1934, 3. F., 92: 43-58. ---- Research institutes and control centers. See also Bacteriology, History; Bacteriology, Institutes; Epidemiology. Algeria, Africa. Institut Pasteur d'Al- gerie. Notice sur 1'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie, T. 1: Recherches scientifiques, enseignement et missions, applications pratiques, 1900-1934. 375p. 18cm. Alger, 1934. ---- The same. Annexes: 1) Repertoire des publications; 2) tableau d'especes nouvelles en histoire naturelle, 1900-34. 127p. 18cm. Al- ger, 1934. Egypt. Ministry of Public Health. Re- search Institute and Endemic Diseases Hospital. Annual report. Cairo, 1., 1931- Rangoon, Burma. Pasteur Institute and Bacteriological Laboratory. Report. Ran- goon (1933) 1935- Tokyo. Government Institute for In- fectious Diseases. Scientific Reports. Tokyo, 1., 1922- Weaver, G. H. Medical report of the Durand Hospital of the John McCormick Institute for Infectious Diseases for the first 10 years. 27p. 8? Chic, 1923. Activite du Centre de seroprophylaxie; service du Prof. R. Debre, de l'Hopital Herold; rapport annuel pour 1938. M6d. inf.. Par., 1939, 46: 135-45.—Barg, G. S. [Methodological value of the use of tissue cultures in the study of infection and immunity] J. epidem. mikrob., Moskva, 1933, 2: No. 10, 1-10; No. 11, 1-13.—Belikov, P. [Survey of activities of the I. I. Mechnikov Institute of Infectious Diseases (Oct. 1925 to Jan. 1927)] Mosk. med. J., 1927, 7: No. 9, 84-91.—Gerlach, F. Mitteilungen iiber die Tatigkeit der Station fur Tierseuchen- diagnostik an der staatlichen Tierimpfstoff-Gewinnungsanstalt in Modling bei Wien im Jahre 1923. Seuchenbekampfung, 1924, 1: 94-105.—Gildemeister, E. Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit des Instituts fiir Infektionskrankheiten Robert Koch in Berlin in der Zeit vom 1. April 1936 bis 31. Marz 1938. Veroff. Volksgesundhdienst., 1937-38, 50: 529-77; 1938-39, 52. 163-215.—Investigation of infectious disease; opening of M. A. B. Laboratory by the Minister of Health. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 1049.—Medzhikov [Activity of the Azerbaijan Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology during the present war] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 7, 3-6.—Redlich. F. [Study of infectious diseases] Polska gaz. lek., 1929, 8: 515-7.— Report of work accomplished in institutes of epidemiology and microbiology. J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 8, 107-9.— Rockfeller (The) Foundation: Annual report for the year 1931. Ind. M. Gaz., 1933, 68: 236-41.—Sergent. E. Rapport sur le fonctionnement de 1'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie en 1932. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1933, 11: 219-49.—Williams, H. U. Correlation of the departments of medicine, pathology and bacteriology in the teaching of the infections. Bull. Internat. Ass. M. Mus., 1925, 11: 13-5.—Zinsser, H. General plan, organization, and development, subdivision of infectious diseases, division of laboratories and infectious diseases; A. E. F. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1926, 6: 543-50. INFECTIOUS DISEASE 245 INFECTIOUS DISEASE ---- Reticuloendothelial system [incl. spleen] See also subheading Defense mechanism. Baskin. M. M. Die Bedeutung des retikuloendothelialen Apparates bei Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. Immunforsch 1929, 61: 499-504.—Belikov, P. F., & Benderskaia, E. a! [Role and significance of the reticuloendothelial system in infectious diseases] Sovet. klin., 1934, 20: 612-5.—Dawidson. A. [Significance of the reticulo-endothelial system in combating infectious diseases] Warsz. czas. lek., 1937, 14: 605; 629.— Demidova,_ L. V. [Significance of the reticulo-endothelial system in infectious diseases] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1937 18: 756-63.—Dvolaitzkaya-Barysheva, K. M., & Kagan, N. V. [Role of the reticulo-endothelial apparatus in infectious diseases] Ibid., 1932, 9: 300-10.—Haranghy, L. [Immun-morphologic aspects of the acute infectious changes in the spleen] Gvo- gydszat, 1933, 73: 807; 831.—Jacobs, H. Ueber das normale Gewicht der Milz im Kinddsalter und iiber seine Beeinflussung durch Infektionskrankheiten. Virchows Arch., 1934-35 294: 453-64.—Krichevski, 1. L., & Golubeva, E. E. Ueber die Bedeutung des reticuloendothelialen Apparats bei Infektions- krankheiten; das Reticuloendothelialsystem als Schutzapparat bei der Infektion mit B. pneumoniae Friedliinder. Zsehr Hyg., 1934, 116: 417-20.—Krichevski, I. L., & Meerson. J. S. Ueber die Bedeutung des retikuloendothelialen Apparates bei Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1932, 76: 499-505.—Krichevski, I. L., & Schwarzmann, L. Die Be- deutung des retikuloendothelialen Apparates bei Infektions- krankheiten. Ibid., 1928, 56: 322-9.—Lotze, H. Retikulo- endotheliales System, Allergie und Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1938, 35: 397; 429.—Makeeva. O. O. [Significance of the reticulo-endothelial system in infectious diseases: reticulo-endothelial system as defense apparatus of guinea pigs in pneumococcic infection and hemorrhagic septi- cemia, accomplished through the natural orifices of the body] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1937, 18: 192-8.—Oelrichs, L. Ueber die Bedeutung des Reticulo-Endothels fur den Infektionsablauf. Zsehr. Hyg., 1932, 114: 371.—Tashian, S. H. Mobilization of reticulo-endothelial cells as an aid in combating infections West. J. Surg., 1934, 42: 634-45. --- secondary. See also Infectious disease, mixed. Aberdam-Selligowa, G. [Experimental and clinical re- search on secondary infections] Warsz. czas. lek., 1933, 10: 406; 431.—Grillo, J., & Krumeich. R. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen uber Misch- und Sekundarinfektion; uber die Beeinflussung der experimentellen Naganainfektion des Meer- schweinchens durch eine Mischinfektion mit der Spir. usbekis- tanica oder dem Spirillum der Rattenbisskrankheit (Sodoku) sowie durch chemische Substanzen, die eine Temperaturstei- gerung oder sonstige Stoffwechselanderungen bedingen. Zbl. Bakt.. 1. Abt., 1934, 132:385-403.—Renaud, M. Les infections secondaires et les lesions locales dans les maladies infectieuses. J. med. chir., Par., 1922, 93: 745-50.—Vilk, N. L. |Secondary infections of pluriglandular form (case of heteroplasty] Mosk. med. J., 1928. 8: 1-8. --- Sense organs. Asherson, N. Acute infections of the ear in the acute speci- fic fevers. Clin. J., Lond., 1933, 62: 601-9.—Davy, A. O. Some aspects of sinusitis and otitis media in the infectious fevers. Med. J. Australia, 1932, 2: 72.—Glowacki. B. F. Ear complications in some of the more common acute infectious diseases. J. Michigan M. Soc, ig26, 25: 211-3.—Kalashnikov, B. P. [Stability of accommodation in infectious diseases (angina, grippe, typhoid pulmonary and malaria)] Vest, oft., ig39, 14: No. 6, 35-45.—Shanedling, P. D. Ocular involve- ment in the acute infectious diseases. Dis. Eye &c. Throat, 1942, 2: 24-8. --- Sex factors. Handjieff, W. *Ueber die Bedeutung der Geschlechts-Disposition bei Infektionskrankhei- ten nach Beobachtungen der Leipziger medi- zinischen Klinik (Auszug) 6p. 8? Lpz., 1925. Bone]I, W. Beitrage zur Frage des Geschlechtsverhaltnisses bei Kinderkrankheiten. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1934-35, 57: 568- 90.—Coglievina. B. Alcune considerazioni sulla disposizione della donna per malattie infettive. Gior. clin. med., 1927, 8: 353-7.—Giinther, H. Ueber die Bedeutung der Sexualdisposi- tion bei den Infektionskrankheiten. Arch. Hyg., Berl., 1925, 96: 125-66. ------ Die Bedeutung des nosologischen Sexual- dualismus bei Infektionskrankheiten. Seuchenbekampfung, 1926, 3: 1-18.—Hubert. Menstruationszyklus und Infektions- bereitschaft. Arch. Gyn., Berl., ig33-34, 156: 39 [Discussion] 46-66.—Meyer, S. Ueber geschlechtsbedingte Unterschiede im Ablauf von Infektionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1791-4.—Peller, S. Ueber Geschlechtsdisposition zu Infektionskrankheiten. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 2. Abt., 1925. 11: 460-504.—Pohlen, K. Das Geschleehtsverhaltnis bei den Erkrankungen an Kinderinfektionskrankheiten nach Alters- klassen. Reichsgesundhbl., 1936, 11: 148-50.—Schiff, F. Ueber die ungleiche numerische Beteiligung der Geschlechter an akuten Infektionskrankheiten; ein Erklarungsversuch gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Konstitutionslehre. Med. Klin.. Berl., 1924, 20: 1385-gO. ---- specific. See also proper names of infectious diseases. Ravaut, P. Syphilis, paludisme, amibiase; traitement initial et cure de blanchiment. 88o. 12? Par., 1918. Allison, V. D., Fry, R. M. [et al.] Streptococcal and pneu- mococcal infections. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 451-3.—Bell, E. T. Leprosy and glanders. In his Textb. Path., Phila., 4. ed., 1941, 221-4.—Berta, A. Relativa a las siguientes investiga- ciones bactenol6gicas: a) sobre la epidemia de gripe; b) sobre la espiroquetosis ictero-hemorragica; c) sobre la presencia del bacilo disenterico y del vibri6n de Koch. Bol. Cons, nac hig Montev., 1919, 13: 93-100.—Bronovitsky, A. I. [The problem of specificity in pathology] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 58: 130- 55.—Creighton, C. The autonomous life of specific infections. Brit. M. J., 1883, 2: 218-24.—Gardere, H. Dysenterie bacil- laire et paludisme sporadiques. Lyon med., 1924, 134: 19-21.— Harries, E. H. R. Measles and whooping-cough; prevention and treatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1942, 148: 32-7.— Kleeberg, J. Ueber die Klinik der Pappataci- und Dengue- Erkrankungen. Fol. med. int. orient., 1936, 2: 177-87.— Lengfellner, K. Die Behandlung der Tetanus- und Lyssa- mfektion mit Diathermie und Rontgenstrahlen. Fortsch. Med., 1923, 41: 121.—Levis, D. Streptococcal and staphylococcal fevers. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1941, 76: 153-62.—Mocsy, J. [Anthrax and malleus] Gy6gydszat, 1938, 78: 293-5.—Natin, L, Rin, C. da & Dussaut, S. Carbunclo y difteria. Sem. med., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt 2, 1297-302.—Nauck. E. G. Malaria and typhus fever; a comparative study of their morbid anatomy. Trop. Dis. Bull., Lond., 1942, 39: 367 (Abstr.)—Nozioni recenti sui colera, dermotifo e febbre ricorrente. Riforma med., 1923, 39: 319-21.—Ruhrah, J. Infectious diseases, including acute rheumatism, croupous pneumonia and influenza. Progr. Med., Phila., 1923, 1: 123-210.—Schroder, C. H. Spezifische Infektionen. Chirurg, 1935, 7: 455-63.—Siegl, J. Ueber spezifische Therapie und Prophylaxe bei Diphtherie und Scharlach. Wien. med. Wschr., 1933, 83: 1175-81.—Stally- brass, C. O. Scarlet fever and diphtheria; variations in inci- dence and fatality. Pub. Health, Lond., 1923-24, 37: 5-11.— Teale, F. H. The problems of specificity. Brit. Homoeop. J., 1926, 16: 46-65.—Timpano, P. Sopra alcuni casi di amebiasi, anchilostomiasi, febbre maculosa e adenite inguinale enidemica. Gior. clin. med., 1924, 5: 133-6.—Wesselhoeft, C. The treat- ment of diphtheria and scarlet fever. Med. Clin. N. America, 1941, 25: 1273-85.—Whooping cough and measles remedies. Bull. Dep. Health Kentucky, 1938-39, 11: 44-6. ---- Statistics. See also subheading Prevalence; also Com- municable disease, Statistics. Melamed, J. *Vergleichende Statistik der Infektionskrankheiten in Sudafrika fiir die Jahre 1920-25. 18p. 8? Lpz., 1928. Pommer, M. *Statistik europaischer und aussereuropaischer Infektionskrankheiten fiir die Jahre 1926-32. 44p. 8? Lpz., 1934. Sierra Leone. Medical and Sanitary Service. Bulletin of infectious diseases. Free- town, 1934- Annual medical report for the year ending 1932 [Hong Kong] J. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1935, 38: Suppl., 46-8.— Annual report of the public health commissioner with the government of India for 1932. Ind. M. Gaz., 1934, 69: 527- 9.—Annual report of the public health laboratories for the year 1931 [Egypt] J. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1934, 37: Suppl., 15.—Btigers, T. J. Ueber den Wert der von den bakteriolo- gischen Untersuchungsamtern gegebenen Statistiken. Oeff. GesundhpfL, 1920, 5: 131.—Bulletin epidemiologique: ann6e 1937 [and subsequent years] Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1938, 30: 444-73; and passim in subsequent vols.—Dale, J. Infectious diseases. Rep. Health Com. Melbourne (1940) 1941, 7.—Greenwood, M. On the statistical measure of infectiousness. J. Hyg., Lond., 1931, 31: 336-51.—Hill, H. W. A score system for determining the real relative importance of the different infectious diseases. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., 1911, 1: 7-9.—Incidence of infectious diseases, July, August and September, 1931. West Afr. M. J., 1931, 5: 18.—Infectious diseases in Australia, 1932, 1933. Health Bull., Melb., 1933, 11: g-12; 45; 1934, 12: 9-11.—Infectious diseases in Australia, 1938, 1939. Health, Canberra, 1939, 17: 99; 1940, 18: 14.— Number of cases of and deaths from infectious diseases re- ported in each country from which official reports are received. Rapp. epidem., Geneve, 1930, 9: 458-68; 1931, 10: 17; passim; ig32, 11: 22-33.—Prinzing. Aus den epidemiologischen Monatsberichten der Hygienesektion des Volkerbundes. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1993.—Quarantinable and infectious diseases. Health Bull., Melb., 1932, 10: 53.—Telegraphic information received by the Bureau of the League of Nations INFECTIOUS DISEASE 246 INFECTIOUS DISEASE at Singapore concerning pestilential diseases in Eastern ports and countries. Week. Epidem. Rec. (League of Nat.) 1942, 17: 4; 17; 27; 34; 39. ---- Statistics: America. United States. Public Health Service. The notifiable diseases; prevalence during 1930 in cities of over 100,000. 37p. 8? Wash., 1931. Batelli, C. F. The incidence of communicable diseases. Health, N. Haven, 1934, 61: 2-5.—Cholera, yellow fever, plague and smallpox; reports received from Dec. 30th, 1911, to June 28, 1912. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1912, 27: 1056-63.— Communicable diseases. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1939, 32: 190-2.— Communicable disease. Md. Surgeon, 1942, 90: 591.—Com- municable disease [Oregon] meningitis at highest level in recent years; measles up again after temporary decline with 43 cases in Jackson County. Oregon Health Bull., 1943, 21: No. 8, 2.— Del Campo, H., Canabal, J. J., & Travieso, J. E. Informaciones referentes a los cuestionarios remitidos por la Oficina Interna- cional de Higiene Publica de Paris, sobre variaciones de la fre- cuencia del tabes y paralisis general y sobre la fauna de los roedores y pardsitos cut&neos que intervienen en la propagaci6n de la peste. Bol. Cons. nac. hig., Montev., 1924, 19: 522-32 — Enfermedades de declaraci6n obligatoria en las Jefaturas Locales de Salubridad, durante el mes de Octubre de 1941. Salub. & asist. social, Habana, 1941, 44: 466-8.—Enfermedades pestilenciales. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1940, 19: 949-53; 1161; 1286; 1942, 21: 205.—Fontenelle, J. P. As doencas trans- missiveis no Rio de Janeiro em 1937 e 1938. Fol. med., Rio, 1939, 20: 232-9; 272; 279; passim.—Fortun y Foyo, J. A. M. Constituciones epidemicas reinantes en Remedios, Santa Clara, desde 1900 hasta 1937. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1938, 43: 372- 83.—Gill, D. G. Bureau of preventable diseases. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1934, 3: 289; 1936-37, 6: 215. ------ Bureau of preventable diseases; diseases reported during 1940. Ibid., 1941, 10: 282. ------ Communicable diseases in 1942 [Alabama] Ibid., 1942-43, 12: 244.—Guilford, H. M. Com- municable diseases in 1938. Bull. Bd Health Wisconsin, 1939, 6: No. 13, 10.—Infectious diseases in Louisiana. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1941-42, 94: 356; 1942, 95: 205.—Leprosy and tuberculosis. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1939, 20: No. 4, 12-4.—Measles and mumps continue high as medians for period rise; pneumonia and whooping cough decline. Oregon Health Bull., 1943, 21: No. 10, 2.—Notifiable diseases in large cities, 1926. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1927, 42: 1859-61.— Notifiable (The) diseases; prevalence during 1927 in cities of 10,000 to 100,000 population. Ibid., 1929, Suppl., No. 72, 1- 94.—Notifiable (The) diseases; prevalence during 1928 in cities of over 100,000. Ibid., Suppl., No. 76, 1-37.—Notifiable diseases in the United States; morbidity and mortality sum- maries for certain important communicable diseases, 1938 [and subsequent years] Ibid., 1940, 55: 423-9; and passim in subsequent vols.—Oliveira, W. de. Servico de saude; seccao de epidemiologia e profilaxia gerais; resumo do relat6rio de 1938. Arq. hig., S. Paulo, 1939, 4: No. 6, 169-73.—Prevalence of communicable diseases in Alabama, 1940. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1940—41, 10: 252; 465.—Prevalence of communicable diseases in the United States, 1938 [and subsequent years] Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1938, 53: 747; and passim in subsequent vols.— Review of communicable diseases in Iowa, 1939. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1940, 30: 73-6.—Riggin, I. C. Public health statistics. Virginia M. Month., 1934-35, 61: 718-20. ----— Public Health statistics of Virginia. Ibid., 1935-36, 62: 604-6; 1939, 66: 535; 1941, 68: 225.—Statistical reports; notifiable diseases reported in January and March. Illinois Health News, 1923, 9: 103-6; 168.—Summary of notifiable diseases in States during 1929. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1931, 46: 149-54.—Thibau Junior. As doencas transmisslveis no 8? distrito sanit&rio (1935-39) Rev. med. mun., Rio, 1941, 2: 321-41.— Wilson, E. B., Bennett, C. [et al.) Measles and scarlet fever in Provi- dence, R. I., 1929-34 with respect to age and size of family. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1939, 80: 357-476. ---- Statistics: Europe. Belocerkovsky, I. *Statistik der Infektions- krankheiten in Europa fiir die Jahre 1919-25 [Leipzig] 32p. 8? Riga, 1927. Domke, H. *Ueber die Infektionskrankheiten Typhus, Paratyphus, Diphtherie und Ruhr in Siid-Hannover in den Jahren 1928 bis 1933 [Gottingen] 32p. 8? Recklinghausen, 1935. Great Britain. Ministry of Health. Reports on public health and medical subjects. No. 2: Incidence of notifiable infectious diseases in each sanitary district in England and Wales during the year 1919. 57p. 8? Lond., 1920. ---- The same. No. 6: Incidence of notifiable infectious diseases in each sanitary district in England and Wales during the year 1920. 57p. 8? Lond., 1921. Gronwald, K. H. *Die Verbreitung der Infektionskrankheiten im Regierungsbezirk Konigsberg in den Jahren 1924 bis 1933. 65p. 8? Konigsb., 1936. Italy. Direzione generale della SanitA pubblica. Bolletino delle malattie infettive nei Regno. Roma, 1920; 1927. Peters, C. H. *Die Erkrankungen an Diph- therie, Scharlach, Typhus und Paratyphus, spinaler Kinderlahmung und iibertragbarer Ge- nickstarre im Stadt- und Landkreis Miinster in den Jahren 1931-34. 31p. 22cm. Minister, 1935. Raddatz, H. *Die Erkrankungen an Diph- therie, Scharlach, Typhus, Paratyphus, Ruhr und spinaler Kinderlahmung in den einzelnen Berliner Stadtteilen von 1929-35 [Berlin] 49p. 23^cm. Charlottenb., 1937. Roche, C. de. *Morbiditat der akuten Infek- tionskrankheiten in den Schulen Berns " [Bern] 44p. 24cm. Zur., 1941. Russia. Bureau d'information sanitaire pour l'etranger. Rapport mensuel sur le mouvement des malades infectieuses. Moskva, 1929-36. Bauer, R. Die Haufigkeit der in Oesterreich im JahrfUnfte 1927 bis 1931 gemeldeten Falle von Scharlach, Diphtherie, Abdominaltyphus, Paratyphus; Poliomyelitis anterior acuta. Mitt. Volksgesundhamt., 1933, 56.—[Bergen communal hospitals; epidemic department sick list of 1938] Arsber. Bergens Kom. sykehuse (1937/38) 1939, 83-9.—Epidemies (Les) en Belgique en 1909 d'apres les rapports des commissions medicales provinciales. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1910, 26: 413-22.—Dobreitzer, I. A. [Infectious diseases in Soviet Russia] Vrach. gaz., 1929, 33: 2507-15.—Epidemiological notes; infectious diseases. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 105; 1941, 1: 302.—Gale, A. H. Variations in the mortality and incidence of the common infectious diseases of chddhood over a century. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1942-43, 36: 97-104.—Hornung. Seuchenbewegung im Protektorat Bohmen und Mahren. Med Welt, 1940, 14: 722-4.—Incidence of, and mortality from, communicable diseases. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1938, 41: Suppl., 33.—Infectious diseases during 1938 [Germany] J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1740.—Infectious diseases and vital statistics [Gt Britain] Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 319; passim; 1940, 2: 71; passim; 1941, 2: 362; passim.—Infectious disease in England and Wales. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 241; passim; 1941, 1: 93; passim; 1941, 2: 56; passim; 1942, 1: 367; passim.— Infectious diseases in Switzerland. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 662.—Laruelle, L. Les epidemies en Belgique en 1910; 1911. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1912, 28: 5-12; 1913, 29: 5-14 — Lojander, W. Ueber das periodische Auftreten der Infektions- krankheiten in Helsinki 1910-34. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1935, 18: ser. A, fasc. 1, No. 7, 1-23.—Malattie (Le) infettive nei 1928. Italia san., 1929, 21: 12.—Malattie (Le) infettive in Italia. Med. sociale, Nap., 1931, 21 • No. 3,6-8.—Murray, S. Seasonal prevalence of and mortality from infectious diseases in the County of London. Med. Off., Lond., 1912, 7: 215.— Nelis. P., & Geens, J. Maladies infectieuses (1931-32) Rev. beige sc. mid., 1933, 5: 293-325; 6: 850-69.—Nyrop, E. [In- fection, mortality and nutrition; a medical statistical study] Ugeksr. la;ger, 1932, 94: 983-91.—Pirc, B. [Zarazne bolesti u Jugoslaviji od 1918-28 god] Glasnik, Beogr., 1929, 8: 245- 348.—Pohlen, K. Die Verbreitung der anzeigepflichtigen Krankheiten im Deutschen Reich im Jahre 1933. Reichs- gesundhbl., 1934, 9: 678-83.—Rapport du Service federal de I'hygiene publique sur sa gestion en 1933. Bull. Eidg. Ge- sundhamt., 1934, Beil. No. 38, 1-24.—Schlossberger, H. Die akuten Infektionskrankheiten in Danemark und Holland. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1931, 6: 201-11.—Silberschmidt, W. The acute infectious diseases in Switzerland. J. State M., Lond., 1930, 38: 109-13.—Solbrig, O. Ueber den Stand der Infek- tionskrankheiten in Preussen in den letzten 30 Jahren. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60:106-9. ------ Statistische Darstellung des Verlaufs der Infektionskrankheiten in Preussen. Veroff. Medverwalt., 1934, 43: 333-462.—Sourander, B. Ueber Scharlach und Diphtherie in Finnland und Schweden wahrend der letzten Dezennien. Acta paediat., Upps., 1941, 29: 96- 106. Also Nord. med., 1941, 12: 2929-32 (microfilm)— Suede. Statistiques sanitaires; ensemble du pays. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1935, 27: 566-8.—Tanon, L. Les maladies infectieuses en France en 1938. Medecine, Par., 1938, 19: 929-54.—Zusammenstellung der im Jahre 1941 amtlich angezeigten Falle von ansteckenden Krankheiten. Bull. Eidg. Gesundhamt., 1942, Gegen Tuberk., 42. ---- Surgical aspect. See also Accidents; Antisepsis; Asepsis; Dis- I infection; Hand, Disinfection; Wound infection, INFECTIOUS DISEASE 247 INFECTIOUS DISEASE etc.; also under names of surgical infectious dis- eases. Kahn, A. *Contribution k I'etude de la prophylaxie des accidents infectieux post-opera- toires [Strasbourg] 52p. 25cm. Colmar, 1937. Meneses Suarez, M. *Las infecciones quiriirgicas generales y locales graves tratadas por la transfusi6n de sangre [Chile] 30p. 8? Santiago, 1934. Akhutin, M. N., & Andresen, I. I. [Changes of the level of calcium, potassium and sugar in experimental surgical infec- tions] Vest, khir., 1931, 24: 90-4.—Barnes, W. H. Virulent surgical, infections. California West. M., 1926, 24: 349-54.__ Bazy, L. Serotherapy and vaccinotherapy in surgical infections Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1923, 37: 320-41.—Black, C. E. Relation of surgery to primary and secondary infections. Illinois M J 1931, 60: 418-23.—Brocq, P.. & Duchon. L. Des applications des lvsats vaccins dans la therapeutique des infections chi- rurgicales. Prat. med. fr., 1931, 12: 188-206.—Cabot. H. A neglected factor in surgical infections; the doctrine of the prepared soil. Trained Nurse, 1926, 76: 378-82.—Carscadden, W. G. Principles of treatment of acute infections of soft tissues, boils, carbuncles, cellulitis, and lymphangitis Bull Acad. M. Toronto, 1936, 9: No. 5, 111-8.—Carsky. K.' [Locai treatment of surgical infections] Bratisl. lek. listy., 1931, 11: 517-43.—Delbet. A luta contra as infecc5es em cirurgia Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1926, 24: 116.—Diamant-Berger. A propos des traitements actuels des infections dites chirurgicales Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1936, 28: 521.—Ellingson, B. Infection control in the surgery. Mod. Hosp., 1941, 57: No. 4, 83.__ Gannon, J. A. Treatment of some surgical infections' Vir- ginia M. Month., 1930, 57: 455-8.—Gius, J. A. Zinc peroxide in treatment of surgical infections. Northwest M., 1940, 39: 354—8.—Gohrbandt, E. Chemotherapie in der Chirurgie' Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1940) 1941, 71: No. 7, 1-3.—Golden- berger. H. A. The treatment of surgical infections with solu- tions of a new chlorine compound of low potential. West J Surg., 1936. 44: 105-16.—Guzman, F. C, & Garcia, E. Sul- fathiazole in the treatment of surgical infections and complica- tions. J. Philippine M. Ass., 1941, 21: 563-77.—Inyecciones intravenosas de hexaformina en las infecciones quiriirgicas Cr6n. med. mex., 1927, 26: 231.—Jett, F. H. Operative in- fection. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1936, 29: 517-20.—Kirschner. Die Chemotherapie chirurgischen Infektionskrankheiten Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 282 (Abstr.)—Koch, S. L. Felons, acute lymphangitis and tendon sheath infections; differential diagnosis and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 1171-3. ------ The prevention and control of surgical infections in a general hospital. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1942. 43: 1-6.—Kosdoba, A. S„ & Kupermann, T. M. Anwendung von Brillant- und Malachitgriln bei der Bekampfung chirurgischer Infektion. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931, 152: 250-9.—Kostlivf. S. Die Be- handlung der chirurgischen Lokal- und Allgemeininfektion. Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 1263-70.—Lamonica. C. Su un importante caso d'infezione post-operatoria guarita con il siero antistreptococcico. Riv. ostet. gin., 1926, 8: 337.— Lang, A. Die Pathologie und Therapie der schweren akuten chirurgischen Infektionskrankheiten. Erg. Chir. Orthop 1922, 15: 718-806.—Larget. M., Lamare, J. P., & Moreau, E. Considerations sur l'emploi de quelques precedes biologiques dans les infections chirurgicales. Bull, med., Par., 1929, 43: 1079-81.—Lecfene. P., & Moulonguet, P. Infection en general. In Precis path, chir., 6. M., 1937, 1: 1-46. ------ Les principaux types de lesions infectieuses chirurgicales. Ibid., 47-94. ------ Infections en particulier. Ibid., 95-156.— Lewis, D. Infections from a surgical viewpoint. Tr. Med. Chir. Fac. Maryland, 1924, 126: 11-27.—Lockwood. J. S. Sulfanilamide in surgical infections; its possibilities and limita- tions. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: ligO-5.—Lortat-Jacob. J. L. A prop6sito de la hipersensibilidad a la infecci6n en cirugfa. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1941, 46: 169-86.—Lyons, C. Im- munological aspects of surgical infections. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1942, 22: 501-13.—Magazanik. G. L., & Sinitsky, A. A. [Effect of factors of physical therapy on surgical infec- tion; prophylactic effect of ultra-violet irradiation in infected cutaneous wounds in rabbits] Vest, khir., 1938, 55: 537-41.— Mason, J. B. The prophylaxis and treatment of surgical infec- tions. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1939. 19: 1375-400.—Mason, M. L. Aseptic and antiseptic measures as they affect the inci- dence of infections in surgery. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1939, 69: Suppl., 112-4. ------ Control of postoperative infections. Hospitals, 1940, 14: No. 3, 51-4.—Mauclaire. Infections chirurgicales et sulfamidotherapie. Bull, med., Par., 1940, 54: 155-8.—Meleney, F. L. The historical aspects of surgical infections. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1940) 1941, 50: 16.5-99. ------Zinc peroxide in surgical infections. Am. J. Nurs., 1941, 41: 645-g. ------ & Johnson, B. The prophylactic and active treatment of surgical infections with zinc peroxide. Surg. Gyn. Obst., ig37, 64: 387-92.—Meleney, F. L., & Lockwood, J. S. The chemotherapy of surgical infections. Surg. CUn. N. America, 1942, 22: 479-99 — Mornard. P. Les vaccinations preventives des complications septiques des operations chirurgicales. Progr. med., Par., 1926,41: g4; 9g.— Paoli, E. de. Des resultats du traitement preventif des infec- tions chirurgicales par des injections sous-cutanees de nucieinate de soude. P. verb. Ass. fr. chir., 1910, 23: 745-53.—Raiga, A. Les traitements actuels des infections dites chirurgicales: etude Jn-7P™';ess'J? de la guerison. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, ig36. 28: nl, t'^' 51" R- Infections in surgery. Surg. Gyn. Obst 1939, 69: Suppl.. 107-9.-Rubashev! S. M. [Surgery °J, }™ect™a diseases] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 11, M-70— Schiassi, B. The vitalistic method in the treatment ot certain surgical infections. Ann. Surg., 1926, 84: 305-16 — r-ilngierVEV * EdeI> H. Ueber postoperative Infektionen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928. 211: 301-17.—Supt.'s (The) role in io £t o postoperative infections. Hosp. Topics, 1941, 19: No. 3, 16.—Trueta. J. Concept of surgical infection in the light of modern experience; its practical application. S. Mary Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1942, 48: 21.—Valerio, A. Graves infecc5es "jugicas e vaccinotherapia intravenosa. Fol. med., Rio, 1934, :• 176-—"Vogeler, K. Brennbehandlung chirurgischer Infek- tionen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1252 (Abstr.) (microfilm)— Wangensteen, O. H. The surgeon's role in the treatment of infection Wisconsin M. J., 1938, 37: 629-36.—Wilensky, A. O. The local prophylactic use of chemotherapy, sulfanilamide, after intraabdominal operations against the development of postoperative infection. Med. Rec, N. V., 1942, 155: 61-4. ---- Therapeutic use. See under such headings as Fever therapy; General paralysis, Treatment: Malariotherapy, etc. Treatment. See also Communicable disease, contagious: Treatment; Communicable disease, Treatment. Bieling, R. Entstehung und biologische Bekampfung typischer Infektionskrankheiten; Vorlesungen auf Grund der Ergebnisse experi- menteller Untersuchungen. 1. Folge. 119p. 8? Lpz., 1937. Busson, B. Prophylaxe und Therapie der Infektionskrankheiten und Idiosynkrasien mit spezifischen und unspezifischen Mitteln. 237p. 8? Wien, 1932. Dufotjrt, A. Traitement des maladies in- fectieuses, intoxications; vaccins et serums. 404p. 18? Par., 1926. Rieux, J., & Zoeller, C. Traitement des maladies infectieuses en clientele. 248p. sm. 4? Par., 1926. Venzmer, G. Kampf den Bazillen; gegen Bakterien, Seuchen und ansteckende Krank- heiten. 224p. 8? Munch., 1936. Banks, H. S. The treatment of infective fevers. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1942, 149: 292-300.—Benson, W. T. Infectious diseases. In Textb. M. Treat. (Dunlop, D. M.) 2. ed., Edinb., 1942, 1-77.—Berquist, A. O. [Twenty-five year experience with epidemic diseases, treated in the hospital for infectious diseases in Soderkopning] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1097-105.— Bie, V. [Specific and nonspecific treatment of infectious dis- eases] Ugeskr. laeger, 1927, 89: 930-5.—Carey, B. W. Treat- ment of specific infections. In Advance. Pediat., N. Y., 1942, 1: 111-4.—Catel, W. Die Infektionskrankheiten. In his Pflege gesund. & krank. Kind., Lpz., 1939, 415-48.—Control of the common fevers. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 787.—Escomel, E. La terapeutica contra las microbiosis agudas febriles. Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1936-37, 22: 731-43. Also Rev. med, veracruz., 1937, 17: 2364; 2381; 2389.—Fonso Gandolfo, C. Tratamiento general de las enfermedades infecciosas. Dfa med., B. Air., 1941, 13: 218-20.—Fontenelle, O. Therapeutica clinica das doengas infecciosas. Fol. med., Rio, 1935, 16: 371-4; 461.—Gundel, M. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der spezi- fischen Prophvlaxe und Therapie bakterieller Infektionen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1940, 53: 1002-5.—Gunn, W. Recent advances in the treatment of acute infectious diseases. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1934, 133: 380-400. —— Acute infectious diseases. Ibid., 1936, 137: 513-30; 1938, 141: 395.—Hegler, C. Praktikum der wichtigsten Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 58; passim.—Horder, T. The present position of treatment in infective diseases. West London M. J., 1932, 37: 145.—Ide, M. Therapeutique antiinfectieuse. Rev. med. Louvain, 1933, 269-71.—Imaz. I. Terapeutica antiinfecciosa. Dfa med., B. Air., 1932-33, 5: 757.—Jurgens. Behandlung und Bekampfung der Infektionskrankheiten. Ther. Gegenwart, 1923, 64: 41; 87.—Llorca Perez, D. Sobre el tratamiento y cura- ci6n de las enfermedades infecciosas. Siglo med., 1931, 87: 277.—Meyer, F. Moderne Infektionsbehandlung; kritischer Ueberblick. Jahrkurs arztl. Fortbild., 1926, 17: H. 10, 28-47. & Nassau, E. Die Behandlung der Infektionskrank- heiten. Ther. Gegenwart, 1926, 67: 505; 1927, 68: 30; 75.— Mukherji, S. K. Treatment of infectious fevers. Ind. M. Rec, ig34, 54: 25-32.—Nardi Batassi, D. Terapeutica delle malattie infettive nelle sue linee generali odierne. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1925, 4: 103-5.—Nicolle, M., & Cesari, E. La therapeuti- que des maladies infectieuses (vue generale) Ann. Inst. Pasteur, INFECTIOUS DISEASE 248 INFECTIOUS DISEASE Par., 1924, 38: 759-74.—Paullin, J. E., Minnich, W. R. [et al.] The infectious diseases. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr. D. P.) Bait., 1940, 2: 1203-983.—Reimann, H. A. Infectious diseases; progress in internal medicine. Arch. Int. M.. 1939, 64: 362- 405------Treatment of infectious diseases. In His Treat. Gen. Med., Phila., 1941, Progr. Vol., 1-47.------Treatment of the bacillary diseases. In Treat. Gen. Med., 2. ed., Phila., 1941. 1: 100-30.—Saltzstein, H. C. Treatment of minor infections; in the dispensary and office. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 21: 358-67.—Sarmento, A. Therapeutica geral da infeccao. Porto med., 1904, 1: 210.—Savy, P. Traitement des maladies infectieuses et des intoxications. In his Ther. clin., Par., 1936, 3: 2402-674.—Shiller, I. G. [Compulsory antagonism in application of treatment of infectious diseases] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 349-52.—Siegl, J. Spezifische Prophylaxe und Therapie der akuten Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 1192; passim—Simey, A. I. The management of infectious diseases in boarding-schools. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: 1057-9.—Slobozianu, H. [The treat- ment of infectious diseases] Romania med., 1928, 6: 88-90.— Staehelin, R. Allgemeine Therapie der Infektionskrankheiten. InLehrb.inn. Med., 3. Aufl., Berl., 1936, 1: 166-78; 4. Aufl., 1939, 1: 170-82.—Susman, W. A contribution to the therapy of acute infections. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1926-27, 8: 457-65.— Swanwick, E. M. Treatment of infectious disease. Med. Times, Lond., 1926, 54: 182-4.—Toomey, J. A. Management of some acute contagious diseases and their complications. J. Med., Cincin., 1939-40, 20: 193-5.—Vaiciulis, P. [Treatment of infectious diseases in rural districts] Medicina, Kaunas, 1939, 20: 579.—Wicht, J. F. Infectious disease in general practice. S. Afr. M. J., 1933, 7: 103-8.—Woolpert, O. C. Current treatment of communicable diseases. Proc. Post- colleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1937, 4: 5-8 — Worms, R. La therapeutique des maladies infectieuses en 1934. Bull. gen. ther., 1934, 185: 381-6.—Wright, A. E. Traitement des infections bacteriennes. J. sc. med. Lille, 1925, 43: pt 2, 45-7. ---- Treatment: Biological products. See also Antivirus; Bacteriophage; Bacte- riophagy, etc. Faoard, H. E. E. Contribution k l'6tude de la therapeutique des maladies infectieuses par les injections intraveineuses de granules solubles [Paris] 56p. 8? Villejuif, 1936. Schiever, L. *Les extraits leucocytaires dans le traitement des maladies infectieuses aigues. 74p. 8? Par., 1928. Spicer & Company. The endotoxic infections and their control with Edwenil. 109p. 8? Glendale, Calif., 1934. Also 7. ed. 141p. 1935. Agrelo, R. Resumen del uso de los extractos placentarios en las enfermedades infecto-contagiosas y su bibliograffa. Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1936-37, 22: 1204-12.—Baccarani, U. Intorno alia cura delle malattie infettive con 1'opoterapia surrenale. Rass. clin. ter., 1924, 23: 191-5— Bayle, J. C. Le traitement des maladies infectieuses par l'opotherapie des organes de defense. Rev. g6n. clin. ther., 1933, 47: 406. -----— Le traitement des maladies infectieuses aigues par l'opotherapie des organes de defense. Bull. Soc. med. Paris, 1934, 642-5.— Boyce, F. F., Lampert, R., & McFetridge, E. M. Bacteriophagy in the treatment of infections of the superficial and deep tissues, with a report of 200 cases. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1933, 86: 158-65.—Cruchet, R. Traitement du tetanos, de la diphterie et des maladies neurotropes par la methode phylactique. Bull. Acad, med.. Par., 1931, 3. ser., 105: 208-16.—De Candia, S., & Frola, E. Ricerche sperimentali sull'azione deH'ormone corticale nelle infezioni acute. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. prat., 83-5.—Felsenfeld, O. L'application des globulines de placenta k quelques maladies infectieuses des enfants. Arch. med. enf., 1938, 41: 30-3.—Gagyi, J. Die Hormon-Vitaminbehandlung bei schweren Formen von Infektionskrankheiten. Acta paediat., Upps., 1938, 22: 454-6.—Gret, L. G. El concepto y el trata- miento del bloqueo biol6gico en las infecciones agudas. An. Fac. cienc. med. La Plata, 1937, 2: 117-25.—Hartzell, T. B., & Larson, W. P. Further observations on the detoxification of bacterial toxins. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1926, 13: 1147-50.— Herbrand, W. Die biologische Therapie des Infekts. Fortsch. Ther., 1937, 13: 655-8. ------ Weiterer Beitrag zur experi- mentellen Begriindung der Infekt-Therapie mit Nebennieren- rindenhormon und Askorbinsaure. Internat. med. W. Schweiz (1937) 1938, 3. Congr., 155-9—Kazeeff, W. N. Le bacteri- ophage: applications, therapeutiques et prophylactiques dans les maladies infectieuses. Nature, Par., 1937, 65: pt 1, 454-7.— Lauber, H. J. Hormonwirkung bei akuten Infektionen. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931-32, 154: 613-34.—Lepinay, L. Considerations sur l'emploi de lymphe dans le traitement des maladies in- fectieuses. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1925, 25: 614.—Lesne, E. Existe-t-il une vitaminotherapie des maladies infectieuses? Medecine, Par., 1939, 20: 614-26.—Peragallo, I., & Scuti, R. Sull'azione combinata dell'ormone sessuale maschile e della vitamina E come stimolante i processi di difesa dell'organismo, negli stati infettivi. Policlinico, 1937, 44: sez. med., 639-4.— Piermattei, G. Nuovo contributo clinico alia cura delle malattie infettive acute col limo-mielrinaf.o di sodio. Rass. chn. ter., 1933, 32: 434-43.- Rcitk-r. R. Zum Ausbau der unspezifischen Therapie akuter Infektionskrankheiten mit Schilddrilsen- substanz. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 1054-6.—Rice, T. B. Infections treated with bacteriophage :uid antivirus filtrates. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1928, 21: 93-7. -Srhi.ler. 11. C. The use of insulin in infections. Clin. M. & S., 1938, 45: 476-9.— Trombetta, C. Osservazioni cliniche sulla cura delle malattie infettive acute con la leucoplasi Serono. Rass. clin. ter., 1933, 32: 105-14. ---- Treatment: Chemotherapy. See also Chemotherapy; Disinfectant; also names of chemical substances as Acridine dyes; Arsenicals; Azo-compounds; Sulfanilamide, etc. Baumeister, G. *Zur Chemoterapie der Pneumokokken- und Streptokokkeninfektion [Frankfurt] 23p. 20Kcm. Gelnhausen, 1938. Breuille, G. *La therapeutique antiseptique dans les maladies infectieuses. 59p. 8? P:ir., 1926. Brinkmeier [K. H.l M. *Die Verwendung des Trypafiavin in der Behandlung infektioser Prozesse. 83p. 8? Bonn, 1931. Kopel, I. M. *Traitement des infections superficielles des membres par les bains de chlorhydrate de diamino-methylacridine. 40p. 8? Par., 1937. Barker, L. F. The chemotherapy of infectious diseases. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1940, 33: No. 2, 6-11.— Barnett, H. L. Choice and dosage of chemotherapeutic agents for bacterial infections. Illinois M. J., 1941, 79: 70-3.—Barsky, A. S. [Chemotherapy of bacterial infections] Vrach. delo, 1941, 23: 215-22.—Bell, L. G. Chemotherapy in bacterial infections. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1938, 18: 23-6.—Beumer, H. Zur Chemotherapie der Pneumonien und Meningokokkenmeningitis Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 36: 646-8.—Bigger. J. W., & Browning, C. H. Antiseptics in control of bacterial infections. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 318.—Borghi, B. A quimioterapia das infeccoes bacterianas. Resenha clin. cient., S. Paulo, 1941, 10: 95; passim.—Bo vet, D. Recherches experimentales dans le domaine de la chimiotherapie des infections bacteriennes. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 288.—Browning, C. H. The value of antiseptics in the control of bacterial infections. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 579-83.—C, J. La chimiotherapie des infections microbiennes. Arch. med. enf., 1939. 42: 383-9.—Carlson, H. E. Chemotherapy of bacterial infections. Kansas City M. J., 1939, 15: 12-6.—Catalanotti, V. La chemioterapia antibat- terica. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1938, 19: 204-11.—Chemo- therapy in bacterial infections. Ind. M. Gaz., 1937, 72: 487 — Chemotherapy (The) of infectious diseases; some new synthetic remedies. Pharm. J., Lond., 1935, 4. ser., 81: 385.—Chemo- therapy in infectious diseases and other infections; S. G. 0. Circular Letter No. 81, December 5, 1940. Army M. Bull., 1941, 56: 34-48.—-Chemotherapy for infectious diseases and other infections; circular letter No. 81. War Med., Chic, 1941, 1: 55-65.—Chemotherapy in infectious diseases and other infections [circular letter, S. G. O.] Ibid., 1942, 2: 466-81.— Chemotherapy in infectious diseases and other infections [circular letter, correction to paragraph 15a (2) (g) S. G. 0.] Ibid., 647.—Chemotherapy in streptococcal and other infec- tions. Annual Rep. Chief M. Off. Min. Health, Lond. (1936) 1937, 178-82.—Churchman, J. W. Aniline dves in the treat- ment of infections. Clin. Med., 1926, 33: 153-8.—Collier, W. A. Neuere Ergebnisse der Chemotherapie bei Spirochiitosen, Trypanosomen und Malaria. Zbl. Hyg., 1931-32, 26: 705-28. ------ Ueber Indexwerte bei der Chemotherapie bakterieller Infektionen. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1936, 87: 86-94.—Debayle, L. H. La saturaci6n antiseptica, especialmente por la via epidermico-endermica, y sus aplicaciones en terapeutica a las enfermedades infecciosas. Mem. Congr. med. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 1: 267-346.—Diveley, R. L., & Harrington, P. R. Chemotherapy in infections of the bones and soft tissues. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1868-70.—Domagk, G. Ein Beitra? zur Chemotherapie der bakteriellen Infektionen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 250-3. ------ Der derzeitige Stand der Chemotherapie der bakteriellen Infektionen. Zsehr. klin. Med.. 1939, 136: 167-99. ——— Quimioterapia de las infecciones bacterianas. Actual, med., Granada, 1940, 16: 607-15.— Domarus, A. von. Chemotherapie der bakteriellen Infektionen. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 190-2 (microfilm) ------ Die Chemotherapie infektioser Krankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 197-202.—Dudgeon, L. S. The treatment of acute bacterial infections with intravenous injections of perchloride of mercury and mercurochrome. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 1: 169-72.—Esposito, A. Contributo alia chemioterapia delle malattie infettive. Minerva med., Tor., 1934, 25: pt 1, 62.5-7.— F., V. Progresos de la quimioterapia antibact6rica. Rev. sudnmer. endocr., B. Air., 1939, 22: 546-51.—Fleischmann, R. [Specific and non-snecific treatment of infections with Detoxin and Auro-Detoxinl Bratisl. lek. listy, 1937, 17: Suppl., 97- 103.—Flippin, H. F. Chemotherapy of acute infections. Med Clin. N. America, 1941, 25: 1799-812.—Folkmar, E. C. Use ol anilin dyes in infections. Clin. Med., 1925, 32: 285-90.— INFECTIOUS DISEASE 249 INFECTIOUS DISEASE Fourneau, E. L'evolution de la chimiotherapie antibacterienne. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1938, 61: 799-811.—Frank [Chemo- therapy of bacterial infections] Bull. Soc. turque med., 1941, 7: 32-56.—Fredet. Les injections intra-arterielles de mercuro- chrome dans le traitement des infections des membres. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1935, 44: 1174-8.—Fusco, G. Tentativi di chemioterapia per via cutanea nella tripanosomiasis speri- mentale, nella febbre recorrente e nella sifilide. Riforma med., 1924, 40: 29.—Gabel, U. O., & Grinberg, F. L. [New methods of chemotherapy in bacterial diseases] Vrach. delo, 1939, 21: 6-10.—Garrod, L. P. The chemotherapy of bacterial infections. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 1125; 1178. Also Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 779.—Gaucher, L. La chimiotherapie anti-infectieuse par impregnation, un antiseptique a deux elements en synergie. Bruxelles med., 1937-38, 18: 746.—Gsell, O. Quimioterapia das doencas infecciosas com o Cibazol. Actas Ciba, Rio, 1941, 8: 216.—Halbersztadt, J. [Modern chemotherapy of bacterial diseases] Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 483; 508; 534; 558; 579 — Harkness, A. H. Drug-fast bacteria. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 296.—Hartmann, A. F. Chemotherapy of acute infections. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1941, 19: 686.—Heubner, W. Chemo- therapie von Infektionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 265; 289 (microfilm)------ & Domarus. Die chemische Behandlung infektioser Erkrankungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 117 [Discussion] 150-2 (microfilm)—Heubner, W., Domains, von [et al.] Ueber die chemische Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten. Med. Welt, 1940, 14: 541-3.— Hilgermann, R. Die Chemotherapie der bakteriellen Infek- tionen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 167-9.—Hlasko, F. [Chemotherapy of infections occurring in surgery, gynecology and obstetrics] Med. prakt., Poznan, 1938, 12: 253-64.— Hoerlein, H. The development of chemotherapy for bacterial diseases. Practitioner, Lond., 1937, 139: 635-49.—Jacobs, W. A. Certain aspects of the chemotherapy of protozoan and bacterial infections. Medicine, Bait., 1924, 2: 165-93.— Jong, K. de [Chemotherapy in bacterial infections] Geneesk. gids, 1937, 16: 1442-5.—Keefer, C. S. The present status of chemotherapv in the treatment of infections. Abstr. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. M. Dir. America, 1940, 27: 85-124. Also Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1940) 1941, 52-5. ------ Chemotherapy in infectious diseases. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1942, 41: 305-11.—Kilduffe, R. A. Concerning the dye therapy of acute infections. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1928, 25: 13-6.—Kleinschmidt, H. A chimiotherapia nas infeccoes bactericas da infancia. Med. germ., Rio, 1940, 9: 365-70.— Leake, C. Chemotherapy of bacterial diseases. Pacific Coast M., 1940, 7: No. 2, 14—7.—Lemierre, A. Notes sur l'emploi de la trypaflavine dans le traitement des infections graves. Paris med., 1925, 57: 471-6.—Levaditi, C. La chimiotherapie des infections microbiennes; son mecanisme d'action. Schweiz. Zsehr. allg. Path. Bakt., 1938, 1: 365-406. ■-----• Reflexions sur le passe, le present et l'avenir de la chimiotherapie des maladies microbiennes. Presse med., 1938, 46: 572—5. ------ & Vaisman, A. La chimiotherapie antiendotoxique et son mecanisme. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 128: 463-5.—Lipkin, I. J. The chemotherapy of acute bacterial infections. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1941, 61: 197-202.—Long, P. H. Chemotherapy of certain bacterial diseases. Am. J. Nurs., 1937, 37: 945-50. ------ Clinical bacterial chemotherapy; results obtained and dangers encountered. Diplomate, 1940, 12: 283-5.—Lukan- tzever, L. S. [Chemotherapy of infectious diseases and accom- panying manifestations] Radianska med., 1940, 5: No. 10. 83-6.—Marshall, E. K., jr. The present status and problems of bacterial chemotherapy. J. Bact., Bait., 1940, 39: 25. Also Science, 1940, 91: 345-50. ------ Experimental basis of chemotherapy in the treatment of bacterial infections. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1940, 16:723-31.------Bacterial chemo- therapy. Annual Rev. Physiol., 1941, 3: 643-70.—Martin, A. R. The chemotherapy of bacterial infections. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1941, 53: 729.—Melnotte, P., & Thomas, M. La chimiotherapie antibacterienne. Rev. med. Nancy, 1939, 67: 507-30.— Mietzsch, F. Zur Chemotherapie der bakteriellen Infektions- krankheiten. Ber. Deut. chem. Ges., 1938, 71: Abt. A, 15- 28.—Miller, J. K. Laboratory service in the control of the chemotherapy of infection. Annual Rep. N. York State Dep. Health, 1941, 47.—Mingoja, Q. Quimioterapia antibacteriana; relatorio semestral [1939-41] Arq. biol., S. Paulo, 1940, 24: 49-64; 1941, 25: 77-91; 275-89.—Moshkovsky, S. D., & Stoianova, A. V. [Relation of the chemotherapeutic effect to the course of infection; relation of the efficacy of chemothera- peutic intervention to the duration of the preceding period of correlation of macro- and microorganisms] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 9: 280-3. Also Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS, 1940, 9: 349-52.—Nitti, F., Bovet, D., & Trefouel, J. Etude experi- mental de quelques derives nouveaux sur les streptocoques et les pneumocoques. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1938, 61: 811.— Oesterlin, M. Zur Chemotherapie der Infektionskrankheiten. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 1682-4. Also Zsehr. Hyg., 1936, 118: 263-306.—Olbrycht, J. [On certain infectious diseases and chemotherapy] Polska gaz. lek., 1939, 18: 332.—Opitz, H. Die chemische Behandlung infektioser Erkrankungen in der Kinderheilkunde. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 205^8.— Orestano, G. Mezzi chemioterapici antibatterici. Med. ital., ig39, 20: 165-85.—Osgood, E. E., Brownlee, I. E. [et aU The comparative effectiveness of arsenical compounds and sulfonamide drugs against bacterial infections. J. Clin. Invest., ig42, 21: 640.—Peters, B. A., Woodman, D., & Lewis, F. J. W. Chemotherapy in fever hospital practice. Med. Off., Lond., ig39, 62: 55-7.—Quimioterapia (La) en el tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas e infecciones en general. Rev. med. Chile, 1941, 69: 395-400.—R. Quimioterapia de las infecciones agudas. Dia med., B. Air., 1942, 14: 392-4.— Ravdin, I. S. The role of chemotherapy in the prevention and control of spreading infections. West Virginia M. J., 1941, 37: 549-56.— Rogers, J. A. Chemotherapy in infectious diseases and other infections. Army M. Bull., 1942, No. 61, 36-9.—Schlossberger, H. Chemotherapie der Infektionskrankheiten. In Spec. Path. Ther. inn. Krankh. (Kraus, F., & Brugsch, T.) Berl., 1927, 11: 743-866. ------ [General principles of chemotherapy in infectious diseases] Orv. hetil., 1938, 82: 281-5. ------ Nocoes gerais sobre a quimioterapeutica das enfermidades infecciosas. Hora med., Rio, 1939, No. 19, 45; 1940, No. 23, 49. ------ Entwicklung, Wesen und Moglichkeiten der Chemotherapie bakterieller Infektionen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1939, 144: Beih., 196-206 [Discussion] 233-5—Schniicke, R. Advances in chemotherapy and particularly the chemotherapy of bacterial infections. Vet. Bull., Lond., 1941, 11: 798.— Schulemann, W. Zur Bedeutung der Farbstoffe fur die experi- mentelle Therapie von Infektionskrankheiten. Kolloid Zsehr., 1938, 85: 219-22—Sindbjerg-Hansen, V. Anwendung von Mucin-Infektionen bei chemotherapeutischen Untersuchungen; Versuche mit Meningokokken, B. coli, B. typhi und B. para- dysenteriae. Acta path, microb. scand., 1942, 19: 165-72 (microfilm)—Siqueira, A. L. de. Chimiotherapie a infeccao. Brasil med., 1940, 54: 409.—Smith, F. Bacteriolosic asnects of chemotherapy. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1942, 35: 991.—Steeger, A., Santibanez, C. [et al.] Experiencia clinica sobre ciertos agentes quimioter&picos en algunas enfermedades infecciosas de la infancia. Rev. chilena pediat., 1942, 13: 139-66.—Stuken, B. D. [New achievements in chemotherapy of infections] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 588-92.—Tecoz, R. M. De quelques agents anti-infectieux nouveaux. Praxis, Bern, 1937, 26: 285- 9. ------ La chimiotherapie des infections bacteriennes. Ibid., 1939, 28: 59-62.—Thompson, A. R. Chemotherapy and acute specific fevers. Practitioner, Lond., 1940, 144: 52-9. ------& Greenfield, C. R. M. Chemotherapy in measles and whooping-cough; prophylaxis and treatment of complications. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 991-4.—Urbino, G. Le traitement chimiotheraoique de la tuberculose etde la l£pre. Presse med., 1925, 23: 1332-4.—Walker, E. L., Sweeney, M. A., & Freed- lander, B. L. Chemotherapy of bacterial infections; the specific relation between chemical constitution and kind of bacterial infection. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1931, 42: 17-25.—Weber. G., & Kemkes, B. Zur Chemotherapie nach Hilgermann. Zsehr. p;es. exp. Med., 1939, 105: 23-8.—Wegner, E. S. Chemotherapy in the acute communicable diseases. Nebraska M. J., 1942, 27: 47-50.—Whitby, L. Chemotherapv of bacterial infections. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 1095-103.—Young, H. H. Intravenous chemical sterilization of local and general infections. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. (1925) 1926, 38: 373-413. ------ The sterilization of local and general infections; experimental and clinical evi- dence of results obtained bv intravenous injection of mercuro- chrome-220 soluble. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 1366-73. ---- Treatment: Diet and vitamins. See also Infection, Susceptibility. Gerlach, E. *Experimentelle Studien iiber die Einwirkung von Diat auf den Heilungs- verlauf von kiinstlich gesetzten Infektionen. 31 p. 8? Rostock, 1931. Gtjede, M. *L'alimentation des nourrissons au cours des infections. 96p. 8? Par., 1932. Hatjch, F. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der dia- tetischen Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten und anderes im 17. und 18. jahrhundert. 33p. 8? Erlangen, 1930. Stern, J. *Die hippocratische Diatetik bei akuten Infektionskrankheiten [Erlangen] 18p. 8? Diisseld., 1934. Beretervide, E. A. La dietetica en los procesos agudos infecciosos de la primera infancia. Actas Congr. nac. med., B. Air. (1931) 1932, 4. Congr., 4: 254-62. Also Prensa med. argent., 1931-32, 18: 846-51— Cowell, S. J., Chick, H. let al.] Discussion on nutrition and its effects on infectious disease. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1936-37, 30: 1039-52.—Dennig, H., & Breitzke, L. Ueber instinktmassige Ernahrung bei akut fieberhaften Erkrankungen. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1939, 10: 31-3.—Doxiades, L. Diatetische Therapie akuter und chro- nischer Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1938, 35: 193-6.—F., C. L'alimentation dans les maladies infectieuses aigues. J. prat., Par., 1938, 52: Suppl., 2014-7.—Finkelstein, H. Ueber diatetische Nahrbodenande- rung in der Therapie infektioser Erkrankungen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 439.—Flamini, M. Le vitamine liposolubili (A+D) nella cura delle malattie infettive dell'infanzia. Pedia- tria (Riv.) 1931, 39: 1282-97.—Friedrich, K. Versuche einer diatetischen Umstimmung bei Infektionskranken. Munch. med. Wschr., ig32, 79: 866-8—Groer, F. von. Ernahrungs- versuche bei infektionskranken Kindern; uber die Durch- fiihrung quantitativer Ernahrungstherapie der akuten. Infek- tionskrankheiten. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1919, 23: 125-220.— Kapferer, R. Nahrungsentziehung als Therapie bei akuten fieberhaften Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Hippo- krates, Stuttg., 1938, 9: 45-8.—Kutschera-Aichbergen, H. INFECTIOUS DISEASE Diatetik bei Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1939, 52: 103:i-6.—Lauber, H. J. Die Beeinflussung akuter Infek- tionen durch Vitamine. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1933, 158: 633-7.— Lesn6, E. Existe-t-il une vitaminotherapie des maladies in- fectieuses? Bull. gen. ther., 1935, 186: 303-12.—Liebau, G., & Schneller. Fastenstosse bei Scharlach- und Diphtheriekompli- kationen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 1227-9.—Mas, P., & Bert, J. M. L'alimentation dans les maladies infectieuses aigu6s. Montpelhermed., 1938,3,ser., 14: 177-91.—Medvedev, A. M. [Calcium in the food rations of patients in the Moskva Clinical Scientific Experimental Institute for Infectious Dis- eases] Sovet. vrach. J., 1938, 42: 369-76.—Menshikov, V. K. [Alimentation of children in cases of acute infections] Tr. Vsessouz. sezda detsk. vrach, (1927) 1929, 4: 133-41.—Meyer, L. Ueber die Fieberdiat bei Kindern (Infektnahrung) Miinch. med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1057.—Pemberton, H. S. Adequate feeding in acute infections and similar conditions. Practitioner, Lond., 1935, 135: 348-51.—Razetti. La leche en la dietetica de las enfermedades infecciosas. Gac med. Caracas, 1924, 31: 257.—Schall, H. Die Diatetik bei Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1512-4.—Schwarz, L. Der Einfluss der Ernahrung auf die Zellreaktionen bei Infektionen der weissen Maus (experimenteller Beitrag zur Pvuriefrage) Virchows Arch., 1927, 266: 151-84.—Schwarzenberg, L. J. De las infecciones agudas en el lactante y en el pre-escolar; la deshidrataci6n celular interna v la dieta hiperazucarada. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1927, 3. ser., 21: 554; 631.— Schwenkenbecher, A. Diatbehandlung bei chronischen Infektionskrankheiten. Balneologe, 1935, 2: 111-7.—Sporl, H. J., & Pongratz, R. Ueber den Einfluss des Vitamins C auf infektiose Leukocytosen. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1639-41.— Szirmai, F. [Vitamin C treatment in acute, infectious diseases] Orv. hetil., 1939, 83: 961.—Terapia (La) vitaminica nei tratta- mento delle malattie infettive. Terapia, Milano, 1937, 27: 110-2.—Topley, W. W. C, Greenwood, M., & Wilson, J. The effect of diet in epidemic infecions in mice. J. Path. Bact., Edinb., 1931, 34: 163-76.—Zambrano, E. Regimi alimentari nelle malattie infettive del bambino. Pediatria (Riv.) 1937, 45: 940-50. ---- Treatment: Drugs. Armitage, G., Gordon, J. [et al.] The use of a new quinoline derivative in the treatment of infection. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 2: 908-71.—Bogart, L. M. Urea: its use in infections. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1937, 36: 285-7.—Bornhaupt, N. von. Erfahrungen mit Phlogetan bei der Behandlung akuter In- fektionen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1923, 36: 851.—Brinkmann, J. Die Hexal-(Neohexal-) Wirkung bei Infektionskrankheiten. Munch, med. Wschr., 1924, 71: 298-300.—Capiel, C. R. Tratamiento de las infecciones agudas por el carb6n endovenoso. Dfa med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1093.—Castagna, P. La terapia a base di nucleine e radicali fenilici nelle malattie infettive. Riv. med., Milano, 1925, 33: 21-3.—Chakravarti, A., & Basu, U. P. On the choice of drugs in the treatment of bacterial infections. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 101-5.-—Cunningham, J. C. The use of tincture of iodine in the treatment of malaria and syphilis. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1923-24, 20: 193.—Demarez. Emploi du carbone intra-veineux dans le traitement des infec- tions. Echo med. nord, 1934, 3. ser., 2: 411-3.—Heisler, A. Erfolgreiche Behandlung schleichender Infektionen mit Kaffeekohle. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1938, 9: 1114-6—Henne- kinne, A.. & Seldeslachts. A. Sur l'action preventive ou cura- tive de l'hexamethylene-tetramine et du serum de lait dans les infections par B. pyocyaneum ou B. typhi murium chez la souris. Rev. beige sc. med., 1931, 3: 1045-52.—Howell. W. I. Hydrochloric acid injections in acute infections. Med. World, 1935, 53: 42.—Redkoff, M. N., & Putning, M. R. [Pilocarpine in infectious diseases] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 36: 805.— St. Jacques, E. Intravenous injections of animal charcoal in the treatment of varied infections: a clinical and experimental study. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1934, 31: 168-71. Also Med. Rec, N. Y., 1935, 141: 14-7. ------ Une therapeutique nouvelle des infections aigues par le carbone intraveineux. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1935, 3. ser., 114: 227-39. Also Athena, Roma, 1937, 6: 154-6. ------ Anthracotherapy; a new therapy in the treatment of acute infections. Internat. Clin., 1938, n ser., 2: 203-16.—Schotter, H. Zur Causyth-Therapie akuter Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr., 1938, 88: 695- 7.—Schulemann, W. Die Behandlung von Infektionskrank- heiten durch Arzneistoffe im Laboratorium und in der Praxis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 1375.—Sternberg, M. Zur Therapie akuter Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr 1928, 78: 375-9.—Tamburri-Santoro. T. II trifenil nelle malattie infettive. Med. nuova, 1927. 18: 231-4.—Therapeuti- que (La) iodee dans les maladies infectieuses. Monde med 1923, 33: 666-71.—Thoma, E. Experimentelle und klinische Beobachtungen zur Kieselsauretherapie bei akuten und chronischen Infektionskrankheiten. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1922, 34. Kongr., 544. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1922 69: 1603. Also Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1922-23, 141: 175-95.— Tonello, C. La terapia arsenicale nelle malattie infettive Minerva med., Tor., 1924, 4: 894-7.—Touraine, A., & Menetrel. B. Une nouvelle therapeutique anti-infectieuse: le carbone intraveineux. Presse med., 1934, 42: 1997.—Videla, C. A., Farina, J., & Potrida, O. La acidoterapia en los estados in- fecciosos. Prensa med. argent., 1939, 26: pt 2, 1746-9.— Videla, C. A., Saenz, A. E., & de Madariaga, M. El veritol en los procesos infecciosos. Ibid., 1938, 25: 452-6.—Wallbach, G. Ueber Einwirkungen von Benzol und von Thorium X auf einige INFECTIOUS DISEASE Infektionsprozesse. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1933, 49: 241-67.— Waller, W. E. Treatment of superficial infections by nascent iodine. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 1: 185. ---- Treatment: Hemotherapy. See also Blood transfusion, Indications; Hemo- therapy. Feige [M. E.] I. *BIuttransfusionen bei Infektionskrankheiten. 37p. 21cm. Bresl., 1937. Ltjndberg, H. *Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber Phylactotransfusionen. 190p. 8? Upps., 1938. Also Upsale lak. foren. forh., 1938, 44: A., M. La transfusi6n sanguinea en las infecciones de la infancia. Dfa med., B. Air., 1940, 12: 545.—Bogomolets, A. A. [Mechanism of therapeutic action of blood transfusion in in- fectious diseases] J. med., Kiev, 1937, 7: 685-95. Also Ter. arkh., 1937, 15: 754-7. Also Acta med. URSS, 1938, 1: 463-6. Also Sang, Par., 1938, 12: 450-5.—Bourgault, E. Une con- ception nouvelle du mode d'action de la transfusion sanguine dans les maladies infectieuses. J. Hdtel-Dieu Montreal, 1936, 5: 200-5.—Biirkle-de la Camp, H. Ueber die Behandlung der Allgemeininfektionen mit Bluttransfusion. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 231: 237-42.—Diliberto, U. La trasfusione di sangue nelle malattie infettive. Morgagni, 1935, 77: 1095-7.— Donhaiser, A. [Indications and results of blood transfusion in infectious diseases] Polska gaz. lek., 1939, 18: 571-3.— Fedorovsky, O. O. [Blood transfusion in infectious diseases] Radianska med., 1940. 5: No. 6, 29-32.—Ferloni, A. V. J. La hemoterapia preventiva en las enfermedades infecciosas; significado y resultados obtenidos en el sarampi6n y en la fiebre urliana. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1940, 39: 1005-24.— Fleming, R. A., Graham, J. M., & Logan, W. R. Three cases of severe infection treated by immunotransfusion. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinburgh, 1925-26, 105. Sess., 105-16.—Garry, G. Die Benutzung von nichtpassendem Blut als therapeutisches Mittel bei Infektionen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 166: 780-93 — Jeanneney, G., & Castanet, L. Traitement des grandes in- fections par la cataphylactotransfusion. Monde med., 1939, 49: 845-53.—Kirschenblatt, D., & Nasarjanz, B. Die Eigen blutbehandlung bei Infektionskrankheiten, insbesondere Fleck- typhus. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1924, 28: 403-6.—Krueger, A. P., & Fuendeling, M. J. The use of whole blood from im- munized donors in the treatment of acute infections. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1940, 44: 367-70.—Lipinski, W. [Value of blood transfusion in acute, infectious diseases] Polska gaz. lek., 1938, 17: 269. ------& Apperman, K. [Blood transfusion in acute, infectious diseases] Polsk. arch. med. wewn., 1938, 16: 480-2.— Melfi, J. Inmunohemoterapia y hemovacunoterapia en las enfermedades infecciosas. Sem. med., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 2, 853-70.—Oefelein, F. Novalgin-Chinin, ein neues Kombinationspraparat zur Behandlung akuter Infektions- krankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 597.—Orozco, D. V. La hemoterapia en los estados toxiinfecciosos de la infancia. Sem. med., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt 2, 144-7.—Ringen- bach, G. Diphterie, scarlatine et rhumatisme articulaire aigu; transfusion banale; guerison. J. med. Bordeaux, 1937, 114: 740-5.—Tzanck, A. La transfusion sanguine dans les maladies infectieuses. Presse med., 1935, 43: 1776. Also Rinasc. med., 1935, 12: 497.—Videla, C. A. La inmunotransfusi6n en los procesos infecciosos; su valor terapeutico. Prensa med. argent., 1939, 26: 295-300.—Wasserman, M. F. [Clinical observations in blood transfusion in acute infections] Sovet. med., 1941, 5: No. 12, 38.—Zalewski, F. [Blood transfusion in general in- fections] Polska gaz. lek., 1937, 16: 276-8. ---- Treatment: Metals. Angarano. D. Esperienze col rodio colloidale nella terapia aspecifica delle malattie infettive. Rinasc. med., 1936, 13: 696-8, pl.—Frommelt, E., & Scholz, G. Klinische Goldbe- handlung schwerer Infekte. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 748-50.—Ide, M. Specifiques antimicrobiens: metallotherapie. Rev. med., Louvain, 1930, 241-9.—Jentsch, W. Heilung in- fektioser, insbesondere septischer Erkrankungen durch Wismut. Fortsch. Ther., 1927, 3: 695.—Lande, K. 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Natur- und Kunstheilung der Grippe, sowie akuter Infektionskrank- heiten im allgemeinen. Fortsch. Med.. 1923, 41: 96-110.— Braude, I. R. [Sugar therapy in infections (dextrose and invert sugar)] Vrach. delo, 1931, 14: 1150.—Breuer, L., & Orou, F. Intravenose Alkoholinjektionen bei Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 868; 898.—Brewer, J. S. The role of insulin, glucose and blood therapy in the infections. South. M. & S., 1926, 88: 72-4.—Bruch, O. M. Richtlinien zur Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten. Mschr. Elektr. Kompl. Homoop., 1933, 125-8.—Bucica, I. [Impregnation, infiltration or deep antisepsis of the tissues] Rev. san. mil., Bucur., 1929, 28: 426.—Castro Muniz de Aragao, R. de. Panorama da quimioterapia antimicrobiana; sulfanilamido- terapia, soroterapia e vacinoterapia. Resenha med., Rio, 1941, 8: 275-83.—Clunie, T. The conservative treatment of acute infections. _ Native M. Pract., Suva, 1940, 3: 498-502.— Cochran, J. R., jr. 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The conservative treatment of acute infections. Clin. J., Lond., 1937, 66: 186-91. Also Edinburgh M. J., 1937, 44: 1-9.—Young, H. H. Intravenous therapy in acute infections and infectious diseases. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1926, 25: 113-20.—Ziukov, A. M. [Shock in treatment of infectious diseases] Vrach. delo, 1938, 20: 345-54. ---- Treatment, nonspecific. Aldinger, G. F. *Lasst sich seit 1900 eine Veranderung der Letalitat bei den nicht spezi- fisch behandelbaren Infektionskrankheiten nach- weisen? 27p. 8? Wiirzb., 1937. Abrami, P. Traitement des maladies infectieuses par le choc. Hopital, 1923, 11: 304.—Boeri. G. Terapia aspecifica delle malattie infettive. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. prat., 1745-7.—Delcourt-Bernard, E. Influence des faibles doses de peptone sur l'eiimination des microbes injectes dans le sang circulant. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1921, 85: 738-40.—De Nicolo. F. . Proteine e lipoidi nella terapia aspecifica delle malattie infettive dell'infanzia. 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Ueber unspezifische Therapie; Anregung von Bakterienwachstum durch aktivierende Spaltprodukte. Ibid., 1927, 74: 61.— Villacorta, O. L. Nuevos conceptos sobre el tratamiento parenteral no-especifico de las enfermedades infecciosas. Rev. filip. med.. 1924. 15: 220-31.—Wajs, E. [Non-specific vaccines in treatment of infectious diseases] Nowiny lek., 1938, 50: 575-84. ---- Treatment: Nursing. Hasenjaeger, E. Asepsis in communicable disease nursing. 151p. 17^cm. Phila. [1940] Pillsbury, M. E. Nursing care of communi- cable diseases. 5. ed. 603p. 21cm. Phila., 1939. Also 6. ed. 604p. [1942] Barrier nursing. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 87.— Barry, S. C. Aseptic technic in Providence; the story of the development of the care of infectious diseases in Providence, Rhode Island. Am. J. Nurs., 1926, 26: 171-7.—Ebel. A. I. Nursing care in communicable diseases in children. Trafned Nurse, 1938, 100: 48-50.—Gorter. E. 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Considerations generales sur le traitement de la spirochetose pulmonaire et du paludisme par la cure thermale. Presse therm, clim., 1924, 65: 69; 265.—Ruata. G. Q. L'influenza del caldo umido sulle infezioni. Bull. sc. med. Bologna, 1909, 8. ser., 9: 59-110.— Saloz, C, & Demole, M. L'altitude dans la convalescence des maladies infectieuses. Presse therm, clim., 1938. 79: 40-3.— Zischinsky, H. Die Freiliegekur bei den akuten Infektions- krankheiten des Kindesalters. Kinderarztl. Prax., ig35, 6: 507-14. ---- Treatment: Principles. Banks, H. S., Laurent, L. J. M. [et al.] Planning in the fever service. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 922-4.—Bogomolets. A. A. [Main principles in therapy of infectious diseases] Tr. Ukrain. sezd. terapevtov (1936) 1939, 4. Congr., 146-63. Also J. med., Kiev, 1937, 7: 31-50.—Feldt. A., & Schafer. K. Ueber Blut- befunde bei experimentellen Infektionen und Chemotherapie. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1938, 93: 170-83.—Ferrari, A. O tratamento racional das infeccoes agudas exantematicas. Brasil med., 1941, 55: 466.—Goodridge, M. The general principles involved in the treatment of infections. In Ther. Int. Dis. (Blumer, G., et al.) N. Y., 1940, 2: 485-502.—Hill. L. F. Certain phases in the management of infectious diseases. Month. Bull. Kansas City Clin. Soc, 1935, 11: 3-7.—Koranyi, S. Die Prinzipien der Therapie der Infektionskrankheiten. Zbl. ges. Tuberkforsch., 1924-25. 23: 1-7.—Nardi Batassi, D. Terapeutica delle malattie infettive nelle linee generali della concezione piu odierna. Med. nuova, Roma, 15)25, 16: 199; 219.—Palencia, J. P. Indicaciones terap6uticas, fisiol6gicas y generales, en las enfermedades infecciosas agudas y los estados tifofdicos. Medicina, Mex., ig29, 10: 144; 184.—Preisz, H. Virulentia es therapia. Budap. orvosegy. evk. (1907) 1908, pt 3, 1-27.—Thaddea, S. Probleme der Infekttherapie. Med. Welt. 1937, 11: 235-40.—Wilensky, A. O. Treatment of infection; general principles underlying treatment from the surgical standpoint and therapeutic indications to be drawn therefrom. Arch. Surg., 1927, 15: 737-48.—Wiltsie. J. W. Modus operandi of therapeutic agents in the treatment of infections. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 124: 20-2. ---- Treatment: Radiotherapy. Kelly, J. F., A- Do well, D. A. Roentgen treatment of infections. 432p. 23^cm. Chic. [1942] Alberti, O. La radioterapia dei processi infiammatori e delle malattie infettive. In Trat. roentg. curieter. (Perussia, F.) Milano, 1934, 1: pt 2, 347-458—Allen, L. G. Tratamiento de infecciones con rayos X. Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1940, 7: 68-74. ------ & Hiebert, P. E. Radiation therapy in the treatment of infections; a collective study. J. Kansas M Soc, 1939, 40: 95-101.—Attilj, S. Die Rontgenbehandlung akut-infektioser Prozesse. Internat. Radiother., Darmstadt, 1927-28, 3: 1225-31. —■---- La radioterapia nelle malattie infettive acute. Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1928, 8: 25-85.— Bisgard, J. D., & Hunt, H. B. The mechanism of the action of x-ray therapy upon infection. Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res., 1942, 15: 8. Also Ann. Surg., 1942, 115: 996-1006. ------ Experimental studies of the mechanism of action of X-ray therapy upon infection. Radiology, 1942, 39: 691-6.—Bogart, F. B. Radiation therapy in the treatment of infection. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1941, 34: 48-60.—Cardinale, G. B. La radioterapia nelle malattie infettive acute (dal punto di vista biologico) Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1928, 8: 3723.— Ceresole, G. La roentgentherapie dans les maladies infectieuses. Paris med., 1924, 51: 103-8.—Daniel, G. Micro et infra-micro- roentgentherapie antiinfectieuse. Bull. Soc. eiectroradiol. med. France, 1939, 27: Suppl., 1-32.—Dysart, B. R. X-ray treat- ment of infections; a review of the literature and report of cases of mastoiditis and sinusitis. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1939, 48: 433- 42.—Earl, D. M. Roentgen therapy in certain infections. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1938, 28: 142.—Frangella, A. Radioterapia y microbios. Dfa med. urug., 1938-39, 6: 614-22.—Goldman. L. B. Irradiation in infections. N. York State J. M., 1942, 42: 1341-5.—Gonzalez Martinez, I. La radioterapia anti-inflama- toria y anti-infecciosa; sus indicaciones y tecnica apropriada. Bol. As. med. Puerto Rico, 1940, 32: 122-6.—Guarini, C. La rontgenterapia delle malatte infettive. Riforma med., 1923, 39: 944.—Hamilton, C. M: X-ray therapy in superficial infec- tions. South. M. J., 1942, 35: 808.—Henry, C. M. A review of roentgen therapy in acute infections. Bull. Vancouver M. Ass., 1942, 19: 43-8.—Hodges, F. M. The rationale of Roent- gen therapy in infections. South. M. J., 1930, 23: 259-63. ------ Roentgen therapy of certain infections. Am. J. Roentg., 1936, 35: 145-55. Also Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1937, 44—8. ------& Berger, R. A. Roentgen therapy of some infections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1551- 5.—Kelly, J. F., & Dowell, D. A. Roentgen treatment of acute infections with modified mobile X-ray apparatus; including case reports. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1939, 37: 600-10.—LeWald. L. T. The role of the X-ray in focal infection. Phys. Ther., 1928, 46: 389-97.—Liberson, M. Roentgentherapie des affections inflammatoires aigues. Presse med., 1937, 45: 337- 9.—Liljedahl, E. N. X-radiation in the treatment of infections. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1938, 42: 287.—Manges, W. F. The value of X-ray therapy in acute and subacute infections. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1934, 54-8. ------ The roentgen treatment of infections. South. M. J., 1937, 30: 243-9.—Meldolesi, G. Contributo alio studio della rontgen- terapia nelle infezioni acute. Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1928, 8: pt 2, 232-5.—Mogilnitsky, B. N., & Podliastchuk, L. D. [Treatment of infectious diseases with Roentgen rays] Klin. med., Moskva, 1932, 10: 723-7.—Myers, R. E. 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Convalescent serum in the prevention and treat- ment of common contagious diseases in childhood. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1939-40, 92: 289-95.—Martin, E. Our experience with vaccine therapy in acute infections. State Hosp. Bull., Utica, 1911-12, n. ser., 4: 127-41.—Ontarowski, N. [Brief report on the effect of the vaccine sistofebrin in infectious dis- eases] Nowiny lek., 1930, 49: 728-31.—Paullin, E. A further report concerning the use of vaccines in acute and chronic infections. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, 1910, 177-83.—Podolsky, E. The antigen therapy of infections. J. Med., Cincin., 1939-40, 20: 27-9.—Redfield, H. H. A polyvalent antigen in the treat- ment of bacillary infections; clinical reports on the effect of edwenil therapy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1935, 142: 541-5.— Regan, J. C. Serums and vaccines in prevention and treatment of certain communicable diseases of children. Med. Times, N. Y., 1941, 69: 345-8.—Salazar, M. El uso del suero humano de individuos convalecientes, en la prevenci6n y tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas. Rev. san. mil., Madr., 19.30, 20: 1-5.—Schmidt, H. Die Grundlagen der spezifischen Serum- therapie bei Infektionskrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 63: 333-6.—Smirnow, G. A. Ueber die Methodik der Zube- reitung von kiinstlichen Antikorpern(Antitoxinen) zur Behand- lung der Diphtherie und Tuberkulose. Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., 1924, 59: 278-99.—Taccone, G. L'organo-vaccinoterapia nelle infezioni acute (note preliminare) Riv. clin. pediat., 1927, 25: 348-52.—Thalhimer, W. The prophylactic and therapeutic value of convalescent serums in some of the acute infectious diseases. Ann. Int. M., 1936-37, 10: 373-8.---:— Con- valescent measles and scarlet fever serums, their use in prophy- laxis and therapy. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1940, 31: 51-5.— Toomey, J. A. Passive immunity against encephalitis, mumps, and erysipelas. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 107.—Tron, G. 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Traitement des infections bacteriennes; therapeutique vaccinale et immunisa- tion in vitro. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1931, 46: 639-81, pl. ---- Treatment, symptomatic. Breuer, L- Zur Frage der Herztherapie bei Infektions- krankheiten unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Digifolin. Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 516-8—Fajarngs, E. La hipo- termia en las infecciones. Rev. cienc. med. Barcelona, 1902, r8:u-j-^1-—ForcaJS. M. [Use of antipyretics in treatment of typhoid fever, tuberculosis and other diseases] Warsz. czas. lek 1938 15: 95-7.—Garofeanu, M. [Clinical value of cordizan-ephedrin in treatment of infectious diseases] Ro- mania med., 1938, 16: 129.—Koch, E. Die Geschichte der sogenannten symptomatischen Behandlung Infektionskranker. Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 532-6.—Metalnikov, S. R61e des stimu- lants dans la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses. Bull. med., Par., 1926, 40: 39-41.—Metz, A. [Coramine in infectious diseases] Cluj. med., 1934, 15: 77.—Morawetz, G. 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Epidemiologic der wichtigsten tropischen Erkrankungen Westafrikas (ohne Kamerun) und ihre Bekampfung durch die Mandatsmachte. Deut. tropenmed. Zsehr., 1941, 45: 183-90.—Joy eux, C. La tuberculose et la maladie du sommeil en Afrique equatoriale. Presse med., 1924, 32: annexe, 1615-9.—Menk, W. Infektions- krankheiten im Kiistentiefland des Departamento Magdalena von Colombia S. A. In Arb. Tropenkrankh. (Festschr. B. Nocht) Hamb., 1927, 333-44.—Reiter, H. Experimentelle Studien iiber die stumme Infektion und ihre Folgen bei Weil- scher Krankheit und bei Nagana. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 445-7.—Vogel & Le Rouzic. Les maladies transmissibles observees dans les colonies francaises et territories sous mandat pendant l'annee 1936. Ann. mid. pharm. col., Par., 1938, 36: 352-520; 633.—Wilson, J. P. A. Isolation, and preventive measures, in infectious diseases, in semi-civilized countries. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1912, 2. Congr., 363-74. ---- Urogenital system. Beliaeva, H., & Alexandrova, S. L influence des maladies infectieuses aigues sur les organes genitaux des petites filles. Gyn. obst., Par., 1934, 29: 222-40.—Brugi, A. La costante di Ambard nelle malattie infettive generale. Policlinico, 1924, 31: sez. med., 366-72.—Cowherd, J. B. The sequelae of acute infectious diseases in children with special reference to their effect upon the kidneys. Month. Bull. Kansas City Clin. Soc, 1935, 11: No. 2, 6-11.—Gavrila, J., & Ernster, E. Les acides organiques urinaires dans la scarlatine, l'erysipele et la diph- terie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 324. Also Cluj. med., ig33, 14: 71.—Weissenberg, S. Ueber den Einfluss des Fleck- und Ruckfallfiebers auf die Menstruation, Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Laktation. Zbl. Gyn., 1923, 47: 904-20. ---- virus. See Virus disease. INFECTIOUS DISEASE ---- in animals. See also Animals, Diseases, contagious; Ani- mals, Diseases: Relation to public health; Anthrax—in animals; Epizootic, etc. Panisset, L. Les maladies infectieuses des animaux transmissibles k l'homme. 2. 6d. 114p. 25cm. Par., 1938. ---- Trait6 des maladies infectieuses des animaux domestiques. 562p. 25cm. Par. [1938] Vuillemin, P. Les animaux infectieux. 143p. 8? Par., 1929. Ascoli, A. Le malattie infettive trasmissibili dagli animali all'uomo nei nuovi riflessi della patologia comparata. In Annuario vet. ital., Roma, 1934—35, 571-84.—Bekampfung der Aufzuchtkrankheiten. Miinch, tierarztl. Wschr., 1923, 74: 399.—Chicon, F. L'action civile dans le cas de vente d'ani- maux atteints de maladies reputees contagieuses. Rec. med. vet.. 1938, 114: 106-8.—Collins, G. A few remarks on in- fectious diseases. Vet. Med., Chic, 1927, 22: 230-2.—Cornell, R. L. Pyogenic infection of goats and sheep in Tanganyika territory. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1938, 50: 1653-7.—Du Toit, P. J. General conditions governing the origin and development of infectious diseases. Ibid., 1468-76. Also Vet. Med., Chic, 1939, 34: 14—24.—Gartner, W., & Scanzoni, C. von. Ueber die Wirkung von Chlorthymol und Jod-Chlorthymol (Praparat G 124 und G 125) bei Erdinfektion von Meerschweinchen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 216: 210-21.—Mackie, T. J., Van Rooyen, C. E., & Gilroy, E. An epizootic disease occurring in a breeding stock of mice: bacteriological and experimental observations. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1933, 14: 132-6.—Mannin- ger, R., & Salyi, J. Die Beteiligung der Haut am Krankheits- bilde bei den Infektionskrankheiten der Haustiere. Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1935-37, 9. Congr., 2: 421-6.— Miller, A. W. Report of the Committee on miscellaneous transmissible diseases. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1938, 92: 433-41.— Motylev, B. G. [Mechanized disinfection of infected animals] Sovet. vet., 1939, 16: No. 10-11, 66-71.—Panisset, L. Les conditions de l'apparition, du developpement et de l'extension des maladies infectieuses des animaux. Rec. med. vet., 1937, 113: 193; 513.—Randall, R. Diseases common to man and animals. Mil. Surgeon, 1929, 64: 882-93.—Robin, V. A propos des ventes d'animaux atteints de maladies contagieuses. Rec. m6d. v6t., 1938, 114: 158.—Schultz, M. P., & Rose, E. J. The evolution of disseminated bacterial infection in guinea pigs; influence of treatment with insulin and phloridzin. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1939, 54: 657-62.—Steck, W. Zum Problem der Chemotherapie bakterieller Tierkrankheiten. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 1938, 80: 329-41.—Topley, W. W. C. Some aspects of herd immunity. J. R. San. Inst., 1935-36, 56: 123-36.—Viljoen, P. R. State control of stock diseases. J. S. Afr. Vet. M. Ass., 1928, 1: 19-27.—Werner. F. Zur Bakteriologie der seuchenhaften Fohlen- und Kalberkrank- heiten in Oesterreich und deren Bekampfung mit spezifischen Impfstoffen. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1924, 40: 669.—Wirth, D. Menschenkrankheiten und Tierkrankheiten. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927. 40: 1518; 1549.—Zernoff, V. 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Infektion und Regeneration beim wachsenden Kinde. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1931, 3. F., 82: 345-53—Klein- schmidt, H. Akute Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Diagn. ther. Irrtiim., 1924, H. 5, Kinderheilk., 1-149.— Kroo, H. Ueber Infektionsverlauf und Immunitat bei neuge- borenen und erwachsenen Tieren. Klin. Wschr., 1933. 12: 1573.—Langer. H. Infektionskrankheiten bei Saugling und Kleinkind; neuere Gesichtspunkte fiir Vorbeugung und Be- handlung. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1923, 20: 487-92.—Levy, S. Der Einfluss von Infekten auf das Gedeihen von Sauglingen in geschlossenen Anstalten. Arch. Kinderh., 1928, 84: 27-35.— Macciotta, G. Malattie acute da infezione. In Man. pediatr. (Frontali, G.) Tor., 1936, 2: 299-548.—Mariott, McK. Infec- tions in infants. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. North America (1927) 1928, 3: 19-25.—Meyer. S. Beobachtungen an infektionskranken Kindern. Arch. Kinderh., 1924, 75: 122-8.------Moderne Gesichtspunkte bei der Behandlung der akuten Infektionskrankheiten im Kindesalter. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1925, 22: 65-74.—Nasso, I. La reazione del lattante alle infezioni. Pediatria (Riv.) 1933, 41: 929-32 — Nobecourt, P. [Infectious diseases] Ucheb. detsk. bolez., 1928, 3: 699-720.—Nobel. E. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Infektionskrankheiten bei Kindern. Wien. med. Wschr., 1923, 73: 1707-12. ------ Prophylaxe und Therapie der wichtigsten Infektionskrankheiten der Kinder. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 1433-8.------Einiges fiber Prophylaxe und Therapie der wichtigsten akuten Infektionskrankheiten der Kinder. Fortsch. Ther., 1931, 7: 587-93.—Orel, H. Die Prophylaxe und Therapie der wichtigsten akuten Infektions- krankheiten des Kindesalters. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1936, 10: 221-6. Also Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 584-9.—Oxenius, K. Eine ungewohnliche Konsiliarkrankheit. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1935. 82: 1240-2.—Paraf, J. Maladies infectieuses infantiles. Rev. hyg., Par., 1927, 49: 36-57.—Platou, E. S., & Dwan, P. F. Advances in the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases of childhood. Minnesota M., 1939, 22: 71-7.—Price, J. P. Treatment of infectious diseases in children. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1933, 29: 148-50.—Pybus, F. C. Some infections of childhood. Clin. J., Lond., 1922, 51: 457-62.—Ribadeau- Dumas, L. L'infection chez le nourrison. Strasbourg med., 1926, 84: pt 2, 251-6. ------ Le nourrisson; infection et immunite. Progr. m6d.. Par., 1930, 2257-68. ------ Du terrain dans les infections aigues du nourrisson et de ses modi- fications sous 1'influence therapeutique. Sem. h6p. Paris, 1931, 7:97-106. ------& Chabrun, J. L'infection chez l'enfant en bas age; etude etiologique et clinique. Bull, med., Par., 1928, 42: 738-45.—Rietschel, H. Ueber Infektionskrankheiten im Sauglingsalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 1021-4.—Schles- inger, B. Infectious disease. In Dis. Child. (Thursfleld & Paterson) Lond., 1934, 922-97.—Schwarzenberg, L. J. De las infecciones agudas en el lactante y en el pre-escolar; la deshidrataci6n celular interna y la dieta hiperazucarada. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1927, 3. ser., 21: 554.— Tatarov, A. [Infectious diseases of children in Smolensk province in 1893-1925] Beloruss. med. dumka, 1925-26, 2: 31-41.—Ten Bokkel Huinink [Intoxication in infants] Ge- neesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1939, 79: 104.—Toomey. J. A. Pre- vention and control of communicable diseases in children. Pittsburgh Health, 1938, 6: No. 2, 2; No. 3, 9.—Torday, F. Die Bekampfung der akuten Infektionskrankheiten des Kindesalters. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1923, 3. F., 52: 213-26.— Townsend, M. L. The importance of infections in childhood. Internat. Clin., 1925, 35. ser., 3: 139-43.—Trend (The) of infectious diseases of childhood. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 103: 682.—Tucker, H. Communicable diseases in the preschool child. Texas J. M., 1938-39, 34: 35-9.—Ullrich, O. Ueber die Altersdisposition zu den akuten kindlicher Infektionskrank- heiten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1929, 25: 663-5.—Vischer. D., II. Typhus abdominalis und Lues congenita im friihen Sauglings- alter. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1924, 54: 706-9.—Zehnter, N. Revue generale sur les maladies infectieuses. Med. inf., Par., 1924, 30: 363; 1925, 31: 9.------Les maladies in- fectieuses chez les enfants en 1922. J. med. Paris, 1923, 42: 675; 695.—Zischinsky, H. Die akuten Infektionskrankheiten im friihen Sauglingsalter. Jahrb. Kinderh.. 1936 3 F.. 98: 1;113. 34 INFECTIOUS DISEASE 255 INFECTIOUS JAUNDICE ---- in plants. See also Plant, Disease. Blunck. H. Die Erforschung epidemischer Pflanzenkrank- heiten auf Grund der Arbeiten iiber die Rubenfliege. Zsehr. Pflanzenkr., 1929, 39: 1-28.—Carbone, D. Sur la nature de la barriere dans le haricot vaccine et infecte de Toile. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1934, 6: 301-3— Fremont, T. Extension de techniques employees en pathologie animale k I'etude des reactions de la cellule v6getale a certaines in- fections. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1937. 58: 531-91. ---- in wartime. See also subheading Military aspect. Abdiilkadir Noyan [War epidemics: exanthematous typhoid and relapsing fever] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi, 1940, 69: p. i-xvi.—Aujaleu, E. I. Y. La prophylaxie des maladies epidemiques aux frontieres en temps de paix et en temps de guerre. Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1939, 111: 871-98.—Barney, C. O. Effect of disease on Ethiopian war. Bull. Onondaga Co. M. Soc, 1938-39, 3: No. 9, 13.—Behaviour of some com- mon fevers in war-time. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 641.— Bell. J. A. Epidemiology in war time. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1942, 39: 419-23.—Blanchard. Prophylaxie des endemo- epidemies coloniales dans ses rapports avec la guerre. Gaz. hop 1940, 113: 398 (microfilm)—Boudreau, F. G. Epidemic hazards in war. N. York State J. M., 1940, 40: 1089-93 — Campbell, J. M. Contagious diseases of wartime and ways of controlling them. Pennsylvania Health, 1942, 3: No. 8, 4.— Cawadias, A. P. Epidemic problems in wartime. Brit. M. J., 1942 2: 321.—Communicable diseases in wartime. Ther. Note's, Detr., 1942, 49: 143-8.—Councell, C. E. War and infectious disease. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1941, 56: 547- 73.—Curschmann, H. Ueber Seuchenvorbeugung im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1361.—Disease in wartime. Science, 1942, 95: 530.—Donelan, C. J., Levitt, N„ & Reece, E. Epidemics in war-time. Lancet, Lond., 1940. 1: 1009.— Dr Parran says American medical opinion is amazed at the way in which Britain has prevented epidemics. Ibid., 1941, 1: 221.—Epidemics after wars. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1230.—Epidemics in reception areas. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 618.—Epidemic (The) situation. Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 64: 163.—Epidemics and shifts in wartime population. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 767.—Epidemiological notes. Brit. M. J., 1940 2: 343.—Eternberger, E. M. A guerfa e as epidemias. Impr. med., Rio, 1942, 18: No. 337, 124-6.—Galambos, A. Epidemiology in wartime. N. York Physician, 1942, 19: No. 5, 30-7.—Gervais, J. H. Considerations generates sur les epidemies en temps de guerre. Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 502-5.—Hort. E. C. Fever and war. Brit. M. J., 1914, 2: 815—Infective diseases of war. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941 206: 61.—Janeway, C. A. Wartime preventive medicine. N. England J. M., 1940, 223: 854-61.—Krehl, L. von. Ueber Infektionskrankheiten im Kriege. Munch, med. Wschr., 1934 81: 1195—Lawrence, R. B. War and disease. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1942, 35: 412-5.—Major, R. H. War and disease. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1942-43, 28: 661-7—Maxcy, K. F. Epi- demiologic implications of wartime population shifts. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1942, 32: 1089-96.—Minchin, R. L. H. Dysen- tery and enteric fever as medical emergencies of war. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1940, 145: 54-60.—Note ed appunti di igiene e di epidemiologia di guerra. Minerva med. Tor., 1939, 30: Dt 2 513-6 —Phair, J. T. Communicable disease control in wartime. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1941, 32: 565-8.—Plagues and battles. Clin. Excerpts, 1942 16: 3-13.—Plagues t0 come in the wake of war. Gradwohl Lab. Digest, 1939-40, 3: No. 6, 3.—Pochmuller, M. Die Infektionskrankheiten in Belgrad im Kriegsjahre 1916. Wien. med. Wschr., 1918, 68: 697; 734.—Prevention of war epidemics. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940 115- 145—Pringle, A. M. N. Epidemiological aspects of the evacuation of school children from crowded into> less dangerous areas. J. R. San. Inst., 1939-40 60: 71-82 — Proposed study of wartime diseases. J. Am, M. Ass., 194U, 115: 939.—Red Cross and Harvard study war epidemics. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1941, 11: 620.—Regamey, R. La Suisse et les epidemies en temps de guerre. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1940, 60: 671-90.—Rodino, N. II passato e 1 awenire della profilassi contro le malattie infettive in guerra. Studium, Nap., 1930, 20: 187-97.—Saladrigas Zayas, E. El control de las epidemias que nos amenazan con motivo de la guerra. Vida nueva, Habana, 1942, 49: 96-103—Simpson,W.J. Dysentery and enteric fever among the civil population of Cape Colony and Natal. Rep. Comm. Dysentery (Gr. Britain Seer. War) Lond., 1903, 51-6—Symons, A. D. Infectious diseases m Shrewsbury. Med. Off., Lond. 1942, 67: 103.-War (The) and epidemic disease. Health, Canberra, 1940 18: 57-62 — War and epidemiology. Med. Off., Loncl., 1941, 65: 46.- War and infectious disease. Lancet, Lond., 1941, l: km. Clipping from: Atlantic Monthly, February 1941. Administrative measures for influenza control in Great Britain; revised memorandum issued by the British Minister of Health. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1927, 42: 550^3.— Alarco, G. Programa general para la lucha contra la grippe. Rev. san. mil., Lima, 1928, 1: 42-5.—Andrews, C. H. Epi- demic influenza. In Control Common Fevers (Lancet) Lond., 1942, 191-200.—Batinkov, E. L. [Results of grippe control at the health service stations] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 789-92.— Bledsoe, R. W. How can you as family physician lessen the frequency and complications of la grippe, influenza or flu? Kentuckv M. J., 1933, 31: 20-2.—Closing of schools and theater during influenza epidemic; Arizona Supreme Court decides that local boards of health can order such closing. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1919, 34: 1376.—Dobreitzer, N. A. [Fighting influenza] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 323-9.—Francis. T., jr, A rationale for studies in the control of epidemic influenza. Science, 1943, 97: 229-35.—Havas, I. [The organisation of the campaign against influenza in Szeged] Nepeg6szsegugy, 1937, 18: 464-6.—Influenza; memorandum by Ministry of Health. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 248-50.—Public health officials battling flu epidemic. Science News Lett., 1940, 38: 373.—Rossiisky, D. M. La lutte contre la grippe en URSS. Acta med. URSS, 1940, 3: 350-5. ------ Campaign against influenza in the U. S. S. R. Pub. Health, Lond., 1942-43, 56: 34.—Stevenson, A. L. The control of influenza in a community: a criticism and review. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1932, 58: 119-23.—Wells, W. F., & Wells, M. W. Air-borne infection. J. Bact., Bait., 1943, 45: 60 (Abstr.) ---- Diagnosis. Allyn. W. E. A new disease? or influenza? which? J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1936, 29: 173-5.—Bix, H. Zur Symptoma- tologie der Grippe. Wien. med. Wschr., 1929, 79: 343.— Cantieri, C. Sulla diagnosi clinica dell'influenza. Rass. inter- naz. clin. ter., 1937, 18: 907; 958.—Ferguson, J. The diagnosis and infectivity of influenza. Glasgow M. J., 1930, 113: 57- 63. Also Tr. R. Med. Chir. Soc. Glasgow, 1930, 24: 54-60.— Florinsky, V. V. [Intracutaneous, diagnostic test in influenza] Sovet. med., 1939, No. 2, 25.—Gomoiu, V., Sandulescu, E., & Stoia, I. [Symptomatology of grippe] Spitalul, 1941, 61: 159-61.—Hill, A. Influenza; a personal story. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 846.—Jaffe, R. Ist es moglich, aus dem pathologisch- anatomischen Befund des Respirationstraktus die Diagnose auf Grippe zu stellen? Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 425 — Kleinschmidt, H. Ein charakteristisches Syndrom durch Influenzabazilleninfektion. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 53-8.—Klewitz, F. Die Grippe; Diagnose und Behandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 1675-8.—Klieneberger. C. Grippe, Grippediagnose und Grippebehandlung. Ibid., 1927, 23: 501.—Lee. R. H. The diagnosis of influenza. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1937, 194: 174-8.—Mallory, T. B. Weakness, fever and shortness of breath. N. England J. M., 1941, 224: 1108-12.—Marinesco, G., Grigoresco. D., & Bucor, V. Syn- drome de la pointe du rocher. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1934, 12: 595-7.—Riddell, L. A. Is it influenza? Brit. M. J., 1938, 1: 976.—Siegmund, H. Ist es moglich, aus dem pathologisch- anatomischen Befund die Diagnose auf Grippe zu stellen? Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 1678-82.—Straub, H. Beobach- tungen uber den Fieberverlauf bei Grippe. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1927. 156: 343-51.—Teveli, Z. Hautimpfungen mit Influenzabazillen. Arch. Kinderh., 1935. 106: 27-30. Diagnosis, differential. Baer, L. Report of a case of influenza simulating sinus thrombosis. Laryngoscope, 1927, 37: 508-11.—Bardhan, P. N. Notes on etiology and diagnosis of influenza. Malay. M. J., 1937, 12: 114.—Brockman. St. L. An influenzal condition simulating the acute abdomen. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 874.— Delencourt. Grippe e paludismo; diagnostico differencial. Novid. med. pharm., Porto, 1906, 11: 257-65.—Goldie. W. Influenza, acidosis, or appendicitis? Lancet, Lond., 1933, 1: 301.—Gyiire, D. [Influenza-like cases among children in villages] Nepegeszsegiigy, 1938, 19: 84-8.—Hertzberg, A. A. [Influenza and our so-called colds] Fin. lak. siill. hand., 1934, 76: 252-63.—Salzman, S. R. An infectious syndrome resem- bling influenza. Ohio M. J., 1942, 38: 328-30.—Schilling, V. Ueber die praktische Bedeutung der Unterscheidung von Angina, septischem Rheumatoid, echtem Gelenkrheumatismus und Grippe. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 261-3.—Schmitz. Psycho- gene Pseudogrippe. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1923-24, 25; 69.—Vajda. L. Tuberkulose nachahmende Grippe. Zsehr. Tuberk., 1934. 70: 58-61.—Von den Velden, R. Zur Grippe- fehldiagnose. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1596-9. Also In Samml. wicht. Fruhdiagn., Lpz., 1936, 102-10.—Wachs- muth, W. Zur Differentialdiagnostik abdomineller Beschwer- den bei Grippe. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 614. INFLUENZA 267 INFLUENZA ■--- Digestive system and abdomen. Depotjilly, J. Contribution k l'6tude des diarrheas infantiles: le cholera grippal. 56p. 8? Lyon, 1935. Drozewski, M. F. influenzal appendicitis or appendicitis complicating influenza. 27p. 4? Milwaukee, 1937. Egger, A. *Mundveranderungen bei In- fluenza [Leipzig] 21p. 8? [Zeulenrodal 1927. Nickel, E. F. *Erkrankungen der Mund- schleimhaut und der Zahne als Folge von Infek- tionskrankheiten, unter Beriicksichtigung der Grippe. 18p. 8? Heidelb. [1932] Abels, H. Das selbstandige Magen-Darmbild der Grippe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928. 41: 1482-4.—Allot. G., & Barraud. F. L'exploration des fonctions biliaire et chromagogue du foie au cours de la grippe. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1929, 49: 411-7.— Areta, T. Seccion intestinal con fistula entero-enteral y entero- umbilical de probable origen gripal. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 1, 1159-61.—Bak, I. [Influenza and catarrhal jaundice] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 3020.—Bicart, P., & Jacob, A. Quelques cas de grippe infectieuse k localisation gastro-in- testinale. Strasbourg med., 1931, 91: 263-5.—Boone, F. H. Intestinal grippe (so called) Canad. M. Ass. J., 1928, 19: 63-7.—Boucher, F. T. Influenza and appendicitis. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1937. 68: 243-5.—Charnaux. Foie grippal et lithiase biliaire. C. rend. Congr. internat. lith. biliaire, 1932, 2: 288-92. ------ El hfgado y las enfermedades infecciosas; el higado gripal. Cr6n. m.ed. mex., 1932, 31: 637-40.—Cher- kassky, M. A. [Secretory and motor functions of the stomach in influenzal infection] Ter. arkh., 1937, 15: 43-7.—Coombs, J. N. Influenza as a factor in intra-abdominal disease. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc, 1930, 30: 70-3.—Couto, M. A lingua negra na grippe. In his Clin, med., Rio, 1935, 1: 161.—Cucugliata, R. Le sindro'mi addominali dell'influenza. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1933, 12: 423-7.—Decarie, R., & Roll and, R. Peritonite k pneumocoques consecutive a une congestion pulmonaire grippale. Union m6d. Canada, 1936, 65: 908.—Decherf. Quatre cas de peritonite grippale tres graves, au cours de l'epidemie de grippe de l'hiver 1933. Lyon chir., 1933, 30: 732-6.—Dinkin, L. Ueber hamorrhagische Veranderungen der Darmmukosa und Darmblutungen bei Grippe. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 759.—Duken, J. Formen der enteralen Grippe im friihen Kindesalter. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 449-55.—Egorov. B. A. [Influenzal inflammation of teeth and influenzal tonsillitis] Klin, med., Moskva, 1929, 7: 1644-58 — Esau. Erkrankungen der Bauchhohlenorgane und ihrer Nachbarschaft bei und nach Grippe (Fehldiagnosen und Differentialdiagnostisches) Med. Klin., Berl., 1923, 19: 168 — Fabrizio, A. Fegato infettivo simulante l'ascesso in seguito a broncopolmonite da influenza. Rinasc. med., 1926, 3: 487.— Friedjung, J. K. Gibt es eine Darmgrippe? Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 1636.—Halpern, S. S. [Gastro-intestinal complications in influenza] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 205-10.— Hiebaum, K. Ueber gastro-intestinale Befunde im Rahmen gripposer Erkrankungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1935, 48: 1204; 1285.—Hilgenreiner, H. Grippe; Appendizitis. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 719 (microfilm)—Hoffmann, K. F. Durch Grippe verursachte Schadigungen im Munde und am Zahn- und Kiefersystem. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 1564.—Julienne & Liscoet. A propos de 3 cas d'appendicite grippales. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1935, 29: 178-81.—Kroner, R. Ueber die akute und chronische Intestinalinfluenza mit pseudothyreo- toxischem Symptomenkomplex. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 1825-8.—Lombardi, A. Contributo alio studio etiologico di alcune forme gastro-intestinali durante il decorso dell'in- fluenza. Morgagni, 1932, 74: 1271.—Micheienkov, F. [Case of influenza, complicated with phlegmono-gangrenous appendi- citis] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 1368-70.—Moxo Queri. D. Com- plicaciones digestivas de la gripe. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1931. 16: 30-3.—Oxenius, K. Zur Behandlung von Grippebegleiter- scheinungen, insbesondere des Erbrechens. Deut. med. Wschr., ig35, 61: 1731.—Pariser, C. Appendizitis-Symptome bei Grippe. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 476.—Plaschkes, S. Magen- Darmerscheinungen als Grippefolgen (bradykardischer Mete- orismus; Gastritis; Colitis haemorrhagica) Med. Klin., Berl., 1931, 27: 1144.—Reczajski, W. [Influenza assuming the form of acute appendicitis] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 191.—Rock- well, G. E. Report of 5 cases of intestinal grippe with bac- teriological findings. J. Med., Cincin., 1927-28, 8: 82.— Rosenbaum. Grippeenteritis im Sauglingsalter. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1536. Also KUn. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1494. Also Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 33: 441-5—Ruzek, O. [In- fluenzal pseudoappendicitis] Voj. zdrav. listy, 1935, 11: 174-81.—Savignac. Les rectorragies solitaires au cours des etats grippaux. Bruxelles med., ig38-3g, 19: 634.—Schmidt, M. Peritonitis bei Grippe. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 718 (microfilm)—Sk&la-Rosenbaum, J. [Pelnar's disease: intestinal influenza] Cas. iek. cesk., 192g, 68: 385—Solieri, S. Ancora sulla sierosite peritoneale influenzale. Policlinico, 1937, 44: sez. prat.. 1152-6.—Taterka, H. Chirurgische Komplika- tionen der Bauchorgane bei Grippe. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 233: 67-72—Taviani, S. Complicanze influenzali a carico del sistema dentario. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1926, 7: 393-403.--- Tecoz, R. M. Les hemorragies intestinales au cours de la grippe. Praxis, Bern. 1941, 30: 866.—Tomarkin, E., & Loe- wenthal, W. Langwierige postgrippose Stomatitis mit Befund von Influenzabazillen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., ig27, 57: 787.— Uebermuth, H. Seltene abdominale Grippeformen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1938, 250: 149-57.—Viegener, T., & Wellner, O. Eine seltene Grippekomplikation. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 647.— Villaret, M„ & Guillain. A propos de 3 cas de parotidite grippale. Gaz. h6p., 1931, 104: 1563.—Vishnevetskaia, T. R. [Effect of parenteral infection (grippe) on the fermentative activity of the gastro-intestinal tract in hypotrophy] Pediatria, Moskva, 1938, No. 7-8, 45-50.—Woll, J., & Wetzel, H. Akute Pankreatitis bei Grippe. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 1199. ---- Ear [incl. otorhinolaryngological aspect] See also subheadings. Botjvier, F. J. *Apercu sur les mastoidites grippales et conclusions k en tirer au cours de 1'Exercice 1930-31 a la clinique oto-rhino- laringologique de l'Hopital Cantonal de Geneve [Geneve] 53p. 8? Aix-les-Bains, 1932. Vachey, P. *Contribution k I'etude de Potite grippale. 43p. 8? Par., 1927. Baratoux, J. A propos des interventions sur la mastoide dans la grippe. J. med. Paris, 1931, 51: 903.—Beyer, H. Grippeotitis. Zsehr. Hals &c Heilk., 1928, 21: 51-61 — Bianculli, H. Otopatfa aguda gripal; otitis, mastoiditis yugo- dig&strica, labirintitis. Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 226-8.—Brunetti, F. Otomastoiditi acute influenzali con paralisi del VII? Arch. ital. otol., 1933, 45: 32-8— Censky, A. [Otogenous, nasal and laryngeal complications during the last influenzal epidemic in Brno] Cas. lek. desk., 1935, 74: 1174.— Claus, G. Grippe und Mittelohrentziindung. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 2063-5.—Cohen, H. The ear, nose and throat in influenza. Am. Physician, 1926, 31: 641; 652.—Complicanze (Le) auricolari dell'influenza. Gior. ocul., 1930, 11: 28-30.— Didsburig. Otitis media aguda gripal en un adulto, sin perfora- ci6n espontdnea ni provocada del tfmpano; salida de pus por la trompa de Eustaquio; curaci6n r&pida de la otitis. Bol. lar. otol., Madr., 1904, 4: 411.—Erdelyi, J. [Vestibular diseases in influenza patients in connection with mild, probably epidemic encephalitis] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1938, 36: 925-8.----;— & Bedo, E. Zur Frage der friihzeitigen Parazentese bei Sauglingen und Kleinkindern (anlasslich der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie) Mschr. Ohrenh., 1926, 60: 887-94.—Ernoul & Eschbach. Septicemie otitique k streptocoques aprSs operation de mastoi- dite grippale. Otorhinolar. internat., Lyon, 1937, 21: 498- 500.—Gauthier, P. L'otite latente grippale chez l'enfant. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1927, 47: 104-8.—Gyorgy, E. Ueber die Grippe-Otitiden. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 818-21 — Halphen, E. Labyrinthite sereuse suraigue au cours d'une otite grippale. Ann. mal. oreille, 1927, 46: 610-9.—Harris, E. W. Acute otitis media in influenza. Proc Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1937, 4: 2-4.—Hesse, W. Otitis bei Influenza. Zsehr. Laryng., 1927-28, 16: 479-82.—Hofhauser. J. Die Erreger der durch Erkaltung (Influenza) verursachten Mittelohrentziindung. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1937, 25: 157.— Hornfcek, B. [Experiences with otitis media during current year's influenza epidemic] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1927, 66: 650-4.— Jeschek, J. Ueber Komplikationen bei Grippe-Otitis. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1937, 71: 1304-8.—Karelitz, S. Myringitis bullosa haemorrhagica. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1937, 53: 510-6.—Kearney, H. L. Otorhinolaryngologic aspects of influenza. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1941-42, 94: 216.—Keogh, P. J. Some otitic com- plications of influenza. Irish J. M. Sc, 1927, 6. ser., 670-3. Also Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1927, n. ser., 124: 527-9.— Kompaneetz, S. M. [Otitis of influenzal origin] Dnipropetr. med. J., 1929, 8: 709-16.—Kozlov, A. M. [Combined treat- ment of the vestibular syndrome following grippe, by injections of 40% solution of urotropin and ionogalvanodiathermy with potassium] Fizioterapia, Moskva, 1939, No. 2, 59.—Leukind, E. I.. [Flora of post-influenzal, suppurative otitis and mastoidi- tis] Vest, otorinolar., 1939, 99-109.—Milligan, W. Hjemor- rhagic types of ear disease occurring during epidemics of influenza. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1925-26, 19: Sect. Otol., 21-6. Also J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1926, 41: 493-8. Also Rev. laryng., Par., 1927, 48: 594-9.—Morris, S. J. Otolaryngologi- cal complications of influenza. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1924, 11: pt 2, 779-90.—Novak, F. J., jr. The ear, nose and throat in influenza. Clin. Med., 1942, 49: 272-4.—NUhsmann, T. Die Erkrankung des Gehororgans bei Influenza (Grippe) Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 877-9—O'Malley, J. F. Ear complications of influenza. Brit. M. J., 1932, 1: 90-2. ------ Aural complications of influenza. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1935, 190: 303-6.—Orlova, E. F., & Minkovsky, A. K. [Diagnostic and prognostic importance of the change of the composition of the blood in influenzal mastoiditis] Vest. sovet. otorinolar., 1933, 26: 74-80.—Pchelkin, N. A. In- fluenzal otitis media. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1936, 47: 437_g —pirodda, A. Ricerche sulla etiologia delle otiti da influenza. Gior. batt. immun., 1938, 21: 657-63.—Pop, L. [Influenza and complications; prevention and treatment; data from the oto-rhinolaryngological clinic of Cluj in 1934-35] Cluj. med., 1935, 16: 490-5.—Rosenblatt, M., Levy, G., & Cheyvachmann, L. Prevention et clinique des affections otiques d'etiologie grippale chez les enfants d'apres les donnees 68 INFLUENZA INFLUENZA de repidemie 1932-33. Arch. med. enf., 1937, 40: 265-73 — Roussel & Deyme. L'autohemotherapie dans la prevention des otites grippales. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1938, 32: 479 — Sargnon, Dechaume & Joussaume. Otite grippale droite, mastoidite, paralysie du moteur oculaire externe gauche; mort par meningite tardive. Ann. otolar., Par., 1934, 60-2.— Sharpe. W. S. The influenzal ear. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect. Lar. Otol., 103-6. Also J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1928, 43: 867-9.—Shulga, A. O. [Grippal otitis and accom- panying meningoencephalitis] Vest, otorinolar., 1941, No. 3, 52-9.—Smith, A. B. Influenzal labyrinthitis without suppura- tive otitis media. J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1935. 50: 263-7, 3 pl.— Steuber. Ueber Grippeotitis, unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Verhaltnisse an der Univ.-Ohren-Klinik Wurzburg wahrend der Grippeepidemie 1934-35. Deut. Militararzt, 1937, 2: 66-9.—Tanturri, D. Antro-mastoidite congestiva grippale. Rass. ital. otorinolar., 1932, 6: 161-8.—Tobeck, A. Die Grippeerkrankungen des Ohres. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 349-52.—Vogel, K. Die akuten Erkrankungen des Ohres und der oberen Luftwege bei Grippe. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 222-5.—Woods, R. R. Acute mastoiditis. Irish J. M. Sc, 1933, 6. ser., 90: 258-64.—Wright, A. J. The management of the ear, nose and throat in influenza. Bristol Med. Chir. J., 1932, 49: 123-30. ---- endemic. Field, C. G. Endemic influenza. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 123: 425.—Hamer, W. H. The endemic influenza prevalences of the 3 years 1933, 1934 and 1935, together with some comments thereon, in the light of recent literature concerning influenza. J. State M., Lond., 1936, 44: 125-45.— Tushinsky, M. D., & Osinskaia, V. V. [Pneumonia during the period of endemic grippe in 1939] Klin, med., Moskva, 1940, 18: No. 2, 52-8. ---- Endocrine system. Cimbelmann, B. *Ueber Menstruations- veranderungen bei der Grippe. 17p. 8? Basel, 1926. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 56: De Ritis, F., & Stolfi, G. Virus influenzale e ghiandole surrenali. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 116-8.—Gross, R., & Scharff, O. Ueber einen Fall von akutem Exophthalmus nach Grippe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 657.—Karlinskaia, A. F. [Pathomorphology of the endocrine glands in young children during grippal infection] Sovet. pediat., 1935, No. 7, 10-47.—Kovacs, A. Beiderseitige akute Nebennierenblutung bei Influenza. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1929, 38: 387-99 — Lopez Albo, W. Dos casos de hipotiroidismo post-gripal; pequefia insuficiencia tiroidea; hipotiroidismo parcial; trastornos mentales, hipersomnia y cefalea. Progr. clin., Madr., 1919, 13: 122-8. ------ Un nuevo caso de hipofunci6n tiroidea post- gripal; forma neurdlgica del hipotiroidismo. Ibid., 14: 217-9.— Masson, P. La mitonecrose. Tr. R. Soc. Canada, 1933, 3. ser., 27: Sect, 5., 163-7.—Rossiisky, D. M. [Grippal infection and the endocrine system] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1942, 14: No. 2, 11-3. ------& Abramova, N. D. Les affections grippales des glandes endocrines. Rev. fr. endocr., 1937, 15: 109-14. Also Vrach. delo, 1937. 19: 211-4.—Schultze, K. Eitrige Strumitis nach Grippe. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 2258-60.—Schwaighofer. Nebenniereninsuffizienz bei Grippe in der Schwangerschaft. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1320 (Abstr.) ---- epidemic [and pandemic] Jordan, E. O. Epidemic influenza; a survey. 599p. 8? Chic. [1927] Schmitz, M. *Zur Epidemiologic der Grippe in den letzten zehn Jahren. 63p. 8? Bonn, 1931. Ahlstrom, C. G. [Epidemic influenza, a survey of modern research] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1343-8.—Andrewes, C. H. Epidemic influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 589-91.—Banov, L. Ubiquitous influenza. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1941, 37: 31.—Bihier, R. Zur Epidemiologic der Grippe in den letzten 3 Jahren; Erfahrungen aus der Medizinischen Klinik Miinster. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 2177.—David, A. Notes sur une epidemie de grippe. J. sc. med. Lille, 1921, 39: pt 1, 465-70.— DeCourcy, C, & Thuss, O. The influenza epidemics of 1918 and 1941. Ohio M. J., 1941, 37: 964-6.—Donath, J. Zu welchen praktischen Ergebnissen hat die Beobachtung der Grippefalle der letzten Jahre gefiihrt? Wien. klin. Wschr 1927, 40: 273—Doull, J. A., & Bahlke, A. M. Epidemic influenza; a comparison of clinical observations in a major and a minor epidemic Am. J. Hyg., 1933, 17: 562-80.— Epidemias de grippe en el siglo XX. Dfa med. Uruguay, 1936- 37, 4: 53; 70.—Epidemic influenza. Brit. M. J., 1938, 1: 1008. Also Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 959. Also Clin. Excerpts, 1942, 16: 67-75.—Francis, T., jr. Epidemic influenza. Bull. N' Vork Acad. M., 1941, 17: 268-79.—Frazier, J. M. Influenza; comparative experience in 2 epidemics. Texas J. M., 1930-31, 26: 523.—Friend, G. E. Institutional influenza: epidemic and endemic Practitioner, Lond., 1933, 130: 37—47.—Gsell, O. Die Grippe; Erkrankungen in den Jahren 1920-32. Erg. ges Med., 1932, 17: 455-500.—Harts ton, W. Epidemic influenza. Brit. M. J., 1940. 2: 878.—Huber. E. G. A statistical study of the morbidity in 5 influenza epidemics between 1922 and 1932. Am. J. Hyg., 1933, 18: 727 -35. Influenza in minor epidemics. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond.. 19:r>. 3«: 22. Influenza in retrospect. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 762. Influenza epidemics; some conun- drums. Bin M. J., 1942, 2: 55(i. Laurie, W. Notes on an epidemic nf influenza. In,I. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 329-33.— Martin, A. L., A Fairbrothor. R. W. An epidemic of apparent influenza. Lancet, Lond.. 1939, 2: 1313-5.—Nardinl, R. Osservazioni etiologico-anatomo-patologiche e cliniche sopra l'epidemia influenzale degli ultimi anni. Gazz. osp., 1927, 48: 169.—Paton, J. H. P. Clinical studies of influenza; a school epidemic possibly influenzal in origin. Rep. S. Andrews Inst. Clin. Res., Lond., 1926, 3: 126-38.—Rickard, E. R. La in- fluenza epidemica. Rev. med. cubana, 1941, 52: 15-22.— Sulkin, S. E., Smith, J. E., & Douglass, 1). D. Experimental study of an institutional outbreak of epidemic influenza. J. Infect. Dis., 1941, 69: 278-8-L— Tanon, L. La grippe pandemi- que et les grandes manifestations mondiales. Rev. sc, Par., 1937, 75: 239-43.—Wauchope, G. M. Minor epidemics of influenza (epidemic catarrh) a clinical study of 9 seasons, 1924- 33. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1:879; 949. ---- epidemic: History. Baden. Grossherzogliche Beziuksarzte. Bericht iiber das Auftreten der Influenza im Grossherzogthum Baden in Jahre 1889-90. 50p. 8? Karlsruhe, 1891. Dias, A. A. C. *Manifestac5es clinicas da epidemia de 1889 a 90 (apontamentos colhidos no Hospital de Santa Martha) 85p. 8? Lisb., 1890. Sydenham, T., Frank, G. P., & Odier, L. La grippe; sua cronologia, sua recente appari- zione in Parigi ed altro di analogo alia medesima. 42p. 21cm. Milano, 1837. Andel, M. A. van [La grippe in the 16th century] Bijd. gesch. geneesk., 1929, 9: 328-34. Also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: pt 2, 5744-50.—Brown, M. W. Early epidemics of influenza in America. Med. J. & Rec, 1932, 135: 449-51 — Burckhard, G. Zur Geschichte der Influenza. Sudhoffs Arch., 1929, 22: 201-5.—Daday, A. [Data on the history of influenza epidemics] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1939, 37:-224.— Hoder, F. Zur Geschichte und Aetiologie der Grippe. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 256-8.—Luciani, F. Sui catarro epidemico, a grippe del 1837. Arch. sc. med. fis. toscane (1837-38) 1840, 1: 419-35.—Miinster, L. Epidemie di influenza nei secoli passati (alcuni documenti inediti sui mal mattone, a Bologna) Rass. clin. ter., 1934, 33: Boll. Ist. stor. ital. san., 1-19.—Namias. Cenni storico-patologici sulla febbre reumato-catarrale detta comunemente grippe osservata in Genova e piu particolarmente in Quiliano. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1839, 10: 133.—Nogue Roca, J. Un caso de influenza. Rev. homeop., Barcel., 1892, 3: 24-9.—Nota sui grippe di Parigi e sui suo trattamento. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1837, 13: 208-15.—Reichel, H. Zur Geschichte und Epidemiologie der Grippe. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 117-9.—Rush, B. An account of the influ- enza, as it appeared in Philadelphia, the autumn of 1789, in the spring of 1790 and in the winter of 1791. Nebraska M. J., 1934, 19: 410-13.—Townsend. J. F. History of influenza epidemics. Ann. M. Hist., 1933, n. ser., 5: 533-47. ---- epidemic: History—1918-19. Larizza, P. L'influenza (con speciale riguardo ai caratteri clinici ed etiologici della presente pandemia estiva) 36p. 26Kcm. Reggio Cala- bria, 1918. Mouritz, A. The flu; a brief history of in- fluenza in U. S. America, Europe, Hawaii. 36p. 8! Honolulu, 1921. Robertson, J. D. A report on an epidemic of influenza in the city of Chicago in the fall of 1918. 109p. 8? Chic, 1918. Sen, R. K. A treatise on influenza, with special reference to the pandemic of 1918. 150p. 8? Lond., 1923. Thomson. La grippe de 1918; son traitement, sa prophylaxie. 2. ed. 12p. 8? Par., 1918. Bottelli. U. L'influenza del 1918-19 nei bambini ospedaliz- zati (statistica; eziologia; conclusioni) Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1926, 3. ser., 14: 11-6.—Britten, R. H. The incidence of epi- demic influenza, 1918-19; a further analysis according to age, sex, and color of the records of morbidity and mortality ob- tained in surveys of 12 localities. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1932, 47: 303-39.—Haldane. J. S. The influenza epidemic of 1918; colour of the blood in fatal cases. Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 1070.—Hrenoff, A. K. The influenza epidemic of 1918-19 in San Francisco. Mil. Surgeon, 1941, 89: 805-11.—Jordan, E. O. The influenza epidemic of 1918; encephalitis and in- fluenza. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 89: 1603-6; 1689; 1779.— Lasnier. E. P. Resultados necr6psicos en algunos casos de INFLUENZA 269 INFLUENZA grippe neum6nica de la epidemia del invierno de 19ig en Montevideo. An. Fac. med., Montev., ig20, 5: 227-54.— Nakagawa, H. Bacteriological observations on influenzal pneumonia; cases in the spring epidemic of 1919. J. Orient. M„ Dairen, 1928, 8: 13-5.—Ortega, L. La epidemia actual de grippe. Cr6n. med. quir. Habana, 1918, 44: 633-8.—Pirquet, C. War die Influenzaepidemie des Jahres 1918 atiologisch identisch mit der des Jahres 1890? Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 10.—Sanchez de Val, A. Consideraciones clfnicas sobre la epidemia actual; revisi6n del concepto de gripe. Progr clfn Madr.. 1918. 12: 355-63.—Sydenstricker, E. The incidence of influenza among persons of different economic status durin« the epidemic of 1918. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1931, 461 154-70.—Van den Branden, F. La grippe espagnole au Stanley- pool. Rev. med., Louvain, 1919, 287.-—Wahlgren, F. On the frequency of croupy pneumonia in Stockholm before and after the influenza epidemic 1918-ig. Acta med. scand 1926 Suppl. 16: 643-50.— Wilson, E. B., & Hilferty, M. M. On the explosiveness and destructiveness of the 1918 epidemic Proc Nat. Acad. 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Influenza and its pulmonary complications; a study of the incidence and character of the March, 1926, epidemic in Providence and at Brown University. Am. J. M. Sc, 1927, 173: 818-24.—Duff, J., & Noble, W. C, jr. A clinical and bacteriological study of so- called influenza in New York City, in 1926. J. Prev. M., 1928, 2: 205-12.—Feyrter, F. Zur Pathologie der Grippelunge (Wien 1926) Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: 906; 933.— Fischl, R. Eindriieke von der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927. 23: 592-4.—Gatep, F. L. Bacterium pneumosintes in clinical influenza in New York City in 1926. J. Exp. M., 1926. 44: 787-94.—Gugrin, A. Ouelques aspects de la grippe en 1927. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1927, 41: 341-4.— Guttman, M. R. Otitis externa herpetica as a complication of the present influenza epidemic. Laryngoscope, 1926, 36: 805-8.—Hesse, E. Der Verlauf der Grippeepidemie 1926-27 im Deutschen Reiche. Aerztl. Mschr., 1927, 358-66 — Influenza (The) epidemic of 1926; a preliminary note on certain epidemiological indications. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1926 41:1759-74.—Influenza (The) outbreak in Europe. Ibid., 1927, 42:283-6.—Jacquet, P. Sur l'epidemiologie de la grippe. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1927, 3. ser., 51: 283-5.—Kasanska, E. [Epidemic of influenza in 1926; data from the Children's Hospital in Dnepropetrovsk (Russia)] Dnepropetr. med. J., 1930, 9: 244-53.—Kessel, O. Die akute Mittelohrentziindung bei der Grippe Januar-Februar 1927. Med. Korbl. Wiirt- temberg, 1927, 97: 475.—Kimmerle, A. Die letzte Grippeepi- demie mit einem Riickblick auf die Epidemien friiherer Zeiten. Fortsch. Med., 1927, 45: pt 2, 139-45. ------ Die Grippe in den Jahren 1926-27. Ibid., 1928, 46: 101-6.—Kraus, O. Beobachtungen wahrend der Grippeepidemie ig26-27. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 605.—Leschke, E. Die Grippe. Umschau, 1927, 31: 221-3.—Lombard, H. L., & Dorring, C. R. Influenza in Massachusetts. Boston M. & S. 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Bull Acad, med., Par., 1927, 3. ser., 97: 216-9.—Rosenbluth, A. Grippeepidemie unter Schulkindern; Entstehung und Verlauf. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 789.—Schlittler, E. Ueber die akute Mittelohrentziindung der Grippewelle des Friihjahres W27. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 1042-5.—Schott. Riickblick auf die Grippeseuche im Bezirk Esslingen. Med. Korbl. Wurttemberg, 1927, 97: 489.—Singer, E. Bakteri- ologische Befunde bei Grippekranken der Prager Epidemie 1926-27. Zbl Bakt., 1. Abt., 1927, 104: 226.—Taterka, H., & WSS-rg' ??•, Erfah"mgen bei der letzten Grippeepidemie Med. Klin., Berl., 1927. 23: 389-g2. ---- epidemic: History—1927-29. Bloss, W. W. *Beobachtungen aus uw Gnppe-Epidemie des Winters 1928-29 [Leipzig] 56p. 8? [Zeulenroda, 1930] Falk, I. S., Harrison, R. W. [et al.] Experi- ments on the etiology of the influenza epidemic ol 1928-29. 192p. 8? Bait., 1931. _ Stahl, H. *Ueber die Grippe, unter Beriick- sichtigung der Falle der medizinischen Klinik wahrend der Epidemie von 1929. 43d. 8° Bonn. 1930. Alessio, F. Osservazioni cliniche sui decorso delle com- plicanze broncopolmonari da influenza nell'inverno del 1929. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1930, 2: 38-71.—Barth, E., & Hahn, M. Weitere Grippestudien anlasslich einer neuen Epidemie von Influenza vera in der Universitats-Kinderklinik Halle im Winter 1928-29. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1929, 48: 366-70.—Barth, E., Herbst, R., & Neumann, H. Ueber eine durch Influenza- bacillen verursachte Grippeepidemie in der Universitats- kinderkhnik Halle. Ibid., 1928, 46: 291-302.—Bezancon, F., Chevalley [et al.] Caracteres cliniques et epidemiologiques de 1 epidemie dite de grippe de l'hiver 1929. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Pans, 1929, 3. ser., 53: 668-78.—Collins, S. D. The influenza epidemic of 1928-2g with comparative data for 1918-19. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1930, 20: 119-29. ------ The influenza epidemic of 1928-29 in 14 surveyed localities in the United States; an analysis, according to age, sex, and color, of the records of morbidity and mortality obtained in the surveys. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1934, 49: 1-42.—Cooper, M. L. The association of green-producing streptococci with the present epidemic of so-called influenza. J. Med., Cincin., 1929-30, 10: 175.—Douthwaite, A. H. Treatment of influenza, the prevailing epidemic in London. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 359.—Dufourmentel, L. Les complications oto-rhino-laryngo- logiques de la grippe actuelle. Prat. med. fr., 1929, 8:' 107- 13.—Einhorn, M. Effect of the recent epidemic of influenza (December, 1928, January, 192g) on the recurrence of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Med. J. & Rec, 1929, 130: 75-8.— Ferreri, G. Sulla frequente associazione di otiti e sinusiti della faccia nella recente epidemia influenzale. Bull. Accad. med. Roma, 1929, 55: 89-91.—Frost, W. H., & Van Volkenburgh, V. A. The minor respiratory diseases as observed during the influenza epidemic of 1928-29 and in a non-epidemic period. Am. J. Hyg., 1935, 21: 647-64. Also in Papers (Frost, W. H.) N. Y., 1941, 427-46—Fttrth, L. [Contribution of 1928 to the study on influenza] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1929, 68: 315.—Glaser, W. Das Schlamm- oder Erntefieber (Sommergrippe) im Bezirksamt Erding im Jahre 1927. Munch, med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 1162.— Green, H. W., & Rockwood. H. L. The 1928-29 influenza epidemic in Cleveland. J. Prev. M., 1930, 4: 251-9.—Gu6rin, A. La grippe en 1929. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1929, 43: 341-3.— Hirsch, E. F., & Le Count, E. R. A death in Chicago in Septem- ber 1928, from influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: 1186.— Hoffmann, W. Die Ausdehnung der Grippeepidemie 1928- 29 in Berlin und einigen anderen deutschen Grosstadten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1293-6.—Kabelik, J. [Hem- orrhages from brain and meninges during influenza epidem- ic of recent years (1928) in Prague] Cas. iek. 6esk., 1929, 68: 784.—Lewina, C. A. Ueber gewisse Eigenheiten der letzten Grippe-Epidemie. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1930, 43: 1508-10.—Lezhnev, V. N. [Clinical characteristics of epi- demic influenza in 1926-30, material from the Medical Fac- ulty of the Therapeutic Clinic of the State University for Medical Sciences in Leningrad] Ter. arkh., 1932, 10: 73.— Miller, F. N. The influenza epidemic at the Universitv of Oregon in the fall of 1928. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1929, 44: 1353-62. Also West. M. Rev., 1929, 34: 242-54,—Mor- tality of the current influenza epidemic. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1929, 44: 117-22.—Natorp, W. Klinische Beobach- tungen aus der Grippeepidemie 1929. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1377-80.—Noeggerath, C. Beobachtungen und Versuche bei der diesjahrigen Grippe; die epidemiologische Rolle einiger Altersstufen bei der Grippe. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 2270; 2324.—Nussbaum, R. Die Beteiligung von Ohren, Nase und Hals bei der letzten Grippe-Epidemie 1928-29, Arch. Ohr. &c Heilk., 1929, 123: 133-5.—Plavskaja, E. V. [Influenza epidemic in the Balkhash region in 1929, Caucasus] Vest, mikrob., 1930, 9: 225-30.—Regan, J. C. Influenza; forms and symptomatology; epidemic 1928-2g. Arch. Pediat. N. Y., 192g, 46: 201-16.—Rimbaud, L., Chardonneau, J. [et al.] La grippe chez le vieillard pendant l'hiver 1927-28. Arch. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1928, 9: 339-43.— Scanlan, D. W. Influenza; a clinical discussion of pulmonary symptoms and complications in a study of 100 cases from 1928- 29 epidemic. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1930, 27: 306-10.—Selig- mann, E., Jiirgens, G. [et al.] Grippe in Berlin. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 113-22.—Stall worth, W. L. The recent epidemic of influenza and its complications. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1929- 30, 82: 594-600.—Thomson, D., & Thomson, R. A bacterio- logical investigation of the present influenza epidemic. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 388-90.—Traut, E. F., & Herrold, R. D. The INFLUENZA 270 INFLUENZA Influenza epidemic of 1928, a study of its bacteriology. Arch. Int. M., 1930, 45: 412-9.- Veldee, M. V. Morbidity in the influenza epidemic of 1928-29; preliminary report on surveys in certain cities. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1929, 44: 113&-7. ---- epidemic: History—1930-32. Falta, L. Verglei(tfiende Angaben iiber Otitiden bei den einzelnen Grippeepidemien, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Epidemie 1931-32. Mschr. Ohrenh., -1932, 66: 1520-6 — Grabscheid, E. Ueber die Eigentiimlichkeiten der Otitis bei der Grippeepidemie 1930-31 (Otitis interna gripposa) Zsehr. Laryng., 1931, 21: 156-65.—McGowan, T. An outbreak of gastric and respiratory influenza in a boy's industrial school in Glasgow. Med. Off., Lond., 1931, 46: 115. Mandry, O. C, Otero, P. M., & Suarez, J. Report of studies of the 1932 epi- demic of influenza in Puerto Rico. Porto Rico J. Pub. Health, 1932, 8: 205-19, 2 pl.—Minaker, A. J. A recent outbreak of influenza (so-called) and its complications, treatment, and laboratory studies of blood and excretions. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1931, 42: 175-86.—Petrilla, A. Epidemiological data to the influenza epidemic in 1931. Orsz. Kozegeszs. Int. kozl., 1931, 4: No. 12, 1-12.—Rejto, A. Ueber die otitischen Eigenheiten der diesjahrigen Influenzaepidemie. Zsehr. Hals &c. Heilk., 1932, 31: 406-10 [Discussion] 417.—Rymkiewicz, W. [Resume de la communication sur la soi-disant grippe en Pomeranie] Lek. wojsk., 1931, 18: 472.—Sireteanu, M. [Study of the influenza epidemic of 1931 in Cluj] Cluj. med., 1931, 12: 650-4.—Skiutanskas, I. [Certain symptoms of recent influenza] Medicina, Kaunas, 1931, 12: 317-23. ---- epidemic: History—1932-33. Retjsch, K. *Beitrag zum Problem der Grippe mit besonderer Betrachtung der Epidemie 1932-33. 28p. 8? Erlangen, 1935. Wagner, H. *Das klinische Bild der Grippe- epidemie im Januar-Februar 1933 nach den Krankenblattern der Medizinischen Universi- tatsklinik zu Leipzig. 19p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Benvenuti, M. Su alcune particolari caratteristiche cliniche della epidemia influenzale del Volterrano. Gior. med. prat., 1933, 15: 494 504.—Berg, H. H., Munk, F. [et al.] Die diesjiihrige Grippeepidemie. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 261-71 — Bolla, L. Alcune osservazioni sull'attuale epidemia influenzale. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1932, 4: 481.—Claus. Zur Charakter der gegenwartigen Grippeepidemie. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1933, 30: 162.—Collins. S. D., & Goner, M. L'epidemie d'influenza de l'hiver 1932-33 dans une proupe d'environ 95 villes des Etats-Unis. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1934, 26: 1732-8, map.—Den6chau, D. A propos de l'epidemie de grippe actuelle sevissant en Anjou. Arch. med. Angers, 1933, 37: 33-8.—Dobreitzer, I. A. [Influenza epidemic in the winter 1932-33] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 215-24.—Ganz, E. Die Grippeepidemie 1933 in Zurich. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 923-7.—Heeres, P. A., & Koster, L. [Clinical aspect of epidemic influenza in Asseu in 1932] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1932, 76: pt 4, 5234-48, pl.—Influenza (The) epidemic of the winter 1932-33. Rapp. epidem., Geneve, 1933, 12: 123-34.— Influenza in Europe 1932-33. Versl. volksgezondh., 1933. No. 2, 183-7.—JUrgens, G. Das Seuchenbild der Grippe, Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 253-6.—Kaplan. A. A., Ermakovskaia, N. P., A Kutumov, N. P. [Influenzal affections in Tashkent during 1932 and 1933] J. profil. subtrop. klin. med., Tashkent, 1934, 4: 61-71.—Krehnke, O. Epidemischrs Auftreten der Grippe im Winter 1932-33. Reichsgesundhbl., 1933, 8: 562- 7.—Lacalle, E. La gripe infantil; consideraciones sobre la ultima epidemia. An. Hosp. S. Jose, Madr.. 1932-33, 4: 161- 3.—Lewenstein, H., & Schmitz, H. A. Grippepsychosen wah- rend der Epidemie 1932-33. Deut. med. Wschr. 1933, 59: 646-8.—Linden, H. Medizinalstatistische Tatsachen und Betrachtungen zur neuen Grippewelle. Ibid., 225.—Pittaluga, G. Sobre la actual epidemia de gripe. Rev. san. hig. pub., Madr., 1933, 8: 167-9.—Prausnitz, C. Die Grippeepidemie in Breslau im Spiitwinter 1932. Deut. med. Wschr., 1932, 58: 547.------Zur Grippeepidemie, 1933. Ibid., 1933, 59: 217-9.—Reiter. Epidemies d'influenza en Allemagne pendant l'hiver l'.t32-33. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., ig34, 26: 1726-31.—Rodenbeck. Die Grippeepidemie im Winter 1932- 33 in cinigen uussei deutschen Landern. Reichsgesundhbl., 1933, 8: 700.—Starr, K. W. Some aspects of an influenza epidemic (1933) -Med. J. Australia, 1934, 2: 483-6. ---- epidemic: History—1933-36. Barabas, A. *L'epidemie de grippe de 1935 en Roumanie. 37p. 8? Par., 1937. Bartsch [H.] W. *Das klinische Bild der Grippeepidemie im Jahre 1934-35 und ihre Differentialdiagnose. 24p. 8? Bonn, 1936. Ganz, E. *Die Grippeepidemie 1933 in Zurich [Zurich] 17p. 8? Basel, 1933. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: Hadaschik, E. *Xebenhohlenaffektionen und Neuralgien, zwei haufige Symptome der Grippe- epidemie 1935 [Wurzburg] p.312-22. 8? Lpz., 1935. Also Zsehr. Laryng., 1935, 26: Henneberg, H. *IJeber die Grippopneu- monien 1933 [Rostock] 16p. 8? Greifswald, 1935. Schattenberg, J. *Zur Haematologie und Bakteriologie der diesjahrigen Grippe [Rostock] 13p. 8? Wiirzb., 1934. Alzona, L. La ricerca del bacilli di Pfeiffer nell'epidemia influenzale del 1935. Riforma med., 1935, 51: 1144.—Astvatsa- turov, M. I. [Effect of influenzal infection on the course of organic affections of the nervous system during the epidemic of 1934 in Leningrad] Tr. Acad. mil. med. Kiroff, 1936, 6: 55-61.—Belimov. P. F., & Benderskaia, E. A. [Microbiological investigation on sporadic and epidemic influenza in 1933-34] Sovet. klin., 1934, 20: 616-22.—Berger, W., Seemayer, H., & Schnetz, J. Das heutige Bild der Grippe. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 119-25.—Calbairac, M. Note sur l'6pidemie de grippe en decembre 1934. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1935, 28: 330-3.—Edens, I., Herzberg, K.. & Huebschmann, P. Beitrag zur Klinik, Bakteriologie und pathologischen Anatomie der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 865-7.—Erdelyi, E. Oto-rhino-laryngologische Erfahrungen bei der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1933, 67: 1412-8.—Gorchakov, I. A. [Influenzal outbreaks among children in the beginning of 1936] Klin, med., Moskva, 1936 14: 1835-7.—Helsmoortel, J., jr. Aspect des complications auriculaires pendant l'epidemie de grippe de l'hiver 1933-34. Ann. otolar., Par., 1934, 1008-10.—Hnring, F. O. Atmos- pharische Faktoren wahrend der Grippeepidemie 1933 in Kiel. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1933, 45. Kongr., 393-402.— Huertas, D. F. Nota clinica sobre la actual epidemia de gripe. Rev. espafi. med. cir., 1935, 18: 10-5.—Joltrain, E. Considera- tions sur l'epidemie de grippe de 1934-35. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1936, 3. ser., 115: 763-72.—Lapp. F. W., & Wicke. M. Zur Grippewelle 1935. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935. 61: 1722-4 — Lewenstein, H., & Schmitz. H. A. Grippepsychosen wahrend der Epidemie 1932-33. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1933, 35: 152-7.—Loben, F. Zur Klinik der Grippe, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Epidemie des Jahres 1933. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1934, 31: 161-6.—Lozano. R., & Zamarriego. Sobre la actual epidemia gripal. Med. ibera, 1935, 29: pt 1, 625-7.—Marcon & Mondon. Formes cliniques de la grippe au cours de l'epidemie de 1935 k Toulon. Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1935, 125: 673-88.— Riedl, L. [Characteristics of the influenzal epidemic of the present year] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1935, 74: 628-30.—Riera Lopez, S. Notes on the epidemiology of influenza in Puerto Rico, with especial reference to the epidemic of 1934. Puerto Rico Health Bull., 1940, 4: 199-203 — Risler, J. Application de la methode d'impregnation k I'hy- giene scolaire; statistiques relatives k l'epidemie de grippe de 1935. Presse med., 1935, 43: 705.—Samarian-Calarasi, P. [History of influenza in Roumania| Spitalul, 1935, 55: 232.— Schmitz, H. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie (1933) Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1933, 130: 58 — Thomson, D., & Thomson, R. Some features of the influenzal epidemic in the spring of 1935. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 62.— Tushinsky, M. D. [Pneumonias of the influenzal epidemic of 1936] Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 1469-73.—Watjen. J. Patho- iogisch-anatomische Erfahrungen bei der Grippeepidemie dea letzten Winters mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Influ- enzabazillenbefunde. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 993-8.— Wigand, R. Beobachtungen an grippekranken Studenten wahrend der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1435-7.—Wodak. E. Trigeminusneuralgie nach Nebenhohlenaffektion, ein Charakteristikum der heurigen Grippeepidemie? Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 676-8.— Yver. Complications grippales relevant de l'otorhino-larvngo- logie au cours de l'epidemie du 1935 & Toulon. Arch. m6d. pharm. nav., 1935, 125: 689-92. --- epidemic: History—1936-37. Stuart-Harris, C. H., Andrewes, C. H., Smith, W. [et al.] A study of epidemic influenza: with special reference to the 1936-37 epidemic. 151p. 8? Lond., 1938. Agnoli, R., & Vallebona, A. Studio clinico-radiologico delle forme influenziali osservate neU'inverno 1936-37. Clin. med. ital., 1937, 68: 867-98.—Beutter. W. Beobachtungen bei der diesjahrigen Spat-Friihjahrsgrippe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 1272.—Danson, J. G. Report on influenza epidemic in winter of 1936-37, R. N. H., Chatham. J. R. Nav. M. Serv.. 1937, 23: 257-9.—Dennig, H. Ueber den Charakter der gegenwartigen Grippeepidemie in Berlin. Deut. med. Wschr. 1937, 63: 178-80. Also Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1936) ig37, 67: 314-9.—Dobreitser, I. A. [Epidemiological features of the influenza outbreak in the winter of 1936] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 2: 441-53.—Entwicklung (Die) der Grippewelle. Reichs- gesundhbl., 1937, 12: 52.—Geiger, J. C, & Gray, J. P. In- fluenza: the San Francisco outbreak of January-February, 1937. California West. M., 1937, 46: 379-81.—Haehl. E. Beob- achtungen bei der diesjahrigen Grippeepidemie. Hippo- krates, Stuttg., 1937, 8: 408-12.—Influenza (The) epidemic. INFLUENZA 271 INFLUENZA Brit. M. J„ 1937, 1: 126; 451.—Influenza (The) epidemic [Great Britain] J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 567.—Influenza (The) epidemic in retrospect. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 1073.— Influenza in Europe. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1937, 52: 190.—Influenza in the United States. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1814.—Joltrain, E. La grippe k Paris. J. med. chir ' Par., 1937, 108: 40-42.—Kacprzaka, M. [Influenzal epidemic] Warsz. czas. lek., 1937, 14: 157.—Kahlstorf. Kreislauf beob- achtungen bei der Grippeepidemie 1936-37. Deut. med Wschr., 1938, 64: 42-5.—Meier, E., & Baland, M. Erfahrun- gen aus der Krankenkassenerhebung iiber die Grippeepidemie 1936-37. Reichsgesundhbl., 1937, 12: 583-8.—Recent (The) epidemic of influenza in Germany. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 714.— Sluzar, W. J. [Observations on the grippe epidemic in 1937] Med. prakt., Poznaii, 1937, 11: 77-83.—Smorodintsev, A. A. Drobyshevskaya, A. I., & Shishkina. O. I. On the aetiology of the 1936 influenza epidemic in Leningrad. Lancet, Lond 1936, 2: 1383-5. Also Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 1455-69.— Vaubel, W. Die trockene Grippe 1936-37. Hippokrates Stuttg., 1937, 8: 1025-0. ---- epidemic: History—1937-40. Benesova, D., & Sikl. H. [Influenzal epidemic of ig39 from the view-point of pathological anatomy] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1939 78: 777-9; 875.— Brdlik, J. [The grippe during the year 1939] Ibid., 880.—Buchmiiller, J. [Two cases of influenzal psychosis in the 1939 epidemic] Gy6gydszat, 1939, 79: 380-2.—De- velopment (The) of the influenza wave in Germany, j Am M. Ass., 1937, 108: 1132—DIouhy, R. [Influenza epidemic in January and February of 1939] Cas. iek. desk., 1939, 78: 1212-4.—Eiselt [Grippal epidemic during January and Febru- ary in 193g; Clinic for the Aged, Prague] Ibid., 885.—Engel, R. Der Verlauf der Grippepneumonien im Winter ig39-40 Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 1441-3.—Erdelyi, E. Vesti- bularerkrankungen wahrend der Grippeepidemie im Winter 1937-38 (wahrscheinlich ein Zeichen der abortiven Enze- phalitis) Mschr. Ohrenh., 1938, 72: 1131-6. Also Acta otolar , Stockh., 1939, 27: 439.—Francis, T., jr. This year's epidemic wasn't real influenza; no such thing as intestinal flu, doctor declares; similar upsets occur in other infectious diseases. Science News Lett., 1939, 35: 221.—Heiberg, P. [Observations on a series of influenza outbreaks in Copenhagen] Bibl. laeger, 1940, 132: 213-6.—Horsfall, F. L., jr, Hahn, R. G., & Rickard. E. R. Four recent influenza epidemics; an experi- mental study. J. Clin. Invest., 1940, 19: 379-92.—Hrdlicka, K. [The grippe in 1939] Cas. iek. desk., 1939, 78: 876.—Influenza is epidemic but cases are not reported. Science News Lett., 1939, 35: 137.—Kling, C. A. La grippe en Suede. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1939, 31: 1903-5.—Lukashevich. S. I. [Certain questions in the epidemiology of the grippe; data from the epidemic in 1938] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 3, 43-7.—Meier, E. Erhebungen fiber die Grippeepidemie im Winter 1938-39. Reichsgesundhbl., 1939, 14: 517-9 — Mladek, F. [Total cases of grippe in 1939] Cas. iek. desk., 1939, 78: 874.—Mulder, J., Berg, R. van den, & Kollem. R. van [The influenza epidemic of February-March 1939, in the gar- rison in Groningen; bacteriology] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 214-24.—Mulder, J., Zielstra, L. J.. & Boer, J. [The influenza epidemic of February-March, 1939 in the garrison of Groningen; epidemiology and clinical aspect] Ibid., 11-8.— Progek, A. JThe grippe during the winter of 1938-39; data from Prof. Hvnek's clinic for internal diseases] Cas. 16k. )AA. 30: 196-203.—Burnet, F. M. The prospects of immunization against influenza. Health Bull., Melb., 1941, Nos. 65-6, 1809-12— Delucchi, J. R. Contribuci6n al estudio de la vacunaci6n antigripal como preventiva. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1934, 33: 399-401 — Dormidontov, A. A., & Nelepenko, N. I. [Application of in- fluenzal antivirus for young children] Pediatria, Moskva, 1937, No. 5, 82-9.—Eaton, M. D., & Martin, W. P. Immunization with inactive virus of influenza B; comparison of antibody response with that produced by infection. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1942, 57: 445-51.—Ferran, J. Estudios sobre la unidad etiologica de la gripe y la vacuna contra esta enfermedad. Sem. med., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 1, 998-1005. ------ La unidad etiologica de la gripe y la vacuna contra esta enferme- dad. Siglo med., 1929, 83: 401-9.—First flu vaccine tests being made in Puerto Rico. Science News Lett., 1940. 38: 140.—Francif, T., jr. Intranasal inoculation of human in- dividuals with the virus of epidemic influenza Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 337-9. ------ & Magill, T. P. Vaccination of human subjects with virus of human influenza. Ibid., 1935-36, 33: 604-6—Guidetti, E. Sull'efficacia della vaccinoterapia anti-influenzale per via orale. Minerva med., Tor.. 1938, 29: pt 1, 629-31.—Hare. R., Auger, W. J.. & McClelland, L. Immunity in influenza and the results of vaccination. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1942, 33: 48.—Harford. C. G. Specific prophylaxis in influenza. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1940-41, 35: 285-9.—Henle, W., Henle, G., & Stokes, J., jr. Demonstration of the efficacy of vaccination against influenza type A by experimental infection of human beings. J. Immun., Bait., 1943, 46: 163-75.—Ide. M. Les vaccinations contre l'influenza. Rev. med., Louvain, 1928, 69-73.—Immunisation against influenza. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 67: 201.—Immunization against influenza virus A. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 632.—Influenza (The) virus in relation to prophylaxis and treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 27.— Influenza and colds are attacked from new angle; repeated inoculations of virus are followed by changes in the nasal membranes of animals. Science News Lett., 1938, 34: 389.— Josl, W. Die aktive perorale Schutzimpfung gegen Grippe (Influenza) mit Buccalin. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 145.—Kanauchi, S. Immunologische Studien iiber die Keuch- husten- und Influenzabazillen; iiber die Reimmunisierung mit Influenzavakzinen. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1937, 28: 31.— Korobkova, E. I., & Solun. N. S. [Vaccination against influ- enza by the inhalation method] Vest, mikrob., 1934, 13: 43-6.—Kraus. R. Der gegenwiirrige Stand der prophylak- tischen Schutzimpfung gegen Influenza. Wien. med. Wschr., 1927. 77: 330. Also Seuchenbekampfung. 1927, 4: 89; 153. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: 356-61.—Lewkowitz. I). Spezifische Immunisierung l"i grippalen Infekten. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 128.—Mansell. R. A. Inoculation a-ain-t influenza. J. R. Army M. Cups, 1932, 59: 270.- Martin, W. P.. & Eaton, M. D. Experiments on immunization of human beings against influenza A. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y.. 1911. 47: 405-9.—Meyer, F. Grippe-Schutzimpfung. Med. Welt, 1929. 3: 202.—Netchaev, A. V. Valor terapfiutico da inalacao do soro especffico antigripal. (laz. clfn., S. Paulo, 1941. 39: 107-14.—Nevado Requena, R. La vacuna antigripal; observaciones personales durante la epidemia de Enero de 1920 en Veiez-Rubio. Almeria. Progr. clfn., Madr., 1920, 16: 3-6.—Ockman, I). Immunization against influenza virus A. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 723.—Okamoto, T., & Saito. T. On preventive injection against influenza. Orient. .1. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1934, 16: 27.—Page. R. C. The use of vaccine in the prevention of epidemic influenza. Med. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1941-42. 5: 106-14.- Shropshire, W. Influenza vaccination. Med. Rec, Houston, 1938. 32: 621-3.—Siegel, M., Muckenfuss, R. S. [et al.] A study in active immunization against epidemic influenza and pneumococcus pneumonia at Letchworth Village; the results of active immunization against epidemic influenza from 1937 to 1940. Am. J. Hyg., 1942, 35: 55-96.—Smorodincev. A. A. [Etiology and specific prophy- laxis of epidemic influenza from the view-point of recent data] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1938, 52: 3-18. ------ & Shishkina. O. I. [Mechanism of acquired and natural immunity against grippal infection; role of the phagocytary apparatus of actively im- munized animals in control of grippal infection] Ibid., 1940, 59: 20-37.—Smorodinzev, A. A., Gulamov, A. G., & Chalkina, O. M. Prophylaxis of epidemic influenza by inhalation of antiserum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 598 (Abstr.)—Specific prophylaxis of influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 575.— Steriopulo, S. S. [The grippe and its specific prophylaxis and therapy] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 16, 17-9.—Stevenin, H., & Patez, R. M. La vaccination preventive de la grippe saisonnifire chez l'enfant. Arch. med. enf., 1935, 38: 325-34.— Stokes, J., jr, & Shaw, D. R. Production of passive immunity against influenza virus bv introducing immune serums into the respiratory tract. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 653.—Stokes, J., jr, Chenoweth, A. D. [et al.] Results of immunization by means of active virus of human influenza. J. Clin. Invest., 1937, 16: 237-43.—Stokes, J., jr. McGuinness, A. C. [et al.] Vaccination against epidemic influenza with active virus of human influenza. Am. J. M. Sc, 1937. 194: 757-68.—Stolten- l»erg, L. [Prevention of hospital infection of influenza with anticatarrh vaccine] Norsk mag. tegevid., 1932, 93: 175-85.— Tron, G. La vaccinazione profilattica contro l'influenza. Terapia, Milano, 1927, 17: 33-41. ------ Tentativi di vaccinazione specifica dell'influenza epidemica. Ibid., 1938, 28: 211-3. ------ Verso la vaccinazione specifica dell'in- fluenza epidemica. Ibid., 1939, 29: 13-6. ------ La vac- cinazione specifica dell'influenza epidemica. Riv. Soc. ital, igiene, 1939, 61: 88.—Vaccination against influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 735.—Waveren, A. G. W. van [Vaccination against influenza] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 1, 1708.— Zellat, J., & Henle, W. Further studies in passive protection against the virus of influenza by the intranasal route. J. Immun., Bait., 1941, 42: 239-49. ---- Industrial and occupational aspects. Barkhash, P. A. [Clinical aspect of sporadic influenza and the working capacity] Sovet. klin., 1934, 20: 641-8.—Blood, W. Influenza and industry. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 1079-81.— Koiransky, B. B., & Dobroliubov, E. I. [Influenzal infections in industries and their prevention] Vrach. delo, 1935, 18: 647-52.—Kovnatsky, M. A. [Frequency of influenza cases among the workers in chloride industries] Sovet. vrach. J.. 1936, 1: 856-9. ---- Kidney. Cook, A. S. Acute haemorrhagic nephritis following in- fluenza. Brit. M. J., 1926, 2: 1118. ------ Nephritis follow- ing influenza; notes on 100 consecutive cases. Ibid., 1927, 1: 1143.—Delicati, J. L. Influenzal nephritis and pyelitis. Ibid., 961.—Goia, Y. La nephrite grippale douloureuse. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1926, 3. ser., 1: 1599-603.—Hantschmann, L. Ueber Nierenerkrankung"n bei der diesjahrigen Grippe- welle. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1434.—Perelli, G. Di alcuni casi atipiei d'influenza con complicanza renale. Med. prat., Nap., 1926, 11: 41-3.—Rimbaud, P. Les nephrites azotemiques grippales. Prat. med. fr., 1931, 12: 171-4.— Smirnoff, I. Nefritis post-gripales. Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 305-7.—Vaubel, W. Beziehungen zwischen Grippe und Nierenerkrankungen. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1734. ---- Larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus. See also subheading Respiratory tract. Rigaud, A. *Laryngites aigues cedemateusea au cours de la grippe. 40p. 8? Par., 1927. Saravia Cardenas, J. P. *Le faux croup grippal chez l'enfant. 106p. 8? Par., 1930. INFLUENZA 277 INFLUENZA Seefeldt, H. *Die akuten Perichondritiden des Kehlkopfskeletts bei Grippe. 36p. 8? Berl., 1936. Weinberg., R. *Ueber stenosierende Laryngo- trachei'tis bei Grippe (Grippecroup) 30p. 8? Jena, 1928. Cannae, M. Les formes cliniques de la laryngite grippale et leur traitement. Rev. laryng., Par., 1926, 47: 571-90 — Eiman, J. Acute laryngitis due to Haemophilus influenzae. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1942, 36: 963.—Farjat. F. P. Flem6n parafaringeo post-angina gripal. Rev. As. med. argent., 1935, 49: 1564-8.—Fernandez Muniz, M., & Mir, M. Bronquio- alveolitis gripal. Bol. Hosp. policfa nac, Habana, 1942, 1: 24-7.— Forschner, L. Die Entstehung von Siingerknotchen bei mangelhafter Schonung der Stimme im Anschlusse an grippose Infektionen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1933. 46: 1325.— Hirsch, M. Laryngeale Komplikationen der Grippe. Zsehr. Laryng., 1927, 16: 34-7.—Lachmann. Fall von postgripposer Perichondritis arytaenoidea. Fol. otolar. orient., 1937, 4: 26.—Lesne, Launay, C. A Waitz. A propos des complications laryngees et pulmonaires de la grippe. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1929, 27: 249-54.—Martinez Vargas. Garrotillo gripal; curacion con la quinina. Med. nifios, 1919, 20: 353-8.— Moure. E. J. Des complications laryngees de la grippe. J. med. Bordeaux, 1927, 57: 339-42.—Mulder, J. Haemophilus influenzae and influenza virus in relation to bronchitis. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1940, 50: 317-22.—Perwitzschky, R. Die Grippe-Tracheo-Bronchitis und ihre Behandlung. Zsehr. Hals &c Heilk., 1940-41. 47: 1-9. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 1406.—Raven, C. Tracheitis due to bacillus Hemo- philus influenzae. Ohio M. J., 1941, 37: 445—Segura, E. V. Complicaciones laringeas de la gripe. Fol. med., Rio, 1922, 3: 113; 122.—Seiffert. Eigenartige Kehlkopferkrankung bei Grippe. Zsehr. Hals &c Heilk., 1928, 22: 53.—Sinclair. S. E. Haemophilus influenzae type B in acute laryngitis with bac- teremia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 170-3.—Tanturri, V. L'edema laringeo acuto influenzale (contributo clinico) Gazz. med. lombarda, 1927, 86: 73-5.—Thost. Perichondritis des Kehlkopfes nach Grippe. Zsehr. Hals &c Heilk., 1928, 21: 563-71.—Trepiccioni, E. Considerazioni su nove casi di bron- chite acuta emoftoica da influenza. Riforma med., 1933, 49: 247-54.—Uzefovich, S. K. [Influenzal edemas of the larynx] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 219-24. ---- Lungs, and pleura. See also subheading Respiratory tract. Bilfinger, A. *Ueber die pathologische Anatomie d^r Influenzabronchitis und Influenza- pneumonie. 15p. 22}*>cm. Heidelb., 1938. Breton, N. *Contribution a I'etude de la broncho-alveolite spumeuse grippale chez le nourrison. 31p. 24}£cm. Par., 1939. Gouzonnat, C. *Contribution k I'etude de la grippe pulmonaire chez le nourrisson. 58p. 8? Par., 1933. Patez, R. M. J. *Prophylaxie des infections grippales et de leurs complications pulmonaires par la vaccination preventive. 78p. 8? Par., 1935. Sack, P. *Die Grippepneumonie und ihre Komplikationen. 63p. 21cm. Freib. i. B., 1936. Ackermann, A. J. Roentgenological consideration of in- fluenzal pneumonitis. Am. J. Roentg., 1941, 46: 175-81.— Baccarani, C. II suono timpanico e subtimpanico nelle broaco- pneumoniti da influenza e suo significato diagnostico e pro- gnostico. Gazz. osp., 1930, 52: 135.— Bierry, H., Rathery, F., & Levina. Les variations des sucres libre et proteidique au cours des localisations pulmonaires de la grippe. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 547.—Boiler, R., & Wassermann, S. Klinisches und Hamatologisches zur Lungengrippe unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Prognose. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1928-29, 16: 355-76.—Bossan, E. A. Complications broncho-pulmonaires graves de la grippe, traitees par injections intratracheal de serum antipneumo- et antistreptococcique. Tr. Soc. biol., Barcel., 1919, 7: 118.—Bowen, A. Acute influenza pneumonitis. Tr. Hawaii M. Ass., 1934, No. 44, 39-42. Also Am. J. Roentg., 1935, 34: 168-74.—Bross, K. [Optochinum basicum in treat- ment of pneumonia, especially grippal pneumonia] Med. prakt., Poznafi, 1937, 11: 101-6.—Carron, R. F. Complica- ciones pulmonares gripales; diagn6stico precoz por la entro- sedimentaci6n. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., ig35, 34: 366-9.— Chin Kyu Sui. Ein Fall von kindlicher Influenza-Pneumonie mit starker Darmblutung. Taiwan igakkai zassi, 1929, 63.— Christie, I. M. Types of pneumococci in post-influenzal pneumonia. Lancet, Lond.. 1933, 1: 469— Cornwall, E. E. Lobar and influenzal pneumonia treated in accordance with a plan of physiological support; analytical report of 50 cases. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1935, 142: 399.—Corten, M. H. Ueber Wesen und Bedeutung der Veranderungen an don Lungenge- fassen bei der Grippepneumonie. Virchows Arch., 1931, 280: 463-75.—Cseley, J. [Treatment of pneumonia in influenza] Orv. hetil., 1937, 81: [mell.] 21.—Culty, R., & Cousty, A. A propos de quelques sequ3lles pleuropulmonaires grippales, Bull. Soc med. mil. fr., 1935, 29: 140-3.—D'Antona, L. Sulla broncopolmonite miliarica influenzale. Minerva med., Tor., 1931, 22: pt 2, 1-6.—Dennig, H. Ueber Grippepneumonie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 122-4.—De Toni, G. Una complicazione banale ed un complicazione rara della bronco- polmonite influenzale infantile. Minerva med., Tor., 1937, 28: pt 2, 217-24.—Dittmar, F., & Ruppert, V. Ueber charakteris- tische Rontgenbilder l>ei Grippepneumonien; Grippedreieck und Schwammstruktur bei Grippe. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1941, 187: 577-91 (microfilm)—Dunaev, E. [Severe cases of influenza-pneumonia cured by wrapping in mustard poultices] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 515-8.—Eimer, K., & Kestermann, E. Die Bedeutung des Rontgenbildes fiir die Prognose der Grippe- Bronchopneumonie. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1931, 118: 323-36.— Elliott. W. M. Pneumonia in relation to influenza. Tr. R. Med. Chir. Soc Glasgow, 1930, 24: 73-9. Also Glasgow M. J., 1930, 113: 78-81.—Fabrizio, A. Polmonite lobare da influenza. Rinasc. med., 1926, 3: 142-4.—Farber, S., & Wilson, J. L. The hyaline membrane in the lungs; a descriptive study. Arch. Path., Chic, 1932, 14: 437—Fejgin, M. [Clinical aspect and treatment of influenzal pneumonias] Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 181; 201.—Frothingham, C. A case of so-called influenzal pneumonia. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 195: 460-L—Gambara, L. Infiltrazioni Dleuro-polmonari post-grippali dell'infanzia e attino-terapia. Raggi ultraviol., 1927, 3: 3-7.—Gerhenovich, R. S., & Maksudov, A. M. [Comparative results of the treat- ment of grippal pneumonia in children with streptocide, sulfidine, and sulfazol] Pediatria, Moskva, 1942, No. 3, 39-42— Goldfarb, H. [Treatment of grave, bilateral influenzal pneu- monia] Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 576.—Green, J. E. Diag- nosis and treatment of influenza-pneumonia. Mississippi Doctor, 1936-37, 14: No. 4, 44-9.—Grieshammer, W. Ueber Lungenentziindungen bei Meerschweinchen mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in bezug auf die Grippepneumonie des Men- schen. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1938, 121: 102-13.—Gsell, O. Grippepneumonien (deren Formen und Beziehungen zu den Pneumokokkentypen) Miinch. med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 843- 7.—Harris, H. J. Unresolved pneumonia. N. York State J. M., 1933, 33: 738-41.—Hartston, W. Epidemic pneumonia in a setting of clinical influenza; the Scunthorpe outbreak in 1938. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 1333-5.—Henrichs, W. Grippe- pneumonie als entschadigungspflichtige Berufskrankheit eines Arztes. Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 756.—Hilgartner, H. L. Quinine amblyopia complicating influenza pneumonia. Am. J. Ophth., 1929, 3. ser., 12: 488.—Hittmau-, A. Ueber Behandlungs- versuche der Grippepneumonie mit Schwermetallen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1935, 48: 1425.—Hudson, B., & Wollaston, F. L. Clinical record: a case of pulmonary consolidation of doubtful origin. Bristol Med. Chir. J., 1935, 52: 233-5, 2 pl.—Influenza and pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 284; 428.—Isida, I. Studies on influenzas and pneumonias of infants and children; bacteriological research of exudate of empyema pleurae, espe- cially on type occurrence of pneumococci. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1932, 12: 15-7. ------ Studies on influenzas and pneumonias of infants and children; immunological research of exudate of empyema pleurae. Ibid., 18-20.—Ivie, W. H. Influenza and its pneumonia. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1932, 31: 157-63.—Jackson, J. W. Influenza and pneumonia in Indiana. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1943, 36: 137-42.—Jacquelin, A. Bronchopneumonie grippale. Bull, med., Par., 1937, 51: No. 8, Suppl.—Kaczander, P., & Rudin, B. Die Congestion pul- monaire als eine Form der gripposen und infektios-toxischen Lungenaffektionen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 925-7.— Kalocsay, K. [Influenza pneumonia treated by quicksilver salvarsanl Budapesti orv. ujs., 1932, 30: 389-91.—Lamaison, C. Pleuresie interlobaire primitive grippale. J. med. Bordeaux, 1927, 57: 231.—Lenoch, F. [Treatment of grippal pneumonias during the winter of 1938-39 by diathermy] Cas. iek. 6esk., 1939, 78: 877-80.—Levi, L. Contributo alio studio dei versa- menti asettici parainfluenzal! della pleura. Gior. clin. med., 1935, 16: 280-99.—Lewy, J. Ueber asthenische Grippe- pneumonie. Munch, med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 281.—Lister, S. A note on the aetiology of epidemic influenza and secondary pneumonia. J. M. Ass. S. Africa, 1929, 3: 179-81— Lorando, N. Sur un cas d'hemorragie gastro-intestinale mortelle chez un diabetique atteint de pneumonie grippale. Bull. Soc. mM. hdp. Paris, 1934, 3. ser., 50: 1080-4.—Lunding, K. T. [Case of tumor metastasis after influenzal pneumonia] Tskr. mil. halsov., 1927, 52: 130-4, 4 pl.—Lyon, D. M., & Alexander, W. A. Observations on the pathology of influenzal pneumonia. Edinburgh M. J., 1929, n. ser., 36: 273-83, 2 pl.—McGovern, B. E., & Frankel, L. A. Influenzal bronchopneumonia; bilateral alternating pneumothorax. California West. M., 1938, 49: 61-3.—Misske, B., & Sylla, A. Rontgenologische Studien des Lungenbildes bei Grippekranken der Epidemie 1928-29. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1930, 42: 4-18.—Nonaka, Y. Ueber den Diastasengehalt des Harns und des Serums sowie iiber die Zuckerassimilation und Glykosurie bei der akuten (krupposen und Influenza-) Pneumonie. Tokyo igakkwai zassi, 1939, 53: 971.—Patez, R. M. Historique de la vaccination preventive des complications pulmonaires grippales. J. med. Paris, 1935, 55: 677-9. Also Med. inf., Par., 1935, 42: 165-76.—Peschel, G. Ueber Rontgenbefunde bei atypischen Grippepneumonien. Rontgenpraxis, 1930. 2: 315-22.—Piga, A., & Lamas, L. Nuevas orientaciones en el tratamiento de la broncopneumonia de tipo gripal. Progr. clin., Madr., 1918, 12: 262-4.—Ramond, L. Complication imprevue d'une congestion pulmonaire INFLUENZA 278 INFLUENZA grippale. Presse med.. 1936. 44: 1059. --- Oedtones aigues du poumon au coins de la L'rippe. Ibid.. 19 10. 48: 339.— Rappoport. M. L. [Slow influenzal pneumonia] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1933, 37: 690-4.—Rimbaud. L., Anselme-Martin. G.. & Lafon, R. A propos de quelques nouveaux cas de pneumo- pathies grippales. Arch. Soc. sc. med. biol.. Montpellicr, 1934, 15- 320-3. ------ Quelques nouveaux cas de pneumopathies grippales. Ibid., 287-90.— Rissotto, A. A. Formas bronco- pulmonares de la gripe. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934. 41: pt 2, 1001-7.—Roch. Broneopolmonite influenzale o tisi galoppante? Gazz. osp., 1936. 57: 542-4—Rocha Junior, M. da. Diag- nostico e tratamento das localizacoes pulmonares da grippe no lactente. Brasil med., 1927. 41: pt 1, 308-11.—Romano, N. C6rticopleuritis gripal. In his Lecc. clfn. med., B. Air., 1938, 2- 121-7.—Rossmanith, L. |Anatomv and treatment of influ- enzal pneumonia] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1934, 14: 246-8 — Rothman. J. Postinfluenzal pneumonitis complicated 1>\ gastric ulcer. I'. S. Veterans Bur. M. Bull.. 1927. 3: 603-6.- Save, L. Contribution k I'etude des bronchopneumonias aigues non tuberculeuses; syndrome pseudo-tuberculeux d'origine grippale. In finest, clin.' d'actual., 6. ser., Par., 1937, 6: 217-46.— Scadding, J. G. Lung changes in influenza. Q. J. Med.. Lond., 1937. 6: 425-65. 3 pl.—Schiavo, E. Sulla cura delle polmoniti elioncopolmoniti influenzali col timolo. Osp,maggiore. Milano, 1937 2r>: 399-402.—Schittenhelm. Pneumonie und Grippe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937. 33: 218.—Schlomovitz, B. H. Pul- monary nodular infiltrations in influenza resembling an early tuberculosis. Wisconsin M. ,L, 1943, 42: 220-8—Schmidt, P. Grippe und Lungenentziindung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 172-5.—Sennewald, K. Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen in der Serumbehandlung der krupposen und Grippe-Pneumonie seil 1934. Fortsch. Ther.. 1938, 14: 139-42.—Sherburne. C. C. Treatment of influenzal pneumonia. Proc. Postcolles. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ.. 1937, 4: 131-3.—Slutsky. I. S., Moshkov, N. D., & Itkess. G. N. [Roentgen observations in influenzal pneumonia] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 844-6.— Snow, W., & Cassasa, C. S. B. Obstructive emphysema and atelectasis in influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1886-9 — Stewart, D., & Gibson, H. J. Acute pneumonia in the recent influenza epidemic; a clinical and bacteriological study in a series ,,f .1(1 cases. Edinburgh M. J.. 1929. n. ser., 36: 607-31 — Straub, M. [Pneumonia in the tropics in relation to influenza] Cenecsk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1937, 77: 102-7.------[Changes in the lungs in experimental influenza in the mouse] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 3208-12.—Svenson, N. A. [Influ- enzal pneumonia; its properties and classification] Vrach. delo, 1937. 19: 6-11.—Teschendorf, H. J. Leber besondere Er- scheinung.sformen der Grippepneumonie im Rontgenbild; ein Beitrag zur Differentialdiagnose unspezifischer und spezifisch- tuberkuloser Pozesse. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1933, 48: 541-7.- Torrey. R. G. Influenzal pneumonias; observations on their pathological features ami clinical characteristics. Proc. Interst, Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1938, 401-9.- Tushinsky, A. M. [Grippal pneumonia] Tr. Ukrain. sezd. terapevtov (1936) 1939, 4. Congr., 81-4.—Tushinsky. M. D. [Etiology of influenza] pneumonias] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 2.—Uspensky, A. E. Die Bedeutung der Rontgenuntersuchungen bei Grippe- pneumonien. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1927, 36: 1053-61. ------ [Diagnosis of influenzal affections of the lungs] Ter. arkh., 1933, 11: 137-47.—Vajda, L. [Treatment of pulmonary complications in influenza with quinine and calcium] Orv. hetil., 1934, 78: 1162-4.—Vishegorodtzeva, V. D. [Auto- vaccinotherapy in influenza! pneumonia] Vrach. delo, 1927, 10: 329-34.—Walker, O. M. Influenza and pneumonia, J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1934, 33: 434-6.—Weinberger, M. Zur Pathologie und Klinik der Grippepneumonie. Mitt. Volks- gesundhamt., 1933 [Aerztl. Prax.l 163.—Weinshtok, I. [In- fluenzal pneumonia cured with ichthyol per os. Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 1754.—Winkler, E. H. Influenza pneumonia. Med. World, 1926, 44: 93-5.—Woodruff, M. T. Influenzal pneumo- nitis; case report, J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1938-39, 5: 49-52.—Wynn, W. H. Influenzal pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1927. 1 : 559.—Zdanovsky, V. I. [Treatment of pulmonary sup- purations and unresolved grippal pneumonias] Klin, med., Moskva, 1941, 19: No. 4, 106. ---- Lymphatic system. Fleischner, F. Vergrosserung der mediastinalen Lymph- knoten und Kompressionsstenose des Oesophagus bei Grippe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928. 41: 714.—Lange, C. de. Lympha- tische Reaktion bei Grippe. Mschr. Kinderh., 1927-28, 37: 202-4.—Nolan. R. A. Influenza lvmphatica (the pentatype of influenza) J. Lancet, 1935, 55: 749-57. Also U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1936, 34: 332-41.—Plate, A. Epidemisches Auftreten von Kieferwinkeldriisenschwelluhgen bei Grippe und ihre Bekampfung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 62.—Ruelle, G. Des adenopathies tracheo-bronchiques postgrippales de la seconde enfance. Bruxelles med., 1933-34, 14: 863-8.— Westphal, G. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lymphdriisenschwel- lung bei Grippe. Mschr. Kinderh., 1927, 36: 506-12. ---- Metabolism. Biichmann, P., & Hey I, E. Die Bewegung des Serumeisens bei der Grippe. Klin. 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B.let al.l Investigations of an influenza epidemic in military camps in Victoria, May, 1942. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 2: 371-6.—Dudley, S. F. An analysis of an influenza epidemic in the New Zealand Division of ihr- Royal Navy. J. Hya., Cambr., 1927-28, 26: 132-51 Emdin. W. A clinical and therapeutic survey of an influenza epidemic at the Potchef- stroom Military Camp. S. Afr. M. J„ 1942, 16: 101-7.— Evans. R. R. Report on the influenza epidemic among the troops of Woolwich Garrison during the winter 1926-27. J. R. Army. M. Corps, 1927, 49: 326-36— Feddersen, T. [Influenza among soldiers] Militaerlaegen, 1939, 45: 14-26.— Gmerek, A. [Influenza in the garrison of Warsaw in 1930] Lek. wojsk., 1931, 17: 47-62.—Heagerty, J. J. Influenza during wartime. Nat, Health Rev., Ottawa, 1941, 9: 1-6-— Hederer & Guemeur. Cue epidemie de grippe avec syndrome epideniiologique secondaire k borde du oroiseur marscillaise. Arch med. pharm. nav., 1926, 116: 265-304. - Howard, D. C, Chamberlain, W. P., & Love, A. G. The influenza epidemic of 1918. ln Med. Dep. IL S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1926, 6: 349-71.—Influenza; U. S. Army Surgeon General's Circular Litter No. 124. .1. M. Ass. Alabama, 1941-42, 11: 276. Also Army M. Bull., 1942, No. 60, 38-40. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1-15. Also War Med., Chic, 1942, 2: 136-8.—Twabuti. C. Etude hygienique sur la caserne dans la region subtropical; sur la relation entre le pouvoir refroidissant de lair et 1 apparition de la grippe. Taiwan igakkai zassi, 1934, 33: 76.—Jakopovic. I. [Non-specific catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract and the grippe in the armyl Voj. san. glasnik, 1940, 11:" 237-62.- Karcher. J. Militariirztliche Beobach- tungen iiber Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonie, aus den Winter- monaten 1914-15. Korbl. Schweiz. Aerzte, 1915, 45: 1101; 1154.—Magee, J. C. Establishment of a board for the in- vestigation of influenza and other epidemic diseases in the Army. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 512.—Mamant, D. [In- fluenza among the recruits] Kcv. san. mil., Bucur., 1929, 28: 350.—Manoussakis. Les epidemies grippales dans l'armde Grecque au cours de annees 1930 k 1935. Paris med., 1935. 96: annexe, 511.—Mulder. J. The influenza epidemic of February-March 1939 in the garrison at Groningen. Acta med. scand., 1940, 104: 481-97 (microfilm)—Nordlander. O. [Special characteristics of Spanish influenza in the Swedish Army in 1918-19 and 1920] Tskr. mil. hiilsov., 1932, 57: 63-256.—Pasqualini, R. Q. Etiologia de la gripe; su impor- tancia en epidemiologia de guerra. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1942, 41: 562-9.—Querangal des Essarts. Une epidemie de grippe k bord d'un croiseur k la mer. Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1937, 127: 272-8.—Rouville, de. Grippe et interventions chirurgicales. Bull. Soc. obst, gyn. Paris, 1928, 17: 638-41 — Schaffer, R., & Shapiro, B. G. Studies in influenza. S. Afr. M. J., 1941. 15: 83-91.—Stuart-Harris, C. H. Epidemic influenza. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1940, 74: 270-6.—West, R. G. R. On the protean nature of influenza, a report of a mild epidemic at sea. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 1: 337. ---- Mixed infection. Bertels, M. Der hamolvtisehe Streptokokkus bei Grippe. Med. Welt, 1933. 7: 274.—Domingo, P. Sobre las infecciones producidas por el est reptococo paragripal 1932. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1933, 20: 487-91.—Hassenforder, J. Septicemic streptococcique, complication de grippe avec localisations suppurees: pleuro-pulmonaires, sous-cutan6es et osteoarticu- laires; traitement par le serum antistreptoeoccique de Vincent; guerison. Arch. med. pharm. mil., Par., 1934, 100: 225-34 — Hunter, F. J., jr. Influenza with streptococcic infection; a preliminary report on the use of prontosil. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1937, 145: 387.—Isida, I. Studies on influenzas and pneu- monias of infants and children; bacteriological research with special references to the occurrence of various types of pneu- mococci. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1930, 8: 29-32.—Jarry, R., & Dufoix, M. Septicopyohemie post-grippale mixte k pneumocoques et streptocoques, avec foyers multiples dont une localisation metastatique oculaire. Arch. Soc sc med. biol. Montpellier, 1928, 9: 239-47.—Rieben, G. Abseedierende Staphylococcenpneumonie bei Grippe der Sauglinge. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (193.5-37) 1938, No. 73, 1.—Schirmer, U. Weitere Beitrage zur' Typendifferenzierung bei Pneumokokkenerkrankungen mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der wahrend einer Grippeepiriemie beobachteten Pneumokokkeninfektionen. Arch. Hyg., Miinch., 1934, 112: 188-97.—Trossarelli, L. Recherches sur la flore microbienne secondaire dans une epidemie de grippe, d6veloppee dans une communaute. Boll. Sez. ital. Soc. internaz. microb., 1932, 4: 156.—Vallee, A., & Morin, E. Complications a streptocoque INFLUENZA 279 INFLUENZA dans la derniere epidemie de grippe. Bull. med. Quebec, ig29 30: 353-7— Wollenman, O. J., jr, & Finland. M. Pathology of staphylococcal pneumonia complicating clinical influenza Am. J. Path., ig43, 19: 23-41, inch, 2 pl. ---- Mortality. Bernard, E. Cas vraisemblable de grippe suraigue apprais- sant et causant la mort pendant le sommeil. Bull. Soc med hop. Paris, 1929, 3. ser., 53: 611-7.—Coffey, D. J. La mortalite par grippe en Eire, de 1933 k 1938. Bull. Off. internat hyg pub., Par., 1939, 31: 1907.—Collins, S. D. Excess mortality from causes other than influenza and pneumonia during in- fluenza epidemics. Publ. Health Rep., Wash., 1932, 47: 2159-80. ------ Influenza and pneumonia mortality in a group of about 95 cities in the United States during 4 minor epidemics, 1930-35, with a summary for 1920-35 Ibid 1935 50: 1668-89. ------ Frost, W. H., & Gover. M. Mortality from influenza and pneumonia in 50 large cities of tin- United States, 1910-29. Ibid., 1930, 45: 2277-328.- Finkelstein. H. Grippe und Sauglingssterblichkeit. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1930, 5: 44-6.—Gover. M. Influenza mortality in the United States' 1936. Diplomate, 1936, 8: 301-3. Also Pub. Health Rep' Wash., 1936, 51: 1399-402.—Moorehouse, G. W. Age dis- tribution of influenzal deaths, Cleveland, Ohio 1918-29 Am. J. Hyg., 1930, 11: 196-201.—Schleussing, H. Grippe als Ursache plotzlicher Todesfrille Geisteskranker. All"- Zsehr Pyschiat., 1938. 107: 277-82.—Stocks. P. The effect of in- fluenza epidemics on the certified causes of death. Lancet Lond., 1935, 2: 386-95.—Wearne. F. S. Influenza; annual death rate per 100,000 of the population in New South Wales 1875-1935. Rep. Dir. Pub. Health N. S. Wales (1935) 1937, 68! ---- Nasopharynx, nose, and nasal sinuses. Harrill, J. A. Influenzal involvement of the upper respira- tory tract. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 491.—Iglauer, S. Nose, throat and ear manifestations of epidemic influenza J. Med., Cincin., 1930-31, 11: 129-32.— Key-Aberg, h! [Aural and nasal accessory sinus complications of influenzal Hygiea, Stockh., 1929, 91: 273-88.—Michl, R. [Influenzal congestion of the upper respiratory tract and sinuses] Cas iek. Cesk., 1930, 69: 101-3.—Rousseau-Saint-Philippe. De quelques effets indirects et peu eonnus de la grippe sur la region du cou chez l'enfant: adenopathie et pseudo-phlegmon par rhino-pharyngite aigue. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1926 3. ser., 95: 391-4. Also J. med. Paris, 1926, 45: 607. Also Med. inf., Par., 1926, 32: 165-72. Also Vie med., 1926 7: 893.—Rudakoff, W. O. Zur Kasuistik der Nasenscheide- wandabszesse nach Grippe. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1928, 62: 1319- 24.—Sanchez Moreno, L. Empiema etmoidal con fistulas infraorbitarias postgripal; curaci6n. Sem. med., B. Air. 1938 45:833. ---- Nervous system. Pluming, M. *Xervose und psychische Storungen bei Grippe. 23p. 8? Bonn, 1921. Adynamie (L') post-grippale; son traitement par le pressyl. J. med. Paris, 1937, 57: 169.—Aronovich, G. D. [Characteris- tics of affections of the nervous svstem in epidemic influenza] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 1178-88— Beyer. Geschmacks- storung nach Grippe. Sitzber. Otolar. Ges. Berlin (1936) 1937, 51.—Boot, N. I. [Influenzal affections of rhe nervous system. Klin, med., Moskva, 1938, 16: 1576-81.—Cawadias, A. P. Non-high-frequency methods in physical medicine; post- influenzal asthenia. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1941, 4: 34-7.— Christoffel. H. Grippe und Epilepsie. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1927, 107: 58-64.—Dekhterev, V. V. [Influenza as cause of neuro-psychic affections] Sovet. klin., 1934, 20: 957- 63. ------ [Effect of influenza in the etiopathogenesis of disorders of the neuropsychic sphere] Sovet. vrach. J., 1938, 42: 102-6.—Draganescu, S., & Facon, E. [Nervous manifesta- tions following influenza] Romania med., 1933, 11: 263-5. ------ Zentrale und periphere Storungen des Nervensystems im Verlaufe der Grippe. Acta med. scand., 1934-35, 84: 60- 72.—Dufour, H., & Hurez, A. Grippe et systeme nerveux. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1932, 3. ser., 48: 347-51.—Gamarnik, I. I. [Neuro-psychic syndromes in young children in relation to influenzal infection] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 223-6.—Guerin, A. Le grippes neurotrope. Gazz. osp., 1926, 47: 1089. Also Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1926, 40: 438-40.—Halle, J. A propos de quelques accidents nerveux de la grippe. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris. 1929, 3. ser., 53: 618-22. Also Rev. internat. med. chir., Par., 1929, 40: 71 3.—Hatzieganu, I. & Pop, A. Une forme clinique particuliere de la grippe epidemique (hyperesthesie cutanee) Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1926, 3. ser., 50: 1866- 9.—Khazanov, M. A. [Influenzal affections of the nervous system] Nevropat. psikhiat,, 1937, 6: 58-73.—Kulenkamp, G. Zwerchfelltremor nach Grippe. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1926, 94: 312-4.—Levinstein, O. Ueber primiire essentielle In- fluenzaanosmie. Zsehr. Laryng., 1925-26, 14: 266-73.— MacMillan, E. A. The neurological and psychiatric aspects of influenza. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 492-4.—Neal, J. B., & Wilcox, H. L. Does the virus of influenza cause neurological manifestations? Science, 1937, 86: 267.—Pattison, G. N. Cerebral influenza simulating early cerebrospinal meningitis. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1940, 75: 388-90. ------ Cerebral influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 116.—Petren, G. [Certain cases with grave cerebral symptoms in pulmonarv and pleural grippe] Lunds lak. sail, forh., 1932-33 [Discussion] 28-34 — ino\e'Jir' , ,-™lppe und Nervensystem. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1583-5—Rucker, S. T. Influenza and the nervous system^ J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1935, 28: 510-2.—Schiichter, M. Complications et sequelles neuro-psychiques de la grippe. Chn. pediat.. Mod., 1937, 19: 400-4.—Schwanke. W. Geschmacksstorungen bei Grippe. Klin. Wschr., 1936 15: „rlraitemeilt de ''asthenie post-grippale. Gaz. hop., 1940, 113: 234 (microfilm) Urechia. C. I. Symptomes de myeiite sacree apr£s la grippe. Arch, internat. neur., Par., 1936, 55: 181-3.—Vizen, E. M. [Certain variations of neuro-grippe Kazan, med. J., 1939, 35: No. 7, 34-8. ---- Nervous system, autonomic. Couto, M. Contribuicao para o estudo das desordens func- cionaes do pneumogastrico na influenza; estudo clinico e physio- pathologico. In his Clin, med., Rio, 1936, 3: 9-48.—Guer- xicchio, A. Sindromi neurovegetative da influenza. Riforma med., 1926, 42: 450-2.—Meerloo, A. M. [Symptoms of the vegetative nervous system occurring after influenza] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 3863-8.—Ody, F. La plexopathie sola ire dans la grippe. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1927, 47: 405- 9—Richter, H. Vagusneuritis bei Influenza. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 356.—Sachs, P. Ueber Storungen des vegetativen Nervensystems (vegetative Ataxie) als Grippe- folgen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 313-8.—Shevelev, N. A. [Condition of the tone of the vegetative nervous system in influenzal Tr. Acad. mil. med. Kiroff, 1936, 6: 63-71.— Valentini, A. II sistema nervoso vegetativo nell'influenza. Policlinico, 1930, 37: 465-73. ---- Nervous system: Encephalomyelitis. See also Encephalomyelitis. Borrelli, F. Sopra un caso di cecitst corticale da encefalite acuta grippale. Riv. clin. pediat., 1936, 34: 87.—Freund. H. [Case of post-grippal (encephalitic) transitory aphasia] Lijee. vjes., 1940. 62: 678.—Gerke, O. Ein Fall von Grippepneu- monie mit Encephalitis und zentraler Azetonurie. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 1541-3.—Leone, A. Alterazioni encefalitiche e modificazioni del 1. c. r. in bambini colpiti da influenza. Clin. pediat., Mod., 1937, 19: 471-91.—Puusepp, L. Akute auf- steigende Myelitis als Komplikation der Influenza. Fol. neuropath, eston., 1923. 1: 147-57.—Sheftel, M. A. Micro- scopical changes in the brain in experimental influenza. Acta med. scand., 1940, 103: 36-54. Also Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940. 58: No. 2, 110-7. ---- Nervous system: Meningitis. Lutze-Jotjrdan, A. *Meningitis hervorge- rufen durch den Influenzabazillus [Wurzburg] 20p. 22^cm. Miinch., 1936. Acuna, M., & Bettinotti, S. I. Comentarios sobre un caso de meningitis supurada a germenes asociados meningococo y Pfeiffer. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1929, 4: 356-9.—Aleman, R. Influenzal meningitis; a review of recent literature with case reports. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1940-41. 93: 25-33.—Alspach, Munns [et al.] A child with a severe congenital heart condition succumbing to influenzal meningitis. Case Rep. Child. Mem. Hosp. Chicago, 1942, 1: 8-11.—Argonz, J. Meningitis aguda purulenta a coco-bacilo de Pfeiffer. Rev. med. Rosario, 1930, 20: 197-9.—Bachhuber, H. A. Meningitis caused by bacillus influenzae; report of a case. Wisconsin M. J., 1938, 37: 399- 401.—Balducci, E. La meningite da bacillo di Pfeiffer. Lat- tante, 1936, 7: 55-79.—Baliev, K. [Grippal meningitis] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 770.—Bellhouse, H. W. Influenzal meningitis; report of case. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1941, 30: 472.—Bender, E., & Bruns, H. Influenzabazillen als Erreger von Meningitis. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 557.—Benhamou, E., Huck & Jahier. Meningite aigue primitive k bacille de Pfeiffer. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1934, 3. ser., 50: 1264-8.—Burckhardt, J. L., & Kollarits, J. Drei Falle von Meningitis spinalis serosa in Zusammenhang mit Grippe. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 517.—Cabot, R. C. Presentation of case. N. England J. M., 1934, 211: 635-9.—Cardelle, G.. & Aballi, A. J. Meningitis a bacilo de Pfeiffer. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1939, 11: 546- 81.—Cardelle, G., & Lavin, M. Meningitis aguda a bacilo de la influenza, bacilo de Pfeiffer. Rev. san. mil., Habana, 1940, 4: 174-8.—Cavazzutti, G. B., Teobaldo, C. J., & Actis Dato, A. Meningitis a bacilo de Pfeiffer. Rev. As. med. argent., 1940, 54: 108-10.—Chacon, E. Consideraciones acerca de un caso de encefalitis igripal? An. Hosp. S. Jose, Madr., 1933-34, 5: 71- 5.—Cohen, C. A propos des meningites dites k bacille de Pfeiffer. Paris med., 1933, 89: 368-71.—Collosi, G. Meningite acuta influenzale e sindrome meningea influenzale. Umbria med., 1932, 12: 2208.—Cumberbatch, A. E. Notes of a case of fatal leptomeningitis following upon acute suppurative otitis media of influenzal origin. J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1905, 20: 70-4.— Dahr, P. Influenzabakterien-Meningitis und Influenzabak- terien-Sepsis mit Gelenkmetastase. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 782-5.—Daugherty, F. J., & Pounders, C. M. Influenzal meningitis: a case report. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1942, 35: 323.—De Sanctis, A. G., & Pittinos, G. E. Influenzal meningi- tis. In Advance. Pediat., N. Y., 1942, 1: 277-9.—Di Geronimo, G. Azione meningo-mielitogena del virus influenzale nei INFLUENZA 280 INFLUENZA coniglio; ricerche sperimentali. Ann. Ist. Carlo Forlanini, 1940, 4: 117 24.- Dondoli, C. Meningismo o meningite influenzale? Cior. clin. ined., 1932, 13: 973.—Dowds. J. H. Pfeiffer's-bacillus meningiti-; 2 unusual rases. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 100.-Eddy, IL L. Hemoglobinophilic bacilli from infantile meningitis. J. Infect. Dis., 1933, 52: 242 5. Elkeles, G. Contribuciones al conocimiento de la patologia del bacilo de Pfeiffer a base de casos de gripe cr6nira v meningitis obseivado- en C6rdoba. Sem. med.. B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 2. 426-31.- Ellias, I., & De. M. N. Pfeiffer bacillus meningitis. Ind. .1. Pediat., 1942, 9: 1-10.—Filgueiras, E., & Sidou, R. G. Meningite por bacilo de Pfeiffer, com prov&vel acometimento das capsulas suprarrenais. J. pediat., Rio, 1939, 6: 26-9.— Fothergill, L. D., & Chandler, C. A. Observations on the dis- sociation of meningitic strains of H. influenzae. J. Immun., Bait M36, 31: 401-15.—Fothergill, L. D., & Wright, J. Influenzal meningitis; the relation of age incidence to the bac- tericidal power of blood against the causal organism. Ibid., 1933. 24: 273-84.—Gerbasi, M. Ulteriore contributo alio studio della meningite influenzale nei bambini. Pediatria (Riv.) 1927, 35: 842-7.—Gernez, C, & Huriez, C. La meningite k bacilles de Pfeiffer. Presse med., 1940, 48: 740-3.—Gewecke. H. Ein Beitrag zu Krankheitsbild und Bakteriologie der Influenzabazillenmeningitis an Hand von vier Fallen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 704-6.—Gibbins, J. Influenzal menin- gitis with a report of 2 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 1: 291- 3.—Golirevrch, E. [Pfeiffer's experimental meningitis in rabbits and titration of anti-Pfeiffer serums by means of the subarachnoidal method] Arkh. biol. nauk. 1934, ser. B, 35: 4(''3 -78.— Gorter, E. [Influenza-meningitis] Ned. tschr. geneesk.. 1934.78: 1190-5.—Greenthal. R. Nitrite reaction as a diagnostic test in influenzal meningitis. Am. J. Dis. Child., 193(1 31. 40: 569.—Grenet. H., Pfeifer, de, & Levent. R. Meningite k bacille de Pfeiffer; endocardite vegetante; recher- ches aiiatomiriues et bacteriologiques. Bull. Soc pediat. Paris, 1928, 26: 378-83.—Gurevitch. J. Influenza meningitis. Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1939, 16: No. 2. 2.—Hayes, W. The clinical and bacteriological aspects of meningitis due to H. influenzae. Irish J. M. Sc, 1940, ser. 6, No. 174, 241-55, pi.— Hernandez Gonzalo, P., Diaz Orero, E., & Chediak, M. Un caso de meningitis a Lncih s de Pfeiffer. Rev. med. cubana, 1933, 44: 1467-75.—Hill. A., & Platou, E. S. Influenzal menin- gitis. J. Lancet, 1942, 62: 168.—Hsu, I. T. Influenza bacillus menineitis; report of case. China M. ,L, 1931, 45: 1183.— Huntington. R. W., jr, & Wilkes-Weiss, I). Influenzal menin- gitis; a study of its clinical characteristics based on an analysis of 54 cases from the records of the S. Louis Children's Hospital. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1936, 9: 449-55. - - Association of otitis media and pneumonia with onset of influenzal meningitis. Ibid., 456-61.-—Influenzal meningitis. Lancet, Loin 1., 1940, 1: 463.—Janbon, Bougarel. L., & Labraque-Bordenave, M. Meningite k bacilles de Pfeiffer d'allure primitive et devolution suraigue, chez un nourrisson de 4 mois. Arch. Soc sc med. biol. Montpellier. 1938, 19: 196.—Jenks, H. H., & Radbill, S. X. Influenzal meningitis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1931, 48: 1-15.— Jones, A. C, & Sudds, M. V. N. A case of influenzal meningitis. Brit. M. J., 1912. 1: 327.—Jones, H. W. E. H. influenzae meningitis. Ibid.. 1937, 2: 797-9.—Josephi, M., Mehlman. J., & Hager, D. Influenza meningitis in a 7-month-old infant, J. Pediat., S. Louis. 1941, 19: 823-5.—Kane, F. F. Influenzal meningitis. Ulster M. J., 1938. 7: 50-5.—Kasper, M. Eitrige Hirnhautentzundung durch Influenzabazillen. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 871.—Knouf, E. G., Mitchell, W. J., & Hamil- ton, P. M. Survey of influenzal meningitis over a 10-vear period. 1931-41. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 687-91.—Roller, F. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Influenzabazillen-Meningitis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938. 68: 91-3.—Laszlo, D., & Nowotny, K. Ueber Meningomvelitis gripposa. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 518-21— Leenhardt. Bamay [et al.] Deux cas de meningites k bacilles de Pfeiffer chez l'enfant. Arch. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1938, 19: 191-6.—Lookeren Campagne, J. van [Influenza-meningitis or meningitic septicemia (Cohen)] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1933, 2: 577-92.—Loveless, P. N. Influenzal meningitis. St Joseph Valley M. News, 1940, 1: 113.—Lymphocytic choriomeningitis as an influenzal syndrome. Brit, M. J., 1941, 2: 343.—McDonald, S. F. Influenzal menin- gitis. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 1: 236.—Madi-Kovacs, F. [Case of post-influenzal disease of the acoustico-facial cistern] Orvoskepzes, 1939, 29: Dec kiilonf., No. 2, 90-3.—Manca, S. Emiplegia totale sinistra da meningo-encefalite della prero- landica di natura influenzale. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. prat., 41-51.—Manicatide, M., Constantinescu, C, & Ropala, A. M. [Two cases of meningitis caused by Pfeiffer's bacilli] Spitalul, 1936, 56: 283-5.—Marcus, J. H., & Crane, B. Influenzal meningitis; an investigation, with report of case in an infant. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1928, 45: 445-54.—Materi. A propos de la meningite a bacille de Pfeiffer chez le nourrisson. Tunis. med., 1930, 24: 225-7.—Meeker, C. S. Influenzal meningitis. Washington Univ. M. Alumni Q., 1941-42, 5: 53-6.—Mitchell, H. J. Meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae. Proc Mavo Clin., 1941, 16: 2^8-302—Motta Rezende, C, & Austregesiio, A. Meningites grippales et svphilis. Rev. sudamer. med., Par., 1932, 3: 228-37.—Mulder. J. [Present state of the ques- tion of the so-called influenza meningitis] Antonie van Leeu- wenhoek, 1936, 3: 306-21, pl. Also Acta med. scand., 1937, 91: 320-35.------ Haemophilus influenzae of the respiratory type as a cause of purulent meningitis. J. Path. Bact., Lond!, 1939, 48: 175-85.—Mutch, N. Pfeiffer's bacillus, influenzal meningitis. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 751-3.—Nathhorst, H. Grippemeningitis. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 143 (Abstr.; — Neal. J. B. Influenzal meningitis. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.,) Bait., 1940, 2: 1.578-80.- Noon.-. E. I.., & Kennedy, P. J. Influenzal meningitis; report ot 2 eases with recovery; one case complicated bv paroxysmal tarh\ cardia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 2060-3. Oliveira Martino. C. de, Sobre alguns casos de meningite a-'ida de t\|>u pleilfr riano. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1927, 45: 228 31. Pelfort, ('. Nuevas casos de meningitis agudas por bacilo de Pfeiffer en lactanli s. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1929, 23: 901 7. Pelnaf. J. [Obscure acute infectious disease occurring during the last fuw months; influenzal meningism] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1928, 67: 1489- 93.—Peppers. T. D. Influenzal meningitis. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1941, 38: 803.—Petzelt, K. Die Influenzabacillen- Meningitis. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1930-37, 131: 691-705. - Pfeiffer bacillus meningitis. N. England J. M., 1937, 216: !il5. Pouch.'. A. Sintomatologia latente e dissociazione liatterio-citologica nelle meningiti pneumococciehe del lattante. Pediatria (Riv.) 1934, 42: 1185-9.—Prinz, H. Postraumatische Influenza-Meningitis nach Sehadelverlet/.ung. Chirurg, 1933, 5: 54-1-7.—Pyle, H. D. Influenza meningitis. St Joseph Valley M. News, 1940, 1: 63. -Rullmann, K. Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Influeiizaiircningil is. Arch. Kinderh., 1928, 84: 299-302.—Rupilius, K. Zwei Falle eitriger Meningitis lui Sauglingen, hervorgerufen durch Influenzabazillen. Ibid., 1931, 94: 307-10--Schembra, F. W. Leber don bakterio- logischen Befund dreier Influenzameningitiden. Ibid., 1928, 84: 302 1.—Silverstone, S. M. Influenzal meningitis. Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1933, 83: 200-12.—Silverthorne, N.,'& Brown, A. Influenzal meningitis. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 16: 456-61— Silverthorne, N., Fraser, D. T., & Snelling, ('. E. Influenzal meningitis. Ibid., 1937, 10: 228-32.—Silvestrini, R. Meningite influenzale. Boll. Accad. med. Perugia, 1927, 1-16. Also Gazz. osp., 1927, 48: 295-7. Also Riforma med., 1927 43: 169-71. ------• Meningoencefaliti influenzali emorragiche. Ibid., 1932, 48: 1283.—Sirlin, E. M., & London, A. H. Influenzal meningitis; case report. .1. Pediat., S. Louis, 19-10, 17: 228. -Subik, F. [Meningitis, caused by Pfeiffer's bacillus] Bratisl lek. listy, 1936, 16: [Priloha No. 9] 250-60.— Thompson, W. H. Influenzal meningitis. J. Lancet, 1936, 56: 273-8.— Turner, M. L. Influenzal meningitis. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1920, 16: 190. -Valledor, R. G., & Hernandez, A. Menin- gitis a hemophilus influenzae; 3 observaciones clfnicas. Villa- clara med.. S. Clara, 1941, 9: 270-84.—Vasconcellas, J. Tres casos de meningitis a bacilos de Pfeiffer. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat.. B. Air., 1929, 23: 941-7.—Velasco Blanco, L., Fuks, I)., & Kirchmayr, E. A. Consideraciones sobre la meningitis gripal. Arch. amer. med., B. Air., 1933, 9: 147-52.—Velten, F. Chronischr: Influenza, Meningitis und ihre Rachenbilder. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1926, 23: 249.—Vlasov, V. A. [Sup- purative meningitis caused by the influenza bacillus in infants] Pediatria, Moskva, 1938, No. 1, 42-52.—Warman, W. M., A Spray, R. S. A fatal case of infantile Pfeiffer's bacillus (Hemo- philus influenzae) meningitis. West Virginia M. J., 1930, 32: 269-72.—Williams, J. W. Influenzal meningitis and peri- tonitis. Ahr. J. Dis. Child., 1934, 48: 840.—Winters, K., & Greenthal, R. M. Influenzal meningitis; report of 2 cases. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1943, 60: 69-74.—Wright, J., & Ward, H. K. Studies on influenzal meningitis; influenza; the problem of virulence and resistance. J. Exp. M., 1932, 55: 235-46. ---- Nervous system: Meningitis: Treatment. Aballi. A. J. Meningitis a Hemophilus influenzae curada por sulfatiazol. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1940. 12: 349-54.— Appelbaum, E. Influenza bacillus meningitis with recoverv. N. York State J. AL, 1935, 35: 215.—Arnett, J. H., Shoup, G. D.. & Henry, N. W. Influenzal meningitis treated with sul- fapyridine; bilateral ureteral obstruction, uremia, recovery. Am. J. M. Sc, 1940, 200: 674-7, pl.—Bass, M. H. Influenzal meningitis; recovery in a girl aged 8 years. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1940-41, 7: 19-25.—Baumgartner, M. M., & Nuzum, T. O. Influenzal meningitis treated with sulfanila- mide and spinal drainage; recovery. Wisconsin M. J., 1941, 40: 579.—Bloom, C. J. Influenzal meningitis is amenable to treatment. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1930-31, 83: 455-67.— Brick, I. B. Influenzal meningitis; evaluation of therapy and use of sulfadiazine. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1942, 11: 214-8.—Bridgeman, M. L„ & Bissetf, R. A. Influenzal men- ingitis; recovery in an 8-year-old child. Northwest M., 1938, 37: 388.—Brown, C. W. Influenzal meningitis; report of a case with recovery. Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 926.—Brown, J. E., jr, Emswiler, H. D., & Reck, L. E. Influenzal meningitis with recovery; treatment with mastoidectomy, sulfanilamide and continuous spinal drainage. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1939, 29: 860-4.—Bryan, M. S., & Musser, J. H. Influenzal menin- gitis; the successful treatment of a case in an infant. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1941-42, 94: 188-90.—Burns, R. M. Influenzal meningitis. Med. Times, N. Y., 1942, 70: 8-10.— Cibils Aguirre. R., Alzaga, S. de, & Calcarami, J. R. Menin- gitis gripal en un lactante; curada por las sulfamidas, Arch. argent, pediat., 1940, 13: 469-81.—Cohn. I. Influenzal men- ingitis; report of a case with recovery. Arch. Surg., 1937, 34: 398-409.—Dingle, J. H.. & Seidman, L. R. Specific polysac- charide as cutaneous test for evaluation of serum therapy in influenza bacillus meningitis. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y,, 1941, 46: 34-6.—Duncan, D. H., & Webb, C. H. Recovery from influenzal meningitis; case report. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1934, 4: 210-8.—Eldahl, A. [Pfeiffer meningitis treated by sulfanilamid preparation (Streptamid Leo)] Ugeskr. laeger, INFLUENZA 281 INFLUENZA 1939, 101: 88.—Faust, O. A., & Stein. R. Influenzal menin- gitis treated by forced spinal drainage and transfusion; report of case with recovery. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1935, 52: 743-8.— Fothergill. L. D. Influenzal meningitis and its specific treat- ment with antiserum and complement. Proc. Interst. Post grad. M. Ass. N. America, 1933, 319-23.------Hemophilus influenzae (I'feiffer bacillus) meningitis and its specific treat- ment. N. England J. M., 1937. 216: 587-90.—Gordon, C. H. A case of mastoiditis and influenzal meningitis; recovery Maine M. J., 1938, 29: 65-7.—Goris, C. Un cas de grippe compliquee de sirmsite; guerison apparente suivie de meningite Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1927, 28: 82.—Halbertsma, T. [Case of meningitis, caused by influenza bacilli and cured by sulfanilamid therapv] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1938-39 8- 273-80.—Hamilton, T. R., & Neff, F. C. Influenzal meningitis with bacteremia treated with sulfapvridine; recovery. J Am M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1123-5.—Haroid, J. T. Pfeiffer bacillus meningitis; recovery with chemotherapv. Lancet, Lond 1941, 2: 308.—Jacobsen, A. W., & Neter, E. Haemophilus influenzae meningitis; a case in which recovery occurred Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940, 60: 363-7.—Jacoby. N. M. Pfeiffer's bacillus meningitis; recovery with chemotherapy. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 7.33.—Johnson, F. C. Influenzal meningitis; report of a recovery. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1932, 29: 311-3.— Kerman, W. Two recoveries from influenzal meningitis. Am J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 566. Also Proc Inst. M. Chicago, 1942-43, 14: 225.—Lafora. G. R. Paraplegia post-gripal por meningitis serosa circunscrita; curaci6n por la punci6n lumbar. Arch, neurob., Madr., 1922, 3: 32-42.—Lindsay, J. W., Rice, E. C, & Selinger, M. A. The treatment of meningitis due to Hemophilus influenzae, Pfeiffer's bacillus; a review of 108 cases. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1940, 17: 220-7.—Mackenzie, J. C. H., Page, A. P. M.. & Ward, E. M. Pfeiffer bacillus meningitis unsuccessfully treated bv chemotherapv. Lancet Lond., 1910, 1: 785.—McLean, C. C, Woods, A. W., & Hen- derson, H. H. Pfeiffer bacillus meningitis; the cure of a case with sulfapyridine. Ann. Int. M., 1940-41, 14: 331-3.— Montestruc, E., Palmas, M. de, & Garcin, D. Meningite k bacille de Pfeiffer k la Martinique; traitement par I'a p-amino- phenvl-sulfamido-pyridine; guerison. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1938, 31: 893-7.—Neal, J. B., Jackson, H. W., & Appel- baum, E. Meningitis due to the influenza bacillus of Pfeiffer (Hemophilus influenzae) a studv of 111 cases, with 4 recoveries. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 513-8. ------ Sulfapyridine and its sodium salt in the treatment of meningitis due to the Pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. Ibid., 1940, 115: 2055-8.—Nedelmann, E. Pneumatocele conjunctivae als Folge einer Liquorausblasung bei einem Fall von Influenza- bacillen-Meningitis. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 43: 352-5.— Needles, W. Influenzal meningitis with recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 1342.—Patterson, R. A., & Crumpton, R. C. Influenza meningitis treated successfully with sulfathiazole. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1941, 31: 433.—Poortman, H. M. C. [Cured case of meningitic influenza] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1935, 4: 342-6.—Povitzky, O. R. Immune serum and prontosil; combined treatment for protection of the mouse against fatal dose of Hemophilus influenzae meningitis. N. York State J. M., 1937, 37: 1748-50.—Ramon Guerra. A. U. Meningitis aguda por bacilo de Pfeiffer; sulfamidopiridina; curari6n. Arch, argent, pediat., 1940, 14: 562.—Rittenberg, B. B. In- fluenzal meningitis: report of a case with complete recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 1674.—Roberts, R. W. Mixed influenza-bacillus-staphylococcus meningitis cured with sul- fonamide therapy. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 494.— Roche, E. H., & Caughey, J. E. Influenzal meningitis treated with M. & B. 693; report of 2 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 635-8.—Schwinger, A. Influenzal meningitis; report of a case of recovery. J. Med., Cincin., 1941-42, 22: 196. Influenzal meningitis; review of treatment of 14 children with type B influenza bacillus meningitis. Ohio M. J., 1942, 38: 835-7.—Scott, E. P., & Bruce, J. W. Influenzal meningitis; report of a case with recovery. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1942, 20: 499-502.—Scully, J. P., & Menten, M. L. Treatment of influenzal meningitis with antiinfluenzal rabbit serum and sulfapyridine. Ibid., 21: 198-206.—Spekter, L. Influenzal meningitis with recovery; use of anti-influenzal serum. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936. 51: 614-7.—Stribley, H. A. Continuous subarachnoid drainage for influenzal meningitis. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1936, 26: 300-3.—Tallerman, K. H. Influenzal meningitis with complete recovery. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1936-37, 30: 707.—Taylor, H. W. Treatment of a case of influenzal meningitis with immune serum and sulfanilamide. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1938, 55: 131-4.— Towsley, H. A. Influenzal meningitis treated with anti-influenzal serum: report of a case. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1935, 49: 1376-8.—Ward, H. K., & Fother- gill, LeR. D. Influenzal meningitis treated with specific antiserum and complement; report of 5 cases. Ibid., 1932, 43: 873-81.—Ward, H. K., & Wright, J. Studies on influenza] meningitis; the problems of specific therapy. J. Exp. M., 1932, 55: 223-34.— Watson-Williams, E. Influenzal meningitis in an adult with recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1937,,2: 1430.— Weyers, W. A. M. [Influenza bacillus meningitis and treat- ment by Dagenan] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 4800.— White, G. E. Influenzal meningitis treated with anti-influenza bacillus serum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 34: 163-5.—Wigers, F. [Case of Pfeiffer's meningitis with recovery] Nord. med., 1939, 1: 919.—Wilke. F. H. Report of a case of bacillus influenzae meningitis with recovery after the administration of sulfapvridine. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940, 59: 447.—Wilkes- Weiss, D., & Huntington, R. W., jr. The treatment of in- fluenzal meningitis with immune serum. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 193b 9: 462-6.—Williams, P. Influenzal meningitis with complete recovery. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1941, 38: 22.— Williams, T. P. Influenzal meningitis with complete recovery. I roc R Soc M„ Lond., 1936-37, 30: 877.—Wilson, W. E. Influenzal meningitis; recovery following antihemophilus influenzae type B serum, rabbit, and chemotherapv. .1 M Ass. Alabama, 1940-41. 10: 298-301.—Woltmann, Aldrich & Keichert. Influenzal meningitis with recovery. Case Rep. Child. Mem. Hosp. Chicago, 1942, 1: No. 2. 17-9.—Young, R. H., & Moore, C. Influenzal meningitis; report of a case treated with anti-influenzal serum and sulphanilamide. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1938, 55: 282-7. ---- Nervous system: Neuralgia and neuritis. Haensel [O. H.] G. *Ueber Neuritiden und Myehtiden nach Grippe [Leipzig] 34p. 23^cm. Zeulenroda, 1937. Frank, M. Ueber postgrippale Neuritis im friihen Kindes- alter. Mschr. Kinderh., 1928, 38: 215-22.—Galli. W. Ne- vralgie influenzali. Gazz. osp., 1938. 59: 125-7.—Gerard. G. Nevrite optique bilaterale avec plaques choroidiennes diffuses d'origine grippale. Clin, opht., Par., 1926, 30: 132.—Gergely, B. Influenza und Neuritis. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1931, 123: 294-313. Also Gy6gydszat, 1931, 71: 707; 720.—Heimanovich, O. I. [Intracranial cranioneuralgic syndrome of the grippe] Radianska med., 1937, 2: No. 7, 4-7.—Kahoun, S. [Post- influenzal inflammation of the optic nerves] Cesk. ofth., 1937, 3: 109-16.—Motta, D. Manifestazioni nevritiche e nevralgiche post-influenzali. Riv. med., 1932, 40: 145-7.—■ Padovani, S. Un caso grave di nevrite ottica influenzale; esito in amaurosi. Rinasc. med., 1932, 9: 130.—Robitashvali, K. F. [Grippal affections of the optic nerve] Vest, oft., 1939, 15: No. 2, 76-9.—Russetzki. J. Les polyradiculites post- gnppales. Ann. med., Par., 1934, 36: 142-6.—Sabatzky, K. Gehauftes Auftreten von Neuritis nervi optici als schnell vorubergehende Erkrankung bei und nach der Grippe. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1929, 82: 351-3.—Shenderov, L. A. [Neuro- myelitis of the optic nerve due to influenza] Sovet. nevropat., 1932, 1: 639-45.—Villaverde, J. Las neuritis postgripales. Arch, neurob., Madr., 1920, 1: 23-44.—Weiss, C. Influ- enzaneuritis. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 122-4.—Wilheim. Zur Behandlung der Grippeneuralgien. Fortsch. Ther., 1927, 3: 727. ---- Nervous system: Paralysis. Walz, K. *Ueber toxisch-infektiose Stimm- bandlahmungen nach Grippe [Erlangen] 18p. 20}4cm. Forchheim,, 1938. Buljevich. L. P. Grippe; sinusitis maxilar; diplejia facial. Rev. As. med. argent., 1932, 45: 1231-3.—Lopez Albo, W. Diplejia facial periferica de origen gripal. Progr. clin., Madr., 1919, 14: 140-3.—Rasim Adasal [Alternate grippal hemi- anesthesia] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi, 1940, 69: 25-7.— Roy, J. N. A case of bilateral paralysis of the laryngeal ab- ductors of influenzal origin. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 34: 427. Also J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1936, 51: 167-71. Also Union med. Canada, 1930, 65: 220-4. ---- Nervous system: Psychosis. Cukier, A. *Quelques considerations sur la derniere epidemie de grippe a la garnison de Bitche et, en particulier, ses complications neuro- psychiatriques. 48p. 8? Par., 1935. Kleinst, K. Die Influenzapsychosen und die Anlage zu Infektionspsychosen. 54p. 8? Berl., 1920. Bolten, G. C. [Changes of character and permanent psy- chical disturbances after influenza] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 1, 1298-304.—Bouman, L., & Griinbaum, A. A. Eine Storung der Chronognosie und ihre Bedeutung im betreffenden Symptomenbild. Mschr. Psychiat. Neur., 1929, 73: 1-39.— Esteves Balado, L. Gripe en psiquiatria. Rev. As. med. argent., 1934, 48: 958-64.—Gonzalez, J. M. E. Demencia senil instalada consecutivamente a una infeccion grippal. Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1937,'2: 181-6.—Graves, T. C. In- fluenza in relation to the onset of acute psychoses. J. Neur. Psychopath., 1928-29, 9: 97-112.—Health insurance: insanity attributed to influenza [Utah] J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 500.—Iankovsky, A. E. [Psychosis in grippe) Nevropat. psikhiat., 1940, 9: No. 12, 43-9.—Kamman, G. R. Schizo- phrenic reactions following influenza, J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 1286-9.—Mendicini, A. I disturbi psichici in rapporto con l'influenza. Policlinico, 1927, 34: sez. med., 597-617.— Roubinovitch, J. Les psychoses grippales. Progr. med., Par., 1933, 1603.—Rudinu, U. Sui delirio acuto da influenza. Morgagni, 1929, 71: 1589-99.—Scott, H. B. Psychoses follow- ing influenza. Kentucky M. J., 1930, 28: 229-38.—Sivadon, P. Phenomenes autoscopiques au cours de la grippe. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1937, 95: pt 2, 213-20.—Urechia, C. I. Les psychoses grippales. Ibid., 1933, 91: pt 1, 455-71. ----■—■ Nouvelle note relative aux psychoses grippales. Ibid., 1938, 96: pt 2, 22-30.—Varela de Seijas, E. Trastornos mentales INFLUENZA 2S2 INFLUENZA post-gnprdes. An. Hosp. S. Jose, Madr., 1930-31, 2: 175. Yeras. S. Manifestations nerveuscs au cours de la grippe chez les infants; i as de lmitisme. Arch. med. enf., l'.rjs. 31: 27 30.- Vviasnovskv, A. I. [Clinical-anatomical study of grippal p-vchoie.-| Klin, med., Moskva. 1940, 18: No. 2. 59-64.— Ziman, R. M. [Influenza and endogenic mental disturbances] J. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva, 1928, 21: 43-57—Ziveri, A. Commento su di un'autosservazione di allucinosi visiva da infezione grippale. Cervello, 1933, 12: 103-22. ---- Pathology [and pathogenesis] Danielou, L. *Du rhume banal a l'influenza epidemique. 54p. 241scm. Par., 1939. Facen, J. Sulla condizione patologica essen- ziale del morbo grippe. 16p. 21cm. Venez., 1843. Werdt, F. von. Pathologisch-anatomische und histologische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der sogenannten Spanischen Grippe [etc.] llOp. 8? [Bern, 1921] Babes, V. L'influenza, les bronchites, l'infection hemorrhagi- rpie el sur les streotocoques. Roumanie med., 1894, 2: 177- 81.—Bacmeister, T. Pathology of influenza. J. Am. Inst. Hom"<>p., l'.)2ii. 19: 7-11.—Baize, P. Le prohleme patho- geni.pie de In grippe. Gaz. hop., 1928, 101: 421-5.- Beitzke, H. Leber die pathologische Anatomie der Grippe. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 125-7.—Deleito, F. G. Ampliaciones y comentarios liltimos a este capitulo de patologia infecciosa. Siglo med.. 1933, 91: 523-5.—Hoesslin, H. von. Begrenzung des Begriffes grippaler Infekt bei Erkaltungskrankheiten der oberen Luftwege. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 1727-9.— Hurst, J. H. The relationship of influenza and epidemic encephalitis. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1934, 11:110-34.— Klemperer, P. Pathology of influenza. Health Exam., N. Y., 1936, 5: Xo. 11, 7-12— Lauche, A. Die pathologische Ana- tomie der Grippe. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 1665-7.—Lowenthal, K. Die pathologische Anatomie der Grippe. Ibid., 7: 258-60.— Longley, J. D. B. Just a touch of the flu. Middlesex Hosp. J., 1941, 41: 25.—Opie, E. L. The pathologic anatomy of influ- enza: baserl chiefly on American and British sources. Arch. I'sth.. Chic, 1928," 5: 285-303.--Pons. C. A. Pathogenesis and pathology of influenza. Clin. Med., 1042, 49: 209-7L— Vivoli, I). Anatomia put ilogi -a de la gripe. Rev. As. med. argent., 1934, 48: 939-53.—Williatte, P. Quelques remarques pathogeniques et epidemiologiques concernant la grippe. J. sc. med. Lille, 1921, 39: pt 2, 201; 217; 238. ---- Pathology, comparative. See also subheading (experimental) also In- fluenza virus. Andrewes, (.'. H., Edwards, J. T. [et al.] Influenza in man and animals. 1'ioc R. Soc M., Lond., 1934-35, 28: 941 50. Also Brit. M. ,L, 1935, 1: 495.—Aygttn, S. T., & Aygiin, K. S. Experimentelle und pathologisch-anatomische Studien iiber Pleuro-Pneumonia contagiosa caprae in Anatolien und ihre Beziehungen zur menschlichen Grippe. Schweiz. Zsehr. Path. Bakt., 1942, 5: 216-25.—Bemelmans, E. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber das Wesen der Grippe des Menschen, der sogenannten Brustseuche (Grippe) des Pferdes und der Staupe (Grippe) des Hundes. Erg. allg. Path., 1932, 26: 612-710 — Crofton, W. M. Distemper and influenza. In his True Nature of Viruses, Lond.. 1936, 33-104.—Manwaring, W. H. Feline influenza in man. California West. M., 1943, 58: 108.— Nelson, J. B. Reciprocal transmission tests with infectious catarrh of chickens, mice, and rats. J. Exp. M., 1942, 76: 253-62.—Orticoni, A. Relations de la grippe avec Irs septi- cemics hemorragiques; essais de transmission experimentale. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1919, 19: 252-6.—Schmidt, P. In- fluenza bei Mensch und Tier. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1437-9. ---- Pharmacology. Adamson, J. D., & Flett, R. O. The inefficacy of sulfa- pyridine in influenza. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1942, 46: 121-3.— Climenko, D. R., Crossley, M. L., & Northey, E. H. The pro- tective action of certain sulfanilamide derivatives in experi- mental influenza infections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 2099. ------ The influence of disulfanilamide on experimental in- fluenza infections. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1939, 67: 201-11.— Guyton, J. S. Effects of sulfanilamide and sulfapyridine on the Koch-Weeks bacillus, Haemophilus influenzae. Arch. Ophth Chic, 1940. 23: 1243-51.—Novak, M., & Lacy, A. M. Relative in vitro effects of the sulfonamides on Hemophilus influenzae J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1942, 21: 321-4.—Perez, M. Virus influenzale e preparati sulfamidici. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper. 1939, 14: 536-8. ---- porcine. See also Influenza virus. Fried, E. *De la maladie des porehers. 64p. 24#cm. Par., 1938. KlRCHEXBAl'EH, II. [K.] *Die Stellung des Bacterium influenzae suis im System der hilmo- globinophilen Bakterien und sein Yorkommen bei Schwein, Scliaf und Rind. 24p. S° Lpz., 1933. Also Zsehr,. Infektkr. Haustiere, 1933-34, 45: Mote, J. R. Human and swine influenzas. p.429-ol6. 24cm. Cambr., 1940. Agapov, S. I. [Epizootology and epidemiology of influenza in swine and influenza in man] J. mikrob., Moskva 1937, 18: 478-81.—Beclere, A. L'influenza epidemique et IVpizootie porcine, ou hog flu. Presse med.. 1937. 45: 73-6.— Blakcmorc, F., & Gledhill. A. W. Swine influenza in the British Ll-s. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1940- II. 34: 611-8.------Some observations on an outbreak of swine influenza in England. Vet. Rec, Lond.. 1941, 53: 227-30.—Bocca, C. R. Un cas de meningite benigne des porehers. Lyon med., 1936, 158: 730- 3.- -Charleux, G. La meningite benigne des porehers. Ibid., 157: 650-7.—Daubney, R. Swine influenza. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 201: 231-6. - Dobberstein. Die patholo- gische Anatomie der Ferkelgrippe. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1936, 44: 850.—Donatien, A., & Lestoquard, F. L'influenza du pore en Algerie. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1939, 12: 169- 74.—Earthworms as carriers of swine influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 325.—Eber, A., A Meyn, A. Beitrag zur infektiosen Rhinitis (SchnufTelki ankle-it ) der Schweine. Acta path, microb. scand., 1934, Suppl. IS. 86 103.—Gaitandzhiev, G. Influenza bacteria carriers in swine influenza; presence in healthy slaughtered pigs. Vet. Bull., Lond., 1941, 11: 765 — Ciliisser. Zum Schweinegi ippeproblem. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1939, 47: 209-12.------Swine influenza. Vet. Bull.. Lond., 1942. 12: 24 (Abstr.)—Hadorn, W. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Maladie des jeunes porehers. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 375-8.—Hofferber, O. Ein erfolgreicher Versuch zur Bekampfung der Ferkelgrippe. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1934, 50: 452-4.—Jordan, C. F. Human and swine influenza. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1935. 25: 557.—Kobe, K. Die Ferkelgrippe. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1934, 42: 603-6 — Krembs, J. Histopathologic der Ferkelgi ippe. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1938, 73: 387-98.—Lewis, P. A., A Shopc R. K. Swine influenza; a hemophilic bacillus from the respiratory tract of infected swine. J. Exp. M., 1931, 54: 361-71, pl.— Radtke, G. Zur Diagnose Ferkelgrippe und Paratvphus der Schweine. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1937, 53: 113 -d.—Ridala, V. Further experiments on the control of swine influenza. Vet. Bull., Lond., 1942, 12: 211 (Abstr.)- Rosenbusch. C. T. Some studies on swine influenza; comparative study of Hemophilus influenzae suis and Hemophilus influenzae; antiliody response to experimental swine influenza. Ibid., 194 1, 11:766.----- A Shope, R. E. The antibody response to swine influenza. J. IAp. M„ 1939, 69: 499-505.—Rucks, W. Consideraciones sobre un caso sospechoso de hog-flu. Rev. med. vet., B. Air., 1942, 24: 339-46—Shanks, P. L. Treatment of influenzal arthritis in pigs with M A B 093. Vet. J., Lond., 1939, 95: 429-32.—Shope, R. E. Swine influenza; experimental trans- mission and pathology. .1. Exp. M., 1931, 54: 349-59, 3 pl. ------Swine influenza; filtration experiments and etiology. Ibid., 373-85.------ St udies on immunity to swine influenza. Ibid., 1932, 56: 575.------Swine influenza; studies on contagion. Ibid., 1934, 59: 201-11. ------ The influenzas of swine and man. Harvey Lect., Bait., 1935-36, 31: 183-213. Also Medicine, Bait., 1936, 15: 453-87.------The effect of Hemophilus influenzae suis vaccines on swine influenza. J. Kxp. M., 1937, 66: 169-75.— Tarasenkov, I. V. [Influenza of swine] Sovet. vet., 1939. 16: 39-4 1.—Terpstra, J. I. [Origin of influenza in pigs in the Netherlands] Tschr. diei geneesk., 1935, 62: 177-86.—Urech, E., & Pache, H. L. Maladie des jeunes porehers et grippe humaine; reclrcrch.-s experimentales. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1938, 58: 817-53.—Verge, J., <& Lance, H. La grippe des porrilets. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 198: 1276-8.—Verge, J., & Leclainche, X. Maladie des porehers; grippe rles porcelets et grippe humaine. Paris med., 1987, 103: 187-9.—Vogt, V. Zur Frage der Resistenz des wildfarbigen Muncheberger Hausschweines gegen die Ferkelgrippe. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 51: 765-8.------Experimenteller Beitrag zur Kontaktulrertragung der Ferkelgrippe und ihrer Bekampfung mit h\ gienischen Massnahmen. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1936, 44: 355-8. -Wahl, F. Anamie und I.-rkelgrippe. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 51: 385-91.—Waldmann, O. Die Aetiologie des Ferkelkiimmerns; die Ferkelgrippe. Ibid., 1933, 49:693-7, pl.------& Kobe, K. Diagnose, Verbreitung und Verbreitungswege der Ferkelgrippe. Ibid., 1935, 51: 481- 5.—Waldmann, O., & Radtke, G. Erster Bericht uber Erfolge der Bekampfung der Ferkelgrippe durch die Riemser Einzel- huttenanlage. Ibid., 1937, 53: 241-6. ---- Prevention. See also subheadings (Control; Immunization) Arkema, N. H. | Value of quinine as influenza preventive] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 3023-8.—Bagdasarian, 9. [Chlorine prophylaxis of influenza] Voen. san. delo, 1937, No. 11-12, 93-8. Bako, J. [Cod liver oil in prevention of influenza] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: mell., 11.—Barge, H. A. Quinine as a prophylactic in influenza. J. Florida M. Ass., 1941-42, 28: 383-5.—Bemelmans, E. Die Grippe, ihr Wesen und ihre Bekampfung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1933, 63: 691-6. INFLUENZA 283 INFLUENZA ------ Experiments proposed to solve definitely the in- fluenza-problem. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, 1935, 2: 85-105.— Berger, W., & Schnetz, H. Moglichkeiten der Grippeprophy- laxe. Ther. Gegenwart, 1935, 76: 481-8.—Bergmann, J. Beobachtungen iiber Grippeschutz durch Chinin und Kampfer. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1939, 10: 1223.—Besarovic, M. Zur Bekampfung der Grippe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 442.— Better protection from flu foreseen in new discovery. Science News Lett., 1940, 38: 291.—Bickel, B. In how far is prophy- laxis of influenza possible? Internat. Clin., 1929, 39. ser., 2: 296.—Blondel, R. Traitement abortif et prophylaxie de la grippe par la voie oculo-nasale. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1928, 3. ser., 99: 255-9.—Camredon, S. Peut-on se preserver de la grippe? Rev. med. est, 1935, 63: 192.—Cefaly, A. Profilassi dell'influenza. Rinasc med., 1938, 15: 817.—Copeman, S. M. The prevention of influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 451.— Dansey-Browning, G. A studv on the prevention of influenza. J. R. Armv M. Corps, 1931, 57: 187-96.—Donaldson, A. N. How to fight the flu. Good Health, 1941, 76: 38-40.—Ender, A. [Prophylactic influenzal measures] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 1285.—Fabinyi, G. [Prophylactic of nose and larynx during the influenza epidemic in 1929] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1929, 27: 1007-10.—Filippini, A. L'influenza (note di epidemiologia e profilassi) Ann. igiene, 1929, 39: 130-6.—Fusco, A. Attuali vedute sulla eziologia dell'influenza e profilassi ospedaliera. Terapia, Milano, 1940, 30: 21-31.—Garino, J. R. Etiologia y profilaxis de la grip; concepto actual. Hev. san. mil., B. Air., 1928, 27: 5-14.—Germicidal gas. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 734.—Gieszczykiewicz, M. [Epidemiologv and prevention of influenza] Polska gaz. lek., 1932, 11: 761-6.—Groulx, A., & Gervais, J. H. Epidemiology and prevention of influenza, la grippe. Bull, hyg., Montreal, 1941, 27: l-17.--Groznaia, A. S. [Administration of small doses of iodine for prevention of grippe in school children] Pediatria, Moskva, 1942. No. 5, 38.— Gubinsky, A. M. [Prevention of epidemic influenza] Sovet. med., 1937, No. 5, 31-3.—Harris, H. M. Gauze masks in prophylaxis against influenza. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 610.— Influenza; measures for its prevention. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 79.—Influenza prophylaxis. Ibid., 1941, 1: 47.—Jiirgens, A. [Etiology and prevention of influenza] Militaerlaegen, 1929, 35: 35-53.—Kerr, F. R. Influenza; its epidemiology and preven- tion. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 1: 747-50.—Klotz, R. Grippe- rekonvaleszenz und Prophylaxe. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 1860.— Komendantov, L. E. [Chlorine inhalations in influenza] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 302-5.—Kress, H. Die Kreosotprophy- laxe der Grippe und verwandter Infektionen. Fortsch. Ther., 1928, 4: 389-91.—Lipkovich. I. G. [Prevention of influenza] Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 1503-8.—Lombardo, F. Vapori di soluzione iodo-iodurata come profilassi e terapia della influenza. Riforma med., 1926, 42: 1011—Marchoux, E. Prophylaxie de la grippe par le port d'un masque. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1929, 3. ser., 101: 189-92.—Oetiker, A. Versuch einer Grippe- prophvlaxe. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 1131.—Pedley, F. G. Influenza. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1941, 44: 292.—Peruzzi, M. Sull'epidemiologia e la profilassi dell'influenza. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1929, 35: pt 1, 59-61.—Pettit, H., & Stokes, J., jr. The present status of the prevention and treatment of influenza. Am. J. M. Sc, 1937, 193: 423-5.—Robertson, O. H., Loosli, C. G. [et al.] The protection of mice against infection with air-borne influenza virus by means of propylene glycol vapor. Science, 1941, 94: 612.—Romary. La grippe et sa prevention. Clinique, Par., 1931, 26: 51-6.—Rosenberg, N. K. [Certain characteristics of epidemiologv, pathology and prevention of influenza] Sovet. vrach. ga"z., 1934, 38: 182-7.------ [Chlorine prevention of influenza] Ibid., 187-90.—Rosenow, E. C. Observations on the cause and prevention of influenza and influenzal pneumonia. Minnesota M., 1929, 12: 366-8.— Rossiisky, D. M. [Prevention of influenza] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937,2:431-5. ------ [Prophylaxis and therapy of influenza] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 187-98.------[Medicinal prophylaxis of the grippe] Kazan, med. J., 1940, 36: No. 4, 85-7. Also Sovet. med., 1940, No. 16, 14-6.—Schmidt, P. Ueber Epi- demiologic und Prophylaxe der Grippe (Influenza vera) Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1717-9.—Schnurman, A. G. Quinine as a prophylactic against influenza; a study of 6,500 quininized and 6,500 non-quininized individuals during the influenza epidemic of January, 1941. Virginia M. Month., 1941, 68: 341.— SchUtz, H. Dermatologie und Grippe. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 1506-10.—Schuurmans Stekhoven, W. [Prevention of influenza] Geneesk. gids, 1933, 11: 213-8.—Schwarzc. Prophylaktische Behandlung des Waldeyerschen Rachenrings und der Nase gegen Grippe. Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 258.—Seitz, J. Mentopin, der Grippeschutz. Fortsch. Ther., 1928. 4: 191-4.—Showalter, A. M. Effects of quinine as a prophylactic versus influenza and probable reason. Virginia M. Month., 1941, 68: 15-20.—Smorodinzev, A. A. Etiologia, patogenia e profilaxia da gripe epidemica a luz dos novos conhecimentos. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1941, 39: 47-52.—Spitta, O. Ist peroral verabfolgtes Chinin ein Vorbeugungsmittel gegen Grippe? Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 86-8.------Der Schutz gegen Grippe. Reichsgesundhbl., 1936, 11: 860-3. ------ Ueber das Chinin als Vorbeugungsmittel gegen Erkrankungen an Grippe (Influenza) Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 452-4 — Stokes, J., jr, & Henle, W. Studies on methods of prevention of epidemic influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., 19-12. 120: 16-20 — Stiirup, J. Influenzabeksempelse. Ugeskr. hegei, 1927, 89: 97.—Sulkin, S. E., & Edwards, J. C. Prophylaxis in epidemie influenza. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1942, 39: 33-6.—SzUIe, D. [Prevention of influenza] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: mell., 33 — Terekhov, P. [Four-years' experience with chlorine prophylaxis of influenza] Voen. san. delo, 1937, No. 8, 45.—Tigges, W. Zur Gnppeprophylaxe. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 396.— Trebinskaia, E. N. [Therapeutic prophylaxis of the grippe] \ rach. delo, 1938, 20: 539.—Vaccarezza, R. F., & Battaglia, M. 1. Profilaxis marltima de la gripe. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt 1, 1357-62.—Vendel, S. N. Influenza-Prophylaxe. Ugeskr. lasger. 1927, 89: 98.—Vilenkin, L. J. [Prevention and treatment of influenza] Klin, med., Moskva, 1931, 9: 1182- 4.—Wolter, F. Grippe und Influenza; ihre Aetiologie und Prophylaxe vom bakteriologischen und vom epidemiologischen Standpunkt. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 241-4. ---- Problems and research. Gueron, I. Contribution a I'etude de la grippe; etiologie, prophylaxie, traitement. 78p. 23/2cm. Par., 1938. Milano, Italy. Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese. Atti della Riunione per lo studio dell'influenza, tenutasi in Milano nei giorni 27-28 Aprile 1919. 172p. 26cm. Milano, 1919. Pittsburgh, Pa. University. School of Medicine. Studies on epidemic influenza com- prising clinical and laboratory investigations. 294p. 4? Pittsb., 1919. Borevskaia, B. D., Gubergritz, A. J., & Lukantzever, L. S. [Material for studv of the grippe] Klin, med., Moskva, 1940, 18: No. 9, 127-33.—Crookshank, F. G. Some problems: influenza. Mil. Surgeon, 1926, 59: 284-90- Dreguss, M. [The influenza problem, present position! Nepegcszscgiigy, 1939, 20: 291-9.—Eaton, M. D. Studies on influenza. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1941-42, 20: 5-7—For- tunato, A. II problema dell'influenza. Rinasc med., 1940, 17: 134.— Francis, T.. jr. Present trends in the study of epi- demic influenza. Advance. Int. M., N. Y., 1942. 1: 169-82.— [Grippe] In: Otchet nauch. deiat. (Vsesoiuz. inst. eksp. med.) Moskva, 1940, 81-8, pl.—Gundel, M. Grippeprobleme. Deut, med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1575-8. ------ & Linden, H. Experimentelle und epidemiologische Studien zum Influenza- problem. Arch. Hyg., Berl., 1930, 105: 133-67.—Haagen. E. Das Influenzaproblem. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 89-93.— Hallauer, C. Ergebnisse der experimentellen Influenzaforsch- ung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 835-8.—Hamer, W. The crux of epidemiology. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1931, 24: 1425-40.—Horsfall, F. L., jr. Recent studies in influenza. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1941, 31: 1275-80. ------ The present status of the influenza problem. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 284-7.—Hudson, N. P. Recent studies in influenza. Proc Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1937, 4: 142.— Influenza (L') stato odierno della questione. Policlinico, 1939, 46: 199-201.—Jordan, E. O. The present status of the in- fluenza problem. Med. Off., Lond., 1926, 35: 27.—Klotz. O., & Holman, W. L. Studies on influenza. Am. J. M. Sc, 1936, 191: 426-46.—Konchalovsky, M. P., & Pospelov. S. A. [The problem of grippe from the view-point of recent data] Ter. arkh., 1941, 19: 300-4.—Krueger, A. P. Organization for studies on epidemic influenza; Laboratory Research Unit No. 1. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40: 378-88.—Laboratory studies of influenza. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 1940-41, 19: 153.—McDonagh, J. E. R. A correlative view of influenza. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 67: 133; 141.—Peters, J. T. [In- fluenza problems] Geneesk. gids, 1936, 15: 571-6.—Pfeiffer, R. Das Influenzaproblem. Erg. Hyg. Bakt., 1922, 5: 1-18 — Rimpau, W. Das Grippeproblem in unserer Zeit. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 1761-5.—Smith, W. The influenza problem. S. Mary Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1937, 43: 112-20.— Some recent investigations in influenza. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 2: 381.—Stercken, J. Grundsatzliches zur Grippefrage. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1934, 31: 64.—Stokes, J., jr, Mc- Guinness, A. C. [et al.] Further studies of epidemic influenza. Tr. Ani. Pediat. Soc, 1938, 50: 38. Also Am. J. Dis. Child., 1938, 56: 701.—Stuart-Harris, C. H. Current investigations of the influenza problem. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1941, 77: 123-34.—Studies in colds and influenza. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 29.—Wiesner. R. Bemerkungen zum Grippeproblem. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 445-7.—Winter. Kritische Betrachtungen zur Grippefrage. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 1678. ---- Public health aspects. Basora Defillo, J. Influenza (la gripe) Bull. Dep. Health Puerto Rico, 1937, 1: 222.—Crowe, W. The bacteriology, treatment and control of influenza. J. State M., Lond., 1933, 41: 581-9.—Jordan, E. O. What we know of influenza and how we may add to our knowledge. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1930, 20: 130-6. Also Med. Off., Lond., 1930, 43: 131-3.—Michaud. L. L'influenza. Bull. Eidg. Gesundhamt., 1933 [Beil., No. 3] 16-27 [Discussion] 28-43.—Stiihelin, R. Ueber Influenza. Ibid., 3-15.—What is influenza? Med. Off., Lond., 1940, 63: 65. ---- Relation to tuberculosis. Guggenheim, 11. *Ueber Influenza bei Tuberkulosen [Basel] p.237-50. 8? Lpz., 1920. Also Beitr. Klin. Tuberk.. 1920, 44: INFLUENZA 284 INFLUENZA Amsler, R. Tuberculoses pulmonaires et grippes. Arch. med. Angers, 1933. 37: 65 S. Bacmeister. A. Gefahren gripp6«*er Erkrankungen fiir latente Lungenprozesse. Deut. med. Wschr.. 193 1 60: 1580 3— Bihier. R. Ein Britrag zu der Frage Grippe und Lungentuberkulosc Zsehr. Tuberk., 1930-31, 59: 334 S.— Bordet, F. Grippe et tuberculose. J. med. chir., Par.. 1930. 101: 690-702.--Bufilo, V. Linfoadenite tubercolare endemica post-influenzalc Rinasc med., 1938, 15: 803.—Buylla, A., ,V- Lambea, V. Cripe y tuberculosis; la velocidad de sedimentacion en los tuberculo -os afectos de influenza. Med. ibera, 1932. 26: pt 1. 273. Carrpani. A. L'influenza puo lei stessa aprire la strada alia tubercolosi polmonare.' Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. prat., 1582.—Chisto- vich. F. I. [Pathogenesis of influenzal affections of the lungs] Sovet. vrach. J., 1938, 42: 567-72.—Collis. E. L. Tuberculosis and influenza in relation to the World War, 1914-18. Tubercle, Lond., 1939-40, 21: Suppl.. 3-16.—Fischl. F. Leber Provoka- tion ulcero-tuberkuloser Hautpiozesse durch Grippe. Wien. klin. Wschr.. 1933, 46: 941.—Gismondi. A. Infezione influ- enzale e alleigia tubercolinica. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1936, 14: 35-9.— Held. A. Die Infiltrierung in den Beziehungen zwischen Grippe und Lungentuberkulo-e. licit r. Klin. Tuberk., Berl., 1933. 83: 97-111.—Kogan. E. M., A Karliner, M. J. [Influenza and tuberculosis] Vrach. delo, 1935, 18: 219-28.— Loewenstein, B. P., & Gutman. S. I. [Manifestations of pul- monarv tuberculosis among influenza patients] Probl. tuberk., Moskva, 1937, No. 7, 83-91.—Mandel. L. Ueber den Einfluss der Grippe auf die klinische und hiimatologische Gestaltung des Krankheitshilrles der Lungentubei kulo-e. Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., Bei!., 1933-34, 84: 473-86-Mikhailov, F. A., & Lembersky. I. G. [Mantoux' reaction in grippal affections] Probl. tuberk., Moskva, 1939, No. 7, 73 6. Mir, J., & Men- doza, R. G. El pulm6n en la grippe. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1941, 13: 55-65.— Montuschi. E. Tuberculin skin tests in influenzal pneumonia. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 588. - Pezzangora, F. L'hyperallergie t,uberculini INFLUENZA I92",l, 39: 23.- Samoilov. A. P. [Use of chlorine in treatment of influenza] Vra.-h. naz.. 1930. 34: 125-8.—Schmidt. W. Syinptomatisehe. Grippe-Therapie mit Neuramag. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 297.—Schulze. H. Beobachtungen iiber die diesjnhrige ('• rippeepidemie im Standort Flensburg und ihre Beeinflussungsmbglichkeit durch protiahieite Chiningaben. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1719-22.- Sigg. K. Behandlung der Grippe, der Angina lacunaris und der ''litis media mit Cibazol in der Praxis. Schweiz. med Wschr.. 1941, 71: 935.—Sffbye. P. [Influenza epidemic treated with acetyl- p.\ ramidinj Militaerlaegen. 1940. 46: 90-8.—Steinschneider, K. E.. & Jacobson, T. S. K'hlorine in treatment of influenza] Viarh. gaz., 19.31, 35: 1607-71.—Toskin, D. V. [Ichthyol treatment in grippal affections of respiratory organs] Ibid., 1927. 31: 378-80.—Uhlirz. R. Die Grippepul'ver. Wien. klin. Wschr.. 1939. 52: 717— Urtchenko. S. K. | Chlorine inhalations in the treatment of the giippej Vest, sovet. otorinolar., 1933, 26: 70-3.—Vischer, A., & Jeker. L. Die Therapie mit Calcium- Sandoz bei rler Grippe-Epidemie 1932 in der Luzerner In- fanterie-RekiuteiiM-luile. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1933, 63: 696.—Woker. A. F. Krfahiungen mit Ipesumman. Fortsch. Ther.. 1928. 4: 158— Wreschner. H. Therapeutische Erfahrun- gen mit Quinisal aus der letzten Grippeepidemie. Med. Klin.. Berl., 192'.;, 25: 1030.—Zendralli, G. Beobachtungen mit Disulphamin bei Grippe. Ci ippepin iimonie usw. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 378.—Zippel. G. Erfahrungen mit der Casbis-Behandlung der Grippe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 535. ---- Treatment: Methods. Lloyd Brothers, Pharmacists, Inc. Medi- cal treatment of epidemic influenza, grippe and common colds. 8p. 21^cm. [Cincin., 1941] Aurand. S. H. Influenza and its treatment. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop.. 1932. 43: 122-9.—Biscarri de Rubio. A. Sobre la grippe v especial manera de eontribuir a disminuir su mor- talidad. Clin, lab, Zaragoza, 1934, 24: 33.—Borland. D. M. Influenza. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1940, 51: 167-90.— Bowie, R. C. Homeopathy in influenza. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1942, 35: 249. Braumann. E. Zur Therapie der Influenza. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927. 57: 277.—Cooper. L. Report of the British homeopathic rongicss; influenza. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1940, 33: 256-64.- Enos, C. Of what use is home opathy in influenza? Ibid., 1938. 31: 71.—Glazer. A. M. Influenza; a comparative studv of different forms of treatment. Ohio M. J.. 1936, 32: 749-50.—Grosskopf. M. Zur Therapie des Srhnupfens und der Grippe. Med. Welt, 1933. 7: 1109.— Hafner, E. A. Zur Behandlung der Grippe. Schweiz. med. Wschr.. 1933, 63: 424.—Jagic. N. von. Zur Klinik und Thera- pie der Influenza (Grippe) Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 362. ------ & Rosegger. H. Zur Klinik und Therapie der Grippe. Aerztl. Prax.. Wien, 1939, !3: 231-7. Also Wien. klin. Wschr., 1939, 52: 661-7.—Johnston. J. M. Ten remedies in acute influenzal colds. Hahneman. Month., 1931, 66: 481-4.—Kaplowe, J. L. Influenza. Homoeop. Rec, 1940, 55: No. 9, 3-14.—Kirstner, A. A.. & Gorinstein, M. L. [Cupping in influenza] Klin, med., Moskva. 1933. 11: 296-9.--Kohl. H. Zur Beliandluim der Friiherscheinungen der Grippe. I'nrt-rh. Ther.. 1935._11: 546-9. —Lages. W. Gripe; sua profilaria e tratamento simples e comodo. Brasil med.. 1941. 55: 552-4.-— Lange, F. Zur Behandlung der Grippe und zur Auffassung ihrer Rekonvaleszenz. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1933, 30: 196-9.—Levick, C. B. The modern treatment of influenza. Practitioner. Lond. 1931 126: 65-74.—Lowinger. O. Neue V»e2e der Gi lppeL-h.-milhiiig. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934. 47: 1139. — Mittag. O. E. Zur Behandlung der Grippe. Fortsch. Med.. 1939. 57: 196 S— -Morell, T. Zur Behandlung der Grippe. Ibid.. 65-7.—Morgan, F. B. The treatment of in- fluenza. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1940, 33: 238.—Nageotte- Wilbouchewitch. M. A propos du traitement de la grippe. Presse med., 1935, 43: 292.—Nesnera. E. A simple abortive treatment of influenza. Practitioner, Lond., 1930, 124: 231-4.—Nesnera. O. [Abortive treatment of influenza] Orv. hetil., 1938, 82: mell. 30-2.—Nogu6 Roca. J. La influenza. Rev. homeop., Barcel., 1890, 2: 321-9.—Ochoa. E. Breves consideraciones sobre terapeutica gripal. Dia m£d., B. Air., 1934-35, 7: 253-5.—Rabe, R. F. Homeopathy in the treat- ment of influenza. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1940, 33: 239-41.— Remedy for influenza hinted in new report. Science News Lett., 1938. 33: 131.—Stanca, D., & Gherman, N. [Progress in treatment of influenza and its complications] Cluj. med 1936, 17: 696-702.—Stearns, G. B. Influenzins. Homoeop Rec, 1938, 53: No. 11, 15-20.—Templeton, W. L. The homoeopathic treatment of influenza. Brit. Homoeop. J., 1939. 29: 412-37.—Traitement pratique de l'infection grippale benigne. Rev. gen. clin. th6r., 1934. 4.S: 715.—Trumpp. Behandlung der Grippe. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927. 74: 18S.—Uhlirz, R. Le cachet antigiippe. Rev. palud., Par., 1940. 2: 75.—Ward, E. A. Influenza and its osteopathic man- agement, J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1937-38, 37: 3-6.—Weaver, W. A. Treatment of influenza. Hahneman. Month.. 1934 69: 277-S5.—Zuemer, E. P. The treatment of common dis- eases. Eclect. M. J., 1935, 95: 453-6. ---- Treatment: Physiotherapy. Atmospheric ionization and influenza. Brit. M. J., 1936, 1: 493.—Demianov, G. S. [Data for investigation of the effect of climate of Krasnodar on influenzal infection] Tr. Kuban. rrosud. med. inst. armii. 1939. No. 7, 155- OS.- Kossiiskv. D. M., \- Vilenkin, L. J. Electro-aeroiono-t hciapv for uilhieiiza. Acta med. scand., 1936, 89: 190 S. Abo Sovet. vrach. J„ 1936/1: 1477-SO. Teregulova. A. N. [ Phototherapy of the grippe in ambulatory practice] Kazan, med. J., 1939, 35: No. 7. 39.- Vitcbskv. S. E. [Application of ultra-violet irradiation in grippal affections] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 17-50. ---- Treatment: Serum and vaccine. See also subheadings (Immune serum; Im- munization) Alperovirh, J. A.. & Heifer. G. A. [Treatment of epidemic influenza by antivirus] Klin, med., Moskva, 193s, 16: 557- 01.—Douthwaite, A. IL. A Knott, F. A. Convalescent serum in influenza. Lancet. Lond., 1937, I: 172. Kalkovilrh, L. L, & Korobitsina, L. A. | P.esredka's antivirus in prevention and treatment of influenza] Sovet, vrach. gaz., 1934. 38: 1350-4.— Hombria, M. Vacunnprofilaxis y vacunoterapia en la gripe. Arch. med.. Madr.. 1927. 26: 120. Slavin, S. I). | Influenza and its clinical aspect in treatment with lvsates] Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 1473-7.— Veitkov. I. L. [Results of therapeutic application of grippal antivirus B] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 16, 19. ---- Type. Blumtritt, C. H. E. Algunas consideraciones sobre las formas seudotuherculosas de la gripe. Rev. m6d. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1939-40, 25: 16-33.—Burke, M. O. Vagaries of influenza. South. M. & S., 1934, 96: 212.—Carriere, G. Su una forma insolita di influenza idropica e dolorosa. Gazz. osp., 1927. 48: 1180. ------& Auguste, C. Sur une forme anormale do grippe hvdropique et douloureuse. Bull. Acad. m£d., Par., 1927, 3." ser., 98: 318-22. Also Gaz. med. France, 1928. 2: 633-41. Also Rev. med., Par., 1928. 45: 659-9:-.—Caussade, G., Vulliet [et al.] Grippes toxi-infectieuses avec acc&s pseudo- palustre ou purement ffibrile sans retentissement pulmonaire chez une ancienne tuberculeuse, guerie depuis 2 ans environ, ou complications pulmonaires (congestions banales, spl6nisation, broncho-pneumonies avec. abeds) Bull. Soc m6d. hop. Paris, 1929, 3. ser.. 53: 554-66.—Couto, M. Modalidades clinicas da grippe. In his Clin, med., Rio, 1935, 1: 163-79.—Divaris, P. N. Formes typhoides de la grippe. Prat. m6d. fr., 1928, 7: 339 41. Fried, R. L, A Reinharl. N. L. Case record presenting clinical problems; An atypical influenza. Ohio M J., 1936, 32: 4 11 3. Garvio. A. Types of influenza. Brit. M. J., 1940, 1: 869. Henry, T. R. New-type influenza found, adding to epidemic problem. Clipping from: Washington Star, December 22, 1940.—Horsfall, F. L., jr, & Rickard, E. R. Neutralizing antibodies in human serum after influenza A; the lack of strain specificity in the immunological response. J. Kxp. M., 1941, 74: 433-9.—Horsfall, F. L., jr, Lennette, E. H. [et al.] The nomenclature of influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 413.— Jackson, R. Localized influenzal affections of the head. N. Oilcans M. & S. J., 1926-27, 79: 409-13.—Laureati, M. Tossi- infezione influenzale atipica. Gazz. osp., 1931, 52: 647.— Lush, D., Stuart-Harris, C. H., & Andrewes, C. H. The occurence of influenza B in southern England. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1941, 22: 302-4.—Magill, T. P., & Tyndall. M. Two outbreaks of influenza caused bv antigenically different viruses. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 371-4.—Nigg. C, Eklund, C. M. [et al.] Study of an epidemic of influenza B. Am. J. Hyg., 1942, 35: 265-84.—Renaud, M. Les facteurs determi- nants de formes de la grippe. Bull. Soc. m£d. hop. Paris, 1927, 3. ser., 51: 278.—Rissotto, A. A. Sintomatologia y formas clinicas de la gripe. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934. 41: pt 2, 669- 74.—Rubitschung, O. Beobachtung eines Marseiller Blaschen- fieber-Falles. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 1559.—Siegel, M., Muckenfuss. R. S. [et al.] A study in active immunization against epidemic influenza and pneumococcus pneumonia at Letchwarth Village; results in an epidemic of influenza A in 1940-41. Am. J. Hyg., 1942, 35: 186-230 ---- Uropoietic system. Lattanzio, V. Valore clinico dell'albuminuria nell'influenza; m'etodo curativo; casi clinici. 46p. 8° Barletta, 1920. Datyner, H., & Engliszer, A. [Case of retention of urine and feces as sequel of influenza] Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 150-2.— Morson, C. The genito-urinarv complications of influenza. Brit. J. Urol., 1942. 14: 11-3.—Podvinec. K.. & Pollak, W. Ueber Blasenblutunge bei Cirippe. Mschi. Kinderh., 1929, 43: 180-3.—Topchan, A. B. [Influenza and the urinarv tract] Mosk. med. J., 1929, 9: 37-47.—Triger, K. Ueber das Auftre- ten von positiver Diazo-Reaktion im Harn bei Grippe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 720.—Weijtiandt. J. A. [Acute cvstitis as a complication of influenza] Ned. ts.hr. geneesk., 1929, 7»: pt 1, 2262-5. ---- in animals. Andrewes, C. IL, Laidlaw, P. P., & Smith, W. The suscepti- bility of mice to the viruses of human and swine influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 859-62.—Bed ere, A. Influenza; l'influenza experimentale des furets et des souris. Presse med.. 1937, 45: 505-8.—Behr, E., & Hadders, H. N. [Pathological INFLUENZA 287 INFLUENZA anatomy of mouse influenza] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 3571-6, pl.—Bertz, W. W. Influenza of Army animals. Vet. Bull., Wash., 1933, 27: 227-37—Bueno, P. Lesoes de gripe cronica em leitoes. Biologico, S. Paulo, 1941, 7: 359.—Camponi, G. Sulla influenza dei bovini. Boll. Soc eustaeh., 1938, 36: 111-5.—Delecourt. Grippe du chat; importance des grippes animales dans la prophylaxie de la grippe humaine. Prat. m6d. fr., 1938, 19: 235-56.—Gilmore, H. D. Infectious calf pneu- monia or calf influenzal pneumonia. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1939, 51: 674.—Gundel, M., & Linden. H. Die Tierpathogenitiit des Influenzabazillus. Zbl. Bakt,, 1. Abt., 1930, 118: 42-7 — Hepburn. W. A clinical survcv of transit fever in bovines. Vet. Rec., Lond., 1925, 5: 201-8.—Kairies. A. Die Empfang- lichkeit von Iltissen und Frettchen fiir Influenzabacillen. Zsehr. Hyg., 1934, 116: 264-72.------Influenzaerkrankungen bei Frettchen und Beschreibung eines Bacterium influenzae putoriorum multiforme. Ibid., 1935, 117: 12-7. ------ Ueber grippeartige Befunde bei Spontanerkrankungen von Meerschweinchen. Arch. Hyg., Miinch., 1938, 121: 89-101 — Long, P. H., & Bliss, E. A. Interstitial pneumonia in mice. J. Bact,, Bait., 1936. 31: 37.—Mazel, F. [Experiences with Prof. Macek's vaccine in prevention of grippe in cattle] Zver. obzor, 1939, 32: 320-S.—Mouquet. Maladie k allure grippale chez des chimpanzes. Bull. Soc centr. m^d. v6t., 1926, 79: 46-50.—Naf. Cas d'influenza avec petechies de la pituitaire. J mfid. vet., Lyon, 1856, 12: 156-60.—Nelson, J. B. Infectious catarrh of the albino rat. J. Exp. M., 1940, 72: 645-62, 2 pl.— Potocky, O. [Grippe in cattle] Zver. obzor, 1941, 34: 104-7.— Rossi, P. La broncho-pneumonie infectieuse ou influenza des bovides ne serait elle pas due k un virus filtrant? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 125: 104.------L'urfic sanguine dans la broncho- pneumonie infectieuse ou influenza des bovides. Ibid., 1938, 127: 1406.—Tcdd, A. G. [Influenza in animals] Askeri vet, mecmuasi, 1940, 18: No. 114. 60-7. ------& Soutar, J. J. M. Influenza. J. R. Armv Vet. Corps, 1939, 10: 43-51. Also Vet Bull., Carli-le, 1939. 33: 146-58.—Whitney, L. F. Canine influenza. Vet. Med., Chic, 1941, 36: 216-9.—Young, F. B. Shipping fever in cattle. Ibid., 1929, 24: 107. ---- in children. Muller, E. Die banale Grippe des Kindes; ihre Nachkrankheiten, ihre Prophylaxe und Behandlung. 39p. 8? Stuttg., 1934. Also Med. Welt., 1934, 8: 1649-53. Adam, A. Pneumococcus planus; ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der grippalen Erkrankungen des Kindesalters. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1926, 3. F., 62: 237-50.—Aldrich. C. A. Clinical observations on grippe, as seen in pediatric practice; report on 1,146 cases. Proc Inst. M. Chicago, 1937, 11: 243. Also J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937. 11: 331-40.—Alexander, H. E., Ellis, C, & Leidy, G. Treatment of type-specific Haemophilus influenzae infections during infancy and childhood. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942, 64: 386-9.—Amesse, J. W. Complications and sequelae in a series of 200 cases of influenza in infancy and early child- hood. Texas J. M., 1929-30, 25: 474-7— Barber, W. W. Some observations regarding influenza as it affects infants and children. Colorado M., 1929, 26: 212-7.—Bennholdt-Thomsen. Grippeepidemie; Kindesalter. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 718 (microfilm)—Bentivoglio, G. C. Infezione grippah e disturbi della nutrizione nei lattante. Lattante, 1931, 2: 440-72 ch.—Burnet, J. Influenza in infants and children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1926, 43: 261 3.—Cardoso, J. Influenza em creangas. Novid. med. pharm., Porto, 1901-2, 7: 129-37.— Del Piano, J. I., & Reboiras, J. J. Crup gripal; a proposito de una observachSn en una nifiita de 16 meses; curaewn. Rev. As. mfid. argent., 1939, 53: 486-9.—Dormidontov, A. A. [Data for investigation of the pathogenesis of the grippal state in a young child; reaction of the larynx and upper respiratory tract in young rabbits to intravenous injections of colloid stain] Pediatria, Moskva,.1939, 99-103— Dulitsky, S. O., & Karaseva N. K. [Influenza and its complications in young children] Sovet. pediat,, 1934, No. 10, 44-53.—Engel. S. Die Grippe der Kinder. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 338.—Ferri, U. Sui disturbi della nutrizione del lattante legati all'infezione grippale. Baglivi, 1936, 2: 289-94.—Fiegel. L. Ueber die Anwendung von Lobelin in der Siiuglingsheilkunde nebst Bemerkungen uber den Verlauf von Grippe bei Sauglingen in den ersten Lebenswochen. Fortsch. Ther., 1926, 2: 392-4.—Frontali, G. La prophylaxie individuelle et collective des infections grippales de la premiere enfance. Rev. fr. pediat,, 1934, 10: 102-10.— Gaupp, V. Zur Therapie grippaler Infekte im Kindesalter. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 221—Geldrich. J. Wesen und Erscheinung der Grippe im Sauglingsalter. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1938 3. F., 101: 181-223. ch. ------ IChnical picture and pathology of infantile grippe] Orvoskepzes, 1938, 28: *eb. kulonf., 76-80.—Hainiss, E. [Influenza in infants] Ibid., 1932 22:130-9. Also Orv. hetil., 1932, 76: 173.—Hamburger, R. Die Behandlung der Grippe im Kindesalter. Deut. med. Wschr 1927 53:828.—Hodes, H. L. Influenza. In Advance. Pediat'' N Y 1942, 1: 75-9.—Kerpel-Fronius, O. [Osmotic conditions'in 'infants with influenza] Orvoskepzes 1932, 22: Oct Kulonf Dolgoz. gyermekkhn., 52-5.—Kravets, E. M., Goldherc R V., & Wolfson, A. S. ]The grippe in premature children] Sovet! pediat,, 1936, No 4 31-42,-Krzyzanowski J fFndemic influenza in the newly-born; obstetric clinic at Lw6wl Polska gaz. lek., 1927, 6: 820-2,-Kupper, O. Ueber gehauftes Auftreten von Toxikosen. Arch. Kinderh., 1935, 106: 167-76.—Lereboullet, M. L'influenza nei lattante. Gazz. osp., 1933, 54: 718-20. Also Gaz. hop., 1933. 106: 155-60.—Litvak, A. M. Influenza. In Ther. Infancv (Litch- field, H. R,, & al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 746-58, pl.—Lukashevich, S. I. [Grippal diseases in children] Feldsher, Moskva, 1938, No. 11, 12-5.—Lyon, G. Epidemic influenza. In Pract Libr. M. & S. (Appleton's) N. Y., 1935, 7: 989-93.—Macciotta. G. L'influenza e le sue complicanze nei bambini. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1927, 9: 1-84, 2 pl.—McLean. C. C. Observations of so-called influenza infections in children; preliminary- report. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1928, 45: 571-9.—Mader, A. Ueber Grippe und ihre Behandlung im Kindesalter. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 36: 104-7.—Marino. A. Note sulla epidemia influenzale nei piccoli bambini. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1928, 5: 245-8.—Milhit, J. Grippe. In Traite m6d. enfants (Nobe- court & Babonneix) Par., 1934, 2: 372-83.—Moll. L. Die Sauglingsgrippe und ihre Behandlung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 1486-8.—Muller, E. Zur Klinik und Therapie der banalen Grippe im Kindesalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 1773-6.—Noailles, A. La grippe en los nifios. Med. nifios, 1921, 22: 242-5—Noeggerath, C. Beobachtungen und Ver- suche bei der diesjahrigen Grippe; das Sekundarstadium der Grippe beim Kinde. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 1845-53.— Oxenius, K. Ueber Gripperiickfalle im Kindesalter. Miinch. med. Wschr., 19.30, 83: 2082—Petranyi, G. Behandlung der Grippe bei Sauglingen und Kleinkindern mittels ungewohnlich grosser Amidopyringaben. Arch. Kinderh., 1932-33, 98: 74-81. ------ Effective treatment of grip in infants and in young children. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, 46: 1011-4.— Putzig, H. Die Therapie der grippalen Erkrankungen im friihen Kindesalter. Fortsch. Ther., 1928. 4: 137-43 — Reuss, A. Ueber Grippe und Grippebekampfung im Kindes- alter. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 127-30.—Rosenbaum, S. Ueber morbilliforme Neugeborenengrippe mit septischem Ausgang. Mschr. Kinderh., 1929, 43: 153-62.—Rott. La signification en hvgiene sociale des affections grippales du premier age. Rev. fr. pediat,, 1934. 10: 99-102. —Street, C. A. Influenza in children. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 490.— Teveli, Z. Zur Bakteriologie der Sauglingsgrippe. Mschr. Kinderh., 1933, 56: 61-5.—Torday. F. [Influenza in childhoodl Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 148-53.—Trombetta, C. La terapia lecitinica ad alte dosi nelle forme influenzali dei bambini. Rass. clin. ter., 1929, 28: 86-92.—Tzavellos, C. La grippe des nourrissons. Arch. med. enf., 1935, 38: 206-22.—Wolfson, A. S. [Prevention of the grippe with anti-virus in premature infants] Pediatria, Moskva, 1941, No. 2, 46. ---- in pregnancy and puerperium. Keller, H. *Grippe und Schwangerschaft. 16p. 8? Erlangen, 1935. Rowland, A. L. *La param6trite. une com- plication rare de la grippe pendant le puerperium. 20p. 8? Lausanne, 1936. Therivel, H. *Grippe et puerperalite\ 164p. 8? Par., 1931. Albot, G. Les complications pulmonaires de la grippe chez les femmes enceintes. Prat, mM. fr., 1927, 6: 234-40.— Aurand, S. H. La grippe and pregnancy. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1936, 47: 69-72.—Ducks, G. [Quinine therapy of influenza during menstruation and pregnancy] Gy6gy:iszat, 1933, 73: 187.—Guerdjikov, N. Grippe et grossesse. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1927, 47: 535—16.—Influenzal broncho- pneumonia, spontaneous delivery; summary of fatal cases during 1934. Med. Rep. Glasgow Matern. Hosp., 1935, 128.— Litwak, M. I. Schwangerschaft und Grippe. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1932, 148: 453-74.—Marconi, E. Contributo clinico alio studio della infezione puerperale da influenza. Riv. ital. gin., 1932-33, 14: 307-34.—Pigeaud, H. Le role jou£ par la "rippe dans la genese des infections mortelles chez les ac- couchees. J. med. Lyon, 1931, 12: 471-5.—Rosenthal. A. S. [Role of the grippe in the etiology of hypotrophy] Vopr. materin., 1940, No. 2, 9-14.—Schneider, E. Beobachtungen bei leichten Grippefallen im Wochenbett. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1728-30.—Stephan. Ueber die Bekampfung schwerer Grippeinfektionen im Frilhwochenbett und bei frisch Operierten durch Behandlung mit Katalase. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1929, 137: 1047 [Discussion] 1052. INFLUENZA virus. See also Influenza, Etiology. Biocca, E. Conhecimentos atuais sobre a influenza e seu virus. Arq. biol., S. Paulo, 1941, 25: 25-35— Brightman, I. J., & Trask, J. D. Recovery of a filtrable virus from children with influenza; epidemiologic and clinical observations. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936, 52: 67-77.—Burnet, F. M. Influenza virus isolated from an Australian epidemic. Med. J. Australia, 1935 2- 651-3—Ceroid, C. F. Ricerche sui virus dell'in- fluenza. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1937, 100: pt 2, 184-94 — Certain monkeys and the influenza virus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1177.—Clampit, J. M., & Gordon, F. B. Recovery of influenza virus from Chicago epidemic Proc Soc Exp. Biol N Y 1937 36: 747-9.—Cluver. E. H. Influenza virus. S Afr.'M. j'., 1941, 15: 415. Also Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 341 — Crofton, W. M. Distemper and influenza. In his True Nature vS INFLUENZA VIRUS INFLUENZA VIRUS of Viruses. 2. ed., Lond., 1939, 33-104, 6 pl.—Dochez, A. R., Mills, K. C. A Kneeland, Y., jr. Studies on the virus of in- fluenza. J. Exn. M., 1936, 63: 581-98.—Dreguss. M. Unter- suchungen in I'ngarn iiber das Influenzavirus. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt,, 1939, 141: Beih.. 275.—Favilli, G. II virus influenzale. Rass. clin. sc, 1937. 15: 405-70.—Francis, T., jr. Trans- mission of influenza by a filterable virus. Science, 1934. 80: 457-9. ------ Magill, T. P. [et al.] Studies with human in- fluenza virus during the influenza epidemic of 1936-37. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 566-9.—Hare, R. The present status of influenza virus. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1941, 32: 49 54. ------ & Chun Hui Yen. Isolation of virus from cases of influenza in Toronto. Ibid., 1938. 29: 27-31. Khastovich. R. I. [Influenzal virus] Ann. Mechnikov. Inst., 1936, 5: 223-44.—Magill, T. P. A virus from cases of influenza-like upper-respiratory infection. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 162-4.------& Francis. T., jr. Studies with human influenza virus cultivated in artificial medium. J. Exp. M., 1936, 63: 803-11.—Nishibe, M., & Nakajima, H. Experi- mental studies on a filtrable microorganism i-nlated from influenza casi■-. Sc. Rep. Gov. Inst. Infect. Dis.. Tokyo, 1925, 4: 149-55 —Nobel, W. ('., jr, & Brainard. D. H. Studies of acute respiraiory infections: filter-passing anaerobic bacteria from cases of eiiidcniii- influenza in New York Citv in 1928-29. Am. J. Hyg., 1934, 20: 1S1-90. -Smith, W., Andrewes, C. H., & Laidlaw, P. P. A virus obtained from influenza patients. Lancet, Lond.. 1933, 1: 00-8. Also Reichsgesundhbl., 1934, 9: 599-601.—Sordelli, A., Taylor, R. M., & Parodi, A. S. Estudio de los virus de la epidemia de influenza ocurrida en la Argentina durante el ano 1940. Rev. Inst. bact. Malbrsin, B. Air., 1941, 10: 265-74.—Stafford, J. Flu virus revealed. Science News Lett., 1941, 40: 408. ------ Science puts its finger on the influenza virus. Health. Mount. View, 1942. 9: No. 11, 22 — Taylor, R. M., & Dreguss, M. Influenza virus studies during the 1939 epidemic in Central Europe. J. Infect. Dis., 1941, 68: 79-89.—Turumi, M., & Takagi. H. Studies on influenza virus. Kitasato Arch., 1940. 17: 143-54.------& Ogasa- wara, K. Studies on influenza virus. Nagoya J. M. Sc, 1939, 13: 61 -7.—Yen. C. H. Studies on the virus of human influenza. Chin. M. J.. 1939. 55: 239-61. ---- Antigens and antibodies. Andrewes, C. H.. Laidlaw, P. P., & Smith. W. Influenza: observations on the recovery of virus from man and on the antibody content of human sera. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1935, 16: 566-82.—Bourdillon, J., & Lennette, E. H. Electrophoresis of the complement-fixing antigen of human influenza virus. J. Exp. M., 1940, 72: 11-9— Brown, H. W. The occurrence of neutralizing antibodies for human influenza virus in the sera of persons with various histories of influenza. Am. J. Hyg., 1936. 24: 361-80.— Burnet, F. M. Influenza virus of the developing egg: differentiation of 2 antigenic types of human influenza virus. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1937, 15: 369-74. —--- & Lush, D. Influenza vims on the developing egg: the antibodies of experi- mental and human seia. Biit. J. Exp. Path., 1938, 19: 17-29. ----- & Jackson, A. V. A virus inactivating agent from human na-al secretion. Ibid.. 1939, 20: 377-84.—Chapman, J.. & Hyde, R. R. \ntrgenir- differences irr viruses from cases of influenza and cold-. Am. .1. Hyg.. 1940, 31: Sect. B, 46-68 — Eaton, M. D. Experimental immunization of mice with the virus of epidemic influenza; quantitative studies on the anti- genicity of active and inactive virus. J. Immun., Bait., 1940, 39:43-55. ------& Martin, W. P. The relation of antibodies in human beings to immunity and infection with influenza A. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 176 (Abstr.)—Eaton, M. D., & Nicewonger. C. R. Development of influenzal complement- fixing antigen and antibody in mice. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940. 45: 439-11— Francis, T., ji. The inaciivation of epidemic influenza virus by nasal secretion- of human individ- uals. Science, 1940, 91: 198.------& Brightman, I. .1. Virus-inactivating capacity of nasal seen■riim- in the acute and convalescent stages of influenza, Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 116.—Francis, T., jr, & Magill, T. P. The incidence of neutralizing antibodies for human influenza virus in the serum of human individuals of different ages. J. Exp. M., 1936, 63:655-68. ------ The antibody response of human subjects vaccinated with the virus of human influenza. Ibid., 1937, 65: 251-9. ---;--- Antigenic differences in strains of epidemic influenza virus; cross-immunization tests in mice. Brit. J Exp. Path., 1938, 19: 284-93. Also J. Bact., Bait., 1938, 36: 284.—Hare. R. Fluctuations in the titer of neutralizing anti- body for influenza virus in human beings. Ibid., 1940, 39: 52. ----— & Riehm, W. C. Long term variations in the titer of neutralizing antibody for influenza virus in the sera of adults and children. J. Immun., Bait., 1941, 40: 253-66.—Hirst, G. K., Rickard, E. R. [et al.] Antibody ic-ponse of human beings following vaccination with influenza viruses. J. Exp. M., 1942, 75: 195-511.—Hoyle. L., & Fairbrother, R. W. Further studies of complement-fixation in influenza: antigen production in egg- membrane culture and the occurrence of a zone phenomenon Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1937, 18: 425-9. ------ Isolation of the influenza virus and the relation of antibodies to infection and immunity. Brit. M. J. 1937, 1: 655-7. ------ Antigenic structure of influenza viruses; the preparation of elementary body suspensions and the nature of the complement-fixing antigen. J. Hvg., Lond.. 1937, 37; 512-20.—Hudson, N. P., Markham, F. S.. & Sigel. M. M. Antigenic analysis of human and swine strain- of influenza virus. J. Bact., Bait., 1943, 45: 83 (Abstr.)—Influenza: the relation of antibodies to immunity. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 2: 1225. Krueger, A. P., Rosenberg. L. E. [et al.] Distribution of influenzal untibodies among vaccinated and unvaccinaterl Naval personnel. L. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1943, 41: 420-31.— Lennette, E. H., & Horsfall, F. L., jr. Studies on epidemic influenza virus; the nature and properties of the complement-fixing antigen. J. K\p. M., 1940, 72: 233-46. ------Studies on influenza virus; the complement-fixing antigen of influenza A and swine influenza viruses. Ibid., 19 11, 73: 581 99.— Lush, D., & Burnet, F. M. Influenza virus on the developing egg; complement fixation with egg membrane anti- gens. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1937, 15: 375-83.- McClelland, L., & Hare, R. The adsorption of influenza virus by red cell- and a new in vitro method of measuring antibodies for influenza virus. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1941. 32: 530 S. Magill, T. P., & Francis, T., jr. Antigenic differences in strains of human influenza virus. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. V., 1936 37, .15: 463-6. ■------ Antigenic differences in strains of epidemic influenzavirus; cross-neutralization tests in mice. Brit. .1. K\p. Path., 1938, 19: 273-84.—Morrison, A. P., Shaw, D. R. [et al.] Complement-fixation studies on the sera of individuals vacci- nated with active virus of human influenza. Am. J. M. Sc, 1939. 197: 253-60.- Nigg, C, Crowley, J. H., & Wilson. I). E. (hi the use of chick embryo cultures of influenza virus in com- plement fixation tests. Science, 1940, 91: 603.- Protection from flu virus in human nose secretions. Science News Lett., 1940, 37: 147 Rickard, E._R., & Horsfall, F. L., jr. The rela- tionship between neutralizing antibodies against influenza A virus in the sera of mothers and infants. J. Immun,, Bait., 1941, 42: 267-72— Rickard, E. R., Horsfall, F. L. [et al.] The correlation between neutralizing antibodies in serum against influenza viruses and susceptibility to influenza in man. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1941, 56: 1819-34— Schaeffer, M., & Leider, A. G. Dnilv fluctuations in antibodies neutralizing influenza virus. J. Bact,. Bait., 1940, 39: 53.—Shope, R. E. The incidence of neutralizing antibodies for swine influenza virus in the sera of human beings of different ages. J. Exp. M., 1936. 63: 669-84.—Taylor, R. M., Dreguss, M., -21. ------ & Shope, R. E. Neutralization tests with sera of convalescent or immunized animals and the viruses of swine and human influenza. Ibid., 1936, 63: 645-53.—Francis, T., jr, & Stuart- Harris, C. H. Studies on the nasal histology of epidemic in- fluenza virus infection in the ferret; histological and serological observations on ferrets receiving repeated inoculations of epidemic influenza virus. Ibid., 1938, 68: 813-30, pl.— Hare, R. The effect of passive immunisation on experimental virus influenza in mice. .1. Path. Bact., Lond., 1939, 49: 411-28. ------ Active immunity to influenza virus in the mouse. J. Immun., Bait., 1941, 40: 267-79.—Henle, W., Stokes, J., jr, & Shaw, D. R. Passive immunization of mice against human influenza virus by the intranasal route. Ibid., 201-12.— Horsfall, F. L., jr. Neutralization of epidemic in- fluenza virus; the linear relationship between the quantity of serum and the quantity of virus neutralized. J. Exp. M., 1939, 70: 209-22.------& Lennette. E. H. The reinfection of ferrets convalescent from influenza. J. Bact., Bait., 1940, 39: 56. ------ Production of immunity in ferrets against various strains of the virus of epidemic influenza. Arch. Path., Chic, 1940, 29: 736.—Jones, T. C, & M urer, F. D. Neutralization studies of the viruses of influenza A, influenza B and swine influenza with equine influsnza convalescent serums. Am. J. Vet. Res., 1942, 3: 179-82.—Magill, T. P., & Francis, T., jr. The action of immune serum on human in- fluenza virus in vitro. J. Exp. M., 1937, 65: 861-72.—Oakley, C. L., & Warrark, G. H. Immunity and antibody to influenza in mice. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1940, 50: 37-51.—Shishkina, 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----19 INFLUENZA VIRUS 290 INFLUENZA VIRUS O. 1. [Experimental data for evaluation of efficacy of various methods of active immunization against influenza virus infer- tion in mice] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1938. 52: 108-25.—Siegel, M., A Murkenfuss, R. S. Serologrcal response and problems in evaluation of propln lactic value following human inoculation with influenza virus. .1. Bact,. Bait., 1940, 39: 51.—Smith, W., Andrewes, C. H., & Laidlaw. P. P. Influenza: experiments on the immunization of ferrets and mice. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1935, 16: 2'U 302.—Smorodintsev, A. A., Ostrovskaia, S. M., & Chalkina, O. M. [Course of streptococcic and pneumococcic infection combined with influenza virus in the respiratory tract of mice, immunized against influenza] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1938. 52: 73-85.—Stokes. J., jr, Henle. W., & Shaw, D. R. Studies on the passive immunization of mice against, human influenza virus. J. Bact., Bait., 1940, 39: 53.—Stuart-Harris, C. H., & Francis, T., jr. Studies on the nasal histology of epidemic influenza virus infection in the ferret; the resistance of regenerating respiratorv epithelium to reinfection and to physicochemical injury. J. Exp. M., 1938, 68: 803-12, 2 pl.— Taylor, R. M. Passive immunization against experimental infection of mice with influenza A virus; comparative effect of immune serum administered intranasally and intraabdom- i.nally. J. Immun., Bait., 1941, 41: 453-62.------& Dreguss, M. An experiment in immunization against influenza with a formaldehyde-inactivated virus. Am. J. Hyg., 1940, 31: Sect. B, 31-5.—Ungar, J., & Hunwicke, R. F. The value of the non-specific factor in experimental immunization with influenza virus. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 12. ----- Isolation, and purification. Bijlmer, L., & Mulder, J. Eine einfache und schnelle Methode des Konservierens von Influenza-Virus. Acta brevia neerl., 1941, 11: 81-4.—Chambers, L. A., A Henle. W. Pre- cipitation of active influenza A virus from extra-embryonic fluids bv protamine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 481-3.—Francis, T., jr, & Magill. T. P. Direct isolation of human influenza virus in tissue culture medium and on egg membrane. Ibid., 1937-38, 36: 134.—Francis, T., jr, & Salk, J. E. A simplified procedure for the concentration and puri- fication of influenza virus. Science, 1942, 96: 499.—Hare, R., Auger, W. J., & McClelland, L. Studies on influenza; antibody level; isolation of virus. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1942, 33: 72-8.—Hare, R., McClelland, L., & Morgan, J. A method for the concentration of influenza virus. Ibid., 325-31.— Hirst, G. K., Rickard, E. R., & Whitman, L. A new method fm concentrating influenza virus from allantoic fluid. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 50: 129-33.—Krueger, A. P., Hope, J. W. [et al.] A method for the removal of bacteria] contaminants from suspensions of influenza virus. Science, 1942. 96: 543.—Salk. J. E. Partial purification of the virus of epidemic inf.uenza by adsorption on calcium phosphate. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 709-12.—Sarracino, J. B., & Soule, M. H. Isolation of virus from feces of mice receiving intranasal inoculations of epidemic influenza virus. Ibid., 48: 188-91.—Schaeffer, M. Preparation of purified influenza virus. Ibid., 1942, 51: 32-4.—Silber, L. A., Falko- vich, L. I., & Arkhina, E. V. IStudy of the virus of epidemic influenza; method of isolating influenza virus from man] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1937, 18: 554-68.—Zeitlenok, N. A., & Korshunova, S. S. [Isolation of grippe virus from patients by means of direct infection of mice and chick embryos] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 59: 38-43. ----- Pathogenicity. Adams, E. B., & Woolpert, O. C. Method and study of hematological changes in white mice infected with the influenza virus. J. Bact., Bait., 1943, 45: 83 (Abstr.)— Agapov, S. I. [Pathogenic properties of influenza virus of man and pigs] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1936, 17: 543-7.—Barberis, L. U. Reperti istologici polmonari nei topi trattati col virus dell'influenza. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1937, 100: pt 2, 195-8.—Bijl, J. P., & Dommisse, J. [On the infection of ferrets with the pharyngeal washings of grippe patients) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1936, 3: 165-9.—Brightman, I. J. Streptococcus infection occurring in ferrets inoculated with human influenza virus. Yale J. Biol., 1935-36, 8: 127-35. ----— Recovery of a filtrable virus from children with influenza; the experimental disease in ferrets. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936, 52: 78-91.—Burnet, F. M. Influenza virus on the developing egg: changes associated with the development of an egg-passage strain of virus. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1936, 17: 282-93. ■------ Influenza virus on the developing egg: the pathogenicity and immunizing power of egg virus for ferrets and mice. Ibid., 1937, 18: 37-43. ------ Influenza virus infections of the chick embryo lung. Ibid., 1940, 21: 147-53, pl. ------ Influenza virus infections of the chick embryo by the amniotic route. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1940, 18: 353-60; 1941, 19: 39-44. —---- & Foley, M. The results of intranasal inoculation of modified and unmodified influenza virus strains in human volunteers. Med. J. Australia, 1940. 2: 655-9.—Campbell, J. A. Influenza virus and the incidence of primary lung tumours in mice. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 487.—Cerruti, C. F. La distribution du virus de la grippe chez la souris infectee. C. rend. Soc biol., 1937, 126: 51 it).— Daddi, G., & Pana. C. Le emorragie da virus influenzale neile surrenali del topolino. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1937, 63: 130-3.—Dahl, M. K. [Histopathological characteristics of experimental influenza virus infection of white mice in associa- tion with streptopneumococcus] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1938, 52: 86-107. 3 pl.—De Ritis & Stolfi. Contenuto degli organi in acido ascorbico nell'infezione -p«rimentale da virus influenzale. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939. 14: 634.-Dettwiler, H. A., Hudson. N. P., & Woolpert. (). C. Influence of age on the susceptibility of the guinea pig to the virus of epidemic influenza. .1. Bact., Halt., 1940, 39: 56.—Dorhez, A. R., Mills, K. C, & Mulliken. B. A virus disease of Swiss mice transmissible by intranasal inoculation. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937, 36: 683-6.— FrancK T., jr. The nasal reaction of the ferret to infection with the virus of epidemic influenza. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 28: 107-9. -----: & Stuart-Harris, C. II. Studies on the nasal histology of epidemic influenza virus infection in the ferret; the development and repair of the nasal lesion. J. Exp. M., 1938, 68: 789-802, 4 pl.—Gottlieb, I. L.,Korovin, A. A. [et al.] [Clinical observations of cases in tented with influenza virus] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 2: 419-32- Hirst, G. K. Adsorp- tion of influenza hemagglutinins and virus fry red blood cells. J. Exp. M., 1942. 76: 195-209.—Influenza virus infections of the chick embryo lung. J. Am. M. Ass., 1911. 116: 1863.— Kairies, A. Influenzastudien an Miiusen unter dem Cesichts- punkt von Infektion und Provokation. Zsehr. Hyg., 1938-39, 121: 749-70.—Lozovaia, A. N. [Etiology of grippal outbreaks and experimental data on the adaptation of nfew species of animals to grippal virus] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 7, 69-71.—McClelland, L. Agglutination of red cells bv influenza virus. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1942, 33: 48.—Mcintosh, J., A Selbie, F. R. The pathogenicity to animals of viruses isolated from cases of human influenza. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1937, 18: 334-44.—Nelson, A. A., & Oliphant, J. W. Histopathological changes in mice inoculated with influenza virus. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1939, 54: 2044-54, 6 pl.—Perrin, T. I,., & Oliphant, J. W. Pathologic histology of experimental virus influenza in ferrets. Ibid., 1940, 55: 1077-86, 2 pl.—Rickard. E. R., & Francis, T.. jr. The demonstration of lesions and virus in the lungs of mice receiving large intraperitoneal inoculations of epidemic influenza virus. J. Exp. M., 1938, 67: 953-72.— Smorodintsev, A. A., & Ostrovskaia, S. M. The distribution of influenza virus in experimentally infected mice. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1937, 44: 559-66.------& Drobyshevskaia. A. I. [Course of secondary infectious processes in the lungs of white mice combined with influenzal virus] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1938, 52: 47-72.------[Distribution of influenzal virus in the body of susceptible animals] Ibid., 32-46.—Smorodintsev, A. A., Tushinsky, M. D. [et al.] Investigation on volunteers infected with the influenza virus. Am. J. M. Sc, 1937, 194: 159-70. ------ [Clinical and laboratory features of affection caused bv infection with influenza virus] Klin, med., Moskva, 1937, 15: 371-82.—Stokes, J., jr, & Wolman, I. J. 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P., & Woolpert, O. C. The comparative susceptibility of fetal and postnatal guinea pigs to the virus of epidemic influenza. J. Exp. M., 1940, 72: 623-34.—Dujarric de la Riviere, IL, & Cheve, J. Transmission au furet du virus de la grippe humaine. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1936, 3. ser., 116: 408-15; 1937, 3. ser., 117: 183-5.—Eaton, M. D. Transmission of epidemic influenza virus in mice by contact. J. Bact., Bait,,1940, 39: 229-41. ------ Martin, W. P., & Talbot, J. C. Susceptibility of kangaroo rats to strains of human influenza virus. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 181.— Francis. T., jr, & Magill, T. P. Direct transmission ot human influenza virus to mice. Ibid., 1937-38, 36: 132.—Gaminara, A. Pulex irritans puede trasmitir la grippe? An. Fac med., Montev., 1920, 5: 215-26— Long, P. H., Bliss, E. A., & Car- penter, H. M. Etiology of influenza; transmission experiments in chimpanzees with filtered material derived from human influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 97: 1122-7.—Shope. R. E. The infection of ferrets with swine influenza virus. J. Exp. M., 1934, 60: 49-61, pl. ------ The susceptibility of swine to the virus of human influenza. J. Bact. Bait., 1936, 31: 37. ------ Serological evidence for the occurrence of infection with human influenza virus in swine. J. Exp. M., 1938, 67: 739-48. ------ & Francis, T., jr. The susceptibility of swine to the virus of human influenza. Ibid., 1936, 64: 791-801, 4 pl.—Shubladze, A. K. On the susceptibility of animals to the virus of influenza. C. rend. Acad. sc. L'RSS, 1941, 32: 674-0.—Smith, W., & Stuart-Harris, C. H. Influenza infection of man from the ferret. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 2: 121-3— Stuart-Harris, C. H. The transmission of influenza virus to hedgehogs. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1936. 17: 324-28.—Tang, F. F. The transmission of influenza virus W. S. to the Chinese mink and the David's squirrel. Ibid., 1938, 19: 179-83.— Trillat, A., & Beauvillain, A. Essai de transmission aerienne de la grippe au furet par voie pulmonaire ou oculaire. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1937, 205: 1186- INFLUENZA VIRUS 291 INFORMATION 8. Also Rev. hyg., Par., 1938, 60: 104-7.—Vails Conforto, A. Inoculation du virus grippal. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 1230-2.—Vieuchange, J. Sur la sensibility de certaines especes simiennes, Macacus rhesus, en particulier, au virus grippal. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1939, 3. ser., 121: 100-8.—Wells, W. F., & Henle, W. Experimental air-borne disease; quantitative inoculation by inhalation of influenza virus. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 298-301.—Yen, C. H. Susceptibility of Chinese hamsters to the mouse-passage virus of human in- fluenza. Chin. M. J., 1940, 3: Suppl., 342-8, 2 pl. ---- Vaccine. Acree, F. M. A vaccine for epidemic influenza; preliminary report. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1941-42, 38: 61-3.—Andrewes, C. H., & Smith, W. The effect of foreign tissue extracts on the efficacy of influenza virus vaccines. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1939, 20: 305-15.—Dalldorf, G., Whitney, E., & Ruskin, A. A con trolled clinical test of influenza A vaccine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 2574-7.—Fairbrother. R. W. Active immunisation against epidemic influenza by means of elementary-body suspensions heated at 57° C. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 1269-72. ■-----& Hoyle, L. Active immunization against experimental influenza: the use of heat-killed elementary body suspensions. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1937, 18: 430-6.—Fairbrother, R. W., & Martin, A. E. Further observations on the value of heated elementary body suspensions in immunization against experi- mental influenza. Arch. Vh usforsch., 1939, 1: 114-9.— Goodpasture, E. W. Flu vaccine mav come. Science News Lett., 1939, 35: 213.—Horsfall, F. L.,~ jr, Lennette, E. H., & Rickard. E. R. A complex vaccine against influenza A virus; quantitative analysis of the antibodv response produced in man. J. Exp. M., 1941, 73: 335-55.—Influenza vaccine of Horsfall and Lennette. Chin. M. J., 1941, 59: 185 (microfilm)—New (A) complex influenza vaccine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 143.—New (A) vaccine against influenza. Science, 1941. 94: No. 2448, 10.—Vaccine for influenza is now ready for trial use Science News Lett., 1936, 30: 292. ---- Viability. Burnet, F. M., & Foley. M. Influenza virus infections of the chick embryo by the amniotic route; changes in the activity of influenza virus on continued amniotic passage. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1941, 19: 101-5.—Climenko, D. R. The in vitro action of certain sulfanilamide derivatives on the PR-8 strain of influenza virus. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1940, 69: 165.— De Ritis, F. Ricerche sperimentali sui virus influenzale; azione del formolo e del calore sui potere immunizzante del virus. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 76-9. ------& Stolfi, G. Besistenza ai raggi ultravioletti del virus influenzale. Ibid., 659-61. ----— Azione dell'estratto cortico-surrenale e dell'acido ascorbico sui decorso dell'infezione sperimentale da virus influenzale. Ibid., 662, pl.—Dunham, W. B., & MacNeal, W. J. Inactivation of influenza virus by mild antiseptics. J. Bact., Bait., 1942, 43: 85.—Edward, D. G. F. Resistance of influenza virus to drving and its demonstration on dust. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 664-6.—Henle, W., & Zellat, J. Effect of propylene glycol aerosol on air-borne virus of influenza A. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 544-7.—Krireger, A. P. The effects of certain detergents on influenza virus, types A and B. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40: 622-31. ------Hope, J. W. [et al.] Inactivation of influenza viruses by the human skin. Ibid., 839-46.—Ostrovskaia, S. M., Chalkina, O. M., & Olekhnovich, S. B. [Resistance of influenzal virus against various physical and chemical agents] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1938, 52: 19-31.—Perez, M. Ricerche intorno all'azione in vitro dei preparati sulfamidici sui virus influenzale. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 683-5.—Salk, J. E., Lavin, G. I., & Francis. T., jr. The antigenic potency of epidemic influenza virus fol- lowing inactivation by ultraviolet radiation. J. Exp. M., 1940, 72: 729-45.—Sarracino, J. B., & Soule, M. H. Effect of heat, cold, fatigue and alcohol on resistance of mice to human in- fluenza virus. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 183-6 — Scherp, H. W., Flosdorf, E. W., & Shaw, D. R. The survival of the influenzal virus under various conditions. J. Immun., Bait., 1938, 34: 447-54.—Stock, C. C, & Francis, T., jr. The inactivation of the virus of epidemic influenza by soaps. J. Exp. M., 1940, 71: 661-81.—Taylor, R. M., & Dreguss, M. Serial passage of the human influenza virus in the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 100.—Vylezhanin, A. T. [Application of the adsorption method in investigations of grippe; viabihty of grippal virus in adsorbed state] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 7, 72-4.— Wells, W. F., & Brown, H. W. Recovery of influenza virus suspended in air and its destruction by ultra-violet radiation. Am. J. Hyg., 1936, 24: 407-13.—Wheeler, A. H., & Nungester, W. J. Effect of mucin on influenza virus infection in hamsters. Science, 1942, 96: 92. INFORMACIONES argentinas. B. Air., No. 1, 1938- INFORMACION medica; revista mensual de medicina y cirugia. Valladolid, v.4-10, 1927-33. INFORMATEUR (L') des alienistes et des neurologistes. Par., v.15-20, No. 4, 1920-25. Title changed to L'Hygitoe mentale, has supplement called L'Enc6phale. INFORMATION service. N. Y., No. 4, 1941- INFRACTION. See Bone, Injuries; Fracture. INFRAORBITAL nerve. See also Maxillary nerve. Bourdier, F. L'anesthesie sous-orbitaire. Vie med., 1921, 2: 1575-8.—Cusenza, G. Rapporti non frequenti del nervo infraorbitario con la mucosa del seno mascellare e la loro importanza in rinologia. Arch. ital. otol., 1931, 43: 233-6.— Kino, F. Ueber die besondere Vulnerabilitat des N. infra- orbitalis bei stumpfen Kopfverletzungen. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1929, 110: 191-4.—Lemoine, P., & Valois, G. Un nouveau proc6d6 d'anesthfeie du nerf sous-orbitaire. Ann. ocul., Par., 1921, 158: 194-7, pl.—Skillern, P. G. A new approach in induction of infraorbital nerve block. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1941, 46: 1076. INFRA-RED ray. See also Heat; Radiation; Radiotherapy. Beese, N. C. Infrared radiation. Science, 1942, 95: 614- 7.—Brambila, E. C. Los rayos infra-rojos. Rev. mens, cir., Guadalajara, 1935-36, 1: 99-111.—Dognon, A. Le rayonne- ment infra-rouge. Presse therm, clim., 1930, 71: 746-50.— Fabry, C. Remarques sur les radiations infrarouges. Ann. Inst, actin., Par., 1929, 3: 202-10.—Feinberg, L., & Glagolev, S. [Protective properties of colored glass in relation to infra-red rays] Gig. bezopas. pat. truda, 1930, 8: 29-39.—Furniss, A. The nature, properties and uses of infra-red and luminous rays. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1932, 7: 143.—Infra-red radiation in industry. Nature, Lond., 1942, 149: 192.—Kelley, I. V. Infra-red radia- tion. In her Textb. Nurs. Techn., 4. ed., Phila., 1940, 176 — Laquerriere, A., & Leonard, D. Les rayons infra-rouges. Union med. Canada, 1932, 61: 1040.—Vaurabourg. Donnees pratiques sur les g6nerateurs d'infra-rouge. Bull. Soc radiol. med. France, 1927, 15: 211-6.—Watters, B. D. H. The produc- tion of infra-red and ultra-violet radiation. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1935-36, 10:96-8. ---- Biological effect. See also Cataract, ultrared rays; Red light. Josuran, K. *Experimentelie Untersuchun- gen iiber die Wirkung langwelliger (nicht pene- trierender) ultraroter Strahlen auf Kaninchenau- gen [Zurich] p.353-60. 8? Berl., 1933. Also Arch. Ophth., 1933, 129: Merkelbach, O. Die biologische Bedeutung der infraroten Strahlen. 64p. 8? Basel, 1937. Arthur, J. M. Some infra-red effects on green plants. In Biol. Effects Radiat. (Duggar, B. M.) N. Y., 1936, 2: 841-52.— Bakker, A. Ueber die Wirkung infraroter Strahlen auf die Kornea und die Linse von Kaninchen. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1940, 105: 620 (microfilm)—Biancani, E., & Biancani, H. Le rayonnement infra-rouge et son action physiologique. In Trait6 h61io & actin. (Brody, C.) Par., 1938, 1: 490-9.— Bucklers, M. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber die Schadi- gungen des Auges durch kurzwellige ultrarote Strahlen. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1926, 117: 1-32.—Clausen, E. M. Effect of infra-red radiation on growth of rachitic rat. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 77. ------ The use of isolated radiations in experiments with the rat; the effect of infra-red radiation on the growth of the rachitic rat. J. Nutrit., 1929-30, 2: 125-53.—Elkins, E. C, & Sheard, C. The effect of infra-red irradiation on cutaneous temperatures. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1941, 22: 476-85.—Gjurifi, P. M. Ueber einen Infrarotlicht- effekt am quergestreiften Muskel. Strahlentherapie, 1933, 48: 397-400.—Hofmann. G. Untersuchungen uber die Gewebs- durchlassigkeit fiir rote und infrarote Strahlen. Ibid., 1939, 65: 477-99.—Kurliandskaia, E. B. [On the significance of the functional state of the organs and tissues in the mechanism of action of infra-red ravs on the constitution] Fizioterapia, Moskva, 1939, No. 3, 15-22.—Luckiesh, M., & Moss, F. K. Infrared radiation and visual function. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1937, 27: 69-71— Malczynski, S., & Lankosz. J. La choles- t£rol6mie apr£s l'irradiation unique aux rayons infra-rouges chez les chiennes castrees. C. rend. Soc biol., 1935, 118: 1367- 9.—Martin, P. E., & Plan, P. Influence de l'irradiation infra- rouge sur la disintegration de proteines homologues inject6es k un cobaye. Ibid., 1937, 124: 774-6.—Menkes, G. Les actions biologiques, physiologiques et pathologiques des rayons infra-rouges. Praxis, Bern, 1938, 27: 449-51.—Miescher, G. Die Wirkung von sichtbarem und infrarotem Licht auf die Haut. Kongrber. Internat. Kongr. Lichtforsch., 1936, 3. Congr., 144—51. ------ Hardmeyer, E., & Guggenheim, L. Ueber die Wirkung des weissen und infraroten Lichtes auf die Haut. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1936, 174: 445-64.—Mohring, R., & Witte, E. Ueber den Einfluss des sichtbaren und infra- roten Lichtes einer neuen Bestrahlungslampe auf das Blutbild des Menschen. Strahlentherapie, 1937, 60: 142-51.—Molinari, J. L., & Montes de Martinez. A. Accion cicatrizante de los rayos infrarrojos. Rev. As. m§d. argent., 1936, 50: 2147-54.— INFRA-RED RAY 292 INFRA-RED RAY Nazarova. E. [Sterilization of wood by means of infra-red ray si Mikrobiologia. Moskva, 1936, 5: 59-65.—Nelson, C, & Brooks, S. C. Effect of infra-red light on subsequent fertilization of the eggs of certain marine invertebrates. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y.. 1933, 30: 1007-9.------ Effects of infra-red light on subsequent cleavage of the eggs of Urechis caupo. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1935, 12: 212-6.—Poznanskaia, N. B. [Sensibility of the skin to visible and infra-red ravs] Tr. Konf. med. biol., Kiev (1936) 1937, 106-11. ------ Nikitsky, I. N. [et al.] [Sensibilitv of the skin to the visible infra-red rays] Shorn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937, 6. Congr., 309-12.—Princi. S., & Francesco, M. II comportamento del sistema reticolo-istio- eitario negli organismi sottoposti all'azione dei raggi infrarossi. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1936. 11: 368.—Princi. S.,&Mantica, F. L'influenza dei raggi infrarossi sui sistema reticolo-istio- citario della pelle. Ibid., 1935. 10: 748-51, pl.—Reviglio, G. M. Contributo clinico-sperimentale alio studio delle modificazioni esplicate dalle radiazioni infrarosse sull'azione biologica delle radiazioni ultraviolette. Actinoterapia, Nap., 1928, 8: 151-4. Also Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1928, 8: pt 2, 189.—Toomey, J. A. Effect of infrared heat on localized poliomyelitis and neuritis. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1943, 22: 135-41.—Vamos, L. Ueber infrarote Strahlen in der dermatologischen Diagnostik. Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1935-37, 9. Congr., 2: 781-5, 4 pl.—Vogt, A. Weitere experimentelle und anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Schadigung des Auges durch ultrarote Strahlen: Schadigung von Netzhaut und Aderhaut. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 341. ------ Der Fundamentalversuch in der Biologic des Ultrarot. Ibid., 1933, 63: 194-6.—Waniek, H. Zu den U ruflichen Schadigungen durch strahlende Warme in Walzwerken; Hautkrebsbildung. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1940- 41, 10:486-90. ---- Photography. Alvarez, E. J, La fotograffa infrarroja y su aplicaci6n en medicina. 257p. 26cm. B. Air., 1938. Helwtch, O. Die Infrarot-Fotographie und ihre Anwendungsgebiete. 2. Aufl. 224p. 8°. Harzburg, 1937. Lubbeut, A. *Ueber die Verwendbarkeit der Infrarot-Photographie in der gerichtlichen Medi- zin [Gottingen] 26p. 8? Giessen, 1936. Beil, F. Die Infrarot-Photographie in der gerichtlichen Medizin und Kriminalistik. Arch. Krim., 1937, 100: 27; 179- 94, 6 pl.—Bertrand, L, & Justin-Bepancon, L. La micro- graphie en lumtere infra-rouge; application k la cytologie r6nale. Bull, histol. appl., Par., 1929, 6: 376-90, 4 pl. -----r Utilisation de la lumi^re infra-rouge pour l'6tude histophysiologi- que du tube contournfi du rein. Abstr. Internat. Phvsiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 24.—Brooker, L. G. S., Hamer. F. M., & Mees, C E. K. Recent advances in sensitizers for the photographv of the infrared. J. Optic Soc. America, 1933, 23: 216-22.—Ciark, W. Infra-red photography. J. Biol. Photogr. Ass., 1934, 2: 119-29. Also J. Techn. Meth., Toronto, 1935, No. 14. 59-63.—Corrigan, J. F. Photography in the infra-red. Discovery, Lond.,1929, 10: 238-40.—Del Picchia Filho, J. A fotografia infra-vermelha aplicada aos documentos. Arq. polfc. civ. S. Paulo, 1942, 3: 81-100.—Dhere, C, & Biermacher, O. Sur le choix des raies de reference spectrale dans I'etude du tout proche infrarouge (infrarouge photographique) sp6ciale- ment pour le determination des spectres de fluorescence. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 120: 1162-6.—Dieterle, W., & Zeh, W. Les limites de la photographie infrarouge. P. verb. Congr. internat. photogr. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 188-97 [Discussion] 836.—Eggert, J. Einige neue Anwendungen der Infrarot- photographie. Naturwissenschaften, 1935, 23: 281-6. ------ Die Ultrarotphotographie in der Medizin. Strahlentherapie, 1939, 66: 663-71.—Feldman, J. B. A review of infra-red photography. Arch. Ophth. Chic, 1936, 15: 435-42, 9 pl.— Folco, D. La fotografia all'infrarosso ed all'ultravioletto al servizio della criminalistica. Arch, antrop. crim., Milano, 1938, 58: 881-94.—Hemardinquer, P. Les radiations infra-rouges et les rficents progr^s de la photographie dans l'infra-rouge. Rev. sc, Par., 1937, 72: 214-21.—Infrared photographs aid in diag- nosis. Science News Lett., 1934, 25: 261.—Laurnagaray, J. M. Aplicaci6n de la fotograffa infrarroja a la medicina legal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934. 41: pt 2, 1887-90.—Lewin, L., Miethe, A., & Stenger, E. Ueber die Sensibilisierung von photographischen Platten fiir das ausserste Rot und Infrarot. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1911, 142: 403.—Massopust, L. C. Infra-red photography. Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1934, 10: No. 4, 2-6. ------ The use of the infra-red plate in photomicrography. J. Biol. Photogr. Ass., 1936-37, 5: 20—4. ------ Photographic images obtained in total darkness by both penetration and reflection of infra-red radiation. Radiology, 1937, 29: 79-82. ------ Infra-red photography of gross anatomic specimens. Arch. Path., Chic, 1937, 23: 67-70. ■------Infra-red photography; quality of infra-red and manner in which they are used in photography as applied to medicine. Bull. Onondaga Co. M. Soc, 1937, Suppl., Oct., 5-8.—Plotnikow, J. Ultrarotphoto- graphie in Medizin. Biologie usw. Kongrber. Internat. Kongr. Lichtforsch.. 1930, 3. Congr., 220-6. ------ Splait, L., & Piantanida, M. Ueber Photographieren mit Warmestrahlen. Fort-schr. Rontgenstrahl., 1928, 38: 531-3..—Prat, S. Botanical photography with infra-red light. J. Biol. Photogr. Asa., 1935- 36, 4: 191-201.—Preissecker, E. Ueber Mikrophotographie im infraroten Licht. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 1458-60, pl — Rodenacker, G. Die Bedeutung der Infrarotphotographie fiir die Medizin. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1936, 33: 23-6.- Royce. C. E. Infra-red photography of gross specimens. •'. 'I echn. Meth., Toronto, 1939, 19: 5.5-7.- Ter Louw, A. New type material for infrared medical photography. Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1938, 14: 16-8.—Tonzig, S., & Viterbi, E. La foto- grafia dei vegetali mediante le radiazioni infrarosse. Atti Congr. internaz. elettroradiob., 1934, 1. Congr., 1: 459-63.— Viterbi, E.. A Circolini, W. La fotografia con l'infrarosso utilizzata in ricerche anatomiche. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 97. ------ L'opaciti differenziale all'infrarosso utilizzata in ricerche anatomiche. Monit. zool. ital., 1934, 45: 12-7.—Weisswange, W., & Friedrich, A. Versuche mit Infrarotaufnahmen in der Medizin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 1540-2. ---- Physical and chemical properties. Sutherland, G. B. B. M. Infra-red and Raman spectra. 112p. 17^cm. Lond. [1935] Andrews^D. H., Brucksch, W. F., jr. [et ah] Attenuated superconductors for measuring infra-red radiation. Rev. Sc Instrum., 1942, 13: 281-92.—Aumgras, M., & Vergnoux, A. M. Sur une technique d'etude de l'absorption dans l'infra- rouge des substances organiques. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1937, 5. ser., 4: Mem., 825-38.—Bloch, B., & Errera, J. L'in- fluence de la temperature sur l'absorption des liquides orga- niques dans l'infrarouge proche. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 199: 713-5. Also J. phys. radium, Par., 1935, 7. ser., 6: 154-8 — Cartwright, C. H. Extreme infra-red investigation of hindered rotation in water. Nature, Lond., 1935, 135: 872. ------ & Errera, J. Extreme infra-red dispersion of polar and non-polar liquids. Proc R. Soc, Lond., 1936, ser. A, 154: 138-57.— Cassie, A. B. D. Investigations in the infra-red region of the spectrum; the absorption spectrum and molecular structure of boron trichloride, and the effect of strain on plane groups of the type XY3. Ibid., 1935, ser. A. 148: 87-103— Cipriani, M. Fisica dei raggi infrarossi, visibili ed ultravioletti. Raggi ultraviol., 1932. 8: 129-39.—Corin, C. Etude de quelques spectres dans l'infrarouge proche. J. chim. phys., Par., 1936, 33: 448-75.—Devaux, J. Etude du rayonnement infrarouge 6mis par 1'atmosphSre terrestre. Presse therm, clim., 1932, 73:557. ------ Etude du spectre infrarouge lontain du soleil. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 198: 1595.—Dreisch, T., & Kall- scheuer, O. Die Absorption anorganischer Farbsalzlosungen im nahen Ultrarot. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. B, 1930-40, 45: 19-41.—Ellis, J. W. Some infrared interference spectra. J. Optic Soc. America, 1933, 23: 88-91.—Erokhin, P. M. [The prism as light-filter for infra-red rays] Izv. Donsk. gosud. univ. Rostov, 1925. 5: 31-3.—Francillon-Lobre, Saidman & Moscovici. Sur l'absorption des rayons infra-rouges par les tissus. Ann. Inst, actin., Par., 1933-34, 8: No. 5, 1-5.—Frey- mann.R. Recherches sur le proche infrarouge. Ann. phys., Par., 1933, n. ser., 20: 243-345. ------& Naherniac, A. Contribu- tion k I'etude du spectre d'absorption infrarouge de quelques composes organiques cycliques et acycliques. J. phvs. radium, Par., 1934, 7. ser., 5: 75-84.—Gigon, A., & Noverraz, M. Licht und Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel; "zugleich Ergebnisse von Photographien mit infraroten Strahlen. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 71: 525-37.—Hall, J. S. A comparison of the velocity of visual and infra-red light by an astronomical method. J. Franklin Inst., 1939, 228: 411-23— Heintz, E. Analyse infra-rouge des spectres d'absorption entre 10 ii et 15 n. Arch. phys. biol., Par., 1937, 14: 251-60. ------ Remarques sur les relations sSriales dans les spectres d'absorption infrarouge. Ibid., 278.—Hurst, C. The emission constants of metals in the near infra-red. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1933, ser. A, 142: 466-90.—Kingslake, R., & Conrady, H. G. A refractometer for the near infrared. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1937, 27: 257- 62.—Lambert, P., & Lecomte, J. Contribution k I'etude des spectres d'absorption infra-rouges de carbures aliphatiqucs ou a noyaux II. Ann. phys., Par., 1938, 11. ser., 10: 503-82 — Liddel, U., & Wulf, O. R. The character of the absorption of some amines in the near infra-red. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1933, 55: 3574-83.—McAIister, E. D., Matheson, G. L., & Sweeney, W. J. A large recording spectrograph for the infra-red to 15/i- Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1941, 12: 314-9.—Martin, F. Recherches dans l'infra-rouge sur la luminescence r6siduelle des cristaux et microcristaux photoluminescents. Rev. gdn. sc. pur., 1930, 41: 529-31.—Massopust, L. C. The transmission of an invisible radiation through various chemical solutions as re- corded by the infra-red plate. Radiology, 1937, 29: 551-5.— Merkelbach, O. Hautpigment und Dopa-Melanin; ihre Absorption und Reflexion im infraroten Strnhlenbereich. Radiol. Clin., Basel, 1939, 8: 13-26.—Nielsen, H. H. Meas- urement of the infra-red absorption band spectra of polyatomio molecules under high dispersion. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc. (1940) 1941, 227.—Pfund. A. H. Rayleigh's law of scattering in the infrared. J. Optic Soc. America, 1934, 24: 143-6. ------The dispersion of CS2 and CCU in the infrared. Ibid., 1935, 25: 351-4.—Raman, C. V. X-rays, crystals and the infra-red spectrum. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 473-5.— Ratti, A., & Silvestri, B. Ricerche sperimentali su di un pre- sunto antagonismo fra i raggi rontgen e i raggi infrarossi. Radiol, med., Milano, 1937, 24: 1-16.—Smith, L. G. A recording echelette grating spectrometer for the near infra-red. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1942, 13: 54-02. ------ A new source for INFRA-RED RAY 293 INFUSION infra-red spectrometers. Ibid., 63. ------ An infra-red absorption cell for gases at high and low temperatures. Ibid., 65-7.—Smith, P. N., & Hayes, H. V. Transmission of infra- red radiation through fog. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1940, 30: 332-7.—Taylor, H. J. The transmission of infra-red radiation by a thin layer of horn. Proc R. Soc, Lond., 1933, ser. A, 142: 598-605.—Vaurabourg. Le rayonnement infra-rouge, son absorption par differents milieux. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1927, 15: 149-53. ------ Repartition 6nergetique des radiations 6mises par les differents generateurs d'infra- rouge. Ibid., 162-5.—Vies, F. Sur les relations entre les constantes 61ectrochimiques, le spectre infrarouge, et les pro- prietes reactionnelles. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1935, 201: 1475-7.— Volkov, N. A. Ueber die Absorption infraroter Strahlen durch einige Nadelholzgewachse. Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS 1936, 1: 389. ---- Therapeutic use. Beaumont, W. Infra-red irradiation. 139p. 8? Lond., 1936. Also 2. ed. 159p. 19cm. 1939. Dressler, T. *Die bisherigen experimentellen Grundlagen fiir die therapeutische Wirkung der Warmest rahlen. 40p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1926. Troup, W. A. Therapeutic uses of infra-red rays. 2. ed. 90p. 8? Lond., 1934. Aloe glow-bar infrared lamp acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 414.—Baar, V. Ultrarotlichtlampe. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 416.—Barnes, R. B., & Bonner. L. G. Filters for the infrared. J. Optic. Soc America, 1936, 26: 428-33.— Benoit, C. Action therapeutique des infra-rouges en associa- tion avec les ultra-violets. Rev. actin., Par., 1926, 2: 100-5.— Biancani, E., & Biancani, H. Les rayons infra-rouges; quelques donn6es physiologiques et therapeutiques; les infra-rouges en dermatologie. Rev. fr. derm. ven6r., 1929, 5: 258-75.— Boynton, B. L. Infra-red heating over taped surfaces. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1940, 21: 733-7.—Echtman, J. Therapeutic indications of infra-red radiation. Med. Times, N. Y., 1935, 63: 171.—Erlach, A. Strahlenfilter fiir das infrarote und rote Spektralgebiet. Strahlentherapie. 1937, 59: 562.—Halluin, d'. Les radiations infra-rouges. In Traite heiio & actin. (Brody, C.) Par., 1938, 1: 259-76.—Latimer, R. A. Increased industrial activity" expands infra-red lamp market. Surg. Business, 1942, 5: No. 5, 12.—Malpractice; patient burned by infra-red lamp. [California] J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 1703.—Merkelbach, O. Strahlenfilter fiir das infrarote und rote Spektralgebiet. Strah- lentherapie, 1936, 57: 689-702.—Powler Newton, E.,&Linzoain, A. Los rayos infrarrojos y el sintoma dolor. Cr6n. med. mex., 1935, 34: 14-6.—Rocchi, G. Actinoterapia infrarossa di corta lunghezza di onda. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1928, ser. 10, 6: 439-44.—Rogers, H. D. Factors determining the selection of infra-red sources for therapeutic use. Army M. Bull., 1936, 35: 28-46. Also Mil. Surgeon, 1936, 79: 102-16.—Saidman, J. Infra-red rays; their physical bases and therapeutic uses. Brit, J. Actinother., 1928-29, 3: 46-50.— Troup. W. A. Infra- red irradiation. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1935-36, 10: 94—Warns- huis, G. J. The anti-phlogistic action of infrared rays. Arch. Phvs. Ther., 1931, 22: 665-7.—Watters, B. D. H. Infra-red radiations. Brit. J. Actinother., 1929, 3: 249; 4: 41.—Wedlick. L. T. Infra-red therapy. Melbourne Hosp. Clin. Rep., 1938, 9: 156-8. INFRAROENTGEN ray. See under Roentgen ray. INFRASPINATUS muscle. See also Arm, Muscles and movements; Humerus, Tubercula and tuberosities; Scapula. Andre-Thomas. La paralisi del muscolo sottospinoso. Gazz. osp., 1937, 58: 62-4.—Wakeley, C. P. G. A case of sarcoma in the infraspinatus muscle. Brit. J. Surg., lno 26: 439-42. INFRATROCHLEAR nerve. See under Nasal nerve. INFUNDIBULO-PELVIC ligament. See under Broad ligament; Pelvis. INFUNDIBULUM. See Brain, Diencephalon: Infundibulum. INFUSION. See Enema; Injection. INFUSION [pharm.] See also Drug, Preparing; Extract; also under names of drugs as Ipecacuanha, etc. Legoix, L. *Recherches sur les proprietes physico-chimiques d'infusions de plantes a proprietes pharmacologiques importantes. 70p. 25cm. Nancy, 1934. Bullock, K. The preservation of concentrated infusions; j 'lpes °^ micro-°rganisms present on quassia and calumba and their inhibition by means of alcohol. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1942, 15: 41-50. ------& Elsdon, C. J. L. The preservation of concentrated and fresh infusions; the applications of heat and alcohol. Ibid., 1937, 10: 413-38.—Bullock, K., & Light. bown, J. W. The preservation of concentrated infusions; chemical preservatives other than alcohol. Ibid., 1942, 15: 51-60. ------ Spray drying of infusions and extracts. Pharm. J., Lond., 1942, 95: 38.—Concentrated infusions (Pharmacopoiea revision, pharmacy sub-committee) Australas. J. Pharm., 1931, n. ser., 12: 1031.—Schulek, E. [Ein einfacher Apparat zur vorschriftsmassigen Bereitung von Aufgiissen und Abkochungen] Orsz. Kozegeszs. Int. kozl., 1937, 10: No. 23, 1.—Weber, L. I.. & Legoix, L. Sur les tensions super- ficielles d'infusions de plantes medicinales. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1936, 8. ser., 24: 441-52. ------ Etudes de permeabilite avec des infusions de plantes medicinales. Ibid., 563-9. INFUSORIA. See Ciliophora. INGALLS, Phineas Henry, 1856-1933. Miller. J. R. [Biography] Tr. Am. Gyn. Soc, 1934, 59: 345-7, portr. INGALLS, William, 1812-1903. For obituary see Q. Harvard M. Alumni Ass., 1901-4, 774-7. INGE, William Ralph, 1860- Science and ultimate truth; Fison memorial lecture, 1926, delivered at Guy's Hospital Medical School, March 25, 1926. 32p. 8? Lond., Longmans, Green & co., 1926. INGEBRIGTSEN, Ragnvald, 1882- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 580. INGEBRITSEN, Otis Clarence, 1893- Coordinating mechanisms of the spinal cord. p.483-555. 8? Worcester, Clark Univ., 1933. Forms: No. 6, v.13, Genet. Psychol. Monogr. INGELRANS, Pierre [M.D. 1924] La sacro- coxalgie et son traitement. x, 140p. 7 pl. 8? Par., Masson & cie., 1930. INGELS, Arne Ely. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 165. INGEN, Andries Simon van. *Prolapsus funiculi. 96p. 24cm. Leiden, G. Los, 1908. INGENHOUSZ, Jan, 1730-99. For portrait (lithograph from an engraving) see Collection in Library. INGENIEROS, Jose, 1877-1926. Bagu, S. Vida ejemplar de Jose Ingenieros. San. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 2, 1799.—Bermann, G. La obra cientifica de Jos6 Ingenieros. Ibid.,1929, 26: pt 2, 121-39.—Delgado, H.F. Necrologfa. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1926,13: 257-79.—Mando- lini, H. La personalidad de Ingenieros. Ibid., 641-6. INGEPASS, Johannes, 1911- *Ueber den Einfluss von Morphin und Narkotin auf den Sauerstoffverbrauch tiberlebender Gewebe [Miinster] 15p. 21cm. Werne a. d. Lippe, F. Grube, 1935. INGERFURTH, Heinrich, 1906- *Die bogenformige Resektion des Kniegelenks nach Helferich [Kiel] 22p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1933 INGERSOLL, A. J. In health. 3. ed. 220p. 8? Corning, N. Y., Author, 1884. INGERSOLL, John Marvin, 1869- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull, 1942, 31: 165. INGERSOLL, Luman C. Dental science; questions and answers on dental materia medica, dental physiology, denial pathology and thera- peutics. 136p. 8? Keokuk, la., R. B. Ogden & son, 1886. INGHAM 294 INHALANT INGHAM, Samuel Deluccena, 1876- Lditor of Bulletin of the Los Angeles Neurological Society. Los Ang., v.l 2. 1936-37. See also Nielsen, J. M., & Rand, C. W. Biography. Bull. Los Angeles Neur. Soc, 1942, 7: 157-60, portr. INGIER, Alexandra Felicite Willeminot, 1867- Porlrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 580. INGIER, Christopher, 1829-88. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 581. INGLENOOK doctor book; choice recipes contributed by sisters of the Brethren Church, subscribers and friends of the Inglenook Maga- zine, iv, 156p. 8? Elgin, 111., Brethren Pub. House, 1903. INGLESSIS, Hippocrate, 1913- Con- tribution a I'etude des ileites terminales. 115p. 2 pl. 25cm. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1938. INGLIS, Elsie Maud, 1864-1919. For biography see Med. Woman J., 1937, 44: 171. INGLIS, Keith. Paget's disease of the nipple, and its relation to surface cancers and precan- cerous states in general. xi:, 233p. illust. 8? Lond., H. Milford, 1936. INGLIS, Otto Edward, 1864- See Burchard, H. H., & Inglis. O. E. A text-book of dental pathology and therapeutics. 876p. 8? Pbila., 1926. INGLIS, Russel Tracy, 1875-1937. For obituarv see N. Zealand M. J., 1937, 36: 140. INGLIS, V. A. See Leiper, R. T., & Inglis. V. A. Materials for a biblio- graphy of the trematode infections of man. 53p. 8? Lond., 1914. INGRAHAM, Franc Douglas, 1898- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 302. INGRAM, Ivan Nathaniel, 1904- For portrait see Bull. Polk Co. M. Soc, 1942, 13: No. 8, 1. INGRAM, James H., 1859-1934. For obituarv see China M. J., 1934, 48: 676; 699, portr. INGRAM, Kenneth, 1882- Sex-morality tomorrow. 175p. 1834cm. Lond., G. Allen & Unwin ltd [1940] INGRAM, Madelene Elliott. Principles of psychiatric nursing, xvii, 428p. illust. diagr. 20]:<-m. Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1940. INGRAM, Ruth. A manual of nursing tech- niques used at Washington University School of Nursing, St Louis, Mo. 145 1. 8? Minneap., Burgess pub. co., 1936. INGRAM, Walter Robinson, 1905- See Fisher, C, Ingram, W. R., & Ranson, S. W. Diabetes insipidus and the neuro-hormonal control of water balance. 212p. 4? Ann Arbor, 1938. For portrait see Med. Bull. Univ. Iowa, 1940, June, 34. INGRAM, William Wilson [M. D., Aberdeen, 1919] The diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and the use of high carbohydrate diets. 2. ed. x, 136p. tab. 12? Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1937. INGRAM & Royle, Lond., Eng. Natural mineral waters: their properties and uses. 8. ed., rev. & enl. 68p. 8? Lond., Ingram & Royle, 1886. INGRAND, Henri, 1908- *Le Comite" de salubrite" de l'Assemblee nationale constituante, 1790-91. 172p. 8° Par., Marcel Vigne, 1934. INGRASSIA, Giovanni Filippo, 1510-80. Capparoni, P. Giovan Filippo Ingrassia (circa 1510-80) In his Profih biobibl. med., Roma, 1932, 1: 42-4, portr.— Piraino. A. G. F. Ingrassia; LTppocrate siciliano del '500 e la sua opera. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1936, 15: 270-8.—Ruhrah J [Biography] Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, 45: 372. INGS, George Arthur, 1860-1933. For obituary see Canad. M. Ass. J., 1934, 30: 226. INGUEN. See Groin. INGUINAL .. . See under Groin. INHALANT. Sec also Anesthetic; Gas; Inhalation therapy, etc. Seichter, J. *Beitrag zur Wirkung der Soleinhalation [Jena] 9p. 8? [Berl., 1928] Aeroterapia; aire condensado y enrarecido. Arch. ter. med. quir., Barcel., 1KSI-85, 3: 137; 150; 170.—Badal, J. [Inhalation of natural iodized waterj Cas. 16k. desk., 1940, 79: 543.—Berndt, C. Erfahrungen mit einer neuen Inhalations- Riiucherkerze fiir medizinische Zwecke. Berl. tirmrztl. Wschr., 1938, 54: 383.—Delia Cioppa, A. Le aequo mincrali usate per via inalatoria in riflessi curativi, profilattici, sociali ed economici. Riv. idroclim., 1934, 45: 561-4.- Diener, J. Inhalation von Heilquellen. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1930-31, 5: 47-52.—Faber & Maisch. Zwei Jahre Inhalasantherapic Med. Korbl. Wiirttemberg, 1927, 97: 39-42.—Farneti, P. Crcnoterapia inalatoria. Riv. idroclim., 1939, 50: 113-23.— Hansen, R. Carbo-proteinoterapia inhalatoria. Rev. As. med. argent., 1932, 45: 61-76.—Hnik, J. [Certain medica- ments used in inhalation therapy] Cas. 16k. desk., 1940, 79: 396-401.—Langer, E. Neue Gesichtspunkte fiir die An- wendung von Inspirolpriiparaten. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1936, 46: 58-61.—Leake, C. D. The estimation of the safety margin of inhalation agents. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 157 (Abstr.)—Lebermann, F. Zur Inhalations-Therapie. Med. Welt, 1931, 5: 562.—Neefe, H. Experimentelle Untersu- chungen zur von Kapffschen Sauretherapie. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1931, 121: 461-76.—Novak, F. V. [Radioactive inhalations] Cas. iek. cesk., 1935, 74: 1232-6.—Petrella, A. RadioattiviU indotta e nebbie saline secche. Rass. ter. pat. clin., 1935, 7: 216-20.—Piery, M., Enselme, J., & Nury, D. Action pul- monaire, lipides, echanges gazeux, et action hematopoietique de l'inhalation d'un broudlard chlorure sodique, Salins-Mou- tiers. Presse therm, clim., 1938, 79: 290-5. INHALATION therapy. See also Anesthetization; Fumigation; In- sufflation; also names of inhalants. Garelli, G. Delle inalazioni minerali; me- moria. 34p. 24cm. Tor., 1858. Lazaroff, T. *Experimenteller Beitrag zur Inhalationstherapie [Frankfurt a. M.] 16p. 8? Lpz., F. C. W. Vogel, 1927, Also Arch. Ohr. &c Heilk., 1928, 118: 64-77. Adenskaia-Salganik, M. R. [Inhalation therapy] Vest. otorinolar., 1937, 290-2.—Biancani, E., & Biancani, H. Medi- cations gazeuses et brouillards medicamenteux. Presse therm. clim., 1937, 78: 113.—Blumenfeld, F. Ueber Inhalations- therapie. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1929, 39: 1.—Boivie, V. [Inhalation therapy] Hospitalstidende, 1930, 73: [Dansk Otolar. Selsk. Forh.] 85-8.—Hoist, M. [Inhalation therapy] Ugeskr. laeger, 1933, 95: 9-16.-—Isserlin. Inhalationstherapie. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1929, 37: 172-80.—Javurek, J. [Treatment by inhalations] Cas. iek. desk., 1927, 66: 519-21.—Lockett, M. F. Inhalation therapy. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 1251-4 — Marcovigi Bertoloni, G. Un triennio di cure inalatorie; statistiche e risultati. Boll. mal. orecchio, 1939, 57: 421-9.— Martin, S. J. Consultation record for inhalation therapy. Anesthesiology, 1942, 3: 579.—Solis-Cohen, M. Inhalation therapy. Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Appleton) N. Y., 1935, 8i 119-29. ---- Indication. See also under names of diseases as Asthma; Lung, Abscess, etc. Alexander, F. W. Inhalation therapy; its public health applications. Med. Off., Lond., 1928, 39: 247.—Barach, A. L. Recent advances in inhalation therapy in the treatment of cardiac and respiratory disease. N. York State J. M., 1937, 37: 1095-110.—Biancani, E., Biancani, H., & Roussel, P. Les micro-brouillards dans le traitement des affections broncho- pulmonaires. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1940, 123: 457-9.— Delia Cioppa, A. La terapia inalatoria e sua importanza profilattica e curativa per le malattie dell'infanzia e dell'ado- lescenza. Riv. idroclim., 1939, 50: 216-24.—Evers, A. Die Bedeutung der Inhalationsbehandlung fiir die Praxis. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 114-7.—Hansen, R., & Asian, M. La via inhalatoria en el tratamiento del asma y las supuraciones bronco-pulmonares. Arch, argent, tisiol., 1942, 18: 436-9.— Rhese. Inhalationstherapie der oberen Luftwege; unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Inhalatoriums von Bad Harzburg. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 745; 818; 852. ---- Pharmacodynamics. Durteste, R. * Pulverisation Electrique et absorption endo-pulmonaire. 68p. 24V^cm. Lyon, 1938. Verdan, C. *Essai de chimiotherapie par inhalation. 35p. 23cm. Ziir., 1935. INHALATION Vogt, T. *Zur Pharmakologie der Inhalation. 61p. 21cm. Tub., 1938. Burkhardt, E. Ueber die elektrische Komponente bei der Inhalationsbehandlung. Balneologe, 1936, 3: 257-63.— Castex, M. R., Capdehourat, E. L.. A Pedace, E. A. Inhalaci6n de substancias nebulizadas; comprobacion experimental de su poder de penetracion a nivel del aparato respiratorio. Prensa med. argent., 1940, 27: pt 2, 2557-62.—Dautrebande, L., Philippot, E. [et al.] Nouvelle demonstration de la penetration rapide dans l'economie generate d'agents pharmacodynamiques par voie transpulmonaire. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1940, 123: 475. Also Concours med., 1940, 62: 1082.—Evers, A. Ueber Beeinflussung der Flimmerbewegung; ein Beitrag zum Ver- standnis der Inhalationswirkung. Zsehr. ges. phys Ther 1932, 42: 185-206.—Fischer, H. Grundlagen der Inhalations- therapie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 232-9.—Haupt, A. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage iiber die Wirkungsweise von Inhalationen. Zsehr. Laryng., 1927-28, 16: 409. ------ Lokale und allgemeine Einwirkung der Inhalationsbehandlung Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1927-28, 2: 908-11.—Mancioli, M. Terapia inalatoria salsoiodica e variazioni della formula leuco- citaria in rapporto alia pervieU del naso-faringe. Valsalva 1932, 8: 210-20.—Sawicz, K. Forschungen uber das Ein- dringen der Sole in das Ohr auf dem Wege der Naseninhalation Mschr. Ohrenh., 1933, 67: 226-9.—Schaffer, H., & Friedlanderi K. Das Elektrofilter und seine Anwendung zur Bestimmung der Niederschlagsgrosse von Inhalationsnebeln in den Luft- wegen. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1926, 50: 64-72.—Siegel, R. Studien iiber Inhalationsnebel. Zsehr. ges. phys Ther 1925-26, 31: 167-77—Spoto, P. Ricerche qualitative 'e quantitative sulla penetrazione nei polmone di farmaci ne- bulizzati. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 815-7.—Umansky, I. P. [Quantity and physical state of sprayed medicinal sub- stances during inhalation] J. ushn. nosov. gorlov bolez 1939, 16: 434-43.—Wieland, H. Pharmakologisches zur Inhalationstherapie. Zsehr. Laryng., 1927, 16: 23-30.— Yosida, R. Ueber die Veranderung des Blutbildes durch die Inhalation der aromatischen Arzneimittel. Polvclin. Dairen 1928-30, 4: No. 33, 40. ---- Technic. See also Aerothermotherapy; Bath and sub- headings (gas; radioactive- sulphur; thermal; vapor) Hydrology, medical; Mineral water, Therapeutic use, etc. Adams, J. On medicinal inhalations, with description of an improved apparatus for the production of medicated vapours. 18p. 8? Glasgow, 1868. Collison, W. E. Inhalation therapy tech- nique. 77p. 8? Lond., 1935. Jacobelli, A. Risposta di confutazione alia dichiarazione del direttore Morgagni sopra l'atmiometro. 16p. 22>^cm. Nap., 1884. Muszkat, A. Technik der Inhalationsthera- pie. lllp. 8? Berl., 1923. Niemann, A. *Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber ein neues Verfahren der Trockenin- halation. 6p. 8? [Gott.] 1920. Waldenburg. La medicazione pneumatica e gli apparecchi per la stressa. 15p. 22cm. Milano, 1877. Biancani, E., Biancani, H. [et al.] Essais de therapeutique transpulmonaire. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1939, 3. ser., 121: 663. ■------ Les micro-brouillards. Paris med., 1939, 111: 498-500.—Castex, M. R., Capdehourat, E. L., & Lavarello, A. Tecnica de las nebulizaciones y sus principales ventajas tera- peuticas. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. resp., 1941, 9: 12-28.— Cawston, F. G. Snuffs instead of injections? Pharm. J., Lond., 1942, 94: 46.—Cecil, R. L., Barach, A. L. [et al.] Stand- ards of effective administration of inhalational therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 755-9.—Chievsky, A. L. On the production of highly active, medicinal electrical substances for purposes of inhalation. Acta med. scand., 1937, 91: 357-69.— Dautrebande, L., Philippot, E. [et al.] Production d'aerosols medicamenteux; possibilites d'application therapeutique. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1940, 3. ser., 123: 379-83.—Delia Cioppa, A. Terapia inalatoria e tecnica delle inalazioni. Ri- forma med., 1926, 42: 860.—Diener, J. Die Einrichtung neu- zeithcher Inhalatorien in technischer und hygienischer Bezie- hung. Fortsch. Ther., 1928, 4: 552-7.—Dylewski, B. [Per- fectioning methods of thermal regulation of inhalants] Nbwiny lek., 1937, 49: 123-5.—Evers, A. Technik der Inhalation. Balneologe, 1937, 4: 19-27.—Feigen. Ueber Inhalationstech- nik. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., ,1929-30, 4: 1064-70.—Hill, L. Inhalation treatment; notes on the inhalation department at the St John Clinic and Institute of Physical Medicine. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1935-36, 10: 177.—Keller, C. J. Das Inhalations- bad. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 2042-4.—Kelley, I. V. Inhalations. In her Textb. Nurs. Techn., 4. ed., Phila., 1940, 295-9.—Kionka, H. Ueber Inhalationstherapie. Fortsch. INHALATION Ther., 1927, 3: 421-5.—Laskowski, S. [Modern inhalatorium in Szczawmce] Med. prakt., Poznaii, 1936, 10: 375-7 — Laugier, H. Reflexions au sujet d'une pneumothermotherapie possible. Rev. canad. biol., 1942, 1: 567-9.—Leatham, H. W. Notes on the Duke-Fingard inhalation treatment. Med. Press & Circ Lond., 1938, 196: 403-6.—Leschke, E. Ueber ein neues Verfahren der Inhalationstherapie mit Einatmen gas- tormig verdampfter Medikamente. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1602.—Magne, H. Une nouvelle technique des inhalations therapeutiques d'oxyg^ne et d'acide carbonique. Presse med., ™?4',_42: 1938-40—Malten, H. Die Wechselinhalation. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1234.—Maurer. E. Ueber Inhalationstechnik. Gesundh. Ingenieur, 1927, 50: 925-7 Also Zsehr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1927, 23: 410-2.—Means! J. H. A convenient technic for steam inhalations. J. Am. M, Ass., 1929, 92: 649. ------ & Lerman, J. A convenient technique for steam inhalations for bed patients. N. England J. M., 1932, 206: 124.—Miller, A. H. The pneumatic institu- tion of Thomas Beddoes at Clifton, 1798. Ann. M. Hist, 1931, n. ser., 3: 253-60.—Schultz, H., & Evers, A. Ueber Rauminhalation. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 431-3.— Skript, O. O. [On the methods of inhalations] Radianska med., 1940, 5: No. 3, 3-5. Also Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 21. 3^-7 INHALER. See also Anesthetization, Apparatus; Atomizer; Inhalation therapy, Technic; Respirator; Vapor- izer. Lasagna, F. Un nuovo apparecchio elettrico per inalazioni. 4p. 8? Parma, 1920. B-K inhalator acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 790.—B-K plant emergency inhalator acceptable. Ibid., 1940, 114: 1633.—B-L-B inhalation apparatus acceptable. Ibid., 115: 1195.—Borden, A. G. Nasal inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1935, No. 1,986,247.------Medicament holder for nasal inhalers. Ibid., 1937, No. 2,084,299.—Buys. Modification k l'appareil k inhalation de Kuhn. Bull. Soc beige otol., 1911, 16: pt 2, 52.—Carey, G. Improved equipment for steam inhalations. Am. J. Nurs., 1934, 34: 249.—Carter, H. A. Colson safety inhalator acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 1760.—Catt, S. G. Inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1938, No. 2,123,353.—Clark duplex inhalator acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1812.—Clifford, P. J. Inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1938, No. 2,140,952.—Colson safety inhalator, model NH-11, acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 2039.— Corone, A. L'insufflateur de Cauterets. Presse therm, clim., 1938, 79: 120-2.—Crespo, J. E. Nasal inhaler. U. S. Patent Off.. 1942, No. 2,277,390.—Davis inhalator acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 412.—Derham, P. A., & Newport, J. H., r. Inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1943, No. 2,310,681.—E&J resuscitator and inhalator acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939 112: 1945.—Erickson, C. N. Inhaling device. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,245,658.—Fox, S. L., & Coghlan, C. C. Neb- ulizing inhalator for medication. Ibid., No. 2,266,704. ------ Combination bulb and inhalation nebulizer for medicaments. Ibid., No. 2,266,705. •------ Nasal atomizing inhaler and dropper. Ibid., No. 2,266,706.—Francisco, C. H., Francisco, W., & Brown, L. Nasal inhaler. Ibid., 1939, No. 2,168,705.- 1941, No. 2,245,969.—Griffith, A. L. Inhaling device. Ibid., 1939, No. 2,142,353.—Hampstead, H. L. Inhalation apparatus. Ibid., 1940, No. 2,202,701.—Hausmann, M. Inhaling appara- tus. Ibid., 1938, No. 2,123,334.—Heidbrink, J. A. Inhaler. Ibid., No. 2,133,699. ------ Inhalation device for use in aviation at high altitudes. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,248,349.— Herbert, J. S. Inhalator. Ibid., 1940, No. 2,199,724.— Herczeg, J. Neuerung zur Inhalationstherapie der Gasophor Inhalator. C. rend. Congr. internat. med., 1910, 16. Congr., Sect. 5, 456-62.—Hoffman, A. C. Nasal inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,191,015; No. 2,191,016; 1941, No. 21,831 — Holm, E. M. Inhaler. Ibid., 1943, No. 2,309,846.—Humphry, G. P. Simple inhaler. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 1088.—Johnson, W. G., & Kirkham, H. Inhalator. U. S. Patent Off., 1935, No. 2,023,324.—Jones, R. L., & Teter, E. A. Inhalant device. Ibid., 1940, No. 2,221,972.—Langer, A., & Feller, A. [Radio- active inhalators] Cas. lek. Cesk., 1937, 76: 117-9.—Leenhouts, A., & Leenhouts, A. D. Inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,168,573.—Lombard, C. F. Inhaler. Ibid., No. 2,178,- 800.—Lufkin, G. Inhaler. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,259,759.— McGuire, C. V. Inhalant device. Ibid., 1935, No. 1,998,327.— McKay, G. W. Volatilizing apparatus. Ibid., 1942, No. 2,303,855.—Magee, C. L. Thermoinhaler. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,241,356.—Magne, H. Presentation d'un inhalateur alveolaire pour oxygenotherapie ou carbogenotherapie. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1934, 3. ser., 50: 1085-8.—Miller, A. L. Combined inhalator and irradiator. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,213,- 403.—Morrison. A. R. Inhalator. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,256,212.— Morrison, G. E. Inhaler. Ibid., 1936, No. 2,051,098 — Myrick, G. H. Inhalator. Ibid., 1939, No. 2,184,679.— Parks, L. N. Inhaler. Ibid., 1940, No. 2,215,188.—Peirano, H. Apparatus for inhalations. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,242,085.— Pobirs, A. I. Sanitary guard for inhalers. Ibid., 1938, No. 2,127,136.—Rice, B. M. Inhalator. Ibid., 1041, No. 2,241,- 522.—Ritter. Ueber neue Apparate fiir pneumatische Einzel- inhalationen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1220.—Roe, W. C, & Roe, M. E. Inhalator. U. S. Patent Off., 1938, No. INHALER 296 INHIBITION 2.136,085.—Rowe. L. Nasal appliance Ibid., 1941, No. 2,264,153.—Schiff. L. C. Inhalant dispenser. Ibid., 1935, No. 2,012,522.- Sine, L. P. Apparatus for inhalations. Ibid., 1938, No. 2,127.802--Silten, K. Inhalation apparatus. Ibid., 1935, No. 2,021 332. Strauch, C. B. Nasal inhaler. Ibid., 1936, No. 2,057.397; 1937. No. 2,097,846—Szmurlo, J. [Author's apparatus for inhalation of vapors of the chloride and alcaline mineral water« and the Ciechocinel pulverizer] Acta bain, polon., 1939, 2: No. 7, 23-5.-Thometz, H. M. Inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1934, No. 1,985,001.—Thompson, G. S. Improved (lover's, or Hewitt's inhaler. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1:324. Tobler. J. H. Nasal inhaler. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,159,111.—Togasawa, K. Klinische und experimentelle Studien mit unserem neu konstruierten Ion-inhalations- apparate. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1936-38, 4: Proc Int. Med., 368.— Tompkins, E. H., & Hoffman, A. C. Inhaler container. U. S. Patent Off., 1942, No. 2,297,178.—Williams, E. R. A new adaptation of the Clovei inhaler. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 584 — Winder. G. I. InhalaK.i facepiece. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,175.713.—Wolfe, J. R. Inhalation therapy applicator. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,246,964. INHERITANCE. See Eugenics; Genetics; Heredity. INHIBIN. See under Testis. INHIBITION [incl. repression] See also under names of inhibited neural and mental processes. Weber, K. Inhibitorwirkungen. 191p. 25cm. Stuttg., 1938. Bucciardi, G. Ricerche sull'inibizione muscolare. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 572-81.—Curtis, H. S. Inhibition. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1898-99, 6: 65-113.—German, K. I. [External inhibition in children of various ages] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1937, 47: No. 3, 52-60.—Gogava, M. [On general inhibi- tion and release] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 7: 74-6.— Harris, D. F. What is inhibition? Discovery, Lond., 1926, 7: 198-203.—Hirschberg, E. Ueber nervose Hemmungen. Zsehr. Biol.. 1930 31, 91: 117-25.— Korzybski. A. On inhibi- tion. In his Science A Sanity, 2. ed., N. Y., 1941, 341-57.— Myers, G. C. Infants' inhibition, a genetic study. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1922, 29: 288-301.—Snow, R. Experi- ments on growth and inhibition; new phenomena of inhibition. Proc R. Soc, Lond., 1931, ser. B., 108: 305-16. ---- central and neural. Beritov, L, Bakuradze, A. [et al.] [Manifestations of general inhibition and release in the central nervous system] Sborn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937, 6. Congr., 1-10.—Bonnet, V., & Bremer, F. Du mecanisme de l'inhibition centrale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 760-7.—Bremer, F. Recherche sur les processus d'excitation et d'inhibition centrale. Ann. physiol., Par., 1931, 7: 176-84. ------ Contribution a I'etude du phenom^ne de l'inhibition centrale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 465-9.—Denny-Brown, D. On inhibition as a reflex accompaniment of the tendon jerk and of other forms of active muscular response. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1928, ser. B, 103: 321-36, 2 pl.—Dzidzivshili. N. N. [Correlation between excita- tion and inhibition in skin irritations] J. Physiol. USSR, 1939, 26: 354-68.—Fearing, F. A critique of the experimental studies of cortical inhibition, with special reference to the knee jerk, J. Comp. Psychol., 1927, 7: 285-96.—Feldman, A. B. The change of the effect produced by electric stimulation upon an afferent nerve during the Sechenov inhibition in a frog and during certain other forms of inhibition. Bull. biol. m6d. exp. URSS, 1936, 2: 250. ------Markelova, G. I. [et al.] [Char- acteristics of certain forms of central inhibition in the frog] Sborn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937, 6. Congr., 796-801 — Flachsbart-Kraft, F. Messung von Hemmungszeiten. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1930, 117: 73-145.— Ivanov-Smolensky, A. G. [Experimental clinical investigation on protective inhibition] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 42: 59-62.— Kaminsky, S. D., & Maiorov, F. P. [Training of cortical inhibi- tion in excitable types; method for steadying the differentiation inhibition in apes of excitable tvpe] J. Physiol. USSR, 1939, 26: 478-86.—Kaminsky, S. D., Volpe, V., & Bam, L. A. [Training of inhibition in excitable types; effect of suddenly prolonged action of inhibitory conditional stimulus on the inhibitory function of the cerebral hemispheres in apes] Ibid., 487-96.—Magnitsky, A. N. [Investigation of the nature of central inhibition] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1939, 54: No. 1, 153-64—Marrazzi, A. S. The distribution and nature of ganglionic inhibition in the ympathetic system. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 57 (Abstr.)—Nikitin, N. N. [Functional nervous field and inhibi- tion] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1934, ser. A, 35: 81-97.—Rozhansky, N., Garibian [et al.] [Inhibition processes in various parts of the central nervous system] Sborn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937, 6. Congr., 143-8.—Samoilov, A., & Kisselev, M. Zur Charakteristik der zentralen Hemmungsprozesse. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926-27, 215: 699-715.—Spencer, L. T. Central inhibition in the albino rat. J. Comp. Psychol., 1923, 3: 389- 408.—Ukhtomsky. A. A. |From the historv of the theory of nervous inhibition] Priroda, Leningr., 1937, 26: 164-70.— Velinsky, S. Le caract^re deviatif de l'inhibition centrale. Rapp. Congr. internat. psvchol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 479-83. See also Conditioned reflex. Jakovleva, V. V. [Determination of the lability of nervous processes in the dog by means of repeated transformation of the conditioned stimulus! Tr. Fiziol. lab. Pavlova, 1938, 8: 32- 42.—Martsinkevich. O. K., & Petrovsky. V. V. [Ueber die kombinierte Wirkung der bedingten Hemmung und DifTc- renzierung] J. Physiol. USSR, 1934, 17: 32-7—Rodnick, K. IL Does the interval of delav of conditioned responses possesb inhibitorv properties? J. Exp. Psychol., 1937, 20: 507-27.— Rosenthal, I. S. [Conditioned reflexes in dogs with one hemi- sphere; character of the process of inhibition] Arkh. biol.nauk, 1937, 46: No. 3, 47-52.—Wickens, D. D. The simultaneous transfer of conditioned excitation and conditioned inhibition. J. Exp. Psychol., 1939, 24: 332-8. ---- Disinhibition. Dworkin, S., Baxt, J. O., & Gross, J. Deafness neurosis in the cat as a special form of disinhibition. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 23 (Abstr.)—Horns, H. L., & Heron, W. T. A study of disinhibition in the white rat. J. Comp. Psychol., 1940, 30: 97-102.—Reynolds, H. E. Further disinhibition phenomena in the maze behavior of the white rat. Ibid., 1939 27- 271-82 Skinner, B. F. A failure to obtain disinhibi- tion.' J. Cen. Psychol., 1936, 14: 127-35.—Wenger, M. A. External inhibition and disinhibition produced by duplicate stimuli. Am. J. Psychol., 1936, 48: 446-56. ---- Psychoanalytical aspect. See also Conflict; Ego; Psychoneurosis; Sub- conscious. Af Geijerstam, E. Zur Frage des Verdrangungsproblems. Acta psychiat. neur., 1927, 2: 5-38.—Balthazard, V. Represi6n y anormales. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1924, 11: 264-75.—Berkeley- Hill, O. Some reflections on the part played by inhibitions in the matter of sexual reciprocity. Marriage Hyg., Bombay, 1935-36, 2: 145-50.—Bjerre, P. [Repression symptoms and their treatment] Hygiea, Stockh., 1922, 84: 1009-40.— Connellan, P. S. Repression of painful memories. Lancet, Lond., 1924, 2: 833.—Deutsch, II. A discussion of certain forms of resistance. Internat. J. Psychoanal., Lond., 1939, 20: 72-83. Also Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1939, 24: 10-20.—Freud, S. Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety. Psychoanal. Q., 1935, 4: 616; 1936, 5: 1; 261; 415—Gould, R. Repression experimentally analyzed. Character & Personality, 1941-42, 10: 259-88.—Grinker, R. R. A comparison ol psychological repression and neurological inhibition. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1939, 89: 765-81.—Guthrie, E. R. Associative inhibition. In his Psychol. Human Conflict, N. Y., 1938, 47-63.—Henning, H. Ueber innere Hemmungen. Zsehr. i Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1928, 106: 23-57.— Hesnard, A. Les aspects multiples du refoulement. J. psychol. i norm, path., Par., 1923, 20: 585-9— Hunt, J. R. Erethizo- phrenia and kolyphrenia; a physiologic conception of psycho- : logic types. Tr. Am. Neur. Ass., 1932, 58: 614-28.—Laforgue, s R. Ueberlegungen zum Begriff der Wrdriingimg. Internat. : Zsehr. Psychoanal., 1928, 14: 371-4.—Lundholm, H. Repres- - sion and rationalization. Brit. J. M. Psychol., 1933, 13: 23- , 50.—McGranahan, D. V. A critical and experimental study of i repression. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1940, 35: 212-25.—Marcuse. , Psychische Erregung und Hemmung vom Standpunkt der : Jodl'schen Psychologie. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1914, 53: 262- i 74.—Oldfield, R. C. Some recent experiments bearing on I internal inhibition. Brit. J. Psychol., 1937-38, 28: 28-42 — . Repressive influences and mental health. Ment. Hyg. News, - Alb., 1934-35, 5: No. 3, 2.—Richter, A. Was ist Verdrangung? ] Wien. med. Wschr., 1933, 83: 954-9.—Saussure, R.de. Instinct - d'inhibition. Rev. fr. psychanal., 1929, 3: 491-508.—Schroder, . J. Ueber gedankenfliichtige Denkhemmung. Zsehr. ges. - Neur. Psychiat., 1910, 2: 57-76.—Sears, R. R. Initiation of l the repression sequence by experienced failure. J. Exp. - Psychol., 1937, 20: 570-80.—Stern, A. Freud's Inhibition, - Symptom and Anxiety. Psychoanal. Rev., 1927, 14: 207-37.— i Tausk, V. Compensation as a means of discounting the motive : of repression. Internat. J. Psychoanal., Lond., 1924, 5: 130- f 40.—Travis, L. E., & Baruch, D. W. What happens after r repression. In their Personal Probl., N. Y., 1941, 95-103.— f Wenger, M. A. A criticism of Pavlov's concept of internal , inhibition. Psychol. Rev., 1937, 44: 297-312. 1 • ---- Psychology. 7 See also Hypnosis; Learning; Memory, etc. Bills, A. G. Inhibition and facilitation. Psychol. Bull., ', 1927, 24: 473-87.—Fernandez Espana, G. La inhibici6n if psicol6gica. Rev. san. mil., Madr., 1918, 3. ser., 8: 185-90.— ., Houlahan, F. J. Immediacy of interpolation and amount of :r inhibition. J. Educ. Psychol., 1941, 32: 37-44.—Jenkins, T. N. i. Facilitation and inhibition. Arch. Psychol., N. Y., 1926, 14: il 1-56.—Peak, H. Inhibition as a function of stimulus in- - tensity. Psychol. Monogr., 1936, 47: No. 2, 135-47.—Penrose, ---- conditioned. INHIBITION 297 INHIBITION L. S. Some experiments upon inhibition and suggestion. Brit. J. Psychol., 1925-26, 16: Gen. Sect., 180-92.—Robin, G. Sur une forme nouvelle d'inhibition mentale chez l'enfant: l'inhibi- tion epileptique ou epileptoide; importance de son depistage k l'age scolaire. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1931, 3. ser., 104: 788- 91.—Skaggs, E. B. The major descriptive categories of inhibi- tion in psychology. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1929, 24: 310-7.— Winsor, A. L. Inhibition and learning. Psychol. Rev., 1929, 36: 389-401. ---- retroactive. See also Learning. Kennelly, T. W. The role of similarity in retroactive inhibition. 56p. 25^cm. N. Y., 1941. Britt, S. H. Retroactive inhibition: a review of the litera- ture. Psychol. Bull., 1935. 32: 381-440. ------ Theories of retroactive inhibition. Psychol. Rev., 1936, 43: 207-16.— Bunch, M. E., & Winston, M. M. The relationship between the character of the transfer and retroactive inhibition. Am. J. Psychol., 1936, 48: 598-608.—Buxton, C. E., & Henry, C. E. Retroaction and gains in motor learning; similarity of interpolated task as a factor in gains. J. Exp. Psychol 1939, 25: 1-17.—Frank, J. D., & Ludvigh, E. J. The retro- active effect of pleasant and unpleasant odors on learning Am. J. Psychol., 1931, 43: 102-8.—Gibson, E. J. Retroactive inhibition as a function of degree of generalization between tasks. J. Exp. Psychol., 1941, 28: 93-115.—Hinrich, W. Zur Frage der rtickwirkenden Hemmung (Versuche mit Kindern) Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1926, 99: 389-92.—Johnson, L. M. Similarity of meaning as a factor in retro-active inhibition. J. Gen. Psychol., 1933, 9: 377-89.— McGeoch, J. A. The influence of degree of learning upon retroactive inhibition. Am. J. Psychol., 1929, 41: 252-62. ------ Studies in retroactive inhibition: the temporal course of the inhibitory effects of interpolated learning. J. Gen. Psychol., 1933, 9: 24-43. —---- Studies in retroactive inhibition: relationships between temporal point of interpola- tion, length of interval, and amount of retroactive inhibition. Ibid., 44-57. ------ Studies in retroactive inhibition: retroactive inhibition as a function of the length and frequency of presentation of the interpolated lists. J. Exp. Psychol., 1936, 19: 674T93. ■-----: & McGeoch, G. O. Studies in retroactive inhibition: the influence of the relative serial posi- tions of interpolated synonyms. Ibid., 1-23. ------ Studies in retroactive inhibition: the influence of similarity of meaning between lists of paired associates. Ibid., 1937, 21: 320-9.— McGeoch, J. A., & Sisson, E. D. Studies in retroactive in- hibition: the influence of the relative serial positions of inter- polated synonyms in 20-item lists. Ibid., 1938, 22: 547-54.— McGeoch, J. A., McKinney, F., & Peters, H. N. Studies in retroactive inhibition: retroactive inhibition, reproductive inhibition and reminiscence. Ibid., 1937, 20: 131-43.— Melton, A. W. Retroactive and proactive inhibition in re- tention; evidence for a 2-factor theory of retroactive inhibition. Am. J. Psychol., 1941, 54: 157-73. ------ Overt interlist intrusions and retroactive inhibition as a function of the ratio of the degrees of learning of original and interpolated verbal habits. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 575. ------ & Irwin, J. McQ. The influence of degree of interpolated learning on retroactive inhibition and the overt transfer of specific re- sponses. Am. J. Psychol., 1940, 53: 173-203.—Newman, E. B. The temporal factor in retroactive inhibition. Psychol. Bull., 1939, 36: 543.—Philip, B. R. Proactive and retroactive effects in the recognition of form. J. Exp. Psychol., 1940, 26: 502- 13.—Prentice, W. C. H. Retroactive inhibition and the in- terruption of tasks. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 496 (Abstr.)— Razran, G. H. S. Decremental and incremental effects of dis- tracting stimuli upon the salivary CRs of 24 adult human subjects (inhibition and disinhibition?) J. Exp. Psychol., 1939, 24: 647-52.—Sand, M. C. The effect of length of list upon retroactive inhibition when degree of learning is con- trolled. Arch. Psychol., N. Y., 1939, No. 238, 5-49.—Schmeid- ler, G. R. Retroaction and proaction in serial learning. Am. J. Psychol., 1939, 52: 592-600.—Sisson, E. D. Retroactive inhibition; serial versus random order of presentation of material. J. Exp. Psychol., 1938, 23: 288-94.------ Re- troactive inhibition; the temporal position of interpolated activity. Ibid., 1939. 25: 228-33.—Skaggs, E. B. The con- cept of retroactive inhibition. Psychol. Rev., 1926, 33: 237- 44.—Zangwill, O. L. The problem of retroactive inhibition in relation to recognition. Rapp. Congr. internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 498. ---- Theory. Agadjanian, K. Analyse physiologique et clinique des processus d'inhibition. Encephale, 1931, 26: 689-700.— Ashby, W. R. On the nature of inhibition: a review. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1934, 80: 198-222.—Bogoslovsky, A. I. [Inhibition of discrimination, recognition and differentiation; experimental examination] J. Physiol. USSR, 1940, 28: 283-91.—Dodge, R. The problem of inhibition. Psychol. Rev., 1926, 33: 1-12. ------ Theories of inhibition; the refractory phase hypothesis of inhibition. Ibid., 167-87.—Kabanow, N. Inhibition, reac- tions inverses, tonicite et processus trophiques. Acta med. scand, 1936, 88: 407-26.—McDougall, W. The hypothesis of inhibition by drainage. Psychol. Rev., 1926, 33: 370-4. ——— The bearing of Professor Pavlov's work on the problem of inhibition. J. Gen. Psychol., 1929, 2: 231-62.—Nagge, J. W. An experimental test of the theorv of associative interference. J. Exp. Psychol., 1935, 18: 663-82.—Narbutovich, I. O. [Overtension of the inhibitory process] Tr. Fiziol. lab. Pavlova, 1938, 8: 360-8.—Oukhtomsky. A. A. La lability phvsiologique et 1 acte d'inhibition. Proc Internat. Phvsiol. Congr. (1935) i9?,8.' V5' ConSr.. 611-5.—Patrizi, M. L. Sull'ipotesi umorale dell mibizione cardiaca; e se sia estensibile ad ogni altro feno- meno inibitorio (esperienze e ragioni) Rev. crim., B. Air., 1926, ?3: num. extra., 135-9— Podkopaiev, N. [On the moment, in which the irradiation of the inhibitory process begins] In Sborn. Pavlova (Omeliansky & Orbeli) Leningr., 1924, 297-306.—Zhukov, E. K., Gurkin, D. S. [et al.] [On the factor of lability in humoral inhibition] Sborn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937, 6. Congr., 107-9. ---- in animals. • v.S3-1"' ^- A- [Effect of sodium bromide on differentiating inhibition in monkeys in relation to the strength of the in- hibitory stimuli] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1937, 47: No. 3, 24-51.— Buytendijk. F. J. J. Ueber Hemmungen gewohnter Bewe- gungen bei Tieren. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1930, 15: 381-401.— Crozier, W. J. Reversal of inhibition by atropine, in cater- pillars. Biol. Bull., 1922, 43: 239-45.—Frolov, J. P., & Kaku- zina, B. E. [Peculiarities in the course of neurosis in a dog; various inhibition types due to the effect of acids as uncondi- tioned stimulus] In Probl. nevrast. (Rosenstein, L. M., et al) Moskva, 1935, 151-64.—Knowlton, F. P., & Campbell, C. j. Observations on peripheral inhibition in arthropods. Am. J Physiol., 1929, 91: 19-26.—Maiorov, F. P. [Inertia of the inhibitory process in a dog of a marked balanced type] Tr Fiziol. lab. Pavloya, 1938, 8: 139-47. ------ [Case of experi- mental neurosis caused by increased inhibition] Ibid., 349-59. Moore, A. R. On the nature and inhibition in Pennatula. Am. J. Physiol., 1926, 76: 112-5.—Ouch tomsky. A.. & Vino- gradov, M. [Inertia of dominants, inhibition of foci of height- ened irritability in the nerve currents] In Sborn. Pavlova (Omeliansky & Orbeli) Leningr., 1924, 47-54.—Schiche. O. E. Ueber gewisse Hemmungserscheinungen bei Reaktionen des dressierten Hundes. J. Psychol. Neur., Lpz., 1921-22, 27: 289-312.—Strogaia, E. Z. [Weak, inhibitory type of the nerv- ous system of the dog] Tr. Fiziol. lab. Pavlova, 1938, 8: 293-8. INHIBITOR nerve. See Heart nerves, Cardioinhibitors. INIENCEPHALUS. See Brain, Hernia. INION. See Craniology [and craniometry] Occipital bone. INITIAL body. See Inclusion body; Virus. INITIATION. See also under related ethnological terms as Circumcision; Infibulation; Puberty, etc. Beyer, G. Die Mannbarkeitsschule in Siidafrika; speziell unter den Sotho in N. W. Transvaal. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1926, 58: 249-61, ill.—Borgius, W. Die Pubertatsweihen. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1925, 12: 117-27.—Brownlee, F. The in-Tonjane ceremony, as observed in Fingoland. Man, Lond., 1935, 35: 8.—Drourega, M. Initiation of a girl in the Acenga tribe, Katondwe Mission Northern Rhodesia. Anthropos, Modling, 1927, 22: 620.—Fetscher, R. Einweihungsriten. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1929-30, 16: 346.—Flugel, J. C. The examination as initiation rite and anxiety situation. Internat. J. Psycho- anal., Lond., 1939, 20: 275-86.—Frazer, J. G. Ceremonies must be observed when girls reach maturity. In his Native Races of America, Lond., 1939, 89. ------■ When a girl reaches puberty. Ibid., 98. ------ Legend of the origin of the secret societies. Ibid., 116-8.—Haddon, A. C. Initia- tion. In Rep. Cambridge Anthrop. Exped. Torres Straits, 1904, 5: 208-21.—Hambly, W. D. Tribal initiation of boys in Angola. Am. Anthrop., 1935, 37: 36-40.—Harley, G. W. Sacrifices to hallow a ritual of initiation. In his Native Afr. Med., Cambr., 1941, 131-5.—Hocart, A. M. Initiation. Folklore, Lond., 1924, 35: 308-23. ------ Confinement at puberty. Man, Lond., 1927, 27: No. 31, 53. ------ Initia- tion and manhood. Ibid., 1935, 35: 20-2. ------ Initiation and healing. Ibid., 1937, 37: 41 3— Kaberry, P. M. Pre- puberty rites. In her Aborig. Woman, Phila., 1939, 234-7.—■ Kawaters, H. Reifezeremonien und Geheimbund bei den Babali-Negern vom Ituri. Erdball, 1931, 5: 454-64, 7 fig.— Kuper, G. An initiation ceremony in the British Solomon Islands. Native M. Pract., Suva, 1934-37, 2: 387-98.— Leenhardt, M. L'initiation chez les Venda et les Santos. INITIATION 298 INJECTION Anthropologic, Par., 1930, 40: 463.—Opler, M. E. The girl's puberty rite. In his Apache Lifeway, Chic, 1941, 82-134.— Phelps. S. Pubertv observances in Polynesia and Micronesia. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 145-51 — Powdermakcr, H. Initiation rites. In her Life in Lesu, N. Y., 1 !i33. 102 39, pl.—Schaefer, P. A. Zur Initiation im Wnsi-Tal. Aiilhi..) .-. Modling, 1938, 33: 401-23.—Schulien, M. Die Initiati'iiszeremonien der Miidchen bei den Atxuabo. Ibid., 1923 21. 18:-19: 69-103.—Seligmann, ('. G. Women's puberty customs. In Rep. Cambridge Anthrop. Exped. Torres Straits, 1904, 5: 201-7.—Wagner, G. Reifeweihen bei den Bantustiimmen Kavirondos und ihre heutige Bedeutung. Arch. Anthrop., Brnschw., 1939, n. F„ 25: 85-100, 3 pl — Walk, L. Initiationszeremonien und Pubertatsriten der siidafrikanischen Stiimme. Anthropos, Modling, 1928, 23: 861-966. INIZAN, Yves, 1910- *Considerations sur le traitement des fractures de l'extremite superieure de l'humerus chez les sujets ag£s. ">6p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1937. INJECTION. See also under names of canals, cavities, and organs; also names of substances injected as Anesthetization and subheadings (intraperitoneal; intratracheal; intravenous; lumbar; parasacral; paravertebral; spinal, etc.) Blood transfusion; Brain, Encephalography; Brain ventricles, Ven- triculography; Bronchography; Cataract, Sur- gery: Anesthesia and akinesia of eye; Cerebro- spinal cavity, Puncture; Colon, Irrigation; Duo- denum, Irrigation; Dural sinus; Ear (external) Canal: Syringing; Eye, Anterior chamber: Paracentesis, injection and irrigation; Eyelid, Akinesia; Impregnation, artificial, etc. Dutton, VY. F., & Lake, G. B. Parenteral therapy; a ready reference manual of extra-oral medication for physicians, dentists, pharmacists, chemists, biologists, nurses, medical students and veterinarians. 386p. 8? Springf. [1936] Levi, D. Injection treatment in medical practice. 150p. 8? Lond., 1932. Cordingley, E. W. Injection therapy. Chiropody Rec, 1942, 25: 121-6.—Daubresse, F. L'abus de la s£ringue. Rev. med., Louvain, 1926. 270.—Dutton, W. F. Parenteral medica- tion. Clin. M. & S., 1930, 37: 805-9.—Ettmuller, M. Dis- sertation sur l'infusion des liqueurs dans les vaisseaux (1689) Biol, med., Par., 1939, 29: 347-73.—Friedemann, M. Zwan- zig Jahre intravenose Dauer-Tropfinfusion; Geschichte der Einfuhrung, Ausbau und Urteil. Arch. klin. Chir., 1933-34, 178: 1-61.—Gladstone, E. Johann Sigismund Elsholtz (1023-88) Clysmatica Nova (1665) Elsholtz' neglected work on intravenous injection. California West. M., 1933, 39: 190-3.—Guerin, A. La petit lavement medicamenteux. J. sc. med. Lille, 1913, 36: pt 1, 247; 271.—Hirsch, C. Leber Injektionstherapie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 2-4.— Ipodermoclisi ed iniezione intra-venosa. Progr. ter., Milano, 1906, 85-90.—Krauss, H. Zur Geschichte der intravenosen Injektion. Med. Welt, 1941, 15: 457.—Lackey, W. J. The injection treatment of certain conditions in general practice. North Carolina M. J., 1942, 3: 593-7.—Levi, D. Injection treatment; a supplement to surgery. Practitioner, Lond., 1936, 136: 500-8. ------ Injection treatment as an aid to surgery. In Pract. Procedures (Rolleston, H. D.) Lond., 1938, 213-24 — Mayrhofer, B. Einige Klarstellungen zur Geschichte der Bluttransfusion, der subkutanen Injektion und der intra- venosen Infusion. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 1417-20.— Parenteral fluid administration; Hartmann's work indicates the complex nature of acid-base balance and suggests means of combating abnormal changes. Ther. Notes, Detr., 1935, 42: 8-10.—Porritt, A. E. Injection treatments. Med. Press & Circ, Dubh, 1936, 193: 27-30.—Recchioni, M. Considera- zioni su centotrenta mila iniezioni. Athena, Roma, 1939, 8: 225-8.—Sherwood, E. Intravenous treatment of yesterday and to-dav. Johns Hopkins Nurs. Alumnae Mag., 1941, 40: 135-7, ---- Accidents and injuries. Breitenbach, L. *Aerztliche Kunstfehler bei der Injektion von Medikamenten. 46p. 8? Bonn, 1935. L'Espine, A. de. *Der Bruch der Injektions- kanule; seine klinischen und forensischen Folgen [Wurzburg] 20p. 8? Ochsenfurt, 1937. Montel, P. L. E. *Les accidents dus a la penetration arterielle fortuite des medicaments [Paris] 51 p. 8? Fontainebleau, 1934. Wirth, A. *Ueber Nadelfrakturen in der konservierendcn Zahnheilkunde. 22p. 8? Miinch., 1937. Alleged negligence in hvpodermic injection. Lancet. Lond., 1936, 1:571.—Alter, W. Injektionen und ihre Zufallc Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 660; 1131.— Axhaus-on, G. Die opera- tive Entfernung der algebrochenen Mandibularisnadel. Chirurg, 1936, 8: 757-9.- Broken (A) hypodermic syringe; action for alleged negligence. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: 41.— Davis, H. A. Acute circulatory failure (shock) following subcutaneous injection of hvpertonic sodium chloride solution. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 354-7— De Saram, G. S. W. The dangers associated with injections. J. Ceylon Brit. M. Ass., 1939, 36: 34-40, pl.—Eaton, L. M., & Feinberg, S. M. Accidental hvpodermic transmission of malaria in drug addicts. Am. J. M. Sc, 1933, 186: 679-83. Engel. H. Ab- hrcohen der Injektionsspritze; Kunst fehler* Med. Klin., Berl.. 1935, 31: 683-6-Goldhahn, R. Fehler und Gefahren bei Kinspritzungen. Med. Welt, 1941, 15: 447; passim.— Kremer, W. Wie soil sich der Arzt beim Abbrechen einer Nadel in der Brustwand verhalten? Miinch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 2020.—Lentz, R. F. Multiple injections from a single carpule, a source of infection. Dent. Surv., 1941, 17: 1052. Mal- practice; hypodermic needle broken in patient's jaw; doctrine of res ipsa loquitur not applicable [Indi:uia| J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 2103.—Paech & Trembur. TIaftet der Arzt, der beim Bruch einer Kaniile einen sofortigen Eingriff zur Ent- fernung des abirehror.henen Stiickes unterlasst? Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 62: 1015.—Pearl, H. F. Danger of suit from failure to remove broken needle. California West. M., 1940, 53: 199.—Rosedale, It. S. Hvpodermic needle in stomach wall. N. York State ,I. M., 1938, 38: 928.- Stor, O. Fehler und Gefahren bei subcutanen, intramuskuliiren und intra- venosen Einspritzungen. Chirurg, 1933, 5: 171-85.—Thomas, E. H. The removal of broken hypodermic needles. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1932, 19: 1747. ---- Apparatus and instruments. See also Needle; Syringe, Barbour, A. B. A useful addition to the equipment of a mobile unit. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 513—Boscolo, J. M. In- yecto-evacuador multiple; nuevo dispositivo que reemplaza [a diversos] aparatos en ciertas opciaciones corrientes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 2, 1 141 --57.—Buercklin, K. O. Injection device. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,168,437.— Dutky, S. R., & Fest, W. C. Microinjector. Ibid,, 1942, No. 2,270,804.—Finochietto, E. . Dispositivos para inyecciones. Prensa med. argent., 1933-34, 20: 1744.- Fur.st, J. Ein kleines Instrument zur Vereinfachung der Injektion. Anat. Anz., 1939, 88: 347-50.—Guerrini, G. Dispositivo per iniettare, senza interruzione di continuity, due o piii liquidi a pressione costante, controllata e regolabile. Clin, vet., Milano, 1926, 49: 82-4.—Hulsmann, J. D., & Nitardy, F. W. A single done emergency hypodermic unit. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1943, 32: 60-3.—Hypodermoclysis; phleboclysis-(Venoclysis)-and pneu- mothorax. Surg. Equip., 1938, 5: No. 2, 14.—Jacobs, H. R. An easily inserted flexible cannula. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 30: 1160.—Javier Cortezo, F. Maniquies para practica'r las tricnicas de inyeccion intravenosa e intramuscolar. Siglo med., 1931, 87: 118-20.—Kurkjian, Y. H. Injector. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,183,482.—Lignieres. Seringues et aiguilles pour injections intradermiques. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1930, 3. ser., 104: 313.—Perlstein, M. A. A simple apparatus for controlling temperature of fluid during injection. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1931, 16: 837.—Pottenger, F. M., jr. Rubber flask connectors for hypodermoclysis, intravenous therapy and other uses. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 1503.—Sachse. B. Ein aseptisches Instrumentarium. zur subkutanen Injektion. C. rend. Congr. dent, internat., 1909, 5. Congr., 11. Teil, 33 — Schioppa, L. Modelli di tre quarti per iniezioni conservative alle salme. Riv. Soc. ital. igiene, 1937, 59: 154-6.—Schmidt, G. Bereitschaftskasten des Arztes und des Zahnarztes fiir eilige Einspritzungen im Sprechzimmer. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 87.—Seabra, P. Un gotinyector; justificaci6n y presenta- ci6n definitiva de un modelo especial para la terapeutica adsor- bente en la tuberculosis y aplicable a todos los casos de instila- cion venosa. Prensa med. argent., 1934, 21: 1721-35.— Shaw, J. E. B. Parenteral injection device. U. S. Patent Off., 1943, No. 2,314,167.—Soskin, S. A simple constant injection apparatus. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1933, 18: 420.—Swabacker, J. E. B. Parenteral injection unit. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,256,657; No. 2,259,276.—Walter, C. W. Simplified apparatus for the administration of parenteral fluid. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1982.—Wright, C. B. A vacuum bottle for infusions and hypodermoclysis. West Virginia M. J., 1937, 33: 449. ---- intraarterial. See also Heart-block, Asystole. Lami, G. *Des injections directes de medica- ments dans les arteres. 41p. 8? Par., 1937. Cunha Lamos, A. Therapeutique par voie arterielle. Proc. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1933, 42: 384-98.—Desliens, L. In- jections intra-arterielles et nouvelles methodes d'exploration de I'appareil circulatoire. Rec. med. v6t., 1931, 107: 898- INJECTION 299 INJECTION 928.—Fontes, G., & Thivolle, L. L'injection intra-arterielle et i'endomassage du coeur. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1925, 93: 267-9.—Fourmestraux, J. de, & Fredet, M. La voie arterielle en therapeutique chirurgicale. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 1347-54.—Fracassi, H. Sobre inyecci6n anat6mica del sistema arterial. Prensa med. argent., 1938, 25: 810.—Fried- rich H. E\tremitatengangran nach intraarterieller Injektion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 1643-7.—Huet, P., & Bargeton, D. Sur les effets des injections intra-arterielles. Mem. Acad. chir, Par., 1936, 62: 484-7. Also Prat. med. fr., 1936, 17: 436-43. Also Presse med., 1936, 44: 677-81.—Lamas, A. Therapeutique par voie arterielle. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1933, 51: 353-8.—Le Grand, E. Hautinfarzierung als Kompli- kation bei intraarterieller Injektion. Zsehr. Kreislaufforsch., 1939, 31: 309-12.—Leriche. R. A propos de la therapeutique par voie arterielle dans les infections et en dehors de l'infection. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1938, 56: 41.—Lopez Trigo, J. La via intraarterial en el tratamiento de los procesos infectivos agudos. Med. trab. hig. indust., Madr., 1930, 1: 159765.— Luccarelli, V. Iniezioni endoarteriose. Riv. Soc ital. igiene, 1937, 59: 137-9.—Moniz, E. Injections intracarotidiennes et substances injectables opaques aux rayons X. Presse med., 1927, 35: 969-71.—Moore, R. M. The stimulation of pe- ripheral nerve-elements subserving pain-sensibility by intra- arterial injections of neutral solutions. Am. J. Physiol., 1934- 85, 110: 191-7.—Ortiz Tirado, A. Cloruro de sodio por via intrarterial; inyecciones intrarteriales de solucion de yoduro as sodio al 5% en el tratamiento de dos casos de artricomicosis de los miembros inferiores. Hosp. gen., Mex., 1931-32, 6: 1085-8.—Santos, J. C. dos. Spasme veineux du bras apr£s injection intra-arterielle; action de l'infiltration du ganglion etoiie; controle phiebographique avant et apr^s 1'infiifcration. Rev. chir., Par., 1938, 76: 308-14. ------ Arterial injections with stasis in the therapy of infections. Surgery, 1939, 5: 436-43.—Scremin, L. Fattori che modificano la ripartizione dei farmaci iniettati nelle arterie. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1928, 3: 863.—Tornai, J. Neues Verfahren bei plotzlicher Lebe'nsgefahr: die intraaortale Injektion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1923, 19: 792. Also Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1923, 35. Kongr 98.—Valerio, A. Injections intra-arterielles thera- peutiques. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1936, 28: 515.—Wilmoth, P. L'angiotherapie arterielle. Presse med., 1939, 47: 1249-51. ---- intracutaneous. See also Allergy, Diagnosis; Vaccination, etc. Nadler, H. *Ueber den Einfluss intrader- mal Einspritzungen auf das Blutbild. 29p. 8? Miinch., 1930. Valdeyron, R. *Essai sur Taction physio- logique et les effets therapeutiques de certaines substances en injections intra-dermiques. 71 p. 25cm. Montpel., 1934. Aitoff, M. Reactions pigmentees des teguments chez le lapin apres certaines injections intradermiques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 118: 1380-2.—Anderson, D. The intracutaneous injection of small measured volumes of liquid. Med. J. Aus- tralia, 1939, 2: 68.—Bruckner, W. J. Intradermal injection. In Ther. Int. Dis. (Blumer, G., et al.) N. Y., 1: 1940, 771.- Drouet, G. Du mode d'action des injections intradermiques; conceptions nouvelles et deductions therapeutiques. J. med. Paris 1929, 48: 550-2.—Hodges, F. C. Oration on medicine; the diagnostic value of intradermal injections. West \ nginia M J 1936 32: 393-6.—Intradermal injections. Physicians Bull.," 1939, 4: 166-70.—Lasch, F. Ueber den Leukozyten- sturz nach intrakutaner Injektion im hoheren Lebensalter ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Haut. Wien. Arch, inn Med., 1930, 20: 343-50—Luithlen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber intracutane Injektionen. Arch. Derm. Syph Berl., 1926, 151: 74-7 —Matt F. Eine neue Kanule zur intrakutanen Injektion (Forapin-Kaniile) Munch, med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 1883— Peck, J. W. Intradermal injections. Pharm. J., Lond., 1942, 94- 126 —Puech, A., & Valdeyron. Les effets vaso-moteurs de l'injection intradermique de quelques solutions medica- menteuses. Arch. Soc sc med. biol. Montpellier, 1934-35, 16. 2fi_3i —Taylor, F. W. Actual site in skin of intradermal m- jectioA. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 2475—Veilchenblau, L. Beobachtungen zur kutanen Leistungssteigerung. Munch. med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 98— Volynsky, A. S., & Stoharova, M. N [Specific action of intracutaneous injections) K.nn. med.,Moskva, 1931, 9: 764-70. Also Zsehr ges. exp. Med 1931 79- 164-72.—Wilmoth. P. L'anesthesie intracutanee. Presse med., 1938, 46: 1583.—Yourevitch, V. Pigmentation du derme et repousse du poll consecutive aux reactions intra- dermiques chez le lapin. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 117: 118b-8. ---- intramuscular. Boudet, S. *Des injections intra-muscu- laires: leurs points d'election chez le chien. 85p. 25cm. Lyon, 1934. Arnold J O Intramuscular medication. Med. World, 1941 59- 390 —Billimoria, B. R-, & Dunlop, E. E. Intra- muscular" administration of fluids. Lancet, Lond., 1940 2: nT—Bnickner W. J. Intramuscular therapy. In Ther. Int. Dk ?Blumer!a, et al.) N. Y., 1: 1940. 782-4.-Christahl, K. H. Eine neue Technik bei der intramuskularen Injektion. Munch, med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 840.—Cornbleet, T. Sitting posture for intragluteal injections. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1939, 39: 527.—De Seze. Sui rischio di certe iniezioni intra- muscolari. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 572 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Gerson, L. L'injection intramusculaire. J. med. Paris, 1935, 55: 1113-5—Ktilbs, F. Ueber die Folgen intramuskularer Injektionen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 376.—Mathe, C. P. Suggestions as to the technic for injections into the gluteal muscles." Am. J. Syph., 1928, 12: 362-4, 2 pl — Velu. Les injections intra-musculaires chez le cheval, lieux d'election. Rev. vet., Toulouse, 1923, 75: 553-7.—Walker, C. The pectoralis major for intramuscular injections. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 158.—Wingfield, A. Intramuscular injection therapy. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1936, 193: Suppl. p. xi- xiv. ---- intravascular. Baudouin, A. Les injections intravasculaires continues d'adrenaline et d'insuline; quelques deductions physiologiques. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1938, 3. ser., 120: 248-52.—Cabassi, E. Contribucion al estudio experimental de la accion anticoagu- lante de las inyecciones intravasculares. Sem. med., B. Air., 1929, 36: pt 1, 206-19.—Chillingworth, F. P., Sweet, M. H., & Healy, J. C. Vascular injection as influenced by negative pressure. Anat. Rec, 1936, 66: 113-7.—Donadio, N. II metodo delle iniezioni endovasali con la celluloide. Ricer. morf., 1934, 14: 283-98.----—■ Nuovo apparecchio di precisione per le iniezioni endovasali alia celluloide di organi. Ibid., 319-24.—Goinard, P. Difference de toxicite d'une mtoe substance injectee dans les arteres et dans les veines. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 118: 689.—Rogoff, J. M. An appara- tus for constant intravascular • injection of liquids. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1939-40, 25: 853-6. ---- intravenous [incl. Infusion] Huhn [F. O.] H. *Die Entwicklung der intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion [Heidelberg] 15p. 21cm. Ochsenfurt a. M., 1934. Journal of intravenous therapy; devoted to pharmacology and therapeutics of intra- venous medication. N. Y., 1, 1922- Kalb, C. H. *A clinical study on intravenous infusion. 31p. 4? Milwaukee, 1938. Maspoli, C. *Les injections intraveineuses [Alfort] 125p. 8? Par., 1932. Muller, J. *Intravenose Dauertropfinfusion und ihre Storungen. p. i-iv, 149-55. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Also Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1935, 245: Riester, E. C. *Erfahrungen mit dem intra- venosen Dauertropfeinlauf wahrend der Jahre 1931-32 an der Berliner TJniversitats-Frauen- klinik [Berlin] 29p. 23cm. Emsdetten (Westf.) 1936. Sasaki, G. R. *Venoclysis. lOp. Oshkosh, 1936. Schwartz, J. *Beitrag zur intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion. lOp. 8? [Lpz.] 1920. Zedler, H. *Die intravenose Dauertropf- infusion in der inneren Klinik. 33p. 21cm. Bresl., 1938. Brandis, H. J. von. Ueber intravenose Dauertropfinfusion. Zbl Chir., 1931, 58: 2588-91.—Bruckner, W. J. Intravenous therapy. In Ther. Int. Dis. (Blumer, G., et al.) N. Y., 1: 1940 785-800.—Burr, W. R. Intravenous medication. Ken- tucky M. J., 1926, 24: 83-6.—David, A. Les injections intra- veineuses. J. sc med. Lille, 1920, 38: pt 1, 219-28.—Dempster, W. T. Intravenous injection. J. Michigan M. ^oc, 1936, 35: 667-72—Doerfler, H. Die intravenose Injektion. In his Fur d'Praxis. 2. Aufl., Miinch., 1939, 1: 273-5.—Engel, K. [Intravenous injection] Orv. hetil., 1933 77: 1149-53.— Falk, H. C. Intravenous infusions. Am. J. Surg., 1937, Sb: 31_6'__Farquharson, E. L. Continuous intravenous infusion. Edinburgh M. J., 1934, n. ser., 41: 530-44—Finn, N. Intra- venous injections. S. Afr. M. J., 1933 7: 751-3.-Frick, J. H. Further observations in intravenous therapy. Ir. Am. I her. Soc 1925-26, 26: 70-3. ------ Intravenous therapy. Ibid 27: 164^6. Also Med. J. & Rec, 1926 124: 618.- Gold' E. Intravenose Infusion. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 1239__Graham, G. Treatment by intravenous infusion. Tr. M. Soc London, 1938, 61: 15-33.-Hendon G. A. My recent experiences with venoclysis. Tr South. Surg. Ass. (1929) 1930 42-288-305 4 pl. ------ Venoclysis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930 95! 1175-8. ' Also Med. Arts, 1931, 34: 491-6.—Hundley, J W & Decker, H. B. Intravenous therapy. In Cyclop. Med."(Piersol-Bortz) Phila 1939, 8: 90-4.-Ide, M. Les injections intraveineuses. Rev. med., Louvain, 1922, 76-8 1931,27-9.—lngmand, E. B. Intravenous medication. North INJECTION 300 INJECTION Am. Vet., 1937. 18: No. 7, 23-30.—Johnston, J. I. Intravenous therapy. Atlantic M. J., 1926-27, 30: 145-8.—Keeley, J. L. Intravenous injections and infusions. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 50: IS."> -90.—Keys, B. B. Intravenous medication. Kentucky M. J., 1931, 29: 127-9.—Lake. G. B. Intravenous injections. Mod. Hosp., 1936, 47: No. 6, 55-8.— Lea. J. W. Intravenous therapy; a modern therapeutic necessity. Med. Rev. of Rev., 1927, 33: 177-83.—Lehman. Las instilaciones intravenosas. Cr6n. med. mex., 1934, 33: 175-9.—Libbrecht, A. Les injec- tions intraveineuses. Rev. med., Louvain, 1926, 220-9.— Longmore, A. J. Intravenous therapv. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1940-41, 18: 95-8.—Lundy, J. S., Osterberg. A. E., & Tuohy, E. B. Intravenous therapy. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1938, 35: 124-7.—Marietta, S. U. Intravenous medication from the clinical standpoint. Tr. Hawaii M. Ass., 1936, 46: 47-54.— Murphy. F. D., & Correll, H. C. The effects of intravenous solutions on patients with and without cardiovascular defects. Mod. Concepts Card. Dis., 1941, 10: No. 4, L—Pair, C. Q. Intravenous therapy. J. Nat. M. Ass., Newark, N. J., 1930, 22: 21-4.—Pritchard, H. Intravenous therapv. West London M. J., 1926, 31: 199-210. Also Brit. M. J., 1927. 1: 792-4 — Shafirov, B. G. P. Continuous intravenous infusion. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1931, 16: S97-900.—Simpson. S. L. Intravenous medication. Med. Press & Circ. Dub!., 1936, 193: Suppl., p. iv-vi.—Skinner, A. H. Continuous intravenous infusion. China M. J., 1931, 45: 49-54, 2 pl—Stewart, J. D., & Rourke, G. M. The effects of large intravenous infusions on bodv fluid. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 197-205.—Tillisch. J. H. Recent advances in intravenous fluid therapy. J. Lancet, 1941, 61: 51-6. Tovell, R. M.. & Patterson, R. L. Intravenous therapy, a hospilal problem for which the anesthetist mav provide a solution. Current Res. Anesth., 1940, 19: 171-5.—Wood, I. J., & Ross, C. W. The intravenous administration of blood, saline solution and glucose. Med. J. Australia, 1932, 1: 815-26. ---- intravenous: Accident and untoward ef- fects. See also Embolism; Thrombosis, etc. Bretschneider, F. W. *Zwischenfalle nach intravenosen Injektionen [Leipzig] 40p. 8°. Zeulenroda, 1935. Regan, D. M. *A statistical study of im- mediate and delayed reactions to intravenous injections of fluids. 19p. Milwaukee, 1937. Weller, A. [G.] *Ueber intravenose Injek- tionen und ihre Gefahren. 23p. 8? Tub., 1933. Wenger, K. *Die Gefahren bei der intra- venosen Injektion. 26p. 8? Bonn, 1933. Banks, H. M. A study of hvperpvrexia reaction following intravenous therapy. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1934, 4: 260-91 — Beck. A. Ueber Gefahren bei der Infusion von Normosal- und Kochsalzlosungen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 564-6. Also Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1302.—Bettolo, A. Gli incidenti della terapia endovenosa: etiopatogenesi, profilassi e cura. Pensiero med., 1926, 15: 703.—Boon, A. A., & Lindenboom, G. A. Occlusion arterielle apre\s injection intraveineuse. Arch. mal. coeur, 1938, 31: 1019-32.—Bouet. Les accidents locaux consecutifs aux injections intraveineuses; moyens de les prevenir. Rev. vet. mil., Par., 1930, 14: 296-304. ------ Prevention au cours des injections intraveineuses successives, des maladies transmissibles par le sang. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1933, 6: 384.—Burwinkel. O. Ueber intravenose Injektionen. Prakt. Arzt, 1928, n. F., 13: 460-2.—Caesar, F. Gefahren der Dauerinfusionen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1926, 67: 476.—Cutting, R. A., Larson, P. S., & Lands, A. M. Cause of death resulting from massive infusions of isotonic solutions. Arch. Surg., 1939, 38: 599-616.—Darrow, K. E. A review of the causes of reactions following intravenous injections of glucose and normal saline. J. Lancet, 1934, 54: 65.—Falck, J., & Lange, E. Ueber eine ausgedehnte Hautnekrose nach intravenoser Dauertropfinfusion mit Traubenzucker- und Adrenalinzusatz zu phvsiologischer Kochsalzlosung. Kinder- arztl. Prax., 1935, 6: 389-92.—Falk, H. C. The common causes of reaction following the use of intravenous solutions and their prevention. N. York State J. M., 1935, 35: 480-4.—Felsen, J. Post-intravenous reactions; a simple and economical technique for their avoidance based upon a study of 1660 phleboeh ses. Bull. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1935. 9: 98-108.—Finkelstein, Z. [Case of cortical blindness with Korsakov syndrome following intra- venous injection] Neur. polska, 1939, 22: 221.—Flandin, C. Les reactions thermiques consecutives aux injections intra- veineuses. Bull. 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Welt, 1932. 6: 1430; 1696; 1933, 7: 27S. -Lamm, II. Leber Storungen der intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1936, 248: 32-12. - Lawless. T. K. Treatment of accidental perivascular injections of aisphenamine or nenarsphenainine. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1931. 16: 1019-22.—Leschke. E.. & Weber, H. Un-diirkx- fiille bei intravenosen Injektionen. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1436. Moniz, E., de Carvalho, L., & Almeida Lima. Sur In sensibilite des veines du eon et de l'oreillette droite. C. rend, Soc. biol., 1931, 107: 83. Monperl. Syncope cardiaque mortelle consecutive a une injection intraveineuse d'eiectrargol. Rev. vet. mil., Par.. 1929, 13: 183-6.— Nakumura, H., & Ono, S. Experimentelle Studie iiber die Respirationsstorungen infolge der intravenosen Injektion verschiedener Case, flilssigen Paraffins und kolloidaler Substanzen. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1932, 22: 168 77.— Nelson. C. M. The cause of chills following intravenous therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939. 112: 1303-6.— Nemec, K. Selbstversuche iiber Luftemboliegefahr bei intra- venosen Injektionen. Klin. Wschr., 1935. 14: 55. Nixon, J. A. Circulatory overloading after rapid intravenous injections. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 465. Orr, T. G. Continuous intravenous infusion; a consideration of its possible dangers. Minnesota M., 1935, 18: 778-82.—Piotrowski, G. Du danger des injec- tions intraveineuses chez les cardiaques avances. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1936, 50: 161.—Pompe, J. ('. Un eas d'embolie gazeuse mortelle survenue k la suite d'une injection intra- veineuse pratiquee au niveau du pli du coude. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1935, 12: 723-8.—Rademaker, L. Reactions after intravenous infusions; a further reuort on their elimination. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 56: 956-8— Rinaldi, M. Dalla pratica per la pratica; sulle alterazioni cutanee da ripetute iniezioni endovenose. -Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1937, 18: 1083-6.— Schadensersatzpflicht des Arztes fiir Eingriffe, die er gegen den Willen des Patienten vornimmt. HeiehsgesundhbL, 1937, 12: 161-3.—Seifert, E. Intravenose Einspritzung und Thrombose- gefahr. Munch, med. Wschr., 1932, 79: 172-4.—Skinner, H. L. Infusion reactions. Hosp. News, Wash., 1939, 6: No. 6, 5-9.— Stiles, S. W. Puzzling death of a cow during an intravenous injection. Vet. Med., Chic, 1941, 36: 431.—Strauss, L. Thrombose und Lungenembolie nach intravenoser Dauer- tropfinfusion. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 909-13.—Terplan, K. L., & Javert, C. T. Air embolism following intravenous drip. Am. .1. Path., 1935, 11: 880.— Thurzo, J. Ueber die Vermeidung von Venenwandschadigungen und Thrombosen bei intra- venoser Injektion verschiedener Mittel. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 2028.—Tomarkin, J., & Strauss, A. Venoclysis; dangers and contraindications. Am. J. Surg., 1934, n. ser., 25: 319-23.—Trillat & Rivollier. Phiebite superficielle du membre superieur consecutive k une injection de serum glucose. Bull. Soc obst. gyn. Paris. 1935, 24: 220-2.—Tubbs.O. S. Circula- tory overloading after rapid intravenous injections. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 406.—Walter, C. W. The relation of proper preparation of solutions for intravenous therapy to febrile reactions. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1940, 58: 121-43.—Yeomans, A., Porter, R. R., & Swank, R. L. Observations on certain manifestations of circulatory congestion produced in dogs bv rapid infusion. J. Clin. Invest., 1943, 22: 33-45.—Zutt, J. Ueber die Gefahr peripherer Nervenschiidigungen bei intra- venoser Injektion und ihre Vermeidbarkeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 1932, 58: 1321. ---- intravenous: Apparatus and instruments. Al Akl, F. M. A shield to simplify the administration of intravenous therapy. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 58: 308.—Apparatus for intravenous injection. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 1160.— Arnott, G. M. Use of the rotary pump in intravenous therapy. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 517.—Auchterlonie, L. Arbuthnot Lane's infusion apparatus. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1933, 13:629.—Banger- ter, A. 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The elimination of air bubbles from intravenous apparatus by a modification of the Murphy drip. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 54: 759.—Robinson, J. B. C, & Barber, A. S. An apparatus for the thermal control of solutions for intravenous administration. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1934-35, 20: 506- 8— Rudder, F. F. An improved intravenous adapter. Ann. Surg., 1936, 103: 470.— Sava, A. F. A new ampoule for intravenous use. Med. Times, N. Y., 1933, 61: 49.—Seabra, P. Um aparelho para instilacoes venosas contfnuas. Bol. Acad. nac. med., Rio, 1934, 106: 674-84.—Siggers, C. J. C. New intravenous cannula. Brit. M. J.,'1938, 2: 1315. Also Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 29 — Sommer, r! Zur intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 680.—Sours, M. V. Equipment for intra- venous therapy; intravenous set with two-way stopcock. Am. 1 J. Nurs., 1939, 39: 615.—Stengel, A., jr, & Vars, H. M. An apparatus for continuous intravenous injections in unanes- thetized animals. J. Lab. Clin. 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J. Obst., 1928, 15: 865.—Werthern, von. Mitteilung uber eine neue Martin'sche Tropfkugel. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 2912.—Zala, J. [New instru- ment for compression of veins] Gy6gydszat, 1935, 75: 182. ---- intravenous: Indication. Bork, A. L. *The use of intravenous saline and glucose in medicine and surgery [Marquette Univ.] 9 1. 4? Milwaukee, 1929. Acuna, M. La via endovenosa y peritoneal en la terapeutica infantil. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt 1, 1569-71—Ashby, J. E., & Moore, H. L. Continuous intravenous therapy in infants. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1935, 6: 88-93.—Bier, R. A. The value and indications of intravenous injections in pediatrics. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1933, 2: 9-12.—Clark, D. E., & Brunschwig, A. Intravenous nourishment with protein carbohydrate and fat in man. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 49: 329-32.—Cutter, R. K. The use of large volume intravenous injections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1250-2.— Dutton, W. F. Rational intravenous therapy. Mc^ J. & Rec, 1927, 125: 101-4.------The present status of l travenous therapy. Ibid., 1929, 130: 459; 500.—Elsbach, L. [Permanent intravenous drop-infusion before surgical interventions] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1932, 76: pt 1, 1474-7.—Frick, E. J. Intra- venous therapy in small animals. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1933, 82: 732-5.—Friedemann, M. Die intravenose Dauertropf- infusion im Dienste der Verwundeten und Kranken im Felde. Munch, med. Wrschr., 1939, 86: 1431.—Habein, H. C. The intravenous use of fluids. Collect. Papers Mavo Clin., 1938, 30: 963-70. Also Southwest. M., 1938, 22: 353-60.—Hacker, E. Zur intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion bei Sauglingen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 1422.—Henderson, G. T. Value of the intravenous route. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1941, 53: 606.—Hewitt, E. A. Blood transfusion and fluid infusion. Vet. Med., Chic, 1936, 31: 347-56.—Hunt, R., McCann, W. S. [et al.] The status of intravenous therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 1800; 1928, 90: 764; 1929, 91: 1374; 92: 2099.—Hyman, H. T., & Hirshfeld, S. The theraoeuties of the intravenous drip. Ibid., 1933, 100: 305-10.—Hyman, H. T.. & Touroff, A. S. W. Therapeutics of the intravenous drip; further observations. Ibid., 1935, 104: 446-55.—Intravenous alimentation. N. York State J. M., 1943, 43: 313.—Keith, N. M. Intravenous medication; physiologic principles and therapeutic applications. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 93: 1517-22.—Lacalle, E. Via endovenosa en los niiios lactantes. Arch, med., Madr., 1926, 23: 444-8.— Loeper, M., Varay, A. [et al.] Application elargie des injections intraveineuses lentes. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1939, 3. ser., 55: 302-12.—Mason, J. T. Intravenous fluids; practical con- siderations, in shock, dehydration, starvation, etc. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 168-71.—Mira "Lopez, E. Valor terapeutico de las inyecciones endovonosas de soluciones hipert6nicas en neuro- psiquiatria. Ars med., Barcel., 1928, 4: 41-6. Also Siglo med., 1928, 81: 546.—Munger, A. B. The rational use of intravenous solutions. Nebraska M. J., 1939, 24: 249-52— Schwentker, F. F. Intravenous therapy in children. Internat. Surg. Digest, 1931, 11: 3-7.—Sladkovitch, S. E. [Phantom for acquiring the technique in intravenous injections] Klin, med., Moskva, 1933; 11: 320.—Stahl, R., & Zedler, H. Intravenose Dauer- tropfinfusion; Anwendung in der inneren Klinik. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 613-8.—Thomas, G. La via endovenosa en el lactante. Arch, argent, pediat., 1941, 16: 408.—Weiss, F. Zur Indikation der intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion bei Sauglingen. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1936, 7: 542-4. ---- intravenous: Solutions. See also subheading Solutions. Bleyer, L. F., & Rohde, M. A method for producing pyrogen- free water for intravenous therapy. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 37: 136.—Cooper, E. L., & Haldane, A. J. B. A note on the prepara- tion of intravenous solutions. Med. J. Australia, 1932, 1: 736.—Co Tui & Wright, A. M. The preparation of nonpyro- genic infusion and other intravenous fluids by adsorptive filtra- tion; report of 42 months' trial. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 412- 25.—Co Tui, McCloskey, K. L. [et al.] A new method of preparing nonpvrogenic intravenous infusion fluids. Ibid., 1937, 106: 1089-94. ------ A new method of preparing infusion fluids, based on removal of pyrogen by filtration. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 250-2.—Dinsmore, J. C, & Buerki, INJECTION 302 INJECTION R (' New method of preparing solutions for intravenous use. Mod. Hosp., 1934. 42: 98- 100.—Dyroff. R. Eine verwendungs- I creite Infusionslosuns fur den Praktiker. Deut. med. \\ schr., 1926. 52: 1*51-3.— Hardeman. D. R. Intravenous medication, a consideration of some of the drucs used today. Tristate M. J 1934 6: 1320-5.—Hixon, F. A.. & Shank, H. The possibility of bacterial contamination of fluids used in infusions. Nurs. Educ. Bull.. 1930. n. ser., 26.—Jorgensen, S. [Comparative intravenous injections with glucose levulose and galactose] Hospitalstidende. 1926, 69: 337-50.—Lafont, J. Notes et formules de therapeutique intraveineuse. Programed., Far., 1930. 1521-36.—Lantpert. H. Verbesserung der intravenosen Infusion, im besonderen fur Dauertropfinfusionen, intravenose Narkose und wissenschaftliehe Experimente. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54- 1561-3.—Paul, A. E. What about these ready-made intravenous solutions? well, here's what one superintendent whose hospital was among the first to use them, has to say. Hosp. Management, 1935, 39: 42.—Rosenthal. W. Erfah- rungen mit Infusin, einer gebrauehsfertigen, isotonischen Lo- sung. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 515-8.— Schey. W. Ueber intra- venose Dauer-Tropf-Infusion mit Kaloroselosung. Wien..klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 421.—Walter, C. W. Preparation of safe intravenous solutions. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1936, 63: 643-6 — Weichardt. Sterile Infusionsfliissigkeiten. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1932-33, 32: 566-70. Also Chirurg, 1932.4: 839-41. ------ Ueber Infusionslosungen. Ibid., 1933, 5: 889-92 — intravenous: Technic. Burzynski, E. *Considerations in the ad- 20p. Mil- ministration of intravenous fluids waukee, 1937. Kunstmann, H. K. *Ein Verfahren zur intravenosen Dauerinfusion bei Maus, Ratte und Kaninchen [Wurzburg] p.77-83. 8°. Wiirzb., 1928. Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 132: Schmidt, J. [G.] *Beitrage zur intravenosen Dauertropfinfusion. 34p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1937. _ Weisbach, M. W. *Intravenose Dauertropf- infusion (vereinfachte Technik, klinisch-experi- mentelle Untersuchungen) 25p. 21cm. Bresl., 1938 Adler, H. Die intrakavei nose Injektion. Wien. klin. Wschr 1926, 39: 417.—Allison, P. R. Continuous intravenous infusion. Brit. J. Surg., 1936, 24: 137-40, 2 pl.—Andres, J. Technik der Blutentnahme und der intravenosen Injektion beim Rindvieh und beim Schwein. Schweiz. Arch. '1 icrli 1937, 79- 383-7—Bakacs, G. Intravenose Injektionen beim Meer- schweinchen. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: AI 1.—Barbosa, O. G. Sobre um caso tratado i ela venoch se continua. Fol. med., Rio, 1937, 18: 450-2.—Benmosche. M. A simple procedure to facilitate slow intravenous injections. Virginia M. Month., 1936-37, 63: 559.—Black, W. C. Continuous intravenous drip in infants and children. Arch. Dis. Child., Lond., 1937, 12: 381-7 —Brush, J. M. Method for the continuous infusion of infants. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1932, 44: 366—Bugge-Naess, R. Die intravenose Therapie in der tierarzthchen Praxis. Munch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 86: 445-51.—Canella, C. Le iniezioni endogiugulari nell'adulto. Policlinico, 1930, 44: sez. prat., 1873.—Chabrol, E., & Sallet, J. La methode des injections intraveineuses lent-^ et continues en hydrologie experimentale. Paris med., 1930 99: 334-9.—Chevalier, P. Tecnica de las 50 —Cuttle T. D. Transfusions and infusions in infants. S. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1937-38, 45: 293.—Deadenck, W. H. The technic of intravenous medication. Internat. Clm., 1929, 39 ser 3: 34-59.—Dietel, F. Zur Technik der intravenosen Injektion. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 2029.—Escher. Intravenose Injektionen ohne Infusionsapparat. Berl. tier- arztl. Wschr., 1926, 42: 153.—Fayet, P. A. Des injections intraveineuses chez les grands herbivores. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1919, 19: 105-7.—Felsenreich, F. Zur Technik perku- taner intravenoser Infusionen. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 139.— Frankel. K. A simple technique of intravenous infusion. Brit. M J 1941 2- 439.—Gellert, S. M. Technic of intravenous injections. Chicago M. Rec, 1926, 48: 244-6. Also Urol. Cut. Rev 1926, 30: 13-7.—Gerson. Technique des injections intraveineuses. Hopital, 1934, 22: 389-93— Gindin, E. M. [Technique of protracted intravenous drop-injection] Khirur- gia, Moskva, 1939, No. 9, 122-4.—Goldsmith, A. S. A simpli- fied method of intravenous injection. J. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1940 37: 106-8.—Goodnow. M. Intravenous medication; the nursina technique. Trained Nur-c, 1926, 76: 139-43—Gratzl, E Die Technik der intravenosen Injektion bei Hund und Katze. Wien. tierarztl. Mschr., 1938, 25: 745-54.— Halmos, R. Zur Technik der intravenosen Injektionen und .Venen- punktion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1929. 25: 1400.—Hindmarsh, J. [Intravenous drop by drop infusions] Sven. liik. siill. forh., 1931, 28: 2-11; 401-21.—Hull, I)., & Chung, H. Continuous intravenous infusions. Am. J. Nurs., 1937, 37: 270-5.— Hyman, H. T., & Hirshfeld, S. St.udies of velocity and the response to intravenous injections; technic of the intravenous drip in clinical practice. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 1221.— Imaz, I. Medicaci6n hemat6gena. Dia med., B. Air., 1932-33, 5: 841-4.—Jacobs, H. R. A practical method for the con- tinuous administration of fluid intravenously. J. Lab. Clin. M 1934, 19: 768-71.—Janishevsky. F. I. [Slow, intravenous drop injections] Sovet. klni., 1934, 20: 521-6.—Jensen, ('. K. Large quantities of fluids intravenously; principles and practice for their use. Northwest M.. 1935, 34: 75-84; passim — Johnson, T. O., & Maddock. W. G. Intravenous administra- tion of fluid. Am. J. Nurs.. 1935. 35: 526-8.- -Kalnoki. K. J. [Newer technique of Bud's intravenous treatment| Orv. hetil., 1936, 80: 734.—Karelitz, S. The continuous intravenous method of fluid administration (venoclysis) in pediatrics. N. York State J. M., 1934, 34: 031-6.—Katzenslein. J. Vcr- einfachung der intravenosen Injektionen. Miinch. med. Wschr. 1927, 74: 1713.—Kovacs, N. Ein neuer Weg zur intravenosen Injektion bei Kaninchen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1931, 122: 287 —Krill, W. R. Intravenous medication in large animal practice. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1940. 96: 220 4.—Kritzier, H. Zur Infusions!)ereitschaft des l'raktikers. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 256.—Lambert, S. M. A technique of intravenous medication. Native M. Pract., Suva, 1931, 1: 29-31.— Larkin, C. L. A method of using the same vein repeatedly for intravenous medications. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1929, 49: 203.— Le Guyon, R. F. Injections intra-veineuses par la dorsale de la ver7p. 22^om. 1939. Monteverdi, A. L'atropina, la morfina, il curaro e l'ammoniaca injottati sotto la pelle, nella dura di varie forme morbosc. 30p. 21%cm. Milano, 1871. Severino Freire Gameiro, J. *Algumas consideragoes sobre "o methodo hypodermico. 41p. 8? Lisb., 1879. Bicak. J. F. Hypodermic technic. Med. J. & Rec, 1931, 13.3: 191-4.—Bruckner, W. J. Hypodermic injection. In Ther. Int. Dis. (Blumer, C, et al.) N. V., 1: 1940, 773-81 — Cameron, J. Hvpodermic medication in hospitals in China, China M. J., 1928, 42: 92-5.—Cazzani. Ipodermoterapia; sviluppi di teorie e di pratiche applicazioni. Boll. chim. farm., 1939, 78: 147-51.—Delle iniezioni ipodermiche in generale. Gior. farm., Trieste, 1902, 7: 97-103.—Des injections sous- cutanees; regies pour en prevenir les dangers. J. chim. med., Par., 1866, 5. ser., 2: 396-8.—Dickinson, C. C. & Stowell, C. F. B. Hypodermic injection apparatus, and method of preparing for and making such injections. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,238,582.—Dodds, T., Petry, L., & Koepke, C. A. Simplifying hypodermic injections. Am. .1. Nurs., 1940, 40: 1345-54.—Fabiani, G., & Kehl, R. Le paradoxe des injections intra-dermiques chez le eobave; le siege des injections sous- cutanees. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930, 121 : 313 0.—Frattini. J. F. Soluciones inyectables transcutdneas; obtencion de soluciones isolonicas. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1941, 40: 647; passim.— Furniss, H. D. Hvpodermic medication; variation of doses. Med. .]. & Rec, 1927, 135: 320.—Geffen, M. W. Emergency hypodermic outfit. Brit. M. J., 19-11, 1: 932.—Hayner, J. C. The hvpodermic and the homeopath. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1935, 28: 594-8. Hollingsworth. J. R. Device for facilitating the administration of subcutaneous hypodermic injections. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,238,323—Insley. S. W. The control of immediate shock following hypodermic medication; preliminary report. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 765-7.— Kionka, H. Ueber perkutane Therapie. Fortsch. Ther., 192'.I, 5:173-6.—Laqueur. A. Perkutane Therapie. Klin. Fortbild., 1934, 2: 248-85.—Lehman, E., Underwood, M. N., A Irwin, F. A streamlined hypodermic technic. Am. J. No is,, I't42, 42: 1291.—Mendonca, J. de. Abuso da medicagao hvpodenuica. Brasil med., 1927, 41: pt 1, 693.—Oborin, A. K. [ Portable appliance for subcutaneous injections of phvsiolo'.'ical solu- tions] Sovet. med., 1938, No. 22, 48.—Simon, I. E il tessuto sottocutaneo una via di assorbimento passiva per i farmaci? Boll. Soc med. chir., Pavia, 1928. 3: 1119; 1171.—Van Hook, W. Introducing solutions subcutaneously. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 195: 219.—Waller, W. E. The hypodermic injection outfit in private practice. Lancet, Lond., 1933, 2: 139.— Zamoshchin, M. B. [Bobrov's improved apparatus for sub- cutaneous injections] Sovet. med., 1938, No. 2, 51. ---- Technic. Burch, G. E. A simple method for accurate injection of small volumes of fluid. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 40: 676-8.—Comandon, J., & de Fonbrune, P. Nouvelle technique de micro-injection. Ann. physiol., Par., 1934, 862.—Fernandez, A. A. La piqure non douloureuse dans les injections. P. verb. Congr. derm. syph. fr. (1923) 1925, 2. Congr., 365-7.—Fraisse. Technique et applications de l'injections paravertebrale. J. med. Paris, 1928, 47: 571-4.—Guaita, A. Inyecciones; pre- cauciones minimas. Dia med., B. Air., 1940, 12: 592-4.—■ Hartmann, A. F. Theory and practice of parenteral fluid ad- ministration. Am. J. Pharm., 1934, 106: 424-35. ------- Parenteral fluid administration. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.) Bait., 1940, 1: 202-24.—Hitschmann, E. Zum Gebrauch der Injektionsspritze. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 1252.—Hypodermoclysis; phleboclysis (venoclysis) and pneumothorax. Surg. Equip., 1940, 7: No. 4, 18.—Kirschner, M. Die Praxis der Keimbekampfung bei der Vornahme von Injektionen. Chirurg, 1941, 13: 193-8.—Konrich, F. Zur bakteriologisch einwandfreien Anwendung parenteral zuge- fiihrter Arzneimittel. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 897-9.— La Rochelle, F. D. Office treatment by injections. Clin. M. & S., 1932, 39: 436-8.—Miner, P. F. Administration of parenteral fluids. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1940, 37: 500.—Schuler. H. C. Building practice with a hypodermic needle. Clin. M. & S., 1937, 44: 81.—Suggestions for hypodermoclyses and intra- venous procedures. Am. J. Nurs., 1934, 34: 957-60.—Trut- mann, H. W. Praktisches zur Injektionsbehandlung. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 722-4.—Wood. E. A. On giving injections. Practitioner, Lond., 1939, 142: 769-72. INJECTION 305 INJECTION ---- Untoward effects. See also subheading Accidents; also under names of complications as Gas gangrene—after injections, etc. Kerwien, H. [E. G.] *Ueber die Gefahr peripher Nervenschadigungen bei subcutanen, intramuskularen und intravenosen Einspritzun- gen und ihre Vermeidbarkeit [Konigsberg] 33p. 8? Stalluponen, 1934. Anschiitz, W. Ueber Gasbrandinfektionen nach subkutanen Injektionen. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1927, 139: 129.—Arapov, D. A. [Anaerobic infection after injections of various medicinal sub- stances] Nov. khir. arkh., 1936, 37: 169-76.—Arzt. Fremd- korpertumoren nach Casbis-Injektionen. Zbl. Haut Ceschlkr., 1936, 53: 290.—Belgodere, G. Souvenirs personnels k propos des embolies arterielles occasionnees par les injections intra- musculaires. Ann. mal. vener.. 1930, 25: 745-58.—Birkenfeld, W. Schadigungen nach Glutaaleinspritzungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 903-5.—Bousfield, G. Painful injections: an avoidable cause. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 76.—Buschke, A. Ueber Abszesse nach intramuskularen Injektionen von Hydrar- gyrum salicylicum mit verunreinigtem Paraffin. Derm. Wschr., 1918, 67: 764.—Delattre, A.. & Deroubaix, E. Deux cas de tumeurs consecutives a des injections de paratoxine. J. sc. med. Lille, 1926, 44: pt 2, 257-00—Demme, H. Ner- venschadigungen durch intramuskulare Injektionen. Arch. orthop. Unfallchir., 1937. 38: 205-12.—Despontin. A. E. Tromboflebitis infecciosa y septicemia a consecuencia de inyec- ciones esclerosantes. Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1939-40, 25: 915-20.—Diamant-Berger, L. Dangers et accidents des injections intramusculaires. Bull, med., Par., 1938, 52: 676.— Forgue, E., & Aimes, A. Abces, incidents et complications, apres une injection hypodermique ou intramusculaire ou endo- veineuse. In their Les pieges chir., Par., 1939, 176-81.— Fornara. P. Le necrosi cutanee da ipodermochsi glucosate adrenalinate. Clin, igiene inf., 1928, 3: 462-8—Froehlich, W. Arterielle Embolien nach intramuskularer Injektion. Schweiz med. Wschr., 1932, 62: 207.—Goinard, P.. & Mondzain- Lemaire. Les accidents regionaux des injections arterielles. Presse med., 1935, 43: 1521-4.—Grau Triana, J. A proposito de los accidentes locales provocados por las inyecciones intra- musculares. Rev. med. cubana, 1930, 41: 1532-6.—Harding, F. E. Some allergic reactions to parenteral therapy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1940, 152: 448-50.—Hart, A. Gefahren der intra- muskularen Einspritzung an vorschriftsmassiger Stelle. Zbl. Chir., 1941. 68: 1028-31.—Honigmann, F. Ueber gefahrliche Infektionen nach Einspritzungen. Prakt. Arzt, 1927, n. F., 12: 528-31.—Insurance; accidental death following hypodermic injection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 149.—Jeschek, J. Venenwandschadigungen nach Dauertropfinfusion und deren Folgen (Thrombose-Embolie) Wien. med. Wschr., 1934, 84: 295-8.—Knorr, M. Punktion, Injektion und Infektion. Munch, med. Wschr., 1932, 79: 1599.—Kostlin, H. Soritzen- schaden. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1939-40, 40: 226-49.— Kuhnel. P. [Case of anaerobic infection after injection of adrenalin and digisolvin] Hospitalstidende, 1928, 71: 663-70.— Kuzma, V. [Lesions of the tissues by injections and their treatment] Medicina, Kaunas, 1933, 14: 638-48.—Lumiere, A., & Lesbros. Les injections septiques. Lyon chir., 1927, 24: 533-7.—Lupton, A. W. The pain effects of injections of varying pH. Pharm. J., Lond., 1942, 94: 105.—Malpractice; infection following hypodermic injection of morphine (Texas) J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 2088.—Merdinger, O. Behandlung von Infiltraten nach verschiedenen intravenosen und intra- muskularen Injektionen. Refer. Internat. Kongr. Kurzwellen, 1937, 1. Kongr., 310.—Milbert, A. H. Infusion reactions with special reference to speed shock. Am. J. Surg., 1934 26: 479-85.—Milian, G. L'infection par les injections medica- menteuses. Rev. fr. derm, vener., 1938, 14: 163-73.—Nadrai, A. [Necrosis of the skin from subcutaneous injections of eohe- drin and luminal] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1938, 36: 953-5. Orr, T. G. Gas bacillus infection following subcutaneous injec- tion of salt solution. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1934, 35: 213 — Perelman, L. B. [Tvpe of reaction in neurotics to the puncture during injections] Vrach. gaz., 1929, 33: 2302-6.—Poleril. U. Sulla gangrena gassosa da iniezioni ipodermiche. Policlinico, 1932, 39: sez. chir., 57-64—Ribeiro Pires. J. O pengo dos enquistamentos. Brasil med., 1942, 56: 315.—Russell, J. M. Infection following mandibular injections. Pennsylvania M J 1934 38: 82.—Scheid, W. Nervenschadigungen nach intramuskulkren Injektionen. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr. 1940, 43: 249-52. Also Munch, med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 311-4 (microfilm)—Schelenz. C. Zur Geschichte der parenteralen Infektion. Ibid., 1939, 86: 499-501—Seze, S. de. Sur le danger de certaines injections intramusculaires. Bull, hoc med. hop. Paris, 1940-41, 56: 802-5.—Shaine. M. M. Gan- grene of the arm and death following hypodermic injection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 941,-Sittig, O. Lahmungen peri- pherischer Nerven nach Injektionen. Khn. Wschr., 1928, 7. 355_7__Stepien, B. Lesion medicamenteuse du sciatique et du nerf cutane 'posterieur de la cuisse; absence de signe de LasS Rev neur., Par., 1935, 42: Pt 2, 397.-Stursberg, H. Gefahren und Schadigungen durch Einspritzung von Arznei- mittPln in Muskeln. Fortsch. Ther., 1934, 10: 286-90.— TarSV I., Panov, W. P., & Vassiljeva, N. M. Zur Frage der 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----20 Behandlung der nach intramuskularen Hg- und Bi-Injektionen auftretenden Infiltrate. Derm. Zsehr., 1928, 52: 394-8.— Tenopyr, J., & Shafiroff, B. J. P. Gas infection after hypo- dermoclysis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 779.—Torok, I. Behandlung der Nervenlahmung nach paravenoser Injektion. Chirurg, 1932, 4: 693.—Touraine, A. La gangrena gaseosa despues de invecciones medicamentosas. Rev. med. Veracruz., 1936, 16: 2099-109.—Travatham, U. A case of serious vaso- motor disturbance after an injection. Ind. M. Gaz., 1928, 63: 451.—Uhlenbruck. Ueber Nervenlahmungen nach Injektionen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1931. 78: 1256-8.—Urbach. Multiple Hautnekrosen infolge spastisch-traumatischer Schadigungen bei Selbstinjektion von Adrenalin. Zbl. Haut Geschlkr., 1936, 53: 603.—Varela, R. On the prevention of pain and complica- tions during and after intra-muscular injections. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1940, 44: 674-7. ---- veterinary. Anderes. R. L. Fluid therapy in dogs. Vet. Med., Chic, 1941, 36: 61.—Bervi, V. F. [Technique of injections for cattle. Sovet. vet., 1940, 17: No. 4, 76.—Cristin, A. Sulla nropina- zione dei medicamenti e sulla diffusione della medicazione ioodermica in medicina veterinaria. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1870, 19: 265-73.—Munson. T. O. Saline and dextrose thera- py. North Am. Vet., 1940, 21: 411-5.-Stuart, K. Apparatus for udder and intravenous infusion. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1941, 53: 710. INJECTION technique plates for reference in the practice and study of dental local anesthesia. [10] 1. 8? X. Y., Cook lab., 1933. INJURED. See Accidents; Wounded. Injury; Rehabilitation; INJURY. See also Accidents; Emergency; Traumatology; also types and causes of injury as Burn; Electric shock; Fracture; Head injury; Wound, etc. Sammartino, E. S. *Consideraciones sobre algunos casos de traumatplogia de urgencia. 51p. 231/2cm. B. Air., 1931. Cubbins, W. R. Symposium on injuries. 1. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 364.—Harden, R. N. Some feature^ of trauma based on present day knowledge. Tr. Ass. Surgeons South. Railw. Syst., 1942, 1: 21-5.—Mendizabal, P. Principios sobre traumatologfa y clasificaci6n de las lesiones. Cir. cirujan., Mex., 1935, 3: 219-24.—Nomenclature of nature and cause of violence. In Manual M. Dep. U. S. Navv, Wash., 1942, App. A, 48-55.—Reduction in personnel injuries; remrt from the U. S. S. Tennessee for 1939. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1940, 38: 430-3.—Sappington, C. O. A symposium on trauma. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 257-60.—Trauma in medicine. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1940, 204: 429. ---- Causes. See also such headings as Burn; Contusion; Explosion; Sport, etc. Semashko, N. A. [Physical traumatism in children and its controll 104p. 22cm. Moskva, 1934. Ackerman, N. W., & Chidester, L. Accidental self-injury in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y„ 1936, 53: 711-21.—Bailey, H. Compression phenomena. In his Surg. Mod. Warfare, 2. ed., Bait 1942, 1: 29-36.—Bell, E. T. Mechanical injuries. In his Textb. Path., Phila., 4. ed., 1941, 24-6. ------ Injuries due to physical agents. Ibid., 27-33. ----— Injuries due to chemical agents. Ibid., 34-43.—Brooks, B., & Duncan, G. W. Effects of pressure on tissues. Arch. Surg., 1940, 40: 696- 709 —Hart, D., & Jones, R. Self-inflicted injuries in civil practice; report of 14 cases. South. M. J., 1936, 29: 963-73 — Kossakowski, J. [Case of a grave injury of a child caused by a pig] Pedjat. polska, 1936, 16: 285-8.—Landres, Z. A. [Con- genital anomalies in development and further trauma; data from lying-in hospitals of Leningrad] In Sborn. trud. posv. G I Turner (Leningrad. Voen. med. akad. Kirov) Leningr., 1938 285-90.—Moritz, A. R. Mechanical injuries. In his Path. Trauma, Phila., 1942, 13-73— Patrick, J. The aetio- logical factor of injury in disease. Tr. R. Med. Chir. Soc Glasgow 1932, 26: 1-24.—Reed, J. V. Psychology of trauma. Indust M 1933, 2: 157-61.—Symonds. Etiologie et sympto- matologies Gaz. hop., 1935, 108: 1285-91. ---- Clinical aspect. Piccagnoni, G. La febre traumatica; studio clinico e sperimentale. 133p. 4? Pavia, 1914. Barata P , & Alfredo, J. Mascara ecchymotica da face, contusao renal, fractura do humero. Arch, brasil. med., 1925, INJURY 306 INJURY 15: 61 :! Brizard, C. Un exemple de traumatisme bien- faisant. Ann. med. leg., 1933, 13: 287-9.—Clark, H. C. Some records concerning traumatism and malaria in Central America. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 50: 329.—Farr, C. E. Injuries of soft tissue in infants and children. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1941, 21: 535-41.—Goldblatt, D., & Jewitt, E. The injured child. Am. J. Surg., 1935, 29: 11-22.—Lang, F. R. An unusual case of multiple extreme injuries. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1938, 36: 569-71.—Lange, C. de [Injuries in young infants] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 2978.—Massetti, C. Considerazioni su un caso di lesioni gravissime al cranio e alio stomaco. Zac- chia, Roma, 1932-33, 11:-12: 151-8.—Mock, H. E. Survey of trauma. Internat. J. M. & S., 1929, 42: 136-10.—Moorhead, J. J. Trauma and the aged patient. Am. J. Surg., 1934, n. ser., 26: 82-7.—Moraes, E. de. Sobre dois casos de traumatismos e suas consequencias. Brasil med., 1917, 31: 292.—Netto, L. J. Unrecognized importance of minor injuries. J. Florida M. Ass., 1941-42, 28: 431-3.—Simone, M. Traumi gine- cologici fuori gravidanza; illustrazioni di casi clinici. Atti Soc. ital. ostet., 1923, 22: 389-96.—Sobel, S. P. A preliminary report on traumatic diseases and tender areas. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1939, 149: 44.—Solovieva, M. V., & Iurova, O. G. [Clinical aspect and course of post-traumatic changes in chil- dren] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1938, 7: No. 10, 66-73. ---- Complications and sequelae. See also Cripple; Gas gangrene; Hysteria; Infection; Neurosis; Tumor, etc. Brahdy, L., & Kahn, S. Trauma and disease. 613p. 8? Phila., 1937. Also 2. ed. 655p. 24cm. 1941. Ciampolini, A. II trauma nella etiogenesi delle malattie; rapporti clinici e medico-legali. 546p. 8? Roma, 1932. Kuppers, J. *Zur Kasuistik dor posttrau- matischen Seelcnstorungen. 48p. 22cm. Bonn, 1931. Mader, A. *Beitrage zur Pathologie trau- matischer Krankheiten. 22p. 8? Bresl., 1916. Reed, J. V., & Emerson, C. P. The relation between injury and disease. 577p. 26cm. Indianap. [1938] Spicer, F. W. Trauma and internal disease. 593p. 23/2cm. Phila. [1939] Aftermath (The) of injuries. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 1133.—Aubertin, E., & Bo iron, H. Influence des traumatismes effectues au niveau de 1'estomac sur la localisation au niveau des poumons d'infeetions experimentales realisees par diverse? voies. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 871-4.—Butler, E. The traumatic state. California West. M., 1936, 44: 474-7 — Ciampolini, A. Traumatismo y enfermedad. Med. trabajo, 1931, 2: 367-76.—Colwell, A. H. Trauma and disease. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 233-6.—Del Vecchio, G. Sulle dermo-epidermiti microbiche post-traumatiche. Assist, sociale, Roma, 1934, 8: 348-56.—Duvoir, M., Pollet, L. [et al.] Troubles trophiques post-traumatiques; interet de I'etude des chronaxies. Ann. m6d. leg., 1938, 18: 211-9.—Gebhardt. Durch Verletzungen oder Frakturen entstandenen Nervenschaden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 44S (microfilm)—Girgolav, S. S. [Evaluation of remote sequels of injuries] Vest, khir., 1939, 57: 545-51.— Guerrini. G. Trauma e malattia. Gior. med. mil., 1934, 82: 521-5 —Hamill, R. C. Mental factors in traumatic situations. Internat. J. M. & S., 1934, 47: 468-75.—Johnstone, R. T. The medicolegal relationship of trauma to disease. In his Occup. Dis., Phila., 1941, 485-99.—Kennedy, F. Nervous conditions resulting from injury. In Indust. Hyg. (Lanza- Goldberg) N. Y., 1939, 267-312.—Kummel, M. Medicolegal aspects of disease aggravated by trauma. J. AI. Soc. N. Jersey, 1932, 29: 546-51.—Lecene, P., & Moulonguet, P. Traumatismes et leurs complications. In Precis path, chir., 6. ed., 1937, 1: 157-234.—Lugones, C. Traumatismos; com- plicaciones no infecciosas; sincope-desmayo. Dia med., B. Air., 1936, 8: 395. ------ Complicaciones generales, no infecciosas, de los tniumatismos. Ibid., 1941, 13: 389-92.—MacDonald, M. E. Posttraumatic states. In Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Apple- ton) N. Y., 1934, 5: 977-94.—Moritz, A. R. Trauma and infection. In his Path. Trauma, Phila., 1942, 74-101.— Norsa, G. Trauma e malattie. Gazz. osped., 1930, 51: 1457-60.—Ornsteen, A. M. Functional disorders of the nervous system as sequelae to trauma. Am. J. Surg., 1938, n. ser., 42: 772-84.—St George, A. V. The relationship of oi ganic di-ease to injury. Ibid., 1934, n. ser., 26: 185-94 — Shchukarev, K. A. [Pulmonary complications in wounded] Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 22, 18-22.—Trauma in relation to hernia, hyperthyroidism and neurocirculatory asthenia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1935.—Vaccaro, L. Traumatic injuries and mental disturbances. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 187-9.— Walker, G. F. Injury and internal disease. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 659-63.—Weinberg, M., & Barotte. J. Essais de vaccination contre les anaerobies des traumatoses. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 312-4.—Zetlin, S. L.. & Efros, A. S. [Course of traumatic affections] Sovet. psikhonevr., 1937, 13: 26-32. ---- Criminological aspect. See also Asphyxia; Drowning; Forensic medi- cine; Gunshol wound; Hanging; Homicide; Murder; Suicide, etc. Cornelius, E. *Wunde und Werkzeug bei Verletzungen durch stumpfe Gewalt [Bonn] 32p. 23,/2cm. Lpz., 1936. Also Arch. Krim., 1936, 99: Ratjber, W. Die Korperverlctzungs-Krimi- nalitat im Landgerichtsbezirk Rudolstadt in den Jahren 1900-29. 118p. 24cm. Jena, 1938. Cueli, L. F., & Bonnet, F. Heridas de defensa en las lesiones por arma blanca. Sem. med., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt 2, 271-5 (Abstr.)—Dalla Volta. A., & Del Carpio, I. Prove di valuta- zione istologica in rapporto a ferite da punfa e taglio. Arch. antrop. crim., Tor., 1929, 49: 802-7 — Khrnrooth, E. [Signi- ficance of definition: severe bodily injury and particularly, life endangering illness or injury] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1935, 78: 92-104.—Franchini, A. La cronologia delle lesioni nell'in- vestimento combinato. Arch, antrop. crim., Milano, 1940, 60: 836-46.—Fujiwara, K. Beitraee zur Kenntnis der mit schnei- denden Werkzeugen beisiebraehten Slichwunden. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1928, 12: 05-7. Gvozdev, L M. [Revision of the project of a penal code in relation to corporeal injuries] Uchen. zapiski Imper. Kazan. Univ. Med. Lak. (1887) 1889, 1-10.—Javorsky, A. S. [Classification of bodily injuiies_l>yjhe new criminal codex[ Sudeb. med. ekspertiza, 1928, 55 7. - Leclerq, Melissinos fet al.] Caracteres et diagnostic des bles- sures faites pendant la vie ou apres la mort. Ann. med. leg., 1935, 15: 868-75.—Manz, R. Tod nach korperlicher Miss- handlung. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 19 11-42, 7: A, 65; 97 — Merkel, H. Naturwisseiisoliaftliche und kriminalistische Untersuchungen bei Verletzungen mit scharfen und spitzen Werkzeugen. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden) Berl., 1034, 4: Teil 12, 2. Halfte, 189-208.—Palmen, A. J. [On the conception of the so-called life-danger in cases of injury] Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1089-91.—Perussia, F. La valutazione del reperto radiologico in traumatologia forense. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1939, 20: 808-12.—Pietrusky, F. Die Untersuchung am Lebenden bei Korperverletzungen durch mechanische und chemische Mittel und durch abnorm hohe und abnorm niedrige Temperature'n. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938, 4: T. 12, 1. Halfte, Bd 1, 417-46.—Suen, K. F., Hou, T. V., & Tchao, K. M. La persistance des signes de blessures faites pendant la vie sur les tissus osseux. Ann..med. leg., 1935, 15: 904-6.—Veiga de Carvalho, H. Sobre o sinal da fibra elastica no diagnostico das lesoes ante e post-mortem. An. Fac med. Univ. S. Paulo, 1940, 16: torn. 2, 529733, pl — Walcher, K. Medizinische und naturwissenschaftlich-krimi- nalistische Untersuchungen bei Verletzungen durch sttimpfe Gewalt. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden) Berl., 1934, 4: Teil 12, 2. Halfte, 637-76. ---- Diagnosis and examination. Gerin, C. L'esame radiologico del vivente in medicina legale generale ed in infortunistica. 104p. 25cm. Padova, 1938. Allman, I). B. Cryptic injuries. J. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1926, 23: 263-9.—Bailey, W. E. Roentgenological interpreta- tion of trauma. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1936-37, 36: 505-9.— De Laet. Le diagnostic objectif de la douleur chez les trau- matises. Presse med., 1935. 43: 1438.—Flores Covarrubias, T. El electrodiagnostico en los servicios de traumatologia del Hospital Central de Colonia. Arch. med. ferrocar., Mex., 1939-40, 1: 83-105.—Greenleaf, W. S. Roentgen ray con- siderations in injury cases. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1935, 25: 137-9.— Jorns. Wert des Durchgangsarztverfahrens. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1376 (Abstr.) (microfilm)— Kearns, J. J. Difficult diagnostic problems resulting from trauma. Indust. M., 1940, 9:25-8.—Krida, A. Imperceptible injuries. Crippled Child., 1936-37, 14: 92-4.—Palmer, E. P. A plea for careful examination and early evaluation of traumatic cases. Am. J. Surg., 1943, 59: 450-4.—Thomsen, W. Zur Erkennung von Weichteilverletzungen aus Rontgenaufnahmen. Rontgen- praxis, 1935, 7: 530-2.—Watkins, W. W. Errors in x-ray diagnosis of industrial injuries. Radiology, 1937, 28: 261-72. ---- Manifestations. See also Hemorrhage; Pain; Shock; Un- consciousness, etc. Coimbra, A. I. *Febre traumatica. 53p. 12? Lisb., 1875. Gianni, E. La febbre traumatica. 133p. 8? Bologna [1936] Silva Jones, G. M. da. *A pathogenia da febre traumatica fundada em novos estudos sobre a formacao dos ossos. 71p. 8? Lisb., 1882. De Guti6rrez-Mahoney, W. Pathogenesis of traumatic unconsciousness; importance of fat embolism. War Med., Chic, 1941, 1: 816-23.—Delrez, L. Troubles physiopathiques INJURY 307 INJURY precoces consecutifs aux traumatismes. Arch. fr. belg. chir., 1924, 27: 200-4.—Minski, L. Psychological reactions to injury. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1941-42, 35: 195-9.—Neumann, B. [Shock, collapse and hemorrhage] Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1941, 20: 53.—Roghi, A. Fenomeni subiettivi postraumatici. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1930, 19: 41-5.—Walcher. Ueber vitale Reaktionen. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1930, 15: 16-57. ---- Medico-legal aspect. See also Accidents; Industrial worker, Injury; Workmen's compensation, etc. Bade, W. *Beitrag zur Handlungsfahigkeit totlich Verletzer. 28p. 8? Kiel, 1935. Edlich [M.] H. *Ueber Fibrinnachweis in agonalen und postmortalen Verletzungen [Halle- Wittenberg] 31p. 21cm. Bleicherode a. Harz, 1937. McKendrick, A. Medico-legal injuries. 341p, 8? Lond., 1927. Mangold, W. *Die Wertschatzung ver- schiedener Korperverletzungen in den germa- nischen Volksrechten und in der Jetztzeit [Heidel- berg] 40p. 8? Lengerich, 1936. Randhahx [H.] W. *Die Bedeutung der gerichtsmedizinischen Festellung der Reihen- folge von Verletzungen bei der Aufdeckung un- klarer Todesfalle [Leipzig] 30p. 8? Grossen- hain. 1938. Rojas, X. Lesiones; estudio medico-legal. 2. ed. v.l. 288p. 201ocm. B. Air., 1934. Becker, W. The functional ability before death following injuries associated with a fatal outcome. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74: SuppI.. 582 (Abstr.)—Bobrov, N. D. [Trauma as cause of invalidity] Sovet. vrach. J., 1939, 43: 421-30.— De Cupis, A., jr. Sulla rispettiva estensione del danno patri- moniale e del danno morale. Riv. crit. infortunist., 1933, 22: 189-99.—Engelhardt. Die Bedeutung des Traumas fur Entstehung und Verlauf von Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten und dessen gutachtliche Beurteilung. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1940, 180: 14-43 (microfilm)—Evidence; right of phy- sician witness to testify concerning probable effect of injury. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1324.—Faculte (La) d'agir d'un individu mortellement blesse. Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: 810.— Gelber, L. J. Roentgen medicolegal consideration of congenital and pathological conditions vs. trauma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1941, 154: 48-50.—Grunewald, M. Sind todlich Verletzte noch handlungsfahig? Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1928, 19: 540-3.—Heydemann, E. R. Vollarbeiter mit korperlichen (nicht versicherungsnflichtigen) Schaden. Chirurg, 1933, 5: 583-5.—Krsek, H. [Injuries and their medical significance in legal practice] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1938, 18: 177-88.—Kummel, M. Medicolegal aspects of soft tissue injury. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, 1932, 29: 127-32.—McBride, E. D. The evaluation of partial and permanent disabilitv following trauma. Am. J. M. Jurispr., 1939, 2: 203-6.—Magnanimi, R. Fatto fisico, causa violenta fisica e trauma psichico nella legge degli infortuni. Riv. crit. infortunist,, 1926, 11: 237-41.—Meixner, K. Die Handlungsfahigkeit Schwerverletzter. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1930, 16: 139-65.—Norris, D. C. Relation of personal injury to disorders of the nervous system. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1942, 10: 142-5.—Physical examinations; rights of defendant in personal injury action. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 1865.—Physical examinations; rights of defendant when plaintiff offers his injury as evidence. Ibid., 1939, 112: 270.— Right of Federal Court to require physical examination of plaintiff in personal injury action. Ibid., 1941, 117: 2003. Smith, E. R. [et al.] Symposium: medico-legal problems arising out of injury to the person. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1936, 29: 328- 41.—Stern, W. G. Estimation of disability after injuries to bones and joints. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 293-7.—Strass- mann, G. Ueber Lebensdauer und Handlungsfahigkeit Schwerverletzter. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1934-35, 24: 393-400.—Tittinger, H. Unter besonderen Qualen erhttene Korperverletzungen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 348-50.— Veideman, M. [Medical observations in injury cases in court procedure] Latv. arstu Z., 1927, 199-209.—Winter, R. Beitrag zur Frage der Handlungsfahigkeit eines todlich Verletzten. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 988. ---- Military aspect. See Soldier, Injury. ---- Pathology and pathophysiology. Moritz, A. R. The pathology of trauma. 386p. 24cm. Phila., 1942. Oliveira Feliao, F. A. d' *0 organismo e o traumatismo. 123p. 12? Lisb., 1873. Bywaters, E. G. L., Belsey, R. [et al.] Discussion on the effects on the kidney of trauma to parts other than the urinary tract, including crush svndrome. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1941-42, 35: 321-39.—Craig, W. M. The reaction of the central nervous system to trauma. Collect. Papers Mayo Clin. (1941) 1942, 33: 772 (Abstr.)—Cuthbertson, D. P. Certain aspects of the metabolic response to injury. Glasgow M. J., 1934, 121: 41-58.------■ & Robertson, J. S. The metabolic response to injury. J. Physiol., Lond., 1937, 89:53P.—Denslow, J. S. A discussion of the soft tissue pathology which accom- panies severe trauma. J. Osteopathy, 1939, 46: No. 11, 19- 22.—Di Natale, L., & Tabanelli, M. Studi sulle variazioni umorali nei focolai traumatici; il comportamento dei cloruri e dell'azoto. Arch. ital. chir., 1934, 37: 395-413.—Freeman, N. E., & Schecter, A. E. No demonstrable substance causing in- creased capillary permeability in lymph from an injured area. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 51: 29-31.------& Cullen, M. L. Circulatory changes resulting from trauma after sympathectomv and after sninal cord transection. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 649.—Guerrisi, A. Sui comportamento della reazione Citochol nei operati e nei traumatizzati. Gior. clin. med., 1933, 14: 1443-50.—Hackenbroch, M. Cewohnung und Anpassung an Verletzungsfolgen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 916; 941 (microfilm)—Julliard, C, & Baumgartner, J. Du r61e du sympathique dans les affections traumatiques. Helvet. med. acta, 1935-36, 2: 506; 523.—Legueu, F., Fey, B. [et al.] Recherches experimentales sur l'augmentation du taux des chlorures dans les tissus traumatises. J. med. fr., 1933, 22: 412-21.—Lobbert. O. Ueber die Bedeutung des Serums fiir den Abbau geschadigten Gewebes; Untersuchungen an Explan- taten. Virchows Arch., 1939, 304: 345-51.—Loeper M., & Verpy, G. La repercussion glandulaire et humorale des com- motions. Progr. med., Par., 1916, 3. ser., 31: 203-5.—Mac- Nider, W. B. The persistence with certain modifications of the acquired resistance of fixed tissue cells to injury. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1937, 52: 195-7. —---- A consideration of the acquired resistance of fixed tissue cells to injury. Ann. Int. M\, 1938-39, 12: 147-65.------A consideration of the factor of change in the animal organism. Ibid., 1942, 17: 989-94.— Minard, D. Histaniiue-like substances in blood following trauma. Am. J. Physiol., 1937, 119: 375.—Noble, R. L. The development of resistance by rats and guinea pigs to amounts of trauma usually fatal. Ibid., 1942-43, 138: 346-51— Picardi, G. La colesterinemia net traumatizzati. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. prat., 1477-80.—Pikin, K. I., & Diachkava, E. S. [Carbo- hydrate metabolism in trauma] Sovet. med., 1942, 6: No. 8, 17-9.—Pollock, G. A., & Brooks, G. An apparatus to measure muscle recovery and range of joint movem-Mit. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 220.—Potter, A. H. Severe traumatic injuries and complications with complete recovery. Internat. J. M. & S., 1935, 48: 255-7.—Purdie, R. M. The bruising tendency; its relation to adhesion formation, hypertrophic arthritis and other clinical phenomena. Med. Rec, S. Ant., 1932, 26: 225.— Rose, T. Observations on depositions of dus and lymph, occurring in the lungs and other viscera after injuries of different parts of the body. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 2: 518-26 — Rougemont, M. de. Troubles de la tension arterielle apre:s les traumatismes. Lyon chir., 1939-40, 36: 749.—Samarin. N. N. [Attempt to determine the humoral syndrome in mechanical injuries] Vest, khir., 1940, 59: 156-63.—Selye, H. Thymus and adrenals in the response of the oreanism to injuries and intoxications. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1936, 17: 234-18, pl.— Trivellini, A., & Mauri, A. Sui comportamento di alcune reazioni sierologiche nei traumatizzati. Gior. batter, immun., 1937, 18: 812-34.—Washburn, N. R. The biologic aspect of traumatic injuries. Delaware M. J., 1939, 11: 28-30.—Weil, S. S. [Role of the vegetative nervous system in th> patho- genesis and course of local injuries of the tissue] Tr. Vtor. Leningr. med. inst., 1935, No. 6, 42-55.—Zweifach. B. W. Micromanipulative studies on vascular resnonses remote from a traumatized region. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 501. ---- psychic. See such terms as Complex; Conflict; Psycho- neurosis, Etiology, etc. ---- Treatment. See also Accidents, Treatment; Emergency; First aid; Traumatology. Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety. Medical handbook No. 1: Organiza- tion, medical division and care of injured civilians. 31p. 19^cm. Bost., 1941. Barrionuevo, A. F. Traumatologia; resultados estadisticos sobre 342 casos. Prensa med. argent., 1940, 27: pt 1, 275-8 — Bates, T. H. Treatment of minor injuries. J. Florida M. Ass., 1940-41, 27: 349-51.—Baz E., L. La conducta general en los traumatismos. Rev. cir. Hosp. Ju&rez, Mex., 1937, 8: 257- 62.—Bedolla Rivera, M. A. Atenciones de urgencia a los traumatizados. Arch. med. ferrocar., Mex., 1939-40, 1: 199- 220.—Berard, L., Dargent, M., & Trillat. A. A propos des troubles physiopathiques. Lyon chir., 1936, 33: 433-9.—■ Blalock, J. C. Early care of injuries; the elements of first importance. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 241-3.—Carter, R. M. INJURY 308 INJURY The consideration of scars, stumps, and functional end results in the treatment of injuries. Wisconsin M. J., 1939, 38: 289- 93.—Cavalli, G. Le infiltrazioni anestetiche nei traumi e nelle loro consecuenze. Gior. ital. anest., 1937, 3: 417.— Cicer-Salse, M. L. A quel moment l'eiectrotherapie doit-elle intervenir dans le traitement des traumatismes? Ann. eiectrob., Lille, 190*. 11: 195-207.—t'omel, M. Terapia fisica e termale dei postumi di lesioni traumatiche. Rass. clin. sc. 1938, 16: 349-58.—Delrio, J. M. A. De traumatismo en general, im- portancia del tratamiento inmediato. Dia med., B. Air., 1942, 14: 921-6.—Denslow, J. S. A discussion of the therapeutic approach to various traumatic lesions. J. Osteopathy, 1940, 47: No. 4, 24-7.—Desplats, R. Radiotherapie fonctionnelle sympathique et glandulaire dans les sequelles de traumatisme. J. radiol. eiectr., 1934, 18: 575-9.—Doherty, W. D. Common minor soft tissue injuries and their treatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1934, 133: 132-4(1. Also in Pract. Procedures (Rolleston H. D.) Lond., 1938, 253-0 1.—Dumont. A. Le traitement des troubles post-trauma! iques immediats ou tardifs par l'infiltra- tion anesthes-ioue locale. Bull, med., Par., 1937, 51: 323-8 — Dzhanelidze, J. J. [Errors, dangers and unforeseen complica- tions in treat ment of hidden injuries] In Oshibki &c lech. khir. zabol. (Hesse, E. R. & al.] 1936, 1: 387-439.—Dzialoszynski. A. Hemmung der Muskelatrophie bei Verletzungen. Zbl. Chir., 1924, 51: 466-9.—Eve, D., jr. The preliminary management of the seriously injured. J. Tennessee M. Ass. 1935, 28: 445- 9.—Ferderber, M. B. Saturated atmosphere in the treatment of injuries. Indust. M., 1939, 8: 256-9.—Fletcher, N. C. Transport of injured persons. Practitioner, Lond., 1941, 147: 518-25.—Frankel, E. T. A new form of post-injury treatment. Med. Woman J.. 1939, 46: 100.—Gaenslen, F. J. The theory of exercise in injury and disease. Occup. Ther. Rehabil., 1934, 13: 79-88.—Gillies, H. Reconstruction surgery; the repair of superficial injuries. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1935, 60: 559-07.— (iocher. T. E. P. Muscle training in industrial injuries. Cali- fornia West. M„ 1933, 39: 21-5.—Gontermann. Winke fur die Behandlung grosserer Verletzungen der Weichteile und der Knoclien. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1651.—Grandpierro, R. Traitement des sequelles de traumatismes par les eaux minerales de Bourbonne. Presse therm, clim., 1934, 75: 453-9.—Groves, E. W. H. Treatment of injuries. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 679.—Henderson, M. S. First aid for injuries to the knee and the spinal column. Proc Mayo Clin., 1940, 15: 737-40.— Hubert, P. Le traitement des sequelles de traumatismes par les eaux de Bareges. Presse therm, clim., 1934, 75: 449-53.— Hurt, S. P. Occupational therapy in traumatic conditions. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1934, 15: 673-5.- Iselin, H. Indika- tionen zur Nachbehandlung von Verletzungen des Bewegungs- Apparates. Helvet. med. acta, 1938, 5: 411-40.—Jellinek, S. Schlechte und gute Rettungstechnik. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 597-9.—Kennedy, J. Diathermy treatment in industrial injuries. Med. J. Australia, 1937, 2: 877.—Kirchberg, F. Unfall, Massage- und Uebungsbehandlung. Klin. Wschr., 1934, 13: 1060-4.—Koch, S. L. The treatment of compound injuries and the infections resulting from them. Bull. Am. Coll. Surgeons, 1932, 16: 3-10.------The immediate treatment of compound injuries. Ibid., 1934, 18: 25-9. Also Illinois M. J., 1935, 67: 40-5. ------ The treatment of compound in- juries. Am. J. Nurs., 1940, 40: 371-6.—Kovacs, R. Physical therapy in traumatic conditions. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. (1928) 1929, 5. Congr., 276-86. ----— The physical treatment of injuries. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1936, 11: 24-6. Also Ann. med. phys., Anvers, 1938, 31: 121-7.— Kritzler-Kosch. H. Das Umbahren von Verletzten. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 547-9 (microfilm)—Kuechle. B. E. The economic value of physical therapy following injuries. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1942, 23: 273-6.—Lee, H. M. Emergency treat- ment of injuries. Minnesota M., 1938, 21: 824-8.—Lubowe, I. I. Manaeement of traumatic injuries. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 332.—Makel, H. P. Acute injuries; physio-therapv as an aid. Mil. Sunreon. 1938, 82: 515-20.—Mason, M. L. the surgical principles involved in the treatment of open injuries. Tr. West. Sur-. As-.. 1930. 46: 58-81.------The immediate treatment of compound injuries. Illinois M. J., 1937, 72: 249-53.------The surgical principles involved in the treat- ment of open injuries. West. J. Surg., 1937, 45: 239-48.— Meade. F. S. Static electricity in industrial injuries. Commun. ('nriir. internat. physiother., 1930, 5. Congr., Sect. 4, No. 12, A 13. Mitchiner, P. H. First aid for common injuries. Nurs. Tim.-. Lond., 1940, 36: 310.—Moore, R. A. The treatment of minor injuries and the early treatment of major injuries. South. M. J., 1943, 36: 94-6.—Moorhead, J. J. The general management of injuries. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1937, 64: 397-9. ------ General management of the injured. J. Maine M. Ass., 1939, 30: 290-4. Also Week. Roster, Phila., 1940-41, 36: 711-5.—Munter, L. de. A propos de la mobilisation immediate dans les traumatismes. Liege med., 1932, 25: 369- 78.—Murray, C. R. El pronto empleo de la fisioterapia en el tratamiento de traumatismos. Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1941, 8: 244-6.—Netto, L. J. Treatment of minor injuries. South. M. J., 1942, 35: 750-6.—North, J. P. Simple physio- therapy measures in injuries. Week. Roster, Phila., 1935, 31: 37; 39; 1937, 32: 1395; 1397.—O'Conner, G. B. Immediate management of surface injuries. California West. M., 1940, 53: 211-4.—O'Meara, M. The role of physical therapy in decreasing time of disability in traumatic cases. Physiother. Rev., 1941, 21: 74-7.—Olsson, Y. [Roentgentheraov of tiau- matic lesions] Tskr. mil. halsov., 1936, 61: 83-90.—Polmer, N. H. Helping the injured with physical therapy. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1941, 34: 114.—Ponot, H. La cure thermule dt Bourbonne-les-Bains dans les sequelles de traumatismes. Gaz. med. France, 1939, 11: Hydr., No. 8, 14.- Ritter. II. H. Physical therapy in traumatic surgery. Arch. Phys. Ther. 193 1 15: 413-5.— Rohde, C. Ueber Nachoperationen und Nachbehandlung Verletzter an Hand von Beobachtungen auf der Sonderstation. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 2226-34- Shimshele- vich. B. J. | Physiotherapy in traumatology] Fizioterapia, Moskva. 19 10. 15: No. 2, 80-5.- Stamm. T. T. The treatment of injuries. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1935, 49: 299-301.— Stevens. J. B. Physical therapy in industrial injuries. N. Vork State J. M., 1934, 34: 841-4.—Stoloff, I. A. Important phases in the management of injuries of interest to the ireueral practitioner. Med. Times, N. V., 1935, 63: 2 17-51. Subin. H. Essentials in early treatment of traumatic cases. .1. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1934, 31: 486-8. [Transport immobilization in injuries] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 7, 41 1— Tucker, W. E. Physical methods in the treatment of injuries. Practitioner, Lond., 1934, 132: 247-70. ---— Physiotherapy in minor injuries. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1939, n. ser.. 2: 104 7. -Usadel, G. Die Injektionsbehandlung schmei zhafter traumatischer Ce- websschiiden. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 376 (Abstr.) Also Schweiz. med. AVschr., 1942, 72: 454 (Abstr.)—Vance, E. B. M. Physiotherapy in the treatment of injuries in general and orthopaedic practice. Brit. M. J., 1936, 1 : 53-7.- Van Den Berghe, S. De la superioridad del tratamiento homeopatico en las afecciones traumdticas. Rev. homeop., Barcel., 1901, 12: 202-7.—Weil, G. C. The surgical management of acute traumatic major cases. Pennsylvania M. J., 1929-30, 33: 234-8.—Williamson, J. Physical treatment of industrial injuries. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1936, 11: 86-8.—Wittek. A. Zur Verletzungsbehandlung. Wien. klin. Wse.hr., 1937, 50: 55-8.— Wulff. H. [Prevention of common lesions by treatment, especially early treatment] Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 405-11.— Zaii(, B. A. [Treatment of trauma of the osseo-muscular system and their sequels by means of artificially heated dust baths] Kazan, med. J., 1939, 35: 45-50.—Zur Verth, M. Heilgym- nastik in der Nachbehandlung Schwerverletzter. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 30: H. 12, 15-9.—Zverev, A. I. [Blood transfusion in grave trauma] Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. i8, 31. ---- in animals. See also names of animals. Dournel. Responsabilites des marechaux-ferrants. Rec. med. vet., 1938, 114: 476.—Goulay. Accidents de chemin de fer dont les animaux sont victimes. Ibid., 1936, 112: 667-9.— H., N. Bombed animals, rescued animals; animals saved from destruction. A-V, Phila., 1941, 49: 54. -Mace, D. L. Animal casualties from chemical warfare agents. Mil. Surgeon, 1941. 89: 201-8.—Traumatisms. North Am. Vet., 1930, 17: 23. ---- in wartime. See also under such headings as Air raid; Chemical warfare, etc. Bauwens, P. Physical medicine in infective complications of war injuries; a survey of possibilities. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1940, n. ser., 3: 104-13.—Cornwell, A. M. Injuries seen in war and peace. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 350-2.—German, W. J. Injuries to the head, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Con- necticut M. J., 1942, 6: 599-607.—Gordon-Taylor, G. Ab- dominothoracic injuries. War Med. Sympos., N. Y., 1942, 211-25.—Nesterov, A. I. [Treatment of war trauma of the motor organs and nervous system in health resorts] Vopr. kurort., 1941, 1-11.—Pflomm, E. Seltene unfall- und kriegs- chirurgische Falle aus chinesischer Praxis. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 1215-8.—Rosenfeld. Ueber Knochenstrukturverande- rungen nach Kriegsverletzungen. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1925) 1926, 20. Kongr., 173-5 [Discussion] 203-5. INK, Jose. *La reacci6n de Friedrich frente d, las demas reacciones para diagn6stico del embarazo. 68p. tab. 22)4cm. B. Air., Imp. E. Spinelli, 1938. INK, Katharine. See Bartlett, E. H., & Ink, K. The principles of chemistry. 8! N. Y., 1927. INK. See also India ink; Manuscript; Printing. Lehner, S. The manufacture of ink. 229p. 8? Phila., 1892. Datta, R. L., Sen, S. C, & De, L. K. Indian tannin materials for ink manufacture. Analyst, Lond., 1942, 67: 113 (Abstr.)— Ellis, C. Printing inks; their chemistrv and technology. In Chem. Engin. Cat., 1941-42, 26. ed., 900.— Reinhold Publishing Corporation; printing inks; their chemistry and technology. Ibid., 960.—Runge, F. Tinta sencilla v economica. para laa plumas de acero. Botica, Barcel., 1852-53, 1: 366.—Sannie, C, & Amy, L. Recherche sur I'analyse de I'encre des documents manuscrits. Ann. med. leg., 1938, 18: 401-19.—Tuttle, J. B., & Smith, W. H. Analysis of printing inks. In Standard Meth. Chem. Analysis (Scott, W. W.) 5. ed., N. Y., 1939, 2174-80. INKSTER, George Leonard Macaulay [M. D., Roy. Coll. Surg. 1927] The treatment of func- INKSTER 309 INNOMINATE ARTERY tional nerve cases by the method of neuro-induc- tion. vii, 73p. 8? Lond., H. K. Lewis & co., 1933. INLAY. See Amalgams; Cement; Ceramics; Dentistry, Material (and subdivisions); Tooth, Filling. INMAN, Frederick William [M. B., Liverp., 18981 Biological politics; an aid to clear thinking. x, 258p. 8° Bristol, J. Wright & sons. 1935. Inman, Ondess Lamar, 1890- For portrait see collection in library. INMAN, Philip, 1892- The human touch; sunshine and shadow in a London hospital. xi, 241p. 8? Lond., G. Bles [1927] INMATE, ward 8, pseud. See Woodson, Marion Marie, 1882-1933. INNER ear. See Labyrinth. INNES, J. R. M. See Harvey, W. F., Dawson, E. K., & Innes, J. R. M. Debatable tumours in human and animal pathology. 124p. 24cm. Edinb., Oliver & Boyd, 1940. INNES, James Ross [M. D., Edinb., 1934] Report of leprosy survey of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. 70p. 3 fold. maps. 33^cm. Suva, Fiji, G. W. Cockburn, 1938. INNES, John W. Class fertility trends in England and Wales, 1876-1934. xv, 152p. tab. diagr. 23J^cm. Princeton, Princeton Univ. pr., 1938. INNOMINATE artery. See also Aorta, Arch; Carotid; Subclavian artery. Garcia Comesaiias, A. Tronco innominado arterial. Rev. mM. cubana, 1938, 49: 1022-4.—Jaensch, P. A. Eine seltene Abweichung im Verlauf der Arteria anonyma. Anat. Anz., 1922, 55: 138-42.—Lisitsln, M. S. [Surgical anatomy of the innominate artery from the point of view of its surgical accessi- bility! JubiJ. Sbornik Grekova, S. Peterb., 1921, 229-34 — Lurie. A. Ueber einige Eigenttimlichkeiten der Tooographie der Arteria anonyma im Zusammenhang mit vielfachen sonstigen Anomalien. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1932-33, 238: 646-50 — Samaja, N. Asimmetria della pressione arteriale e pulsus rlifferens da anomalia d'origine del tronco brachio-cefalico. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1919, 9. ser., 9: 147-54. 1917-18, 4: 347-9.—Chistovich, F. Y. [Traumatic aneurysm of the innominate artery] Vest, khir., 1929, 18: 265-70 — Connor, W. H. Tertiary syphilis; aneurysm of the right innominate artery. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1934, 30: 723 — Crile, G., jr, & Elias, H. F. Aneurysm of the innominate artery; report of a case. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1940, 7: 37-42.—Djorup, F. [Three cases of aneurysm of the innominate artery] Bibl. lseger, 1925, 117: 45-71.—Dulin. E. A. Aneurysm of the innominate; report of a case. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1921, 18: 19.—Dutheillet de Lamothe. Un cas de paralysie du recurrent droit due k une compression par anevrisme du tronc brachio- cephalique, survenue chez une femme porteuse d'une volumi- neuse tumeur du corps thyroid. Arch, internat. laryng., Par., 1924, 30: 183-5.—Eschenbach, E. Ueber Aneurysmen der Arteria anonyma. Zbl. Herz Gefiisskr., 1923, 15: 1-13.— Ferranti, F., & Nizzi-Nuti. G. Sulla sintomatologia degli aneurismi 'lell'arteria anonima. Riforma med., 1933, 49: 1238-44.—Flint, E. R. Ligature of the innominate artery for innominate aneurysm. Brit. M. J., 1928, 1: 979.—Gabe, J. A case of spontaneous innominate aneurysm treated by distal ligature. Annual Rep. London Co. Counc, 1936, 4: pt 3, 144—5.—Halstead, A. E. False aneurism of innominate artery. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1920, 30: 529.—Hanns, A. Anevrisme du tronc brachio-cephalique et doigts hippocratiques; recherches sur le regime circulatoire dans le membre superieur du cote de Panevrisme. Arch. mal. cceur, 1924, 17: 425-9.—Hatzieganu. J. Deux cas de doigts hippocratiques unilateraux dans l'ane- vrisme du tronc brachio-cephalique. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1923, 3. ser., 47: 403-5.—Heath. Anevrysme de l'innominee; ligature de la sous-claviere et de la carotide droites, Presse med. beige, 1805-66, 18: 75-8.—Klein, F., & Okker, J. J. [Aneurysm of the innominate arterv] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 1798-804, pl.—Krestin, D. Aneurysm of innominate artery; spontaneous disapoearance of swelling in neck. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1926-27, 20: sect, clin., 63-7.—Lambert, J. Aneurism of the arteria innominata; observations on tae propriety of applying a ligature to the right carotid and sub- clavian arteries in such cases. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 2: 26-8.—Lepehne. Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Anonyma. Deut. med. Wschr., 1920, 46: 787.—Lexer, E. Operation eines arteriell-venoseri Anonyma-Aneurysma. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 645.—Meade, H. S. Compression of an aneurysm of the innominate artery with fascial straps. Irish J. M. Sc, 1941, 6. ser., No. 184, 166, pl.—Melnick. Aneurysm of the in- nominate artery. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 889-91.—Menon, V. C. G., & Pisharoti, K. N. A case of aneurysm of the innominate artery. Madras M. J., 1937, 17: 322, pl.—Miller, C, Dolbey. R., & Ballance, C. Aneurysm of the innominate artery: a 23 years' history. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 778-84.—MoIIica, S. G. Aneurysm of the innominate artery; a problem in differential diagnosis. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1939-40, 16: 385.—Neiman. B. Aneurysm of the innominate artery. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 1004-6.—Parks. H. Aneurysm of the innominate artery. Arch. Int. M., 1938, 61: 898-909.— Pirngadi [Case report of aneurysm of the A. anonymal Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indiij, 1940, 80: 1615, pl.—Randall, A. Two cases of aneurysm of innomi, nate artery. Proc. Path. Soc. Philadelphia, 1918, n. ser., 21: 1.—Rosenthal. Aneurysm of innominate artery. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 284.—Bundle, F. Aneurysm of the innominate artery treated by surgery, report of 3 cases and records of 22 cases collected from the literature. Brit. J. Surg., 1937, 25: 172-90.—Schwyzer, A. Aneurism of the innominate artery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1932, 50: 186-9. Also Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 666.—Souttar, H. S. Aneurysm of the innominate artery treated by proximal lisrature. Brit. M. J., 1934, 1: 1066-8.—Vincent. Un cas d'anevrysme du tronc brachio-cephalique gu6ri cliniquement par le traitement snecifinue. Bull. Soc. med. Vienne, 1924, 111-3.—Wallington, K. T. K. Aneurism of innominate artery causing death from asphyxia. Kenya East Afr. M. J., 1927-28, 4: 64.—Wardrop, J. Aneurism of the arteria innominata. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828,1: 118.—Warfield, C. H. Roentgen diagnosis of aneurysms of the innominate artery. Am. J. Roentg., 1935, 33: 350-8. ---- Disease and injury. Feuz, J. Ein Fall von traumatischer Ruptur der Arteria anonyma. Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 3203-5.—Lisitsin, M. S. [Diseases and injuries of the innominate artery] Vest, khir., 1924, 4: No. 10, 49-70.—Soetarso [Rupture of the innominate artery by a blunt weapon] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1936, 76: 760.—-Vers6. Praparate von Arrosionsblutungen der A. anonyma. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1917, 64: 190. ---- Ligation. See also subheading Aneurysm; also Subclavian artery, Aneurysm. Greenough, J. Operations on the innominate artery; report of a successful ligation. Arch. Surg., 1929, 19: 1484-544.— Hernandez Lopez, E. Un caso de ligadura de tronco arteria braquio-cefdlico, arteria an6nima. Actual, med., Granada, 1940, 16: 315-9.—Holman, E. Observations on the surgery of the large arteries; with report of case of ligation of the in- nominate arterv for varicose aneurism of the subclavian vessels. Ann. Surg., 1927, 85: 173-84.—Juckelson, M. Ein Fall von Unterbindung der Arteria anonyma. Zbl. Chir., 1925, 52: 681.—-Sheen, A. W. Ligature of the innominate. Lancet, ---- Aneurysm. Buchser, H. *Ueber das intrathorakale Aneurysma der Arteria anonyma und seine Beziehung zur Trachea [Zurich] 25p. 8? Lpz. [1927] Also Arch. Ohr. &c. Heilk, 1927-28, 17: 113-37. Gramse, E. [E. R.] *Schussverletzungcn der Blutgefasse und ihre Folgezustande mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der durch sie verur- sachten Aneurysmen an der Arteria anonyma [Berlin] 33p. 8? Charlottenb., 1928. Hofrichter, M. *Drei Falle von Aneurysma der Arteria anonyma [Leipzig] 45p. 8? Halle, 1916. Scbiller, M. *Ueber die Aneurysmen der Arteria anonyma [Kiel] . 16p. 8? Osnabriick [1930] Baldwin, J. F. Aneurysm of the innominate, synchronous ligation of subclavian and common carotid with long survival; unusual incision. Am. J. Surg., 1928, n. ser., 5: 517.—Ballance, C. Ligation of the innominate artery for innominate aneurvsm. Brit. J. Surg., 1921-22, 9: 438-44.—Banerjee. K. A case of aneurism of the innominate artery. Calcutta M. J., 1937, 32: 519.—Buchser, H. Trachealkomnression durch ein Aneurysma der Anonyma. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1925, 55: 83. ------ Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Aneurvsmas der Arteria anonyma. Ibid., 1927, 57: 1251.— Calabrd Anzalone, F. Istoria di un caso straordinario di aneurisma osservato in Reggio. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1835, 9: 208-22.—Castellano, T. Enorme aneurisma del tronco braquio-cef&lico tratado con el suero gelatinado y el mercurio. Prensa med. argent.. INNOMINATE ARTERY 310 INOSITOL Lond., 1920, 2: 819 Whteler. W. I. de C. Ligature of innominate artery for riirht subclavian aneurysm; end-result. Brit. M. ,I., 1942. 2: 422.------ Ligature of the innominate artery. Ibid., 1943, 1: 173. INNOMINATE bone. See Hip. INNOMINATE vein. See also Jugular vein. Romano, N. Tromboflebitis del troneo braquiocefalieo y adenocelulitis mediastinal aguda post-neumopatia. In his Lecc. clin. med., B. Air., 1936, 1: 41-52. ------ Trombo- flebitis de los gruesos tronco-venosos braquiocefalicos con adenocelulitis mediastinal y edemas elefamiasicos por hloquen del sistema linfatico. Ibid., 1940, 4: 35-51.---Samson. H. H. A note on the operation of ligature and drainage of the liulit innominate vein. Birmingham M. Rev., 1927, n. ser.. 2: 270.—Valter, L. Ueber eine seltene Lagenanomalie der Vena anonyma sinistra nebst Betrachtungen uber Anomalien und Asymmetrien des Venensvstems im Bereich des Kopfes und Halses. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1931, 95: 709-805. Also Magy. orv. arch., 1932, 33: 1-20. INOCULATION. See also Bacteria, Identification; Bacteria, Isolation; Bacteriology, Methods; Immunization; Vaccination; also under names of infectious dis- eases. Barrett, J. T. The inoculation controversy in Puritan New Kmrland. Bull. Hist. M., 1942, 12: 109-90. Also Centaur, Menasha, 1942-43, 48: 119-31.—Borelli, A. InoculacSes experimentais. Impr. med., Rio, 1942, 18: No. 343, 53-7.— Burdon, K. L. A mouse holder facilitating intravenous inocu- lations. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1937-38, 23: 1293-5.—Goldenberg, L., & Panisset. L. La pratique des inoculations intradermiques; diagnostic, pievention, traitement. Paris med., 1927, 63: 37-43.—Malnne, R. H. On certain fallacies associated with the use of laboratory animals for isolating pathogenie micro- organisms. Ind. J. M. Res., 1922-23, 10: 1123-0.—Zehner, M. G., A Humphrey, H. B. Smuts and rusts produced in cereals bv liv odermic injection of inoculum. J. Agr. Res., 1929, 38: 623 7. INOCYTE. See Connective tissue. INOKO, Sikanosuke, IX.r><)~ For Festschrift see Arch. jap. Chir., 1937, 14: II. 1, portr. INOSEMIA. See Fibrin, Fibrinemia. INOSINE [and inosinic acid] See also Muscle, Chemistry; Purin, Deriva- tives; Xanthine. Buell, M. V. On the origin of inosinic acid. Abstr. Internat. Phvsiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 40. Also J. Biol. Chem., 1929-30, 85: 435-45.—Levene, P. A., & Tipson. R. S. The partial synthesis of ribose nucleotides; muscle inosinic acid. Ibid., 1935, 111: 313-23.—Ostern. P. Ueber die Darstellung der Muskeladenyl- und Inosinsaure. Biochem. Zsehr., 1932, 254: 65-70.—Wassermeyer, H. Ueber die Dissoziations- konstanten der Mu>kelad< iioiinphosphorsaure und der Inosin- siiure. Zsehr. i liysiol. Chem., 1928, 179: 238-42. INOSITE. See Inositol. INOSITOL. See also Carbohydrates; Cyclic compounds; Hydrocarbon, cyclic; Muscle, Chemistry; Phytic acid. Bailly, M. C. Sur le dosage de l'inositol dans les inosito- phosphates de calcium et de magnesium medicamenteux. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1938, S. ser., 28: 199-208.—Bischoff, F., & Long, M. L. Depletion of muscle -near by adrenalin. Am. J. I'!i>>iol., 1930, 95: 403-11.—Bleyer. B„ Fischler, F., & Schenck, G. Leber die Bestimmung und Trennung der Phos- phorsaure bei Gegenwart von Inositphosphorsaure. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 238: 216-25.—Folch, J., & Woolley, D. W. Ino- sitol, a constituent of a biain phosphatide. J. Biol. Chem., 1942, 142: 963.—Gavin. G., & McHenry, E. W. Inositol; a lipotropic factor. Ibid., 1941, 139: 485.—Gregory, R. A. A modification of Young's method for the determination of inositol in animal tissue*. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935. 29: 2798-802.—Lindenfeld. K. Ueber die Gewinnung von Inosit aus inositpho=]>horsauren Salzen, Biochem. Zsehr., 1934, 272: 284-9.- McHenrv. K. W., & (Javin. G. EfTeci- of inositol upon liver fat m ihe rat. Fed. Proc, Ball.. 1942. I : pt 2, 124 (Abstr.) Martin. G. J. The interrelationship of p-amino- benzoic acid and inositol. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 136: 124-7.— Mosrhini. A. Action du glucose, de 1'inosite, de la creation et des phosphates sur le phosphagdne musculaire. ('. rend. Soc. biol.. 1932. 109: 579-S1. Owens. F. M., jr, Allen, J. <;. [et al.] The comparativo elTects of inositol and lipoeaic in depancreatized dogs. Fed. I'mc. Bait.. 1912, 1: pt 2, 65 (Abstr.)—Posternak, S., & Posternak, T. Sur la configuration de 1'inosite inactive. C. rend. Aead. sc, 1929, 188: 1296-8. Also Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1929, 11: 937-9.—Preisler, P. W., ^ Berger, L. Preparation of tetrahydroxyquiuone and rliodi/onic acid salts from the product of the oxidation of inositol with nitric acid. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 07 9.— Williams, R. J., Stout, A. K. [et al.] Assay method foi inositol. Univ. Texas Pub., 1941, No. 4137, 27-30.—Woolley, D. W. A method for the estimation of inositol. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 140: 153-9. ------ A study of the biological specificity of inositol. Ibid., 461-6. ------ Bacterial synthesis of inositol and its importance in the nutritional economy in mice. J. Bact., Bait., 1942, 43: 5. ■------Synthesis of inositol in mice. J. Exp. M., 1942, 75: 277-84. ------■ Changes in the form of inositol during incubation of eggs. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 49: 540.—Young, L. The volumetric determina- tion of inositol. Biochem. J., Lond., 1934, 28: 1428-34. The determination of inositol in animal tissues. Ibid., 1435-43. INOUYE, Jukiti, 1862-1929. Inouye's Eng- lish-Japanese dictionary. 232Gp.; 25p. 16? [n. p., Siseidd, 1915] INOZEMTSEV, Fedor Ivanovich, 1802-1869. Kolosov, G. A. [Fedor Ivanovich Inozemtsev, his scientific views and his importance in Russian science and Moskva University! Russ. klin., 1930, 14: 341-52. INQUEST. See Coroner; also such headings as Autopsy, Forensic aspect; Cadaver; Death; Insanity, etc. INQUISITION. See also Torture. Geiselhart, E. G. A study in inquisitorial torture in western Europe, including the ordeal as an inquisitorial procedure. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1938, 14: 102.—Raspail, F. V. A quel genre de mort a succombe Eugene Sue. Rev. compl. sc. appl. med., Par., 1858-59, 5: 377; 1859-60, 6: 27; 58. INSANE. See Insanity for legal aspects; Psychotic for medical aspects. INSANITY. See also Psychosis for medical aspects of mental disorders; also under names of mental diseases and deficiencies as Dementia; Fugue; Idiocy; Mental deficiency, etc. Benon. R. Le concept alienation mentale. Rev. sc, Par., 1928, 66: 201-4.—Fleury. What is mental alienation'.' Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1927, n. ser., 123: 173-5.—Hyslop, T. B. The prognosis of insanity. Tr. Assur. M. Soc. Lond. (1926 -27) 1928, 133-54.—Norris, D. C. Psychoses. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1942, 10: 146.—Rojas, N. Concepto medico- legal sobre la alienaci6n mental. Key. argent, neur. psiquiat., 1928, 2: 494-501. Also Actas Conf. Iat. amer. neur., B. Air., 1929, 1. Conf., 1: 170-81— Tesdorpf, P. Sur I'importance d'une definition exacte de ce qu'on nomme caractere pour notre jugement sur les aliens. C. rend. Congr. intermit, psychol. (1900) 1901, 4. Congr., 567-71.—Warson, S. R. A review of the concept of insanity. Am. J. Psychiat., 1940-41, 97: 1288-300.—Zilboorg, G. Misconceptions of legal insanity. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1939, 9: 540-53. Also J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1939, 89: 213-22. ---- Casuistry. Robertson, C. L., & Maudsley, H. Insanity and crime; a medico-legal commentary on the case of George Victor Townley. 47p. 8? Lond., 1864. Ajello, S. Relazione di perizia medico-legale sulle condizioni somatic he e psichiche del detenuto Messina Ferdinando. Gazz. med. sieil., 1910, 13: 289; 313; 337; 361; 385; 409.—Albina, E. Sobre el estado mental de Salvador Marino. Rev. argent. neur. psiquiat., 1927, 1: 436-44.- Alexander, R. Not guilty by reason of insanity. Med. Rec, N. V., 1934, 139: 28-32.— Bezzola, D. Ein psychiatrischer Notfall in foren>iseher Be- leuchtung. In Festschr. H. Zangger, Zur., 1935, 1: 422-38.— Blume, G. Der Fall Laube; ein Beitrag zur Irrengesetzgebung. Arch. Krim., 1927, 80; 145.-Corberi, G„ & Gonzales, P. INSANITY 311 INSANITY Perizia psichiatrica su di un delinquente ricoverato nei Mani- comio di Milano. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1912, 4. ser., 4: 383-405.—De Boeck & De Rode. Expertise medico-legale au sujet de l'etat mental de la femme De K ... Marie-Leonie, prevenue d'empoisonnements. Bull. Soc. med. ment. Belgique, 1906, 91-9.—Dyrenfurth, F., & Steinbiss, W. Der Fall Franken-Schulze; ein Beitrag zu den Schwierigkeiten der Differentialdiagnose zwischen reaktiv und organisch bedingter Psychose. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg., 1927, 33: 261-5.—Esqucrdo. J., & Villaverde, J. M. de. Informe medico-legal sobre el estado mental de M. V. P.; asesinato de N. B. G. Siglo med., 1927. 74: 537; 577; 605.—Ferrarini, C. Sui criteri psichiatrici delle giurie. Cior. psichiat., 1926, 54: No. 3-4, 16-50 — Gerlsch. Der Fall Pastor Lang; anonyme und pseudonyme Briefschreiberei. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1908-9, 10: 201; 210.—Grimaldi, A. II museo Ciaramella; relazione di perizia psichiatrica sullo stato di mente di A. Ciaramella imputato di truft'a e falso. Manicomio, Nocera, 1908, 24: 287-90, 3 pl., ch.—Gurrieri, R. Sullo stato mentale di un giovane imputato d'incendio e di appropriazione indebita qualificata. Bull. sc. med.. Bologna, 1911, 8. ser., 11: 695-702.—Legludic. Cocard & Baruk. Rapport medieo-iegal sur l'etat mental du nomme B ..., inculpe d'incendie volontaire et de rebellion. Arch. med. Angers, 1906, 10: 97-114.—Mattos. J. de. Fogo posto; imbeeilidade e epilepsia; relatorio medico-legal. Porto med., 1906, 3: 33-5.—Mikorey, M., & Mezger, E. Falle: symptom- arme Geisteskrankheit und schweres Verbreehen. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1936, 27: 97-105.—Murillo de Campos & Guedes, A. Tentativa de homicidio por octogenario displazico eunueoide e delirants. Arq. Inst. med. leg.. Rio. 1931, No. 1, 39-43, 2 pl.—Nieto, G Sobre le estado de enajenacion mental del procesado M. G. D. Siglo med., 1934, 93: 660; 694 — Oehmke Strittiger Geisteszustand des Einbreeherkonigs K. Zsehr. Medbeamte, 1913, 26: 369-77.—Rassow, L. Kriminali- tat und geistige Abnormitat in W. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 2086-90. Also Umschau, 1936, 40: 405-7.—Rayneau. Rapport sur l'etat mental du nomme D ..., inculpe d'outrages. Arch, neur., Par., 1903, 2. ser.. 16: 289-305.—Rouby. Rapport concernant le detenu R., de l'atelier des travaux publics d'Or- leansville au point de vue medico-legal. Bull. med. Algerie, 1906. 17: 51-4.—Thiele, R. Replik auf das in dem Prozess gegen den Morder Wilhelm Gustloffs erstattete psychiatrische Sachverstandigengutaehten. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1937, 43: 33-40.—Wagner. Der Fall Pfarrer X; anonyme Briefschrei- berei. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1908-9. 10: 369; 377; 385 — Weatherly, L. A. Debatable medico-legal episodes in the long life of an alienist. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1936, 4: 187-207; --- Commitment, guardianship and release of insane. Brenner, H. ,*Ueber die Frage der Ent- miindigung [Bonn] 65p. 8? Goch, 1913. Fleischmann, A. *Ueber Bemundigung [Berlin] 37p. 8? Charlottenb., 1931. Richtzenhain [C. A.] W. *Gemeingefahr- lichkeit von Wahnkranken und Entmundigung [Miinster] 52p. 8? Quakenbrilck, 1932. Solano, S. El estado peligroso. 59p. 24^cm. Lima, 1937. Vainchtock. A. *La conception d'un quartier de surete pour alienes criminels. 91p. 8? Strasb., 1932. Abely, X. La technique de l'internement des alienes criminels. Ann. med. leg., 1932. 12: 107-29.------; Interne- ment des alienes criminels; juridiction repressive ou juridiction civile? Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1935, 93: pt 1, 234-53. ------& Abely, P. L'internement des aniens sociaux (pervers constitutionnels) Ibid., 1934, 92: pt 1, 157-83.—Beringer, K. Einiges iiber Entmundigungsfragen fiir die Praxis. Jahrkurs. iirztl. Fortbild., 1934, 25: H. 5, 1-4.—Bcrze. J. Zur Frage des Schutzes der Gesellschaft vor gemeingefahrhchen Kranken. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1937, 50: 280-5— Binswanger, L. Ent- mundigungsgutachten. Nervenarzt, 1935, 8: 470-8.—Briin- niche, E. Verwahrung und Sterilisation. Acta psychiat. neur., Kbh., 1933, 8: 647-66.—Carrilho, H. Manicomios judicianos; exposicao de motivos e ante-projeto apresentado k 14. sub- comissao legislativa. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1931, No. 2, 59-70.—Commitment of patients to mental disease hospitals. Westchester M. Bull., 1942, 10: No. 9, 16.—Dangl, R. Die Untcrbringung der unzurechnungsfahi|;en und der vermindert zurechnungsfahigen Kriminellen. Jahrb. Psychiat. Neur., 1928, 46: 76-87.—Derombies. M. Le regime des alienes criminels et deiinquants en Angleterre e t en Ecosse. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1937, 95: pt 1, 202; 400; 536.—Desoille, H., & Szumlanski, R. Syndromes mentaux romportant des reactions dangereuses; diagnostic d'urgence; formalite.s de l'internement. Gaz. hop., 1930, 103: 125-8.—Eschte, F. C. R. Das Sachver- Btiindigen-Gutachten im Entmundignngsverfahren und bei der Einsetzung einer Pflegscljaft. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1910, 20: 265-72 —Feinberg, Z. M. [Principal questions in compulsory treatment of the mentally ill subject who has perpetrated a crime] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1940, 9: No. 9. 73-82.—Friede- mann, E. Die Notwehr gegeniiber Geistesgestbrten. Aerztl, Sachverst. Ztg, 1937, 43:271-8.—Gumpertz, K. Zur Gutach- tertatigkeit bei Aufhebung der Entmundigung. Deut. med. Presse, 1910, 14: 13-5.—Harms, M. Institutional care of the criminal insane in the United States. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1931, 15: 135-54.—Herschmann. H. Die strafrechtliche Behandlung und Unterbringung. der geisteskranken und psychopathischen Verbrecher. Jahrb. Psychiat. Neur., 1926-27, 45: '221-75. ------Die Unterbringung der unzurechnungsfahigen und vermindert zurechnungsfahigen Rechtsbrecher. Ibid., 1928, 46: 66-75.—Hess, E. Entmundigung als Heilmittel bei Psychopathen. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat , 1913, 18: Orig., 203-16.—Homburger, A. Ueber die Entmundigung bei krankhafter Haltlosigkeit und verwandten Formen der Psycho- pathie. Vjschr. gerichtl. Med., 1912, 3. ser., 43: Sunpl. 2, 371-9.—Hiibner, A. H. Die Entmundigung wegen Geistes krankheit, Geistesschwache und Trunksucht. Veroff. Med- verwalt., 1921-22, 14: 203-78.—Kayser. Die Unterbringung der geisteskranken Strafgefangenen. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1932, 97: 485.—Lemmergaard, K. E. J., & Ravn, J. Uebersicht iiber die Patientenbelegung der Sicherungsanstalt fiir geistes- kranke Verbrecher in Nykobing in der Zeit von 1918 bis 1938, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Psychopathien. Acta psychiat. neur., Kbh., 1938, 13: 431-46.—Mattioli-Foggia, C. SuH'amministratore provvisorio dei malati di mente. Note psichiat., Pesaro, 1938, 67: 625-32.—Moerchen, F. Die Entmiindigungssache Peill-Schillings. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1912-13, 14: 445-52.—Muniz, G. Normas de consideraci6n psiquiatrica sobre la interdiccion de los enajenados. Siglo med., 1935, 96: 462-5.—Naegele. Geisteskrankheit, Be- wusstlosigkeit, Entmundigung. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1931, 94: 502-60.—Pereira Rego, J. de. Juicio de interdicci6n civil. Sem. med., B. Air., 1919, 26: pt 2, 492-505.—Petren, A. Erfahrungen beziiglich des schwedischen Verwahrungsgesetzes. Acta psychiat. neur., Kbh., 1933, 8: 513-34.—Peytel, A. Le privilege pour les frais de la derniere maladie, l'internement dans un asile. Paris med., 1936, 100: annexe, 336-8.—Rittershaus, E. Zur Frage der rechtlichen Stellung des Entmiindigten. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1925, 73: 312-7.—Santangelo, G. Delia situazione del prosciolto per infermitfi, di mente. Ann. Osp. psichiat. Perugia, 1932, 26: 181-202.—Schottky, J. Psychiatrische und kriminalbiologische Fragen bei dsr Unter- bringung in einer Heil- oder Pflegeanstalt nach § 42b und c des Strafgesetzbuches; mit einem Ueberblick iiber die bis zum 1. 3. 1940 in Hildburghausen untergebrachten Kriminellen. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1941, 117:287-355 (microfilm)—Schuckmann, von. Strafvollzugsunfahigkeit ohne Anstaltsoflegabediirftig- keit. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1922-23, 24: 185-8.—Schultze, E. Psychiatrische Kritik des Preussischen Runderlasses betreffend die polizeiliche Unterbringung Geisteskranker in offentlichen Heil- und Pflegeanstalten; ein Beitrag zu einer kiinftigen Irrengesetzgebung. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1932, 97: 468-532.—Sommer, P. Darf man einen Querulanten in einer Heilanstalt unterbringen? Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1936, 42: 9.—Templeton, W. L. Removal for mental observation. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 351.—Trunk. Unterbringung in Heil- und Pflegeanstalten als Sicherheitsmassnahme. Zsehr. psych. Hyg., 1936, 9: 120-6.—Verstraeten, P. Sur l'internement et la liberation des deiinquants anormaux. C. rend. Congr. a'.ien. neur. France, 1933, 37. Congr., 437-41.—Vervaeck, L. La liberation des criminels anormaux internes par mesure de defense sociale. Bruxelles med., 1931-32, 12: 1211.—Viern- stein. Behandlung Krimineller. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat. 1939, 113: 1-14. ---- Criminological aspect. See also other subheadings; also Criminal, Psychiatric aspect; Delinquent; Forensic medi- cine; Homicide; Incapacity; Irresponsibility; Prisoner; Psychiatry, forensic, etc. Legras, J. *Psychose en criminaliteit bij tweelingen. 105p. 8? Utrecht, 1932. Overholser, W. The place of psychiatry in the criminal law. p.322-44. 25}£cm. Bost., 1936. Weinreich, R. *Straftaten geisteskranker Frauen; Zusammenhang zwischen Symptomen und Verbreehen. 56p. 8? Bonn, 1932. Williams, E. H. The insanity plea. 169p. 8? Bait., 1931. Wilson, J. G., & Pescor, M. J. Problems in prison psychiatry. 275p. 23^cm. Caldwell, Id.. 1939. Ashby, J. W. The criminal insane. North Carolina M. J., 1942, 3: 500.—Becker, R. Die Haufigkeit jiidischer Krimineller unter den geisteskranken Verbrechern in Polen. Psychiat. neur Wschr., 1931, 33: 362-4.—Benon, R. Alienation mentale et criminalite. Bull. m6d., Par., 1933, 47: 533.—Brown, S., II. A psychiatric view of crime and the criminal. Proc. Am. Ass. Study Feebleminded, 1928, 52. Session, 115-23.—Crime and insanity. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 622.—Cushman, R. A. The criminal insane. California West. M., 1938, 48: 83-7.— Del Greco, F. Sull'attributo di pericolosita agli infermi e gravi anormali mentali. Riv. sper. freniat., 1937, 61: 1094.— INSANITY 312 INSANITY East. W. N. Crime and insanity. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1929, 4: 187-98; 201-12, 5: 21; 50; 1930, 57.—Erickson, M. H. Criminality in a group of male psychiatric patients. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1938, 22: 459-76.—Erkkila, S. [Development of crime mania in the insane] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1938, 54: 801-6. ------ [Criminality if the mentally sick and mentally abnormal] Nord. med., 1940, 8: 2151-7.—Farnell, F. J. The state, the psychotic and the criminal. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1930, 72: 34-45.—Fernandez Darila, G., & Bambaren, C. A. Alienaci6n mental y delincuencia (informe de psiquiatrfa forense) Cr6n. med., Lima, 1928, 45: 232-8.—Francheteau, A. Sur la sortie de l'asile des alienes criminels; k propos d'une tentative d'homicide. Progr. med., Par., 1937, 1174-7.— Fuster, J., & Rodriguez Cuevillas, C. La valoracion del delito y la noci6n de justicia en los delincuentes alienados. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1935, 23: 299-324.—Gallup. P. R. The prob - lem of the criminal insane in Indiana. Ment. Hyg. Rev.' Indianap., 1940-41, 1: 115-22.—Garrity, J. A. The defense of insanity in criminal cases. Minnesota M.', 1940, 23: 387-91.—■ Insanity as a defence in criminal cases. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 735.—Karpman, B. Psychoses in criminals; clinical studies in the psychop athologv of crime. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1926, 64: 331; 482; 1927, 520; 622. ------ Widening the concepts of insanity and criminality. J. Crim. Psychopath., 1942-43, 4: 129-44.—Langfeldt, G. [Psychopathy and criminality] Sven. lak. tidn., 1938, 35: 1748-58.—Le Gras, A. M. i'sychose und Kriminalitat bei Zwillingen. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1933, 144: 198-222.—Leroy, E., & Masquin, P. Crimes en 6tat de confusion mentale. Encephale, 1939, 34: pt 1, 169-89.— Loudet, O. Sobre el tratamiento de los llamados delincuentes alienados y alienados delincuentes. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1933, 20: 419-24.—Minogue, S. J. Crime and insanity. Med. J. Ausdiulia, 1927. 2: Suppl., 384-7; 1941, 1: 86.—North, C. H Insanity amonjr adolescent criminals. State Hosp. Bull., Ltica, 11U1--12, n. ser., 4: 68-79.—Oliviers. Les alienes delinquents tels qu'ils se presentent k l'asile special. J. neur. psychiat., Brux., 1932, 32: 209-33.—Orbison. T. The pre- vention of crimes in mental deviates. J. Delinq., 1927, 11 100-5.—Pajak. J. [Biopsychiatry of crime and protection o the state] Med. prakt., Poznari, 1938, 12: 297; 328; 348; 377 — Palmieri, V. M. Die Verteilung der morphologisch-konstitu tionellen Tvpen unter den geisteskranken Verbrechern. Deut Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1928, 12: 592-601.—Parasuram, G. R. Crime and insanity. Madras M. J., 1928, 10: 147-71.— Penrose, L. S. Mental disease and crime; outline of a com- parative studv of European statistics. Brit. J. M. Psychol., 1939-40, 18: 1-15.—Pilrher, E. Relation of mental disease to crime including a special study of the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane at Ionia, Michigan; a total survey of 5 crimina insane hospitals, and studies of crimes committed by the criminal insane. J. Am. Inst. Crim., 1930-31, 21: 212-46.— Pisani, D. Finamica del delitto negli alienati. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1933, 53: 1624-8.—Raviart, G. Crimes d'alienes et protection sociale. Echo med. nord, 1934, 3. ser., 1: 610-5 .— Richmond. F. ('. The criminal feebl n> minded. Med. Leg. J., N. Y., 1931, 48: 10-21.—Rojas, N. El -, obo patol6gico. Arq. med. leg. ident., Kio, 1933, No. 6, 60-6. ------& Fernandez Speroni, C. Estadistica de alienadas delincuentes. Rev. As. med. argent., 1935, 49: 575-81. Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 1,477-80.—Ruiz Maya. La peligrosidad de los alienados en sus aspectos te6rico y pnictico. Arch, med., Madr., 1927, 27: 582-95.—Sante de Sanctis. El concepto moderno de la alienacion mental en la eiiininologia. Rev. crim, B. Air, 1927, 14: 269-86.—Schneider. K. Leber Ps,\ < hopathen und ihre kriminalbiologische Bedeutung. Mschr. Kriminalb., 1938, 29: 353-67.—Schwarz, R. The criminal insane under jurisdiction. Ment. Hvg. Bull.. Alb., 1934, 18: 452-61.— Shaw. F. C. Types of criminal insane. Psychhit. Q., 1930, 4: 458-65.—'haw, T. C. A contribution to the analysis of the mental process in criminal acts. Lancet, Lond., 1907, 2: 1306-9.—Shoenfeld, D. D. Psychiatry and the criminal Jaw. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1938-39, 5: 369-75.—Stanger, F. A., jr. The r lation of mental deficiency to crime. Training School Bull., 1933, 30: 22-7— Tulin, L.A. The problem of mental disorder in crime. Current Legal Thought, 1936-37, 3: 48-55.—Verwaeck, L. Le depistage des maladies et ano- malies mentales des prevenues en prison. Arq. med. leg. ident Rio, 1933, No. 7, 104-1L—Webster, B. R. Psychoses among criminals. Psychiat. Q., 1928, 2: 136-43.—Weihofen, H. [Bibliography on insanity as a defense in criminal law] In his Insanity as a Defense, N. Y., 1933, 445-63.—White, A. M. Legal insanity in criminal cases; past, present and future. J. Am. Inst. Crim., 1927-28, 18: 165-74.—White, W. A. In- sanity and crime. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1926, 10: 265-76.— Yoemans, R. F. Who are the criminal insane 50 patients committed to the Boston State Hospital under Sections 100 and 104, Chapter 123, of the general laws of Massachusetts. Ibid., 1930, 14: 672-96.—Zeller, C. A. Who are the criminal insane. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1937, 37: 1433-7 — Zupic, S. [Fate of cured mental patients, incarcerated by the courts] Lijee. vjes., 1940, 62: 666. ---- Diagnosis and evidence. See also next subheading; also Psychosis, Heredity. Alcantara Machado. Exame psychiatrico; formalidades. Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1935, No. 11, 93-5.—Benon, R. Rapports medico-I6gaux et psyehiatrie; la demonstration de la maladie mentale. Ann. med. leg., 1937, 17: 222-8. ------ Psyehiatrie m6dico-iegale, signes objectifs. Ibid., 1938, 18: 323-7.—Berezowski, F. [Etherization as an auxiliary method in legal psychiatric investigations] Med. prakt., Poznaii, 1937, 11: 461-7.—Bombarda. Processo crime pelo assassinio de uma gallinha. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1909, 27: 19.— Bonhour, A. Disimulaci6n de la loeura. Rev. As. med. argent., 1937, 51: 421-5.—Bruchansky, N. P. [Psyehiatrie examination in connection with questions of law] Mosk. med. J., 1920, 6: No. 3, 47-50.—Carrara, M. La determinazione della pato- genesi in medicina legale. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1933, 53: 1389.—Chornyak, JL Some remarks on the diagnosis of Ihe psychopathic delinquent. Am. J. Psychiat., 1940-41, 97: 1320-40.—Decroly. Contribution au diagnostic des irr6gu- larites mentales; les frontiSres anthropom6triqucs des anor- maux d'apres M. Binet. J. neur., Par., 1906, 11: 01-72 [Dis- cussion] 79.—D'Ormea, A. Sindromi degenerative e sindromi patologiche negli alienati e nei criminali. Rass. stud, psichiat., 1928, 17: 3-45.—Foxe, A. N. The psychiatric examination of the criminotic individual. Psychiat. Q., 1940, 14: 289-300.— Fribourg-Blanc, A. La dissimulation volontaire des troubles psychiques. Rev. m6d. fr., 1931, 12: 853■-02. Gross, H. Zur psychologisehen Tatbestandsdiagnostik. Arch. Krim. Anthrop 1905, 19: 49-59.—Guija Morales, E. Valoracion de la peli- grosidad colectiva. Arch, neurob., Madr., 1933, 13: 837-48.— Hendren, W. M. Are legal tests of insanity a necessary or useful device? South. M. & S., 1926, 88: 709-15.—Henneberg, R. Manisch-depressive and schizophrene Zustande. Med Welt, 1929, 3: 23-5.—Kinberg. O. Obligatory psychiatric examination of certain classes of accused persons. ,1. Am Inst. Crim., 1911-12, 2: 858-07.—Loudet, O. Los indices medico-psicol6gicos v legale* de la peligrosidad. Rev. psiquiat. Uruguay, 1939, 4: No. 21, 39-60.—Mazzei, M. La genocu- tireazione del Ceni negli alienati criminali. Neopsiehiatria Pisa, 1935, 1: 26-41.—Niceforo, A. Contributo alio studio e alia rappresentazione grafica della normality degli individui e dei fenomeni; indicazione e suggerimenti per l'esame pcritalc. Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1936, No. 12, 81 110. Proof of insanity in criminal cases. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 48.— Raimann, E. Die Untersuchung bei zweifelhaftem Geistes- zustand. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938, 4: T. 12, 1. Halfte, 1: 505-35.—Raitzin, A. II interrogatorio sistematico en los ex&menes clfnicos y pericialea de enfermos mentales. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1937, 44: pt 2, 922-31.—Serin, S. De l'examen k domicile des alienfe difficiles. Prat. med. fr., 1926, 5: B, 495-502.—Stevens, J. W. De- termination of the presence of insanity. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1928-29, 21: 338-43.—True (The) criteria of insanity. Mem. Congr. med. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 2: 959.— Wechsler, Z. Ueber eine Nachuntersuchung forensisch Begutachteter. Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1936, 38: 284-97. ---- Expert testimony and trial procedure. See also Psychiatry, forensic. Taylor, J. A. Exonerative insanity. 87n. 8? N. Y., 1882. Ameghino, A. La pericia medicolegal del peligro de vida Rev. crim., B. Air., 1926, 13: 513-35.—Archambault, P, La necessite de l'expertise medico-legale contradictoire. C rend Congr. alien, neur. France (1907) 1908, 17. Congr., 307.— Benon, R. Pathologie mentale et rapports medico-iegaux. Gaz. hop., 1926, 99: 183.------Alienation mentale et certificat. Ibid., 1934, 107: 1737.—Hermann, G. El juicio pericial de peligrosidad. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1934, 51: 165-82.—Carroll, D. Observations on the psychiatric handling of delinquents. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1940, 8: 182- 98-—Ceillier, A. L'expertise psychiatrique. Progr. med., Par., 1934, 145-9.—Certification under the Lunacy Acts. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: Suppl., 165.—Cogan, T. E. The public defender and psychiatry. Week. Roster, Phila., 1938-39, 34: 976-8 — Courbon, P. Essai d'une conception et d'une methode prag- matiques de l'expertise psychiatrique criminelle. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1929, 33. Congr., 293-5. Crice. T. J. The psychiatrist's responsibility to society and the so-called criminal insane. Kentucky M. J., 1940, 38: 26-32.—Criminal insanity; testimony of alienists not conclusive [Colorado] J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1159.—Del Greco, F. La tecnica dei manicomi ed il giudizio di pericolosita di uno psicopate. Riv. sper. freniat., 1934, 58: 1257.—Desmond, T. C. New York smashes the lunacy commission racket. J. Crim., Chic, 1939- 40, 30: 653-61.—Dukor, B. Zur Methode und Technik des psvehiatrischen Gutachtens. Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1938, 42: 225-48.—Ferrarini, C. Sui criteri psichiatrici delle Giune (a proposito del processo di Arezzo per il delitto del diret- tissimo 38 e del processo C. R. all'Assise di S. Remo) Gior. psichiat., 1926, 54: 16-50.—Fribourg-Blanc. Des erreurs a 6viter dans la redaction des pieces medicales relatives aux psychopathies. Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1931, 94: 741-51.— Fiirstenheim, W. Die Beurteilung des Geisteszustandes jugend- hcher Angeklagter. Zsehr. Psychother., 1911, 3: 158-82 — Gelma, E. Organisation des services psychiatriques annexes des prisons. Rev. anthrop., Par., 1926, 36: 111-3.- Gordon, H. L. On certification of mental disorder in Kenya East Afr. M. J., 1935-36, 12: 358-65.—Gorriti, F. Los certifieados medicos para la internacion de alieriados desde el punto de vista psiquiatrico. Sem. med., B, Air., 1932, 39: pt 1, 366-8.— INSANITY 313 INSANITY Heucqueville, G. d', & Kah, P. L'expertise mentale compare; k 3 degr6s. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1935, 39. Congr., 592-8.—Hoffmann, M. H. The expert witness and the insanity defense plea. Am. J. M. Jurispr., 1938, 1: 12-8.— Johnson. G, S. Forensic psychiatry; a review of procedure in Colorado. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 2019-21.—Keedy, E. R. Proposals of legislative relation to the presentation of psychiatric findings in criminal procedure. Week. Roster, Phila., 1938-39, 34: 949.—Kennedy, F. The psychiatrist's responsibility to the criminally insane and to society. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 634-9.—Kielholz, A. Ueber psvchiatrische Beobachtung und Begutachtung. Praxis, Bern, 1937, 26: 169; 181.—Kolk, J. van der. Psychiatrische werkzaamheid in dienst der justitie. Psychiat. neur. bl., Utrecht, 1918, 435-46.—Larson, J. Report of Committee on^ Courts. Am. J. Psychiat., 1941-42, 98: 298.—Leibbrand, W. Aktuelles zur psychiatrischen Sach- verstandigenfrage. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1933, 35: 345-7.— Leshchinsky, A. L., & Mozgova, P. V. [Migrating legal-psychi- atric expert] Sovet. psikhonevr., 1933, 9: 94-8.—Loudet, O. El valor probatorio y legal de las pericias psiquiatricas. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1929, 4: 1207-15.—Medico-political: Fees for certification of mental patients released on probation. Brit. M. J., 1934, 1: Suppl., 319.—Meijers, F. S. [Ihe psychiatrist and the enforcement of insanity laws] Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1932, 36: 70-5.—Meyer. Ein Gutachten uber den Geisteszustand des angeblichen Jesuitenmissionars Richard. Arch. Krim. Anthrop., 1905, 20: 148-08.—Moll, A. Psychiater und Psychologe als gerichtliche Sachverstandige. Mschr. Psychiat. Neur., 1927, 64: 137-51.—Morsier, G. de. Die Bedeutung des psychiatrischen Gutachtens im Strafreeht. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1936, 42: 59-64.—Overholser, W. Psychiatric expert testimony. In Ment. Health (Am. Ass. Advance. Sc.) Lancaster, 1939, 313-8.------Some problems in psychiatric expert testimony. Am. J. M. Jurispr., 1939, 2: 76-83.—Patterson, R. M. Psychiatrist, criminal, court. J. Crim. Psychopath., 1940-41, 2: 512-23.—Place (The) of the psychiatrist in relation to the administration of criminal law. Med. Leg. Crim. Rev., Lond., 1939, 7: 153-72.—Rinne. Heinrich Hansjakob als Sachverstandiger zum Irrenschutz- Gesetz. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1926, 28: 108.—Rojas, N. Peritos de parte en los juicios de insania. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1931, 6: No. 4, 3-12.—Schneider, K. Psychiatrische Begutach- tung fiir Straf- und Zivilgerichte. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 1739-41.—Scott, H. D., jr. The prosecutor and psychiatry. Week. Roster, Phila., 1938-39, 34: 951-3.—Spencer, F. G. The psychiatrist and the law. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1935, 34: 432.—Tepley, L. V. Why alienists disagree in legal trials. Colorado M., 1926, 23: 237-9.—Trossarelli, A. L'alie- nista revisore di perizia individuale nella procedura vigente e nei progetto Rocco pel nuovo Codice di procedura penale. Rass. stud, psichiat., 1929, 18: 737-54.—Vervaeck, L., Heger- Gilbert, F., & Ley, A. L'expertise medico-legale psychiatrique et son organisation en Belgique. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1929, 33. Congr., 287-92.—Vorkastner, W. Die Begutachtung fraglicher Geisteszustande im Strafprozess. Erg. ges. Med., 1925, 7: 477-99.—Vullien. Les conditions de l'expertise medico-legale psychiatrique criminelle; les annexes psychiatriques des prisons. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1929, 33. Congr., 213-49. Also Rev. neur., Par., 1929, 36: pt 2, 344.—Wagner-Jauregg, J. Schwurgericht und psy- chiatrische Sachverstandige. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 269.—Werner, A. Gedanken zur Begutachtung psychisch Kranker. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936. 83: 1160-2.—Weygandt, W. Experimentelle Psychologie bei der gerichtlichpsychia trischen Sachverstandigentittigkeit. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1926, 17: 404-10.—Wilson, J. G. The responsibility of the physician in lunacy inquests. Kentucky M. J., 1939, 37: 377- 80.—Wimmer, A. [Medical evidence in insanity] Ugeskr. laeger, 1927, 89: 191-7. ---- feigned. See also under Prisoner. Flint, A. Notes and citations on the homi- cidal insanities and feigned insanity. 90p. 4? N. Y., 1907. Borda, J. T. Sobre la disimulaci6n en la locura. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1932, 19: 302.—Buchmidler, J. Aufdeckung der Nachahmung von Geisteskrankheiten mittels Cardiazol- Konvulsionsbehandlung. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1939, 41: 527.—Cisternas, R., & Laurnagaray, J. M. Consideraciones sobre la simulaci6n de la locura. Sem. med., B. Air., 1932, 39: pt 1, 373-8.—Fribourg-Blanc, A. Les fausses simulations en medecine legale psychiatrique. C. rend. Congr. ali6n. neur. France, 1931, 35. Congr., 163-243.—Grosz, K. Ueber Simula- tion von Geisteskrankheiten. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 277.—Haymann, H. Ueber Simulation und Dissimulation von Psychosen. Prakt. Arzt, 1927, n. F., 12: 194-200—Krakora, S. [Simulation of mental diseases] Bratisl. lek. list, 1936, 16: 193-201.—Lagriife & Sengfes, N. Sur un cas de simulation de troubles mentaux ayant dure de novembre 1920 a Janvier 1922. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1928, 86: pt 1, 237-45; 1929, 87: pt 1, 333; 127; pt 2, 241.—Lellep, K. Simulation von Geisteskrank- heiten und deren Grenzzustanden. Acta Univ. Tartu, 1934, 27: A, 1-63.—Milici, P. Simulated foolishness and mental puerilism in the psychoses. Psychiat. Q.. 1936, 10: 417-37.— Miiller. Ein lehrreicher Fall zur Frage der Vortauschung geistiger Stoning. Vereinsbl. pfalz. Aerzte, 1927, 39: 315-8.— Nelken, J. [Simulation of psychic disturbances in military service] Lek. wojsk., 1926, 7: 1-22.—Ossipov, V. P. [De- termining simulation in mental diseases] Arkh. med. nauk., 1929, 1: 5-17.—Stefan, H. Simulation von Geistesstorung; bewusste Vortauschung von epileptischen Anfallen, Aphasie, Amnesie, Demenz; aus der Gutachtertatigkeit der Klinik. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1936, 38: 344-9.—Tobben, H. Ein Beitrag zur Simulation von Geistesstorungen. . Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1935, 25: 212-22.—Vallejo Nagera, A. Las simulaciones de locura y su peritaje forense. Siglo med., 1930, 86: 297-303. ---- Jurisprudence. See also Psychosis, traumatic. Brtjhy, M. M. *Die Beurteilung des Begriffes Geisteskrank im Sinne des § 176, II Str. G. B. 24p. 8? Bresl., 1934. Akkerman, V. [Judicial-psychiatric rating of criminal insane and refractory hospital psychopaths] Mosk. med. J., 1926, 6: No. 10, 27—10.------[Understanding psychopathies and their significance in legal medicine] Sovet. psikhonevr., 1937, 13: 33-44.—Apfelbaum, M. Der unbemerkte Hintergrund reehtlich-psyehiatrischer Grenzfragen. Mschr. Krim. Psvchol., 1928, 19: 272-81.—Benon, R. Alienes putatifs et assurances sociales. Paris med., 1938, 107: 253-5.—Black, B.'W. Psy- chiatry and the law. California West. M., 1936, 44: 87-92.— Brown, C. L. Point of view of the law. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1938, 40: 845-7.—Brown, H. E. Mental disorder and the law. S. Afr. M. J., 1935, 9: 264-8.—Bumke, O. Der Staat und die Geisteskrankheiten. In Handb. Geisteskrankh. (O. Bumke) Berl., Erganzbd, T. 1, 1939, 280-305.—Burr, C. B. Insanite, legalite, insecurite. Proc. Am. Med. Psychol. Ass., 1920, 76: 115-27.—Chesney, E. J. The concept of mens rea in the criminal law. J. dim., Chic, 1938-39, 29: 027-44—Franche- teau, A. Alienation mentale et desequilibre psychique en medecine legale. Bull, med., Par., 1937, 51: 545-8.—Gonzalez Bernal, D. Neeesidad de locales forenses judiciales para toxicomanos y enfermos mentales. Arch, med., Madr., 1934, 37: 182-4.—Good, T. S. Some legal aspects of mental disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1932, 129: 674-91.—Graham, J. T. Some medico-legal observations in reference to insanity. Tr. Med. Soc. Virginia, 1916, 46: 67-71.—Green, P. W. Duties of the state asylum under the uniform criminal extradition act. J. Crim., Chic, 1939-40, 30: 295-324.—Henderson, D. K. Mental illness: legal aspects. In Brit. Encycl. M. Pract. (Rolleston, H.) Lond., 1938, 8: 564-80.— Jepson. C. N. Some medico-legal phases of insanity. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, 1903, 21: 262-76.—Layton, D. J. Insanity: some medico-legal aspects. Delaware M. J., 1935, 7: 21-9.—Modi, J. P. Insanity and its medico-legal aspect. In his Textb. Med. Jurispr., 6. ed., Bombay, 1940, 389-435.—Phillips, J. G. P. The medico-legal aspects of mental disorder. Practitioner, Lond., 1934, 132:- 391-404.—Requadt, H. W. Der Begriff der Gemeingefahr- lichkeit und die Ersatzanspriiche der Bezirksftirsorgeverbande gegen die Krankenkassen bei Anstaltsaufenthalt Geistes- kranker. Vertrauensarzt, 1939, 7: 52-5.—Schadenersatzan- spruch des Arztes gegen eine Ehefrau, die es unterlasst, ihn durch rechtzeitlige Warnung vor einem durch den geistes- kranken Ehemann drohenden Schaden zu bewahren. Reichs- gesundhbl., 1934, 9: 885.—Standards of insanity. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 1135.—Vvedensky, I. N. [Legal psychiatric difficulties] J. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva, 1931, 24: 101-4. ---- Legislation. See also Eugenics, Legislative and forensic aspect; Heredity, Pathology; Psychotic, Care; Sterilization, eugenic. Hunt, D. G., & Phillips, J. F. Heywood & Massey's Lunacy practice. 6. ed. 687p. 25}£cm. Lond., 1939. Mills, G. E., & Poyser, A. H. R. W. Mills & Poyser's Lunacy practice. 499p.; 34p. 26cm. Lond., 1934. Aschaffenburg, G. Zum Irrenfiirsorgegesetz. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1926, 28: 213.—Baruk, H. Assistance; la loi de 1838 (esprit et reformes) In his Psychiat. m6d., Par., 1938, 708-16.—Becker. Passt der 1569 des BGB. noch in die Zeit der heutigen Volksaufbesserung? Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1933, 35: 391.—Bosch, G. El alienado frente al c6digo civil. Rev. As. med. argent., 1934, 48:404-11. ------ Situaci6n del alienado en nuestro C6digo civil. Prensa med. argent., 1937, 24: 76-87.—Clemmesen, C, & Yde, A. [Present experiences with the new law for mental diseases] Ugeskr. laeger, 1939, 101: 1121-7.—Courbon, P., & Bauer, E. Protection des biens des alienes dans les codes francais et allemand. Ann. med. 16g., 1926, 6: 144-58.—Demay & Renaux. La loi de 1838, loi d'assistance. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1928, 32. Congr., 401.—Doninck, A. van [The laws of today and of the future in the care of the insane in Gheel] Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1933, 37: 563-78.—Erkkila, S. [The legal status of mental patients according to Finnish law and based on legal medicine] Duodecim, Helsin., 1939, 55: 903-14. Also Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1940, ser. B, 28: No. 10, 77-87.—Ferrio, INSANITY 314 INSANITY C. Riunione della Commissione di medici alienisti per la riforma della legge sui manicomi. Note psichiat., Pesaro. 1934, 63: 134-8. ------ Ueber die Reform der Irrengesetzgebung: Wie sich das Problem in Italien gestaltet. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1936, 104: 384-41 l.—Glueck, B. Contemporary issues in the relationship between psychiatry and law. J. Crim. Psychopath., 1939, 1: 91-102.—Groth, H. Die gesetzliche Regelung der Irrenfiirsorge in Preussen. Zsehr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1926, 22: 394-6.—Helweg, H. [Legislation on mental diseases with special regard to the establishment of family care as provided in the law of 1927] Hospitalstidende, 1929, 72: 1145-66.— Hoche. Zur Reform des Irrenrechts. Zsehr. psych. Hyg., 1930, 3: 36-45.—Insanity; constitutionality of statute author- izing court to appoint commission to detei mine sanity [Indiana] J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1532- Kalpa, K. I. Die neue Geisteskrankengei-ef zgebung Filmlands. Acta psychiat. neur., Kbh., 1938, 13: 619-29.—Keyes, B. L. Law'and lunacy. Pennsylvania M. J., 1940-41, 44: 165-71.—Kolb. Irrengesetz und offene Fiirsoigc Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1920, 28: 113- 7.—Kortenhorst, C. T. Die Psychopathpngesctzgeluing und ihre Duichfiihrung in den Niederlanden. Zsehr. psych. Hvg., 1931, 4: 110-22.- Loudet, O. Sobie kgislacion de'alienados. Rev. crim., B. Air., 1932, 19: 621-5. Also Arq. med. leg. ident,, Rio, 1933, No. 7, 118 23. Mas de'Ayala, I. La ley de alienados del Uruguay. Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1938, 3: 229-50.— Monkemoller. Psyehiatrie und Bewahrungsgesetz. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1925-26, 83: 448-90—Pieraccini, A. Ln reforma della legge sui manicomi e sugli alienati. Ann. Osp. psichiat. Perugia, 1934, 28: 63-82.—Prince, A. La notion d'incurabilite en alienation mentale d'api^s 1'art. 1569 du code civil allemand. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1926, 84: pt 1, 79- 82. -Raecke. Der Entwurf des preussischen Irrenfiirsorge- gesetzes. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 361.—Ritterhaus, E. Die Irrengesetzgebung in Deutschland nebst einer vergleiehen- den Dai-tellune des Irrenwesens in Europa (fiir Aerzte, Juristen und gebildete Laien) Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat, 1927, 86: Erganzh., 1-261.— Kojas, N. Base* para una legislaci6n sobre alienados. Sem. med.. B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 1177-83.—Schiff, P. La r6formedcla loi anglaise sur les alienes. Hyg. ment,, Par., 1927, 22: 9-12.—Schlager. Neuere Rechtsprechung zu $ 51 SiGB. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939. 35: 1227.—Zavodny. J. [Protection of the mentally diseased (Jurisprudence)] Rev. neur. psychiat, Praha, 1931, 28: 19; 57. ---- Legislation: Penal law. See also Incapacity; Irresponsibility. Lieske, H. Die Beriicksichtigung geistiger Minderwertigkeit in den Vorarbeiten zur Straf- prozessreform. 27p. 8? Berl., 1913. Artigo (O) 29 do projeto Sa Pereira; comentarios do Pro- fessor Afranio Peixoto na Camara dos deputados, em sessao da romissao do Codigo penal, realizada em 2 de Outubro de 1930. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1931, 51-8.—Berze. J. Ueber den Entwurf zu einpm deutschen St i afgesetzbuch von 1919. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1922, 76: 161-78.—Curran, E. M. Psy- chiatry and criminal law. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1940, 9: 130--4.- -Desruelles, M. A propos du projet de loi portant r< font' du code penal. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1935, 93: pt 1, 310-20. Favero, F. O artigo 68 do Codigo penal. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1933, No. 7, 222-5.—Herschmann. H. Psychiatrische Kritik des amtlichen Entwurfes fines allge- meinen deutschen Strafgesetzbuches vom Jahre 1925. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1925-26, 76: 533-51.—Hewart, L. Criminal law and insanity. Brit. M. J., 1927, 2: 949.—Issa Assaly, A. A loucura superveniente no Codigo penal de 1940. Arq. polic. civ. S. Paulo, 1941, 2: 75-92.—Juarros, C. La psiquiatria en el nuevo Codigo Penal. Siglo med., 1929, 83: 429-35.- Meggendorfer.F. Forensische Psyehiatrie: Neuere auslandische Strafge-etze und die Probleme der Zurechnungsfahigkeit und verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Fortsch. Neur. Psychiat., 1933, 5: 205 -32.----— Forensische Psyehiatrie; auf dem YYege zu einem nationalsozialistischen Strafrecht. Ibid., 1934, 6:60-75. ------ Das kommende deutsche Strafrecht. Ibid., 1936, 8: 487-500.—Ribeiro,, & L. Murillo de Campos. O projeto de Codigo penal do desembargador Sa Pereira em face da psiquiatria forense. Arq. Inst. med. leg., Rio, 1931, No. 2, 87-96.—Saforcada, M., &Torras, O. Comentarios psiquidtricos al nuevo codigo penal espafiol. Arch, neurob., Madr., 1930, 10: 443-63.—Schultze, E. Amtlicher Entwurf eine Einfiih- rungsgesetzes zum Allgemeinen Deutschen Strafgesetzbuch und zum Strafvollzugsgesetz vom Standpunkte des Psychiaters mit Bemerkungen uber den Entwurf eines Allgemeinen Deutschen Strafgesetzbucbs nach der ersten Lesung im Strafrechtsaus- schuss. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1931, 93: 452-94. ------ Das Schweizensche Strafgesetzbuch (21. Dezember 1937) verglichen mit der Strafrechtsreform in Deutschland vom psychiatrischen Standpunkt. Ibid., 1938, 108: 469-92.— Steinwallner, B. Ein interessanter fianzosischer Gesetzent- wuif betr. geistig anormale Verbrecher. Psvchiat. neur Wschr., 1938, 40: 549. ------ Ein ps> chiatrisch bemerkens- werter franzosischer Gesetzentwurf bezuglieh geistig anormaler Verbrecher. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1939, 111: 389-92.------ Psychiatiisch Bemerkenswertes aus dem neuen schweizerischen Stiai'gesetzbuch. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1939, 41: 171.— Lrstein. M. La psiquiatria y sus relaciones con el codigo penal. Dia rued., B. Air., 1930-31, 3: 294— Walsh, C. A. Psychiatry :nd the criminal law. Rhode Island M. J., 1938, 21:" 73-5.— Wimmer, A. Considerations psychiatriques sur un nouveau projet de loi penrile pour le Danemark. C. rend. Concr. alien. neur. France, 1924, 28. Congr., 333-7. ------ [Pswhiatnc problems under the new penal code] Ugeskr. laeger, 1933, 95: 1129-53. ---- Legislation: United States. Koren, J. Summaries of state laws relating to the insane. 272p. S? N. Y., 1917. Maryland, U. S. A. Department of Wel- fare. Laws relating to the penal institutions, the board of mental hygiene, and care of mental patients. lOlp. 8? Bait,, 1934. Ovbrholser, W. The history and operation of the Briggs Law of Massachusetts, p.436- 47. 26'4cm. [Durham, 1935] Farrington, L. M. Legislation of the session of interest to the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene [1930 and subsequent years] Psychiat. Q., 1930, 4: Suppl., 109-12; and passim in subsequent vols.—(iunion, J. P. How the law treats the psychotic. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1935-36, 12: No. 3, 283-7.—Hunter, G. G. Care of California's mentally sick; some proposed changes in the lunacy laws. California West, M., 1931, 34: 163-5.—Keyes, B. L. Law and lunacy. Diplomate, 1941, 13: 105-13.—Lang, H. B. A discussion of certain sections, 658 to 662D and Section 870, of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Psychiat. Q., 1941, 15: Suppl., 298- 305. Lord, .1. R. American psychiatry and its practical bearings on the application of recent local government and mental treatment legislation, including a description of the author's participation in the First International Congress on Mental Hygiene, Washington, D. ('., May 5-10, 1930. J. Ment. Se., Lond., 1930, 76: 450--95.—Marland. A. E. Lunacy procedure under the new law. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1939. 8: 6-10 — Overholser, W. Note on the Massachusetts Statute providing for ascertaining the mental condition of persons coming before the courts of the Commonwealth. Bull. Massachusetts Dep. Ment. Dis., 1931-32, 15: 15-9.—Pierce, C. M. Summary of legislation of interest to the Department of Mental Hvgiene [of New York State] Psychiat. Q., 1941, 15: Suppl., 381-24; 1942, 16: 231-40. ---- partial. Beltran, J. R. Los semialienados y la legislaci6n penal argentina. Rev. As. med. argent., 1934, 48: 1159-66.—Kluge. E. [Partial irresponsibility] Gy6gysiszat, 1939, 79: 287 — Perkins, R. M. Partial insanity. J. Crim., Chic, 1934, 25: 175-86.—Raitzin, A. Semialienaci6n, doble peligrosidad. Sem. med., B. Air., 1938, 45: pt 2, 791-801. Also Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1939, No. 17, 46-66. ---- Responsibility. See also Incapacity; Irresponsibility. Ballet, G. L'expertise medico-16gale et la question de responsabilite. Rapp. Congr. alien, neur. France (1907) 1908, 17. Congr.. 1-36 [Discussion] C. rend., 51-90.—Benon, R. Psyehiatrie: biologie, responsabilite. Ann. med. leg., 1934, 14: 528-30.— Brennecke. H. Zur Frage der Verantwortlichkeit oder Nichtverant wortliclikeit der Geisteskranken in der mo- dernen Heilan-taltsbehandlung. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1931, 33: 125-30.—Buttner. G. Von den geistig Minder- wertigen in der Rechtspflege. Zsehr. Erforseh. jugendl. Schwach- sinns, 1909, 3: 317-52.—Dolsa y Ramon, L. Concepto de la degeneraci6n y respcnsabilidad legal de sus productos mentales. Rev. frenopdt, espafi., 1909, 7: 65-71.—Friedenreich. Ueber Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Mschr. Psychiat, Neur., 1908, 24: 51-63.—Galtier, J.' Responsabilite penale et automatisme. J. med. Bordeaux, 1923, 53: 43-6.—Jones, R. Responsibility in regard to certain forms of unsoundness of mind. Tr. Med. Leg. Soc, Lond., 1912-13, 10: 70-95. Also Practitioner, Lond., 1913, 90: 653-71.—Kalmus. Die Zurechnungsfahigkeit der degenerativen Phantastcn. Vjsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1914, 3. F., 47: 1. Suppl., 305-26.—Mesa y Gutierrez, J. Acerca del criterio de la responsabilidad de los insanos. Gac. med. M6xico, 1927, 58: 1-14.—O'Hara, J. A. Insanity responsibility. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1926-27, 79: 43-0.—Simmins, C. Mental incapacity: the intelligence of patients in mental hospitals. Character & Personality, 1935-36, 4: 25-33.—Tucker, B. R. Expert testimony and its relation to mental responsibility and neurological injury. Virginia M. Month., 1936-37, 63: 267- 70.—Wigert, V. [Certain medical view-points on the question of responsibility] Nord. med., 1939, 1: 165-72. ---- Responsibility—for crime. See also Criminal subheadings (dangerous; Psychiatric aspect) also Insanity, Criminological aspect. Drexler, H. *Strafbare Handlungen Geistes- kranker. 103p. 8? Bonn, 1931. Schoen, H. *Naehuntersuchung an Personen, die in Konigsberg auf Grund des § 51 St. G. B. freigesprochen waren. 17p. 8? Konigsb., 1933. INSANITY 315 INSECTA Bernhard, H. Beitrag zur Frage der Haftunfiihigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1928, 34: 97— Chatelain. Debile homicide; irresponsabilite, demande de mise en liberte. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1909, 9. ser., 10: 44-56.—Cossa. A propos d'un ^ehnquant anormal recidiviste apres avoir ete aoquitte comme irresponsable; responsabilite attenuee ou imputabilite amoindrie? Encephale, 1914, 354-63.—Courbon, P. De l'importunite de l'application d'une peine k un ancien delin- quent gueri d'une psychose emotionnelle. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1933, 91: pt 1, 81-4.—Del Greco, F. Sulla responsabiliU penale degli anomali psichici. Riv. ital. neuropat., 1914, 7: 481-95.—Dunston, J. T. Criminal responsibility in the insane. Med. J. S. Africa, 1926-27, 22: 74-81— Flesch, M. Sind Psychopathen zurechnungsfahig? (eine Frage zum Mordprozess Hopp) Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1929, 20: 732-4— Francotte, X. De la responsabilite penale, en particulier, de la responsabilite attenuee et des mesures k appliquer aux deiinquants demi- fous. Bull. Soc. med. ment. Belgique, 1909, 75-96.—Frisco, B. La imputabilite dei deboli di mente imputati di truffa commessa per suggestione. Riv. ital. neuropat., i908-9, 2: 156-05.—Grasset. Les criminels k responsabilite attenuee; necessity de rendre legalement obligatoires, dans tous les pays, l'assistance et le traitement des demifous criminels,"jusqu'& leur guerison ou pendant toute leur vie s'ils sont incurable. Off. Ber. Internat. Kongr. Irrenpfl. (1908) 1909, 448-55— Guija Morales, E., & Fernandez Ragel, A. Notas de un informe sobre irresponsa- bilidad criminal. Arch, med., Madr., 1931, 34: 997-1005 — Guilty but insane. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 1136.—Kindred, J. J. Insanity in its medico-legal relations to some notable criminal and civil cases; tests of responsibility. Am. J. Psy- chiat., 1934, 90: 137-46.—Kraus, O. Schuld, Unzurechnung's- fahigkeit und Geisteskrankheit. Ber. Kongr. exp. Psychol., 1912, 5: 176.—Lagrange. Expertise medico-legale sur un cas de tentative de meurtre et de suicide aboutissant k l'irresponsa- bilite entiSre du sujet, au lieu dune responsabilite limitee ou attenuee, denomination qui aurait pu etre adoptee, ce- pendant, mais aussi conclusion qui, au point de vue social, aurait pu avoir des consequences graves. C. rend. Congr. med. alien, neur. France, 1908, 18: 234-7.—Lopez Bancalari, E., & Delpiano, J. Un caso de inimputabilidad por perturba- cion mental momentanea. Prensa med. argent., 1937, 24: 220-2. ------■ Un caso de inimputabilidad por perturbacion mental moment&nea; peligrosidad; pericia medico-legal. Sem, med., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 1, 1479-88.—Major, G. Gesetzes- ubertretung Jugendlicher und geistige Minderwertigkeit. Zsehr. Psychother., 1909, 1: 336-63— Marx, H. Die geistig Minderwertigen in einem kiinftigen Strafgesetzbuche. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1911, 48: 993-8.—May, J. V. Mental diseases and criminal responsibility. State Hosp. Bull., Utica, 1912-13, n. ser., 5: 339-71.—Rodriguez, O. La responsabilidad familia en los delitos cometidos por alienados. Rev. As. med. argent. 1936, 50: 1107-13.—Rojas, N, Definicion medico-legal del alienado. Cr6n. med. mex., 1928, 27: 137-41.—Rutherfurd, W. J. Criminal responsibility of the insane. Glasgow M. J., 1936, 125: 275-7.—Strassmann, F. Ueber die verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit, Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 1737.— Will, G. W. Guilty but insane. J. R. Army M. Corps., 1938, 71: 39-42.—Woodbridge, F. Some unusual aspects of mental irresponsibility in the criminal law. J. Crim., Chic, 1938r39, 29: 822-47. INSAUSTI, Toraas. tuberculoma del cere- bro. 47p. illust, 26]/2cm. B. Air., A. Frascoli, 1940. INSCRIPTION. De Mets, Les inscriptions funeraires medicales k Anvers. Liber mem. Congr. hist. art. guerir (1920) 1921, 1. Congr., 305-19, 2 pl.—Pereira Junior, J. A. Notas sobre inscricoes lapidares. Rev. Arq. mun., S. Paulo, 1941, 7: No. 77, 97-101, 3 pl.; No. 78, 195-210.—Tozzer, A. M. Dating of certain inscriptions of non-Maya origin, by J. Eric S. Thompson; 1941. Am. Anthrop., 1942, 44: 490-3. INSECTA. See also names of orders, families and genera as Acarina; Aedes; Amblyomma; Anopheles; Anophelinae; Anoplura; Aphididea; Apidae; Arachnida; Araneae; Argasinae; Arthropoda; Blaniulidae; Blattidae, etc. United States. Superintendent of Docu- ments. Insects; bees, honey, and insects in- jurious to man animals, plants, and crops; list of publications. Wash./D. C, 28. ed., 1934- Becquaert, J. Insecta. Med. Rep. Rice-Harvard Exped. Amazon (1924-25) Cambr., 1926, No. 4, 179-257, 7 pl — Brues, C. T. Is ours the age of insects? Sc. Month., 1940, 50: 413-8.—Marchal, P. L'insecte et l'homme. Rev. sc, Par., 1926, 64: 673-9. ---- Anatomy. Snodgrass, R. E. Morphology and mechanism of the insect thorax. 108p. 8? Wash., 1927. Forms Smithson. Misc. Collect., 1927, 80; No. 1. ---- Morphology and evolution of the insect head and its appendages. 158p. 8? Wash., 1928. Forms Smithson. Misc. Collect., 1928, 81: No. 3. ---• Morphology of the insect abdomen; general structure of the abdomen and its ap- pendages. 128p. 8? Wash., 1931. Forms Smithson. Misc. Collect., 1931, 85: No. 1. ---- Morphology of the insect abdomen; the genital ducts and the ovipositor. 148p. 8? Wash., 1933. Forms Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1933, 89: No. 1. Barendrecht, G. Zur Frage der sogenannten hinteren Wurzel der Corpora pedunculata bei den Insekten. Zool. Anz., 1932, 100: 49.—Bugaev, I. I. Zum Studium des Baues der Malpighisehen Gefiisse bei den Insekten. Ibid., 1928, 78: 244-55.—Buxton, P. A. Th3 proportion of skeletal tissues in insects. Biochem. J., Lond., 1932, 26: 829.--I)ebaisieux, P. Organes scolopidiaux des pattes d'insectes. Cellule, Louvain, 1938, 47: 77-202, 12 pl.—Denis, J. R. Etudes sur l'anatomie de la tfite de quelques collemboles suivies de considerations sur la morphologie de la tete des insectes. Arch. zool. exp., Par., 1928-29, 68: 1-291, 2 pl.—Eggers, F. Zur hypothetischen Homologie verschieden segmentiger T\ mpanalorgane. Zool. Anz., 1937, 118: 289-98.— Frolowa, S. Die Polyploidie einiger Gewebe bei Dipteren. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1928-29, 8: 542-65, pl.—Holway, R. T. Preliminary note on the structure of the pretarsus and its possible phylogenetic significance. Psyche J. Entom., 1935, 42: 1-24.—HsU, F. Etude cytologique et comparee sur les sensilla des insectes. Cellule, Louvain, 1938, 47: 5-60, 5 pl.—Kiihnelt, W. Ueber den Bau des Insekten- skelettes. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., 1928, 50: 219-78.—Mahdi- hassan, S. The males of lac and pseudo-lac insects. Zsehr. wiss. Zool., 1931, 138: 371-85.—Maziarski, S. Sur le tissu musculaire des insectes; les elements contractiles dans les couches musculaires du tube digestif des tipulines. Bull. internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1927, 785-822, 2 pl.—Montalenti, G. Sulla permeability della membrana peritrofica dell'intestino degli insetti. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 89-94.— Nitzulescu, V. Contributions k I'etude de I'appareil buccal et de la pompe salivaire chez les insectes. Bull. Soc path. exot., Par., 1927, 20: 980-6.—Rees, B. E. Morphology of certain mecopteroid types. Abstr. Diss. Stanford Univ., 1938- 39, 14: 15-8.—Roonwal, M. L. On a new law of the bi-trian- gular medial concentration of the cephalic appendages in the Chilopoda and the Insecta. J. Morph., 1939, 64: 1-8.— Sihler, H. Die Sinnesorgane an den Cerci der Insekten. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., 1923-24, 45: 519-80, 4 pl.—Thor, S. Nor- wegische Bdellidae III und einige Bemerkungen iiber Haare, Chitinleisten und Schilder am Cephalothorax. Zool. Anz., 1928, 77: 213-9. ---- Behavior and sociology. See also under names of social inserts as Ant; Bee, etc. Wheeler, W. M. Social insects; their origin and evolutions. 378p. 8? Lond., 1928. Balfour-Browne, F. The evolution of social life in insects. J. R. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1936, 56: 1-11.—Bequaert, J. C, & Carpenter, F. M. The antiquity of social insects. Psyche J, Entom., 1941, 48: 50-5.—Brown, R. W. Concerning the an- tiquity of social insects. Ibid., 105-10.—Delves Broughton, L. R. Vom Leben der Bienen und Termiten. Imago, Wien, 1928, 14: 142-6.—Dubois, R. L'invention chez les insectes. Bull. Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1920, 20: 193.—Emerson, A. E. Basic comparisons of human and insect societies. Biol. Sym- pos., Lane, 1942, 8: 163-76.—Ezhikov, T. Individual vari- ability and dimorphism of social insects. Am. Natur., 1934, 68: 333-44.—Hannes, F. Ueber die verschiedenen Arten des Lernens der Honigbiene und der Insekten iiberhaupt. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. allg. Zool., 1930, 47: 89-150.—Light, S. F. The determination of the castes of social insects. Q. Rev, Biol., 1942, 17: 312; passim.—Necheles, H. Observations on the causes of night activity in some insects. Chin. J. Physiol., 1927, 1: 143-56.—Park, T. Integration in infra-social insect populations. Biol. Sympos., Lane, 1942, 8: 121-38.—Plath, O. E. Insect societies. In Handb. Social Psychol. (Murchison, C.) Worcester, 1935, 83-141.—Raignier, A. Un cas typique d'adoption: Polyergus 9 - rufa S S. _ Biol. Zbl., 1930, 50: 26-31.—Schneirla, T. C. Social organization in insects, as related to individual function. Psychol. Rev., 1941, 48: 465-86.—Spillman, R. Are insects people? J. Hered., 1942, 33: 23.—Steiner, A. Neuere Untersuchungen iiber die Arbeitsteilung bei Insektenstaaten. Erg. Biol, 1934, 10: 156-76.—Williams, C. B. The influence of moonlight on the activity of certain nocturnal insects, particularly of the family Noctuidae, as indicated by a light trap. Philos. Tr. R. Soc. London, 1936, ser. B, 226: 357-89. ---- Biochemistry. Courtois, A. Sur la teneur eievee de l'azote non proteique chez les insectes. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1930, 190: 1237-9 — Craig, R., & Hoskins, W. M. Insect biochemistry. Annual INSECTA 316 INSECTA Rev. Biochein., 1910, 9: 617-40.—Giral. F. Sobre aceites de insectos; Taeniopoda auricornis. Rev. Soc mex. hist, natur., 1941, 2: 243-50. — Koyama. M. Studien iiber den Chole- sterinstoffweeh-el im tierischen Organismus; morphologische Lntersuchung der Fette bei Insekten. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1928, 18: 229-31.—KUhnelt, W. Ein Beitrag zur Histochemie de> lnsektenskelettes. Zool. Anz., 1928, 75: 111-3.—Slifer, E. H. Insect development; fatty acids in the grasshopper egg. I'hysiol. Zool., 1930, 3: 503-18— Timon-David, J. Sur quelques huiles d'insectes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 96: 1225-7. ------& Gouzon, B. Sur la biochimie des aphidiens du ter6binthe. Ibid., 1935, 120: 164-6.—Yeager, J. F., & Munson, S. C. Histochemical detection of glycogen in blood cells of the southern army worm, Prodenia eridania, and in other tissues, especially midgut epithelium. J. Agr. Res., 1941, 63: 257-94, 14 pl. ---- Biology. Vallisnteri, A. Esperienze ed osservazioni intorno all'origine, sviluppi, e costumi di vari insetti, con altre spettanti alia naturale, e medica storia. 232p. 24'km. Padua, 1713. Wigglesworth, V. B. The principles of insect physiology. 434p. 25}->m. N. Y. [1939] Andrews, E. A. Honeydew reflexes. Physiol. Zool., 1930, 3: 467-84.—Auger, D., & Fessard, A. Sur les movements rythmiques obsei vableschez certains insectes apres decapitation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 119: 15.—Brown, F. A., jr, & Meglitsch, A. Comparison of the chromatophorotropic activity of insect corpora cardiaca with that of crustacean sinus glands. Biol. Bull., 1940, 79: 409-18- Buchmann, W. Ueber einige physio- logische Probleme der Verdauung bei Insekten. Zsehr. Desin- fekt., 1928, 20: 177-82.—Cams. Discovery of a circulation in insects. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 1: 210-2.—Crow, S. The sensitivity of the legs of certain Calliphoi idae to saccharose. Physiol. Zool., 1932, 5: 16-35.—Fraenkel, G. Untersuchungen iiber die Koordination von Reflexen und automatisch-nervoscn Rhythmen bei Insekten; das Problem des gerichteten Atem- stromes in den Tracheen der Insekten. Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1932, 16: 418-43. ------ Untersuchungen iiber die Koordi- nation von Reflexen und automatisch-nervosen Rhythmen bei Insekten; iiber die nervosen Zenlren der Atmung und die Koordination ihrer Tatigkeit. Ibid.. 444-02.—Gobeil, A. R. La diapause chez les tenthredes. Canad. ,1. Res., 1941, 19: Sect. D. 363; 3K3.—Heuschmann, (). Ueber die elektrischen Eigenschaften der Insektenhaare (neue Gesichtspunkte zu den Untersuchungen von Exner an Federn und Saugetierhaaren) Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1929. 10: 594-664.—Hoskins, W. M., & Craig, R. Recent progress in insect physiology. Physiol. Rev., 1935, 15: 525-96.- Imms, A. I). On growth processes in the antennae of insects. Q. .1. Mar. Sc, Lond., 1938-39, 81: 585-93.—Ivanov, P. P.. & Meshcherskaia, K. A. [Physiological difference betwe«n the ovaries of adult and of young insects, and the cyclic changes of their properties] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1935, 37: 785-820. Also Zool. Jahrb., Abt. allg. Zool., 19.35, 55: 281-348.—Lepage, H. S. Insetos uteis. Biologico, S. Paulo, 1940, 6: 259-65.—Oka, H. Ein interessanter Fall von Korpertorsion bei Insekten. Zool. Anz., 1926, 68: 205-8.— Pail lot, A., & Noel. R. Recherches histophysiologiques sur le tissu adipeux des larves d'insectes. Bull, histol. app!., Par., 1928, 5: 1-20. Pflugfelder, O. Weitere experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber die Funktion der Corpora allata von Dixippus morosus Br. Zsehr. wiss. Zool., 1938, 151: 149-91.—Portier, P. Respiration et locomotion aerienne chez les insectes. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930, 105: 687-9. —— Biologie des insectes marins. Rev. sc, Par., 1932, 70: 97-106. ------& Rorthays, R. de. Interpretation de la Constance de poids que presentant certaines chrysalides pendant une longue periode de leur existence. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 1956-8.—Prebble, M. L. The diapause and related phenomena in Gilpinia poly- toma, Hartig. Canad. J. Res., 1941, 19: Sect. D, 350-62; 417-36.—Pringle, J. W. S. The motor mechanism of the insect leg. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1939, 16: 220-31.—Pruffer, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Innervierung der Ftihler bei Saturnia pyri L. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., 1929, 51: 1-46, 7 pl.— Stager, R. Beitrage zur Biologie von Messor barbarus L., Messor instabilis var. bouvieri Bondroit und Pheidole pallidula Nyl. Zsehr. wiss Insektb., 1928, 23: 65-94.—Strelnikov, I. D. Influence des radiations solaires sur la temperature du corps des insectes. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1931, 92: 1317-9.—Wheeler, W. M. The physiognomy of insects. Q. Rev. Biol., 1927, 2: 1-36.—Wolf, E. Postural reactions of insect antennae. Biol. Bull., 1940, 78: 1-8. ---- Bite and sting. Sec also Bite; also under names of insects. Halperin, L. *Ueber todliche Wirkung der Bienen- und Wespenstiche. 26p. 8? Stetten/ Basel, 1936. Kowalski, B. *Contribution a I'etude des accidents anaphylactiques par piqOres d'hyme- nopteres porte-aiguillons. 43p. 24'^cm. Par., 1939. Ayerza, L.. Agustoni, C. B., & Chavarri, M. A. A prop6sito do 2 picaduras de artropodos. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt2, 1701-4.—Barry, J. R. Insect Lite followed by gas gangrene in a diabetic; report of a case. N. England J. M., 1935, 212: 198.—Bricout. Piqure de mouche pendant le travail; loi de 1898 inapplicable. Rec. spec accid. trav., 1935. 35.: 314.— Brown, O. H. Wasp and bee stings. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 440.—Dakshinamurthv. V. M. Bhongarra ami their bites. Ind. Vet. J., 1942-13, 19: 39.--Del Vecchio, G. Gli insetti pungent! e la loro posizione di fronte agli infortuni sui lavoro. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1936, 56: Suppl., 225-31. Deoki, S. A midnight adventure. Native M. Pract., Suva, 1935, 2: 299.—Fatzer, H. Schwere thrombopenische Purpura nach Insektenstich. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1939, 63: 145-54.—Faust, E. C. Bee, wasp, hornet and ant sting; bee allergy. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.) Bait., 1940, 2: 1978.—Figley, K. I). Allergy from hypersensitiveness to insects; earlv medical history. Ohio M. J., 1940, 36: 66.—Glaubersohn. S. A. Zur Frage der Allergosen (Dermatitis durch Insektenstich) Derm. Wschr., 1931, 93: 1770.—Gougerot & Ragu. Faux < harbons par piqures venimeuses. Paris med., 1933, 87: 51-3.— Hase, A. Beitrage zur experimentellen Parasitologie; iiber Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Quaddeln und anderen Hautersehei- nungen nach Insektenstichen. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1926. 12: 243-97.------ Ueber die Wirkungen der Stiche blut- saugender Insekten. Munch, med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 107-9.— Hecht, (). Ueber Insektenstiche. Derm. Wschr., 1929, 88: 793; S39.------Die Hautreaktionen auf Insektenstiche als allergische Erschienungen. Zool. Anz., 1930, 87: 94; 145; 231. -----Hautreaktionen auf die Stiche blutsaugender Insekten und Milben als allergische Erscheinungen. Zbl. Haut. Geschlkr., 1933, 44: 241-55.—Heriot, A. D. The renewal and replacement of the stvlets of sucking insects during each stadium, and the method of penetration. Canad. J. Res., 1934, 11: 602-12.— Insert i.ites. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 391.—Kalk, H. Selbst- heobac htungen bei einem Insektenstich. Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 1587.—Kattwinkel, E. E. Hypersensitivity to insect bites. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 871.—Kemper, H. Unsere bisherigen Kenntnisse iiber den Zusammenhang von intrazel- lularer Svmbiose und Stiehwirkung bei blutsaugenden Arthro- poden. Zsehr. Desinfekt., 192S, 20: 110 3.------Beobach- tungen iiber die Wirkung von Insektenstichen. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1930, 161: 127 -45.- Klieneberger, C. Insekten- stich, Gesichtsrose, Staphylokokkensepsis, Tod eines Steingru- benarbeiters, Unfallsberiehung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1932, 28: 1716.—Mosquito (A) bite as an accident. Brit. M. .1., 1940, 1 : 234.—Pagniez, P. Recherches sur l'hypersensibilite aux piqures de moustiques et de puces. Presse med., 1940, 48: 798.—Rubegni, R., & Scimone, I. Osservazioni su alcuni casi di ipersensibilita alle punture di zanzare e di pulci. Minerva med., Tor., 1939, 30: pt 2. 461-6.—Schneider. O. Subtropische unter dem Bilde der Syphilis oder des Sodokufiebers verlaufendc Insektenstichinfektion. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1931, 35: 109.—Solomon, C. Insect bites, bees, wasps, hornets, flies, mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs. In Ther. Infancy (Litchfield H. R., & al.) Phila., 1942. 1: 138.—Strong, J. C, jr. Case of bilateral optic atrophy following inseet bite. Am. J. Ophth., 1939, 3. ser., 22: 906— Thielepape, I. Anaphylaktischer Schock durch Insektenstich. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 1638.— Wilde, H. Hautveranderungen durch Insektenstiche und -bissc. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1003-5. ---- Bite: Treatment. Henkel, P. *Therapie bei Insektenstichen. 20p. 8? Wiirzb., 1929., Benson, R. L. Diagnosis of hypersensitiveness to the bee and to the mosquito; with report on successful specific treat- ment. Arch. Int. M., 1939, 64: 1306-27.—Bergmann, R. M., jr. Zur Behandlung von Bienen-, Wespen- und anderen In- sektenstichen mit Panthesinbalsam. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1172.—Bertwistle, A. P. Antistreptococcal serum for insect bites. Brit. M. J., 1928, 2: 342.—Eckstein, F. Prophy- laxe und Therapie bei Insektenstichen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1936, 77: 302-6.—Flury, F. Zur Therapie der Insektenstiche. Med. Klin., Berl., 1935, 31: 972-4.—Hoffman, W. A. The effect of chloroform on some insect bites. Science, 1941, 94: 66.— Keller, R. Ueber Behandlung von Insektenstichen. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1186—Mclvor, B. C, & Cherney, L. S. Studies in insect bite desensitization. Am. .1. Trop. M.,, 1941, 21: 493-7.—Roxburgh, A. C. The treatment of insect bites and stings. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 1146.—Schapschal, L, Serjakoff, S., & Kifaloff, I. Die Behandlung der Insektenstiche. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70: 374. ---- Breeding. Andersen. K. T. Der Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen (Temperatur und Ernahrung) auf die Eierzeugung und Lebens- dauer eines Insekts (Sitona lineata L.) mit postmetaboler Eientwicklung und langer Legezeit. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1933, 20: 85-116. ------ Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Eierzeugung von Insekten; Einfluss inkonstanter Temperaturen auf die Eier- zeugung von Sitona lineata L. und Calandra granaria L. Biol. Zbl., 1935, 55: 571-90.—Crombie. A. C. The effect of crowding upon the oviposition of grain-infesting insects. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1942, 19: 311-40.—Friederichs, K. Zu den Meinungs- verschiedenheiten uber die Bewertung der einzelnen die Vermehrung von Insekten begrenzenden Faktoren. Anz. INSECTA 317 INSECTA Schadlingsk., 1931, 7: 77-80.—Hase, A. Ueber Temperatur- versuche mit den Eiern der Mehlmotte (Ephestia kuehniella Zell.) Arb. Biol. Reichsanst., 1926-27, 15: 109-33.—Heymons, R. Ueber Eischalensprenger und den Vorgang des Schlupfens aus der Eischale bei den Insekten. Biol. Zbl., 1926, 46: 51-63.— Hornberger, F. Die Copula der Aeschna cyanea L. Jena. Zsehr. Naturwiss., 1917-18, 55: 497-536, 2 pl.—Johnson. C. G. The absorption of water and the associated volume changes occurring in the eggs of Notostira erratica L. (Hemiptera, Capsidae) during embryonic development under experimental conditions. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1937, 14: 413-21.—Kerenski, J. Beobachtungen iiber die Entwicklung der Eier von Anisoplia austriaca Reitt. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1930, 16: 178-88 — King, R. L., & Slifer, E. H. Maturation and early development of unfertilized grasshopper eggs. J. Morph., 1934, 56: 603-19, 2 pl.—Krause, G. Die Eitypen der Insekten. Biol. Zbl., 1939, 59: 495-530.—Kriiger, F. Lebendig gebarende Insekten; Anpassung an die Viviparitat. Natur, Lpz., 1927, 18: 153. ■----- Lebendig gebarende Insekten; Ursachen der Vivi- paritat bei Insekten und ihre biologische Bedeutung. Ibid., 17G-8.—Sikes, E. K., & Wigglesworth, V. B. The hatching of insects from the egg, and the appearance of air in the tracheal system. Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1930-31, 74: 165-92.—Sister Monica. Eggs of stick insects. Nature, Lond., 1938, 141: 1059.—Slifer, E. H., & King, R. L. Insect development; early stages in the development of grasshopper eggs of known age and with a known temperature history. J. Morph., 1934, 56: 593-601, pl.—Smith, H. S., & De Bach, P. The measurement of the effect of entomophagous insects on population densities of their hosts. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 845-9.—Steiner, A. Die Temperaturregulierung im Nest der Feldwespe (Polistes gallica var. biglumis L.) Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1929-30, 11: 461-502. ---- Cultivation. See also Entomology, Methods. Brues, C. T., & Melander, A. L. Classi- fication of insects; a key to the known families of insects and other terrestrial arthropods. 672p. 8? Cambr., 1932. Forms Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, 1932, 73: Fraenkel, G., & Blewett, M. Biotin, Bi. riboflavin, nicotinic acid, Be, and pantothenic acid as growth factors for insects. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 177.—Hase, A., & Hoffmann, C. Ein verbessertes Verfahren zur schnellen Massenfutterung blutsaugender Insekten. Zsehr. Parasitenk., 1936-37, 9: 677-9.—Koch, A. Ueber kiinstlich symbiontenfrei gemachte Insekten. Verh. Deut. zool. Ges., 1933, 35: 143-50.—Medler. J. T. A convenient cage for confining insects to plants. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 283.—Swingle, M. C, & Phillips, A. M. An insect rearing box with electric barriers. Ibid., 603.—Titschack, E. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber den Einfluss der Massenzucht auf das Einzeltier. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1937, 23: 1-64.—Wilhelmi, J. Versuchs-und Zucht- raume fur Fliegen und Mucken; Apparaturen zur Fliegen- und Muckenvernichtung. Zsehr. Desinfekt., 1927, 19: 117-20. --- Cuticle. Onslow, H. 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Sc, Lond., 1935-36, 78: 487-511, 4 pl.—Thorpe, W. h! Further studies on pre-imaginal olfactory conditioning in insects Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1939, ser. B, 127: 424-33.- -Tichomirow. A. Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Insecten. In Festschr 70. Geburlst. Rudolf Leuckarts, Lpz., 1892, 337-16, pl. Tiegs, O. W. The embryology and affinities of the symph.yla, based on a studv of Hanseniella agilis. Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond 1940-41, 82: 1-225, 9 pl.—Tirelli, M. Ipotesi spaziale e meccanica sulla blastocinesi degli insetti. Zool. Jahili., Abt allg. Zool., 1931, 49: 59-68, 4 pl.—Wigglesworth, V. B. The role of hormones in the growth and reproduction of insects Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1937, 107: 371. — The significance of chromatic droplets in the growth of insects Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1941-42, 83: 141-52. ---- Examination. Fox, I. The use of creosote in mounting fleas and other arthropods on slides. Science, 1942, 96: 478,—Hagmann, L. E. A method for injecting insect tracheae permanently. 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Chem- istry, bacteriology, insect control. 71p. 19}^cm. Scranton, Pa. [1941] Bailie, M. A. War declared on pests! Mod. Hosp., 1940, 55: No. 5, 102.—Bock, F. Versuche iiber den Gaswechisel bei Insekten und deren Bedeutung fiir Fragen der angewandten Entomologie. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1930, 16: 357-76.— Cambessedes, H. Destruction des mouches et autres insectes. In Annee med. prat., Par., 1939, 18: 313.—Clark, A. H. The future balance of life. Sc. Month., 1927, 24: 548-55.—Hase, A. Physiologische und okologische Forschungen als Grundlagen praktischer Massnahmen. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1928, 4: 51; 75.—Headlee, T. J. The control of economic insects. Agr. Papers Internat. Management Congr., 1938, 7. Congr., 39- 41.—Imms, A. D. Temperature and humidity in relation to problems of insect control. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1932, 19: 125-43.—Jirka, F. J. Saving human lives by killing insects. In his Am. Doctors of Destiny, Chic, 1940, 182-200.—Kemper. H. Ueber den Wert sinnesphysiologischer Untersuchungen fiir die Bekampfung gesundheitsschadlicher Insekten. Zsehr. Desinfekt., 1930, 22: 601-8.—Legendre, J. Entre Charybde et Scylla ou entre la mouche et le moustique. Presse med., 1934, 42: 430.—Lever, R. J. A. Status of economic entomology in the British Solomon Islands. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1933, 24: 253-6.—Madwar, S. Aspects of entomology. J. Egypt. AI. Ass., 1935, 18: 267-73.—Meunier, R. La desin- sectisation, base de la defense sanitaire dans la ciiconscription rurale algerienne et les petits ports. Bull. san. Algerie, 1937, 32: 1417-20.—Munro, J. W. Place of research in the control of injurious insects. Nature, Lond., 1943, 151: 157-60.—Osorno Mesa, E. Los excusados de hoyo y los mosquitos. Salud & san., Bogotd, 1936, 5: No. 45, 8. ---- Extermination and control: Apparatus and technic. United States. Entomology and Plant Quarantine Bureau. Insects in relation to national defense. Circular 20: Devices for insect control. 56 numb. 1. 23cm. [Wash.] 1941. INSECTA 319 INSECTA Amchislavsky, I. V. [Construction and application of sim- plest hot-air disinsectorsj Gig. & zdorov., 1942, 7: 24-32.— Herms, W. B., & Ellsworth, J. K. Field tests of the efficacy of colored light in trapping insect pests. J. Econ. Entom., 1934, 27: 1055-67.—Murphy, R. C. The chair for insects? Sc. Month., 1940, 50: 357-64.—Nomosquito; catching insects. Abridg. Specif. Gt. Britain Patent Off., 1936, 1: No.422, 946 — Pavlovsky, E. N., & Pervomaisky, G. S. [Odorous nets as method of protection against gnats] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 16, 24-6.—Pons, R. Causerie sur les appareils employes sans la lutte contre les ennemis des cultures. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1937, 44: p. 1-lv.—Radoje. T. [Disinsection of rooms by hot air] Voj. san. glasnik, 1940, 11: 157-64.—Rouboud, E. Le vetement dans les regions chaudes et la defense contre les affections transmises par les insectes suceurs de sang. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1940, 33: 328-31.—Timkovsky. V. P., Moskalec, A. S., & Nikolenko, E. F. [Application of ultra- frequent electric energy in disinsection] Gig. & zdorov., 1942, 7: No. 8, 31-6.—Wendt. Moderne Apparate zur Schadlings- bekampfung. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1930, 6: 27-32.—Williams, C. B., & Milne, P. S. A mechanical insect trap. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1935, 26: 543-51, pl. ---- Extermination and control: Methods. Bierzynski, A. *La lutte contre les ecto- parasites citadins. 37p. 25^cm. Par., 1939. Chabellard, P. Contribution a I'etude de la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles de nos habi- tations [Paris] 42p. 8? Le Havre, 1931. Herrick, G. W., & Griswold, G. H. The fumigation of greenhouses to destroy insect pests. 20p. 8? Ithaca, 1929. Bacon, R. F. Pest control. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,165,206.—Beckerich, L. A. De quelques procedes modernes de prophylaxie des mouches. puces et poux. Presse med., 1937, 45: 1725.—Curtis, W. E. A method of locating insect eggs in plant tissues. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 286.— Deno, R. A. Science wars on insect pests. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Pract. Pharm. Ed., 1941, 2: 202-5.—Eckstein, K. Ueber die Methoden neuzeitlicher Massregeln gegen Insektenschaden im Walde (mit einem Beispiel) Anz. Schadlingsk., 1926, 2: 5; 15; 32.—Escherich, K. Neuzeitliehe Bekampfung tierischer Schadlinge. Naturwissenschaften, 1926, 14: 1065-74 — Gandara, G. Nuevo procedimiento para combatir insectos nocivos a la agricultura. Mem. Acad. nac. cienc. Antonio Alzate, 1940, 54: 491-6.—Gimingham, C. T. Some recent contributions by English workers to the development of methods of insect control. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1940, 27: 161-75.—Goetze, G., & Schleusener, W. Versuche zur Bekampfung der Weidenblattkafer. Zsehr. Pflanzenkr., 1932, 42: 49-58.—Hardy, E. Control of obnoxious insects. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 435.—Hoos, W. Zur Schnakenbekampfung. Zsehr. Desinfekt., 1926, 18: 201-3. ------ Ungezieferbe- kampfung durch die Stadt Frankfurt a. M. Ibid., 1928, 20: 1.—Insect quarantine. Sc. American, 1940, 163: 13.—Kaiser, M., & Fried, E. Die Durchgasung des Kefermarkter Fliigel- altares mit Blausaure (Zyklon B) Zsehr. Desinfekt., 1931, 23: 1-12.—Kurchatov, V. I. [On the measures in control of ticks and insects, endangering cattle] Sovet. vet., 1940, 17: No. 11, 26-9.—Legendre, J. La defense mecanique contre les mouches et les moustiques stercoraires. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1933, 3. ser., 110: 589-91.—Loser, V. Destroying insects. Abridg. Specif. Gt. Britain Patent Off., 1936, 1: No. 421.674 — Lutte (La) contre les mouches et autres insectes nuisibles; techniques et moyens pratiques. Arch. med. Angers, 1933, 37: 148-57.—Malcev, V. V. [Possible application of ammonia vapors for disinsectization of dwellings] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 5, 96.—Martini, E. Uebersicht uber die Bekampfung gesundheitsschadlicher Insekten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1932, 28: 552-4.—Meunier, R. La desinfection, base de la defense sanitaire dans la circonscription rurale algerienne et les petits ports. Rev. med. hyg. trop., Par., 1935, 27: 105-13.—Mitra, S. C. Notes on a few modern charms for exercising away insect pests. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1932-36, 15: 499-501 — Muller, A. Versuche zur inneren Therapie der Pflanzen (Versuche zur Bekampfung von Insekten mit beissenden Mundwerkzeugen) Anz. Schadlingsk., 1927, 3: 29; 41.— Munro, J. W. The fumigation of stored products affected by insects. J. R. San. Inst., 1933, 53: 578-82.—Page, A. B. P. The control of insects on foodstuffs and other raw material by fumigation: the chemical and physical aspects. Ibid., 582-9.— Paillot, A. Utilisation des infiniment petits dans la lutte contre les ennemis des cultures. Sciences, Par., 1938, 66: 83-6.— Perrot, E. Coup d'oeil sur les journees de la lutte chimique contre les ennemis des cultures. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1937, 44: p lv-lix—Peters, G. Wohnraumdurchgasung leichter gemacht. Umschau, 1941, 45: 329.—Pons, R. Essais de desinsectisation durable du sol sablonneux des cases au Senegal. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1932, 25: 539-42.—Reichmuth, W. Die Bekampfung der Wohnungsmilben. Zsehr. hyg. Zool., 1936, 28: 169-76.—Schuckmann, W. von. Zur Fliegen- und Muckenbekiimpfung. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1926, 12: 332- 9 ______ Ueber Versuche zur praktischen Fliegen- und Muckenbekampfung. Ibid., 1928 14: 325-42.—Searle, N. E., & Tisdale, W. H. Pest control. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2 218*181'—Volk, A. Versuche zur Bekampfung von Erdflohen. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1926, 2: 96-8.—Wilhelmi, J. Bekampfung der Gesundheitsschadlinge und chemische Gross- mdustne. Zsehr. Desinfekt., 1926, 18: 126-8. ------ & Peus, F Die Bedingungen fur die Fliegen- und Stechmucken- plage in biedlungen. Zsehr. Gesundhtechn., 1933,25:471-84. ---- Extermination and control: Methods, biological. Sweetman, H. L. The biological control of insects, with a chapter on weed control. 461p. 8° Ithaca, 1936. Biologie des insectes. In Notice Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1934 U 316^25~Bodenheimer, F. S., & Guttfeld, M. Ueber die Moglichkeiten einer biologischen Bekampfung von Pseudo- coccus citri Risso (Rhy. Cocc.) in Palastina. Zsehr. angew Entom., 1929, 15: 67-136.—Howard, L. O. The parasite element of natural control of injurious insects and its control by man. Rep. Smithson. Inst., 1926, 411-20.—Imms, A. D. The biological control of insect pests and injurious plants in the Hawaiian Islands. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1926, 13: 402-23, pl.—Isii, T. The problems of biological control in Japan. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 365-7.—King, J. L. The fundamental principles of biological control of insects. Proc N.' Jersey Mosquito Exterm. Ass., 1939, 26: 13-20.—Liebermann, J. La lucha de insectos contra insectos y su aplicaci6n practica en la defensa del hombre y de sus industrias. Reun. Soc. argent, pat. region. (1929) 1930, 5. meet., 2: 1186-208.—Marin, A., & Cortes Peiia, R. Intro- ducci6n de hiperparasitos en Chile; resumen de las importa- ciones hechas y de sus resultados. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 351-7.—Meier, N. F. [Theoretical principles of the biological method of control of injurious insects] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1939, 11: 93-123.—Metalnikov, S. Utilisa- tion des microbes dans la lutte contre Lymantria et autres insectes nuisibles. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 105: 535-7. ------ Utilisation des spores dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles. Ibid., 1937, 125: 1020-3.------Utilisation des microbes sporogdnes pour la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1938, 61: 826. ------ & Metalnikov. S. S. Utilisation des bacteries dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles aux cotonniers. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 169-72. ------ Utilisation des microbes dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1935, 55: 709-60.—Myers, J. G. Second report on an investigation into the biological control of West Indian insect pests. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1935, 26: 181-252, pl.—Neave, S. A. The control of insect pests by means of parasites. Nature, Lond., 1927, 120: 267.—Thomson, W. R. A method for the approximate calcula- tion of the progress of introduced parasites of insect pests. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1926-27, 17: 273-7. ------ On the effect of random oviposition on the action of entomophagous parasites as agents of natural control. Parasitology, Lond., 1929, 21: 180-8.—Wille, J. Curinus (Orcus) zonatus Muls. (Coccinellidae) ein Feind der Schildlause an Orangenbaumen; Beitrage zu seiner Morphologie, Biologie und bekampfungs- technischen Bedeutung. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1926, 12: 357- 75.—Wille, J. E. Resumen de las diferentes labores ejecutadas en el Peru para combatir insectos daninos por el metodo bio- logico. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 369-71. ---- Larvae. See Larva. ---- Medicinal use. See also such insects as Blatta; Cantharides, etc. Hoehn, E. *Pharmokologische und toxiko- logische Bedeutung der Insekten. 37p. 8? Wiirzb., 1931. Bouquet, H. Le renouveau de l'entomotherapie. Vie med., 1932, 13: 115.-^~Escomel, E. Un nouveau pseudo-meioi'de, insecte medicinal du Perou. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1926, 19: 198-201.—Hinman, E. H. The use of insects and other arthropods in medicine. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1933, 36: 128-34.—Robinson, W. Some therapeutic uses of insects and their products. J. Econ. Entom., 1937, 30: 41-8. — Metamorphosis. See Metamorphosis. — Microbiology. See also subheadings (Diseases and parasites; Public health aspect) Steinhaus, E. A. Catalogue of bacteria asso- ciated extracellularly with insects and ticks. 206p. 21cm. Minneap. [1942] Bacteriologia del intestino de los sifon&pteros. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1942, 21: 184.—Gordon, R. M., & Lumsden, W. H. R. A study of the behaviour of the mouth-parts of mosquitoes when taking up blood from living tissue; together with some INSECTA 320 INSECTA observations on the ingestion of microfilariae. Ann. Trop. M. Parasit., Liverp., 1939, 33: 259 78—Mahdihassan, S. The microorganisms of red and vellow lac insects. Arch. Protistenk., 1929, 68: 613-24, pl.—Smith, K. M. Some notes on the rela- tionship of plant viruses with vector and non-vector insects. Parasitology, Lond., 1941, 33: 110-6, 2 pl.—Steinhaus, E. A. The microbiology of insects; with special reference to the biologic relationships between bacteria and insects. Bact. Rev., Bait.. 1940, 4: 17-57. ------ A study of the bacteria asso- ciated with 30 species of insects. J. Bact., Bait., 1941, 42: 757-90.—Stutzer, M. I. Ueber die Darmbakterien der Insekten. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1929, 77: 44-8. ---- Nutrition, metabolism, and feeding habits. Bishop. G. H. Cell metabolism in the insect fat-body; cytological changes accompanying growth and histolysis of the fat-body of the Apis mellifica. J. Morph., 1922, 36: 567-94, 3 pl. ------ Cell metabolism in the insect fat-body; a func- tional interpretation of the changes in structure in the fat-body cells of the honey-bee. Ibid., 1922-23, 37: 533-53— Frobrich, G. Untersuchungen iiber Vitaminbedarf und Wachstums- faktoren bei Insekten. Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1939, 27: 335- 83.—Golding, F. D. Further notes on the food-plants of Nigerian insects. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1940, 31: 127- 30.—Headlee, T. J. Further studies of the relative effects on insect metabolism of temperatures derived from constant and variable sources. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 171-4.------ A continuation of the studies of the relative effects on insect metabolism of temperature derived from constant and varied sources. Ibid., 1942, 35: 785.—Heil, K. H. Untersuchungen iiber die Nahrungsaufnahme der Stabheuschrecke (Carausius morosus) Anz. Schadlingsk., 1936, 12: 49-52.—Kato, M. Feeding activity of a grasshopper, Prumna sp., widely dis- tributed at Mt. Hakkoda; diurnal rhythm of activities in insects and its environmental conditions. Sc. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 1940-41, 4. ser., 15: 191-201.—Mellanby, K. The evaporation of water from insects. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1935, 10: 317-33. ■-----• Humidity and insect metabolism. Nature, Lond., 1936, 138: 124.—Michal, K. Die Erniihrungs- weise des Getreideschmalkafers Silvanus surinamensis. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1926, 2: 67-70.—Painter, R. H. The food of insects and its relation to resistance of plants to insect attack. Am. Natur., 1936, 70: 547-06—PfeiflTer, I. W. Effect of removal of the corpora allata on the fat metabolism and water content of the grasshopper. Anat. Rec, 1941, 81: Suppl., 57 (Abstr.)—Sarma, P. S., & Sreenivasaya, M. Studies in insect nutrition; the nature of the fat-soluble factor. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 525.—Sayle, M. H. The metabolism of insects. Q. Rev. Biol., 1928, 3: 542-53.—Tauchert, F. Weitere Stoffwechseluntersuchungen an Insekten. Zsehr. Biol., 1929- 30, 89: 541-6.-—Totze, R. Blutsaugen unter rein experi- mentellen Bedingungen. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1934, 132: 382-4. ---- Paleontology. Walker, M. V. Evidence of triassic insects in the Petrified Forest Ntitional Monument, Arizona, p.137-41. 8? Wash., 1938. Brues, C. T. Fossil parasitic hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber. Proc. Am. Acad. Art. Sc, 1940, 74: 69-90.—Carpenter, F. M. The lower Permian insects of Kansas; Psocoptera and additions to the Homoptera. Am. J. Se., 1932, 24: 1-22.------The lower Permian insects of Kansas; additional Megasecoptera, Protodonata, Odonata, Homoptera, Psocoptera, Protelvtroptera, Plectoptera, and Protoperlaria. Proc Am. Acad. Art. Sc, 1938-39, 73: 29-70, 2 pl. ------■ Snyder, T. E. [et al.] Fossil insects from the Creede formation, Colorado. Psyche J. Entom., 1938, 45: 105-18, pl.—Cockerell, T. D. A., & LeVeque. N. The antiquity of insect structures. Am. Natur., 1931, 65:351-9.—Cramp ton. G. C. The interrelationships and lines of descent of living insert.-.. Psyche J. Entom., 1938, 45: 165-81.—Imms, A. D. The ancestry of insects. Nature, Lond., 1937, 139: 399.— Inseto (LTm) de 200 milhoes de anos. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 335, 154.—Kolbe, H. Ueber thermophile Relikte aus der Tertiiirzeit und der Postglazialzeit. Zool. Anz., 1931, 95: 113-36.—Theobald, N. Les insectes fossiles de Kleinkembs (Pays de Bade) C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 198: 1939.—Walton, L. B. The polychaete ancestiv of the insects; the external structure. Am. Natur., 1927, 61: 226-50. ---- parasitic. See also Insecta, Extermination; Insecticide. Ellis, E. T. Insect pests. 156p. 8? Lond. [1924] Flint, W. P., & Metcalf, C. L. Insects; man's chief competitors; 133p. 8? Bait., 1932. Harvey, W. C, & Hill, H. Insect pests. 292p. 19cm. Lond., 1940. Howard, L. O. The insect menace. 347p. *° N. Y. [1931] Schmidt, G. Gebrauchliche Xamen von Schadinsekten in verschiedenen Landern. 160p. 24cm. Berh, 1939. United States. Entomology and Plant Quarantine Bureau. Insects in rchition to national defense. Circular 1: Introduction. 4 numb. 1. 23cm. [Wash.] 1941. Bishopp, F. C. Some insect pests of horses and mules. Yearb. 1". S. Dep. Agr., 1942, 492-500.—Dangerous insects. Virginia Health Bull., 1929, 21: No. 3, 1-4; No. 4, 1-4.— Faure, J. C. Sur la specificite relative des insectes parasites polyphages. C. rend. Acad. sc. 1920, 182: 213-5.—Faust, E. C. Blood-sucking flies and bugs. In .Modern Med. Ther. (.Barr, D. P.) Bait,, 1940, 2: 1975. -Felt, E. P. Why do in- sects become pests? Sc. Month., 1938, 46: 137-40. Firmino Santana. J. Introducao ao estudo dos inseelos hematofagus. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1935. 53: 429-34.—Fisher, R. ('.. A Tasker, H. S. The detection of wood-boring insects by means of X-rays. Ann. Appl. Biol., Loud., 1910, 27: 92-10(1, 2 pl. - Hackett, C. M. A false paradise for pests. Sc American, 1941, 165: 145-8.—Hogan, T. W. Insect pests of war-time importance; flies and mosquitoes. Health Bull., Melb., 1939, No. 61/2, 1677-92.—Insect pests. Yearb. U. S. Dep. Agr., 1935, 95-7.—LePrince, J. A. Bats in paradise, and mosquitoes in clover. Hygeia, Chic, 1931, 9: 327-9.- Matheson, R. Notes on a small collection of bat ecto-parasites. Parasitology, Lond., 1928, 20: 173.—Reasoner, M. A. Some insects and their relation to man. Vet. Med., Chic, 1920, 21: 175-81.— Salt, G. The effects of hosts upon their insect parasites. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1941, 16: 239-64- Stage, H. H., & Hyslop, J. A. Origin and spread of important insect pests of animals. Yearb. U. S. Dep. Agr., 1942, 203-8.— Thorpe. W. H. The biology and development of Crypto- chaetum grandicorne (Diptera) an internal parasite of Guerinia serratulae (Coccidae) Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1934-35, 77: 273-304. -—•---- On a new type of respiratory interrelation between an insect (Chalcid) parasite and its host (Coccidae) Parasitology, Lond., 1930, 28: 517-40.------The biology of Cryptochaetum, Diptera, and Eupelmus, Hymenoptera, parasites of Aspidoproctus, Coccidae, in East Africa. Ibid., 1941, 33: 149-68.—Voukassovitch, P. Sur l'importance des insectes parasites entomophages dans les bioc^noses des in- sectes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 499-501. ---- parasitic: Ecology. Bodenheimer, F. S. Ueber die Grundlagen einer allge- meinen Epidemiologic der Insektenkalamitaten. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1930, 16: 433-50.------Ueber einige Grundfragen dor Insekten-Epidemiologie. Ibid., 606-11.— Britton, W. The grasshopper plague of 1866 in Kansas. Sc. Month., 1927, 25: 540-5.—Clausen, C. P. Some factors relat- ing to colonization, recovery, and establishment of insect parasites. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 421-8.—Dunn, L. H. Notes on some insects and other arthro- pods affecting man and animals in Colombia. Am. J. Trop, M., 1929, 9: 493-508.—Eidmann, H. Zur Kenntnis der Periodizitat der Insektenepidemien. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1931, 18: 537-67.—GambrelI, F. L., Mendull, S. C, & Smith, E. H. A destructive European insect new to the United States, J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 289.—Cause, G. F. Ueber einige quantitative Beziehungen in der Insekten-Epidemiologie, Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1933-34, 20: 619-23.—Gil Collado, J. Distribuci6n de los insectos hemat6fagos en Espafia. Actas Congr. nac. san., Madr. (1934) 1935, 1. Congr.. 4: 96-106.— Hatch, M. H. A bibliographical catalogue of the injurious arachnids and insects of Washington. Univ. Washington Pub. Biol., 1938, 1: 163-223.- Hering, M. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Oekologie und Systematik blattminierender Insekten. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1927, 13: 156-98.—Madel, W. Bemerkenswerte Schadlingsmeldungen aus Berlin und Umge- bung. Zsehr. hyg. Zool., 1940, 32: 170-5.—May, E. Der Einfluss von Klima und Witterung auf die Massenvermehrung schadlicher Insekten. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1930, 39: 295.—Merino. G. The role of ecology in our insect pest prob- lems. Annual Rep. Nat. Res. Counc Philippines, 1938, No. 16, 77-82.—Merle, R. Les insectes pr<5dateurs du Chili. Nature, Par., 1928, 56: pt 2, 502-0.—Myers, J. G. Field observations on some Guiana insects of medical and veterinary interest. Vet. J., Lond., 1934, 90: 485-92.—Paillot, A. Le probleme de l'6quilibre naturel chez les insectes phvtophagcs. Rev. gen. se. pur., 1925, 36: 206-11- Patterson, T. C Insect pests in northern Norway; the mosquito nuisance. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1940, 26: 346-52.— Schwerdtfeger, F. Betrachtun- gen zur Epidemiologie des Kiefernspaimeis. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1932, 19: 104-29.—Sherwood, J. W. Insect pests in Texas. Mil. Surgeon, 1927, 60: 581-7.—llvarov. B. P. Wetter und Klima in ihren Beziehungen zu den Insekten. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1930-31, 17: 156-77— Varley, G. C, & Butler, C. G. The acceleration of development of insects by parasitism. Parasitology, Lond., 1933, 25: 263-8.—Vesey-FitzGerald, D. Some insects of economic importance in Seychelles. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1941, 32: 153-60.—Webber, R. T. Some important economic insects of Central Europe. J. Econ. Entom., 1927, 20: 301-10.— Zwolfer, W. Zur Theorie der Insektenepidemien. Biol. Zbl., 1930, 50: 724-59. ---- parasitic—in agriculture. Britton, W. E. An Asiatic beetle (Anomala orientalis) in Connecticut. J. Econ. Entom., 1924, 17: 309-11.—Chittenden, F. H. The Argus tortoise beetle. J. Agr. Res., 1924-25, 27: INSECTA 321 INSECTA 43-51, pl.—Costa Lima, A. da. Sobre insectos que vivem em maracujAs (Passiflora spp.) Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1930, 23: 159-62, 3 pl.—Craighead, F. C. The influence of insects on the development of forest protection and forest management. Annual Rep. Smithson. Inst. (1941) 1942, 367-92, 12 pl — Isely, D. Insect problems resulting from changes in agricul- ture in Arkansas. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 473-7.—Parker, J. R. Annual insect-damage appraisal. Ibid., 1-10.—Raspail, F. V. Entomog6noses v6g£tales ou maladies causees aux v6g6taux par le parasitisme des insectes. Rev. compl. sc. appl. m^d., Par., 1854-55, 1: 306-10.—Winds blow insects at rate of 100 miles per hour; air-borne invasions menace to forests; starvation prescribed against cutworm; ticks mav suffer too. Science News Lett., 1938, 34: 29.—Worthington, E. B. Insect pests of cultivation [Africa] In his Science in Africa, Lond., 1938, 280-92, pl. ---- parasitic—in household and commerce. See also House, Hygiene. Dingler, M. Die Hausinsekten und ihre Bekampfung. 96p. 8? Berl., 1925. Guyton, T. L. Insect pests of the household. 21p. 8? Harrisburg, Pa., 1926. Madel, W. Drogenschadlinge; ihre Erken- nung und Bekampfung. 96p. 19}^cm. Berl., 1938. Denes, G. Invasione delle case da parte di insetti non comuni. Studium, Nap., 1930, 20: 451.—Denston, T. C. Insect pests in drugs. Pharm. J., Lond., 1937, 84: 577.— Dingier, M. Merkwiirdiges Auftreten einiger Hausschadlinge. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1928, 4: 124.—Hardy, E. Insects in hos- pitals and homes. Clin. Med., 1941, 48: 187.—Hayhurst, H. Insect infestation of stored products. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1937, 24: 797-807, 2 pl.—Johnston, C. J. R. Insect pests of war-time importance; pests of clothing, carpets, furnishings and fabrics. Health Bull., Melb., 1939, No. 61/2, 1704-18.— Kemper, H. Ueber tierische Gesundheits- und Wohnungs- schadlinge im Mittelalter. Zsehr. hyg. Zool., 1936, 28: 31; 161.—Lepesme, P. Les insectes nuisibles aux plantes s^ches et drogues medicinales des pharmacies, herboristeries et maga- sins de gros. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1938, 45: 352-61 — Munro, J. W. The entomology of commerce; insect pests and their control. Analyst, Lond., 1942, 67: 155-9.—Pyenson, L„ & Menusan. H. Rearing stored food insects for experimental use. In Cult. Meth. Invertebr. (Galtsoff, P. S., et al.) Ithaca, 1937, 478-80.—Sch., A. Tiere, die Bleirohren durchnagen. Umschau, 1926, 30: 949.—Wilson, G. F. The invasion of houses by ear- wigs and ants. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1942, 29: 316-21.— Worthington. E. B. Insect pests of stored products [Africa] In his Science in Africa, Lond., 1938, 292-4. ---- poisonous. [Blistering insects] Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1868, 7: 284-6 — Boyer, J. Chenilles et papillons venimeux. Nature, Par., 1929, 57: pt 1, 385-8.—G[rimaud] de C[aux], G. Des insectes en gdn^ral et des insectes venimeux en particulier. Gaz. san.. Par., 1835, 5: 145-53, pl. ------ Des insectes venimeux; le laurier camphrier. Ibid., 1836, 6: 97-110, 3 pl.—Hecht, O. Ueber die Sprosspilze der Oesophagusausstiilpungen und iiber die Giftwirkung der Speicheldriisen von Stechmiicken. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1928, 32: 561-75.—Hoffman, W. A. Irrita- tion due to insect secretion [Loxa flavicollis] J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 145.—Iseki, K. Untersuchung iiber die akute juk- kende Dermatitis, hervorgerufen durch Karasus. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1933, 21: 178.—Modi, J. P. Poisonous insects. In his Textb. Med. Jurispr., 6. ed., Bombay, 1940, 665. ---- Predators. Knowlton, G. F. Range lizards as insect predators. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35:602. ------& Thornley, H. F. Insect food of the sage grouse. Ibid., 107.—Vietinghoff-Riesch. Das Verhalten palaarktischer Vogel gegeniiber den wichtigeren forstschadlichen Insekten. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1927-28, 13: 483-512. ---- Public health aspect. See also Epidemic, Source; Infection, Vector and reservoir; also under names of insect-borne diseases as Malaria, etc. Alessandrini, G. [C.] Insetti trasmettiton di malattie. 92p. 8? Bologna [1927] Berlese, A. Insetti delle case e dell'uomo e malattie che diffondono con particolare riguardo al modo di difendersene nelle citta-, nelle campagne, al fronte. 293p. 18? Milano, 1917. Canal Zone. Health Department. Mos- quito-borne diseases. 19p. 21^cm. Wash., 1914. . ^ Guiteras, J. Insect borne diseases in Pan- America. 42p. 8? La Habana, 1915. 320157—VOL. 8, 4tb series----21 Monpere, A. *Les insectes, transporteurs mecaniques de virus. 180p. 24cm. Alger, 1938. United States Army. Medical Depart- ment. Army regulations No. 40-230: The pre- vention of the communicable diseases of man. Insect-borne diseases. 5p. 8? Wash., 1923. United States Army. Medical Field Service School [Carlisle Barracks, Pa.] Pamphlet No. 5: Military preventive medicine; control of insect borne diseases. 59p. 8? Carlisle, 1929. Beveridge, W. Insects in relation to public health. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1926, 6: 27.—Boning, K. Insekten als Ueber- trager von Pflanzenkrankheitsn. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1929, 15: 181-200.—Braun, H., & Caspari, E. Sur la propagation de maladies d'origine bacterienne par des culex et des punaises. Ann. parasit., Par., 1938, 16: 543-7.—Brug, S. L. [Introduc- tion of parasites by insects] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1932, 72: 883.—Bruynoghe, R. Les insectes dans la transmission des maladies. Rev. mM., Louvain, 1929, 136; 170; 225; 257.— Davidson, J. Flies, fleas and lice. Med. J. Australia, 1942, 2: 111-6.—Faust, E. C. Insects and their allies, arthropods. In Treat. Gen. Med., 2. ed., Phila., 1941, 1: 553-73.— Gonzalez- Granda y Perez, C. Los insectos propagadores de enfermedades y la lucha contra ellos en el medio castrense. Congr. internac med. farm, mil., 1933, 7. Congr., 2: pt 4, 266-74, pl.—Guillon, A. Les maladies trasmises par les vampires. Medecine, Par., 1933, 14: 946-50.—Hanson, H. The problem of the insect- borne diseases in South America. J. Florida M. Ass., 1929-30, 16: 399-401.—Insect-borne diseases can be eliminated. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1934, 15: No. 11, 5-7.—Insects in relation to human health. Iowa Pub. Health Bull., 1935, 49: 3-14.—Jarcho, S. Infections and infestations; insect-borne diseases. In Prevent. Med. Modern Pract. (J. A. Miller) N. Y., 1942, 248-67.—Johnston, H. M. Insects and disease. Jamaica Pub. Health, 1937, 12: 65-71.—Lara, N. A. Insectos transmisores de enfermedades (divulgacion profil&ctica y cientifica) Rev. med. YucatSn, 1928-29, 15: 103; 123; 144.— Liebermann, J. Sintesis de insectos que interesan a la zoologia veterinaria Argentina. Rev. med. vet., B. Air., 1935, 17: 16-30.—Mandoul, H. Les moucherons et les maladies qu'ils propasent. J. m£d. Bordeaux, 1935, 112: 775-8.—Norton, R. Insects and public health. South. M. & S., 1935, 97: 393-5.— Patton, W. S. Arthropods and disease. In Brit. Encycl. M. Pract. (Rolleston, H.) Lond., 1936, 2: 120-37.—Poos, F. W., & Wheeler, N. H. On the hereditary ability of certain insects to transmit diseases and to cause disease-like injuries to plants. J. Econ. Entom., 1934, 27: 58-69.—Ravicini, S. Insetti trasmettitori di alcune malattie gravi. Difesa sociale, 1935, 14: 319-29.—Rawson, G. W. Insects and insect-borne diseases of animals. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1928-29, 74: 1027-39.— Reese, J. M. Insects and disease. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1933, 19: 22-0.—Riley, W. A. Notes on the relation of insects to disease. Mil. Surgeon, 1935, 77: 256-67.—Role of insects in the causation of disease. Week. Roster, Phila., 1941-42, 37: 1348-50.—Scagliosi, G. Sui pifl comuni insetti vettori d'in- fezione all'uomo (mosca, zanzara, pidocchio, pulce, cimice e pappataci) Pensiero med., 1927, 16: 596; 618; 644.—Schilling, C. Neue Beobachtungen bei den durch blutsaugende Insekten iibertragenen Krankheiten. Jahrkurs. iirztl. Fortbild., 1930, 21: H. 10, 47-53.—Sergent, E., Sergent, E., & Parrot, L. In- sectes et maladies en Afrique du Nord. In Parasites (Pav- lovsky, E.) Moskva, 1935, 68-70.—Skinner, G. H. Winter insects versus health. Hygeia, Chic, 1936, 14: 993-6.— Strickland, E. H. Insects in relation to health in Alberta. Canad. Nurse, 1939, 35: 449-52.— Tetley, H. Mosquitoes and fleas in relation to disease. J. R. San. Inst., 1934-35, 55: 388-96.—Wigglesworth, V. B. Some notes on the physiology of insects related to human disease. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1929-30, 23: 553-77. Also Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1930, 129: 175; 198.—Winslow, C. E. A. Insects and disease. In Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Appleton) N. Y., 1937, 12: 407-28.—Wollman, E., Anderson, C, & Colas-Belcour, J. Recherches sur la conservation des virus hiimophiles chez les insectes. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 1928, 17: 229-32.— Worthington, E. B. Insects and ticks in relation to disease [Africa] In his Science in Africa, Lond., 1938, 294-300. ---- Resistance. Andrewartha, H. G. Thrips investigation; on the effect of soil moisture on the viability of the pupal stages of Thrips imaginis Bagnall. J. Counc. Sc. Indust. Res., Melb., 1934, 7: 239-44.—Ditman, L. P., Vogt, G. B., & Smith, D". R. The relation of unfreezable water to cold-hardiness of insects. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 265-72.—Johnson, C. G. Insect survival in relation to the rate of water loss. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 1942, 17: 151-77.—Kozhantshikov, I W Physiological conditions of cold-hardiness in insects. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1938, 29: 253-62.—Mail, G. A. Winter temperature gradients as a factor in insect survival. J. Econ. Entom., 1932, 25: 1049.—Mellanby, K. Low tem- perature and insect activity. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., Ser. B, 1939, 127: 473-87.—Payne, N. M. Freezing and survival of insects at low temperatures. J. Morph., 1926-27, 43: 521-46. ------ Measures of insect cold hardiness. Biol. Bull., 1927, INSECTA 322 INSECTICIDE 52: 449 57.—Robinson, W. Water binding capacity of colloids a definite factor in winter hardiness of insects. J. Econ. Entom., 1927, 20: 80-8. ---- Secretions and incretions. Sec also Hormone, invertebrate. Becker, E., & Plagge, E. Ueber das die Pupariumhildung auslosende Hormon der Fliegen. Biol. Zbl., 1939, 59: 326-41.— Duncan, J. T. On a bactericidal principle present in the ali- mentary eanal of insects and arachnids. Parasitology, Lond., 1926', 18: 238-52.—Hollande, A. C. La signification de l'auto- h£m'orrh£e des insectes. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1926, 22: 374-412.—Schubel, F. Reproductive hormones of insects. Ciba Symposia, 1941-42, 3: 1055.—Shvanvich, B. N. [Internal secretion in insects] Priroda, Leningr., 1935, 24: 33-7. ---- Sound production and stridulation. Laufer, B. Insect-musicians and cricket champions of China. 27p. 8? Chic, 1927. Auger, D., & Fessard, A. Observations sur l'excitabilitl de l'organe tympanique du criquet. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 400.—Baier, L. J. Contribution to the physiology of the stridulation and hearing of insects. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. allg. Zool., 1930, 47: 151-248. 4 pl.—Marcu, O. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geschlechtsunterschiede der Stridulations- organe einiger Curculioniden. Zool. Anz., 1930, 91: 75-81.— Matthews, H. D. On the stridulations of insects. Science, 1942, 95: 324. ---- Wing and flight. Fraenkel, G. Untersuchungen iiber die Koordination von Reflexen und automatiseh-nervosen Rhythmen bei Insekten. Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1932. 16: 371-417.—Guibe, J., & Verrier, M. L. Les relations entre le developpement de l'oeil et de l'aile chez les insectes; k propos du dipt^re Apterina pedestris Meigen. Bull. biol. France, 1940, 74: 177-84.—Harnly, M. H. Flight capacity in relation to phenotypic and genotypic variations in the wings of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Exp. Zool., 1941, 88: 263-73.—Holdsworth, R. P., jr. The wing development of Pteronarcvs proteus Newman, Pteronarcidae; Plecoptera. J. Morph'., 1942, 70: 431-61, 10 pl.—Hollick, F. S. J. The flight of insects. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Se,., 1935, 395.— Lees, A. D. Homology of the campaniform organs on the wing of Drosophila melanogaster. Nature, Lond.. 1942, 150: 375.— Shull, A. F. The mechanism through which light and heat influence genetic factors for wing development in aphids. J. Exp. Zool., 1942, 89: 1S3-95.— Sporn, E. Einiges iiber Sprung und Ansprung zum Fluge bei Instcten. Arch. Entw- mech., 1926, 107: 400-6.—Steinberg, D. M. [Regulatory proc- esses during metamorphosis in insects; experimental investiga- tions on regeneration of wings in butterflies] Biol. J., Moskva, 1938, 7: 295-310, pl.—Thompson, D. W. The venation of wings. In his Growth & Form, N. Y., 1942, 613. ---- Zoology. Galli-Valerio, B. Observations sur les culicid^s, les tabanid6s les simulidfe et les chironomid & Bekker, P. M. The toxicity of some dipping fluids containing arsenic and sulphur. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1938, 11: 247-55.—Vastagh, G. [Public health aspects of the use of insecticides in agriculture] Nlpeg6szs6giigy, 1938, 19: 263-72. ---- Preparation. See also subheadings Patents; also proper names of insecticide substances as Ethylene, oxide; Fluorine; Nicotine; Pyrethrum, etc. Abbatucci, S., & Roubaud, E. Experiences sur un liquide insecticide commercial a base de p6trole et de poudre de pyrethre. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1926, 19: 901-3 — Boldirev, T. E. [Disinsection tests with chloropicrin in barracks] Voen. med. J., Moskva, 1931, 2: 211-4.—Bremer, H. Schadlingsbekampfung mit fliissigen Arsenkodern in Deutschland. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1926, 2: 56-8.—Carroll, J. Mineral oils as insecticides. Econom. Proc. R. Dublin Soc, 1936-38, 3: 63-74.—Carter, R. H. The nature of cobalt once recommended for control of the tobacco hornworm. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 792.—Gotz, B. Sexualduftstoffe als Lockmittel in der Schadlingsbekampfung. Umschau, 1940, 44: 794-6.—Golivine & Riqueau. Essais de destruction de certaines insectes avec le Givral. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1929, 22: 681-3.—Gounelle, H. F. H., & Raoul, Y. La d£sinsectisation par la chloropicrine; <5tude critique de la methode en milieu militaire. Rev. serv. san. mil., Par., 1937, 106: 881-96.— Hasselmann, C. M. Neuere Reizstoffzusatze zur Blausaure bei Entwesungen. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1927, n. F., 4: 65-9 — Hengl, F., & Reckendorfer, P. Ueber die Priifung von Schwein- furtergriin und die Herstellung von Schweinfurtergriinbruhen. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1928, 4: 41-6.—Hiilsenberg. Versuche mit Calciumcyanid zur Bekampfung von Gewaehshausschadlingen. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1928, 14: 285-315.—Insecticides as locust poisons. Analyst, Lond., 1942, 67: 165.—Kagy, J. F., & Boyce, A. M. Solubilizers for petroleum oils and extracts of rotenone-bearing roots. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 804-11.— Kelly, E. G. The creosote-calcium cyanide chinch bug barrier. Ibid., 1926, 19: 121-3, 3 pl.—King, H. H. A note on the use of dried poison bait against locusts in Sudan. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1929-30, 20: 99-101.—Klemm, M. Zur Frage uber den Einfluss von Kalk auf die Giftwirkung des Kalziumarsenats. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1927-28, 13: 565-7.—Lepage, H. S. O brometo de metila como inseticida. Biologico, S. Paulo, 1941, 7: 128-34.—Lincoln, C. G. Pellet bait for control of the alfalfa snout beetle. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 236.—Mansell, R. A. Note on experiments towards the production of a cheap insecti- cide for anti-mosquito work. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1930, 54: 123-7.—Marcovitch, S. Volatile fluorine compounds for the control of insects. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 288.—Marcus, A. Ein neues Kontaktmittel (Forestit-Merck) in der Schad- lingsbekampfung. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1932, 19: 68-84.— Phosphorwasserstoff zur Schadlingsbekampfung. Reichs- gesundhbl., 1936, 11: 380.—Potter, C, & Musgrave, A. J. Some preliminary experiments with 0-butoxy-/S'-thiocyano- diethylether as an industrial insecticide. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1940, 27: 110-21.—Raynaud. L. Sur un nouvel appareil permettant d'employer la chloropicrine sans masque et sans danger, pour la destruction des parasites des habitations. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1930, 22: 763-5.—Riscaldo (II) del frumento e il solfuro di carbonio quale insetticida. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1875, 24: 515-8.—Ritcher, P. O., & Jewett, H. H. White grub control with dichloroethyl ether. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 441-5.—Stetter, R. Cuprex als Ungeziefermittel bei Hunden. Miinch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1926, 77: 85-8.—Sullivan, W. N., Goodhue, L. D., & Fales, J. H., The use of fatty acids in inseeticidal aerosols. Science, 1941, 94: 444. ---- Preparation, repellent. Carter. R. H. Insect repellent. U. S. Patent Off., 1942, No. 2,272,044.—Cleveland, C. R. Insect repellent. Ibid., 1934, No. 1,963,955.—Granett, P. Insect repellent. Ibid., 1940 No. 2,213,156; 1942, No. 2,293,255; No. 2,293,256; No. 2,273,860; No. 2,274,267.—Lewis, H. C. Lime zinc spray as a repellent for leafhoppers on citrus. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 362-4.—Ralston, A. W., & Barrett, J. P. Insect repellent containing aliphatic alcohols. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2 254 665 ------ Insect repellent containing nitnles. Ibid., 1942 ' No. 2,280,850.—Roark, R. C, Parman, D. C. [et al.] Repellents for blowflies. Indust. Engin. Chem. 1927, 19: 942.—Simanton, W. A. Insect repellent. U. S. Patent Off., 1937, No. 2,089,767.—Tisdale, W. H.. & Williams, I. Insect repellent. Ibid., 1940, No. 2,205,232—Waples, F. A. Insect repellent. Ibid., No. 2,224,622.—Wasum, L. W. Insect repellent. Ibid., 1942, No. 2,302,159. ---- Spray. Adams. E. W., & Sharp, T. E. Inseeticidal oil spray. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,258,833—Arnold, R.B. Insecticide spray material and method of making the same. Ibid., 1943, No. 2 311629__Baber, E. Note on experiments made with the object of finding an efficient and economical insecticide spray for the destruction of mosquitoes and flies. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1934, 62: 411-8.-Back, E. A., & Crossman S. S. Miscible oil vs fish oil soap sprays for the control of Florida aleyrodids. J. Econ. Entom., 1917, 10: 453-8.—Barritt N. W. A new spray for scale-insects on citrus in Egypt. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1929-30, 20: 44.—Coleman, G. H. Inseeticidal spray. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,210,900. ■------ & Zemba, J. W. Spray composition. Ibid., No. 2,194,924.—Cressman, A. W. Methods of measuring spray oi. deposits. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 798-804.—DeOng, E. Rl Progress report on the use of petroleum oil as an inseeticidal spray. Ibid., 1928, 21: 525-9.—Fahey, J. E. A study of clays used in preparation of tank-mix nicotine bentonite sprays. Ibid., 1941, 34: 106-8.—Green, E. L. Lubricating oils as insecticides in dormant spraying. Indust. Engin. Chem., 1927, 19: 931-5.—Hoskins, W. M. Some recent advances in the chemistry and physics of spray oils and emulsions. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 791-8.—Knight, H. Tree spray. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,264,761. ------ & Cleveland, C. R. Recent developments in oil sprays. J. Econ. Entom., 1934, 27: 269-89.—Leiby, R. W. Cold stream spraying machines. Ibid., 1927, 20: 281-4, 2 pl.—Lindstaedt, F. F. Horticultural spray oil. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,222,109. ------ Horticultural emulsion spray compound. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,243,254.—Marshall, J. The term inverted spray mixture. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 948.—Orelup, J. W. Inseeticidal spray. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,190,673.—Parkin, E. A. Biological assay of inseeticidal sprays. Nature, Lond., 1942, 149: 720-2.—Sharland, W. Pests, parasites and poisons. Australas. J. Pharm., 1928, n. ser., 9: 814; 1028.—Smith, L. M. Toxicants used with petroleum oil sprays for deciduous fruits. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 844-53.—Stober. Ueber die Wir- kungsweise einiger ungiftiger Spritzmittel auf Insekten. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1929, 15: 165-9.—Weitkamp, A. W. In- seeticidal oil spray. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,258,832. ---- Testing. Campbell, F. L., Barnhart. C. S., & Hutzel, J. M. Tests on crawling insects; evaluating liquid household insecticides against the German cockroach and bedbug; a final report on research project at Ohio State University. Rev. Appl. Entom., Lond., 1942,30:71 (Abstr.)—Campbell, F. L., Snedecor, G. W., & Simanton, W. A. Biostatistical problems involved in the standardization of liquid household insecticides. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1939, 34: 62-70.—Craufurd-Benson, H. J. An improved method for testing liquid contact insecticides in the laboratory. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1938, 29: 41-56, pl.— Finney, D. J. Examples of the planning and interpretation of toxicity tests involving more than one factor. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1942, 29: 330-2.—Francois, M., & Seguin, L. Analyse des insecticides, taupicides, raticides, etc.; insecticides au cobalt, au borate de soude, au paradichlorobenzene. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1927, 8. ser., 5: 425-48. ------ Analyse des insecticides; insectides liquides miscibles k l'eau; alcool, mercure et formol, acide piorique, nicotine, sue d'ail. Ibid., 1928, 8. ser., 8: 105-12. ------ Analyse des insecticides; insecticides, liquides non miscibles a l'eau; carbures m61ang6s; t^trachlorure de carbone; nitrobenzine; naphtaline; salicylate de m^thyle. Ibid., 1929, 8. ser., 9: 49-58. Also Ann. falsif., Par., 1929, 22: 226-32.—Fulton, R. A., & Nelson, R. H. Com- patibility of Bordeaux mixture and cube. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 647-9.—Gimingham, C. T., & Tattersfield, F. Labor- atory experiments with non-arsenical insecticides for biting in- sects. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1928, 15: 649-58, pl.—Moore, W., & Bliss, C. I. A method for determining inseeticidal effec- tiveness using Aphis rumicis and certain organic compounds. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 544-53.—Morrison, F. O. The standardizing of a laboratory method for comparing the toxicity of contact insecticides. Canad. J. Res., 1943, 21: Sect. D, 35- 75.—Peters, G. Die biologisch-chemische Eignungspriifung gasformig wirkender Insektizide. Anz. Schadlingsk., 1938, 14: 116-22.—Potter, C. The film technique of insecticide testing. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1942, 29: 329. ------ & Hocking, K. S. An apparatus for testing and comparing the biological action of insecticides on flying insects and a method for sampling the concentration of the atomized insecticide. Ibid., 1939, 26: 348-64.—Stellwaag, F. Giftigkeit und Giftwert der Insecti- cide; Ziele und besondere Methodik bei der Bestimmung der Giftigkeit im Individualversuch. Zsehr. angew. Entom., 1931, 18: 113-53.—Swingle, M. C, Phillips, A. M., & Gahan, J. B. Laboratory testing of natural and synthetic organic substances as insecticides. J. Econ. Entom., 1941, 34: 95-9.— Tattersfield, F. An apparatus for testing contact insecticides. Ann. Appl. Biol., Lond., 1934, 21: 691-703, pl. ------ Bi- ological methods of testing insecticides; a review. Ibid., 1939, 26: 365-84.—Testing insect-proofing compounds; American Society for Testing Materials, Committee D13. Analyst, Lond., 1942, 67: 171 (Abstr.)—Wene, G., & Dominick, C. 3. Laboratory tests with insecticides against the tobacco flea beetle. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 183.—Yothers, MA., & Griffin, S. W. Tests of rotenone, anabasine, nicotine, and other insecticides against the woolly apple aphid and the apple aphid. Ibid., 1940, 33: 800-3. INSECTIVORA. See also under names of families as Talpidae, Arnold H. Das Haar-, Borsten- und Stachelkleid der Centetinen. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med Fak. Univ. Bern, 1933-35 No. 38, 1-4.—Draseke, J. Zur Kenntnis der makro- 26 INSOLATION INSECTIVORA skopischen Anatomie der Insektivoren. Anat. Anz.. 1932, 74: 167-72.------Zur makroskopischen Anatomie der Insek- tivoren mit verglrichen anatomischen Hinweisen. Ibid., 1934, 78: 351-60.- Stroganov, S. II. Insectivore mammals of the fauna of the USSIL ('. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 33: 270-2. INSECURITY. See also Group, Social security. Farer, H. E. Insecurity in childhood. Ment. Hvg. News, Alb., 1934-35, 5: No. 8, 3.—Maslow, A. H. The dynamics of psychological security-insecurity. Character & Personality, 1941-42, 10: 331-44. INSEMINATION. See Impregnation. INSIGHT. See Intuition. INSIGNARES Vieco, Lorenzo, -1940. Necrologfa. Rev. med. cir., Barranquilla, 1940, 7: No. 10, 8 bis, portr. INSIGNIA. See also Army; Caduceus; Medal, etc. Ayers, C. L. Acceptance of the badge of service. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1935, 24: 203.—Badge (The) of the Dublin meeting. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: Suppl., 11.—Besson, A. Remise k M. le Professeur Baltus des insignes de Commandeur de Saint- Gregoire le Grand. J. sc. m6d. Lille, 1924, 42: pt 2, 429-31. ------ Remise des insignes de Commandeur de Saint-Gr6goire le Grand a M. le professeur Delassus. Ibid., 1926, 44: pt 2, 397.------Remise des insignes de Commandeur de Saint- Gr6goire le Grand A M. le Professeur Thilliez. Ibid., 1927, 45: pt 1, 290.- Holden, O. Wound stripes. Brit. M. J., 1918, 2: 208.—Keogh (The) banner. Ibid., 1938, 1: 540.—Riesman, D. Dr Richard Mead and the motto of the College of Phy- sicians of Philadelphia. Med. Life, 1935, 42: 187-201.— Selman, W. A. Deliverv of the badge of service to president Clarence L. Avers. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1935, 24: 203. INSINGLR, Francois Gerard. *Over per- forates van maag- en duodenumzweren [Amster- dam] 312p. tab. 3 diagr. 25cm. Utrecht, Kemink & zoon [1929] INSKIP, Betty, 1905- See Frisch, K. v. You and life. Transl. by T. Inskip. 270p. 22cm. Lond., 1940. INSOLATION. See also Climate; Heliotherapy; Light; Sun- light; Ultraviolet ray. For pathological effect of sunrays see Heatstroke. Brooks, C. E. P. Radiation from the sun. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 226.—Brown, E. W. Changes in the length of the day. Annual Rep. Bd Regents Smithson. Inst., 1937. 169-75.— Clarke, G. L., & James, H. R. Laboratory analysis of the selective absorption of light by sea water. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1939, 29: 43-55.—Cosmic relations; geomagnetic studies on fluctuations in solar radiation (Bartels) Yearb. Carnegie Inst. Washington, 1940 (1939-40) 39: 63-5 — Ellis, C, & Wells, A. A. Amounts and distribution of solar ultraviolet. In their Chem. Action UV Rays, rev. ed., N. Y., 1941, 195-202.—Freundlich, E. Ueber die Quelle der Son- nenstrahlung. Scientia, Bologna, 1928, 44: No. 10, 239-46; transl.. Suppl., 106-12.—Hausmann, W. The relationship of light-climatic research to public health. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1933, 7: 177.—Hoelper, O. Strahlungsklimatische Fiagen im Ultraviolett. Balneologe, 1934, 1: 284-9.—Hulburt, E. O. Attenuation of light in the lower atmospheie. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1935, 25: 125-30.—Johnston, H. L. Daylight varia- tions. Tr. Ilium. Engin. Soc, 1939, 34: 783-97.—Kimball, H. H. Solar radiation and its role. Bull. U. S. Nat. Res. Counc, 1931, 79: 35 00.—Lejay, P. L'absorption du rayonne- ment solaire par l'atmosphere dans la bande A. C. rend. Acad. sc, 1937. 205: 585-8.—Liese, W. Zur Kritik des Tageslicht- quotienten. Arb. Reichsgesundhamt., 1936, 70: 277-86.— Linhart, G. A. Penetration of solar and cosmic rays into fresh water lakes. J. Phys. Chem., 1936, 40: 113-9.—Linke, F. Die Sonnen- und Himmelsstrahlung. Strahlentherapie, 1928, 28: 6-17.—Mathias, O. Die durchdringende Strahlung in der Atmosphare. Ibid., 1931, 40: 390.—Mercier. L. Les radia- tions £lectriques solaires. Rev. cosmohiol., Nice, 1938 39 4: 149-55.—Powell, W. M., & Clarke, G. L. The reflection and absorption of daylight at the surface of the ocean. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1936, 26: 111-20.—Suring, R. lor-chungs- methoden der Sonnen- und Himmelsstrahlung. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk.. 1927- 28, 2: 5X.V 90.—Utterback, C. L., & Jorgensen, W. Scattering of daylight in the sea. J. Optic. Soc America, 1936, 26: 257-9.—Whitney, L. V. A general law of diminution of light intensitv in natural waters and the percent of diffuse light at different depths. Ibid., 1941. 31: 714-22.- Young, R. T., jr. On the calculation of absorption coefficients of day- light in natural waters. Ibid., 1938, 28: 95-9. ----■ Climatology. See also Climatography. Ives, J. E., it Gill, W. A. Measurements of ultraviolet radiation and illumination in Ameri- can cities during the years 1931 tc 1933. 36p 8? Wash., 1937. Angstrom, A. [Sunlight or. the Swedisn west-coast] Hvgiea, Stockh., 1928, 90: 779-89.—Busse, W. Das Strahlungsklima iles nordliclicn Schwarzwaldes. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1927-28, 2: 1071 -9. Bustos Navarrete. J. Las investigaciones realiza- ilas en Chile por el Observatorio del Salto, sobre la radiaci6n solar y el tiempo. Proc. Am. Sc. Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 7: 399-402. - --- La acci6n de las variaciones de la radia- cioii solar en la circulaci6n atmosterica del Pacffico. Ibid., 402. ■-■ Court, A. Insolation in the Polar atmosphere. J. Franklin Inst., 1943, 235: 169 78, pi.- -Porno, C. Tagliche, jaluliche und sakulare Scbwankungen der Sonnenstrahlung in Davos. Praxis, Bern, 1928. 17: H. 38, 1. ------ Tagliche, jahrliche und sakulare Scbwankungen der Sonnenstrahlung nach Beobachtungen in Davos. Strahlentherapie, 1928-29, 31: 330 18. Galbas, P. A. Sonnenstrahlungs-klimatologisches Stat ioiisnetz im Deutschen Nordseegebiet. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1928-29, 3: 157-02.—Gotz, F. W. P. Ueber das Strahlungs- klima. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 701.------Son- nenaktivitat und Strahlungsklima. Fundam. radiol., Berl., 1939, 4: 33-5.—Gorczynski, W. Ueber hohe Werte der Son- nenstrahlungs-Intensitat, die auf den Ozeanen, an Landsta- tionen und in den hoheren Luftschichten beobachtet warden. Strahlentherapie, 1930-31, 39: 587-600.—Hausmann, W. Die medizinische Lehre vom Licht und ihre Beziehung zur Klimatologie. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1929-30, 4: 26-33.— Herman, L., & Bernstein, F. Relation entre les variations de rintensite dn rayonnement solaire ultraviolet, mesur^e au niveau du sol, et la pollution de la basse atmosphere. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1937, 204: 708-10.—Kenrick, G. W., & Del Toro, J., jr. Estudios de la radiaci6n solar en su relaci6n con la biofisica y con el problema de la salud y el clima en general. Puerto Rico J. Pub. Health, 1939-40, 15: 420-31.—Kestner, O. Strahlenmessiing nordlich des Polarkreises. Arch. ges. Phvsiol., 1927,217:504-8. -----& Borchardt, W. Weitere Strahlen- messungen nordlich des Polarkreises. Ibid., 218: 469-74.— Kimball, H. H., A Hand, I. F. The intensity of solar radiation as received at the surface of the earth and its variations with latitude, altitude, the season of the year and the time of dav. In Biol. Effects Radiat. (Duggar, B. M.) N. Y., 1936, i: 211-26.—Knoche, W. Zum bioklimatischen Strahlungsklima. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1928, 35: 67-74.—Lacoin, L. Sur le rapport probable entre certains faits anormaux constates dans l'Afrique tropicale et le retour, a date fixe, de proprieties radiographiques sp£ciales de la lumiere solaire. C. rend. Congr. internat. radiol. ionis. (1905) 1906, 1. Congr., sect, phys., French pt, 215-7.—Linke, F. Grundgedanken einer Licht- klimatologie. Fundam. radiol., Berl., 1939. 4: 29-32.— Lunelund, H. Ueber die Helligkeit in Finnland. Kongrber. Internat. Kongr. Lichtforsch., 1936, 3. Congr., 670-6.— Morikofer, W. Quelques r&ultats de la climatologie de radia- tion d'importance biologique. Ann. internat. mM. phvs., Anvers, 1937, 30: 126-9. Also Liege mM., 1937, 30: 1057-9.— Murakami,. J., & Nisida, H. On the intensity of the sun-rays in Dairen. Polyclin. Dairen, 1926-28, 3: No. 17, 1-3; No. 18, 1.—Riemerschmid, G. South African Solar Radiation Survey, 1937-38. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1940, 15: 343-430.— Roffo, A. E., jr. Radiaciones solares; determinaciones cualita- tivas de los ultravioletas solares, durante noviembre de 1939 a noviembre de 1940 en el laboratorio de fisica del Instituto de Medicina Experimental. Bol. Inst. med. exp. cAncer, B. Air.. 1940, 17: 913-22, pl—Sa Pereira, A. de. Da insolacao domiciliar e sua applicagao k cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Ann. Acad. med. Rio, 1909, 75: 1911, 51-97, 3 pl,—Schultze, W., & Handel, F. Vergleichende Strahlungsuntersuchungen zwischen Hochgebirge und Mittelgebirge. Strahlentherapie, 1928-29, 31: 357-63.—Stenz, E. [Solar radiation on Black Mountains] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 338.—Tonney, F. O. Loss of actinic sunshine as a health problem of cities. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1933, 23: 775-83— Wasfi Omar. Measurements of the bio- logically active ultra-violet rays of sunlight in Cairo. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1932, 15: 828-71. ---- Measurement. See also Photometry. Abbot, C. G., & Aldrich, L. B. The standard scale of solar radiation. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1934, 92: No. 13, 1-3 — Atkins, W. R. G. Photo-electric measurements of the seasonal variations in daylight around 0.41 *i, from 1930 to 1937. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1938, ser. A, 165: 453-65.------& Poole, H. H. Methods for the photo-electric and photo-chemical measurement of daylight. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1930, 5: 91-113.—Bordier. Sur un nouvel h^lio-actinometre. Crend.Acad.se, 1931, 193: 1044.—Coblentz, W. W. Methods of evaluating ultra-violet solar radiation in absolute units Month. Weather Rev. Wash.. 1936, 64: 319-21.—Goldschmidt INSOLATION 327 INSOMNIA H. Lichtelektrische Zellen fiir Sonnen- und Tageslichtmessun- gen. Strahlentherapie, 1931, 40: 706.—Harding, L. A. Pyr- heliometers and the measurement of total solar radiation Tr. Am. Soc. Heat. Ventil. Engin., 1936, 42: 367-82.—Vardeni L. E. Comment on a footcandle-hour integrator for daylight by A. H. Taylor. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1941, 31: 507. INSOM, Tom. Ricerche sulPassunzione del ferro da parte dei protofiti. 67p. 8? Padova A. Milani, 1932. INSOMNIA. See also Sleep, Disorder; also Dream. Crichton-Miller, H. Insomnia; an outline for the practitioner. 172p. 8? Lond!, 1930. Crosby, G. J. V. Insomnia and disordered sleep. 95p. 8? Lond. [1935] Help your doctor to help you when you have insomnia. 29p. 19cm. N. Y. [1942] Hutchinson, W. Insomnia and insomniacs; a common-sense talk about a prevalent modern disease, p.366-72. 8? X. Y., 1910. Miller, E. Insomnia and other disturbances of sleep. 88p. 16? Lond., 1935. Millet, J. A. P. Insomnia; its causes and treatment. 195p. 19j2cm. X. Y. [1938] Riggs, A. F. Talks to patients; insomnia. 37p. 8? [n. p.] 1919. Stekel, W. Der Wille zum Schlaf: Altes und Neues iiber Schlaf und Schlaflosigkeit. 55p. 8° Wiesbaden, 1915. Walsh, J. J. Insomnia as a dread. 14p. 8° [Phila., 1916] Berman, S. Insomnia. S. Afr. M. J., 1935, 9: 37-40.— Bettolo, A. L'insonnia e sua importanza clinica; le sue cause predisponenti e determinanti, i suoi caratteri nelle diverse malattie, la sua importanza prognostica ed il suo trattamento generale e speciale. Studium, Nap., 1931, 21: 54-65.—Blech- mann, G. Un nourrisson insomniaque. Hopital, 1933, 21: 476.—Callender, E. M. Insomnia. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 1280-2.—Challiol, V. L'insonnia. Gior. med. prat., 1936, 18: 111-3.—Claparede, E. Le sommeil et la veille. J. psychol. norm, path., Par., 1929, 26: 433-93.—Evans, G. Insomnia. S. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1935-36, 43: 55-8.—Feiling, A. Insomnia. Practitioner, Lond., 1932, 129: 120-9.—Galdston, I. Can insomnia conquer England? Clipping from: American Mercury, May 1941, 607-12.—Gordon, R. G. Insomnia. Bristol Med. Chir. J., 1932, 49: 147-56.—Green, E. H. Sleep and sleeplessness. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1932, 8: 140-5.—Gusterson. A. L. Insomnia. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1934, 30: 193.—Hill, H. Insomnia. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1927, 13: 109-24.—Insomnia; its causes and treatment. Ind. M. Rec, 1935, 55: 8-10.—Kamman, G. R. Insomnia. Minnesota M., 1935, 18: 143-7.—Kingman, R. The insomniac; a psy- chological consideration of sleep and wakefulness. Med. J. & Rec, N. Y., 1929, 129: 683; 130: 17.—Kraines, S. H. Insomnia. In his Ther. Neuroses, Phila., 1941, 332-8.—McCray, D. W. To sleep or not to sleep. Hygeia, Chic, 1940, 18: 773-5.— McQuiston, J. S. Insomnia. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1939, 29: 595- 600.—Mantella, G. L'insonnia. Rinasc. med., 1937, 14: 561.—Marrs, W. T. A clinical consideration of insomnia. Med. Times, N. Y., 1910, 38: 331-5.—Martin, J. P. Insomnia. In Brit. Encycl. M. Pract. (Rolleston, H.) Lond., 1938, 7: 191-6.—Muncie, W. Insomnia in clinic psychiatric practice. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1934, 55: 131-53.—North, H. M. Sleep and sleeplessness. Med. J. Australia, 1935, 2: 167-70.— Ochsner, E. H. Insomnia. Clin. M. & S., 1937, 44: 152 — Pedersen, V. C. Insomnia from another point of view. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1937, 146: 434-8.—Petermann, G. Ein Beitrag zur Schlaflosigkeit. Mitt. Biochem., 1936, 43: 4-6.—R., S. L'insomnie. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1923, 37: 249.—Riddell, W. R. An old case of chronic insomnia. N. York M. J., 1916, 103: 8-10.—Robinson, W. J. Insomnia. Med. Critic, 1917, 20: 363.—Ross, T. A. An aspect of insomnia. Practitioner, Lond., 1940, 144: 329-36.—Salmon, A. L'insonnia. Riforma med., 1936, 52: 1378-85.—Scripture, E. W. A case of defective sleep-shunt. Lancet, Lond., 1920, 2: 652.—Sleep versus in- somnia. Ind. M. Rec, 1937, 57: 7-10.—Smith, H. M. In- somnia. J. Florida M. Ass., 1930-31, 17: 18-22.—Smithies, F. [Insomnia, great physical weakness, tremor of hands, mild hallucinations, shortness of breath and dizziness] Q. M. Clin., 1919, 1: 118-25, pl.—Stadelmann, H. Der schlaflose Mensch von heute; Erfahrungen aus der taglichen Praxis. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1937, 39: 300.—Stoney, W. W. Sleeplessness. S. Afr. M. Rec, 1912, 10: 6-9.—Sucupira, A. Um caso de insonia. Rev. flora med., Rio, 1941, 8: 475-8.—Tobias, A. Die Messung der Schlaflosigkeit. Umschau, 1926, 30: 450.— Vila Guarro. Autohistoria clinica de insomnio. Rev. espaii. med. cir., 1927, 10: 25.—Wallengren, A. [Insomnia and loss of appetite in children and its treatment] Ugeskr. laeger, 1937, 99: 25-32,—Winans, H. M. Insomnia. Internat. Clin., 1935, ™ qm' } :u3^5£r;Wuth' °- Ueber den Saurebasenhaushalt xt ' ^f1 S?hlaflosigkeit und im Schlafmittelschlaf. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1928-29, 118: 447-50. ----- Effect. ,wJ,BaSi' T" ?•' & PIo,emendal, W. B. Studies in experimental exhaustion due to lack of sleep; effects on the nerve cells in the medulla Am. J. Physiol., 1927, 82: 140-6—Bast, T. H., & Loevenhart, A. S. Studies in exhaustion due to lack of sleep; p 1; vC T fnd methods- Ibid-, 121-6—Bast, T. H., Schacht, *., & Vanderkamp, H. Studies in experimental exhaustion due ?•?,,?'„ p; effect on the nerve cells of the spinal cord. Ibid., 131-9.—Clarke, E., & Gubb, A. S. Insomnia and suicide. Lancet, Lond., 1915, 1: 98—Henry, F. Cardiovascular effects of experimental insomnia. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 138: 65-70 — Kroetz C. Ueber einige stoffliche Erscheinungen bei verlanger- tem bcnlafentzug; der Saurebasenhaushalt (Blut- und Harn- reaktion, Wasser- und Salzbestand des Serums) Zsehr. ges exp Med., 1926, 52: 770-8.—Slavina, E. E. [Fluctuations in daily excitability of the cortex of the large hemispheres, and the ettect of lack of sleep] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 41: 9-12.— Warren, N., & Clark, B. Blocking in mental and motor tasks during a 65-hour vigil. J. Exp. Psychol., 1937, 21: 97-105 — Weiskotten, T. F., & Ferguson, J. E. A further study of the effects of loss of sleep. Ibid., 1930, 13: 247-66 ---- Etiology and pathogenesis. See also subheading Type. Benon, R. Asth6nie et insomnie. Rev. g6n. clin. th6r., 1933, 47: 182-4.—Calderoni, S. L'insonnia tropicale. Gior. ital. clin trop., 1938, 2: 203-5.—Drogendijk, A. C. Wakeful- ness and sleep centers. Geneesk. gids, 1936, 14: 25-34.— Fiske, A. Fatigue and sleep. Trained Nurse, 1935, 95: 129; I7*-—Galli, G. L'insonnia dei cardiaci e degli arteriosclerotici. Gazz. osp., 1925, 46: 53-6.—Insonnia (L') degli ammalati. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1934, 22: 571-3.—Insomnia; etiology. California West. M. 1938, 48: 121-4.—Lindsay, J. A. The causes and treatment of insomnia. Postgraduate, N. Y., 1913, 28: 873-9.—M., K. K. Periodische Kopfschmerzen und Schlaflosigkeit. Mitt. Biochem., 1937, 44: 123.—Malkin, P. F. [Psychoses in relation to enforced insomnia] Tr. Ural, nauch. psikhonevr. inst., Perm, 1935, 2: 9-50.—Oggioni, G. La neurorete di Donaggio nella insonnia sperimentale. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 895-7.—Parturier, G. S6m6iologie hepato-biliaire de l'insomnie. Rev. m6d. chir. mal. foie, 1936, 11:287-312.—Popov, E. A. [Delirium and insomnia] Vrach' delo, 1934, 16: 141-4.— Rivas Cherif, M. de. Un caso de insomnio de origen ocular. An. Soc mex. oft., 1942, 17: 1-8.—Sanguineti, L. R. L'insonnia dei psicopatici; ricerche quantitative sui ricambio delle sostanze puriniche. Riv pat. nerv., 1912, 17: 628-39.—Schrumpf, P. Schlaflosigkeit im Hochgebirge. Deut. med. Wschr., 1914, 40: 987.—Service, W. C. Insomnia in tuberculosis. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 1931 23: 440-55.—Stern, L. S., Khvoles, G. J. [et al.] [State of' the hemato-encephalic barrier in prolonged insomnia] In their Hematoentsef. barier, Moskva, 1935, 415-30.—Willcocks, G. C. Insomnia due to physical causes. Med. J. Australia, 1935, 2: 170-3.—Wong, A. A case of insomnia in pregnancy. Chin. M. J., 1935, 49: 1146-8. ---- Treatment. Weschcke, C. Overcoming sleeplessness. 76p. 16? S. Paul, 1935. Basu, M. N. Insomnia and its treatment. Med. Surg. Suggestions, Madras, 1940, 9: 195-201.—Berger, H. Behand- lung der Schlaflosigkeit. Korbl. Allg. arztl. Ver. Thuringen, 1926, 55: 181-7.—Brandenburg, K. Ueber die Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 19.—Ciancio, N. O bocejo; o sono; a cura da insonia. Educ fis., Rio, 1940,. No. 49, 46-8.—Cohen, H. The management of insomnia, Ind. M. Gaz., 1938, 73: 492-4. Also Practitioner, Lond., 1938, 140: 181-8.—Goldberger, M. [Therapy of insomnia in child- hood] Gy6gydszat, 1937, 77: 670; 692; 705; 735.—Grabfleld, G. P. The treatment of insomnia. Med. Clin. N. America 1935-36, 19: 1597-601.—Karnosh, L. J. The treatment of insomnia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1322-6. Also Dent. Digest, 1940, 46: 55.—Leak. W. N. Safeguarding sleep. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 568.—L6vy-Valensi, J. Considerations sur les insomnies et leur traitement. J. mM. fr., 1926, 15: 429-33.— McComb, S. The curse of insomnia. Everybody's Mag., N. Y., 1911, 24: 252-61.—Mazurkiewicz, J. [Insomnia and its treatment] Lek. wojsk., 1939, 33: 129-50.—Munci?, W. Insomnia and its treatment. Med. Clin. N. America, 1939, 23: 553-60.—Olsen, A. B. Overcoming sleeplessness. Good Health, 1926, 61: No. 2, 10; 48— Roemheld, L. Schlaf, Schlaflosigkeit und Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 324; 363.—Schoen, R. Ueber die Schlaflosigkeit und ihre Bekampfung. Klin. Fortbild., 1936, 4: 297-320.— Strauss, E. B. Insomnia and its treatment. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1934, 188: 140-4.—Traitement de quelques varices d'insomnies. Arch, internat. neur., Par., 1934, 26. ser., pt 1, 133-7.—Ulrich, C. Die Schlaflosigkeit und ihre Behand- lung. Mitt. Biochem., 1938, 45: 159.—Urbach, J. Vom guten und schlechten Schlafen. Zsehr. Desinfekt., 1928, 20: [Prakt. Desinfekt.] 159.—Valkenburg, C. T. van [Treatment of pain and insomnia] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 3675-9.— INSOMNIA 328 INSOMNIA Weisz. E. Schlaflosigkeit und ihre Heilung. Ther. Gegenwart, 1927. 68: 563.—Worster-Drought, C. The treatment of insomnia; general considerations. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 720. ---- Treatment: Drugs. See also Hypnotic; Sedative; also names of hypnotics and sedatives as Barbituric acid, etc. L)ios Chemical Co. Insomnia; its treatment with synergistic bromides. 23p. 21,4cm. [S. Louis, '1942] ---- Sleeplessness and sedatives. 23p. 21^cm. [S. Louis, 1943] x Godard, R. *L'insomnie; contribution a I'etude de la medication hypnotique et analgesi- que. 108p. 8? Par., 1930. Beiclbock, W. Ueber klinische und experimentelle Erfah- rungen mit dem kombinierten Schlafmittel Securodorm (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Pathologie des Zwischenhirns) Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 550-3.—Chevalier, J. L'insomnie et le chlora- losane. J. med. Paris, 1935, 55: 189-91.—Codet. H. L'in- somnie et les hypnotiques en 2 temps. Progr. m£d., Par., 1930, 1691.—Demole, V. Traitement de l'insomnie par les somnif£res. Praxis, Bern, 1933, 22: Beil., 51, 22.—Dimter, R. Ueber Schlaf und Schlafverliingerung durch Quadro-Nox im Senium. Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 940.—Einfaches (Ein) Schlafmittel, in Fallen von Unterzuckerung des Blutes. Mitt. Biochem., 1938, 45: 127.—Gillespie, R. D. Insomnia and drug addiction. Brit. J. Inebr., 1930, 28: 6-9.------Savill, A. [et al.] Drugs for sleeplessness. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 1125-7.—Huldermann, L. Untersuchungen uber die Wirksamkeit von Dormovit bei Schlafstorungen der hoheren Altersstufen. Fortsch. Ther., 1941, 17: 21-4.—Klimke, W. Therapeutische Versuche zur Bekampfung von Schlafstorungen mit einem neuartigen Analgo-Hvpnotikum Dodonal. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 1343.—Kraemer, R., Stossel, K., & Klaassen, J. Die medikamr ntose Behandlung von Erregungszustanden und schwerer Schlaflosigkeit. Schmerz, 1935-30, 8: 94-103.— Lemoine. Tratamento d:i insomnia. Novid. med. pharm., Porto, 1907. 12: 134-6.- Marie, A., & Kohen, V. Le didthyldi- prop£nylbarl>iturate de diethvlamine dans l'insomnie des aliens. Bull. gdn. tWr., 1924, 175: 120.—Michels, R. Die Behandlung chronischer Schlaflosigkeit mit medikamentosen Kuren (Lubrokalkuren) Ther. Gegenwart, 1931. 72: 256-60.— Mire, J. Du traitement de l'insomnie paroxystique des tr6- pan£s: le sulfonal et le dial; valeur compare de ces 2 medica- ments. Gaz. h6p., 1919, 92: 61.—Nielsen, T. [On the applica- tion of somnifen in simole insomnia] Ugeskr. lffiger, 1925, 87: 825— Pick, E. P. Schlaf und Schlafmittel. Munch, med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 955.------Ueber Schlaf und Schlafmittel. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927. 40: H. 23 [Sonderbeil.] 1-16.------ Die Grundlagen der Schlafmittel-Therapie. Fortsch. Ther., 1930, 6: 161-7.—Pietz, C. Behandlung von Schlafstorunaen mit Dormovit, einem neuen synthetischen Schlafmittel. Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 709.—Buschke. Der Einfluss des Tagesseda- tivums auf vegetative, insbesondere Schlafstorungen. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1938, 35: 166.—Schoen, R. Schlafstorungen und Schlafmittcltherapie. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 12; 51.—Solomon, M. Shall hypnotics be used in the treatment of insomnia in the psychoneuroses? Med. J. & Rec, 1933. 138: 22-6.—Strober, H. Wiedererweckung des naturlichen Schlaf- vermogens oder Schlaf mittelmissbrauch? Psvchiat. neur. Wschr., 1939, 41: 121-4.—Tietze, H. Die Behandlung von Schlafstorungen mit Nervophyll. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1515.—Wander, L. [Treatment of insomnia with dial Ciba] Polska gaz. lek., 1927, 6: 558. ---- Treatment: Methods. Perget, G. *Contribution a I'etude du traite- ment de l'insomnie. 50p. 8? Par., 1928. Andresen, P. [Insomnia and vitamin B] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941. 103: 912.—Brauchle, A. Die naturgemasse Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit. Deut. med. Wschr.. 1940, 66: 1289-92. Also Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1941, 12: 270.—Breuninger, M. Die Problemstunde; eine Hilfe fur Schlaflose. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 955 (microfilm)—Burgmayer, N. Neuere Erfahrungen iiber die Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit in der Anstaltepraxis. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 271.—Dor. Insomnie rebelle guerie par la tfmotomie des droits externes. Lyon m6d., 1923, 132: 1007.—Engelen, P. Zur Behandlung von Schlaf- losigkeit. Ther. Gegenwart, 1927, 68: 438-40.—Fantus B. The therapy of the Cook County Hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 1846-8.—Favier, H. A propos du traitement de la douleur et de l'insomnie. Bull, m£d.', Par., 1934, 48: 305.— Gold, H. R. A psvchological approach to the insomnia problem. Texas J. M., 193S-39, 34: 488-92.—Haenel, H. Eigenblut in der Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1936, 38: 429.—Heuser, C. Provocaci6n del suefio con la corriente de Leduc Sem. med., B. Air., 1912, 19: pt 2, 611.— Kramer, E. Erfahrungen in it dem Brovaloton-Bad. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1938, 40: 255.—Leclerc, H. La phytotMrapie dans le traitement de l'insomnie. J. med. chir., Par., 1930, 101: 870-80.—Le Pennedu. Traitement des insomnies banales par l'hydrothe>apie. Commun. Congr. internat. physiother. (1930) 1931, 5. Congr., Sect. 3, No. 14, 123-5.—Lorenz. Zur Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit. Prakt. Arzt, 1924, n. F., 9: 9.—Luntz. R. O. [How to cure insomnia in children] Pediatria, Moskva, 1940, No. 2, 92.- Mace de Lcpinay. C. E. Ni'ris, station des insomniques. Gaz. mM. France, 1!»38, 45: Sunnl., Therm., 37.—Marburg. O.. Krisch, H. [el. al.| Umfrage Qber die Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit. Mod, Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 922-7. Mohr. Systematische psychophysische Behand- lung der Schlaflosigkeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 191 1. 40: 986.— Moszeik, O. Zur Therapie der Schlaflosigkeit. Med. Klin., Berl.. 1913. 9: 954.—Parturier, G., A Feldstein. R. La phyto- th^rapie des troubles du sommeil chez les hepato-biliaires. Rev. m£d. chir. mal. foie, 1933, 8: 351-71.—Rice, H. N. Insomnia and the wet sheet pack. Pacific Coast J..Nurs., 1927, 23: 6.— Ruschke, C. Behandlung der Alltagsinsomnie in der Heilan- stalt, Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1316.—Schultz, I. H. Psycho- therapie des Schlafmangels. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 229-31.— Thomas. A propos du traitement de l'insomnie. Praxis, Bern, 1925, 14: H. 46, 1.—Trouette, R. A propos du traitement svmptomatique dans certaines formes d'insomnie. J. mM. Paris, 1934, 54: 354.—Uiberall, H. Zur Therapie der Schlaflosigkeit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1931, 27: 465-8.—Warda, W. Zur Therapie der Schlaflosigkeit (die Schlafbrille) Ibid., 1914, 10: 656.—Wassermann, M. [Contribution to the treat- ment of insomnia] Cas. 16k. cesk., 1924, 63: 273. ---- Type. Angyal, A. Sullo stato del dormiveglia. Arch. ital. psicol., 1930, 8: 89-94.—Bertoye, P. Sur un trouble rare du sommeil chez l'enfant: la jactation capitis nocturna. Bull. Soc. p6diat. Paris, 1927, 25: 61-6.—Bresler, J. Periodische Schlaflosigkeit. Psvchiat. neur. Wschr., 1919-20, 21: 107. ------ Zweierlei Wachsucht. Ibid., 1939, 41: 378.—Lacassie, R. Une forme rare d'insomnie; aspects cliniques des troubles du sommeil de la maladie postop6ratoire. Presse m6d., 1936, 44: 1892-4.— Lhermitte, J. L'insomnie et ses vari6t6s. M6decine, 1930, 11: 100-5.—Pfaundler, M. V. Jactatio corporis nocturna. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 79 (microfilm)— Pitfield, R. L. Capricious slumber. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1941, 154: 448-50.— Roemheld, L. Schlaflosigkeit der Dyspeptiker und ihre diate- tische Beeinflussung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1914. 40: 986.— Stern. L. S. [On alternating sleep and wakefulness] Nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva, 1937, 6: 189-200. ---- Type, initial. Gallavardin, L. Les malaises du premier sommeil. Lyon m6d., 1926, 138: 587-95.—Heuss, von. Ueber eine Beziehung zwischen Muskeltonus, Aufmerksamkeit und erschwertem Einschlafen im Hochgebirge. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, 9: 370.—Hitschmann, E. Coup's method of inducing sleep. Ars medici, Wien, 1935, 13: 541.—Iselin, H. Physiologische Forderung des Einschlafens. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 153.—M. Forderung des Einschlafens durch natiirliches Verfahren. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1925, 72: 711.—Reimann, J. Brosedan zur Behandlung nervoser Einschlafstorungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 135.—Roger, H. Les secousses nerveuses de l'endormissement. Rev. med. fr., 1931, 12: 847-52.— Sternberg, W. Digalen bei Schlaflosigkeit. Ther. Mhefte, 1913, 27: 358.—Tardieu, A. Les troubles du premier sommeil chez les hyperfimotifs. Bull. Soc. m6d. Paris, 1930, 351-5. Also J. med. Paris, 1930, 50: 703-5. ---- Type, neuro-vegetative and psychic. Finckh, J. Die nervose Schlaflosigkeit und ihre Behandlung. 2. Aufl. 50p. 8? Munch., 1933. Adler, A. Nervose Schlaflosigkeit. Zsehr. Individpsychol., 1914, 1: 65-72.—Augustin, H., jr. Die Behandlung der Schlaf- losigkeit in der taglichen Praxis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1932, 62: 817.—Becker, W. H. Zur Bekampfung der nervosen arteriosklerotischen Schlaflosigkeit. Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 979.—Benedek, S. Az dlmatlansdg kezel£se himinallal. Gy6gydszat, 1912, 52: 560-3.—Bleckwenn, W. J. Production of sleep and rest in psychotic cases; a preliminary report. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1930, 24: 365-72.—Breuninger, M. Ueber das Kraftespiel (Psychodynamik) der gewohnlichen psychisch-nervosen Schlafstorung. Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 342-4. ------ Die seelische Schlaflosenbehandlung in der Sprechstunde. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 1906-11.— Chausset, R. Le traitement de l'insomnie chez les anxieux. Bull, med., Par., 1929, 43: 1154.—Determann, H. Zur Hydro- therapie der nervosen Schlaflosigkeit. Zsehr. phys. diat. Ther., 1913, 17: 85-8.—Fagot, A. Anxieux et insomniques, leur traitement. J. med. Paris, 1939, 59: 656.—Farkas, M. Az dlmatlansdgr61 6s vizgyogykezel6s6rol. Fiirdo- & vizgy6gy., 1913, 25-30.—Friedlander. Schlaflosigkeit und Psychasthenic. Deut. med. Wschr., 1914, 40: 987.—Gal lot. P., & Coubard, C. Du traitement de quelques formes frequentes d'insomnie. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1921, 35: 218.—Gandy, P. L'insomnie k Bagneres. Presse therm, clim., 1923, 64: 74.—Gloster, H. S., Markowitz, M., A Wright, S. J. How do you treat insomnia? N. York M. J., 1913, 98: 972.—Hattingberg, H. von. Ueber die seelischen L'rsachen der Schlaflosigkeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1280-4.—Hopewell-Ash, E. Treatment of insomnia in nervous and mental disorders. Brit. J. Phye. M., 1934, 9: 39-41.—Klinkenberg. Einige Winke zur Behandlung der nervosen Schlaflosigkeit. Deut. Med. Ztg, 1908, 29: 625.— Knott, A. Zur Behandlung der nervosen Schlaflosigkeit mit INSOMNIA 329 INSTINCT Lubrokal. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1475.—Koblizek, J. Nespavost neurastheniku Kicenii franklinisacf. Rev. neuro- psychopath., Praha, 1914, 11: 440-2.—Maccone, L. L'in- sonnia nervosa nei bambini. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1935, 13: 172-7.—Meyer, E. Das Schlaf problem; Prophylaxe und Behandlung der Schlaflosigkeit bei Nervenschwachen. Klin. Wschr., 1934, 13: 1339; 1364.—Moerchen, F. Die Behandlung des Schlaflosen. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 1474.—Morton, J. F., jr. One way to overcome sleeplessness. Med. Critic, 1917, 20: 407.—Perget, G. La therapeutique de l'insomnie chez les anxieux et les nfrvropathies. Prat. m6d. fr., 1930, 11: 347.— Plicque, A. As causas e o tratamento causal da insomnia. Brasil med., 1920, 34: 173.—Sanfeliu, J. El veronal en el insomnio. Arch, ter., Barcel., 1908, 6: 76-8.—Szakacs, F. [Sedative treatment of psychosis, with respect to insomnia] Orv. hetil., 1941, 85: 64-6.—Traitement des insomnies ner- veuses. Gaz. hop., 1938, 111: 810.—Zenope, B. L'insomnie elite nerveuse et son traitement par la galvano- et la roentgen- therapie. Evolut. ther., 1927, 8: 182-5. ---- Type, terminal. Bullock, H. M. S. Device for prolonging sleep. U. S. Patent Off., 1912, No. 1,047,163.—Demme. Was kann man gegen vorzeitiges Erwachen tun? Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 882 (microfilm)—Keller, K. [Pathological awakening; its diagnostic importance] Orv. hetil., 1934, 78: 1204-8.— Ldopold-Levi. Le lever matutinal pr6coce. Bull. Soc. m6d. Paris, 1932, 117-21.—Stein, F. Medikamentose Behandlung der Kurzschlafer-Friihaufsteher. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 837. INSPECTION. See also Diagnosis subheadings (clinical; in- tuitive; physical) Ectoscopy; Iridodiagnosis; also under names of inspected parts of body as Anus, Examination; Heartbeat, Examination, etc. For inspection of buildings see such headings as Abattoirs, Veterinary inspection; Factory, Medi- cal inspection; Industrial plant, Inspection, etc. Burkard, K. Ein Kapitel Antlitzdiagnostik. Mitt. Bio- chem. 1933, 40: 193-5.—Fiessinger, C. Les apparences morbides. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1924, 38: 457.—Heine, L. Ueber die Besichtigung der Kranken. Munch, med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 420-2.—Krecke, A. Ueber die Besichtigung des Kranken. Ibid., 157-9. ------ Vom arztlichen Buck. Ibid., 1932, 79: 821-4.—Pick, A. Die Augenblicksdiagnose. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 126; 174.—Schaffle, K. The value of inspec- tion in physical examination. Dis. Chest, 1938, 4: No. 5, 14-6. Also South. M. & S., 1938, 100: 466.—Weltmann, O. Die Zeichen innerer und nervoser Krankheiten im Gesicht. Med. Klin., Berl., 1929, 25: 1495; 1536. INSPECTIONISM [Scopophilia] See Infantilism, psychosexual; Libido; Sex offense. INSPIRATION. See Intuition; also Respiration. INSTABILITY. See also under such headings as Emotion, Dis- order: Instability; Mutation; Personality; Spe- cies; Sex; Variation, etc. Beck, S. J. Stability of the personality structure. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 512 (Abstr.)—Brill, M. A study of instability using the Goodenough drawing scale. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1937, 32: 288-302.—Fitts, P. M. A quantitative investigation of the variability of reaction as a measure of emotional stability. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 527.—Hall, S. B., & Hall, M. B. Prognosis of mental instability; adolescent and service cases. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 376-8.—Whitely, P. L. The constancy of personal values. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1938, 33: 405-8. INSTILLATION. See under such headings as Eye, Disease: Treatment; Eyedrop, etc. INSTINCT. See also Behavior; Character; Desire; Habit; Intuition; Tropism; also names of instincts as Death instinct; Gregariousness; Parental in- stinct, etc. _- '* ■ Bernard, L. I. Instinct; a study in social psychology. 550p. 8? Lond. [1926] Claremont, C. A. The innumerable instincts of man. 196p. 22cm. Lond., 1940. Cuatrecasas. J. Psico-biologia general de los instintos. 207p. 22cm. B. Aires, 1939. Abbie, A. A. Instincts and the herd. Med. J. Australia, 1941, 2: 615-20.—Instinct. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 60.— Larguier des Bancels, J. Les instincts de l'homme. Scientia, Bologna, 1926, 40: 153-62. ------ Les tendances instinctives. Rev. philos. France, 1930, 110: 177-230.—Malten, H. Der Instinkt. Naturiirztl. Rdsch., 1936, 8: 317-22.—Sierra. A. M. Instintos y tendencias. Rev. argent, neur., 1929, 3: 347-60.— Simpson, L. V. Instincts. Welf. Mag., 1926, 17: No. 5, 26-34, pl.—Stone, C. P. Multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die; Charles Darwin. Psychol. Bull., 1943, 40: 1-24.— Talmey, B. S. Instinct. Am. Med., 1926, 21: 429-44.— Thorpe, L. P. Drives, supplementary components of per- sonality. In his Psychol. Found. Person., N. Y., 1938, 19- 23.—Uhrbrock, R. S. Popular usage of the terms instinct and instinctive. Sc. Month., 1932, 34: 544-6.—Young, K. Drives or motives. In his Person. & Probl. Adjust., N. Y., 1941, 58-64. ---- Behavior and dynamics. Alverdes, F. Die Wirksamkeit von Archetypen in den Instinkthandlungen der Tiere. Zool. Anz., 1937, 119: 225- 36.—Anderson, E. E. The externalization of drive; maze learning by non-rewarded and by satiated rats. J. Genet. Psychol., 1941, 59: 397-426.—Bernard, L. L. Instinct and habit in man. In his Introduct. Sociol., N. Y., 1942, 551-79.— Devoe, A. The ways of instinct. Am. Mercury, 1942, 54: No. 218, 234-42 (clipping)—Eggers, F. Beobachtungen iiber die Verkniipfung von Gehor und Fluchtinstinkt bei Eulen- schmetterlingen. Schr. Naturwiss. Verein. Schleswig-Holstein, 1920-26, 17: 325-33.—Garbowski, T. Von der Wiederhol- barkeit einmaliger instinktiver Handlungen (auf Grund von Versuchen mit der Verpuppung der Gabelschwanze) Bull. internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1936, ser. B, 2: 320-48, pl.—Hellwald, H. Untersuchungen iiber Triebstarken bei Tieren. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1931, 123: 94-141.— Ingham, S. D. Mechanics of instinctive behavior. Bull. Los Angeles Neur. Soc, 1941, 6: 143-53.—Kendrew, E. N. A further attempt to measure the strength of instincts. Brit. J. Psychol., 1930-31, 21: Sect. Gen., 160-73.—Lashley, K. S. Experimental analysis of instinctive behavior. Psychol. Rev., 1938, 45: 445-71.—Levy, D. M. A note on pecking in chickens. Psychoanal. Q., 1935, 4: 612. ------ On instinct-satiation; an experiment on the pecking behavior of chickens. J. Gen. Psychol., 1938, 18: 327-48.—Muller. L. R. Die Triebe und ihre Innervation. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 830. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 197.—Paulesco, N. C. Localisa- tion des instincts sur 1'^corce c£r£brale. Arch, internat. phvsiol., Liatoire. Ibid., 1931, 69: 185-93.—Spaulding, K. II. (Jan germicides be relied upon to sterilize cutting-edged instruments?" Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 71: Suppl., 426.— Spiess, G. Neuer, mehrteiliger Instrumentensterilisator, automatisch genugende Sterilisation garantierend. Deut. med. Wschr., 1913. 39: 1049.—Sterilization of instruments. Bull. Pract. Ophth., S. Franc, 1942, 12: 69.—Sterilization of instru- ments. N. York J. Dent., 1943, 13: 114.— Stroschein, E. Sterilisation schneidender Instrumente in stromendem Dampfe. Ber. Versamml. Ophth. Ges. (1910) 191.1, 36: 286-93.—Stutz, L. Ueber die Instrumentensterilisation durch Auskochen. Deut. Militararzt, 1938, 3: 201.- Time saving techniques for steriliz- ing instruments. Surg. Equip., 1942, 9: 12.—Underwood, W. B. Analysis of the principles involved in pressure steam sterilization of instruments. Hosp. Management, 1940, 50: 35-40.— Urbach, H., & Hummel, W. Experimentelle Untersuchungen in neueren zahnarztlichen Instrumentensterilisatoren mit ruhender und bewegter Heissluft. Arch. Hyg., Munch., 1937- 38, 119: 1; 311.—Walter, C. W. Rapid sterilization of instru- ments. Mod. Hosp., 1938, 51: No. 6, 52. —---- Technique for the rapid and absolute sterilization of instruments. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 67: 244-8. INSTRUMENT trade. See also Medical supply. McNeil-O-Gram; abstracts of therapeutic articles. Phila., v.17: No. 1, 1943- Benson, S. W. Sealing quartz windows on Pyrex tubes. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1942, 13: 267-9.—Britain speeds up produc- tion of surgical instruments. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1942, 155: No. 12, 26.—Buttner, A. Die Karlsruher Werkstatte fur Griff-Forschung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 579 (micro- film)—Cambridge Instrument Company, Inc.; manufacturers of electrical and mechanical instruments of precision. In Chem. Engin. Cat., 1941-42, 26. ed., 296.—First report of War Policv Committee. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1942, 13: 245-7.—Fritz, G. B. Instruments and equipment are becoming harder to obtain; even with priorities, manufacturers cannot get enough raw materials. Med. Econom., 1942-43, 20: No. 3, 36-8.—Pre- cision Thermometer and Instrument Company. In Chem. Engin. Cat., 1941-42, 26. ed., 786.—U. S. exports of scientific and laboratory instruments and apparatus continue to gain. Pennsylvania M. J., 1940^1, 44: 214. Also Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1940-41, 35: 15. ---- Catalogs. Boulitte, G. Catalogue D. 194p. 27cm. Par. [1913] Green, H. J. [Catalogue of] meteorological and scientific instruments. 44p. 23^cm. Brook- lyn, 1892. Pilling, G. P. & Sox Co. Catalog of instru- ments and apparatus for surgeons and hospitals. Ed. 1932-33. 160p. 8? Phila. [1932] ---- Price list No. 43 G, March, 1942 [24]p. 21cm. [Phila., 1942] ---- Supplement DP No. 38. p.65-80. 24cm Phila. [1942?] Sklar, J. Manufacturing Co. [Brooklyn, N. Y.] Illustrated catalogue of domestic and imported surgical instruments, suction, pressure and anaesthesia apparatus, physicians and hospi- tal supplies; 10. ed., 1934. 448p. 8? Brooklyn, 1934. ---- Illustrated catalog of stainless steel and chrome plated surgical instruments, suction and pressure pumps, surgical apparatus, anaesthesia apparatus, phvsicians' and hospital supplies; 12. ed., 1938. 463p. 8? Brooklyn, 1938. Storz Instrument Co. [S. Louis, Mo.] Storz eye, ear, nose and throat instruments, equipment and supplies. 192p. 8? S. Louis [1937] Surgical trade, buyer's guide, 1943; a direc- tory of sources of supply for the surgical supply dealer, hospital supply dealer, orthopedic appli- ance dealer. 116p. 22/2cm. N. Y. [1943] INSUA, Mario L., 1903- *Independi- zaci6n cinematica de la porci6n larga del triceps de Bosch Arana. 95p. illust. 26J4cm. B. Air., A. L6pez [1934] ---- Antecedentes, tftulos y trabajos. 30p. 23cm. B. Air., A. L6pez, 1941. See also Bosch Arana, G. [et al.] Tecnica quirurgica sin- cronizada. T. 1-2. B. Air., 1937. INSUA Cartaya, Giraldo A. See Curbelo y Hernandez, A., & Insua Cartaya, G. A. Las bacterids pat6genas del hombre. 826p. 24cm. La Habana, 1941. INSUFFICIENCY. See under names of organs and functions as Aortic valve, Insufficiency; Heart failure, etc. INSUFFLATION. See also Inhalation; also under names of dis- eases treated bv insufflation as Otitis media, etc. Bolte, B., & McNeilly, H. Insufflator. U. S. Patent Off., 1943, No. 2,307,986.—Frank, O. Das Aufblahen von Schliiu- chen und kugelformigen Blasen. Zsehr. Biol., 1928-29, 88: 93-104.—Gratz, C. M. A new automatic valve for measuring air insufflations. J. Bone Surg., 1937, 19: 835.—Langenieux, J. Dosage de l'hydrogtiie sulfute dans le melange gazeux utilise k Allevard pour les insufflations tubo-tympaniques. Ann. Inst. hydr., Par., 1935, 10: 83-5.—Rojas, N., Cattaneo, L., & Raitzin, A. La insuflaci6n pulmonar en el nacido muerto. Actas Conf. Iat. amer. neur., 1929, 1. Conf., 1: 695-703 — Scott, E. G. Zinc stearate insufflation, with report of a case. Virginia M. Month., 1930-31, 57: 742.—Shelanski, H. A. Insufflator. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,185,927.—Shelanski insufflator acceptable. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1453.— Stewart, W. B. Apparatus for administering powdered aluminum. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,214,032.—Ziegler, C. E. Powder insufflator. Ibid., 1936, No. 2,050,517. INSULANDER, Sten Denis Isidor, 1902- *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Schutz- krafte des Tierkorpers gegen Bacillus histolyticus. 80p. 8? Stockh., I. Marcus, 1933. INSULATION. See Heat subheadings (Conservation; Hygiene and comfort) INSULIN. See also Insulin therapy. Aubertin, E. L'insuline. 490p. 8? Par., |1926. INSULIN 337 INSULIN Grevenstuk, A., & Laqueur, E. Insulin; seine Darstellung, physiologische und pharma- kologische Wirkung mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung seiner Wertbestimmung (Eichung) 281p. 8? Miinch., 1925. Hill, D. W., & Howitt, F. O. Insulin; its production, purification and physiological action. 219p. 221/4cm. N. Y. [1936] Also English ed. [Lond.] 1936. Jensen, H. F. Insulin; its chemistry and physiology. 252p. 8? N. Y., 1938. Best, C. H. Das Insulin. Wien. med. Wschr., 1932, 82: 3_6.—Fortunate, A. L'insulina. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1926 31: 438, 466.—Gelling, E. M. K., & Thomas, E. Insulin. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol Bortz) Phila., 1939, 7: 885-906 — Gonzalez Deleito, D. F. Divulgaciones cientlficas de actuali- dad. Siglo mM., 1931, 87: 9-12.—Hoppe, G. A. Insulin- kuriosa. Jahrkurs. iirztl. Fortbild., 1939, 30: H. 3, 65-76 — Ide, M. L'insuline. Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1923, 108-12; 248-54. ------ Insulinologie. Ibid., 153-7.—Kanter, M. P. Insulin. Rev. M. Progr. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M Ohio Univ., 1940, 7: 75-9.—Marble. A. Insulin. Collect. Le'ct. Metrop. State Hosp., Waltham, 1941, 46-68; 1942, pt 3, 491-514 —Mathe, L. Algunas consideraciones sobre la in- sulina. An. Acad, cienc. meU, Habana, 1923-24, 60: 433-40 — Mathis, H. Notiz iiber Insulin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1929, 213: 72.—Niculescu, P. [Insulin] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1932, 21: 666.—Quelques notions sur l'insuline. J. sc. mM. Lille, 1924, 42- pt 1, 48-52.—Shrader, J. C. Insulin. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 622-4.—Smith, P. S. Insulin. Am. J. Nurs., 1926, 26: 179-84) ---- Absorption. See also Insulin therapy, Administration. Bavin, E. M., & Broom, W. A. The effect of certain sub- stances on the absorption of insulin. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1937, 10: 327-42.—Bertram, F., Horwitz, S., & Wahncau, E. Leber- extrakte als Resorptionsvermittler des Insulins. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 1214-7.—Bodey, M. G., Lewis, H. B., & Huber, J. F. The'absorption and utilization of insulin as evidenced by glycogen formation in the white rat. J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 75: 715-23.—Clausen, V. [Clinical examination on insulin resorption properties of adrenalin, pituitrin and ephetonin] Bibl. laeger, 1936, 128: 64-8—Gebhardt, F., & Fricke, G. Zur Frage der Insulinresorption. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1929, 67: 806-9.—Hamburger, R. J. The influence of electrolytes on the permeability of tissues to crystalline insulin. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1931, 43: 233-43.—Redisch, W., & Bloch, B. M. Einfluss der Resorptionsgeschwindigkeit auf die Insuhnwirkung. Endokrinologie, 1928, 1: 241-50.—Rosenthal, L., & Kamlet, J. Absorption of insulin by yeasts. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 37: 650.—Thiel, K., Ruhnau, A., & Unger, A. Ueber Insulinresorption. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 975-8. --- Acid-base equilibrium. Brugsch, T., & Horsters, H. Der Wasserstoffexponent pH des Vollblutes nach Insulininjektion beim Kaninchen. Bio- chem. Zsehr., 1926, 175: 130-4.—Hubbard, R. S., & Wright, F R. Acid excretion by diabetic patients receiving insulin. Clifton M. Bull., 1925-26, 11: 84-90.—Kadlicky, R. [Changes in actual reaction of the blood after insulin injection in normal and glaucomatous persons] Cas. 16k. fiesk., 1928, 67: 168-72.— Malcovati, P. Ricerche sulla riserva alcahna del sangue durante la terapia insulinica del diabete. Boll. Soc med. chir., Pavia, 1924 37: 493-507.—Marshall, C, McCuIloch, W. S., & Nims, L F pH of the cerebral cortex and arterial blood under insulin. Am. J. Phvsiol., 1939, 125: 680-2.—Ponticaccia, L.. & Lucchim, C. Effetti dell'insulina sulla reazione attuale del sangue nei diabetici. Gior. biol. med. sper., 1923-24, 1: 481-5. ---- Activation. See also subheadings (Absorption; Inactiva- tion; Potency) Bertram, F. Ueber Aktivierung des Insulins durch Ei- weisskorper. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 2057-61 —Glaser E., & Halpern, G. Ueber die Aktivierung des Insulins durch Hefe- preszsaft. Biochem. Zsehr., 1929, 207: 377-83.-Gorodet8ky, E. E. [Non-specific activation of insulin] Kim. med., Moskva 1936, 14: 551-4.—Himsworth, H. P. The physiological activation of insulin. Clin. Sc, Lond 1933-34 1: !-«•— Mauriac, P., & Servantie, L. Les substances albuminoides ont-elles un role activant sur l'action de 1 insuline: L. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 594-6. ---- Adsorption. Fisher A M . & Scott, D. A. The adsorption of insulin on charcoal Tr R. Soc Canada, 1934, 28: Sect. 5, 75-80- Jensen, H-. & De Lawder, A. Studies on crystalline insuhn; the adsorption of insulin on charcoal J. Biol. Chem., 1930, 87- 7ni 19 —Inhlin J. M. Attenuation of insulin by mter- fackl Absorption Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y 1937-38 36: 523 absorpU The attenuation of insulin by adsorption. 320157—VOL. 8, 4th series----22 Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 574-6.—Sandberg, M., & Brand, E. Note on the absorption of insulin by kaolin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1925-26, 23: 317-9. ---- Antagonists. See subheadings (Hormonal correlations; In- activation) ---- Antibody. See Insulin, Inactivation. — Antigenic properties. See also Insulin therapy, Allergy. Barral, P., & Roux, J. L'insuline constitue-t-elle en elle- ratae un antigene sD^cifique? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 292.—Lewis, J. H. The antigenic properties of insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 1336-8.—Wasserman, P., Broh-Kahn, R. H., & Mirsky, I. A. The antigenic property of insulin, J. Immun., Bait., 1940, 38: 213-9. ---- Assay. See also Insulin, Manufacture. Antognetti, L., & Geriola, F. Studi sui tests ormonici; l'insulina. Endoor. pat. cost., Bologna, 1935, 10: 421-32.— Anweisung fiir die Insulinpriifung. Reichsgesundhbl., 1938, 13: 582.—Bauman, L. Difficulties in evaluating an insulin preparation. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1829.—Best, C. H. Die Standardisierung von Insulin. In Handb. biol. Arbeits- meth. (Abderhalden, E.} Berl., 1938, 5: T. 3 B. 1. Halfte, 513-27.—Bischoff, F., Maxwell, L. C, & Blatherwick, N. R. Note on the Wyss chemical method of assaying insulin. J. Biol. Chem., 1926, 67: 547.—Bith, Blanchard, L., & Simonnet, H. L'insuline; le titrage des preparations insuliniennes. Bull. sc pharm., Par., 1926, 33: 417; 497.—Bliss, C. I., & Marks, II. P. The biological assay of insulin; the estimation of drug potencv from a graded response. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1939, 12: 182-205.—Brabd, E., & Sandberg, M. On the possible iodometric estimation of insulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1925-26, 23: 313-6.—Colombi, C. Long, M.. & Tosatto, A. Contributo alio studio dei metodi di controllo dei preparati d'insulina. Biochim. ter. sper., 1934, 21: 378-84.—Csepai, K., & Forstner, B. Eine klinische Methode zur Wertbestim- mung von Insulinpraparaten. Endokrinologie, 1929, 3: 412- 6.—Culhane, K., Marks, H. P. [et al.] Observations on insulin; physiological assay. Biochem. J., Lond., 1929, 23: 397-409 — Cutting, M. The detection of insulin in urine. Ibid., 1942, 36: 376-83.—Desgrez, A., Bierry, H.. & Rathery, F. Insuline: test d'activite et posologie. Bull. Acad. mM., Par., 1927, 3. ser., 97: 133-9. Also Bull. gen. ther., 1927, 178: 56-61.— Dirscherl, W. Ueber Insulin; Untersuchung der Einheitlich- keit von Insulinpraparaten. Zsehr. phvsiol. Chem., 1931, 202: 116-27.—Drury, D. R., & Greeley. P. O. The measure- ment of insulin action. Am. J. Physiol.. 1939, 127: 581-8.— Fornet, W. Die chemische Standardisierung des Insulins. Arch. exo. Path., Lpz., 1928, 128: Suppl., 93-6.—Freudenberg, K., & Dirscherl, W. Ueber Insulin; Bemerkungen uber die Messung des Insulins. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1929, 180: 212-6 —Gley, P., Delor, J., & Jacquot, L. Titrage biologique de l'insuline. J. physiol. path, gen., 19J9-40, 37: 925-30.— Greeley, P. O., Bergman, H. C. let al.] Measurement of insulin action. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y.', 1936, 34: 121-3 — Heinbecker, P., Somogyi. M., & Weichselbium, T. E. Quan- titative assay of insulin effect. Ibid., 1937-58, 36: 399-401.— Hrubetz, M. C. The assay of insulin and the blood sugar level. Am. J. Physiol., 1934. 107: 284-92.—Jongh. S. E. de [On the present standardization of insulin] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926 70- pt 1, 2173-7. ------ [International standardization of insulin] Ibid., 1927, 71: pt 1, 983-9. Eichung von Insulin In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938. 5: T. 3B. 2. Halfte, 1475-92. ------& Laqueur, E. Sur i'etat actuel de la question de l'gtalonnement de l'insuline. Arch. n<5erl. phvsiol., 1926, 11: 453-9.—Kohl, H. Ueber kristallinisches Insulin; uber die Standardisierung des kristal- linischen Insulins nach der Flachenwertmethode. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1936, 182: 550-9.—Levina, R. I.. & Guryich, R. I. [Determination of insulin in the blood by Brugsch-London s method] J. Physiol. USSR, 1941, 30: 249-51 .-Makhotina, O V [Determination of insulin in the blood] Vrach. delo, 1938 20: 667-72.—Meythaler, F., & Bingel, A. Die Priifung der Wirkungsintensitat intravenos verabreichten Insulins als Standardisierungsmethode fur Insulin. Khn. Wschr 1937, 16: 589-91 —Modern. F., Scotti, C. M., & Wernicke, R. Dosage Diologique de l'insuline. C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 97: 1244-6. Also Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1927, 3: 459-71-Monasters, G. Sulla valutazione dell'attivite insulinica. Riforma med., 1933, 49- 1309-12—Mulli, K., & Werner, H. Ueber eine physi- kal'isch-chemische Methode zur Wertbestimmung yon Insulin- praparaten. Deut. med. Wschr 1937, 63: 1941-3—Roffo, A E jr & Fracone, M. P. Titulaci6n espectrografica de la insuli'na.' Bol. Inst. med. exp. cancer. B. Air., 1941, 18: 1003- 1 q —Ssanrin K. Zur Frage der Wertbestimmung von Insulin. Arch, exp Path., Lpz.. 1929, 144: 173-89.-Stasiak, A. The influence of diet on the physiologic assay of insuhn. J. Lab. Clin M 1926-27, 12: 256-8. ------& Zboray. B. [Evalua- tion'of insulin] Orsz. Kozegeszs. Int. kozl., 1930, 3: No. 40, INSULIN 338 INSULIN 1 8.- -Stefl, J. Versuch einer neuen Standardisierungsrnethode I fiir Insulin. Arch. exp. Path., Berl.. 1936, 181: 017-24.— Toparskaia, V. N. Zur Beurteilung der biologisclien Insulin- probe nach Brugsch-London. Bull. biol. m£d. exp. URSS., 1938. 6: 427-30.—Voegtiin, C Dunn, E. R., & Thompson, J. W. The biological stnndardi. ation of insulin. Pub. Health Hep Wash.. 1924, 39: Id::."). —Wernicke, R., & Modern. F. Mcdicion biologica v peroral administration of insulin-phospho-tungstate. Calcutta M. J., 1934, 29: 170-3.— Labbe, M., Roubeau, H., & Nepveu, F. Action des sels de nickel et de cobalt sur le pouvoir hvpoglvcemiant de l'insuline chez le diabetique. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1928, 186: 181-3.— Lawrence, R. D. Insulin phosphotungstate by mouth. Lan- cet, Lond., 1931, 1: 184.—Sahyun, M., Nixon, A., & Goodell, M. Influence of certain metals on the stability of insulin, J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1939, 65: 143-9. ---- Derivatives: Pectin insulin. Brahn, B. B. A. Insulin and pectin solution for injection purposes. U. S. Patent Off., 1942, No. 2,294,016. ------ & Langner, T. [Decurvon; a pectin-insulin with protracted action] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 4621-31.—Wuhrmann, F. Klinische Erfahrungen mit einem Dauer-Insulin ohne Eiweiss-Zusatz, Decurvon, ein Pektin-Insulin. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 1275-9. ---- Derivatives, precipitated. Chiancone, F. M. Azione dell'insulina trattata con pre- cipitanti diversi. Biochim. ter. sper., 1937, 24: 349-54.— Du Vigneaud, V., Sifferd, R. H., & Sealock. R. R. The heat precipitation of insulin. J. Biol. Chem., 1933, 102: 521-33.— Jacobs, H. R., auf die Aktivitat des uberlebenden Froschherzens ein? Skand. Arch. Physiol.. Lpz., 1925-26 47: 127-44.—Bodo, R., & Marks, H. P. The r J1 ioo^oo11 on the aseptically perfused heart. J. Physiol., Lond., 1927-28, 63: 242-8.-Brull, Z. [Symptomatic treatment f i in,?1™ m msulln cardiac decompensation] Cas. lek. cesk 937, 76: 1529.-Budingen, T. Ernahrungs- und Steffi wechselstorungen im Herzen (Kardiodystrophien) beim Dia- betes melhtus und beim Insulinschaden. Zbl. Herz Gefiisskr., luor' « iiH231A 7]--- Insulin und Herzfunktion. Ibid., iy~t>, 18: 75-8.—Costedoat & Aujaleu. L'action cardiaque de 1 insuline. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1932, 3. ser., 48- 876- 8f.— Cniickshank, E. W. H. The effect of insulin on the utilisation of sugar in the normal and diabetic heart. Abstr Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr 60 Hormonal correlation: ---- Genital effect. See also subheading Gonads. Bach, E. *Diabete et fonction de reproduc- tion; etude du traitement par l'insuline. 113p. 8? Par. 1928. Consoli, V. Insulina e genitali femminili. Clin, ostet., 1934, 36: 277-83.—Keisuke, N. Ueber die Wirkung von Insulin am uberlebenden Uterus verschiedener Saugetieren und des Menschen. Nagoya J. M. Sc, 1928, 3: 7-12, 3 pl.—Klaften, E. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber den uterotonischen Effekt des Insulins. Zbl. Gyn., 1936, 60: 2834-9. ------ Ueber die Wirkung des Insulins auf die Uterusmuskulatur. Zsehr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1936, 112: 318-38. ---:— Ueber den uterotonischen Effekt des Insulins. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1936, 99: 757-71.—L6vai, M. Klinische Beitrage zur genito- depressorischen Wirkung des Insulins. Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 313-5.—Mignot, R. L'insuline comme anaphrodisiaque. Ann. med. psycho!., Par., 1936, 94: pt 2, 427-32.—Ruggeri, G., & Pelleriti, G. L'insulina e l'apparato genitale femminile. Monit. ostet. gin., 1932, 4: 698-717.—Teitel-Bernard, A. Action de l'insuline sur 1'uterus isole de la souris. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 676-8. ---- Glucose equivalent. See Insulin therapy, Dosage. ---- Growth, regeneration and wound healing. See also subheading Metabolic effect: Body weight; also Insulin therapy, Indication. Barral, P. Experiences mettant en evidence Taction de l'in- suline sur le developpement du sarcome du rat. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 522-4. ------ L'insuline facteur de cicatrisa- tion. Paris med., 1934, 93:28-32. ------& Cade, R. Insuline et plaies experimentales. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 103: 249.— Ferrill, H. W. The effect of daily administration of insulin on growth and reproduction in the white rat. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 355.—Friedheim, E., & Roukhelman, N. Action de l'insuline etudiee en cultures de tissus. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 103: 10-2.—Gomes da Costa, S. F., & Benard Guedes F. Sobre a sensibilizacao do tecido neopl^sico a accao dos raios X, pela aplicacao previa da insulina. Lisboa med., 1932, 9: 767- 800.—Lambret, O., & Driessens, J. Action de l'insuline sur revolution du sarcome de Jensen: actions opposees des doses faibles, moyennes et fortes. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 119: 589.—Latta, J. S., & Bucholz, D. J. The effects of insulin on the growth of fibroblasts in vitro. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1939, 23: 146-56.—Roffo, A. H. La insulina sobre el desarrollo de tejidos normales y neopldsicos in vitro. Bol. Inst. med. exp. c&neer, B. Air., 1928, 4: 391-8, 2 pl. ------& Ferramola, R. Gluco- lisis e insulina en los tejidos normales y neopWsicos cultivados in vitro. Prensa med. argent., 1930-31, 17: 548-53.—Stolfl, G. Influenza dell'insulina sullo sviluppo del sarcoma di Jensen. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 657-9.—Weller, N. S. [Effect of insulin on the antiblastic properties of the spleen] Biull. eksp, biol. med., 1939, 8: 228-31. Narayana, B., & Shrivastava, D. L. Experimental study of the action ot insuhn on normal and diabetic hearts. Ind J M Res., 1928, 16: 479-511.—Cruickshank, E. W. H., & Prosad, s' the action of insulin on the free muscle sugar of the normai and diabetic heart. Ibid., 473-7.—Cruickshank, E. W. H & Shrivastava, D. L. The action of insulin on the storage and utilization of sugar by the isolated normal and diabetic heart Am. J. Physiol., 1930, 92:,144-59.—Cruickshank, E. W. H:, & startup, C. W. The action of insulin on the R Q, oxygen utilization C02 production and sugar utilization in the mam- malian diabetic heart. J. Physiol., Lond., 1934, 81: 153-61 — Evans, C. L., Grande, F. [et al.] The glucose and lactate usages ot the diabetic heart and the influence of insulin thereon. Q J Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1934-35, 24: 365-76.—Guarino,Ai Alterazioni elettrocardiografiche consecutive ad iniezioni dinsuhna. Pensiero med., 1937, 26: 329-33.—Haynal, I. [Effect of insulin on the heart muscle] Orv. hetil., 1927 71- 1085-7. —----Vidovszky, L., & Gyorgy, G. Elektroka'rdio- graphische Untersuchungen uber Insulinwirkung auf das Herz- Insulin und geschadigter Herzmuskel. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1543-9.—Hennequin, L. Action de l'insuline sur le coeur isole de grenouille. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 157. Also Ann physiol., Par., 1934, 10: 945-9.—Katz, G. I. [Insulintherapy and the heart] Vrach. delo, 1935, 18: 111-6.—Mondini, E. M. Influenza dell'insulina sulle correnti di azione del cuore. Ann clin. med., Pal., 1930-31, 20: 1-9, pl.—Ootani, K. Influence of insulin upon the consumption of carbohydrate by the perfused heart _ of toad.^ Okayama igakkai zassi, 1929, 41: 391.— Peserico, E. L'azione dell'insulina sui ricambio respiratorio del cuore isolate di mammifero. Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 136-8.—Rigoni, M., & Stella, G. Azione dell'insulina sul- 1 attivita del cuore isolate di mammifero. Arch, fisiol Fir 1926, 24: 293-9.—Schaffer, H. Insulin und Herzfunktion' Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1577. Also Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1635. ------ Insulin und Herz; elektrographische Studien am Menschen. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1926, 38. Kongr., 457-9.—Smet, J. P. de. On electrocardiographic examination during insulin treatment. Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1938 42- 142.—Soskin, S., Katz, L. N., & Frisch, R. The dual nature of the action of insulin upon the heart. Ann. Int. M., 1934-35, 8: 900-6.—Strauss, H. Insulin and Herzfunktion. Zbl. Herz Gefasskr., 1926, 18: 25-32.—Tanzi, B. Insulina e sistemi glicolitici isolati dal miocardio di coniglio e di gatto. Biochim. ter. sper., 1935, 22: 481-9.------Ulteriori ricerche sul- l'azione dell'insulina nei cuore isolate di coniglio. Gior clin med., 1936, 17: 1259-66.—Visscher, M. B.. & Muller. E. a! The influence of insulin upon the mammalian heart. J. Physiol Lond., 1926-27, 62: 341-8. ---- Hematologic effect. Bayer, G., & Form, O. Ueber den Einfluss des Insulins auf die Phagozytose in vitro. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 784. ------ Ueber den Einfluss des Insulins auf die Phago- zytose im Tierkorper und auf den Komplementgehalt. Ibid., 1338.—Ceruti, G., & Palomba, G. Variazione della coagula- bility del sangue in rapporto a variazioni del tasso glicemico ottenute mediante iniezioni di insulina. Arch, fisiol., Fir 1930, 28: 591-99.—Detre, L. [Insulin and blood picture] Orv. hetil., 1927, 71: 1303.—Elzas, M., & Stibbe, G. D. H. Insuline and blood picture] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 2348-51.—Forti, C. Sugli effetti dell'inoculazione di sangue di animale trattato con forti dosi di insulina. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1939, 10: 69-88.—Gatto, I. Influenza dell'in- sulina sui potere battericida del sangue in toto dei bamlini normali. Med. inf., Roma, 1933, 4: 217-22.—Gigon, A. Insulin und Hypophysisextrakt in ihrer Wirkung auf einige Blutbestandteile. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 174: 257-61.— Ginsburg, A. A. [Effect of insulin on the vasomotor properties of the blood] J. eksp. biol., 1930, 14: 30-6.—Grandpierre, B., & Grognot, P. Action de l'insuline purifiee sur la teneur du sang en hematies. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 350-2.— Hamilton, W. E., Barbour, H. G., & Warner, J. H. Does insulin significantly affect the blood concentration? J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1924-25, 24: 335-7.—Keys, A. The effects in man and dogs of massive doses of insulin on the composition of the blood serum. Am. J. Physiol., 1938, 123: 608-13.—Klein. O. Ueber die Veranderung der Blutbeschaffenheit schwerer INSULIN 344 INSULIN Diabetiker nach Ifinger dauernder Insulineinwirkung. Bio- chem. Zsehr., 1926, 171: 177-90.—Kylin, E. Leber den kolloidosmotischen Druck des Blutserums bei Diabetikern, besonders wahrend der Insulinbehandlung. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 72: 050-8—Latta, J- S.. & Henderson, J. W. The hemopoietic disturbances induced in the albino rat by insulin administration. Fol. haemat., Lpz., 1937, 57: 206-27.— Lega, G. I.'influenza dell'insulina su gli elementi figurati del sangue, su la velocita di sedimentazione dei G. R., e sui tempo di einorrasria e di coagulazione. Arch. farm, sper., 1930-31, 51: 1-23. — Mazzocco, P., & Morera, V. Action de l'insuline sur la composition du sang. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1924, 91: 30.—Polonovski, M., Bizard, G. [et al.] Effet, sur l'indice chromique residue!, au cours de la stase sanguine, des injections peripheriques d'insuline. Ibid., 1937, 124: 677-9. ------ & Warembourg, H. Influence de l'insuline, de l'adrenaline et du phlorhizoride sur les indoses plasmatique et urinaire chez le chien. Ibid., 1932, 109: 937-9.—Rothschild & Jacobsohn, M. Der Einfluss von Insulin auf die Blutzusammensetzung beim Diabetes mellitus. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1926, 38. Kongr., 447-9.—Sansone, L. Crasi sanguigna e ricambio emoglobinico nei diabete mellito puro e complicate, prima e dopo trattamento insulinico. Arch. stud, fisiopat. ricambio, 1938, 6: 3-23, 11 tab.—Schmidt, A. A., & Saachian, R. L. Einfluss des Insulins auf den morphologischen und chemischen Blutbestand. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1927, 54: 199-218 — Stockinger, W., & Beckmann, O. Ueber die Insulinreaktion der Leukocyten des Blutes. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 2068-72.— Stockinger, W., & Kober, K. Ueber die Insulinreaktion der Leukocyten des Blutes. Ibid., 389-92.—Tafuri, G. B. Azione deH'insulina nei sangue in vitro. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1927, 2: 374-6.—Traczynski, J. [Effect of the vegetative nervous system on the blood picture in insulinization] Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 281-6.—Velicogna, A. Sulla permeability dei globuli rossi al glucosio sotto l'azione dell'insulina. Arch. fisiol., Fir., 1927. 25: 339^7.—Visani, C. Insulina e coagula- zione del sangue. Gior. clin. med., 1933, 14: 487-94.—Walters, O. S., Del Vccchio. J. J., & Hertzman, A. B. Erythrocyte vnriations in normal men following insulin. Am. J. PhsyioL, 1937, 119: 418.—Watson, E. M. The percentage of eosino- phils in blood smears from insulin-treated diabetics. Am. J. AI. Sc. 1931, 182: 231-7.—Zuckerstein, E., & Stricher, A. P. ICbanges in the consistence of blood in diabetics and influence of insulin on ill Kuss. klin., 1920, 5: 698-711. Also Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1928, 161: 323-37. ---- History. See also Insulin therapy, History. Banting, F. G. Diabetes and insulin: Nobel lecture delivered at Stockholm on September 15th 1925. 20p. 8? Stockh., 1925. Banting, F.' G. The history of insulin. Edinburgh M. J., 1929, n. ser., 36: 1-18. ----— The early story of insulin. In Lilly Res. Lab. (Dedicat. Vol.) 1934, 14-20. —---- Early work on insulin. Science, 1937, 85: 594-6.—Bauer, J., & Monguio, J. Aoerca del umbral de la insulina. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1932, 17,: 546.—Best, C. H. Reminiscences of the researches which led to the discovery of insulin. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1942, 47: 398-400.—Dale, H. H. The history of in- sulin and its manufacture. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 437.—Diamare, V. Documenti per la storia della teoria insulare del diabete e sui precedenti dell'insulina. Arch, fisiol., Fir., 1924, 22: 141-57.—Fornet, W. Das Marchen vom Insulin. Fortsch. Med., 1925, 43: 312.—Gonzalez Tova, J. Estudio hist6rico del descubrimiento de la secreci6n interna del pancreas (in- sulina) Tr. Cited, hist. crit. med., Madr., 1934, 2: 261-3.— Griffith, I. The romance of insulin; taking the die out of diabetes. In his Lobscows, Phila., 1939, 453-77.—Hartzog, H. S. The discovery of insulin. Diabetes, N. Y., 1932, 1: 14-25.—Ide, M. Les ptecurseurs de Banting. Rev. med. Louvain, 1924, 117.—Insulin comes of age. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1942, 23: No. 7. 3-5.—Laguesse, E. Hots endocrines du pancreas .insuline et diabete d'apres les travaux anciens et les travaux tecents de l'ecole canadienne. Rev. fr. endocr., 1923, 1: 281-311.—Laugier, H. Banting et la decouverte de l'insuline. Union med. Canada, 1941, 70: 347-51.—Olmsted, J. M. D. L'insuline. Liege med., 1928, 21: 483-501.—Stone, C. T. The present status of insulin. Texas J. M., 192.5-26, 21: 591-4.—Thomas, J. C. The story of insulin. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1930-31, 8: 8-13. ---- Hormonal correlation. See also other subheadings; also under names of endocrine glands. Lo, Y. M. *Zur Frage der Beeinflussbarkeit der Insulinwirkung durch andere Inkrete [Ber- lin] 31p. 2212cm. Charlottenb., 1937. Danenkof, J. S. L'action paradoxale de l'insuline; contribu- tion au probleme de la dysfonction endocrinienne. Rev. fr. endocr., 1926, 4: 416-28.—Frada, G. Influenza dell'estratto cloroformico di epifisi sulla curva glicemica da insulina. Bio- chim. ter. sper., 1938, 25: 266-70.—Longo, A. Sull'azione del trattamento insulinico sui genitali femminili e sui timo. Arch. ostet. gin., 1932, 2. ser., 19: 97-116.—Rizzo, C. Alterazioni delle ghiandole endocrine nei mammiferi insulinizzati. Riv. pat. nerv., 1934, 43: 95-9.—Schrire, V., & Zwarenstein, H. Changes in plasma inorganic phosphate associated with endo- crine activity in Ncnopus laevis; extirpation of the pancreas and the pituitary, and injection of insulin and anterior pituitary extract. S. Afr. J. AI. Sc., 1938, 3: 89-94.-Shorenhevsky. N. A., & Mogilnitzky, B. N. [Effect of insulin on the incretorv system] Med. biol. J., Leningr., 1928, 4: 36-42. ---- Hormonal correlation: Gonads. Abel, P. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den EinflusA des Insulins auf die Ovarientatigkeit. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1931, 147: 444-57.—Cotte, G., & Pallot, G. L'insuline et ses rapports avec l'ovulation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 74.—Del Castillo, E. B., & Calatroni. C. Action de l'insuline sur le evele cestral du rat blanc. Ibid., 1929, 102: 454.—Del Castillo. E. B., & Cardini, C. Action de l'insuline sur l'apparition des cycles sexuels chez le rat blanc. Ibid., 1930, 105: 117.— Galperin, S. I. [Hormonal sterilization by insulin] J. med., Kiev, 1938, 8: 169-77; 763-9.—Hofman-Bang, A. Hat das Insulin Einfluss auf die innere Sekretion der Ovarien? Zbl. Gyn., 1930, 54: 1223-30.—Laffont, A., & Schebat, L. A propos de la sterilisation hormonale d'animaux femclles par l'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 102: 285-7.—Migliavacca, A. L'insulina e i suoi rapporti con l'ovulazione (con dimostra- zione di preparati microscopici) Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia, 1930, 44: 453-60. ------ Action de l'insuline sur l'ovaire. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 104: 1266-8.—Picazio, A. Insulina e glandole genitali nei diabete. Fol. med., Nap., 1924, 10: 681-700.—Savignoni, F. Insulina e ovaio (action dell'insulina sull'ovaio di animali impuberi trattati con l'orina di donna gravida) Riv. ital. gin., 1934, 16: 211-25.—Sendrail, M., & Rieunau. G. Action de la castration ovarienne sur la tolerance k l'insuline et l'insulinlmie de fatigue. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 735-7.—Vogt, E. Ovarialzyklus und Insulinwirkung. Zbl. Gyn., 1927, 51: 3034-42. ------ Ueber die Abhiingigkeit der Insulinwirkung von der weiblichen Geschlechtsdriise. Deut, med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 701.—Williams. G. A., & Williams, R. L. Insulogenic stimulation of sexual development. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 104: 1208-10. ---- Hormonal correlation: Pancreas. See also subheadings (Mode of action: Experi- mental research; Secretion) also Pancreas, Secre- tion. Arpino, G. Ricerche sui contegno del pancreas endocrino nei trattamento insulinico. Fol. med., Nap., 1939, 25: 925- 50.—Aubertin, E., Lacoste, A., & Saric, R. Recherches sur l'etat de reactivite fonctionnelle du pancreas endocrine chez des chiens normaux soumis pendant longtemps k des injections biquotidiennes d'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 121: 241-4. ------ Action des injections tepetees d'insuline sur l'etat structural et fonctionnel du tissu langerhansien; etude experimentale et clinique. Ann. med., Par., 1938, 43: 253-84.—■ Best, C. H., Campbell, J., & Haist, R. E. The effect of anterior pituitary extracts on the insulin content of the pancreas. J. Physiol., Lond., 1939-40, 97: 200-6.—Best, C. H., & Haist, R. E. The effect of insulin administration on the insulin con- tent of the pancreas. Ibid., 1941, 100: 142-6.—Bettoni, I. Correlazioni tra la secrezione esterna e interna del pancreas nei diabete mellito prima e durante la cura insulinica. Arch. pat., Bologna, 1930-31, 10: 615-70, ch.—Campbell, J.. Haist. R. E. [et al.] The insulin content of the pancreas as influenced bv anterior pituitary extract and insulin. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 328.—Copp, E. F. F., & Barclay, A. J. The restora- tion of hydropically degenerated cells of the pancreatic islands in dogs under insulin treatment. J. Metab. Res., 1924, 4: 445-51.—Ferrari, R. Azione degli ormoni sulla secrezione dei fermenti digestivi; influenza della insulina sulla secrezione dei fermenti del succo pancreatico. Arch, fisiol., Fir., 1935-36, 35: 145-56.—Fonseca, F., & Carvalho, A. de. Action de l'insuline sur la secretion externe du pancreas. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 1262.—Fonseca, F., & Trincao, C. Action de l'irsuline sur la secretion externe du pancreas dans un cas de fistule pancteatique. Ibid., 1928, 99: 1532.—Frisk, A. R., & Welin, G. The external pancreatic secretion and the discharge of bile during hypoglycemia following intravenous administra- tion of insulin. Acta med. scand., 1937, 91: 170-82.—Hebb, C. O. The effect of insulin administration on the response of the pancreas to parasympathetic stimulation. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1936-37, 26: 339-54.—Lacoste, A., Aubertin, E., & Sarbic, R. Action des injections tepetees d'insuline sur I'etat histologique du pancreas endocrine et sur la teneur en insuline chez le chien normal. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 121: 239-41.—Latta, J. S., & Harvey, H. T. Changes in the islets of Langerhans of the albino rat induced by insulin administra- tion. Anat. Rec, 1942, 82: 281-95, 2 pl.—McJunkin, F. A., & Roberts, B. D. Effect of excessive insulin on the pancreatic islets of young rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 893.—Mankowsky, A. L'insuline k la lumi^re des faits micro- physiologiques; sur la structure des tlots de Langerhans du pancteas. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1927, 4: 180-92.—Miller, R. A. Effects of anterior pituitary preparations and insulin on islet cells of the pigeon pancreas. Endocrinology, 1942, 31: 535-44.—Monteleone, R. Insulina e secrezione esterna del pancreas: azione dell'insulina sulla secrezione esterna del pancreas nei diabete mellito. Probl. nutriz., Roma, 1925, 2: 163-83.—Scott, V. B., Collignon, V. J., & Bugel, H. J. Some INSULIN 345 INSULIN effects of insulin and glucose on fasting external pancreatic secretion. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 440.—Susman, W. Insulin and the diabetic pancreas. Edinburgh M. J., 1928, n. ser., 35: 206-13.-—Yasuda, Z. Relationship between the function of pancreas after insulin-injection and the insulin contained in peripheral blood and lymph. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1936, 26: 15. ---- Hormonal correlation: Pituitary. Barnes. B. O., & Dix, A. S. On the mechanism of the susceptibility to insulin in hypophysectomized dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 116: 6.—Brobeck, J. R., Magoun, H. W., & Ranson, S. W. Insulin sensitivity of monkeys after section of the hypophyseal stalk. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 622-4.—Bruhn, J. M., Keller, A. D. [et al.] Decrease in insulin tolerance following hypophysectomv largely due to removal of stalk tissue. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2. 11 (Abstr.)— Chaikoff, I. L., Reichert, F. L. [et al.l The effect of hypo- physectomy and cerebral manipulation in the dog upon the response of the blood sugar and inorganic phosphorus to insulin Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 112: 493-503.—Collin, R., Drouet, P. L. [et al.] L'action histophysiologique de l'hypoglycemie insulini- que sur les glandes endocrines et le probleme de l'antagonisme entre l'hypophyse et le pancreas. Rev. fr. endocrin., 1932, 10: 271.—Fichera, G. Sui rapporti tra ipofisi e pancreas; gli effetti dell'ormone pancreastropo irrofisario sull'apparato in- sulare del pancreas. Pathologica, Genova, 1938, 30: 286-90, pl.—Fraenkel-Conrat, H. L., Herring, V. V. [et al.] Effect of purified pituitary preparations on the insulin content of the rat's pancreas. Am. J. Physiol., 1941-42, 135: 404-10.— Haist, R. E. The pituitary and the insulin content of pancreas J. Physiol., Lond., 1940, 98: 419-23.—Herlant, M. Pouvoir gonadotrope de l'hypophyse de rats soumis a des injections d'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 129: 57.—Jones, H. D. Effect of insulin on partially hypophysectomized rats. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 40: 68-70.—Kater, J. The insulin sensitiveness of hypophysectomized rats. Acta brevia neerl., 1936, 6: 97-9. Also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 3613-6 — Lucke, H., & Koch, A. Die reaktive Ausschiittung des kontra- insularen Vorderlappenhormons bei'der Phlorrhizinglykosurie. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1938, 103: 270-3.—Newton, W. H., & Young, F. G. The influence of the glycotropic, anti-insulin factor of the anterior hypophysis on the insulin sensitivity of the hypophysectomized rabbit. J. Physiol., Lond., 1938, 94: 40-6.—Quiglay, J. P., & Barnes, B. O." Antagonistic action of posterior pituitary lobe preparations. Am. J. Physiol., 1930, 95: 7-12.—Riesser, O. Der Einfluss der Ernahrung auf die Empfindlichkeit hypophysenloser Ratten fiir Insulin. Acta brevia neerl., 1940, 10: 11.5-8.—Rosenberg, S., & Samuels, L. T. The influence of previous diet on the insulin tolerance of hypophysectomized rats. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 164 (Abstr.)—Schrire, V. Changes in plasma inorganic phosphate associated with endocrine activity in Xenopus laevis; the effect of insulin on hypophysectomised animals. S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1939, 4: Suppl., 1-3.—Werner, P., & Monguio, J. Klinische Untersuchungen zur Frage des Antagonismus von Insulin und Pituitrin. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 748-51. ---- Hormonal correlation: Suprarenals. Scbeer, W. *TJeber den Mechanismus der antagonistischen Wirkung von Adrenalin und Insulin, p.159-67. 8? Berl., 1933. Also Zsehr. klin. Med., 1933, 123: Angiuli, L. Antagonismo fra insulina e surreni per la pres- sione arteriosa. Clin. med. ital., 1937, 68: 591-601.—Audo- Gianotti, G. B. Ricerche sulla reazione surrenale all'azione dell'estratto insulare. Pensiero med., 1935, 24: 281; 317.— Barnes, B. O., Dix, A. S., & Rogoff, J. M. Effect of adrenalin on insulin sensitivity of partially adrenalectomized and of hypophvsectomized dogs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 31: 1145.—Berg, B. N., McAfee, J., & Zucker, T. F. Effect of epinephrin on normal and diabetic response to insulin. Ibid., 1934-35, 32: 1358.—Ellsworth, R., & Weinstein, A. The effect of insulin injections upon the serum inorganic phosphate in normal and suprarenalectomized dogs. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1933, 53: 21-30.—Harada, T. Die histologischen Veranderungen der Nebennierenrinde nach wiederholter Injektion von Insulin an Kaninchen. Fukuoka acta med., 1930, 23: 3.—Heks, M., & Szakall, A. Der Insulin-Adrenalin Antagonismus im Plethysmogramm und dessen Zusammenhang mit der Konstitution. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1926-27, 154: 365-71.—Hemmingsen, A. M., Nielsen, A., & Nielsen, A. L. The effect of insulin on adrenalectomized rats and mice. Acta med. scand., 1938, 96: Suppl. 90, 105-10.—Hofmann, E. Ueber die Veranderungen des Nebennierenorgans nach Insulinwirkung. Krankheitsforschung, 1925-26, 2: 295-310, pl.—Ingraham, R. C, & Gellhorn, E. Role of adrenals in blood pressure reaction to anoxia during insulin hypoglycemia. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 40: 315-9.—La Barre, J., & Saric, R. A propos de l'origine nerveuse centrale de l'hyperadrenalinemie post- insulinique. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1936-37, 44: 459- 73.—Larson, P. S., & Brewer, G. The relation of the adrenal medulla to the effect of insulin on purine metabolism. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 115: 279-84.—Luck, J. M., & Richmond, G. M. Stimulation of adrenal medulla by irradiated insulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934-35, 23: 1056.—Mehes, G., & Both, J. Concerning the action of insulin; the cardiovascular antagonism of insuhn and adrenalin. Magy. orv. arch., 1927 28: 500-10— Mikeleitis, B. Quantitative Untersuchungen an den IMebennieren der weissen Maus nach langerer Insuhnbe- handlung. Anat. Anz., 1939-40, 89: 337-49 (microfilm)— Miller, R A., & Riddle, O. Cellular response to insulin in suprarenals of pigeons. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941 47- 449-53— Oliva, G., & Pescarmona, M. Curve glicemiche e carotinemiche dopo insulina ed adrenalina in normali ed in diabetici. Arch, sc med., Tor., 1939, 68: 537-46.—Plumier- Clermont, L..-& Carot, L. L'insuline possede-t-elle une action cardio-vasculaire antagoniste de celle de l'adtenaline? Arch internat. physiol., Liege, 1926, 26: 82-96.—Schenk, F., & Langecker. H. Ueber Gewebsveranderungen der Nebennieren- rinde des Kaninchens nach chronischer Insulinzufuhr. Endo- krinologie, 1935, 16:305-11.—Scott, A. H., & Berg, B. N. Blood lactic acid following the administration of insulin in cats without the adrenal medulla. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 115: 163-9.__ Unverricht. Insulinempfindlichkeit und Nebenniere. Deut med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1298. ---- Hormonal correlation: Thyroid and para- thyroid. Ehrismann, O. Zur Pharmakologie des Antagonismus von Insuhn und Schilddriisenpraparaten. Arch. exp. Path. Lpz 1927 121: 299-319.—Forrest, W. D. The effect of parathyroid on the blood sugar curve after insulin. Brit. M. J., 1923, 2: 916.—Goldblatt, M. W. Insulin and the thvroidectomized rabbit. J. Physiol., Lond., 1936, 86: 46-60— Nelken, L. Ueber Beziehungen des Insulins zum Hyperthyreoidismus Arch. Verdauungskr., 1927, 40: 75-82.—Oestreicher, F. Ueber die gegenseitige Beeinflussung gleichzeitiger Insulin- und Thyroxingaben. Acta brevia neerl., 1933, 3: 53.—Raihii, C. E. Wirkt das Insulin auf die Gl. thyreoidea? vorlaufige Mitteilung Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1929, 58: 8-10. ------& Uotila, U. Wirkt das Insulin auf die Gl. thyroidea? Ibid., 1932-33* 65: 287-90, 3 pl.—Simnitzky, W. S., & Komendantowa, A. l! Der Einfluss einer chronischen Bereicherung des Organismus mit Insulin auf die Sekretionstatigkeit der Schilddriise Vir- chows Arch., 1934, 293: 448-57. ---- Hyperglycemic effect. See also Blood sugar, high. Mamlok, H. *Ueber die Dialysierfahigkeit des Insulins und des in den teehnischen Insulinen enthaltenen hyperglykamisierenden Prinzipes. 20p. 8? Bonn, 1934. Barral, P., & Morelon, F. L'epreuve de l'hyperglycemie provoquee chez les sujets non glycosuriques traites par l'insuline C. rend. Congr. fr. med. (1930) 1931, 21. sess., 304-10 — Burger, M. Die physiologische Bedeutung der primaren In- sulinhyperglykamie. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 41. ------ Die klinische Bedeutung der initialen Insulinhyperglykamie. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 104-8. ------ & Kramer, H. Primare Hyperglykamie und Glykogenver- armung der Leber als Folge intraoortaler Insulininjektion nach Untersuchungen am Hund. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1929, 67: 441-50.------ Ueber die Wirkungsverschiedenheit tech- nischer Insuline und kristallisierter Praparate beziiglich der primaren Insulinhyperglykamie. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1930, 156: 1-17.—Clark, B. B., Gibson, R. B., & Paul. W. D. A study of the role of insulin in metabolism in nondiabetic patients; transitory hyperglycemia and glycosuria following discontinua- tion of insulin. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1934-35, 20: 1008-16.— Fornet, W. Insulin beim Gesunden. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1927, 155: 122 [Bemerkungen von Fritz Zinsser] 123. ------& Christensen, E. Das paradoxe Insulinphanomen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 228. ------ Ueber Zuckerausschut- tung nach Insulin. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 955.— Fricke, G. Glykosurie durch Insulin. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1927.—Geiling, E. M. K., & De Lawder, A. M. Studies on crystalline insulin; does insulin cause initial hyperglycemia? J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1930, 39: 369-85.—Giornelli, L. La reazione iperglicemia iniziale da insulina in gravidanza ed in puerperio. Rass. ostet., 1932, 41: 295-319.—Guardabassi, M. Sulla genesi e sui valore clinico della reazione iperglicemica iniziale alia insulina. Diagnosi, 1931, 11: 211-25, pl.------ La reazione iperglicemica iniziale alia insulina. Riforma med., 1936, 52: 893-7— Guarino, A., & Deganello, M. Sui fenomeno paradosso deH'iperglicemia iniziale post-insulinica. Arch. stud. fisiopat. ricambio, 1937, 9: 133-8.—Hecht, P., & Bonem, P. Glykosurie durch Insulin. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 72.—Ide, M. Insuline et glycemie de Loewi. Rev. med. Louvain, 1929, 126-8.—Kepinov, L. Sur Taction glycogenolytique de la substance hyperglycemias accompagnant l'insuline non purifiee et sur le mecanisme de cette action. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 851-4.—Koranyi, S. Ueber initiale Insulinhyper- glykamie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1683.—Muller, E. F., & Petersen, W. F. Ueber Zuckerausschuttung nach Insulin. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 726-9.—Mukherjee, H. N. The production of hyperglycaemia in rabbits by oral administra- tion of precipitated insulin. J. Physiol., Lond., 1930-31, 70: 182.—Wichels & Lauber. Insulin und Hyperglykamie. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1931-32, 172: 613-21.—Wiechmann, E . Ueber das Auftreten von Zucker im Harn durch Insulin- injektion. Ibid., 1929, 164: 172-4. INSULIN 346 INSULIN ---- Hyperinsulinism. See under Blood sugar, low: Hyperinsulinism. For artificial hyperinsulinism see under Insulin therapy. ---- Hypoinsulinism. See Blood sugar, high; Diabetes mellitus. ---- Immunology and serology. Gomes da Costa, S. F. L'insuline et les floculations de la reaction de Bendien. C. rend. Soc biol., 1933, 113: 524-6.— Nozaki, M. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Hormonen und Immunkorpern; die Genese der Agglutinationsschwankung durch Insulin. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1928, 419, pl. ------ On the nature of variation of agglutination titre caused by insulin. Keijo J. M., 1930, 1: 248; 278, pl. —----& Tokumitu, Y. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Hormon und Immun- korper; die Genese der Schwankung des Agglutinationstiters durch Insulin. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1927, 17: 274-7— Testa, C. Influenza dell'insulina sui potere complementare del siero del sangue. Rass. ter. pat. clin., 1935, 7: 397-409.—Wasserman, P., & Mirsky, I. A. Immunological identity of insulin from various species. Endocrinology, 1942, 31: 115-8. ---- Impurity. See subheading Manufacture. ---- Inactivation. See also other subheadings (Deterioration; Enzymic relation, etc.) Carr, F. H., Culhane, K. [et al.] A reversible inactivation of insulin. Biochem. J., 1929, 23: 1010-21.—Chahovitch, N. Antagonisme de Taction de I'atropine et de l'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 100: 1215-7.—Corkill, A. B., & Ennor, A. H. The influence of sulphydryl compounds upon the action of insulin. Austral. J. Exp. Biol., 1940, 18: 379-84. ------ & Nelson, J. F. Insulin inactivation by sulphydrvl compounds. Ibid., 1942, 20: 15.—Davis, B., Luck, J. M., &'Miller, A. G. The differential inactivation of insulin. Biochem. J., Lond., 1933, 27: 1043-7.—Du Vigneaud, V. Is insulin inactivated by glucose' J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 73: 275-83.------ Fitch, A. [et al.] The inactivation of crystalline insulin by cysteine and glutathione Ibid., 1931, 94: 233-42.—Gaunt, W. E., & Wormall, A. The action of phenyl isocyanate on insulin; further observations on the chemistry of insulin and its phos- phate-lowering power. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 1915- 20.—Glen, A., A Eaton, J. C. Insulin antagonism. Q. J. Med., OxL. 1938, 7: 271-91.—Hopkins. S. J., & Wormall, A. The action of phenyl isocvanate on insulin. Biochem. J., Lond., 1934. 28: 2)25-32. Also Nature, Lond., 1934, 134: 290 — Hosoda, N. Beit i age zur Wirkung des Insulins bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Blausaure. J. Biochem., Tokyo, 1928-29, 10: 383-8—Jensen, H., Grattan, J. F., & Hart, G. W. A study on the specificity of the anti-insulin effect. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 203-7.—Karelitz, S., Cohen, P., & Leader, S. D. Studies on inhibition of insulin activity. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 11-3.—Kather, E. Inaktivierung von Insulin durch bestrahltes Eiweiss. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1937, 185: 323-8.—Lang, S. Zur Frage des Antagonismus von Insulin und Atropin. Ibid., 1933, 170: 292-5.—Lowell, F. C. Evidence for the existence of 2 antibodies for crystalline insulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 50: 167-72.—Rosenberg, S. Sind Insulin und Blausaure Gegengifte? Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 1650.—Schmidt, A. A. Ueber Inaktivierung des Insulins. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 1021-4— Schock, E. D., Jensen, H., & Hellerman, L. The inactivation of insulin; the effects of certain metal derivatives and of sulfhvdryl compounds. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 111: 553-9.—Szolnoki, J. Sind Insulin und Blausaure Gegengifte? Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1427.—Watson. E. M., & Dick, W. S. Some observations con- cerning a possible insulin-inhibiting substance in urine. Ann. Int. M., 1933, 6: 1171-7. ---- Inactivation—by blood. Black, P. T. The inactivation of insulin bv normal and diabetic blood. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1933, i4: 318-22.— Burger, M., & Kohl, H. Ueber kristallinisches Insulin; iiber Inaktivierung des Insulins durch Blut. Arch. exp. Path., Berl 1933-34, 174: 130-42.—Caizzone, G. Sui preteso potere di neutralizzazione dell'insulina da parte del sangue. Riv pat sper., 1928, 3: 243-5.—Iyengar, N. K., & Scott, D. A. Destruc- tion of insulin in blood. Tr. R. Soc. Canada, 1940, 34: Sect. 5, 45-52.—Kohl, H. Untersuchungen fiber die insulinzerstorende Kraft des Blutes. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 1168. ------ Untersuchungen fiber die insulinzerstorende Kraft des Blutes; Beschreibung einer verbesserten Methodik. Ibid., 1940, 19: 181 (microfilm) ------ Selbach, H., & Janning, A. Ueber kristallinisches Insulin; der zeitliche Ablauf der Insulininakti- vierung durch Normalblut. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1937, 185: 212-20.—Mauriac, P., & Aubertin, E. Sur le pouvoir de neutralisation du sang de sujets diabetiques et non diabetiques vh-il-vis de l'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 98: 233-5. ------ Le pouvoir de neutralisation du sang vis-4-vis de l'insuline est d'origine globulaire. Ibid., 235-7. ------ La neutralisation de l'insuline par les globulines sanguins est due k une substance anti-insuline intra-globulaire. Ibid., 237.— Monasterio, G. II potere neutralizzante del sangue di individui normali e diahetici rispetto all'insulina. Clin. med. ital., 1934, 65: 3-22.—Rosenthal, F., Friedheim, I., & Nagel, R. Ueber die insulinzerstorende Kraft der Erythrncytcn. Klin. Wschr., 1934, 13: 1121-4. ------ Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die insulin- zerstorende Kraft der Erythioc\ ten. Ibid., 1935, 14: 603-0.- - Schmidt, A. A., & Saachian. R. L. [Problem of the effect of blood on the activity of insulin] J. eksp. biol., Moskva, 1929, 11: 37-41. ---- Irradiation. Den Hoed, D., & de Jongh, S. E. [On the resisting power of insulin to radium and Roentgen treatment] Neil, tschr. geneesk., 1928, 72: pt 1, 3109-73.------A Peek. A. E. J. Ueber das Verhalten von Insulin gegeniiber Rontgen-, Radium- und ultravioletten Strahlen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1929, 205: 144- 53.—Kiistner, H., & Eissner, W. Beeinflussung des Insulins durch rote und ultraviolette Bestrahlung. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 499 501. ------ Ueber den Einfluss von ultraviolettem Licht auf die physiologische Wirksamkeit des Insulins. Ibid., 1068.- Visco, S. Azione del radio sulla attivita deU'insulina. Boll. Sec. biol. sper., 1920. 1: 382-4.—Vogt, E. Ueber die Beeinflussung der Wirksamkeit des Insulins dnrch Rontgen- bestrahlung. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1927, 36. Kongr. [Beih.] 75. Also Strahlentherapie, 1927, 27: 106-20. ---- Kidney and threshold effect. Fischbacher, A. *Insuline et permeability renale. 55p. 8? Par., 1929. Braestrup, A. [Studies on the action of large insulin doses; renal threshold for sugar] Nord. med., 1940, 5: 81-6.— Bufano, M. Die Wirkung des Insulin auf die Nierenpermeabili- tiit fiir Glykose. Klin. Wschr., 1934, 13: 403-7.—Caccuri, S. L'influenza dell'insulina sulla permeability dei reni al glicosio. Morgagni, 1934, 76: 493.— Elias, H., & Gudemann, J. Zur Insulinwirkung auf die Zuckerdurchliissigkeit der menschlichen Niere. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 119: 119-26.—Konikov, R. S. [Effect of insulin on the vessels of the kidneys] Vrach. gaz., 1929, 33: 2484-9.—McCaskey, G. W. The renal glucose threshold and its bearing on the insulin treatment of diabetes. N. York M. J., 1923, 118: 215-7.—Michele, B. A proposito dell'azione dell'insulina sulle soglie renali. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. prat., 1595-7.—Rabinowitch, I. M. Observations on the altered renal threshold for sugar in insulin-treated diabetics. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1926727, 7: 352-6.—Sorge, G. Modi- ficazioni delle soglie renali durante la terapia insulinica nei diabetici. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 762-4. ---- Liver effect. See also Insulin therapy, Administration, in- traportal. Abrami, P., Bertrand-Fontaine, [et al.] Action comparees de l'insuline sur le glycogene et sur les lipides du foie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 512-5.—Baisset, A., Bugnard, L. [et al.] Etude de la traversee hepatique apres une injection d'insuline. J. physiol. path, gen., 1939, 37: 592-15.—Bauereisen, E. Untersuchungen fiber den Einfluss des Insulins auf die Carotin- Vitamin-A-Bestande der Leber. Endokrinologie, 1938-39, 21: 247-52.—Bischof, G. Insulinkur und Leberfunktion. Psvchiat. neur. Wschr., 1938, 40: 142-4.—Bodo, R., & Marks, H. P. The action of insulin on the perfused mammalian liver. J. Physiol., Lond., 1928, 64: 48-62— Borodulin, F. R., Grigula, E. I. [et al.] [Experiments on the effect of insulin on sugar formation in the liver] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 1951-6.— Brugsch, T., & Horsters, H. Studien fiber intermediaren Kohlehydratumsatz; fiber Glykose-, Milchsaure- und Phos- phorsaurebildung in der Leberaufschwemmung unter dem Einflusse von Insulin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 188: 147-63.— Clark, B. B., Morrissey, R. W., & Fazekas. J. F. Insulin and the oxidation of ethyl alcohol by excised diabetic liver tissue. Science, 1938, 88: 285.—Cristol, P., Hedon, L. [et al.] En- richissement en glycogene et appauvrissement en lipides au foie, chez le chien normal k jeun, sous l'influence de doses d'insuline faibles et tepetees. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 33-5 — Fiessinger, N., Benard, H. [et al.] Influence de l'insuline sur la glycemie au cours de la parfusion du foie. Ibid., 1937, 124: 952-4.—Forsgren, E. Ueber die Einwirkung des Insulins auf die Leber. Acta med. scand., 1929, 70: 139-49.—Guineas, S. G., Charnaia, P. M., & Iakusheva, T. S. [Effect of insulin on excretion of sugar and retention of lactic acid by the liver] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1941, 11: 119-23.— Issekutz, B., & Szende, J. Die Wirkung des Insulins auf die Zuckerproduktion der uberlebenden Froschleber. Biochem. Zsehr., 1934, 272: 412-6.—Laufberger, V. [Insulin action on the liver of diabetics] Cas. iek. cesk., 1926, 65: 497-9. ------ Versuche uber die Insulinwirkung; Einfluss des Insulins auf normale und diabe- tische uberlebende Hundeleber. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1926, 50: 754-60.— Lundsgaard, E., Nielsen, N. A., & 0rskov, S. L. On the possibility of demonstrating an effect of insulin on isolated mammalian liver. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1939, INSULIN 347 INSULIN 81: 11-9.—Meythaler, F., & Gerstenberg, H. W. Ueber den Einfluss des Insulins auf die Leber. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1938-39, 191: 505-22.—Murlin, J. R., Pierce, H. B., & Gregg, D E The relation of the liver to the action of insulin. Abstr. Internat. Phvsiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 190.—Nitzescu, 1.1. L'insuline et la secretion biliaire. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 773-5..—Padovani, G. Contributo alio studio della funzionalit& epatica nei corso del trattamento insulinico. Gior. psichiat., 1939 67: 162-6.—Qui nones, M. Insulina y excretion biliar. Medicina, Mex., 1929-30, 10: 325-30.—Sammartino, U. Azione dell'insulina sulla formazione di acido lattico nei fegato. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1927, 2: 144. ?------ Studi su l'insulina; contributo alia conoscenza dell'azione dell'insulina sulla formazione di acido lattico nei fegato. Arch. farm, sper., 1927-28, 44: 11-21.—Schwarz, H., & Taubenhaus, H. Beitrage zum Wirkungsmechanismus des Insulins; fiber den Ammoniakge- halt und die Ammoniakbildung der Leber und deren Beeinflus- sung durch Insulin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 239: 201-8.— Stadie, W. C, Lukens, F. D. W., & Zapp, J. A., jr. The action of insulin upon urea formation and carbohydrate synthesis by liver slices of normal and diabetic animals. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., 1939, 9: p. xcviii. ------ The effect of insulin upon urea formation, carbohydrate synthesis, and respiration of liver of normal and diabetic animals. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 132: 393-409. ---- Manufacture [and supply] See also subheadings (Assay; Preparations') Baudouin. Rapport au nom de la Commission du diabetes. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1940, 123: 426.—Becka, J. [Studies on insulin; a new method of preparation of insulin] Biol, spisy zvSr. lek., 1926, 5: No. 15. 1-7.—Best, C. H. Die Darstellung von Insulin. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1938, 5: T 3B. 1. Halfte, 497-512.—Carr. F. H. Insulin and its manufacture. Pharm. J., Lond., 1927, 117: 244 — Cazzani, U. Preparazione e sterilizzazione delle soluzioni iniettabili di insulina. Biochim. ter. sper., 1929, 16: 563-8.— Congress acts to safeguard users of insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 2257.—Einschriinkungen der Abgabe und des Bezugs von Insulin. Bull. Eidg. Gesundhamt., 1942, 200-3 — Galvialo, M., & Schmidt, A. [Simple method of obtaining insulin from pancreas] Vrach. gaz., 1928, 32: 723-5.—Jensen, H., Geiling, E. M. K., & Wintersteiner. O. Isolation of insulin in crystalline form from fish islets (cod and pollock) and from pig's pancreas. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 220.—Kaulbersz, G. Preparation de l'insuline k partir des extraits aqueux alcalins. Bull. Soc. chim, biol.. Par., 1930. 12: 464-9.—Kaulbersz, J. [Preparation of insulin] Med. dosw., 1929, 10: 399-420.—Laquer, F. Stehen genugend Bauch- speichsldriisen fiir den Bedarf an Insulin zur Verfugung? Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 409.—Lawrence, R. D. The new price of insulin preparations. Brit. M. J., 1941. 1: 535. ------ War-time difficulties for diabetics. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1941, 37: 29-31.—MacDermot, H. E. The labelling of insulin. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1931, 24: 428.—Murlin, J. R. Progress in the preparation of pancreatic extracts for the treatment of diabetes. Endocrinology, 1923, 7: 519-35, ch.—[Parliament (The) and cost-free insulin treatment; motion of both chambers for further investigation] Sven. farm, tskr., 1939, 43: 217.— Penau, H., & Simonnet, H. Preparation et titrage do l'insuline. Ann. med., Par., 1927, 22: 497-527.—Pharmacopoeia trustees assure diabetics safe insulin. J. Nat. M. Ass., N. Y., 1942, 34: 43.—Scott, D. A., & Parker, H. The preparation of insulin. Tr. R. Soc. Canada, 1932, 3. ser., 26: 311-4— Sordelli, A. Preparation de insulina. An. Dep. nac hig., B. Air., 1927, 33: 61-4— Stocks of insulin. Med. Off., Lond., 1942, 67: 196 — Umber, F., Gebauer, H., & Schweder, G. B. Zur Frage der Haufigkeit und der Insulinversorgung der Diabetiker. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 771. ---- Manufacture: Purification. See also Insulin. Assay: Standards and units. Abrami, P., Bertrand-Fontaine [et al.] Possibilite d'erreurs experimentales consecutives k la presence de corps teducteurs dans certaines solutions d'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 577.—Barrie, M. M. O. The effect on the isolated heart of the preservative present in insulin solutions B. P. Q J. Pharm., Lond., 1936, 9: 485-92.—Chabanier, H., Lobo-Onell, C. [et al.] Un aspect essentiel du probleme de 1 application de la medication insulinique; la question du degte de purification des preparations d'insuline. Presse med., 1929, 37: 766-70.— Dingemanse, E. Sur la purification de l'insuline. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1927, 12: 259-64. Also Ned. tschr. geneesk, 1927, 71: pt 1, 970-4.—Gerlough, T. D., & Bates, R. W. The purifica- tion and some properties of insuhn. J. Pharm. Exp. iher., 1932 45: 19-51.—Laquer, F. Die Reindarstellung des Insulins. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 957.—Lasch, F. Ultrafiltrations- versuche mit Insulin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1938, 297: 244-8 — Nielsen N A. Ueber die Reinheit verschiedener Insulm- praparate. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1932-33, 65: 305- 10.—Nitescu, I., & Secareanu, S. [New investigations on the purification and the nature of insulin] Rev. endocr. gin., Cluj, 1940 4- 73-9—Schmid, F., & Riegert, A. Ultrafiltration d'insulines d'inegales puretes sur des membranes de porosites graduees C rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 125: 881-4.—Wolff, P. Die Reindarstellung des Insulins. Apoth. Ztg, 1926, 41: 578. Metabolic effect. See also subheading Acid-base equilibrium. Chaikelis, A. S. *The effect of insulin on the glucose-chloride relationship and anhydremia in the blood of rabbits. 21p. 8? N. Y., 1933. Also J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 105: 767-78. Ascoli, V., Silvestri, S., & Marino, S. L'azione dell'insulina sui ricambio del diabete mellito. Probl. nutriz., Roma, 1924, 1: 409-11.—Barbaro-Forlo, G., & Cattaneo, F. II glutatione ematico nei diabete e sue variazioni in relazione alia insulino- terapia. Riv. clin. med., 1935, 36: 635-57.—Borysiewicz, A., & Ptaszek. L. [Effect of insulin in changes of metabolism during rest] Polska gaz. lek., 1929, 8: 870-2.—Braestrup, A. [Investi- gation on the effect of large doses of insulin; blood sugar and blood phosphate following the administration of insulin, adre- nalin and glucose] Nord. med., 1939, 3: 2940-2.—Burger, M., Horn, F., & Ruppert, V. Ueber kristallinisches Insulin; die Einwirkung von kristallinischem Insulin auf den Restkohlen- stoff- und Milchsauregehalt des Blutes. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1935, 178: 282-94.—Chambers, W. H., Deuel, H. J., jr, & Milhorat, A. T. Animal calorimetry; the effect of insulin on the metabolism of dogs under amytal anesthesia. J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 75: 423-34.—Daniels, A. C, & Luck, J. M. Further studies of the effect of insulin on the amino acid content of blood. Ibid., 1931, 91: 119-26.—Dell'Acqua, G. Curve glico- cloro-proteinemiche dopo iniezione di insulina. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1935, 10: 761-5.—De Lucia & Velardi, F. Ricerche sui metabolismo dell'acido ossalico; l'eliminazione deH'atido ossalico nei diabete umano ed il suo comportamento in seguito alia terapia insulinica. Ibid., 1929, 4: 249-51.—De Nayer, P., Lacquet, A., & Bouckaert, J. P. Effet de l'injection d'insuline sur le metabolisme des acides amines. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 115: 437.—Dontcheff, L. Influence des injections d'insuline sur la vitesse d'oxydation del'ethanol chez le rat. Ibid., 1939, 130: 1406-9.—Flandin, C. L'action de l'insuline sur l'azotemie et sur la cholesterinemie. Bull, med., Par., 1925, 39: 983 — Giaja, J., & Chahovitch, X. Action de l'insuline sur le metab- olisme de sommet. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 224—Gold- blatt, M. W., & Ellis, R. W. B. The effect of insulin on growth, nitrogen excretion and respiratory metabolism. Biochem. J., Lond., 1931, 25: 221-35.—Hitchcock, F. A., & Curtis, G. M. The effect of splanchnic resection on the metabolic response to insulin in a case of severe diabetes. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 116: 76.'—Isii, R., Matusima, H., & Taniuti, Y. Ueber den Einfluss des Insulins auf einige synthetische Vorgange im tierischen Organismus. Fol. pharm. jap., 1929, 9: Brev., 1.—Issekutz, B., & V6gh, F. [The effect of insulin; the effect upon the metab- olism of tortoise] Magy. orv. arch., 1928, 29: 1-7.—Katayama, I., & Killian, J. A. Changes in the sugar, inorganic phosphorus, and lactic acid of animal and human blood after administration of insulin and of glucose. J. Biol. Chem., 1926-27, 71: 707- 22.—Koplowitz, E. Wc.chselbeziehungen zwischen Kreatin- und Kohlehydratstoffwechsel; Einfluss subcutaner Insulin- injektionen auf den Kreatinin- und Kreatinspiegel des Blutes. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1930, 113: 605-10.—Krogh, A., & Brandt- Rehberg, P. The influence of insulin on metabolic processes. In Omelianksy & Orbeli., Sborn. Pavlova, Leningr., 1924, 91- 103.—Larson, P. S., & Chaikoff, I. L. The effect of insulin on the excretion of allantoin by the normal dog. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 108: 457-62.—Laser, H. Ueber den Stoffwechsel pan- kreasdiabetischer Gewebe und seine Beeinflussung durch In- sulin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 241: 36-49.—Leszczynski, R. [Insulin and vitamine B] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 909.— Liaci, L. Variazioni quantitative del glutatione dei tessuti in seguito a trattamento insulinico. Biochim. ter. sper., 1933, 20: 329-32.—Loeper, M., Soulie, P., & Tonnet, J. Insuline et oxaiemie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 107: 589-91. Also Progr. med., Par., 1931, 1253.—Maestri, O., & Cossu, B. Azione dell'insulina sull'aminoacidemia nei diabete mellito. Minerva med., Tor., 1936, 27: pt 1, 395-402.—Martens, R. A propos de Taction de l'insuline sur l'aminoacidemie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 115: 752-4.—Mirsky, I. A., Swadesh, S., & Ranso- hoff, J. Influence of insulin on amino acid utilization. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 37: 223-5.—Neuman, F. I.. & Sokolov, A. V. [Relation of the pulmonary tissue of dogs to sugar and lactic-acid of the blood following intravenous injec- tions of insulin] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 9: 326-8.— Pavan, G. Curva glicemica e calcemia nei bambino sotto l'influenza dell'insulina. Riv. clin. pediat,, 1936, 34: 481-531.— Rabinowitch, I. M., & Bazin, E. V. Simultaneously determined arterial and venous blood-sugars and respiratory quotient-time curves of diabetics following insulin administration. Brit. Exp. Path., Lond., 1926-27, 8: 302-6.—Ralli, E. P., & Sherry, S. Effect of insulin on plasma level and excretion of vitamin C. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 669-72. —---- The effect of insulin on the metabolism of vitamin C. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 418.—Regener, E., & Pfotzer, G. Role of insulin in peripheral metabolism. Nature, Lond., 1934, 134: 325.__Rig6, L., & Frey, K. The influence of insulin and adrenaline upon the creatinine, creatine and phosphoric acid content of blood. Magy. orv. arch., 1934, 35: 189-93.—Schur, H , Low, A., . rend. Acad, sc, 1924, 178: 2208-11. —---- Insuline et dia- bete pancteatique experimental. Bull. Soc. centr. med. vet.. Par 1925 78-121-7 ------ Traitement insulinien prolonge et survie du chien depancteate. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1925, 180: 702-4 —Ralli, E. P., & Tiber, A. M. The comparative effects of synthalin and insulin on the depancreatized dog. J. I harm. Exp. Ther., 1929-30, 37: 451-61— Rathery, F., Gibert. S. [et al.] Les variations tardives du glycogene hepatique et musculaire chez le chien depancteate, sous 1 influence d in- jections tepetees d'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 104. 1224-6—Stare, F. J., & Baumann, C. A. Effect of pan- createctomy on the oxygen uptake of pigeon muscle and its sensitivity to insulin. J. Biol. Chem., 1940,.133: Proc 97 — Thiroloix, J. Diabete pancteatique experimental, ablation totale du pancteas en un temps sans ligature, par simple enucle- ation; modifications qu'apporte i revolution du diabete ainsi ctee l'emploi de l'insuline Bull. Soc nteU hop. Par*. 1923, 3 ser., 47: 1352-6.—Waterhouse, A. M., & Ralli, E. P. ihe effect of insulin in conjunction with posture on the blood con- centration in depancrearized dogs Am. %™>™^ !«*"■. ^^tZpIJekttdToi Pr0C' S0C" E^' BioL> N' Y" 1934-35, 32: 1527-9. 32Q157__VOL. 8, 4th series----23 ---- Mode of action: Variation, metabolic. Meyer, P. F. *Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Insulinwirkung von der Stoffwechsellage. 40p. 8? [Bonn, 1929] Also Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 510-59. Hayward, G. W., & Duncan, G. G. The effect of alterations in the metabolic rate on the action of insulin. Am. J. M. Sc, 1939, 198: 396-402.—Labbe, H. Insuline et nutrition. Mede- cine, Par., 1923-24, 5: 768-70.—Lippmann, E., & Sanguineti, T. Influenza della vitamina C sui potere ormonale della insulina nelTorganismo. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1937, 12: 317-9.— Martin, R. W. Vitaminfreie Ernahrung und Insulinwirksam- keit. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1937, 248: 242-55— Opdyke, D. F. Response of fasted and non-fasted chicks to insulin. Endo- crinology, 1942, 31: 363-70.—Sevringhaus, E. L. The influence of the various ketone bodies on the action of insulin. Wisconsin M. J., 1927, 26: 208.—Tiitso, M. Influence of nutritive con- dition on initial fall in blood sugar after insulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1925-26, 23: 40-3. ---- Mode of action: Variation, pathologic. Achard, C. A propos de Taction de l'extrait pancteatique dans le diabete. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1923, 3. ser., 89: 404 — Baglioni, A., & Console, V. Insulina e beri-beri sperimentale del Colombo. Arch, fisiol., Fir., 1934, 33: 564-77.—Briihl, W. Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Insulin wirkungsmechanismus; Untersuchungen an Gesunden und Leberkranken iiber die Wirkung des Insulins auf Blutzucker und Magensekretion. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1938-39, 135: 1-14.—Dietrich, S., Hausler, H., & Loewi, O. Weiteres iiber Insulinwirkung und Diabetes. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 414.—Di Grazia, A., & Sardo, M. Insulina e colpo di calore. Biochim. ter. sper., 1934, 21: 176- 84.—Di Macco, G. La glicemia nei colpi i calore sotto l'in- fluenza dell'insulina. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 1009 — Drury, D. R., & Palmer, J. J. Activity of insulin in diabetic hyperglycemic animals. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 394-7.—Fernandez, F., & Clavera, J. M. Les glycemies post- insuliniques dans TinsufEsance hepatique. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1935, 25: 1038-48.—Holm. Ueber quantitative Insulinwirkung am normalen und pankreas-diabetischen Hund. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1540.—Karelitz, S., Leader, S. D., & Cohen, P. Insulin inactivation by human blood cells and plasma in vitro; effect of infection on insulin. Arch. Int. M., 1930, 45: 690-701.—Labbe, M., & Nepveux, F. Insuffisance hepatique et denutrition azotee; action de Tinsuline. J. med. Paris, 1928, 47: 675-7.—Lawn, L., & Wolf, C. G. L. The early action of insulin in the diabetic Biochem. J., Lond., 1925, 19: 122-33.—Lawrence, R. D. The inhibition of insulin action by toxaemias and its explanation. Brit. M. J., 1926, 2: 983. & Buckley, O. B. The inhibition of insulin action by toxsemias and its explanation; the effect of diphtheria toxin on blood-sugar and insulin action in rabbits. Ibid., 1926-27, 8: 58-75.—Liu, S. H., & Mills, C. A. The effect of insulin on blood cholesterol, fat and sugar in nephrosis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1926-27, 24: 191.—Loeper, M., Lemaire, A., & Ravier, J. Action de Tinsuline chez les tenaux. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1928, 3. ser., 52: 1283-90.—Loeper, M., Lemaire, A., & Tonnet. Augmentation de Taction de Tinsuline dans l'im- permeabilite tenale experimentale. C. rend. Soc biol., 1928, 99. ig_—Loeper, M., Ravier, J., & Tonnet. L'action de l'in- suline dans Timpermeabilite tenale de l'homme. Ibid., 20.— Loewi O. Ueber die Wirkung des Insulins und des Insulin- 4ntagonisten des diabetischen Blutes. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926 39: 1074-6.—Meythaler, F., & Schroflf, G. Die Wir- kung'sintensitat des Insulins beim gesunden und kranken Men- schen. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 893.—Mondini, E. M. In- fluenza dell'insulina sui ricambio dei proteidi in bambini affetti da tubercolosi polmonare. Pediatria (Riv.) 1930, 38: 483-500. Also Ann. clin. med., Pal., 1930-31, 20: 11-31.—Poczka, N., & Steigerwaldt, F. Die Abhangigkeit der Insulinwirkung vom Wasser- und Kochsalzstoffwechsel beim schweren Diabetiker. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1935, 96: 20-47.—Rabinowitch, I. M. The influence of infection upon the reaction of the diabetic to insulin treatment. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1924, 14: 481.—Rente, E Action de Tinsuline sur l'anemie experimentale du lapin; contribution k I'etude des substances inhibitrices du sang dans Thvperglycemie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 98: 816-8.— Sprague, R. G. Effect of chronic experimental liver damage on the blood sugar response to insulin. Am. J. Physiol., 1934-35, 110- 488 —Suguro, M. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Hormon und' Vitamin; experimentelle Studien iiber den Einfluss des Insulin auf Vitamin-B-Mangel im Lichte der aktiven immunisa: torischen Agglutininbildung bei Kaninchen Okayama, lgakkai zassi, 1929, 41: 1052.—Vercellana, G. L azione dell insulina nei piccioni e nelle cavie in avitaminosi. Ann. igiene, 1926, 36: 575-80. Also Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 407. . A proposito dell'azione dell'insulina nei piccioni a dieta esclusrya di riso brillato e in avitaminosi ben-benca. Gior. clin. med., 1928, 9: 104.-Wien, R. The influence of f^|r on the periph- eral action of insulin. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1938, 11: 177-85. —— Mode of action— in animals. Bruun, A. F., & Hemmingsen, A. M. The effect of insulin on fishes (Lebistes reticulata Peters) Acta med. scand 1938, 96: Suppl. 90, 97-104.—Cassidy, G. J., Dworkin. S., & Finney, w. h. The action of insulin on the domestic towl. Am. J. INSULIN 354 INSULIN Phvsiol., 1925-26, 75: 609-15.—Dotti, L. B. The response of the rabbit to insulin. Ibid.. 1935-36. 114: 538-50.—Gigante, D. Action de l'insuline ~i11- les pigeons jciinunts. Arch. ital. biol., 1934-15, 94: 72-S-Goldblatt, M. W. The action of insulin in normal >oimg rabbits. Biochem. J., Lond., 1929, 23: s:! OS (irate, E., Reinwein, H.. & Singer, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Insulinwirkung; Untersuchungen bei nor- malen Tieren. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 119: 91-101 — Gray, I. E. The effect of insulin on fishes. Sc. Month., 1929, 28: 271-4. Herring. P. T. The effects of insulin injection upon the boilv and organs of tin- white rat. Q. J. Exp. 1'hvsiol.. L.md.. 1927 28. 17: 119-23. Laughton, N. B., & Marallum, A. B. The peripheral action of insulin in normal animals Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 1257-62.—Levai, M., A Wald- baucr, O. Die Beeinflussbarkeit des Blutzuckers beim Ka- tuncheii: intrakardia! verwendetes Insulin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 403-5 Martino, G. Sull'azione dell'insulina nei colotnbi digiunanti. Boll. Sue. ital. biol. sper., 1927, 2: 545-8 — Mileniushkin, J. J. Leber die Wirkung des Insulins auf niederc Tieie. Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS. 1936, 2: 303-5.—Passmore, R., <& Schlossmann, H. The effect of large doses of insulin on the foetal sheep and goat. J. Physiol., Lond., 1938, 92: 459- 00.- Takuwa, M. Ueber die Insulinwirkung auf Kaltbliiter (Schildkrote) Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1929, 3: H. 4, 14 — Weitze, M. The action of insulin in suckling mice. Acta med. scand., 1938, 96: Suppl. 90, 111-21.—Wenig, K., & Joachim, J. Der Einfluss des Insulins auf den Lymphzuckerspiegel bei der Seidenraupe (Bombyx inori) Biochem. Zsehr., 1936, 285: 98-100.—Zagami, V. Contributo alia conoscenza dell'azione dell'insulina negli uccelli. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1927, 2: 541-5.—Zeckwer, I. T. Some atypical responses of rabbits to insulin. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 106: 273-82. ---- Muscle effect. Aggazzotti, A. Azione dell'insulina sulla contrazione muscolare. Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 361-4.—Best, C. H. The effect of insulin on the dextrose consumption of perfused skeletal muscle. Proc R. Soc, Lond., 1926-27, ser. B, 99: 375-82.------& Marks, H. P. Additional note on the effect of insulin on the lactacidogen content of the skeletal muscles. Ibid., 100: 171.—Bucciardi, G. La curva ergografica e il tono muscolare in individui diabetici sotto l'azione dell'insulina. Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1926, 1: 364-6.------La curva ergo- grafica ed il tono muscolare in individui diabetici e non dia- betici sotto l'azione dell'insulina. Boll. Soc. med. chir. Modena, 1926, 27: No. 2, 29-47.----— A De Niederhausern, A. L'azione dell'insulina sulla contrazione muscolare nella rana. Ibid., 1929-30. 30: 157-72. Also Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: X7U-2.-- Burger, M. Insulinwirkung und Muskel- arbeit (nach "ein.iiisain mit Dr Cramer durehgefiihrten Unter- suchungen) Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1928, 40. Kongr., 249-54. ------& Kramer, H. Ueber den muskularen Angriffs- punkt des Insulins. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1928, 61: 449-64.— Gemmill, C. L. The effects of glucose and of insulin on the metabolism • f the isolated diaphragm of the rat. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1941, 68: 329-36. ------& Hamman, L., jr. The effect of insulin on glycogen deposition and on glucose utilization by isolated muscles. Ibid., 50-7.—Grzycki, S. Muskelchemismus und Insulin. Klin. Wschr., 1934, 13: 1089.—Hon.ma, J. Die Wirkung des Insulins auf Glykolyse und Zuckerumbau im Muskel. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1925-27, 1: Tr., 165-81.—Inawasiro, T. Ueber den Einfluss von Insulin auf die Muskelgewebsatmung bei den reiskranken Tauben. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1932-33, 20: 544-52.—Krebs, H. A., & Eggleston, L. V. The effect of insulin on oxidations in isolated muscle tissue. Biochem. J., Lond., 1938, 32: 913-25 — Levine, R., Feinstein, R. N., & Soskin, S. Studies on the mechanism of insulin action in skeletal muscle in vitro. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 50 (Abstr.)—Lundsgaard, C, & Holbell, S. A. [Further researches on insulin and the effect of glucose on the muscular tissue in man] Ugeskr. laeger, 1926, 88: 106-8—Mackler, H., & Olmsted, J. M. D. Changes in the chemical constituents of frog's muscle induced by insulin. Univ. California Pub., 1929, 7: Physiol., 91-102.—Mattioli, M. Studio dell'attivit^ muscolare in un diabetico trattato col'in- -ulina. Studium, Nap., 1930, 20: 452-5.—Schwarz, H., & Taubenhaus, M. Beitrage zum Wirkungsmechanismus des Insulins: iiber die Ammoniakbildung bei Muskelarbeit des Gesunden und des Diabetikers und deren Beeinflussung durch Insulin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 236: 474-92.—Shorr, E., & Barker, S. B. In vitro action of insulin on minced avian and mammalian muscle. Biochem. J., Lond., 1939, 33: 1798-809.— Stadie, W. C, Zapp, J. A., jr, & Lukens, F. D. W. The effect of insulin upon oxidations of isolated minced muscle tissue. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 132: 411-21.—Stare, F. J., & Baumann, C. A. The effect of insulin on muscle respiration. Ibid., 133: 453-66.—Stare. F. J., & Ricketts, H. T. The effect of insulin on the respiration of human diabetic muscle. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 461.—Usuelli, F. II metabolismo dei carboidrati nei muscoli e l'azione dell'insulina. Terapia, Milano, 1928, 18: 161. ---- Neural effect. See also under Insulin therapy. Bartley, S. H., & Heinbecker, P. Effect of insulin on nerve activity. Am. J. Physiol., 1940-41, 131: 509-20— Glazov, V. A., & Petrov, F. P. [Effect of insulin on the nervous system] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1941, 11: 291-3.—Hughes, J. The effect of insulin on the electrical activity of nerve. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 386.—Hurynowicz6wna, J.. A Rubinstein [Effect of insuline on the chronaxia of the nervous system of the vestibule of the ear in the rabbit] Polska gaz. lek.. 1930, 15: 987-92.------Action de Thypoglycemie et de l'hyper- glvcemie provoquees sur la chronaxie voiihulaire. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 131: 365-8. Nitzesro. I. I... & Rudeanu, A. Action de Tinsuline sur les chronaxies motriccs. Ibid., 1931, 116: 472-4.—Olmsted, J. M. D. La chronaxie des nerfs ct des muscles de la grenouille insulinisee. Arch, internat physiol., Liege, 1928-29, 30: 202-4. ---- Neural effect: Autonomic nervous syslem. Barone, V. G. Azione dell'insulina sull'ceeitabilita del N. vago. Arch, fisiol., Fir., l'K'.n 31. 29: 394 402. Also Arch. ital. biol., 1931-32, 86: 206-8. Danilevsky. V. Y., & Vialkova, P. A. [Effect of insulin on the paias\ mpathetic svstom] Vrach. delo, 1929, 12: Acta medica, Suppl., 19-28." Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz.. 1931, 159: 275 84. Dworkin. S. Insulin and heart rate after sympathectomy and vagotomy Am. J. Physiol., 1931, 96: 311-20—Furhs, G., (Jarrelon, L. [et al.] Nouvelles recherches sur Taction vagotonisante. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 99: 1780.—Labbe, M. Le teflexe oculo-cardiaque chez les diabetiques traites par Tinsuline. Ibid., 1924, 91: 616-8.—Liaci, L. Influenza dell'eserina sui potere ipoglicemizzante dell'insulina. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 461-3.—Mueller, E. F., & Corbitt, H. B. The effect of atropine and the role of the involuntary nervous system in insulin action. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1925-26, 11: 817-23.—Riiiha, C. E., & Malm, P. Ueber die durch das Insulin verursachte Verminderung des Vaguseffektes auf das Herz. Skand, Arch. Physiol., Lpz., 1931, 61: 64-70.—Ruickoldt, E. Die Wirkung des Insulins auf den Herzvagus im Blutdruck- versuch. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 2147.—Tudimura, H. Zur Frage der Beeinflussbarkeit parasympathischer Vorgiinge durch Insulin. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1934, 234: 255-7.— Vas & Lang. On the influence of parasympathetic poisons upon the action of insulin. Magy. orv. arch., 1926, 27: 497- 513. ---- Neural effect: Central nervoirs system. Appel, K. E., Alpers, B. J. [et al.] Central nervon» system changes produced by insulin. Am. J. Psychiat., 1939 40, 96: 397-401, 2 pl.—Divry, P., & Evrard, E. Catalepsie insulinique teglable chez la souris. J. beige neur. psychiat., 1937, 37: 382-92.—Druey, J., & Delachaux, A. Ueber den Wasser- und Salzgehalt des Gehirns und der Leber beim insulinierten Tier. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1938, 103: 264-9.—Inose, T. Zur Histopathologie der Insulinwirkung auf das Gehirn. Psychiat. neur. jap., 1939, 43: 67.—Perikhaniantz, J. I. [In- crease of motor functions in tadpoles under the influence of insulin and dextrose] J. eksp. biol., 1929, 11: 202-7.—Stief, A., & Tokay, L. Weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die cerebrale Wirkung des Insulins. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1935, 153: 561-72.—Zagami, V. Sull'azione dell'insulina portata a diretto contatto dei centri nervosi. Bol. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1927, 2: 783-7. ---- Optical properties. Beard, H. H., & Yersey, V. The specific rotary powers of glucose-insulin solutions in contact with muscle tissue in vitro. J. Biol. Chem., 1926, 70: 167-71.—Gerendas, M., & Bugyi, B. [The absorption spectrum of Hungarian insulin] Magy. orv. arch., 1938, 39: 336-41.—Gram, C. N. J., & Nielsen, O. J. Untersuchungen iiber die optische Aktivitat von Insulin- Muskel-Glucose-NaCl-Mischungen, sowie einige Bemerkungen iiber die Wasserstoffionenkonzentration. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 201: 369-90. Also Hospitalstidende, 1928, 71: 699-725 — Kanner, O., & Reed, G. J. A polarographic study of insulin. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 387-91.—Kuhn, W., Eyer, H., & Freudenberg, K. Ueber Insulin; das optische \erhalten des Insulins und seiner Derivate. Zsehr. phvsiol. Them., 1931, 202: 97-115.—Tropp, C. Polarographische Untersuchungen iiber Insuline. Klin. Wschr., 1938, 17: 465-9. ---- Pharmacology. Bltjmberg, A. *Ueber die Beeinflussung der Strophantinwirkung durch Insulin [Miinster/ Westf.] 15p. 21cm. Werne a. d. Lippe, 1935. Brackmann, H. *Die Veranderungen der Digitalisempfindlichkeit durch Thyroxin und Insulin [Munster] 15p. 21cm. Werne a. d. Lippe, 1933. Mateluna Correa, B. *Insulina [Univ. Chile] 31p. 8? Santiago, 1930. Blix, G. Zur Frage der Spezifizitiit der Insulinwirkung. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Lpz., 1925-26, 47: 292-301.—Bolcato, V. Influsso della florizina sull'azione dell'insulina in vitro. Boll. Soc biol. sper., 1926, 1: 372-4.—Danielson, C. G. Importance de l'opium sur Taction hypoglycemique de Tinsuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 1058-60.—Davidson, C. F. Insulin as a tonic. Northwest M„ 1929, 28: 564-7.—Elias, H., & Violin, E. Insulin als Antiemeticum. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 678. ------ Insulin als Antiemeticum; eine klinische und experi- INSULIN 355 INSULIN mentelle Untersuchung. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1928, 59: 61-75.—Fisher, A. M., & Scott, D. A. The effect of various substances on the action of insulin. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1936, 58: 93-104.—Goffin, R. Inhibition de Taction cholagogue de la sectetine et du cinchophene au cours de Thypoglycemie insulinique. C. rend. Soc biol., 1936, 123: 97.—Hartley, P. Insulin and preservative; note on the effect of insulin solutions of varying reaction on the viability of staphylococci. Lancet, Lond., 1931, 2: 582.—Hazard, R., Beaufils, J., & Larde, R. Action de la sparteine sur les effets hypoglycemiants de l'in- suline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 1039-41—Hetenyi, G. Der Einfluss von Saure und Alkali auf die Insulinwirkung in Kaninchenversuchen. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 800.—Partes, A., & Svec, F. Die synergetische Wirkung der Milchsaure auf das Insulin. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1929, 222: 287-92.—Robinson, G. W., jr. Insulin as a sedative. Clin. M. & S., 1939, 46: 61-6.— Sakata, S., & Katd, S. Ueber den Einfluss des Insulins auf dip mit einer Schwefelverbindung behandelte Entgiftung des Phenols. Fol. pharm. jap., 1931, 13: [Brev.] 15.—Silberstein, F., & Kessler, S. Ueber die Beeinflussung der Insulinwirkung durch Organextrakte, Ergotamin und Histamin. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 181: 333-44— Weil, J. A. Action antalgique des preparations d'insuline et injections intradermiques loco dolenti. Bull. Soc. med. Paris, 1938, 787-92.—Welsh, J. H. The effects of insulin on the responses of the frog's heart and rectus abdo- minis to acetylcholine. Anat. Rec, 1942, 84: 472 (Abstr.)— Wolkenhejm. S. [Effect of insuline on certain properties of microbes] Med. dosw., 1935. 20: 199-202.—Zunz, E., & Perla, J. Effets du phenoxyl-diethylamino-2-ethane et de diverses phenoxy-ethylamines sur Taction hypoglycemiante de Tinsuline chez le chien. Ann. physiol., Par., 1935, 11: 920-5. ---- Placental permeability. Corey, E. L. Placental permeabilitv to insulin in the albino rat. Physiol. Zool., 1932, 5: 30-48.—Olow, J. LTeber den Uebergang von Insulin aus dem Fotus in die Mutter. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 217: 475-81.—Pack, G. T., & Barbar, D. The placental transmission of insulin from fetus to mother. Am. J. Obst., 1928, 16: 115-7. Also Abstr. Internat. Phvsiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 198.—Paroli, G. Dell'insulina nei feto umano e nella placenta. Riv. ital. gin., 1924-25, 3: 687-709.— WoIIesen, J. M. [Experimental studies on the effect of insulin on the rabbit fetus after injections into the mother] Hospitals- tidende, 1931, 74: 897-901. ---- Potency. See also under Insulin, Assay. Boivin, A., & Guillemet, R. Resultats de I'analyse eie- mentaire d'une preparation d'insuline active uk 40 unites par mg. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1928, 10: 415-21.—Burger, M. Untersuchungen iiber Reduktions- und Wirkungswert tech- nischer Insuline. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1932, 44. Kongr., 456-61.—Gorodetsky, E. E. [Increased action of insulin by magnesium sulphate] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 41: 1486-90.— Jackson, R. L., & Boyd, J. D. Relative efficiency of commercial forms of insulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 41: 15 — Kolle. Ueber die Anwendung von konzentrierten Losungen von Insulin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 536.—Mahler, P. Ueber die Anwendung von konzentrierten Losungen von Insu- lin. Ibid., 1172.—Maxwell, L. C, & Bischoff, F. Augmenta- tion of the physiologic response to insulin. Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 112: 172-5.—Semana, A. II potenziamento dell'insulina de parte della lecitina nella cura del diabete. Morgagni, 1934, 76:796-8. ---- Preparations. See also subheadings (crystalline; depot; Derivatives) Just, W. *Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung neuer Insuline. 28p. 21}^cm. Wiirzb., 1938. Beardwood, J. T., jr. The newer insulins. Pennsylvania M. J., 1938-39, 42: 881-4.—Biasotti, A., & Patalano, A. Insulina; acci6n de los compuestos insolubles en el tratamiento de la diabetes; insulina-protamina; insulina-histona. Rev. As. med. argent., 1938, 52: 435-41.—Boulin, R. Les nouvelles insulines. Presse med., 1938, 46: 137-40.—Cazzani, U., & Spiga, A. Su un nuovo preparato insulinico. Minerva med., Tor., 1939, 30: pt 1, 449-53.—Civetta, R. L'insulina Belfanti ed il suo impiego nella pratica corrente. Terapia, Milano, 1928, 18:257-63.—Gariepy, L. H. Nouvelles insulines. Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 499-501.—Gavrili, I. [Insulin Dagewop in the treatment of diabetes] Cluj. med., 1929, 10: 162-4. ■------ [Insulin Ufarom in treatment of diabetes] Spitalul, 1940, 60: 355-60.—Graham, G. The new insulins: third Lettsomian lecture. Brit. M. J., 1938, 1: 635.—Greenhouse, B. The newer insulins. Connecticut M. J., 1941, 5: 189.—Grott, J. W.. Wiesbaum, S., & Windyga, S. [Polish insulin in comparison with foreign insulin] Polska gaz. lek., 1929, 8: 941-8.— Gundry L P Insulin—new and old. Bull. Nurs. Alumnae Ass. Univ.'Maryland, 1937, 38-40.—Hollis, B. H. The use of the newer insulin preparations. Kentucky M. J., 1937, 35: 323-6.__Ide, M. Sur les insulines. Rev. med. Louvain, 1933, 4g___Joffe, V. I., & Perevozskaia, N. O. [Certain laboratory data on the characteristics of different insulin preparations] ;„gaz" 1926' 30: 412-5— Kopelovich, M. A., & Sheuner- ?77n'on ' D' [New insulin preparations] Vrach. delo, 1938, 20: 477-80.—Lun, F. [Antiglycemic effect of insulin, combined with tannic acid, arginine, zinc protamine and sodium thio- sulfate] Polska gaz. lek., 1938, 17: 201-5— Manwaring, W. H. Diantigenic insulin. California West. M., 1943, 58: 61.— Masters, T. D. The use of the newer insulins. Illinois M. J., 1940, 78: 319-23.—Miller, G. L., & Andersson, K. J. I. An ultracentnfuge study of reduced insulin. J. Biol. Chem., 1942, 144: 465-73. ------ Ultracentrifuge and diffusion studies on native and reduced insulin in Dupono! solution. Ibid., 475- 86.—Morris, N. The newer insulins. Glasgow M. J., 1940, 133: 1-19.—New (The) insulins. Prescriber, Edinb., 1937, 31: 373.—Palmer, L. J., & Capaccio, G. D. Present day insulins. Northwest M., 1941, 40: 400-3.—Pezharskaia, V. V., Chernia- eya, E. P., & Vassilieva, V. A. [Russian insulin in treatment of diabetes] Vrach. gaz., 1930, 34: 1197-200.—Piazza, V. C. L insulina atossica nei diabete mellito. Cult. med. mod., Pal 1924, 3: 385-93. Also Ann. clin. med., Pal., 1925, 15: 1-31, 10 ch.—Sahyun. M., & Heyn, M. Insulin preparation and process. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,192,386.—Sjoqvist, J., & Jorpes, E. [Preparations of insulin in Sweden] Sven. farm. tskr., 1931, 35: 637^4.—Strieck, F. Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen uber neue Insuline. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1938, 50. Kongr., 286-91. Also Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1938, 182: 373-401.—Warburton, R. A. Insulin composition and process of preparing the same. U. S. Patent Off., 1940, No. 2,202,325.—Wilder, R. M. The new insulin. Minnesota M., 1937, 20: 6-15. ---- Preparations: Mixtures. Colwell, A. R., Izzo, J. L., & Stryker, W. A. Intermediate action of mixtures of soluble insulin and protamine zinc insulin. Arch. Int. M., 1942, 69: 931-51.—Garcia Lopez, G. Nuevas experiencias con la protamina-zinc-insulina; exposition de un nuevo metodo de asociaci6n con la insulina regular. Vida nueva, Habana, 1939, 44: 13-34. Also An. Acad, cienc. med. Habana, 1939-40, 76: 89-113.—Graham, G. The use of a mixture of ordinary and protamine insulin. Acta med. scand., 1938, 96: Suppl. 90, 54-63.—Sparks, M. L, & John, H. J. The clinical use of mixtures of insulins. Ohio M. J., 1943, 39: 226-8.— Ulrich, H. Clinical experiments with mixtures of standard and protamine zinc insulins. Ann. Int. M., 1940-41, 14: 1166- 79.—VVauchope, G. M. Zinc protamine insulin and soluble insulin interaction in combined doses. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 962-6. ---- Preparations: Suspensions. Daunois, A. *L'emploi de l'insuline huileuse chez les diabetiques. 72p. 8? Par., 1932. Herzlich, C. *L'insuline huileuse dans le traitement du diabete sucre. 48p. 8? Par., 1932. Chabanier, H., Lobo-Onell, C, & Lelu, E. Etude clinique d'une preparation d'insuline en suspension huileuse. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1930, 3. ser., 104: 158-65. ------ Resultats obtenus a l'aide d'une suspension huileuse d'insuline, dans Tattaque des diabetes graves. C. rend. Congr. fr. med. (1930) 1931, 21. sess., 389-404. Also Presse med., 1931, 29: 219-22. Remarques sur Tinsuline huileuse et ses indications. Ibid., 1933, 41: 377.—Labbe, M., Boulin, R., & Daunois. Le traitement du diabete par Tinsuline huileuse. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1933, 3. ser., 109: 148-61. Also Presse med., 1933, 41: 113-5.—Labbe, M., Boulin, R., & Soulie. Insuline huileuse. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1930, 3. ser., 46: 1190-6.—Leyton, O. La administraci6n de insulina en suspensi6n. Arch, med., Madr., 1929, 30: 597-600. Also Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1929, 53: 779-84. Also Clin. M. & S., 1929, 36: 299-302. Also Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 756-9.—Rathery, F.. Levina, L., & Derot, M. Insuline huileuse et diabete. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1931, 3. ser., 47: 1622-8. Also J. med. Paris, 1931, 51: 1118-20.—Schill, I. [Oily suspension of insulin] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: mell., 38. ---- Prolonged action. See Insulin, depot. — Purification. See under Insulin, Manufacture. — Research. See also subheading History. Blatherwick, N. R., Bischoff, F. [et al.] Studies on insulin, J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 72: 57-89.—Blatherwick, N. R., Maxwell, L. C. [et al.] Studies on insulin. Ibid., 1926, 67: p. xxxiii- xxxv.—Dietrich, S., & Loewi, O. Untersuchungen iiber Diabetes und Insulinwirkung. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 215: 78_94 —Du Vigneaud, V. Some aspects of the study of in- sulin. J. Washington Acad. Sc, 1937, 27: 365-73.—Hausler, H., & Loewi, O. Untersuchungen uber Diabetes und Insulin- wirkung. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 214: 370-9.—Iscovesco, H., & Bouge, J. Recherches sur Tinsuline. C. rend. Congr. fr. m6d., 1923, 17. sess., 326-31.—Macleod, J. J. R. Studies in the use of insulin. N. York State J. M., 1923, 23: 397-9.— INSULIN 'S'c Niitu, S. On the supplemental studies of insulin. Sei i kwai, 1930, 49: H. 2, 16.—Studies on insuhn. Ann. Int. M., 1935-36, 9: 1437-9. ---- Secretion. See also Pancreas, Secretion. Cameron, A. T. The islets of Langerhans and insulin. In his Recent Advance. Endocr., 4. ed., Phila., 1940, 136-86.— Choay, A. Quelques notions physiologiques sur la s6ctetion interne du pancteas et Tinsuline. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1929, 9: 186-95.—Dietrich. S. Untersuchungen uber Diabetes und Insulinwirkung; der direkte Nachweis der Insulinsekretion des Pankreas. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1927, 125: 336-42 — Foa. C. II pancreas come ghiandola endocrina; l'insulina. Atti Soc lombard. sc. med., 1927, 16: 420-33.—Gruzinova. E. D. [Methods of preliminary evaluation of the contents of insulin in the pancreas] Probl. endocrin., Moskva, 1939, 4: 59.—Houssay, B. A., & Deulofeu, V. La chimie et la secretion de Tinsuline. Erg. Vitam. Hormonforsch., 1939, 2: 297-346.— Kirchhof, E. G. [Methods in preliminary evaluation of the contents of insuhn in the pancreas] Probl. endocrin., Moskva, 1939, 4: 57.—Laughton, N. B., & Macallum, A. B. Note on the insular hormone. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 109: p. lii.— Marks, H. P., & Young, F. G.' Species variation in the insulin content of pancreas. Nature, Lond., 1940, 146: 31.—Miller, M. M., & Allen, O. P. A new mathematical method for the evaluation of endogenous insulin secretion. Ann. Int. M., 1939-40, 13: 636-49.—Ravina, A. Insuline et secretion in- terne du pancteas. Presse med., 1928, 36: 325-7.—Scott, D. A., & Fisher, A. M. The insulin and the zinc content of normal and diabetic pancreas. J. Clin. Invest., 1938, 17: 725-8.—Soler, F. L., & Schiavone, E. Acci6n insulinica de la secreci6n pancre&tica pura. Prensa med. argent., 1933-31, 20: 565-79. Also Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1937, 36: 39-60. ---- Secretion: Disorders. See also Blood sugar, low: Hyperinsulinism; Diabetes mellitus. Harris, S. Hyperinsulinism and dysinsulinism. In Cyclop. Med. (VI isol-Bortz) Phila., 1937, serv. vol., 190-6.—Himg- worth, H. P. Insulin deficiency and insulin inefficiency. Brit. M. J., 1940, 1: 719-22.— Houssa, P. La courbe d'hypo- glycemie post-insulinique apres ligature des canaux excteteurs du pancreas chez des chiens et etat d'hyperfonctionnement glandulaire. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 124: 1252-4— La Barre, J. L'insulinosectetion au cours de Thyperactivite de la portion exocrine du pancteas. Ibid., 1939, 130: 69. ------& Boole- man, G. Les repercussions de la retention de sue pancteatique sur Tinsulino-sectetion. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1932, 35: 409-30.—Nielsen, J. M., & Eggleston, E. L. Functional dysinsulinism with epileptiform seizures. Bull. Battle Creek Sanit., 1931, 26: 88-94.—Zunz, E., & La Barre, J. Influence de Thyperglycemie et de Thypoglycemie des centres nerveux superieurs sur l'insulinosectetion. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 299. ---- Secretion: Regulation. See also subheading Hormonal correlation. Etcheverry, A. O. *Regulaci6n nerviosa de la secreci6n interna del pancreas. 87p. 24cm. B. Air., 1937. Ahlgren, G. Insulinsekretion nach Vagusreizung bezie- hungsweise Portaligatur. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1926, 48: 1-7.—Clark, G. A. The influence of the vagus nerves on the secretions of insulin. J. Physiol., Lond., 1931, 73: 297- 304.—Etcheverry, A. O. Excitation des nerfs vagues et secre- tion d'insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 156-9. Also Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1937, 13: 130-5.—Funk, C, Chamelin, I. M. [et al.] A study of hormonal factors which influence the production of insulin. Science, 1941, 94: 260.—Gayet, R., & Guillaumie, M. Sur la transmission par les nerfs vagues d'influx insulino-sectetoires. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 1194-7. ------ Experiences concernant l'effet de Texcitation electrique du vague sur Tinsulino-sectetion. Ibid., 1197-201.— Grafe, E., & Meythaler, F. Zur Kenntnis der Regulation der Insulinproduktion. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1927, 39. Kongr., 182^4. ---;— Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Regulation der Insulinproduktion; die Wirkung von Kohlenhydraten (ausser Traubenzucker) auf die Insulinabgabe. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 131: 80-91. ------ Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Regulation der Insulinproduktion; die Wirkung von Anhydrokohlenhydraten, Zuckerderivaten und Zuckerspal- tungsprodukten. Ibid., 136: 360-9.—Houssay, B. A. Regula- ci6n de la secreci6n de insulina. Actas Congr. panamer. endocr., 1941, 2. Congr., 9-20. Also Resenha clin. cient., S. Paulo, 1941, 10: 196-8. ------Foglia. V. G. Jet al.] The hypophysis and secretion of insulin. J. Exp. M., 1942, 75: 547-66.—Kfipinov, L., & Guillaumie, M. Sur Texistence possible de filets insulino-sectetoires dans le nerf vague; ex- periences sur le chien hvpophysectomise. C. rend. Soc biol., 1935, 119: 149-53.—Kosaka, T. The control of the insulin output of the pancreas. J. Physiol., Lond., 1933, 79: 416-22.— La Barre. J., & Vesseloveky, O. Contributions k I'etude des variations physiologiques de la secretion interne du pancreas; le pneumogastrique, nerf insulinosecteteur chez le chat. Arch. INSULIN internat. ph\sinl., Liege, 1933, 37: 188-201.—London, E. S.. & Kochneva, N. 1*. [Neuro-humoral mechanism of insulin incretion] J. profil. subtrop. klin. med., Tashkent, 1934, 4: 13-5. ------ Inkretionendynamik; Mechanismus der Insulininkretion. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1934, 234: 194-9.— Macleod, J. J. R. Regulation of the socretion of insulin. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 2: 512-9.—Staub, H. Ueber den Zucker- stoffwechsel des Menschen; Wirkung von Bluttransfusionen auf den Blutzuckerspiegel des Diabetikers; Beitrag zum Regula- tions-Mechanismus der Insulinsekretion. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1926, 104: 587-608.—Tuttle, G. H. A new theory of the pro- duction and regulation of insulin. Med. Times, N. Y., 1929, 57: 213-5.—Zunz, E., & La Barre, J. Contributions k I'etude des variations physiologiques de la secretion interne du pan- cteas; relations entre les sectetions externe et interne du pan- cteas. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1929. 31: 20-44.----- Contributions k l'6tude des variations pin siologiques de la secretion interne du pancreas; repercussion de l'activite exocrine du pancteas sur Tinsulino-sectetion. Ibid., 1930-31, 33: 142-58. ---- Secretion: Variation. Aubertin, E., Lacoste, A. [et al.] Etudes sur l'etat fonction- nel et anatomique du pancteas endocrine et sur sa teneur au insuline, chez les chiens soumis k un jeune prolonge. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 120: 1107-10.—Best, C. H., Haist, R. E., & Ridout, J. H. Diet and the insulin content of pancreas. J. Physiol., Lond., 1939-40, 97: 107-19.—Dohan, F. C. Analy- sis of insulin response of rabbits after injection of diabetic serum. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938-39, 39: 24-8.— Feldman, J., CortelL R., & Gellhorn, E. On the vago-insulin and sympathetico-adrenal system and their mutual relationship under conditions of central excitation induced bv anoxia and convulsant drugs. Am. J. Physiol., 1940-41, 131: 281-9.— Fisher, A. M., & Scott, D. A. The insulin content of the pan- creas in cattle of various ages. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 106: 305-10.—Gellhorn, E., Allen, A. [et al.] The influence of emotional excitement on the vago-insulin system and insulin content of the blood. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 289.— Griffiths, M. Effect of hexoestrol and alpha methyl stilbene on the insulin content of the pancreas of the rabbit. Nature, Lond., 1943, 151: 82.—Herxheimer, G. Pankreas-Zellinseln und Insulin nach Unterbindung der Ausflihrungsgiinge der Bauchspeicheldruse. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 2299-302. —---- & Carpentier, E. Ueber das Verhalten der Langerhans'schen Zellinseln des Pankreas und die Insulinbildung nach Gang- unterbindung. Beitr. path. Anat., 1926-27, 76: 270-92, pl — La Barre, J., & Booleman, G. Sur les gauses de la ftenation de Tinsulino-sectetion observee au cours de Thyperactivite de la fonction exocrine du pancteas. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 108: 229-31. ------ Sur les effets insulino-inhibiteurs des in- jections de sue pancteatique. Ibid., 1932, 109: 587-9.— La Barre, J., & Destree, P. Insuline ct secretion externe du pancteas. Ibid., 1928, 98: 1237-9.—La Barre, J., & Lorthioir, P. L'insulino-sectetion au cours des irradiations de la tegion pancteatique. Tr. Inst, ther., Brux., 1932-33, 25: No. 11 [1-3] Also Monit. endocrin., 1934, 2: 481.—Nitzescu, 1.1. Existe-t-il une variation saisonniere dans la quantite de Tinsuline? C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 96: 68.—Zunz, E., & La Barre, J. Contribution a I'etude des variations physi- ologiques de-la sectetion interne du pancteas; de Thyperinsulin6- mie consecutive k 1'hyperglycemic provoquee par injection de dextrose. Arch, internat. physiol., Li6ge, 1927, 29: 265-80. ;—■----Sur les causes de Taugmentation de la teneur en insuline du sang veineux pancteatique apres l'injection intra- veineuse d'adtenaline. C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 97: 917-9. ------ L'activite exocrine du pancteas influence-t-elle l'in- suline-sectetion? Ibid., 1930, 104: 790-2. ------ Contribu- tions a I'etude des variations physiologiques de la sectetion interne du pancteas; action de la thyroxine et de la thyroglo- buline sur Tadtenalino-sectetion et Tinsulino-sectetion. Arch. internat. physic!., Liege, 1932, 35: 286-320. ------ Action de Textrait parathvroi'dien sur Tinsulino-s6ctetion. Tr. Inst. ther., Brux., 1932-33, 25: No. 18 [1] ------ Contributions k I'etude des variations physiologiques de la secretion interne du pancteas: la methode d'anastomose pancteaticojugulaire comme procede devaluation des "variations de l'insulino- sectetion. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1933, 37: 202-14. ------ Contributions k I'etude des variations physiologiques de la sectetion interne du pancteas; action de Thormone para- tbyroidienne sur Tinsulino-sectetion. Ibid., 215-36. ------ Action de Textrait parathyroiidien sur rinsulino-Bectetion. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 1544. ------ Contributions k I'etude des variations physiologiques de la sectetion interne du pancreas; action de Textrait tetrohypophysaire et de sea fractions hypertensive et ocytocique sur l'adtenalinosectetion et l'insulinosectetion. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1935, 41: 538-68. ------ Contributions a I'etude des variations physiologiques de la secretion interne du pancreas; action de la substance thyreotrope d'origine antehypophysaire sur Tinsulino-sectetion. Ibid., 1935-36, 42: 1-23. ------ Con- tributions k I'etude des variations physiologiques de la secretion interne du pancreas; action de la substance pancreatrope d'origine antehypophysaire sur l'insulinosectetion. Ibid., 95-110. ---- Spectral analysis. See under subheading Optical properties. INSULIN 357 INSULIN ---- Standardization. See under subheading Assay. ---- Substitutes. See also under proper names of substances as Guanidine. De Nito, G. Ricerche sperimentali sull'azione tossicologica ed ipoglicemizzante della Aglucosina. Rass. ter. pat. clin., 1930, 2: 397-405.—Deseo, D. [Insulin and insulin-like sub- stances] Allatorv. lap., 1939, 62: 239-44.—Ducloux, E., & Cordier, G. Extrait pancteatique de TAcanthias vulgaris; son action compatee k celle de Tinsuline du boeuf. C. rend. Acad. sc, 1925, 181: 342-4.—Epstein, D. Insulin and insulin-like substances. J. M. Ass. S. Africa, 1930, 4: 722-4.—Frank, E. Insulinersatzmittel. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 128: Suppl., 33-50. Also Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 184. ------■ Nothmann, M., & Wagner, A. Ueber synthetisch dargestellte Korper mit insulinartiger Wirkung auf den normalen und diabetischen Organismus. Ibid., 1926, 5: 2100-7.—Gibelli, C. Consi- derazioni sopra gli insulinoidi vegetali. Riforma med., 1939, 55: 834-8.—Gjuric, A. [Substitutes for insulin in the treatment of diabetes] Cas. iek. desk., 1928, 67: 537-41.—Hugonot, M., & Duran, M. Les succedanSs de Tinsuline. J. med. Paris, 1940, 60: 260.—Kaufmann, E. Insulinersatzmittel; iiber die Wirkung des Jambulrindenextraktes. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1928, 62: 160-^4. ------ Insulinersatzmittel; uber antidia- betische Stoffe in Hefe und Hefenucleinsauren. Ibid., 739-44.— Labbe, H. The vegetable insulinoides and their therapeutic indications. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 34: 141-4. ------ & Donard, E. Individualite des insulinoides vegetaux et des vitamines B. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1935, 3. ser., 113: 625 — Labbe, M. Insuline, synthaline et glykhorment dans le traite- ment du diabete. Medecine, Par., 1927-28, 9: 741-5.—Liass, M. A., & Vovsi, V. L. [Insulin like action of bean preparations] Klin, med., Moskva, 1930, 8: 1190-4.—Loewi, O. Glykamin und Insulin. KUn. Wschr., 1927, 6: 2169-76.—Luntz, G. R. W. N. Insulin substitutes; resume of present-day knowledge. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1940, 54: 285-8.—Minkowski, O. Synthetische insulinahnlich wirkende Substanzen. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 2107.—Mondini, E. Piruvato di sodio, azione insulino-simile. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 350 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Nothmann, M. Ueber insulinartige Substanzen. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 297-9.—Oe, O. Beein- flussung des Blutzuckergehaltes durch die Inhalation einiger inkretorischer Organpraparate. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1938, 31: 75-86.—Oretskin, S. B. [New synthetic remedies as substi- tutes for insulin in diabetes] Vrach. delo, 1927, 10: 199.— Rathery, F. Insuline et ses succedanes. In Lepons du dimanche (Carnot, P.) Par., 1929, 1. ser., 206-31. ------& Froment, P. Les succedanes de l'insuhne. Paris med., 1937, 105: 442-51.— Rubino, P., Collazo, J. A., & Varela-Fuentes, B. Action compatee de l'insuline et de la decamethyienediguanidine sur la richesse en glycogene du foie et du muscle chez le lapin. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 19: 178-80.—Simon, M. Ein neues Insulinpraparat. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 652.—Teule, P. Les succedanes de Tinsuline. Vie med., 1927, 8: 307.—Wolf, M. Le traitement par voie buccale du diabete par une substance synthetique a action analogue k Tinsuline. Presse med., 1927, 35: 260-2.—Zuelzer, G. Glykamin und Insulin. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 312. ---- Supply. See under subheading Manufacture. ---- Tolerance. See also subheading Toxicity; also Insulin therapy (Allergy; Resistance, etc.) Acton, H. W., & Bose, J. P. The relationship of the colour of rabbits to their susceptibility to insulin. Ind. J. M. Res., 1927-28, 15: 89-95.—Allen, F. M. Tolerance and toxicity of insulin; with forced administration of carbohydrate. Ann. Int M., 1938-39, 12: 1263-78.—Boiler, R., & Ueberrack, K. Die Insulintoleranz bei Fallen von Ikterus. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 671-3.—Burke, J. C, & Mclntyre, A. R. Nicotinic acid and the vitamin B complex in insulin tolerance. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1939, 67: 142-6.—Falta, W.,& Boiler, R. Ueber Insulintoleranz. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 668-71.—Fernbach, J. Die Insulin- empfindlichkeit bei Gehirnerkrankungen. Zsehr. Zellforschung, 1932, 16: 595-600.—Forsgren, E. Ueber die Insulintoleranz bei drei Fallen von Diabetes mellitus, die durch febrile Lungen- tuberkulose kompliziert waren. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1935-36, 129: 774-7.—Freeman, H., Looney, J. M. [et al.] Results of insulin and epinephrine tolerance tests in schizophrenic patients and in normal subjects. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1943, 49: 195-203.—Gigante, D. Sur la limite de resistance du pigeon k Taction de Tinsuline. Arch. ital. biol., 1934-35, 92: 1-5.— Gudemann, J. Ueber anhaltende Toleranzsteigerungen durch Insulinkuren. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1924, 37: 721-3.—La Barre, J., & Loicq, R. Sur Tinsulinotesistance observee chez les cobayes porteurs d'un sarcome experimental. C. rend. Soc biol., 1938, 129: 876-8.—Mclntyre, A. R., & Burke, J. C. Vitamin B-deficient diets and insulin tolerance in the albino rat. Am. J. Physiol., 1937, 119: 364. ------ Vitamin B complex and insulin tolerance. Ibid., 1939, 126: 571 — Oberholzer, W. Ueber die Veranderung der Toleranz gegen- iiber Insulin. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1940, 114: 271-89 (micro- film)—Perez, M. Sui meccanismo della maggiore resistenza all'insulina del ratto portatore di sarcoma di Jensen. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1937, 12: 744.—Postoni, L. Toleranza per l'insulina e per i suoi prodotti di scomposizione idrolitica. Ibid., 1933, 8: 866.—Sendrail, M. La tolerance k Tinsuline dans les syndromes hypophyso-tuberiens. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1929, 3. ser., 53: 1165-70. ------ L'epreuve de tolerance k Tinsuline. Ann. med., Par., 1930, 27: 289-312.—Smith, G. t. S., & Marks, G. A. The increased tolerance of pregnant rabbits for insulin. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 50: 586. ---- Toxicity. See also Insulin, Tolerance; also subheadings of Insulin therapy (Allergy; Hypoglycemia, etc.) Allen, F. M. Tolerance and toxicity of insulin; protamine and zinc compounds. Ann. Int. M., 1938-39, 12: 1870-85. ------& Rice, J. H. Tolerance to and toxicity of insulin; with spontaneous eating. N. England J. M., 1938, 219: 77-83.— Allen, F. M., & Vicens, C. A. Surgical treatment of experi- mental insulin poisoning. Endocrinology, 1939, 24: 230-6.— Beard wood. J. T., jr, & Carmuth, J. W. Two cases of attempted suicide with protamine-zinc insulin. Internat. Clin., 1939, n. ser. 2, 3: 240-5.—Buzzo, A., & Carratala, R. E. La intoxication por" insulina. Sem. med., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 1, 96-9.— Emmons, R. V. B. A case of insulin poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1924, 2: 1260.—Franke, G. Ein geretteter Fall von schwerster Insulinvergiftung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 1728.— Helland-Hansen, B. [Psychosis following insulin-poisoning] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1937, 98: 1306-13.—Jackson, E. L. Acute fatal insulin poisoning. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1941, 72: 21.—Kastein, G. W. Ein Fall von Insulin-Vergiftung mit bleibenden neurologischen Erscheinungen. Samml. Vergift., 1938, 9: A, 51-4. ------ Insulinvergiftung; klinische und pathophysiologische Beschreibung. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1938, 163: 322-41. ------ Insulinvergiftung; neurologische und anatomisch-histologische Beschreibung. Ibid., 342-61.—■ Quigley, J. P. Mental disturbances from atropine or nova- tropine given to subjects under the influence of insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1363.—Stief, A., & Tokay, L. Beitrage zur Histopathologie der experimentellen Insulinvergiftung. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1932, 139: 434-61.—Walter, E. M. [Decrease of toxicity of insulin] J. rann. detsk. vozr., 1932, 12: 65. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1932-33, 85: 495-500. INSULIN therapy. See also Blood sugar, high; Diabetes mellitus, Treatment. Sommer, E. *Insulin und Insulintheraple. 32p. 8? Wiirzb., 1925. Du Bray, E. S. Newer clinical knowledge pertaining to insulin. Am. Med., 1928, 23: 904-7.—Elias, H. Insulin- behandlung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1925, 38: 710.—Falta, W. Bemerkungen zur Insulinbehandlung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1258.—Gigon, A. Beitrag zur Insulintherapie. Wien. med. Wschr., 1924, 74: 1103.—Grafe, E. Adelantos en la insulinoterapia. Dia med., B. Air., 1940,12: 238-41.—Grapiolo, A. C, & Basso, I. A. Insulinoterapia. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1925, 8: 749-61.—Higgs, J. A. Insulin therapy. S. Afr. M. J., 1938, 12: 590-3.—Horval, L. [Insulin therapy] Gyogydszat, 1934, 74: 323-6.—Karoly, E. Az insulinthera- pidtel. Orvoskepzes, 1934, 24: 314-23.—Levai, M. [Insulin treatment] Gyogydszat, 1927, 67: 304-9.—Prado, S. A insulina na therapeutica. Arch, brasil. med., 1930, 20: 469- 78.—Stabler, M. K. Insuhn crutches. Hygeia, Chic, 1941, 19: 379-81.—Toscano, C. L'insulinoterapia nella pratica. Policlinico, 1932, 39: sez. prat., 1981-7.—Wells, C. A. Insulin therapy. Quincy M. Bull., 1935-36, 13: 102-5. ---- Administration. See also Insulin subheadings (Absorption; Metabolism) Bottner, A., & Schuntermann, C. E. Ueber perlinguale and rektale Insulinwirkung. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1930, 42. Kongr., 111-5.—Burger, M., & Kohl, H. Ueber kristallinisches Insulin; die Bedeutung des Applikationsortes fiir Tiefe und Dauer der Insuhn wirkung. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1933, 173: 431-8.—Caizzone, G., & Parish P. Le modificazioni glicemiche in seguito ad iniezioni endovenose di insulina e glucosio ed in seguito ad iniezioni di insulina sotto- cute ed assorbimento di glucosio in soggetti normali e diabetici. Arch. stud, fisiopat. ricambio, 1936, 4: 335-73.—Chevillot, M., Harmand, J. [et al.] Sur les differences d'activite des injections d'insuline chez le lapin suivant la voie d'administra- tion. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 65-7.—Christie, C. D., & Hanzal, R. F. Insuhn absorption by the conjunctival mem- branes in rabbits. J. Clin. Invest., 1931, 10: 787-93.—Gonza- lez Deleito, F. La administration de la insulina. Siglo med., 1933, 92: 25-8.—Iakovlev, N. N. [On the site of insulin injection for action upon carbohydrate metabolism] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1941, 11: 303-6.—Kelley, I. V. Administra- tion of insulin. In her Textb. Nurs. Techn., 4. ed., Phila., 1940, 327-30.—Kohl, H. Ueber kristallinisches Insulin. die Wirkungsweise des suboccipital injizierten Insulins beim 58 INSULIN THERAPY INSULIN THERAPY Kaninchen. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1933, 173: 453-7.— Lambert. Influence de la voie d'administration sur les effets immediats ct eioignes de Tinsuline. Ann. physiol., Par., 1933, 9: 785.— Lamers, K. L. E. Difference entre Teffet de Tinsuline injectee par voie intraveineuse ct sous-cutan6e. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 94: 1259- 61.- LeFever. H. E. Essential determina- tion? in the administration of insulin. Ohio M. J., 1924, 20: 30.- McCullagh, K. P., & Lewis, L. A. Studies on the effective- ness of insulin implants. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1942, 9: 153-6. ------ Comparison of effectiveness of various methods of administration of insulin. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 435-7.— Martin, L. Studies on the effects of the administration of insulin by iontophoresis. Pioc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 564-6.—Mauriac, P., & Gandy, A. De l'administration de Tinsuline par voie intratracheale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1925, 93: 1524-6.—Mouzon, J. Peut-on administrer Tinsuline sans piqures'.' Presse mSd., 1929, 37: 1639-43.—Murphy, W. P. The administration of insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1924, 82: 1204.—Popescu-Inotesti, C. L'insuline par voie rachidienne; insuline ct epiglandol. Rev. fr. endocr., 1924, 2: 346-8.— Schmidt, A. A. Leber die Wirkung des Insulins in Abhangig- keit von der Anwendungsmethode. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 73: 599-007.—Stoner, W. C. Management of the dia- betic patient, with especial reference to the administration of insulin. Am. J. M. Sc, 1924, 167: 189-93.—Supniewski, J. V., Isikawa, Y., & Geiling, E. M. K. The effect of insulin injected into the cerebrospinal fluid. J. Biol. Chem., 1927, 74: 241*6.— Watson, E. M. The comparative efficacy of various methods for administering insuhn. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 44-7. ■---- Administration, cutaneous (intra-, per-, sub-) Andre, M. G. *Quelques applications dermi- ques et transdermiques de l'insuline [Paris] 63p. 24cm. Tourcoing, 1939. Kathofer, J. *Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der perkutanen Insulinwirkung [Miinchen] 24p. 21cm. Speyer a. Rh., 1938. Lentjweit, F. *Experimentelle Ergebnisse iiber perkutane Insulinresorption. 21p. 8? Konigsb., 1931. Abreu, B. E., & Emerson, G. A. Skin absorption of insulin with Mucuna pruriens. Univ. California Pub., 1938, 1: Pharm., 49-54.—Bartlett, W. M. The effect of hypodermic insuhn on the fasting blood sugar in normal and diabetic subjects in relation to percentage normal weight. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1926-27, 12: 115-8.—Bruger, M., & Flexner, J. Integrity of the skin in relation to cutaneous absorption of insulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936-37, 35: 429-32 — Capuani, G. F. Somministrazione dell'insulina per via per- cutanea. Minerva, med., Tor., 1936, 27: pt 2, 224-8.— Edelstein, E., & Vollmer, H. Zur Biologie der Haut; die intra- cutane Insulinwirkung bei Diabetikern. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1926, 50: 297-300.—Enger, R. Der zeitliche Einfluss sub- cutaner Insulininjektionen und der Nahrungszufuhr auf den Blutzuckerspiegel. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 61-3.—Fornet, W. Experimentelle Grundlagen der percutanen Insulinwirkung. Ibid., 1935, 14: 1759.—Harrison, G. A. Insulin by inunction a failure. Q. J. Med., Oxf., 1926-27, 20: 187-92.—Hermann, S., & Kassowitz, H. Aufnahme und Schicksal des auf die lebende Haut applizierten Insulins. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1935, 179: 524; 529. ------ Experimentelle Grundlagen der percutanen Insulinwirkung. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 1531-4.— Kingisepp, G., & Talli, I. Percutane Insulinresorption. Ibid., 1939, 18: 1323.—Maier-Weinertsgrun, D. Versuche mit der Insulinsalbe Iloculan, Ibid., 1936, 15: 1245-7.—Major, R. H. Insulin absorption from application to the skin. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y„ 1930. 34: 775-8. ------& Delp, M. Cutaneous absorption of insulin. Ibid., 1937-38, 37: 338-40.—Parkes, A. S., & Young, F. G. The influence of the subcutaneous implantation of tablets of solid insulin on the blood sugar level of the rabbit. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1939, 1: 108-16, pl.— Pribram, H. Klinische Beobachtungen iiber die percutane Wirkung von Insulin bei Diabetikern. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 1534-6.—Pupko, S. G. [Intracutaneous use of insuhn] Vrach. gaz., 1931, 35: 1077.—Sahyun, M. The effect of sub- cutaneous injections of crystalline insuhn on the blood sugar of fasting rabbits. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1939-40, 25: 619-23.— Stephan, R. Ueber die Wirkungsart des gallensauren Insulins bei subkutaner Anwendungsform. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930 56: 88-91.—Wallgren, A. Versuche mit perkutaner Insulin- behandlung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1924, 71: 10. Also Upsala liik. foren. forh., 1924, 24: 57-61.—Wilkoewitz, K., & Lenu- weit, F. Ueber perkutane Insulinresorption. Zsehr. Zellforsch ---- Administration: Inhalation. Schiebe, H. *Die Wirkung der Insulin- inhalation bei Atmungsvertiefung durch Kohlen- saure. 17p. 8? Konigsb., 1933. Gansslen, M. Ueber Inhalation von Insulin. Klin Wschr 1925, 4: 71—Heubner. W., Jongh, S. E. de, & Laquer, e! Ueber Inhalation von Insulin. Ibid., 1924, 3: 2342 —Wilkoe- witz. K., & Schiebe, H. Die Wirkung der Insulininhalation bei Atmungsvertiefung durch Kohlensiiure. Zsehr. ges. exp, Med., 1931, 78: 757-63. ---- Administration, nasal. Collens, B. S., & Landowne, M. Absorption of insulin by nasal membrane. Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 1932, 1 i. Congr., 55.—Collens, W. S., & Goldzieher, M. A. Absorption of insuhn bv nasal mucous membrane. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 756-9.—Horwitz, S. Ueber die endonasale Applikation von Insulin. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1931, 116: 622- 31.—Major, R. H. The intranasal application of insulin. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1935-36, 21: 278-80. ------ The intranasal application of insulin, experimental and clinical experiences. Am. J. M. Sc, 1936, 192: 257-63.—Wassermeyer, IL, & Schafer, A. Ueber die endonasale Applikation des Insulins. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 7: 210. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 474-6. ---- Administration, oral and enteral. Bohmlander, J. *Ueber enterale Insulin- wirkung [Erlangen] 19p. 21cm. Bottrop, 1935. Hoffmann, A. *Ueber enterale und perorale Insulinwirkung [Erlangen] 31p. 21cm. Kall- mlinz, 1935. Korbsch, G. [M. H.] *Klinische Unter- suchungen iiber perlingual zugefiihrtes Insulin bei Zuckerkranken. 16p. 8? Bresl., 1925. Peskind, S. The absorption of insulin from the upper alimentary tract in the presence of titrated blood plasma; a preliminary report. 7p. 12? [Cleveland, 1935] Plathner, U. *Ueber die Wirkung des peroralen Insulin Cholosulin auf den Blut- und Harnzucker Stoffwechselgesunder und Diabetiker [Rostock] 14p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Rachinger, H. *Ueber enterale Insulin- wirkung; Beitrag. 26p. 21}^cm. Erlangen, 1936. Stocker, K. *Ist das perorale Insulin Cholosulin (Phargamans) in der Behandlung des Diabetes praktisch verwertbar? 29p. 8? Marb., 1930. Thais, G. E. Contribution k l'6tude de l'emcacite de l'insuline par la voie digestive. 123p. 8? Par., 1937. Werner, R. *Ueber enterale Insulinwirkung . [Erlangen] 29p. 8? Niirnb., 1934. Zimmermann, G. *Ueber enterale und perorale Insulinwirkung; Beitrag. 21p. 8? Erlangen, 1936. Asai, S. Ein Beitrag zur Darreichungsweise von Insulin. Nagoya J. M. Sc, 1934, 7: 217-44.—Bernhardt, H., & Strauch, C. B. Zur Frage der peroralen Insulindarreichung. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1926, 104: 767-75.—Blum, L. L'administration perlinguale de Tinsuline. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1924, 178: 1225. Also C. rend. Soc. biol., 1924, 91: 199-201.—Bollman, J. L., & Mann, F. C. Enteral administration of insulin to normal dogs. Am. J. M. Sc, 1931, 183: 23-30.—Bratusch, A. Cholosulin und perorale Diabetesbehandlung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 715.—Broccio, L. Ricerche sull'azione dell'insulina somministrata per via orale. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1936, 17: 835-42.—Bronkhorst, A. J. van, de Jongh, S. E., & Laquer, E. [Effect of peroral administration of insulin and desoxy- drolic acid] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1930, 74: pt 1, 3270-83.— Brugsch, T., & Horsters, H. Ueber die Einwirkung von peroral zugefiihrtem Insulin auf den Blutzucker (vorlaufige Mittei- lung) Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 8.—Carrasco Formi- guera, R. Sobre la administraci6n de la hormona pancredtica (insulina) por via digestiva (estudio de algunos preparados que se expenden como opoterapicos antidiabeticos) Rev. med. Barcelona, 1925, 2. ser., 4: 6-16.—Chrometzka, F., & Wedderer, W. Untersuchungen iiber Insulinresorption des Darmkanals. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1935-36, 97: 640-4.—Collazo, J. A., & Rubino, P. Primare glykogenisierende Leberwirkung peroraler Insulingaben. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 217. ------ Appli- cation de Tinsuline per os et accumulation du glycogene dans le foie comme effet initial de cette application. Strasbourg med., 1930, 90: 471. ------ Acci6n de la insulina por via oral sobre la glucogenesis del conejo. Arch. Soc. biol. Monte- video, Supp., 1930-32, 374-7.—Dingemanse, E., A Laqueur, E. Ueber die angebliche Wirkung des Insulins bei der Darrei- chung per os in Gegenwart von Saponin. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1927, 126: 31-6.—Driver, R. L., & Murlin, J. R. Factors in the absorption of insulin from the alimentary tract. Am, J. Physiol., 1941,132: 281-92.—Eckhart, F. Neue Behandlungs- moglichkeit des Diabetes mellitus mit einem wirksamen INSULIN THERAPY 359 INSULIN THERAPY peroralen Pankreas-Insulinpraparat. Wien. med. Wschr., 1933, 83: 345.—Elmer, A. W., & Scheps, M. Zur Frage der peroralen Wirkung des gallensauren Insulins bei Diabetes mellitus. Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 931.—Elzas, M. [Administration of insulin per os] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 1650.—Fornet, W. Ueber klinische Priifung peroraler Insulinpraparate. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1946. -----■ Zur Frage der peroralen Resorption von Insulin. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 1109. ------ Sur Tefficacite de Tinsuline buccale. Presse med., 1930, 38: 406.—Freud, P. Ueber perorale Insulinwirkung und perorale Insulintherapie. Munch, med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 1846.—Frommel, E., Bischler, A. [et al.] L'absorption enterale de Tinsuline; etude experi- mentale. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1940, 60: 1109-36.—Giuliani, G. Insulinoterapia orale. Diagnosi, 1935, 15: 268-90.— Gjertz, E. De quelques essais d'administration de Tinsuline par voie buccale spetialement au point de vue de T&ge des patients et de l'etat fonctionnel de Testomac Acta med. scand., 1924-25, 61: 295-300.—Grote, L. R. Ueber Cholosulin. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1930, 48: 1-24.—Hanzlik, P. J., & Cutting, W. C. Agents promoting gastrointestinal absorption of insulin. Endocrinology, 1941, 28: 368-74.—Harned, B. K., & Nash, T. P., jr. The protection of insulin by antiproteases, and its absorption from the intestine. J. Biol. Chem., 1932, 97: 443-56.—Harrison, G. A. Insulin in alcoholic solution by the mouth. Brit. M. J., 1923, 2: 1204.—Harrower, H. H. Insulin by the mouth. Am. Med., 1924, n. serv., 19: 584-6.— Horvai, L. [Administration of insulin per os] Gyogy&szat, 1930, 70: 306.—Katsube, C. Ueber die interne Insulin- behandlung und die Wirkung der Insulinpillen Fornet. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1927, 40: 433-6.—Komissarenko, V. P. [Peroral treatment of diabetes with insulin and other prep- arations] Probl. endokr., Moskva, 1941, 6: No. 2, 93-103.— Korbsch, J. Ueber perlingual zugefiihrtes Insulin bei Zucker- kranken. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 2327.—Kiihn, R. Cholosulin und Blutzuckertageskurve. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1341.—Lange, F., & Loewe, S. Zur Frage der peroralen Insulinwirkung. Ibid., 1929, 55: 2132.—Lasch, F. Zur Frage der peroralen Verabreichung von Insulin unter Beigabe von Saponin. Arch. exp. Path., 1927, 123: 284-91.—Lasch, F., & Briigel, S. Versuche die perorale Insulinmedikation betreffend. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 1587. ------ Zur Frage der peroralen Resorption von Insulin durch Beigabe von Saponin. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 817. ------ Ueber die perorale Resorption von Insulin durch Beigabe von Saponin. Arch. exp. Path., 1927, 120: 144-55.—Lasch, F„ & Schonbrunner, E. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die enterale Insulin- resorption. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1935-36, 180: 469-78. ------ Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die enterale Insulin- resorption; iiber den Schutz des Insulins gegen Trypsin. Ibid., 1936, 182: 452-8. ------ Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber perorale Insulintherapie unter Beigabe organi- scher Farbstoffe. Klin. Wschr., 1938, 17: 1117-80—Lowen- stein, W., & Merdinger, O. Experimentelle Priifung oraler Insulinverabreichung. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1927, 14: 523-36.—Martini, E. Azione di un'insulina precipitata somministrata oralmente. Boll. Soc. ital. biol sper., 1931, 6: 193.—Martini, P., & Nagel, W. Ueber die perorale Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit Cholosulin. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 1009-12.—Maugeri, S. L'azione dell'insulina somministrata per via orale. Gior. clin. med., 1931, 12: 501-7.—Meyer, W. B., & Oppenheimer, A. Ueber klinische Priifungen peroraler Insulinpraparate. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1720-2.—Miller, H. R. The use of insulin by mouth. Arch. Int. M., 1926, 38: 779-84.—Moracchini, R., & Herlitzka, L. Sulla terapia perorale del diabete. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1930, 93: 269-85.—Murlin, J. R., Gibbs, C. B. F. [et al.] Effectiveness of per-oral insulin in human diabetes. J. Clin. Invest., 1940, 19: 709-22.—Murlin, J. R., & Hawley, E. E. Absorption of insulin from the alimentary tract of depancreatized dogs, when protected by blood serum. Am. J. Physiol., 1927, 83: 147-61.—Murlin, J. R., Sutter, C. C. [et al.] Some favorable effects from the alimentary admin- istration of insulin. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1923-24, 21: 338-40. Also Endocrinology, 1924, 8: 331-9.—Murlin, J. R., Tomboulian, R. L., & Pierce, H. B. Absorption of insulin from Thiry-Vella loops of the intestine in normal and depancreatized dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 1937, 120: 733-43.—Nagel, W. Perorale Insulintherapie. Verh. Ges. inn. Med., 1930, 42. Kongr., 121-4.—Olsen, O. [Effects of insulin absorbed by the oral mucosa] Ugeskr. laeger, 1929, 91: 173.—Ottow, M. Erfahrungen mit peroralem Insulin bei kindlichem Diabetes mellitus. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 1584.—Piper, H. A., & Murlin, J. R. The influence of insulin administered by alimentary tract on the blood sugar of etherized and adrenalized animals. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1924-25, 22: 68.— Pucsko, O. Der Einfluss peroraler Traubenzuckergaben in Kombination mit Insulin auf den Ketonkorperspiegel in Blut und Harp bei Diabetes mellitus. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1930, 167: 57-68.—Rathery, F., Derot, M., & Traverse, P. M. de. Sur l'hypoglycemie consecutive a l'absorption digestive de Tinsuline. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1939, 208: 385-7.—Reis, V. van der, & Schlomka, G. Zur Frage der Wirkung enteral verabfolgten Gallensaure- Insulins. Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 1012.—Sacks, D. R. Regulation of blood sugar in diabetes by the sub-lingual administration of insulin. Texas J. M., 1941-42, 37: 39-42.— Salen E Einige Versuche mit peroraler Darreichung von Insulin. 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Report on insulin sensi- tivity with attempt at passive transfer. J. Allergy, 1934, 5: 606-10.—Nadler, W. H. Sensitiveness to insulin and optimal diets in diabetes. Arch. Path., Chic, 1938, 26: 395-402 — Neumann, A. Ein Fall von Quincke'schen Oedem nach In- suhn. Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 1363.—Nicolas, J., Rousset, J., & Thomasset, A. L'eczema du k Tinsuline (intus et extra) Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1937, 44: 753-5.—Papp, J. Insulinempfindlichkeit bei hypersekretorischen Zustanden des Magens (Beeinflussbarkeit durch Nebenschilddrusenhormon) Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 1615.—Parhon, C. I., & Werner, G. Action de Tinsuline sur le sucre lacunaire et des liquides cavitaires a propos de la pathogenie des oedemes insuliniques. Bull. Soc roumain. endocr., 1939, 5: 431-4.—Pehu, Despeignes & Charleux. Anaphylaxie et Tinsuline. Lyon med., 1925, 136: 505.—Pencharz, R. I., Cori, C. F., & Russell, J. A. Relation INSULIN THERAPY 361 INSULIN THERAPY of anterior and posterior lobe of the hypophysis to insulin sensitivity in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 35: 32-5.—Rabinowitch, I. M. Insulin oedema. Canad. M. Ass. J 1927,17:685-7.—Rathery, F. Insulino-sensibilite. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 413-20. ------ Bargeton, D. [et al.] Insuline et anaphylaxie. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1939, 3. ser., 55: 580-8.—Raynaud, M., & Lacroix, A. Un cas d'ana- phylaxie k Tinsuline; essai de pathogenie des oedemes insuli- niens. Ibid., 1925. 3. ser., 49: 831-9.—Sammis, F. E. Hyper- sensitiveness to insulin. J. Allergy, 1934-35, 6: 387-92.— Schenck, V. Ueber Insulin-Dermatitis. Deut. med. Wschr., 1932, 58: 1605.—Selye, H. Effect of fasting on insulin sensi- tivity. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 434-6.—Sendrail, M., & Blancardi, C. Action du travail musculaire sur la sensibilite a Tinsuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 1190.—Stroomann, G. 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Allergic insulin reactions; report of a case exhibiting severe gastro- intestinal allergic reactions following injections of insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 1112-4. ------ A second case of gastro-intestinal allergy due to insulin. Ibid., 1933, 100: 658.— Wolf, W. Sensitivity to protamine zinc insulin. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1942, 45: 694-6.—Yasuna, E. Generalized allergic reactions to insulin; review of the literature, with report of a case. J. Allergy, 1940-41, 12: 295-306. ---- Allergy: Desensitization. Bayer, L. M. Desensitization to insulin allergy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 1934.—Bernard, A. Sur Tintoierance k Tinsuline et son traitement. J. sc med. Lille, 1927, 45: pt 2, 85-92.—Blassberg, M., Joffe, B., & Liwszyc, S. [The use of insulin and the determination of sugar in the blood] Polska gaz. lek., 1924, 3: 293.—Buschke, F. Die Blutzuckertages- kurve des uberinsulinierten Diabetischen und ihre Beziehung zur Konstitution. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 964-8.—Collens, W. S., Lerner, G., & Fialka, S. M. Insulin allergy; treatment with histamin. Am. J. M. Sc, 1934, 188: 528-33.—Corcoran, A. C. Note on rapid desensitization in a case of hypersensi- tiveness to insulin. Ibid., 1938, 196: 359-61.—De Bodo, R. C. Cause and mechanism of the loss of hypersensitivity to insulin and the return of gluconeogenesis to a normal level. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc. (1940) 1941, 122.—Ghoshal, L. Some ob- servations on the blood sugar after treatment with insulin in diabetes. Ind. M. Gaz., 1926, 61: 224-6.—Gottschalk, A., & Springborn, A. Rationelle Insulintherapie auf Grund von Blutzuckertageskurven. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1129-33 — Greiff. Zur Behandlung der Ueberempfindlichkeit gegen Insulin. Ibid., 1931, 10: 1955.—Guist, G., & Latzel, R. Eine rasche Entzuckerungsmethode insulinempfindlicher Diabetiker und ihre Verwertbarkeit in der Augenheilkunde. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 108 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Herold, A. A. Insulin allergy; report of severe case with successful desensitiza- tion. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1938-39, 91: 163-6.—Hunscheidt, H. Calcium bei Insulinuberempfindlichkeit. Zbl. inn. Med., 1934, 55: 369-71.—Jeannert, J., & Leysin. Une application pratique de la methode de desensibilisation par les cuti-teactions tepefies; urticaire k Tinsuline. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1929, 49: 99-105.—Major, R. H., & Davis, R. C. High blood sugar with absence of sugar in the urine; in diabetes treated with insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1925, 84: 1798.—Malten. H. Be- kampfung der Insulin-Allergic Munch, med. V\ schr., 1938, 85: 166.—Nicely, W. E., & Edmondson, C. C. Observations on insulin treatment of diabetes; diurnal variations of sugar utilization. Wisconsin M. J., 1923-24, 22: 575-8— Nielsen, N. A. [Blood sugar estimation in diabetics treated with insulin] Hospitalstidende, 1928, 71: 755-67. Also Zsehr. klin. Med., 1928-29, 109: 636-46.—Roth, G. M., & Rynearson, E. H. The use of histamine and histaminase in the treatment of allergic reaction to insuhn. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1939, 14: 353-7.—Rothman, J. S. Insulin hypersensitivity and de- sensitization by increasing doses of insulin. Med. World, 1939, 57: 313—Stotter, G. Desensibilisierungserfolg bei einem hochgradig insulinallergischen Diabetiker. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1180-3.—Strauss, H. Inwieweit sind Blutzuckerbestimmungen bei der Insulinbehandlung unerliiss- lich? Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 791.—Weitz, M. A. Insulin hypersensitivity with desensitization; report of a case. J. Allergy, 1942-43, 14: 220-6. ---- Cases and observations. Eck, T. *Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Insulin- behandlung des schweren Diabetes. 13p. 8°. Giessen, 1926. Lewis, J. G. Tratamiento de la diabetes azucarada con la insulina; estudio clinico de varios casos. 32p. 8? Panama, 1923. Apert, E. Diabete avec infantilisme traite depuis un an par Tinsuline. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1924, 3. ser., 48: 894.— Avierinos, F., & Pieri, J. Un cas de diabete sucte traite par Tinsuline. Marseille med., 1924, 61: 498-501.—Berg, G. [A case of diabetes treated with insulin] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1923, 67: pt 2, 884-0.—Bergh, D. van den [Three cases treated ' with insulin] Ibid., 2127-37.—'-Bickel, G. Remarques k propos de 3 cas de diabete grave traites par Tinsuline durant plus de 15 ans. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1941, 61: 579.— Blanco Soler, C. La insulina en una insuficiencia cardiaca en una diabetica embarazada, con acidosis. Arch, med., Madr., 1926, 24: 10-21.—Blassberg, M., & Mandel, W. [Action of insulin, in 5 cases, on diabetes] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 910.—Boavista Moscoso, A., & Pinheiro de Ulhoa Cintra, A. Sobre um caso de diabetes mellitus. Brazil med., 1925, 39: 316.—Campbell, J. M. H., Osman, A. A. [et al.] Early experi- ences with insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Lan- cet, Lond., 1923, 2: 777-82.—Carrieu & Janbon. A propos d'un diabetique traite par Tinsuline. Bull. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1924-25, 6: 280-4.—Chabanier, H., Lobo-Onell, C, & Lebert, M. Presentation de 3 diabetiques traites par Textrait alcoolique de pancteas (insuline) Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1923, 3. ser., 47: 1496-504.—Chalier, J. Diabete a marche aigue chez l'adulte; action heureuse de Tinsuline. Lyon med., 1926, 137: 493-7.—Clark, O. Nota clinica sobre diabetes e insulina. Brazil med., 1924, 38: 324-7.—Cohen Tervaert, D. G. [Some remarks on the use of insulin] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1924, 68: pt 1, 2340-4. ------ [Two patients treated with insulin] Ibid., 1925, 69: pt 1, 1968.—Cowie, D. M., & Parsons, J. P. Clinical observations on the use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes in adults and children with particular reference to the state of hyperinsulaemia; a consideration of insulin and renal glycosuria. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, 1923, 35: 217-64, ch.—Daniels, P. L., & Doyer, J. [A case of diabetes treated with insulin] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1923, 67: pt 1, 1767-74.—Elzas, M. [Remarks on the application of insulin] Ibid., 1924, 68: pt 2, 1074-8.—Faber, E. [Observa- tions on insulin treatment] Ugeskr. Iseger, 1927, 89: 376.— Fabiafia, T. D. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus; case reports. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1924, 4: 1-6.— Frissell, L. F., & Hajek, J. Insulin in the severer forms of diabetes; with report of cases. Arch. Int. M., 1924, 33: 230- 50.—Gibbs, C. B. F., & Sutter, C. C. Clinical observations on the use of the anti-diabetic substance. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1922-23, 20: 419.—Gilbert, A., Baudouin, A., & Chabrol, E. Un cas de diabete grave traite par Tinsuline. Bull. Soc med. h6p. Paris, 1923, 3. ser., 47: 977-89.—Groedel, F. M., & Hubert, G. Ueber zwei mit Insulin behandelte Falle von Diabetes mellitus. Munch, med. Wschr., 1923, 70: 1314.—King. P. M., & Sparrow, T. D. Some observations on diabetes mellitus, with report on 3 illustrative cases treated with insulin. South. M. & S., 1923, 85: 473-7— Lacroze, A. Diabetes grave sin acidosis y gran traumatismo tratada por insulina. Rev. As. med. argent., 1924, 37: Soc. med. int., 579-87.—Langeron, L., & Delcour, J. Diabete grave et infantilisme, ameiiotes par Tinsuline. J. sc. med. Lille, 1927, 45: pt 2, 21-5.—Lichty, J. A. Personal experience with the use of iletin (insulin) in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Atlantic M. J., 1923-24, 27: 5-11.—Lyon, D. M. Observations on the use of insulin. Lancet, Lond., 1924, 2: 158-62.— Maclean, H. On the present position of diabetes and glyco- suria, with observations on the new insulin treatment. Ibid., 1923, 1: 1039-46.—Major, R. H. Further observations on the insulin treatment of diabetes. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1923, 23: 148-51.—Malamud, T. Un caso de diabetes grave juvenil tratado durante 5 anos con insulina; embarazo normal con feto a termino. Rev. Soc. med. int., B. Air., 1928, 4: 529^0.— Mauriac, P., Piechaud, F., & Aubertin, E. De quelques cas de diabete traites par Tinsuline. Gaz. sc med. Bordeaux, 1923, 44: 608-11. Also Bull. Soc med. chir. Bordeaux-, 1923- 24, 364-71.—Nicely, W. E., & Edmondson, C. C. The use of insulin in treatment of diabetes; report of some cases. Am. J M Sc 1924, 167: 570-86.—Nicholson, S. T. Studies of an insulin-treated diabetic. Clifton M. Bull., 1923-24, 9: 54-8 — Nielsen, R. [Number of diabetics in Denmark treated with insulin] Ugeskr. lager, 1928, 90: 850-2.—Nobecourt. Sur diabetique de 18 ans et demi traite depuis 3 ans et demi par Tinsuline. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1926, 40: 849-56. Also Gazz. osp., 1927, 48: 176-81.—Oddo, J. Trois cas de diabete traites par une insuline de preparation nouvelle. Marseille med., 1924, 61: 601-7—Olmsted, W. H., & Kahn, S. H. Observa- tions on use of insulin in diabetes mellitus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1923 80: 1903-7.—Roller, R. D., jr. A few notes on insulin; ease reports. West Virginia M. J., 1927, 23: 361-3.—Rossi, A. In tema di diabete e di insulino-terapia. Gior. elm. med., 1929, 10: 935-43.—Salkind & Semenza. Sopra nove casi di diabete mellito trattati con l'insulina. Morgagm, 1923, 65: pt 1, 409-22.—Souza Aranha, M. E. de. Algumas consideracoes em torno do tratamento do diabetes. Ann. paul. med. cir., 1929, 20: 2-8.—Spriggs, E. I., Pickering, D. V., & Leigh, A. J. Report on a case of diabetes treated with insulin. Brit. M. J., 1923, 2: 58-60.—Sutter, C. C, & Murlin, J. R. Three months study of the influence of the antidiabetic substance on a case of severe diabetes. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1922-23, 20: 68.—Tilburg, B. J. Q. van [An instructive case of diabetes treated with insuhn] Geneesk. gids, 1923-24, 1: 276-9.— INSVLIN THERAPY 362 INSULIN THERAPY Villa, L. Considerazioni su tre casi di diabete mellito curati con insulina. Arch, pat., Bologna, 1923, 2: 619.—Zoja, L. Note cliniche e terapeutiche sui diabete e sulTinsulina. Atti Soc lomhard. sc. med., 1927, 16: 434-88. ---- Coma. See also Blood sugar, low: Hyperinsulinism; also Insulin therapy subheadings (Hypoglycemia; Shock) Beck, W. Hvpoglykamie mit todlichem Ausgang. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 212. Bligaard, K. [Insulin cases diagnosed as epilepsy and hysteria] I'ge.-kr. hreger, 1940, 102: 505-7.— Braestrup, A. [Investigation on the effect of large doses of insulin, interruption of insulin coma] Nord. med., 1939, 1: 902-4.—Brill, H., & Binzley, R. F. Involuntary eye move- ments as a criterion of depth of insulin coma. Am. J. Psvchiat., 1939^0. 96: 177-81.— Cavalieri d'Oro, E. La convulsione spontanea nella terapia insulinica. Gior. psichiat., 1939, 67: 175.—Centini, I). Afasia amnestica ed aprassia motoria a carattere transitorio come incidenti relativi al coma insulinico. Rass. stud, psichiat., 1939, 28: 545-53.—Chabrol, E. Le coma insulinique. In Lecons du dimanche (Carnot, P.) Par., 1929, 1. ser., 251-72.—Combemale, P., Warembourg, H., & Parsy, D. La glycemie et l'indice chromique residuel, dans le coma insulinique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 128: 1155.—Corwin, W. C. The mechanism of insulin convulsions, a critical review. Collect, Papers Mayo Clin., 19.38, 30: 421. -----r Effect of stellate ganglionectomy on carbohydrate metabolism and on hypoglvcemic convulsions caused by administration of insulin. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1939, 14: 374-6.—Curti, G. Interruzione del sinergismo dei movimenti oculari durante il coma insulinico? Riv. pat. nerv., 1938, 52: 171.—Dahl, B. [Death from insulin poisoning with remarks on overdosing| Norsk mag. tegevid., 1928, 89: 40-55.— Donini. F. Modificazioni della cronassia motoria nei coma da insulino-shock-terapia. Riv. sper. freniat., 1939, 63: 5S1 9S.—Ferris, E. B., jr. Rosenbaum, M. [et al.] Intracranial blood flow in insulin coma. Arch. Nc ur. Psychiat., Chic, 1941, 46: 509-12.—Frostig, J. P., Bennett, C. R. [et al.] Insulin convulsions, a method of prevention. Am. J. Psychiat., 1941-42, 98: 369-73.—Gordon, G. J. On the characteristic features of insulin coma. Delaware M. J., 1938, 10: 87 91.—Gralnick, A. The retina and intraocular tension during prolonged insulin coma, with autopsy eve- findings. Am. J. Ophth., 1941, 24: 1174-85.—Hrubetz, M. C. On the nature of insulin convulsions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 193S. 38: 300.—Karasek, F. [Insulin spasms] Cas. iek. cesk., 1925, 64: 383-5.—Kobler, F. Histologischer Gehirn- befund nach Insulinkoma. Arch. Psychiat,, Berl., 1937-38, 107: 688-700.—Langfeldt, G. Insulin sensitivity and opium cure, dee)i coma with 7-2 unit of insulin. Lancet, Lond., 1937. 2: 1135.—Laqueur. E., Grevenstuk, A., A de Jongh, S. E. Beziehung von II vpoglvkainie und Krampfen nach Insulin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1925, 51: 178-80.—Lups, S., & Kramer, F. Das Verhalten der lieffexe im Insulinkoma. Schweiz. Arch. Xeur. Psychiat., 1940, 45: 213-29 (micro- film)—Ziegler, M. R., & McQuarrie, I. Mechanism of insulin convulsions, serum electrolytes and blood sugar in relation to occurrence of convulsions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 39: 523-5. ------ Mechanism of insulin convulsions, effects of varving partial pressures of atmospheric 02, N2 and C02. Ibid., 39: 525-7. ------ Mechanism of insulin convulsions, effects of varying partial pressures of atmospheric gases after adrenalectomy. Ibid., 1939, 42: 513. ------ Experimental studies concerning the pathology of insulin convulsions. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 918.— McQuarrie, I.. Ziegler, M. R. [et al.] Studies on mechanism of insulin convulsions; significance of serum electrolytes; effects of breathing atmospheres varying widely in oxygen and carbon dioxide content. Chin. M. J., 1940, 58: 1-25, pl. ------ Studies on mechanism of insulin convulsions; effects of varying partial pressures of atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide in adrenalectomized animals. Ibid., 26-38.—Mas de Ayala, I. El coma insulinico; su semiologia y sus sfntomas neurologicos. Arch. urug. med., 1939, 15: 313-20.—Moracci, E. Sui fenomeni convulsivi da sostanze ipoglicemizzanti nei Colombo; contri- buto alia conoscenza dei fattori che determinano la comparsa delle convulsioni da insulina. Riv. pat. sper., 1934-35, 12: 105-26.—Petren, K. [Deaths from coma after insulin therapv] Sven. lak. tidn., 1928. 25: 971-5.—Phillips, R. A., & Barker, S. B. Insulin convulsions after removal of the stellate ganglia. Am. J. Physiol.. 1938. 124: 202-4.—Roche, E. H. Insulin hypoglycemic coma with a report of 2 fatal cases. Brit, M. J., 1942, 2: 35-7.—Sevringhaus, E. L. Hypoglycemic coma due to repeated ni-ulin overdosage. Am. J. M. Sc, 1926, 172: 573-80.—Vesterdal Jprgensen, J. [Hypoglycemia, convulsions, lactic acid and liver glycogen irr rabbits, treated with insulin Nord. med., 1940, 5: 217-20.—Vie, J., & Opolon. Coma prolonge avec troubles tonique<. cloniques et asphyxiques au cours d'un traitement par Tinsuline. Ann. med. psychol Par., 1940, 98: 337-41.—Weichmann, E. Difficulties in the diagnosis of insulin coma. J. Am. M. A-s., 1929, 92: 1495. ---- Comparative evaluation. Allen, F. M. Action of amorphous, crystalline zinc and protamine zinc insulin. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1939, 54: 297-301. ------ Comparison of different preparations of amorphous and zinc crystalline insulin. Endocrinology, 1940, 26: 208-17.—Altshulfr. S. S. The clinical use of cnsi.dline insulin. Ann Int. M.. 1937 38, 11:901-6. Bailey, C. {'., & Marble, A. Mistime zinc insulin, globin (zinc) insulin and clear protamine zinc insulin, a comparative' study of their action. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 683-90. Barach. J. H. Experimental studies on the effects of insulin, prolamine insulin, and cnstalline insulin. Pennsylvania M. J., 1936-37, 40: 349-52.—iiaskett, R. F. Thp use of various insulins in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. \. Oilcans M. & S. .1.. 1912-43, 95: 428-32.—Bennett, T. I., Davie. T. M. [et al] The treat- ment of diabetes, clinical and experimental observations with new insulins. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 1219-23- Bowcock, H. Solution of zinc-insulin crystals; a new therapeutic agent; comparison with unmodified and protamine zinc insulin. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1938, 27: 361-3. ------ & Wilkinson. C. Solution of zinc-insulin crystals versus regular insulin and protamine zinc insulin. Ibid., 351-5.—Broun, D., & Schwab, H. Insuline-zinc-geiatine et insuline-zinc-protamine; etude experi- mentale de leur action h\ poglycemiante chez le lapin. Paris med., 1937, 105: 212-5.— Burger, M. Insulin and (ilukagun in ihren Beziehungen zum Diabetes. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 301- 3.—Carlborg, LI. Experiences with zinc insulin (and zinc-pro- tamine-insulin) Acta med. scand., 1938, 96: Suppl. 89, 259- 81.—Csepai, K., A Forstner, B. Clinical value of insulin pre- parations] Orv. hetil.. 1930, 74: 65.—Duncan, G. G., & Barnes, C. E. The action of globin insulin compared with that of crvstalline, unmodified, and protamine zinc insulin. Am. J. M. Sc. 1941, 202: 553-63.—Duncan, G. G., Cuttle, T. I).. & Jewesbury, E. C. O. Observations on the comparative critical values of zinc insulin crystals in solution and unmodified insulin. Bull. Aver Clin. Lab., 1938-39, 3: 293-306.—Fein- blatt, H. M., & Ferguson, E. Report of comparative blood sugars in diabetes with standard insulin and with new improved insulin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1937, 145: 67.—Freund, H. A., & Adler, S. Effects of standard, protamine and crystalline insulin on blood sugar levels. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 573-7.— Gjuric. A., A Cermitk, J. [Treatment of diabetes by new types of insulin] Cas. lek. Cesk., 1938, 77: 568-75 — Himsworth, H. P. Protamine insulin and zinc protamine insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 541-6.------• The insulin compounds in the treatment of diabetes. Clin. J., Lond., 1937, 66: 208-11.—Howe, C. W., & Bell, D. W. J. Comparative results in protaminc-zinc and unmodified insulin therapy. N. England J. M., 1937, 216: 1095 100. -John, H. J. The treatment of diabetes; use of protamine and crystalline insulin. N. York State J. M., 1938, 38: 1266-72.—Joslin, E. P. The insulins in the treat- ment of diabetes. Proc. Interest. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1939, 197-201. ------ Insulin, old and new, in the treatment of diabetes. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 35: 52(1-31. ------ The use of insulin in its various forms in the treat- ment of diabetes. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1942, 18:200-16 — Kopelovich, M. A., & Pavlotskaia, L. Z. ['Treatment of diabetes mellitus with histon-zinc-insulin and triprotamin-zinc-insulin of Soviet manufacture] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 113-22.— Lavietes, P. H. 'Tin; use of insulin and protamine insulin in the treatment of diabetes. Advance. Int. M., N. Y., 1942, 1: 31-61.—Myers, G. B., & Perkin, F. S. Comparative effects of the new insulin preparations upon the blood sugar curve. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1937-38, 23: 1 9. Nelson, K. R. Compara- tive studies of regular insulin, crystalline insulin, and prota- mine-zinc-insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Hosp, News, Wash., 1937, 4: No. 10, 1-38, 6 pl.—Nelson, W. E., & Bummer, C. Clinical experience with protamine and crystal- line insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus in children. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 446-55.—Peck, F. B. 'Thera- peutic application of the. various insulins. South. M. A S., 1941, 103: 539-45.—Ralli. E. P., Brandaleone, H., & Fein, H. D. Observations on the comparable effects of protamine zinc and regular insulin in diabetic patients followed over a period of years. Ann. Int. M., 1942, 16: 750-61.—Ricketts, H. T., & Wilder, R. M. Solutions of amorphous insulin and solutions of zinc insulin crystals, clinical studies of the com- parative speed and duration of action. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1310-2.—Schramm, R. Erfahrungen mit Zink-Prota- mininsulin and Depotinsulin Haver. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 470-4 (microfilm)—Smyth, F. S., & Olney, M. B. Com- parative studies on the use of standardized protamine zinc and crystalline insulin. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 919.— Strieck, F. Klinische Erfahrungen iiber die Anwendung neuer Insulin. Erg. inn. Med. Kinderh., 1939, 57: 546-81.— Tecoz, R. M. Le traitement du diabete par les nouvelles insulines. Praxis, Bern, 1938, 27: 317-20.—Turner, C. C. The relative value of insulins in the treatment of diabetes. Kentucky M. J., 1941, 39: 170-6.—Wilder, R. M. La insulina y la protamina zinc insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes. Dia med., B. Air., 1941, 13: 174-7. Control methods. See also Blood sugar, Regulation: Functional tests; Diabetes mellitus, Treatment: Control methods. Chabrol, E. Comment diriger une cure d'insuline. J. med. fr., 1923, 12: 397-400.—Grott, J. V., & Szpidbaum, H. Recherches sur la courbe de la glycemie au cours de la journee chez les diabetiques et son importance pour le traitement insulinique. Sang, Par., 1934. 8: 49-70.—Gugliucci, A. La glicemia optima; particolare comportamento della ghcemia nei INSULIN THERAPY 363 INSULIN THERAPY diabetici durante la insulinoterapia. Arch. stud, fisiopat. ricambio, 1938, 6: 81-92.—Hoogslag, W. [Unreliability of urine-examination in insulin treatment] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1924, 68: pt 1, 1649.—Innes, A. Insulin treatment without blood sugar estimations. Brit. M. J., 1924, 1: 55.—John, H. J. Variations in the blood-sugar content following the administra- tion of insulin. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1925-26, 1: 548-60.—Juda, A. [Importance of the day curve of blood sugar and of urinary sugar for the treatment of diabetes] Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1942, 23: 105-9.—Labbe, M. Les variations de la glycemie au cours du nycthemSre chez les diabetiques traites par Tinsuline. Prat. med. fr., 1932, 13: 588-94.—Leeuw, J. R. A. de. Die Korrelation zwischen dem Initialblutzuckerwert und dem Blutzuckergehalt nach der Injektion von Insulin. Acta brevia neerl., 1936, 6: 17-21.—Lemann, I. L, & Sullivan, M. The lability of diurnal blood sugar levels in insulin treated diabetics: the fallacy of basing therapy upon fasting blood sugar determinations. Internat. Clin., 1934, 44. ser., 4: 45-53.—Mauriac, P., Broustet, P., & Traissac, E. La glycemie fournit-elle un critere ptecis de revolution d'un diabete traite par Tinsuline? Gaz. hop., 1932, 105: 1321.—Nicholson, S. T., ir & Hubbard, R. S. Blood sugar determinations in diabetics treated with insulin (iletin) Clifton M. Bull., 1923-24, 9: 43-54.—Rabinowitch, I. M. The cholesterol content of the blood plasma as an index of progress in insulin-treated diabetics. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1927, 17: 171-5.—Rathery, F., Plantefol, A., & Plantefol, L. Recherches sur les echanges res piratoires et le metabolisme basal dans le diabete; action du traitement insulini- que; epreuve au glucose. Ann. physiol., Par., 1933, 9: 139- 202 —Scott, E. L., & Dotti, L. B. Insulin dosage and blood sugar changes. Arch. Int. M., 1932, 50: 511-37.—Smith, M An unusual blood sugar finding during an insulin reac- tion. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 195: 663.—Williams, J. R. The insulin coefficient, an improved method for the clinical control of diabetes mellitus. Ann. Int. M., 1931, 5: 264-73. ---- Crystalline insuline. See also Insulin, crystalline. Altshuler, S. S., & Leiser, R. Clinical experience with an improved crystalline insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1626-9.----— The use of crystalline insulin in the treatment of patients with severe diabetes. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1938, 37: 980-3.—Burger, M. Die Einwirkung des kristallinischen Insulins auf die Korper der Restkohlenstoffgruppe. Zbl. inn. Mel, 1934, 55: 487-90. ------& Piitzold, A. Ueber kristal- linisches Insulin; iiber die Einwirkung von kristallirfischem Insulin auf den S toff wechsel des Diabetikers. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1933-34, 174: 118-29.—Feinblatt, H. M. Crystal- line insulin therapy; absence of foreign protein reaction. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1938, 148: 380.—Howard, J. E., & De Lawder, A. Crvstalline insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1933, 52: 173-8.—Levitt, A., & Jaskie- wicz, S. J. Clinical experience with crystalline insulin. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939-40, 6: 110-2.—Mains, M. P., & McMullen, C. J. The clinical investigation of an improved crystalline insuhn. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 959-62. ---- Depot insulin. See also Insulin, depot. Strauch, W. *Depotinsulin in der ambulanten Diabetesbehandlung. 19p. 23cm. Berl., 1939. Ammon, R- Erfahrungen mit Depotinsulinen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 1388-92. ------ Die Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit Depotinsulin. Munch, med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 1046. ------ Die Entwicklung der Therapie mit Depot-Insulinen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1938, 79: 267-70 — Banse, H. J. Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Verzogerungsinsulinen in der Diabetesbehandlung. Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 1359-63.—Beckert, W. Erfahrungen in der Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit Depotinsulin Bayer. Munch, med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 1594-6.—Beckmann, K., & Weitzsacker, J. Klinische Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Denotinsulinen. Klin. Wschr., 1938, 17: 1321-5. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 376-8 (microfilm)—Bernhardt, H. Depotsetzung wasserloslicher Medikamente (Insulindepot) Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1928, 40. Kongr., 269-74 — Bertram, F. Ueber Depotinsuhne. Med. Khn., Berl., 1938, 34: 1186-9.—Camerini, G. Osservazioni sulla terapia del diabete mellito con insulina a lento riassorbimento. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1940, 69: 471-88, 33 graphs.—Dienst, C. Gefahren der Depotinsulinbehandlung und Vorschlage zu ihrer Bekampfung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 364-6 (microfilm) ------ Depotinsulinbehandlung und hypo- glykiimischer Schock. Ther. Gegenwart, 1941, 82: 164-7 — Dogliotti, G. C, & Giannini, R. Espenenze cliniche su un nuovo preparato insulinico ad azione protratta. Minerva med., Tor., 1939, 30: pt 1, 453-9.—Donhoffer, S., & Halasz, M. [Clinical experiences with insulin of prolonged action] Orv. hetil 1938 82: 1186-8.—Engelmann, G. Inwieweit bestehen besondere Gefahren bei der Depotinsulinbehandlung? Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 36: 746-8,—Falta, W. Ein Fall yon schwerer Hypoglykiimie nach Depotinsulin. Wien khn. Wschr 1941 54: 39. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1941, 91: 87__Gottlebe P Klinische Erfahrungen mit Depotinsulinen. Klin. Wschr.,'1939, 18: 485-9.—Gray, P. A. The treatment of diabetes mellitus with insoluble insulin compounds. Endo- crinology 1936, 20: 461-72—Hamdi. Ergene [Treatment of diabetes mellitus with depot insulin] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi, 1939, 68: 37-40.—Hartmann, J. Depotinsulinbehandlung des Diabetes mellitus. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 751 (microfilm) Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 820 (microfilm) Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 817 (microfilm) Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 576.—Holland, G., & Weyer, M. Zur Behandlung der Zuckerharnruhr mit Depot-Insulin (De- posulin) Munch, med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 215-8.—Irle, S. Nativinsulin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1316.^Katsch, G., & Klatt, K. Insulin-Depotbehandlung. Ibid., 1937, 33: 369.—Kestermann, E., & Schleining, T. Weitere Erfahrungen mit der Depotinsulinbehandlung. Ibid., 1939, 35: 567-9.— Koster, P. Die Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit De- potinsulin. Fortsch. Ther., 1938, 14: 457-64.—Lasch, F. Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Depotinsulin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 1154.—Linneweh, F., & Eitel, M. Ueber Depotinsulin-Behandlung des kindlicheri Diabetes. Klin. Wschr., 1938, 17: 1507.—Maier, D. Erfahrungen mit De- potinsulin. Deut. Zsehr. Verdauungskr., 1938-39, 1: 13-20 — Martin, P. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung verschiedener Depotinsuline. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1939, 105: 599-606.- Micklinrrhoff-Malten, B. Die Umstellung auf Depotinsulin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 12-5.—Oeller, H. Ueber die Wirkungsart der Depotinsuline bei einmalig tag- licher Injektion. Munch, med. WTschr., 1939, 86: 1689-94.— Ortoleva, G. Le insuline ad azione ritardata ed il loro impiego nella terapia antidiabetica. Gior. med. prat., 1938, 20: 366- 73.—Prozorovsky, B. M., Egorova, M. N., & Voskresenskaia, N. A. [Insulin depot in treatment of diabetes mellitus] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 60: No. 2, 87-96.—Reinwein, H. Aussprache uber die Praxis der Depotinsulinbehandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1235; 1269; 1307; 1334; 1361 (microfilm)— Robbers, H., & Stoll, W. Die Einstellung der Zuckerkranken auf Dauerinsulin; Ibid., 1938, 34: 1215-8.—Schramm, R. Depotinsulinbehandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit Deposulin Brunnengraber. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1938, 182: 402-12 — Schrank, A. Die Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit Depotinsulin (Deposulin) Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 1677-80.—Schwab, R. Ueber klinische Erfahrungen mit Deposulin. Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: 806 (Abstr.)—Schweers, A. Klinische Untersuchungen zur Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit Depotinsulin Insugerman. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 392-6— Shepardson, H. C, & Friedlander, R. D. Clinical experiences with long-acting insulin in ambulatorv diabetic patients. Ann. Int. M., 1938-39, 12: 830-7.—Srnetz, K. Bedeuten die Depotinsuline einen Fortschritt in der Dia- betesbehandlung? Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 348-52.— Stotter, G. Aussprach iiber die Praxis der Depotinsulinbe- handlung. Fortsch. Ther., 1941, 17: 100-3.—Stoll, W. Zur Depotwirkung des Nativinsulins. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 1603-6.—Taeger, H. Einige Beobachtungen bei der Depot- insulinbehandlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 1718. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939,86: 1294. ------& Danish, L. Klinische Erfahrungen mit Deposulin. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1639-42.—Tillgren, J., & Carlborg, U. Le traitement dia- betique par insuline de depot et par administration d'insuline ttes matinale. Acta med. scand., 1938, 96: Suppl. 90, 73-9.— Umber, F. Erfolge der Depotinsulinbehandlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 1025-7. •------ Diabetesbehandlung und Depotinsulin. Ibid., 1941, 67: 342-5. ------ & Storring, F. K. Erfolge der Insulindepot-Behandlung des Diabetes durch Insulin-Durante. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1710-7. ------ & Engelmann, G. Weitere klinische Erfahrungen an 240 Diabetikern mit dem neuartigen Nativ-Insulin-Depot. Ibid., 1939, 18: 837-9.—Umber, F., Storring, F. K., & Follmer, W. Erfolge mit einem neuartigen Depotinsulin ohne Protamin- zusatz (Surfen-Insulin) Ibid., 1938, 17: 443-6.—Umber, F., Storring, F. K., & Glet, E. Klinische und ambulante Erfahrun- gen mit verschiedenen Insulindepotpriiparaten an 250 Dia- betikern. Ibid., 190-6.—Veiel, K. Ueber ambulante Um- stellung Zuekerkranker auf Depotinsulin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1339-41.—Walinski, F., & Hahn, L. Erfahrungen mit Depot-Insulin Bayer. Ibid., 1114.—Welz, A. Die Ein- stellung auf Dauerinsulin. Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: g97_g —Wilder, R. M. Clinical investigations of insulins with prolonged activity. Ann. Int. M., 1937, 11: 13-30.—Zirwer, K. Beobachtungen uber Insulindepotbehandlung. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1121.—Zubiran, S. Los compuestos insolubles de insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes. Gac med. Mexico, 1938, 68: 1-26. ---- Dosage and requirements. Morin, J. [nee Lormand] *Les injections continues d'insuline; deductions physiologiques et therapeutiques. 55p. 8? Par., 1938. Allen, F. M. The timing of insulin doses. J. Am. M. Ass., 1924, 82: 1937.—Baranov, V. G. [Treatment of diabetes with hypoglycemic doses of insulin] Klin, med., Moskva, 1939, 17: No 12, 11-21.—Barnard, E. J. W. Dosage of insulin. Lancet, Lond.,'1942, 1: 399.—Baudouin, A., & Lewin, J. Injection intraveineuse continue d'insuline chez l'homme; recherche de la dose Hmite. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 121: 1594-6.----— & Azerad. E. Injections intraveineuses continues d insuline; recherche de la dose d'entretien chez 3 diabetiques.^ Ibid., 1938, 127: 380-2. ------ Injections continues d'insuline chez'le chien; dose limite par voie intra-arterielle et intra- veineuse mesenterique. Ibid., 1935, 120: 865. —---- In- jections continues d'insuline chez les diabetiques; dose neces- INSULIN THERAPY 364 INSULIN THERAPY saire pour ramener la glycemie a la normale. Ibid., 1938, 127: 378-80. -Bauer, J., & Monguio, J. Ueber den Schwellenwert d.s Insulins. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1932, 121: 476.—Beale, S. M., jr. Clinical uses of small doses of insulin. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1937. 43: 222-6.—Behr, G. Dosage of insulin. Lancet, Lond., 1912, 1: 459.—Bischoff, F., & Jemte- gaard, L. M. Divided dos aire of insulin. Am. J. Physiol., 1937, 119: 149-52.—Boiler, K..& Falta, W. Ueber das Glukose- Aequivalent des Insulins. Mitt. Ges. inn. Med. Wien, 1932, 31: 98-110, tab.—Boiler, R., & Uiberrak, K. Der Einfluss chronischer und akuter Hyperinsulinisierung auf die ali- mentare Hyperglykamie beim Diabetes mellitus. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1935, 27: 75-96. Bose, J. P. Insulin re- quirements in India. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 573.—Bowcock, H. M. A graphic demonstration of insulin dosage. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 338.—Browning, E. Diabetes treated with decreasing dosage of insuhn. Brit. M. J., 1924, 1: 424.— Cammidge, P. J. The do-aire of insulin. Practitioner, Lond., 1925, 115: 190-7.—Clark, B. B., Gibson, R. B., & Paul, W. D. Use of insulin in divided doses to manage severe uncomplicated diabetes and to control complicated medical crises. Arch. Int. M., 1935, 56: 360r73 — Desgrez, A., Bierry, H., & Rathery. F. Les doses d'insuline; leurs effets physiologiques et thera- peutiques. Bull. g6n. ther., 1925, 176: 200-11.—Donhoffer, S., & Liposits, E. Insulinbedarf und Diabetestvp. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1938-39, 183: 218-29; 1939, 184: 179-82.— Falta, W. Insulinbedarf und Diabetes-Typ. Ibid., 1939, 184: 175-8. ------ & Boiler, R. Ueber das Glukose-Aequivalent des Insulins. Wien. med. Wschr., 1932. 82: 1296— Felsch, K. Behandlung der Zuekei krankheit mit klein-ten Mengen Insulin. Deut. med. Wschr.. 1925, 51: 1198.—Fornet, W. Ueber Dosierun. Soc M., Lond., 1937-38, 31: 137-48.—Penson, J., & Wohl. J. Recherches sur Thypoglycemie postinsulinique chez les diabetiques. Presse nte'd., 1935, 43: 63-5.—Petty, O. H., & Knode, K. Hypo- glycemic reaction or insulin shock. Ann. Clin. M., 1924, 3: 380-4.—Piazza, G. Le variazioni del contenuto in fosforo del tessuto muscolare durante Tipoglicemia insulinica. Arch. farm, sper., 1926, 43: 28-32.—Priesel, R., & Wagner, R. Die Gefahren der Insulin-Hvpoglvkamie im Kindesalter Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 65.—Pullar-Stricker. H. Counter measures in prolonged hypoglycaemia. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 350.—Randall, W. L., Feller, A. E., & Greene, J. A. Mani- festations of ins ilin hypoglycemia mistaken for other disease in patients with known dialni'-s mellitus. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1938, 28: 392-5.—Rathery, F.Av Froment. P. Hypoglycemics insuliniques silencieuses. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1941, 57: 322-8.—Rennie, T. A. ('., A- Howard, J. E. Hypoglycemia and tension-depressioii. Psychosomat. M., 1942, 4: 273-82.— Richter, C. P. Increased dextrose appetite of normal rats treated with insulin. Am. J. Physiol., 1941-42, 135: 781-7.— RiTers. T. D. Effect of vitamin Bt, sucrose and sorbitol on certain comnlications of insulin hypoglycemia, a clinical report. Arch. Neur. 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Ueber den Ersatz von Zucker durch andere chemisch definierte Kdrper bei der Bekampfung und Hintanhaltung des (lurch Insulin her vuigei uleneii h vpogl vkamischen Kompiexes. Bio- chem. Zsehr., 1927. 181: 327 -32.—Simonsen, K. M. Tilfaelde af hvpoglvkaemi med psvkiske svinptomer. Nord. med., 1941, I 1 : 2227 (Abstr.)—Stenger, K. Ueber die Beziehungen von Lipoidamie zur Insulinwirkung und Schock. Dent. Zsehr. Verdauungskr., 1940, 4: 50-4.—Stief, S.. & Tokay. L. [Pathol- ogy of brain in hyrjgrinsulinism] Orv. hetil., 1932, 76: 707.— Sutnar, B. [At what time of the day does the h.\ pnglycemic reaction manifest itself, in diabetics treated with insulin] Cas, iek. 6esk., 1934, 73: 971.—Vedel, Vidal, J., & Chaptal, J. Accidents hypoglycemiques au cours d'un diabete maigre traite par Tinsuline avec amelioration du trouble basal. Arch. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1928, 9: 327-36.—Vesa. A. Elektrokardiographische Untersuchungen bei Hypoglykiimie, Acta Soc. med. Duodecim. 1938-39, ser. B, 26: No. 9, 1-103.— Wagner, R. Zum Zustandsbild der Ilypoglykamie nach Insulindarreichung. Wien. med. Wschr., 1925, 75: 252.— Weil, A.. Liebert, E., & Heilbrunn, G. Histology of the brain in experimental hyperinsulinism. Arch. Path., Chic, 1937,24: 838.— Wiechmann, E. Hvpoglvkamie bei Insulindarreichung. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 529-34.--Yannet. H., & Iannucci, J. F. Effect of prolonged insulin hypoglycemia on distribution of water and electrolytes in brain and in muscle. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1939. 42: 237-47. Zimmerman, H. M. Lesions of the nervous system in hyperinsulinism. Arch. Path., Chic, 1929, 28: 276-8. -Ziskind. E., Hollombe, B. S., & Bolton, R. O. Incidence and differential diagnosis of hypo- glycemic convulsions. Am. J. M. Sc, 1936, 192: 600-10.— Zucker, T. F., & Berg, B. N. The role of the adrenal gland in blood sugar recovery after insulin hypoglycemia. Am. J. Physiol., 1937, 119: 539-48. ---- Indication. Beale, S. M., jr. Newer clinical uses of insulin. Tr. Am, Laryng. Ass., 1934, 40: 27-39. Also Laryngoscope, 1934, 44: 900 -75.—Biirger. M. Die Bedeutung des Insulins fiir die Augenheilkunde. Zschr._ Augenh., 1925, 55: 326-42.— Campbell, W. R. The indications for the use of insulin, Canad. M. Ass. J., 1930. 22: 188-92.—Cheinisse, L. L'insuline: sa valeur therapeutique et ses indications. Presse med., 1923, 31: 991.—Darnet. J. J. La insulina en dermatologfa. Sem. med., B. Air., 1927. 34: 819-24.—Falta. Welche sind die Indikationen zur Insulinbehandlung? WTien. klin. Wschr., 1925, 38: 1395. -Foster, N. B. Insulin; its use and misuse. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 1971-7.—Guha. A. K. The thera- peutic uses of insulin. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1935-36, 5: 375-7.— Henszelmann, A. [Use of insulin] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: mell., 45.—Jervey, J. W., jr. Insulin in otolaryngology, a compara- tive study. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1939, 45: 323-7 — Jordan. A., & Laptew, W. Insulin bei einigen Hautkrankheiten. Derm. Wschr., 1936, 103: 1284-6.—Joselin, E. P., Root. H. F. [et al.] Therapeutic applications of insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 359-68.—Lavietes, P. H. The use and abuse of insulin. Rhode Island M. J., 1938, 21: 5-10.—Lawrence, R. D. The use and abuse of insulin. Tr. M. Soc London, 1936, 59: 52-65. Also Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 1235. Also Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1936, 192: 10-3.—Leopold-Levi. A propos de Tinsuline. Clinique, Par., 1929, 24: 247.—Lier, E. H. B. van. [Insuline and its certain contraindications] Geneesk. gids, 1936, 14: 411-7;—Maselli, M. L'insulina: applicazioni diabetiche ed extra-diabetiche. Athena, Roma, 1935, 4: 205-13.—Mayhew, J. M. Indications for the adminis- tration of insulin. Nebraska AL J., 1923, 8: 433-6.—Mendonca Castro. Indicacoes da insulina. Arch, brasil. med., 1927, 17: 19-36.—Neumark, S. Ueber Insulinbehandlung einiger Hauterkrankungen. Derm. Wschr., 1928, 86: 525-35.— Pitfield, R. L. The various uses of insulin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1940, 152: 285-8.—Protas, M. The insulins, their diabetic and nondiabetic usages. South. M. & S., 1940, 102: 371-6 — Radoslav, C. [Insulin in practice] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1926, 15: 611-20.—Reily. L. A. Uses and abuses of insulin. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1927, 20: 188-92.—Ross, G. Indications for the use of insulin. S. Michael Hosp. M. Bull., Toronto, 1923-24, 1: 92-8.—Simon, F. Blutzuckergehalt und Insulin- behandlung von Dermatosen. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1920, 37: 363-70.—Tuohy, E. L. Indications for the use of insulin. Minnesota M., 1921. 7: 5-8.—Uses (The) of insulin. Annual Rep. Chief Med. Off., Lond., 1934, 157-60.—Wilder, R. M. Indications for the use of insulin. Northwest M.. 1924, 23: 444-7. ---- Indication, diabetic. See also Diabetes mellitus, Treatment. Chacar, J. Contribution k I'etude du traite- ment du diabete par l'insuline. 22p. 8? Geneve, 1927. Adams, S. F. Insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus. Med. Woman J., 1924, 31: 160-3.—Aiazzi Mancini, M. Insulina e diabete (firiologia, fisiopatologia, farmacologia, applicazioni clinico-terapeutiche) Riv. crit. clin. med., 1924, 25: 214- INSULIN THERAPY 367 INSULIN THERAPY 25 —Allan, G. A. Diabetes mellitus and its treatment by insulin. Brit. M. J., 1924, 1: 50-3.—Andreiev, K. M., & Karasikov, J. J. [Insulinotherapy in diabetes mellitus] Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 915-9.—Anotaciones relativas al empleo de la insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes, nuevas fuentes de producci6n de esa substancia. Bol. Cons. nac. hig., Montev., 1924, 19: 131-8.—Armas, J. C. de. El tratamiento de la diabetes azucarada por la insulina. Rev. med. cir., Caracas, 1923-24, 7: 66-70.—Ascoli, V., Silvestri, S., & Marino, S. L'insulina nella terapia del diabete mellito. Probl. nutriz., Roma, 1924, 1: 403-8.—Bagdafyan, M. G. [Insulin in treat- ment of diabetes] Vrach. gaz., 1925, 29: 541-4.—Baranov, V. G. [Indications for treating diabetes with insulin and methods of its use] Vrach. gaz., 1926, 30: 937-40.—Bierry, H. Diabete et insuline. Medecine, Par., 1922-23, 4: 951.—Biondi, G. Insulino-terapia e diabete. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1924, 29: 81-3.—Bith, H. Tratamiento de la diabetes azucarada con insulina. Gac med. Caracas, 1924, 31: 102-7.—Black, D. R. Iletin treatment of diabetes. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1923, 20: 218-23.—Blair, A. A. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1924-25, 21: 155-62.—Bordoni Posse, C. La insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes. Arch. urug. med., 1933, 3: 383-92.—Brandenburg, K. Ueber die Behandlung der Zuckerkrankheit mit Einspritzungen von Insulin, eines aus der Bauchspeicheldriise gewonnenen, zuckerspaltenden Stoffes. Med. Klin., Berl., 1923, 19: 945.—Ceconi, A. Un nuovo rimedio contro il diabete: l'insulina. Minerva med., Tor., 1923, 3: 427-9.—Chabanier, H. Du traitement du diabete sucre par Tinsuline. J. med. Paris, 1924, 43: 95-100. ------ Lobo- Onell, C., & Lebert, M. Des indications fournies par I'etude de 70 cas de diabete sucre traites par Textrait alcoolique de pancteas (insuline) J. med. fr., 1923, 12: 373-81. ------ De la cure d'extrait alcoolique de pancteas (insuline) chez les diabetiques. Rev. internat. med. chir., Par., 1923, 34: 39-42. ■----- El extracto alcoh61ico de pancreas (insulina) en la diabetes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1923, 30: pt 2, 266-9. De la mise en pratique du traitement du diabete par Tinsuline de la conduite du traitement de fond par les cures d'insuline et des indications de Tinsuline. Presse med., 1924, 32: 409-14. ------ De quelques indications qui se degagent de I'etude de 160 cas de diabete traites par Tinsuline. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1925, 3. ser., 93: 333-40.—Cherefeddin, O., Galimidi [et al.] Traitement du diabete sucte par Tinsuline. Gaz. med. orient, 1924. 69: 700.—Collens, W. S., Stoliarsky, R. G., & Netzer, S. Is the use of insulin indicated in the elderly diabetic with coronary sclerosis? Am. J. M. Sc, 1936; 191: 503-11, 2 pl.—Contra-indicaciones (Las) de la insulina en la diabetes. Med. ibera, 1934, 28: 384; 1935, 29: 411.—Contre-indications (Les) de Tinsuline dans le diabete. Rev. med. est, 1935, 63: 191.—Corbellini, C. Diabete, insulina e nuovi probabili orientamenti di cura. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1926, 3. ser., 14: 7-10.—Crawford, A. M. Diabetes mellitus, its modern treat- ment, with special reference to insulin. Glasgow M. J., 1923, 100: 311-25.—Crummer, LeR. The insulin treatment of diabetes. Nebraska M. J., 1923, 8: 205-7.—DeSautelle, W. T. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1923-24, 16: 279-84—Desgrez, A., Bierry, H., & Rathery, F. L'emploi de Tinsuline chez les diabetiques. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1923, 3. ser., 47: 1693-9.—Desgrez, A., Rathery, F., & Froment, A. P. Sur Tinsuline comme agent curateur du diabete. Bull. gen. ther., 1926, 177: 448-56.—Deusch, G. Die Insulinbehandlung der Zuckerkrankheit. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1924, 34: 141.—Di Core, A. L'insulina nella cura de diabete mellito. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1923, 4: 307-10.—Drouet, G. Le traitement du diabete par Tinsuline. J. med. Pans, 1923, 42: 713-6.—Ercklentz, W. Ueber die Behandlung des Diabetes mit Insulin. Deut. med. Wschr., 1923, 49: 1073. Also Gac. med. Caracas, 1923, 30: 372-5.—Escudero, P., & Iriart, M. El tratamiento de la diabetes grave por la obtenci6n de la normoglucemia insulinica. Sem. med., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 2, 645-8.—Everett, M. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Johns Hopkins Nurs. Alumnae Mag., 1923, 22: 168- 71.—Falta, W. Ueber die Behandlung mit Insulin. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1923, 36: 809. ------ Ueber die Bedeutung des Insulins fur Klinik und Behandlung der Zuckerkrankheit. Klin. Wschr., 1924, 3: 1385-9. ------ Indikationen und Kontraindikationen der Insulinbehandlung beim Diabetes. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 1411. ------ Ueber Diabetes mellitus. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 622. ----— Depisch, F., & Hdgler, F. Ueber die Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes mellitus. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1924, 8: 13-32.—Fischer, O. Ueber Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes mellitus. Munch. med. Wschr., 1924, 71: 73-6. ------ Ueber Insulin; die Behandlung nicht acut bedrohlicher Falle. Tungchi med Mschr., 1925-26, 1: 95-104.—Fitz, R. The treatment of diabetes mellitus, insulin. Med. Clin. N. America, 1923, 7: 671-3. ------& Murphy, W. P. La insulina como inversion economica para el diabetico. Sem. med., B. Air., 1924, 31: 666-70.— Forrest, W. D., Smith, W., & Winter, L. B. On the change in the nature of the blood sugar of diabetics caused by insulin. J. Physiol., Lond., 1923-24, 57: 224-33.-Foster, N. B. The treatment of severe diabetes with insulin N. York M J 1923 117* 591-4-—Franzin, B. Lo studio della ghcemia oraria nei diabetici prima ed in corso dii terapia insulinica. Arch, pat., Bologna 1932-33 12: 203-29 -Garhck J. B. The use of insulin in diabetes. Am J. Clm. M., 1923, 30: 395- 400— Gigon A. Diabetes und Insulinwirkung. Schweiz_. med. Wschr.. 1928, 58: 335-9. -——Insuhn und Diabetesfragen. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 294-6.-G.lbert, A Baudouin, A., & Chabrol E L'insuline dans le traitement des diabetes graves. J. med. fr., 1923, 12: 387-91.—Gjuric, A. [Insulin in the treat- ment of refractory diabetes] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1930, 69: 717.— Hallion. Sur Tinsuline dans le traitement du diabete. Rev. prat, biol., Par., 1923, 16: 104-7.—Harris, S., & Chapman, J. P. Insulin in diabetes. J. Florida M. Ass., 1923-24, 10: 8-10.— Helouin. Essais de clinique biologique appliquee au diabete.' Clinique, Par., 1924, 19: 251-3.—Hofmann, E. Zur Theorie und Praxis der Insulinbehandlung. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1939, 41: 339; 353.—Ide, M. Diabete et insuline. Rev. med., Louvain, 1932, 305-13.—Insulina (L') e la terapia del diabete. Gazz. osp., 1924, 45: 985-8.—Jaksch-Wartenhorst, R. Insulin und Diabetes. Zbl. inn. Med., 1924, 45: 2.—Joslin, E. P. Insulin and diabetes. Common Health, Bost., 1934, 21: 78- 81.—K., G. Das Pankreasextrakt Insulin zur Behandlung des Diabetes. Ther. Gegenwart, 1923, 64: 233.—Kaplan, A. W., & Konopnicki, J. Traitement du diabete sucte par Tinsuline. Presse med., 1928, 36: 1251-4.—Keeton, R. W. The use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1924, 13: 9-17.—Kilduffe, R. A. Insulin, its use in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Trained Nurse, 1923, 71: 404-7.—Labbe, M. Traitement du diabete par Tinsuline. Rev. internat. med. chir., Par., 1923, 34: 95-8. ------ L'in- suline et le diabete. J. med. Paris, 1924, 43: 391. L'insuline dans le traitement du diabete. Ibid., 283-5. Also Gaz. sc. med. Bordeaux, 1924, 45: 473. ------ Indications, technique" et tesultats du traitement du diabete par Tinsuline. Ann. med., Par., 1927, 22: 563-79. ------ Les indications et l'emploi de Tinsuline chez les diabetiques. Gaz. med. Paris, 1927, 397-400.—Le Clercq, F. S. L'insuline dans le traitement du diabete. Clinique, Par., 1925, 20: 34-6.—Lemann, I. I. The treatment of diabetes mellitus with insuhn (iletin) N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1923-24, 76: 31-5.—Lematte. L. Le traite- ment du diabete par Tinsuline; indications therapeutiques; posologie. Evolut. med. chir., 1923, 4: 227-30.—Lenne. Diabetes mellitus und Insulinbehandlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 238.—Lereboullet, Chabanier. H. [et al.] Insuline et diabete sucte infantile. C. rend. Congr. fr. med., 1923, 17. sess., 315-9.—Lutz, O. Ueber Insulinbehandlung bei schwerem Diabetes. Munch, med. Wschr., 1924, 71: 638.—MacDonald, J. A., Rudesill, C. L. [et al.. The treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1924, 17: 137-44—Mc- Phedran, A., & Banting, F. G. Insulin in the treatment of severe diabetes. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1923, 38: 370-3 [Discussion] 405-10. Also Internat. Clin., 1923, 33. ser., 2: 1-5.—McWhae, D. M. Severe diabetes treated with insulin. Med. J. Australia, 1923, 2: 544.—Maestrini, D., Zennaro, G., & De Bel, A. Sulla cura del diabete zuccherino colTinsulina. Riforma med., 1924, 40: 365.—Magazanick, G. L. [Should the diabetics be treated with insulin?] Vrach. delo, 1927, 10: 117.—Mauerhofer, H. Das Verhalten des Blutzuckers bei Diabetikern, nach Zufuhr verschiedener Kohlehydrattrager per os, ohne und mit Insulin. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1927, 105: 641-60.—Mauriac, P., Piechaud, F. [et al.] Indications et valeur pratique du traitement du diabete par Tinsuline. C. rend. Congr. fr. med., 1923, 17. sess., 319-24. ------_ Indica- tions et resultats du traitement du diabete par Tinsuline. J. med. Bordeaux, 1924, 54: 167-71. ------ & Aubertin, F. Le traitement du diabete par Tinsuline. Ibid., 1925, 55: 4.7-56; 97-105.—Mignot, R. Le role therapeutique de Tinsuline dans les affections des diabetiques. J. med. chir., Par., 1928, 99: 859-71.—Minkowski. Insulinbehandlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 553.—Miranda, F. de P. Indica- ciones del tratamiento de la diabetes por la insulina. Gac. med. Mexico, 1927, 58: 321-8.—Mouriquand, G. Le diabete et Tinsuline. J. med. Lyon, 1924, 5: 1-8.—Muller, P. Die Zuckerkrankheit und ihre Beeinflussung durch Insulin. Naturwissenschaften, 1930, 18: 25-31—Neuhoff, F. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1923, 20: 303-6.—Newcomb, C. F. Insulin. Surg. J. Chicago, 1924-25, 31: 129-31.—Nixon, J. A. Diabetes and insulin. Brit. M. J., 1924, 1: 53-5.—O'Day, J. C. Diabetes mellitus and insulin. Am. Med.. 1935, 41: 80-2.— Oddo, J. Traitement du diabete sucte par Tinsuline. Marseille med., 1924, 61: 222-40.—Owens, W. D. The insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus. N. Albany Herald, 1925, 34: 4-9 — Paullin, J. E. Insulin in the treatment of severe cases of dia- betes mellitus. South. M. J., 1924, 17: 153-9. ------ & Bowcock, H. M. The treatment of diabetes with the aid of insulin. J. Florida M. Ass., 1923-24, 10: 136-41.—Peco, G. La insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1924, 31: pt 2, 1242-4.—Petren, K. Weitere Beobach- tungen bei Diabetes gravis. Acta med. scand., 1924, Suppl. No. 7, 139-66.—Rathery, F. Quelle place doit-on teserver k Tinsuline parmi les agents therapeutiques du diabete? J. med. fr., 1923, 12: 368-72.------Insuline: son mode d'emploi et'ses indications dans le diabete. Bull. g6n. ther., 1924, 175: 1_15 —Rogers, T. E. The treatment of diabetes and use of insulin. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1925, 14: 230-3—R6zsa< M. [Insulin in diabetes] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1930 28: 483-7.— Semenza. C. L'applicazione terapeutica dell'insuhna nei diabete mellito e nelle sue complicanze. Gazz. osp., 1925, 46: 1035- 1059 —Shillington, M. A. Diabetes and its treatment with'insulin. J. Lancet, 1-924, 44: 91-4.—Smith, B. The use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes. Southwest. M., 1924, 8- 324-6 ------ Insulin and its use in the treatment of diabetes.' Food Facts, Los Ang., 1927, 3: No. 3, 7.—Snider. R. J The treatment of diabetes with insulin. West a lrginia AI. J 1939 35:280-3.—Speroni, D. La insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes. Sem. med.. B. Air., 1924, 36: pt 2, 121-4 — Strauss, H. Ueber Insulinbehandlung bei Diabetes mellitus. IN SI LIN THERAPY 368 INSULIN THERAPY Deut. med. Wschr.. 1923, 49: 971.—Strftesk£, J. [Insuhn in treatment of diabetes] Cas. iek. fesk., 1931, 70: 1165-70.— Terapia (La) del diabete con l'insulina. Studium, Nap., 1924, 14: 54.—Thomas. D. R. Insulin in diabetes. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1923, 23: 151-4.—Todd. A. T. On the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus, with special reference to the usages of innilin. Bristol Med. Chir. J., 1922-23. 40: 182-94.— Torday. A. [Insulin treatment in diabetes mellitus] Budapesti orv. uji,., 1920, 24 : 517; 550.—Ulrich. H. Insuhn in acromegalic diabetes. Aich. Int. M., 1929, 43: 785-94.—Umber. Ueber Pankreas-Insulin und seine Anwendung bei Diabetikern. Med. Klin., 1923, 19: 1115-8. ------ Insulinbehandlung diabe- tischer Addisonkranker. Ibid., 1928, 24: 8-10—Wallis. R. L. M. The internal secretion of the pancreas and its applica- tion to the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Lancet, Lond., 1922, 2: 1158-61.—Wandel & Schmoeger. Ueber die Behand- lung des Diabetes mit Pankreasextrakten (Insulin). Deut. med. Wschr., 1923, 49: 1253-5.—Weicksel, J. Ueber den Diabetes mellitus gravis und die Insulinbehandlung. Prakt. Arzt, 1924, n. F., 9: 57-61.—Wiesinger, A. Diabetes und Insuhn. Ver- trauensarzt, 1937, 5: 121-6.—Willcox, W. H. The treatment of diabetes; with special reference to insulin. Practitioner, Lond., 1923, 111: 377-405. Also West London M. J., 1923, 28: 163-91.—Williams, J. R. The insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus. N. York. State J. M., 1923, 23: 402-4.—Winnett, E. B. The treatment of diabetes with insulin. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1923, 13: 325-7.—Zawistowski, H. L'insuline comme moyen de traitement du diabete. Polska gaz. lek., 1924, 3: 152-4; 1 71. ---- Indication, non-diabetic. See also Drug addiction, Treatment; Glaucoma, Treatment; Insulin, Pharmacology, etc. Engler, H. *Die Anwendung des Insulins bei Nichtzuckerkranken. 56p. 8? Berl., 1933. Frank, E., & Wagner, A. Insulintherapie einschlaglich der Indikationen bei nicht-diabe- tischen Erkrankungen. 99p. 8? Lpz., 1931. Hoet, J. P., Aubertin, E. [et al.] Les in- dications therapeutiques de l'insuline en dehors du diabete. 217p. 25^cm. Par., 1930. Potjlain, O. *Emploi therapeutique de l'insuline en gynecologie. 109p. 8? Par., 1934. Tendhon, J. *L'insulinotherapie chez les athrepsiques et les debiles. 65p. 8? Par., 1929. Abbott, G. A. Insulin in the treatment of non-diabetic conditions. Hosp. News, Wash., 1934, 7: 1-10.—Allen, F. M. Insulin in the treatment of tuberculosis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 101: 1797-801.—Andreev, K. M. [Problem of insulin treatment of nondiabetics] Vrach. delo, 1929, 12: 1077-9.— Arevalo, J. M. Alguna de las aplicaciones extradiabeticas de la insulina. Med. ibera, 1934, 28: pt 2, 212-6.—Aubertin, E. De quelques indications de l'emploi de Tinsuline en dehors du diabete, titees de Taction eutrophique de cette hormone. Rapp. Congr. fr. med., 1930, 21. sess., 3:35-105 [Discussion] C. rend., 245-69. Also Liege med., 1930, 23: 1561-72.—Berro, R., & Jaureguy, M. A. La insulinoterapia en el lactante. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1926, 3. ser., 20: 725-58.—Block, W. Insulin in der Behandlung nichtdiabetischer Zustande im Sauglings- und Kindesalter. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 44: 204- 17.—Boyer, G. P. L'insuline dans le traitement des affections vasculaires. Prat. med. fr., 1927, 6: (A) 73-9.—Budde, O. Ueber Insulin bei nichtdiabetischen Erkrankungen jenseits des Sauglingsalters. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927-28, 45: 303-9.— Busscher, C. de. Insulina e insulinoglucosoterapia extra- diabetica. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1930, 14: 520-34.—Caso, G. Insulino-terapia nelle lesioni oculari. Ann. ottalm., 1930, 58: 68-72.—Curschmann, H. Ueber nichtdiabetische Indikationen der Insulinbehandlung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73:1599.— Falta, W. Die nichtdiabetische Insulinbehandlung. Klin Wschr., 1927, 6: 2307. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: 1433.—Fiumel, A. [Insulin in non-dial>etic diseases] Lek wojsk., 1930, 15: 289-97.—Gavrila, I. [Use of insulin in non- diabetics] Cluj. med., 1932, 13: 196-204.—Goldberg, A. T., & Schatz, M. M. Extra-diabetic uses of insuhn. Southwest. M 1940, 24: 16.5-7.—Goldstein, V. M., & Petrovsky, G. A. [Non- specific use of insulin] Klin, med., Moskva, 1930, 8: 548-53.— Gonzalez Deleito, D. F. Insulinotherapia nos nao diabeticos Brasil med., 1931, 45: 129-32.—Grafe, E. Die Bedeutung der Insulintherapie des Diabetes fur die Ophthalmologic. Deut med. Wsdir., 1924, 50: 1325-7.— Gunn, R. E. Insulin in the treatment of infections. J. Iowa State M. Soc. 1932, 22: 81- 3.—Gurd, F. B. Postoperative use of insuhn in the nondiabetic Ann. Surg., 1937, 106: 761-9.—Hagi-Paraschiv, A. [Applies tion of insulin outside of diabetes. Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1935, 24: 4-18.—Hansen, O. S. Insulin in obstetrics. Minnesota M., 1928, 11: 803-7.—Hecht, P. Insulinbehandlung nicht- diabetischer Krankheiten. Med. Korbl. Wurttemberg, 1928, 98: 75.—Higgons, R. A., & Ostlund, E. O. Insulin; its use in nondiabetic children. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1934, 5: 495-503.— Hoet, J. Les indications extra-diabetiques de l'insuline Bruxelles med., 1928-29, 9: 1243-8. Also Rev. med. Louvain 1929,261-70. Also J. med. Paris, 1930, 49: 48-51. ------ Les indications therapeutiques de TinsuUne en dehors du diabete; Tinsulinotherapie en dehors du diabete. Liege med., 1930, 23: 1553-61. ------ Introduction physiologique k I'etude des indications de Tinsuline en dehors du diabete. Presse med., 1930, 38: 1433. ---- Introduction physiologi- que a I'etude des indications therapeutiques de Tinsuline en dehors du diabete. Rapp. Congr. fr. med., 1930, 21. sess., 3: 1-34 [Discussion] C. rend., 245-70. Hofhuuser, L. & Sch'on] J. [Insulin in the treatment of diseases of the lungs] Orv' hetil., 1926, 70: 489.—Jacob, E., & Doussinet, P. Traitement insulinique d'un groupe de cetoses en pathologic mentale Bull. g6n. ther., 1933, 194: 14-9.—Jaksch-Wartenhorst. Insulin und Nichtdiabetiker. Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1565-7.- Jarvis, I). C. ( linical experience of a correspondence study group with 3-unit, doses of insuhn in otolaryngology Tr. Am. Lar. Hhin. Otol. Soc, 1937, 43: 129-44. ------ Small doses of insulin in otolaryngologic practice; clinical experience of a correspondence study group. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1937, 26: 66-73.—Klaften, E. The indications for insulin treatment in gynaecology. Ars medici, Wien, 1935, 13: 443-50.— Knighton, J E The use of insulin in conditions other than diabetes. Tristate M. J., 1934. 6: 1290.—Labbe, M., & Boulin, R. L'insuline en obstetrique. Ann. med., Par., 1927, 22: 589-615.—Le Febre de Arric, M. Les applications cliniques de TinsuUne en dehors du diabete. Rapp. Congr. fr. m6d., 1930 21. sess., 3: 159-215 |Discussion] C. rend., 245-69—La- fresniere, G. Les indications therapeutiques de Tinsuline en dehors du diabete. Union med. Canada, 1931, 60: 178-85.— Lawrence, R D , & McCance, R. A. Infections and insulin action. Brit. M. J., 1931, 1: 749.—Lelong. M. L'insulino- therapie dans les etats non diabetiques de l'enfance. Rapp. Congr. pediat. langue fr., 1936, 9. Congr., 71-130 [Discussion] 39-47.—M. L'insulina nella iponutrizione e nelle infezioni. Gazz. osp., 1935, 56: 1208.—Macciotta, G. Applicazioni extradiabetiche dell'insulinoterapia nei bambini. Pass clin sc, 1936, 14: 129-35.—MacDowell. Da assiduidade no emprego da insuhna. Tribuna med., Rio, 1928, 32: 194; 201.— Magasauik, G. L. [Insulin in treating Basedow's disease, ulcers of the stomach, diseases of the liver, and skin diseases Klin, med., Moskva, 1928, 6: 529-36.—Margolis, J. I. Insulin and nonspecific therapy; a common mechanism; the non- specific syndrome. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1931, 74: 278; 494.— Mebel, M. I. [Use of insulin in psychiatric practice] Sovet, psikhonevr., 1932, 8: 41-6.—Mellinghoff, K. Verzogerungs- insuline bei Stoffwechselgesunden. Zbl. inn. Med., 1939, 60: 775-7.------• & Voges, G. Verzogerungsinsuline bei Stoff- wechselgesunden. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1939-40, 185: 345- 56.—Metcalfe, G. E. Insulin in psychiatry. St Joseph Valley M. News, 1940, 1: 105-8.—Meyer, W. B. Insulin beim Nicht- diabetiker. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1928, 25: 447-52.—Moss, J. J. Indicaciones de la insuhna con exclusion de la diabetes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1937, 44: pt 1, 766-76.—Motta Maia, M. C. da. A insulina como agente therapeutico fora da diabete. Sciencia med., Rio, 1928, 6: 214-48.—Pedrosa, X. Do emprego da insuhna nos estados nao diabeticos. Fol. med., Rio, 1928, 9: 173.—Pitfleld, R. L. The use of insulin in myasthenia, tuberculosis and other disorders of nutrition. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1935, 141: 328-31.—Rau, H. Die Bedeutung des In- sulins fiir nicht diabetische Erkrankungen im Kindesalter. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1933, 55: 165-95.—Reggiani, G. II tratta- mento insulinico nelle affezioni n"on diabetiche (rivista sintetica) Gior. clin. med., 1926, 7: 395-401.—Regueiro y Lopez, J. Insulina y gastropatias. An. vfas digest., Habana, 1930, 2: 32-7.—Richter, P. F. Ueber Insulintherapie bei Nicht- diabetischen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1927, 68: 10-4.—Roi, G. L'insuUno-terapia in alcuni stati distrofici della prima infanzia; sulle modificazioni della reazione attuale dei liquidi organici in seguito a terapia insulinica. Clin, pediat., Roma, 1928, 10: 665-79.—Rojas, J. T. Algunos casos de insulino-terapia en los no diabeticos. Gac med. Mexico, 1929, 60: 109-15.—Roller, M. Insulinbehandlung von Ulkus und Gastritis in der Allge- meinpraxis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 803 (microfilm)— Root, H. F. The use of insulin in nondiabetic conditions. In Pract. Libr. M. & S. (Appleton) N. Y., 1938, Suppl., 528- 30.—Russo, P. L'insulina negli stati morbosi non diabetici. Rass. ter. pat. clin., 1929, 1: 658; 737.—Sartorelli, U. L in- sulino-terapia in affezioni morbose non diabetiche. Gazz. osp., 1927, 48: 121-4.—Schellong. Demonstrationen zur Insulin- therapie bei Nichtdiabetikern. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1641. Also Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 141.— Spickard, V. W. The use of insulin in the treatment of certain nondiabetic con - ditions of infancy and childhood. Northwest M., 1927, 26: 282-4.—Strauss, H. Insulinkuren bei Nicht-Diabetikern. Med Welt, 1927, 1: 425.—Targowla, R. La cure d'insuline dans les etats neuro-psychopathiques. Gaz. nted. France, 1930 , 4: 47-9.—Toscano, C. Le indicazioni extra-diabetic he della terapia insulinica. Policlinico, 1931, 38: sez. prat., 8-17.— Tranquilli, E. L'insuUna negli stati angosi cosi degli ipertesi ed artenosclerotici cardioaortici. Gazz. med. Roma, 1926, 52: 122-5.—Trocello, E. La terapia insulinica negli stati morbosi non diabetici. Rass. clin. ter., 1926, 25: 325-4 8— Tron, G. Le applicazioni extradiabetiche deU'insulina. Terapia, Milano, 1931, 21: 97-104.—Van Erps, E. De insulinoth6rapie dans les infections gynecologiques. Bruxelles med., 1933-&4, 14: 562- 6.— Vogt, E. Ueber die InsuUnbehandlung nichtdiabetischer Erkrankungen. Beihefte Med. Klin., 1927, 23: ^69-S8.— Wallerstein, O. R. Insulin treatment in nondiabetic-disturb- ances. California West. M., 1941, 54: 123.—Wilson, R., jr. The extra-diabetic uses of insulin. J. S. CaroUna M. Ass., 1936, 32: 83-7.—Wolf. M. Quelques appUcations de TinsuUne INSULIN THERAPY 369 INSULIN THERAPY dans les affections non diabetique. Presse med., 1928, 36: 132-5—Zancan, B. Insulinoterapia; applicazioni extra- diabetiche. Minerva med., Tor., 1937, 28: pt 2, 71-7. ---- Instruments. Busher, H. Automatic hypodermic syringe for self-adminis- tration of insulin and other uses. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 1152.—Claxton, E. E. Pocket insulin case. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: 929.—Davidson, D. L. An injection-site arm clamp for the self-administration of insulin. N. England J. M., 1937, 217: 669.—O'Neill, J. A. Insulin bottle holder. U. S. Patent Off., 1938, No. 2,122,722.—Williamson, N. E. A simple insulin outfit. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: 567. ---- Insulin-adrenalin. Andersen, T. T. Observations on insulin-adrenalin treat- ment by the Clausen method. Acta med. scand., 1935, 86: 361- 6.—Clausen, J. [Treatment of diabetes meUitus with insuhn- adrenalin] Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 1134-7. Also Acta med. scand., 1936, Suppl. 78, 694. ------ & Lottrup. M. C. [Re- sults in treatment of diabetes with insulin-adrenalin] Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 747-50.—Thune Andersen, T. [On Dr Clausen's treatment of diabetes with insulin-adrenalin] Ibid., 751.—Urstadt, E. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungsweise des Insulin-Adrenalin Novo mit dem Insulin- Hochst bei der Diabetesbehandlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 1122. ---- local. Adlersberg, D., & Perutz, A. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die lokale Insulintherapie von Ulzerationen. Deut. med. Wcshr., 1930, 56: 1905-7.—Horvath, B. [Use of insulin oint- ment in ophthalmology] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1938, 36: 901.— Kleefeld, G. Insulinotherapie locale oculaire; ulceres corneens chez le chien. Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1929, No. 59, 80-5 — Nathan, E., & Munk, A. Ueber den Einfluss lokaler Insulin- behandlung auf Ulcerationen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis lokaler Saurewirkungen. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 1747-9.— Ymaz, I. Algunas aplicaciones locales de la insuUna. Rev. As. med. argent., 1934, 48: 1481-3. --- Manuals. Banting, F. G., Campbell, W. R. [et al.] Insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. p.545-985. 8? Morristown, N. J., 1922. Begg, A. C. Insulin in general practice; a joncise clinical guide for practitioners. 130p. 8? Lond., 1924. Cammidge, P. J. The insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus. 172p. 12? Edinb., 1924. Also 2. ed. 216p. 1924. Fischer, O. Die Praxis der Insulinbehand- lung. 88p. 8? Berl., 1926. La Barre, J. Diabete et insulin^mie. 284p. 8? Par., 1933. Macleod, J. J. R., & Campbell, W. R. Insulin: its use in the treatment of diabetes. 242p. 8? Bait., 1925. Rathery, F. Le traitement insulinique du diabete. 130p. 12? Par., 1931. Staub, H. Insulin; zur Einfiihrung in die Insulintherapie dss Diabetes mellitus. 106p. 12? Berl, 1924. Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1931-32, 17: 807-15. Also in Contr. M. Sc. Libman Annivers. Vol., 1932, 1: 313-8. Also Prensa med., Habana, 1932, 23: No. 5, 5-13. Also Presse med., 1932, 40: 588-90.—Depisch, F., & Hasenohrl, R. Zur Theorie der Gegenregulation in der Leber und im Gewebe. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 345-7.—Falk, O. P. J. Standard simple rules for insulin treatment of diabetes and its complications. Illinois M. J., 1924, 45: 365-7.— Gigon, A. Zur Kenntnis des Insulins und des Diabetes mellitus. Wiirzb. Abh. Med., 1925, 22: 149-82.—Holm, K. Die Grundlagen und die Durchfuhrung der Diabetesbehandlung mit Insulin in der Klinik und der ambulanten Praxis. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 2167-70.— Hopmann, R. Insulinbehandlung unter Beriicksichtigung des 24-Stunden-Rhythmus des Diabetes mellitus. Acta med. scand., 1940, Suppl. 108, 143-55.—Jensen, J. Some observa- tions on diabetes, with special reference to the reaction of the diabetic patient to insulin. J. Lancet, 1926, 46: 143; 170.— Klemperer, G. Richtlinien fur die praktische Insulinbe- handlung des Diabetes. Ther. Gegenwart, 1924, 65: 88.— Le Sage, A. Le traitement du diabete par l'insuline, essai de classification nouvelle des pancteatiques. Union med. Canada, 1924, 53: 82-106.—Magnus-Levy. Das Insulin- problem und die Theorie des Diabetes. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 494-6— Mauriac, P., Piechaud, F. [et al.] Con- tribution a I'etude du traitement du diabete par l'insuline. J. med. Bordeaux, 1923, 53: 593-7.—Mollerstrom, J. Ueber die 24-Stunden-Periodizitat des inneren Stoffwechsels und die rhythmische Funktion der Leber, sowie deren Bedeutung fiir die Insulinbehandlung bei Diabetes. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1932, 173: 484. ------ Periodicity of carbohydrate metab- olism and rhythmic functioning of the liver, their significance in the treatment of diabetes with insulin. Arch. Int. M., 1933, 52: 649-63. ------ Der Einfluss der Erkenntnisse des Leberrhythmus auf unsere Anschauungen iiber Diabetes- therapie. Acta med. scand., 1940, Suppl. 108, 156-65.— Molnar, B. Glykogenanreicherung als Ziel der Insulinbehand- lung. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 2374.—Newburgh, L. H., & Waller, D. S. Studies of diabetes mellitus, evidence that the disability is concerned solely with the metabolism of glucose, the mode of action of insulin. J. Clin. Invest., 1932, 11: 995.—Nuove vedute su la patogenesi e sui trattamento del diabete mellito con l'insulina. Studium, Nap., 1923, 13: 183-6.—Pierret, R. A propos de quelques travaux tecents sur les glycosuries, le diabete et l'insuline. Presse therm, clim., 1923, 64: 427-31.—Pollak, L. Ueber Insulintherapie und ihre physiologischen Grundlagen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1925, 75: 277-87.—Sahli, H. Prolegomena 'zur Einfiihrung der Insulin- therapie des Diabetes mellitus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1923, 53: 813-9.—Sansum. W. D., & Blatherwick, N. R. The essential points in the treatment of diabetes with insulin. California J. M., 1923, 21: 420-3.—Sonne, C. Nogle bemaerk- ninger om diabetesterapi med insulin og om kulhydratto- lerance. Nord. med., 1941, 11: 2264-6.—Wohlenberg, W. Die Bedeutung der kontrainsularen Hormone fiir die Insulin- behandlung der Zuckerkrankheit. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49. Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med., 140-3.—Zanoni, G. L'insu- lina e le nuove vedute sui trattamento del diabete. Med. ital., 1923, 4: 538-51. ---- Problems. Allan, F. N. Problems in insulin therapy. J. Med., Cincin., 1941-42, 22: 328-35.—Brugsch, T., & Horsters, H. Das Insulinproblem. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 436-8.—Burgess, A. M. Problems and results in the use of insulin in diabetes. Rhode Island M. J., 1925, 8: 38-42.—Campbell, W. R. Some difficulties in the use of the insulins in diabetic practice. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1939, 15: 579-96.—Doughty, J. C. Insulin in country practice. Virginia M. Month., 1924-25, 51: 92-8.— Faelli, C. II problema dell'insulina e la terapia correlazionistica del diabete. Policlinico, 1940, 47: sez. prat., 1540-2.—Fitz, R. The possibilities of insulin in general practice. Boston M. & S. J., 1925, 192: 519-27.—Geelmuyden, H. C. 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[et al.] Discussion on the use of insulin in general practice. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1923-24, 17: Sect. Ther. Pharm., 1-12.—Perrow. F. M. Difficulties in administering the proper doses of insulin in a case of diabetes, complicated by pus infection, and other noteworthy observations, as illustrated in a particular case. Virginia M. Month., 1927-28, 54: 442-6.—Peters, J. T. [Treatment of diabetes with insulin in general practice] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1925, 69: pt 2, 1862-76.—Valle, M., & de Almeida e Silva, O. Algumas consideracoes sobre o tratamento do diabetes pela insulina. Sciencia med., Rio, 1924, 2: 41-8. --- Principles. Eversmann, F. J. *Die Bedeutung der kontrainsularen Hormone fur die Insulinbehand- lung der Zuckerkrankheit [Miinster] 21p. 22cm. Quakenbriick, 1937. Adlersberg, D., & Porges, O. Glykogenanreicherung als Ziel der Insulinbehandlung. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 142 — Ascoli, R. L'insulina: teoria ed applicazioni pratiche. Pensiero med., 1926, 15: 577-9.—Azerad, E. Les bases de 1'insuhno- therapie du diabete. Progr. med., Par., 1940, pt 1, 360-2.— Banting, E. G., Cammidge, P. J- [et al.] Discussion on diabetes and insulin. Brit. M. J., 1923, 2: 445-51—Benedetti, G. Soglia renale al glucosio e trattamento insulinico nei diabete mellito. Gazz. med. ital., 1939, 98: 399-403.—Bisceglie, V. Lo zucchero combinato nei diabete mellito e nei suo trattamento insulinico. Clin. med. ital., 1925, 56: 215-26.—Bowin, A. Biochimie du diabete et de son traitement par 1 insuline. Marseille med., 1924, 61: 469-80.—Cammidge, P. J. Insulin and the nature of diabetes mellitus. J. Am. M. Ass., 1924, 83- 1423-6 —Chabanier, H-, & Lobo-Onell, C. Algunos puntos de vista sobre el tratamiento de la diabetes por la insulina. 320157—vol. 8. 4th series----24 INSULIN THERAPY 370 INSULIN THERAPY ---- Prolonged use. Arndt, H. J. Die Wirkung lange fortgesetzter Insulingaben bei Versuchstieren. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 2198.— Bix, H. Beobachtungen bei jahrelang insulinisierten Dia- betikern. Med. Khn., Berl., 1937, 33: 1300-3.—Cavazzuti, A. In caso di diabete grave t-atto per lungo pjrioio coll'insuhna. Minerva med., Tor., 1925, 5: 75-82—Cotti. L. Su un parti- colare comportamento della hilina (ricambio emoglobinico) in seguito alia somministrazione prolungata di insulina. Ibid., 1934, 25: pt 1, 649-56.— Keg-Olofsson, K. Local changes in the subcutaneo is tissue following injections of insulin. Acta med. scaad., 1930, 73: 89-98.—H0st, H. F. [Case of long continued insulin poisoning] Norsk mag. ltegevid., 1929, 90: 497-504. - Hurnung, S. Recherches experimentales sur le traitement prolong^ des animaux normaux par l'insuline. C. rend. Soc. bio'., 1927, 97: 1500-2.—Kepinov, L., & Petit- Duttillls, S. EfDts de Taction prolongee de l'insuline sur le pouvo.r hveergb cemiant du sang diabetique. Ibid., 1931, 108: 626-8.—Kii ter, W. Zur langdauernden Insulinbehandlung schwerer Diab -tiksr in der Praxis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 1178-81.—Labbe, M. Les incidents des traitements pro- longs rar I'insu inc. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1926, 3. ser., 50: 1123-7. Also Hev. internat. med. chir., Par., 1926, 37: 91-4.------Les traitements prolonges du diabete par l'in3uline. Ann. med., Par., 1927, 22: 121-53.—Lawrence, R. D. The effect of the prolonged use of insulin on the sub- cutaneous tissues. I ancet, Lond., 1928, 1: 1328.—Lee, M. O. Som ■ effects of long continued insulin administration in rats. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 159.— Luttichau, A. Sullo scarso valore dei fenomeni di intolleranza durante il trattamento insulinico prolungnto. Bull. sc. med.. Bologna, 1926. 10. ser., 4: 412-5. Tucker, D. A. Some effects of the prolonged use of insulin. J. Med., Cincin., 1931, 12: 287-9.—Waltner, K. Ueber die Wirkung wiederholter Insulingaben. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926. 176: 246-50.--Williams. J. R. Results of the long-continued use of insulin in diabetes. Diet. Admin. Ther., 1927, 5: 143-5. Also N. York State J. M., 1927,27:49. ---- Protamine insulin. See also Insulin, Derivatives: Protamine in- sulin. Margolis, H. M. Protamine insulinate; its clinical application in the treatment of diabetes mellitus; a preliminary report, p.85-92. 8? Pittsburgh, 1936. Allen, M. Some difficulties arising in the use of protamine insulinate. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 430.—Alperin, J. Diabetes mel'itus and protamine insulin. Memphis M. J., 11.37 12: 132-4.—Antalovskij, S. [Recent experiences with protamin insulin] Cas. lek. cesk., 1939, 78: 899-9)2.—Arnold H. L. Clinical trials of protamine insulin. Proc. Clinic, Honolulu, 1937, 3: No. 2, pt 2, 1-4.—Bennett, T. I., & Gill A. M. The treatment of severe diabefs in children with pro- tamine insulinate. Lanc3t, Lond., 1(36, 2: 416.—Blair, A. A. Insulin pro.amine in treatment of diabetes. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1936- 7, i.3: 139.—Blotner, H. The effect of protamine insulii ate \ insulin. Med. J. Australia, 1923, 2: 193-99.—Derivaux, R. C. The management of diabetes mellitus and its treatment with insulin. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1923-24, 16: 203-7.—Diamant. M. [Insulin treatment in diabetes] Sven. liik. tidn., 1929. 26: 1449.—Dibold, H. Zur Diabetesbehandlung: iiber Insulingebrauch und iiber dringliche Massnahmen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 457-61.— Drury, F. J. Watchful case management essential with insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus, careful regulation of diet indispensable. Am. Physician, 1926, 31: 201-4.— Duggan, M. Some observations in the practical adminis- tration of insulin. Med. Insur., 1924, 40: 11-4.—Erfan, M. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1931, 14: 454-60.—Escudero, P. Insulinoterapia. Rev. As. med. argent., 1925, 38: 135-06.—Ewen, H. B. Insulin in the treatment of diabetes. N. Zealand M. J., 1926-27, 25: 189-202.-—Faber, K [Treatment of diabetes with insulin] Ugeskr. la-ger, 1924, 86: 265-9. ------& Iversen, P. [Treat- ment of diabetes mellitus with insulin] Ibid., 227-34.—Fischer, O. Die Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes mellitus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1925, 21: 466-9.—Fischer, V. Gesichtspunkte fur die Diabetesbehandlung in der Privatpraxis. Med. Welt. 1928, 2: 951.—Forrai, E. [Insulin in the treatment of diabetes] Gydgyaszat, 1929, 68: 4-7.—Gigon, A. Diabetes und Insulin- therapie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1923. 53: 882-7.—Goldring, W. Insulin practically applied in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Med. J. & Rec, 1925, 122: 752-4.—Goldstein, V. M. [Diabetes treated with insulin] Vrach. delo, 1925, 8: 1435-40.—Gordon, W. P. P., & Gordon, D. C. Interruption of insulin treatment without ill effects. N. Zealand M. J., 1924-25, 23: 408-10.—Grafe, E. Die Insulinbehandlung des Diabetikers. Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 1503-8. ------ Diskussions- vortrag. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49 Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med., 78-80.—Graham, G. Modern technique in treat- ment; treatment of diabetes; insulin treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 1: 954. ------& Harris, C. F. The treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin and carbohydrate restriction. Ibid., 1923, 1: 1150-3.—Gray, H. Is insulin really more important to the average diabetic than food-scales? Boston M. & S. J., 1924, 190: 131-3.—Grote, L. R. Sobre el trata- miento eficaz de la insulina en la diabetes. Ais medica, Barcel., 1931, 7: 96-102.—Gudzent, F. Ueber die Behandlung der Zuckerkrankheit mit Insulin. Berl. Klin., 1924, H. 335, 1-20.—Guggenheim, M. Die Verwendung von Prankreas- Extrakten bei Diabetes mellitus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1923, 53: 819-23.—Gupta, S. C. S. Insulin therapy of diabetes mellitus. Calcutta M. J., 1925-26, 20: 369-77.—Gutschmidt, J. Kombinierte Insulin-Gallensaure-Therapie bei Diabetes mellitus. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1661.- Hachen, D. S. The use of insulin in the modern treatment of diabetes Am. J. AL Sc, 1924, 167: 403-20.—Hermanns. L. Leber die Behandlung der Zuckerkrankhcit-mit Insulin. Miinch, med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 2168-71.—Hipwell, F. Practical application of insulin in diabetes. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1924, 14: 120-3.—Hoet. Le traitement du diabete par l'insuline. Rev. med. Louvain, 1924, 61-85.—Hugonot, G. A., & Duran, P. E. M. L'insulino- therapie du diabete. Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1938, 109: 791-837.—Hurtado, A. La insulina en la diabetes. Cron. med., Lima, 1925, 42: 148-54.—Insulina (L ) nella cura del diabete. Terapia, Milano, 1923, 13: No. 52, 1-21.—Insuline (L') dans le diabete sucte. Bull. nted. Quebec, 1923, 24: 327-32.—Isaac, S. Zur Praxis und Theorie der Insulinbe- handlung des Diabetes. Zsehr. khn. Med., 192-4, 98: 263-302 — Isaac-Krieger, K. Zur Insulintherapie. Zsehr. arztl. Forbild., 1924, 21: 140-3.—Izard, L. U. J. A. Diabete et insuline. Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1924, 80: 224-40—Izquierdo, M. Notas clinicas sobre el tratamiento por la insulina. Progr. clfn., Madr., 1928, 36: 702-20.—Jeandidier. J. L. R. A. La pratique du traitement du diabete par l'insulme. Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1927, 87: 81-7.—John. H. J. The use of insuhn in the treat- ment of diabetes. Ann. Clin. M., 1923-24, 2: 273-82 — Johnson, L. C. Diabetes and insuhn. In Pract. Lect. (M. Soc Co. Kings) N. Y., 1923-24, 1925, 212 43- Jonas, L., & Musser, J. H., jr. An outline of a routine for insulin therapy. Am. J. M. Sc, 1924, 167: 586-98— Joslin, E. P. The routine treatment of diabetes with insulin. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1923, 38: 374-81 (Discussion] 405-10. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 80: 1581-3.—Kamprad, W. Zur Praxis der Insulin- Behandlung (ein kurzer Streifzug durch das amerikanische Schrifttum) Prakt. Arzt, 1936, n. F., 21: 575-80.—Kaufmann, E. Diabetes und Insulinbehandlung in der Praxis. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1925, 72: 1681-5.—Kramer, L. I. Insulin, its use in diabetes mellitus. Rhode Island M. J., 1933, 16: 117-22.— Labbe, M. Traitement du diabete par l'insuline. Bull. Soc. mod. hop. Paris, 1923, 3. ser., 47: 1051-8. ------ L'insuline dans le traitement du diabete. Bull. Acad, nted., Par., 1924, 3. ser., 91: 183-99. ------ La pratique du traitement du diabete par l'insuline. Evolut. med. chir., 1924, 5: 5-11. ------ The treatment of diabetes with insulin. Med. J. & Rec, 1927, 125: 811-5. Also Vie med., 1927, 8: 115-20. ------Nepveux, F., & Lambru. Le traitement du diabete par l'insuline. C. rend. Congr. fr. med., 1923, 17. sess., 281-303. Also Presse med., 1923, 31: 986-91.—Lacroze, A. Anotaciones ptecticas para el empleo de la insulina. Rev. As. med. argent., 1924, 37: Soc. med. int., 557-60.—Lamberts, W. H. Die Insulin- Behandlung des Diabetes in der Praxis. Prakt. Arzt, 1926, n. F., 11: 326 30.—Lawrence, R. D. The treatment of insulin cases by one daily injectnai. Acta med. si ml.. 1938, 96: Suppl. 90, 32-53. Levton. <). Treatment of diabet.es mellitus with insulin, lancet. Loud.. 1923, 2: 1125-9. I.loyd, W. F. Insulin treatment; a suggestion for an optical m.-iln, I Brit. M. J., 1923, 2: 600.—Lolfler, W. Die Insulinbehandlung der Zuckerkrankheit. Schweiz, med. Wschr., 1923, 53: 901-9.— Lundberg, E. Le traitement du diabete a I'insnlino. Acta med. >cand., 1929. 71: 29-37.—Lyon. I). M. Insulin therapv Edinburgh M. J., 1923. n. ser.. 30: 5li5--S7. -MoCann, W. A., Hannon, R. R., & Dodd, K. The use of the pancreatic extract insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1923, 34: 205-19. MrCaskey, G. W. The insulin treatment of diabetes. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1926, 19: 149-52.—Mai-Lean, H. Some observations on diabetes and insulin in general practice. Postgrad. AI. J., Lond., 1925-26. 1: 73 7. Maestrini, D., Zennaro, G., A De Bei, A. Su la cura del diabete zuccherino con l'insulina (nota definitive) Rinasc. med., 1924, 1: 105-8.—Magazanik. G. L. [Practical insulinotherapy in diabetes] Klin, med., Moskva, 1927, 5: 197-201.—Major, R. H. The treatment of diabetes mellitua with insulin. J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 80: 1597-600. Also J. Kansas M. Soc, 1923. 23: 117-20.—Malten, H. Die Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes. Physiatrie, Berl., 1932, 4: 268-77. ------ Die ambulante Einstellung auf Insulin, Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 831; 860; 889; 924; 940; 1025; 1047; 1073 (microfilm)—Mancusi-Ungaro, L. Come viene usata rinsulina negli Stati Uniti. Riforma med., 1923, 39: 1217.—Maranon, G. Notas practicas sobre el empleo de la insulina. Siglo med., 1927, 74: pt 2, 396-400.—Marino, S. II diabete zuccherino ed il stio trattamento con l'insulina. Policlinico, 1923, 30: sez. prat., 1193-98.—Mark. R. E. Der praktische Gebrauch von Insulin. Wien. med. Wschr., 1924, 74: 1855-00.—Marre, L. Insuline et diabete. Arch. med. chir. province, 1924, 14: 47-59.—Marsh, P. L. The use of insulin in the treatment diabetes mellitus. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1923, 22: 597-11. Meakins, J., Robson. W. [et ah] The treatment of diabetes with insulin. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinburgh, 1922-23, 102: 127-39.— Meirelles, E. Dainsulino- therapia na diabetes. Tribuna med., Rio 1924, 30: 37-43.— Minkowski, O. Zur Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes. Deut. med. Wschr., 1923, 49: 1107. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 437; 479.—Mirande, A. L'insuline dans le diabete. J. med. chir., Par., 1923, 94: 861 -7.—Montoro. O. El tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus por la insulina. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1924, 29: 8-43. Also Rev. med. cubana, 1924, 35: 104-25.— Moreau, U. Le traitement du diabete par l'insuline. Arch. med. beiges, 1923, 76: 848-53.—Mosenthal, H. O. Notes on the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the use of insulin. Med. Clin. N. America, 1924, 8: 81-101. ------ The use of insulin in diabetes mellitus. Month. Bull. Dep. Health City, N. York, 1924, 9: 15.—Mozer, J. J. Notes pratiques sur l'emploi de l'insuline. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1930, 50: 45-51.—Murphy, F. IX, & Blumenthal, R. The practical application of insulin. Wisconsin M. J., 1923-24, 22: 565-70.—Nonnenbruch, W. Diskussionvortrag. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49. Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med., 57.—Noorden, C, von. Wie wird die Insulinbehandlung in der hausiirztlichen Praxis eingc.leitet und beendet? Wien. klin. Wschr., 1930, 43: 533.—Oddo, J. Sur le traitement du diabete par l'insuline. Marseille med.. 1924, 61: 3-11.—Olmsted, W. H. Practical suggestions in the use of insulin. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1924, 21: 300-3.—Owens, W. D. The insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1924, 20: 170-83.—Parapanov, K. [Treatment of diabetes with insulin outside of clinic] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 326.—Payne, W. W. Insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1924, 74: 308-28.—Pesci, E. La pratica nell'insulina nei diabete mellito. Pathologica, Genova, 1924, 16: 227-34.—Petty, O. H. The practical use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes. Internat. Clin., 1923, 33. ser., 2: 36-54, 3 ch.—Piotrowski, G. A propos de la technique de I'insulinotherapie dans le diabete. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 481.—Pollak, L. Ueber Insulinbehandlung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1924, 37: 55-60.—Poulton, E. P. The use of insulin in private and panel practice. Brit. M. ,L, 1924, 1: 201-6.—Praktische (Ueber die) Durchfiihrung der Insulin- behandlung. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1937, 11: 211-3.—Quinones, M. La insulina en el tratamiento de la diabetes. Gac. med. Mexico, 1926, 57: 181-243.—Rathery, F. Le traitement du diabete par l'insuline. Paris med., 1926, 59: 341-9. ------ Le traitement insulinique du diabete. Bull. g6n. ther., 1932, 183: 1-38.—Ray, Durand-Fardel [et al] L'insuline au cours de la cure thermale alcaline chez les diabetiques. Paris med., 1927, 63: 270-6.—Revel I, D. G. A simplified insulin technique. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1933, 29: 301.—Roily. Die ambulatorische Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Insulins. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1927,24: 1-5.— Roman, R. [Insulin in treatment of diabetes] Hygiea, Stockh., 1923, 85: 606-10.—Rowe, A. H. Insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus. California J. M., 1923, 21: 204-8.—Saloz, C, & Katzenelbogen, S. L'insuline et le traitement du diabete. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1925, 45: 231-51.—Scarlato, V. Considerazioni pratiche sulla terapia insulinica del diabete mellito. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1928, 33: 110-4.—Schafer, IL O. Beitrag zur Praxis der Insulintherapie. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 1804.—Schnizer, von. Ueber Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes mellitus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1923, 19: 1059-61.— Sebasliani, A. II trattamento del diabete con 1'insulina. Policlinico, 1924, 31: sez. prat., 1391-403.—Simpson, V. E., & Speidel, F. Insuhn in diabetes. Kentucky M. J., 1924, 22: INSULIN THERAPY 379 INSULIN THERAPY Axtoxini, F. 'insuline. 84p. KURAYTIN, S. 114-32.—Steinitz, E. Ueber Insulinbehandlung. Ther. Gegenwart, 1923, 64: 410-4.—Stilwell, G. R. Neutralization of insulin before injection. Brit. M. J., 1924, 2: 465.—Strauss, H & Simon, M. Ueber Insulinbehandlung bei Diabetes. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1923-24, 32: 89-124.—Straub, H. Diskussionvortrag. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49. Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med., 81.—Sybrandy, B. [Treatment of diabetes with insulin] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1924, 68: pt 1, 2728-41.—Thomson, A. P. The clinical use of insulin. Brit. M. J., 1924, 1: 457-60.—Torday, A. [Newer methods of insulin therapy in diabetes] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1939, 37: 265-73. Also Orv. hetil., 1939, 83: mell., 138.—Traitement (Le) du diabete par l'insuline. Monde med., 1924, 34: 126-34 — Tron, G. L'unita nuova della insulina Lilly (Iletin) ed il trattamento delle varie forme di diabete. Terapia, Milano, 1924 14: 37-46.—Umber. Insulinbehandlung des Diabetes. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 599-605.—Varela Fuentes, B. Progresos recientes sobre fisiopatologia del pdncreas, el tratamiento de la diabetes por la insulina. An. Fac. med., 1922-23, 8: 559-73. ------ El tratamiento de la diabetes por la insulina. Ibid., 1923-24, 9: 1-39.—Wagner, A. Die Insulintherapie des Diabetes mellitus. Deut. med. Wschr., 1925, 51: 1489; 1532; 1576.—Weiss, G. [Insulin in the treat- ment of diabetes mellitus] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1926, 24: 215-23.—Williamson, O. K. The insulin treatment of diabetes mellitus. Med. J. S. Africa, 1923-24, 19: 208-12.—Willis, J. D. Insulin treatment of diabetes. Virginia M. Month., 1923-24, 50: 461-4.—Wilson, C. M. The use of insulin in the treat- ment of diabetes. S. Mary Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1923, 29: 137-45. ---- Untoward effect. See also Insulin, Toxicity; Insulin therapy subheadings (Allergy; Coma; Hypoglycemia; Shock) *Les reactions cutanees de 8? Par.. 1925. *Un accident rare consecutif aux injections d'insuline chez les diabetiques: l'hematurie. 24p. 8? Geneve, 1932. Accidenti (Gli) emiplegici durante la insulinoterapia. Gazz. osp., 1937, 58: 241-3.—Ambrosetto, C. Contributo alia conoscenza della sintomatologia psichica nell'insulino- terapia. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 2, 490 (microfilm)— Bickel, G. Diabete, angine de poitrine et traitement insu- linique. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 520.—Bonem, P. Nebenwit kungen von Insulin. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 1585.—Boulin, R. Remarques sur les accidents provoques par l'insulinotherapie. Rev. med. fr., 1939, 20: 103-7.— Breton, A. Antigene methylique et insuline. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 100: 880.—Caravati, C. M. Insulin neuritis: a case report. Virginia M. Month., 1933, 59: 745.—Cintra do Prado, F., & Figliolini, F. Ueber lokale Muskelatrophie nach Insulininjektionen. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 533 (microfilm)— Ehrmann, R., & Jacoby, A. Hamorrhagien, besonders in Lungen und Gehirn, nach Insulinbehandlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 138. ------ Ueber Blutungen bei mit Insulin behandelten Komafallen. Klin. Wschr., 1925, 4: 2151-3.—Elgart, S., Nelson, N., & Mirsky, I. A. The produc- tion of permanent hyperglycemia and glycosuria by the pro- longed administration of insulin. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 23 (Abstr.)—Elkin, C. W. W. Some questionable and undesired effects of insulin. Pittsburgh M. Bull., 1934, 23: 289-98.—Feigenbaum, J. Some unusual manifestations of the insulin reaction. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1932, 26: 410-3.— Foerster, E. Ein Fall von paradoxer Insulinwirkung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 846-8.—Frei, W. Grouped pigmented spots following injection of insulin. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1938, 37: 535.—Fromholdt, E. E. [Certain difficulties that arise during insulin treatment] Sovet. klin., 1933, 19: 7g7_94.—Gorlitzer, V. Seltene Insulineffekte. Wien. Arch. inn Med. 1932,22:141-54.—Gravano, L. Psicosis insulinicas. Actas Congr. nac. med., B. Air. (1931) 1932, 4. Congr., pt 2, 445-50.—Gudemann, J. Ueber eine seltene Komplikation bei Insulinbehandlung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 963.— Hallermann, A. Nebenerscheinungen bei der Insulinanwen- dung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1611.—Henderson, J. Haematuria following insulin injections. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 231.—Herman, K. Insulin und Fieber. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 1581. ------ Insulintumor und Hypoglykiimie. Munch. med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 1361-5.—Hirsch-Kauffmann, H. Ueber Insulinschaden. Ther. Gegenwart, 1930, 71: 259-62.— Hogler, F. Ueber das Auftreten von temporiirem Hyper- thyreoidismus wahrend der Insulinkur. Klin. Wschr., 1929, g- 205—Hulst, L. A. [Sudden infiltrations after insulin ad- ministration] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1931, 75: pt 4, 5278-82.— Jamieson, H. C. Insulin as a cause of hippus. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1937, 37: 52.—Joltrain, E. Troubles psychiques au cours de l'insulinotherapie. Bruxelles med., 1930-31, 11: 868-77__Joosten, A. J. [Hematuria due to insulin treatment] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1933, 77: 3779-81.—Kaufmann, E. Nebenerscheinungen bei der Insulinanwendung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1955.—Klein, F. [Lasting injuries of the brain caused 'bv protaminated zinc- and ordinary insulin in a diabetic patient] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 5227-32.— Klein O. Die durch Insulinbehandlung und Insuliniiber- dosierung erzeugten und beobachteten unerwiinschten Be- gleiterscheinungen und Storungen. In Bain. & Balneother. Karlsbad (1935) 1936, 15: 231-66.—Komant, W. Ueber Nebenwirkungen des Insulins und ihre Behandlung. Sitzber. Frankf. med. Ges., 1937, 21. Also Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 1744-8.—Labbe, M., & Boulin, R. Les accidents hemipiegi- ques au cours de l'insulinotherapie. Presse med., 1937, 45: 225.—Landabure, P. B. Eczematoide generalizado en una diabetes oculta curada con regimen dietetico e insulina. Tr. Clin. Escudero, B. Air., 1930. 4: 689-93.—Lasersohn, M. Local insulin reactions. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 199.— Lawrence, R. D. Local insuhn reactions. Lancet, Lond., 1925. 1: 1125. ■------& Hollins, A. S. Two cases of haematuria caused by insulin treatment. Brit. M. J., 1928, 1: 977.— Lemort, A., & Rahier, C. Une forme anormale d'accidents nerveux au cours d'un traitement insulinique. Bruxelles med., 1929-30, 10: 746—Lereboullet, P., Lelong. M., & Frossard, R. Un cas de diabete infantile traite par l'insuline, avec accidents cutanes graves: l'erythrodermie oedematcuse insulinienne. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1924, 3. ser., 48: 1184-90.—Low, F. N., & Ferrill, H. W. Chronic insulin injection in 5 successive gen- erations of white rats, report of gross and histological findings. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 1027.—Lups, S. Eine paradoxe Erscheinung bei der Insulinkur. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 813-6.—Mauriac, P. Les accidents consecutifs aux injections d'insuline. Rapp. Congr. fr. med. (1925) 1926, 18. sess., 2: 147-58.—Mirek, R. [Central disorders of respiration and circulation during insulin therapy and treatment by excitants] Polska gaz. lek., 1939, 18: 310-4.—Mirsky, I. A., Nelson, N. [et al.] The production of permanent hyperglycemia and glycosuria bv the prolonged administration of insulin. Science, 1942, 95: 583.—Murphy, F. D., & Purtell, J. Insulin reaction and the cerebral damage that may occur in diabetes. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1943, 10: 103-7.—Overdose of insulin. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 238.—Parsonnet, A. E., & Hyman, A. S. Insulin angina: the development of the stenocardial syndrome following the administration of insulin in diabetics with coronary thrombosis. Ann. Int. M., 1930-31, 4: 1247-56.— Pawlowski, E. Ueber Insulinnebenwirkungen und Insulin- schaden. Physiatrie, Berl., 1932, 4: 277-83.—Payne, W. W. An unusual tvpe of insulin reaction in a diabetic patient. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect. Ther. & Pharm., 17.—Poulton, E. P., & Payne, W. W. An unusual type of insulin reaction in a diabetic patient. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1928, 78: 294-8.—Roch, M., & Martin, E. Hemorragie renale bilaterale sans nephrite au cours du traitement par l'insuline chez un diabetique jeune. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1932, 3. ser., 48: 1376-80; 1425.—Root, H. F., & Styron, C. W. Insulin hypoglvcemia and vascular accidents in diabetes mellitus. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1941-42, 8: 953-64 — Rowe, A. H. The insulin control of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Endocrinology, 1923, 7: 670-88.—Schemensky, W. Gefahren beziehungsweise unangenehme Nebenerschei- nungen der Insulintherapie. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 948-50.—Schiilter, A. Ueber ortliche Insulinschaden im Kindesalter. Mschr. Kinderh., 1935, 63: 303-9.—Schon- brunner, E. Ueber einen Fall von Schadigung des Herzmuskels durch Insulin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1935, 31: 1571. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 492-4—Sevringhaus, E. L. Nervous and mental phenomena accompanying insulin therapy. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1929, 22: 746-51.—Sigwald, J. Les incidents du traitement par Tinsuline. Gaz. med. France, 1930, 400-3.—Somogyi, M. Insulin as a cause of extreme hyper- glycemia and instability. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1937- 38, 32: 498-500.—Stern, Dt M. Insulin administration and haematuria. Practitioner, Lond., 1929, 123: 279-85 — Stief, S. [Insulin damages] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: mell., 102 — Sydenstricker, V. P., Geeslin, L. E., & Weaver, J. W. Avita- minosis occurring in diabetic patients under insulin therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 2137.—Udintsev, F. A. [On the so-called insulin jaundice] Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 17-22.— Vandorfy, J. [Insulin injuries] Orv. hetil., 1938, 82: [mell.] 189.—Van Wart, A. F. Illness other than diabetic complica- tions in insulin patients. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1938, 39: 253-7 — Wiechmann, E. Gefahren und Schadigungen bei Insulin- anwendung. Fortsch. Ther., 1934, 10: 468-76.—Yahn, M., & Mariz. Algumas ocurrencias interessantes no decurso da insulinoterapia. An. paul. med. cir., 1941, 42: 510. Untoward effect: Lipodystrophy. See also Lipodystrophy. Andres, L. I., & Vilkomirsky. A. I. [On the so-called insulin lipodystrophy] Vrach. delo, 1939, 21: 45-54.—Awrounin. H. A case of fatty atrophy following insulin injections. Proc R. Soc M., Lond., 1928-29, 22: Sect. Clin., 18.—Bang, O. [Local lipodvstrophy following insulin injections] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1938, 99: 541.—Barborka, C. J. Fatty atrophy from injections of insulin, report of 2 cases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 1646.—Beckert, W. Lipodvstrophien und Lioo- hynerplasien nach Insulininjektionen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 336-8 (microfilm)—Bertram. F., & Never, H. E. Ueber Insulin-Lipodystrophien. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 150.— Blotner, H. Fatty atrophy following insulin injection in nondiabetic malnutrition. Endocrinology, 1938, 23: 233-6.— Boiler, R. Behandlung der Insulin-Lipodystrophie. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 2433-5.—Cornil, L. Les lipo-atrophies circonscrites d'origine insulinique. Presse med., 1938, 46: 1282.—Davison, R. A. Absorption of subcutaneous fat de- INSULIN THERAPY .3X0 INSULIN THERAPY posits at site of repeated insulin injections; report of case. California West. M., 1927, 26: 210-2.—Depisch. F. Ueber lokale Lipodystrophie bei lange Zeit mit Insulin behandelten Fidlen von Diabetes. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1965. -----: Weiterer Beitrag zur Frage der lokalen Lipodystrophie bei Dauerinsulinbehandlung. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 168.— Engelbach, F. Localized atrophy of subcutaneous fat following repeated injections of insulin; report of a case. Ann. Int. M., 1933, 6: 1322-6. Heale. T. A. F. Insulin fat atrophy. Mel- bourne Hosp. Clin. Rep., 1930, 1: 75.—Marble, A., & Smith, R. M. Atrophy of subcutaneous fat following injections of insulin. Proc. Am. Diabetes Ass., 1942, 2: 171-86.—Mentzer, S. H., & duBray, E. S. Fattv atrophy from injections of insulin. California West. M., 1927, 26: 212— Nichols, J. B. Atrophy of subcutaneous fat associated with insulin injections. Am. J. M. Sc, 1930, 180: 90-5.—Price, L. R. W. Local absorption of fat due to injections of insulin. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 1: 1015.—Rabinowitch, I. M. A case of extensive atrophy of the subcutaneous fat following injections of insulin. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 21: 67.—Rathery, F., & Sigwald. J. Lipodystro- phie localisee insulinique. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1930, 3. ser., 46: 951-7—Rowe, A. H., & Garrison, O. H. Lipo- dystrophy; atrophy and tumefaction of subcutaneous tissue due to insulin injections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 16-8.— Schoohoven v. Beurden, A. J. R. E. v. [Local lipodystrophy as sequel of repeated injections of insulin of long duration] Ge- neesk. gids, 1938, 16: 583-7.—Shelly, J. A. Insulin atrophv. Pennsylvania M. J., 1936-37, 40: 34 7.—Silver, H., & Berkov- sky, M. Atrophy of subcutaneous fat due to protamine zinc insulin. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1940, 42: 986.—Stransky, E. Lipodystrophie um die und fernab von den Injektions- stellen nach Insulinbehandlung bei Diabetes mellitus. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 133- Studdert, T. C. Localised lipo- atrophy in diabetes. Newcastle M. J., 1941-42, 21: 122-5, pl — Wirtschafter, Z. T., & Schwartz, E. D. Note on localized lipoid atrophy in diabetes. Am. J. M. Sc, 1941, 202: 880-2. ---- Untoward effect: Lipomatosis. See also Lipomatosis. Adlersberg, D. Lokale Fettgewebshyperplasie der Tlaut nach Insulin-injektionen. Mitt. Ges. inn. Med. Wien, 1935, 34: 56-60. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1935, 31: 779.--Bader, G. B. Lipomatosis in areas into which insulin had been in- jected in a diabetic boy aged 13}.j years. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1937, 53: 255. ------ & Vero, F. Lipomatosis in insulin- injected areas in a diabetic boy, aged 13J4 years. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 184-90.—Gellerstedt, N. Zirkumskripte Hyperplasie des subkutanen Fettgewebes als lokale I-'olge von Insulin-injektionen. Endokrinologie, 1932, 10: 112-33.— Hadorn, W. Ueber Insulinlipome. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 516.—Iperplasia (Sulla) locale del tessuto grasso dopo iniezioni di insulina. Gazz. osp., 1935, 56: 767.—Priesel, R. Lipomatose an samtlichen Insulininjektionsstellen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 386.—Weber, F. P., & Schluter, A. Local fat hyperplasia from repeated insulin injections. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1935-36, 29: 45.—Wollek, B. [Local lipo- matosis from insulin] Orv. hetil., 1938, 82: 904. ---- weight producing. See also Insulin, Metabolic effect: Body weight; also Emaciation, Treatment. Bines, D. *La cure d'engraissement par l'insuline. 119p. 8? Par., 1928. Mirablon, M. *L'insuline dans la maigreur. 50p. 8? Par., 1928. Ager, L. C. Insulin as a weight producer in tuberculosis. U. S. Veterans Bur. M. Bull., 1931, 7: 684.—Andersen, M. S. [Insulin as an adjuvant in forced alimentation] Ugeskr. lseger, 1928, 90: 1013-7.—Appel, K. E., Farr, C. B., & Marshall, H. K. Insulin in undernutrition in the psychoses. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1929, 21: 149-64.—Bauer, R. Ueber Insulinmastkur. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1743-8—Blotner, H. Observations on the effect of insulin in thin persons. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933. 100: 88-92.—Bodmer. H. Zum Thema Mast- kuren mit Insulin. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 423.— Boeri, E., Scoz, G., & Baer, P. Insulina e ingrassamento, variazioni del peso corporeo, del contenuto in glicogeno e del N di iodio del tessuto adipo. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1935, 10: 680-2.—Boichenko, V. G., & Obydennov, V. A. [Hyper- insulinization of pins fattened on garbage] In Probl. zootechn. exp. endocr. (Zavadovsky. B. M.) Moskva, 1935, 2: 283-310.— Boom, B. K. [Forced alimentation (mastkur) with insulin emaciation] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1928, 72: pt 2, 4616-20.— Cannavo, L. Terapia insulinica di ipernutrizione. Riforma med.. 1927, 43: 987-9.— Careddu, G., & Giua, L. L'insulina nei trattamento dei barnliiui ipotiofici. Riv. clin. pediat.. 1930, 28: 487-512.- Coro. A. J. Accion de la insulina en el tratamiento de eiertos e-'ados de desiiutrici6n. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1926. 31: 373-7.—Enders, A. Der Einfluss des Insulins auf die Mast nach Hunger. Arch. exp. Path., Berl 1942, 199. 606-17 (microfilm)—Fonseca, F. Magreza e emmagrecimento, seu tratamento pela insulina em adultos. Sciencia med., Rio, 1926, 4: 292-302.—Frank. E. Ma»km. Munch., 1938. Arcand, A. Petites manies et miseres des intellectuels. Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 850-4.—Brugger, C. Die Landflucht der Begabten. Allg. Zsehr. Psvchiat., 1939, 112: 337-48.—Freud, S. Der Fortschritt in der Ceistigkeit. Inter- nat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1939, 24: 0-9.—Intellectual curiosity versus intellectual laziness. Pennsvlvania M J 1935-36, 39: 825.—Lalande, A. Philosophic de l'intellect; les essais d'Emile Meyerson. Rev. philos. France, 1937, 124: No. 9-10, 5-27.—Magaret, G. A. Differences in intellectual functioning among normal, paretic, and schizophrenic adults. Abstr. Diss. Stanford Univ. (1940-41) 1941, 16: 219-22 — Mannheim, K. The problem of intellectual life in mass society. In his Man & Society, N. Y., 1940, 106.—Russell, B. The role of the intellectual in the modern world. Am. J. Sociol., 1938-39, 44: 491-8.— Schroeder, T. Intellectual evolution and pragmatism. Monist, Chic, 1916, 26: 86-112.—Strangu- lation of intellectualism. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 2163. INTELLIGENCE. See also Cognition; Education, Psychology; Efficiency, mental; Examination, Factors in school progress; Intellect; Intelligence quotient; Intelligence test; Knowledge; Learning; Men- tality, etc. Hollander, B. Brain, mind, and the external signs of intelligence. 288p. 8? Lond. [1931] Moore, D. T. V. Human and animal intelli- gence. p.95-158. 22cm. Wash., 1941. Vivante, L. Intelligence in expression. 205p. 8? Lond. [1925] Wyatt, H. G. The psychology of intelligence and will. 273p. 8? Lond., 1930. Berman, L. The possibilities for intelligence. In his New Creations, N. Y., 1938, 139-53.—Intelligence can't be isolated as chemical elements can. Science News lett., 1941, 39: 277.—Korngold, S. Role de l'intelligence dans le travail pro- fessionnel. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 239.—Lipmann. O. Ueber Begriff und Erforschung der naturlichen Intelligenz. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1918, 13: 192-201.—Podolski, E. Sobre a anatomia da inteligSncia. Impr. med., Rio, 1942, 18: No. 342, 129-31.—Woods, F. A. Brainy people have good characters. J. Hered., 1937, 28: 65-8. ---- Correlations. Brown, A. W. *The unevenness of the abili- ties of dull and of bright children. 112p. 8? N. Y., 1926. Carmichael, L. The physiological correlates of intelligence, p.93-155. 22cm. [Blooming- ton, 111., 1939?] Geller, W. [H.] *Ueber Untersuchungen der Nagelfalzkapillaren unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zur Intelligenz 24p. 8? Bonn, 1933. Abt, I. A., Adler, H. M., & Bartelme, P. The relationship between ths onset of speech and intelligence. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 93: 1351-5.—Atkinson, W. R. The relation of intelli- o-ence and of mechanical speeds to the various stages of learn- ing. J. Exp. Psychol., 1929, 12: 89-112.—Bischler, W. In- telligence and the higher mental functions. Psychoanal. Q., 1937 6: 277-307.—Brunschvicg, L. Intelligence et intuition. Internat. med. W. Schweiz (1935) 1936, 1. Congr., 62-74 — Biihler, C. Mouvement et intelligence. Rapp. Congr. inter- nat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 348-52.—Eliasberg, W. Intelligenz, Intelligenzprufung und Sprache; zugleich eine Besinnung auf einige Grundfragen der angewandten Psycholo- gie. Klin. Wschr., 1924, 3: 1985-9.—Finzel, G. Schulrang- reihe im Vergleich zu den Ergebnissen der Intelligenzpriifun- o-en- Untersuchungen an einer Madchenklasse des 6. Schul- fahr'es. Zsehr. piidag. Psychol., 1938, 39: 144-50.—Greulich, W. W., Day, H. G. [et al.] Intelligence and educational achievement. Monogr. Soc Res. Child Develop., 1938, 3: No. 2, 332-47.—Haggarty, L. H., & Keys, N. Is it practicable to compare intelligence and achievement? Psychol. Bull. INTELLIGENCE 384 INTELLIGENCE 1941, 38: 732- Harlow, H. F. The neuro-physiological correlates of learning and intelligence. Ibid., 1936, 33: 479 525.--Herrick. J. L. Mentality and intelligence. N. York State J. M., 1917, 17: 486-90.—Hillgruber, A. Wille und Intelligenz (ein Beitrag zur Psvchologie der piaktischen In- t.-lligenz) Arch. ges. Psychol., 1938. 101: 151-72.—Hinton, K. T., jr. The role of the basal metabolic rate in the intelligence of children. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwest. Univ., 1937, 5: 215-9.------A further study on the Kile of the basal metabolic rate in the intelligence of children. .1. Educ. Psychol., 1939, 30: 309-14. -Kell-er, H. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Begabung und Fortpflanzung. Arch. Rassenb., 1929, 22: 36-49.-- Mackaye, D. L. Interrelations of speech and intelli- gence. Am. J. Sociol.. 1929, 35: 353-68. Patrick, J. R., & Rowles. E. Intercorrelations among metabolic rate, vital capacity, blood pressure, intelligence, scholarship, personality and other measures on university women. J. Appl. Psvchol., 1933, 17: 507-21.—Paull, H. Korper-Konstitution und Begabung. Arch. Rassenb., 1929, 22: 21-36.—Peters, W. Ueber die Beziehunm n des Temperaments zur Intelligenz. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1930. 36: 174-92.—Querido. A. [Muscular strength and intellect] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1923, 67: 2527-32.—Reaney, M. J. The correlation between general intelligence and play ability as shown in organized group games. Brit. J. Psychol., 1913-14, 7: 220-52— Schaffer, K. Begabung und Gehirn. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1932, 34: 485.—Sears, P. S. Levels of aspiration in academically success- ful and unsuccessful children. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1940. 35: 498-536.—Sheldon, W. H. Morphologic tvpes and mental ability. J. Personnel Res., 1926-27, 5: 447-51.—Shock, N. W .. & Jones, H. E. The relationship between basal physio- logieal functions and intelligence in adolescents. J. Educ. P-\ choh, 1940, 31 : 369-75.—Stewart, R. M. Brain morphology in iclation to intelligence. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: 171— Travis, L. K., A Hunter. T. A. The relation between intelligence and icflex conduction rate. .1. Exp. Psvchol., 1928, 11: 342 54.— Vernant, J. Intelligence et aliectivite. Rev. philos. Trance, 1939, 64: 160-89. -Vertes, J. O. Assoziation und Intelligenz. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1932, 85: 219-28— Watson, R. I. The relationship between intelligence and the retention of course material in introductory psychology after lengthv delav periods. .1. Educ. Psvchol., 1939, 30: 265-79- Weisman. S. A. The relationship of the Hat client to intelligence. Ann. Int. M., 1935 36. 9: 451-7. —Wrenn. C. G. The relationship of in- telligence to certain interests, personality traits, and vocational choices of college students. Abstr. Dissert. Stanford Univ., 1932-33, 8: 32-6.—Yum, K. S. Primary mental abilities and scholastic achievements in the divisional studies at the Uni- versity of Chicago. J. Appl. Psychol., 19-11, 25: 712-20 — Ziehen, T. Intelligenz und Sprachentwicklung. Ber. Deut. Ges. Sprach Stimmh., 1934, 4. Vers., 1-20. ---- Development. See also Growth [human] mental and motor; Mind. Freeman, F. X., & Flory, C. D. Growth in intellectual ability as measured by repeated tests. 116p. 23cm. Wash., 1937. Izard, J. *La determination du developpe- ment intellectuel chez les enfants; son importance clinique. 120p. 8? Par., 1930. Orton, S. T. The development of speech understanding in relation to intelligence. 14p. 8? Langhorne, 1935. Schiller, B. *Verbal, numerical and spatial abilities of voung children [Columbia Univ.] 69p. 8? X'. Y., 1934. Stoddard, G. D. The growth and decline of intelligence, p.77-88. 23cm. Wash., 1941. AntipofL H. Determinacao da idade bio-psychica da crianca. Arch. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1937, 7: 138-51.— Bauer, G. Synthetische Definitionsversuche; ein Beitrag zur Frage der Erziehbarkeit von Intelligenzleistungen. Arch. ges. Psychol.. 1928, 62: 1-134.—Beckey, R. E. Your child's intelligence. Hygeia, Chic, 1942, 20: 784-7.—Cabello, E., & Cervini, P. R. Desarrollo psfquico del nino de primera infancia de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. An. Soc. puericult. B. Aires. 1942, 8: 29-46, tab.—Castro, M. Evolucao intelectual do homem. Impr. med., Rio, 1942, 18: No. 343, 110.—Cat tell, P. Intelligence of infants and its measurement. Tr. N. York Acad. Sc, 1940-41, ser. 2, 3: 162-71.—Coghill, G. E. Inte- gration as a primary or secondary condition. Monogr. Soc. Res. Child Develop., 1940, 5: No. 2. 43-6.—Davidson, H. P. An experimental study of bright, average, and dull children at the 4-year mental level. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1931, 9: 119-289.— Devaux, E. La gendse de l'intelligence humaine; la fotet a fait le singe et la caverne a fait l'homme. Rev. g£n. sc. pur., 1929. 40: 144-50.—Dubnoff, B. A comparative studv of mental development in infancy. J. Genet. Psychol., 1938, 53: 67-73.—Farmer, E. A study in mental integration. Rapp. Congr. internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 261.— Freeman, F. N. Intellectual growth of children as indicated by repeated teste. Psychol. Monogr., 1936, 47: No. 2, 20-34. ------ & Flory. C. D. Intellectual growth as indicated by composite growth curves. Monogr. Soc. Res. Child Develop., 1937, 2: No. 2, 28 -46.------Intellectual growth as indicated by age runs. Hud., 47-54. ------ Individual dilTerences in intelleclual growth. Ibid., 55-74.----- Relation of intellectual and physical growth. Ibid., 09 71. ---— Development at the college level. Ibid., 75-80.—Gessell, A. L., & Amatruda, C. S. Norms of development. In tluir Develop. Diagn., N. Y., 1941, 23-90.—Goodenough, F. I... 4 Maurer. K. M. The relative potency of the nursery school and the statistical laboratory in boosting the IQ. j. Edm- Psychol.. 1940, 31: 541 -9.— Herrick, ('. J. The evolution of intelligence and its organs. Science, 1910, 31: 7-18.— Lam- bercier, M., & Rey, A. Contribution k I'etude de l'intelligence pratique chez l'enfant. Arch, psychol., Genfive, 1935-36, 25: 1-59. Livesay, T. M. Does test intelligence increase at the college level.' J. Educ Psychol., 1939, 30: 63-8- Lowell. F„ & Woodrow, H. Some data on anatomical age and its relation to intelligence. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1922, 29: 1-15.-- Murchison, ('., & I.anger, S. Tiedemann's observations on tli3 development of the mental faculties of children. Ibid., 1927, 34: 205--30.—Nagge, J. W. The growth of intelligence. In his Psychol. Child, N. Y., 1942. 148-86. ■-----The nature of intellectual growth. Ibid., 153-62. ------ The correlations of various aspects of physical and intellectual growth. Ibid., 217-22.—Oberer, L. I'nti rsuehungen iiber die Entwicklung intellektueller Funktionen im Schulalter. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1930, 36: 288-362.—Pernambuco Filho. A evolucao psico-somatica, da inf&neia a adoleseencia. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1934, No. 8, 154-75.- Piaget. J. Le developpement intellectuel chez les jeunes enfants; etude critique. Mind, Lond., 1931, 40: 137-60. ------ La naissance de 1'intelligence chez l'infant. Brit. J. Educ. Psychol., 1939, 9: 92-6.—Pteron. La naissance de l'intelligence enfantine. C. rend. Congr. internat. enf. (1931) 1933, 267-75.- Pyle, W. H., & Snadden, G. H. An experimental study of bright and dull high-school pupils. J. Educ. Psychol., 1929, 20: 262-79. Roff. M. A statistical studv of the development of intelligence test per- formance. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1941, 11: 371-86.—Sever- son, S. O. The relation of the anatomical age to the chrono logical, pedagogical, and mental ages with special reference to sex differences. Proc. Am. Ass. Study Feebleminded, 1922, 46. Session, 150-70.— Shuttleworth, F. K. Intelligence. Monogr. Soc. Res. Child Develop., 1939, 4: No. 3, 196-202.— Sister Maurice McManama. A genetic study of the cognitive general factor in human intelligence. Stud. Psychol. Cath. Univ. America, 1936, 4: No. 2, 1-35.—Slater, E., Beckwith, R., & Behnke, L. Intellectual development, progress chart. Monogr. Soc Res. Child Develop., 1939, 4: No. 2, 139 — Stemplinger, F. Ueber intellektuelle Spat- oder Nachrcife. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1937, 158: 457-71— Stoddard, G. D. Patterns of growth in human intelligence. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S. 1941, 27: 551-5- Thurstone, L. L. The mental age concept. Psychol. Rev., 1926, 33: 268-78.—Valentine, C. W. Fundamental factors in mental development, matura- tion, exercise and physiological conditions. In his Psychol. Early Childh., Lond., 1942, 44-56.—Varendonk, J. I/evolu- tion des facultes eonscientes. In Evolut. psychiatr.. Par., 1925, 281-4 (Abstr.)—Waxweiler. L'ouvrage du Dr Georges Bohn sur La naissance de l'intelligence. Bull. Soc. anthrop. Bruxelles, 1909, 28: 109-13.—Welch, L. The development of discrimination of form and area. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1939, 7: 37-54.—Wellman, B. L. The growth of intelligence. In Modern Marriage (Jung, M.) N. Y., 1940, 372-8.—Wiersma, D. [Phantasy, observation and intelligence in children] Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1936, 40: 905-25.—Wile, I. S. Intellectual growth and education. In his Challenge of Adolesc, N. Y., 1939, 115-49.------& Davis, R. M. A study of the behavior of 250 children with mental age 10 years. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1938, 8: 689-709. ---- Disorder. See also under names of primary diseases; also Idiocy; Imbecility; Mental deficiency, etc. Abramson, J. Les aptitudes intellectuelles sp6ciale3 chez les instables. Ann. nted. psychol., Par., 1937, 95: pt 2, 603-31.— Berman, L. Multiglandular defects of intelligence. In his New Creations, N. Y., 1938, 146-53. -Delgado, H. Psicologia general y psicopatologfa de la inteligencia. Rev. neur. psiquiat., Lima, 1940, 3: 291-354.—Hebb, D. O. Intelligence in man after large removals of cerebral tissue; report of four left frontal lobe cases. J. Gen. Psychol., 1939, 21: 73-87. ------ Human intelligence after removal of cerebral tissue from the right frontal lobe. Ibid., 1941, 25: 257-65. ------ The effect of early and late brain injury upon test scores, and the nature of normal adult intelligence. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1941-42, 85: 275-92.—Hettinger, J. Psy- chological handicaps in the search for truth. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 473. Jacobsen, C. F., & Nissen, H. W. Studies of cerebral function in primates; the effects of frontal lobe lesions on the delayed alternation habit in monkevs. J. Comp. Psychol., 1937, 23: 101-12.—Jastak, J. Intelligent, but ignorant. Delaware M. J., 1941, 13: 130-3.—Lawton, G., Mental abilities at senescence, a survey of present-day research. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 607-19. ---- Distribution. Anderson, J. E. Intelligence tests of Yale freshmen. School & Soc, 1920, 11: 417-20.—Book. W. F. Intelligence of INTELLIGENCE 385 INTELLIGENCE 6.188 high-school seniors going to college. Psychol. Bull., 1921, 18: 89.—Franzen, R. The geography of intelligence. J. Educ. Psychol., 1924, 15: 499-512.—Hamczyk, S. [Investigations of the intelligence of students of the reform school] Zdrowie, Warsz., 1914, 30: 140; 237.—Hill, D. S. Results of intelligence tests at the University of Illinois. School & Soc, 1919, 9: 542-5.—Hoffmann, A. Vergleichende Inteiligenzpriifungen an Vorschiilern und Volksschiilern. Zsehr. angew. Psvchol., 1913-14, 8: 102-20.—Hunter. H. T. Intelligence tests at Southern Methodist University. School & Soc, 1919, 10: 437-40.—Koch, A. Experimentelle' Untersuchungen iiber die Abstraktionsfahigkeit von Volkschulkindern. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1912-13, 7: 332-91.—Lofthus, J. Inte'ligence investigations in the municipal schools of Oslo. World Health, Par., 1927, 8: 172-5.—Lorge. I. A table of percentile equiv- alents for eight intelligence tests frequently used with adults. J. Appl. Psvchol., 1936, 20, 3: 392-5.—Monroe, W. S. Intel- ligence of 600 young children. Psychol. Bull., 1913, 10: 74.— Myers, G. C. Educational research and statistics, compara- tive intelligence ratings of three social groups within the same school. School & Soc, 1921, 13: 536-9.—Oort, A. H. [Result of intelligence tests] Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1921, 460-70.— Oort [Result of intelligence test taken during examination year of 1921 bv the Dutch Society of Psychology and Neurologvj Ibid.. 1923, 27: 151-203.—Porter, J. P. Some results of intelligence tests in school, co'lege and industry. Psychol. Bull., 1921, 18: 93.—Porteus. S. D. Mental tests with "delin- quents and Australian aboriginal children. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24: 32-42.—Stern. W. Zum Vergleich von'Vorschiilern und Yolksschulern. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1913-14, 8: 121-3.— Sylvester. R. H. An intelligence survey of a typical town school. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1919, 26: 365-71.— Terman, L. M. Intelligence tests in colleges and universities. School & Soc, 1921. 13: 481-94. ---- Environmental and social correlates. Porteus, S. D. Primitive intelligence and environment, 325p. 8?. X. Y., 1937. Anderson. C. A. An experimental studv of social facilitation as affected by int dlieence. Am. J. Sociol., 1929, 34: 874-8).— Bayley, N. A cumu'ative study of environmental correlates of intelligence. Ps\choI. Bull., 1935, 32: 702.—Brem, H. Intel- ligenz und sozi.de Schicht, Arch. Rassenb., 1931, 25: 129; 395.—Canady, H. G. The problem of equating the environ- ment of Negro-white groups for intelligence testing in com- parative studies. J. Social Psychol., 1943, 17: 3-15.—Chap- man, J. C, & Wiggins, D. M. Relation of family size to intelligence of ( ffspring and socio-economic status of family. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1925, 32: 414-21.—Dawson, S. Environmental influence on mentality. Brit. ,1. Psychol., 1936, 27: 129-34—Even nurture in the wild will not destroy intelligence. Science News Lett., 1941, 39: 182.—Glass, L. C. The relation of the intelligence of college students to the occupa- tion of their parents. Eugen. News, 1936, 21: 1.—Haggerty. M. E., & Nash. H. B. Mental capacity of children and paternal occupation. J. Educ Psvchol., 1924, 15: 559-72.—Haught, B. F. The relation of intelligence of college freshmen to parental occupation. Psychol. Monogr., Princeton, 1938, 50: No. 5. 203-10.—Jordan, A. M. Parental occupations and children's intelligence scores. J. Appl. Psychol., 1933, 17: 103-19.— Katzenstein, B. Vergleichende psychologische Untersuchung iiber die Intelligenz der vom Lande in die Stadt abgewanderten Jugendlichen. C. rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 695.—Kirihara, H. Interi ilato.j inter la intelekto kaj la socialaj kondicoj nor vivado. Stud. sc. laboro, Kurasiki, 1924, 1: 391-582.—Klineberg, O. Regional differences in intelligence. In his Social Psychol., N. Y., 1940, 253-9 — Leahy, A. M. Nature-nurture and intelligence. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1935, 17: 235-308.—Livesay, T. M. The relation of test intelligence of high school seniors in Hawaii to the occupation of their fathers. J. Apnl. Psvchol., 1941, 25: 369-77.—McGehee, W., & Lewis, W. D. The socioeconomic status of the homes of mentally sunerior and retarded children and the occupational rank of their parents. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 695.—McNemar, Q. A critical examination of the University of Iowa studies of environmental influences unon the IQ. Ibid., 1940, 37: 63-92.—Mailer, J. B. Mental ability and its relation to r>hysical health and social economic status. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1933. 22: 101-7.—Moshinsky, P. Social environment as a modifying factor in the correlation between maternal age and intelligence of offspring. Milbank Mem. Fund Q., 1942, 20: 47-60.--Nagge, J. W. The effect of environment or nurture on the int 'lligence quotient. In his Psychol. Child, N. Y., 1942, 178-84.--Neff. W. S. Social problems and intelligence. Psychol. League J., N. V.. 1938, 2: 29-33. ------ Socioeconomic status and intelligence, a critical survey. Psychol. Bull., 1938, 35: 727-57- Oberlin, D. S. Social background as a factor in the acquisition of , general information. Delaware M. J., 1941, 13: 133-5.— Quetelet A. Physique sociale, ou essai sur le dovaloDnement des facultes de l'homme. Bull. sc. hist. litt. D<5p. Nord, 1869, 1: 78-80.—Reymert, M. L., & Frings, J. Children's intelligence in relation to occupation of father. Am. J. Sociol., 1935-36, 41: 351-4.__Roberts, J. A. F. Observations on a renreseniative group of children of school age, with an account of some family and social characteristics of the brightest, the average and the dullest. Proc. Am. Ass. Ment. Defic, 1939, 63. Session, No. 2, 79-89 —Sailer, K. Untersuchungen in Landgebieten Ost- ;;2o].-,7—vol. 8, 4th semes----25 frieslands und des Bayrischen Waides; Beitrag II zur Frage der Beziehungen zwischen Intelligenz, sozialer Schichtung und unterschiedlicher Volksvermehrung. Zsehr. Kinderforscb., 1933, 41: 369-410.------Ueber die Stellung der Hilfs- schulkinder von Regensburg und Gottingen im sozialen Aufbau der ubriegen Bevolkerung; Beitrag IV zur Frage der Bezie- hungen zwischen Intelligenz, sozialer Schichtung und unter- schiedlicher Volksvermehrung. Ibid., 1933-34, 42: 447-62 ------ Euganische Lrhebungen bei Landkindern; iiber untersehiedliehe Schull nst ungen im Zusammenhang mit dei sozialen Schichtung bei den Landkindern. Ibid., 1934-35, 44: 180-90.—Schwesinger, G. C. I. Q.'s for sale, or are they, a review of the nature-nurture battle among the mental teasers. J. Hered., 1941, 32: 103-7.—Snygg, D. The relation between the intelligence of mothers and of their children living in foster homes. J. Genet. Psychol., 1938, 52: 401-6.- Stevanovic, B. P. Brightness and environments as factors in determining the age of intellectual maturity, as measured bv tests. Rapp Congr. internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr*, 469. -Stroud, J. B. A study of the relation of intel'igence test scores of public school children to the economic status of their parents. .1. (lenet. Psychol., 1928, 35: 105-11.—Thirndike, E. L. & Woodyard E. Differences within and between com- munities in the intelligence of the children. J. Educ Psychol., 1942, 33: 641-56.—Thorpe, L. P. The influence of favorable opportunity upon intellectual status. In his Psvchol. Found. Person., N. Y., 1938, 127-75. -Vermeylen. G.,"& Audet, G. Developpement intellectuel et milieu. J. beige neur. nsvehiat., 1935, 35: 121-6.—Wallis, W. D. Observations of Dr. Alice M. Leahy's nature-nurture and intelligence. J. Genet. Psychol., 1936, 49: 315-24.—Wells, F. L. Inte'ligence and socialization. Am. J. Psychiat., 1936-37, 93: 1265-91.—Wolf, M. Kleinkindertests an Wohlstandskindern. Zsehr. Kinder- forsch., 1934-35, 44: 191-3. ---- Evaluation. See also Examination; Intelligence quotient; Intelligence test. Blonsky, P. P. Die Alkaleszenz des Speichels a.ls Indikator fiir Intelligenz und psychische Spannung. Psvchol. & Med., Stuttg., 1929-30, 4: 22-0. -Cook, S. W. The judgment of intelligence from photographs. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1939, 34: 384-9— Corey, S. M., & Fahey, G. L. Inferring typ; of pupil mental activity from classroom questions asked. J. Educ. Psvchol., 1940, 31: 94-102.—Ford. J. The distribution of intelligence. In his Social Deviat., N. Y., 1939, 91-4.— Gurnee, H. An analysis of the percition of inte'ligence in the face. J. Social Psychol., 1934, 5: 82-90.—Hubbard, R. M. Intellectual ability of children studied bv a Child Guidance Clinic. J. Juven. Res., 1931, 15: 33-43.—Jones, C. T. Very bright and feeble-minded children, the study of qualitative differences. Training School Bull., 1919-20, 16: 137; 153; 169.—Piaggio, H. T. H. Analysis of intelligence. Nature, Lond., 1936. 137: 39— Rittershaus, E. Zur Schatzung des Intclligenzalters. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1924, 94: 387-91.—Stern, W. IntelligeYizschatzun°;en durch den Lehrer. Zsehr. padag. Psychol., 1917, 18: 198-206.—Strong, E. K. The learning curve as a diagnostic measure of intel- ligence. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14: 153.—Thorndike, E. L. The validity of age at entrance to college as a measure of intelligence. J. Educ. Psychol., 1942, 33: 605-7. ---- Factors. See also Diet, Effect, mental; Mental health, etc. Freeman, F. S. Individual differences; the nature and causes of variations in intelligence and special abilities. 355p. 8? Lond. [1934] Thurstone, . L. L., & Thvrstone, T. G. Factorial studies of intelligence. 94p. 25cm. Chic. [1941] Anastasi, A. The influence of specific experience upon mental organization. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1936, 18: 245-355.—Coffey, H. S. A study of certain mental functions and their relation to changes in the intelligence of preschool children. Univ. Iowa Doct. Diss., 1941, 2: 46-51 (Ahitr.) — Commins, W. D. The intelligence of the later born. School & Soc. 1927, 25: 488.—Fialkin, H. N., & Beckman, R. O. The influence of month of birth on the intelligence test sr-ores of adults. J. Genet. Pscyhol., 1938, 52: 203-9.- Finch, F. H. Note on age of parent and intelligence of offspring. Ibid., 1932, 40: 237-40.—Fritz, M. F. The effect of din on intel- ligence and learning. Psychol. Bull., 1935, 32: 3.55-63 — Gray, S. W. Tha relation of invidual variability to intelligence. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 579.—Hildreth. G. Occuoational status and intelligence. Personnel J., 1931, 13: 153-7.— Looft, C. Les enfants printaniers et les enfants d'aut'jmne; leur evolution d'intslligence. Acta paediat., Upps., 1933-34, 15: 381-95.- Me:ii, R. Facteurs psychologiques et facteurs mathematiques. Kanp. Congr. internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 262.—Noble, M. A. Factorial differ ;nti ition by maximal differences. Stud. Psychol. Cath. Univ. America, 1940 4: No. 6, 1-40.—Pintner, R. Intelligence and month of birth. J. Appl. Psychol., 1931, 15: 149-54.------& Forlano, G. Season of birth and int 'lligence. J. Genet. Psychol. INTELLIGENCE 386 INTELLIGENCE 1942. 61: SI -6.- Price. K. J. J. The nature of the piacricil factor. F. Brit. .1. Psychol., 1939-40, 30: 341-51.- Ueyburn, H. A.. & Tavlor, J. G. Some factors of intelligence. Had., 1940 I!. 31: 249-61.- Roberts. J. A. F., Norman. II. M., & Griffiths. R. Studies on a child pormlation. intilligence and tainilx si/e. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1937 AS. 8: 178-215.— Saer. I). J. The ctinct of bilingualism on intelligence. Brit. J. P-ychol.. 1923-24. 14: Sect. Gen., 25-38. Selz. O. Versuche zui Hebung des Infdligenzniveaus, ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Int lligenz und ihrer erziehlichen Beeinflussung. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1935, 134: 236 301.— Steckel. M. L. Intelligence and birth order in family. J. Social Psychol. 1 ■->:-!(I. 1: 329-44.—Sutherland, H. E. G., & Thomson, G. H. The correlation between intelligence and size of family. P.iit. J. I'-vchol.. 1926-27. 17: Sect. Gen., 81-92- Thurstone, L. L., Jenkins. R. L. Birth order and intelligence. J. Educ. Psychol., 1929, 20: 641-51.—Wechsler, D. Non-intellective factors in general intelligence. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1943, 38: 101-3. ---- Factors: Central intellective factor(g) Bartlett, M. S. The statistical estimation of g. Brit. J. Psychol., 1935-30, 26: 199-206.—Brown, W. The mathe- matical and experimental evidence for the existence of a central intellective factor i g) Ibid., 1932, 23: 171.—Garnett, J. G M. The single general factor in dissimilar mental meas- urements. Ibid., 1920, 10: 242-58.—Irwin. J. O. On the indeterminacy in the estimate of g. Ibid., 1934-35, 25: 393.— Pearson, K., & MouL M. The mathematics of intelligence, the sampling errors in the theory of a generalised factor. Riometrika, Cambr., 1927-28, 19: 246-91.—Pressey, S. L. Minor studies from the Psychological Laboratory of Indiana University, a preliminary investigation of general niognosis; i. e.. general intelligence. J. Appl. Psychol., 1921 22, 5: 72-7.--Wilson, J. H. The exactness of 'g' as determined by certain intelligence tests. Brit. J. Psychol., 1935-36, 26: 93-8. ---- Heredity. See also Heredity, Mental traits; Occupation; Vocation. Law rente, E. An investigation into the relation between intelligence and inheritance. 80p. S? Cambr. [Eng.] 1931. Bleuler, E. Vererbung erworbener psvehischer Eigenschaf- ten? Wien. med. Wschr., 1934, 84: 705; 740— Bogen, H. Vererbung des Berufs. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 1575-9.—Burks, B. S. The status of heredity-environment studies on the development of human intelligence. J. Hered., 1942, 33: 184-6. --- A Tolman, R. S. Is mental resemblance related to physical resemblance in sibling pairs? J. Genet. Psvchol., 1932, 40: 3-15.—Burlingame, L. L. Heredity and intelligence. In hi- Hered. & Social Probl., N. V.. 1940, 141-74.—Finch, F. H. A study of the relation of age interval to degree of resemblance of siblings in intelligence. J. Genet. Psychol.. 1933, 43: 389-404—Hosel, A. Blut ist Geist, Zsehr. Menschenk., 1935-36, 11: 10-15— Hogben. L. T. Genetic variation and human intelligence. Proc. Internat. Genet, Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 147-53.—Hunt, H. R. Intelligence as a Meudelian character; a suggestion concerning the modi of inheritance of mental ability. J. Hered., 1926, 17: 53-8.- Nagge, J. W. The intelligence of siblings. In his Psvchol. Child. X. V.. 1942, 170-4.—Phillips, A. Sib,hip: intelligence and behavior. Psychol. Clin., 1931, 20: 97-115.— Problema (Sui) dell'ereditarieta delle doti intellettuali. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 2, varia, 122-6 (microfilm)— Roberts, J. A. F. Resemblances in intelligence between sibs selected from a complete sample of an urban population. Proc Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 252. ------ Studies on a child population, the resemblance in intelligence between sibs. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1940, 10: 293-312.—Southwick, W. E. Sterilization policy, economic exDediency and fundamental inheritance, with especial reference to the inheritance of the intelligence quotient. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1939, 85: 707-18. ■--- low. See also Child, backward; Idiocy; Imbecillity; Mental deficiency. Richet, C. L'homme stupide. 220p. 12! Par., 1919. Lane, E. B., A Kinder, E. F. Relativism in the thinking of subnormal subject- as measured by certain of Piaget's tests. J. Genet. Psychol., 1939, 34: 107-18.—Rosanoff. A. J., Handy, L. M.. & Plesset, I. R. The etiology of mental defi- ciency with special reference to its occurrence in twins: a clia'iter in the genetic historv of human intelligence. Psychol. Monogr., Princeton, 1937, 48: 1-137.—Rothbart, H. B. Basal metabolism in children of normal and of subnormal intelligence with blood cholesterol and creatinine values. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1935. 49: 673-88.—Thompson, W. H. A follow-up of 104 children excluded from special rooms because of low intelligence ratings. Am. J. Ment. Defic, 1941 42. 46: 241-4.—Thurstone, L. L. The absolute zero in intelligence measurement. P.-ychol. Rev., 1928, 35: 175-97. ---- .Medical aspect. Dawson, S., «.v Conn, J. C. M. Intelligence and disease. 8? Lond., 1931. Lokand, A. Die menschliche Intelligenz und ihre Strikening durch hygienische und thera- peutische Massnahmen. 413p. 2'2V2 cm. Lpz., 1914. Broch, O. J., & Natvig, H. En sosialhygienisk unders0keNi> av h0it og svakt begavete barn. Nord. med., 19-11. 10: 1749 (Abstr.) Dispensa, J., & Hornbeck. R. T. Can intelligence be improved by prenatal endocrine therapy? J. Psychol., Prov- incet., 19-11, 12: 209-24.------Can intelligence he improved by endocrine therapy before fertilization. Ibid., 1942, 14: 235 44. England. N. J. The relation between health and intelligence in school children. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1936, 36: 74-94. ---- national. Cattell, R. B. The fight for our national intelligence. 166p. 22', cm. Lond., 1937. Byrns, R. Intelligence and nationality of Wisconsin school children. J. Social Psvchol.. 1936, 7: 455-70.- CaUell. R. IL Is national intelligence declining? Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1936 37, 28: 181-203.- Hankins, F. H. Is our innate national intel- ligence declining-' Am. .1. Ment. Defic. 1942-43, 47: 25 31. - Hexter, M. B., & Myerson, A. 13.77 versus 12.05, a study in probable error; a critical discussion of Bringham's American intelligence. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1924, 8: 69-82.—Idenburg, P. J. Intelligenzverhaltnisse in den Niederlanden. Allg. statist. Arch., 1931-35, 24: -135--44. -Is the average American a child mentally'.' Good Health. 1934, 69: No. 6, 6-8.—Kloos, G. Zur Intelligcnzpriifung der Landbevilkei ung. Oeff. Gesundhdienst, 1941 42, 7: A, 46-9. Liber, B. Preventive medicine; how intelligent are American high M-hool and college girls; a cross section of a girl's thinking. N. State York J. M., 1938. 38: 449 51. Thorndike, R. L., & Gallup, G. H. Verba! intelligence of the American adult. Psvchol. Bull., 1942, 39: 470 (Abstr.)- Van de Water. M. How old is America mentally? education expert challenges idea that we are nation of 12-vcars-ohl but psychologists find figure not far wrong. Science News Lett., 1934, 25: 294. ---- Racial aspect. Bean, K. L. Negro responses to certain intelligence test items. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1941, 12: 191-8.—Bechkam, A. S. A study of the intelligence of colored adolescents of different social-economic status in typical metropolitan areas, J. Social Psychol., 1933, 4: 70-91.—Brown, A. W., & Cotton, C. B. A study of the intelligence of Italian and Polish school children from deteriorated and non-deteriorated areas of Chicago as measured bv the Chicago non-verhal examination. Child Develop., 1941, 12: 21-30.—Bruce, M. Factors affecting intelligence test performance of whites and Negroes in the rural South. Arch. Psychol., N. Y., 1940, No. 252, 1-99- Bykowski, L. J. Untersuchung des intellektuellen Niveaus der arischen und jiidischen Schiiler in den polnischen Gymnasien. Zsehr. piidag. Psychol., 1935, 36: 38-40.—Canady, H. G. Brief reports on mental testing, sex differences in intelligence among Negro college freshmen. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 437-9 — Cipriani, L. Razza e mentalita (a proposito dell'incrocio cogli Africani) Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1936, 17: 584-90.— Cook, P. H. The application of the Rorschach test to a Samoan group. Rorschach Res. Exch., 1942, 6: 51-60.— Curti, M. W., & Steggerda, M. A preliminary report on the testing of young Mavachildren in Yucatan. J. Comp. Psychol., 1939, 28: 207-23, incl. 2 pl.—Ehrhardt. A., & Klemm, O. Rasse und Leistung auf Grund von Erfahrungen im I'eldc der Eignungsuntersuchung. Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1937, 53: 1-18.—Estabrooks, G. H. A proposed technique for the in- vestigation of racial differences in intelligence. Am. Natur., 1928, 62: 76-87.------The enigma of racial intelligence. J. Genet. Psychol., 1928, 35: 137-9. Fukuda. T. Minor studies from the psychological laboratory of Northwestern University, some data on the intelligence of Japanese children. Am. J. Psychol., 1923, 34: 599-602. -Garth, T. R., Schuelke, N., & Abell. W. The intelligence of mixed blood Indians. Psychol. Bull., 1927, 24: 179. Garth, T. R., & Johnson, H. D. The inteMigence and achievement of Mexican children in the United States. J. Abnorm. Psvchol., 1934, 29: 222-9 — Garth, T. R.. Elson, T. H.. & Morton, M. M. The administra- tion of non-language intelligence tests to Mexicans. Ibid., 1936-37, 31: 53-8- Goodenough, F. L. Racial differences in the intelligence of school children. .1. Exp. Psychol., 1926, 9: 388-97.—Grobitr. H. E. Aus Cntcrsuchungen in einer gehobenen ' Durchschnitt-bevolkerung: Krankheits- und Be- gabungsprognose. fiir die Kinder einer Bevolkerungsauslese. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1939, 165: 112-9.—Herskovits, M. J. On the relation between negro-white mixture and standing in int'-lligence tests. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1926, 33: 30-42.- HolstatUr, P. R. Testuntersuehungen an japa- nischen Kindern und das Reifungsproblem. Zsehr. Kinder- forsch., 1936-37, 46: 71-112.—Hu, P. C. A study of the in- telligence of Anglo-Chinese children. Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1938-39, 30: 109-16.- Klineberg, O. Testing racial intelli- gence. In his Social Psvchol., N. Y., 1940, 297-303.—Livesay, INTELLIGENCE 387 INTELLIGENCE T. M. Intelligence of high-school seniors in Hawaii. J. Educ. Psychol., 1941, 32: 377-80.------Racial comparisons in test-intelligence. Am. J. Psychol., 1942, 55: 90-5.—Mead, M. Group intelligence tests and linguistic disability among Italian children. School & Soc, 1927. 25: 465-8.—Peterson, J.. Lanier, L. H.. & Walker, H. M. Comparisons of white and Negro children in certain ingenuity and speed tests. J. Comp. Psychol., 1925. 5: 271-83.—Requard, F. Kassisch-volkische Gegebenheit und exakte Naturvvissenschaft. Zsehr. ges. Naturwiss., 1937. 3: 193-201.—Rohrer, J. H. The test in- telligence of Osage Indians. J. Social Psychol., 1!I42, 16: 99-105.—Rowe. E. C. Five hundred forty-seven white and 268 Indian children tested by the Binet-Simon tests. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1914. 21: 454-68.--Sailer. K. Leber Intelligenzunters'chiede der Rassen Deutschlands. Eugenik, Berl., 1931-32, 2: 220-5— Sandiford, P., & Kerr, R. In- telligence of Chinese and Japanese children. J. Educ Psvchol., 1926, 17: 361-7.—Schachtel, A. H., Henry, J., & Henry. Z. Rorschach analysis of Pilaga Indian children. Am. J. Ortho- psychiat., 1942^ 12: 079-712.—Smith. M. Racial origins of eminent personages. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1937-38. 32: 63-73. ------ Language and non-verbal test performance of racial groups in Honolulu before and after a 14-year interval. ,1. Gen. Psychol., 1942, 26: 51-93— Symonds. P. M. The significance of intelligence tests in the University of Hawaii. School A Soc, 1924, 20: 601-6.—Wheeler, L. R. The intelli- gence of east Ten.neesse mountain children. J. F,due. Psychol., 1932, 23: 351-70. ------ A comparative .-tudy of the in- telligence of East Tennessee mountain children. Hid., 1942, 33: 321-34.—Witty, P.. & Garfield, S. Trends in discussions of intelligence; race differences. Ibid., 584-94. ---- Sexual aspect. Davis. E. A. The mental and linguistic superiority of only girls. Child Develop., 1937, 8: 139-43.—Jastrow, J. In- telligence: men vs. women. In his Getting More Out of Life, N. Y., 1940, 54-60.—Kamat, V. V. Sex differences among Indian children in the Binet Simon tests. Brit. J. Educ. Psychol.. 1939, 9: 251-6.—Leven. Die Rolle des Oeschlechts bei der Vererbung geistiger Eigenschaften. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 1162.—Rosanoff, A. J., Handy, L. M. [et al.] Sex factors in intelligence. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1934, 80: 125-37. -Sarcy. I. A inteligeAcia do homem e a da mulher. Impr. med., Rio. 1941, 17: No. 334, 124.—Sex differences in status and gain in intelligence, scores from 13 to 18 by the staff of the division of psychology of the Institute of Educational Research. Teachers College, Columbia University. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1936, 33: 167-81. --- superior. See also Genius. Cohler, M. J. A comparative studv of achievers and non- achievers of superior intelligence. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwestern Univ., Chic, 1940, 8: 74-9. ----— Scholastic status of achievers and non-achievers of superior intelligence. J. Educ Psychol., 1941, 32: 603-10.—Del Greco. F. Superiore intelligenza ed anormalite morale. Riv. psicol. appl., 1914, 10: 278-99.—Jenkins, M. D. Case studies of Negro children of Binet IQ at or above 160. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 472 (Abstr.)—Kloos, G. Erbbiologie der Hochbegabung. Munch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 529-31 (microfilm)—Pelletier, M. Comment definir la suneTiorite intellectuelle. Med. mod., Par., 1907. 18: 303.—Test (A) for sunermen. J. Hered.. 1918, 9: 42-4.—Visher. S. S. Ecology of American notables. Human Bio! 1929 1:544-54. ------ Where our notables carne from. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1937, 45: 172-7.—Wells. F. L. Psycho- metric practice in adults of superior intelligence. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1935, 5: 280; 1936, 6: 362; 1938, 8: 79. ----— Some functions of mental measurement in the young superior adult. J. Consult. Psychol., 1941, 5: 105-10. ------ & Hylan, N. W. Psychometric practice in adults of superior intelligence. Am.' J. Orthopsychiat., 1936, 6: 362-75.— Wells, F. L., Williams, R., & Fowler, P. One hundred superior men. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 367-84. —- Test. See Intelligence test. --- Theory. Crile, G. [W.] Intelligence, power and per- sonality. 347p. 231{. cm. N. Y. [1941] Les:, V. pseud, [i. e. Violet Paget] Proteus; or, The future of intelligence. 63p. 16? N. Y. [1925] Richet, C. L'intelligence efc l'homme; etudes de psychologie et de physiologie. 376p. 8° Par., 1927. Robie, T. R. The conservation of intelligence. 25p. 20k cm. Montcltir, 1940. Babcock H The level-efficiency theory of intelligence. J Psychol' Provincet., 1941, 11: 261-70.—Black, C. Note on the nature of intelligence Brit. J Psychol 1928, 18: Sect Gen 451-4.—Boda, E. La structure intellectuelle et le developpement mental, contribution nouvelle il une theorie structurelle de l'intelligence. Rapp. Congr. internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 343.—Campion, G. G. The organic growth of the concept as one of the factors in intelligence. Brit. J. Psychol., 1928, 19: Sect. Cen.. 00-4.—Carre, J. B. De la vraie et de la fausse intelligence. J. psveh. norm, path., Par., 1936, 33: 569-83.—Claremont, C. A. The problem of intelligence, some further considerations. Psyche, Lond., 1926, 7: 59-72. -Dessagne, L. Essai de representation con- crete du processus physiologique de l'intelligeiicc. Rev. philos. France, 193S. 63: 1.29-60.— Dulsky, S. G. A functional con- cept of intelligence, comments on our changing concept of intelligence, by Beth L. Wellman. J. Educ Psychol., 1940, 31: 641-52.--Economo, C. Ueber progressive Cerebration und iiber die Erforschung der anatomischen Grundlagen der Begabungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 597-602 — Edwards. A. S. Intelligence as the capacity for variability or versatility of response. Psychol. Rev., 1928, 35: 198-210.— Ehrenstein, W. Prinzipielles iiber Intelligenz. Zsehr. Psvchol. Phvsiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1932, 124: 291-330.—Grandi (Le) sconerte sull'inn lligenza. Minerva med., Tor., 1940. 31: pt 2, varia, 352-4 (microfilm)—Grau, M. Empirisch-experi- mentelle Beitrage zur Psychologie der mathematischen und snrachlichen Begabung. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1937, 99: 80- 128.—Gray, J. S. A behavioristic interpretation of intelli- gence. Psvchol. Rev.. 1932, 39: 271-8.—Hamilton, J. A. Intelligence and the human brain. Ibid., 1936, 43: 308-21.— Holmes, S. J. Natural s -lection in man, and the evolution of human intelligence. Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1930-31, 22: 7-18.—Honnacker, A. Untersuchungen zum Begriff der praktischen und theoretischen- Intelligenz unter dem Ge sichtspunkte der Berufszufuhrung. Arch. ges. Psycho!., • 1930, 74: 97-134, 3 ol.—Lahy, J. M. L'intelligence et les classes sociales; essai d'une definition objective de l'intelligence. J. psychol. norm, path., Par., 1935, 32: 543-601.—Marum, O. Analyse des Verstehens und seiner Bedingungen. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1936, 95: 99-119.—Moore. T. V. The synthetic sense and intelligence. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1937, 107: 413. Also Psychol. Rev., 1938, 45: 219-27—Norris, O. O. A behaviorist account of intelligence. J. Philos., 1928, 25: 701-14.—Piaget J. Le probleme de l'intelligence et de l'habitude, teflexe conditionne, Gestalt ou assimilation. Rapo. Congr. internat. psvchol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 170-83. -----Le mecanisme du developpement mental et les lois du groupement des operations, esquisse d'une theorie opc-ra- toire de l'intelligence. Arch, psychol., Geneve, 1940-41, 28: 215-S5.— Pieron, H. The problem of intelligence. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1926, 33: 50-60.------Theoretical and practical aspects of intelligence. Brit. J. Psychol., 1932, 22: 353-8.—Podolsky, E. Psychoanalytical views of intelligence. Psychoanal. Rev., 1941, 28: 359-62.—Reichner, H. Experi- mentelle und kritische Beitrage zur Psychologie des Verstehens. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 1. Abt., 1927, 104: 1-61 — Reid. J. R. The apotheosis of intelligence. J. Philos., 1935, 32: 375-85.—Revault D'Allonnes, G. Remarques sur ['in- telligence. J. psychol. norm, path., Par., 1934, 31 : 27-87.— Saussure, R. de. Zur psvchoanalvtischen Aufta^sung d»r Intelligenz. Imago, Wien, 1926, 12: 238-48.—Schafer, R. C. Spearmans theoretisch-psychologisches Werk: The nature of intelligence and the principles of cognition, in kritischer Beleuchtung. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1934, 92: 289-314.— Spearman, C. Manifold sub-theories of the two factors. Psvchol. Rev., 1920, 27: 159-72.------Our need of some science in place of the word intelligence. J. Educ. Psychol., 1931, 22: 401-10.—Stern, W. Zur Theorie der Intelligenz. Zsehr. piidag. Psychol., 1928, 29: 1-10.—Stoddard, G. D. On the meaning of intelligence. Psychol. Rev., 1941, 48: 250-60.—Szuman, S. [On intelligence] Nowiny lek., Poznfin, 1912, 24: 577-82.—Thorpe, L. P. The nature and origin of intelligence. In his Psychol. Found. Person., N. Y., 1938, 81-126.—Tinker. M. A. Sp< e 1 in intelligence. J. Appl. Psvchol., 1934, 18: 189-96.—Warden. A. [Conception of mtClligence] Sven. lak. tidn., 1938, 35: 1771-89.—Wellman, R. L. Our changing concent of intelligence. J. Consult. Psvchol 1938, 2: 97-107.—Wenzl. A. Leitlinien einer Bega- bungslehre. Ber. Deut, Ges. Psychol. (1933) 1934, 13. Kongr., 182-4.—Wilson, E. B. On the invariants of gci'-ral intelli- " -nee. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1933. 19: 708-72.—Wilson, J. H. The nature of intelligence. J. Educ. Psychol., 1931, 22: •'0-34—Wintsch, J. Definition de l'intelligence. Rev. mM. Suisse rom., 1937, 57: 86-109.—Wrenn, C. G., Ferguson, L W., & Kennedy, J. L. Intelligence level and personality. .1. Social Psychol., 1930. 7: 301-8. ---- Type and grade. See also Cognition; Ideation; Learning; Skill. Alexander, W. P. Intelligence, concrete and abstract; a study in differential traits. 177p. 8? Cambr., Eng., 1935. Beyer, A. Natiirliche Intelligenz. Psychiat. neur. Vschr., 1926, 28: 163-7.—Boge, K. Eine Untersuchung iiber prak- tische Int-lligenz. Zsehr. angew Psychol., 1927, 28:85-139.— Carter, H. I). The organization of mechanical intelligence J. Genet. Psvchol.. 1928, 35: 270-85—Deriaz, W. Deux types d'intelligence. Arch, psychol., Geneve, 1929-30, 22: 1-50 — De Voss. J. C. The unevenness of the abilities of gifted children in California. Abstr. Diss. Stanford Univ., 1924-26, 1: INTELLIGENCE 3nf. internat. psychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 701-5.—Stcirring, W. Priifungsmethoden intellektueller Minderbegabung. Psv- chiat. neur. Wschr., 1939, 41: 47-53.— Terman, L. M. The significance of intelligence tests for mental hygiene. J. Psycho- \sthenics, 1914, 18: 119-27.----— The mental test as a nsvchological method. Psychol. Rev., 1924. 31: 93-117 — Thorndike, E. L. On finding equivalent scores in tests of intelligence. J. Appl. Psychol., 1922-23, 6: 29-33—Tolan«ky, S. The association factor in intelligence testing. J. Educ Psvchol., 1931, 22: 321-33.—Tompkins. E. P. Measuring intelligence. Virginia M. Month., 1921-22, 48: 367-71.— Weill, J., & Nellen, R. Mesure de l'intelligence des enfants. Rev. psvchol., Brux., 1912, 5: 368-78.—Wellman, B. L., Skeels, H. M.. & Skodak. M. Review of McNemar's critical examination of Iowa studies. Psychol. Bull., 1940, 37: 93- 111 —Whitmire, E. D. Intelligence tests versus teacher's estimate. Psvchol. Clin., Phila., 1919-20, 13: 197.—Wieg- mann, O. Beitriige zur Methodologie der Intelligenzprufung Untersuchungen an kriminellen und nichtkriminellen Jugend- lichen Zsehr. angew. Psvchol., 1929, 32: 1-101.—Wildenskov, H. O. [Intelligence tests] Ugeskr. la>ger, 1928, 90: 1180-3.— Winkler, J. K., & Bromberg, S. The measurement of intelli- gence. In their Mind Explorers, N. Y„ 1939, 238-50 — Young, G. Factor analysis and the index of clustering. Psy- chometrika, Chic, 1939, 4: 201-8. ---- Adult test. Wechsler, D. intelligence. 229p. 2. ed. 248p. 1941 The measurement of adult 23>2cm. Bait., 1939. Also INTELLIGENCE TEST 390 INTELLIGEN( E TEST Weisexbxtho. T. H., Roe, A., & M< Bride, K. E. Adult intelligence; a psychological study of tost performances. 155p. 8? X. Y., 1936. Burgard, J. Testreihe zur LTntersuchung der Allgemein- intelligcnz Erwachsener. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1929, 68: 325-9 1. 2 id.- Cattell. R. B. Occupational norms of intelli- gence, and the standardization of an adult intelligence test. Brit. J. Psychol., 1934. 25: 1-28.------• Some theoretical issues in adult intelligence testing. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 592.------The measurement of adult intelligence. Ibid., 1943, 40: 153-93.—Conrad. H. S. The measurement of adult intelligence, and the i-quisites of a general intelligence test. J. Social Psvchol., 1931, 2: 72-86.—Lincoln. E. A. An abbrevi- ated mental age scale for adults. School & Soc. 1920. 11: 707-9.—Radecki, W. Un test d'intelligence pour adultes. ,). psychol. norm. path.. Par.. 1927, 24: 831-50.—Washburn, M. F. A note on the Terman Superior Adult Tests, as aoplied to Vassar freshmen. Am. J. Psychol., 1919, 30: 310.—Wellman, B. L. Intelligence of adults. In Fields of Psychol. (Seashore, R. H.) N. Y., 1942. 260-3. ---- Army tests. Atwell. C R. Relationshirj of scores and errors on the Armv Alpha test. J. Appl. Psychol., 1937. 21: 451-5.—Cooper, A. T. Opinions based on intelligence tests at station hospital. Fort McPherson, Georgia. Mil. Surgeon, 1921, 48: 660-4.— Guilford, J. P. A new revision of the Army Alpha examination and a weighted scoring for 3 primary factors. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 239-46.—Linares Maza. A. Adaptation esoanola de los Army mental tests, serie Alfa. Rev. san. mil., Madr., 1933, 23: 66; 107; 138; 261; 294.—M'Callum, M. The annual incidence of int.r lligence, and its measurement bv the American Army tests. Proc R. Soc. Edinburgh. 1920-21. 41: 150-3.— Macvaugh, G. S. Regression formula to predict educational ages from Revised Alpha scores. .7. Appl. Psychol.. 1938, 22: 275-81.—Madsen, I. N., & Sylvester. R. H. High-school students' intelligence ratings according to the Armv Alpha test. School & Soc, 1919, 10: 407-10.—Measurement and utilization of brain power in the Armv. Science. N. Y., 1919, n. ser., 49: 251-9.—Noble, E. L., ct Arps, G. F. University students' intelligence ratings according to the Army Alpha test. School A Soc. 1920, 11: 233-7. Peterson. H. A.. A Kuderna. J. G. Arm\ Alpha in the noiiual schools. Had., 1921, 13: 476 SO- Richardson, F., A Robinson, E. S. Effects of practice upon the scores and predicative value of the Aloha intelligence examination. J. Exp. Psychol., 1921, 4: 300-17.— Roux de Montlebert, S. Adaptation francaise de l'examen alnha des army mental tests, son utilisation comme mesure d'intelligence gem5! ale. ('. rend. Conf. internal, psychotechn. (1927) 1929, I. Conf.. 199.—Ruch, G. M.. A Koerth. W. Power vs. soeed in Army Alpha. J. Educ. Psycho]., 1923. 14: 193-208.—Yerkes, R. M. Psychological examining in the Army. Ti. Coll. Phy-icians Philadelphia, 1918, 157-9. ---- Association test. Kaschke, W. *Intelligenzprufungen und Assoziationsversuche an Kindern. 70p. 8? Greifsw., 1913. Hull, <". L., & LugoflT L. S. 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Psychometrika, Cincin., 1912, 7: 165-9.— Wile. I. S., A Davis, R. A comparative study of the Kohs Mock design test. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1930 1- 89-103. ---- Biihler test. Feitscher, P. Zu den Kleinkindertcsts von Hiihlei und Hetzer. Arch. Psychiat., BerlM 1938-.39. 109: 099 72(1. - Hubbard, R. M. A study of the reliability and validity of the Biihler infant scale. J. Cenet,. Psychol., 1935,47:361 84.— Wolf. M. Kleinkindertcsts, Erprobung der Hiihler'schen Entwicklungstests an Kindern aus gehobenem sozialen Milieu Arch. ges. Psychol., 1935, 94: 215-46. ---- Cattell test. Cattell, R. B. Cattell group intelligence scale; specimen set. 2. ed. 9 pamphl. 8? & 4° Lond. [1933-37] The measurement of intelligence of infants and young children. 274p. 23cm N. V., 1940. Cattell, R. B. Standardization of I wo intelligence tests for children. Brit. J. Psychol., 1935-36, 26: 263-72.------A culture-free intelligence test. J. Educ. Psvchol., 1940, 31 ■ 161-79. ---- Comparative value. Anderson, J. E. 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Comparable measures. J. Educ! Psychol., 1914, 5: 589-95.—Kosog, O. Die Wertung der Testseri'm (mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pru- fungsergebnisse bei einem fiinfjahrigen Knaben) Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1914-15, 9: 200-98.—MacMurray, D. A comparison of the intelligence of gifted children and of dull- normal children measured by the Pinter-Paterson scale, as against the Stanford-Binet scale. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1937, 4: 273-80.—Miiller, H. Ueber Intelligenzprufungen bei Anstaltskindern bis zum 3. Lebensjahre im Vergleich zu Kindern in privater Pflege. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1925, 3. F., r:9: 345 -51.—Murphy, L. W. The relation between mechanical abilitv tests and verbal and non-verbal intelligence tests. J. Psychol.. Provincet., 1936, 2: 353-66.- Myers, G. C. A grave fallacy in intelligence test correlations. School & Soc, 1920, 11: 528.—Pressey, S. L., & Pressey, L. W. Measuring the usefulness of tests in salving school problems. Ibid., 1920-21, 12: 531-4. Roberts, J. A. F., & Griffiths, R. Retests on the advanced Otis and Stanford-Binet scales, with notes on the use of a shortened Binet scale. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1937, 8: 15-45, ch.—Schultze, O. Eine neue Weise der Auswertung der Intelligenzteste (Methode der Intelligcnzzensur) Zsehr. angew. Psychol., 1916, 11: 19-28.—Seagoe, M. V. An evalua- tion of certain intelligence tests. J. Appl. Psvchol., 1934, 18: 432-6.—Shaggs, E. B. A comparison of results obtained by the Terman Binet tests and the Healy picture completion test. J. Educ Psychol., 1920, 11: 418-20.—Simon, W., & Schonfeld, W. Vergleich der Intelligenzschatzung mit grnphologischei und psychotechnischer Methode. C. rend. Conf. internat,. nsychotechn. (1934) 1935, 8. Conf., 700.—Thomson, G. H., & Pintner, R. Spurious correlation and relationship between tests. J. Educ Psychol., 1924, 15: 43.3 -4L--Vileies. M. S. A comparison of three tests of general intel!i"eiice J Appl. Psychol., 1922-23, 6: 391 402. Wells. F. L. Rorschach and the free association, test. J. Gen. Psychol.. 1935. 13: 413-33 — Wiersma, IL Comparison of a few inlellect-tests. Proc Akad. wet. Amsterdam, 1930, 33: pt 2. 595-604.—Wilson, •L H. Comparison of certain intelligence scales. Brit. .1. Psychol., 1924-25, 15: Sect. Gen., 44-63.—Wolf, S. J. Com- parison of the Wood worth-Cady personal data sheet, and Baker's telling what I do test. .7. Genet. Psychol., 1938, 53: 353-63. ---- Comprehension and definition tests. Lichtewstein. A. *Ueber den Wert der Gregorschen Dofinitionsmethode zur Beurteilung der Intelligenz bei Kindern von 5 bis 14 Jahren. 40p. 8? Berl., 1926. INTELLIGENCE TEST 391 INTELLIGENCE TEST Menschel, P. R. H. *Zur diagnostischen Bewertung von Intelligenzleistungen mittels der Definitionsmethode [Leipzig] p. 231-42. 8? Jena, 1921. Breed, F. S. A comparison of two methods of measuring comprehension in reading. School & Soc, 1918, 7: 266-70.— Hebb, D. O., & Morton, N. W. The McGill Adult Compre- hension Examination; Verbal Situation and Picture Anomaly Series. J. Educ Psychol., 1943, 34: 16-25.—Richards, A. M., & Davidson, P. E. Correlations of sinole measures of some representative reading tests. School & Soc, 1916, 4: 375-7. Starch I> Educational research and statistics, the r-iialdlitv of reading tests. Ibid., 1918, 8: No. 186, 86-90.—Thomson. G. H.. A Lawley, D. N. New norms for Ballard's reading and arithmetic tests for 7-year-olds. Brit. J. Educ. Psychol., 1942, 12: 56-8. ---- De Sanctis test. De Sanctis, S. La valutazione della intelligenza in psicologia applicata. Psiche, Fir., 1913, 2: 153-74. ------ Das Mass der Intelligenz. Eos, Wien, 1914, 10: 88-97. •------ & Bol atti, E. La graduazione dell'insufficienza intellettuale col methodo dei reattivi. Inf. anorm., Milano, 1914, 7: 153.— De Sanctis (The) tests. Training School Bull., 1913-14, 10: 34_6.—Forza, G. I a misura della insufficienza e l'applicazione dei reattivi De Sanctis. Inf. anorm., Milano, 1918, 11: 109-16.—Zabugin, F. D. [Investigation of the intellect, of children by the Sante-de-Sanctis method] J. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva, 1915-16, 15: 68-74. ---- Drawing test [Goodenough, etc.] Dennis, W. The performance of Hopi children on the Goodenough Draw-a-Man-test. J. Comp. Psychol., 1942. 34: 341-8. Also Psvchol. Bull., 1942, 39: 578.—Goodenough, F. L. A new approach to the measurement of the intelligence of young children. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1926, 33: 185-211. ------ An early intelligence test. Child Develop., 1934, 5: 13-8.—Heyer, G. R. Klinische Analyse von Hand- zeich'nungen Analvsierter (im Sinne von Jung) Ber. Allg. arztl. Kongr. Psychother., 1929, 4: 36 [Discussion] 67-77 — Kinder, E., & Steggerda, M. A study of results secured through use of the Goodenough drawing scale with children of different racial groups. Ber. Versamml. Internat. Fed. eugen. Org., 1936, 12. Congr., 100-2.—Nagge, J. W. Drawings as an index of intelligence. In his Psychol. Child, N. Y., 1942, 162-5.—Williams, M. L. The growth of intelligence as measured bv the Goodenough drawing test. J. Appl. Psychol., 1930-31, 14: 239-56. ---- Formboard tests [Ferguson; Seguin; Wit- mer, etc.] Bruckner, L., tud\ of the piedi.-tri e value of cei tain kinds of scores in int' lligence tests. .1. Kdiic. Psvchol., 192 L 15: 448-01. —Burtt.H. E., Chassell. L. M., A Hatch, E. M. Efficiency of instruction in unselected sections in elementary psychology compared with that in sections selected on basis of intelligence tests. Ibid., 1923. 14: 154-61.—Carr. H. A. Reliability vs validity of test scores, l'svchol. Rev., 1938, 45: 435-40.—Cattell. J. McK. Interpretation of intelligence tests, Sc. Month.. 1924. 18: 508-16. Chapanis, A. Notes on tlu- rapid calculation cf item validities J. Kdiic. Psychol., 1941.32: 297-304.—Conrad, H. S. The bogev of the personal equation in ratings of intelligence. Ibid.. 1932. 23: 147-9.—Dunlap, K., & Snvder, A. Practice effects in intelligence tests. J. Exp. Psychol.. 1920. 3: 396-403. Forster, G. La fidedite des epreuve.- d'intelligence et la m'ecssite des tests de controle. f". rend. Conf. internat. psychotechn. (19271 1929. 4. Conf. 193-8. —Foucault, M. La mesure de l'intelligence et lc- tesultats scolnins. Ibid., 509-17.—Furley, P. H., A Mueh- lenbein, J. The validity of infant intelligence tests. J. Genet. Psychol., 1932, 40: 219 23.—Hofstatter, P. R. Was besagen Testei gclmisse'.' ein Beitrag zum Diinensioiisprolilem der FntwicklungsTests. Zsclu. Kindei foi«, h., 1938. 47: 72-90. Jaensch, E. R. Grund>;itze fiir Auslese. Int-elligenzi i lifung unil ihre praktische \ ei u n klichung. /Cm-Iii. angew. Psxchol., 1938. 55: 1-14 Kohs, S. C. High test scoies attained b\ subaverage mind*. I'm chol. Bull., 1920, 17: 1-5. Mailer, J. B., & Zubin, J. The effect of motivation upon intelligence test scores. J. Genet. Psychol., 1932, 41: 136-51.—Manson, G. E. Personality differences in intelligence test performance; group individual differences; the significance of omissions J. Appl. Psychol, 1925-26, 9: 230 5.- Mateer. F. Sonic differences bctwien normals and defectives which are not indicated by intelligence tests. Psychol. Bull . 1917, 14: 75.— Meumann, E. Die soziale Bedeutung der Intelligenzprufungen. Zsehr. piidag. Psychol., 1913, 14: 433-40.—Pieron, H.. & Pteron, Mine H. Etablissement et utilisation d'un test d'intelligence en orientation pi oiessjonuelh . ('. rend. Conf. internat. pyschotcdm. C1927) 1929, t. Conf., 185-7.- Pintner, R. The influence of language liackgiound on int illegence tests. J. Social Psychol. 1932. 3: 235 40. A Paterson, I). G. The factor of experience in intelligent testing. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1915, 9: 44 5C—Remmers, H. H., Schock, N. W., & Kelly, E. L. An empirical study of the validity of the Spear- man-Brown formula as applied to the Purdue rating scale. J. Educ. Psychol., 1927, 18: 187-95.—Richardson, C. A. The influence of alTeclivt fac'ois on the mea-miement of int"lligcnc< . Put. .1. M. Psychol.. 1923. 3: 3-1-8.—Richardson, M. W., & Kuder, G. F. The calculation of test reliability. coefficients l>a-el on the method of rational ccjuh alence. .1. Educ Psychol., 1939, 30: 681 -7.— Shen, E. The standard error of certain estimated coefficients of correlation. Ibid., 1924 15: 462-5.—Slater, P., Sargant. W., & Glen, M. Influ- ence of sodium amvtal on intelligence-test scores. Lancet, Lond, 1912. 1: 070. Stuart. D. I). V. Variability in the lesulls of iiit.-lligence-tests. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1914, 63: 319.— Svmonds, P. M. On the loss of reliability in rating due to coarseness of the scale. J. Exp. Psychol.. 1924. 7: 456-61 — Thorndike, E. L. The form of the curve of practice in the case of addition. Am. J. Psychol., 1915. 26: 247-50.------ Tests of intelligence, reliability', significance, susceptibility to special training and adaptation to the general nature of the task. School & Soc, 1919, 9: 189-95.------Equality in difficulty of alternative intelligence examinations. J. Appl. Psycho!., 1920-21, 4: 283-8. ------ On the improvement in intelligence scores from 14 to 18. J. Educ Psychol., 1923, 14: 513-6. Vries, E. de. Effect of speech on the intelligence test in Indo-European children. Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1936. 76: 195-201.—Wallin. J. E. W. The consistency shown by int'lligence ratings based on standardized tests and the teacher's estimates. J. Educ. Psychol., 1923, 14: 231-45.— Wildenpkov, H. O. [The validity of intelligence mcasurin"] Xord. med.. 1940, 5: 603-10.—Wile, I. S. Some t.rosrnostic values in the measurement of intelligence. N. York State ,J M., 1927, 27: 776-80. ---- Kent tests. Kent, G. H. A graded series of geometrical puzzles. J. Exp. Psychol., 1916. 1 : 40-50.------A combination mental test for clinical use. J. Aopl. Psychol., 1923-24, 7: 246-57. ----- Written tests for the clinic. J. Genet. Psvchol., 1934, 44: 49-h8.—Lewinski, R. J. A qualitative analysis of the Kent Oral Emergency test as a clinical instrument in the examination of naval lecruits. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 316-31.—Sloan, W., & Sharp, A. A. A note on interpolation of Kent oral emergency test scores into mental age vears and months. Ibid., 1941. 25: 592-4. ---- Knox cube test. Davis. E. A. Knox cube iesi and digit span. J. Genet. Psvchol.. 1932. 40: 234-7.- Pintner. R. The standardization of Knox's cube and featuie piofile tests. Psychol. Bull., 1915. 12: 72.- Rachofsky, L. M. Speed of presentation and ease of recall in the Knox cube test. Ibid., 1918, 15: 61-4. ---- Kuhlmann test. Berger, A. \ note on reliability in the Kuhlmann individual tests of nn t tal development. J. Educ. Psvchol.. 1940, 31: 710-2.--Kuhlmann. F. A new scale of intelligence tests with some new measures. Proc Am. Ass Ment. Defic. 1938, 62. Session, pt 1, 47 55. ---A median mental age method of ueiglnne and scaling mental tests. J. Awpl. Psvchol., 1927 2S. 11: 181-98. -Spache, G. The use of the Kuhl'mann- Anderson int'dligence tests in private schools. J. Educ. Psychol., 1939. 30: 618-23.------Deriving language and non-language measures of intelligence from the Kuhlmann- Anderson intelligence tests. Ibid., 1941, 32: 673-80. ---- Maze test [Porteus! See also Learning. Cavalcanti Borges, J. C. Padroni/.acio dos lalarintos de Porteus. Neurobiologia. Recife, 1941, 4: 17-21. Herd, H. The Porteus maze mental tests. Med. Off., Lond., 192.3, 30: 267.—Jarrett, R. F. Some observations on social capacity; application of the Porteus maze tests to 100 Borstal lads. Lancet, Lond.. 1920, 2: 1059. Porteus, S. D. Test interpre- tation. Training School Bull.. 1920-21. 17: 08 72. - Maze tests and social adaptability. Lancet. Lond., 1927, 1: 1152.------& Hill. H. F. Tests and test procedure. Train- ina School Bull., 1920 21. 17: 10-33. Porteus (The) test. Med. .1. Australia, 1918, 1: 517.- Young. H. H. Slot maze A. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1921-22, 14: 73 82. ---- Otis test. Balinsky, B., & Stone, I. R. \ new method of finding the intelligence quotient on Otis self-administering tests, higher examination. J. Social Psvchol., 1939, 10: -159-65.—Hovland, C. I., & Wonderlic, E. F. A critical analysis of the Otis self- administering test of mental abili'v. higher form. J. Appl, Psychol.. 1939. 23: 367-87.—Older, H. J. A note on the 20- minute time limit of the Otis S-A tests when used with superior high school students. Ibid., 1912. 26: 2-11-4.—Otis, A. S. A criticism of the Yerke«-Bi idges point scale, with alternative suggestions. J'. Educ Psychol., 1917, 8: 129 -50.—Stevens. S. N.. & Wonderlic. E. F. Tht relationship of the number of questions missed on the Otis mental tests and the ability to handle office detail. .1. Appl. Psychol., 1934, 18: 364-8.— Traxler, A. E. It --liahilin-, constancy, and validity of the Otis IQ. Ibid.. 241-51.-Wonderlic. E. F.. & Hovland, C. I. The personnel test, a lestandanlized abridgment of the Otis S-A test for business and industrial use. Ibid., 1939, 23: 685-702. ---- Performance tests [Army; Cornell-Coxe; Pintner-Paterson, etc.] Earle, F. M., & Milxer, M. The use of performance tests of intelligence in vocational guidance. 76p. 8? Lond., 1929. , Gaw, F. Performance tests of intelligence. 48p. 8? Lond., 1925. Wellman, B. L. The intelligence of preschool children as measured by the Merrill-Palmer scale of performance tests. 150p. 8? Iowa City, 1938. Alexander, W. P. A new performance test of intelligence. Brit. J. Psychol.. 1932. 23: 52.- Bennett, M. W. factors influencing performance on group ami individual tests of intelligence; rate of work. Genet. Psvchol. Monogr., 1941. 23: 237-318.—Bijou, S. W. The performance of no.mal children on the Randall's Island performance series. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 186-91.-----An experimental analysis of Arthur performance quotients. J. Consult, Psvchol., 1912, 6: 247- 52.—Bronner, A. F. Attitude as it affects performance of tests. Psychol, fiev., 1910, 23: 303-31. -Carlisle, C. L. Per- foi nuince nouns for 13 tests. J. Educ. Psvchol.. 1918. 9: 51S 2.3. fattell, R. B., Feingold, S. N., & Sarason, S. B. A cnltun -fie,- intelligence test; evaluation of cultural influence on test performance. Ibid., 1941, 32: 81-100.--Doll. K. A. The painted cube construction test. Ibid.. 1917, 8: 176 -8. - Hames. T. H. Diagnostic values of some performance tests. } Psychol. Hev.. 1915, 22: 299 30.-, Hanfmann, E. A study of personal patterns in an intellectual performance. Character & Personality. 1940-41, 9: 315 25.- Hertzman. M. The influence of the individual's variability on the organization of performance. J. Gen. Psychol.. 1939, 20: 3-24.—Heston. J. C & Cannell, C. F. A note on the relation between age and performance of adult subjects on 4 familiar psychometric tests. J. Appl. Psychol., 1941. 25: 415-9.—Kent, G. H. A graded series of dovetail puzzles. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14: 66.—Lincoln, H. A study of the Cornell-Coxe performance ability scale with superior children. Univ. Pittsburgh Bull., INTELLIGENCE TEST 393 INTELLIGENCE TEST 1936, 33: No. 1, 374. Also J. Genet. Psvchol., 1937, 50: 283- 92—Lowe, G. M„ Shimberg, M. E., & Wood, M. W, Further standardization of construction tests A and B. J. Appl. Psychol., 1924-25, 8: 324-38.—Mahan, H. C. A battery of performance tests {the Arthur scale revised) Ibid., 1934, 18: 645-55.- -Meili, R. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Ordnen von •*. A. The South African official mental hvgiene scale of intelligence tests," and its clinicrl application. S. Afr. M. J.. 1934, 8: 373-5.— Dubitsclur. F. Durehfuhrung von Iiitf-lligenzuntersuchungen. li< iehsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 369-70. ------ Geschichtserzah'ung als Bestandteil der IntelliL" nzuntersuchung. Ibid., 994.—Dunlap, K. A new method with the complication experiment. Psychol. Bull., 1917. 11: 56.— Fcrvers-Pirig, A. Der Quadrat ttst. eine Ne.ugestaltung de.> Bomdontests auf Grund cxperimentell- l>-\ chologi.-cher l*nt«T>uchui!gen. Arch. ges. Fhyschol., 193S, 100: 198-222- Figuerido, C. A. Contribucion al estudio de la inteligencia por la prueba de Counaievsky y su relacion con el amhiente social y la culture. Arch, neurob., Madr., 1932, 12: lilti -54.- Fillmore, E. A. Iowa te-ts for voung children. Lniv. Iowa Stud.. I!i3ii. 11: 9 ,'.V 2 p!.- Frver. I). Intelligence tests in industrv. Peisoimel .1., 1934-35, 13: 321-3.—Geissler, L. R. A new n-t of general intelligence. J. Educ. Fwchol., 1913, 4: 365.- (termain. J., & Rodrigo, M. Prinieros resultados de un test de inteligencia general. Arch, neurob., Madr., 1933, 13: 1189-221.—Gibbcns, C. C. A short scoring method for the link P. Q. test. J. Appl. Psvchol.. 1938. 22: 653-6.—Gicse, F. Die Dreiwoi tmethode bei 1 nielligenzi rufungen. Zsehr, padag. Psvchol., 1913. 14: 524; .".."(i- -Gordon. K. A di-sc-ted- story test. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14: 66.—Goudge, M. A simplified method of conducting McDoiurall's spot-pattern test. J. Educ. Psychol.. 1915, 6: 73 XI. Cray, C. T. A new form of the substitution test. Ibid., 1913, 4: 293-7.— (ivlleneward, C. [Examinations of students as intelligence tests] _ Tskr. mil. hiiLov.. 1931, 56: 77 98. Haberrran, J. V. The intelligence examination and evaluation, anil a new intelhieiicc examination sheet. J. Am. M. Ass., 1915, 65: 399 404 Hallowell, I), K. Mental tests for pre-school chil- dren. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1925-27, 16: 235-76.—Hayman, M. Two minute clinical test for measurement of intellectual impaii ment in psychiatric disorders. Arch. Neur. Psvchiat., Chic. 1942, 47: 454-64.—Hennsberg. R. Zur Methodik der Intelligenz].liifung. Bei I klin. Wschr.. 1920, 57: 581-3 — Hcnnc- H. Lie le>cpiobo, eine neue Methode zur Priifung dc .\ulTa-iii.g■ lelngl.eit. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1919, 51: 96-Mix. Herd, IL A noie on the use of psychological tests of mental retaliation. M> d. Off., Lond.. 1921,25:49. ------ Intelligence tests foi -cho.d children. Ibid., 26: 187 — Hermann-Cziner, A., & Hermann, I. Der Hebelprinzipversueh als Iiitelligenzprohe. Zsehr. angew. Psvchol., 1925-26, 26: 471-87. -Hetzer. H., iehen, T. Einige Ergrin zungen zu den Methoden cler Inlelligenzprufung. Arch. I Psychiat.. Berl. 1918, 59: 493-500.—Zink. G. Testreihe zur Lnteisiu hung der Intelligenz dreizehnjahriger Volksschiiler unit Peiii.igei, zur Uiiteisiichung der kindlichen Intelligenz im Yi igli ich zu der Intelligenz von Erwachsenen) Arch. ges. Psychol., 1931. 80: 403 51, jd. ---- Vocabulary test. Weeks, A. L. *A vocabulary information test [Columbia Univ.] 72p. 8? N. Y., 1928. Babcock, H. The bottleneck in psychology as illustrated by the Terman vocabulary test, Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 244- 54.— Bennett. G. K., & Roslow, S. Extension of the norms of the Columbia vocabulary test. J. Appl. Psychol., 1941, 25: 48-51.—Hebb. D. O. Verbal test material' independent of special vocabulary difficulty. .1. Educ. Psychol., 1942, 33: 691-6.—Heinau. M., & Schroder, P. Der Wortschatztest. Zsehr. piidag. Psychol., 1928, 29: 516-30— Terman, L. M. The vocabulary test as a measure of intelligence. J. Educ. Psychol., 1918, 9: 452-66.—Tilley, H. C. A technique for determining the relative difficulty of word meanings among elementary school children. Bull. Univ. Pittsburgh, 1935, 32: No. 1, 217-23.—Twigg, A. M. A new French vocabulary test. School. & Soc, 1924, 20: 734. ---- Yerkes point scale test. Yerkes, R. M., Bridges, J. W., & Hardwkk, R. S. A point scale for measuring mental ability. 218p. 8? Bait,, 1915. Cooper, A. T. The use of the Yerkes-Bi idges point scale in intelligence tests. Mil. Surgeon, 1923. 53: 15-8.- Carrison, S. C. Yerkes point scale for measuring mental ability as applied to normal adults. Psvchol. Pull., 1917, 14: 152. Hardwick. R. S. The weighting of point scab tests. J. Educ. Psvchol., 1917, 8: 416-21. Also Psvchol. Bull., 1917, 14: 73. Also Bull. Massachusetts Comm. Ment. Dis., 1917-18, 1: 170-9; 1918-19, 2: 170-9.—Yerkes, R. M. The point scale method of measuring mental ability. Psychol. Bull., 1915, 12: 69. ------ Point-scale coefficients of intelligence. Ibid., 1917, 14: 72.------Practical mental measurement; intelligence tests for elementary schools. Sc. Am. Month., 1920, 1: 270-3. ------& Bridges, J. W. The point scale, a new method for measuring mental capacity. Boston M. A S. J., 1914, 171: 857-66.—Yerkes, R. M., & Rossy. C. S. A point scale for the measurement of intelligence in adolescent and adult individuals. Bull. Massachusetts Comm. Ment. Dis., 1918-19, 2: 132-52. INTEMPERANCE. See under such headings as Alcoholism; Appe- tite, excessive; Desire; Drug addiction; Pleasure, etc. INTENTION. See Impulse; Will. INTENTION tremor. See under Tremor. INTERALLIED Conference on the Aftercare of Disabled Men. 3. Conf. [Roma, 1919] L'assistenza di guerra in Italia; assistenza militare, pensioni di guerra. viii, 815p. facs. tab. diagr. 26cm. Roma, Soc. anon, poligr. ital., 1919. INTER-ALLIED 395 INTERAMERICANISM INTER-ALLIED Surgical Conference [1917] See in 5. ser. Great Britain. War Office. Ceneral principles guiding the treatment of wounds of war. 40p. 13V>cm. Lond. [1917] INTER-AMERICAN Bibliographical and Li- brary Association. 3. Convention [Wash., D. C, Feb. 23-24, 1940] Proceedings. 37lp. 23cm. N. Y., H. W. Wilson co., 1941. Forms v.3, ser. 2, Pub. Inter-Amer. Bibliogr. Libr. Ass. INTER-AMERICAN bibliographical review. Wash., D. C, v.l, 1941- INTERAMERICANISM. See also Internationalism; also under such headings as Health law, international; Health organization, international, etc. For inter- american congresses see Tentative List of Congresses in the 3. volume of the 4. series of the Index-Catalogue. United States. State Department. Divi- sion of Cultural Relations. Conference on inter-American relations in the field of education, Nov. 9-10, 1939: Report of the General Findings Committee and reports and recommendations of the 6 group meetings on Nov. 10. 24p. 27cm. Wash., 1939. ---- Conference on inter-American relations in the field of education: Continuation Com- mittee in Medicine and Allied Fields. Minutes of meeting of March 8, 1940. 37p. 27cm. Wash., 1940. ---- Conference on inter-American relations in the field of education: Temporary Continua- tion Committee. Minutes of meeting of Feb. 2 and 3, 1940. 25p. 27cm. Wash., 1940. —— Conference on inter-American relations in the field of publications and libraries, Nov. 29- 30, 1939: Digest of proceedings and addresses. 55p. 2612cm. Wash., 1940. ---- Conference on inter-American relations in the field of publications and libraries: Minutes of meeting of March 25, 1940. 15p. 27cm. Wash., 1940. ---- List of persons compiled in connection with the 4 conferences on inter-American cultural relations, Washington, D. C, October and November 1939. Ill numb. 1. 26Kcm. Wash., 1940. Whitaker, A. P. Inter-American affairs, 1941; Annual survey: No. 1. 240p. 23^cm. N. Y, 1942. Centenary (the) of Genera! Saul under at the Pan American Union. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1910, 74: 434-6. Drury, A. The Cruiser La Argentina at San Francisco, California. Ibid., 463-6.—Schurz, W. L. Public health, social welfare, and labor. in Inter-Amer. Affairs (Whitaker, A. P.) N. Y. (1941) 1942, No. 1, 151-68.--Whitaker, A. P. A half century of inter- American relations, 1889-1940. In his Inter-Amer. Affairs, N. Y. (1941) 1912, Xo. 1, 3-40. --- Medical relations. See also Health law, international; Health organization, international; Panamerican Medical Association; Panamerican Sanitary Bureau, etc. American republics win victory over disease. Panamerican, 1941-42, 2: No. 7, 22.— Cooperacion sanitaria interamericana. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1940, 19: 988.— Fellowships for Latin Americans. .1. Am. M. \ss., 1942, 119: 1124.—Fishbein, M. Inter-American medical relationships. Ibid., 120: 1186-8.— Grau, L. C. El dia 2 de diciembre en las Americas, un ciclo de armonia entre las naciones americanas. Rev. med. cir., Barranquilla, 1911, 8: 19-29.—Panamericanismo (El) y la medicina. Med. ibera, 1934, 28: pt 1, p. cclxxxi.—Parran, T. Solidaridad sanitaria en las Amencas. America clfn., 1942, 3: No. 2, 10.—Ramos, D- F. La sahid ptiblica como factor import'antisimo en la defensa panamericana. Medicas, N. Y., 1941-42 2: No. 4, 57-60.------■ La salud publica como una parte m'uy importante de la defensa panamericana. Rev. \ san. mil., Habana, 1942, 6: 5-14.—Reed, C. A. L. The relation of the medica] profession to the practical Pan-Americanism of the 20th century. Lancet-Clinic, 1915, 63: 712-7.—Sawyer, W. A. Speeding health progress in the Americas. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 1189.—Stice, L. Medical relationships of the American nations. Ibid., 118: 234-7. ---- Organization. MacEachern, M. T. Memorandum of inter- American activities of the American College of Surgeons for the Conference on inter-American relations in the field of education, Nov. 9-10, 1939. 10 1. 28^cm. Wash., 1939. United States. State Department. Pre- liminary survey of inter-American cultural activities in the United States. 159 numb. 1. 2612cm. [Wash.] 1939. ---- The program of the Department of State in cultural relations. 32p. 23M>cm. Wash., 1942. Balseiro. J. What of special interest to the United States can the other American republics contribute? Digest Proc. Conf. Interamer. Relat. Pub. Libr., 1940, 11-3—Canyes, M. Registration of treaties in the Pan American Union. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1942, 76: 524-30.—Comite permanente de intercambio cultural entre las facultades de medicina de la Universidad de Cornell y la Universidad de la Habana. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1941, 20: front.—Crawford, W. R. Conference on intellectual cooperation. In Inter-Amer. Affairs (Whitaker, A. P.) N. Y. (1941) 1942. No. 1, 136-9.—Eighth (The) Inter- national Conference of American States. Bull. Panamer. Union. 1938, 72: 617-9.—Fiftieth (The) anniversary of the Pan American Union in Washington. Ibid., 1940, 74: 421-33.— Furbay, J. H. Havana conference of Committees on Intellec- tual Cooperations from American countries. Science, 1941, 94: No. 2448. 10.—Gallagher, M. C. Inter-American confer- ence on systems of economic and financial control. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1942, 76: 481-7.—Hall. R. K., & Stanton, M. G. Latin America in the New Education Fellowship Conference. Ibid., 1941, 75: 519-24.—Havana (The) Confer- ence of National Committees on intellectual Cooperation. Science, 1941, 94: 457.—Inter-America (The) Bureau of the New York Academy of Medicine. Ibid., 1942, 95: 188 — Inter-American instituto needed. Panamerican, 1940-41, 1: No. 3, 16.—MacKay, J. A. What of special interest to the other American republics can the United States contribute? Digest Proc. Conf. Interamer. Relat. Pub. Libr., 1940, 13-8.— Manger, W. The Pan American Union and the conclusions of the 7t'h international conference of American states. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1935, 69: 77-94.—Paz Soldan, C. E. La Amazonia, crisol para un mundo nuevo, ponencia presentada a la consideracion de la III reunion del Instituto panamericano de geografia y de historia. Reforma meri., Lima, 1941, 27: 390.—Rowe, L. S. The Habana meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the American Republics. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1940, 74: 609-25.—Second (The> Inter-American Travel Congress. Ibid., 1941, 75: 525-7.—State Department Conferences on Inter-American Cultural Relations. Ibid., 1940, 74: 79-84.- Tercera Reunion internacional de los estados del Golfo y del Caiihe. Ciencia, Mex., 1941, 2: 209-13 — Tercero, J. First Inter-American Travel Congress. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1938. 72: 465-70.—Thomson. C. A. The nrofits of cultural interchange. Ibid., 1939, 73: 489-99 — Whitaker, A. P. Pan Americanism, 1889-1928. In his Inter- Amer. Affairs, N. Y. (1941) 1942, No. 1, 10-5.— Wickham, F. R. Idie Inter-American Summer University at San Jose;, Costa Pica. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1941, 75: 721-3. INTERAMERICAN Statistical Institute [Washington, D. C] Statistical activities of the American nations, 1940; ed. under the direction of the temporary organizing committee, by Elizabeth Phelps. xxxi, 842p. ch. 24cm. Wash., 1941. INTERBRAIN. See Brain, Diencephalon. INTERCOSTAL artery. Edling, N. P. G. Aneurysm of an intercostal artery with simultaneous, sarcomatous destruction of an adjacent, dorsal vertebra. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1941, 22: 411-21.—Graham, E. A., Bigger, I. A. let al.] Ligation of an intercoastal artery. In Neurosurg. & Thorac. Surg. (U. S. Nat. Res. Counc.) Phila., 1943, 267.------Pericostal suture for hemorrhage from intercostal artery. Ibid., 268.—Lowe, T. E. Fatal rupture of an intercoastal aneurism. Melbourne Hosp. Clin. Rep., 1933, 4: 120. INTERCOSTAL Ml SCLE 396 INTEREST INTERCOSTAL muscle. See also Respiration, Mechanism. Bucciante, L. Morfologia e morfogenesi dei muscoli e dei ligamenti intercostali. Arch. ital. anat., 1939. 41: 475-526.— Delmas. Desinsertion traumatique des muscles intercostaux. Bull. Soc. anat. Paris, 1924, 94: 243.—Favaro, G. Intorno ai cosi detti musculi intercostales intermedii nell'uomo. Boll. Soc. med. chir. Modena, 1928, 29: 22— Fick, R. Ueber die Zwischenrippcnmuskeln. Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1923, phys. math. KL, 65- 72. -Hoover, C. F. Further observations on the functions of the intercostal muscles. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1919. 34: 98-108. Also J. Am. M. Ass.. 1919. 73: 17-20. ------ The functions and integration of the inter- costal muscles. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians. 1922, 37: 7-49. Also Arch. Int. M., 1922, 30: 1-33.—Martins Vicente, F., jr. Contribution k l'edude du role physiologique des muscles intercostaux chez l'homme. Fol. anat. Univ. conimbr., 1927, 2: No. 7, 1-5.—Swerdlik, D. Der Musculus intercostalis marginalis des Pferdes. Anat. Anz., 1927, 64: 251-5. INTERCOSTAL nerve. Baudet, A. Un point de l'anatomie topographique du XIP nerf intercostal applicable a l'interptetation de la valeur localisatrice du MoBuruev. Gaz. hop., 1937. 110: 925-8 — Boftme, H. Schiidigung des Riickenmarks als Folge der Inti rkostalnei venblockade nach Leotta. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 108.—Huard, P., & Joyeux, P. Neurinome du 10" nerf intercostal droit. Ann. anat. path.. Par., 1939, 16: 225-7.—Kahn, A. J. Studies on intercostal nerve phvsiol- og\ . Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 44: 514-7.—Krikunow, M., & Molotkowa, T. Zur Frage iiber die Innervation dei Mm. intercostales bei den Haussaugetieren. Morph. Jahrb., 1936, 77: 692-7.—Latteri, S. L'alcoolizzazione dei nervi intercostali nella terapia delle ferite toraco-polmonari. Minerva med., Tor., 1910, 32: pt 1, 136 (Abstr.)- Neiman, B. Von Recklinghausen's disease with neurogenic sarcoma of the second right intercostal nerve. In Path. Conf. (Jafte, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 999-1002. INTERCOSTAL space. See also Thorax. Hcdiraud, A. Etude de I'espace intercostal sur coupes histologiques en serie. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1938, 15: 1065-72. Siddiqi, M. A. H., & Mullick, A. N. On the anatomy of intercostal spaces in man and certain other mammals. J. Anat., Lond., 1934-35, 69: 350-5.—Silvestri. U. Studio sopra gli spazi intercostali ed intercondrali e sulla correlazione tra il valore degli spazi stessi ed il peso corporeo nei bambini di etil inferiore ai 12 anni. Arch. ital. pediat., 1936, 4: 235-56. INTERCOSTAL vein. Baune, W. Ueber die Intercostalvenen des menschlichen Kdrpers. Ber. Sachs. Ges. Wiss., 1883, 35: 76-81—Pancrazi, G. Le venae intercostales supremae. Boll. Soc. med. chir. Modena, 1934, 34: 107-9. INTEREST. Sec also Attention; Heredity, Mental traits; Knowledge; Learning; Vocation. Anderson, W. A. The occupational attitudes of college men. J. Social Psychol.. 1931, 5: 435-66.—Arsenian, S. The relation of evaluative attitudes to vocational interest and social adjustment. Ibid., 1943, 17: 17-24— Boynton, P. L. The vocational preferences of school children. J. Genet. Psychol.. 1939, 49: 411-25.—Bridges, K. M. B. The occupa- tional interests and attention of four-vear-old children. Ibid., 1929, 36: 551 -70. -Canning, L., Taylor, K. V. F., & Carter, H. D. Permanence of vocational interests of high-school bovs. J. Educ. Psychol., 1941, 32: 481-94.—Carter, H. D. The development of vocational attitudes. J. Consult. Psychol., 1940, 4: 185-91.------& Strong, E. K., jr. Sex differences in occupational interests of hisrh school students. Personnel J., 1933, 12: 106-75—Crosby, R. C, & Winsor, A. L. The validity of students' estimates of their interests. .1. Appl. Psychol., 1941, 25: 408- 14.—Di Michael, S. G. Using interests as the basis of vocational choice. Occupations, 1941-12. 20: 270-5.—Duffy, E., A Crissy, W. J. E. Evaluative attitudes as related to vocational interests and academic achievement. ,!. Abnorin. Psychol., 1940. 35: 226-45 -Finch, F. H., A OdorofL M. E. Six differences in vocational interest-. .1, Kduc. Psychol., 1939, 30: 151-6.—Folsom, J. K. What can the psychology of interests, motives and character contribute to vocational guidance? J. Appl. Psychol., 1917, 1: 253-64.— Fryer, I). Intelligence and interest in vocational adjustment, a statistical study. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1923, 30: 127-51.—Garrison, K. C. A study of the interests of college students. Psychol. Monogr., Princeton, 1938, 50: No. 5, 183-292.—Gilger. G. A., jr. Declarations of vocational interest-. Occupation-. 1941-42. 20: 276-9.—Guillet, C. A studv in interest.-. Pe lag. Semin., Worcester, 1907, 14: 322-8 — Guthrie. E. R. Interests. In his Psychol. Human Conflict. N. Y.. 1938. 117-31.- Hurlock, E. B., & Jansing, C. The vocational attitudes of boys and girls of high-school age. J. Genet. Psychol., 1931. 44: 175-91.—Kitson. IL D. Creating vocational interests. Occupations. 1941 12, 20: 567-71. Kuder, G. F. The stabilitv of preference items. ,1. Social Psvchol.. 1939. 10: 41-50.—Lehman. H. C, & Witty, P. A. Sex differences in vocational attitudes. J. Appl. Psvchol 1936. 20: 576 85. Lunk. G. Das Interesse. Zsehr. pftdii" Psychol., 1927. 28: 305 31 , 1928, 29: 225-46.- .Marzi. A. Indagini sulle inrlinazioni professionali. Riv. psichol., 1935, 31: 104-25.- Oldfield, R. C. Some factors in the genesis of interest in psychology. Brit. J. Psychol., 1939-40, 30: 109-23. Pintner, R., A Forlano, ('. Dominant interests and personality characteristics. .1. (ien. Psychol., 1939, 21: 251-60. Rubisoff, R. Interest-values in relation to occupa- tional attitudes and vocational choice. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 436 (Abstr.)—Stephens, J. M. The perception of small differences as affected by self interest. Am. J. Psycho!., 1930, 48: 480-4. Strong, E. K., jr. Interests of men and women J. Social Psychol.. 1930, 7: 49-67. ------ A Mackenzie, H. Permanence of iniccsts of adult men. Ibid., 1930. I : 152 9.— Thorndike. E. L. Early interests: their permanence and rela- tion to abilities. School & Soc, 1917,5: 178.—Van Dusen, A. (',. Permanence of vocational interests. J. Educ. Psychol., 1910, 31: 401-24.—Wickert, F. The interrelationships of some treiieral and specific preferences. J. Social Psychol., 1940, 11: 275-302.—Wohlfahrt, E. Die I nteressenforschung als Hilfsniittel der Personlichkeitsdiagnose. Zsehr. angew Psychol.. 1938, Beih. 79, 118 31. ---- Measurement. Arsenian, S. A further study of the validity of the elector vocational interest inventory. Occupations, 1941-42. 20; 94-9. -Bedell, R. The relationship between self-estimated and measured vocational interests. J. Appl. Psychol., 194], 25: 59-66.—Brewer, J. M. Classification of items in interest inventories. Occupations, 1942-43, 21: 448-51.- Carter, H. 1)., Taylor, K. von F., & Canning, L. B. Vocational choices and interest test scores of high school students. J. Psychol Provincet,. 1941, 11: 297-306.—Cattell, R. B. The measure- ment of interests. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1935, 442.— Churchill, R. D. An interest test for route salesmen and mechanics. J. Appl. Psychol.. 1942, 26: 669-81.—Ferguson, L. W., Humphreys, L. G., A Strong, F. W. A factorial analysis of interests and values. .1. Educ Psvchol., 1941, 32: 197-204.—Fryer, D. The psvchological examination of interests for guidance. Psychol. Clin., 1930-31, 19: 34-47.— Glaser, E. M., & Mailer, j. B. The measurement of interest values. Character & Personality, 1940-41. 9: 07-81. Gordon, H. C, & Herkness, W. W., jr. Pupils appraise voca- tional interest blanks. Occupations, 1941-42. 20: 100-2. ------ Do vocational interest questionnaires vield consistent results? Ibid., 424-9.- Greene, E. B.. & Dahlem, V. The Michigan vocational preference list. J. Appl. Psychol., 1938, 22: 558-75.— Harper, B. P., & Dunlap, J. W. Derivation and application of a unit scoriim system for the strong vocational interest blank for women. Psvchometrika, Colorado Springs, 1942, 7: 289-95.—Johnson, H. M. Analysis of Berneuter's inventory as a predictor of success in certain vocations; a problem in scientific method. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 694.— Kopas, J. S. The point-tally; a modified method of scoring the Strong's vocational interest blank. J. Appl. Psvchol., 1938, 22: 426-36.—Lentz, T. F., & Nickel, E. F. Opinionaire cor- relates of specific vocational preferences. Ibid., 1941, 25: 391-400, 514-23— Lester, H„ & Traxler, A. E. Simplified method for scoring the Strong Vocational Interest, Blank applied to a secondary-school group. .1. Educ Psychol., 1912, 33: 628-31.—Lurie, W. A. Estimating the level of vocational aspiration. J. Social Psychol., 1939, 10: 467-73.—McHale, K. An information test of interests. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1930 31, 19: 53-8.—Miner, J. B. Interest psychographs. Psvchol. Bull., 1921, 18: 83.—Moffie, D. J. The validity of self-esti- mated interests. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 606-13.----- The relationship between self-estimated and measured interests. Psychol. Bull., 1942, 39: 575.—Peterson, B. M., & Dunlap, J. W. A simplified method for scoring the strong vocational interest blank. J. Consull. Psychol., 1941, 5: 269-74.----- Derivation and application of a unit scoring system for the strong vocational interest blank for women. Psychol. Bull., 1941. 38: 007. Reed, H. B. The place of the Bernreuter personality^ Stenquist mechanical aptitude, and Thurstone vocational interest tests in college entrance tests. .1. Appl. Psychol., 1941, 25: 528-34.—Sarbin. T. R., & Berdie. R. F. Relation of measured interests to the Allport-Yei non studv of values. Ibid., 1940, 24: 287-96. -Siebert, H. Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Interessenrichtung von Schiilern auf Grund von Sehiilerfragen. Arch. yes. Psychol., 1928, 64: 93-124.— Skodak, M., & Crissey, O. L. Staled vocational aims and strong interest to-t scores of high school senior girls. .1. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 64-7-L—Super, D. E., & Haddad, W. C. The effect of familiarity with an occupational field on a recognition test of vocational interest. J. Educ. Psychol., 1943, 34: 103-9.—Super, D. E., & Roper, S. A. An objective technique for testing vocational interests. J. Anpl. Psvchol., 1941. 25: 487-98.—Taylor, K. v. F., & Carter, H. D. Retest consistency of vocational interest patterns of high-school girls. J. Consult. Psychol., 1942. 6: 95-101.—Thomson, W. A. An inventory for measuring socialization, self-seeking and its relationship to the study of values tests, the ACE psychological 1 examination, and the Strong vocational interest blank. J. INTEREST 397 INTERFEROMETRY Appl. Psychol., 1941, 25: 202-12.—Thorndike, R. L. Critical note on the Pressey interest attitudes test. Ibid.. 1938, 22: 657.—Williamson, E. G. The measurement of vocational interests. In Fields of Psychol. (Seashore, R. H.) N. Y., 1942, 335-46. INTERFACE. See also Adhesion; Colloid chemistry; Surface. Baudisch, O. Rontgenographische und magnetometrische Methoden zur Erforschung der Chemie der Grenzflachen; iiber raumisomere Eisenoxyde und Eisenoxydhydrate. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 17.—Culbertson, J. L., & Luedtke, K. D. The interfacial tensions of some mercury-hydrocarbon oil systems. J. Phvs. Chem., 1938, 42: 469-73.—Davis, J. K., & Bartell. F. E." Interfacial-tension studies of sodium laurate solutions. Ibid., 1943, 47: 40-50.— Eucken, A. Energie- und Stoffaustausch an Grenzflachen. Naturwissenschaften, 1937, 25: 209-18.—Glidden, K. E. Measurement of the interfacial tension at a mercury-mercurous sulfate solution interface by the drop weight method. J. Am Chem Soc, 1935, 57: 236.—Harkins, W. D., & Jordan, H. F. A method for the determination of surface and interfacial tension from the maximum pull on a ring. Ibid., 1930, 52: 1751-72.—King, C. V. Reaction rates at solid-liquid interfaces. Ibid., 1935, 57: 828-31.—Kopac, M. J. Behavior of cyto- plasmic proteins at oil-water interfaces. Anat. Rec, 1941, 81: Suppl., 74.—Linner, E. R., & Gortner, R. A. Interfacial energy and the molecular structure of organic compounds. In Colloid Sympos. Monogr., Bait., 1935, 35-67.—Lundeg&rdh, H. Ueber biologische Grenzflachenpotentiale. Biochem. Zsehr., 1938-39, 300: 167-74.—Michaud, F. Tension interfaciale et adhesion. J. chim. phys., Par., 1939, 36: 23-35.—Patat, F. H. Die Grunderscheinungen an Grenzflachen und ihre physikalisch- chemische Deutung. Kolloid Zsehr., 1943, 102: 90 (Abstr.) — Taubmann, A. Grenzflachenaktivitat und Orientierung polarer Molekiile in Abhangigkeit von der Natur der Trennungsflache; Grenzflachenaktivitat und Adsorption von p-Toluidin an Grenzflachen fliissig | fliissig. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1932, 161: 129.—Vellinger, E., & Gregoife, A. Influence des imputetes superficielles sur les mesures de la tension inter- faciale. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1937, 5. ser., 4: mem., 716.— Vonnegut, B. Rotating bubble method for the determination of surface and interfacial tensions. Rev. Sc Instrum., 1942. 13:6-9. ------ Hydrometer-type float method for measuring surface and interfacial tensions. Ibid., 82. INTERFERENCE [immun.] For interference of light "waves see under Light. Fischl, V., & Fischl. L. Arzneifestigkeit, Aviditat, Inter- ferenz. Zsehr. Immunforsch., 1934, 83: 324-35.—Hassko, A. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des chemotherapeutischen Inter- ferenzphanomens. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1932, 83: 792. ----- Weitere Untersuchungen iiber das chemotherapeutische Interferenzphanomen. Ibid., 1933, 87: 567-77.—Schnitzer, R. Untersuchungen zur Chemozeptorentheorie; das Interferenz- phanomen von Browning und Gulbranson. Zsehr. Immun- forsch., 1926, 47: 116-33. ------ & Rosenberg, E. Unter- suchungen zur Chemozeptorentheorie; Vergleich des Inter- ferenzphanomens an parafuchsinfesten und normalen Try- panosomen. Ibid., 49: 393-9. INTERFEROMETRY. See also Blood protein, Determination; Cere- brospinal fluid, Interferometry; Endocrine sys- tem, Examination, etc. Lemke, W. *Statistische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Interferometrie. 18p. 8? Berl., 1937. Demoll, R., Seiser, A., & Walz, L. Anwendung des Inter- ferometers in der Siisswasserforschung. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden) Berl., 1936, 9: pt 2, 1259-78 — Grigaut, A., A Bettend, E. Les facteurs physico-chimiques dans la technique interferometrique de Hirsch; leur importance et leurs variations. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1935, 17: 420-31.—Harrold, G. C, & Gordon, L. E. Use of interfero- meter for 2 component mixtures. J. Indust. Hyg., 1939, 21: 491-7.—Levent, R. Les principes g<5n£raux de l'interfero- metrie. Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 233-5.—Luten, D. B., jr. The application of the Ravleigh interferometer to the measurement of reaction velocity.' .1. Phys. Chem., 1935, 39: 199-211.— Twyman, F. The interferometer in lens and prism manufacture. Nature, Lond., 1943, 151: 43-6. ---- clinical. Durupt, A. L'interferometrie en clinique. 204p. 12? Par., 1932. Leipuner, S. *Die Bedeutung der Inter- ferometrie fiir die klinische Diagnostik und Therapie [Berlin] 21p. 8? Berl., 1930. ^ Loebel, R. *Contribution a I'etude de l'interferometrie en gynecologie. 74p. 8? Par., 1934. Amat Bargues, M. Las nuevas tecnicas de interferometria (Hirsch) aplicadas a la clinica. Med. ibera, 1936, 30: pt 2, 284.—Amschler, J. W. Ein Beitrag zur Methodik des Lowe- Zeisschen Interferometers in seiner Anwendung auf Blut- untersuchungen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 179: 199-209.— Antoniotti. I). La methode interferometrique, ses applications a la clinique. Marseille med., 1933, 70: 589-605.—Becker, H. Ueber Fehlerquellen des interferometrischen Abbaubildes. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1936-37, 100: 533-46.—Chiale, G. F., & Beltrami ni, A. Ricerche sperimentali sui metodo interfero- metrico di Hirsch con particolare riguardo alia sua applicazione in dermatologia e venereologia. Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1939, 80: 1003-65, 2 pl.—Davanzo, L. L'interferometria e le sue applicazioni in ginecologia. Riv. ital. gin., 1927, 6: 433-55.— Desaux, A., & Guillaumin, C. O. Utilisation de l'examen s£ro-interterom£trique de Hirsch en gynecologie. J. obst. gvn., Par., 1934, 5: No. 3, 12-28.—Durupt, A., & Schlesinger,' C. Le poids des opzymes dans la technique interferometrique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 1274-6. ------ Controle des substrats dans l'interferometrie; nouvelle interpretation des tesultats. Ibid., 1933, 112: 283-5.—Emeric, E. E. La inter- ferometria en clinica. Dia med. Uruguay, 1934, 1: 145.— Goes, P. de. A interferometria na pratica clinica. Brasil med., 1940, 54: 169-73.—Guillaumin, C. O. Diagnostic des Stats dysendocriniens ct du cancer par l'examen du sang selon la technique interferometrique de Hirsch. Presse nted., 1931, 39: 34-6— Haynes, G. S., & Wolf, C. G. L. The interferometer method in the diagnosis of pregnancy and malignant conditions. J. Cancer Res., 1926-27, 11: 301-23.—Henry, A. F. X. La se>o-interferontetrie de Hirsch. Paris med., 1929, 73: 173-80.— Hirsch, P. Interferometrische Untersuchungen und ihre Bedeutung fiir Diagnose und Therapie speziell in der Gyna- kologie und Geburtshilfe. Fortsch. Ther., 1925, 1: 334-8.— Hohl, H. Diagnostische Erfahrungen mit der Interferometrie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1928, 58: 861-4.—Jezierski, W. |Clini- cal significance of interferometrie investigations] Nowiny Iek., 1937, 49: 592-6.—Jochima, J. Zur Kritik der Interfero- metrie. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 71: 226-9.—Kaufmann, E. Vom Irrtum der Interferometerdiagnostik. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1731.—Knopf, E. Zur Kritik der Interfero- metrie. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 70: 27-53; 1937, 71: 230-2.— Laignel-Lavastine. Svmpathique et interferometrie. Progr. med., Par., 1934, 921-30.—Laroche, G., & Grigaut, A. Valeur clinique de interferometrie. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1935, 3. ser., 51: 98-106.—Laurent-Gerard, P., & Simonnet, H. Recherches experimentales sur l'interferometrie. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 854-7.------La methode interferometrique aopliquee a I'etude des glandes vasculaires sanguines et des tumeurs. Paris med., 1935. 97: 34-6.—Lendel, E.. & Wadel, J. Neue Untersuchungen zur Interferometrie. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 2042.—Lutz, G. Die Brauchbarkeit der interferometrischen Untersuchungen. Med. Korbl. Wtirt- temberg, 1929, 99: 347-50.—Monacelli, M., & Riccioni, B. Dell'interferometria di Hirsch e della curva interferometrica normale. Policlinico, 1935, 42: sez. med., 604-12.—Nothdurft, H., & Hopp, J. Erfahrungen bei der Benutzung des Zeisschen Laboratoriumsinterferometers zur Stoffwechselmessung be- sonders an Kleintieren. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1939, 242: 97- 112.—Nuevas tecnicas de interferometria (Hirsch) aplicadas a la clinica. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1936, 25: noticias, 232.— Parturier, G., & Durupt, A. Examens interferometriques du foie, de la rate et du pancreas. Paris med., 1933, 89: 433-5.— Pettersson. W. Was leistet die interferometrische Abbau- kurve? Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 933-5.—Reisen, A. Interferometrische Abbaustudien. Acta paediat., Upps., 1938, 22: 401-4.—Rittershaus. G. Weitere klinische Erfahrungen mit der interferometrischen S3iodiagnostik. Zbl. Gyn., 1925, 49: 2818-22.—Rubegni, R. L'interferometria in endocrinologia. Policlinico, 1940, 47: sez. mjd., 45, 89.—Runge, H. Dia- gnostische Erfahrungen mit der Interferometrie. Zbl. Gvn.. 1926, 50: 1297-303.—Sartory, A., Sartory, R. [et al.] Sur les causes d'erreur dues au mode operatoire et aux regies d'inter- ptetation dans I'analyse interferometrique d'apres Hirsch. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1933, 3. ser., 109: 764-7.—Sieber, H. Dei- diagnostische Wert der Interferometrie in der Gvnakologie und Geburtshilfe. Zbl. Gyn., 1931, 55: 713-25.—Sokolowski, A. Recherches cliniques sur la methode interferometrique. Ann. med., Par., 1936, 39: 435-9. ------ [Investigations on the significance of the interferometrie method in clinical practice] Polsk. arch. med. wewn., 1936, 14: 182-241.— Streck, A. Kritisches zur interferometrischen Messtechnik und Diagnosestellung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 101. ------Experimsntelle Kritik der interferometrischen Methode. Ibid., 484-6. ------ Welches sind die Vorbedingungen fiir 9ine objektive interferometrische Diagnosestellung? Zsehr. ges. exp'. Med., 1927. 54: 677-94.—Weill, G. Resultats clini- ques de rinterferomettie en ophtalmologie. Ann. ocul., Par., 1933, 170: 916-20.—Weill, J., Meyer, J., & Mazur. Remarques sur la technique interferometrique d'apres Hirsch. Ann. med., Par., 1933, 34: 474-88.—Wetzel, R. Was versteht man unter Interferometer und welche Bedeutung hat das Instrument fiir die Medizin? Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 36: 428-30. ---- Methods and instruments. Anthony, A. J. Zur Technik der Gasanalyse mit dem Zeiss- schen Laboratoriumsinterferometer. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., INTERFEROMETRY 398 INTERMEDIN 1939. 106: 561-70. Bruggerhoff, E. Untersuchungen von Scri. und fliissigen Niihrboden mittels des Zeiss'schen Fliissig- keit- Interferometers. Deut. tierarztl W'schr., 1926, 34: 492.— Bubb, F. W. Note on construction of the photoelastic interfero- meter. .1. 0| ric. Soc. America, 1941, 31: 506.—Clark, J. C, & fritz. N. L. I se of ultraviolet source for interferometer meas- urements of thickness of thin metallic films. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1941. 12: -I S3.- Durupt, A. Remarques techniques sur la methode interferometrique. Bull. Soc. ('him. biol.. Par., 1934, 16: 401-4. ------ & Lagarde, J. Expose de la technique mteiferometrique. Ann. med., Par., 1932, 31: 156-77. - Durupt. A.. & Schlesinger, A. Ein Beitrag zur interfeio- metiHchen Methode. Fermentforschung, 1933, 14: 13 26.- (iuillauniin C. O. Remarques techniques sur I'interfero- m'''tie de Zeiss et la methode interferometrique de Hirsch. Bull Soc. chim. biol.. Par., 1933, 15: 1392-414. Herget, C. M. A constant path acoustic interferometer for gases at vaiiaUi pressure. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1940, 11: 37-9.— Irin t. A. A new type of interferometer. J. Optic. Soc. America, I'llii, 26: 202-6- Hubbard, J. C, & Zartman, I. F. A fixed path acoustic intei ferometer for the study of matter. Rev. Sc In-trum., 1939. 10: 382 «i.—Jonnard, R. Presentation d'un inteiferometre pour etudes biolosrioues. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 122: 396-8.—Linnik, V. P. An interferometer for the investigation of large plane surfaces. C. rend. Acad, sc CUSS. 191!, 32: 189-91. Mazur, B., Sartory, A. [et al.] f'ofTti ibution a I'etude de I'etalonnairr des interferometros. Strasbourg med.. 1934, 91: 513.—Quirk, A. L., & Rock. G. I). A sonic interlcrometer foi the studv of absorption in liquids. Rev. Sc. lustrum., 1935. 6: 6. Ramsay. B. P. A grating interferometer. J. Optic. Soc. America. 1934, 24: 253-8. ------& Pauls, F. B. Systems of interferential devices. Ibid., 1942, 32: 78 SA. Runge, H. Interferometrische Unter- Buchungcn, zur Kritik der Methodik. Zbl. Gvn., 1926, 50: 1490-6. Schroeder. J. H„ & Ramsay, B. P. The optical piopei lies of the mating interferometer. J. Otitic. Soc. America. 1940, 30: 3,V> 61. Tobias. .1. M. Membrane interferometer manometer. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1942 13: 232.— Walerslein, L, & Woodson, R. A. Multiple sets of fringes in the Michelsrn interferometer. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1936, 26: 267-71.-- Wollschitt, H., Bothe, W.[etal.] Das Zeiss'scheLaboratoriums- interforometer als Stoffwechselmessgerat. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1934-35, 177: 635-54. INTERGOVERNMENTAL Conference of Far Eastern Countries on Rural Hygiene. Prepara- tory papers: Report of French Indo-China. 135p. pl. tab. 24cm. Geneve, League of Nations, 1937. Forms League of Nat. Pub. Off. No. C. H. 1235. —— National reports [Miscellaneous] 125p. 8?. Geneve, 1937. Forms League of Nat. Pub. Off. No. C. H. 1235i. INTERMAXILLARY bone. See under Maxilla; also Nasal fossa. INTERMEDIATE nerve [Wrisberg] See Facial nerve, Geniculate ganglion. INTERMEDIN. Sec also Melanoma; Pigmentation; Pituitary; Uremia. N.\( hmias, N. *Untersuchungen iiber den Gehalt verschiedener Handelspraparate an Pig- menthormon. 15p. 8? Rostock, 1934. Abramowitz, A. A. A new method for the biological assav of intermedin. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1940, 69: 156-64.— Berblinger, W. Die Pars intermedia der Hypophyse des Menschen nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Ableitung der Hvpo- physenhormone. Endokrinologie, 1939, 22: 1-13.—Bottger, G. Leber einen neuen Intermedintest und die Intermedinreaktion der Elritze. Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1934, 21: 415-28.------ Leber das Piementhormon. Zsehr. ges. ran. Med., 1937. 101: 42-61.—Chow, B. F.. Greep, R. O., & Van Dyke, H. B. Chemical properties of intermedin. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 333.—Collin, R. Sur 1'origine histologii|ue de.- hormones posthypophvsaires. 1 'intermedin!;. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 1351-3. ------ & Drouet, P. L. Presence dans l'urine de certains malades d'un principe mclanophoro-dilatateui; son application comme test de fonctionnement de l'livpoplivse. Rev. fr. endocrin., 1933. 11: 161-76.—Crisan. C. Les troubles de la pigmentation de la neau du tetard de grenouille apres inge-tion d'hvpophvse fraiche. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935. 118: 1503-6— Enami, M. S. Role de la secretion hypo- physain- sui le ehangement de coloration chez un poisson- chai. I'aia-ilmus asotiu-. L. Ibid., 1939, 130: 1498-501.— Etkin. W., A Rosenberg, L. Infundibular lesion and pars intermedia a'tiviiv in the tadpole. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y.. 1938-39. 39: 332-4.—Fostvedt, G. Preliminary in vitro studies of melanothore-priiieiole activitv of the pituitary gland. Ibid., 1939, 40: 302-4. Fraser, A. M. The alleged antidiuretic action of the pigmentarv hormones of the pituitary gland. .1. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1937, 60: 82-8- .lores. \. Untersuchungen iiber die Funktiou des I'igmenthorinons un Warmhluterorganismus; die YVirkungen des llormons uuf Temperatur und Blutzucker bei intraveutrikuliirer Injektion beim Kaninchen. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1935-36, 97: 2(17 13. hleinholz, L. H. The distribution of intermedin; first, appear- ance of the hormone in the early ot<"j.-n\ of Rnna pipiens. Biol. Bull., 1940, 79: 432-8.-----& Kahn. H. The distri- bution of intermedin; a new biological method of assay and results of tests under normal and experimental conditions. Anat. Rec, 1940, 76: 157-72.—Kleinschmidt. A. Das Ver- halten der Molanophoren bei hypophyseUtomierten Lrodelen ;Amlilystoma niexicanum, Shaw, und Triturus vulgaris, I..) und porallele Befunde an einem anormal ncotein-a Triturus vulgaris. Verb. Anat. Ges., 1938, 45: 262-6.- h-.ilm, H. Ormone del lobo intermedio ipofisario (intermedina) Monit. endocr., 1934, 2: 797r806, 897T902. Landgrebe. F. W.. & Waring, H. Intermediate lobe pituitarv hormone. Q. J. Kxp. Physiol., Loud.. 19-11, 31: 31-62.- Levinson, L. Diurnal variation of intermedin in the blood of the albino rat. I'mc. Nat. Acad. Sc. P. S., 1940. 26: 257.—Lewis, D., Lee. F. ('., A Astwood, F. B. Some cbservations on intermedin. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1937, 61: 198-209.—Slotta. K. H. Zur Reindarstellung des Intermedins. An. Fac med., -Montev., 1940, 25: No. especial. 280-4, 738-42.—Smith, G. M., Burr, H. S., A Ferguson, R. S. A study of the effect* of intermedin and injury of the hvpophvsis on traumatic, corial iuelanophores in goldfishes. Endocrinology, 1935. 19: -109-12.—Sugiura, K. Influence of intermedin on growth of mouse melanoma. I'roc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. V., 1934, 32: 375-8.--Veil, C. Evaluation de la quantite d'intermedine contenue dans 1'organisme du ooisson-chat. C. rend. Soc. bio!.. 1938, 127: 42- Voung, A. M. Rapid pigment appearance in Ohio red bellied dace as test fm intermedin. Am. J. Clin. Path.. 1934, 4: 485-91. Zondek, II. Ohromatophorotropic principle of the pars intermedia of the pituitary. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1935, 104: 037.-----,v Krohn, H. Hormon des Zwischenlappens der Ilvpophyse i Intei-medin) Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 405-8; 849-53. INTERMETATARSAL bone. See under Metatarsus. INTERMITTENT claudication. See Dysbasia, intermittent. INTERN. See also Hospital staff. American (The) interne. N. V., v. 1-2, 1936. Interne; journal of the Association of Internes and Medical Students. New York, v.6, 1940- Sachs, W. Der Assistenturzt im Kranken- haus. 2. Aufl. 88p. 21cm. Berl. [1938] Anderson, R. D. The interne, the New Deal, and the ward patient. .1. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1935, 32: 404-6.—Bachmeyer, A. C. The hospital, the medical college and the intern. Proc. Congr. M. Educ, 1931, 54-6. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 1002-4.------Internships. Centaur, Menasha, 193.J. 41: 19, 30.—Barker. L. F. How the, internship affects the physi- cian's career. Mod. Hosp., 1931, 36: 49-53.—Buerki, R.' C. The internship and the residency. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1940, 15: 8-31.—Bukantz, S. The internship. Med. Bull., N. V., 1936-37, 2: 5.—Clark, E. D. Advice to interns ent ring practice. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1936, 29: 373.—Colwell, N. P. The intern problem from the standpoint of medical education. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1923, 25: 568-75.—Concerning interns lid internships. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1648.—Doane, .). C. Consider the intern. Mod. Hosp., 1937, 48: No. 6, 80.— Douthwaite, A. H. To those entering the clinical period. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1942, 56: 205.- Fitz, R. Concerning interns and internships. .1. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1939, 14: 101-12. ------ The confused state of the internship. Proc. Congr. M. Educ, 194.1, 35-9. Also Fed. Bull., Chic, 1941, 27: 291-303. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1037-40.— Foss, H. L. The medical fifth vear. Bull. Am. Coll. Surgeons, 1937, 22: 159-62.- Garrard, R. L. Internships. Scalpel, Gainesville, 1933, 4: I 7. -Giddings, E. Interns in tune" Mod. Hosp., 1938, 51: .V.l.— lacobovici, 1. II hree-quarters ot a century since the estai ■li-lmieiit of internes] Romania med. 1930, 14: 5. Irons, E. E. The purpose of an internship. J. Am. M. Ass., 1920. 86: 996 S. - Kerlikowske, A. ('., & Rourke, A. J. J. The doctors of tomorrow. Hospitals, 1938, 12: No. 1 1, 35-8.—Kern, R. A. Thoughts for seniors in regard to hospital internships. Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1935, 32: 497-502.—Mulholland, J. H. The internship. Med. Bull., N. Y., 1941-42, 7: 131- 3.—Parizeau, T. On medical intern- ship. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1933, 29: 81.—Peery, T. M. The internship. Diplomate, 1935, 7: 267-70.—Rappleye, W. C. Comments on the internship. Proc. Congr. M. Educ, 1933, 10-2. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 100: 873-5. Also Phi Chi Q.. Menasha, 1934, 31: No. 2: 133-7. ------ internship and INTERN 399 INTERN residency. Hospitals, 1940, 14: No. 12, 34-8. ------ The internship. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1941, 16: 5-17.—Richards, V. The internship. Ibid.. 1937, 12: 227-9.—Schwitalla, A. M. Some comments on internships. Hosp. Progr., 1942, 23: 57-9.—Sharbaugh, G. B. An interne's view of general practice. Am. Interne. 1936, 2: No. 2, 9.—Smith, F. J. Professional defense Hospitals, 1941, 15: No. 2, 61.—Some comments on internships. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1942, 28: 108-1.3.—Waddill, G. M., jr. Internship; necessity or opportunity? Messenger, Menasha, 1937, 34: 13.—Weiskotten, H. G. The internship. Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1938. 35: 189. ---- Duties, legal status, and regulations. Black, B. W. Medical policies and procedures for the resident staff of the Alameda County hospitals and clinics [Rev. ed.] 123p. 181;icm. [Oakland, 1941] Agnew, H. Interns who jump contracts. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 476.—Clow, F. E. The legal status of the intern. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1939, 112: 1643-8. Also Fed. Bull., Chic, 1939, 25: 228-40. Also J. Maine M. Ass., 1939, 30: 123-6.— Darrach, W. The internship as a requirement for the medical degree. Proc (oner. M. Educ, 1929, 1: 64.—Geiger, A. J. Interns can take money. Med. Econom., 1937-38. 15: No. 5. 31-7.—Gillett. O. H. Intern service. Hosp. Progr., 1927, 8: 385-93.—Hospitals; interns are not students [New Vork State] J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 1515. Also Fed. Bud., Chic, 1942, 28: 158.—Interns relieved of ambulance riding duties. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 905.—Legal status of internes and externes. Wisconsin M. J.. 1939, 38: 1079, 1943. 42: 101.—Reglement de l'internat de l'Hopital de la Charite. J. sc. med. Lille, 1924, 42: 326-34.— Rypins, H. Are interns practicing medicine.' J. Am. M. Ass.. 1935. 104: 1641. Also Fed. Bull., Chic, 1935, 21: 241-5.—Smith, W. The hospital internship as a requirement for state registration. Proc Annual Congr. M. Educ, 1938, 34. Congr.. 45-8. Also Hospitals, 1938, 12: No. 3, 11-6. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 1305-7.—Status of interns in California. Ibid., Ill: 892.—Thrane, M. [On the status of rotation candidates] Ugeskr. laeger, 1934, 96: 1070-5.—Tomescu, P. [Consolida- tion of the status of the internes of the municipal hospital] Romania med.. 1939, 17: 117.—Wilkes, B. A. The duty of the hospital to the intern and the intern to the hospital. Bull. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1931, 5: 87-96.—Witts, L. J. Hospital posts; responsibility under supervision. Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 825.— 7tzmor. J. The interne campaign for pay. J. Ass. M. Students, N. Y., 1937-38, 2: 14-7. ---- female. List of hospitals approved by the American Medical Associa- tion for the training of women internes. Med. Woman J., 1940, 47: 147-53; 1941, 48: 139-47.—South, V. Internships for women. Ibid., 1936, 43: 217.—Thelandor, H. E. Women for internships. Ibid., 324-6.—Van Hoosen. B. Opportunities for medical women interns. Ibid., 1926, 33: 126 8; 281-4; 311-18; passim. ---- Hospitals for internship. New York Committee on the Study of Hospital Internships and Residencies. In- ternships and residencies in New York City, 1934-37; their place in medical education. 492p. 8° N. Y., 1938. Pozzato, P. Servizi interni negli ospedali. 108p. 21^cm. Milano, 1939. Approved internships; Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 1311-21.—Approved residencies and fellow- ships. Ibid., 1940, 115: 763-84.—Bachmeyer. A. C. Mac- Eachern, M. T. let al.] Report of the Committee on In tern- ships, 1936. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1930, 38: 209-11.- Bonnen- Cant. L'internat dans les hopitaux des villes depourvues de Faculte ou d'Ecole de Medecine. Union med. nordest, 1933, 56: 97-9.—Buerki, R. C. Better hospital residencies. Mod. Hosp., 1939, 53: No. 6, 73.—Christian, H. A. Selecting a hospital for an internship. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 86: 1499- 501.—Colwell, N. P. The requirement of an intern hospital. Ibid., 1929, 92: 1031.—Council on Medical Education and Hospitals. Ibid., 1936, 106: 1198.—Essentials of an approved internship, revised June 1942. Ibid., 1942, 119: 1292-5 — Fiessinger, N. A propos des concours d'externat et d'internat des hopitaux. Rev. g£n. clin. ther., 1936, 50: Suppl.. 1826; 1867; 1915.—Franken. S. W. A., & Sauer, G. F. General hospitals offering dental internships; preliminary report. Dent. Cosmos, 1927, 69: 297-301.—Growth of internships and residencies. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940 114: 1207.—Hospitals approved for internships by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Vssociation; revised to Aug. 27, 1932. Ibid., 1932. 99: 747. Hospitals approved for internships. Ibid., 1935. 105: 699-708.—Hospitals approved for training interns. Ibid., 1936, 107: 693-702; 1937, 109: 683-92; passim.—Hospitals in Canada which are approved for internship by the Department of Hospital Service of the Canadian Medical Association. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 32: 445.—Internship appointments at the University hospitals. Clin. Bull., Clevel., 1938, 2: 19.—Internships. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 785.—Internships in Memphis. Am. Interne, 1936, 1: No. 5, 9.—Internships and residencies. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 715.—Internships, residencies and fellowships. Ibid., 1942, 118: 1143.—Lawrence, C. H. Internships in Massachusetts hospitals. N. England J. M., 1935, 213: 11-5 — List of hospital interneships, class of 1911 Harvard M Alumni Bull., 1940-41, 15: 82-4- Medical (The) profession and the hospitals in England. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 164B-6B.— Oppenheimer, R. H. Choice of an internship. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 19 11. 43: 464. Also Hospitals, 1941, 15: No. 11. 33-5. Resident and intern staffs of Washington hospitals. 1941-42. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1941, 10: 4:ri-(i.—Resident posts in hospitals. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 145.—Residents and interns of Washington hosoitals, 1940-41. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1941, 10: 456-8.—Schmitt, L. S. Internships in a teachimr hospital. Proc. Congr. M. Ednc, 1929, 1: 65.- Simpson. M. E. Dental internship at the U. S. Marine Hosoita.l, Norfolk. Va. Hosp. News, Wash., 1937, 4: No. 19, 30-5.—Smelzer, D. C, Bachmeyer. A. C. let al.] Report of the Committee on Internship and Resi- dencies, 1937. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1937, 39: 110-3.—Verzeich- nis der zur Annahme von Mpdizinalnraklikanten ermachtigten Krankenhauser und medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Institute 1938. Reichsgesundhbl., 1938, 13: 40S. ---- Military service. Amendment (An) to the conscription act affecting hospital interns and residents. Hosoitals, 1940. 14: No. 11, 18.— Intern (The) and the draft. Mod. Hosp., 1940, 55: No. 6. 45.— Procurement and Assignment Service for physicians, dentists and veterinarians, restrictions on use of interns and residents. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 1288. ---- Relations to hospital. Black, B. W. The modern hospital, its relationship to the physician. Bull. Am. Hosn. Ass., 1932, 6: 72-81 —Cordover, H. The. intern and his hospital. Hosoitals, 1938, 12: No. 2, 81-3.— Follansbee, G. E. The dutv of the hospital staff to the intern. .1. Am. M. Ass.. 1927. 88: 773-7— Giddings, E., & Smith, N. Introducing the new intern to the hosnital. Hospitals, 1937, 11: 54-8.—Hamilton, B. G. The obligations of the hospital to its interns. .1. Missouri M. Ass., 1937, 34: 1-3.—Marks, H. Who should boss the intern? Mod. Hosp., 1942, 58: No. 6, 71.—Recent legal decisions of interest, to hospitals. Hospitals 1940, 14: No. 11, 95-8.—Upham, J. H. J. The hospital and the intern. Ibid., No. 5, 42-4. ---- Social aspects and welfare. Assemblee (L') generale de I'Assoeiarion professionelle des internes et anciens internes. Algerie med., 1941, 4. ser., 45: prof., 20.—Bauer, W. W. Intern's return. Hygeia. Chic, 1939, 17: 805-8.—Doane, J. C. Care and treatment of interns. Mod. Hosd., 1939, 53: 69.—Egmont, T. The interne's wife. Interne, N. Y., 1942, 8: 119-24.—Fitz, R. Concerning interns and their health. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1125-30.— Keller, F. E. The new interne. In his Hosp. Ballads, Phila., 1941. 18.—Klein, L. C. A Florida internship. Phi Delta Epsilon News, Menasha. 1934, 25: 217.—Lund, O. [Compensa- tion allowed hospital physicians for health endangered by unsanitary quarters] Ugeskr. laeger. 1941, 103: 337-42.— Marshall, E. A. A hail and a hurrah for the interne; internes, defined or classified ad lib. Bull. Acad. M. Cleveland, 1938, 22: No. 7, 6.—White duck, the diarv of an interne. Centaur, Menasha, 1940, 46: 26-34; 88; 1941, 46: 323; 381. ---- Supply and demand. Borzell, F. F., Anderson, R. L., & Donaldson, W. F. Reduced number of hospital interns and residents creates service problem; 1941 Senate Bill No. 575 attempts to ameliorate the situation. Pennsylvania M. J., 1940-41, 44: 1035-8.—Com- petitive bidding for interns. Am. J. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 1129 — Dock, W. Resnonsihilitv for choosing interns and intern- ships. Fed. Bull.. Chic, 1940, 26: 273-7. Also .1. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 657.—End of honorarv staff system. Brit. M. J., 1940, 1: 950 Interneships; 207 applications for 24 appointments at the University hospitals. Clin. Bull., Clevel., 1937, 1: 15. Intern problem means more work for doctors, -nurses, students. Hosp. Management, 1942, 54: No. 3, 20.— Interns; supply and demand. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1145. Also N. Fngland J. M., 1941, 225: 887.—Is there a shortage of interns? J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 1549.— Litzenberg, .1. C. Administration of internships. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1934, 9: 216-24.—Means, J. H. Criteria to be observed when selecting internes and residents. Bull. Am. Coll. Surgeons, 1938, 23: 39-43.—Moss, F. A. Selection of hospital internes. Nosokomeion, Stuttg., 1933, 4: 458-64.— Oppenheimer. R. H. Senior students as internes. Bull. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1927, 2: 203-8.—Righter, W. W. N. The intern problem; selection and supervision. Hospitals, 1937, 11: No. 8, 92.—Sager, C. J. Ten per cent of hospitals curtail services. Hoso. Management, 1941, 52: No. 6, 10.—Shortage of interns. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1942, 28: 131.—Unnecessary ambulance calls and the shortage of interns. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 55.—Upham, J. H. J. The intern problem. Hos pitals, 1942, 16: No. 7, 37.—Utilization of personnel resulting INTERN 400 INTERN from ovei lappini: of internships. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1943, 121: 1097. /apffe. F. ('. The intern problem. Bull. Am. Hosp. Ass.. 193.. 9: 81-5. ---- Training. See also Education [medical] Hospital service, Educational service. Agnew, H. Making the internship worth while. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass.. 1941, 43: 463. Also Hospitals, 1941, 15: No. 11, 39-41.—Babbott, F. L. What medical colleges expect hos- pitals to do to continue the education of the intern. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1937 12: S 13. Basman, J. The opportunities of internship. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1937. 34: 403— Blanken- horn, M. A. The tiainin.— Ilerow, H. A., A Cohen, !•:. The training of interns in the social aspects of medicine. N. England J. M., 1933 209: 827 -31.— Dieuaide, F. R. Hospital intei neships, from the educational point of view. Chin. M. .1., 1937, 52: 099 700. Education of internes. In Am. Med. (Am. Found.) N. Y., 1937. 1: 390-2.—Foss, H. L. The hospital training of interns. Proc. Congr. M. Educ. 1931, 56-9. Also .1. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 1004-7.—From an aural surgeon. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 105.—Geiger, J. C. The relation of the hospital interne to preventive medicine. Pacific Coast M., 1937 4: 19-21.- biddings, E.. & Smith, N. Practical advice in training of interns. Hu-pilals, 1936, 10: 37 40. Gregg, A. The hospital a- a c>Pege. Ibid., 1942. 16: No. 11, 37 11. Hanes, F. M., & Davison, W. C. Postgraduate medical education and internships. .1. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1941, 16: 371-4.—Larkin, W. J. A survey on intern training in obstetrics and laboratory work. Pennsylvania M. J., 1937-38, 41: 714-7.—Medical education in a municipal hospital, a survey and appreciation of the clinical experience gained l>v Middlesex students al the Central Middlesex County Hospital. Middlesex Hosp. J.. 1942, 12: 21. Munger. C. W. Continuation of medical education during the hospital internship. .1. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1937, 12: 14 22. Oppen- heimer, R. H. The internship, a hospital and medical school program. South. M. J.. 1941. 34: 550-3.- P, P. B. Post- graduate experience after demobilization. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1 : Suppl., 78.—Peterson, C. M. Recent developments in intern training. Hospitals, 1937, 11: No. 4, 47-9.—Prolonged residencies, their effect on the practice of medieim . N. England J. M.. 1940, 222: 1094.—Rappleye. W. C. The hospital and graduate medical education. Hospitals, 1939, 13: No. 9, 29-31.—Recent developments in intern training. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 374.—Sanger, H. F. The role of the hospital in medical education. Nosokomeion. Stuttg., 1939, 10: 61-4.—Schwarz, T. E., & Whitecotton, O. Training the intern. Mod. Hosp., 1934, 43: 63-6.—Smith, N. The training of the intern. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 1705-8. Also Fed. Bull., Chic, 1941,27: 43-52.------The education of the intern. N. England J. M., 1941, 224: 94-101.—Teaching the human touch. Hygeia, Chic, 1942, 20: 96.—Van Etten, N. B. Education of the intern. Hosp. Progr., 1936, 17: 405.— Weiskotten, H. G. The use of the hospital in the preparation of the physician. Ibid., 1937, 18: 217-19.—Wright, C. P. Plan of intern training. Mod. Hosp., 1939, 52: No. 6, 51. ---- Training: Organization. Baird, N. M. What mv organization is doing for staff education? Med. Bull., N. Y., 1937-38, 3: 227-9.—Black. B. W. Undesirable to reduce intern training period. Hosp. Management. 1942, 53: 6.—Bonnevie, P. |Revision of the rotation appointments] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 309-11.— Carasa. E. El internado en his hospitales municipales; diversas gestiones de la Comision directiva. Rev. Circ. med. argent., 1928, 28: 1-5. — Carnes, E. H. Interne training in a small hospital. Hosp. News, Wash., 1937, 4: No. 1. 6- 10— Coordina- tion of internships with the accelerated medical program. ,1. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 56.—Corbus, B. R. The relation of postgraduate committees to intern instruction in unaffiliated hospitals; should the State Society assume any responsibility for such intern instruction? .1. Michigan M. Soc.. 1942, 41: 390-2.—Curran, J. A. The internship as a problem in medical education: how the problem is being met in New York. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll.. 1936, 11: 94 105. ----- Function of the hospital in the training of intei n- and residents. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930. 106: 753-6.—Dally. P. L'annee hospiraliere aux Etats-Unis. Presse med.. 1933, 41: 1 229 - Fir3chein, I. A schedule for a general rotating internship. Hospitals, 1939, 13: No. 9, 32-4.—Foss, H. L. A plan for the systi matic instruction and supervision of internes and resident phv-icians. Bull. Am. Coll. Surgeons, 1931, 15: 29-32 Giddings, F... & Smith, N. Plan for the advanced specialty training of the intern. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1936, 38: 444-51. ------ The role of u general hospital in past-graduate training for interns. Hospitals, 1930, 10: No. 2. S8-90. ------ Practical utiliza- tion of an out-patient department in the training of interns. Ibid., 112 8. divanna. R. O internato nos hospitals dos Estados Unidos. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1942, 21: 111 9.-- Healy, C. J. M. Canadian intern board report for 1940-41. Univ. Toronto M. .1., 1940-41. 18: 195 8. Howard. J. R.. jr., The administrator's influence on intern training, flospitaln., 1940, 14: No. 3, 29.—Intern training in Massachusetts. N. England J. M . 1931, 210: 915-7.- Jennett, J. H. A proper program for teaching interns. Bull. Am. ('oil. Surgeons, 1936, 21: 167-9.--Menzies, F. Undergraduates ti amine, in the municipal hospitals. Brit. M. ,L, 1941, 1: 905. Moll. A. A., American hospitals and Latin American interns. Hospitals, 1941. 15: No. 9, 32-4.—Ney, K. W., & Brace. D. E. Intern trainimr. its organization. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1707-9. Norhy. .1. G. Educational program for interns and residents in a non-teaching hospital. Hospitals, 1942. lfi: 18-21.—Period (The) of internships in New York City. Science, 1942. 95: 92.—Peterson, ('. Small hospitals and intern training. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass . 1937, 39: 493-7. Also Hospita's. 1937, 11: No. 10. 91 3. Plan to assi-u interns to practicing physicians at Univ. of Oregon, 9 month intern ship suggested by others consider service in alldiate I hospitals. Hosp. Management. 1942, 54: No. 4, 25.- Srhwitalla. A. M. Phases of the educational piogram for interns. Hosp. Piogr., 1941, 22: 19-26.—Seeger, S. J. A program of education for interns and residents in small hospitals. Hospitals, 1911, 15: No. 2, 25-9.—Sforza, N. Una nuova funzione degli ospedali; l'inteinato obligatorio ospedaliero per idi student! di medicina. Hiv. osp., 1935. 25: 580-8.-Sloan, R. P. Ilos pitals as teaching centers. Mod. Hosp., 1941, 57: No. 4, 9 1. Smith, N. Practical utilization of an out-patient department in the training of interns. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1936, 3K: 140-3.------Training the intern in a municipal hospital. Ibid., 1938, 40: 799-806. Also Hospitals, 1938, 12: No. 10. 96-100.—Smith, V. D. E. The value of rotating and straight internships from the standpoint of the intern. Tr. Am. Ho-m. Ass., 1931. 33: 279-90. Also Bull. Am. Hosp. Ass.. 1932 6: 90-4.--Wciskotten. H. G. IIo.snit.al internships as rcdaCd to the ace derated me lical curriculum. Hospitals, 1942, 16: No. 11, 42.—Wells, A. H. An organized educational service for interns. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2157-69.— Who trains our interns? Mel. Soc. Rep., Scranton, 19-11, 35: No. 8, 16.—Zapffe, F. C. The place of the senior internship or residency in graduate medical education. Hosp. Progr., 1933, 14:290-2. INTERNAL capsule. See Brain, Internal capsule. INTERNAL medicine. See also Internist; Medicine; Medicine clinical; also names of special branches of internal medicine as Cardiology; Gastroenterology, etc. Kinlaw, W. B. Internal medicine. South. M. & S., 1935, 97: 584.—Medicine versus surgery. Mel. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1941-42, 5: 302-6.—Viola, G. Introduzione alio studio della medicina interna. In Med. int. (Ceconi) Tor., 1932, 1: 1-40. ---- Clinics and institutes. Trousseau, A. Clinique medicale de l'Hotel- Dieu de Paris. 12. ed. 3v. 8? Par., 1931. Warszawa. School of Military Medicine. Opuscula clinices internae Praefectoriae scholar sanitatis tuendae. 178p. 8? Warszawa, 1927. Brauer, L. Antrittsvorlesung, gehalten am 25. Okt. 1905 I«d Uebernahme der me lizinischen Universitatsklinik in Marburg. Deut. med. Wsclu., 1905, 31: 1801 5. — Clerc, A. C'haire de clinique ntedicale de la PithS. Presse nted., 1935, 43: 641-5.—Dauwe, F. La clinique medicale du cours des 2 amines acade'miques 1905-7 [Universite de Gand] Ann. Soc. med. Gand, 1907, 87: 133-65.—Forlanini. G. 11 lavoro della sezione medica. Tribuna san., Milano, 1907, 1:321-8.— Gerhardt, I). Erfahrungen der inneren Klinik auf einigen medizinischen Orenzgebieten. Korbl. Schweiz. Aerzte, 1910, 40: 1209-18. -Hassin, G. B. Notes from Nothnagel's clinic. Mel. Stand.. 1906. 29: 15; 56; 115; 172; passim- His, W. Untei richt und Lehren an der 1. Medizinischen Klinik [der Berliner Universitat] Berl. klin. Wschr., 1910, 47: 1S73-9.— Jagic, N. Klinik und Laboratorium in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die interne Medizin. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1931, 44: 661-4.— Leyden, E. von. Ueber die Entwicklung der inneren Klinik. ErofTnungsvortrag der Klinik. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907. 3: 631-7.—Muller, F. Clinic at Munich. Internat. Clin., 1927, 37. ser., 2: 195.—Munk, F. Novos pontos de vista da clinica medica allemS. Brasil med., 1937, 51: 029 32. Onoranze (Le) al Prof. Maragliano pel suo 25° anno d'ins'-gnamentn Cron. clin. med. Genova, 1907, 13: 201-24.- Senator. _Di« Ceschichte. Bedeutung und Aufgabe des ooliklinischeu Institute fiir innere Medizin an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitiit zu Berlin. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1905, 42: 1547-50.- Strumpell, INTERNAL MEDICINE 401 INTERNAL MEDICINE A. von. Die Bedeutung der medizinischen Klinik fur die al'lgemeine iirztliche Ausbildung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1909, 22: 803-8.—Sturgis, C. C. A brief history of the Department of Internal Medicine of the University of Michigan Medical School. Phi Chi Q., Waukesha, 1937, 34: 335-8. ---- Congresses. See also in List of Congresses, 3. volume of 4. series of the Index-Catalogue. [Argentina] Congreso de medicina in- terna. 1. Congr. [Buenos Aires, Sept. 28-Nov. 27, 1936] [Sesiones] 654p. 24cm. B. Aires. 1937. Kristenson, A. Proceedings of the 16th Scandinavian congress for internal medicine; held in Upsala from the 6th to 8th June 1933. 647p. 8? Uppsala, 1934. Muller, C. Proceedings of the 15th Scandi- navian Congress for internal medicine. 422p. 8! Oslo, 1932. Norgaard, A. Rapports et comptes rendus du 17. congres de medecine des Pays du Nord tenu a Copenhague du 27 ai 29 juin 1935. 941p. 8° Kbh., 1936. Boletin del primer Congreso nacional de medicina interna. Medicina, Mex., 1942. 22: Suppl., 12.—Congreso de Internistas de Wiesbaden, 7-8 de mayo; enfermedad y ambiente; anemias; transfusion sanguinea. Actual, nted., Granada, 1941, 17: 282-7.—Congress of internal medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 867.—Congresso italiano di medicina interna (Torino) Riforma med., 1937, 53: 1483-8.—First [Mexican] Congress of Internal Medicine. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1942, 118: 312—Melo, V. F. Mis impresiones del Primer congreso nacional de medi- cina interna. Bol. Sanat. Rafael Lavista, Veracruz, 1941-42, 2: No. 12. 2-6.—Primer Congreso chileno de medicina interna. Dia mM.. B. Air.. 1942, 14: 1160.—Primer Congreso nacional de medicina interna. Gac. nted. Mexico, 1941, 71: 786. Also Medicina Mex.. 1941, 21: 182-6. Also Rev. mex. psiquiat., 1941 8: No. 47, 36. Also Ciencia, Mex., 1942, 3: 66. Also Rev. med. Chile. 1942, 70: 657-60. Also Rev. med. Hoso. gen. Puebla, 1942, 3: 36.—Primer Congreso nacional de medi- cina interna, a 3 de Diciembre, 1941. Bol. Sanot. Rafael Lavista, Veracruz, 1941-42, 2: No. 8, 12.—Primer (El) Con- greso nacional de medicina interna de Santiago de Chile. Prensa med. argent., 1942, 29: pt 2, 1795. Also Rev. nted. Chile, 1942, 70: 821. Also Sem. meii., B. Air., 1942, 49: nt 2, 1138.—Propaganda para el Primer Congreso de medicina interna durante la semana del 6 de Mayo de 1942. Bol. Sanat. Rafael Lavista, Veracruz, 1941-42, 2: No. 7, 4.—R0mcke. O. [18th Congress for internal medicine held m Helsmgfors, June 29-July 1, 1937] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1937, 98: 1330-33.—Rulfo, J. Ante el primer congreso nacional de medicina interna. Eugenesia, Mex., 1942, 3: No. 31, 3-26. --- Essays. Tommasini, G. Prefazione al corso delle lezioni di medicina teorica e di terapia speciale delle malattie interne del corpo umano dettate dalle cattedre di istituzioni mediche della Pontificia Cniversita di Bologna e di quella di Parma. 95p. 21cm. Fano, 1856. Aragon, A. Guia del estudiante de Clinica medica nor Jose Terres tensavo critico) Hosp. gen., Mex., 1925-26, 1: 249-78.— D'Amato. L. L'ora attuale della medicina interna. Ritorma med 1935 51: 1899-905. Also Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1936' 46: 55-63.—Ferrannini, L. Introduzione al corso di Clinica medica, prolusione letta il 7 febbraio 1927. Fob med., Nan., 1927, 13: 143-64.------Clinica medica della r. Universite Benito Mussolini in Bari, lezione di chiusura dell an- no 1932-33. Morgagni, 1933, 75: 1075-88. -Galambos, A. Some observations and critical comments on tonics of internal medicine. Am. Med., 1926, n. ser., 21: 391-6.—Galdi. F. Linee proerammatiche di Clinica medica. hoi. med.,^an., 1926, 12: 81-100.—Gilbert, A. La clinique medicale de 11 Hotel- Dieu de Paris; lecon d'ouverture. Pans med.. 1910, 6-M — Gottlieb. M. L. Aphorisms in internal medicine Med. Kec N. V., 1940, 151: 344; 418—Krehl, L. von I eher Staiid- punkte in der inneren Medizin. Miinch. med. V\ senr. 1 .u■>. 73: 1547-52.—Labb6. M. Chain- de clinique medicale; lecon d'ouverture. Presse med., 1935, 43: 121-4.—Lee, R. I. Presidential address. Ann. Int. M,, 1942, 17: 1-4—Levy. L. K. How long to wait? a discussion of some inr>b ems in internal medicine. Mississippi Doctor, 1941-42 9,:nn^O- Miller, J. A. Whither? Ann. Int. M., 1942 16: 1003-10.— Minkowski, O. Rede zur ErofTnuiig der 32. 1 agung des Deutschen Kongresses iir innere Medizin Verh Deut. Kongr. inn. Med. (1920 1921 32. Congr., 3-10,-Mut, A. Aountes de clinica ntedica. Rev. iber. amer. cienc. meri., 1906 16- 447-60 —Rabinovich, N. G. [Erroneous diagnoses in internal diseases'] Klin, med., Moskva, 1942 20: No. 8, 61-8.—Romano, N. Conferencia inaugural del curso de ;;20157__VOL. 8, 4th series----20 clinica medica. Prensa med. argent., 1937, 24: 997-1003. Also in his Lecc. clin. med., B. Air., 1938, 2: 7-18.—Vannotti, A. Orientations et conceptions actuelles en ntedecine interne. Rev. nted. Suisse rom., 1938, 58: 193-206.—Viola, G. Intro- duzione alio studio della medicina interna. Arch. pat.. Bologna. 1931-32, 11: 341-75.—Wells, G. H. A review of the aims and methods of internal medicine; introductory address delivered before the senior students of the Hahnemann Medical College. Hahneman. Month., 1941, 76: 972-82.—Wilson. W. H. Is internal medicine a failure? West. M. Rev., 1906, 11: 230-5. ---- Instruction. Blankenhorn, M. A. The teaching of internal medicine. J. Med., Cincin., 1935-30, 16: 359-63.—Boeri, G. Per in- segnare la Clinica medica; graudi errori: piccoli segni. Riforma med., 1926, 42: 289-94.—Crone, N. L., & Means, J. H. A new tvne of graduate course in internal medicine. Ann. Int. M., 1940-41, 14: 2292-5.—Emerson, C. P. The teaching of internal medicine along Dhylogenetic lines. Bull. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1928, 3: 119 29.- -Gasbarrini. A. La funzione e l'insegna- mento della clinica medica. Po'iclinico, 1932, 39: sez. prat., 1939-40.—Goggia, C. P. Risposte sommarie ai quesiti rivolti dal Professor Maragliano negli esami di Clinica medica di questi ultimi 5 anni. Cron. clin. med., Genova, 1905, 11: 49-56.—Jagic, N. Der nrooadeutisehe Unterricht in der inneren Medizin. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1939, 52: 441.—Koranyi. S. [Instruction in clinical medicine] Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: 579-82.—Manier, J. O., & McCombs, R. P. Report, of Com- mittee on Postgraduate Instruction in Internal Medicine. J. Tennessee AI. Ass., 1941, 34: 299.—Nadler, W. H. The teaching of internal medicine. Q. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1940, 14: 294-8.—Oppenheimer, R. H. Objectives and methods in the di partment of internal medicine. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1937. 12: 137-41.—Pruneda, A. Historia de la ensefianza de la clinica interna en Mexico. Bol. Inst, pat., Mex., 1908-9, 2. ep., 6: 567-91.—Robinson, G. C. The modern teacher of internal medicine. Old Dominion .1. M. & S., 1909, 8: 382-7.—Romberg, E. von. Ueber Lehren und Lernen der inneren Medizin. Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 49-51.— Schilling. V. Praktische Versuche zur Umgestaltung des internmedizinischen Unterrichtes. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 1829-31.—Teissier. J. De l'enseignement de la clinique ntedicale; projet de reorganisation; enseignement properieu- tique; exercices de laboratoire; travaux originaux; exigences d'un service complet; personnel et outi'lage. Provence mM., 1909 20:445-9.—Tilleren, J. Intermedicinen i undervisningen, n&gra synpunkter. Nord. med., 1941, 10: 1659-62 (Abstr.) 'hopital al.] 2v. ---- Manuals. Achard, C. Clinique medicale de Beaujon. 2. ser. 336p. 8? Par., 1925. Assmann, H., Bergmann, G. von [et Lehrbuch der inneren Medizin. 3. Aufl. 934p.; 846p. 8? Berl., 1936. Brugsch, T. Lehrbuch der inneren Medizin. v.l. 826p. 8? Berl., 1930. Also 4. Aufl. 2v. 1628p. (pag. cont.) 1937. Comroe, B. I., Collins, L. H., & Crane, M P. Internal medicine in dental practice. 352p. 8? Phila., 1938. Domarus, A. von. Grundriss der inneren Medizin. 640p. 8? Berl., 1923. Also 10. Aufl. 681p. 1936. Fischer, O. Kompendiurn der inneren Krank- heiten. 355p. 21cm. Dresd. [1938] Forchheimek, F. The prophylaxis and treat- ment of internal diseases. 2. ed. 712p. 24>4cm. N. V., 1910. Hartleben, H., & Schad, G. Innere Medizin und Hygiene. 2. Aufl. 167p. 8? Miinch. t1936! , • ™ i- ■ Jores, A. Grundziige der inneren Medizin fiir Zahnarztc und Studicrende der Zahnheil- kunde. 213p. 8? Lpz., 1935. Klemperer, G.. & Klemperer, F. Neue deutsche Klinik; Handwortcrbuch der prak- tischen Medizin mit besonderer Beriiksichtigung der innerer Medizin, der Kindcrhoilkunde und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Bd. 4! Berl., 1928. Kotovshchikov, N. N. [Manual for clinical methods of examination of internal diseases] v 1. 24cm. Kazan, 1889-90. Kraus, F., & Brugsch, T. Spozielle Patho- logie und Therapie innerer Krankheiten. llv. in 19. 4? Berl., 1919 27. INTERNAL MEDICINE 402 INTERNAL MEDICINE Krehl, L. Enstehung, Erkennung und Be- handlung innerer Krankheiten. 2. Bd: Die Erkennung innerer Krankheiten. 172p. Berl., 1931. Lehrbuch der inneren Medizin. 4. um- gcarh. & ergiinz. Aufl. Bd 1-2. 2v. 969p.; SSlip. 25cm. Berl., 1939. M bring, J. von. Lehrbuch der inneren Medizin. Hrsg. von L. Krehl. 16. ed. 2v. 511p.;611p. 8° Jena, 1929. Musser, J. H. Internal medicine; its theory and practice in contributions by American authors. 131 (ip. S? Phila., 1932. Also 3. ed. 1428p. 1938. Pirera, A. Nuovo trattato di medicina interna. 4v. 8? Nap. [1932] Ramond, L. Confdrences de clinique medicale pratique. 4. ser. 454p. 4? Par., 1926. Rolleston, H. D. Internal medicine. 92p. 16° N. V., 1930. Schmidt, R. Merksatze zur Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie innerer Krankheiten. 325p. 21 em. Berl., 1939. Strum pell, A. [Manual of pathology and therapy of internal diseases] T. 1. 4. ed. 620p. 23'ecm. Moskva, 1889. Sturm, A. Grundbegriffe der inneren Medizin. 282p. 2-1'km. Jena, 1938. Veil, W. H. Leitfaden der inneren Medizin fiir Zahnarzte und Studierende der Zahnheil- kunde. 29Xp. 8? Berl., 1922. Watson, C. J. Outlines of internal medicine, pt 1-5. 27cm. [Minneap.] 1942. Wichels, P. Innere Medizin. 381p. 23cm. Lpz. [10381 Yater, W. M. The fundamentals of internal medicine. 1021p. 25cm. X. V. [1938] Also 1. ed. rev. 1021p. [1940] Also [2. rev.] 1021p. [1941] Also 1. ed. rev.; repr. 1021p. [1942] ---- Military aspect. Ask-Upmark, E., Sjovall, B. Invartesmedicinska iakt- tagelser och synpunkter med anledning av erfarenheterna fr&n Bassjukhuset i Muurola. Nord. med., 1941, 9: 2J1-4.— Bushnell, G. R., Connor, L. A., & Harris, S. Surgeon General's Office, Division of Internal Medicine. In Med. Dep. IT. S. Army in the World War. Wash.. 1923, 1: 373-83.—Gold- scheider. Aufgaben und Probleme der inneren Medizin im Kriege. Dent. med. Wschr.. 1915, 41: 1352.—Martini, P. L'eber die Muglichkeiten des I'ortschrittes der inneren Medizin im Kriege. Munch, med. Wschr.. 1940, 87: 469-74 (micro- film)—Merkelbach. Internistische Erkrankungen und Mili- tarmedizin. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 429 (microfilm)—Michae- lis, L. Erfahrungen aus einem Heimatslazarctt fur innere Erkrankungen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1916, 42: 248-50.— Piersol, G. M. Internal medicine as observed at a base hos- pital in France. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1919, 96: 991.—Thayer, W. S. Internal medicine in the armv. In Med. Dep. I*. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1927, 7: 1112-9. --- Periodicals. Annals of internal medicine. Ann Arb., v.l, 1927- Ergebnisse der inneren Medizin und KlNDERHEILKUNDE. Berl., V.l, 1908- kongresszentralblatt fur die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. Berl., v.20, 1921- POLSKIE ARCHIWLM MEDYCYNY WEWNIJTKZNE.I. Warszawa, v. 10, 1932- ZENTRALBLATT FUR DIE GESAMTE INNERE Medizin lnd ihre Grenzgebiete. Berl., v.1-19, 1912-21. ---- Progress. Advances in internal medicine. X. Y., v.l. 1942- XoVOSIBlRSKY gosudarstvenny institut dlia osovershenstvovania vrac hei [Certain prob- lems of internal medicine] 215p. 22cm. Novo- sibirsk, 1936. Schmidt, O. H. *Aus\virkungen des YYelt- krieges auf die Heilkunde in Deutschland, insbe- sondere auf die innere Medizin [Miinclicn] 67p. 201'Jcm. Hcidelb., 1938. Barker, L. F. The development of internal medicine during the past 100 years (1830-1930) In Tapers A Addr. (L. F. Barker) 1935, No. 328.—Bergmann, G. von. Innere Medizin, In Marksteine Entw. Med. (Hoist, W.) Danzig, 1939, 7-14.— Bieganski, W. Medycvna wewnetrzna u nas na sehvtku xix-go wiekn. Now. Iek., Poznan, 1905, 17: 568; 617.— Brubacher, H. Ueber die Fortschrit te auf dem Gebiete der inneren Medizin. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1926. 44: 553; 585. - Brugsch, H. Aus dem anierikanischen Schrifttum 1939 (Januar bis Junil: Innere Medizin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1181.- Chcrnorutskv, M. V. [Soviet medicine in treatment of internal diseases] Sovet. vrach. .L, 1937, 41: 1534 S. Eppinger, H. Wandlungen in der iimeien Medizin. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1933, 46: 709-74. Fabor, K. | Ketrospect] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 1301 7. Herrick, J. B. Changes in internal medicine since 1900. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1312-5.—Howard, C. N. A partial rmicw of internal medicine. Washington M. Am., 1906-7, 5: 365-77.- Keeton, R. W.p Portis, S. A. [et al.] Progress in internal medicine. Clin. Med.. 1942, 49: 0-8. Kogan, M. B. [Internal medicine for the last 15 years] Klin, med., .Moskva, 1933, 11: 427-33 — Konchalovskv, M. P. [Internal medicine for ihe past 20 >eais| Tei. arkh., 1937, 15: 735-53. Mcl'askey. G. W. Internal medicine: some of its present aspects and achieve- ments. N. York M. J., 1908, 87: 250-3.—McQuiston, J. S. Advances in internal medicine in 1934 [and subsequent years] .1. Iowa M. Soc, 1935, 25: 180 [and subsequent volumes]— Prusik, B. K. [Means and aims in internal medicine during the last 30 years] Cas. l£k. £esk., 1935, 74: 1113-9. - Skubi- szewski, L. [Hemai ks on general tendencies in medicine and on the influence of pathologic anatomy on internal rnedecinc| Polska gaz. lek., 1927, 6: 921. — Strazhosko, N. D. [Trends and achievements in internal medicine in the Soviet Union] Klin, med., Moskva, 1942, 20: No. 11, 3-14.— Tuohy, E. L. Progress in internal medicine in Minnesota. Minnesota M., 1943, 26: 23-32.—Wilcox, R. W. The progress of internal medicine during the past half century. Med. Times, N. V., 1922, 50: 1-8.------The progress in internal medicine during the year.1923. Ibid., 1924, 52: 1 , 22. INTERNAL secretion. See Endocrine gland, Secretion; Hormone; also under proper names of endocrine glands. INTERNATIONAL abstract of surgery. See Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. INTERNATIONAL Academy for Medical Postgraduate Work. Report on the constitutive meeting, Budapest, April 23-28, 1938; redigiert von K. Blome, & C. Adam, xvii, 328p. illust. portr. 25cm. Jena, G. Fischer, 1938. INTERNATIONAL address book of bota- nists . . . Prepared in accordance with a resolu- tion passed at the Fifth International Botanical Congress, Cambridge, 1930. xv, 605p. 8? Lond., Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1931. INTERNATIONAL Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. Proceedings. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1934. Forms Bull. No. 2, U. S. Dep. Lab. Div. Lab. Stand. INTERNATIONAL Association of Navigation Congresses. Executive Committee's report [1938-39] 16p. 8° [n. p., 1939] INTERNATIONAL Association for Preven- tion of Blindness. Meeting of the Executive. Committee, Dec. 10, 1937. 231p. 24/2cm Le Caire, 193S. Forms 2. half, v.5 of [Transactions] 15. Internat. Ophth. Congr. ----Rapport sur le nombre des aveugles et la protection des yeux dans les different pays. 31 Op. 24^cm. Le Caire, 1938. Forms v.7 of [Transactions] 15. Internat. Ophth. Congr. [INTERNATIONAL] Association profession- nelle internationale des medecins. Association professionnelle internationale des ntedecins- Brit. M. .1., 1937, 2: Suppl., 165 7.— Rystedt, G. [L'Associa- tion professionelle internationale des mcdecins] Sven. lak. tidn., 1933, 30: 15S-05; 1935, 32: 1672 -8. INTERNATIONAL CANC. v 403 INTERNATIONAL CONF. INTERNATIONAL Cancer Research Founda- tion. See under Philadelphia, Pa. International Cancer Research Foundation, INTERNATIONAL Child Congress [1931] Compte rendu. 518p. illust. diagr. pl. facs. 27cm. [Par., 1933] Suppl.: L'apprentissage des nombres, 31p., inserted. INTERNATIONAL clinics. Phila., ser. 1-47, 1891-1937. Title changed to New international clinics. Cattell, H. W. The centenary volume of the Clinics. Internat. Clin., 1915, 25: ser., 4: 6. ------ Current 157th issue of the International Clinics. Internat. Clin., 1930, 40. ser., 1: 250-6, 6 pl. INTERNATIONAL College of Surgeons. Transactions. Huntington, Ind., v.l, 1938. Continued as Journal of the International College of Surgeons. ----Journal. Chic, v.2, 1939- Continuation of Transactions. Activities of the 1941 assembly of the International College of Surgeons, Mexico City, Mexico, August 10 to 14. J. Internat. Coll. Surgeons, 1941, 4: 441-65.—Convocation of Mexican Chapter of the International College of Surgeons. Ibid., 1942, 5: 431-5.—International assembly of the Inter- national College of Surgeons at the invitation of the Mexican Government, Mexico City, August 10 to 14, 1941. Ibid., 1941, 4: 180-5.—International (The) College of Surgeons' credentials booklet. Ibid.. 1940, 3: 471- Meeting of the International College of Surgeons in Mexico City. Science, 1941, 94-: 14. [INTERNATIONAL] Comite international des bibliotheques. 6. Sess. [1933] Actes. 203p. tab. portr. 27cm. LaHaye, M. Xijhoff, 1934. Forms v.5 of Pub. Internat. Fed. Libr. Ass. [INTERNATIONAL] Comite international de la Croix Rouge. See under Red Cross. [INTERNATIONAL] Comite international per- manent des congres d'accidents et maladies du travail. Archives de medecine sociale et d'hygiene. Brux., v.l, 1938- [INTERNATIONAL] Commission inter- national de l'eclairage. 9. Sess. [1935] Compte rendu des seances, vii, 679. 23^cm. Cambr., Univ. Press, 1937. INTERNATIONAL Committee of Documenta- tion. See World Congress of Universal Documentation. Pre- liminary reports. 51p. 30cm. Par., 1937. INTERNATIONAL Committee for the Study of Infantile Paralysis. Poliomyelitis; a survey made possible by a giant from the International Committee for the Study of Infantile Paralysis, organized by Jeremiah Milbank. xxii, 562p. illust., 25 pl. map, tables, diagrs. 8? Bait., William & Wilkins co., 1932. INTERNATIONAL Conference on CANCER. 1. Conf. [1928] Report of _the International conference on cancer, xxi, 588p. 4? Brist., J. Wright & sons, 1928. INTERNATIONAL Conference on FEVER THERAPY. 1. Conf. [1937] Fever therapy; abstracts and discussions of papers presented. xxiv, 486p. diagr. 8? X. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1937. INTERNATIONAL Conference on GE- NETICS. See International Congress of Genetics. INTERNATIONAL Conference on GOITER. See Internationale Kropfkonferenz. INTERNATIONAL Conference on HEALTH of the Seamen. 2. Conf. [1929] [Publication] 123p; 346p. 271cm. Par., Expans. sc. fr., 1934. INTERNATIONAL Congress of MEDICINE. See International Medical Congress. INTERNATIONAL Congress on MENTAL HYGIENE. 1. Congr. [1930] Proceedings. 2v. S03p.;840p. 8° X. Y., 1932. INTERNATIONAL Congress for MICRO- BIOLOGY. 2. Congr. [1936] Report of proceed- ings, xiii, 579p. incl. tab. portr. 224cm. Lond., Harrison & Sons, 1937. INTERNATIONAL Congress of MILITARY MEDICINE and pharmacy. 1. Congr. [1921] Organization generale du Service de Sante aux armees et rapports. 138p. 8? Brux., 1921. ---- 2. Congr. [1923] Atti. 2v. in 1. iv, 41 lp.; viii, 585p. 8? Roma, 1923. ---- 3. Congr. [1925] Comptes rendus. 705p. 8? Par., 1925. ---- 4. Congr. [1927] Exposition inter- nationale d'hygiene et du materiel technique du Service de Sante\ 18p. 8? Warszawa, 1927. ---- 4. Congr. [1927] Programme general. 32p. 8? Warszawa, 1927. 4. Congr. [1927] Rapports. 2 vol. 346p.;576p. 8? Warszawa, E. & K. Koziansky, 1927-28. — 4. Congr. [1927] [Programme] 35p. 4? Warszawa, 1927. ---- 5. Congr. [1929] Reports. 367p. 25cm. [Lond., H. M. Stat. Off., 1929] For programme see Great Britain. Army Medical Services. See also Group photograph in Library. ---- 6. Congr. [1931] Banquet d'adieu; liste alphabetique des invites. 1 fold 1. 30cm. La Haye, 1931. ----6. Congr. [1931] Invitation. 2 1. 8? The Hague, 1931. ---- 6. Congr. [1931] Liste des membres. 27p. 8? La Haye, 1931. ---- 6. Congr. [1931] Programme. 14p. 184cm. La Haye, 1931. ---- 6. Congr. [1931] Provisional programme. 12p. 184cm. La Haye, 1931. ----6. Congr. [1931] Rapports; discours. 2v. 546p.;217p. 8? La Haye, 1931. See also Japan. War Office. Reports to the questions of the 6. International Congress of Military Medicine and Phar- macy concerned to Japan. 23p. 21cm. Tokyo, 1931. See also Group Photograph in Library. INTERNATIONAL CONGR. 406 INTERNATIONAL C'ONGR. 7. Congr. [1933] [Honorary com- mittee] 12p. S° Madr., 1933. ---- 7. Congr. [1933] Programa; guia; catalogo oficial. 256p. 8° Madr., 1933. 7. Congr. [1933] [Publication] (» pt. S° Madr., 1934. 7. Congr. 11933] Report. 4 p. 1. NNp. illust. portr. 23cm. [Wash., 1934] ----8. Congr. [1935] Comptes rendus. v.l. 442p. Brux., 1935. ---- 9. Congr. [1937] Programme. 43p. 23cm. [Bucur., 1937] ---- 9. Congr. [1937] Rapports. Tome 2: Festivites, discussion des rapports et communica- tions. 32Xp. illust, pl. 24cm. Bucur., 1937. 10. Congr. [1939] Official reports; proceedings. 2v. 363p.; 303p. illust. 2 pl. 234em. Wash., 1939. See also reports written by W. S. Bainbridge on various congresses. INTERNATIONAL Congress of MILITARY MEDICINE and Pharmacy. Permanent Com- mittee. Cinquieme session de l'Office interna- tional de documentation de medecine militaire. 140p. 8? Liege [1936] ----Liste des chefs des services tie sante des armees. Xp. s° Liege, Off. internat. docum. med. milit., 1937. ---- Annuaire des chefs des services de sante des annees. X? Liege, 1938. See also Liege. Office international de documentation de medecine militaire. [INTERNATIONAL] Congresso internazionale sulla malaria. 2. Congr. [1930] Compte-rendu. 2v. 826p.; 578p. illust. pl. (part col.) map. tab. diagr. 24cm. Alger, 1931. [INTERNATIONAL] Congresso internaziona- le di stomatologia. 2. Congr. [1935] Atti. 2v. 1355p. ]iaged consec. 8? Bologna, 1936. INTERNATIONAL Congress of OPHTHAL- MOLOGY. See International Ophthalmological Congress. INTERNATIONAL Congress of PHONETIC SCIENCES. 2. Congr. [1935] Proceedings. 5 p. 1. 328p. incl. illust. tab. diagr. 23cm. Cambr., Univ. Press, 1936. INTERNATIONAL Congress of PHOTOG- RAPHY. 9. Congr. [1935] Procc-s-verbaux, rapports et memories. 852p. illust. tab. ch. 8? Par., Rev. optique flieor. & instrum., 1936. INTERNATIONAL Congress of PHYSICAL THERAPY. 1. Congr. [1905] Liste des comites d'organisation et de propagande et des membres adherents au 9 Aout 1905; comptes-rendus et rapports, v. p. 8? Anvers., de Vos & van der Groen, 1905-06. ---- 2. Congr. [1907] Atti. v.l. 938p. 8° Roma, 1907. ----3. Congr. [1910] Comptes rendus. 1199p. Par., 1910. ---- 3. Congr. mentaire. 21p. 8? ---- 5. Congr, 7 sections, v. p. S 1930-31. INTERNATIONAL Congress for PSYCHIC HYGIENE. See under International Congress on Mental Hygiene. INTERNATIONAL Congress of PSYCHOL- OGY. 4. Congr. [1900] Compte rendu des seances et texte des memoires. iii, 814p. illust. 8° Par., F. Alcan, 1901. ---- 6. Congr. [1909] Rapports et comptes rendus. vii, S77p. 8? Geneve, Kundig, 1910. . Congr lp. pl. [1937] Rapports et comptes portr. 25cm. Par., F. Alcan, [1910] Rapport comple- Par., 1911. [1930] Comptes rendus. Brux., Impr. med. & sc, rendus 193X. INTERNATIONAL Congress of RADIOLOGY. 3. Congr. [1931] Rapports et communications sur les questions a 1' ordre du jour. [9] p. 1., xxviii, 1056p. illust. ports. 4° Par., Masson & Cie, 1931. ---- 5. Congr. [1937] Portrait catalogue. 178p. 1232 portr. 27cm. Chic., 1937. INTERNATIONAL Congress on RHEUMA- TISM. 3. Congr. [1932] Rapports et com- munications, xiii, 602p. pl. 8? Par., Masson & Cie, 1934. ---- 4. Congr. [1934] Rapports et com- munications, vii, 646p. tab. 8? Moskva, 1936. ---- 5. Congr. [1936] Comptes rendus. xxxi, 351p. 24cm. Ilelsin., 1938. INTERNATIONAL Congress of SANITARY ENGINEERING and Urban Hygiene. 2. Congr [1931] Generality e protocollo; relazioni c comunicazioni. 3v. illust. pl. map, tab. (part fold.) diagr. 30cm. Milano, Graphica ars, 1931. See also International Conference on Sanitary Engineering. INTERNATIONAL Congress of SANITARY ENGINEERING and Urban Hygiene. Per- manent Italian Committee. Hivista inter- nazionale di ingegneria sanitaria ed urbanistica. Milano, v.ll, 1933- INTERNATIONAL Congress of SCIENTIFIC and Social CAMPAIGN AGAINST CANCER. 2. Congr. [1936] [Publication] 3v. illust. pl. ports. tab. ch. 8? Brux., Ligue Nat. c. Cancer, 1936-37. 3. Congr. H939] [Publication] 2p. 210p. lU^cm. [Atlantic City, 1939] INTERNATIONAL Congress of STOMATOL- OGY. Sse [International] Congresso internazionale di stomatologia. INTERNATIONAL Congress of TROPICAL MEDICINE. 1. Congr. [1928] Comptes rendus. 5v. in 4. 8° Le Caire, 1928. ---- 3. Congr. [1938] Acta conventus tertii de tropicis atque malariae morbis. 2v. 720p.; 601p. illust. pl. diagr. 25cm. Amst., Soc. nederl. med. trop., 1938. INTERNATIONAL Congress of UROLOGY. 6. Congr. [1936] Diskussionen. Bd 2. 333p. illust. 24cm. Par., G. Doin & cie, 1937. ----7. Congr. [1939] Reports, pt 1. 1 p. 1. 555p. incl. illust. tab. 24cm. N. Y., 1939. [INTERNATIONAL] Congressus dermatolo- gorum internationalis. See International Dermatological Congress. INTERNATIONAL congres voor verloskunde en gynaecologie [1938] Handelingen. 2v. Leiden, 1938. [INTERNATIONAL] Convention internationale pour la protection de la population civile. Avant- projet. lip. 24cm. [n. p., The Convention, 1936?] INTERNATIONAL Council of Nurses; quar- terly. Geneve, v.l, 1926- INTERNATIONAL Council of Ophthalmology [Directory] Indicia ad oculorum morbos medi- cosque ab oculis pertinentia, rationum in modum collecta. 2. ed. 503p. portr. 8? Leiden, E. Ijdo, 1933. INTERNATIONAL DAIRY Congress. United States Delegates. Report, 1928. vi, 135p. tab. diagr. portr. 224cm. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1929. Forms No. 6, House Doc, 1. Session, 71. Congr., U. S. INTERNATIONAL DENTAL 407 INTERNATIONALER INTERNATIONAL DENTAL Congress. 7. Congr. [1926] [Proceedings] v.2. illust. 234cm. Phila., 1926. Reprinted from Journal of the American Dental Associa- tion. ---- 9. Congr. [1936] Berichte. 3v. 1552; 553p. illust. 8? Wien, Urban & Schwarzen- berg, 1937. INTERNATIONAL Dental Federation. Con- densed proceedings of the meeting at Stockholm, Aug., 1902. viii, 76p. 24cm. Phila. [1902] ---- Comptes rendus. 399p. 244cm. Par., 1903. ---- Verhandlungen der Jahresversammlung [1907] 113p. facs. portr. 23cm. Berl., Schmitz & Bukofzer, 1908. INTERNATIONAL DERMATOLOGICAL Congress. 9. Congr. [1935] Deliberationes. 4v. 24cm. Budap., Inst. Typogr. Patria, S. A.; Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1935-7. ---- [Atlas] Corpus iconum morborum cutaneorum. Collegit et edidit Ludovicus Nekdm. 3v. 244cm. Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1938. Atlas forms v.5 of above: Pt 1, Contextus, Pts 2-3, Illustra- tiones. INTERNATIONALE arztliche Fortbildungs- kurse. See Brambacher internationale arztliche Fortbildungskurse. INTERNATIONALE Akademie fiir das arzt- liche Fortbildungswesen. See International Academy for Medical Postgraduate Work. INTERNATIONAL Education Board. Weatherall, R. The International Education Board. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 398-401. INTERNATIONALE Facharzt-Fortbildung, 1939. 35p. 12? Berl., G. Koenig [1939] INTERNATIONALE Gesellschaft fiir bio- logische Rythmusforschung. 2. Konf. [1939] Verhandlungen. 243p. illust. pl. tab. diagr. 24cm. Stockh., A. Fahlcrantz, 1940. Forms Suppl. 108 of Acta med. scand. INTERNATIONALE Gesellschaft fiir Logo- padie und Phoniatrie. 5. Kongr. [1932] Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen. 3 p. 1. 110; 24p. 24cm. Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1933. ---- 6. Kongr. [1934] Bericht. iv, 167p. 8? Wien, 1935. INTERNATIONALE Gesellschaft fiir Sexual- forschung. See under Berlin, Germ., in 4. ser. INTERNATIONALE haematologische Tagung. 1. Tagung [1937] Sitzungsbericht. 248p. incl. illust. diagr. 23^cm. Berl., W. Mannstaedt & co. [1938] INTERNATIONALE Kropfkonferenz. 1. Konf. [1927] Bericht. xl, 569p. illust. map. diagr. 8? Bern, H. Huber, 1928. ---- 2. Konf. [1933] Verhandlungsbericht, hrsg. im Auftrag der Schweiz. Kropfkommission von Otto Stiner. Ii, 698p. illust. tab. diagrs. 8? Bern, H. Huber, 1935. ---- 3. Konf. [1938] Transactions. xix, 547p. 4? Portland, Ore., Am. Ass. Goiter, 1938. Forms Transactions of the American Association for the Study of Goiter. INTERNATIONALE medizinische Woche in der Schweiz. See [International] Semaine medicale internationale en Suisse. INTERNATIONALE psychoanalytische Ver- einigung. For publication see Internationale Zeitschrift fiir Psycho- analyse und Imago. INTERNATIONALE Radiotherapie. Darm- stadt, v.1-3, 1925-28. INTERNATIONALER arztlicher Fortbildungs- kursus mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Balneologie und Balneotherapie; redigiert von Edgar Ganz. Jena, 1: 1914- INTERNATIONALER Apothekerbund. Spe- zialitaten-Kommission. Untersuchungsmethoden fiir Arzneispezialitaten. 2. Ausg. 2 p. 1., 148p. incl. tab. 25cm. Amst., Dekker & Nordemann N. V., 1938. INTERNATIONALER Astrologen-Kongress. 3. Kongr. [1936] Astrologie 1936 Vortrage und Bericht. 140p. illust. 234cm. Diisseld., H. Korsch, 1936. INTERNATIONALE Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. Lpz., v.1-20, 1908-28; v.35, 1937. INTERNATIONALER Kongress fiir das arzt- liche Fortbildungswesen. 3. Kongr. [1937] Bericht. lix Tl] 410p. illust. 25cm. Jena, G. Fischer, 1938. INTERNATIONALER Kongress fiir Einheit der Wissenschaft. 2. Kongr. [1936] Das Kausalproblem. p. 1., p.275-450. 234cm. Lpz., F. Meiner, 1937. Sonderabdruck aus Erkenntnis (R. Carnap & H. Reiehen bach, hrsg.) Bd 6. INTERNATIONALER Kongress fiir Licht- forschung. See International Congress for Light. INTERNATIONALER Kongress der Sozial- versicherungsfachleute. 2. Kongr. [1936] Be- richt liber die Arbeiten. 218p. 2647 SO; 1931, 6: 9-34.—Joannovich, G. [Meeting of the Permanent Committee of the International Office for Public Hygiene held October 13-22, 1930, in Paris Glasnik, Beogr., 1930, 10: 87-112. ------ [Meeting of the Permanent Committee of the International Office of Public Hygiene, held May 11-12, 1931 in Paris] Ibid., 1931, 12: 32-52. ------ [Report on the meeting of the Permanent Committee of the International Office of Public Health held October 1-10, 1931 in Paris] Ibid., 53-80. INTERNATIONAL Information Bureau. The expert; United States, Canada, Cuba; attorneys, physicians, laboratories and dentists. Vol. 37, No. 1. 320p. 8? S. Paul, Riverside Press [1933] INTERNATIONAL Institute of Agriculture [Roma] Publisher of International review of agricultural economics. INTERNATIONALISM. See also Interamericanism. Perl. Comisiox nacional peruana i>k COOPERACION INTELECTUAL. Bolell'll. Lima, v.l, 1941- Un'ION DES ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES. Constitution du centre international; congres mondial; office central; musee international; documentation universelle. 168p. S? Unix., 1912. Vie (La) internationale; revue mensuellc des idees, des faits ot des organismes inter- nationaux. Brux., v.l, 1912. Abbot. C. G. The Smithsonian Institution as im illustration of internationalism in seienee. Science, 1942, 95: 039-41.— Administration in international affairs. Nature. Lond.. 1941, 148: 777.—Brecht, A. Limited-purpose federations. Social Res., 1943, 10: 135-51.—Chafee, Z., jr. International Utopias. Proc. Am. Acad. Art. Sc., 1942-44, 75: 39-53.—Clapar6de, E. 1'svchologie de la comprehension internationale. Rapp. Conci internat. psychol. (1937) 1938, 11. Congr., 2D3 11.- Council on human relations. Am. J. Sociol., 1041-12, 47: 9S2. Dexter, L. A. Implications of supranational federation. Am. Sociol. Rev., 1942, 7: 400-6. -Education for international reconstruction. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 349-51.—Espen- schied, L., & Whittemore, L. E. The International Telegraph and Radio Conferences of Madrid. Bell Telephone Q., 1933, 12: 55 Ii2 (Clipping)—Gregory, R. International systems and standards. Nature, Load.. 1942. 150: 620--2. Hering, H. E. Internationaler Inlialt, aLer nationale .Manner dei Wissenschaft. Deut. med. Wsclu.. 1914, 40: 20 12. Inter- national cultural relationships. Nature, Lond., 1941, 147: 277.— International Institute of Documentation, Copenhagen congress. Ibid., 1935, 136: 727.—Leadership in international relations. Ibid., 1942, 149: 479-82.—Lord, J. R. The human faclor in international relations. Ment. Hvg. Bull., Alb, 1934, 18: 177-88.—Lyons, H. The International_ Research Council (later the International Council of Scientific I'nions) Advance. Sc, Lond., 1942, 2: 178-81.- Mackenzie, M. Na- tional release and international co-operation. In liis Human Mind, Phila,., 1941, 200-3.— Pollak, K. Die Internationale Union zur Forderung der Wissenschaft. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1911, 58: 2617-20.- Robin, A.. Laveran fet al.l Sur les rela- tions scientifiques internal ionales d'npies guerre. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1918, 3. ser., 80: 3 17.—Stagner. R. A note on education and international attitude's. .1. Social Psychol., 1942, 16: 341-5.—World co-operation in production, consump- tion and distribution. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 387-9.— Wright, Q. Int ^national organization and war. In his Stu ly of War, Chic, 1942, 2: 1043-76. ------ Measurement of international relations. Ibid., 1240-60. ------ Opinions of governments with respect to forms of international organiza- tion. Ibid., 1445-7. ---- medical. See also such headings as Health law, inter- national; Health organization, international, etc.; see also names of international congresses and societies. Eijkman, P. H. L'internationalisme medical. 44p. 8° Amst,, 1910. Anglo-Soviet medical cooperation. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1905.—Association (A propos de I') internationale de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1914, 25: 326-8.—Grossi G., V. Anotaciones al C6digo sani- tario, arregli internacional, finnado en Bruselas el 1. de di- ciembre de 1924. Rev. san. nav.. Valparaiso, 1937, 7: 228-35.— Internationalisme ntedicale. Rev. nted., Louvain, 1923, 65- 7. — Jaulin. L'Association pour le developpement des relations nterlieales entre la France et les pays allies ou amis. Presse nted., 1921, 29: annexe. 785. — Krasnow, F. International Association for Dental Research, scientific proceedings of the New York section, June 4, 1941. J. Dent. Pes., 1941, 20: 385-7.—MacEachern, M. T. W'orld unity in relief of suffering. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass., 1939, 41: 657-63.- Mayo, C. H. Inter- national medical progress. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 40.- P. Miranda, F. de. Relaciones medicas internacionales. Ibid., 36-9.—Pruneda, A. The international medical relations. Ibid., 35.------Lo que puede hacerse para desarrollar las relaciones mdlicas internacionales. Ibid., 27-35. —Trader, J. W. International medicine, a paper on state medicine and public hygiene. Mem. Congr. med. pan- amer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 1: 245-7— Willems, C. Un projet de federation des Associations mddicales internationales. Bull. Acad. med. Belgique, 1920, 4. ser.. 30: 451-6. INTERNATIONAL journal of gastro-enter- ology. X. Y., v.l, 1921. Ceased publication. INTERNATIONAL journal of leprosy. Manila v.l, 1933- INTERNATIONAL J. 409 INTERNATIONAL LAW INTERNATIONAL journal of medicine and surgery. X. Y., v.36, Xo. 8-v. 48, Xo. 6, 1923-1935. 1.-36., No. 7, 1888-July 1923, had title International journal of surgery; ceased publication with v.48, No. 6. INTERNATIONAL journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children. S. Louis, 19.-21., 1933-35. 1.-18., 1915-32, had title International journal of ortho- dontia, oral surgery and radiography; title changed with v.22 to International journal of orthodontia and oral surgery. INTERNATIONAL journal of orthodontia and oral surgery. S. Louis, 22-23, 1936-37. Formerly International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children; beginning with v.24, 1938, title changed to American journal of orthodontia and oral surgery. INTERNATIONAL journal of orthodontia, oral surgery and radiography. S. Louis, v.1-18, 1915-32. Beginning with v.19, 1933, title changed to International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children. INTERNATIONAL journal of psycho-analysis. Lond., v.l, 1920- ---- Research supplements. Lond., Xo. 4, 1940- CONTENTS No. 4, An investigation of the technique of psychoanalysis. E. Glover, ed. 1940. INTERNATIONAL journal of public health. Geneve, v. 1-2, 1920-21. Ceased publication. INTERNATIONAL journal of sex-economy and orgone-research; official organ of the Inter- national Institute for Sex-Economv and Orgone- Research. X. Y., v.l, 1942- INTERNATIONAL journal of surgery. X. Y , v.1-36, Xo. 7, 1888-1923. Title changed with v.36, No. 8, Aug. 1923, to International journal of medicine and surgery. [INTERNATIONAL] Journees internationales de la sante publique. 1. Congr. [1937] [Pro- gramme] 182p. incl. illust. 2012cm. [Par., 1937] ---- Congres international des auxiliaires medicaux, et ler Congres international de massage. 109p. incl. portr. 27cm. Par.,Chambre Syndic. Aux. Med. [1937] [INTERNATIONAL] Kongress fur Kurzwellen in Physik, Biologie, und Medizin [Wien 1937] [Referate und Mitteilungen] 351 p. 8? Wien, M. Perles, 1937. INTERNATIONAL Labour Office. Inter- national Labor Office; monthly. Geneve, v.8, 1934- ----Occupation and health; encyclopaedia of hygiene, pathology, and social welfare. 2v. xxvi, 999p.; vii, 1310p. illust, tab. 8? Geneve, 1930-34. ---- Occupation and health. Supplement 1938-40. 3 pt, 26}km. Geneve, 1938-40. Loose-leaf. ---- Studies and reports; Ser. F (Industrial hygiene) Geneve, 1923- ---- Studies and reports; Ser. M (Social insurance) Geneve, Xo. 15, 1938- CONTENTS No. 15. Economical, administration of health insurance benefits. 1938. No. 17. Actuarial technique and financial organisation of social insurance. L. FeYaud. 1940. See also International (The) Labour Organisation. Nature Lond .1941, 148: 763-6.—Smith, J. What path for social evolution? Panamerican, 1941-42, 2: No. 7, 13.—Winant, J. G. The International Labor Oflice in wartime and after. Foreign Affairs, 1940-41, 19: 633-40. INTERNATIONAL law. See also such headings as Health law, inter- national; Internationalism; Prisoner of war; Red Cross; War; Wounded, etc. Clemens, R. Le projet de Monaco; le droit et la guerre; villes sanitaires et villes de securitc; assistance sanitaire internationale. 307p. 8? Par., 1937. La Pradelle, A. de, Yoncken, J., & De- Housse, F. La reconstruction du droit de la guerre. 147p. 25cm. Par., 1936. Reisler, S. Proposal for simultaneous courts for adjudication of international disputes. 7p. 2212cm. Indianap., 1929. Voncken, J. Le droit des gens et la guerre. 94p.; 7p. 24'km. Par., 1937. ---- Realisation des zones sanitaires. 7p- 241-2cm. Liege, 1939. Ariman, H. [On international humanitarian initiatives (7th Congress of military medicine)] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi. 1938, 67: No. 24, 59-65.—Commission ntedico-juridique pour I'etude des lois de la guerre. Sess. Off. internat, docum. mM. mil. (1934) 1936, 4. Sess., 257-64.—Dehousse, F. Le projet de Monaco et le droit international. Ibid., 233-56.—Delperee, R. Nouvelles conceptions du role des non-belligetents. Arch. med. beiges, 1936, 89: Bull., 68-71.—Expose des projets de Monaco. Sess. Off. internat. docum. med. mil. (1934) 1936, 4. Sess., 217-32.—Jessup, P. C. International law and totali- tarian war. In Science & Man (Anshen, R. N.) N. Y., 1942, 361-74.—Jinga, P. Projet de cteation de zones sanitaires. Rapp. Congr. internat. m£d. pharm. mil., 1937, 9. Congr., 2: 288-93.—La Pradelle, A. de. Si la guerre £clatait, quelles seraient ses lois? Sess. Off. internat. docum. nted. mil. (1934) 1936, 4. Sess., 211-6.—Lewis, W. D. An international bill of rights. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1941-42, 85: 445-7.—[Marin Rojas, J.] La reconstruction du droit de la guerre, por ,1. Voncken, Albert de La Pradelle, y Fernand Dehousse. Rev. san. nav., Valparaiso, 1936, 6: 216-8.—Pictet, J. La protection juridique de la population civile en temps de guerre. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1939, 21: 268-86.------La protec- tion juridique de la population civile en temps de guerre; qu'est- ce que la population civile? Ibid., 458-70.—Piovano, E. Leyes de guerra, consideraciones sobre su existencia, conven- ciones internacionales; su valor a traves de las guerras. Rev. mil., B. Air., 1942, 42: pt 2, 1195-200.—Reconstruction (La) du droit de la guerre, por de La Pradelle, Voncken, y F. De- housse, Paris. Rev. san. nav., Valparaiso, 1936, 6: 220.— Reunions ntedico-juridiques internationales pour la protection de la population civile en temps de guerre, Liege, 24-28 juin, 1939. Protect, pop. civ., Par., 1938, 1: 195-9.—Rodgers, W. L. Future international laws of war. Chem. Warf. Bull., 1940, 26: 4-13.—Rolin, H. E. A. M. Public opinion and international law. Social Res., 1942, 9: 169-82.—Voncken, J. Une nouvelle croisade: le droit dans la guerie. Internat, Nurs. Rev., Geneve, 1937, 11: 208-15.------Les possibilites d'humanisation de la guerre. Protect, pop. civ., Par., 1939, 2: 3-24. ------ Realizaci6n de" las zonas sanitarias. Rev. san. nav., Val- paraiso, 1939, 9: 24-9.—West, R. A psychological theory of law and international law. Brit. J. Psychol., 1942-43, 33: 93-102.—Wright, Q. International procedures and war. In his Study of War, Cbic, 1942, 2: 923-52. ------- Law and violence. Ibid.. 863-94. ------■ Legal and political disputes. Ibid., 1425-8. —----Theories of state responsi- bility under international law. Ibid., 1416-24. INTERNATIONAL League against Rheuma- tism. See International Congress on Rheumatism. [INTERNATIONAL] Liga homoeopathicainter- nationalis. 10. Congr. [1935] Sitzungsberichte. Dresd., 1935. INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Con- gress. 7. Congr. [1938] Papers. 6v. Bait., 1938. ----7. Congr. [1938] Proceedings. 341p. 4? Bait., 1938. INTERNATIONAL MARINE Conference [1889] Reports of committees and report of United States delegates to Secretary of State. 502p. diagr. 23^cm. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1890. INTERNATIONAL medical annual. Bait., v.7, 1889- Incomplete. INTERNATIONAL medical blue book. X. Y., v.5, 1935- INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL 410 INTERNATIONAL PHYS. IN TKRNATIONAL MEDICAL Congress. 2. Cmigr. [1M>9] Relazione del dottore Plinio Sehivardi. 138p. 211ecm. Milano, De Cristo- foris, 1869. ----6. Congr. []S79] [Programme] 13p. 8? Amst., 1S79. ---17. Congr. [1913] General volume. 164p. S° Lond., Oxford Univ. press, 1914. ---- 17. Congr. [1913] Radiology; sect. xxii, pt 1. 2lop. 8? Lond., Oxford Univ. press, 1913. INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL Congress [Philadelphia, 1876] [Scrapbook of programs, announcements, clippings, etc.] v. p. 29cm. Phila., 1876. INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL Congress for Psychotherapy. 2. Congr. [1927] Bericht, xi, 369p. 25cm. Lpz., S. Hirzel, 1927. INTERNATIONAL medical digest. Hagers- town, Md., v.2, 1921- INTERNATIONAL medical and surgical sur- vey. X. Y., v.2 9, 1921-25. INTERNATIONAL Mercantile Marine Officers' Association. See International Conference on Health of the Seamen. INTERNATIONAL nursing review. Geneve, v.5. 1930- Litie formerly The I. C. N. [International Council of Nurse.] [INTERNATIONAL] Office international de documentation de medecine militaire. See Liege. Office international de documentation de medecine militaire. INTERNATIONAL Ophthalmological Con- gress. 13. Congr. [1929] v.1-2, Transactions; v.3, Symposia; v.4, Reports; v.5, Abstracts. 5v. illust. pl. (part, col.) tab. (part, fold.) 25cm. (v.5, 20cm.) Amst., 1930. ----15. Congr. [1937] [Transactions] 7v. pl. (part, col.) 24',cm. Le Caire, 1938. CONTEXTS 1. Themes officiels (rapports) sur l'hypertension arterielle de la tetine.—2. Communications et discussions sur l'hyper- tension arterielle de la tetine.—3. Themes officiels (rapports) sur l'endocrinologie et l'oeil.—4. Communications et discus- sions sur l'enlocrinologie et l'oeil et communications libres.— 5. Organisation internationale pour la lutte contre le trachome et Association internationale de prophylaxie de la excite.— 6. Demonstrations, expositions et partie administrative.—7. Rapport de 1'Association internationale de prophylaxie de la recite sur le nombre des aveugles et la protection des yeux dans les differents pays. INTERNATIONAL Organization against Trachoma. 5. Meeting: Report. 255p. 24]»cm. Le Caire. 1938. Forms 1. half, v.5 of [Transactions] 15. Internat. Ophth. Congr. INTERNATIONAL ORTHODONTIC Con- gress. 1. Congr. [1926] [Publication] xxxii, 767]). 8° S. Louis, 1927. INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL Congress. 8. Congr. [1897] Rapports; compte rendu, v. p. illust. 24cm. Brux., 1897. Cinquantenaire de l'Association g^ngrale pharmaceutique de Belgique. ---- 12. Congr. [1935] Comptes rendus, rapports. 1071p. illust. pl. port. tab. 8? [Brux.. 1935] INTERNATIONAL Phenomenological Society [Buffalo] See Philosophy and phenomenological research. Buffalo, v.l, 1941- INTERNATIONAL PHYSIOLOGICAL Con- gress. 13. Congr. [1929] Abstracts of com- munications, p. 1., 300p. incl. tab. diagr. 24cm. [Bost., 1929] ---- 14. Congr. [l(i:V2] Sunti delle com- municazioni scientifiche. 270p. 8? Roma, L. Cappelli, 1932. ---- 15. Congr. [1935] Proceedings. viii, 640p. pl. portr. 26cm. Moskva, State Biol. Med. press, 193S. Forms Xo. 5-6, of v.21, Sekhenov .1. Physiol. INTERNATIONAL Projector Corporation [New York] General instructions for installation and operation of Simplex-Acme projector and sound equipment. 33p. illust. fol. X. Y. Internat. Proj. Corp., 1935. Lithoprinted. INTERNATIONAL psycho-analytical library; edited by Ernest Jones. Lond., Xo. 1, 1921- COXTEXTS Xo. 1. Addresses on psycho-analysis, J. J. Putnam, 1921. No. 2. Psycho-analysis and the war neuroses. 1921. No. 3. Psycho-analytical study of the familv, J. C. lliigel. 1921. No. 4. Beyond the pleasure principle, S. Freud. 1922. No. 5. Essays in applied psycho-analysis, E. Jones. 1923. Xo. 6. Croup psychology, S. Freud. 1922. No. 7-10. Collected papers of Sigmund Freud. 1924. XTo. 11. Further contributions to the theory and technique of psycho-analvsis, S. Ferenczi. 1926. No. 12. Ego and the Id, S. Freud. 1927. No. 13. Selected papers of Karl Abraham. 1927. No. 15. Future of illusion, S. Freud. 1928. No. 17. Civilization and its discontents, S. Freud. 1930, No. 18. Psychology of clothes, J. C. Fliigel. 1930. No. 19. Ritual, T. Reik. 1931. No. 20. On the nightmare, E. Jones. 1931. XTo. 24. New introductory lectures on psycho-analysis, S. Freud. 1933. No. 29. Dream analysis, E. F. Sharpe. 1937. No. 30. The ego and the mechanisms of defence, A. Freud. 1937. No. 31. Clinical aspects of psycho-analysis, R. Laforgue. 1938. INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOTECHNIC Con- ference, 4. Conf. [1927] Comptes rendus. xvi, 686p. incl. tab. pl. 25J-;>cm. Par., F. Alcan, 1929. ----8. Conf. [1934] Comptes rendus. 864p. illust. 25cm. Praha, Com. Xat. Org. Orbis, 1935. INTERNATIONAL RABIES Conference [1927] See Marie, A. C, Remlinger, P., & Vallee, H. Reports. 164p. 24cm. Geneve, 1927. INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS Conference. See Red Cross. INTERNATIONAL review of agricultural economics. Roma, v.lO-n.ser., v.4, 1919-26. INTERNATIONAL review of educational cinematography. Roma, v.1-2, 1929-30. INTERNATIONAL review of medicine and surgery. Lond., v.l, Xo. 3, 1939- INTERNATIONAL review of the science and practice of agriculture. Roma, n. ser., v.1-4, 1923-26. Continuation of International review of agricultural eco- nomics. [INTERNATIONAL] Riunione straordinaria internazionale sulle onde corte in medicina. Relazione. 257p. 24^cm. Milano, 1935. Forms No. 3-4, v.24, of Atti Accad. med. lombarda. INTERNATIONAL Sanitary Conference of the American Republics. See Pan American Sanitary Conference. INTERNATIONAL Sanitary Convention of the American Republics. See Pan-American Sanitary Conference. [INTERNATIONAL] Semaine medicale inter- nationale en Suisse. 1. sess. [1935] [Publication] 477p. 8° Basel, 1935. ----3. sess. [1937] [Publication] 522p. incl. illust. tab. diagr. 23cm. Basel, B. Schwabe & cie, 1938. INTERNATIONAL SOC. 411 INTERNIST [INTERNATIONAL] Societa internazionale di microbiologia. Sezione italiana. See Italy. Congresso nazionale di microbiologia. [INTERNATIONAL] Soeiete internationale de chirurgie. Journal international de chirurgie. Brux., v.l, 1936- See also International Surgical Congress. See also Transfer to the United States of the headquarters of the International Soeietv of Surgerv. Science, 1942, 96: 508. INTERNATIONAL Society for Crippled Chil- dren. Committee on Institutions. Directory; hospitals and institutions in the United States engaged in work for crippled children. 37p. 22Hcm. Elvria, Ohio, 1938. INTERNATIONAL Society of Urology. See International Congress of Urology. INTERNATIONAL SURGICAL Congress. Proces-verbaux; discussions; rapports [etc.] v.pi., 1.-10. Congr. (1905-36) 1907-36. INTERNATIONAL surgical digest. Hagers- town, Md., v.l, 1926- [INTERNATIONAL Symposium on Early Man] Early man as depicted by leading authori- ties; ed. by George Grand MacCurdy. 362p. illust. pl. map. 8? Phila., J. B. Lippincott, 1937. [INTERNATIONAL] Union internationale contre la tuberculose. 1. Conf. [1920] [Publica- tion] 212p. 8? Par., Masson, 1921. ---- 3. Conf. [1922] [Publication] 429p. front. 8? Brux., Palais d'Acad., 1922. ---- 4. Conf. [1924] [Publication] 441p. 12 pl. tab. diagr. 25cm. Lausanne, La Concorde [1925] ---- 6. Conf. [1928] [Relazione] xl, 732p. 8? Roma [C. Colombo] 1929. Published by the Federazione nazionale italiana fascista per la lotta contro la tubercolose. INTERNATIONAL VETERINARY Congress. 10. Congr. [1914] v.l [General] v.2, Reports for the sectional meetings; v.3, Reports for the general meetings. 3v. 8? Lond., J. Bale, sons & Danielsson, 1915. INTERNATIONAL who's who, 1937 [8]p.; 1166p. 8? X. Y., Longmans, Green [1937] ---- The same, 1939. 4 p. 1. 1312p. 26cm. Lond., Europa pub., 1939. INTERNATIONAL (The) Year Book of Child Care and Protection, 1925; compiled from official sources by Edward Fuller, with a preface by the Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair. xvi, 565p. 8? Lond., Longmans, Green & co., 1925. INTERNE; journal of the Association of Internes and Medical Students. Xew York, v.6, Xo. 2, 1940- Former pub.: Interne Council of America. INTERNIST. See also Internal medicine. [Argentina] Sociedad de medicina interna. Revista, B. Air., v.l, 1925- Chicago Society of Internal Medicine. Transactions. Chic, v.1-2, 1917. Blankenhorn, M. A. Graduate training in internal medicine in a municipal hospital. J. Ass. Am. M. Coll., 1940, 15: 153-6.—Breuer, M. J. The prestige of the internist. Ann. Int. M., 1931, 5: 381-4.—Carr, J. G. The physician and the internist. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1940-41, 13: 206-10..— Corwin, A. M. The internist. Med. Mentor, 1932. 3: 141-3.— Fryer, D. Predicting abilities from internists. J. Appl. Psychol., 1927, 11: 212-25.—Giinsslen. Erfahrungen aus der internistischen Beratertatijrkeit. Deut. Militararzt, 1941, 6: 19_23 —Grober. Die Tatigkeit des beratenden inneren Mediziners im Heere. Ibid., 1936, 1: 189-93.—Laus, C. J. Specialism in internal medicine. Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1938, 35: 191.—Musser, J. H. Opportunities for the training of future internists. Proc. Congr. M. Educ, 1938, 34. Congr., 30-3. Also Fed. Bull., Chic, 1938, 24: 336-45. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 110: 1328-31. Also Diplomate, 1939, 11: 63-8.—Pepper, O. H. P. What is an internist? Ann. Int. M., 1939-40, 13: 1791-8. Also Diplomate, 1941, 13: 93-9.— Stengel, A. The training and equipment of the internist. Ann. Clin. M., 1925-26, 4: 851-60. INTERNMENT. See also Prisoner of war. Great Britain. Foreign Office. Misc. No. 30 (1916): Reports of visits of inspection made by officials of the U. S. embassy to various internment camps in the United Kingdom. 40p. f? Lond., 1916. ---- [Report and correspondence on the conditions of diet and nutrition in the internment camp at Ruhleben, and on the. proposed recipro- cal release of interned civilians] 5 Xos. f? 1916-17. Williams, L. R. Prison camps and the effect of the war on the civil population in France and England. Section III. 25 1. 4? [after 191S, n. pl.] Typewritten. Arrete royal; Bureau officiel beige de renseignements sur les prisonniers de guerre militaires et civils, 2 septembre 1939. Bull. san. pub., Brux., 1939,4: 692.—Arrete royal beige sur le traitement des prisonniers de guerre militaires et eivils, du 2 septembre 1939. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1939. 21: 983.—D., L. Comite consultatif pour la lecture des prisonniers e.t internes de guerre. Ibid., 1942, 24: 122-35.—Decret du Duce del Fascismo, chef du Gouvernement; 4 septembre 1940 (XVIII), dispositions relatives au traitement des sujets ennemis internes. Ibid., 1940, 22: 920-2.—Descoeudres, P. Soudan anglo-^gyptien, visites de camps de prisonniers de guerre italiens et d'internes civils. Ibid., 1942, 24: 578-88.— Franchise deport en faveur des internes civils. Ibid., 1940, 22: 661.—Grasset. Camp de Koffiefontein. Ibid., 1941, 23: 811-3.—Haccius, R. A. Visites de camps de prisonniers de guerre et d'internes civils allemands et italiens en Grande- Bretagne. Ibid., 474-84.—Huber, C. Visite du centre d'internement sur parole d'Hazaribagh, Indes britanniques. Ibid., 1942, 24: 108.------Visite du camp d'internes civils japonais de New Delhi, 21 tevrier 1942. Ibid., 513.—Junod & Pilloud, M. Visites de camps de prisonniers de guerre et d'internes civils en France du 17 au 25 juin 1940. Ibid., 1940, 22: 605-15.—Kaminski, H. E. Los campos de con- centracion. In his Nazismo, B. Air., 1940, 150-5.—Korner, I. The psychological needs of the individual dissolving in the mass and the possibilities of clinical help; observations in a French internment camn. J. Social Psychol., 1942, 16: 143-50.—Laird. C. N. Food supplies in a Japanese intern- ment camp. Nutr. Rev., 1942-43, 1: 97.—Maag. E. Camps de prisonniers de guerre et d'internes civils allemands au Canada. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge. 1911, 23: 280. —Marti, R., & Descoeudres, P. Visites de camps de prisonniers de guerre et d'internes civils en Allemagne, 14-22 aoiit 1940. Ibid., 1940, 22: 975-90.—Marti, R., & Morsier. J. de. Visites de camps d'internes Israelites en France occupee. Ibid., 1941, 23: 813-5, 16pl.—Medical aspects of concentration camps. Nova Scotia M. Bull., 1941, 20: 70 2.-Mohr, W. Krankheiten und Gesundheitszustand der in West- und Nordafrika inter- nierten Deutschen. Med. Welt, 1941, 15: 63-9, pl.—Moll, R. Visites de camps d'internes civils allemands de Copieweg. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1942, 24: 338.—Monod. The Red Cross in civilian internment camps. Bull. League Red Cross Soc, 1942, 23: 31.—Morel, G. Visite d'un camp d'internes civils italiens en Australie occidentale. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1941, 23: 992-5.—Perrot, de. L'inter- nement en Suisse, 1940-1941. Ibid., 132-47. 8 pl.—Peter, M. Visite d'un camp d'internes civils, allemands, italiens, japonais, aux Etats-TJnis; Camp Fort Georges .Meade. Ibid., 1942, 24: 672-4.—Senn, G. C. Visites des camps d'internes eivils I et II en Rhodesie du Sud. Ibid., 1941, 23: 989-92.— Soins dentaires aux prisonniers de guerre et aux internes civils. Ibid., 1940, 22: 995-8.—Vaucher, G. Visite des internes italiens k l'Hosnice autriehien de Jerusalem. Ibid., 1941, 23: 815. ------ Descoeudres, P., erte. In La puberte (G. Laroche) Par., 1938, 33-48.--Moehlig, R. C, & Allen, N. M. Intersexuality. J. Am. M. As>., 1939. 112: 1938— Morhardt, P. E. Acquisi- tions nouvelles sur I'ihterse.xualite. Presse med., 1930, 38: 253-5.—Quintels, F. Consideracoes sobre a intersexualidade. Rev. med. mun.. Rio, 1941, 1: 783-840—Rubovits, W. H., & Saphir, W. Intersexuality. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1938, 110: 1S23 r>.—Sexual intergrades. Lancet. Lond., 1936, 2: 29.— Soresi, A. L. The complementary sex and its important tunc ion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1936, 143: 47-50.—Stigler, R. Die rassenphvsiologische Bedeutung der sexuellen Applanation. Zsehr. Rassenphysiol., 1935, 7: 67-88. ---- Clinical aspect. Levi, M. Elementi per uno studio clinico dell'intersessualita. 07p. 4? Bologna, 1936. Bergstrand, H. Ueber einige Formen von Intersexualitat beim Menschen, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung neuerer Theorien iiber die Geschlochtsbestinimung. Klin. Wschr. 1931, 13: 580-4.—Bianchini, L. Virilismo prosopopilare e androfania nella donna alienata (donne alienate barbute con faccia ina.-eoliinii An h gen. neur., Xorera, 1930, 11: 121; 133, 5 pl. Ilonilla, E. ('ontribuci6n al estudio de la macro- genitosomia, con de-ei ipci6n de un caso de sindrome maero- genitos ">mico. e iiitersexualisnio puberal de tipo giiu-comi'tstioo. Arch, espafi. pi dial.. 1928, 12: 591 -609.—Brindeau, A. Courte revue sur rintersexualite. Gyn. obst., Par., 1939, 40: 359 64.— Broster, L. R. The adrenogenital syndrome. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 8311 4.------The clinical and surgical aspect of the adrenogenital svndrome. In Adrenal Corle\ i Muster, L. R., et al.) Load.; 1938, 5-51.—Carlisle, W. T.. & (Jeiger, C. J. Two cases of intersexuality. Am. J. Obst., 193S. 36: 1047-52.—Goldschmidt, R. Intersexualitat und menschlii lies Zwitlertum. Lieut, med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 1288-92.- Hering. E. M. Intersexualitat. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild.. 1932. 29: 647. -Herzog, P. A propos d'un cas d'hvpei intei icnalisme. Praxis, Hern, 194], 30: 804 (Abstr.)—Hoffman, M. H. Intei- sexual manifestations of noneudncrine origin. J. Lancet, 1942, 62: 446-9.—Khavine, I. B. Yirilisme geuilo-sui tenal. Rev. fr. endocr., 1931, 9: 465-72.—Langeron, Deeherf & Dan&s. A propos d'un cas de virilisme cortico-surtenal. .1. sc. med. Lille, 1929, 47: pt 1, 273-7. pl.—Levi, M. L'intersessualitii nella specie umana. Riv. esMialita. Endner. pat. cost.. Bologna, 1936, 11: 34-98, eh. Lukens. F. I). W.. & Palmer, H. D. Adrenal cortical virilism. Endosrinolngv, 1940, 26: 941-5— MacBryde, C. M. The adrenocortical svndrome. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr, D. P.) Bait.. 194(1, 3: 3156-61.—Malley, K., & Bradshaw, T. G. Adreno-nortical syndrome. Irish J. M. Se., 1941, 6. ser., No. 181. 174 — Maranon, G. Contribucidn al estudio de los estados inter- sexuales humanos. Rev. Circ. med. argent., 1928. 28: 2048-73. ----— Ueber die kritischen Intersexu ilitaten. Endo- krinologie, 1930, 7: 415-31.------Contribuci6n al estudio de los estados intersexuales humanos. Rev. espafi. med. cir., 1930, 13: 175-83. ------ Acerca del problema de la inter- sexualidad. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1932, 16: 3-11. ----- Una interpretacion hipoctetica de inteisexualidad. Arch, med. leg. ident., Rio, 1938, No. 15, p. v-ix.- Mathias. Das Krankheitsbild des Interrenalismus und seine biologischen Beziehungen. Jahrber. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Cult. (1929) 1930, 102: 33-8.—Moszkowicz, L. Intersexualitatslehre und Hermanhroditismus und ihre Bedeutung fur die Klinik. Klin. Wschr., 1929. 8: 289; 337.—Munk, J. [Pseudoherma- phroditism and gigantism with precocious pubertv] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1939-40, 9: 209-78, pl.—Pires de Lima, J. A. Novos casos de inter-sexualidade. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1933, 51: 165. Rascovsky, A., Ferrari Hardoy, G., & Scnlossberg, T. Parejas de sindrome adiposo-genital y virilizaci6n en hermanos. Arch, argent, pediat., 1941, 15: 463-77.—Sainton, P. Les etats intersexuels. Paris med., 1932, 83: 409-18.—Senger, F. L., & Morgan, E. K. A case of intersexuality, operation and end result. J. Urol., Bait., 1943, 48: 658-64.- Small, W. D. D. Intersexuality, a case. Tr. Met). Chir. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1937-38, 117. Session, 129.—Thurston, E. W. Leber einen eigenartigen Fall von Intersex beim Menschen. Virchows Arch., 1934. 292: 220-32— Tomasino, A. Contributo clinico al virilismo prosopopilare ed all'androfania nelle alienate. Rass. stud, psichiat., 1935, 24: 452-7, 2 pl.—Vaz. R. Aspectos clinicos da intersexualidade. Arq. med. leg. ident., Rio, 1933, No. 7. 190-202. Also in Quest, clin. actual. (Vaz, R.) Rio, 1934, 3. ser.. 1-12.—Weisman, A. I., r«nehungen iiber Intersexualitat. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm, 1928-29, 49: 169-241, 1930, 56: 275; 1934, 67: 1-40.------Intersexuality and development. Am. Natur., 1938, 72: 228-42.------ The time-law of intersexuality. Genetica, Gravenh., 1938, 20: 1-50.—Golowinskaja, X. Ueber die Naehkommenschaft eines durch Temperaturein- wirkung erzielten Intersexen; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Biol. Zbl., 1927, 47: 513-6.—Hirschfeld. M. Erberfahrungen uber Intersexualitat. Vererb. & Geschlleben, 1927-28, 230-2.— Kosminsky, P. Erhaltung mannlicher und weiblicher Intersexe in ein und derselben Zucht; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Biol. Zbl., 1930, 50: 351-7.—Lang, T. Ueber die erbliche Bedingt- heit der Homosexualitat und die grundsatzliche Bedeutung der Intersexualitatsforschung fiir die menschliche Genetik. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1939, 112: 237-54.—Mas Collellmir, J. Contribucion al conocimiento de los datos embriologicos que pueden servir de fundamento a la teorla intersexual. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1931, 16: 3-29.—Mishell, D. R. Familial intersexuality; a report of 3 unusual cases. Am. J. Obst., 1938, 35: 960-70.—Ohmachi, F. Studies on male intersexuality in Homoeogryllus japonicus de Haan; breeding experiments and genetical analysis. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm., 1934-35, 68: 309-30.—Orel, H. Die Vererbung des Interrenalismus. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 2. Abt., 1928-29, 14: 573 87—Pettersson, G. [Case of familial intersexuality] Ilygiea. Stockh., 1936, 98: 44-9. ------ & Bonnier, G. Inherited sex-mosaic in man. Hereditas, Lund, 1937, 23: 49-69— Pipkin, S. B. Intersex modifying genes in wild strains of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics, 1942, 27: 286-98.—Reith. Das Problem der Inter- sexualitat vom Standpunkt der Vererbunasforschung. Jahrber. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Cult. (1926) 1927, 99: 11-3.—Roger, H. L'intersexualite et les chromosomes. Presse med., 1940, 48: 816-8.—Severinghaus, A. E. Sex chromosomes in a human intersex. Am. J. Anat., 1942, 70: 73-93, 3 pl. ---- Pathology. See also Gonad, Tumor; Hair, excessive; Hypospadias; Ovary, Tumor; Puberty, preco- cious; Suprarenal cortex, Tumor; Testis, Tumor. Braver, E.' *Eigenartige Keimdriisenge- wachse bei einem Intersex; gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur allgemeinen Pathologie des Zwitter- tums. p.224-37. 8° Bresl., 1933. Also Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1933, 45: Hernandez, A. *Les intersexualites de la puberte masculine et leur importance dans la pathogenie des troubles sexuels de l'adulte. lion. 241/2cm. Par., 1938. Albert, M. Massive adrenal carcinoma with pseudo- hermaphroditism. Brit, M. .L, ^941, 2: 265.—Artom, C. L'indifferenziamento delle cellule ' germinative; la rapporto coile forme intermedie della sessualita. Monit. zool. ital., 1932-33, 43: Suppl., 184-204.—Austoni. G. Studio isto- anatomico di un caso d'intersessualitit nell'uomo. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 584-7. ------ Contributo isto- anatomico alio studio deH'intersessualita nell'uomo. Arch. ital. anat., 1934-35, 32: 339-90.—Barker. L. F. An extraor- dinary genito-suprarenal syndrome (adult form of hyper- interrenopathy with virilism and hirsutism) due to malignant tumor originating in the cortex of the right suprarenal gland; autopsv findings. Med. Clin. N. America, 1930, 14: 269-78 — Bosselmann, H. Intersex mit suprarenalem Virilismus (Kno- chenmarksentwicklung in den hvperplastischen Nebennieren) Endokrinologie, 1937, 19: 292-306— Derichsweiler, H. Geschlechtsumkehr durch das Arrhenoblastom. Zbl. Gyn., 1934, 58: 866-70.—Friedgood, H. B. Biochemical study of hirsutism and virilism in women. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc (1940) 1941, 173-6.—Ivy, A. C, Greene, R. R., & Burrill, M. W. Intersexuality or pseudo-hermaphrodism. Ann. Int. M 1939-40, 13: 68-80.—Krediet, G. [On the origin of ovario- testesl Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926. 70: pt 2. 2058-62 — Kriickmann, I. Intersexualitat bei beiderseitigen tubuliiren Hodenadenomen. Virchows Arch., 1936-37, 298: 619-35 — Levinger, E. Ueber Brustdrusensekretion beim Manne; ein Beitrag zum Problem der Intersexualitat. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1928, 116: 559-69— Lindvall, S., & Wahlgren, F. Beitrag zur Diskussion iiber die Genese der sexuellen Zwischenstufen beim Menschen. Acta path, microb. scand., 1940, 17: 60-99.—McGavack. T. H. Masculinizing and non- masculinizing carcinomata of the cortex of the adrenal gland; report of 6 adult cases. Endocrinology, 1940, 26: 396-408 — Moehlig, R. C. Intersexuality associated with malignant intra- abdominal teratoma of the seminoma type. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 257-61.—Moszkowicz, L. Retentio testis und In- guinalhernie als Zeichen der Intersexualitat, Grundzuge einer chirurgischen Konstitutionspathologie. Klin. \\ sehr., 1927, 6- 2231-35.------Die Prostata der Intersexe. Wien. klin. Wschr 1932 45: 897-900.------Blastom und Interse- xualitat (sowie Pubertas praecox) Ibid., 1529-34.—Patterson, J., Greenwood, A. W. [et al.] The adreno-gemtal syndrome; a preliminary biochemical investigation. In Adrenal Cortex (Broster L. R.. et al.) Lond., 1938, 201-40.—Ravid, J. M. Cortical carcinoma of the adrenal with adrenogenital syndrome associated with an adenoma of the pituitary. Am. J. Path., 1942 18: 764 (Abstr.)—Simpson. S. L., & .loll, C. A. Feminiza- tion'in a male adult with carcinoma of the adrenal cortex. Endocrinology, 1938, 22: 595-604.—Spilling, G. Ueber das INTERSEX! ALITY 414 INTERSEXUALITY Verhaltnis vermannlichcnder Eierstnckagewai hse zur Inter- sexualitat; mit Bericht iiber 2 l'aile von ArrhenoHaMuin. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1938. 52: 229 12.- Vines, H. \V. C. The adreno-genital svndrome; some histological observations. In Adieial Cortex (Broster. L. IL, et al.) Lond., 1938, 137-97 — Wagner. G. A. Die Gcsclilcchtsmerkmale und ihre Beein- llus-iing durch Tumoren. Zsehr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1930, 98: 13 1 49.- Werthemann. A. Leber familiares Vorkommen von I nt'-i.-i-\u:i ritsit und Neheunierenhvperplasie. Schweiz. med. \Wclii.. 1941, 71: 1335-40. ---- Psychologic aspect. Maranox, G. The evolution of sex and inter- sexual conditions; translated from the Spanish. 344p. 8° Lond., 1932. Beder, V. L. [Intersexuality] Sovrem. psikhonevr., 1930, 12: 430—46.—Ceni, C. L'istinto materno nei maschio e le sue basi organiche. Riv. biol., 1927. 9: 321-7. Also Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1927, 21: 131 -42.— Dalhiez. R. Inter- sexuality. In his Psvchoanal. Meth. A: Doctrine of Freud, Lond., 1941, 2: 202— Herrera Martinez. C. Morfologia intersexual femeninoide v pederastia pasiva. Crim. med., Lima, 1932, 49: 161.—Langeard. P. I.'intersexualite de Miehel-Ange. Progr. med., Par., 1936. Suppl., 73-9. - - L'intersexualite dans I'art. Med. contemn., Lisb., 1939 57: 195-200. -Maranon, G. L'evolulion della s [HM3] INTER-STATE Post-Graduate Medical As- sociation of North America. Proceedings of the international assembly, v. pl., v.l, 1925 See also Jackson, C., Bugbee, G. B. [et al.] Assembly dinner. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1940) 1941, 229-37.—Langworthy. H. G. History of the Inter-State Postgraduate Medical Association of North America and the work of its founder, Dr William B. Peek of Freeport, Illinois. Ibid., 1935, 222-5. INTERSTITIAL tissue. See Connective tissue. INTERTRIGO. See also Epidermophytosis; Erosio interdigi- talis; Erythema. Abelsohn, H. Intertriginoses Ekzem nach Entfettungs- kuren? Munch, med. Wschr., 1931, 88: 396.—Barabas, Z. [Irritation of the skin in infants] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1928, 26: 1217-9.—Bodin, E. Sur les (Eruptions intertrigineuses; leurs caracteres et leur traitement. Gaz. mM., 1927 401-12.— Bratusch-Marrain. A. Ueber eine einfache Vorrichtung fiir Stoffwec hselversuche beim Saugling, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Behandlung dor Dermatitis erosiva. Arch. Kinderh., 1928, 85: 8-12.—Carle, M. A propos des eruptions intertrigineuses. Gaz. med.. 1927, 613-5.------L'intertiigo d'autrefois et d'aujourd'hui. Progr. med.. Par., 1929. 44: 1816-20. - Carleton, A. Persistent intertrigo? diagnosis. Proc. R. Soc INTERTRIGO 415 INTERVERTEBRAL DISK M., Lond., 1942-43, 36: 46.—Desaux, Pretet & Varangot. Coexistence d'un intertrigo et de folliculites enterococciques. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1939, 46: 121-4.—Gottheil. Derma- titis herpetiformis, called dhobie itch. J. Cut. Dis. incl. Svph , 1911, 29: 110.—Hart-Drant, P. Intertrigo. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 7: 919-24. -Hidajat [Crusta lactea intertriginosa] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1936, 76: 1771.—Janaky, J. [Two cases of prevention of chafing in gynecological surgerv] Orv. hetil., 1927, 71: 176-8.—Lesions (Les) des plis. J. sc. med. Lille, 1922, 40: pt 1, 361.—Pignot, M. Deux intertrigos tenaces du visage; la perleche et la fissure de l'angle anterieur de l'orifice narinaire. Progr. med.. Par., 1938, 1133.—Reinstein, H. Beitrag zur Behandlung von Hautdefekten und Intertrigo in Heilanstalten. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1936, 38: 454.—Riige, H. La cura dell'inter- trigine e del cosidetto cane rosso nei tropici. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1932, 13: 302-4.—Sabouraud, R. Ce que nous out appris les intertrigos. Medecine, Par., 1926, 8: 103-9. .----- Des intertrigos. Clinique, Par., 1936, 31: 151-4. ------ Intertrigos, nosologie et therapeutique. Presse nted., 1937, 45: 1141.—Tulipan, L. Intertrigo, chafing, treated with trunic acid and brilliant green. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1518. ---- hypertrophic. Haxthausen, H. Intertrigo hypertrophicans. Acta derm. vener., Stockh., 1940, 21: 604. ---- infectious. Balina, P. L., & Negroni, P. Intertrigo des orteils et onyxis dus a un nouveau parasite. Ann. derm, syph., Par., 1932, 7. ser., 3: 8-20.—Carpenter, C. C. The glucose tolerance test in recurrent infectious intertrigo. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1939, 36: 597-9.—Desaux, A., & Pretet, H. Un cas probable d'en- terococcie cutanee a tvne d'intertrigo sous-mammaire. Bull. Soc fr. derm, svph., 1935, 42: 225-8.—Howies, J. K. In- fectious intertrigo. Am. J. Trop. M., 1936, 16: 77-90. ---- mycetic. See also Epidermophytosis. Gougerot, H., & Boudin, G. Epidermomycose a levures des plantes et des paumes et intertrigo; apres intradermo- r^action a la levurine, activation de l'intertrigo et d£clanche- ment d'un eczema generalise. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1933, 40: 1713-5.—Higuti, K. Impfversuche mit pathogener Hefe auf Tiere; serologische Fntersuchungen. Fukuoka acta med., 1938 31: 41.—Montlaur, H. Intertrigo due to yeasts. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1931, 35: 382-7.—Ravaut, P., & Longhin. L&sions premiere d'intertrigo tetro-auriculaire a levures; eczema second des bras et des jambes; reactions biologiques. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1931, 38: 177-81. INTER-UNIVERSITY Committee for African Studies. See under Schapera, I. South African native life and problems. 249p. 24^cm. Lond., 1941. INTERVERTEBRAL disk. See also Spine; Vertebra; Yellow ligament. Ocampo All xoz, H. *Observaciones morfo- e histogeneticas aeerca del desarrollo embrionano los discos intervertebrales | 38p. 26^cm. Santiago, *Bau und Altersvorande- 21p. 8° fetal y postfetal de en el hombre [Chile 1939. Pfleiderer, H. R. rungen der Zwischenwirbelscheiben. Tub., 1936. Allen, E. P., & O'Connell, J. E. A. The intervertebral disk. Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 1159.—Brack, E. Ueber ,Iic Vvirbel- bandscheiben. Virchows Arch.. 1929, 272: 61-75.---Bradford, F. K. Certain anatomie and physiologic asnects of the intei- vertebral disc. South. Surgeon, 1941 10: 623-.9.-Ge,st, E S. The intervertebral disk. J. Am. M. Ass... 1931 96: 1676-9.— Halladay, H. V. The intervertebral disk. J. Am. Osteopath. \ss 1934, 33: 344.—Joplin, R. J. The intervertebral disc; embrvologv, anatotnv, physiology, and pathology. Surg. Gvn Obst., 1935, 61: 591-9.— Junghanns, H. Die anatomi- schen Besonderheiten des f unf ten Lendenwirbels und der letzten Lendenbandscheibe. Arch, orthop. Unf all chir., 1932-33, 32. 634-6.- Langeron. L., & Lugez, A. Le disque intervertebral, anatomie, physiologie. pathologie. Q»^t. med actual., 1 ar 1938, 8: No. 10, 1 30, No. 11, 1-24; No. 12 l-^O.-Petter C. K. Methods of measuring the pressure of the intervertebral disc I Bone Surg 1933, 15: 365-8.—Roofe, P. G. Innerva- tion of annulus fibrosus and posterior longitudinal ligament; 4th and 5th lumbar level. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic., 1940 44: 100-3.-Saunders, J.. B. deC M., & Inman, V. T. The intervertebral disc: a critical and collective review. Surg. intervertebral aisc, 14-29.-Scheuermann, H. [Intervertebral discs] Hospitalstidende, 1933. 76: 1-17.- SchmorT G Uetlr die gesunde und kranke Wirbelsaule mit besoTiderer Beriicksichtigung der Bandscheiben. ^Geneesk. bl, 1932, 30: 181-210.—Schrader, fc wirbelscheiben in seinen Beziehungen zur Beanspruchung. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1930, 53: 6-42.------Neuere Erkennt- nisse im Aufbau und in der Funktion der Zwischenwirbel- scheiben. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1932) 1933, 27. Kongr., 148-54.—Smith, N. R. The intervertebral discs. Brit. J. Surg., 1930-31, 18: 358-75— Tukada, K. Histologische Studien iiber die Zwischenwirbelscheibe des Menschen; histo- logische Befunde des Foetus. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1938, 24: 1172-4.—Uebermuth, H. Ueber Wesen und Ursachen friihzeitiger Altersveranderungen der menschlichen Zwischen- wirbelscheiben. Zsehr. Altersforsch., 1938-39, 1: 57-60, 2 pl. ---- Calcinosis and ossification. Beltjgou (nee M^tin) *Contribution a I'etude de la calcification des disques inter- vertebraux. 56p. 8? Par., 1932. Pfitzner, W. *Verkalkungen der Zwischen- wirbelscheiben (Calcinosis intervertebralis) 35p. 22cm. Bonn, 1936. Albert. M. Calcification of the intervertebral disks. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 666-8.—Arlabosse. Un nouveau cas de calci- fication du nucleus pulposus. Bull. Soc. radiol. nted. France, 1931. 19: 402.—Barsony, T., & Koppenstein. E. Calcinosis intervertebralis. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1930, 41: 211-39. Also Orv. hetil., 1930, 74: 265-70.—Brailsford. J. F. Calci- fication of intervertebral disks. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 770.— Breton, M. Calcification du nucleus pulposus d'un disque intervertebral. J. radio], eiectr., 1929, 13: 277-80.—Calve. J., & Galland, M. La calcification du nucleus pulposus inter- vertebral. Rev orthop. Par.. 1931, 3. ser., 18: 782-6 — Chifllet, A., & Soriano, V. Calcificaci6n del nucleo pulposo intervertebral. Arch. urug. med., 1941, 18: 455-9.—Corret, P.. & Mathieu, L. Ossification du nucleus pulposus. Rev. nted. Nancy, 1936, 64: 953-6.—De Bernardi, R. Sulla calci- ficazione del nucleo polposo del disco intervei tebrale. Arch. radiol.. Nap., 1931, 7: 537-56—De Luca, G. Su di un forma non ancora descritta di calcificazione interverrebrale Ibid., 1938, 14: 399-408.—Gendreau, J. E., Jutra«. A.. & Dufresne, O. Nucleus pulposus calcific, considerations cliniques, rarliographiques et radiothfirapiques. Union m6d. Canada, 1936, 65: 207-13.—Giongo, F. Verkalkung des Nucleus pulposus. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1928, 37: 873- 6 —Guichard, L., & Simon. A. Calcification du nucleus nulnosus. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 1084-7 — Held, H. J. von. Zur Frage der Zwischenwirbelscheibenver- kalkurg; ein rontgenologisch-klinischer Beitrafr. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933-34. 242: 67.5-83.—Holmes, J. W. H. Calci- fication of a cervical intervertebral disc in a dog. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1942, 54: 498.—Horenstein. V. Kasuistiscber Beitrag zur Verkalkung des Nucleus nulposus der Zwischenwirbel- scheibe. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1926-27, 35: 713.—Jobin. J. B., & Lessard. R. Calcification du nucleus pulprsus. Laval mod 1943, 8: 13-21.—Keyzer, J. L. fCalcinosis interverte- bralis] Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1938-39, 8: 467-73, 3 nl.— Kirk, H. Calcification of the intervertebral discs. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1939, 51: 315, pl.—Klar, M. M. Chondritis inter- vertebralis subacuta infectiosa calcarea. ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Intervertebralscheiben. Med. Welt., 1931, 5. 55g_—Kronenberger, F. Calcinosis intervertebralis. Rontgenpraxis, 1929, 1: 898-903.—Lo Monaco, G. Calci- ficacione del nucleo Polposo intervertebrale. Radiol, med., Milano, 1938, 25: 850-62.—Lusskin, H. Calcified inter- vertebral disk; a ease report. Am. J. Surg., 1927, n. ser., 3- 148-Lyon. E. Ueber Kalkknotchen in der Zwischen- wirbelscheibe. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1929, 39: 76-80. ______Beitrage zur Klinik der Bandscheibenverkalkung und -verknocberung. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1930,28:717-33. __----Kalkablagerungen in der Zwischenwirbelscheibe im Kindesalter. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1932, 53: 570.—Mantovani, D. Calcification du nucleus pulposus des disques intervertebraux. Arch fr belg. chir., 1929-30, 32: 488, 2 pl. Also Riv. radiol., 1930, Suppl. No. 1-2, 8-10—Munoz Arbat, J., & Piulachs, P. Calcinosis intervertebralis. Rev. cir. Barcelona, 1936: * 22-34.—Nicoletti. F. Calcificazione post-traumatica nucleo polnoso inter-vertebrale. 1936, 56: Suppl., 396-408. ~ Der Bau der Zwischen- 11: del Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., Nicotra, A. La calcificazione del nucleo polposo dei dischi intervertebrali (condroneurite infettiva intervertebrale) Radiol, med., Milano, 16: 977-93 —Pinelli, L. La calcificazione del nucleo polposo. Gior clin. med., 1939, 20: 827-57.—Puusepp. La symntoma- tologie des calcifications des cartilages mtervertebraux- soondvlo-chondritis ossificans. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France, 1935, 39. Congr., 529-39.—Rathcke. L. Ueber Kalk- ablagerungen in den Zwischenwirbelscheiben fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1932, 46: 66-75.-Rietema, I P & Keyrer, S. Calcinosis intervertebralis. Acta radiol., Stockh 1928, 9: ROfi-10 nl------(Calcification of intervertebral disks; case) Also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1928, 72: pt. 1. 1472r5. 2 p]__Ro>derer C. A propos d'un nouveau cas de calcification du nucleus pulposus. Bull. Soc chir. Paris, 1931, 23: 596-9. ______ Gaucher & Jesover. M^niscite avec calcification d un nucleus et bees de perroouet. Bull. Soc flectroradiol. mM. France, 1938, 26: 225.—Rovekamp. T Die Verkalkung der Zwischenwirbelscheiben und ihre klinische Bedeutung. Ront- genpraxis, 1930, 2: 186-9.-Sch.norl G. Verkalkung der Bandscheiben der Wirbelsaule nebst Bemerkungen uber das Verhalten der Bandscheiben bei infektioser Spondylitis. INTERVERTEBRAL DISK 41 0 INTERVERTEBRAL DISK Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1929, 40: 1 s-26.—Zuppa, A. La calcificazione del nucleo polposo intervertebrale. Arch. radiol., Nap., 1934, 10: pt 1, 250-61. ---- Degeneration. Boh mi i!. R. Die Blutgefassversorgung der Wirbelband- scheiben. das Verhalten des intervertebralen Chordasegments und die Bedeutung beider fiir die Bandscheihe.ndegeneration; zugleich ein Beitrag zur enchondralen Ossification der Wirbelkorper. Arch. klin. Chir., 1930, 158: 374 424.— Kpps, P. G. A case of degeneration of the intervertebral disc following lumbar puncture. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1941-42, 35: 220.—Knutsson, F. [Roentgen diagnosis of disk degenera- tion in the lumbar vertebrae] Nord. med., 1940, 7: 1367-9.— Piischel, J. Df.r Wassergehalt normaler und degenerieitei Zwischenwirbelscheiben. Beitr. path. Anat., 1930, 84: 123-30.—Putti, V. Aspetti clinici della degenerazione i. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1932-33, 2: 52-64.—Poster-Virtue, M. E., & Virtue, R. W. A method of preparing isolated intestinal loops in the dog. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 194(1, 45: 813-6.—Jansen, H. Ein neues Ver- fahren zur totalcn Darmausschaltung ohne aussere Fistel- bildung. Arch. kliu. Chir., 1930-31, 163: 614-25.—Langen- skiold, F. [Disadvantages and dangers of lateral anastomoses and intestinal exclusions; contribution to the technic of intestinal excision] Fin. lak. siill. hand., 1927, 69: 592-604.— McClintbck, J. T., & Hines, H. H. Occurrence of heat labile toxins in closed intestinal loops. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 654.—Martzloff, K. H., & Burget, G. E. The closed intestinal loop; aseptic end-to-end intestinal loop suitable for physiologic studies. Arch. Surg., 1931, 23: 26-37.— Nakano, M. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Bewegungsvorgang des ausgeschalteten Darmes und iiber die Betrachtung der experimentellen Darmanastomose; experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Bewegungsvorgang des ausgeschalteten Darmes. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1937, 21: 895-7.—Pollaczek, K. F. Ein Spatbefund nach Darmaus- schaltung. Deut, Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 225: 412-29.—Puestow, C. B. The activity of isolated intestinal segments. Arch. Surg., 1932, 24: 565-73.—-Quigley, J. P., Highstone, W. H., & Ivy, A. C. A study of the propulsive activity of a Thi6ry-Vella loop of intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1934, 108: 151-8.—Smith, V. The bacterial flora of isolated intestinal segments. J. Infect. Dis., 1931, 48: 295-303.—Wernke, O. & Levine, M. M. [Zur Phvsiologie isolierter Darmschlingen des Dunn- und des Dickdarmes beim Menschen] J. Physiol. USSR, 1935, 18: 266-75.—Zaitzev, G. P. [One stage operation of the large intestine (excluding rectum)] Vest, khir., 1931, 24: 49-62.— Zintel, H. A. A new transparent chamber for exteriorizing a loop of intestine and its mesentery. Anat. Rec, 1936, 66: 437-47. ---- Excretion. See also Intestinal juice, Secretion; also under names of excreted substances. Muller, K. *Untersuchungen iiber die Exkretionstatigkeit des Darmes bei wechsel- warmen Wirbeltieren[Leipzig] 16p. 8? Rudol- stadt, 1934. Goldman. M.. & Cytronberg, S. Recherches sur l'elimina- tion du chlore et des substances azotees par la muqueuse intestinale dans razotemie experimentale. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1930, 367-72.—Igarashi, S.f & Sen Nagai. Studien iiber die Ausscheidungsfabigkeit des Danns. Bull. Battle Creek Sanit., 1929, 24: 413-18.—Li, I. Beitrag zur Kenntnis iiber die Ausscheidung der organise ben Farbstoffe durch den Darmtraktus. Jap. J. Gastroenter, 1935. 7: Biol. Suppl., 564-7.—Lison, L. Excretion intestinale et athrocytose discriminanto chez Machilis maritima Leach, insecte thysanoure. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 132: 309.— Purjesz, B., & Kup, J. Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Ausscheidungsfunktion der Darmwand. Zsehr, ges. exp. Med., 1929, 66: 419-35—Sperry, W. M. Endogenous lipid excretion. Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 1932, 14. Congr., 238. ------ Lipid excretion; the lipid content of the intestinal mucosa. J. Biol. Chem., 1932, 96: 759r68. —---: & Angevine, R. W. Lipid excretion; the secretion of lipids into the intestine. Ibid., 769-86.—Strasburger, J. Der Darm als Exkretionsorgan. In Handb. norm. path. Physiol. (Bethe, von Bergmann, et al.) Berl., 1929, 4: 681-708. ---- Explantation. Bisceglie, V. Studi sui tessuti espiantati; l'attivita peri- staltica degli espianti di intestino embrionale. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1931, 12: 86-101. ------ Studi sui tessuti espiantati; le modalita di accrescimento ed i caratteri strut- turali delle culture di intestino embrionale di polle. Ibid., 102-24, pl.—Ellis, C. G. Differential survival in isolated strips of frog intestine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 37: 68-71.—Mielke, O. Untersuchungen am isolierten Uber- lebenden Darm. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1928-29, 221: 742-50.— Morin, G. Les donnees physiologiques et les problfimes histophysiologiques relatifs a l'intestin isole. Bull, histol. appl., Par., 1929, 6: 234-58.—Puestow, C. B. Studies on the activitv of isolated intestinal segments. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1931, 6: 131-3. ---- Extract. Di Frisco, S. Sur Taction des extraits duodenaux et intes- tinaux, de lapin, sur la lipodietese du foie en autolyse aseptique. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1927, 28: 293-9.—Dixon, W. E., & Wadia, J. H. The action of intestinal extracts (preliminary communication) Brit. M. J., 1926, 1: 820.—Eros, G., & Kunos, I. [Research on the antianemic effect of intestinal mucosa] Gy6gyaszat, 1935, 75: 745-8.—Gaddum, J. H., & Schild, H. Depressor substances in extracts of intestine. J. Physiol., Lond., 1934-35, 83: 1-14.—Laszt, L. Die Phos- phorylierung verschiedener Zucker durch Darmschleimhaut- extrakte. Biochem. Zsehr., 1935, 276: 44-8.—Manzini, C. Sulla presenza di un ormone diuretico nella mucosa intestinale. Biochem. ter. sper., 1934, 21: 185-9.—Moldenschardt, H. Torantil, ein aus Darmschleimhaut gewonnenes Praparat. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 153-6.—Nowinski, W. Die vermannlichende Wirkung fraktionierter Darmextrakte des Weibchen auf die Larven der Boneilia viridis. Pubb. Staz. zool. Napoli, 1934, 14: 110-45. ---- Fibroma. Krezdorn, B. *Ueber die gutartigen Stutz- substanz-Geschwiilste des Darmes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Fibromyome auf Grund der Untersuchung eines eigenen Falles. 23p. 8? Tub., 1935. Armingeat, J. Occlusion intestinale par fibrome; relation d'une observation. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1939, 31: 211-9.— Bleyer, L. F. Clinical pathological aspect of intestinal fibro- matosis. Am. J. Surg., 1934, 26: 561-5.—Clifton, H. C, & Landry, B. B. Fibromata of the intestines, report of a case and review of the literature. Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 197: 8-19.—Esau. Fibrome des Darms. Arch. klin. Chir., 1927-28, 149: 418-20.—Kudirka, S. [Intestinal fibroma enclosed in hernial sac] Medicina, Kaunas, 1934, 15: 15-23. ---- Fistula. For surgically prepared fistula see Enter- ostomy. See also Intestine, Surgery: Anasto- mosis. Bac, H. F. *Le traitement rationnel des fistules v6si co-intestinal es non-ne'oplasiques. 95p. 8? Par., 1924. Murawsky, W. J. *Fecal fistula [Providence Hosp.] 16p. 4? Detr., 1929. Weintz, F. *Ueber Blasen- und Nieren- becken-Darmfisteln. 28p. 8? Erlangen, 1932. Arlotta, M. Vecchia fistola intestinale, enterectomia, guarigione. Cult. med. mod.,Pal., 1931,10:169-74.—Bailey,H. Acquired vesico-intestinal and urethro-intestinal fistula. Brit. J. Urol., 1929, 1: 175-81.—Baker, H. L. The repair of intestinal fistulae. Ann. Surg., 1932, 95: 687-99.—Bedrna, J., & Sixl, A. [Two rare cases of entero-vesical fistula] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1933, 72: 801-5, 4 pl. ------& Simon, J. Zwei seltene entero-vesicale Fisteln. Zsehr. urol. Chir., 1933, 37: 361-73.— Berezov, E. L. [Post-operative gastro-coliintestinal flstulas] Nov. khir. arkh., 1941, 49: 92-100.—Blanton, W. B.t & White, INTESTINE 437 INTESTINE J. C. Spontaneous fecal fistula through the anterior abdominal wall; report of a case. Virginia M. Month., 1929-30, 56: 467-9.—Bonnet, A. V. Deux cas de fistules vesico-intestinales d'origine neoplasique. Marseille med., 1926, 63: 1465-9.— Botto Micca, A. Contributo alio studio delle fistole stercoracee traumatiche. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1937, 10: 186-9.—Brams, J & Brams, W. A. Enterocolic fistula on a carcinomatous basis. Illinois M. J., 1926, 49: 253.—Caldbick, S. L. Two cases of visceral fistula; treated without secondary operation. Surg Clin. N. America, 1928, 8: 1337-40.—Cervenansky, J. [Stercoral fistulas] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1937, 17: 649-57.—Curb, D L. Enterocolic fistula; with report of a case due to tumor. Bull. John Sealy Hosp., Galvest., 1939, 1: 109-12.—Di Maio, G. Fistole intestino-vescicali. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1936 24: 18-27.—Dixon, C. F. The management of intestinal fistula. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1938, 13: 744-6. -----r & Deuter- man, J. L. The management of external intestinal fistulas. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 2095-101.—Dobson, J. F., & Moir, P. J. Vesicointestinal fistula. Brit. J. Urol., 1932, 4- 122-31.—Dossot, R. Les fistules vesico-intestinales. J. m'ed. chir., Par., 1935, 106: 327-33.—Duval, P., & Ameline, A. Fistules stercorales et pyo-stercorales; anus contre nature. In Ptecis path, chir., 6. ed., Par., 1938, 4: 667-77.—Fecher, K. Die Behandlung von Darmfisteln mittels Oeltampons. Med. Klin., Berl., 1925, 21: 891.—Fowler, H. A. Intestino-vesical fistula; report of a case. Tr. Am. Ass. Genitourin. Surg., 1929, 22: 347-63.—Fox, F. G. Two case reports: treatment of erosion of skin of abdomen due to fecal fistula; feeding by proctoclysis of food obtained by suction from an intestinal fistula. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1936, 34: 547-50.—Gaffney, L. B. Entero-vesical fistulae. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1932, 1: 109-22.—Gagliardi, P. Su due casi di fistole intestinali esterne. Gior. med. mil., 1930, 78: 143-51.—Gioja, E. Patogenesi e cura delle fistole stercoracee consecutive ad appendicectomia o ad incisione di ascessi periappendicolari. Boll. Soc med. chir., Pavia, 1930, 44: 465-507, ch.—Guido, F. R. A- rational, nonsurgical treatment for intestinal fistulas; report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 2176-8.—Guimy. La merveilleuse defense du peritoine dans les fistules stercorales et infections. Arch. med. beiges, 1933, 86: 5-8.—Heineck, A. P. Acquired external fecal fistulae involving the anterior or lateral abdominal wall. Med. Arts, 1934, 37: 57-64. Also Tristate M. J., 1934, 6: 1228-32. Also West. J. Surg., 1934, 42: 282-7 — Herbst, R. H., & Miller, E. M. Vesicointestinal fistulas caused by foreign bodies in the bowel. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106- 2125-8.—Higgins, C. C. Vesico-intestinal fistula. J. Urol., Bait., 1936, 36: 694-709.—Judd, E. S., & Phillips, J. R. A new method of improving the condition of the abdominal wall preliminary to closure of intestinal fistulas. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 521-49.—Kazim Ismail Giirkan [Opera- tive treatment of a double stercoral fistula] Bull. Soc. turque med 1941 7: 77.—Lamson, O. F. Multiple fecal fistulae. Surg.' Clin. N. America, 1933, 13: 1423-7.—Leggate, A. R. Faecal fistulae. China M. J., 1929, 43: 268.—Leland, H. L. Vesicointestinal fistula. N. England J. M., 1935, 213: 44-6 — Lewis, D., & Penick, R. M., jr. Fecal fistulae. Internat. Clin., 1933, 43. ser., 1: 111-30.—Mandanas, A., Guzman, F. C, & Menez, S. C. Fecal fistulae. J. Philippine Island M. Ass., 1939, 19: 541-7.—Mayo, C. H-, & Dixon, C. E. Fecal fistula; report of a case. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1927, 7: 1387-9.— Mayo, C. W., & Schlicke, C. P. The surgical management of fecal fistulae. Ann. Surg., 1941, 114: 1011-7.—Mesa, C. Fistulas enterocutaneas completas. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1939, 18: 154-60.—Michalowski, E., & Vogelfanger, I. Ueber die Storungen des Blutchemismus bei Darmfisteln. Arch. khn. Chir., 1937, 188: 167-70.—Mock, J. Du traitement de cer- taines complications urinaires par la sero- et la vaccinotherapie; fistula stercorale suite d'abces perinephritique. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1921, 30: 418-21.—Morison, R-, Cuff, C. H., & Russell, W. K. A case of faecal fistula. Newcastle M J., 1920-21 1: 33.—Morrissey, J. H. Vesico-intestinal fistulas. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 843-7.—Mugnai, U. Sull'insorgenza di una fistola entero-addominale in gravidanza. Monit. ostet. gin 1938 10: 438-49.—Ockerblad, N. F. Vesicointestinal fistula: three case reports. South. M. J., 1931, 24: 346-50 — Pedroli, G. Contributo alia conoscenza delle fistole entero- vescicali (ricerche sperimentali) Policlinico, 1928, 35: sez. chir., 185-212.—Pelkonen, E. Zur Behandlung der Darm- fisteln bei Beckenorganerkrankungen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934, 179: 599-604.—Penzias, M. [Diagnosis and localization oi vesico-intestinal fistulae] Polska gaz. lek., 1929, 8: 797.— Pemicci, A. Fistola vescico-intestinale guanta senza mter- vento chirurgico. Arch. ital. urol., 1925, 2: 157-61.—Polya, J. [Cure of intestinal fistulas] Orv. hetil., 1937, 81: mell 42-4.— Ransom, H. K. Intestinal fistulae. Univ. Hosp. Bull., Ann Arb 1935 1: 8. ------ & Coller, F. A. Intestinal fistula. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1935, 34: 281-8.—Rees, C. E. Dried milk as a dressing for intestinal fistula; report of case. Cali- fornia West. M., 1929, 30: 419.—Richards, C. G. Fistulae of the bladder. Wisconsin M. J., 1925-26, 24: 63-6.-Rokhk.nd, I. [Treatment of external fecal fistulas] Vest, khir., 1931, 24. 81-95__Roy F Considerations sur le traitement des fistules intestinales. ' Laval med., 1940, 5: 286-9.-Rumney, W.J. An enteric fistula m a dog. Canad. J. Comp M 1940, 4. 177__Schlicke C. P., & Dixon, C. F. External fecal fistula of eighteen years' duration: report of a case. Proc Mayo Clin 1940 15" 409-11.—SSnfeque, J. Sur ^utilisation de la protheae caoutchout^e dans le traitement des fistules intes- tinalfis Mem Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 765.—Silvers, H. I. ntestinaiI fisTula. Med. World, 1935, 53: 717-9.-Starlinger, F. Zur Kasuistik der inneren Darmfistel. Zbl. Chir., 1925, 52: 2053-5.—Stone, M. M. A new apparatus for mechanical control of intestinal fistulae; a preliminary report. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 53: 374-6. Vas, S. [Ein Fall von durch irrigo- skopische Rontgenuntersuchung festgestelter Fistel zwischen Dunn-und Dickdarm] Magy. rontg. kozl., 1939, 13: 45-9.— Verebely, T. [Value of surgery in treatment of gastrocolic fistulas] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: 621.—White, M. Intestino- vesical fistula. Glasgow M. J., 1934, 121: 59-61.—Willan, R. J. Intestino-vesical fistula. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 140-2.— Yosida, S. Ueber die Blasendarmfistel. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1930, 16:437-40. ---- Foreign body. See also Abdomen, Foreign body; Esophagus, Foreign body; Intestine, Fistula; Intestine, Per- foration; Stomach, Foreign body. Buff, H. U. *Ueber Darmperforationen durch Fremdkorper. 33p. 22^cm. Zur., 1939. _ Menager, A. M. *Essai sur la tolerance de l'intestin pour les corps etrangers dangereux. 61p. 8? Par., 1933. Wilkening, D. [geb. Nikolic] Fremdkorper im Darm. 29p. 8? Berl., 1930. Barber, B. [Conservative treatment; foreign bodies swal- lowed by children] Cas. 16k. desk., 1938, 77: 138.—Bearse, C. Fishbones as a cause of intestinal perforation. N. England J, M., 1929, 201: 885.—Blomquist, H. E. Swallowed foreign bodies] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1937, 80: 583-607.—Bowen, J. E„ Chambers, G., & Johnston, W. R. Foreign bodies in the intestinal tract. Brit. M. J., 1938, 1: 514.—Bunch, G. H., Burnside, A. F., & Brannon, L. J. Intestinal perforation from ingested fishbone. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 55: 169-72.— Burnett, W. E. Foreign bodies in the intestine. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 87.—Burton, I. W. The cotton-wool sandwich. Brit. M. J., 1943, 1: 528.—Canonne. Sur un cas d'epiploite aigue avec sigmoidite par corps etranger. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1932, 24: 265.—Carp, L. Foreign bodies in the intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1927, n. ser., 1: 169-72. Also Ann. Surg., 1927, 84: 575-91.—Christidi. Compresses champs oubliees dans le ventre et tetrouvees dans la lumi&re intestinale. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 446-9.—Cohn, M. Ver- schluckte Fremdkorper. Rontgenpraxis, 1932, 4: 897-905.— Covaro, A. A., & Venturino, H. Perforaci6n intestinal por cuerpo extrafio. Sem. med., B. Air., 1938, 45: pt 1, 215.— Crichton, E. C. [The adventures of a crochet hook lodgment in intestine during attempted abortion] South. Afr. M. Rec, 1926, 24: 549.—Cullins, J. G. The end of a medical curiosity. U. S. Veterans Bur. M. Bull., 1927, 3: 463-5.—Di Bello, G. Aspetti istologici delle lesioni pseudo-tubercolari da corpi estranei. Rass. ter. pat. clin., 1935, 7: 774-97.—Eseverri Gainza, J. La cuestion del cuerpo extrafio intestinal en el lactante considerada en su fase social y medica. Sem. med., B. Air., 1930, 37: pt 1, 1126-33. ■------ Cuerpo extrafio intestinal en el lactante. Arch, argent, pediat., 1940, 13: 423.—Fiirstenau, J. Ueber Darmperforationen durch ver- schluckte Fischgraten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929, 55: 1135.— Ginzburg, L., & Beller, A. J. The clinical manifestations of non-metallic perforating intestinal foreign bodies. Ann. Surg., 1927, 86: 928-39.—Goedel, R. Zur Mentalitat der Fremdkorperschlucker, speziell der Gefangnisinsassen. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1932, 19: 63-75—Hawk, G. W.. & Randall, K. C. Foreign body in the intestine. Bull. Guthrie Clin., 1936, 37, 6: 144.—Hirsch, D. I. Foreign bodies in the intestine. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1926-27, 79: 728-33.— Jackson, C, & Jackson, C. L. Foreign bodies in the intestines. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1934, 140: 285.—Kirschbaum, W. Ueber das absichtliche Verschlucken von Fremdkorpern. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1932, 97: 472.—Kulik, D. M., & Indikt, G P. [Swallowing foreign bodies in reactive states] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1936, 5: 1893-99.—Leyshon, W. J. Bowel perfora- tion by pebbles in a pig. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1934, 14: 793.— Loennecken, W. Fiskebensperforationer. Med. rev., Bergen, 1927, 44: 597-603.—Lorenz, H. Fall von Fremdkorpern (Nahnadeln) im Darmkanal. Mitt. Verein. Aerzte Steiermark, 1925, 62: 1-5.—Mclver, C, & Ghosh, N. The so-called swallowed foreign body. Ind. M. Gaz., 1930, 65: 569-71.— Maduram, E. Two interesting cases of foreign body in the abdomen. Madras M. J., 1937, 17: 20-2, 2 pl.—Matyas, M. Durch verschluckte Gefliigelknochen verursachte Falle von Darmperforation. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 726-30.—Perslow, O. Ueber verschluckte Fremdkorper. Acta chir. scand., 1935, 76: 63-92.—Porzelt, W. Beitrag zur Wanderung von Fremd- korpern aus der Darmlichtung in die freie Bauchhole. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 641-4.—Qu6nu, J. Enterqtomie pour extrac- tion d'un clou chez un enfant de sept mois; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 1349-52.—Rainey, W R. Foreign bodies in the intestine. In Modern Med. Ther. (Barr D. P.) Bait., 1940, 2: 2355.—Schilovtzev, S. P. [Foreign bodies in children's intestinal tract.] Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 1921-22 —Schirlitz, K. Ueber einen differentialdiagnostisch und sachlich bemerkenswerten Fall von Fremdkorper im Darm. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1930, 49: 194-9—Silvestrini, L. Perforazione intestinale da spina di pesce. Gazz. internaz. med. chir 1929 37: 355-9.—Slovacek, O. [Swallowing of foreign bodies] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1929, 68: 230-3—Stangl, F. H. INTESTINE 438 INTESTINE Intestinal foreign b<.lies; report of four cases of removal by appendectomv or 1-lv posture change. Minnesota M.. 1930, 13:909.—Teri, M. [loreign bodies in intestines] Cy6gyaszat, 1934 74: 545-7.— Thiery, P. Corps etransrer sonore de l'inte.stin. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1940, 66: 041.— Thoresen, E. (Foreign bodies in the intestine) Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1933, 94: 1241-4.—Valecic, A. Ein interessanter Fall eines Corpus alicuum im Enteraltrakt. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 2062-5.—Vander Veer, E. A. Foreign bodies in the intestinal tract. Indust. M., 1936, 5: 333.—Walsh, R. A swallowed pin and a round-worm; case report. Brit. M. J. Id38, 1: 18.—Wishart, D. E. S. The fate of foreign bodies swallowed by children. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1928, 18: 415-8 — Yorke, C. The swallowing of open safety-pins. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 811. ---- Foreign body— in animals. ---- Glands. Dawson, A. B. On the role of the so-called intestinal glands of Necturus with a note on mucin formation. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1927, 46: 1-14.—Gubar, V. L. [Mechanism in trans- mission of stimuli from the mucosa of the intestine to its glands] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1942, 14: No. 4, 33-8. -----■ [Inhibition of the intestinal glands] Ibid., 38-41.—Sawada, Y. Studies on the mitochondria, metachondria, on Golgi's ap- paratus and on the silver granules of Lieberkuhn's gland cells of the intestine of the white rat. Jap. J. Exp. M., 1935, 13: 441-55, pl.—Siissbier, W. Anlage und Metamorphose der Driisen der Darmwandung bei den Anuren. Zsehr. wiss. Zool., 1936, 148: 309-49.—Zanardi, F. Sulla cosidetta ghian- dola enterocromaffine. Arch. ital. chir., 1934, 37: 749-82. Granuloma. Berge, E. Ueber Diagnose und Therapie der Fremdkor- pererkrankungen des Verdauungstraktus beim Hunde. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1925, 41: 841-6—GavrilS, I., & Poenaru, I. [Coprostasis in the dog following ingestion of bones; laparotomy and convalescence] Rev. vet. mil., Bucur., 1939, 10: 25.— Raust, R. Volumineux corps etranger intestinal chez un chien de 6 mois. Rec. med. vet., 1936, 112: 530-4.—Saxer, E., & Degen, W. Ein interessanter Fall von Fremdkorper im Darm eines Hundes. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 1934, 76: 141-4 — Schnelle, G. B. The veterinary radiologist; the intestine. North Am. Act., 1939, 20: No. 3, 46-52.—Urbain, A., & Bullier, P. Corps etranger de l'intestin d'un Casoar (Casuarius casuarius L.) peritonite. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1936, 9: 246-8.—Zepp, C. P. Enterotomy for the removal of foreign body. North Am. Vet., 1940, 21: 228. ------ Enterotomia para la extracci6n de cuerpos extrafios. Rev. med. vet., B. Air., 1940, 22: 241. ---- Function. See also Intestinal juice, Secretion; also Intestine subheadings (Absorption; Movement; Physiology) Bisgard, J. D. The effect of hot and cold applications to the abdominal wall and also hot and cold fluids administered by mouth on gastric and intestinal secretory and peristaltic activity. Surgery, 1941, 10: 525.—Bussabarger, R. A. An improved method for the studv of intestinal function. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939. 42: 50.—Cytronberg, S. Re- cherches experimentales sur la cooperation de la muqueuse intestinale dans la regulation de l'equilibre acide-base de l'organisme. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1930, 357-66.— Eitel, H., & Loeser, A. Der Einfluss der Chlorverarmung des Organismus auf die Tatigkeit des Darmes. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1934, 243: 781-91.—Hasen, J. M. [Secretory and excretory function of the intestine under reduced barometric pressure] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 58: No. 3, 87-98. Also Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS, 1940, 9: 451-4. Also Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 9: 365-7.------Changes in relation between secre- tory and excretory functions of the intestine] J. I'hysiol. USSR, 1940, 28: 345-53.—McLoughlin. C. J., Mann, F. C, & Krusen, F. H. Effect of short wave diathermv on intestinal activity. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1941, 22: 325-32.— Maliwa, E. LJeber Fliissigkeitsfortbewegung im Darmkanal. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 1083.—Nisikawa, T. A simple test meal for the intestine devised by myself. Sei i kwai, 1915, 34: No. 2.—Redi, R. Le permeability intestinale e le alterazioni anatomo-patologiche dell'intestino, in animali portatori di fistola biliare con derivazione complete della bile all'esterno. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1930, 10. ser., 5: 210-9, 2 diagr.— Reid, P. E., Ivy. A. C, & Quigley, J. P. Spiral propulsion of a bolus in the intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1934, 109: 483-7.— Roskam, J. Action des variations de temperature sur l'intestin in situ. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1914-20, 15: 345-51.— Ilmeda, K. Zur Morphologie der Darmfunktion. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1929, 19: 123-8. ---- Gangrene. See also Gas gangrene; Uremia. Asoh. R. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der Mesen- terialgefassunterbindung mit und ohne Netzplastik; iiber die Schutzwirkung der Netzplastik bei der Darmgangran. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 251.—Cattaneo, S., & Paparelli, L. Istoria dell'espulsione di un ansa intestinale. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1835, 10: 98-101.—Felsen, J. Rheumatic intestinal necrosis. Rev. Gastroenter., 1940, 7: 339-44.—Finaly, R. [Two cases of gangrene of large intestine] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1931, 75: pt 3, 4232-8.—Guggisberg, H. Der Verschluss der Mesenterialgefasse mit Darmgangran in der Schwangerschaft. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 829-31.—Knoflach, J. G. Darmgangran infolge Einwucherns eines Appendixkarzinoids in das Mesenterium. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 1714-8.—Laurent. Gangtene intestinale traumatique chez la poule. Rec med. vet.. 1936, 112: 476.—Leitman, G. S. [Gangrene of the in- testines caused by arteriosclerosis] J. teor. prakt. med., 1927, 2: 569-75.—Parcelier & Chenut. Un cas d'entero-typhlo- f.lo-rectite gangteneuse. Bordeaux chir., 1935, 6: 148-50.— Spang, K. Darmnekrosen bei Hypertonie und Uramie. Vnchows Arch., 1934-35, 294: 340-57. See also Granuloma malignum. Colp, R. Nonspecific granulomata of the intestine. Ann, Surg., 1938, 107: 74-81.—Deuterman, J. L., & Dixon, C. F. Nonspecific granuloma of the intestine. Proc. Interst. Post- grad. M. Ass. N. America, 1937, 61-6.—Cinzburg, I... & Oppenheimer, G. D. Non-specific granulomata of tlie in- testine (inflammatory tumors and strictures of bowel) Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass., 1932, 241-83. Also Ann. Surg., 1933, 98: 1046-62.—Golob, M. Infectious granuloma of the in- testines, with special reference to the difficulty of preoperative differential diagnosis. Med. J. & Rec, 1932, 135: 390-3.— Miani, A. Contributo alia conoscenza delle lesioni deU'in- testino ad infiltrate plasmacellulare. Arch. ital. chir., 1929-30, 25: 81-93.—Mock, H. E. Infective granuloma of the intestines; with report of 1 case following trauma. Internat. J. Surg., 1928, 41: 1-8.—Razzaboni, G. Di una rara lesione della parete intestinale ad infiltrate plasmacellulare. Arch. ital. chir., 1927, 19: 615-32.—Sailer, S., & McGann, R. J. Lipophagic granulomatosis of the enteric tract. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1942, 9: 55-63.—Santos-Cuyugan, G., & Garcia, E. Non- specific granuloma of the intestines; review of the literature and presentation of 6 cases. Acta med. philip., 1941-42, 3: 37-66.—Vallone, D. Plasmocitoma deU'intestino. Ann. ital. chir., 1930, 9: 20-32.—Wilensky, A. O. Nonspecific granuloma of the intestine. Med. J. & Rec, 1932, 135: 445. ---- Gynecological aspect. Alvarez, W. C, & Hosoi, K. Reversed gradients in the bowel of pregnant animals. Am. J. Obst., 1930, 19: 34-45.— Brookes, H. S. The lower intestinal tract in relation to gyne- cology. In Dis. Women (Crossen, H. S., & Crossen, R. J.) 9. ed., S. Louis, 1941, 829-45— Guthmann, H., & Stahler, F. Die Lage- und Funktionsanderungen des gesunden Verdauungs- kanals am Ende der Schwangerschaft. Zbl. Gyn., 1933, 57: 193-209.—Halter, G., & Pape, R. Untersuchungen uber die Beeinflussung der Darmmotilitat durch den normalen Zyklus der Frau. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1932-33, 23: 445-74 — Kuhn, R. Erkrankungen des Mastdarmes und Darmes bei der Frau. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1929, 39: 66.—Maxwell, J. P., & Wong, A. I. H. The intestinal complications of pregnancy, labour, and the puerperium. Chin. M. J., 1932, 46:115-42, 2 pl. ---- Helminthosis. See also Anthelminthics; Helminthosis; In- testine, Parasite; also under names of intestinal worms as Ascaris; Cestoda; Enterobiosis, etc. Cabriza, A. S. La verminosis intestinal (antihelmfnticos, manera de medicar) 16p. 8! Asunci6n, 1934. Marzari, G. Ascesso inguinale da perfora- zione intestinale con uscita di vermi. 6p. 21 Hem. Venez., 1878. Reinecke [W. H.] H. *Ueber einen Fall von Darmperforation durch Ascaris lumbricoides mit nachfolgender Peritonitis nach Kaiserschnitt beobachtet. 27p. 8? [Munch., 1929] Arthur, H. M. Treatment of intestinal worms. Med. World, 1942, 60: 553.—Barros, P. de. Indices de coprologia vermin6tica da zona rural de Garanhuns (Pernambuco) Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1934, 13: 971-6.—Briining, H. Einge- weidewiirmer und deren extraenterales Vorkommen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Kindesalters. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1765. ------ Eingeweidewiirmer bei Kindern. Mschr. Kinderh., 1936, 67: 448-54. ------ Ein- geweidewiirmer mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Kindes- alters. Ibid., 1938, 72: 103-11.—Calvo Fonseca, R., Kouri, P., & Basnuevo, J. C. Porcentaje y distribuci6n geografica de la verminosis intestinal en Cuba. Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1938, 4: 231-61.—Chiari, O. Wurmkrankheiten im Kindesalter. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1936, 10: 291-6.—Colombo, E. Perforazione intestinale da elminto diagnosticate ai raggi X. Riv. radiol., 1931, 6: pt 2, 917-22.—Dembowski, H., & Szidat, L. Die staatliche Bekampfung der Eingeweidewiirmer bei den Anwohnern des Kurischen Haffes von Mai 1935 bis Ende 1936, Veroff. Volksgesundhdienst., 1937-38, 50: 357-491.—Duprat. Enquete sur la frequence des vers intestinaux communs a INTESTINE 439 INTESTINE Sao Paulo. Rev. med. hyg. trop., Par., 1937, 29: 94-103 — Esseveld [Infection with intestinal-worm eggs] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 996-8— Garcia de Leon, V. Ascaridosis; tricocefalosis; enterobiosis. Rev. med. Veracruz., 1936, 16: 2037-55.—Gupta, P. Perforation of the intestine by a round worm. Ind. J. M., 1922-23, 3: 1.—Helmintiasis intestinal en la poblacion infantil. Bol. Seer. san. benef. Trujillo, 1941, 1: No. 4, 35.—Keller, A. E., & Leathers, W. S. The incidence and distribution of Ascaris lumbricoides, Tri- churis trichiura and Hymenolepis nana in Mississippi. Am. J. Hyg., 1934, 20: 641-54.—Killingsworth, W. P. Diagnosis and treatment of-the common intestinal worms in children. Med. Rec, Houston, 1943, 37: 544-8.—Kouri, P., Basnuevo, J. G., & Arenas, R. De la presencia de huevos raros en heces fecales humanas. Vida nueva, Habana, 1934, 33: 105-13.— Leathers, W. S., Keller, A. E-, & McPhaul, W. A. The prev- alence, distribution and intensity of infestation of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichocephalus trichiura, Hymenolepis nana, Enterobius vermicularis and Hymenolepis diminuta in 56 counties of Florida. Am. J. Hyg., 1939, 29: Sect. D, 57-66 — Leonard, V. Hexylresorcinol in the treatment of ascaris and hookworm infestation. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 752-7.—Liebsch, W. Zu den Wurmknotchen im Rinderdarm; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Zsehr. Fleisch Milchhyg., 1933-34, 44: 265-8.—Monteiro de Barros, O. Sintomatologia nervosa das verminoses intestinaes. Med. cir. pharm., Rio, 1940, 358-68.—Musgrave, J. A. Intestinal worm parasites in relation to public health. Med. Off., Lond., 1935, 54: 245-7.—Onyszkiewicz, T. S. [Two cases of ileus verminosus] Polska gaz. lek., 1938, 17: 713.—Polese, R. Casi di singolare verminazione. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1836, 12: 75-9.— Raspail, F. V. Helminthogenose et carpogenose convulsive et epileptiforme, ou convulsions epileptiques provenant de Taction des vers intestinaux irrites par lusage immodete des fruits acres ou non encore murs; document relatif a 1'exercice legal et illegal de la medecine. Rev. compl. sc. appl. med., Par., 1855-56, 2: 197-9.—Roetti, C. Verminosi gastro-intestinale dei bovini. Vet. Bull., Lond., 1942, 12: 542 (Abstr.)—Roth, H. Untersuchungen uber die Haufigkeit des Vorkommens von Eingeweidewiirmern, speziell von Trichuris trichiura, bei Patienten der Kopenhagener Universitats-Kinderklinik. Acta paediat., Upps., 1936, 19: 104-22.—Soewadji [Intestinal worms] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1939, 79: 4028.—Tan- credi, F. Sindrfomes neuro-psico-anemicos ligados as verminoses intestinais. Rev. Ass. paul. med., 1941, 18: 128 (Abstr.)— VonderMuhll, R. Erfahrungen mit Antivermol in der Kinder- praxis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1930, 60: 299. ---- Hematoma. Lamy, M., & Font-Renaulx, P. de. Volumineux hematome de la paroi intestinale avec signes d'occlusion, chez un nourris- son; role eventuel d'injections salines intraperitoneales. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1937, 14: 521-5.—Rosendahl, C. [Spon- taneous hematoma of intestine; case] Med. rev., Bergen, 1930, 47: 110-3. ---- Hemorrhage. See also Feces, Blood; also under names of primary disease as Dysentery, amebic; Hemor- rhagic diathesis; Intestine, Cancer; Liver, Cir- rhosis; Peptic ulcer; Tuberculosis, intestinal; Typhoid fever, etc. Olivier, J. *L'ent6rorragie solitaire d'origine colique: contribution a I'etude des hemorragies intestinales cliniquement primitives. 104p. 8? Par., 1937. Bel Ion, J. G. F. E. Diagnostic etiologique des hemorragies intestinales cliniquement constatables et isoiees. Arch. nted. pharm. mil., Par., 1933, 98: 585-610.—Brown, P. W. Bleeding from the bowel. Illinois M. J., 1934, 66: 79-82.—Cain, A. Le diagnostic des grandes enterorragies primitives. Progr. med., Par., 1937, 992-5. ------& Olivier, J. L'enterorragie rouge solitaire d'origine colique. Presse med., 1937, 45: 1339-41.—Cantelmo, O. Le enterorragie post-operative (casi clinici) Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1928, 9: 30-8.—Chabe, A. Pyrexies et hemorragies intestinales. Presse med., 1940, 48: 502.—Chatard, J. A case of intestinal hemorrhage in pneumococcal infection; with clinical remarks. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 123: 453-5.—Christiansen, T. Hyperazotsemia in intraintestinal haemorrhage. Acta med. scand., 1936, Suppl. 78, 894-9 [Discussion] 914-6. ------ Biochemical changes in the organism produced by massive infra-intestinal hemorrhage. Rev. Gastroenter., 1937, 4: 166-80.—Coenaes, J. [Recurrent hemorrhages into the intestinal tract] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 943-5.—Cromie, D. Intramural intestinal haemor- rhage. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 480.—Deglos. Hemorragie in- testinale, signe teveiateur d'une hypertension arterielle mod6tee mais persistante. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1931, 29: 462-4 — Di Lorenzo, P. Considerazioni cliniche su due casi di enteror- ragia. Riv. med., 1933, 41: 1-4.—Dreyfus, I., & Sapet, M. Hemorragies intestinales d'origine dentaire. Rev. odont., Par 1933 54" 166-9.—DuBois & Montgomery. Blood in stools. Case Rep. Child. Mem Hosp. Chicago, 1943, 2: Np 3 8__Elzas, M. [Traumatic hemorrhage from intestines] Ned tschr geneesk., 1930, 74: pt 1, 2591-5.—Franklen-Evans, I. J. Papilledema and optic atrophy following intestinal haemorrhage. Lancet, Lond., 1931,1: 1027.—Hamilton, W. H. Significance of bleeding in lesions of the bowels. Rev. M. Progr. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1941, 8: 127.—Hill, R. V. Hemorrhage, traumatic, intestinal tract, U. S. A. Spica. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40: 742-5 — Hite, O. L. Intestinal bleeding. Virginia M. Month., 1937-38, 64: 94-9.—Jahier, H. A propos d'un cas d'hemorragie in- testinale intraovulaire. Bull. Soc gyn. obst. Paris, 1939, 28: 334-7.—Jelks, J. L. Causes of bleeding from the intestine. Memphis M. J., 1942, 17: 159.—Kriukov, A. N. [Hemorrhages in the intestinal tract] Klin, med., Moskva, 1938, 16: 1124- 36.—Kuhn, H. P. Obscure bowel hemorrhage. Month. Bull. Kansas Clin. Soc, 1934, 10: 10.—Lichtenstein, A. Onver- klaarde darmbloedingen. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1933, 77: pt 1, 502-9.-—Linthicum, G. M. Intestinal hemorrhage, its significance. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc. (1927) 1928, 28: 86-93.— Lund, H., & Elmby, A. Ueber das Reduktionsvermogen von Dehydroascorbinsaure bei Gesunden und bei Patienten mit chronisch-hamorrhagischen Darmerkrankungen. Klin. Wschr., 1938, 17: 805-7.—Mantha, L. L'enterorragie. Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 1297-301.—Meeteren, A. van [Triboulet's reaction] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 1139-43.—Merighi, F. Enterorragia precocissima consecutiva a chelotomia. Poli- clinico, 1935, 42: sez. prat., 1391-4.—Peralta Ramos, A., & Bonorino Udaondo, C. La apoplejfa intestinal durante el embarazo. Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: pt 1, 1-5.—Petre- quin, P. S. Les hemorragies intestinales. Strasbourg med., 1930, 90: 798-801.—Ramond, L. De Charybde en Scyla. Presse med., 1933, 41: 1275.—Ray. Haematemesis and melaena without discernible cause post-mortem perhaps due to gastro- staxis. Med. Sc Arch. Adelaide Hosp., 1932, 11: 5.—Rendle- man, W. H. The clinical significance of hemorrhage from the bowel. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 483-5.—Roux, J. C, Goiffon, R., & Waltz, J. Hemoporphyrine fecale et hemorragie occulte. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1933, 23: 326-31.—Tesoriere, A. Sulla patogenesi dell'iperazotemia nelle emorragie gastro- duodenali; contributo sperimentali. Arch. ital. chir., 1940, 59: 207-24.—Thorek, M. Oclusion mesenterica aguda; apoplejfa intestinal por shock de intolerancia. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1941, 20: 47-54.—Toschi, L. Tubercolosi polmonare ed enterorragia. Gazz. osp., 1931, 52: 1319-23.—Turbin, R. Sur les hemorragies intestinales. Progr. med., Par., 1926, 41: 1174—8.—Weber, H. Seltene Ursache einer todlichen Darm- blutung. Virchows Arch., 1932, 285: 46. ---- Hemorrhage: Treatment. Carusi, R. L'acido ascorbico nelle enterorragie. Minerva med., Tor., 1939, 30: pt 2, 85-8.—Dore, G. R. Enterorrhagies tepetees rebelles gueries par une injection unique de novarseno- benzol. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1926, 19: 903-5.—Eber- genyi, A. Ueber die Behandlung der okkulten Darmblutungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 719 (Abstr.)—Lowys, P. Traite- ment pratique de l'hemorragie intestinale. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1926, 40: 57.—Pollosson, Caillot & Perrin. A propos des hemorragies du gros intestin et de leur traitement par l'hemostatique Erce. Lyon chir., 1937, 34: 475-8. ---- Hemorrhage— in children. Bindschedler, J. J., & Schneegans, E. A propos de 2 cas d'hemorragie intestinale chez le nourrisson. Rev. fr. pediat., 1935, 11: 111-4.—Bonaba, J., & Prat, D. Hemorragie; in- testinal en un nino de siete alios; probable invaginaci6n frus- trada, reducida bajo la acci6n de la anestesia. Arch. Iat. amer. pediat., B. Air., 1926, 3. ser., 20: 406-10.—Bonar, B. E. Blood in the stools of the new-born. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1928, 36: 725-33.—Chandler, L. R. Intestinal bleeding in infants and children. California West. M., 1941, 55: 187-90 — Croswell, C. V. Intestinal bleeding in infants and children. Memphis M. J., 1942, 17: 143-6—Ebergenyi, A. Ueber die Bedeutung der verborgenen Darmblutungen bei Neugeborenen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1939-40, 81: 132-8.—Liege, R. Recentes acquisitions sur I'etiologie des hemorragies intestinales chez les enfants. Presse therm, clim., 1935, 76: 350-4.—Mendilaharzu, J. R., Bobillo, I. D., & de Durand, C. M. La enterorragia en el lactante. Dia med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1573-5.—Nadji Said. Contribution a I'etude des hemorragies intestinales au cours de la premiere enfance. Rev. fr. pediat., 1930, 6: 734-46.— Nobecourt, P., Lifege, R., & Grodnitsky. Hemorragies in- testinales et dyscrasie sanguine chez un garcon de 9 ans et demi. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1933, 31: 324-8.—Portela, J. R. Observaciones sobre un caso de discrasia hemortegica de origen nutricional. Bol. Soc cubana pediat., 1941, 13: 225-33.— Rinaldini, G. Contributo alio studio dell emorragie intestinali da causa poco nota nell'infanzia. Pediat. prat., Mod., 1932, 9: 139-45.—Scharmann, B. Drei Falle von Magen-Darmblutun- gen bei Sauglingen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 659. ---- Hemorrhage—in children: Melena. Grob, M. *Blutuntersuchungen bei Melaena neonatorum [Zurich] p.748-87. 8? Lpz., 1928. Also Zsehr. Kinderh., 1926, 46: Lawrynowicz, F. von. *Ueber Melaena neonatorum und ihre Behandlung. 61p. 8° Basel, 1909. INTESTINE 440 INTESTINE Meyburg, G. *Ueber Melaena neonatorum [Miinster] 29p. 22cm. Walldorf, 1936. Rames, C. *Le melaena vrai k debut intra- uterin [Lyon] 35p. 8? Bourg, 1935. Rosenberg, E. *Ueber Melaena neonatorum mit einem eigenen Fall von todlicher parenchy- matoser Blutung aus der Rachentonsille. 22p. 8? Heidelb., 1930. Rudel, H. *Ueber die Melaena neonatorum. 47p. 8? Heidelb., 1933. Stange, C. *Beitrag zum Krankheitsbild der Melaena neonatorum [Heidelberg] 19p. 21cm. Zeulenroda, 1937. Stosiek, H. *Ueber Melaena neonatorum. 19p. 8? Bresl., 1936. Wirz, W. *Zur Aetiologie der Melaena neonatorum. 31p. 22}4cm. Zur., 1941. Wcerfele, E. W. *Zur Klinik und Therapie der Melaena neonatorum [Zurich] 30p. 8" S. Georgen (Schwarzwald) 1932. Abdala, J. R., & Pellerano, J. C Sobre melena del recien nacido. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 2, 859.—Anderson, R. Haematemesis and melaena. Brit. M. J., 1936, 1: 444.— Arnold, J. O. Melena neonatorum. Med. World, 1943, 61: 166.—Bansaillon, E. Melaena et hematentese graves du nou- veau-ne; transfusion dans les veines superficielles du pli du coude; guerison. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1933, 22: 74.— Barraud, G. Traitement du melena du nouveau-ne. J. med. Paris, 1927, 46: 335-7. Also Med. inf., Par., 1927, 33: 67-78.— Bastman, L. Ulcus ventriculi perforatum mit Melaenasympto- men infolge von Magendrehung und Zwerchfellanomalie beim Neugeborenen. Acta paediat., Upps., 1941, 28: 314-21.— Bayer, W. Zur Therapie der Melaena neonatorum; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Darmpassagezeit beim Neugeborenen. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 269.—Berkman, J. M. Clinical significance of melena. Minnesota M., 1932, 15: 469-71.—Bettinotti, S. I., & Larguia Escobar, C. Melena de recien nacido tratada por trasfusi6n de sangre. Prensa med. argent., 1927, 14: 406-8. Also Rev. espec, B. Air., 1927, 2: 481-6.—Bonar, B. E. Blood in the stools of the new-born. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936, 51: 255-72.—Brochier, A., & Boulez, N. Un nouveau cas de melena intra-uterin. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1936, 25: 719.—Brochier, A., & Magnin, P. Le vrai meloena a debut intra-uterin. Gyn. obst., Par., 1938, 38: 33-40.—Campanacci, D. Una strana melena e la sua cura. Minerva med., Tor., 1938, 29: pt 2, 37-41.—Carreno, C, & Seoane, M. Melena del recien nacido. Arch. amer. med., B. Air., 1935, 11: 192- 7.—Catel. Zwei Falle von Melaena. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1536. Also Munch, med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1258.— Debdas, N. G. Can rheumatic fever cause melaena? Ind. J. Pediat., 1939, 6: 57-61.—Ebergenyi, S. [Importance of intestinal hemorrhage in the new-born] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1939, 37: 813-6.—Fazio, F. A. Melena neonatorum. Sem. med., B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 2, 781.—Franke, U. Bei- trag zur Melaena spuria. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 993.— Fruhinsholz & Richon, J. Un cas de melena intra-uterin. Bull. Soc. gyn. obst. Paris, 1939, 28: 263. Also Nourris- son, 1939, 27: 289.-—Gambirassi, A. C. Melena en un re- cien nacido; transfusion y vitamina K. Sem. med., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 2, 1375.—Gellein, P. [Melaena and occult in- testinal hemorrhage in the new-born] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1929, 90: 1285-313.—Gregory, H. H. C. Two cases of melaena caused by innocent growths of the small intestine. Brit. J. Child. Dis., 1932, 29: 197.—Hammar, S. [Melaena neonatorum idiopathica] Sven. lak. tidn., 1936, 33: 1109-15.—Hergt, W. Ueber das Vorkommen von Gasbacillen bei Melaena neona- torum. Mschr. Kinderh., 1926, 32: 515-20.—Herlihy, J. D. Immediate feeding in haematemesis and melena; a review after 12 months' trial. Med. J. Australia, 1938, 2: 996-8 — Hirano, Y. A statistical study of melena neonatorum in Japan. Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1932, 12: 11.—Hollander-Pilpel, R. Zur Therapie der Melaena neonatorum vera. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 589.—Holman, J. E. Melena neonatorum and pre-natal prevention of potential hemorrhagic disease of the new-born. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. Q., 1929-30, 21: 150-2 — Honecker. L. Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Melaena neona- torum. Zbl. Gyn., 1932, 56: 2609-12.—Irle & Schoeneck. Heilung eines Kindes mit Melaena neonatorum durch Ront- genbestrahlung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1478.— Keczan, L. [Gastric and intestinal hemorrhages in the new- born] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1939, 37: 341-4.—Kepila, A., & Leppo, E. Ueber das Vorkommen von Melaena neonatorum in Finnland und ihre Beziehung zu gewissen Infektionskrank- heiten. Acta paediat., Upps., 1937, 21: 208-23.—Ladd, W. E. The surgical significance of melena in childhood. N. England J. M., 1937, 217: 649-53.—Lauffs, P. Zur Diagnostik und Aetiologie der Melaena intrauterina vera. Zbl. Gyn., 1934, 58: 113-6.—Leffkowitz, A. Ein Fall von Melaena neona- torum. Mschr. Kinderh., 1932, 53: 209.—Little, H. The significance of melaena in children. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1939, 41: 575-80.—Melena de los recien nacidos. Dfa med., B. Air., 1942, 14: 214.—Miigel, G. Beitrag zur Melaena neonatorum. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1170.—Nedelmann, E. Gasbazilleninfek- tion unter dem Bilde der Melaena neonatorum. Arch. Kinderh., 1927, 81: 6-11.—Philipp. Kind mit Melaena spuria, bedingt durch eine intra graviditatem entstandene subamniale Blutung. Zsehr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1927, 91: 173-5.—Putzu Doneddu, F. Contributo clinico ed anatomo-patologico alio studio della melena dei neonati. Monit. ostet. gin., 1937, 8: 503-18.— Rabau, E. Zur Behandlung der Melaena neonatorum. Thor. Gegenwart, 1930, 71: 494.—Rabinowitsch, E. Melaena neona- torum and its treatment. Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1939, 16: No. 4, 2.—Rech, W. Ein Fall von Melaena vera mit intr:m- terinem Beginn. Zbl. Gyn., 1933, 57: 2313.—Rolando, F. La torsione del peduncolo mesenteriale in un caso di melena dei neonati. Pediatria (Riv.) 1927, 35: 848-50.—Schiff, L., & Stevens, R. J. Elevation of urea nitrogen content of the blood following hematemesis or melena. Arch. Int. M., 1939, 64: 1239-51.—Schi0dt, E. [Attempt to promote blood regenera- tion after hematemesis or melena] Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: Suppl., 180-7.—Smith, L. H. Blood in the stools of the new- born; an unexplained symptom. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1935, 49: 1177-9.—Steinert, R. Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Melaena neonatorum ulcerosa. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1927, 43: 188-92.— Struchkov, V. I. [Treatment of melaena neonatorum vera] Sovet. med., 1941, 5: No. 4, 24. ------ & Petrova, T. G. [On the treatment of melaena neonatorum] Ibid., 1936, No. 4, 107.—Surin, N. E. [Blood transfusion in melaena neonatorum vera] Vest, khir., 1940, 59: 560-2.—Waddell, W. W., jr, & Guerry, D. The role of vitamin K in the etiology, prevention, and treatment of hemorrhage in the newborn infant. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1939, 15: 802-11.—Weill-Halle, P., de Gaudard d'AHaines & Papaioannou, A. Hematemgse et melaena chez un enfant de 9 ans; spienomegalie ancienne; arret des hemorragies apres splenectomie. Bull. Acad. med. h6p. Paris, 1937, 3. ser., 53: 1481-6— Wetterdal, P. Treat- ment of melena vera idiopathica neonatorum. Acta obst. gyn. scand., 1925-26, 4: 337-46—Winkler, H. Zur Patho- genese der Melaena neonatorum. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1938, 85:476. ------ Die Blutdurchlassigkeit des intakten Neuge- borenendarms und ihre medikamentose Beeinflussung, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Therapie der Melaena neonatorum. Zsehr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1939, 119: 195-209.—Wirth. Nach Trans- fusion geheilte Melaena vera. Verh. ungar. arztl. Ges., 1934, 6: 18. Also Orv. hetil., 1934, 78: mell., 205.—Witts, L. J. Haematemesis and melaena. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 847-52. ---- Hernia. See Hernia. ---- Histology and cytology. Ehrlich, R. *Die physiologische Degenera- tion der Epithelzellen des Ascarisdarmes; ein Beitrag zur Zellpathologie [Miinchen] p.81- 123. 8? Lpz., 1909. Fayad, M. H. *Etude anatomo-microscopique de l'intestin chez les jumeaux. 31p. 23cm. Lausanne, 1939. Patzelt, V. Der Darm. 448p. 4? Berl., 1936. In Handb. mikr. Anat. Mensch. (Mollendorff, W. v.) 1936, 5: 3. T., 1-448. Pessin, S. B. *A study of the entero-chromo- argentaffine cells [Milwaukee Co. Hosp.] 39p. 4? Wauwatosa, 1929. Argeseanu, S., & May, R. M. Etudes differentielles sur la cellule embryonnaire et adulte; evolution des constituants cytoplasmiques des cellules de l'6pith£lium intestinal du poulet, Gallus domesticus. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1938, 34: 441-8.— Arima, J. Die zytologischen Untersuchungen der Baucheinge- weide bei den Embryonen; die Studien iiber den Darm. Fol. anat. jap., 1927, 5: 377-97.—Athanassopoulos, G. Struttura microscopica dell'intestino dei Teleostei. Arch. zool. ital., 1931, 16: 780-3.—Baecker, R. Die oxyphilen (Panethschen) Kornchenzellen im Darmepithel der Wirbeltiere. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 3. Abt., 1934, 31: 708-55.—Ballantyne, E. N. Differ- entiation of plasma cells from mast cells in the intestinal mucosa of the white rat. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 21: 195-9.—Boerner- Patzelt, D. Ueber den Einfluss der Fixierung auf die Farb- barkeit der Panethschen Kornerzellen bei der Maus. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1934-35, 22: 596-606. ------ Ueber die Eigen- schaften und die Bedeutung der Pahethschen Kornerzellen in der Tierreihe. Ibid., 1936, 24: 641-61, pl.—Chung, I. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der morphologischen Studien fiber die soge- nannten gelben Zellen im Darmkanal. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1934, 24: 31-4. ------ Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung der gelben Zellen im Darm. Ibid., 52.—Citterio, V. Cellule enterocromaffini e cellule di Paneth nell'intestino di Cercoebus lunulatus. Monit. zool. ital., 1929, 40: 136-9.—Clara, M. Le cellule basigranulose: un contributo alia conoscenza della composizione dell'epitelio intestinale nei vertebrati superiori (uccelli e mammiferi) Arch. ital. anat., 1928, 25: 1—46, pl. ------ Untersuchungen fiber die chemische Natur der Korn- chen in den basalgekornten Zellen des Darmepithels bei den Sauropsiden. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1932, 98: 516. ------ Ueber die basalgekornten Zellen des Darmepithels bei den Amphibien; nach Untersuchungen an Salamandra maculosa INTESTINE 441 INTESTINE Laur. Ibid.., 1933, 100: 76-89. Die basalgekornten Zellen im Darmepithel der Wirbeltiere. Ibid., 3. Abt., Berl., 1933, 30: 240-340. ------ Ueber die spezifische Farbung der Kornchen in den basalgekornten Zellen des Darmepithels durch die Molybdanhamatoxyline. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1933, 18: 435-58. ------ Untersuchungen fiber die spezifische Farbung der Kornchen in den basalgekornten Zellen des Darmepithels durch Beizenfarbstoffe; Beitrag zur Theorie der Hamatoxylinfarbungen. Ibid., 1934-35, 22: 318-52. ------ Ueber die Histophysiologie der basalgekornten Zellen im Darmepithel. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1937, 44: 92-6. ------ & Canal, F. Histochemische Untersuchungen an den Kornchen in den basalgekornten Zellen des Darmepithels. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1932, 15: 801.—Cordier, R. Recherches mor- phologiques et experimentales sur la cellule chromo-argentaffine de l'epitheiium intestinal des vertebtes. Arch, biol., Par., 1926, 36: 427-63, 2 pl. ------ & Lison, L. Etude histo- chimique de la substance chromo-argentaffine de la cellule de Kultschitzky. Bull, histol. appl., Par., 1930, 7: 140-8 — Domesco, G. T., & Valverde, R. E. La cellule muqueuse intestinale du rat blanc C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 103: 684-6 — Eros, G. Ueber die Bedeutung der argentaffinen Zellen. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1930, 40: 155-60. Also Magy. orv. arch., 1931, 32: 459-66.—Friedmann, I. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der basalgekornten, gelben Zellen des Darmtraktes beim Menschen. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1934, 36: 99- 136.—Gajewska, H. Ueber den mikroskopischen Bau des Mitteldarms von Mesidothea entomon L. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1937, ser. B, 2: 353-68, pl.—Goldner, J. Le probleme de la regeneration de l'epitheiium intestinal. Bull, histol. appl., Par., 1929, 6: 79-95.—Hanasawa, K. Morphologische Forschungen fiber das Schleimhautepithel des Darmkanals; der Golgi'sche Binnenapparat des Schleim- hautepithels des Darmkanals im physiologischen Zustande bei Tieren. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1932, 22: 429-34.—Hertzog, A. J. The Paneth cell. Am. J. Path., 1937, 13: 351-60, pl—Hintz- sche, E., & Anderegg, P. Die Panethschen Zellen der Sauge- tiere und das Problem ihrer biologischen Deutung. Bio- morphosis, Basel, 1938, 1: 96-108.—Ishida, J. Ciliated in- testinal epithelium in teleost. Annot. zool. jap., 1935, 15: 158-60.—Kato, K. On the intestinal epithelium of Nomeus gronovii. Ibid., 190-3.—Kato, S. Ueber den feineren Bau der gelben Zellen in der Darmschleimhaut des Menschen. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1941, 9: Proc Anat., 57.—Kawamura, T. Supple- ment of the views on the secretion granules of the Paneth's cells. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1928, 40: 1163, pl. ------ Ueber die Verteilung der Paneth'schen Zellen in jeden Abschnit- ten des Dunndarms bei einigen Nagern. Ibid., 2612.—Khlop- kov, A. Einige neue Daten zur Frage von der Struktur der Schlussleisten und Becherzellen des Darmepithels bei Sauge- tieren. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1928, 7: 502-12.—Lanusse Crousse. Documents concernant les modifications monttees par les cellules intestinales, au moment de la naissance chez les mammi- teres. Bull, histol. appl., Par., 1928, 5: 79-83.—Merkel, J. Beitrage zur mikroskopischen Anatomie des Darmes vom Fuchs (Canis vulpes) Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1926, 34: 560.—Mois, G. Recherches cytologiques et experimentales sur les cellules de Paneth (souris) Arch, biol., Par., 1930, 40: 111-50, 3 pl.—Miinch, H. Ueber Menge und Verteilung der basalgekornten Zellen im Darm der weissen Ratte. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1939, 45: 244-54.—Patane, L. Sulla struttura dell'epitelio mesointestinale di Percellio laevis. L. Arch, zool., Tor., 1931-32, 17: 257.—Penners, A. Die Onto- genese des entodermalen Darmepithels bei limicolen Oligo- chaten. Zsehr. wiss. Zool., 1934, 145: 497-506.—Pessin, S. B. The enterochromo-argentaffin cells. Arch. Path., Chic, 1931, 11: 171-89.—Policard, A. Documents d'histologie quantita- tive concernant le gros intestin. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1939, 16: 261.—Schlottke, E. Unterschiede in der Entwicklung des phagozytierenden und des resorbierenden Darmepithels. Biol. Zbl., 1934, 54: 51-64. ------ Histologische Beobach- tungen am Darmkanal von Limulus und Vergleich seines Zwischengewebes mit dem von Spinnen. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1934, 35: 57-70.—Schumann, G. Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die basalgekornten Zellen im Darm- epithel des Meerschweinchens. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1936, 24: 540-51. ------ Untersuchungen fiber das Verhalten der basalgekornten Zellen im Darm des Meerschweinchens in Abhangigkeit vom Lebensalter, Geschlecht und Trachtigkeit. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1939, 45: 233-43.—Semichon, L. Sur le tissu conjonctif de l'intestin chez certains lamellibranches. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 97: 1529.—Shinoda, O. Contribu- tions to the knowledge of intestinal secretion in insects; a comparative histocytology of the mid-intestine in various orders of insects. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1927, 5: 278-92 — Simard, L. C, & Van Campenhout, E. The embryonic develop- ment of argentaffin cells in the chick intestine. Anat. Rec, 1932, 53: 141-59.—Stenqvist, H. Die Zellenwanderung durch das Darmepithel. Anat. Anz., 1934, 78: 68-79.—Storti. R. Contributo alia conoscenza dei leucociti a zolle deU'intestino. Haematologica (Arch.) Pavia, 1937, 18: 1031-42>.— Vialli, M. Ricerche suH'intestino dei rettih; l'epiteho intestinale. Arch. biol., Par., 1929, 39: 527-81, pl—Williams, M. A. Mito- chondria in the intestinal epithelial cells of starved and fed salamanders. Anat. Rec, 1943, 85: 195-209, 2 pl. ---- Immunization. Torikata, R., & Shakudo, M. Experimentelle Erforschung Uber die Immunisierung des Darmtraktus. Zsehr. Immun- forsch., 1936, 88: 227-40.—Zabolotny, D. Ueber den Me- chanismus der Darmimmunisierung. Seuchenbekampfung, 1926, 3: 110-4. Incarceration. See Intestine, Strangulation. — Infarction. — Ileus. See Ileus. See also subheading (Bloodvessels: Disease) also Mesentery. _ Farah, J. *L'infarctus hemorragique de l'intestin (ten observations inedites) 193p. 8? Par., 1929. Gouttenegre, J. *Notions actuelles sur la pathogenie et le traitement de l'infarctus intes- tinal. 61p. 25cm. Bord., 1938. Simon, J. *Infarctus intestinal d'origine herniaire. 54p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Ameline, A. Sur les renseignements fournis par la percus- sion de l'abdomen dans l'infarctus intestinal. Presse med., 1933, 41: 1729.—Bachy, G. Sur les infarctus de l'intestin et du mesentere par choc d'intolerance. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 184-6.—Barroux, R., & GouttenSgre, J. Modi- fications sanguines dans les infarctus visceraux. J. med. Bordeaux, 1939, 116: pt 1, 526-8.—Broglio. Due casi di infarto intestinale. Riforma med., 1926, 42: 63.-—Castellano, G. Infarto dell'intestino complicante ulcera gastrica perforata. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. chir., 175-82.—Cazzola, A. Del- l'infarto intestinale. Ann. ital. chir., 1939, 18: 235-48.— Clavel, C, & Melnotte, V. Valeur semeiologique de l'ente- rorragie dans l'infarctus intestinal. Presse med., 1932, 40: 1190.—Contiades, X. J., Palmer, R., & Ungar, G. Mecanisme neuro-humoral histaminique de l'infarctus intestinal. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1935, 44: 232-42.—Couvelaire, R., & Delinotte, P. Essai de classification des infarctus de l'intestin. J. med. chir., Par., 1938, 109: 465-71.—De Blasi, A. Occlusione dei vasi mesenterici ed infarto intestinale. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1937, 47: 95; 137; 247.—Del Campo, J. C, & Lasnier, E. P. Infarto intestinal a evoluci6n subaguda. Arch. urug. med., 1938, 12: 546-71.—Denechau, D. Infarctus de l'intes- tin; essai de mise au point de la question envisagee surtout au point de vue medical a 1'occasion de 6 observations inedites. Bull, med., Par., 1933, 47: 645-55.—Diamant-Berger. Une observation d'infarctus intestinal. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1938, 30: 6-9.—Dieulafe, R. Contribution k la pathogenie de l'infarctus intestinal segmentaire. Paris med., 1935, 95: 599-606.—Di Paola, G. Formas quirurgicas del infarto intes- tinal. Dfa med., B. Air., 1931-32, 4: 977.—Ferrari, R. C. Sobre infarto intestinal en una hernia estrangulada. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 437-9.—Fontaine, R., & Kunlin, J. Infarctus intestinal et etranglement herniaire. Presse med., 1936, 44: 1015-7.—Fourmestraux, J. de. L'infarctus de l'intestin sans obliteration vasculaire. Bruxelles med., 1934-35, 15: 487-90.—Galvao, L. Enfarte intestinal. Rev. brasil. cir., 1939, 8: 485-96.—Gautier, J. Infarctus intestinal; examen radiologique et traitement medical. Mem. Acad. chir., Par., 1936, 62: 292-5.—Gherasim, M. [Mesentero- intestinal infarct, caused by intolerance shock] Romania med., 1938, 16: 118.—Ginglinger, A. Un cas d'infarctus intestinal au huiti&me mois de la grossesse. Gyn. obst., Par., 1934, 29: 538-41.—Giordano, F. P.. & Pierini, E. A. Infarto intestinal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1937, 44: pt 2, 32-4.—Gosset, A. Fin de la discussion sur l'infarctus hemorragique de l'in- testin. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1931, 57: 1682^.—Gosset, J., & Patel, J. Contribution a I'etude de l'infarctus de l'intestin. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1939, 29: 305-12.—GrSgoire, R. Infarctus de l'intestin. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 1394-9; 1935, 61: 634-9. ------ Infarctus de l'intestin par choc d'intolerance. J. chir., Par., 1936, 48: 305-27. ------ Les infarctus de l'intestin dits inexpliques. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1936, 1: 571-7. ------ A propos de l'infarctus intestinal. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 62: 1254-7. ------ Pathogenie des infarctus visceraux; infarctus de l'intestin. Ibid., 1937, 63: 930-4.—Gr0nn, R. [Two cases of vascular mesenteric occlusion with hemorrhagic intestinal infarct; cured by operation] Nord. med., 1940, 5: 394-6.—Guccione, F Infarti multipli dell'intestino e bronchiolite obliterante. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1933, 4: 37-67.—Hernandez, R. V. A prop6sito de infarto intestinal de tipo venoso. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1941, 20: 420.—Hortolomei, N.. & Burghele, T. [Intestinal infarct, cured by means of adrenalin therapy] Rev chir., Bucur., 1937, 40: 347-51. ------ Darminfarkte durch Into! eranz-Schock-Wirkung. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 85_91 —Isler, W. Zur Diagnose des Darminfarktes. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 1199-201.—Laufman, H. The effect of heparin on the behavior of infarction of the intestine; an experimental study. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74: 479-82.— Leriche, R. Sur l'infarctus intestinal. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir 1935, 44: 181-210.—LeSage, J. Infarctus intestinal. Union med. Canada, 1941, 70: 739-43.—Loeffler, L. Genesis of intestinal infarction following embolization of the superior INTESTINE 442 INTESTINE mesenteric artery. Arch. Path., Chic, 1936, 22: 755-02.— Miignant, J. S. Syndrome d'infarctus de l'intestin tnute par injection d'adtenaline, sans laparotomie; guerison. Bordeaux chir., 1937, 8: 216 20. ----■— Sur un cas d'infarctus intestinai gueri sans intervention par injection d'adu'naline. J. med. Bordeaux, 1937, 114: 193.—Masmonteil, F., & Vautier. J. A propos d'une observation d'infarctus intestinal. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris. 1939, 31: 34-42.—Massion, Bastin & Ferond- Chapeauville. A propos de 3 observations d'infarctus intes- tinal. Bruxelles med., 1934-35, 15: 475.—Mazzarelli, M. In- farto intestinale. Riforma med., 1934, 50: 1805-14.-—Meu- rinne, R. Infarto intestinal. Rev. med. Rosario, 1936, 10: 32- 6.—Moulonguet. P. Infarctus hemorragiques de l'intestin. Rev. crit. path., Par., 1932, 3: 241-50. Also Rev. med. fr., 1932, 13: 145. ------ A propos des infarctus intestinaux sans lesions vasculaires. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 866-8.—Moure, P. A propos de l'infarctus intestinal. Ibid., 1931, 57: 1513.— Patel, J., A: Gosset, J. Remarques sur la maladie dite infarctus de l'intestin. J. chir., Par., 1935, 45: 396-403.—Patel, J., & Porcher, P. Le diagnostic radiologique de l'infarctus intestinal. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1942, 67: 90 (Abstr.)—Pellegrini, A. Infarto dell'intestino. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1937, 43: 908-11.— Penin, R. P. Infarto intestinal de tipo venoso. Bol. Acad. argent, cir., 1940, 24: 404-28.—Popescu, A., & Constantinesco, P. Vn cas d'infarctus de l'intestin; resection de 1.55 mtr. d'intpstin; guerison. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1940, 43: 393-6 — Silhol, P. L'infarctus intestinal. Marseille med., 1931, 68: 49-80.—Sole. Infarto intestinal. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 479—Tejerina Fotheringham, W., Manzoni, A., & Cagliolo, F. La participaci6n del simpAtico abdominal en el infarto intestinal por intolerancia. Ibid., 537-48. Also Rev. As. med. argent., 1938, 52: 759-63. ------ Infarto intestino-mesenterico inexplicado. Sem. med., B. Air., 1938, 45: pt 1, 405-70.—Teleman, L. Un cas d'infarctus intestinal et renal avec survie. Hull. Soe. med. h6p. Bucarest, 1934, 16: 100-4.—Uhlik, F. [Case of intestinal infarct with spontaneous cure] Cas. 16k. Cesk., 1939, 78: 441-5.—Ungar, G., Contiades, X. J., & Palmer, R. G. Liberation de substances histaminiques dans les infarctus de l'intestin. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 120: 326-8. ---- Infection. See also subheadings (Bacteria, pathogenic; Disinfection; Toxemia) also under proper names of intestinal infections as Anthrax, intestinal; Cholera; Colon bacillus, Infection; Dysentery, bacillary; Typhoid fever, etc. Cumpston, J. H. L., & McCallum, F. The history of the intestinal infections (and typhus fever) in Australia, 1788-1923. 738p. 8? Melb., 1927. Havens, L. C. Bacteriology of typhoid, Salmonella, and dysentery infections and carrier states. 158p. 8? N. Y., 1935. Abt, I. A. Food disturbances and intestinal infections in infancy. Diet. Admin. Ther., 1926, 4: 415-21.—Arnold, L. Host susceptibilitv to typhoid, dysentery, food poisoning and diarrhea. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 89: 789-91. ------ Recent advances in the epidemiology of intestinal diseases. Illinois M. J., 1931, 59: 445-9.—Bacillary incitants of enteric disease. Annual Rep. Div. Lab. N. York State Dep. Health, 1937, 46-8.—Berger, H. Auftreten und Prophylaxe der Darmin- fektionskrankheiten in den offentlichen Irrenanstalten Preus- sens seit dem Kriegsende. Veroff. Medverwalt., 1930-31, 33: 57-156.—Berkovich, I. M. [Significance of intestinal infection in so-called toxic dyspepsia] Pediatria, Moskva, 1942, No. 5, 16-24.—Bernardo, F. A. F. Enteric fever. Abstr. Papers Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1927, 7. Congr.,-2.—Boriu. S. I., & Ferdinand. J. M. [Rats as carriers of human intestinal infections] Bull. Hys., Lond., 1942, 17: 617 (Abstr.)—Brok- man, H., & Kolago, J. Epidemie d'infections intestinales avec bacteriemie et toxemie chez des enfants de moins de deux and pendant l'ete 1927 a Varsovie. Rev. fr. pediat., 1929, 5: 315-33. Also Trav. sc. Clin. inf. Univ. Varsovie, 1930, 389-407.—Buinewitsch, K. Ueber einige Erkrankungen als Folge der Tierinfektion (aus klinischen Beobachtungen) Wien. klin. Wschr., 1939, 52: 613-7.—Bychkov-Oreshnikov, V. A. [Microflora of flies of certain camps as possible means of spreading intestinal affections] Tr. Acad. mil. med. Kiroff, 1934, 1: 393-400.—Carl, E., & Orfila, H. C. Septico-pioemia a localizacion poco frecuente. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 1, 404.—Chernomordik, A. B. [On the role of B. morgani I in the etiology of intestinal diseases] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1940, No. 9, 65-7.—Ciaudo, P. Enterocoques, streptocoques et fievre intestinale. Marseille med., 1934, 71: 573-7.— Congr&s de la colibacillose, des infections et intoxications d'ori- gine intestinale. Presse med., 1934, 42: 1721.—D'Herelle, F., Malone. R. H., & Lahiri, M. N. The pathology and epidemi- ology of infectious diseases of the intestinal tract and of cholera in particular. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M. (1927) l'.'-'H. 7. Congr. pt 2, 284-7.—Dysentery, diarrhoea, colitis and amoebic hepatitis (Colonial medical reports, India) J. Tiop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1939, 42: Suppl., 33.—Enteric (The) group of fevers; definition; etiology; prevalence. Annual Rep. Chief M. Off. Min. Health, Lond. (1938) 1939, 43-6.—Felsen, J. The newer concepts of intestinal infection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939. 112: 46-9. -Gilbert, R. Bacillary incitants of enteric diseaso. In Annual Rep. Div. Lab. N. York Dep. Health, 1935, 53; 1938, 32. Giovanardi, A. Ricerche suH'origine intestinale di alcune infezioni acute (infezioni tifoidee e carbonchio) Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1928, 100: 232-5; 1929, 101: 318-55; 1930, 102: 251-61. -Giudetti. C. Le febbri paratifo.-iniili del Castellani da B. columbensis e da B. asiaticus nei nostro impero. Riforma med., 1937, 53: 1263-9.—Green, R. Enteric fevers. Annual Rep. Inst. M. Res., Kuala Lumpur (1936) 1937, 11-5.—Hassmann, K. Zur Frage dor bakteriellen Aetiologie enteraler Storungen im Sauglings- und spatcren Kindesalter. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 904-9.—Herrmann, W. Die akuten infektiosen Darmkrankheiten (Typhus, Paratyphus, Ruhr, Gastroenteritis) Erg. ges. Med., 1936, 21: 239-74.—Hoder, F. Epidemiologie der infektiosen Darm- krankheiten. Fortsch. Med., 1934, 52: 809-14.—Howell, K. M. Incidence of amebiasis, tvphoid, and Hvsentery in a Chicago Hospital. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1938^ 12: 193-6.— Intestinal disease outbreaks in U. S. and Canada. Engin. News Rec, 1942, 128: 417.—[Intestinal infections] In Otchet nauch. deiat. (Vsesoiuz. inst. eksp. med.) Moskva, 1940, 51.— Intestinal infections in war-time. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 515.—Kisskalt, K. _ Die Disposition des Darmes zu bakteriel- len Erkrankungen in Abhangigkeit von Bakterienzahl und Schiidigungsdosis. Arch. Hyg., Berl., 1929, 101: 205-21.— Kligler, I. J. Influence of climate on susceptibility to enteric infections. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1935-36, 29: 531-46.—Kolago, J. [Bacteriologie studies of intestinal infections with characteristic clinical course and bacteriemia in children under 2 years] Med. d6sw., 1929, 9: 371-82.— McBroom, J. Paratyphoid, proteus and related organisms in health and in miscellaneous intestinal disorders of man. J. Prev. Med., 1930, 4: 239-50.—McDonagh, J. E. R. The part played by bacteria in the large intestine in causing epidemics. Clin. M. & S., 1933, 40: 139-44.—Mackie, T. T. Infections and infestations; intestinal infections. In I'rev. Med. Modern Pract. (J. A. Miller) N. Y., 1942, 224-47.— Marmo, A. Su alcune febbri intestinali poco note nelle nostre colonie dell'Africa orientale. Gior. med. mil., 1935, 83: 527-40.—Orenstein, A. J. Enteric fever in the Rand mines. S. Afr. M. J., 1937, 11: 401.—Patek, A. J. Enteroid infection, a study of 5 cases. Wisconsin M. J., 1926, 25: 330-3.— Perry, H. M., & Bensted, H. J. Investigations in Egypt of some acute bacillary intestinal infections. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1928-29, 22: 511-22.—Peruzzi, M. Sull'etio- logia delle febbri enteroidi, dissenterie e diarree di Alessandria d'Egitto. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1931, 37: pt 2, 572-91.— Pribram, E. Die Bedeutung des Kohlehydrat- und Eiweiss- Stoffwechsels der Darmbakterien fiir die Aetiologie, Prognose, Therapie und Epidemiologie der infektiosen Darmkrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 1369.—RaSka, K. Alimentary infections] Voj. zdrav. listy, 1936, 12: 110-20.—Rouslacroix, A., & Brahic, J. Septicemie chronique a colibacilles et entero- coques d'origine intestinale. Marseille med., 1941, 78: pt 1, 603-8— Sailer, J., Laws, G. M., & Eiman, J. Fatal infection of the intestines with Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Am. J. M. Sc, 1929, 178: 309-15, 3 pl.—Sampson, B. F. Bacteriological aspects of enteric in South Africa. S. Afr. M. J., 1937, 11: 397-400.—Sanarelli, G. Sui meccanismo patogenetico delle infezioni intestinali. Ann. d'igiene, 1926, 36: 285-306.— Satterlee, G. R. Chronic intestinal infections; non-ulcerative types. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc, 1925-26, 26: 37-44. Also N. York State J. M., 1926, 26: 92-6.—Sobolev, V. G., & Bulgakov, N. I. [Relation of intestinal epidemics to the state of water supply in populated districts] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 5, 212-20.— Tarasova, A. P. [On the significance of B. morgani I in intestinal infections] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1939, No. 6, 31-5.— Teale, F. H. Experiments on the portal of entry of bacteria and the production of intestinal infection. J. Path. Bact., Cambr., 1934, 39: 391-407.—Tissier, H. Contribution a I'etude des infections intestinales: le Bacillus bookeri. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1920, 34: 684-9.—Tutaeva, A. I., Monosova, S. M., & Popov, A. V. [Bacteriology of intestinal diseases in the Minusinsk district of the Krasnoiarsk region in 1938] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1941, No. 5, 190.—Willcox, S. W. Intestinal infections in relation to personal health and disease. J. State M., Lond., 1927, 35: 311-23.—Worms, G., & Sourdille, G. Complications oculaires des enteropathies &germes specifiques; colibacille, enterocoque, bacille dysenterique. Arch, opht., Par., 1928, 45: 737-8.—Zeitz, Z. R., & Shtriter, V. A. [Clinical course and bacteriology of acute intestinal diseases] Vrach, gaz., 1930, 34: 517-21. ---- Infection: Diagnosis. Cade, A., & Milhaud, M. Les enterorragies au cours de la bacillose intestinale (valeur semeiologique, specialement dans les formes frustes ou initiales) J. med. Lyon, 1932, 13: 493.— Enteric (The) group of fevers; symptomatology; diagnosis. Ibid., 46--52.— Giacobini, G. Temperature de type inverse dans les infections intestinales k coli-bacilles. Gaz. hop., 1926, 99: 1061.—Gilbert, R., & Coleman, M. B. Practical limitations in the attempt to control enteric disease by the examination of specimens collected without regard to clinical history or epidemiological evidence. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1934, 24: 192.—Hayes, W. D., & Robinson, R. Routine laboratory examinations for typhoid fever and dysentery organ- isms. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1939, 32: 449.—Izralimsky, A. S. [Acceleration and unification of mass bacteriological examina- INTESTINE 443 INTESTINE tions in intestinal infections] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 8, 79-84.—McDonagh, J. E. R. Diarrhoea and vomiting. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 173.—Mostafa Omar Bey. The bacteriological diagnosis of enterica. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1931, 14: 485-9.— Pretet, H. Les examens bacteriologiques aux stations ther- males. Presse therm, clim., 1934, 75: 379.—Ruys, A. C. The isolation of typhoid, paratyphoid, and dysentery bacteria from faeces and urine; a comparative study of some culture media. Brit. M. J., 1940, 1: 606.—Shchastny, D. S., & Shiril, E. M. [Fast and simple methods of examination for the . intestinal-typhoid group] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1942, No. 8, 84-6.—Vaughan, A. C. T. Diagnosis of intestinal infections. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 265. ---- Infection, focal. Bassler, A. The intestinal canal as a source of focal infection. Phys. Ther., 1928, 46: 38477— Coburn, R. C. Prophylaxis and treatment of degenerative processes of intestinal origin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1936, 144: 553-6.—Roques, K. R. von. Der Darm als Primarherd chronischer Infektionen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1939, 80: 265-8. ---- Infection: Treatment. Gaehlinger, H., & Becart, A. La vaccina- tion par voie buccale dans l'infection intestinale. 165p. 16cm. Par., 1927. Gerard, P. *Etude de Paction therapeuti- que du formiate de thorium dans les infections intestinales. 56p. 8? Par., 1926. U. S. War Department. Medical Depart- ment. Army regulations No. 40-225: The prevention of the communicable diseases of man; intestinal diseases. 4p. 8? Wash., 1923. Babecki, J. [La prophylaxie des infections intestinales dans l'armee] Lek. wojsk., 1932, 20: 437; 521.—Bacteriotherapie (La) intestinale. Vie med., Par., 1924, 5: 2078.—Becart. L'infection intestinale et son traitement par la vaccination par voie buccale (methode Gaehlinger-Becart) Bruxelles med., 1927-28, 8: 228-37.—Becart, A. L'enterovaccinoclyse (vaccina- tion locale et drainage de l'intestin par instillation duodenale) Clinique, Par., 1932, 27: 79-84.—Belousov, V. A. [Protein rations for school children during the period of convalescence from dysentery and typhoidl Pediatria, Moskva, 1937, No. 10, 11-8.—Bogendorfer, L., & Weber, K. Zur Frage der Adsorp- tionsbehandlung von Darminfektionen. Fortsch. Ther., 1927, 3: 272-4.—Bonne, C. [Bacteriophage treatment of infectious intestinal diseases] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 1838.—Cas interessants de troubles intestinaux justiciables de la bacteriotherapie. J. diet., Par., 1912, 3: 56.—Chabrey- roux, Traitement specifique des infections intestinales. Bruxelles med., 1934-5, 15: 336-8.—Chemotherapy of intestinal infections. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 106.—Control (The) of intestinal infections. Squibb Mem., N. Y., 1941, 20: No. 3, 5-7.—D'Hgrelle, F. Bacteriophage as a specific in the treatment and prophylaxis of cholera and bacillary dysentery. Abstr. Papers Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1927, 7. Congr., 49. ---■— Malone, R. H., & Lahiri, M. N. The treatment and prophylaxis of infectious diseases on the intestinal tract and of cholera in particular. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M. (1927) 1928, 7. Congr., pt 2, 288-93.—Daunay, R. Le traitement des infections intestinales chez le nourrisson. Medecine, Par., 1939, 20: 326-30—Eblen, J. G. Sulfanilylguanidine in the treatment of enteric infections. South. M. J., 1942, 35: 302-5.—Enteric (The) group of fevers; prevention and control. Annual Rep. Chief M. Off. Min. Health, Lond. (1938) 1939, 52-6.—Flerov, K. F. (Pathogenesis and treatment of slight cases of intestinal infections] Klin, med., Moskva, 1929, 7: 337-41.—How to prevent common diarrhea, gastro-enteritis, Salmonella, typhoid fever and dysentery. Month. Bull. Bur. Health, Manila, 1940, 20: 209—Lindfors-AIeksin, L. A. [Value of oral immunization against intestinal infections] J. mikrob., Moskva, 1927, 4: 415-29.—Marshall, E. K.. jr. Sulfaguanidine as a chemotherapeutic agent in intestinal infections. Mississippi Doctor, 1942-43, 20: 4-9. ------ Bratton, A. C. [et al.] Sulfanilylguanidine; a chemotherapeutic agent for intestinal infections. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1940, 67: 163-88.—Melocchi, W. Bacterioterapia e vaccino- terapia intestinale. Gior. clin. med., 1934, 15: 1172-80. ------ Sull'impiego terapeutico del colibacillo (mutaflor- terapia) in alcune forme morbose intestinali. Ibid., 1937, 18: 1676-83.—Miiller, O., & Denecke, G. Ueber infektiose Darmkrankheiten und ihre Bekampfung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1938, 85: 1012.—Price, D. Autogenous vaccines in intestinal infections of infants. Irish J. M. Sc, 1930, 6. ser., 59-63.—Ramon Guerra, A. Sulfamidotiazol y sulfamidopiri- dina; tratamiento de los sf ndromes nutritivos graves del lactante; tratamiento combinado nutritivo y quimiotetepico. Arch. urug. med., 1941, 19: 473.—Ravaut, P. Les arsenicaux, par voie buccale, dans le traitement, la prophylaxie, la prevention de I'amibiase et de diverses infections intestinales; efhcacite de I'arsenobenzol. Presse med., 1926, 34: 497-9.—Report of the inquiry on bowel diseases; research; bacteriophage. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1935, 38: Suppl., 28.—Sanarelli, G. Enteropathies microbiennes et therapeutique thermale. Paris med 1926 59: 357-64.------ Sui meccanismo d'azione delle acque purgative naturali clorurato-sodiche, nelle entero- patie di natura microbica. Policlinico, 1926, 33: sez. prat., 149-54. ------ De la ptemunition aspecifique des entero- pathies microbiennes. Presse med., 1937, 45: 1819-22.— Shiga, K. On the use of oral vaccination for the prophylaxis of intestinal infections. Acta med. Keijo, 1928, 11: 79-82.— Truelle, R. La therapeutique hydrominerale dans les infections intestinales k Plombieres. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1939, 19: 787-94.—Wehsarg. Die Verwendung von Milchsaure bei infektiosen Darm-Erkrankungen. Fortsch. Ther.. 1926. 2: 766. Infection—in animals. Ono, K. Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber die Darm- veranderungen der experimentellen mit Typhus-, Paratyphus-, echten sowie falschen Ruhr- und verschiedenen Coli-Bazilleri injizierten Kaninchen. Fukuoka acta med., 1931, 24: 67-72. Syverton, J. T., & Olitsky, P. K. Bacteriological studies on an epizootic of intestinal disease in suckling and newly weaned mice. J. Exp. M., 1934, 60: 385-94. Inflammation. See Enteritis; Enterocolitis; Gastroenteritis. -- Injury. See also subheadings (Hemorrhage; Perfora- tion; Rupture) also Abdomen, Injury; Abortion, criminal, etc. Gores, A. *TJeber subkutane Darmver- letzungen [Berlin] 40p. 8? Charlottenb. [1938]. Thommen, J. *Klinische und experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bauchcontusionen und der Peritonitis nach subcutanen Darm- verletzungen. 74p. 8? Berl., 1902. Attilo, B. Su quattro casi di lacerazione sottocutanea traumatica dell'intestino. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1930, 2: 544-58.—Basu, P. N., & Vasudevan, A. Traumatic separation of an intestinal loop. Brit. M. J., 1928, 2: 611.—Bertolini, F. Rigenerazione dell'intestino nelle oloturie. Arch. zool. ital., 1931, 16: 421-25.—Black, W. R. Multiple small and large- gut injuries; recovery. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 494.—Blalock, A. Trauma to the intestines; the importance of the local loss of fluid in the production of low blood pressure. Arch. Surg., 1931, 22: 314-24.—Bologna, M. Ricerche sulle rigenerazioni traumatiche delle pareti intestinali. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1927, 32: 225-32.—Buhtz, H. Ueber Schadigung des Darmes bei Rontgenbestrahlung. Strahlentherapie, 1939, 64: 291-310.—Davis, C. B. Four cases of traumatic intestinal injury. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1927, 7: 529-33.—Della Mano, N. Contusioni dell'addome con lesioni intestinali. Pensiero med., 1933, 22: 232; 271; 297.—Donald, D. C. Trau- matic injury of abdomen with extensive damage to colon and small bowel. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 36: 514-9.—Figurelli, G. Sulle ferite intestinali accompagnantisi ad emoperitoneo. Morgagni, 1933, 75: 907-11.—Gordon-Taylor, G. Wound of the large intestine. In Surg. Modern Warf. (Bailey, H.) Edinb., 1940-41, p. 224-30.—Hofhauser, J. Verletzungen des Verdauungskanals nach stumpfen, mechanischen Einwir- kungen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1933-34, 178: 654-68. ------ [Intestinal injuries by contusion] Orv. hetil., 1934, 78: 531-6.— Ide. A. W. Lacerations of large and small intestine without perforation; report of case. Minnesota M., 1939, 22: 136. lonescu, V. C, & Hristu, C. Traumatisme intestinal par tentative d'avortement. Gyn. obst., Par., 1927, 16: 43-5.— Kramer, W. Eine seltene Form von Darmverletzung. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 861.—Krecke. A. Darmverletzung. In his Beitr. prakt. Chir., Munch., 1934, 520.—Ledingham, L. A. Intestinal damage from a small wound. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 311.—Logvinsky. G. B. [Subcutaneous injuries of the intestines] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 49-55.—Maciulis, S. [Two cases of subcutaneous injury of the intestines] Medicina, Kaunas, 1932, 13: 467.—Marini, F. Sulle ferite intestinali. Ann. med. chir., Roma, 1840-41, 4: 121-34.—Michelazzi, L. Sopra la patogenesi della ipotensione da trauma intestinale. Riv. pat. sper., 1933-34, 11: 1-16, 2 pl.—Nemilov, A. A. [Problem of the. mechanism of subcutaneous injuries of the intestines] Vest, khir., 1930, 19: 338-41.—Nikitin, S. M. [Injuries of the intestines without injury of the skin] Sovet. khir,. 1932, 2: 235.—Ordonez, D. O. Interesting case of recovery from multiple intestinal wounds with two ascaris extracted from the abdominal operative wound. Month. Bull. Bur. Health, Manila, 1938, 18: 617-21.—Parmenov. V.I. [Results of operative treatment of gunshot wounds and injuries of the intestines by blunt objects] Vest, khir., 1938, 55: 567-76. Postolov, M. P. [Cases of subcutaneous trauma of the intes- tines] Nov. khir. arkh., 1940-41, 48: 349—Pozsgay, I. [Closed intestinal injuries] Gyogydszat, 1934, 74: 243-5.— Romeo, M. Innesti di aponevrosi fissata su perdite di sostanza della parete intestinale. Arch. Soc ital. chir., (1926) 1927, 33: 712.—Seifert, E. Die stumpfen Darmverletzungen. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1933-34, 34: 36-44—Sharimanian, S. S. [Experimental investigations on spontaneous healing of intestinal wounds] Vest, khir., 1937, 53: No. 9, 8-13.— INTESTINE 444 INTESTINE Stacy, H. S. i ^nt\ years after; wound of caecum, ascending colon, and s • h flexure; locnlizi-d peritonitis. J. R. Army M. Corps, UN), 74: 174.—Varva, I. A. [Problem of injuries of the intestines without iniurv to tbe abdominal wall] Vrach. delo, 1929, 12: 959-62.—Wakeley, C. P. G. War wounds of the intestines and their treatment. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1940, 16: 134-9.—White, W. C. Irradiation burn of the intestine. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1940, 58: 287-92. Also Ann. Surg., 1940, 112: 769-74. ---- Intubation [incl. decompression] See also Duodenal tube; Intestine, Occlusion: Treatment. Abbott, W. O. Indications for the use of the Miller-Abbott tube. N. England J. M., 1941, 225: 641-6.—Baila, A. E., & Garat, J. A. La intubacion intestinal. Bol. Acad, argent. cir., 1941, 25: 657-75.—Calcagno. La intubaci6n intestinal. Ibid., 692.—Canals. Aspiracion endodigestiva. Actual. nted., Granada, 1942, 18: 449 (Abstr.)—Costa, A. J. Intu- baci6n intestinal. Bol. Acad, argent, cir., 1941, 25: 931. Also Prensa m6d. argent., 1942, 29: 63.—Delrio, J. M. A., & Carpanelli, J. B. Intubaci6n intestinal con la sonda de Miller- Abbott; indicaciones, tecnica, resultados. Arch, argent. enferm. ap. digest., 1941-42, 17: 677-701.—Geier, F. A. J. The use and therapeutic value of intubation and decompres- sion with the Miller-Abbott double lumen tube. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1943, 12: 138-44.—Glenn, P. M., & Faulkner, R. L. Intestinal intubation in gynecologic intestinal complications. Am. J. Obst., 1940, 39: 836-40.—Guthrie, D., & Heinrich, W. A. Intestinal obstruction; especial reference to intestinal intubation. Guthrie Clin. Bull., 1942-43, 12: 62-8.—Hartzell, J. B. Intestinal suction drainage in facilitating one-stage resection of the right colon. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1941, 40: 277-80.—Hinrichs, A. Die Dauerdarmsonde; eine Methode zur systematischen Erforschung bisher unzugang- licher Darmabschnitte. Deut. Zsehr. Verdauungskr., 1940-41, 4: 1-20.—Hoefle, M. E. The use of a double lumen tube in intestinal intubation; its advantages and difficulties. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1941, 21: 588-92.—Leigh, O. C, jr, & Diefendorf, R. O. The Miller-Abbott tube in surgery. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 210-4.—McKittrick, L. S., & Warren, R. The use of the Miller-Abbott tube in subtotal colectomy and other surgical procedures. Ibid., 1941, 117: 345.—Macrae, D., jr. Drainage of the bowel. J. Lancet, 1931, 51: 231.— Mathieu, P. Nouvelle canule intestinale k double courant. Presse med., 1933, 41: 1619.—Metheny, D., & Hutcbins, L. R. The use of gravity and Wangensteen tip in Miller-Abbot intubation. West. J. Surg., 1942, 50: 618.—Miller, T. G., & Abbott, W. O. Intestinal intubation: a practical technique. Am. J. M. Sc, 1934, 187: 595-9, 2 pl.—Nicolini, R. C. La intubaci6n intestinal. Prensa m6d. argent., 1941, 28: pt 2, 2401. ------ Mazzini, O. F., & Pavlovsky. La intubaci6n intestinal. Bol. Acad, argent, cir., 1941, 25: 846-50.—North- rop, R. F. Suction with a nasal catheter: its effect on the blood chemistry. Arch. Surg., 1935, 30: 1040-8.—Pasman, Calcagno & Pavlovsky. La intubaci6n intestinal. Bol. Acad, argent. cir., 1941, 25: 733-7; 809-11.—Pavlovsky. La intubacion intestinal. Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: pt 2, 2289 — Penberthy, G. C, Irvin, J. L., & Tenery, R. M. Fluid, salt, and nutritional balance in patients with intestinal suction drainage. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1940, 58: 48-63.—Pratt, G. H. Intestinal evacuation by hydraulic suction; further uses of suction siphonage. Am. J. Surg., 1934, 23: 148-200.—Quick, A. J. The Miller-Abbott tube. Wisconsin M. J., 1942, 41: 915.—Rodriguez Vargas, A. Tecnica de la intubaci6n en el nifio y en el adulto. Bol. lar. otol., Madr., 1902, 2: 161; 1903, 3: 8.—Rondelli, U. La derivazione intestinale. Minerva med., Tor., 1936, 27: pt 2, 274.—Santas, A. A. La aspiracion intestinal; la sonda de Miller-Abbott. Bol. Inst. clfn. quir., B. Air., 1941, 17: 1142-50.—Thompson, M. Intestinal intubation. South. Surgeon, 1941, 10: 88-92.—Turco, N. B. Sonda gastroyevunal; su empleo quirtirgico. Sem. nted., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt 2, 1123.—Welch, C. E. A method of constant suction applied to the Levine tube. Surgcrv, 1938, 3: 693-5.—Whipple, A. O. The use of the Miller-Abbott tube in the surgery of the large bowel. Ibid., 1940, 8: 289-93. ---- Intussusception [invagination] See also subheading Strangulation; also Ileus. Ampuero Villegas, E. *Contribuci6n al estu- dio de la invaginaeion intestinal en el lactante [Univ. Chile] 83p. 8? Santiago, 1931. Morgan, J. E. *Intussusception. 63p. 4? La Crosse, 1933. Rivarola, J. E. *Invaginaci6n intestinal en la primera infancia. 134p. 27cm. B. Air., 1940. Schlingmann, R. invagination des Darmes. 35p. 8? Kiel, 1932. Weigmann, H. *Ueber die Invagination des Darmes [Greifswald] 30p. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1938. Wein, W. *Ueber die Invagination am Darm. 60p. 22cm. Marb., 1936. Wetzel, O. [A.] W. *Darmverschluss im Kindesalter. 2p. 8? Heidelb., 1933. Aspinall, A. Intussusception in an adult. Med. J, Australia, 1936, 1: 820.-—Ausset, R. L'invagination intestinale du nourrisson. J. nted. Paris, 1928, 47: 270-2. Also Med. inf., Par., 1928, 34: 1-7.—Avidon, D. B. [Invaginations in children] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 6. 111-7.—Ber- gareche, J. Invaginaci6n intestinal infantil: formas agudas y cr6nicas. Arch, med,, Madr., 1929, 30: 301-6.—Bokastova, O. S. [Intestinal invagination in infants] Sovet. klin., 1932, 18: 186-92.—Buet. Intestinal invaginations. Month. J. Foreign M., 1828, 1: 339.—Burgess, C. M. Intussusception. Proc. Clinic, Honolulu, 1938, 4: No. 9, 1-6.- Burtrhard, E. Die Darminvagination im Kindesalter. Erg. inn. Med. Kinderh., 1928, 34: 220-42.—Calvet, J. P. I.'invagination intestinale de l'adulte. Progr. mM., Par., 1938, 431-5.— Carvallo, T. La invaginaci6n intestinal. Gac. mM. Caracas, 1934, 41: 321-6.—Cordovil, A. Invaginacao intestinal da crianca e do adulto. Hora med., Rio, 1939, 3: No. 11, 57-75.— Costa, G. Nuovi contributi clinici alio studio delle invagina- zioni intestinali in persone adulte. Arch. ital. chir., 1932, 32: 237-316.—Crump, W. G. Intussusception. Bull. N. York M. Coll., 1938, 1: 187-92.—D'Allaines. Invagination intes- tinale. Gaz. hop., 1940, 113: 373.—Dardel, G. De l'invagina- tion intestinale chez l'adulte. In Festschrift F. de Quervain, Basel, 1928, 69-78. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1928, 58: 558-61.—Davies, D. O. Intussusception. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 1067.—Davis, B. F. Intussusception. Minnesota M., 1936, 19: 455-60.—Davis, E. C. Intussusception. South. M. J., 1927, 20: 440-3.—Edberg, E. On intussusception in children. Acta paediat., Upps., 1928, 8: 130-84.—Fevre, M. Invagination intestinale du grand enfant. J. chir., Par., 1932, 39: 678-98. ------ Invagination intestinale du nourrisson. In Annee pediat. (Broca, R., & Marie, J.) Par., 1936, 2: 149-66.—Finkelstein, R. Intussusception in the adult. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1938-39, 5: 322-5.—Franzf, L. Sull'invagina- zione intestinale dell'infanzia. Pediatria (Riv.) 1939, 47: 832-53.—Fuss, H., & Leurs, L. Beitrage zur Frage der Invagination des Darmes. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1935, 161: 117-28.—Gerwig, W. H., jr., & Stone, H. B. Enteric intus- susception in adults. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1943, 76: 95-9.— GIos. J. [Invagination of intestines] Cas. 16k. Cesk., 1927, 66: 55; 105.—Gonzalez Donoso, E. Invaginaci6n intestinal. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1931, 9: 398-409.—Gosses [Invagination] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2229.—Grigsby, G. P., & Kaplan, S. E. Intussusception in infancy and childhood, Kentucky M. J., 1938, 36: 318-24.—Groper, M. J. Retro- grade enteric intussusception. Ann. Surg., 1940, 112: 344-51.— Hack, P. Intussusception. S. Afr. M. J., 1935, 9: IL— Halloran, W. Intussusception of the bowel in adults. Min- nesota M., 1939, 22: 179.—Hartshorn, W. E. Intussusception. Boston M. & S. J., 1927-28, 197: 1297-301. Hipsley, P. L. Intussusception. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 717-21. Also Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 1197.—Hofer, H. Die Invagination beim Saugling und alteren Kinde. Chirurg, 1932, 4: 604.—Hout, J. van der [Observations on intestinal invagination] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: pt 1, 2177-80.—Inostrosa, A. Invaginaei6n intestinal. Rev. chilena pediat., 1941, 12: 652-9.—lurko, P. G. [On invagination of the intestine] Nov. khir. arkh., 1940-41, 48: 49-53.—Jackson, A. J., & Bowen, J. J., jr. Intussusception in infants. Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 916-20.—Jaeger, F. Ueber Darminvagination beim Erwachsenen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934, 181: 374-81.— Johow, A. Invaginaci6n intestinal. Rev. m£d. Chile, 1940, 68: 1328-31.—Jong, J. P. de [Intestinal invaginations] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 3502-9, pl.—Keiter, W. E. Intussusception. North Carolina M. J., 1940, 1: 365.—Lagos Garcia, A. Consideraciones generales sobre la invaginaci6n intestinal del lactante. Sem. m£d., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 1, 521-4.—Lorenzo, J. de. IntussusepcSo intestinal. An. paul. med. cir., 1941, 42: 529.—Lorthioir, P. Invagination intestinale de la 2, K. [Intussuscepted section eliminated through the natural paths] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1941, 39: 145-7. ---- Intussusception: Diagnosis. Bamas, A. *Le role du lavement baryte' sous ecran dans le diagnostic de l'invagination in- testinale aigue du nourrisson. 36p. 8? Par., 1933. Cadillac, L. *Contribution k I'etude radio- logique de l'invagination intestinale de l'adulte. 50p. 8? Par., 1932. Gouin, A. Y. *De la constatation de la tumeur d'invagination dans le diagnostic des invaginations intestinales. 71p. 25%cm. Par., 1939. Moro, J. *L'inter6t du lavement baryte' dans le diagnostic et le traitement de l'invagination intestinale. 81p. 8? Par., 1933. Abad, M. B. Intestinal intussusception: the importance of its early diagnosis. J. Philippine M. Ass., 1940, 20: 255-66.— Abrams, H. S. Intussusception; particular reference to roent- gen diagnosis without opaque media. Radiology, 1941, 36: 490-2.—AlvarS, E. de. El sintoma cardinal en la invaginacidn intestinal en la infancia. Bol. Clin. As. Damas Covadonga, Habana, 1938, 5: 167-70.—Amorim, A. A. Necessidade do diagn6stico precoce da invaginacao intestinal na infancia. Pub. meU, S. Paulo, 1942-43, 14: 49-59.—Bienvenue, A., & Gouin, J. A propos de la radiologic de l'invagination intestinale aigue chez le nourrisson et le jeune enfant. Gaz. m£d. France, 1929, 3: 87-9.—Bignami, G. Quadri radiologici da invagina- zione gastro-gastroduodenale e duodeno-duodenale. Arch. radiol., Nap., 1939, 15: 255-67—Boggon, R. H. The barium enema in the diagnosis of intussusception. Lancet, Lond., 1932, 2: 1051.—Bonomini, B. Influenza del mesentere nella produzione degli aspetti radiologici della invaginazione. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1937, 6: 457-77.—Brocq, P., & Gueullette, R. L'invagination intestinale de l'adulte: formes cliniques et etude radiologique. J. chir., Par., 1926, 28: 369-92.—Burghard, E. Zur Diagnose der Darminvagination im Sauglingsalter. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 1165.—Carnot, P., Bergeret, A., & Caroli, J. Etude radiologique de 2 cas d'invagination intestinale chez l'adulte. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1932, 22: 774.— Catel, W. Zur Pathogenese und Rontgendiagnose der Inva- gination des Darmes. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 1024-6.— Cesarini, M. L'indagine radiologica nella diagnosi d'invagina- zione intestinale. Athena, Roma, 1935, 4: 283-6.—Davis, K. S., & Parker, C. Intussusception; its roentgenographic diagnosis. California West. M., 1929, 31: 330-5.—Edberg, E. Ueber den Wert der Rontgenuntersuchung bei akuter Darmin- vagination. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1930, 11: 194-203, 2 pl — Eeriand L D [Diagnostic difficulties in intestinal invagina- tion] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1934, 74: 1554-64.—Ellis, R. W. B. Syncopal attacks as a symptom of intussusception. Lancet, Lond., 1933, 2: 703.—Fevre, M. Signes, diagnostic precoce, indication du traitement dans l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. _ Sem. hop. Paris, 1930, 6: 176-80. —— La radiologie dans l'invagination intestinale du nourrisson et de 1 enfant. Clinique, Par., 1933, 28: 130-34.—Fox, H. H. Intussusception; diagnosis and value of early operation. South. M. J., 1930, 23: 509-13.—Gallie, W. E. Some pitfalls in the diagnosis of intussusception. Tr. Canad. Soc. Stud. Dis. Child., 1926, 4: 111-8. Also Canad. M. Ass. J., 1927, 17: Z2-4-—Gorodinsky, D. M. [Diagnosis and treatment of invagination of the intestine] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 194-8.—Greenwood, A. Diagnosis of intussusception. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 137.—Haenisch. Zur Rontgendiagnose der Invagination. Verh. Deut. Rontg., 1929, 20: 76.—Harren- stein, R. J. [Diagnosis and treatment of intussusception] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1930, 74: pt 1, 1752-61.—Hinstorff, D. Rontgendiagnostik der Darminvaginationen im Sauglingsalter durch Kontrasteinlauf. Rontgenpraxis, 1932, 4: 152-7.— Hower, C. M. Intussusception (case radiography) Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1942, 18: 45.—Jacoby, P. [Roentgen examina- tion of intestinal invagination in children and the possibility of bloodless reposition by Roentgen treatment] Hospitalsti- dende, 1935, 78: [Med. selsk. Fyens forh.] 17-29. ------ [Intestinal invagination in children from the radiological point of view] Ibid., 1936. 79: [Dansk radiol. selsk. forh.] 2.— Kirsner, J. B., & Miller, J. F. The roentgen diagnosis of in- tussusception. Radiology, 1938, 31: 658-69. ------ El roentgenodiagn6stico de la invaginaeion. Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1941, 8: 1-10.—Lachapele, A. P., Laumonier & Lacoste, G. Valeur du radiodiagnostic dans l'invagination intestinale aigue de l'enfant. Arch, eiectr. mM., 1938, 46: 143-50.— Lenarduzzi, G. Su di un caso di invaginazione intestinale diagnosticata con l'esame radiologico. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1929, 1: No. 5, 41-6.—McEachern, J. D. Acute intussuscep- tion in children; diagnosis and treatment. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1934, 14: No. 4, 3.—Mascheroni, H. A., Reussi, C. [et al/ La imagen radiologica en la invaginaeion intestinal cronica; estudio de un caso con comprobacion necropsica. Dia m&L, B. Air., 1941, 13: 1102-4.—Meda. G. Studio radiologico dell'invaginazione intestinale. Radiol, med., Milano, 1929, 16: 821-40.—Moschetta, G. Contributo alio studio radiologico dell'mvaginazione intestinale. Ibid., 1932, 19: 968.—Mou- longuet, P. A propos de la communication de M. Pouliquen sur la radiologie de l'invagination intestinale des nourrissons. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1931, 57: 688.—Nasso, I. La dia- gnosi e la cura dell'invaginazione intestinale del lattante. Athena, Roma, 1937, 6: 265.—Peroni, P. Sulla semiolosia dell'invaginazione intestinale nei bambini. Gazz. osp., 1928, 49: 1439-49.—Pfeiffer, C. Zur Diagnose und Behandlung der Darminvagination. Munch, med. Wschr., 1932, 79: 1638.— Pouliquen. Diagnostic et traitement de l'invagination intes- tinale. Medecine, Par., 1927-28, 9: 47-52.—Povlsen, O. [Intestinal invagination; observations on the relation between the clinical-roentgenological findings and treatment] Hos- pitalstidende, 1938, 81: 481-92.—Reiser, E., & Gurniak, H. Ueber Darminvaginationen. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1927, 36: 359-66.—Rossi, V. L'indagine radiologica nella invagina- zione intestinale acuta della prima infanzia. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1931, 13: 685-703, pl.—Schwartz, J. E. [Significance of the Roentgen enema as diagnostic and therapeutic methods in cases of invagination] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 11, 185-8, pl.—Schwarzenberg, O. Ein praktisches Hilfsmittel zur Diagnose der Invagination. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1931, 2: 281.—Shannon, W. R. Early diagnosis of intussusception in children. Minnesota M., 1928, 11: 221-6.—Sigmund, A. [Role of roentgenology in diagnosis and treatment of intestinal invaginations] Cas. lek. desk., 1933, 72: 8-13, 11 pl.—Silva, A. Sobre el diagn6stico precoz de la invaginaci6n intestinal en el lactante. Cr6n. med. quir. Habana, 1939, 65: 1239-52.— Stephens, V. R. Acute intussusception without pain. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 475.—Sussman, M. L. The roentgenologic aspect of subacute and chronic intestinal intussusception. Am. J. Roentg., 1932, 27: 373-82.—Tailhefer, A. Quelques notes pratiques sur le diagnostic de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Vie m€d., 1926, 7: 2469.—Thomsen, E. [Roentgendiagnosis in intestinal invagination] Bibl. Iseger, 1932, 124: 202-15.—Vickers, W. Diagnosis of intussusception. Med. J. Australia, 1926, 2: 206-9.—Williams, E. R. Intussus- ception; a radiological study. Brit. J. Radiol., 1940, 13: 51-70.—Williamson, B. Diagnosis of intussusception before blood and mucus appear in stools. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 320.— Zverev, A. I. [Errors in diagnosis and therapy of intestinal invagination] Vest, khir., 1939, 58: 234-40. ---- Intussusception: Pathogenesis and path- ology. See also subheadings (Helminthosis; Polyposis; Tumor) Atjfaure, J. Contribution a I'etude patho- genique des invaginations intestinales a 1'exclu- sion de celles du nourrisson. 89p. 24}£cm. Toulouse, 1937. Bringmann, E. *Ein Fall von retrograder Invagination nach Billroth II. 23p. 20}4cm. Bonn, 1937. INTESTINE 448 INTESTINE Haenel, J. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Darminvagination im Kindesalter [Berlin] 31p. 8? Charlottenb., 1927. Pichon, R. *Contribution k I'etude de l'in- vagination intestinale aigue chez l'enfant. 115p. 8? Par., 1935. Schmidt, H. *Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung und Behandlung der Darminvaginationen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Darminvagina- tionen im Kindesalter. 27p. 8? Jena, 1927. Stoerzbach, O. *Der Mechanismus der Darminvaginationen. 24p. 8? Berl., 1933. Agostini de Munos, A. Espasmofilia e invaginaci6n in- testinal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 1, 1078-81.—Apley, A. G. Intussusception due to sarcoma. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 314.—Assien Tahar, S. [Intestinal invagination and typhoid] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1940, 80: 624.—Avent, C. H. Acute intussusception of childhood; its relation to mesenteric lymphadenitis. South. Surgeon, 1942, 11: 555-9.— Bergeret. A propos de l'invagination intestinale chez l'adulte. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 372-5.—Bienenstein, E. Beobachtung einer eigenartigen Schonlage bei Invagination. Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 661—Boheme, P., & Reny, P. Contribution k I'etude des invaginations d'origine appendicu- laire. Rev. chir., Par., 1929, 67: 287-303.—Borchard, A. Zum Mechanismus der Darminvagination. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 850-3.—Cooper, H. G. N. Intussusception in an adult due to a lipoma. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: 328.—Couvelaire, R., & Bret, J. Sur le mecanisme de production d'une invagination intestinale aigue chez l'adolescent. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1939, 29: 97-100.—Cucullu, A. C, & Vergnolle, M. J. Invaginaci6n intestinal por p61ipo. Sem. mid., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 2, 20-5.—D'Anella & Tourenc. Invagination intestinale aigue, provoquee par un lipome sous-muqueux du caecum. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 1326.—Dieterichs, M. M. [Mechanism of invagination of the intestines] Kuban, nauch. med. J., 1928, 7: 37-42.—Dubois-Roquebert. Double in- vagination intestinale plristaltique et antiplristaltique. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1940, 66: 406-8— Fanelli, N. G. Contributo clinico ed istologico alle invaginazioni intestinali sub-acute e croniche. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1935, 23: 355-63.—Fisanovich, A. L. [The mechanism of invagination] Pediatria, Moskva, 1938, No. 11, 113-6— Fiske, F. A. In- tussusception due to intestinal tumors. Ann. Surg., 1937, 106: 221-9.—Flemming, C. Retrograde intussusception. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 2: 1136.—Gridnev, A. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Darminvagination. Arch. klin. Chir., 1932, 169: 107-12.—Gunter, J. U., & Trout, H. H. Intussusception complicating tuberculous enteritis; report of a case. Virginia M. Month., 1941, 68: 213.—Hederstad, G. C. Invagination vid tunn- och tjocktarmstumorer. Nord. med., 1941, 9: 616-8.—Heinonen, J. [A case of intestinal invagination caused by a submucous intestinal lipoma] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1926, 68: 23-37.—Hoque, A. K. M. Intussusception caused by amoebic dysentery. Ind. M. Gaz., 1942, 77: 95.—Horsley, J. S. Intussusception due to intestinal lipoma in an adult followed by gangrene in the abdominal wall; plastic operation for repair of abdominal wall. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1928, 41: 276-82, 8 pl. Also Arch. Surg., 1929, 18: 882-91, pl.—Huber, J., Ltevre, J. A., & N6ret. Purpura abdominal et invagination intestinale. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1939, 37: 427-36 — Intussusception in infancy and early childhood. South. M. & S., 1943, 105: 32.—Kander, H. S. Multiple intussusceptions caused by secondary melanomata. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 139.—Kiparisov, N. S. [On the significance of chronic entero- colitis in the pathogenesis of intestinal invagination] Vrach. delo, 1939, 21: 165.—Kirsch, O. Invagination und Spasmo- philic. Erg. inn. Med. Kinderh., 1934, 47: 226-74.—Knoepp, L. F. Ascaris lumbricoides as a cause of acute intestinal obstruction and intussusception; report of a case. Pennsyl- vania M. J., 1933, 37: 29.—Lamb, E. J. Intussusception due to papilloma in a child of 21 months. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1928, 36: 1017-9.—Laurell, H. Warum bekommen Knaben haufiger Darminvagination als Madchen? Upsala lak. foren. forh., 1932-33, n. f., 38: art. 12; 1-10.—Lavergne & Guille- min, A. Invagination intestinale et purpura. Rev. mM. est, 1927, 55: 1—4.—Lenarduzzi, G. Contributo della radiologia al riconoscimento delle cause dell'invaginazione intestinale. Riv. radiol., 1932-33, 7: 317-33.—Leveuf, J. Les formes Itemorrhagiques de l'invagination intestinale. Sem. hop. Paris, 1928, 4: 581.—Lundberg, S. On the origin of intussus- ception. Acta chir. scand., 1928, 63: 1-12.—MacDermott, E. N. Intussusception in the adult due to tumours; a note on 5 cases. Brit. M. J., 1935, 1: 1214-6, pl.—Martin, T. E., & Love, C. Traumatic intussusception; case report. South. M. J., 1939, 32: 1124.—Maycock, W. d'A. Intestinal strangu- lation; the depressor properties of the peritoneal transudate in intestinal strangulation. Brit. J. Surg., 1937-38, 25: 677- 96.—Medinaveitia, J. Invagjnaciones del cuadrante inferior derecho. Arch, med., Madr., 1931, 34: 253-7.—Obadalek, W. Darmeinstiilpung und intraperitonealer Druck im Kindesalter. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1934, 159: 160-9.—Odasso, A. Studi e ricerche sulla patogenesi dell'invaginamento intestinale. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 53: 300-20.—Opitz, H. Ruhr (Enteritis)- invagination. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1939, 10: 406.—Pellegrini, A. Invaginazione dell'intestino consecutiva a gastro-entero- stomia. Scritti in onore E. Burci, Nap., 1930, 9: 403-43.— Piersanti, A. Contributo clinico o anatomopatologico alia invaginazione intestinale. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1929, 35: 1000-3.—Poston, R. I. Acute enteric intussusception in an adult caused by a lipoma with n survey of Ihe literature. Brit. J. Surg., 1934, 22: 108-14— Bowles, C. P. Intussuscep- tion following partial gastrectomy; report of .a case. N. Zealand M. J., 1939, 38: 401.—Puente, J. N.. & Mathie. R. Las invaginaciones ag6nicas en los nifios. Sem. mdd., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 1, 571-5.—Rebec, I. [Tetany and invagination of the intestinal tract] Lijed. vjes., 1940, 62: 447-9.—Ross, K. Intussusception due to secondary melano-carcinoma. J. Coll. Surgeons Australasia, 1930, 3: 283-6.—Ruff, E. Beobachtun- gen iiber Darminvaginationen im Kindesalter. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928, 208: 236-62.—Schauser, W. Darmtuberkulose als Ursache der Invagination. Zsehr. Fleisch Milchhyg., 1938-39, 49: 409.—Schwartzman, J. Henoch's purpura with intussusception.. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1940, 57: 389-94.— Sklianik, V. S. [Pathogenesis and etiology of intestinal in- vagination] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 6, 118.—Smyth, M. Intussusception caused by malignant growth. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Surg. Proct., 905-7.—Thompson, J. H., & Posel, M. M. A case of intussusception in acute lymphatic leukaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 1: 1180.—Toku, S. Experimentelle und klinische Beitrage zum Studium der Darminvagination; iiber den Entstehungsmechanismus der Invagination aus der Anastomosenstelle bei verschiedenen Arten von Anastomosen; Anhang: iiber die Entstehung der Ileo- coecalinvagination. Acta med. nagasaki., 1939, 1: Suppl., 33.— Vernejoul, R. de. L'invagination intestinale aigue dans la premiere enfance. Marseille nted., 1927, 64: 56-60.—Voltay, B. Die Rolle der Entwicklungsstorungen im Zustandekommen der Invagination. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 894 (Abstr.) (microfilm)—Watts, J. W., & Fulton, J. F. Intussusception; the relation of the cerebral cortex to intestinal motility in the monkey. N. England J. M., 1934, 210: 883-96. ---- Intussusception, recurrent. Kramer, K. W. *Beitrag zur Kasuistik des Rezidives der operativ behandelten Darmin- vagination. lOp. 8? Kiel, 1932. Cibils Aguirre, R., & Azcoaga, M. Invaginaci6n intestinal recidivante, con 3 intervenciones, en un nifio de 3 afios. Sem. mid., B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 2, 299-303.—Coldrey, E. Recurrent intussusception. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: 110.—Fraser, I. Recur- rent intussusception in a young child. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 874.—Killins, J. A., & Clagett, O. T. Recurrent intus- susception among infants; report of a case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1941, 16: 529-31.—Martin, A. Rlcidives d'invagination intestinale. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1932,30:641-4.—Mastin, E. V. Multiple attacks of acute intussusception. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 58: 300.—Oughterson, A. W., & Cheever, D. Recurring intussusception caused by intestinal neoplasms, requiring multiple operations for its relief. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1929, 48: 682-6.—Pybus, F. C. Recurrent chronic intussuscep- tion associated with intestinal polypus. Newcastle M. J., 1921- 22, 2: 37.—Reisinger, M. Ueber akute und subakute Darmin- vaginationen und ihre durch vererbte Polyposis intestini bedingten Rezidive. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 227: 255-71.— Ruben, F. Ueber eine einfache Methode zur Verhinderung der postoperativen Reinvagination beim Invaginationsileus. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 526.—Shimanovich, S. V. [Case of chronic relapsing invagination] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 5, 138.— Sourdat. Invagination intestinale iterative. MM. inf., Par., 1939, 46: 374-7. J. nted. Paris, 1940, 60: 132.—Thorn- dike, A., jr. Acute recurrent intussusception in children. N. England J. M., 1932, 207: 649.—Wasch, M. G., & Epstein, B. S. Chronic recurrent intestinal intussusception. Radiology, 1939, 33: 316-24.—Weber. Trois invaginations intestinales successives en sept mois chez un adulte. Bull. Soc chir. Paris, 1938, 30: 347-51.—Zeigler, R. F., jr. Acute intussusception with intermittent spontaneous reduction and recurrence. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1939, 35: 217-9. ---- Intussusception: Surgery. Andrieu, C. *Traitement chirurgical actuel de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. 58p. 8? Par., 1930. Johnen, K. *Zur operativen Behandlung des Invaginationsileus beim Erwachsenen. 17p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1931. Michel, R. Contribution k I'etude du traitement chirurgical de l'invagination intes- tinale; extenorisation de I'appendice; trois observations. 53p. 25cm. Montpel., 1934. Aird, I. Acute intussusception in infancy treated by resection of bowel. Edinburgh M. J., 1938, 45: Suppl., Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinburgh, 182.—Allende, C. Invaginaci6n intestinal en el adulto. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1928, 12: 217-21.—Anschiitz, W. Ueber die operative Behandlung der Invaginationen im friihen Kindesalter. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 3150-9.—Bailey, H. Spinal anaesthesia in intussusception of infants. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: 648.—Belot & Espieux. Invagination intestinale opltee aprds dchec de lavement baryte; INTESTINE 449 INTESTINE tecidive. Arch. mM. pharm. nav., 1932, 122: 115.—Berg, N. E, [Invagination! of the intestine in children] Vest, khir., 1938. 56: 627-30.—Billet, H-, it Goguillon, L. Deux cas d'invagina- tion intestinale; diagnostic et operation pucoces; guerison. J. sc med. Lille, 1925, 43: pt 2, 85-92.—Binotto, A. Esiti lontani della fissazione nei trattamento dell'invaginazione intestinale. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1939, f>: 439- 17. Bloch, R. Le traitement operatoire de l'invagination intest inale aigue du nourrisson. Rev. chir., Par., 1932, 70: 675-9. Briggs. C. D. Intussusception; suggestions for operative procedures. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1937, 6: 241-4.—Briones. R. Un caso de invaginaeion intestinal en un adulto. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1927, 5: 138-40.—Bunch, G. H. Intussusseption in children and an operation to replace resection in late cases. .1. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1926, 22: 61-3.—Bunne. F. Zur Darminvagination im friihen Kindesalter. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 1508-13.—Cahuzac. La fixation appendiculaire du caecum 'dans le traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Gaz. hop., 1936, 109: 1221-4.—Cspeile. W. Vorschlag einer einfachen und radikalen Operationsmethode bei Darminvagination. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1934, 243: 745-8.— Cave, H. W. Intussusception. Am. J. Surg., 1928, n. ser., 5: 409.—Deherripon, H. Invagination intestinale aigue chez un nourrisson de 11 mois; intervention; guerison. J. sc. med. Lille, 1920, 38: pt 1, 313.—De la Marniere. Traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Techn. chir., Par., 1933, 25: 167-72.—Delore, X., A- Gardier. J. de. Au sujet du traitement de l'invagination intestinale chez l'adulte; de la tesection du boudin a travers la gaine. J. chir., Par., 1930, 35: 641-55.—Fevre, M. Reflexions sur l'invagina- tion intestinale de nourrisson; quatorze cas op£tes, une mort. Bull. Soc pediat. Paris, 1929, 27: 398-405.------ Intervention par voie sus-ombilicale et soins postop6ratoires dans l'invagination intestinale dite du nourrisson. J. chir., Par., 1929, 33: 179-95.—Forty. F. Enteric intussusception treated by resection. Lancet. Lond., 1940, 1: 72.—Fruchaud, H. A propos de l'invagination intestinale des nourrissons. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 214-8. ------ Comment envisager actuellement le traitement de l'invagination intes- tinale des nourrissons. Techn. chir., Par., 1933, 25: 153-66.— Gibbon, J. W. Acute intussusception in infants; based on twenty-five operated cases. South. M. & S., 1926, 88: 429-33.— Greene, E. Invaginac on inte-tinal aguda en un nino de cinco afios. Bol. Soc. cir. Chile, 1927. 5: 140-3.—Harmon, S. E. Surgical phase of intestinal intussusception in infancy and childhood. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1926, 22: 107-9.—Harts- horn, W. E. Intussusception. Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1928, 10: 108-21.—Hinton, J. W. Acute primarv intussus- ception in the adult. Ann. Surg., 1926, 84: 100-3.—Hip'ley, P. L. The treatment of intussusception. Surgery, 1937, i : 825-37.—Holmbaum, J. Zur Operation des Invaginations- ileus. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 450.—Ireland, J. Treatment of intussusception. Arch. Surg., 1941, 43: 418-21.—Jones, T. E. Acute and chronic intussusception. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1936, 16: 991-6.—K6nig?berg, K. J [Invagination of the intestine in adults] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 503-11.—Koster, H. Intussusception. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 22: 465-75.—Kraft, L. [Surgical treatment of invagination in children] Hospitals- tidende, 1926, 69: [Forh. Med. Selsk. K0benh.] 75-97 — Kufferath, W. Zur Frage der ooerativen Behandlung der Invagination im Sauglingsalter bei schwerer schadigung des Darmes. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 386.—Ladd, W. E., & Gross, R. E. Intussusception. In their Abdom. Surg. Infancy, Phila., 1941, 105-26.—Lamon, O. F. Intussusception; surgical treatment in reducible cases. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1932, 54: 564.—Lapidus. R. I. [Technique of operation for invagination caused by helminthiasis] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 6. 120-2.—Laycock, H. T. Irreducible intussusception in a baby treated by loeetion; recovery. Brit. M. J., 1941, I: 120, d1.— Maisto, A. J. CoiiMderaciones sobre el tratamiento quiriirgico de la invaginaeion intestinal irreductible; a prop6sito de un enfermo curado con cxteriorizacion y ano in situ. Bol. Soc cir. B. Aires, 1932, 16: 1180-90. Also Sem. med.. B Air., 1933, 40: pt 1, 932-9. Also Prensa mM. argent., 1933-34, 20: 931- 41.—Martin, A. Invagination intestinale des nourrissons. J. med. chir., Par., 1936, 107: 153-61- Mayo, C. W., & Woodruff, R. Acute intussusception. Arch. Surg., 1941, 43: 583 7.— Melchior, E. Zur Behandlung der akuten Darminvagination im Kindesalter. Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 258-66.- Michel, A. Invagination intestinale aigue chez un nourrisson; operation; accidents ttes graves d'intoxication gueris par absorption de chlorure de sodium en solution hypertonique. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 1415-20.—Minkin, S. L. [Acute intestinal invagination in children] Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 190-4.—Montgomery, A. H. Intussusception. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1928, 8: 679-83; 1933, 13: 1117-25. ------ & Mussil, J. J. The treatment of irreducible intussusceptions in children. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 51: 415-9.—Moska- lenko, A. N. [Problem of intestinal invagination] Vest. khir., 1929, 17: 36-8.—Newton, A. H. Intestinal intus- susception in an infant; oueration. wilh recovery. Cali- fornia West. M., 1938, 49: 213.- Obadalek, W. Ein Beitrag zum Invaginationsproblem im Kindesalter. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1929, 146: 668-707.—Obst. E. Leber die Darminvagination und ihre Probleme. Erg. Chir. Orthop., 1937, 30: 372-46 — Redon, H., & Soubrane. Invagination intestinale aigue chez un adulte; enterectomie de 2m40. M(5m. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 62: 732.—Robbins, F. R. Acute intussusception with sneei'al reference to treatment by resection of the bowel; observations on thirty-four cases admitted to the Children's 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----29 Hospital in Philadelphia. Ann. Surg., 1932, 95: 830-9.— Schmidt, L. Enteroanastomose bei Invaginationsileus. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 3078-82.—Sneider, S. L. [Extensive excision, of the intestine in invagination] Tr. Novosibir. gosud. inst. usoversh. vrach., 1936, 6: 196-201, pl—Stones, R. Y. Case of intussusception in an adult; operation; recovery. East Afr. M. J„ 1936-37, 13: 18.—Suermondt, W. F. Die chirurgische Behandlung der Invagination kleiner Finder. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1926, 198: 172-84. ------ [Surgical treatment of invagination in young children] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt I. 1524-34.—Teilmann, F. Intussusception in children. Acta chir. scand., 1936, 78: 258.—Tolkachev, M. L. [On invagination of the intestine] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 11, 171-9. -Vellacott, H. F. Intussusception in a baby, treated by resection; recovery. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 72.— Villette, J., & Corrette, H. Invagination intestinale aigue; un cas d'invagination grave guerie par I'operation rapide chez un nourrisson. ,1. sc med. Lille, 1927, 45: pt 2, 37-41.— Webb. G., & Sheinfeld. W. Intussusception in the adult. Am. J. Surg., 1938, 41: 315-9.—Woodhall, B. Modified double enterostomy, Mikulicz, in radical surgical treatment of intussusception in children. Arch. Surg., 1938, 36: 989-97.— Wooif. A. E. M. Resected intussusceptum. Tr. M. Soc London, 1939, 62: 102. ---- Intussusception: Treatment. Ballon, P. Contribution a I'etude du traite- ment de l'invagination intestinale de la premiere enfance et specialement du nourrisson [Paris] 63p. 8? Angers, 1929. Ghana, S. *Sur le traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. 52p. 8? Par., 1933. Motjrgues, R. *Le traitement de l'invagina- tion intestinale aigue de l'enfant par le lavement opaque. 49p. 8? Lyon, 1937. Pouliquen, E. F. ^Contribution a I'etude au traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. 82p. 8° Par., 1934. Sciuk, J. *Die Invagination und ihre Thera- pie. 33p. 8° Bresl., 1936. Allaines, G. d'. Le traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue par le lavement sous pression. Rev. crit. path., Par., 1931, 2: 201-8.—Anschutz. Die Behandlung der Invagination im friihen Kindesalter. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1300. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 110.—Armingeat, J. Un point de vue de la therapeutique de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson; le lavement baryte sous controle radioscopique. Sem. hop. Paris, 1931, 7: 118-22.—Arntzen, L., & Helsted, A. Reduction under fluoroscopy of acute intussusception in chil- dren. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1928, 9: 592-9. ------ Desin- vagination unter Rontgendurchleuehtung bei akuter Darmin- vagination im Kindesalter. Acta chir. scand., 1929, 65: 69-76, 2 pl.—Bagot. Traitement de l'invagination intestinale chez le nourrisson et l'enfant. Rev. g6n. clin. th£r., 1927, 41: 311.—Barnsby, Ducellier & Foucault. Invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson; 6chec du lavement baryte; intervention; gueVison. Rev. mdd. centre ouest, 1931, 3: 19-22.—Bertone, C. Sulla terapia dell'invaginamento. Riforma med., 1935, 51: 71-4.—Bianchi, G. II clisma opaco nella terapia deU'iiyyagina- zione intestinale acuta del lattante. Riv. clin. pediat., 1937, 35: 788-805.—Bienvenue, Pouliquen & Gouin. Un cas d'in- vagination intestinale chez le nourrisson (tentative de reduction sous 6cran) Bull. Soc radiol. nted. Francs, 1926, 14: 191.— Bonomini. B. Osservazioni sulla riduzione incruenta delle invaginazioni intestinali durante l'indagine radiologica. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1938, 7: 393-417.—Bouytla, J. A propos du traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Mfd. inf., Par., 193.5, 42: 55.—Brandberg, R. Ueber Reposition von Darminvaginationen mittels Kontrast- lavement unter Rontgendurchleuehtung. Acta chir. scand., 1931-32, 69: 463-72.—Brunet. P. Invagination intestinale; reduction manuelle, guerison. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1936, 56: 762.—Cadenat, F. M., & Dufour, A. Traitement de l'in- vagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Hopital, 1935, 23: 153.—Comclli, A. Cura incruenta col clistere di bario nell'in- vaginazione intestinale e relativa importanza della persistenza del mesentere. comune nella patogenesi di questa. Clin, chir., Milano, 1930, 33: 76-82.—Cope, V. Z. The treatment of intussusception in infants. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1942, 208: 151.—Curbelo Urroz, J. R. 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Rev. nted. centre ouest, 1929, 5S- 71. ------ Comment pteciser la valeur du lavement sous dcran dans l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Gaz. hop.. 1933, 106: 1597-602. ------ Ducellier & Gabette. Un cas particulier d'invagination in- testinale aigue du nouiri"i'ii teduite par I« lavement baryte Bull. Soc. pediat. Pain. 1933, 31: 515--2I. Finkelstein, L. Zur Therapie der Invagination im Siiugliugsalier. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1143 -Foucault, P. Invagina lion intestinali du nourrisson; lavement baryte, intervention, serum sale hypertonique; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 298-303.—Fruchaud, H., & Audureau, J., fils. Nouvelle statistique d'invagination intestinales du nourrisson; avantages du lavement baryte pour le diagnostic des formes anormales de l'invagination intestinale aigue du nourrisson. Mem. Acad. chir., Par., 1930, 62: 651-4. Fruchaud, H., & Peignaux. Remarques sur le traitement de l'invagination intestinale aigue des nourrissons. Arch. mM. 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Sur l'examen radiologique et la desinvagination cons'irvatrice non-chirurgicale de l'invagina- tion aigue des enfants sous le controle des rayons Roentgen. Acta chir. scand., 1928-29, 64: 519-26, 7 pl. Also Ugeskr. lseger. 1929, 91: 127-33. Also J. radiol. eiectr., 1930, 14: 369-79— Olsson, L, & Pallin, G. Ueber das Bild der akuten Darminvagination bei Rontgenuntersuchung und iiber Desin- vagination mit Hilfe von Kontrastlavements. Acta chir. scand., 1926-27, 61: 371-83, 2 pl.—Orfila, J. A., Barbuzza, J., & Notti, H. J. Comentarios sobre el tratamiento de la invagina- cidn por enema bajo control ra li»16gico. Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1938, 5: 80-97. Also Sem. nted., B. Air., 1938, 45: pt 1, 1333-49.—Ottobrini Costa, M., & Archer de Camargo Andrade, A. Invaginacao intestinal aguda na crianca; pro- blema medico-cirurgico. Pediat. prat., S. Paulo, 1939, 10: 381-99.—Ottobrini Costa, M., & Mancini, N. Invaginacao intestinal aguda no lactente; enema baritado. Ibid., 1940, 11: 97-101.—Overgaard, K. [Case of spontaneous reduction of intussusception] Hospitalstidende, 1927, 70: 933-6.— I'etri. K. [Twenty cases of acute intestinal invagination in children treated with barium injection under Roentgen control] Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 112-6.- l'ieroni. L. A. Seis casos de invaginaci6n aguda en lactantes rcducida. por enema baritado. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1939, 10: 299-304.- l'iolel, G He- marques sur les invaginations intestinales. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1937, 57: 823-6.-- Pouliquen. A propos du traitement de l'invagination intestinale pat le lavement opaque. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 710-7. ------ Au sujet du diagnostic ptecoce et du traitement de l'invagination intestinale du nourrisson. Arch. med. enf., 1935, 38: 69-82. ------ & de La Marnierre. Indication du lavement bismuthd dans certaines formes d'invaginations intestinales. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 1016-21.—Povlsen, <). [Treatment of invagination under roentgen control] Nord. mod., 1939, 1: 662.—Propping. Zur Behandlung der akuten Darminvagina- tion im Kindesalter. Arch. klin. Chir., 1930, 159: 495-500.— Redwitz, E. von. Ein einfaches Mittel zur Erzielung einer schonenden Desinvagination bei der Dai m invagination. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 54.—Reid, G. Intestinal obstruction as it is related to intubation of the small bowel. South. M. & S„ 1940, 102: 181-5.—Retan, G. M. Nonopera- tive treatment of intussusception. Am. ,1. Dis. Child., 1927, 33: 765-70. Also N. York State J. M., 1928, 28: 1408 — Rodriguez Castro, A., Vizziano I'izzi, J., & Soto, J. A. Cinco casos de enema baritado en invagina.eioncs agudas del lactante. Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1937, 8: 170 -S. — Roucche. A propos du traitement de i'invagination intestinale et de Particle du Dr Le Cam. M\ brain. .1. Am. M Ass., 1940, 114: 404-8.—Guenaux, G., A- Vassello, P. Etude radiologique du transit intestinal normal. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1939-40, 29: 1082-100.—Hase, T. Verbesserte Methode zur graphischen Registrierung der Darmbewegung in situ. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1939, 25: 686-98.--Ho, R. Apparatus for delineating the movement of the intestinal canal of rabbits. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1937, 26: 49 — Kegerreis, R. A method of determining and recording human intestinal motility. Am. .1. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 432-8.— Khristo- forov, I. D. [Method of graphic registration of the motor function of the intestine in the sheep] Sovet. vet., 1940, 17: No. 5, 71.—Krasusky, V. K. [Technique of investigation of the motor fund ion of the isolated intestine] J. Physiol. USSR, 1940, 28: 367 71. Lawson, H. Gravimetric intestinal oncometry in the dog. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol, N. Y., 1940, 45: 5-8.— Leonard, C. L. A Rontgenographic study of peris- talsis; the relation of wave form to functional activity. Tr. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia, 1908, 30: 174-81, 2 pl — loeper, M., & Lemaire, A. Modifications k la technique d'inscription des mouvements intestinaux; emploi du mano- metre k eau a inscription directe. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930. 105: 741—Macht, D. I., & Hill, P. S.. jr. Urethane-rat preparation for study of intestinal peristalsis. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. V., 1928-29, 26: 871.—Murayama. M. Ueber meine eigenen Methoden zur Beobachtung der Darmbewegung. Fukuoka acta med., 1934, 27: 116. Oettingen, W. F. von. Simultaneous cinematography of intestinal movements and tracings. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 196.—Schnohr, E. Action des injections hypertoniquea de chlorure de sodium sur le peristaltisme intestinal; observations faites par une fenfitre disposfie suivant une ntethode simplifi£e dans la paroi abdominal. C. rend. Soc biol., 1932, 110: 1113.— Schur, H., & Low, A. Die radiologische Darstellung anatemi- scher Veranderungen des Darmrohrs unter Zuhilfenahme von Pituitrin nebst kurzen Bemerkungen iiber den physio- logischen Ablauf der Darmbewegungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1937, 50: 499.—Straub, W., & Viaud, P. Studien iiber Darrn- rrotilitat; Methodik. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1932-33, 169: 1-8.—Sugihara, N., Kondo, T., & Masuda, M. Ein neues Verfahren, die Darmbewegung in situ zu studiicii. Keijo J. M., 1931, 2: 31-52.—Villaret, M., Bernheim, M. Y., & Justin-Besarcon, L. Technique d'etiregistrement simuliane des mouvements pendnlaires et p£ristaltiques de l'intestin isole. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 104: 1244-6.—Yamsmoto, H. Studien iiber die Darmbewegung nach ehronischer Fistel- methode. Fukuoka acta med., 1937, 30: 100. ---- Movement: Pharmacology. See also subheadings (Nerves; Pharmacology) Morelle, C. G. J. *Cures sulfatees calciques et motricite intestinale. 341p. 25^cm. Nancy, 1935. Wagner, AY. *Die Wirkung einiger atheri- scher Oele und ihrer Inhaltsdrogen auf die Darm- passaKc. 15p. 23cm. Lpz., 1937. Arieff, M. J. [Action of bile combinations on visceromotor function of the intestinal tract] Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 509-12.— Auer, J., & Krueger. H. Inhibition of gastric and cecal peri- stalsis in rabbit bv f'Os-t-Oj inhalations. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 49: 304-7.--Bacq. 7. M. Inhibition des mouve- ments de l'intestin par la svmpathine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 211- Bargen, J. A., & Guthrie, J. S. The effects of drugs on the motility of isolated segments of the intestine of man. INTESTINE 453 INTESTINE Tr Am. Gastroenter. Ass., 1935, 38. meet., 112-4. Also Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1935-36, 2: 668-70- Bariety, M., & Kohler, D. Excitations uteterales et mouvements de l'intestin in situ chez des chiens normaux, yohimbinises, atropines et ^serines. C. rend. Soc biol., 1938, 127: 402-7—Borsotli. P. C. L'influenza dell'acetilcolina sulla motility intestinale; esperimenti sopra intestino in vitro e in vivo, sottoposto all'azione dell'A., con speciale riguardo al suo comportamento dopo somministrazione di eserina o dopo le comuni anestesie. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1935, 60: 909-28.—Bouisset, L., & Fabre, P. Action du chlorure de sodium hypertonique sur la motricite intestinale. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930, 104: 462-5.—Brandhendler, W. Ueber die Umkehr der Wirkung des N. vagus und N. splanchnicus auf die Darmbewegungen unter dem Einflusse von Kalium und Calcium. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 138: 219-27.—Catel, W. Zur Kritik der Essigsaurewirkung auf die Darmmotilitat. Mschr. Kinderh., 1937, 69: 393-402.—Colombi, C, & Sacchi, U. L'azione delle iniezioni endovenose di soluzioni ipertoniche di cloruro di sodio sulla peristalsi intestinale. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1933, 4: 120-7.—Costantini. A., & Almeida, F. de. Ricerche sulla peristalsi intestinale; sull'azione deU'atropina, acetilcolina, ergotamina, adrenalina. Arq. anat., Lisb., 1938, 19: 597-601.—Costantini, A., & Ballarin, G. Azione di diversi sali introdotti per via endovenosa sulla peristalsi intestinale. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper.. 1934, 9: 1029-32. ------ Ricerche sulla peristalsi intestinale; azione di vari sali iniettati endovena (osservazioni fatte at tra verso una lamina trasparente posta in sostituzione di parte della parete addominale) Arch. ital. chir., 1935. 39: 401-24.—Dal Prato, C. Sulla pretesa azione peri- staltogena dellargento colloidale introdotto in cavite peri- toneale. Policlinico. 1934, 41: sez. prat., 535.—De Marco. R. Azione di alcune sostanze chimiche sull'attivite motoria deU'in- testino. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 1006-8.—Docimo, L. Gli effetti delle soluzioni ipertoniche di cloruro sodico sulla motiliti intestinale. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1932. 3: 805-19. Also Arch. ital. biol., 1933, 89: 131-9.—Dreyer, N. B., & Tsung. T. Effect on intestinal movements of certain salts administered intravenously. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1929, 36: 629-33- . Elmer, A. W., & Ptaszek, L. Action compatee de la vasopres- sins et de la pituitrine sur le peristaltisme intestinal. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 104: 540. ------ Action de I'ocytocine sur le peristaltisme intestinal et antagonisme entre la vasopressine et I'ocytocine. Ibid., 542.—Emerson, G. A. Intestinal motility in rats anesthetized with ether. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 255.—Ferguson, J. Effect of propylene glycol and proges- terone on motility of the isolated intestine of the rabbit. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 57.—Fujita, K. [Ueber die Ver- anderungen der Darmbewegung bei der Applikation vegetativer Reizstoffe auf der Darmserosaflache bei Anamie, venoser Stauung und Zirkulationsstillstand des Darmes] Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1941, 32: 385-95.—Fukuhara. H. Beitrage zur zentralen Wirkung einiger Nervengifte auf die Darmbewegung. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1941, 14: Abstr., Pharm., 22— Galli.R. Argento colloidale elettrico e motility intestinale. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1935. 6: 137-59.—Garry, R. C. Versuche zur Frage der Mor- phinwirkung auf die Darmperistaltik. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1927, 120: 345-7.—Gherculescu, T. [Peristaltogenic action of hypertonic serum in intra-rectal administrations] Cluj. med.. 1934, 15: 538-40.—Glyer, N. M., & Oppenheimer, M. J. Thvroid extract and dinitrophenol on intestinal motility. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 296.—Gratzl, E. Tonephin. ein Hormon- praparat zur Regelung der Darmtatiekeit. Wien. tierarztl. Mschr., 1931, 18: 396-8.—Gruber, C. M., & Robinson, P. I. The intestinal activity in unanesthef ized dogs as influenced by morphine and by papaverine. J. Plru-m. Exp. Ther., 1929-30, 37: 101-20.—Hamaguchi, E. Der Einfluss der intravenosen Injektion von Prostigmin, Koehsalz- und Traubenzuckerlosun- gen auf die Motilitiit des Darmes; experimentelle Untersu- chungen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1941, 201: 50-82.—Hertrier, A. E. The effect of morphine on intestinal motility. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1939, 40: 197.—Imanaga, H. Wirkung der Wasser- stoffionenkonzentration auf die Darmbewegung, insbesondere auf die. Darmperistaltik. Fukuoka acta med., 1935, 28: 13.— Inokuchi, T. Uinfluss der vegetativen Nervengifte auf die Darmbewegung des Kaninchens mit gestorter Schilddriisen- fimktion. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1935-36, 9: Proc Pharm., 69-72. Also Milt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1938, 22: 1249-66.—Jifina, K. [Effect of bitters and barium salts on the motor function of the intestine in vitrol Voj. zdrav. listy, 1931, 7: 90-111.—Kin, K. Experimentelle Studien iiber den Einfluss von hvpertonischer Kochsalzlosung auf die Darmbewegung in situ (iiber den Wir- kungsmechanismus) J. Chosen M. Ass., 1933, 23: 100-2 — Kionka. Excitacion del peristalismo intestinal. An. cienc. med., Madr., 1911, 2. ser., 8: 7-9.---— Acci6n de los pur- gantes sobre los movimientos intestinales. Ibid., 9-12.— Kleitsch, W. P., & Puestow, C. B. Studies of intestinal motility; the effect of intravenous solutions and of insulin upon peri- stalsis. Surgery, 1939, 6: 679-96— Kolda, J. TTeber den Einfluss der Herzgifte (Digitalin, Strophanthin und Scillitoxin) auf die motorische Tatigkeit des isolierten Pferdedarmes. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 119: 165-92.—Komori, S. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Hormone oder Organpriiparate auf die Verdauungsorgane: Einfluss der weiblichen Sexualhormonpraparate auf die Darmbewegung. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1939, 25: 400-2.------Einfluss der mannlichen Sexualhormon- und Hypophysenvorderlappen- hormonpriiparate auf die Darmbewegung. Ibid., 708.— Kovalsky V V. [Effect of pilocarpin and atropin on the pe-is'Utic movements of the intestines during hunger in dog] J. eksp. biol., 1926, 111-23.—Krasusky, V. K.. & Martynov, V. N. [Effect of acids, contained in silage (lactic, acetic and butyric) on the movements of the isolated intestine] J. Physiol. USSR, 1940, 28: 360-6.—Krishnan, B. T. The influence of adrenaline, pituitary extracts and insulin on the movements of the intestine. Ind. J. M. Res., 1934, 22: 161-4, pl. ------ Influence of histamine and acetyl-choline on intestinal move- ments. Ibid., 1937-38, 25: 95-100, pl.—Krueger, H. The effects of morphine and its derivatives on intestinal movements; peristalsis. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1934, 51: 440-58. Also in Rep. Com. Drug Addict. (IT. S. Nat, Res. Counc.) 1941, 863- 81. ------ Studies on intestinal movements. Ibid., 819. ------ The effect of morphine on intestinal peristalsis. Ibid., 822. —---- & Gay, H. The effect of some hydrogenated derivatives of the codeine isomers on intestinal movements. Ibid., 820.—Krueger, H. M., & Howes, H. A. A comparison of the effects of morphine, dilaudid, and dihydro-desoxymor- phine-D on intestinal movements. Ibid., 823.------& Gay, H. The effects of morphine and its derivatives on intes- tinal movements; dihydropseudoeodeine and dihydroallo- pseudocodeine. Ibid., 882-912.—Krueger, H., Lampe, I., & Reid, J. G. The effects of morphine and its derivatives on intestinal movements; contributions to the analysis of intestinal records. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1936, 56: 327-40. Also in Rep. Com. Drug Addict. (U. S. Nat. Res. Counc) 1941, 913- 26.—Lenkeit, W. Ueber den Einfluss von Fliissigkeiten mit verschiedenem Salzgehalt (Ca, Mg) auf die Kntleenmg des M agen-Darmkanals (nach Versuchen an weissen Hat ten) Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1934, 175: 759-62.—Levy. J., & Michel, E. Action de quelques substances medicamen tenses: dioxydi- amido-ars6nobenzol, ntethyl£nesulfoxylate de sodium (914) adrenaline, acdtvlcholine, histamine sur le peristaltisme intes- tinal. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1937, 3. ser., 117: 179-83 — Lurie, G. S. [Influence of chemical irritants on contractions of an extirpated large intestine in the application of Ringer solu- tion | Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 423.—M'Callum, J. W., & Magee, H. E. The influence of bicarbonate and phosphate on the movements of surviving intestine. Q. J. Exp. Phvsiol., Lond., 1930, 20: 21 8.—McClendon, .1. F., Scott, J. [et al.] Acetate and intestinal motility. Am. J.M. Sc, 1942, 204: 153 (Abstr.)— McCrea, F. I)., & Marion, D. F. Intestinal motor inhibition bv parasympathetic drugs. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934-35, 32: 876-82.—Magee, H. E., & Reid, C. Studies on the move- ments of the alimentary canal; the effects of electrolytes on the rhythmical contractions of the isolated mammalian intestine. J. 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Beitrag zur Erforschung der Farbstoffwirkung; iiber den Einfluss der intraintestinalen Infusion der organischen Farbstoffe auf die Darmbewegung. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1934, 12: 605-14.—Sollmann, T., von Oettingen, W. F., & Isikawa, Y. The effects of phosphate buffers on intestinal movements, and their interrelation with calcium. Am. J. Physiol., 1928, 87: 293-304.—Sone, Y. Ueber die Wirkung verschiedener Stomachica auf den motorischen Zustand des Darmes. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1936-37, 30: 410-7. ------ & INTESTINE 47>4 INTESTINE llitati. S. Ueber die Wirkung einiger atherischer Ocle auf den mot.....rli.'ii ZiiMand des Darmes. Ibid., 540-5.—Straub. W.. & Munoz Fernandez, E. Studien iiber Darmmotilitat; Total- analvse der Alkaloide der Atropingruppe. Arch. exp. Path., Berk, 1933, 170: 26-38.—Suenaga, T., Kojima. K., & lmamura, J. Experimentelle Untersuchung iiber den Einfluss der Ver- iinderung des Innendrucks von Carotissinus auf die Darm- motilitat. Jap. .1. M. 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L'azione di alcune sostanze ricavate da autolisati batterici sulla muscolatura liscia intestinale. Arch. Ist. biochim. ital., 1934, 6: 343 50, pl.- Braune, B. Ueber die Beziehung der Motilitat und Irritabilitat der glatten Musku- latur im Intestinaltraktus zu den Dogielschen intramuralen Ganglienzellentypen. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1935, 3. F., 94: 164- 71, tab.—Chung, I. C. Ueber die Entwicklung der qucrgc- streiften Muskulatur im Darm. J. Severance Union M. Coll,, 1935-37, 3: 63-73, 2 pl.—Cowie. D. M.. & Lashmet, F. H. Studies on the function of the intestinal musculature; longi- tudinal muscle of the rabbit; analysis of curves produced by contraction of excised segments in oxvgenated Locke's solution. Am. J. Physiol., 1929, 88: 369-85. ------ & Parsons, J. P. Studies on the function of the intestinal musculature; longi- tudinal muscle of the rabbit (gradients) Ibid., 363-8 — Demon, J. Le travail automatique des muscles de l'intestin du chat. Ann. phvsiol., Par., 1934. 10: 978-85. Also Arch. internat. physiol., Li6ge, 1934, 39: 50-97. Also Bull. Acad. m6d. Belgique, 1934, 5. ser., 14: 214-66. ------ Les sub- stances actives du travail automatique de l'intestin. Ibid., 1935, 5. ser., 15: 357-90.------Le ntecanisme humoral du travail automatique de l'intestin. Arch, internat. phvsiol., Li6ge, 1935-36, 42: 425-60.—Donatelli, L. Appunti critici alia farmacologia della muscolatura liscia intestinale. Rass. fisiopat., 1937, 9: 97-105.—Esveld, L. W. van. Comportement de preparation de muscle intestinal avec et sans teseaux nerveux. Arch, nferl. physiol., 1927, 12: 303-6. ------ [Behavior of plexus-containing and plexus-free preparations of intestinal muscle] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 1, 1003-5. Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 134: 347-86.—Farah, A.. & Pinkston, J. O. Responses of intestinal smooth muscle of the dog to benzedrine sulphate (phenyl-1, amino-2 propane sul- phate) J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1940, 68: 14-21.—Favilli, N. Contributo alio studio della lamina muscularis mucosae neU'intestino di alcune specie di vertebrati domestici. Arch. ital. anat., 1933-34, 31: 169-91.—Frey. Versuche an der quergestreiften Darmmuskulatur. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 138: 141.- Harting. K. Kurze Mitteilung zur Arbeit von Bernhard Braune: Leber die Beziehung der Motilitat und Irritabilitat der glatten Muskulatur im Intestinaltraktus zu den Dogielschen intramuralen Ganglienzellentypen. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1935, 3. F., 95: 167-9.—Hockett, A. J. Reciprocal activity of the muscle coats of guinea pig intestine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 813. —----& Thienes, C. H. The reciprocal activity of the muscle coats of guinea pig intestine. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 125.—Jendrassik, L., & Donhoffer, S. Ueber die Calciumauf- nahme der Darmmuskulatur wahrend Adrenalinwirkung. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 201: 199-205.—Kendall, A. L. 4 Bishop, G. H. Effects of histamine, formaldehyde and ana- phylaxis upon the response to ehctrical stimulation of guinea- pig intestinal muscle; agents applied to mucosal aspect of intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1928, 84: 561-8.—Koshtoiants, K. H. S., Muzikantov, A. V., & Mitropolitova, R. L. [Com- parative physiology of the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract; physiological character of the smooth musculature of the intestine of amphibia during various periods of its indi- INTESTINE 455 INTESTINE vidua! development] J. Physiol. USSR, 1934, 17: 527-34 — Kovacs, E. [Musculature of mucous membrane of the in- testinal tract] Gyogydszat, 1933, 73: 131-4.—Lord, S. N. Pharmacological studies on intestinal muscle. Collect. Papers N. York Homeop. M. College, 1935, 1: 445-51.—Morin, G. P6riode latente du muscle circulaire enterique de la grenouille sounds k l'excitation galvanique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 105: 650-2.—Nicoli, L. Sullo sviluppo della muscolatura del grosso intestino nell-'uomo con speciale riguardo alle tenie e ai vasi. Bol. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1928, 3: 210.—Pierini. A. Accion del cloruro de sodio sobre la fibra lisa intestinal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1932, 39: pt 2, 1286-90.—Prasad, B. N. The mechanical activity of gut muscle under anaerobic conditions. J. Physiol., Lond., 1935, 85: 249-66. ---- Musculature: Disorder. Helmke, K. Degenerationen der glatten Muskulatur des Darmkanals. Virchows Arch., 1935-36, 296: 192-9—Miiller- Deham, A., & Reich, L. Folgeerscheinungen nach Darment- muskelung; neue Versuche und Rontgenkontrolle. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1929-30, 19: 489-504.—Prasad, B. N. The response to drugs of gut muscle in asphyxia and in iodoacetic acid poisoning. J. Physiol., Lond., 1936, 86: 425-30.—Undri- tsov, M. I. [Certain laws in sensitization of the smooth muscles of the intestine] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 7: 474-7; 1940. 10: 31-4. ------ Some observations on anaphylactization of smooth musculature of the intestine. Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS, 1939, 8: 81-4.—Zikeev, V. V. [Congenital defects of the intestinal muscles and their chnical importance] Sovet. khn., 1931, 15: 206-12. ---- Mycosis. See also subheadings (Actinomycosis; Para- sites) Nye, R. N., Zerfas, L. G., & Cornwell, M. A. The patho- genicity of yeastlike fungi isolated from the human gastro- intestinal tract. Am. J. M. Sc, 1929, 178: 515-28, 3 pl — Reed, A. C, & Johnstone, H. G. A clinical study of intestinal fungi. Am. J. Trop. M., 1935, 15: 155-74. ---- Myiasis. Razon, J. *De la myiase intestinal. 106p. 8? Lyon, 1910. Bacigalupo, J., Perez Vuidepot, C, & Didiego, E. P. Primera observacion argentina de miasis intestinal por Eristalis tenax L. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 2, 555.—Bellomo, A. Darm- Miasis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 1086 (Abstr.)— Blankmeyer, H. C. Intestinal myiasis; with report of case. J. Am. M. Ass., 1914, 63: 321.—Brand, A.F. Gastro-intestinal myiasis; report of a case. Arch. Int. M., 1931, 47: 149-54.— Carpi. U. Sopra un caso di miasi intestinale nell'uomo. Clin. med. ital., 1905, 44: 265-83.—Causey, O. R. Experimental intestinal myiasis. Am. J. Hyg., 1938, 28: 481-6.—Cipollone, L. T. La miasi intestinale e cutanea e la possibile riproduzione per pedogenesi delle larve di mosca. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1914, 2: 62.—Cockayne, E. A. Intestinal myiasis. Lancet, Lond., 1912, 1: 155-7— Cookson, H. A., & Oldroyd, H. Intes- tinal infestation by larvae of a drone fly. Ibid., 1937, 2: 804.— Deaderick, W. H. Notes on intestinal myiasis. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1908, 12: 726-9. Also N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1908-9, 61: 247-51.—Dombray, P., & Lienhart, R. Remarques biologiques k propos d'un cas de pseudo-myiase intestinale chez l'homme. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 126: 342-4.—Fonso Gandolfo, C, & Steinberg, I. R. Miasis intestinal. In Clin. enferm. infecc. (Fonso Gandolfo, C.) 2. ed., B. Air., 1939, 2: 634.—Franchini, G. Un nuovo caso di myiasi intestinale. Riforma med., 1927, 43: 102.—Francois. Note sur l'existence, pendant plusieurs mois, de larves d'une esp^ce particuliere de mouche dans les voies digestives d'une jeune femme. Presse med. beiges, 1861, 13: 333.—Garrood, J. R. Note on a case of intestinal myiasis. Parasitology, Cambr., 1910, 3: 315-8.—Guerricchio, A. Un caso di miasi intestinale. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1927, 8: 327-9.—Guiart, J. Parasitisme des larves d'Anthomyes dans le tube digestif de l'homme. Lyon med., 1909, 112: 1351-4.—Haas, W. H. D. de [Intestinal myiasis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 5242-5.—Herms, W. B., & Gilbert, O. O. An obstinate case of intestinal myiasis. Ann. Int. M., 1932, 6: 941-5.—Kampmeier, R. H., & Hinman, E. H. Mite infestation in the human intestine. South. M. J., 1934, 27: 271-4.—Lodato, G. L'uso del latte acido indigene quale causa di miasi intestinale a Gadtaies. Arch. ital. sc med. col., 1927, 8: 393-5.—Lyon, M. W., & Mizelle, J. D. A case of intestinal myiasis. J. Parasit., Lancaster, 1941, 27: No. 6, Suppl., 25—Massalongo, R. Sulla miasi intestinale. Lav. Congr. med. int. (1912) 1913, 22: 526—Meleney, H. E., & Harwood, P. D. Human intestinal myiasis due to the larvae of the soldier fly, Hermetia illucens Linne (Diptera, Stratiomvidae) Am. J. Trop. M., 1935, 15: 45-9—Mouchet, R. Mvase intestinale chez l'homme. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par 1912 5: 508-11, pl.—Myiasis lntestmahs. Med. Khn., Beri' 1940' 36: 1296 —Okada, J. K. Un cas nouveau de myiase du tube digestif cause par la larve de Psychoda B. punctata Curt. Ann. parasit., Par., 1927, 5: 105 —Rennie J. A case of intestinal myiasis in a breast-fed infant. Parasitology, Lond 1927 19- 139__Schwetz, J. Sur un cas de myiase intestinale provoquee par les larves de Chrysomyia putoria, Wied. Ann. Soc. beige med. trop., 1934, 14: 469-71.—Shrewsbury, J. F. D. A case of human intestinal myiasis. Brit. M. J., 1930, 2: 1043, pl-—Sorel, F. Cas de myiase intestinale simulant une maladie typhoide. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1908, 1: 374-7 — Strickland, C, & Roy, D. N. Experimental intestinal myiasis. Ind. J. M. Res., 1940, 28: 593.—Travella & Barralt. A pro- posito de un caso de miasis intestinal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1929, 36: pt 1, 1569.—Wildervanck, L. S. [Intestinal infection caused by larvae of Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis in a child (myiasis intestinalis)] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 756-60. ---- Myoma. Canonne, M. E. *Les myomes intestinaux localises et la myomatose generalised du gros intestin. lOOp. 8? Par., 1930. Botstiber, G. Ein Fall von Darmmyom mit Perforation. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 674-8.—Canonne, M. Un cas de myomatose g§n6ralis6e du gros intestin. Rev. chir., Par., 1930, 68: 391-403, 4 pl.—Filippini, G. Contributo alio studio della leiomiomatosi intestinale. Arch. Soc ital. chir., 1933, 39: 1116-27.—Krober, F. Ein Fall von Darmmyom bei einem zwei- jahrigen Negerkinde. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 522.— Paroli, G. Sui leiomiomi dell'intestino. con particolare riguardo alia loro sede endopelvica nella donna ed all'errore diagnostico con tumori genitali. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1937, 14: 87- 102.—Plenk, A. Zur Kasuistik und Klinik der Darmmyome. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 556-8.—Schaanning, C. K. [Adenomyomata in the intestinal tract] Med. rev., Bergen, 1931, 48: 289-302.—Szecsey, L. [Myoma of the digestive tract] Orv. hetil., 1927, 71:876-8.—Totire-Ippoliti, P. Leiomio- ma deU'intestino nei gatto. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1927, 49: 468-71.—Wolfer, J. A. Leiomyomata of the intestines. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1928, 47: 643-51. ---- Nerves. See also Intestinal juice, Secretion; Intestine, Pharmacology. Kalomiris, D. *L'action sur l'intestin isole du serum normal ou pathologique dans ses rapports avec l'equilibre neuro-vegetatif. 58p. 8? Par., 1927. Abraham, A. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Innervation des Vogeldarmes. Zsehr. Zellforsch,, 1935-36, 23: 737-45 — Altshul, A. S. [Morphology of the sensitive nerve terminals of the intestinal tract in mammals] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 10: 21-3.—Alvarez, W. C. Anoxemia used as a means of analyzing the structure and functions of the nervous system of the bowel. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 550-61.—Beau- vallet, M. L'automatisme de l'intestin d'escargot. C. rend. Soc biol., 1937, 125: 959-61. ■------ Les nerfs visceraux se rendant k l'intestin d'escargot agissent-ils par liberation d'un mediateur chimique? Ann. physiol., Par., 1938, 14: 480.— Bouisset, L., & Fabre, P. Action du chlorure de sodium hyper- tonique sur l'innervation extrinseque de rintestin; effets sur le sympathique. C. rend. Soc biol., 1931, 107: 688-92.—Cambier, P. Effets des excitations du vague et du splanchnique sur l'intestin strychninise. Ibid., 1926, 95: 227-9.—Carlson, A. J. The extrinsic nervous control of the large bowel. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 78.—Carnett, J. B. The acquired sensory nerves of the colon and duodenum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1927, 7: 255-9.—Chauchard, P. Variations d'excitabilite de l'intestin et de ses nerfs extrinseques sous l'effet de divers agents pharma- cologiques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 181-3. ------■ Chauchard, A., & Chauchard, B. Analyse chronaxintetrique de I'excitabilite de l'intestin et de ses nerfs extrinseques chez le chien. Ibid., 177-80.—Costantini, A., & Almeida, F. de. Pesquisas sobre a accao do sistema nervoso vegetativo no peristaltismo intestinal. Arq. anat., Lisb., 1937, 18: 453-7.— Demoor, J. L'automatisme de l'intestin. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1931, 34: 380-416. Also Bull. Acad. med. Belgique, 1931, 5. ser., 11: 221-62.—Esveld, L. W. van. On the presence of ganglion-cells in the circular muscle of the intes- tine of the cat (prelim, commun.) Proc. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, 1926, 29: sect, sc, 178-84. ------ [Preliminary report on occurrence of ganglionic cells in the circular muscle layer of the intestinal walls of the cat] Versl. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, 1925, 34: pt 2, 1104-10. ------ Bewegungen, pharmakologische Reaktionen und Farbbarkeit des Nervensystems beim abster- benden isolierten Darm. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 128: Suppl 116-8.—Finkelman, B. On the nature of inhibition in the intestine. J. Physiol., Lond., 1930-31, 70: 145-57 — Florkin, M. Automatisme et inhibition au niveau de rintestin terminal, chez la grenouille. Arch, internat. physiol., Li6ge, 1938-39, 30: 73-6.—Garry, R. C. The nervous control of the caudal region of the large bowel in the cat. J. Physiol., Lond., 1933, 77: 422-31.—Gellhorn, E., & Northup, D. The influence of nervous stimulation on absorption from the intestine; a contribution to the humoral theory of nervous action. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 106: 283-90.—Ito, T., & Nagahiro, K. Zyto- logische Untersuchungen fiber die intramuralen Ganglien zellen des Verdauungstraktes; iiber die Ganglienzellen der Darmwand der Ratte, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung auf die Sekret- kornchen ahnlichen Granula in den intramuralen Ganglien- zellen. Oka.iimas fol. anat., 1937,15:609-34,2 pl—Kondratiev, N. Zur Lehre von der Innervation der Bauch- und Becken- INTESTINE 456 INTESTINE hOhleorganc beim Menschen; iiber intramurale nervose Wech- selbeziehungen im Menschendarm. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1930, 93: 775 89.------[On the innervation of the gastro- intestinal tract in man; intramural nervous system of the intes- tinal tube in maid. J. med., Kiev, 1941, 11: 227-38, 10 pl — Lawson, H. Further notes on enterographie technic; with -perial reference to the studv of innervation. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1934-35,20: 190-8.------' The distribution of excitation and inhibition following sympathetic stimulation of the l-mu intestine. Am. J. Phvsiol., 1935. Ill: 209-22.------& Holt. J. I'. The control of the large intestine bv the decentralized inferior mesenteric ganglion. Ibid., 1937, 118: 780-5.— Leontovich, O. V. [Data on innervation of the intestinal tract hiring supravital staining and its comparison with innervation of the blood vessels] J. med., Kiev. 1937, 7: 347-55, 4 pl — l.indblom. C. O. Action de la cocaine sur l'innervation auto- nome cie l'intestin. C. rend. Soc biol., 1926, 95: 1072-4 — Loutsrh, H., & linear, G. Sur certaines conditions dans lesquelles le svmpathique devient le nerf moteur de l'intestin. Ibid., 1934. 115: 808-10.—Margorin, E. M. [Plexus mesenteri- cus inferior and innervation of distal part of the large intestine] Vest. khii.. 1931. 23: 145-56.—Masserman. J. H., & Haertig. E. W. The influence of hypothalamic stimulation on intestinal activity. J. Neurophvsiol., 1938, 1:350-6.—Morachevkaia. E. V. [Motor innervation of the intestine] J. Physiol. USSR, 1941, 30: 688-93.—Morin, G. Les nerfs moteurs extrinseques de l'intestin; donnees physiologiques et problemes histophvsip- logiques. Bull, histol. app].. Par.. 1931. 8: 38-51.—Newman, M., & Thienes, <". H. (in the sympathetic innervation 0f guinea- pig intestine. Am. .1. Phvsiol.. 1933. 104: 113-16.—Nolf. P. Le systeme nerveux enterique; essai d'analyse par la methode k la nicotine de Langley. Arch, internat. physio!., Li6ge, 1928- 29, 30: 317-492. ------ Le svsteme nerveux enterique. Bruxelles med., 1928-29, 9: Suppl., 61. ------ Les nerf- moteuts de l'intestin de 1'oiseau. Ann. phvsiol.. Par.. 1933,9: K31 6. ------ Lesnerfs extrinseques de l'intestin chez 1'oiseau. \rch. internat. phvsiol., Liege, 1934, 39: 113-256.- Oshima. 1'oIm r die Innervation des Darmes. Zsehr. ges. Anat.. 1. Abt., 1929, 90: 725-67— Pieri, G. Contributi clinici alia chituigia del sistema nervoso vegetativo: chirurgia della innervazione intestinale. Arch. ital. chir., 1935, 39: 514-608.—Pieron, H. L'interptetation des retards teductible.s de latence sensorielle en fonetion des intensites, pom les stimulations breves. C. rend. Soc biol., 1932. Ill: 5X7.— Reiser, K. A. Ueber die Vet von ,!,.,■ Daimmuskulatur. Z-chr. Zr llforseh.. 1934-35, 22: 675 93.- Spkurai, T. On the innervation of the intestine of a toad; stimuli tion experiment. Jap. .1. M. Sc, 1939, 6: Bio- physics, 55-71.—Savich, V. V., Gorbunova-Nikolaeva. M. M. [et al.] [Pharmacological analysis of the central regulation of intestinal secretion and motorics] Sborn. Vsesoiuz. sezd. fiziol., 1937. 6. Congr.. 027-30.—Schahadasch. A. Intramurale Nervengefleehte des Darmrohrs. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1929-30, 10: 320-85.—Seiler, A. Untersuchuneen iiber Automatic und Erregbarkeit des uberlebenden Sauaetierdarmes bei Sauerstoff- mnni-g)andulaire. Ibid., «ect. 5, 99, pl.------Sur les relations des cellules argent a (Tines de lintestin avec les nerfs. C. rend. Soc biol., 1932, 111: 766- 8.----Sur les relations des cellules argentaffines de l'in- testin avec les nerfs chez I'embryon de veau. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1934, 30: 235 48. pl— Sowtyo, R. Beitrage zur Pharma- kologie der Darmvtindnervenzellen. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-35, 8: H. 3, Pharm., 104.—Stefanelli, A. Sui sistema nervoso intestinale dei Limax (cellule nervose con pin cilindrassi e circuito nervoso chin so) Arch. ital. anat., 1932-33, 30: 17, 4 r>l.—Szantrocb, 7.. Morphologie des Darmnerven beim Hiihnchen. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc. Cracovie, 1927, sc nat., 211-81, 5 pl. ------ Ueber den feineren Bau der Ganglienknoten des Remakschen Darmnerven. Zsehr. Zell- fo sch., 1933, 20: 417-22.—Tournade, A. Excitation du vague et inhibition intestinale. C. rend. Soc biol., 1936, 121: 352.— Tr >stenetzkv, M. M. Zur Frage des Baues der svmpathischen Gingli"ii .les Darmgefleehte«. Zsehr. Zellforsch", 1928-29, 8: 458-09. Van Camnenhcut, E. Further experiments on the origin of the enteric nervous svstem in the chick. Physiol. Z->ol., 1932. 5: 333-53— We«er. P. Ueber die Einwirkung von Diritalisund Strophantin auf die parasvmpathische Reizbarkeit rle3 Darmes. Skand. Arch. Phvsiol., Lpz., 1929, 55: 111-30.— V mmans. W. B.. Meek, W. J., & Herrin, R. C. Extrinsic and i trinsic pathways cone-rued with intestinal inhibition during iitestinal distention. Am. J. Physiol., 1938, 124: 470-7. ---- Nerves: Disorder. Dimitriu, V. [Sympathetic innervation of the large intestine with special regard to the sympathetic nerve in colitis] Spitalul, 1130, 50: 8-15.—Gubergritz, M. Darmneurosen. Arch. Vjrdauungskr.. 1928, 44: 1-22.—Hess, L., & Faltitschek, J. Aiatomische befunde bei Innervationsstorungen des Darm- tr'ktes (zugleich ein B> itrag zur Pathologie des viszeralen N -rvensvstems) Wien. klin. Wschr.. 1933. 46: 613-6.—Bake, A. T. Achalasia and degeneration of Auerbach's plexus. Proc. R. Soc M., Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect Lar. Otol., 77-9. ---- Nerves: Myenteric plexus of Auerbach. Bacrich. P. Nerve cells in the myenteric plexus of the tench. J. Anat.. Lond., 1941-42. 76: 224.—Boeke, J. Innervations- studien; der sympathische Darmplexus (Plexus entericus) von Amphioxus lanceolatus und die Bedeutung der intei stitiellen Zellen und der Svnapsen fiir den s\ mpathischen Crundplexus. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch.. 1935. 38: 554-93.- Cole. E. C. Notes on the extent and the organization of the ni\ en let ie plexus inthefrog. J. Comp. Neur.. 1926 27.41:311 5, pl. Dickinson, G. K. The myenteric nerve; a discussion. J. Am. M. Ass., 1920, 74: 442-5— Hill, C. J. A contribution to our knowledge of the enteric plexuses. Philos. Tr. R. Soc London, 1927, ser. M. 215: 355-87, 8 i>l. Inokuti. T. Pharmakologische Wirkung des A tropins auf den Kaninchendarm mit besonderer Heriick- i siehtigung des Auerbach-Plexus; Versuch am uberlebenden Kaninchendarm. Mitt, Med. Akad. Kioto, 1939, 26: 1048. Pharmakologische Wirkung des Sttychnins auf den Kaninehendai in mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Auerbach- schen Plexus. Ibid.. 1054.--Irwin. I). A. The anatomy of Auerbach's plexus. Am. J. Anat.. 1931.49:141 66.—Johnson, S. F.. & Pahr.er. M. Further observations on the components I of the myenteric plexus. J. Comp. Neur., 1931, 53: 169-75. - Kikuti, I. Die lahmende Wirkung des Magnesiumsalzes auf | den Auerbach'schen Plexus. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1928. 10: 5S6 90.— Kirtisinghe, P. The myenteric nerve-plexus in some lower chordates. Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond.. 1938-39, 81 : 521 39 — Matuo, H. A contribution on the anatomy of Auerbach's plexus. Jap. J. M. Sc. 1933-34, 4: Anat., 417-28.- Morin, G. Sui la disposition du collagone dans le plexus d'Auerbach; capsules p6riganglionnaires et capsules p6rineuronales. Bull. histol. appl., Par., 1929, 6: 400-11.—Ottaviani, G. Contribute alia conoscenza delle guaine linfatiche del plesso di Auerbach. Ricer. morf.. 1934, 14: 363-84, ph—Palumbi, G. Differenti aspetti del plesso di Auerbach in ragione dei vari segmenti dell'intestino umano. Ibid., 1933, 13: 537-91.— Yosizumi, Y. Ueber die Beziehungen des Auerbach'schen Plexus zur Peri- staltik. Fukuoka acta med., 1929, 22: 86-8. ---- Nerves: Reflexes. Chang, P., & Hsu, F. The localization of the intestinal inhibitory reflex arc Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1941-42, 31: 311-8.—Fleisch, A. Der Verkiirzungsroflox des Darmes. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1928, 220: 512-23. Goncharov, P. P. [Varia- bility of respiration and blood circulation in visceral reflexes from the intestines] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1941, 11: 144-6. Also Klin, med., Moskva, 1941, 19: No. 5, 36-43.—Hermann, H.. & Morin, G. Mise en evidence d'un teflexe inhibitettr intestino-intestinal. C. rend. Soc biol., 1934, 115: 529-31 — Tournade, A., Malme.jac, J., (fc Rocchisani, L. Sur la localisa- tion bulbaire du centre refloxe intestino-moteur. Ibid., 1933, 113: 605. ---- Occlusion. See also subheadings (Abnormity; Adhesion; Cancer; Endometriosis; Strangulation; Volvulus) also Ileus. Alexander, R. E. The X-ray diagnosis of intestinal obstruc- tion. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1942-43, 19: 318 — Barthelemy, M. Diagnostic de l'occlusion intestinale. Rev. med. est, 1934, 62: 397 406.—Cain, A., & Meyer, A. Le dia- gnostic des obstructions du gros intestin par l'examen radiolo- gique direct et sans prepni at ion. Rev. nted. fr.. 1932, 13: 235- 43.- Cieza Rodriguez, M., A- Bach, E. V. Obstrucci6n intestinal por quiste hidatfdico. Prensa nted. argent., 1938, 25: 181-5.— Didier. R., Thoyer-Rozat, P., & Codet, P. H. A propos de la radiographie abdominale sans preparation dans un cas d'occlu- sion aigue. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1936, 24: 539-41.— Ferreira, J. A. Obstrucci6n intestinal; contribucion al diag- nostico radiologico; comunicaci6n previa. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1942, 49: pt2, 690.—Gonzalez Marrrol.D. Oclusi6n intestinal aguda por adenomioma (endometrioma) del espacio recto- vaginal. Rev. med. cubana, 1935, 46: 289-95— Graham, R. R. The influence of experimental study on clinical practice in intestinal obstruction. Week. Bull. Jackson Co. M. Soc., 1942- 43, 37: 869; passim.—Intestinal obstruction in a new born infant. N. England J. M., 1943, 228: 525—Kirkpatrick, W. D. Mes- enteric lymphadenitis in relation to intestinal obstruction. West. J. Surg., 1938, 46: 317-20.—Levine, V. Intestinal ob- struction from a mobilized lipoma. In Path. Conf. (Jafte, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 895.—Moisuc, C. G. [Rare case of acute intes- tinal occlusion caused by a transmesocolic hernia] Spitalul, 1938, 58: 345-8.—Morris, J. H., & Johnson, V. S. Hernia as an etiologic factor in acute intestinal obstruction. Surgery, 1937, 1: 903-19.—Mortality summary for U. S. registration states; hernia and intestinal obstiuction. Vital Statist. Spec Pep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1942, 16: 137 40.—Moulonguet, P., & Rousset, J. La radiographie abdominale sans preparation dans l'occlusion intestinale aigue. Bull. Soc nat. chir.. Par.. 1934, 60: 1405-12.—O'Bannon, R. P. Intestinal obstruction in the newborn. Texas J. M.. 1942-43. 38: 728-30. Piedelievre & Derobert. Deux cas d'occlusion intestinale. Ann. med. leg., 1935, 15: 925-8.—Simard, R.. & Laberge, A. Occlusion intesti- nale et grossesse normale. Union nted. Canada, 1942, 71: 1322-- Spamder, C. C. Hodgkiu's disease of the intestine pro- ducing intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 49: 121-3 — Stadler, H. The preeminent importance of clinical signs in the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in earlv infancy. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1942. 120: 1381. Takata. S. Blut-"und Hatnindikan und Datmveischluss. J. Chosen M. Ass., 193S, 28: 5.—Wakeley, ' C. P. G. A rare case of intestinal obstruction. Brit. J. Surg., INTESTINE 45; INTESTINE 1926-27, 14: 525.—Weber, E. Occlusion intestinale provoquee par un grand fibrome calcific Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1926, 15: 523.—Yannicelli, R. B. La oclusi6n intestinal en el reci6n nacido y el lactante; algunos aspectos olinicos y radiologicos Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1940, 11: 705-33. ---- Occlusion: Treatment. See also Ileus, Treatment; Intestine, Intuba- tion. Flman, R. The danger of sudden deflation of acutely dis- tended bowel in late low intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1934, 26: 438-46.—Glenn, P. M. Intestinal obstruction; re- sults of treatment with the use of intestinal intubation. Clin. Bull. School M. Western Reserve Univ., 1940, 4: 94-7 — Kirk, R. D., jr. Modern trends in the treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Mississippi Doctor, 1942-43, 20: 322- 4.—Papp, J., & Tepperberg, K. Kochsalzbehandlung in der Chirurgie; bei akutem Darmverschluss. Chirurg, 1936. 8: 445-9.—Tavernier. Treatement des occlusions postoperatoires recentes. Lyon chir., 1939, 36: 248-55.—Zuckermann, C. Prevencion y tratamiento de las oclusiones intestinales post- operatorias. Rev. mex. cir., 1942, 10: 247-53. ---- Pain. See also Colic; also under names of primary diseases as Peptic ulcer; Tabes dorsalis, etc. Briining, F., & Gohrbandt. E. Ein experimenteller Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Schmerzen bei der Darmkolik. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1921, 58: 1431-3. ------ Ein Beitrag zur Patho- genese der Schmerzen bei der Darmkolik und zur Sensibilitat der Darmwand. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1922, 29: 367-87. ------Ein experimenteller Beweis fiir die Schmerzleitung durch den Sympathicus bei der Darmkolik. Klin. Wschr., 1922, 1: 1657. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1923, 36: 164-8.— Derch y Marsal, F. Un caso de enteralgia peri6dica. Rev. homeop., Barcel.. 1892, 3: 159-62.—Durand. G. Causalgie intestinale. In Ann6e med. prat., Par., 1939, 18: 242. - McDonald, Minsk [et al.l Colicky pain. Case Rep. Child. Mem. Hosp. Chicago, 1943, 2: No. 3, 5-7.—Rachet. J.. ,t Arnous. J. La douleur intestinale. Paris nted., 1937, 103: 299-304. ---- Parasites. See also subheadings (Actinomycosis; Bac- teria; Helminthosis; Myiasis; Protozoa) also under names of intestinal parasites as Ascaris; Balantidium. etc. Vanni, V. Le parassitosi intestinali. 191 p. 19cm. Fir. [1939] Allen, F. M. B. Intestinal parasites. Practitioner, Lond.. 1935, 134: 502-12.—Althausen, A. J., Rosenfeld, O. A., & Perchik, R. M. [Double invasion: Opistorchis felineus and Lamblia intestinalis] Vrach. delo, 1934, 17: 555-60.—Barilrri, M. J., & Castellino, M. D. Estadistica comentada de la para- sitosis intestinal en el afio 1937. Rev. nted. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1938. 23: 1159-65.—Bates, T. H. Surgical conditions caused be intestinal parasites. J. Florida M. Ass., 1939-40, 26: 137-9.—Bupch, P. W. C. M. Over de localisatie van hot glvcogeen bij eenig'e darmparasieten. Onderzoek. physiol. Lab. Utrecht, 1905, 5. r., 6: 72-89, 3 pl. Also Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1905-6, 3: 49-61, 3 pl.—Busse Grawitz, P. El ntedico frente a las parasitosis intestinales. Dia med., B. Air., 1938, 10: 1321-3.—Castex, M. R.. & Greenway, D. Parasitose intestinale. C. rend. Soc biol., 1926, 95: 1379-81. Also Rev. Soc argent, biol., 1926, 2: 263-7.—Charles, E. Como se descarta el parasitismo intestinal. Rev. nted. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1928, 13: 1175-84.—Davison, H. M., Thorough- man, J. C, & Peschau, J. B. Intestinal infestations. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1941, 37: 294-7.—Delort. Parasites du colon. J. med. Paris, 1930, 50: 595-600.—Deschiens. R. Chimisme gastrique et infections parasitaires du tube digestif. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1929, 43: 1353-69.—Duran Jorda, F. Contribution al estudio del parasitismo intestinal. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1936, 25: 483-504.—Espie, A. Note comple- mentaire sur un nouveau parasite intestinal humain de la Tunisie. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 1931-32, 20: 73-6 — Faust. E. C. Intestinal parasitic infestations in children. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 542-55— Fernandez, F. Para- sitisme intestinal chez les enfants sains. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1936, 26: 665-73.------& Castilla, D. Para- sitismo intestinal en nifios sanos. Arch, med., Madr., 1935, 38: 813-6.—Filipchenko, A. A. [Intestinal parasites and their significance] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 131-5.—Gonzalez, J. F. Parasitismo intestinal; concepto clinico y sanitano actual. Rev. med., Rosario, 1927, 2: 399-405.—Hendricks. W. G. Intestinal parasites. Clin. Osteopath., 1940, 36: 379-83 — Hernandez Froment, A. Parasitismo intestinal y su impor- tancia en la clinica. Rev. san. mil., Habana, 1938, 2: 40-6.— Hopkins, E. G. A consideration of some intestinal diseases due to metazoan parasites. Richmond J. Pract., 1908, 22: 287-93 Also GaiUard's South. M., 1909, 90: 18-22.—Ingling, H H Clinical study of intestinai parasites. Ohio M. J., 1940, 36- 1083-5 Also Kentucky M. J., 1941. 39: 222-4— Jayaram, T K Intestinal parasites. J. Ceylon Br. M. Ass., 1915, 12: 80.—Lemmon, J. R. Intestinal parasites in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y„ 1937, 54: 126-32.— McClure, W. B. Intestinal parasites in man. Canad. Nurse, 1940, 36: 216-9.— Manson, P. Intestinal parasites. In his Trop. Dis., Lond., 1903, 639-45.— Marcoux, H. Les parasitoses intestinales. Canad. M. Ass. J. 1943, 48: 268 (Abstr.) Also Union nted. Canada, 194.3, 72: 4o4 (Abstr.)—Monroe, C. E. Intestinal parasites in children. Am. M. Compend. 1904, 20: 242-5.—Morales Diaz. Patesito intestinal en el nino. Med. ibera, 1936, 30: pt 1, 77. ------ Parasitismo intestinal. Ibid., 310-12.—Nuovi studi concernenti le malattie dellapparato digerente; vermi, protozoi. Progr. ter., Milano, 1911, 200-10—Paez, D. R. Contribuci6n al estudio de la zooparasitosis intestinal. Rev. Inst. bact. Chile, 1932, 3: No. 1, 89-92.—Pardina, J. M. Parasitosis intestinal infantil. Prensa med. argent., 1935, 22: 1050-62.—Perroncito, E. Address on some points concerning human intestinal para- sites. Arch. Pub. Health Lab. Univ. Manchester, 1906, 1: 357-73.—Petrov, A. I. [Animal parasites found in the duodenal juice] Kuban, nauch. med. vest,, 1930, 13: 110-2.—Polera, U. Parassitosi intestinale e sua importanza clinica, Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1931, 3: 516-23.—Pritchett, J. B. Intestinal parasites. South. M. & S., 1935, 97: 632.—Prizhbelska, R. J. [Double invasion by Opisthorchis felineus and Lamblia in- testinalis] Radianska med., 1939, 4: No. 10, 71-3.—Research Committee: third interim report [intestinal parasites] China M. J., 1910, 24: 10-16.—Scholz, A. Einige Parasiten des menschlichen Darmes. Zbl. Kneipp. Heilverf., 1904, 11: 94; 101.—Smith, W. C. Intestinal parasites. Tr. Luzerne Co..M. Soc. (1902) 1903, 10: 21-32.—Swan, J. M. Some re- marks on intestinal parasites. Pennsylvania M. J., 1909-10, 13: 631-3.—Szecsi, B. [Animal parasites of the human intestinal tract] Orvoskepzes, 1935, 25: oct. kulonf. (L. K6tly *Festschr.) 123-6.—Vottero, G. Le parassitosi intestinali nella pratica. Rinasc. med., 1933, 10: 207.—Whitaker, P. F. In- testinal parasites, their frequency and clinical manifestations South. M. & S., 1928, 90: 566-8.—Wright, W. H., Brady, F. J. [et al.] Round table discussion on intestinal parasites. J. Pediat,, S. Louis, 1941, 18: 268-85. ---- Parasites: Complication. Bidault. Contribution k I'etude des relations entre le parasitisme intestinal et la tuberculose en ge.n6ral. Rev. med. Nancy, 1936, 64: 598-605.—Cade, A., & Garin, C. Relations entre le parasitisme intestinal et les enterorragies occultes. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1909, 3: 658-76.— Campos Seabra. Um caso de affeccao parasitaria mista intestinal. Brazil med., 1906, 20: 79.—Cappelli, E. Paras- sitismo intestinale, elmintiasi. e dermatosi. Gior. ital. derm. sif., 1937, 78: Suppl., 402.—Castex, M. R., & Greenway, D. Sohre entozoosis v enterotoxicosis. Prensa nted. argent,, 1925-26. 12: 937; 965.—David, J., & Segal, J. Parasitisme intestinal et paludisme chronique. Presse m6d., 1924, 32: 248.—Escalona, G. Efectos de los patesitos intestinales sobre el sistema nervioso. Gac. mid. M6xico, 1914, 3. ser., 9: 455- 61.—Fernandez Martinez, F. Parasitisme intestinal et sue gastrique. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1934, 24: 120-2.— Galvagno, P. Sulle azione patogene dei zooparassiti intestinali pin comuni aU'infanzia e sulle loro cause determinanti. Arch. pat. clin. inf., Nap., 1902, 1: 131-41.—Gonzalez, G. Pelaera y eseorbuto en una colitis parasitaria, & balantidium y chilo- mastix, sometida a regimen hiponutritivo y carenciada. Rev. san. mil., Asuncion, 1939-40. 13: 1056-64.—Guiart, J. Action pathog^ne des parasites do l'intestin; appendicite, fievre typhoide, dvsenterie. Arch. nted. nav., Par., 1904, 82: 376-91. Also Arch, parasit., Par., 1905, 9: 175-86.—Ibarra Perez, R.. & Farinas Guevara, P. Parasitismo intestinal en dermato- sifilografia; importancia del parasitismo intestinal en 236 casos de afecciones cutaneas y sifilis que pasaron por el Servicio de dermatologia y sifilograffa del Hospital General Calixto Garcia durante el primer semestre del afio de 1938. Vida nueva, Habana, 1939, 44: 43-51— King, E. L., Faust, E. C, & Sanders, J. T. Intestinal parasitic infections complicating pregnancy. South. M. J., 1937. 30: 545-9.—Labb, M., Nep- veux, F., & Nichita. Les parasites intestinaux dans la patholo- gie du tube digestif. Arch. mal. app. digest.,'Par., 1931, 21: 400-25.—Leo, G. Parasites intestinaux et colibacillurie. Bull. Soc chir. Paris, 1929, 21: 57-60.—Nordman. Des enterites parasitaires. Loire mid., 1930, 44: 269-89.—Peugniez, P. Parasites intestinaux et colibacillurie. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1928, 20: 865-8.—Poggi, I. Su di un caso d'infestazione intestinale parassitaria associata e multipla. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1932. 13: 474.—Robin. C, Sice, A., & Merrier, H. Parasitisme associe, ankvlostomose et onchocercose. Marseille med., 1936, 73: pt 1, 140-4.—Rodriguez Perez. J. F., & Roman Crespo, J. Parasitismo intestinal y fiebre tifoidea; su influencia sobre la enfermedad. Salub. asist. social, Habana, 1941, 44: 419-39.—Santori, G.. & De Muro, P. Ricerche sui rapporti tra alcune dermatosi e la presenza di parassiti intestinali. Atti Soc. ital. derm, sif., 1938, 1: 170-83.—Van Studdiford, M. T. Intestinal parasites and skin diseases. South. M. J., 1943, 36: 238-40. ---- Parasites: Diagnosis and symptoms. Wildhaber, M. *Le diagnostic du para- sitisme intestinal. 45p. 24cm. Ziir., 1941. Bacigalupo, J., & Loretti, G. A. La eritrosedimentaci6n en las parasitosis intestinales. Rev. med. trop. parasit,, Habana, 1938, 4: 339, 4 ch.—Berron, G. A. La parasitosis intestinal INTESTINE 458 INTESTINE en nuestro medio, desde el punto de vista del laboratorio. Rev. m6d. Yucatan. 1936-37, 19: 56.—Chantriot, P. Allergie cutanee et parasitisme intestinal. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1936, 13 : 1 53i; 12.—Cicchitto, A. M. La velocitl di sedimenta- zione globulare nei parassitismo intestinale da protozoi ed elminti. Aich. ital. sc. med. col., 1938. 19: 614-31--Coi'litore, A. Cotiti iliuto aUa ricerca dei parassiti intestinali nei bambini. Cult. med. mod., Par., 192s, 7: 119.—Datos para la investiga- ci6n de patesitos en las heces fecales. Rev. san., Caracas, 1940, 5: No. 1, 41-3.—De Masi, G. II glutatione del sangue neUe paiassitosi intestinali. Morgagni, 193.5, 77: 1318-22 — Denison, N. Food remnants as a cause of confusion in the diagnosis of intestinal parasites. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1941-42, 27: 1036-42, 3 pt.—De Rivas, D. Intestinal parasitism simu- lating appendicitis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 1168-71. ------■ Parasitismo intestinal; diagnostico y tratamiento. Tr. Panamer. M. Congr. (1931) 1933, 3. Congr., 708 17. --- Intestinal parasitism; diagnosis and treatment. Am. J. Trop. M., I:i32. 12: 477-92— Dwyer, H. L. Diagnosis of intestinal paia-mr infestations. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1937, 10: 555-9.— Fauque, M. C. J. La parasitose .intestinale nteeonnue en milieu militaire. Rev. serv. san. mil., 1937, 106: 751-68—Faust, E. C, D'Antoni, J. S., & Sawitz, W. G. The diagnosis and treatment of infections with the common intestinal protozoa and helminths. Bull. Tulane M. Fac, 1942-43, 2: 39-52.—Franck, H. Die Bedeutung der Hautreak- tion fiir die Diagnose von Darmparasiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1940, 66: 258-60.—Gama, P. A proposito de um caso de parasites accidentaes do intestino, acompanhado de crises convulsivas. Arch, riogrand. med., 1920, 1: 11-5.—Giudi- ceandrea, V. Sulla eosinofilia nelle parassitosi intestinali. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1938, 64: 150-5. Also Policlinico, 1938, 45: sez. prat., 2089-94— Guiart, J. Les parasites intestinaux et les maladies qu'ils produisent. Rev. sc, Par. 1907, 5. ser.. 8: 609; 686.—Improved techniques for the diag- nosis of intestinal protozoa and helminths. Gradwohl Lab. Digest, 1938 39, 2: No. 12, 6.—Loeper, M., & Tonnet, .1. Parasitose intestinale et oxalfimie. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1933, 3. ser., 49: 1507-9. Also Progr. med., Par., 1934, 66.— Moss, E. >S. Criteria for the identification of the more common intestinal parasites, with methods for the preparation and examination of stools. Am. J. M. Techn., 1941, 7: 1-24.— Mousseau. J. A. Deux cas de parasitose intestinale k syndrome gastro-eiiteialgique equivoque. Union med. Canada, 1929, 58: 008 13. Ortiz, P. N. Essential points in the diagnosis of some parasitic diseases. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., 1936-37, 3: 128 36 — Petrov, A. I. [Importance of the duodenal sound for diagnosis of parasites of the intestinal tract] Kuban, nauch. med. J., 1928. 7: 139-42.—Ricks, H. C, & Nickel, H. Recent advances in laboratory diagnosis of intestinal parasites and tlit ii- treatment. Mississippi Doctor, 1939—10. 17: No. 1, 8-13.-- Smith, F. C. Intestinal parasitic diseases; their diagnosi., and treatment. Med. World, 1939, 57: 615-50.— Varela Fuentes & Apolo. Sobre una nueva modificaci6n sanguinea, habit ual en las parasitosis intestinales: la linfocitosis. An. Fac med., Montev., 1926, 11: 495-510. ---- Parasites: Statistics. Schwexck, J. *Os tatuzinhos como dis- seminadores do parasitoses intestinaes. 55p. 8? S. Paulo, 1927. Coutelen. F. Frequence et importance du parasitisme intestinal au cours de la premiere enfance. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 744 (Abstr.)—Fantham, H. B., & Porter, A. Some entozoa of man as seen in Canada and South Africa. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 34: 414-21.—Faust, E. C. Is there an intestinal parasite problem in college students? J. Lancet, 1942, 62: 260-4.--Ferrell, J. A. Intestinal parasites; the rural school a factor in spreading their infection. Tr. Internat. Congr. School Hyg. (1913) 1914, 4. Congr., 4: 548-52 — Kofoid, C. A. Intestinal parasites. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1928, 9: 529-49.—Roberts, H. El parasitismo intestinal entre los habituados a las drogas heroicas. In Monogr. Inst. Finlay, 1938, 5: 129-31, tab. Also Rev. med. cir. Habana. 1938, 43: 180-2, tab.—Tate, H. Incidence of intestinal parasites. Am. J. M. Techn., 1941, 7: 116-25.—Young, M. D.. & Ham, C. The incidence of intestinal parasites in a selected group at a mental hospital. J. Parasit., Lancaster, 1941, 27: 71-4. ---- Parasites: Statistics—Africa. Feurtet, G. *Etudes sur la coprologie algerienne. 109p. 24cm. Alger, 1936. Adams, A. R. D., & Webb. L. A survey of the protozoal and helminthic infestation rates of the male prison and reformatory inmates of Beau Bassin prison, Mauritius. Ann. Trop. M. Parasit., Liverp., 1934. 28: 25-35.—Advier. Le depistage des affections intestinales d'origine parasitaire chez les indigenes des troupes coloniales stationnSes dans la ntetropole; rapport preliminaire. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1939, 33: 393-404.— Basile, C. II parassitismo intestinale lungo il medio Uebi Scebeli. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1927, 2: 269-81.—Besta, B., & Mariani. G. Le parassitosi intestinali in Somalia studiate nella popolazione metropolitans durante l'anno 1935. Gior. med. mil., 1936, 84:436-52.— Hoisseiu.R. Le parasitisme intestinal au Congo francais. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1926, 19: 714-S.—Callanan, J. C. J. A record of the occurrence of intestinal parasites in patients at the Native Hospital, Nairobi. Kenya E. Afr. M. J., 1927-28, 1: 103-13.- Chatron. Note statistique sur la presence des kystes de protozoaires, ceufs d'helminthes et spirilles dans les selles de sujets adultes habitant la France ou l'Afrique du Nord, et sur la frequence de leur presence simultanee. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1933, 23: 952-4.—Clement, L. Contribution a I'etude du parasitisme intestinal chez les indigenes du territoire de Ruhengeri, Ruanda. Ann. Soc. beige med. trop., 1938. 18: 347-9.—Emily. J. Les parasites intestinaux chez les indigenes du Corps d'armfa rolonialeon France; traitement ot prophylaxie. Bull. Soc path. exot., Par., 1925, 18: 69-1 700. Espie, A. Parasitisme intestinal des adultes de Piles de D.jerba. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 1928, 17: 163-6. -— Parasitisme intestinal infantile en Tunisie. Ibid., 1935, 24: 368-70.—Fisch. R. Leber die Darmparasiten der Goldkiistenneger. Arch. Sehiffs Tropenhyg., 1908, 12: 711-8— Franchini. G. II parassitismo intestinale nelle nostre colonic Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1935, 16: 86-96.—Garin, C, & Roman. E. Sur le parasitisme intestinal des Noirs de l'Afrique occidentale. J. nted. Lyon, 1941, 22: 411-6.—Guilliny, R. Le parasitisme intestinal dans la Province de Vahomandry (Madagascar) Marseille med., 1931, 68: 124-8. Also Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1931, 11: 209.—Hodson, V. S. Intestinal parasites in the Sudan. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond.. 1923, 26: 244 — Impallomeni, R. II parassitismo intestinale in ( irenaica. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1935, 8: 114-20. Intestinal entozoa among the native labourers in Johannesburg. Lancet, Lond., 1919, 1: 521.—Le Gac. Parasitisme intestinal an Ouadai (Tchad) Ann. m6d. pharm. col., Par., 1928, 26: 210-5.— Le Moult & Pirot. Quelques domtees statistiques et cliniques sur le parasitisme intestinal des tirailleurs s£n£ga!is en gainison k Toulon. Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1934, 121: 312 8. - Mariani, G., & Lopresti, A. I parassiti intestinali della popola- zione bianca in Somalia. Ann. igiene, 1936,46:481-96.- Mello, F. de. Note sur le frequence des parasitoses intestinales a ITnde portugai.se Arq. Esc m6d. cir. Nova Goa, 1927, ser. A (No. 1) 29-48.—Monfort, R. Le parasitisme intestinal chez les indigenes s&ientaires de Beni Ounif fSud Oranais) Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1936, 14: 62-5. Morvan, Voi/.ard, F., & Baize. Le parasitisme intestinal des Malgaohes ("parasitologic, hematologic) Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1928, 21: 20-5.—■ Neujean, G. Le parasitisme intestinal chez les indigenes des hauts plateaux, environs de Kitoga. Ann. Soc. beige med. trop., 1937, 17: 343-9.—Pirot, R..& Le Moult. Parasitis- me intestinal chez les soldats indigenes de race noire en garnison k Toulon. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1933, 26: 1102-6.—Ranjeva, J. B. Parasitisme intestinal k Farafangana. Ann. m6d. pharm. col., Par., 1930, 28: 85 9.—Rodrigues, J. S. N. H. Contribuigao para o estudo do indice parasitologico intestinal na India Portugueza. Aiq. indoport. med., 1926, 3: 296-325.—Serra, G. Qualche osservazione sui parassitismo intestinale fra i neri dell'Africa Centrale. Boll. med. trent., 1935, 50: 51-71.—Shircore, J. O. Notes on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in East Africa. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1917, 10: 101-8.—Sice, A. Le parasitisme intestinal dans le sud de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1927, 20: 464-7.—Talamonti, L. Elmintologia e protozoologia intestinale negli indigeni del Basso Webi Scebeli. Arch. ital. sc med. col., 1933, 14: 111-24.—Van Den Berghe, L. Les parasites intestinaux des pvgntees Efe de lTturi; Congo Beige. Ann. Soc. beige m6d. trop.. 1938, 18: 293-6.—Veneroni, C. Distribuzione dei parassiti intestinali nei bassopiano Yemenita. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1933, 14: 398-400. ---- Parasites: Statistics—America. Forestal, R. *Le parasitisme intestinal a la Guadeloupe. 63p. 8? Par., 1935. Amador Guevara, J. Parasitismo intestinal escolar. Rev. med., S. Jose, 1937-38, 5: 113-7.—Andrada, E. M. Examen parasitario coprologico de conscritos de la clase de 1906 y hematol6gico de las de 1906-7, de guarnici6n en Catamarca. Bol. Inst. clfn. quir., B. Air, 1928, 4: 381-3. Also Rev. san- rnil., B. Air., 1929, 28: 49-52.—Basnuevo, J. G. Considera. ciones sobre dos mil examenes parasitologicos de heces fecales. Cron. med. quir. Habana, 1933, 59: 448-52.—Beregoff-Gillow, P. A survey of intestinal protozoa in a private practice in Montreal. Canad. M. Ass., J., 1940, 43: 592. Briceno Rossi, A. L. La frecuencia de la helmint iasis y prolozoosis en Caracas como resultado del estudio de 21.746'muestras fecales. Rev. san., Caracas, 1941, 6: 523 33. Brimont, E. Parasites in- testinaux (helminthes et protozoaires) en Guvano francaise. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1909, 2: 423-5. -Caballero C., E. Parasites intestinales en los nifios de Actopan, HGO. An. Inst, biol., Mex., 1936, 7: 373-84.—Calvo Fonseca, R., Kouri, P., & Basnuevo, J. G. Porcentaje y distribuci6n geogtefiea del parasitismo intestinal en Cuba. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1935, 40: 519; 564; 1936, 41: 315-20. Also Rev. m6d. cubana, 1936, 47: lo7-63. Also Bol. Clin. As. Damas Covadonga, Habana, 1938, 5: 18-23.—Camacho, T. El parasitismo intestinal en la ninez campe.sina de vueltab ijo, terrible amenaza para las generaciones futuras. Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1938, 4: 275-8.—Can^ado, J. R. Incidence of intestinal parasites m a tropical area of Brazil; figures based on the examination of the stools of 2,500 patients. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1943, 10: !,8.—Carreflo, C. Parasitosis intestinal en la poblacion aparen- temente sana del partido de La Plata provincia de Buenos INTESTINE 459 INTESTINE Aires. Reun. Soc argent, pat. region. (1929) 1930, 5. meet., 2: 1119-28.—Carsten Echenique, R. Parasitosis intestinal en San Fernando de Apure. Bol. Min. san., Catecas, 1937-38, 2: 1052-5.—Castillo, C. Datos acerca de la parasitosis intestinal en los lactantes y pre-escolares de Maracaibo. Arch, venezol. puericult., 1940-41, 3: 423-6.—Chattas, A. Parasitare Darm- infektionen bei Kindern in Argentinien. Med. Welt. 1937, 11: 681-3.—Debayle, L. H. Les parasites intestinaux aux tropiques; contribution k leur 6tude par des observations et des experiences faites k Nicaragua. C. rend. Congr. internat. nted., 1910, Sect. 21, Med. nav. & mal. trop., 254-83.—Del Corral, P. Anotaciones sobre parasitosis intestinal entre nosotros. Mem. Congr. venezol. med. (1926) 1927, 5. Congr., 1: 111-32, ch. Also Gac. med. Caracas, 1928, 35: 69-76.— Echen.endia, J. D. Acerca del parasitismo intestinal en Cuba. Rev. med. cubana, 1928, 39: 1315-41.—Escalona, G. Los "usanos intestinales que he visto en la ciudad de Mexico. Rev. cienc med., Mex., 1927, 6: 53-61.—Estar.ga, I. R. El parasitismo intestinal en los enfermos del Hospital Vargas. Gac. med. Caracas, 1926, 33: 292-5.—Fabre, H. J. A. Sur le parasitisme intestinal k la Guadeloupe. Bull. Soc. path. exot., Par., 1929, 22: 671-3.—Faria, G. de. Estudo estatistico sobre a frequencia de parazitos intestinais nas criancas do Rio de Janeiro. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1911, 3: 328-35 — Fermoselle Bacardi, J., & Brenes, R. El parasitismo in- testinal en la escuela Leonidas Briceno y su relacion con el uso del ealzado. Rev. nted., San Jose, 1937, 4: 515-9— Fortiin, M. Parasitismo intestinal. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1929, 34: 143-8.—Gaita.n, L., & Marroquin G., E. Una investigaci6n realizada para determinar el papel de • diseminadores de la infestaci6n de nuestros suelos que debe atribuirse a las aves de corral y cerdos que se crian y cultivan en los patios de poblados rurales y rancherias de las fincas en lo que se refiere a parasitosis intestinal. Bol. san. Guatemala, 1938, 9: 196- 200.—Gaminara, A., & Talice. R. V. Coprologie parasitaire de l'homme en Uruguay. C. rend. Congr. internat. m6d. trop. hyg., 1932, 2. Congr., 4: 223-32— Greenway, D. Con- sideraciones sobre un indice parasitario intestinal del Reg. 6 de caballeria. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1924, 23: No. 10-12, 197-201. ------ Consideraciones sobre la parasitosis in- testinal humana en La Plata. An. Fac. cienc. nted., La Plata, 1937, 1: 143-6.—Groot, H. Frecuencia de los parasites in- testinales en los enfermos del hospital de San Juan de Dios de Bogota. Repert, med. cir., Bogota, 1937-38, 2. ser., 1: 212-8 — Hrrris, R. V. Intestinal parasite infestation of Northern Saskatchewan Indians. Canad. J. M. Techn., 1940-41, 3: 100.—Kouri, P., Calvo Ponseca, R., & Basnuevo, J. Por- centaje y distribucion geogtefica del parasitismo intestinal en Cuba, Provincia de Pinar del Rio. Rev. med. cubana, 1935, 46: 981-90.------Porcentaje y distribucion geogtefica del parasitismo intestinal en Cuba. Ibid., 1337-45. Also Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1937, 3: 481-513.—Kuitunen- Ekbaum, E. A survey of entozoa in adults in a Toronto hospital. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 451-3.—Labernadie, V., & MarnefTe, H. Etude sur le parasitisme intestinai k Cavenne. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1929, 22: 568-84 — Leger, M. Parasitisme intestinal k la Guyane francaise dans la population locale err dans 1'element penal. Ibid., 1917, 10: 557-60.—Llanio, E. A. Parasitismo intestinal de la infancia; su frecuencia en Cuba. Cron. med. quir. Habana, 1928, 54: 239-49. Also Rev. mM. cubana, 1928, 39: 692-703—Macera, J. M., & Carrefo, C. La entozoosis en clinica pediiitrica. Sem. med., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt 1, 449-65. Also Cron. med. quir. Habana, 1929, 55: 81-8.—Marco del Pont, A. Para- sitosis intestinal; sobre alcunos casos interesantes. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt 2, 324-8.—Montero, A. M. Porcentaje y distribucion geogtefica del parasitismo intestinal en la provincia de Oriente. Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1938. 4: 263-9.— Neghrre Rodriguez, A. La amebiasis y otras enteroparasitosis en los conscriptos del ejercito de Chile; guarnicion militar de Arica; segunda encuesta. Rev. chilena hig., 1939, 2: 327-9.—Nifio, F. L. Contribuci6n al estudio de la parasitosis intestinal en la pol laci6n hospitalizada de Ave- llaneda (Prov. de Buenos Aires) Sem. med., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 1 533-60.—Noc, F. Les parasites intestinaux a la Mar- tinique. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, 4: 390-5 —Pardina. J. M. Parasitosis intestinal infantil en Cordoba. Actas Congr. nac. med., Rosario, 1934, 5: pt 4, 1091-6—Parodi, S E , & Widakowich, V. Indice parasitario intestinal, de- dueid'o del examen de 300 personas atendidas en el Hospital Ramos Mejia de Buenos Aires. Sem. med., B. Air., 1917, 24: 303-9 —Ramirez Ulloa, J. Estudio demogtefico y estadistieo de las parasitosis intestinales en el ejercito mexica.no. Mem Convene med. mil. mex., 1936, 159-63— Reaud, A. Por- centaje v distribucion geogtefica del parasitismo intestinal en Cuba. Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1937, 3: 215-7.— Ruff, G.. & Fischer, I. Estudio estadfstico sobre la frecuencia de panis'itos intestinales en enfermos internados en el pabellon IX del Hospital Rawson. Prensa med. argent., 1934-35, 21: 243-5 —Santos de Ferrer, R., & Ferrer Cartaya, M. Las enfermedades por carencia y el parasitismo intestinal en la poblacion rural, como problema social. Rev. cienc med., Habana, 1939, 2: 193-5-Santos Zetina, F Contributor, al estudio del parasitismo intestinal en Yucatan. Rev. med Yucatan, 1938-40, 20: 271-8-Serov.a A. Estado actual del parasitismo intestinai en los habitantes de la ciudad de Veracruz Rev. mM. Veracruz, 1937, 17: 2376-80.—Solar- .,.„ Mnrfin J Algunos datos para el estudio de las parasitosis intesrinalesde Mexico. Gac. med. Mexico, 1927, 58: 742-59. — Parasites: Statistics—America: States. United Reichard, W. *Etude comparative de la frequence des helminthes et des protozoaires intestinaux chez l'homme dans la Commune d'Aguadilla, Porto-Rico. 39p. 23cm. Lausanne, 1938. Bachman, G. W., Molina. R. R. [et al.] Estudio sobre el control del parasitismo intestinal en Puerto Rico durante un periodo de 5 anos y medio. Puerto Rico J. Pub. Health, 1936, 12: 389-404, map.—Baker, C. E. Microscopic examination for intestinal parasites of 73 boys in the National Training School for Bovs, Washington, D. C. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1931, 46: 2980-3.—Bradley, C. E., & Johnson, R. Intestinal parasites in children of Tulsa and vicinity. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1936, 29: 355-8.—Brown, P. W. The more common in- testinal parasites of the Northwest. Minnesota M., 1929, 12: 457-62.—Byrd, E. E. On the incidence of intestinal parasites in 537 individuals on the relief rolls in the city of Athens, Georgia, and vicinity. Am. J. Trop. M., 1936, 16: 39-45.—Canavan, W. P. N., & Hefley, H. M. Investigation of intestinal parasitic infections of a selected population of Oklahoma City. Ibid., 1937, 17: 363-83.—Canning, C. A. A sanitary survey of the Knox County Industrial School with respect to intestinal parasites. J. Tennessee Acad. Sc, 1933, 8: 249-59.—Curran, J. A., Connery, J. E., & Goldwater, L. J. A study of intestinal parasitism in New York City. J. Parasit., Urbana, 1935, 21: 126.—De Rivae, D., & Fife, C. A. Intestinal parasitism in Philadelphia. Stud. Dep. Path. Univ. Pennsylvania, 1927-29, 1: No. 18, 1-8. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 624-7 — Faust, E. C., & Headlee, W. H. Intestinal parasite infections of the ambulatory white clinic population of New Orleans. Am. J. Trop. M., 1936, 16: 25-38.—Gamble, W. G., jr. In- testinal parasites in Eastern Carolina. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 1516-8.—Graves, W. R. Intestinal parasites commonly found in children in this locality. Memphis M. J., 1942, 17: 218-20.—Headlee, W. H. Intestinal parasite infections among in-patients of the Indiana University Medical Center hospitals. Am. J. Trop. M., 1942, 22: 341-50.------Studies on in- testinal parasite infections among patients of the Indiana University Hospitals. Q. Bull. Indiana Univ. M. Center, 1942, 4: 91-4. ------ & Cable, R. M. Intestinal parasitism among students of Berea College, Kentucky. Am. J. Trop. M„ 1942, 22: 351-60.—Keller, A. E. Field studies of human intestinal parasites in Tennessee. South. M. J., 1931, 24: 336-44.-—Kessel, J. F., & Parrish, M. Studies on amoebiasis and bacillary dvsenterv in southern California. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1942, 6. Congr., 5: 11-7— Kmecza, J. M. The incidence of human intestinal parasite infections among patients in a state institution in Indiana. Am. J. Trop. M., 1939, 19: 515-30.—Kohlheim, L. Some intestinal parasites of north Mississippi. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., 1911, 44: 74-8. Also Mississippi M. Month., 1911, 16: 23-7. Also South. M. J.. 1912. 5: 483-8— Kuitunen-Ekbaum, E. In- testinal parasites in children in Toronto. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940, 60: 518-25.—McMullen, D. B., & Gray, J. K. The incidence of intestinal parasites in fecal samples collected in eastern Oklahoma. South. M. J., 1941, 34: 177-81.—Martin. W. B. The incidence and importance of human intestinal parasites in Tidewater, Virginia. Virginia M. Month., 1938, 65: 585-7.—Melleney, H. E. The relative incidence of in- testinal parasites in hospital patients in Nashville and in rural Tennessee. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1933, 19: 113-9.—Moss, E. S. The incidence of intestinal parasites; an analysis of 2,265 routine, consecutive stool examinations in the outpatient dis- pensaries of Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1939, 9: 437-47.—Nickel, H. S. Amebiasis and hookworm infection as found in approximately 50,000 fecal examinations in Mississippi. Am. J. Trop. M., 1942, 22: 209-15.—Otto, G. F., & Spindler, L. A. Effect of partial sanitation on infestation with intestinal parasites in Southwest Virginia. South. M. J., 1930, 23: 556-60.—Riley, W. A. In- testinal parasites of children in the Northwest. J. Lancet, 1935, 55: 268-72— Rosenberger. R. C. The presence of in- testinal parasites in patients in the Philadelphia General Hospital. Proc Path. Soc Philadelphia, 1911, n. ser., 14: 27-32 —Schenken, J. R., & Moss, E. S. Intestinal parasitism in the southern Negro. Tristate M. J., 1940-41, 13: 2690.— Sisk W N Important intestinal parasites in Western North Carolina. Health Bull., Raleigh, 1943, 58: No. 3, 13-5 — Smith, W. H. V., Gill, D. G., & McAlpine, J. G. Intestinal parasite survey in Alabama. South. M. J., 1939, 32: 1094- 105__Summers, W. A. Intestinal parasites m boys of the Florida Industrial School. J. Parasit., Lancaster, 1942, 28: 169__Tansinsin, M. S. Observation of intestinal parasites among children of Pennsylvania. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1930, 47- 113-8—Tucker, C. B., & Chisolm. J. M. A study of in- testinal parasites in relation to excreta disposal facilities in Cocke County, Tennessee, 1940. South. M. J., 1942, 35: 476-84—Van Liere, E. J. The intestinal parasites of 20 foreign'students in the University of Wisconsin J. Am. M Ass 1916 67- 1369.—Witherspoon. J. Parasitic diseases of the "intestinal tract indigenous to this region J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1928-29, 21: 48-51. ------ & Witherspoon, J A. A survey of the intestinal parasites found in the territory supplied by S. Thomas Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee. South. INTESTINE 460 INTESTINE M. J., 1924. 17: 669 72—Wright, H. E.. & Moursund. W. IL, sr. A stud i thf- incidence of intestinal parasites in 2.NO0 p. isons in P-dla~. Texas and vicinity. Texas J. M., 1938-39, 31: 292-5. \\\ck';fr. H. A., & French. W. O. Intestinal parasites among Filipino food handlers. .). Am. M. Ass., 1925, 84: 1029. ---- Parasites: Statistics—Asia. Acton, H. W. The incidence and importance of intestinal entozoa amongst Indian members of the Mesopotamian Expe- ditionary Force. Ind. J. M. Res., 1918-19, 6: 601-13, 3 pl.— Aguessv. D. Parasitisme intestinal dans le cercle de Djougou i Dahomey) Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1930, 23: 859-62 — Andrews, M. N. A -urvey of intestinal paiasites in Chinese hospital patients in Shanghai. Chin. M. J., 1938, 54: 341-50 — Barraan, P. Pai asit isino intestinal en el municipio de San Isidro Polot. Pangasinan, I. F. Rev. filip. med. farm., 1913, 4: 395 7.— Bell, J. Intestinal parasites [of man in Hongkong] Tr. Far East. Ass. Tiop. M., 1912, 2. Congr., 115-7, pl. Also Ann. hyg. nted. col., Par., 1913, 16: 1195.—Bernard, P. N., & Koun, L. Parasitisme intestinal en Annam. Bull. Soc path. exot., Par., 1913, 6: 343-6.—Bertrand, L. Parasitisme intesti- nal en Cochinchine. Ibid., 1915, 7: 245-7.—Brewer, I. W. The animal parasites found in the intestines of native children in the Philippine Islands. N. Vork M. J., 1910, 91: 1112.— Chamberlain. W. P., Bloomberg, H. D., & Kilbourne, E. D. Examinations of stools and blood among the Igorots at Baguio, Philippine Islands. Philippine J. Sc, 1910, 5: 505-14.— Chang, K.. & Lin, C. C. Intestinal parasite infections of man in Cliengtu and its vicinity. Chin. M. J., 1940, 58: 570-81 — Chalterji, I). M. The incidence of intestinal parasites in a Calcutta Hospital population. Ind. M. Gaz., 1927, 62: 252 — Chu. T. C. Liu, IJ. C, & Zee. G. F. A survey of intestinal paiasites in the rural experimental health area at Kao-Chiao, Shanghai. Chin. M. J., 1936, 50: 1243-54— Das, S. M. The common disease of hill people Ind. M. Gaz.. 1913, 48: 452.— Dempster, G. (). Intestinal parasites in Western Samoa. N. Zealand M. J.. 1938, 37: 214-8. Eastman, W. R. A report on intestinal parasites in scout companies. Mil. Surgeon, 1910, 26: 671. -Faust, E. C. Human intestinal parasites in North China. Am. T Hyg., 1929, 9: 505- 8. Fujii, T., Sinoya. H. fet al.] Ueber die Verbreitung der Darmparasiten bei Aino. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc,_ 1926, 16: 101.— Fujinami. A. Estudos sobre molestias parasitarias do homem no Japao e sua prophy- laxia. Sciencia med., Rio, 1927, 5: 327-38.—Gambier, A. Parasitisme intestinal au Cambodge. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1930, 23: 790-2.—Genevray. Parasites intestinaux et coolies indochinois en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Ann. nted. pharm. col., Par., 1926, 215-8 — Hakki, I. Ueber die Verbreitung von Darmparasiten in der Tiirkei. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1928, 108: 393. ------ Le parasitisme intestinal en Turquie. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1930, 23: 192-6. Also Rev. m6d. hvg. trop., Par., 1930, 22: 189-92.—Iyengar, M. O. T. Infestation of the human intestine by coprid beetles in Bengal. Ind. M. Gaz., 1928, 63: 365-9, pl.—Jamuni, A. Studies on carriers of intesti- nal pathogenic microorganisms among apparently healthv Siamese. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M.. 1930, 2: 1-iO— Kerr, W. F. J. Intestinal parasites in Northern Siam. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. Hvg., Lond., 1915-16, 9: 82-96.—Khaw, O. K. Survey of Peiping latrines for intestinal parasites. Nat. M. J. China", 1931, 17: 622-43, 2 pl—Kobayasi. H., Yokoi, K., & Kawabe, K. Parasitoloerieal studies in Hainan-Island; the incidence of intestinal parasites among the natives in Hoi-how and Keisan, Hainan-I-land, South China. Taiwan igakkai zassi, 1940, 39: 112.—Kwun, C. <\: Kobayasi, H. Intestinal parasites among the Koreans, preliminary report. China M. J., 1918, 32: 565.— Labernadie, V. Parasitisme intestinal k Pondich^ry. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1928, 21: 518 — l.ane, C. Intestinal animal parasites in Monghyr. Ind. M. C:\7... 1909, 44: 131-4, pl.—Legendre, F. Le parasitisme intes- tinal au Cambodge. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1937, 30: 570-2.—Ling. L. C. & Yao, Y. T. The^incidence of intestinal parasites in Kweiyang and southern Yunnan. Chin. M. J., 1937, 51: 381-4.—Maddox, R. H. A note on the occurrence of intestinal parasites in Kanchi, Chota Nagpur. Ind. M. Gaz., 1904, 39: 136.—Matunaga, T. Ueber die Darmparasiten der Bewohner auf den Truk-Inseln, Siidsee. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1927, 9: 211, ch.—Maxwell, J. P. Intestinal parasitism in South Fukien. Chin. M. J., 1921, 35: 377-82.—Meyer, C. H. L. Three cases of intestinal parasitism. Ind. M. Gaz., 1906, 41: 138.—Mills, R. G. Parasites, chiefly metazoan, observed in 7,000 specimens of feces from Koreans, with an attempt to interpret the findings. Am. J. Hyg., 1927, 7: 222-63.— Mukerji. J. G., & Banarsi Dass. Prevalence of intestinal parasites in the United Provinces. lad. M. Gaz., 1915, 50: 205.—Olson, G. M. The prevalence of intestinal parasites in Kiang Su Province, China. J. Am. M. Ass., 1907, 48: 794.— Pirot. Index parasitaire intestinal des matelots indigenes du recrutement indochinois. embarquls sur un batiment des forces navales en Extreme-Orient. Arch. m6d. pharm. nav., 1929, 199: 135-9.—Po. L. Y. Feido-parasites du Tarabagan. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1927, 7. Congr.. 3: 196.—Reaney, M. F. Intestinal parasites in the Wardlia district. Ind. M. Caz.. 1912. 47: 64-6.—Ris'ler. R. S., & CeNrrez, L. The prevalence of intestinal parasites in Rizal and Cavite provinces and Cagayan valley. Philippine J. Sc, [B.] 1910. 5: 267-75 — Saito, Y. Intestinal parasites of prisoner in Dairen prison. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1935. 22: 59.—Sato, J. Ueber die ortliche Verteilung und die Infektionsbedingungen der in der Stadt Xagova vorkommenden Parasiten. Acta paediat. jap., 1939, 45: 108 (Abstr.)—Sautet, J. Parasitisme intestinal et eosino- philic sanguine chez les Indochinois. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1930, 23: 792-5. Senekji. H. A., Boswell, C & Beattie. C. P. The incidence of intestinal paiasites in Iraq. Tr. R. Soc. Tiop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1939-10. 33: 349 52.—-Simon. Parasites intestinaux du Cambodge. Bull. Soc. path. exot.. Par., 1924, 17: 61-4.—Tenney, E. S. Some observations on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the Philippine Islands. Am, Soc. Trop. M., 1913, 8: 69-73.—Tirona, J. P. Intestinal parasites in the Philippines (preliminary report) Rev. filip. med. farm., 1927, 18: 217-20, 2 ch.—Tisseuil, J. Les parasites intestinaux en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1928, 21: 211-4. ------ Index du parasitisme intestinal k Noumea. Ibid., 1929, 22:-334 6.-- Whyte, G. D. Notes on the results of investigation of faeces in the Chao-chow-fu Prefecture, Canton Province. Chin. M. J., 1908, 22: 215-7- Willets. I). (J. A statistical studv of intestinal parasites in tobacco haciendas of the Cagavan Valley, P. I. Bull. Manila M. Soc. 191 I, 3: 34; 39. Also Philippine J. Sc, 1911, B. 6: 17 92.- Williams. T. H. A survey of intestinal parasites in rural Szeehwau. Chin. M. J., 1940, 57: 464 72-Yao. Y. T., & Chu, H. J. Intestinal parasites among the people under suburban conditions in Tangshan, Nanking. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1934, 9: pt, 2 551-3.—Yao, Y. T., & Ling, L. C. Intestinal parasite infestation of primary school children in Nanking (a record of survey from April 1932 to April 1933) Ibid., 539-49.------& Hsu, S. C. On the occurrence of intestinal parasites in man in different, combinations (a statistical study of the results of 9.853 fecal examinations) Ibid., 531-8.—Yasaki, Y., Terata, M.. & Fujii. T. The examination of intestinal parasites on the student of the T. C. II. M. College. Sei i kwai M. J., 1919, 38: No. 5.— Yu, T. H., Chu, P. J. fet til.] The prevalence of intes- tinal parasitic infection among school pupils in Shanghai. Tr, Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1934, 9: pt 2. 555. ---- Parasites: Statistics—Europe. Acschra, C. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung menschlicher Darmparasiten in Ostpreussen; Narmeln, Frisches Haff [Konigs- berg] 27p. 21cm. Gutersloh, 1936. Brogniart, M. *Recherches sur le parasitisme intestinal chez les enfants des ecoles maternelles [Lille; Pharm.] 87p. 24>4cm. Par., 1937. Israilitin, C. *Ueber die Haufigkeit der Darmparasiten in Zurich in den letzten Jahr- zehnten. 20p. 8? Ziir., 1907. Knoll, D. Contribution k I'etude du parasitisme intestinal au cours de la premiere enfance [Lille; Pharm.] 64p. 25}acm. Par., 1937. Poublan, H. *Contribution a I'etude du parasitisme intestinal dans la region parisienne. 55p. 8? Par., 1926. Steiner, F. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis dor Verbreitung menschlicher Darmparasiten am Kurischen Haff; Schaaksvitte. 19p. 8? Konigsb., 1933. Bardaczi, F., & Barabas, Z. [Frequency of entozoa in the army] Gy6gyaszat, 1917, 57: 176--8.—Cartagenova, L. I parassiti intestinali negli scolari. Igiene mod., 1927, 20: 152- 8.—Di Giuseppe, F. Un caso di amebiasi e lambliasi osservato nei novarese. Osp. maggiore Novara. 1939, 16: 127-32.— Dziuban, M. [Most frequent intestinal parasites found in Carpathian Ukraine] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1939, 19: Suppl., 101-9.—Ehrstriim, B. Zur Kenntnis der Darmparasiten in Finnland. Acta med. scand., 1926, 64: 29-68. Also Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1926, 68: 685-725.—Fernandez Martinez, F. Las parasitosis intestinales en el III cuerpo de Eiercito. Actas Congr. m6d. mil. (Spain) 1939, 1. Congr., 368-96— Garibaldi, M. Reperto parassitario intestinale nei malati delle nostre colonie, presentatisi all'Istituto di patologia coloniale di Bologna e di Modena. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1934, 15: 883-93.— Gruszecki, S., & Lukasiewicz, K. [Parasitic diseases of the digestive tract in the army] Lek. wojsk., 1935. 25: 606-10.— Gutierrez Arrese & Marquez del Prado. Frequencia y valor patogeno de los metazoos, parasites del intestino humano. Med. ibera, 1936. 30: pt 1, 511.—Liddo, S. Osservazioni parassitologiche nella regione pugliese. Arch. ital. sc med. col., 1934, 15: 298-300.—Milella, A. Lo stato attuale delle parassi- tosi intestinali nelle Puglie. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1936, 24: 260-4.—Montel, L. Etude statistique sur le parasitisme intestinal bas6e sur 7,000 examens coprologiques. Marseille med., 1934, 71: 582-98.—Nobecourt, P., Bidot, C, & Comninos. A. Recherches sur le parasitisme intestinal chez les enfants de la region parisienne. Arch. mfid. enf., 1933, 36: 329-43. Also Bull. Soc pSdiat. Paris, 1933, 31: 170-4.—Papandrea. F. Sulla frequenza dei parassiti intestinali nei bambini. Pediatria (Riv.) 1926, 34: 1125-7. - Parasitisme (La) intestinal des enfants de Paris. Cliiiiquc Par., 1934, 29: 146.—Pavlovsky, E. N., Kostylev, N. N. [et al.] [Significance of parasitologic^ factors in the epidemiology and prophylaxis of summer intestinal INTESTINE 461 INTESTINE affections in military camps in Central Asia; significance of parasitological factors in the spread of summer intestinal affections in camps, situated in the subtropical zones of Soviet Russia] Tr. Acad. mil. med. Kiroff, 1934, 1: 388-93— Pierret, R. Contribution k l'fitude du parasitisme intestinal dans la region parisienne. Biol, med., Par., 1928, 18: 36-41.—Pirot, R Le parasitisme intestinal dans la region de Toulon. Bull. Soc path, exot,, Par., 1932, 25: 78-85.—Poggi. I. Parassiti intestinali nei bambini: relievi statistici e note cliniche. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1935, 16: 321-49.—Rodriguez L' t,, nouveau traitement des affections parasitaires du tube digestif. J. med. Paris, 1937, 57: 388-91 -Maneon- d„u. r> The modern treatment of intestinal parasites. Sactitioner, Lond.. 1941, 146: 271-8.-Me.o, H. D., Para- sitismo intestinal y radioterapia transpelvinna. Rev. med. aliment., Santiago, 1935-37, 2: 236 9.—Mendonca, A. O thymol nos parasites intestinaes. Noviil. med. pharm., Porto, 1907, 12: 109-11.—Meunier, R. Guerison specifique et rapide de quelques parasitoses intestinales. Bull. san. Alg6rie, 1938, 33: 1731-3—Molire. R. Chimiotherapie des parasitoses intestinales. Progr. med., Par., 1936, 1311.— Paterson, J. Indications for the use of the intestinal nosodes in diseases of children. Brit. Homoeop. J., 1937, 27: 344-52.— Pitulesco, P., & Westfried, J. La parasitisme intestinal et les eaux de Plombi^res. Bruxelles m6d., 1934-5, 15: 1422.— Sainz, P. F., & Sala, F. Parasitismo intestinal; nociones generales y contribuci6n al tratamiento quimismo gastrico de los parasitados. Rev. mejd. cir. Habana, 1933, 38: 657-90.— Schwartz, A., Azam, A., & Yovanovitch. M. Le traitement des parasitoses intestinales par le benzo-m6ta-ctesol. Presse nted., 1930, 38: 485.—Segovia, A. Algunas consideraciones sobre los antihelmintieos usados contra las parasitosis intestinales mas comunes. Rev. med. Veracruz., 1936, 16: 2006-13.— Shelanski. H. A., Piou.=, W. L.. & Frank, J. H. Intestinal parasitic infections in a state mental hospital, and control with aluminum hydroxide and colloidal kaolin. J. Parasit.. Lancaster, 1942, 28: Suppl., 10 (Abstr.)—Simon, S. K. The treatment of intestinal parasitism bv intraduodenal instilla- tions. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass., 1930, 33: 94-8. Also Am. .1. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 12: 267-71.—Smillie. W. G., Mackie, T. T. Fet al.l Treatment of some intestinal infestations. N. York- State J. M., 1942, 42: 443-51.—Stieffel, R. La part de la ctenoriterapie dans le traitement des colopathies parasitaires. Rev. mM. fr., 1939, 20: 213.—Tamayo Roza. E. Tratamiento del parasitismo intestinal. Med. d. hoy, Habana, 1939, 4: 500-20.—Tobey. J. A. Milk in the prevention of intestinal parasites. Certif. Milk, 1935, 10: No. 108, 3.—Tratamiento de las parasitosis intestinales; segun se practica en el hospital de marineros del servicio de sanidad publica de Estados Unidos, en Nueva Orleans. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1940, 19: 992.— Tratarriento contra la anquilostomosis y dermis parasitosis intestinales. In Memoria (Venezuela Min. san.) Caracas, 1937, 179.—Unverricht. W. PathosenetischeBedeutun"- und Behand- lung der Darmparasiten. Ther. Gegenwart, 1937, 78: 49-53. ---- Parasites—in animals. Schonenberger, A. *Maeen- und Darmer- krankungen der Biberratte (Myocastor coypus Moi.) infolge Zooparasitoninvasion und deren Bekampfung [Zurich] 59p. 8? Frauenfeld, 1933. Fenwick, D. W. A census of intestinal parasites of lambs in South Wales. J. Helminth., S. Albans, 1937, 15: 169-76.— Paul, D. Beobachtungen iiber die Darmparasiten sch'esisrher Anuren. Zsehr. Parasitenk., 1934-35, 7: 172-97.—Sin-pson, H. G. Parasitic intestinal affections. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1904-05, 17: 64-8. ---- Perforation. See also subheadings (Foreign body; Fistula; Helminthosis; Rupture; Ulcer) also Ascariasis; Peptic ulcer; Typhoid fever, etc. Bange, W. *Perforierende Darm verletzungen nach stumpfen Bauchtraumen. 32p. 23Kcm. Berl., 1937. Andriolo, V. Due casi di perforazione sottocutanea trau- matica dell'intestino. Gazz. osp., 1936, 57: 349-53.—Baehr, G., Schwartzman, G.. & Greenspan, F. B. B. Friedlaender abdominal infections due to perforative lesions of the intestinal ttact. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1937-38, 4: 225-8 — Battey, W. W. The diagnosis and treatment of intestinal per- foiations with report of two successful cases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, 1910, 292-9.—Berri. P. Sindromi addominali da perforazione (contributo easistieo) Minerva med., Tor., 1930, 21: pt 2, 877-82.—Bollettino, A. Peritonite stercoracea in neonato da perforazione del grosso intestino su base mal- formativa. Boll. Soc med. chir., Pavia, 1938. 52: 597-602.— Borzilleri, C. R. Perforation of the bowels. Med. Rec, N. V., 1934, 140: 431.—Brown, P. W. Pain in the thhrh attributable to perforation of the intestine. Proc Mayo Clin., 1939. 14: 404-6—Camacho, F. A. Acute traumatic perforations of the intestinal tract. Bol. As. nv'd. Puerto Rico, 1941, 33: 189-97 — Cammaert, C. A. [Intestinal perforation and skin eruptionsl Ved. tschr. geneesk., 1931, 75: pt 4, 5718.—Chapin, F. H. Perforation of abdominal viscera. Ohio M. J., 1918, 14: 409.— De Vel, L. Intestinal perforation with pneumoperitoneum in the new-born infant. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, *5: 587-9.— Doria J. Perfuracoes intestinais em peritonio livre. Hora med., Rio, 1939, 3: No. 11, 19-30.—F^vre, M., & Arviset. A. Deux cas de perforations viscerales du tube digestif, en nombre impair, par proiectiles de guerre; 6ventualit6s anormales sur lesquelles le chirurgien ne doit pas compter. M6m. Acad. chir., Par., 1940, 66: 793-8.—Filip. B. [Case of gastro-intes- tinal' meteorism, followed by peritonitis circumscripta after repeated intestinal puncture] Zver. obzor., 1939, 32: 348-50.— Fuch.«, B. IFish bones as foreign bodies, perforating the intestinal walll Tr. Novosibir. gosud. inst. usoversh. vrach., 1936 6: 34-6.—Fiirstenau, J. Ueber Darmperforationen INTESTINE 102 INTESTINE durch verschluckte Fischgriiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1929. 55: 1554.—Ghazi. S. Plaie de l'abdomen par balle ayant d6termin6 onze petforations intestinales. Marseille nted., 1933, 70: 267-9.- Ciupponi, E. Le perforazioni intestinali e la loro diagnosi radiologica. I riv. osp., 1934, 24: 85-94.— Hartemann & Lacour. Perforation intestinale meconnue du post-partum. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1935, 24: 543-5.— Kaulirh. L. Perforation des geschwurigen Dickdarmes durch den Konttasteinlauf. Med. Klin., Berl.. 1930, 26: 1042.— Kelly, E. C. Two cases of intestinal perforation. Albany M. Ann., 1937-38, 56: 148-50. Khater. M., & Kaffani, N. Trois cas de perforations intesl males multiples par balles, interventions ptecoces. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1936, 16: 308-17.—Laporte, A. Sur un cas de perforation de l'intestin. J. nted. Bordeaux, 1933, 110: 401.—McClintic, B. S. Perfora- tion of the intestines by foreign bodies. Mil. Surgeon, 1934, 75: 75-8.—Macmanus, J. E. Perforations of the intestine by ingested foreign bodies; report of 2 cases and review of the literature. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 53: 393-402—Mitchell, E. D., jr. Perforation of the intestines. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1938, 31: 337-43. -Molndr, M. Erfolgreiche Spatoperation bei drei Fallen von subkutaner Darmperforation. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 58: 2873.—Mulkey, Q. A. Traumatic perforation of the intestines without visible injuries to the abdominal wall; report of cases. T. M. A-s. Georgia, 1938, 27: 46.5-9.—Patti, F. A proposito di perforazioni intestinali per usura da parte dei villi coriali. Clin, ostet., 1937, 39: 659-62—Perera. Per- foracion intestinal; hemorragia interna. Progr. clin., Madr., 1913, 2: 315.—Peschard. J. A. Cinco observaciones de per- foraciones intestinales. Gac. m6d. Me.xico, 1937, 67: 52-60.— Righi, D. Sulle perforazioni intestinali tardive da contusione. Ann. ital. chir., 1933, 12: 1274-316.—Sasasima, H. Per- foration peritonitis caused by foreign body of the large intes- tine. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg. &c, 256.—Somogyi. G. [Fluoroscopy in acute perforations of the intestines or stomach] Orv. hetil., 1932, 76: 1027.—Thorek, P. Self-introduced foreign body perforating large bowel; operation with recovery. Surgery, 1941, 10: 405-8.—Turner, P. Unusual perforations. Clin. J., Lond., 1935, 64: 137-43.—Vasilca. V. [Clinical aspect of cases opei a ted for intestinal perforations] Cluj. med., 1933, 14: 344 7.—Velasco, D., & Anido, A. Perforaci6n intestinal por contusi6n del abdomen en un nino de siete anos. Villaclara med., S. Clara, 1940, 8: 329-34.—Vilanova Artigas, G. Sobre um caso de contusao abdominal com perfuracao intestinal. Impr. med., Rio, 1939, 15: 317-21.—Ziver Mestci [Case of 18 intestinal perforations caused by revolver shots] Bull. Soc turque m6d., 1940, 6: 246. ------• I Intestinal perforation caused by a fall on the stomach] Ibid., 247-50. ---- Perienteritis. See also subheading Adhesion; also Peri- tonitis; Perivisceritis. Keller, M. [M.] *Einige Falle von Zucker- gussdarm. 20p. 8° Miinch., 1933. Leques, J. Contribution k I'etude des adherences pericoliques et les pericolites mem- braneuses [Lyon] 54p. 8? Valence, 1911. Marceatj, J. H. L. *L'occlusion intestinale aigue causae par les perienterocolites adhesives. 118p. 8? Par., 1927. Ringart, L. ^Contribution a I'etude clinique des peri-ileotvphlocolites chroniques. 47p. 8? Par., 1928. Schneider, E. *Ueber Zuckergussdarm [Leipzig] 32p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1929. Albert, F. Pericolites chroniques droites. Arch. fr. belg. chir., 1927, 30: 203-28.—Baumel, J. Traitement medical des p6rivisc6rite3 digestives essentielles. Gaz. m6d. France, 1932, 765-7.—Bevan, A. D. Pericolitis with adhesions simulating carcinoma of the colon. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1928, 8: 489-92.—Delangre. Pericolites et 6piploites. Bruxelles med., 1927-28, 8: 798-803.—Duroux, E. Du traitement op6ra- toire des pericolites droites; association des rayons infra-rouges. Bull, med., Par., 1929, 43: 1335.—Eeriand. L. D. [Membran- .ous pericolitis following ileus resulting in a constricting mem- brane of Jackson] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1923, 67: pt 2, 136- 43.—Fittipaldi, C. Sulle perivisceriti adesive del tubo digerente. Morgagni, 1930, 72: 2127-43.—Gaston-Durand & Delherm, L. La diathermoth6rapie dans le svndrome pedicolite droite Presse nted., 1929, 37: 93-5.—Illyin, A. I. [Problem of acute pericolitis] Russk. klin., 1929, 11: 738-42.—Isaacs, A. E. Membranous perienteritis. N. York M. J., 1912, 96: 829-38.- Leveuf, J. A propos des pericolites chroniques. Presse nted., 1928, 36: 470.—Mauclaire. Essais de greffes s6reuses aptes l'ablation des membranes dans la p6ricolite membraneuse et dans le pSrisigmoidite membraneuse. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1923. 49: 931-5. ----— Greffes s6reuses pour peri- colites et peaisiamoidites membraneuses. Gaz. hop., 1923, 96: 1265-9.--Melocchi, E. L'associazione della diatermia con le applicazioni locali di fango termale nella cura delle peri- visceriti digestive. Riv. idroclim., 1934, 45: 370-81.—Pages, P. Les periviscSrites digestives; 6tude clinique gfinfirale. Arch. Soc. sc. nted. biol. Montpellier, 1929, 10: 368-75.—Pauchet, V. Las pericolitis. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1930, 9: 1-7.—Reichenecker. Un nouvaeu traitement des p6rivisc6rites, des pericolites en particulier. Arch. mal. app. digest.. Par., 1929, 19: 716-9.— Schrodl, P. Ueber einen Fall von Zuckergussdarm. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1482.—Seitert, K. Zur Anatomie der Pericolitis membranacea. Arch. klin. Chir., 1922, 121: 754- 63.—Toole. H. Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Behandlung dea Zuckergussdarmes. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928-29, 213: 14-9 — Tremolieres, F. Les pe>i-enf crn-oolites. Rev. m&L fr., 1929, 10: 533-42.- Vacuo y Espinosa. L. El tratamiento ntedico de las perivisceritis digestivas. Dfa nted., 11. Air., 1932-33, 5: 729.—Zamboni, G. Sindromi cliniche addominali patognoinoniche di pericoliti croniche e loro trattamento. Arch. Soc. ital. chir. (1927) 1928, 34: 730. ---- Pharmacology. See also subheadings (Absorption; Function; Movement: Pharmacology) Burker, F. *Versuche iiber die Wirkung von arsenigsauren, molybdansauren und wolfram- sauren Salzen am isolierten Meerschweinchendarm. 12p. 8? Tub., 1935. Goldberger, E. *Action pharmacodyna- mique des eaux sulfatees calciques sur l'intestin isole du lapin. 84p. 24cm. Par., 1937. Laroche, R. *Etude histologique de Taction des purgatifs sur l'intestin. 77p. 8? Par., 1927. Laub, A. *Versuche iiber das Verhalten wasserbindender Mittel im Darm [Tubingen] 19p. 8? Marbach-N., 1937. Otto, J. *Zur pharmakologischen Priifung von Darmmitteln an der weissen Maus [Tubin- gen] 14p. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1937. Paetzold, H. *Die narkotische Grenz- konzentration am Darm von kortikalen und thalamischen Schlafmitteln. 34p. 8? Post., 1930. Aumann, K. W., & Youmans, W. B. Quantitative compari- son of responses of isolated and of intact intestine to 7 sympa- thomimetic amines. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 111.—Beauvallet, M. Effets de divers ions sur l'activite automatique de rintestin d'escargot. C. rend. Soc biol., 1937, 124: 1084.—Bernheim, F. Relation between the action of histamin, atropin, adrenalin, and heavy metals on the intestine. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1931, 42: 441-54. ---;— Interaction of pilocarpine and histamin on the intestine. Ibid., 43: 509-14. ------ The interaction of histamin and nicotine on the intestine. Ibid., 1933, 48: 67-72. ----- Action of acetylcholine on the intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 104: 433-7.—Biirgi, E. Pharmakotherapie des Darmes. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 1015-8. Also Dfa med., B. Air., 1935, 7: 1113.—Burstein, C. L. Effect of some short- acting barbituric acid derivatives on intestinal activity in vivo. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 40: 122-4.—Busquet, H. Antagonisme, sur le tonus de l'intestin isol6, de 2 substances Uteoriquement synergiques, d'atecoline et la pilocarpine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 114: 1083. ------ Rapports du rythme et du tonus dans les reactions provoquees par les substances adr:'ii;dini(|ii<'s sin l'intestin isole. Ibid., 1931, 116: 40-2.------& Vischniac, C. Action paralysante de la fonc- tion chimique ester sur rintestin isol6. Ibid., 1933, 112: 1178-80.—Catel & von Graevenitz. Bemerkungen zu Adams Bericht: Ueber den Einfluss von fluchtigen Fettsauren auf den Tierdarm. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1926, 3. F., 62: 227.—Chistoni, A., & Beccari, E. Ricerche farmacologiche sulla fenilisopro- pilamina; azione sull'intestino isolato di coniglio. Boll. Sue. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 612-4.—Craven, J. D., & McCrea, F. D. The effect of tissue extract and other vascular depressor substances on isolated intestines. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1934, 51: 421-9.—Derer, L. [The action of acetyl arsanilic acid on the biochemical intestinal process] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1928, 8: 2.19-66.- FHdberg. W., & Solandt, O. M. The stimulating effect of plu:ose and pyruvate on the rabbit's gut. J. Physiol., Lond., 19-10, 98: Suppl., 22.—Frey, E. Gift- wirkungen an dem quergestreiften Schleiendarm. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 138: 228-39.—Gaddum, J. H., Jang, C. S., & Kwiatkowski, H. The effect on the intestine of the substance liberated by adrenergic nerves in a rabbit's ear. J. Phvsiol., Lond., 1939, 96: 104-8.—GofTart, M. Action de l'adtenoxine sur l'intestin isole. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 1372.— Groedel, F. M., & Wachter, R. Rontgenologische Beobach- tungen iiber die Wirkung der N"a.uheimer Kochsalzquellen auf den Darm. Fortsch. Ther., 1927, 3: 274-9.—Gruber. C. M., Greene, W. W. [et al.] Further studies on the effect of mor- phine sulphate, atropine sulphate, and hyoscine hydrobro- mide upon the intact, intestine in nicest hetized dogs. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1930. 38: 389 400. Gruber, C. M., & Gruber, C. M., jr. The effect of barbituric and thiobarbituric acid derivatives on the pyloric sphincter and stomach in un- anesthetized dogs. Ibid., 1941, 72: 176-83.—Gruber, C. M., & Pipkin, G. Further observations on the effect of pituitary extract and morphine sulphate upon excised dog's intestine. INTESTINE 46 Ibid., 1930, 38: 401-10.—Gruber, C. M., Richardson. L. K., & Bryan, W. T. K. The intact intestine in non-anesthetized dogs as influenced by colocynth and podophvllin. Ibid., 1932, 45: 77-84.—Gruber, C. M., & Robinson, P. I. The influence of pituitary extract, vasopressin and oxytocin upon the intact intestine in unanesthetized dogs. Ibid., 1929, 36: 203-26.—Guillot, M., & Ong Sian Gwan. Action inhibitrice de diverses substances capillaroactives sur l'intestin isole de cobave, vis-&-vis de l'ac6tvlcholine et de l'histamine. C. rend. Soc biol., 1937, 126: 318-23.—Guthrie, J. S., & Bargen, J. A. The effect of drugs on different segments of the intestine of man. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1936, 63: 743-9.—Hallier. S. Ueber die Wirkung wiederholter kleiner Gaben von Insulin Elityran und Tonephin auf die basalgekornten Zellen im Daim dei weissen Ratte und des Meerschweinchens. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1937, 27: 52-64.—Hazard, R., Moisset de Espanes, E. Action du pipe.ridontethyl-3-benzodioxane, 933 F., sur l'intestin isoI£ de cobaye. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1938, 59: 457-60.—Hecht, K. Untersuchungen iiber Konzentration und Wirkung der Narkotika am isolierten Darm. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926. 113: 321-8— Heinekairp, W. J. R. The sthenic action of adrena'in on the intestines. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1925-26, 11: 1062-71.—Heubner, W., & Oettel, H. Ueber die bedingte Empfindlichkeit des Darmes fiir Arznei- wirkungen. Schwerz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 1109-11.— Inokuti, T. Empfindlichkeit des Darmes in situ und in vitro Adrenalin und Cholin gegeniiber beim splanchnikotomierten oder vagotomierten Kaninchen. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1939, 26: 96. ------ Ueber den Einfluss der Aminosaure auf die Wirkung von Adrenalin und Cholin auf den Kaninchen- darm in situ. Ibid., 98.—Isikawa, S. [Ueber den Einfluss des Reizstoffe auf die Empfindlichkeit des Kaninchendarmes Adrenalin, Pilocarpin und Phvsostigmin gegeniiber] Ibid., 1941, 32: 1301-33; 1445-65.—Jackman, R. J., & Bargen, J. A. The influence of certain antispasmodic drugs on the intestine of man. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 67: 63-8.—Jendrassik, L., & Tanjrl, H. [Pharmacology of the concentration changes; the effects of the alcohols and of the aldehydes on the intestines] Magy. orv. arch., 1926, 27: 75-8.—Feller, M. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Einwirkung von Bakteriensus- pensionen und Bakterienextrakten auf den uberlebenden Meerschweinchen- und Mnusedarm. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1931-33) 1934, No. 46, 1.—Khasanov, A. I. [Reaction of the isolated intestine of the white mouse to certain cholinergic and cholinonegative agents] Farm. & toks., Moskva, 1941, 4: No. 3, 61-3.—Ko, K. On the exodic action of various neutral salts on the isolated intestinal canal of the rabbit. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1940, 13: Proc. Pharm., 39.— Koida, J. L'influence des poisons du systeme nerveux v£g6- tatif sur l'intestin isole du cheval. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 212-4. ------ Influence des cardiotoniques sur l'intestin isole. Ibid., 799-801.—Kondoleon, E., & Joannides, G. Experimentelle Priifung der Wirkung des fliissigen Paraffins im Darme. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 1356.—Krebber. Ueber die Reselling der Darmfunktion mit Galle und pflanz- lichen Abfiihrmitteln. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 632 (Abstr.)—Fubikowski, P. [Effect of various barium salts on an isolated intestine of a rabbit] Polska gaz. lek., 1928, 7: 667-9.—Lanczos. A. Ueber die Wirkung des Paraffindls auf den Darm. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 112: 365-78 — Larson, E. The effect of posterior pituitary preparations on the large intestine of the unanesthetized dog. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1941, 72: 363-9.—Levy, J., & Michel, E. Sur la difference de comportement de divers fragments d'intestin isoI6 vis-^-vis de quelques substances medicamenteuses. J. physiol. path. g6n:, 1937. 35: 389-406.—Likhachev, A. A., & Aniclikov, S. V. [Rhythmic changes of the tonus of the iso- lated intestine of a cat due to the simultaneous effect of svm- pathic- and parasympathicotropic drugs] J. Physiol. USSR, 1934, 17: 409-14.—Lucas, G. H. W., & Bonnycastle, D. D. A study of the action of adrenaline on the intestine. Arch. internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1938, 60: 195-205.—Melville, K. L, & Stehle. R. L. The actions of pituitary preparations (posterior lobe) upon the intestines of the dog. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1934, 1: 165-73.------ The actions of pituitary preparations (posterior lobe) upon the intestines of the rabbit. Ibid., 174-9.—Mercier, F. Essais biologiques de 1'hydrastine, de la berb6rine et de leurs melanges sur rintestin isole. C. rend. Soc biol., 1936, 122: 965-8. ------ Krijanovsky, A., & Paganelli, M. Action de l'ethvlphenvlbarbiturate de sparteine sur l'intestin isole. Ibid., 1937, 124: 463-5—Messini, M. Azione delle acque cloruro sodiche suH'intestino isolato. Arch. farm, sper., 1934-35, 58: 49-59.—Miyake. M. Zur Pharmakologie des isolierten Darms des chronisch kokainisi- erten Kaninchens. Okavama igakkai zassi, 1935, 47: 2759.— Moldavskaia, E. A. [Effect of saponins on the permeability of substances through the intestinal wall] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 8: 449-51.—Moniz de Bettencourt, J., & Pais, E. Action de la substance du nerf vague sur l'intestin du lapin. C. rend. Soc biol., 1936, 122: 237.—Morin, G. Evolution des reactions k 1'adtenaline de l'intestin isole en fonction de diverses condi- tions d'administration. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1940, 64: 190-202.—Myers, G. N. The effects of morphine, diace'tylmorphine and some related alkaloids upon the ali- mentary tract; caecum and colon. J. Hyg., Lond., 1939, 39: 512-28.—Nedzel, A. J., Stonecipher, R., & Arnold, L. In- fluence of saponin upon bacterial flora, H-ion concentration and permeability of the intestinal tract. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N Y 1932 29: 496-9.—Nochimowski, C. Action, sur l'in- testin'isol6 du lapin. d'une substance sensibilisant a l'acdtyl- INTESTINE choline, formee dans le tronc du pneumogastrique, lors d'une excitation electrique. C. rend. Soc biol., 1935, 119: 943-6.— Obreshkove, V. The action of acetylcholine, atropine and physostigmine on the intestine of Daphnia magna. Biol. Bull., 1941, 81: 105-13.—Okae, K. Experimentelle Studien iiber die Reziprozitat der Darmbewegung, der Blutzirkulation in der Darmwand und des allgemeinen Kreislaufs; pharma- kologische Untersuchung. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1935, 14: 338.—Pavel, I., & Milcou, S. M. L'action de l'insuline sur l'intestin. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1933, 23: 310-7.— Puestow, C. B. Studies on the origin of the automaticity of the intestine: the action of certain drugs on isolated intestinal transplants. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 106: 682-8. ------ Effect of certain drugs upon intestinal activity. Proc Inst M. Chicago, 1937, 11: 301.—Raventos, J. Action of adenine compounds on the frog's intestine. J. Physiol., Lond., 1939, 95: Suppl., 54.—Reiser, M. Ueber die Darmwirkung von Pervitin und Benzedrin. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1940, 195: 603-8.—Rentz, E. Unwirksamkeit von Acetylcholin und Histamin auf den Darm vom Darmlumen aus. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1938-39, 191: 183-91.—Ry6, K. Pharmakolo- gische Untersuchung am Darmrohr der Frosche und Miiuse. Fol. pharm. jap., 1928, 7: 6.—Sakussov, W. W., jr. Ueber die kombinierte Wirkung des Adrenalins und des Kokains auf den Darm. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1931, 160: 393-6.—Salant, W., & Parkins, W. M. The response of the isolated intestine to cocaine and novocaine at different pH levels. J. Pharm Exp. Ther., 1932, 46: 435-46.—Sergievsky, M. [Action of Ringer salt solution on wall of intestine of warm blooded animals] Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 1095-9.—Shchekotov, G. M. [Mechanism of various forms of ileus from the effect of pharma- cological substances and mechanical action on the intestinal tube] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 556-60.—Siaulis, B., & Sollmann, T. Progressive changes in the excitability and tone of excised intestines (Magnus method) and their influence on the re- sponse to peptone. Am. J. Physiol., 1927, 81: 606-11.— Sjoqvist, O. Studien am uberlebenden menschlichen Darm unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Wirkung von Morphin und Opiumalkaloiden auf denselben. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1934, 68: 215-31.—Tani, K. A pharmacological study of the foetal intestine. Kinki fujinka gakkai zassi, 1926, 9: 23.—Tiffeneau, M., & Broun, D. Influence opposee des ions H et OH sur les actions pharmacodynamiques concernant les appareils autonomes; renforcement des effets inhibiteurs par les ions H et des efl'ets accelerateurs par les ions OH; action sur le tonus intestinal. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 117: 1002-4.— Tutaev, G. W. Uelxr die Wirkung der Extrakte aus Schild-, Brust- und Ovarialdriisen auf den isolierten Kaninchendarm. Zsehr. Biol., 1930-31, 91: 496-506.—Uemori, T. Ueber die Wirkung von Brennesselextrakten auf den Darm. Fol. pharm. jap.. 1929, 9: 15-20.—Wedum, A. G., & Gebauer- Fuelnegg, E. Histamine and acetyl choline contraction- ratio in the surviving intestinal strip. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol , N. Y., 1932, 29: 888-90.—Weger, P. Action de la digitale et de la strophantine sur l'excitabilite du parasympathique de 1'intestm. C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 96: 803-6.—Yamawaki, H. Wirkung des Tetrahydro-/3-naphthylamins und des Thyramins auf den Kaninchendarm im Korper. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1935, 14: 1280-8.—Youmans, W. B., & Waisman, R. C. Effect of Beta-methylcholine-urethane on normal and on reflexlv inhibited intestine. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938-39, 39: 135-40.—Zadina, R. Importance de l'etat du tube digestif pour la contraction histaminique de l'intestin isole. C. rend. Soc biol., 1939, 132: 31. ---- Physiochemistry. See also subheadings (Absorption; Chemistry) Auchinachie, D. W., Macleod, J. J. R., & Magee, H. E. Studies on diffusion through surviving isolated intestine. J. Physiol., Lond., 1930, 69: 185-209.—Bellucci, L. Ricerche sulla permeability intestinale nell'insufficienza paratiroidea sperimentale. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 20.—Domini, G. Sui comportamento della permea- bility, intestinale nei decorso di alcune distrofie di origine ali- mentare. Arch, fisiol., Fir., 1930, 28: 395-431. ------ Sui comportamento della permeability intestinale nei decorso di alcune distrofie di origine alimentare; fosforo, colesterina ed acidi grassi nella mucosa intestinale di cavia. Ibid., 1933-34, 32: 179-91.—Lux, H., & Woringer. P. La perm6abilite in- testinale pour le saccharose en clinique une 6preuve fonction- nelle de l'epitltehum intestinal. C. rend. Congr. fr. med., 1922, 16. sess., 116-20.—Magee, H. E., & Macleod, J. J. R. Diffusion through the walls of surviving intestines. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 174.—Manunta, C. Caratteristiche differenziali della permeability intestinale al carotenoidi della foglia nelle varie razze di bachi da seta. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 732.—Mcldavskaia, E. A. Effect of saponines on the passage of substances through the intestinal wall. Bull. biol. m6d. exp. URSS, 1938-39, 6: 675-8.—Oomen, H. A. P. C. [Permeability of the intestine of the cucumber fish] Versl. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, 1925, 34: pt 2, 1028-37.—Sakai, Y. Studien iiber die Permeabilitiit tier normalen und der veranderten Darmschleimhaut fiir Anli'j, tnsloff. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1934, 46: 2952.— Tyrhowaki, W. Z. Passage des corps insolubles de la lumtere cie rintestin dans sa paroi. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930, 104: 538-40.—Welle, H. S. The balance of physical forces which determine the rate and direction of flow of fluid through the intestinal mucosa. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 130: 410-9.— INTESTINE 404 INTESTINE Wcstenbrink, H. G. K. Erfahrungen iiber die Permeabilitiit des Darmes in vitro. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1935, 20: 116-22. ---- Physiology. See also subheadings (Absorption; Chemistry; Function; Movement; Nerves; etc.) also Defeca- tion; Feces; Metabolism, etc. Halliox, L., & Gayet, R. L'intestin. p.203- 92. 4? Par., 1931. Abolin, L. Zur Frage nach der Anpassungsfahigkeit des Schlammpeizgerdarmes an die erhohte respiratorische Tatig- keit. Biol. Zbl., 1926, 46: 5.->2-62.—Ascanio, H., & Alvarez, W. C. Factors that influence the conservation of intestinal rhythmicity aftei death. Am. J. Physiol., 1929, 90: 611-6 — Bargen, J. A., i Frisco, A. Sui rapporto fra aminoacidi diamminici e dicarbossilici formatisi nella digestione enterica di fibrina e gliadina. Arch, fisiol.. Fir., 1929, 27: 92-102.—Hukuhara, T., Masuda, K., & Kinose, S. Ueber das (iesetz des Darmes. Arch. ges. Phvsiol., 1936, 237: 619-30 — K'o, Y. K., Tu, C. L., & Chan, B. C. The effect of hard Roent- gen-rays on intestines of normal dogs fed on inorganic iron compounds. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941, 73: 333-40— Lunds- gaard, E. Ueber die aerobe Glvkolvse des Darmes. J. Physiol. I'SSR, 1940, 29: 311-7.—McSwiiiey, B. A. The physiology of the gastioint-'stinal tract; the small and the large bowel. In Dis. I)ige-t. Svst-in (Portis, S. A.) Phila., 1941, 142-65 — Messuti, I). Azione degli stimoli esercit.ati sui crasso, dagli allri tratti intestinali a monte. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1937, 13: pt 1, 198-216.—Morin, G. Reactions de l'intestin isol6 k l'excitant galvanique; influence de diverses conditions. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 117: 938-40.—Patzelt, V. Probleme der Histologic und Physiologie des Darmes, Wien. klin. Wschr., 1937, 50: 759 61 .—Puestaw, C. B. Simultaneous electrograms and myograms from isolated intestinal segment in unanaesthetized dog. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. V., 1932, 29: 901. — Roese. H. F. Methoden zum Studium dei Physiologie und Pharmakologie des kiinstlich durchbluteten Saugetier- darmes. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1930, 226: 171-83.------ Leber das Minutenvolumen und den Gaswechsel des kiinstlich durchbluteten Siiugetierdarmes. Ibid., 184-9.—Rossi, F., & Villani, L. Contributi alia conoscenza della istiofisiologia intestinale. Boll. Soc. med. chir.. Pavia, 1934, 48: 513-9.— Sohma, T. Beitrag zum Studium iiber den Einfluss des Ader- lasses, d< r Bluttransfusion oder der Transfusion physiologischer, Ringer'scher und glukosehaltiger Losung nach Aderlass auf die Darmzirkulation und die Darmbewegung. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1935, 13: 883.—Titaev, A. [Intestinal potential and its relation to secretion and absorption] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 10: 165-8. ---- Pneumatosis cystoides. See also subheading Emphysema. Rais, G *La lymphopneumatose kystique de l'intestin chez l'homme; a propos de 2 nouveaux cas [Lausanne] 30p. 8? Delemont, 1932. Vath, W. *Zur Kenntnis der Pneumatosis cvstoides [Heidelberg] 28p. 8? Philippsb., 1935. Aliakritsky, V. V. [Pneumatosis cystoides intestinorum] Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 1309.—Araujo Coelho, N. Pneumatose cistica do intestino. Ann. Fac. med. S. Paulo, 1939, 15: 201- 23, 5 pl.—Arner, O., & Sundberg, K. [Two cases of pneuma- tosis cystoides inte-tinorum] Nord. med., 1940, 8: 1759-64.— Berglund, S. Roentgen diagnosis of pneumatosis cystoides intestinorum hominis. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1939, 20: 401- 5.—Betloni, I. Contributo alio studio della pneumatosi intestinale cistica. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1927, 3. ser., 15: 155-65, 3 pl.—Bona, T. [Rare case of intestinal cystic pneu- matosis] Cluj. med., 1932, 13: 170-3. Also Rev. st- med., Bucur., 1932, 21: .581.—Bonnamour, Badolle & Beaupere. Diagnostic radiologique des kvstes gazeux de l'intestin. J. radiol. eiectr., 1926, 10: 164-8.—Bruckner, S. [Intestinal gas cysts] Polska gaz. lek., 1931, 10: 520-2.—Bsteh, O. Zur Kenntnis der Pneumatosis cvstoides intestini. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934-35, 181: 707-14.—Cecil, W. A. Gas cysts of the abdomen, pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. J. Christ. M. Ass. India, 1942, 17: 74-6.—Christmann, F. E. Neumatosis quistica intestinal. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1942, 21: 384 (Abstr.)—Cipollino, O. Un caso di pneumatosi cistica dell'intestino. Minerva med Tor., 1928. 8: 687-91—Damade, Bonnard & Chauvenet. La lympho-pneumatose kvstique de l'intestin. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 145-52.—Davies. S. T. A case of enteric pneumatosis. Ind. M. Gaz., 1941, 76: 94— Dressier, M. Die Pneumatosis cystoides intestini. Helvet. med. acta, 1939, 6: 229-54. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 382-4.—Englung, F., & Wahlgren. F. Fall von Pneumatosis cystoides intestinorum beim Menschen. Acta chir. scand., 1935, 76: 601-14. 2 pl.— Estella, L., & de Castro, B. Sobre la poliquistosis gas--osa de intestino. Rev. cir. Barcelona, 1931, 1: 141-56.—Ferrandu, S. Studio anatomo-pntologico e interpretazione patogenetica della pneumatosi intestinale cistica. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1935, 60: 493-540.—Forfota, E. Pneumatosis c\ st oides intestini. Mngv. rontg. kozl., 1936, 10: 1-12.—Fujita, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pneumatosis cvstoides intestinorum hominis. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1939, 27: 1182.- Holm, E. [A case of pneu- matosis cystoides intestini] Hospitalstidende, 1926, 69: 413-29.—Jackson. J. A. Cas cysts of the intestine. Jackson Clin. Bull.. .Madison, 1940, 2: 70-7. Also Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 71: 675 H. Lamont, I). Cystic pneumatosis of the bowel. Tr. H. Med Chir. Soc Glasgow. 1928 29, 23: 113 8. Also Glasgow M. ,)., 1929, 111: 283-7.- Leo. C. La pneumo- cistosi sottoperitoneale (pneumatosis cystoides intestinorum hominis) Arch. ital. chir., 1926, 373-412. Marhamzky. L. Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis] Orv. hetil., MIL".!, 73: H78 SI). Memmi. R. Un caso di pneumatosi iulcsl iuale cistica. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. clin., 408-23.--Mengis, <>. R. La pneumatose polykystique intestinale. Radiol. Rd--ch , 1938, 7: 222-8.—Meyer-Wildisen, R. Beitrag zur Pneumatosis cystoides intestini. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 546.- Miyake. H. Ueber Pneumatosis cjstoides intestinonmi, insbesondere deren Aetiologie. Arch. klin. Chir., 1911, 95: 129-54, pl.—Moore, R. A. Intestinal pneumatosis. Am. .). His. Child., 1929, 38: 818-23.—Mreyen [Pneumatosis cvstoides intestinalis] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2169. Muzii, M. Sui senni radiologici della pneumatosi cistica deU'intestino. Radiol, med., Milano, 1933, 20: 660-6.— Nimet, B. Ueber Pneumatosis cvstoides intestini hominis. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 1986-8.- Onofrio. O. Sulla pneumatosi intestinale cistica. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1936, 7: scritti, 635-52.—Peisachavicius, L. [Intestinal and mesenteric cystoid pneumatosis] Medicina,, Kaunas, 1936, 17: 671-4.— Puccinelli. V. Un caso di pneumatosi del grosso intestino; un ipotesi still'eziologia e la patogenesi. Arch. ital. chir., 1929, 24: 70-82.—Pybus, F. C. A case of gas-cysts of the intestine. Brit. J. Surg., 1934, 21: 539.—Rabieaux & Richot. Kystes gazeux de l'intestin chez le pore Bull. Soc. sc. vet. L\ on, 1900, 3: 221.—Radu. P. [Intestinal cystic pneumatosis! Cluj. med., 1938. 19: 360-7.—Remetei, F. F. [Coses of pneumatosis cystoides perinei et coeci] Orv. hetil., 1939, 83: 814.- Romeo, M. Sopra un caso di pneumatosi intestinale cistica associata ad una rara anomalia dell'intestino grosso. Riv. chir.. Nap., 1935, 1: 170-81.- Rubbiani, U. La pneumatosi cistica intes- tinale e mesenterialc Profilassi, 1932, 5: 181-4—Rucken- steiner, E., A- Kux, F. Ueber die Pneumatosis cystoides intes- tini ninl die M oglichkeit ihrer rontgenologischen Diagnose, Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1933, 47: 661-71'.—Sailer. K. A pneumatosis cystoides intestini kork6p6rol. Orvoskepzes, 1934, 24: nov. kulonf. (VerebSly Festschr.) 66-77.—Sawada. B. Gas cvsts in the intestines. J. Orient. M., Dairen, MIL'S, 9: 66. Also Polyclin. Dairen, 1928-30, 4: No. 7, 66.- Shabby. Intestinal pneumatosis. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1933, 16: 623 35. Skibniewski, T. [Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (gas-con- taining cysts in mucous membrane of the intestines)] Polska gaz. lek., 1926, 5: 29-30.—Tinozzi, F. P. Sulla pneumatosi cistica dell'intestino. Ann. ital. chir., 1937, 16: 291 312.— Tribedi, B. P. Gas cvsts of the intestine. Calcutta M. J. 1941, 38: 285-8, 2 pl.—Tung, P. C, & Ngai, S. K. Cas cv.-ts of the intestines. China M. J., 1933, 47: 1-14. 4 pl— Urban, H. Anatomische und rontgenologische Befunde bei der Pneumatosis cystoides intestini. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1937, 55: 231- 41.—Wunderlich, M. J. Neumatosis intestinal. Cir. cirujan., Mex., 1937, 5: 413-32.—Yin, Y. C. Gas cvsts of the intestine; report of 2 cases. Chin. M. J., 1937, 51: 541-4. ---- Poisoning. See also subheadings (Contents: Putrefaction; Toxemia) also Food poisoning; Uremia; also under names of poisonous substances as Mercury, etc. Crawford, L. P. Treatment of acute intestinal intoxication based upon clinical findings in the colon. N. England J. M., 1931, 205: 577-81.—Ecker, E. E., & Biskind, M. S. The effect of certain toxic substances in bacterial cultures on the intestinal movement; effect of filtrates of young cultures of the colon-typhoid group of organisms on the intestinal movement of rabbits as recorded by a new cinematographic method; correlation of this effect with the production of food poisoning by members of this group. Arch. Path., Chic, 1929, 7: 204- 14.—Ecker, E. E., & Rademaekers, A. Studies on the effect of certain toxic substances in bacterial cultures on the move- ment of the intestines; the effect of soluble toxic substances of young cultures of Bacillus paratvphosus B. .1. Exp. M., 1926. 43: 785-95, pl.—Ecker, E. E., & Schneider, D. E. Effect of certain toxic substances in bacterial cultures on the intestinal movement; the effect of the physiologically active substances of the gas bacillus on the movement of the intestine in the intact animal. Arch. Path., Chic, 1930, 9: 694-8.—Johnston. M. M.. Brown, A., & Tisdall, F. F. Enteral infections in acute intestinal intoxication. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1930, 23: 231-7. ---- Polyposis. See also Colon, Polyposis; Intestine, Cancer: Precancerous conditions. Augier, P. La polypose reeto-colique. 282p. 8° Par., 1932. INTESTINE 465 INTESTINE Helbing, E. *Beitrag zur Lehre von der Polyposis intestini und deren Beziehungen zum Carcinom. 21p. 8? [Erlangen, 1930] Junghanns, H. Die Zottengeschwiilste des Dickdarms und Mastdarms. 208 1. 4? Frankf. [1935?] Lewkowitz, D. *Polyposis intestini [Berlin] 20p. 8? Charlottenb., 1929. Ruh, O. [K. H.] *Polyposis coli und Carcinom; ein Beitrag zur Pathogenese. 15p. 8° Miinch., 192G. Adler, S. [Intestinal polypus] Gy6gyaszat, 1931. 71: 488-91.—Alley, R. G. A case of multiple polyposis of the intestine. Clifton M. Bull., 1926-27, 12: 141-5.—Bale, J., & Korpassy, B. [Comparative study of adenomatous polypi of the intestines in man, pig and cattle] Allatorv. lap., 1935, 58: 219-22.—Bargen, J. A. Inception of polyps of the intestine; their association with the relationship to malignant disease. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, 15: 105-7.—Bensaude. R., Hillemand, P & Augier, P. La polvpose intestinale. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1932, 22: 473-555. Also Presse med., 1932. 40: 687-92------Hippocratisme digital et polvpose intestinale. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1932, 3. ser., 48: 93-9.—Biester, H E , & Schwarte. L. H. Intestinal adenoma in swine. Am. J, Path., 1931, 7: 175-85, 3 pl. ------& Eveleth, D. F. Studies on a rapidly developing intestinal adenoma in a pig. Ibid., 1939, 15: 385-9, pl.—Blasi, R. La poliposi intestinale. Ri- forma med., 1931, 47: 1258-63.—Bloom, C. J. Intestinal polyposis in childhood; a report of 3 cases and a survey of the literature. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1929-30, 82: 647-64.— Chapman, J. F. Polyposis of the large intestine; case report. Am. J. Roentg., 1928, n. serv., 20: 115-8.—Chiurco, G. A. Poliposi e cancro deU'intestino. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1934, 11. ser., 2: 123-6.—Coffey, R. J., & Bargen, J. A. Intes- tinal'polyps; pathogenesis and relation to malignancy. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1939, 69: 136-45— Diliberto, II. La poliposi intestinale. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1937, 6: 37-59.— Dukes, C. The hereditary factor in polyposis intestini, or multiple adenomata. Cancer Rev., Lond., 1930, 5: 241-56.— Edwards, H. C. Polyposis intestini (multiple adenomata) with secondary malignant changes. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1938 61- 118—Farmer, V. Polyposis of small and large bowel. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1932, 29: 463-8—Felsen, J. Intestinal polyposis: adenomatosis coli and polyposis cystica intestini. Ani. J. Digest. Dis., 1936-37, 3: 589-93. —--- The differential diagnosis of intestinal polyposis. Internat. Congr Campaign Cancer, 1939. 3. Congr., 185. Also Am. J. Roentg., 1941, 45: 551-7.—Feyrter, F. Zur Lehre von der Polypenbildung im menschlichen Darm. Wien. med. Wschr., 1929, 79: 338-42. ------ Zur Geschwulstlehre (nach Unter- suchungen am menschlichen Darm; Polvpen und Krebs) Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 86: 663-760.—Fishback, H. R., & Davis H. Operative production of intestinal polyps in animals. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago. 1942-43, 14: 50.—Gottesman, J., & Perla D. Intestinal polyposis with an instance of multiple fibromatous poLps. Am. .1. M. Sc, 1930, 179: 370-4, 2 pl — Grandclaude & Tiprez. Polvpose et cancer de 1 intestin. Bull. A=s. fr. cancer, 1931, 2D: 273-82.—Hamant & Rothan. Polvpose intestinale. Rev. med. est, 1935, 63: 401-o—- Jungling, O. Polyposis intestini; hereditare Vernaltnisse und Beziehungen zum Carcinom. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928, 143: 476-83 —Kerr, J. G. Polvpoid disease of the colon and rectum Dallas M. J., 1939, 25: 133-6—Ladd, W. E., & Gross R. E. Polvps of intestine and colon. In then Abdom. Surg. Infancy, Phila 1941 127-40.—Levine, V. Polyposis of the intestine. Bull. "Chicago M. Soc, 1934, 36: 548. Also in Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 794-6.—Lovisatti, N. L indagine radiologica nella poliposi intestinale. Radiol, med. Milano, 1931, 18: 806-901.—Masciottra.R.L., & Pages. J. M. Pohposis intestinal multiple y carcinoma. Rev. med quir pat fem, B. Air., 1939, 14: 1063-73.— Moynihan, I. W., & Gwatkin. R. Intestinal adenoma in a hog. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1941, 5: I67-9 —Nedelmann, E. Beitrag zur Darstellung der Polyposis intestini im Rontgenbilde. Zsehr. Kinderh 1932, 55: 192-6 0ystein Hanneborg [Balantidium coli-diarrhea and intestinal polyposis] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1933, 94: 650-9.—Oselladore, G. Poliposi intestinale e carcinoma. Minerva med., lor., 1928 8: pt 2, 1183-90.—Polyps of the colon and rectum Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 1130.—Reichel. Darmpolypen und Darmcarcinom; ein Beitrag zur Krebsfrage. Arch. khn. Lhir 1926, 141: 702-17.—Saint, J. H. Polypi of the intestine; with special reference to the adenomata. Brit, J. Surg., 1926-27 15: 99-119.—Schilling, H., & Berner, O. [Intestimil polypi] Norsk mag. hegevid., 1931, 92: 602-14, pl.—Schmieden. Pracancerose Erkrankungen des Darmes, insbesondere I oly- posis. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 142: 512-9. —— & Westhues. Zur Klinik der Dickdarmpolypen und deren Beziehungen zum Dickdarmkrebs. Munch, med^ Wschr., 1928, 75: 803 — Schweizer F & Llambias, A. Invaginaeion por pohpo inteS' Arch argent, pediat 1939, 11: 602; 689.-Silya Per»ira G Polyposis intestini; hereditanedade e transforma- £o in'digmt. Lisboa med., 1939, 16: 356-72,-Thigpen F. M The diagnosis and treatment of intestinal polyps. J. M. Ass. Ai„il™» uin 12 11- 17-23.—T0nnesen. H. Polyposis of intestine"]' . N. Spontaneous rupture of the intestine in the new-l..,i., infant. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, 45: 114-7.— Milko, W. Zur Mitteilung Degenhardt's: Ein seltener Fall von subkutaner Darmruptur. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 2461.------ [Subcutaneous rupture of the bowel with initial symptomless period] Orv. hetil., 1936, 80: mell., 194.—Minin, N. I. [Problem of subcutaneous rupture of the intestines] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 7, 61-4.—Morris, R. B. Pneumatic rup- ture of the intestine, with Roentgen-rav studies following recov- ery. Am. J. Roentg., 1927, n. ser., 18: 560-2.—Mufson, S. Rupture of intestine from forceful protrusion or reduction of hernia. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 44: 467-73.—Neese, C. C. Rup- ture of the intestinal canal with compressed air. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc* 1937, 38: 81.—Niederle [Spontaneous ruptuies of in- testines] Cas. lek. Cesk., 1926, 65: 124-7.—Noble, T. B. Intni-uterine rupture of the intestine (case report) J. Indiana M. Ass., 1931, 24: 553.—Ossipov, B. K. [A case of traumatic rupture of the intestine without injury to the gastric wall] Vrach. gaz., 1928, 32: 1359.—Panshin, Z. N. [Three cases of subcutaneous rupture of the intestine] Sovet. khir., 1932, 2: 238.—Patterson, D. C. Compressed air rupture of intestines. Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1929, 12: 184-92.—Pittoni, E. Sulle rotture sottocutanee traumatiche deU'intestino. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1926. 31: 285-8.—Poer, D. H.. Ferguson, I. A., & Oliver, E. W. Traumatic rupture of the intestine due to nonpenetrating wounds of the abdomen. Surgery, 1941, 10: 530.—Reeves, C. W. Traumatic rupture of intestines due to air under pressure; with icport of 3 cases. J. Nat. M. Ass., Newark, 1931, 23: 72-4.—Ruptures (Les) de l'intestin par l'air comprime et leur traitement. Rev. gen. clin. th6r., 1935, 49: Suppl., 1702-6.—Russell, T. H. Spontaneous rupture of the intestine in the new-born. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 90: 1431-4 Also Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1939, 22: 286-94. —Sinichenko, G. G. [Rupture of the intestinal tract without injury of the abdominal wall] Vrach. delo, 1931, 14: 131-4.—Skiles, J. H. Prenatal rupture of the intestine with subsequent dystocia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 99: 1618.—Smith, F. O. Intestinal rupture without penetrating wound of the abdominal wall J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1936, 16: 33-6.—Takemura, B„ ct Odatsune, A. Statistical observations of the traumatic sub- cut menus rupture of the bowel in Japan. Jap. J. M. Sc. 1934— 36, 4: Surg,., 272. Tichy, K. [Subcutaneous ruptures of the intestini] Cas. lek. c->k., 1938, 77: 103-7.—Tokunaga, M. Thirteen cases of subcutaneous traumatic rupture of the intestine. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 272.—Veal, J. R., A Barnes. E. B. Rupture of the intestines from nonpenetrating injuries of the abdomen. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1941, 10: 2.19-63.—White, R. J. Referred pain in a traumatic intestinal rupture. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 942.—Wilensky, A. O., & Kaufman. P. A. Subparietal rupture of the intestine due to muscular effort; a complication of hernia. Ann. Surg., 1937, 106: 373-93- Williams, J. E. Traumata mruim of the bowel. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1934, 30: 536. Winn. I). F. Trau- matic intestinal rupture. Mil. Surgeon, I'.il'N. (>.l: SA7 12. - Workmen's compensation acts; rupture ,<\ inti-nm allegedly due to trauma. ,). Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 3(is. ---- Sarcoma. Debrunner, A. *Drei Falle von Sarcom des Darms in Kindesalter. 46]). 8? Ziir., 1883. Steiner, H. *Ueber Fibrosarkom des Darmes [Zurich] 18p. 8? Bern, 1925. Ackman, F. I). Primary sarcoma of the intestine. Canad M. Ass. J., 1933, 29: 137-45- Boyce. F. F., & McFetridge. K. M. Primary sarcoma of the intestine; with the report of addi- tional cases, and with special reference to lymphosarcoma and malignant melanoma. Internal. Surg. Digest, 1934, 17: 131- 46.—Clerici-Bagozzi, II. Leiomioma sarcomatodes dell'in- testino. Tumori, Milano. 1!I3 I. 20: 1 10 32, 3 pl.—Drost, J. C. [Intestinal sarcoma] Xed. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 2959.— Filippini, G. Su di un raro caso di sarcoma intestinale nei fanciullo con sintomatologia atipica. Gazz. med. lombard 1934, 93: No. 3, 1-6.—Grau. Ein ungewohnlii h giossrs Myo- sarkom des Darms (Demonstration). Zbl. (hii., I!i36, 63: 749-52.—Krigl, K. [Sarcoma of the intestincj ('.y'.gyaszat, 1931, 71 : 34-7.—Lefevre <& Laumonier. Sur un i as de sar- comes multiples de l'intestin. Bordeaux chir., 1935, 6: 374- 6.—Mazzacuva, G., & Santoboni, U. Ricerche di oncologia sperimentale; comportamento del sarcoma Galliera nell'in- testino e nei fegato. Pathologica, Genova, 1933, 25: 188-99.— Orlando-Salinas, F. Pseudo-sarcoma del cieco e del colon ascendente. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1928, 7: 211-6- Petit, G. Relation d'un cas de chondro-sarcome intestinal generalise au poumon, chez un chien; considerations sur le mecanisme probable de generalisation des chondromes. Bull. Soc. centr. med. vet., Par., 1905, 59: 283-6.—Simpson-Smith, A. Sarcoma of the intestine in children. Brit. J. Surg., 1938-39, 26: 429- 3S. Wodziriski, M. [Primary sarcoma of the intestine] Nowotwory, 1938, 13: 35-65.--Wooldridge. G. H., & Holmes, J. W. II. Sarcoma of intestine of dog; resection; recurrence. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1935, 15: 292. ---- Spasm. See also Intestine, Occlusion; also Constipa- tion, spastic. Cardini, C. Consideraciones sobre la medica- ci6n anti-espasmodica intestinal. 75p. 23cm. B. Air. [1940] Dreiss, F. *Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber Spasmolyse am Darm. 16p. 8? Tub., 1934. Brown, R. C. Spastic irritable bowel. Med. Clin. N. America, 1940, 24: 193-203.—Cyriax, J. H. Manipulative treatment of intestinal spasm. Brit. M. J. 1938, 1: 445-7.— Den, O. O. V. [Convulsive states of the stomach and intestines from a roentgenological view-point] Russ. vrach, 1913, 12: 89-91.—Freude, E. Zur Entstehung des Eingeweidekrampfes; experimentelle Grundlagen. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 769.— Gaston, B. Enteropasm. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1928, 21: 186-8.—Heiman, H., & Cohen, P. Abdomimd pain in children due to cnterospasm. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1928, 45: 383-9.— Jirasek, A. Ueber einige intramurale Ursachen der Kriimpfe des Verdauungskanals. Acta chir. scand., 1925-26, 59: 91-9, 6 pl.—La Gravinese, N. Spasmes du tube digestif dans l'ovarite sclerokystique. Gyn. obst., Par., 1930, 22: 8-22—Lovegren, E., & Ruin, E. [Enterospasm in children; a new syndrome] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1935, 78: 394-400- Lurje, H. S. Ueber die Wirkung des Atropins auf den Dickdarm bei dessen spastischer Kontraktion. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1926, 50: 339-44.—Maranelli, L. Medicazione senza opio dello spasmo intestinale. Prat, pediat., Milano, 1938, 16: 208-12.— Pozzilli, P. Patologia e terapia delle affezioni spastiche dell'in- testino. Med. nuova, 1928, 19: 227-36.—Reinhardt, E. Zur Nachbehandlung Bauchoperationen; Behandlung von Darmspasmen mit. Octin. Munch, med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 249.—Steindl, H. Neue Gesichtspunkte zum Problem dts Enterospasmus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 139: 245-318. ---- Spirochaetosis. Bekenskaya, A. I., & Sinytsky. A. A. [Intestinal spiro- chetosis] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 600-2.—Jerace, F. Un caso di enterite da Spirochaeta intestinalis associate con Trichomonas intestinalis. trior, ital. clin. trop., 1937, 1: 266-70.—Nisiyama, M. U/eber das Vorkommen von Darm- spiiochaten bei Menschen und Tieren. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1936, 136: 370-82.—Vinzent, R., & Seguin, P. Contribution k I'etude des spirochetes intestinaux de i hommc C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 12.—Yakimov, W. L., & Rastjapin, T. Ueber Geschwiirspirochaten des Pferdes. Arch. Protistcnk., 1930, 71: 543-9. ---- Stenosis [incl. atresia] For congenital stenosis see Intestine, Ab- normity: Occlusion. INTESTINE 469 INTESTINE Eymann, A. *Die posttraumatischen Darm- stenosen [Berlin] 31p. 8? Berl., 1929. Bergareche, J. Estenosis intestinal, secuela de la estrangula- ci6n herniaria. Arch, med., Madr., 1932, 35: 21-4.—Blanc y Fortacin, J. Estenosis intestinal de origen traumatico Med. ibera, 1927, 21: pt 1, 389-91.—Brandesky, W. Chroni- sche Darmstenose und zweite Krankheit. Deut. Zsehr. Chit., 1930, 222: 117-24.—Bufalini, M. Ipertrofia e iperplasia della tunica muscolare deU'intestino a monte di segmenti stenotici. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1929, 35: 831-3. ------ & Mirolli, A. Ipertrofia ed iperplasia della tunica muscolare dell'intestino a montc di segmenti stenotici (studio critico, anatomo-patologico, clinico sperimentale) Arch. ital. chir., 1928, 22: 589-633.—Busachi, T. Ipertrofia ed iperplasia delle fibre muscolari liscie deU'intestino in seguito a stenosi Ibid., 1929, 23: 690.—Davila, L. G. Contribution al estudio de las esclerosis intestinales. Bol. Hosp. S. Juan, Quito, 1928 3: 9-21, pl—Feingold, B. F., & Shulman, A. G. Isolated segment of intestine associated with duodenal atresia. Am. J Dis. Child., 1942, 63: 541-5.—Fiorini, E. Sulle modificazioni dell'ansa intestinale soprastante ad una stenosi meccanica. Riv. pat. sper., 1933-34, 10: 369-80, 6 pl.—Glover, D. M., Smith, S., & Eitzen, O. Multiple atresia of the small intestine; case report. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 337-41.—Hancock, J. D. Intestinal stenosis in infants. South. Surgeon, 1942, 11: 113-7.—Heidenhain, L. Darmstenosen und Darmkoliken Verstopfung und Wasserbilanz. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80:483-6.—Hval, E., & Schnitler, K. [Inflammatory strictures, in the intestinal tract, with clinical aspect of malignant tumors] Nord. med., 1940, 8: 1968-72.—Jones. T. E. Benign stricture of the intestine due to irradiation. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1939, 19: 1185-94.—Kiselev, A. G., & Kanevsky, N. Z. [Trau- matic intestinal strictures] Vest, khir., 1939, 57: 304-7.— Khaitzis, G. M. [Stenosis of intestines] Ibid., 1931, 24: 40-62.—Landau, A., Glass, J., & Kaminer, S. [Clinical investi- gations of stenosis of the intestinal tract; case of chronic, low intestinal obstruction with hypochloremia, azotemia and acidosis] In Prace klin. Oddz. chor. wewn. Szpit. Wolski, Warsz., 1932, 632—44.;—Nicolosi, G. Sui comportamento delle cellule nervose deU'intestino soprastante ad una stenosi. Arch. ital. chir., 1934, 37: 707-33.—Orth. Lymphome und Lymphosarkome als Ursache stenosierender Darmerkran- kungen. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 2562.—Platschik, K. Zur Frage der Darmatresien. Chirurg, 1933, 5: 938-42.—Plaut, T. Zwei Falle von Darmverengerung bei jugendlichen Personen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 1118. Also Khn. Wschr., 1927, 6: 1450.—Titone, M., & Marcatajo, G. La curva amino- acidemica nelle stenosi croniche deU'intestino (studio speri- mentale). Ann. ital. chir., 1936, 15: 285-96.—Trabaud, J., & Mourched, K. Stenose intestinale par brides tuber- culeuses chez un malade atteint de myelite syphilitique. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 800.—Van Allen, C. M., & Chao, Y. C. Narrowing of intestine from contraction of experimentally produced, fibrous capsule. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, N. Y., 1934, 31: 1242.—Wiesen, E. Zur Pathologie und Klinik angeborener Verschltisse and Verengerungen des Darmes. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1932-33, 54: 268-71. acci6n terapeutica de la raquianestesia en las perforaciones intestinales en el ileo dindmico v en las hernias estranguladas. Repert. med. cir., Bogotd, 1929, 20: 65-98.—Cause (The) of death in intestinal strangulation. J. Am. M Ass., 1936, 107: 802.—Ceballos, A., & Taubenschlag, H. Obstrucci6n intestinal subaguda en un caso de malformacion retroc61ica del mesenterium commune. Prensa nted. argent., 1932-33, 19: 534.—Chamberlain, J. W. Acute intestinal obstruction following hernia into ascending mesocolon; a case report. N. England J. M., 1937, 21G: 299-301.—Chevereau, J. Occlu- sion intestinale par hernie epigastrique Stranglee; operation au 12e jour; injection intraveineuse de s6rum sal6 hypertonique- guerison Gaz. med. France, 1929, 3: No. 11, p. v.—Collins', F. M. Adherent Fallopian tube causing intestinal strangulation. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 119.—Contiades, X. J., & Mathey, J. Etranglement intestinal par le ligament mesenterico-mesocoli- que. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1935, 12: 859-64.—Coyte, R. A case of strangulation into Waldeyer's pouch. J. R Army M. Corps 1940, 74: 353.—Cullen, T. S. Intestinal obstruction due to a hole in the mesentery of the ascending colon. J. Am M. Ass., 1936, 106: 895-8.—Danicico, I., & Piree, F. [Window of the mesentery m a case of intestinal strangulation]. Cluj. med., 1930, 40: 27'.)-83.--Deutsch. J. Eine seltene Form von Strangulationsileus (kasuistische Mitteilung mit einer Analyse des Entstehungsmechanismus) Wien. klin. Wschr 1927, 40: 916-8.- Dirntza, A. Chvluserguss in die freie Rauchhohle bei Bridenileus. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 953-5.— Donati, C. S. Su di alcune occlusioni intestinali da briglia a meccanismo complesso. Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia 1935> 49: 1537-58.—Eadham, J. E., & Leeds, M. B. Intestinal obstruction due to bands in the ileocaecal region. Lancet Lond., 1933, 1: 290-2. —Evans, E. I. The mechanism of shock in intestinal strangulation. Ann. Surg., 1943, 117: 28-38.— Fenkner. Darmeinklemmung in seitlicher Oeffnung eines Glasdrains. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929, 155: 177.—Frenkel, A. B. [Strangulation of the intestine in the orifices of the mesentery] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 4, 59-62.—Fiissel, K. Ueber seltene Formen von Ileus durch innere Einklemmung Zbl Chir., 1937, 64: 1288-95.—Goehl, R. O., Lynch, F. W. [et al.] Evaluation of X-rayr evidence as a criterion of strangulation obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 952-4.—Guiou, N. M. Intestinal kinking. Surg. Gvn. Obst., 1928, 47: 252-5— Gutzeit, R. Strangulationsileus durch eine verkiiste Mesenterialdriise. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 3277.— Hill, F. C, & O'Loughlin, B. J. The effect of intraperitoneal injection of gastric, strangulated intestinal and appendical loop content upon the leucocyte count. Surgery, 1943, 13: 87-93. ------& Stoner, M. Peritoneal aspiration in the diagnosis of strangulated bowel. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74: 121-3.— Holt, R. L. The pathology of acute strangulation of the intestine. Brit. J. Surg., 1934, 21: 582-603. ------ Intestinal --- Strangulation. See also subheadings (Adhesion; Exclusion; Intussusception; Volvulus) also Hernia; Ileus; Mesentery, Abnormity. Martinais, P. F. *L'ileus par brides post- operatoires. 65p. 8? Par., 1930. Thomas, N. *Etranglement intorne a travers le grand epiploon [Marseille] 80p. 25c^m. Lyon, 1937. Adamesteanu, C. Un cas de hernie ilfiale trans-ntesentei ique Strangle. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1940, 43: 816-21, pl.—Aird, I. Intestinal strangulation. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 1: 601.------ Slome, D. [et al.] Discussion on intestinal strangulation. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1935-36, 29: 991-1006.—Andreasen, A. T. Intestinal strangulation complicated bv rupture of a 6 months' gravid uterus. Brit. J. Surg., 1941-42, 29: 156-8 — Angelescu, C, Tovaru, S., & Buzoianu, G. V. [Therapeutic value of saline solution in intoxication due to occlusion in strangulated hernia] Rev. chir., Bucur., 1929, 21: 299-313 — Araujo Coelho, N. FenestracSo do mesenterio como causa de obstrucao intestinal. Ann. Fac. med. S. Paulo, 1934, 10: 365-72, pl.—Barbilian, N. Occlusion intestinale par bride sous-il6ale. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 395-8 — Benassi, E. Ricerche sperimentali sugli effetti dello strozza- mento totale temporaneo di un'ansa intestinale. Arch. Soc. ital. chir. (1927) 1928, 34: 639-41. Also Arch. ital. chir., 1929, 23: 195-220.—Bianciardi, A. Su di un raro caso di strozzamento intestinale interno. Boll. spec. med. chir., 1929, 3: 39-43.—Bouvier, G. Etranglement d'une anse intestinale chez un chien. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 1942, 84: 192.—Brown, K. P. Intestinal strangulation from the clinical standpoint. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 1137.—Bruttin. De la g6n6se des etrangle- ments internes et specialement de la hernie transmesocolique. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1928, 48: 215-8.—Businco, A. Occlu- sioni intestinali multiple da duplice ernia strozzata (inguinale e retroperitoneale) e da volvolo. Policlinico, 1930, 37: sez. prat., 168-71 —Casas, M. P. E. Consideraciones sobre la strangulation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 268-70.— Hommes, J. H. Darmverschluss durch Einklemmung in Mesenteriallucken. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 862-5.—Jacques L., Droegemueller, W. A., & Buchbinder, J. R. The viability of strangulated intestinal loops; an experimental studv. Surg Gyn. Obst., 1932, 55: 559-69—J aki, G. [Strangulation ileus] Orv. hetil., 1933. 77: 1016; 1040. Also Deut. Zsehr. Chir 1933-34, 242: 226-45.—Jasnogorodsky, A. J. [Incarceration of intestines in the apertures of the omentum] Vest, khir., 1936, 44: 104-6.—Kaufman, E. Ueber innere Einklemmungen nach Bauchoperationen. Beitr. klin Chir., 1935, 162: 53-63.— Kirsner, L. A. [Lane's kinks complicated by ileus] Russ. klin., 1926, 6: 561-8.—Kisman [Strangulation ileus] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2316.—Knight, G. C. Intestinal strangulation. Brit. J. Surg., 1937, 25: 209-26. ■------& Slome, D. Intestinal strangulation. Ibid., 1935-36, 23: 820-54.—Krecke,. A. Strangulationsileus. In ■ his Beitr. prakt. Chir., Miinch., 1934, 354-6.—Kuhlmann. Etranglement interne. Strasbourg med., 1932, 92: 2.56-60.—Kummant, A. Strangulationsileus durch einen Fremdkorper in der Bauch- hohle. Zbl. Gyn., 1934, 58: 2316-22.— Landois, F. Ueber Darmeinklemmung in Liicken vom Mesenterium und Mesoco- lon. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1936, 163: 241-9.—Machacek, J. Strangulationsileus bei angeborenem Schlitz des Mesocolon mit Invagination. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1938, 250: 34-6.— McNamara, F. P. Congenital fibrous cords with intestinal obstruction in children. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 510.— Ma tasso v, T. [Ileus from strangulation by a 13 cm. appendix, with fatal result] Vrach. gaz., 1927, 3i: 1823.—Matthaes. Zum Mechanismus der retrograden Incarceration des Darmes. Arch. khn. Chir., 1931, 164: 398-406.—Meade, H. Strangu- lation of ileum through congenital opening in mesentery. Irish J. M. Sc, 1933, ser. 6, No. 91: 311-5— Meusburger. Akute Darmeinklemmung im Foramen Winslowii. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1253 (Abstr.)— Mischel, K. Strangula- tionsileus durch Lymphadenitis mesaraica tuberculosa. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 865.—Mitchell, G. F. Acute intestinal obstruc- tion in a baby 15 months old; hernia through the foramen of Winslow. Brit. J. Surg., 1938-39, 26: 648.—Montgomery, A. H. Intestinal obstruction due to Richter's hernia. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1941, 62: 687.—Moreau, L. Deux cas d'occlusion intestinale aigue (par bride ilfiale de Lane et par m§senterite tetractile) Arch. fr. belg. chir., 1926, 29: 1071-80— Moritz, A. R. Mesenterium commune with intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Path., 1932, 8: 735-43, pl.—Noshchinsky, V. R. [Internal incarceration of the intestines in defects of the mesentery] Vest. khir. 1936, 46: 81-8.—Ogai, S., & Ohnisi. S. Ein Fall von Strangulationsileus durch den normalen Wurmfortsatz. dessen Spitze mit dem Mesenterium fibres verwachsen ist, INTESTINE 470 INTESTINE Arch. jap. Chir., 1939, 16: 431.—Ottobrini Costa. M. Apparelho ligamentoso do angulo colico direito funccionando como agente do occlusao intestinal; uma foi macao anatomica normal incompletamente involuida, confinando com a patho- logia. Rev. As. paul. med., 1935, 7: 27-36.—Panter, 11. Ein ungewohnlicher Fall von Daimeinklemmung (Einklem- mung in das verrenkte Sakro-Iliacalgelenkl Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 2272.—Parodi, A. F., & Figueroa (;acitua. J. C. Oclusion intestinal por vaso aberrante. Prensa med. argent., 1938, 25: pt 2, 1777-9.—Pascale, G. Occlusione intestinale acuta In i stiozzamento da briglia mesenteriale. Rinasc. med., 1925, 2: 51.—Perrier, C. Etranglement interne a svmptomato- logie n'-duite. Bull. Soc. chir. Pans, PC'S. 20: 471-6 — 1'ezza, E. Un caso di occlusione intestinale per briglie aderen- ziali consecutive ad una infezione da paratifo B. Pediatria (Riv.) 1932, 40: 143-6.—Posiada, S. D. [Rare case of strangu- lating ileus] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 2, 132.—Reynaud, H- Pincement lateral de l'intestin. Monde nted., 1933, 43: 86-9.—Rio, A. do. Estrangulamento intestinal em antiga eventracao. Labor, clin., Rio, 1940, 20: 131.—Rokitansky. Degli stringimenti intestinali e di altre malattie quali cause di ostruzioni e di volvulo. Ann. clin. Osp. incurab., Nap., 1840, 6: 203-9.—Romankevich, V. [Aperture in the mesentery in connection with strangulation of the intestine] Vest, khir., 1930, 21: 132-9.------[Strangulation of the intestine at a mesenteric hole] Ibid., 1932, 27: 172.—Rosenthal, S. R. Internal incarceration. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1040, 280.—Sanmartino, E. S. Doble oclusion intestinal aguda en el adulto por anomalia congenita; cordon inguinomesenterico. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1938-39, 14: 324-31 — Scott, H. G. Intestinal obstruction; experimental evidence on the loss of blood in intestinal strangulation. Arch. Surg., 1938, 36: 816-37. ------ & Wangensteen, O. H. Length of life following various types of strangulation obstruction in dogs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 124-7. ------ Blood pressure changes correlated with time, length and type of intestinal strangulation in dogs. Ibid., 428-31. ------ Blood losses in experimental intestinal strangulations and their relationship to degree of shock and death. Ibid., 748-51.— Sertoli, L. Sugli strozzamenti intestinali transmesenterici. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1940, 28: 67-72.—Sheinerman, A. A. [Three cases of intestinal strangulation in the mesenteric ring] Nov. khir. arkh., 1936. 35: 421—Shin, H. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber den Strangulationsileus; die Magen- sekretion bei Strangulationsileus. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1936, 26: 61. -Sofoteroff. S. Zur Frage der Aetiologie von intraab- dominalen Erkrankungen; ein Fall innerer Darmeinklemmung im Mesenterialdefekt. Arch. klin. Chir., 1923, 125: 324-32 — Spehl, G. Occlusion intestinale et sphac£le par bride m6sen- terique. J. chir., Brux., 1927, 26: 155-7.—Steinberg, I. I. von [Case of strangulated ileus] Odess. med. J., 1928, 3: 294.— Steissler. Vorstellung eines Fades von ausgedehnter Darm- resektion wegen Strangulation. Mitt. Verein. Aerzte Steier- mark, 1920, 57: 20.—Susman, M. P. A rare case of intestinal strangulation. J. Coll. Surgeons Australasia, 1929-30, 2: 429.—Thevenard. Occlusion intestinale aigue par etrangle- ment dans l'hiatus de Winslow. Paris chir., 1928, 20: 126.— Turk, H. Liicke in einem Mesenterium ilio-coli-commune als Ursache fur einen Darmverschluss. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 244-8.—Turel, S. J. Mesenteric holes or rents as a cause of intestinal obstruction: a case of special interest. Internat. J. M. A- S., 1932. 45: 462-4.—Williamson, J. C. K. L. Interna] hernia through congenital aperture in mesentery: strangulation. Brit. J. Surg., 1933, 20: 684.—Wodarz. Eine sehr seltene Darmeinklemmung. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 3082. ---- Surgery. See also Abdomen, Surgery; Gastrointestinal tract, Surgery. Krafse, B. *Operationen am Darm (mit Ausnahme des Blinddarms) bei urspriinglich gynakologischen Operationen und im Gefolge gynakologischer Erkrankungen. 43p. 8? Ko- nigsb., 1937. De Tarnowsky, G. Principles of intestinal surgery. Illinois M. J., 1935, 68: 219-30.—Gannon, J. A. A problem in intestinal surgery. Virginia M. Month., 1930-31, 57: 798-801.—Giles, R. C. Some problems encountered in surgery of the intestines. J. Nat. M. Ass., Newark, 1930, 22: 1-4.—Green, T. M. Surgical significance of derangement of intestinal rotation and distribution. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1931, 53: 734-41.— Hedrick, R. M. Surgery of the intestines. J. Nat. M. Ass., Newark, 1928. 20: 170-4.—Henson, J. W. Surgery in the infant with report of a case. Tr. M. Soc. Virginia, 1916, 46: 101-3.-- Horsley, J. S. Some principles of intestinal surgery, with special reference to physiology of the intestines. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1928) 1929, 76-81. Also Ann. Surg.. 1928, 87: 387-94.—Kleinschmidt, O., & Hohlbaum, J. Die Chirurgie des Darmes. Chirurgie (Kirsch- ner & Nordmann) Berl. 1927, 5: 845-1180, 4 pl.—Maclean, N. J. Some problems in intestinal surgery. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1925) 1920, 35: 351-68. Also J." Lancet, 1927, 47: 217-23.—Mayo, C. H. Wrinkles and recipes in intestinal surgery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1933, 51 : 313-8. Also Ann. Surg., 1933, 98: 830-4. ------ & Schlicke. C. P. Anuria after operations on the colon and rectum. J. Urol., Bait., 1942, 48: 207 18.—Nordmann, O. Die chirurgische Behandlung der auf Darmerkrankungen beiuhenden Hint vnriindorungen. Chirurg, 1928-29. 1: 104-12. O'Donnell. E. E. Problems in surgery of the intestine. J. Maine M. Ass., 1941, 32: 27-30.— Puig-Sureda, J. Contribution a I'etude de la chirurgie de l'intestin. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1924, 33: 852 61. - Quervain, F. de. Chirurgische Demonstrationcn. Internat med. W. Schweiz (1937) 1938, 3. Congr., 326-31. Als.. Schweiz, med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 1153- Rentsrhlrr. C. B. Considera- tions in bowel surgery. Penns\ lvania M. .1., 1936-37, 40: 813-7.—Santoro, E. Emorragie gastro-intestinali e renali consecutive ad erniotomia e a sequestrectomia. Ann. ital. chir., 1026, 5: 823-31.—Schnitzler, J. Ueber dringliche Darmoperationcn. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 173; 208.— Searls, H. H. Surgery of the intestinal tract. In Pract. Libr. M. A- S. (Appleton) N. Y., 1933, 4: 577-676.—Sehrt, E. Neuere Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Hauchchirurgie; Wurm- fortsatz, Dickdarm, Mastdarm. Med. Klin., Berl., 1931, 27: 516-20.—Stieda, A. Operationen am Darm und Peritone- um. In Fehler chir. Oper. (Stich & Makkas) 2. Aufl., Jena, 1932, 547-612.—Surgical diseases of the intestines; discussion of symposium, published in the Medical Record, October 17. 1934. Med. Rec, N. V., 1934, 140: 481- Tammann, H. Chirurgie des Dunn- und Dickdarmes. < 'hirurg, 1935, 7: 214-9.—Valdoni, P. Chirurgia del tenue e del colon. Manuale chir. ' (Alessandri, R.) 1933, 4: 505-646.—Zaborowski, F. L. Abdominal surgery; intestines. In Cyclop. Med, (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., Serv. Vol., 1941, 680-730. ---- Surgery: Anastomosis. See also Gastroenterostomy; Gastrojejunos- tomy; Hernia, Surgery, etc. Kok, D. J. *Die anatomischen und physio- logischen Veranderungen des Diinndarmes nach der Einpflanzung in die Kontinuitat des Mast- darmes; experimentelle Studien am Hunde [Giessen] 63p. 8? [Borna-Lpz.] 1929. Lallement, H. A. indications et nouvelles techniques dans l'utilisation des boutons anas- tomotiques. 67p. 25cm. Nancy, 1934. Pig.vatti, A. Studio sulla enteroanastomosi; critica e ricerche sperimentali. 266p. 8? Bologna, 1915. Zimmermann, G. *Versuche zur Anlegung sogenannter aseptischer Darmanastomosen. 39p. 8? Konigsb., 1926. Bacon, J. B. The clasp-ring; a new instrument for intestinal anastomosis; a preliminary report on a new mechanical device and a new method for intestinal anastomosis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1926, 43: 386.—Bange, F. Gefahren der Joseph'schen Anastomosenmesserquetsche. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 2635.— Behrend, M. Efficiency of the various types of anastomoses of the hollow viscera; clinical and experimental data. Ann. Surg., 1930, 91: 514-9. ------Belk, W. P., & Herrman, C. S. Clinical versus experimental anastomosis of the hollow viscera. J. Am. M. Ass., 1924, 83: 1807-14.—Burket, W. C. Etudesur l'anastomose intestinale aseptique; technique simplifi6e d'anastomose termino-terminale avec liberation de boia alibiles. Lyon chir., 1926, 23: 443-50.—Caeiro, J. A. Tecnica de la colo-enterostomfa termino-terminal valvular. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1939, 23: 827-34. ------ Resultado funcional de la anastomosis ileo-colica valvular termino terminal. Prensa med. argent., 1942, 29: pt 2, 1749 (Abstr.)—Carrington, C. L. Safety valve anastomosis and decompression in intestinal surgery by use of a T tube. South. Surgeon, 1942, 11: 794-6.— Carson, H. W., & Turner, G. G. Enterectomy and intestinal anastomosis. In Mod. Oper. Surg. (Turner, G. G.) Lond., 1934, 1: 734—55.—Cinquemani, F. Un nuovo processo per entero-anastomosi termino-terminale asettica. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1937, 16: 186-92; 223-7.--Cocci, G. Sulla entero- anastomosi. Prat, chir., Arezzo, 1928, 2: 25-33.—Collins, A. N. Diagonal end-to-side intestinal anastomosis. Minne- sota M., 1926, 9: 451.—Collins, F. K. Important steps in aseptic intestinal anastomosis. Ann. Surg., 1938, 108: 1022- 8.—Dennis, C. Oblique, aseptic, end-to-end intestinal anasto- mosis. Surgery, 1939, 5: 548-53.—Desmarest. Sulla impor- tanza della vascolarizzazione nelle anastomosi intestinali. Riforma med., 1931, 47: 831-4.—Dott, N. M. A simple method of intestinal anastomosis illustrated by 3 diverse cases of its application to the large intestine. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1926-27, 106. Sess., 55-60.—Finochietto, K. Anasto- mosis intestinales; inyecci6n antisdptica, previa a las suturas. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 1, 1304.—Finsterer, H. Die Stellung der totalen Darmausschaltung in der modernen Darmchirurgie. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 219: 41-62 — Fischer, A. W. Studien zur Seit-zu-Seitanastomose am Darm. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 58: 930-4.—Frank. J. Un nuevo aparato para la practica de anastomosis intestinal de extremo a extreme Mem. Congr. med. panamer. (1896) 1898. 2. Congr., 2:337-9.— Gadd, J. D. Didactic presentation with drawings and movies of enteroenterostomy. Proc. Am. Animal Hosp. Ass., 1941, 8. meet., 149-60.—Gatch, W. D. Remarks on intestinal anasto- mosis with a description of a simple aseptic technique. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1933, 45: 138-51. Also Am. J. Surg., 1933, 20: 341-54.—Glenn, F. New instrument for intestinal anaato- INTESTINE 471 INTESTINE mosis; preliminary report of experimental work. Ibid., 1937, 36: 734.—Goepel, R. Telescopic anastomosis. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 777-82.—Goodman, H. I. Intestinal anastomosis; description of a new technic Am. .1. Surg., 1942, 58: 368-76 — lacobovici, I. Elimination par les voies naturelles d'un tube en T. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1937, 40: 201-3.—Kerr, H. H. The story of intestinal anastomosis. In Lahey Birthday Vol., 1940, 295-306.—Kiefer, F. Gefahren der Joseph'schen Anasto- mosenmesserquetsche. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 3096.—Kikuchi, S. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Heilungsvorgang der Darmanastomose. Mitt. Path. Inst. Univ. Sendai, 1931-32, 7: 207-24, 2 pl.—Martin Gil, R. Discos de marfil descalcificado para las anast6mosis y reuni6n de extremo con extremo del intestino. Congr. hisp. portug. cirug., 1898, 1. Congr., 226- 31.—Martzloff, K. H., Moore, P. H., & Gardiner, J. Aseptic end-to-end intestinal anastomosis; a report of 197 experimental anastomoses on dogs. AVest. J. Surg., 1939, 47: 611-25.— Maurer, G. B. Improved method of intestinal anastomosis. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 31: 506-13.—Melzner, E. Zur Bewertung der endstandigen und der seitlichen Darmvereinigung. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 142: 505-11.—Meyer, K. A., & Rosi, P. A. Intestinal anastomosis. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1937, 17: 489-512.—MoIImann, A. H. End-to-end anastomosis; mathe- matical approach to the causes of the marginal gangrene. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1941, 40: 882-4.—Murphy (The) button and present-dav intestinal anastomosis. South. M. & S.. 1940, 102: 389.—O'Sullivan, J. R., & O'Connor, B. A. A new in- strument and technique for intestinal anastomoses. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 36: 544-9; 1939, 45: 603-5- Partipilo, A. V. End-end to side anastomosis. Ibid., 1928, n. set., 5: 378-80.— Patient's complaint on admission; diarrhea, weakness, epi- gastric pain, flatulence, anorexia and loss of weight. Seminar, Phila., 1940, 2: No. 3, 1-3.—Perret, C. A. Technique of a new and strictly aseptic method of entero-anastomosis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1927, 44: 378-89.—Poth, E. J. A clean intestinal anastomosis; an experimental study. Arch. Surg., 1934, 28: 1087-94; 1935, 31: 579-86.—Puig Sureda, J. Nouvelle methode d'anastomose intestinale ferm£e. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1922, 31: 722-30.—Rankin, F. W. An aseptic technic for intestinal anastomosis. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1928, 3: 197. Also Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1928, 47: 78-88.—Richard, A. Reten- tion d'un bouton anastomotique pendant pres de 4 ans sans manifestations cliniques et sans complications. M6m. Acad. chir., Par., 1936, 52: 8-11.—Schmidt, L. [Invaginated entero- anastomosis] Orv. hetil., 1928, 72: 1390-2— Schneider, N. A. A simple technic for gastro-intestinal and intestinal anasto- moses by means of a new button. South. M. J., 1939, 32: 539-43.—Shen, J. K. Aseptic end-to-end intestinal anasto- mosis. Ann. Surg., 1928, 87: 861-6. Also Nat. M. J. China, 1928, 14: 302.—Starlinger, F. Ein Beitrag zum spateren Schicksal und zur klinischen Auswirkung der Seidenfaden in der Wand der Magen-Darmfistel. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 2562- 6 —Stone, H. B. Method of intestinal anastomosis with a new clamp. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1937, 65: 383.—Sullivan, W. J. Choice of an intestinal anastomosis from an anatomical and technical standpoint, excluding the rectum. Illinois M. J., 1926, 49: 310-4.—Totten, H. P. Simplified aseptic intestinal anastomosis; an experimental study. West. J. Surg., 1942, 50: 93-8.—Trueblood, D. V. Intestinal anastomosis; using a simplified basting stitch method. Ibid., 1932, 40: 654-8 — Tunoda, E. Meine Modifikation der Lane'schen Methode. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1932, 6: 2523-32, 3 pl.—Wadhams, R. P., & Carabba, V. Electrosurgical aseptic intestinal anasto- mosis. Surg. Gvn. Obst., 1935, 60: 1082-92.—Whitaker, J. G., & Hallows, B. R. Bowel anastomosis. Med. J. Australia, 1942 1: 146.—Zepp. C. P. Anastomosis of the intestine following resection. North Am. Vet., 1940, 21: 292.—Zimmer, E. A. Zur Erkennung und Bewertung von Darmanastomosen im Rontgenbilde. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1935, 51: 169-80.— Zwerg, H. G. Nachblutung bei Anwendung der Joseph'schen Anastomosenquetschzange. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 1618. ---- Surgery: Excision. See also subheading Surgery: Resection. Billi, A. Sopravvivenza di circa 15 giorni di cam pnyati dell'intestino crasso e del tenue ad eccezione della porzione superiore del duodeno. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 3-5 .------ Paratiroidectomia ed asportazione dell intestine. crasso e del tenue ad eccezione della porzione superiore del duodeno. Ibid., 5. ------ Comportamento del calcio totale e del fosforo inorganico nei sangue di cani paratiroidectomizzati e privati dell'intestino crasso e del tenue ad eccezione della porzione superiore del duodeno. Ibid., 6. ——— Ricerche sui sangue di animali privati dell'intestino (indacanemia e reazione xantoproteica) Ibid., 140. ----~,-Pr,n?-1 ^J1!^1 di richerche compiute sui cane pnvato dell intestino (dalle, sbocco del condotto pancreatico mfenore fi.no a, tutto il rettoj Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 1932, 14. Congr., 34-5.—D Arbela, F & Billi A L'ammoniemia nei cam privati d intestino. Boll Soc ital. biol. sper., 1933, 8: 1504-7.-Isikawa, S. Studies on the pathological physiology caused by a major uterectomy; general findings on enterectomized animals. J. Orient. M Dairen 1929 11: 141-------0n the chemical changes in the blood of'an enterectomized animal. by colon bacilli. Ibid., 8. Metabolism of enterecto- Ibid., 153. On the susceptibility of stomach and duodenum to colon bacilli un tne susceptiDiiiuy ------Phvsico-analytic 2?™. If ?be blood rjf enterectomized dogs. Ibid., 1930, 12: change of theMood.m «trf ^ stomach and the duodenum mized animals. Ibid., 13:47.—Matsukura, S. Influence of the removal of intestine below the fistula on the dog with duodenal fistula. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1930-32, 2: Tr. Surg., 323-6—Oet- tingen, W. F. von, & Sollmann, T. The production of organic acids by excised intestines. J. Biol. Chem., 1929-30, 85: 245-50. ---- Surgery: Instruments and material. Bergeret. Pince €crasante pour l'intestin. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 1048.—Cope, Z. A crushing clamp for large intestine. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 634.—Faure, J. L. Le Mikulicz en chirurgie intestinale. Presse m6d., 1927, 35: 401.—Furniss, H. D. Instrument for intestinal anastomosis. Am. J. Surg., 1934, 23: 379.—Hendon, G. A. Intestinal needles. Ibid., 1936, 32: 377.—Hoag, C. L., Saunders, J. B. [et al.] Silk; its effect and fate in intestinal anastomosis; an experi- mental study. Surgery, 1941, 10: 604-12.—Kennedy, J. W. Resurrection of the Murphy button. Am. J. Surg., 1928, n. ser., 5: 293-6.—McClure, R. D. An intestinal holding clamp. Ibid., 1940, 49: 396.—Morgan, C. N. Universal intestinal clamp. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 718.—Oldfield, M. C. A non- projecting enterotome. Ibid., 1937, 2: 1025.—Tedesco, A. L'enterotomia, l'enterectomia e 1'isterectomia mediante lo strumento Donati-Marelli. Clin, vet., Milano, 1932, 55: 97-105, 4 pl.—Wakeley, C. P. G. A useful enterotome. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 789.—Wolfson, W. L., & Clurman, M. J. A cork adjuvant to the Murphy button. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 478.—Young, E. L., jr. A new instrument for in- testinal anastomosis. N. England J. M., 1932, 206: 943-5. ---- Surgery: Methods. See also such headings as Appendicitis, Treat- ment; Enterostomy; Hernia, Surgery; Ileo- colostomy, etc. Raiga, A. *La fermeture des bouts intestinaux sectionnes par le procede de l'enroulement. 133p. 8? Par., 1926. Allen, F. M. Ligation and refrigeration of intestine. Sur- gery, 1938, 3: 893-8.—Bettman, R. B. Technique for inversion of the bowel. Am. J. Surg., 1935, 30: 109.—Canto, J. B. Modifieagoes dos cirurgioes de Ribeirao Preto na appendi- cectomia e na operacao para cura cirurgica da hernia inguinal. Medicina, Rio, 1939, 63-70.—Cone, R. E. Observations on aseptic resection of intestine and end to end anastomosis by the Kerr method. Dallas M. J., 1926, 12: 114-6.—Doster-Virtue, M. E., & Virtue, R. W. An improved closure for the Doster- Virtue intestinal loop. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 326.—Duncan, J. A. Defunctioning procedures as adjunct to intestinal surgery. Northwest M., 1941, 40: 120-3.—Dupuy de Frenelle. Un point de technique de la caecocolopexie. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1925, 34: 793-5.—Figurelli, G. RL cerche sperimentali sull'avvolgimento con epiploon di tratti di intestino isolati dal mesentere. Ann. ital. chir., 1931, 10: 532-50.—Herrlin, J. O., jr., Glasser, S. T., & Lange, K. New methods for determining the viability of bowel; preliminary report with clinical cases. Arch. Surg., 1942, 45: 785-91.— Hubbard, T. B. Safety in intestinal surgery. J. M. Ass. Alabama, 1942-43, 12: 161.—Julliard, C. Traitement par le lavement sal6 hypertonique de la phase critique post-op6ratoire due au tetablissement des fonctions intestinales." Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 665.—Krikent, R. K. [Skin plastic in intes- tinal defects with fecal cysts] Sovet. khir., 1931, 1: 148-51.— Lardennois, H. Le drainage dans la chirurgie intestinale. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1927, 36: 482-7.—Lier, E. H. van [Surgery of the nervous system of the intestinal canal] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1934, 78: 134-7.—McWhorter, G. L. An original method of closure of a partially aperitoneal or short intestinal end. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 50: 1037.—Mayo, W. J. The importance of preserving or restoring function in perform- ing radical operations on the large intestine and rectum. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. America, 1932, 7: 457-9.—Meissner, F Rektale Darmpunktion der verschiedenen Darmabschnitte beim Pferde. Prag. tierarztl. Arch., 1937, 17: 39-44.—Nard, L. De la meilleure position pour le chirurgien et l'opere dans les operations d'appendicite et aussi dans les operations sur le colon droit et le colon gauche. Bordeaux chir., 1933, 4: 183.— Ostrowski, T., Hilarowicz, H., & Bielinski, Z. [Clinical and experimental contribution to anesthesia in intestinal opera- tions] Polska gaz. lek., 1933, 12: 909-13.—Perrotti, G. Evo- luzione e meccanismo di azione delle plastiche epiploiche libere e peduncolate in rapporto alle suture intestinali; plastiche sopra suture di intestino patologico. Ann. ital. chir., 1927, 6: 723- 3g__Presman, D. A new method of skin protection for ileostomies and colostomies. Surgery, 1943, 13: 322.—Raiga, A. Resultats histologiques de la fermeture des bouts intestinaux sectionnes par le proc6de de l'enroulement. Ann. anat. path., Par 1927 4- 113 23— Richter, J. The operative technic of bowel surgery. Med. itec, N. Y., 1934, 140: 436-40.—Rixford, E Bacteriophage in surgery of the colon and rectum. Ann. ^urg 1931 94: 640-7.—Roeder, C. A. Treatment following operations on the small and Jarge intestines and the female pelvis Tr. Ass. Physicians Mayo Clin. (1926) 1927, 7: 307- 17__Romeo, M. Innesti di aponeurosi fissata su perdite di sostanza della parete intestinale. Ann. ital, chir., 1927, «: INTESTINE 472 INTESTINE 04-92.—Schulz, F. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der Ausbildung eines Kollateralkreislaufs am Darm mittels Netz- plastik. Arch. klin. Chir., 1927, 144: 477-85.- Simeoni, V. La deviazione del circolo intestinale come tempo prepaiatorio ad interventi pit! radicali in diversi processi morbosi dell addome Ann. ital. chir., 1929, 8: 1013 23.—Stickler, J. W. Souk in- vestigations to determine the effect of the application of wet hot cloths or packs to the intestines. Mem. Congr. m£d. panamer. (1896) 1898, 2. Congr., 2: 105.—Young, E. L., A Marks, G. A. Pre-operative preparation of the peritoneum in surgery of the large intestine. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 59: 610- .">.—Zucker- mann, C. Cirugfa de la funci6n motora intestinal. Rev. mex. cir., 1939, 7: 3-7. Also Bol. Inst. clin. quir., B. Air., 1940, 16: 63-6. Surgery: Resection. See also subheading Surgery: Excision. Mendelsohn, E. *Ueber Darmresektion mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage der ein- oder mehrzeitigen Resektion. 47p. 23cm. Berl., 1937. Tuomikoski, V. *Zur Kenntnis der Ausnut- zung der Nahrung nach Darmverkiirzungen [Helsingfors] 72p. 8? Berl., 1928. Also Skand. Arch. Physiol., Lpz., 1928, 54: 249-320. W0rmsdorf, W. *Erfolge mit der End- zu Endanostomose bei Darmresektionen an der Chirurgischen Universitatsklinik Breslau. 22p. 8? Bresl., 1936. Zaniboni, A. Patologia chirurgica delle resezioni e delle eselusioni intestinali. 592p. 8? Padova, 1926. Becchini, G. Sulle sequele riflesse di resezioni intestinali. Ann. radiol., Bologna, 1937, 11: 457-66. liranch, J. R. B. Aseptic, intestinal anastomosis in resections of the large bowel. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1928, 47: 678.—Bremer, B. Darmresektion bei einem 5 Wochen alten Saugling. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 553- 6.—Bunne, F. Ueber Darmresektionen im Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalter. Ibid., 1936, 63: 853 8.- -Cascino, R. Doppia resezione intestinale per tiflocolite cronica infiltrativa iper- plastica simulante un voluininoso sarcoma. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1929, 35: 557-65. — Cinqucmani, F. Resezione intestinale con unica presa del coproemostatico assiale. Cult. med. mod., Pal., 1931, 10: 1-6.—Coleman, K. P., A Bennett, D. A. Massive intestinal resection. Am. .1. Surg., 1943, 59: 429-38.—Collins, F. K. Aseptic intestinal resection and anastomosis without sutures. West. J. Sing., 1935, 43: 260-4.—Cuervo, R. Ties casos de iesecci6n intestinal. Rev. nted. veracruz.. 1927, 7: 245-51.—De Wet, J. M. Case of resection of a considerable portion of small and large intestine. J. M. Ass. S. Africa, 1930, 4: 389.—Felger, L.. cV Schenk. H. L. Recurrence in segmental enteritis following radical resection. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 49: 307-15.—Giordano & Di Tursi. Su di un caso di estesa resezione intestinale. Rinasc. med., 1931, 8: 53, pl.—Gordon-Taylor, G. A successful case of septuple bowel resection and sextuple anastomosis, with an account of some personal multiple and complicated intestinal resections. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg.. 1934-35, 4: 345-67, 7 pl.—Greve, V. A. [Technique of intestinal resection] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, 144-6.—Jura, V. Variazioni delleritrocitosi dopo resezione intestinale sperimentale. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1937, 63: 147-54.— McNealy, R. W., & Lichtenstein, M. E. The Mikulicz opera- tion; development and technique. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1939. 69: 327-32- Ravdin, 1. S., & Abbott, W. O. The use of the Miller- Abbott tube in facilitating one stage resections of the small and large bowel. Internat. Clin., 1940, n. ser., 1: 178-8.5, 3 pl.— Samarin, N. N. [Technic in resection of the intestines] Vest. khir., 1930, 19: 342-5.------Intestinal resection by a single clamp method. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 38: 351-5.--Schwartz, A. Du rltablissement de la continuity intestinale en cas de resect ion recto-colique suivie d'anns artificiel. M6m. Acad. chir.. Par., 1939. 65: 888-91.—Strickler, F. P. Resection of portion of small and large intestine; case report. Kentucky M. J., 1929, 27: 265-7.—Todd, W. R., Dittebrandt, M. fet al] Digestion and absorption in a man with all but 3 feet of the small intestine removed surgically. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1940, 7: 295-7.— Tuomikoski, V. Die Ausnutzung der Nahrung nach einer ausgedehnten Dickdarmresektion. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Lpz., 1931, 62: 311-6.—Valdes, I!. La reseccion as6ptica del intestino; revista de los metodos que se usan actualmente. An. Sanat. Valdes, Mex., 1926. 2: 169-99.—Visconti. J. A. Re- section of intestine through femoial opening. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1935, 32: 355.—Wangensteen, O. H. Some of the advantages of closed anastomosis in gastiointestinal resections. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass, N\ America (1941) 1942. 161-6.—Wechsner, B. G. [Resection of the intestines bv the method of Grekov II] Nov. khir. arkh., 1938. 42: 55-67.— Williams. C. Aseptic intestinal resection; report of cases, Virginia M. Month., 1926 27, 53: 722-9.—Wolfson, W. L., & Rothenberg. R. E. A simple method of amputating exteriorized bowel with the Carr Hilar lobectomy clamp. Surg. Gvn. Obst., 1936, 63: 497-9.—Wright, J. G. Bowel reset tion and lateral anastomosis in the dog. Vet. J.. Lond., 1931. 87: 109-12. ---- Surgery: Suture [Enterorrhaphy] Catalano, F. E. *Enterorrafi'a.s. 93p. 27cm. B. Air., 19U. Bosch Arana, G., & Fernicola, C. La en~< nan/a priictica de las distintas tecnicas en las cnteronafias. Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 1509-15.-Catalano, F. IN. I nterorrnfins; estudio critico experimental. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1941, 20: 434 64; 494-520; 555-84.—Falcone, R. >hi di una nuova sutuia intestinale. Riv. chir., Nap;, 1938, 4: 1.7 70.- Harvey, S. <'. The choice of sutures in the surgerv <>! the large intestine. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 66: 814. —Kaku, T. Erforschung Uber die Magendarmnahtc, insbesondere iiber die schichtweisc erfolgende muko-mukose und sero-serose Naht; Vergleich der neuen Nahtmethode mit der Albertschen beziiglich der Entc- roenteroanastoinnse bei Ifunden. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 204.- Kihler. F. E. A double-invaginating purse-string suture. Minnesota M., 1939, 22: 480. _ Kopp. J. G. [Dem- onstration of an intestinal suture] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: pt 1, 1030-2.—Mannini, R. Sutura extramucosa e dieresi elettrica; ricerche sperimentali sulla tecnica delle suture intestinali. Clin, chir., Milano. 1935, 38: 949-65.—May. H. Intestinal sewing clamps; their uses and advantages. Am. J. Surg.. 1937. 38: 392-6- Nores, A. fh.) La tecnica de las suturas intestinales en las intervenciones por heridas pene- trantes del abdomen; su importancia en cirugfa de guerra. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1942, 41: 776-82.—Peraire. Cylindres aseptiques en pate alimentaire pour sutures intestinales. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1923, 32: 787.—Perrotti, G. Evoluzione e meccanismo di azione delle plastiche epiploiche libere e peduncolate in rapporto alle suture intestinali; plastiche sopra suture di intestino normale. Ann. ital. chir., 1926, 5: 1012 30.—Raiga, A. Une technique de fermeture des bouts intesti- naux sectionn6s t proc6d6 de l'enroulement) J. chir., Par., 1927, 29: 1-9.—ScarfL J. E. Aseptic end-to-end suture of the intestine. Ann. Surg., 1926, 83: 490-5.—Scherbak, L. Eine Hilfe zu besserer Daminnaht. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 1230.--Wakeley. C. I*. G. Intestinal suture. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1935. 190: 38. ---- Toxemia [alimentary] See also Dehydration; Enterotoxemia [of sheep] Infant nutrition, Disorder; Intestine, Contents: Putrefaction. Bassler, A. Intestinal toxemia (autoin- toxication) biologically considered. 433p. 8: Phila., 1930. Bogendorfer, L. Ueber intestinale Autoin- toxikation. 24p. 8? Berl., 1928. Tilden, J. H. Toxemia explained; the true intrepretation of the cause of disease. 127p. 8°. [Denver, 1926] Acuna, M. Un caso de toxicosis alimenticia. Dia mM., B. Air., 1933-34, 6: 209.—Alkan, L. Intestinale Autointoxika- tion. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1932, 29: 233-6.—Arnold, L. Entero-intoxication. N. England J. M., 1929, 201: 811-4 — Baker. R. DeW. Some considerations of intestinal toxemia. Am. J. Gastroenter., 1913, 3: 5-7.—Bassler, A. Intestinal toxemia. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc. (1928) 1930, 28: 44-52. Also Med. J., N. V., 1933, 137: 205; 320. Also Arch. Phys. Ther., 1937, 18: 162-4. Becher, E. Die klinische Bedeutung einiger Darmgifte im Organismus. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 465-8. ----- Intestinale Autointoxikation. Erg. ges. Med., 1933, 18: 459-521.------Gastrointestinale Autointoxika- tion. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1935, 32: 530-3. ------ In- testinale Autointoxikation (Selbstvergiftung vom Darm) Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1-15-52. ------ Intestinale Auto- intoxikation. Zsehr. iirztl. Foitbild., 1939, 36: 618-21 — Bibb, R. H. L. f'hionie intestinal auto-intoxication. Texas M. J., 1907-8, 23: 348- 52— Binnie, J. F. Chronic colonic intoxication. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1911-12, 8: 455-8.— Bohnsack, A. Intestinal autointoxication. .1. Osteopathy, 1927, 34: 436.— Coope, R. Intestinal intoxication; a review. Liverpool Med. Chir. J., 1933, 41: 51-62. Cooper, M. A. Intestinal toxemia. Eclect. M. J., 1933, 93: 105-7.—Corner, E. M. A note on alimentary toxaemia. Polyclinic, Lond., 1913, 17: 105.—Crohn, B. B. Periodic explosive toxemias. N. York M. J., 1914, 119: 124-6.—Desgeorges, P. L'auto- infection intestinale chronique et ses multiples m6faits plus ou moins meconnus. J. m6d. Paris, 1927, 46: 298-301. Also Rev. med., Par., 1927, 44: 163-88.—Dixon, A. Intestinal auto-intoxication. South. M. J., 1908, 1: 312-9. Also Char- lotte M. J., 1909, 59: 1-6.—Fitch, W. E. Putrefactive in- testinal toxemia. Med. J. & Rec, 1930, 132: 183; 221.— Gaehlinger, H. Les probl^mes de l'infection intestinale. Clinique, Par., 1938, 33: 137-10.—Galdi, F. Le autointossica- zioni intestinali nell'adulto. Rass. clin. sc, 1933, 11: 3-16.— Goodhart, J. F. Alimentary toxaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1913, 1: 1367.—Gordon, M. A. Las toxiinfecciones intestinales. In Clin, enferm. infecc. (Fonso Gandolfo, C.) 2. ed., B. Air., 1939, 2: 842-70.—Grove, J. S. Intestinal toxemia. Illinois M. J., 1926, 50: 167-71. Hall, T. P. Autotoxicosis. West. Canad. M. J., 1911, 5: 4.3A 40.—Hardisty, E. B. The symptom complex of autointoxication; intestinal toxemia. Med. J. & INTESTINE 473 INTESTINE Rec , 1931, 133: 376-8.—Hinckle, W. A. The toxic overload. Clin. M. & S., 1932, 39: 789-91.—Intestinal toxaemia. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 1: 307.—Kellogg, J. H. New facts concern- ing intestinal autointoxication. Mod. Med., Battle Creek, 1907, 16: 106-8>s^-Kraetzer, A. F. Intestinal toxemia. Med. Times N Y 1934, 62: 40-4.—Little, H. Acute intestinal intoxication. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1923, 13: 803-6.—McArthur, T. J. Auto-intoxication. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, 1909, 60: 127-35.—M'Laughlin, J. W. Auto-intoxication. Texas M. J., 1914-15 30: 149-54.—Morse, F. H. Intestinal toxemia. Am. J. Phvs. Ther., 1926-27, 3: 462-5. Nikitin, V. N. [Auto- intoxication from the intestinal canal] Novoe med., 1913, 7: 1149-54—Ollive & Collignon. A propos de l'epidemie de Cholet. Gaz. mM. Nantes, 1914, 2. ser., 32: 81-5.—Pellette, E. F. Intestinal toxemia. Bull. Off. Pract., 1934-35, 8: 156-8—Pron, L. La toxi-infection alimentaire chronique. Bull. Soc. med. Paris, 1938, 703-7. Also Hopital, 1939, 27: gg.—Puria, R. A. [Clinical aspect of alimentary toxic in- fections] Sovet. med., 1941, 5: No. 10, 3-9.—Seyderhelm, R. Das Problem der darmbakteriogenen Intoxikation einst und jetzt. Tungchi med. Mschr., 1929-30, 5: 280-93-States, W. G. Autointoxication of intestinal origin. Merck's Arch., 1910 12: 205; 243.—Stimson, C. A. Chronic putrefactive intestinal toxemia. Med. World, 1938, 56: 319-21—Tucker, J. Intestinal toxemia. Med. Clin. N. America, 1935-36, 19: 1819-30.—Walter, C. H. Intestinal toxemia. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1931, 42: 475-81.— White, W. H. Alimentary toxaemia: a summary and reply. Lancet, Lond., 1913, 1: 1440—Wiltsie, J. W. Chronic intestinal toxemia. Internat. J. M. & S., 1933, 46: 165-7. --- Toxemia: Diagnosis and symptoms. Becher, E. Herzneurose und intestinale Autointoxikation. Verh. Deut. Ges. Kreislaufforsch., 1933, 6: 248.—Belli, C, M. Cause e sintomi della autointossicazione intestinale. Rinasc. med., 1934, 11: 469.—Biingeler, W, Der anatomische Nachweis der intestinalen Autointoxikation. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 515- 8 —Daland, J, Pseudopositive reaction in uremia and intes- tinal toxemia. N. York M. J., 1905, 102: 267.—D'Amato, H. J. Las manifestaciones clinicas de la intoxicaci6n intestinal. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1936-37, 12: 403-12. Also Sem. nted., B. Air., 1937, 44: pt 1, 1311-4.—Gougerot & Durel. Nouvel cas d'autotoxinides 6rythematopigmentees fixes. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1933, 40: 1718-21.—Houghton, H. A. The indican reaction as evidence of enterogenic intoxication. Am. J. M. Sc. 1908, n. ser., 135: 567-74.—Jordan, A. C. Chronic skin troubles of toxaemic origin. Practitioner, Lond., 1933, 131: 593-605.—Labbe, H., & Vitry, G. L'urine dans l'intoxication digestive. Rev. med., Par., 1908, 28: 970-86 — Leite, S., filho. O coma nas auto-intoxicacoes (semiologia, prognostico, tractamento) Arch, riogrand. med., 1921, 2: 93-102—Mal v. [Slowing of respiration caused by auto- intoxication] "Cas. 16k. cesk., 1914, 53: 1166-72—Matignon, J. Toxi-infection intestinale et troubles auditifs. Rev. g6n. clin. th6r., 1927, 41: 327.—Miranda, A. de. Hemorrhagias por intoxicacao intestinal. J. Soc. sc med. Lisboa, 1908, 72: 313-21.—Oefelein, F. Sinn und Wert der Bestimmung von Darmfaulnisprodukten im Blut mittels der Xanthoprotein- icaktion. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1937, 8: 863-6—Synnott, M. .1. Intestinal toxemia; its diagnosis and treatment. Med. J., N. Y., 1932, 136: 441-7.—Teal, F. F. Gastrointestinal toxemia and its relation to ocular pathology. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth., 1926, 31: 176-85.—UzSda, V. de. Intoxicacao, ou infeccao alimentar? Fol. med., Rio, 1933, 14: 620. ---- Toxemia: Pathology. See also Aertrycke bacillus, Infection; Allergy; Constipation, Manifestations; Ileus; Intestine, Occlusion. Falloise, A. Etude des poisons normaux de l'intestin chez l'homme et des moyens de defense contre ces poisons. 89p. Brux., 1907. Kornstein, A. ^Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen uber die Verhaltnisse der Ei- weissfaulnis bei verschiedenen operativen, che- mischen und diatetischen Eingriffen im Magen- Darmkanal. 31p. 8? Bresl., 1934. Paffrath, H. Permeabilitatsstudien an der Darmschleimhaut; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Sauglingsintoxikation. 115p. 8° Berl., 1931. ,_ u „ Arnold, L. The passage of living bacteria through the wall of the intestine and the influence of diet and climate upon intestinal auto-infection. Am. J. Hyg Raker, C. E. The physiological effect stances of gastro-intestinal origin. 325-7.—Becher, E. 1928, 8: 604-32 of certain toxic sub- Illinois M. J., 1927, 51: Zur Frage der intestinalen Autointoxika- tion. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 1009; 1057—Biebl M. Die pathologische Anatomie der akuten, subakuten chronischen nnd latenten Intoxikation durch die Phenol-Indolkorper im Tierexi-e.itiieiit Beitr. path. Anat., 1930, 84: 257-65.—Binet, M F Mathieu de Fossey, A., & Goiffon. L'auto-intoxication phWoli'que et sa diurese compensatrice. Bull. Soc nted. hop. Paris, 1926, 3. ser., 50: 491-3. Also Progr. med., Par., 1926, 41: 490-5.—Bostroem, A. Ueber eine enterotoxische gleichartige Affektion der Leber und des Gehirns (Pseudo- sklerose; Wilson'sche Krankheit usw.) Fortsch. Med., 1914, 32: 205; 238.—Biingeler, W. Alteracoes sanguineas em con- sequfincia de auto-intoxicacao intestinal. Arq. cir. clin. exp., S. Paulo, 1941, 5: 69-73.—D'Amato, H. J. Etiologia de la toxemia intestinal. Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 2, 645-8.— Desgeorges, P. De l'auto-infection intestinale chronique; elle joue, en pathologie, un role 6norme et largement meconnu. Hopital, 1925, 13: 373-6.—Dinerstein, Z. M., Eisenberg, S. E., & Levitina, P. E. [Metabolism in toxic alimentary disorders] Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 135-42.—Dutour, A. Les putrefactions; les poisons intestinaux. J. di6t., Par., 1911, 2: 64-6.------ Poisons intestinaux et scleroses. Ibid., 87-9.—Elifani, G. Azione di veleni intestinali sui cuore di rana. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1910, 13: 717-22— Eppinger, H„ & Gutmann, J. Zur Frage der vom Darm ausgehenden Intoxikationen. Zsehr klin. Med., 1913, 78: 399-412—Gregory, W. M. The import- ance of enlarged rectal valves in causing auto-toxemia. Cleve- land M. J., 1917, 16: 26.—Hanskiou. F. M. [Intestinal toxins and blood pressure] Klin, med., Moskva, 1931, 9: 719-22.—Hemmeter, J. C. Intestinal toxemia; enterotoxines allied to adrenalin in composition which cause rise in blood pressure and increased sympathicotonus. Tr. Am. Gastro- enter. Ass., 1922, 25: 201-5— Hill, H. Intestinal toxemia without an organic obstruction. Med. Rec, San Ant., 1926, 20: 138-40.—Jordan, A. C. Toxemia and colitis. Internat. J. M. & S., 1934, 47: 113-33— Kollath, W., Geiger & Kramer. Intestinale Autointoxikation, Dysbakterie und die lebens- wichtige Anaerobiose des Darminnern. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 1098.—Lawen, A., & Lauber, H. J. Ueber Erreg- barkeitspriifungen an menschlichen Magen-, Darm-, Gallen- blasen- und Ureterstreifen im gesunden und kranken Zustande; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Angriffspunktes der Bakterien- toxine. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1934, 159: 447-77.—Lieb, C. W., & Chapman, G. H. Studies in intestinal intoxication; toxicity appraisal of intestinal bacteria by a new method. N. York State J. M., 1929, 29: 1323-5.—Malmberg, N. Fortgesetzte Studien iiber die Einwirkung der parenteralen Infektion und Intoxikation auf den Chlor-, Kalzium- und Magnesium- stoffwechsel. Acta paediat., Upps., 1926-27, 6: 265-301 — Manion. R. J. Three cases of acute gastrointestinal intoxica- tion with constipation and a suggested method of surgical treatment. N. York M. J., 1913, 98: 474.—Orlov, N. I. [Etiology, epidemiology and prophylaxis of alimentary toxic infections] Sovet. med., 1941, 5: No. 10, 9-16.—Peradotto, V. La enterotoxicosis y su relacion con la tensi6n arterial. Sem. med., B. Air., 1930, 37: pt 1, 1085-99.—Pilod. Etiologie des toxi-infections d'origine alimentaire; leur prophylaxie dans I'armee. Rev. nted. fr., 1930, 11: 731-40.—Roger. An experimental study of the intestinal functions with special reference to intestinal toxemia. Mod. Med., Battle Creek, 1907, 16: 257.—Roger, H., & Gamier, M. Nouvelles recherches sur les poisons intestinaux. Rev. m£d.. Par., 1910, 30: 233-72. Rosell, J. M. Critica de las doetrinas sobre autointoxicacion. Siglo med., 1919, 66: 61; 85.—Scheltema, M. W. [Peculiar course of a disease] Geneesk. gids, 1931, 9: 245-52.—Selye.H. The effect of the alarm reaction on the absorption of toxic substances from the gastro-intestinal tract. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1938, 64: 138-45.—Spadolini, I. Sur les lesions experi- mentales des nerfs mfeenteriques et de l'appaieil parathyfoi'dien par rapport aux intoxications d'origine intestinale. Arch. ital. biol., 1926, 77: 17-27.—Speechly, H. M. The auto-intoxicant at the breakfast and other tables. West. Canada M. J., 1910, 4: 289-95.—Tonnis, W., & Brusis, A. Veranderungen des morphologischen Blutbildes bei akuter und chronischer Darminhaltsstauung (ein Beitrag zur intestinalen Auto- intoxikation) Deut. Zsehr. Chir. 1931, 233: 133-48.—Twitch- ell, J. C. Intestinal toxicosis and the endocrines. Clin. M & S 1934, 41: 80.—Watson, C. Autointoxication and subinfection. Brit, M. J., 1914, 1: 272.—Williams, B. W. Importance of toxaemia due to anaerobic organisms in acute intestinal obstruction and peritonitis. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 907-12.—Wladyczko, S. De l'influence des poisons intesti- naux (paractesol et indol) sur le systeme nerveux central des animaux. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1913, 27: 336-40 — Zemets, A. A. [Remote sequels of alimentary toxic infections] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 9, 12- 5. ---- Toxemia: Treatment and prevention. D'Amato, H. J. El tratamiento moderno de la intoxicaci6n intestinal. 23p. 22^cm. B. Air., 1938. Also Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1937-38, 13: 294. Loeper, M., & Perratjlt, M. Le traitement des intoxications alimentaires. 74p. 23cm. Par., 1937. Paulsen, A. E. *The influence of treatment for intestinal toxemia on mental and motor efficiency [Columbia Univ.] 46p. 8? N. Y., 1924. Satterlee, G. R. Autogenous vaccines in the study, diagnosis and therapy of chronic intestinal toxemia. 15p. 8? [n. p.] 1916. INTESTINF 47 4 INTESTINE Wiltsil, J. W. Chronic intestinal toxemia and its treatment. 2(>Sp. 19cm. Bait., 1938. Altuna. M. E. Sensibilizai ion y desensibilizaci6n: concepto moderno v tratamiento de la intoxicaci6n intestinal. Rev. med. cubana, 1928, 39: 414-20.—Bartle, H. J. Intestinal i proteinl intoxication; treatment. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. As~. 1928) 1929, 31: 29S-312. Also Med. J. & Rec, 1928, 128: 3S6; 4 16.—Becher, E. Neue Befunde iiber das Verhalten von 1 laiinfaulnisprodukten im Blut. Verh. des. Verdauungs- kr., 1931, 12: 131. ------ & Fussganger, R. Ueber die Beeinrlussung der Darmgiftausscheidung durch Allisatin. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 2139-41.—Bettinotti, S. L. Toxicosis alimenticia; tratamiento integral del coma trofo- piitico. Sem. nted., B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 1, 499-504.—Boros, E. Milk sugar in the treatment of intestinal toxemia, with special reference to constipation. Med. J. & R-c. 1933, 137: 140-4 — Castollanos, A. Exanguineo-transfusion versus transfusion en el tratamiento de la toxi-infeecion intestinal del lactante. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1938, 10: 23-52.—Chiray, M., & Baumann, J. Traitement medical de l'intoxication d'origine intestinale (tox6mie ileo-typho-colique) Presse nted., 1934, 42: 1137-9.—Combe, A. The treatment of intestinal auto- intoxication by the introduction of antagonistic microbes to combat proteid putrefaction in the bowel. Mod. Med., Battle Creek, 1907, 16: 280-5.—D'Amato, H. J. Fisioterapia de la toxemia intestinal; determinismo de la enterotoxicosis. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1936-37, 12: 80-8.—De Vries, J. C. The psychic phenomena of intestinal toxemias and their treatment. Mil. Surgeon, 1908, 22: 37-45.—Dickinson, W. L. Intestinal auto-intoxication; its treatment by irrigation. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1909, 92-4.—Ecker, E. The probability of cecal toxaemia and a method of changing the cecal plancton. Dementia Praecox Stud., 1919, 2: 6.—Eustis, A. Dihydranol in the treatment of chronic intestinal toxemia. South. M. J., 1932, 25: 1231-3.—Forchheimer, F. The treatment of chronic intestinal auto-intoxication. Cleveland M. J., 1909, 8: 307-17. Also Woman's M. J., 1909, 19: 114-7.—Gonzalez, A. F. Auto-intoxicacion intestinal y bioterapia lactica. Rev. med. aliment., Santiago, 1933-35, 1: 284 -8.—Green, C. W. Atoxic dietetics. Australas. J. Pharm., 1936, n. ser., 17: 102; 207.— Gutman, J. Intestinal toxemia and physical therapv. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc, 1925-26, 27: 191-6.—Hardisty. E. B. Dietetic treatment of autointoxication. Clin. M.&S., 1932, 39:346-9 — Hurtado. F. A study of the globular and plasmatic chlorine as an index of prognosis and treatment in acute intestinal toxi-infection syndrome of the infant. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1939. 11: 81-8.—Jarvis, N. S. How can auto-intoxication, that rarely recognized disease, which has directly, or, indirectly caused more invalidism and mortality in modern armies than all other pathogenic causes combined, be prevented? J. Mil. Surg. Inst., 1912, 51: 25-46.—Karelitz, S. Intestinal intoxica- tion; its prevention. Prev. Med., N. Y., 1936, 6: No. 5, 5-11.— Lowy, J. Alkalitheropic und Autotoxikosen. Prag. med. Wschr., 1913, 38: 361-5. Lorand, A. Le role de l'auto- intoxication intestinale dans la production de la vieillesse; rajeunissement par les moyens mexlicaux. Clinique, Par., 1929, 24: 205-7.—Mills, C. A. The intestinal toxemia syn- drome; treatment with kaolin. J. Lab. Clin. AL, 1934-35, 20: 801-5.—Mouriquand, G. Synergies didtothdrapiques; les vitamines, l'£quilibre alimentaire et les dhltotoxiques. Lyon med., 1933, 152: 645-51. ■------ & Bernheim, M. Difitotoxiques et protection du foie par l'£quilibre alimentaire. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1933, 197: 1159.—Mutch, N. The adsorp- tion treatment for auto-intoxication. Am. Med., 1929, 35: 365.—Neustatter, O. Kritisches zu dem Artikel: Ueber die Moglichkeit der Entgiftung des Darminhaltes durch Neo- Kruscliensalz iQuellsalz der VangequeUe) Miinch. med. Wschr., 1930. 77: 1320- Rainey, W. T. The milk regimen in intestinal intoxication. Med. Progr., Louisv., 1926, 42: LV.I-02. Also N. All.any M. Herald, 1926, 35: 28-31 — Running. E. H. Treatment of acute intestinal intoxication. Southwest. M.. 1939. 23: 22.5— Saundby, R. The con- sequences and treatment of alimentary toxemia from a medical point of view. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1913, 6: Suppl., 37-48.—Schoenbaum, M., & Moomaw, W. A. Toxemia of intestinal origin and its treatment with castor oil and castor oil derivatives. Virginia M. Month., 1936-37, 63: 306-10 — Scott, J. P. Intestinal intoxication; a review of cases with notes on treatment. Pennsylvania M. J., 1936-37, 40: 934-9.— Seiffert, J. Zur Durchtrennung der grauen Sympathicus- fasern bei toxisch bedingter Ernahrungsstorung. Zbl. Chir., 1933, 60: 2317-20. Shellberg, O. B. There are many reasons why physicians should practice colonic therapy. Ther. Diet. Age, 192.J. 4: 79-82.—Spiesman, I. G. Acidophilus milk vs. intestinal toxemia. J. Am. Ass. Med. Phys. Res., 1924—25, 2: 157.—Summerfeldt, P., & Brown, A. The treatment of acute intestinal intoxication. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1931, 25: 288-92.-—Vincent, H. Action antitoxique de la bile sur les toxines microbiennes de l'intestin. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1909, 67: 679-81.—Vogel, M. Ueber die Bindung von Darmgiften und Alkaloiden durch Heilerde. Balneologe, 1938, 5: 108-14.— Wegele, C. Neuere Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der intes- tinalen Autointoxikationen und ihre Behandlung. Wiirzb. Abh. Med., 1910, 10: 181-98.—Wiltsie. J. W. Colonic therapy in the treatment of intestinal toxemia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1938, 147: 494-7. ------ Colonic therapy in the treatment of chronic intestinal toxemia. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1939, n. ser., 2: 11-6. ---- Tumor. . See also subheadings (Angioma; Cancer; Cyst; Endometriosis; Fibroma; Lipoma, etc), Negri, G. I tumori deU'intestino e del mesenterio e loro cura. 704p. S? Parma, 1916. Reichel, P., & Staemmler, M. Die Xeu- bildungen des Darmes. 2v. 380p.; 4S7p. 8? Stuttg., 1924-33. Schafer, H. O. *Zur Kasuistik der gutartigen Darmgeschwulste. 23p. 8? Berl., 1930. Hueper, W. C. Tumors in the various organs of the alimen- tary system; intestine. In his Occup. Tumors, Springf., 1942, 334-42— Klopp, J. H. Intestinal tumors. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 1389 410—Labb6, A. Tumeur complexe avec scission de l'intestin chez un merlan (Merlangus merlangus L.) C. rend. Soc biol., 1929, 102: 312.—Morgan. \V. <;. Tumors of the intestines. In Cvclop. Med. (Piersol-Borlz) Phila., 1939, 8: 48-53.—Scheitz, L. [Non-malignant tumors of the intestinal tract] Gy6gyaszat, 1930, 70: 556-62, 2 pl.— Vercellotti, G. Le neoplasie primitive dell'intestino (contribute statistico, clinico ed anatomo-patologico) Clin. med. ital., 1928, 59: 283; 391. ---- Tumor: Diagnosis. Babcock, W. W. Diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the intestine. Proc Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1939, 116-20.—Bauer. Extragastraler Tumor. Rontgenpraxis, 1937, 9: 341.—Chaika, A. [Pseudotumors of large intestines of non-specific origin] Vest, khir., 1927, 11: No. 33, 88-93 — Dukes, C, & Bussey, H. J. R. Preparation and mounting of museum specimens of intestinal tumours. J. Techn. Meth., Toronto, 1936, No. 15, 44-8.—Florian, K. Beitrag zur Ront- genologie seltener Darmtumoren. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 966. Also Arch, radiol., Nap., 1937, 13: pt 1, 79.—Illoway, H. Ein klinischer Beitrag zur Friihdiagnose der Neoplasmen im Darmtraktus und ihrer Lokalisation. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1926, 38: 87-97. ------ A clinical contribution to the early diagnosis and the localization of new growths (tumors) of the bowels. Am. Med., 1930, 25: 355-60— Kozdoba, A. Z., & Schwartz, J. E. [Diagnostic errors in tumors and other affec- tions of the large intestine] Vest, khir., 1939, 57: 203-6.— Papin, F., Michelaeu & Rechou. Tumeurs intestinales et para-intestinales et radiographic. Gaz. sc. m6d. Bordeaux, 1926, 47: 83-5.—Singer, G. Die Rekto-Romanoskopie im Dienste der Tumordiagnose. Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 811-6.— Trettenero, V. Tre casi di tumore intestinale; contribute clinico alia diagnostica differenziale delle malattie ginecologiche. Atti Soc ital. ostet., 1899, 6: 102-21.—Zinner. Ureterogrsmm fiihrt zur Aufdeckung eines Darmtumors. Zsehr. urol. Chir., 1935-36, 41: 115. ---- Tumor: Pathology. Atjdigier, F. * Contribution a, l'6tude des tumeurs conjonctives benignes de l'intestin. 38p. 8? Par., 1926. Bergendal, S., & Sjovall, A. Ein Beitrag zur Klinik und Pathologie der solitaren Darmneurinome. Chirurg, 1937, 9: 573-9.—Bonnamour, Duplant & Magnard. M6canisme de l'invagination de l'adulte par les tumeurs benignes de l'intestin. J. nted. Lyon, 1932, 13: 507.—Dukes, C. Multiple intestinal tumours: a familial disease. Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1934, 25: 241-3.—Iribiarne, J., & Contreras Ortiz, N. Tumor paraintes- tinal de origen amebiano. Reun. Soc argent, pat. region. (1929) 1930, 5. meet., 2: 969-79.—Jayle, F. Le solenome de l'intestin rectum excepte. Rev. fr. gyn. obst., 1927, 22: 365- 408.—Johannessen, A. Des formations de tumeurs intestinales dans les premieres annees de la vie. Acta paediat., Upps., 1927- 28, 7: Suppl. 2, 213-8.—Kennedy, J. P. Tumours of the intes- tine causing intussusception; case reports. Tr. M. Soc. N. Carolina, 1923, 70: 331-6.—Kreibig, W. Ueber multiple Geschwulstbildung im Darmtrakt. Dent. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 219: 334-8.—Macklin, M. T. Sex incidence of entodermal tumors. Am. J. Surg., 1933, 21: 438-45.—Michlstaedter, G. Contributo alio studio dei tumori benigni dell'intestino. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1933, 2: 539-60.—Rosselet, A., & Dufour, R. Contribution au radiodiagnostic des tumours invagin£es du gros intestin. Radiol. Rdsch., 1938, 7: 217-22—Schyns. Cas d'occlusion intestinale par tumeur chez le b£te bovine. Echo vet., Li6ge, 1912-13, 41: 353-6.—Sindoni, M. Sui tumori benigni dell'intestino. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1934, 5: 177-208.—Unusual varieties of intestinal tumours. Annual Rep. Brit. Empire Cancer Campaign, 1939, 16: 94.—Van- steenbergh. Tumeur benigne de l'intestin et invagination intestinale. Lyon med., 1932, 149: 518-21.—Willis, R. A. Metastatic tumours in the intestines. Austral N. Zealand J. Surg.. 1931, 1:41-51. ---- Tumor: Treatment. Florian, K. Beitrag zur Rontgenologie seltener Darm- tumoren. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1937, 56: 190-2 [Discus- sion] 196.—Pupovac, D. Die chirurgische Behandlung der Darmtumoren. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 641; 967.— INTESTINE 475 INTESTINE Victor-Pauchet. NSoplasme du colon descendant et de la sigmoide; comment fermer le ventre aptes les operations septiques ou demi-septiques juxta-intestinales. Bull. Soc chir Paris, 1933, 25: 721-3. Ulcer. See also subheading Hemorrhage; also names of ulcerating intestinal diseases as Dysentery; Typhoid fever, etc. Barlow, D. Simple ulcers of the caecum, colon, and rectum Brit. J. Surg., 1940-41, 28: 575-81.—Crosnier, R. Hemorragie intestinale post-vaccinale chez un sujet porteur d'une recto- colite ulc6ro-stenosante ignotee. Bull. Soc nted. mil. fr., 1939, 33: 367-71.—Felsen, J. A practical etiological, pathological and clinical consideration of intestinal ulceration with especial reference to amebic dysentery, bacillary dysentery and idio- pathic ulcerative colitis. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1934, 1: 297- 305.—Friedman, N. B., & Warren, S. Evolution of experi- mental radiation ulcers of the intestine. Arch Path Chic 1942, 33: 326-33.—Kallay, F. [Simple intestinal ulcer] Orv hetil., 1939, 83: 757-9.—Konecny, J. [Case of callous perforat- ing intestinal ulcer] Cas. lek. cesk., 1929, 68: 1374-6.—Lind S. C. Simple ulcer of the intestine. Ohio M. J., 1931 27: 621-7.—McLaughlin, C. W., jr. Intestinal ulceration following adrenal damage. In Surgery (Ravdin, I. S.) Phila., 1935, 554-8. ------ Intestinal ulceration following adrenal damage' experimental observations. Ann. Surg., 1935, 101: 554-8.— Martin, C. L. Ulcers of the rectum and sigmoid; the differ- entiation of tuberculous ulcers from amebic ulcers, and chronic ulcerative colitis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 98: 27-31.—Morris, R. T. Notes on mid-gut ulcer. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc, 1925-2o' 26: 49.—O'Reilly, J. J. Death following perforation of ster- coraceous ulcer. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 1175.—Reichel. Das Problem des Kocherschen Dehnungsgeschwiirs. Deut Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 232: 758-64.—Rufanov, I. G. [Ulcers due to dilatation of the intestinal tract] Sovet. klin. 1933, 19: 493-501.—Sainz Trejo. El dolor en la perforacion del ulcus y en la apendicitis. Bol. Sanat. Rafael Lavista, Veracruz, 1941- 42, 2: 11-3.—Stelzer, S. Ein experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung von Darmgeschwuren. Beitr. klin Chir., 1935, 161: 399-410.—Zaffagnini, A. L'ulcera semplice dell'intestino. Clin, chir., Milano, 1933, n. ser., 9: 1126-39. ---- Ulcer: Treatment. Bargen, J. A. Chemotherapy in ulcerative intestinal disease. N. York State J. M., 1942, 42: 2011-5. Also Clin. Excerpts, 1943, 17: 47-51.—Stickney, J. M., Heilman, F. R. [et al.] Sulfaguanidine in ulcerative intestinal disease. Proc. Mavo Clin., 1942, 17: 33-44. ------ Villi. Matthias, W. *Vergleichende histologische Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Darmzotten und Versuch einer Berechnung ihrer Oberflachen bei verschiedenen Haustieren [Bern] 35p. 8? Bonn, 1910. Zorner, G. *Systematische Untersuchungen des Zellbildes der Darmzotten bei Rind erf oeten, Milchkalbern undalteren Kalbern, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der anatomischen Diagnose Enteritis. 32p. 21cm. Lpz., 1937. Biirker, K. Vorweisung eines Films von Herrn Verzd,r, der das Pumpen der Diinndarmzotten zeigt. Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1935, 28: 274.—De Gaetani, G. F. Sulla morfologia dei villi intestinali dell'uomo. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1928, 52: 48-64, pl.—Domini, G. Sulle modificazioni di struttura del villo intestinale in animali sottoposti a regimi carenzati (osser- vazioni neU'avitaminosi C della cavia) Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1934, 11. ser., 2: 65.—Fiorentini, C, & Gomarasca, P. Sui meccanismo della scomparsa dei villi durante lo sviluppo dell'intestino crasso. Arch. ital. anat., 1937, 38: 512-26, pl.— Frazzetto, S. Sulla interpretazione delle cosidette figure del Mingazzini nei villo intestinale. Atti Soc. sc. med. natur. Cagliari, 1930, 5. ser., 32: 129-34. ------• Aspetti del villo intestinale di cavia durante il digiuno. Arch. ital. anat., 1930-31, 28: 569-93, 2 pl.—GerI6czy, F. [Histological studies on the basal membrane of the intestinal villi] Magy. orv. arch., 1933, 34: 542-6, 4 pl.—Ide, M. Les villosites intestinales. Rev. med. Louvain, 1928, 109-11.—Kato, R., & Okuda, K. [Ueber die Darmzotten des Kaninchens] Mitt. Med. Ges. Osaka, 1941, 40: 330-4.—Koniges, H. G., & Otto, M. Studies on the filtration mechanism of the intestinal lymph and on the action of acetylcholine on it and on the circulation of the in- testinal villi. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1936-37, 26: 319-29. ------ Contributions to the filtration mechanism of the intestinal villi. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1936-37, 19: 384.— Kokas, E. Vergleichend-physiologische Untersuchungen iiber die Bewegung der Darmzotten. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1930, 225: 416-20; 1932, 229: 486. ------ [Movement of intestinal villi] Orvoskepzes, 1939, 29: 46-52. ------ & Ludany, G. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Bewegung der Darmzotten. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1930, 225: 421-8. ------ Die Beobach- tung der Zottenbewegung am uberlebenden Darm. Ibid., 1932-33, 231: 20-3. Die Breite der Muscularis mucosae und die Darmzottenbewegung. Ibid., 332-5 - low ,0,r,m0inaaoeeRegelun6 der Darmzottenbewegung. Ibid., tv«4, Z34: 182-6. ------ Nouvelles recherches sur la regula- tion normonale des mouvements des villosites intestinales. C. rend. Soc biol., 1934, 117: 972-4. ------ Weitere Unter- suchungen uber die nervose Beeinflussung der Darmzottentatig- keit. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1938-39, 241: 268-71.—Lambertini, G. btudio comparativo sulla formazione dei villi. Arch ital anat., 1929, 26: 401-16, 2 pl.—Ludany, G. [Hormonal regula- tion of movement of intestinal villi] Orvoskepzes, 1939, 29: 5?„.7- ," . & Franzi. L. [Secretin and the movement of the villi of the intestine] Magy. orv. arch., 1940, 41: 373-5 — Ludany, G., & Jourdan, F. Influences du pneumogastrique et du sympathique sur la motricite des villosites intestinales. C. rend Soc biol., 1935, 119: 1189.—Ludany, G., & Kovats, J. Uie Wirkung der Darmgase auf die Bewegung der Darmzotten. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1939-40, 243: 768-72.—Mazzanti, L. Sui primi momenti dello sviluppo dei villi intestinali nei feti di cavia. Monit. zool. ital., 1935-36, 46: 21-4.—Otto, M., & Koniges, H. G. [Researches concerning the isotonic con- traction of a single intestinal villus and its role in forwarding the lymph] Magy. orv. arch., 1937, 38: 162-71.—Patzelt, V. Ueber die erste Entwicklung der Zotten im menschlichen Darme und ihre Beteiligung an der Bildung der Krypten Verh. Anat. Ges., 1931, 39: 95-107.—Rohlich, K. Bindege- webe und Muskulatur der Diinndarmzotten und ihre Beziehun- gen zur Fettresorption. Ibid., 1934, 42: 211-20.—Sass, G. Ueber die Bedeutung der Zottengrosse in den Massverhalt- nissen des Dunndarms. Ibid. (1938) 1939, 46: 410-5 — Sato, I. Experimentelle Studien iiber die Darmzottenbe- wegung und die verschiedenen Einfliisse auf sie. Mitt Med Akad Kioto, 1937, 21: 901-4.—Spanner, R. Die Entwicklung der Darmzotten der Maus durch Knospung und Spaltung untersucht am Gefassbaum. Morph. Jahrb., 1931, 67: 235- 61.—Toro, I. Ueber den Mechanismus der Darmzotten. Verh. Anat. Ges.. 1928, 37: 188-92, 3 pl. ------ [Contribu- tion to the structure and mechanism of intestinal villi] Magy orv. arch., 1928, 29: 114-33.—Verzar, F., & Kokas, E. Die Rolle der Darmzotten bei der Resorption. Arch ges Phvsiol 1927, 217: 397-412.—Wells, H. S., & Johnson, R. G. The intestinal villi and their circulation in relation to absorption and secretion of fluid. Am. J. Physiol., 1934, 109: 387-402. ---- Volvulus. For congenital volvulus see Intestine, Ab- normity: Volvulus; see also Helminthosis; Mesentery; Onchocercosis, etc. Dschotj, D. B. *Ueber Volvulus, unter Anfuhrung eines Volvulus bei einem 12 Tage alten Saugling. 31p. 21cm. Munch., 1938. Jaruslawsky, W. *Die operative Behandlung des Volvulus der Flexur mit Beriicksichtigung eines Falles. 18p. 8? Konigsb., 1928. Kallio, K. E. Die Knotenbildungen des Darmes. 276p. 8? Helsin., 1932. Kunz [G.] E. *Der Volvulus des Coecums und Dickdarmanfangs. 27p. 8? Konigsb., 1927. Also Arch. klin. Chir., 1928, 151: 547-64. Maroger, B. *Sur 2 nouvelles observations de volvulus au cours de la grossesse. 64p. 8° Par., 1933. Yanez Romero, A. *V61vulo del tubo di- gestivo; estudio clinico y experimental [Chile] 64p. 26cm. S. Diego, 1940. Abdahski, A., & Landsberg, J. [Percain lumbar anesthesia in treatment of volvulus] Polska gaz. lek., 1934, 13: 357.-7- Baumler, O. Ueber chronischen Volvulus. Mschr. Kinderh., 1935, 63: 386.—Barber, F. Volvulus bei Coecum mobile Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1093-6.—Baskakov, A. S. [Extensive excision of the intestines in 2 cases of volvulus] Nov. khir arkh., 1936, 37: 485.—Benham, H. W. An unusual case of volvulus. Lancet, Lond., 1932, 2: 340.—Betts, A. Volvulus Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1938, 14: 15—Boheme, P. Le volvulus intestinal dans le jeune age; ses particularites. Arch fr. belg. chir., 1927, 30: 34-49.—Borow, B., & Borow, H. Operation for volvulus with recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 43.—Bowen, W. H. Successful resection of 8.ft. of small bowel in a boy for gangrene due to torsion of the mesentery. Clin. J., Lond., 1939, 68: 117-9.—Brea, M. M., & Dassen, R. Volvulo total cronico del intestino delgado y del segmento ceco- colico ascendente. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1935, 19: 979-93 Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 1, 586-92.—Brenner, E. C. Total volvulus. Am. J. Surg., 1932, n. ser., 16: 34-44 — Bruce, J. W. Volvulus; report of a case in an infant aged 15 days. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1927, 33: 949-51.—Donald, C Volvulus of small gut, caecum, and ascending colon, associated with congenital reversed rotation of intestine and with preg- nancy. Brit. J. Surg., 1927-28, 15: 269-72.—Dwergey, Obstruction intestinale par torsion du mesentere; tesection de 90 centimetres d'intestin. Bull. Soc. anat. Bordeaux, 1900, 21: 158-61.—Dzbanovsky, V. [Diagnostic errors in volvulus] INTESTINE 470 INTESTINE Radians la inee 1939. 4: No. 1, 51.- Faltin, R. Einiges zur Kenntti- d< i ':■: mknoten. Acta chir. scand., 1937 3a. 80: 1-25. Kcd<>ni\. 1). N. [Case of extensive excision of the intestine in volvulus during pregnancy] Nov. khir. arkh., 1910. 46: 160-2. Filippini, G. Condizioni anatomopatologiche e meccanicbe nei determinismo del volvolo. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 233. ■----Ricerche sperimentali sui valore delht mesnsigmoidite ret rat tile nei determinismo del volvolo. Sperimentale. 1939, 93: 531-48. -Frankenthal. L. Flexur-Volvulus und Tiauma.. Deut. med. Wschr.. 1929, 55: 826.—Glasko, P. M. [Case of extensive excision of the small and large intestines for volvulus of 4 days duration] Vest. khir., 1936, 44: 284.—Gridnev. A. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Darmvolvulus. Arch. klin. Chir., 1933, 174: 712-22 — Hawthorne, G. A. Loose twist of the bowel. Vet. Pract. Evanston, 1941, 22: No. 4, 17— Hipsley, P. L. Deficient fixation with probable volvulus of the mid-gut loop in an infant. Med. J. Australia, 1935, 1: 463.------A case of malrotation of midgut loop with superimposed volvulus. Ibid., 716.—Iaure, G. G. [Mechanism of formation of in- testinal knots] Vest, khir., 1938. 55: 35-9.—Ignoratov. [Case of excision of the large intestine in volvulus] Sovet. khir., 1934, 6: 733.—Johner, T. Zur Kenntnis der Darm- knoten. Schweiz. med. Wschr.. 1940, 70: 1270-2.—Jonker, A. [Case of volvulus in an infant] Xed. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 2404.—Keefe, J. W. Volvulus of the large and small intestine with report of a case of volvulus of cecum, ascending colon and ileum. Am. J. Surg., 1932, 17: 345.—King, E. S. J. Two uncommon forms of intestinal obstruction occurring con- secutivelv: compound volvulus and retroposition of the trans- verse colon. Brit. .!. Surg.. 1936-37, 24: 817-21— Kini, M. G.. & Rao, D. V. Volvulus as a cause of intestinal obstruc- tion. I ml. M. Gaz., 11138, 73: 471-4— Kornfeld, G., & Daich- man, 1. Volvulus complicating pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., 1934, 27: 768-70.—Kunaratnam, I. T. Notes on a case of volvulvus complicating pregnancy. J. Ceylon Br. M. Ass., 1936, 33: 91. Landivar, A. F., & Leoni Iparraguirre, C. A. ((bliterncion del cabo eferente de un ano iliaco consecutivo a sigmoidectomia por volvulus. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1937, 21 : 1164 73. Laurent, P. Megacolon acquis secondaire ;\ un d6faut d'accolement total de gros intestin; volvulus sous- diaphragmatique; resection en 2 temps; tesultats fonctionnel eloign^. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1933, 25: 324 9. Latarjet. Occlusion intestinale chez un nouveau-n6 par torsion localised du mesentere. Bull. Soc. obst. Paris, 1908. 11: 397-9.— Le Jentel & Eltrich. Contribution k l'fitude des volvulus du caecum et du colon ascendant. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir.. 1925, 34: 789 93. Leonard. E. I)., & Derow, S. Volvulus; a studv of 22 cases. N. England J. M., 1938, 218: 388-90. Liebe. S. Leber ehronis-hen Volvulus. Mschr. Kinderh., 1934 35, 61: 436-8- McClure, H. M. Volvulus; torsion of the whole mesentery. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1935, 28: 100-4—McWat- ters, R. C. Spontaneous reduction in volvulus of the bowel. Lancet, Lond., 1929, 2: 496.—Makarenko, A. I. [On intestinal knots] Khirmgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 9, 107-16.—Marbury, W. IL, A Pickford. E. M. Volvulus; a review with an illustra- tive case. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1934, 3: 7-11.— Martin du Pan, C. Volvulus total de l'intestin chez un enfant. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir.. 1931, 40: 438-40.—Meerovich, I. L. [Volvulus of the cecum and ascending colon] Tr. Vost. sibir. med. inst., 1935, No. 3, 160-2.—Morzon, V. [Case of volvulus with unusual post-operative period] Belaruss. med. misl, 1924-2"), 2: No. 4-6, 10o 7. Neff. G. Hernia mesenterico- parietalis dextra mit Volvulus. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 6-15. Niemeier, O. W. Torsion of the whole mesentery in an infant; volvulus neonatorum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1927, 17: 81 1.- Ndraaard, F. Kronisk og intermitterende volvulus. Nord. med., 1941, 11: 2526-30 lAbstr.)—Oberling, C. Trois cas de volvulus par torsion du ntesentere commun persistant. Rev. fr. pSdiat., 1927, 3: 96-104.—Ogloblina, Z. V. [En- terostomv in mechanical and dvnamic volvulus] Vest, khir., 1936, 43: 38-48— Pauchet, V., & Mornard, P. Volvulus d'un dolichocolon iliaque. Bull. Soc. chu. Paris, 1928, 20: 53-9. Also Paris chir., 1928, 20: 30.—Paul, M. Volvulus of the intestine with intertwining loops. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 809.—P6rez Peniche, T. S. Puncion eapilar del intestino en los casos de observaci6n intestinal. Mem. Congr. m6d. nac. mex., 1910, 4. Congr., 282.—Pick, J. Ein Fall von Volvulus zwischen Dunndarm und Colon transversum. Anat. Anz., 1934, 78: 450-2.—Pizzagalli, L. Contributo clinico-statistico all'occlusione intestinale da volvolo. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1934. 40: 742-8.—Plaut, T. Volvulus der Flexur boi Vater und Sohn (zugleich ein Beitrag zum Rassenprobleinl Klin. Wschr., 1929. 8: 1177.—Ridler, H. A. Volvulus complicating pregnancv at the 8th month. Med. J. Australia, 1935 1: 370.—Rohkind, I. M. [Intestinal knots] Nov. khir. arkh. 1937, 38: 199-202. Also Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 495-502 — Rosenthal. M. Beitrag zum Askaridenvolvulus. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 1806.—Rowlands, R. P. Volvulus on the intestine. Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 287-9.—Serck-Hanssen, T. [Case of retroposition of colon with volvulus of caecum] Med. rev. Bergen. 1926, 43: 557-67.—Sheinis, V. N. [On intestinal knots Vest, khir., 1939. 57: 621-8.—Sonoda, O. S. Ueber einen Fall von Darmachsendrehung infolge des Darmdivertikels, und einen infolge der Divertikel-Entzundung. Gun idan zassi 1934, No. 249, 5— Sulc, J. [Two cases of volvulus] Latv. arstu Z., 1926, 365-78.—Terrone, G. Caso di volvulo mec- canico. Ann. clin. osp. incurab., Nap., 1840, 6: 241-6.— Vaughan, G. T. A case of volvulus with torsion of the entire mesentery; operation; recovery. Tr. M. Soc. Virginia (1902) 1903. 95-7. Also Internat. J. Surg., 1903, 16: 14. Waters. H. S. Acute volvulus. Ind. M. Gaz., 1937, 72: 484. Wein- stein, M. Volvulus of the cecum and ascending colon. Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 248-59. ---- Volvulus—in animals. Charlent, P. ♦Contribution k I'etude de la torsion du gros intestin chez le cheval; remarques sur I'etiologie et la pathogenie de cette affection [Alfort] 46p. 8? Par., 1928. Case, R. A. Intestinal torsion in a cow. Vet. Med., Chic, 1940, 35: 524.—Dardillat, R. Cas de coliques par torsion et -a i eduction. Rec. med. vet., 1922, 98: 565.—Reinhardt, H. Lin Fall von echter Dnrniverschliiigung (Volvulus intestini) beim Rind. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1928, 44: 811.—Wall, R. F. Torsion of the bowel in horses. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1931, 11: 105-13. ---- in animals. Lohr, G. K. F. *Untersuchungen iiber die Darmlange beim Kaninchen. 16p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1934. Alpers, F. Zur Kenntnis der Anatomie von ('onus lividus Brug., besonders des Darmkanals (fauna etanatomiaCe\ lanica) Jena. Zsehr. Naturwiss., 1930-31, 65: 587-658.- Berndt, O. Morphologie und Histologic des Rumpfdarmes von Anguilla fluviatilis und die Veranderungen desselben im Individual- zyklus. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., 1938, 64: 437-82.—Bonfert. A. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Homologie der Darmteile bei Nagetieren unter teilwieser Beriicksichtigung der arteriellen Blut veisorgnng. Anat. Anz., 1928, 65: 369-98.—Caspers, H. Leber Nahrungserwerb und Darm- verlauf bei Nucula. Zool. Anz., 1940, 129: 48-55- Chatton, E. Les membranes pfiritrophiques des drosophiles (dipteres) et des daphnies (cladoc&es) leur gen&se et leur role k l'^gard des parasites intestinaux. Hull. Soc. zool. France, 1920, 45: 265-80.—Esch, H. F.igeutiimliche Heliefbildungen der tiefen Wandschichten im Enddartii der Sauriei ; ihre Entstehung und Bedeutung. Anat. Anz., 1936, 82: 162 90.- Gelei. J. Bei- trage zur Morphologie, Physiologie und allgemeinen biologisc.hen Bedeutung des Tricladcndiirmes. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat.. 1928, 50: 1-54.—Ginglinger, A. Sur la hernie physiologi<|iie de l'intestin chez le pore C. rend. Sot!, biol., 1934, 116: 1413.—Grell, K. G. Der Darmtraktus von Panorpa communis L. und seine Anhiinge bei Larve und Imago (ein Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologic der Mecopteren) Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., 1938, 64: 1-86. Henking. H. Darstellung des Darmcanals von Hirudo. In Festsch. z. 70. Geburtst. Rudolf Leuckart, Lpz., 1892, 319-27, pl.—Jacobshagen, E. Zur Kenntnis und Charaktensiet ung des Rumpfdarmbaues der Lungenfische. Morph. Jahrb., 1929, 63: 292 313. -----• Zur Kenntnis der Mitteldarms bei den Mvxinoidcn. Ibid., 1932, 70: 531-47. — - Ilnuptergebnisse vergleichend- anatomischer Rumpfdaimuntersucluingen bei ichth\ opsiden Anamniern. Verh. Anat. (les.. 1934, 42: l.">6 65.— kolda, J. Zur Topographie des Darmes beim Schaf und bei der Ziege. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1931, 95: 243-69— Pilz, H. Art- merkmale am Darmkanal des Hausgefliigels (Cans, Elite, Huhn, Taube) Morph. Jahrb., 1937, 79: 275-304.—Schacht, H. Ueber den Vorderdarm der Cvprinodonten. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1931, 26: 534-46— Strasburger, M. Bau, Funktion und Variabilitat des Darmtractus von Drosophila melanogaster Meigen. Zsehr. wiss. Zool., 1931-32, 140: 539-649, pl—Tchang-Yung-Tai. La structure du tube digestif et les renovations successives de l'epitheiium de rin- testin moven chez les chenilles d'Achroia(ou Achroca) grisella F. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1928, 98: 580-2.- Tirelli, M. Nuove osservazioni sulla morfologia e sui meccanismo ftmzionale dei vasi di Malpighi in Cloi-un dipterum. Riv. biol., 1935, 18: 1-11. 2 pl.—Toro, I. [Structure of the crocodile's intestines] Magy. orv. arch., 1929, 30: 231-43.—Urban, E. Das Darm- system von Pomatias striolatus Porro, einem landbewohnenden Prosobranchier. Jena. Zsehr. Naturwiss., 1932, 66: 323-92.— Vialli, M. Ricerche sull'iiitestino dei rettili. Arch. ital. anat., 1929, 26: 454-92, pl. INTESTINE, small. See also Duodenum; Ileum; Intestine; Je- junum. Cho, D. Histological investigation of the digestive tracts of human fetus; development of small intestines. Jap. J. Obst., 1931, 14: 324-30.—Cole, L. G. The small intestine. Tr. Am. Oastroenter. Ass., 1933, 36. meet., 340-50.—Pendergrass, E. P. The small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1859-61. ---- Abnormity. Poignaxt, J. *L'anse ombilicale; etude anatomo-clinique. 73p. 8? Lyon, 1936. Sill, F. *Ein Fall von angeborenem Diinn- darmkonvolut [Erlangen] 19p. 8? Radiumbad Brambach, 1936. INTESTINE, SMALL 477 INTESTINE, SMALL Baiocchi, P. Volvolo totale congenito del tenue in un neo- nato. Fol. med., Nap., 1939, 25: 542-6, 3 pl— Curson, H. H. On 2 anomalies arising from the embrvonic small intestine. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1934, 3: 241-3.—Drechsel, J. Mesenterium commune mit Lageanomalie des Dunndarms und normaler Lage des Kolons (Hernia mesenterico-parietalis dextra) Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1929-30, 91: 644-56 — Golden, R. Abnormalities of the small intestine in nutritional disturbances; some observations on their physiologic basis. Radiology, 1941, 36: 262-86.—Gonnet & Desjacques. Volvulus de l'intestin grele chez un nouveau-n§. Bull. Soc obst. gyn. Paris, 1928, 17: 87.—Gonnet & Pouzet. Volvulus partiel du grele d'origine foetale chez un nouveau-n6. Lyon nted., 1934, 154: 91.—Ladd, W. A. Anomalies of the small intestine. In Textb. Surg. (Christopher, F.) 3. ed., Phila., 1942, 1159-65.— Laffont & Jahier. Malformation de l'intestin grele. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1926, 15: 478.—Lust, M., & Bourg. R. La stenose aigue du duodenum par involvulus total du grele et du colon ascendant chez le nouveau-n6. Bruxelles m6d., 1928-29, 9: 219-24.—McGregor, J., & Rothenberg, M. Con- genital absence of portion of the small intestine. Northwest M., 1938, 37: 134-6.—Montgomery, A. H. Clinical conditions associated with congenital anomalies of the small intestine. Wisconsin M. J., 1935, 34: 826-31.—Nordland. M. Congenital shortening of the small bowel with an anomalv of rotation. Minnesota M., 1939, 22: 567.—Ribas Ribas, E. Intestinal obstruction from congenital deformitv of the small intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 14: 215-24.—Tedesco, C. Con- tributo alio studio delle malformazioni congenite deU'intestino tenue. Lattante, 1939, 10: 55-62, pl.—Trillat, P., & Boulez. Volvulus du grele avec rupture spontaitee de l'intestin chez un nouveau-n6. Bull. Soc. obst. gyn. Paris, 1933, 22: 183-6. ---- Abnormity: Occlusion. Biermanx, R. *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der angeborenen Occlusionen des Dunndarms. 32p. 8° Wiirzb., 1926. Jux, AI. *Ueber einen Fall von angeborenem Diinndarmschluss. lOp. 8? Heidelb., 1933. Kabisch [G. F.] A. *Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Frage der kongenitalen Diinndarmatresie. 31p. 8? Berl., 1927. Laessing [E.] F. *Ueber die Ursachen der angeborenen Diinndarmatresie an Hand einer eigenen Beobachtung [Tubingen] lip. 8? Stuttg., 1932. Also Arch. Kinderh., 1932, 97: Patry, R. *Atresie congenitale de l'intestin grele (3 cas personnels) contribution a I'etude du meconium [Geneve] 28p. 8? Par., 1925. Also Ann. anat. path., Par., 1926, 3: 455-70. Birgfeld, E. Zur kongenitalen Diinndarmatresie. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 1548-53.—Bodon, G. Ein Fall von fetalem Dunndarmverschluss mit Beitriigen zur Histologic und Histo- genese. Virchows Arch., 1930, 278: 529-38.—Bromeis, H. Ueber angeborenen Diinndarmverschluss. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 1768-73.—Bruckner. Ein Fall von multipler Diinndarm- atresie beim Neugeborenen. Arch. Gyn., 1934, 157: 84.— Clark, S. Congenital occlusion of the small intestine; case report. Long Island M. J., 1928. 22: 157-9.—Edelmann, J. A. Operativ behandelte Undurehgaiigigkeit des Dunndarms bei einem Neugeborenen. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1928, 3. F., 69: 222-6.—Hahn, O. Wie miissen wir uns die Entstehung der kongenitalen Dunndarmatresien und -stenosen vorstellen? Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928, 142: 252-64.—Ladd, W. E. Congenital obstruction of the small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 101 : 1453-8.—Millen, R. M. Congenital atresia of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 124.—Naegeli, T. Kongenitale Diinndarmatresie. Zsehr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1927, 91: 635-8.— Pasley, C. B. Congenital occlusion of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1929, 2: 1056.—Pawlowski, E. Ueber multiple kongenitale Dunndarmatresien. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1930-31, 50: 665-71.—Poison, C. A case of congenital atresia of the small intestine. Brit. J. Surg., 1930, 18: 333.—Pouzet, F. Attesie segmentaire complete de l'intestin gtele chez un nou- veau-ne. Lyon mM., 1934, 154: 68-70.—Ribas Ribas, E. Obstrucci6n intestinal por deformidad congenita del intestino delgado. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 14: 22.5-8.—Rotter. J. W. N. Durch Operation geheilter kongenitaler Diinndarm- verschluss. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 219: 339-45.—Shea, B. Congenital occlusion of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1927, 2: 549 —Wikle, H. T. Congenital obstruction of the small intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 51: 429r3L—Woolsey, J. H. Congenital occlusion of the small intestine. California West. M., 1937, 46: 20-3. ---- Absorption. Bauer, O. *Ueber die Konzentrationsande- rung zweier gleichzeitig dargebotener Salze bei der Resorption im Dunndarm. 16p. 8? Lpz., 1935. ' "1------------ Gunzel, H. [W.] *Ueber die Resorption von Losungen im Dunndarm, die gleichzeitig Kalium- chlond und ein Erdalkalichlorid enthalten. 16p 23cm. Lpz., 1937. Heinemann [E. O.l W. *Ueber die Resorption der Losungen von Natrium- und Kaliumsulfat und Ivaliumchlorid im Dunndarm. 19n 8° Lpz., 1937. F' Kalepp, A. *Wie resorbiert der Dunndarm Losungen von Bromnatrium allein und in Kombi- nation mit Chlornatrium? 27p. 2SlAcm ILdz 1936] -if-. Lang, G. *Ueber die Resorption von Alkali- chloridlosungen im Dunndarm. 23p. 23cm Lpz., 1936. Rothe [M.] H. *Untersuchungen iiber die Resorption von Losungen im Dunndarm, die gleichzeitig Zucker und Kochsalz enthalten [Leipzig] 23p. 8? Lengerich, 1936. Stiebert [A.] J. *Ueber die Resorption der Chloride und Bromide des . Magnesiums und Calciums im Dunndarm. 20p. 23cm. Lpz 1937. Teichmann, K. *Ueber die Resorption von binaren Gemischen any HarnstofT mit Kochsalz, Magnesiumsulfat und Traubenzucker in hypo- tonischen Losungen durch den Dunndarm des Hundes [Leipzig] 20p. 21cm. Lengerich, 1936. Abbott, W. O., Karr, W. G., & Miller, T. G. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; factors concerned in absorption of glucose from the jejunum and ileum. Tr Am Gastroenter. Ass., 1937, 40. meet., 96-106.—Andrews, J. C.^ Johnston, C. G., & Andrews, K. C. The absorption of cystine, methionine and cysteic acid from intestinal loops of dogs Am' J. Physiol., 1936, 115: 188-93.—Borchardt, W. Studien uber die Einwirkung der Zirkulation und des extramuralen autonomen Nervensystems auf die Dunndarrnresorption; nach Versuchen an Hunden mit Vellafisteln. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1928, 219: 213-26.—Danby, M. Ueber Fettresorption und Histioreti- kularsystem im Dunndarm. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch 1934 36: 23-40.—Davidson, J. N., & Garry, R. C. The absorption of pentoses from the small intestine of the rat under urethane anaesthesia. J. Physiol., Lond., 1941, 99: 239.—Froiicher, E. Die Resorption von Gallansauren aus verschiedenen Diinn- darmabschnitten. Biochem. Zsehr., 1935-36, 283: 273-9.— Groen, J., & Taylor, F. H. L. Absorption of iron compounds from the upper part of the small intestine. Proc. Soc. Exp Biol., N. Y., 1937, 36: 694.—Hamar, N. Wirkung des Hungerns und des Darminhaltes auf die Glucoseresorption des Diinn- darmes normaler und epinephrektomierter Ratten. Arch, ges Physiol., 1940-41, 244: 157-63. ------ Ueber Tagesschwan- kungen des Glucoseresorptionsvermogens des Dunndarms. Ibid., 164-70.—Hober, R., & Hober, J. Experiments on the absorption of organic solutes in the small intestine of rats J. Cellul. Physiol., 1937, 10: 401-22.—Macklin, C. C, & Macklin, M. T. Is the Mingazzini phenomenon, in the villus of the small intestine, an evidence of absorption? J. Anat Lond., 1926-27, 61: 144-50, pl.—Mahler, P., & Nonnenbruch! W. Die Fettresorption im gereizten Darm. Zsehr. ges exp Med., 1932-33, 85: 112-4.—Nicholson, J. T. L., & Chornock! F. W. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; an improved technic for the study of absorption; its application to ascorbic acid. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 505-9.—Nicolai, H. Quantitative Resorptionsversuche mit reinen Darmgiften; Phenol-Resorption im Diinndarm der gesunden Ratte. Klin Wschr., 1939, 18: 123-5.—Norberg, B. Zur Resorption von Elektrolyten im Dunndarm. Arch. ges. Phvsiol., 1934, 234: 200-3.—Northup, D. W., & Van Liere, E. J. The effect of anoxia on the absorption of glucose and of glvcine from the small intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1941. 134: 288-91.—Peters, H. C. Absorption from the small intestine. Memphis, M. J. 1941, 16: 14-6.—Riegel, C, Elsom, K. O'S., & Ravdin, I. S. The influence of sodium taurocholate, hepatic bile and gall- bladder bile upon the absorption of oleic acid from the small intestine. Am. J. Physiol, 1935, 112: 669-72— Visscher, M. B. The absorption of chloride from the small intestine against steep diffusion gradients and physico-chemical factors involved in the mechanism. Proc. Internat. Phvsiol. Congr. (1935) 1938, 15. Congr., 147. ------& Ingraham, R. C. The move- ment of univalent cations against concentration gradients from small intestine to the blood in the presence of polyvalent ions Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 116: 157--Well, P. B. van. Beitrage zur Histophysiologie des Diinndarmes; die Veranderungen in den Darmdriisenzellen wahrend der Verdauung und in den Resorptionszellen wahrend der Fettresorption. Zsehr. Zell- forsch., 1939, 29: 750-71.—Wright, S. Absorption from the small intestine. Middlesex Hosp. J., 1937, 37: 72-5. INTESTINE, SMALL 478 INTESTINE, SMALL ---- Adhesion. See also Peritonitis; Perivisceritis. Brokschmidt, W. Reiskornartige Ftillungsrest und band- formige Aussparungen als Zeichen vqn Verwachsungen dis Dunndarms. Rontgenpraxis, 1940, 12: 328-31.- Courty, L.. & Delcour, J. Peritonite plastique adhesive; localise A un segment d'intestin gtele, anterieurement distendu au cours d'une occlusion par bride. J. sc. nted. Lille. 1928, 46: pt 2, 297-301.—Desjacques. Occlusion intestinale aigue par adherence d'une anse grele au niveau d'un drainage sus-pubien pratiqu^ pour ulcere perfote du duodenum. Lyon chit., 1933, 30: 64-70.—Fiolle, J., & Hayem, L. Occlusion intestinale psn adherence du gtele au moignon appendiculaire non enfoui. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 813-6.—Futh, R. Die angeborene Einkapselung des Diinndarmes; ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie des Zuckergussdarmes. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 319-22.—Goullioud, M. Anastomose ou large ex£tese dans h-- occlusions post-operatoires par adherences, en paquef, de l'intestin gtele. Lyon chir., 1932, 29: 693-701- Moiroud. P. Peritonite chronique adhesive et occlusion aigue du gtele; anastomose iieo-transverse; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1924, 50: 696.—Noble, T. B., jr. Plication of small intes- tine as prophylaxis against adhesions. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 35: 41-4.—Okinczyc. Peritonite chronique adhesive et occlusion aigue du grele; anastomose iieo-transverse; guerison. Paris chir., 1924, 16: 302.—Schnoebelen, P. C, & Meyer, H. M. Roentgen ray in acute intestinal obstruction; a study of obstruc- tion of the small intestine by bands and adhesions. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1936, 33: 174-9.—Soper, H. W., & Thompson, J. W. Roentgen evidence of adhesions of the small intestine. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass., 1930, 33: 59 66. Also Am. .1. Surg., 1930, n. ser., 10: 243-50.------Adhesions of the duodenum and jejunum. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 5: 217-20.—Steindl [Transhaesio intestini tenuis supragastrica] Wien. klin. Wschr., 1920, 33: 327. ---- Angioma. SofiE, M. A. Contribution k I'etude des angiomes de l'intestin grele. 80p. 8? Par., 1926. Carbonell Salazar, A. Dos casos de angiomas del intestino delgado. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1939, 11: 237-44.—Charton & Limousin. Occlusion intestinale chez un cheval par invagina- tion de l'intestin gtele consecutive k une tumeur angiomateuse. Rev. vet. mil., Par., 1926, 10: 197-9.—Kamniker, K. Beitrag zu den retroperitonealen Lymphangiomen des Dunndarms. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 464-7.—Klein, F. Ueber ein kavernoses Hamangiom des Dunndarms. Zbl. allg. Path., 1935-36, 64: 292-5. ------ [Case of solitary hemangioma of the small intestine] Cas. 16k. cesk., 1936, 75: 275.- Kuhle, J. Ein solitares Hamangiom des Dunndarms; gleichzeitig eine Be- trachtung iiber die Entstehung der Hamangiome. Virchows Arch., 1932-33, 287: 527-37.—Pliveric, V. Cystisches Lymph- angiom des Diinndarmes. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1938, 250: 736-41. ---- Bacteriology. Gutscher, H. H. *Ueber die experimentelle Coli-Aszendenz im Dunndarm des Meerschwein- chens [Zurich] 12p. 8? Jena, 1932. Radel, F. W. *Sind in der Diinndarm- schleimhaut Bakterienwachstum hemmende Stoffe nachweisbar? [Gottingen] 15p. 8? [Lpz.] 1925. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1925-26, 48: 658-70. Sporri, R. *Untersuchungen iiber die Wir- kung anaerober und aerober Bacterien auf den uberlebenden Kaninchen-Diinndarm [Zurich] 80p. 8? Luzern, 1934. Werner, W. *Selbstversuche iiber die Ansie- delung von Keimen im Dunndarm. 20p. 8? Wiirzb., 1927. Arnold, L. Influence of food upon the bacterial flora of the small intestine.' Am. J. Pub. Health, 1927, 17: 918-21. ------ Ueber keimhemmende Krafte im Dunndarm. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 607-9. ------ Autoregulation of the bacterial flora of the small intestine. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1930, 8: 67.— Cirrincione, F. A., & Francona, A. Influence of vascular im- pairment on absorption of bacteria into blood from upper intestinal tract. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931-32, 29: 400.—Dimtza, A. Keimarmut im Diinndarm und Bakterio- phage (experimentelle Untersuchungen an Kaninchen und an Meerschweinchen) Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 1185-7. ---- Blood supply. See also Mesentery. Lang, F. *Die Arterien des Diinndarmes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Vasa recta. 50p. 8? Ziir., 1927. Beaton, L. E., & Anson, B. J. The arterial supply of the small intestine. Q. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1942, 16: 114 22.—Charrin & Monier-Vinard. Influence des liga- tures mesenteriques sur l'intestin grele et le developpement de l'organisme. C. rend. Soc biol., 1907, 62: 229-31.- Dieulafe, R. Contribution k I'etude de l'irrigation de rintestin grele; consequences de la ligature experimentale des vaisseaux mesen- teriques. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1936-37, 21: 97-108.—Lazarus, J. A. Mesenteric vascular occlusion; report of a case of com- plete occlusion of superior mesenteric artery with involvement of entire small intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 33: 129-34.— Noer. R. J. Circulation of the small intestine; a comparison of man with laboratory animals. Ann. Surg., 1941, 114: 156. ---& Manning, J. E. A comparative study of the small intestinal circulation. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1941) 1942, 51: 272-91.—Wolf-Heidegger, G. Der intramurale Verlauf der Diinndarmgefasse; ein Beitrag zur funktionellen Struktur tier Darmwand. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1941-42, 66: 249-87. ---- Calculus. See also Biliary calculus. Barth, H. Ueber die Bildung echter Diinndarmsteine. Virchows Arch., 1928, 267: 716-25—Blix, G. A contribution to the chemistry of the primary calculi of the small intestine. Acta chir. scand., 1935, 76: 25-34.—Downing, W. Obstruction and perforation of small intestine due to a coprolith. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 86: 550.—Eberman, A. A. [Obstruction of the small intestines by gall stones] Vest, khir., 1926, 5: pt 13, 108-12.—Edwards, G. H. Enteroliths of the small intestine. J. Florida M. Ass., 1930-31, 17: 463-6— Eiber, S. M. [Obtura- tion of the small intestine caused by biliary calculus] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 11, 26.—Hathcock, A. L. Report of a case of acute obstruction of the small intestine due to an enterolith. Med. Rec, Houston, 1926, 20: 276.—Ho Dae Di. Occlusion de 1'intesrin gtele par un calcul non biliaire de nature oxalo- phosphatique; enterolithe. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61 : 832-5.—McWhorter, G. L. Acute obstruction of the small intestine due to gallstone; recovery following operation. Arch. Surg., 1929, 19: 915-21.—Morris, R. J. Fa>cal enterolith of the small intestine. Lancet, Lond., 1925, 2: 751.—Scully, F. J., & Stell, J. S. Obstruction of the small intestine by enterolith: recovery following removal. South. M. J., 1937, 30: 93. ---- Cancer. Chaurand, A. *Le cancer secondaire de l'intestin grele k r^trecissements multiples. 41p. 8? Lyon, 1935. Heer, F. *Zwei Falle von malignen kleinen Dtinndarmcarcinomen. 15p. 8? Ziir., 1925. Ackman, F. D. Carcinoma of the small intestine. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 32: 634-9.—Appelmans, R., & Picard, E. Le cancer tie l'intestine gtele. Rev. beige sc. med., 1931, 3: 769-76. Also Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1931, 168-76.—Baldwin, J. F. Four synchronous cancers of the small intestine; a case report. N. England J. AL, 1934, 210: 259.—Bargen, J. A. Carcinoma of the small bowel. Med. Clin. N. America, 1928-29, 12: 1573-5.—Bloom, A. R. Lesions of the small bowel. Am. J. Cancer, 1933, 18: 296-317.—Bogri, S. M. [Cases of cancer of the small intestine] Nov. khir. arkh., 1940, 46: 365-7.— Boudet & Rimbaud, P. Lymphocytome malin de l'intestin grele. Arch. Soc. sc. med. biol. Montpellier, 1928,9: 68-73.— Bowers, J. M., & Mullen, B. P. Carcinoma of the small bowel, with case reports. Northwest M., 1936, 35: 380-5.— Brun. Quelques reflexions sur les tumeurs malignes primitive de l'intestin grele d'apres quatre observations tecentes. Tunis. med., 1930, 24: 173-7.—Cameron, A. L. Primary malignancy of the jejunum and ileum. Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1937, 47: 50-89 [Discussion] 90-106.—Carro, S. Cdncer del intestino delgado. Progr. clin., Madr., 1932, 40: 7-9.—Casini, A. Su di un caso di carcinoma del tenue diffuso alia parete addominale. Policlinico, 1938, 45: sez. chir., 221-33.—Chamberlin, D. T. Malignant tumors of the small intestine. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1938, 18: 705-21.—Choy, P. D. Carcinoma of small intestine. J. Severance Union M. Coll., 1935, 3: 1-30.— Conklin, S. D., & Sornberger, C. F. Primary carcinoma of the small intestine; review and case report. Guthrie Clin. Bull., 1940-41, 10: 159-63.—Crousse, R. Des tumeurs malignes primitives de rintestin grele. Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1934, 35: 117-30—Delageniere, Y., & Beauchef, P. Tumeur primitive de rintestin gtele. Bull. Ass. fr. cancer, 1928, 17: 453-7— Doub, H. P., & Jones, H. C. Primary malignant tumors of the small intestines. Radiologv, 1936, 26: 209-20.—Evoian, S. G. [Problem of primary cancer of the small intestine] J. teor. prakt. med., 1923, 1: 39; 203.— Fredet, P. Epithelioma stenosant de l'intestin gtele; resec- tion du segment intestinal; guerison verifiee au bout de sept ans; mode d'eiimination des sutures. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1928, 54: 920-3.—Freund, E., & Kaminer, G. Ueber den Befund spezifischer Darm-Flora bei bosartigen Tumoren; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1930, 43: 993 — Geisthovel, W. Der Krebs des freien Dunndarmabschnitts. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1940-41, 171: 161-7."). Fiardina, S. G. Peritelioma dell'intestino tenue incarcerate in un sacco derma inguinale (osservazioni cliniche ed anatomopatologichej Riforma med., 1927, 43: 437-40.—Gilman, P. K. Malignant disease of the small intestine; delayed anastomosis following resection in chronic obstruction. West. J. Surg., 1938, 46: 269-75.—Goebel. Adenocarcinoma jejuni. Zbl. Chir., 1935, INTESTINE, SMALL 479 INTESTINE, SMALL 62- 2915 —Goldberg, S. A. Garcinoma of the small intestines. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1933, 30: 828-31.—Gotten, H. B. Malig- nant tumors of the small intestine (a report of 8 cases) Mem- phis Med. J., 1931, 8: 37-40.—Hatcher, A. R., & Voldeng, K E Carcinoma of the small intestine as a hidden cause of anemia. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 507-12.—Hejduk, B. Zwei interessante Falle von akutem Darmverschluss bei Karzinom des Diinndarmes. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 295-301.— Hohenner, K. Beitrag zur Friihdiagnose des Dunndarmkar- zinoms. Rontgenpraxis, 1934, 6: 677-9.—Horsley, J. S. Carcinoma of the jejunum and of the ileum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 2119-23.—Hull. H. C. Primary carcinoma of the small intestine; report of two cases. Bull. School M. Univ. Maryland, 1935-36, 20: 114-9.—Knirsch, E. Ueber einen Fall von Diinndarmkarzinom mit chronischer Invagination. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 1313. ------ Fall von primarem Diinndarmkarzinom mit chronischer Invagination. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 874-80.—Lengemann, W. Klinisches Bild der Aleukie durch Knochenmarksmetastasen bei Dunndarm- carcinom. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1933-34, 126: 161-5.—Lingley, J R. Non-obstructing malignant tumors of the small bowel; a'report of 5 cases. Am. J. Roentg., 1936, 36: 902-9.—Lund- berg, H. Tunntarmscancer. Nord. med., 1941, 9: 618.— McCann, J. C. Secondary anemia associated with malignancy of the small intestine; report of a case. Proc Mayo Clin., 1929 4- 172—Manzini, C. L'adenocarcinoma del digiuno- ileo.' Arch, pat., Bologna, 1936-37, 16: 349-79.—Mayo, C. W. Malignancy of the small intestine. West. J. Surg., 1940, 48: 403-7.—Medinger, F. G. Malignant tumors of the small intestine- a study of their incidence and diagnostic character- istics. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1939, 69: 299-305.—Millar, G. Case of carcinoma of the small intestine. Tr. R. Med. Chir. Soc. Glasgow, 1928-29, 23: 110-3. Also Glasgow M. J., 1929, 111: 279-82.—Neuman. Un cas de cancer du gtele. J. chir., Brux 1928, 27: 186-8.—Neuman, M. Un cas de cancer du grele.' Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1932, 22: 914.—Nicker- son D A., & Williams, R. H. Malignant tumors of the small intestine. Am. J. Path., 1937, 13: 53-64.—Noothoven van Goor, J. M. Cancer de 1'intestin gtele. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par , 1938, 28: 820-9.—North, J. P. Malignant tumors of the small intestine. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1931, 11: 1485-91 — Possati, A. Aspetti iconografici per la diagnosi radiologica differenziale fra carcinoma e linfosarcoma del tenue (quattro casi di carcinoma, due di linfosarcoma del tenue) Riv. radiol., 1930, 2, suppl. 2: 125.—Pow, D. L. Intestinal obstruction caused by ring carcinoma of small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1935, !. 995 —Pybus, F. C. Carcinoma of the small intestine. In Durham Mus. Cat., 1928, 240—Rankin, F. W., & Mayo, C. 2d. Carcinoma of the small bowel. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 50: 939-47.—Rowe, E. W., & Neely, J. M. Primary malignancy of the small intestine. Radiology, 1937, 28: 32o-38.— Schlachetzki, H. Zum Krankheitsbild des Dunndarmkrebses. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931, 154: 156-8.—Schmitt, K. Ueber klinische und rontgenologische Schwiengkeiten bei der Erken- nung von hochsitzenden Diinndarmkarzinomen. Munch. med Wschr., 1941, 88: 556-9.—Schultz, W. Ein Dunndarm- carcinom von hoher Gewebsreife. Virchows Arch., 1937, 300: 456-65—Soper, H. W. Carcinoma and other lesions of the small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929,.92: 286-91-Sowles H. K. Carcinoma of the small intestine. Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1933, 16: 46-58. Also N. England J. M., 1934 210- 942-6 —Stewart, H. L., & Lorenz, E. Histogenesis of experimental adenocarcinoma of the small intestine in mice. Am J Path 1941, 17: 623.—Sussi, L. Contributo alia cono- scenza e alia cura chirurgica del carcinoma dell'intestino tenue. Policlinico, 1932, 39: sez. chir., 405-12.—Swenson, P. C. X-ray diagnosis of the primary malignant tumors of the small intestine. Rev. Gastroenter., 1943, 10: 77-91 -Tomassm. I. Considerazioni cliniche sui carcinoma del tenue. ^"".lpa, Bologna, 1935, 1: 780-8.-Westfall, G. A Carcinoma of the small intestine. In Cancer (Kansas M. Soc.) 1940 16-8. Also J. Kansas M. Soc, 1940, 41: 205-7.-Wheeler W I. de C. Carcinoma of the small intestine. Brit J. ISurg., 1937-38, 25. 753-6.-Williams, O. H., Williams, W R., & Mole, R- H. Two cases of carcinoma of the small intestine Ibid 1931, 19. 149-52.—Windholz. F. Zur Kenntnis der kleinen Karzinome des Dunndarms. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1927,. 3=>: 422-7- Withers R J W. <'aicinotna of the small intestine witti- Sport of a case. Ulster M. .L, 1938, 7: 250-4 4 pl.-WiUkow- sky, C, & Metzger. Beitrag zur Stenose im oberen punndarm- abschnitt. Rontgenpraxis, 1930 2: 1042-5.-Wood R H.. & Pena, S. S. Tumors of the small intestine; report of a case ot adenocarcinoma. Virginia M. Month., 1927-38, 54: 292-8. ---- Carcinoid. Gierlich, J. *Ueber die Dunndarmcarcinoide und ihre Neigung zur Metastasenbildung. 52p. 8? Bonn, 1933. ±tt Satjerlander, H. *Ueber die sogenannten Karcinoide des Dunndarms und der Appendix. 32p. 8? Bonn, 1935. iniuiner V Un cas atypique de tumeurs argentaffines Drimtrives multiples de l'intestin gtele. Lyon chir., 1937 34: K -irie I M. Argentaffin, carcinoid, tumors of the 11 • ,. +:„o' ronort of eleven cases and review of the litera- small intestine reporto^eie^^^ ^ 23_52 _Bretschger> E Klinik und Prognose der Appendix- und Dunndarmcarcinoide. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1937, 249: 297-310.—Carr, J. L. Argen- taffine tumors of the small bowel with report of 2 which caused intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 13: 56-9.— Cooke, H. H. Carcinoid tumors of the small intestine. Arch. Surg., 1931, 22: 568-97.—Dahl, B. [Carcinoids of small intestine and appendix] Norsk mag. kegevid., 1929, 90: 233-48.— Decker, P. Un cas de carcinoide multiple de l'intestin grele et du peritoine. Rev. nted. Suisse rom., 1926, 46: 292-7.— Ewell, G. H., & Jackson, R. H. [Carcinoid tumors of the small intestine; with case report (multiple benign embryonal car- cinoid tumors) Wisconsin M. J., 1931, 30: 737-40.—Gierlich, J. Ueber die Dunndarmcarcinoide. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1935, 48: 202-8.—Heine, J. Karzinoid des Dunndarms als Ursache eines Darmverschlusses. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 205: 126-9.—Hughuier, A. Nsevi-6pith61iome k cellules argentaffines de l'intestin gtele. Paris chir., 1927, 19: 38.— Humphreys, E. M. Carcinoid tumors of the small intestine: a report of 3 cases with metastases. Am. J. Cancer, 1934, 22: 765-75.—Knauer, B. Ueber einen Fall von malignem psam- mosem Darmcarcinoid. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1935-36, 49: 102-7.—Kross, I. Carcinoid tumors of the small intestine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939, 6: 725-7.—McGIannan, A., & McCleary, S. Carcinoid tumors of the small intestine; report of a case complicated by intussusception in an adult. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 89: 850-2.—Marangos, G. N. Zur Kenntnis der Dunndarmcarcinoide. Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 86: 48-64.—Miller, E.R..& Herrmann, W. W. Argentaffin tumors of the small bowel; a roentgen sign of malignant change. Radiology, 1942, 39: 214-20.—Pack, G. T., & Davis, A. H. Carcinoid tumors of the small intestines. Am. J. Surg., 1930, n. ser., 9: 472-7.—Richie, G. Argentaffin tumors of the small intestine; a report of 4 cases, 1 with metastases. Arch. Path., Chic, 1930, 10: 853-8.—Rodriguez Villegas, R., & Schena, A. T. Carcinoide mtiltiple de intestino delgado. Sem. m6d., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 1, 425-32.—Schlossberg, R. Carcinoide maligno del intestino delgado. Rev. med., B. Air., 1939, 1: 58-63.—Selberg. Ueber Dunndarmcarcinoide. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 1168.—Semsroth, K. The histogenic interpretation of certain carcinoids of the small intestines; a neoplasm-like malformation of the tissue of the pancreas. Arch. Path., Chic, 1928, 6: 575-84.—Wolfer, J. A. Carcinoid tumors of the intestines. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1926, 43: 443-9.—Zalevsky, I. N. [Carcinoid of the small intestine with metastases in surgical practice] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 8, 119-23. ---- Contents. Colowick, S. P., & Cori, C. F. Aminoethyl phosphoric ester in the small intestine of rabbits and pigs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 40: 586-8.—Robinson, C. S. The hydrogen ion concentration of the contents of the small intestine. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 108: 403-8. ------ Luckey, H., & Mills, H. Factofs affecting the hydrogen ion concentration of the contents of the small intestine. Ibid., 1943, 147: 175-81. ---- Cyst. Thumer, K. A. *Ueber Chyluscysten der Darmzotten. 32p. 8? Lpz., 1902. Chekan, S. T. [Primary cysts of the small intestinel Khi- rurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 8, 137.—Dockerty, M. B., Kennedy, R. L. J., & Waugh, J. M. Enterogenous cysts; with report of a case involving the terminal ileum. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1939, 14: 664-7 —Schena, A. T. Enteroquistoma del intestino delgado. Dia nied., B. Air., 1942, 14: 650-2.—Verner, J. [Mesenterial cystoma of the small intestine, simulating acute appendicitis in advanced pregnancy] Cas. lek. cesk., 1940, 79: 217-20. Disease. Weidner-Bohnenberger, R. *Untersuchun- gen iiber Spiegelbildungen im Dunndarm [Miin- chen] 16p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1937. Bloom, A. R. Lesions of the small bowel. Rep. Wayne Co. M. Soc, 1931-32, 2: 74-7.—Bonorino Udaondo, C, & Maissa, P. A. Consideraciones clinicas sobre la patologia del intestino delgado. Arch! argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1940-41, 16: 107- 62 Also Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: ptil, 702-26 — Carruthers, L. B. Jejuno-ileal insufficiency. J. Christ. M. Ass. India 1942 17: 209-13, ch.—Cheney, G. Diseases of the small intestine. In Treat. Gen. Med., 2. ed., Phila., 1941, 1: 793- gng—Chronic disorders of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1939 1: 1037-9.—Da Costa, M. B. Aspectos novos da pato- logia'e da clinica do jejuno e do ileon. Impr. med., Rio, 1942, 18" No 341 85-107.—Gaither, E. H. Diagnosis and treatment of lesions of'the small bowel. Med. Clin. N. America, 1939 23: 409-511__Hartman, H. H. Lesions of the small bowel other than Deptic ulcer. Collect, Papers Mayo Clin., 1934, 26: 125- 32 Also Med f lin. N. America, 1935, 19: 365-82.-Hunt, T. C Diesases of the small intestine. Practitioner, Lond., 1940 144- 241-7 —Jones, C, & Jones, C jr. Diseases of the small intestine. In Dis. Digest. System. (Portis S A.) Phila. 1941 71 i_on__Kiefer E. D. Clinical aspects of chronic disorders of ihe small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939 .113: 1546-52.- Krafft A Ueber Funktionsstorungen des Dunndarms, deren Ursachen'und Folgen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1937 84: 1488- nn__Kuhlmann, F. Ueber Diinndarmschmerzen. Med. Welt, 1936 10: 560.—Mackie, T. T., & Mills, M. A Changes m the small intestine associated with deficiency disease. Am. J. INTESTINE, SMALL 480 INTESTINE, SMALL Du.-t Ti> 1940, 7: 480--4.- Mahler. P., Nonnenbruch. W., & Weiser. J. Arbeiten iiber die Physiologic und Pathologie des Diirin In nis; Beitrage zur Physiologie, Pharmakologie und Pathologie der Diinndarmzotten beim Hund und beim Men- schen. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1932-33, 85: 71-81.- Neumark, I. O. [Diagnosis of initial staees of functional and inflammatory diseases of the small intestinc| Klin. med.. Moskva, 1941, 19: Xc 6, 74 H5.—Obstmayer. J., A- Molnar. K. Ueber die Ver- wendung von Intestmol bei 1 )ai tuci kiankimgen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 1952. SinelnikofL E. I.. & Jassinowsky, M. A. Ueber die Leukozytenemigration im isolierten Abschnitt des Dunndarms beim Hunde. Frankf. Zsehr. Path., 1927, 35: 151-63.—Small (The) intestine in nutritional disturbances. Ther. Notes, Detr., 1941, 48: 158.—Snell, A. M. Clinical phases of lesions of the small intestine. Proc Inst. M. Chicago, 1940-41, 13: 342.—Spriggs, E. Disorders of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: 1015-9, pl.------& Marxer, O. A. A clinical studv of the small intestine. Liverpool Med. Chir. J., 1937, 45: 159-85, 28 pl.—Tyler, A. F. Study of the small bowel with special reference to avitaminosis. Nebraska M. J., 1940, 25: 441-4.—Weel, P. B. von. Beitrage zur Histopatho- logic des Diinndarmes; zur Histopathologic des absteigenden Diinndarmschenkels vom Keiher (Ardea cinerea L.) Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1938, 28: 62-82. ---- Displacement. Billi, A. Le distopie intestinali da altcrata rotazione del- l'ansa di Toldt, Clin, chir., Milano, 1938, 41: 351-69.— Darbois & Sobel. Au sujet d'un cas de dextro-position du gtele et de sinistro-position colique. Bull. Soc. radiol. m6d. France, 1929, 17: 145.—Dillenseger. In cas de dextro-position du grele et de sinistro-position colique (avec duodenum enthlrement mobile) Ibid., 119-26.—Fouquet, G. A propos d'une inter- position d'anses greles entre le foie et le diaphragme dScouverte au cours dune scopie pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. obst. gvn. France, 1935, 23: 430.—Heeren, J. G. Zur rontgenologischen Diffe- rentialdiagnose der Diinndarmverlagerungen infolge raumbe- engender Prozesse im Abdomen. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1937, 56: 615-26.—Piergrossi, A. Sulla interposizione epato- diaframmatica di anse del tenue e sui rapporti di essa con altre affezioni; gastrectasia, pneumatosi cistica, etc. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1937, 13: 410-29. Distention. See also subheading Occlusion. Crowley, R. T. Reflex changes in respiration induced by distention of the small intestine. Arch. Sui^., 1942, 44: 707- 14.—Fine, J., Fuchs. F., .- Rosenfeld, L.. A Fine, J. The effect of breathing 95 percent oxygen upon the intraluminal pressure occasioned by gaseous distention of the obstructed small intestine. Ann. Surg., 1938, 108: 1012-21.—Schnedorf, J. G., & Orr, T. G. The effect of small intestinal distention upon bile and urine flow; its possible relationship to the hepa- torenal syndrome. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1941, 8: 303-6.— Zagarese, F. Le alterazioni delle cellule nervose dei plessi intraparietali deU'intestino nelle dilatazioni segmentarie del tenue provocate mediante lesioni del mesentere. Clin, chir., Milano, 1933, n. ser., 9: 54-79. ---- Diverticulum. Holz, \Y. *Beitragc zur Pathologie und Klinik der Duodenal- und Diinndarmdivertikel unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des letzten De- zenniums. 19p. 23cm. Berl., 1937. Abell, I. Diverticulosis and diverticulitis of the small intestine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1934-35,1: 193-6.—Adams-Ray, J. A unique case of subcutaneous abdominal injury with iutramesenterial rupture of diverticulum of the small intestine, and subsequent peritonitis. Acta chir. scand., 1938, 81: 398- 40. pl.—Baker, A. E. Diverticula of the small intestines. J. S. Carolina M. As>., 1939, 35: 250-2—Bodarwg, A. Ueber Diverlikelbildung im Dunndarm. Rontgenpraxis, 1937, 9: 403-5.—Boling, J. R. Multiple diverticula of small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 267.— Brandes, K. Ueber Diinn- darmdivertikel; nebst einem Beitrage zur Beobachtung eines hochsitzenden Diinndarmdivertikels bei einem Darmlipom. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 215: 390-402.—Bunch, G. H. The congenital factor in acquired diverticulosis of the jejunum and ileum. South. M. J., 1939, 32: 919-21.—Butler, R. W. Obser- vations upon multiple intramesenteric diverticula of the small intestine. Brit. J. Smg. 1933. 21: 329-46 -Chapman. J. Report of a case of diverticulosis. of the small intestine with a critical review of recent literature. Ann. Int. M., 1934, 7: 1376-90.—Dodson, R. M. 1 )i v< t ticulosis of the small intestine. West. J. Surg., 1941, 49: 143-6.—Duckett, J. W. Diverticula of the small intestine. Texas J. M., 1932, 28: 473-5.—Edwards. H. C. The clinical significance of diverticula of the small inte-tine. Clin. J., Lond., 1934, 63: 231-7. ------ Diver- ticulosis of the small intestine. Ann. Surg., 1936, 103: 230- 54.—Erkes, F. Schleimhautdivertikel des Dunndarms und ihre chirurgische Bedeutung. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928-29, 145: 602•-.">.—Gisbertz, H. Multiple Diinndarmdivertikel. Arch. klin. Chir.. 1931, 165: 314-21. Guthrie, D., & Hughes, F. A., jr. Diverticulosis of the small intestine: report of 3 cases. Surgery, 1037, 1: .595-609. -Harild, S. Grosses intramesen- lenale- Diinndarmdivertikel; I'lcus pepticum intestini; IVifoiarionsperitonitis. Acta chir. scand., 1937-38, 80: 181 97. llarttung. Diinndarmdivertikel mit eigonai I igen klini- schen lNrscheinungen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 113: 23 1 7. Hubeny, M. J., A- Pollack. S. Diverticulosis of the small intestine; report of a case with intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Roentg., 1938. 40: 689-94.—Jenkinson. E. L. Diverticula of the small bowel. Radiology, 1929, 12: 100-5.--Junghanns. Diinndarmdivertikel. Klin. Wschr.. 10 10, 19: 1071. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1232.- Lockwood. A. L. Diverticula of stomach and small intestine. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1032, 98: 901- 4.— Mellgren, J. Zur Pathologie und Genese der intramesen- terialen Diinndarmdivertikel. Virchows Arch., 1938, 302: 1577-99.—Normark, A. Klinische Manifestationen bei intra- mesenterialem Diinndarmdivertikel. Acta paediul.. Lpps., 1937-38. 20: 475-96.—Rankin, F. W., & Martin. W. ,L. jr. Diverticula of the small bowel. Ann. Surg.. 193 1, 100: 1123 35.—Regnier, E. Multiple Diinndarmdivca likel. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl.. 1928. 38: 1101-4.—Renk, W. Beitrag zur Divertikclbildung am Dunndarm des Schweines. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh.. 1941, 83: 476 (Abstr.)—Rider, J. R. Diverticula of the small intestine in the horse. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1930, 10: 707-11.—Rile. W. B. Diverticulitis of the small intestines. U. S. Veterans Bur. M. Bull., 1926, 2: 958- 61.- Verster. R. S. Diverticulosis of the small intestine. S. Afr. M. ,L, 1937, 11: 838-41. ---- Examination. Abbott, W. O., <\: Miller, T. G. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; a technic for the collection of pure intestinal secretion and for the studv of intestinal absorption. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 16-8.—Maddock, S. A new pro- cedure for introducing solutions directlv into the small intestine of experimental animals. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1034-35, 20:304- 7. Miller, T. G. Observations based on intubation of the human small intestine. Clin. Bull. Cleveland, 1939, 3: 36-40. ------Abbott, W. O., & Karr, W. G. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; miscellaneous observations. Tr. Am. Gastroenter. Ass., 1936. 39. meet.. 31 I. Also Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1936-37, 3: 647 .")().—Owles, W. II. Investigations of the functions of the small intestine in man b\ intestinal intubation. Clin. Sc, Lond., 1937, 3: 11-20. -Reis, van der. Die moderne Dunndarmforschung und ihre Bedeutung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1930, 56: 1691-3.—Vinogradov, V., Gelbird, J., & Hadjamirov, S. [Methods of examining small intestine with an intestinal sound] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 637-10.—Weltz. Die Technik der funktionellen Diinndarmuntersuchung. Fortsch. Rontgen- strahl., 1937, 56: Kongrh., 36 [Discussion] 42. ---- Excretion. See also subheading Secretion. Gavrilov, R. I. [Physiology and pathology of the excretory function of the small intestine; excretion of neutral-red in normal and catatihal state of the intestinal wall] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1941, 11: 334-7.------[Material on the physi- ology and pathology of the excretory function of the small intestine; exert tion of reduction substances by the intestinal wall] Ibid., 462-5.—Ohta, R. Klinische Untersuchungen iiber Resorption und Ausscheidung der Farbstoffe durch den Darmkanal; uber Resorption und Ausscheidung durch den Diinndarm. Jap. J. Gastroenter, 1935, 7: Biol. Suppl., 558- 63.—Schonheimer, R., & Hrdina, L. Ueber Exkretion und Riickresorption im Dunndarm; mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Sterine. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1932, 212: 161-72 — Tanaka, K. Untersuchungen iiber Resorption und Aus- scheidung der Farbstoffe durch den Darm; iiber die Aus- scheidung der Farbstoffe durch den Dunndarm. Jap. J. Gastroenter, 1935, 7: Biol. Suppl., 554-7. ---- Fibroma. Menage, E. L. L. Contribution a I'etude des fibro-myomes de l'intestin grele. 59p. 8? Bordeaux, 1916. Amorosi, O. Invaginazione ileo-cecale de fibroma dell'in- testino tenue. Clin, chir., Milano, 1933, n. ser., 9: 938-45.— Bischof, F. Ein Fall von Diinndarmnbrom als Ursache einer chronischen Invagination. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1657-9.— Brachetto-Brian, IL, mois et 12 mois sans cachectisation et gurries au bout de ce temps par des interventions appropriees. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 1247-50.—Soupault. Les fistules du grele. Ibid., 1251.—Straus, F. H. Prevention of skin digestion in high intestinal fistulas. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1935, 105: 1345.—Tenopyr, J., & Shafiroff, B. High intestinal fistula; a method of treat- ment. Ann. Surg., 1937, 105: 477-80.—Tuomikoski, V. Darmmotilitats-, Verdauungs- und Resorptionsuntersuchungen bei einer Patientin mit Diinndarmfistel. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Lpz., 1932, 64: 201.—Warshaw, D., & Hoffman, W. J. High intestinal fistula; report of case treated bv modification of Potter method. J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 94: 1050-2.—Williams. H. G., & Sweek, W. O. A practical procedure in treatment of fistulas of small intestines. Southwest. M., 1940, 24: 253-6.— Zavaleta, D. E. Tratamiento de las fistulas del intestino del- gado. Sem. nted., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 2, 1218-22.—Zollinger, R., Emery, E. S., jr, & Rutherford, R. B. A technique for high intestinal fistula; experimental method. Surgery, 1940, 7: 579-81. --- Foreign body and food bolus. Michalek [A.] T. *Die Einwanderung eines sub laparotomia zufallig zuriickgelassenen Skal- pells in den Dunndarm. 19p. 8? Lpz., 1925. Walther, F. [A. R.] *Dunndarmdurch- spiessung durch Fremdkorperverletzung [Halle- Wittenbergl 27p. 21cm. Bleicherode a. Harz, 1937. Black, J. M. Foreign body perforating the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1929, 2: 1198.—Desjacques & Bondet. Occlusion aigue de l'intestin grele par une figue. Concours med., 1940, 62: 540.—Griffith, F. W. Obstruction of the small intestine due to food products. Ann. Surg., 1936, 103: 769-72.— Kobayasi, K. Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Fremdkorpern im Dunndarm. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2002-6.—Male, N. P. Foreign body fibroma causing occlusion of the small intestine. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1934, 14: 213.—Melville, C. B. Perforation of the small intestine by swallowed foreign bodies. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1940-41, 10: 146-56.—Moreno, I. G. Volvulo agudo segmentario del intestino delgado por cuerpo extrafio alimenticio. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1937-38, 13: 282-93.—Polgar, F. Fremdkorpertumor des Dunndarms, zuriickgelassene Bauchkompresse. Rontgenpraxis, 1933, 5: 596-9.—Swab found in small intestine. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 1311. --- Gangrene. Bade, H. Ueber einen Fall von Totalgangran des Diinn" darms, der 24 Stunden vor dem Exitus rontgenologisch unter" sucht wurde. Rontgenpraxis, 1939, 11: 228.—Davies, I. G. The diagnosis of gangrene of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1927, 2: 16—Fromme, A. Ueber eine spontan entstandene Nekrose des Diinndarmes. Arch. klin. Chir., 1941, 201: 738-46—Rycroft, B. W. The diagnosis of gangrene of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 836—Summers, J. E. The treatment of annular gangrene of the small bowel by invagination versus resection. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1927, 44: 374-7. ---- Granuloma. Kini M G Granulomatous ulcers of small intestine causing annular stricture and intestinal obstruction. Ind. M. Gaz 1941 76: 662-4, pl.—Kovacs, E. [Inflammatory tumors of 320157—VOL. 8, 4th series----31 small intestines] Gy6gydszat, 1934, 74: 20-4.—Likely, D. S., & Lisa, J. R. Chronic granuloma of the small intestine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939-40, 6: 113-6.—Quensel, U. [Multiple plasma cell infiltration in small intestine, a peculiar mycotic (?) disease] Fin. lak. siill. hand., 1929, 71: 661-71.—Wilensky, A. O., & Moschcowitz, E. Nonspecific granuloma of the small intestine. Am. J. M. Sc, 1927, 173: 374-80, pl.—Williams, C. Inflammatory tumors of the small intestine; with case report. Virginia M. Month., 1934, 60: 728-33. Helminthosis. Chrapek, Z. [Obstruction of the small intestine due to ascarides] Polska gaz. lek., 1930, 9: 236.—Michele, G. Un caso di perforazione acuta nei tenue di cisti da echinococco addominale; contributo radiologico. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1932, 8: pt 2, 457.—Tisserand. Occlusion du gtele par un peloton d'ascaris. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 722.—Wigand, R. Ueber die Konkurrenz von Darmparasiten; Taenia serrata und Diphyllobothrium latum im Dunndarm des Hundes nach experimenteller Verfutterung von Diphyllobothrium-Plerozer- koiden zu einer bereits vorhandenen Taenia serrata. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1935-36, 135: 216-20. ---- Ileus. Behrendt, H., & Neumeyer, G. Diinndarmileus durch Endometriose. Beitr. path. Anat., 1936, 97: 597-601.— Boss, W. Ileus infolge Perforation einer Genitaltuberkulose in den Diinndarm. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 143: 238-44.— Bottin, J. Die Ursachen des Todes im Gefolge des hohen Darmverschlusses beim Versuchstier. Ibid., 1936, 185: 705- 19.—Brandes, K. Ueber die Veranderungen im Blut und Wasserhaushalt beim experimentellen Diinndarmileus des Hundes. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1933, 157: 364-400—Brummel- kamp, R., & Vonk, A. H. [A case of ileus of the small intestine] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 1630-6, pl.—Del Campo. J. C. Sobre un nuevo signo radiol6gico diferencial entre el ileus mec&nico y el ileus paralitico del intestino delgado. Arch. urug. med., 1939, 15: 517-23.—Elkin, J. [Case of strangulated ileus in a ring, formed by a cyst, enveloping the appendix and adhering to small intestine] Vrach. delo, 1927, 10: 1647.—Griep, K. Hypernephrommetastasen im Diinn- darm als Ursache eines Invaginationsileus. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 2656-9.—Hammelmann, A. Ileus durch Lvmphogranulo- matose des Dunndarms. Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 1278- 80.—Kriiger, H. Ueber Ileus durch Diinndarmphlegmone. Arch., klin. Chir., 1928, 153: 813-5.—Luchs, L. Kasuistischer Beitrag zum Ileus: Hineingleiten von Dunndarm in die nach Leistenbrucheinklemmung spontan perforierte Harnblase. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 229: 322-5.—Masaki, S. [The experimental study of ileus of the upper intestine in parabiosed animals] Tokyo igakkai zassi, 1941, 55: 275-304. 2 pl. [The patho-histological study of obstructive ileus of the upper intestine] Ibid., 312-24, 2 pl.—Meyer, A. W. Diinndarmfistel bei akutem Ileus. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 120.— Robbelen, A. Beitrag zum akuten mechanischen Diinn- darmileus. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1936-37, 248: 346-9—Wohlen- berg, W. Subileus einer Dtinndarmschlinge durch hochgradige Kotstauung im Colon descendens. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 1808. ---- Infarction and hemorrhage. Anten, A. [A.] *Blut- und Lymphbahnen in menschlichen hamorrhagisch infarzierten Diinn- darmschlingen [Miinchen] p.3-11. 8? Lpz., 1930. Albanese, A. R., & Mosto, D. Apoplejfa del intestino delgado. Prensa med. argent., 1939, 26: pt 1, 592-7.—Asselin, J. Infarctus total du gtele du groupe infarctus par choc d'intolerance. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 125-9 — David. A. Infarctus hemorragique de l'intestin gtele. J. sc med. Lille, 1921, 39: pt 1, 90-4.—Decastello, A. Angiomartige Teleangiektasien der Diinndarmschleimhaut. verbunden mit zvstischer Lymphgefasserweiterung, als Quelle letaler Darm- blutung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1282-4—Delinotte, Desmonts \et al.] Infarctus de l'intestin gtele par arteriolite chez un syphilitique. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1938, 15: 676.— Dufour, A. Infarctus du gtele gu6ri par medication antichoc Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 52: 38-44.—Esau. Der isolierte Dunndarminfarkt ohne Beteiligung des Mesenteriums. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., Berl., 1931, 230: 408-13.—Jonckheere, F. A propos d'un infarctus inexplique du grele. J. mM. Paris, 1935, 55: 846-8.—Lardennois, G. Grave infarctus de l'intestin gtele control^ par laparotomie; traitement par adrenaline et thio- sulfate magnfisien. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 1022.— Levine, V. Hemorrhagic infarction of the small intestine. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 294—Montant, R. Infarctus de l'intestin gtele sans obliteration vasculaire. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1938, 58: 428-36.—Petacci, M. Infarto ed ulcerazione di un'ansa del tenue da arteriosclerosi distrettuale: perforazione e peritonite. Policlinico, 1939, 46: sez. chir., 144- 52.—Poinot. Infarctus du gtele d'origine anaphylactique; intervention; adrenaline; guerison. J. med. Bordeaux, 1939, 116: pt 1, 530-4.—Popescu, A., & Aldea, S. Conside- rations sur un infarctus de tout rintestin gtele; operation precoce; guerison. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1940, 43: 396-400.— Schwartz, A. Un cas d'infarctus du grele post-operatoire. INTESTINE, SMALL 482 INTESTINE, SMALL Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1936, 62: 1239-45; 1253.—Yersin & Ruffy. Infarcissement veineux du gtele par torsion du mesen- tere. Rev. chir., 1937, 56: 70-2. ---- Infection and inflammation. See also Enteritis. Bogendorfer, L. Zur Frage der Desinfektion des Dunndarms Munch, med. Wschr., 1925, 72: 1511-3--Gatch. W. I). In- fections and tumors of the small intestine. In Textb. Surg. iChristopher, F.) 3. ed., Phila., 1942, 1165-70. Khaitsis, G. M. [Phlegmon of the small intestine] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 732-6.—Porges, O. Ueber Diinndarmkatarrh ohne Dick- darmkatarrh. In Bain. & Balneother. Karlsbad (1935) 1936, 15: 124-33.—Schwahn, F. Resorptionsversuche am normalen und entziindlich veranderten Meerschweinchendunndarm mit Traubenzuckerlosungen. Mschr. Kinderh., 1936, 66: 380-90.— Todd, W. R., Montague, J. R. [et al.] Digestion and absorption in a case of regional enteritis with 3 feet of small intestine. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., 1939, 9: p. ciii. ---- Injury. Homar, J. *Contusions et ruptures de l'intestin grele au cours des traumatismes fermes de 1'abdomen. 143p. 24,,cm. Alger, 1934. Birkenfeld, W. Selbsterzeugte Dunndarmfistel. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 1875-8.—Bogorad, S. V. [Case of resection of 125 cm. of the small intestine in multiple injurv in a child] Sovet. vrach. J., 1938, 42: 631.—Gelma, E., & Kuhlmann. Plaies multiples de l'intestin gtele par une balle de revolver ayant traverse de part en part le scrotum sans atteindre la paroi abdominale. Ann. med. leg., 1926, 6: 479-81.—Mankin, N. [Multiple injuries of the small intestine] Sovet. khir., 1934, 6: 710-3.— Sauvaget. Onze perforations de l'intestin grele par balle de revolver sututees k la 14Saieheure; guerison sans complications. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1929, 23: 177.—Smith, B. C. Trauma of the small intestine. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1941, 21: 409-16.—Stevenson, W. T. Gunshot wounds of small intes- tine. In his Rep. Surg. Cases S. Afr. War, Lond., 1905, 81-7.— Vergoz, Homar <& Ricard. Des zones vuln6rables du gtele dans les traumatismes fermes de 1'abdomen. Presse med., 1935, 43: 981. ---- Intubation. See also subheadings (Examination; Occlusion) Abbott, W. O. Small intestinal intubation. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1940, Serv. Vol., 175-81. ■----- Hartline, H. K. [et al.] Intubation studies of the human small intestine; a method for measuring intra-luminal pressures and its application to the digestive tract. J. Clin. Invest., 1943, 22: 225-34.—Boon, T. H. Small intestinal intubation with the Miller-Abbott tube. Newcastle M. J., 1939, 19: 115-21, pl.—Henderson, G. W. Miller-Abbott double lumen tube for small intestinal intubation. Rocky -Mountain M. J., 1942, 39: 341-3.—Intubation of the small intestine as a clinical pro- cedure. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 1: 91)7.- -L lein, S. H. Peroral intubation and drainage of the small intestine; technique and indications. Surgery, 1938, 4: 827-36.—Miller, T. G.u & Abbott, W. O. Small intestinal intubation: experiences with a double-lumened tube. Ann. Int. M., 1934, 8: 85-92.—Owles, W. H. Investigations of the functions of the small intestine in man by intestinal intubation; the technique of intestinal in- tubation in man. Clin. Sc, Lond., 1937, 3: 1-7, pl. ---- Intussusception. Rostock, F. K. *Die reine Dunndarmin- vagination [Jena] 60p. 8? Berl., 1928. Adam, L. Rezidivierende Diinndarminvagination. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 263-72.—Anderson, J. C. A case of double intussusception of the small gut. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1940, 74: 266-8.—Azzolini, O. Invaginazione del tenue da pancreas accessorio. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1935, 45: 553-8.— Delrez, L. Invagination de l'intestin grele. Liege med., 1931, 24: 1-8.—Epstein, H. B. Ileocecal and jejunocecal intussuscep- tion in an infant; a case report. Am. J. Surg., 1927, n. ser., 3: 262.—Forni, G. Ricerche sperimentali sull inversione parziale e subtotale dell'intestino tenue del cane. Policlinico, 1927, 34: sez. chir., 275-9.—Froste, N. [Chronic invagination of a tumor of the small intestine, simulating an ulcer] Sven. lak. tidn., 1936, 33: 2-6.—Good, C. A. Chronic intussusception of the small intestine; three cases in which diagnosis was estab- lished by roentgenologic methods. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1941, 16: 324-8.—Kozlov, I. I). [Case of multiple, and complicated invagination of the small intestine] Nov. khir. arkh., 1938, 40: 352.— Laurell, H. Beitrag zur Rontgendiagnose der Diinn- darminvagination nebst einigen Worten iiber die Ursachen von Invaginationen tiberhaupti Acta radiol., Stockh., 1932, 13: 362, pl.—Lenarduzzi, G. Su alcune invaginazioni del tubo digerente; sull'invaginazione del tenue. Nuntius radiol., Siena, 1939, 7: 183-93, 2 pl.—Loutsch, H. Invagination aigue iieo-Ueale opetee le Sme jour chez un enfant de 9 ans; teaection; anus sur le gtele; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 928-34.—Marcout. Coliques compliquees de vomissement; invagination de l'intestin grele sur un cheval. J. med. vet., Lyon, 1854, 10:' 489-93.—Mesnager. Invagination aigue, retrograde, du gtele chez l'adulte. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1929, 21: 788-96.- Michon & Cadenat. Invagination de rintestin gtele. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1927, 53: 131.- Muller, L. Ueber einen Fall von seitlicher Duodenalinvagination durch Duodenalpolypen mit gleichzeitigen iso- und antiperistaltischen Invaginationen des Dunndarms. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929, 156: 493-8.-—Petrowitch, M., & Davidowitch, S. Sur 4 cas d'in- vagination d'intestin gtele. Bull. Soc. nat. chir.. Par., 1932, 58: 1276-83.—Shearer, J. I'.. & Pickford, E. M. Intussuscep- tion of the small intestine into stomach through a gastro- enterostomy stoma. Ann. Surg., 1928, 87: 571 7.—Wardill, W. E. M. Double intussusception of the small intestine. In Durham Mus. Cat., 1928, 252— White, F. W., & Jankelson, I. R. Late intussusception of the bowel into the stomach after gastroenterostomy. N.England J. M., 1928,199: 1189 93, pl- Woodward, S. De M. Intussusception of the small bowed Vet. J., Lond., 1928, 84: 461. Zerboni, E. R. La invagination de las ansas delgadas a traves de la neo boca. Arch. urug. med., 1939. 14: 615-29. ---- Lipoma. Gabbianelli, L. Su due casi di lipoma dell'intestino tenue. Policlinico, 1940, 47: sez. chir., 181-8.—Knop, F. Fibrolipom des Darmes. Rontgenpraxis, 1933, 5: 519.—Rapant, V. [Submucous lipoma causing invagination and volvulus of the small intestine] Cas. 16k. eesk., 1927, 66: 842-4.—Wilmoth, C. L. Intraluminal lipoma of small intestine producing in- tussusception; report of a case. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 31: 567-9. ---- Lymphosarcoma [incl. lymphoblastoma] Guhr, A. *Das Lymphosarkom des Diinn- darmes (anhand eines einschlagigen Falles) [Breslau] 47p. 8? Oldenburg, 1934. Ainsley, A. C. Lymphosarcoma of the small intestine. In Durham Mus. Cat,, 1928, 241.—Banadies, A. Contributo alio studio del linfo-sarcoma dell'intestino simulante una tuber- colosi peritoneale. Gior. med. prat., 1930, 12: 353-61.— Benjamin, E. L., & Christopher, F. Primary lymphosarcoma of the small intestine; report of a case. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1940, 10: 408-13— Borden, D. L., & Taylor, F. D. Primary lympho- sarcoma of the small intestine, case report. Mil. Surgeon, 1943, 92: 255-7.—Cappechi. E. Linfosarcoma primitive dell'in- testino tenue ed ascit.e chiliforme. Ann. ital. chir., 1933, 12: 489-518.—Charleux, G., & Cuny, J. Invagination intestinale chronique par lymphosarcome du grele chez un enfant de 3 ans. Bull. Soc. pediat. Paris, 1934, 32: 428-34.—Crawford, F. B. Lymphosarcoma of the small intestine. Med. J. Aus- tralia, 1926, 1: 553.—Cuny, J. Invagination chronique sur un lymphosarcome du grele chez un enfant de 3 ans; tesection en 2 temps; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 439- 42.—Dagarini, G., & Zampa, G. Sopra alcuni casi di linfo- sarcoma deU'intestino tenue. Riv. radiol., 1931, 5: 99-141.— Grilli, A. Forme rare del linfosarcoma primitivo del tenue. Ann. radiol., Bologna, 1936, 10: 58-68.—Hayden, E. P., Schatzki, R., & Mallory, T. B. Lymphosarcoma, multiple, of jejunum and ileum. N. England J. M., 1942, 226: 959.— Khalfen, feh.S. [Lymphosarcoma of the small intestine] Klin. med., Moskva, 1937, 15: 619.—Kirshbaum, J. D. Lympho- sarcomatosis of the small intestine. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 1095-8.—Lehmkuhl, H. Ein Fall von gleichmassigem diffusem Lymphosarkom des Dunndarms. Virchows Arch., 1927, 264: 39-44.—Little, J. L. Lympho- blastomata in small intestine of child. China M. J., 1934, 48: 148-52, pl.—Matronola, M. Contributo clinico-radiologico alio studio del linfosarcoma primitivo del tenue. Umbria med., 1939, 19: 3587; 3600.—Nee, L. Lymphoblastome de l'intestin grele. Normandie med., 1939, 50: 44-9.—Nielsen, J. Et tilfaelde af lymfosarcom i tyndtarmen. Nord. med., 1941, 11: 2524 (Abstr.)—Valdes, U. Linfosarcoma del intestino delgado. An. Sanat. Valde?, 1927, 3: 141-9.—Vasconcellos, E., & Finocchiaro, J. Linfosarcoma do intestino delgado; caso em crianca de 2 anos com metastases nos ovarios. Arm. paul. med. cir., 1938, 36: 459-76. ---- Melanoma. Gordon, W. C. Primary melanoma of the small intestine; with report of a case. Rev. Gastroenter., 1941, 8: 36-44.— Peritz, E. Scheinbar primares Melanom des Dunndarms. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 139: 242-4. ---- Morphology. Albano, G. Anatomie und Physiologie des Darmes in der Graviditat. Zbl. Gyn., 1933, 57: 1698.—Braun, B. Ueber den Bau der Submukosa des Diinndarmes. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch.- 1931, 25: 44-9.—Carlens, O. Studien uber daa lymphatische Gewebe des Darmkanals bei einigen Haustieren mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung dfer embryonalen Entwicklung der Mengenverhaltnisse und der Altereirrvolution dieses Gewebes im Dunndarm des Rindes. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1928, 86: 393-493. Hermanowna, S. Appareil de Golgi, vacuome et chondriome dans les cellules epitheiiales de l'intes- tin gtele chez Triton cristatus Laur. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 800.—Martin, C. P., & Banks, J. The amount of mucosal tissue in the small intestine. J. Anat., Lond., 1940-41, 75: 135.—Monks, G. H. Studies in the surgical anatomy of the small intestine and its mesentery. Ann. Surg., 1905, 52: 543-69, 20 pl. ------ Intestinal localization; a review of INTESTINE, SMALL 483 INTESTINE, SMALL certain studies (on the cadaver) in the surgical anatomy of the small intestine and its mesenterv. Surg. Gyn Obst 1929, 49: 213-9.—Morse, R. W., & Nashlund, A. W. The general pattern and location of the small intestinal coils. Surgery, 1937, 1: 886-95.—Ottaviani, G. Ricerche comparative sulle linfoglandule dell'intestino tenue. Monit. zool ital (1930) 1931, 41: Suppl., 260.—Partipilo, A. V. Surgery of the small intestine; anatomv. In his Surg. Techn. 3 ed Chic, 1938, 293-9.—Pernkopf, E., & Lehner, J. Vergleichende Beschreibung des Vorderdarmes bei den einzelnen Klassen der Kranioten. In Handb. vergl. Anat. (Bolk, L., et al) Berl 1937, 3: 349-562.—Vogt, W. Eine Tania fibrosa als Liingsver- spannung am menschlichen Dunndarm. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1936, 43: 274-82.—Warren, R. Serosal and mucosal dimen- sions at different levels of the dog's small intestine. Anat Rec, 1939, 75: 427-37.—Wolf-Heidegger, G. Anatomische Untersuchungen am Dunndarm. Munch, med. Wschr 1941 88: 235 (Abstr.) ---- Movement and musculature. See also subheading Pharmacology. Schmidt, H. *Ueber das Vorkommen von Antiperistaltik am Dunndarm. 23p. 8? Wiirzb 1930. Babsky, E. Beitrage zum Studium der motorischen Tatig- keit der Diinndarme; iiber den Einfluss der durch die Diinn- dafmschleimhaut gebildeten Stoffe auf die motorische Darm- tatigkeit. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1928-29, 221: 419-30. ------& Eidinowa, M. Ueber den Einfluss des Darmdriisensaftes auf die motorische Funktion des Diinndarms. Ibid., 1929, 222 :v 649-55. ------ Ueber den Cholineinfluss auf die motorische Funktion des Dunndarms. Ibid., 656-61.—Barden, R. P., Thompson, W. D. [et al.] The influence of the serum protein on the motility of the small intestine. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 66: 819-21.—Baur, M. Die physiologische Koordination der Bewegungen von Langs- und Ringmuskulatur wahrend der Peristaltik und ihre Aenderung durch darmwirksame Pharmaka Barium und PUokarpin. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 112: 205-20. ------ Die physiologische Koordination der Bewe- gungen von Langs- und Ringmuskulatur wahrend der Peristal- tik und ihre Aenderung durch darmwirksame Pharmaka; Erklarung fur die Storung der zeitlichen Koordinationsver- haltnisse durch Koloquinten. Ibid., 221-4.------Die Peristaltik des Meerschweinchendiinndarms im Filmversuch. Ibid., 1928, 128: Suppl., 119. ------ Die physiologische Koordination der Bewegungen von Langs- und Ringmuskula- tur wahrend der Peristaltik und ihre Aenderung durch Physo- stigmin. Ibid., 131: 233-54. ------ Die Peristaltik des isolierten Meerschweinchendiinndarms im Filmversuch. Ibid., 1928, 133: 69-83.—Berardi, A. Sulla motility deU'intestino tenue di eani giovani ed adulti. Riv. biol., 1931, 13: 57-72.— Castleton, K. B. An experimental study of the movements of the small intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1934, 107: 641-6.— Catel, W. Ueber den Einfluss verschiedener Ernahrungsweise auf Motilitat und Reizbarkeit des Dunndarms von Ratten, mit Beriicksichtigung der chemischen Darmanalyse und anatomischer Besonderheiten. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1927, 3. F., 66: 177-230. ------ Ueber den Einfluss von Vitamin C auf Motilitat und Reizbarkeit des Dunndarms (Tierversuche) mit einer Bemerkung iiber die refraktare Phase am Darm. Ibid., 1927-28, 3. F., 68: 363-80.—Douglas, D. M., & Mann, F. C. An experimental study of the rhythmic contractions in the small intestine of the dog. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939-40, 6: 318-22.—Eura, S. Ueber die spontanen Bewegungen des Dunndarms. Jap. J. M. Sc. 1927-28, 1: Tr. Biophys., 53-65 — Franklin, K. J., & Maher-Loughnan, G. P. The circular musculature of the small intestine. J. Physiol., Lond., 1938, 94: 426-9.—Gallavresi, L. Studio radiologico delle modifica- zioni topografiche e morfologiche del tenue nei passaggio dalla stazione eretta al decubito supino. Radiol, med., Milano, 1932, 19: 836.—Hasama, B. Ueber die elektrischen Beleiter- scheinungen der Diinndarmbewegungen. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1933-34, 174: 182-96.—Hines, L. E., & Mead, H. C. A. Peristalsis in a loop of small intestine; a direct study. Arch. Int. M., 1926, 38: 536-43.—Hukuhara, T. Die normale Diinndarmbewegung (mit Hilfe der Bauchfenster-methode und Kinematographie) Arch. ges. Physiol., 1930-31, 226: 518-42. ------ Die Bewegung und Innervation des Diinn- darmes (experimentelle mit Hilfe der Bauchfenstermethode und Kinematographie) Ibid., 1932, 229: 311-35. Die Diinndarmbewegung unter dem Einfluss der vegetativen Nervengifte. Ibid., 1933, 232: 42-50. ------• Die Bewegung des ausgeschnittenen Diinndarmes. Ibid., 51-5. ------ Weitere Studien iiber die normale Diinndarmbewegung. Ibid., 1934-35, 235: 164-75.—Ivanovsky, B. D., & Khasanov, M. L. [Observations on the motor function of the small intestine in man] Klin, med., Moskva, 1933, 11: 209-12 — Krishnan, B. T. Studies on the function of the intestinal musculature; the normal movements of the small intestine and the relations between the action of the longitudinal and circular muscle fibres in those movements. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1932, 22: 67-73.—Li, P. L. A comparative study on the structure of the circular muscle of the small intestine of vertebrates. Chin. M. J., 1936, Suppl. 1, 21-30, 9 pl. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Struktur des Zirkularmuskels im Dunndarm bei Wirbeltieren. Zsehr. Anat. Entw., 1937, 107: 212-22.—Maley, O. Zur Frage des retrograden Transports aus dem Dickdarm in hoher gelegene Diinndarmabschnitte. Arch, exp Path. Lpz., 1929, 139: 38-46.—Menville, L. J., & *%' A. ' £n -X-ray study of the passage of different food- stutts throughi the small intestine of man. Radiology, 1932, mi i • /•TTNSver! *?• E- Flhssigkeitstransportbewegung mSP oi^l ^urch den Dunndarm. Areh. ges. Physiol., 1934, 234: 648-52 —Oettel, H. Untersuchungen am normalen ™™im,,L?,1!!des' Arch- exP- Path- BerL, 1934, 175: 588; 1934-35, 177: 317.—Okuda, M. Beitrage zur Erkenntnis der Dunndarmbewegung. Japan M. World, 1929, 9: 155-65 — Utubo, Y. Experimentelle Studien uber die Diinndarmbewegung. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1928, 40: 1892.— Pannhorst, R. Kontgenkymographische Untersuchungen der Bewegungsfor- men des Diinndarmes von Tier und Mensch. Zsehr. ges. exp. ^ied-r1?:3^"3^1S2:u617-96--Pei',er- A- DunndarmperistaL tik Jahrb. Kinderh., 1928-29, 3. F., 72: 263-83 ______ & Isbert, IE Bewegungen des Magen-Darmkanals im Sauglings- alter; der Dunndarm. Ibid., 1928, 3. F., 70: 306-11.—Popov, N. A., & Gubarev P. A. Effect of diathermia of the brain on T?DcCa°nt1rnSto10n.of .*Ksma11 intestine. Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS 1938 6: 44-7.—Rehfuss, M. E. Smooth muscle contractions of the small bowel; demonstration of an active principle capable of stimulating these contractions J Am M Ass 1932, 99: 2261-4.—Ri, K. 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Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 503. ------• Obser- vations and moving picture studies of the motility of the human small intestine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1941, 8: 60-2.— Zollner, S. Physiologische Schwankungen in der Motorik des Dunndarms. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1937, 56: 644-9. --- Myoma. Balog, E. Leiomyom des Dunndarms. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 802.—Benoit & Alivisatos. Lfiiomyome du grele enclave dans le pelvis avec volvulus. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1934 60: 1221-8.—Boerma, N. J. A. F. [Leiomyoma of' smali intestine; case] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: pt 1, 2159-62 pl Also Zbl. Gyn., 1929,53: 1717-9.—Bonneau, R. Leiomyome malin de l'intestin grele. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1928, 20: 52 — Dagneau, P. C, Lemieux, R., & Trempe, F. L6io-myome sous-sereux de l'intestin grele. Laval med., 1936, 1: 177-81.— D'Argencourt, G. Un cas de myome du gtele. Union nted Canada, 1942, 71: 420. •------ La chirurgie en province- myome du gtele. Ibid., 587.—Fraenkel, E. M. 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The intra- mural nervous system of the small intestine with special reference to the innervation of the inner subdivision of its circular muscle. J. Anat., Lond., 1939-40, 74: 348 -59, 2 pl — Melik-Megrabow, A. M. Zur Physiologie der motorischen und sekretorischen Funktion des Dunndarms; der Einfluss der Vagusreizung auf die motorische Funktion des Dunndarms. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 213: 245-55.—Rossi, O. Contributo alia conoscenza degli apparati nervosi intramurali deU'intestino tenue. Arch. ital. anat., 1929, 26: 632-44, 5 pl. ---:— Ulteriore contributo agli studii sulla innervazione dell'intestino tenue. Jahrb. Psychiat. Neur., 1934, 51: 214-36.—Sauer, M. E., & Rumble, C. T. The number of nerve cells in the myenteric and submucous plexuses of the small intestine of the cat. Anat. Rec, 1941, 79: Suppl. No. 2, 77.—Schamoff, W. N. Eine Methode zur vollstandigen Isolierung einer Darm- schlinge von alien ihren Nervenverbindungen im Organismus. Arch. ges. 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Un cas de neurinome solitaire de l'intestin grele. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1939, 31: 186-8.— Lemonnier. Tumeur hemorragique de l'intestin gtele (schwan- nome) Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 1318-22.—Mouchet, A., & Semain, A. Un cas de neurinome solitaire de l'intestin gtele. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 186-97.—Ritter, S. A. Neuroblastoma of the small intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1938, 41: 486-93.—Tunoda, S. Ein Fall von Sympathikoblastomatose des DUnndarms. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1931, 21: 845-9, pl.— Weyeneth, R. Cvstisches Neuroblastom des Dunndarms Arch. klin. Chir., 1939, 195: 398-412. ---- Occlusion. See also subheading Distention. Habler, C. Untersuchungen zur Molekular- pathologie des experimentellen Dunndarmver- schlusses zugleich ein Beitrag zur Technik der Pfortader-Angiostomie und zur pathologischen Physiologie der Wasserentziehung [Wurzburg] p.524-77. 8! Berl., 1926. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1927, 54: Heydemann, J. *Ueber akuten und chroni- schen Dunndarmverschluss. 31p. 23cm. Berl., 1937. Maissa, P. A. Diagn6stico radiologico de la obstrucci6n cronica incompleta del yeyuno-ile6n. 88p. 23cm. B. Air., 1936. Saixt-Cyr, C. G. M. *L'ente>ostomie dans les occlusions aigues de l'intestin grele. 115p. 8? Par., 1935. Sclzbach, J. F. *Acute mechanical obstruc- tion of the small intestine [St Mary's Hosp.] 33 1. 23cm. S. Louis, 1941. Worm, G. J. *Mechanical obstruction of the small intestine; its pathologic physiology and rationale of treatment [Misericordia Hosp.] 46p. 28cm. Milwaukee, 1940. Arita, S. Histologische Untersuchung des dilatierten Magms brim experimentellen Diinndarmverschlusse. Jap J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 286.—Aspinall. A. A case of iiitest'nal obstruction, with extensive small bowel resection. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1938-39, 8: 311.—Bauer, R. Itesultats de l'exteriorisation intestinale pour occlusion aigue du grele. 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TTeber die Bedeutung der Mesenterialgeschwiilste in der Pathogenese des Dunndarmverschlusses. Arch. klin. Chir., INTESTINE, SMALL 485 INTESTINE, SMALL 1926, 143: 710-7.—Mocquot, P. Le signe de la fausse ascite dans les obstructions chroniques et incompletes de l'intestin gtele. In Oeuvre (Delbet, P.) Par., 1932, 223-5.------& Padovani, P. Technique et indications de l'enterostomie sur le grele dans le traitement de l'occlusion intestinale. J. chir., Par., 1934, 44: 12-25.—Morton, J. J. Factors determining the selection of operation in obstruction of the small intestine. Surgery, 1937, 1: 848-58. •------Obstruction of the small intestine. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 53-75.—Noer, R. J., & Jonhston, C. G. Small intestine obstruc- tion; a 5-year study. Ann. Surg., 1942, 115: 935-8.—Ochsner, H. C. Small bowel obstruction; a roentgenologic study. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1941, 8: 16-20.—Orr, T. G. 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The forgotten Moynihan tube in acute mechanical obstruction of the small intestine. Ann. Surg., 1941, 113: 1066.—Warthen, H. J. Acute small bowel obstruction; a studv of 100 cases. Virginia M. Month., 1936-37, 63: 99-103.—White, J. D„ Brailsford, J. F. [et al.] Diagnosis of subacute obstruction of small intestine. Brit. M. J., 1936, 2: 303.—Willis, B. C. Diag- nosis and treatment of acute intestinal obstruction, involve- ment of the smallintestine. Am. J. Surg., 1930, n. ser., 8: 33-6.— Willson, D. M. Intestinal intubation; studies in acute and subacute obstruction of the small intestine. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1938, 13: 666-71.—Workman, E. W., & Miller. D. G. A clinical review of 241 cases of obstruction of the small bowel. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1934, 30: 141-8.—Yamada, T. An experimental Btudy on the quantity of the blood in the pulmonary circulation in time of the obstruction of the small intestine. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 294. --- Perforation and rupture. 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Ind. M. Gaz., 1938, 73: 739.—Waterston, R. E. A case of intramesenteric rupture of the small intestine. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1942, 78: 287-9. ---- Peyer plaques. Favilli, N. Distribuzione ed estensione delle placche di Peyer nell'intestino di equidi, bovidi, earnivori e rodatori domestici. Arch. ital. anat., 1937, 38: 153-67.—Langegger, P. A. Die Entwicklung der Peyer'schen Platten und das Langen- wachstum der einzelnen Diinndarmabschnitte. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1939, 47: 198-200.—Muratori, G. Osservazioni sulla vascolarizzazione sanguigna delle placche di Peyer. Arch. ital. anat., 1938, 40: 491-512, 3 pl. ------ Sulla vascolarizzazione sanguigna delle placche di Peyer deU'uomo. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 568.—Ohno, R. Biochemische Studien iiber eine neue Funktion der Lymphocyten in der Darmwand, insbesondere in den Darmfollikeln. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 218: 206-46.—Patzelt, V. Die Entwicklung der Peyerschen Platten und die Beziehungen des Epithels zum lymphoretikularen Gewebe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1933, 46: 461.—Retterer, E., & Leli&vre, A. Origine epitheiiale et developpement des plaques de Peyer des oiseaux. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1910, 151: 457-9. ---- Pharmacology. Ctjsnir, M. *Die Wirkung peristaltikerre- gender Mittel auf den chlorverarmten Dunn- darm des Meerschweinchens. 16p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1936. Steinmeier, F. *Vergleichende Untersu- chungen im Suprarenin-Ephedringebiet am iso- lierten Dunndarm von Meerschweinchen und Ratte [Erlangen] 17p. 8? Coburg, 1933. Abbott, W. O., & Pendergrass, E. P. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; the motor effects of single clinical doses of morphine sulphate in normal subjects. Am. J. Roentg., 1936, 35: 289-99.—Akimoto, K., & Tani, S. Ueber die Wirkung des Pavinals, Dihydroxycodeinons und Hydrocotarnins auf den im Korper befindlichen und isolierten Diinndarm des Kanin- chens. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1933, 45: 1723.—Beauvallet, M. Modifications du tonus de l'intestin gtele de pigeon sous l'influence de l'acetylcholine et de l'eserine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 776-8.—Berkson, J. Further inquiries into the origin of potential variations of the small intestine by means of certain drugs. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 105: 450-3.—Catel, W. Vergleichende pharmakologische Untersuchungen am normalen lebenden und uberlebenden Dunndarm. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1933, 3. F., 89: 277-308. ------ Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von Falck iiber den Einfluss wasserloslicher Fettsauren auf die Diinndarmmotilitat. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1936, 58: 574-6 [Erwide- rung von J. Falck] 577-80.—Chang. P., & Hsu, F. The chemi- cal excitability of the isolated rabbit small intestine. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1941-42, 31: 299-310.—Elsom, K. A., & Drossner, J. L. Intubation studies of the human small intes- tine; the effect of atropine and belladonna on the motor activity of the small intestine and colon. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1939-40, 6: 589-93. ------& Glenn, P. M. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; the effect of pitressin and of ampheta- mine (benzedrine) sulphate on the motor activity of the small intestine and colon. Ibid., 593-7.—Faick, J. Ueber die mit der Kohlehydratverdauung verbundenen Darmvorgange; iiber den Einfluss wasserloslicher Fettsauren auf die Diinn- darmmotilitat des lebenden Meerschweinchens. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1936, 58: 204-24.—Feldberg, W., & Solandt, O. M. The effects of drugs, sugars and allied substances on the isolated small intestine of the rabbit. J. Physiol., Lond., 1942, 101: 137-71.—Forster, A. C. The production of hyper- and hypo- motility of the musculatur of the small bowel in the human; experimental studies on the: (a) normal peristaltic activity (b) effect bf morphine (c) effect of atrooine. Ann. Surg., 1940, 112: 370-7.—Garry, R. C. Die Wirkung der Hinterlaopensub- stanzen auf den peristaltisch tatigen Dunndarm des Meer- schweinchens. Arch. exn. Path., Lpz., 1927, 120: 348-50 — Gotsev, T. Ueber die Wirkung des Adrenalins auf die Blut- gefasse des Dunndarms. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1937, 185: 411-7.—Gray, N. M. The influence of some organic and inorganic acids on the motility of the small intestine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1935-37, 2: 725-9.—Gruber. C. M., Bryan, W. T. K., & Richardson, L. K. Response of intact small intestine in INTESTINE, SMALL 480 INTESTINE, SMALL non-anesthetized dogs to cathartic agents, to morphine and atropine. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 470-2.— <;ruher. ('. M., jr, & Gruber, C. M. Segments of excised small iiite-ime as affected by the sodium salts of thioethamyl, thiopeutobarbital, pentobarbital and evipal. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1939, 63: 243-50.—Inokuti, T., & Ohkawa, J. Empfindlichkeit des isolierten Diinndarmes des wiederholt mit Adrenalin injizierten Kaninchens Adrenalin und Cholin negenuber. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1940, 28: 601.—Isikawa, S. Studien iibe.r den Einfluss des Reizstoffes auf die Empfind- lichkeit de-, Dunndaimes den Sympathicus- und Parasym- pathicusgiften gegeniiber. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1940, 13: Proc. Pharm., 41-3.—Karr, W. G., Abbott, W. O., & Sample, A. B. Intubation studies of the human small intestine; chemical characteristics of the intestinal contents in the fasting state and as influenced by the administration of acids, of alkalies and of water. J. Clin. Invest., 1935, 14: 893-900.—Kato Kin. Ex- perimentelle Studien iiber den Einfluss von h\ pertonischer Kochsalzlosung auf die Bewegung des Diinndarmes. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1933, 23: 107.—Kunisio, K. Einfluss der Narkotica auf die Wirkung des Veratrin, Cocain und Pikrotoxin auf den Dunndarm in situ bei Kaninchen. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1935, 47: 899.—Myers, G. N. The effects of morphine, diacetylmorphine and some related alkaloids upon the alimen- tary tract; small intestine and ileo-colic sphincter. J. Hyg., Lond., 1939, 39: 391-404.—Orr, T. G. The action of sodium chloride upon the small intestine. Ann. Surg., 1931, 94: 732-7. & Carlson, H. E. Effect of morphine on the movements of tbe small intestine and sphincter muscles. Arch. Surg., 1933, 27: 296-305.—Sioya, N. Beitrage zur Pharmakologie des ausgeschnittenen Darmes; iiber die Wirkungen der verschieden- artigen, Serosa- und Schleimhautflache oder perivascular beigebrachten Medikamente auf das ausgeschnittene Diinn- tlarmstiick des Kaninchens. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1927, 1076.— Slaughter, D., & Gross, E. G. The effect of apomorphine on the movements of the small intestine in unanesthetized dogs. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1938, 63: 289-91.—Sokolov, J. N., & Zuckermann, M. K. [Effect of certain pharmacological prepa- rations on the motor activity of the small intestine in man] Klin, med., Moskva. 1941, 19: No. 5, 73-S— Sollmann, T., von Oettingen, W. F., & Isikawa, Y. The effects of bicar- bonate buffers and of carbon dioxide on the motor functions of the excised small intestines of rabbits. Am. J. Physiol., 1928, 86: 661 74.—Tada, S. Einfluss der sogenannten vegetativen Nervengifte auf die Bewegungen des uberlebenden Dunndarms von Kaninchen mit gestorter Schilddriisenfunktion. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1930, 15: 419-34.—Tscherkess, A. Zum Mecha- nismus der Morphiumwirkung auf den isolierten Diinndarm. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1925-26, 48: 731-50.—Tyoda, T. Ver- gleichende Studien iiber die Wirkung einiger Purinderivate auf die glattinuskeligen Organe; Versuche am im Korper befind- lichen Diinndarm des Kaninchens. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1936, 48: 2314.—Weinstein, L., & Cowgill, G. R. Effect of various amino acids on motility of excised segments of the small intestine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. V., 1936, 34: 512-4 — Vamawaki, H. Die Empfindlichkeit des Diinndarmes des der Oanglia coeliaca beraubten Kaninchens Adrenalin, Adrenalon und Ephedrin gegeniiber. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1935, 13: 817-36; 14: 323-35.—Zylberszac, S. Action des diphenols sur l'intestin grele. Acta brevia neerl., 1939, 9: 240. ---- Physiology. .Tuergensohn, E. *Die Wirkung von frischem und defibriniertem Blut auf den Meerschwein- chendunndarm [Freiburg] 8p. 8? Lpz. [1931] Also Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1931, 162: 739-43. Alvarez, W. C, »fe Hosoi, K. A gradient of irritability in the small intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1929, 89: 182-6. ------ Conduction of different parts of the small intestine; distance traversed by a disturbance and rate of travel. Ibid., 1930, 94: 448 .58.—Berkson, J., Baldes, E. J., & Alvarez, W. C. Electromyographic studies of gastro-intestinal tract; is there a gradient of electrical potential along the small intestine? Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 30: 817-9.—Feldberg, W., & Kwiatkowski, H. Das Auftreten eines acetylcholinartigen Stoffes in der Durchstromungsfliissigkeit beim Durchstromen des isolierten Katzendtinndarmes. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1934, 234: 333-41.—Gautier, C. Le role proteinogenique de rintes- tin grele. Bull. Soc. chim. biol.. Par., 1931, 13: 395-402 — Golden, R. Observations on small intestinal physiology in the presence of calcified mesenteric lymph nodes. Am. J. Roentg., 1936, 35: 316-23.—Gruber, C. M., & DeNote, A. The effect of different sizes of balloons inserted in the gut and changes in pressure within them upon the activity of the small intestine. Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 111: 564-70.—Karasek, H. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Physiologie des Diinndarmes ver- schiedener Saugetiere, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Lieberkuhnschen Krypten. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1933, 20: 206-28.—Leusden, F. P., & Riesser, O. Untersuchungen iiber die elektrische Reizung des uberlebenden Kaninchen- diinndarmes. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1927, 120: 77-99 — Magee, H. E. The role of the small intestine in nutrition. Physiol. Rev., 1930, 10: 473-505. Mengel, H. Ueber die refraktiire Phase am uberlebenden Meerschweinchendiinndarm. Mschr. Kinderh., 1936, 65: 88-99.—Miller, T. G. Factors in the maintenance of physiological conditions. Rev. Gastroenter., 1937. 4: 115-20.—Owles, W. H. Investigations of the func- tions of the small intestine in man by intestinal intubation. Clin. Sc, Lond., 1937. 3: 21-30.— Polansky, J. B. The response of the isolated segment of small intestine (rabbit) to extracts of yeast and other substances during their passage through the lumen. Am. J. Physiol., 1927 28, 83: 488 98.- Weel. I*. B. von. Beitrage zur Histophysiologie des Diinndarmes; zur Histophysiologie des Dunndaimes vom Frost h. Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1938-39, 26: 35-66. ---- Polyp. Baensch. Seltene Form von Darmpob p. 1! on tgen praxis, 1940, 12: 196.—Bjorkroth, T. Ueber Darminvaginatioiicii (nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber Polyposis des Diiundarms) Acta chir. scand., 1938, 81: 5-35, pl.—Brown. R. Invagination ileus in polyposis of small intestine. Arch. Surg., 1927, 15: 441.—(Jatersleben, H. Beitrag zur Polyposis des Dunndarms. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1935, 245: 628-40. Also Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62:2638.—Gehrig, R. Lelierisolierte Polyposis des Zwolflinger- und oberen Dunndarms. Deut. Zsehr. Chit.. 1927, 207: 286-94.—Hino, T. [Studien uber die Darm poly pen] Gann, Tokyo, 1941, 35: 374-7.—MacDougal, J. G. Polypus of the small intestine. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1927, 17: 91 1 -6.— Mukbil Atakam, A. Polypi>se de rintestin grfile. Presse med., 1936, 44: 2065.—Shaw, K. A. Polyposis of the small intestine; a report of 5 cases. Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1938, 21: 87-104. Also N. England J. M., 1939, 220: 236-41.—Talia, F., & Ficara, P. Sui tumori polipoidi del duodeno e del tenue Arch, radiol., Nap., 1936, 12: pt 1, 190-220. ---- Pneumatosis cystoides. Vieules, L. Contribution a I'etude dc la pneumatose kystique de l'intestin grele. 102p. 24cm. [Toulouse] 1938. Lecercle. Pneumatose kystique de l'intestin gtele. M6m. Acad, chir., Par., 1940, 66: 390-4.—Pugh, S. H. Cystic pneumatosis of the small intestine. Brit. J. Surg., 1925-26, 13: 572-4.—Zaorski, J. [Gaseous emphysema of small intestines] Polska gaz. lek., 1927, 6: 960. ---- Radiology. See also subheadings (Disease; Examination) Bonneaux, G., & Brunei. Contribution k I'etude radiologi- que de l'intestin grele. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1934, 22: 87-94.—Brohee, G. La radiologie de l'intestin grele. Liege med., 1939, 32: 417-23.—Case, J. T. The x-ray diagnosis of various pathological conditions of the small intestine with special reference to post-operative and post- inflammatory lesions. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America, 1934, 47-53.—Chamberlin, G. W. The Roentgen anatomy of the small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, H3: 1537-41.—Dehn, O. Rontgenologische Beobachtungen zur Diinndarmpathologie. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1927, 36: 1175-80. ------ Quelques observations radiologiques sur la pathologie de l'intestin grele. Ann. roentg., Par., 1927-28, 3: 108-16.—Deucher, W. G. Ueber die rontgeno- logische Untersuchung des Dunndarms. Radiol. Clin., Basel, 1942, 11: 181-8.—El ward, J. F. The roentgen diagnosis of pathological processes of the small bowel Am. J. Roentg., 1937, 38: 289-96—Gallavresi, L. Studio radiologico di morfologia e di fisiologia dell'intestino tenue normale. Radiol, med., Milano, 1933, 20: 773-805.—Ghelew, B., A Mengis, O. Mise en evidence de l'intestin gtele par une nouvelle technique radiologique. Presse med., 1938, 46: 444.— Golden, R. Roentgen ray examination of the small intestine in nutritional disturbances. Virginia M. Month., 1941, 68: 1-8.— Goldfarb, S. J. The roentgen diagnosis of lesions of the small intestines. N. York State J. M., 1934, 34: 500-5.—Johnson, J. B., & Harrell, H. C. Roentgen diagnosis of lesions of the small intestine. Texas J. M., 1936-37, 32: 41-5.— Kuhlmann, F. Diinndarmstorungen im Rontgenbild. Fortsch. Ront- genstrahl., 1936, 54: 433-69. ------ Ergebnisse rontgeno- logischer Diinndarmuntersuchungen. Ibid., 1937, 56. Kongr., 40 [Discussion] 42.—McKnight, J. L. The pathology of the small bowel, with special reference to X-ray diagnosis. Radiology, 1931, 17: 125-30.—Maissa, P. A. Radiologia del intestino delgado. Prensa med. argent., 1938, 25: pt 2, 2147-65.—Morse, R. W., & Cole, L. B. The anatomy of the normal small intestine as observed roentgenographically. Radiology, 1927, 8: 149-53.—Mosto, D. Patologia del intes- tino delgado; diagnostico andtomopatol6gico. Arch, argent. enferm. ap. digest., 1940-41, 16: 163-249.—Pannewitz, G. von. Zur Rontgendiagnostik des Dunndarms. Rontgen- praxis, 1937, 9: 11-25.—Pansdorf, H. Experimentelle Studien zur Rontgenologie des Diinndarmes. Erg. med. Strahlen- forsch., 1931, 5: 21-70. ------ Das Rontgenbild bei frak- tionierter Diinndarmfullung und seine klinische Bewertung. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1937, 56. Kongr., 41 [Discussion] 42. ------ Die fraktionierte Diinndarmfullung und ihre klinische Bedeutung. Ibid., 627-34. ------ Ueber das Rontgenbild bei fraktionierter Dunndarmfiillung und seine klinische Bedeutung. Zbl. Gyn., 1937, 61: 1708.—Pender- grass, E. P. Roentgen diagnosis of small intestinal lesions. Texas J. M., 1939-40, 35: 528-35—Pesquera, G. S. A method for the direct visualization of lesions in the small intestines. Am. J. Roentg., 1929, 22: 254-7.—Piot, E. Con- tribution k I'etude radiologique de l'intestin grele. J. radiol. INTESTINE, SMALL 487 INTESTINE, SMALL eiectr., 1932, 16: 175-7. ■-----■ Etude radiologique de l'intestin gtele. Ibid., 1934, 18: 279-85.—Porcher, P. Valeur symptomatique des images aeriques segmentaires de l'intestin gteD au voisinage du rein et de l'uretere. Arch. mal. reins, 1J36-37, 10: 141-52.—Portis, S. A. The clinical significance of the roentgenologic findings of the small intestine. Radiology, 1941, 37: 289-94.—Rovekamp, T. Ein Beitrag zur Diinndarm- diagnostik. Rontgenpraxis, 1930, 2: 1029-34. ------ Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Diinndarm-Diagnostik; die Flexura ultima. Ibid., 1933, 5: 413-22.—Soper, H. W. The Roentgen- ray diagnosis of lesions of the small intestine. Am. J. Roentg., 1929, 22: 107-19. ------ Roentgen diagnosis of lesions in the small intestine. Radiology, 1933, 20: 76-8.—Sussman, M. L., & Wachtel, E. Factors concerned in the abnormal distribution of barium in the small bowel. Ibid., 1943, 40: 128-38.—Vastine, J. H„ 2d. X-ray examination of the small intestine. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1940, 13: 64-77.—Vespignani, A. Radiologia delle affezioni dell'intestino tenue. Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1932, 10. Congr., pt 1, No. 3, 1-157.—Wachner, G., & Zollner, S. Was leistet die Rontgenologie in der Diagnostik der Dunndarmerkrankungen? Zsehr. klin. Med., 1938, 134: 634-52.—Weber, H. M. Roent- genologic manifestations of non-neoplastic lesions of the small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1541-6. ------ & Kirklin, B. R. The roentgenologic investigation of the small intestine. Med. Clin. N. America, 1938, 22: 1059-72.—Weitz, G. A. Der kranke Dunndarm im Rontgenbild. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1937, 55. Kongr., 20^10. ------ Dunndarm. In Lehrb. Rontgendiag. (H. R. Schinz, et al.) Lpz., 4. Aufl., 1939, Bd 2, 1773-812.—Wing, W. M., & Smith, C. A. Sponta- neous and induced sensitivity' to foodstuffs; x-ray studies of the small intestine in man and guinea pig. J. Allergy, 1942-43, 14: 56-64.—Zwerling, H. The roentgenologic pattern of the small intestine in infants and small children. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1942,64:954. ------ & Nelson, W. E. The roentgenologic pattern of the small intestine in infants and children. Radiologv, 1943, 40: 277-82. ---- Sarcoma. Drizins, Z. *Ueber eine besondere Form von Dunndarmsarkom [Basel] 16p. 8? Riga, 1936. Almeida Toledo, P. de. O sarcoma do intestino delgado. Rev. As. paul. med., 1936, 8: 153-62, 2 pl.—Best, F. Ileus infolge Sarkoms des Dunndarms. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 334 (Abstr.)—Busche, H. J. Beitrage zur Rontgendiagnostik hochsitzender Dunndarmsarkome. Rontgenpraxis, 1934, 6: 141-5.—Centeno, A. M., Maissa, P. A., & Perazo, R. R. Sarcoma del intestino delgado. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1938-39, 14: 513-30. Also Prensa med. argent., 1939, 26: pt 2, 2398-405.—Chont, L. K. Sarcomas of the small intestine and reference to their radiosensitivity. Radiology, 1941, 36: 86-97.—Colesanti, G. Contributo alio studio del sarcoma primitivo del tenue. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1937, 47: 315-20.—Condorelli, L. Sui sarcoma primitivo del tenue intestino (contributo di ricerche cliniche edanatomo-patologiche) Ann. clin. med., Pal., 1928, 18: 113-36.—Craiz, G. [Primary sarcoma of small intestine] Cluj. med., 19_'6, 7: 403.—De Fermo, C. Sui sarcoma primitivo dell'intestino tenue. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1934, 3: 140-59. Di Pierro, V. II sarcoma deU'intestino tenue (studio clinico ed anatomo-pato- logico) Riforma med., 1932, 48: 781-91.—Eeriand |Micro- cellular sarcoma of the small intestine] Genee3k. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1934, 74: 360; 623.—Fraenkel, E. M. Recurrent tumour in a case of a sarcofibroid of the small intestine, removed in 1937. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond.. 1939-40, 33: Clin. Sect., 413.— Frank, L. W., Miller, A. J., & Bell, J. C. Sarcoma of the small intestine; report of 4 cases. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. (1941) 1942, 54: 64-85. Also Ann. Surg., 1942, 115: 544-65.—Fullerton, A. Sarcoma of the small intestine in a boy of 3 years, associated with intussusception of the ileum. Brit. J. Surg., 1925-26, 13: 754-7.—Gottlieb, C, & Reitman, N. Leiomyosarcomatosi3 of the small intestine. Am. J. Roentg., 1939, 41: 363-72.— Gray, J. Primary small round-celled sarcoma of the small intestine. J. Path. Bact., Cambr., 1934, 38: 7-10, pi.—Guibal, P. Sarcome de l'intestin grele perfote en pentoine libre. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 1283-3.—Hortolomei, N., & Butureanu, W. Sarcome de l'intestin gteb; tesection; guerison; teapparition 7 ans plus tard d'une nouvelle tumeur. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 94fN53.—Janssen, H. Tddhche Blutung aus dem Magen-Darmkanal bei einem Dunndarm- sarkom. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1367.—Jack, K. [Multilocular sarcoma of the small intestine in a horse (reticulo- sarcoma multiloculare apparatus lymphatici intestini tenu's equi)] Przegl. wet., 1939, 54: 533-40.—Kato, H. Two cases of the primary sarcoma of the small intestine. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 274.—Knorre, G. von. Ein Fall von Myo- sarkom 'des Dunndarms. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1935-36, 246: 124 —Kumano, M. Ueber einen seltenen Fall von mit Spmdel- zellensarkom und Krebs kombinierter Mischgeschwulst des Diinndarmes. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1936, 16: 309-12, pl — Leveuf J & Godard, H. Les sarcomes cavitaires de 1 intestin gtele chez'l'enfant. Ann. anat path., Par. 1936 13: 1067- S4__i A«/ia n I. Two cases of sarcoma of the small intestine with unusual features. Brit. J. Surg., 1938-39, 26: 540-6.- I und F B Melanotic sarcoma of the small intestine. Pr. N. Enriand Surg SocL, 1929, 12: 216-23, 2 pl. Also N. England I M 1929 221- 1133-6.—Martin, J. F., Denise, H., & Muller, B. Un cas'de sarcome lymphoblastique de l'intestin grele chez un enfant de 6 ans. Lyon med., 1938, 162: 393-6.—Matyas, M. Fall von invaginiertem Dunndarmsarkom. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 515-9.—Miller, A. J., & Frank, L. W. Neurofibrosarcoma of the small bowel; report of 2 cases. Ann. Surg., 1939, 109: 246-56.—Moir, P. J., & Walker, G. F. Sarcoma of the small intestine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1928, 2: 1170.—Molnar, M. Primares Dunndarmsarkom als zweite Krankheit. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 58: 466.—Monod, R. C, & Arnal, H. Sarcome de 1 in- testin grele perfote en pSritoine libre. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1937, 63: 1048-51.—Muney, N. Sarcoma of the small intestine. Colorado M., 1932, 29: 12-8.—Mut-cettJa, G. Sui sarcoma primitivo del tenue; diagnosi radiologica e conferma operatoria. Ann. radiol., Bologna, 1939, 13: 406-34.—Oettle, E. Primares Dunndarmsarkom als Ursache einer Perforationsperitonitis. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1935, 245: 75-9.—Ragins, A. B., & Shively, F. L., jr. Sarcomas of the small intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 47: 96-104.—Rankine, J. A. Leiomyosarcoma of the small intestine. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1943, 48: 415-9.—Renvall, M. Ein als Myoma uteri diagnostizierter und operierter Fall eines primaren Diinndarmsarkoms. Acta obst. gyn. scand., 1937, 17: 119-31.—Reviakin, S. A. [Cases of sarcoma of the small intestine] Vest, khir., 1939, 57: 201.— Robb, D. Sarcoma of small intestine; report of 3 cases. Brit. M. J., 1929, 2: 1007.— Rosen, H., & Gerber, J. Zur Klinik und pathologischen Anatomie des multiplen primaren Diinndarmsarkoms. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1930, 168: 218-30.—Saniler, L. E. [A rare case of primary melanosarcoma of the small intestine] Nov. khir. arkh., 1940-41, 48: 152-4.—Stabler, F. Leiomyosarcoma of small intestine. Newcastle M. J., 1940, 20: 45-8, pl — Wolinetz, E. Sur un cas de sarcome de 1 intestin gtele. Con- cours med., 1940, 62: 1317.—Wybert, A., & Rodriguez, R. V. Sarcoma del intestino delgado. Accion med., B. Air., 1940, 10: 750. Also Rev. As. med. argent. 1941, 55: 443-6. ---- Secretion. See also subheading Excretion; also Intestinal juice. Bickel, A., & Wagner, H. I. Der Mechanismus der Diinn- darmsekretion beim Menschen und seine Verkniipfung mit der psycho-physiologischen Sphiire auf dem Weg lib^r addierte Reflexe; nach Versuchen am Menschen mit Thiryscher Ileum- fistel. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1934, 55: 53-76.—Cytronberg, S. Recherches experimentales sur les fonctions secretoires de l'intestin grele. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc, 1930, 323- 49.—Nasset, E. S., & Pierce, H. B. On the influence of pep- tones and certain extracts of small intestine upon the secretion of succus entericus. Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 113: 568-77.— Rouviere, H., & Valette, G. Role de l'innervation extrinseque dans la sectetion de l'intestin gtele. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1934, 3. ser., Ill: 92-8; 196-8. •------Role des nerfs dans la s6ctetion de l'intestin grele. Ibid., 112: 125-8. ---- Spasm. Durand, G. Stenoses spasmodiques de l'intestin gtele. In Ann6e med. prat., Par., 1939, 18: 244.—Moutier, F., & Porcher, P. Etude radiologique des spasmes non sphincteriens du colon et de l'intestin grele. Presse therm, clim., 1930, 71: 244-56, 2 pl. ---- Stenosis. Gotjbert, J. *Contribution a I'etude radio- logique des stenoses de l'intestin grele. 149p. 8? Par., 1928. Vaucher-Berard, L. de. *Les stenoses de l'intestin grele d'origine traumatique. 65p. 25cm. Lyon, 1934. Amberger & Rovekamp. Ein Beitrag zur benignen Diinn- darmstenose. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1929, 40: 58-60.— Barsony, T., & Koppenstein, E. Prastenotisches Wabenbild am Dunndarm. Rontgenpraxis, 1932, 4: 821.—Bayer, L. Das typische Rontgenbild der chronischen Diinndarmstenose. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1933, 48: 192-8—Beclere, H. Les images abdominales en tuyaux d'orgues ne sont pas patho- gnomoniques de stenoses chroniques de l'intestin grele. Presse m6d., 1936, 44: 704.—Bengolea, A. J., & Bazterrica, E. Este- nosis cr6nicas del yeyuno-ileon. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1930, 14: 104-15.—Berger, J., Gaily & Mialaret, J. A propos des images radiologiques de stenoses du grele sans obstacle organi- que (verification opsratoire) Arch. mal. app. digsst., Par., 1937 27: 959, pl.—Bignani, G. Aspetti radiologici da stenosi del tenue. Boll. 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Acta radiol.. Stockh., 1926, 6: 534-44, 3 pl.—Judin. S. Ueber die chronischen Stenosen des Dunndarms. Arch. klin. Chir., 1927,144:667 7S. — Lemmel.G. Beitrag zur rontgenologischen Diagnostik der chronischen Diinndarmstenosen. Rontgen- praxis, 1930, 2: 1034-42.—Luccioni, F. Les stenoses du gtele k symptomatologie pyloro-duodenale. Marseille med., 1934, 71: 600-6.—Matry. Occlusion de l'intestin gtele par stenose fibreuse; suites d'un etranglement herniaire. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 23- 6.-Nestor, V. [Nine occlusions of the small intestine caused by cicatricial stenosis; chronic appendi- citis; cvst of the right ovary; convalescence after resection of 2.26 m. of the small intestine] Spitalul, 1931, 51: 9-11 — Niosi, G. S. Di un caso di stenosi post-traumatica dell'intestino tenue. Arch. ital. anat., 1936, 7: scritti, 339-48.—Oberthur, H. Stenose traumatique de l'intestin gtele. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1932, 58: 570-5.—Patel & Desjacques. Les stenoses traumatiques de l'intestin gtele. J. chir., Par., 1932, 40: 182.— Patel & Ponthus. Au sujet de l'examen radiologique des >teiio.-es de l'intestin gtele. Lyon chir., 1933, 30: 71-3.—Piot, E. I liagnostic radiologique des stenoses de l'intestin gtele. Presse med., 1932, 40: 656-8.—Radushkevich, V. P. [On stenosis of the small intestine] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1939, No. 6, 132-8.—Ragnotti, E. Ricerche sperimentali sulle alterazioni della f unzione motoria dell'intestino tenue nei tratti prestenotici. Arch. ital. chir., 1933, 34: 1-38.—Viannay. Rettecissements multiples de l'intestin' gtele; entero-anastomose; guerison. Loire med., 1929, 43: 451-5. ---- Strangulation. Armitage, G. Intestinal obstruction complicating posterior gastrojejunostomy; a case of internal strangulation of the small intestine by the afferent limb. Brit. J. Surg., 1930, 18: 154-61.—Belov, P. N. [Internal strangulation of the small intestine after appendicitis] Omsky med. J., 1928, 3: 31-3.— Branco Ribeiro, E. Obstrucao postoperatoria pela insinuacao do delgado atraves da janela jejuno-inframesoc61ica. Bol. Sanat. S. Lucas, S. Paulo, 1941-42, 3: 73-6.—Cooper, R. W. Strangulation of small intestine. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1931, 1: 325-7.—Denis, R. Etranglement de l'intestin gtele derriere une bouche d'anastomose apres tesection d'estomac Lyon chir., 1939, 36: 361-6.—Donovan. Infarto o apoplejia del intestino delgado en una hernia estrangulada curada por adrenalina. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 403—Flechten- macher, C. Hernia retroperitonealis mesenterica mit Einklem- mung des gesamten Diinndarmes, Resektion des Bruchsackes, Heilung. Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 1284-6.—McBridge, G. V. Strangulation of the small intestine in u cow. Cornell Vet., 1941', 31: 309.—MacMurray, W. Case of strangulation of loop of small intestine by band and volvulus, following acute intussiiM-ept ion 6 weeks previously. Newcastle M. J., 1923-24, 4: 149. Petit. G. Etranglement de rintestin grele, chez le cheval, par un lipome abdominal relie a I'ileon. Bull. Soc. centr. med. vet., Par., 1902, 56: 248.—Pravia, J. C. Estrangula- miento de asa delgada en el pabell6n de la trompa. Arch. urug. med., 1942, 20: 484-6.—Quattrocchi, A. Stenosi intes- tinale incompleta da strozzamento di un pacco di anse del tenue in una fessura anulare del grande omento. Policlinico, 1933, 40: sez. prat., 1291.—Sole, R., & Bueno, R. Infarto o apoplejfa del intestino delgado en una hernia estrangulada, curada por adrenalina. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 365-74.—ThSvenard. Occlusion intestinale aigue par etrangle- ment d'une anse grele dans l'hiatus de Winslow. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1928, 20: 462-5— Utescu, I. [Strangulation of the small intestine in the horse] Rev. vet. mil., Bucur., 1934, 5: 80-3. ---- Surgery. Allex, A. W., & Welch, C. E. Surgery of the small intestine, p.659-753. 25cm. N. Y., 1941. Finochietto. R. Patologia del intestino delgado; parte quiriirgica. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1940—41, 16: 250-60.—Gros, O. Spatperforation an dem zufiihrenden blinden Darmende nach Seit-zu-Seit-Anastomose des Dunn- darms. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 222: 115-7.—Ritter, A. Folgezustande nach Dunndarm—Dickdarmoperationen. Hel- vet. med. acta, 1937, 4: 597-620.-—Sosnovtsev, A. [Surgery of the small intestines] Vracb. gaz., 1926, 30: 150.—Toro, N. Processi di guarigione delle ferite da taglio deU'intestino tenue del cane, non suturate, trattate con l'awolgimento in un lembo peduncolato di grande epiploon. Ann. ital. chir., 1931, 10: 304-17.—Trevani, E. Zur Frage der postoperativen Komplikationen von seiten des Dunndarms. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir., 1938, 1-13.—Vakar, A. A. [Function of an isolated section of the small intestine 3K> years after Baldwin's operation.] Russ. klin., 1929, 12: 565-75.—Zaborowski, F. L. Abdominal surgery; small intestines. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., Serv. Vol., 1941, 687-710. ---- Surgery: Methods. du gtele est-elle compatible avec la vie? Arch. mal. app. digest. Par., 1929, 19: 123-6.—Caeiro, J. A. Gastrectomta con anastomosis terinino-lateral gastro-\ <\\ una] prccolic.i. Bol. Soc cir. B. Aires. 1938, 22: 982-5.- Dudley, G. S. 1'sc of the Murphy button in small intestinal anastomosis. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1936, 16: 835-8.—Inthorn, W. Das Absaug- verfahren, ein Mittel zum Schutz der Haut bei operativ angeleg- ten Diinndarmfisteln. Zbl. Chir., 1931. 61: 2498.—Kok, I). J. [Anatomic and physiologic changes of the small intestine after its implantation into the continuity of the rectum] Tschr. diergeneesk., 1930, 57: 938-49. Lamp, B. Die Bestimmung der Verlaufsrichtung und der llohe von Diinndarmschlingen. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 853-62.—Most, A. Dickdarmersatz durch Dunndarmplastik. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 1602-8.—Noble, T. B., jr. Plication of the small intestine; 2d report. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 45: 574-80.—Paine, J. R. Preoperative and postoperative treatment of patients with lesions of the small intestine and of the colon. Arch. Surg., 1940, 40: 1083-103.— Partipilo, A. V. Surgery of the small intestine; lateral anas- tomosis. In his Surg. Techn., 3. ed., Chic, 1938, 301-23. ------ Surgery of the small intestine; end-to-end anastomosis. Ibid., 325-36. ------ Surgery of the small intestine; enterostomy. Ibid., 337-43.—Pasman. Anastomosis ante- c61ica, post-gastrectomfa. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1939, 23: 116.—Pelkonen, E. Ein plastisches Verfahren zur Deckung von Defekten in der Dunndarmwand. Acta obst. gyn. scand., 1941, 21: 311 [Discussion]—Riid, H. Beobachtungen und Indikationen zur Scheeleschen Blasen-Diinndarmringplastik [Abstract] Arch. klin. Chir., 1938, 193: 446-9—Tschmarke, G. Bemerkungen zur Indikation und Technik des operativen Diinndarmfistelverschlusses. Ibid., 1932, 169: 754-73. - Wichmann, S. E. Ueber die Peritonisierung von Wund- flachen am Dunndarm (Peritonisatio intestini tenuis) Ibid., 1934, 179: 589-98. Badile, P. L. L'^ttenuazione biologica del microbismo intestinale nell'esclusione sperimentale chiusa del digiuno e del duodeno. Clin, chir., Milano, 1930, 33: 417-38.—Bernabeo, V. L'esclusione circolare del tenue e del colon. Ann. ital. chir., 1935, 14: 631-68.—Brohee, G. L'exclusion presque totale ---- Surgery: Resection. Battmgartner, O. *Ueber ausgedehnte Diinndarmresektionen [Zurich] 52p. 22^cm. Brugg, 1938. Hofius, E. *Ueber ausgedehnte Diinndarm- resectionen [Bonn] 30p. 8? Holderberg, 1922. Banke, K. [Case of mesenteric vascular thrombosis with excision of 435 cm. of the small intestine] Hospitalstidende, 1932, 75: 445-52.—Barco, P. Sulle resezioni dell'intestino tenue. Pathologica, Genova, 1937, 29: 292-9. ------• Sulle resezioni dell'intestino tenue; contributo alio studio delle eventuali modificazioni strutturali dell'intestino tenue residuo successivo a varii tipi di resezione estese; ricerche sperimentali. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 50: 210-21. ------& Pastorino, S. L. Sulle resezioni dell'intestino tenue. Pathologica, Genova, 1935, 27: 285-93. ------ Sulle resezioni dell'intestino tenue (ricerche sperimentali sulla lipasemia) Ibid., 373-83.— Berard. Resection de 2m.05 d'intestin gtele pour tuberculose chirurgicale, chez un suject ayant deja subi, 2 ans auparavant, une tesection de 40 centimetres. Lyon chir., 1927, 24: 681-3.— Billi, A. Sulle resezioni estese del tenue. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1939, 8: 211-60. ------ & Paoletti Perini, A. Modi- ficazioni del tratto addominale del tubo digerente dopo ampie resezioni del tenue; parte radiologica. Arch. ital. med. sper., 1939, 4: 617-640.—Bornstein, F. Ueber morphologische Veranderungen nach ausgedehnter Dunndarmresektion; ein Beitrag zu den Erscheinungen der funktionellen Anpassung. Virchows Arch., 1933, 291: 921-36.—Bowen, W. L. Massive resection of small intestine. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 58: 438-41.— Brenizer, A. G. Extensive resection of the small intestine. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1928, 41: 307-16. Also Ann. Surg., 1929, 88: 675-81.—Cathcart, R. S. Extensive resection of the small intestine. South. M. J., 1928, 21: 471-5.—Cattell, R. B. Mikulicz resection of the small intestine. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 1111-7.—Di Tursi, J. Resecci6n del intestino delgado: tecnica quirtirgica; resecciones extensas y sus limites; anomalias digestiva. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1938, 21: 3-22.—Garner, E. L., & Bissett, G. W. Extensive resection of the small bowel following trauma in which 261cm. (102% inches) were removed with recovery. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1931, 25: 320-2.—Giannoni, G. Ricerche sperimentali sulle alterazioni indotte dalle resezioni dell'intes- tino tenue, nei fegato, milza, pancreas, rene. Clin, chir., Milano, 1939, 42: 179-95.—Greeley, P. W., & Greeley, P. E. N. Successful extensive resections of the small intestine. Illinois M. J., 1935, 67: 451-3.—Hayasi, M. Intestinal absorption after major resection of the small intestine. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 280.—Haymond, H. E. Massive resection of the small intestine; an analvsis of 257 collected cases. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1935, 61: 693-705.—Jerauld, F. N. C, & Washburn, W. W. Extensive resection of small intestine; removal of 19 feet of ileum and jejunum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 1827-30.—Kunz, H., & Molitor, H. Ueber die Ursachen der Ernahrungsstorungen nach ausgedehnten Diinndarmresektionen und ihre Behandlung; der Einfluss vitamin- und lipoidreicher Ernahrung. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 132: 50-62.—Lampert, F. [Extended resection of the small intestines] Sovet. khir., 1933, 4: 285-91.—Liesch, E., & Billi, A. Ricerche sulla funzionalita dell apparato digerente in un uomo di 19 anni sottoposto ad ampia resezione (83%) dell'intestino tenue; fenomeni di adattamento. Arch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1937, 6: 487-522.— Luquet, G. Technique INTESTINE, SMALL 489 INTESTINE, SMALL de quelques procedes d'abouchement de l'intestin gtele dans le gros intestin aptes resection. Rev. techn. chir., Par., 1931, 23: 197-209.—Melina, F. Sulle resezioni estese d'intestino tenue. Clin, chir., Milano, 1939, 42: 807-14.—Moura, P., & Lopes, C. X. ConsideracSes sobre tres casos de reseccao do intestino delgado, reclamadas por affeceoes differentes. Fol. med., Rio, 1932, 13: 205-10.—Nadein, A. P. [Excision of the small intestine with one clamp] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1937, No. 3, 131-3.-—Noetzel, W. Ausgedehnte Diinndarmresek- tion und Spatschicksal zweier Falle. Arch. klin. Chir., 1936, 185: 599-607.—Parmenov, V. I. [Remote sequels of extensive resections of the small intestine] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 56-9.— Pate, J. C. Massive resection of the small intestine; excision of 12 feet 6 inches with recovery. J. Internat. Coll. Surgeons, 1942, 5: 323-6. Also J. Florida M. Ass., 1942-43, 29: 28-31.— Payr. Resektionspraparat einer ungefahr 2m langen Diinn- darmstrecke, die anlasslich der Operation eines ehronischen Adhasionsileus gewonnen wurde. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 477.— Plenk, A. Ueber die Mesenterialdurchtrennung bei der Resektion des Diinndarmes. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 1382-5 — Rose, B. T. Six cases of resection of the small intestine. Birmingham M. Rev., 1926, n. ser., 1: 309-20, 2 pl.—Schnitzler [Diinndarmresektion] Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 59.— Sohn, A. Zur Frage der Dauerheilung nach ausgedehnten Diinndarmresektionen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 201: 263-5.— Tongs, M. S. Extensive resection of small intestine; report of a case. Chin. M. J., 1936, 50: 1656-60.—Tuomikoski, V. Wie viel kann vom Diinndarm des Menschen entfernt werden, ohne dass sein Leben dadurch gefahrdet wird? Acta chir. scand., 1929, 65: 375-82.—West, E. S., Montague, J. R., & Judy, F. R. Digestion and absorption in a man with 3 feet of small intestine. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1938-39, 5: 690-2 — Wustmann. Ueber en-bloc-Resektionen des Dunn- und Dickdarmes (Krankendemonstrationen) Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 2155. ---- Tonus [incl. dystony] Borchardt. W. Gibt es nervose Chemorezeptoren in der Diinndarmschleimhaut? zugleich ein Beitrag iiber die Ein- wirkung der Psyche auf Tonus und Bewegung des Dunndarms (nach Versuchen an Hunden mit Vella-Fisteln) Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926-27, 215: 402-26.—Capua, A. Le modificazioni del tono deU'intestino tenue. Nuntius radiol., 1937, 5: 81-105.—Kornblum, K. The significance of small intestinal stasis. Radiology, 1929, 13: 17-28.—Vespignani, A. Sui tono del tenue (le forme costituzionali; la ipotonia; la ipertonia; la distonia) Atti Congr. ital. radiol. med., 1928, 8:pt2, 136-9. ------ La sindrome radiologica della dilatazione atonica segmentaria del tenue. vArch. ital. mal. app. diger., 1931, 1: 25-66. ---- Tumor. Vialle, P. E. E. *Tumeurs benignes de l'intestin grele. 107p. 8? Par., 1933. Akerlund. A. Zur direkten Rontgendiagnostik der Diinn- darmtumoren. Acta chir. scand., 1932, 71: 1-22, 6 pl.— Bilenko, F. I. [Cases of tumors of the small intestine] Vrach. delo, 1938, 20: 149.—Borras, P. E., & Benito, J. V. Schwan- noma de intestino delgado, que simula un gran quiste de ovario. Bol. Soc. obst. gin. B. Aires, 1936, 15: 327-39— Capitolo, G. L'invaginazione dell'intestino tenue per tumori benigni. Arch. sc. med.. Tor., 1936, 62: 393-412.—Cave, H. W. Tumors of the small intestine. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 269-85.—Chipail, G., & Axente, C. Neoplasme de l'intestin grele; presentation de la piece. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1938, 41: 492-5.—Cohn, S., Landy, J. A., & Richter, M. Tumors of the small intestine. Arch. Surg., 1939, 39: 647-66.—Dees, J. G., & McGehee, J. L. Benign tumors of the small intestine; a case report. Mississippi Doctor, 1939-40, 17: 479-81.—Delagenifere, Y., & Beauchef. P. Tumeur primitive de l'intestin grele, de nature indeterminee, ayant produit une invagination complete; desinvagination, tesection de la tumeur, guerison. Bull. Ass. fr. cancer, 1931, 20: 609-1L—Doub, H. P., & Jones, H. C. Roentgenologic diag- nosis of tumors of the small intestine. Internat. Congr. Campaign Cancer, 1939, 3. Congr., 184. ------ The roent- genologic diagnosis of tumors of the small bowel. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1941, 8:149-54.—Dudley, H. D. Vascular tumors of the small intestine with symptoms simulating peptic ulcer. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 1331-7.—Finochietto, R., & Marino. H. El tratamiento de las tumoraciones multiples del intestino delgado. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1938-89, 14: 634-8.—Goldberg, S. A. Unusual neoplasms of the small intestine. Am. J. Path., 1938, 14: 663. Also Am. J. Clin. Path., 1939, 9: 516-28.—Good, C. A. Tumefactive lesions of the small intestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 923-7. ------ & MacCarty, W. C, jr. Clinical and roentgenologic manifesta- tions of tumors of the small intestine; review of 35 cases. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1942, 17: 20-2.—Haggard, W. D., & Floyd, W. O. Repeated resections for intussusception due to familial tumors of the small intestme. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1935, 47: 236- 46. Abo Am. J. Surg., 1935, 28: 428-38,-Hundling, H. W. Tumors of the small intestine. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1933, 30: 143_g__Jalet J Contribution a 1 etude des rapports des tumeurs intra'-abdominales et de l'intestin gtele. Bull mem. Soc. radiol. med. France,. 1934 22: 203-5.—Joyce. T. M. Tumors of the small intestine Tr Am Surg. Ass., 1934, 25: 429-39 Also Ann. Surg., 1934, 100: 949-59.—Kiefer. E. D. Tumors of the small intestine, with a few remarks concerning the surgical treatment of small intestinal tumors by Dr Frank H. Lahey. N. England J. M., 1933, 208: 1042-8—Klingen- stein, P. Benign neoplasms of the small intestine complicated by severe hemorrhage; report of 2 cases; operative intervention and recovery. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1937-38, 4: 972-9.—Lefort. Occlusion intestinale grave par invagination iieo-colique provoquee par une tumeur benigne; tesection et exteriorisation des 2 bouts; cure de l'anus. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1934, 26: 153-9.—Lindahl, G. Case report of a tumor of the small intestine. Sven. lak. tidn., 1936, 33: 1401-4.— Luccioni, F. Les tumeurs benignes de l'intestin grele. Mar- seille med., 1934, 71: 317; 357.—Mariantschik, L. P. Zwei Falle von ausseren (benignen) Geschwiilsten des Dunndarms. Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 1362-4.—Maunsell, R. C. B. A case of adenoma of the jejunum causing intussusception. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: 599.—Mendez L., A. R. Sobre un caso de tumores benignos del yeyuno-iieon; encontrados al practicar una laparotomia exploradora. Rev. Fac. med., Bogotd, 1939- 40, 8: 300-8.—Mikhelson, A. I. [Benign tumors of the small intestines] Sovet. khir., 1933, 4: 572-6.—Milnor, G. C. Obstruction of small bowel by endometrioma. Proc. Clinic, Honolulu, 1941, 7: 95-9, pl.—M011er, P. F. Tre tilfaelde af tyndtarmstumorer diagnosticerede ved r0ntgenunders0gelse. Nord. med., 1941, 11:2523 (Abstr.)—Moore, R. M., & Schmeis- ser, H. C. Benign tumors of the small intestine. South. M. J., 1934, 27: 386-93.—Morison, J. E. Tumors of the sma'll intestine. Brit. J. Surg., 1941-42, 29: 139-53.—Morrison, W. A., & Donath, D. Tumors of the small intestine. California West. M., 1941, 55: 235-7.—Nobre, A. Perfuracao de tumor do intestino delgado. An. paul. med. cir., 1942, 44: 262.— Oerosi-Pal, Z. Pathologische Veranderungen (Geschwtilste) im Dunndarm der Honigbiene. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1937, 96: 338-40.—Pallasse & Gaumond. Tumeur de l'intestin grftle Lyon med., 1926, 137: 763.—Puccinelli, V. Tumori deU'in- testino tenue. Arch. ital. chir., 1927, 18: 273-313.—Radaeli, G. Amartomatosi multipla dell'intestino tenue. Tumori, 1928, 13: 19-29, pl.—Raiford, T. S. Tumors of the small intestine; their diagnosis, with special reference to the X-ray appearance. Radiology, 1931,. 16: 253-70. Also Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 122; 321.—Rankin, F. W., & Grimes, A. E. Small bowel tumors with special reference to melena. South. Surgeon, 1937, 6: 280-7.—Rankin, F. W., & Newell, C. E. Benign tumors of the small intestine; report of 24 cases. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 57: 501-7.—Roan, O. Intussusception due to benign tumors of the small intestine. Texas J. M., 1932, 27: 782-6 — Roux, J. Mariage de 2 invaginations ou curieuse observation d'une invagination; observation monstrueuse de l'intestin gtele provoquee par un papillome chez une fillette de 7 ans. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1936, 56: 410-4.—Schonbauer, L., & Bsteh, O. Die Tumoren des Diinndarmes und seiner Anhange. Wien. med. Wschr., 1931, 81: 218; 261—Sladky, F. [Rare complication of a benign tumor of the small intestine] Cas. iek. cesk., 1936, 75: 1379.—Soupault, R., & Dalsace, J. Tumeur benigne de rintestin grele avec accidents d'invagination sub- aigue. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 370.—Stein, J. J. Tumors of the small intestine: a review of the literature and report of 8 additional cases. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38. 4: 517-22.—Trachtenberg, E. G. [Case reports and diagnosis of tumors of the small intestine] Klin, med., Moskva, 1938, 16: 1198-201.—Tunik, G. S. [Primary tumor of the small intes- tine] Vest, khir., 1939, 58: 173-6.—Wachner, G. Zur Diag- nostik der Diinndarmtumoren. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1265.—Wakeley, C. P. G., & Paul, M. A. Tumours of the small intestine (excluding the duodenum) Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1931, 1: 227-65, pl.—Wald, B. Das Rontgenbild eines banal-entziindlichen Diinndarmtumors. Rontgenpraxis, 1935, 7: 190-2.—Weber, H. M., & Kriklin, B. R. Roent- genologic manifestations of tumors of the small intestine. Am. J. Roentg., 1942, 47: 243-53.—Wellbrock, L. A. Tumors of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1931, 27: 300-2.—Wertheimer & Guillet. Invagination de l'intestin grele par tumeur benigne. Lyon chir., 1938, 35: 611-4 —Wissenberg, P. Et tillfaelde af tumor i tyndtarmen. Nord. med., 1941, 11: 2525 (Abstr.) ---- Ulcer. •Tarry, A. F. Contribution a I'etude de 1'ulcere simple de l'intestin grele, duodenum excepte; a propos de 2 observations inedites. 57p. 25^cm. Par., 1939. Arrigoni, C. Un caso di ulcera semplice dell'intestino tenue. Policlinico, 1926, 33: sez. chir., 381-6.—Bigger, I. A. Simple ulcer of the small intestine. Virginia M. Month., 1926-27, 53: 4-7.—Cathie, I. A. B. Ulceration of the small intestine follow- ing irradiation of the pelvis; report of 2 cases. Am. J. Roentg., 1938, 39: 895-8.—Cazenave-Mahe, A. 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Chem., 1941, 35. meet., 3. ------ Bentonite as an adsorbent in the purification of invertase. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 982. ------ Factors influencing the use of bentonite in the purification of invertase. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 140: Proc, 3.—Eules, H. von, & Svanberg, O. Versuche zur Darstellung hochaktiver Saccharasepraparate; fiber den Phosphorgehalt gereinigter Saccharaselosungen nach erscho- pfender Dialyse und iiber Mikrobestimmungen des Phosphors. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1921, 112: 282-94.—Grassmann, W.. & Peters. T. Zur Freilegung des Invertins aus der Hefe. Ibid., 1932, 204: 135-48.—Kozaki, T. Studies on invertase; a new modified method for the isolation and purification of invertase. Jap. J. Gastroenter., 1935, 7: 125-34.—Lutz, J. G., & Nelson, J. M. Preparation of highly active yeast invertase. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 107: 169-77.—Richtmyer, N. K., & Hudson, C. S. Zinc sulfide as an adsorbent in the purification of invertase. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 983.—Svanberg, O. Die Methoden zur Darstellung von Saccharase (Invertin) Praparaten. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden) Berl., 1936, 4: pt 1, 251-8.—Willstatter, R., & Rohdewald, M. Zur Freilegung des Invertins aus der Hefe; iiber den Zustand der zuckerspaltenden Enzyme in der Hefezelle. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1932, 209: 38-48. INVERTEBRATA. See also Animals; Zoology; also names of invertebrate animals. Allee, W. C. Evolution and behavior of the invertebrates, p.294-346. 23cm. Garden City, N. Y., 1937. Borradaile, L. A., & Potts, F. A. The Invertebrata; a manual for the use of students. 645n. 8? Cambr., 1932. INVERTEBRATA 494 INVERTOSE Buchsbaum, R. [aI.] Animals without back- bones. 371p. 23Hcm. Chic. [1938] Caktek, G. S. A general zoology of the invertebrates. ">09p. 22cm. X. Y.. 1940. Clarke, F. W., & Wheeler, \Y. C. The inorganic constituents of marine invertebrates. 2. ed. 62p. 4? Wash., 1922. Galtsoff, P. S., Lutz, F. E. [et al.] Culture methods for invertebrate animals; a compendium prepared cooperatively by American zoologists under the direction of a committee from Section F of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. 590p. 8? Ithaca, X. Y., 1937. Geiger, H. * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mollusken- und Wurmfauna der Wielenbacher Weiher. 6p. 8? Munch. [1920] Hyman, L. H. The invertebrates: protozoa through Ctenophora. 726p. 23#cm. N. Y., 1940. Leltj, P. Les correlations humorales chez les invertebres. 81p. 21cm. Par., 1938. Bateman, J. B. Osmotic and ionic regulation in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, with notes on the blood concentrations of Gammarus loeusta and Ligia oceanica. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1933, 10: 355-71- Chapheau, M. Recherches sur la meta- bolisme cellulaire de quelques invertebtes marins. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 110: 070. Chauchard. A., & Chauchard, B. Resume des recherches faites sur lexcitabilite de quelques invertebtes marins. Bull. Sta. biol. Arcachon, 1922, 19: 5.— Ermakov, N. V. [Chemical mediation in invertebrates] LTsp. sovrem. biol., 1941, 14: 79-88.— Florence, L. Rearing hog lice on man. In Cult. Meth. Invertebr. (Caltsoff, P. S. et al.) Ithaca, 1937, 296-8.—Hogue, M. J. Notes on culturing certain protozoa and a spirochaete found in man. Ibid., 65-8.—Hosoi, K. The exchange of calcium ion and water between sea-anemones and the surrounding medium. To- hoku Univ. Sc. Rep., 1935, 10: 377-86.—Jennings, H. S. Senescence and death in invertebrates. In Probl. Ageing (Cowdry, E. V.) 2. ed., Bait., 1942, 41-6.—Kind, C. A., & Bergmann, W. Contributions to the study of marine products; the occurrence of octndecyl alcohol, batyl alcohol, and cetyl palmitate in gorgonias. .1. Org. Chem., 1942, 7: 424-7.— Roller,G. Versuchoan marinen Wirbellosen iiber die Aufnahme geloster Nahrstoffe. Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1929-30, 11: 437-47.—Kriiger, P. Wirbellose. In Handb. Biochem. (Oppenheimer, C.) 2. Aufl., Jena, 1936, Erganz. 3: 41-74 — Ledingham, I. C, & Wells, G. P. Narcotic for marine inverte- brates. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 121.—Lutz, F. E., Welch, P. S., & Needham, J. G. Collecting and rearing terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates. In Cult. Meth. Invertebr. (Galtsoff, P. S., et al.) Ithaca, 1937, 40-50.—Packard, E. L. Studies on relation of invertebrate faunas to geological history of John Day Region of Oregon. Yearb. Carnegie Inst. Washington, 1940 (1939/40) 39: 295.—Pasteels, J. J. Recherches sur le determinisme de l'enttee en maturation de l'ceuf chez divers invertebtes marins. Arch, biol., Liege, 1935, 46: 229-62 — Policard, A. La pathologie des invertebtes; k propos d'un livre recent. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1933, 10: 320-4 — Richards, H. G., & Harbison, A. Miocene invertebrate fauna of New Jersey. Proc. Acad. Natur. Sc. Philadelphia, 1942, 94: 167- 250, 16 pl.—Riesser, O. Fortgesetzte pharmakologische Un- tersuchungen an den Muskeln wirbelloser Meerestiere. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1933, 172: 194-212—Roxas, H. A. A resume of the contributions to the knowledge of Philippine marine Invertebrata. Rep. Nat. Res. Counc. Philippine Island, 1935, 428-36.—Snider, G. G. A note on Banta's culture medium. In Cult. Meth. Invertebr. (Galtsoff, P. S., et al.) Ithaca, 1937, 211.—Stolte, H. A. Die Herkunft des Zellmaterials bei regenerativen Vorgangen der wirbellosen Tiere. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1936, 11: 1-48 — Strohl, J. Revue generale de physiologie des invertebres. Rev. gen. sc. our., 1914, 25: 595-610.—Wagler, E. Zucht von Krebsen uni Wurmern. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. Abderhalden (E.) Berl., 1925, Abt. 9, Teil 2, 319-58.—Williams, C. M. A method for studying living mosquito larvae and other small aquatic invertebrates. Science, 1939, 89: 21. INVERTIN. See Invertase. INVERTOSE. See also Carbohydrates, Types; Levulose; Sugar. Hutter, K. Ueber intravenose Dauer-Tropf-Infusion mit Kaloro-el.-.sung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 493.—Isaak, L. High viscosity invert sugar; a new su?ar solution for a more efficient treatment of varicose veins. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1938, 147: 307-9.—Laborde, J. Les pouvoirs rotatoires du levulose et du sucre inverti; application a I'analyse des matieres sucrees alimentaires. Ann. falsif., Par., 1913. 6: 650-00.—Ling, A. R., & Carter, W. A. The volumetric determination of reducing sugars; invert sugar. Analyst, Lond., 1930, 55: 730-1.— Mover, F. G. Ueber Calorose (Invertzuckei) Infusionen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1924, 20: 1772—Nagorsen, Em fall plotz- lichen Herztodes bei einer intravenosen Caloroseinfusion. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 3175— Sacki, F. Ueber die therapeutische Anwendung von Invertzucker (Calorose) insbesondere bei Herzkrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1922, 48: 1276. - Sterkina, E. Y. [Use of invert sugar therapy instead of dextrose therapy] Vrach. delo, 1931, 14: 1148-50. INVOLUTION. See Age; Bacteria, Life cycle; Bacteria, Variability; Brain, Senile involution; Climacteric; also under names of organs and tissues. Weber, H. Ueber Krankheiten der Riick- bildungsjahre und des Alters. 89p. 26cm. Jena, 1939. Allen, E. B. Changes in psvchologv necessitated by involu- tion. South. M. & S., 1942, 104: 441 8.— Mariani, R. Enrico Marconi e la priority delle sue idee sulla involuzione naturale. Umbria med., 1934, 14: 2517-21.—Mattel. G. E. Nuova teoria biologica (l'involuzione) Ibid., 1935, 15: 2701; 2724; 2736; 2752. ------ Nuove interpretazioni ontogenetiche in rap. porto all'involuzione. Ibid., 1939, 19: 3610-4.—Schultz, I. H- Das Endgultigkeitsproblem in der Psychologie des Riick- bildungsalters. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1939, 167: 117-26. Also Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1940, 114: 175. INVOLUTIONAL psychosis. See also Climacteric; Depressive state; Meno- pause; Psychosis, Etiology. Jabloxski, G. A. *Klimakterielle Psychosen [Konigsberg] 25p. 8? [Hannover] 1926. Anastasopoulos, G. Die Grundlagen des Wahnes bei den involutiven Geistesstdrungen. Mschr. Psychiat., 1939, 101: 180; 209.—Bischof, G. Die erblichen Beziehungen der Psy- chosen des Ruckbildungsalters. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1939, 167: 105-16. Also Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1940, 114: 173-5.—Braunmiihl, A. von. Die psychischen Storungen des Ruckbildungsalters; anatomischer Teil. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1939, 167: 78-104.—Brussel. J. A. Determining the prognosis of the involutional psychoses. Psychiat. Q., 1940, 14: 301-6.—Biirger, Kehrer & Braunmiihl. Die psy- chischen Storungen des Ruckbildungsalters. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1940, 114: 168-73.—Carratala, R., & Garre, O. A. Psicosis de la menopausa. Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1940, 5: 485-500; 1941, 6: 653.—Chess, S. J. What is your diagnosis? Marquette M. Rev., 1941-42, 6: 166-9—Dickmeiss, P. [Mental climacteric diseases; . katamnestic investigations] Nord. med., 1940, 7: 1476.—Filskov, A. [Frequency of psy- choses during menopause] Ugeskr. laeger, 1936, 98: 235-7.— Gibson, E. T. A clinical summary of 106 cases of mental disorder of unknown etiology arising in the 5th and 6th decades. Proc. Am. Med. Psychol. Ass., 1918, 74: 223-51. Horst. L. van der. Die Psychopathologie der Involutionspsvchosen, Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1929, 33: 387-405.—Jones, S. E. Mental disorders of the climateric of women. Med. J. Australia, 1927, 2: 282-91.—Kehrer, F. Die krankhaften psychischen Storungen der Riickwandlungsjahre vom klinischen Stand- punkt aus. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1939, 167: 35-78.— Lucena, J. Evolucao regressiva de perturbacoes mentaes na idade involutiva. Neurobiologia, Recife, 1940, 3: 302-14.;— Moorhead, T. G. Menopausal insanity and bact (rial toxaemia. Brit. M. J., 1932, 1: 923-8.—Schatia, V. The Master Builder [Ibsen] a case of involutional psychosis. Psvchoanal. Rev., 1940, 27: 311-8.—Vicente de Azevedo, V. P. Cm caso de inimputabilidade concomitante a menopausa. Arch. Soc. med. leg. S. Paulo, 1939, 10: 84r-6. ---- Melancholia. See also Melancholia. Cotjleon, H. *La melancolie presenile. 96p. 8? Par., 1935. Abely, P. Le melancolie pancteatique (d'une forme fte- quente de la melancolie d'involution) Ann. med. psvchol., Par., 1930, 88: pt 2, 300-11.—Alzina Melis, J. Sobre la melan- colia presenil. Ars medica, Barcel., 1930, 6: 232.—Ault, C. C, Hoctor, E. F., & Werner, A. A. Theelin therapy in the psy- choses; effect in involutional melancholia and as an adjuvant in other mental disorders. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1786-8. Involutional melancholia; additional report. Am. J. Psychiat., 1940-41, 97: 691-4. Barahal, H. S. Testosterone in male involutional melancholia; preliminary report. Psy- chiat. Q., 1938, 12: 743-9.—Baugh, L. D. H. Vera and pre- senilis melancholia at the female climacteric. Brit. M. J., 1908, 2: 826.—Bianchini, M. L. II trattamento delle rnalin- conie endogene ed involutive con la ematoporfirina (photodyn) Arch. gen. neur., Nocera, 1934, 15: 105-15.—Bowman, K. M., & Bender, L. The treatment of involution melancholia with ovarian hormone. Am. J. Psychiat., 1932, 11: 867-93.— INVOLUTIONAL PSYCHOSIS 495 INVOLUTIONAL PSYCHOSIS Brockhausen, K. Ueber erbbiologische Untersuchungen in- volutiver Psychosen, insbesondere iiber erstmalig in der In- volution auftretende reine Melancholien. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1937, 157: 17-34.—Bya. Le pronostic de la melan- colie d'involution. Scalpel, Li6ge, 1906-7, 59: 391.—Coulonjou, E. Melancolie anxieuse de la menopause; traitement par la morphine; guerison sans internement. Languedoc med. chir., 1905, 13: 35-45.—De Angelis, P. Melanconia e psicosi d'in- voluzione. Boll. Casa di Salute Fleurent, Nap., 1905, 22: 1-8.—Deny & Landry. Melancolie senile, atherome aortique et gangrene sym6trique des membres inferieurs. Ann. m6d. psychol., Par., 1907, 9. ser., 5: 303-9.—Dynes, J. B. Estro- genic therapy of involutional melancholia. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1939, 42: 248-59.—Everett, E. A. A brief consideration of involutional melancholia with an illustrative case. N. Am. J. Homoeop., 1907, 60: 307-12.—Eyman, E. V., Forster, F. M. [et al.] A statistical survey of the biogenesis of involutional melancholia. Dis. Nerv. Syst., 1942, 3: 16-20.— Foley, H. A. Involutional melancholia; psychiatric survey. Nova Scotia M. Bull.. 1941, 20: 193-6.—Gravestein-Briedg, F., & Stuurmann, F. J. Korperbau- und Charakteruntersu- chungen bei melancholischen Frauen im klimakterischen und prasenilen Alter. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1928, 116: 570-604.—Grotjahn, M. Psychiatric observations in a case of involutional melancholia treated wdth metrazol. Bull. Menninger Clin., 1939, 3: 122-5.—Grozin, M. Involution melancholia. Med. Rev. of Rev., 1931, 37: 397-402—Halber- stadt, G. La melancolie presenile et ses varietes cliniques. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1928, 86: pt 2, 307-25.—Hays, R. R. Treatment of involutional melancholia. Ohio M. J., 1939, 35: 710-2.—Hemphill, R. E., & Reiss. M. Investigations into the significance of the endoc.rines in involutional melancholia. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1940, 86: 1065-77.—Henderson, D. K. The affective reaction type (manic-depressive) including in- volutional melancholia. In Oxford Med. (Christian, H. A.) N. Y., 1936, 7: 425-567.—Hubner. Ueber die klinische Stellung der Involutionsmelancholie. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1907-8, 9: 131.—Kohler, L. H. Effect of testosterone pro- pionate in involutional melancholia in the male. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1938-39, 33: 442.—Langer, A. A senilis korban feliepo melancholias depressio prognosisarol. Elme & idegkort., 1905, 239-45.—Ligterink, J. A. T., Simons, C, & Speijer, N. [Effect of Pernaemon on cholesterinemia, and mental picture of involution melancholia] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1937, 81: 768-70.—Lyerly, J. G. Prefrontal lobotomy in involutional melancholia. J. Florida M. Ass., 1938-39, 25: 225-9.—Malzberg. B. Mortality among patients with in- volution melancholia. Am. J. Psychiat., 1936-37, 93: 1231-8.— Morgan, H. P. Involutional melancholia. Med. Bull, \eter- ans Admin., 1931, 7: 933-6.—Naka, S., Yoneyaira, T. [et al.] Zur Pathologie und Therapie der praesenilen Melanchohe. Fukuoka acta med., 1935, 28: 46-53.—Notkin, J., Dennes, B., & Huddart, V. Folliculin menformon (theelin) treatment of involutional melancholia. Psychiat. Q., 1940, 14: 157-66.— Palmer, H. D., Hastings, D. W., & Sherman, S. H. Therapy in involutional melancholia. Am. J. Psychiat., 1940-41, 97: 1086-115.—Palmer. H. D., & .Tardon. F. J. Hereditary patterns in involutional melancholia. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1941, 46: 740-3.—Palmer, H. D., & Sherman, S. H. The involutional melancholia process. Ibid., 1938, 40: 762- 88—Parhon, C. Un cas de melancolie avec hypertrophic thvroidienne succedant k la menopause. Rev. neur., Par., 1906 14: 640-4.—Rothermich, N. O., Postle, B., & Foltz, L M. Altered concept of therapy of involutional melancholia with estrogen and androgen. Arch. Neur. Psvchiat., Chic, 1941 45: 752-68.—Schnitzenberger, H. Die Erblage in der nachsten Verwandtschaft von 30 Fallen khmaktenscher beziehungsweise involutiver Melancholic. Zsehr. ges. INeur. Psvchiat., 1937, 159: 11-23.—Schube, P. G., McManamy, M'C [etall Involutional melancholia; treatment with theelin. Arch. Neur. Psvchiat., Chic, 1937. 38: 505-12.—Seglas J. Melancolie intermittente: 3 acces du type depressif simple. quatrieme acces du tvpe anxieux et deiirant; involution senile; chronicite avec affaiblksement intellectuel; stereotypies. Encephale, 1908, 2: 673-5. Also Rev. neur., Par., 1908 lb: 1285 — Solovay, J., & Schwarz, F. W. Pharmacological shock treatment of involutional melancholia. J. Nerv. Ment. Iris., 1941 93- 443-50 —Stevens, J. W. Melancholia of involution. South Pract., 1908, 30: 118-27.—Strecker, E. A. Involutional melancholia. N. York State J. M., 1942, 42: 530-4.—Suckle. J E Treatment of involutional melancholia by estrogen. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 203.—Titley W. B The prepsy- chotic personality in involutional melancholia. J. Nerv Ment. Dis., 1935, 82: 559. ------ Prepsychotic personality of patients with involutional melancholia. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1936, 36: 19-33— Valenciano, L. Las glandulas supra- rrenales en la melancoliadeinvolucion. Arch med., Madr., 1929, 30: 726-32. Also Arch, neurob Madr., 1929, 9. 207- 2L-Werner, A. A. Involutional melancholia Vv eek Bulk S. Louis M. Soc, 1937-38, 32: 277-84. — Hooter V F' & Ault, C. C. Involutional melancholia.; a review w.1 h additional eases Arch Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1941, 45: 944-o2 — Werner, \.A.. Johns. G?A [et al.] Involutional melanchoha; probable etiology^ndjre^t^ study of the svndrome and a report on the use of estrogen. Psychiat. Q., 1940, 14: 167-84.—Young, F. F. Involution melancholia. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1930-31, 83: 375-9. Treatment. 13 i6' i^rrne^J^hie'erioTogv' and treatment' Arch. Neur. melancholia; probable etiology Involutional Psychiat., Chic 1936 35 10^ ^ ^^ M ?9e38n24? 100-Witteon. C. L. Involutional melancholia: a Davidoff, E., & Goodstone, G. L. Use of testosterone propionate in treatment of involutional psychosis in the male. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1942, 48: 811-7. ------ The treatment of involutional psychoses with diethyl stilbestrol and estradiol. Dis. Nerv. Syst., 1942, 3: 358-65. ------ & Reifenstein, E. C, jr. The treatment of involutional psychoses with diethyl stilbestrol. Am. J. Psychiat., 1942-43, 99: 557- 64.—Hoffman, H. F. Involutional psychoses and their treat- ment. Hahneman. Month., 1941, 76: 490-6.—Hoven. Psy- choses d'involution; essais therapeutiques. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1940, 98: pt 1, 364.—Kerman, E. F. Testosterone therapy of involutional psychosis. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1943, 49: 306.—Nichols, I. C, & Wolfe, R. Clinical experiences with metrazol shock therapy. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1941, 93: 481-3.—Pardoll, D. H., & Belinson, L. The effect of testosterone propionate in male involutional psychotics. Elgin Papers, 1941, 4: 182-91. Also J. Clin. Endocr., 1941, 1: 138-41.—Parfitt, D. N. Hvsterectomy in menopausal insanity. Lancet, Lond., 1933, 1: 292.—Rothermich, N. O. The hor- monal therapy of involutional psychosis. Proc. Postcolleg. Clin. Assemb. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1939, 6: 13.—Runge, H. Ueber aktive Behandlung der psychischen Riickbildungs- erkrankungen bei Mannern. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1941, 171: 1-27.—Stein, W., & Erb, A. [Treatment of involution psvehosis by injections of testohormin] Polska gaz. lek., 1939, 18: 379-81.—Tietz, E. B., & Stephens, F. M. The treatment of the involutional psychoses with illustrative cases. J. Med., Cincin., 1940-41, 21: 476-9.—Weiss, O. L. Behandlung psychischer Alterserscheinungen bei Mannern und Frauen mit synthetischem Testeshormon. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 261.—Wilson, D. C. Treatment of the mental diseases related to the involutional period. Virginia M. Month., 1943, 70: 175-8. ---- Type. See also such headings as Dementia, Clinical types, atypical: Pathoplastic factors, etc. Naudascher, J. A. G. *Les psychoses delirantes d'involution; essai clinique et noso- graphique. 102p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Brockhausen, K. Erbbiologische Untersuchungen depres- siver Psychosen des Ruckbildungsalters. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1940, 114: 175.—Halberstadt, G. Contribution a, I'etude des psychoses d'involution; la dysphtenie antitonique. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1933, 91: pt 2, 470-81.—Hoven, H. Un cas de demence a la menopause. J. neur. psychiat., Brux., 1931, 31: 70-2; 1933, 33: 497.—Laignel-Lavastine, Gallot, H. M., & Mignot, H. Syndrome obsessionnel pur symptomatique d'une involution. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1937, 85: pt 2, 512-5.— Lantos, B. Analyse einer Konversionshysterie im Klimak- terium. Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1929, 15: 114- 30.—Luxenburger, H. Depressive Psychosen im Ruckbildungs- alter. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 346.—Obregia, Con- stantinescu, I., & Badenski [Paranoia and menopause] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1933, 22: 295-9.—Runge, H. Einteilung und Behandlung der psychischen Ruckbildungserkrankungen bei Mannern durch aktive Umstimmung. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1939, 167: 146-9. Also Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1940, 114: 177.—Skottowe, I. The mental disturbances of the involutional period. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1937, 195: 559-61.—Stryjenski, W. [Depressive state in aged people] Polska gaz. lek., 1938, 17: 873-5.—Terhune, W. B. Depressive reactions in middle aged men. Connecticut M. J., 1941, 5: 104-9. INZUCHT. See Inbreeding. IOB, Leona Vivian. *A study of the reactions of ergosterol with mercuric acetate and with anhydrous auric chloride [Ph. D.] 37p. tab. 24}£cm. Chic, Univ. Chicago Libr., 1937. IODAMEBA. See Endamebidae. IODANTHUS. Rollins R. C. A systematic study of Iodanthus. Contr. Dudley Herbar., 1941-42, 3: 209-16, 2 pl. IODEOSIN. See Erythrosin. m IODINE IODINE IODINE [and derivatives] See also Halogen. Mises. Beweis dass der Mond aus Iodine brstehe. No. 1. 2. Aufl. 26p. 15^cm. Lpz., 1N32. .New York, X. Y. Iodixe Educatioxal Bureau. Iodine; from scratch to major opera- tion. 15p. 2iy2cm. N. Y., 1941. Bohlandir, J., jr. Some facts about iodine. Cincinnati J. M., 1926-27, 7: 397-407.—Bufarale, T. Contributo alia storia ed alia tern pin dello iodo. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1926, 17: 138- 44.—Darmstaedter, E. Aus der Geschichte des Jods und der Jodtherapie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1932, 62: 98.—Griffith. I. Iodine; the element of doubt. Am. J. Pharm., 1930, 102: 179- 201. ------ Ego-and I (iodine) Ibid., 1941, 113: 404-7 — lode (L') avant les iodures. Aesculape, Par., 1926, n. ser., 16: No. 3, Suppl.-—Masson, I. Iodine. Proc R. Inst. Gr. Britain, 1938-39, 30: 99-122.—Pierquin. Analyse de quelques recher- ches sur l'iode. Observ. sc. med., 1823, 6: 9-18.—Sajous, C. E. de M., Sajous, L. T. de M., & Griffith, R. S. Iodine and iodides. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 106-32.— Shippen, R. Iodine. Homoeop. Rec., 1940, 55: No. 9, 24 — Veil, W. H., & Sturm, R. Beitrage zur klinischen Pharmako- logie; Geschichte der Jodtherapie. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1926-27, 154: 327-57. ---- Absorption, administration, and dosage. See also subheading Metabolism. Buschmanx, M. *Ein Beitrag zur Resorption des Jods durch die Mundschleimhaut. lip. 8? Kiel, 1935. Schumann, H. *Zur Frage der Jodresorption und der therapeutischen Wirkung sogenannter Jodbader. 20p. 8? Halle, 1933. Werner, K. *Ueber die Resorption von auf die Mundschleimhaut gebrachtem Jod [Frank- furt] 15p. 8?, Gelnhausen, 1935. Anthes, H., & Salzmann, F. Ueber die Aufnahme von Jod aus Badern durch die Haut und dessen Schicksal im Organismus. Zsehr. gos. exp. Med., 1933, 91: 100-5.—Belehradek, J., & Huxley, J. S. Sur la penetration d'iode libre dans l'organisme des larves d'amphibiens. C. rend. Soc biol., 1927, 96: 1426.— Boudreau. Comment faire absorber l'iode k hautes doses? J. med. Bordeaux, 1926, 56: 408-13.—Cohn, B. N. E. Absorp- tion of compound solution of iodine from the gastro-intestinal tract, with special reference to the absorption of free iodine. Arch. Int. M., 1932, 49: 950-6.—Cole, V. V., Dunn, R. H., & Curtis, G. M. The intrapulmonic absorption of iodine. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1935, 53: 327-30.—Crippa, J. F. Ueber Jod-Resorption; ein Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage: Gelangt Jod bei dem Gebrauche der natiirlichen Jodsolquellen als Bad durch die aussere Haut zur Resorption und wird es in den Kreislauf gebracht? Wien. khn. Wschr., 1927, 40: 879.— Eichler, O. Ueber die Wege injizierten Jodids im Froschkorper. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1934, 175: 67-77—Erdesz, S. Endo- lumbale Jodtherapie. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1933, 35: 570- 3.—Giuntoli, L. Ricerche radiografiche sull'assorbimento di farmaci radiopachi; iodo. Arch. ital. sc. farm., 1936, 5: 458- 67.—Hintzelmann, U. Ueber die Resorption von elementarem Jod durch die Haut. Balneologe, 1934, 1: 281-3.—Jiirgens, R. Resorption und Elektrophorese von Jod durch die menschliche und tierische Haut in Moor- und Wasserbadern. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1932, 42: 90-8.—Lohr, H. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber die Resorption des Jods beim Menschen. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1936, 181: 172.—Malhotra, R. C. The best source of iodine (organic vs inorganic) as related to thyroid disturbances. Ind. M. Gaz., 1932, 67: 337-41.—Mary, G. La therapeutique externe par l'iode naissant dissous dans l'eau. J. sc. med. Lille, 1930, 48: pt 1, 108-10.—Nyiri, W., & Jannitti, M. About the fate of free iodine upon application to the unbroken animal skin; an experimental study. J. Pharm. Exp Ther., 1932, 45: 85-107.—Pfeiffer, F. Ueber rektale Jodbe- handlung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1931, 78: 955.—Salazar, L. Influenza della dose, del catione e deH'alimentazione sull'assor- bimento degli ioduri salini. Clin. med. ital., 1927, 58: 37-50.— Schlegel, O. Kann man beim Bierschen Jodtropfen von einer homdopathischen Dosierung sprechen? Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1938, 9: 264.—Souci, S. W. Zur Frage der Durchlassigkeit der intakten Haut netienuber Jod bei Anwendung von Wiesseer Badern. Munch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 735.—Sturm, A., & Schultze, H. I'ntersuchungen iiber die Resorptionsfahigkeit der Haut fiir Jod in Beziehung zum Gesamtorganismus. Zsehr ges. exp. Med., 1933, 90: 173-207—Tiedcke.C. Experimentelle und klinische Beitrage zur Pharmakologie des Jods; iiber die Resorption von Jod durch die Mundschleimhaute und seine Verteilung im Organismus. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 383-6.— Vezer, W. Ueber die therapeutische Wirkung intralumbaler und intrazere),ruler Joddepots. Med. Klin., Berl., 1931, 27: 393.—Vomela. S. [Unit in minimal iodine doses] Cas. iek. cesk., 1932, 71: 750. ---- Atomic weight and structure. Baxter, G. P., it Lundstodt, O. W. A revision of the atomic weight of iodine; the mtio of silver to silver iodide; the ratio of silver iodide to silver chloride. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1940, 62: 1829-34- Baxter, G. P., A Titus, A. C. A revision of the atomic weight of iodine; the ratio of .-diver iodide to silver chloride. Ibid., 1826-8.—Fry, A. S. Zeeman effect in the hyperfine structure of iodine. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwest. lTniv., 1939, 7: 166-72.- Gouchard. Remarques sur le poids atomiquc de l'iode. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1933, 196: 1024-0.- Groh, J., & Takacs, E. Kiiietische rntersuchungen Uber die Solvatation des Jods und fiber die sechsatomigen Jodmolekule. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1930, 149: 195-210.—Tolansky.S. The nuclear spin of iodine; fine structure in the first spark spectrum. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1935, ser. A, 149: 269-81. ---- The nuclear spin of iodine; a new type of h\ perfine structure deviation from the interval rule. Ibid., 1930, ser. A, 170: 205-22.------& Forester, G. O. The nuclear spin of iodine; further measure- ments upon the fine structures in the first spark spectrum. Ibid., 1938, ser. A, 168: 78-103, pl. ---- Benzoic acid derivatives. Greenbaum, F. R. Improved method for the preparation of calcium or ammonium salts of iodoxybenzoic acid. Am. J. Pharm., 1936, 108: 17-22.—Hektoen, L. The influence of sodium iodoxybenzoate on the production of antibodies in dogs. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1909-11, 8: 138-41.—Hellerman, L., Chinard, F. P., & Ramsdell, P. A. O-Iodosobenzoic acid, a reagent for the estimation of cysteine, glutathione, and the substituent sulfhydryl groups of certain proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 2551-3.—Leake, C. D. Iodoxybenzoate as a test reagent for free phenolic hydroxyl groups in organic compounds. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1930-31, 28: 148- 50.—Macht, D. I., & Twiss, D. A pharmacological study of sodium tetra-iodoortho-sulpho benzoate. Ibid., 1929-30, 27: 850-2. ---- Bismuth compounds. See also Bismuth, Compounds, halogen. Bach, D. Sur les iodobismuthates d'antipyrine, de pyramidon et d'hexamethyienetetramine. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1932, 39: 418.—Bracaloni, L. Nouvelle methode pour le dosage quantitatif de l'iodobismuthate de quinine. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1935, 8. ser., 22: 49-52.—De la Rocha, L. E. Los yodobismutatos de quinina. Reforma med., Lima, 1942, 28: 643.—Delwaulle, M. L. Sur le systeme: iodure de bismuth, iodure de potassium et eau. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934,199:948-50. ----— Sur le systeme iodure de bismuth, iodure d'ammonium et eau. Ibid., 1935, 201: 341-4.—Francois, M., & Seguin, L. Sur le dosage du bismuth dans l'iodobis- muthate de quinine; modification au procede primitif. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1937, 8. ser., 25: 341-5.—Frossard, H. J. Sur une nouvelle methode de traitement iodo-bismuthique k l'etat naissant. C. rend. Congr. fr. med. (1930) 1931, 21. Sess., 387.-—Gallain, F. Sur la constitution des solutions d'iodo- bismuthates de potassium. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1937, 204: 181-4.—Hanzlik, P. J. Bismuth in cerebrospinal fluid after administration of iodobismitol. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1938, 37: 1003-7.-----r Barnett, C. W., & Richardson, A. P. Modified composition of iodobismitol; results on local irritation. Ibid., 1935, 32: 284-7.—Hanzlik, P. J., De Eds. F., & Spaulding, J. B. Electromigration of iodobismuthite in colloid systems. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 30: 721-4.—Iodobismitol. Squibb Mem., N. Y., 1938, 17: 3-7.—Iodobismitol with sahgemn. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 2279.—Iodobismitol with saligenin-cutter. Ibid., 2603.—Iodobismitol with sali- genin; Squibb solution sodium iodobismuthite compound. Squibb Mem., N. Y., 1935, 14: No. 3, 11-4.—Jurist, A. E., & Christiansen, W. G. The chemical nature of iodobismuthic acid and its relation to the chemistry of the alkali iodide compounds of bismuth iodide. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1937, 26: 501-4.—Mingoja, Q., & Pereira de Almeida, M. Sobre a preparacao do oxiiodeto de bismuto. Arq. biol., S. Paulo, 1942, 26: 182-5.—Monfort de Castilho, A. Sulla preparazione del lodobismutato di chinina amorfo. Boll. chim. farm., 1938, 77: 149-52.—Picon. Sur quelques solubilil/s de l'iodo- bismuthate de quinine. C. rend. Acad, sc, I'.t.'M, 198: 926-8. Also J. pharm. chim., Par., 1934, 20: 49-61.—Sollmann, T., Cole, H. N. [et al.] Clinical excretion of bismuth; the urinary excretion of bismuth after clinical intramuscular injections of sodium iodobismuthite (sodium bismuth iodide, iodobismitol) and sodium bismuth thioglycollate (thiobismol) Am. J. Sypb., 1937, 21: 480-91.—Thomis, G. N., & Kopanaris, G. P. Nou- velle methode pour le dosage du bismuth, de l'iode et de la quinine dans l'iodobismuthate de quinine et ses preparations injectables. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1939, 8. ser., 30: 193-200.— Untersteiner, L., & Garbarino, G. Ricerche farmacologiche sui carbantren e sulla bismuto-iodio-cloro-ossichinolina. Arch. ital. sc. farm., 1939, 8: 59-71. Also Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 109.—Vita, G., & Bracaloni, L. L'iodobis- mutato di chimna per uso ipodermico. Boll. chim. farm., 1936, 75: 32.3-34. ---- Bromide. Ralls, J. O. A critical examination of the reaction of iodine monobromide with cholestenone and 0-cholestanone. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 1744-53— Righini, G. Glicerolato IODINE 497 IODINE risolvente di bromoioduro potassico. Gior. farm, chim., Tor.. 1872, 21: 129.—Yost, D. M., Anderson, T. F., & Skoog, F. The free energy of formation of iodine monobromide in carbon tetrachloride solution. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1933, 55: 552-5. ---- Chemistry. See also such headings as Fat; Iodometry; Oil; Starch, etc. Bairstow, S., & Hinshelwood, C. N. The homogeneous catalysis of gaseous reactions by iodine; the decomposition of propionic aldehyde, and a general discussion. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1933, ser. A., 142: 77-88.—Baudouin, A., & Lewin, J. A propos de la desalbumination a l'iode. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 155-7.—Berthoud, A., & Allmen, S. V. Recherches sur la cinetique des reactions de l'iode avec les sels ferreux; discussion des tesultats. J. chim. phys., Par., 1933, 30: 186-94.—Boer, J. H. de [Adsorption of iodine and calcium- fluoride] Versl. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, 1928, 37: Afd. Naturk., 237-46. ■------ Die Adsorption von Jod an diinnen sub- limierten Calciumfluoridsi hichten. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. B, 1931, 13: 134-54—Bray, W. C, & Ramsey, J. B. The simultaneous reduction of vanadic acid and oxygen by iodide; induced catalysis of oxygen reactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1933, 55: 2279-88—Champy, C. A propos des corps teduisant les melanges d'iodures alcalins et de tetroxyde d'osmium (teponse a Faute-Fremiet) C. rend. Soc. biol., 1913, 75: 145.—Chow, B. F., & Zia, S. H. Chemical nature of component involved in the reaction between iodine and i complement. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 690-2 — Chretien, A., & Laurent, P. Existence d'un type frequent de complexe iode en solution organique. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 199: 639-41.—Faull, R. F., & Rollefson, G. K. The behavior of iodine in some sensitized decompositions of gaseous organic compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 1755-8.— Foote, H. W., & Fleischer, M. Addition compounds of iodine with alkali bromides and thiocyanates. J. Phys. Chem., 1940, 44: 640-6.—Gallay, W. The sorption of iodine by polyvinyl alcohol. Canad. J. Res., 1936, 14: Sec. A & B, 105-13.—Garstang, W. L., & Hinshelwood, C. N. The kinetics of the combination of hydrogen and oxygen: the influence of iodine. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1930-31, Ser. A., 130: 640-54— Gonze, M. Sur le mecanisme d'oxydation des hvdrazoiques par l'iode. Bull. Acad. Belgique, cl. sc, 1934, .5. ser., 20: 789-808.—Gorbachev, S. W., & Vinogradova. Ueber die Wechselwirkung zwischen Jod und Starke. Zsehr. phys. Chem., 1927, 127: 93-107.—Hofmann, K. A. Bindung von Jod an Molekiilaggregate. Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., phys. math. KI„ 1931, 536-40.—Hull, D. E., Shiflett, C. H., & Lind, S. C. Exchange reactions of iodine by the method of radioactive indicators. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 535.—Jadin, J. L'influence de l'iode sur les lipides. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 106: 1285; 107: 1602.—Jezler, A. Versuche uber Jodbindung; Jodadsorption und ihre Beeinflussung durch das Ionenmilieu. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1926, 50: 714-27.—Joyeux, R. Oxyda- tion des sucres aldehydiques par l'iode en milieu alcalin; applications pratiques. Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1938, 108: 469-75.—Kharasch, M. S., Norton, J. A., & Mayo, F. R. The peroxide effect in the addition of reagents to unsaturated compounds; the addition of hydrogen iodide to propene, 1-bromopropene, allvl chloride, and allyl bromide. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1940, 62: 81-6.—Liebhafsky, H. A. Ueber die Hvdrolyse des Jods. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1931, 155: 289-98.—Lottermoser, A., & Herrmann, L. Ueber die Auf- nahme von Jod durch verschiedene Substanzen. Ibid., 1926, 122: 1-27.:—Montignie, E. Action de l'iode sur le cuivre et de l'iode sur le mercure. Bull. Soc chim. France, 1941, 5. ser., 8: 202-9.—Ramsey, J. B., & Heldman, M. J. Kinetics of the trivalent vanadium-iodine reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 1153-7.—Weiser, S., & Zaitschek, A. Zur Bio- chemie des Jods. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 187: 377-84. ---- Chloride. Cornog, J., & Bauer, E. E. Iodine monochloride; the system potassium chloride-iodine monochloride. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 2620-4- Cornog, J., Horrabin, H. W., & Karges, R. A. Iodine monochloride; reactions with salts. Ibid., 1938, 60: 429-32.—Cornog, J., & Olson, L. E. Iodine monochloride; the systems iodine monochloride-acetic acid and iodine monochloride-carbon tetrachloride. Ibid., 1940, 62. 3328-30.—McMorris, J., & Yost, D. M. The free energy, heat content and entropy of iodine monochloride. Ibid., 1932, 54: 2247-6.—Nies, N. P., & Yost, D. M. The thermodynamic constants of iodine trichloride. Ibid., 1935, 57: 306.—Plot- nikov, V. A., & Rokotian, V. E. [Ionization of bromide solu- tions 'of iodine trichloride] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1915, 47: 723-30.—Sherman, A., & Li, N. Theoretical considerations concerning the mechanism of the thermal reaction between gaseous iodine monochloride and hydrogen. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 690. ____ colloidal [Alphidine; Collosol iodine; Di- caliode; Iodargol; Iodeol] Freysselinard, M. Contributions apportees k I'etude d'une nouvelle forme d'iode: l'iode en suspension colloidale aqueuse. 59p. 8? Par., 1926. oooi57__vol. S. 4th semes----32 Martinet, L. * De l'emploi de l'iode colloidal dans le traitement local des affections de la bouche et des dents. 31p. 8! Geneve, 1926. Acklin, O., Kamenetzky, P., & Rey, J. M. Zur Wirkungs- weise von wasserigem, kolloidalem Jod auf den Organismus (Fiitterungsversuche mit Dicaliode an Kaninchen) Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1928, 58: 914-18.—Chandler, W. L., & Miller. E. J. Colloidal iodine. J. Phys. Chem., 1927, 31: 1092-6.— Cohen, B. Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by basic beryllium iodide hydrosols. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 1340.—Guaita, A. Un poderoso antipi6geno. Sem. med., B. Air., 1932, 39: pt 1, 464-79.—Heger, Die Wirk- samkeit des organisch-kolloidalen Jods in kleinen Mengen mittels parenteraler Einverleibung. Fortsch. Ther., 1926, 2: 464.—Izard, A., & Cuffi, U. Las soluciones de iodo coloidal. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1936, 25: 460.—Pouchet-Souflland, G. Une nouvelle application de l'iodeol (iode colloidal) Progr. med., Par., 1926, 41: 1241.—Sabelli, T. El iodo coloidal en ginecologia. Dia med., B. Air., 1931-32, 4: 857-60. ---- Determination. See also Iodometry. Slim, A. Beitrag zur biochemischen Jodfor- schung in Eesti; iiber Jodbestimmung und Jodniveau [Auszug] 8p. 22^cm. Tartu, 1939. Alstodt, B. S. Assays for iodine and iodide in iodine solu- tions. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1940, 29: 227-9.—Bestimmung von Jod in organischen Verbindungen. In Untersueh. Arzneispez. (Internat. Apoth. Bund) 2. Ausg., Amst., 1938, 25.—Bonot, A. Conditions k respecter dans l'emploi de la methode de Leipert pour le microdosage de l'iode organique. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par.. 1939, 21: 1051.—Bose, A. C, & Bagchi, K. N. A new method for the colorimetric determination of small quantities of iodide in presence of other halides. Analyst, Lond., 1935, 60: 80-2.—[Determination of iodide of potassium] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1881, 13: 405.—[Determination of iodine and iodine salts] Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1866, 5: 105.— Estimation (The) of iodine. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 384 — Flatt, R., & Boname, A. Dosage potentiometrique de faibles quantites d'iodure k cote de fortes quantites de chlorure et de bromure. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1932, 4. ser., 51:-52: 761.—Fullerton, J. B., Watkins, W. J., & Graham, C. L. Estimation of iodides in complex mixtures. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1938, 27: 417-9.—Gautier, J. A. Sur un procede simple de determination de l'iode organique. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1937, 8. ser., 25: 145-56.—Gersh, I.. & Stieglitz, E. J. A critical study of histochemical methods of the determination of iodides in tissues. Anat. Rec, 1933, 56: 185-93.—Glimm, E., & Isenbruch, J. Ueber die Bestimmung kleinster Jod- mengen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1929, 207: 368-76.—Groak, B. Mikrogesamtjodbestimmung und Jodbestimmung in or- ganischen Siiuren. Ibid., 1926, 175: 455-60. ------ Per- manganatoxydation in der Jodmikromethodik. Ibid., 1934, 270: 291-6.—Guerbet, A. Quelques remarques sur le dosage de l'iode. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1933, 8. ser., 17: 556-9.—■ Hahn, F. L., & Adler, M. Measurement of reaction velocities and determination of smallest quantities of catalytic substances by a potentiometric method; iodine. Proc Am. Sc. Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 7: 169-75.—Hamilton, R. H., jr. Im- provements in technique for the determination of microgram quantities of iodine. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 1592-4.— Hart, D., & Meyrowitz, R. Micro test for iodide. Analyst, Lond., 1942, 67: 375 (Abstr.)—Jochmann, E. Ein Beitrag zur von Fellenbergschen Jodbestimmungsmethode. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 194: 454-60.—Kahane, E., & Tomesco, T. Action de l'acide perchlorique sur l'iode et les derives iodes; dosage de l'iode dans les substances organiques. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1935, 201: 1195-8.—Kieferle, F., & Erbacher, E. Zur Bestimmung kleinster Mengen Jodid neben sehr viel Chlorid; ein Beitrag zur potentiometrischen Titration. Bio- chem. Zsehr., 1928, 201: 305-17.—Kolthoff, I. M., & Lingane, J. J. The accuracy of the potentiometric iodide-silver titration. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 1524-8.—Lea, C. Reactifs pour la recherche de l'iode. J. chim. med., Par., 1867, 5. ser., 3: 458.—Lormand, C. Dosage de l'iode dans les preparations officinales. Ann. falsif., Par., 1914, 7: 432-41.—McClendon, J. F., Bratton, A. C, & White, R. V. Determination of iodine in 10 cc of blood by burning in platinum combustion tube with screw feed, and distillation. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., 1937, 8: No. 6, p. lxvii. Also J. Biol. Chem., 1937, 119: Proc. p. lxvii.—McCullagh. D. R. A new method for the determina- tion of iodine. Ibid., 1934, 107: 35-44.—McKean, J. B. The determination of iodine in kelp. Analyst, Lond., 1936, 61: 11-3.—Oesterlin, M. Eine mikrochemische Schnellbestim- mung von Jod in Arzneimitteln. In Festsc.hr. B. Nocht, Hamb., 1937 423-4.—Patnaik, M. An improved micro-method of estimating iodine. Ind. J. M. Res., 1933, 21: 237-48.— Pelloggio, P. Nuovo metodo per ritrovare minime tracce di iodio alio stato di ioduro. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1870, 19: 427-9.—Pfeiffer, G. Die saure Aufschlussmethode zur Bestim- mung kleinster Jodmengen in organischen Produkten. Bio- chem. Zsehr., 1928, 201: 298-304. ------ Der Perhydrol- Schwefelsiiure-Aufschluss zur Mikro-Jodbestimmung. Ibid., 1929, 215: 126-36. ------ Erganzungen zu der Mitteilung fiber: Die Zusatzverbrennung zur sauren Jodbestimmungs- methode in organischen Produkten. Ibid., 1931, 241: 280-2.— Pollacci, E. Due nuovi reattivi dell'iodo alio stato di ioduro. IODINE 4< KS IODINE Ciiui. farm. chim.. Tor., 1871,23: 112.- [Quantitative determin- ation of iodide of potassium] N.v pharm. tid., Kbh., 1881, 13: 426-8.- -Reith. J. F. Die Mikrobestimmung von Jodiden neben anderen Salzen; Vergleichung mehrerer Methoden. Biochem. Zsehr.. 1929, 216: 249-68. ■------& Beus. J. de. St.jrt Sticks-toff wasserstoffsiiure bei der Mikrojodbestimmung nach dem Winklersehen Prinzip? Ibid., 1935, 279: 203. ----A Van Dijk, C. P. Investigations on the determination of i iicro-quantirie> of iodine. Biochem. J., Lond.. 1937, 31: 2128-35.—Remington, R. E., Culp, F. B., & Kolnitz, H. von. The potato as an index of iodine distribution. .1. Am. Chem. Soc, 1929, 51: 2942 7. Sadusk, J. F.. jr, & Ball, E. G. Volu- metric determination of small quantities of inorganic iodine. Indust. Engin. Chem., 1933, 5: 386-9.—Saifer, A.. & Hughes, J. Dioxane as a reagent for qualitative and quantitative de- termination of small amounts of iodide. J. Biol. Chem., 1937,118:241-5. ------• Dioxane as a reagent for qualitative and quantitative determination of small amounts of iodide; its application to the detection of iodide in iodized salt. Ibid., 121: 801— Schulek, E., Rozsa, P., & Szily, M. Beitrage zur Bestimmung des freien Jods und des Jodid-Jods nebeneinander, insbesondere in der Jodintinktur und Jod-Jodkali-Salbe. Orsz. Kdzegeszs. Int. kozl., 1938, 11: No. 26, 765-70.—Scott, W. W. Volbard's method for determining iodides. In his Standard Meth. Chem. Analysis, 5. ed., N. Y., 1939, 457.—Sendroy, J., jr, & Alving, A. S. Photoelectric microdetermination of iodate and iodine. J. Biol.. Chem., 1942, 142: 159-70.— Shimizu, K. F., & Kelly, E. A. Determination of iodide in the presence of interfering substances. J. Am. Pharm. Ass.. 1942, 31: 103-5.—Stainer, C, & Leclerc, L. Dosage de l'iode dans riodochloroxyquinoieine (Vioforme) et dans T'iodure d'argent colloidal (Neoprotosil); application de la titrimetrie aux methodes de Carius et de Baubigny-Chavanne. Bull. Acad. m6d. Belgique, 1936, 6. ser., 1: 331.—Stimmel, B. F., A- McCul- lagh, D. R. A note concerning the determination of iodine. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 116: 21-4.—Sturm, A. Ein Beitrag zur Mikrojodtitration. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 200: 273-9.— Weichherz, J. Die Bestimmung des Jodkalis in der Jodtinkur nach DAB VI. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1929, 267: 36-42. ---- Determination—in biological material. See also Blood chemistry, Iodine; Drinking water, Analysis; Milk; Oil, etc. Brandenberg, J. *Der quantitative Nach- weis grosserer Jodkaliummengen im Urin. 8p. 8? Giessen, 1926. Enderle, P. *Kritische Darstellung der wichtigsten Bestimmungsmethoden des Blutjods [Heidelberg] 24p. 221/2cm. Eisfeld, 1936. Flemisch, J. *Tierexperimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber den histochemischen Nachweis percutan applicierter Jodide. 35p. 8? Miinch., 1035. Harvey, C. O. The determination of iodine in biological substances. 43p. 8? Lond., 1935. Herold, J. L. *Die Anwendung von Jod- titration und der quantitativen Bestimmungs- methoden von Folin, Larson und Tillmanns auf korpereigene reduzierende Verbindungen [Hei- delberg] 14p. 22cm. Sinsheim, 1936. Ohelm. L. *Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung von Jod in organischen Materialien [Miinster] 19p. 22cm. Kiel, 1935. Romano, L. *Pesquisa e dosagem do iodo na materia organica pelo metodo de Milward. 39p 8? S. Paulo, 1933. Sonxexbero, K. *Der qualitative Nachweis kleiner Jodkaliummengen im Urin. 8p. 8? Giessen, 1925. Vohringer [H.] W. *Kritische Untersuchun- gen iiber die gebrauchlichen Blutjod-Bestim- mungsmethoden [Miinchen] 19p. 21cm. Da- chau, 1937. Abellin, J. Metodos para la determinaci6n cuantitativa del vodo en los liquidos y 6rganos animales. Rev. sudamer. endocr., B. Air., 1928. 11: 2-13.—Alpert, L. K. A rapid method for the determination of diodrast-iodine in blood and urine. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1941, 68: 522-37.—Althausen, A. J. [A new method of quantitative determination of iodine in the urine] Ter. arkh., 1934, 12: 110-5.—Alvarado, C. Determina- ci6n del yodo en diferentes muestras de sal de cocina espafiola. Rev. san., Madr., 1933, 8: pt 2, 236-8.—Arrues, L. D.. & Braier, B. Dosage colorimetrico del iodo en la orina global. Adas Congr. inner, urol., B. Air. (1937) 1939, 2. Congr., 1: 60S -s.V—Ascoli. K. Due metodi di dosaggio approssimativo dell'uroselectan nello urine. Pensiero med., 1930, 19: 617-22.— ttarkan, G. Bestimmung von organischem neben anorgani- ychem Jod in Korperfliissigkeiten. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., I92.X, 138: 160.—Benigni. R. Sui dosaggio del jodio nelle urine. Biochim. ter. sper., 1937, 21: 181-6.- Blom. I. J. B. Methods for the micro-determination of iodine in biological material. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc., 1934, 2: 123 30.— Bootello Campos, A. Nimstros primeros resultados en la determinacion del yodo en los alimentos v aguas de INspafia. Actas Congr. nac san., Madr. (1934) 1935. 1. Congr., I: 30-3.— Brill & Goycrt. Blutjodanalysen bei Hautkrankheiten und ihre Biszielnnmen zuin vegutii riven Nervensv stem. Arch. Derm. Syph.. Beil., 1910. 180: 63 <).">. -Bruger, M., A Member. S. On the fiactiniiatioii of iodine in blood. .1. Biol. Chem., 1943, 148: 77 Si. t'arciavillani, B. II metodo Fellenberg- Weil-Sturm pt r la microdeterminazione dello iodio nei sangue; osservazioni critiche e ricerche sperimentali. Biochim. ter. sper., 1937, 24: 196-201. Codino, S. Procedimiento do dosaje cuantitativo del yodo en la orina por medio de los ravos Hocnt- gen. Sem. med., B. Air., 1931, 38: pt 2, 1074-0. Doering. H. Betrachtungen zu Hilmar Wilmanns' Arbeit: Zur Methodil, der Mikrojodbestimmung in biologischem Material. Biochem Zsehr., 1937, 290: 272-4.------Zur .Methodik der Mikro- jodbestimmung in biologischem Material. Ibid., 291: 219. Doery, H. M. The estimation of iodine in thyroid gland ma- tciial; an examination of Kendall's method of combustion. Biochem. .1., bond.. 1942, 36: 519-25.--Dubief, J. Ib.Mige rapide de l'iode total coiitenu dans les eaux mineialcs sulfutees. Ann. falsif.. Par., 1923, 16: 80--2 —Endres, G.. & Kaufmann. L. Eine neiie Methode zur Mikrohestimmuiig von Jod und .lodidcn Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1936, 243: 144-8.—Fashena, G. J., & Trevorrow, V. A note on the determination of iodine in bio- logical material. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 114: 351-5.—Fellenberg, T. von. Die Bestimmung kleinster Jodmengen in organischen Materialien. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 224: 170-5. Also Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch., Bern, 1930, 21: 183-8.—Fendler, G., & Stiiber, W. Ueber den Nachweis und die Bestimmung kleiner Mengen Jod in Oelen. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1914, 89: 123- 32.—Flox, J., Pitesky. I., & Alving. A. S. A direct photoelectric colorimetric method for the determination of diodrast and io- dides in blood and urine. J. Biol. Chem., 1942, 142: 147-57.— Gerard, P. L., & Raunet, M. Dosage rapide et exact de l'iode dans 1'urine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 1329.—Gill, C. C. The detection of iodides in urine by the orthotolidine test. Mil. Surgeon, 1941, 88: 184-7.—Goidin, E., & Daguin, E. Etude d'un teactif destine k deceler dans 1'urine la presence du tenebryl. J. urol. med., Par., 1939, 47: 220.—Grauer, R. C, & Saier, E. A comparison of the distilling and dry ashing methods for the determination of blood iodine. Endocrinology, 1939, 24: 553-5— Helin, B., Zilliacus, H., & Unonius. E. [Micro- determination of iodine in organic substances; normal, total blood iodine content in man and cat] Nord. med., 1939, 4: 3580-7.—Hillgruber, K. Ueber eine Bestimmungsmethode von organisch gebundenem Jod (Uroselectan) im Harn. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 2353.—Kahane, E., & Tomesco, T. Dosage de l'iode dans les substances organiques. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1936, 5. ser., 3: 1682-7.—Kuhn, P., & Loeser, A. Einfache Schnellmethode zum quantitativen Nachweis von organisch gebundenem Jod in Korperfliissigkeiten. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 131: 262-7. ------ Ueber die Jod- bestimmung nach Kuhn und Loeser. Ibid., 1933, 170: 609.- Leech, W. D. Iodine, its determination in traces as existing in feedstuff, water, plants, soils, tissues and allied materials. In Standard Meth. Chem. Analysis (Scott, W. W.) 5. ed., N. V., 1939, 460.—Leitch, I., & Henderson, J. McA. The estimation of iodine in foodstuffs and body fluids. Biochem. J., Lond., 1926, 20: 1003-7.—Lfihr, H., & Wilmanns. H. Zur Methodik der Mikrojodbestimmung in biologischem Material. Biochem. Zsehr., 1937, 290: 275.------Die Mikrojodanalyse als klinische Arbeitsmethode. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 1515-7.— McClendon, J. F. The determination of iodine in natural waters. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1926-27, 24: 389-91. ------ & Bratton. A. C. Determination of iodine in 5 cc. of blood. Ibid., 1937-38, 37: 638. ------ A new method for determination of iodine in 5 cc. of blood or other biological material. J. Biol. Chem., 1938. 123: 699-710.—McClendon. J. F., Remington, R. E. [et al.] The determination of traces of iodine; iodine in milk, butter, oil and urine. .1. Am. Chem. Soc, 1930, 52: 541-9.—McClendon, J. F., & White, R. Iodine in samples containing little organic matter other than urea. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938-39, 39: 215.—Markariantz, M. [Methods of determining quantity of iodine in fats and oils] Profil. med., Kharkov, 1927, 6: No. 7, 1-9.—Mattis, H., & Mandrysch, E. Ueber den Nachweis kleiner Jodmengen im Harn. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1933, 271: 174-7.—Moriya, T. Ein Versuch iiber die verbesserte Methode der Mikrojod- bestimmung und die pathologisch-chemische und pathologisch- histologische Forschung der Jodverteilung im menschlichen Korper. Tr. Soc path, jap., 1938, 28: 562-8.—Patton, H. W. A simple colorimetric method for the determination of po- tassium iodide in the blood and urine. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1932, 30: 214-7.—Pearl, I. W. Determination of iodides in urine. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 148: 85-8.--Petrova, A. N. [Estimation of iodine in the blood] Vest, endokr., 1935, 5: 569-75.—Pfeiffer, G. Ueber eine neue Sclmellbestimmung von organisch gebundenem Jod. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 195: 128—33. ------ Die Zusatzverbrennung zur sauren Jod- bestimmungsmethode in organischen Produkten. Ibid., 1930, 228: 146-53. ------ Anmerkung zu der Mitteilung iiber; Die Zusatzverbrennung zur sauren Jodbestimmungsmethode in organischen Produkten. Ibid., 1931, 231: 244-6. ------ Die Bestimmung kleinster Jodmengen in organischen Materia- lien fur physiologische und klinische Zwecke. Ibid., 1932, 256: IODINE 499 IODINE 214-27.—Prange, G. Nachweis und Bestimmung von Jod in bicarbonathaltigen Speisesalzen, Mineralwassern und Mineral- wassersalzen. Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebensmitt., 1933, 66: 556-64.—Purjesz, B., & David, L. [Iodine values in urine] Orvostud. kozl.. 1940, 1: 13-5.—Puyal, J., & Torres, I. Valora- ci6n del uroselectan en la orina. Arch, med., Madr., 1930, 33: 227.—Reith, J. F. Neuere Beitrage zur Methodik der Mikro- jodbestimmungen in Naturstoffen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 124: 223-41.—Riggs, D. S.. & Man, E. B. A permanganate acid ashing micromethod for iodine determinations; values in blood of normal subjects. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 134: 193-211 — Ruff, G. Dosificaci6n del iodo en presencia de substantias orgdnicas. especialmente en la tiroides. Fol. biol., B. Air., 1932, 24-6. ------ Dosage du iode contenu les substances organiques, speciallement dans la glande thyroide. Ibid., 26.— Ruff, W. Bestimmung kleiner Jodmengen in Organen, be- sonders in Schilddrusen von Rindern. Biochem. Zsehr., 1936, 287: 40-9.-—Santiago Codina. Dosaje cuantitativo del iodo en la orina por medio de los rayos X. Rev. med. Rosario, 1933 23: 137-51.—Scheffer, L. Mikro-jod-bestimmung in organi- schen Substanzen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 228: 426-36 — Schwaibold, J., & Harder, B. Die Bestimmung des Jods in biochemischen Materialien. Ibid., 1931, 240: 441-53 — Shahrokh, B. K. A new method for the microdetermination of iodine in certain biological materials. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 147: 109-13.—Stevens, C. D. Determination of iodine in biological materials; a simplified technique. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1936-37, 22: 1074-9.—Sturm, A., & Rockmann, L. Frak- tionierte Jodbestimmungen in menschlichen Organen; ein Beitrag zur biologischen Funktion des Gewebsjods. Biochem. Zsehr., 1936, 287: 50-60.—Trevorrow, V., & Fashena, G. J. The determination of iodine in biological material. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 110: 29-38.—Triebart. E. L. [Determination of iodin excretion in urine] Meded. dienst volksgez. Ned. Indie, 1932, 21: 1.—Uribe Guerola, A. Dosificaci6n del yodo en la sangre. Medicina, Mex., 1942, 22: 385-7.—Werner, H. Die Mikrojodbestimmung im Speisesalz. Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebensmitt,, 1930, 60: 495-500.—White, H. L., & Rolf, D. A rapid micro method for determining diodrast and inorganic iodide iodine in blood and urine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 1-7. ------ Modified method for determination of certain organic iodine compounds, inorganic iodide in plasma and urine. Ibid., 45: 433-7.—Wilmanns, H. Zur Methodik der Mikrojodbestimmung in biologischem Material. Biochem. Zsehr., 1936-37. 289: 41-51. ---- Diagnostic use. See also subheadings (Oil, iodized; Thera- peutic use) also such headings as Bronchography; Myelography; Pyelography; Roentgen diagnosis, Contrast substances, etc. Lipp, J. Die Verwendung von Lugol und anderen Jodlosun- gen zu Harn-, Sputum-, Blut- und Stuhluntersuchungen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1476.—Lutz, W., & Seyfried, H. Ueber einen neuen Weg, welcher den genauen Nachweis jodhaltiger Kontrastmittel und die Gewinnung feinerer Auf- schlusse uber deren Schicksal im Korper ermoghcht. Kim. Wschr., 1938, 17: 908-10.—Strain, W. H., Plati, J. T., & Warren, S. L. Iodinated organic compounds as contrast media for radiographic diagnoses; iodinated aracyl esters. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 1436-40. ---- Food, iodized. See also Goiter, Prevention. Blom, I. J. B. Variations in the iodine content of grasses at different stages of growth and a note on the iodine content of milk. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1934, 2: 139-50.—Chidester, F. E. Iodized salt. Med. World, 1940, 58: 245-8— Cowie, D M , & Engelfried, J. J. Iodide content of iodized salt; effect of storage. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1940, 39: 784. The iodized table salt carton; analysis of the iodide content ot the pasteboard. Ibid., 785.—Elsbach, K., & Beselin O. Die Jodmilchtherapie. Ther. Gegenwart, 1927, 68: 34 5-8.— Eory, L. Die Jodmilch als Appetitverbesserungsmittel und Roborans im Kindesalter. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1936, 7: 164-6.— Fellenberg, T. von. Ueber jodiertes Kochsalz. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 174: 364-72—Gigli, T. Ricerca dellojocho aggiunto a sostanze alimentari. Boll. chim. farm., 1936, 75: 468-71.—Hager [Lac jodatum] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1869, 1: 108.—Iodized salt. Hygeia, Chic, 1940, 18: 537 — Iodized salt educational program. Annual Rep. Michigan Dep. Health, 1939-40, 68: 23.—Johnson, F. F., & Frederick, E. R. Stabilization of iodine in salt and feedstuffs. Science, 1940, 92- 315__Karger M. I. [Iodized common salt] Frobl. endokr.,'Moskva,'1940, 5: No. 3 115-24.—Kogan, A M. [Time, conditions of preservation and stabilization of iodized saltl Ibid 1941 6: 136-48.—Lusztig, J., & Straub, J. [Effects of iodized'eggs' Orv. hetil., 1933, 77: 380-2.-Mai.rer. E. I Neber Ernahrungsversuche mit lodangereicherter Nahrung an Sauglingen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 1381-3.—Meynier, F & Simonetti Cuizza, R. Esperienze di terapia ovoiodata in bambini Clin, pediat., Mod 1936, 18: 387-93.-Nik.as, H Strobel A., & Scharrer, K. Zur Kenntnis des Jods als biogenes Element; Futterungsversuch mit steigenden Jodgaben 7ur Milehzieeen Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 170: 277-99.— Prange, G. Der Jodgehalt von Jodspeisesalzen des Handels. Zsehr. Medbeamte, 1933, 46: 369-74.—Purjesz, B., Berkesy, L., & Gonczy, K. [Biological storing of halogenous elements in hen's eggs and therapeutical use of halogenised eggs] Magy. orv. arch., 1934, 35: 405-17.—Rosenberger, I. Eine neue Form der Jodmedikation (Jodeier) Wien. med. Wschr., 1932, 82: 1208.—Scharrer, K., & Schropp. W. Futterungsversuch mit steigenden Jodgaben an Milchkiihen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1929, 213: 18-31.—Scharrer, K., & Schwaibold, J. Ueber die Art der Bindung des Jods in der Milch. Ibid., 207: 332-40.— Schropp, W. Futterungsversuch mit Jod an Milchkiihen. Ibid., 213: 1-17.—Seufferheld. Experimentelle und klinische Versuche iiber die Wirkung biologischen Jodes in Form von Jodeiern. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1933, 43: 111-3.—Straub, J. Ueber den jodgehalt von Jodeiern. Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebensmitt., 1933, 65: 97-100.—Strobel, A., & Scharrer, K. Futterungs- versuch mit abnehmenden Jodgaben zu Milchziegen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 180: 300-6.------& Schropp, W. Futterungs- versuche mit verschiedenen Jodgaben an Milchkiihen. Ibid., 313-33.—Uova iodate. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 2, varia, 380-2 (microfilm)—Veen, A. G. van [Stability of iodine in iodized crude salt] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 2637-41.—Weston, W. Special milk in the solution of the iodine deficiency problem. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1934, 51: 683-90. ---- Fluoride. Scott, A. F., & Bunnett, J. F. A dioxanate of iodine penta- fluoride. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 2727. ---- Geochemistry and natural distribution. See also subheading Iodine, Nutritional aspect. Barraud, G. Des effets physiologiques et therapeutiques de l'iode de l'air marin. Progr. med., Par., 1934, 842-55.—Benson, W. N., & Carter, C. L. The geological distribution of iodine in the soils and natural waters of New Zealand. Am. J. Sc, 1927, 13: 39-47.—Bleyer, B. Zur Kenntnis des Jods als biogenes Element. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 170: 265-76. —---- Schwaibold, J., & Harder, B. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Jodumlaufs in der Natur. Ibid., 1932, 251: 87.—Cauer, H. Das Jod der Luft, sein chemisches Verhalten und seine bio- klimatische Bedeutung. Veroff. Medverwalt., 1932-33, 39: 467-584. ■------Chemisch-bioklimatische Studien in der Bretagne; Beeinflussung des mitteleuropaischen Jodmilieus durch die bretonische Jodindustrie auf dem Wege der Luft. Biochem. Zsehr., 1937, 292: 116-40; 1938, 299: 69-91.— Fellenberg, T. von. Untersuchungen iiber das Vorkommen von Jod in der Natur; zur Geochemie des Jods. Ibid., 1927, 187: 1-6. Also Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch., Bern, 1927, 18: 149-54. Also Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 193: 384-9. —---- Untersuchungen uber das Vorkommen von Jod in der Natur; Zur Geochemie des Jods; der atmophile Charakter des Jods. Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch., Bern, 1928, 19: 43-8. ------& Lunde, G. Untersuchungen iiber das Vorkommen von Jod in der Natur; Beitrag zur Geochemie des Jods. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 175: 162-71. Also Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch., Bern, 1926, 17: 250-9. ------ Ueber den Jodgehalt von industriell gewonnenem Eisen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 187: 7-14. Also Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch., Bern, 1927, 18: 154-60.—Fischler, F., & Schwaibold, J. Neuere Beitrage zur Jodfrage (iiber die Verteilung des Jods in der Luft und im Wasser unter spezieller Beriicksichtigung dieser Verhaltnisse in Bayern) Deut. Aerzte Ztg, 1931, 6: No. 290.—Heymann, J. A. [The iodine content of soil and rain-water] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 1, 640-50.—Justin-Besancon, L. Les eaux minerales iodees. Progr. med., 1934, 865-70.—Karger, M. I. [The circuit of iodine in nature] Klin, med., Moskva, 1936, 14: 1585-91.—Lunde, G. Biochemistry and geochemistry of iodine with special reference to the etiology and prophylaxis of endemic goiter. Northwest M., 1928, 27: 412-7; 479-84. Ueber die Geochemie und Biochemie des Jods, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der norwegischen Kropfprophy- laxe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 15-9.—Malhotra, R. C. Permeability of iodine in some economic plants. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1931, 12: 1-22, pl.—Marine, D., Baumann, E. J., & Webster, B. The relative amounts of iodine-absorbing (re- ducing) material in various plants. J. Biol. Chem., 1930, 139: 213-9 —Meinck, F. Ueber das Vorkommen von Jod in der Natur. Veroff. Medverwalt., 1929, 29: 1-110.—Nicolesco, P., & H6resco, D. L'absorption de l'iode contenu dans les boues extraites des sondes de Govora. Bull. Acad. med. Roumanie, 1938, 3: 355-60.—Roman, W. Das Vorkommen des Jods in der Natur. Naturwissenschaften, 1930, 18: 792-4.—Sauva- geau, C. Sur quelques aigues floridees renfermant de l'iode k l'etat libre. Bull. Sta. biol. Arcachon, 1925, 22: 5-45 — Scharrer, K., & Schwartz, W. Zur Kenntnis des Jods als biogenes Element. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 187: 159-79 — Scharrer, K., & Schwaibold, J. Zur Kenntnis des Jods als biogenes Element; Untersuchungen iiber das Jodabspaltungs- vermogen der Boden. Ibid., 1928, 200: 258-72.—Sturm, A. Der Kreislauf des Jods in der Natur und seine Beziehung zum Menschen. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 1649-53.—Sugimoto, K. Iodine in Gorgonian corals. J. Biol. Chem., 1928, 76: 723-8.— Vitali, D. II jodo organico nelle acque salsojodiche. Gior. farm., Trieste, 1900, 5: 193-204. ---- Hydroiodic acid [HI] Brattain, K. G. Decomposition and synthesis of hydrogen iodide by alpha particles. J. Phys. Chem., 1938, 42: 617-28.— IODINE 500 IODINE Hempel, P. [On the production of hydroiodic acid] Pharm. lid.. Kbh., IstiS, 7: 10.—Husa, W. J. The preparation of diluted hvdriodic acid and svrup of hvdriodic acid. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1931, 20: 759-62.-----* Shatturk. P. S. The effect of various iodides upon the stability of hvdriodic acid. Ibid.. 1932, 21: 114-21.—Taylor, H. A. The decomposition of hydrogen iodide. J. Phvs. Chem., 1924, 28: 9S1-9L- Winkler, C. [Hydracid iodine] Pharm. tid.. Kbh., 1867, 6: 389-91. ---- Hypoiodic acid [HIO] D'Este, G. Vehicita di trasformazione dell'ipojodito in jodato c meccanismo della reazione. Boll. chim. farm., 1939, 78: 117-24.-—Johnson, R.. & Fuson, C. The haloform reaction; the action of hvpoiodite on hindered ketones. .1. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57:"919 — Li, C. H., & White, C. F. Kinetics of hypoiodite decomposition. Ibid.. 1943, 65: 335-9. ---- Iodic acid [HI03] Abel.E.. Redlich, O., A- Hersch, P. Gefrierpunktsmessungem Aktivitatskoefiizienten und Dissoziation der Jodsiiure. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1934, 170: 112-22— Bolland, A. Reac- tions microchimiques de l'acide iodique. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1920. 171 : 955-7.—Comas y Martinez, L. Acerca del empleo del acido \ 6dico en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis y de la lepra. Tuberculosis, Habana, 1933-34, 5: 1-15.—Jenkins, G. L., & Spain, W. T. Iodic acid, new monograph. Bull. Nat. Foiinulaiv Com. U. S., 1940-41, 9: 153.—Krieger, K. A., & Kilpatrkk, M. The conductance of potassium iodate at 25° and the mobility of the iodate ion. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 7-9.—Li, N. C. C & Lo, Y. T. Solubility studies; the ionization constant of iodic acid at 25°, 30° and 35°. Ibid. 1941, 63: 397-9.—Maxwell, L. C. The leaction of iodates in vivo. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1930, 40: 451-5.—Montalenti. L. Fosforo reagente dei iodati. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1875, 24: 241.—Nayar, M. R., & Mundle, N. K. Magnetic susceptibility of iodic acid in aqueous solution; constitution of iodic acid. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 76.—Ricci, J. E. Compound formation between sodium iodate and sodium iodide. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1934, 56: 295-9.------The ternary systems sodium iodate-sodium chlorate-water and potassium iodate- potassium chlorate-water at 25° and 50°. Ibid., 1938, 60: 2040-3.—Rogers, M. T., A Helmholz. L. The crystal structure of iodic acid. Ibid., 1941, 63: 278784.- Sendroy. J., jr. Note on tests for purity of solid silver iodate prepared for chloride determination. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 127: 483-5.—Tamura, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis iiber die Jodatreaktion; histologische Befunde der Jodatreaktion. Fukuoka acta med., 1937, 30: 83. ---- Iodide [MI] See also subheadings (Organic compounds; Photochemistry) also names of metals as Iron; Mercury, etc. Barrier. R. *Les polyiodures (etude clinique) 60p. 8? Par., 1933. Amis, E. S., & Potts, J. E., jr. Dielectric and solvent effects upon the iodide-persulfate reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 2883-8.—Briggs. T. R., Geigle, W. F., A Eaton, J. L. Polviodides of sodium; the system sodium iodide-iodine-water. J. Phys. Chem., 1941, 45: 595-613.—Cocking, T. T. Arsenious iodide and its solutions. Australas. J. Pharm., 1930, n. ser., 11: 315.—Demassieux, N., & Roger, L. Sur un complexe forme par I'iodure de plomb et I'iodure de lithium en solution aqueuse. C. rend. Acad. sc. 1937, 204: 1818.—Dmitriev, B. C. Reactions of iodides with lead. Analyst, Lond., 1941, 66: 507.—Hill, A. E.. Willson, H. S.. A Bishop, J. A. Ternary systems; sodium iodide, potassium iodide and water; sodium iodide, sodium iodate and water. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1933, 55: 520-6.— Hull, D. E., Schiflett, C. H., & Lind, S. C. Exchange between -.odium iodide and ethyl iodide. Ibid., 1936, 58: 1822. -Kylin, H. Ueber die jodidspaltende Fahigkeit der Phaophvceen. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1930, 191: 200-10.- Lee, H. M., Van Arendonk, A. M., & Chen, K. K. A study of 23 quaternary ammonium iodides. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 19.30, 56: 466-72.— Manuell, R. E. No es bromo el bromuro ni vodo el voduro. Gac. med. Mexico, 1935, 66: 77-90.—Montagnon, D. Con- tribution kl'etude des iodures doubles de cuivre et d'ammonium. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1936, 203: 325-7— Montignie, E. Etude des iodures d'arsenic et d'antimoine. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1941, 5. ser., 8: 542-5.—Schoenheimer, R. The action of iodides on sterol dibromides and the preparation of cholestenone. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 110: 461.—Stevens, P. G. Studies on acid iodides; the mechanism of ether cleavage. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1940, 62: 1S0L—Van Klooster, H. S., & Stearns, E. I. The binary system lead iodide—potassium iodide. Ibid 1933 55: 4121-3- Vasiliev. A. M. [Eutectics of SnJ4 with J, A-.li and SbJ-1 J. R««. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1917, 49: 88-91.—Woodard. H. Q. Factors influencing the decomposi- tion of iodides by roentgen and gamma rays. Am. J. Roentg 1935,33:227-34. ---- Iodide: Potassium [KI] Aschexbrexxer, E. J. *Die Resorptions- bedingungen von Jodkaliumklystioren unter dem Einfluss schleimiger Mittel [Giessen] Tip. 8° Xiirnb., 1910. Hellwig, K. *Uobor Adsorption alkaliseher Tierkohle gegeniiber Jodkalium. 12p. s. (Jicssen, l«»2»i. Nedey, .1. *Le transit stomaeal des diverses formes medieamenteuses; applications t\ I'iodure de potassium, tilip. 8° Par., 1912. Stubevrecht, J. *Die Beeinflussung der Jodkaliumresorption durch Alkoliol. Mp. 8? Giessen, 1927. Avny. Etude sur le mode d'action de I'iodure de potassium. Rev. internat. tuberc, Par., 1908, 14: 705-7.- Baker, F. Potassium iodid: its use. California West. M., 1938, 48: 356. Bond. W. K. Kali iodide. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1910, 33: 93.—Briggs, T. R., Clack, K. D. G. [et nl.| l'ol,\ iodides of potassium; the ternary system potassium iodide-iodinc-water. J. Phys. Chem., 1940, 44: 350-72.- Chretien. A.. A Eich, E. Etude sur la reaction entre I'iodure de potassium el I'iodute de bismuth trivalent, en solution dans l'acetone. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1937, 5. ser., 4: Mem., 1102-15.—Domenico. A. Sulla preparazione delle tavoletle di ioduro di potassio. 02 IODINE nischem Jod bei Hypothyreosen. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1932- 33, 174: 449-55.—Giordanengo, G. Ricerche sperimentali sui bilan< io negativo dello iodic Minerva med., Tor., 1936, 27: pt 2, 594-602.—Ito, N. Iodine metabolism of patients suffering from endemic goitre in Jehol; urinary excretion of iodine. J. Orhi,i. M., Dairen, 1938, 28: 48.—Jackson, C. M., & P'An, M. T. The effects of dietary deficiency of iodine upon the thvroid and parathyroid glands in the rat. Endocrinology. 1932, 16: 146-52.—Leblond. C. P., & Mann, W. Fixation of iodine by thvroids of rats given diets deficient in iodine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942,49:102-5.—Lerman, J. Iodinecom- ponents of the blood; circulating thyroglobulin in normal per- sons and in persons with thyroid disease. J. Clin. Invest., 1940, 19: 555-60.—McCarrison, R., & Newcomb, C. Level of iodine-metabolism, insanitary conditions of life and goitre; a statistical examination of the experimental data. Ind. J. M. Res., 1929-30,17: 1061-100, 5pl.—Masson, P. Ueber die Ver- teilung des Jods in der normalen und in der sklerotischen Gefiiss- wand. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 1042-4.—Mora, J. M. Iodine, sea sponge and goiter. Hygeia, Chic, 1942, 20: 174.— Parade, G. W. Die Pathophysiologic des Blutjodspiegels. Wien. klin. Wschr.. 1941, 54: 447-50.—Perkin, H. J., Lahey, F. H., & Cattell, R. B. Blood iodine studies in relation to thyroid disease; basic concept of the relation of iodine to the thyroid gland; an iodine tolerance test. N. England J. M., 1936, 214: 45-52.—Schmitz-Moormann, P., & Meis, F. Jod- mangel und Struma; experimentelle Studie zur Frage der Abhangigkeit des Grossenwachstums der Schilddriise von der Jodzufuhr. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir., 1928, 40: 131-53.— Takei, U. Relation between endemic goitre in the Jehol district and the iodine content in principal food produced in that dis- trict. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1937, 27: 134; 136.—Turner, K. B., DeLamater, A., & Province, W. D. Observations on the blood iodine; the blood iodine in health, in thyroid and cardio- renal disease, and in leukemia. J. Clin. Invest., 1940, 19: 515-24.—Van Dyke, H. B. Iodine compounds; their selective adsorption by the hyperplastic thyroid gland of the dog. Arch. Int. M., 1928, 41: 615-21. ---- Metabolism: Elimination. Bohne, H. *Die Ausscheidungsverhaltnisse des Jods im Harn dos Gesunden bei Darreichung 6 verschiedener Jodpraparate [Kiel] 16p. 8? Grunberg, 1929. Bulach, M. * Jodausscheidung nach Eingabe von Jodopyrin. 14p. 8? Giessen, 1926. Deparade, W. *Jodausscheidungen nach Jodtroponeingabe. 21p. 8? Giessen, 1928. Hecker, F. [F.] *Einfluss der Dosierung von Jodpriiparaten auf den Jodgehalt der Organe und des Urins. 2.">i>. N? Giessen, 1927. Ivaukmwn, A. *Jndausscbei sui metabolismo e sull'importanza dell'iodio nei bambini contenuto in iodio del liquido cefalo-rachidiano di bambin: fra lanasrita e7 anni. Riv. clin. pediat.. 1936, 34: SS2-8.— Gaebler, O. H., & Strohmaier, R. F., jr. Blood iodine in dogs receiving thvroxin or phlorhizin. Proc. Soc. Exit. Biol., N. Y. 1942, 51: 343-5.—Lohr. H-, & Wilmanns, H. Ueber die Verteilung des Jods im Oehirn unter normalen Pedingunaen und nach Jodzufuhr. Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1937, 49. Kongr., Sekt. inn. Med., 293-8.—Maurer, E..& Ducrue,H. Die Beeinflussbarkeit des Jodgehaltes im tierischen Organismus durch perorale Zufuhr geringer Mengen anorganisch gebunde- nen Jods. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 193: 360-3; 1930, 217: 231-5.—Morton, M. E., Perlman, L, & Chaikoff, I. L. Radio- active iodine as an indicator of the metabolism of iodine; the effect of thyrotropic hormone on the turnover of thyroxine and diiodotvrosine in the thyroid gland and plasma. J. Bicl. Chem., 1941, 140: 603-11.—Ohta, A. Influence of quinine derivatives upon the icdir.e -ontent o* endocrine ii'^ar.o. Sti i kai, 1934, 53: No. 585, 3.—Perez, M. L , Lincer L., L Millie. A. ' La iodemia er. el embarazo y puerocric. Dia med., B. Air. 1934-35, 7: 298-300.—Perkovsky, G. L'aoric^ des radiations solaires sur ln, fixation de l'iode. C. rend. ?oe. biol., 1933, 113: 944-6.—Pincussen, L.. k Roman, W. Ueber den Einfluss der Bestrahlung auf die Troktionen des Jods und B-oms im Tier- korper, besonders nach Zufuhr von Jodsalzen. Bioehem. Zsehr., 1929, 216: 336-61.—Salter, W. T. Fluctuations ie body iorlir.s. Physiol. Rev., 1940, 20: 345-70.—Scheringer, Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber hormonale Einfliisse auf den Jodstoff- wechsel des Weibes. Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1930-31, 144: 270. [Discussion] 276-8.—Schittenhelm, A., & Eisler, B. I eber die Verteilung des Jodes im Zentrulnervensystem nacl. Zufuhr von Schilddrusenstoffen. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., I'.iAA. 86: 275-89. ------ Blut.jodspiegel und dessen Beeinflussung durch sympathicomimetische Pharmaca in ihrer Abhangigkeit von Nervensystem und Schilddriise. Ibid., 309-30.—Toxopeus, M. A. B. Die Verteihing des Jods im Organismus v,-,vter normalen A erhaltnissen und unter dem Einfluss einiger Hor- mone. Areh. intern.n. pha.rm. dyn., Par., 1939, 63: 189-223.— Weiser, S.. & Zaitschck, A. .Todstoffwechselve-sucb. an milchenden Ziegen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 217: 359-04. IODINE f)()4 IODINE ---- Methansulfonic acid. Sec Abrodil. ---- Methenamine derivatives [Endoiodin; Jo- daseptine; Jodisan, etc.] Lefkanc. G. *Le traitement iodotherapeuti- quc des maladies rhumatismales et cardio- vascnlaircs par les derives iodo-salicyles et iodo- phenoles de l'hexamethvlene tetramine. o2p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Ebstein, L. Ueber Erfahrungen mit Jodisan Bayer. Ther. Gegenwart, 1926, 67: 40.—Guardabassi, M. Sulla azione terapeutica del jodo-esametil-diammino-isopropanolo (endoiodi- na) Diagnosi, 1937, 17: 86-9.—Hallermann. A. Ueber Erfahrungen mit dem Jodpriiparat Jodisan. Munch, med. W'schr., 1926, 73: 1033.—Houdemer. De quelques emplois de l'iodo-benzo-ntethvlformine en ntedecine veterinaire. Rec. med. vet., 1933, 109: 200-7—Leitloff, H. Erfahrungen mit Jodisan. Ther. Gegenwart, 1928,69: 140-2 —Manera.G. Alcune ricerche sui comportamento farmacologico di un nuovo preparato di jodio: lo jodidrato di esametilentetramina. Arch. ital. sc. farm., 1935. 4: 300-12- Schmuttermayer, F. Jodtherapie mit Jodisan. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 1163. ---- Nutritional aspect. See also subheadings (Geochemistry; Physi- ology) Cazzani, E. *Indice d'iode des sues vegetaux aqueux [Pharm.] 103p. 24^cm. Montpel., 1938. Adolph, W. H., & Ch'en, S. C. Iodine in nutrition in North China. Chin. J. Physiol., 1930, 4: 437-48— Balks, R. Ueber den Jodgehalt von Lebensmitteln. Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebens- mitt., 1936, 71 : 76-93.—Bootello, A. Nuestros primeros resultados en la detei minacion del yodo en los alimentos v aguasdeEspana. Arch, med., Madr., 1934, 37: 506.—Campbell, W. R. Iodine in noiinal nntiition. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1939, 40: 77-9- Cole, V. V., Curtis, G. M., & Bone, M. L. The iodine content <>f hospital foods. J. Am. Diet. Ass., 1934, 10: 200-7-Curtis, G. M., & Fertman, M. B. Iodine in nutri- tion. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121 : 423-30— Fairbanks, B. W., & Curzon, E. Iodine in animal nutrition. North Am. Vet.., 1940. 21: 2,1 -8.—Freudenberger, C. B., & Clausen. F. W. Iodine deficiency in a commonly used stock diet. J. Nutrit., 1938. 15: 1-9.- Glimm. E. Weitere Untersuchungen zum Jodpioblem. Biochem. Zsehr., 1930, 219: 148-54. ------ & Halasn, S. Leber die Verteilung des .Jods im Getreidekorn. Ibid., 1931. 243: 88-96.—Holmes, A. 1)., Pigott, M. G., & Packard, W. H. The effect of supplementary iodine on the nutritive value of chick rations. J. Nutrit., 1934, 8: 583-95.— Kolbe. F. Jod als Nahruhgsstoff. Zsehr. Fleisch Milchhyg., 1928-29, 39: 449.—Lewis, J. C. & Powers, W. L. Iodine in relation to plant nutrition. J. Agr. Res., 1941, 63: 623-37.— Malan, A. I., DuToit, P. J., & Groenewald, J. W. Studies in mineral metabolism; iodine in the nutrition of sheep. Onder- stepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1935, 5: 189-200; 1940, 14: 329-34.— Mazzccco, P. Quantity d'iode ingeree journellement par les habitants de Salta. C. rend. Soc biol., 1929, 102: 869.------ El iodo en los alimentos de Salta. Reun. Soc. argent, pat. region. (1929) 1930, 5. meet., 2: 815-22.—Patnaik. M. The iodine-content of Indian food-stuffs. Ind. J. M. Res., 1934, 22: 249-62—Phillips, F. J., Curtis, G. M., & Eif, O. Results of prolonged increased irdine feeding. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934. 31: 585.—Remington. R. E. Improved growth in rats on iodine deficient diet-. 1. Nutrit., 1937, 13: 223-23.— Roman, W. Jodgehalt vegetabilischer Nahrungsmittel. Tabulae biol., Haag, 1931, 1: 226-31.------Jod-Gehalt aniiualix'her Nahiungsmittel. Ibid., 300-5.—Schatrer, K., & Schwaibold. J. Untersuchung einiger Kulturpflanzcn auf ihren naturlichen Jodgehalt und dessen Steigerung durch Joddungung. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 185: 405-13. ------ Jodvorkon mi n in Futtermitteln und kiinstlichen Diinge- mitteln. Ibid., 1928, 195: 233-7.—Schmidt, J. Die Ver- fiitterung von Jod an Gefliigel. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1932, 48: 101-6.—Seel. H. Vorkommen und Verteilung des Jods im Mineral- und Pflanzenreich, seine Bedeutung fiir die Land- wirtschaft und die Ernahrung. Eig. ges. Med., 1936, 21: 101-11.—Strobel, A., & Scharrer. K. Das Jod als Pflan- zennahrstoff. Naturwissenschaften, 1927, 15: 539.—Thomson, W. The effect of an iodine supplement in the ration of dairy cows. Vet. J., Lond., 1934, 90: 48-51.—Weston, W. Iodine in nutrition. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1931, 21: 715-22.—Wood, S. N. The newer knowledge of iodine in nutrition and therapy of livestock. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1940, 4: 306-15. ---- Oil, iodized [Iodatol; Iodinol; Iodipin; Lipiodol; Neohydriol, etc.] See also Bronchography; Myelography; Pyel- ography, etc. Gruxeberg, T. [W. P.] *Ueber die Eignung hochprozcntig jodiertcr Oele (40% Jodipin) zur therapcutischen und diagnost ischen Verwendung [Halle-Wittenberg] INp. S? Darmstadt, 1925. Kutsch, J. *Umsetzung von .Iodipin und Dijodyl im Tierkorpcr. 24p. 8? Giessen, 192S. SlCARD, J. A., & Forestieu, J. The use of lipiodol in diagnosis and treatment; a clinical and radiological survey. 23op. 8? Lond., 1932. Timpe, II. *Ucber die Wirkung von Jod- Xelkcnol in verschiedenen Konzentrationcn auf Staphylococcen,Streptococcen und Coli-Bact crien. 22p. 8? Kiel, 1930. Amako, T. H. Ueber die bakterizide Wirkung des Jodipins gegeniiber Tuberkelbazillen und anderen Bakterien. Zm-Iii, Tuberk., 1930, 58: 178-83.—Ballon, D. H., & Ballon, H. ( . The effect of injection of lipiodol and the rate of its disappear- ance, in normal and diseased lungs. Canad. M. Ass. J., il)27, 17: 410-0.—Balyeat, R. M. Intratracheal use of iodized oil. Northwest M, 1037. 36: 9-14.—Battalora, G. C. The use of lipiodol in certain orl hopedic affections. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1938, 90: 530--43.--Belfield, W. T., & Rolnick, H. C. Roent- genography and therapy with iodized oils. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 8«: 1831-3.—Bergerhoff, W. Spatschadigung durch Jodipin. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., I'.)l>7, 36: 371.—Bettmann, E. Ueber neue therapeutische Moglichkeiten mil Jodipin und Jodipin-Psikain. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 831-3.- Bienvenu, O. J. Lipiodol and some of its uses in surgerv. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1935-36, 88: 295-8.—Blumberg, A. Iodized oil; its contraindications. U. S. Veterans Bur. M. Bull., 1027. 3: 228-30.—Brown, A. L. The fate of iodized oil (lipiodol) in the lungs. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1928, 46: 597-601 — Buckley, J. E., it Mathieu, A. On the bactericidal powers of lipoidol and iodipin in vitro. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 857.—Cacciavillani, B. Ricerche radiologiche e farmacologiche su emulsioni di iodipina e di neoiodipina iniettate in trachea. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1937, 12: 759-01. —---- Ricerche radiologiche e farmacologiche su emulsioni di iodipina e di neoiodipina iniettate nelle vene. Ibid., 761-3.—Cocking, T. T., & Middleton, G. The determina- tion of iodine and chlorine in iodised oils. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1931, 4: 175-7.—Cole, D. B., & Nails, W. L. Twelve years' experience with iodized oil. Virginia M. Month., 1938, 65: 336-9.—Cotte, G. Appareil manom^trique pour mesurer la pnssion dans les explorations radiologiques avec injection de lipiodol. Lyon chir., 1927, 24: 716.—Crandall, L. A., & Walsh, E. L. Action of iodized oils on serous membranes. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y„ 1928-29, 26: 307.—Death following use of iodized oil. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1211.—Detwiler, D. W. A mishap with lipiodol. U. S. Veterans Bur. M. Bull., 1929, 5: 460.—Deve, F. Le lipiodol a-t-il une action locale hvdati- cide? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1926, 95: 1093-5.—Forestier, J. Iodized oil (lipiodol) in roentgenology. Am. J. Roentg., 1926, n. ser., 15: 352-4.------Clinical results in diagnosis by iodised oil (lipiodol) injections. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc Edin- burgh, 1926-27, 106: 141-58, 1 pl.------The results of lipi- odol injections in X-ray diagnosis. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1926- 27, 50: 229-32.------& Kuentz. Le lipoidol; indications g(5n£rales, contre-indications, accidents. Arch, eiectr. mM., 1929, 39: 100-72. Also .1. radiol. eiectr., 1929, 13: 665-70. Frazier, C. H. The use of iodized rape-seed oil (campiodol) for rontgenographic exploration. Ann. Surg., 1929, 89: 801-12.— Girardi, A. Di un saggio assai semplice per controllare la bonte degli olii jodati usati in radiodiagnostica. Q. radiol., Belluno, 1937, 8: 329-32— Glaser, M. A. Campiodol (io- dized rapeseed oil) its use in the roentgenographic visualization of the body cavities; a clinical and experimental study. Am. J. Roentg., 1930, 24: 477-90.—Greenbaum, F. R. A new feature in iodized oils. Radiology, 1932, 18: 1115 23.-----■ New method for iodation and chlorination of vegetable and animal oils. Am. J. Pharm., 1937, 109: 407-11.—Harrower, G. Lipiodol as a therapeutic agent. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 715-17.—Harry, P. A. Iodized oil in ophthalmology. Pre- scriber, Edinb., 1930, 24: 49-51.—Heiss. Beitrag zur Re- sorptionsgeschwinchgkeit des Jodipins. Rontgenpraxis, 1934, 6: 550.—Homma, H. Untersuchungen zum Nachweis der antiseptischen Wirkung jodierter Oele im Gewebe. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1937-38, 102: 574-88.—Janker, R. Ueber Erfah- rungen mit Jodipin als Rontgenkontrastmittel in der Chirurgie. Rontgenpraxis, 1929,-1: 746-55.—Kotatu, K. Ueber die Veranderungen des Lungengewebes bei intratrachealer Ein- fiihrung von Lipiodol. Bull. Nav. M. Ass., Tokyo, 1929, 18: 4-7.—Lash, A. F. Lipiodol pelvic cysts. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 51: 55-00.—Lawson, J. D. The use of iodized oil in the demonstration of empyema cavities and fistulous tracts. Ibid., 1927, 44: 11-4.—Lindskog, G. E., A- Tennant, R. Lipi- odol in the pericardium; an experimental study. J. Thorac. Surg., 1939-40, 9: 227-31.- McCusker, H. The uses of lipiodol in neuroorthopedic surgery. Rhode Island M. J., 1929, 12: 165-71.-—Macias de Torres, E. Xhi. caso de reaccion peri- toneal despues de la exploracion con lipiodol. Rev. espafi. obst., 1931, 16: 734-7. Mackeddie, J. F. Lipiodol injections as a diagnostic agent. Med. .1. Australia, 1926, 5: 577-9, 2 pl. ------ The new lipiodol. Ibid., 2: 865.—Minsky, A. A. The technique of instillation of lipiodol. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1938-39, 15: 379.—Olmer, D., & Zuccoli, G. Acci- dents nerveux subits £pil J" A' Decomposition of p-iodoaniline. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 2320.—Higgins, R. W. Synthesis of some iodinated benzoylbenzoie acids and anthraquinone derivatives. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwestern Univ., 1940, 8: 183-8.—Jacquemain, R., & Muskovits, A. Sur un e.omplexe iodo-argento-nitrobenzo'ique et son action sur quelques derives allyliques. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1936, 202: 497-9.—Kauftheil, L., & Rappaport, F. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber die galletreibende Wirkung der Jodsalizvlsaure. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1932, 168: 654-67- KursanoV, N. I. [d-Menthyliodide] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1916, 48: 1151-6.—Lawrie, N. R. The metabolism of iodobenzene and p-iodophenyl-mercapturic acid in the rat and the rabbit. Biochem. J., Lond., 1931, 25: 1037-44.—Long, L., jr, & Burger, A. The svnthesis of some iodinated aromatic compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 1586-9— Martin Serra, R. Investigacion sobre un posible vodotanino cristalizado. An. Univ. Santo Domingo, 1940, 4: 69-71— Mascarelli, L. Sulla formazione di nuclei eterociclici jodurati, azotati ed ossigenati. Mem. Accad. Italia, 1932, 3: chim., No. 2, 1-15.—Niccolini, P. M. Sull'azione e sui comportamento di alcuni iodo-pirrol- derivati neH'organismo. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1926, 32: 42-72.—Peckolt, O. A proposito de soluto concen- trado iodotanico. Farm, brasil., 1936, 11: No. 41, 21-3 — Rubachkin, V. J. [Preparation of solutions of chino-iodo- pyrin] Profil. med., Kharkov, 1923, 2: 129-36— Scherzer, H. R.. & Goedrich, P. Iodocholeate; its efficiency as a germicide and its clinical performance. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1940, 29: 255-9.—Smith, L. I., & Hanson, L. I. The addition of methyl- magnesium iodide to benzalpropiophenone. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1935, 57: 1326 8— Supniewski, J. W., & Hano, J. Ueber die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften des N-Dimethyltetrahv- droisonikotinsaureathvlesterjodids. Bull, internat. Acad. polon. sc, cl. med., 1938, 645-57. ---- Organic compounds, open chain. See also Ethyl, Halide: Iodide; Ethylene, Halide: Iodide. Caussou, J. *De I'iodure de methyle; son utilite en oto-laryngologie. 48p. 8? Toulouse, 1905. Hesse, A. *Jodausscheidung nach Eingabe von Jodostarin. 15p. 8? Giessen, 1927. Schubert, R. [E. W.] *Eignet sich Jothion zur Anwendung in der Zahnheilkunde? [Bonn] 31p. 8? Waldbroi, 1935. Schulze-Gehrike, F. M. *Tod an aller- gischem Lungenodem nach therapeutischer Jo- thioninstillation in den Kehlkopf [Jena] lOp. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1937. Cacciavillani, B. Ricerche farmacologiche su fini emulsioni di esteri iodati di acidi grassi. Biochem. ter. sper., 1937, 24: 491-510.—Friedlina, R. H., & Nesmeianov, A. N. Addition of iodine trichloride to acetylene and the structure of 0-chloro- vinyliodochloride. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 31: 892- 4.—Goddard, D. R., & Schubert, M. P. The action of iodo- ethvl alcohol on thiol compounds and on proteins. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 1009-11.—Jones, J. L., & Ogg, R. A., jr. The kinetics of the pvrolysis of n-propyl iodide and n-buty. iodide. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1937, 59: 1931-9. ------ Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of isopropyl iodide. Ibid., 1939- 42.—Marinus, C. Milieu ionique et contracture musculaire par l'acide mono-iodo-aeetique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 122: 98-100.—Stannard, J. N. Relative effects of iodoacetate and iodoacetamide on muscle respiration and glycolysis. Am. J, Physiol., 1937, 119: 408.—Steacie, E. W. R.. & McDonald, R. D. The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of gaseous methyl iodides. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 488.—Stevens, P. G. Studies on acid iodides; the addition of acetyl iodide to unsaturated hydrocarbons. Ibid., 1934, 56: 450-2. ---- Oxidation. See also subheading Photochemistry. Basset, J., & Dode, M. Sur l'oxydation directe de l'iode et des iodures aux ultra-pressions. C rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 199: 668-70.—Bourstyn, M. Systemes oxydo-tedueteurs de l'iode et de ses derives. Bull. Soc chim. France, 1941, 5. ser., 8: 533-40.—Chariot, G. L'iode et ses derives; indicateurs d'oxydo- reduction. Ibid., 1940, 5. ser., 8: 222 8.—Knudsen, O. M., & King, C. V. The oxidation of iodide ion by persulfate ion; the rate at low ionic strength. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 687- 91.—Pearce, A. A. On the so-called iodide oxidase; mechanism of iodide oxidation by Aspergillus. Biochem. J., Lond., 1940, 34: 1493-500. ---- Paste and plaster. Eggers, W. *Aussichten der Jodbehandlung durch die Jodkaliklora Zahnpasten. 21 p. 8? Kiel, 1934. Miiller-Stade. E. Jod-Kaliklora in Therapie und Prophy- laxe. Med. Well, 1935, 9: 1605.—Ritchie, D. Oil of tar and iodine paint, Pharm. J., Lond., 1938, 86: 357.—Sarason. Unijod, ptic. Louisville Month. J. M. :nvi:rsuch. Bi itr. klin. Chir., 1927, 140: 132- iJ.—Minowada, M. The influence of a small quantity of IODINE 507 IODINE potassium iodide on the thyroid gland, hypophysis, suprarenal bodies, kidneys and lungs of the white rat. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1928, 12: 423-8.------ Der Einfluss grosserer Mengen von Kalium jodatum auf die Schilddriise, die Hypo- physe, die Nebennieren, die Nieren und die Lungen der weissen Ratten. Ibid., 534-8.—Nakamura, H. Veranderungen der Kaninchenhypophyse durch dauernde Applikation von Jod- natriumlosung. Tr. Soc Path. Jap., 1936, 26: 497. ------ Veranderungen der inkretorischen Organe (Thymusdriise, Nebenniere, Geschlechtsdriise und Bauchspeicheldriise) der Kaninchen durch dauernde Applikation von Jodnatriumlosung. Ibid. 1937, 27: 544-6. ------ Veranderungen der inkre- torischen Organe von kastrierten Kaninchen durch dauernde Applikation von Jodnatriumlosung. Ibid., 1938, 28: 440-2. —■---- Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Veranderungen der inkre- torischen Organe der Kaninchen durch dauernde Applikation von Jodnatriumlosung. Ibid., 1940, 30: 212.—Nazarova, E., & Trubacheva, O. [Iodine action on the thyroid and sexual glands of animals] Russ. klin., 1927, 8: 081-9.—Ring, G. C. Thyroid activitv after iodine ingestion. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 134: 631-5.—Seufferheld, F., & Zickgraf. G. Einfluss von natiirlichen Jodverbindungen auf die Sexualsphiire des Men- schen. Zbl. inn. Med., 1934, 55: 433-6.—Sodano, A. In- fluenza dell'iodo sulla sfera genitale femminile. Arch, ostet. gin., 1934, 2. ser., 21: 267-76.—Sturm, A. Die Jodempfind- lichkeit der Schilddriise. Verhber. Internat. Kropfkonf. (1933) 1935, 2. Konf., 288-94. ---- Pharmacology: Expectorant effect. Moniz, E., Martins, A., & Almeida Lima. Injection de solution d'iodure de sodium dans la carotide externe; teflexe d'expectoration. C. rend. Soc biol., 1928, 98: 1006-8 — " M. Studies of the expectorant action of 1940-41, 12: 416. Also Am. J. M. Sc, Tuft, L., & Levin, N iodides. J. Allergy, 1942, 203: 717-22. Metabolic and growth ---- Pharmacology effects. Lauten, R. *Ueber den Einfluss des Jods auf die Sauerstoffzehrung uberlebenden Gewebes [Minister] lop. 21cm. Werne a. d. Lippe, 1935. Abelin, I. Ueber eine schilddruseniihnliche Wirkung des anorganischen Jods. KUn. Wschr., 1927, 6: 584-6. —---- Nichtschilddriisenstoffe mit Schilddriisen wirkung; Einfluss der Abbauprodukte des kiinstlich jodierten Eiweisses (Homo- thyroxine) auf das Vogelgefieder und auf die Korpertemperatur des Meerschweinchens. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1934, 175: 146-50.—Blacher, L. J., & Belkin, R. I. [Effect of crystallized iodine on the metamorphosis in axolotls] Tr. Lab. Exp. Biol. Zoo Moskva, 1927, 3: 83-98—Brandt, W., Mattis, H., & Nolte E. Ueber die Einwirkung verschiedener Jodeiweiss- Spaltprodukte auf Entwicklungs- und Regenerationsvorgange. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 243: 369-79.—Chalioungui, P., & Zell, F Ueber die Wirkung von Dijodtvrosin, Jod und Jodglidm aui den Cholesteringehalt des Blutes. Arch. exp. Path., Beih, 1937 185: 71-6— Chaneles, J. Action de l'iode sur la fltiorose chronique f. rend. Soc. biol, 1929. 102: 863.—Delcourt- Bernard, E Nouvelles recherches concernant Taction de iNode "ir le metabolisme de base. Rev. beige, sc. med., 1932, 4- 503-16 —Giacomini, E. Effetti della somministrazione di, sostanze iodate, in confronto a quelli della tiroide sui piu- maggio dei polli. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1928, 3: 326-31.— Glatzel. J. Die Wirkung von Jod auf den Grundumsatz bei Darmverschluss. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 397-400 — Grabfield, G. P.. & Prentiss A. M. The effect of iodides on the nitrogen partition. J. Pharm Exp. Ther., 1926-27 27. 231-4 —Hanzlik, P. J., Talbot, E. P., & Gibson, E. E. Con- tinued administration of iodide and other salts; comparative effects of weight and growth of the body Arch Int. M., 1928, 42- 579-89 —Harmon, J. Die Stoffwechselwirkung von anor- ganischem Jod auf den Stoffwechsel athyreoter Ratten Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1935-37) 1938 No. 142 1 —Ingram, W. R. Metamorphosis of the Colorado axolotl by injection of inorganic iodine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., JN. Y., 1928-29 26: 191.—Ito, H. An experimental study on the effect of iodides on the growth and radiosensitivity of malignant tumour; the effect of iodides on the growth of malignant tumour Jap. J. Obst. Gyn., 1937, 20: 536-40. ---— An experimental study on the effect of iodides on the growth and radiosensitivity of malignant tumour; the effect of introcid on the growth and radiosensitivity of malignant tumour. Ibid o4o-9 —— An experimental study on the effect of iodides on the growth and radiosensitivity of malignant tumour; on the effect of introcid on the function of reticulo-endothelial system. Ibid 10^« ?l- 1R3__Kochmann, M. Einfluss des Jodions auf etas SergewaSt Sender Tiere (Versuche mit Tolzer SaU undPNatrinn.^ •tive iodocasem. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., " Duffau, R. Variations de Koger, M. growth of tl.j ■ N Y 1943 52: 236.—Lecoq. R. * , •' „' „t;+„c,nte inusciilaircs chez le rat ptealablement quelques constituents n™ . & j ration, d'iode ou de rachitic puis ^,6"Pddrs^Jbi0l., 1938, 128: 619-21.-Lcin, A. ddrivjsiodjs•■ yv™™' of i0dine in thyroxin, diiodotyrosine, Keiative entiu inducing metamorphosis in amphibia, and potassium iodide in l^^f^^ 36. ^g-so.-LenJort. A. ?'°?'^nC'du ^ugol chez ies sujets k m6tabolisme abaisse. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930, 103: 38.------L'action de l'iode chez les sujets k metabolisme normal. Ibid., 1931, 106: 1283.—- Lipschiitz, A., & Morales, E. Influence de l'iode sur les organes sexuels et sur la eroissance, chez le rat. Ibid., 1936, 121: 337-40.—Marine, D., Deutch, M., & Cipra, A. The effect of large doses of iodine on heat production in rabbits. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1926-27, 24: 657-62.—Martin, K. A. The conditions under which iodin will cause a change in the basal metabolic rate in man; its occurrence in conditions other than that of Grave's disease. Am. J. M. Sc, 1927, 174: 648- 60.—Maurer, E.,& Diez, S. Ueber Wachstumsbeschleunigung an jungen Ratten bei Verfutterung jodangereicherter Kost an das laktierende Muttertier. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 182: 291-300.—Mendel, L. B., & Vickery, H. B. Effect of continued administration of iodide on the growth of the albino rat. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 806-9.—Palmer, W. W. The effect of iodine on creatinuria in hyperthyroidism. Ibid., 1927-28, 25: 229.—Parker, J. E. Influence of thyroactive iodocasein on growth of chicks. Ibid., 1943, 52: 234-6.— Phatak, N. M., Zener, F. B., & David, N. A. Effects of iodine therapy on blood iodine and basal metabolic rate in pregnancv. Ibid., 1940, 45: 667.—Picado, T. C. El yodo cofermento del metabolismo de los aziicares en las plantas v animales. Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo, Suppl., 1930-32, 737-40— Ring, G. C. The effects of iodine ingestion on the metabolism of normal animals. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 426.—Scharrer. K., & Schropp, W. Untersuchungen fiber den Einfluss steigender Gaben von Jodid-, Jodat- und Perjodation auf die Keimung und die erste Jugendentwicklung einiger Kulturpflanzen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 236: 187-204. ----— Weitere Unter- suchungen uber die Wirkung steigender Jodmengen in Form von Jodid-, Jodat- und Perjodation sowie elementarem Jod auf die Keimung und die erste Jugendentwicklung verschiedener Kulturpflanzen. Ibid., 239: 74-93.—Sellei, C, & Mayer, G. [The effect of iodine upon the gas metabolism of the tissues] Magy. orv. arch., 1938, 39: 519-23.—Shillito, F. H., & Turner, K. B. Effect of iodine on absolution of cholesterol. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1935-36, 33: 600-4—Siebert, W. J., & Linton, C. S. Comparison of the effects of potassium iodide and of diiodotvrosin upon basal metabolism. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1935, 53: 418-29.—Stiner, O. Der Einfluss kleinster Jodgaben auf die Milchsekretion. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 846-8.—Strickler, A., & Fowler, O. M. The effect of iodine vapor on the growth of fibroblasts of embryonic chick heart and malignant tumor cells in vitro. Am. J. Cancer, 1933, 19: 789-816.—Watanabe, M. Ueber das Verhalten des Harn- quotienten C:N bei der Jodwirkung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1172.—Weiser, I. Adatok a j6d biok^midj^hoz; kis j6dadagok hatdsa a fiatal szervezet noveked6s6re. Kozl. osszehas. 61et & k6rt., 1928, 22: 281-6.—Zavadovsky, B. M., & Titaev, A. A. Ueber den Einfluss organischer und anorganischer Jodpraparates auf die Mauser und Depigmentierung des Huhnergefieders. Arch. Entwmech., 1928, 113: 582-600. Also Med. biol. J., Leningr., 1928, 4: 34-49. ---- Pharmacology: Neural effect. Bartorelli. <■. SuH'eterocronismo neuromuscolaie da sali di om" ptilsostituiti. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 208.— Chidester. F. E. The nervous system and iodine Pharm. Advan. e. 1942, 14: No 158, 9-12.—Cowan, S, L,, & Walter. W. G. The effects of tetra-ethylammonium iodide on the eler + rical response and the accommodation of nerve. J. Physiol., Lond., 1937-38, 91: 101-26. ---- Pharmacology: Preparations. Armendariz, E. Yodo y sus compuestos. Mem. Congr. mM. nac. mex., 1910, 4..Congr., 737-47.—Bettin, G. Ueber eine besonders wirksame Form der perkutanen Jodanwendung. Fortsch. Ther., 1928, 4: 228.—Cecchini, A. Di un nuovo iodo- derivato. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1908, 57: 441-4.—Dessy, B. Sullo iodio nascente nella pratica ostetrico-ginecologica. Miner- va med., Tor., 1939, 30: 388.—Dttker, W. Ueber Jodalcet, ein neuartiges Wunddesinfiziens und Haemostypticum. Med. Klin Berl., 1928, 24: 1521.—Etfnger. Ueber perkutane Jodbehandlung. Fortsch. Ther., 1928, 4: 123.—Ferraz Costa, V. Emprego dos compostos iodaminicos em clinica. Arq. biol. S Paulo 1941 25:244-6.—Formulas demedicamentosyodicos. Botica, Barcel., 1852-53, 1: 27;42-58; 88; 108; 120: 168; 316.— Griffith, I. Solid extracts. Am. J. Pharm., 1940, 112: 31-4.— Harry -T. C. Iodine preparation and process of making ihe same U. S. Patent Off., 1933, No. 1,896,171.—Henry Los ntedicamens composes avec ce corps fl'iode] et les hydnodates, et sur les iodures. Observ. sc. med., 1822,3: 211-20—Hunziker. Ueber jodhaltige Spezialitaten und Geheimmittol. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1920, 56: 257.—Iodo (Del) y sus preparados medicinales. Diar. gen. cienc. med., Barcel., 1827, 3: 16-20.— Isnard E. Contribution al estudio de los yoduros dobles de cmetinn y de bismuto. Bol. farm, mil., Madr., 1926, 4: 143- 8 .Ioduro (Del) d'amido. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1846, ser 2 10:305.—Jordanoff, P. Klinische Versuche mit Introcid. Berl.'tierarztl. Wschr., 1926, 42: 411-5.—Karcher, M Das .Tod-Bad. Deut, Aerzte Ztg, 1936, 11: No. 431.—Softer, L. Ueber Praparate mit verschleiertem Jodgehalt. Wien. klin. Wschr 1926, 39: 386.—Kiister. Jodalcet in der Chirurgie. Med. Welt, 1928, 2: 1824-6.—Lepage. Assaggio di parecclne preparazioni farmaceuticho col ioduro cadmi-potassico. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1875, 24: 547-9.—Luduena, F. P. Nuevos datos sobre la accion farmacologica de la canchcina. Kev. Soc. IODINE SON IODINE argent, biol., 1934, 10: 441-0.—Mancini. Lo iodio in terapia tsiero-iodato Gandolfo: iodobrom) Med. chir., Nap., 1917, 1: No. 3, 1-5.- Mondio. G. La jodo-caleio-diurctina Knoll nelle malattie neuropsichiatriche, cardiovascolari e del ricambio. Ras-v internaz. clin. ter., 1935, 16: 1039-48. Naiodinc not acceptable for N. X. R. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 100: 2008 — Oberbarh, H. Erfahrunireii mit Jodonascin. Miinch. med. W.-chr., 1935, 82: 1000. Farodi, L. La iodoglicerina; nuovo preparato iodico. Italia san., 1909, 5: 7.—Pfeiler, R. Leber ein neues Jodpraparat, das Jonojod. Wien. med. Wschr., 1933, 83: 1098,-Pohl, J. Jod und Jodalkalien; Experimentell- Pharmakologisches. In Handb. Haut. A Geschlkr. (A. & G. Alexander) Berl., 1928, 18: 717-35.—Pohle. Meine Erfah- rungen mit Introcid. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1920. 42: 902.— Preparados (De los) medicinales del iodo. Diar. gen. cienc. med., Barcel., 1827, 4: 198-201.—Ruhemann, E. Erfahrungen mit Jod-Dermasan in der kleinen Chirurgie. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 1030-2.—San Antonio, C. de. El metodo Finikoff en algunos casus de mi prftctiea. Rev. nted. Rosario, 1935, 9: No. 83, 18-22.—Scanzoni, C. von. Klinische Erfah- rungen mit dem Jod-Chloi thvmolpraparat G 125. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 228: 423 6— Schubert, J. Ueber die Verwendung von Andriolpraparaten. Derm. Wschr., 1925, 80: 17-9.—Schuster, J. Erfahrungen mit Aljodan. Wien. med. Wschr., 1924, 74: 973-5.—Tennenbaum, M. Das Verhalten der Jodhiozyme im Tierkorper. Med. Welt, 1929, 3: 1250-2.— Truttwin, H. Die chemische Seite des Andriolprinzips. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1925, 72: 182.—Utilization of different forms of iodine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 1892.—Veyrieres. L'at- mosphere iodeNe. Bull. meU, Par., 1929, 43: 569.—Vohnout, C. [Use of eulysinol in surgery] Cas. 16k. cesk., 1937, 76: 183-5 — Weinberger, W. Jodersatzpraparate in der Zahnheilkunde. Zsehr. Stomat., 1932, 30: 431-4.—Witte, P. J. Iodine com- pound and method for producing the same. U. S. Patent Off., 1942, No. 2,281,612.—Zachariae, G. Perkutane Jodbehand- lung. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 1483.—Zakin, K. Y. [Iodin vapors in stomatology] Sovet. stomat., 1931, 9: 37-9. ---- Phenol compounds. Ackerstaff, R. *Ueber die klinische Brauch- barkeit des Dijozols bei Otitiden und Ekzemen bei Hunden und Katzen [Miinchen] 22p. 8? Brnschw., 1927. Schumacher, E. *Dijozol in der Zahnheil- kunde. 27p. 8° Heidelb., 1933. Zeitz [F. W.] S. *AOI nach Bertram in der Kleintierpraxis. 43p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Bordeianu, C. V. Ueber Aristol und die Herstellung von Jodphenolen. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1934, 272: 8-22.—Gersdorff, W. A., & Smith, L. E. Effect of introduction of the halogens into the phenol molecule on toxicitv to goldfish; monoiodophenols. Am. J. Pharm., 1940, 112: 389-94—Konrad, E. Zur Wertig- keitsfrage des Dijozol. Zbl. Gyn., 1933, 57: 770-8.—Mehlhorn, W. Ueber ein neues Schutzmittel gegen Infektionen. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1929, 45: 158. Nehrkorn, A. Dijozol als Hautdesinfiziens. Munch, med. Wschr., 1927,74:768. ------ Weitere Erfahrungen mit Dijozol. Ibid.. 1934, 81: 714 — Sciroppo iodofenico. Gior. farm, chim.. Tor.. 1905, 54: 403.— Wallace, T. A. Trichloracetyldiphenoldiiodide. Long Island M. J., 1916, 10: 147-54. ---- Phenolphthalein compounds. Barba-Gose, J. The toxicity of different commercial samples of tetraiodo-phenolphthalein sodium. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1929, 2: 396-403. Also Tr. Inst, fisiol. Barcelona, 1929- 30,3:332-9. ------ El control biologico del tetrayodofenol- ftaieinato sodico. Ibid., 326-31, 1 diag.—Beyreis. Ein Beitrag zur gerichtlich-medizinischen Beurteilung der Vergiftung mit Tetrajodphenolphthalein-Natrium (Jodtetragnost - Merck) Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1927, 10: 156-74.—Bronner, H., & Madlener, M. J. Einfluss der Riickresorption auf die Jod- ausscheidungskurve im Blut nach Jodtetragnostinjektion. Klin. Wsclu., 1935. 14: 1170-2.—Death following oral adminis- tration of sodium-tetraiodo-phenolphthalein. N. Zealand M. J., 1928-29, 27: 230.—Delario, A. J. Paths of absorption and excretion of sodium tetraiodophenolphthalein. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1930-31. 16: 329-^40.—Ellzey, E. F., & Wendt, H. W., jr. Tetraiodophenolphthalein compositions. U. S. Patent Off., 1934, No. 1.984,404.—Hoesch, K. Ueber das Schicksal des in travel ids injizierten Tetrajodphenolphthaleinnatriums beim Menschen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1920, 73: 1109-11.—Hsieh, C. K. Effects of sodium tetraiodophenolphthalein on some vital organs. Ann. Int. M.. 1927, 1: 96-108.—Iodeikon. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1257— Korkhov, V., & Olkhovskaia, M. [Pathologic-anatomic (microscopic) changes in the internal organs of dog after injections of tetraiodophenolphtalein] Vest. rentg., 1931, 9: 105-21--McMillan, J. C, & Wheeler, D. The administration of sodium tetraiodophenolphthalein. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 20: 390.—Mairano, M., & Biancalana, L. Ricerche cliniche e sperimentali sulla tetrajodofenolftaleina. Arch. ital. chir., 1931-32, 30: 550-74.—Nickel, A. C. The bacteriostatic and germicidal value of tetiothalein sodium— X. N. R. (tetraiodophenolphthalein) Proc. Mayo Clin., 1929, 4: 178. ------ Tetiothalein sodium-N. N. R. (tetraiodophenol- phthalein) as an antiseptic and a germicide of the biliary tract. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1929-30, 37: 359-66.—Palma, R. Kieerche sik i-innntali sugli effetti della tetraiodofenolftaleina. Vim. ital. chir . 1927, 6: 4Sid., 1936, 75: 5. ---- Therapeutic use. Soc also under names of various diseases as Common cold, Prevention, etc. A, G. Sulla cura iodica (contrasti e consensi) Terapia, Milano, 1926, 16: 29-32.—Barkan, G. Jodtherapie. Miinch. med. W'schr., 1932, 79: 621-4.— Bonnin, L. Beitrag zur in- teinen Jodtherapie. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 1743— Bulman, F. I.a in. dicac,i6n v6dica. Gac. m6d. Mexico, 1934, 65: 254-66 — Coiner. J. C. Discussion. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1931, 21: 7l'_' 1 -Goadby, H. K. Modern therapeutic^; iodine and iodides. Practitioner, Lond., 1939, 143: 650-5.—Liebig, H. Die Grundlagen der Jodbehandlung in der inneren Medizin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 1334.—Marosi, I. [Parenteral iodine therapy] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1940, 38: 97-101.— Moderna medicacao iodetada. Med. cir. pharm., Rio, 1941, ■>.-,' -4 —Miiller-Stade, E. Intraorale Jodmedikation. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1937, 34: 688.—Novack. H. J. Iodotherapy. Med J. & Rec, 1929. 130: 39.—Oswald. A. Grundlagen der Jodtherapie. Fortsch. Ther., 1932, 8: 291-6.—Podolsky. E. The therapeutics of iodine. Hahneman. Month., 1939, 74: 070-7.— Schwellenbach, P. Beitrag zur Jodtherapie. Med. Welt, 1928. 2: 1502.—Stevens, W. M. Some aspects of iodine therapy. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 1: 1235. ------ Iodine therapy. Clin. J„ Lond., 1932, 61: 493. ---- Therapeutic use: Disinfection. See also subheading Pharmacology: Bacteri- cide and fungicide properties; also Tincture. Schwesinger, E. *Die Desinfektion des Operationsfeldes unter Beriicksichtigung der Merck'schen Jodstabchen [Heidelberg] 19p. 8? Hildburghausen, 1931. Delangre. Antisepsie iod6e et bicarbonatee. P. verb. Ass. fr. chir., 1910, 23: 706-11.—Garton, W. M. Iodine sterilization as now used at the United States Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1913, 7: 234-6.—Gremonese, G. Le disinfezioni alio jodo. Gazz. osp., 1915, 36: 84.—Holt, C. H. Sterilization of skin in emergency work, with special reference to benzine-iodin and iodin methods. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1012-13, 9: 211-3.—Link, G. Iodine skin and wound steriliza- tion. Indianapolis M. J., 1912, 15: 6.—Millet. L'iode dans l'arme.e. Caz. m&L Paris, 1915, 86: 69.—Ofrias, R. F. Iodized hydi ide anti-epsis a half century ago. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1917, 92: 1075- Oidtmann, V. A. Vereenvoudigde desinfectie van het opt ratie-terrein. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1916, 2: 1363.— Peck, J. W. Iodine in skin asepsis. Pharm. J., Lond., 1912, 4. ser., 34: 450.—Pilcher, J. T. Dry iodine preparation of the skin for operations. Yearb. Pilcher Hosp., Brookl., 1911, 1: 149.—Robb, H. Iodine in sterilization of the skin. Tr. Am. Gyn. Soc, 1913, 38: 353-61.—Thomas, J. L. The cult of iodine and the dread of skin. Brit. M. J., 1913, 1: 12. Zilwa, I., de. The iodine method of skin disinfection. J. Ceylon Br. M. Ass., 1911, 8: 13-5. ---- Therapeutic use: Indication. Sec also such headings as Arteriosclerosis; Common cold; Dermatophytosis; Mycosis; Sci- atica; Syphilis, etc. BrinkmannJ E. *Jod in der Zahnheilkunde, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Jod- tinktur, Dijozol, Jodoform, sowie iiber ront- genologische Priifungen jodhaltiger Wurzelfiil- lungon. 28p. 8? Lpz., 1932. Fiedler, H. [F. K.] *Klinische Beitrage zur Jodtherapie in der operutiven Zahnheilkunde [Leipzig] 25p. 8? Crimmitschau, 1934. Rojas Castillo, Y. *Aplicacionos del iodo en la medicina. 35p. 8? Santiago, 1930. Alvarez, J. Coincidencia de la desaparici6n did sarro de la boca con el uso interno del ioduro de sodio. Actas Congr. dent, espafi. (1905) 1906, 3. Congr., 165-7.—Baldwin, H. A. Iodine in surgery. Interstate M. J., 1912, 19: 119-23.— Barduzzi, l>. Di un altro abuso deU'joduro potassico nella pratica medica. Cior. med. prat., 1924, 6: 261.—Berberich. J. Jodbehandlung in der Oto-, Rhino-, Laryngologie (Jodoslront ] Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1078 80. Bonne. Kliiusi Ik r Beitrag iiber das Jod in der Therapie. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1203. — Bouchereau, P. Sur Taction des derives iod£s hydro- solubles utilises dans les maladies rhumatismales et eardio- vascularies. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1940, 7: 489-95.—Bram, I. Iodine versus goiter; facts and fallacies. Med. Times. N. V., 1929, 57: 340-2.—Brennecke, H. A. Ihe use of iodin in surgery. Railw. Surg. J., 1911-12, 18: 353 5. IVEttorre, T. Ancora del iodo nella scarlattina ed in altre malattie. Med. prat.. Nap., 1028, 13: 00-104.—Di Lauro, E. Applicazioni dello iodo in otoriiiolaringoiatria. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 375 (Abstr.) — Dixon, C. A. Iodine. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1940, 33: 185.—Duarte, B. Do emprego do iodo em diversos estados •morbides. Arch, brasil. med., 1920, 16: 352-64 — Fricdlander, R. Jodogel in der allgemeinen und sportarztlichen Praxis. Prakt. Arzt, 1926, n. F., 11: 150-3. Healy, F. The use of iodine in podiatry. Pharm. Advance, 1930, 11: No. 131, 17-9.—Hollnwbush, J. R. Iodin in surgery. Railw. Surg. J., 1912-13, 19: 481-5.—Janovics, A. [Recent views of iodine therapy] GyOgyaszat, 1933, 73: 695-7.—Johnson, M. C. Some experiences with the newer drugs. Laryngoscope, 1933, 43: 414-6.- Magendie. Chronic ulcerations of the tongue and pharvnx cured bv the hydriodate of potash. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 2: 64-6.—Marcelli, G. La terapia iodica nei linfatismo. Pediatria (Riv.) 1934, 42: 284-89 — Mas de Xaxas, J. El yodo en obstetricia. Bol. mens. Col. m6d. Gerona, 1910, 15: 81-3.—Nistico, G. Lo jodio a piccole dosi ai bambini delle Colonie montane. Rinasc. med., 1939, 16: 720.—Podolsky, E. Iodine therapy in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eye Ear &c Month., 1938-39, 17: 414 — Prunes, L., & Ramirez, G. Tratamiento masivo con soluci6n deyodurode sodio al 5% de la sifilis tardia y algunas dermatosisr Rev. argent, derm, sif., 1942, 26: 865-74.- Rosenberg. J. Iodine injection therapy in oto-rhinology; a new method of treating nasal and aural catarrhal conditions. Laryngoscope, 1932, 42: 883-6.—Ross, J. G. Mono-iodo-cinchophen in arthritic conditions; further investigations and analysis of cases. Med. J. & Rec, 1929, 130: 629.—Salecby, C. W. Iodine and health. Hosp. Social Serv., 1927, 15: 231 40 — Seel, H. Die therapeutische Bedeutung des Jods. Erg. gus. Med., 1936, 21: 401-23.—Shoemaker, H. A., & Under- bill, F. P. Can iodides replace chlorides in chloride deficiency? J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1932, 44: 43-6.—Siffre. L'iode en therapeutique dentaire. Progr. med., Par., 1912, 3. ser., 28: 356.—Silberstein, M. Use of sodium iodide injections as an analgesic in painful conditions including sciatica, migraine, arthritis, and epididvmitis, with a report of six cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1938, 148: 29-32.—Simforov, E. F. [Ten years of investigation on the therapeutic effect of injections of solutions of iodide salts in visceralgia] Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 41: 1107-11.—Slauck, A. Vom Jod im Verwendungs- bereich der inneren Medizin. Beih. Med. Klin., 1926, 22: H. 3, 47-74.—Sterzi, I. Lo iodio nella pratica ehirurgica. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1916, 1: 377-88. —Zweigel, I. Infections and lesions in minor surgery; an advancement in iodine therapy. Indust. M., 1941, 10: 553-6. ---- Therapeutic use, intravascular. Buscaino, V. M. Iodoterapia endovenosa e sottoaracnoidea in varie malattie, prevalentemente infiammatorie, neurassiche e perineuiassiche. Pass, internaz. clin. ter., 1930, 20: 763- 72. Egas Monis. Acciio terapeutica das injeccoes intracaiotidias de iodeto de sodio. Lisboa med., 1929, 6: 141-8— Finazzi, G. La terapia jodka endovenosa nelle dermatosi. Cult, med, mod.. Pal., 1927, 6: 106-12.—Hughes. B.. & Binz, A. An important chemo-therapeutic possibility; the liberation of nascent iodine by roentgen-irradiation after the intravenous administration I of an iodine compound. .1. Michigan M. Soc, 1933, 32: 113.— IODINE 513 IODINE Johannessohn. Intravenose Jodbehandlung. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1930, 27: 801.—Jorgenson, G. E. The effect of free iodine administered intravenously (some laboratory studies) Clin. M. S., 1930, 37: 193-6.—Kewalram. Intravenous iodine. Ind. M. Rec, 1930, 50: 141.—Kraus, H. Die Wirkung ver- schiedener Jodpraparate auf die peripheren Gefasse nach intraarterieller Injektion. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1935, 179: 537-44 —Krishnamurty, C. An analysis of 108 intravenous iodine injections. Ind. M. Gaz., 1927, 62: 129.—Metzger, E. The use of intravenous sodium iodide in ophthalmology. Am. J. Ophth., 1942, 25: 1112.—Moniz, E. L'action spas- modique de l'iode libre dans l'arbre arteriel de la carotide interne. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1928, 6: 655-8, pl.—Shelmire, B. Intravenous iodine therapy; a preliminary report. Texas J. M., 1926-27, 22: 644-9.—Wiltsie, J. W. The use of sodium iodide intravenouslv in infections and allergies. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 123: 235;296. ---- Therapeutic use: Untoward effect. See also subheading Poisoning. Kobke, S. G. *Jodschaden in der Zahnheil- kunde mit einer eigenen Beobachtung. 15p. 22Hcm. Rostock, 1935. Bamberger, J. Ueber Jodtherapie und Jodschlidigung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22:1569-71.—Codet-Boisse. Accidents sferieux cons6cutifs & l'emploi de la teinture d'iode en badi- geonnage pte-op6ratoire chez des enfants. Gaz. nted. Bordeaux, 1912, 33: 235 [Discussion] 245-8.—Frigyesi, J. [Role of iodine injections in sterility and extra-uterine pregnancy] Orv. hetil., 1930 74: 1001-3. ------ Ueber die schadlichen Folgen der Jodinjektionen. Zbl. Gvn., 1930, 54: 2042-6.—Jackson, A. Iodine hyperthyroidism. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1927, 17: 94-7 — Legrand. C. Troubles graves chez un op6te paraissant relever de l'antisepsie par la teinture d'iode. Bull. Soc meri. mil. fr., 1911, 5: 507-9.—Raab, W. Hyperthyreosen infolge zahn- arztlicher Jodanwendung. Zsehr. Stomat., Wien, 1931, 29: 637-43.—Schon, W. Schadigung durch Jod-Kalzium-Diure- tin? Mschr. Ohrenh., 1939, 73: 162.—Seel. H. Jodwirkungen, Jodschaden und Jodfurcht. Fortsch. Ther., 1938, 14: 225: 297.—Sutton, R. L.. jr. Treatment of iodine burns with sodium thiosulfate solution. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1936, 33: 1062. ---- Therapeutic use, veterinary. Steffen, M. R. A treatise on regional iodine therapy for the veterinary clinician. 63p. 18? N. Y., 1919. Boiteux, J. Nouvelles indications de l'emploi chirurgical de l'iode. J. nted. vet., Lyon, 1859, 15: 153-61.—McCulIoch, E. C. The value of iodin in cattle practice. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1932, 80: 686-96.—Maurer, J. Nonspecific cellular therapv. Vet. Med., Chic, 1933, 28: 144-50.—Pellkofer, J. Ein Streifzug durch verschiedene Indikationsgebiete der Jodcerverbindungen. Miinch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1929, 80: 405- 423.—Rey. Injections uxtees; faits recueillis k la clinique de l'Ecole de Lyon en 1857. J. med. vet., Lyon, 1857, 13: 481; 545. ---- Tincture. See also subheading Solutions. Ehrlich, J. *Vergleichspriifung der Dauer der Hautdesinfektion mit Alkohol und Jodtink- tur. 45p. 8? Berl., 1912. Fournier, H. C. *La disinfection du champ operatoire et des mains du chirurgien par la teinture d'iode sans lavage prealable. 220p. 8? Par., 1912. Galluchon, J. G. *De l'emploi de la teinture d'iode en chirurgie. 70p. 8? Par., 1910. Klepatsky, O. *De la disinfection par la teinture d'iode en chirurgie. 35p. 8? Geneve, 1911. Konig, F. *Contribution k I'etude des troubles provoques par la teinture d'iode [Geneve] 27p. 8? Lyss, 1927. Reich-Brutzkus, B. *TJeber erne modinzierte Grossich'sche Jodtinkturdesinfektion bei Opera- tionen [Bern] 20p. 8? Ziir., 1913. Also Wien klin. Rdsch., 1913, 27: 241. Ahetti M Sulla disinfezione della cute colla tintura di iodio Clin 'chir. Milano, 1912, 20: 2361-2374.-Andres Mru^sli! M ^dfnktur als g^r^ A^hjdn*- quanlS maximum de 'teinture d'iode pouvant etre delivree 32Q157__vol. 8, 4th series----33 au public Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1940, 47: prof., 125.— Baumann, E. Zur Frage der Alkoholdenaturierung und Jodtinktur. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 551-3.—Biscons. Disinfection de la peau et des mains par la solution alcoolique d'iode diluee. Bull. Soc. nted. mil. fr., 1912, 6: 89.—Bone, J. A., &. Elam, J. W. Action of tincture of iodine when injected into the pericardial sac. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 563.—Bovee, J. W. Complete sterilisation of the skin by iodin. Tr. Am. Gvn. Soc, 1914, 39: 379-84. Also Boston M. & S. J., 1914, 171: 567.—Bruchhausen, F., von, & Stempel, B. Ueber die Bestimmung von Jod und Jodkali in der Jodtinktur. Apothekerztg, 1927, 42: 282-4.—Briining, F. Hautdesin- fektion durch Jodtinktur und ihre Verwendung im Kriege. Deut. mil. arztl. Zsehr., 1911, 40: 905-19. ------ Zur Jod- tinkturdesinfektion, zugleich ein Beitrag von metastatischer Entzundung nach subkutaner Verletzung. Zbl. Chir., 1912, 39: 643.—Candea, A. Ein Beitrag zur Jodtinkturdesinfektion. Wien. med. Wschr., 1913, 73: 2266.—Champeaux. Emploi de la teinture d'iode en chirurgie. Bull. Soc. nted. mil. fr., 1913, 7: 647-9.—Cousinne, J. Appareil pour la preparation de la teinture d'iode. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1895, 1: 165.— Curri, D. Zweiundzwanzigjahrige Erfahrungen mit der Grossichschen Methode der Joddesinfektion. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1930, 149: 626-30.—Dobreff, M. Antonio Grossich, der Erfinder der Jodtinkturmethode. Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 2133.—Ducasse. De la teinture d'iode comme antiseptique et hypetemiant local dans le traitement des plaies et sterilisant cutane. Bull. Soc. Centr. med. vet., Par., 1911, 65: 500-7.—Federmann, A. Ueber die Desinfektion der Haut mit Jodtinktur. Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1910) 1911,41: 2. Teil, 7-10.—First aid dressing. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1942, 39: 418.—Fritzler, K. Veranderungen der Haut durch Jodtink- tur; pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen am Meer- schweinchen. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 114: 6-13.— Gautier, A. La teinture d'iode dans les appovisionnements de teserve; procede de preparation extemporan£e. Arch. m^d. pharm. mil., 1912, 60: 548-51.—Goadby, H. K. Tincture of iodine. Practitioner, Lond., 1942, 149: 251.—Griffith, I. The new mild tincture of iodine. Am. J. Pharm., 1935, 107: 393-6.—Guilera. De la simplificaci6n en la tecnica de la desinfeccion de la piel. Rev. med. cir. Barcelona, 1912, 26: 225-39.—Hager [Tinctura jodi decolorata (decolor)] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1871, 3: 371. ------ Tintura di iodo incolora. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1873, 22: 488.—Heinemann. Zur Frage der Grossichschen Jodtinkturdesinfektion. Zbl. Chir., 1913, 40: 1773.—Herzog, J., & Schulze, K. Zur Bestim- mung des Gehaltes an freiem Jod und Kaliumjodid in der Tincture Jodi des D. A. B. 6. Apothekerztg, 1927, 42: 804.— Holl, K. Ueber die Sepso-Tinktur. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 710.—Jakimiak, B. [Disinfection of the skin by Grossich's method] Med. kron. lek., Warsz., 1912, 47: 7-9 — Jentzer, A. Troubles cliniques provoquds par l'alcool iode. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 547.—Jiingling, O. Bedingt die Methode der Hautdesinfektion mit Jodtinktur eine Gefahr der Jodintoxikation fiir den operierenden Arzt. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1913, 60: 1766.—Klein. A propos de la sterilisation du champ operatoire par la teinture d'iode. Bull. Soc. med. Yonne (1911) 1912. 52: 48-55.—Kozhukharov, I., & Petrov, A. [Disinfection of the operating field with iodine-benzine and tincture of iodine] Srpski arh. celok. Iek., 1911, 17: 551.— Langen, H. Eine praktische Jodtankflasche. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1591.—McDonnell, J- F., jr. & Fairlamb, P. M. The deterioration of tincture of iodine due to rubber stoppers. Am. J. Pharm., 1940, 112: 323.—Machac, J. [On the therapeu- tic value of tincture of iodine] Cas. iek. desk., 1941, 80: 764.— Malafosse. Desinfection des mains et du champ operatoire par la teinture d'iode et l'alcool. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1912, 6: 168-71.—Marquis. E. Teinture d'iode ou alcool sur le champ operatoire. Presse med., 1934, 42: 1431. ------ Teinture d'iode ou alcool dans la desinfection du champ operatoire? Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1939, 3. ser., 122: 305-10 — Mataniuk, J. Zur Jodtinkturdesinfektion des Operationsfeldes. Militararzt, Wien, 1912, 46: 177.—Merkens, W. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber den Wert der Grossichschen Methode und eine Beitrag zur Vereinfachung unserer Desinfektionsmethoden. Deut. med. Wschr., 1913, 39: 1249-51.—Mild tincture of iodine for wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 954.—Miranda, R. Desinfecci6n del campo operatorio por la tinctura de yodo en las intervenciones quin'irsicas. Bol. cienc med., Mex., 1911-12, 11: 483-9.—Mitchell, H. C. Antiseptics in surgery, with especial reference to the tincture of iodine in crushing injuries. Gen. Pract., S. Louis, 1912, 25: 247-50.—Monod, R. Desinfection de la neau k la teinture d'iode chez les enfants; son innocuite. Arch. med. enf., 1913, 16: 359-62—Nelis, H. La teinture d'iode. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1897, 3: 209-16.— Nobecourt, P. Quelques remarques sur l'usage interne de la teinture d'iode chez les enfants. Rev. internat. med. chir., Par., 1922, 33: 143.—Odermatt, W. Zur Jod-Alkoholfrage. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 549-51.—Oramas, L. R. Algo mis sobre la aplicaci6n de la tintura de yodo, y unas anotaciones de geograffa farmaceutica. Mem. Congr. venezol. med. (1926) 1927, 3: 5. Congr., 223-7.—Osswald, F. Unter- suchungen iiber die Desinfektionswirkung der Jodtinktur bei der Vorbereitung des Operationsfeldes. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 17-21.—Pavlovski, Y. A. [Results of asepsis of the hands and operating field by the Grossich-Brunn method] Ru's, vrach., 1912, 11: 998.—Pellerin, G. Comprintes d'iode pour la preparation extemporanee de la teinture d'iode chirurgicale. Caducee, 1913, 13: 108.—Pels Leusden, F. Ist Jodtinktur als Hautdesinfiziens entbehrlich? Miinch. IODINE 514 IODINE med. Wschr. 1940, 87: 1117. Pichevin, R. La desinfection de la peau ) ai hi teinture d'iode, Progr. med. beige, 1909, 11: 189-91. l'irkenbach. Die Hautdesinfektion mit Jod- tinktur. Med. Klin.. Her!., 1912, 8: 487.—Pikas, J. [Effect of concentration of tincture of iodine on its bactericidal action] Medicina, Kaunas, 1941, 22: 254.—Ponizovski, N. P. [Dis- infection of the skin with tincture of iodine in operations on the eyelids, lachrymal organs, and eyeball] Sibirsk. vrach. gaz., 1912, 5: 573-6.—Richardson, F. S. Pre-operative skin sterilization: the use of a saturated sodium thiosulphate solu- tion in 70 per cent alcohol to prevent iodine burns. Minnesota M., 1934, 17: 177-9.—Rona, I). [On tincture of iodin disinfec- tion] Orv. hetil., 1910, 54: 859.—Rosenblatt, J. Eine Verein- fachung der Grossieh'schen Methode der Hautjodierung. Zbl. Gyn., 1028, 52: 2848.—S. Jodtinktur oder Besseres? fortsch. Med., 1935, 53: 235-8.—Sabouraud. A tintura de iodo em dermatologia. Porto med., 1900, 3: 255-7.—Sabou- raud, R. L'alcool iode au l/100e. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, svph., 1935, 42: 867— Scheel. Meine Jodtinkturflasche zur Grossich- schen Desinfektionsmethode. Deut. mil. arztl. Zsehr., 1912, 41: 668-71.—Schmid, H. H. Ueber Jodtinkturdesinfektion in der Geburtshilfe. Zbl. Gyn., 1911, 35: 889-91— Schulek, E. Beitrage zur Hestimmung des Gesamtjodgehaltes der Jodtink- tur. Orsz. Kozegeszs. Int. kozl., 1930, 3: No. 31, 1-6 — Schumacher, J. Zur Desinfektion des Operationsfeldes mit Jodtinktur oder anderen Arzneimitteln. Deut. med. Wschr., 1915, 41: 220.—Sevket Artamli [Investigations for the preparation of tincture containing a minimal dose of iodine] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi, 1940, 69: 144-8.—Sheffield, H. B. Tincture of iodine in routine pediatric practice. Med. J. & Rec, 102."), 122: 755.—Sodano, A. Azione della tinctura di iodo sulla sfc-m genitale femminile. Arch, ostet. gin., 1934, 2. ser., 21: 635-52.—Sorel, R. Toujours contre la teinture d'iode. I', verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1932. 41: 326-8. ------ Sur la teinture d'iode et l'asepsie. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1933, 196: 729.—Ten Horn, C. Over desinfectie met tinctura iodio. Ned. mschr. kindergeneesk., 1913, 2: 429-40.- Thiebaut. Sur Faction antiseptique et 1'alteration des teintures d'iode. hull. Soc. med. mil. fi., 1912. 6: 280-91.—Tincture of iodine; deficiency of free iodine. Brit. Food J., 1942. 44: 69 — Veraart, IL A. C... & Dronth, J. B. [Bacterial infection of accidental wound* before and after antiseptic treatment with tincture of iodine] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: pt 1, 2033-50, pl. - ■- - [Antiseptic strength of o'",: tincture of iodine (in vitro); comparison to other antiseptics] Ibid., 1932, 76: pt 3, 4096, pl.—Vignoli. L. Au sujet de la teinture d'iode. Bull. sc. pharm., Par.. 1935, 42: 596-8 — Wachsmuth, G. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber Jodtinktur und Metajodin. "eitr. klin. Chir., 1936, 164: 287-91.—Walmsley, J. R. French tincture of iodine (Liquor iodi simplex) Q. J. l'harm., Lond., 1931, 4: 309-13.—Walther. Desinfection de la peau par la teinture d'iode. P. verb Ass. fr. chir., 1910, 23: 712-42.—Wessel, C. Jodtinkter desinfektion. Nord. tskr. ter., Kbh., 1911-12, 10: 121-32. ------ Jodtinktur des- infektion. Hospitalstidende, 1912, 5. R., 5: 1464, 1495.— Wilder, W. H. The iodine technique in surgery. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, 101 L 4 11-4.—Woodbury. F. T. Tincture of iodine the best surgical disinfectant. N. York Af. J., 1912, 96: 101; 178. ---- Tincture: Substitutes. Jahn, A. *Die Verwendbarkeit des Jodostick zur Desinfektion der Haut. 31p. 8? Bresl., 1930. Wiesmaier, R. T. *Ueber ein neues als Jodtinctur-Ersatz gedachtes Desinfektionsmittel Metajodin und seine Verwendbarkeit in der Dermatologie. 38p. 8? Miinch., 1936. Eilers, O. Dijozol an Stelle von Jodtinktur als Hautrei- nigungsmittel im chirurgisch-poliklinischen Betriebe. Miinch. med. Wsdir., 1929, 76: 996.—Ersatz fiir Jodtinktur. Bull. Eidg. Ge-undhamt., 1942, 270.—Golmsten, V. [Application of jothion fm skin disinfection] Prakt. vrach, 1914, 13: 61.— Klister, E., A: Miinch, J. Jodomuc-jodfrei, ein brauchbares Ersatzpriiparat fiir Jodtinktur. Med. Welt. 1940, 14: 59.— Macdonald, R. A., & Peck. J. W. Skin antiseptics with iodine and some new solvents. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 2: 443.—Pels Leusden, F. Ist Jodtinktur als Hautdesinfiziens entbehrlich? Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 689.—Ries, R. Jodtinktur entbehrlich; unsere Erfahrungen mit Kodantinktur. Munch. med. Wsclu., 1941, 88: 737— Schwarz, F. K. T. Die Ver- wendung von Mercks Jodstabchen an Stelle von Jodtinktur als lokales Desinfektionsmittel. Ibid., 1929, 76: 1968 — Stadtler, H. Dibromol; ein vollwertiges Ausgleichmittel fiir Jodtinktur. Ibid., 1940, 87: 1054.—Uter, W. Zur Frage der Hautdesinfektion (gefiirbte Providoform statt Jodtinktur) Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 967.—Vierthaler. R. W. Verglei- chende Untersuchungen iiber einige Austauschstoffe fiir Jod- Tinktur. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 698-700. Also Munch, med. Wschr.. 1940, 87: 1114-7.—Wachsmuth. G. Ueber die neue Sepsotinktur. Arch. klin. Chir., 1939-40, 197: 852-6.—Weidner, H. Sepso-Tinktur als Au-tausch- praparat fiir Jodtinktur. Med. Welt, 1940, 14: 194.—Wiisten- berg, J. Comparative studies of substitutes for tincture of iodine, with a review of previous clinical and experimental results. Bull. War M., Lond., 1941-42. 2: 449 (Abstr.)— Wurm, K. Vergleichende Priifung der Desinfektionswirkung von Sepsotinktur und Jodtinktur. Zsehr. Immunforsch. 1939, 96: 193-216. IODINE number. Sec under Fat; Iodometry; Oil. IODIPIN. See Iodine, Oil, iodized. IODODERMA. See Iodine, Poisoning: Allergy. IODOFORM [CHI3] Fonseca e Castro, B. J. da. *Estudo sobre 0 iodoformio. 45p. 8? Porto, 1879. Seelig, J. *Jodoform; seine Wirkung und Anwendung zu therapeutischen Zwecken in der Zahnheilkunde. 20p. 8? Wiirzb., 1932. Arvanitopulo, F. I. [Effect of iodoform inject ions on the morphology of the white blood] Vest, khir., 1930, 22: 59-70.-- Berger, P. La cura de iodoformo. Arch. ter. med. quir., Barcel., 1882-83, 1: 133; 145; 1883-84, 2: 3; 39; 52.—Bizzozero, E., & Ferrari, A. V. Sull'idiosincrasia aH'iodoformio. Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1930, 71: 1089; 1931, 72: 3-24- Chatellier. J. Un cas d'iodoformisme. Rev. stomat., Par., 1932, 39: 215 7. — Dubrisay, R., & Emschwiller, G. Sur l'owdation des solutions d'iodoforme. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1932, 195: 660-2.—Erkens, A. Jodoformvergiftung eines Sauglings. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1938, 44: 171.—Glass, N. Observations on the preparation and properties of iodoform and thymol iodide. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1935, 8: 351-60, pl.—Hellerstrom. Jodoformpasteidios.vn- krasie. Acta derm, vener., Stockh. 1935, 16: 121. Lonneville, G. L'auxoth^rapie; le patient tefractaire 41'arsenic; la rchaliili- tation de l'iodoforme. J. dent, beige, 1930, 27: 19-33 — Martinez Castilla, M. Sobre una adultcracion del yodoformo. Bol. farm, mil., Madr., 1935, 14: 1.—Mohler. H. K. Iodoform. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 132-7 — Morpurgo, G. Sulla garza di iodoformio del commercio. Gior. farm., Trieste, 1897, 2: 2-8. ------■ I metodi di ricerca del iodoformio nelle medicature chirurgiche. Ibid., 161-5.— Pels Leusden, F. Ist das Jodoform in der Chirurgie iiber- flussig geworden? Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 425.—Perutz, A. Untersuchungen iiber die Jodoformdermatitis. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1928, 154: 206-16.—Sartorelli, U. Sull'uso terapeutico delle inalazioni di iodoformio; contributo clinico e sperimentale. Fol. med., Nap., 1927, 13: 102-11.—Schacherl, G. La ricerca del contenuto di materia attiva nelle medicature chirurgiche. Gior. farm., Trieste, 1898, 3: 357-65.—Shaw, R. C. Iodoform poisoning following the use of B. I. P. P. Lancet, Lond., 1933, 1: 250.—Somov, K. V. [Case of idio- syncrasy to iodoform] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1937, No. 3, 101.—Van Melckebeke, R. Methode de recherche de l'iodo- forme et ses applications. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1900, 6: 45-50. IODOGORGOIC acid [Di-iodo-tyrosine] See also Thyroglobulin; Thyroxine; Tyrosine. Komant, W. * Ueber die chemische Reaktions- fahigkeit des Thyroxins, Dijodtyrosins und ver- wandter Korper im besonderen Hinblick auf charakteristische Farbreaktionen (Auszug) 3p. 23cm. Giessen, 1936. Ploenes, L. *Ueber den Einfluss des Thy- roxins und des Dijodtyrosins auf die Methylen- blauentfarbung [Miinster] 14p. 8: Quaken- bruck, 1933. Abelin, I. Ueber das Dijodtyrosin. Praxis, Bern, 1935, 24: 325.—Beretervide, J. J., & Rosenblatt, S. Consideraciones sobre dosificacion de la diiodotirosina. Dia med., B. Air., 1932- 33, 5: 953.—Block, P., jr. A note on the conversion of diiodo- tyrosine into thyroxine. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 135: 51 — Brand, E., & Kassell, B. The photometric determination of tryptophane, tyrosine, diiodotyrosine, and thyroxine. Ibid., 1939, 131: 489-502.—Choh Hao Li. Kinetics and mechanism of 2,6-di-iodotyrosine formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 1147-52.—D'Alessio de Carnevale Bonino, R. C. Estudio qufmico funcional cualitativo y cuantitativo de la diyodotiro- sina. Sem. med., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 2, 146-53.—Habild, G. Ueber den bakteriellen ALbau von 3,.3-Dijod-l-tyrosin. Zsehr. Biol., 1938-39, 99: 421-30.—Harington, C. R., & Randall, S. T. Observations on the iodine-containing compounds of the thyroid gland; isolation of dl-3: 5-di-iodotyrosine. Biochem. J. Lond., 1929, 23: 373-83. ------ The isolation of d-3: 5-di-, iodotyrosine from the thyroid gland bv the action of proteolytic enzymes. Ibid., 1931, 25: 1032-6.—Johnson, T. B., & Tewkes- bury, L. B., jr. The oxidation of 3,5-diiodotyrosine to thvrorine. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1942, 28: 73-7.—Lefift, H. H., & IODOGORGOIC ACID 515 IODOGORGOIC ACID MacLean, J. A., jr. Visualization of the brain and spinal cord with diiodotyrosine-gelatin contrast medium, including observa- tions on the fate of this material. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1942, 48: 343-7.—Ludwig, W., & Mutzenbecher, P. von. Die Darstellung von Thyroxin, Monojodtyrosin und Dijodtyrosin aus jodiertem Eiweiss. Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1939, 258: 195-211.—Mutzenbecher, P. von. Ueber die Bildung von Thyroxin aus Dijodtyrosin. Ibid., 261: 253-6.—Myers, C. S. Some derivatives of diiodotyrosine and thyroxine; the action of acetic anhydride on diiodotyrosine. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1932, 54: 3718.—Niemann, C, & Mead, J. F. The synthesis of dl-3,5- diiodo-4-(3',5' -diiodo-2'-hydroxyphenoxy) -phenylalanine, a physiologically active isomer of thyroxine. Ibid., 1941, 63: 2685-7.—Niemann, C, & Redemann, C. E. The synthesis of dl-3,5-diiodo- (2',4'-diiodo-3'-hydroxyphenoxy)-phenylalanine, a physiologically inactive isomer of thyroxine. Ibid., 1549- 52.—Przylecki, S. J. von, ct Truszkowski, R. Versuch einer Trennung von Tyrosin, Thyroxin. 3-5-Dijodtyrosin und Tyrosin enthaltenden Peptiden. Biochem. Zsehr., 1938, 298: 326 — Sainton, P., Kayser, F., & Anschel, E. Etude de l'£limination -de l'iode apres ingestion de di-iodotyrosine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 115: 244-7.—Snapper, I., & Grunbaum, A. [Metabolism of di-iodotyrosine and iodine-containing dipeptides] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 5216-23. ---- Pharmacology. Bussemaker, B. *Die Beeinflussung der Thyreoidinkreatinurie durch Dijodtyrosin. lOp. 8? Weende, 1935. Hackstein, H. *Ueber die Wirksamkeit von Thyroxin und Dijodtyrosin auf die Zell-Atmung [Rostock] 15p. 8? Rochlitz, 1934. Abelin, I. Einfluss des Dijodtyrosins auf den hyperthyreo- tischen Stoffwechsel. Biochem. Zsehr., 1931, 233: 483-5 — Barbieri, D. Le modificazioni del metabolismo basale provocate dalla dijodotirosina in diverse endocrinopatie. Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia, 1937, 51: 689-96.—Bussemaker, B., & Pollmann, A Ueber Dijodtvrosin und Lugolsche Losung als Antagonisten des Schilddruseninkretes. Mschr. Kinderh., 1935, 63: 422.— Califano L. Azione della tiroxina, diiodotirosina, diiodotironina sui cuore. Arch. ital. sc. farm., 1934, 3: 168-77.—Coudorelli, L. Ricerche sperimentali sui significato e sui meccanismo d'azione della diiodotirosina. Riv. pat. sper., 1937, 19: 120-7; 197- 200.—Connor, C. L. Anatomic changes produced by thyroid feeding and by injection of 3,5-diiodotyrosine. Arch. Path., Chic, 1937, 24: 315-24.—Dasseu, R. Consideraciones a proposito de una observaci6n de leucemia miel6gena; acci6n de la diiodotirosina sobre el metabolismo basal. Rev. As. med. argent., 1933, 47: 3532-6.—Delcourt-Bemard, E. Etude experimentale sur Taction des tyrosine, dibromo-tyrosine, di- iodo-tyrosine et lugol sur la corsommation d'oxygene du lapin et de l'homme. Arch, internat. nted. exp., Liege. 1937, 12: 197-308—Elmer, A. W. Di-iodotyrosine and thyroid function. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1934, 24: 95-9, pl.— Fenicia, M. Ricerche sperimentali sui significato e sui meccanismo d'azione della diiodotirosina; il ricambio idrico negli animali tiroidec- tomizzati e trattati con diiodotirosina o tiroxina; influenza della diiodotirosina sui ricambio idrico nell'uomo normale. Riv. pat. sper., 1937, 19: 1325-9.------Ricerche speri- mentali sui significato e sui meccanismo d'azione della diiodo- tirosina; l'equilibrio elettrolitico negli animali tiroidectomizzati e trattati con diiodotiroxina; l'equilibrio elettrolitico nell'uomo normale trattato con diiodotirosina. Ibid., 160-77.—Foster, G. L. A comparison of the effects of administration of iodide and diiodotyrosine on the iodine and thyroxine content of the thyroid. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 104: 497-500.—Francaviglia, A. Ricerche sperimentali sui significato e sui meccanismo d azione della diiodotirosina; azione della diiodotirosina negli animali tiroidectomizzati, negli uomini normali e negli ammalati di morbo di Basedow. Riv. pat. sper., 1937, 19: 128-31— Gold- hammer, S., & Laszlo, D. Klinischer Beitrag zur Frage der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit des Dijodtyrosins. Med. Khn., Berl., 1935, 31: 1463.—Gutzeit, K., & Parade, G. W. Blutjod- studien; die Beeinflussung des Jodspiegels durch Jod und Dijodtyrosin; der Jodquotient in seiner Bedeutung fur die Inkretlage. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1937-38, 133: 532-40.- Hoffman, O., & Gudernatsch, F. Differentiation as affected by diiodo-tyrosine plus certain other amino acids. Endocrinology, 1933 17- 239-49.—Kommerell, B. Zur Frage der Wirkung des Dijodtyrosins auf den thyreotoxischen Stoffwechsel. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1932, 165: 169-76.—Kronenberg B Der Kohlehydratstoffwechsel nebennierenloser Tiere und dessen Beeinflussung durch Diat und Dijodtyrosin Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern, 1933-35, No. 127, l.-La Grutta, L Influenza della dijodotirosina sui ben-ben sperimentale e sui digiuno dei colombi. Riv. pat. sper., 1938, 20: 77-86.—Loeser, A. Biologische Wirkungen von Denvaten (Aethern) des Thyroxins, Dijodthyronins und Dijodtyrosins. Arch exp. Path Lpz 1938 190: 208. ------Ruland, H., & Tnkojus, V. M.' Darstellung, Eigenschaften und biologische Wirkungen von Derivaten (Aethern) des Thyroxins, Dijodthyronins und DUodtSnT Ibid-, 189: 664-78.-Misske, B., & Sylla, A. Zur Kreislauf wirkung des Dijodtyrosins bei gesteigerter Schilddriisentatigkeit unter besonderer Berucksich igung ^S^S^S^^^ ^echeS e£Sri£ng£ sVSrion de'lk di-^dotyrosine. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 773-5.—Schiappoli, F. Ricerche sperimentali sui significato e sui meccanismo di azione della diiodotirosina; l'azione sulla crasi sanguigna. Endocr. pat. cost., Bologna, 1939, 14: 168- 81.—Turchetti, A. Ricerche sperimentali sui significato e sui meccanismo d'azione della diiodotirosina; l'azione della diiodo- tirosina sulla glicoregolazione. Riv. pat. sper., 11137, 19: 178- 96.—Villa, L. Giftigkeit des Dijodtyrosins. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1807.—Wachstein, M. Zur Frage des Wirkungs- mechanismus des Dijodtyrosins. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 1579. ---- Therapeutic use. Slim y Villegas, G. Contribution k I'etude de l'emploi de la diiodotyrosine en gynecologie. 56p. 8? Par., 1938. Abelin, I. Ueber die Bekampfung der experimentellen Hyperthyreose mittels Dijodtyrosin und der Ernahrungsart. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 2205-7.—Hoist, J. [Diiodtyrosin in thyreotoxicosis] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1936, '97: [Forh. Norsk, med. selsk.] 281-92—Pieber, H., & Seyfried, H. Ueber die therapeutische Wirksamkeit injizierbarer Dijod- thyrosinpriiparate. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1942, 67: 103.— Wahl, M. Indications et posologie de la diiodotyrosine et neuro-psychiatrie d'enfants. Prat. m6i. fr., 1936, 17: 126-33. IODOMETRY. See also Iodine, Determination; also under names of substances as Alkaloid, etc. Brothier, P. *Emploi de l'iodide et d'un alcali pour le dosage volumetrique du phenol, des phenols halogenes symetriques, de l'acide oxy-4-benzoi"que, de l'acide salicylique et de quelques-uns de ses derives [Nancy] 68p. 24cm. Par., 1934. Beukema-Goudsmit. Contribution a la determination quantitative iodomdtrique et bromom^trique du phenol, de l'acide salicylique et des ctesols et a l'identification des produits de teaction. J. pfiarm. chim., Par., 1934, 20: 19-21.—Deischer, C. K., & McNabb, W. M. An iodometric method for the esti- mation of silver; for student use. Chem. Leaflet, 1942-43, 16: No. 8, 94.—Furman, N. H., & Miller, C. O. The use of iodine and of potassium iodate as volumetric oxidizing agents in solu- tions containing mercuric salts; the effect of mercuric salts upon the stoichiometry of various oxidation-reduction reactions; new procedures for the titration of arsenite and antimonite with standard solutions of iodine or of potassium iodate. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1937, 59: 152-61.—Gramenitzki, M. J. Von Bedingungen, unter welchen die Jod-Starke-Reaktion in ihrer klassischen Form nicht stattfindet. Biochem. Zsehr., 1927, 185: 427-9.—Hunter. L., & Hyde, F. F. A new reagent for the determination of iodine values. Analyst, Lond., 1933, 58: 523-7.—Lespagnol, A., & Bruneel, J. Contribution k I'etude de l'indice d'iodide des derives cinnamiques. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1937, 8. ser., 25: 454-7.—Miller, C. O., & Furman, N. H. The use of iodine and of potassium iodate as volumetric oxidiz- ing agents in solutions containing mercuric salts; the oxidation of phenvlhydrazine and of semi-carbazide by means of potas- sium iodate. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1937, 59: 161-4.—Schulek, E. Jodometrisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung geringer Menge Silbers auch in Gegenwart von Chloriden, Bromiden und Cyaniden. Orsz. Kozegeszs. Int. kozl., 1930, 3: No. 32, 259- 67.—Sharland, W. Iodine values. Australas. J. Pharm., 1935, n. ser., 16: 672-4.—Wilkie, J. M. The action of iodine on phenols and its application to their volumetric determination; phenol, salicylic acid, beta naphol. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1911, 30: 398-402. IODOTYROSINE. See Iodogorgoic acid. IOLE, Rosario. Guida pratica descrittiva degli apparecchi elettromedici. 4p.; 62p. illust. 8? Nap., V. Idelson, 1936. ION. See also Atom; Diffusion; Electric charge; Electricity; Electrolyte; Electron; Equilibrium [chemical] Gas, Electric properties; Ionization; Ionization chamber; Ionization gauge; Iono- sphere; Iontometry; Iontophoresis. Brinkman, R., & van Dam, E. A method for the determina- tion of the ion concentration in ultra filtrates and other protein free solutions. Proc Akad. wet. Amsterdam, 1920, 22: sect. sc, 762-71.—Fuoss, R. M. Transition cases in the distribution of ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 2604-7.—Grimm, H. G. Gitterenergien und Ionisierungsarbeiten anorganischer Ver- bindungen; Mitteilung iiber loneneigenschaften und chemische Tatsachen. Zsehr. phys. Chem., 1922, 102: 113-40. ------ Zusammenhilnge zwischen Bildungswarmen, Gitterenergien und loneneigenschaften. Ibid., 141-68. ------ Nachtrag zu der Arbeit: Gitterenergien und Ionisierungsarbeiten anorgani- ION 516 ION scher Verbindungen. Ibid., 504-6.—lakshin, M. M. On the ionic constant of matter in a solid state. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 32: 132-4.—Kiss, A.. & Acs. V. Zur Bestimmung von Ionengewichten nach der Dialvsenmethode; Felilentuellen der Messmethode. Kolloid Zsehr., 1943, 102: 202.— Kordes, E. Ionenradien und periodi.scb.es System. Zsehr. phvs. (hem., Abt. B, 1939, 43: 213-28- Loewe, S. Ionen-Dyskra.-ie; ein graphisches Hilfsmittel zum Studium der Folgen von Gleich- gewichtsstorungen in der Ionenzusammensetzung biologischer Salzlosungen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 167: 92-9.—Meggers, W. F. The strongest lines of singly ionized atoms. J. Optic. Soc. America, 1941, 31: 605-11.—Naray-Szabo, S., & Szabo, Z. Zur Bestimmung von Ionenaktivitaten. Zsehr. phvs. Chem., Abt. A, 1935, 173: 103-5.—Nolan, J. J., & O'Keeffe, J. G. Multiply charged large ions. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1933, 41 : A, 26-40.—Romer, A. The experimental history of atomic charges 1895-1903. Isis, Menasha, 1942-43, 34: 150-61.—Schatzky, S. Quelques donnfies concernant la nature des ions et des molecules. Ann. electrob., Lille, 1907, 10: 1-8.—Schroder, V. Ultra- mikroskopische Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss anorganischer Ionen auf die Dispersitiit von Eieralbumin und Hamoglobin bei variierter H-Ionenkonzentration. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 195: 210-9.—Steingiser, S., & Hyman, H. Magneto-optic rotations of paramagnetic ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 2294-6. ---- Activity coefficient. Crockford. H. D..& Thomas, H. C. The Debye-Hiickel ion size parameter in terms of individual ionic radii; the activity coefficient of lead chloride in solutions of cadmium nitrate. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1933, 55: 568-74.—Hass, K., & Jellinek, K. Ueber die Aktivitatskoeffizienten von Ionen. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1932, 162: 153-73.—Katu, Y. Versuchsanord- nung zur Untersuchung der Ionenaktivitat und der Potential- differenz. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1936-38, 4: Proc. Biophysics, 2.— Kielland. J. Individual activity coefficients of ions in aqueous solutions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1937, 59: 1675-8.—Quintin, M. Coefficients d'activite individuels des ions. J. chim. phvs., Par., 1936, 33: 433-47.—Stadie, W. C, & Hawes, E. R. the role of the liquid junction potential in the electrometric deter- mination of single ion activity coefficients. J. Biol. Chem., l'.i.'S, 78: Proc, p. xxix-xxxii.—Stadie, W. C, & Sunderman, F. W. The osmotic activity coefficients of ions in hemoglobin solutions. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 256. ---- Adsorption and exchange. See also Osmosis. Annette, M.t & Newman, L. Spectroscopic estimation of adsorbed ions. In Colloid Svmpos. Monogr., Bait., 1936, 05- 71. Also J. Phys. Chem., 1936, 40: 187-93.—Austerweil, G. L'6change d'ions et ses applications. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1939, 5. sr., 6: 55-70. ------ Sur le mecanisme des ^changes d'ions. Ibi 1., 1941, 5. ser., 8: 546-54.—Conway, E. J., O'Brien, M. F., & Boyle, P. J. Interchange of the ammonium and potassium ions in muscle and yeast. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 002. -Erbacher, O. Ueber die Vorgange beim Austausch zwischen Metallatomen und edleren Ionen. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1932-33, 163: 196-230.—Kellermann, A., & Lange, E. Ueber die Adsorption potentialbestimmender Ionen. Kolloid Zsehr., 1937, 81: 88-104. ------ Einfluss der Art und Konzen- tration der Gegenionen auf die Adsorption potentialbestim- mender Ionen. Ibid., 1939, 88: 341-7. ------ Ueber die Adsorption potentialbestimmender Ionen; Adsorption von Sauren, Neutralsalzen und Basen an hochaktivierter Kohle in Abwesenheit und Gegenwart von Wasserstoff oder Sauer- stoff. Ibid., 1940, 90: 89-104.— Mazia, D. Cation exchange in Elodea. J. Cellul. Physiol., 1938, 11: 455-63.—Muller, E. Abreissen adsorbierter Ionen durch hohe elektrische Feldstar- ken. Naturwissenschaften, 1941, 29: 533.—Verwey, E. J. W. Ionenadsorption und Austausch. Kolloid Zsehr., 1935, 72: 187-92.—Walton, H. F. Ion exchange between solids and solutions. J. Franklin Inst., 1941, 232: 305-37.—Weiser, H. B., & Milligan, W. O. The electrolyte coagulation process; the influence of dilution of sol on the adsorption of precipitating ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1940, 62: 1924-30. ---- Anion. Clay, J. P., & Thomas, A. W. The catalytic effect of anions upon the rate of dissolution of hydrous alumina by acids. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 2384-90.—Davson, H. The in- fluence of the lyotropic series of anions on cation permeability. Biochem. J., Lond., 1940,34: 917-25.—Evans, M. G., & Polanyi, M. Effect of negative groups on reactivity. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 436.—Ionescu, T. V. Sur la structure de l'ion nfigatif; determination du moment magn£tique nucleaire. C rend. Acad, sc, 1940, 210: 699-701.—Welcher, F. J., & Briscoe, H. T. The analysis of the anions. Chem. News, Lond., 1932, 145: 161. ---- Antagonism. Berger, E. (geb. Gumpert) *Unterschied- liche Wirkungen gleicher Ionen und Ionen- gemische auf verschiedene Tierarten; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Ionenantagonismus [Kiel] 40p. 8? Berl., 1929. Also Arch. ges. Physiol., 1929, 223: 1-39. Riehm, \Y. *Modellvcrsuche zum Mechanis- mus dos biologischen Jonenantagonismus. 13p. 21cm. Tub., 1937. Belak, A., & Szep, E. Der Ionenantagonismus als rein chemisches Problem (zugleich ein Be it nig zur Fiage der Ca- Ionisation) Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 171: 22-32. Bethe. A. Differences in the physiological antagonisms of ions. I'niv. Toronto M. J., 1929-30, 7: 176-82. Dorfmann. V., & Shchcr- bacheva, D. Ionenantagonismus an kolloiden Modellen; die doppelte Natur der Hofmeister'schen Anionenreiho und die Faktoren des Ionenantagonismus. Kolloid Zsehr., 1930, 52: 289-93. Also J. eksp. biol., 1930, 14: 24-9.—Gellhorn, E. Quantitative studies in ion antagonism. Biol. Bull., 1930, 59: 339-52.—Graham, H. T. Modification of nerve after-potential and refractory period by changes of ionic environment: new cases of physiological antagonism between univalent and biva- lent cations. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 104: 216-3 1. Hober, R., & Schiirmeyer, A. Ultramikroskopische Beobachtung des Ionenantagonismus in Eiweisslnsiiiigen. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 214: 516-23.—Jiirnecke, H. Ueber die Wechselbeziehung von Eiweiss- und Mineralstoffen und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Ionenantagonismus. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 6-10.—Keller, R. Der Kalium-Natrium-Kontrast. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1936, 25: 69-76.—Kohler, D. Contribution k l'fitude des antagonismes ioniques dans le ph£nontene d'imbibition. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 121: 1308-11.—Konikov, A. P. [Biophysical origin of the law of antagonism of ions] J. eksp. biol., 1929, 12: 342-50.— Ostwald, W., & Hoffmann, K. Elektrolytkoagulation schwach solvatisierter Sole und Elektrolytaktivitat; der Ionen-Antago- nismus bei der Flockung. Kolloid Zsehr., 1937, 80: 186-204.— Raber, O. L. The antagonistic action of anions. J. Gen. Physiol., 1919-20, 2: 541-4.—Reichel, H., & Spiro, K. Ionen- wirkungen und Antagonismus der Ionen. In Handb. norm. path. Physiol. (A. Bethe & G. Bergmann) Berl., 1927, 1: 486- 530.—Rubinstein, D. L. Ueber die quantitativen Gesetz- miissigkeiten bei den Erscheinungen des Ionenantagonismus. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 214: 1-20.—Simms, H. S. Chemical antagonism of ions; effect of Na-Mg and K-Mg mixtures of the activity of oxalic diion. J. Gen. Physiol., 1937-28, 12: 241- 58. .------ Chemical antagonism of ions; antagonism be- tween anions and also between cations and anions in their effect on oxalate activity. Ibid., 259-67. ■------ Chemical antagonism of ions; effect of salt mixtures on glvcine activity. Ibid., 1928-29, 12: 783-92.—Spealman, C. R. Ion antagonism and the frog heart. Am. J: Physiol., 1942, 136: 351-4. ---- Biological aspect. See also Acid-base equilibrium; Catalysis, etc. Augsberger, A. *Ultrafiltration und Kom- pensationsdialyse; ein Beitrag zur Frage der Ionenbindung im Blutserum. p.618-47. 8? [Erlangen] 1926. Also Erg. Physiol., 1927, 24: Cruz-Coke L., E. La acidez i6nica en clinica; ensayo de fisico-qufmica biol6gica. 400p. 12? Santiago, 1925. Bachrach, E. Optimum thermique et composition ionique. Rev. canad. biol., 1942, 1: 344.—Belehradek, J. Survie du coeur avec des liquides contenant l'ion Na non contrebalance. Arch, internat. physiol., Li6ge, 1923-24, 22: 156-72.—Bethe, A. Der Einfluss der Ionen des Seewassers auf rhythmische Be- wegungen von Meerestieren. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1927, 217: 456-68.—Bradway, W. E. A comparison of the inhibitory action of cations on the dispersion of the cell aggregates of the sponge, Haliclona (sp. ?) Protoplasma, 1936, 25: 546-9 — Brooks, S. C. Penetration of radioactive ions, their accumula- tion by protoplasm of living cells, Nitella coronata. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 856-8.—Clerici, A. L'ufficio degli ioni nei processi vitali. Gazz. osp., 1929, 50: 809-11.—Con- way, E. J., & Kane, F. Diffusion rates of anions and urea through tissues. Biochem. J., Lond., 1934, 28: 1769-83.— Cook, S. F. The role of certain metallic ions as oxidation catalysts. J. Gen. Physiol., 1926-27, 10: 289-312.—Fischer, H. Die Bedeutung der anorganischen Ionen fur die normalen und pathologischen Lebensvorgange (speziell fur Erregung und Liihmung) Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1931-32, 28: 73; 216.—Fishberg, E. H. Die Rolle der Ionisation im Blute bei Rachitis und Tetanic Mschr. Kinderh., 1927, 35: 525-32.— Gagge, A. P., & Moriyama, I. M. The annual and diurnal variation of ions in an urban community. Collect. Papers John B. Pierce Lab. Hyg., 1934-39, 1: No. 7, 295-306.— Hastings, A. B., & Van Dyke, H. B. The importance of the carbonate ion in physiological activity. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N Y., 1926-27, 24: 831.—Jendrassik, L., & Czike, A. Zum Chemismus der vegetativen Reizung; weitere Versuche iiber die angebliche Rolle von Ionen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1928, 193: 285- 99.—Katu, Y. Studies in the ionic activity estimated by the electrode potential measurement and its biological significance. J. Biophys., Tokyo, 1927, 2: 95-164.—Lundeg&rdh, H. Unter- suchung uber die Anionenatmung. Biochem. Zsehr., 1937, 290: 104-24.—Muramoto, S. Studien uber die Grundprobleme in der lonenbiologie. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kyoto, 1936, 16: 1413- •>•—Onedera, N. On the physiological action of anions. In Med. Conf. Addr. New Dairen Hosp., 1927, 63-6. Also J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1928, 8: 1-4. ------Nisio, E. [et al.] On ON 517 ION the physiological action of anions. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1927, 7. Congr., 3: 587-91.— Pincussen, L. Die Rolle der Ionen fur die Lebensvorgiinge. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1928, 25: 240-3.—Rubinstein, D. L. [Various physiological reactions between the ions in balanced mixtures] J. eksp. biol., 1925, 37-59.—Steinbach, H. B. Electrolyte balance of animal cells.. Sympos. Quant. Biol., 1940, 8: 242-54.—Tchjjevsky, A. L., &. Kimriakov, V. A. Action biologique des materiaux nutritifs alimentaires, actives par le flux ionique sur la croissance des poussins. Rev. physiother., Par., 1938, 14: 9-35. ---- Cation. Kalinkevich, A. Effect of cations (K, Na, Ca) on conversion of sugar in plants. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 33: 251-3.— Katz, J. R., Seiberlich, J., & Weidinger, A. Die lyotrope Reihe bei der Quellung und ihre Ausbreitung auf organische, auch nicht ionisierte Substanzen; iiber den Einfluss verschie- dener Kationen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1938,298: 320-2.—Naka- gawa, J. Studies on the membrane potential; the concentra- tion effect of polyvalent cations upon collodion membranes. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1936-37, 4: Biophys., 297-319.—Saccardi, P. Semplificazioni nella ricerca qualitativa di alcuni cationi. Boll. Soc. eustach., 1924, 22: 31-4.—Voet, A. Zur numerischen Festlegung der lyotropen Reihe der einwertigen Kationen. Kolloid Zsehr., 1937, 78: 201-4. ---- complex. Gould, R. K., & Vosburgh, W. C. Complex ions; a study of some complex ions in solution by means of the spectro- photometer. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 1630-4.—King, C. V. The catalytic decomposition of azodicarbonate ion. Ibid., 1940, 62: 379-85.—Vosburgh, W. C, & Cooper, G. R. Complex ions; the identification of complex ions in solution by spectrophotometry measurements. Ibid., 1941, 63: 437-42. ---- dipolar. Keefer, R. M., & Reiber, H. G. Interaction of ions and dipolar ions; the solubility of silver iodate and lead iodate in glycine and in alanine solutions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 689-92.—Marcy, H. O., 3rd, & Wyman, J., jr. Anomalous dispersion of dipolar ions. Ibid., 3388-97.—Wyman, J., jr. The problem of free rotation in complex dipolar ions in solu- tion. J. Phys. Chem., 1939, 43: 143-52. ---- Dispersion, aggregation, and refraction. Bauer, N., & Fajans, K. The molar dispersion and refrac- tion of free and bonded ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 3023-34.—Hartley, G. S. Ionenaggregation in Losungen von Salzen mit langen Paraffinketten. Kolloid Zsehr., 1939, 88: 22-40 —Petrikalns, A., & Ogrins, B. Ueber die Molrefraktion des Azid-Ions. Radiologica, Berl., 1938, 3: 201-7.—Viets, F. G., jr. Effects of Ca and other divalent ions on the ac- cumulation of monovalent ions by barley root cells. Science, 1942, 95: 486. ---- Metabolism. See also Cell, Permeability; Mineral, Metab- olism. .,..,. Brooks, M. M. The penetration of cations into living cells. J. Gen. Physiol., 1921-22, 4: 347-9.—Brooks, S. C. The ion permeability of protoplasm. Abstr. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr. 39. ------ Continuation of investigations of the intake and exit of ions in living cells, particularly Nitella, Paramecium and eggs of marine invertebrates. Yearb. Am. Philos Soc. (1940) 1941, 126.—Collander, R. Diffusion und adenoide Tatigkeit bei der Ionenaufnahme pflanzhcher Zellen. Kolloid Zsehr., 1943, 102: 93—Eichler, O., & Eichler, L. Ueber die Ausscheidung von anorganischen Ionen bei b roschen. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1942, 199: 4-20.—Franck, R. Die Bedeutung einzelner Elektrolyte. In his Mod. Ernahrungs- ther., 3. Aufl., Berl., 1938, 49-55—Krogh, A. The active absorption of ions in some freshwater animals. Zsehr. vergl. Phvsiol., 1937-38, 25: 335-50.—Vinberg, G. G. [Absorption of ions by aquatic animals] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1939, 10: 162-5—Webb, D. A. Ionic regulation in Carcinus maenas. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., ser. B, 1940-41, 129: 107-36, pl. ---- Mobility, and velocity. Berland, A. S. [Migration of potassium and calcium ions] In Recueil Strajesko (Bogomoletz, A.) Kiev, 1935, 1271-8.— Cockcroft, J. D. High-velocity positive ions. Brit. J., Radiol., 1937 10- 159-70__Davis, B. D., & Cohn, E. J. The influence of ionic'strength and Ph on electrophoretic mobility In Electrophoresis (H. A. Abramsor. et al.) NY 1939, 209-12 — Doumer, E. Critique de l'hypoth&se de Hittdorf sur la Vitesse des ions Ann. electrob., Lille, 1907, 10: 73-8-Gray, L H., Read, J., & Liebmann. H. Comparison of the effects of neutron and gamma-ray ionisation on the electrophoreric mobility of colloidal graphite particles. Brit. J. Radiol., 1?41, 14: 102-6.— J«iln H TTpher die Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit der Ionen ^verdlnnten Losungen Zsehr phys. Chem 1907, 58: fill £» _t pwis P The velocity of ions in colored-flame gases. C rpnH CoTer internat. radiol. ionis. (1905) 1906, 1. Congr., £**&!Z EnglS,V-eS.-Li. N. C. C, & Brull, W. Con- ductivity studies; the limiting ionic mobilities of several uni" valent ions at temperatures between 15 and 45? J. Am- Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 1635-7.—Mueller, H. Theory of electrophoretic migration. In Electrophoresis (H. A. Abram- son, et al.) N. Y., 1939, 111-20.—Munson, R. J., & Tyndall, A. M. The mobility of alkali ions in gases; the attachment of water molecules to alkali ions in gases. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., ser. A, 1939, 171: 28-50. ---- Pharmacology. See also subheading Antagonism; also Ionto- phoresis. Arima, H. Studien iiber die Wirkung des Schwer-ions (Langebain) Jap. J. M. Sc, 1938-39, 5: Proc. Int. Med., 253.—Bacq, Z. M. Action des ions sur le coeur et les muscles lisses. Liege med., 1934, 27: 2-16.—Becka, J. [Importance of ions of magnesium and hydroxyl in treatment of wounds and inflammatory processes] Cas. lek. desk., 1927, 66: 876-8; 1209.—Borman, E. K. Comparative studies on the natural and acquired resistance of certain strains of Escherichia coli to the bacteriostatic and germicidal effects of cations. J. Bact., Bait., 1932, 23: 315-29.—Giuliani, I. Sulla teoria degli scambi ionici nella terapia elettrica. Med. nuova, 1924, 15: 294.— Helff, O. M. Toxic and antagonistic properties of Na, Mg, K, and Ca ions on duration of life of Gambarus clarkii. Physiol. Zool., 1931, 4: 380-93.—Hermann, H., Jourdan, F. [et al.] Action adtenalino-s6ctetrice des ions alcalins. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 129: 595.—Ingraham, R. C, & Visscher, M. B. Effects of a divalent cation on sodium removal from intestinal loops. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 36: 201 — Jendrassik, L., & Antal, L. Beitrage zu einer Pharmakologie der Konzentrationsanderungen; iiber Anionen wirkungen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 171: ,296-306.—Jones, J. R. E. A study of the relative toxicitv of anions, with Polycelis nigra as test animal. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1941, 18: 170-81.— Lurie, G. S., & Temper, B. A. [Effect of cations on gastric secretion] Odess. med. J., 1930, 5: 261-4.—Neipp, L. Etude de Taction k doses diverses de certains cations sur la multi- plication microbienne; role des charges 61ectriques. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1938, 45: 289-302.—Nyst, E. Les ions. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1902, 8: 357-66.—Okae, K. Beitrage zur physiologischen Wirkung der Kationen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihres Einflusses auf Darmbewegung und Blutdruck. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1934, 12: 1381.— Presser, H., & Stahl, R. Untersuchungen iiber hydropigene Ionenwirkungen auf lebende Gewebe mittels Durchstromung im Tierversuch. Munch, med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 559.— Russo, G. Influenza degli anioni sulla velocity deU'azione smorzatrice degli organi animali e vegetali. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1932, 7: 1197-200.—Trabucchi, E. L'azione degli anioni sui vasi. Arch, fisiol., Fir., 1930-31, 29: 88-122.— Tukamoto, R. Ueber den Einfluss des Serums auf die Wirkun- gen einiger Ionen. Fol. jap. pharm., 1925, 1: [Brev.] 22.— Valko, E. I., & DuBois, A. S. Observations on the anti-bacterial action of surface active cations. J. Bact., Bait., 1942, 44: 394.—Winslow, C. E. A. The influence of cations upon bac- terial viability. Q. Rev. Biol., 1934, 9: 259-74. ---- Reactions. See also Chemistry, analytical; Electrolyte; Salt; Solution. Cronheim, G. Mikrobestimmung von Ionen in Organen und ahnlichem Material. Biochem. Zsehr., 1926, 171: 7-14.— Dunn, W. L., jr. Studies on the behavior of perrhenate and molybdate ions at the dropping mercury cathode. Summaries Doct. Diss. Univ. Wisconsin, 1942, 7: 203-5.—Kiss, A. Ueber die Neutralsalzwirkung bei den Ionenreaktionen; iiber die Neutralsalzwirkung in konzentrierten Salzlosungen. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1932, 160: 290-4—Pamfil, G. [Increase in precision and simplification of operation in the general analysis of cations] Cluj. med., 1933, 14: 263-73.—Parts, A. Ueber die Neutralsalzwirkung auf die Geschwindigkeit der Ionenreaktionen. Acta Univ. Tartu (1929) 1930, 18: A, No. 2, 1-139. ------ Bemerkung zu der Arbeit: Ueber die Neutralsalzwirkung bei den Ionenreaktionen von A. von Kiss. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1933, 164: 439-41— Rossi, L. Una reacci6n diferencial de coloraci6n de los aniones orto- arseniato y ortofosfato. Sem. med., B. Air., 1926, 33: pt 1, 245-7. ------ & Lobo, R. El sozoyodol como reactivo microqufmico de los cationes del primer grupo. An. farm. bioquim., B. Air., 1941, 12: 69-71. Also Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: pt 2, 1809.—Rossi, L., Sozzi, J. A. [et al.] Nuestra tecnica para el reconocimiento en mezclas de los siguientes aniones: cloruro, bromuro e ioduro. Ibid., 1937, 24: 57.— Rossi, L., & Troncoso, A. Caracterizaci6n de cationes en la marcha sistem&tica empleando reactivos a la gota y al toque. Ibid., 1939, 26: pt 1, 1239-41. ------ Marcha sistem&tica de cationes con reactivos a la gota y al toque; IV grupo analitico. Ibid., 1941, 28: pt 1, 97-9.—Santa Cruz, J. Del ch y pH de las disolucione's. Bol. farm, mil., Madr., 1935, 13: 1; 37; 109; 161; 289.—Smith, L. Ueber die Spezifizitat der Salzwirkung bei einigen Ionenreaktionen. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1936, 177: 131-57.—Warner, J. C, & Warrick, E. L. Kinetic medium and salt effects in reactions between ions of unlike sign; reaction between ammonium ion and cyanate ion. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 1491-5. ION 518 IONIZATION ---- Solvatation. Sci also Electrolyte; Solution. Baborovsky, G. Die Ionensolvatation und ihre Bestimmung. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1934, 168: 135-40.—Bourion, F., Rouyer, E., & Hun, O. Determination cryoscopique de Thydratation des ions en solution. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1933. 196: 101 -"> 7.------Dcteimination de Thydratation in- dividuelle des ions. Ibid., 1937. 204: 1420-2.—Goldschmidt, S., & Hunsberger, A., jr. The diffusion rate of ions as affected bv the presence of other ions in a solution. Abstr. Interpat. Physiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 97.—Kendall. J. On the ionic solubilitv-produet. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1911, ser. A, 85: 200-19.—Ulich, H. Die Ionensolvatation und ihre Be- stimmung. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 1934, 168: 141-6 — Zimmern, A. Hvdratation des ions en electrologie. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1928, 3. ser., 99: 96. ---- Thermodynamics. Bernhardt, H. A., & Crockford, H. D. The determination of the entiopy of the chloride ion. J. Phys. Chem., 1942, 46: 473-6.--Freed, S. Study of the structures of the electric fields about ions in solutions and their relations to chemical thermodynamics. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc. (1940) 1941, 171-3.—Kapustinsky, A. F. [Estimation of ionic radiuses from entropies] C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 32: 59-61.— Latimer, W. M., Pitzer, K. S., & Smith. W. V. The entropies of aqueous ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 1829-31. IONESCO-MOVILA, V. See Borcesco. A. C, & Ionesco-Movila, V. S6m6iologie du vertige. 8i.p. 23'jcm. Par., 1938. IONESCU, Dimitrie, 1876-1929. Cantacuzino, I. [Obituary] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1929, 18: 1173-6. IONIUM. See also Radioactivity; Thorium; Uranium. Maisin, J., & Baivy, A. Influence d'instillations tep6tees d'une solution dilute de nitrate d'ionium sur- Involution de taies de la cornee. C. rend. Soc biol., 1926, 94: 766 — Pourbaix. Y. Etude des modifications chimiques du sang d'animatix injectes d'un corps radioaetif; le nitrate d'ionium. Ibid., 1930, 103: 536-8.—Starik, I. E., & Melikova. O. S. Migration of ionium under natural conditions. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 31: 911-3. IONIZATION. See also Ion; Iontometry; Iontophoresis. Boer, J. H. de [Changes in the ionisation-energy of an alkali-atom through fixation] Ned. tschr. natuurk., 1935, 2: 273-88.—De Hemptinne, A. Sur la terminologie relative aux phenontenes d'ionisation. C. rend. Congr. internat. radiol. ionis. (1905) 1990, 1. Congr., sect, phys., French pt, 104-8 [Discussion] p. xlv. Doumer, E. La theorie des ions. Ann. electrob., Lille, 1907. 10: 162-70.—Henshaw, P. S. The relation between specific ionization and ionic effectiveness. Internat. Congr. Campaign Cancer, 1939, 3. Congr., 13.— LaMer, V. K., & Brescia, F. Electrostatic effects on ionization constants. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1940, 62: 617-20.—Lind, S. C. Relation between photo-chemical and ionization reactions. J. Phys. Chem., 1928, 32: 573-5.—Mercier-Mary. De l'ionisation cellulaire. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1928, 42: Annexe 1227-42.—Naidu, R. Ionization in air and in gas mixtures approximating composition of tissues. Am. J. Roentg., 1939, 41: 992-8.—Reciprocals of the amounts of ionisation, produced at widely varying ion densities, which are necessary to produce a given degree of biological response in various test objects. Annual Rep. Brit. Emp. Cancer Campaign, 1941, 18: 86.— Richtmyer, F. K. Double ionization of atoms and the Auger effect. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc (1940) 1941, 234-6.—Walde, A. W. Calculation of heat of reaction from equilibrium constants at two temperatures; some new heats of ionization of organic acids. J. Phys. Chem., 1939, 43: 431-8. ---- atmospheric. See also Air, Ionization; Cosmic ray; Gamma ray;Ionosphere. Chizhevsky, A. L. L'aeroionisation comme facteur physiologique, prophylactique et thera- peutique, et comme un nouvel element sanitaire- hygienique de l'air conditionne. lOOp. 8? Helsin., 1938. Edstrom, G. Studies in natural and artificial atmospheric electric ions. 83p. 8? Lund, 1935. Guillou, J. Contribution k I'etude de l'ionisation atmospherique. 78p. 25}£cm. Par., 1939. Heyer, H. *Expmmontelle und klinische Versuche mit ionisierter Luft [Frankfurt] 2.">p. 8? Offenbach, 1934. Spohr, I. *Der Einfluss positiv ionisierter Luft auf Leukozyten- und Thrombozvtenzahl [Frankfurt] 26p. 8? Marxheim, 1932.' Auriac. J. L'ionisation de T atmosphere k Emergence des eaux thermales d'Aix-les-Thermos. J. med. Bordeaux, 1939, 116: pt 2, 32.—Baldit. A. L'ionisation atmospherique ou naturelle; les anomalies. Ann. Inst, hydr., Par., 1938-39, 12: 1-30.-—Barus, C. Relations of ions and nuclei in dust- free air. C. rend. Congr. internat. radiol. ionis. (1905) 1906, 1. Congr. s, ct, phys., Engl, pt, 39-42.—Bchounek, F.. & Kletsrhka, J. Ionization of air in an air conditioned building. Nature, Lond.. 1938, 142: 956.—Boylan, It. K. The mobilil ics of atniospheiie large ions. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1931, 40: sect. A, 76-85.—Brandt, A. D. The influence of atmospheric ionization upon the human organism. J. Indust. Hyg., 1933, 15: 354-61.—Briganti, A. La salubritit e la morbilitd degli ambienti in rapporto ad un nuovo elemento climatico essen- ziale alia vita; Taeroionizzazione. Fol. med., Nap., 1939, 25: 319-22.—Chizhevsky, A. L. L'a6roionoth6rapie des maladies pulmonaires; recherches experimentales de Teffet de l'air ionis^ sur la tuberculose des poumons, la pneumonie et la bronchite. Presse therm, clim., 1929, 70: 653-65. ------ Studi sperimentali sulla influenza delL'aria ionizzata sulla tubercolosi polmonare. Gior. tisiol., 1930, 8: 29-40. ------ [Effect of ionized air on resistance of the organism and on the course of pulmonary diseases] Vrach. delo, 1931, 14: 37-47. ----— Die Wege des Eindringens von Luftionen in den Organismus und die physiologische Wirkung von Luftionen. Acta med. scand.. 1934, 83: 219-72. ■—---- La precipitation des niirro-organismes de l'air k Tinterieur des locaux au moyen de Taeroionisation dans lo champ electrique. Rev. med. clin.. Par., 1935, 49: Suppl., 65-7. ------ Influence de Tinspira- tion d air ionise negativement ou positivement sur le pM du sang. J. physiol. path, gen., 1937, 35: 364-7. ------ A aeroionisacao artificial como factor da terapia neuro-humoral. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1938, 36: 325-36.------Sur les phenomfines pathologiques, se developpant k Tinspiration d'air desionise. Acta med. scand., 1941, 106: 516-39. ------ & Utz, N. K. Observations sur des malades pulmonaires traites it l'air ionise. Progr. med., Par., 1931, 1439-49.— Chizhevsky, A. L., & Vassiliev, L. L. L'action physiologique des aeroions et Teiectroerfiange. Atti Congr. internaz. elettroradiob., 1934, 2: 1325-9.—Claude, F. Recherches sur l'ionisation atmospherique. Ann. Inst, hydr., Par., 1938-39, 12: 339-43.—Constantin. Recherches sur l'ionisation atmo- spherique. Bull. Soc radiol. m6d. France, 1937, 25:472-80 — Dauzfere, G. L'ionisation de l'air et ses consequences medicales. Rev. cosmobiol., Nice, 1935-36, 2: 239; 1937-38, 3: 188. ------ L'ionisation de l'air et ses applications medicales. Presse therm, clim., 1937, 78: 29-32.—Denier, A. L'aero- ionisation negative artificielle en therapeutique. Ann. med. phys., Anvers, 1939, 32: 169-71.—Edstrom, G. [Effect of electric charges of atmospheric ions on nerves and chronaxia] Sven. lak. tidn., 1932, 29: 257-73. ------ Investigation into the effect of unipolarlv charged air on the surface tempera- ture. Acta med. scand., 1934, 83: 523-43.—Faure. M. Nos connaissances actuelles de l'ionisation de l'air au point de vue medical. Rev. cosmobiol., Nice, 1940, 5: 4-11.—Gerke, O. Ueber Luftionisation als Heilfaktor. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1930, 43: 935-39.—Herrington, L. P. The influence of ionized air upon normal subjects. J. Clin. Invest., 1935, 14: 70-80. —---- & Kuh, C. The reaction of hypertensive patients to atmospheres containing high concent rations of heavy ions. J. Indust. Hyg., 1938, 20: 179-87.— Herrington, L. P., A Smith, K. L. The effect of high concentrations of light nega- tive atmospheric ions on the growth and activity of the albino rat. Ibid., 1935, 17: 283-8.—Kimura, S., Asiba, M., & Matusima, I. Influence of air lacking in light ions and the effect of its artificial ionization upon human beings in occupied rooms. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1939-40, 3: Soc Med. & Hyg. 1-12.— Krebs. A. Kiinstlich ionisierte Luft als biologisch-medizini- scher Faktor. Balneologe, 1941, 8: 97-102.—Kroupsky, A. I.. & Eisenberg. Aeroionotherapie en obstetrique et en gyneco- logie. Gyn. obst., Par., 1936, 34: 384-98.—Landsman, I. E. [Aero-ionization as a neuro-humoral factor] Sovet. med., 1938, No. 2, 25T8.—Lassabliere, P., Uzan, M., & Monnet, A. Quelques modifications physiologiques provoqu6es chez Tanimal par des atmospheres artificieUement ionisees, etude experimentale. Presse therm, clim., 1939, 80: 46-9.—Leiri, F. Ueber die Wirkung der unipolar ionisierten Luft auf den Organismus. Acta med. scand., 1934-35, 84: 79-89.—Lesgaft. E. A. [Ionization regime in closed quarters and its dependence on hygienic conditions of the air] Gig. san., Moskva, 1940, 5: No. 4, 3-7.—Marynowski, Z. [Effect of negatively ionized air on the constitution] Lek. wojsk., 1938, 31: 400-13.— Mercier, P., & Joyet, G. Contribution k I'etude de Taction biologique de l'air ionise. Arch. phys. biol., Par., 1936, 13: 220-64.—Meyer, W. H. The relation of air ionization to radiation absorbed and the effect on body tissues. Radiology, 1935, 25: 198-206.—Nolan, J. J. The influence of condensation nuclei and dust particles on atmospheric ionisation. Proc R. Irish Acad., 1933, 41 A: 61-9. ------ The equilibrium of ionisation in the lower atmosphere. Proc. R. Irish Acad. 1940-41, 46: sect. A, 77-90—Piery. Le probleme de l'ionisa- tion de T atmosphere en climatologie biologique et m6dicale IONIZATION 519 IONIZATION Presse med., 1939, 47: 1431-3.—Rajewsky, B. Luftionen und ihre biologische Anwendung. Strahlentherapie, 1933, 48: 125-48.—Romanoff, A. L. The application of artifically ionized air. Science, 1935, 81: 536. Rouppert, S. [Investigation on ionization of the air in the mountain air-conditioned wards of the Military Hospital in Wilno] Lek. wojsk., 1938, 31: 414-24.—Schorer, G. Ueber die Einwirkung der Luftelektri- zitat auf gesunde und kranke Menschen und iiber Versuche kiinstlicher Ionisation der Luft. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 417-25.—Schulz, L. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Luftionen. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1933, 45: 120-45.—Strasburger, J. Behandlung mit unipolar beladener (ionisierter) Luft. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1931, 41: 210-4.------& Lampert, H. Weitere klinisch-therapeutische Erfahrungen bei der Einat- mung negativ ionisierter Luft. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 1316-9.—Striffling. Electririte, ionisation et radioactivite atmospheriques. Gaz. med. France, 1936, 43: 879-92 — Van Aubel, E. L'aero-ionisation negative comme agent thera- peutique. Ann. med. phys., Anvers, 1939, 32: 73-7.— Varishchev, V. K. [Ionization of the air as hvgienic factor of education] Sovet. pediat., 1934, No. 10, 112-6— Wait, G. R. A cause for the decrease in the number of ions in air of occupied rooms. J. Indust. Hyg., 1934, 16: 147-59. ------& Torreson. O. W. Large-ion and the small-ion content of air in occupied rooms. Tr. Am. Soc Heat. Ventil. Engin., 1935, 41: 119-30 — Witz, H. E. Ueber den Einfluss der Luftionisation. Fortsch. Med., 1935, 53: 308-10.—Yaglou, C. P. Observations of physical efficiency in ionized air. J. Indust. Hyg., 1935, 17: 280-2. ---- collision [Electron bombardment] Stevenson, D. P., & Hippie, J. A. Ionization and dis- sociation bv electron impact; normal propyl chloride and tertiary butyl chloride. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 2766-8. ----- Ionization and dissociation by electron impact; isobutylene, propane, and propylene. Ibid., 2769-72.— Whelden, R. M., Buchwald, C. E. [et al.] Electron bombard- ment of biological material; the rate of death of fungus spores bombarded in vacuum with cathode rav beams from 4 Kv.- 15 Kv. J. Gen. Physiol., 1939^10, 23: 391-400. ---- electrolytic. See Electrolyte, Dissociation; Electrophoresis. ---- Gaseous discharge. See also Gas, Electric properties; Ionization, atmospheric. Both, E. Sattigungsspannungen in ionisierten Gasen. Strahlentherapie, 1935, 52: 143-51.—Emeleus, K. G., & Sayers, J. Negative ions in discharge tubes. Proc R. Irish Acad., 1937-38, 44: A, 88-100.—Zeleny, J. Ions in gases. Science, 1941, 93: 167-72. ---- Ionizers. Dunning, J. R., & Anderson, H. L. High frequency filament supply for ion sources. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1937, 8: 158.— Kallmann, H. Ueber eine neue Anordnung zur Erzeugung schneller Ionen. Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., phys. math. KI., 1933. 451-60.—Lakhovsky. G. Ionization by means of the multiple wave apparatus. In his Radiat. & Waves, N. Y., 1941, 102-6.—LeCaine, H., & Waghorne, J. H. A new ioniza- tion amplifier. Canad. J. Res., 1941, 19: Sect. A, 21-6.— McRae, R. J. Production of ions. U. S. Patent Off., 1938, No. 2,132,539.—Manley, J. H., Haworth, L. J., & Luebke, E. A. Developments in ion accelerating tubes. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1941, 12: 587-90.—Roffo, A. H., & Roffo, A. E., jr. La ioniza- tion del aire producida por la colesterina irradiada con ultra- violetas. Rev. med. Rosario, 1936, 10: 1-15. Also Strahlen- therapie, 1936, 57: 350-3.—Timoshenko, G. Characteristics of a strong ion source. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1938, 9: 187-94.— Walden, P. Ueber organische Losungs- und Ionisierungsmittel. Zsehr. phys. Chem., 1906, 55: 207-49; 1907, 58: 479-511; 1907, 59: 192-211; 1908, 61: 633-9. ---- Ionizers: Radiation. See also Cosmic ray; Gamma ray; Radiation; Roentgen ray, etc. Schmidt, E. A. W., & Stetter, G. Die Ionisation einzelner a- und H-Strahlen am Ende der Reichweite. p. 123-38. 8? Wien, 1930. Heft. 3-4, v. 139 of Abt. Ha, 1930, Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-naturwiss. KI. Artigas, F. Emission d'un rayonnement ionisant par les cendres totales des vegetaux. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1937, 205: 69i_4__Biological (The) effects of ionising radiations. Annual Rep. Brit. Emp. Cancer Campaign, 1941, 18: 85.—Cosyns, M G E Etude de l'ionisation specifique primaire due au rayonnement cosmique. Bull. Acad Belgique, 1937, 5. ser, 23'. ggQ-72__Dale, W. M., Meredith, W. J., & Tweedie, 1W r K Mode of action of ionizing radiations on aqueous solutions.* Nature, Lond 1943 151: 280.-Fail.a, G Ioniza- tion and its bearing on the biological effects of radiation. In Biol. Effects of Radiat. (Duggar, B. M.) N. Y„ 1936, 1: °'~}~?-------A theory of the biological action of ionizing radiations. Acta Unio internat. cancr., Brux., 1937, 2: 219-26.------ Some aspects of the biological action of ionizing radiations. Am. J. Roentg., 1940, 44: 649-64. -----■ Biological effects of ionizing radiations. Lab. Stud. Mem. Hosp., N. Y., 1941, 22: No. 9, 279-95.—Gray, L. H., & Read, J. the effect of ionizing radiations on the broad bean root. Brit. J. Radiol., 1942, 15: 11-6; 72-6; 320-36. ------ [et al.] The biological effects of ionising radiations. Annual Rep. Brit. Emp. Cancer Campaign, 1942, 19: 28.—Kerst, D. W. Notas sobre la accion biologica de algunas radiaciones ionizantes. Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1940, 7: 220-7.—Meitner, L. Ueber die Ionisierungswahrscheinlichkeit innerer Niveaus durch schnelle Korpuskularstrahlen und eine Methode zu lhrem Nachweis. Naturwissenschaften, 1931, 19: 497-9.— Mohler, F. L., & Taylor, L. S. The ionization of liquid carbon disulphide by roentgen rays. Am. J. Roentg., 1935, 34: 84-8.— Picard, H. Ueber Weg und Wirkungen der Ionisation im Dienste der Therapie; physikalisch-biologische Untersuchungen. Strahlentherapie, 1926, 23: 541-76.—Relation between atmos- pheric pressure and gamma ray ionisation. Annual Rep. Brit. Emp. Cancer Campaign, 1941, 18: 66.—Riehl, N., & Tirnofeeff- Ressovsky, N., & Zimmer, K. Mechanismus der Wirkung ionisierender Strahlen auf biologische Elementareinhpiten. Naturwissenschaften, 1941, 29: 625-39.—Taylor, L. S. Ioniza- tion of air by Lenard ra\ s. Radiology, 1936, 27: 456-62.— Thoday, J. M., & Lea, D. E. ■ The effects of ionizing radiations on the chromosomes of Tradescantia bracteata; a comparison between neutrons and X-rays. J. Genet., Cambr., 1942, 43: 189-210.—Zirkle, R. E. Biological effectiveness of alpha particles as a function of ion concentration produced in their paths. Am. J. Cancer, 1935, 23: 558-67. ------ The radio- biological importance of the energy distribution along ioniza- tion tracks. J. Cellul. Physiol., 1940, 16: 221-35. ---- Potentials. Brillouin, L. Le module d'atome de Fock-Dirac et Vexistence de potentiels d'ionisation. J. phys. radium, Par., 1934, 7. ser., 5: 185-92.—Savard, J. Potentiels d'ionisation et energies de formation des molecules non polaires. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1933, 197: 1122-4— Sugden, T. M., Walsh, A. D., & Price, W. C. Ionization potentials of polyatomic molecules. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 372. IONIZATION chamber. See also Iontometry; Radiation, Measurement; Roentgen ray, Measurement, etc. Bobeow, A. *Praktische Erfahrungen mit indirekter und direkter Dosimetrie mittels integrierender Dosimeter (Hammerdosimeter) 15p. 23cm. Bern, 1939. Janssen, K. [E.j *Vergleichende iontometri- sche Rontgenstrahlenmessungen zwischen Ion- toquantimeter nach Wintz und Martius-Ioni- meter, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Standarddosi- metrie in R-Einheiten [Rostock] 27p. 8? Gutersloh, 1934. Steenbeck, M. *Absolute Intensitatsmes- sung von Rontgenstrahlen [Kiel] p.811-49. 8? Lpz., 1928. Also Ann. Phys., Lpz., 1928, 87: Thor,eus, R. A study of the ionization method for measuring the intensity and absorp- tion of Roentgen rays and of the efficiency of different filters used in therapy. 88p. 8? Stockh., 1932. Alfter. Spektrographische und iontoquantimetrische Mes- sungen an Rontgenapparaten. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1923, 31: Kongr., 106.—Aretz, H. Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Siemens-Momentan-Dosismesser. Strahlentherapie, 1935, 53: 536-42.—Bearden, J. A. Radioactive contamination of ionization chamber materials. Rev Sc. Instrum., 1933, n. ser., 4: 271-5.—Behnken. Gemeinsame Richtlinien der nationalen Laboratorien fiir die Eichung von Rontgendosis- messern. Strahlentherapie, 1934, 50: 364-8. ------ & Jaeger, R. Die Eichung von Rontgen-Dosismessern mit Radium. Ibid., 1928, 29: 483-502.—Braun, R., & Kustner, H. Zur Physik der Fingerhutkammer. Ibid., 1929, 32: 550-81; 739-58; 1929, 33: 273-95.—Brenzinger, M. A new device for charging electroscopes and iontoquantimeters. J. Radiol., 1924, 5: 241.—Casati, A. Sopra un nuovo iontoquantimetro: il Mekapion di Strauss. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1928, 4: 442-7.— Chalmers, T. A. A new instrument for the measurement of ionising radiations. Brit. J. Radiol., 1934, 7: 755-63; 1935, 8: 479.—Chaoul, H. Das Jontodosimeter; ein direkt zeigendes Dosimeter fiir Rontgenstrahlen. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1926, 34: 162-5. —;--- Ueber Dosimetrie in der Rontgen- therapie und iiber ein direktzeigendes Dosimeter. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1926, 73: 518-20—Coljez, R. Sur quelques IONIZATION CHAMBER 520 IONIZATION CHAMBER causes d'erreur des mesures ionometriqnes en radiotherapie. J. radiol. eiectr., 1923. 7: 267-70.—Crowther. J. A. The ionisntion method of X-ray measurement. Brit. J. Radiol., 1929, n. ser., 2: 175 -87.— Dauvillier, A., Laborde, A., & Saget, J. Sin la realisation de Tunite r internationale et Tetalonnagc absolu des dosimetres radiologiques. J. radiol. eiectr., 1929, 13: 433-51.—Declairfayt, C. & Van Niftrik, J. Contributo alia quantitometria radioterapica: un metodo di radiodensi- metria assoluta. Actinoterapia. Nap., 1928, 7: 10-8.— Delsasso, L. P., & Warner, A. H. A rugged, direct-reading iontoquantimeter of high sensitivity. Radiology, 1931, 16: 39-43.—Dershem. E., Rovner, L. E., & Perry, S. P. A modified standard ionization chamber system. Am. J. Roentg., 1937, 37: 242-6.—Dorneich, M. Ueber die Volumenabhiingigkeit der Messangabe der kleinen Ionisationskammer. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1938, 57: 189-99.—Duane, W., & Lorenz, E. Standard-Ionisationskammer fiir Messungen der Rontgen- strahlendosis. Ibid., 1928, 37: 691-6.—Failla, G. Criteria for the design of a standard ionization chamber. Am. J. Roentg., 1929, n. ser., 21: 47-63.—Frank, J. Ein Ront- genmeter fiir kleine Strahlenintensitaten. Strahlentherapie, 1934, 50: 687-92.—General recommendations of the national laboratories for the standardisation of x-ray dosemeters. Brit. J. Radiol., 1934, n. ser., 7: 304-8.—Glasser, O. Die kleine Ionisationskammer. Strahlentherapie, 1935, 52: 137-42. ----— & Victoreen, J. The thimble ionization chamber. Radiology, 1937, 29: 341-51.—Glocker, R. Eichung von Rontgendosimetern in Wiirttemberg. Med. Korbl. Wurttemberg, 1926, 96: 23. ------& Kaupp.E. Ueber einein bezug auf die R-Einheit von der Qualitat der Strahlung unabhangige Fingerhutkammer und tiber die Messung der Streuzusatzdosis im Wasserphantom. Strahlentherapie, 1926, 23: 447-62.—Greinacher, H. Das Jonometer und seine ver- wendung in der Rontgendosimetrie. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1914, 61: 1778.—Hansen, H. M. [Bastrup-Johnson's Roent- gen dosimeter] Hospitalstidende, 1927, 70: 903-6.—Hecker, H. von. Kurze Mitteilung iiber Messungen mit dem Ionimeter nach Grebe-Martius. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 26.— Henschke, U. Ueber die Abhangigkeit des Ionisationsstromes vom Volumen bei kleinen Kammern. Strahlentherapie, 1938, 62: 614-38.—Hirsch, H. Das Mekapiondosimeter im prak- tischen Rontgenbetriebe. Ibid., 1927, 26: 207-10.—Jona, M. Vergleich der Radium- und Rontgendosis mit einem Rontgen- dosismesser. Ibid., 1929, 32: 775. ------ & Leistner, K. Untersuchungen an Rontgendosimetern. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1926, 136: 175-9.—Jones, H. 1. Ionisation chambers for x-ray dosage measurement. Brit. J. Radiol., 1935, 8: 318-32.— Juris, K. Ein direkter Kontrollstandard fiir Kleinkammer- dosimeter. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1938, 57: 50-3.—Juul, J., & Ambrosen, J. [Pocket dosimeter as protective measure] Hospitalstidende, 1936, 79: [Dansk radiol. selsk. forh., 8-10. Kaye, G. W. C, & Bell, G. E. A portable diiect-reading x-ray dosage-rate meter. Brit. J. Radiol., 1935, 8: 407-78.--Kron- haus, A. N. [Copper oxide dosimeter for roentgen ravs] Vest. rentg., 1936, 16: 468-72. ------ [On the application of small ionization chambers for the determination of integral doses] Ibid., 1939, 23: 41-5.—Kustner, H. Die Rolle der grossen und der kleinen Ionisationskammer bei der Rontgenstrahlenmes- sung. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1929, 40: 603-28. ------ Prazisionsmessung der Luftionisation durch Rontgenstrahlen verschiedener Harte und Homogenitat in Fasskammern von kleinstem bis grosstem Ausmass. Strahlentherapie, 1931, 42: 337—42. ------ Das neue Prazisionsdosimeter fiir Haut und Tiefentherapie. Verh. Deut. Rontg. Ges., 1933, 26: 57.— Love, W. H., & Smith-White, W. B. Field distortion in the standard ionization chamber. Brit. J. Radiol., 1936, 9: 51-8.— Merchant, A. K. The advantages and disadvantages of large chamber measuring apparatus. Radiology, 1933, 21: 123-5.— Meyer. H. Das Jontoquantimeter, ein neues Messgerat fiir Rontgenstrahlen. Zbl. Gyn., 1914, 38: 1425-31. ------ Ueber Wellenliingenabhangigkeit kleiner Ionisationskammern. Strahlentherapie, 1931, 40: 576-89; 1931, 41: 185-96; 309-20 — Miehlnickel. E. Untersuchungen iiber den Wirkungsmechanis- mus der kleinen Ionisationskammer. Ibid., 1935, 54: 348-58. ------ & Rajewsky, B. Ueber schattenlose Kugelionisations- kammern. Ibid., 1934, 50: 499-515.—Muhlmann. Fernauf- ladevorrichtung fiir das Ionometer von Wulff. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1927, 36. Kongr. [Beih.] 78-80.—Obladen, P. Ein fahrbares Untergestell fiir das Wasserphantom des Siemens- Rontgen-Dosismessers. Ibid., 1926, 34: 171.—Packard, C. A biological calibration of an X-ray dosimeter. J. Cancer Res., 1930, 14: 134-43.—Pychlau, H. Zur Frage der Radium- kontrolle bei Dosimetern mit Kleinkammer. Strahlentherapie, 1937, 59: 352-4.—Quinton, A. The effect of temperature, pressure and humidity of the air on ionisation measurements using small air-wall chambers. Brit. J. Radiol., 1936, 9: 313-23.—Reinhard. M. C. A note on the use of clinical dosage meters using a thimble ionization chamber. Radiology, 1939, 32: 282.—Rocky, C. N. A new, simple and compact x-ray meter. Brit. J. Radiol., 1935, 8: 481-6.—Rosenfeld, P., & Melchart, F. Ueber eine leichtherstellbare Art von richtungs- unabhangigen kleinen Ionisationskammern und ihre Ver- wendbarkeit m der Rontgendosimetrie. Strahlentherapie, 1935, 52: 307-26.—Roth, E. J. H. The Mecapion, an ionisation apparatus for the absolute measurement of X-ray dose. Brit. J. Radiol., 1930, n. ser., 3: 155-60.—Schneider, G. H. Zur Erhohung der Genauigkeit der Rdntgenstrahlen-Messergeb- nisse am Iontoquantimeter. Strahlentherapie, 1926^27, 24: 715-8.—Schubert, E. von. Das Ionognom als Universalmess- gerat in Verbindung mit den Tabellen von Grebe und Nitzge. Ibid., 1934, 49: 150-4.—Schubert, M. Das Kiistner-Univer- saldosimeter als Messgerat fiir die Oberfliichentherapie. Ibid., 1933, 47: 359-63. —---- Das Ionognom, oin gceignetes Do.sieningsgei.ri fiir die Oberfliicliontherapie. Ibid., 733-7.— Seuderling, Y. A sensitive detector for ionizing radiation. Acta Soc med. Duodecim, 1939, 21: Ser. A. No. 5, 1-12.— Sievert, R. M. Dosage units and the ionisation method. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1937, 18: 742-52.- Smereker, H. Untersuchung der Strahlungsintensitat in der Nahe radio- aktiver Praparate mit dimnwaudigen Ionisationskammern, Strahlentherapie, 1937, 58: 207-85.—Solomon, I. The necessity for standardizing ionization chambers. Am. J. Phys. Ther., 1927-28, 4: 153-6. ------ Sur Tetalonnage des ionometrea en unites r. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1935, 23: 559-63.— Spiegler, G. Zur Messung grosser Rontgenstrahlenintensit&ten mit integrierenden Kleinkammerdosimetern. Strahlentherapie, 1934, 49: 304-8. ------ Zur direkten Kontrolle der Klein- kammerdosimeter. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1938, 57: 46-6. ------& Juris, K. Die Kontrolle der Konstanz von Klein- kammerdosimetern. Strahlentherapie, 1935, 54: 174-81.— Strauss, S. Das Mekapion, ein neuer integrierender Riint- gendosisziihler mit Selbstkontrolle. Wien. med. Wschr., 1926, 76: 1402. ------ Praktische Dosimetrie mit dem Mekapion. Strahlentherapie, 1926-27, 24: 752-6. Also Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 46. ------ Der Dosiszahler Mekapion und seine Messgenauigkeit. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1027, 36. Kongr. [Beih.] 87-9. Also Strahlentherapie, 1927, 26: 200-6. ------ Der Rontgendosiszahler Mecapion, seine Verlasslichkeit und Konstanz. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1928, 9: 482-96. ------ [Mekapion, integrating dosimeter for roentgen rays] Vest, rentg., 1931, 9: 312-7. ------ Das Dositron. Eortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1934, 49: 310.—Taylor, L. S. The calibration of the Fingerhut ionization chamber. Radiology, 1930, 15: 227-40. ■----— The measurement of x-rays with liquid ionization chambers. Ibid., 1937, 29: 323-8. ------ & Singer, G. An improved form of standard ionization chamber. Ibid., 1930, 15: 037-46. ------ Further studies of the X-ray standard ionization chamber diaphragm system. Ibid., 1931, 17: 104-12. ------ Air density cor- rections for temperature and pressure applied to x-ray ioniza- tion chambers. Ibid., 1934, 23: 404-9. —----■ Note on the guarded field x-ray ionization chamber. Ibid., 1936, 26: 322-5.—Thoraeus, R. A small ionisation chamber able to serve as a portable substitute for a standard chamber. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1941, 22: 260-7.—Treloar, L. R. G. Investiga- tion of an ionisation chamber for X-ray measurements. Brit. J. Radiol., 1929, n. ser., 2: 188-95.-Walbridge, N. L. A calculation of the error due to the absence of guard electrodes in X-ray ionization chambers. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1941, 12: 546-8.—Wood, F. C. A biological ionization chamber. Radiol- ogy, 1929, 22: 461-71.—Wucherpfennig, V. Tablette oder lonisationsmessgerat zur Dosierung in der Rontgenober- flachentherapie? Derm. Wschr., 1934, 98:- 265-70. ----- Ueber den heutigen Stand der Dosierung mit Ionisations- instrumenten in der Ron tgen-Oberflachen therapie. Ibid., 365-9. IONIZATION gauge. See also Vacuum, Measurement. Bowie, R. M. An ionization gauge circuit. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1940, 11: 265-7.—Gueben, G. Dispositif k triodes pour la mesure de courants d'ionisation. J. radiol. eiectr., 1931, 15: 553-60. —Morse, R. S., & Bowie, R. M. A new style ionization gauge. Rev. Sc Instrum., 1940, 11: 91-4.—Nelson, R. B., & Wing, A. K., jr. Emission-regulating circuit for an ionization gauge. Ibid., 1942, 13: 215-7.—Rainwater, J. A stabilized ionization gauge circuit with vacuum tube volt- meter. Ibid., 118-22.—Ridenour, L. N. Magic eye ioniza- tion gauge. Ibid., 1941, 12: 134-6. ------& Lampson, C. W. Thermionic control of an ionization gauge. Ibid., 1937. 8: 162-4. IONONE. See also Terpene. Gould, R. G., jr, & Thompson, A. F., jr. The synthesis of certain unsaturated compounds from beta-ionone and tetra- hydroionone. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 340-5. IONOSPHERE. See also Cosmic ray; Ionization, atmospheric; Radio. Booker, H. G. The application of the magneto-ionic theory to the ionosphere. Proc R. Soc, Lond., 1935, ser. A., 150: 267-86.—Darrow, K. K. Introduction to the ionosphere. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1940, 83: 429-45.—Dieminger, W. Neue Ergebnisse der Ionosphiirenforschung. Umschau, 1940, 44: 37-40.—Eckersley, T. L. Holes in the ionosphere and magnetic storms. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 177.—Fuchs, J. Die gas- und elektronenthermischen Vorgange in der F- Region der Ionosphare. Refer. Internat. Kongr. Kurzwellen, 1937, 1. Kongr., 25-8.—Grotrian, W. Sonne und Ionosphare. Naturwissenschaften, 1939, 27: 555; 569.—Hulburt. E. O. The ionosphere. Sc. Month., 1939, 48: 421-30.—Investiga- tions of the ionosphere and its relation to problems of terrestrial IONOSPHERE 521 IONTOPHORESIS magnetism. Yearb. Carnegie Inst. Washington (1939-40) 1940, 39: 77.—Ionosphere storms and radio transmission between North America and Europe. J. Franklin Inst., 1940, 230: 395.—Mohler, F. L. The correlation between ionization in the ionosphere and sun-spot numbers. Science, 1939, 90: 137.—Rakshit, H., & Bhar, J. N. Some observations on the C regions of the ionosphere. Nature, Lond., 1936, 138: 283.—Ranzi, I. Dispositivo per osservazioni sulTaltezza dello strato di Heaviside col metodo della 6co. Boll. Soc. eustach., 1931, 29: 131-36.—Wilkes, M. V. The theory of reflexion of very long wireless waves from the ionosphere. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., ser. A, 1940, 175: 143-63.—Zenneck, J. Die Erforschung der Ionosphare. Refer. Internat. Kongr. Kurzwellen, 1937, 1. Kongr., 17-21. IONTOMETRY. See also Ionization chamber. Braun, O. Fehlerquellen bei iontometrischen Messungen. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1924-25, 32: Kongr., 43-5.—Failla, G. The measurement of tissue dose in terms of the same unit for all ionizing radiations. Radiology,. 1937, 29: 202-15. ------ & Marinelli, L. D. The measurement of the ionization produced in air by gamma rays. Am. J. Roentg., 1937, 38: 312-43.— Faure. Note sur la mesure de l'ionisation naturelle. Presse therm, clim., 1939, 80: 500.—Flexser, L. A., Hammett, L. P., & Dingwall, A. The determination of ionization by ultraviolet spectrophotometry; its validity and its application to the measurement of the strength of very weak bases. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 2103-15.—Gunsett, A., & Nourettine, O. C. Etudes ionometriques sur la dose additionnelle de diffusion. J. radiol. eiectr., 1930, 14: 551-8.—Hess, P. Die Ionisations- dosimetrie in der Oberflachentherapie. Rontgenpraxis, 1932, 4: 748.—Langer, L. M., & Cox, R. T. A directionally selective ion-counter. Rev. Sc Instrum., 1936, 7: 31-33.—Maricq, L. Contribution k I'etude du controle ionometrique des medica- ments. C. rend. Congr. internat. pharm., 1935, 12. Congr., 453-71.—Ponzio, M. Ionometrische Messungen in inhomo- genen Absorptionsmitteln. Strahlentherapie, 1929, 32: 163-80. —Pychlau. Nouveau proc6de de contrdle par le radium dans les dosimetres. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1936, 24: 550-5.—Quivy, J. Les mesures ionometriques sont- elles Texpression de Taction biologique des rayons X? Ibid., 852-5.—Seino, Y. Isolation bei elektrostatischen Dosis- messern in feuchtwarmer Luft. Fundam. radiol., Berl., 1939, 4: 101-14.—Sievert, R. M. Determination of ionisation in biological objects. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1940, 21: 189-205 — Simons, J. H., Francis H. T. [et al.] An apparatus for the measurement of the scattering of low velocity ions in gases at low pressure. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1942, 13: 419-26.—Solomon, I. Nouvelles recherches ionometriques. J. radiol. eiectr., 1931, 15: 432-41.—Thoraeus, R. Ionisation measurements of the Roentgen ray output from tubes at different voltages and with different focal distances. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1933, 14: 615-22.—Wataghin, G. On the application of the iconoscope to the observation of ionising particles. Ann. Acad, brasil. sc, 1941, 13: 15.—Wooster, W. A., & Martin, A. J. P. An automatic ionization spectrometer. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1936, ser. A., 155: 150-72. IONTOPHORESIS. See also Electric conductance, biological; Electrocataphoresis; Electrotherapy. Dyson, J. N. The practice of ionization. 178p. 8? Lond., 1936. Freymuth, H. [W. L.] *Versuch einer kritischen Wurdigung der Elektrophorese und ihrer Bedeutung fiir die moderne Therapie [Zurich] 27p. 20#cm. Berl., 1939. Gidon, F. Precis de l'ionotherapie electrique. 92p. 8? Par. [1929] Rousseau, P., & Nyer, P. La pratique de l'ionisation: applications medico-chirurgicales. 167p. 8? Par., 1931. . . Scholderer, H. *Zur Frage der medizinischen Elektrophorese. 27p. 8? Greifsw., 1929. Baum, J. Ueber Elektrophorese (Kataphorese und Ion- tophorese) Arch. Derm. Syph., Lpz., 1907, 84: 35-58 — Bernard P. D. L'ionophotese au Congtes de Vienne. Rev. odont Par. 1937, 58: 355-64.—Desfosses & Martinet. A therapeutica ionica. Porto med 1907, 4: 22-4-Dutton, W. F. Ionic medication. Clin. M. & S., 1935, 42: 386-9.— Echtman.J. Ionization. Med Rec N. Y., 1934, 139: 334.- Escalante, D. C. Ionizaci6n. Arch. Hosp. Rosales, S. Salvador, 1908 3* 364-77—Frankenhauser, Sur l'etat actuel de Tionopho'rese (therapeutique eiectrolytique) Arch, eiectr. med 1913 13- 267-72.—Gasparini, C. G. Contributi agh studi' delTionoterapia elettrica. Riv. idr. clim., 1929. 40: ind_ifi__Hnrnuder K. Electrophoresis in physical therapy. Arth!W" Ther. '1937 ^ 221-5- —~ .E1ge8f °^oreti(1 ^^^or^rUrapt' ^robiems^lnd8' value885" N ~Y~o^ StateTM 193838! 176-80.-Henssge, E. Neue Erfahrun- gen mit Iontophorese. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1933. 144: 613-6.—Ion transfer, iontophoresis. Physiother. Rev., 1941, 21: 314.—Kantala, J. [Iontophoresis] Duodecim. Helsin., 1938, 54: 893-904.—Klumpp, T. G., & Carter. H. A. Ion transfer, iontophoresis. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1941, 22: 490-2.—Kovacs, R. Ionic medication. Physiother. Rev., 1936, 16: 89.------ Ionization. In Cyclop. Med. fPiersol- Bortz) Phila., 1937, Serv. Vol., 951-6.—Levent, R. Principes g6neraux de l'ionotherapie medicamenteuse; ionisation et electrolyse. Gaz. hop., 1929, 102: 1868-70—MacGregor, A. The present position with regard to ionisation, with some indica- tion of the technique and uses of this method. Brit. J. Actino- ther., 1930, 5: 48; 64.—Moggi, B. Ionoterapia. Riv. radiol., 1930, 2: 554-63.—Morse, F. H. Ionic medication. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1929, 10: 397-402.—Namiki, S., Morita, S., & Sekiguti, Y. Uber Iontophorese. Jap. J. Derm. Urol., 1933, 34: 10.—Rutenbeck, H. Ueber medikamentose Elektrothera- pie. Ther. Gegenwart, 1936, 77: 534-9.—Torrison, F. C. Ionization. Physiother. Rev., 1936, 16: 236.—Tuffier, T., & Maute, A. A propos des medications ioniques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1907, 62: 64-6.—Vandever, H. F. Ionization. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., 1931, 24: 302. ---- Accidents and untoward effects. Dobrokhotova, E. A. [Skin reaction in man in iontophoresis of a mixture of incompatible pharmacological agents] Fizio- terapia, Moskva, 1941, 10-4.—Molitor, H., & Fernandez, L. Studies on iontophoresis; experimental studies on the causes and prevention of iontophoretic burns. Am. J. M. Sc, 1939, 198: 778-85, pl. ---- Apparatus. Macfarlan, D. Ionization; circuit plans for an inexpensive unit. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1935, 21: 456-8.—Pothoven, W. J. [Unusual application of iontokinetron] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939,83:4308-15. ------ The iontokinetron and the method of zinc ionisation in otology. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1940, 28: 355-63. ---- Indications. See also under names of diseases as Otitis media; Rheumatism, etc. Beyer, H. Considerations sur l'ionisation en otologic 32p. 23y-cm. Par., 1939. Bos, K. *De iontophoreses in de oogheel- kunde [Groningen] 95p. 8? Assen [1929] Brtjkeb, M. Les applications therapeutiques des ions. 82p. 8? Par., 1917. Nyer, P. *Les applications medico-chirurgi- cales de l'ionisation ou dielectrolyse. 167p. 8? Par., 1930. Puyatjbert, J. *Effets de l'ionisation sur quelques dermatoses, 64p. 8? Par., 1929. TJlrich, R. *Die Jontophorese und ihre Anwendung in der Zahnheilkunde. 43p. 8°. Freib. i. B., 1933. Astier, A. Ionotherapie electrique; principales indications. Marseille med., 1931, 68: 521-32.—Balzano, I. Sulla jonoforesi in otologia. Boll. mal. orecchio, 1935, 53: 238-53.—Bernard, P. D. Principe et technique de l'ionophotese dentaire. Rev. odont., Par., 1931, 52: 188-201—Cahill, A. J. Electric ionization in oto-rhinology. Med. J. Australia, 1928, 2: 288- 96.—Cawadias, A. P. Electrical iontophoresis: special indica- tions and technique. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1938, n. ser., 1: 11-6.— Cordingley, E. W. Ionic medication in vaso-spastic and arthritic states. J. Nat. Ass. Chiropod., 1937, 27: No. 3,10-2.— Ehrenwald, H. Die Elektrophorese in der Neurologie. Fortsch. Neur. Psychiat., 1936, 8: 160-7. •------ Ueber kranio-zere- brale Iontophorese; Indikationsstellung und therapeutische Ergebnisse. Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 265; 290.—Erlanger, G. On the scientific and practical value of ionization in oph- thalmolofjv; recent advances and researches. Brit. J. Ophth., 1936, 20: 213-29. Also Vet. J., Lond., 1936, 92: 280-90, 4 pl. Iontophoretic medication in ophthalmology; theoretic and practical aspects. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1939, 20: 16-24.— Fabre, M. A propos de l'ionisation en therapeutique gynecologi- que. Rev. fr. gyn. obst., 1933, 28: Suppl., 609-14.—Fietta, P. De la valeur de Tiontophotese en ophtalmologie. Ann. ocul., Par., 1932, 169: 613.—Forton, M. Ionotherapie electrique et orthopedique. Bordeaux chir., 1931, 2: 366.—Garcia Donate, J., & Garcia Donate, V. La ionterapia electrica en las afecciones producidas por el estafilococo, v especialmente por el antrax. Progr. clfn., Madr., 1929, 37: 785-8.-Harkness, G. F. Why I have not used iontophoresis. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1937, 46: 169-73.—Katz, R. A. [Triads and rationalizing iontophoresis in the physiotherapy of the eye] Sovet. vest, oft., 1933, 3: 261-5.—Kellner, E. Elektrolyse oder Iontophorese? Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 1273-8.—Kovacs, J. Wesen und Anwen- dung der Elektrophorese. Khn. Wschr., 1935, 14: 969. ------ & Kovacs, R. Newer aspects of iontophoresis for arthritis and circulatory disturbances. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1934, 15: 593- 8.—Kulikov, M. V. [Ionic compensation in the body in IONTOPHORESIS 522 IONTOPHORESIS inflammation and cancerous diseases] Mosk. med. J.. 1920, 6: No. 10, 1-7.— Laquerriere & Lehmann, R. La technique et les indications de l'ionotherapie. Rapp. Congr. internat. physio- ther., 1930, 5. Congr., Sect. 4. No. 2, 16-22. Leduc. S. ioni- sation destructive; ses indications, ses resultats immediats ou eioignes. Ibid., 1910, 3. Congr., 164-74.—Levant. H. L. The use of iontophoresis. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1035. 16: 552-5 — McCurdy, G. J. Electric ionization in oto-rhinologv. Rhode Island M. J., 1931, 14: 151-4—Michajlowsky. S. Zur Frage der Ionto-Elektrotherapie des Ohres, der Nase und des Kehl- kopfes. Otolar. slav., Praha, 1932-33, 4: 300-8. - Morisot. L'ionisation appliquee au traitement des affections oculaires. Clin, opht., Par., 1927, 31: 380.—Neoussikin. B. |The treat- ment of chronic diseases by ionisation] Ilai fuah, Tel Aviv, 1942, 23: 74.—Nijkerk, M. [Treatment of keloids, Dupuytren's contracture and sclerodermia with iontophoresis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 5135-40 -Paulian, I). E.. & Bistriceanu. I. [Electro-ionic therapy in di>ea-e> of the nervous system] Rev. St. med., Bucur., 1929, 18: 152-02.- Pe^ce, L. La electro- foresis central y perif^ik:i en neiimlogia. Actas Jornad. neuropsiqui&tr. panamer. (1939) 1940, 2. reun., 2: [Discus- sion] 30.- Fitcher, H. F. Metallic ionization in gynecologv. Am. J. Electrother., 1918, 36: 307-13- Prader, F. Die Indikation zur Jontophorese. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1939, 49: 704-24. 3 pl.—Raszeja. Technique et indications de l'ioni- sation. Rapp. Congr. internat. physiother.. 1030, 5. Congr., Sect. 4, No. 3, 23-8.—Rutenbeck, H. Studien iiber Wesen und Anwendung der Elektrophorese. Klin. Wsclu.. 1935, 14: 228- 32.—Shaffer, L. W. Ionic medication in dei-matologv ; principles experimental confirmation and clinical application. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1931, 23: 287 308. Stout. P. S. The value of ionization in nose, throat and ear conditions. Med. World, 1938, 56: 36-8. Waterman. N. Some therapeutic measures founded upon the colloid theorv of malignant tumor. In Colloid Chem. (Alexander, J.) N. V., 1928, 2: 911-5 — Wunsch, G. Heilversuche bei Pferden mit Hilfe der Ionto- phorese. Zsehr. Veterinark., 1939, 51 : 100-14.—Zimmern, A. L'ionisation et ses applications analgesiques. Rev. actin., Far., 1929, 5: 11-32. ---- Methods. See also Dielectrolysis; also names of sub- stances used as Zinc, etc. Burdick Corporation. Report on cases treated by the Warwick ionization method. 15 1. 4? Milton, 1935. Fieschi, F. Ionotherapie electrique et haute frequence. 159p. 8? Par., 1933. Baker. F. Indications and technic of iontophoresis. Arch. Phys. Tbei., 1939, 20: 197-207.—Balietti, L. La ionoterapia transcorticale e una nuova tecnica di applieazione. Cervel'o, 1936, 15: 114-7.—Boerner, L. Technic of acetyl-beta-methyl- choline chloride iontophoresis, common ion transfer. Physio- ther. Rev., 1937, 17: 12—1.—Bourguignon, G. L'ionisation ou electrolyse medicamenteuse ou dielectrolvsed'iodeetde calcium. J. med. chir., Par., 1028, 99: 783-804. ------ Nouvelles techniques d'introduction eiectrolytique d'ions; la dieiectrolyse ou ionisation d'iode et de calcium. Rev. actin., Par., 1929, 5: 180-227.------ Nouvelles experiences sur la dieiectrolyse transcetebrale; modification de la technique gen6rale de la dieiectrolyse en electrotherapie. Ibid., 1932, 8: 103-35.— Briinner-Ornstein. M. Ueber neuere Methoden der Ionto- phorese. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1935, 48: 822-4.—Bunch, C. C. The principles of electric current in iontophoresis. Tr. Am. Laryng. Ass.. 1030, 42: 441-4.—Campbell, A. Ionisation in the nose; a new technique. J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1928, 43: 98- 102.—Dalma, G. Un nuovo metodo d'introduzione vitale e non vitale di sostanze coloranti nei tessuto: la cromoforesi elettrogalvanica. Riv. pat. nerv., 1934, 43: 241.—Delacroix. L'ionisation thermale. Bull. Soc med. Paris, 1935, 250-02. Also Presse therm, clim., 1935, 76: 320-4. Also Rev. med. Nancy, 1939, 67: 483-7.—Ehrenwald, H. Ueber kranio- cerebrale Iontophorese. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 632-7. ------ Cranio-cerebral ionization. Brit. J. Phys. M., 1942, 5: 172-4 — Erlanger, G. Elektrische Einverleibung von Pharmaka (Iontophorese) ins Auge. Jahrkurs. arztl. Fortbild., 1932, 23: H. 11, 22-37.—Grechenin, V. A. [Methods of deep ionotherapv] Tr. Vsessoiuz. sezd. fizioter., 1927, 2: 98-101.—Jacoby, A., & DerBrucke, M. G. Vaginal iontophoresis of a choline com- pound. Am. J. Obst., 1942, 44: 250-8—Kahler, K. Ueber kunstliche Ionisierung durch Zerstauben von Fliissigkeiten. Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., 1937, 89: 307-10.—Kellner, E. Zur Iontophorese. Zsehr. Stomat., 1936, 34: 1503-7.—Kerangal, Y. de. Thermions metalliques et sinusites, thermions metalli- ques et sterilisation des porteurs de bacilles de Loeffler. J. med. Paris, 1936, 56: 423-7.—Laquerriere & Lehmann, R. La technique et les indications de l'ionotherapie. Arch, eiectr. med., 1930, 38: 457-62.—Linton, L. D. Intramucosal tests before and after iontophoresis. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1936, 42: 448-52.—Mathieu, P. La dieiectrolyse, ou ionisation; technique generale. Rev. physiother., Par., 1939, 15: 9-12.— Piga, A., & Ortega, D. Un nuevo metodo de terapeutica fisica; la diatermo-ionizacion. An. Hosp. S. Jose, Madr., 1930-31, 2: 168-70.—Rosicky, H. Die Applikation radioaktiver Elemente durch Iontophorese. Strahlentherapie, 1933, 47: 754-8.— Seiter, C. La pratique de l'ionisation en oto-rhino-laryngologie. Ann. otolar., Par., 1935, 168-83.—Warwick, H. L. Further report on intra-nasal ionization in the treatment of bay fever, food allergv and asthma. Mississippi Doctor, 1030 37, 14: No. 7, 56-60. ---- Pharmacology. Eliopoulos, S. Action de la dieiectrolyse trans-cerebrale des ions Mg, (!a, K. I et CI sur les centres vasomoteurs ccrebraux. 17(>p- S? Par., 1931. Figlekoa Body, E. *Contribuci6n al estudio de la ionizacion v6dica y c&lcica. 7,'ip. 8? Santiago, 1929. Ickowicz, M. *Etude compatee des effets de diverses substances introduites dans l'organismc par injection et par ionophorese [Geneve] 27p. 2412em. Liege, 1937. Also Arch, internat. med. exp., Liege, 1937, 12: 171-93' Koch, W. * Klinische Untersuchungen iiber die Anasthesierung der harten Zahngewebe ver- mittels der Elektrophorese [Gottingen] 17p. 8? Lengerich, 1936. Relva, C. *0 papel da circulacfio no pheno- meno da ionisagao. 82p. 8? S. Paulo, 1933. Schacke, D. *Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Iontophorese [Bast'l] 20p. 24*4cm. Berl., 1939. Alden, A. M. The response of allergic phenomena to ioniza- tion. Laryngoscope, 1935, 45: 620-32.—Alexander, J. H. Passive transfer; relation of the reagin content of the blood to iontophoresis. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1936, 42: 447.—Berceanu, D. [Importance of calcium iontophoresis in therapeutics] Romania med., 1933, 11: 117.—Bernard, P. D. Le phenomene general d'ionisation. Odontologie, Par., 1937, 75: 348-57.—Bourguignon, G. Experiences sur les actions physiologiques et therapeutiques de la dieiectrolyse (ionisation) classification de 24 ions en families chimiqnes, par leur action vaso-motrice dans la dielectrolvse transcetebrale. J. radiol. eiectr., 1934, 18: 440. & Eliopoulos, S. Action des ions, iode, calcium et magnesium sur l'indice oscillometrique et la pression arterie!le dans la dieiectrolyse transcetebrale. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1931, 192: 379-82.— Chaize, J. Ionisation. et systeme neuro-vegetatif. Presse therm, clim., 1937, 78: 43-0.—Denier. Fixation elective des ions medicamentaux par I'eiectro-aimant. C. rend. Acad. sc, 1931, 192: 1502.--- La therapeutique par les ions negatifs. Presse med., 1933, 41: 2110. Hollcnder, A. R., & Fabricant, N. I). Nasal ionization: histologic studies in rela- tion to clinical evaluation. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1938, 27: 452 68.- Inouye, Y., Yamaga, T., & Maeda, S. Schwankun- gon der Wei te von Jod, Fluor, anorganischen Salzen und von Zucker im Blut bei der Fluorwasserstoff-Iontophorese. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1938-39, 5: Proc. Int. Med., 149.—Kellat, G., # Politova, E. [Bactericidal action of electroionization and its application] Russ. klin., 1927, 8: No. 39, 9-13.—Kling, D. H. Response and increase in skin temperature as indicators of efficiency of vasodilating drugs by iontophoresis. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1940, 21: 389-92.—Kotkis, A. J., Melchionna, R. H. [et al.] Physiologic effects of acetyl-beta-methyl-choline chloride by iontophoresis. Ibid., 1935, 16: 528-33.—McMahon, B. G. Late changes in the mucosa of the frontal sinuses and nose of dogs following ionization. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1936, 42: 444-6.—Martin, L., Ruland, H., & Ruland, L. Studies on the local and systematic effects of acetyl beta- methylcholine administered by iontophoresis. N. England J. M., 1937, 217: 202-5—Martinescu, G„ & Popoviciu, G. [Study on the action of iontophoresis] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1927, 16: 877-94.—Molitor, H. Pharmacologic aspects of drug administration by ion-transfer. Merck Rep., 1943, 52: 22-9.—Montgomery, H., Holling, H. E., & Friedland. C. K. The effect of iontophoresis with acetyl-betainethylcholine chloride on the rate of peripheral blood flow. Am. J. M. Sc, 1938, 195: 794-802.—Morphy, O. C. A reconsideration of the theory of ionic medication, with special reference to its applica- tion in dental treatment. Brit. Dent. J., 1020, 47: 293-302.— Nakai, S. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Ionto- phorese einiger Derivierungsstoffen; klinische Studien. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1940, 32: 13; 49.—Parfenov, A. P. [Ex- perimental tests with iontophoresis of antipyrin] Vrach. gaz., 1929, 33: 709-11. ------& Dobrokhotova, E. A. [Compara- tive evaluation of the resorptive action of certain pharma- cological agents, introduced with the aid of direct current] I izioterupia, Moskva, 1940, 34-42.—Pupin, M. I. Ionization ami chemical reactions. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1927, 3: 7-17.- Raszeja, F. Recherches experimentales sur l'iono- therapie electrique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 102: 352-4; 1930, 103: 7997803— Ruge, W. Die Elektrophorese (Jonto- phorese) mit Vitaminen und Hormonen und ihre Anwendung in der arztlichen Praxis. Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 886-9.— Schacke, D. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Iontophorese. Zsehr. Stomat., 1939, 37: 753; 827.—Schudel, S. Klinische und histologische Untersuchungen von Cranulomen nach Iontophorese-Behandlung mit Jod-Jodkali und Cibazol. IONTOPHORESIS 523 IOWA, U. S. A Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1942, 52: 291-333, 10 pl—Sebok, L., & Pusztay, I. [Effect of iontophoresis on local allergy of skin] Gyogyiiszat, 1935, 75: 442-4.—Seech, S. G. Experi- mental iontophoresis on rabbits' corneas. Am. J. Ophth., 1939, 3. ser., 22: 189-91.—Smit, H. M. Tissue changes in iontophoresis. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1936, 42: 431- 40.—Steindorff. Experimentelles iiber Iontophorese; zugleich ein Beitrag zur medikamentosen Behandlung von Linsentrii- bungen. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 1728. IONTOQUANTIMETER. See Ionization chamber; Iontometry. IOOSS, Joseph, 1909- *Tabfes et trau- matisme. 58p. 24^cm. Strasb., Impr. Alsa- cienne, 1934. IOPHOBIA. See Phobia; Poisoning. IOSEFOVICI, Egon, 1911- *Presenta- tions de l'epaule negligees k la maternite de 1'hopital Lariboisiere, 1926-36. 48p. 8? Par., Vigot, fr., 1937. IOSIFOV, Gordej Maksimovich, 1870-1933. Das Lymphgefass-System des Menschen mit Beschreibung der Adenoide und der Lymphbe- wegungsorgane. Uebersetzt aus dem Russischen von J. W. Avtokratov. viii, 176p. 8? Jena, G. Fischer, 1930. Oschkaderov, W. I. Nachruf. Anat. Anz., 1936, 83: 62-4, portr. IOTACISM. See Speech, Disorder. IOWA, U. S. A. Board of Control of State Institutions. Biennial report. Des Moines, v.l (1897/99) 1900- IOWA, U. S. A. Board for Vocational Educa- tion. Vocational rehabilitation for disabled persons, statement of policies. 12p. 20^cm. Des Moines [1940] IOWA, U. S. A. Department of Health. Annual [and biennial] report. Des Moines, v.l (1880-81) 1882- ---- Iowa health bulletin. Des Moines, v.1-29, 1887-1915. Continued by Iowa public health bulletin. ---- Bulletin of Iowa state institutions. Des Moines, v.1-21, 1899-1919. ---- Iowa public health bulletin. Des Moines, v.l, 1916- Continuation of Iowa health bulletin. ---- Weekly health message. Des Moines, No. 123, 1929- ---- Morbidity report. Des Moines, Jan. 1935- '---- Rules and regulations relating to com- municable and other reportable diseases. 80p. 8? Des Moines, 1935. See also Albert, H. Organization and activities of the Iowa State Department of Health. Iowa Pub. Health Bull., 1928, 42- No 1, 3-16.—State health organization in Iowa. Proc. Iowa Conf. Child Health, 1932, 63-6.—Swift, F. J. History of the Iowa state board of health. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 264; 307; 419.—Wieters, A. H. Activities of the Sanitary engineering division. Iowa Pub. Health Bull., 1928, 42: No. 3, 3-16. IOWA, U. S. A. Secretary of State. Census. Des Moines, 1875- IOWA, U. S. A. State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Veterinary practitioners' bulletin. Ames, v.1-8, 1916-26. IOWA, U. S. A. State Department of Health. See Iowa', U.S. A. Department of Health. IOWA, U. S. A. State Services for Crippled Children. . See Iowa State Services for Crippled Children. [IOWA U S. A.] University of Iowa. Bulle- tins. Iowa City, No. 1, 1899- Incomplete. ---- Studies in child welfare. Iowa City. v.l, No. 1, 1920- ---- Humanistic studies. Iowa City, v.4, No. 1, 1927- ■—;— Studies in natural history. Iowa Citv, v.14, No. 1, 1931- ---- Medical bulletin. Iowa City, n. ser., No. 1068, 1939- ---- Doctoral dissertations, abstracts, and references. Iowa City, v.l, 1940- [IOWA, U. S. A.] University of Iowa. De- partment of Orthopedic Surgery. Abstract series v.10, 1936-37 Abstracts of current literature; reports of meetings; special lectures; statistical and research material, etc. [322]p. 28cm. Iowa City [1937] [IOWA, U. S. A.] University of Iowa. De- partment of Pathology and Bacteriology. Con- tributions. Iowa City, v.l, 1908. Forms No. 182, n. ser., Bull. State Univ. Iowa. [IOWA, U. S. A.] University of Iowa. De- partment of Zoology. Laboratory directions: general zoology. 72 1. 4? [Iowa City] J. H. Bodine, 1934. IOWA, U. S. A. Love, M. A. The Iowa Public Junior College; its academic, social, and vocational effectiveness. 128p. 8? Iowa City, 1938. Becker, E. R. The Iowa Academy of Science. Science, 1942, 95:651.—Reed, C. D. Iowa; climatic summary. Yearb. U. S. Dep. Agr., 1941, 862-72. ---- Hygiene, and sanitation. See also Health organization; Hospital report. United States. Bureau of the Census. Census of Iowa. Des Moines [1930-] Bierring, W. Communicable disease review of 1941. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 75-7.—Communicable diseases divi- sion; mortality and morbidity from scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles and small-pox. Iowa Pub. Health Bull., 1927, 41: 4—7.—Iowa, hospital and other institutional facilities and services, 1939. Vital Statist. Spec. Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1941, 13: 141-50.—Iowa, summary of vital statistics, 1940; place of occurrence. Ibid., 1941, 14: 277-300.—Iowa, summary of vital statistics, 1941. Ibid., 1943, 18: 204-16.—McLaren, R. L. Vital statistics of Iowa. Iowa Pub. Health Bull., 1928, 42: No. 2, 4-16.—Vital statistics division; no increase in the death rate in Iowa for 1926. Ibid., 1927, 41: No. 1, 12-5.— Vital statistics summary, Iowa: 1939. Vital Statist. Spec Rep. U. S. Bur. Census, 1940-41, 10: 14.73-503— Wieters, A. H. Sanitary survey of Iowa lakes. Iowa Pub. Health Bull., 1927, 41: No. 4, 3-15. ---- Medicine, and medical history. Fairchild, D. S. History of medicine in Iowa. v. p. 8? [Des Moines, 1927] Agnew, F. F., & Shellito, A. G. The history of medicine in Buchanan County. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1941, 31: 45; passim.— Aldrich, J. F. Pioneer physicians of Page County. Ibid., 1934, 24: 461-5.—Arthur, W. R. Medical history of Franklin County. Ibid., 1942, 32: 477-9.—Bierring, W. L. Historical notes. Ibid., 1927, 17: 75-82.—Bowen, W. W. Medical history of Webster County. Ibid., 1042, 32: 96; passim.— Burcham, T. A. Emergency medical service in Iowa. Ibid., 469-71.—Bush, E. B. The President's address. Ibid., 245.— Clarke, J. F. A history of medicine in Jefferson County, Iowa. Ibid., 1934, 24: 644; 1935, 25: 52; 109; passim.—College (The) of Medicine at Iowa City. Ibid., 1943, 33: 190.—Cooke, T. F. Iowa State Dental Societ5r. In Hist. Dent. Surg. (Koch, C. R. E.) Chic, 1909, 1: 904-17.—Daly, J. J. Winneshiek County physicians. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1941, 31: 264-6.—Downing, W. L. A history of medicine in Plymouth County. Ibid., 1943, 33: 205; passim.—Fairchild, D. S. Medicine in Iowa prior to 1876. Ibid., 1913-14, 3: 453-7; 1914-15, 4: 313. ------ Physicians who located in Iowa in the period between 1850 and. 1860. Ibid., 1922, 12: 22-7; 103; 375; 1923, 13: 27; 158-60. ------ Physicians who located in Iowa in the period between 1860 and 1870: William F. Peck (1841-1902) & W. D. Middle- ton (1844-1902) Ibid., 279-82.—Fuller, F. M., McClintock, J. T. [et al.] Medical history of Hardin County. Ibid., 1938, 28: 518-22.—Hammer, M. R. Physicians; past and present of Jasper County, Iowa. Ibid., 1937, 27: 380.—Hosford, W. S. State University of Iowa College of Dentistry. In Hist. Dent. Surg. (Koch, C. R. E.) Chic, 1909, 1: 509-12.—Iowa City; views of Children's Hospital, Iowa medical buildings, and the IOWA, U. S. A. 524 IPECACUANHA State General Hospital. Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 250, illust.—Miner, J. H. Medical history of Floyd County. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1942, 32: 441.—Physicians upheld in distribu- tion of medical relief funds. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942. 119: 426.— Raamusscn, C. A. The medical history of Palo Alio County. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1941, :il: 408; 450; 503; 557; 607— Sharpnack, T. P. Polk County (Iowa) begins construction of new 150-bcd general hospital. Hosp. Management, 1941, 52: No. 4, 40.— Some early medical historv of a prairie state. Nebraska M. J., 1934, 19: 393.- Throckmorton, T. M., & Throckmorton, T. B. The histoiv of medicine in Lucas county. J. Iowa M. Soc, 10113. 23: 87; 234; 333; 487; 532; 89; 042; 92; 1934. 24: 43; 1 I!); 00. — Walliker, W. M. Pioneer doctors of Clinton County. Ibid., 1041, 31: 130— Winkler, F. P. The President Elect's address. Ibid., 1942, 32: 246; 1943, 33: 209-11. IOWA City. University of Iowa. See Iowa, U. S. A. University of Iowa. IOWA Conference on Child Health. Proceed- ings. Des Moines, 1932- IOWA dental bulletin. Sioux City, v.5, 1919- IOWA State Medical Society. Executive Cancer Committee. Standards for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. 168p. 19J>2cm. [Iowa City, Athens pr., 1939?] Bierring, W. L. The diamond jubilee. J. IowaM. Soc, 1926, 16: 519-28.—Eighty-ninth annual session; Des Moines, Iowa, May 1, 2 and 3. 1940. Ibid., 1940, 30: 137-47.- Fairchild, IL S. The Iowa Slate- Medical Society, 1865-1915. Ibid., 1917, 7: 134-8.---Glomset, D. J. Postgraduate work bv the Iowa State Medical Society. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1935, 21: No. 0, 270 9 — Membership roster of the Iowa State Medical Society. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1937, 27: 387-98; 1941, 31: 359-70.—Minutes of the Iowa State Medical Society, 89th annual session, Mav 1, 2, 3, 1940. Ibid., 1940, 30: 298-301.—Minutes of the Iowa State Medical Society, ninetieth annual session, Mav 14, 15 and 16, 1941. Ibid., 1941, 31: 290-344.—Transactions; House of Delegates; Iowa State Medical Society, 83rd annual session May 9, 10, 11, 1934. Ibid., 1934, 24: 350. IOWA State Services for Crippled Children. Ser. A. Iowa City, Children's Hosp., No. 1-3, 1938-41. CONTENTS No. 1. Care of the spastic paralytic child in the home. J. F. Abele & T. J. Greteman. 1938. No. 2. Care of infantile paralysis in the home. A. Steindler & T. J. Greteman. 1941. No. 3. Malposture and scoliosis exercises. A. Steindler & T. J. Greteman. 1940. IPARRAGUIRRE, Julio G., ESTEBAN, Horacio V., & NOLAZCO, Jose. Ingreso a la Facultad de ciencias medicas; ffsica, quimica, higiene, idiomas. 653p. illust. diagr. 2 pl. 23cm. B. Air., El Ateneo, 1940. IPCAR, Ludovic, 1906- *Louis XI et ses medecins. 95p. 8° Par., E. Le Francois, 1936. IPECACUANHA. See also Amebiasis, Treatment; Emetine; Rubiaceae. Chopra, R. N., & Mukherjee, B. Indian ipecacuanha. Ind. M. Caz.. 1032, 67: 88-90.—Economy in the use of ipecacuanha and emetine. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1941-42, 11: 254.—Edman, G. [Regulations of Swedish pharmacopea (1925) on radix ipeca- cuanhae] Sven. farm, tskr., 1931, 35: 525.—Farrington, H. A brief study of ipecac. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1935, 28: 404—6.—Guitard. Illusions et tealites; recherches experi- mentales sur Taction physiologique de l'ipfieacuanha. J. m6d. Toulouse, 1864, 4. ser., 3: 26-30.—Keller, O. Ueber einige nicht alkaloidartige Bestandteile der Brechwurzel. In Festsch. 70. Geburtst. (A. Tschirch) Lpz., 1926, 85-98 — Lafond, L. Adrien Helv^tius et le triomphe de l'ip6ea. Aesculape, Par., 1926, 16: n. ser., 266-70.—Lupton, A. W. The determination of stem in ipecacuanha. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1938, 11: 225- 33.—Maheu, J., & Chartier, J. Faux ip£ca et origine botanique de lip6ca stri6 mineur, Manettia ignita Schum. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1927, 34: 347-57.—Maschmann, E. Bemerkun- gen zur Konstitution der Brechwurzel-Alkaloide. Arb. Staats- inst. exp. Ther., 1928, H. 21, 286-91.—Mokhnacheva, A. I. [Degree of emetin participation in the emetic action of ipecac] Tr. Leningr. nauch. prakt. farm, inst., 1935, 1: 101-7.— Podolsky. E. Ipecac Pract. Med., Delhi, 1933, 31: 177-9.— Ranwez, F., & Campion, O. Etude du faux ipeca eultive Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1895, 1: 72; 238.— Rigel, F. J. Ipecacuanha i C S. P.) ipecac. Eclect. M. J., 1934, 94: 235-8— Rosenthaler, L., & Gordonoff, T. Zur Kenntnis der expektorierenden Wir- kung der Ipecacuanhawurzel. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 450-2.—S., & M., H. K. Ipecac. In Cvclop. Med. (Piersol- Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 137-41.—Soares da Cunha, N. Ipeca- cuanha estriada do Peru? em torno das ipecacuanhas ou, simplesmonte, ipecas. Tribuna farm., Curitiba, 1940, 8: 145- 51.- Wedell. Vegetaci6n y explotacion del Cephaelis ipeca- cuanha en el Brasil. Botica, Barcel., 1852-53, 1: 55. ---- Allergy. Baumritter, P. [Intradermal sensihi ligation foripecac] Med. ddsw., 1927, 7: I 15-9.—Gaulior, C, & Joltrain. K. Sensibilisa- tion k l'iplca; elfets et dangers des descnsibilisatii>ns specifi<|ucs brutales. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1930, 3. ser., 46: 117-20. - Kremer, W. Ecu geval von overgevoeligheid tegen pulvis corticis radicis ipecacuanhac. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1933, 77: 43-7. ---- Preparations. Astruc, A., Giroux, J., & Barrau, S. Recherches biologiques sur la teinture d'ipeca. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1940, 9. ser., 1: 185 201.—Bosin, A. G. [Method in manufacturing desiccated. concentrated infusion of ipecac] I'armalsia, Moskva, 1939, No. 9, 7-1-1. ■■ Bye, M., Schoelzow, R. E. [et al.] An assay method for fluidextract of ipecac, U. S. 1'. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1933, 22: 965-8.—Cowley, R. C. Extractum ipecacuanhac liquidum. Australas. J. Pharm., 1922, n. ser., 3: 91.—DeGangi, F. E., & Trupp, M. S. An analytical studv of tincture of ipecac. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1943, 32: 22-5. [Deposit in vinum ipecacuanhae] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1872. 4: 24 1. Duliere, W. Etude sur la teinture d'ipeca. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1900, 6: 283-91.—Edman, G. [Ipecacuanha powder] Sven. farm, tskr., 1932, 1-6.—Feith, V. Ueber eine wertvolle Ver- besserung des Doverschen Pulvers. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1923, 33: 77—Foran, R. R., Wirth, E. H., & Powers, J. L. Pulvis ipecacuanhae el opii; description of ipecac and opium. Hull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1942, 10: 275. Kniippel, H. Ipecopan als Expektorans. Zsehr. Tuberk., 1020. 46: -121.— Lupton, A. W. The preparation of a dry extract of ipecacuanha with some notes on ipecacuanha root of commerce. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1934, 7: 483-8— Ranwez, F., & Campion, O. Note sur la poudre officinale de la racine d'ip6ca. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1895, 1: 82; 114; 100.—Roos, A. [Powdered ipecac] Sven. farm, tskr., 1931, 35: 677-80.—Rupp, L. Ipedrin. Schweiz. med. W'schr., 1942, 72: 50.—Tomski, H. W. Liquor ipecacuanhae aquosus. Australas. J. Pharm., 1942, 23: 534. Also Pharm. J., Lond., 1942, 94: 206.—Vamossy, Z. [Correct prescription for infusion of ipecac] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: mell., 21. IPEK; annuaire d'art pr«5historique et ethno- graphique. Par., v.l, 1925- IPIDAE. See also Coleoptera. Marcu, O. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Stridulationsorgane bei Ipiden. Zool. Anz., 1930-31, 92: 238-42. ------ Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Stridulationsorgane bei Ipiden. Ibid., 1931, 94: 32-7. IPOMIC acid. Biggs, B. S., & Bishop, W. S. Sebacic acid mononitrile. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 944.—Boedtker, E. Notes sur l'acide sebacique. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1924, 7. ser., 29: 313- 25.—Emmrich, R. Ueber das Verhalten der Sebacinsaure im Stoffwechsel des kranken Menschen. Deut. Arch. khn. Med., 1941, 187: 504-18. IPOMOEA. See also Convolvulaceae; Jalap; Scammony. Corfield, C. E., & Rankin, W. R. The resin of ipomcea: Mexican scammony root: its solubility in ether and the acid value as a test for rosin. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1931, 4: 353- 9-—Haluska, L. A. Resin of ipomea, tests. Bull. Nat. Formu- lary Com. U. S., 1938-39, 7: 87.—Husa, W. J., & Macek, T. J. Drug extraction; the extraction of ipomea. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1940,29:455-8.—Luna Castro, H. Tumbavaqueros. Homoeop. Rec, 1940, 55: No. 11, 25-34.—Resin of Ipomea. Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1940-41, 9: 90-5.—Santesson, C. G. Piule, eine mexikanische Rauschdroge. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1937, 275: 532-7. Also Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1937, 77: 73.—Warren, L. E. Resin of ipomea. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1932, 21: 217-23. ---- batatas [Sweet potato] Elmer, O. H. Sweet potatoes in Kansas. 52p. 8? Topeka, 1938. Adolph, W. H., & Liu, H. C. The value of the sweet potato in human nutrition. Chin. M. J., 1939, 55: 337-42.—Batata (A) um otimo alimento. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 329, 153.—Brown, R. W., & Brinson, J. E. Utilization of sweet potatoes for production of n-butyl alcohol and acetone. J. Bact., Bait., 1943, 45: 38.—Bryant, C. W. Grading and seed selection of Nancy Hall sweet potatoes bv flotation. J. Tennes- see Acad. Sc, 1942, 17: 184-94.—Hosier, V., James, C, & Scoular, F. I. The vitamin A content of dehydrated sweet potatoes, vita Yam. Anat. Rec, 1942, 82: Suppl., 13.— Harter, L. L. Pythium rootlet rot of sweet potatoes. J. Agr IPOMOEA 525 IRAN & Whitney, W. A. Relation Res., 1924-25, 29: 53-5. - of soil temperature and soil moisture to the infection of sweet potatoes by the stem-rot organisms. Ibid., 1927, 34: 435-41. ------ Mottle necrosis of sweet potatoes. Ibid., 893-914. ------ The comparative susceptibility of sweet potato varieties to stem rot. Ibid., 915-9.—Jones, D. B., & Gersdorff, C. E. F. Ipomoein, a globulin from sweet potatoes, Ipomoea batatas; isolation of a secondary protein derived from ipomoein by enzymic action. J. Biol. Chem., 1931, 93: 119-26.—Kohman, E. F. Black discoloration in canned sweet potatoes. Science, 1921, n. ser., 54: 58.—Marshall, G. A. K. A new weevil pest of sweet potatoes in Jamaica. Bull. Entom. Res., Lond., 1918, 8: 269-72.—Sampson, W. A new scolytid injurious to dried sweet potatoes. Ibid., 295.—Scoular, F. L, & Eakle, D. H. Loss of ascorbic acid during cooking of stored sweet potatoes. Food Res., 1943, 8: 156-62— Sinoda, O., & Kodera, S. The chemistry of cooking; on the critical temperature in cooking the sweet potato. Biochem. J., 1932, 26: 650. ------& Oya. C. The chemistry of cooking; the chemical changes of carbohy- drates in the sweet potato according to various methods of cooking. Ibid., 1931, 25: 1973-6.—Stokes, J. F. G. Spaniards and the sweet potato in Hawaii and Hawaiian-American con- tacts. Am. Anthrop., 1932, 34: 594-609.—Swanson, P., Stevenson, G. [et al.] Effect of fertilizing treatment on vitamin A content of sweet potatoes. Food Res., 1940, 5: 431-8.— Thompson, J. D. The value of sweet potatoes. Eating Your Way to Health, Oakland, 1933, 2: 1.—Weimer, J. L., & Harter, L. L. Respiration and carbohydrate changes produced in sweet potatoes by Rhizopus tritici. J. Agr. Res., 1921-22, 21: 627-35. ------ Wound-cork formation in the sweet potato. Ibid., 637-47. IPPEN, Felix. *Ueber die Vitamin-C-Bilanz des Organismus bei verschiedenen Krankheiten [Basell 12p. 8° Cernauti [n. p.] 1935. IPSEN, Johannes. *Studier over ondartete nyresvulster hos voksne saerlig nyrecarcinomerne og pelviscarcinomerne. 292p. 4 pl. 8? Kbh., Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1912. ---- Hauttemperaturen. 375p. 8? Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, 1936. IPSEN, Karl, 1866-1927. Meixner. Nekrolog. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 632 — Molitoris, H. Nekrolog. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1926-27, 9: p. i-vi. I.Q. See Intelligence quotient. IRACI, Joseph Peter, 1913- *TJremia. 20p. 4? Wauwatosa, 1938. IRACI, Salvatore John, 1912- *Multiple sclerosis. lOp. 4? Wauwatosa, 1938. IRAN. ' Cannell, D. A. Iran. Britan. Bk 1942, 362.—Cattier, G. Les climats etrangers; la Perse. Presse therm, clim., 1939, 80: 178-85.—Christensen, A. Quelques traits de l'esprit iranien. Scientia, Bologna, 1940, 67: 238-43.—Frazer, J. G. Persia. In his Native races of Asia, Lond., 1939, 295-304.—Gy., R. Item Magy. statiszt. szemle, 1941, 19: 668-70.— Hiising, G. Volkerschichten in Iran. Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1916, 46: 199-250.—Jamshedji, S. U. J. The Persian origin of the Kurds and the Tajiks. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1913, 9: 493_9.—Krogman, W. M. The peoples of early Iran and their ethnic affiliations. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1940, 26: 269- 308.—Mingana, A. A new list of the Persian kings. Bull. John Rylands Libr., Lond., 1919, 5: 116-8—Quatrefages, de. Races humaines de la Perse; par M. Duhousset [Rev.] C. rend. Acad, sc, 1863, 56: 487.—Remy, A. F. J. The Avesta; the sacred books of the Parsees, or Zorostrians, and the mam source of our knowledge concerning the religious and spiritual life of the ancient Persians. Cath. Encycl., 1913, 2: 151-4. ---- Hygiene, sanitation, and statistics. Etemadian, M. *L'Iran et la prophylaxie internationale. 128p. 8? Par., 1938. Carr D. The diseases most met with in Persia, and how thev affect Europeans. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1915, 18: 109-12__Feistmantel. Zur Frage des sanitaren Schutzes des persischen Golfs- auf Grund der letzten cholera- und Pest- epidemien. Deut. med. Wschi\, 1908, 34: 655-9. Die sanitaren Verhiiltni.sse in Persien. Wien khn. Wschr., lQn« 91 • 393-7__Howlett, A. W. A medical omcer s notes on the Persian frontier. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1911, 17:177-85.- Lindhem K Impressions dun voyage en Iran. Rev. med. hyg° trop. Par., P1936, 28: 234T7.-Moreau, L Etude de glographie medicale du golfe persique. Arch. med. nav., Par., 1909, 91: 289-301; 381 :■458.-Nel.gan. A R Notes on Persia „f *J a„,, « Rart.h Hosp. J., Lond., 1908-9, 16: 7.—Pok- rovski M. [Letters from Persia] Russ. vrach, 1908, 7: 817; 852. ---- Medicine, and medical history. See also names of Persian physicians as Ibn Sina, etc.; also Arabs, Medicine. Elgood, C. Medicine in Persia. 105p. 16? N. Y., 1934. Ghavami, A. *De la medecine persane au cours des ages; et en particulier I'hygiene dans la Perse antique. 70p. 8? Par., 1937. Morton, R. S. A doctor's holiday in Iran. 335p. 21cm. N. Y., 1940. Naficy, A. *Les fondements theoriques de la me'decine persane, d'apres l'Encyclopedie medi- cale de Gorgani, avec un apergu sommaire sur l'histoire de la medecine en Perse. 142p. 8? Par., 1933. Elgood, C. A treatise on the bezoar stone; by the lace Mahmud bin Masud, the Imad-ul-Din, the physician of Ispahan. Ann. M. Hist., 1935, 7: 73-80. ------ Jundi Shapur; a Sassanian university. Proc. R. Soc M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Hist. Med., 1033-6. ------ Some little- known medical practitioners in mediaeval Persia. Ibid., 1940-41, 34: 373-80.—Garrison, F. H. Persian medicine and medicine in Persia; a geomedical survey. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1933, 52: Suppl., 129-53.—Guerin, A. L'influence de la Perse dans la renaissance ntedicale en Islam. Rev. gfin. clin. ther., 1935, 49: Suppl., 800-4.—Jayne, W. A. The medical gods of ancient Iran. Ann. M. Hist., 1919, 2: 8-13.—Jundi Shapur. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: varia, 108-10 — Konkle, W. B. Greek physicians at the Persian Court. N. York M. J., 1915, 102: 438-41.—Krogman, W. M. The skeletal and dental pathology of an earlv Iranian site. Bull. Hist. M., 1940, 8: 28-48.—Laignel-Lavastine, M., & Naficy,,A. Apercu de Involution g6n6rale de la medecine persane. Bull. Soc. fr. hist. m6d., 1933, 27: 292-6.—Laignel-Lavastine, M., & Vinchon, J. La medecine en Perse au XVIIe siecle. Ibid., 196-212.—Lichtwardt, H. A. Ancient medicine in modern Persia. Ann. M. Hist., 1935, 7: 81-4.—Raffle, S. M. Mirza. Medical practice in Persia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1905, 45: 123.— Ritzo. Hopital persan Muzaff6rieh; historique, statistique et mouvement du 10 mars 1901 au 9 mars 1902. Gaz. m6d. Orient, 1902-3, 195-9. ------ Hopital persan Muzaffe- rieh; historique, statistique et mouvement de la 2me ann6e (10 mars 1902-9 mars 1903) Ibid., 1904-5, 75-80.—Ruska, J. Ueber das alteste Denkmal persisch-arabischer Medizin. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1927, 74: 1899.—Schneider. La mede- cine persane; les mcdecins francais en Perse; leur influence. Rev. m6d. est, 1911, 43: 520; 545.—Wishard, J. G. The practice of medicine in Persia. Indianapolis M. J., 1910, 22: 160-2. IRAQ. See also Arabs. Boyd, W. C, & Bovd, L. G. Blood groups and types in Baghdad and vicinity. Human Biol., 1941, 13: 398-404.— Field, H. The Arabs of Iraq. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1936, 21: 49-56.—Gy., R. Irak. Magy. statiszt. szemle, 1941,19: 668.—Hourani, A. H. Iraq. Britan. Bk 1942, 363.—Huber, R. Der Gesundheitsplan des Konigreiches Irak. Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 1307.—Kennedy, W. P. Some experiences in Iraq. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1940, 203: 150-2.— Muller, G. Rassebilder aus dem Irak. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1938-39, 70: 47-51.—Speiser, E. A. Closing the gap at Tepe Gawra. Annual Rep. Smithson. Inst. (1939) 1940, 437-45, 12 pl. IRAT, Max. *Lymphogranulomatose ano- rectal (maladie de Nicolas-Favre) k type de retrecissement du rectum. 59p. 24}£cm. Tou- louse, Impr. Berthoumieu, 1936. IRAZABAL-LUIGI, Manuel, 1909- Con- tribution k I'etude experimentale du traitement de la lambliase. 59p. 8? Par., Marcel Vignd, 1935. IRAZU, Juan. *Tuberculosis genital en el hombre (estudio estadfstico en la Republica Argentina) [27]p. illust. tab. 27cm. B. Air., A. L6pez ri9371 IREDELL, Charles Edward, 1877- Col- our and cancer, an investigation, vi, 106p. ch pl. 8? Lond., H. K. Lewis & co., 1930. IRELAND, Allen Gilbert, 1890-1940. For obituary see J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1940, 37: 613. IRELAND, J. T. See Harris, I., Aldred, C. H. [et al.] High blood pressure. 132p. 8? Lond., 1937. IRELAND, Merritte Weber, 1867- The Medical Corps of the Army and scientific medi- IRELAND 52(i IRELAND cine. p.439-56. Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1933. In Lectures on the History of Medicine, 1926-32 (W. B. Saunders co.) Phila., 1933. ---- [Jefferson Medical College graduates in the service of the United States Army] [51] 1. 29cm. [Wash., 1939] ---- William Freeman Snow Award for distinguished service to humanity presented to Frederick Fuller Russell, M. D., Sc. D., Brigadier General, United States Army. 6p. 23cm. N. Y., Am. Soc. Hyg. Ass., 1942. See also Fisk, E. L., & Crawford, J. R. How to make peri- odic health examinations; a manual of procedure. 393p. 8? N. Y., 1927. General Ireland retires. Mil. Surgeon, 1931. 68: 783-5.— Our new president, Major General Merritte Weber Ireland, Surgeon General, U. S. Army. Ibid., 1926, 59: 653-5, portr — Phalen, J. M. Biography. Army M. Bull., 1940, 52: 94-100, portr.—Reappointment of General Ireland. Army & Navy Register, 1930, 88: 409; 430. For portrait sec Quart. Cent. Progr. (U. S. Nat. Bd Med. Examiners) Phila., 1940, 40. Also Pennsylvania Health, 1941-42, 2: No. 1, 21. Also J. Social Hyg., 1942, 28: 134. IRELAND, Norma (Olin) 1907- An index to indexes, a subject bibliography of pub- lished indexes. xvi, 107p. 22}2cm. Bost., F. W. Faxon co., 1942. IRELAND. Chief Secretary's Office. Women and children in public houses [Ireland] 6p. fol. Dubl., H. M. Stationery Off., 1909. Bound with Great Britain. Roy. Comm. on Whiskey. Final report. Lond., 1909. IRELAND. Department of Industry and Commerce. Census of population. Dubl., 1841- IRELAND. Department of Local Government & Public Health. Annual report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals. Dubl., 1886- Before 1923 title was Annual report of the Inspectors of Lunatics. IRELAND. Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ireland. Annual report of the local government board for Ireland. Dubl., 1883-4; 1886-7;1890;1901-2. IRELAND. Registrar General. Weekly re- turn of births and deaths for the 12 principal towns of Saorstat Eireann. Dubl., 1883-1940. Publication suspended. ---- Annual report. Dubl., 1893- ■——- Quarterly return of marriages, births and deaths registered. Dubl., 1923- [IRELAND] Royal Irish Academy. List of members. Dubl., 1896- ---- Proceedings. Dubl., v.34, 1917- IRELAND [Eire] Walsh, J. J. The world's debt to the Irish. 432p. 8? Bost., 1926. Arensberg, C. M. Irish Rural Social Organization. Tr. N. York Acad. Sc, 1941-42, ser. 2, 4: 202-7.—Bodkin, M. Notes on the Irish Parliament in 1773. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1942-43, 48: Sect. C, 145-232.—Farrington, A. The granite drift near Brittas, on the border between County Dublin and County Wicklow. Ibid., 1941-42, 47: Sect. B, 279-01, pl — Gallagher, P. H., & Walsh, T. Characteristics of Irish soil tvpes. Ibid., 20.5-49, pl.—Moffat, C. B. The mammals of Ireland. Ibid., 1937-38, 44: Sect. B, 61-128.—Nolan, J. J., & Nolan, P. J. Further observations on atmospheric ionisation at Glencree. Ibid., 1933, 41: Sect. A, 111-28.—Praeger, R. L. Recent views bearing on the problem of the Irish Flora and Fauna. Ibid., 1932, 41: Sect. B, 125-45. ------ A further contribution to the flora, of Ireland. Ibid., 1938-39, 45: 231- 54.—Quinn, D. B. A discourse of Ireland, circa 1599; a side- light on English colonial policy. Ibid., 1941-42, 47: Sect. C, 151-66.—Seymour, H. J. Bathvmetric survey of 3 lakes in Co. Wicklow. Ibid., 1938-39, 45: 297-9, 3 pl. ---- Archeology and ethnology. Hogax, F. E. The Irish people: their height, form and strength. 176p. 16? Dubl., 1899. Adamson, J. H., & Wilson, G. F. The petrography of the lower carboniferous rocks of North-East Ireland. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1933, 41: Sect. B, 179-90.- A propos de l'oxposition Courbet k Zurich, La .16, femme d'lrlande de Gustavo Courhet. Aesculape, Par., 1930, 26: 251. Archaeological studies In Ireland. Nature, Lond., 193S, 141: I0.il. IJea/.lcy. J. I). A Greek mirror in Dublin. I'roc li. lush Acad.. 1038 :;-.', 45: Sect. C, 31-9, 8 pl.- Charlesworth, J. K. Some observa- tions on the glaciiiin.n of north cast Ire-laud. Ibid., 255-95, 2 pl., map- Frazer, J. G. Ireland. In his Native races of Asia. Lond., 1039, 377.— Geary. J. A. The earlv Irish iarc Sc. Am. Month., 1033, 37: 450 -9. Gwynn, A. M., Mitchell, G. F., ct Stelfox, A. W. The exploration of some caves near Castletownroche, Co. Cork; Studies in Irish quaternary deposits. Proc. IL Irish Acad; 1941-42, 47: Sect. B, 371-90, pl.—Hawkes, C. F. C. Nature and earlv man in Ireland. Nature, Lond., 1943, 151: 370.-Hencken, H. O'N. Prepara- tion of illustrations for report of Harvard archaeological expedition in Ireland, 1932-36. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc. (1940) 1941, 188. ------• Ballinderrv crannog no. 2. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1941-42, 47: Sect. C, 1-76, 11 pl.—Hooton, E. A. Stature, head form, and pigmentation of adult male Irish. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1940, 26: 229-49.—HowelIs, W. W. The earlv Christian Irish; the skeletons at Gallen Priory. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1940-41, 46: Scot, C, 103-219, 8 pl.—Jennings, H. Die runden Tiirme Ii lands. In his Pvosenkreuzer, Berl., 1012, pt 1, 147-51.—Macalister, R. A. S. The excavation of Kiltera, Co. Watcrford. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1934-35, 43: Sect. C, 1-10, 3 pl.—Mitchell, G. F., O'Leary, M., & Raftery, J. On a bronze halberd from County Mavo and a bronze spearhead from County Westmeath. Ibid., 1940-41, 46: Sect. C, 287-08. ph —Morant, G. M. The craniology of Ireland. J. B. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Britain, 1936, 66: Jan-Jun, 43 55.—Movius, H. L., jr. An early post- glacial archaeological site at Cnshendun, Countv Antrim. Proc R. Irish Acad., 1940-41, 46: Sect. C, 1-84, 0 pl.—O'Maille T. An Irish dialect survey, and some general principles of phonetic notation. Proc. Internat. Congr. Phonet. Sc. (1935) 1930, 2. Congr., 102-5. O Riordain, S. P. Excavations at Cush, Co. Limerick. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1940, 45: Sect. C, 83-181, 25 pl. ----— The excavation of a large earthen ring-fort at Garranes, Co. Cork. Ibid., 1941-42, 47: Sect. C, 77-150, 12 pl.—Power, P. A decorated quern-stone, and its symbolism. Ibid., 1938-39, 45: Sect. C, 25-30, pl.—Price, L. The ages of stone and bronze in County Wicklow. Ibid., 1034, 42: Sect. C4, 31-64, ch., 3 pl.—Wagner, E. E. Living habits of the Ancient Irish. Good Health, 1935, 70: 266-8.—Whelan, C. B. Studies in the significance of the Irish stone age: The Campignian question. Proc R. Irish Acad., 1934, 42: Sect. C, 121—43. ------ Studies in the significance of the Irish stone age; the culture sequence. Ibid., 1937-38, 44: Sect. C, 115— 37, 3 pl. ---- Hygiene, sanitation, and statistics. See also Health organization; Hospital report. Irish Free State hospital year book and MEDICAL DIRECTORY, 1937. 224p. 4? Dubl., 1937. Bastible, C. A critical survey of Irish national health activities. Irish J. M. Sc, 1937, ser. 6, 49-55.—Bigger, J. W., & O'Meara, R. A. Q. Irish life tables, Nos. 1 and 2, for the years 1911 and 1926, and some of the more important deductions from them. Am. J. Hyg., 1932, 15: 138-62.—Broderick, A. Ballincoona; a hospital settlement in Kerrv. Pub. Health Nurs., 1913, 5: 65-71.—Carr-Saunders, A. M., & Walshaw, R. S. Recent population movements in Ireland. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 3: 115 22.—Duncan, G. A. Movements of the rural population in Southern Ireland, 1911-36. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1942-43, 48: Sect. C, 1-14— Eireann medical mission. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 576.—Harbison, J. A. The need for organised health education and propaganda in Ireland. J. State M., Lond., 1933, 41: 384-40.—Harrison, J. A. Public health [Irish Free State] In Irish Free State Hosp. Yearb., 1937, 1: 48-9.—Health (The) of the Irish Free State. Med. Off., Lond., 1934, 52: 71.—Ireland; the public health. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 225.—Ireland; vital statistics of 1939. Ibid., 323.—Irish hospitals and the sweepstakes. In Irish Free State Hosp. Yearb., 1937, 1: 56-0— Medical inspection of Irish labourers. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1: 577. - Naughten, M. Public health problems [Irish Free State] In Irish Free State Hosp. Yearb., 1937, 1: 50-1— Public health in Eire. Med. Off., Lond., 1943, 69: 35.—Rowlette, R. J. The Irish hospital system. In Irish Free State Hosp. Yearb., 1937, 1: 40-4.—Smyth, L. S. A statistical study of public health in county Wexford. Irish J. M. Sc, 1934, ser. 6, 557- 62.—Verminous condition of Irish workers. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 169. ---- Medicine, and medical history. Blumer. G. The Irish school of medicine. Yale J. Biol., 1932, 4: 705-78- -Boxwell, W., »V: Rowlette, R. J. Opening of the Wimei hall at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Irish J. M. Sc., 1910, 6. ser., No. 179, 750-03, 2 portr — Cameron, C. A. ]{o\ all Colledge of phvsitians in Kilkenny, A. D. 1687. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1918, 145: 178-80.—Centenary (The) of the Irish Medical Association. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 201: 535. Cummins. R. C. Some selections from the transactions of the Cork Medical Societv , 1854-63. Irish J. M. Sc, 1936, 6. ser., 97-107.—Desmond, S. Aesculapius in IRELAND 527 IRIBARNE Ireland. MacMillans' Mag., Lond., 1907, n. ser., 2: 423-32 — Doolin, W. Some old journeymen surgeons. Irish J. M. Sc, 1931 ser. 6, 631-41, 2 pl.—Essen-Moller, E. A rare old Irish medical book. Ibid., 1932, ser. 6, 312-4, pl.—F., C. H. State control of Irish medical men. J. Irish M. Ass., 1906, 6: 213- 5—Ffrench-O'Carroll. When you qualify. Irish J. M. Sc, 1942, ser. 6, No. 203, 575-90.—First (The) Irish M. D. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1933, 136: 66.—Hancock, J. D. The Irish School of Medicine. Ann. M. Hist., 1930, n. ser., 2: 196-207 — Hennessy, T. Organization of the medical profession in Ireland. Brit. M. J., 1922, 1: Suppl., 109-11. Also Irish J. M. Sc 1922, 5. ser., 5-17.—Hickey, E. M. The background of medicine in Ireland. Ulster M. J., 1939, 8: 66-83.—Ireland; medical registration in Eire. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 503.-—Irish Free State medical union. Lancet, Lond., 1938, 1: 1354.— Irish medical corporations granting diplomas; "Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Ibid., 1922, 2: 462-4.—Jeunhomme, P. An 18th century examination for the Mastership of chi- rurgery. Irish. J. M. Sc, 1926, 6. ser., 609-13.—Kirkpatrick, T. P. C. Irish medical men before 1600. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 349. ------ The Roval academy of medicine in Ireland. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1937, 195: 180-4. ------ Irish medical obituarv, 1941. Irish J. M. Sc, 1941, 6. ser., No. 187. 267-70; No. 190, 566.—MacAuley, C. Surgery in the Irish Free State. In Irish Free State Hosp. Yearb., 1037, 1: 29- 32.—Magennis, J. B. Medicine [in the Irish Free State! Ibid., 25-8.—Medical registration in the Irish Free State. Brit. M. J 1935, 2: 387; 1936, 2: 471.—Medicine past and present in Ireland. Med. Mag., Lond., 1909, 18: 313-7.—O'Connell. T. C. J. Whither Irish surgery? Irish J. M. Sc, 1940, 6. ser., No. 169, 1-20.— Organisation (The) of the medical profession in Ireland. Lancet, Lond., 1907, 2: 322. —Osier, W. The School of Physic, Dublin; a toast. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1912, 2: 833-5.—Power, D. The Abernethian society. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1936, 193: 478-80.—S., E. P. Oliver St John Gogarty; the Celt as physician. Hist. Bull., Calgary, 1941, 5: No. 4, 1-8.—Shanley, J. P. The Irish Free State medical union. In Irish Free State Hosp. Yearb., 1937, 1: 52.—Surplus of Irish doctors. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 772.—Thompson, E. P. Folk-lore from Ireland. J. Am. Folklore, 1894, 7: 224-7 — Walsh, J. J. The Irish school of medicine; Graves, Stokes and Corrigan. Linacre Q., 1940, 8: 20-4. IRELAND [Northern] See also Belfast; Health organization; Hos- pital report, etc. Hickey, E. M. Medicine and surgery in Belfast 50 years ago. Ulster M. J., 1935, 4: 12-24.—Hiff, W. A. B. Northern Ireland's health problem. Ibid., 1938, 7: 80-98.—Ireland in the fashion; the new nurses' home in Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1939, 35: 10.—Medical treat- ment of evacuated persons in Northern Ireland. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 304. IRENE. See also Ionone; Irideae. Bogert, M. T., & Apfelbaum, P. M. The synthesis of 1,1,2,6-tetramethyltetralin and the constitution of irene. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 930-3. IRGENS, Edvard Fougner, 1870- Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 581. IRGENS, Henrik Anker, 1869-1908. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 582. IRGENS, Johan Andreas, 1842-1910. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobrp, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 583. IRGENS, Johan Daniel, 1856- Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 584. IRGENS, Lars Johannes, 1835-1873. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 584. IRGER, Julius M., 1897- IlacBJiHonapa- RbiflHaa i nacbJiaponaBaa 3aTptiMKa Mauti. 127p- illust. tab. 22cm. Minsk, Dziarzh. Vidav- Belar., 1932. IRIARTE, David R. Trabajos cientihcos. 215p. pl. 19#cm. Caracas, Editorial Elite, 1937. See'also Papeles para la historia [election of Dr D. R. Marte to the presidency of the Academia nacional de medicinaj Bol. Lab. Clin. Luis Razetti, 1941, 2: 109. For portrait see Rev. med. trop. parasit., Habana, 1942, 8. 75. IRIARTE, Miguel. Estenosis mitral; estudio clinico sobre 50 casos con 34 electrocardiogramas. 165p. 8° Bilbao, G. Ibaiiez [1931] IRIARTE Tapia, Elsa. *Yoduro de bencilo [Chile] 15p. 8? Santiago El Esfuerzo, 1934. IRIBARNE, Julio, 1882-1933. Dartigues, L. [Biography] In his Fasc. script., Par., 1932, 3: 729-32. Arenas, N. Elogio del Dr Julio Iribarne. Bol. Soc. obst. gin. B. Aires, 1935,14: 69-76.—Gabastoua. J. A. Julio Iribarne, trabajos y publicaciones. Ibid., 1934, 13: 5-10, portr. For obituary see Sem. med., B. Air., 1933, 40: pt 2, 2049-52. Also Rev. med. Iat. amer., B. Air., 1933-34, 19: 214-8, portr.; 1934, 20: p. xvii, portr. Also An. Fac. med., Montev., 1934, 19: 192. IRIBARNE, Ramon, -1942. For obituary see Prensa nted. argent., 1942, 29: 368. IRIBAS. Juan L. See Velazquez de la Cadena, M. A new pronouncing dic- tionary of the Spanish and English languages; ed. by J. L. Iribas. 2v. 8? N. Y. [1902] IRIDEAE. See also Ionone; Irene. Action tebrifuge de l'iris de Florence. J. chim. mdd., Par., 1867, 5. ser., 3: 144.—Balyeat, R. M. Perennial hay fever, with special reference to orris root as an etiologic factor. Proc. Balyeat Clin., Oklahoma, 1932, 1: No. 9, 13-5.—Cardoso, J. Iridina, a 1 centigr. Med. mod., Porto, 1901, 8: 157-9.— Guilliermond, A. Sur la ptesence d'un corps d'aspect olfiagineux dans les vacuoles des cellules £pidermiques des feuilles d'Iris gerrtianica et sur sa signification. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 1182-5.—Muldoon, W. E., & Kahn, I. S. Local allergy of the eye due to orris root; case report. Texas J. M., 1937-38, 33: 822-4.—Prickman, L. E. Orris root fingers. Coll. Papers Mayo Clin., 1934, 26: 1108. ------ Common allergens; orris root. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1934, 9: 291-4.— Riley, H. P. Morphogenesis of flower parts in Iris fulva and Iris hexagona var. giganticaerulea. Proc. Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1941, 7. Congr., 248. ------ Development of the embryo sac of Iris fulva and I. hexagona var. giganticaeruleia. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, 1942, 61: 328-35, incl. pl.—Saad, K. The toxicity and uterine action of Iris sisyrinchium. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1937, 10: 177-87. IRIDECTOMY. See also Iris, Surgery. Coppez, H. Un cas d'ophtalmie sympathique k la suite d'une iridectomie antiglaucomateuse. Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1928, No. 57, 50.—Delord, E. Hemophile ayant saigne 14 jours aptes une iridectomie; cxhec des medications coagulantes classiques; guerison immediate apres une transfusion du sang. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1935, 202-5.—Khoroshina, A. G. [Results of optic iridectomy] Vest, oft., 1937, 11: 841-9 — Klykova, A. L. [Iridectomy and trauma of the lens] Ibid., 10: 413.—Lundsgaard, K. K. K. Corneanekrose nach Iridec- tomie. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1927, 5: 400—Plig Solanes, M. Gonioscopia de los colobomas quiriirgicos del iris. An. Soc. mex. oft., 1937-38, 12: 1-16.—Rohrschneider, W. Traumati- sche Ablosung der Linsenkapsellamelle bei der Iridektomie. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1936, 96: 31-6.—Stern, H. Sackformige Hernie des Pigmentblattes nach peripherer Iridektomie. Zsehr. Augenh., 1934-35, 85: 261. ---- Indication. See also Cataract; Cornea, Leukoma; Irido- choroiditis; Lens, Sclerosis, etc. Bratjnss [K. F.] W. *Optische Iridektomie bei Cataracta polaris posterior im Zusammen- hang mit Retinitis pigmentosa [Halle-Witten- berg] 36p. Bruxelles med., 1936-37, 16: 1494-7.—Pacalin, G. De l'emploi de l'atropine et des ponctions de la cornee dans le traitement des irido-cyclites avec hypertonic. Ann. ocul., Par., 1934, 171: 237-44— Rousseau, F. L'hypertonie dans les irido-cyclites aigues, indications du traitement chirurgical. Ibid., 1931, 168: 603-19.—Satanowsky, P. Iridociclitis a hipopion y glaucoma. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1939, 14: 1024-7.— Tooke, F. T. Some features of glaucoma complicating irido- cyclitis. Am. J. Ophth., 1928, n. ser., 11: 97-106.—Weekers, L. Traitement de l'hypertension oculaire compliquant les iridocyclites. Bull. Soc beige opht., 1935, No. 71, 96-127. Also Arch, opht., Par., 1936, 53: 166-96.—Weingott, L. Pathogenie, etiologie et traitement de l'iridocyclite glaucoma- teuse. Ibid., 672-84.—Werner, L. E. Case of iridocyclitis with glaucoma in an aphakic eye with diabetic retinopathy. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K. (1941) 1942, 61: 255. ---- Pathology. Molser, H. *Ueber einen Fall von rezi- divierender eitriger Iridozyklitis mit anatomi- schem Befund [Berlin] 29p. 23cm. Charlot- tenb., 1936. Weiss, K. *Ueber einen Fall von schwerer chronischer Iridozyklitis, kombiniert mit Retinitis externa exsudativa [Heidelberg] 16p. 8? Coberg, 1934. Busacca, A. Des modifications qu'on observe par la lampe k fente dans le segment anterieur du globe oculaire au cours de irido-cyclites. Rev. gen. opht., Par., 1931, 44: 93; 133. ------ Anatomische und klinische Beobachtungen der Pupillar- saumknotchen (Koeppeschen Knotchen) bei Iridozyklitis. Khn. Mbl. Augenh., 1932, 88: 14-40, 2 pl. ------& Melli, G. Beobachtungen betreffend die Anordnung von Iridozyklitis- beschlagen auf der Linsenvorderkapsel; Auftauchen einer ringformigen exsudatfreien Zone und ihre Bedeutung. Ibid., 1928, 80: 308-25, pl.—Espildora Luque, C, & Tschumi Trautvetter, F. Albuminometria y citologia del humor acuoso en las iridociclitis. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1940, 15: 159-66.— Goulding, H. R. Case of irido-cyclitis with nodules on the iris. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. K., 1929, 49: 522.—Herbert, H. Glass membrane formation in chronic irido-cyclitis. Ibid., 1927, 47: 155-64.—Hippel, E. von. Ein Fall von Iridocyclitis mit rezidivierendem Hypopyon mit anatomischem Befund. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1932, 128: 272-9.—Ladekarl, P. M. Iridocyclitis mit Corneaanasthesie und Hypotonic mit tiefer vorderer Kammer. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1936, 14: 477-92, tab.— Meesmann, A. Zur Genese der sogenannten Pupillarsaum- knotchen (Koeppe) Ber. Deut. ophth. Ges., 1927, 46: 300-5.— 0sterberg, G. Iridocyclitis with central scotoma. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1931, 9: 310-5.—Pavia, J. L. Un caso de agujero de la macula por iridociclitis grave de etiologia desconocida. Rev. Ass. med. argent., 1932, 45: 1433-45.—Tanaka, S. [Ueber einen Fall von rezidivierender Hypopyoniridocyclitis] Acta Soc. ophth. jap., 1941, 45: 747-52.—Vogt, A. Zur Histologic der Iriseffloreszenzen (Iristurberkulide) bei skro- fuloser Iridozyklitis. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1939, 102: 246-8.— Wagner, H. Histologischer Befund einer Cornea guttata bei chronischer Iridozyklitis. Ibid., 1940, 104: 344.—Wolff, E. Macular detachment in iridocyclitis. Proc R. Soc M., Lond., 1931, 24: 1617-24. ---- Poliotic syndrome. See also Uveitis, Poliosis [Vogt-Koganagy] Borochovich, S. [Case history of traumatic iridocyclitis of right eye, causing hairs of eyebrow and eyelash to turn white] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 476.—Bunge, E. Ueber doppelseitige Iridozyklitis und Poliosis. Arch. Augenh., 1933-34: 108: 212-25.—Jess, A. Poliosis, Vitiligo und doppelseitige schwerste Iridocyclitis bei Dystrophia adiposogenitalis. Ber. Deut. ophth. Ges., 1932, 49: 469-73. ---- Prognosis. Blatt, N. Akkommodationsstorungen nach Iridocyclitis. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1930, 125: 125-46.—Duke-Elder, S. The prognosis of iritis and iridocyclitis. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 1001-3.—Heine, L. Regenbogenhaut- und Strahlen- kdrperentziindung, Sehstorungen und Lebensdauer. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 1871-3.—Miklos, A. Die Spatprognose der operierten Iridocyclitisfalle. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1938, 139: 403-12. ------ Das Spatschicksal der Iridocyclitis- kranken. Ibid. 1940-41, 142: 203-12. IRIDOCYCLITIS 530 IRIDOCYCLITIS ---- rheumatic and spondylitic. Sec also Iritis. Ascher, K. Spondylarthritis ankvlopoetica und Iri- dozyklitis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 666-9.—Engelking, E. Ueber die Behandlung der chronischen Iridocyclitis und Scleritis rheumatica mit intravenosen Melubrininjektionen, insbesondere bei arzneiempfindlichen Patienten. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1927, 78: 540-6. ---- sympathetic. See also Ophthalmia, sympathetic. Asbill, D. S. The indications for enucleation in traumatic iridocyclitis. South. M. & S., 1930, 92: 594-6.—Bride, T. M. Case of sympathetic irido-cyclitis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1927, 47: 393.—Marin Amat, M., & Marin Enciso, M. Iri- dociclitis de tipo simpatizante curado por la autohemoterapia. Arch. oft. hisp. amer., 1932, 32: 373-8.—Meller, J. Ueber die bazillare Aetiologie der Ophthalmia sjmpathica und mancher Falle von Iridocyclitis posttraumatica. Zsehr. Augenh., 1934, 83: 145-62. ------ Akute eitrige Infektion und chronische Iridocyclitis im verletzten und im unverletzten Auge. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 193*, 12: 289-92. Also Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 998-1001.—Onfray, R., Dieu & Suys. Iridocyclite sereuse tecidivante d'origine sympathique. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1933, pt 2, 632-8.—Terrien. Irido-cyclites et ophtalmie sympathique. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1937, 51: 401-5.—Wood, D. J. An unusual result following traumatic irido-cyclitis. Brit. J. Ophth., 1932, 16: 546.—Yap [Case of sympathetic irido-cyclitis] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 1573. ---- syphilitic. See under Syphilis. ---- Treatment. Cuervo y Castillo, T. Contribution a l'6tude du diagnostic et du traitement des irido- cyclites aigues diffuses. 48p. 8? Par., 1937. Brown, A. L. Subconjunctival injections of atropin and adrenalin in iridocyclitis. Am. J. Ophth., 1929, 3. ser., 12: 118.—Fuchs, A. Surgical treatment for iridocyclitis. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1934, n. ser., 11: 591-603.—Henderson, T. The treatment of iridocyclitis with vaccines of Kilian Clarke's specific strains of streptococci. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1930, 50: 627-33.—Hessberg, R. Rapport sur la roentgentherapie des iridocyclites et des affections vasculaires de l'oeil. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70: 1066.—Heuven, J. A. van. Ueber Glaukosan-Iontophorese. Arch. Augenh., 1932, 106: 625-32.— Kapp, J. Hartnackige Iridocyclitis geheilt durch Wurzel- behandlung. Zsehr. Stomat., 1935, 33: 719-21.—Kessler, R. [On treatment of chronic iridocyclitis with gold] Cesk. ofth., 1937, 3: 20-2.—Letchworth, T. W. Diseases of the iris and ciliary body; a case of cyclitis of 24 years' standing cured by tonsillectomy. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1940, 60: 155-61 — Morgan, O. G. The application of heat by diathermy in iridocyclitis. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect. Ophth., 14-8.—Richter, P. A. Control of pain in acute iridocyclitis with isoamvlhydrocupreine. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1942. 27: 579-81.—Rodin, F. H. Treatment of iridocyclitis bv subconjunctival injections of atropin and epinephrin. Am. J. Ophth., 1926, 3. ser., 9: 24-34. Also Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1927, 56: 277-80.—Stamberger, I. [Radical operation in treatment of iridcyclitis with suppuration in Highmore antrum] Gyogyaszat, 1926, 66: 107. ---- tubercular. See also Tuberculosis, ocular. Achermann, E. *Klinisch-statistischer Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der Iridocyclitis tuberculosa. 22p. 8? Basel, 1926. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1926, 56: 1119-25. Alexiu, A. *Die Rontgentherapie der Irido- cyklitis tuberculosa [Leipzig] 16p. 8? Oschatz, 1928. Reichert, L. *Ein Rezidivfall von Iridocy- klitis tuberculosa nach Eigenblutinjektion nebst Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cyklitis tuberculosa [Wurzburg] 23p. 8? Aschaffenburg, 1935. Addario La Ferla, G. SuU'efficacia terapeutica del siero dei tracomatosi nella cura delle irido-oicliti tubercolari. Lettura oft., 1925, 2: 513-6.—Bertoldi, M. Sugh infiltrati noduhformi dell'iride nelle iridocicliti croniche e sui loro rapporto colla tubercolosi. Rass. ital. ottalm., 1932, 1: 922-47.— Blegvad, O. [Iridocyclitis tuberculosa] Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: Oft. selsk. forh., 35-45.—Brown, E. V. L. El tratamiento moderno de la iridociclitis tuberculosa. Med. ibera, 1933, 27: pt 1, 589.—Gargiulo, M. Iridociclite tubercolare trattata con raggi Rontgen. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1930, 6: 253.—Hallermann, W. Ueber die operative Behandlung der tuberkulosen Iridozy- klitiden. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1939. 102: 318-21. Kim;. C. Tubercular iridocyclitis as observed with the slit-lamp with remarks on tuberculin treatment. Am h. Ophth., N. Y., 1920, 55: 563-74. Also Ohio M. J., 1926, 22: 939-44. - Tuberculous iridocyclitis as a cause of the heterochromia of Fuchs. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1927, 25: 380-412—Knapovii, F. [Tubercular iridocyclitis] ('as. lek. ce Verteilung des Farbstoffs auf Regeubogenhaut, Wimpern, Bran- em und Haupthaar [Berlin] 27p. -'(I'^m. Coburg, 1938. Blount, W P. Observations upon the pigmentation of *h; iris of the dog. Vet. J., Lond., 1931, 87: 91-8.—David, L. I. The effect of temperature on eye color m Habrobracon jug- Iandis, Ashmead. Am. Natur., 1938, 72: 574-7.—Esser, A A M Die Augen- und Haarfarbe der alten Gnechen. Klin" Mbl. Augenh., 1930, 85: 551-4.—Freire-Marreco, B. Notes on the hair and eye colour of 591 children of school age in Surrey. Man, Lond., 1909, 9: 99-108—Godin, P. Evolu- tion de la couleur des yeux sous l'influence de la puberte. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1933, 3. ser., 109: 657-60. —---- Apergu de la repartition en France des yeux clans et des yeux fonces. Ibid., 1935, 3. ser., 113: 355.—Hesch, M. Ueber Pigmentierungsverhaltnisse der menschlichen Ins nach Alter und Geschlecht; Beziehungen zwischen Augenfarbe Struktur und Ringbilduni. Verh. Ges. phys. Anthrop., 1931, 5: 9-2o — Hukusima, G. Morphologisch-anthropologische Lntersuchun- IRIS f>:U IRIS gen iiber die Augen von Japanern in der 1'iovmz Yamaguti; die Farbe und Zeichung der Iris und ihre Beziehung mit der Lidhautfarbe. Acta Soc. ophth. jap., 1939. 43: 148. Also Jap. J. M. Sc, 1041, 9: Abstr. Anat., 95. Kante, I. Beob- achtungen iiber die Augenfarben an Chitpavan-Brahmanen. Zsehr. Morph. Anthrop., 1931, 24: 498-501.—Lienhart. L. La couleur des yeux des pigeons domestiques; les yeux orange n derives. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1936, 121: 1415-7.—Mac- Conaill, M. A. The classification of hair and eye colour upon developmental and genetic bases. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1941, II: 173-8.- Maung, K. Discriminant analysis of Tocher's eye colour data for Scottish school children. Ibid., 64-76.— Rassin, R., & Skerlj, B. Augenfehler und Augenfarbe. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1937, 98: 314-21.—Riddell, W. J. B. Studies in the classification of eye colour. Ann. Eugen., Cambr., 1941-42, 11: 245-59.—Sallmann, L. Zur Entstehung der Pigmentringlinie der Iris. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1937, 137: 510-4.—Schultz, B. K. Eine verbesserte Augenfarbentafel. Anthrop. Anz., 1929-30, 6: 331-5.—Stockmann, H. Die Augenfarbe. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1938, 100: 692-714 — Tuchlinski, K. Klinische Untersuchungen iiber Beschaffen- heit, Farbe und Veriinderung der Iris des Pferdes; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Miinch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 86: 601.— VanAtta, E. W., & VanAtta, L. C. The spectrum analysis of eye color in Drosophila. Am. Natur., 1931, 65: 382—4.— Walls, G. L. Coloration of the eye. In his Vertebr. Eye, Bloomfield, 1942, 543-51. ---- Color: Genetics. Bollag, L. ^Untersuchungen iiber die Ver- erbung von Mischfarben der Iris beim Menschen. p.191-205. 8? Zur., 1927. Also Arch. Julius Klaus Stift., 1926, 2: Hofmann, H. *Ueber die Vererbung der Augenfarbe und ihre Korrelation zur Haarfarbe [Giessen] 21p. 22Ucm. Wiirzb., 1935. Anderson, R. L. Non-autonomous development of trans- planted eves in Habrobracon. Proc. Internat. Genet. Congr. (1939) 1911, 7. Congr.. 17. Beadle, G. W. The development of eye colors in DioMiphila as studied by transplantation. Am. Natur., 1937, 71: 120 0. ------& Ephrussi, B. Develop- ment of eye colors in Drosophila; the mutants bright and mahogany. Ibid., 91—5. •------ Development of eye colors in Drosophila: diffusible substances and their interrelations. Genetics, 1937, 22: 76-86. ------ Development of eye colors in Drosophila: transplantation experiments on the interaction of vermilion with other eye colors. Ibid., 65-75. ------ Development of eye colors in Drosophila: production and release of CN substance by the eyes of different eye color mutants. Ibid., 479-83.—Brehme, K. S. A survey of the Malpighian-tube color of the eye color mutants of Drosophila melanogaster. Ibid., 1942, 27: 133.—Caspari, E. Zur Analyse der Matroklinie der Vererbung in der a-Serie der Augenfarben- mutationen bei der Mehlmotte Ephestia kiihniella Z. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm., 1936, 71: 546-55.—Clancy, C. W. De« velopment of eye colors in Drosophila melanogaster; further studies on the mutant claret. Genetics, 1942, 27: 137.— Cochrane, F. Observations on eye-colour development in Drosophila pscudo-obscura. J. Genet., Cambr., 1936, 32: 183-7.—Davenport, C. B. Heredity of human eye color. Bibliogr. genet.. Gravenh.. 1927, 3: 443-63.—Diirken, B. Die Vererbung der Augenfarbe beim Menschen. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm., 1925, 37: 67-81.—Fleischhacker, H. Ueber die Vererbung der Augenfarbe. Zsehr. menschl. Vererb., 1936, 19: 643-66.—Frets, G. P. Heredity of the eye-color. Genetica, Gravenh., 1925, 7: 65-86. ------ Heredity of eye color in man. Eugen. News, 1935, 20: 1-3.—Godin, P. Hetedite de la couleur des yeux. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1933, 3. ser., 110: 25-7.—-Gregory, P. W„ & Ibsen, H. L. The inheritance of salmon-eye in guinea-pigs. Am. Natur., 1926, 60: 166-71.— Harnly, M. H., & Ephrussi, B. Development of eye colors in Drosophila; time of action of body fluid on cinnabar. Genetics, 1937, 22: 393-401.—Howland, R. B., Glancy, E. A., & Sonnen- blick, B. P. Transplantation of wild type and vermilion eye disks among 4 species of Drosophila. Ibid., 434-42.—Uiin, N. A. [The rubv eye in animals and its heredity] Tr. Lab. Exp. Biol. Zoo Moscow, 1926, 1: 107-29.—Japha. Ueber die Vererbung der Augenfarben beim Menschen. Verh. Ges. phys. Anthrop., 1926. 1: 58-61 —Macklin, M. T. The laws of heredity and their exemplification in the inheritance of eve colour. Canad. M Ass. J , 1926, 16: 1340-2.—Mains, F. Analyse der Gen wirkung durch Faktorenkombination; Ver- suche mit den Augenfarbenfaktoren von Drosophila melano- gaster. Zsehr. indukt. Abstamm., 1938. 75: 256-76.—Michai- loff, A. S. Ueber die Vererbung der Weissaugigkeit bei der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) Ibid., 1931, 59: 190-202.— Mueller. B. LTntersuchungen uber die Erblichkeit der Augen- farbe, der Haarfarbe und der Haarform vom gerichtlich- medizinischen Standpunkt aus. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1932-33, 20: 544-56.—Passow, A. Ueber gleichseitige Ver- i ibung von sektorenformieer Irispigmenrierung, zugleich ein Reirrag zur'Frage der cleichseitigen Vererbung iiberhaupt. \:-.b. Rassenb., 1932, 26: 417, r I —Schultz, J., & Dobzhansky, T. The relation of a dominant eye color in Drosophila melano- TiMcr to the ■ -sociated chromosome rearrangement. Genetics, 1934. 19: Zi4-04.—S'hwjigerlc, F. Irisstraktur und Augen- farbe be. ein- unl zwi.i..l>^n Zwillir.'-.n. Zsehr. menschl. Vererb., 1938 39, 22: .".45 77. StreilT. J. Zur UobcreiiiNtini- mung und Nii-hiiibcreinsrimtnung del Haut-, Haar- und Augenfarbe und iiber den Erhnntcil der I'vea und den Anteil des Sympaihikus an dei schliesslichen Ge.si.■lining und F&rbung der Iris. Klin. Ml.I. Augenh.. 1932, 88: 577-600.- Van Atta, E. A. Genetic and cytological studies on x-radiation induced dominant eye colors of Drosophila. Genetics, 193:.', 17: 037-59.---Warren, D. ('., & Gordon, C. I). I'lumace and eye color inheritance in the single comb Rhode Island led fowl. J. Agr. Pes., 1033. 47: 897-910.—Weninger. J. Zur Ver- erbung der blauisn Irisfarbe. Mitt. Anthrop. (les. Wien, 1938, 68: 206-19.—Whiting, A. R. Eye colours in the parasitic wasp Habrobracon and their behaviour in multiple recessivea and in mosaics. J. Genet., Cambr., 1934, 29: 99-107, 2 pl. ---- Cyst. Keppler, G. *Ueber bewegliche und unbe- wegliche Iriszysten [Wurzburg] 21p. 8? Volklingen, 1928. Nikoloff, N. A. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Epitheleinwucherungen in die vordere Augen- kammer und die Entstehung der Iriscysten. 19p. 8? Giessen, 1928. Pivoteau, L. *Traitement des kystes de l'iris par l'electrolyse. 48p. 8? Par., 1930. Almeida, A. de. Cisto soroso da iris. Arq. Inst. Penido Burnier, 1939, 5: 328.—Anargyros, E. Spontane Zysten der Irishinterflache. Zsehr. Augenh., 1935-36, 88: 93-9.—Aron, F., & Zeeman, W. P. C. Atypisches Kolobom und spontane Iriscyste. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1938, 16: 308-22.—Badeaux. F. Kystes pigmentes congenitaux de l'iris et de la zone ciliaire; vestige de la membrane vasculaire du cristallin; persistance de l'artere hyaloidienne. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1936, 68-76.— Blobner, F. Spontane Irisstromazvste. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1935, 95: 478-86.—Bracci Torsi, H. Contributo clinico ed istologico alle cisti dell'iride. Ann. ottalm., 1935, 63: 65—73.— Charamis, J., & Sfalagako. Kyste epithelial de l'iris. Arch. opht., Par., 1935, 52: 167-9.—Cowan, A. Congenital and familial cysts and flocculi of the iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1936, 3. ser., 19: 287-91.—Custodis, E. Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie der Iris- und Iriskammer-Zysten. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1933, 90: 361-8.—De Cristofaro, U. Contributo alia cono- scenza delle cisti spontanee dell'iride. Boll, ocul., 1934, 13: 640-69, pl.—Fietta, P. Un cas de kvste perie de l'iris. Rev. gen. opht., Par., 1928, 42: 45-51.—Filippow, N. A. Zur Frage uber die spontanen serosen Iriszysten. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1930, 84: 247-60.—Gilbert. Behandlung der Iriskammerzysten. Zsehr. Augenh., 1935, 87: 348.—Goldfeder, A. E., & Bushmich, D. G. [Rare forms of spontaneous cysts of the iris] Vest, oft., 1939, 15: No. 2, 21-7.—Granstrom, K. O. Contribution k I'etude des kystes spontanes issus de la face posterieure de l'iris. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1930, 8: 35-44, pl.—Griffith, A. Cyst of the iris in a man, set. 43 years. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1928, 48: 87, pl.—Hoeve, J. van der. Iriscvste. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1926, 70: pt 2, 1606.—Jancke, G. Zystenbildung der Iris nach friiherer Entzundung. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1939, 102: 248-53.—Poyales, F. Quistes del iris. Tr. Internat. Ophth. Congr. (1929) 1930, 13. Congr., 1: 349-53—Sacha, A. [Case of cyst of the iris] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1927, 7: 532-8 — Satanowsky, P. Quiste seroso espontaneo de iris y un casode consecuencia alejada de tratamiento ffsico. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1939, 14: 521-6.—Shumway, E. A. Spontaneous cyst of the iris; report of a case. Am. J. Ophth., 1931, 3. ser., 14: 792-5.— Skydsgaard, H. Melanosarcom; pigmenteret iriscyste? Nord. med., 1941, 9: 699.—Slavik, B. [Cvsts of the iris] Cas. iek. cesk., 1933, 72: 390-3.—Soria Escudero, M., & Casanovas Carnicer, J. Quiste perlado del iris. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1929, 11: 314-7, pl.—T'ang, Y. T. Pigmented epithelial cyst of the iris. Chin. M. J., 1934, 48: 905-9, pl — Thilliez. Traitement des kystes de l'iris par l'eiectrolyse. Ann. eiectrob., Lille, 1909, 12: 122-5.—Tooker, C. W. An epithelial cyst of the posterior chamber; clinical history and microscopic anatomy of the enucleated eye. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1933, 31: 187-94, 4 pl.—Town, A. E. Cyst of the uveal layer of the iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1933, 3. ser., 16: 790-5 — Townsend, T. H. D. Two cases of cvst of iris. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. K„ 1930, 50: 641.—Vila Ortiz, J. M . hijo. Contribu- cion al estudio de los quistes pigmentados del ins. Rev. med. Rosario, 1934, 23: 803-8, 2 pl.—Villard, H , & Dejean, C. Les kystes de l'iris. Arch, opht., Par., 1933, 50: 91, 195; 272 — Wilmer, W. H. Cyst of the uveal layer of iris at pupillary' margin in a case of posterior svnechiae with secondary glau- coma, Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1928, 26:103-10. pl. Also Arch Ophth., 1929, n. ser., 1: 162-7, pl. ---- Cyst, traumatic. Quack, E. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis trau- matischer, seroser Iriscysten [Dusseldorf] 25p. 8? Quakenbriick, 1932. Anklesaria, M. D. Cilia in the anterior chamber and trau- matic cyst in the iris. Ind. M. Gaz., 1934, 69: 259-61.— Bader, A. Posttraumatische resp. postoperative Iriszysten der Vorderkammer, geheilt durch Rontgenbestrahluns resp. Elektrolyse. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 198. ------ IRIS 535 IRIS Erfolge und Misserfolge der Rontgentherapie; suprasellarer Hirntumor, posttraumatische Iriszyste. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1939, 103: 503-13.—Bonnet, P., & Paufique. Kyste perie de l'iris; cil dans la chambre anterieure. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1933, 309-11. Also Lyon med., 1933, 151: 491.------ Kystes traumatiques de l'iris. Arch, opht., Par., 1934, 51: 5-16. ------ & Bussy, J. Kyste sereux de l'iris d'origine traumatique. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1933, 367.—Bourdier, F., & Stein, M. Kyste traumatique de l'iris; presentation d'un malade. Ibid., 1937, 731-5.—Darnel, C. S., & Durando, S. A. Quistes traumaticos del iris y pestafias en cdmara anterior. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1942, 17: 614-25.—De Vincentes, G. Cisti traumatica dell'iride. Boll, ocul., 1932, 11: 796, pl.— Gandolfi, C. Formazione mobile, libera, in C. A., di origine traumatica. Ibid., 1937, 16: 1076-84.—Hudelo, A. Prolifera- tion traumatique du pigment irien et kvste irido-camerulaire. Arch, opht., Par., 1935, 52: 410-23.—Ludin, M., & Bader, A. Die Rontgenbestrahlung der posttraumatischen Iriszyste. Strahlentherapie, 1934, 51: 567-72.—Lundberg, A. Ein Fall mit traumatischer Iriscyste. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1937, 15: 204-15.—Maxwell, H. Traumatic cyst of the iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1943, 26: 193 (Abstr.)—Moore, R. F. Two cases of epithelial implantation cyst of the iris. Brit. J. Ophth., 1930, 14: 496-501.—Nordmann, J. A propos de quelques kystes traumatiques de l'iris et de la chambre anterieure. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1936, 266-9.—Pesce, G. Cisti bilobata dell'iride di origine traumatica. Boll, ocul., 1937, 16: 861-79.—Safar, K. Ueber eine Iriszyste im aphaken Auge, durch Elektroco- agulation geheilt. Zsehr. Augenh., 1935, 86: 31-7.—Teulieres, M., & Beauvieux, J. Kyste perie de l'iris post-traumatique; inclusion d'un cil dans la chambre anterieure. Arch, opht., Par., 1938, n. ser., 2: 706-10. ---- Degeneration and necrosis. See also subheading Injury. Birnbacher, T. Ueber akute primare Irisnekrose. Zsehr. Augenh., 1928, 64: 227-39.—Dollfus, M. A. Degenerescence irienne d'un type particulier. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1927, 170-2.—D'Oswaldo. Zur Kenntnis der traumatischen Nekrose der Iris, des Ziliarkorpers und des Linsenepithels. Zsehr. Augenh., 1924, 54: 60-8.—Kurz, J. [Degenerative changes in the iris] Cas. iek. Cesk., 1933, 72: 837; 868.—Samuels, B. Necrosis of the iris. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1929, 49: 421-36. ---- Development. See also Lens, Development. Dinnean, F. L. Lens regeneration from the iris and its inhibition by lens reimplantation in Triturus torosus larvae. J. Exp. Zool., 1942, 90: 461-78, incl. 2 pl. ------ Lens regeneration from the iris in urodeles and its inhibition by lens reimplantation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 49: 232-4.—Frank, F. The elements of heredity of the iris based on photographic studies. Fol. ophth. orient., 1936, 2: 337-43, 4 pl.—Monrov, A. Sulla capacity lentoeena dell'iride trapian- tata. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 35-6.----- Ricerche sulla capacity lentogena dell'iride degli anfibi. Arch. Entwmech., 1939, 139: 536-55.—Popov. V. V. Lens induction from the iris. Bull. biol. med. exp. URSS, 1938, 6: 399.— Sondermann, R. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Irisentwicklung. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1934-35, 133: 67-74.—Weninger, J. Irisstruktur und Vererbung. Zsehr., Morph. Anthrop., 1934, 34: 469-92, 2 pl. ---- Disease and disorder. See also Iridochoroiditis; Iridocyclitis; sub- headings of Iris; Iritis, etc. Teulieres, M., & Beauvieux, J. Maladies de l'iris. p.1-238. 25cm. Par., 1939. Yacovlievitch, D. *Manifestations cliniques relevant des alterations anatomiques de l'iris dans le diabete (en dehors do l'inflammation) 42p. 8? Lyon, 193(1. Damoglou, S. C. La pathologie biologique. < '. rend. Congr. internat. path, comp., 1936, 3. Congr., 547 Delthil, S., & Offret, G. Troubles pupillaires et lesions irido-riroroidiennes. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1939, 17: 376-8—Derby, G S. The nature of so-called Koeppe nodules. Tr Am. Ophth. Soc, 1928, 26: 62-71, pl. Also Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1928, 57: 561-3, pl.—Dohme, B. Die Erkrankungen der Iris und des Ciliarkorpers und ihre Beziehungen zu den Allgemeinerkran- kungen. Erg. ges. Med., 1926, 9: 23-40.—Dupuy-Dutemps. L. Destruction complete d'un secteur de l'iris par gomme cilio- irienne, survenue malgre un traitement arsenobenzohque recent et guerie par le cyanure de mercure. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1928, 119-25.—Evans, J. N. Iris, ciliary body, and choroid; disorders. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939 8: 141-53, 4 pL—Grimelli, G. Intorno alle malattie dell'iride. Mem. med. contemp., Venez., 1841, 5: 342; 6: 541 —Grosz I Beiderseitige Irisanomalie; Syringomyelic Klin. Mhl. 'Augenh., 1940, 105: 514.—Horner, W. D., & Cordes F C Metastatic abscess of iris and ciliary body; with case report. Am. J. Ophth., 1931, 3. ser., 14: 628-33 — Jourdan H Diagnostic des troubles fonctionnels de l'iris. Monde med.', 1927, 37: 16-21—Kronfeld. P. C. Dropsy of the iris epithelium in diabetes. Chin. M. J., 1935, 49: 808 — La Fontaine Verwey, B. C. de [Xanthomatosis of iris| Ned tschr. geneesk., 1929, 73: pt 1, 1652-4.—Metzger, E. L. Kli- nisch nachweisbare Pigmentmazeration des hinteren Irisblattes bei Diabetes mellitus. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1923, 70: 344-6.— Safaf, K. Ueber Ringlinienbildung der Iris, bedingt durch deren Runzelung infolge hochgradiger Erweichung des Aug- apfels. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1928, 121: 106-9.—Scharf, J. Ueber einen Fall von einseitiger Irisanomalie mit sekundarer Lochbildung und Drucksteigerung. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1940, 105: 367.—Schley, H. Ueber den Wert der Ront- genuntersuchung der Wirbelsaule bei Erkrankungen der Regenbogenhaut. Ibid., 1937, 98: 780-8.—Tieri, A. La sindrome morfologica dell'iride nella tabe e nella paralisi progressiva; triade iridea tabetica e triade iridea paralitica. Ann. ottalm., 1928, 56: 1112.—Tyrrell, T. M. Tubercle on the free border of the iris. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1936-37, 30: 9r°i—v&ncea> p- [Existence of a characteristic morphology of the ins in tabes and general paralysis] Cluj. med., 1930, xl, 177-80.—Villani, G. Studio istologico delle lesioni deU'epitelio pigmentato dell'iride e deU'epitelio del corpo cigliare nei diabete. Ann. ottalm., 1934, 62: 763-78. ---- Ectropion and entropion. Ascher, K. W. Zur Behandlung der Inversio iridis. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1927, 79: 237-9.—Dascalopoulos, N. Sur un cas d'inversion totale de l'iris. Ann. ocul., Par., 1926, 163: 766-8.—Dymschitz, L. A. Ein Fall von ungewohnlich stark entwickelten Flocculi iridum. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1931, 127: 100-2.—Fuchs, A. Contribution to the anatomy of congenital ectropium uveae (flocculi iridis) Am. J. Ophth., 1931, 3. ser., 14: 865-8.—Schappert Kimmyser, J. De l'entropion et de l'ectropion de l'iris. Ann. ocul., Par., 1927 164: 165-85. ---- Examination. See also Iridodiagnosis; Iris, Pupil: Examina- tion. Lugli, L. Le pieghe posteriori dell'iride all'indagine bio- microscopica. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1937, 109: 147-53.— Soria. Biomicroscopia del iris. Arch. oft. hisp. amer., 1930, 30: 581-93.—Tieri, A. L'iriscopia e la sua importanza clinica in alcuni particolari aspetti della neurosifilide oculare. Lettura oft., 1930, 7: 376-82. ---- Explantation. Doljanski, L. Sur le rapport entre la proliferation et l'activite pigmentogene dans les cultures d'epitheiium de l'iris. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 105: 343-5.—Fischer, I. Die Pigmentbildung des Irisepithels in vitro; ein Beitrag zu den Beziehungen zwischen Differenzierung, Wachstum und Funktion. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1938, 21: 92-154, 3 pl — Meyer, H. Kulturen von Ciliar- und Irismuskeln bei Hiinerem- bryonen. Zsehr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1936, 39: 161-71.— Sanzo. K. Ueber den Einfluss des k- und g-Strophanthins (Merck), Helleborei'ns (Merck), Convallamarins (Merck) und Adonidins (Merck) auf das Wachstum der in vitro-Kulturen von Irisepithelzellen und die histologischen Veranderungen der Kulturen durch diese Gifte. Fol. pharm. jap., 1933, 15: Brev., 15. ---- Foreign body. Haas, W. *Zwei Falle von ausbleibender Verrostung bei Sitz des Splitters im Augen- grund; ein Fall von Rostriickbildung an der Regenbogenhaut. 14p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1931. Due, C. Schegge di pietra sull'iride. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1932, 9: 199-203.—Fonck. Fragment de capsule de pistolet 6x6 dans l'iris; accidents inflammatoires graves. Presse med. beige, 1867-68, 20: 301.—Mitskevich. L. D. [Three cases of perforating injuries of the eye with multiple imbed- ment of foreign bodies in the ins] Vest, oft., 1939. 14: No. 6, 77-9.—Montanelli, G. Corpi estranei (schegge di legno) sull'iride. Lettura oft,, 1924, 1: 303-8.—Rossano, R. Corps etrangers en pepites d'or sur l'iris. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1935, 759.—Sedan, J. Eclat d'obus toiete dans l'iris depuis dix ans, avec iriodialyse perceptible seulement pendant le myosis. Bull. Soc opht, Paris, 1930, 88-91.—Tille, H. Corps etranger magnetique cilio-irien toiete depuis 37 ans avec sidfirose discrete et cataracte posterieure. Ibid., 1931, 120-5. ---- Glass membrane. See also Iridocyclitis, Pathology. Glass membrane on the iris with other interesting ocular degenerative changes and cholesterin crystals in iris. Annual Rep. Ophth. Lab., Cairo, 1931, 6: 56-8.—Hanssen, R. Ueber Membranbildungen auf der Irisvorderflache. Zsehr. Augenh., 1928 64: 278-92.—Homogeneous glass membrane on the iris. Annual Rep. Giza Ophth. Lab., 1928, 3: 30.—Rauh, W. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bilduns glashautiger Membranen auf der Iris. Zsehr. Augenh., 1927, 61: 169-77. IRIS 530 IRIS ---- Granulations and granuloma. Cherif El-Ani, Mustafa. *Les granulations miliaires en semis de l'iris; valeur semiologique. 59p. 25cm. Lyon, 1938. Bonnet, P. Uveit- sereuse; granulations miliaires de l'iris. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1933, pt 2, 697. ----— Sur une forme pai i leuliAre de granulation-, miliaires de l'iris. Ibid., 1937, 113-6. ----— Granulations miliaires de l'iris; leur valeur semiologique. Ibid., 1038. 478-80. Also Lyon med., 1938, 162: 409-12. ------ & Ani, C. E. Les granulations miliaires en semis de l'iris. Arch, opht., Par., 1939, n. ser., 3: 193-204. 2 pl.—Loddoni, G. Granuloma dell'iride (contributo clinico alle pseudo-cisti dell'iride) Lettura oft., 1929, 6: 449-55, pl. ---- Heterochromia. See also Horner syndrome. Bohtz [('. K.] O. *Ueber den Stand der Lehre von der Heterochromia iridis. 38p. 8? Rost., 1928. Karson, I. H. *Posttraumatische und postoperative Heterochromie. 14p. 8? Ziir., 1935. Lindberg, J. G. *Kliniska undersbkningar over depigmenteringen av pupillarranden och genomlysbarheten av iris, vid fall av aldersstarr samt i normala ogon hos gamla personer. 107p. 8? Helsin., 1917. Meltz, F. K. *Ueber den Erbgang in einem Falle von reiner Spiegelbild-Heterochromie der Iris. lOp. 8? Wiirzb., 1935. Valroff, J. E. L'heterochromie de l'iris. (>3p. 8? Par., 1935. Argiiello, D. M. Vitiligo del iris. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1930, 5: 314-8.—Barden, R. B. Changes in the pigmentation of the iris in metamorphosing amphibian larvae. J. Exp. Zool., 1943, 92: 171-97, incl. 2 pl.—Bennett, G. A., & Hausberger, F. X. Ueber den Einfluss des Adrenalins auf d4cm. Quakenbruck, 1935. Hoffmann, E. *Zur pharmakologischen Be- einflussung der Froschpupille [Tubingen] 15p. 8? Schramb., 1936. Machol, H. *Ueber die Einwirkung von Lecithin auf die durch Sympathicusreizung hervorgerufene Pupillenerweiterung. 16p. 8? Berl., 1933. Pfeuffer, F. *Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Einwirkung von Erythrophlein und Nervocidin auf das Ziliarepithel des Auges TErlangen] 24p. 8? Giessen, 1931. Anichkov, S. V., & Sarubin, A. A. Ueber die Lokalisation der sensibilisierenden Wirkung des Kokains auf die Pupille. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 131: 376-82.—Atzori, B. Com- portamento della pupilla per instillazione sull'occhio di solu- zioni miste di atropina e pilocarpina. Arch, farm sper., 1939, 68: 134-40.—Bacq, Z. M. Action de la svmpathine sur l'iris. C. rend. Soc. biol, 1933, 112: 1551.—Balado, M. Action de Tatropine, de Tadtenaline, de l'eserine et de la pilocarpine sur la pupille enervee du chien. Ibid., 95: 1387.—Bender, M. B., & Weinstein, E. A. _ Actions of adrenaline and acetylcholine on the denervated iris of the cat and monkey. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 130: 268-75.—Cannon, W. B. A comparison of the effects of sympathin and adrenine on the iris. Proc. Internat. Physiol. Congr. (1935) 1938, 15. Congr., 83. ------& Rosen- blueth, A comparison of the effects of svmpathin and adrenine on the iris. Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 113: 251-8— Deady, C. Mydriatics and myotics. Homoeop. Eye Ear & Throat J., 1906, 12: 296-306.—Ettinger, J. Ueber die Wirkung einiger Purinstoffe auf die Pupille. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1929, 145: 376-80.—Gnad, F. Ueber die Wirkungsweise pupillomo- torischer Mittel bei ortlich umschriebener Applikation. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1930, 84: 510-6.—Gold, H., & Sussman, M. L. Pupillary reactions during ether and chloroform anesthesia after morphine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 3-5.—Hassko, S. [Effect of physostigmin upon the pupil] Allatorv. lap., 1937, 60: 37.—Heinrich, A. Ein wenig bekanntes Pupillenphanomen wahrend der Tropfnarkose. KUn. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1010.—Hermann, K., & Engel, S. Ueber die Wirkungsdauer einiger pupillomotorisch wirksamer Medikamente (Untersuchungen am Widerstandspupilloskop von Engel) vorlaufige Mitteilung. Nervenarzt, 1932, 5: 121-6.—Kiang, S. M. Relative value of miotics and mydriatics applied in the form of solutions and ointments. Nat. M. J. China, 1931-32, 17: 67-71.—Roller. C. Miotics and mydriatics in relation to ocular hypertension. Dis. Eye &c Throat, 1942, 2: 314—7.—Koppanyi, T. Comparative studies on pupillary reaction in tetrapods; the mode of action of pilocarpine on the pupd of the rat. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1928, 34: 73-83. ------ Action of sympathomimetic drugs on pupil of guinea pig. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1928-29, 26: 80. Comparative studies on pupillary reaction in tetrapods; the action of pilocarpine on the pupil of the guinea pig. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1929, 36: 179-83. ------ Studies on pupillary reactions in tetrapods; the mode of action of ergotamine. Ibid., 1930, 38: 101-11. ------_ Studies on pupillary reactions in tetrapods; sympathetic actions of cocaine, procaine and pilocarpine. Ibid., 113-9. ------ & Sun, K. H. The effect of pilocarpine and other drugs on the pupil of the rat. Am. J. Physiol., 1926, 78: 358-63.—La Floresta, A. SulTin- fluenza che alcune sostanze associate all'atropina, in soluzione isotonica rispetto al sangue, esercitano sulla pupilla con- trolaterale atropinizzata. Arch. farm, sper., 1940, 70: 134-47.— Lenzi, F., & Lenzi, S. Onde corte e sistema nervoso autonomo; azione sulle reazioni pupillari da atropina, la midriasi di ritorno. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1938, 19: 238-43.—Lipschiitz, H., & Schilf, E. Ueber die Wirkung von Azetylcholin auf die Iris des Warmbluters. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1931, 162: 617-22 — Majoros, J. [Postmortem reactions of pupils to drugsl Orv. hetil., 1934, 78: 399-401.—Nakatuka, M. Ueber die Pupillen- reaktion der Fischaugen gegeniiber verschiedenen Pharmaka. Acta med. nagasaki., 1939, 1: Suppl., 201.—OU. L. & Scott, '. C. Action of glandular extracts upon the pupil. Month. CyH. & M. Bull., Phila., 1909, 2: 493-5,—Regnier. J„ & QuevauviHer, A. Influence de* divers acides k l'etat de sels de sodium sur la surface pupillaire de l'oeil enuclee de Rana esculenta. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 1584-6 — Sachs, E. & Heath, P. Some pharmacologic experiments on isolated segments of mammalian iris. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1940, 24: 846.—Samaan, K. The site of action of methyloc- tenylamine hydrochloride (octinum) on the iris. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1937, 10: 211-5.—Sawyer, M. M., & Schlossberg, T. The effect of adrenalin instillation on the iris of normal animals. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 103: 153-8.—Schlossberg, T. Simultaneous internal and external stimulation of the iris by adrenin. Ibid., 1932. 102: 71.—Shen, T. C. R. Influence de la piperidino-methylbenzodioxane (F. 933), de la diethyl- amino-methylbenzodioxane (F. 833), et de la yohimbine sur les reactions de la pupille k l'adtenaline et k l'excitation sym- pathique. Ann. physiol., Par., 1938, 14: 621.—Sirakawa, S. Pharmako-histologische Untersuchungen; histologische Unter- suchun"- fiber die Wirkung von Atropin und Physostigmin auf dieEIanincheniris. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1929-30, 4: Tr. Pharm., 19r22, pl —Spiro. Ueber die Wirkung der Mydriatica und Miotica bei Pupillenlahmung. Verh. Berl. ophth. Ges (1893-1904) 1905, 22.—Swan, K. C, & Myers, H. B. Response of the ins to pitressin and pitocin. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N Y 1936 34: 080.—Tinel, J., Lamache, A., & Dubar, J. La teaction pupillaire a Tadtenaline locale; valeur de cette teaction comme indice de Tequilhbre vago-sympathique. Encephale, 1928 23l £1-3.—Vom Hofe- K- Ueber die Wirkung des Tenosins auf Pupille und den Augendruck. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1932, 89: 022-4.—Wiechmann, R. Nuova technica per studiare 1 azione farmacologica sull'iride. Boll. Soc ital biol sper 1938, 13: 454-6.—Yonkman, F. F. Mydriasis affected by sympathomimetic agents. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1930, 40: 195-206.—Yosimura, K. Ueber den Einfluss des Benzols und seiner Denvate auf die Pupille des isolierten Froschauges Jap. J. M. Sc, 1940, 13: Proc. Pharm., 183. ---- Pharmacology: Miotics. See also under names of miotic substances as Pilocarpin. Appelmans, M. Note sur I'etude experimentale d'un nouveau miotique. C. rend. Soc biol., 1934, 115: 1259 — De Schweinitz, G. E., & Baer, B. F. Prolonged miosis for the control of increased intraocular tension, with remarks on the preparation of solutions of the miotics. Ther. Gaz., Detr 1926, 3. ser., 50: 469-71— Dubar, J.. Lamache, A., & Sonm Action de Tadtenaline sur la pupille; mvosis adtenalinique. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1928, 33-5.—Gaisbock, F. Bemer- kungen zur Calcium-Miose. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1929, 141: 379.—Graf, H., & Munter, S. Ueber den Einfluss extra- cornealer Kolloide auf die Miosis des instillierten Pilocarpus. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1927, 56: 248-67— Graf, H., & Scheer, E. Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Physostig- min- und Pilocarpinmiosis beim Pferde und Pindc. Ibid., 1929, 59: 579-600.—Hamburger, C. Das starkste Miotikum [Amin-glucosan [Histamin]] Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1926, 76: 849-56.—Tukamoto, R. Ueber die Empfindlichkeitssteigerung der vom Ciliarganglion befreiten Iris gegen Pilocarpin. Fol. jap. pharm., 1926, 2: [Brev.] 2.—Yonkman, F. F. Ergotoxine miosis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 1014-6. ---- Pharmacology: Mydriatics. See also under names of mydriatic substances as Atropine, etc. Bab, W. Syntropan for diagnostic mydriasis. Eye Ear &c Month., 1942-43, 21: 84.—Batten. R.D. A report of the comparative action of homatropine methyl bromide and homatropine bromide as a mydriatic Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1908, 27: 8-11.—Beccari, E. L'azione dei midriatici attivi sulla pupilla controlaterale. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938. 13: 93. ■---;— & Mantice, L. L'azione comparativa dei midriatici attivi e passivi, in rapporto con Tinnervazione reciproca della pupilla. Ibid., 1937, 12: 364-7.—Bertozzi, A. DelTazione comparata del bromuro di metilatropina e del bromidrato di omatropina sull'occhio e della loro tossicite. Ann. ottalm., 1906, 35: 40-57.—Blicke, F. F., A Maxwell, C. E. Synthetic mydriatics. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1942, 64: 428-33.— Castelli, A. Experiment! ed osservazioni sull'azione midriatica di alcune sostanze simpaticomimetiche: adrenalina, efedrina sintctica (efetonina) simpatola, ordenina. Arch, ottalm., 1935, 42: 95-125— Chen, K. K., & Poth, E. J. Racial dif- ferences in mydriatic action of cocaine, euphthalmine, and ephedrine. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1929-30, 13: 91-3.— Erlanger, G., & Erlanger, A. Lokalisierte Pupillenerweiterung durch Iontophorese mit Adrenalin. Klin. Mbl., Augenh., 1932, 88: 86.—Flynn, F. Mydriatic synergy; a note on the use of mydriatics by sub-conjunctival injection. Brit. J. Ophth., 1933, 17: 298-301, pl.—French, J. M. The mydriatic alkaloids. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1906, 8: 35-40.—Girndt, O., & Evers, A. Ueber den Einfluss ein- und doppelseitiger Abtragung der Grosshirnrinde auf die Wirkungstarke einiger pupillenerweiternder Mittel. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1940, 195: 280-94.—Gradle, H. S. The effects of mydriatics upon intraocular tension. Am. J. Ophth., 1936, 3. ser., 19: 37-9.— Graf, H., & Georgi, H. Ueber die Atropinmydriasis nach Zusatz von Serum zum Instillat. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1927, 56: 439-51.—Hannan, J. H. Further observations on adrenaline mydriasis at the menopause. Brit. M. J,, 1928, 2: 931.—Howe, L. The effects of full and of minimum doses of atropin sulphate and of homatronin hydrobromate. Ophthal- mology, Milwaukee, 1905-06, 2: 621-30.—Jenzer, H. " Ueber die kombinierte Anwendung von Ephedrin und Atropin. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1931-33) 1934, No. 35, 1.—Kubli._ Ozhelatelno bolshem organischenii primie- neniya atropin'a i voobshtshe midriaticheskikh sredstv pri niekotorikh glaznikh zabolievaniyakh. Tr. Obshtsh. Russk. vrach. Pirogbva (1904) 1905, 9. sess., 3: 167-70.—Magitot, A. Sur Taction mydriatique de Tadtenaline. Ann. ocul., Par., 1927, 164: 482-98.—Pitini, A. Sull'azione midriatica del chloridrato di isoammino-acetofenonc Arch, farm.. Pal., 1906, 12: 67-71.------& Paterno, M. Ricerche sperimentali su un nuovo midriatico: fenomidrol (Pitini') Arch. farm, sper., Roma, 1915, 20: 540-60.—Post, L. T. Mydriatics for elderly patients. Am. J. Ophth., 1937, 3. ser., 20: 73.—Powell, L. S., & Hyde, M. E. Observations on the action of benzedrine sulfate ophthalmic solution used alone in the production of mydriasis. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1938, 39: IRIS 540 IRIS 434.- Rierhert, T. Svntropan als Mydriatikum zu diagnosti- sehen /.«.- v. -. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1278.— Rizzo, A. Sulla mil tin cocaina. Boll. Soc biol. sper. 1920, 1: 277-9. •----Sulla midriasi da cocaina (contributo speu- mentale) Ann. ottalm., 1027, 55: 1-35, S ch.— Roepko. P. E. A. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkune der Mvdria- tica beim Pferde. Mhefte prakt. Tierh., 1906, 17: 415-44 — Ruiter, G. C. P. de [Investigations on the action of Atropa belladonna on the iris] Onderzoek. Physiol. Lab., Utrecht, 1853-54, 6: 83-122.—Scalzitti. Esperienze cliniche sui cmn- portamento della pupilla all'inizio e alia fine della midriasi atropinica. Ann. ottalm., 1928, 56: 300-15.—Schmidt. E. Ueber die mydriatisch wirkenden Alkaloide der Daturaarten. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1906, 244: 66-71.—Schmincke. Demon- stration der Ehrmannschen Reaktion (Adrenalin-mydriasis am enukleierten Froschauge) Sitzber. phys. med. Ges. Wurzburg, 1908, 57.—Schoofs. Rapport de la commission charg6e d'apptecier le travail manuscrit de MM. F. Sternon et F. Henrioul, intitule: Les collyres mydriatiques concenttes k la ievotenine-16votenone. Bull. Acad. med. Belgique, 1938, 6. ser., 3: 558-60.—Sternon, F., & Hendrioul, F. Les collyres mydriatiques concenttes k la levotenine-ievorenone. Ibid., 638-50.—Watson, G. M., Heard, C. R. C, & James, W. O. A comparison of the biological and chemical assayrs of bella- donna and stramonium. Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1941, 14: 253-8.—Yonkman, F. F. Sympathomimetic mydriasis. Sunti Congr. internaz. fisiol., 1932, 14. Congr., 268. ---- Physiology. Bakker, A. Comment l'iris se comporte-t-il dans un milieu liquide mobile? Ann. ocul., Par., 1938, 175: 477.—Braunstein, E. P. [Electrical actinic rays of the iris] Vrach. delo, 1926, 9: 1489-05.—Grimelli, G. Intorno ad alcuni argomenti relativi alTiride e alia visione. Mem. med. contemp., Venez., 1841, 5: 539-57.—Iske, M. S. A study of the iris mechanism of the alligator. Anat. Pec, 1929. 41: 57-77.- Jennings, E. A. On the physiology ot the ins. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828. 1: 542- I. -.lirman. J. [Pin sioloric researches on the automatism of the isolated iris] ('as. lek. cesk., 1928, 67: 1467-9.—Linksz, A. Zur I'lage des sogenannten physiologischen Pupillen- abschlusses. Arch. Augenh., 1931-32, 105: 520-30.—Munch, K. Kritik der Poosschen Irisversuche. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1926, 77: 198-500.—Studnitz, G. von. Studien zur verglei- chenden Physiologie der Iris; Rana temporaria. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1932, 229: 492-537. ■----- Studien zur verglei- chenden Phvsiologie der Iris; Selachier. Zsehr. vergl. Phvsiol., 1933, 19: 019-31. ------ Studien zur vergleichenden Physi- ologie der Iris; Reptilien. Ibid., 632-47. ------ Studien zur vergleichenden Physiologie der Iris; zur Adaptation der Stiibchen und Zapfen. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. allg. Zool., 1934 35, 54: 119-56.—Thienemann, H. G. Ein Beitiag zur Phvsiologie der Vogeliris. Ibid., 1930-37, 57: 293-322.—Young, J. Z. Comparative studies on the physiology of the iris; selachians. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., 1933, 112: ser. H, 228-41.------ Comparative studies on the physiology of the iris; Uranoscopus and Lophius. Ibid., 242-9. ---- Prolapse. See also subheadings Adhesion; also Eye injury, Complication; Iridencleisis; Iridodialysis. Kappeler, E. *Ueber die Vermeidung von Glaskorper-Irisvorfall nach der Erfahrung der Ziircher Klinik an 385 Lappenextraktionen des Altersstars, mit Bemerkungen zur Technik der Extraktion [Zurich] 23p. 8? Basel, 1927. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: Beaumont, J. H. Penetrating wTound of eye; cure of pro- lapsed iris without operation. Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 785.— Bettman, J. W., & Barkan, H. Trichloracetic acid in the treat- ment of iris prolapse. Am. .1. (Iphth., 1937, 3. ser., 20: 131-4.— Bonparola, T. DelTuso della soluzione dell'atropa belladonna nell'ernia dell'iride. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1831, 3: 38-43.— D'Ombrain, A. W. Prolapse of the iris treated with trichlor- acetic acid. Med. J. Australia, 1938, 2: 909.—De Sanctis, B. E. La diateimoeoagiilazioiie nei prolassi dell'iride. Boll. ocul., 1930. 15: 417-00. Gow. W. K. Some remarks on pro- lapse of the iris and its treatment. China M. J. 1931, 48: 804-6.—Griinfeld. H. Spontaner Irisprolaps bei Kandektasien ■ let Hornhaut. Khn Mbl. Augenh.. 1934. 92: 509-13.— I e»>s. A. C. >r'-'i!tai"!nus i;.i"!air-e ot "is. Memphis M J., I94.J, 18: 78 — Magitet. A., &. Dubois-Poulsen, A. Traitement '■les prolapsus mens par l'acide trichloracetique; technique de Penman et Barkan. Ann. ocul., Par., 1938, 175: 449-54.— Markovic, A. Gleichzeitige Doppelparazentese der Hornhaut beim Isolieren von vernarbten Irisprolapsen. Klin Mbl Augenh., 1937, 98: 187-90.—Peterson, R. A. Hernia, of the iris. China M. J., 1928. 42: 811-5.—Sedan, J. Sur la tolerance durable de quelques volumineuses hernies de l'iris. Ann. ocul., Par., 1933, 170: 72-7. -Treatment of prolapse of the iris' Bull. Pract. Ophth., S. Franc, 1937, 7: 27.—Wescott, V. Treatment of prolapse of the iris. Surg. J., 1927-28, 34: 6. ---- PupiL Amsler, M. De la lueur pupillaire. Rev. g£n. opht Oen-ve, 1923, 37: 473-5, ch.—Behr, C. Ergebniss3 dy pv. pillenforschung. Zbl. ges. Ophth., 1934-35, 32: 241-57.— Bollack, J. Les pupilles k 1 etat statique. Ann. med. psvchol., Par., 1938, 96: pt 2. 129. Also I'rose med., 1938, 16:' 1307. Also Rev. neur., Par., 193S. 69: 590-001 [I)iscussion| 019. Also Riv. otoneur.. 1939, 16: ."> 1 7 [Discussion| 0.")-8.- Cat-like pupils in man. Brit. M. J., 1915, 1: 436.- ( outela, ('. Le pupille verticale de Moltke. Acsculape, Par., 1935, 25: 30.— Hird, R. B. The pupil. Birmingham M. Rev., 1937, 12: 225-41.—Kahn, R. H. Ueber binokulare Vcreinigung der irice.non Tupillen. Arch. ges. Physiol.. 1912. 145: 249-60.— Luckiesh, M.. A- Moss. F. K. A correlation between pupillary aiea and retinal sensibility. Am. .1. Ophth., 1934, 3. ser., 17: 598-601.—Monbrun. A. Les pupilles k l'6tat dvnamiquc Ann. med. ps\chol., Par.. 1938, pi 2, 129. - Les pupilles k l'etat dynamique. Presse med., 1938, 46: I30S. Also Rev neur., Par., 1938, 69: 602 18 [Discussion] 019. Also Riv otoneur., 1939, 16: 57-68- -Wagman. I. H.. & Gullbcrg, J. F. The relationship between monochromatic light and pupil diameter; the low intensity visibility curve as measured by pupillary measurements. Am. J. Phvsiol., 1942, 137: 769-78.— Walls. G. L. The slit pupil. In his Vertebr. Eve, Bloomfield, 1942, 217-28.—Werner, S. Die Bedeutung der Pupillengrosse fiir die Fusionsfrequenz bei Untersuchung mit intermittieren- dem Licht. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1936, 14: 28-38. ---- Pupil: Anisocoria. See also under names of primary diseases as Neurosyphilis, etc. Balmelle, E. *De l'inegalite pupillaire dans les anevrismes arteriels et les affections du coeur. 72p. 8? Toulouse, 1900. Bierhoff, F. *Ueber Haufigkeit und Ursa- chen der Anisokorie. 20]>. 8? Marb., 1907. Kipfer, M. *Les inegalitds pupillaires d'ori- gine sympathique dans les lesions du systeme nerveux central; contribution a I'etude des voies et des centres dienct'phaliques du sympathique oculaire; 6tude clinique et experimentale. 184p. 25 J i cm. Par., 1938. Aliquo Mazzei, A. L'anisocoria spontanea e provocate, nei vizi eardiaci scompensati. Atti Accad. fisiocrit. Siena, 1929, 10. ser., 4: 501-19.—Bonanno, A. M. L'anisocoria in corso di radioterapia dei tumori del mediastino. Gazz. osp., 1928, 49: 117") 80.—Bychowski, Z. \\ sprawie anisokoryi. Post okul Krakow, 1910. 12: 263; 295— Byrne. J. G. Mechanism of pupil inequality following bilateral section of the cervical sympathetic In his Stud. Physiol. Eye, Lond., 1942, 49 61.— Dieter, W. Ueber die topisch-diagnostische Bedeutung der Anisokorie bei homonymer Hemianopsie (Behr'sches Phano- men) Zsehr. Augenh., 1928, 66: 300-8.—Donini, G. Dell'ani- socoria nelle sindromi addominali. Cior. clin. med., 1928, 9: 50-9.—Dotti, P. Anisocoria spontanea e anisocoria provocata. Note psichiat., 1926, 3. ser., 14: 27-61. - --- La inegua- glianza pupillare nei malatidi tubercolosi polmonare; contributo clinico. Tubercolosi, 1931, 23: 93-100—Genet, L. Mydriase unilaterale dans Thetedo-syphilis. Bull. Soc opht Paris 1933, ptl, 379.—Hansen, K. Piipillei.ungleichheit als Sym- ptom innerer Erkrankungen. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1928, 107: 71-5.—Jaeger, E. Einseitige Pupillenstarre. Klin. Mbl! Augenh., 1930, 97: 658-61.—Korosi, A. Zur Aetiologie der Pupillendifterenz; ein kurzer Beitrag zur Beziehung zwischen Auge und Ohr. Mschr. Ohrenh., Wien, 1933, 67: 207-9.— Kopylov, G. E. [Anisocoria in excitation of the nerves of the abdominal cavity and intestinal wall] J. Physiol. USSR, 1940, 28: 529-34.—Lafon, C. Nouvelle contribution k I'etude des inegalites pupillaires; le miosis homolateral par tepercussivite para-sympathique dans les affections oculaires. Ann. ocul Par., 1927, 164: 770-80. ------ Contribuci6n al estudio de las anisocorias: miosis homolateral por repercusi6n para- simpAtica en las afecciones oculares. Rev. otoneur B Air 1928, 2: 142-4.—Minchev, P. Die Anisokorie bei Hund und Katze in Verbindung mit peripheren Entzundungsprozessen. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1932-33, 129: 379-80.—Mossa, G. L'anisocoria nella tubercolosi polmonare e suo comportamento nei pneumotoraec. Lettura oft., 1933, 9: 511-56.— Mpistis. Utpurruatis Tivis 'avioOKopias. 'laTpwitr iir)vijT(cp, 1910, 10: 5. —Nordmann, J. L'anisocorie dans Th6mia'nopsie' bitein- poiale evohiee A un ceil. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1931. 9: 17:, 7 Piperno. A. Ams-ocoria of dental origin, J. Am. Deut A- 1934, 211: 1459-61.—Rabinovich, M. G. |Svmptom of'dis- parity of the pupils m pulmonaiy tuberculosis] J. teor. prakt. med., 1929, 3: 169-8e.-Romaguera, L. P. Sindrome frdnico pupuar; su importancia en el diagnostico y pronostico de las afecciones pleuropulmonares tuberculosa*. Prensa m6d Habana, 1930, 21: No. 7, 4-30, pl. Also Vida nueva, Habana, 1930, 25: 507-35.—Sabbadini. D. Considerazioni sull'ani- socoria fisiologica cosidetta reazione di Tournay Riv oto- neur., 1926 3: 131-60—Schauenberg, E. L'inegalite pupil- laire dans leS affections de I'appareil icspiratoire. J. m6d. chir., Par., 1926, 97: 280-8.—Sergent. E., & Vasiliu. Valeur experimentale du pneumothoia\ artificiel dans I'etude de linegahte pupillaire simple. Ibid., 1929, 109: 229-33 — Smirnov, V. A. [On disparity of the pupils 1 Nevropat. psi- khiat,, 1941, 10: No. 2, 64-7.—Snell. H. K., & Cormack, G. A. Lne incidonce of unequal pupils in unconvicted prisoners. Brit. M. J., 1938, 1: 672.-Sreznevsky, V. V. [Sound irritation IRIS 541 IRIS for diagnosis of latent anisocoria] Tr. Gosud. inst. med. znanii, 1929, No. 5, 33-9.—Steele, H. D. A case of anisocoria. Ophth. Rec, Chic, 1904, 13: 370.—Stella, H. de. L'anisocorie dans les inflammations de la caisse. Ann. otolar., Par., 1933, 1410-2.—Top-Avramesco, A. Anisocorie dependant d'une anisometropie. Rev. neur., Par., 1909, 17: 177.—Tournay, A., & Fourquier, G. Remarques sur l'inegalite pupillaire par syndrome sympathique d'oxcitation. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1936, 14: 186-9.—Tranquilli, E. DelTanisocoria in malattie sopra- e sottodiaframmatiche. Gazz. med. Roma, 1932, 58: 166-70.—Velter, E., & Tournay. A. L'inegalite pupillaire. Ann. ocul., Par., 1928, 165: 64-70. Also Arch, opht., Par., 1927, 44: 721-68. Also Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1927, 390-497. ------Interpretation des inegalitis pupillaires. Medecine, Par., 1927-28, 9: 381-5.------Les anisocories teflexes et par tepercussivite. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1928, 6: 1-11.— Waller, W. H., & Barris, R. W. Pupillary inequality in the cat following experimental lesions of the occipital cortex. Am. J. Physiol., 1937, 120: 144-9.—Weger, A. M. [Sym- pathetic anisocoria in loaders] Sovet. psikhonevr., 1933, 9: 116-9.—Weill, G., & Nordmann, J. A propos de la pathogenie de certaines anisocories apres traumatisme cranien. Rev. otoneur.. Par., 1933, 11: 516.—Weisz, M. [Dissimilarity of the pupils] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1927, 25: 215-8. ---- Pupil: Ectopy. Alexiades. Un cas de corectopie prononc.ee, bilaterale externe et symetrique. Arch, opht., Par., 1929, 46: 154-68.— Ayers, W. McL. Bilateral congenital corectopia, with dis- placement of the pupils upward and outward and luxation of the lenses downward and inward. Cincinnati I »ncet Clin., 1902, n. ser., 49: 157.—Blazekovic, I. Slufiaj istosmjernog premjestenja pupile i le6e na obim ofima. Liec. vjest., 1905, 27: 223-31.—Botteri. Ein besonderer Fall von Polvkorie. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1920, 64: 106-9.—Danielson, R. W. Bilateral ectopia pupillae and lentis. Am. J. Ophth., 1934, 3. ser., 17: 1153.—Ginestous, E. Corectopie. Bull. Soc. med. chir. Bordeaux (1925) 1926, 258-60.—Lampis, E. Corectopia bilaterale associata ad assenza della convergenza. Boll, ocul., 1930, 9: 393-418.—MacRae, A. Bilateral congenital discoria. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1937, 57: 346.—Mills, R. G. A case of polycoria. Bull. Manila M. Soc, 1912, 4: 119.—Mussabeili, U. C. Zur Kasuistik der Korektopie. Zsehr. Augenh., 1929, 68: 20-2. ---- Pupil: Examination. Schtjh, R. *Ueber die normalen Pupillen- weiten von Kleinkindern und Sauglingen. 16p. 20^cm. [Erlangen] 1937. Abelsdorff, G., & Piper, H. Vergleichende Messungen der Weite der direkt und der konsensuell reagierenden Pupille. Arch. Augenh., 1904-5, 51: 366; 1910-11, 68: 196.—Bab, W. Zur diagnostischen Pupillenerweiterung. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1937, 98: 83.—Becker. Pupillendistanzmessungen. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1926, 77: 317-20—Bomer, M. Ueber die praktische Verwendbarkeit des Sanderschen Pupilloskopes. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1933, 90: 207-10.—Bolotina, S. Die Anwendung des Hessschen Pupilloskops in der neurologischen Klinik. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1931, 121: 95-105. Also Klin, med., Moskva, 1931, 9: 82-5.—Bourbon, O. P. An improved pupillometer. Am. J. Ophth., 1942, 25: 1107.— Bryhni, H. Pupille diameteren som maal for bedommelse av lysstyrken, specielt ved fotografiske optagelser. Tskr. norske laegeforen., 1908, 28: 811-5.—Cogan, D. G. A simplified entoptic pupillometer. Am. J. Ophth., 1941, 24: 1431-3.— Danis, M., & Coppez, J. H. L'exploration de la pupille. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1926, 4: 81-106.—Dupont, M. Excitateur de la pupille pour la recherche du reflexe lumineux. Bull. gen. ther., 1903, 145: 488-90.—Engel, S. Widerstandspupilloskop; ein neuer Apparat zur Messung der motorischen und optischen Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit. Arch. Augenh., 1930, 103: 657-64.—Feldman, J. B. An improved illuminator and pupillometer. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1933, 9: 974-6.—Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A pupillometer. Am. J. Ophth., 1925, 8: 945-7. ------ An instrument for measuring the breadth of the pupil. Am. J. Psychol., 1927, 38: 292, pl.—Fitz, G. W The constants of pupillary reaction (a preliminary report of experimentation with the shadow- pupillometer) Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, 1911, 27: p. xxviii.—Franceschetti, A. A propos de la pupillometrie, methode de Lowenstein. Rev. neur., Par., 1938,69:625. ------& Borsotti, I. L'importanza del metodo pupillografico di Lowenstein per Taccertamento delle reazioni pupillari fisiologiche e patologiche. Riv. otoneur., 1939, 16: 183-213.—Frydrychowicz & Harms. Ergebnisse pupillo- motorischer Untersuchungen bei Gesunden und Kranken. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1940, 105: 373.—Gallenga, R. Metodo per Tesclusione del riflesso accomodativo nella determinazione del diametro pupillare. Lettura oft., 1931, 8: 629-33, pl.— GifTord, S. R., & Mayer, L. L. The clinical use of the Sander pupilloscope. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1931, n. ser., 6: 63-9.— Harms, H. A new measure of interpupillary distance. Ibid., 1938 19: 149.—Hartinger, H. Pupillenweiten. Zsehr. ophth. Optik 1937 25-1-7.—Hartleib, R. Die diagnostische Pupillen- erweiterung Deut. med. Wschr., 1932, 58: 735.—Helmbold. Zur Priifung der Pupillarreaktion. Med. Khn., Berl., 1911, 7: is,7__Tnriardi J A. A routine for diagnosing abnormal Pupiis. Dis. Eye &c. Throat, 1942, 2: 219-22.-Jackson, E. To measure the pupil. Am. J. Ophth., 1942, 25: 871.—Jones, R. C. The koremetron; an instrument for measuring pupillary diameters. J. Optic. Soc America, 1939, 29: 531-4.—Kofman & Bujadoux. Le reflexometre pupillaire. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1922, 86: 1165.—Krusius, F. F. Isochrome Pupillenskala zur Messung in auf- und durchfallendem Lichte. Zsehr. Augenh., 1909, 21: 208-12.—Lampis, E. Pupilloscopia endottica. Boll. ocul., 1934, 13: 1492-504.—Last, S. L. Die Fruhdiagnose der luetischen Pupillenstorung mit dem Hess'schen Differential- pupilloskop. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1928-29, 107: 243-59 — Lowenstein, O. Pupillography: its significance in clinical neurology. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1940, 44: 227-9 Also J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1940, 92: 80-3. ------& Friedman, E. D. Pupillographic studies; present state of pupillography, its method and diagnostic significance. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1942, 27: 969-93.—Machemer, H. Beitrage zur Phvsiologie und Pathologie der Pupille; eine kinematographische Methode zur Pupillenmessung und Registrierung der Irisbewegung. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1933, 91: 302-16, pl.—Maltesos, C. Eine Methode zur fortlaufenden Registrierung der Pupillenweite. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1938-39, 241: 129-31.—Mazzucconi, M. Ricerche sulla rinessometria pupillare con Tapparecchio Kotman-Bujadoux modificato. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1926, 1: 187-201.—Modonesi, F. Contributo alia semiologia pupil- lare con presentazione ediilustrazione di un nuovo apparecchio: il pupilloscopioe isuoi vantaggi. Bull, sc med., Bologna, 1929, 101: 133-55.—[N. S. Mendelson's apparatus for measuring the amplitude of dilatation and contraction of the pupil] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1939, 8: No. 1, 134-6.—Oppenheim, H. Bemerkung zur Priifung der Pupillarlichtreaktion. Neur. Zbl., 1911, 30: 362.—Pacalin, G. De l'utilisation de Tedaireur par contact pour la recherche des reflexes pupillaires photo- moteurs et l'examen des images de Purkinje. Arch, opht., Par., 1925, 42: 735-40.—Palomar Collado, F. Representaci6n gtefica de las distintas modalidades de los reflejos pupilares. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1932, 17: 344-6, 2 diagr.—Ronne, H. Pupilunders0gelsens teknik. Hospitalstidende, 1909, 5. R., 2: 338—42.—Sander, E. Ueber quantitative Messung der Pupil- lenreaktion und einen in der Praxis hiefur geeigneten einfachen Apparat. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1929, 83: 318-22.—Schmelzer, H. Eine einfache Untersuchungsmethode auf hemianopische Pupillenstarre mittels der Spaltlampe. Ibid., 1931, 87: 200-3.— Schuster, P. Zu der Bemerkung zur Priifung der Pupillarlicht- reaktion von Herrn Prof. Oppenheim. Neur. Zbl., 1911, 30: 472.—Sciortino, S. E. Nuovo metodo di esplorazione farmaco- dinamica e suo valore semeiologico nelle anisocorie da lesioni nervose e in quelle fisiologiche. Boll, ocul., 1935, 14: 960-83.— Scotti, P. Sui vari metodi di misurazione del forame pupillare. Ann. ottalm., 1929, 57: 886-99.—Walter, A. Isophote pour la recherche du teflex pupillaire. Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 76. ---- Pupil: Occlusion. See also under such headings as Cataract; Cornea, Leukoma; Iris, Abnormity: Persistent pupillary membrane, etc. Bulson, A. E. Surgery of the closed pupil. Tr. Indiana Acad. Ophth., 1929, 10-20. Also Am. J. Ophth., 1930, 3. ser., 13: 871-5. Also J. Indiana M. Ass., 1930, 23: 531-4.—Grave, E. Oclusion pupilar. An. Soc mex. oft., 1932-33, 10: 39-42 — Hurtault, J., ct Sverdlick, J. Patologia quiriirgica de la oclusion pupilar. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1941, 16: 449-52.—Treatment of occluded or obliterated pupil. Bull. Pract. Ophth., S. Franc, 1939, 9: 3-5.—Ziegler, S. L. Membranous occlusion of pupil following secondary infection; treated with phvlacogen. Tr. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia, 1916, 3. ser., 38: 352. ---- Pupil: Polycoria. Bakly, M. A. el. A peculiar case of polycoria. Bull. Ophth. Soc Egypt, 1936, 29: 153-5.—Lisch, K. Zur Kenntnis der Polykorie. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1938, 100: 896-900.—Pires de Lima, J. A., & Lemos, M. de. Biomicroscopie d'un iris a 2 pupilles. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1937, 14: 159-61. Also Arq. anat., Lisb., 1937, 18: 419-24.—Riad, M., & Boulgakow, B. A case of diplocoria in a donkey. Bull. Ophth. Soc. Egypt, 1935 28: 118.—Sedan, J. Polycorie en trefle unilaterale. Ann. ocul., Par., 1927, 164: 683-9.—Sivtsev, D. A. K voprosu o tak naz. polikorii. Vest, oft., 1911, 28: 581-4. ---- Pupil, tonic [Adie's syndrome] Boente, F. *Ein Beitrag zur traumatisch bedingten pseudoreflektorischen Pupillenstarre. 35p. 8? Berl., 1927. Cunz, H. *Beobachtungen von Adie'schem Syndrom an der Medizinischen Poliklinik Zurich in den Jahren 1933-37 [Zurich] 35p. 21cm. Niederurnen, 1940. Curveille, J. *Du syndrome d'Adie; de son diagnostic et des problemes etiologiques qu'il pose. 77p. 8? Lyon, 1935. Desplanques, J. *Sur la pupille tonique, 51p. 8? Par., 1937. IRIS nA'2 IRIS Kehrfi. F. Die Kuppelungen von Pupillen- storungen mit Auf hebung der Sehnenreflexe; Adio-Syndrom, Pupillotonie, Pseudotabes, kon- stitutionelle Areflexie. 59p. 8? Lpz., 1937. Adie. W. J. Tonic pupils and absent tendon reflexes: a benign disorder sui generis: its complete and incomplete forms. Brain, Lond., 1932, 55: 98-113.------ Complete and incomplete forms of the benign disorder characterised by tonic pupils and absent tendon reflexes. Brit. J. Ophth.. 1932. 16: 449-61— Adler, F. H.. & Scheie, H. G. The site of the disturbance in tonic pupils. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1940, 38: 183-92, 5 pl.—Alajouanine, T., & Morax, P. V. La pupille tonique (pupillotonie) et ses rapports avec le syndrome d'Adie. Ann. ocul., Par., 1938, 175: 205; 277.—Allen, I. M. Tonic pupils with and without areflexia. N. Zealand M. J., 1938, 37: 279-90. —Andrfi-Thomas & Ajuriaguerra, J. de. Association de troubles pupillaires et d'ateflexie osteotendineuse. Rev. neur., Par., 1936, 66: 78-86.—Babonneix, L., Grenet. H., & Sigwald, J. Syndrome d'Adie chez une fiUette. Ibid., 67: 622.—Barre, J. A. & Helle. Syndrome d'Adie bilateral avec des troubles pupillaires. Ibid., 1934, 41: pt 1, 542-5.—Barr£, J. A., & Klein, M. Etude d'un cas de syndrome d'Adie. Ibid., 590-2.—Bergmark. G. LTeber die Aetiolosie der Pupillotonie. Acta psychiat. neur., Kbh., 1939, 14: 297-305.— Bernhardt. H. Adie's svndrome. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1942-13, 19: 178-81.—Bettini. D. Adic-Svndrom und Avitaminose. Deut. ni"d. Wschr., 1939, 65: 1130 — Bieling. Scheinbare Pupillenstarre. Zsehr. Augenh., 1935, 86: 342.—Bistis. J. La pupillotonie et le svndrome d'Adie. Arch, opht., Par., 1939, n. ser., 3: 706-10— Bramwell, E. The Holmes-Adie syndrome; a benign clinical entity which simulates syphilis of the nervous system. Edinburgh M. J., 1936, 43: No. 6, 83-92.—Braun. H. Ein Beitrag zum Adie- Syndrom. Deut. med. Wschr.. 1938, 64: 1869-71.—Brom- berg, W. Atypical ease of syndrome of tonic pupils and absent reflexes. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1934, 80: 697-701. Also Arch. Neur. Psychiat,, Chic., 1935, 33: 676-9.—Biirki. E. Ueber Pupillotonie. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1937, 99: 145-68.— Cardell, J. D. M. Two cases of myotonic pupil fa typical) Proc R. Soc M., Lond., 1933, 26: 37.—Cardona. F. Sulla sindrome di Adie. Riv. pat. nerv., 1936, 48: 188-213.—Cefaly, A. La sindrome di Adie. Rinasc med., 1939. 16: 616.—Cha- vany, J. A. A propos d'un cas de pupillotonie (svndrome d'Adie) Presse m6d., 1935, 43: 1243.—Coppez, H. Deux cas de syndrome d'Adie. Bull. Soc. beige opht,, 1934, No. 70, 60-5.—Cowan. T. H. Adie's syndrome; report of a case. Arch. Neur. Psvchiat., Chic, 1941, 46: 181. Also Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1941. 25: 730. Also Am. J. Ophth.. 1942. 25: 457 — Dahlgrcn, K. G. (Adie's syndrome) Nord. med., 1939, 2: 1787-90.—De Busscher, J. Pupillotonie et areflexie tendineuse. J. beige neur. psychiat., 1935, 35: 331-8.— De Jaeger. A. Trois cas de syndrome d'Adie. Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1938, No. 77, 118-26.—Dressier, M. Zur Kenntnis der Pathogenese ilea Adie'schen Syndroms. Helvet, med. acta, 1937, 4: 801-9.------Familiiires Vorkommen von Adieschem Syndrom mit Hippus. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1013-7.— Dynes. J. B. Adie's syndrome; its recognition and importance. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 1495-7.—Ferreira. F. Siudromo de Adie; sobre uma observacao clinica. Rev. meri. Bahia, 1941, 9: 51-3.—Franchel, F. La pupille tonique; svndrome. d'Adie. Gaz. hop., 1935, 108: 1663-8—Froge & Chiniara. J. Abolition des reflexes rotuliens et achilieens avec conservation des autres reflexes tendineux; troubles de la motilite irienne, syndrome d'Adie. Bull. Soc opht. Paris, 1936, 557-60 — Garcia Miranda, A., & Lopez, J. Pupillotonia ed areflessia generalizzate; sindrome di Adie. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 43 (Abstr.).—Gardner, W. J.. & Shively, F. L., jr. Adie's syndrome; report of 4 cases. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1940, 7: 203-8.—Gordon, M. M. [Myotonic reaction of the pupils and the significance in diagnosis of pseudosvphilisl Sovet. vrach. J., 1936, 1: 22-8.—Guillaumat, L. Pupille tonique chez un specifique. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1938, 16: 145-9.— Harris, W. Adie's syndrome, tonic pupils. Proc R. Soc. AL, Lond., 1941-42, 35: 188.—Hassin, G. B.. & Thompson, J. J. Pupillotonia or tonic pupils: report of three cases. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis.. 1934, 80: 430-6.—Heersema, P. H., & Moersch, F. P. Adie's syndrome. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1939, 14: 17-22.— Hough. W. H. Adie's syndrome in twins; a preliminary report Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1941, 10: 137-40.—Hubin, R. Un cas de syndrome d'Adie. Liege med., 1936, 29: 605-11.— Illing, E. Ueber Pupillotonie (tonische Konvergenzreaktion scheinbar lichtstarrer Pupillen) Mschr. Psychiat., 1933, 85: 135-44.—Irfan Basar. (Case of Adie's syndrome] Bull. Soc turque med., 1939, 5: 257-9.— Jelliffe, S. E. The myotonic pupil: a contribution and a critical review. J. Neur. Psycho- path., Brist., 1933, 13: 349-58.—Jennings, L. M. Two cases of myotonic pupils. Roy. Berkshire Hosp. Rep., 1933, 27-9.— Keevil, J. J. A case of Adie's syndrome. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1939, 25: 69.—Kholiavkin, A. D. ICertain pupillary disorders in relation to tendon areflexia] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1940, 9: No. 5, 79-85.—Kintner. G. Two cases of Adie's syndrome. Optometr. Week., 1940-41, 31: 325-7— Krotkov, N. V. [Case of Adie's syndrome] Vest, oft., 1941,18:207-10.— Kyrieleis, W. Scheinbare Pupillenstarre (Pupillotonie) mit Fehlen von Sehnen- und Periostreflexen (eine Systemerkran- kung?) Zsehr. Augenh., 1934, 83: 278-86.—Leathart, P. W. The tonic pupil syndrome. Brit. J. Ophth., 1942, 26: 60-4.— Leonhard, K. Zur Pathogenese der pupillotonischen Pseudo- tabes. Munch, med. Wschr.. 1938, 85: 321-3 — Lister. A. Tonic pupil. Am. J. Ophth., 19:11, 3. ser., 17: 857. Lowen- stein, O., & Friedman, E. I). Adie's syndrome, pupillotonie pseudotabes. Arch. Ophth.. Chic. 1942, 28: in 12 i.S.— McKinney, J. McD., & Frocht. M. Adie's syndrome; report of three cases. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic. 1939, 42: 961. ——— Adie's svndrome; a non-luetic disease simulating tabes dorsalis. Am. J. M. Sc. 1940. 199: 546-55.- Marchesnni. O. Pupillotonie (psetnlorellektoi isehe Pupillenstarre) und Storun- gen der Sehnenreflexe (Adiesches Svndrom) Jahrkius. iirztl. Fortbild., 193S, 29: II. II, 33-S. Markus, C. The tonic pupil. Brit. J. Ophth., 1942, 26: 137.—Marsigli. L. Sulla sindrome dell'Adie. Riv. otoneur., 1938, 15: 349-52.— Martins Rocha. Caso de sindromo de Adie. Arq. Inst. Penido Burnier, 1940-42, 6: 424 (Abstr.)—Marx, P. Deux cas de pupillotonie. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1939, 17: 454-9.—• Matzdorff, P. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pupillotonie (Adiesches Syndrom) Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 1307-9. Miller, F. J. W. Tonic pupils with absent tendon reflexes (Adie's syndrome); a note upon two cases. Newcastle M. J., 1938, 18: 86-91.—Moore, R. F. Adie's svndrome. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 99.—Muller. H. K. Pupillotonie und Adiesche Krankheit. Zsehr. Augenh., 1935, 87: 169; 1936, 88: 20-8 — Newman, B. A., & Jacobson, H. P. Adie's syndrome; pseudo Argyll Robertson pupil. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1940, 42: 360.—Nyiro, G. [Adie's syndrome] Orv. hetil., 1939, 83: mell., 141.—Penido Burnier. Caso de sindromo de Adie. Arq. Inst. Penido Burnier, 1940-42, 6: 423 (Abstr.)—Petit. G., & Delmond, J. Le syndrome d'Adie en pathologie mentale; ses rapports avec les syndromes neuro et psvcho-an6miques. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1936, 94: pt 1, 497-519.—Polonsky, S. P. [On the pseudo-Argyll-Robertson symptome] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1936, 5: 1141-8—Pomme, B., & Coumel, H. Abolition de plusieurs teflexes tendineux pupillaires sans etiologie syphilitique. Rev. neur., Par., 1933, 40: pt 2, 108-11. —Ramirez, F. Sindrome de Adie. Arch. urug. med., 1939, 15: 124-34. Also Acci6n med., B. Air., 1940, 10: 21-4.— R0nne, H. Et tilfaelde af myotonisk pupilreaktion (Laenger) Hospitalstidende, 1909, 5. K., 2: 501.—Romberg, E. H. Ueber das Adiesche Syndrom. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1937, 158: 145-7. ------ & Schaltenbrand, G. Beruht das Adiesche Syndrom auf einer Avitaminose? Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 1517-20.—Rudolf, G. de M. Tonic pupils with absent tendon reflexes in mother and daughter. J. Neur. Psychopath., Lond., 1935-36, 16: 367.—Adie's syndrome. Am. J. Ophth., 1940, 3. ser., 23: 196. ------ Site of disturb- ance in Adie's syndrome. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1940, 24: 225-37. —— & Adler, F. H. Site of the disturbance of tonic pupils, Adie's syndrome. Ibid., 1041-4.—Sittig, O. Pupillotonie (syndrome d'Adie) et syphilis. Rev. neur., Par., 1937, 68: 753-6.—Stfrensen, E. [Two cases of Adie's disease] Hospitalstidende, 1937, 80: Dansk neur. selsk. forh. 2-4.— Strandberg, J. Adie's syndrome in syphilitics. Acta derm. vener., Stockh., 1939, 20: 389-95.— Suarez Gabard, S. Pupilotonia v sifilis; a prop6sito de un caso. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1939, 14: 1006-9.—Tonic (The) pupil syndrome. Ind. M. Rec, 1942, 62: 313-6.—Vampre, E. Sindrome de Adie; & proposito de un caso. Rev. As. med. argent., 1936, 50: 1925.—Voisin, J. Une cause d'erreur dans la recherche du signe d'Argyll Robertson; la pupille tonique. Progr. med., Par., 1938, 645.—Von Hagen, K. O. Tonic pupils with absent tendon reflexes: the so-called Holmes-Adie syndrome; report of two cases. Bull. Los Angeles Neur. Soc, 1937, 2: 171-6.— Voss, G. Pupillotonie ein heredodegeneratives Syndrom? Deut. med. Wschr., 1938, 64: 1251-3.—Waldman, J., Eads, J. T., & Matthews, R. A. Adie's syndrome, report of a case. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1940, 43: 396.—Weber, F. P. Adie's syndrome. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 138. ------ Dr. Markus's original case of Markus's syndrome (myotonic pupil with absence of patellar and Achilles reflexes) shown twenty-seven and a half years ago. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1933, 26: 530.—Weill, G., & Reys, L. Sur la pupillotonie: contribution k T6tude de sa pathogenie; a, propos d'un cas de reaction tonique d'une pupille k la convergence et patesie de Taccommodation avec areflexie k la lumiSre chez un sujet atteint de crises tetaniformes et d'areflexie des membres inferieurs. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1926, 4: 433-41.—Wortis, S. B., & Reichard, J. D. Adie's syndrome; tonic pupils and absent tendon reflexes. Hosp. News, Wash., 1935, 2, 11: 14-20.—Zalla. M. Una forma benigna di pseudo-tabe: la sindrome di Adie. Rass. clin. sc, 1937, 15: 131—4. ---- Pupil: Variation. See also subheading Reflex. Bender, W. R. G. The effect of pain and emotional stimuli and alcohol upon pupillary reflex activity. 86p. 8? Princeton, 1933. Monnier, M. *Ueber korperliche und see- lische Einfliisse auf Pupillenbewegungen und Pupillenzustande. p.349-413. 4? Ziir., 1934. Also Nervenarzt, 1934, 7: ZtiST, F. *Das Verhalten der Pupille bei Abnahme des Luftdruckes. p.209-24. 24^cm. Ziir., 1940. IRIS 543 IRIS Adlersberg, D., & Kauders, F. Magensaftsekretion und Pupillenweite. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 23.—Candido da Silva, J. Motricidad intrinseca; ocular v psiquis. Actas Conf. Iat. amer. neurol., 1929, 1. Conf., 375-8.—Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Relation of size of pupil to intensity of light and speed of vision, and other studies. J. Exp. Psychol., 1932, 15: 37-55.— Gallenga, R. Sui comportamento del diametro pupillare in alta montagna in rapporto alia fatica. Rass. ital. ottalm., 1932, 1: 263.—Granaat, D. The pupil-reflex during food digestion. Acta brevia neerl., 1939, 9: 46-8. ------ An experimental research as to the pupil-reaction during the time of ingestion. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1939, 24: 25-52.—Inman, W. S. Sym- pathetic disturbance in connection with thoughts of death by hanging. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 202: 121-5.— Krause-Wichmann. Magensaftsekretion und Pupillenweite. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 22.—Lieben, S., & Kahn, R. H. Die emotionelle Reaktion der Pupille. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1930, 225: 699-704.—Minchev, P. Einseitige reflektorische My- driasis beim Gebarakt des Hundes. Arch. Ophth., Berl, 1932-33, 129: 518-25. ■----— Die einseitige reflektorische Mydriasis beim Gebarakt und bei Uteruserkrankungen der Katze. Ibid., 1934-35, 133: 138-42.—Monnier, M. Ueber korperliche und seelische Einfliisse auf Pupillenbewegungen und Pupillen zustande (Beitrag zur Lehre der Wechselbeziehun- gen zwischen animalen und vegativen Funktionen) Nerven- arzt, 1934, 7: 349; 398.—Morin, P. Les variations du tonus pupillaire; etude en particulier du teflexe pupillaire photo- moteur par projection lumineuse transpalpebrale. Rev. oto- neur., Par., 1932, 10: 721-8,—Pieraccini, C. La midriasi da sforzo con particolare studio analitico e sperimentale dei fenomeni pupillari nei respiro. Rass. stud, psichiat,, 1928, 17: 225-95.-—Rapisarda, D. Sui comportamento del diametro pupillare dell'ampiezza di accommodazione e della tensione endoculare in soggetti affaticati. Boll, ocul., 1936, 15: 461- 81.—Rolli. A. Untersuchungen uber die Abhangigkeit des Pupillenreflexes von der Schilddriise. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern, 1933-35, No. 16, 1-3. Also Zsehr. Biol., 1932-33, 93: 356-62.—Roubinovitch, J. Des variations du diametre pupillaire en rapport avec I'effort intellectuei. C. rend. Congr. internat, psychol. (1900) 1901, 4. Congr., 522 — Schlesinger, E. Die Ermudbarkeit des Pupillenreflexes bei der Einwirkung monochromatischer Reize. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 799.—Serr, H. Zur Frage des Kausalzusammenhanges zwischen Pupillenweite und Augendruck. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1928, 121: 3-45.—Shinoda, H. Ueber die voruberge- hende starke Erweiterung der Pupillen beim plotzlichen Erwachen eines Schlafenden. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1934, 10: 207.—Tamaru, Y. Ueber die Pupillenweite des mensch- lichen Auges direkt nach dem Tode. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1928, 40: 1875. ------ Studien iiber die postmortal Ver- anderung der Pupillenweite. Ibid., 1929, 41: 2029.—Thiebaut, F., Lemoyne, J., & Guillaumat, L. Modifications pupillaires consecutives k Talcoolisation du ganglion de Gasser par le trou ovale. Rev. neur., Par., 1938, 69: 625-8.—Ury, B., & Gellhorn, E. Influence of oxygen deficiency on reflex dilation of the pupil. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 426. —--- On the influence of anoxia on pupillary reflexes in the rabbit. J. Neurophysiol., 1939, 2: 136-41.—Viallefont & Lafon. Pupilloscopie entoptique; variations spontanees du diantetre pupillaire. Arch, opht., Par., 1938, n. ser., 2: 991.—Zanzucchi, G. Sulle variazioni della pupilla che si osservano durante la rotazione. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 237. ------ Reazione della pupilla all'eccitazione galvanica trasversale del capo. Ibid., 238. ---- Reflex [pupillary] Amicarelli, A. Su di un riflesso pupillare. Neopsichiatria, Pisa, 1936, 2: 196-9.—Angelucci, A. Sui meccanismo del moyimento pupillare. Gior. ocul., 1926, 7: 4—6.—Balado, M. Fisiopatologia de los movimientos pupilares. Arch, argent. neur., 1935, 13: 125-46.—Bean, J. W., & Bohr, D. F. Sphincter and radial iris muscle reaction to high oxygen. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 310.—Bramwell, E. Upon the pupil reactions, with special reference to contributions by alumni of the Edin- burgh school. Edinburgh M. J., 1938, 45: 161-74. Also in Edinburgh Postgrad. Lect. (1938-39) 1940, 1: 1-14.— Brana, J. [Pupillarreaction] Orv. hetil., 1937, 81: mell., 145.-—Erlich, M. Le phenom^ne nuquo-mydriatique de Flatau. Trav. sc. Clin. inf. Univ. Varsovie, 1930, 243-7 — Herk, A. W. H. van [Spontaneous mouvements of iris] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 1, 1005. •------ Le tettecisse- ment par eclairage de la pupille de l'iris isole. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1928-29, 13: 534-68, 7 pl.—Hesse, R. Studien uber die hemiopische Pupillenreaktion und die Ausdehnung des pupillomotorischen Bezirkes der Netzhaut. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1909, 47: 33-55.—Israelevich, Z. I. [Pupil phenome- non] Vrach. gaz., 1930, 34: 1420.—Jirman, J. Les mouve- ments spontanes de l'iris isole. Tr. Internat. Ophth. Congr. (1929) 1930, 13. Congr., 2: 510-3.—Kanngiesser, F. Ver- gleichsuntersuchungen zwischen der Licht- und Convergenzmi- osis, zwischen der Atropin- und Eserin wirkung auf Iris und Ciliarismuskel nebst Bemerkungen uber die Form der Pupille. Arch. Augenh., 1909, 63: 78-88, 1 pl.—Koppanyi, T., & Sun, K. H. Comparative studies on pupillary reaction in tetrapods; the reactions of the avian iris. Am. J. PhysioL, 1926, 78: 364-7.—Leyko, E. [Physiology and pharmacology of the isolated iris: the mechanism of contraction and dilatation of the pupil on the basis of pharmacological experiments] Med. d6sw., 1927, 7: 311-55.—Mendelson, N. S. [On the pupillary reflex] Nevropat, psikhiat., 1939, 8: No. 1, 131-3.—Mohr M A pupillareacti6r61. Gy6gyaNszat, 1912, 52: 734; 753; 773 — Pastine, C. A proposito deli'ultima nota del prof. A. Marina Riv. pat. nerv., 1915, 20: 354.—Peiper, A. Ueber das Pupil- lenspiel des Sauglings. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1926, 3. F., 62: 1^n783'—Petrov'£' A> & Chemolossov, A. Zur Frage iiber willkurliche Pupillenerweiterung. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1931, 87: 230-4.—Rochon-Duvigneaud. La forme et les mouve- ments de la pupille dans la serie des vertebtes. Bull Soc opht. Paris, 1927, 288-93.—Schlesinger. E. Ueber den Schwel- lenwert der Pupillenreaktion und die Ausdehnung des pupillo- motorischen Bezirkes der Netzhaut; Untersuchungen auf Grund einer neuen Methodik. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh 1912 45: 351. Also Deut. med. Wschr., 1913, 39: 163-6.------ Zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Pupillenreflexes auf Grund neuer Arbeitsmethoden. Nervenarzt, 1928, 1: 337-43.— Stefani, TJ., & Nordera, E. Del riflesso oculopupillare Riv sper. freniat., 1899, 25: 681-90.—Tommasi, C, & Colbacchini, E. A proposito di un nuovo fenomeno pupillare. Riv pat nerv., 1910, 15: 183-90.—Toulard. Dilatation pupillaire ou mydnase. Progr. med., Par., 1909, 3. ser., 25: 537.—Walls, G. L. Pupil mobility. In his Vertebr. Eye, Bloomfield, 3942, 153-63.—Weel, P. van, & Thore, S. (Pupillary reaction of Octopus vulgaris] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 601. Also Zsehr. vergl. Physiol., 1936, 23: 26-33.—Westphal, A. Ueber ein bei Katzen beobachtetes Pupillenphanomen. Neur. Zbl., 1920, 39: 146.—Young, J. Z. The pupillary mechanism of the teleostean fish Uranoscopus scaber. Proc. R. Soc, Lond 1930-31. ser. B, 107: 464-85. ---- Reflex: Accommodation and convergence reflex. Katjse, L. *Ueber paradoxe Naheinstellungs- reaktion [Freiburg i. B.] 15p. 8? Stuttg., 1927. Spbenger, K. H. *Die Adduktionsmiosis [Leipzig] 13p. 23^cm. Zeulenroda, 1937. Burian, H., & Schubert, G. Das Wesen der Naheeinstel- lungs-Reaktion der Pupillen. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1936, 136: 377-86.—Friedenthal, G. Paradoxe Naheinstellungsreaktion. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1928, 80: 191-200.—Goldflam, S. W spra- wie oddziatywania zrenic przy ruchu zbieznvm. Med. kron. lek., Warsz., 1911, 46: 840-2.—Gualdi, V. La reazione della pupilla alia convergenza (revisione critica degli studi sull'argo- mento e stato attuale della conoscenza scientifica del fenomeno: reazione pupillare alia accommodazione-convergenza) Lettura oft., 1930, 7: 205-26. ------ Ricerche sperimentali e osserva- zioni cliniche sui comportamento e sui meccanismo della reazione pupillare alia convergenza. Boll, ocul., 1931, 10: 806-55. ------ Sui comportamento della reazione pupillare alia convergenza nei monoculo. Boll, ocul., 1933, 12: 430-46.— Haessler, F. H. Near reaction of the pupil in the dark; a quantitative study. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Sect. Ophth., 1937, 182-8. Also Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1937, 18: 796- 801.—Kesten- baum. A., & Eidelberg, L. Konvergenzreaktion der Pupille und Naheinstellung. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1928,121:166-212.— Lohmann, W. Ueber die Frage: Konvergenz- oder Akkommoda- tions-Verengerung der Pupille bei der Naheinstellung. Ber. Ophth. Ges. (1908) 1909, 35: 264-77.—Marina, A. Sui mec- canismo della reazione pupillare alia convergenza e risposta ad alcune osservazioni del dott. Pastine. Riv. pat, nerv., 1915, 20: 117-21.—Molnar, I. [Absence of pupillary conver- gence reflex] Orv. hetil., 1933, 77: 858. Also Mschr. Psychiat., 1933-34, 87: 376-9.—Paez Allende, F. Eficaz metodo para investigar la reacci6n pupilar a la acomodaci6n convergencia. Sem. med., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 1, 1029.—Ronne, H. Ueber tonische Akkommodationsreaktion lichtstarrer Pupillen. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1909, 47: 41-6.—Ronchi, V. Ragioni ottiche della reazione pupillare alia convergenza. Boll, ocul., 1931, 10: 481-5.-—Schwarz, O. Zusatz zu vorstehender Arbeit iiber akkommodative Pupillenstarre ohne Lichtstarre. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1923, 70: 148. ---- Reflex: Conditioning. Kotliarevsky, L. I. [Formation of pupillary conditioned reflexes and differentiation in response to direct and verbal irritants] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1935, 39: 477-89.—Steckle, L. C. Two additional attempts to condition the pupillary reflex. J. Gen. Psychol., 1936, 15: 369-77. ——- & Renshaw, S. An investigation of the conditioned iridic reflex. Ibid., 1934, 11: 3-23.—Wedell, C. H., Taylor, F. V., & Skolnick, A. An attempt to condition the pupillary response. J. Exp. Psychol., 1940, 27: 517-31. ---- Reflex: Disorder. Feinstein, W. *Die Erweiterungsreflexe der Pupillen und ihr Fehlen bei der Dementia praecox [Konigsberg] p.329-59. 8? Berl., 1928. Also Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1928, 85: Heygster [K. H.] H. *Pupillenst6rungen und Lebensdauer. p.166-87. 8? [Kiel, 1931] Also Zsehr. Augenh., 1928, 65: IRIS 544 IRIS Lowenstein, O.. & Westphal, A. Experi- mentelle und klinische Studien zur Physiologie und Pathologie dor Pupillenbewegungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schizophrenic ISlp. 8? Berl., 1933. Adler, F. H. Pupilloscopic findings in lesions in different parts of 1 Im- reflex arc. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1926, 55: 262-72.— Adrogue. E. La motilidad del iris; sus alteraciones. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1030, 14: 242-75.—Asher, W. Ein Fall von gehaufter kiinstlichor Mydriasis in einer Familie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1909, 35: 17M0.—Badjui, P. A. Ein Fall springender Pupillen. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1929, 122: 48-54 — Bakker, A. Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger merkwurdiger Pupillenlicuc■irungen. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1938, 139: 273-9.— Belloni, G. It. Osservazioni sulla fisiologia e fisiopatologia di alcuni movimenti pupillari importanti per la semeiotica nervosa. Riv. neur., Nap., 1930, 3: 1-20.—Berneaud, G. Traumatische maximale Pupillenenge. Zsehr. Augenh., 1928. 65: 329-36.—Brochado, A. Un nouveau symptome des traumatismes cranien-.; la mydriase consecutive. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1938, 96: pt 2, 417-21— Butler, T. H. Two cases of unilateral functional mydriasis. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1907, 5: 251.—Byrne, J. G. The mechanism of paradoxical pupil dilatation and constriction. Am. J. Physiol., 1926, 77: 509-17. ------■ Paradoxical pupillary phenomena following lesions of the afferent paths. In his Stud. Physiol. Eye, Lond., 191-'. 1-94.------Pseudo-paradoxical pupil- dilatation following lesions of the afferent paths. Ibid., 20-30.—Cannon, W. B. The explanation of 2 mysteries and its possible significance. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1938, 13: 42-8.— Cazalis, J. Les pupilles anormales. Vie med., 1927, 8: 085-8.- Coppez, H. Un cas de mydriase se transformant en miosis dans la flexion de la tete. J. med. Bruxelles, 1906, 11: 769-71. ------ Un cas de mydriase se transformant en myosis dans la flexion de la tete en avant. Ibid., 1908, 13: 271.—Davis, L. C. A discussion of the etiology and signif- icance of mydriasis. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1935-36, 88: 357-9.—Di Guiseppe, T. La midriasi unilaterale costante e suo valore sintomatico. Gaz. san., Catania, 1908, 8: 75.— Dimmer, F. Ein Fall von tonischer Reaktion der Pupille und des Ziliaimu>kels. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1911, 49: 332-7.— Edelston, B. G. Anomalous pupil reactions. Brit. J. Ophth., 1942, 26: 507-9.—Evans, G. The clinical significance of unequal reacting pupils. Clin. J., Lond., 1931, 60: 33-5.— Carcin, R., & Kipfer, M. A propos du phenomene de Texcentra- ticm pupillaire variable. Rev. neur., Par., 1936, 65: pt 1, 128-31.—Ginestous, E. Mydriase traumatique (accident du travail) Gaz. sc med. Bordeaux, 1909, 30: 197.—Griiter, W., A- Meyer, A. Zur Kasuistik wechselnder Pupillenphanomene. Zsehr. Augenh., 1927, 63: 223-35.—Hummelsheim. Studies on the pupil: the question of concentric contraction of the pupil. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1910, 39:' 579-82.—Isikawa, F. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der traumatischen Mydriasis. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1028, 120: 317-34.—Junius. Zusammenfassendes iiber praktisch wichtige Pupillenstorungen(Pupillotonie;Pupillenstarre nach Traumen; katatonische u. a. Pupillenstarren; Pseudotabes nach tangen- rialer Kopfverletzung) Fortsch. Med., 1921, 39: 910-5 — Kehrer, F. Die Kuppelungen von Pupillenstorungen mit Aufhebung der Sehnenreflexe. Derm. Wschr., 1939, 109: 1070.—Lafon, C. Considerations sur la pathogenie et la semeiologie des troubles pupillaires. Arch, opht., Par., 1909, 29: 490-522. ------ Les troubles astheniques de la pupille. Gaz. sc. med. Bordeaux, 1909, 30: 317.—Lanczos, A. Ueber die paradoxe Pupillenerweiterung. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1936-37, 238: 546-54.—Leathart, P. W. Anomalous pupil reactions. Brit. J. Ophth., 1943, 27: 40-2.—Lee, F. H. Disorders of motility of the iris; report of case. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 100: 1395-8.—Lowenstein, O., & Westphal, A. Kine- matographische Untersuchungen iiber Storungen der Pupil- lenbewegung mit besonderem Hinblick auf den sogenannten Spasmus mobilis; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1927, 82: 315-30.—Magitot, A. Un signe pupillaire neurologique: le myosis spasmodique. Sem. hop. Paris, 1931, 7: 145-9.—Marx, E. Abnormale pupilreacties. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1908, 2: 2004-13.—Menninger von Lerchenthal, E. Ein Fall von perverser Pupillenreaktion. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1925-26, 100: 460-6.—Olah, E. Der Mechanismus der Injektionsmvdriasis und die Erklarung des Phanomens der Katzenpupille. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1928, 80: 50-6.—Parinaud, H. De Texageration des reflexes pupillaires. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1882, 7: ser., 4: 570.—Reid, W. L., & Cone, W. V. The mechanism of fixed dilatation of the pupil; resulting from ipsilateral cerebral compression. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 2030—4.—Romberg, E. H. Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der luischen und tonischen Pupillenstorungen. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1938-39, 109: 785-804.—Sedan, J. Myosis tenace sequelle d'une mvdria.-e zosterienne. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1934, 12: 283.—Shute, D. K. On the value of a knowledge of abnormal mobility of the iris as an aid in diagnosing diseases of the nervous sytem. Washington M. Annals, 1904, 3: 162- 86.—Tennent, J. N. Case of unilateral mydriasis. Glasgow M. J., 1926, 106: 306-9. ------ Unilateral mydriasis due to for- eign body. Clin. J., Lond., 1927, 56: 140.—Vitek, V. Patho- gnomonic^' vyznam odchvlne reakce a nestejnosti zornice. Rev. neur. psychiat,, Praha, 1910, 7: 383; 468.—Vogt, A. Ueber verschiedene Pupillenstorungen. Korbl. Schweiz. Aerzte, 1911, 41: 631-4.—Weill, G., & Nordmann, J. Un cas de teaction pupillaire elite perverse. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1932, 10: 733. --- Reflex: Ear reflex. Baker, L. E. The pupillary response condi tioned to subliminal auditory stimuli. 32p. 8° Columbus, 1938. Byrne, J. G. Relations of the vestibular labyrinth to the ellector mechanisms which mediate pupillary constriction. In his Stud. Physiol. Eye, Lond., 1942, 148-53.- Hilgard, E. R., Miller, J., & Ohlson, J. A. Three attempts to seen re pupillary conditioning to auditory stimuli near the absolute threshold. .1. Exp. Psychol., 1941, 29: 89-103.—Nisimura, H. Variation du diametre pupillaire par l'excitation directe d'un nerf acoustique. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 96: 158-60.- Summer, I. Ueber einen Ohr-Pupillenreflex. Zsehr. Laryng., 1931, 21: 111-5.—Ten Cate, J. [Contraction of the pupils in acoustic excitation] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1933, 77: 5355- S.----- Les teflexes pupillaires sur des irritations acoustiques et leur dependance de Tecorce cetebrale. Acta brevia neerl., 1934, 4: 97. Also Arch, neerl. physiol., 1934, 19: 408-16.----- Die Pupillenverengerung, als bedingter Reflex auf akustische Reize und ihre Beziehung zu der Grosshirnrinde. Ibid., 417-25. Also in Probl. biol. med. (Leontovich, A. V.) Moskva, 1935, 78-82.—Zanzucchi, G. Comportamento della pupilla agli stimoli sonori. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 467. ---- Reflex: Light reflex. Bohm, F. E. *Die Pupillarreaktion beim Pferde auf Lichtreize [Leipzig] 26p. 8? [Konigsbruck, 1922] Franchomme, J. *Sur un procede de mesure numerique du r^flexe irien k la lumiere. 39p. 24cm. Lille, 1937. Bartels, M. Zu den: Bemerkungen zur Priifung der Lichtreaktion von den Herren Oppenheim und Schuster. Neur. Zbl., 1911, 30: 589.—Borsotti, I. Indagini pupillo- grafiche su alcuni particolari aspetti fisiologici del riflesso fotomotore mediante cinematografia a luce ordinaria. Boll. Soc med. chir., Pavia, 1939, 53: 943-63.—Bruges, A. P. [Threshold of the time of stimulation of the pupillary reflex; threshold in local action of irradiation] Biul. eksp. biol. med., 1942, 14: No. 4, 89-92.—Byrne, J. G. Preliminary dilatation a phase of the pupillary light reflex. In his Stud. Physiol. Eye, Lond., 1942, 91-4. —■---- The pupillary reactions to light. Ibid., 359-408. ------ Preliminary pupil widening in response to light; pathways of the pupil, lens, and palpebral reflexes. Ibid., 437-64, pl.—Crawford, B. H. The dependence of pupil size upon external light stimulus under static and variable conditions. Proc R. Soc, Lond., 1936, 121: ser. B., 376-95.—Eisberg, C. A., & Spotnitz, H. The relation between area and intensity of light and the size of the pupil, with formulas for pupillary reactions. Bull. Neur. Inst. N. York, 1938, 7: 100-4.—Erben, S. Ueber die Moglichkeit, den Lichtreflex der Pupille zu steigern. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1926, 39: 570—Faillie, R., Jonnard, R., & Vial de Sachy, H. Variation de la constriction pupillaire avec l'eciairement. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1934, 199: 89-91.—Herk, A. W. H. van [Contraction of pupil of the isolated iris under the influence of light] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 1, 1704-7.—Hudgins, C. V. Conditioning and the voluntary control of the pupillary light reflex. J. Gen. Psychol., 1933, 8: 3-51.—Keeler, C. E. Le teflexe irien k la lumiere chez la souris a tetine sans baton- nets. C. rend. Soc. biol., Par., 1027, 96: 10.—Lehrfeld, L. Quantitative pupillary light reflex. Am. J. Ophth., 1028, 3. ser., 11: 897. Also Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1931, 25: 159-62.—Levinsohn. G. Zum Aufsatze Bachs: Der Sphink- terkern und die Uebertragungsbahn des Lichtreflexes der Pupille im Vierhugel. Zsehr. Augenh., 1909, 22: 352-4 — Lowenstein, O. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der psychophysischen Konstitution; iiber die Variationsbreite des Lichtreflexes und der Psychoreflexe der Pupillen. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1927, 82: 285-314.—Machemer, H. Beitrage zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Pupille; iiber den Ablauf des normalen Lichtre- flexes. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1935, 94: 305-19.—Magoun, H. W. Maintenance of the light reflex after destruction of the superior colliculus in the cat. Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 111: 91-8. ------ Atlas, D. [et al.] The afferent path of the pupillary light reflex in the monkey. Brain, Lond., 1936, 59: 234-49.—Magoun, H. W., & Ranson, S. W. The central path of the light reflex; a study of the effect of lesions. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1935, 13: 791-811. ------ The afferent path of the light reflex; a review of the literature. Ibid., 862-74.— Marquez, M. Mi esquema sobre las vias del reflejo pupilar a la luz. Rev. otoneur., B. Air., 1928, 3: 525-39, pl.—Negro, ('. La contrazione riflessa dello sfintere della pupilla normale per azione della luce £ preceduta da un rapido e piccolo movimento di dilatazione pupillare. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1911, 4. ser., 17: 249-53.—Page, H. E. The relation between area of stimulation and intensity of light at various levels of visual excitationas measured by pupil constriction. J. Exp. Psychol., 1941, 29: 177-200.—Ranson, S. W., & Magnoun, H. W. The central path of the pupilloconstrictor reflex in response to light. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1933, 30: 1193-204.— Sarbo, A. Egy tij es egyszerii fenyreactios vizsgalati m6dr61. IRIS 545 IRIS Orv. hetil., 1914, 58: 127.—Schroeder, H. Die zahlenmassige Beziehung zwischen den physikalischen und physiologischen Helligkeitseinheiten und die Pupillenweite bei verschiedener Helligkeit. Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 2. Abt., 1925-26, 57: 195-223.—Seletsky, V. V. [Pupillary reactions to light] Nevropat. psikhiat., 1936, 5: 1673-8.—Silvestrini, F. La rappresentazione analitica della adattabilitsl della pupilla umana alle diverse intensity luminose. Ann. ottalm., 1930, 58: 255-64.—Spiegel, E. A., & Scala, N. P. Role of the cervical sympathetic nerve in the light reflex of the pupil. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1940, 23: 371-6.—Wagman, I. H., & Nathanson, L. M. Influence of intensity of white light upon pupil diameter of the human and of the rabbit. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y„ 1942, 49: 466-70.—Zeldenrust, E. L. K. Ueber die Chronaxie des Lichtreflexes der Pupille; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Arch. Augenh., 1931, 104: 58.5-93. ---- Reflex: Light reflex, consensual. Bartels, M. Gibt es besondere Pupillenfasern fur die in- direkte Reaktion? Zsehr. Augenh., 1931, 75: 22-7.—Grims- dale, H. B. Unusual consensual light reflex. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. K., 1903-4, 24: 323.—Ramirez Moreno. S. Impor- tancia del reflejo consensual a la luz en la ptectica neurol6gica. Rev. mex. psiquiat., 1942, 9: No. 49, 9-18. ---- Reflex: Light reflex: Disorder. See also Argyll-Robertson pupil. Btjchheim, K. L. *Ein Fall einseitiger re- flektorischer Pupillenstarre. lOp. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Wunderlich, H. *Das Verhalten des Riicken- markes bei reflektorischer Pupillenstarre. 28p. 8? Wiirzb., 1907. Behr, C. Hemianopische Pupillenstarre ohne homonyme Hemianopsie. Zsehr. Augenh., 1925-26, 58: 398-406 — Biirki, E. Zur differentialdiagnostischen Bedeutung der reflektorischen Pupillenstarre. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 774-7.—D'Arrigo. M. Sulla reazione pupillare paradossa alia luce. Riv. sper. freniat., 1937, 61: 1082.—Desbouis, G. Reaction lumineuse paradoxale de la pupille. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1936, 3. ser., 115: 775-9. ------ & Wiart, L. Reaction lumineuse paradoxale de la pupille. Ibid., 1938, 3. ser., 120: 365-70.—Filippi-Gabardi, E. Le alterazioni dell'iride nella sindrome di Argyll-Robertson. Riv. otoneur., 1933, 10: 737-o2.—Hahn, R. Die militararztliche Bewertung der isolierten Pupillenstarre. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1917. 64: 961.—Harris, W. The fibers of the pupillary reflex and the Argyll Robertson pupil. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1935, 34: 1195-203.—Kaneko, T. Ein Fall von einseitiger isolierter absoluter Pupillenstarre von vollkommenem Typus. Apta Soc. ophth. jap., 1940, 44: 25.—Karplus & Kreidl. Ueber experimentelle reflektorische Pupillenstarre. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1913, 26: 83.—Lafon, C. La teaction paradoxale de la pupille. Gaz. sc. med. Bordeaux, 1909, 30: 376. —— Le signe d'Argyll Robertson ne peut pas 6tte la consequence d'une meningite basilaire. Presse med., 1910, 18: 697.— Laignel-Lavastine. Un cas d'inversion du signe d'Argyll- Robertson. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1926, 198-200—Laper- sonne, F. de, Cantonnet. A. Signe d'Argyll Robertson uni- lateral avec coexistence, du meme cote, d'un syndrome oculo- sympathique incomplet. Rev. neur., Par., 1909, 17: 1515-7.— Lenz, G. Untersuchungen uber die anatomische Grundlage von Pupillenstorungen, insbesondere der reflektorischen Pupillenstarre. Ber. Deut. ophth. Ges., 1929, 47: 234-40.— Lowenstein, O. Ueber die sogenannte paradoxe Lichtreaktion der Pupille; klinische und experimentell-kinematographische Untersuchungen uber ihre Symptomatologie und ihr Wesen. Mschr. Psvchiat. Neur., 1927, 66: 148-67.—Maas, O. Zur Bewertung der reflektorischen Pupillenstarre. Berl. khn. Wschr., 1913, 50: 1634.—Magoun, H. W., & Ranson, S. W. Loss of pupillary light reflex resulting from lesions m the region of the posterior commissure. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 31: 183.------& Mayer, L. L. The pupillary light reflex after lesions of the posterior commissure in the cat. Am. J. Ophth., 1935, 18: 624-30 —Negro, C. La phototeac- tion ptemvotique pupillaire dans les etats de sympathicotonic. Rev. neur", Par., 1926, 33: pt 1, 1046.—Nonne, M., & Wohl- will, F. Ueber einen klinisch und anatomisch Untersuchten Fall von isolierter reflektorischer Pupillenstarre bei Fehlen von Paralyse, Tabes und Syphilis cerebrospinahs. Neur. Zbl., 1914, 33: 611.—Odqvist, B. [Rigidity of pupils without apparent syphilitic origin] Sven. lak. tidn., 1937, 34: 69-79 — Pesce G Contributo alio studio della rezione pupillare para- dossa alia luce. Riv. otoneur. 1938, 15: 223-37-Poos, F.. & Grosse-Schonepauck. H. Studien an der hchtstarren Pupille; die lichtstarre Pupille als pharmakologisehes Testobjekt. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1936. 135: 144-o8.-Puglisi-Duranti G. Midriasi e rigiditA pupillare asso uta m due fratelh eredo- hiPtici Arch ottalm., 1935, 42: 1-17.—Rau. Ein Fall von LnSorenerreflektorLscher Pupillenstarre Zbl. prakt Augenh ioio *a. •?»__Roemheld, L. Zur Kritik der reflektorischen PuDiilenstarre Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1541-3- Roa^enda G.' Sopra un nuovo modo di provocazione (di P Mm-ini e. soDra una manifestazione patologica particolare L riflesso pupd are alia luce. Rass ital. ottalm 1934 3: 490-8 -Rochester, A. S. Argyll-Robertson pupd. In Am. 320157__VOL. 8, 4th series----35 Encyl. Diet. Ophth. (Wood) Chic, 1913. 1: 567-9—Rugg- Gunn, A. Traumatic monocular Argyll-Robertson pupil. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1934. 27: Sect. Ophth., 352.—Sant- angelo, G., & De Ferraris, E. Sulla fotoreazione iridea para- dossa. Gior. psichiat., 1934, 62: 269-71.—Scotti. P. La reazione luminosa paradossa. Ann. ottalm., 1928, 56: 75-82.— Spiegel, E. Further experiments on the localization of the Argyll Robertson phenomenon (injuries to the posterior com- misure) In Marinesco Festschr., Bucur., 1933, 625-33, ------& Nagasaka, G. Experimentalstudien am Nerven- system; iiber die Beziehung des Pupillenreflexbogens zum vordern Vierhtigel (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage der Genese der reflektorischen Lichtstarre der Pupille) Arch. ges. Phvsiol., 1926, 215: 120-32.—Strohmayer. Ueber reflektorische Pupillenstarre und Westphalsches Zeichen als Anlageanomalie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1919, 45: 648.—Stursberg, H. Ueber- erregbarkeit des Lichtreflexes der Pupillen bei schwerer Er- krankung des Zentralnervensystems. Ibid., 1933, 59: 1580.— Thomas, H. M. The anatomical basis of the Argyll-Robertson pupil. Am. J. M. Sc, 1903, 126: 939-56—Weisz, M. Adatok a reflektorikus-pupillamerevseg morphologiajahoz. Gy6- gydszat. 1926, 66: 226-30. ---- Reflex: Ocular and palpebral reflexes. Alajouanine, T., Thurel, R., & Coste, M. Reaction pupil- laire synergique de l'occlusion active des paupieres, interptetee k tort comme teaction paradoxale k la lumiere. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1935, 13: 682-5.—Aliquo-Mazzei, A. SulTanisocoria fisiologica associata ai movimenti di laterality dello sguardo. Rass. ital. ottalm., 1934, 3: 524-62.—Boshes, B., & Mayer, L. L. The lid-closure reflex of the pupil. Am. J. Ophth., 1935, 18: 1048-51.—Hirose, T. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die sogenannte konsensuelle Augendruckreaktion bei Kaninchen. Acta Soc. ophth. jap., 1939, 43: 15.—Miceli, I. Sulla reazione pup'llare nello sguardo di laterality. Gior. ocul., 1930, 11: 102; 120.—Schubert, G., & Burian, H. Die Fusionsreaktion, eine bisher unbekannte Reaktion der Pupille. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1936, 238: 184-6.—Tournay, A. Sur Tanisocorie normale dans le regard lateral extreme. Arch. opht., Par., 1927, 44: 574-6.—Triossi, S. Contributo alia conoscenza della reazione pupillo-palpebrale (fenomeno di Galassi-Wcstphal) Riv. otoneur., 1928, 5: 311-44. ---- Reflex: Semeiology. See also under names of various diseases. Corazzi, E. S. *Semiologia de la pupila. 56p. 26#cm. B. Air., 1935. Zybell, J. L. K. F. *Das Verhalten der Pupillen bei der Syphilis, der multiplen Sklerose und der Syringomyelie. 67p. 8? Marb., 1908. Alonso, A. F. Importancia de la semiologia de la pupila en la medicina general. Gac. med. Mexico, 1939, 69: 83-101. Also Accion med., B. Air., 1940, 10: 725-32. Also An. Soc mex. oft., 1940, 15: 303-20— Andre-van Leeuwen, M. De la valeur des troubles pupillaires, en dehors de la syphilis, comme signe ptecoce ou forme fruste dune affection hetedo- degenerative. Mschr. Psychiat., _ 1942, 105: 193; 275 — Anomalie (non luetiche) delle pupille nelle malattie interne. Gazz. osp., 1935, 56: 621.—Banner, C. W. Pupillary reaction in health and disease. Virginia M. Semimonth., 1911-12, 16: 70-2.—Barnett, A. Pupils; and what they may imply. Am. J. Optometr., 1939, 16: 136-40.—Barre. J. A., Kabaker & Dhauteville. Troubles pupillaires et affection de la moelle cervicale. Rev. neur., Par., 1938, 69: 684-8.—Bennhold, H.. & Hauptstein, P. Kann die Pupille als Indikator des Gleich- gewichtszustandes im vegetativen Nervensystem angesehen werden? Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1928, 130: 89-110.—Berberich, J. Pupillary reactions in affections of the ear. Laryngoscope, 1940, 50: 555-8.—Byrne, J. The pupils in somatic and vis- ceral' disorders in association with referred pain and hyper- algesia. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1926, 63: 105-34. —----■ The pupil as an index of activity in cardiac lesions. Med. J & Rec, 1926, 123: 820.—Campos. S. de. Semiologia da pupila. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 334, 77-90— Challiol, V. Osservazioni neurologiche sulla pupilla. Baglivi, 1938, 4: 369-78.—Comwell, H. C. de. La pupille dans les affections extra-oculaires. Policlinique, Brux., 1909, 18: 281-8.— Coutela. La pupille; etude semeiologique. Rev. med. fr., 1932, 13: 915-44.— Cuatrecasas, J. Los signos pupilares de la encefalitis epidemica. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1931, 15: 119- 31 —Dorrell, E. A. The pupil in disease of the eye. Clin. J., Lond., 1925. 54: 56-60.—Dupuy-Dutemps, L. Les signes pupillo-iriens pathognomoniques des lesions du neurone ciliaire peripherique. Tr. Internat. Ophth. Congr. (1929) 1930 13. Congr., 2: 640-5.—Engel, S. Pupille. Fortsch. Neur. Psychiat., 1930, 2: 311-02.—Finesilver, B. The pupil as a diagnostic aid. J. Am. Inst, Homeop., 1931, 24: 725-9.— Fuchs, A. Ueber die klinische Beurteilung und Verwertung der Pupillen phanomene. Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 179-82.—Gaudelut, Monbrun & Monier-Vinard. Troubles variables du tonus pupillaire d'origine encephalitique. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1938, 16: 63-6.—GifTord, S. R., & Mayer. L. L. Retained pupillary reactions with no perception of light; report of a case. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1931, n. ser., 6: 70-4.— Gimblett. C. L. The pupil reactions. Practitioner, Lond., 1928, 120: 354-63.—Gradle, H. S. Pupils. In Cyclop. Med. IRIS 546 IRIS (Piersol-Boitzl Phila., 1940, 12: 991-7.-Icaza y Dublan, M. J. Semiologfa de los reflejos pupilares. An. Soc. mex. oft., 1937-38, 12: 4!M;o.------Diagn6stico diferencial de los enturbia- miento3 visibles en la pupila y su importancia desde el punto de vista del tratamiento. Bol. Hosp. oft., Mex., 10 10, 1: 27; 09. International meeting of the Paris Neurological Society; the pupil in nervous disease. Brit. J. Ophth., 1942, 26: 326 (Abstr.)—Jaensch. P. A. Pupille. In Handb. Neur. fBumke & Foerstcr) Berl., 1935, 4: 267-339. ------ Pupille, 1933-37. Fortsch. Neui. Psychiat., 193S. 10: 366-84 — Kehrer. F. Die allirenieine arztliche Bedeutung der Pupillen- storungen. In Zeirii. Augenh. (W. Lohlein) Stuttg., 1938, 73-98. - Kyrieleis, W. Die Bedeutung von Pupillenstorungen bei Untersuchungen fiir die Lebensversicherung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1938, 34: 1649-51.—Lafon. C. L'etat des pupilles dans le coma et dans toutes les autres formes d abolition du fonctions cerebrates. (,az. sc. med. Boideaux. 1904, 30: 337.—Levine, A., A- Schilder, P. The catatonic pupil. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1912. 06: I 1 2. -Lhermitte A Saint-Martin, de. Syndrome nrulo-pupilbiie traumatique. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1940, 9S: pt 1, 361.—Lyerly, J. G. The significance of the dilated pupil in acute brain injuries. Virginia M. Month., 1928-29. 55: 26-8.—Menninger. W. C. The frequency of pupil anomalies in general medical and surgical cases. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1926, 26: 282-6. ------ The pupils as an aid to the diagnosis in states of coma. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1927, ti5: 553-68.------The pupillary findings in general medical and surgical cases. MM. J. & Rec, 1928, 127: 427- 30. Monnier, M. De la pupille considetee comme teveiateur des correlations fonctionnelles entre le systeme animal et, le systeme vcgetat.if. Rev. neur.. Par.. 1935, 42: pt 1, 671-83.— Nardi Ratassi, I). Sui comportamento della. pupilla nelle lesioni traumai iche. Med. nuova, 1920, 17: 03.—Percival, A. Alterations in the pupil in various conditions. Northumberland & Durham M. ,L, 1899, 7: 224-9— Perisson, J. Troubles pupillaires en neurologie. In Annee med. prat., Par., 1939, 18: 402-7.- Ffingst, A. O. The pupils during health and dis- ease. Kentucky M. J., 1908-9, 7: 1044-8.—Placzek. Zur pathoiriiostischen Bcdnutung der Pupillenyeranderung und des fehlenden Kniereflexes. Ther. tagl. Prax., 1910, 1: 333-5.— I'lotnev, I). D. [Pupillary reflex in the interne's practice] Sovel. klin.. 1932, 18: 59-02.—Popper, L. Ueber die Pupillen in .schweren zerebralen Insullen. Wien. med. Wschr.. 1933, 83: 120.- -Prosper-Veil. S<5nteioloeie du miosis. Rev. g6n. clin. ther.. l<'M.->, 49: 599.—Renaud, M., & Miget. Modifica- tions oculo-pupillaires independantes de la syphilis. Hull. Soc. med. hop. Paris. 1932, 3. ser., 48: 869-71.—Saxona, G. L. The diagnostic importance of the pupil. Pract. Med., Delhi, 1920. 24: 291-5— Schwab, R. Nichtluische I'upillenano- malien bei internen Erkrankungen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1934, 60: 1900-9.-Smith, A. E. The diagnostic significance of pupillary changes. Minnesota M., 1933, 16: 623-8 — Tirelli, G. Sulla defnrmnhilila pupillare come segno di morte certa. Profilassi, 19i!2, 5: 62—1.—Tournay, A. Recherche d explica- tions physiopathologiques. Rev. neur., Par., 1938, 69: 673- 84.—Vail. D. T. The pupil in health and disease. In Am. Encycl. Diet. Ophth. (Wood) Chic, 1919, 14: 10552-707 — Veil, P. Semeiologie de la mydriase. Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1935, 49: 167.—Velter, E. Les pupilles dans les affections neurologiques medicales. Rev. neur., Par., 1938, 69: 629-45.— Weinstein, P. [Pupillary reflexes and their evaluation] Buda- pesti orv. ujs., 1938, 36: 573-7.—Wigand, H. Veranderungen der Pupillenform bei Hirntraumen. Bull. War M., Lond., 1942-43, 3: 78 (Abstr.) ---- Reflex: Visceral reflexes. Bain, W. A., Irving, J. T., & McSwiney, B. A. Visceral afferent fibres. J. Physiol., Lond., 1934-35, 83: 8P.—Byrne, J. G. Afferent relations of the skin and viscera to the pupil dilator mechanism. In his Stud. Physiol. Eye, Lond., 1942 31-8.—McSwiney, B. A., & Suffolk, S. F. Segmental distribu- tion of certain visceral afferent neurones of the pupillo-dilator reflex in the cat. J. Physiol., Lond., 1938, 93: 104-16.— Peri, A. Sulla algoscopia pupillare. Difesa sociale, 1931, 10: 411-23.—Samaja, N. La midriasi al dolore. Riv. sper. freniat., 1925-26, 49: 421-49. ---- Rubeosis. Favaloro, G. Rubeosis iridis diabetica e glaucoma anteriore (contributo riassuntivo clinico ed isto-patologico) Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 1107.—Fontana, G. Un caso di rubeosis iridis concomitante a trauma; contributo clinico con 2 figure Lettura oft., 1939, 16: 203-9, pl—Gallino, J. A. Rubeosis irfdica. Arch. oft. B. Aires, 1936, 11: 39-42.— Grandi, G. Contributo alio studio della rubeosis iridis diabetica Boll ocul., 1938, 17: 484-91—Kurz, O. Zur Rubeosis iridis dia- betica. Arch. Augenh., 1936-37, 110: 284-302. -Sallmann, L. Glasige Erhebungen am Pupillarsaum bei Rubeosis iridis diabetica (Salus) Zsehr. Augenh., 1934-35, 85: 262.—Salus, R. Rubeosis iridis diabetica, eine bisher unbekannte diabetische Irisveranderung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 256-8. ---- Sarcoma. Gies, L. *Ueber das primare Sarkom der Iris unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Therapie (Bericht iiber zwei Falle von Fibro- sarkom der Iris) 30p. 8? Giessen, 1931. Guxther, C. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis dep Melanosarkoms der Iris. 21p. 8? Konigsb., 1935. Hlngerbuhler, R. *Ueber zwei Falle von Irissarkom die durch eine Iridektomie entfernt werden konnten. lop. 8? Tub., 1936. Teske, D. [geb. 1'oncs] *Ueber zwei Falle von primarem Sarkom der Iris. 24p. 8? Heidelb. 1929. Thon, H. *Das Ringsarkom der Iris. 23p. 22V2cm. Lpz., 1936. Tunze, W. *Ueber einen Fall von primarem Irissarkom. 31p. 8? Heidelb., 1936. Wolf, F. W. *Ueber das primare Melano- sarkom dor Iris (Bericht iiber einen Fall unter Beriicksichtigung der Literatur) [Giessen] 25p. 8? Berl, 1934. Adams, D. R. A case of ring sarcoma of the iris. Bril. J. Ophth., 1930, 14: 448, 2 pl. Agatston, S. A., & (Jartner, S. Melanosarcoma of the ciliarv body and iris; report of a case. Am. J. Ophth., 1939, 3. ser., 22: 1273-8.—Bpje, O. Ein Fall von Ringsarcoma iridis et corporis ciliaris. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1937, 15: 239-43.—B rind ley, B. I. Melanosarcoma of iris and ciliary body; report of case. Wisconsin M. J., 1031, 33: 359.- Chance, B. A case of sarcoma of the iris. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 102S. 26: 46-52, pl. Also Am. J. Ophth., 1928, 3. ser., II: 850-01, pl.—Coppez, J. H. Sarcome de l'iris. Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1929, No. 59, 39. ------• Evolution d'un sarcome de l'iris. Ibid., 1933, 29-32.—Custodis, E. Maligner melanotischer Tumor der Iris. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1932-33, 129: 507-17.—De Walsche, L. Un cas de melano- sarcome de l'iris. Bull. Soc beige ophth., 1934, No. 08, 03 -7. — Doherty, W. B. Melanosarcoma of the iris. Am. .1. Ophth., 1939, 3. ser., 22: 239-49.—Duke-Elder, W. S.. tt Stallard, H. B. Leuco-sarcoma of the iris. Brit. J. Ophth., 1930, 14: 158-61, pl.—Ehlers, H. Drei Falle von Irissarkom. Acta ophth., Kbh., 1932, 10: 134-45 [Discussion] 24-30.-- Ooldstein, I., & Wexler, D. Melanosis uveae and melanoma of the iris in neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen) Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1930, n. ser., 3: 288-96.—Handelsman, G. Sarcoma? tuberculoma of iris. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1934, 28: 37.—Heine, L. Zur Biologie des Leukosarkoms der Iris. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1931, 127: 640-3.—Hermann, P. Sarcome de l'iris. Arch. med. Angers, 1937, 41: 48-53 [Discussion] 58. ------ Sarcome meianique de l'iris accompagnant une mal- formation congenitale. Bull. Soc opht. Paris, 1937, 164-8, pl.—Hippel, E. von. Ueber metastatisches Sarkom der Iris und des Ciliarkorpers. Beitr. path. Anat., 1927, 77: 209-16, pl.—Hoffman, W. F. Sarcoma of iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1928, 3. ser., 11: 301.—Kaganowa, O. A. Zur Kasuistik der seltenen Iriserkrankungen. Zsehr. Augenh., 1929, 67: 61-7.—Klein, M. Ringsarkom der Iris und des Corpus ciliare. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1928, 80: 631-40.—Kunz, E. Sarkom der Iris. Zsehr. Augenh., 1931, 75: 257-63.—Leser, O. [A case of melan- osarcoma of the ciliary body and of the iris displacing the crystallin] Cas. lek. desk., 1929, 68: 257-62.— Loddoni, G. Sui sarcoma primitivo dell'iride (contributo clinico) Lettura oft., 1929, 6: 501-9, pl.—McKee, S. H. Primary sarcoma of the iris, malignant melanoma; a report of 3 cases. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1942, 28: 197-204.—May ou, M. S. Sarcoma of the iris. Brit. J. Ophth., 1930, 14: 152-7, 6 pl.—Meek, R. E. Sarcoma of the iris; report of a case complicated by a cvst. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1932, 8: 864-70.—Meyer, S. J., & Kubik, D.J. A case of melanotic sarcoma of the iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1933, 3. ser., 16: 893-7.—Montalti, M. Sui melanosarcoma dellinde. Boll, ocul., 1932, 11: 601-8.—Murray, W. R. Annular malignant melanoma (ring sarcoma) of the iris. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth., 1926, 31: 296-306. Also Am. J. Ophth., 1927, 3. ser., 10: 101-7.—Nechaeva, E. N. [Pathological anatomy and therapy of sarcoma of the iris] Med. biull., Irkutsk, 1939, No. 3, 40-9. Also Vest, oft., 1939, 15: 73-8 — Papolczy, F. Ueber die Sarkome der Iris. Arch. Augenh., 1930, 103: 309-22. ------ Nach traumatischer Uveitis entstandenes, in die Vorderkammer disseminiertes Irissarkom. Khn. Mbl. Augenh., 1934, 93: 189-95.—Patterson, H. A. Sarcoma of the iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1935, 18: 651-3.—Robbins, A. R. Sarcoma of the iris. Ibid., 1943, 26: 193 (Abstr.)— Rosenbaum, H. D. Sarcoma of the iris; a case report. Ibid., 1938, 3. ser., 21: 1360-4.—Scullica, F. L'infiltramento pig- mentano dell'angolo irideo nei sarcomi melanotici deU'iride (contributo istoclinico) Ann. ottalm., 1928, 56: 600-11, pl.— Siegert, P. Ueber Melanosarkome der Iris mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Wachstum- und Entwicklungsvorgange. Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1938, 139: 591-639.—Van Duyse. Sar- come fusocellulaire de l'iris. Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1929, No. 59, 38.—Verhoeff, F. H. Sarcoma of the iris. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1933, 31: 270—Young, C. A. Primary melano- sarcoma of the iris; with report of ease. Am. J. Ophth., 1928, 3. ser., 11: 864-6, pl.—Zentmayer, W. Primary sarcoma of the iris; removed by iridectomy; no recurrence in 3H years. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1930, 28: 109-15, pl. Also Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1931, n. ser., 5: 219-23, pl. IRIS 54 ---- Surgery. See also Iridectomy; Iridencleisis; Iridotomy. Chance, B. Operations on the iris. In Eye and its Diseases (Berens, C.) Phila., 1936, 1087-93.—Chaussier, Dumeril & Boyer. Artificial pupil. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 1: 360.—Denig, R. Die Iridotorsion im Vergleiche mit der Trepanation, der Lagrangeschen Operation und der Zyklo- dialyse. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1937, 99: 1-8.—Franceschetti, A. Technik der kiinstlichen Pupillenbildung (Korepraxie) Ibid., 1939, 103: 459-66.—McReynolds, J. O. The iris in cataract and glaucoma; the management of the iris in the operation of cataract removal. Texas J. M., 1937-38, 33: 817-22 — Marquez, M. Algo sobre la operatoria del iris. An. Hosp. S. Creu, Barcel., 1932, 6: 126-50. ------ Sobre algunas operaciones que se practican en el iris. In his Quest, oft., Mex., 1941, 297-315.—Mursin, A. N. Die Trepanation der Hornhaut als Methode operativen Eingriffs auf der Iris. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1930, 85: 416-22. ---- Tumor. Pee also subheadings (Cancer; Cyst; Myoma; Sarcoma) Andrade, L. de. A proposito dum epidermoidoma da iris. Lisboa med., 1934, 11: 40-50, pl.—Arkle, J. S., & Robson, S. Case of tumour of iris. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. K., 1929, 49: 492.----Bailliart, P., A Rossano, R. Neoformation de l'iris dans Tangle iridocorneen. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1935, 183-7.—Bossalino, G. Ulteriore contributo alia conoscenza dei tumori del corpo ciliare e dell'iride. Rass. ital. ottalm., 1937, 6: 438-56.—Fialho, A. Uma forma rara de neoplasma da iris. Arq. brasil. oft., 1942, 5: 307 (Abstr.)—Gil, R. R., & Courtis, B. Tumor del iris. Rev. espec, B. Air., 1929, 4: 1348-58.—Heine. Vier Falle von Iristumoren: Gumma, Lvmphogranulom, Lupoid (oder Sarcoid?) Sarcoma minimum. Zsehr. Augenh., 1929, 69: 38-46, pl.—Hoeve, van der [Two cases of tumor of iris] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1930, 74: pt 2, 4731.—Hudson, A. C. Hypernephroma of iris. Am. J. Ophth., 1935, 18: 56.—Joseph, H., Mawas, & Morat. Tumeurs de l'iris, k Evolution particuliere, diagnostiquees par la bio- microscopie. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1929, 332-5.—Katzin, H. M. A case of tumor of the iris root. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1942, 28: 757.—Ketter. Tumeur primitive de l'iris; extirpa- tion et conservation de l'oeil. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1938, 406-9.—Kurz, O. Svmmetrischer Iristumor. Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1937, 98: 476-86.—MacCallan, A. F. Tumour of iris. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1927-28, 26: Sect. Ophth., 48. ------& Letchworth, T. W. Tumour of iris. Ibid., 1928-29, 22: Sect. Ophth., 37.—Mawas, J. Sur une espece de tumeur non encore d£crite, de la base de l'iris. Bull. Soc. opht. Paris, 1934, 40-4.—Orzalesi, F. Un caso di glioma primitivo del- l'iride. Boll, ocul., 1935, 14: 641-64.—Pincus, L. [Demon- stration of tumors of the iris] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 5489. ------ Neubildungen der Iris. Ophthalmologica, Basel, 1939, 97: 302-11.—Rodin, F. H. Angioma of the iris; first case to be reported with histologic examination. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1929, n. ser. 2: 679-90.—Santori, G. Vo- luminoso neo congenito dell'iride pendulo nella camera anteriore. Boll, ocul., 1929, 8: 162-70.—Schmidt, R. Ein epithelialer Tumor der Iris. Arch. Augenh., 1933-34, 108: 457-63 — Terrien, F. Remarques sur les tumeurs de l'iris. Arch, opht., Par., 1929, 46: 69-83 — IRISARRI, Joseph Marie, 1911- Con- tribution a I'etude du traitement radiotherapique des furoncles de la face et en particulier de ceux de la levre superieure. 51p. 25cm. Bordeaux, Biere, 1937. IRISAWA, Tatukiti, 1860-1938. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 2226. IRISH, Cullen Ward, 1889- Aneurysms of the cerebral vessels; with a study of 32 cases found at 12,503 consecutive necropsies, vi, 61p. illust. 27>iibstance and as a source of available iron for infants. J. I'ediat.. S. Louis, 1941, 19: 470-80.—Farini, L. C. Delle preparazioni di ferro. Ann. med. chir., Roma, 1841, 4: 61-6.—Feil, L. Die Eisenmedika- tion mit Ferro-Redoxon-Roche. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 1121-5.—[Ferrum oxvdulat. carbonic, mellitum] Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1866, 5: 94.—Freud, P. Erfahrungen mit dem Eisenpraparat Sideroplen im Kindesalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1931, 27: 252.—Gach, B. Eisentherapie und unsere Erfahrun- gen mit Ferfersan. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1236.— Heubner, W. Ueber organische Eisenpraparate. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 588-93. ------ Notiz uber Sideroplen. Ibid., 1927, 6: 1975.—[Hydrogen-containing iron] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1876, 8: 150.—Iisima, T. Ueber die durch intravenose Rein- jektion von Jodferratose hervorgerufenen Veranderungen des peripheren Blutes, der Niere und des Knochenmarkes beim erwachsenen Kaninchen, bei welchem vor der Injektion die Snlenektomie durchgefiihrt war. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1932, 22: 539—41.—Kauffmann-Cosla. O. [Pharmacodynamics of iron preparations in modern therapy] Romania med., 1929, 7: 30.—Kayser-Petersen, J. E. Erfahrungen mit Duploferrin. Munch, med. Wschr.. 1923, 70: 771.—Knust, J. E. Ueber Aegrosan; eine neue Ei>enindikation. Fortsch. Ther., 1929, 5: 24.—Laland, P. [Biologically active iron preparations] Med, rev., Bergen, 1920, 46: 187-97.—Laufberger. V. [Preparation of crystallized ferritin from the liver] Cas. lek. cesk., 1936, 75: 1533.—Mairone, M. Solfato di zinco ferro-manganoso del commercio. (dor. farm, chim., Tor., 1864, 13: 193-8.— Marfori, P., A- Chistoni, A. Intorno al saggio biologico dei preparati de ferro proposto dal prof. Sabbatani. Biochim. ter. sper.. 1926, 13: 335-8.—Mimuro. K. Durch Reinjektionen von verdunnter Jodferratose hervorgerufene Scbwankungen des Bluteisen- und .Tstaunliche Wucherung der Reticuloendo- thelien des Knochenmarkes bei Kaninchen. Tr. Soc. Path. Jap., 1936, 26: 172-9.—Morpurgo, G. Estratto di malato di ferro impure Gior. farm., Trieste. 1897, 2: 07. O.stwald, E. Nucleogen zur Unterstiitzung der Behandlung von Hauter- krankungen. Fortsch. Med., 1922, 40: 017.—Pavosi, C. Xuovo metodo per conservare inalterato il protosolfato di ferro ed il proto-ioduro di ferro. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1805, 14: 347-51. ----— Conservation du sulfate et de I'iodure ferreux. J. chim. med., Par., 1800. 5. ser., 2: 219. —----Dei melliti e specialmente del mellito ferroso, anche come agente di conservazione del ioduro ferroso. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1875, 24: 21.V-8.—Potsch. H. Die Einwirkung von haltbarem Ferro-Eisen (FerrostaLil) auf das Blutbild und den Rest- stickstolT. Fortsch. Ther., 1930, 12: 537-40.—Piper. A. [Iron-saccharat capsules and dissolving of iron-saccharatl Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1867, 6: 39-42. Polland, R. Arsofcrrin- Tektolettes bei Hauterkrankungen. Wien. med. Wsclu., 1919, 69: 259.—Preuss, J. Ueber Sideroplen. Med. Klin., Perl., 1927, 23: 60.—Sabbatani, L. Saggio biologico dei preparati di feno per uso ipodermico. Biochim. ter. sper., 1926, 13: 225-30.- Schreiber, H. Ueber ein injizierbares Eisenpriiparnt. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1927. 106: 183-6.—Semmola, G. De'medi- camenti preparati col ferro, e particolarmente del tartrate di ferro e di potassa. Ann. clin. Osp. incurab., Nap., 1839, 5: 213-25. ------ Deniedicanienti preparati col ferro e parti- colarmente di quelli falti eoll'acido tartrico. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1840, 19: 153-6.--Sheldon, J. H., & Ramage, H. On the occurrence of copper and manganese in preparations of iron. Q. J. Med., Oxf., 1932, n. ser., 1: 135-9.—[Solutio fern dialysati] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1879, 11: 14.—Sonnenfeld, A. Ueber ein injizierbares Eisenpraparat. Klin. Wschr., 1927, 6: 287.—Spies, H. Eisentherapie und Ferfersan. Fortsch. Ther., 1936, 12: 568-70.—Starkenstein, E. Therapeul ischer Wert und chemische Wertigkeit der Eisenpraparate. Ther. Gegenwart, 1928, 69: 391; loi.- [Sugar-iron capsules; dis- solving of the iron in the sugar capsule] I'harm. tid., Kbh., 1866, 5: 401-3.—Valledor, G. El hierro v sus preparados. Rev. med. contemp., Madr., 1910, 32: 129; 145. ---- phosphate. See under Phosphorus, Compounds and deriva- tives. ---- Physical properties. See also Magnetism. Kamegai. S. Ueber die polarographische Untersuchung des Eisens. J. Biochem., Tokyo, 1939, 29: 285-8.—Kondorsky, E. On the theory of the normal and ideal magnetization curve of a polycrystalline ferromagnetic. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 32: 323-0.—Michaelis. L., & Granick, S. The magnetic susceptibility of the brown ferric phenanthroline complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1943, 65: 481.—Potter, H. H. The magneto- caloric effect and other magnetic phenomena in iron. Proc. R. Soc., Lond., 1934, 146: ser. A, 362-87.—Shipley, J. W., & Shipley, J. H. The electrode potential of iron in relation to hydrogen ion concentration. Canad. J. Res., 1936, 14: Sect. B, 31-40. ---- Protein compounds. See also Hematin; Hemoglobin, etc. Ariola, V. Sulle metalloproteine; la fissazione del ferro. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1922, 4. ser., 28: 139-53.—Colarizi, A., & Scappaticci, R. La reazione al peptonato di ferro in diverse condizioni morbose dell'infanzia. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1937, 63: 20-53.—Ewe, G. Assay of solution of iron peptonate and manganese. Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1938-39, 7: 267.—Fischer, F. G., & Hultzsch, K. Ueber die Bindung des Eisens in Eiweisstoffen. Biochem. Zsehr., 1938, 299: 104-22. ---- radioactive. Balfour, W. M. The absorption of radioactive iron in human beings. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 174 (Abstr.) —^— Hahn, P. F. [et al.] Radioactive iron absorption in clinical conditions; normal, pregnanev, anemia, and hemo- chromatosis. J. Exp. M., 1942, 76: 15 30.—Chapin, M. A., & Ross, J. F. Factors influencing the metabolism of radioactive iron in human subjects. Fed. Proc, Halt., 1942, 1: pt 2, 175 (Abstr.)—Hahn. P. F. Absorption of radioactive iron. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 28: 758. ------Bale, W. F. [et al.] Radio- active iron and its excretion in urine, bile, and feces. J. Exp. M., 1939, 70: 443-51. ------ Radio-iron in plasma does not exchange with hemoglobin iron in red cells. Science, 1940, 92: 131.—Hahn, P. F., Balfour, W. M. [et al.] Red cell volume circulating and total as determined bv radio iron. Ibid., 1941, 93: 87.—Hettig, R. A., & Bale. W. F. Ex- cretion of radioactive iron in dogs. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 28: 758.—Pommercnke, W. T., Hahn, P. F. [et al.] Transmission of radio-active iron to the human fetus. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 164-70.—Ross, J. F. Radioactive iron in experimental medicine. Bull. New England M. Center, 1942, 4: 220-3. ------ & Chapin, M. A. The electrolytic separation of radioactive iron from the blood. Rev. Sc. Instrum., 1942, 13: 77-80. ---- reduced. Carles, P. Ferro ridotto coll'idrogeno. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1874, 23: 438-42.—Crolas. Modificazioni alia prepara- IRON 559 IRON zione del ferro ridotto coll'idrogeno alio scopo di ottenerlo completamente puro. Ibid., 340-2.—Heraeus, W. [Produc- tion of ferrum reductum] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1874, 6: 110.—[Investigations of ferrum reductum] Ibid., 1880, 12: 139-41.— [Manufacture of ferrum hydrogenio reductum] Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1863-64, 3: 70.—Tvede, L., & Lotze, G. [On ferrum reductum] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1869, 1: 87; 101. ---- Siderosis. See also subheading Histology; also Hemo- chromatosis; Pneumokoniosis; Porphyria, etc. Bentzen, T. E. A case of acute siderosis. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1933, 14: 344-8, pl.—Bohrod, M. G. Pulmonary siderosis;2 cases with reticulo-endothelial siderosis. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1930, 13: 233-52. Also Arch. Path., Chic, 1930, 10: 179-96, pl.—Borromeo, G. Le lesioni necrobiotiche siderotiche del connettivo della milza e degli altri organi. Riv. osp., 1933, 23: 37-63.—De Giorgio, A. Siderosi. Gior. ital. derm. sif.. 1937, 78: No. 1, Suppl., 94-7.—Feil, A. La sideiose profession- nelle. Paris mM., 1936, 101: 365-71.—Gadrat, J.. & Bazex, A. Sur l'origine de certaines sideroses cutan^es. Hull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1939, 46: 725-8.—Hanns, A. Un cas de sideiose pulmonaire. Presse med., 1935, 43: 865.—Henriques, V., & Okkels, H. Das weitere Verhalten experimentell erzeugter Eisenablagerungen innerhalb der parenchvmatosen Organe. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1930, 12: 155-66.—Iwao, T. Ueber die experimentelle Eisenablagerung des Herzbeutels, des Zwerch- fells und der Nierenkapsel. Tr. Soc path, jap., 1933, 23: 194. ------& Hirai, M. The histological investigation of the experi- mental iron deposition in the appendages of the uterus. Ibid., 213-5.—Kurihara, M. Histochemische Untersuchungen der experimentell hervorgerufenen Meningealsiderose. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1932, 22: 867-9.—Lorenz, E., & Menkin, V. Ex- perimental siderosis; spectroscopic studies of iron-containing pigment. Arch. Path., Chic, 1936, 22: 82-5.—Makarov, P. Ueber die Morphologie der Eiseneinschliisse in der Zelle. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1933, 19: 28-49.—Menkin, V. The ac- cumulation of iron in tuberculous areas; survival time of tuberculous rabbits injected with ferric chloride. J. Exp. M., 1932, 55: 101-8. ------■ Experimental siderosis. Arch. Path., Chic, 1935, 19: 53-60, pl.---;---& Talmadge, S. M. Experimental siderosis; iron-containing pigment in absence of breakdown of hemoglobin. Ibid., 61-5.—Morito, K. Ueber die durch intravenose Injektion von Hermosol hervorgerufene Eisenablagerung bei den erwachsenen Kaninchen. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1929, 19: 206. ------ Ueber die durch subcutane und intraabdominelle Reinjektionen von Kolloideisen (Hemosol) hervorgerufene Eisenablagerung sowie Anamie bei erwachsenen Meerschweinchen. Ibid., 1932, 22: 137-40.—Muhlmann, M. Zur Frage der Bedeutung der Lipoidsiderose der Hirnkapillaren fiir die Entstehung der Hypertonic und der Arteriosklerose. Virchows Arch., 1927-28, 266: 712-30.—Nanta, A., & Sendrail, M. Reproduction experimentale des incrustations sid^rosiques observees dans les nodules du Gandv-Gamna. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 112: 118-20.—O'Donovan, W. J. Case of iron-stone pigmentation of the face (with natural and infra-red photographs) Brit. J. Derm. Syph., 1935, 47: 471.—Pod- kaminsky, N. A. Aspect radiologique de sid£rose des poumons. Bull. Soc radiol. m£d. France, 1931, 19: 283-5.—Scheid, K. F. Ueber exogene und endogene Eisenablagerungen in der Lunge. Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 88: 224-40, pl.—Schnizer, von. Dienstbeschadigung fiir eine Eisenlunge abgelehnt. Fortsch. Med., 1927, 45: pt 2, 647-50.—Taylor, J., Stiven, D., & Reid, E. W. Experimental and idiopathic siderosis in cats. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1935, 28: 397-405, 5 pl. ---- Steel. See Steel. ---- Sulfur compounds. Clarke, D. A. A stable syrup of ferrous sulfate. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Pract. Pharm. Ed., 1941, 2: 4-6.—Coppo, M. Sull'azione emolitica in vivo del solfato ferroso. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 262-6.—Ferrous sulfate, desiccated. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 2321.—Hansen, C. [Method for quick purification of sulphates of iron] Ny pharm. tid., Kbh., 1869, 1: 5-7.—Huyck, C. L. The effect of certain agents on the stability of ferrous sulfate solutions. Am. J. Pharm., 1941, 113: 189-95.—Pavesi, C. Nuovi reagenti, gelatina animale, albumina, tintura di guaiaco e carta amido iodurata, per distinguere il protosolfato di ferro dal persolfato. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1874, 23: 14.5-8.—Roberts, H. S. Poly- morphism in the FeS-S solid solutions; thermal study. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 1034-8.—Rosin, J. Ferric sulfate, reagent, new monograph. Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1940-41, 9: 57.—Solution of ferric subsulfate. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 303. ---- Therapeutic use. See also subheading Pharmacology. Arrowsmith W R. Some reasons for failure of iron therapy in certain case's. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1940-41, 35: 14Q__Awe, W. Ein Beitrag zur Eisentherapie. Miinch. med. Wschr., ' 1936, 83: 1883-5.—Bickel, A. Praktische Therapie mit Eisenpraparaten und Stahlquellen. Deut. med. Wschr 1928 54: 1581-4.—Burgon, E. A., & Joss, G. E. The ca"111}1^^1011 of lron t0 sucking pigs. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1938, 50: 1697.—Conferences on therapv; treatment of blood disorders; iron therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2207-14.— Du Bois, E. La terapia ferrica delle malattie del sangue. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: 331 (Abstr.)—Eder, H. L. Iron therapy: a routine procedure during infancy. Arch. Pediat., N Y., 1934, 51: 701-13.—Ferrotherapy. Squibb Mem N Y 1939, 18: No. 3, 15.—Fischler, F. Zum heutigen Stande der Eisentherapie. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 664-6.—Freud, P. Ueber die Anwendung moderner Eisen- praparate im Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalter. Med. Klin., Berl., 1929, 25: 1102—Goldwater, L. J. A short historv of iron therapy. Ann. M. Hist., 1935, 7: 261-7—Guenther, F. Die Eisentherapie auf neuerer pharmakologischer Grundlage. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1937, 53: 624.—Hawksley, J. C. Modern therapeutics; the therapeutics of iron. Practitioner, Lond., 1939, 143: 215-21.—Kuhn, A. Biologically active iron in homeopathy. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1934, 27: 331-3 — Nikolaev. N. M., & Sparo, L. A. [Therapeutic use of metallic iron] Khn. med., Moskva, 1931, 9: 637-42. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1931, 76: 673-9.—Pezold. A. von. Erfahrungen in der Eisentherapie. Med. Welt, 1930, 4: 1109.—Podolsky, E. The uses of iron in medicine. J. Ayurveda, 1933, 9: 401-5. ------ The therapeutics of iron. Eclect. M. J., 1934, 94: 364-7.—Schulten, H. Ueber die Eisentherapie, ihre Geschichte, experimentelle Grundlage und praktische Anwendung. Ther. Gegenwart, 1934, 75: 341-5.— Siboni. G. Ferroterapia. Boll. chim. farm., 1929, 68: 447; 544; 640.—Starkenstein. E. Wn-ksame Eisentherapie. Fortsch. Ther., 1930, 6: 97-104.— Stolleis, D. Beitrag zur Eisenbehandlung der Anamie im Sauglings- und Kindesalter. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 819-22.—Thoenes, F. Zur Eisentherapie im Kindesalter. Ther. Gegenwart, 1934, 75: 346-9.—Tocantins, L. M. Iron. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 153-66.— Wiechowski, W. Die Eisentherauie im Lichte der neueren Forschung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 1765-7.—Witts, L. J.. Davies, D. T. [et al.] Discussion on the therapeutic uses of iron. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1930-31, 24: Sect. Ther. Pharm., 543-60. ---- Therapeutic use: Untoward effects. Blass, J. L. Iron-stained teeth. Dent. Surv., 1942, 18: 57.— Karaila, E. Ueber die Einwirkung der Eisenpraparate auf die Ziihne. Acta paediat., Upps., 1937, 21: 205-7.—Reyner, C. E. Pigmentation following the use of iron salts. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1939, 40: 380.—Sjoberg, H. Symptoms of ileus from retention of iron in cecum following the adminis- tration of large doses of iron. Acta med. scand., 1935, 85: 129-35. IRON age. See also Man, prehistoric. Childe, V. G. Prehistoric iron. Man, Lond., 1941, 41: 139.—Coghlan, H. H. Prehistoric iron prior to the dispersion of the Hittite empire. Ibid., 74-80.—Goodman, C. N., & Morant, G. M. The human remains of the iron age and other periods from Maiden Castle, Dorset. Biometrika, Cambr., 1939-40, 31: 295-312, 3 pl., 2 tab.—Raftery, J. Long stone cists of the Early Iron Age. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1941, 46: sect. C, 299-315, pl.—Wainwright. G. A. Early records of iron in Abyssinia. Man, Lond., 1942, 42: 84-8. ------ The coming of iron to some African peoples. Ibid., 103-8. IRON bacterium. ' See also Gallionella; Leptothrix; Water, Bacteriology. Insom, T. *Richerche sull'assunzione del ferro da parte dei protofiti. 67p. 8? Padova, 1932. Salter, J. *Untersuchungen iiber eisen- speichernde Bakterien (Leptothrix; Aktinomy- ceten; Ferribakterium duplex) [Kiel] 45p. 8: Quakenbriick, 1934. Beckwith, T. D. The bacterial corrosion of iron and steel. J. Am. Water Works Ass., 1941, 33: 147-67.—Biswas, K. Studies on Indian iron-bacteria. Biol, gen., Wien, 1937, 13: 421-34, pl.—Carroll, E. B. Control of iron bacteria bv super- chlorination. J. Am. Water Works Ass., 1941, 33: 168-70 — Cholodny, N. Methoden zur Kultur der Eisenbakterien. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1939, Abt. 12, T. 2, 1: 889-903.—Ellis, D. The iron-bacteria. Discovery, Lond., 1924, 5: 237-40.—Gams, H. Neue Unter- suchungen iiber Eisenorganismen. Mikrokosmos, Stuttg., 1922-23, 16: 199-201.—Harder, E. C. Iron bacteria. Science, 1915, n. ser., 42: 310.—Hardman. Y., & Henrici, A. T. Studies of freshwater bacteria; the distribution of Siderocapsa treubii in some lakes and streams. J. Bact., Bait., 1939, 37: 97-105- incl. pl.—Kholodny, N. G. [Ecology of iron bacteria] Mikro, biologia, Moskva, 1937, 6: 843-8. ----— [Right and wrong ways in investigations of ferrobacteria] Ibid., 1941, 10: 415-8.—Monti, A. Contributo alia biologia dei ferrobneteri. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 420-3.—Naumann, E. Streitfragen der Eisenbakterien-Forschung. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1929, 78: 380-4.—Preobrazhenskaia, M. R. [Ecology IRON BACTERIUM and biology of iron bacteria] Mikrobiologia, Moskva, 1937, 6: 339-50. ------ [Certain new data on iron-bacteria] Priroda, Leningrad, 1937. 26: 114-6.—Schorler, B. Beitrage Bur Kenntnis der Eisenbakterien. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1904, 12: 6SI-95.—Waring, W. S.. & Werkman, C. H. Iron require- ments of heterotrophic bacteria. Arch. Biochem., N. V., 1942-43, 1: 425-33.—Winogradsky, S. Eisenbakterien als Anorgoxydanten. Zbl. Bakt., 2. Abt., 1922-23, 57: 1-21. ------ Ferrobacteries; travaux tecents. Bull. Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1928,26: 625-30. IRON industry [and steel] See also Iron worker; Metal industry. Klein, H. *Die neueste Entwicklung der Siegerlander Eisenindustrie [Philos.] [4]p. 22J'2cm. [Giessen, 1924] Myers, C. S. A study of improved methods in an iron foundry. 8p. 8? Lond., 1919. Badham, C. Galvanizing room, 20th October. Rep. Dir. Pub. Health N. S. Wales (1936) 1938, 97.—Bordas, F. Le transport et le stockage des ferro-silicium au point de vue de hi saute publique. Ann. hyg., Par., 1931, n. ser., 9: 1-14.— Ezekiel, M., & Wylie, K. H. Cost functions for the steel industry. J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1941, n. ser., 36: 91-9.— Minkov, Z. I. [Appliance for elimination of gases during drying of castings in foundries] Gig. & zdorov., 1942, 7: No. 10, 48.—Weissbreit, D. N. [Chemical changes in the composition of air during 24 hours in the casting room of the Voronezh locomotive repair factory Dzerghinsky] Tr. Voronezh, med. inst., 1932, 1-6. IRONS, Ernest Edward, 1877- See Hatcher, R. A., Irons. E. E. [et al.] Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States. 238p. 16? Chic. [1931] For biography see Ann. Int. M., 1942, 16: 1033, portr. For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 255. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: opp. p. 467; 1943, 122: opp. 349. IRON worker [and steel worker] See also Iron industry; Metal worker; Sili- cosis, etc. \Vatkins, J. A. Health conservation at steel mills. 36p. 8° Wash., 1916. Beintker, E. Eisenindustrie und Gesundheit; die Ver- feinerungsverfahren. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 364-6.—Bonig. Unfall- und < icsundheitsschutz in Thomasstahlwerken. Arbeitsschutz, 1939, 334-8.—Carleton, H. M. The effects produced by the inhalation of haematite and iron dusts in guinea-pigs. J. Hyg., Cambr., 1927-28, 26: 227-34.—Collis, E. L., & Goadby, Sir K. W. Dust inhalation and iron ore mining. J. Indust. Hyg., 1930, 12: 266-80.—Day, F. E. H. Gastro-intestinal diseases among steel workers. Canad. Pub. Health J., 1939, 30: 555-7.—Fehnel, J. W. Health hazards in steel mills. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 358-60.— Govseev, N. A., & Rossin, S. A. [Etiology and prophylaxis of angioneurosis of the upper extremities in iron workers (ham- mers)] Sovet. nevropat., 1935, 4: No. 5, 115-22.—Heim de Balsac, F. & Feil, A. Poussteres et hygiene dans les mines de fer; sid6rose des mineurs de fer et ses caracteres. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1934, 3. ser., Ill: 945-7. Also Presse med., 1934, 42: 1159. ------ L'6tat pulmonaire des professionals des mines de fer de Lorraine; la siderose des mineurs de fer et ses caracteres. Ber. Internat. Kongr. Unfallmed. (1938) 1939, 8. Congr., 2: 985.—Humperdinck, K. Eisenstaublunge. Bull. Hyg., Lond., 1942, 17: 748 (Abstr.)—Israelson, Z. I. [Hygienic problems in high-grade steel industry] Gig. & zdorov., 1941, 6: No. 6, 27-30.—Lawson, G. B., Jackson, W. P., & Gardner, J. E. Pneumonoconiosis in iron miners. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 1129-31.—Moschinski, G. Die Gefiiss- storungen der Gussputzer. Arch. Gewerbepath., 1938-39, 9: 689-97.—Naeslund, C. Experimental investigations concern- ing the liability to silicosis amongst workmen in iron mines. J. Indust. Hyg., 1938, 20: 435-53.—Pfannenstiel, W. Gesundheitsgefahren in der Eisenindustrie und ihre Ver- hutung. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1930, n. F., 7: 198; 224—Schny- der, W. F. Spaltlampenmikroskopie der Augen der Feuerar- beiter eines Eisenwalzwerkes wahrend und unmittelbar nach der Arbeit, Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1933-34, 131: 599; 1934, 132: 430.—Shoudy, L. A. Sickness in the steel industry. Hahneman. Month., 1931, 66: 401-12.—Skin hazards in iron and steel manufacture. Pub. Health Bull., Wash., 1939, 249: 48-61. 2 fig.—Somewhere in England; maintaining the health of the steel worker. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1942, 38: 306.—Tasner, J. Knochenbriiche in der schweren Eisenindus- tries. Ber. Internat. Kongr. Unfallmed. (1938) 1939, 8. Congr., 2: 623-6.—Vassiliev, V. N. [Physical development of work- men in .steed production factories in Perm, Russia] Profess. pat. gig., 1928, 27-37. -----— [Blood picture of workmen from steel production factories in Perm (Russia)] Ibid., 45-9.-—Vernon, H. M. The effect of atmospheric conditions on efficiency in iron, steel, and tinplate production. Annual Rep. Indust. Fatigue Res. Bd., Lond. (1922) 1923, 3: 61 — Winterhager. Berufsgefahren und Arbeiterschutz in Eisen- giessereien. Arbeiterschutz, 1926, 2: 101-6. IROQUOIS IROQUOIS. See under Indian. IRRADIATED Evaporated Milk Institute. See Chicago, III. Irradiated Evaporated Milk Institute. IRRADIATION. See Radiation; Radiotherapy. IRRATIONALISM. See also Intuition; Knowledge; Rationalism; Reasoning; Philosophy. Cohn, A. E. No retreat from reason. In Science & Mun (Anshen, R. N.) N. Y., 1942, 97-118— Horkheimer, M. The end of reason. Stud. Philos. & Social Sc, 1941, 9: 366-88.—Jankelevitch, V. Deux philosophes de la vie: Bergson, Guyan. Rev. philos. France, 1924, 97: 402-49.—Sihle, M. Zum Problem einer Synthese des Rationalen und Irrationalen vom arztlichen Standpunkt, In Einheitsbestr. (Kongr. med. Svnthese) (1932) 1933, 2. Congr., 7-20.—Weizsacker, V. von. Das Antilogische. Psychol. Forsch., 1923, 3: 295-318. IRRESPONSIBILITY. See also Impulsive state; Incapacity; Insanity, Responsibility; Responsibility. Deters, F. *Ueber Haftfahigkeit [Miinster] 27p. 8? Quakenbriick, 1936. Le Mansois Duprey, P. *Etude m6dico- sociale sur les questions de responsabilite attenuee. 118p. 8? Lyon, 1908. Lutschg, J. *Die Beurteilung der ver- mindert Zurechnungsfahigen vor dem berni- schen Strafgericht [Gen.] 23p. 8? Naumburg a. S., 1910. Also Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1910, 7: 385-407. Manser, J. B. *Beitrag zur Frage der verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit [Zurich] 92p. 8? Halle, 1932. Stahl, R. *Ueber partielle Zurechnungs- fahigkeit. 13p. 8? Bonn, 1920. Altavilla, E. Responsabilite legale e sistema di difesa sociale nei progetto di nuovo codice criminale. Scuola posit., 1922, 32: 214-26.—Bancroft, C. P. Ought limited responsibility to be recognized by the courts. Am. J. Insan., 1917-18, 74: 139-48.—Bleuler, E. Zurechnungsfahigkeit und Krankheit. Zbl. Nervenh., 1909, 32: 241-6.—Boigey, M. Passion, crime et responsabilite. Arch, anthrop. crim., Lyon, 1914, 29: 287-97.—Bonhoeffer, K. Bemerkungen zur Frage der Ein- fiihrung der verminderten Zurechnungsfahighkeit. Charite Ann., Berl., 1913, 37: 101-9.—Bosch, R. El examen medico- legal de los criminales antes de la condena para establecer su grado de imputabilidad. Actas Conf. Iat. amer. neur., 1929, 1. Conf., 2: 215-22.—Braun, E. Die vermindert Zurechnungs- fahigen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1934, 30: 1513-6.—Carrara, M. Die biologische Grundlage der partiellen Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1926, 17: 428-36.—Delpiano, J., Lopez Bancalari, E., & Malbran, J. Alcoholismo y respon- sabilidad penal. Prensa nted. argent., 1942, 29: 137-43.— Dyrenfurth, F. Ueber Grenzen der Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1932, 29: 171-4.—Ebermayer. Haft- fahig oder haftunfahig? Deut. med. Wschr., 1925, 51: 1078-80.—Enge, J. Die strafrechtliche Unzurechnungs- fahigkeit. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1486-90.—Engelen, O. Be- handlung der sogenannten vermindert Zurechnungsfahigen. Jurist, psychiat.Grenzfr., 1913, 9: Heft 1, 1-18.—Francotte, X. Des circonstances qui justifient ou n^cessitent l'examen mental de l'inculpS. J. neur., Par., 1908, 13: 281; 301.—Giovine, N. 1 talienische Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung betreffend die strafrechtliche Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Fortsch. Neur. Psychiat., 1937, 9: 40-50.—Giraud, A. La question de la responsabilite d'aptes les derniSres publications de M. Grasset et de M. Maivet. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1908, 9. ser., 8: 15-34.—Gordon, A. Morbid impulse, criminal act and mental responsibility. Med. Times, N. Y., 1930, 58: 354-6.— Grasset, M. La responsabilite attenuee des inculp£s, question medico-sociale. J. med. int., Par., 1913, 27: 121: 131. Also Rev. sc, Par., 1913, 1: 513-23.—Gregoraci. G. La circolare del ministro Rocco ed il problema della imputabilite, nei reati passionali. Scuola posit., 1930, n. ser., 10: 353-9.—Hersch- mann, H. Der Unzurechnungsfahigkeitsparagraph im neuen deutschen Strafgesetzentwurf. Jahrber. Psychiat. Neur., 1921-22, 41: 109-22. ------ Ueber die sogenannte ver- minderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit und die sichernden Massnah- men in den deutschen und dsterreichischen Strafgesetzent- wurfen vom Jahre 1927. Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1927, 82: 331-8. ------ Forensisch-Kriminalistisches. Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: 249-52.— Homburger, A. Zur Frage der verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 30 IRRESPONSIBILITY 561 IRRIGATION 1928, 54: 1363-6.—Hyslop, T. B. The medico-psychological standpoint as to irresponsibilitv. Med. Press. & Circ, Lond., 1926, n. ser., 121 : 253-7.—Jauregg, W. von. Der Zurech- nungsunfahigkeits-Paragraph im Strafgesetzentwurfe. Wien. med. Wschr., 1911, 61: 177; 256.—Kahl, W. Die Bestimmun- gen iiber Unzurechnungsfahigkeit und verminderte Zurech- hungsfahigkeit im Vorentwurf eines deutschen Strafgesetz- buches. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1910, 16: 89-96.------ Der Stand der europiiischen Gesetzgebung iiber verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Deut. med. Wschr., 1911, 37: 2041-14.—Laignel-Lavastine. M. La capacite penale. Paris nted., 1919, 33: 263-8.—Lebrun. La responsabilite et la responsabilite attenuee devant le code penal. Arch, internat. med. leg., Brux., 1910, Suppl., 115-29.—Lefevre.L. L'expertise medico-legal au point de vue de la determination du degte de responsibilite penale. Arch. nted. beiges, 1920, 73: 195-213.— Lieske, H. Die geminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit nach dem neuesten Stand der Strafgesetzreform zum jiingst beendeten Entwurf eines Deutschen Strafgesetzbuches. J.Psychol. Neur., Lpz., 1915, 21: 247-53.—Luxenburger, H. Verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit oder Zurechungsfahigkeit mit minderer Schuld? Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1928, 30: 507-11.—Lyustrit- ski, V. V. [Reduced responsibility] Psikhiat. gaz., Petrogr., 1915, 2: 397-400.—Maier, H. W. Der Arzt und das neue schweiz. Strafgesetzbuch; Unzurechnungsfahigkeit. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 75.—Marcuse, M. Schuld und Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1927-28, 14:428-30.— Marthen. Psychiatrische Korrigendenuntersuchungen. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1914, 22: Orig., 286-305.—Marx, H. Ueber Haftfiihigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg., 1909, 15: 45-8.—Mathe. Etude sur la responsabilite attenuee; lois faites dans les divers pays, lois k faire concernant les criminels et la responsabilite attenu6e. Arch, internat. nted. leg., Brux., 1910, Suppl., 129-98.—Mezger, E. Personlichkeit und strafrechtliche Zurechnung. Grenzfr. Nerv. Seelenleb., 1926, H. 124:. 1-42.—Monkemoller. Epikritische Betrachtungen iiber den Plotzenseeprozess. Deut. med. Wschr., 1905, 31: 1076; 1116.—Moravcsik, E. E. La question de la detention des personnes k responsabilite restreinte et des ivrognes invetetes. Arch, anthrop. crim., Lyon, 1906, 21: 283-95.— Munoyerro, L. A. Irresponsabilidad. In his Moral med. en los sacram., Madr., 1941,257.—Papadaki, A. La responsabilite attenuee et l'avant-projet de Code penal federal suisse. J. neur., Par., 1910, 15: 161-9.—Parant, V., pere. La respon- sabilite attenuee et sa sanction penale. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1912, 10. ser., 1: 439-58.—Pardo, L. Psychiatric aspects of criminal responsibility. Month. Bull. Philippine Health Serv., 1932, 12: 262.—Perrens, C. A propos de la respon- sabilite attenuee. J. med. Bordeaux, 1913, 43:71-4.—Raimann, E. Zur verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 452-5.—Rossi, E. Sullo stato mentale di Gilardi Battista imputato di appiccato incendio a danno di Fusi Angelo. Ann. freniat,, For., 1907, 17: 62-70.—Ruiz- Funes, M. La formula deU'imputabilite penale. Arch. antrop. crim., Tor., 1931, 51: 735-46— Saint-Paul, G. Les medecins experts et les stigmates d'irresponsabilite. Rev. internat. med. chir., Par., 1909, 20: 321-4.—Schlegel, A. Die Beurteilung der Haftfiihigkeit. Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 453; 488; 637.—Schneider, C. Ueber Charakterfehler und ihre Beziehungen zur geminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1927, 10: 593-619.—Schroder, P. Ueber verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Klin. Fortbild., 1934, 2: 485-513.—Seng&s, N. Positivisme medical et respon- sabilite penale. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1935, 93: pt 1, 19; 203.—Simon. Unzurechnungsfahigkeit, geminderte Zurech- nungsfahigkeit, Trunksucht in einem kiinftigen Strafgesetz- buch. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1910-11, 7: 593-601.—Simons. La responsabilite et le droit penal. Arch, internat. med. leg., Brux., 1910, Suppl., 199-219.—Sommer, P. Zweifel an der Zurechnungsfahigkeit eines Angeklagten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1240.—Steinwallner, B. Ausgeschlossene und verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit in neueren auswartigen Strafrechtskodifikationen. Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1935, 37: 220-4. Also Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1936-37, 105: 269-75 — Strassmann, F. Ein Wort zur Verstandigung in der Frage der verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1910, 16: 425-9.—Tobben, H. Die Begutachtung der Zurech- nungsfahigkeit. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl., Med., 1934-35, 24: 98-113.—Tiirkel, S. Psychiatrisch-kriminalistische Prob- leme. Jahrber. Psychiat., 1905, 26: 31-102.—Vigouroux, A. Les criminels et les deiinquants k responsabilite attenuee. Clinique, Par., 1913, 8: 138-40.—Zaitzeff, L. Die strafrecht- liche Zurechnungsfahigkeit bei Massenverbrechen. Jurist. psychiat. Grenzfr., 1912, 8: Heft 6, 1-64. IRRGANG, Erika [Maria Johanna] 1910- *Ueber die therapeutische Beeinflussbarkeit von Impftumoren [Breslau] 15p. 8? Diisseld., G. H. Nolte, 1936. IRRIGATION. See also Irrigator; also Enema; also names of organs irrigated as Bladder; Colon; Intestine; Nose, etc. Fisrher M H., & Bledsoe, R. W. A harmless mucous membrane' irrigant. J. Am. M Ass., 1927, 88: 1881.-Gold- hahn, R. Spiilungen in der Chirurgie. Deut. med. Wschr., 320157—vol. 8, 4th series----36 1937,63:702-4.------& Barbieri, P. Los lavajes en cirujia. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1937, 36: 1072-7.—Nussbaum, S. Irrigations and instillations. In Ther. Infancy (Litchfield, H. R., & al.) Phila., 1942, 1: 150-63—Schiibel, K. Die Spulungsbehandlung in der praktischen Medizin vom pharmakologischen Gesichtspunkt. Deut. med. Wschr., 1937, 63: 697-700.—Stark, W. B. Irrigations with aqueous solution; their effect on the membranes of the upper respiratory tract of the rabbit. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1928, 8: 47-55. ---- agricultural. See also Drainage; Drought; Sewage; Water supply. Beam, W. Map of the Gezira showing approximate line and scope of proposed irrigation canal. Rep. Wellcome Trop. Res. Lab. Khartoum, 1911, 4: B, 49.—Boone, A. R. Water, water, everywhere; multiple-purpose Central Valley project in California involves huge dams, 5 canals. Sc. American, 1942, 166: 178.—[Colombia] Decreto numero 964 de 1940 (mayo 17) por el cual se incorpora la Secci6n de acueductos y alcantarillados del Ministerio de obras ptiblicas al Departamento de ingenieria sanitaria del Ministerio de trabajo, higiene y previsidn social. Rev. hig., Bogota, 1941, 22: No. 5, 122-5.— Gopalakrishnan, C. Regime flow in incoherent alluvium. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 139-42.—Kosok, P. The role of irrigation in ancient Peru. Proc. Am. Sc Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 169-78, 2 pl., map.—Landaverde, A. C6mo aprovechar mejor las aquas pluviales y de riego en agricultura. Ibid., 5: 143.—Lowdermilk, W. C, & Wickes, D. R. Ancient irrigation in China brought up to date. Sc. month., 1942, 55: 209-25.—Magistad, O. C. The use of softened Colorado River water for home gardens. J. Am. Water Works Ass., 1941, 33: 883-93.—Mitchelson, A. T. Irrigation. Britan. Bk 1942, 365-7.—Rider, J. H. Sanitary features of irrigation. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1930, 20: 1187-91.—Stewart, G. R., & Donnelly, M. Soil and water economy in the Pueblo South- west; evaluation of primitive methods of conservation. Sc. Month., 1943, 56: 134-44.—Technische Vorschriften fur Bau und Betrieb von Grundstiicksbewasserungsanlagen. Gesundh. Ingenieur, 1927, 50: 533-6. IRRIGATOR. See also Irrigation. Andrews, C. G. An irrigation accessory. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: 801.—Destot. Siphon automatique, pour irrigation intermittente. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1917, n. ser., 43: 938.— DeSushko, A. A new nasal irrigator. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 647.—Freund, E. M. New irrigating valve with automatic cut-off and removable tips. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1933, 18: 200.—Irwin, M. Irrigating apparatus. U. S. Patent Off., 1939, No. 2,157,756; 1940, No. 21,615.—Kennison, R. S. Irrigating apparatus. Ibid., 1941, No. 2,252,569.—Lager- crantz, S. Zur Verbreitung des Klystiers in Negerafrika. In Kultur & Rasse (Hesch-Spannaus) Berl., 1939, 364-74.— McFarland, W. M., & McFarland, A. F. Washing and irrigat- ing device. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,241,823.—Mezey, C. M. Anus and vaginal irrigator. Ibid., No. 2,265,080.— Myers, H. C. A simplified automatic intermittent irrigator. South. Surgeon, 1940, 9: 193-5.—Nissel, W. Praktische Sptilvorrichtung fiir urologische Verbandraume. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 1222.—Tissot. Sonde bequiliee souple pour lavages utetro-vesicaux chez la femme. J. urol. med., Par., 1938, 45: 233.—Travers, E. Irrigating applicator. U. S. Patent Off., 1941, No. 2,243,299. IRRITABILITY. See Excitability. IRRITANT. See also Injury; Stimulant; Stimulus; Tonic; also names of irritants as Gas, etc. Ebbecke, U. Ueber die Wirkungsweise nichtelektrischer (mechanischer, chemischer, thermischer) Reize. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1926, 211: 511-22.—Gardner, L. U. 'Respiratory irritants; dusts, fumes and gases. In his Tuberc. in Industry, 1942, N. Y., 115-22.—Heubner, W. Ueber Reizstoffe. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 39-43.—Luithlen, F.. & Molitor, H. Pharmakologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung intra ku- taner Reize; die Aenderung der Reizschwelle parasympathischer und sympathischer Gifte durch Intrakutanreize. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1926, 114: 47-55.—Meier, R. Ueber Reizwirkung an Einzelzellen. Ibid., 1927, 122: 129-58.—Osborne, E. D., & Hallett, J. J. Skin irritants. N. York State J. M., 1942 42: 1529-31.—Schunk de Goldfiem, J. Les irritants vegetaux; tevulsifs, balsamiques, diutetiques, cholagogues, etc. Clinique, Par., 1939, 34: 127-32.—Stajano, C. Resumen de nuestras investigaciones sobre los reflejos trofioos; hechos nuevos de orden experimental; los reflejos tr6ficos y sus leyes; hechos similares en clinica humana. Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo, 1929, 1: 284-90. IRRMANN, Ernest, 1905- *Resultats edoignes des resections d'estomac pour cancer. 72p. 8? Strasb., Impr. Ch. & J. Goeller, 1932. IRRTIEMER >2 ISAAC IRRTl'EMER der allgemeinen Diagnostik und Therapie sowie deren Verhutung. Lpz., H. 1, 1923- IRRLM ATION. See Coitus, extragenital. IRSAY, Istvan. See D'lrsay, Stephen. IRUJO, Manuel. Valdizan, H. El doctor Manuel Irujo. In: Bibl. cent. med. Peru l Valdizan, H. & Bambaren, C. A.) Lima, 1921,2: 223. IRVIN, Isaiah W., 1876- Portrait. In Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 102S. .V.I7. IRVINE, E. Eastman. Editor of World (The) almanac and book of facts for 1942. IRVINE, Harry Garfield, 1881- For biography see Centaur, Menasha, 1941-42, 47: 199, portr. Also in Hist. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Van Antwerp, L. D.) Menasha, 1942, 199, portr. IRVINE, Kenneth Neville [M. D., Oxford, 1934] The B. C. G. vaccine. 70p. 8? Lond., Oxford Univ. pr., 1934. IRVINE, Louis Godfrey [M. B., Edinb., 1892] Hints on first aid for miners. 33p. 47 pl. 16? Johannesburg, E. H. Adlington, 1916. IRVINE-JONES, Edith Isobel Myfanwy. See Smyth, V. S., & Irvine-Jones, E. I. M. Handbook of pediatric procedures. 212p. 8? N. Y., 1930. IRVING, A. S. Anatomy mnemonics. 4. ed., rev. & enl. bv Alastair G. Smith. 133p. lO^cm. Edinb., E. & S. Livingstone, 1939. IRVING, Albert John [D. D. S. 1917, Univ. Mich.] See Cillett, H. W., & Irving, A. J. Gold inlays by the indirect system. 584p. 8? Brooklyn, 1932. IRVING, Frederick Carpenter, 1883- A textbook of obstetrics for students and practi- tioners, xxiv, 558p. illust. pl. diagrs. 8° N. Y. Macmillan co., 1936. ---- Safe deliverance. 308p. 23^cm. Bost., Houghton Mifflin co., 1942. Physician receives publisher's award. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 974. IRVING, Herbert Cavan. For portrait see in Chronicle Crichton Royal (Easterbrook, C. C.) Dumfries, 1940, opp. p. 508. IRVING, Robert Chrystal, 1863-1942. Robert Chrystal Irving; an outstanding veterinarian and link with Wm. Hunting. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1942, 54: 123-5, portr. IRWIN, Bernard J. D., 1830-1917. Crimmins, M. L. Recollections of the old medical officers, Brigadier Oeneral B. J. D. Irwin. Mil. Surgeon, 1928, 62: 361-5.— Thompson, W. M. The fighting Arizona doctor, Brigadier General J. B. D. Irwin, 1830-1917. Southwest M. 1935. 19: 164-81. Portrait in oil, painted by Amy McCormick, in Library. IRWIN, Brian Tyrwhitt Wyn, 1905-42. For obituary see N. Zealand M. J., 1942, 41: 137-9, portr; IRWIN, Emmett Lee, 1893- For portrait see N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1942-43, 95: 483. IRWIN, H. M. Health for ever. 160p. 19cm. Lond., Rider & co. [1939] IRWIN, Rita, & PAOLONE, Clementina. Practical birth control, a guide of medically approved methods for the married, xxiii, 172p illust. 8? X. Y., R. M. McBride [1937] IRWIN, Vern D., & WILSON, Netta W. An evaluation of dental health literature, v, 58p. 23cm. S. Paul, Bruce pub. co., 1942. IRYZ, Jose M. For portrait see Medicina, Mex., 1942, 22: 553. ISAAC, Frank. English & Scottish printing types, 1535-58. 171p. illust. 4? Lond., Bibliogr. Soc, 1932. ISAAC, George Washington, 1857-1931. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1931, 2: 681. ISAAC, Gerda [M. D., 1935, Basel] Teher Xiemann-Pick'sche Krankheit [Basel] 12p. 8? Stetten, K. Schahl, 1935. ISAAC, Oscar. Higiene oral. 2. ed. 59p, 28'jcm. Caracas, Lit. y Tip. del Comercio, 1936. ISAAC, Simon, 1881- See Noorden, C. K. H. von & Isaac, S. Die Zuckerkrank- heit und ihre Behandlung. 8. Aufl. 627p. 8! Berl., 1927. ISAAC-GEORGES, Pierre, 1896- ♦Con- tribution k I'etude de la pathogenie du syndrome de Raynaud (de l'importance des lesions arte- rielles) 122p. 8? Par., Lib. L. Arnette, 1926. ISAAC-KRIEGER, Karl. See Kuttner, L., Isaac-Krieger, K., & Kwilecki, D. Ernah- rung ... Diatkiichen, Kostformen. 143p. 8? Berl., 1930. ISAACS, Aaron, 1891-1937. For obituary see J. Dent. Res., 1942, 21: 342. ISAACS, Charles Edward, 1811-1860. Bieter, R. N. Charles Edward Isaacs, a forgotten American kidney physiologist. Ann. Med. Hist., 1929, n. ser., 1: 363-77, ISAACS, Raphael, 1891- The erythro- cytes. p.5-157. illust. pl. tab. ch. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1938. In Handb. Hemat. (Downey, H.) N. Y., 1938, 1: ---- Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, p.573-673. 25cm. N. Y., D. Appleton- Century co., 1941. In Ther. Int. Dis. (Blumer, G., et al.) 4: See also Ordway, T., & Gorham, L. W. The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the blood. 605p. 8? Lond. [1937] Also Sturgis, C. C, & Isaacs, R. Diseases of the blood. 302p. 8° N. Y., 1937. Also Weiss. H. B., & Isaacs, R. Manual of clinical and laboratory technic. 5. ed. 141p. 12? Lond., 1937. Kagan, S. R. [Biography] In his Am. Jewish Physicians. Bost., 1942, 148, portr. For portrait see Collection in Library. ISAACS, Samuel M., 1804- For portrait see J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1941-42, 8: 1241. ISAACSON, Miguel. Jubileu m6dico. Rev. nted. Parand, 1940, 9: 375, portr. ISAACSON, Morris, 1908- *Les tumeurs et autres anomalies du thymus dans la myasthenic 188p. 8? Par., Editions Jel, 1938. ISAAK, of Holland, fl. 16. century. Sudhoff, K. Bibliographie Isaaks und Johanns Isaaks, der Hollander. Sudhoffs Arch., 1934-35, 27: 45-50. ISAAK, Adolf, 1908- *Kontgenologische und klinische Untersuchungen iiber die Aus- breitung des Anasthetikums bei intraoraler Leitungsanasthesie. 35p. 6 pl. 8? Ziir., Buchdruck. Berichthaus, 1935. Also Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1935, 45: No. 11. ISABEL, Aime Auguste, 1911- *Etude clinique des diverticules duodenaux. 99p. 5 pl. 24cm. Lille, Impr. Douriez-Bataille, 1936. ISACEN. See under Isatin. ISACHAROWITZ, Myron Meyer, 1901- Tnterferometrische Untersuchungen an Kera- tokonuskranken. 72p. 8? Jena, B. Vopelius, 1931. ISACHENKO, Boris Lavrentievich, 1871-1936. Hartoch, O. [Obituary] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 43: 9-11, portr. ISACHSEN, Carl Einar. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 165. ISACHSEN, Gusta Louise, 1875- Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 585. ISAEV, N. S. BeHepuqecKHe 6ojie3HH h ceMH. 30p. illust. 18;km. [Moskva] Gosud. med. izdat., 1929. ISAKSOHN, Samuel, 1905- *Etude comparative des diffe>entes legislations anti- abortives et des resultats obtenus par elles. 72p. 8? Par., Imp. Union, 1931. ISAL 563 ISCHEMIA ISAL, Paul, 1916- *A propos de quelques observations de pneumothorax therapeutique bilateral simultane. 38p. 231/2cm. Par., A. Lapied, 1939. ISALON. See under Propan. ISAMINE blue. See also Cancer, Treatment; Stain; Tar. Dean, H. R. The reaction of isamine blue with serum. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1937, 45: 745-71.—Fusari, A. Influenza della luce solare sull'assunzione e sull'eliminazione del blu d'isamina. Boll, spec med. chir., 1928, 2: 99-102. ISAMINGER, Melvin P. See Langton, C. V., & Isaminger, M. P. The practice of personal hygiene. 351p. 8? N. Y. [1933] ISAPOGEN. See under Soap, medicated. ISARD, Andre, 1915- *Le centaure dans la legende et dans l'art. 48p. 5 pl. 25>4cm. Lyon, Bosc freres, 1939. ISARIA. See also Fungi, pathogenic; Stilbaceae. Kuro. M. Ueber einen neuen pathogenen Schimmelpilz, Isaria shiotae, nov. spec, von einem pseudoxanthomatosen Herde des Menschen kultiviert. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1930-32, 2: Tr. Surg., 327-58, 3 pl. ISATIN [C6H4.CO.N.COH] See also Indol; Indoxyl. Eghiayan, A. *Etude radiologique de Taction purgative de l'isacene (diacetyl-bis-oxyphenylisa- tine) 40p. 8? Geneve, 1927. Bures, E., & Mikulik, H. [Di-o-oxy-dimethyl-diphenylen- isatin and its derivatives] Cas. 16k. Cesk., 1938, 77: 51-8 — Calcaterra, E. Sull'azione peristaltogena della diacetildiossi fenilisatina e sulla sua efficacia terapeutica. Gazz. osp., 1926, 47: 1182-8.—Conn, W. R., & Lindwall, H. G. Oxindole amines from isatin. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 1236-9.—De Waal, H. L. The isolation of isatidine from Senecio retrorsus and Senecio isatideus. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc, 1939, 12: 155- 63.—Einhorn, M., & Rafsky, H. A. Isacen (Guggenheim) a new purgative. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 86: 1754.—Hirschberg, A. Erfahrungen mit Isacen in der Frauenpraxis. Khn. Vvschr., 1927,6:767.—Hofstotter, H. Isacen bei Wochnerinnen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1928, 24: 1446— Hottinger, A. Isacen in der Kinderpraxis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927,57: 597—Katzenel- bogen, S., & Gilder, R. Note therapeutique sur un nouveau purgatif: le diacetyl-bis-oxyphenyl-istine (isacene) Ibid., 1925, 55: 18.—Mentha, H. L'isacene Roche en gynecologie. Ibid., 1927, 57: 668.—Myers, F. J., & Lindwall, H. G. The Reformatsky reaction in the isatin series. J. Am. Chem. Soc 1938 60: 644. ------ Reactions of Grignard reagents with isatin and N-alkyl isatins. Ibid., 2153-5— Polland, R. Isacen in der dermatologischen Praxis. Ther. Gegenwart, 1927 68: 191.—Pouchet, G. Un purgatif synthetique nouveau: l'isacene. Prat. med. fr., 1927, 6: 201-14.—Schmied, F. Ueber kunstliche Darmentleerung mit Isacen unter Beriick- sichtigung der postoperativen Darmtragheit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 246.—Stein, G. Isacen auf See. Ther. Gegen- wart, 1927, 68: 566.—Syring, W. Isacen als Abfuhrmittel. Ibid., 1926, 67: 140.—Weiss, R. F. Ueber Isacen, ein neues, synthetisches Abfuhrmittel. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1343. ISATIS. Coleman, E. Vegetable dyes in the garden; woad in war and peace. Australas. J. Pharm., 1941, 22: 506. I saw Poland suffer, by a Polish doctor who held an official position in Warsaw under German occupation. Transl. & arr. by Alcuin, with additional chapters on Poland today by Alcuin. [2. impression] 127p. pl. portr. 21 Hem. [Lond.] L. Drummond [1941] ISCHEMIA. See also Anemia; Cold, Effects; Freezing; also under names of parts affected as Forearm Con- tracture, ischemic; Kidney; Muscle, Ischemia, etc. Blalock, A., & Levy. S. E. Gradual complete occlusion of the celiac axis, the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, with survival of animals; effects of ischemia on blood pressure. Surgery, 1939, 5: 175-8.—DiPalma, J. R. The effects of anoxemia, hypercapnia, acidosis and alkalosis upon the thresh- old of reactive hyperemia in human skin resulting from local ischemia. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: pt 2, 20 (Abstr.) — Harpuder, K., & Stein, I. D. Studies on the cause of pain in ischemia. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1942, 23: 218-22.—Hultquist. Om irreversibla vavnadsskador utan fullstandig ischami. Nord. med., 1941, 12: [Discussion] 2915.—Khodos, K. G. [Ligation, resection and compression of the arterial trunk in the rabbit as related to experimental ischemia of the peripheral nerves] In Sborn. Tr. Voen. med. akad. Kirova, Leningr., 1937, 321-46.—Maison, G. L. Studies on the genesis of ischemic pain; the influence of the potassium, lactate and ammonium ions. Am. J. Physiol., 1939, 127: 315-21.------ & Forster, A. C. Intercellular pH change cannot be the pain factor in ischemic work. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 425.—Meehan, A. V. Ischaemia. Australas. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1937-38, 7: 207-14.—Naide, M. The use of vitamin Bi in rest pain of ischemic origin. Am. J. M. Sc, 1939, 197: 766-73.—Porter, E. L., & Callahan, E. L. The effect of ischemia on neuro-muscular response. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1943, 2: 38 (Abstr.)—Reid, C. Experimental ischaemia: sensory phenom- ena, fibrillary twitchings, and effects on pulse, respiration, and blood-pressure. Q. J. Exp. Physiol, Lond., 1931, 21: 243-51. ---- Complication. Pechthold, Z. *La nevrite ischemique des membres inferieurs. 51p. 8? Par., 1932. Coste, F., Bolgert, M., & Debray, C. N6vrite ischemique aigue. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1933, 3. ser., 49: 1026-36 — Kostenetsky, A. S. [Morphological changes in the nerves of the fore-feet of laboratory animals in experimental ischemia] Vest, khir., 1940, 59: 555-9.—Kusnetsov, N. G. [Ischemic contractures] Ortop. travmat., 1934, 8: 40-8.—Morrison, G. M., & Kennard, H. E. Ischaemic paralysis from pressure of hematoma. J. Bone Surg., 1935, 17: 656-8. ISCHIA, Italy. Petronio, F., Zarlenga, R. [et al.] Cenno storico dellTsola d'Ischia seguito dall'esame chimico-terapeutico di una nuova polla di acqua termo-minerale di Casamicciola detta del cotto, simile a quella della cava di Sinigaglia. 16p. 20/2cm. Nap., 1871. ISCHIADIC artery. See Gluteal artery, inferior. ISCHIADIC nerve. See Sciatic nerve. ISCHIALGIA. See Sciatica. ISCHIOCAVERNOUS muscle. See Clitoris; Penis. ISCHIOPAGUS. See Abnormities, double: Ischiopagus. ISCHIO-PUBIS. See also Ischium; Pubis. Asplund, G. A few cases of ischio-pubic osteochondritis. Acta chir. scand., 1930, 67: 1-13.—Bertola, V. Osteocondritis isquio-pubica. Prensa m6d. argent., 1936, 23: 2338-40.—■ Calvet, J., & Armengaud. Variation sexuelles de la symphyse ischiopubienne chez les bovidfe et les 6quides. C. rend. Soc. bio)., 1933, 112: 787-90.—Cappelletti, G. Intorno una frat- tura'delle branche ascendente dell'ischio e discendente del pube causata da retrazione muscolare. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1847 ser 2 12: 482-6.—Chiariello, A. G. L'osteocondrite ischio-pubica. Ann. ital. chir., 1934, 13: 1222-31.—Davidson, W. Radiological appearances and clinical significance of osteochondritis ischio-pubica. Acta paediat., Upps., 1931, 11: 233-6 —Durham, H. A. Ischiopubic osteochondritis. J. Bone Surg 1937, 19: 937-44.—Heeren, J. Ueber rontgenologisch nachweisbare Veranderungen der Scham-Sitzbeinepiphyse und ihre klinische Bedeutung. Rontgenpraxis, 1933, 5: 12-6.— Hirsch, A. Ueber Osteochondritis ischiopubica. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1933, 4: 458-61.—Inclan, A. Osteocondrosis de la rama isquiopubiana del coxal. Cir. ortop. traumat., Habana, 1939, 7- 99-112. Also Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1940, 12: 223-39.— Lagos Garcia, A., & Nespolo, J. S. Osteocondritis lsquiopubica. Sem. med., B. Air., 1941, 48: pt 1, 1136-41.—Manfred, M. ISCHIO-PUBIS Considerazioni .-u alcuni casi di osteocondrite ischio-pubica. Arch, ortop., Milano. 1933, 49: 781-7.—Mezzari, A. Carie Becca del pube e della branca ischiopubica. Ibid., 1928, 44: 354-65.—Nissen. K. I. Osteoclastoma of ischium and pubis treated by teleradium. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Orthop., 823.—Ottolenghi, C. E. Osteomielitis de la rama isquiopubiana. Rev. ortop. traumat., B. Air., 1933-34, 3: 325-30.—Outland, T. A., & Hanlon, C. R. Osteochondritis ischiopubica; case report. Guthrie Clin. Bull., 1938-39, 8: 14-6.—Pigorini, L. In tema di osteocondrosi o osteocondrite ischio-pubica. Gazz. osp., 1938, 59: 899-902.—Torgersen, J. [Osteochondritis ischiopubica] Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1936, 97: 951-9.—Weber. Relachement de la symphjse ischio- pubienne. Bull. Soc. centr. nted. vet., Par., 1881, 35: 303-5 — Wilken, W. Ueber die Osteochondritis ischio-pubica. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1939, 61: 127-9.—Wulfing, M. Ueber Osteochon- dritis ischio-pubica. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1926, 199: 413-9.— Zeitlin, A. A. Osteochondrosis-osteochondritis ischio-pubica. Radiology, 1936, 27: 722-31. ISCHIORECTAL fossa. See also Anus; Pelvis; Perineum; Rectum. Close, W. J. Observations on the anatomy of the ischio- rectal fossa. Med. J. Australia, 1938, 2: 761-9—Gelle. Volumineux h6matome p6ri-rectal; m^fait hypophvsaire. Bull. Soc. obst, gyn., Par., 1932, 21: 694-6.—Monteiro, A., & Fialho, A. Blastomj'cose peri-ano-rectal. Relat. Congr. argent, cir. (1936) 1937, 8. Congr., 1046-50.—Shedden, W. M. Neoplasms originating in the ischiorectal fossa with particular reference to sarcomata. N. England J. M., 1934, 210: 696-700. ---- Abscess and cellulitis. Allen. J. H. Superior pen-rectal abscesses. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1935, 36: 113-20. Also Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1930-37, 3: 341-43.—Barbosa de Barros, J. Da via glutea. de acesso a certas colecoes supuradas da regiao posterolateral da pequena bacia. An. paul. med. cir., 1941, 42: 417-9. Bassler, C. E. Abscess of the superior periproctal tissue in a gelding. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1940, 96: 265.—Bates, W. Ischiorectal abscess, an unusual case. Med. World, 1938, 56: 318— Berkow, S. R., & Tolk, N. R. Ischiorectal abscess followed by gas gangrene; gas gangrene following trauma; report of 2 cases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 80: 1689-91.—Bochner, S. J. Ischiorectal abscess; a consideration of the origin and the treatment. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 36: 279-82.—Buie, L. A. Perianal Ivmphatic abscess. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1936, 37: 104-7. Also Collect. Papers Mayo Clin., 1936, 28: 266-68—Diamant-Berger & Picard, J. Perforation du rectum, suivie d'abefis ischio-rectal, consecutive k l'ingestion d^mentielle de fragments mc5talliques. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1938, 30: 195.—Diamond, M., & Laufman, H. Uncommon clinical pictures in suppurative perianal infections. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1941, 8: 252-5.—Drueck, C. J. Deep abscesses about the rectum. Med. Rev. of Rev., 1922, 28: 305-8.—Fansler, W. A. A scalping operation for abscesses about the rectum. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc. (1922) 1923, 23: 71- 6. ------ Perirectal abscess. South. M. J., 1940, 33: 180- 4.—Fragoso, H. Colecoes purulentas e fistulas peri-ano-retais. Rev. med. cir. Brasil, 1942, 50: 867-96.—Gant, S. G. Anorectal or ischiorectal abscess (periproctitis) S. Louis M. & S. J., 1903, 84: 10-5.—Gilliam, H. A. Abscess about the rectum. Ken- tucky M. J., 1927, 25: 326-8.—Green, W. W. Perirectal abscesses. Ohio M. J., 1938, 34: 1245-8.—Guenu, J. Les abces periano-rectaux. Bull, med., Par., 1935, 49: No. 27, Suppl.—Hartmann. Abces de la fosse ischio-rectale. Rev. g^n. elm. titer., 1924, 38: 360.—Hayes, H. T. Peri-rectal strep- tococcal cellulitis. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1934-35, 1: 413.— Jackson, R. W. Perirectal suppurations and sequelae. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, 1916, 125: 106-16.—Kleckner, M. S. Pelvi-rectal abscess. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1931, 32: 104-12 — Koontz. A. R. Caseous cyst of ischiorectal space resulting from minute perforation of rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: 382.— Krecke, A. Periproktitis; todliche Beckenbodeneiterung. In his Beitr. prakt. Chir., Munch., 1934, 415.—Landrock, G. M. Ischio-rectal abscess: a stage in the development of horseshoe fistula; a case report. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1936-37, 3: 122.— Levine. V. Ulcerative proctitis with periproctitic abscesses. In Path. Conf. (Jafte, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 663-5.—Loumeau. Retention d'urine et phlegmon grave de la fosse ischio-rectale cons^cutifs k l'auto-administration d'un lavement d'eau saiee concenttee. Bull. Soc. med. chir. Bordeaux, 1917, 47-9.— McKenney, D. C. Perianal and perirectal abscesses. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1940, 13: 493-503 — Millar, T. M. The problem of peri-rectal suppuration. Edin- burgh M. J., 1942, 49: 691-706.—Mummery, J. P. L. A new method of treating ischio-rectal and other abscesses. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1922-23, 16: Sect. Surg., 65.—Palumbo, E. Contributo clinico alia cura dei flemmoni della fossa ischio- rettale. Fol. med., Nap., 1934, 20: 639-49.— Paparao, C. A case of horse-shoe abscess. Antiseptic, Madras, 1918, 15: 323-7.—Peiser, A. Zur Pathogenese und Therapie der Peri- proktitis und der Mastdarmfistel. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 815.—Pitanga Santos, R. Sobre a etiologia de alguns abcessos e phlegmoes peri-rectaes. Fol. med., Rio, 1932, 13: 178.— Prioleau, W. H. Ischio-rectal abscess and rectal fistula. J. S. Carolina M. A>s., 1935, 31: 167-9.—Pruitt, M. C. Ischiorectal abscess. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 46: 669-73.—Rainey, W. R. Abscesses about the anus and rectum. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1938, 18: 1413-22.—Ransohoff, J. L. Perirectal abscess com- 4 ISCHIORECTAL FOSSA plicating intraperitonetd infections. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1921) 1922, 31: 413-6. Roscnbaum, P. Mandwurmeier als Ursache des pcripmkt it ischen Ahszcsscs. Zbl. Chir., 1032, 59: 1093-6.- Ross, S. T. Abscesses about the anoreetlim. Am. J. Surg., 1943,59: 536-40. Rostock, P. IVriproktitische Abszcsse und Analfisteln. Deut. med. Wschr.. 1910, 66: 800.- Taddei, D. Dalla pratica per la pratica; il trattamento deiili as. essi perianali ed ischio-rettali. Rass. internaz. clin. ter , lO.'Ki, II; 502-6.—Weichherz, I. [Perirectal nhscesses| -Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 6-8.—Weisel, W., Wakefield, E. G., & Smith, N. D. Indeterminate fever caused bv perirectal abscess. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1942, 9: 181- Woodward, N. W. Perianal and oerirectal abscesses. Proc. Univ. Hosp. Oklahoma School M., 1940-41, 1: No. 2, 80. ---- Fistula. See also Rectum, Fistula. Bazy, L. L'exploration radiologique des trajets fistulcux peri-anaux. Bull. Soc nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 372.—Howard, C. J. Fistula of the ischiorectal region. Bull. U. S. Veterans Bur. M., 1930, 6: 118-21.—Lawen, A. Zur Operation der inkompletten Fisteln der Fossa ischiorectahs. Zbl. Chir., 1935,62:1746-9. ------ Zur Operation der Fisteln der Fossa ischiorectahs. Ibid., 2088.—Landsman, A. A. Treatment of certain types of horseshoe fistulae. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1935, 36: 169-71.—Peiser, A. Beitrage zur Pathogenese und Therapie der Periproktitis und der Mastdarmfistel. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928, 142: 272 300.—Penner, A., & Crohn, B. B. Perianal fistulae as a complication of regional ileitis. Ann. Surg., 1938, 108: 867-73.—Pontius, G. V. Horseshoe fistula in ano: patho- genesis, diagnosis and treatment. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 69-72.— Sikorski, J. [Roentgentherapy of periproctic fistulas] Polski przegl. radjol., 1938, 13: 194.—Thorgersen, E. On fistula ani, and its treatment, taking into consideration fistula ischio- rectahs in particular. Acta chir. scand., 1937-38, 80: 113-38.— Wustmann, O. Ratschlage fiir die operative Behandlung der vollstandigen ischiorektalen Fisteln nach der Methode von Backhaus.' Zbl. Chir., 1941, 68: 1076-8. ---- Foreign body. Taddei, D. Sulla cura dalla via ischiorettale di un seno fistoloso pretrocanterico-otturatorio-pelvico da ritenzione di scheggia di bomba nello spazio laterorettale al davanti della 4» vertebra sacrale. Atti Accad. fisiocrit. Siena, 1918, 7. ser., 10: 141-9, pl.—Yaker, D. N. Foreign body in the ischiorectal space. California West. M., 1933, 39-: 50. ISCHIUM. See also Acetabulum; Hip; Hipjoint; Ischio- pubis; Obturator foramen; Pelvis; Pubis. Fauvel, E. *Contribution k I'etude des exostoses dei'ischion. 48p. 8? Par., 1927. Crumpacker, L. K. Lesions of the ischium; report of 3 cases. Proc Mayo Clin., 1939, 14: 454-9.—Fervers, C. Ein Fall von Hernia ischiadica (glutaealis superior) incarcerate. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 2666-9.—Fitte, M. Osteocondritis del isqui6n. Bol. Soc cir. B. Aires, 1936, 20: 248-57.—Lazorthes, G., & Lhez, A. Le tubercule dit de Bouisson. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1938, 15: 944-8.—Marchand. Hernie ischiatique diag- nostiqu^e par les rayons X. Bull. Soc. radiol. mM. France, 1927, 15: 249.—Milch, H. Partial resection of the ischium; the operative procedure. J. Bone Surg., 1935, 17: 166-71.— Oreto, P. Sopra un caso di osteomielite acuta dell'ischio. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1936, 17: 729-34.—Osteomyelitis of the ischium of the ramus. Minnesota M., 1933, 16: 503.—Pflomm, E. Ueber eigenartige Fistelgange am Huftgelenk. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 1330-2.—Pokorny, L. Osteomyelitis im Sitzbein. Rontgenpraxis, 1938, 10: 168.—Pouzet, F. Osteomyelite de l'ischion. Lyon chir. 1935, 32: 463. ---- Fracture. Bermuller, F. *Eine Muskelzugfraktur des aufsteigenden Sitzbeinastes als Sportverletzung [Miinchen] 28p. 21cm. Blcicherode, 1938. Gilbert, W. A case of double fracture of the ischium. South Africa M. Rec, 1926, 24: 232.—Gioia, T. Excepcional variedad de fractura isquio-acetabular (fractura de Walther por causa indirecta) Sem. med., B. Air., 1929, 36: pt 1, 725- 34.—Hellmer, H. Ein Fall von traumatischer Ablosung der Epiphyse des Os ischii. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1933-34, 34: 45-7.—Lamy, L., & Vincent, J. La fausse fracture du cotyle chez l'enfant et l'ischium varum; erreurs d'interptetation des radiographics. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1937, 29: 29-41.— Miihsam. Gewehrschuss an der Schambeinfuge. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1918, 55: 768.—School field, B. L. Report of a case of epiphyseal separation of the ischium. Dallas M. J., 1927, 13: 125-7. ---- Tuber. Cohen, H. H. Avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity. J. Bone Surg., 1937, 19: 1138-40.—Gutschank, A. Doppel- seitige Abrissfraktur des Tuber ossis ischii. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1933, 33: 256-9.—Karfiol, G. Abrissfraktur des ISCHIUM 565 ISELIN Tuber ischiadicum; Sportverletzung. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 2466.—Mcintosh. C. W. Fracture of the tuberosity of the ischium in a mare. Canad. J. Comp. M., 1942, 6: 130.—Milch, H. Avulsion fracture of the tuberosity of the ischium. J. Bone Surg., 1926, 8: 832-8— Raspe, R. Ueber eine seltene Veranderung am Tuber ischii durch Sport. Rontgenpraxis, 1937, 9: 124-6. ---- Tumor. Belot, J., & Nahan, L. Volumineux fibro-sarcome k point de depart ischiatique. Presse m6d., 1936, 44: 853.—Bilhaut, M. Lipome congenital de la tegion ischiatique droite. Ann. chir. orthop., Par., 1909, 22: 65-7.—Brook, W. F. Fibro- sarcoma of ischium treated with radium. Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 951.—Delpont & Esteve. Volumineux fibro-sarcome k point de depart ischiatique. J. radiol. 61ectr., 1936, 20: 669.— Dorrell, E. W., & Thomas, A. R. A case of osteogenic sarcoma. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1941, 27: 393-5.—Ferrario, G. Sopra un caso di condroma dell'ischio. Boll. spec. med. chir., 1929, 3: 62-72.—Nogier, T. Osteo-sarcome de l'ischion diagnostiqug et traite comme sciatique. Bull. Soc. radiol. m6d. France, 1936, 24: 381. ------ Nouveau cas d'osteo-sarcome de l'ischion, traite comme sciatique et tev616 par la radiographie. Bull. Soc. eiectr. radiol. med. France, 1938, 26: 112.—Ticozzi, E. Sarcoma osteogenetico primitivo dell'ischio. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1933, 21: 215-20. ISCHLONDSKY, Naum Efimovich, 1896- Artificial rejuvenation and voluntary change of sex, according to Prof. Steinach, transl. by Henry S. Penn. 172p. 26 pl. 8? Lawrence, Mass., Toodwood pub. co., 1926. ---- Neuropsyche und Hirnrinde. 2v. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1930. ---- Secretion interne et regen£rescence; essais experimentaux cliniques et chimico- biologiques sur les phenomenes de regen^re- scence dans des conditions physiologiques (s6nilit6) et pathologiques. xii, 336p. pl. 8? Par., G. Doin, 1933. ---- Protoformotherapy in treatment and prevention; 15 years of research on new scientific bases of therapeutics, xxiv, 237p. 40 pl. 8°. Lond., H. Kimpton, 1937. ISCHNOPSYLLUS. See also Flea. Weidner, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Biologie des Fledermausflohes Ischnopsyllus hexactenus Kol. Zsehr. Parasitenk., 1936-37, 9: 543-8. ISCHNURA. See also Insect. Grieve, E. G. Culture methods for the darnselfly, Ischnura verticalis. In Cult. Meth. Invertebr. (Galtsoff, P. S., et al.) Ithaca, 1937, 268-70. ISCHURIA. See Urine, Retention. ISCH-WALL, Paul, 1892- *L'hemogenie (diathese hemorragipare) etude clinique. 31 Op. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. See also Weil, P. E., Isch-Wall, P., & Perles, S. La ponction de la rate. 148p. 8? Par., 1936. ISCOVICH, Alexandre, 1910- *L'hopital moderne de contagieux; etude de quelques principes. 40p. 8? Par., L. Rodstein, 1934. ISELE, Franz [Sales] 1901- *Zur Kom- bination von Porzellanbrandmasse mit Metallsti- ten. 52p. 23cm. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. ISELI, Otto, 1905- *Die Arsenschadigung im keimzentrenlosen lymphatischen Gewebe [Zurich] p. 529-41. 8? Jena, G. Fischer, 1932. Also Beitr. path. Anat., 1932, 89: ISELIN, Columbus O'Donnell, II. Barbour, T. Presentation of the Agassiz Medal for the year 1942 with accompanying honorarium of S300, to Columbus O'Donnell Iselin, II. Science, 1943, 97: 431-3. ISELIN, Hans, 1878- Rheuma und Sympathikus. 45p. 23>72cm. Basel, B. Schwabe & co., 1938. „T , „ , .. H. 2, Schweiz, med. Wschr., Schr.-reihe. ISELIN, Marc Henri, 1898- *Les opera- tions sur les nerfs (operations de Stoffel et de Royle) dans le traitement des -pafaplegies spastiques de l'enfance. 53p. 8? Par., Ernest Flammarion, 1928. ---- Plaies et maladies infectieuses des mains; preface de C. Lenormant. viii, 217p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1928. ---- Chirurgie de la main; plaies, infections et chirurgie reparatrice. xii, 339p. illust. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1933. ---- The same. Livre du praticien, plaies, infections et traumatismes fermes de la main. 320p. illust. 25>km. Par., Masson & cie, 1938. Also Engl, ed., transl. by T. M. J. d'Offay, & Thomas B. Mouat. xiii, 353p. illust. pl. 23cm. Lond., J. & A. Churchill, 1940. ISEMANN, Wolfgang, 1905- *Ueber Stauungserscheinungen an der Papille bei multipler Sklerose [Miinchen] 13p. 8? Och- senfurt a. Main, Fritz & Rappert, 1931. ISENBERG, Ernst, 1906- *Versuche zur Frage der Resistenz der Diphtherie- und Typhus- bazillen gegen Austrocknen. 22p. 8? Bresl., Breslauer Genassenschafts-Buchdr., 1930. ISENBERG, Morris, 1906- *Der Fort- schritt der tropischen Helminthologie seit dem Kriege. 45p. 8? Berl., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1935. ISENBURG, Ursel. Davies, N., & Isenburg, U. Standard radiographic positions. 136p. 20cm. Bait., 1941. ISENSEE, Joachim, 1911- *Der Wandel in der Wundbehandlung wahrend der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts; eine historische Studie. 32p. 8? Miinch., C. Wolf & Sohn, 1937. ISEPPI, Girolamo. Analisi di alcune acque minerali del Portogallo. 31p. 18}4cm. [n. p., 18..] ISER, Herbert, 1905- *Angewandte Methoden und Erfolge der Kehlkopfextirpationen der Klinik von 1907 bis 1927 [Berl.] 26p. 8? Luckenwalde, J. Kappel, 1931. ISERBECK, Albert, 1903- *Einfluss des Morphiums auf die Diurese beim Menschen [Rostock] 37p. 8? Fraulautern-Saar, Gebr. Xey [1929] ISERMEYER, Christa, 1907- *Ueber einen Fall von Placenta praevia cervicalis [Gottingen] 29p. 8? Frankfurt a. Oder, P. Beholtz, 1931. ISH, James Kerr. For biography see in Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 52. ISHAK-Ogly, A. See Ishaq-Oglu, A. ISHAM, Ralph N., 1831-1904. For portrait see Q- Bull. Northwest Univ. M. School, 1943, 17: 83. ISHAQ-OGLU, A. *Studien zur Coxa vera; Betrachtung unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Verlaufsrichtung der Epiphysenlinie [Heidelberg] 47p. 8? Berl., Sonnendr., 1928. ISHILL, Joseph, ed. Havelock Ellis, in appreciation, by Elie Faure, Bertrand Russell, H. L. Mencken [et al.] xlvi, 299p. 15 pl. 8? Berkeley Heights, N. J., Oriole Press, 1929. ISIDOR, Saint, Bishop of Sevilla, 570-636. Etymologiarum libri XX. 264 1. fol. [Augs- burgl Gunther Zainer, Nov. 19, 1472. ---- The same. Liber IV ethymologicarum [with commentary of S. Champier] p. 106-25. 8? Lyon, 1508. In: De tripl. discipl. (Champier, S.) Lyon, 1508, pt 1: ISIDOR, Pierre Maurice, 1904- *Essai d'etude morphologique de certaines formes 56 ISLAM ISIDOR d'interaction utero-placentaire; contribution a I'etude des modifications des fibres musculaires au cours des retentions cotyledonnaires, dos retentions molaires et des chorio-epitheliomes. 90p. 25cm. Par., Vigot freres, 1938. ISIDOYA, Tutomu, 1891- Chinesische Drogen. Ted I—III. 3v. 8? Keijo, Pharm. Inst. Keijo Univ., 1933-37. ISIGKEIT, Eduard, 1900- *Ueber die Erblichkeit des angeborenen Klumpfusses. p. 535- 56. 8? Munch., J. F. Bergmann, 1927. Also Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1927, 25: ISIKAWA, Mituharu. For portrait see Collection in Library. ISIKAWA, Tiyomatu, 1860-1935. Yatu, N. [Obituary] Annot. zool. jap., 1935, 15: 3, portr. ISIKAWA, Tomoyosi. Physiological standards and occupational characteristics apparent in bodily functions of the Japanese; power of grip measured by dynamometer. 14p. 26}^cm. Kurasiki, Inst. Sc. Labour, 1932. Forms No. 12, Rep. Inst. Sc. Labour, Kurasiki. ISING, Clemens, 1904- *Gebissunter- suchungen an kongenitalluetischen Kindern mit Storungen des Zentralnervensystems. 58p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1930. ISINGLASS. See also Glue. Isinglass as a blood substitute. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 135.—Isinglass as a transfusion fluid. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 166. ISIS. Bruxelles [v. p.] v. 1, 1913- ISKRAUT, Hans, 1909- *Ueber hypo- physare Kachexie und die Veranderungen in der Mundhohle bei dieser Krankheit. 40p. 4 pl. 23Wcm. Berl., R. Pfau, 1936. ISLA, Rodrigo Ruiz Diaz de, 1462-1542. Tractado contra el mal serpentino: que vulgar- mente en Espana es llamado bubas. 54 1. fol. Sevilla, Dominico de Robertis, 1539. ISLAM. See also Arabs; Koran; Muhammad; also names of countries as Algeria; Iraq; Morocco, etc. el Akroit, A. Les pratiques de la priere et I'hygiene chez los Musulmans. 30p. 8? Par., 1936. Ashmawy, K. *Regles de prophylaxie dans ITslam, d'apres les Sourates; leurs rapports avec les problemes de la denatalite. 45p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Betham, R. M. Marathas and Dekhani Musalmans. xxvi, 170p. 8? Calc, 1908. Bourne, YV. F. G. Hindustani Musalmans and Musalmans of the eastern Punjab. llOp. 8? Calc, 1914. Duchene-Marullaz, H. *L'hygiene des Musulmans d'Algerie. 96p. 8? Lyon, 1905. Pottier. R. Initiation a la medecine et a la magie en Islam. 125p. 19cm. Par. [1939] Wikeley, J. M. Punjabi Musalmans. 130p. 8? Calc, 1915. Anderson, R. G. Civilisation and Mohammedanism. Rep. Wellcome Trop. Res. Lab. Khartoum, 1911, 4: B, 242 — Creedy, F. Islam. In his Human Nature, Chapel Hill, 1939, 125-30.—Dumont, A. D6mographie des musulmanes Al- geriens. C. rend. Ass. fr. avance. sc. (1897) 1898, 26: pt 2, 589-614.—Galestin, J. H., Maasland, J. H., & Rijs, C. E. Mosque improvements. Meded. dienst volksgez. Ned. Indie, 1937, 26: 323-7.—Gilmour. Rapport sur le pelerinage de 1938. Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1938, 30: 2534-6 — Greenberg, J. H. Some aspects of Negro-Mohammedan culture-contact among the Hausa. Am. Anthrop., 1941, 43: 51-61.—Hamet, I. Psychologie et sociologie musulmanes. Rev. psychother., Par., 1910-11, 25: 367-70.— Holmyard, E. J. Chemistry in Islam. Scientia, Milano, 1926, 40: 287- 90.- Izeddin, A. Eine mohaumiednnische Legende. Imago, Wien, 1932, 18: 180 2\A. Kheisalla. G. J. Dor Einfhi-a des Mohammedanismus auf die Medizin. Fortsch. Med., 1912. 30: 357 61. Lalinsky, H. l'atiinu Mild comes to town. Med. Missionary, Phila.. 1941, 15: 6.--Lesieur, C. Lislamisme devant I'hygiene. Presse nted., 1905, annexes, 729-31.— Macdonald, D. B. Continuous re-creation and atomic time in Muslim scholastic theology. Isis, Bruges, 1927, 9: 326-44.— Mieli, A. La astronomia en el mundo isl&mico; asttenomos te6ricos v asttenomos observadores. Archeion, Santa V6, 1941, 23:"84-99.—Nykl. A. R. Miguel Asin I'alacios; Iluellas del Islam; Madrid, 1941. Isis, Menasha, 1941, 33: 539 44.— Porot. Notes de psyehiatrie musulmane. Ann. nted. psychol., Par., 1918, 10. ser., 9: 377-84.—Ramali, A. [Medico-hygienic propaganda in certain Mohammedan regions] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1933, 73: 1188-93; 1396-9.—Robinson, A. E. The Mahmal of the Moslem pilgrimage. J. R. Asiat. Soc, Lond., 1931, 117 27.—Rorie, F. M. The Mohurrum. Caledon. M. J., 1918 20, 11: 207, pl.—Rose, H. A. Muhammedan betrothal observances in the Punjab. Man, Lond., 1917, 17: No. 4, 58-02- Schlee. Die Frau im Islam. Erdball, 1927, 1: 161-4.—Souques, A. Mahomet et la therapeutique. Presse med., 1940, 48: 645-7.—Tritton, A. S. Islam and the protected religions. J. R. Asiat. Soc, 1931, 311-38.—Wiedemann, E., & Frank, J. Die Gebetszeiten im Islam. Sitzber. Phys. med. Soz. Erlangen, 1926, 58: 1-32. ISLAMI, Rasi, 1899- *Fortschritte in der Behandlung der perniziosen Anamie [Berlin] 40p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1930. ISLAND. See also Ocean; Pacific Islands. Isole (Le) nascenti. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1866, 15: 270-5.—Mumford, E. P. The present status of studies of faunal distribution with reference to oceanic islands. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 241-8. ----- The study of faunal distribution with particular reference to oceanic islands. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc, 1941, 136-8.— Pearse, A. S. Populations of marine habitats in relation to the resources of the sea. Proc. Am. Sc. Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 3: 109-11. ISLAND of Reil. See under Brain. ISLE of Man. Local Government Board. Public health; summary of the annual report of the Inspector of Public Health. Douglas, 1913- ISLE of Man. Registrar General. Annual report and statistical review of births, deaths, marriages, and vaccinations [Douglas] 1909- ISLE of man. Davies, E., & Fleure, H. J. A report on an anthropometric sui ve\ of the Isle of Man. J. R. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Britain, 1930, 66: 129-87, ch. ISLER, Emil [M. D., Basel 1927] *Die Bezie- hungen der Ovarialfunktion zu gynakologischen Erkrankungen. 31p. 8? Basel, H. Wiithrich & co., 1927. ISLER, Flora Lydia [M. D., Basel 1941] *Ueber gastrointestinale Prodromalerscheinungen der Heine-Medin'schen Krankheit und deren even- tuelle Bedeutung fiir die Lokalisation des Krank- heitsprozesses. 32p. tab. diagr. 24)4cm. Basel, H. Singenberger-Schaub, 1941. ISLINGTON, Eng. Medical Officer of Health. Annual report of the health and sanitary condi- tions of the metropolitan borough. Islington, 58., 1913- ISMAIL, Djavid, 1908- *Hauptzellen- adenomen der Hypophyse. 25p. 2 pl. 23cm. Berl., R. Pfau, 1938. ISMAILOWA, Hairnissa, 1905- *Ueber die Anwendung der Acridinfarbstoffe Rivanol und Trypaflavin in der Chirurgie [Berl.] 36p. 8? Berl., E. Ebering, 1930. ISMOJIK, Abraham, 1900- ♦Contribu- tion k I'etude des troubles gastriques et duode- naux au cours de la maladie de Hirschsprung. 66p. 2 pl. Par., Lib. L. Arnette, 1927. ISNARD, Jean Pierre Emile Joseph, 1895- *Contribution k I'etude de la castration des ISNARD 567 ISOM ruminants par la methode de Burdizzo [Alfort Vet.] 55p. 24cm. Amiens, Impr. Progres Agricole, 1935. ISNARDI, Lodovico, 1859-1927. Serafini, G. Necrologia. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1927, 4. ser., 33: 109-14, portr. ISO ... For subjects beginning with this prefix see also under radicals as Butyric acid for Iso-butyric acid, etc. ISOAGGLUTINATION. See under Blood group. ISOARD, Lucien Eugene Alexandre, 1908- *Le traitement des fausses-routes de 1'uretre. 46p. 25cm. Bord., Y. Cadoret, Delmas, 1933. ISOELECTRIC point. See also Cell, Electrokinetics; Colloid, Electrical properties; Electrolyte, Dissociation; also names of substances as Hemoglobin, etc. Hill, T. L. General theory of the isoelectric point. J. Phys Chem., 1942, 46: 417-28. ------ Theory of the iso- electric point. Ibid., 597-605; 621^.—Hitchcock, D. I. Calculation of isoelectric zones and isoelectric points. J. Biol. Chem., 1936,114: 373-9.—Monaghan, B., White, H. L., & Urban, F. A comparison of the electrophoretic, electrosmotic and stream potential isoelectric points at glass and gelatin surfaces. J. Phys. Chem., 1935, 39: 585-91.—Rubinstein, D. L., & Uspenskaja, V. Ueber den isoelektrischen Punkt der pflanzlichen Plasmahaut. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1934, 21: 191-225.—Seki, M., & Chin, K. Bestimmung des isoelek- trischen Punktes der Gewebselemente auf farberischem Wege; an Embryo von Huhn. Okajimas fol. anat., 1940, 19: 59T64.— Seki, M., & Kohasi, Y. Bestimmung des isoelektrischen Punktes der Gewebselemente auf farberischem Wege; Ergeb- nisse der pH-Bestimmung in Anwendung verschiedener Puffer- gemische. Ibid., 47-52. ■------ Bestimmung des isoelek- trischen Punktes der Gewebselemente auf farberischem Wege; Versuche an dicht strukturierten und hpoidreichen Gebilden. Ibid 53-7 ------ Bestimmung des isoelektrischen Punktes der Gewebselemente auf farberischem Wege an Kaninchenem- bryo Ibid 65-8.—Zeiger, K. Zur Methodik der Bestimmung des Umladungsbereiches histologischer Elemente im fixierten Zustand. Zsehr. wiss. Mikr., 1937, 54: 82-7. ISOGAMY. See Conjugation; Gamete; Reproduction. ISOHEMOLYSIS. See Blood groups; Hemolysis. ISOKRATES, 436-338 B. C. [Upos AynoviKov] Oratio ad Demonicum. p.52-54. 4? Lyon, In Champier, S. De Quadrup. vita. Lyon, 1507, 52-4. ____ The same. Paraenesis ad Daemonicum. Transl. by R. Huisman. f.28r-33r. 15^cm. Basel, 1518. In Huisman, R. Nonnulla opusc, Basel, 1518. ----- 'EiricrToXal. See Collect, epist. Graec, Venez., 1499, 42a-53b. ISOLA, Alberico, 1856-1933. Necrologia. Arch. urug. med., 1933, 2: 317. ISOLATION. Bernard L. L. Isolation; extreme types. In his Introduct. Sooiol N Y 1942, 244-50.—Dennis, W. The significance of teal man Am J. Psychol., 1941, 54: 425-35. Also Psychol. R,,ll 1Q41' 38- 697.—Farnsworth, P. R. Social effects in nhvsical tolatio'n In Fields of Psychol. (Seashore, R. H.) N Y 1942: 505-8.-Lestchinski, A. L'isole social. Praxis, Bern," 1942, 31: 715-21.-Regnau.t, F El hombre en el estado de bruto salvaje. Rev. med., Puebla, 1937, 10. No. 87, 4, No. 88, 6. ISOM, Thomas Dudley, 1816-1902. Underwood, F. J., & Whitfield, R. N. [Biography] In their Pub. Health Mississippi, Jackson, 1938, 116, portr. ISOMERISM. See also Chemistry, structural; Enol; Mole- cule; Polarization; Polymerism. Bourel, H. *Etude de quelques stereo- isomeres alicycliques [Montpellier. Pharm.] 86p. 2512cm. Vaison-la-Romaine, 1938. Cushny, A. R. Biological relations of optically isomeric substances. 80p. 8? Bait., 1926. Shriner, R. L., Adams, R., & Marvel, S. C. Stereoisomerism, p. 150-405. 23^>cm. N. Y., 1938. Cabannes, J. Sur l'isomtrie eis et trans. J. chim. phys., Par., 1938, 35: 1-15.—Davies, G. F., & Gilbert, E. C. Heats of combustion and of formation of the nine isomeric heptanes in the liquid state. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 2730-2 — Egorov, I. V. [Isomerization of higher acids of the type C„H2„-202 by action of potassium hydroxide] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1914, 46: 975-94.—Ellis. C, & Wells, A. A. Stereoisomeric transformation. In their Chem. Action UV Rays, rev. ed., N. Y„ 1941, 412-36.—Favorsky, A. [Iso- meric transformations of haloid hydrines and sulfovinic acids, accomplished bv regrouping of carbonic atoms] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1918, 50: 43-80.—Gottlieb, R. Ueber die Wirkungsverschiedenheit optischer Isomeren (Vergleich von 1-Cocain und d-Cocain) Zsehr. physiol. Chem., 1923, 130: 374-9.—Greenstein, J. P. The titration constants of a, /3-diaminopropionic acid and their relation to the con- stants of various isomers. J. Biol. Chem., 1932, 96: 499-510.— Harkness, R. W. Kinetics of thermal cis-trans isomerizations. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1936, 58: 1058.—Hause, H. F., & Smarag- dova, N. P. [Biological effect of optic isomers of orga.nic acids; temperature characteristics of the toxic action of optic isomers of organic acids] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 7: 105-7. [Biological effect of optic isomers; effect of isomers of ISOLATION ward. SULAIH-'P* wain. See Infectious disease, Hospitals and hos- pitalization; also Quarantine. vinic acid on the metabolism in lower animals and in verte- brates] Ibid., 108-10.—Henze, H. R., & Blair, C. M. The number of structural isomers of the more important types of aliphatic compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1934, 56: 157.— Hertel. E., & Frank, H. Ueber Komplexisomerie; Bildung der Kristallkeime und Kristallgitter von komplexisomeren Modi- fikationen; thermochemische Studien. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt. B, 1934, 27: 460-6.—Heftier, L. J. P. Homology and isomerism in long-chain compounds; a thermochemical study of the n-alkyl esters derived from the monoethylenic mono- carboxylic acids in Cis. J. Phys. Chem., 1937, 41: 715-21.— Kistiakowsky, G. B., & Smith, W. R. The kinetics of thermal cis-trans isomerization. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1935, 57: 269-71; 1936, 58: 766-8.—Landsteiner, K., & van der Scheer, J. Serological differentiation of steric isomers. J. Exp. Med., 1928, 48: 315-20.—Magee, J. L., Shand, W.. jr., & Eyring, H. Non-adiabatic reactions; rotation about the double bond. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 677-88.—Miller, O. [Effect of concentration on isomerization] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1915, 47: 1544-9.—Nozaki, K. Cis-trans isomeriza- tions- the mechanism of the amine catalyzed isomerization of diethyl maleate. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 2681-3. ---— & Ogg, R., jr. Cis-trans isomerizations; the mechanism of a catalyzed isomerization of maleic acid to fumaric acid. Ibid., 2583-6.—Plotnikov, W. A. Die Protonenisomene. Zsehr. phys. Chem., 1927, 129: 427-34.—Pontecorvo, B. Recent experimental results in nuclear isomerism. Nature, Lond., 1939, 144: 212.—Price, C. C, & Thorpe, R. S. A chemically- catalyzed cis-trans isomerization. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1938, 60: 2839-41— Richter. G. H., & Dosser, R. C. Ueber die Adsorption optischer Isomerer an Nervengewebe. Biochem. Zsehr 1934, 268: 399-405.—Rozanov, N. A. [Isomerization of the 3-membered ring] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch 1916, 48: 168-89. ------ [Isomerization in series of cvc'lohexa'nol and its homologs and cyclohexylcarbinoll Ibid., 309-21—Stelling, O. Untersuchungen uber die K-R6ntgen- absorptionsspektren von stereoisomeren Verbindungen. Zsehr. Phys. Chem, Abt. B, 1933, 23: 338; 407.-To.tter, J. R., & Berg, C. P. The influence of optical isomerism on the utilization of tryptophane, histidine, and lysine for growth in the mouse. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 127: 375-83.—Weissberger, A. Configurations about single bonds. J. Org. Chem., 1937-38, 2: 245-52. ISOMORPHISM. For biological isomorphism see Resemblance. Laves F., Lohberg, K., & Rahlfs, P. Ueber die Isomor- phic von Mg3Al2 und a-Mangan. Nachr Ges. Wiss Gottingen, math.-phys KI., 1934-35, n. F., 1: Geol. &c, 67-71. McCon- nell D Isomorphism and isotypism among silicates and phosphates. Science, 1943, 97: 98. ISONNI, T. See Chimichj, G. & Isonni, T. Guida alle ricerche di chimica clinica per il medico pratico. 3v. 8? [Milano, 1934] ISOPATHY :>6S ISOPTERA ISOPATHY. Sec also Biological products; Homeopathy; Serotherapy; Vaccine. Drxcw, C. H. Autotherapy. 361p. 8°. N. V. [19181 Mackenzie, G. \V. The comparative merits of isopatln ami homeopathy. ILilineman. Month., 1936, 71: 788-92—'Mori, N. Le i-opatine. Ann. ital. chir.. 1929. 8: 1183-200. Also Rass. ital. otorinolar., 1929, 3: 281 9.—Persson, W. M. Die Grenzgebiete der Isopathie. Deut. Aerzte Ztg, 1932, 7: No. 327. Stewart, T. M. Fa-cinating developments of the auto-therapv; practical resumfe of teclmic and sphere of action. Am. Physician, 1923, 28: 807-11.—Young, W. W. Isopathy and homeopathv; their relationship. J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1935, 28: 741-3. ISOPODA. See also Crustacea. Jackson, H. G. Check-list of the terrestrial and fresh-water Isopoda of Oceania. 35p. 24',-cm. Wash., 1941. Maloxev, J. O. A new cave isopod from Florida, p. 457-9. 8° Wash., 1939. Pearse, A. S., & Walker, H. A. Two new parasitic isopods from the Eastern Coast of North America, p. 19-23. 8? Wash., 1939. Barnes, T. G. Experiments on Lima in Bermuda; reactions to common cations. Biol. Bull., 1939, 76: 121-6.—Bohart, R. M„ & Mallis, A. The control of pilllmgs and sowbugs. J. Econ. Entom., 1942, 35: 654-8.—Brian, A. A proposito di un isopodo parassita dell'Atherina mochon ( uv. e Val. Monit. zool. ital., 1921. 32: 20-4—Howard, H. W. The genetics of Armadillidium vulgare Latr.; studies on the inheritance of mono- geny and amphogeny. J. Genet., Cambr., 1942, 44: 143-59.— Leigh-Sharpe, W. H. Badroulboudour splendida, n. g. et sp., a new parasitic isopod from Ecuador. Parasitology, Lond., 1937, 29: 391-4.—Mendoza, J. M. A new Philippine phalloid (Anthurus brownii) Philippine J. Sc, 1934, 53: 207-9, pl — Nicholls, G. E. A new species of Asellus (A. nipponensis) from Japan. Arch. zool. exp., Far., 1929, 68: Notes et rev., 33-8.—Sawaya, P. An incretory organ in the head of Ligia exotica Roux (Crustacea; Isopoda) Proc. Am. Sc Congr. (1940) 1942, 8. Congr., 3: 487-90, pl.—Vandel, A. Gigantisme et triploidie chez l'isopode Trichoniscus (Spiloniscus) pro- visorius Racovitza. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1927, 96: 106-8. ------ Les conditions de la monog^nie chez l'isopode terrestre, Chaetophiloscia elongata Dollfus. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1939, 208: 1682—L—Waloff, N. The mechanisms of humidity reactions of terrestrial isopods. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1941, 18: 115-35. ISOPRAL. See under Propanol. ISOPRENE [CH2:C(CH3).CH:CH2] See also Rubber; Terpene. Bergman, A. G. [Reactions of addition to paired systems of double unions; bromination of isoprene] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1920, 52: 24-37—Carmody, W. H., & Carmody. M. O. Polymerization of isoprene. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1937, 59: 2073— Kondakov, I. [Correction of articles by I. I. Ostromvslenskv] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch., khim. ch., 1916, 48: 524-6.—Taylor. H. S., & Shenk, W. J. The conversion of acetone to isoprene. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1941, 63: 2756.—Winberg, H. E. Condensations introducing potential isoprene units. Summaries Doct. Diss. North- western Univ., 1942, 10: 269-74. ISOPTERA. See also in 3. ser. Termites. Blake, C. H. What are termites? 8p. 8? Bost.. 1937. United States. Entomology and Plant Quarantine Bureau. Insects in relation to national defense. Circular 2: Termites. 43 numb. 1. 23cm. [Wash.] 1941. ---- The same. Supplement A: Termites. [15] 1. 23cm. [Wash.] 1941. Adamson, A. M. New termite intercastes. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., ser. B, 1940-41, 129: 35-53.—Ahrens, W. Mono- graphic des weiblichen Geschlechtsapparates der Termiten (nach Untersuchung an Termes redemanni) Jena. Zsehr. Naturwiss.. 1935-36, 70: 223-302, 4 pl.—Bailie, M. A. War declared on pests! Mod. Hosp., 1940, 55: No. 6, 102.— Benkert, J. B. The chromosomes of the termite Reticulitermea flavipes. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1930, 6: 224 — Cook. S. F. Nonsymbiotic utilization of carbohydrates by the termite, Zootermopsis angusticollis. Physiol. Zool., 1943, 16: 123-8.— Costa Lima, A. da. Sobre um Kalotermes do Rio de Janeiro; Isoptera: Kalotermitidae. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1938, 33: 3.')9 -02, 2 pl.- Cross. J. C. A simple method of controlling termites. Science, 1!M2, 95: 433. Coctsrh, \V. Staatengriindung und Kastcnhildung bei Termiten. Natur- wissenschaften, 1941, 29: 1 — 13. Hare, L. Caste determina- tion and differentiation with special reference to the genus Reticulilennes (Isoptera) J. Morph., 1934. 56: 267-93 — Hendee, E. C. Laboratory colonies of termites. In Cult. Meth. Invertebr. (Galtsoff, i'. S.. et al.) Ithaca, 1937, 275-9.— Hockenyos, G. L. Laboratory evaluation of soil poisons used in termite control. J. Econ. lvitom., 1930, 32: 117-9.— Imms. A. D. On the structure and biology of Archotermopsis, together with descriptions of new species of intestinal protozoa, and general observations on the Isoptera. Philos. Tr. R. Soc. London, 1920, ser. B., 209: 75-180, 7 pl.—Jucci. C. II problema delle termiti nell'Africa Orientale Italiana. Riv. biol., 1938, 25: 337-46.—King, H. H. White ants, Termitidae. Rep. Wellcome Trop. Res. Lab. Khartoum, 1911, 4: B, 140-2.— Kinsley, C. H. Reticulitermes tibialis in cottonseed hulls. J. Econ. Entom., 1942. 35: 76.—Mullen, J. A. A case of wine- fed termites. Science, 1942, 95: 520. —Termites (The) are win- ning. Time, 1942, 40: No. 2, 38.—Von Hagen, V. W. Natural history of termites; their geographv. Sc. Month., 1942, 58: 489; passim. ISOSPORA. See also Coccidiida; Coccidiosis. Boughton, D. C. Studies on oocyst production in avian coccidiosis; chronic isosporan infections in the sparrow. Am. J. Hyg., 1937, 25: 203-11.—Henry, A.. & Lebis, C. Essai de classification des coccidies de la famille des Diplosporidae Leger, 1911. Ann. parasit., Par., 1926, 4: 22-8.—Henry, A., & Leblois, C. Essai de classification des coccidies disporocystSes tStrazoiques. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1925, 180: 700.—Machado, O. Oonsideracoes sobre as isosporoses humanas. Bol. Inst. Vital Brasil, 1936, No. 18, 1-24.—Reichenow, E. Ueber das Vorkommen von zwei Coccidienarten der Gattung Isospora beim Menschen. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1925, 29: 172-8.— Wenyon, C. M. Coccidiosis of cats and dogs and the status of the Isospora of man. Ann. Trop. M. Parasit., Liverp., 1923-24, 17: 231-78, 5 pl. ------ Coccidia of the gehus Isospora in cats, dogs and man. Parasitology, Lond., 1926, 18: 253-66. -— belli. Harros, S. Um caso de coccidiose humana por Isospora belli Wenyon. Sciencia med., Rio, 1929, 7: 163-5, pl — CorcufT, C. Deux observations d'lsospora belli au Maroc. Ann. parasit., Par., 1930, 14: 440-3.—Das Gupta. B. M. Observations on a case of coccidial infection in man (Isospora belli Wenyon, 1923) Ind. M. Caz., 1934, 69: 133.—Foner, A. An attempt to infect animals with Isospora belli. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1939-40, 33: 357—Galliard. H. Pre- mier cas de coccidiose humaine k Isospora belli Wenyon 1923 signal^ au Tonkin. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1936, 29: 118-20.—Leger, A. Un cas de coccidiose intestinale humaine k Isospora belli & Hu6 (Annam) Ibid., 192(1. 19: 95. Pinto, C, & Pacheco, G. ,Sur la presence de ITsospora belli Wen von (1923) au Bresil._ C. rend. Soc biol., 1925, 93: 1258. -Pons, R. Coccidiose intestinale humaine k Isospora belli (Wenyon, 1922) considerations g6n6rales (6tude de 2 nouveaux cas observes k Saigon) Bull. Soc path, exot., Far., 1925, 18: 570-84, 2 pl — Frado, A. Um caso de infeccao humana por Isospora belli Wenyon. Ann. paul. med. cir., 1934, 28: 139.—Ter-Matevo- sian, S. M., & Tzaturian, A. T. [Case of infestation with Isospora belli in man] Med. parazit., Moskva, 1932, 1: 249. ---- bigemina. Bacigalupo, J: El Isospora bigeminum Stiles, pardsito del hombre. Sem. med., B. Air., 1940, 47: pt 2, 1153-5— Hagan, W. A. Isospora bigemina. In his Infect. Dis. Domest. Ani- mals, Ithaca, 1943, 429.—Raifman, J. Un caso de parasitosis humana originado por el Isospora bigeminum; observado por primera vez en la ciudad de Rosario. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1942-43, 18: 101-15. ---- hominis. Briceno Rossi, A. L. La coccidiosis en el hombre; primer caso de Isospora hominis en Venezuela. Rev. san., Caracas, 1942, 7: 449-58, 2 pl—Castex, M. R., Greenway, I)., A Mollard, H. Coccidiasis intestinal por Isospora hominis. Rev. Soc. med. int., B. Air., 1928, 4: 101-8.—Chatridse, I., & Kipschidse, N. Ueber einen Fall von Coccidiosis beim Men- schen, Spezies Isospora hominis. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1926. 30: 248-50.—Connal, A. Observations on the patho- genicity of Isospora hominis Rivolta emend. Dobell, based on a second case of human coccidiosis in Nigeria; with remarks on the significance of Charcot-Leyden crystals in the faces. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1922-23, 16: 223-45— Dobell, C. On the species of Isospora parasitic in man. Parasitology, Lond., 1926, 18: 74-85.—Franchini, G. Ueber einen Coc- cidiosisfall beim Menschen, verursacht durch Isospora hominis Rivolta. Arb. Tropenkr. (Festschr. B. Nocht) Hamb., 1927, 115-20. Al.-o Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1927. 8: 305-11.— Haughwout, F. G. Note on a case of human infection with Isospora hominis probably originating' in the United States. ISOSPORA 569 ISOTOPY J. Parasit., Urbana, 1921-22, 7: 45.—Hormaeche. E. Nota sobre la presencia en un caso humano de Isospora hominis en el intestino. Bol. Inst. clfn. qufr., B. Air., 1927, 3: 223-5 — Newham, H. B., & Robertson, A. A case of Isospora hominis Rivolta (Dobell) probably contracted in Durban, South Africa. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1922, 25: 344.—Rhode, J. Ein Coccidienbefund (Isospora hominis) in dem Stuhl eines deutschen Kriegsteilnehmers aus der Turkei. Klin. Wschr., 1923, 2: 1222.—Schule, P. A. Isospora hominis; a second case of infection in the Philippine Islands. Am. J. Trop. M., 1927, 7: 217-9.—Wassell, C. McA. Isospora hominis dis- covered in China. China M. J., 1923, 37: 661-3. ---- Species. Biester, H. E., & Murray, C. Studies in infectious enteritis of swine; Isospora suis n. sp. in swine. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1934, 85: 207-19.—Boughton, D. C. The value of measure- ments in the studv of a protozoan parasite Isospora lacazie (Labb6) Am. J. Hyg., 1930, 11: 212-26. ------ Isospora volki n. sp., a new avian coccidian. J. Parasit., Urbana, 1937, 23: 97.—Carini, A. Sur une isospora de l'intestin de l'Hemi- dac'tylus mabujae. Ann. parasit., Par., 1936, 14: 444-6. ------ Isospora cruzi, parasita dell'intestino di alcune ile del Rrasile. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1936, 17: 610-3. ------ & Biocca, E. Uma nova isospora do intestino do jacar£. Arq. biol., S. Paulo, 1940, 24: 252.—Hosoda, S. Studien uber die Entwickelung und Vermehrung der Isospora lacazei Labb£. Hukuoka acta med., 1928, 21: 49-52, 2 pl.—Jakimov. W. L. Isospora struthionis, n. sp., coccidie de l'autruche africaine. Ann. Soc beige med. trop., 1940, 20: 137.------& Levko- vich. F. E. N. Isospora theileri, n. sp., Coccidie der Schakale. Arch. Protistenk.. 1932, 77: 533-7.—Jakimov, W. L., & Machoulsky. S. N. Isospora strigis n. sp.; eine neue Eulen- coccidie. Ibid., 1936-37, 88: 286-8.------Isospora giirsae n. sp., eine neue Sehlangenkokzidie. Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1936-37, 138: 302.—Ray, H., & Das-Gupta, M. On a new coccidian, Isospora wenyoni n. sp., from the intestine of Indian toad, Bufo melanostictus. Arch. Protistenk., 1935-36, 86: 219-24, pl. ------ Isospora knowlesi n. sp. (Coccidia) from the intestine of a lizard, Hemidactylus flaviviridis (Riip- pell) Ibid., 1936-37, 88: 269-74, pl. ISOTON. See under Quinoline. ISOTONIA. See also Electrolyte; Osmosis; Solution. Fontela, J. M. La isotonla, la isoionfa, la isohidria en medecina. Med. nifios, 1934, 35: 108-10.—Werner, C. F. Ueber den Einfluss der Konzentration und des osmotischen Druckes der Fixationslosung und die Forderung der Isotonie. Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1936, 25: 341-52.—Wittkop, W. Isotonie und Isoionie. Deut, Mschr. Zahnh., 1926, 44: 626-36. ISOTOPY. See also Atom; Element; Radioactivity; also under proper names of isotopes. Armstrong, W. D. Radioactive tracer investigations in Copenhagen. Bull. Minnesota M. Found., 1939-40, 1: 35-41 — Aston, F. W. The story of isotopes. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1935, 23-30. Also Science, 1935, 82: 235-40. International table of stable isotopes. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 515.—Bale, W. F. The use of artificially produced radio- active elements as tagged atoms in biological research. Radi- ology, 1940, 35: 184-91.—Barnett, A. The use of radioactive forms of the common elements in physiologv. Collect. Papers . N. York State Psychiat, Inst. (1939-40) 1941, 10: No. 28, 963.—Bartholome, E., & Sachsse, H. Deutung des Schwin- gungsspektrums organischer Molekiile mit Hilfe des Isotopie- effektes. Zsehr. phys. Chem., Abt, B, 1935, 30: 40-52 — Belitzer, V. A. [Application of radioactive elements in bio- chemistry] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1939, 10: 157-9.—Bijl, A. [Excretion of isotopes through thermic diffusion] Ned. tschr. natuurk., 1940, 7: 147-53.—Bleakney, W. The relative abund- ance of isotopes. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1937, 77: 395-409 — Brewer, A. K., & Bramley, A. A radioactive isotope study of the absorption of phosphorus and sodium by corn seedlings. Science, 1940, 91: 269.—Brodsky, A. E., & Miklukin, G. P. Study of the mechanism of Beckmann's rearrangements by the isotopic method. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 32: 558 — Champetier, G. La separation des isotopes. Bull. Soc chim. France, 1936, 5. ser., 3: Mem., 1701-27.—Chargaff, E. Un- stable isotopes; the determination of radioactive isotopes in organic material. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 128: 579-85.------ Unstable isotopes; the relative speed of formation of lecithin and cephalin in the body. Ibid., 587-95.—Clusius, K., & Dickel, G. Isotopentrennung durch Thermodiffusion im Trennrohr. Umschau, 1940, 44: 353-5— Grosse, A. V., & Agruss, M. S. The use of artificial radioactive elements as indicators in chemical investigations. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1935 57- 591 —Haas, A. E. On some periodic properties of the system of'isotopes. Proc Nat. Acad. Sc U. S., 1940 26: 305-12 —Hamilton, J. G. The rates of absorption of the radioactive isotopes of sodium, potassium, chlorine, bromine, and iodine in normal human subjects. Am. J. Physiol., 1938, 124: 667-78.------ The use of radioactive tracers in biology and medicine. Radiology, 1942, 39: 541-72, pl.—Hevesy, G. The application of isotopic indicators in biological research Enzymologie, Haag, 1938, 5: 138-57. Also Acta Unio internat. cancr., Par., 1939, 4: 175-86. ------ Application of radio- active indicators in biology. Annual Rev. Biochem., 1940, 9: 641-62.—Isotopes in physiologic research. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1432.—Kendall, J. Separation of isotopes and thermal diffusion. Nature, Lond., 1942, 150: 136-40.__ Kjerulf-Jensen. K. Anvendelsen af isotope grundstoffer, specielt de radioaktive, i den biologiske forskning og kliniske therapi. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 2859-64.—Kowarski. L. La radioactivite artificielle et ses applications bioloriques Odontologie, Par., 1939, 77: 205-12.—Krogh. A. The use of isotopes in biological research. Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: 1048. ------ The use of isotopes as indicators in biological research Science, 1937, 85: 187-91.—Lautie, R. Considerations com- pl£mentaires sur les isotopes naturels. Bull. Soc. chim France 1940, 5. ser., 7: 712-6. ------ Note au su.iet de la classifica- tion des divers isotopes naturels. Ibid., 970-2.—Lawrence. J. H. The use of radioactive isotopes in the investigation of neoplastic disease. Internat. Congr. Campaign Cancer, 1939, 3. Congr., 21.—Levi, H. A Geiger counter arrangement applied to measurements of radioactive indicators in biological research. Acta physiol. scand., 1941, 2: 311-23.—McCauley, H. B. Significance of radioactive isotopes in dental research. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 1219-30.—Murin. A. N. [Thermo- diffusive method in separation of isotopes] Usp. khimii, 1941 10: 671-9.—Ohnell, R. F. Markta atomer och isotoper i medicinen. Nord. med., 1941, 10: 1237-40.—Overstreet, R., & Broyer, T. C. The nature of absorption of radioactive isotopes by living tissues as illustrated by experiments with barley plants. Proc Na,t. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1940, 26: 16-24.—Parnas, J. K. L'application des isotopes radioactifs pour l'exploration des ^changes et des transformations biochimiques. Bull Soc. chim. biol.. Par., 1939, 21: 1059-93.— Polikar, A. [Isotopes as indicators of substance variations in biological processes] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1940, 13: 76-81.—Quimby, E. H. Radio- active isotopes. Britan. Bk 1942, 559.—Radioactive spies. Radiography, Lond., 1941, 7: 176.—Rittenberg, D„ & Foster, G. L. A new procedure for quantitative analysis by isotope dilution, with application to the determination of amino acids and fatty acids. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 133: 737-44.—Rosen- blum, C. & Flagg, J. F. Artificial radioactive indicators. J. Franklin Inst., 1939, 228: 471; 623.—Ross. J. F. Isotopes in medical investigation and therapy. N. England J. M., 1943, 228: 454; passim.—Smith, L. P. The electrical separation of isotopes of calcium and boron in sufficient quantities for bio- logical, medical and nuclear investigations. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc (1940) 1941, 249-51—Szilard, L., & Chalmers. T. A. Chemical separation of the radioactive element from its bombarded isotope in the Fermi effect. Nature, Lond., 1934, 134: 462.—Tavola internazionale de<*H i=otoni. Boll. chim. farm., 1939, 78: 179— Thode, H. G., & Walkling, H. G. Column packing and the separation of isotopes. Canad. J. Res., 1942, 20: Sect. B, 61-8.—Use of radioactive isotopes of elements in biologic investigations. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 280-5.—Veil. S. Les autodiffusions dans les solides et leur controle par indicateurs radioactifs. Rev. sc, Par., 1939, 77: 8-11. ------ Les separations d'isotooes. Ibid., 1940, 78: 244.—Winnick, T. Artifical radioactive isotopes in biochemical research. Chem. Leaflet. 1942-43, 16: No. 9, 80-4.—Wood, H. G., & Burris, K. H. Criteria for experiments with isotopes. In Sympos. Resp. Fjnzymes. Madison, 1942. 252-8.—Wynne- Jones, W. F. K. Isotopes as atom indicators for reactions in solution. Advance. Sc, Lond., 1939-40, 1: 218 (Abstr.) ISOTRICHA. See under Ciliata. ISPAGHULA. See also Dysentery, bacillary: Treatment. Skyrme, E. W. The structure and histology of ispaghula (the seeds of Plantago ovata Forsk.) Q. J. Pharm., Lond., 1935, 8: 161-85. ISRAEL, Ernst, 1907- *Ueber die Be- handlung des Tetanus mit hohen Serumdosen. 38p. 8? Marb., H. Bauer, 1935. ISRAEL, Use, 1908- *Ein Fall von lokalem Amyloid [Tubingen] 20p. 8? Bochum- Langendreer, H. Poppinghaus, 1933. ISRAEL, Jean, 1912- *La syphilis sans chancre. 85p. 24cm. Lille, E. Francois, 1937. ISRAEL, Leon, 1906- *Etude clinique et experimentale des hemopathies benzoliques et d'une aleucie vraie (absence de globules blancs dans le sang) benzo-staphylococcique. 86p. 4 pl. 8? Strasb., Ed. Univ., 1934. ISRAEL 570 ISSERLIN ISRAEL, Rene, 1909- *Etude sur l'hy- pertension d'origine renale. 147p. 24cm. Par., Jouve & cio, 1938. ISRAEL, Salvator, 1908- *Etat actuel de nos conceptions sur la pathogenie de l'osto- spongiose. 72p. 8? Par., Lipschiitz, 1937. ISRAEL, Sidney, 1886-1940. For obituary see Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1941, 47: 479. ISRAEL, Spencer Leon, 1906- See Mazer, C, & Israel, S. L. Diagnosis and treatment of menstrual disorders and sterility. 485p. 24cm. N. Y., 1941. ISRAEL [Wilhelm Heinrich Albert] Erich, 1888- *Die typische Ruptur der Sehne des Extensor pollicis longus [Berlin] 65p. 8? Liegnitz, J. H. Burmeister, 1930. ISRAELI, Joua, 1906- *Sur un nouveau type de syndrome pluriglandulaire a participa- tion hepatique. 89p. 8? Par., Libr. M. Lac, 1931. ISRAELI, Nathan, 1906- Abnormal per- sonality and time. 123p. 8? Lancaster, Science Press, 1936. ISRAELITE. See Jew. ISRAEL-KOHLER, H. Das Klima von Bad- Nauheim. x, 127p. illust. tab. 8? Dresd., T. Steinkopff, 1937. ISRAELOVICI, Salomon, 1905- *Con- tribution au traitement des tumeurs malignes du rein chez les enfants; traitement radio- chirurgical. 47p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1933. ISRAELSKI, Martin, & SIMCHOWITZ, Her- mann. Rontgenologische Schleimhautdiagnostik am Verdauungskanal. 76p. 8 pl. 8? Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1932. Forms H. 3, Bd 12, Samml. Verdauungskr. al-ISRA'ILI, Abu Ya'qub Ishaq ibn Sulaiman [Isac Judaeus] Friedenwald, H. Manuscript copies of the medical works of Isaac Judaeus (850? 832?---) the diploma of a Jewish gradu- ate of medicine of the University of Padua in 1695. Ann, Med. Hist., 1929, n. ser., 1: 629-39.—Mayer, C. F. [Medical codices of the Budapest University Library: Cod. 91. Isak Judaeus Liber diaetarum universalium] Orv. hetil., 1926, 70: 118; 3 pl. ISSAKOVICH, Khaim. *Ueber die Frage einer zeitlichen Antezedenz von Tranensack- affektion vor Lupus faciei. 31p. 8? Ziir., E. Kreutler, 1919. ISSAKOWITSCH, Samuel [M. D., Basel 1926] *Zur Kasuistik des Nabelschnurvorfalles bei den verschiedenen Kindeslagen vom 1* Januar 1912 bis 1. Januar 1922 [Basel] 27p. 8? Strasb., Ed. Univ., 1926. ISSEL, Paul, 1902- *Teratologische Betrachtungen iiber das Gesichtsskelett der Saugetiere zum Vergleich mit den Missbildungen und Anomalien des Menschen. 40p. 8? Miin- ster i. W., H. Buschmann, 1932. ISSEL, Raffaele, 1878-1936. Remotti, E. Necrologia. Riv. biol., 1937, 22: 535-41. ISSELS, Josef, 1907- *Ueber das Krank- heitsbild der Leukamie [Wurzburg] 56p. 8? M.-Gladbach, H. Kirchhofer, 1933. ISSELSTEIN, Hans, 1908- *Die Ver- teilung der Driisen in der menschlichen Nase [Tubingen] 19p. 8? Urach, F. Biihler, 1935. ISSELSTEIN, Theo, 1905- *Ueber einen eigenartigen Fall von zahlreichen Gefass-Nerven- tumoren [Erlangen] 23p. 8? Bottrop-W., \Y. Postberg, 1935. ISSERLIN, Beate, 1906- *Reflexschwel- lenuntersuchung am umschriebenen Xetzhaut- bezirk; Beitrag zu den Methoden der Hemi- kinesimetrie [Miinchen] 33p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1933. ISSERLIN. Marcus Max, 1879-1941. Psy- chotherapie; ein Lehrbuch fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 205p. S° Berl., J. Springer, 192(1. ---- Aphasie. p.627-806. Berl., J. Springer. 1936. In Handb. Neurol. (Bumke & Foerster) Bd 6. For obituary see J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1941, 94: 396. Also Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 434. ISSYG-ATA, Russia. Issyg-Ata. In Health Resorts USSR (Pertsov, I. A.) Moskva, 1940, 185. ISTAD, Andreas Halsten Larsen, 1790-1862. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 585. ISTANBUL. See also Turkey. Istanbul, Turkey. Map. Scale 1:42,240. 19.5x27.5cm. [n. p., n. d.] [Laws, regulations, instructions and circulars issued by the Board of Health and Board of education of the University of Istanbul] Sihhiye mecmuasi, 1933, 9: 235-82.—Stade, ('.. Das bakteriologische Untersuchungsamt der Mittelmeer- division in Konstantinopel 1916-18. In Vor 20 Jahren (Deut. med. Wschr.) Lpz., 1935, 2. F., 183-90.—Zschech, B. Das deutsche Marine-Sanitatskommando in den tiirkischen Kriegs- azaretten in Konstantinopel. Ibid., 126-40. ISTHMIAN Canal. See Canal Zone. ISTHMUS. See name of part or organ as Eustachian tube; Thvroid, etc. ISTIN, Marc. See Hederer, L. C, & Istin, M. L'arme chimique et ses blessures. 696p. 8? Far., 1935. ISTIOPHORUS. Beebe, W. Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society; a study of young sailfish, Istiophorus. Zoologica, N. Y., 19 11, 26: 209-27, 5 pl. ISTITUTO. Institutes as authors are listed under names of cities or countries where they are located, e. g., Instituto Centrale di Statistica listed as Italy. Istituto Centrale di Statistica. ISTVANFFI, Gyula, 1860- A Clusius- Codex mykologiai meltat&sa, adatokkal Clusius eletrajzdhoz. 287p. 86 pl. fol. Budap., the Author, 1900. ISVARADATTA Vidyalankara. *Ramanuja's commentary on the Bhagavadgita [Miinchen] xxxi, 360p. 25cm. Muzaffarpur, K. Krishnas- wamy & Isvaradatta, 1930. ITABUNA, Bahia. Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia. Annaes. Itabuna, 1937- ITALIA (L*) e le questioni europee; con- siderazioni di un Italiano. 91p. 23J4cm. Firenze, Civelli, 1869. ITALIA medica. See Attivita medica italiana. ITALIA (L') sanitaria. Roma, v.4-6, 1908-10; v.11-26, 1919-34. Ceased publication. ITALIAN Medical Society. See Brooklyn. N. Y, Italian Medical Society. ITALLIE, Leopold van, 1886- [Prof, van Itallie, honorary member of the Society for the Promotion of Facultative Cremation] Ber. Vereen. lijkverbr. 1935, 60: 70-2, portr. ITALY. Memoria del Governo Italiano circa la situazione in Etiopia. 2v. 4? [n. p.] 1936. CONTENTS v.l. Relazione. 105p. fold, map & chart at end. v.2. Documenti. 306p.; 117p. illust. 20 plates. ---- The same. Memorandum of the Italian government on the situation in Abyssinia, v.l, lllp. fold, map & chart. 4? [n. p., 1936] ITALY 571 ITALY [ITALY] Accademia d'ltalia. Annuario, 1931- 32. 453p. portr. 26cm. Roma, 1933. [ITALY] Associazione medica Italiana. 8. Congr. (1878) [Publication] 31p. 21^cm. Pisa, 1878. ---- 11. Congr. (1885) Circolare-programma. 24p. 22cm. Perugia, Boncompagni, 1885. See also Associazione medica italiana. 3p. 21 Hem. Padova, 1873. Also Barduzzi, D. Associazione medica italiana; resoconto sommario dell'ottavo Congresso. 46p. 21^cm. Pisa, 1878. [ITALY] Associazione nazionale culturale fascista stomato-odontologica. Roma. Publisher of Stomatologia (La) italiana. [ITALY] Associazione nazionale dei medici condotti. 1. Congr. (1874) Atti. 143p. 8: Forli, Tipogr. Democratica, 1875. In Ann. med. pubb., Roma, 1875-77, 10:-11: •---- 2. Congr. (1875) Atti. 116p. 8? Roma, M. Armanni, 1876. In Ann. med. pubb., Roma, 1875-77, 10:-11: ---- 5. Congr. (1878) Programma. 12 p. 1. 211/2cm. Pisa, Pati A. Ballori, 1878. See also Giacchi, O. Sulla necessita di un'associazione nazionale di medici condotti. Atti Congr. naz. med. condotti (1874) 1875, 1. Congr., 80-7. [ITALY] Club Alpino Italiano; Sezione di Vicenza. Anno 1876. 178p. 2 1. lS^cm. Vicenza, Paroni, 1877. [ITALY] Commissione per lo studio dei problemi dell'alimentazione. Publisher of Quaderni della nutrizione. Bologna. [ITALY] Confederazione fascista dei pro- fessionisti e degli artisti. Sindacato nazionale fascista dei veterinari. Annuario veterinario Italiano, 1934-35. 817p. illust. portr. 8? Roma [Ed. Sallustiana, 1935] [ITALY] Confederazioni fasciste dei lavora- tori. Relazione sull'attivita svolta nei 1937. 19p. 8? Roma, Tipogr. Europa, 1938. [ITALY] Congresso Italiano di radiobiologia. 4. Congr. [Traveling facilities] 71. 4? [Torino, 1939] [ITALY] Congresso Italiano di radiologia medica [1913- ] Atti. [v. p.] 1.-10. Congr., 1913-32. [ITALY] Congresso nazionale di micro- biologia. 4. Congr. [1932] Atti. 409p. 8 pl. (2 col.) 24^cm. Milano, Industr. Graf. Ital. Stucchi, 1932. [ITALY] Congresso pediatrico Italiano. 14. Congr.: Atti. 2v. 1032p. tab. 25cm. Fir., De Grandi & co., 1931. [ITALY] Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Periodici Italiani scientifici tecnici e di cultura generale. 3. ed., edited by Giovanni Magrini. 479p. 8? Roma, Tipogr. Terme, 1931. ---- Istituti e laboratori scientifici italiani. 2. ed. 3v. 8? Roma, Cons. Naz. Ricerche, 1931- 32. ITALY. Direzione generale della sanita pubblica. Notiziario dell'amministrazione sani- taria del regno. No. 1: Movimento demografico ed andamento delle malattie infettive e sociali in Italia, vii, 247p. map. 2 ch. 24cm. Roma, Ist. Poligr. Stato, 1938. ITALY. Direzione generale della statistica. Resultati dell'inchiesta sulle condizioni igieniche e sanitarie nei comuni del Regno: Relazione generale. 234p. tab. 26cm. Roma, S. Michele di Reggioni & soci, 1886 ITALY. Istituto centrale di statistica del Regno d'ltalia. Movimento della popolazione e cause di morte. Roma, 1872- ____ Annuario statistico italiano. Roma, 1881- ---- Statistica delle cause di morte. Roma, 1881- ---- Compendio statistico italiano. Roma, 1: 1927- ---- Nomenclature nosologiche per la statis- tica delle cause di morte e dizionario delle malat- tie. 3. ed. ix, 272p. 8? Roma, Ist. Poligr. Stato, 1930. Also 5. ed. 81p. 18cm. Roma, Tipogr. I. Failli, 1938. See also under Gini, C. Tratto elementare di statistica. v.3, 464p. 24cm. Milano, 1934. ITALY. Istituto nazionale fascista della previdenza Sociale. See Roma. Istituto Carlo Forlanini. Annali. ITALY. Ministero per l'assistenza militare e le pensioni di guerra. See Interallied Conference on the aftercare of disabled men. Roma, 3. Conf., 1919. ITALY. Ministero delle finanza. Pubbli- cazioni edite dallo stato o col suo concorso, 1861- 1930. Roma, Libr. Stato, 1924-31. CONTENTS Catalogo generale, 1861-1923. Roma, 1924. Supplemento, 1924-30. Roma, 1931. Spoglio dei periodici e delle opere collettive, 1901-25. 3v. Roma, 1928. [The same] 1926-30. 2v. Roma, 1931. ---- La libreria dello stato; catalogo delle pubblicazioni e prontuario di legislazione. 486p. 8? Roma, Ist. Poligr. Stato, 1932. ITALY. Ministero della guerra. Norme per l'instituzione e l'esercizio delle infermerie di presidio in sostituzione dell'articolo 129 del rego- lamento d'istruzione e di servizio d'ospedale (atto no. 87 del 1883) 35p. 16? Roma, C. Voghera, 1883. ---- Istruzione per la concessione degli attendenti (12 marzo 1884) Allegato No. 8 al regolamento di disciplina militare. 15p. 16" Roma, C. Voghera, 1884. ---- Istruzione pel riparto delle compagnie, degli squadroni e delle batterie (2 marzo 1873) ed. 1885, Allegato No. 5 al regolamento di dis- ciplina militare. 31p. 16? Roma, C. Voghera, 1885. ---- Testo unico delle leggi sui reclutamento del regio esercito, 6 agosto 1888. 60p. 8? Roma, C. Voghera, 1888. ---- Regolamento d'istruzione e di servicio interno per la cavalleria (1° ottobre 1892) 112p. 12? Roma, E. Voghera, 1892. ---- Regolamento d'istruzione e di servizio interno per la fanteria (3 maggio 1892) ix, 84p. 12? Roma, E. Voghera, 1892. ---- Raccolta delle disposizioni relative alle indennit& eventuali pel R. esercito e per gl'im- piegati civili dipendenti dall'amministrazione della guerra. 107p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1895. ■—— Testo unico delle leggi sulle pensioni civili e militari e regolamento con prontuario di conti fatti per le pensioni militari (R. D. 21 febbraio 1895) 159p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1895. ----■ Legge e regolamento sull avanzamento nei R. esercito. Allegato No. 13 al regolamento di disciplina militare. viii, 91p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1898. ---- Regolamento di administrazione e con- tabilita pei corpi del R. esercito, 10 giugno 1898. xxvii, 943p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1898. ---- Istruzione per la compilazione delle note caratteristiche dei militari del R. esercito (18 agosto 1899) vi, 72p. 12? Roma, E. Voghera, 1899. ITALY 572 ITALY ---- Istruzione pel matrimonio dei militari; legge 24 dicembre 1896 e regi decreti 4 aprile 1897 e 29 marzo 1S91; Allegato No. 9al regolamento di disciplina militare (4 febbraio 1899) 25p. 16? Roma, E. Voghera, 1899. ---- Istruzione complementare al regola- mento sui reclutamento del R. esercito approvato con R. decreto 2 luglio 1890, No. 6952. xii, 306p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1901. ---- Istruzione provvisoria per il servizio della leva all'Estero, 1° giugno 1901. 119p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1901. ---- Regolamento riguardante l'eseguimento dei grandi trasporti militari (16 marzo 1902) 24p. 16? Roma, E. Voghera, 1902. ----Norme per la gestione amministrativa, manutenzione e conservazione del materiale d'artiglieria da impiegarsi dai reggimenti d'arti- glieria da costa e da fortezza per istruzione od altre esigenze; appendice alia istruzzione sulla con- servazione del materiale d'artiglieria. 28p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1903. ---- Regolamento di disciplina militare (l9 dicembre 1872) Testo corretto colle aggiunte, varianti e schiarimenti emanati dal Ministero della guerra a tutto giugno 1899. 249p. 16? Roma, E. Voghera, 1903. ---- Regolamento per le licenzie nei R. esercito (7 settembre 1903) viii, 39p. 16? Roma, E. Voghera, 1903. ---- Annuario militare del regno d'ltalia; anno 1904, 1925. Roma, 1904; 1925. ---- Regolamento ed istruzione sui servizio del casermaggio militare ad economia. 285p. 8? Roma, E. Voghera, 1904. ITALY. Ministero della guerra. Direzione generale di sanita militare. Relazione medico- statistica sulle condizioni sanitarie del R. esercito. Roma (1876-) 1878- ---- Manuale dei medicamenti per uso degli stabilimenti sanitari militari. v.l. ed. 1933. lxxv, 928p. 8? Roma, Ist. Poligr. Stato, 1934. ---- Manuale sanitario per la guerra chimica. 104p. 8? Roma, Ist. Poligr. Stato, 1935. ---- Relazione medico-statistica sulle con- dizioni sanitarie delle forze armate nelle colonic Roma (1935/36-) 1939- ITALY. Ministero dell'interno. II regola- mento 27 luglio No. 487. 175p. 8? Roma, 1910. ITALY. Ministero dell'interno. Direzione generale della sanita pubblica. Obbligatoriet& della vaccinazione antitifica.. 34p. 30cm. Roma, 1927. ITALY. Ministero della marina. Album delle divise della Regia Marina. 116p. 2 1. 8? Roma, A. Staderini [n. d.] ---- Statistica sanitaria dell'armata. Roma, 1905/10- ITALY. Ministero della marina. Direzione centrale di sanita. Annali di medicina navale [e coloniale] Roma, 1: 1895- ITALY. Ministero della marina. Direzione centrale della sanita militare marittima. Istru- zione d'igiene e profilassi per i militari della Regia marina. 92p. 8? Roma, Ist. Poligr. Stato, 1936. [ITALY] Societa Italiana di dermatologia e sifilografia. Atti. 2v. illust. col. 25J4cm. Bo- logna, L. Cappelli, 1938-39. ----Sezione Emiliana-Ramagnolia: Riunione. p.367-426. illust. 24J'2cm. Rocca S. Casciano, L. Cappelli, 1938. See also Arch. ital. derm, sif., 1938, 14: [ITALY] Societa Italiana d'igiene. Intorno alia eziologia e alia profilassi del colera; relazioni, discussioni e voti. 93p. 22'-2('m. Milano, G. Civelli, 1885. ---- Disegno di legge per la tutela dell'igiene e della sanita pubblica approvato dal senato e dal discutersi dalla Camera dei deputati. 23p. 22^cm. Milano, G. Civelli, 1888. ---- Giornale. Milano, 41, 1919- ---- Convegno Lombardo di igiene rurale. 1. Conv. [1933] Atti. 298p. tab. map. 24^cm. Milano, 1934. ---- Convegno Lombardo per la casa popolare nei suoi aspetti igienico-sociali. Pt 1: Protocollo e relazioni; pt 2: Mostra della casa popolare [illust. & maps] 212p. 85 1. 4? Milano, 1936. ---- Convegno Lombardo per l'alimentazione popolare: Atti. v. p. 26)km. Milano, 1938. [ITALY] Societa Italiana di ostetricia e ginecologia. Atti. Roma, v.5-6, 1898-99; v.11-16, 1905-11; v.18, 1913; v.20-27, 1920-28. ITALY [and Italians] See also such names as Army; Climate; Health organization; Hospital report, etc.; also names of Italian colonies, cities and provinces as Livorno; Roma; Sicily; Toscana; Venezia, etc. Barbieri, G. Recoaro; sermone. 17p. 21cm. Padova, 1826. Catullo, C. V. Reclami ed osservazioni concernenti la geognosia delle Alpi venete. 21p. 21cm. Padova, 1842. Italia (L') e le questioni' europee; considera- zioni di un Italiano. 91p. 23>2cm. Fir., 1869. Luzzatti, L. Una gita al Montello; lettera al Deputato Sella. 8p. 231/2cm. [n. p.] 1873[?] Roma. Istituto Coloniale Fascista. An- nuario delle colonie Italiane (e dei paesi vicini) 1935. 987p. 16? Roma, 1935. Sillani, T. L'Africa orientale Italiana (Eritrea e Somalia) 276p. 8? Roma, 1933. Trinker, J. Misurazioni delle altezze nella Provincia di Belluno e nei territorio confinante la medesima; collezione ipsometrica destinata per maggior conoscenza delle Alpi venete. 86p. 21cm. Belluno, 1873. McNaught, P. R. Notes on the geology of the quaternary deposits of the Pianura Padana, plain of the river Po, with the results of bacteriological and chemical examinations of some potable waters derived therefrom. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1941, 76: 34; 96.—Rider, A. S. White flies in Europe. J. Lancet, 1940, 60: 327. ---- Archeology, and anthropology. See also under names of parts of the body. Bisesti, A. Cenni storici di Recoaro dai primi abitanti ai nostri giorni. 72 p. 15cm. Verona, 1873. Acquarone, M. Anatomia esterna e dati statistici dell'arco di Langer su bambini e su giovani della popolazione senese. Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1938, 68: 272-8.—Armi di pietra. Gior. farm, chim., Tor., 1864, 13: 222.—Atzeni Tedesco, P. L'uomo medico cagliaritano metricamente determinato sopra 300 individui. Endocr. pat. cost., Bologna, 1931, n. ser., 6: 295-313, ch.—Blanc, A. C. Testimonianze paletnologiche e biogeografiche sulla via percorsa dai grimaldiani nella loro immigrazione in Europe ed in Italia. Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1938, 68: 17-28.—Boldrini, M. The unification of the anthropo- logical type of Italians and its eugenical effects. Sc. Papers Internat. Congr. Eugen. (1932) 1934, 3. Congr., 50.— Calzoni, U. Scoperte preistoriche nelle Tane del Diavolo presso Parrano (Orvieto) Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1933. 63: 267-74 — Crimi, A. Formazione a caratteri biologici fondamentali della razza italiana. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1939, 12: 88-95.— D'Ancona, U. Principali risultati di una inchiesta antropo- metrica e costituzionalistica compiuta sulle famiglie numerose di alcuni comuni delle provincie di Siena e Grosseto. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1931, 10. ser., 6: 631-58.- Minucci Del Rosso, L. Inchiesta antropometrica e costituzionulisrie.a su 214 genitori di famiglie numerose fiorentine. Genesis, Homa, 1932, 12: 28.—Padoan, D. Misure antropometriche del lattante normale padovano nei primi 3 mesi di vita. Med. ital., 1935, 16: 692-704.—Palma di Cesnola, A. Nuova statuetta paleo- litica rinvenuta in Italia. Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1938, ITALY 573 ITALY 68: 293-7.—Piccoli, G. Caratteri antropometrici del militare italiano dell'et& di 21 anni (tipo medio) Gior. med. mil., 1935, 83: 316-46.— Pratesi, F., & Chiara. G. Contributo alio studio della morfologia esterna degli Italiani; la costituzione morfologica nelle varie regioni. Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1938, 68: 286-92.—Scalori, G. La costituzione morfologica degli avanguardisti Toscani di 18 anni; considerazioni sulla valutazione dei dati antropometrici. Endocr. pat. cost., Bologna, 1933, n. ser., 8: 251-79, ch.—Vainicher, G. E. II mistero di Milazzo. Riv. ital. stomat., 1932, 1: 966-78.—Zisa, S. L'uomo medio emiliano metricamente determinato sopra 300 individui. Monit. zool. ital., 1929, 40: 472-6. ------ Le dimensioni dell'uomo medio adulto emiliano. Endocr. pat. cost., Bologna, 1930, n. ser., 5: 31-69, ch. ---- Culture, and science. Casanova, F., & co. The latest modern Italian-English and English-Italian dictionary. 755p. 16/2cm. Tor., 1939. Cerreto, A. Annuario degli insigniti di onorificenze cavalleresche del regno d'ltalia di ordini equestri pontifici magistrali ed esteri; anno 1934-35. 1074p. fol. Milano [1935] Goethe, W. v. Italienische Reise; testo tedesco e traduzione interlineare italiana [by J. Schwarz] 6. ed. 159p. 12? Tor. [1924] ---- The same. Viaggio in Italia. 1. Pt: Karlsbad- Ferrara. 96p. 16? Tor., 1924. Hoare, A. An Italian dictionary. 2. ed. 906p. 4? Cambr., Engl., 1925. Marchese, E. La propriety del suolo nei regno di buon senso. 20p. 21cm. Genova, 1869. Savini Nicci, O. Le spedalita romane; legislazione, giurisprudenza, pratica. 446p. 25cm. Roma, 1936. Almeida, F. de. Relat6rio de uma pensao de estudo na Italia. Arq. anat., Lisb., 1937, 18: 561-71.—Benigni, U. Roman academies. Cath. Encycl., N. Y., 1913, 1: 83-9.— Bettica-Giovannini, R. Vecchi appunti sulla morte di Cavour e su quella di Vittorio Emanuele II. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: varia, pt 1, 440-4.—Bilancioni, G. Alessandro Volta e Antonio Scarpa. Arch. stor. sc, 1927, 8: 351-63—Buffarini, G. Lo spirito di concorde operosa disciplina del popolo italiano. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1939, 12: No. 6-7, 3.—Colonie (Le) estive della Federazione Fascista nell'anno XIV. Firenze (Rass.) 1936, 5: 121-4.—Difesa del prestigio di razza. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1939, 20: 905.—Laignel-Lavastine. Note medicale sur l'exposition du livre italien k Paris (mai-juin 1926) Bull. Soc. fr. hist, med., 1926, 20: 331-8.—Rossi, M. A. How fascista Italy educates her vouth; a study of Italian thought on the education of Italians. Abstr. Diss. Stanford Univ. (1940-41) 1941, 16: 50-2.—Schuwer, C. La pensee italienne contempo- raine; l'idealisme de Benedetto Croce et de Giovanni Gentile. Rev. phdos. France, 1924, 97: 351; 98: 82. ---- Demography. See also subheading Statistics. Castronuovo, G. Per l'incremento demografico e la tutela della stirpe nell'impero fascista. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1937, 10: 17-9.—Giusti, U. La composizione per sesso ed etk della popolazione italiana prima e dopo la guerra. Difesa sociale, 1927, 6: 7.------Note di demografia italiana. Ibid., 1936, 15: 3-8.------Certains aspects demographiques en Italie, avec quelques comparaisons internationales et particuligrement en ce qui concerne les caract6ristiques sociales de la population. Bull.Inst, internat. statist., La Haye, 1938,28: l.livr., 78.------ La crisi demografica della montagna secondo , una recente inchiesta italinnn. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr 4: 119-25.—Ichoc, G. L'6volution demographique de l'ltalie.' Paris med., 1935, 96: annexe, 541-3— Niceforo, A. Qualche cifra suH'aumento della popolazione in Italia. Difesa sociale 1928, 7: 1-8.—Rolando, G. L. The demographical expansion of Italy. Mil. Surgeon, 1930, 67: 151-5—Sangiorgi, G. II movimento demografico di Catania negli ultimi 50 anni. Rass. stud, sess., 1930, 10: 63-74.—Schioppa, L. Note demo- grafiche riguardanti la citU di Como. Igiene mod., 1934, 27: 459-71.—Thompson, R. S. Population growth and inter- national politics; Italy. In his Popul. Probl., N. Y., 1942, 273-5.------National population policies; Italy. Ibid., 415-8. ---- Hygiene, and sanitation. Balestra P. L'igiene nella campagna e citta, di Roma. 206p. 18cm. Roma, 1875. Beroaldi, P. Progetto di unificazione del regime sanitario nei comuni foresi del Regno d'ltalia. 30p. 21/2cm Vicenza, 1870. Italy Direzione Generale Della Statis- tica. Resultati dell'inchiesta sulle condizioni igieniche e sanitarie nei comuni del Regno: Relazione generale. 234p. 26cm. Roma, 1886. Mantegazza, P. Una questione d'igiene; alia camera dei deputati. lip. 23'^cm. [n. p.] 1870. Romanin-Jacur, L. Rapporto sulle condizioni igienico-economiche del Distretto di Piove. 42p. 21cm. Padova, 1874. Albera, C. Contributi al clima dell' Italia centrale. C. rend. Congr. internat. hydr. clim. g6ol. ther. (1905) 1906. 7. Congr., 787-98.—Allaria, G. B. Questioni coloniali. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1938, 13: 65-90.—Bruni, A. Gli aspetti igienici e sociali della redenzione del latifondo siciliano con particolare riguardo alia casa colonica. Difesa sociale, 1941, 20: 95-128.—Celebrazione (La) in Campidoglio; presente il Re Imperatore. Riv. Soc. ital. igiene, 1940, 62: 65.—Chiodi, V. Alcuni rilievi ed osservazioni sulle condizioni igieniche della popolazione rurale in provincia di Firenze. Med. ital., 1936, 17: 255-79.—Cicchitto, E. Problemi sanitari dell'Im- pero: i medici. Ann. igiene, 1939, 49: 167-75.—Concorsi a condotte sanitarie. Minerva med.. Tor., 1941, 32: varia, pt 1, 294.—Condizioni (Le) igienico-sanitarie dell'Italia. Studium, Nap., 1933, 23: 259-65.—Condizioni (Le) igienico-sanitarie in Italia e all'estero. Ibid., 1934, 24: 147-54—Croveri, P. Medicina coloniale e nosografia coloniale italiana. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1934, 15: 723; 834.—Dalri, E. Nosografia e demografismo fra i coloni indigeni del comprensorio di Genale. Ibid., 45-54.—Deganello, U. Le condizioni igienico-sanitarie dell'Italia durante la guerra (1915-18) in oonfronto coi periodi ante- e post-bellico. Ann. igiene, 1926, 36: 197-225.— De Giorgi.-M., & Cavazzi, G. Forme morbose riscontrate in operai rimpatriati dall'A. O. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1936, 17: 342-51.—Grida sanitarie del passato. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 1, varia, 20-4.—Guitierrez, A. La phi bella battaglia. Italia san., 1910, 6: 145.—Ilvento, A. Indici di sanitA nei popolo italiano. Difesa sociale, 1930, 9: 389-94.— Koester, F. Die Pontinischen Siimpfe; aus dem Reisebericht eines deutschen Arztes vor 150 Jahren. Med. Welt. 1933, 7: 578.—Medulla, C. Nosografia della cirenaica nell'anno XIV dell'E. F. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1936, 17: 641-59.—Mosso. Richtlinien fiir Krankenhausbau in Italien. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 90. —---- Neues aus der Gesundheits- fiihrung in Italien. Ibid., 761.—Pini. Diffide, scioperi e boicottaggi sanitari in Italia. Italia san., 1910, 6: 310-2.— Sangiorgi, G. Vittoria dell'igiene nella vittoria imperiale. Difesa sociale, 1936, 15: 501-7.—Testi, F. Cose viste e cose raccolte in Cirenaica dall'anno 1913 all'anno 1916. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1935, 16: 97-108.—Teti, M. Le condizioni alimentari e igieniche dei rurali nelle zone collinose della Calabria. Fol. med., Nap., 1935, 21: 505-702—Trikurakis, G. A. Le condizioni igienico-sanitarie della Valle d'Aosta (con particolare riguardo al Consorzio Medico di Gignod) Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1936, 24: 128; 225; 272. ---- Medical history. [Bologna] Bando e provisione sopra gli abusi introdotti in Bologna, intorno alia profes- sione della medicina. Broadside. Bologna, 1649. Castiglioni, A. Italian medicine; translated by E. B. Krumbhaar. 134p. 16? N. Y., 1932. ---- The renaissance of medicine in Italy. 91p. 8? Bait., 1934. Corradi, A. Esporre ed apprezzare la parte che spetta agli Italiani nell' avanzamento della scienza ed arte chirurgica, dal principio del secolo xix fino al presente. 8p. 21 ^cm. [Bologna, 1870] ---- Delia chirurgia in Italia dagli ultimi anni del secolo scorso fino al presente; commentario, in risposta al programma di concorso della Societi medico-chirurgica di Bologna, e dalla medesima premiato nella seduta del 20 febbrajo. 1870; introduzione. 26p. 21Kcm. Padova, 1870. Ferrannini, A. Medicina Italica; priorita di fatti e di direttive. 174p. 8? Milano, [1933?] Gellius, A. The Attic nights of Aulus Gellius; with an English translation by John C Rolfe. 3v. 16? Lond., 1928. Armieux. Rome medicale. J. med. Toulouse, 1862, 4. ser., 1 - 252-60 —Beltran, J. R. La historia de la medicina en Italia. Prensa m6d. argent., 1939, 26: pt 2, 1476.—Benassi, E. Carteggi inediti fra il Lancisi, il Pacchioni ed il Morgagni. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1932, 23: 145.—Bettica, R. Un medico torinese presso una culla dei Savoia e gli albori della pediatria. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1937, 19: 568-74.—Bobbio, L. Discorso inaugurale. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1938, 101: pt 2, 1-17.— Brunn, W. von. Vom Aufstieg der italienischen Chirurgie im ITALY ;> 74 ITALY Mittelalter. Ber. Phys. med. Ges. Wurzburg (1937) 1938. n. F., 61: 43-50.—Burckhardt, J. La cultura del Renacimiento en Italia [Book review by Aldo Mieli] Archeion, Santa F6, 1942, 24: 457-9.—Canova, F. Medici Italiani in Transgior- dania. Riforma med., 1937, 53: 541.—Capasso, P. La storia della medicina in Italia. Alcmeone, N. Y., 1940, 2: No. 1, 2-4.— Capparoni. P. I grandi maestri e los sviluppo studi medici nell Ateneo bolognese fino al sec. XIX. Rass. clin. ter. [Boll. Im. stor. ital. san.] 1933, 32: 103-10.—Castaldi. L. Una centuria di rivendicazioni di priority ad italiani in con- tributi scientifici nella medicina e chirurgia. Riforma med., 1929, 45: 487-OS. ------ Discorso per la traslazione delle salme di Filippo Civinni, Filippo Pacini e Atto Tigri nella chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie presso lo spedale del Ceppo in Pistoia. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1935, 26: 289-308.—Castiglioni, A. Pagine di storia del pensiero medico mediterraneo. Rass. clin. sr., 1936,14: 381-9. ------ La chirurgia romana all'epoca di Augu>to. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 51: 164-9.------La medicina romana ai tempi di Augusto. Minerva med., Tor., 1938, 29: pt 2, 269-75.—Celli-Fraentzel, A. LTmperatore Trajano (98-117) ed il risanamento dell'Urbe. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1937, 28: 233-43.—Dalmases, V. Medicina en la anti- guedad; Roma. Dfa med., B. Air., 1938, 10: 153.—De Renzi, S. Delia medicina italiana dal risorgimento delle lettere fino a'di nostri. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1838, 16: 145; 1839, 17: 209; 1839, 18: 219; 283; 1840, 19: 3; 83.—Dernehl, P. H. Medical notes on the Divine Comedv of Dante Alighieri. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., 1911, 22: 333-44.—Diamare, V. Documenti cassinesi di medici del xvn e xvm secolo. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1932, 23: 49; 97.—Einaudi, C. I medici dei Promessi Sposi. Igiene & vita, 1927, 10: 19-22, 3 portr.—Favaro, G. Prossimi centenari di tre grandi anatomici italiani. Monit. zool. ital., 1931, 42: Suppl., 79-81.—Fedeli. C. I chirurgi preciani e norcini nell'Arcispedale di S. Mai in Nova ed in quello di Pisa. Umbria med., 1921, 2: 130-6; 1933, 13: 2418- 24.—Ferrannini, A. Italia e Roma negli inizi della scienza medica. Igiene & vita, 1935, 18: 341-3.— Fosseyeux, M. Les traductions francaises de traites d'hvgiSne italiens au x\"l« siecle. Bull. Soc. fr. hist. med.. 1931, 25: 489-500. —Frieden- wald, H. Evidences of tolerance in XVI century Italv. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., 1038, 6: 188-93. -Gasbarrini, A. Le tradizioni delle scuole mediche
  • aichiv zu Bologna. Arch. Gesch. Med., 1911, 5: 399.------Clorie della medicina italiana nei medioevo. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1931, 22: 1-7,— Tridentc. M. A proposito di un esame di medicina sostenuto in Molfetta; da un docuniento inedito del 1490. Gazz. intei naz. med. chir., 1940, 49: No. 6, 18-26.— Valenti, A. La medicina in Roma. Biol, med., Milano, 1936, 12: 31-42. ---- Medicine. Caporaletti, M., Cioli, R. [et al.] Medicina dell'era fascista. 326p. 8? Bergamo, 1936. Marchionneschi, O. Breve casuistica della condotta medico-chirurgica di Sarteano. 19p. 22cm. Tor., 1878. Vicenza, Italy. Statistica sanitaria per l'anno 1876; Marchetti Dr Domenico, medico municipale. 16p. 21'^cm. Vicenza, 1878. Agueci, A. Rendiconto clinico operativo su quattordici mesi di reggenza del reparto, Nov. 1938-Gennaio 1940. Gior. venet. sc. med., 1940, 14: 210-31.—Alzona, V. C. Ancora per le Mutue. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 2, varia, 494- 500.—Barth, E. Die berufsstiindische Organisation der Aerzteschaft in Italien. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 1173.— Bernard. L. Ce que la medecine doit k l'ltalie. Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 251-8.—Brandenburg, K. Aus italienischen Kliniken. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 121.—Bufalini, B. Prospetto delle malattie curate in Cortona, 1838-41. Ann. med. chir., Roma, 1841-42, 6: 8; 60; 137; passim.- Carbonetti, A. La giomata di lavoro del medico condotto. Italia san., 1908, 4: 20-2.—Caso (II) di Sambuca Pistoiese. Ibid., 157 — Cr. Tagesnachrichten aus Italien. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 285.—Cranwell, D. J. Ascoli. Alessandrini y Pittaluga. In his Paginas disp., B. Air., 1941, 257-9— Datyner, H. [Impressions from hospitals and clinics in Italy] Warsz. czas. lek., 1939, 16: 176; 196; 214.—Deliberazioni (Le) del Congresso dei M. c. Sardi a Nuoro; ragioni occulte e palesi delle selvaggerie contro il caso Germini. Italia san., 1908, 4: 199-201.— De Renzi, S. Statistica dell'Ospedale di Santa Maria di Loreto dal 1. gennajo a tutto dicembre 1839. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1840, 19: 73-6.—Ferrannini, L. Lezione di chiusura dell'anno 1937-38, 14 giugno, 1938. Fol. med., Nap., 1938, 24: 927-42 — Ferrari, F. Ufficio dell'opera medica; ufficio di collocamento. Italia san., 1909, 5: 93. ------ Dobbiamo ancora parlare dell'avocazione? il valore del tempo. Ibid., 121. ------ I mali della medicina; il filantropismo; il ciarlatanismo; l'in- coordinazione degli sforzi; l'assenteismo pohtica. Ibid., 237; 254; 277; 297. ------ II meraviglioso Congresso degli ordini; Koma, 31 ottobre. Ibid., 316-8. ------ Brief aus Italien. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 1327-30; 1937, 63: 146-8; 1940, 66: 183 5.------Neubildungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940. 36: 928-30.—Finkenrath, K. Der Arzt im faschistischen Slant. Med. Welt, 1933, 7: 712.—Greco, T.. & Pazzagli. R. L'attivita della clinica chirurgica di Firenze sotto la direzione di Enrico Burci. Scritti in onore di E. Burci, Nap., 1930, 881-937.—Guardando una rosa rossa. Italia san., 1908, 4: 17.—Inaugurazione del Corso pei Medici Condotti a Bologna. Ibid., 103.—Intorno al concorso a due posti di medico condotto a Mantova. Ibid., 133.—Maglie (Le) della legge. Ibid., 29 — Markowski, B. [Impressions from a student trip to Italy and Morocco] Lek. wojsk., 1938, 31: 90-102.—Mattioli-Bertac- chini, A. A proposito dei Medici di riparto. Italia san., 1908, 4: 77.—Maubandy. Rapport medical de fin de campagne en A. O. F. Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1936, 126: 605-21.— Memorie chirurgiche di Gennaro Galbiati; Napoli, 1835. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1836, 11: 291; 1836, 12: 54; passim.— Moore, C. U. Medical surprises in Italy. N. York M. J., 1919, 110: 314-6.—Mosso. Brief aus Italien. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1443-5.—Namias. Delia medicina contem- poranea; man festo di associazione; condizioni dell'associazione. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1838, 8: 508-11. ------ Con- siderazioni sulle statistiche mediche del cav. professore Mau- rizio Bufalini. Ibid., 1840, 14: 309-27.—Pende. N. II genio medico latino nei pensiero medico contemporaneo. Riforma med., 1934, 50: 1599-601. •------ La mentality mediterranea nella nuova medicina dell'Italia imperiale. Policlinico, 1936, 43: sez. prat., 2003-6.------Medicina italica correla- zionistica ed unitaria. Riforma med., 1936, 52: 3-6.—Petrus. II minimum d'ideale dei medici condotti. Italia san., 1910, 6: 395.—Piccinini, P. La vita del medico condotto in un libro del Prof. G. B. Ughetti. Ibid., 1909, 5: 208.—Pirri. Liquidazione; sempre a proposito del Bollettino; al Dottor Arsuffi. Ibid., 1908, 4: 102.—Ronzani, E. II servizio Medico negli ospedali Italiani. Nosokomeion, Stuttg., 1931, 2: 60-85.—Sergent, E. L'amitifi medicale Franco-Italienne. Presse m6d., 1936, 44: 293.—Societa mutua in Piemonte per soccorsi ai dottori di medicina o di chirurgia; approvata con R. patenti del 27 agosto 1839, Gazz. toscana sc. med. fis., 1850, 8: 138.- Spada, G. Quadro statistico delle inferme della 1. sala a dritta nello Spedale di S. M. di Loreto, dal 1. ottobre 1840 sino a tutto dicembre. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1841, 21: 160-5.—Taddia, L. Relazione sull'attivit& del laboratorio ricerche cliniche dal 1 luglio al 31 dicembre 1936. Gior. med. mil., 1938, 86: 521-7.— Trassunto dei processi verbali di tutte le adunanze della sezione medica durante la riunione de'Scienziati italiani in Pi-a. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1839, 11: 373-88.—Varvelli, R. Con- siderazioni sull'azione politica dei Medici condotti. Italia san., 1908,4: 145. ITALY 575 HARD ---- Statistics. See also such headings as Birth rate; Infant mortality, etc. Annuario sanitario Italiano. 2v. 8? [Tor. 1932-36] Balestri, E. Indice sanitario d'ltalia, 1931, anno IX. 588p. 4? [Milano, 1931] Italy. Direzione Generale della Sanita Pubblica. Malattie infettive e diffusive dall'an- no 1905 al 1908. 157p. 4? Roma, 1910. ---- Notiziario dell'amministrazione sanitaria del regno. No. 1: Movimento demografico ed andamento delle malattie infettive e sociali in Italia. 247p. 24cm. Roma, 1938. Italy. Istituto Centrale di Statistica del Regno d'Italia. Annuario statistico italiano. Roma, 1881- ----Compendio statistico italiano. Roma, v.l, 1927- Appunti sulle principali malattie non cosmopolite dell'Impero. Gazz. med. ital., 1939, 98: 31-5.—Baccarani, C. Rendiconto clinico-statistico dell'anno 1936-37. Otorinolar. ital., 1938, 8: 171-93.—Badile, P. L. Relazione sessennale. Gior. venet. sc. med., 1939, 13: 241; 321.—Buffini, A. Di topografia statistico- medica della provincia di Brescia. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1838, 8: 93-109.—Casu, A. Contributo alio studio nosografico dell'Impero; le cause di morte tra gli operai in A. O. I. Ann. igiene, 1939, 49: 97-104.—De Rensis, F. Risultamento delle strife di vinaccia nello Spedale di Torre del Greco nell'autunno 1835. Ann. clin. Osp. incurab., Nap., 1835, 1: 303-6.—Di Verce, E. F. La morbositA in Italia. Arch. sc. osp., Bergamo, 1912-13, 2: 166; 1913-14, 3: 7.—Fazio, E. Sulla importanza di una statistica medica italiana. Ann. med. pubb., Roma, 1875, 10: 141-50. ------ Difficolt& e provvedimenti per conseguire una statistica medica e sanitaria nei regno. Ibid.. 151-60.—Ferraro. D. Lo stato della salute pubblica in Italia; dati del 1937-38. Riv. med. social, tuberc, 1939, 16: 81-5 — Gambari, G. Sulle costituzioni morbose osservate negli anni 1843-45, nella cittii di Ferrara. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1847, ser. 2, 12: 437-81.—Giuffrida. G. Statistica demografico- sanitaria e servizi di igiene e sanity per gli anni 1933-35. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1936, 13: 259-98.—Ianssens. Sulle sta- tistiche della mortality e sulle pubblicazioni periodiche circa il movimento della popolazione. Ann. med. pubb., 1877, 11: 3-15.—Ichok, G. La mortality et la natality en Italie. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1935, 3. ser., 114: 440-7. —---- Le developpement de la mortality et de la natalite en Italie. Rev. hyg., Par., 1936, 58: 619-30.—[Italy] Mouvement de la population (mariages, naissances, deces en g6n6ral et de 0 k 1 an) taux de nuptialitS, de natality, de mortality g6n6rale, de mortality infantile et reparation des d6c£s par groupes d'age (annees 1922 k 1931). Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1934, 26: 1798. ------ Population, mouvement naturel (mariages, naissances vivantes, d6c3s, exc6dents) mortinatality et mortality infantile (annees ou p6riodes 1871 k 1937) Ibid., 1937, 29: 2577.—Mortality in Italy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 2153.— Prospetto statistico degl'infermi da aprile a dicembre 1830. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1831, 3: 164-7.—Statistica della popo- lazione del Regno di Napoli al 1. gennajo 1835. Ibid., 1836, 11: 127.—Tassinari, V. Ricerche cerca gli eventuali rapporti fra il quoziente di mortality e quello della popolazione spar^a nei vari comuni del regno. Gior. Soc. ital. igiene, 1910, 32: 521.-- Tizzano, A. L'interpretazione delle statistiche demografiche. Igiene mod., 1939, 32: 80-91.—Zambonini, A. La nati- e la neonati-mortalit&; rilievi clinici e statistici. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1940, 112: 212-29. ITANI, A. F. *Mobilite et cils des bacilles butyriques. 16p. 22^>cm. Lausanne, C. Risold, 1939. ITANO, Arao, 1888- For portrait see Collection in Library. ITAPEMA Alves, Virgilio. *Da terceira bulha cardiaca. 152p. 8? Sao Paulo, E. Cupalo, 1930. ITARD, Jean Marc Gaspard, 1775-1838. The wild boy of Aveyron. Trans, by George & Muriel Humphrey. xxiv, 104p. portr. 8? N. Y., Century co. [1932] Astruc, P. J. E. M. Itard. Progr. m6d., Par., 1936, Suppl., 6, portr.—Celebration, k Luchon, du premier centenaire du docteur Itard. Gaz. hop., 1938, 111: 782.—Groff. M. L. Jean Marc Gaspard Itard. Psychol. Clin., Lane, 1932, 20: 246- 56.—Hunsicker, H. H. [Biography] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1934, 140: 682-4—Molinery, R- Le centenaire d'ltard. Presse therm, clim!, 1938, 79: 426-9. ____ THILL A YE, & BRICHETEAU [Isadore] Rapport sur le traitement des deviations de l'epine, par la methode de M. le Docteur Pravaz. Up. 23cm. [Par., 1828] ITCH. See Pruritus. ITEBA, Mohamed Abel el Muttalib, 1912- *Sclerose laterale amyotrophique a d6but bul- baire brusque. 95p. 25cm. Lyon, Janody, 1939. ITO, Seizo. Hacia una mejor explotaci6n agropecuaria de los campos argentinos. 22p. 23cm. B. Air., Univ. Buenos Aires, 1939. ITOIZ, Oscar Anibal [M. D., B. Air. 1931] *La osificaci6n en los tumores. 33p. 5 pl 23cm. B. Air., E. Spinelli, 1931. ---- Equinococosis primitiva experimental; expresiones anat6micas de inmunidad y alergia en la hidatidosis. 65p. illust. 26cm. B. Air., S. De Amorrortu e hijos, 1941. ITTERSHAGEN, Ernst Waldemar, 1908- *Ueber die operative Behandlung von Amputa- tionsneuromen. 12p. 8? Wiirzb., G. Grasser, 1934. ITURBE, Juan, & GONZALEZ, Eudoro. Contribution del Laboratorio Iturbe en el 3. Congreso venezolano de medicina. 35p. pl. 8? Caracas, Tip. Cultura Venezolana, 1921. ITURRA Moreira, Waldo [M. D., Chile 1929] *Contribuci6n al estudio de las formas psiquid- tricas y neurovegetativas de la encefalitis epidemica [Chile] 74p. 8? Santiago [n. p.] 1929. ITZEN, Sibrand, 1912- *Ueber die Ursachen des Ikterus. 16p. 21cm. Gott., F. Pieper, 1937. ITZKOVICH, Isaak, 1890- *Fertilitat nach beckenerweiternden Operationen und Kai- serschnitt. 14p. 8? Munch., R. Muller & Steinicke, 1913. IUSEM, Rosa [D. D. S., B. Air. 1938] Con- sideraciones sobre el estado actual de la para- dentosis [Dent.] 135p. illust. tab. 27>km. B. Air., S. de Amorrortu e hijos, 1938. IVA. Smith, W. A., Prince, H. E., & Cole, M. L. Contact der- matitis from the narrow leaf marsh elder, Iva angustifolia; observations on the dermatitis-producing factor. J. Allergy 1941-42, 13:371-9. IVAN IV, the Terrible, 1530-84. Influenza (La) della sifilide di Ivan il Terribile nella storia. Minerva med.,Tor., 1941, 32: varia, pt 1, 164-6. IVAN VI, 1740-64. Judica, G. Un tipico esempio di idiozia acquisita: Ivan VI di Russia. Med. ital., 1935, 16: 51-4. IVANIC, Stevan Z. Kojiepa y CpSinJn y XIX-BeKv. 95p. tab. 24cm. Beograd, Marti- novich & Jefimenko, 1940. IVANISSEVICH, Oscar. For biography see Dia m6d., B. Air., 1941, 13: 1281, portr. See also Demonstracion al Doctor Oscar Ivanissevich. Bol. Inst. clin. quir., B. Air., 1941, 17: 1238-53, portr.—Ferrari, R. C. La primera dtedra de clinica quirin-gica; renuncia del Pro- fesor Doctor Jos6 Arce nombramiento del nuevo titular Doctor Oscar Ivanissevich. Bol. Inst. clin. quir., B. Air., 1941, 17: 675- 86, portr.—Homenaje al orofesor doctor Oscar Ivanissevich. Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: pt 2, 2255.—Profesor (El) Oscar Ivanissevich se hace cargo del Instituto de clinica quirurgica. Bol. Inst. clin. quir., B. Air., 1942, 18: 115-7.— Profesor (El) Oscar Ivanissevich pronuncia su conferencia como titular de la primera C&tedra de clinica quirurgica. Ibid., 118-25. IVANOFF, Georges [M. D.', Geneve 1924] *Serodiagnostic des affections oculaires d'origine syphilitique par les methodes de floculation de Sachs-Georgi, de Meinicke (M. T. R.) et de Dreyer-Ward, comparers a la reaction de Bordet- Wassermann. 20p. 8? Geneve, A. Kundig, 1924. IVAN OFF 7(i IVERSEN IVANOFF, Pierre [M. D., Geneve 1927] *Le massage vibratoire en rhinologie. 16p. 8? Genl"v[', Impr. Du Commerce, 1927. IVANOV. Alexander Fedorovich, 1867-1936. Wolfkovich, M. I. [Scientific works of Prof. Alexander Fedorovich Ivanovl Vest, otorinolar., 1937, 7-10, portr. IVANOV, Mikhael F., 1872-1935. Greben. L. K. [The work of M. F. Ivanov in the production of new species of farm animals] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1940, 13: 106-21, portr. IVANOV, N. Z., 1866-1933. Dembskaya, V., & Sternberg, A. [Obituary] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 78. IVANOV, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1884-1941. For obituary see Biokhimia, Moskva, 1941, 6: 1. IVANOV, Vladimir, 1873-1931. Jordan, A. Nekrolog. Derm. Wschr., 1931, 93: 1783. IVANOVICI, Avian Hortensiu, 1910- *Etude des vaccinations associees par vaccins mixtes en medecine humaine. 54p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1936. IVANOVSKY, Alexis Arsenevich. 06i aHTponoJiormiocKOMi cocTaB h HaceJiemm pocciu. vi, 288 (i. e. 144)p. map. tab. 35cm. Moskva, X. D. Sytin, 1904. Forms: T. 22, Trudy antrop. otdela (Moskva. Imp. obsh. liub. estest.. antrop. i etnogr.) ---- HaeejieHie 3ewHoro Hlapa; onbiT-r, aHTpo- noJiorHuecKott KJiaccurfrHKaniu. 3p. 1. 508 (i. e. 259)p. tab. 35cm. Moskva, P. Riabushinsky, 1911. Forms: T. 27, Trudy antrop. otdela (Moskva. Imp. obsh. liub. estest.. antrop. i etnogr.) IVANOWSKI, Dmitrii. Concerning the mosaic disease of the tobacco plant. In I'livtopath. Classics (Am. Phytopath. Soc.) Ithaca, No. 7, 1912, p. 25-30. IVARSSON [Karl Magnus] Robert, 1893- Eine Studie des Xierentuberkulosematerials aus der Lunder chirurgischen Klinik der Jahre 1901 bis einschl. 1923. 138p. 8? Stockh., P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1931. Forms Suppl. 18, v. 68, Acta chir. scand. IVASHENTSOV, Gleb Aleksandrovich, 1883- 1933. Tushinsky, M. [Obituary] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1934, ser. B 35: 641, portr. Also Sovet. vrach. gaz. 1934, 38: 162-4, portr' IVASHKIEVICH-KLEVSCHINSKY, Marie. ♦Ueber den Einfluss der Alkalisalze auf das Flimmerepithel des Frosches [Zurich] 32p. 8? Basel, Brin & cie, 1909. IVEN, Franz, 1896- *Die Gefasse der Blasenmolenzotten. 20p. 8° Bonn [n. p.] 1921. IVENS-KNOWLES, Frances. See Knowles, Frances Ivens. IVENS, \V[alter] G. Melanesians of the south- east Solomon Islands, xix, 529p. front. 21 pl. map. Lond., Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., 1927. IVERSEN, Axel, 1844-1930. Poulsen. K. [Obituary] Hospitalstidende, 1930, 73: 1157- 60. IVERSEN, Ellef Hansen, 1814-72. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 586. IVERSEN, Erik Schj0th. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 166. IVERSEN, Erling. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 166. IVERSEN, Ingjald Schj^th. Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 167. IVERSEN, Michael, 1861- Portrait. In: Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 586. IVERSEN, Poul, 1889- ♦Ammoniums forhold i organismen. 139p. 8? Kbh., Arnold Busck, 1918. See also Bock. J., & Iversen. P. The phosphate excretion in the urine during water diuresis and purine diuresis. 28p. 8! Kbh., 1921. - IVES, August W., 1801- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 27. IVES, Eli, 1779-1861. Blumer, G. Eli Ives, practitioner, teacher and botanist. Vale J. Biol., 1932, 4: 649-63, portr, For portrait see Founders and Presidents of the Am. Med. Ass. (Arlington Chem. Co.) Yonkers, N. V., 1910, plate 2. IVES, James Edmond, 18(>5- , BRITTEN, R. H. [et al.] Atmospheric pollution of American cities for the vears 1931 to 1933. 75p. 8? Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1936. IVES, James Edmond, & GILL, W. A. Meas- urements of ultraviolet radiation and illumination in American cities during the years 1931 to 1933. 36p. 8° Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1937. IVES, James Edmond, KNOWLES, F. L., & THOMPSON, L. R. Studies in illumination. IV. Daylight in buildings; a study of the effect of the height and width of windows and of the reflecting power of the walls and ceiling upon the natural illumination within a building. 52p. 8? Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1935. IVES, John. Electricity as a medicine, and its mode of application. 123p. 8? New York, J. T. Ives, 1879. IVES, Robert. See Robinson, R. A., & Ives, R., eds. Bell's Sale of food and drugs. 10. ed. 363p.;42p. 22cm. Lond., 1939. IVES, Samuel A., & LEHMANN-HAUPT, Hellmut. An English 13th century bestiary, a new discovery in the technique of medieval illumi- nation. 45p. 8pl. 26,km. N. Y., H. P. Kraus, 1942. IVIS, Ambrose, 1786-1852. For portrait see Collection in Library. IVORY. Laufer, B. Ivory in China. 78p. 8? Chic, 1925. Maspero, H., Grolnset, R., & Lion, L. Les ivoires religieux et medicaux chinois. 99p. 22C,cm. Par., 1939. IVY, Andrew Conway, 1893- DAVEN- PORT, H. A., & BROCK, S. [transl.] The present status of the problem of the functional innerva- tion of the thyroid gland. 62p. pl. 25'km. Chic, Xorthwestern Univ. School M., 1937. Transl. from the French: Chn. chir. (M. Jaboulay) T. 1: Grand sympathique et corps thyroide. See also Gorham, F. W., & ivy, A. C. General function of the gall bladder, p. 159-213. 24',cm. Chic, 1938. For biography see Centaur, Menasha, 1941-42, 47: 200, portr. Also in Hist. Alpha Kappa Kappa (Van Antwerp, L. D.) Menasha. 1942, 200, portr. Also Mississippi Doctor, 1936-37, 14: No. 9, 25, portr. For portrait Iphotograph] see Collection in Library. Also Dallas M. .1., 1942, 28: 25. IVY, Robert Henry, 1881- , & CURTIS, Lawrence. Fractures of the jaws, viii, 180p. 8° Phila., Lea&Febiger, 1931. Also 2. ed. 192p. 1938. See also Blair, V. P., & Ivy, R. H. Essentials of oral surgery. 526p. 8? S. Louis, 1923. For portrait see Med. Rec, Houston, 1941, 35: No. 10, Insert. IVY. See Hedera; Rhus. IWAI, Katujiro. See Rabe, J., & Iwai, K., & Riissel, A. Johannes Rabe, LJmgang mit Korpern von verschiedener Form und Farbe in friihester Kindheit . . . 181p. 24}.4cm. Miinchen, 1938. IWANOFF, Boris, 1903- ♦Untersuchun- gen zur Frage der Anreicherung des Jodgehaltes in der Frauenmilch. 26p. 8? Miinch. [F. Pinn] 1928. IWANOFF 577 IXODES IWANOFF, Iwan, 1896- ♦Ueber einen Fall yon sporadischem Kretinismus mit Thyreo- aplasie und beginnendem Myxodem, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der geweblichen der Haut. 23p. 8? Giesst ♦Ueber die subphrenischen 16p. 8? Lpz. Verhaltnisse [n. p.] 1928. IWANOFF, Lubomir, 1900- Aetiologie eines linksseitigen Abszesses mit Colonperforation [Gebr. Gerhardt] 1926. IWANOFF, Simeon Tzankoff, 1904- ♦Ueber die Totalexstirpation des Uterus wegen unstillbarer Atonie post partum. 15p 8° Miinch. [F. Pinn] 1928. IWANOFF, Totio, 1896- ♦Zahne und Stoffwechsel. 26p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1926 IWANOW, Lubomir, 1909- ♦Die Lyssa unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Aus- breitung und Bekampfung in Bulgarien. 22p 8° Lpz., H. Arnold [1934] IWANOWA, Mara, 1902- ♦Beitrag zur Frage nach der Pathogenese des Erythema exsudativum multiforme Hebrae Miinch. [n. p.] 1927. IWANOWA, Nadejda, 1898- ankylose einseitig und doppelseitig. Lpz. [n. p.] 1929. I was lean, and I became stout; humbly presenting some ideas that are really true, though they read like fiction. A. Williams & co., 1868. IWENICKI, Joseph, 1902- ragies uterines de la puberte. Le Frangois, 1929. IXODES. See also Ixodidae; Ixodoidea. Bequaert, J. The giant ticks of the Malayan rhinoceroses, with a note on Ixodes walckenearii Gervais. Psyche J. Entom.; Cambr., 1933, 40: 137-43.—Brumpt, E. Paralysie ascendante mortelle experimentale du chien par piqure de la tique austra- lienne: Ixodes holocyclus. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1933, 197: 1358-61.—Cooley, E. A., & Kohls, H. M. Two new species of ticks (Ixodes) from California. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1938, 53: 1616-21. ------■ Ixodes marmotae, a new species of tick from marmots (Acarina: Ixodidae) Ibid., 2174-81. -----■ Ixodes baergi, a new species of tick from Arkansas; Acarina, Ixodidae. Ibid., 1942, 57: 1869-72, 2 pl. 24p. 8? ♦Kiefer- 20p. 8? 36p. 12? Bost. ♦Les hemor- 50p. 8? Par., Ixodes mexicanus n. sp. e Ixodes tancitarius n. sp., 2 nuevas garrapatas mexicanas (Acarina, Ixodidae) Rev. Soc. mex. hist, natur., 1942, 3: 149-54.—Oxer, D. T., & Ricardo, C. L. Notes on the biology, toxicity and breeding of Ixodes holocyclus, Neumann. Austral. Vet. J., 1942, 18: 194-9.—Schulze, P. Die kleinhohlenbewohnenden Zecken der Artengruppe von Ixodes autumnalis Leach 1815. Zsehr. Parasitenk., 1936-37, 9: 351-72.—Serdiukova, G. V. A relict tick form, Ixodes pomeranzevi sp. n. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1941, 32: 519-22.—Swan, D. C. On a new species of Ixodes (I. hydro- myidis) from Western Australia. Parasitology, Lond., 1931, 23: 485-7. ---- persulcatus. See also Encephalitis. Chumakov, M. P., & Gladkikh, S. I. [On the significance of ixodian ticks in transmutation of spring-summer encephalitis] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 7: 229-31.—Chumakov, M. P., & Seitlenok, N. A. Tick-borne human encephalitis in the European part of USSR and Siberia. Science, 1940, 92: 263.— Levkovich, E. N. [Pathogenesis of tick spring-summer encephalitis; distribution of the virus of tick spring-summer encephalitis in the human body] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1941, 11: 195. ■------ & Kagan, N. V. [Experiments in obtaining specific (immune) serums from animals in tick spring-summer encephalitis.] Ibid., 199.—Levkovich, E. N., & Skrynnik, A. N. [Preservation of virus of verno-estival encephalitis in the hibernating ticks] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 59: 118-21.— Mironov, V. S. [Ticks as possible carriers of spring encephalitis] Med. parazit., Moskva, 1938, 7: 415-35. ------ [On the behaviour of the tick Ixodes persulcatus Schulze] Ibid., 1939, 8: 123-36. ------ [Biotypes of the tick Ixodes persulcatus P. Sch. in the middle Kama region] Ibid., 1940, 9: 93-105. ------& Baldina, A. I. [Persistent ulcer following bite of the Ixodes persulcatus] Ibid., 11: No. 5, 51-3.—Pavlovsky, E. N. [Carriers reservoirs of virus and foci of tick encephalitis Nevropat. psikhiat., 1941, 10: No. 3, 10-2 —----& Soloviev, V. D. [Experimental investigation of the circulation of the 320157—vol. 8, 4th sebies---37 virus of tick encephalitis in the organism of the carrier-tick Ixodes Persulcatus] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1940, 59? 1H-7- Shafer, D G & Polykovsky, M. G. [Peculiarities in the course of tick (spring-summer) encephalitisin the Ural] Sovet psikhonevr., 1940, 16: No. 5, 29-38 — Shubiadze A K* vPerrn^kra',G- V- F^ tkk Ixodes persulcatus a'a carrier ol verno-estival encephalitis] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1939, 56: No 2 yzL-61.—Silber, L. A. [On the relation of the vernal endemic tick-encephahtis to other forms of encephalitis] J nrikrob Moskva, 1939, No. 9-10, 55-64.-Smorodintsev, A. A [Results of 3 years of investigation of Soviet medicine on verno-estival endemic tick encephalitis] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1969, 56° No. 2, ---- ricinus. I Bpngrha8J?AiM' L\ AJ10*,6^ the bi°nomics of Ixodes ricinus L. Parasitology Lond., 1941, 33: 316-9.—Bosquier, R A propos dun cas de parasitisme humain du k Llxodes ricinus Lille, J920, 38: pt 1, 277-81.—Carrick, R., & J. sc. m6d Bullough, W. S The feeding of the tick, Ixodes ricinus L„ in relation to the reproductive condition of the host. Parasitol- T^kr01^" 19i°' 3t2: 313-9-Dainoff. Ueber eine eigenartige L°kallsation des Ixodes ricinus L. Schweiz. med Wschr., 1930, 60: 794.—Hendrick, J., Moore, W., Morison, G. T). Activity of the sheep tick. Nature, Lond., 1938, 141: 648 — Macleod, J. The bionomics of Ixodes ricinus L., the sheep tlcK ot Scotland. Parasitology, Lond., 1932, 24: 382-400 -—-— Ixodes ricinus in relation to its physical environment' the factors governing survival and activity. Ibid., 1935, 27: Ixodes ricinus in relation to its physical A reproduction. Ibid., 489-500. 123-44. environment; climate and la°«oS ™lnu,s, in relation to its physicaT'enVirlmment. Studies in tick-borne fever Ibid., 1936, 28: 295-319. ol sheep; experiments on transmission and distribution of the disease. Ibid., 320-9. - The seasonal and annual in- cidence of the sheep tick Entom. Res., Lond., 1939 Ixodes ricinus, in Britain. Bull. -30:103-18. ------ Recent work on the sheep tick, and its bearing on control measures. Ann Appl. Biol., Lond., 1941, 28: 296.------ & Gordon, W. s! btudies in tick-borne fever of sheep; transmission by the tick, Ixodes ricinus, with a description of the disease produced Parasitology, N. Y., 1933, 25: 273-84.—Pawlowsky, E. N., & Stein, A. K. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Wirkung X°?i ™es noinus (Ixodidae) auf die Menschenhaut. Arch Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1927, 31: 574-86.—Senevet, G..& Rossi, P Ixodes ricinus, tique des regions froides ou temperas. Bull Soc path, exot., Par., 1926, 19: 558-60.—Stewart, W. L The economic importance of Ixodes ricinus. Vet. J., Lond. 1939, 95: 341-9. ------ The sheep tick; a survey of condi- tions in the 4 northern counties of England. Rev Appl Entom., Lond., 1941, 29: ser. B, 183 (Abstr.) ----- & Ponsford, A. P. The control of sheep ticks. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1939, 51: 1481-5.—Valedinski, I. A. [Local neuralgia from the presence under the skin of the Ixodes ricinus] Novoe med S. Peterb., 1910, 4: 745; 794.—Walton, C. L. The control of tick infestation [Ixodes ricinus] and a related disease of lambs in North Wales. Parasitology, Lond., 1927, 19: 265-73. IXODIDAE. See also Acarina; Amblyomma; Dermacentor; Haemaphysalis; Hyalomma; Ixodes; Marga- ropus; Rhipicentor; Rhipicephalus, etc. Chalumeau, P. C. *R61e des ixodines (tiques) dans la transmission a l'homme et aux animaux domestiques des maladies parasitaires et microbiennes. 95p. 2SlAcm. Toulouse, 1938. Cooley, R. A. The genera Dermacentor and Otocentor (Ixodidae) in the United States, with studies in variation. 89p. 8? Wash., 1938. Leclerc, A. M. M. *Les ixodides; leur importance medicale. lllp. 24}£cm. Alger, 1936. Apfelbeck, V. [Ixodid fauna of Bosnia and Hercegovina and adjoining regions] Glasnik, Beogr., 1927, 3: 176-95.— Beaurepaire Aragao, H. de. Ixodidas brasileiros e de alguns paizes limitrophes. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz, 1936, 31: 759-843, pl. ------ Nota sobre os ixodideos da Republica Argentina. Ibid., 1938, 33: 319-27, tab.—Brumpt, E. Unmale monstrueux d'Amblyomma dissimile k deux anus, obteni dans un Slevage; description de divers autres cas t6ratologiques observes chez les ixodin&s. Ann. parasit., Par., 1934, 12: 105-15.—Delpy, L. Morphologie. et disposition des stigmates respiratoires chez les larves hexapodes des Ixodidae. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1938, 31: 298-300.—Fonseca, F. da. Der Schlangenparasit Ixobioides butantanensis novi generis n. sp. (Acarina, Ixodorhynchidae nov. fam.) Zsehr. Parasitenk., 1933-34, 6: 508-27.—Garibaldi, M. Distribuzione geografica degli. ixodidi nelle nostre colonie deH'Africa Settentrionale. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1935, 16: 664-71.—Jellison, W. L., & Philip, C. B. Technique for routine and experimental feeding of certain ixodid ticks on guinea pigs and rabbits. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1933, 48: 1081, 2 pl.—KuTchatov, V. I.' [Review of fauna of the blood-sucking ticks of the family IXODIDAE ">7N IXODOIDEA Ixodidae in the Crimea] Sovet. vet., 1940, 17: 32— Niro, S. Gli ixodidi delle nostre colonie dell'Africa Orientnle; distri- buzione. geografica. Arch. ital. sc. med. col., 1935, 16: 602-9.— Olsufiev. N. G. [Technique of breeding of Ixodidae in the laboratniy] Med. parazit., Moskva. 1941, 10: 436-9.—Pinto, ('., & Di I'rimio, R. Contribuicao para a biologia dos Ixodidae ilo Estado do Rio Grande ^cm. Napoli, E. Detken, 1882. JACHES, Leopold, 1873-1939. For obituary see Am. J. Roentg., 1939, 41: 455-7, portr. Also Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1939, 15: No. 2, 30. Sussman, M. L. Obituary. J- Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1939-40, 6: 44-6. Also Radiology, 1939, 32: 493, portr. JACHESKY, Leon [M. D., 1936, B. Air.] *La reacci6n presuntiva de Kahn en el chancro blando. 31p. 27cm. B. Air., Impr. Frascoli y Bindi, 1936. JACHMANN, Ehler von, 1905- *Derma- tologische Beitrage zur Erb- und Sterilisations- frage. 20p. 8? Marb., 1935. JACHNIUK, Mordko [M. D., 1936, Basel] *Die Aetiologie und Pathogenese der Myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica [Basel] 43p. 8? Wilna, Drukarnia Express, 1936. JACHNIUK-AJZENBARG, Sura [M. D., 1937, Basel] *Die Friihsymptome der Tabes dorsahs [Basel] 28p. 22Kcm. Wilna, Drukarnia Ex- press, 1937. JACK, Edwin Everett, 1863-1942. For obituary see N. England J. M., 1942, 227: 933. JACK, Harold K. Physical education for small elementary schools. vii, 184p. illust. tab. 23Kcm. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co. [1941] JACK, Lois M. An experimental study of ascendant behavior in preschool children, p.7-65. 23^cm. Iowa City, Univ. Iowa, 1934. ____ MANWELL, Elizabeth Moore [et al.] Behavior of the preschool child. 171p. tab. diagr. 23^cm. Iowa City, Univ. Iowa, 1934. Forms No 3, v.9, Univ. Iowa Stud. Child Welf. JACK, William Robert, 1866-1927 See Wheeler, A., & Jack, W. R. Wheeler and Jack s hand- book of medicine. Rev. by John Henderson. 10. ed. 703p. 8? Fo^obituary see Glasgow M. J., 1927, 108: 91-5, portr. JACK bean. See Canavalia in 5. ser. JACKE, Heinrich, 1907- *Ueber den Glomus neuro-myoarterialis und seine Tumoreq (581) JACKE 582 JACKSON [Marburg] 31p. 22'/2cm. Bonn, L. Heidelmann, 1934. JACKS, Lawrence Pearsall, 1860- The confession of an octogenarian. 272p. portr. 22cm. N. Y., Macmillan co. [1942] JACKS, Leo Vincent, 1896- Mother Marianne of Molokai. xvi, 203p. portr. 8? X. Y., Macmillan co., 1935. JACKSON, A. T. Picture-writing of Texas Indians, xxv, 490p. 8? Austin [1938] JACKSON, Abraham Reeves, 1827-92. For portrait see Collection in Library. JACKSON, Allan Vaughan [M. B., Melb., 1935] See Burnett, F. M. [et al.] The production of antibodies. 76p. 24J^cm. Melbourne, 1941. JACKSON, Alexander Ardell, 1876-1940. For obituary see Bull. Acad. M. Toronto, 1941, 14: 92. JACKSON, Andrew, 1767-1845. For portrait sec in Enjoym. Art in Am. (Shoolman, R.) Phila., 1942, 704. JACKSON, Arnold Stevens, 1893- Goiter and other diseases of the thyroid gland, xv, 401p. 4? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1926. ---- The answer is — your nerves, vii, 197p. illust. 19)4cm. Madison, Wise, The Author, 1942. For portrait see Tr. Am. Ass. Goiter, 1941, front. JACKSON, Arthur Hartt, 1894- For portrait see Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 486. JACKSON, Byron Hubbard, 1873-1939 Bortz, E. L. Obituarv. Ann. Int. M., 1939-40, 13: 218 — Brown, P. Obituary. Am. J. Roentg., 1939, 42: 127-9, portr. JACKSON, C. J., HOWAT, G. R., & HOAR, T. P. Discoloration and corrosion in canned cream, p. 284-90. pl. 251/km. [n. p., 1936] JACKSON, Cecil. The incidence and pathol- ogy of tumours of domesticated animals of South Africa; a study of the Onderstepoort collection of neoplasms with special reference to their histopathology. 460p. illust. 8? Pretoria, Gov. printer, 1936. JACKSON, Charles Thomas, 1805-80. Gumpert, M. ,l:nkson and Morton: the discoverers of ether as an anesthetic. In his Trail Blazers of Science, N. V., 1936, 229-51. For portrait see Collection in Library. Also in Proc Dent. Centen. Ceiebr. (Maryland Dent. Ass.) 1940, 349. JACKSON, Chevalier, 1865- Endoscopie (bronchoscopie, laryngoscopie, oesophagoscopie) et chirurgie du larynx. 742p. 457 illust., 5 pl. 8? Par., G. Doin, 1923. ---- Bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy; a manual of peroral endoscopy and laryngeal surgery. 2. ed. 457p. 10 pl. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1927. For 3. ed. see with C. L. Jackson. ---- The life of Chevalier Jackson; an auto- biography, x, 229p. illust. pl. portr. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1938. ---- Bronchoscopy. p. 535-45. 26cm. N. Y., T. Nelson & sons, 1942. In Surg. Nose & Throat (Kernan, J. D.) N. Y., 1942, Also Editor of The nose, throat, and ear and their diseases in original contributions by American and European authors. 1177p. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1929. For biography see Clinic Jefferson M. Coll., 1924, 27, portr. Also Med. Rec, N. Y., 1938, 148: 43. Also Current Biogr., N. Y„ 1940, 1: 426. See also Dr Chevalier Jackson receives Distinguished Service Medal. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2465.—Hardin, A. D. Autobiography of Dr Chevalier Jackson reviewed for the Dallas Times Herald. Dallas M. J., 1938, 24: 94-6.— Robertson, J. N. A tribute to Dr Chevalier Jackson. South. M. &S., 1926, 88:798, For portrait see Collection in Library. Also Bull. Fulton Co. M. Soc, 1937, 11:7. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2465. Also Proc. Interest. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1940) 1941, front. ---- & JACKSON, Chevalier Lawrence. Bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, and gastroscopy. 3. ed. 485p. illust. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1934. For 2. ed. see Jackson, Chevalier. Bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy. 457p. 10l'7. ---- Foreign body in air and food passages roentgenological! v considered. xx, 265 p., 236 illust. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1934. ---- Diseases of the air and food passages of foreign-body origin. 333p.; 636p. illust. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1936. ---- The larynx and its diseases. 555p. illust. pl. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1937. Also 2. ed., rev. & reset: Diseases and injuries of the larynx, xi p. 633p. 24cm. N. Y., Mac- millan co., 1942. ■----What does your baby put in his mouth? 22p. illust. 8? Chic, Am. M. Ass., 1937. ---- Cancer of the larynx, x, 309p. illust. pl. diagr. 24cm. Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1939. ---- Diseases of the esophagus, p. 20-89 pl. 25^em. Phila., F. A. Davis co., 1939. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 6: JACKSON, Chevalier Lawrence, 1900- Editor of Quarterly review of otorhinolaryngology. See also Jackson, C, & Jackson, C. L. Bronchoscopy, esoph- agoscopy, and gastroscopy. 3. ed. 485p. illust. 8? Phila., 1934.------Diseases of the air and food passages of foreign- body origin. 333p.; 636p. 8? Phila., 1936. ------ The larynx and its diseases. 555p. 8? Phila., 1937. ------ What does vour babv put in his mouth? 22p. 8? Chic, 1937. ------Cancer of the larynx. 309p. 24cm. Phila., 1939. JACKSON, Clarence Martin, 1875- The effects of inanition and malnutrition upon growth and structure. xii, 616p. illust. diagr. 8? Phila., Blakiston co. [1925] ---- Research progress at the University of Minnesota July 1924-July 1925. 306p. 8? Minneap., 1926. Also editor of Morris, H. Morris' Human anatomv [etc.] 9. ed. 1481p. 8? Phila. [1933] See als,o Harris, J. A., Jackson, C. M. [et al.] The measure- ments of man. 8? Minneapolis, 1930. Boyden, E. A. A tribute to Clarence M. Jackson. Q. Phi Beta Pi M. Fratern., 1942, 39: 3, portr.—Lowrey, L. G. Clarence Martin Jackson. Ibid., 39.—Myers, J. A. Clarence Martin Jackson, a great physician, a personal appreciation. J. Lancet, 1942, 62: 142-5, portr. For portrait see Collection in Library. ---- & BLOUNT, Raymond F. Digestive system, p. 1245-359. 28cm. Phila., Blakiston co., 1942. In Human Anat. (Morris, H.) 10. ed. JACKSON, Dennis Emerson, 1878- Ex- perimental pharmacology and materia medica. 2. ed. xxii, 906p. illust. pl. diagr. 25cm. S. Louis, C. V. Mosby co., 1939. For portrait see J. Lab. Clin. M., 1940-41, 26: front. Also Nu Sigma Nu Bull.,1940-41, 30: 94; 1942, 31: 82. JACKSON, Edward, 1856-1942. Anderson, M. D. A bibliography of the contributions of Dr Edward Jackson to ophthalmology, general medicine, &c. Contrib. Ophth. Sc, 1926, 298-313.—Chance, B. [A founder of the section on Ophthalmology of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia] Tr. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia, 1943-44, 11: 32-5. Also Am. J. Ophth., 1943, 26: 209-14.—Crisp, W. H. Edward Jackson, student and teacher. Ibid., 1-12, 3 portr. Also Rocky Mountain M. J., 1943, 40: 307-17, portr.— Lebensohn, J. E. Master opthalmologist. Eye Ear &c. Month., 1934, 13: 115.—Post, L. T., Troncoso, M. U. [et al.] Personal recollections of Dr Edward Jackson. Am. J. Ophth., 1943, 26: 89-94. Sec also Crisp, W. H. Obituarv. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. Otolar., 1942-43, 47: 117, portr—Knapp, A. [Obituary] Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1943, 29: 137-40, portr.—[Obituary] ' Brit. J. Ophth., 1943, 27: 190. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 781, portr. Also Am. J. Ophth., 1943, 26:214.—Post, L.T. [Obitu- ary] Ibid., 1942, 25: 1507. For portrait see Collection in Library.' Also in Stud. Eighth Nerve (Los Angeles Res. Study Club) S. Louis, 1937, 4. Also Philadelphia M., 1941-42, 37: 1408. JACKSON, Ernest Sandford, 1850-1938. Obituary, Med. J. Australia, 1938, 2: 659, portr. JACKSON 583 JACKSON JACKSON, Fred Kinney, 1874- Essen- tials of physiology. 2. ed. 393p. illust. diagr. 8? Burlington, Vt., Tuttle co., 1933. JACKSON, George Thomas, 1852-1916. Ready reference handbook of diseases of the skin. 4. ed. 642p. 8? N. Y., Lea & co., 1901. For portrait see Collection in Library. JACKSON, Hall, 1739-97. Jackson, R. L. Dr Hall Jackson of Portsmouth. Ann. M. Hist., 1933, n. ser., 5: 103-28, portr. JACKSON, Harold Gordon, 1888- Check list of the terrestrial and fresh-water Isopoda of Oceania. 35p. 241/2cm. Wash., 1941. Forms v.99, No. 8, Smithson. Misc. Collect. JACKSON, Henry, 1858-1940. Christian, H. A. [Obituary] Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1941, 56: 22.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., 1937, 1: 533. Also N. England J. M., 1940, 223:683. JACKSON, Herbert Spencer, 1883- For portrait see Mycologia, N. Y., 1935, 27: front. JACKSON, Howard Campbell, 1892- Some studies on the neutralization of cream for butter-making. 18p. 8? Ithaca, Cornell Univ., 1923 JACKSON, Hughlings. See Jackson, John Hughlings. JACKSON, Jabez North, 1868-1935. Black, C. E. [Obituary] Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1935, 45: 567, portr. Also J. Missouri M. Ass., 1935, 32: 251.—Orr, T. G. [Obituary] Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1935, 53: 488, portr.— Skinner, E. H. [Obituary] Month. Bull. Kansas City Clin. Soc, 1935, 11: No. 5, 2. JACKSON, James, 1777-1867. For biography see Q. Harvard M. Alumni Ass., 1901-4, 333-87, portr. See also Minot, G. R. James Jackson as a professor of medicine. N. England J. Med., 1933, 208: 254-8. JACKSON, James Allen, 1884-1938. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 2320. Also Sandy, W. C. Obituary. Am. J. Psychiat., 1938-39, 95: 1005. JACKSON, James Cfaleb] 1811- Con- sumption: how to prevent it, and how to cure it. vii, 400p. portr. 22cm Bost., B. L. Emerson, 1862. JACKSON, John Hughlings, 1835-1911. Se- lected writings. Edited for the guarantors of Brain by James Taylor [et al.] 2v. 500p.; 510p. 8? Lond., Hodder & Stoughton, 1931-32. For biography see Med. Classics, 1938-39, 3: 889-914. Also Mississippi Doctor, 1941-42, 19: 459, portr. Also Ken- nedy, F. [Biograohy] J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1935, 82: 637.— McEachern, D. [Biography] Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1935 33: 636-42. portr. Also in Montreal Neur. Inst. Neur. Biogr., Lond., 1936, 57-64, pl. ,,„,,. See also Benedek, L. On the life and work of Hughhngs Jackson. In Hughlings Jackson Mem. Vol., Debrecen, 1935, No. 1, portr. Also Orvoskepzes, 1935, 25: 276-82, portr — Chance, B. Hughlings Jackson, the neurologic ophthalmologist; with a summary of his works. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1937, 17: 24i_89 —Hale-White, W. John Hughlings Jackson. In his Great Doctors, Lond., 1935, 268-89.—Harris, W. John Hughlings Jackson, 1835-1911. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1935, 11- 131-4—Ray, M. B. Hughlings Jackson. In her Doctors of the Mind, Bost., 1942, 112-4.—Schaltenbrand, G. Hugh- lings Jackson. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 146-9, Portr.— Taylor, J. The wit of Hughlings Jackson. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 963.—Williamson-Noble, F. A. Hughlings Jackson and the ophthalmoscope. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1935, 11: 163-6 —Wilson, S. A. K. The Hughlings Jackson centenary. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 882, portr. For portrait see Med. Classics, 1938-39, 3: front. JACKSON, Josephine Agnes, 1865- , & SALISBURY, Helen M. Outwitting our nerves; a primer of psychotherapy. 2. ed. xv, 420p. 8? N. Y., Century co [1932] JACKSON, Margaret Nelson. _ See Roberts, H., & Jackson. R. N. The troubled mind, 284p. 8? Lond. 11938] JACKSON, Oliver Howard, 1871-1942. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 1383. JACKSON, Percival E. The law of cadavers and of burial and burial places, lxxv, 734p. 8? N. Y., Prentice-Hall, 1936. JACKSON, R. Clay. The cause and control of sex in human offspring. 205p. 8? Tacoma, Wash. [The Author] 1926. JACKSON, R. E. [Editor of Contemporary problems of theoretical medicine] T. 1. 184p. 21i4cm. Moskva, 1936. JACKSON, Ralph Wentworth, 1869-1927. For obituary see Boston M. & S. J., 1927, 196: 929. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 1982. JACKSON, Reginald Henry, sr., 1876-1939. Payne, R. L. Obituary. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. (1939) 1940, 52: 475, portr. Also Ann. Surg., 1940, 111: 909, portr — Schmidt, E. R. [Obituary] Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1939) 1940, 49: 524, portr. JACKSON, Robert Laurence, 1909- Rheumatic fever in children, instructions for parents. 4 1. 21^>cm. Iowa City, Children's Hosp., 1941. JACKSON, Robert Tracy, 1861- Mexi- can fossil Echini, p.227-37. 4 pl. 8? Wash., D. C, 1937. Forms No. 3015, v.84, Proc U. S. Nat. Mus. JACKSON, Samuel, 1787-1872. For biography see in First Century (Philadelphia Coll. Pharm.) Phila., 1922, 396, portr. Also Middleton, W. S. [Biography] . Ann. M. Hist., 1935, 7: 538-49, portr. JACKSON, Sylvia. See Lyle, R., & Jackson, R. Practical orthoptics in the treatment of squint. 211p. 8? Lond., 1937. JACKSON, Thomas Jonathan, 1824-63. Camerer, C. B. The last days of Stonewall Jackson. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1936, 78: 135-40. JACKSON, William W., 1863-1935. For obituary see J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1935-36, 32: 89. JACKSON, La. East Louisiana State Hospital. Biennial report of the Board of Administrators. Jackson, 22. (1912/14) 1914- JACKSON, Mich. See under Health organization. JACKSON County medical journal. Kansas City, Mo., 28: 1934- JACKSON County Medical Society. Constitution and by-laws, Jackson County medical society. Jackson Co. M. J., 1936, 30: 106-19.—Stewart, E. L. An abridged history of the Jackson County Medical Society of Missouri. Week. Bull. Jackson Co. M. Soc, 1942-43, 37: 148; passim. JACKSONIAN epilepsy. See under Epilepsy. JACKSON Memorial Hospital. See under Miami, Fla. JACKSON syndrome. See Hemiplegia, Bulbar syndromes: Jackson. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. See under Health organization. JACKSTONE. See subdivision Foreign body under Bronchus; Esophagus; Trachea. JACME, Joan, -1384. Perutilis tractatus de pestilentia. 12 1. 4? [Augsb., Johann Keller, ca 1480] t. . j , r , Simon de Guilleuma, J. M. Noticia histonca dels oftal- mole JACOBI, Karl Wigand Maximilian, 1775-1858 Herting, J. Carl Wigand Maximilian Jacobi, em deutscher Arzt. 218p. 8? Gorlitz, 1930 To„+ T/rP^ell,Ca?(T Karl Wigand Maximilian Jacobi. Collect. ' Lect. Metrop. State Hosp., Waltham, 1942, 7: pt 2, 18. JACOBI, Kurt, 1904- *Indikation und Prognose der Zange; die Zangengeburten des Allerheihgen-Hospitals zu Breslau in den Jahren 1921-28. 24p. 8? Bresl., Quader, 1929. JACOBI, Mary Corinna Putnam, 1842-1906 m ^?r ^,?ng„ra?£y„see in ColL Pharm. N. York (Wimmer, C. P.) N. Y., 1929, 57-60, portr. ' See also Daniel AS. Dr Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi. author, teacher. Med. Woman J., 1941, 48: 197-9—Mary Putnam Jacobi fellowship fund. Women in Med. 1941 No 71 JooQp0orr^?0SiI,son- V- Mary putnam Jacobi. Med. Life! tazo, 65: 664r-56, portr. JACOBI [Richard Leopold] Siegfried, 1911- *Die Linksverlagerung des Coecums und totale Dickdarmresektion. 24p. 21cm Strasb A. Kobisch, 1938. JACOBI, Ruth, 1908- drom von Marcus Gunn Siegen i. W. [n. p.] 1934. JACOBI, Thea [M. D., 1937, Basel] *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der erworbenen haemo- lytischen Ikterus [Basel] 34p. 22cm. Miinch Heller 1937. JACOBI, ' Ulrich, 1910- *Hernien im Greisenalter nach dem Material der Leipziger Chirurgischen Universitats-Klinik in den Jahren 1931 bis 1935 [Leipzig] 23p. 23^cm. Zeulen- roda i. Thiir., A. Oberreuter, 1937. JACOBI, Walter, 1889- Psyehiatrie und Weltanschauung; ein Beitrag zur Kultur der Gegenwart. 91p. 8? Berl., S. Karger, 1929. Forms H. 51, Abh. Neur. Psychiat. ----LOHR, Wilhelm, & WUSTMANN, Otto. Ueber die Darstellung des zentralen und peripheren Nervensystems im Rontgenbild. 44p illust. diagr. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1934. JACOBI, Wilhelm, 1906- *Beschreibung eines Falles von Cylindrom der Haut mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Herkunft des Hyalins. 19p. 8? Minister [n. p.] 1933. JACOBI, Wilhelm, 1914- *Ueber die Therapie der Zungenabscesse [Gottingen] 28p. 21cm. Weende-Gott., F. Pieper, 1937. *Ueber das Syn- [Basel] 20p. 8? JACOBIUS JACOBIl S, Leonhard, 1912- *Beitrage zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Spondylarthritis ankvlopoetiea (Marie-Striimpell-Bechterew'schen Erkrankung) 20p. 8? Berl., P. Brandel [1938] JACOBOWICZ, Ernst, 1900- *Zur Ca- suistik des Erbganges der Schizophrenien; ein Fall psychotischer Erkrankungen in drei aufein- anderfolgenden Generationen. 37p. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1931. JACOBOWITZ, Kurt, 1901- *Ueber einen Fall von Ostitis fibrosa des Oberkiefers. 22p. 8? Bresl., A. Schreiber, 1933. JACOBOWITZ, Siegfried, 1901- *Ueber Tuberkulose der Schilddriise. 14p. 8? Heidelb. [n. p.] 1928. JACOBOWSKI, Hans [Kurt] 1909- *Hat sich das Bild der Lues verandert? [Frankfurt] 32p. 3 tab. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1934. JACOBOWSKY, Bernhard Jacob, 1893- *Liquorstudien bei progressiver Paralyse; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Veranderungen wahrend der Impfmalaria. 20f?p. 8? Upps., Almqvist & Wiksell, 1929. JACOBS, A. L. Translator of Ustvedt, H. J. Pulmonary tuberculosis and its treatment. 252p. 22cm. Lond., 1942. JACOBS, Aletta Henriette, 1854- Holland's pioneer woman doctor [autobiography] Med. Woman J., 1928, 35: 257-9. JACOBS, Archer Clinton, 1852-1939. For obituary see Minnesota M., 1939, 22: 559. JACOBS, Carl. Arzttum in Not; Betrach- tungen iiber die Krisis im Aerztestand. 136p. 8? Lpz., F. C. W. Vogel, 1929. JACOBS, Charles Michael, 1875- Doctor, tell me! 96p. 8? Springf., Mass., Victa pub. co. [1930] JACOBS, Cornel, 1905- *Ueber Epile- psie und Schwangerschaft; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage des Status epilepticus. 45p. 8? Bonn, P. Rubens, 1930. JACOBS, Dietrich, 1906- *Ueber die Schwellenkonzentration des Adrenalins an der menschlichen Haut [Bonn] p. 195-206. 23^cm. Wiirzb., H. Stiirtz, 1936. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1936, 99: JACOBS, Edwin, 1908- *Der Hermaphro- ditismus masculinus externus in seiner Bedeu- tung fiir die chirurgische Diagnostik; eine klini- sche und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Studie [Miin- ster] 37p. pl. 22cm. Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1934. JACOBS, Franz [M. D., 1934, Bonn] *Das Narcosan als Hilfsmittel bei der Morphium- Entzlehung. 29p. 8? Bonn, H. Schoners- hoven, 1934. JACOBS, Georg, 1912- *Ueber Karies- haufigkeit mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Milchzahnkaries einerseits; der kariosen Prozesse der Nachfolger andererseits; Untersuchungen von 1496 Schulkindern im Landkreise Siegen, Westfalen [Gottingen] 31p. 8? Einbeck, W. Specht, 1936. JACOBS, H. H. See Hildebrand, I., & Jacobs, H. H. Protests against medical tyranny and vivisectional medicines. 12p. 8? N. Y. [192-] JACOBS, Helmut, 1910- *Zur Patho- genese und Aetiologie des Adenoma sebaceum (Morbus Pringle) 30p. 8? Freib., K. Henn, 1934. JACOBS, Henry Barton, 1858-1939. Viets, H. R. Biography. Bull. Hist. M., 1940, 8: 1073-8, portr. For portrait see Collection in Library. JACOBS, Joseph, 1859- For biography see in First Century (Philadelphia Coll. Pharm.) Phila., 1922, 243, portr. JACOBS JACOBS, Max William, 1879-1942. Mason, R. E. [Obituary] Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1941-42, 36: 434, portr. JACOBS, Merkel Henry, 1884- For portrait see < 'ollcction in Li 1 nary. JACOBS, Morris Boris [Ph. D., 1931, New York Univ.] The chemical analysis of foods and food products. xxii, 537p. illust. tab. 23V2cm. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand co., 1938. —— The analytical chemistry of industrial poisons, hazards and solvents. xviii, 661p. illust. tab. diagr. 23J^cm. N. Y., Interscience Pub., 1941. ■----War gases, their identification and decontamination, xiii, 180p. tab. diagr. 24cm. N. Y., Interscience Pub., 1942. JACOBS, Paul Friedrich, 1908- *Diagnose und Therapie der Prostatacarcinome. 31 p. 23cm. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1938. JACOBS, Peter, 1909- *Schadigungen des Paradentiums durch iiberstehende Fiillungen. 28p. 21cm. Bonn, A. Brand, 1936. JACOBS, Philip Peter, 1879- The control of tuberculosis in the United States. viii, 407p. 8? N. Y., Nat. Tuberc. Ass., 1932. Also rev. ed. 387p. diagr. 23#cm. 1940. Also compiler of [United States] National Tuberculosis Association. A tuberculosis directory. 331 p. 24cm. N. Y., 1911. See also Pattison, H. A., & Jacobs, P. P. Sheltered employ- ment. 8? New York, 1927. For portrait see Collection in Library. JACOBS, Randall R., 1885- [Biography] Current Biogr., N. Y., 1942, 3: No. 8, 24, portr. JACOBS, Robert, 1905- *Ueber die biologische Indikation des Zahnersatzes [Bonn] 46p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1930 JACOBS, S. Nicholas, 1884- Kagan. S. R. S. Nicholas Jacobs. In his Am. Jewish Phy- sicians, Bost., 1942, 96. JACOBS, Theodor, 1897- *Ueber einen Fall von Unterkieferkrebs beim Hunde [Rostock] 19p. 8? Burgdorf, W. Rumpeltin, 1932. JACOBS, Werner, 1901 - Repetitorium der Zoologie fiir Mediziner. vi, 217p. illust. 8? Miinch., R. Muller & Steinicke, 1938. JACOBSEN, Aage Thune, 1875 Bidrag til studiet af paranoiaen og de paranoiske sygdomsformer med saerligt henblik paa aetiologi og genese. 196p. 8? Kbh., M. P. Madsen, 1921. ---- Unders0gelser over blodsukkerind- holdet hos normale og ved diabetes mellitus. 205p. tab. diagr. 25^cm. Kbh. [Gyldendal] 1917. JACOBSEN, Carlyle Ferdinand, 1902- ELDER, James H., & HASLERUD, G. M. Studies of cerebral function in primates. 68p. illust. tab. 25^cm. Bait., Johns Hopkins Press [1936] Forms No. 63, v.13, Comp. Psychol. Monogr. JACOBSEN, Carlyle F., JACOBSEN, Marion M., & YOSHIOKA, Joseph G. Develop- ment of an infant chimpanzee during her first year. 94p. illust. tab. diagr. 25M>cm. Bait., Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. Forms No. 41, v.9, Comp. Psychol. Monogr. JACOBSEN, Einar, 1898- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 167. JACOBSEN, Frits, 1868-1937. Rud, H. [Obituary] Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: 23. JACOBSEN, Gerhard Emil, 1899- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 168. JACOBSEN, Hans August, 1856- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 588. JACOBSEN 587 JACOBSON JACOBSEN, Jules, -1933. For obituary see Ann. Soc. sc. med. nat., Brux., 1933, 247. JACOBSEN, Ludvig Levin, 1783-1843. Schmiegelow, E. [Anatomist, physician, researcher in natural sciences] Nord. med., 1940, 5: 499-511. JACOBSEN, Marion M. See Jacobsen, C. F., Jacobsen, M. M., & Yoshioka, J. G. Development of an infant chimpanzee during her first year. 94p. 25^cm. Bait., 1932. JACOBSEN, Martin Julius, 1865- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 589. JACOBSEN, Nicolay Anton, 1858- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 589. JACOBSEN, Niels Lauritz Severin, 1811-71. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 590. JACOBSEN, Olaf, 1,910- *Zur Behand- lung der geschlossenen Schadelbrtiche [Kiel] 25p. 211/2cm. Wiirzb., K. Triltsch, 1938. JACOBSEN, Victor Clarence, 1891- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 140; 1942, 31:139. JACOBSEN, Virginia Budd & DAINES, Lyman Luther. The strange adventures of Jimmy Microbe. 95p. illust. 8? [Salt Lake Citv, Univ. Utah, 1934] JACOBSEN, Walter, 1910- *Dauer- resultate der chirurgischen Behandlung des Magengeschwiirs [Kiel] 72p. 8? Altona-Elbe, Kahl & Domms, 1936. JACOBSEN y Canto, Joaquin, 1862-1934. Biografia. Rev. m6d. cubana, 1935, 46: 1183-5, portr. JACOBSHAGEN, Eduard, 1886- Mittel- und Enddarm (Rumpfdarm) p.563-724. illust. 8° Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1937. In Handb. vergl. Anat. (Bolk, L., et al.) Berl., 1937, 3: JACOBSOHN, Ernst [M. D., 1927, Gottingen] *Durchbruche von Aneurysmen in den Magen- Darmkanal; ein Beitrag zur Klinik der lebens- bedrohlichen intestinalen Blutungen [Gottingen] 31p 8? Hoxter, C. D. Flotho, 1927. JACOBSOHN, Franz, 1907- *Versuche mit Brotfutterung zur Erzeugung emer Kerato- malacie bei Ratten und deren therapeutische Beeinflussung durch Import-Bananen. 23p. 8. Berl. [n. p.] 1932. JACOBSOHN, Friedrich, 1894- See Buschke, A., & Jacobsohn, F. Geschlechtsleben und sexuelle Hvgiene. 226p. 8? Berl., 1932. JACOBSOHN, Gerhard, 1910- *Die Bechterewsche Krankheit bei Jugendhchen. 34p. 8? Berl., B. Levy, 1935. JACOBSOHN, Herbert, 1905- *Das Halsrippensyndrom und seine chirurgische Be- handlung. p.398-416. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1930. Also in Arch. klin. Chir., 1930, 161: JACOBSOHN, Leon, 1909- *Coi£p- bution k I'etude de la mythomanie simple. oSp. 8? Par., M. Lavergne, 1936. JACOBSON, Annemarie, 1909- *Ueber Kalkgicht an Hand von 3 Beobachtungen. 35p. 8? Ziir., Fluntern, 1934 JACOBSON, Arthur Clarence, 1872- Genius; some revelations. 160p. 8. IN- *•> Greenburg [1926] JACOBSON, Bernhard Maxwell, 1904- Lowered basal metabolism; its causes and clinical significance. 40p. 8? Providence, Snow & ^AC^BSO'N'ciara, 1887, *Der gegen- wartige Stand der Physiologie der Nebenschild- driisen [Chicago] p.180-211. 8. Munch. [n. p.] 1924. Also Erg. Physiol., 1925 23: JACOBSON, Edmund, 1888- Progres- sive relaxation; a physiological and clinical in- vestigation of muscular states and their signifi- cance in psychology and medical practice, xiii, 428p. 8? Chic, Univ. Chicago pr. [1929] ---- The same [Rev. ed.] xvii, 493p. illust. diagrs. [1938] ---- You must relax; a practical method of reducing the strains of modern living, xv, 201p. pl. 8? N. Y., Whittlesey House, 1934. ---- The same. Rev. ed. xix, 261p. 16 pl. 19#cm. [1942] —— You can sleep well; the A B C's of restful sleep for the average person. 2. print, xix, 269p. pl. diagr. 21cm. N. Y., McGraw-Hill co. [1938] JACOBSON, Ernst Ludwig Harthern 1884- Lili Elbe; ein Mensch wechselt sein Ge- schlecht; eine Lebensbeichte; aus hinterlassenen Papieren,. hrsg. von Niels Hoyer [pseud.] 252p. pl. portr. 8? Dresd., C. Reissner, 1932. ---- The same. Man into woman; an authentic record of a change of sex; the true story of the miraculous transformation of the Danish painter, Einar Wegener (Andreas Sparre) Transl. from the German by H. J. Stenning. 288p. pl. portr. 8? N. Y. [1933] JACOBSON, Harry Pincus, 1888- Fun- gous diseases; a clinico-mycological text. 317p. illust. 8? Springf., 111., C. C Thomas, 1932. For biographv see Kagan, S. R. Harry P. Jacobson. In his Am. Jewish Physicians, Bost., 1942, 124. JACOBSON, J. Le traitement du trachome par Tether benzyl-cinnamique. 71p. pl. 8? Par., J. B. Bailliere, 1932. JACOBSON, Julius, 1828-89. Erinnerungen an Albrecht von Graefe, zu seinem 25. Todestage, zusammengestellt aus Werken und Briefen J. Jacobson's; mit elf Graefe'schen Briefen als Beilage. 93p. 8? Konigsb., W. Koch, 1895. JACOBSON, Ludvig, 1783-1843. Hansen, A. [Biography] Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3051, portr. JACOBSON, Nathan, 1857-1913. Kagan, S. R. [Biography] Med. Life, 1934, 41: 619. JACOBSON, Walter Hamilton Acland, 1847 1924. The operations of surgery. 6. ed. Ed. by R P. Rowlands and Philip Turner. 2v. 1030p.; 934p. illust. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1915. JACOBSON'S nerve. See Tympanic nerve. JACOBSON'S organ. See also Nose; Olfactory organ; Smell. Addison, W. H. F., & Rademaker, L A. The postnatal growth of the vomeronasal organ of the albino rat, (Mus norvegicus albinus) J. Comp. Neur., 1927, 44: 69-86.— Bellairs. A. Observations on Jacobson s organ and its innerva- tion in Vipera berus. J. Anat.,Lond., 1941-42, 76: 167-77.— Borghese, E. Considerazioni sull'organo di Jacobson nell uomo. Monit- zool. ital., 1933, 44: 153-8-Fujii, M. Studien uber die Entwicklung des Jacobsonschen Organs von Saugern Jan J M. Sc, 1940, 8: Anat. Proc, 49.—Giannelli, L. Sopra una particolarita vascolare. dell'organo di Jacobson negli embrioni di alcuni mammiferi e sulla formazione che nell uomo nu6 dhsi omologa all'organo di Jacobson. Monit. zool ital 1 Q?2 4?■ 64-77 —Hamlin, H. E. Working mechanisms for the liquid and gaseous intake and output of the Jacobson s organ. Am J Physiol., 1929, 91: 201-5.—Kelemen, G. [Anterior lateral obstruction of the nose from cyst of_*e jacobson orsranl Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 801-d. noimer, yv. de Jacobson ^J:ik 1^29 23: 18-28.-Navratil, D. Ueber LSfVflc^bso*che Organ der Wirbeltiere. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1 Abt 1926 81^ 648-56.-PearIman. S. J. Jacobson's organ (its gross, microscopic and comparative anatomy, with some obseSons on its function) Tr. Am. Laryng. Ass., 1934, 40: JACOBSON'S ORGAN 588 JACOT 201-30. Also Ann. Otol. Rhinol., 1934, 43: 739-68.—Richter, 11. Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Vorhandenseins des Jacobson- schen Organs beim Menschen und zur Histologic seiner naheren I'mgebung. Zsehr. Laryng., 1931-32, 22: 193-200, pl.— Simonetta. B. Decorso di tronchi nervosi nella compagine del neuroepitelio dell'organo di Jacobson. Monit. zool. ital., 1931. 42: 147-50. ---;— Origine e sviluppo del nervo terminale nei mammiferi; sua funzione e suoi rapporti con I'organo di Jacobson. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1932, 97: 425- 63. ------ & Magnoni, A. Ricerche sulla presenza e sullo sviluppo del nervo terminale e dell'organo di Jacobson nei chirotteri. Arch. ital. anat., 1939, 41: 343-56.—Wilde, W. S. The role of Jacobson's organ in the feeding reaction of the com- mon garter snake, Thammophis sirtalis sirtalis (Linn.) J. Exp. Zool., 1937, 77: 445-64, pl.—Zimmermann, A. Zur vergleichen- den Anatomie des Jacobson'schen Organs. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1938, 45: 274. JACOBSTHAL, Hans, 1910- *Zur We- henzahlung bei vorzeitigem und rechtzeitigem Blasensprung [Berlin] 56p. 23cm. Charlot- tenb., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1937. JACOBUS, Lawrence Russel, 1898- For biography see in Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 213. JACOBUS Foroliviensis [Giacomo della Torre] See in 4. ser. Da Forli, Jacopo. JACOBY, Arnold Leon, 1886-1927. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 1659. JACOBY, Berta, 1905- *Zur Frage der abnormen Regulation des Siiurebasengleichge- wichtes bei Ulcuskranken; klinisch-experimentelle Untersuchung. 17p. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1932. JACOBY, Ernst, 1908- *Ueber karzino- matose Uteruspolypen [Basel] 31p. 8? Berl., P. Brandel, 1934. JACOBY, Fritz, 1902- *Gangstudie bei Quadricepslahmung. 23p. 8? Berl., E. Ebering, 1926. JACOBY, George Paul. Catholic child care in 19th century New York, with a correlated summary of public and Protestant child welfare. xiv, 266p. 23cm. Wash., Catholic Univ. America Press, 1941. JACOBY, George W., 1856-1940. Physician, pastor and patient; problems in pastoral medi- cine, ix, 390p. pl. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1936. For obituary see J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1940, 92: 826, portr. JACOBY, Guido, 1909- *Ueber den Mechanismus der Schwefelbaderwirkung [Miin- ster] 15p. 8° Bottrop, W. Postberg, 1934. JACOBY, Hanna, 1909- *Die bisherige Entwicklung der Apraxie-Lehre [Basel] 23p. 8? Berl, B. Levy, 1934. JACOBY, Hans. Handschrift und Sexualitat, mit 223 Schriftproben. 140p. 12 pl. 8? Berl., A. Marcus [1932] JACOBY, Irma, 1902- *Ueber Harn- blasendivertikel an Hand von 6 Fallen. 24p. 8? Giessen, O. Meyer, 1926. JACOBY, Myron David, 1900- The sexual study of the male and female human body in color pictures. 35p. col. illust. 21}^cm. N. Y., Cadillac pub. co., 1942. JACOBY, Rudolph, 1890-1942. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 388. For portrait see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1939, 36: 347. JACOME Valderrama, Jose Antonio. *Carb6n bacteridiano en Santander [Bogotd,] 120p. illust. pl. facs. tab. diagr. 24cm. Bucara- manga, Impr. del Departamento, 1940. JACONET. See also Bandage; Cotton; Dressing. Jaconettum. Pharm. J., Lond., 1943, 96: 130. JACONO, Igino. See Castellani, A., & Jacono, R. Manuale di clinica cale. 999p. 8? Tor., 1937. JACOT, Marc [M. D., 1915, Lausannel Glycogene, adr6naline et insuline. 209p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1926. See also Portrait. Corps m6d. Vaudois (O. Lazar) Gondvo, 1937, 17. JACOT, Pierre [M. D., 1935, Lausanne] *A propos de 56 narcoses k l'evipan-sodique [Lau- sanne] 33p. 8? Thonon-les-Bains, Soc. Ed. Savovarde, 1935. JACOWLEWA, Olga [M. D., 1899, Zurich] *Ueber die knotige kompensatorische Hyper- trophic der Leber. 36p. 8? Ziir., Polygraphi- sches Inst., 1899. JACOWSKI, Genevieve, 1908- Traite- ment des infections pulpaires et periapicals p;ir l'ozone et les ozonides terpitoine libre. 56p. 8? Angers, Caillaux, Onillon & cie, 1930. JACQUELIN, Paul, 1915- Considera- tions pratiques sur la conduite k tenir en prdsence d'une grossesse chez une tuberculeuse. 23p. 23cm. Par., A. Lapied, 1939. JACQUEMAIN, Frangois, 1909- *Etude sur la medecine chez les peuples primitifs. 41p. 24cm. Par., Libr. Le Frangois, 1938. JACQUEMAIRE, Andre, 1910- *De l'inspection medicale dans les externats de l'enseignement du second degre\ 80p. form. 24cm. Lille, E. Frangois, 1938. JACQUEMAIRE, Rene, 1894- *Les occlusions intestinales au cours des kystes de l'ovaire. 51p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. JACQUEMARD, Andre, 1892- *Les meningites lymphocytaires curables. 40p. 8? Par., A. Valade, 1926. JACQUEMART, CLAVELIN, Charles, & JAME. Le service de sant6 militaire du temps de paix et du temps de guerre. 6. 6d. 455p. illust. 8? Par., Charles-Lavauzelle & cie, 1934. JACQUEMELLE, Theophile, 1914- *Vi- tamines et thyroide; contribution k I'etude de Taction des hypervitaminoses et des regimes carences sur la. structure du corps thyroide. 85p. 6 pl. 25cm. Lille, Impr. Centrale du Nord, 1938. JACQUEMET, Rene, 1913- Contri- bution k I'etude des phl6bites de la gestation; k propos d'un cas mortel. 35p. 25cm. Lyon, Sibilat, 1939. JACQUES, Alfred George, 1896-1939. Osterhout, W. J. V. Obituary. Science, 1940, 91: 133. JACQUES, frere [Baulieu; de Beaulieu] 1651-1714. For biography see Cat. Portr. R. Coll. Surgeons, Lond., JACQUES 589 JACQUOT JACQUES, le Grand [Jacobus Magnus] fl. ca 1405. Sophologium sapientiae [libri 10] 121 1. 8? Paris, Jean Petit [ca 1495] JACQUES, Jacques, fl. 17. century. Le faut- mourir [5. ed.] [7]1. 470[ = 466]p. 8? Lyon, Michel Goy & F. Larchier, 1669. ---- Le medecin liberal [Troisieme partie et suite du Faut-mourir] [6]1. 216p. 8? Lyon, Charles Mathevet, 1666. Bound with his Le faut-mourir. Lyon, 1669. JACQUESON, Rene, 1912- Contri- bution a I'etude du jus de raisin au point de vue alimentaire et therapeutique. 159p. 25cm. Lyon, Pacquet, 1939. JACQUES, Robert Noel, 1895- Contri- bution a I'etude des pseudo-paraplegies chez le cheval. 38p. 8? Par., Le Frangois, 1930. JACQUET, Albert, 1910- *Pathogenie de l'embolie gazeuse au cours des interventions sur la plevre et le poumon. 145p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1937. JACQUET, Ernest, 1892- *L'anemie splenique infantile par Leishmania (kala-azar) observee en France. 78p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1926. JACQUET, Jacques Marie, 1907- Con- tribution a I'etude des anemies graves du nourris- son au cours de la premiere ann6e (raret6; etiologie; traitement) 96p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JACQUET, Louis [M. D., 1936, Toulouse] Considerations sur les grossesses extra-utennes recidivates [Toulouse] 83p. illust. 24>km. Clermont-Ferrand, Impr. Moderne, 1936. JACQUET, Lucien, 1860-1914. Beeson. B. B. [Biography] Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1931, 24: 867. JACQUET, Maurice Paul Joseph, 1909- *Les formes anatomo-cliniques de la thrombose cardiaque. 157p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1937. JACQUET, Renee. * Recherches botaniques et chimiques sur quelques cactacees [Pharm.] 176p. illust. 24cm. Par., Impr. L. Cario, 1934. JACQUIER-LAFORGE, Maurice, 1913- *Recherches sur les amidons solubles [Lyon] 113p. 25cm. Trevoux, G. Patissier, 1938. JACQUIN, Louis, 1912- *Quelques obser- vations de tuberculose ganglionnaire m6sent6ri- que k manifestations abdominales aigues. 46p. 8? Par., Vigot freres, 1937. JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph Baron de, 1727- 1817 Stellfeld, C. Jacquin. Tribuna farm., Curitiba, 1942, 10: 10. JACQUIN, Pierre, 1910- *Les mouve- ments conjugues des globes oculaires et leurs troubles; ablations hemispheriques et mouve- ment conjugue [Marseille] 47p. 25Kcm. Lyon, Bosc freres, 1939. JACQUIN, Pierre, 1915- *L'opotherapie hepatique dans le traitement de I'insuffisance du foie. lOOp. 25cm. Lyon, Bosc freres, 193iL JACQUIN, Robert Marie, 1909- /Syn- drome apico-costo-vertebral douloureux revelant un neoplasme latent du poumon. 89p. must. 25cm. Nancy, G. Thomas, 1935. # JACQUIN-CHATELLIER, Leome, 18957 *L'homme; les hommes; etudes morphologiques. 142p 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1932. TACOIIINET, Rene, 1864- TthoueyresLe professeur Rene Jacquinet. Union med. nordest, 1938, 61: 82-4. JACQUINIA [bot. Nascimento, A. O timM. Rev. syniatr.. Rio, 1941, 34: 87-9. JACQUOT, Jean, 1912- *Hypertension arterielle permanente; imputabilite et aptitude au service militaire. 72p. 8? Lyon, Bosc freres, 1936. JACSON, Jean Armand William, 1909- *L'urticaire afrigore; forme pure, formes associees. 105p. 24cm. Nancy, V. Idoux, 1938. JACZEWSKI, Arthur, 1863-1932. Jones, L. R. Biography. Phytopathology, 1933, 23: 111-6, portr. JADASSOHN, Josef, 1863-1936. Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten. 23 Bd. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1927-32. ---- Der gegenwartige Stand der Pellagra- lehre. p.446-587. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1933. In Handb. Haut. & Geschlkr. (Jadassohn, J.) Berl., 1933, 4: pt2. Also Editor of Zentralblatt fiir Haut- und Geschlechts- krankheiten, Berl., v.1-52, 1921-36. For biography see Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1933, 169: p. i. Also Ind. J. Vener. Dis., 1937, 3: 75-8, portr.—Miescher, G. [Biography] Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 1431.—Milian, G. [Biographie] Rev. fr. derm. ven6r., 1928, 4: 450-3. See also Bizzozero, E. Necrologia. Dermosifilografo, 1936, 11: 213-6.-—Darier, J. [Necrologie] Presse med., 1936, 44: 774.—Necrologia. Arch. ital. derm., 1937, 13: 335, portr.— Obituary. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1936, 33: 1063-9. Also Brit. J. Derm. Syph., 1936, 48: 323, portr. Also Brit. M. J., 1936, 1: 964. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 2172 — Pinard, M. Necrologie. Bull. Soc fr. derm, syph., 1936, 43: 712—Volk, R. Nekrolog. Wien klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 473; 1240. See also Riickblick und Umblick. Dehber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 4: 89-104, portr.—Siemens, H. W. Jadassohniana. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 995-7. For portrait see Collection in Library. ---- & ZIELER, Karl. Ikonographia derma- tologica; Atlas seltener, neuer und diagnostisch unklarer Hautkrankheiten. Neue Folge, Liefe- rung 1 (Tafel 1-8) 6 p. 1. 37 p. illust. pl. 4? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1932. JADASSOHN, Werner. Allergiestudien bei der Ascaridenidiosynkrasie [Zurich] p.690-745. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1928. Also Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1929, 156: JADELOT, Jean Frangois Nicolas, 1738-93. For portrait see Collection in Library. JADESOHN, Harry, 1898- *Die Unter- bringung der Zurechnungsunfahigen und ver- mindert Zurechnungsfahigen in offentlichen Heil- oder Pflegeanstalten auf Grund des §43 des Amtlichen Entwurfs eines Allgemeinen Deut- schen Strafgesetzbuches von 1925. 32p. 8? Bresl. [n. p.] 1926. JADLOVKER, Male, 1903- *Fonction- nement de la maternite de l'Hdpital Boucicaut pendant l'annee 1928 [Paris] 63p. 8? Savenay, Impr. Roumegoux & cie, 1929. JADLOWKER, Ella [M. D., 1926, Basel] *Die Geburten im Entwicklungsalter [Basel] 36p. 8? Strasb., Ed. Univ. [1926] JADOT, Bernard, 1910- Contribution k I'etude des troubles fonctionnels de la circula- tion dans les extremites des membres. 48p. 8? Par , M. Vigne, 1936. JAECKEL, Fritz, 1908- *Zur Klinik der eitrigen Meningitis im Kindesalter. 24p. 21cm. Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1936 JAECKEL, Werner, 1910- *Leber das Schicksal der gutartigen Blasenpapillomatose. 24p. 22/2cm. Berl.,'F Linke, 1938 JAECKER, Hans, 1907- *Ueber die Innervierung der Pulpa bei Kalbszahnen. lip. 8° Wiirzb., K. Triltsch, 1936. JAECKLE, Oswald, 1909- *Stenhtats- Ursachen und Behandlungserfolge. 24p. 8. Freib. i. B., W. Wiemken, 1934. JAECKLI, Willi, 1909- *Differenz der Refraktion bei aufrechter Korperhaltung, bei JAECKLI r>< )0 JAEGER Seiten-,' Rticken- und Bauchlage, speziell nach kiinstlicher •Erschlaffungjp der ^ Zonula^ Zinnii. 28p. 8? Zur., J. Weiss, 1935. JAECKSCH, Walter. 1909- *Ueber die Zusammenarbeit von Auge und Hand [Jena] 32p. 8? Koln, J. Borowskv, 1936. JAEDERHOLM, Axel Olof Gustaf, 1837-85. For biography sec in Portr. Svenska lak. apotek. (Sjoberg, N.) Stockh., 1910, 58, portr. JAEDICKE, Hans Georg, 1911- *Zur biologischen Gestaltung der Freizeit; Unter- suchungen iiber die Wirkung verschiedener Feriengestaltung grosstadtischer Schiller. 62p. 2 tab. 23cm. Berl., R. Pfau, 1937. JAEGER, Adelheid [Beate] 1902- *Ueber die Sterilisation von Nahrungsmitteln [Tubin- gen] 52p. 8? Worms, Gebr. Hoffmann, 1931. JAEGER, Adolph [M. D., 1837, Tubingen] ♦Beobachtungen iiber die Anatomie des Nil- crocodils. 31p. 8? Tub., C. F. Osiander, 1837. JAEGER, Alfred, 1904- *Nicht krank- hafte intracranielle Verkalkungen. 15p. 6 pl. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1931. JAEGER, Eduard, 1818-84. Schriftscalen. 2. ed. [56] 1. 8? Wien, L. W. Seidel, 1857. JAEGER, Emmi, 1909- *Ueber Duode- naldivertikel [Miinster] 34p. 8? Pirmasens, W. Neumann [1934] JAEGER, Enno [Friedrich] 1899- *Ein malignes Adamantinom des Oberkiefers (Auszug) 8p. 8? [Lpz., n. p.] 1925. JAEGER [Erich] Kurt, 1898- *Die Verwendung hochprozentiger Novokain-Supra- reninlosung in der Zahnheilkunde. 32p. . 8? Lpz., A. Hoffmann, 1926. JAEGER, Ernst [Friedrich] 1897-1937. *Die Gefassversorgung der Malpighischen Korperchen in der Milz [Leipzig] p.578-601. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1929. Also Zsehr. Zellforsch., 1928-29, 8: See also Hueck. Nekrolog. Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1937, 30: 534. JAEGER [Eva Katharina] Annelise, 1911- *Pemphigus des Kindesalters [Heidelberg] 19p. 2212(in. Darmst., Pfeffer & Balzer [1933] JAEGER, Felix. Aetiologie und Therapie der Varizen und des varikosen Svmptomenkomplexes. 4p.; 76p. illust. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1936. ----Verbandlehre; ein Leitfaden fiir Studen- ten, Schwestern und arztliches Hilfspersonal. vi, 98p. illust. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1936. Also 3. erw. Aufl. vii, HOp. 201-km. 1940. JAEGER, Georg [Carl Heinrich] 1911- *Die Haufigkeit von Metastasen bei Careinomen, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Knochen- metastasen, an Hand des Materials des patho- logischen Instituts des Stadtischen Krankenhauses Mannheim [Heidelberg] 44p. tab. 21cm. Hildesheim, A. Lax, 1937. JAEGER, Gerold, 1903- *Beitrag zum schnellen Ablauf des Fruhinfiltrats. 20p. 8? Bresl., Genoss. Buchdr., 1931. JAEGER, Gustav, 1833-1917. Treatise on health culture, viii, 197p. 16? N. Y., Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Syst. co., 1886. ---- Selections from essays on health-culture and the sanitary woolen system. 2. ed. viii, 216p. 16? N. Y., Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Syst. co., 1891. See also Kroner, AV. Gustav Jaegers Sendung; Darstellung seines Lebenswerkes und Aufriss einer totalen Biologie 536d 8! Stuttg., 1936. y' JAEGER, Hans, 1910- *Beitrage zur Missbildung von Niere und Harnleiter. 27p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1935. JAEGER, Heinrich, 1905- *Ueber einen Fall von Lipomatosis multiplex symmetrica in Verbindung mit Polyarthritis und Kalkgicht. 22p. 8? Marb., Kurhess. Verlagsdr., 1933. JAEGER, Heinrich, 1906- *Beeinflusst der Wasserprobe als Nierenfunktionspriifung die Hohe der Perspiratio insensibilis? 15p. 8? Munch. [J. B. Obernetter] 1931. JAEGER [Hermann] Kurt, 1901- *Wie kann man das Auftreten von rachitischen Z/ihnen verhiiten? [Leipzig] 23p. 8? Borna, R. Noske, 1931. JAEGER, Horst, 1903- *Uebcr Zink- wirkungen [Halle-Wittenberg] p. 139-53. S? Berl., F. C. W. Vogel, 1931. Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1931, 159: JAEGER, Ingrid, 1903- *Ein Fall von spontanem Haematom des linken Musculus rectus abdominis [Heidelberg] lip. 8? Wall- dorf, F. Lamade, 1928. JAEGER, James Rudolph, 1895 For biography see J. Internat. Coll. Surgeons, 1942, 5: 442, portr. JAEGER, Johannes, 1898- *Die Liquor- reaktionen bei der Tabes dorsalis [Miinchen] 50p. 8? Dillingen, Schwab. Verlagsdr., 1930. JAEGER, Josef, 1906- *Die Rassen- geschichte Frankens mit Beitragen zur Wenden- frage in Deutschland [Gottingen] 37p. 8? Wiirzb., H. Stiirtz, 1934. JAEGER, Karl, 1905- *Ueber die Durch- brechung der Avertinnarkose durch Cardiazol und Coramin [Giessen] 21p. 8? Camberg, W. Ammelung, 1932. JAEGER, Karl, 1906- *Ueber Erfahrung und Prognose bei vollstandiger Aufmeisselung der Mittelohrraume in der Marburger Universi- tats-Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik [Marburg] 21p. 21cm. Bochum, H. Poppinghaus, 1936. JAEGER, Kurt, 1905- *Kasuistischer Beitrag zum Thema der Placentarverwachsung [Zurich] 24p. 22^cm. Wadenswil, J. Villiger & cie, 1938. JAEGER, Kurt, 1912- *Weitere Erhe- bungen liber das Verhaltnis zwischen Nahrungs- ausniitzung und Bezahnung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Fettnahrung [Greifswald] 18p. 2 tab. 8? Wiirzb., Gebr. Memminger, 1936. JAEGER, Louis, 1903- Contribution k I'etude des hamartomes pulmonaires (hamarto- chondromes et hamartokystomes) [Zurich] 96p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1934. JAEGER, Martin, 1908- *Der blinde Fleck am Perimeter von Maggiore [Halle-Witten- berg] 24p. 21cm. Bleicherode, C. Nieft, 1937. JAEGER, Mathilde, 1911- *Les lesions anatomo-histologiques des accidents 61ectriques. lOlp. 24}4cm. Strasb., Impr. Argentoratum [1936] JAEGER [Max] Johannes, 1910- *Ueber Deltamuskellahmung nach Poliomyelitis und deren Behandlung durch die Schulterarthrodese [Leipzig] 40p. 23^cm. Zeulenroda, A. Ober- reuter 1937 JAEGER,' Paul [M. D., 1938, Strasbourg] * Morphologie et biologie florales chez les dipsacacees [Strasbourg] 158p. 4 pl. 24cm. Colmar, Alsatia, 1938. JAEGER, R. Die Aufgaben der Arbeits- schutzsalben. p.214-32. 23^cm. Berl., J. Springer, 1939. In Salben & Salbengrundl. (Czetsch-Lindenwald, H.) JAEGER, Robert. Physik und Elektrizitats- lehre. xvi, 175p. 289 illust. 8? Lpz., Fischer, 1931. JAEGER 591 JAENSCH JAEGER, Robert, 1910- Cehirnabscess nach Zahnextraktion [Tubingen] 22p. 8? Mengen, J. Goelz, 1932. JAEGER, Rudolf, 1870-1928. Keller. H. Nekrolog. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1929, 59: 370. JAEGER, Rudolf, 1902- *Zur Epidemio- logie und Haematologie des Paratyphus B [Giessen] 13p. 8? Fulda, Fuldaer Actiendr., 1930. JAEGER, Werner. Diokles von Karystos; die griechische Medizin und die Schule des Aristo- teles. viii, 244p. 24cm. Berl., W. de Gruyter & co., 1938. JAEGER, Werner, 1911- *Ueber die Operation nach Alexander-Adams unter beson- derer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Eignung zur gesetz- lichen Unfruchtbarmachung [Wurzburg] 55p. 21cm. Marbach, A. Remppis, 1937. JAEGER Lunecke, Helmut. *Tratamiento del antrax por la extirpacion electroquirurgica [Chile] 40p. 26>£cm. Santiago, Imp. El Esfuerzo, 1940. JAEGERMANN, Kathe, 1907- *Ana- tomische Untersuchungen zur Frage der Vigantol- beeinflussbarkeit der Tuberkulose. p.764-78. 8? Tub. [n. p., 1932] Also Virchows Arch., 1932, 285: JAEGERMANN, Max Meier, 1904- *Ueber Osteopsathyrosis und ihre Pathogenese [Freiburg] 36p. 8° Berl. [n. p.] 1931. JAEGGY, Ernest, 1878-1941. Necrologie. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1941, 61: 869-71. JAEHN, Alfred, 1910- *Ueber die Ergeb- nisse der Behandlung radikularer Kieferzysten. 16p. 8? Kiel, H. Liidtke, 1935. JAEHN, Friedrich, 1910- *Untersu- chungen iiber Boomanes. 55p. 2 pl. 8? Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1934. JAEHN, Heinrich, 1912- *Ist der Erfolg der' Strahlenbehandlung bei den Rezidiven nach Uteruskarzinomoperationen vom Zeitpunkt ihres Auftretens abhangig? Untersuchungen an dem Krankengut des Strahleninstitutes der Universi- tats-Frauenklinik Miinchen aus den Jahren 1920- 34 [Miinchen] 32p. 21cm. Bleicherode, C. Nieft, 1938. JAEHNER, Doris. Zwei Tage aus dem Leben dreier Geschwister. 173p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1930. Forms Beih. 51, Zsehr. angew. Psychol. JAEHNICKE, Heinz, 1903- *Die Blut- schande [Kiel] vii, 71p. 8? Potsdam, G. Kettler, 1929. JAEHNIG, Brigitte [geb. Kan] 1896- *Ein ungewohnlicher Fall von Spina bifida mit doppelter Lokalisation [Leipzig] 19p. 8? Oschatz, C. Morgner, 1929. JAEKEL, Use, 1913- *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Trockenbild des Magensaftes [Greifswald] 23p. 8? Lengerich, Lengericher Handelsdr., 1936. JAEN Guardia, Ernesto, 1895- For portrait see Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1938, 17: front. JAENISCH, Klara [geb. Greve] 1878- *Die Bedeutung der Siegelringzellen fur die Geschwulstdiagnostik. Up. 8? Bresl., K. Vater 1926 JAENSCH, Erich R. F., 1883- Zur Xeugestaltung des deutschen Studententums und der Hochschule. 89p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, Forms Beih. 74, Zsehr. angew. Psychol. ____ Der Gegentypus; psychologisch-anthro- pologische Grundlagen deutscher Kulturphilo- sophie, ausgehend von dem was wir iiberwinden wollen. xliii, 512p. illust. tab. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1938. Forms Beih. 75, Zsehr. angew. Psychol. ---- & ALTHOFF, Fritz. Mathematisches Denken und Seelenform; Vorfragen der Padagogik und volkischen Neugestaltung des mathematischen Unterrichts. 160p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1939. Forms Beih. 81, Zsehr. angew. Psychol, JAENSCH, Erich R. F., & HENTZE, Rudolf. Grundgesetze der Jugendentwicklung; Erkennt- nisse der Jugendanthropologie in der Ausrichtung auf neudeutsche Erziehung. 217p. 23J4cm. Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1939. Forms Beih. 80, Zsehr. angew. Psychol. JAENSCH, Fritz, 1911- *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Epidermophytin und Tri- chophytin. 23p. 8? Freib. i. B. [n. p.] 1935. JAENSCH, Paul A. Pupille. p.267-339. 8? Berl., Springer, 1936. In Handb. Neurol. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, Bd 4. ---- Das Schielen und seine Behandlung. viii, 45p. 8? Stuttg., F. Enke, 1938. Forms Beih. 4, Klin. Mbl. Augenh. See also Bielschowsky, A., Jaensch, P. A. [et al.] Hirn- nerven, Pupille. 701p. 8? Berl., 1936. JAENSCH, Walther, 1889- Grundziige einer Physiologie und Klinik der psychophysi- schen Personlichkeit; ein Beitrag zur funktionel- len Diagnostik. ix, 483p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1926. ---- Die Hautkapillarmikroskopie; ihre praktische Bedeutung fiir Diagnose und Therapie korperlich-seelischer Individuality im Zusam- menhang mit dem Kropf- und Minderwertig- keitsproblem. 240p. 8? Halle a. S., C. Mar- hold, 1929. ---- Leibesiibungen und Korperkonstitution. 117p. illust. pl. tab. 8? Berl., A. Metzner, 1935. ---- Die Hautcapillarmikroskopie am Leben- den. p.865-940. 4? Berl., Urban & Schwar- zenberg, 1937. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl., 1937, Abt. 9. T. 3, 2. Halfte. Also editor of Konstitutions- und Erbbiologie m der Praxis der Medizin; Vortriige eines internationalen Fortbildungskurses in derBerliner Akademie fiir arztliche Fortbildung im Friihjahr., 385p. 8? Lpz., 1934. --- & PULVERMUELLER, Kurt. Kon- stitutionstherapie und Entwicklungsstorungen; ein Beitrag zur Erkennung und Bekampfung konstitutioneller Friihschaden. 68p. 24^cm. Stuttg., F. Enke, 1939. Forms Beih. 20, Arch. Kinderh. JAERISCH, Paul, 1891- *Beitrag zur Therapie der Patellarfrakturen mit offener Naht. 39p. 8? Rostock, Adlers Erben, 1919. JAERVI, Osmo. *Ueber den Bau der Trachea- und Larynxdriisen und der Driisenzellen bei einigen Saugetieren; Beitrag zur Frage von der Bedeutung des Golgi-Apparats und anderer Zellkomponenten fiir den Sekretionsprozess; Beob- achtungen in Betreff der Adenomerentheorie. 205p. 15 pl. 8? Helsin., A. G. Sana, 1935. JAESCHE, Arthur, 1891- *Klinisches und Statistisches iiber die Rosaceaerkrankungen des Auges. 15p. 8? Rostock, W. H. Winter- berg, 1924. JAESCHKE, Anna, 1901- *Urethralka- runkeln bei der Frau. 24p. 8? Bresl., O. Borgmeyer, 1933. JAESCHKE, Hans Ulrich, 1910- *Ueber Beziehungen der Myome zu Gefassen. 27p. 8? Konigsb., J. Raabe, 1934. JAESCHKE 592 JAFFRE JAESCHKE, Klaus, 1912- *Ueber Spon- tanpneumothorax [Berlin] 27p. 21cm. Lenge- rich, Lengericher Handelsdr., 1938. JAESCHOCK, Herbert, 1909- *Das epidemische Auftreten der Grippe im Winter 1932-33 und 1936-37 in einigen Bezirken Nieder- schlesiens und die Abhangigkeit des Verlaufes der Epidemien von meteorischen und geo- graphischen Faktoren; eine geomedizinische Un- tersuchung [Berlin] p.276-97. 23cm. Wiirzb., H. Stiirtz, 1938. Also Zsehr. Hyg., 1938-39, 121: JAFFARY, Stuart King, 1899- The mentally ill and public provision for their care in Illinois, xxii, 214p. tab. 23cm. Chic, Univ. Chicago pr. [1942] JAFFE, Bernard, 1896- Crucibles; the lives and achievements of the great chemists. viii, 337p. 8? N. Y., Simon & Schuster, 1930. JAFFE, Ewald, 1898- *Ist durch die Malariabehandlung der Syphilis ein Fortschritt in der Prognose der Lues erzielt? [Berlin] 19p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1929. JAFFE, Hermann R., 1888-1937. Chiari, H. Nekrolog. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 88. JAFFE, Irwin, 1910- *Ueber Kittnieren- bildung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Friihnephrek- tomie bei Nierentuberkulose. 29p. 8? Ziir., Gebr. Leemann & co., 1934. JAFFE, Jokubas, 1880-1933. For obituary see Medicina, Kaunas, 1933, 14: 450. JAFFE, Joseph, 1894- *Ueber Huftluxa- tion nach akuten Infektionskrankheiten im friihen Kindesalter. 18p. 8? Bresl. [n. p.] 1926. JAFFE, Kaete. See Blumenthal, F., & Jaffe, K. Ekzem und Idiosynkrasie. 188p. 8° Berl., 1933. JAFFE, Max, 1841-1911. For biography see Nature, Lond, 1941, 148: 110. JAFFE, Richard Hermann, 1888-1937. The reticulo-endothelial system, p.977-1271. illust. pl. tab. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1938. In Handb. Hcmai. (Downey, H.) N. Y., 1938, 2: See also Biography; bibliography. In Path. Conf. (Jaff6, R. H.) Chic. IV HI, p. vii-xvi, portr. Also Davidsohn, I. Obituary. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1938, 8: 456-60, portr.—Petersen, W. F. Obituary. Arch. Path., Chic, 1938, 25: 418-21, portr. For portrait see Mississippi Doctor, 1935-36, 13: No. 9, 56. JAFFE, Rudolf, 1885- , ARNDT, H. J. [et al.] Anatomie und Pathologie der Spontaner- krankungen der kleinen Laboratoriumstiere: Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen, Ratte, Maus. xix, 832p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1931. JAFFE, Rudolf, & BERBERICH, F. Hoden. p. 197-280. Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1932. In Hirsch. Handb. inn. Sekret, Bd 1: JAFFE, Rudolf, & TANNENBERG, I. Neben- nieren. p.473-661. Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1932. In Hirsch. Handb. inn. Sekret., Bd 1: JAFFE, Ruth, 1907- *Das Schicksal der Kinder mit Hirntumoren an der Ziircher Kinderklinik in den Jahren 1911-32. 36p. 8? Ziir., Fluntern, 1934. JAFFE [Walter] Erich, 1903- Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Bakterien- flora der Rachenhohle gesunder Menschen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der gramnegativen Kokken. 39p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1929. JAFFRE, Joseph Marie, 1905- ♦Diagnos- tic medico-legal des comas. 72p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1932. JAFFRE, Victor, 1910- *Sur l'origine traumatique des tuberculoses osteoarticulaires; statistique du Sanatorium de Kerpape. 59p. 25^cm. Par., L. Arnette, 1939. JAFFRE, Yves, 1907- Contributions k I'etude de la prophylaxie du rhumatisme chroni- que et de ses consequences sociales. 50p. 8? Par., M. VignS, 1937. JAGAU, Hermann, 1906- *Ueber En- dometriome und ihre Entstehung [Kiel] 19p. 8? Essen-Werden, P. Marz, 1931. JAGDHOLD, Herbert, 1899- *Die Be- handlung der primaren Syphilis in ihrer Bedeutung fiir das Entstehen und die Incuba- tionszeit der progressiven Paralyse [Miinchen] 16p. 8? Stralsund, J. Abel, 1926. JAGELLA, Rudolf, 1911- *Seltene For- men der Epulis [Greifswald] 23p. 8? Bottrop- W., W. Postberg, 1935. JAGER, Israel, 1912- *La valeur alimen- taire et therapeutique du vin. 60p. 8? Par., M. Lavergne, 1938. JAGERSCHMIDT, Philippe, 1913- *Le traitement medical dans les etats d'arrieration mentale chez l'enfant. 156p. 25cKm. Lyon, Bosc freres, 1939. JAGGER, Ivan Claude, 1889-1939. Reddick, D. [Biography] Phytopathology, 1942, 32: 549-53, portr. JAGGER, Walter, 1871-1929. For obituary see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1929, 1: 582. JAGIC, Nikolaus, 1875- Handbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie, Diagnostik und Therapie der Herz- und Gefasserkrankungen, unter Mit- wirkung von Karl Ewald, Fritz Falk [et al.] hrsg. von Nikolaus von Jagi6. v.3, Teil 1 & 2. xx, 879p. 4? Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1912-14. ---- Die diagnostische Verwertung des Leuko- cytenbildes bei Infektionskrankheiten. 48p. 8? Wien, M. Perles, 1919. ---- Herzkrankheiten bei Frauen. 103p. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1926. ---- Perkussion und Auskultation; ein Leit- faden fiir Studierende und Aerzte. viii, lllp. illust. pl. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg 1932. ---- & FELLINGER, Karl. Die endokrinen Erkrankungen; ihre Klinik, Pathologie und Therapie. viii, 293p. illust. 24^cm. Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1938. JAGIC, Nikolaus, & FLAUM, Ernest. Therapie der Herzkrankheiten. 2. Aufl. vii, 342p. illust. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1937. JAGIC, Nikolaus, & KLIMA, R. Klinik und Therapie der Blutkrankheiten. 2. xii, 512p. illust. pl. ch. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzen- berg, 1934. x JAGIC, Nikolaus, & SPANGLER, G. Klinik und Therapie der Blutkrankheiten. ix, 31 lp, 8 pl. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1928. JAGOT, Bernard, 1900- *La colpectomie totale simple dans le traitement des prolapsus genitaux. 67p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1929. JAGOT, Paul Clement. L'hypnotisme a distance; la transmission de pens6e et la sugges- tion mentale; methode; pratique d'influence tel6psychique. vi, 192p. 8? Par., Drouin [1925] ---- Le livre renovateur des nerveux, des surmenes, des d6prim6s et des deeourages; guide pratique pour surmonter toute defaillance ner- veuse et cerebrale; lettre-preface du Dr Legrain. 240p. 8? Par., Drouin [1928] ---- Metodo cientifico moderno de magne- tismo, hipnotismo, sugesti6n. 3v. 19cm. B. Aires, Editorial Tor [1938] JAGOT 593 JAHNEL CONTENTS T. 1. C6mo se desarrollan las energfas psicomagneticas y el modo de servirse de ellas. Trad, por Jorge P. Jordana. T. 2. Ensefianza pr&ctica para obtener suefios hipn6ticos, tratado de psico-gimnasia para abordar con plenitud los altos fen6menos pslquicos. Trad, por Jorge P. Jordana. T. 3. C6mo hacer reaccionar la actividad nerviosa sobre los 6rganos enfermos. Trad, por Pedro Labrousse. JAHAN, Henri, 1906- *Le service de Maternite-gynecologie de l'Hopital civil francais de Tunis. 106p. pl. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1932. JAHIEL, Richard, 1899- *Etude sur le rythme des douleurs epigastriques. 88p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1927. JAHN, Anna, 1905- *Die Verwendbarkeit des Jodostick zur Desinfektion der Haut. 31p. 8? Bresl., Schles. Volkztg, 1930. JAHN, Arthur, 1904- *Ueber Agglutinine, agglutinable Substanzen«und Faktoren M und N im miitterlichen Blut und im Nabelschnurblut. 17p. 8? Bresl., Genoss. Buchdr., 1935. JAHN, Ferdinand, 1804-59. Lehmann, H. Die Krankheits- und Heilungs- lehre des meiningischen Hofmedicus Ferdinand Jahn. 57p. 8? Berl., 1936. Forms H. 14. Abh. Gesch. Med. & Naturwiss. (P. Diepgen) JAHN, Friedrich, 1907- *Beitrage zur Pathologie des Magenulcuscarcinoms [Miin- chen] 19p. 21cm. Bleicherode, C. Nieft, 1937. JAHN, Friedrich Ludwig, 1778-1852. Dihle, H. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn im Spiegel seiner Zeit. Med Welt, 1928, 2: 1185-7.—Muller. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. Bl. VolkgesundhpfL, 1927, 27: 169. JAHN, Giinter, 1911- *Die Gastro- enteroanastomie- und Magenresektionskrankheit; zugleich eine Untersuchung von 68 Fallen der Medizinischen Universitatsklinik Halle. 32p. 8? Halle-S., E. Klinz, 1936. JAHN, Heinrich [Ernst Ludwig] 1908- *Lokalanasthesie mit Panthesin; klinische An- wendung, Beobachtung und Versuche in der Veterinarchirurgie [Leipzig] 82p. 8? Regens- burg, H. Schiele, 1933. JAHN [Heinz] Rudolf, 1912- *Ueber Blasenschadigungen nach Strahlentherapie des Genitalcarcinoms [Wurzburg] 39p. 21cm. Ochsenfurt, Fritz & Rappert, 1938. JAHN, Hermann, 1904- *Zur Pharmako- logie der Expektorantien; Wirkung auf die Fhm- merbewegung. 16p. 8? Halle, 1930. Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1930, 101: 23-38. JAHN, Hugo. You needn't have a cold! the causes, prevention, and treatment of the common cold 31p. 8? Bost., B. Humphries [1936J JAHN, Karlheinz, 1907- *Die Extraktion in der Kieferorthopadie [Leipzig] 28p. 8. Oldenb., R. Sussmann, 1931. JAHN [Margarete] Hildegard, 1912- *Die Einwirkung des Honigs auf Bakterien und Sporen. 23p. 23cm. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. JAHN, Theodore Louis, 1905- ^P1™- tory metabolism, p.352-403. 23/2cm. N. Y., Columbia Univ. press, 1941. In Protozoa in Biol. Res. (Calkins, G. N., et al.) JAHN, Victor [M. D., 1930, Zurich] *Ueber das Vorkommen von Gallensauren in mensch- lichen Organen [Zurich] 34p. 8? Brugg, Effingerhof, 1930. JAHNEL, Franz, 1885- Die progressive Paralyse; ihre Pathogenese ihre Diagnose und Therapie. 32p 8? Lpz., H. Kornfeld, 1930. Forms H. 417, Bd 37, Berl. Khn. ____ j)ie progressive Paralyse; mit emem . ioM. -r)jp afrikanische und amerikanische Trypanosomfasis des Menschen. p.647-731. 8? Berl, J. Springer, 1935. 320157—vol. 8. 4th series----38 In Handb. Neurol. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1935, Bd 12. See also Alexander, G., Jahnel, F. [et al.] Syphilis des Nervensystem. 783p. 8! Berl., 1929. Also Gamper, E., Jahnel, F. [et al.] Infektionen und Intoxikationen. 1. Teil. 776p. 8? Berl., 1935. JAHNKE, Curt Herbert, 1901- *Ueber Venenunterbindungen bei thrombophlebitischer Pyamie. 31p. 8? Berl., Studentenwerk, 1931. JAHNKE, Gerda, 1913- *Das Kranken- gut an nicht gynakologischen bosartigen Ge- schwiilsten des Strahleninstituts der Universitats- Frauenklinik Miinchen 1913-36 [Miinchen] 22p. 21cm. Marquartstein i. Chiemgau, Hohen- haus, 1937. JAHNKE, Gunther, 1908- *Die Modell- einlage mit Doppelschiene als geeignetes ortho- padisches Hilfsmittel zur Vermeidung von Spat- folgen bei Verletzungen des oberen Sprunggelenks unter gleichzeitiger Abkiirzung der Behand- lungsdauer und friihzeitiger Wiederherstellung der Arbeitsfahigkeit [Berlin] 25p. pl. 21cm. Tangermiinde, F. Becker & Sohn, 1938. JAHNKE [Heinrich Dietrich] Friedrich, 1895- *Ankylosis mandibulae. 20p. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1932. JAHNKE, Helmut [M. D., 1925, Rostock] *Zur Kasuistik einer isolierten Vestibularstorung bei Meniere'scher Krankheit [Rostock] 8p. 8? Karlsruhe, L. Wetzel, 1925. JAHNKE, Kurt, 1908- *Ueber Bezie- hungen der Schilddriise zum Zahnsystem. 32p. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1932. ---- *Die medikamentosen Exantheme unter spezifischer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Symptome im cavum oris. 40p. 8? Miinch., Bayer. Dr., 1933 JAHNS, Grete, 1910- *Untersuchungen uber Beruhrungsreflexe in der Mundhohle und Mundrachenhohle mit Riicksicht auf die Betrach- tung und die Spiegeluntersuchung des Nasen- rachenraumes [Miinchen] 24p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1936. JAHR, Ernst Giinter, 1904- *Beitrag zur Pharmakologie der anorganischen Rhodanide. p.429-52. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1933. Also Arch. exp. Path., 169: JAHR, Ernst Haakon, 1863- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 590. JAHR, Hellmut, 1909- *Form, Aufbau und Befestigungsweise der Zahne bei Haifischen [Leipzig] 16p. 8? Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1934. JAHRBUCH der iirztlich geleiteten Heilan- stalten und Privatkliniken Deutschlands. Berl., 1925— JAHRBUCH der Biicherpreise; Ergebnisse der Versteigerungen in Deutschland, Oester- reich, Holland, der Schweiz, Skandinavien, der Tschechoslowakei, Ungarn; bearb. von Gertrud Hebbeler. Lpz., 1: 1906- JAHRBUCH der Charakterologie. Berl., v.4-6, 1927-29. JAHRBUCH der Dissertationen der Medi- zinischen Fakultat zu Berlin; 1925/26-1928/29. Berl., E. Ebering, 1926-29. JAHRBUCH fur das gesamte Krankenhaus- wesen. Bd 1, Teil 1 & 2. 332p.;300p. 25)4cm. Berl., Springer, 1932. JAHRBUCH fur Kinderheilkunde und phy- sische Erziehung. Wien [v. pl.] v.115-151, 1927-38. With v.152, 1938, title changed to Annales paediatnci. JAHRBUCH fur Rontgenologen; hrsg. O. Rigler-Hufeland. Berl, v.1-2, 1930-31. JAHRBUCH 594 JAINSKI JAHRBUCH fiir wissenschaftliche und prak- tische Tierzucht einschliesslich der Ziichtungs- biologie, Hannover, v. 1-27, 1905-36. JAHRBUECHER fur Psyehiatrie und Neuro- logic Wien [v. pl.] v.23, 1903- JAHREIS, Heinrich, 1891- *Beitrag zur Behandlung der Keratitis parenchvmatosa. 55p. S? Erlangen, K. Dores, 1927. JAHRESBERICHT Chirurgie. Berl., v.33 (1927) 1929- Vol. 32, 34, 35 wanting; continuation of Jahresbericht Uber die gesamte Chirurgie und ihre Grenzgebiete. JAHRESBERICHT iiber die Fortschritte der inneren Medizin. Lpz., v.3, 1908- JAHRESBERICHT iiber die Fortschritte der Tier-Chemie. Wien [v. pl.] v.1-48 (1871-1918) 1873-1920. JAHRESBERICHT iiber die gesamte Chirurgie und ihre Grenzgebiete. Miinch., v.26-31 (1920-25) 1922-27. With v.32 title changed to Jahresbericht Chirurgie. JAHRESBERICHT iiber die gesamte Urologie und ihre Grenzgebiete. Berl., v.1-6, 1922-28. With v.7, title changed to Jahresbericht Urologie. JAHRESBERICHT Gynakologie und Geburts- hilfe; bibliographisches Jahresregister der Be- richte iiber die gesamte Gynakologie und Ge- burtshilfe sowie deren Grenzgebiete. Berl., v.50 (1937) 1938- JAHRESBERICHT innere Medizin. Berl., v.13 (1930) 1932- JAHRESBERICHT Ophthalmologic; biblio- graphisches Jahresregister des Zentralblattes fiir die gesamte Ophthalmologic und ihre Grenzgebiete. Berl., v.54 (1927) 1929. Continuation of Jahresberichte iiber die gesamte Oph- thalmologic. JAHRESBERICHT der Pharmazie Gott., v.70 (1935) 1936- JAHRESBERICHT Physiologie und experi- mentelle Pharmakologie; bibliographisches Jah- resregister der Berichte iiber die gesamte Phy- siologie ur.d experimentelle Pharmakologie. Berl., v.ll (1930) 1932- JAHRESBERICHT Urologie. Berl., v.7-9, 1929-31. Formerly Jahresbericht iiber die gesamte Urologie und ihre Grenzgebiete. JAHRESVERZEICHNIS der an den deutschen Universitaten und Hochschulen erschienenen Schriften. Berlin (1885) 1887- JAHRESVERZEICHNIS der Schweizerischen Hochschulschriften. Basel, Jahrg. 30 (1927) 1928- JAHRESKURSE fiir arztliche Fortbildung. Munch., v.1-23, 1910-32. JAIL. See Prison. JAIL fever. See Typhus fever. jaipur; India. Senn, N. The citv of Jaipur, India, and Mayo Hospital. In his Around the World, Chic, 1905, 229-45. JAIME, Oscar. Veinticinco anos de pneumotorax en Cuba. Rev. tuberc, Habana, 1940, 4: 371, portr. JAIME Pujiula, R. P. Histologia, embriologfa y anatomia microsc6pica, vegetales, o sea los tejidos vegetales, sus origenes y relaciones. 550p. 8? Barcel., Ed. Cient. Med., 1921. JAINSKI, Paul. Die spektrale Hellempfind- lichkeit des menschlichen Auges und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Lichtmesstochnik. 62p. diagr. 21cm. Berl., Roth & co. [1938] JAIS, Lucien, 1988- *Les maladies coloniales en France avant ct apres la guerre; leur influence sur la morbidite generale plus par- ticulierement a Paris et dans le Department de la Seine. 5Sp. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1928. JAIS, Marcel Oswald, 1908- *La moelle osseuse dans ^agranulocytose et les syndromes agranulocytaires. 143p. 8? Par., E. Le Francois, 1937. JAITHE, Hans, 1908- *Die Feer'sche Krankheit unter Benutzung der einschlagigen Literatur und 6 Fallen der Breslauer Univer- sitats-Kinderklinik [Breslau] vi, 31p. 8? Glei- witz, P. Hill, 1935. JAKE paralysis. See Ginger, Poisoning. JAKHELIN, Christian, 1820-54. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915. 1: 591. JAKHELIN, Nikolai Astrup, 1869-1901. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 591. JAKHNINA, R. E. O qncTOTe, B03iiyxe a co.TiHue. 32p. illust. 17cm. Moskva, Gosud. med. izdat., 1929. JAKOB, Adolf, 1908- *Mundschleim- hautbeteiligung bei Psoriasis vulgaris [Berlin] 20p. 8? Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1932. JAKOB, Alfons, 1909- *Ueber auffallende Unterschiedsbefunde im spezifischen Gewicht des Morgenurins von Mannern, bei welchen dieser in verschiedenen Portionen aufgefangen wurde [Erlangen] 20p. 8? Dresd., R. Risse, 1935. JAKOB, Alfons Maria, 1884-1931. Normale und pathologische Anatomie und Histologic des Grosshirns. 2v. 870p. paged consec. 8? Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1927-29. Forms 1. Abt., 1. Teil, I. & II. Bd of Handb. Psychiat. (G. Aschaffenburg) Lpz., 1927-29. See also B., L. v. A. Jakob, 1884-1931. J. neur. psychiat., Par., 1932, 32: 131.—Josephy. Nekrolog. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1932, 138: 165-8.—Marcus, H. A. Jakob och C. von Economo in memoriam. Sven. lak. tidn., 1932, 29: 193-7.—[Obituary] Psychiat. neur, bl., Amst., 1931, 35: 431.—Weygandt, W. Nekrolog. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1931, 123: p. i-iv. Also Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1931, 33: 582-6. JAKOB, Chr. Folia neurobiol6gica argentina. T. 1. 220p. illust. 27cm. B. Air., A. L6pez, 1941. JAKOB, Heinrich, 1874-1930. Allgemeine Therapie unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung innerer Krankheiten fiir Tierarzte und Studierende der Tiermedizin. 223p. 8? Stuttg., F. Enke, 1932. ' See also Kroon, H. M., Klarenbeek & Veenendaal [Obitu- ary] Tschr. diergeneesk., 1930, 57: 441-5, portr. JAKOB, Hermann [M. D., 1933, Heidelberg] *Ueber die Nateinabehandlung der Hamophilie. 29p. 8? Heidelb. [n. p.] 1933. JAKOB, Hersch, 1909- *La pathologie des representations mentales descriptives dans la paralysie generale juvenile. 40p. 24cm. Par., L. Rodstein, 1940. JAKOB, Ingeborg, 1907- *Spirocid und seine Nebenwirkungen. 29p. 8? Bresl., Carl Seyffarth, 1933. JAKOB, Leonhard, 1913- *Beitrag zur Anatomie der jugendlichen Kiefer; Lage, Grosse von Foramen mandibulare, mentale, Mandibular- kanal und die Bedeutung fiir die Leitungs- anaesthesie [Wurzburg] 19p. pl. 21cm. Aschaffenburg, Gauverl. Mainfranken, 1937. JAKOB, Otto, 1907- *Ueber die kind- lichen Nebenhohlen. 16p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1933. JAKOBOVICS 595 JALAP JAKOBOVICS, Miklos, 1900- Ver- halten des Kiefers und die Zahnstellung bei Schiefhals [Leipzig] 20p. 8? [Zeulenroda i. Thiir., A. Oberreuter] 1928. JAKOBOWICZ, Lazar, 1908- *Sepsis tuberculosa acutissima; Beitrag zum Virulenz- problem der Tuberkelbazillen. p.247-55. 8? Zur., Fluntern, 1935. Also Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., 1934, 84: JAKOBOWITZ, Rachela, 1908- *Das Arzttum in der deutschen medizinischen Litera- tur des 19. Jahrhunderts. 45p. 8? Berl., P. Brandel, 1934. JAKOBSEN, Jakob. See Reiter, P. J., & Jakobsen, J. Pellagroide Dermatosen an Geisteskrankheiten. 125p. 8? Kbh., 1935. JAKOBSEN, Johan Severin, 1894- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 169. JAKOBY, Kurt [Friedrich Heinrich] 1911- *Das Adamantinom; konservative Therapie und nachfolgende Radiumbehandlung. 19p. 8? Munch., Baver. Dr. [1936] JAKOWZOFF, Wassili, 1868- *Fonction- nement de la maternite de l'Hopital Boucicaut pendant l'annee 1931. lOOp. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1932. JAKSCH anemia. See Anemia, infantile pseudoleukemic. JAKSCH-WARTENHORST, Rudolf, 1855- See Ghon, R., & Jaksch, R. von W. R. Die Tuberkulose und ihre Bekampfung nach dem Stande vom Jahre 1921. 8? Wien, 1922. See also Meyer. H. Rudolf Jaksch-Wartenhorst in Prag. zum 82. Geburtstas. Strahlentherapie, 1937, 59: 381, portr.—Pelle- grini, A. Hofrat Professor Doctor Jaksch von Wartenhorst 85 Jahre alt. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 829. JAKUBOWICZ, Aba, 1904- *Ueber pro- tozoenartige Gebilde in Zellen verschiedener Organe des Menschen und ihr Zusammenhang mit Lues congenita [Zurich] 22p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1930. Also Virchows Arch., 1930, 276: 290-304. JAKUBOWICZ, Abram [M. D., 1936, Geneve] Contribution a I'etude de la scoliose essentielle des adolescents et des adultes. 32p. 8? Geneve, Imp. du Commerce, 1936. JAKUBOWICZ, Szlama [M. D., 1941, Basel] *Ueber Myelitis purulenta, Riickenmarksabscess. 30p. 22%cm. Basel, Volksdruck., 1941. JAKUBOWITSCH, Bernhard [M. D., 1940, Basel] *Ueber den Randverlauf an unteren totalen Prothesen. 17p. illust. 23cm. Basel, S. Brin, 1940. JAKUBOWITZ, Oskar, 1901- *Beitrag zur Klinik und Histologie der Adenomyosis (Adenomyohyperplasia) uteri interna [Berlin] 60p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1925. JAKUBOWSKI, Abram, 1910- Con- tribution k I'etude de la maladie d'Ehlers-Danlos. 59p. 8° Par., L. Rodstein. 1927. JAKUBOWSKI, Josef, 1797-1866. For portrait see Collection in Library. JALAGUIER, Adolphe, 1853-1924. Lecene P Necrologie. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 53-72.' Also Progr. med., Par., 1930, 369-83. JALAP [incl. glucosides] See also Convolvulaceae; Gum; Ipomaea; Scammony. . , , • , Coi A *De damnis et abusu resinae lalappae. 26p 4?' Halle Magdeb., 1750 Ron^»n; A J Consideraciones sobre la jalapa de la Banaom, a. . R A mM_ argent., 1934, 48: 718- £a Ro7ch DC7& Beeler, E. C. Resin of jalap, chloroform solubS! Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1940-41, 9: 102-4.—Beach, D. C, Fullerton. J. B., & Jenkins, G. L. Resin of jalap, chloroform solubility. Ibid., 1939-40, 8: 345.— Beeler, E. C. Resin of jalap, chloroform solubility. Ibid., 383-5.—Daenen, E. Falsification de la r6sine de jalap par de l'alo&s. J. chim. m6d., Par., 1866, 5. ser., 2: 217.—Dale, H. E. The analysis of jalap. Pharm. J., Lond., 1927, 119: 516.— [Dangerous jalap root] Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1864-65, 4: 425.— Haluska, L. A. Resin of jalap, tests for. Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S„ 1938-39, 7: 225-7.—Hollander, N. Beitrag zur Frage nach den pharmakologischen Eigenschaften des Jalapins und Gummigutts. Upsala lak. foren. forh., 1935, 41: 231- 85.—Husa, W. J., & Fehder, P. Drug extraction; the effect of variation in solvents on the extraction of jalap. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1935, 24: 615-9. ------ Drug extraction; the extraction of jalap. Ibid., 1937, 26: 221-4.—Jalap, additional test. Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1938-39, 7:'88 — Mannich, C, & Schumann, P. Ueber Jalapenharz und dessen Hauptbestandteil, des Convolvulin. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1938, 276: 211-26.—Nelis, H. Teinture de jalap compos£e; eau de vie allemande. Ann. pharm., Louvain, 1896, 2: 283- 6.—[Pagliano-syrup] Pharm. tid., Kbh., 1863-64, 3: 222.— Youngken, H. W. A recent substitute for jalap. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1940, 29: 62-5. JALAVISTO, Eeva [M. D., 1935, Helsinki] *Quantitative Untersuchungen iiber Spannungs- empfindungen und ihre doppelte, propriozeptiv- haptische Zuordnung. 208p. 8? Helsin., Dr. Finn. Liter. Ges., 1935. Also Acta Soc. med. Duodecim., 1935, ser A, 18: JALEF, Gilbert, 1905- *Le chlorhydrate de choline et ses applications en therapeutique. 103p. 8? Par., Impr. Vieillemard, 1932. JALET, J. See Le Bourdelles, B., & Jalet, J. La tuberculose du lobe azygos. 158p. 8? Par., 1933. JALKH, Camille, 1907- *Contribution k I'etude des traitements chirurgicaux du lupus tuberculeux. 102p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1933. JALLADEAU, Jacques, 1909- *Malfor- mations congenitales associees au syndrome de Klippel-Feil. 70p. 8? 2 pl. Par., Jouve & cie, 1936. JALLER, Levy, 1899- *La doctrine du mouvement et son application rigoureuse dans la science medicale. 78p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1934. JALLEY, Jean, 1903- *Diagnostic de la grossesse par injections a la lapine. 81p. 6 pl. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1933. JAM. See also Confection; Food; Fruit, Preservation; Jelly; Preserve. Cronshaw, H. B. How the British make jams. Food Indust., 1941, 13: No. 5, 74; No. 6, 71.—Hinton, C. L. The examination of fruits and jams by lead precipitation. Analyst, Lond., 1934, 59: 248-73. ------& Macara, T. The composi- tion of some jam fruits and the determination of the fruit con- tent of jams. Ibid., 1940, 65: 540-59.—Jam. Brit. Food J., 1941 43: 3.—Jam (The) Analyst, Lond., 1942, 67: 19.—Jam; deficiency of fruit. Brit. Food J., 1940, 42: 56; 1942, 44: 46.— Jam when sugar is scarce. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 75.— Jarussowa, N. Durch Zusatz von Tannennadelnaufgusskonzen- trat mit Vitamin C bereicherte und nicht bereicherte Apfel- marmelade als Vitamin-C-Trager. Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebens- mitt 1935, 70: 538-40.—Raspberry and redcurrent jam; fruit deficiency. Brit. Food J., 1941, 43: 84. JAMAICA. Weather Bureau. Meteorological observations. Kingston (1928) 1929- ---- The rainfall of Jamaica from about 1870 to end of 1929, 60-year period. 46p. Jamaica, 1934. ---- Jamaica weather report. 4. Kingston, 1934- ---- Jamaica rainfall. Kingston (1940) 1941- JAMAICA. See also Health organization, Jamaica; also West Indies. British (A) dependency without a hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1915, 2: 158.—Fitz-Ritson, W. Development of public health service in Jamaica. Jamaica Pub. Health, 1935, 10: 40-2.— Gosse, P. A pirate and his physicians. S, Bartholemew Hosp. JAMAICA 596 JAMES J., Lond., 1934-35, 42: 205.—Halawani, A. E. Public health problems in Jamaica. J. Egypt. M. Ash., 1933, 16: 47-79 — Jamaica; medica! research. In Med. lies, in Colonies (Gr. Brit. Colon. M. Res. Com.) 1929, 69 — Mayo. W. J. Observa- tions on South America; Jamaica and Canal Zone. J. Am. M. Ass., 1920, 75: 311-5.—Nunez, S. La sanidad en Jamaica y Puerto Rico. Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1934, 13: 908-17. JAMAICA, N. Y. See under New York, N. Y. JAMAICA PLAIN, Mass. Faulkner Hospital. Annual report. Jamaica Plain, v. 1-10, 1903-14. Incomplete. JAMAICA public health. Kingston, 8: 1933- JAMAIN, Charles, 1837-1930. [Necrologie] Bull. Soc. beige opht., 1930, 13. JAMAIN, Jean Alexandre. Manuel de petite chirurgie. 6. ed. 1060p. illust. 12? Par. G. Bailliere & cie, 1880. JAMBLICHUS, -333 A. D. De mysteriis /Egyptorum. 185 1. fol. Venezia, Aldus Manutius, Sept. 1497. ---- [The same] De mysteriis Aegyptorum [ed. M.Ficino] 544p. 32? Lyon, J. de Tournes, 1577. JAMBON, Rene, 1911- *Dystrophies dentaires et her6do-syphilis [Paris] 60p. 8? Rennes, Imp. Prov. de l'Ouest, 1937. JAMBON, Suzanne, 1905- Contri- bution a I'etude de la forme pseudo-phlegmo- neuse de l'angine diphterique. 47p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JAMBON, Yves, 1904- Contribution k I'etude du traitement de l'asthme; auto-vaccino- therapie. 52p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1929. JAMBUL. See also Myrtaceae. Mercier, F., & Vieu-Bonnafous, J. Action hypoglycemiante experimentale des semences de jambul, Syzigium jambolana, Lam. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1940, 133: 150-2. JAME. See Jacquemart, Clavelin, C. & Jame. Le service de sant6 militaire du temps de paix et du temps de guerre. 6. M. 455p. 8? Par. 1934. JAME, Raymond, 1903- *Les dyspepsies gastriques des affections non ulcereuses du duodenum. 168p. 8? Par., C. Serre, 1934. JAMES I, 1566-1625 [King of England, Scot- land, and Ireland, 1603-1625] Riddell, W. R. The death of King James I, a medicolegal study. Med. J. & Rec, 1929, 130: 343-5. JAMES, Alexander, 1851-1932. For obituary see Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1931-32, 52: 463. JAMES, C. Carkeet. Oriental drainage; a guide to the collection, removal and disposal of sewage in eastern cities; with a glossary of sanitary and engineering terms, xi, 260p. pl. 8? Bombay, Times of India pr., 1902. JAMES, Constantin, 1813-88. Guide pratique aux eaux minerales, aux bains de mer et aux stations hivernales; augments d'un traits d'hydro- therapie. 11. ed. iv, 695p. 12? Par., G. Masson [18..] JAMES, Ellery Meredith, 1913- *The deleterious effect of pulmonary embolism on the heart [Asbury Hosp., Minneapolis] 36p. 28cm. [n. p.] 1940. JAMES, Frederic, 1895- Principles of dental histo-pathology, clinical pathology and therapeutics. 2. ed. ix, 526p. illust. 8? Ann Arb., Edwards bros, 1934. ---- The treatment and control of oral infection, vi, 118p. illust. pl. 8? Cincin., Ruter press, 1935. JAMES, G. V. See Harris, I., Aldred, C. N. [et al.] High blood pressure 132p. 8: Lond., 1937. JAMES, George Payne Rainsford, 1801-60. P., V. G. Medical traditions and experiences of a Victorian novelist. Brit. M. J., 1927, 2: 562. JAMES, George Richard, 1894-1928. For obituary see J. Path. Bact., Edinb., 1928, 31: 920. JAMES, George Vaughton. Water treatment; a comprehensive treatise on the treatment of water for all purposes and effluents; purification, sterilisation, coagulation, filtration, storage of industrial and domestic water. xi, 224p. illust. pl. diagr. 23 J km. N. Y., Chemical pub. co., 1941. JAMES, H. E. O. The localization of sound. 38p. diagr. 8? Lond., H. M. Stat. Off., 1936. Forms No. 207, Med. Res. Counc. Spec. Rep. Ser. See also Shaxby, J. H., Gage, F. H. [et al.] Report of the Committee upon the Physiology of Hearing; studies in the localization of sound, pt B. 51p. 8? Lond., 1932. JAMES, John. Dental local anaesthesia. 126p. 8? Edinb., E. & S. Livingstone, 1929. JAMES, John Angell. Memoir of Clementine Cuvier, daughter of Baron Cuvier: with reflec- tions by . . . 96p. 16cm. N. Y., Am. Tract Soc. [after 1828] JAMES, Lawrence J. *Addison's disease [Marquette Univ.] 28p. 4? 'Wauwatosa, Wis., 1931. Typewritten. JAMES, Maurice T. Neotropical flies of the family Stratiomyidae in the United States National Museum. p.595-607. 8? Wash., 1939. Forms v.86, No. 3065, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. JAMES, Norah C. Hospital; a novel. 312p. 8? Lond., Duckworth [1932] JAMES, Paul, 1911- Contribution k I'etude de la sympathose glaucomateuse. 71p. 24cm. Par., C. Doin, 1939. JAMES, Percival Rowland. The baths of Bath in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. 176p. 6 pl. 20}4cm. [Bristol] Arrowsmith [1938] JAMES, Rene, 1911- Contribution k I'etude des hemorragies digestives revelatrices des cirrhoses. 64p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1938. JAMES, Robert, 1705-76. Translator of Ramazzini, B. Diseases of tradesmen. 95p. 8! N. Y. [1933] See also Burr, C. W. Robert James, and his medical dic- tionary. Ann. M. Hist., 1929, n. ser., 1: 180-90.—Hazen, A. T. Samuel Johnson and Dr Robert James. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., 1936, 4: 455-65.—Stine, L. [Biography] Bull. M. Libr. Ass. 1940-41, 29: 187-98. JAMES, Robert Rutson, 1881- Studies in the history of ophthalmology in England prior to the year 1800. x, 255p. pl. portr. 8? Cambr., Cambridge Univ. pr., 1933. See also Bloom, J. H., & James, R. R. Medical practitioners in the diocese of London; an annotated list 1529-1725. 97p. 12? Cambr., 1935. JAMES, Sidney Price, 1870- For portrait see Collection in Library. JAMES, Thomas Chalkley, 1776-1835. Thorns, H. Thomas Chalkley James, a pioneer in the teach- ing of obstetrics in America. Am. J. Obst., 1935, 29: 289-94. For portrait (engraving by Neagle) see Collection in Library. JAMES, W. T. Morphologic form and its relation to behavior, p.525-643. 26cm. Phila., Wistar Inst. Anat., 1941. In Genet. & Endocr. Basis Differ. Form & Behavior (Stock- ard, C. R.) See also Liddell, H. S., James, W. T., & Anderson, O. D. The comparative physiology of the conditioned motor reflex. 89p. 26cm. Bait., 1934. JAMES, Walter Belknap, 1858-1927. For obituarv see J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 1250. Also Med. J. & Rec, 1927, 125: 635. Also Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1927, 11: 681-7. JAMES 597 JAMET JAMES, William. Dictionary of the English and German languages; German-English and English-German in one volume. 43. ed. xii, 532p; 592p. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co. [n. d.] Also 54. ed. xii, 532p. 8? Lpz., B. Tauchnitz, 1936. JAMES, William, 1842-1910. Psychology. xiii, 478p. 8? N. Y., H. Holt & co., 1892. ---- The varieties of religious experience; a study in human nature; being the Gifford lectures on natural religion delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-2. xviii, 526p. 18cm. N. Y., Modern Library [1902] For biography see Am. J. Psychol., 1942, 55: 309, portr. Also Nature, Lond., 1942, 149: 47. See also Allport, G. W. The productive paradoxes of William James. Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 95-120.— Angier, R. P. Another student's impressions of James at the turn of the cen- tury. Ibid., 132-9.—Baum, M. William James and psychical research. J. Abnorm. Psychol, 1935, 30: 111-8.—Boring, E. G. Human nature vs sensation; WUliam James and the psychology of the present. Am. J. Psychol., 1942, 55: 310-27.—Centenary of the birth of William James. Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 82- 139.—Delabarre, E. B. A student's impressions of James in the late '80's. Ibid., 125-7.—Dewey, J. The Principles [of psychology of William James] Ibid., 121.—Heidbreder, E. The psychology of William James. In her Seven Psychol., N. Y., 1933, 152-200.—Leroux, E. Notes toward the comple- tion of a bibliography of the writings of William James. J. Philos., 1927, 24: 201-3.—Nagel, E. The progress of science. Sc. Month., 1942, 55: 379-81, portr.—Perry, R. B. James the psychologist, as a philosopher sees him. Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 122-4.—Spoerl, H. D. Abnormal and social psychology in the life and work of William James. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1942, 37: 3-19.—Starbuck, E. D. A student's impressions of James in the middle '90's. Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 128-31.— Thorndike, E. L. James' influence on the psychology of per- ception and thought. Ibid., 87-94.—Winkler, J. K., & Brom- berg, S. William James, a psychological prima donna. In their Mind Explorers. N. Y., 1939, 146-83. See also Brett, G. S. [In memory] Am. J. Psychiat., 1942- 43, 99: 454-7.—Necrologie. Rev. psychol., Brux., 1910, 3: 375.—Obituary. South. M. & S., 1939, 101: 91. For portrait see Collection in Library. Also Psychol. Rev., 1943, 50: 82. JAMES, William Daniel, 1885- For biography see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1938, 35: 655, portr. JAMES, William McCully, 1880-1942. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 1215. JAMES, William Warwick, 1874- , & FICKLING, Benjamin William. Injuries of the jaws and face, with special reference to war casualties. xi, 199p. illust. diagr. 25cm. Lond., J. Bale & Staples [1940] JAMESON, Charles Harold, 1893- For portrait see J. Maine M. Ass., 1942, 33: 163. JAMESON, Edwin Milton, 1902- Gyne- cological and obstetrical tuberculosis. 256p. illust. diagr. 8? Phila., Lea & Febiger, 1935. ---- Gynecology and obstetrics, xv, 170p. illust. pl. 16? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1936. JAMESON, Howard Leon, 1881-1942. Bortz, E. L. [Obituary] Ann. Int. M., 1942, 17: 378. JAMESON, Patrick Chalmers, 1867-1939. For obituary see Brooklyn Hosp. J., 1940,2: 5, portr. Also Ohly, J. H. [Obituary] Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, 1940, 38: 15-7, portr. Also Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1940, 23: 641-4, portr. JAMESON, Sir William Wilson, 1885- , & PARKINSON, George Singleton. A synopsis of hygiene, specially intended for those studying for a diploma in public health. 3. ed. vii, 541p. pl. 8? Lond., J. & A. Churchill, 1930. Also 5. ed. viii, 623p. 1936. Also 6. ed. viii, 687p. 22cm. 1939. JAMESTOWN [Virginia] Dental Convention. Transactions of the Jamestown Dental Conven- tion, held at Norfolk, Va., September 10, 11, and 12,1907. xxiv, 118p. illust. portr. 8? Phila., Dental Cosmos, 1908. JAMET, Charles, 1905- *Diphtenes frustes et cachees des voies aeriennes superieures chez l'adulte sans manifestations angineuses. 76p. 2 pl. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1932. JAMET, Lucienne, 1905- *Traitement des algies zosteriennes par irradiation du ganglion de Gasser. 90p. 8? Lyon, Bosc fr., 1935. t JAMET, Marcel, 1909- *Contribution k I'etude des tumeurs benignes pendulaires de Pamygdale. 68p. 25^cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1939. JAMIESON, Edward Bald [M. B., 1906, Edinburgh] A companion to manuals of practical anatomy. 3. ed. xxxv, 654p. 16? Lond. H. Milford [1932] Also 5. ed. 734p. 16Kcm. Oxford Univ. pr., 1942. ---- Illustrations of regional anatomy. 7 sect, (bd separately) v. pl. 8? Edinb., E. & S. Livingstone, 1934-37. Also 3. ed. Sect. I-V. 5v. 21 x 16/2cm. 1941. Also 4. ed. Sect. 2: 1942- ---- Illustrations of anatomy for nurses. 2 1. 62 pl. 8? Edinb., E. & S. Livingstone, 1938. See also Robinson, A., & Jamieson, E. B. Surface anatomy. 175p. 8? Lond., 1928. Editor of Cunningham, D. J. Cunningham's text-book of anatomy. 7. ed. 1506p. roy. 8? N. Y., 1937. Also editor of Dixon, F. Dixon's manual of human osteology 2. ed. 465p. 12! Lond., 1937. - JAMIESON, Elizabeth Marion, & SEWALL, Mary. Ethics notebook for nurses. [48]p. 4? Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1931. ---- Trends in nursing history; their relation- ship to world events, ix, 570p. illust. 20}4cm. Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1940. JAMIN, Ernest, 1910- *Du respect de l'ovarie en chirurgie gyn^cologique 99p. 24cm. Par., Jouve & cie, 1939. JAMISON, Alcinous Burton, 1851- Intes- tinal irrigation; or, Why, how and when to flush the colon; treated in connection with other matters of physiological interest and importance. 5. ed. x, 210p. 5 pl. 12? N. Y., Tyrrell Hygienic in- stitute [1929] JAMISON, Reginald, -1942. For obituary see S. Afr. M. J., 1942, 16: 193. JAMISON, Stanford Chaille, 1887- For biography see N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1934-35, 87: 707, portr. JAMMET, Claire, 1900- *Villemin; sa vie et son oeuvre (1827-92) 63p. portr. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1933. JAMMET, Marie Louise, 1905- *Le syndrome de nanisme renal. 137p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1936. JAMOT, Eugene, 1879-1937. Mesnil, F. [Necrologie] Presse med., 1937, 45: 850 portr.—Necrologie. Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1937, 30: 337-40j JAMOT, Marcel France, 1909- Con- tribution a I'etude experimentale de l'intoxica- tion par le tetrachlorure de carbone. 60p. pl. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1936. JAMPOLSKY, Maurice, 1901- *De quelques considerations sur les congestions pulmonaires idiopathiques de la nature tubercu- leuse de quelques-unes d'entre-elles. 114p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1928. JAMVOLD, Ellinor, 1890- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 169. JAN, Robert, 1906- Contribution k I'etude des metastases osseuses revelatrices des cancers ignores de la prostate. 45p. 8? Par., Le Francois, 1932. JANAUD, Pierre, 1904- Contribution k I'etude de l'epiphysite vertebrale douloureuse des adolescents. 77p. pl. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1929. JANCKE 598 JANET JANCKE, Editha, 1908- *Magencar- cinom auf dem Boden von chronischem Magen- geschwur. 20p. 8? Tub., A. Becht, 1934. JANCKE, Fritz [Eugen Edmund] 1901- *Thermophile Bakterien in Milch: Beitrage zur Biologie der Thermophilen [Kiel] p.303-50. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1928. Also Milchwirtschaftl. Forsch., 1928, 6: JANCKE, Gerd, 1907- *Die Bewertung der Vorgeschichte fiir die Aetiologie und fiir die Diagnose von Uterusgeschwulsten. 18p. 8? Greifswald, H. Adler, 1933. JANCKE, Gerhard, 1906- *Ueber spon- tane innere Gallenfisteln und ihre klinische Bedeutung nach 109 Fallen der Giessener Chirurgischen Klinik [Giessen] 45p. 8? Griin- berg, H. Ritter, 1934. JANCKE, Herbert, 1898- *Zwei Falle von Dementia infantilis [Bonn] p. 114-27. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1929. Also Arch. Kinderh., 1929, 88: JANCKE, Ursula, 1912- *Die unter- schiedliche Fruchtbarkeit in den einzelnen Jenaer Bevolkerungsschichten [Jena] 27p. 21cm. Borna-Lpz., R. Noske, 1937. JANDER, Wolfgang, 1905- *Ueber Verkalkungsprozesse im Gehirn mit einem eigenen Fall. 32p. pl. 8? Walldorf-Heidelb., F. Lamade, 1931. JANDRAIN, Richard Raymond, 1896- *A study of twenty cases diagnosed as eclampsia [Marquette] 13p. 4? Milwaukee [n. p.] 1930. Typed. JANE, Julio, 1901- *Etude sur la medecine de l'homme prehistorique. 54p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1934. JANEAU, Charles, 1908- *L'alcoolisa- tion des nerfs intercostaux; traitement adjuvant de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 119p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1936. JANET, Charles. Le volvox [Mem. 1-3, pt 1] 3 pts. plates. 8? Limoges [& v. p.] Ducourtieux & Gout [et al.] 1912-23. ---- L'alternance sporophyto-gametophyti- que de generations chez les aigues. 108p. 8? Limoges, Ducourtieux & Gout, 1914. ---- Sur la phylogenese de l'orthobionte. 72p. pl. 8? Limoges, Ducourtieux & Gout, 1916. ---- Sur le Botrydium granulatum. 6p. 8? Limoges, Ducourtieux & Gout, 1918. ---- Considerations sur l'etre vivant; la characee consideree au point de vue orthobionti- que. 54p. pl. 4? Beauvais, Dumontier & Hague, 1922. ---- Revendications. 13p. 10 pl. (1 fold.) 24cm. Limoges, Ducourtieux, 1923. JANET, Henri [M. D., 1922, Paris] Maladies de la glande thyroide. p.635-94. Par., Masson & cie, 1934. In Trait§ m6d. enf. (Nobecourt & Babonneix) Par., 1934, 1: JANET, Jules, 1861- Diagnostic et traitement de la blennorrhagie chez l'homme et chez la femme. 536p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1929 JANET, Paul, 1823- Le cerveau et la pensee. 179p. 12? Par., Bailliere, 1867. JANET, Pierre, 1859- L'etat mental des hysteriques; etudes sur divers symptomes hysteri- ques. 3. ed. viii, 168p. 8? Par., F. Alcan, 1931. ---- La force et la faiblesse psychologiques; texte integral des conferences d'apres les notes stenographiques recueillies et redigees par M. Miron Epstein. 326p. 8? Par., N. Maloine, 1932. See also Faber, A. [Pierre Janet and psychotherapy] Ugeskr. laeger, 192ii, 87: 551. Kav, M. B. Pierre Janet. In her Doctors of the Mind, Bost., 1942, 97. JANEWAY, Edward Gamaliel, 1841-1911. For photograph see Collection in Library. JANEWAY, Thedore Caldwell, 1872-1917. For portrait see Collection in Library. JANICEPS. See under Abnormities, double; Face, Ab- normity; Head, Abnormity. JANIK, Fritz, 1902- *Versuche iiber die Verwendbarkeit der Ratte in der experimentellen Vaccineforschung [Rostock] 22p. 8? Hamb., A. Brunnler, 1933. JANIN, Eugene, 1898- *Fonctionnement du service social k 1'hopital et en particulier k la Maternite de l'Hopital Lariboisiere. 52p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1929. JANISCH, Otto [Hermann Erich] 1908- *Beitrag zur Frage der mucoiden Degeneration in Arterienwanden bei Spontanrupturen und Aneurysmata dissecantia-Bildungen der Aorta [Berlin] 31p. 23cm. Charlottenb., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1939. JANK [Moritz] Curt, 1900- *Sexual- delikte bei Kindern. 16p. 23^cm. Lpz., E. Gartner, 1937. JANKE, Carstan Wilhelm, 1867- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 591. JANKE, Georg, 1911- *Die Anomalien des Wurzelverlaufs; ihre Erklarungen und die kritische Betrachtung dieser Erklarungen. 23p. 8? Bresl., Genoss.-Buchdr., 1935. JANKE, Giinther, 1909- *Die Heilung unter dem Schorf bei scharfer und elektrischer Wundsetzung [Breslau] 19p. 21cm. Brieg- Bresl., B. Berger, 1937. JANKE, Martin, 1907- *Erfolge und Misserfolge bei der operativen Behandlung der Varizen [Rostock] 56p. 8? Grossenhain, H. Plasnick, 1933. JANKE, Siegfried [Karl Helmuth] 1902- *Der Pont'sche Index und seine Anwendung auf das Milchgebiss. 31p. 6 tab. 8? Greifswald, H. Adler, 1936. JANKER, Robert, 1894- Rontgenganz- aufnahmen des Menschen; Darstellung des normalen Skeletts seiner ererbten und erworbenen Veranderung. 17 [80]p. pl. fol. Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1934. JANKNECHT, Franciscus Ludovicus Wilhel- mus, 1861-1939. For obituary see Geneesk. gids, 1939, 17: 300, portr. JANKOFF, Petko, 1900- *Dilatations- verletzungen der Cervix uteri mit lebensgefahr- licher Blutung. 20p. 8? Miinch. [n. p.] 1929. JANKOFF, Tanjo, 1901- *Zur Behand- lung der tabischen Sehnervenatrophie mit Impf- malaria. 32p. 8? Lpz., E. M. Loffler, 1929. JANKOVSKY, Paul Georges, 1907- *Des fistules congenitales laterales basses du cou [Paris] 60p. 8? Riga [n. p.] 1937. JANKOWSKI, Else, 1908- *Ueber die Frage des Ueberlebens bei Kohlenoxydvergiftung mehrerer Personen vom gerichtlich-medizinischen Standpunkt [Breslau] 23p. 8? Bleicherode- Herz, C. Nieft, 1936. JANKOWSKY, Ernst. Leitfaden zur Pulpa- und Wurzelbehandlung; auf Grund bakteriolo- gischer Untersuchungen, mikroskopischer Studie und 25 jahr. praktischer Erfahrung. 112p. illust. 21/2cm. Berl., M. Gehlen, 1939. JANKOWSKY 599 JANSEN JANKOWSKY, Kurt, 1901- *Versuche und klinische Erfahrungen iiber die Beeinflussung der Magenaziditat durch Bellafolin im Vergleich zu Atropin und Eumydrin [Halle-Wittenberg] 24p. 8? Halle-Saale, O. Jung, 1927. JANN, Max [M. D., 1934, Basel] *Die Geburten der letzten 20 Jahre in Basel-Stadt [Basel] 24p. 8? Altdorf, Huber, 1934. JANNAS, Evangelos, 1905- *Zur Kennt- nis des todlich verlaufenden Fruchtabtrei- bungsversuches bei nicht vorhandener Schwanger- schaft mit einem kasuistischen Beitrag. 28p. 8? Miinch. [n. p.] 1930. JANNASCH [Alfred] Rudolf, 1909- *Zur Geschichte der zahnarztlichen Fullzemente und ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung [Leipzig] 35p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1935. JANNASCH, Hermann, 1893- *Ueber die Sanocrysinbehandlung der Lungentuber- kulose im Vergleich zur Partigentherapie (Bres- lau] 40p. 8? Lubeck, M. Schmidt-Romhild, 1926. JANNASCH [Ludwig Michael] Karl, 1910- *Schadelveranderungen bei Agnathie [Greifs- wald] 19p. 8? Neustadt-Aisch, P. C. W. Schmidt, 1934. JANNEY, Francis Rush, 1894- For portrait see Wisconsin M. J., 1941, 40: 1268. JANNEY, Oliver Edward, 1856-1930. Medical adviser; or How to treat the sick and the injured. 73p. 16? Bait., Maryland Homoepathic Phar- macy co., 1900. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1930, 95: 1929. JANNIC, Clet Jacques Marie, 1908- *De quelques parathyroidectomies [Paris] 83p. 8? Rennes, Imp. Prov. Ouest, 1936. JANNIN, Albert Antoine, 1907- *Re- cherches d'anthropologie anatomique sur le calcaneum. 75p. pl. 25cm. Bord., Brusau fr 1933 JANNIN, Louis, 1914- ^Resection endo- scopique de la prostate soins postoperatoires et complications. 89p. 25J4cm. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1939. JANNULIS, George Euth, 1908- *Sauer- bruch - Hermannsdorfer - Gerson'schen Diatbe- handlung und Mineralogen. 28p. 8? Giessen, O. Kindt, 1930. JANNY, Julius, 1842- For portrait see Billroth, C. A. T. Billroth's Assistenten von 1867-89; group photograph in Library. JANOTA, Otakar, & WEBER, Klement. Die paroxysmale Lahmung; eine Studie iiber ihre Klinik und Pathogenese. 118p. 8? Berl., S. Karger, 1925. Forms H. 46, Abh. Neur. Psychiat. JANOVSKY, Michael Vladimirovich, 1854- 1927. Gurevitch, G. [Obituary] Russk. klin, 1928, 9: No. 45, 3-5.—Krilov, D. [In memoriam] Vrach. delo, 1928, 11: 361-4. Also Vrach. gaz., 1927, 31: 1555-8. JANOWITZ, Maria, 1906- *Beitrag zum Herzaneurysma [Berlin] 43p. 8? Charlottenb., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1937. JANOWSKY, Sam, 1905- *Der Einfluss der Witterung auf das C02-Bindungsverm6gen des Blutserums von Zuckerkranken. 22p. 8? Miinch., P. Waizmann, 1937. JANSE, Joseph, See Wells, B. F., & Janse, J. Chiropractic practice, v.l: Infectious diseases. 139p. 23cm. Chic, 1942. JANSEN, Albert, 1859-1933. *Proeven over transplautatie der schildklier. 95p. 4 pl. 23Hcm. Utrecht, P. den Boer, 1911. ^ee also Alexander. G. [Biography] Mschr. Ohrenh., Wien 1930 64: 117-25, portr.—Claus, H. Nekrolog. Arch. uhl"-v,&C^eilt' I??3-84' U7: 7-9-Neumann, H. Nekrolog. Mschr. Ohrenh., Wien, 1933, 67: 1279. JANSEN, Curt, 1899- *Die Milch- verwertung durch das moderne Molkereige- weT^TL^iel] 134P- 8? Berl-> R- Kuhn, 1927. JANSEN, Ernst, 1907- *Der Einfluss der Substitution auf die kolloid chemische Wir- kung von Essigsaure- und Phenolderivaten und die Beziehungen zu desinfizierenden Eigenschaf- ten [Bonn] 28p. 8? Berl., F. C. W. Vogel 1931 Also Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1930, 158: 1-28. JANSEN, Ernst Adolf, 1906- *Inwieweit begunstigen die anatomischen Verhaltnisse im Molarenbereich der Kiefer das Zustandekommen von Zahnbetterkrankungen. 31p. 8° Bonn H. Trapp, 1933. JANSEN, Hanns Ernst [Gustav] 1904- *Das Proletariat im Vormarz in den Anschauun- gen deutscher Denker [Kiel] 97p. 8? Essen Reismann-Grone, 1928. JANSEN, Hans, 1892- *Ueber toxische Wirkungen des Naphthalin und die therapeu- tische Verwendung desselben. 23p. 8? Bonn P. Rost, 1920. JANSEN, Hans Hugo, 1906- *Ueber Pyknolepsie [Leipzig] 52p. 8? Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1934. JANSEN, Heinrich, 1902- *Ueber Luxa- tionen im Lisfrancschen Gelenk an Hand eines Falles [Heidelberg] lip. 8? [Wertheim a. M., E. Beckstein] 1932. JANSEN, Heinrich, 1907- *Woran Ster- ben die an Appendicitis Operierten? 19p. 8° Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1934. JANSEN, Helmut, 1910- *Ein Fall von foudroyanter Meningokokkensepsis und ein Versuch seiner atiologischen Deutung [Breslau] 20p. 8? Weende-Gott., F. Pieper, 1938. JANSEN, Hendrik Jacobus, 1904- *Zur Kasuistik des Schleimhautlupus und des Lupus- karzinoms im Bereiche der Mundhohle. 103p 21/2cm. [Miinster i. W., n. p.] 1937. JANSEN, Use, 1910- *Elektrische Punkt- schweissung bei orthodontischen Stahlappara- ten. 31p. tab. 8? Bonn, L. Neuendorff, 1935. JANSEN, James Christian, 1868- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: JANSEN, Jan Birger, 1898- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 170. JANSEN, Josef, 1908- *Ueber die in den Jahren 1930-34 beobachteten angeborenen Kolo- bome des Augapfels [Wurzburg] 23p. 21cm. Ochsenfurt a. M., Fritz & Rappert, 1936. JANSEN, Josef, 1908- *Ein Beitrag zur Chirurgie der Meningiome [Miinster] 33p. 21cm. Quakenbruck, R. Kleinert, 1937. JANSEN, Karl, 1905- *Studien iiber das weisse Blutbild bei Hautkrankheiten [Miinchen] 37p. 8? Borna-Lpz., R. Noske, 1930. JANSEN, Lars, 1866-1909. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist, 1915, 1: 593. JANSEN, Leo, 1907- *Der Bau des Herzens von Ciconia atra. 27p. 25cm. Miinster i. Westf., H. Buschmann, 1938. JANSEN, Lucy, 1894- *Die Radio- aktivitat der Tubinger Quellen. 16p. 8? Tub., E. Gobel, 1929. JANSEN, Maria, 1913- *Ueber die Aus- wirkung der Funktion an Zahnem und Kiefern auf Grund der Untersuchung nicht entkalkter Zahn-Knochenschliffe. 35p. 20}^cm. Bonn, H. Trapp, 1938. JANSEN 600 JANSSON JANSEN, Murk, 1867-1935. Hohmann, G. Nekrolog. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir.. 1934- 35, 35: 225, portr.—[Obituary] Geneesk. gids, 1935, 13: 239. Also J. Bone Surg., 1935, 17: 510, portr. Also Lancet, Lond., 193:.. 1: !)46. Also N. England J. M., 1935, 212: 451.—Spitzy, H. Nckiolog. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1935, 63: 161-3, portr.— Wilde. P. A. de [Obituary] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 1(127. portr. JANSEN, Paul, 1904- *Das Gutta- diaphotverfahren. 62p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1931. JANSER, Joseph. *Ueber Eclampsia infan- tum. 39p. 8? Ziir., Genossenschafts-Buchdr., 1876. J ANSE Y, Felix, 1903- First aid treat- ment, p.791-872. 22cm. Phila., F. A. Davis co., 1938. In Art & Science of Nursing (E. L. Rothweiler & J. M. White) See also Rothweiler, E. L., Coulter, J. S., & Jansey, F. The science and art of nursing. 1196p. 8? Phila., 1935. JANSON, Adolf, 1908- *Ueber das Fehlen der Stirnhohlen insbesondere bei Supra- orbitalneuralgie [Wurzburg] 15p. 8? Karl- stadt, J. Dietz, 1932. JANSON, Carl Maria, 1909- *Ueber die ensiblen und motorischen Ausfallserscheinungens bei Lumbalanaesthesie (gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Frage der verschiedenen Empfindlichkeit sensibler und motorischer Nerven) [Freiburg] 37p. 8? Mainz, Lehrlingshaus, 1932. JANSON, Ernst, 1909- *Ueber die Be- handlung besonders hartnackiger Falle raann- licher Gonorrhoe [Miinchen] 20p. 21cm. Gutersloh i. Westf., Thiele, 1936. JANSON, Martin, 1904- *Odontogener Abszess am ausseren Augenwinkel und Lidodem [Wurzburg] 23p. 8? Karlstadt, J. Dietz, 1927. JANSSEN, Carl Wilhelm, 1900- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 170. JANSSEN, Charles Louis, 1886-1941. For obituary see Current Biogr., N. Y., 1941, 2: 433. JANSSEN, Diedrich [Georg Richard] 1912- *Traumatische Lungenrupturen bei un- versehrtem Thorax. 48p. 22cm. Marb., A. Zetl, 1937. JANSSEN, Gerhard, 1906- *Die Me- thodik der Geruchsprufung und ihre praktisch- klinische Bedeutung [Kiel] 20p. 8? Libau, G. D. Meyer, 1930. JANSSEN, Hubertus Anna, 1857- Wilde, P. A. de [Biography] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1932, 76: pt 1, 506. JANSSEN, Joachim, 1904- *Zur Kennt- nis der Einschlafsucht (Narkolepsie) 19p. 21cm. Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1936. JANSSEN, Karl [Eduard] 1902- ♦Ver- gleichende iontometrische Rontgenstrahlenmes- sungen zwischen Iontoquantimeter nach Wintz und Martius-Ionimeter, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Standarddosimetrie in R-Einheiten [Rostock] 27p. 8° Giitersloh i. Westf., Thiele, 1934. JANSSEN, Oltmann, 1911- *Zur Erb- biologie der Retinitis pigmentosa [Miinster] 17p. 21cm. Bremen, Anker, 1938. JANSSEN, Rudolf, 1908- *Ueber die gerichtsarztliche Bedeutung der congenitalen Lues [Bonn] 24p. 8? Aachen, Westdeut. Dr.-Ges., 1934. JANSSEN, Sigurd [M. D., 1927, Freiburg i. B.] *Der Gaswechsel des Skelettmuskels im Tonus [Freiburg i. B.] 25p. 8? Lpz., F. C. W. Vogel, 1927. JANSSEN, Wilhelm [Josef Albert Maria] 1899- *Volkswirtschaftliche Betrachtungen iiber die Oelindustrie in Xeuss [Philos.] [7]p. 22cm. Giessen [1923] JANSSON, C. Gosta [M. D., 1921, Helsinki] *Studier over don intcrmodiara koksaltomsiittnin- gen hos miinniskan (blodkoksaltspcgeln vid belastningsforsok) 137p. 8? Helsin., Mer- cators Trvckeri, 1924. JANSSONIUS, Hindrik Haijo [M. D., 1918, Groningen] *De tangentiale groei van eenige pharmaceutische hasten. 60p. illust. 21cm. Groningen, M. De Waal, 1918. JANTHUR, Walter, 1910- *Speichel- steine. 23p. 8? Frankfurt a. M. [n. p.] 1936. JANTKE, Werner, 1907- *Ueber don Kalzium-, Phosphor-, Kalium- und Cholesterin- spiegel im Serum bei Frakturen [Miinchen] 38p. 8? Konigsb., R. Lankeit, 1933. JANTZEN, Ernst, & SCHMALFUSS, Hans. Schonendes Eindampfen bei niederen Tempera- turen. p.1479-528. 2 tab. Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1932. In Abt. 5, Teil 2, pt 2, Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abder- halden, E.) JANTZEN, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1908- *Bakteriologische und klinische Untersuchungen iiber Triformazon. 31p. 8? Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1934. JANTZEN, Julius, 1907- ♦Untersuchun- gen an Serienmodellen orthodontisch unbe- handelter Kinder. 28p. 8? Frankfurt a. M., J. D. Reuter, 1935. JANUS, Kurt, 1904- *Ueber ein neues Gonorrhoemittel Silberthiosulfat mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der theoretischen Grundlagen der Silbertherapie [Miinchen] 26p. 8? Hamb., A. Briinnler, 1930. JANUS; Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte und Litera- tur der Medicin; hrsg. von A. W. E. Th. Henschel. Ersten Bandes erstes Heft. Breslau, Edward Trewendt, 1846. [v. p.] portr. 8? Lpz., Alfred Lorentz, 1929. True-to-original reprint of pt of vol. 1 of Janus, presented to the participators at the opening ceremony of the William H. Welch Medical Library and the Department of the History of Medicine of Johns Hopkins University, October 17-18, 1929. JANUS. Refait, R. Le dieu Janus; sa lfigende, son histoire. Aescu- lape, Par., 1938, 28: 206-11. JANUS green. See also Dye; Staining. Supniewski, J. W., & Hano, J. L'action pharmacodynami- que du vert de Janus sur la circulation des mammif£res. Bull. internat. Acad, polon. sc, cl. m6d., 1933, 389-98. JANUS Plancus. See Bianchi, Giovanni. JANVIER, Paul, 1913- *L'alcool, cancer social. 31p. 25#cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1939. JANVIER, Roger Edouard, 1907- *Le drainage du rein; son interet dans la chirurgie conservatrice. 184p. 15 pl. 8? Par., L. Cario, 1937. JANVRIN, Joseph Eduard, 1840-1911. For photograph see Collection in Library. JANY, Charles, 1896- *Etude radiologi- que des broncho-pneumonies aigues de l'enfance. 102p. 8? Par., M. Vign6, 1927. JANY, Gabrielle, 1907- *L'eiimination de l'eau dans la pratique courante. 109p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1932. JANY, Rene, 1906- *La densimetrie urinaire dans la pratique courante. 118p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1932. JANZ, Gerhard, 1902- *Beitrag zur Klinik der primaren malignen Lungentumoren [Berlin] 33p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1926. JANZ 601 JAPAN JANZ, Hans Werner, 1906- *Psycho- biologische Untersuchungen an Ehefrauen chro- nischer Alkoholiker. 82p. 8? Konigsb., J. Raabe, 1932. JAPAN. Teikoku eisei horei. 3 p. 1. 21p. 946p.;31p. 8? Tokyo, 1910. JAPAN. Bureau de la Statistique Generale au Cabinet Imperial. " Resume statistique de I'Empire du Japon. Tokyo, 48., 1934- ----Resume statistique du mouvement de la population de I'Empire du Japon. Tokyo, 16. (1934) 1936- JAPAN. National Research Council. Report. Tokyo, v.l, 1922- [JAPAN] Societas ophthalmologica japonica. Acta. Tokyo, v.43, 1939- [JAPAN] Societas paediatrica japonica. See Acta paediatrica japonica (Zika zassi) [JAPAN] Society for the Promotion of Scien- tific Research. See Palao Tropical Biological Station. JAPAN. War Office. Reports to the questions at the study of the 6th International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy concerned to Japan. 23p. 21cm. Tokyo [1931] JAPAN [and Japanese] See also names of Japanese cities and occupied territories as Formosa; Korea; Nagasaki; Osaka; Tokyo; Yokohama; also Orient; Pacific Islands. Akimoto, S. The lure of Japan. 371p. 8? Tokyo [1934] Embree, J. F. The Japanese. 42p. 23Hcm. Wash., 1943. Bloch, K. How strong is Japan? Mil. Affairs, 1942, 6: 27-35.—Chamberlin, W. H. Who are these Japanese. Am. Mercury, 1942, 54: Feb., 155-64.—Hodgen, J. D. Japan. Tr. California Dent. Ass. (1909) 1910, 36. Sess., 207-13 — Japanese (The) are tough. Mil. Rev., Fort Leavenw., 1942- 43, 23: No. 2, 58.—Japan's resources. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 546.—Kaburaki, T. Preservation of zoological natural monuments in Japan. Proc. Pacific Sc. Congr. (1939) 1940, 6. Congr., 4: 225-7. ------ Further notes on the effect pi some exotic animals upon the fauna of Japan. Ibid., 229.— Okada, Y. A revision of the parallelism between the distri- bution of lizards and that of frogs in the Japanese Empire. Ibid., 219-24.—Peffer, N. Japan's dilemma. Yale Rev., 1941-42, 31: 336-49.—Roosevelt, F. D. Resumen hist6rico de las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos de America y el Imperio del Jap6n; mensaje dirigido al congreso por el senor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Presidente de Los Estados Unidos De America. Rev. mil., La Paz, 1942, 6: 399-410.—Shults, J. H. The true secret of the Japanese soldier's success. Los Angeles M. J., 1903-4, 1: 600-2.—Thomas, E. D. The philosophy, aims, and resources of the Japanese. Congressional Record, 1943, 89: A2571-3 (clipping) ---- Archeology, anthropology, and ethnog- raphy. See also names of parts of the body. Jones, T. E. *Mountain folk of Japan; a study in method [Columbia Univ.] 132p. 8? N. Y., 1926. Akabori, E. Crania nipponica recentia; analytical inquiries into the non-metric variations in the Japanese skull according to age and sex. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1933-34, 4: Anat., 61-351 — Akiba, T. Ueber KXjrperproportionen der japanischen Feten. Fol. anat. jap., 1924, 2: 189-219.—Akune, M. Zur serologischen Anthropologie der Japaner. Zsehr. Morph. Anthrop., 1932, 30: 373-81, 3 pl.—Average (The) size of Japanese students. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1928.—Baelz, E. Zur Vor- und Urgeschichte Japans. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1907, 39: 281-310. ------ Die Menschenrassen Ostasiens. Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1909, 39: 18-30.—Biasuti, R. Contributi all'antro- pologia e all'antropogeografia dei popolazioni del Pacifico Settentrionale. Arch, antrop. etnol., Fir., 1910, 40: 51-96.— Differentiation between Chinese and Japanese. Dent. Digest, 1942, 48: 333.—Gowland, W. The burial mounds and dolmens of the early emperors of Japan. J. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Britain, 1907, 37: 10-46.—Huruhata, T., & Kisi, T. On the bio- chemical racial-index of the Japanese in the Hokuriku District (northern Dart of middle Japan) Japan M. World, 1926, 6: 1-3. Also J. Immun., Bait., 1926, 12: 83-9.—Ito, P. K. Antbrnnometric study of new-born infants of Japanese parents m America. Am. J.. Dis. ChUd 1936, 52: 321-30. ------ Comparative biometrical study ot physique of Japanese women bom and reared under different environments. Human Biol., 1942, 14: 279-351.—Koganei, Y. Bestattungsweise der bteinzeitmenschen Japans. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1923, 55: 166- 200—Kohama, M. Physisch-anthropologische Untersu- cnungen uber die Japaner in Siid-Kyusyu. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1940 8: Proc. Anat., 29.—Kubo, Y. The revised and extended Binet- bimon tests, applied to the Japanese children. Pedag. Semin Worcester 1922, 29: 187-94.—Mabuti, T. Ueber die Korper- grosse und das Korpergewicht der japanischen Neugeborenen in der Gegend von Mukden. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1939 31: 25— Matumoto, H. Notes on the Stone Age people of Japan. Am. Anthrop., 1921, 23: 50-67.—Matumoto, K. Ueber die Hautvenen der oberen Extremitat bei den Japanern. J. Chosen M. Ass 1933, 23: 102.—Matuno, K. Experiment on body mass of Japanese people. Bull. Nav. M. Ass., Tokyo, 1932, 21: 1.—Miyake, S., & Nakayama, E. Somatometrische Unter- suchungen der Kikaisima-Insulaner. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1941, 9: Proc Anat., 38-41.—Montandon, G. Notice pr61iminaire sur les A'inou. Arch. Suisses anthrop. g6n., 1920-21, 4: 233-46. ------ Ainou, Japonais, Bouriates. Anthropologie, Par., 1927, 37: 97, 48 pl.—Ninomiya, Y. Die serologische Blut- untersuchung bei Japanern und Aino. Tohoku J. Exp. M., 1925, 6: 266-77.—Nisida, K. Statistische Vergleichung der Neugeborenen japanischer und chinesischer Rasse hinsichtlich Korpergewichts, Korperlange, Kopf-, Schulter- und Brustum- fanges. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1936, 24: 13.—Nisioka, H., & Schenck, W. E. An outline of theories concerning the pre- historic people of Japan. Am. Anthrop., 1937, 39: 23-33.— No certain way to tell Japanese from Chinese. Science News Lett., 1941, 40: 394.—Okada, S., Sakurai, E., & Kameda, T. The basal metabolism of the Japanese. Arch. Int. M., 1926, 38: 590-602.—Okamoto, K. Die anthropologischen Merkmale im Knochensysteme bei Hokuriku-Japanern. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1941, 9: Proc. Anat., 1-10.—Patey, G. A. Le nourisson japonais. Arch. m6d. enf., 1938, 41: 216-28.—Sakai, K., Yuge, G. [et al.] _ Habitus- und Konstitutionsuntersuchungen bei Takasago-Kindern, eingeborene in Taiwan. Acta paediat. jap., 1939, 45: 66 (Abstr.)—Sinotuka, H. Das Resultat der arzt- lichen Untersuchung iiber den Korperbau der mongolischen Schiller in Cha-lan-tun; iiber die Handkraft. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1939, 31: 119.—Sternberg, L. The Ainu problem. Anthropos, Modling, 1929, 24: 755-99, 7 pl.—Suzuki, T. Wie muss ein japanischer Normalsaugling beschaffen sein? Orient. J. Dis. Inf., Kyoto, 1930, 8: 1-4.—Takagi, K., Nakamura, T., & Huzii, T. Statistische Beobachtung fiber das Wachstum der Kinder in Kioto. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1936, 18: 792; 1937, 20: 1727; 1728.—Takahira & Kitagawa. Moyen de mesurer et d'exprimer la surface du corps chez les Japonais. Bull. Soc. sc hyg. aliment., Par., 1927, 15: 489.—Takakusu, S., & Sin, Y. Studien uber die Konstitution der japanischen und koreanischen Frauen. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1941, 9: Abstr. Anat., 125.—Tokusige, Y. [Wachstumstande der Kinder von Formosa-Wilden (Tayal-Stamm) und von eigentlichen Japanern sowie ihre Vergleichung] Taiwan igakkai zassi, 1941, 40: 857- 77.—Yosida, Y. On the development of body length, weight and circumference of head of the Japanese. Japan M. World, 1926, 6: 270-8. ---- Civilization, and culture. See also such headings as Army; Buddha [and buddhism] Geisha; Prostitution; War, etc. Embree, J. F. Acculturation among the Japanese of Kona, Hawaii. 162p. 24^cm. Menasha, 1941. Fleisher, W. Our enemy Japan. 236p. 20cm. Garden City, N. Y., 1942. Gunsaulus, H. C. The Japanese collections. 19p. 8? Chic, 1922. ---- The Japanese New Year's festival, games and pastimes. 18p. 8? Chic, 1923. ---- Japanese costume. 26p. 8? Chic, 1923. ---- Japanese temples and houses. 20p. 8? 1924. ---- Gods and heroes of Japan. 23p. 8? Chic, 1924. Imai, K., & Matutani, M. Ideals of the Shinran followers. 54 1. 8? Tokyo, 1918. Moreira, J. Impressoes de uma viagem ao Japao em 1928. 150p. 24cm. Rio, 1935. Abe, A. Japan's family system. Ber. Versamml. Internat. Fed. Eugen. Org., 1936, 12. Congr., 103-6.—Akagi, G. Social welfare in Japan. Japan Times, 1934, Oct., 5; 72.—Baldus, H., & Willems. E. Casas e tumulos de Japoneses no vale da Ribeira de Iguape. Rev. Arq. mun., S. Paulo, 1941, 7: No. 77, 121-35, 13 pl.—Berliner, A. Geometrisch-aesthetische Unter- suchungen mit Japanern und an japanischem Material. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1924, 49: 433-42, 5 fig.—Buschan, G. Japanische Tempel. Erdball, 1926, 1: 13-7, 11 fig—Casa- nowicz, J. M. The Dragon God (Dai-Ja) in Idzumo, Japan; a Japanese tale. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1926, 67: No. 2587, Art. 15, 1-4.—Complexo (O) etico e racial Japonez. Impr. med., Rio, 1941,17: No. 328,142.—Duval. Japanese discipline, JAPAN 602 JAPAN Confucianist and feudal. Mil. Rev., Fort Leavenw., 1942, 22: No. 86. 62.—Eckstein. G. The Japanese mind is a dark corner. Harpers Magazine, 1942, Nov., 660-8.—Embree. J. F. Some social functions of religion in rural Japan. Am. J. Sociol., 1941-42, 47: 184- 9.—England (In) now; a running commentary bv peripatetic correspondent^. Lancet. Lond., 1941. 2: 810.— Garth. T. R., & Foote. J. The minimum v of ideas of Japanese. J. Social Psychol., 1939, 10: 179-85.—Garth. T. R.. Ikeda. K.. & Langdon, R. M. The color preference- of Japanese children. Ibid.. 1931, 2: 397-402.—Godshall, W. L. Democracy in Japan. Social Sc, 1942. 17: 59-65.—Gorer, G. Themes in Japanese culture. Tr. N. York Acad. Sc, 1942-43, Ser. 2, 106-24.—Gregory, H. E. Science in Japan. Sc Month., 1927, 24: 507 13. -Jackson, D. C. Japanese higher education and reseaich in the physical sciences. Science, 1936, 84: 189-92.—Koganei, Y. Bestattungsweise der Steinzeit- menschen Japans. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1923, 55: 166-200, 20 fig — Kunike. H. Der Erdball in alt japanischer Auffassung. Erd- ball, 1926, 1: 57-61.—Kuwata, K. Die Ocnossenschafts- bewegung in Japan. Arch. Sozialwiss.. 1921, 48: 731-47.— Maecke. A. Die Frau in Japan. Erdball. 1926-27. 1: 249-58, 2 pl.—National paranoia. Am. J. Psychiat, 1941 42. 98: 903.—Olds. C. B. Education for conquest; the Japanese way. Foreign Affairs. 1942-43, 21: 34-43.—Schwientek, P. J. Sin-butu-do-tai: Der Svnkretismus von Sinto und Buddhismu? in Japan. Anthropos, Modling, 1927, 22: 430-9. •----- Shinto of Sado. Ibid., 1929, 24: 379; 1930, 25: 671-911 — Thompson. W. S. Possibilities for agricultural expansion in Japan. In his Popul. Probl., N. Y., 1942, 265-72. ---- Demography. See also Birthrate; also subheading Statistics. Baker, A. L. Japan's population problems. Good Health, 1941, 76: 184.—Haushofer. K. Is Japan overpopulated? In World of Cen. Haushofer (Dorpalen, A.) N. Y.. 1942, 33-6. ------ Japan; model geopolitician. Ibid., 29-38.- Koyama. Y. The correlation between population growth and birth, death and migration in Japan bv geographical districts. J. Chosen M. Ass., 1937, 27: 38— Leblanc. T. J. Density of population, mortality and certain other phenomena in Japan. Am. J. Hyg., 1931, 13: 781-802.—Legendre, A. Contribution k la dfmographie; la population du Japon. Presse m£d., 1934, 42: 1365.—Mizusima. H. An amendment to the true rate of natural increase of the population of Japan. Keijo J. M., 1938, 9: 210-4.—Moulton. H. G. Population expansion in Japan. Birth Control Rev., 1932, 16: 145.—Population (La) du Japon. Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: 754.—Population problems in Japan. Bull. Dep. Health Lincoln, 1941, Dec, 4-7. Also Statist, Bull. Metrop. Life Insur., 1941, 22: No. 12, 1-3. Also N. York State J. M., 1942, 42: 555.—Schultze. E. Der Bevolkerungsdruck in Japan. Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 500-4. ■------ Gehuiten-KUck32]p, 19cm. Cambr., Mass., 1942. Satow, E. M., & Masakata, I. An English- Japanese dictionary of the spoken language. Am. ed. [1562]p. i9'/2cm. S. Pasadena, 1942. Suski, P. M. Conjugation of Japanese verbs in the modern spoken Japanese, with lists of colloquial verbs, nominal verbs, etc. 10f>n 20! km. S. Pasadena, 1942. Tokyo, Japan. Kokusai Bunka Sinkokai. Bibliographic abrogoo des livres relatifs au Japon en francais, italien, espagnol et portugais. 50p. 19'2cm. Tokyo, 1936. Wenckstern, F. A bibliography of the Japanese Empire. 1859-1906. 2v. 4? Lond. & Tokyo, 1895-1907. Kunike, H. Die Schrift der Japaner. Erdball, 1927, 1: 416-20.- Scharschmidt, C. Schriftreform in Japan; ein Kulturproblem. Ethnol. Anz., 1926-28, 1: 163 (Abstr.) - Tanakadate, A. A study of Japanese phonemes by means of tone films. Proc Internat. Congr. Phonet. Sc. (1935) 1936, 2. Congr., 117-22. ---- Medical history. See also under names of medical specialties as Pediatrics, History, etc Huzikawa, Y. Japanese medicine. 114p. 16° N. Y., 1934. Berry, K. F. Old-time medicine. In her Pioneer Doctor in Old Japan, N. Y., 19 1(1, 36-9. ------ A Samurai doctor's widow; a pilgrim of Sanda. Ibid., 218-20.- Fang. S. C. A brief historv of the development of modern medical science in Japan. China M. J., 1928, 42: 662-81.—Fujikawa, Y. A evolucao da medicina japonesa. Actas Ciba, Rio, 1941, 8: 261-79.—Gubler, A. Medicos da Companhia indo-holandesa no Japao. Ibid., 280-4.—HiirteL F. Die Entwicklung der japanischen Medizin. Zsehr. iirztl. Fortbild., 1937, 34: 53-5.—Hasama, B. Geschichtliche Daten iiber die Erstein- fijhrung des deutschen Medizinalwesens in Japan. Sudhoffs Arch., 1933, 26: 329-34.—Japanese medical heroes. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. ser., 82: 173.—Kitafima, T. Medical progress in Japan. Japan Times, 1934, Oct., 24.— Kritzler-Kosch, H. Deutsche Sanitatsoffiziere als Pioniere der japanischen medizinischen Hochschulentwicklung. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 496 (Abstr.)—Mayer, F. K. Az orvos- tudom&ny fejlod6se Japanban. Gyogyaszat, 1929, 69: 77; 96; 110.—Miyafima, M. Short sketch of the development of medical science in Japan. Japan M. World, 1929, 9: 353-6.—Nachod, O. Ueber einen japanischen Studcnten der Universitat Leiden im Jahre 1669. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1906, 38: 709-11.—Oichini (The) Boston M. & S. J., 1911, 145: 779 — Pelicano, A. Historia de la medicina en Japon desde la Uegada de los Europeos hasta nuestros dias. Dia m6d., B. Air., 1940, 12: 136.—[Photograph] An old time Japanese doctor's medicine case decorated with the family crest, its drawers filled with powders. In Pioneer Doctor in Old Japan (Berry, K. F.) N. Y., 1940, 62.—Report on changes in the medical system (Japan) J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1216.—Rua (A) da medicina Doshomachi em Osaka. Actas Ciba, Rio, 1941, 8: 300.—Schuster, J. Die Entwicklung der japanischen Medizin. Munch, med. Wschr., 1912, 59: 481.—Steinhardt, G. Ueber die deutsch-japanischen arztlichen und zahnarztlichen Bezie- hungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1940, 87:915-7.—Takamine. Les origines medicales du Japon moderne. Rev. mod. m6d. chir., Par., 1905, 3: 90-2.—Yamagiwa, K. Virchows Einfluss auf die japanische Medizin. Virchows Arch., 1921, 235: 389-98. ---- Medicine. Balz, E. O. E. Erwin Balz; das Leben eines deutschen Arztes im erwachenden Japan; Tage- biicher, Briefe, Berichte. 454p. 8? Stuttg., 1931. Yosioka, J. G. Japanese medical journals available at the Medical library, Tokyo Imperial University. 46p. 23cm. Wash., 1941. , Achard, C. Compte rendu de mission au Japon. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1926, 3. ser., 96: 115-28. ------ Autour du monde: impressions du Japon. Presse m£d., 1926, 24: 1259; 1291.—All medical men must register [Japan] J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 2226.—Ashmead, A. S. Medical knowledge in Japan. Med. Fortnightly, S. Louis, 1902, 21: 329-34.— Bowles, H. E. The practice of medicine in Japan. Proc. Clinic, Honolulu, 1936, 2: No. 4, pt 2. 1-6.—Doctor attacked JAPAN 603 JAPANESE by fellow staff members during cancer operation at Kyushu school. Messenger, 1942, 39: 28.—Furness, C. E. Medical opportunities for women in Japan. N. York M. J., 1920, 111: 860-3.—Fuse, N. Ueberblick uber die innere Medizm in Japan. Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1940) 1941, 71: No. 36, 1^1 — Gross, H. Aerztliche Erlebnisse in Japan. Munch, med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 903.—Hartel, F. Aerztliche Erfahrungen aus Japan. Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1931) 1932, 62: Teil 2, 90-101. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1931, 27: 945-9.—Henle. DieExpedi- tion nach Tokio. In Beitr. Kriegsheilk. Deut. Ver. Rot. Kreuz, Lpz., 1908, 319-424, 12 pl.—Hiro-Oka, M. The training school for nurses of the Japanese Central Red Cross Hospital. Month. Bull. League Red Cross Soc, 1936, 17: No. 8, 129.—Increase (The) in physicians (Japan) J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1217.—Isikawa, M. Medicine in Japan. Japan M. World, 1929, 9: 84-92.—Japanese-German medical society. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 133.—Japanese Medicine. Lancet, Lond., 1906, 1: 1701.—Kritzler-Kosch, H. Aerztliche Eindriicke und Beobachtungen wahrend eines militararzt- lichen Studienkommandos in Japan. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939 65: 690; 730.—Medicina (La) extremo oriental. Rev. m6d. Yucatdn, 1936-37, 19: 111-20.—Medecine (La) au Japon. Praxis, Bern, 1941, 30: 730.—Mills, R. G. Japanese medical literature; a review of current periodicals by the staff of the research department, Severance Union Medical College, Seoul, Korea. China M. J., 1916, 30: 368.—Navarro, R. Impressions of Japan from a physician's view point. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1937, 17: 471-6.—Patey, G. A. Mission medicale au Japon. Bull. Acad. m6d., Par., 1938, 3. s6r., 119: 529-34. Also Presse m&L, 1938, 46: 1189 — Pelicano, M. A. La carrera m6dica en Japon. Dia m6d., B. Air., ed. espec, 1940, 81.—Ravogli, A. On the present status of medicine and dermatology in Japan. Lancet Clinic, 1914, 111: 471-5. Also Derm. Wschr., 1917, 64: 13-9 — Regnault, F. La medecine au Japon. J. sant6, Par., 1906, 23: 929.—Ronnefeldt, F. Bakteriologie und Parasitologie in Japan. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 849.—Schretzenmayr, A. Drei Jahre als Arzt im Fernen Osten. Med. Welt, 1939, 13: 1024; 1133; 1199; 1343; 1366.—Steinitz, E. Japamsche Krankenhauser und medizinische Institute. Deut. med. Wschr 1913, 39: 1261-3.—Uhlenhuth, P. Reiseeindrucke aus Japan. Ibid., 1938, 64: 1261-5.—Uthemann, W. A. E. W. Vom Sanitatsdienst in der japanischen Marine wahrend des Russisch-Japanischen Krieges. Veroff. Marine San., 1913, H. 5, 1-97; also Arch. med. pharm. nav., 1911.—Z. Notas acerca da medicina no Japao moderno. Actas Ciba, Rio, 1941 8: 294-6. ---- Statistics. See also subheading Demography. Ichok, G. Natality et mortality au Japon. Presse med., 1926 34: 91.—Kawahito, S. Observations on recent mortality statistics of Japanese in Manchuria. J. Orient M., Dairen, 1933 19: 13-17; 1936, 24: 6.—Leblanc, T. J. Specific vital indices for Japan, 1925. Human Biol 1929, 1: 198-213 — Roesle, E. Die Gesundheitsstatistik Japans 1911-1921. Deut. med. Wschr., 1924, 50: 411. ---- in the United States. Bell, R. Public school education of second- generation Japanese in California. 116p. 8. Stanford Univ., 1935. Darsie, M. L. The mental capacity ot American-born Japanese children. 89p. 26cm. Bait., 1926. ,. .. Embree, J. F. New and local kin groups among the Japanese farmers of Kona, Hawaii. Am Anthrop., 1939, 41. 400-7 —Japanese (The) in America; the problem and the solution. Harpers Magazine, 1942, Oct,, 489-97 -Japanese (The in California. Week. Bull. California Dep. Pub. Health, 942-43 21- 5—Japanese in Hawaii differ strangely m type. Science New's Lett., 1939, 36: 153.-McWilliams, C Moving the West-Coast Japanese. Harpers Magazine, September 1942 Sept. 359-69-Suski, P. M. Body measurements of Japanese children born in America. California West. M., 1935, 43: 208. JAPANESE (The) journal of veterinary science; official organ of the Japanese Society of veterinary science. Tokyo, 1: 1939- JAPANESE river fever. See Rickettsiasis. JAPANESE beetle. See Popillia. , JAPANESE (The) journal of experimental medicine; organ of the Government Institute for Infectious Diseases of the Tokyo Imperial University. Tokyo, 7: 1928- Continuation of Scient. Rep. Gov. Inst. Infect, Dis. JAPANESE journal of gastroenterology. Kvoto, 5: 1933- ,. , JAPANESE journal of medical sciences. Transactions. VII: Social medicine and hygiene. Tokyo, _^iii; Dermatology and urology. Tokyo, 1: 1927- JAPANNING. See also Lacquer; Varnish industry. Banik. Die Gesundheitsgefahren beim Arbeiten mit Zapon- lack und ihre Verhutung. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1929, n. F., 6: 197-206.—Davey, W. P. Water-japan. In Colloid Chem. (Alexander, J.) N. Y., 1942, 4: 499-502. JAPAN Times year book [including] Who's who in Japan. 3. ed. 1933 [v. p.] 8? [Tokyo] 1933. JAPPERT, Siegfried [M. D., 1936, Basel] *Verkalkungen und Verknocherungen des Liga- mentum ileo-lumbale und ihre unf all-medizinische Bedeutung. 43p. 8? Basel, B. Schwabe & co., 1936. JAQUENOD, Marguerite [M. D., 1936, Lausanne] ^Contribution a I'etude de l'ulcere peptique de l'oesophage. 27p. 3 pl. 8? Lau- sanne, Impr. H. Held, 1936. JAQUEROD, Emile [M. D., 1937, Geneve] *La premiere innervation du follicule dentaire chez les embryons de differents mammiferes. 28p. 23cm. Geneve, H. Studer, 1937. JAQUEROD, Marc -1942. Haemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis. Transl. by S. F. Silberbauer. vii, 106p. 8? Lond., Bailliere, Tindale & Cox, 1925. ---- Les processus naturels de guerison de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 2. £d. 135p. illust. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1925. ---- The same. The natural processes of healing in pulmonary tuberculosis; transl. by J. Denny Sinclair. 107p. 8? Lond., Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1926. ---- La cure de repos dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. 40p. [32]p. illust. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1932. See also Tecoz, H. Marc Jaquerod. Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 840. For portrait see Corps m6d. Vaudois (O. Lazar) Geneve, 1937, 18. JAQUES, Andre [M. D., 1934, Lausanne] *Urobilinogenurie et grossesse extra-uterin. 47p. 8? Lausanne, Imp. Commerciale, 1934. JAQUES, Louis. Corrective optometry: ex- cessive exophoria in presbyopia. [4] 1. 4° Duncan, Okla., E. B. Alexander, 1935. ---- Corrective optometry; how to increase the accomodative amplitude without losing the convergence amplitude. 5 1. 8? Duncan, Okla., E. B. Alexander, 1935. JAQUET, Alfred, 1865-1937. Muskelarbeit und Herztatigkeit. 119p. 8? Basel, F. Rein- hardt, 1920. , „ ,. . ---- Ein halbes Jahrhundert Medizm. 328p. 8? Basel, B. Schwabe & co., 1929. See also Jaquet, A. Zum Abschied. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1932 62- 513-8.—Karcher, J. In memoriam Professor Dr A. Jaquet. Ibid., 1937, 67: 479.—Nekrolog. Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1938, 41: 266. JARA, Humberto [M. D., 1933, Chile] *Es- tudio experimental sobre la acci6n luteinizante de la orina climaterica [Univ. de Chile] 24p. 8? Concepcion, 1933. JARAMILLO, Bernardo, 1905- *Ciimat d'altitude et ses principales actions physiologi- ques 70p. 8? Par., Impr. Pascal, 1938. JARASIUS, Juozas, 1873-1940 Augevicius, J. [Obituaryl Medicina, Kaunas, 1940, 21. l-§, portr. JARAUSCH 604 JARL0V JARAUSCH, Georg, 1904- *Zwei Falle von primarem Tubericarcinom. 20p. 8? Wiirzb., H. Poppinghaus, 1936. JARCHO, Julius, 1882- Gynecological roentgenology; a roentgen atlas of the female generative organs with special reference to uterosalpingography and an outline of gyne- cology in its relations to roentgenology with case histories and a chapter on radium therapy, xxv, 571p. 5 pl. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1931. ---- The pelvis in obstetrics; a practical manual of pelvimetry and cephalometry includ- ing chapters on roentgenological measurements. xvi, 365p. illust. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1933. ---- Postures and practices during labor among primitive peoples; adaptations to modern obstetrics, with chapters on taboos and super- stitions and postpartum gymnastics, xvi, 175p. illust. pl. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1934. See also Kagan, S. R. Julius Jaicho. In his Am. Jewish Physicians, Bost., 1942, 87, portr. For portrait see Collection in Library. JARCZYK, Paul, 1891- *Aus W. Bieganski's Differentialdiagnostik. 36p. 8? Miinch., 1935. JARDET, Antoine, 1900- *Les tempera- ments digestifs rustique et affine; leur importance dans la therapeutique des regimes. 50p. 8°. Par., Jouve & cie, 1928. JARDET, Paul, 1860-1937. Niviere, G. [Necrologie] Presse med., 1937, 45: 426. JARDET, Pierre, 1901- *Notes sur une epidemie locale de paludisme en cote occidentale d'Afrique. 60p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1927. JARDIN, Roger Prosper Stanislas, 1895- *A propos du diagnostic de la superfoetation bas6 sur la radiographie: 6tude radiologique des points d'ossification du genou chez le nouveau-ne, ti9p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1926. JARDINE, Robert, 1862-1932. For obituary see Glasgow M. J., 1933, 119: 50-2. JARETSKY, Irving [M. D., 1937, Basel] *Ueber die Therapie der Nierenkarbunkel [Basel] 30p. 24cm. Mulhouse, A. Knecht, 1937. JARETZKY, Robert [M. D., 1928, Kiel] *Histologische und karyologische Studien an Polygonaceen [Kiel] p.357-490. 8? Lpz., Gebr. Borntraeger, 1928. Also Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1928, 69: ---- Lehrbuch der Pharmakognosie. xi, 383p. 8? Berl., Deut. Apoth. Verl., 1937. Also translator of Sharp, L. W. Einfiihrung in die Zytologrie. 733p. 8? Berl., 1931. JARGON. See Paraphasia. JARISCH, Adolf, 1850-1902. For portrait see Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 4: 308. JARISCH-HERXHEIMER reaction. See under Syphilis, Treatment. JARITOS, Demetrio Jorge [D. D. S., 1938, B. Aires] *La dietetica en la profilaxis racional de la caries [Dent.] 36p. 27cm. B. Air., 1938. JARITZ, Hans, 1912- *Ueber Resorp- tionserscheinungen an den Zahnen bei Vitamin- mangel [Breslau] 36p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1935. JARIUS, Otto Ernst, 1899- *Die Ent- wicklung der Amalgame. 51p. 8? Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1934. JARKOWSKI, J. Kinesie paradoxale des Parkinsoniens; contribution k I'etude du meca- nisme de la motilite volontaire. 78p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1925. JARL0V, Ejnar [M. D., 1919, Kcibenhavn] *Om syre-baseligevaegten i dot menneskelige blod saM-lig ved sygdomme 165p. 8? Kbh., A. Bnsck, 1919. ---- The clinical tvpe? of abnormal obesity. 70p. 8? Kbh., A. Biisck, 1932. Forms Suppl. 42, Acta med. scand. JARNO, Leo, & EROES, G. XTeber das Magen- geschwur; eine klinisch-oxporimentolle Studie mit einem histologischen Anhang. iii, 48p. pl. tab. 8? Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1936. JARO Campos, Fernando [M. D., 1939, Chile] *Estudio clinico y radiol6gico de las pericoronitis [Chile] 31p. 26/2cm. Santiago, Gutenberg, 1939. JAROFKE, Hans, 1910- *Beitrag zur Frage der Agglutination der Diphtheriebazillen verschiedener Typen (Typus Bazillus diphtheriac gravis, mitis, intermedius und Faden-Diphtherie) [Breslau] 23p. 2 tab. 8? Ohlau i. Schl., H. Eschenhagen, 1935. JAROSS, Lothar, 1910- *Entwicklungs- geschichtliche Studien iiber die Bedeutung des Schmelzknotens [Wurzburg] 15p. 8? Ochsen- furt, Fritz & Rappert, 1935. JAROTZKY, Alexander. ' Diatetische Be- handlung des runden Geschwurs des Magens und des Duodenums. 114p. 8? Stockh., Aftonbladet, 1930. Forms Suppl. 35, Acta med. scand. JARRAUD, Serge, 1904- *De l'eczema lichgnoi'de du chien. 31p. 8? Paris, Vigot freres 1931. JARRE, Hans. See Pohle, E., & Jarre, H. Methodik der Rontgentie- fentherapie. 56p. 8? Dresd., 1923. JARRE, Margarete, 1908- *Seltene Komplikationen nach Pleuraempyemen im Kinde- salter. 30p. 22cm. Bonn, A. Brand, 1936. JARRETT, Arthur R., 1854- For portrait see Collection in Library. JARRETT, Lewis Ellsworth, 1901- For biography see Hosp. Topics, 1937, 15: No. 6, 11. JARRETT, Mary Cromwell, See Davis. M. M., & Jarrett. M. C. A health inventory of New York City. 367p. 8! N. Y., 1929. JARRIAULT, Maurice, 1905- *Le radium daps le traitement des affections gynecologiques autres que le cancer. 63p. 8? Par., N. Ma- loine, 1932. JARRICOT, Lucien, 1907- ♦Contri- bution k I'etude physico-chimique de certains etats allergiques; cellules et points isoelectri- ques du serum sanguin [Lyon] 148p. 8? Trevoux, G. Patissier, 1934. JARRIER, Camille, 1900- *Radium et chirurgie associes dans le traitement du cancer du col uterin operable. 53p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1929. JARRIER, Charlotte Marie Amable, 1911- *Dipht6rie et vaccination antidiphterique dans le Departement de l'Ain [Lyon] 142p. map. 8? Bourg, Berthod, 1937. JARRIN, M. Lucien, 1895- *Contri- bution k I'etude therapeutique du rhumatisme chronique. 53p. 8? Par., Impr. P. Gourjon, 1927. JARROUSSE, Jean-Joseph-Marie, 1907- *Considerations sur l'avortement tubaire. 94p. 8? Par., Vigot freres, 1932. JARRY, Arthur Frangois, 1911- *Con- tribution a I'etude de l'ulcere simple de l'intestin grele, duodenum except^; k propose de 2 obser- vations inedites. 57p. 25%cm. Par., L. Arnette, 1939. JARRY 605 JASPER JARRY, Jean Jacques, 1907- *Contri- bution k I'etude de la d'arsonvalisation mam- maire; sa repercussion sur l'equilibre endo- crinien. 72p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1935. JARUSLAWSKY, Willy, 1901- *Die operative Behandlung des Volvulus der Flexur mit Beriicksichtigung eines Falles. 18p. 8° Konigsb., J. Raabe, 1928. JARVIS, Edward, 1803-84. Primary phys- iology, for schools. 168p. 16? N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co., 1866. For biography see Wood, R. W. Memorial of Edward Jarvis, M. D. 24p. 8? Bost., 1885. JARVIS, O. A. Dentist; a popular treatise on the care of the teeth. 2. ed. 56p. 8? N. Y., S. W. Green's son, 1880. JARZAB, Josef, 1899- *Pathologisch- anatomische und bakteriologische Untersuchun- gen iiber die Wirkung von Presojod bei chroni- scher und akuter Wurzelhautentztindung. 29p. 2 pl. 8? Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1931. JASCHKE, Herbert [Edler] von, 1912- *Beitrag zur Kenntnis kongenitaler Blutkrank- heiten des Neugeborenen (nebst Mitteilung eines Falles von kongenitaler Anamie) [Munchen] 42p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1937. JASCHKE, Rudolf Theodor von, 1881- Lage- und Bewegungsanomalien des weiblichen Genitalapparates. p.697-992. Miinch., J. F. Bergmann, 1929. In Handb. Gyn., 3. Aufl., 5. Bd, 1. Halfte. ---- Gynaekologie. Bd. 2. 13. Aufl. x, 206p. 8? Lpz. [O. Leiner] 1930. Geburtshilfe. 12. Aufl. xii, 290p. 67 8? Lpz., Verband Aerzte Deutschlands, Also 22. & • 23. durchgesehene Aufl. Berl., Verl. Deuts. Aertzeschaft, illust 1931. 290. 21cm 1939. ---- Therapie der komplizierten Schwanger- schaft. 71p. 8? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1931. ---- Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe. 4. Aufl. ix, 770p. illust. diagr. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1935. ---- Die Prophylaxe auf dem Gebiet der Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie. viii, 98p. 25cm. Stuttg., F. Enke, 1939. See also Kehrer, E., & Jaschke, R. T. von. Die Vulva und ihre Erkrankungen; Lage- und Bewegungsanomalien^des weiblichen Genitalapparates. 1041p. 8? Munchen 1929. Mayer, A. Rudolf Theodor von Jaschke zum 60. Geburtstag. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 913, portr. ____ & PANKOW, Otto Robert. Lehrbuch der Gynakologie. 5. Aufl. vii, 759, p. Must. 8° Berl., J. Springer, 1933. Also 6. Aufl. vm, 590p. 1921. JASDI-SADEH, Mortesa, 1900- *Ueber die Luxation der Clavicula [Berlin] 43p. 8. Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1929. JASKA, Elmar. *Effects of agricultural crisis on Estonian farming [Tartu] 12p. 21cm. Tallinn, 1938. JASMINE. See also Gelsemium. Naves Y & Grampoloff, A. Etudes sur les ma^63 vegetales' vo'latiles; sur la composition de l'extrait 6th6ro- petrolique (essence concrete) de la fleur de jasmin. Helvet. chim. acta, 1942, 25: 1500-14. JASON, Robert Stewart, 1901- *Studies on the histopathology of the palatine tonsils and on the immunological reactions of the adjacent tissues 18p. 8? [Chic, Univ. Chicago] 1936. ta<5PFR Herbert H. Electroencephalog- raphyp 380-454. 26cm. Springf., 111., C. C Thomas, 1941. In Epilepsy & cerebral localization (Penfield, W., & Erick- son, T. C.) JASPER, Josef, 1902- *Ueber chylosen Ascites und seinen Nachweis durch Jodipin [Miinster] 30p. 8? Lippstadt-Westf., Thiele, 1933 JASPERS, Hermann, 1908- *Die lym- phoidzelligen Anginen unter den in der II. Medizinischen Klinik zu Miinchen von 1930-35 behandelten Mandelentziindungen [Munchen] 29p. 2 tab. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Post- berg, 1938. JASPERS, Karl, 1883- Schneider, K. Funfundzwanzig Jahre Allgemeine Psycho- pathologie von Karl Jaspers. Nervenarzt, 1938, 11: 281-3. JASSIN, Robert, 1910- *Contribution k I'etude de la roentgentherapie dans le traitement de l'asthme; a propos de quelques cas d'irradiation de la region pancreatique. 68p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1934. JASTRAM, Berthold, 1899- Vorkom- men von Zahnen in der Nasenhohle; Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Nasenzahne. 19p. 8? Greifs- wald, H. Adler, 1933. JASTRAM, Hans, 1911- Untersuchun- gen iiber die Verwendbarkeit der Labhemmprobe nach Schern zur Erkennung der Milch galt- kranker Kiihe. 23p. 8? [Giessen] K. Offenbach, 1937. JASTRAM, Ursula, 1911- *Ueber die Giiltigkeit der Naegele'schen Regel und die Abhangigkeit der Schwangerschaftsdauer vom Menstruationstyp, sowie die Beziehungen zwi- schen Verlangerung und Verkiirzung der Trage- zeit und den Reifezeichen des Kindes [Konigs- berg] 21 p. 22cm. Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1938. JASTROW, Joseph, 1863- Sanity first, the art of sensible living, viii, 312p. 8? N. Y., Greenberg [1935] ---- The story of human error, xvii, 445p. 8? N. Y., D. Appleton-Century co., 1936. ---- Getting more out of life [Rev. ed.] viii, 312p. 21cm. N. Y., Emerson books [1940] ---- Freud, his dream and sex theories [3. print.] ix, 297p. 21cm. Clevel., World Pub. co. [1941] JASTROW, Marcus, comp. A dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi and the Midrashic literature, v.l. xviii, 1736p. 20cm. Berl., Verl. Choreb, 1926. JASTRZAB, Jakob [M. D., 1926. Basel] *Ein Fall von Miliartuberkulose infolge Durchbruchs einer Kaverne in die Aorta, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Haemoptoe bei Miliartuberkulose [Basel] 22p. 8? Strasb. [n. p.] 1926. JASTRZEMSKI, Viktor, 1910- *Malignes Granulom der oberen Luftwege [Freiburg] 12p. 8? Bernau-Berl., Markis, 1935. JASVONSKIS, Simanas, 1883-1941. For obituary see Medicina, Kaunas, 1940, 21: 1069, portr. JATEORHIZA [and derivatives] Feist, K., Awe, W., & Etzrodt, H. Ueber die Alkaloide der Kolombowurzel; iiber die Absorptionsspektren der Alkaloide der Kolombowurzel und einiger Derivate des Berberins. Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1934, 272: 817-26.—Feist, K., & Dschu, G. L. Ueber die Alkaloide der Columbowurzel. Ibid., 1925, 263: 294-305. JATROPHA. See also Euphorbiaceae. Francois, M. T., & Droit, S. Sur la composition de 1 huile de pignon d'Inde, Jatropha curcas L. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1933, 4. ser., 53:-54: 72&-41, pl. JATRORRHIZA 606 JAUSION JATRORRHIZA. Sec Jateorhiza. J'attends le medecin; premiers soins k don- ner, symptomes des maladies, hygiene. 159p. 12? Par., A. Lomerre [1936] JAUBERT, L. La cure de soleil; pourquoi ou comment la pratiquer. 233p. 12? Par., E. Flammarion, 1927. JAUBERT, Marie Joseph Raoul Marcel, 1893- *Evolution des idees de Laennec touchant 1'auscultation mediate, la sem&ologie des affections pulmonaires et les productions accidentelles deVeloppees dans le poumon. 109p. 25cm. Bord., Y. Cadoret, Delmas, 1933. JAUBERT, Rene, 1909- *A propos de 25 observations de symphysiotomie suivant la technique de Zarate. 73p. pl. 8? Lyon, Bosc fr 1935 JAUDEL, Jacques, 1901- *De la radio- th6rapie des salpingites tuberculeuses. 79p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1931. JAUFFRET, Pierre, 1913- *Etude du systeme nerveux v6getatif dans les ulceres gastro- duodenaux. 87p. 24}^cm. Marseille, Impr. Ant. Ged, 1937. JAUKER, Harald. *Ueber das Vorkommen und die Bestimmung von Methylalkohol in Garungsprodukten. 84p. 23}£cm. Tartu, Varrak, 1937. JAULAIN, Rene Etienne, 1908- *Con- tribution k I'etude des ruptures des cicatrices apres cesariennes. 124p. 25cm. Bordeaux, E. Drouillard, 1937. JAULERRY, Paul, 1906- *Un traitement des reactions de Wassermann irr^ductibles: l'hyposulfite de soude. 112p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JAULIN, Maurice, 1869-1939. Limouzi. Necrologie. Gaz. m§d. France, 1940, 47: radiol., 121. JAULISZ, H. J., & KURLANDER, J. E. Facial deformities catalog. 16 1. illust. 30J4cm. [Clevel., the Authors, 19 ..] JAUME, Gustave, 1909- Contribution k I'etude de la gangrene post-operatoire progres- sive de la peau. 72p. 8? Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1937. JAUNDICE. See Icterus. JAUNEAU, Roger, 1904- *Les accidents de la medication aurique; leur polymorphisme. 124p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JAUPITRE, Jacques, 1911- *La roentgen- therapie de l'hypertrophie et de l'infection de l'amygdale palatine; indications, technique. 98p. 24cm. Par., E. Le Francois, 1939. JAUPITRE, Michel, 1911- Contribu- tion a I'etude des abces sous-uretraux chez la femme. 61p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1937. JAUR, Lucien, 1902- *La peritonite herniaire; 6tude histologique et diagnostic des affections abdominales qui l'accompagnent. 141p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1928. JAUROU, Aime, 1905- *Action du camphre sur les diarrhees [Paris] 80p. 8? Lavaur [n. p.] 1931. JAUS, Melitta, 1902- *Die Milz als Blutspeicher [Munchen] 79p. 8? Speyer a. Rh , Pilger-Druckerei, 1936. JAUSION, Hubert, 1890- Lucites. p.916-51. Par., 1936. In Nouv. prat. derm. (Darier, Sabouraud, et al.) Par., 1936, 4: -—- & PAGES, Francois. Les maladies de lumiere et leur traitement. vi, 203p. illust. diagr. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1933. JAUSON, Marcel, 1887- Contribution k I'etude des pneumo-ent6rites infectieuses du pore; essais de serotherapie et de vaccinotherapie. [Alfort, Vet.] 39p. 8? La Have-du-Puits, 1926. JAUTZ, Otto [M. D., 1929, Basel] *Klinisches und Differential-diagnostisches iiber psychogene Respirationsstorungen und Pseudoangina pectoris bei Lungentuberkulose [Basel] 20p. 8? Laupen b. Bern [n. p.] 1929. JAVA. See also Indonesia; Malay; Nederlandsch Indie. Adam, T. Die Tiere im Wajang der Javanen. Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1927, 57: 164-70.—Blochert-Glaser, L. Von den Chinesen auf Java. Erdball, 1927, 1: 175. ------ Das Bromofest auf Java. Ibid., 217.—Boenjamin, R. De vorm van het sternum der Javanen. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1940, 39: Suppl., 7 (Abstr.)—Bok, E. J. Ueber das Vorkommen iiberzahliger Brustwarzen bei Javanen. Anat. Anz., 1926, 61: 492-7.—Breyer, H. B. G. Over pseudoloodzoomen bij Javanen en Madoereezen; ultramelanine en melanine. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1940, 39: Suppl., p. ii (Abstr.)—Buschan, G. Ueber javanische Musik. Erdball, 1927, 1: 147.—Englehard, C. F. De orientatie in tijd van den Javaan in de Vorstenlanden. Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1925, 64: 915. ------ Het onderzoek naar de geestesgesteldheid met behulp van platen, toegepast bij den Javaan. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1940, 39: 43 (Abstr.) Also Meded. Burgerl. geneesk. dienst Ned. Indie, 1924.—Fast, J. Krankheitsbilder aus Java. Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg., 1935, 39: 112-6. ■------ Krankheits- bilder aus der Praxis eines Tropenarztes in Java, Nieder- iiindisch-Ostindien. Munch, med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 197-9.— Healing (The) art in Java. Brit. M. J., 1906, 2: 789.—Heine- mann, H. Tabel van enkele anthropologische gegevens. Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1931, 71: 474.—Koenigswald, G. H. R. von. A review of the stratigraphy of Java and its relations to early man. In Early Man (Internat. Symp.) Phila., 1937, 23-32.—Le Gros Clark, W. E. Casts of fossil human skulls recently discovered in Java. J. Anat., Lond., 1937-38, 72: 159.—Lienden, H. J. H. van [Kretschmer's constitutional types in healthy and diseased Javanese] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1929, 69: 664-89, 4 pl.—Lubberhuizen, H. W. De vorm der hersenen van de Javanen in Oost-Java. Ibid., 1935, 75: 577-98.—Maas, A. Altjavanische Tierkreisbecher. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1932, 64: 105-12.—Mejbom-Italiaander, J. Javanische Sagen. Erdball, 1930, 4: 214-20.—Mijsberg, W. A., & Mijsberg-van Roojen, J. H. N. Over geslachtsver- schillen in het gebit der Javanen. Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1932, 72: 277-83.—Nyessen, D. J. H. The races of Java. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1940, 39: 81 (Abstr.)—Penard, W. A. Wie die Wochnerin gerettet wurde. Erdball, 1928, 2: 469-71. ----— Pfahldorfbewohner in der Kindersee. Ibid., 1929, 3: 380-3.------ Ein Land, in dem Luge und Diebstahl un- bekannt sind. Ibid., 1930, 4: 211-4.—Rand. Javanische Opferhauschen. Ibid., 1927, 1: 293.—Reich. Aus meinen Erlebnissen als hollandischer Regierungsarzt auf Java. Med. Klin., Berl., 1926, 22: 712.—Roest, P. K. Raskruising op Java. Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1930, 70: 897-914.—SchafTer, F. X. Das Vorbild des Borobudur. Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1926, 56: Sitzber., 10.-—Schoemaker, C. P. W. Aesthetiek en oorsprong der Hindoe-Kunst op Java. Ibid., 1924, 55: 274-6 (Rev.)—Schoonheyt, L. J. A. Bijdrage tot de anthropologie der bevolking van Batavia en naaste omstreken. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1940, 39: 98 (Abstr.)—Seiffert, G. Hygienische Volksbelehrung in Java. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1934, 81: 1816- 8.—Sitsen. A. E. Ueber die Schadelform der .lavaner. Anthrop. Anz., 1934, 11: 68-96.—Stein Callenfels, P. van. L'industrie osseuse de Ngandong. Anthropologie, Par., 1936, 46: 359- 62.—Travaglino, P. Die Konstitutionsfrage bei der javanischen Rasse. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1927, 110: 437-92. JAVAL, Louis Emile, 1839-1907. Lebensohn, J. E. A centenary tribute. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1939, 21: 650-61 .—Terrien, F. Eloge. Bull. Acad. med., Par., 1939, 3. ser., 122: 531-9. Also Gaz. h&p., 1939, 112: 1477. Also Arch, opht., Par., 1939-40, n. ser., 3: 865-72. For portrait see Ann. ocul., Par., 1938, 175: front. JAVANIN. See also Fat, Metabolism; Lipase; Pancreatic extract. Pock-Steen, P. H. Researches concerning the biochemical role of a lipoclastic activator (Javanin) the lipoclastic hormone, Acta path, microb. scand., 1927, 4: 121-35. — & Tuxen. G. E. Researches concerning the biochemical r61e of a lipo- clastic activator (Javanin) the lipoclastic process. Ibid., 1926, 3:681-95. JAVANTHROPUS 607 JAW JAVANTHROPUS. See also in 3. ser. Pithecanthropus. Van Es, L. J. C. The age of Pithecanthropus. 142p. 8? The Hague, 1931. Ariens Kappers, C. V. The fissures on the frontal lobes of Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois compared with those of Neanderthal men, Homo recens and chimpanzee. Proc. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, sect, sc, 1929, 32: pt 1, 182-95, pl. [Comparison of the endocranial cast of the Pithecanthropus erectus, found by Dubois, with that found by von Koenigswald] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 969.—Clark, W. E. LeG. The relationship between Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus. Nature, Lond., 1940, 145: 70.—Deniker, J. L'&ge du pithe- canthrope. Anthropologie, Par., 1908, 19: 260-70. —Dercum, F. X. Exhibition of and comment on casts of fossils of Pithecan- thropus erectus. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1928, 19: 1130- 3.-—Dubois, E. On the cranial form of Homo neandertalensis and of Pithecanthropus erectus, determined by mechanical factors. Proc. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, sect, sc, 1922, 24: 313-32, pl. ------ Figures of the femur of Pithecanthropus erectus. Ibid., 1926, 29: pt 2, 1275-7, 4 pl. ------ Ueber die Hauptmerkmale des Femur von Pithecanthropus erectus. Anthrop. Anz., 1927, 4: 131-44, 3 pl. ------ The so-called new Pithecanthropus skull. Proc. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, sect, sc, 1927, 30: pt 1, 134-7, pl. ------ Early man in Java and Pithecanthropus erectus. In Early Man (Internat. Symp.) Phila., 1937, 315-22. ------ On the fossil human skulls recently discovered in Java and Pithecanthropus erectus. Man, Lond., 1937, 37: 1-7. ------ Pithecanthropus erectus, eine menschenahnliche Uebergangsform aus Java. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1940, 39: Suppl., 31 (Abstr.)—Gieseler, W. Ueber die hauptsachlichsten morphologischen Charaktere der Pithecanthropus-Calotte. Anthrop. Anz., 1926, 3: 117-9, 3 pl.—Homo sp. dans les couches k Pithecanthrope et dans les couches k Sinanthrope (?) Anthropologie, Par., 1937, 47: 201.—Koenigswald, G. H. R. von, & Weidenreich, F. The relationship between Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus. Nature, Lond., 1939, 144: 926-9.—Le Gros Clark, W. E. The status of Pithecanthropus. Man, Lond., 1937, 37: 60-2.— Mijsberg, W. A., & Bijlmer, H. J. T. Report on a fossil found at Trinil in 1926, and erroneously considered as the remains of a skull of Pithecanthropus. Proc. Akad. wet. Amsterdam, sect. sc, 1927, 30: pt 1, 126-33.—New-found fossils prove Pithecan- thropus was human. Science News Lett., 1937, 32: 387.— Pithecanthropus erectus; the ape-man of Java. News Serv. Bull., Wash., 1936-38, 4: 227-32.—Pithecanthropus and Peking man; comparative studies. Nature, Lond., 1939, 144: 933.—Third Java ape-man skull resembles Peking man. Science News Lett., 1938, 34: 302.—Vallois, H. V. Le Javan- thropus. Anthropologie, Par., 1935, 45: 71-84— Vaufrey, R. De nouveaux hommes de Wadjak. Anthropologie, Par., 1932, 42: 650.—Weidenreich, F. The relation of Sinanthropus pekinensis to Javanthropus and Rhodeeian man. J. R. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Britain, 1937, 67: 51-65, 4 pl. ------ Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus. Nature, Lond., 1938, 141: 378.—Weinert, H. Der Pithecanthropus erectus. Med. Welt, 1927, 1: 1065. Abo Zsehr. Anat. Entw., 1928, 87: 429- 547, 34 fig. Also Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1928, 87: 429- 547. ------ Der Pithecanthropus erectus, ein Bericht iiber die Untersuchung der Originalfossilien. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1928, 60: 153. ■—---- Eine Rekonstruktion des Pithecanthropus- Schiidels auf Grund der von Eugen Dubois, 1891, bei Trinil auf Java gefundenen Calcotte. Zsehr. Morph. Anthrop., 1936, 35: 446-52, 3 pl. JAVEL, Roger Charles Albert, 1909- *Technique esthetique de phrenicectomie. 47 p 25cm. Nancy, C. Andre, 1934. JAVELIER, Andre Eugene Francois Paul, 1911- *Le Marquis de Sade et les 120 journees de Sodome devant la psyehiatrie et la medecine legale. 81p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1937. JAVELLIZATION. See under Water, Purification. JAVIER Bolos, Francisco, -1844, Yaiiez y Girona, A. Biograffa. Botica, Barcel., 1852-53, 1: 122; 188. JAW. See also Cranium; Face, Bones; Head; Mandi- bula; Maxilla; Mouth; Paradentium; Periodon- tium; Tooth. , ,. , , • , Hoditz H. *Ueber die morphologischen Variationen des normalen menschlichen Kiefer- aDnarates und ihre Beziehungen zu seinen Be- wegungen [Frankfurt] 32p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1934. Jakob, L. *Beitrag zur Anatomie der jugend- lichen Kiefer; Lage, Grosse von Foramen mandi- bular, mentale, Mandibularkanal und die Bedeutung fiir die Leitungsanaesthesie [Wurz- burg] 19p. 21cm. Aschaffenb., 1937. Marschner, G. W. *Zahne und Kiefer bei den verschiedenen Konstitutionstypen insbesondere den Kretschmerschen Athletikern im Vergleich zu Leptosomen und Pyknikern. 28p. 8? Bonn, 1933. Mohlberg, L. *Zahne und Kiefer beim pyknischen Korperbautyp [Bonn] 35p. 8? Koln-Kalk, 1933. Quiroga, J. M. Importancia de la relaci6n centrica mandibular [ll]p. 23Hcm. B. Air., 1941. Voss, G. *Zungen- und Kieferform und ihre gegenseitige Beeinflussung. 16p. 8? Greifsw., 1935. Wallace, J. S. Variations in the form of the jaws, with special reference to their etiology and their relation to the occlusion of the dental arches. 265p. 8? Lond., 1927. Blotevogel, W. Gaumen- und Kieferverhaltnisse als Konsti- tutionsmerkmale. Verh. Anat. Ges. (1938) 1939, 46: 25-30.— Brandsburg, B. Aeussere Architektur der Ober- und Unter- kiefer. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1926, 78: 585-625.—Gallois, E., Lapond, M., & Japiot. Architecture intlrieure des os maxiUaires; mecanisme de la mastication. Rev. chir., Par., 1928, 66: 367-98—Gaman, F. Beitrage zur Frage der Kiefer- knochenstruktur unter normalen und einigen krankhaften Verhaltnissen. Zsehr. Stomat., 1929, 27: 824-45.—Hellman, M. Variation and anatomy of the jaw bones. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1927, 14: 418-23.—Job, T. T., & Fouser, R. H. Relation- ship of the teeth to the mandibular canal and the maxillary sinus. Ibid., 1072-9.—Link, K. H. Ein Beitrag zu den Erkran- kungen der Kiefermuskulatur. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1934, 50: 78- 83.—Matuda, Y. Location of the dental foramina in human skulls from statistical observations. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1927, 13: 299-305.—Mori, R. Alcune osservazioni sui forame incisivo. Stomatologia, Mod., 1930, 28: 545-57.—Weber, R. Anatomie. Fortsch. Zahnh., 1927, 3: 1-19. ---- Abnormity. See also subheading Deformity; also Abnor- mities, double; Dentition (abnormal and defec- tive; Absence) Face, Coloboma, etc. Gentz, G. *Was ist bisher iiber Missbildungen im Bereiche der Zahne und Kiefer bekannt geworden. 75p. 8? Greifsw., 1938. Herbst, E., & Apffelstaedt, M. Atlas und Grundriss der Missbildungen der Kiefer und Zahne. 321p. 8? Miinch., 1928. ---- The same. Malformations of the jaws and teeth. 320p. 8? Lond., 1930. Korte, H. *Missbildungen der Kiefer und Zahne; ihr Vorkommen und ihre Haufigkeit beim Menschen [ Miinster] ji24p.'& 23cm. Emsdetten (Westf.) 1937. Barber, R. O. Maldevelopment of the jaws. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1935, 49: 139-43.—Bruhn, C. La cura chirurgico- ortopedica dei difetti mascellari congenite e acquisiti. Stoma- tologia, Mod., 1929, 27: 905-26.—Fieux, J. Les malformations dento-maxillo-faciales de l'enfant en pratique medicale courante. Paris med., 1939, 113: 169-76.—Gerke, J. Missbildungen des Gesichts und der Kiefer. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941, 44: 37; 68.—Gruneberg, H., & Lea, A. J. An inherited jaw anomaly in long-haired dachshunds. J. Genet., Cambr., 1939- 40, 39: 285-96, pl.—Jorge, J. M., & Piazza de Rosenfeld, A. Malformaciones y deformaciones de maxilares; oportunidad auirurgica y conducta terapeutica. Bol. Soc cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 43-8. Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1939, 46: pt 1, 1221-42.— Kley, H. Hypoplasie der Kiefer und Ziihne. Med. Welt, 1934, g. 311 —Landete, D. B. Anomalia dento-maxilar corregible quiriirgicamente. Actas Congr. dent, espafi. (1909) 1910, 5. Congr., 93-6.—Lenormant, C, & Ruppe, C. Malformations et maladies congtaitales des m&choires. In Precis path, chir., 6 ed Par., 1938, 2: 735-9.—Mandelbaum, R. Ueber zwei seltene Fiille von Missbildungen. Zbl. Gyn., 1925, 49: 2338- 3 —Petheo, J. Kongenitale Synostose der Maxilla und Mandibula. Zsehr. Kinderh., 1929, 47: 447.—Ramsay, A. J. Persistence of the organ of Chievitz in the human. Anat. Rec, 1935-36, 63: 281-90, 2 pl.—Sicher, H. Ein Fall von pramaturer Synostose der beiden Zwischenkiefer, verbunden mit einer Durchbruchsanomalie der Ziihne. Zsehr. angew. Anat. Konst., 1913-14, 1: 238-44.—Zocchi, S. Una rara anomalia fetale. Riv. ostet. gin., 1929. 11: No. 5, 9-14. JAW 608 JAW ---- Abscess and suppuration. Bottcher, H. *Die akute pyogene Infektion der Kiefer im Tjitigkeitsgebiet eines Praktikers. 48p. 8? Berl., 1937. Dectschmann, H. *Ueber septische und pyamische AUgemeininfektionen im Gefolge der eitrigen Erkrankungen des Zahn- und Kiefer- systems [Erlangen] 93p. 8? [Zeulenroda, 1926] Dcchene, M. A. Contribution k I'etude du traitement radiotherapique dans les cellulites peri-maxillaires d'origine bucco-dentaire. 76p. 8? Par., 1934. Koerber, W. *Pyogene und putride Entziin- dungen des Kieferknochens und deren Folgen. 22]>. 8° Heidelb., 1932. Axhausen, G. Zur Klassifikation der eitrigen Entziindungen am Kii'fer. Chirurg, 1928-29, 1: 459-62. Also Deut. Mschr. Zahnh.. 1929, 47: 497-507.-—Beck, R. A new and successful treatment for chronic alveolar abscesses and sinuses of the jaws. Dent. Rev., 1910, 24: 122-6.—Brosch, F. Ueber eitrige Kieferentzundiing. Zsehr. Stomat., 1939, 37: 172; 234; 303 — Brown, J. B., & Hamm, W. G. Acute infections about the jaws of dental origin; dissection of the closing muscles by pus (4 illustrative cases) Internat. J. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 504- 15.—Causs6, R. L'ost6o-phlegmon diffus des maxillaires. Ann. mal. oreille, 1930, 49: 614-7.—Cavina, C. Suppuraziqni perimandibolari e perimascellari acute di origine dentaria. Stomatologia, Mod., 1928, 26: 353-85.—Cieszynski, A. Zur Topographie und Schnittfiihrung bei Kieferphlegmonen nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Therapie derselben. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 32-50.—Dechaume, M. Ost£ophlegmons p6ri- maxillaires. Progr. med., Par., 1932, 777-81. ---r— Phleg- mons pferimaxillaires (complications de la carie centaire) Presse mM., 1934, 42: 2007. ------ Traitement des suppura- tions maxillaires et p£rimaxillaires par le bacteriophage. Rev. stomat., Par., 1937, 39: 38.—Deputovich, A. U. [Suppurative c Mil if, of the jaws and their Roentgenography] Sovet. stomat., l'.i.il, 9: Nos. 8-9, 27-34.—Edwards, T. W. Maxillo-facial (.■llulitis. Dentoscope Bull., Wash., 1940, 20: No. 2, 13-8 — Elliot. W. L. Migratory abscess of the jaw; report of a case. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1942, 8: 587-90.—Frey, S. Klinischer Hcitrag zur eitrigen Entzundung der Kieferknochen. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931, 153: 300-13.—Fridrichovsky, J. Ein kasuis- tischer Beitrag zu den eitrigen Kieferknochenentziindungen. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1926, 44: 1-27.—Stein, G. Zur Behand- lung submaxilliirer Phlegmonen und Abszesse. Zsehr. Stomat., 1928, 26: 899-904.—Wild, G. Die Erscheinungen der eitrigen Ostitis der Kiefer im Rontgenbild. Rontgenpraxis, 1929, 1: 75-88. ---- Absence. Lalonde. L. M. A new type of bovine agnathia. J. Hered., 1940, 31: 80.—Merklen, P., Bicart, P., & Israel. L. Un cas d'aplasie congenitale du maxillaire sup^rieur avec participation de l'inferieur. Strasbourg m6d., 1934, 94: 642. ---- Actinomycosis. See also Face, Actinomycosis. Cotjrnand, R. E. Contribution a I'etude clinique et therapeutique de l'actinomycose des maxillaires. 55p. 8? Par., 1930. Dubois, E. *Actinomycose des maxillaires; contribution k I'etude clinique et diagnostic. 52p. 8? Par., 1933. Fink, L. *Die zentrale Aktinomykose und das Verhalten der Kieferknochen. 20p. 8? [Berl.] 1931. Fredrich, A. *Aktinomykose der Kiefer- knochen [Berlin] 20p. 8? Charlottenb., 1934. Hixsche, W. *Die Friihdiagnose der Kiefer- aktinomvkose [Berlin] 35p. 23cm. Charlot- tenb., 1936. Joos, E. *Ueber die Kieferaktinomykose unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Falle von 1918- 33 an der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik [Heidelberg] 30p. 8? Mannheim, 1933. Kuhxe, M. *Die Aktinomykose der Kiefer und ihre Behandlung. 24p. 22cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Matheis, F. S. *Ueber Aktinomykose und aktinomykoseahnliche Erkrankungen des Kiefers. 38p. 21cm. Munch., 1936. Muller, R. *R6ntgenbehandlung der Kiefer- aktinomykose an Hand von Fallen aus der Chirurgischen Klinik des Stadtkrankcnhauses zu Worms [Heidelberg] 29p. 8? Lengerich, 1936. Radtke, G. [A.] *Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Aktinomykose des Rindes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kieferaktinomykose. -lip. 8? Lpz., 1931. Reinken, F. [W\] *Beitrag zur Frage der Actinomycose im Mund-Kiefergebiet [Miinster] 17p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., 1936. Rietschel, A. *Ucber Pathogenese und Therapie der Aktinomykose, insonderheit der Kieferaktinomykose [Leipzig] 21p. 8? Wiirzb. 1935. Sciieuer, P. *Kieferaktinomykose und Unfall [Munchen] 18p. 8? Wiirzb., 1938. Actinomycosis, jaw. In Atlas Dent. Path. (Bernier, J. L., et al.) 2. ed., Chic, 1942, 164, pl.—Axhausen, G. Die Patho- genese und Klinik der Kieferaktinomykose. Deut. Zahn. &c Heilk., 1935, 2: 197-229. ------ Das Fruhbild der Kieferak- tinomykose. Verh. Berl. med. Ges. (1936) 1937, 67: 190-6. Also Deut. med. Wschr., 1936, 62: 1449-51. ------ Die Kieferaktinomykose. Ber. Internat. Zahniirztekongr. (1936) 1937, 9. Kongr., 2: 484-90.—Chiurco, G. A. L'infezione actinomicotica dei mascellari. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena, 1926, 10. ser., 18: 21-7. Also Stomatologia, Mod., 1926, 24: 453-8. —---- Die aktinomykotische Infektion der Kiefer; eine klinische und pathologisch-anatomische Studie. Zsehr. Stomat., 1926, 24: 763-814.—Chompret & Dechaume. Considerations sur l'actinomycose des maxillaires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1930, 32: 912-7.—Grabner, A. Die Aktinomy- kose. Bfer. Internat. Zahniirztekongr. (1936) 1937, 9. Kongr., 2: 491.-—Grandi, G. Stomatologische Kasuistik. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1928, 44: 114-21.—Hasimoto, K. Ueber die primare Kieferaktinomykose. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1934, 46: 1175.—Johns, W. A. Actinomycosis of the jaw; report of case. Bull. Richmond Acad. M., 1941, 9: 27.—Klingsbigl, J. Drei Falle von zentraler Kiefer-Aktinomykose. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 140: 163-7—Kotanyi, E. Die Aktinomykose. Ber. Internat. Zahniirztekongr. (1936) 1937, 9. Kongr., 2: 493 — Kranz, P. P. Zur Frage der Diagnosenstellung und der Therapie bei Kieferaktinomvkose. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1939, 6: 287-97.—Matheis, F. S. Actinomycosis of the jaws and diseases with similar symptoms. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1937, 23: 1032-44.—Nasi, C. L'attinomicosi dei mascellari. Stomatologia, Mod., 1937, 35: 231-40.—Ommen, B. van [New investigations on the initial forms of actinomycosis of the jaw] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 5850-4.—Pichler, H. Tuberkulose und Aktinomykose des Unterkiefers. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1935, 48: 671.—Rosanz, G. Casistica dell'actino- micosi mascellare. Stomatologia, Mod., 1926, 24: 469-81.— Seeman, G. F. Actinomycosis of the jaw. Dent. Digest, 1935, 41: 303.—Simmonds, B. S. Actinomycosis of the jaw. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: 138.—Spreter von Kreudenstein, T. Beitrage zur Therapie der Kieferaktinomy- kose. Deut. Zahn &c Hedk., 1936, 3: 678 95.—Thone, W. Die Aktinomykose der Kiefer und ihre Behandlung mit Lymphdriisenextrakt nach Dr Trauner, Graz. Zsehr. Stomat., 1934, 32: 699; 758.—Wakeley, C. P. G. A case of actinomy- cosis of the jaw which became carcinomatous. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1933, 135: 315.-—Wassmund, M. Aktinomykose der Kieferknochen beim Kinde. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1938, 5: 596-613. ---- Adamantinoma. See also Adamantinoma. Gadeff, N. *Adamantinome ausserhalb der Kiefer. 18p. 8? Rostock, 1933. Gehrke, W. *Beitrag zur Erkenntnis sel- tenerer Kiefertumoren (Adamantinom) lOp. 8? Greifsw., 1935. Lange, F. *Ueber die differentialdiagnosti- sche Abgrenzung des cystischen Adamantinoms der Kiefer zu den anderen odontogenen Kie- fergeschwiilsten an Hand eines klinischen Falles. 19p. 21cm. Konigsb., 1936_. Pflaum, I. [A.] *Beitrag zur Opefations- methodik beim Adamantinom. 15p. 20}£cm. Konigsb., 1938. Rosenstein, S. *Ueber Adamantinome. 32p. 8? Bresl., 1931. Voce, R. H. *Die Adamantinome der Kie- fer and des Hypophysengangs und ihre Bezie- hungen zu den Basalzellenkrebsen [Heidelberg] 26p. 22cm. Diisseld., 1937. JAW 609 JAW Adamantinoma of the jaw. Annual Rep. S. Africa Inst. M. Res., 1939, 15.—Ameloblastoma, adamantinoma. In Atlas Dent. Path. (Bernier, J. L., et al.) 2. ed., Chic, 1942, 48, pl.— Barr, J. O. A review of the literature on adamantinomata' of the jaw and presentation of Lakeside and City Hospital cases 1938. J. Ohio Dent. Soc, 1938, 12: 124-30.—Bump, W. S, Adamantine epithelioma [2 cases] Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1927! 44: 173-80.—Ch'in, K. Y. Adamantinoma in Chinese- a pathological study of 41 cases. Chin. M. J., 1938, Suppl' 2 91-130, 12 pl.—Conzett, D. C. Adamantinoma of the jaw' J. Iowa M. Soc, 1937, 27:426-8.—D'Abreu, F. Adamanti- noma of the jaw. S. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1935 68- 255-61, pl.—Fujiwara, T. A case of great ameloblasto- ma. Bull. Nav. M. Ass., Tokyo, 1939, 28: 53.—Gonzalez Marmol, D. Los adamantinomas de los maxilares Rev m£d. cubana, 1938, 49: 235-53.—Gullifer, W. H. Adaman- tinoma? Dent. Cosmos, 1936, 78: 1256-9.—Harkink, J [On adamantinoma] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1935, 75; 1413-9, 2 pl.—Hauenstein, K. Zur Wertung und Diagnostik der adamantinomartigen Kiefertumoren. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1937, 4: 387-406.—Havens, F. Z. Adamantinoma of the jaws. Arch. Clin. Oral Path., 1940, 4: 285-92.—Hutten, A. E. van [Prosthesis in two cases of adamantinoma of the" jaw] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1933, 73: 1545-8, 2 pl.— Ivy, R. H., & Curtis, L. Adamantinoma of the jaw. Arm Surg., 1937, 105: 125-34.—Jones, W. A. Familial multi- locular cystic disease of the jaws. Am. J. Cancer, 1933 17: 946-50.— Kimm, H. T., & Baranoff, A. F. Adamantinoma: a clinical study of twenty-six cases. Chin. M. J., 1938, 53: 1-22.—Landais. Le traitement chirurgical des grands kystes adamantins. Rev. stomat., Par., 1933, 35: 677-88.—Logsdon, C. M. Diagnosis and treatment of adamantinoma. .1 Am Dent. Ass., 1934, 21: 1838-41.—Lyerly, J. G. Adamantine epithelioma; report of a case. Virgin a M. Month., 1928-29 55: 866-9.—Major, S. G., Bell, J. R., & DeWaters, R. s! Adamantine tumors of the jaws. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1934, 59: 876-85.—Orr, J. W. Adamantinoma of the jaw in a rabbit J. Path. Bact,, Cambr., 1936, 42: 703, 2 pl.—Padgett, E. C, & Soderberg, N. B. Adamantinomas of the jaw. J. Missouri M Ass., 1941, 38: 276-9.—Reider, Seltene Adamantinome Beitr. klin. Chir., 1935, 161: 654.—Tratman, E. K. Adaman- tinoma or multilocular cysts of the jaw; illustrated by 2 cases occurring in Chinese: one in the mandible (male) one in the maxilla (female) Brit. Dent. J., 1935, 59: 417-36.—Unusual case: multilocular cyst of jaw. Dent. Surv., 1936, 12: 54, -----Age changes. Draeger, O. *Altersveranderungen des Kie" fers und des Kiefergelenkes. 32p. 8? Bonn. 1935. Laszl6, S. *Ueber die Veranderbarkeit der anatomischen Form des Sauglingkiefers und die verandernden Ursachen. 16p. 8? Wiirzb., 1934. Stang, H. *Die Altersveranderungen der Kiefer. 40p. 23cm. Marb., 1937. Bluntschli. Die menschlichen Kieferwerkzeuge in ver- schiedenen Alterszustanden. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1926, 35: 163-76.—Nally, J. N. La resorption et l'apposition osseuse normale dans la machoire humaine de la naissance k l'age adulte. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1939, 49: 649-77, 3 pl.— Robinson, H. B. G., Boling, L. R., & Lischer, B. E. Teeth and jaws. In Probl. Ageing (Cowdry, E. V.) 2. ed., Bait., 1942, 366-90. ---- Alveolar process. See also Dentition; Paradentium; Tooth. Heuser, H. Die normale und kranke Alveo- larbucht im Rontgenbild. 79p. 8? Lpz., 1938. Lindner, C. [H. W.] *Ueber Knochenum- bildungsvorgange in der primitiven Alveole friihzeitiger Milchzahnanlagen. 28p. 8? Berl.- Charlottenb., 1935. Brash, J. C. The growth of the alveolar bone and its relation to the movements of the teeth, including eruption. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1928, 14: 196; 283; 398; 487.—Bruno, G. Meccanismo di formazione dell'alveolo dentario. Riv. ital. stomat., 1936, 5: 497-500.—Chatellier, J. Considerations sur la vie et la mort des fondations ligamento-alv6olaires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1937, 39: 194-204.—Glattes, M. Mikro- skopische Untersuchungen am normalbelasteten Alveolarkno- chen in verschiedenen Altersstufen. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1936, 3: 827-37.—MacMillan, H. W. Structural character- istics of the alveolar process. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1926, 12: 166-77; 722-32.—Norberg, O. Die Morphogenese der primitiven Zahnalveolen beim Menschen und ihre Bedeutung fur die Stellungsanomalien der Zahne. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1933, 100: 394-432.—Petrovits, L. Substantia ossea sino- interalveolaris. Anat. Anz., 1928, 66: 115-24.—Ramsay- Smith, W. Forms of the alveolar arch. Austral. J. Dent., 1926 *30-" 240-8.—Roth, H. Alveolar bone regeneration. N. York'J. Dent., 1942, 13: 26.—Ryder. W. B., jr. The 320157—vol. 8, 4th sebies----39 »l™i e °f Clrculat0ry canals in roentgenograms of the alveolar process Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 640-51- bone nf0,?b.W-,M-,Jr- A discussion °f the distribution.ofthe 949% w Vlve?lar Erocess. Angle Orthodont., 1934, 4: zthn 7l 0ei,denre'!,h' FJ T^eber die Beziehungen zwischen 92uft™wn(i Kieferi Z„schr- ees- Anat., 1. Abt., FinW JZ I°k e!1nmA^nn',J-, Zur FraSe der organischen 77i I ^°n,?a^n u£,d Alveolarknochen. Ibid., 1927, 83: i„ '' , , *?', °\ Physiologie normale et pathologique du 3r^« * valv^olo-dentaire. Rev. odont., Par., 1930, 51- Tr int an£ZaJ"' .K" Sur la forme de 1'arcade alvtolaire. Tr. Nippon Dent. Ass., 1933, 54.—Young, A. P. Alveolar w?tnb'J! ♦• st,mctUJe and behavior under various influences, Ass , 1937C24- fitT™ t0 roentgenogram. J. Am. Dent. ---- Alveolar process: Abscess. See also Tooth, Abscess. Berens, T. P. Radiographic plate showing an alveolar abscess, with a small fragment of a tooth in situ. Ann. Otol Rhinol 1914 23: 477.-Berger, A. Dento-alveolar abscess! Dent. Items 1914, 36: 641-53,-Black, A. D. Diagnosis and Son my, chronic alveolar abscess. Dent. Rev., 1912 26- jJ/9-db.—Black, G. V. A consideration of the conditions point- ing to grave results in, and the causes of death from, alveolar abscess. Northwest. Dent. J., 1905, 3: No. 2, 11-20.—Bryant E. A. Iodoform in root treatment after alveolar abscess! Dent. Items, 1923, 45: 909.-BuckIey, J. P. The rational treatment of chron c dentoalveolar abscess, with root and bone complications. Dent. Rev., 1911, 25: 755-76.—Caiman, M. S. & Caiman, J. S. The dento-alveolar abscess. Dent. Outlook N. Y., 1926, 13: 393-5.—Carr, I. N. Alveolar abscess complil cated with necrosis of the alveolar process: a case in practice. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass., Phila., 1908, 347-54.—Chapman, W. L. Suppurative conditions of the alveolar process. Dent Cosmos 1913, 55: 263-70.—Coleman, F. Cellulitis of face and neck following an alveolar abscess. Brit. Dent. J., 1924, 45: 560.__ Davis, H. C. The clinical aspect of alveolar abscess. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1934, 48: 482-6.—Day, E. F. Lead points in the treatment of alveolar abscess. Dent. Rev., 1908, 22: 107-11.—Dittmar, G. W. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic alveolar abscess. Ibid., 1912, 26: 494-6.—Faro, R. S. N. Alveolar abscess with fatal termination. Brit. Dent. J., 1913! 34: 399.—Fontaine, S. B. The physicians responsibility in acute dento-alveolar abscesses. Clin. M. cvsts of the jaw. Med. Rec, N. \ ., 1941, 154: 332.— Hir. is, L. Comnon cysts of the jaws. Dent. Digest, 1934, 4f- 370-4—Haulerri^ser. Zur Operationsmethodik der 1 ^ferejsten. Pent. > sehr. Zahnh., 1930, 4s: 1212-22.— Haven'. 1. Z. Fenign o sts and adamantinomas of the jaws. Arch. Ctolnr., Chic, 1939, 30: 702-74. ------ & Dix, C. R. Benign cysts of the jaws. Proc. I\ ayo Clin., 1940, 15: 30o-8.— Hifrrth, H. I eber das \ orkomiren von lalgdriisen in der Wandung einer Zahnc.\ste, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Patho- gemse der 1-iefer-Zahncj sten. Deut. R.schr. Zahnh., 1930, 48: 65-70.—Jacobs, M. H., & Store, H. ( ysts of the jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1940, 26: 690-711.—h litsch. W. I eber die Fei'.ungserfolge total exstirpierter Cysten. Deut. A schr. Zahnh., 1927, 45: 321-33—hossykh, S. F. [Cysts of the jaws] Omsky med. J., 1929, 4: 61-8, pl.—Kraus, M. Leber L lefer- zy ten. Zahnwurzelzvten und Wurzelgranulome. Wien. med. Wschr 1934, 84: L':i'.i 12. Kroifelo, R. I nusual cysts of the jaws. Illinois I -nt. J-, 1933, 2: 345-9.—lein, A. A. [Pelation between fol'.i.-ular cysts and the adamantine of the jaw] Stomatologia > .^;i. 1938, No. 4, 103.—Maccaferri, G Risultati lontani ddle operazioni per cisti della mandibola e della mascella. Arch. chir. oris, Bologna, 1931-32,1: 494-502.— Me\er, A. W. Median anterior maxillary cysts. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1931, 18: 1851-77— Ochrer.hirt, N. C. Diagnosis and treatment of cvstic tumors of the jaw. Pennsylvania M. J., 1938-39, 42: 784-6.—Penhale, h. W. Cysts of the maxilla and mandible; diagnosis and treatment. J. Oral Surg., 1943, 1- 138-"6—Pctts, H. A. Cvsts of the maxilla and mandible. J. Am. Dent, Ass., 1927, 14: 1403-12.—Saraval, U. Le c:sti dei mascellari. Riv. ital. stomat., 1937, 6: 397-418^-Schultz. L. Cysts of the maxillae and mandible. J. Am. Dent, Ass., 1927 14: 1395-402.—Seen-an, G. F. Cyst of the jaw; report of an interesting case. Lent. Surv., 1934, 10: 54.—Stafne, E. C. Possible role of retained deciduous roots in etiology of cvsts of the jaw. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1937, 24: 1488-93.— Strailh, F. F. Fereditary epidermoid cyst of the jaws. Am. J. Orthodont,. 1939, 25: 673-91.—Thoira, K. H. Facial cleft or fssnral cvsts. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1937; 23: 83-9. Truscott, D. L. Cysts of the jaw and their effects. Jb>sp News, Wash., 1942, 9: No. 3, 1-6, 5 pl- Walcron, C. W. Cysts of the jaws: a consideration of their etiology, pathology, clinical course, diagnosis and treatment. Illinois Dent. .)., 1933, 2: 677-95.------Cystic tumors of the jaws; con- servative and 2-stage operative procedures to prevent deformity and the loss of useful teeth. Am. J. Orthodont., 1941, 27: Oral Surg., 313-22.------& Worman, H. G. Clinics in oral surgery cvstic tumors in the jaws of children. Dent. Surv., 1931 7: 45-8.— Wencfriner, H. Cystische Ceschwulste der liefer Arch. klin. Chr., 1927, 145: 139-43—Winter, L. Cysts of the jaws. Intei nat. J. Orthodont., 1936, 22: 408-19. Also N. York J. Dent., 1936, 6: 255-7. ---- Cyst, dentigerous. Jaehn, A. *Ueber die Ergebnisse der Be- handlung radikuliirer Kieferzysten. 16p. 8°. Kiel, 1934-35. Vogeler, W. R. *Oberkiefer- und Unter- kicfcrzvsten hervorgegangen aus retinierten Zahnkeimen [Kiel] 29p. 8? Libau, 1931. Ai-enberp, M. S. Dentigerous cyst. In Atlas Dent. Path. (Bernier, J. L., et al.) 2. ed., Chic, 1942, 45: pl—Alise. M. d\ Sui tumori dei mascellari di origine dentaria; cisti radicolari e follicolari. Riv. ital. stomat., 1935, 4: 173-205.—Aronson, W. Zur Frage der Cholesteatome der Liefer. Zsehr. Stomat., 1934, 32: 571-7.—Blum, T., Kalet (|ni>tesdentarios. Arch, med., Madr., 1928, 29: 417-23.- Maccaferri. G. Contributo clinico alio studio della eisti follicular. Arch. chir. oris, Bologna, 1935, 3: 459-561.— Perrier. Kystes folliculaires des machoires. Gaz. odont., Pa>., 1*79, 1: 176.—Rygtre, J. Deher die Pathogenese der foiiik'.l ien Kieferzysten. Zsehr. Stomat., 1932, 30: 811-20 — Seeman, G. F. Case of a dentigerous cyst. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1928, 14: 892.—Seimbille, A. C. Quelques con- siderations sur la technique operatoire des kystes radiculairos et dentiferes des machoires. Rev. odont., Par., 1938, 60: 257-82.—Wetterstad, P. Lt tilfffilde at folhkuhrr tandcyste med bemerkninger verdrtfrende de maksilhi re cj ster i alminde- lighet. Tskr. norske laegeforen., 1913. 33: 394- 10(1. Worms, (i. Lipiodol et kvste paradentaire. Arch, inlernat. laryng., Par., 1927, 33: 989-92. ---- Cyst, traumatic. Egle, H. [J. R. K. T.] *Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung traumatischer Kieferzysten [Miin- chen] 12p. 8? Berl., 1932. Sierts, F. [J.] *Entstehung von Kieferzysten nach Trauma. 8p. 8? Kiel, 1931. Schneider, O. Ueber besondere zystische Bil lungen der Kiefer (Paradentalzysten und traumatische Zysten) Zsehr. Stomat., 1931, 29: 80-96. —;— Deformity. See also subheadings (Abnormity; Asymmetry; Development; Occlusion) Dewes, M. *Untersuchungen von Zahn- stellungsfehlern und Kieferanomalien bei ein- eiigen Zwillingen. 24p. 8? Tub., 1935. Fkanke, G. Ueber Wachstum und Verbildun- gen des Kiei'ers und der Nasenscheidewand auf Grund vergleichender Kiefer-Messungen und experimenteller Untersuchungen iiber Knochen- wachstum. 205p. 8? Lpz., 1921. Haussinger, W. *Ueber Kiefer- und Zahn- anomalien bei Kindern der Erlanger Hilfs- schule [Erlangenl 24p. 21 ^cm. Wurzb., 1938. Hoffmanns, W. *Hypoplasien des Gebisses und Kieferdeformitaten; eine Studie an Rasse- schiideln mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Naturvolker. 15p. 8? [Bonn] 1921. Hunold, K. *Kapillaruntersuchungen bei Kindern mit Entwicklungs-Storungen am Kiefer [Frankfurt a. M.] 19p. 8? [Berl.] 1928. Muller, H. *Anomalien der Zahnstellung, Kieferform und Okklusion beim Tiere [Bonn] 45p. 8? Diiren, 1933. Pohl, A. *Zahn- und Kieferuntersuchungen an Hilfsschulkindern in Brieg [Breslau] 35p. 20#cm. Brieg-Bresl. [1937] Weninger, G. *Contribution k I'etude des malformations dentaires et maxillaires dans quelques etats psychopathiques constitutionnels. 53p. 8? Strasb., 1932. Bay, R. Ueber den kapillarmikroskopischen Befund bei K'eferanomalien. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1941, 51: 530-45, ch., pl.—Cahn, L. R. A contribution to the pathology of bony overgrowths of the jaws. Dent. Items, 1929, 51: 937-47.— Gruber, G. B. Traumatische Kampylognath e mit Kreuzbiss beim Reh. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1939, 47: 743.—Herpin. Des anomalies maxillo-dentaires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1926, 28: 589-92.—Izard, G. Terminologie descriptive des mal- positions dentaires et des deformations maxillo-faciales. Ibid., 1929, 31: 65-91.—Lischer, B. E. The classification of dento- facial deform ties. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1915, 1: 291-320.— McCarter, W. A. Underdeveloped maxilla and overdeveloped mandible (case report) Ibid., 1927, 13: 625.—Muzj, E. La nostra classificazione delle disgnazie o anomalie dento-maxillo- facciali. Ann. Ciin. odont., Roma, 1936, 13: 7; 99—Myer, E. The development of the jaws and teeth and the abnormalities common to children. Illinois Dent. J., 1933, 2: 186-95.— Peyrus, J. Cinq observations de dvsmorphose maxillo-faciale. Rev. stomat., Par., 1936, 38: 393-409.—Pitts, A. T. Irregular- ities of the teeth and jaws. In Dis. Child. (Thursfleld & Paterson) Lond., 1934, 181-90.—Riza, E. (Malformation of the teeth, jaws and face in childhood] Askeri sihhiye mecmuasi, 1933, 62: 177-81.—Rogers, A. P. A consideration of dento- facial maldevelopments in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1922, 39: 473-82.—Salhcff, S. Campylognathie beim Hasen. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1941, 255.—Schwarz, R. Lippenverun- staltungen durch Kieferanomalien. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1929, 39: 331-44, 4 pl.—Shallow, T. A. Deformities of the jaw. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 212-4 — Smith, A. H. Some observations correlated with abnormal growth. Dent. Cosmos. 1926, 68: 764-70.— Stallard, H. Usual maxillary deformations. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 2058-64.—Steinkarrim, J. Pie Bedeutung des friihzeitigen Erkennens von unregelmassigen Zahnstellungen und fcieferm;ss- bildungen. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1936, 7: 316-21.—Villain, G. L'unification de la terminologie et des classifications des deviations dento-maxillo-faciales. Tr. Internat. Dent. Cong., 1914, 6. Congr., 357-78.—Watry, F. Les dysmorphoses maxil- JAW 613 JAW laires chez les enfants debiles; resultat d'une enquete au preventorium de Clemskerke. Rev. odont., Par., 1928, 49: 173-87.—Wright, H. B. Aspectos antropol6gicos de deformi- dades dentofaciales. An. Soc. m£d. quir. Guayas, 1938, 18: 425-36. ---- Deformity: Etiology. See also names of primary diseases as Acro- dynia; Chondrodystrophy; Dysostosis; Rickets, etc. Arndt, G. *Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und der Kiefer- und Zahnstellungsanomalien bei Volksschulkindern des Stadt- und Landkreises Neisse. 21p. 8? Greifsw., 1936. 1 Arnold, M. *Ueber Deformierung der Kiefer durch orthopadische Apparate bei Spon- dylitis-Behandlung und prodromale Anzeichen der Deformation [Basel] 49p., 8? Zur., 1927. Barth [M.] C. *Untersuchungen iiber die Beziehungen der Zahn- und Kieferanomalien zum Gesamtkorperbau an endogenen Geistes- kranken und Gesunden. 35p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Baus, I. *Biss- und Kieferanomalien im Allgau unter Beriicksichtigung von Rasse und Konstitutionstypen [Miinchen] 19p. 8? Wiirzb., 1937. Bauwexs, P. E. *Ueber das familiare Vor- kommen schwerer rachitischer Kieferdeformie- rungen. 72p. 8? Bonn, 1932. Beese, H. G. *Ueber Kiefer und Zahne bei mongoloider Idiotie [Halle-Wittenberg] 27p. 8? Stendal, 1931. Euchenhofer, C. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der rachitischen Kieferdeformitaten [Tubingen] 33p. 8? Tub., 1930. Fitzner, H. *Die Kieferverbildung durch Rachitis und die Frage nach ihrer Riickwirkung auf Gesichts- und Hirnschadel. 34p. 8? Greifswald [1934] Fromm, H. G. *Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Kieferverbildungen beim angeborenen musku- Iaren Schiefhals mit vergleichender Betrachtung der Kieferfehlbildung bei behinderter Nasenat- mung und Lutschprotrusion. 16p. 8? Gott., 1935. Fuhrmann, J. *Ueber die Aetiologie der Biss- und Stellungsanomalien der Zahne, insbe- sondere ihre Entstehung durch Rassenmischung [Rostock] 46p. 8? Emden, 1935. Gehrke, W. K. B. *Physiognomische- psychologische Veranderungen bei oralen Erkran- kungen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung bei pathologischen Erscheinungen an den Kiefern und Zahnen. 36p. 8? Lpz., 1932. Hennerkes, B. *Ueber den Zusammenhang der Kiefer- und Zahnstellungsanomalien und sozialer Lage bei den Volksschulkindern Hemes [Wurzburg] 58p. 8? Wertheim, 1934. Hilbert, I. [K.] *Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen der sozialen Lage und den Zahnreihen- und Kieferanomalien bei den Schulkindern Bochums [Greifswald] 19p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1936. Jacobi, G. *Ueber Zahn- und Kiefer- anomalien bei angeborenen Geisteskrankheiten; ein Beitrag zu Geisteskranke und Gebiss. 43p. 8? Erlangen, 1931. Josef, F. *Die Ursachen der Stellungsanoma- lien der' Kiefer und der Zahne; eine Studie an Schadeln. 28p. 8? [Gott.] 1925. Klockmann, U. *Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen der sozialen Lage und den Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanomalien bei den Schulkindern des Kreises Malchin. 24p. 22^cm. Greifsw., 1938. Krawietz, H. *Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und den Kiefer- und Zahnstellungsanomalien bei Schulkindern der Volks- und Mittelschulen des Stadt- und Land- kreises Beuthen [Greifswald] 19p. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1938. Kresse, H. *Zahn- und Kieferbefunde bei Patienten mit angeborenen korperlichen Schadi- gungen [Breslau] 19p. 8? Quakenbriick, 1937. Kuhnle, J. *Ueber den Zusammenhang von Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanomalien und der sozialen Lage der Schulkinder Ulms [Wurzburg] 83p. 8? Ulm-Soflingen, 1934. Kulka, M. *Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanoma- lion bei angeborenen Missbildungen [Breslau] 19p. 8? Wiirzb., 1937. Lassing, H. *Ueber den Zusammenhang von Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanomalien mit der sozialen Lage bei den Schulkindern von Schwab- Hall und Umgebung [Wurzburg] 66p. 8? Wertheim a. M., 1935. Loch, A. *Ueber das Verhaltnis der sozialen Lage und Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanomalien bei den Schulkindern in St. Wendel-Saar. 15p. 8? [Greifsw.] 1936. Mansbach, M. Tgeb. Zlotnicki] *Ueber den Einfluss von Schlaflagen auf die Entstehung von Kieferanomalien [Bonn] 31p. 8? Berl., 1931. Also Zsehr. Stomat., 1931, 29: 1331-59. Marcus, p. W. *Die Hynertrophie des lymphatischen Rachenringes und ihre Bedeutung bei der Entstehung von Kieferanomalien. 45p. 8? Bonn, 1932. Nolopp, P. *Der heutige Stand der Aetiologie der Stellungsanomalien der Kiefer und Zahne [Leipzig] 44p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1930. Otto, B. *Ueber das Verhaltnis der sozialen Lage und Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanomalien bei Schulkindern Bremens [Greifswald] 35p. 21cm. Schweinfurt, 1937. Paschke, S. *Ueber die Aetiologie der Kieferdeformitaten. 26p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1934. Peetz [J. U.] G. *Ueber das Verhaltnis zwischen der sozialen Lage und den Kieferanoma- lien an den Schulen Erfurts. 27p. 8? Wiirzb. [1933] Scheibe [C. F.] P. *Ueber Zahn- und Kie- ferbogenverhaltnisse bei Zwergen unter Be- riicksichtigung der Artikulation [Jena] 34p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1934. Schulze, J. *Zahn- und Kieferveranderungen bei chronischen Gelenkveranderungen (Auszug) lOp. 8? Lpz., 1923. ScHWAND\Et, W. *Studien und Beitrag zum Thema Rachitis und Kieferdeformitaten [Tu- bingen] 29p. 8? Stuttg., 1930. Seeberger, E. *Ein Beitrag zu der Frage, ob und in welcher Weise im Sauglingsalter sich abspielende schwere Erkrankungen eine blei- bende Veranderung am Zahnsvstem und Kie- ferskelett zur Fblge haben [Erlangen] 18p. 25^cm. Berl. [1933] Signettx, P. *Atr<§sie'du maxillaire supgrieur chez l'adulte, consecutive a des mutilations erendues du maxillaire inferieur. 44p. 8? Par., 1926. Stangenberg, A. *Einfluss der Rachitis auf Kieferbildung, Beschaffenheit, Durchbruch und Stellung der Zahne. 24p. 8? Berl., 1933. Ulrich, E. *Die Theorien uber die Entste- hung der rachitischen Kieferdeformitaten. 24p. 23cm. Greifsw., 1935, JAW 614 JAW Urmitzer, F. *Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und den Kiefer- und Zahnreihenanomalien bei den Schulkindern in Gids und Umgebung [Greifswald] 16p. 8°. Mayen, 1938. Walltuch, N. *Krankheiten im Kindesalter als ursjichliche Faktoren fiir Struktur- und Stellungsanomalien der Zahne, sowie Deformie- rungen der Kiefer. 20p. 8? Lpz., 1934. Weber, F. *Kiefer-Wachstumsstorungen als Folge von Zahnkeimoslitis. 24p. 8? Bonn, 1934. Weidner, J. *Ueber Zusammenhange zwi- schen sozialer Lage und Kiefer- und Zahnreihen- anomalien bei den Schulkindern Heinsberg's bei Aachen. 33p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Wendlandt, R. *Gibt es degenerative Erscheinungen an den menschlichen Kiefern, die man als Kulturerscheinungen ansehen muss? [Berlin] 35p. 23cm. Charlottenb., 1938. Auriti, F., & Aprile, V. Rapporti fra vegetazioni adenoidi ed anomalie di forma delle ossa mascellari. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1937, 14: 528-34.—Beltran Codina, J. Influencia de los procesos moibosos de la infancia en el desarrollo de los arcos dentarios. Med. nifios, 1930, 31: 40-5.-- Chappie. C. C, & Davidson, D. T. A study of the relationship between fetal position and certain congenital deformities. Am. J. Orthodont., 1941, 27: 461. Chenet, H. Les deformations acquises des maxillaires. Odontologie, Par., 1930, 68: 707-13.—Federspiel, M. N. Mouth breathing; its influence on the development of the dental arches and jaws. Dent. Rev., 1908, 22: 1014-20 — Frenzel, A. b iefer und Zahne als Entwicklungs-Diagnostikum einer gestorten korper-seelischen Individualkonstitution; eine erbbiologische Studie an normal- und schwachsinnigen Schul- kindern. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1935, 2: 53; 307; 378 — Giorelli, G. II rapporto delle arcate dentarie con el anomalie congenite del rachide cervicale. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1931, 8: 31-3.—Gubler, W. Aetiologie der Kieferanomalien. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1941, 51: 997-1009.—Guichard, P. Quelques considerations sur le r&le de la glossoptose par rfitro- gnatie. Loire m6d., 1929, 43: 49-60, pl.—Hellman, M. Some morphological changes in the jaw bones produced by ortho- dontic treatment. Dent. Items, 1915, 37: 161-85.—Pickerill, H. P. On the production of narrow jaws by the mastication of tough and f.brous foods. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1913-14, 7: Odont. Sect., 92-5.—Pollack. H. C. Maxillary deformities as a result of nasal obstruction. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Sec, 1914, 8: 464.—Pullen, H. A. Abnormal habits in their relation to malocclusion and facial deformitv. Internat. Orthodont. Congr. (1926) 1927, 1. Congr., 201-20. Also Internat. J. Orthodont., 1927, 13: 233-52.—Scheidt, C. Zur Aetiologie der Zahn- und Kieferstellungsanomalien. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929, 155: 602-13.—Schwarz, A. M. Ueber den Einfluss von Schlaflagen auf die Entstehung von Kieferanomalien. Zsehr. Stomat,, 1932, 30: 731-7.—Steuer, I. F. Effects of true, infantilism on the jaws and teeth; a case report. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1929, 16: 1304-6.—Watry. Le role du terrain dans la pathogenie et le traitement des dysmorphoses dentomaxillaires. Rev. odont., Par., 1934, 55: 34-44.—Weinberger. B. W. The results observed in a further study of prenatal causes of dentofacial deformities. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1918, 4: 1-23.—Yates, A. L. The role of nose and throat disease in the production of deformities of the jaw. Intertiat. J. Orthodont., 1930, 16: 391-7. ---- Deformity: Prevention and treatment. See also subheadings (Occlusion; Orthopedics; Surgery) Bonse, G. *Aetiologie, Prophylaxe und Friihbehandlung der Zahnstellungs- und Kiefer- anomalien. 40p. 8? Miinster, 1933. Claussex, H. *Ueber chirurgische und zahnarztlich-orthopadische Massnahmen zum Ausgleich der Progenie und Makrogenie (an Hand einer im Stadtischen Krankenhaus in Neumiinster vorgenommenen Operation) 32p. 8? Kiel, 1931. Gahr, W. *Ueber den Umfang der Kiefer- verkriippelungen unter den Leipziger Volks- schulkindern und die Verhutung dieser Schaden [Leipzig] 23p. 21cm. Lengerich i. W., 1936. Axhausen, G. Die operative Orthopadie bei den Fehl- bildungen der Kiefer. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1939, 6: 582- 600.—Bruhn, C. The surgical-orthopedical removal of the deformations of the jaws. Internat. Orthodont. Congr. (1926) 1927, 1. Congr., 245-59.—Cauhepe, J. Les deformations des maxillaires et leur traitement orthopedique, Medecine, Par., 1937, 18: 657.—D'Alise. C. II pane nello sviluppo della faccia e nella profilassi delle deformity dento-facciali. Riv. ital. stomat., 1938, 7: 60-9.- Dreyfus. S. Pt ophylaxis der Kiefer- missbildungen; das Stillen der Sauglinge; der Einfluss der mechanischen Vorgange 'les Saugens auf die Kntwieklung des Kindes. Schweiz. Mschr. Zalmli., I'.i28, 38: 544-62.—Faucon- nier, H. J.. A- Patcas. H. L'iinportanee du redreasement des malformations dento-nnixillo-faciales. Liege med., 1939, 32: 1-9.—Groth, J. Pourrait-on constater et pr6voir k 1'aide de I'appareil a mensuration un developpement anormal des maxillaires. des angles de la machoire infirieurc et des condyles" Bull. Soc. anthrop. Bruxelles, 1911, 30: 193 202, pl. Huber. L. J. Treatment of a case of extreme maxillary malformation in adultlife. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1917, 3: 103. Kazanjian, V. H. Surgical correction of deformities of the jaws and ita relation to orthodontia. Ibid., 1936, 22: 259-82. ------ The interrelation of dentistry and surgery in the treatment of deformities of the face and jaws. In Proc. Dent. Centen. Ceiebr. (Maryland Dent. Ass.) 1940, 489-507. Also Am. J. Orthodont., 1941, 27: Oral Surg., 10-30.—Kurliandsky, V. I. [Orthopedic treatment of dysgenesis] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1938, No. 4, 95-8.—Northcroft. G. An enquiry into various methods of treatment of some abnormal conditions of the jaws and teeth of children. Dent. Rev., 1909, 23: 809-24.— Pohl, L. Quelques notes sur les deformations faciales caus6es par des anomalies maxillaires et leur traitement chirurgical et dentaire, avec des demonstrations de plusieurs operations. Rev. odont., Par., 1929, 50: 134-50.—Robin, P. Prophylaxie et phases 6volutives des irregularit6s des m&choires. Odon- tologie, Par., 1929, 67: 216-22.------Physioth6rapie reeducative de la dysontog£nie des mftchoires. Clinique, Par., 1934, 29: 71.—Rodgers, F. C. Diagnosis by the general prac- titioner as a factor in preventing deformities of the jaws and face. Dent. Rev., 1914, 28: 753-5.—Villain, G.. & Nevrezg, B. de. Prophylaxie, des malformations maxillaires et des mal- positions dentaires chez les enfants. Odontologie, Par., 1924, 62: 456-71.—Watry, F. Eumorphie: les dysmorphoses cranio- maxillo-dentaires et leur traitement. Ann. m6d. phys., Anvers, 1923-24,17:203-10. ------ Les bases biologiques du traite- ment physioth£rapique des dysmorphoses dento-maxillaires. Rev. odont., Par., 1935, 56: 29-38. ---- Development and growth. See also subheading Age changes; also Bran- chial apparatus; Face, Development and growth; Mastication; Tooth, etc. Egozcue De Sanctis, M. I. de. *Desa- rrollo de los huesos maxilares del cobayo [Dent.] 53p. 26^em. B. Air., 1939. Eulufi Marin, A. *Aplicaciones practicas de la ceropJastfa en la ensefianza de la embriologfa de la cara y maxilares [Chile] 20p. 26!4c.m. Santiago, 1940. Gross, H. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber das Wachstum der Kieferknochen beim Menschen. 70p. 8? Lpz., 1934. Herold, K. *R6ntgenstrahlenwirkung auf den wachsenden Hundekiefer; experimentelle Untersuchungen unter Beriicksichtigung der Organveriinderungen. p.97-128. 8? Berl., 1931. Also Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1931, 49: Kunath [L.] W. *Die Kieferentwicklung des Kindes unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schlaflagen. 16p. 8? Munch., 1934. Lang, F. *Ueber das Wachstum der mensch- lichen vorderen Kieferpartie beim Frontzahn- wechsel. 20p. 8? Frankf. a. M. [1933] Rummel, G. *Ueber den Einfluss der Kau- muskel-Ausschaltung auf die Kiefer- und Scha- delbildung [Frankfurt a. M.] 24p. 8? Berl., 1926. Schmitz, O. *Die Bedeutung der Funktionen fiir die Gestaltung der Kiefer [Miinster] 75p. 8? Duisburg, 1933. Willmes, F. J. *Untersuchungen der Nah- rungsaufnahme bei Brust- und Flaschenkindern und die sich daraus ergebenden Schlussfolgerun- gen fiir die Entwicklung des Kauapparatea [Bonn] 37p. 221/2cm. Bielefeld. 1936. Adamson, K. The relationship of the deciduous dentition to the normal growth and development of the jaws. Austral. J. Dent., 1940, 44: 344-50.—Allis, E. P., jr. Concerning the homologies of the hyomandibula and preoperculum. J. Anat., Lond., 1927-28, 62: 198-220.—Atkinson, S. B. Growth and development of teeth and jaws; mandible, maxilla. Am. J. Orthodont. 1940, 62: 829-42.—Drennan, M. R. Some aspects of jaw growth. S. Afr. M. J., 1936, 10: 765-71.—Egozcue, M. JAW 615 JAW I. de. Desarrollo de los huesos maxilares del cobayo. Rev, odont., B. Air., 1940, 28: 31; 72; 127.—Friedehthal, H., & Priester, E. Zahne und Kiefer als Zeugen der pithekoiden Abstammune des Menschengeschlechts. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1932, 50: 880.—Friel, S. Further investigations concerning muscles and their relation to the growth of the jaws. Internat. J. Orthodant., 1929, 15: 1078-87.—Gregory, W. K. Certain critical stapes in the evolution of the vertebrate jaws. Ibid. 1931, 17: 1138-48, ch. ----— The earliest known fossil stages in the evolution of the oral cavity and jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1943, 29: 253-76.—Gross, H. Experimentelle Untersuchungen eur Histologic des wachsenrlen Kieferknochens. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1934 50: 84-105.—Haynes, W. T. Development of teeth and jaws.' Internat. J. Orthodont., 1935, 21: 1047-55.—Howard, C. C. A study of jaw and arch development considered with the normal and abnormal skeleton. Ibid., 1926, 12: 1-14.— Johnson, L. R. The development of the jaws. Ibid., 1933, 19: 920-6.—Kadner. A. Dientes y mandfbulas del hombre a la luz de la eugenia. Rev. med. Hamburgo, 1927, 8: 121-7.— Forkhaus, G. Favourable and unfavorable tendencies in jaw development. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1936, 56: 161-86.—Lade, O. Zur Kieferentwicklung des Sauglings. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1937, 8: 335-7.—Lewis, S. J., & Lehman, I. A. Dental ortho- pedic growth study; a preliminary report on the research on growth and development of the dental arches being carried on at the Merrill-Palmer School at Detroit, Mich. Internat. Orthodont. Congr. (1926) 1927, 1. Congr., 758-60.—Libin, Sh.I. [Importance for the entire organism of the condition of the masticating apparatusl Sovet. stomat., 1932, 10: 27.—Logan, W. H. G., & Kronfeld, R. Development of the human jaws and surrounding structures from birth to the age of 15 years. Anele Orthodont., 1933, 3: 299-304. Also J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1933. 20: 379-427, pl.—Norberg, O. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wachstumsverhrltnisse der Kiefer beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., 1926-27, 62: 305-26.—Notes on the growing jaws. Brit. Dent. J., 1942, 72: 141.—Noyes, F. B. The development of the teeth and occlusion as factors in the development of the facial bones. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1912, 18: 275-300 — Pirila, H. Untersuchungen an 16 Pferdeschadeln uber die Formveranderungen der Zahne und ihre Lage im Kiefer in den verschiedenen Altersstadien. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1933, 102: 107-68.—Pollia. J. A. Fundamental factors in bodily growth and their relation to the orthodontic problem. Am. J. Orthodont., 1938, 24: 953-9.—Rix, R. B. Notes on the growing jaws. Guy's Fosp. Gaz.. Lond., 1941, 55: 111-4.—Robinsohn. I. Weitere Beitrage zur Theorie der hormonalen Morphogenese der Zahne; Versuch einer einheitlichen morphobiologischen Erkliirung des normalen und pathologischen Wachstums der Ziihne und des Kiefers. Zsehr. Stomat., 1926, 24: 1-34, 3 pl.— Schroder. H. Ueber die Auswirkung der Kaudruckkriifte auf den Aufbau und die Struktur des den Zahn umschliessenden Knochens. Deut. Zahn Ac. Feilk., 1934, 1: 214-35.—Smith, G. E. Evolutionary tendencies in the jaws. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 918.— Thoma, K. H. Principal factors controlling development of mandible and maxilla. Am. J. Orthodont., 1938, 24: 171-9.—Thompson, W. M. A review of the experiments of John Hunter and more recent investigators on localizing the areas of jaw growth. Angle Orthodont.. 1932 2: 244-51.—Todd, T. W. Skeletal adjustment in jaw growth. Dent. Cosmos, 1926, 68: 1168-84.—Zeiger, K. Entwicklungsphvsiolog-'sche und konstruktionsanalytische Probleme am menschlichen Kieferapparat. Paradent.um, Berl., 1933, 5: 1-12. ---- Dimensions. Harth, G. *Biometrische Untersuchungen uber die Dimensionen des Normalgebisses in verschiedenen Lebensaltern; intramaxillare Bezie- hungen [Bonn] p. 1537-63. 8? Berl., 1930. Also Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1930, 48: Hepburn, H. *Ist die Kieferhohe Rasseneigen- tumlichkeit? [Leipzig] 20p. 8? [Zeulenroda i. Thiir., 1930] Linder, H. *Biometrische Untersuchungen des Normalgebisses in verschiedenen Lebensal- tern; intermaxillare und dentofaciale Beziehungen [Bonnl 54p. 8? Berl., 1930. Kelly, W. J., & Langheinz, H. W. Physiologic determina- tion of the vertical dimension. Dent. Digest, 1943, 49: 115-7. ---- Disease. Hoffmann G. *Zahne, Kiefer und Leibes- iibungen. 24p. 8? [Heidelb., 1932] Homann K. *Formveranderungen am Scha- del infolge' von chronischen Erkrankungen am Kiefer 32p. 8? Greifsw., 1933. Adloff Wer darf Kieferkrankheiten behandeln? Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 1335-Black, W. B. Chronic maxillary disease- diagnosis and surgical treatment, associated with ^ronfc'milmonary involvement, non-tubercular. Month. Bull. S CHv Clfn Soc., 1930, 6: l-8.-Bloodgood. J. C. Prob- &0f8p?inyin a too°th' or a spot in a jaw, of a loose tooth or teeth, an abscess or a swelling of the lower jaw. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1932, 19: 1560.— Federspiel, M. N. Further study and review of certain diseases affecting the jaw bones, with report of cases. Dent. Rev., 1914, 28: 1055-65.—Gerrie, J. W. Jaw clinics. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1938, 4: 188-90.—Imiring, G. Ein differentialdiagnostisch interessanter Krankheitsfall zwi- schen Zahn-, Mund- und h ieferheilkunde und Gesamtmedizin. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 1795-8.—Jacobson, S. A. Diseases of bone with special reference to the jaws. Arch. Clin. Oral Path., 1937, 1: 57-99.—Kranz, P. P., & Heiss, J. Diagnostik der Krankheiten und Anomalien der Ziihne und Liefer im Jugendalter. In Handb. jugendarztl. Arb. (W. Zeller) Lpz., Bd 1, 1938, 379-96.—Mayrhofer, B. Ueber neuzeitliche Kieferheilkunde. Fortsch. Med., 1933, 51: 675. Also Wien. klin. Wschr., 1933, 46: 1-5.—Moodie, L. De quelques affections max llo-dentaires pr6historiques chez les Indiens d'Amerique. Biol, med., Par., 1931, 21: 236-9.—Morton, F., Wolf, H., & Goll, H. Kiefer und Ziihne in der La-Tene-Periode. Zsehr. Stomat., 1939, 37: 767-80.—Proell, F. Ausgewahlte Kapitel aus der Mund-, Zahn-, Kieferheilkunde fiir praktischen Arzt. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 645; 1538.—Spartier. F. Kiefer- spezialist und Kieferklinik. Med. Welt, 1931, 5: 1367. ---- Disease: Etiology. Meier, G. *Ueber berufliche und gewerbliche Zahn- und Kieferschaden. 19p. 8? Munch., 1935. Rydemark, J. E. *Trophische Storungen der Kiefer und Zahne bei striaren Erkrankungen. 31p. 8? Bonn, 1930. Cahn, L. R. Effect of general osseous dystrophies and disturbances on the bones of the jaws. Ann. Dent., 1936, 3: 149-52.—Lazzaro, F. Comportamento dei denti e dei mascel- lari nella derivazione completa della bile all'esterno. Atti Congr. internaz. stomat. (1935) 1936, 2. Congr., 1: 325-34 — Ruppe, C, & Marie, R. Etat maxillo-dentaire dans quelques affections rares de l'enfance. Ibid., 2: 770-6.—Seeberger, E. Ein Beitrag zu der Frage, ob und in welcher Weise im Saug- lingsalter sich abspielende schwere Erkrankungen eine bleibende Veranderung am Zahnsystem und Kieferskelett zur Folge haben. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1933, 49: 146-61.—Veits. Odontogene Kieferkomplikationen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1927, 40: 441. ---- Disease: Pathology. Hertzler, A. E. Surgical pathology of the diseases of the mouth and jaws. 248p. 8? Phila. [1938] Leiner, E. *Ueber den Ablauf von Erkran- kungen der Kiefer und der Mundschleimhaut bei Allgemeinerkrankungen und ihre Wechselbezie- hungen. 12p. 8? Miinch. [1933] Thoma, K. H. Clinical pathology of the jaws, with a histologic and Roentgen study of practical cases. 643p. 8? Springfield [1934] Hankey, G. T. Three unusual affections of the jaws. Proc, R. Soc. M., Lond., 1937-38, 31: 1137-41, 4 pi.—Schonbauer, F. Histologische Befunde im Kiefer bei Sepsis und Leukiimie. Zsehr. Stomat., 1929, 27: 804-13.—Schulz, M. Makroskopische Untersuchungen an Schadeln, besonders der Kiefer, rachitischer Ratten und ihre Nutzanwendung auf die menschliche Kiefer- pathologie. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1933, 51: 1005-19 — Siegmund, H. Ueber die akute Phlebitis der Halsvenen bei odontogenen Kiefererkrankungen als Ausgang seotischer Allgemein-Infektionen. Deut. Zahnh., 1929, H. 74, 55-61.— Wassmund, M.,& Anders, H.E. Ueber eine bisher unbekannte, destruierende Erkrankung der Kieferknochen. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1932 48: 157-206.—Zitka. E. Ein Fall von Xanthomathosis des Kiefers. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1942, 52: 444 (Abstr.) ---- Disease: Treatment. Flierl, H. *Die Indikation von Zahnextrak- tionen bei akuten Kiefererkrankungen [Miin- chen] 20p. 8? Wurzb., 1936. Heesen, J. *Die klinische Behandlung von Zahn- und Kieferkrankheiten unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Tatigkeit der Westdeut- schen Kieferklinik in Diisseldorf [Minister] 22p. 8? Krefeld, 1933. Heinke, E. *Verwendungsmoglichkeiten und Leistungen der kalten Quarzlampe (Hanau) in der Behandlung von Kiefererkrankungen [Ber- lin] 31p. 21cm. Giitersloh, 1938. Doherty, J. A. The management of pathological lesions of the jaws. Rhode Island M. J., 1941, 24: 201.— Reissner, A. Una nuova via di influenzamento terareutico dei tessuti dentah e mascellari. Riv. ital. stomat., 1937, 6: 78-93.—Wassmund, M. Ueber chirurgische Formgestaltung des atrophischen Kiefers zum Zwecke prothetischer Versorgung. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1931, 47:305-19. 16 JAW JAW ---- Disease—in animals. ;Bradlaw, B. Pathological changes m the ;aws of animals. Prfic. R. Soc. M . Lond., 1934-35, 2H: 167-' f> -Courtial, C'arougeau & Porcher, C. Maladie du son chez le cheval. Hull. Soc. se. vet. l.von. 1900, 3: 72-7.- Magens. H. J. Lumpy jaw of cattle. North Am. Vet., 1933, 15: 31 ,'i. ---- Dislocation. See under Mandibula. ---- Dynamics. See also Mastication. Dimas-Arxti, F. M. The movement of the jaws in the mastication of foods as seen by the stomatologist. 6p. 24cm. [San Juan, 1933] Jacobi, H. *Kraftleistung der Kiefer. 21p. 8? Marb., 1932. Leber, K. *Untersuchungen iiber den Kau- und Gelenkdruck beim Saugling. 56p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1933. Lob, A. *In welchen Entfernungen von der Okklusionsebene werden hochste Kaudruckwerte entwickelt? 28p. 22cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Muller, A. G. *Ueber Kaudruck und Zahn- schmerzhaftigkeitsdruck und deren Messung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Haber- schen Kaudruckmessers [Frankfurt a. M.] 24p. 8? Berl., 1928. Also Zahn:i:ztl. Rdsch., 1928. Peteff, D. *Kaukraft und Kaudruck bei grossen und kleinen Tieren. p.919-29. 8°. Berl., 1927. Also Deut. -Mschr. Zahnh., 1927, 45: Schwarzbeck, W. *Kaudruck in Beziehung zu Rechts- und Linkshandigkeit. 43p. 8? Erlangen, 1931. Vieli, J. *Ueber die lateralen Kieferbewegun- gen beim Kaura. 62p. 8? Ziir.. 1933. Also Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1933, 43: 647-705 Wenzel, E. *Ueber den Kaudruck bei den verschiedenen Korperbautypen [Wurzburg] 27p. S? Bad Mergentheim, 1934. Baiters, W. Kieferbewegung und Kauflaehenform. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1930. 46: 69-84.—Bluntschli, H.. & Schreiber, H. Analytischco Erforschen und syniheti,-ches Vei-iehen der Kauwerkzeuge. Fortsch. Zahnh., 1!I33, 9: 1-5.---Case, C. S. Rise and develoj ment of intermaxillary force. Dent. Cosmos, 1907, 49: 443-52.—Forster, A. Considerations sui I'appareil masticateur du castor. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1931-32, 13: 187-224, 2 pl.— Friel, S. The relation of function to the size and form of the jaws. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1928-29, 22: Sect. Odont., 53-68.—Klatsky, M. A cinefluorographic study of the human masticatory apparatus in function. Am. Ass. Orthodont. (1940) 1941, 38: 82-8.—Sognnaes, R. F. Studies on masticatory efficiency; review of literature. Am. J. Ortho- dont., 1941, 27: Oral Surg., 309; passim. ------ Studies on masticatory efficiency; masticatory efficiency of rats. Ibid., 383-8.—Triska, W. Experimentelle Studien iiber die Beiss- kraft. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1924, 204: 660-7.—Wild, W. Form und Funktion im menschlichen Kauapparat. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1933, 43: 55-71. ---- Dynamics: Measurement. Bohringer, K. R. *Eine neue Methode der Kaudruckmessung nach dem Brinellverfahren. 19p. 8? Heidelb., 1932. Brekhus, P. J., & Armstrong, W. D. The gnathodynamometer of the School of Dentistry of IHiversitv of Minnesota. 18p. 8? Minneap. [1936] Burhan Abdulhadi. *Kaudruckmessung. 31p. 8? Erlangen, 1930. Diedrich, F. F. *Die Kaudruckmessung und ihre Xotwendigkeit in der zahnarztlichen Praxis, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Gnatho- dvnamometers nach Haber. 28p. 8? Tub , 1927. Evmann, H. *Kritik der Kaudruckmessung [Tubingen] 37p. 8? Bottrop, 1934. Greclich, G. *Die Bedeutung der Kraft- messung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kaudruckmessung. 19p. 8? Miinch. [1935] Jacob, H. *Kaudruckmessung unter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage: Ist der Kaudruckmesser nach Haber als zuvcrliissig zu erachten? 7Sp. 8? Wiirzb., 1931. Voigtlandek, R. *Die Resektionsschienung bei zahnlosem Kiefer [Leipzig] 32p. S° [Berl., 1930] Clementi, A. Gnaloei nografo e gnatoergogrammi. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1928, 3: 1064-7 Fouruqet, E. Les forces inter-dento-ligamento-maxillaires; leur determination en direc- tion, d'apres la morphologie des dents et les lois de la mlcanique rationnelle (theorie des result antes des forces concourantes composees) Rev. odont., Par., 1932, 53: 587 (130- Greve. K. Der Habersehe Kaudruckmesser. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1926, 44: 617-26.—Haber, G. Kaudruckmessung und ihre Yerwen- dung in der taglichen Praxis. Ibid., 1925, 43: 855-7.------ Ueber Anwendung der Kaudruckmessung. Ibid., 1927, 45: 487. ------ Die Aufgabe der Kaudruckmessung und Zahn- druckprilfung und die verschiedenen Kaudruckmessapparate und deren Anwendung. Zsehr. Stomat., 1927, 25: 1183-91. -----■ Erganzungen fiir die Praxis der Kaudruckmessung. Deut. Mschr. Zahn., 1928, 46: 412-7— Heinroth, H. Kau- druckmessung. Fortsch. Zahnh., 1928, 4: 110-35.—Paschke, H. Klmischer Heitiag zui Kaudruckmessung. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1929, 47: 545-5S. ■ Worner, H. K. Gnathodynamics; the measuiemenl of biting forces with a new design of gnatho- Kuamometei. Austral. J. Dent., 1939, 43: 381-93. ---- Endocrine aspects. See also names of endocrine diseases as Acro- megaly; Cretinism; Parathyroidism, etc. Eiselmayr, T. *Der Einfluss der inneren Sekretion auf Zahne und Kiefer unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Hypopyhse. 28p. 8? Tiib., 1931. Gnadig [F. W.] O. *Innere Sekretion und Kieferbildung [Heidelberg] 37p. 8? Bottrop, 1934. Krause, H. F. B. *Der Einfluss der inneren Sekretion auf die Kieferbildung und das Zahn- system mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zur Paradentose. 48p. 8? Miinch., 1929. Sphellin, A. *Einfluss der inneren Sekretion auf Kiefer- und Zahnbildung (Auszug) [Leipzig] 8p. 8? Delitzsch, 1923. Kadner. Abnormalities of the teeth and jaws due to the lack of function of the ductless glands. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1926, 12: 505-22.—Lebrun, E., Sudaka, R., & Vabois, M. Hypophyse et troubles niaxillo-dentaires. Rev. odont., Par., 1938, 60: 183-208.—Levy, M. D. The influence of the endo- crines on the teeth and jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1940, 26: 671-80.—Schour, I., & Massler, M. Effect of the endocrines on the teeth, jaws and facial skeleton. In Proc. Dent. Centen. Ceiebr. (Maryland Dent. Ass.) 1940, 145-56. ---- Epithelioma. See also subheading Cancer. Carlier, G. *Etude anatomo-clinique et therapeutique des epitheliomas des maxillaires. 237p. 241/km. Lille, 1938. Carlier, G. Quelques facteurs Etiologiques des Epitheliomas des maxillaires. J. dent, beige, 1938, 29: 108-14.—Dew, H., & Miller, D. Fibrocystic epitheliomata of the jaw. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1932, 1: 343-66.—Thomas, L. Epithelioma odontoblastique des maxillaires chez une raorue. Bull. Ass. fr. cancer, 1926, 15: 464-70. ---- Examination. See also subheading Orthopedics: Diagnostic methods. Buri, E. *Die Bestimmung der sagittalen Kiefergelenkbahn bei menschlichen Gebissen unter Beriicksichtigung des Kieferaufbaus [Tu- bingen] 32p. 8? [Feuerbach] 1931. Faesch, E. *Kiefcrmessungen an Idioten; vergleichende Kiefermessungen an Idioten und geistig Normalen, mit Einschluss von Unter- suchungen iiber Zahn- und Kieferanomalien. 98p. 8? Ziir., 1917. JAW 617 JAW Hopp, R. *Methoden und Hilfsmittel zur Feststellung der Gebiss- und Kieferanomalien in der Kieferorthopadie; eine Zusammenstellung [Frankfurt a. M.] 25p. 8? Bottrop, 1935. Harth, G. Biometrische Untersuchungen iiber die Dimen- sionen des Normalgebisses in verschiedenen Lebensaltern; intramaxilliire Beziehungen. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1930 48- 1537-63.—Proell, F. Vitalfiirbung bei Tieren zum Studium der Verkalkungs- und Stoff wechselvorgange in Kiefern und Zahnen Vjschr. Zahnh., 1927, 43: 467-87.—Schwarz, A. M. Die wahre Mitte der Kiefer in der kieferorthopadischen Zustandsbestim- mung. Zsehr. Stomat., 1936, 34: 257-66.—Weinmann, J. Ueber Kieferentnahme an der Leiche. Zbl. allg. Path 1926 37: 105-7. ---- Exostosis and hyperostosis. Balkin, S. G. Bony nodules on jaw. Dent. Surv.. 1942, 18: 1060.—Hrdlicka, A. Mandibular and maxillary hyperostoses' Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1940, 27: 1-67, 12 pl.— Wermuth, H. Ueber Exostosen und Hyperostosen der Kiefer. Zsehr Stomat 1926, 24: 852-76. ---- Facial angle [incl. physiognometry] See also Denture, Articulation and occlusion: Instruments; Face, Anthropology; Face, Meas- urement. Hogeboom, F. E. The Schwarz facial measuring instru- ments. Pacific Dent. Gaz., 1927, 35: 110-6—Husserl, E. Wesen und Bedeutung der Gnathophysiognometrie und der Gnathophormethode nach Professor Dr Viggo Andresen (die Herstellung und Verwendung des Gnathophormodells) Zsehr Stomat., 1938, 36: 532; 591.—Turner, B. G. F. The mastica- tory face. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1933, 47: 125-35. ---- Fibroma and fibrosarcoma. Bonner, K. F. *Ueber zwei Falle von Kiefer- fibrom. 19p. 8? Konigsb., 1935. Torok, L. *Ueber die symmetrischen Fibrome der Kiefer. 21p. 8? Lpz., 1935. Krogius, A. Gibt es echte zentrale Fibrome der Kiefer? Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 386-9.—Matuura, M. Ein Fall von kolossalem zentralen Fibrom am Oberkiefer. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1939, 25: 407.—Morehead. F. B. Central fibroma of jaw. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1929, 9: 325.—Sema, M. D. [Problem of fibroma of the jaws] Odont. stomat., Moskva, 1929, 7: 29-33. ---- Foreign body. See also Face, Foreign body. Bruszt, P. Achtundfunfzig Jahre lang im Kiefer getragener Fremdkorper. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 1485.—Ivy, R. H., & Eby, J. D. Localization and removal of foreign bodies in maxillofacial region. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1924, 11: pt 2, 465-9.—Whitfield, A. J. Localiza- tion of a broken needle in the maxillary region. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1936, 23: 1262-4. ---- Forensic aspects. Derksen, H. *Ueber Kieferbriiche unter Beriicksichtigung ihrer unfallrechtlichen Bedeu- tung; zusammengestellt bei verschiedenen Be- rufsgenossenschaften [Munchen] 34p. 21^cm. Kleve [1934] Gotz, A. *Der Begriff des Siechtums nach Verletzungen der Kiefer und Zahne. 15p. 20/2cm. Heidelb., 1936. Krieg, H. *Die Beeintrachtigung der Erwerbs- fahigkeit nach Kieferbnichen. 31p. 20^em. Bonn, 1938. Patten, M. [A.] *Ueber Kieferverletzungen bei Bergwerksunfallen und ihre unfallrechtliche Auswertung [Munchen] 19p. 8? Bottrop, 1935. Baumecker & Brunnarius. Die kaufunktionellen Ergeb- nisse der in der Chirurgischen Klinik zu Greifswald behandel- ten Kieferfrakturen und ihre Unfallbewertung. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1933, 33: 536-43.—Bonnet-Roy, F- Traumatisme et osteomyeiites des machoires (considerations medieo-iegales) Odontologie, Par., 1933, 71: 68-76.—Brodski, J. A. [Loss of capacity to work in fractures of teeth and jaws] Nov. khir., Moskva, 1926, 2: 334.—Dzulynski, W. [Injuries of the teeth and jaws in legal medicine] Polska gaz. lek., 1934, 13: 510-2.— Frenzel, A. Die paradentale Kiefererkrankung in der sozialen Begutachtung. Vertrauensarzt, 1935, 3: 128-31.—Herrmann, M. Zur Entstehung, Behandlung und Unfallbewertung der Kieferbriiche. Mschr. Unfallh., 1939, 46: 448-57.—Linde- mann, A. Die Begutachtung der Unfallverletzungen und der diesen gleich zu erachtenden Schaden des Mundes, der Kiefer unddesGesichtes In Leitf Chir. Orthop. Mund. (Lindemann, i\'}\,J'Pu',v9A9\32^5?'—hink' K- H" Klinische und unfall- rechtliche Bedeutung der Kieferbriiche. Chirurg, 1935, 7: ? 7u T^t a ?Tactic^;. osteomyelitis following extraction of tooth (New Hampshire) J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1072 — Malpractice; liability for incorrectly diagnosing and treating \of 'S1 Jaw as tr'geminal neuralgia. Ibid., 1940 115- 484.—Sprawson, E. Forensic aspects of the teeth and jaws! Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 651.—Thureus, S. Prejudices causes aux machoires et aux dents par suite d'accidents; attestation medicale et indemnity en cas de maladies et d'accidents. Atti Congr. internaz. stomat. (1935) 1936, 2. Congr., 2: 1330-2. ---- Fracture. See also subheading Injury. Bengochea, L. *Fracturas de los maxilares [Dent.] 47p. 27cm. B. Air., 1938. Boyle, H. H. Theory and treatment of fractures of the jaws in peace and war. 288p 25cm. Lond., 1940. Herrmann, W. *Ueber Kieferbriiche. 15p. 8? [Konigsb.] 1936. Ivy, R. H., &, Curtis, L. Fractures of the jaws. 180p. 8? Phila., 1931. Also 2. ed. 192p. 1938. Major, G. Fractures of the jaws and other facial bones. 446p. 25Kcm. S. Louis, 1943. Schmid, W. *Unterkiefer-, Oberkiefer- und Jochbeinfrakturen, Zahnverletzungen, Zersto- rung von Zahnprothesen und Zahnfiillungen nach Unfallen. 56p. 8? Zur., 1931. Amies, A. Fractures of the jaws. Austral. J. Dent., 1940, 44: 1-7.—Armbrecht, E. C. Jaw fractures. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1936, 22: 957-75.—Bor, H. A. Fractures of the jaw. Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1935, 75: 1530-9.—Coughlin, W. T. fractures of the jaws. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1928, 25: 292-6— Dardyk, A. I. [Fractures of the jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1938, No. 6, 71-6.—Dechaume, M. Le role du symnathique dans les traumatismes accidentels de la face et les fractures des maxillaires. Presse med., 1938, 46: 714. Fractures des maxillaires de diagnostic deiicat. Ibid., 1940, 48: 627.—Doherty, J. A. Fractures of the maxillary bones. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1940, 6: 529-32. Dunning, H. S. Fractures of the jaw. Internat. J. M. & S., 1934, 47: 277-86.— Evans. L. Fractures. Am. Dent. Surgeon, 1925-26, 46: 562.—Fox, C. Fractures of the jaw. Rep. Wayne Co. M. Soc, 1930-31, 20-2.—Gardner, J. A. Fractures of the maxilla and mandible. Am. J. Nurs., 1933, 33: 939-45.—Hautant. A. Les fractures maxillo-faciales. Ann. otolar., Par., 1940, 169-94.—Ivy. R. H. Fractures of the jaws. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1935, 60: 531-4. ------ Fractures of the jaw bones. In Textb. Surg. (Christopher, F.) 3. ed., Phila., 1942, 612-7.— Jelinek, V. J. [Fractures of the mandible and maxilla in times of peace] Voj. san. glasnik, 1935, 6: 513-39.—Jonas. Ueber Kieferfrakturen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 2203.— Kjaerholm. H. [Fractures of the jaws] Ugeskr. laeger, 1940, 102: 321-33.—Lyons. C. J. Some vital phases of fractures of the jaws. Dent. Outlook, N. Y., 1919, 6: 115-20.—Mikkelsen, O. Fractures of the jaws. Hosn. News, Wash., 1938, 5: 15-24. Monat, M. Fractures des maxillaires. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1935, 1: 379-82.—Moral, H., & Schlampp, H. Kieferbriiche. Fortsch. Zahnh., 1932, 8: 904-18.—Parker, D. B. Fractures of the maxillary bones. Laryngoscope, 1942, 52: 365-70. ------Fractures of the maxillae. J. Oral Surg., 1943, 1: 122-30.—Parra, de la [Fractures of the jaw] Genesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1941, 81: 1886.—Reichenbach. E. [Bibliography on fracture of the jaw] In his Leitfad. KieferbruchbehandL, Lpz., 1935, 122-31.—Risdon, F. Fracture of the jaw. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1938, 39: 572.—Samuels, I. Fractures of the jaws. Brit. Dent. J., 1934, 56: 484-92.—Schlampp, H. Kieferbriiche. Eortsch. Zahnh., 1933, 9: 991-1006. ------ Der Zucker- und Kalziumspiegel des Blutes nach Kieferbriichen. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1937, 4: 594-601.—Shackelford, J. Fractured jaw. Rep. Wayne Co. M. Soc, 1933-34, 4: 94-6.—Sidorenko, V. I. [Fractures of the jaws] Sovet. med., 1941, 5: No. 6, 23.— S., J. A. Theory and Treatment of Fractures of the Jaws in Peace and War, by Horace Havman Boyle; St. Louis, 1940. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 457.—Smart, R. C. Fractures of the jaws. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1941, 61: 12-6.—Steadman, F. St J., Round, H. [et al.] Symposium on fractures of the jaws. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 273-315.—Stumpf. F. W. Fracture of the jaws. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 1615-28.—Thomas, E. H. Fractures of the jaws and injuries of the face, mouth and teeth. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1942, 22: 1029-48.— Waldron, C. W. Fractures of the jaws. J. Lancet, 1933, 53: 317-22; 351-6.—Wannenmacher, E. Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen bei Kieferfrakturen. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1933, 49: 113-28.—Weisengreen, H. H., & Levin, W. N. Fractures of the jaw and allied traumatic lesions of the facial structures. Ann. Surg., 1936, 103: 428-37.—Wilkinson, B. Fractures of the jaws. Tristate M. J., 1934-35, 7: 1503. JAW 618 JAW ---- Fracture: Cases and statistics. Burkle, H. [E. C.] *Beitrage zur Statistik der Kieferbriiche fiir die Jahre 1924-35 [Kiel] 14p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Dube, A. *Wie sind gleichzeitige Ober- kiefer- und Unterkieferbriiche zu behandeln, und welche Schwierigkeiten sind dabei zu uberwinden, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles? [Gottingen] 29p. 8? [Quedlin- burg, 1927] Ellmann,' R. *Bericht iiber Kieferfrakturen, Behandlung und Heilungserfolge nach 23 Akten von Unfallgenossenschaften. 40p. 8? Miinch., 1935. Hansch, W. *Zwolf Jahre Kieferbruch- behandlung an der Chirurgischen Universitats- Klinik zu Gottingen [Gottingen] 31p. 8? Osnabriick, 1936. Jelen, H. [K.] ^Kieferbriiche im Kindesalter [Leipzig] 22p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1933. Johannson, L. *Beitrage zur Statistik der Kieferbriiche an Hand der in den Jahren 1924- 33 an der Miinchener Universitats-Zahnklinik behandelten Fade. 18p. 8? Munch. [1933] Kallmeyer, F. [A. W. K.] *Ueber die in den letzten fiinf Jahren in der Marburger Chirurgi- schen Klinik behandelten Kieferfrakturen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des funktionellen Ergebnisses [Marburg] 35p. 8? Kirchhain, 1930. Lahr, K. J. *Unsere Erfahrungen iiber die in der Zahnarztlichen Poliklinik zu Erlangen behandelten Kieferfrakturen. 51p. 8? Erlan- gen, 1929. Pietsch, F. *Kieferbriiche im Kindesalter [Breslau] 25p. 8? [Konigszelt] 1930. Radlein, H. *Die Kieferbriiche in der Erlanger Klinik von 1930-38 unter besonderer Beriichsichtigung therapeutischer Massnahmen seit 1936. 23p. 20^cm. Erlangen, 1938. Schumacher, W. *Die Kieferbriiche und ihre Behandlung von 1900-34 nach dem Ma- teriale der Chirurgischen Klinik und des Zahn- arztlichen Institutes Basel [Basel] 21p. 8? Baar, 1936. Weber, E. * Kieferbriiche und deren Behand- lung (Beschreibung von 15 Fallen) 33p. 8? Munch., 1931. Asbell, M. H. Analysis of 115 cases of fractures of the jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1939, 25: 282-9.—Bradshaw, T. L. Com- pound, comminuted fracture of both maxillae and the mandible. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1935, 21: 260-2.—Dobrzyniecki, A. von. Unvermei lliche Frakturen, Zufalle bei Zahnoperation. Zsehr. Stomat,, 1939, 37: 1263-6.—Maltete. Fracture double du maxillaire superieur; fracture symphysaire du maxillaire inferieure; aopareillage. J. med. Bordeaux, 1938, 115: 111-4.— Melchior, M. [Peculiar case of fracture of the jaw] Hospitals- tidende,'1933, 76: 829-35.—Mennig, H. Kieferbruchstatistik. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1939, 6: 317-27.—Munch, J., & de L'Espine, A. Zur Kieferbruchstatistik unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gelenkfortsatzfrakturen. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3179 (Abstr.)—Ponroy, Dechaume & Maleplate. Fracture complexe (disjonction cranio-faciale et traits de fracture verticaux) du maxillaire superieur et fracture double du maxillaire inferieur. Rev. stomat., Par., 1934, 36: 470.— Reber, H. R. Die Kieferfrakturen in Bern aus den Jahren 1916-35. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1935-37) 1938, No. 161, 1-3. Also Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1938, 48: 321-66, 4 pl.—Schmuziger, P. Die Kieferfrakturen der SUVAL aus den Jahren 1923-26; ihre Heilungsdauer, Erwerbseinbusse und Invaliditat. Ibid., 1929, 39: 234-60.— Vordenbiiumen. Sonderfalle von Kieferbruchen. Arch. orthop. Unfallchir., 1932-33, 32: 608-11. ---- Fracture: Complication and sequelae. Arens, A. *Ueber Kief erf rakturenosteo- myelitis [Miinster] 25p. 8? Bottrop, 1933. Eichmann, K. [L. O.] *Ueber bleibende Folgen von Kieferbruchen [Leipzig] 28p. 8? [Lippstadt] 1931. Keller, E. *Uebcr Kieferfrakturen, insbe- sondere die mehrfachen Kieferfrakturen [Miin- chen] 35p. 8? Wurzb., 1936. Leonhardt, H. [R.] *Typische und atypische Dislokation bei Kieferbruchen. 20p. 8? Borna- Lpz., 1934. Reichhart, P. *Untersuchungen an Zahnen, welche im Bereich von Kieferfrakturen standen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Zement- mantels. 24p. 8? Tub., 1933. Schmid, J. *Ueber Spiitfolgen bei Kiefer- bruchen. 20p. 8? Munch. [1935] Beliard & Ferrier, A. Deux cas de tolerance alveolaire prolongee pour des racines d'incisives fractim'es par un trau- matisme ancien. Rev. stomat., Par., 1928, 30: 456-9.—Bel- trami, G. Extra-oral tumor complicating unreduced jaw fractures; a case report. Dent. Surv., 1943, 19: 43.—Berman, S. D. Tooth displacement in jaw fractures treated with cast and interlocking splints. Ibid., 203.—BisnofT, H. L. Compli- cated jaw fracture: a case report. Dent. Cosmos, 1936, 78: 1287-91.—Euler, T. Ueber das Schicksal eines Zahnes im Bruchspalt. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 805-7.— Feldman, M. H. Fracture of jaw of epileptic patient. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1929, 15: 381.—Goldin, L. B. [Methodical procedures in dressing facial wounds complicated by fractures of the jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 12-9.—Greve. Histologische Befunde bei komplizii i ten Kieferfrakturen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Mandibularkanales. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1927, 45: 458-62.—Link, K. H. hlinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Muskelschriden nach Kieferbruchen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934, 181: 24-77.—Nye, J. A. Report of a case of compound fracture. Dent. Cosmos, 1925, 67: 1088-90.—Paoli, M. Fractures des os maxillaires superieurs et inferieurs; fractures des os malaiies; diplopie. Hev. stomat., Par., 1939, 41: 548-52.—Pardtt. G. J., McLeod, A. C, & Shepherd, P. R. Teeth in the fracture line. Brit. Dent. J., 1942, 73: 35-9.—Petterino Patriarca, A., & Scevola, F. Le fratture estese della mascella superiore e della mandi- hola. Osp. maggiore Novara, 1939, 16: 29-52.—Reiter, E. Reduction and immobilization of a compound fracture of an edentulous jaw. Dent. Digest, 1940, 46: 174-6.—Skues, K. F. Compound fracture of the maxilla and the mandible. Clin. Rep. Melbourne Hosp., 1935, 6: 130-2, 3 pl.—Strobinder, Z. 1. [Significance of teeth that are in the region of fractures of the jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1939, No. 1, 58-62.—Walker, D. G. Fractures of the jaws; should teeth and comminuted bone be removed? Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1941-42, 35: 663-82. ---- Fracture: Healing [incl. disorders] Bauer, S. *Heilungsdauer und Heilungs- beeinflussung von Kieferbruchen [Munchen] 27p. 8? Wurzb., 1935. Beier, R. *Heilungsverzogerungen bei Kiefer- frakturen [Leipzig] 27p. 8? Altenburg, 1934. Seidel, W. H. *Ueber die Heilung der Kiefer- frakturen [Leipzig] 55p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1931. Zink, W. *Ueber Falschgelenkbildung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihres Sitzes an den Kiefern [Munchen] 28p. 8? Wurzb., 1935. Ax, L. V. [Treatment of faulty reductions and nonconsoli- dated factures of the jaws] Ortop. travmat., 1939, 13: 30-5.— Bolle, R. Beziehungen der im und am Bruchspalt befindlichen Ziihne zum Heilverlauf von Kieferfrakturen. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr, 1940, 43: 35-7.—Vandory. W. Zur Behandlung in unrichtiger Stellung verheilter Kieferfrakturen. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 866-71.—Woodard. D. E. Healing time of fractures of the jaw in relation to delay before reduction, infection, syphilis and blood calcium and phosphorus content. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1931, 18: 419-42. ---- Fracture, pathological. See also subheadings (Cyst; Osteomyelitis; Tumor) Fisher, A. F., & Wallace, W. R. J. Pathologic fractures of the mandible, predisposed by osteomyelitis. Am. J. Orthodont., 1940, 26: 896-900.—Friederichs, W. Kieferbriiche im Kindes- alter und seltene Zysten. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 508-10.—Goodsell, J. O., jr. The treatment of fractures of edentulous jaws. Dent. Cosmos, 1930, 72: 385-9.—Paoli. Traitement d'un cas complexe de fractures des maxillaires chez un edente complet superieur. Rev. stomat., Par., 1939, 41: 398-402.—Schaefer, J. E. Fractures of edentulous jaws. Dent. Digest, 1937,43: 21-3.—Uvardov. V. M. [Pathological fractures of the jaws] Vest, khir., 1932, 26: 85. JAW 619 JAW ---- Fracture: Treatment. Boyle, H. H. Fractures of the jaws and edentulousness. 2. ed. 352p. 25^cm. Lond., 1942. Cochet, C. *Evolution et resultats edoignes des fractures des maxillaires traitees dans le Service universitaire de Lausanne par des gouttieres en Anticorodal. 27p. 22^2cm. Lau- sanne, 1937. Darcissac, E. P. Le traitement des fractures des maxillaires. 106p. 8? Par., 1926. Kaufmann, M. *Fernergebnisse kieferortho- padisch behandelter Briiche. 23p. 23cm. Stetten-Basel, 1937. Melzer, W. *Die Anaesthesie bei der Be- handlung von Kieferfrakturen. 27p. 8? Lpz 1935. Palitzsch [E.] J. *Ueber das Wesen der Funktion und ihre Bedeutung fiir die moderne Kieferbruchbehandlung [Leipzig] 40p. 8° Zeulenroda, 1932. Petry, E. [geb. Diefenbach] *Ueber Kiefer- briiche und ihre Behandlung [Leipzig] 50p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1927. Reichenbach, E. Leitfaden der Kiefer- bruchbehandlung. 133p. 8? Lpz., 1935. Also 2. Aufl. 138p. 24cm. 1938. Scheder, P. P. *Eine Darstellung der in der amerikanischen Literatur bekannt gewordenen Kieferbruchbehandlungsmethoden. 32p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Schone, W. *Die orthopadische Behandlung difform verheilender Kieferbriiche [Miinster] 15p. 21cm. Bochum-Langendr., 1935. Torrione, A. *Le role actuel du dentiste dans le traitement des fractures des maxillaires [Geneve] 22p. 8? Sion, 1923. Warczak, H. *Zur Spatbehandlung von Kieferbruchen und ihren Erfolgen. 40p. 8°. Bonn, 1937. Zwicker, R. *Die Methoden der Kiefer- bruchbehandlung an der Kieferstation des Katharinenhospitals in Stuttgart [Wiirzburg] 16p. 21cm. Giitersloh, 1937. Adaptation from the literature: the selection of the anesthetic in cases of fracture of the jaw. Dent. Digest, 1940, 46: 275.— Bakhmutova. E. A. [Treatment of fractures according to Ivy's method] Sovet. med., 1940, No. 4, 38— Beltrami, G. Conduite k tenir dans les fractures des maxillaires. Marseille med., 1940, 77: pt 1, 32-7.—Bowler, A. Treatment of fractures of the jaws. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 70: 199.—Boyle. H. H. The theory and treatment of fractures of the jaws. Ibid., 1940, 68: 528.—Buzzi, A. Tratamiento inmediato de las fracturas del maxilar. Rev. cir. B. Aires, 1928, 7: 215.—Cavina, C. Les resultats eioignes du traitement des fractures des mfichoires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1927, 29: 815-42. ------ I risultati della cura delle fratture della mandibola e della mascella. Stoma- tologia, Mod., 1928, 26: 657-78.—Chace, A. E. Fractures of the jaws; treatment. Dallas M. J., 1926, 12: 127-9.—Doherty, J. A. Fractures of the mandible and maxilla. N. England J. M., 1937, 216: 425-8. ------ Practical points in the diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the jaws. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941, 72: 96-8.—Doherty, J. L., & Doherty, J. A. Frac- tures of the jaws and treatment. Ibid., 1937, 64: 69-73. ------ Fracture of the jaws. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 48: 576-81 — Dubov, M. D. [Treatment of fractures of the jaw] Sovet. khir., 1932, 3: 44-7.—Dunn, F. S. Fractures of mandible and maxilla. Am. J. Surg., 1937, 36: 83-7.—Dunning, H. S. Fractures of the jaws. Yearb. N. York & N. England Ass. Railw. Surg., 1933, 32-53.—Egger, F. Zur Behandlung der Kieferfrakturen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1934, 64: 1044-7. ------ Die Behandlung der Kieferfrakturen. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1936, 46: 1162-76, 4 pl—Epes, B. M. The advantages of early treatment of fractures of the jaws and some of the methods employed. Dent. Bull., Wash., 1936, 7: 124-32.—Fell, S. R. Some observations on the treatment of fractures of the jaws. Brit. Dent. J., 1940, 68: 453-60 — Friedman, J. Fractures of the jaws. Dent. Digest, 1931, 37: 7j_g3#__GifTord, A. C. Clinical report illustrating the applica- tion of orthodontic principles in the treatment of fractures of the jaws Internat. J. Orthodont 1932, 18: 1285r9-Gillies. H D The replacement and control of maxillo-facial fractures. Rrif 'nent T 1941,71:351-9.—Hamm, W. G. Fractures of the Jaws South. Surgeon, 1941, 10: 185-93.-Heuser. H. Zum Problem der funktionellen Kieferbruchbehandlung. Deut zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 131-8.—Hume, E. C. treatment of fractures of the jaw. Kentucky M. J., 1942, 40: rbi'r Fol?' L ?£"}£ Behandlung von Kieferbruchen. Zbl. Chir 1933, 60: 2840.-Ivy, R. H. Fractures of the jaws. 1907 &£"}#•• Zahnarztekongr. (1936) 1937, 9. Kongr., 1: S0 [Discussion] 2: 457-64.—Jonas, O. Zur Diagnose und Iherapie der Kieferfrakturen. Deut. Zahnh., 1927, H. 68 iT- fT ..eusting' T,^-, Erfahrungen bei Behandlung von Kieferbruchen. Ibid., 1929, H. 74, 75-8.— Kloehn, S. J. Application of biological principles to treatment of jaw frac- tures. Angle Orthodont., 1940, 10: 94-100.—Landais, P. Remarques sur le traitement des fractures des maxillaires. Rev stomat., Par., 1936, 38: 65-73.—Lowrie, W. E. Fractures ot the jaws. Pacific Dent. Gaz., 1926, 34: 788-804.—McDon- oug1:;,F- J; Treatment and complications in fractures of the maxillary bones. Am. J. Orthodont., 1940, 26: 162-74 — Madarasz, E. Zur Behandlung der Kieferfrakturen. Zsehr. Stomat., 1935, 33: 838-48.—Mari, R. A. Tratamiento orto- rfoncico de las fracturas de los maxilares. Rev. san. mil. B. Air., 1941, 40: 268-75.—Michael. P. R. [On fractures and fracture treatment in relation to injuries of the jawl Tschr tandheelk., 1939, 46: 962-77.—Michelson, N. M. [Fractures of the jaws] Sovet. khir., 1931, 1: 287-90.—Moorhead, F. B. A better method of treating fractures of the jaws. J. Am M Ass., 1934, 102: 1655-7. ------ The management of frac- tures of the jaws. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1935, 16: 197-213. Fractures of the jaws and their management. Am J. Surg., 1937, 38: 474-9.—Moral, H., & Schlampp, H. Kie- ferbriiche. Fortsch. Zahnh., 1927, 3: 1025-44; 1928, 4: 1040- 52, passim.—Murphy, J. M. Treatment of fractures of the maxillae. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass., 1910, 378-86.—Neuwirt, F. [Fractures of the jaw and their treatment] Cas. lek. desk., 1937, 76: 1182-8, pl.—Notes on methods of treating fractured jaws in Germany. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 559.—Ommen, B. van. [Fractures of the jaws from the view-noint of modern medicine] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 3888-92.—Palazzi, S. Fratture dei mascellari curate con mezzi di fortuna. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1936, 13: 306. ------ Come il medico pratico pu6 realizzare con mezzi stomatologic semplici una buona terapia delle fratture mascellari. Athena, Roma, 1937, 6: 455.—Parker, D. B. Mechanical methods of treatment of fractures of the jaws. N. York J. Dent., 1942, 12: 271-7.— Pitts, A. T. Treatment of fractures of the jaws. Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: 1336.—Pomerantseva-Urbanskaia, Z. [Treatment of maxillary fractures in children] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942. 62-5.—Reichenbach, E. Der gegenwartige Stand unserer Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Kieferbruchbehandlung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 530-2.—Risdon, F. The treatment of fractures of the jaws. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929 20: 260-2. Also J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1940, 6: 471-3.— Risk, P. A. Role of the orthodontist and the general practi- tioner in the treatment of jaw fractures. J. Am. Dent. A°s , 1941, 28: 884-94.—Schaeffer, J. E. Treatment of fractures of the mandible and maxilla. Dent. Digest, 1935, 42: 264-70. Skinner, M. B. The therapy of jaw fractures and of face injuries. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1679-82.—Schmu- ziger, P. Die Prinzipien der Kieferbruchbehandlung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1930, 60: 101-4. ------ Die Aufgabe des Zahnarztes bei Kieferfrakturen; eine Wegleitung fiir Aerzte und Zahniirzte. Praxis, Bern, 1937, 26: 381; 393.—Seward, T. Anatomical principles applied to fractures of the jaw. Austral. J. Dent., 1941, 45: 105-15.—Shapiro. H. H. Fractures of the jaws; anatomical considerations. Arch. Clin. Oral Path., 1939, 3: 153-65.—Skaloud, F. Zahniirztliche Behandlung von Kieferbruchen. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 443 (Abstr.)— Sonntag, E. Kieferbriiche. Mschr. Unfallh., 1936, 43: 369-87.—Steadman, F. St J. Fractures, with special reference to treatment. Brit. Dent. J., 1929, 50: 824-38.—Tratman, E. K. Treatment of fractures of the jaws. J. Malaya Br. M. Ass., 1940, 3: 357-73.—Watson. R. G. The treatment of fractured jaws. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 458- 60.—Weisengreen, H. H. The selection of the anaesthetic in cases of fracture of the jaw. J. Bone Surg., 1936, 18: 1005-7. Evaluation of physiotherapeutic modalities in jaw and associated fractures. West. J. Surg., 1937, 45: 537-9.- Woodward, F. D., & Fitz-Hugh. G. S. The management of recent faciomaxillary and mandibular fractures. Virginia M. Month., 1942, 69: 612-9.—Wustrow, P. Zur funktionellen Kieferbruchbehandlung. Zsehr. Stomat., 1938, 36: 1171-90. Fracture: Treatment: Apparatus, band- ages and splints. Burr, H. *Ueber Schienung von Kiefer- briichen mit nichtrostendem Stahl. 2Qp. 8? Munch. [1936] Delorme, J. *Gouttieres d'anticorodal pour fractures des maxillaires [Lausanne] 46p. 8? Ziir., 1935. Also Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1935, 45: 473-518, 8 pl. Fabry, K. [J.] *Die Behandlung von Kiefer- bruchen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verwendung des Kruppstahls und des Okklusions- scharniers nach Herbst [Miinster] 17p. 8! Emsdetten, 1935. JAW 620 JAW Loges, W. *Ueber Kieferverbande. 18p. 8? Bresl., 1927. 'Bader, I. J. [Modification of the wire appliance in fractures of the jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1939, No. 4, 48-50.— Bandaging (The) of jaw fractures; barrel bandage, Hamilton strap and Fry's elastic support. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 343.— Barrel (The) bandage for the jaw. Nurs. Times, Lond., 1939, 35: 1255.—Bigelow, H. M. Vitallium bone screws and ap- pliances for treatment of fracture of the mandible. J. Oral Surg., 1943, 1: 131-7.—BisnofT, H. L. Fractures of the jaws; an external traction appliance. Am. J. Orthodont., 1943, 29: Oral Surg., 96-101.—Brosch, F. Ueber Kieferbruch und Zahnschienung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung einer Draht- Kautschukscbiene. Zsehr. Stomat., 1939, 37: 541; 598 — Cope, H. Bandage and head-cap for fractures of the mandible or mandible and maxilla. J. Ohio Dent. Soc, 1939, 13: 158.— Crossley, J. C. A bandage for jaw fractures. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 449.—Egger, F. Kieferbriiche und Kieferschienen- behandlung. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1937, 47: 761-5; 1938, 48: 612-7.—Elwood, H. Apparatus for the neat ment of fractures. Brit. Dent. J., 1938, 65: 524-6—Federspiel, M. N. The value of orthodontic appliances to immobilize jaw fractures. Wisconsin M. J., 1927, 26: 300-4. Also In- ternat, J. Orthodont., 1928, 14: 185-96.—Fegent, G., & Sims, F. Appliances for fractured jaw. Austral. J. Dent., 1937, 41: 262- Fry, W. K. The barrel bandage for fractures of the jaw. Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 1086.—Goldin, L. B., & Pomerantseova-Lrbanskaia, Z. N. [Maxillary models for study in applying dressings for fractures of the jaws] Sto- matologia, Moskva, 1941, No. 3, 77.—Hill, L. G. Head cap; rubber dam bandage for war and emergency jaw fracture use. Dent. Surv., 1942, 18: 916-8.—Hinricsson, H. [Apparatus for treatment of injuries of the jaws] Tskr. mil. hiilsov., 1937, 62: 241-5, pl.—Holler, W. Ueber die Anwendung geteilter Verbande in der Kieferbruchbehandlung. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1934, 1: 293-300— Jantzen, J. Einfache Hilfsmittel zur Kieferbruchschienung mit rostfreiem Stahl (Wipla) Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941, 44: 215-9— Kelsey, H. E. Fracture splint for simple or multiple fractures of the mandible or max- illa, practical and of easy construction bv the orthodontist. Annual Meet. Am. Soc. Orthodont., 1933, 32: 202. Also Internat. J. Orthodont., 1934, 20: 266.—McLeod. A. C. R.. & Shepherd, P. R. Cap splints. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 267- 77.—Maggioni, A. Fratture mascellari e derivazioni dalla ferula di Hammond. Stomatologia, Mod., 1926, 24: 537-46 — Manton, E. L. An elastoplast jaw bandage. Brit. Dent. J., 19.41, 70: 88.—Miller, R. G. The construction of sectional splints for maxillarv and mandibular fractures. Dent. Digest, 1941, 47: 252-8.—Mischol, E. Zur Schienung von Unter- kieferfrakturen bei Vorhandensein nur weniger und ungiinstig liegender Zahne (Beschreibung eines Falles) Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1932, 42: 126-33, pl.—Moremen, C. W. Fractures of thp upper and lower jaw and their correction with the dental splint. J. Florida M. Ass., 1928-29, 15: 207-9.—Ponroy & Psaume. Du choix des appareils de reduction et de contention dans les fractures des machoires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1939-40, 41: 782-9.—Priestley, E. A bandage for jaw fractures. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 561.—Roos, W. Die Drahtgitterkinnkappe. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70:770. ------ Die Drahtgitter- kinnkappe; ein Vorschlag zur ersten Hilfeleistung im Felde fur Kieferverletzte. Ibid., 1941, 71: 719.—Schlampp, O. Ein neuartiges Svstem der Kieferbruchschienung. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1941~, 88: 897.—Spanier, F. Die Anwendung der elastischen Binde in der Kieferchirurgie. Chirurg, 1931, 3: 891-3.—Steinkamm, J. Die Bedeutung der Morgenroth'schen Untersuchungsergebnisse fiir die Gestaltung der Schienen- verbande bei Kieferfrakturen. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 525-7.—Tomey, E. V. An external dental splint for frac- tures of the jaws." Brit. Dent. J., 1940, 69: 55.—Tregarthen, G. G. T. External splint for use in the treatment of fracture of the jaw and derangements of the temporo-mandibular joint. Ibid., 1942, 72: 9-12.—TrufTert, P. Presentation d'appareil [d'immobilisation extemporanee] Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 1075.—Willett, R. C. Interdental fixation appliances for jaw fractures. Dent. Items, 1928, 50:788-99.—Wuhrmann, H. Schienen-Therapie einer komplizierten Oberkieferfraktur Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1932, 62: 767. ---- Fracture: Treatment: First aid. Dental notes; the importance of early treatment of fractures. Contact, Pensacola, 1942, 1: No. 4, 22.—Fabricius-M0ller, J., & Kjaerholm, H. [First aid in fractures of the jaw] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 1307-12.—Fry, W. K. First-aid treatment of fractures of the jaw. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 490-500.— Miller, H. First aid treatment of jaw-fractures. Pacific Coast M., 1941, 8: 32-5.—Nannestad, C. [First aid in frac- tures of the jaw] Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 1374.—Proell, F. Erste Hilfe bei Kieferbruchen und -schussbruchen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1939, 65: 1538-43.—Sorrels, T. W. First aid appliance for treatment of fractured jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1941, 27: 714-6.—Spanier, F. First aid splinting of broken jaws. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1942, 155: 377.—Urgency in fracture treatment. Brit. Dent. J., 1942, 72: 279. ---- Fracture: Treatment: History. Berg, G. E. *Ueber die Geschichte der Kieferbruchbehandlung bis zum Jahre 1914. 41p. 8? Wurzb., 1932. Kempkes, H. *Die gcschichtliche Entwick- lupg der Behandlung der Kieferfrakturen. 16p. 22cm. Marb., 1936. Luchmann, G. *Eine Uebersicht iiber den Stand des zahnarztlichen Handelns bei Kiefer- frakturen. 23p. 8? Tiib., 1934. Neumann, R. R. *Ueber die Entwicklung der Behandlung der Kieferbriiche [Berlin] 16p. 8? Wurzb., 1936. ---- Fracture: Treatment: Immobilization. Jellinghaus, M. *Die Knochennaht bei Kieferbruchen. 24p. 23cm. Munch., 1936. Bercher, J. Le blocage bi-maxillaire par ligatures selon le procedd de R. H. Ivy. Rev. stomat., Par., 1938, 40: 103. Also J- Canad. Dent. Ass., 1941, 7: 108-10.—Berry, H. C. A new departure from orthodox methods of setting fractured edentulous mandibles. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1941, 28: 388-92.— Brown, J. B., & McDowell, F. Internal wire fixation for fractures of jaw; preliminary report. Surg..Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74: 227-30. Also Am. J. Orthodont., 1943, 29: Oral Surg., 86-91. ------ Internal wire fixation of jaw fractures; second report, with note on external bar fixation. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 75: 361-8.—Fouser, R. H. Methods of immobilization of the mandible in the treatment of fractures. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1926, 13: 1275.—Hall, J. J. Hook eyelet method of fracture wiring. Dent. Digest, 1942, 48: 114.—Link, K. H. Zur Frage der Knochennaht bei Kieferbruchen. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 988-93.—Mowlem, R. A review of fixation methods from the standpoint of the plastic surgeon. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 323-31. ------ Experiences with various methods of skeletal fixation in fractures of the jaws. Proc. R. Soc. M„ Lond., 1941-42, 35: 415-6.—Raginsky, M. K. [Method of fixation of wire prosthesis for the jaw by ligatures] Stom,atolo- gia, Moskva. 1939, No. 6. 86.—Stover, C. B. Fracture of upper and lower maxillae where simple ligation of teeth was not sufficient to hold fragments in position. Dominion Dent. J., 1926, 38: 2.—Trivifio Rodriguez, J. Tratamiento personal por medio de la ligadura elAstica en las fracturas del maxilar. Actas Congr. mdd. mil. (Spain) 1939, 1. Congr., 316-21.— Waldron, C. W., Kazanjian. V. H., & Parker, D. B. Skeletal fixation in the treatment of fractures of the mandible; a review, J. Oral Surg., 1943, 1: 59-83.—Woodard, D. E. Circumferential wiring simplified for edentulous jaw fractures. Dent. Digest, 1942, 48: 321.—Wright, C. F. Occlusal reduction in jaw fracture management. Angle Orthodont., 1937, 7: 67-80. ---- Fracture—in warfare. See also subheading Injury—in warfare. Beretta. A. Alcuni aspetti della patologia orale; trattamento dplle, fratture delle ossa mascellari. Gior. med. mil., 1933, 81: 652-6.—Curtis, L. Fractures of the maxilla and mandible. Mil. .Surgeon, 1941, 89: 648-52.—Dunning. H. S. Warsurgery and automobile injuries. N.York J. Dent., 1937, 7: 15.—Evald [Treatment of fractures of the jaw] Miliaerlaegen, 1936, 42: 85-102, 15 pl.—Fairbank, L. C, & Ivy, R. H. Emergency treat- ment and primarv apparatus for fractures of the jaws in warfare. Off. Rep. Internat. Congr. Mil. M. & Pharm., 1939, 10. Congr., 255-70 [Discussion] Proc, 206-18. Also Mil. Surgeon, 1940, 86: 124-34.—Ferrand, F. L'ossification du plancher de la bouche chez les fractures de guerre. Odontologie, Par., 1933, 71: 173-7.—Gilkison, C. C. The treatment of maxilloman- dibular fractures at aid station and at base hospital. Mil. Surgeon, 1939, 84: 441-51.—Grunewald, A. H. The oral surgeon, prosthodontist, and orthopedist as a team in difficult fractures of the jaws; report of a case. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1943, 41: 157-67.—Ivy, R. H., & Eby, J. D. Fractures. In Med. Dep. U. S. Army in the World War, Wash., 1924, 11: pt 2, 411-30.—Mclndoe, A. H. Surgical and dental treatment of fractures of the upper and lower jaws in war time; a review of 119 cases. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond.. 1940-41, 34: 267-88. Also Rev. san. mil., Habana, 1942, 6: 178-80.—Quiroga y Quiroga, J. R. Fracturas de los maxilares en la guerra del Chaco. Rev. san. mil., La Paz, 1938, 4: 609-14.-Reichen- bach, E. Erste kieferehirurgische Erfahrungen aus dem Feld- zug gegen Polen. Deut. zahnarztl. 'Wschr., 1940, 43: 51-64.— Shtevka, A. [Five cases of fracture of the jaws] Voj. san. glasnik, 1937, 8: 502-6.—Thouren, G. [Fractures of the jaw during war and their treatment] Nord. med., 1939, 3: 2642- 56.—Woods, S. H. A report on the type5;, causes, locations and treatment' of 76 recent cases of fractures of the jaws. J. R. Army AI. Corps, 1937, 68: 366-78 —Vando, A. H., & Taylor, R. W. Fracture of maxillae and mandible; 2 case reports. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40: 155-7, 6 pl. ---- Giant cell tumor. Davidovici, A. *Contribution k I'etude des tumeurs centrales k myeloplaxes des maxillaires. 69p. 24cm. Par., 1939. Davidsohn, K. *Ueber das zentrale Riesen- zellensarkom der Kiefer. 15p. 8? [Berl.] 1927. JAW 621 JAW Mahlich, W. [H. K. O.] *Ueber Behandlung und Heilerfolge bei den Riesenzellgeschwtilsten am Kiefer. 37p. 8? Berl., 1932. Schwesinger, P. *Bedeutung der Radium- und Rontgenbestrahlung zur Verhinderung von Rezidiven der operierten Ostitis fibrosa (Rie- senzellepulis) [Heidelberg] 17p. 8? Lauba, 1936. Axhausen, G. Zur Abgrenzung des sarkomartigen Gra- nuloms des Kiefers. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1935, 2: 406-18.__ Berger, A. Central giant cell tumors of the jaws. J. Dent Res., 1942, 21: 327 (Abstr.)— Catterina, A. Epulide sar- comatosa da irritazione di corpo straniero (tiranervi) infiss'o nell'alveolo di un dente. Clin, chir., Milano, 1930, 33: 1292-396.—Daubresse-Morelle, E. La radiotherapie, traite- ment de choix des tumeurs a cellules geantes des maxillaires (tumeufs k myeloplaxes) Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1929 30: 8-11. Also Odontologie, Par., 1929, 67: 227.—Dechaume, M. Tumeurs a myeloplaxes des maxillaires; essai de patho- genie. Mem. Acad, chir., Par., 1938, 64: 152. Also Schweiz Mschr. Zahnh., 1938, 48: 375-82, 6 pl.—Grandclaude, V., & Maurel, G. Les tumeurs k myeloplaxes des maxillaires. Rev' odont., Par., 1934, 55: 623-58.—Hiiupl, K. Ueber sogenannte Riesenzellensarkome im Bereiche der Kiefer \Vien klin Wschr., 1927, 40: 1020-3.—Hammer, H. Beitrage zur Histo- logic der Risenzellengeschwulste der Kiefer. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1930, 46: 505-32. ------ Zur Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie der zentralen Riesenzellgeschwulste der Kiefer Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 232: 224-37.- Haslhofer, L., & Bauer, W. Beitrag zur Frage der braunen Tumoren und der ortlichen Ostitis fibrosa des Untcrkiefers. Vjschr. Zahnh., 1930, 46: 487-504.—Immenkamp, A. Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Riesenzellgranuloms. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk 1938, 5: 282-92.—Landais, P. Tumeurs a myeloplaxes des maxillaires et infection dentaire periapicale. Rev. stomat Par., 1933, 35: 199-210 [Discussion] 217-21.—Major, S. G. Giant cell tumors of the jaws. Ann. Surg., 1936, 104: 1068-79. Polet, M. Tumeurs k myeloplaxes et sarcomes des maxillaires. Ann. Inst. chir. Bruxelles, 1929, 30: 1-7. Also Odontologie Par., 1929,67:223-6. . ---- Hereditary aspects. Allouard, L. *Contribution a I'etude des malpositions dentomaxillaires par heredite pure. 115p. 8? Lyon. 1936. Falkner von Sonnenburg, E. M. *Beitrag zum Thema: Ueber den Einfluss erblicher Momente hinsichtlich der Aetiologie von Zahn- stellungs- und Gebissanomalien. 18p. 8? Munch., 1934. Fetsch, W. *Konnen Kieferdeformitaten erworben werden? [Miinchen] 27p. 8? Wiirzb., 1933. Hell, N. *Ein Beitrag zur Erblichkeit von Zahn- und Kieferanomalien, insbesondere der Progenie. 51p. 8? Miinch., 1930. Ludwig, G. *Vergleichende Erhebungen iiber die Ausmasse von Kiefern und Zahnreihen zur Feststellung von Erbeinfliissen [Greifswald] 27p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Platt, H. *Beitrag zur Frage der Vererb- lichkeit von Zahn- und Kieferanomalien [Wurzburg] 33p. 21cm. Jdar-Oberstein, 1938. Ritter, R. Ueber die Frage der Vererbung von Anomalien der Kiefer und Zahne; nach Studien an 126 zweieiigen, 96 eineiigen Zwillings- paaren, einem Fall von Vierlingen, sowie Tierzuchtversuchen. 74p. 8? Lpz., 1937. Schmidt, W. [A. E.] *Die Aetiologie des offenen Bisses unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung erbbiologischer Momente. 28p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Schniedermann, M. *Kiefer- und Zahn- reihenanomalien in erbbiologischer und sozialer Hinsicht im Notstandsgebiet Rhon. 21p. 8? Wiirzb., 1937. Steidle, E. *Ueber ein eigenttimliches angeborenes Erbleiden, eine Fibrose der Kiefer. 12p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Broekman, R. W. [Observations on the Hapsburg family- type of prognathism] Tschr. tandheelk., 1928, 35: 174-86 — Hotz, R. Ueber Vererbung von Zahn- und Kieferanomalien. Schweiz." Mschr. Zahnh., 1938, 48: 513-7.—Kadner, A. Ziihne und Kit fer des Menschen im Lichte der Vererbungswissen- schafL Tungchi med. Mschr., 1927-28, 3: 245-50. Also Internat. J Orthodont., 1928, 14: 461-9— Pont, A. L'heredite 8tomtt^q^°inQ%^e,o0"o,U;illairSB- Atti Congr- internaz. fi i5*!,193^ 2. Congr., 2: 767-9.—Rubbrecht, O. A study of the heredity of the anomalies of the jaws. Am. J Orthodont., 1939, 25: 751-79.-Steiner, B. Kasuistik und 7aX Q\mgen+ ZU,rrZeTbun,? von Kiefer" und Zahnanomalien. Zsehr. Stomat., 1927, 25: 300-7. ---- Histology. Epper, A. ^Untersuchungen iiber die Malas- sez schen Epithelreste [Basel] 24p. 8? Laupen- Verteilung der Malas Zellnester im Kiefer. Kruger, E. *Die sez'schen epithelialen 23p. 8? Kiel, 1934. Sohnen, K. [H.] *Histologische Befunde am Kiefer eines Sechsjahrigen [Berlin] 55p. 23cm. Charlottenb., 1937. Turner, J. G. The histology of the periodontal sulcus. Am. Dent. Surgeon, 1927, 47: 519-21. ---- Hypertrophy. Chiuminatto, L. Contributo alio studio delle ipertrofie ossee dei mascellari. Riv. ital. stomat., 1933, 2: 833-54.—Hughes, E. C. Some chronic enlargements of the jaws. Brit. Dent. 3.', ---- Inflammation and infection. See also subheadings (Abscess; Osteitis; Osteo- myelitis) Colyer, S. W. R. Chronic infection of the jaws; a short radiological and clinical study. 75p. 8? Lond., 1926. Wolf, S. [F.] *Die Einwirkung der Ront- genstrahlen auf entziindliche Vorgange im Bereich. des Kiefers. 20p. 8? Wiirzb.. 1933. Albright, G. C. Sulfathiazole and its use in infections of the jaws. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1943, 30: 249-52.—Berger, A. Sequelae of dental infections in the maxillae. Dent. Items 1916, 38: 241-59.—Carr, M. W. Surgical pathology of the acute infections of the maxillo-facial area. Mil. Suro-eon 1940, 87: 289- 98.—Colyer, S. Rheumatism, the infected jaw! and the dental surgeon. Am. Dent. Surgeon, 1928, 48: 205- 1L—Dingman, R. O. The management of acute infections of the face and jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1939, 25: 780-94.— Humble, B. H. Residual infection of the jaws from the radi- ologist's point of view. Glasgow M. J., 1936, 126: Suppl., 17- 1937, 127: Suppl., 25.—Kotanyi, E. Zur Behandlung akut entziindlicher Erkrankungen der Kiefer und der Zahne. Zsehr. Stomat., 1936, 34: 157-61.—Kowarski, G., & Kopelmann, S. Zur Rontgenbehandlung der odontogenen entziindlichen Erkrankungen der Kiefer. Rontgenpraxis, 1929, 1: 839-43.— Leitman, S. S., & Koliadetskaia, E. A. [Spreading of infection in operative treatment of the dentomaxillary svstem] Sto- matologia, Moskva, 1938, No. 3, 75-80.—Lenormant, C, & Ruppe, C. Maladies infectieuses et inflammatoires des mk- choires. In Precis path, chir., 6. ed., Par., 1938, 2: 764-800.— Lindemann, A. Resultados de las inflamaciones graves de los max lares y su tratamiento quirlirgico y ortopedico. Rev. med. germ. iber. amer., 1935, 8: 170-6.—Multnenko, M. M., & Stepanov, N. M. [Protozoa in suppurative affections of the jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1939, 44-50.—Nord, C. F. L. [Focal infections and the jaw] Geneesk. gids,.1939, 17: 85-7.— Padgett, E. C. Severe infections of the jaw bones, with a report of 2 unique cases. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1941, 28: 683-91.— Risdon, F. Infection of the jaws. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1938, 4: 239-43.—Sheehan, J. E. Inflammatorv conditions of the jaw. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 8: 205-12.—Starobinsky, I. M. [Primary intervention in acute odontogenous inflammatorv processes of the jaws] Stoma- tologia, Moskva, 1938, No. 2, 59-64.—Sloller, S. Local anesthesia in the presence of inflammation of the jaws. Dent. Items, 1938, 60: 820-5.—Taylor, R. S. Residual infection of the jaws. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 552.—Valenzuela, M. En- fermedades genericamente inflamatorias de los maxilares y en particular las del inferior. Actas Congr. dent, espafi. (.1905) 1906, 3. Congr., 62-78.—Vasiliev, G. A. [Electro- surgery in inflammatory processes of the jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1938, 33-6. ------• & Leibchik, M. A. [Vaccino- therapy of chronic inflammatory processes of the jaws] Ibid., 1937, No. 5, 82-8.—Wassmund, M. Ueber Leptothrichose und Streptothrichose in der Umgebung der Kiefer. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1935, 2: 81-4.—Winter, L. Prevention and treatment of acute infections about the jaws and face. Dent. J. Australia, 1933, 5: 405-9. ---- Injury. See also Jaw, Fracture. Delahaye, E. *Ueber Kieferverletzungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung solcher bei JAW 622 JAW Knappschaftsversicherten. 34p. 8? Miinch., 1935. Fiedler, E. *Ueber den Anteil der Zahn- und Kieferverletzungen bei Sport- und Ver- kehrsunfallen [Jena] 20p. 8? Ohlau, 1933. Franzen, A. *Die traumatischen Schadigun- gen von Kiefer und Gebiss [Leipzig] 29p. 8? Zeulenroda, 1932. Fuchs, M. *Beitrag zum Problem: Die zahnarztlichen Erstmassnahmen bei frischen Kieferverletzungen, unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung mundbestandiger Nichtedelmetalle. 39p. 8? Bonn, 1935. James, W. W., & Fickling, B. W. Injuries of the jaws and face. 199p. 25cm. Lond. [1940] Kunze, W. *Ueber isolierte Zahn- und Kieferverletzungen in der Kieler Eisen- und Stahlindustrie. 29p. 8? Kiel, 1933. Levy, E. *Sportverletzungen der Zahne und Kiefer. 43p. 8? Bonn, 1933. Parker, D. B. Synopsis of traumatic in- juries of the face and jaws. 334p. 20cm. S. Louis, 1942. Perthes, G., & Borchers, E. Verletzungen und Krankheiten der Kiefer.- 2. Aufl. 623p. 8? Stuttg., 1932. P6sta, A. Nachbehandlung der Kieferver- letzungen. 41p. 23cm. Lpz., 1916. Rosemeier, H. *Ueber isolierte Zahn- und Kieferverletzungen in der schleswig-holsteini- schen landwirtschaftlichen Berufsgenossenschaft. 28p. 8? Kiel, 1934. Sauter, H. *Ein Beitrag zum Abschnitt: Kieferverletzungen; Erfahrungen bei 73 Ver- letzten der chirurgischen Abteilung des Augs- burger stadtischen Krankenhause [Miinchen] 49p. 8? Wurzb., 1935. Schlicker, W. *Prothetische Nachbehand- lung Kieferverletzter [Munchen] 19p. 8? Saarbriicken [1932] Schmitz, W. *Berufsschaden an Kiefer und Zahnen [Bonn] 27p. 6 tab. 8? Bad Neuenahr, 1933. Singer, L. *Sportverletzungen der Zahne und Kiefer; ihre Entstehung und Prophylaxe [Munchen] 20p. 8? Kallmunz, 1932. Thoma, K. H. Traumatic surgery of the jaws. 315p. 251km. S. Louis, 1942. Viertel, K. [E.] *Ueber isolierte Zahn- und Kieferverletzungen im Kieler Baugewerbe. 29p. 8? Kiel, 1933. Voss, F. *Erste Hilfsmassnahmen bei Kiefer- verletzungen. 16p. 8? Munch., 1934. Wons, A. *Kieferverletzungen; ihre Heilung und Behandlung. 20p. 8? Bresl., 1927. Anderson, B. G. Injuries to the jaws. Connecticut M. J., 1942, 6: 799-805.—Ax, L. V. [Peculiarities in alimentation and care of patients with maxillary-facial injuries] Ortop. travmat., 1940, 14: 90-0.—Berthbach, K. Ein Fall von Kieferverletzung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1929, 76: 715.— Brown, J. B., & McDowell, F. The care of severe injuries of the face and jaws. J. Lancet, 1940, 60: 260-7.—Bruhn, C. Kiefer und Ziihne. In Handb. ges. Unfallh. (F. Konig, & G. Magnus) Stuttg., 1934, 4: 301-32— Crombie, H. M. Head gear in the treatment of jaw injuries. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 297-303.—Entin, D. A. [Extent and aspect of maxillary wounds, demanding immediate aid] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 727-30.—Fairbank, L. C. The responsibility of the ortho- dontist in the treatment of traumatic injuries of the face and jaws. Am. Ass. Orthodont. (1941) 1942, 39: 6-14. Also Am. J. Orthodont., 1941, 27: 414-22.—Federspiel, M. N. Maxillo-facial injuries. Wisconsin M. J., 1934, 33: 561-8.— Fox, C. Maxillofacial injuries. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: Oral Surg.. 202-12.—Frank, L. [The dentist's part in treat- ment of injuries of the jaw] Tschr. tandheelk., 1939, 46: 978-90.—Gaunson, F. H. First aid and emergency treatment of jaw casualties. Austral. J. Dent., 1942, 46: 68.—Gingrass, R. P. Maxillo-facial injuries. Wisconsin M. J., 1934, 33: 568-71.-—Goldberg, L. S. [Roentgen diagnosis of maxillo- facial wounds] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, No. 3, 30-2.— Gorinevskaia, V. V. [Therapeutic exercises at health resorts in treatment of traumatic injuries of the upper and lower jaws] Vopr. kurort., 1941, 49-54.—Guthrie, J. E. H. The need for immediate care and supervision following injury to the jaws and teeth, particularly in childhood and adolescence. Pub. Health News, Trenton, 1938, 22: 211.—Guy, W. Injuries of the jaw. Brit. Dent. J., 1928, 49: 904-9.—HaupUmycr. F. Ueber Verletzungen der Zahne und Kiefer bei Jugeiidlirlion. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn &c. Heilk. (1937) 1938, 74. Tag., 2. T., 260-2.—Hofrath, H. Ein Beitrag zur chirurfrisch-orthopadi- schen Behandlung der Gesichts-Kieferverletzungen. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941, 44: 31; 47.—Kalineiko, I. P. [Injury of jaws in the farming industry] Sovet. stomat., 1932, 10: 8.—Kataev, P. S. [Diets in maxillary wounds] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, 24-6.—Kazanjian. V. H. Primary care of injuries of the face and jaws. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941, 72: 431-6. Also J. District of Columbia Dent. Soc, 1941-42, 16: No. 2, 11-6.—Lenormant, C & Ruppe, C. Lesions trau- matiques des machoires. In Precis palli. chir., 6. M., Par., 1938, 2: 740-63.—Link, K. H. Ueber gewerbliche Kiefer- verletzungen. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1935-;36, 36: 47-59.— Lohlein, W. Beteiligung des Auges und seiner Adnexe bei den Verletzungen im Bereich des Mundes und der Kiefer. In Leitf. Chir. Orthop. Mund. (Lindemann, A.) Lpz., 1939, 267-80.—Lukomsky, I. G. [Wounds of the face and jaws] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, 21-4.-—McLachlan, H. Dietary management in the treatment of maxillo-facial injuries. J. Am. Diet. Ass., 1942, 18: 746-8.—Mathis, G. Kieferverletzungen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 537 (Abstr.) ------ Sport- und Kieferverletzungen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1941, 54: 423-7.— Maxillo-facial wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 200.—Neu- mann & Heinrich, E. Bericht iiber den Kurs der Akademie fiir arztliche Fortbildung iiber Verletzungen des Gesichts und des Gesichtsschadels vom 8. bis 13. April 1940. Zahnarztl. Rdsch., 1940, 49: 927-31.—Padgett, E. C. The management of injuries of the face and jaws with special reference to the common automobile injury. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1937, 38: 240-8. ------ Severe injuries of the face and jaws. Tr. Soc. Plast. Surg., Chic, 1940, 9. meet., 55-63. Also Am. J. Surg., 1941, 51: 829-48. ------ The late care of severe injuries of the face and jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1941, 27: Oral Surg., 190-207. Also Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1941, 72: 437-52. ------ The care of injuries of the face and jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: Oral Surg., 213-21.—Pevzner, M. I. [Various drinks for the wounded] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, No. 3, 50.—Piatnitsky, F. A. [Alimentation in maxillary- facial trauma] Klin, med., Moskva, 1942, 20: No. 3, 22-8 — Rauer, A. E. [Urgent and special aid for maxillary wounds] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, 5-16.—Schmidhuber. Versor- gung der Gesichts- und Kieferverletzungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 1254 (Abstr.)—SeifTert, A. Die Beteiligung der Nase und deren Nebenhohlen an den Verletzungen in dem Bereich des Mundes, der Kiefer und des Gesichtes. In Leitf. Chir. Orthop. Mund. (Lindemann, A.) Lpz., 1939, 281-312.— Soderberg, N. B. The care and treatment of traumatic injuries of the face, mouth and jaws. Kansas ( ity M. J., 1943, 19: 18-22.—Treatment of facio-maxillarv injuries. Lister M. J., 1941, 10: 102-4.—Treatment of maxillo-facial wounds. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 313.—[Urgent, special aid to maxillary- facial wounds] Sovet. med., 1940, 4: No. 17, 46.—Vest, G. Ueber die Behandlung von Unfallschaden des Gebisses mit Kronen- und Briickenprothesen bei Jugend) iehen. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1941, 51: 369-79, 8 pl.—Weinmann, J., & Kronfeld, R. Traumatic injuries in the jaws of infants. J. Dent. Res., 1940, 19: 357-66.—Wiseman, R. Restoration of maxillo-facial injury 300 years ago. Brit. Dent. J., 1940, 68: 190.—Wolf, H. Chirurgische Kieferorthopadie, Spatopera- tionen an verletzten Kiefern. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 1318. ---- Injury, gunshot. Altgenug, R. *Ueber Kieferschussfracturen. 43p. 8? Bonn, 1927. Angerstein, H. *Wie und in welcher Hohe sind Kriegsdienstbeschadigte durch Kieferschuss- verletzungen versorgungsberechtigt? [Kiel] 70p. 8? Hannover, 1932. Apffelstaedt, M. Ueber die Behandlung von Kieferschussverletzungen unter Vermeidung extraintraoralerVerbande. 31p. 8? Berl., 1923. Burau, H. *Erste feldarztliche Hilfe bei Kieferschiissen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Bluttransfusion [Kiel] 35p. 8? Quaken- briick, 1933. Seitz, D. *Die zahnarztlich-orthopadische Erstbehandlung der Kieferschussverletzten. 36p. 24^cm. Lpz., 1936. Catania, V. A proposito di due feriti d'arma da fuoco con lesioni multiple delle ossa mascellari. Stomatologia, Mod., 1933, 31: 179-200.—Doubleday, F. N. Cases of gunshot wounds of the jaws, treated 1914-18. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1940, 54: 358-60.—Evdokimov, A. I. [Clinical char- acteristics of faciomaxillary gunshot wounds] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, 16-21.—Fry, W. K. Gunshot wounds of the jaws. Brit. Dent. J., 1940, 69: 88-92. Also Med. Press & JAW 623 JAW Circ, Lond., 1940, 203: 524-7. Also in Mod. Treatm. Yearb. (Wakeley, C. P. G.) Lond., 1941, 226-33.—Ganzer, H. Beitrage zur Behandlung der Kinn-Schussverletzungen (nach eigenen Erfahrungen) Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1937, 4: 650-65. ------Kieferschussverletzungen. Zsehr. arztl. Fortbild., 1939, 36: 641-6.—Ginestet, G. Vingt-quatre cas de fractures des maxillaires par balle. Rev. stomat., Par., 1927, 29: 393-420.—Gratsiansky, V. P. [Gunshot wounds of the maxillary arches and methods of roentgenological investiga- tion] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 27-31.—Hammer, H. Die Behandlung der Kieferschussverletzungen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1941, 82: 100; passim.—Hauenstein, K. Zur Versorgung Kieferschussverletzter im Heimatlazarett. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940,43:599-602. ------ Praktische Beob- achtungen und kritische Betrachtungen bei Behandlung Kie- ferschussverletzter. Ibid., 615-23. ------ Die Weiter- versorgung Kieferschussverletzter im Lazarett. Klin. Wschr., 1940, 19: 510. Also Miinch. med. Wschr., 1940, 87: 465. ------Die Schussverletzungen der Kiefer, ihre Behandlung und Prognose. Med. Welt. 1940, 14: 1189-93.—Ivy, R. H. First aid and emergency treatment of gunshot wounds of the jaws. Mil. Surgeon, 1941, 89: 197-201. Also Rev. san. mil., Habana, 1941, 5: 105-9; 1942, 41: 125-9. Also War. Med. Sympos., N. Y., 1942, 143-7.—Kanekevich, M.I., & Zaslavsky. N. I. [Characteristics of gun-shot wounds of the maxillo-facial region in relation to the wounding projectile] Ortop. travmat., 1940, 14: No. 4, 14-8.—Khesina. A. R. [Indications for extraction of teeth situated on the line of fracture in gunshot wounds of the maxillae] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, No. 3, 33-5.—Kleeberg. R. Spiitfolgen und ihre Behandlung bei Kieferschussverletzungen sowie Spatergebnisse bei- Kiefer- schussverletzten. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 664-73.— Kohler, J. Schadigungen der Zahne bei Kieferschussver- letzungen. Ibid., 809-11.—Lehner, R. Erfahrungen bei der Yersorgung Kieferschussverletzer in vorderen Sanitatsein- richtungen. Bull. War M., Lond., 1942-43, 3: 146 (Abstr.) — Lindenbaum, L. M. [Clinical features and therapy of gunshot fractures of the jaws; data from the maxilio-facial service of an evacuation hospital] Vest, khir., 1941, 62: 34-8.—Ogle, M. W. Chemotherapy in gunshot wounds of the face, neck, and jaws. Mil. Surgeon, 1942, SO: 650-5.—Pichler, H. Kieferschusshruehe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 64 Die Kieferschussbehandlung an der Wiener Klinik. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1940, 53: 22-4.—Rollet, J. Coup de feu de la joue droite avec paralysie du moteur oculaire externe gauche. Lyon med., 1928, 143: 290.—Rufanova, T. I. [Treatment of salivary fistulas in gunshot wounds] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, 28-30.—Russell, L. T. Extraoral removal of a root displaced by a gunshot wound. Am. J. Orthodont., 1940, 26: 391-3.—Stout, R. A. Gunshot wounds of the face and jaws; first aid treatment, field service. Mil. Surgeon, 1940, 8-: 247-50.—L'trobin, I. M. [Treatment of gun shot injuries of the face and jaws] Kazan, med. J. 1940, 36: No. 3, 20-7.- Vandorv, V. Gesichts- und Kieferschussverletzung. Munch. med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 291 (Abstr.) ---- Injury—in warfare. See also subheadings (Fracture—in warfare; Loss of substance; Surgery) Boettiger, R. A. Ficha buco-dental gr&fica de historia clinica odonto-estomatoldgica; grafica de lesiones dento-maxilo-faciales para el ejercito Mexicano. 41. [2] 1. (mimeo.) fol. [Mex., 1936] Brodtbeck, A. In deutschen Kriegslazaret- ten fur Kieferverletzte. 27p. 8? Frauenfeld, 1915. Great Britain. Army Advisory Standing Committee on Maxillo-Facial Injuries. Report to the Army Council. 25p. 8? Lond., 1935- , , J Otto, W. *Die Erfahrungen, welche der Weltkrieg auf dem Gebiete der Kieferverlez- zungen in Deutschland und Oesterreich brachte. 79p. 21cm. Freib. i. B., 1937. Amies, A. Maxillo-facial experiences in the Middle East. Austral. J. Dent., 1942, 46: 197-202.—Amutnova, N. V. [Organization of alimentation of maxillofacial wounded in evacuation hospitals] Stomatologia, Mosk\a, 1942, No. 3, 45-9 —Aufiero, V. Traumatizzati dei mascellari in guerra. M'nerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: pt 1, 283 (Abstr.)—Axhausen, G. Ueber die Versorgung dfr Gesichts-Kieferverletzungen des Krieges. Chirurg, 1939. 11: 801-7.-Brown, P. W Char- acteristics of war wounds of the face and jaws. Dent. Bu ., Carlisle 1941, 12: 292-9.—Calabrd, N. Contributo alia terania delle lesioni maxillo-facciali di guerra negli ospedali territorial?. Stomat. ital. 1940, 2: 297-302 -CauteE. H. C. Injuries of the jaws and dietary treatment. J. R. Army M. Corns ~1940 75: 289-94.—Clewcr, D. Injuries to the jaws andTace; an outline of treatment. J. R. Army M. Corps 1927. as. oba_q^__Pole P P. Plastic repair in war injuries to the faw and face Lancet Lond., 1917, 1:415-7. ------ War nhiries of jlws and face. Postgrad. M. J Lond 1940, 16: ori TI nl —Cimara. I. [War time wounds of the face and S 'Voj. sa"P glasnik, 1940 11: 457-71.-Dahl, G. M. Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung von Kieferverletzungen wahrend des Russisch-Finnisehen Krieges. Acta odont. scand., 1940, 2: 1-21, 4 pl. Also Nord. med., 1940, 8: 2719-28.— Drury, G. B. Discussion on maxillo-facial injuries Brit Dent. J., 1941, 71: 317.—Fabrikant, M. B. [Extent of medical aid in maxillary-facial wounds at the front and its results according to data from an evacuation hospital] Nov khir arkh., 1941, 49: 42-53.—Fairbank, L. C. Care of face and jaw casualties in the United States Army. War Med Chic 1942, 2: 223-9—Fickling, B. W. The initial treatment of jaw injuries, with special reference to air-raid casualties Med Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 203-8. Also Mod' Treat" Yearb., Lond., 1942, 8: 281-91—Flohr, W. Kieferchirur- gischer Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Polenfeldzug 1939 Deut zahniirztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 99-102. ------ German jaw injuries on the Polish front. Brit. Dent. J., 1940, 68: 424.— Fox, C. Maxillo-facial injuries. Mil. Surgeon, 1942. 90: 61-72.—Ganzer, H. Kriegsverletzungen der Kiefer. Deut! Militararzt, 1940, 5: 419-26.—Goldberg, L. S. [Role of military sanitary trains in treatment of maxillofacial wounded] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1942, No. 3, 43.—[Great Britain. War Office] Memorandum on the preliminary treatment of maxillo-facial wounds, 1941. Bull. War M., Lond., 1941-42, 2: 103 (Abstr.)—Hauberrisser, E. Kriegsverletzungen und Naturheilbehandlungen. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941. 44: 153-8.—Hayes, G. B. War dental surgery; some cases of maxillo-facial injuries treated in the dental section of the American ambulance at Neuilly (Paris), France. Deut. Cosmos, 1916, 58: 249; 389; 511.—Ivy, R. H. Emergency treatment of war injuries of the face and jaws. Surgery, 1941, 10: 515. ------ Early and late treatment of the face and jaws as applied to war injuries. South. Surgeon, 1942, 11: 366-73. ------& Curtis, L. Definitive treatment of injuries of the maxillofacial region. Army Dent. Bull., 1942, 13: 159-73. Also Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1942, 41: 638-50 — Ivy, R. H., & Eby, J. D. Physiotherapeutic treatment of maxillofacial injuries. In Med. Dep. U. S. Armv in the World War, Wash., 1924, 11: pt 2, 550-4.—Ivy, R. H.,'& Stout, R. A. Emergency treatment of war injuries of the face and jaws. Ann. Surg., 1941, 113: 1001-9.—James, W. W. Maxillo- facial injuries in war. Brit. Dent. J., 1939, 67: 340; ?87; 1940, 68: 45; 301.—Kamenetsky, M. G. [Treatment of maxillary- facial wounds at the front] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 22.—Kilner, T. P. Wounds of the face and jaws. In Surg. Modern Warf. (Bailev, H.) Edinb., 1940-41, 561-92. Also 2. ed., Bait., 1942, 1: 288-319.—Kondiukov. A. E. [Char- acteristics of war injuries of the facial skeleton] Vest.otorinolar., 1941, No. 5, 19-30.—Lehner. R. Tratamiento de las heridas del maxilar en las formaciones de adelante. Rev. sap. mil., B. Air., 1942, 41: 542-9, pl.—Lukomsky, T. G. [Treatment of jaw and face wounds during war] Sovet. stomat., 1932, 10: 3.—McGee, R. P. Treatment of maxillo-facial wounds in zone of advance. Oral Hyg., Pittsb., 1922, 12: 845-51 — Martinier, P. Intervention combin^e du chirurgien et du nroth^siste aux difterentes phases des traumatismes maxillo- faciaux. Odontologie, Par., 1917, 55: 115; 171; 213; 268 — Maxillo-facial injuries; general principles of treatment. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1940, 60: 119; 163; passim.—Maxillo-facial wounds [War Office memorandum] Ibid., 1941, 61: 270-2.— Memorandum on the preliminary treatment of maxillo-facial wounds, 1941; issued by command of the Army Council. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 190.—Michelson. N. M. [First aid in injuries of the jaws at the front] Sovet. khir., 1932, 3: 335-46.—Miinch. Erfahrungen iiber die Behandlung von Kriegsverletzungen der Kiefer und des Gesichtes. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941, 44: 79-86.—Paisley, J. C. Stretcher head support in cases of smashed jaw. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 16.—Palazzi, S. Therapeutische Hilfe und Vorkehrungen bei Kiefer- und Gesichtsverletzumren im Felde. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 359-61. Also Gior. med, mil., 1940, 88: 500-8, ch.—Peyrus, J. J. Les blessures de guerre de la face et des maxillaires. R^v. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1939, 111: 1017-30.—Preliminary (The) treatment of maxillo-facial wounds. Clin. J., Lond., 1941, 70: 265-7.—Rohrer. Grund- satzliches fiir die Versorgung der Kiefer-Gesiehtsverlfltzten bis zur Aufnahme in ein Fac.hlazarett fiir Kieferverletzte. Med. Klin., Berl., 1940, 36: 577 (Abstr.)—Rugg-Easey. D. I. Maxillo-facial injuries in Malta. Brit. Dent. J., 1943, 74: 37.— Ruppe, L. Notes d'un prisonnier sur le traitement d'ur- gence des blesses maxillo-faciaux dans l'arm£e allemande. Restauration maxillo-fac, Par., 1919, 3: 248-62.—Schmid- huber, K. F. Die Versorgung der Gesichts- und Kiefer- verletzungen. Deut. Militararzt, 1940, 5: 418.—Schmu- zi^er, P. Die unmittelbare Versorgung der Gesichts- und Kieferverletzungen im Krieg. Helvet. med. acta, 1941, 8- 49-53.—Scrivenor, E. The problem of feeding in extensive maxillo-facial injuries. Austral. J. Dent., 1941, 45: 298-301 — Shaw, J. J- M. War injuries to face and jaw. In War & Doctor (Mackintosh, J. M.) 2. ed., Lord., 1940, 41-6 — Vauthier, U., Jacquet [et al.] Cours consacr£ au traitement des plaies de la face et des fractures des maxillaires, Geneve, 6-11 octobre 1939. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1940, 50: 553-71.—Zeman. J. Die Versorgung Kieferverletzter im Kriege. Zsehr. Stomat., 1939, 37: 1169-73. ---- Loss of substance. See also subheadings (Injury; Surgery, plastic) Mollenhoff, A. [K.] *Beitrag zur Frage der Deckung der Kieferdefekte durch Verwendung JAW 624 JAW der Besektionsprothesen [Miinster] 16p. 8? Emsdetten, 1931. Roy, M., & Mohtinier, P. La prothese des maxillaires en chirurgie de guerre; proced^s de technique appliqu^es au Comite de secours aux blesses des maxillaires et de la face de l'Ecole dentaire de Paris. 93p. 8? Par., 1917. Balestra, D. Importanza della protesi nei mutilati dei mascellari; contributo. Stomat. ital., 1940, 2: 508-20.— Brown, G. V. I. Surgical restoration of war-injured faces and jaws. Dent, Cosmos, 1920, 62: 206-15 [Discussion] 228-32.— Brusotti, A. Restaurazione protesica bucco-facciale in un caso di grave mutilazione chirurgica. Stomatologia, Mod., 1927, 25: 649-58.—Crisnier, H. Appareil prothdtique destind k obstruer la plaie de la region sus-hyoidienne. Gaz. odont., Par., 1881, 3: 125-7.—Graziani. M. Pr6tese buco-maxilo- facial; nariz e palato artificiais. Rev. brasil. otorinolar., 1941, 9: 217-21. — Hofrath, H. Kieferchirurgie und -prothetik in ihrem Zusammenwirken bei umfangreichen Kieferdefekten. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 251. ------ Aufgabe und Ziel der Kieferorthopadie und -prothetik bei der Deckung umfangreicher Kieferdefekte. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1936, 3: 369-87 — Lindemann, A. Die plastische Deckung der Liicken der Kieferknochen. Chirurg, 1928-29, 1: 817-29.—Stoppany, G. A. I'eixinliche Erinnerungen an Manner und Methoden auf dem Gebiete des Kieferersatzes. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 525-31.—Taylor, R. S. Prognosis in widespread destruc- tion of the jaws and associated parts. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1939, 59: 291-303.—Watry, F. A propos d'assistance aux mutilds maxillaires. Atti Conf. interall. assist, inval. guerra, Roma, 1919, 3: 561-70. ---- Macro- and micrognathism. See also subheading Prognathism. Ackermann, W. Die Lagerung des unteren Weisheitszahnes bei abnormer Kleinheit des Kiefers speziell bei Mikrognathie. 37p. 8? Wurzb., 1925. Gering, W. *Ueber die zahnarztlichen Massnahmen bei der Behandlung der Mikrogenie [Munchen] 44p. 8? Stuttg., 1932. Heimann, K. *Ueber einen Fall von Mikro- gnathie mit Trichterbrust und Deformierung der Extremitaten. 20p. 8? Marb., 1929. Hell'inger [K.] M. *Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie der Mikrognathie [Leipzig] 92p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1928. Mohr, G. *Ueber Mikrogenie mit einem kasuistischen Beitrag. 39p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1935. Mooslehner, W. *Mikrogenie, Gesichtsasym- metrie und deren Operationsmethoden [Berlin] 44p. 8? Charlottenb., 1933. Waldmann, E. *Die angeborene Mikro- genie; an Hand von zwei Fallen aus dem Hein- rich-Kinder-Hospital [Kiel] 24p. 8? Neu- munster, 1933. Davis, A. D., & Dunn, R. Micrognathia; a suggested treatment for correction in earlv infancv. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1933, 45: 799-806.—Esser, J. F. S. Correction of bird's face. Am. J. Orthodont., 1938, 24: 791-4.—Hassmann, K. Zur Behandlung der Atemstorungen bei Mikrognathie des Sauglings. Kinderarztl. Prax., 1932, 3: 346—Ibbotson, W. Two cases of familial enlargement of jaws. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1939, 62: 67-9.—Lapage. C. P. Micrognathia in the new born. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1937, 57: 135.—McCarter, W. A. Underdeveloped maxilla and overdeveloped mandible (case report) Internat. Orthodont. Congr. 1926, 1927, 1. Congr. 483.— Mahe, G. Histoire d'une rdsection bicondylienne pour macroL'iiathie. Rev. stomat., Par., 1934, 36: 641-6.—Sudaka, R., ^cm, Wiirzb.. 1937, Fronmuller, H. *Aetiologie des offenen Bisses. 48p. 8? Erlangen, 1930. Grethe, W. *Die Hilfsmittel zur Behandlung des tiefen Bisses und ihre Wirkung [Gottingen] 27p. 8? Hannov., 1933. Heggemann, R. ^Untersuchungen iiber ver- tikale und sagittate Abweichungen in den Kiefer- Gesichtsbezjehungen beim Deckbiss des Men- schen mit besonderer Auswertung von Fern- Profil-Rontgenaufnahmen. 31p. 8? Bonn, 1933. Heyder, O. *Die Bedeutung des Ueberbisses fiir die Aetiologie und Therapie der Paradentosen. 63p. 8? [Lpz., 1930] Juul, K. A. *Kaudruck und Zerkleinerungs- fahigkeit bei Kindern mit normaler und anormaler Occlusion. 39p. 8? Bonn, 1932. Kobig, T. *Ueber die Entstehung und Symptomatologie des Kreuzbisses. 36p. 8°. Bonn, 1932. Krauspe, R. *Untersuchungen iiber die anatomischen Grundlagen des Deckbisses [Bonn] 41p. 8? Bottrop, 1934. 320157—VOL. 8, 4th sbkies----40 Krockow, I. *Sozialbiologische Untersuchun- gen zur Frage der Entstehung von Biss- und stellungsanomalien [Rostock] 26p. 8? Lipp- Langeheineken, H. *Untersuchungen uber die Moghchkeiten der Ausheilung des Distal- bisses mit mandibularer Retrusion zur Erklarung der Erscheinung des Zwangsdistalbisses [Mun- chen] 43p. 22^cm. Wurzb., 1938. Meier, F. W. W. *Ueber den Vererbungs- modus des Deckbisses. 35p. 8? Bonn, 1930. Prader, F. "Ueber das Vorkommen von Bundelknochen in einigen Fallen von Okklusions- anomahen [Basel] p.438-56. 8? Berl., 1929. Also Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1929, 47: Ronneburg, G. *Untersuchungen iiber den tiefen Biss und seine Variationen mit Hilfe der Simonschen Gnathostatmethode [Greifswaldl 22p. 8? Osnabruck, 1934. Sammartino, G. A. *Mordida baja y sobre- mordida [Dent.] 69p. 27cm. B. Air., 1938. Sedlag, H. *Beitrage zur Genese von Okklu- sionsanomalien. 31p. 8? Bresl., 1929. Stock, A. *Untersuchungen iiber das Kno- chenwachstum und seine Beziehungen zur Ortho- dontic 39p. 8? Bonn, 1932. Thannhauser, E. *Zur Aetiologie und Therapie des offenen Bisses. 44p. 8? Berl., 1935. Wagner, K. A. *Kann eine grosse Differenz der elterlichen Schadel-Langen-Breiten-Indices einen Distalbiss des Kindes bedingen? [Frank- furt] 29p. 8? Wiesb., 1934. Young, M., Johnson, E. [et a'.] Investiga- tions into the nature and characteristic features of post-normal occlusion. 93p. 8? Lond., 1937. Zaske, P. *Beitrag zur Frage der retrograden Bewegung der Kondylen beim Seitbiss, beim Riickbiss und beim Kieferschluss unter die normale Bisshohe [Berlin] 35p. 24^cm. Miinch., 1937. Asbell, M. B. Malocclusion; result of use of chin strap in treatment of tuberculosis of the spine. Am. J. Orthodont-, 1939, 25: 1011-3.—Bailey, E. E. A method of diagnosing and treating cases requiring repositioning of the mandible and rebuilding of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1937, 24: 33-50.—Baume, L. J. Das Problem des Distal- bisses im Lichte biometrischer Untersuchungen. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1942, 52: 287 (Abstr.)—Begg, P. R. Studies on the aetiology of malocclusion of the teeth and concomitant jaw anomalies. Austral. J. Dent., 1932, 36: 272.—Bertram, C. Base thdorique de ma mdthode de traitement de l'infragnathie, closed over-bite, et de la supragnathie, open-bite. Rev. odont., Par., 1939, 61: 489-500.—Blair, V. P. Instances of operative correction of mal-relation of the jaws. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1915, 1: 395-421.—Bocak, J. Die Diagnose und Behandlung von Unterabteilungen der Klasse II (einseitig ausgebildeter Distalbiss) im Rahmen der Funktionskieferorthopiidie. Zsehr. Stomat., 1938, 36: 510-21.—Briickl, H. Die Liicken- offnung in der Kieferorthopadie. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1940, 43: 674-7.—Caine, W. P. A discussion of cases pre- senting an anterior position to the maxillary and mandibular arches. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1929, 15: 104-9.—Christensen, F. G. Traumatogenic occlusion and its importance in perio- dontal pathology and treatment. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 161-73.—Cipparone, E. Esistono o no deformazioni delle arcate den tali senza che la linea del profilo sia morfologicamente alterata? Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1937, 14: 952-61.— Crouch, S. S. Some morphological changes in the jaw bones produced bv orthodontic treatment. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1928, 40: 375-8.—D'Alise, C. Bread in the develop- ment of the human face and in the pronhylaxis of malocclusion. Dent, Rec, Lond., 1937, 57: 596-605.—De Vecchis, B. Os- servazioni e ragionamenti preterapeutici nella protrazione dell'arcata superiore e nella retrazione di quella inferiore. Stomat. ital., 1939, 1: 325-30—Duyzings, J. A. C. [Ortho- dontic conceptions and problems in relation to the growth- process of the face and skull] Tschr. tandheelk., 1939, 46. 886-93, 3 pl.—Flesher, W. E. To what definite causes may malocclusion and its attending oral and facial abnormalities be attributed? Internat. J. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 1274-84 — Foy, R., & Herpin, A. Expansion physiologique des maxillaires et redressement. C. rend. Congr. internat. mdd., 1910, 16. Congr., Sect. 17. Stomat., 187-9.—French, F. A. The newer view of posterior occlusion. Dent. Surv., 1933, 9: 33-5.-— Frey, L., & NevrezS, B. de. Contribution a l'dtude des mal- JAW 62i positions maxillaires verticales. C. rend. Congr. dent, internat., 1909, 5. Congr., 2. Teil, 418-34.- Gatto, E. Modificazioni dei tessuti paradentali negli spostamenti dei denti in ortognato- dontia e nei difetti di combaciamento. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1937, 14: 243; 596, 631; 805. ------ Etk pio idonea per correggere i difetti di posizione dei denti e di forma delle arcate mascellari. Stomatologia. Mod.. 1937. 35: 404-13.— Gibbin, F. E. Macromaxillary and micrcmandihular develop- ment; case rei ort. Am. Ass. Orthodont. (1939) 1940, 37: 125-31.—Glucksman, D. D. Localized vertical growth dis- turbance. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 184-7.— Hellman, M. Morphology of the face, jaws and dentition in class 3 mal- occlusion of the teeth. Ibid.. 1931, 18: .2150-73.—Hendry, W. R. Causes, signs and simple treatment of malocclusion. J. Canad. Dent. Ass., 1939, 5: 398-401).- Howes, A. E. Alter- ing the overbite; a model study of 2 adult cases. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 173-8—Johnson, A. L. The constitu- tional factor in skull form and dental occlusion. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1941, 61: 112-6— Kazis, H. Planning and treatment for bite raising; bile revision, deep overbite. Dent. Items, 1941, 63: 684-99.- Keller, R. Le probleme de l'occlusion traumatisante. Schvuiz. Mschr. Zahnh., P.I3!», 49: 349-61, 9 pl.—Kelly. E. J. Correction of an open-bite case complicated by an extreme narrowness of the maxillary arch. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1934, 20: 122-8.- Krockow & Winkler. Studio sociale e biologico sull'influenza della razza nella propogazione e nello formazione di anomal e d'occlusione e di i osizione. Rivr ital. stomat., 1934, 3: 48.—Kronfeld, R. Histologic analysis of the jaws of a child with malocclusion. Angle Orthodont., 1938, 8: 21-38.—Lewis, S. J., & Lehman, I. A. A quantitative study of the relation between certain factors in the development cf the dental arch and the occlusion of the teeth. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 1015-37.—Lowry, R. A. Loss of intermaxillary distance; effect on aviators and relief by interdental splint. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1939, 37: 367-8(1. — Lubowitz. A. H. Practical gnathostatic diagnosis, case analysis and treatment of malocclusion. Dent. Items, 1940, 62: 1045--50.—Lundstriim, A. F. Some evidence con- cerning the nature of bimaxillary crowding. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1935, 55: 433-59.—McKeag, H. T. A. Traumatogenic occlusion. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 288—Meyer, W. Un- mittelbare Schadigung des Kieferknnchens bei tiofem Biss (ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der histologischen Yorgange nach Befunden am Hund) Zsehr. Stomat., 1927, 25: 1167-81.— Moore, G. R. To what definite causes may malocclusion and its attending oral and facial abnormalities be attributed? Internat. .1. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 1265 73— Mourgeon, A. A quel fige peut-on entreprendre le redressement des dents et la correction des machoires? J. mM. Paris, 1930, 50: 1123-5.—Miiller, H. Anomalien der Zahnstellung, Kieferform und Okklusion beim Tier. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1934, 1: 159; 1935. 2: 129; 462.—Munblatt, M. A. Class 1 malocclusion complicated by a mandibular contrection, an impaction of the mandibular first premolar and a maxillarv protrusion. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 230-40.—Rabkin, S. Cranial structural variations and their association with dental conditions. J. Dent. Res., 1937, 16: 203-24.—Renninger, A. Ueber die Einwirkung der Form und Lagcverandung der Okklusionskurve auf Gelenk- und Schneidezahnfiihrung im orrtiodontischen Artikulator beim Yorhiss. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1934, 1: 177-8o. Schrav, K. Die Kliirung der Kiefer-Gesichtsbezie- hungen bei Pissanomalic n. Ibid., 1935, 2: 472; 682; 1936, 3: 406.-- Schwarz. A. M. Die Beziehungen der Kieferorthopadie zu den Paradentals krankungen. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1942, 52: 287 (Abstr.)—Siegmund. H. Die Beziehungen der Kieferorthopadie zu den Paradentalerkrankungen vom Stand- punkt der Pathologie. Ibid., 288 (Abstr.)—Stammers, A. F. Traumatogenic occlusion. Brit. Dent. J., 1941, 71: 259.— Straussberg, G. Kev to treatment in closed bite cases. Dent. Surv., 1941, 17: 27-3~3.—Sved, A. Growth of the jaws and the etiology of malocclusion. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1935, 21: 799, passim.—Tandler, J. The possibilities of research into the etiology of anomalies of the jaws and of malocclusion. Dent. Cosmos, 1914, 56: 435-8.—Tench. R. W. Dangers in dental reconstruction involving increase of the vertical dimen- sion of the lower third of the human face. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1938, 25: 566-70.—Tishler, B. Occlusal habit neuroses. Apollonian, Bost., 1937, 12: 100-6.—Turner, J. G. Some clinical observations in connection with the causation of de- formities of the dental arches. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1932, 25: 1643.—Wallace, J. S. Observations on the progress of the elucidation of the mode of development of normal and abnormal jaws, and of the etiology of the irregularities and malocclusions of the teeth. Austral. J. Dent., 1932, 36- 446; 1933, 37: 5. Also Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1932, 133: 517; 134: 7; 21.—Weinmann, J. Histologische Untersuchung eines Kiefers mit Stellungsanomalie der Zahne. Deut. Mschr Zahnh., 1927, 45: 589-96.— Zsigmondy, O. Die Kieferbau- grundlagen des anomalen Arcus dentium mit Riicksicht auf die Odontorthopiidie. C. rend. Congr. internat. m6d., 1909 16. Congr., Sect. 17, Stomat., 77-96. ---- Occlusion: Malocclusion, traumatic. Beykirch, P. *Orthodontische Behandlung nach Unfallen bei Kindern. 16p. 21cm. Hei- delb., 1938. JAW Breitfeld [M.] H. ""Kieferanomalien und Gebiszschadigungen durch traumatische Ein- fliisse und andere exogene Momente. 63p. 8? Lpz., 1937. Dechaume. Dystrophies et malpositions dentaires et maxillaires d'origine traumatique. Rev. stomat., Par., 1935, 37: 87-102.—Sorrin, S. Common errors regarding traumatic occlusion. Dent. Outlook, N. V., 1939, 26: 456 9.—Strong, L. V., jr. Reflex effects of traumatic occlusion. J. Am. Osteo- path. Ass., 1942-43, 42: 415. ---- Odontoma. Amann, E. *Ueber Odontome an Kiefern. 16p. 8? Miinch., 1931. Skomlinski, H. *Odontome [Berlin] 24p. S? Jena, 1932. Aprile, H., & Carames de Aprile, E. Tumores de los maxi- lares, de origen dentario; odontomas. Rev. med., B. Air., 1940, 2: 215; 303.—Fronteau. Un dentome corono-radiculaire diffus; classification des tumeurs des maxillaires d'origine dentaire. Arch. meri. Angers, 1937, 41: 213-6.— Horbst, L. Zur Frage des weichen Odontoma der Kieferknochen. Arch. Ohr. &c. Heilk., 1934, 138: 30-6.—Malone. L. A. Odontomas case report. Radiology, 1940, 34: 573- Ii.-- Seldin, H., & Woodman, J. B. Composite odontoma. N. York ,J. Dent., 1934, 4: 126.—Wright, A. J. A case of epithelial odontomu (multilocular evst) of the upper jaw. J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1928, 43: 413, 2 pl. ---- Orthopedics. See also Dentistry, orthodontic; Dentition, Orthodontic aspect. Andresen, V., & Haupl, K. Funktions- Kieferorthopadie. 116p. 8? Lpz., 1936. Also 2. Aufl. 152p. 24cm. 1939. Bruhn, C. Gesichtsorthopadie. p.979-1064. 25l/zcm. Miinch., 1939. Hoffmann, E. *Schaden bei und nach kieferorthopadischen Massnahmen [Leipzig] 54p. 8? Wilkau-Hasslau-S., 1935. Kitschenberg, H. *Ueber die biologischen Gesetze, die bei kieferorthopadischen Massnah- men Beriicksichtigung verlangen [Miinster] 19p. 21cm. Quakenbniek, 1935. Lachmann, K. *Zur Kicferbehandlung. 23p. 23cm. Lpz., 1936. Muller [F.] H. *Zur Karies-Frage in der Kiefer-Orthopadie [Leipzig] 30p. 8? Halle, 1932. Ponroy, M., & Psaume, M. Restauration et prothese maxillo-faciales; fractures; pertes de substance; difformites. 502p. 8? Par., 1935. Bichelmayr, A. Zur Spatbehandlung der Kieferanomalien. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1942, 52: 635 (Abstr.)—Bocak, J. [Orthopedics of the jaw in children] Lijec. vjes., 1940, 62: 323.—Braun, L. En masse movement to correct jaw relation- ships. Am. J. Orthodont., 1943, 29: 230-2.—Haupl, K. Ueber den jetzigen Stand der Funktions-Kieferorthopadie. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1940, 50: 677-707, 8 pl. ------ Ueber neue Richtungslinien in der Kieferorthopadie. Wien. khn. Wschr., 10-11, 54: 131.—Hausser, E. Zahnarzt und Kieferorthopadie. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941, 44: 17-9.— Hillebrand, H. Wann soil der Unfallehirurg einen Kiefer- orthopiiden zur Behandlung seiner Unfallkranken hinzuziehen? ein seltener Fall von posttraumatischer Gaumenfistel. Mschr. Unfallh., 1934, 41: 291-5.—Izard. G. The goniomandibular angle in dentofacial orthopedia. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1927, 13: 578-81.—Lifton, J. C. Applied orthodontics in orofacial prosthesis. Am. J. Orthodont., 1943, 29: 18-29.—Lindemann, A., & Hofrath, H. Aus gemeinsamer chirurgisch-orthopadischer Arbeit der W.stdi ntschen Kieferklinik. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1938, 5: 241-54.—McCoy, J. D. A contribution to the symposium on the treatment of dentofacial anomalies. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 671-81.—Palazzi, S. Le cure ortopedico- funzionali mascellari e dentario. Athena, Roma, 1940, 9: 247.—Schwarz, A. M. Aussprache iiber die Funktions- Kiefer-Orthopadie. Zsehr. Stomat., Wien, 1938, 36: 1321-37. ---- Orthopedics: Apparatus, materials and prosthesis. Haussler, G. *Ueber die Bestandigkeit der weissen Edelmetallegierung Pedagan und des Nickelins bei Verwendung in der Kieferortho- padie [Leipzig] 51p. 22cm. Freib. i. B., 1936. JAW 627 JAW Lotz, E. *Sinn und Wirkung der kieferortho- padischen Apparaturen [Miinster] 30p. 8? Darmst., 1935. Ascher, F. Aktive kieferorthopadische Plattenkonstruk- tionen mit elastischen Plattenrandern. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1939 6: 476-81.—Bodine, R. L. Maxillofacial prosthesis. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1928, 14: 998; 1076; 1929, 15: 42; passim.—Chenet, H. La prothese maxillo-faciale. Odonto- logie, Par., 1929, 67: 831-50.—Filderman, J. Les coiffes mgtalliques et les bridges en orthopexlie maxillo-faciale. Rev. odont., Par., 1931, 53: 5-12.—Haupl, K., & Psansky, R. Histologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungsweise der in der Funktions-Kiefer-Orthopadie verwendeten Apparate (Aktivatoren) Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1938, 5: 214; 485; 641 —Hofrath, H. Die Anwendung des Gipsverbandes in der Kieferorthopadie. Zsehr. Stomat., Wien, 1937, 35: 94-112 — Levy, 4. Appareillage maxillo-facial. Odontologie, Par., 1921, 59: 384-90. -Pickett, L. Jaw brace. U. S. Patent. Off., 1937, No. Re. 20,389.—Poindexter, J. B. Tooth guard and jaw protector. Ibid., No. 2,192,558.—Preston, J. L. Jaw brace. Ibid., 1935, No. 1,992,904.—Spenadel, I. Tissue tension retractor devised for reduction of alveolar process in marked anterior protrusions of the mouth. Dent. Cosmos, 1925, 67: 503-7. ---- Orthopedics: Diagnostic methods. Basle, R. S. Individual measurements of the face and jaws before and during orthodontic treatment. Internat. J. Ortho- dont., 1933, 19: 22-54.—Besombes, A. Precisions sur quelques points du diagnostic en orthop^die dento-faciale. Odontologie, Par., 1938, 76: 420-37.—Binder, W. Eine orthodontische Yuswertungsmethode fiir Kieferabgiisse (Photoplan) Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1938, 5: 460-4.—Bocak, J. [Functional estimation in orthopedics of the jaw] LijeC. vjes., 1940, 62: 251-8.—Coster, L. de. Une nouvelle methode d'analyse morphologique en orthop<;die dento-faciale. Rev. stomat., Par., 1930, 32: 552-64. ------ A new method of analysis of dentofacial malformations. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 942. ------ Die Rontgenaufnahme des Handgelenks in der kieferorthopadischen Diagnostik. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn &c Heilk. (1937) 1938, 74. Tag., 2. T., 9-19. Also Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1937, 4: 683-93.—Haiisser, E. Die Photographie in der Kieferorthopadie. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn &c Heilk. (1937) 1938, 74. Tag., 2. T., 20-35. Also Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1937, 4: 694-709.—Korkhaus, G. Die Auswertung des Fern- rontgenbildes in der Kieferorthopadie. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn &c. Heilk. (1936) 1937, 73. Tag., 2. T., 7-21. Also Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1936, 3: 715 29.—Scheidt, C. Vereinfachte Hilfsmittel fiir die kieferorthopadische Diagnostik. Ibid., 1939, 6: 467; 665.—Schwarz, R. Methodes de cephalometrie dans leurs rapports avec la chirurgie des maxillaires et l'ortho- dontie. Odontologie, Par., 1928, 66: 395-412.—Simon, P. W. The simplified gnathostatic method. Internat. J. Orthodont., 1932, 18: 1081-87.—Solinas, N. M. La tecnica d'esame d'lzard applicata ad un caso di malposizione dentaria e di deformazione maxillo-iacciale causate dalla precoce estrazione di un dente deciduo e dalla ritardata eruzione del permanente. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1935, 12: 351-69. ---- Orthopedics: Methods. See also subheading Surgery; also Dentistry, orthodontic. Bauer, F. *Chirurgisch-orthodontische Mass- nahmen zur Beseitigung von Stellungsanomalien und ihre Bedeutung fur die Bekampfung des Rezidivs [Miinster] 43p. 8? Werne-Lippe, 1934. . , Eicke, B. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der die Bisslage bestimmenden Faktoren . und ihrer Verwertung fur die Aufstellung des kieferortho- padischen Behandlungsplanes [Dent.] 52p. 21cm. Zur., 1941. . Erbse, H. [W. P.] *Die Indikation der Extraktion beiZahnmissbildungen, Zahnstellungs- und Kieferanomalien. 32p. 8? Miinch. 1935. Fluck, E. *Ueber die Anwendung der Ex- tension in der Kieferorthopadie [Dusseldorf] 24p. 22^cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Jahn K *Die Extraktion in der Kiefer- orthopadie ' [Leipzig] 28p. 8? Oldenburg, Klenk H. *Die chirurgische Behandlung der Makrogenie der Progenie und des offenen Bisses [Tubingen] 'l9p. 8° Wurzb., 1936 Korkhaus G. Biomechanische Gebiss- und Kieferorthopldie. p. 140-742. 25/2cm. Miinch., 1939. Tulasne, R. Contribution a I'etude de la prothese immediate des maxillaires. 50p. 8? Par., 1928. Bocak, J. Grundsatzliche Bemerkungen zur Planlegung des therapeutischen Vorgehens in der Funktions-Kieferorthopadie. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1941, 8: 80; passim.—Edmand, P. A. Restoring lost vertical dimension. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1938, 25: 849-60.—Erikson, B. E. Simultaneous distal movement of maxillary and mandibular buccal segments Am. J. Ortho- dont., 1942, 28: 82-96.—Guichard, P. Contribution a I'etude des ameliorations de l'etat general chez l'enfant par le traite- ment orthop^dique maxillo-dentaire. Loire nted., 1930, 44: 221-7, 6 pl.—Haupl, K. Ueber die Bisshebung bei Anwendung von in der Funktions-Kieferorthopadie gebrauchten Apparaten. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 73-81.'—Hoffer, O. Dal metodo classico al sistema norvegese. Stomat. ital., 1939, 1: 865-8.— Hruska, A. Sulla funzionale ortopedia ma seel la re: sistema norvegese. Stomatologia, Mod., 1938, 36: 832-5.—Junemann, H. R. Consequences of shortening the intermaxillary distance. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1941, 28: 1427-36.—Katz, A. J. [Author's methods of treatment in dento-maxillary-facial orthopedics (orthodontia)] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1939, 73-89.—Pejrone, G. Considerazioni pratiche sui metodo ortopedico-mascellare di Andresen e Haupl. Stomat. ital., 1939, 1: 526-30.—Saraval, U. La terapia chirurgica in ortodonzia. Riv. ital. stomat., 1938, 7: 373-83.—Schnizer, E. von. Die Behandlungsdauer in der Kieferorthopadie. Deut. zahnarztl. Wschr., 1941, 44: 185-7.—Steinhardt, G. Stellungnahme zu den Moglichkeiten and Auswirkungen kieferorthopiidischer Massnahmen an jugendlichen Kiefern. Deut. Zahn &c Heilk., 1939, 6: 456- 67.—Walkhoff, O. Beitrage zur Theorie und Praxis der ortho- dontischen Massnahmen und deren Beziehungen zur Ent- wicklungsmechanik der Kiefer. Deut. Zahnh., 1927, H. 69, 1-52. ---- Osteitis. See also subheadings (Abscess; Inflammation; Necrosis) Bardonnet, H. *Traitement des osteites des maxillaires [Lyon] 131p. 25'i;cm. Trevoux, 1939. Litman, M. Contribution a I'etude des osteites des maxillaires; osteites corticales [Paris] 34p. 8? Versailles, 1931. Arlotta, A. Sulle osteiti dei mascellari. Arch. chir. oris, Bologna, 1931-32, 1: 470-93. Also Riv. ital. stomat., 1932, 1: 774-7.—Berten, J. Ueber die Entstehungsweise der Kie- ferostitis nach Zahnextraktion. Deut. Zahnh., 1929, H. 74, 45-54.—Bor, H. A. Osteitis and periostitis of the mandible and maxilla. Tr. Far East. Ass. Trop. M., 1934, 9: pt 2, 965-71. Also Meded. dienst volksgez. Ned. Indie, 1935, 24: 146-50.—Bradlaw, R. A case of diffuse osteitis of maxilla and mandible for diagnosis. Brit. Dent. J., 1935, 58: 421-4.-- Burruano, L. Considerazioni e ricerche sugli agenti patogeni piii comuni delle osteo-periostiti mascellari con speciale riguardo alle varie forme anatomo-patologiche. Riv. ital. stomat., 1933, 2: 115-23.—Dechaume, M. Osteites corticales des maxillaires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1931, 33: 402-20. ------ Osteite hypertrophiante localis^e des maxillaires. Presse m6d., 1934, 42: 1124-6.------Contribution a I'etude des osteites d'origine dentaire; osteites corticales des maxillaires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1935, 37: 792-808. ------ Traitement des osteites des maxillaires d'origine dentaire par le bacterio- phage. Progr. mM., Par., 1936, 1449. ------ Considerations sur l'opportunite des examens sanguins et d'un traitement general dans les osteites des maxillaires. Sang, Par., 1938, 12: 322-4.------& Duchene. Traitement des osteites des maxillaires par le bacteriophage. Rev. stomat., Par., 1936, 38: 442-56.—Dechaume, Giraudeau & Rabinovitch. Traitement des osteites des maxillaires par l'ozone. Ibid., 799-811.— De Vecchis, B. Le osteoperiostiti acute e croniche di origine dentaria. Rinasc. med., 1927, 4: 151.—Federspiel, M. N. Osteitis of the mandible and maxilla; etiologie factors, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic stages. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1927, 14: 1698-702.—Hattyasy, D., & Claus, G. Seltener Fall einer durch Trauma bedingten hamatogenen Kieferostitis. Zsehr. Stomat., 1934, 32: 866-75.—Hauberrisser, E. Die odontogenen Ostitiden. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn &c. Heilk. (1937) 1938, 74. Tag., 2. T., 223-37.—Kronfeld, R. Die diagnostische und pathologische Bedeutung ostitischer Herde im menschlichen Kiefer. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 177-83.— Maccaferri, G. Contributo clinico alio studio delle osteiti ematogene delle ossa mascellari. Atti Congr. internaz. stomat. (1935) 1936, 2. Congr., 1: 393-7. Also Riv. ital. stomat., 1936, 5: 285-302.—Maisto, O. A. Osteitis rarefaciente con expul- sion de los dientes temporarios y germense de los dientes permanentes en una nifia de 3 afios y medio de edad. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1940, 28: 513-22.—Melchior, M. Verschiedene Formen dentaler Ostitis. Zsehr. Stomat., 1930, 28: 1119-32 — Miner L. M. S. Osteitis of mandible and maxilla. J. Am. Dent \ss , 1927, 14: 1703-5.—Oxman, I. M. [On osteodystro- phy of the maxillary bones] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1941, No 2, 56-62.—Siegmund, H. Die odontogene Ostitis des Kieferknochens. Beitr. path. Anat., 1929, 83: 289-312 — Trauner, R. Ueber Todesfalle bei akutentzundhchen Er- JAW 628 JAW krankungen des Kieferknochens. Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1939, 6: 631-4.—Yaughan, H. S. Osteitis of the maxilla and mandible; etiology, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic stages. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1927, 14: 1694-7. ---- Osteitis deformans [Paget] Imrie, D. A. *L'infection des dents et des os maxillaires (son interpretation radiographique et microscopique) avec un cas d'osteite d6formante. 24p. 8? Lausanne, 1927. Thomale, H. J. *Die Osteodystrophia fibrosa der Kiefer. 31 p. 23>4cm. Wurzb., 1938. Leist, M. Kieferstudien bei Osteodystrophia fibrosa mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pagetschen Krankheit. Zsehr. Stomat., 1928, 26: 501-18.—Rushton, M. A. The dental tissues in osteitis deformans. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1938, 58: 611-8. ---- Osteitis fibrosa [general and localized] See also subheading Cyst; also Parathyroidism. Bienias, H. G. K. *Ein Beitrag zur isolierten Ostitis fibrosa der Kiefer unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Zahnerhaltung. 36p. 8? Bresl., 1934. Herrmann, E. *Ueber eine Ostitis fibrosa lokalisata des Unterkiefers bei einem 17 jahrigen Madchen. 27p. 8? Tub., 1938. Kuhn, P. *Experimentelle Studien zur Frage der Ostitis fibrosa im Kiefergebiet [Tubingen] 24p. 8? Schramberg. 1934. Cabanne, A. Osteitis cr6nica enquistada alveolar, osteitis neutelgica. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1942, 30: 643-5.—Cuneo, B., & Ruppe, C. Considerations sur l'osteite fibreuse des maxillaires k propos d'un nouveau cas. Rev. stomat., Par., 1926, 28: 1-15.—Duval & Lehmans. Osteite fibreuse g£n6ra- lisde aux 2 maxillaires. Ibid., 1930, 32: 673-7.—Gullifer, W. H. Osteitis fibrosa and associated lesions of the jaws. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1938, 25: 253-60.—Ibbotfon, W. Two cases of fibro-nystic disease of jaws. Tr. M. Soc London, 1938, 61: 76.—Jacob3, M. H. Fibro-osteoma, osteitis fibrosa localizata, clinically and radiograr hieally resembling Ewing's tumor. Am. J." Orthodont., 1940, 26: 1002-5.—Lenormant, C & Buppe, C. Osteopathies fihreuses des maxillaires. In Ptecis path, chir., 6. ed., Par., 1938, 2: 837-9.—Spring, K. Klinik und Diagnostik der Osteodystrophia fibrosa localisata der Kiefer. Deut. Zahnh., 1929, H. 75, 18-32.— Thibault & Marie. A propos d'un cas d'ostC'ite fibreuse des maxillaires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1935, 37: 519-26.—Weber, M.. & Becks, H Experimentelle Osteodystrophia fibrosa beim Hund mit Pseudotumor- und Cystenhildung am Kiefer. Virchows Arch., 1932, 283: 752-7.—Weissblat, S. N. [Localised fibrous ostitis of the jaws) Sovet. stomat., 1932, 10: 26. ------ Ostitis (Osteodvstrophia) fibrosa localisata der Kiefer. Zsehr Stomat., 1933, 31: 139-59. ---- Osteoma and osteofibroma. Abraham, E. *Ueber Osteome und Exo- stosen am Kiefer [Berlin] 20p. 8? Jena, 1932. Nagel, V. *Osteome der Kiefer. 27p. 8? Tiib., 1937. Feldmann, G. L. Symmetrische Fibrome beziehungsweise Osteofihrome der Kiefer, ihre Pathogenese und Therapie. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1928, 46: 635-41. Also Sovet. klin., 1933, 19: 441-0.—Malignant osteoma. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1942, 100: 353.— Montgomery. A. H. Ossifying fibromas of the jaw. Arch. Surg., 1127, 15: 30-44—Phemister, D. B., & Crimson, K. S. Fibrous osteoma of the jaws. Ann. Surg., 1937, 105: 564-83. Also Internat. J. Orthodont., 1937, 23: 912-31. ---- Osteomyelitis. See also subheadings (Fracture, pathological; Necrosis) Altmann, W. *Osteomyelitis mandibulae und des Jochbogens. 18p. 8? Kiel, 1932. Bartolmas, G. *Beitriige zur Osteomyelitis der Kiefer an Hand von 37 Fallen aus der chi- rurgischen Universitatsklinik in Halle aus den Jahren 1923-34 [Halle-Wittenberg] 26p. 8? Bad Frankenhausen (Kyffh.) [1935] Brehmer-Klaus, K. *Beitrage zur Oberkie- ferosteomyelitis bei Sauglingen und Kleinkindern. 43p. 8? Bresl., 1934. Casella, E. *Osteomielitis de los maxilares [Dent.] 99p. 27cm. B. Air., 1938. Deihendesch, K. *Uebcr die Osteomyelitis der Kiefer. 27p. 20^cm. Miinch., 1938. Delloca, A. J. *Osleitis y osteomielitis infecciosas de los maxilares [Dent.] 74p. 27 cm. B. Air. [1939] Dotter-Schweinfurth, E. *Ueber chro- nische Osteomyelitis der Kiefer [Kiel] 22p. 8! Wiirzb., 1936. Hartard, L. *Osteomyelitis der Kiefer. 16p. 8? Heidelb., 1934. Herrenknecht, L. *Ueber die Kieferosteo- myelitis [Heidelberg] 31p. 8? Mannheim, 1934. Krause [F.] P. "Ueber die akute infektiose Osteomyelitis der Kiefer und ihre Folgen auf die Zahne. 21p. 8? Lpz., 1935. Muhlhaus, W. *Welchen Einfluss haben die Zahne auf den Verlauf einer Kieferosteomyelitis? [Munchen] 19p. 8° Furth i. Wald, 1931. Muller, H. *Ueber Osteomyelitis der Kiefer. 32p. 8? Tub., 1936. Nobel, C. H. *Kasuistische Beitrage zur Osteomyelitis der Kiefer. 51p. 8? Wurzb., 1934. Reindl, M. *Ucber akute und chronische eitrige Osteomyelitis des Unter- und Oberkiefera [Munchen] 33p. 21cm. Giinzburg, 1938. Scheick, O. *Ueber Kieferosteomyelitis unter Beriicksichtigung einer eigenen Beobachtung [Munchen] 15p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Schwellenbach, O. *Die Ursache, Behand- lung und Verlauf der in der Mund-, Zahn- Kieferklinik in den letzten Jahren zur Beob- achtung gekommenen Kiefer-Osteomyelitiden im Vergleich zu den Knocheneiterungen des iibrigen Korpers (Alter, Geschlecht, Beruf) 35p. 22Hcm. Bonn, 1936. Sperr, H. *Ueber die Kieferosteomyelitis [Munchen] 22p. 21cm. Bottrop, 1938. Teneff, A. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der acuten infektiosen Osteomyelitis am Ober- und Unter- kiefer [Leipzig] 24p. 8! [Riesa a. d. Elbe] 1929. Traunitz, K. *Die akute und chronische Kiefer-Osteomyelitis. 72p. 8? Erlangen, 1929. Traut, W. *Zur Kenntnis der akuten Kie- ferosteomyelitis unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der anatomischen Verhaltnisse. 20p. 8? Miiuch. [1933] Wagner, G. *Ueber den Begriff der Kie- ferosteomyelitis. 30p. 8? Freib. i. B., 1934. Werthmann, A. *Ueber Kieferosteomyelitis. 30p. 8? Wiirzb., 1932. Wuhrmann, H. *Die Osteomyelitis der Kiefer. 74p. 8? Ziir., 1932. Also Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1932, 42: Aison, E. L. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1938, 25: 1261-77.—Alonso. J. M., & Roglia, M. La osteo- mielitis aguda de los maxilares. An. otorinolar. Uruguay, 1936, 6: 111-61.—Berger. A. Variable pathological and clinical phases of osteomyelitis of the jaws. N. York J. Dent., 1935, 5: 193-5. -Blair, V. P., Brown, J. B., & Moore, S. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1930, 27: 173-6.—Blum.T. Clinical experiences with osteomyelitis of the jaws. Arch. Clin. Oral Path., 1937, 1: 156-67.—Brizi. C. Su alcuni casi di osteomielite dei mascellari. Ann. Clin. odont., Roma, 1938, 15: 666-72.—Brown, J. B.. & Tung, P. C. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. South. Surgeon, 1935, 4: 12-26, Also Internat. J. Orthodont., 1936, 22: 69-80.—Buskirk R, Osteomyelitis of jaw and septicemia in a four-year-old child, Kentucky M. J., 1938, 36: 60.—Cadenaule, P., & Lasserre. C. A propos de plusieurs cas d'osteomyfilite du maxillaire chez des nourrissons. Bordeaux chir., 1935, 6: 61.—Calpe Hernan- dez, J. Osteomielitis neuralgiformes. Actas Congr. dent. espafi. (1916) 1917, 8. Congr., 379-81.—Carling, G. F., & Martin, M. D. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. Bull. Guthrie Clin., 1933-34, 3: 133-5.—Cashman, C. J. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. Dent. Bull., Carlisle, 1940, 11: 147-56.—David, A. D. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1929, 16: 1384—95.—Del Duca, V. A case of osteomyelitis of the jaw I in a nursling. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1933, 30: 625.—Egger JAW 629 JAW von Blatten, P. Ueber hypertrophische, trockene Kieferosteo- myelitis und Hyperostosen nicht entziindlicher Natur. Arch. klin. Chir., 1940, 199: 260-302. ------ Die trockene, hyrer- ostotische Kieferosteomvelitis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, 71: 1498-502.—Elwell, K. R. Osteomvelitis in the jawbones. Mil. Surgeon, 1942, 91: 542-51.—Galli. P. Osteo-mielite acuta dei mascellari. Clin, pediat., Mod., 1926, 8: 604-18, pl.—Gerke. J., uenetein, K. Ueber die Osteomyelitis der Kiefer und ihr Zusair1 men hang mit dem Zahnsvstem, Vjschr. Zahnh., 1928, 44: 353; 606. Also Internat. J. Ortho- dont., 1929, 15: 359-70—Lepp H. Zur Pathogenese der Kieferosteomvelitis im Sauglingsalter. Ber. Deut. Ges. Zahn A-c. Heilk. (1937) 1938. 74. Tag., 2. T., 437-43.—Link. K. H. Zur Frage der Kieferosteomvelitis nach Zahnextraktion, Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 330-45.—Lyons, C. Metastatic osteo- myelitis of the mandible and maxillae. Dent. Cosmos, 1933, 75: 105-16.—Monod, R. C. Evolution dentaire et osteo- myelite des machoires. Odontologie, Par., 1929, 67: 401-6.— Moral, H. Spezielle Pathologie der Mundhohle. Frrtsch. Zahnh., 1929, 5: 124-48.—Pavlov, V. I. [Odontogenous osteomvelitis of the jaws in ambulatory practice] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1938, No. 1, 26-32.—Schonbauer. F. Die Genese der Osteomyelitis des Kiefers. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 999-1001.—Strode. J. E. Osteomyelitis of the jaw especially as related to dental infections. Proc. Clinic, Honolulu, 1936, 2: No. 9, 1-8.—Tretrop. Sinusites et osteo-my^lites du maxillaire. Bull. Soc. beige otol., 1905-06, 11: pt 2, 148-52. Turner, J. H. Osteomyelitis of the maxilla and mandible in a newborn infant due to staphvlococcus aureus: report of case. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1942, 59: 1-4—Wilenfky. A. O. The pathogenesis and treatment of acute osteomyelitis of the jaws in nurslings and in infants. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1932,43:431—41. ---- Osteomyelitis: Treatment. Hofmann, E. *Ueber die Bedeutung von Salvarsaninjektionen fiir die Behandlung von Osteomyelitiden im Bereiche der Kiefer. 63p. 8? Wiirzb., 1936. Scheufler, H. E. *Ueber die in der Literatur bekannt gewordenen Moglichkeiten zur Beein- flussung von osteomyelitischen Herden im Kiefer der anicalen Zone von 7ahnen durch Rontgenbe- strahlung. 24p. 8? Wiirzb., 1935. Yersin, H. *Zur Therapie der Kieferosteo- myelitis. 68p. 8? Berl., 1929. Axhausen. G. Ueber die Notwendigkeit zahnarztlicher Mitarbeit bei der Behandlung der akuten Kieferosteomyelitis. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1936-37, 248: 523-32.—Blair, V. P., & Brown. J. B. Personal observations on the course and treat- ment of simple osteomvelitis of the jaws. Internat. J. Ortho- dont., 1926, 12: 52-68.—Chatellier. Essais de traitement cytoohvlactiaue en stomatologie. Rev. stomat., Par., 1937, 39: 690-2.—Dingman. R. O. Treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaws. Am. J. Orthodont., 1939, 25: 568-73.—Djerassi. J. Die Osteomvelitis, ihr Auftreten und ihre Behandlung. Zsehr. Stomat., 1935, 33: 458-61.—FitzGerald, L. M. The treatment JAW 630 JAW of acute osteomyelitis of the jaw. Dent. Cosmos, 1930, 72: 259-66.— Lando, R. L. | \utohemotherapv in osteomvelitis of the jaws] Stomatologic, Moskva, 1938, No. 3, 4i-7.— Mead, S. V. 1 liagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible and maxilla. Internat. J. Orthodont.. 1928. 14: 321 40. Also J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1928, 15: 2272 sr>.~ Molt. F. F. The treatment of acute osteo- myelitis of the jaws. IIn.l. 1927, 14: 1476-9. —;— Causes and treatment ot osteomvelitis of the jaws. Illinois Dent. J. 1940,9:358-65.—New, G. B. Osteomyelitis of the jaw. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 96-8.—Perrone, V. Toluenpara- sulfoncloramide nelle osteomieliti dei mascellari. Stomat. ital., 1939, 1: 468-72 — Sukhovolskaia, R. P. [Tieatment of osteomyelitis of maxillary-facial bones with sodium fluoride] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1941, No. 4, 23--7.- Suslova, E. A. IDiathermotherapy in osteomyelitis of the jaws] Ibid., 1938, No. 3, 81-4.—Weisblatt, S. N. [Treatment of acute osteo- myelitis of the jaws] Ibid., No. 6, 52-61.—Wilensky, A. O. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 183-237. ---- Osteosclerosis. Bauer, W. H., & Main, L. R. Osteosclerosis of jaws. J. Dent. Res., 1941, 20: 399-409.—Riha, F. G. Ueber Osteo- sklerose der Kiefer. Zsehr. Stomat., 1926, 24: 1076-83. ---- Periostitis. Ahrexs, C. [J. A. F.] *Die Periostitis der Kiefer in ihrer Beziehung zum Zahnsystem und ihre Therapie [Leipzig] 37]). 8? Halle (Saale) 1933. Frankl, Z. I lie von den Zahncn ausgehenden akuten, eitri- gen I'eriostitideu. Zsehr. Stomat., 1937, 35: 1039-49.— Pistiner, B. Akute eitrige Periostitis oder akute Osteomyelitis? Ibid., 1929, 27: 405.-—Rona, A. IRoentgen therapy of odonto- gen periostitis and phlegmone] Magy. rontg. kozl., 1932, 6: 145-53.—Siegmund, H. Radicular periostitis in its relation to the jaw-bone. Internat. Clin., 1928, 38. ser., 2: 30-45 — Weski, O. Interrelation of root-periostitis and bone in the light of rontgenologic and microscopical investigations. Ibid., 46-50, 5 pl. ---- Prognathism. See also subheadings (Deformity; Macro- and micrognathism; Occlusion) also Mandibula; Max- illa; also in 3. ser. Prognathism. Asmanoff, I. M. *Entstchung und Diagnose der Prognathic. 32p. 8? [Lpz.] 1931. Blume, H. *Die Protrusionen der oberen Front bei normalen mesiodistalen Kieferbeziehung (ihr Bild und ihre Behandlung) 30p. 8? Miinch., 1934. Exoelhardt, L. *Das Vorkommen von Progenie und Prognathic bei Geisteskranken und Schwachsinnigen [Erlangen] 28p. 8? Eisfeld- Thiir., 1937. Fischer, H. F. *Ueber die Vererbung der Prognathic im orthodontischen Sinn (mit einer Untersuchung von 445 Schulknaben) [Munchen] 24p. 8°.% Wiirzb., 1934. Goppel, M. * Ueber die Vererbung der Pro- gnathic (Angle II) 34p. 8? Munch., 1934. Klussmaxx, W. *Ueber das Wesen der Prognathic; ihre Entstehung und Behandlung [Leipzig] 50p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1929. Lixdex, I. von der. *Rassetypen und Pro- gnathisms; eine Untersuchung an Schadeln der Volkerwanderungszeit [Munchen] 16p. 8°. Lengerich, 1937. Mayr, F. W. *Die Kretschmerschen Kon- stitutionstvpen und ihre Beziehungen zu Pro- gnathic. 27p. 8° Munch., 1935. Paz, E. *Prognatismo v su cirugia. 29p. 26)2cm. B. Air., 1940. Reichexberger, G. *Aetiologie und Dia- gnose der Pseudoprognathie. 24p. 8? Erlangen, 1934. Schoxer, K. *Zur Frage der Therapie von Prognathiefallen durch friihzeitige Extraktion der oberen Sechsjahrmolaren. 19p. 8? Lpz., 1933. Stammer, H. *Ueber das Vorkommen der Progenie und Prognathic bei Schulkindern und ihre Entstehung. 19p. 8? Kiel, 1934. Aller. T. G. La cura chirurgica del prognatismo. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma. 1932. 9: 1147-9.- Ass. M. S. [Classi- fication of prognathism! Sovet. stomat., 1931,9:33-6.------ [Limberg's operation in 2 cases of prognathism| Sovet. khir., 1932, 3: 251-5.—Bichlmayr, A. Die chirurgKcho Therapie der Prognathic und einiger anderer Occlusionsanomalien. Atti Congr. internaz. stomat. (1935) 1930, 2. Conn.. I: 158-70 — Bourguet, J. Traitement chirurgical du prognathisme; tesection bicondylienne: methode de Jaboulay; section de la branche montante du maxillaire inferieur: methode de Lane avec pre- sentation d'opfere. Rev. stomat., Par., 1933, 35: 61 79; 96 -102. Nouvelles remarques sur la resection bicondylienne et sur la section de la branche montante du maxillaire inferieur dans le traitement chirurgical du prognathisme. Ibid., 1935, 37: 152-69.------Parallrfe entre la tesection bicondylienne et la section de la branche montante du maxillaire inferieur dans le prognathisme. Atti Congr. internaz. stomat. (1935) 1936, 2. Congr., 1: 15") 7.—Dufourmentel, L. Le traitement chi- rurgical du prognathisme par la resection orthop&lique des condyles. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1929, 21: 424-31. Also Rev. stomat., I'ar., 1930, 32: 519-27. Also Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1930, 40: 673-81.------Traitement chirurgical du prognathisme par la tesection du condyle. Odontologie, Par., 1932, 70: 435.—Florestan Aguiiar, I). Origen castellano del prognatismo en las dinastias que reinaron en Europa. Siglo nted., 1933, 91: 614; 642.—Foged, J. [Brulm-Lindemann's operative treatment of prognathism with bilateral osteotomy of the ramus mandibuli] Hospitalstidende, 193S, 81: |I)ansk kir. selsk. forh.] 18. ------■ [Operative treatment of prog- nathism) Ibid., suppl., 55-83.—Giardino, G. Contributo alia correzione del mordex aperlus e del prognatismo mascellare. Riv. ital. stomat., 1937, 6: 549-54.—Ginestet, G. Traitement chirurgical du mordex apertus et du prognathisme. Rev. stomat., Par., 1939, 41: 4-17.—Graffi, E. Studi e ricerche sui prognatismo. Riv. antrop., 1928-29, 28: 123-63.- Guerini, V. Correzione di un caso di prognatismo alveolo-dentaiio. Ann. Clin, odont., Roma, 1938, 15: 598-602.—Guliaeva, A. I. [Treatment of prognathism] Stomatologia, Moskva, 1941, 7.V-7.—Harsha, W. M. Bilateral resection of the jaw for prognathism; report of a case. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1912, 15: 51-3 [Discussion] 130-2.—Hook, F. R., & Taylor, R. W. The surgical treatment of prognathism; case report. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40: 157, 3 pl.—Ivanissevich, O., & Garay, P. M. Tratamiento quirurgico del prognatismo. Bol. Acad. argent, cir., 1941, 25: 554-9. Also Bol. Inst. clfn. quir., B. Air., 1941, 17: 387-92.—Landro, R. L. [Most important moments in surgical treatment of prognathism] Sovet. stomat., 1933, 2: 35-55.—Maurel, G., Goupil & Neuenschwander. Correction chirurgico-orthop&lique du prognathisme congenital et du faux prognathisme traumatique. Rev. chir. struct., Brux., 1937, 7: 5-24. Also Rev. odont., Par., 1937, 58: 247- 78.—Newman, J. Repair of prognathic and retruded jaws. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 58: 3,5-9.—Oppenheim, A. Prognathism from the anthropological and orthodontic viewpoints. Dent. Cosmos, 1928, 70: 1092, 1100; 1170.------Prognathism from the anthropological and orthodontic viewpoints; Negro skulls. Ibid., 1930, 72: 645; 736.------Die Prognathic vom anthropologischen und orthodontischen Gesichtspunkt; Rasseschadel. Zsehr. Stomal., 1930, 28: 313-39.—Parsons, F. G. Alveolar and facial prognathism. J. Anat., Lond., 1930-31, 65: 149-51.—Pettit, J. A. The suigical correction of prognathism. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1937, 24: 1837-42. ---:---& Walrath, C. H. A new surgical procedure for correction of prognathism. J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: 1917-9.------ Prognathism and its surgical correction by a new procedure. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1934, 21: 125-9.—Peyrus, J. Un cas de prognathisme avec obtusisme mandibulaire traite par resection cuneiforme des 2 angles maxillaires. Lyon chir., 1939, 36: 90.— Pittard, E. Recherches anthropologiques sur le ctene Savoyard (Haute-Savoie et Savoie) (avec quelques details au sujet du prognathisme) Rev. anthrop., Par., 1937, 47: 261-91.— Rivet, T. Recherches sur le prognathisme. Anthropologic. Par., 1909, 20: 35-49; 175.—Rubbrecht, O. Charles le Te- m^raire 6tait-il prognathe? un portrait de ce due sur un Memlinc authentique. Belgique nted., 1909, 16: 3-5; 15.—Schmuziger, P. Mitteilung iiber die operative Behandlung von Progenie- und Prognathiefallen. Helvet. med. acta, 1936, 3: 834-9.— Schultz, L. Bilateral resection of the mandible for prognathism. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1927, 45: 379-84.—Sergi, G. Intorno al cosi detto prognatismo e il metodo di determinarlo. Riv. antrop., 1928-29, 28: 271-9 — Sutcliffe, H. W. Correction of a case of prognathism by the retraction of the mandible and lower teeth. Tr. Internat. Dent. Congr., 1914, 6. Congr., 719.—Todd, T. W. Prognathism: a study in development of the face. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1932, 19: 2172-84. ---- Radiology. See also Face, Radiology. Goldhamer, K. Rontgenologie des prak- tischen Zahnarztes. 1. T.: Aufnahmetechnik und Rbntgenanatomie der Ziihne und Kiefer. 149p. 8? Wien, 1937. Hofrath, H. Die Rdntgcnographie im Dienste der Gebiss- und Kieferorthopadie. p. 1065-145. 25j/2cm. . Miinch., 1939. JAW 631 JAW Mtjlfinger, E. *Das Schrifttum iiber Kon- trastdarstellung in der Zahnheilkunde [Miin- chen] 20p. 21cm. Kallmunz, 1938: Bercher. Note sur le lipio-diagnostic des affections maxil- laires. Rev. stomat., Par., 1927, 29: 328-32.—Bertrand, P. Methodes d'examen radiologique des maxillaires. Odontologie, Par., 1933, 71: 380-6.—Cieszynski, A. Extraoral method of stomatological roentgenography; a new method of stereo- rontgenography of the jawsand teeth. Med. J. & Rec, 1926, 123: 661-6.—Culty, R. De la radiographie des maxillaires. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1935, 23: 37-9.—De la Tour, H. Contribution a I'etude de la radiographie maxillo-faciale. Rev. odont., Par., 1928, 49: 517-53, 4 pl.—Fuchs, A. W. Radiog- raphy of the jaws. Radiogr. Clin. Photogr., 1932, 8: No. 6, 2; 1933, 9: No. 1, 2.—Gordon, E. Extra-oral X-ray technic; getting uniformly good lateral jaw views. Dent. Surv., 1940, 16: 893-6.—Kneucker, A. W., jr. Die Technik der Kiefer- rontgenologie in der Kinderpraxis. Zsehr. Stomat., 1933, 31: 493-7.—Loos, O. Die Rontgenuntersuchung der Kiefer und Zahne. In Lehmanns med. Atl., Miinch., 5. Aufl., Bd. 7, 1934-38, 205-19.—McGrail, F. R., & Doherty, J. A. Roent- genograms of the mandibular condyle and zygomatic arch. Am. J. Roentg., 1941, 45: 637-9— Schindler, J. Opazitaten im Rontgenbilde als Ausdruck von Verdichtungen im Knochen der Kiefer. Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1938, 48: 1209-16, 4 pl — Sweet, A. P. S. A statistical analysis of the incidence of nutrient channels and foramina in 590 periapical full-mouth radioiontic examinations. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 427-42.—Vasiliev, G. A.. & Strokov, F. J. [Clinical-roent- genological characteristics of tuberculous and syphilitic diseases of the jaw] Stomatologia, Moskva. 1941, 37-48.—Weski, O. Estudios radiogr&ficos anatomicos de patologia del maxilar. Rev. odont,, B. Air., 1940, 28: 702; 1941, 29: 22; 81; 161.— Worth, H. M. Radiological findings in some less common jaw affections. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1939, 59: 439-54.—Zuppinger, A. Kiefer und Ziihne. In Lehrb. Rontgendiag. (H. R. Schinz, et al.) Lpz., 4. Aufl., Bd 1, 1939, 831-54. ---- Sarcoma. See also subheading Cancer. Boeger, F. *Beitrage zur Strahlenbehandlung der Sarkome des Ober- und Unterkiefers [Miin- chen] 36p. 8? Wurzb., 1938. Ducloux, A. L. M. A. *Les sarcomes des maxillaires. 95p. 24cm. Lille, 1937. Nimigean, S. [F.] *Ueber sarkomahnliche Tumoren und Cysten der Kiefer. 43p. 23cm. Greifswald, 1938. Schiebe, M. *Ober- und Unterkiefer-Sarkome [Kiel] 20p. 8? Ribnftz, 1931. Luque, M. J. Un caso de^sarcoma marfilino osteogenStico, de crecimiento lento. Colombia med., 1939, 1: 166-8.— Sharp, G. S. The diagnosis and treatment of osteogenic sarcoma of the jaws. West. J. Surg., 1933, 41: 399-406.— Simeoni, V. Contributo clipico alio studio dei sarcomi dei mascellari. Ann. ital. chir., 1929, 8: 1225-42—Worth, H. M. Radiological findings in some less common jaw affections. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Odont., 331-43. ---- Surgery. See also subheading Orthopedics; also Dentis- try; Face, Surgery; Stomatology. Bichlmayr, A. Das Wichtigste aus der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde fiir den Militararzt und die Allgemeinpraxis. 122p. 19Hcm. Munch. [1938] Bruhn, C. Chirurgische Kieferorthopadie. p.823-978. 25Kcm. Miinch., 1939. Hayes G. B. Maxillo-facial surgery cases, 1914-17. 343 1. 4? Par., 1918 Maurel, G. Chirurgie maxillo-faciale. 8b7p. 8? Par., 1931. . .,,.., r, , Schlickum, W. Die sozial-hygienische Bedeu- tung der Kieferkliniken [Miinster] 23p. 21cm. Bochum-Langendr., 1935. Sonntag E., & Rosenthal, W. Lehrbuch der Mund-und Kieferchirurgie. 444p. 8? Lpz., 1930. Sqtjirru, C. M. Lecciones de cirugia maxdo- facial, 1940-1941. v. p. 25cm. B. Air. [1941] Steinle A *Trigemmusneuralgie im An- schluss an operative Kieferbehandlung. 52p. 8°. TV/I"** l» 1 AQQ United States. National Research Coun- riT Division of Medical Sciences. Stjb- „„ ^tc plastic and Maxillofacial committee on rL,A£>nL. Surgery. Manual of standard practice of plastic and maxillofacial surgery. 432p. 24cm. Phila., 1942. Wunner, 0.; *Ueber Kieferchirurgie im Papyrus Edwin Smith [Kiel] 15p. 8? Quaken- briick, 1934. Appel en faveur du Foyer des Gueules Casskm. Wurzb., 1935. Green, M. *Untersuchungen iiber die Ausbreitung der Schleimhautanaesthesie bei Leitungsanaesthesie im Ober- und Unterkiefer [Munchen] 23p. 8? Neustadt [1926] Schmuziger, P. Intraosseale Anasthesie der Kieferknochen mit Einfluss der endostalen (distalen) Methode. 78p. 8? (Habihtations- SCAlso Schwdz.' Mschr.' Zahnh., 1933, 43: 99-177. Squillante, G. *Les anesthesiques g^neraux en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. 107p. 8. Par., 1937. JAW 632 JAW Unglatjb, R. M. F. *Was ist in den letzten 10 Jahren bis Dezember 1936 iiber extraorale Anasthesierungsmethoden fiir chirurgische Ein- griffe im Bereiche der Kiefer bekannt geworden? 18p. 221/zcm. Griefsw., 1937. Birkholz. Zur Frage der retromaxillaren Leitungsanasthesie (vorlaufi-e Miueilung) Zsehr. Hals &c Heilk., 1926-27, 17: 176-9.—Fischer. T. E. General anesthesia in the treatment of maxillofacial cases. Mil. Surgeon, 1941, 89: 877-92 — Hartstein, S. I). Simplified maxillary anesthesia. Am. Dent. Surgeon, 1928, 48: 90.—Haugen, F. P. General anesthesia for jaw casualties. Mil. Surgeon, 1941, 89: 70-80.—Hunter, J. T. Practical points in anesthesia at maxillo-facial unit. Current Res. Ancsth., 1942, 21: 223-8. Also J. District of Columbia Dent. Soc, 1943, 17: No. 2. 16-22.—Lindemann, A. Ein neues Verfahren der Anasthesierung des Ober- und Unter- kieferbereiches. Deut. Mschr. Zahnh., 1926, 44: 387-95. ------ Neue Wege der Anasthesierung der Kiefer und deren Umgebung. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1926, 199: 307-16.------ Neue Wege der Anaesthesiei img der Kiefer und des Gesichtes. Nark. & Anaesth.. Berl., 1928. 1: 3-16.------Die klinischen Grundlagen der Lokalanasthesie des Mund-Kiefer-Gesichts- bereiches. Deut. Zahn Internat. Zsehr. 1'svchoaual., Wien, 1936, 22: 177-97.—Stekel, W. Jealousy. In Love & Marriage (S. Forb&t) N. \'., 1938, 325-34— Wohlfarth, P. von. Zur Psychologie des Mordes aus Eifersucht; nach Dostojewskis Roman, der Gatte. Arch. gen. neur., Nocera, 1938, 19: 276-87. JEAN, of Saint-Amand, fl. ca 1260 A. D. Expositio supra antidotarium Nicolai. p.303b- 339a. fol. .Venez., 1527. In al-Mardini [Mesue] Op. omn., Venez., 1527. JEAN, Bernard, 1900- *L'obstetrique en 1925; revue analytique des principaux travaux francais et etrangers. HOp. 8? Par., 1927. JEAN, Etienne Auguste Ernest, 1910- *Pouvoir pathogene et localisations du bacille du JEAN rouget dans les diff<5rentes espeecs animales [Alfort, Yet.] 45p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1934. JEAN, Frank (overt, 1880- , HARRAH, Ezra Clarence, & HERMAN, Fred Louis. Introduction to science. Book 2, part 1. 197p. 8? [Greeley, Colo., Tribune-Republican pub. co., 1933] JEAN, G., 1910- *Reeherches sur le constituant proteique des pigments respimtoires [Marseille; Pharm.] 95p. tab. diagr. 25H(,m. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1935. JEAN, Gabriel. Le secret m6dical; son etude au point de vue juridique. 165, [l]p. 8? Bord., Delmas, 1933. JEAN, Hubert. Les nouveaux traitements des maladies veneViennes; leurs causes, leurs remedes; methode de guerison d'aprfes les dernieres d^couvertes medicales. 187p. 12? Par., Lib. Astra, 1926. JEAN, Jacques. *Contribution & I'etude des methodes devaluation des polypeptides dans les- liquides organiques [Pharm.] HOp. tab. 24^cm. Toulouse, Impr. Cleder, 1938. JEAN, Louis, 1911- Contribution a I'etude clinique des composes organo-soufres; leur application au traitement des complications oculaires de la blennorragie. 93p. 24cm. Par., Jouve & cie, 1938. 305. JEAN, Robert, 1905- Contribution a I'etude des kystes paradentaires sur dents de lait. 52p. 8? Par., M. Vign6, 1934. JEANBRAU, Emile, 1873- Appareil genital de l'homme. p. 1-433. illust. 8? Par., Masson, 1938. Precis path, chir., 6. M., Par., 1938, 5: Pathologie de la vessie. p.434-572. illust. 8? Par., Masson, 1938. Ptecis path, chir., 6. eel., Par., 1938, 5: ---- Pathologie de l'uretre. p.573-723. illust. 8? Par., Masson, 1938. Ptecis path, chir., 6. ed., Par., 1938, 5: See also Delmas. P., Giraud, G. [et al.] L'examen du malade. 318p. 8? Par., 1935. Dartigues, L. [Biography] In Fasc. script. (Dartigues, L.) Par., 1932, 3: 553-6. ----NOVE-JOSSERAND, P. [et al.] Chirur- gie reparatrice et orthopediqtie. 2v. 8? Par., Masson & cie., 1920. JEANBRAU, Emile, & SENEQUE, J. Frac- tures du membre inferieur. p. 149-334. illust. 8? Par., Masson, 1937. Ptecis path, chir., 6. ed., Par., 1937, 6: ---- Fractures du membre superieur. p.1-148. illust. 8? Par., Masson, 1937. Ptecis path, chir., 6. ed., Par., 1937, 6: JEANDEL, Andree-Elizabeth, 1896- *Exploration clinique du pancreas normal et pathologique par I'etude du sue pancreatique recueilli apres injection de s6cr6tine purifiee. 116p. 8? Par., Lib. L. Arnette, 1930. JEANDELIZE, P., & DROUET, P. L. L'oeil et l'hypophyse. p.227-400. 14pl. 24cm. Le Caire, Imprimerie Nationale Boulac, 1938. In Tr. Internat. Ophth. Congr. (1937) 1938, 15. Congr., 3: JEANGUYOT, Simone [M. D., 1934, Stras- bourg] Contribution a I'etude de l'excitabilite' neuro-musculaire; action de quelques esthers, genalcaloides et glucosides [Strasbourg] 148p. 8? Lyon, Bosc fr., 1934. JEANJEAN, Gabriel, 1912- *L'electro- galvanisme buccal, stomatites et leucoplasie electrogalvaniques. 55p. 25}:>cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1938. JEAN-JOSEPH, Henri Etienne, 1905- *Tension arterielle au cours de l'apoplexie uteio- placentaire. 75p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1935. JEAN-LOUIS 635 JEANNOPOULOS JEAN-LOUIS, Jules, 1916- ♦Contri- bution a. I'etude des leptomeningites basses et de leur traitement chirurgical. 84p. 25cm. Lyon, Paquet, 1939. JEANNACOPOULO, Juliette, 1904- ♦Dissociation auriculo-ventriculaire et grossesse. 77p. 8? Par., 1932. JEANNE [ol Arc] 1412-31. Bayon, H. P. A medico-psychological revision of the story of Jehanne, la Pucelle de Domtemv. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1940-41, 34: 161-70.—Ludecke, W. Familienkundlicher Bei- trag zur Pathologie der Jeanne d'Arc. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1926-27, 13: 308-12.—Morte (La) di una allucinata. Minerva med., Tor., 1940, 31: pt 2, varia, 352.—Ouy-Vernazobres, C. Le parfait equilibre moral et physique de Jeanne d'Arc. ^Esculape, Par., 1929, n. s., 19: 34-51.—Paul, J. M. Possederions-nous le vrai visage de Jehanne d'Arc? Ibid., 1939, 29: 74-7. JEANNE, Achille, 1870-1927. Tuffier. [Necrologie] Arch. nted. chir. app. resp., Par., 1926, 1: No. 6, Suppl. JEANNE, Andre. 1915- ♦Comparison de la s6ro-agglutination et des reactions tuber- culiniques chez l'enfant. 88p. 25cm. Lyon, Bosc fr., 1939. JEANNE, Henry, 1901- ♦Des fractures diaphvsaires ouvertes de la jambe. 80p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1932. JEANNENEY, Georges. Cancer, a practical resume of the subject for general practitioners; transl. by John Gibson and John H. Watson. xiv, 186p. 2 pl. 8? Lond., H. K. Lewis & co., 1929. Seme'iologie chirurgicale. vi, 232p. illust. 8? Par., Masson, 1932. ---- & HIRTZ, G. Formulaire endocrino- logique du praticien. 159p. illust. tab. 8? Par., G. Doin, 1936. JEANNENEY, Georges, & ROSSET-BRES- SAND, M. Formulaire gynecologique du prati- cien; preface de J. Guyot. 200p. 8? Par., G. Doin & cie, 1930. For portrait see Bruxelles nted., 1937-38, 18: No. Spec, 1937, 78. JEANNERET, Henri [M. D., 1936, Lausanne] ♦L'influence du chomage sur la sante des families de chomeurs et specialement sur celle de leurs enfants. 77p. 8? Lausanne, Imp. Populaire, 1936. JEANNERET, Lucien [M. D., 1914, Basel] ♦Des tumeurs malignes du pharynx chez l'enfant [Basel] 20p. 8° Bord., Gounouilhou, 1914. JEANNERET, Rene [M. D., 1928, Lausanne] ♦A propos du chorio-epithelioma malin chez l'homme. 34p. 6 pl. 8? Lausanne, Impr. Reunies S. A., 1928. For portrait see Corps mdd. Vaudois (O. Lazar) Geneve, 1937, 15. JEANNERET, Rudolf. Leitfaden fur den Phantomkurs der konservierenden Zahnheil- kunde. 98p. 8? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1931. JEANNET, Paul [M. D., 1929, Geneve] ♦Les matieres plastiques en prothese dentaire; le dentolith. 27p. 8? Geneve, Impr. Centrale, 1929 JEANNIN, Albert, 1903- ♦La race bovine Cotentine [Alfort] 73p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1932. JEANNIN, Cyrille, 1874- See Dubrisay, L., & Jeannin, C. Ptecis d'accouchement. 7. ed. 12? Par., 1930. JEANNIN, Jean, 1913- ♦Le contrdle sanitaire du lait k Dijon. 69p. 25cm. Lyon, Bosc fr., 1939. JEANNOPOULOS, Jean L., 1911- ♦L'ani- sosphygmie respiratoire k l'6tat physiologique et pathologique. 76p. 25^cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1938. JEANNOPOULOS, Takis L., 1909- ♦Sur l'atelectasie des poumons. 73p. 8? Par Vigot fr., 1937. JEANNOT, Paul, 1908- ♦Contribution a l'6tude de la forme appendiculaire de l'in- vagination intestinale. 77p. 8? Lyon, Bosc fr., JEANROY, Victor Nicolas Antoine, 1783- Jeanroy, R. Le chirurgien aide-major Jeanroy, du 3. Hussards sur le ponton La Vieille-Castille a Cadix, le 11 mai 1810. Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1938, 108: 463-8. JEANS, Frank, 1878-1933. B., A. D. Necrology. P. verb. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1936, 10. Congr., 1: 175-7.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 37. Also Lancet, Lond., 1933, 1: 45. JEANS, Henry Williams, -1941. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 948. JEANS, James Hopwood, 1877- Report on radiation and the quantum-theory, iv, 90p. 23cm. Lond., The Electrician print. & pub. co., 1914. ----The universe around us. 352p. 18 pl. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1930. JEANS, Philip Charles, 1883- Essentials of pediatrics for nurses. 119 1. 8? Iowa City, Univ. Iowa, 1932. Also 2. ed. xiii, 505p. illust. pl. 8? Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co. [1936] Also 3. ed. xiv, 521p. [19391 See also Cole, Harold N., & Jeans, P. C. Syphilis in mother and child. 20p. 8? Wash., 1940. For portrait see Kansas City M. J., 1941, 17: No. 10, 4. Also Mississippi Doctor, 1934-35, 12: No. 7, 36; 1934-35, 12: No. 9, 12. Also Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 224; 1942, 31: 253. JEANS, Philip Charles, & COOKE, Jean V, Prepubescent syphilis, xxi, 295p. 8? N. Y.. D. Appleton & co., 1930. Forms v.17 of Clinical Pediatrics (R. S. Haynes) N. Y., 1930. JEANS, Thomas Tendron. Reminiscences of a naval surgeon, xiv, 310p. illust. 8? Lond., Sampson Low, Marston & co. [1927] JEANSELME [Antoine] Edouard, 1858-1935. Traite de la syphilis. 5v. in 6. illust. 8? Par., G. Doin & cie, 1931-34. ---- La lepre. 679p. illust. fol. Par., G. Doin & cie, 1934. See also Brodier. Necrologie. Bull. Soc. fr. hist, med., 1935, 29: 137-42.—Crouzon, O. Necrologie. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1935, 3. sir., 113: 477-83.—Edouard Jeanselme. Prophyl. antiven<5r., Par., 1935, 7: 261-70.—Gougerot. Necrologie. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1935, 42: 567-70.—Hernandez Sampelayo, J. Necrologia. Siglo nted., Madr., 1935, 95: 547.—In memoriam: Eduardo Jeanselme. Ibid., 96: 132.— Lint, J. G. de [Obituary] Bijd. gesch. geneesk., 1935, 15: 120, portr. Also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 2108, portr.— Maurel, P- Le professeur Jeanselme. Vie med., Par., 1928, 9: 1363.—Milian, G. Necrologie. Paris med., 1935, 96: annexe, 522.—Necrologie. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1935, 3. ser., 113: 425. Also Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Par., 1935, 3. ser., 51: 1791-8, portr. Also Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1935, 28: 339.— Pasini, A. [Necrologia] Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1935, 76: 966 — Pautrier, L. M. Necrologie. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1935, 42: 1661.—S.. F. L. Necrologie. Gaz. h6p., 1935, 108: 602.— S[antos] V. [Biographia] Arq. anat., 1937, 18: 496.—Sergent, E. Necrologie. J. med. chir., Par., 1935, 368.—Sezary, A. Necrologie. Presse med., 1935, 43: 833, portr.—Touraine, A. [Necrologie] Ann. derm.syph., Par., 1935, 7. ser., 6: 385-90,. portr.—Wickersheimer, E. [Obituary] Janus, Leyden, 1935, 39: 49. For portrait see P. verb. Congr. derm. syph. fr., 1926, 3. Congr., opp. 32. Also Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 4:75. JEANTET, P. See Charpentier, P. G., & Jeantet, P. Les microbes. 77p. 8? Par., 1927. JEANTET, Rene, 1901- *La syphilis de l'endocarde. 68p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. JEANTY, Jean Isai Exume, 1865-1938. Vatinelle, P. Necrologie. Ann. med. haiti., 1938, 15: 5-20. JEBB, Samuel, -1772. Editor of Bacon, R. Opus majus. 477p. 37^ cm. Lond., 1733. JEBE 636 JEFFERSON ' JEBE, Hakon Gabriel, 1831-1900. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 594. JEBE, Herman Gabriel, 1817-1900. Portrait In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 594. JECKE, Friedrich, 1907- ♦Prothetische Massnahmen zur Deckung angeborener und erworbener Gaumendefekte [Jena] 42p. 8? Ohlau i. Schl., H. Eschenhagen, 1933. JECK, Howard Sheffield, 1883- For biography see Hist. N. York Polyclinic (W. M. Hartshorn) 1942, 194. JECKELN, Ernst, 1903- ♦Der Einfluss der Impfmalaria auf den Verlauf der Gonorrhoe. 30p. 8? Munch., C. Wolf & Sohn, 1927. JECKER, Margot, 1909- ♦Moller-Hun- ter'sche Glossitis [Freiburg] 16p. 8? Quaken- briick, C. Trute, 1933. JECKLIN, Peter, 1899- ♦Beitrag zur Untersuchung der normalen Muskelchronaxie des Menschen. p.166-91. 8? Zurich, J. H. Meier, 1932. Also Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1932, 125: JEDAS, Mejeris, 1898- ♦Ueber mikro- skopische Veranderungen nach Radiumbestrah- lung des Uteruscarcinoms. 38p. 8? Lpz., E. M. Loffler, 1928. JEDDELOH, Bruno zu, 1905- ♦Ueber den Fettgehalt der Knochenzellen des Schadel- daches [Kiel] 18p. 8? Kiel, C. Donath, 1929. JEDEIKIN, Rosa [M. D., 1933, Basel] ♦Die Verbreitung der Zahnkaries unter der Schulju- gend Basels im Jahre 1930-31 [Basel] 48p. 8? Riga [n. p.] 1933. JEDLICKA, Rudolf, 1869-1926. Divis, J., Albert, B. [et al.] [Obituary] Cas. iek. fiesk., 1926, 65: 1745-83.—Haering, V. [Reminiscences of Prof. Dr Jedlicka] Voj. zdrav. listy, 1927, 3: 45-7—Santrucek, K. [In memoriam] Cas. 16k. desk., 1926, 65: 1843. JEDLICKA, Vladimir. Perniciosni anemia. 288p. 4? Praha, 1929. JEDLOWSKI, Paolo. L'ematologia nelle malattie mentali e nervose. 293p. 8? Bologna, L. Cappelli, 1934. JEDRZEJCZAK, Marian, 1892- ♦Le cancer du rectum chez les jeunes sujets. 42p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1933. JEETOO, Abdool Gaffoor, 1900- ♦Etude sur le rhumatisme vertebral chronique. 63p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926, JEFFERIES, James Finbarr, 1884-1937. For obituary see S. Afr. M. J., 1937, 11: 779. JEFFERIS, B. Grant, & NICHOLS, J. L. Faro en el mar de la vida, para echar luz en la obscuridad de la ciencia sexual; transl. by J. H. T. Stempel & Octavio Soto. 404p. illust. portr. tab. 22cm. Naperville, 111., J. L. Nichols & cfa, 1920. JEFFERS, Robinson, 1887- Brown, M. W. Robinson Jeffers, a poet who studied medi- cine. Med. J. & Rec, N. Y., 1929, 130: 535-9. JEFFERSON, Thomas, 1743-1826. Halsey, R. H. How the President, Thomas Jefferson, and Doctor Benjamin Waterhouse established vaccination as a public health pro- cedure. 58p. 8? N. Y., 1936. For biography see Bull. Am. Ass. Univ. Professors, 1943, 29: 187-98. See also Brasch, F. E. Thomas Jefferson, the scientist. Science, 1943, 97: 300.—Oliver, J. W. Thomas Jefferson, scientist. Sc. Month., 1943, 56: 460-7.—Osborn, H. F. Thomas Jefferson as a paleontologist. Science, 1935, 82: 533-8. JEFFERSON, Thomas Le Roy, 1867- The old Xegro and the new Negro. 118p. 8? Bost., Meador pub. co., 1937. JEFFERSON, William Dixon, 1855-1927. For obituary see Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 530. JEFFERSON County Medical Society. Heflin, E. L. History of the Jefferson County Medical Society. Kentucky M. J., 1941, 39: 188-92.—Henry. M. J. Presidential address; Jefferson County Medical Society. Ibid., 1942, 40: 78-80. JEFFERSONIA. See Berberis. JEFFERSON Medical College. See under Philadelphia. JEFFERY, Clement. Fit after 40. 213p. illust. 19cm. Lond., F. Muller [1939] ---- Rheumatism; its causes, prevention and treatment. 197p. 19cm. Lond., F. Muller [1940] JEFFERY, H. B. The principles of healing. 187p. portr. 20cm. Cambr., Mass., R. Laigh- ton [1939] JEFFERY, Mary Pauline, 1893- Dr Ida: India; the life story of Ida S. Scudder. 212p. pl. portr. 21cm. N. Y., F. H. Revell co. [19381 JEFFERYS, William Hamilton, 1871- [Biography] In Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 215.—[Biography; retirement] City Missionary, Phila., 1942, 26: 3-5, portr. JEFFRIES, Benjamin Joy, 1833-1915. Color- blindness: its dangers and its detection, xvii, 334p. 8° Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1883. JEFFRIES, Ferdinand Murdo, 1865- [Biography] In Hist. N. York Polyclinic (W. M. Hartshorn) 1942, 140. JEFFRIES, John Amory, 1859-1892. For portrait see Collection in Library. JEGHERS, Harold, 1904- For portrait see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1939, 36: 427. JEGI, Henry A., 1873- For portrait see Wisconsin M. J., 1942, 41: 703. JEGI, John I., 1866-1904. Syllabus of human physiology for high schools, normal schools, and colleges. v, 264p. 8? Milwaukee, S. Y. Gillan & co., 1901. JEGIZ, B. A. CKapjiaTHHa h KaK ot Hee y 6e- pe^bca 32p. 17cm. Moskva, Gosud. med. izdat., 1929. JEGLIN, Kurt, 1906- ♦Zur Therapie der vorgeschrittenen Extrauteringraviditat. 16p. 8? Konigsberg i. P. [n. p.] 1930. JEGOUREL, Hubert Augustin Marie, 1909- ♦Etiologie des arthrites k pneumocoques de cause extra-pulmonaire [Paris] 70p. 8°. Rennes, Imp. Prov. d'Ouest, 1937. JEGUST, Karl, 1909- ♦Kariesbehand- lung und Pulpa. 24p. 22cm. Bonn, A. Brand, 1936. JEHANLY, Teki, 1905- *Recherches sur les hypercalcemies provoquees. 40p. 8? Strasb., I. S. T. P. A., 1933. JEHIEL, Benoit, 1902- ♦Contribution a I'etude experimentale, radiologique et clinique de l'urographie intraveineuse. 150p. 15 pl. 8? Par., Ed. Occitania, 1932. JEHLE, Ludwig, 1870-1939. Die funktionelle Albuminuric und Nephritis im Kindesalter. 68p. 8? Wien, Rikola, 1923. See also Czerny. Nekrolog. Mschr. Kinderh., 1939, 78: 276. JEHN [Oskar] Rudolf, 1902- ^Zur Behandlung des Rontgengeschwiirs [Leipzig] 23p. 8? [Zeulenroda i. Thur., A. Oberreuter] 1926. JEHOVAH COMPLEX 637 JEJUNUM JEHOVAH complex. See also Complex; Delusional states, grandiose. Menninger, K. A. The Jehovah complex. In his Human Mind, N. Y., 1937, 323-5. JEIKOFF, Konstantin, 1914- ♦Methoden und Ergebnisse der Capillardruckmessung am Menschen. 16p. 8? Munch., Bayer. Dr. [1937] JEIKOFF, Matthaei Panajot, 1908- ♦Allergische Erkrankungen in der Mundhohle und ihre Therapie. 27p. 8? Miinch., Bayer. Dr., 1933. JEJUNITIS. See also Enteritis; Ileitis. Adlersberg, D., & Sobotka, H. Fat and vitamin A absorp- tion in sprue and jejunoileitis. Gastroenterology, 1943, 1: 357-65.—Gottlieb, C, & Alpert, S. Regional jejunitis. Am. J. Roentg., 1937, 38: 881-3.—Johnson, W. R. Chronic, non- specific, jejunitis with unusual features. Gastroenterology 1943, 1: 347-56.—Joll. C. A. Regional jejunitis. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1938, 61: 109.—Klingenstein, P. Acute inflammatory jejunitis with intestinal obstruction. Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 147. —Kuijjer. J. H. [Ileitis jejunalis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 3743-8.—Porges, O. Bemerkungen zu Jejunitis von Rehder (Altona) Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1932, 173: 330 [Erwiderung von Rehder] 332.—Rehder. Jejunitis. Ibid 1931-32, 172: 662-7.—Rottjer, E. A., Beguiristain, M. A [et al.] yeyuno-ileitis cronica; comentario sobre 102 casos personales. Dia m<5d., B. Air., 1941, 13: 11.—Sussman, M. L. Diffuse nonspecific jejunoileitis. In Ther. Infancy (Litchfield, H. R., & al.) Phila., 1942, 2: 1286-94. JEJUNOSTOMY. See also Gastroenterostomy; Gastrojejunos- tomy; Intestine, small, Surgery; Peptic ulcer, Surgery. Barber. W. H. Jejunostomy; a clinical and experimental study of the technic of the operation. Ann. Surg., 1933, 97: 553-76.—Blinov, N. I. [Case of pancreato-cysto-jejunostomy] Vest, khir., 1938, 56: 249-51.—Clute. H. M., & Bell, L. M. Jejunostomy for postoperative feeding. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. (1940) 1941, 53: 295-307.—Delrez, L., & Desaive, P. Proceed de jejunostomie. Presse med., 1933, 41: 1063.— Fischer, A. W. Eine Jejunostomie mit Schragfistel und Fuss- punktanastomose. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2967.—Guthrie, D., & Shepard, W. F. The value of jejunostomy in intestinal surgery. Bull. Guthrie Clin., 1933-34, 3: 83-8.—Haden R. L.. & Orr. T. G. Effect of jejunostomy in experimental obstruc- tion of the jejunum of the dog. J. Exp. M., 1926, 43: 483-93. ------ Experimental high jejunostomv in the dbg, with blood chemical studies. Ibid., 44: 795-802.—Heyd, C. G. Jejunostomy. Am. J. Surg., 1926, n. ser., 1: 188-92.—Lar- dennois, G. Jejunostomie en Y. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 254.—Larimore, J. W. Duodenal ileus, ulcerative colitis, and pellagra associated in the same patient; complete cure following duodeno-jejunostomy. J. Missouri M. Ass., 1929, 26: 239-42.—MacKinnon, A. I. Jejunostomy, primary and complemental. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 90: 257.—Mahon, G. D., jr. Jejunostomy. Tr. Ass. Physicians Mayo Clin. (1928) 1929, 9: 135-7.—Miner, D. Jejunostomy. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1926, 6: 1633-40—Oppenheimer, G. D., & Druckerman, L. J. Jejunostomy for alimentation; a life- saving procedure. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1938-39, 5: 610-5.—Orr, T. G.. & Haden, R. L. Effect of jejunostomy upon experimental high intestinal obstruction. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1925) 1926, 35: 341-9. ------• High jejunostomy in intestinal obstruction; a clinical review and experimental results. J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 632-4.—Petrov, B. A. [Jejunostomy] Nov. khir. arkh., 1940, 46: 221-5.—Shklovsky, D. E. [A neglected operation: jejunostomy] Ibid., 1939, 44: 291-3.—Stewart. J. D. Gravity feeding by jejunostomy. Ann. Surg., 1932, 96: 225-9.—Summers, J. E. Indications for and technique of duodeno-jejunostomy. Nebraska M. J., 1929, 14: 310-3.—Tiinnis, W. Die Funktion der Diinndarm- Dickdarmanastomosen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928, 212: 339-49.—Trincas, M. La digiunostomia nei ristagno gastrico grave dopo resezione. Clin, chir., Milano, 1939, 42: 467-71.— Winkelbauer. A. Zur Technik der Jejunostomie. Zbl. Chir., 1929, 56: 2136-9.—Wolfer, J. A. Jejunostomy with jejunal alimentation. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1934, 52: 523-40. Also Ann. Surg., 1935, 101: 708-25. JEJUNUM. See also Duodenum, Duodenojejunal flexure; Intestine, small; Mesentery. Albertoni, P. Ricerche sulle variazioni di eccitabilit& del vago e dell'apparecchio vasomotore e contributo alia fisiologia delI digiuno Mem. Accad. sc. Ist. Bologna, 1923-24, 8. ser., 1 • 41-5)1 —McGee, L. C, & Emery, E. S., jr. Factors influenc- ing digestion in the jejunum. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1940, 7: 462-7.—Mantella, G. Digiuno e purga. Rinasc. med., 1935, J,^i°ilr3-~M.ora?ci' ?• ^Sul decorso del digiuno nei colombi normali evagotomizzati. Riv. pat. sper., 1933-35, 10: 434-42 — Morito, K. Injections of haemosol into the bled rabbits; distribution of iron and its reabsorption from the upper part of the intestine. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 276— i j c ?' ••le attribution of a chemical excitant for the glands of the jejunum. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 116: 112 — salotti, A. Studio radiologico dei movimenti dell'intestino tenue digiuno; un segno indice della direzione dell'ansa- i movimenti propri della mucosa; ritmo e periodicity dei movimenti intestinali. Radiol, med., Milano, 1931, 18: 421-33.—Schiffrin, M. J., & Nasset, E. S. The response of \GJ™u.m and lleum to food and enterocrinin. Am. J. Phvsiol 1939-40, 128: 70-80.-Spadolini, I. A proposito di una nota del big. Amprino sulle alterazioni della muccosa intestinale nei digiuno. Anat. Anz., 1933-34, 77: 289-91. ---- Abnormity. Bello, J. A., & Bianchini, C. A. Malformaci6n congenita del yeyuno-ileon. Sem. meU, B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 2, 1724-6 — ?ie/!',1n?,VE- Jeiunum duplex. Acta paediat., Upps., 1928-29, 8: 611-25.—Bntes, G. Sept observations de j^juno-ileon trop court, bol. anat. Univ. conimbr., 1927, 2: No. 5 1-5__ Nadal & Duchamp. Deroulement anormal de la portion initiate du grele. Bull. Soc. eiectroradiol. med. France, 1938, 26: ---- Abnormity: Atresia and stenosis. Baughman, D. S. Congential atresia of the jejunum J. Lancet, 1933, 53: 15.—Bellini, O. Stenosi digiunale con- genita di alto grado in bambina di 14 mesi, guarita dopo resezione intestinale. Policlinico, 1939, 46: sez. chir., 417-25.__ Gronberger, G. [Successful operation in a case of congenital jejunum stenosis] Sven. lak. tidn., 1937,34: 585-93.—Stetten, DeW. Duodenojejunostomy for congenital, instrinsic, total atresia at the duodenojejunal junction; successful result in a three-day-old, one-month-premature infant weighing four pounds two ounces. Ann. Surg., 1940, 111: 583-!)(>.- "Sweet, G. B., & Robertson, C. A case of congenital atresia of the jejunum (with recovery) Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1927 2: 186-8. Also N. Zealand M. J., 1927-28, 26: 128-31.— Weeks, A., & Delprat, G. D. Congenital intestinal obstruction; atresia of jejunum; report of 2 cases. Surg. Clin. N. America 1927, 7: 1193-208. ---- Angioma. Jagar, V. B. [Cavernous angioma of the jejunum as cause of fatal hemorrhage] Arkh. pat. anat., Moskva, 1941, 7: 112-4.—Kortzeborn, A. Hamangiom des Diinndarmes. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 1042-8, pl.—Merchant, F. T. Intussuscep- tion due to hemangioma of the jejunum. Arch. Surg., 1939 39: 1031-40. ---- Cancer. Flotard, M. *Contribution a I'etude de Pepithelioma du jejunum. 141p./ 25^cm Lyon, 1939. Neugebatjer, J. *Das primare Carcinom des Jejunums. 22p. 22#cm. Bresl., 1936. Barnhart, S. E. Carcinoma of the jejunum; report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 101: 443.—Bincer, W., & Penecke, R. [Primary, isolated, malignant granuloma of the jejunum] Polska gaz. lek., 1934, 13: 674-7.—Bol lag, L. Primares Je- junum-Karzinom. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1933, 63: 1097-9.— Brooks, C. D., Clinton, W. R., & Ashley, L. B. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1938, 37: 795-7.—Brooksher, W. R. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum. South. M. J., 1940, 33: 238-41.—Cameron, A. L. Primary malignancy of the jejunum and ileum. Ann. Surg., 1938, 108: 203-20.—Carter. R. F. Carcinoma of the jejunum; report of 3 cases. Ibid., 1935, 102: 1019-28.—Castelii.-C. Sindrome di Freud in un caso di carcinoma del digiuno. Radiol, med., Milano, 1926, 13: 421-7.—Cave, H. W. Carcinoma of the jejunum; report of 3 cases. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 1097-101.— Christofferson, E. A., & Jacobs, M. B. Primary adenocar- cinoma of the jejunum with perforation; report of a case with clinicopathologic notations. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 1576-9.—Cornel], N. W., & Hauser, L. A. Primary adeno- carcinoma of the jejunum; report of a case. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 53: 177-80.—Craig, W. J. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum; a case report. Brit. J. Radiol., 1941, 14: 210-2.—D'Allaines. F. Sur l'6pith61ioma primitif du j£juno-il6on. J. chir., Par., 1929, 33: 449-72.—Dencks. Carcinoma jejuni mit Perforation. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 109.—Gabor, M. E., & Hiller, R. I. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum. Am. J. Surg., 1935, 27: 121-5.—Gainey, J. J., & Friedland, L. M. Adenocarcinoma of the jejunum, treated by enteroenterostomy and complicated by intussusception. Ibid., 1940, 50: 112.—Garcin, Gerest & Martel. Cancer annulaire st£nosant du j6juno-il£on; ent^recto- mie en un temps; guerison. Loire mdd., 1927, 41: 229.— Geyman, M. J. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Radiology, 1941, 36: 468-70.—Harris, F. I., & Rosenblum, H. Primary car- cinoma of the jejunum; report of a case. Arch. Surg., 1931, 23: 805-12.-—Harris, J. H., & Green, J. E. Carcinoma of the jejunum; case report. Am. J. Roentg., 1940, 43: 383.— JEJUNUM 638 JEJUNUM Hoggs. F. M. Carcinoma of the jejunum: acute intestinal ubitiuction. Brit. J. Surg.. 1938-39. 26: 532-9.—Hellstrom. J. Primary cancer in jejunum and ileum. Acta chir. scand., 1927, 62: 4i).">- 82, pl.—Hlavinka, F. [Case of cancer of the jejunum] Cas. l£k. cesk., 1937, 76: 1922-4- Hodgkins, E. M. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum with report of 2 cases. N. England J. M., 1936, 214: 477-80.—Hundley, J. \Y., & Bates, W. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum; report of a case. Ann. Int. M., 1938-39, 12: 128-35—Hunt, E. L., & Kaneb, G. D. Primary adenocarcinoma of the jejunum. Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1940, 23: 207-19. Also N. England J. M., 1941, 224: 353-7.—Jetter, W. W. Jejunal carcinoma; report of case. N. York State J. M., 1939, 39: 1614-7.—Jonas, E., Steck, E. I., & Brams, J. Primarv carcinoma of the jejunum. Illinois M. J., 1936, 69: 444-7.—Jones, T. E., & Harris, I. E. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum: report of case. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 43: 769-72.—Kahn, M., & Bay, M. W. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Ibid., 1942, 58: 145-7.—Kalayjian, B. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Radiology, 1937, 29: 596-601—Karras, R. W. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1940-41, 17: 402 —Kern, H. M. Carcinoma of je- junum. Surgery, 1938, 3: 556-62.—Kline, L. B., & Schaefer, A. M. ,A case report of primary adenocarcinoma of the je- junum. Mil. Surgeon, 1940, 86: 350-4.—Kordenat, R. A. Carcinoma of the jejunum; report of case. Illinois M. J., 1934, 65: 218-21.—Lee, A. E. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum; reports of 2 cases. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1938-39, 8: 88-90.—Linton, R. R., Holmes, G. W. [et al.] Carcinoma of jejunum. N. England J. M., 1942, 226: 734-6.—Malerich, J. A. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum with metastasis to the lung: report of a case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1934, 9: 40-2.— Mayo, C. W., & Nettrour, W. S. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Surg. Gvn.. Obst., 1937, 65: 303-9.—Milles, G. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1931, 13: 451.—Mitchell, E. W. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1934, 31: 395-7.—Morrison, W. R. High intestinal obstruction caused by primary carcinoma of the proximal jejunum. Am. J. Surg., 1927, n. ser., 1: 154-9.—Neiman, B. Carcinoma of the jejunum. In Path. Conf. (Jaffe, R. H.) Chic, 1940, 1043-5 — Nettrour, W. S. Carcinoma of the jejunum: report of case. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1936, 11: 356-60.—Newton, A. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surgery, 1931, 1: 103-6.—Newton, F. C, & Buckley, R. C. Primary adeno- carcinoma of the jejunum with a report of 2 cases. N. England J. M., 1930, 202: 255-61.—Palumbo, E. Sopra un caso di adenocarcinoma primario del digiuno. Riforma med., 1932, 48: 1294.—Plunkett, J. E., Foley, M. P., & Snell, A. M. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1936, 34: 289- 93.—Porzelt, W. Beitrag zur Klinik des Jejunumkrebses. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1932-33, 238: 115-21.—Powers, S. Papil- lary adenocarcinoma of the jejunum; report of case and dis- cussion from the Baylor Clinic. Dallas M. J., 1943, 29: 48-50 — Proescher, F., & Muir, J. Primary carcinoma of the jejunum; a case report. Am. J. Cancer, i935, 24: 72-4.—Ritter von Linhardt, S. Zwei interessante Falle von Diinndarmcarcinom. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928, 145: 182-90.—Robertson, H. Primary carcinoma of jejunum with later involvement of right ovary. Bull. Guthrie Clin., 1932, 2: 33-5, pl.—Ross, K. Carcinoma of the jejunum and ileum. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1931, 1: 217-20.—Salmon. Epithelioma du jepinum perform en pexitoine libre; resection large; survie. M6m. Acad, chir., Par., 1939, 65: 495-500.—Sangster, A. H. A case of adeno- carcinoma of jejunum. Brit. M. J., 1943, 1: 12.—Schlomovitz, B. H., & Thompson, A. B. Carcinoma of the jejunum. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1939^0, 16: 181-3.—Soresi, A. L. Chorionepithelioma of the jejunum. Am. J. Cancer, 1936, 28: 583-6.—Traylor, G. A. Cancer of the small intestine. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1924, 13: 436-40 [Discussion] 444-8.—Trempe, F. Cancer du jejunum. Laval m£d., 1942, 7: 284-9. Also Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 642.—Weisz, M. Jejunum- Adenokarzinom. Rontgenpraxis, 1936, 8: 28-31.—Wilson, G. A., & Owen, C. I. Carcinoma of jejunum; case report. Grace Hosp. Bull., Detr., 1936, 20: 18-22.—Wolfsohn, G. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Jejunalkarzinoms, mit Bemerkungen iiber die Krebsresistenz des Dunndarms. Arch. Verdauungskr., 1928, 42: 464-75. ---- Carcinoid. Caspar, I. Metastasizing carcinoid tumor of jejunum. Am. J. Path., 1930, 6: 515-24, 3 pl.—Mufson, S., & Horowitz, E. A. Intussusception of the jejunum due to carcinoid tumor. N. England J. M., 1941, 224: 602-5. ---- Cyst. Achmatowicz, L. von. Ein Fall einer multilokularen endo- thelialen Mesenterialcyste des Jejunums kompliziert durch Volvulus. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2957-60.—Perman, E. Ueber multiple submukose Chyluszysten des Jejunums. Nord. med. ark., 1918-19, afd. i, 51: 331-54.—Portis, B. Mesentric cyst of the jejunum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1923-27, 12: 311-3. ---- Disease. Bentley, F. H., & Smithwick, R. H. Visceral pain produced bv balloon distension of the jejunum. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 389-91.—Browne, D. C, & McHardy, G. Primary lesions of the jejunum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 2257-63.—Kelly, R. E. Three enteroliths in a single coil of jejunum. Brit. J. Surg., 1932. 20: 168-70. Koppenstoin, E. [Roentgen diagnosis of 3 rare cases of jejunal abscesses] Gy6gyfiszat, 1926, 66: 37 1-C. Latten, W. Blutende Jejunalvaricen; Beitrag zur Differentialdiagnose der Magen-Darmblutungen. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 1643-6.—Priebus. lane Verwachsung zwischen Blinddarmspitze und Leerdann (lurch ein 26 cm langes Band als Ursache eines todlichen Kolikfalles. Zsehr. Veterinark., 1928, 40: 212-21.—Rottjer, E. A., Beguiristain, M. A. [et al.j Aspectos clinieos de la aceleraci6n del triinsito yeyunoileal. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1941, 40: 889-99.—Wail, S. S. [Aspect of digestive leucocytosis in the jejunum in innervation disorders of the latter] Arkh. pat. anat., Moskva, 1939, 5: No. 2, 43-7 — Wheeler, W. I. de C. A case of actinomycotic ulceration of the duodenum and jejunum. Brit. J. Surg., 1927-28, 15: 430-7.— Yepes Cadavid, J. Los v6mitos biliosos olectivos por estenosis, adherencias o inflamaciones del asa yeyunal eferente de la boca anastom6tica. C Y M, Medellin, 1942, 2: No. 17, 8-11. ---- Diverticulum. Ayerza, L., & Guardado, J. Oclusi6n incompleta del in- testino delgado por diverticulitis del yeyuno. Arch, argent. enferm. ap. digest., 1941-42, 17: 383-8.—Beigler, S. K., Bloom, A. R., & Wruble, J. Diverticulum of the jejunum, with case report. Am. J. Surg., 1932, n. ser., 17: 109.— Berry, J. A. A case of multiple diverticula of the jejunum. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 496.—Boling, J. R. Multiple diverticula of jejunum with resection. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: 526.— Brites, G. Trois cas de diverticules du jejunum. Fol. anat. Univ. conimbr., 1927, 2: No. 11, 1-8, 2 pl—Butler, R. W. Traumatic rupture of intramesenteric diverticula of the jejunum. Brit. J. Surg., 1937-38, 25: 277-9.—Case, 3. T. Jejuno-ileal diverticula. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1926, 6: 230-40, 3 pl.—Christ, A. Multiple Divertikel des Jejunum; anatomische und klinische Beitrage zur Kenntnis eines seltenen Krankheitsbildes. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1932, 236: 560 — Delia Palma, A. Considerazioni sopra un caso di diverticoli del digiuno. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. prat., 775-8.—De- vegney, F. E. C, & Bailey, H. Diverticulum of the jejunum. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 98.—Ducuing, J. Diverticule opere et gu£ri de Tangle duod6no-j£junal. Presse mid., 1940, 48: 517.—Flynn, R. A case of ruptured jejunal diverticulum. Austral. N. Zealand J. Surg., 1933, 3: 192-4— Fort, F. T. Solitary jejunal diverticulum of long duration; complete intestinal obstruction; operation, recovery. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1928, 41: 292-306, 2 pl.—Fraser, I. The diverticula of the jejuno-ileum. Brit. J. Surg., 1933, 21: 183-211.—Gerster, J. C. A. Diverticula of the jejunum. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1937, 50: 178-95. Also Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 783-800.— Godard, H. La diverticulose j6juno-il£ale. Rev. chir., Par., 1927, 65: 22-37. —--- Bourdial & Zourekatis, T. Un cas de diverticulose j6juno-il£ale. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1932, 9: 311-5.— Goinard, P., & Courrier, R. Sur la constatation de parasites dans des diverticules multiples du jejunum. Ibid., 1929, 6: 189-96.—Guthrie, D., & Brown, M. J. Diverticulosis of the jejunum; case report. Bull. Guthrie Clin., 1937-38, 7: 27-30. —Heise, Hertzog & Peppard. Acute jejunal divertic- ulitis; generalized peritonitis; bronchopneumonia; presentation of a case. Minnesota M., 1943, 26: 190.—Johns, F. S. Di- verticula of the jejunum, with ease report. South. M. & S., 1937, 99: 265-8.—Jones, T. J., & Crile, G., jr. Diverticula of the jejunum: report of 4 cases. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1936-37, 3: 120-2.—Kozinn, P. J., & Jennings, K. G. Jejunal divertic- ulitis; its occurrence in a 2 year old girl. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1941, 62: 620-3.—Krogius, A. [Acute intestinal obstruction from duodenojejunal diverticulum] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1926, 68: 835-47.—Lambret, O., & Surmont, H. Un cas de diverticules multiples du j4juno-il£on; presentation de pieces op^ratoires. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1928, 18: 765-71.— Larson, E. M. Multiple diverticula of the jejunum. Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1937, 47: 41-9 [Discussion] 90-106. Also West. J. Surg., 1938, 46: 127-31.—Levy, J. S., & De Groat, A. Di- verticula of the jejunum; a review of the literature and the report of 2 new instances. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1934-35, 1: 708-13.—Merkelbach, O. Jejuno-ileal Divertikel. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1933, 124: 426-34.—Miller, A. M. Isolated diver- ticulum of the jejunum. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 11: 116.— Nath, V. A case of jejunal diverticulosis. Ind. M. Gaz., 1938, 73: 222.—Noort, D. W. van [Diverticulum of the je- junum] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1935, 79: 5232-6, pl.—Ovens, G. H. C. Acute diverticulitis of the jejunum. Brit. J. Surg., 1942-43, 30: 239.—Rosedale, R. S. Jejunal diverticulosis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1935, 61: 223-8. ------& Lawrence, H. R. Jejunal diverticulosis. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 34: 369-73.- Santoro, M. Reperto radiologico ed operatorio di diverticolo del digiuno (considerazioni clinico-radiologiche) Arch, radiol., Nap., 1926, 2: 121-7.—Schoen, W. Zur Frage der Klinik des Divertikels an der Flexura duodeno-jejunalis. Gastroentero- logia, Basel, 1941, 66: 90-4.—Smith, O. TCase of jejunal diverticulum] Nord. med., 1939, 3: 2541-3.—Spackman, J. G. Perforation of a jejunal diverticulum. Ann. Surg., 1926, 84: 778-80.—Stiven, H. E. S. A case of jejuno-diverticulitis. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1934, 17: 541-6.—Swanberg, H., & Mont- gomery, E. B. Solitary diverticulum of the jejunum; report of a case diagnosed roentgenologically. Radiology, 1926, 7: 144-8.—Tengwall, E. Case of multiple diverticuli in the jejunum. Acta chir. scand., 1931, 68: 162-70, 3 pl.—Turner, P. A case of multiple diverticula of the jejunum. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1939, 89: 32-46.—Usland. O. [Jejunal diverticula; cases] Norsk mag. laegevid., 1930, 91:101-12. pl.— JEJUNUM 639 JEJUNUM Van Ravenswaay, A. C, & Winn, G. W. Jejunal diverticula; a consideration of clinical symptomatology and case report. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1943, 10: 108-11.—Zagami, A. Sulla mesenterite retrattile; un caso di diverticolo infiammato del digiuno. Policlinico, 1937, 44: sez. chir., 550-7. ---- Enlargement. Andrade, J. de. Mega-jejuno; em doente de lepra. Rev. brasil. lepr. 1940, 8: No. espec, 47-60.—Brown, P. W., & Pemberton, J. D. Megaduodenum and megajejunum. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1943, 18: 109-12. ---- Fistula. See also subheading Ulcer, peptic. Bogdanova, G. M. [Clinical aspect of fistula gastro-jejuno- colica] Vrach. delo, 1940, 22: 607-10.—Bornstein, M., & Weinshel, L. R. Gastrojejunocolic fistula; report of a case. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 53: 333.— Caeiro, J. A. Fistula traumatica recto-yeyunal. An. Inst. clin. med., B. Air., 1935, 16: 553-8. Also Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1935, 19: 347-53.—McDonald, Canmann [et al.] Neonatal vomiting. Case Rep. Child. Mem. Hosp. Chicago, 1943, 2: No. 4, 5-8.—Pauchet, V. Traitement des fistules; gastro-jejuno-coliques. In his Prat. chir. illust., 3. ed., Par., 1939, fasc. 9, 89-99.—Pfeiffer, D. B., & Kent, E. M. The value of preliminary colostomy in the correction of gastro- jejunocolic fistula. Ann. Surg., 1939, 110: 659-68.—Troitsky, A. A. [Cases of ulcerative gastro-jejunal fistulas] Vest, khir., 1940, 60: 610-2.—Walters, W., & Clagett, O. T. Gastro- jejunocolic ulcer and fistula. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 46: 94—102.— Zelasco, A. M., Dallorso, J. B., & Schenone, A. A. Fistula yeyuno-colica y ulcera peptica del yeyuno consecutivas a la gastroenterostomia. Sem. mid., B. Air., 1934, 41: pt 2, 322-4. ---- Foreign body and food bolus. Goldberg, S. L., & Levan, A. Fish bone perforation of the jejunum. Am. J. Surg., 1942, 58: 446.—Lobingier, A. S. Acute obstruction of the jejunum caused by a fibrous bolus. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1930, 10: 1099-102.—Pop, A. Einige Betrachtungen iiber die mechanische, durch einen Lebens- mittelballen verursachte Okklusion des oberen Jejunums in Zusammenhang mit einem Fall. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 1675-8. --- Hematoma. Santoro, E. Occlusione intestinale acuta da ematoma sotto- sieroso ostruente del digiuno a patogenesi oscura. Arch. ital. chir., 1928, 22: 645-57.—Smith, R. P. Intestinal obstruction due to submucosal hematoma of the jejunum in the new-born. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1939, 40: 16. ---- Herniation. Barnett, S. W. Hernia of the jejunum through an aperture in the mesentery of the small intestine. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1934, 24: 202.—Masson, J. C, fk Mclndoe, A. H. Right paraduo- denal hernia and hyperplastic tuberculosis of the ileum. Proc Mayo Clin., 1929, 4: 105.------ Right paraduodenal hernia and isolated hyperplastic tuberculous obstruction: comment and report of case affecting jejunum and ileum; operation and recovery. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 50: 29-39.—Nikisin, F. [Hernia of omental mesocolic bursa of jejunum with gastric incarcerated hernia] Cas. lek. cesk., 1927, 66: 429-31 — Peretti, L. Di una ernia endo-addominale nei tenue strozzata in un divertocolo anomalo a sede mesenterica. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1934, 15: 77-89. ---- Ileus. See also subheadings (Intussusception; Oc- clusion; Stenosis; Strangulation) also Ileus. Badile, P. L. Sui comportamento del digiuno e del duodeno nella esclusione sperimentale chiusa previa attenuazione biologica del contenuto. Arch. ital. chir., 1929, 24: 645-70.— Bottin, J. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber hohen Dunn- darmverschluss beim Hund. Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1938, 104: 243-8. ------ Contribution a I'etude de I'obstruction intestinale haute experimentale. J. physiol. path, gin., 1939-40, 37: 1342-57.—Chaikoff, I. L. A review of experimental work on acute high intestinal obstruction. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1929-30, 7: 130-5.—Cole-Rous, M. The cause of death in high acute intestinal obstruction. S. Afr. M. J., 1934, 8: 909-12.—Consulta sobre oclusion intestinal alta. Actual. mid peru., 1942, 8: 5-9.—Cooper, H. S. F. The cause of death in high obstruction. Arch. Surg., 1928, 17: 918-67.—Dogliotti, A. M., & Mairano, M. Nuove ricerche sperimentali sulle cause di morte nell'occlusione intestinale alta. Minerva med., Tor., 1930. 21: 946-9.—Jenkins, H. P. Experimental ileus; high obstruction with the biliary, pancreatic and duodenal secretions short-circuited below the obstructed point. Arch Surg., 1929, 19: 1072-85.—Jorge, J. M., & Brachetto-Brian, D. El sindrome viscero-humeral en la oclusion intestinal alta. Prensa mid. argent., 1934-35, 21: 840-2.—Moene, I. [Diag- nosis of high ileus] Med. rev., Bergen, 1933, 50: 289-301.— Morton, J. J., & Pearse, H. E. The similarity in effect ol experimental high intestinal obstruction and high complete intestinal fistula. Arm. Surg., 1931 94: 263-8^-Northrop, H. L. High intestinal obstruction. J.Am. Inst. Homeop., 1930, 23: 151-5.—Ravenna, E. Ileo da briglia comprimente il digiuno. Pathologica, Genova, 1930, 22: 581-7.—Rivers, A. B., & Thiessen, N. W. Obstruction of the upper portion of the small intestine; a clinical study. Am. J. Digest Dis 1934-35, 1: 92-6.—Roth, H. W., Seulberger, P., & Brandes, K. Experimentelle Untersuchungen beim hohen Dunndarmver- schluss; die Bakteriologie des hohen Diinndarmileus. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1931-32, 154: 426-74.—Searls, H. H. The cause. of death in simple high intestinal obstruction. West. J. Surg., 1931, 39: 358-62.—Seulberger, P. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen beim hohen Dunndarmverschluss. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1929-30, 148: 583-629.—Wangensteen, O. H., & Chunn, S. S. Studies in intestinal obstruction; simple obstruction; a study of the cause of death in mechanical obstruction of the upper part of the intestine. Arch. Surg., 1928, 16: 1242-55. ---- Ileus: Physiopathology. Schnor, E. A study on the cause of death in high intestinal obstruction; observations on chlorine, urea and water. 176p. 8? Kbh., 1934. Bandera, B. El descenso de los cloruros sanguineos en las oclusiones altas y en los vomitos pertinaces. Gac. mid. Mexico, 1930, 61: 49-54.—Benedict, E. B., Stewart, C. P., & Cutner, P. N. The role of bile in high intestinal obstruction. iSurg. Gyn. Obst., 1932, 54: 605-12.—Bottin, J. La mort a la suite d'une obstruction haute de l'intestin est due en premiere importance k une intoxication et secondairement k une des- hydratation. Rev.belgesc m^d., 1938, 10: 587-612. -----■ Role de l'intoxication dans I'obstruction intestinale haute; sa demonstration par les transfusions sanguines et la circulation crois^e. Ibid., 1939, 11: 421-39.—Braeye, L. The formation of the toxic fluid found in isolated duodenojejunal loops. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1926, 39: 121-31. ■------ Con- tribution to the study of toxic absorption from the intestinal tract in experimental high obstruction. Ibid., 1927, 40- 33-8.—Burget, G. E., & Martzloff, K. A study of the closed loop of jejunum. Abstr. Internat. Phvsiol. Congr., 1929, 13. Congr., 42.—Burget, G. E., Martzloff, K. [et al.] The closed intestinal loop; relation of intraloop (jejunum) pressure to the clinical condition of the animal. Arch. Surg., 1930, 21: 829-37.—Galli, G. Ricerche emobatteriologiche nell'occlusione sp rimentale alta. Arch. Soc ital. chir. (1925) 1926, 32: 632-6.—Haden, R. L., & Orr, T. G. Chemical findings in the bloc d of the dog after closed-loop obstruction of the jejunum. J. Exp. M., 1929, 49: 955-8.—Haerem, S., Dack, G. M., & Wilson, H. Acute intestinal obstruction; the role of bacteria in closed jejunal loops. Surgery, 1938, 3: 333-8.—Hill, F. C, & O'Connell, H. V. Experimental administration of duodenal contents to dogs with acute high intestinal obstruction. Arch. Surg., 1938, 37: 311-5.—Jensen, H. J., & Firor, W. M. Toxins of high intestinal obstruction. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 13: 281.—Johnstone, P. N., Clasen, A. C, & Orr, T. G. The role of the external secretion of the pancreas in experimental high intestinal obstruction. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 57: 483-6.— Mclver, M. A., & Gamble, J. L. Body fluid changes due to upper intestinal obstruction. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: 1589-94.—Saito, S., & Matukura, S. Experimental studies on acute intestinal obstruction; on the absorption of undigested protein from the intestine below the obstruction in cases of duodenal obstruction. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1927-29, 1: Tr., Surg., 253-8.—Schnohr, E. Untersuchungen uber den Chlorgehalt der Gewebe bei Ratten mit hoher Darmobstruktion. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 1026.—Seulberger, P., Brandes, K., & Roth, W. Experimentelle Untersuchungen beim hohen Dunn- darmverschluss; zur Frage der Resorption beim hohen Diinn- darmileus. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1933, 158: 1-38.—Yamamura, A. Ein Beitrag zum Verhalten der isoelektrischen Punkte der Gewebe von Kaninchen mit hochsitzendem Ileus. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1941, 9: Proc Anat., 50.—Yu, S. T. The role of bile and external pancreatic secretion in experimental high intestinal obstruction. Chin. M. J., 1940, 58: 499-511. ---- Ileus: Treatment. Armour, J. C, Brown, T. G. [et al.] Studies on high in- testinal obstruction; the administration of saline and other substances by enterostomy below the site of obstruction. Brit. J. Surg., 1930-31, 18: 467-78—Carlson, H. E., & Orr, T. G. Experimental obstruction of jejunum; effect of administration of water on length of life and changes in chemical composition of blood. Arch. Surg., 1934, 28: 292-5.—Dogliotti, M., & Mairano, M. Sui meccanismo d'azione e sulle vie di elimina- zione del cloruro di sodio nei trattamento dell'occlusione in- testinale alta con soluzioni ipertoniche. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1929, 92: 470-4. ------ Le soluzioni ipertoniche di lorurco di sodio nella cura della occlusione intestinale alta; la nostra ipotesi sui loro meccanismo d'azione. Minerva med., Tor., 1930, 21: 459-66.—Figurelli, G. Sull'uso del cloruro di sodio, ad alte dosi ed in soluzioni ipertoniche, nelle occlusioni intestinali acute alte (duodenali) Ann. ital. chir., 1929, 8: 1358-75.-—Giacobbe, C. L'importanza dei cloruri nelle occlusioni sperimentali acute del digiuno. Gior. med. Alto Adige, 1930, 2: 171-87.—Jenkins, H. P. Experimental ileus; high obstruction with the biliary, pancreatic and duo- denal secretions, along with food and sodium chloride entering the bowel below the obstructed point. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 849-62. ------ & Beswick, W. F. Experimental ileus; JEJUNUM 640 JEJUNUM prolongation of Ufe for 70 days after high intestinal obstruction by administration of sodium chloride and nutritive material into intestine below the site of occlusion. Ibid., 1933, 26: 406-29.-—Lion, R. Une observation d'intoxication par oc- clusion intestinale haute, guerie par injections de chlorure de sodium k haute dose, suivies d'opdration. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1928, 20: 141-5. Also Paris chir., 1928, 20: 53-5.— Wohl, M. G., Burns, J. C, & Pfeiffer, G. High intestinal obstruction in the dog treated with extract of adrenal cortex. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937-38, 36: 549-51.—Wood. E. H. Chemical replacement in high intestinal obstruction. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1933, 29: 415. ---- Injury. Etchegorry, F. Heridas multiples de la primera asa yeyunal; su tratamiento. Arch. urug. med., 1941, 19: 623-7.—Merkel. Ueber eine seltenere Form von Stichverletzung des Jejunums und dessen forensische Wiirdigung. Deut. Zsehr. gerichtl. Med., 1939, 31: 281-4. ---- Intubation. Hirschelmann, F. *Ueber einige besondere Indikationen der Jejunalsondenbehandlung. 19p. 21cm. Rost,, 1937. Bisgard, J. D. Gastrostomy; jejunal intubation. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74: 239-41.—Bockus. H. L. Jejunal feedings, peroral. In Cyclop. Med. (Piersol-Bortz) Phila., 1939, 5: 232.— Rehder. Die jejunale Sonde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1930, 26: 662. ---- Intussusception. Arrigoni, G. Invaginazione abituale duodeno-digiunale. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1935, 43: 309-11.—Cameron, J. A. M., & Macfarlane, W. D. Intussusception of jejunum into stomach through a gastro-enterostomv stoma. Brit. J. Surg., 1935-36, 23: 274-6.—Chamberlin, G. W. Chronic recurrent jejunogastric intussusception through a gastro- enterostomy stoma. Am. J. Surg., i940, 49: 510-2.—Chester- man, J. T. Retroerade jejunogastric intussusception. Brit. J. Surg., 1934, 21: 541.—Coleman, E. P., Maguire, R. H., & Bennett, D. A. Recurring jejunal intussusception. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1940) 1941, 50: 454-63. Also Am. J. Surg., 1941, 53: 340-4.—Ducey, E. F., & McNamara, W. L. Retrograde jejunogastric intussusception through a gastro-enterostomy stoma. Ann. Surg., 1937, 105: 461-3.—Freilich, E. B., & Coe, G. C. Jejunal intussusception. Ibid., 183-91.—Gottesman, J. Intussusception of jejunum following gastroenterostomy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1895—Hempel. C. Ueber eine schonende Methode der Desinvagination des Dunndarms beim akuten Invaginationsileus. Zbl. Chir., 1941, 68: 746.— Henschen, C. Durch Magenresektion geheilter Fall von Invaginatio gastro-duodenojejunalis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 1056.—n>os, P.. & Legrand-Desmons. Invagination jejunale aigue chez un adulte. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 1277-80.—Lesser, A., & Kaufman, L. R. Acute appendi- citis with jejunal intussusception and abdominal lymphadenitis occurring in a child immobilized in a spica plaster cast. N. York State J. M., 1938, 38: 1285.—Lewis, J. H. Jejunal intussusception of the newborn. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1939, 58: 558-63.—Marr, N. G., ct Marxer, O. A. Intussusception of the jejunum. Lancet, Lond., 1932, 2: 392.—Peixoto. G. Invaginacao chronica do jejuno. Rev. med. mil., Rio, 1935, 24: 12-9.—Pennefather, A. L. Intussusception of the jejunum into the stomach through a gastro-enterostomy stoma. J. R. Armv M. Corps, 1936, 66: 193.—Ryan, T. F. J., & Morgan, J. W. P. Acute primary intussusception of the jejunum. Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: 613.—Shackman, R. Jejunogastric intussusception. Brit. J. Surg., 1939-40, 27: 475-80.—Thorleifson, W. H. A case of intussusception of the jejunum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 20: 395. ---- Lipoma. Forni, G. Invaginazione cronica remittente del digiuno da lipoma intraparietale; enterectomia; guarigione (contributo alio studio dei lipomi dell'intestino) Ann. ital. chir., 1930, 9: 556-74.-—Meldolesi. G. Contributo alio studio del quadro radiologico dell'invaginazione intermittente digiuno-digiunale da tumore (fibrolipoma) intraparietale. Riv. radiol., 1931, 6: pt 2, 377-91. ---- Lymphosarcoma. Brodin, P., Lardennois, G., & T£desco, B. Lymphosarcome du jejunum. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1937, 27: 447-50.— Chigot, P. L. Anastomose j^juno-caecale pathologique. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1936. 13: 515-8.—Finsterer. H. Ueber Dunndarmsarkome; achtjahrige Heilung eines Lymphosarkoms des Jejunums. Med. Klin., Berl., 1933, 29: 485-7.—Greenfield, H. Early roentgen diagnosis of jejunal lymphosarcoma; report of case. Am. J. Roentg., 1936, 36: 674-7.—Jackson, A. S. Lymphosarcoma of the jejunum; a case report. Wisconsin M. J., 1938, 37: 478-W.—Nobo, P. P., Sotolongo, R. [et al.] Linfosarcoma de la segunda asa yevunal. Bol. I.iga cdncer, Habana, 1938, ed. cient., 13: 203-8.—Shulman, S. Primary lymphosarcoma of the jejunum. Am. J. Roentg., 1941, 46: 182-4.—Svien, H. J., A Rivers. A. B. Lymphosarcoma causing obstruction at the duodenojejunal angle; report of case. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1942, 9: 45-7.- Tavlor. E. H. Lymphosarcoma of the jejunum. N. England J. M. 1933, 208: 642. Weinstein, M. L. Lymphosarcoma of the jejunum. Am. J. Surg., 1932, 17: 355. ---Myoma. Beiler, K. H. *Ueber Myome des Diinn- darmes in Anschluss an einen Fall von Fibro- leiomyom im Jejunum. 16p. 8? [Berl.] 1930. lllraine, J. Tumeur benigne (l&omyome)' de la partie su- p^rieure de jejunum, ayant entraine une invagination avec accidents d'occlusion chronique de l'intestin. Mim. Acad. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 1353-5.—Dixon, C. F., & Steward, J. A. Leiomyoma of the jejunum. Surg. (iyn. Obst., 1933, 56: 801-4.—Fossen, A., & Tjokronegoro, S. Ein Fall von Fibro- myoma jejuni subserosum. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 314-6.— Pulver, W. Verblutungstod durch Diinndarmtumoren; Fall eines teleangiektatischen Myoblastenmyoms im Zusammenhang mit ins Darmlumen eroffneten Jejunalvenen. Helvet. mecL acta, 1936, 3: 690-4.—Silbermann, J. Ueber einen Fall von Myoma jejuni. Radiol, clin., Basel, 1940, 9: 186-91.—Sorkness, J. Fibromyoma of the jejunum. J. Lancet, 1928, 48: 146.— Vernengo, M. J., & Colillas, D. Mioma del yeyuno. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1935, 19: 39-47. ---- Occlusion. See also subheading Ileus. Allen, J. C. B. An unusual case of jejunal obstruction. Med. J. Australia, 1937, 1: 959.—Bottin, J. Survie tr&s prolonged du chien porteur d'une obstruction intestinale haute. C. rend. Soc. biol., 936, 121: 1382-4— Dixon, C. F., & Weber, H. M. Recurring obstruction from multiple non- neoplastic Tumefactions of the jejunum. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1936, 11: 717-20.—Hoag, C. L.. & Saunders, J. B. D. M. Jejunoplasty for obstruction following gastroenterostomy or subtotal gastric resection. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1939, 68: 703-12.—Nomura, M. Ueber die Veranderungen des Fer- mentgehaltes der Schleimhaut in der ausgeschalteten Jejunum- schlinge. Bull. Nav. M. Ass., Tokyo, 1937, 26: 1.—Pauchet, V. Comment <5viter l'occlusion jejunale post-operatoire. Paris chir., 1927, 19: 124-7.—Van Ravenswaay, A. C. Two cases of chronic jejunal obstruction. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1935 15: 1447-58. ---- Paralysis. Engstad, J. E. Spastic paralysis of the jejunum. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 90: 2003-5.—Schneider, E. H. Paresis and obstruc- tion of jejunum; secondary to hysterectomy. Am. J. Surg., 1932, 18: 85.—Soschin, S. J. Early jejunostomy in paralytic ileus. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1927, 24: 465-8. ---- Perloration and rupture. See also subheadings (Foreign body; Ulcer) Aird, R. Complete rupture of jejunum without external wound. Brit. M. J., 1928, 2: 342.—Armstrong. J. R. Complete transverse rupture of the jejunum without external wound. Ibid., 1: 1064.—Brown, R. Subcutaneous bursting of jejunum. West. J. Surg., 1934, 42: 413-6- Cameron, H. F. Traumatic rupture of the bowel at the duodenojejunal flexure with recovery. Manitoba M. Ass. Rev., 1941, 21: 127-9.—Chris- topher, F. Rupture of the jejunum due to football injurv. Am. J. Surg., 1934, 25: 341.—Counseller, V. S., & McCormack, C. J. Subcutaneous perforation of the jejunum. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 365-74.—Diamond, J. C. Traumatic rupture of the jejunum. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1933, 29: 300.—Dolan, H. F. Subcutaneous rupture of the jejunum. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1937, 27: 423-5.—La Ragione, A. Rottura sottocutanea del digiuno da calcio di cavallo. Arch. ital. chir., 1936, 43: 115-24.— Lawson, R. S. Two cases of traumatic rupture of the jejunum without penetrating wounds of the abdominal wall. Med. J. Australia, 1940, 2: 408.—Matthews, A. A. Traumatic per- foration of jejunum. Surg. Clin. N. Ameriea. 1933, 13: 161.— Orndorff, J. R., & Mock, H. E. Evisceration causing rupture of jejunum. Ann. Surg., 1939, 110: 464-6.—Ulrich, W. H., Webster, J. E.t & Vale, C. F. Subcutaneous rupture of the jejunum sustained in a game of football. J. Am. M. Ass.. 1938, 110: 1438. ---- Polypus. Armingeat, J. Polype du jejunum avec malformation de Tangle duodenojejunal et invagination. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1938, 30: 226-36.—Asencio, F. A case of jejunal polyposis. Bol. As. m<§d. Puerto Rico, 1941, 33: 285-8.—De Tarnowsky, G., & Sarma, P. J. Polyp of the jejunum causing intussuscep- tion. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1934, 14: 879-81.—Fiori, P. Pohpo gastrico a sede digiunale. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 52: 103-8— Washburn, W. W. Multiple polyps of jejunum; with intussusception; report of case. California West. M., 1929, 30: 260.—Wybert, A., & Lascano Gonzalez. J. C. Oclu- si6n yeyunal por polipos. Arch, argent, enferm. ap. digest., 1936-37, 12: 422-32. JEJUNUM 041 JEJUNUM ---- Radiology. Den, O. [X-ray observations of jejunal disease] Vest. rentg., 1927, 5: 289-94. pl.—Milani, E. La radiologia normale del tenue (digiuno-ileo) Arch, radiol., Nap., 1926, 2: 3-49.— Ritvo, M. Roentgen diagnosis of lesions of the jejunum and ileum. Am. J. Roentg., 1930, 23: 160-9. ---- Sarcoma. Brink, J. R.. & Laing, G. H. Leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1933, 14: 103-5.—Cattell, R. B., & Woodbridge, P. D. Leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum: postoperative renal suppression treated bv paravertebral nerve block. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1931, 11: 303-70.—Federighi, G. Su di un caso di sarcoma perforato del digiuno. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 52: 48-54.—Feyrter, F. Perforation eines Myosar- koma jejuni in den Darm und in die Bauchhohle. Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 1041.—Goldsmith, R. Leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum. Ann. Surg., 1936, 104: 148-51.—Jones, W. C. Dowlen, L. W., & Rand, F. H. Amelanotic melanosarcoma of the jejunum; report of a case. Pull. Jackson Mem. Hosp., Miami, 1942, 4: 34-6.—Leriche. R., & Brun, M. Fibrosar- come calcific du jejunum; ablation. Lyon chir., 1934, 31: 479.—Magnusson. R. Sarcoma of the small intestine; in connection with a case of haemangiosarcoma of the jejunum. Acta chir. scand., 1933-34, 73: 576-90.—Matubara. I. Ueber einen Fall von Fibrosarkom des Jejunums. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 20-3.—Tiprez. J., Driessens, J.. & Omez, Y. Sarcome du jejunum. Bull. Ass. fr. cancer, 1939, 28: 473-9.—Villar, J. Sarcome de la premiere anse grgle; extirpation; guerison. Bordeaux chir., 1935, 6: 359. ---- Secretion. Brendt, A. L., & Ravdin, I. S. The effect of histamine on jejunal secretion. Am. J. Physiol., 1934, 109: 587-91.— Bourns, T. L., Nasset, E. S., & Hettig. R. A. On the adaptive secretion of the glands of rhe jejunum. Ibid., 1936, 116: 563-73.—McGee. J. C, & Hastings, A. B. The carbon dioxide tension and acid base balance of jejunal secretions in man. J. Biol. Chem., 1942, 142: 893-904. ---- Stenosis and spasm. Beloux, J. Stenose vraisemblablement spasmodique du jejunum. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1937, 27: 740-5.-— Briicke. H. von. Ueber ischamische Darmstenose. Arch. klin. Chir., 1935, 182: 95-106.—Cade, A., & Levrat, M. La symptomatologie pylorique dan« les stenoses hautes du jejunum. J. med. Lyon, 1929, 10: 509-13.—Iparraguirre, C, & Gonzalez Bosch. R. Las estenosis altas del yeyuno. Dfa med., B. Air., 1930-31, 3: 702-4.—Landau, A., & Glass, J. [Clinical investi- gations of stenosis of the upper portion of the intestinal tract; abscess of the juxtapylorus with grave secondary anemia and acidosis] In Prace klin. Oddz. chor. wewn. Szpit. Wolski, Warsz., 1932, 442-50.—Landau, A., & Goldman, M. [Mecha- nism in the origin of hypochloremic azotemia in stenosis of the upper portion of the intestinal tract] Ibid., 953-5.—Mallet- Guy. Stenose haute de l'intestin grele. Lyon med., 1928, 142: 247-50.—Perry, A. C. Two cases of stricture of the jejunum. Lancet, Lond., 1927, 1: 226-8.—Scherer. E. Hyper- chrome Anamie und Diinndarmstriktur. Klin. Wschr., 1930, 9: 790.—Wright, J. G. Str'cture of the jejunum in a puony; bowel resection; end to end anastomosis. Vet. J., Lond., 1936, 92: 259-61. 2 pl. ---- Surgery. See also Gastrojejunostomy; Jejunostomy. Adams, J. The surgery of the jejunum. Brit. M. J., 1926, 1: 646-8. Also Brit. J. Surg., 1926-27, 14: 343-58 — Gallagher, W. J. Effects of injections of acid and trauma on jejunal transplants to the stomach. Arch. Surg., 1928, 17: 279-88.—Lahey, F. H. A new plan for antecolic duodeno- jejunal anastomosis. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 70: 689-91 — Pierce, H. B., Nasset, E. S., & Murlin, J. R. Enzyme produc- tion in a transplanted loop of the upper jejunum. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 108: 239-50.—Stefko, P., Andrus, W. DeW., & Lord, J. W., jr. The effects of jejunal transplants on gastric acidity. Science, 1942, 96: 208. —Takats, G., & Mann, F. C. The effect of the jejunal mucosa of transplantation to the lesser curvature of the stomach. Ann. Surg., 1927, 85: 698-703.—Totten, H. P. Simplified aseptic gastrojejunal anastomosis using the Rankin clamp. Am. J. Surg., 1943, 60: 227-30. Tumor. See also other subheadings (Angioma; Cancer, etc ) Cames O & Cid, J. M. Neuroblastoma del yeyuno. Prensa m'ed. argent., 1933-34, 20: 1485-90.—Johnson, J. A. Tumors of the jejunum. Minnesota M., 1937. 20: 621-4; 697-702—Ochsner. A., & Mahorner, H. R. The treatment nl tnmnrs of the jejunum and ileum. In Treat. Cancer (Pack *Ston)K Y -. 1940,2: 1280-306.-Saphir, O. Metastatic melLnoma of the jejunum; report of a case. Arch. Path., n^r 1^97 4- 22-5.—Sullivan, T. F. X.. & Corcoran, W. L. Myxofibroma 'of the jejunum. N. York State J. M., 1942, 42: 149. 320157__VOL. 8, 4th series-----41 Ulcer. See also Peptic ulcer. Caby, F. H. M. *L'ulcere simple du jejuno- ileon. 151p. 8? Par., 1937. Trosch, G. *Ulcusbehandlung durch die Verweiljejunalsonde. 23p. 21cm. Miinch., 1937. Alecha, J. M., & Jaroslavsky, L. Sobre un caso de peri- tonitis generalizada por perforacion de una ulcera de yeyuno. Arch. Hosp. israel., B. Air., 1937, 1: 75-7.—Andrews, E. Jejunal ulcer. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1933, 13: 1201-12.— Ashcroft, A. T. Two cases of perforated jejunal ulcer. Brit. M. J., 1926, 1: 528.—Balfour, D. C. The occurrence and management of gastrojejunal ulcer. Ann. Surg., 1926, 84: 271-80.------P.eeon.-tractive operations for jejunal ulcer. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1931, 49: 75-8. Also Ann. Surg., 1931, 94: 489-92.------Jejunal ulcer. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1935, 47: 247-59. Also Am. J. Surg., 1935, 28: 439-51.—Barber, W. H. Ulcer of the jejunum. Ann. Surg., 1926, 84: 621-3.— Benedetti-Valentini, F. Considerazioni sopra un caso di ulcera callosa; e terebrante del digiuno. Policlinico, 1940, 47: sez. prat., 443-5C.—Benedict, E. B. Jejunal ulcer; an analysis of 36 cases and study of the literature. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 56: 807-19.—Berry, L. H., & Dailey, U. G. Primary ulcer of the jejunum. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1940, 7: 63-5.—Buckstein, J. The niche in the diagnosis of jejunal ulcer. Am. J. Roentg., 1932, 27: 59-64.------Roentgenologic evidence of healing of jejunal ulcer. Ibid., 1934, 32: 487-92.------Primarv ulcer of the jejunum. Radiology, 1939, 33: 299-304.—Bufalini, M. Ulcera tubercolare alta del digiuno simulante ulcera duo- denale. Riforma med., 1926, 42: 138.—Casanova Seco, A. Ulceras yeyunales y gastroyeyunales. Progr. clfn., Madr., 1927, 35: 363; 410.—Christmann, F. E. Ulcera perforante por distension de intestino delgado. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1929, 13: 5-17.—Coletti, D. A. Uleera primitiva perforata del di- giuno. Policlinico, 1936, 43: sez. chir., 243-51 .—Collin, E. N., & Ward, G. J. Current trends in the treatment of jejunal ulcer. Cleveland Clin. Q., 1942, 9: 159-64.—Connell. F. G. Jejunal ulcer. Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1932, 42: 147-64. Also West. J. Surg., 1933, 41: 197-204.—Davies, R. P. P. Prognosis in jejunal ulcer. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 2: 678.—Desjacques, Dor & Doucet-Bon. Ulcere perfore du jejunum. Lyon chir., 1935, 32: 215-7.—Dowdle, E. Multiple, primary nonspecific jejunal ulcers, with chronic duodenal dilatation. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 348-54.—Ebeling, W. W. Primary jejunal ulcer. Ibid., 1933, 97: 857-74.—Estes, W. L., jr. Advanced gastro- jejunal ulcer. Ibid., 1932, 96: 250-7.—Fauley, G. B., & Ivy, A. C. Experimental jejunal ulcer. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1929-30, 27: 182. ------ The factor of spasm in the etiology of jejunal ulcer. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937-38, 4: 160.—Gallagher, W. J., & Palmer, W. L. Experimental jejunal ulcer: relative importance of mechanical and chemical factors. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 30: 468-73 — Gatch. W. D., Smith, L. A., & Moser, R. H. The control of jejunal ulcer by deep Roentgen therapy, with case report. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. (1927) 1928, 37: 143-56—Gelpf, W. R. Ulcera simple primaria del jejunum y perforaci6n de jejunum. Gac. hosp., Ponce, 1939, 3: 139.—Gibbon, W. H. Gastro- jejunal ulcer. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1936, 26: 84-6.—Graham, R. R., & Lewis, F. I. Jejunal ulcer. J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 104: 386-90.—Hall, D. P. Perforation of a primary jejunal ulcer. South. Surgeon, 1936, 5: 309-11.—Hampson, A. C. Jejunal ulcer associated with testicular pain. Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 640.—Harris, J. H. Primary jejunal ulcer; a case report. Radiology, 1936, 26: 497.—Hinton. J. W. Marginal or je- junal ulcers. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1931, 11: 697-705 — Hofhauser, J. Ueber Ulcus simplex des Dunndarms auf Grund von zwei operativ geheilten Fallen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1928, 153: 46-52.—Hurst, A. F., & Stewart, M. J. Jejunal and eastro-jejunal ulcers. Lancet, Lond., 1928, 2: 742; 805.— Jenkins, H. P.. & Palmer, W. L. Studies on experimental jejunal uleer. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 28: 935 — .loll, C. Gastro-jejunal ulcer. Tr. M. Soc. London, 1938, 61: 67.—Jordan, F. M. Clinical aspects of gastrojejunal ulcer. Am. J. Surg., 1930, 31: 83-6.—Jordan, S. M. Observations on gastrojejunal ulcer. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1931, 11: 287-90.—Judd, E. S.. & Hoerner, M. T. Jejunal ulcer. Ann. Surg., 1935, 102: 1003-18.—Karpati, O. [New method for the treatment of jejunal ulcers] Gyogyfezat, 1935, 75: 651-3. ------Neues Resektionsverfahren zur operativen Behandlung der Jejunalgeschwure. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 678-83.—Kelly, R. E. Jejunal ulcer and gastrocolic fistula. In Mod. Treat. Yearb 1940, 5-8.—Kostlivy, S. I Post-operative treatment of jejunal'ulcer] Cas. iek. cesk., 1933, 72: 1461-4.—Lahey, F. H. Gastrojejunal and jejunal ulcer. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1928, g. 45_g------. & Jordan, S. M. Gastrojejunal ulcers and gastrojejunocolic fistulae. Ann. Surg., 1928, 87: 231-44.— Lamson, O. F. Jejunal ulcer. Surg. Chn. N. America, 1927, 7: 1269-73.------Gastrojejunal ulcer. Ibid., 1933, 13: 95-9.—Lastra, J. S. Ulcera simple, estenosante del yeyuno que simula un cancer del colon transverso. Bol. Liga cancer, Habana, 1937, Ed. ciep., 12: 355-64— Lobingier, A. S. Per- forating: jejunal ulcer with spontaneous jejunocolic fistula; report of a case. West. J. Surg., 1935, 43: 305-12.—Lord, J. W., jr, Andrus, W. D., & Stefko, P. Effects of jejunal trans- plants on experimental production of peptic ulcers. Arch. Surg., 1943, 46: 459-64.—MacGuire, D. P. Gastrojejunal or JEJUNUM 64- JEJUNUM marginal ulcer. X. Y'ork State J. M., 1935, 35: 161-4 — Maier, H. C, & Grossman, A. Relation of duodenal regurgita- tion to the development of jejunal ulcers. Surgery, 1937, 2: 205-74.—Mangione, G. Sull'ulcera semplice primitiva del digiuno. Arch. ital. chir.. 1938, 52: 764-80.—Moore, A. B., & Marquis, W. J. The Roentgenologic diagnosis of gastrojejunal ulcer. Am. J. Roentg.. 1925, n. ser., 14: 432-5.—Morrin, F. J. Spontaneous peifoiation of primary jejunal ulcers. Irish J. M. Sc, 1931, ser. Ii, 19S- 213.—Mullen, B. P. Gastrojejunal ulcer. Northwest M., 19 12, 41: 118.—Nagel, G. W. Simple inflamma- tory ulceration and stricture of the jejunum; report of a case successfully treated by operation. West. J. Surg., 1933, 41: 159-62.—Owings, J. C, & Smith, I. H. Experimental produc- tion and cure of jejunal ulcers. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol.. N. Y., 1932, 29: 832.—Paus, N. [Two perforating ulcers, one occurring in an old man, the other an ulcer of the jejunum] Norsk. mag. laegevid., 1921, 32: 318-20.—Pfeifer. D. B.. & Kent, E. M. Jejunal ulcer. In Oper. Surg. (Bancroft. F. W.) N. Y., 1941, 647-55.—Polya, J. [Perforated jejunal ulcers] Gy6- gyaszat, 1933, 73: 223—Puhl, H. Primares Jejunalgeschwiir mit heteiotoper I-'undnsschleimhaut i zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage del klinischen Bedeutung akzessoiischer Pankreasanlagen) Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933, 239: 924-40.— Ravdin, I. S. Primary ulcer of the jejunum. Ann. Surg., 1927. 85: 873-8.—Robinson, D. R., & Wise, W. D. Simple non-specific ulcer of the jejuno- ileum. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1940, 70: 1097-9—R0mcke, O. [Enteritis ulcerosa jejuni] Med. rev., Bergen, 1927, 44: 26-9.—Rowlands, R. P. Gastro-jejunal ulcer. Brit. M. J., 1928, 1: 433-6.—Scarlett, E. P., & Macnab, D. S. An unusual sequence of events in a gastiojejunal ulcer. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1937, 37: 366— Schiffrin, M. J. Production of experimental jejunal ulcer. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 592-4.— Singer. H. A., & Meyer, K. A. Perforation of jejunal ulcer into ihe fiee abdominal cavity. Arch. Surg., 1934, 29: 248- 113- Smith, B. C. Primary perforated jejunal ulcer. Ann. Surg., 1935, 101: 1225-49.------cc Barber, W. H. Primary jejunal ulcer. Ibid., 1110.—Smyth, M. J. Castro-jejuna] ulcer. Iiish J. M. Sc, 1931, ser. 0, 553-63— Snyder, J. W. Jejunal ulcer. Bull. Jackson Mem. Hosp., Miami, 1940, 2: 37-44.—Steinberg, M. E. A proximal Y anastomosis for the treatment of jejunal ulcers. West. J. Swig., 1941, 49: 301-3. ------ 2eller, W. K., & Lockitch, R. J. The factor of spasm in the etiology of experimental ulcer of the jejunum. Ibid., 1936, 44: 434-6.—Sternberg, W. Jejunalulcus-Genese und -Prophylaxe (neue Gesichtspunkte aus der Stromungsphysik) Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 272-4.—Trevor, D. Some clinical features of perforated jejunal ulcers. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 673.— Vicente & Soldevilla, J. M. Dos casos de ulcera gastroyevunal. Med. ibera, 1923, 17: 201-4— Walton, A. J. Gastrojejunal ulceration. Brit, J. Surg., 1934, 22: 33-55.—Weber, F. P., & Huber, H. Megalocytic anemia in a case of jejunal ulcer with fatal perforation. Acta med. scand., 1940, 104: 543-9.— Wilhelmj, C. M., O'Brien, F. T. [et al.] The role of the duo- denal secretions in the prevention of exi erimental jejunal ulcer. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 117: 79-85.—Wilkie, I). P. D. Jejunal ulcer; some observations on its complications and their treat- ment. Ann. Surg., 1934, 99: 401-9.—Wilkinson. B. W. Free perforation of jejunal ulcer. Am. J. Surg., 1935, 29: 120.— Williams, L. W. Ruptured primary jejunal ulcer. J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1941, 30: 21.—Wood, G. A., & Liston, E. Ulcer of the jejunum; acute perforation. California West. M., 1940, 53: 130.—Wright, G. Gastro-jejunal ulceration. Canad. J. M. & S., 1928, 63: 8-18.—Zemp, F. E. Primary jejunal ulcer; report of a case with rupture and recovery. Ann. Int. M., 1939-40, 13: 188-90. Also South. M. J., 1940, 33: 803-9. ---- Ulcer, peptic. See also subheading Fistula; also Peptic ulcer. Bllm, G. *Ueber die zeitliche Entstehung des Ulcus pepticum jejuni. 41p. 22^cm. Berl., 1936. Goger, R. *Das Ulcus pepticum jejuni und seine chirurgische Behandlung. 48p. 23cm. Berl., 1936. Riou, P. J. *La perforation en peritoine libre des ulceres peptiques jejunaux et gastro-jejunaux. lllp. 8? Par., 1937. Akagi, S. Experimental studies on pathogenesis of peptic ulcer of the jejunum. Verh. Jap. chir. Ges., 1935, 36: 34.— Alves de Lima, J., & Correa Netto, A. Llcera peptica do jejuno. Ann. Fac med. S. Paulo, 1930, 5: 371-6—Amouroux. Ulcere peptique du jejunum; fistule gastro-j6juno-colique. Lyon m6d., 1928, 142: 332.—Bauer, K H. Weitere Erfahrungen mit dem Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Zbl. Chir., 1937. 64: 1779- 81.—Berezov, E. L., & Rybinsky. A. D. [Peptic ulcer of the small intestine] Nov. khir. arkh., 1930, 36: 457-71.—Borch- Johnsen, E. Ein Fall von Ulcus pepticum jejuni duplex. Acta chir. Maud., 1935, 76: 431-3.—Brahme, L. Ueber eine Modifikation der bisherigen Behandlung von Ulcus pepticum sowie uber vier geheilte Falle von Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1936-37, 179: 581-9.—Capua, A. L'immagine ad anello nell'ulcera peptica del digiuno. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1934, 15: 892-7.—Chaoul, H., & Adam, A. Zur Rontgendiagnose des Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Med. Welt 1931, 5: 1017; 1199.—Corsellas, M. F. Ulcera peptica del vevuno; su diagn6stico radiol6gico. Prensa med. argent., "1936, 23: 64-70.—Decker, P. Contribution k I'etude de l'uleere ' jejunal peptique. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1930, 60: 775 S. - Finsterer. H. Ulcus pepticum jejuni recidivum. Wien. klin. Wsclu., 1928. 41: 932. Fischer. A. [Peptic ulcer of the je- junum] (;y<'.g> liszat, 1932. 72: 399 74. Also Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 799 7.—Fromme, A. Leber primare Resektion des in die freie Bauchhohle geplatzten Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1929, 147: 111-5.—Haberer, H. Zur Frage des Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 140: 395-418. ------ Ulcus jejuni perforatum, Uchernahung, keine Aushei- lung, Radikaloperation. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2036-8 — Harttung. Ulcus jejuni pepticum. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 165: 81-9.—Heinatz, S. W. Ueber das nichtoporative Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 534. Hillemand, P. A propos des ulceres peptiques du jejunum. Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1935, 25: 715 9.- Hinterstoisser, H. Leber Ileus pepticum jejuni. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928 29, 145: 594-8.—Hug, O. l'eptische Erosionen im Jejunum. Viichmvs Arch., 1939, 304: 190-202.—Just, E. Zur Frage des frei in die Bauchhohle perforierten Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1929, 42: 500-2.—Kaufmann, B. Zur Behandlung des Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Ibid., 1935, 48: 1426.—Kelling, G. Zur vereinfachten Operation des peptischen Jejunalgeschwiirs. Arch. klin. Chir., 1928, 153: 594-9.—Koch, E. Zur Frage der chirurgischen Behandlung des Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 58: 2753-5.—Koch, J. Erfahrungen mit der palliativen Resektion beim Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Ibid., 1927, 54: 711-4.— Krecke, A. Ulcus jejuni pepticum. In his Beitr. prakt. Chir., Miinch., 1934. 227-9— Kreuter, E. Ulcus pepticum jejuni und palliative Magonrosektion. Zbl. Chir., 1927, 54: 1504.—Lefrancois. C. A: Jutras, A. L'uleere peptique gastro-jejunal. J. Hotel Dieu Montreal, 1940, 9: 27-42.— Mary & Fruchaud, H. Remarques sur un cas d'ulcere peptique du jejunum. Arch. med. Angers, 1938, 42: 176-9 [Discussion] 201.—Monasevich, A. U. [Peptic ulcer of the small intestine] Vest, khir., 1928, 13: No. 39, 97-101.—Opokin, A. A. [Gastro- enteroanastomosis in peptic ulcers of the small intestine or anastomosis] Nov. khir. arkh., 1938, 41: 50-60.—Oschinsky, B. Zur Genese und Prognose von Ulcus pepticum jejuni und Fistula gastrocolica. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 122-5—Petra- shevskaia, G. F. [Peptic ulcer of jejunum] Vest, khir., 1926, 5: pt 15, 150-64.—Polacco. E. Intervento radicale anche nell'ulcera peptica digiunale perforata in peritoneo libero. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 53: 904-10.—Porzelt, W. Das perforierte Ulcus pepticum jejuni im Gefolge des Zwolfhngerdarmge- schwiirsdurchbruchs. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 1740-2.—Schlanger, P. M., & Schlanger, E. W. Ulcera peptica del yeyuno; su estudio radiogrdfico. Prensa m.ed. argent., 1930-31, 17: 457-63.—Schwarz, F. Die Behandlung der freien Perforation des Magen- und Zwolffingerdarmgeschwiires und des Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928-29, 145: 212-28 — Sladky, F (Case of peptic ulcers of the jejunum] Cas. iek. cesk., 1927, 66: 13(15-12.—Spath, F. Ueber das in die freie Bauchhohle perforieite Ulcus pepticum jejuni. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 205: 113-9.—Steden, E. Ueber Ulcus pepticum jejuni mit Perforation in die freie Bauchhohle. Ibid., 1931, 230: 404-7.—Viannay, C. Quatre cas d'ulc^re peptique du jejunum. Loire med., 1932, 46: 393-414.—Wu, P. P. T. Re- actions of contents of jejunum and experimental production of peptic ulcer. Arch. Surg., 1935, 30: 557-62.—Zanelti, S. II valore dell'indagine radiologica nella diagnosi dell'ulcera peptica digiunale. Clinica, Bologna, 1935, 1: 383-96. ---- Ulcer, postoperative. See also Gastrectomy, Sequelae: Peptic ulcer; Gastroenterostomy, Sequelae: Fistula and peptic ulcer. Jouck, H. *Degastroenterostomie und Exci- sion des Ulcus pepticum jejuni nach Gastro- enterostomie. 46p. 8? Bonn, 1933. Keuck, E. *Zur klinischen Diagnose des Ulcus pepticum jejuni postoperativum [Rostock] 15p. 8? Gutersloh, 1935. Kuntzmann, J. U. *Contribution a I'etude de l'uleere jejunal post-operatoire. 50p. 8° Strasb., 1935. Moldauer, J. *Haufigkeit und Ursachen des Ulcus pepticum jejuni nach Palliativresektionen. 32p. 8? Berl., 1933. Sian, J. *Formes h^morragiques de l'uleere peptique post-operatoire gastro-jejunal. 38p. 8°. Lyon, 1935. Abbati, P. L'ulcera peptica digiunale postoperativa neH'indagine radiologica contiibuto personale) Radiol, med., Milano, 1927, 14: 575-83- Auati. I). Su di un caso di ulcera gastro-digiunale p. o.; cura medica; guarigione clinicaeradio- logica. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1931, 7: 509-24.—Alessandri, R. Post-operative jejunal ulcer; pathogenesis; prevention; and treatment. Long Island M. J., 1927, 21: 71-5. ------ L'ulcera peptica digiunale post-operatoria dopo estese resezioni gastnche ampie. Arch. ital. derm., 1936, 44: 702-4.—Allen, N. M. Postoperative jejunal ulcers. Am. J. Surg., 1928. JEJUNUM 643 JEJUNUM n. ser., 5: 128-33.—Amorosi, O. Sulla patogenesi dell'ulcera digiunale postoperatoria. Ann. ital. chir., 1933, 12: 553-76.— Andreoiu, C. Ulcere peptique anastomotique. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1940, 43: 248-52—Bachrach, W. H. Studies on the etiology of postoperative jejunal ulcer. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwest. Univ., 1939, 7: 201-7.—Baggio, G. L'in- fluenza che sulla produzione dell'ulcera digiunale viene eser- citata dalla deviazione del contenuto gastrico. Arch. ital. chir., 1924, 10: 339-54. ------■ Per quali cause dobbiamo intendere che si formi un'ulcera digiunale post-operatoria? Policlinico, 1925, 32: sez. chir., 1-30, 4 pl. ------ Per l'idea della frequenza dell'ulcera digiunale post-operatoria e per il concetto della sua patogenesi e della sua cura. Ibid., sez. prat., 703-6.—Bloch, J. C, & Caroli. Ulcere post-operatoire deve- loppe sur une anastomose de Delbet (gastro-pyloro-duodeno- jejunostomie) Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1937, 27: 559- 64.—Blond, K. Ein weiterer Beitrag 7,ur Genese der post- operativen Jejunalgeschwiire. Arch. klin. Chir., 1927, 144: 245-65.—Borger, H. Die ortlichen Ursachen der postopera- tiven Jejunalgeschwiirsentstehung. Zbl. Chir., 1942, 69: 1528-32.—Bromley, L. A case of gastro-jejunal ulcer following immediately after gastrojejunostomy. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1930, 80: 227-9.—Budisavljevic, J. Das postoperative Jejunalulkus und seine Behandlung. In Bain. & Balneother Karlsbad (1930) 1931, 12: 211-26.—Cantero, A., & Jutras, A. L'histidine dans le traitement des ulceres gastriques duodenali x et post-operatoires jejunaux. Union med. Canada, 1937, 66: 151-9.—Clavel, C. Formes hemorrasiques de l'uleere peptique post-operatoire gastro-jejunal. Rev. chir., Par., 1933, 71: 207-14.—Demole, M., & Sarasin, R. Ulcus peptique jejunal traite avec sueces par l'association d'histidine et de vitamine C Arch. mal. app. digest., Par., 1938, 28: 1083-8.—Desjacques & Meneault. Perforation en peritoine libre d'un ulcere peptique postoperatoire jejunal. Lyon chir., 1939, 36: 371.—Docimo, L. Tentativi di cura pepsinica dell'ulcera digiunale post-operativa; ricerche sperimentali sui potere antipeptico del siero di sangue Arch. ital. chir., 1932, 31: 367-84.—Dogliotti, A. M. Con- siderazioni a proposito di ulcere digiunali postoperatorie (risposta alle osservazioni critiche del prof. Gussio) Poli- clinico, 1926, 33: sez. chir., 82-6.—Fauley, G. B., Ivy, A. C. [et al.] An attempt to prevent post-operative jejunal ulcer by aluminum hydroxide therapy; an experimental study in Mann-Williamson dogs. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1938-39, 5: 792-5.—Flechtenmacher, C, jr. Ein Beitrag zur Rolle des unresorbierbaren Nahtmaterials in der Genese des Ulcus pepti- cum jejuni postoperativum. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 16-20.— Florcken, H., & Steden, E. Beitrage zur Entstehung und Therapie des Ulcus pept'eum jejuni nach Magenoperationen nach eigenen Erfahrungen und einer Umfra.i, 1281p. 8? Lond., Bailliere, Tindall & Cox. 1929. JELLIFFE, Smith Ely, 1866- Notes on the history of psvchiatrv [Collected reprintsl v. p. 8? S. Louis, 1910-17. ---- Postencephalitic respiratory disorders; review of syndromy, case reports, physiopathol- ogy, psvchopathology and therapy, ii, 135p. 8? X. Y., Nerv. & Ment. Dis. pub. co., 1927. ----Psychopathology of forced movements and the oculogyric crises of lethargic encephalitis. vii, 219p. illust. 8? X. Y., Xerv. & Ment. Dis. pub. co., 1932. ---- The historical background of psychiatry. 36p. 12° X. Y., D. Appleton-Centuryco., 1938. ----Sketches in psychosomatic medicine. v, 155p. illust. diagr. 23J^cm. X". Y., Xerv. & Ment. Dis. pub. co., 1939. Editor of Meagher, J. F. W. A studv of masturbation and the psychosexual life. 3. ed. 149p. 8° Bait,, 1936. Translator of Dubois. P. The psychic treatment of nervous disorders. 466p. 8? N. Y., 1907. [Bibliography] J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1939, 89: 575-89 — Chiabov, A. A group of works of Smith Ely Jelliffe, M. D. Psychoanal. Rev., 1936, 23: 59-67. See also Brill, A. A. Jelliffe, the psychiatrist and psycho- analyst. J. Nerv. Meat. Dis., 1939, 89: 529-36.—Casamajor, L. Jelliffe, the man. Ibid., 543.—Hutchings, R. H. Jelliffe, the bibliomaniac. Ibid., 542.—Jelliffe, S. E. Glimpses of a Freudian Odyssey. Psychoanal. Q., 1933, 2: 318-29 — Merer. A. Introductory words. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1939, 89: 405-8.—Riley, H. A. Jelliffe, the neurologist. Ibid., 536-41. Portrait. In Coll. Pharm. N. York (Wimmer, C. P.) N. Y., 1929, 84. ---- & WHITE, William A. Diseases of the nervous system; a text-book of neurology and psychiatry. 5. ed. 1174p. 13 pl. 8? Phila., Lea & Febiger, 1929. Also 6. cd. 1175p. 1935. JELLINEK, Auguste. See Froschels, E., & Jellinek, A. Practice of voice and speech therapy. 255p. 20,'jcm. Bost., 1941. JELLINEK, Elvin Morton,' 1890- Phys- iological studies in insulin treatment of acute schizophrenia, p.96-110; 278-85. 26cm. [Los Ang.] 1939. Also Endocrinology, 1939, 25: ---- Alcohol addiction and chronic alcohol- ism; ed. by E. M. Jellinek. xxv, 336p. illust. tab. diagr. 24^cm. N. Haven [Res. Counc. Probl. Alchol] 1942. See aLo Haggard, H. W., & Jellinek, E M. Alcohol ex- plored. 297p. 22cm. Garden City, N. Y., 1942. JELLINEK, Erich [M. D., 1938, Basel] *Ueber die Rontgensichtbarkeit der Wurzel- fiillung [Basel] lOp. 5 pl. 23cm. Zagreb, X. Tiskara, 1938. JELLINEK, Stefan, 1871- Der elek- trische Unfall; skizziert fiir Ingenieur und Arzt. 142p. illust. 8? Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1925. ---- Klektroschutz in 132 Bildern. 32p., 132 pl. 8? Wien, Deut. Verl. Jugend & Volk [1931] ----Elektrische Verletzungen; Klinik und Histopathologic viii, 340p. 215 illust. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1932. JELLINGHAUS, Martin, 1913- *Die Knochennaht bei Kieferbruchen. 24p. 23cm. Munch., J. B. Grassi., 1936. JELLISON, William Livingston, 1906- & GOOD, Newell E. Index to the literature of Siphonaptera of X'orth America, iv, 193p. 23cm. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1942. Forms No. 178 of Nat. Inst. Health Bull. Also House Doc. No. 289, 1. Sess., 77. Congr. JELLY. See also Colloid; Gelatin; Jam. Bradford, S. C. The sol-gel transformation and the proper- ties of jellies. In Colloid Chem. ("Alexander, J.) N. Y., 1926, 1: 751-60.—Fantus, B., & Dyniewicz, H. A. Jellies, viscosities of. Bull. Nat. Formulary Com. U. S., 1038-39, 7: 289.—Hanks, J. H., & Weintraub, R. L. Ionic exchange in relation to hydrogen-ion concentration and rigiditv of silicic acid jellies. J. Phvs. Chem., 1937, 41: 583-92.—Liesegang, R. E. Diffusion in jellies. In Colloid Chem. (Alexander, J.) N. Y., 1926, 1: 783-9. JELLYFISH. See Coelenterata. JELSTRUP, Henrick Krenchel, 1858- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 595, JEMERIN, Edward E., 1908- See Neuhof, H., & Jemerin, E. E. Acute infections of the mediastinum. 407p. 23J-2cm. Bait., 1943. JEMINA, Marco Antonio, 1732-94. Bertone, C. Nei bicentenario della nascitil di Marco An- tonio Jemina da Mondovi (1732-94) dei suoi studi sui car- bonchio e dei medici cosidetti autosperimentatori. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1933, 24: 113-20. JEMMA, Rocco, 1866-1934. [Biografia] Pediatria (Riv.) 1934, 42: 686-91, portr. Also Riv. med. social, tuberc, 1934,11: 323-5, portr.—Professor (II) Jemma nei xxx anno d'insegnamento. Ibid., 213-5. Cerza, L. [Necrologio] Athena, Roma, 1935, 4: 586, portr. For portrait, see Bruxelles m6d., 1937-38, 18: No. Spec. 1937, 49. JEN, Chenkuo, 1909- *Ueber die Ver- anderung des Blutbildes bei Asthmatikern nach Bestrahlung der Milz mit Rontgenstrahlen. lOp. 8? Tub., A. Becht, 1935. JEN, Huei-Chia, 1909- *Le cholera a Shanghai dans ces dix dernieres annees (1926-35) 48p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1937. JENAER 645 JENKINS JENAER medizin-historische Beitrage. Hrsg. von Dr. Theod. Meyer-Steineg. H. 1-15. 15 Nos. illust. pl. 24J/2cm. Jena, G. Fischer, 1912-32. CONTENTS H. 1. Chirurgische Instrumente des Altertums. Meyer- Steineg, T. 1912. H. 2. Darstellungen normaler und krankhaft veranderter Korperteile an antiken Weihgaben. Meyer-Steineg, T. 1912. H. 3. Kranken-Anstalten im griechisch-romischen Altertum. Meyer-Steineg, T. 1912. H. 4. Die hygienischen Anschauungen des romischen Archi- tekten Vitruvius. Sollner, A. 1913. H. 5. Zur Geschichte des Ammenwesens im klassischen Altertum. Braams, W. 1913. H. 6. Die Lehre vom Star bei Georg Bartisch (1535-1606) Heinrich, C. 1916. H. 7.-8. Das medizinische System der Methodiker. Meyer- Steineg, T. 1916. H. 9. Die geburtshilflichen Operationen und zugehorigen Instrumente des klassischen Altertums. Buchheim, E. 1916. H. 10. Die Verwundetenfiirsorge in den Heldenliedern des Mittelalters. Haberling, W. 1917. H. 11. Die Funktion der Pulsadern und der Kreislauf des Blutes in altrabbinischer Literatur. Mendelsohn, S. 1920. H. 12. Korperkultur im Altertum. Jiithner, J. 1928. H. 13. Padiatrie in Hellas und Rom. Ghinopoulo, S. 1930. H. 14. Virchow und die Grundlagen der Medizin des xix. Jahrhunderts. Pagel, W. 1931. H. 15. Die Sinnesempfindungen in Ilias und Odyssee. Korner, O. 1932. JENCIO, Horst, 1903- *Wann werden im Laufe der Pneumothoraxbehandlung chirur- gische Eingriffe erforderlich und welcher Art sind diese? 12 eigene Falie. 24p. 8? [Berlin] L. Schueler, 1927. See also Hartel, F.. & Jencio, H. Anleitung zur Schmerz- betaubung. 106p. 8? Dresd., 1930. JENCKEL, Carla, 1912- Untersuchun- gen iiber den Einfluss der seltenen Erden auf die Blutgerinnung. 19p. 22cm. Hamb., A. Prei- lipper, 1938. JENCKEL, Walter, 1907- *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mikrognathia otocephalica [Got- tingen] 15p. 8? Hamb., H. Christian, 1934. JENDRASSIK, Erno, 1858-1936. Herzog, F. [Reminiscences of Erno Jendrassik] Orv. hetil., 1936, 80: 955-8.—Zsako, I. [Memory of Erno Jendras- sik] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1936, 34: 605. JENDRASSIK maneuver. JENKINS, Hilger Perry, 1902- A terminol- ogy of operations of the University of Chicago clinics, xx, 98p. 8? Chic, Univ. Chicago [1935] & For portrait see Wisconsin M. J., 1942, 41: 695; 800. JENKINS, John, 1869-1931. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1931, 1: 119. JENKINS, Marion, 1897- *The effect of segregation on the sex behavior of the white rat as measured by the obstruction method [Columbia Univ.] p.457-571. 8? Worcester, 1928. Also Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1928, 3: JENKINS, Stephen Rice, 1858-1929. For obituary see Canad. M. Ass. J., 1929, 21: 620, portr. JENKINS, Thomas Nichols, 1892- See Warden, C. J., Jenkins, T. N., & Warner, L. H. Com- parative psychology. 2v. 8? N. Y. [1935] JENKINS, W. R. Editor of Blake, E. H. Drainage & sanitation. 5. ed. 563p. 8? Lond. L1936] JENKS, Albert Ernest, 1869- For portrait see Collection in Library. JENKS, William J., 1822-1904. For biography see First Century (Philadelphia Coll. Pharm.) Phila., 1922, 364, portr. JENNEN, Friedrich, 1906- *Die ver- breiterte Anfangesschwankung im Elektrokardio- gramm; ihre Bedeutung, Genese und Prognose fiir die Klinik der Schenkel- und Astblockierung. 45p. 21i/2cm. Koln, J. Borowsky, 1936. JENNER, Andrew J. B. Essentials of a healthy home and wholesome food for everybody, especially for the working classes, xv, 120p. 12? Detr., J. B. Eby & co., 1886. ----Long life and how to attain it. viii, 176p. 12? Detr., J. F. Ebv & co., 1886. JENNER, Bernd, 1907- *Endergebnisse nach Henle-Albee'scher Operation [Gottingen] 39p. 8? Quakenbriick, R. Kleinert, 1934. JENNER, Edward, 1749-1823. The note-book of Edward Jenner, in the possession of the Royal College of Physicians of London; with an introduction on Jenner's work as a naturalist, by F. Dawtrey Drewitt. vi, 49p. portr. 8? Lond., Oxford Univ. pr., 1931. See also Bertarelli, E. Edoardo Jenner e la scoperta della vaccinazione. 167p. 8? Milano, 1932. Also Drewitt, F. G. D. The life of Edward Jenner, naturalist, and discoverer of vaccination. 127p. 8? Lond., 1931. Also 2. ed. 151p. 8° N. Y., 1933. Also Hallock, G. T., & Turner, C. E. Edward Jenner. 24p. 8? N. Y., Metropolitan Life Ins. co., 1926. See also Address presented to Dr Edward Jenner by the Presidents and Members of the Physical Society of Guy's Hos- pital, Feb. 25, 1802 [Reproduction printed in Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond. 1923, Suppl.] See Collection in Library.—Baxter, W. S. The life and works of Edward Jenner. S. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1929-30, 37: 26-32.—Biografia. Diar. gen. cienc. meU, Barcel., 1832, 7: 25-31.—Biography. Cat. Portr. R. Coll. Surgeons, Lond., 1930, 39. Also Clin. M. & S., 1931, 38: 617-9. Also Bull. Am. Soc. Clin. Lab. Techn., 1935, 1: 163, portr.—Browne, B. Biography. Med. Press & Circ, Dub., 1934, 188: 206-9. Also in Brit. Masters of Med. (Power, D'A.) Bait., 1936, 64-70, portr.—Diploma presented to Dr Edward Jenner by the Physical Society of Guy's Hospital, Feb. 20, 1902 [Reproduction printed in Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1923, Suppl.] See Collection in Library.—Greenwood. Biographie. Biol. mid., Par., 1939, 29: 374-411, portr.— Hale-White, W. Edward Jenner. In his Great Doctors, Lond., 1935, 1-21.—Robinson, V. Edward Jenner. Med. Life, 1928, 35: 597-618, 2 portr.—Wallace, J. M. Biograpbv. Brooklyn Hosp. J., 1941, 3: 233-6, portr.—Warren, C. V. Edward Jenner. Clifton M. Bull., 1927-28, 13: 55-61. Also Barbillon. Edouard Jenner (1749-1823) et la vaccine. In his Etude crit. hist. mid., Par., 1930, 201-9.—Blackall, P. Jenner's life and work. Med. J. Australia, 1929, 2: 437-9 — Crummer, Le R. Copy of Jenner note book. Ann. Med. Hist., 1929, n. ser., 403-28.—Darmstaedter, L. Ein Brief von Edward Jenner vom 12. VIII. 1805; als Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kuhpockenimpfung. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1350.—Edward Jenner; a great pioneer physician who conquered the scourge of smallpox. Hygeia, Chic, 1936, 14: 37, portr.—Hellman, C. D. Unpublished diary of Edward Jenner (1810-12) Ann. Med. Hist., 1931, n. ser., 3: 412-38 — Jenner and Napoleon. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 349.—Keil, H. See under Patella. JENDT, Suzy [M. D., 1939, Geneve] *De I'agranulocytose; considerations a propos de deux observations. 36p. 23cm. Geneve, J. Guerry, 1939. JENKE, Martin [M. D., 1931, Freiburg] *Ueber den Stoffwechsel der Gallensauren [Freiburg] 44p. 8? Berl., F. C. W. Vogel, 1931. JENKEL [Alma] Helene, 1906- *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Haematom-Blasen- mole (Breussche Mole) auf Grund der Unter- suchung zweier Falle. 20p. 2 pl. 21^cm. Heidelb., A. Lippl, 1936. JENKINS, George Bain, 1874- A manual of dissection. 298p. 8? Phila., Lea & Febiger, 1932 JENKINS, George J., -1939. For obituary see J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1939, 54: 440. JENKINS, Glenn Llewellyn, 1898- & DuMEZ, Andrew Grover. Quantitative phar- maceutical chemistry, containing theory and practice of quantitative analysis applied to pharmacy, xxiii, 408p. 8? N. Y., McGraw- Hill book co., 1931. Also xxv, 466p. illust. tab. diagr. 1937. JENKINS, Glenn Llewellyn, & HARTUNG, Walter Henry. The chemistry of organic medicinal products xii 457p tab. diagr. 24cm S. Louis, J. S. Swift co., 1941. JENNER 646 JENNINGS A note on Edward Jenner's lost manuscript on Rheumatism of the Heart. Bull. Hist. M.. 1939, 7: 409-11.— Lustig, A. Edoardo Jenner descrilto da Ernesto Bertarelli. Terapia, Milano, . 1932, 22: 338-42.—Nixon, J. A. British prisoners released by Napoleon a1 Jenner's request. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1938-39, 32: Sect. Hist. Med., 877-83.- Pusey. W. A. A visit to Jenner's home. Hygeia. Chic, 1930. 14: 630.— Rediscovery of Jenner portrait. Lancet, Lond.. 1939, 1: 966, portr.—Riddell, W. R. Dr. Edward Jenner and the Canadian Pirate. Canad. J. M. & S., 1929, 66: 1113-7. Also Med J. & Rec, 1930, 132: 456.—Robinson, V. Jenner and vaccination. In his Pathfinders in Med., N. V., 1912, 193-215, portr — Roddis, L. H. Edward Jenner and the discovery of smallpox vaccination. Mi'. Surgeon, 1929, 65: 645; 844; 1930, 66: 6 — Smith, G. H. Some phvsician friends of Joseph Fariinrton H. A. Yale J. Biol., 1941-42, 14: 307-32.—Spencer, W. G. Eighteen letters written by Edward Jenner to Alexander Marcct between the years 1803-1814, presented to the Library of the Royal Society of Medicine bv Dr William Pasteur. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1926-27, "20: Sect, Hist. Med., 17-20.—Turner, G. G. The home of Edward Jenner; a peep into the past. Univ. Durham. Coll. Med. Gaz., 1926-27, 27: 98-100, portr.—Unpublished (An) letter of Edward Jenner (1809) Isis, Bruges, 1929, 13: 16.—Viets. H. R. Jenner's home at Berkeley. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1929, n. ser. 18: 41-5.-—Wendt, W. One of the world's greatest benefactors. MaiqueUe M. Rev., 1936-37, 1: 37-9.—Wishard, W. N., jr. Edward Jenner; a great experimenter. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1939, 32: 196-200.—Inoculation of vaccine by Jenner [photo- graph of statue by G. Monteverde] See Collection in Library. Also Medicina (Avicenna, pseud.) Tor., 1929, 433. For portrait see Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 4: 143. Also Actas Ciba, Rio, 1942, 9: 348. Also Bull. Hist. M., 1942, 11: 246. See also Comparative (A) statement of facts and observa- tions relative to the cow-pox. 43p. 27K'cm. Lond., 1800. JENNER, Karl, 1902- *Ueber Knochel- bruche mit Heraussprengung eines hinteren Volkmannschen Dreiecks. 24p. 8? Bresl., Buchdr. Schles. Volksztg, 1930. JENNER, Sir William, 1815-98. For portrait see Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 66: No. 4, front. JENNESS, Diamond, 1886- The Ojibwa Indians of Parry Island; their social and religious life. 115p. S? Ottawa, 1935. Forms No. 78, Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada. ---- The Indian background of Canadian history. 46p. 8? Ottawa, 1937. Forms No. 86, Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada. ----The Sekani Indians of British Columbia. 82p. 14 pl. map. 8° Ottawa, 1937. Forms No. 84, Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada. ---- The Scarcee Indians of Alberta, vii, 98p. front. 8? Ottawa, 1938. Forms No. 90, Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada, JENNINGS, Burgess Hill, 1903- & LEWIS, Samuel Richard. Air conditioning; principles and practice. 2. impression. xvi, 467p. illust. tab. diagr. 23cm. Scranton, Internat. textbook co., 1939. JENNINGS, Casper Walker, 1893-1941. For obituary see North Carolina M. J., 1942, 3: 51. JENNINGS, Charles Godwin, 1857-1936. Waldbott, G. L. Obituary. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc, 1936, 36: 13.—Portrait. In Am. Coll. Physicians (Morgan, W. G.)Phila, 1940, 45. JENNINGS, Curtis Herman, 1876-1934. Brown, P. Obituary. Am. J. Roentg., 1935. 33: 244. JENNINGS, Douglas, 1894- Portrait. South. M. & S., 1936, 98: 138. JENNINGS, Edward J. For portrait see J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: opp. p. 925. JENNINGS, Frank Dormer, 1880-1934. Gerdon, C. A. Master surgeons of America. Surg. Gyn Obst., 1938, 67: 258-00, portr. [Obituary] Bull. M. Soc. Co. Kings, 1934, 13: 31, portr. JENNINGS, Frank Lamont, 1889- For portrait see Month. Bull. Bd. Health Indiana, 1942 45: 257. JENNINGS, George H., 1850-1934. Gildersleeve, C. C. Biography. Proc. Connecticut M. Soc. 1934, 142: 300-2. JENNINGS, Hargrave, 1817-90. Rosicrucians; their rites and mysteries. 2v. 8? Lond., J. C. Mmrao, 1887. The same. Die Rosenkreuzor; ihre Gebrauche und Mysterien. Ueborsotzt von A. v. d. Linden. 2v. in 1. vi, 221 p.; iv, 274p. illust. 2312cm. Berl., 11. Barsdorf, 1912. JENNINGS, Helen Hall. Se.e Moreno, J. L., & Jennings, H. H. Who shall survive? 440p. 8? "Wash., D. C, 1934. JENNINGS, Hennen, 1854- The McKay endowment and applied science at Harvard. 38p. 8? [Wash., D. C.(?) privately printed, 1918] JENNINGS, Henry B., 1860-1929. For obituary see Surg. J., 1927-29, 34: 305, portr. JENNINGS, Herbert Spencer, 1868- Prometheus; or, Biology and the advancement of man. vii, 86p. 16? N. Y., E. P. Dutton & co. 11925] ----The biological basis of human nature. xviii, 384p. 8? N. Y., W. W. Norton & co. [1930] ---- Genetic variations in relation to evolu- tion; a critical inquiry into the observed types of inherited variation, in relation to evolutionary changes. 4p.; 138p. illust. diagrs. 8? Prince- ton, N. J., Princeton Univ. pr., 1935. ----Genetics, xi, 373p. illust. diagr. 8? N. Y., W. W. Norton & co. [1935] ----The beginnings of social behavior in unicellular organisms. 17p. 23cm. Phila., Univ. Pennsylvania press, 1941. ---- The laws of heredity and our present knowledge of human genetics on the material side. p.3-73. 22cm. Wash., Catholic Univ. of America press, 1941. In Sc Asp. Race Probl. (Jennings, H. S., et al.) ----Inheritance in protozoa. p.710-71. 23^cm. N. Y., Columbia Univ. press, 1941. In Protozoa in Biol. Res. (Calkins, G. N., et al.) ----BERGER, Charles A. [et al.] Scientific aspects of the race problem, ix, 302p. illust. diagr. 22cm. Wash., Catholic Univ. of America press, 1941. See also Reighard, J. E., & Jennings, H. S. Dissection of the cat. 106p. 8? N. Y. 11932] For portrait see Collection in Library. JENNINGS, Jesse D., 1909- See Setzler, F. M., & Jennings, J. D. Peachtree Mound and Village Site, Cherokee County, North Carolina. 103p. 23J4cm. Wash., 1941. JENNINGS, Philip H. A microfauna from the Monmouth and basal Rancocas groups of Xew Jersey. 76p. 7 pl. 23V->cm. Ithaca, N. Y. [Paleontol. Res. Inst.] 1936. Forms No. 78, v.33, Bull. Am. Paleontol. JENNINGS, W. Ivor. The law of public health, 1936. cxii, 791p. 8? Lond., C. Knight & co., 1936. JENNINGS, William Barry, 1873-1929. Felt, P. R. Obituary. Proc. Connecticut M. Soc, 1929, 137: 226. JENNY, Ernst [M. D., 1930, Basel] *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Varianten der Gaucherschen und Niemann-Pickschen Krankheit [Basel] 32p. 8? Weida i. Thur., Thomas & Hubert, 1930. JENNY, Guy [M. D., 1938, Basel] *Todes- falle durch Somnifen unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der letalen Dosis. 24p. 24cm. Basel, H. Singenberger-Schaub, 1938. JENNY, Hanns [M. D., 1936, Basel] ♦Klini- sche, rontgenologische und histologische Unter- suchung iiber die Einwirkung der Walkhoffschen Jodoformpaste auf das apikale Granulations- gewebe nach Vorbehandlung der Wurzelkanale mit Asphalin (Maillart) [Basel] 27p. 1 tab. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1936. JENNY 647 JENSEN JENNY, Paul Henri Marc, 1906- *Les examens de medecine preventive et la tuber- culose chez les etudiants. 50p. 8? Strasb., Ed. Argentoratum, 1935. JENOCH, Bernhard, 1909- *Die hygieni- sche Bedeutung der Wandbekleidung von Innenraumen [Giessen] 50p. 20H>cm. Bochum- Langendr., H. Poppinghaus, 1937. JENRICH, Franz, 1903- *Ueber die Hau- fung der Toxikosen im Sommer 1928 [Halle- Wittenberg] 31p. 3 ch. 8? [Neuhaldensleben, W. Schwirkus] 1929. JENRICH [Otto Erich] Adolf, 1897- *Zur Genese und Veranderung der Parotistumoren (Parotisendotheliome-Parotisepitheliome) [Got- tingen] 30p. 6 pl. 8? Brilon i. Westf., W. Wevers, 1926. JENS, Kurt, 1912- *Die Haufigkeit der Verletzungen der Kiefer und Zahne im Vergleich zu anderen Verletzungen. 25p. 8? Munch, [n. p.] 1935. JENSCH [Klaus] Nikolaus Karl August, 1913- *Ueber die diagnostischen und therapeutischen Moglichkeiten der Pertubation. 19p. 201/2cm. Bresl., E. Jakubik, 1937. JENSEN, Arne Sigurd. Psychology of child behavior, xxi, 664p. diagr. 21cm. N. Y., Prentice-Hall, 1938. JENSEN, Carl Oluf, 1864-1934. For Festskrift see Acta path, microb. scand., 1934, Suppl. 18, portr. See also Thomsen, O. [A retrospect on ^the occasion of Jensen's seventieth birthday] Acta path, microb. scand., 1934, Suppl. 18, 9-27. Also Bahr, L. [Obituary] Deut. tierarztl. Wschr.. 1934, 42: 161-3. Also Hospitalstidende, 1934, 77: 1005-10.—Jensen, V. [Obituary] Ugeskr. laeger, 1934, 96: 1025.—Murray, J. A. Obituary. Nature, Lond., 1934, 134: 524.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 535. Also Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 555. JENSEN, Christian Andreas Theodor Wilhelm, 1900- *Die Anatomie der chronischen Cervix-Gonorrhoe. 66p. 8? Kiel, Missions- buchh. Breklum, 1932. JENSEN, Claus, -1938. Die intrakutane Kaninchenmethode zur Auswertung von Diph- therietoxin und Antitoxin. 21 lp. 8? Kbh., Levin & Munkgaard, 1933. Forms Suppl. 14, Acta path, microbiol. scand. See also Madsen, T. [Obituary] Ugeskr. laeger, 1938, 100: 125. JENSEN, Deborah MacLurg. Student's hand- book on nursing case studies. 114p. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1929. Also 2. ed. 129p. illust. 8? 1932. ---- Nursing care studies. 3. ed. of Student s handbook on nursing case studies. [Rev. & reset] xvi, 197p. 20^cm. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1940. ---- The principles and practice of ward teaching; a discussion of clinical teaching in nursing. 475p.incl. diagr. form. tab. 22%cm. S. Louis, C. V. Mosby co., 1942. See also Jensen, J., & Jensen, D. M. Clinical nursing in medicine. 808p. 22cm. N. Y., 1941. .___. & JENSEN, Julius. Medical nursing. vii, 267p. 49 illust. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1932 JENSEN, Erich, 1909- *Die Grosse der Erythrocyten bei verschiedenen Krankheiten des Kindesalters. 24p. 8? Marb., H. Bauer, JENSEN, Eyvind Theodor, 1863- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 595. JENSEN, Friedrich, 1899- See Murphy G., & Jensen, b. Approaches to personality. 427p. 8? N. Y., 1932. JENSEN, Hanna Dorothea, Jaeger, 1864- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 596. JENSEN, Hans F., 1896- Insulin; its chemistry and physiology, xii, 252p. 8? N. Y., Oxford Univ. pr., 1938. JENSEN, Hans Friedrich, 1910- *Der Mucingehalt des Kammerwassers und der Glas- korperfliissigkeit; vergleichende Untersuchungen an 60 Rinderaugen. 12p. 2lKcm. Gott., 1935. JENSEN, Hans Peter, 1844-1913. For biography see Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 67, portr. JENSEN, Jens Lauritz Arup, 1858-97. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 596. JENSEN, Jens Olav, 1877- Portrait. In Norges laeger (KobrO, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 597. JENSEN, Johannes Martin Luther, 1906- *Carcinoma of the lip. 22p. 4? Wauwatosa, Wise. [n. p.] 1931. Typewritten. JENSEN, Julius, 1898- The heart in pregnancy. 371p. pl. tab. 8? S. Louis, C..V. Mosby, 1938. See also Jensen, D. M., & Jensen, J. Medical nursing. vii, 267p. 8". New York, 1932. For portrait see Wisconsin M. J., 1942, 41: 692; 797. ----& JENSEN, Deborah MacLurg. Clinical nursing in medicine; with an appendix of diets prepared by Howard A. Rusk and collaborators. xvii, 808p. illust. diagr. form. 22cm. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1941. JENSEN, K. A. [M. D., 1927, K0benhavn] *Unders0gelser over colibacillens normale vaekst- forhold. 96p. tab. diagr. 25>^cm. Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, 1927. JENSEN, Kai, 1901- Differential re- actions to taste and temperature stimuli in newborn infants, p.361-479. 8? Worcester, Clark Univ., 1932. Also Genet. Psychol. Monog., 1932, 12: JENSEN, Kathryn Luella. See Nelson, Kathryn Luella Jensen. JENSEN, Kurt, 1910- *Biologische Leukozytenkurven bei chirurgischen Erkran- kungen [Miinster] 56p. 21cm. Greifswald, E. Hartmann, 1936. JENSEN, Lauritz Thura Thrap, 1841-97. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 597. JENSEN, Lloyd B., 1896- Microbiology of meats, xi, 252p. illust. tab. diagr. col. pl. 23J4cm. Champaign, 111., Garrard pr., 1942. JENSEN, Margarete, 1910- *Ueber die Wirkung phenylsubstituierter Derivate des /3-Phenylathylamins. 6p. 8? Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1933. JENSEN, Oluf, 1909- *Fremdkorper in der Speiserohre. 15p. 8? Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1934. JENSEN, Peter 01bye, 1799-1832. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 589. JENSEN, Robert Percival, 1875-1926. For biography see Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 68: portr. JENSEN, Rudoli, 1909- *Ueber die hohe Lumbalanasthesie mit Percain nach Jones. 24p. 23cm. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. JENSEN, Thomas, 1815-86. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 598. JENSEN, Viggo A. Clinical studies of tributary thrombosis in the central retinal vein. 193p. 7 pl. 8? Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, Forms Suppl. 10, Acta ophth., Kbh. JENSEN, Vilhelm, 1870-1938. Iversen, P. [Obituary] Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: 917, portr. 18 JEQUIRITY JENSEN JENSEN. Walter Steen, 1S94- Outline of neuropsychiatrv. iv, 174p. 26cm. Randolph Field, Tex., School of Aviat. Mori. 1937. JENSENIl S, Vilhelm Bartolin, 1868- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 598. JENSEN-NELSON, Kathryn L. See Nelson, Kathryn Luella Jensen. JENSEN'S tumor. See under Sarcoma. JENSS, Rachel Marie, 1903- , & SOUTH- ER, S. P. Methods of assessing the phvsical fitness of children, v, 121p. 8? Wash., 1940. Forms Pub. No. 263, Child. Bur. U. S. Dep. Labor. JENSSEN, Henrik Steffens Hagerup, 1846- 1907. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 599. JENSSEN, Jens, 1859- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 600. JENSSEN, Sigurd, 1869- Portrait. ln Nnrce- hepr (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 601. JENSSEN, Walter, 1906- *Die spontane Oesophagusruptur [Marburg] 32p. 8? Gros- senhain i. S., H. Plasnick, 1931. JENTGENS Kunstseide und Zellwolle. Berl., v.25, 1943- JENTJENS, Hermann, 1906- *Ein Bei- trag zur Statistik des Lippenkarzinoms an Hand von 75 Fallen. 28p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1933. JENTSCH, Margarete, 1910- *Zur Sero- diagnostik der Gonorrhoe und ihrer klinischen Bedeutung [Berlin] 31p. 23cm. Charlottenb., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1937. JENTZEN, Karl Herman, 1803-71. Portrait. In Portr. Svenska lak. apotek. (Sjoberg, N.) Stockh., 1910, 58. JENTZER, Albert, 1886- Indications operatoires d'urgence dans les lesions trau- matiques fermees recentes du crane et de l'encd- phale. 108p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1935. JENTZSCH [Hermann Ludwig] .Martin, 1909- *Medizinalstatistische Untersuchungen in einer kleinen Landgemeinde (nach den Kirchen- biichern dei- evang. Kirchengemeinde Biederitz bei Magdeburg 1646-1935) 36p. 23cm. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. JENYNSIA. Siccardi, E. M. Algunos hechos relativos a las primeras fases del desarrollo de Jenynsia (Jenyns) Berg. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 194(1, 16: 64-8. ------ La viviparidad de Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns) Berg. Ibid., 69-74. JEPPS, Margaret W. See Fletcher, W., & Jepps, M. W. Dvsentery in the Feder- ated Malay States. 82p. 8? Lond., 1927. JEPSEN, Anton, 1902- *Klinische Un- tersuchungen fiber Thrombozyten. p.680-7. 8? Kiel, 1932. Also Zsehr. klin. Med., 1932, 122: JEPSON, Maud. Biological drawings, with notes. Parts 1 & 2. 2v. diagr. 30cm. Lond., J. Murray [1938] JEPSON, William, 1863- For biography see Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 216. JEQITER, Edouard. Un cas probable de pneumonomycose aspergillaire. 32p. pl. 8? Bonn, H. Schonershoven, 1934. JEQUIER, Michel [M. D., 1934, Basel] *Deux sarcomes au debut de leur evolution; etude sur la pathogenese des tumeurs. 19p. 8? Basel [n. p.] 1934. Also Bull. Ass. fr. cancer, 1934, 23: JEQUIER-DOGE, Marguerite [M. D., 1941, Lausanne] *A propos de la classification des tumeurs cerebrates [Lausanne] 32p. illust. 24cm. Ziir., O. Fiissli, 1941. JEQUIRITY. See Abrus precatorius. JERAMEC, Nicole Rika Genevieve, l.W> *Les cuti-reactions dans l'asthme. 64p. pl. 8? Par., E. Souclnm, 1926. JERAN, Fritz, 1SS5- *Bcitrag zur blutenden Mamma beim Manne. 21p. S? Berl., E. Ebering, 1929. JERCHO, Wladyslaw. Organizacja obrony przeciwlotniezci dom6w mieszkalnych. 2. drug. 92p. 21cm. Warsz., Nakl. Zarz. G16w. L. 0. P. P., 1938. JERCHOW, Adalbert, 1913- *Ein Beitrag zur Erbbiologie der Chorea minor unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Migrane-Momentes. 23 p. 8? Berl., R. Pfau [1938]. JEREMY, Harold Rowe, -1938. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 476. JEREZ Torrejon, Andres. *T6cnica Simonsen en la confecci6n de la corona funda de porcelana jacket crown [Chile] 36p. 26/'-£cm. Santiago, Imp. El Imparcial, 1940. JERG, Felix, 1913- *Untersuchungen iiber das Schicksal choreatischer Kinder. 15p. 22cm. Wurzb., R. Mayr, 1937. JERGER, Joseph Ambrose, 1880- Doctor here's your hat! the autobiography of a family doctor, vii, 279p. pl. 8? N. Y., Prentice- Hall, 1939. JERGIUS, Albert, 1905- *Beitrag zur Frage der . physikalisch-chemischen Blutver- anderungen in der Gestationsperiode im Ver- gleich mit Carzinomen und Entziindungen [Kiel] 48p. 8? Rothenburg, J. P. Peter, 1929. JERIE, Josef, 1871- Klaus, K. [70. anniversary] Cas. lik. cesk., 1941, 80: 657-61, portr.—Kotasek, A., & Neumann, F. [List of scientific works of Prof. J. Jerie and of his pupils from 1923 to 1940] Cesk. gyn., 1941, 6: 171-203, portr. JERIKE, Anna, 1903- *Die Schief- und Querlagen an der 2. Universitatsklinik fiir Frauenkrankheiten und Geburtshilfe Munchen, von 1926-30. 14p. 8? Munch., R. Muller & Steinicke, 1932. JERIUS, Diab H. *Contribution k I'etude de l'ictere grave des nouveau-nes. 30p. 8? Lausanne [n. p.] 1935. JERK. See Muscle, Reflex; Reflex; Tendon, Reflex. JERMAN, Edward C, 1865-1936. Necrologia. Rev. radiol. fisioter., Chic, 1937, 4: 21, portr.- Obituary. X ray Technician, 1936-37, 8: 83, portr. JERMSTAD, Arne, 1884- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., JERMUK, Russia. See also Health resort. Jermuk. In Health Resorts USSR (Pertsov, I. A.) Moskva, 1940, 149. JEROME, Edward Alexander. Olfactory thresholds measured in terms of stimulus pres- sure and volume. 44p. diagr. 25%cm. N. Y. [Arch. Psychol.] 1942. Forms: No. 274, Arch. Psychol. JERSEY City Charity Hospital. Medical and surgical report, from its organization, 1869, to Mav, 1876 [55p.] 8? N. Y., John Keller, 1877. JERSEY City Christ Hospital. Annual report. Jersey City, 17.-43., 1890-1916. JERSILD, Arthur Thomas, 1902- & HOLMES, Frances Baker. Children's fears. xv, 356p. diagr. 8? N. Y., Columbia Univ., 1935. JERSILD 649 JESCHKE JERSILD, Arthur Thomas, & MARKEY, Frances V. Conflicts between preschool children. ix, 181p. tab. 8? N. Y., Columbia Univ., 1935, JERSILD, Olaf, 1867- Olaf Jersild; k l'occasion de son 70. anniversaire le 6 juillet 1937 avec les respectueux hommages de ses amis, collaborateurs et eleves. Acta derm, vener., Stockh., 1937, 18: 367-9, portr. JERUSALEM, Wilhelm. Die Urteilsfunc- tion; eine psychologische und erkenntniskritische Untersuchung. xiv, 269p. 24}4cm. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1895. [JERUSALEM] Jewish National and Univer- sity Library in Jerusalem. Notes and news. September 1928-September 1929. 23p. 8? [Jerusalem, 1929] JERUSALEM, Palestine. Feigenbaum, A. The faculty of medicine at the Jerusalem Hebrew Univeristy. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1943, 5: 82-107 — Fleischer, M. Die Wasserversorgung im alten Jerusalem. In Hyg. d. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 274-83.— Golub, J. J. Planning the new university hospital and medical school in Jerusalem. Hospitals, 1936, 10: No. 6, 101-3.— Hebrew (The) University of Jerusalem. Science, 1942, 96: 151.—Hofmann, W. Brief aus Jerusalem. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1935, 65: 686.—Keller, H. Laying of the cornerstone of the Hadassah University Hospital on Mount Scopus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1934, 140: 573.—Medical center in Jerusalem dedicated. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 71—Rothschild- Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem. Ibid., 1942, 120: 64.—Surgery in Jerusalem over 3000 years ago. Lancet, Lond., 1917, 2: 916.—Yassky, H. The Medical centre on Mount Scopus. Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1938, 14: No. 1-2, viii. The Hadassah-University Medical Center. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1942, 4: 178-85. JERUSALEM artichoke. See Helianthaceae. JERUSALIMCHIK, L. See Borodulin, F., Dombe, I., & Jerusalimchik, L. [Prof. M. P. Tushnov's theory on histolysates] lllp. 23cm. Mosk- va, 1933. JERVELL, Anton, 1901- Elektrokar- diographische Befunde bei Herzinfarkt. 267p. 8? Oslo, Mercators Tryckeri, 1935. Forms Suppl. 68, v.85: Acta med. scand. For portrait see in Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl.. 171. JERVELL, Frederick Hansen, 1890-1924. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 172. JERVELL, Frederick Kristian, 1859- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 602. JERVELL, Otto, 1893- Investigation of the concentration of lactic acid in blood and urine under physiologic and pathologic conditions. 135p. 8? Oslo, P. A. Nprstedt & aoner, 1928. Forms Suppl. 24, Acta med. scand. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 173. JERVEY, James Wilkinson, 1874- For portrait see South. M. J., 1938, 31: No. 1, front. JERVINE. See under Veratrum. JERVIS, Guglielmo. Delle cause dei movi- menti tellurici e dei possibili ripari con riguardo speciale al terremoto alpino dell'inverno dell anno 1887. 45p. 2lKcm. Torino, G. Derossi, 1887. JERVIS, William [M. D., 1933, Lausanne] *Traitement par le se>um et prophylaxie de la fievre scarlatine. 40p. 8? Lausanne, Impr. Jurassienne, 1933. JERXSEN, Rudolf, 1912- Untersuchun- gen iiber kunstliche Karies mit Streptococcus lacticus unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Beschaffenheit der Zahne. 23p. 8? Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1935. JESCHKE, Fritz, 1902- *Die Hystero- Salpingographie; ihr Anwendungsbereich ihre Technik und Ergebnisse zur Diagnose weiblicher Genitalaffektionen. 38p. 7 pl. 8? Bresl., Breslauer Genoss. Buchdr., 1932. JESCHKE, Wilhelm. See Biihler, I/., & Jeschke, W. Operative Behandlung der Schenkelhalsbriiche. 201p. 24}4cm. Wien, 1938. JESERICH, Heinz, 1908- *Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Harte der Stein- zemente. 20p. 8? Greifswald, H. Adler,- 1936. JESINGHAUS, Hans Werner, 1912- *Ueber die Karieshaufigkeit in den Volksschulen der Amtshauptmannschaft Bautzen und die Moglichkeiten ihrer Verminderung [Leipzig] 33p. 21cm. Diisseld., C. Jesinghaus, 1937. JESIONEK, Albert, 1870-1935. Biologie der gesunden und kranken Haut. xi, 655p. 8? Lpz., F. C. W. Vogel, 1916. ---- Tuberkulose und Haut; eine biologische Studie. xii, 370p. 8? Giessen, A. Topelmann, 1929. See also Briiggemann, A. Nekrolog. Deut. Tuberk. BI., 1936, 10: No. 6, portr.—Eicken, C. von. Nekrolog. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 359.—Prof. Albert Jesionek zum Gedachtnis. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 294.—Schultze, W. Nekrolog. Derm. Wschr., 1936, 102: 178. Also Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 191. Also Strahlentherapie, 1936, 55: 1.—Stiihmer. Nekrolog. Zsehr. Tuberk., 1935-36, 74: 401 portr., ---- & BERNHARDT, Lutz. Diatetische Behandlung der Hauttuberkulose und Ernah- rungsbiologie. 48p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1930. Forms H. 37, Tuberk. Bibl., Lpz. JESKE, Bruno [Georg] 1900- *Ueber das dentale Kieferhohlenempyem und die verschie- denen Verfahren zum Verschluss der Kiefer- hohlenmundfisteln. 40p. 8? Jena, A. Gretscher, 1929. JESKE, Fridgund, 1909- *Beitrage zur Deutung der Ursolempfindlichkeit der Meer- schweinchen [Rostock] 20p. 8? Lippstadt- Westf., Thiele, 1932. JESKE, Heinz. 1910- *Untersuchungen iiber die als Carcinom behandelten, aber in der Statistik nicht geiuhrten Falle [Miinchen] 17p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1935. JESOVER, Nevena [n6e Paounovitch] 1898- *Le genou paralytique; sequelles de la poliomyelite anterieure aigue. 51p. 8? Par., Legrand, 1930. JESPERSEN, Edvard Martin, 1867- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist,. 1915, 1: 604. JESS, Adolph Wilhelm Karl Theodor, 1883- Die Geschichte der Augenheilkunde und ihre Stellung im Rahmen der Gesamtmedizin; akademische Rede zur Jahresfeier der Hessischen Ludwigs-Universitat am 1. Juli, 1933. 25p. 23Kcm. Giessen, A. Topelmann, 1933. Forms H. 2, 1933, Schr. Hessischen Hochschulen. Giessen See also Gilbert, W., Jess, A. [et al.] Gefasshaut, Linse, Glaskorper, Netzhaut, Papille und Opticus. 774p. 8? Berl., 1930. JESSE, Karl Ludwig Hans, 1912- *Ver- brechen in Hypnose und posthypnotischer Suggestion [Kiel] 22p. 22cm. Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1936. JESS, Paul Friedrich, 1907- *Einige eigene Beobachtungen als Beitrag zum Kapitel Erkennung allgemeiner Erkrankungen auf Grund des zahnarztlichen Befundes. 23p. 8? Tub. [n. p., 1935] JESSE, Hans Georg, 1908- *Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen verschiedenen mensch- lichen Tatigkeiten und Aenderungen der Lotkraft. 15p. 8? Bresl., E. Jakubik, 1937. JESSE, Use, 1906- *Ueber die Wirkung des Introcids bei septischen Erkrankungen [Rostock] 22p. 8? Lippstadt-W., Thiele [1932] JESSEL JESSEL, Erwin, 1907- *Beitrag zur Klinik und Therapie der intraorbitalen Tumoren. 34p. 8? Berl., S. Karger, 1933. Also Zsehr. Augenh., 82: JESSEL, Heinz [Friedrich Karl Hermann] 1909- *Zur Statistik und Symptomatologie des Diabetes mellitus [Rostock] 35p. 8? Schwerin i. M., W. Sengebusch, 1932. JESSEN, Arnd. Was kostet dein Kind? ein Vorschlag zur Einfiihrung allgemeiner staatlicher Kinderbeihilfen. viii, 207p. tab. 8? Berl., R. v. Decker [1937] JESSEN, Carl Christian, 1856-1937. Christophersen, V. [Obituary] Ugeskr. laeger, 1937, 99: 584. JESSEN, Friedrich, 1865-1935. Die operative Behandlung der Lungentuberkulose. 3. Aufl. 75p. 4? Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1921. See also Griesbach. Nekrolog. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 714.—Janssen. Nekrolog. Zsehr. Tuberk., 1935, 73: 282. JESSEN, Georg, 1763-1809. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 604. JESSEN, H. Cytologic du liquide cephalo- rachidien normal chez l'homme. 168p. pl. ch. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1936. JESSEN, Harald, 1893-1935. Griesbach. Nekrolog. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1935, 82: 714.—Janssen. Nekrolog. Zsehr. Tuberk., 1935, 73: 283 — Klare. Nekrolog. Deut. Tuberk. BL, 1935, 9: 61. JESSEN, Jes. Histologiske Studier over eksperimentelle nefriter. 127p. tab. 13 col. pl. 25>/2cm. Kbh., J. Frimodt, 1923. JESSEN [Jes] Christian, 1902- *Beitrag zur Abhangigkeit der Blutdruckregulation von klimatischen Faktoren, [Kiel] 32p. 8? Neu- munster, C. Kiihl, 1933. JESSEN, Johannes, 1566-1621. Jedlicka, J. [Biography] Anthropologie, Praha, 1928, 6: 3-10, pl.—Musee National Hongrois, Bibliotheque Szdch&ryi; oeuvres du Johannes Jessen. Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1935-37, 9. Congr., 3: 443. For portrait see Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 4: 186. JESSEN, Margarethe, . 1899- *Ueber einen Fall von obliterierender Thrombose der Vena cava inferior [Miinchen] 21p. 8? [Freising, F. P. Datterer & cie] 1926. JESSEN, Willers, 1909- *Bemerkens- wertes zu den bisher unfruchtbar gemachten Erbkranken der Landes-Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Giessen. 24p. ch. 8? Giessen, H. Meyer, 1937. JESSENBERGER, Wilhelm, 1902- *Ge- werbkrankheiten bezuglich des Gebisses und der Zahne. 25p. 8? Erlangen, K. Dores, 1930. JESSIEN, Wilhelm [Karl] 1902- *Ueber die Einwirkung von Bromcyan auf Dikarbon- saureester der Pyridin- und der Dihydropyridin- Reihe [Kiel] 26p. 8? Borna-Lpz., R. Noske, 1928. JESSNER, Georges, 1907- *Recherches sur l'elimination de Brucella abortus par le lait [Alfort] 79p. 8? Par., Presses modernes, 1931. JESSNER, Lucie, & RYAN, V. Gerard. Shock treatment in psychiatry; a manual, xv, 149p. tab. diagr. 22>^cm. N. Y., Grune & Stratton, 1941. JESSNER, Samuel, 1859- Ambulante Behandlung der Unterschenkelgeschwiire. 5. Aufl. 50p. 8? Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1921. ---- Korperliche und seelische Liebe; gemein- verstandliche wissenschaftliche Vortrage iiber das gesamte Geschlechtsleben. vi, 445p. 15 pl. 8? Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1926. JESTAEDT, Adolf [Emil] 1901- Chroni- scher hereditarer hamolytischer Ikterus mit todlichem Ausgang. 38p. 8? Wiirzb., Gebr. Memminger, 1926. JESTAZ JESTAZ, Marc Marie Lucien Camille Paul, 1910- "Interventions sur le phrenique a 1'hopital de Fontainebleau de 1927 k 1937. 64p. 24cm. Par., Presses modernes, 1938. JESTER, Dietrich, 1906- *Mangan; seine Gewinnung, technische Verwendung und Giftwirkung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der gewerblichen Manganerkrankung [Berlin] 71p. 23cm. Lengerich i. Westf., Lengerich. Handelsdr. 1936. JESTER, Homer B., 1875-1943. For obituary see Texas J. M., 1942-43, 38: 694, portr. JESTY, Benjamin, 1737-1816. For obituary see Middlesex Hosp. J., 1938, 38: 67. JESUIT. Walsh, J. J. American Jesuits. 336p. 8? N. Y., 1934. Schwitalla, A. M. Early Jesuit writings on medicine; a note on the Jesuit quadricentennial. Hosp. Progr., 1940, 21: 389-92.—Solterer, J. A sequence of historical random events; do Jesuits die in three's? J. Am. Statist. Ass., 1941, 35: 477-84. JESUS, Zacarias de. The life history of the Australian cattle tick under Philippine conditions. p.355-69. 2 pl. 8? Manila, Bur. of Print., 1935. JESUS. See Christ. JESZCZYN, Moise, 1908- Contribution k I'etude medico-legale des amnesies traumati- ques. 50p. 24}4cm. Strasb., Ed. Argentora- tum, 1934. JETTER, Walter William Edward, 1905- Studies in alcohol. 48p. 4? [n. p.] 1938. Typewritten. JETTMAR, H. M. Beobachtungen uber die Malaria in Zentral-China; personliche Erfah- rungen iiber den Pestherd von Shansi und Shensi. 52p. illust. 8? Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1932. Forms H. 10 of Abh. Ges. Hyg. (R. Grassberger) Lpz., 1932. JETZT, Traudl, 1913- *Herpes zoster der Mundschleimhaut [Miinchen] 18p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1936. JEUCH, Josef, 1911- *Vergleichende pharmakognostische Untersuchung der Drogen aus den Genera Arctium und Petasites; unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der anatomischen Verhaltnisse [Zurich] 77p. 2 pl. 23cm. Bern, Buchler & co., 1940. JEULAIN, Andre-Emile, 1907- Contri- bution k l'6tude de l'intoxication par le t6tra- chlorure de carbone. 99p. 8? Par., Lib. Le Frangois, 1933. JEULIN, Philippe 1895- Contribution k I'etude de la leucemie aigue chez l'enfant. 60p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. JEUNE, Mathis, 1910- *Les troubles cardio-vasculaires dans le myxoedeme. 335p. 8? [Lyon] Trevoux, 1937. JEW. See also Jerusalem; Palestine. Jellinek, A. Der jiidische Stamm in nicht- jiidischen Sprichwbrten. 43p.; 98p. 2lHcm. Wien, 1881. Faris, E. If I were a Jew. In his Nature of Hum. Nat., N. Y., 1937, 350-3.—Position (The) of the Jews. Nature, Lond., 1941, 147: 801. ---- Anthropology. Elkind, A. D. Evrei [The Jews] 458 (i. e. 229) p. 35cm. Moskva, 1903. JEW 651 JEW Feist, S. Stammeskunde der Juden; die judischen Stamme der Erde in alter und neuer Zeit; historisch-anthropologische Skizzen. 191p. 38p. 8? Lpz., 1925. Fishberg, M. Materials for the physical anthropology of the eastern European Jews. 146p. 8? Lancaster, 1905. Borchardt, P. Die Falaschajuden in Abessinien im Mit- telalter. Anthropos, Modling, 1923-24, 18:-19: 258-66 — Constancy (The) of Jewish racial characteristics. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 2546.—Coon. C. S. Have the Jews a racial identitv? In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 20-37. ------ The racial position of modern European Jews. Ibid., 30-4. ------ & Jacobs, M. The problem of race. Ibid., 19-59.—Czortkower, S. Anthro- pologische Struktur der Juden; Uebersicht der Untersuchungi- ergebnisse. Anthrop. Anz., 1932, 9: 250-63.—Elkind, A. [The Jews] Russ. antrop. J., 1902, 3: No. 3, 1-44.—Feist, S. Die Juden als Rasse in alter Zeit. In his Stammeskunde d. Juden, Lpz., 1925, 1-14. ------ Die Juden in Vorderasien. Ibid., 40-50. ------ Die chinesisehen Juden. Ibid., 51-02. ------ Die nordafrikanischen Juden. Ibid., 94-114. ------ Die heutigen Juden als Rasse. Ibid., 171-88.—Goldhamer, S. M. Distribution of the blood groups among the Jews. In Med. Leaves (J. C. Beck) Chic, 1937, 64-69.—Gold- schmidt, R. Anthropological determination of Aryanism. J. Hered., 1942, 33: 215.—Isaacs, R. The so-called Jewish type. Med. Leaves, Chic, 19 10, 3: 119-22.—Kossovitch, N. Recherches anthropom^lriques et s£rologiques (groupes sanguins) chez les Israelites du Maroc. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 9-11.—Pavia, M. I'lime ricerche antropometriche sui bambino ebreo italiano. Riv. clin. pediat., 1933, 31: 897-905.—Ripley, W. Z. [The Jews] Russ. antrop. J., 1900, 1: No. 2, 78-89.—Rix, R. E. A dental characteristic of the Jews. Dent. Rec, Lond., 1943, 63: 39.—Sailer, K. Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Ostjuden. Zsehr.- Morph. Anthrop., 1933, 32: 125-31, 2 pl., tab.—Seltzer, G. C. The Jew, his racial status; an anthropological appraisal. Harvard M. Alumni Bull., 1938-39, 13: 67-75.—Wellisch, S. Rassen- diagnose der Juden und ihrer Vorfahren. Anthropos, Modling, 1937, 32: 783-94.—Worrell, W. H. The hamitic background of semitism. Papers Michigan Acad. Sc. (1926) 1927, 7: 269-72.—Younovitch, R. Les caracteres s^rologiques des juifs asiatiques. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1933, 113: 1101-3. ---- Civilization and culture. Gershenfeld, L. The Jew in science. 224p. 8? Phila., 1934. Solis-Cohen, S. Judaism and science, with other addresses and papers. 274p. 2Sy>cm. Phila., 1940. Analysis (An) of Jewish culture. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 243-63.—Beard, M. The Jew in modern life. Ibid., 395-401. ------ & Lest- schinsky, J. The mirage of the economic law. Ibid., 361-416 — Bernard, J. Biculturality; a study in social schizophrenia. Ibid., 264-93.------Barriers and breaches; the margin of culture. Ibid., 284-93.—Cohen, J. W. The Jewish role in Western culture. Ibid., 329-60. ------ Anti-Semitism and culture. Ibid., 353-60.—Friedenwald, H. Stray notes on the Jews and the universities in the early centuries. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 155-63.—Goldberg, N. Change and persistence of cultural traits among second generation American Jews. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1930, 6: 273.—Hailperin, H. Intellectual relations between Jews and Christians in Europe before 1500 A. D. described mainly according to the evidences of Biblical exegesis with special reference to Rashi (1040-1105) and Nicolas de Lyra (1270-1349) Ibid., 1933, 9: 128-45.— Hertzler, J. O. The isolation and rigidity of Jewish culture; the ghetto influence. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber. I., & Britt S H ) N. Y., 1942, 71-4.—Jacobs, M. Jewish blood and culture. Ibid., 38-59.—Kennedy, R. Perspective for the future. Ibid., 417-32.—Krauss, F. S. Jewish folk-life in America. J. Am. Folklore, 1894, 7: 72-5.-Muller, W. Judischer Geist in der Physik. Zsehr. ges. Naturwiss., 1939, 5- 162-75.—Nature (The) of ,Iev\ish culture. In -lews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942 250-9.— RatnofT, N. The Hebrew University. Bull. Centr. M. Cone Brooklyn, 1936, 1: 5: 7-9.—Rosenthal, H. Die Idee des Wortes in der altisraelitischen Kulturentwicklung. Internat. Zsehr. Individpsychol., Wien, 1932, 10: 414-25.-Shapiro, J. Education among early Hebrews with emphasis on ialmudic period. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1938, 14: 249-o4.— Smith M & Moton, R. B. Jewish production of American leaders. Sc. Month., 1942, 55: 144-50.—Stonequist, E. V. The marginal character of the Jews In Jews ma Gent. M orld (Graeber I & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 296-310. ------ Mayer, C, & Cohen, J- W. The rhythm of two worlds. Ibid., 295-360. " ---- Demography. Levy A. *Geburtenziffer der judisch-christ- lichen Mischehenin einigen Groszstadten Deutsch- land. 28p. 22cm. Munch., 1936. Frazer, J. G. Die Juden in den kaukasischen Bergen. In his Native races of Asia, Lond., 1939, 337—Griindel, K. Die judischen und jiidisch-mischblutigen Schuler und Schulerin- nen auf den Volksschulen und hoheren Lehranstalten des Deutschen Reiches im Schuljahr 1936. Reichsgesundhbl., 1938, 13: 632-5.—Haievy, H. S. Population problems of Jews in Palestine; migration, natural movement, influence of nature and environment. Congr. internat. popul. (1937) 1938, 1. Congr., 3: 123-33.—Heinrich, H. Bevolkerungsvorgange bei den Berliner Juden. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1929, 16: 59.— Juden (Die) im Deutschen Reich. Reichsgesundhbl., 1935. 10: 323.—Jiidische (Die) Bevolkerung Berlins. Mitt. Statist, Amt. Berlin, 1935, H. 18, sec 7, 1-4.—Lestschinsky, J. Probleme der Bevolkerungs-Bewegung bei den Juden. Metron, Padova, 1925, 5: No. 4, 130; 1926, 6: No 1, 80; No. 2, 87. ------■ The natural increase of Jewish people during the last century. In Med. Leaves (J. C. Beck) Chic, 1940, 3: 130-40.— Marcuse, M. Zum Untergang der deutschen Juden. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1927-28, 14: 279.—Maschke, M. Der Untergang der deutschen Juden. Umschau, 1933, 37: 135.—Muller, G. Juden in Trlpolis. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1936-37, 68: 373-9.— Philippsthal, H. Die Juden in Deutschland. Allg. statist. Arch., 1928, 18: 437-40. ------ Stand und Bewegung der Juden in Deutschland. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1928, n. F., 3: 263-70.—Vital statistics of Austrian Jews. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 1275.—Zimmermann. Die jiidische Bevolkerung Berlins. Berl. Wirtsehaftsber., 1935, 12: 101-4. ------ Die jiidische Bevolkerung in Wien und Berlin. Ibid., 1938, 15: 73. ---- Disease, and mortality. See also under names of diseases. Flamant, J. Contribution a I'etude de la pathologie des Israelites. 67p. 8? Par., 1934. Frigyes, L. *Ueber Geistes- und Ner- venkrankheiten und Gebrechlichkeiten unter den Juden. 33p. 8? Frankf. a. M., 1927. Puvion, A. *La pathologie des juifs est due non a la race mais aux mceurs. 60p. 8? Par., 1930. Stetjerman, M. *Essai d'introduction k I'etude de la pathologie des juifs. 128p. 8? Par., 1934. Taitz, J. *Psychosen und Neurosen bie Juden. 40p. 23^cm. Basel, 1937. Baneth, B. Einige Betrachtungen zur Statistik. In Hyg. d. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 157-63.—Bieneck, E. Statistik uber die Todesursachen bei der judischen Bevol- kerung von Breslau in den Jahren 1928-37. Arch. Rassenb., 1940, 34: 126-54.—Bogen, E. Tuberculosis among the Jews. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 123-9.------Diseases among the Jews. Ibid., 1943, 5: 151-9.—Bolduan, C, & Weiner, L. Causes of death among Jews in New York Citv. N. England J. M., 1933, 208: 407-16.—Esso, I. van [Problems of the medical demography of Jews] Geneesk. gids, 1936, 14: 989-1000.—Harms, E. The nervous Jew; a study in social psychiatry. Dis. Nerv. Syst., 1942, 3: 47-52.—Hersch, L. The principal causes of death among Jews. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1942, 4: 56-77.—Horn, W. Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen an geisteskranken Juden. Allg. Zsehr. Psychiat., 1941, 117: 167-80.—Koralnik, I. Zur Problematik der judischen Mindersterblichkeit. Arch, sozial. Hyg., 1929, n. F., 4: 185-96.—Mortality (The) of Jews. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 1: 1295.—Myerson, A. Neuroses and alcoholism among the Jews. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 104-7.—Peller, S. Ueber Krebssterblichkeit der Juden. Zsehr. Krebsforsch., 1931, 34: 128-47.—Rolleston, H. Some diseases in the Jewish race. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1928, 43: 117-39 — Salud (La) de los judios. Rev. homeop. catalana, 1883, 1: 19.— Saphir, O. Autopsies among Jews. In Med. Leaves (A. Lev- inson) 1939, Chic, 157-00.—Schachter, M. Cancer et race; a propos du cancer chez les juifs. Progr. med., Par., 1931, 2213.—Stern, A. [Mental and nervous diseases among Jews] Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1941, 20: 55.—Theilhaber, F. A. Die Sterblichkeit der Juden; ein Beitrag zur Wurdigung der sozial-hygienischen und biologischen Einfliisse. In Hyg. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 113-56. Morbiditat der Juden Die Zur Ibid., 292-8.—Ullmann, H Fra°-e der Vitalitat und Morbiditat der judischen Bevolkerung. Arch. Rassenb., 1926, 18: 1-54.—Weissenberg, S. Zur Sozialbiologie und Sozialhygiene der Juden. Ibid., 1927, 19: 402-18. Ethics. See also Criminal; also under such headings as Abortion; Suicide, etc. Briining, H. Zur Frage der Juden in der deutschen Bade- kurorten um die Wende des 18. Jahrhunderts mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Gluckspieles. Munch, med. Wschr., 1940 87- 641-4.—Wassermann, R. Die Kriminalitat der Juden. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1928, 19: 461-73.—Weinberg, M. H. Jewish criminals. In Med. Leaves (A. Levinson) 1939, Chic, 174-94. JEW 652 JEW ---- History. See also Bible. Bloom, H. I. *The economic activities of the Jews of Amsterdam in the seventeenth and eighteenth century [Columbia Univ., Ph. D.] 332p. 25cm. Williamsport, Pa., 1937. Josephus, Flavius. Famous and memorable workes of Josephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Jewes. Transl. out of the Latin and French by Thomas Lodge. 812p. 34cm. Lond., 1632. Jacobs. M. The diaspora. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber. I., & Britt. S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 43-50.- Melamed, S. M. Die Stellung der Juden in der Weltgeschichte. In Psychol, jiid. Geisto (Melamed, S. M.) 2. Aufl., Berl., 1921, 3ti-49.—Morrison, H. A biologic interpretation of Jewish survival. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 97-103.—Schwarz, E. Jews in Latin America, the Colonial Period. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1940, 64: 729-36.—Seidel. H. The story of Histraduth. In Med. Leaves (J. C. Beck) Chic, 1937, p.167-74—Vogel- stein. H. Rome [book rev. by S. Gandz] Isis, Menasha, 1942 1942-43. 34: 223.—Wijngaarden, W. D. van. De weg, den de Israelieten volgden bij hun uittocht uit Esvpte. Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., Leiden, 1938, 35: Oudheidkund. Meded., H. 4-5, 6-20. ---- Hygiene and sanitation. Grunwald, M. Die Hvgiene der Juden. vi, 325p. 8? Dresd., 1911." Schapiro, D. L'hygiene alimentaire des juifs devant la science moderne. 350p. 8? Par., [1931] Schenderovitch, Faivel. *L'hygiene dans le judaisme. 40p. 8? Par., 1927. Baglioni, S. L'igiene sessuale nei Pentateuco. Rass. stud. sess., 1928, 8: 1-8.—Bamberger, M. L. Die Hygiene des Schulchan Arukh. In Hig. d. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 231-43.—Carrieu. L'hygiSne dans le Talmud. Chron. m<5d., Par., 1927, 34: 355-60.—Dienemann, M. Hygienisches im judischen Sprichwort. In Hyg. d. Juden NGrunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 168-70. ------ Hygiene der Juden im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Ibid., 261-70.—Freimann, A., Seelig- mann, S. [et al.] Bibliographic der hygienischen Literatur der juden. Ibid., 18-29.—Funk, S. Die Hygiene des Talmuds. bid., 189-231.—Grunwald, M. Die Hygiene der Juden. Ibid., 1-17; 174-88. ------ Nachtrag zur Beerdigungsfrage. Ibid., 322.—Jeremias, K. Einiges uber die Regelung des Geschlechtslebens bei den Juden. Ibid., 271-4.—Kagan. S. R. Hygiene among the ancient Hebrews. Am. Med., 1933, 39: 20-30.—Kallner. Einiges zur judischen Fleischhvgiene. In Hyg. d. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 284-91.—Loir, A. Hygiene et Judaisme. Rev. hyg., Par., 1931, 53: 654—76.— Macht, D. I. An experimental appreciation of Leviticus XI.9-12 and Deuteronomy XIV. 9-10. Hebrew M. J., N. Y., 1942, 2: 165-70.—Nordheimer, V., Haase & Grunwald, M. Urteile iiber die Hygiene der Juden, ln Hyg. d. Juden (Grun- wald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 299-322.—Ratner. Ueber Schul- hygienisches aus der alteren judischen Literatur. Ibid., 323-5.—Weissenberg, S. Hygiene in Brauch und Sitte des Juden. Ibid., 29-43.—Wiesner, L. Hygiene des Kindesalters im Talmud. Ibid., 170-4.—Wulman, L. Jewish health work during the last 20 years. In Med Leaves (A. Levinson) Chic, 1939, 195-6.—Zirker, M. Die jiidische Turnbewegung. In Hyg. d. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 165 7. ---- Institutions. Danzis, M. Jewish hospitals and facilities for graduate training. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 05-74.— Doane, J. C, & Castor, H. W. Jewish hospital provides for ward surgical patients. Mod. Hosp., 1935, 45: No. 3. 51-3.—Heller, H. The Beilinson Hospital. Med. Leaves. Chic, 1943, 5: 125-8 — Jacobs, R. Twenty five years of Hadassah. Hebrew Physician, N. Y., 1937, 1: 210-5.—Kupat Holim, the Sick Fund of the General Federation of Jewish Labor. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 912.—Levitas, I. The activities of the Hadassah medical unit in Palestine. Med. Woman J., 1940, 47: 123.—Meremin- ski, I. Histadrut in wartime. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1942, 4: 9-15.—Quittman, H. Z. The work of the Red Mogen Dovid in Palestine. Hebrew M. J., N. Y, 1943, 1: 136-48 — Robbins, C. M. The Newark Beth Israel Hospital. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1943, 5: 107-16.—Schoolman, B. S. Hadassah'a contribution to the war effort. Hebrew M. J., N. Y., 1943, 1: 149-60.—Yasski, H. The Hadassah medical organisation. Fol. med. intern, orient., 1932-35, 1: 312-7. ---- Language and literature. See also Bible; Talmud. Abraham ben Meir [Abraham's guide] [158] 1. 17cm. [text] Venez., 1523. Benjacob, I. A. Ozar ha-sepharim; thesaurus librorum hebraicorum, tam iinpressorum quam manu scriptorum. 67Sp. 2612cm. Wilna, 1880. PozNAfisKi, S. Zur jiidisch-arahischen Lit- teratur. 88p. 22cm. Berl., 1904. Roback, A. A. Physicians in Jewish folklore. 9p. 2712cm. [Cambr., after 1933] -—- The storv of Yiddish literature. 448p. 24cm. N. Y. [1940] Schapiro, I. Bibliography of Hebrew transla- tions of German works. 79p. 23^cm. N. Y., 1934. Feist, S. Die Sprachen der Juden. In his Stammeskunde d. Juden, Lpz., 1925, 157-70.—Freehof, S. W. Three psy- chiatric stories from rabbinic lore. Psychoanal. Rev., 1942, 29: 185-7.—Herbert, L. M. The tenth anniversary of Harofe Haivri. Hebrew M. J., N. Y., 1937, 2: 275-8.—Levy, R. Preparation of a commentary on 815 Old French glosses important for French lexicography and mediaeval culture. Yearb. Am. Philos. Soc. (1940) 1941,209.—Marx, A. Medical manuscripts in the library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Hebrew M. J., N. Y., 1937, 2: 243-5.—Melamed. S. M. Sprache und Schrifttum. In Psychol, jiid. Ceistcs (Melamed, S. M.) 2. Aufl., Berl., 1921, 177-93.—Ungnad, A. Das Wesen der Ursemitischen. Anthropos, Modling, 1925. 20: 781 (Rev.)— Weinberg, M. H. Contributions of the Yiddish scientific institute of W'ilno. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 75-96.- Yaari, A. Incunables hebreos en la Biblioteca nacional de Jerusalem. Cervantes, Habafia, 1938, 13: No. 7-8, 29.—Yoffie, L. It. Popular beliefs and customs among the Yiddish-speaking Jews of St Louis, Mo. J. Am. Folklore, 1925, 38: 375-99. ---- Laws and regulations. Czertok, S. *Jiidische Hygiene in der bayerischen Gesetzgebung. 30p. 8? Wiirzb., 1928. Wagner, G. Die Niirnberger Judengesetze. 2. Aufl. 31p. 23cm. Miinch. [1938] Aenderung von Familiennamen und Yornamen. Reichs- gesundhbl., 1937, 12: 621.—Ahnenpass. Ibid., 1935, 10: 179 — Deutsches Reich. Runderlass des Reichsmini&ters des Innern, betr. Juden in Badern und Kurorten, vom 16, Juni 1939. Ibid., 1939, 14: 595.—Dritte Verordnung zum Reichsbilrgerge- setz. Ibid., 1938, 13: 525.—Erwerb der Doktorwiirde durch Juden deutscher Staatsangehorigkeit. Ibid., 1937, 12: 370.—■ Exclusion (The) of Jewish physicians |Germany] J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 1118.—Hungary [Regulation No. 340, 1939, on limitation of Jews in public and economic life; medical regulations] N6peg<$szs£gugy, 1939, 20: 483-6.—Hungarian (The) law on Jewish physicians. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 955.—Lehmann. Keine Grundsteuerbefreiung fiir jiidische Krankenanstalten. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 976.— New regulations for Jewish physicians. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1931.—Resolution concerning Aryans [Ass. Phys. Poland] Ibid., 1938, 111: 1120.—Steinwallner, B. Judengesetz in I rankroich. Erbarzt, 1941, 9: 39.—Unterscheidung zwischen judischen und nichtjudischen Aerzten. Reichsgesundhbl., 1930, 11: 237. ---- Medical history. See also Palestine. Askenasi, J. *Contribution des juifs a la fondation des 6coles de medecine en France au Moyen-Age. 71p. 8? Par., 1937. Kagan, S. R. Contributions of early Jews to American medicine. 63p. 8? Bost. [1934] ---- Jewish contributions to medicine in America (1656-1934) 549p. 8? Bost., 1934. ■---- Jewish contributions to medicine in America, from colonial times to the present. 2. ed. 792p. 221/4cm. Bost., 1939. Kisch, G. Die Prager Universitat und die Juden, 1348-1848, mit Beitragen zur Geschichte des Medizinstudiums. 239p. 8? Mahrisch- Ostrau, 1935. Rosin, H. Die Juden in der Medizin. 25p. 8? Berl., 1926. Vexetianer, L. Asaf Judaeus der aelteste medizinische Schriftsteller in Hebraischer Sprache. 2pts. 8? Strassb., 1916-17. Castiglioni, A. The evolution of medicine among the Jews. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1943, 5: 10-7.—Danzis, M. The Jew in medicine from biblical to modern times. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1930, 27: 763-76.—Esso, I. van. Jewish physicians in_the JEW 653 JEW development of medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries in Germany. Geneesk. gids, 1937, 15: 462, 631.—Friedeberger, M. Taubstummenfiirsorge in jiidischer Vorzeit. In Hyg Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 163-5.—Friedenwald, h! The use of the Hebrew language in medical literature. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1934, 54: 77-111. ------ Jews and the University of Montpellier; Jean Astruc, the Saportas and others. Ann. M. Hist., 1940, 3. ser., 2: 518-25.—Hiller, R. I. The role of the Jew in medieval medicine. Phi Delta Epsilon News, Menasha, 1934, 25: 207-9.—Israelites of Bible credited with high skill in medicine. Science News Lett., 1941, 39: 187.—Palestine; Jewish volunteers; medicinal herbs; etc' Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 679.—Pikas, A. [The Jews and medicine] Medicina, Kaunas, 1933, 14: 338-49.—Podolsky, E. Historical medicine; Jewish contributions to medicine. Med J. & Rec, 1931, 134: 91-3.—Shechter, M. Medical literature in Palestine. In Med. Leaves, (A. Levinson) Chic. 1939 166-9. --- Medicine. Golden, L., Herbert, L. M., & Goldstein, A. Rephuah system of medicine. 218p. 8? N Y 1927. Snowman, J. A short history of Talmudic medicine. 94p. 8? Lond., 1935. Bernstein, A. The Talmud a medical laboratory. Cali- fornia West. M., 1938, 49: 308-10.—Brooks, M. Military medicine of the ancient Hebrews. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1938, 148: 333-5.—Chernoff, H. A history of Jewish medicine! Med. Bull., N. Y., 1940-41, 6: 113-6.—Chideckel, M. What did the Talmudists really know about medicine? Ibid., 1938, 147: 391-4.—Friedenwald. H. The bibliography of ancient Hebrew medicine. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1934-36, 23: 124-33.— Gordon, B. L. Medicine among the ancient Hebrews. Ann M. Hist., 1942, 3. ser., 4: 219-35—Gordon, M. B. Medicine among the ancient Hebrews. Isis, Menasha, 1941, 33: 454-85.—Isaacs, R. Hematology in the Bible and Talmud. In Med. Leaves (J. C. Beck) Chic, 1937, 79-80.—Kagan, S. R. Medicine according to the Talmud. Med. J. & Rec, 1926 123: 459; 536. ------ Medicine according to the ancient Hebrew literature. Med. Life, 1930, 37: 309-36. ------ Etiology, pathology and prognosis accoring to the ancient Hebrew literature. N. England J. M„ 1930, 202: 333-6, -----■ Talmudic medicine. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 164-73.—Kohan, S. G. [The physician in ancient Hebrew literature] Yevr. med. galos, Odessa, 1909, 2: 133-54.— Miller, H. The medicine of the ancient Jews. California West. M., 1937, 47: 38-40.—Savitz, H. A. National traits in medicine, with special reference to the Jews. Med. J. & Rec, 1928, 127: 16; 70.—Shem, J. B., & Katz, N. Medical excerpts from Sefer Mif'alot Elokim (The book of God's deeds) Bull. Inst. Hist. M.. 1936, 4: 299-331.—Silber, M. Medicine in the Talmud. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1926-27, 79: 910-4. 1942, 120: I134.-Wiens, H. W. Nazi racialism and the German Jewish refugee problem. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwestern Univ., Chic, 1940, 8: 128-31.—Zanfagna, P. E. Ketugee physicians. N. England J. M., 1942, 226: 1006. ---- Miscegenation and intermarriage. See also Eugenics. Gollner, H Die judischen Mischehen im Reich und in Berlin. Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 980-3.—Hanauer, W 1Q97 •,9U«dls1c^chi:r11|tlicJ16nT Mischehen. Allg. statist. Arch., 1927-28, 17: 513-37— Hertzler, J. O. Intermarriage. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt S H ) N Y R9p42, 79~KoPp, WW. Beobachtung an Halbjuden in Berliner Schulen; em Beitrag zur Mischlingsforschung. Volk & Rasse 193., 10: 390-4.-LoewenthaI, J. Judisehe und unjudische Misclmngen. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1931-32 18- 23-9 — Marcuse, M Zur Biologie der christlich-judischen Mischehe. Umschau, 1928, 32: 533-8.-Oettinger, W. Zur Frage der 1™™-deutschen Mischehe. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1935 48- 973 [Erwiderung von H. Reichel] 974.—Pearl, R., & Franklin c' Jewish and Christian intermarriages in Budapest; a footnote to recent social history. Bull. Hist. M., 1940, 8: 497-508__ Slotkin, J. S. Jewish-Gentile intermarriage in'Chicago. Am Sociol. Rev 1942, 7: 34-9.—Spranger. Was muss der Amtsarzt uher die theschhessung zwischen Ariern und Nichtariern wissen? Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 1004-6.—Verbot von Rassenmischehen. Ibid., 1058. ---- Physician. ---- Migration. See also Refugee. Assisting academic refugees. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 656.—Bachmann. P. A. The medical refugee question. S. Barth. Hosp. J. War Bull., Lond., 1939-40, 1: 222.—Barnett, S. E. A replv to the editorial on refugee physicians. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1943, 42: 403.—Brennecke, H. P. Refugee doctor controversy boils in several states; what to do about citizenship barriers becomes a pressing problem as supply of civilian physicians grows scarcer. Med. Econom., 1941-42, 19: No. 12, 57.—Concerning opportunities for refugee phy- sicians. California West. M., 1941, 54: 50.—Danzis, M. The New Jersey State Committee for Refugee Physicians. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1943, 5: 116-24.—Edsall, D. L.. Hart- well, J. A. [et al.] The problem of the refugee physician. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 570.—Edsall, D. L., & Putnam, T. J. The imigri physician in America, 1941; a report of the National Committee for Resettlement of Foreign Physicians. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1881-8.—Fischer, J., Fischmann. J. [et al.] Refugee physicians. N. England J. M., 1942. 227: 157.—Held, I. W.. & Ratnoff, N. The problem of the medical refugee in the United States. Med. Leaves, (A. Levinson) Chic, 1939 49-57.—Interned ali"n doctors (medical notes in Parliament) Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 851.—Kopetzky, S. J. The problem of the physician emigr£. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 47-51.—London Jewish Medical Society; anpea! for refugee doctors. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 1329.—Medical refugees in Palestine. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 2077.—Organization of medical aid for Jewish refugees [Poland] Ibid., 1938, 111: 2406.—Plaschkes. S. The position of refugee physicians in Palestine. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 52-7.—Pratt. J. H., & Graef, I. The refugee physician. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1940, 26: 101-14.—Problem (the) of the imigri physician. Ibid.. 97-9.—Problem (The) of the refugee physician. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 112: 735.—Refugee doctors. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 1028 Also Med. J. Australia, 1941, 2: 401.—Refugee physicians. Fed. Bull., Chic, 1940, 26: 212. Also Rhode Island M. J., 1942, 25: 164.—Rutherford. A society for the protection of science and learning. Brit. M. J., 1936, 1: 607.— Salvage of scholarship. Lancet, Lond., 1937, 2: 272.— Scholarships for the victims of political persecution. J. Am. M Ass 1936, 106: 1104.—Use of emigre physicians. Ibid., Kagan, S. R. American Jewish physicians of note, biographical sketches. 304p. 231%cm Bost., 1942. ' ' Kratjss, S. Geschichte der judischen Aerzte von fnihesten Mittelalter bis zur Gleichberechti- gung. 180p. 8? Wien, 1930. ' Sik, L. Jiidische Aerzte in Jugoslawien. 52n 8? Osijek, 1931. Benayahu, M. The first world congress of Jewish physicians In Med. Leaves (J. C. Beck) Chic, 1937, 14-7.—Cohen, D. E. [Early Jewish physicians of Amsterdam] Ned. tschr geneesk 1927, 71: pt 2, 1385-401. -----■ [Jewish surgeons of Amster- dam] Ibid., 1930, 74: 2234-56. ------ [Jewish physicians in the northern Netherlands before 1600] Biidr. gesch geneesk., 1934, 14: 33-43.—Fernando. A. S. The case of the Jewish physicians. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1939 19: 573-8.—Felsen thai. S. Judisehe Aerzte in Alt-Mannheim! Sudhoffs Arch., 1930, 23: 184-96.—Fischer, I. On the ethics of the Jewish physician. Med. Life, 1933, 40: 403-10. ------ Jews in modern medicine. Med. Leaves, Cbic, 1940, 3: 30-5.— Friedenwald, H. Two Jewish physicians of the 16th century. Ibid., 1937, 49-56. ------ Jewish physicians of Spain and Portugal; historical notes and anecdotes. Med. Life 1938, 45: 205-20.—Goldberg, J. A. Jews in medicine; a national survey. Hebrew M. J., N. Y., 1939, 2: 167.—Jewish and non-Aryan physicians in Germany. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 106: 1509.-—Jewish doctors in Austria. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 2: 216.—Levinger, L. J. Jewish medical students in America. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1939, 91-95.—Levinson, A. Jewish physicians of the Middle Ages. Ibid., 1937, 101-13.—■ Meeting of the Jewish Medical Association of Palestine J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1372.—Menninger, K. A. The genius of the Jew in psychiatry. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1937 128-32.—Meyer, H. Introduction. Ibid., 1940, 3: 5.— Meyerhof, M. Notes sur quelques mcdecins juifs £gyptiens qui se sont illustr£s k l'^poque arabe. Isis, Bruges, 1929, 12: pt 1, 113-31.------Mediaeval Jewish physicians in the Near East, from Arabic sources. Ibid., 1938, 28: pt 2, 432-60. Jewish physicians under the reign of the Fatimid Caliphs in Efrypt. In Med. Leaves, 1939 (A. Levinson) Chic, 131-9.—Morrison, H. The early Jewish physicians in America; with reference to some in the 19th century. Med. Life, 1928, 35:505-30, 3 ports; 1933, 40:411-33.-----• Early American Jewish physicians. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1939, 140-4.—Neu- burger, M. Jewish physicians at the beginnings of modern times. Ibid., 145-7.------Jewish physicians in the history of medicine. Ibid., 1943, 5: 56-75.—Newman, S.. & Kapustin, M. The physician in Talmud and rabbinics. Ibid., 22-30.— Roback, A. A. Physicians in Jewish folklore. Ibid., 1942, 4: 110-8.—Rongy, A. J. Half a century of Jewish medical activities in New York City. Ibid., 1937, 151-63.—Roth. C. Jewish physicians in medieval England. Ibid., 1943, 5: 42-5.— Savitz, H. A. The role of the Jewish physician in the progress of his people. Ann. M. Hist., 1938, n. ser., 10: 107-16.— Simon, S. M. History of Jewish phvsicians in the United States up to about 1900. Ibid., 1935, 7: 285-91.—Swieca, S. [Jewish physicians at the courts of Polish Kings] Warsz. czas. lek., 1936,-13: 123-6.—Weinberg, M. H. Jewish diplomates in Pennsylvania. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1942, 4: 159-61.— Withdrawal of right to practice from non-Aryan physicians in Bohemia and Moravia. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 133 — Wulman, M. L. The tragedy of the Jewish physician in Europe. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 58-64.—Zimmermann, Jiidische Aerzte und Kassenarzte in Berlin. Berl. Wirtschaftsber., 1938, 15: 74.—Zondek, H. Contemporary medicine and Jewish physicians. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 7-10. JEW (>.')4 JEW ---- Politics and racial problems. American Zionist Btreau. British states- men on the Palestine Land Transfers Regula- tions (Cmd. 61S0) 36p. 8° Wash. [1940] Bernstein, H. The truth about The proto- cols of Zion, a complete exposure. 397p. 8? X. V. [1935] Graeber, I., Britt, S. H. [et al.] Jews in a Gentile world. 436p. 24cm. X. Y., 1942. Beard, M. Anti-Semitism; product of economic myths. In Jews in a Gent. W?orld (Graeber, L, & Britt. S. H.) N. V., 1942. 362-401. ------ The myth of the international financier. Ibid., 391-5.— Berman, L. The war and the American Jewish physician. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1943, 5: 7-1(1.- Bloom, L., Koenig, S. [et al.] The American scene. In .lews in a (lent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 179-293.—Brown, J. F. The origin of the anti-semitic attitude. Ibid., 124-48.------& Freeman, E. The psy- chology of anti-Semitism. Ibid., 123-78.- Davidson, G. M. An interpretation of anti-Semitism. I'svchiat. Q., 19-13, 17: 123-34.—Euler, R. Zur Frage der judischen 1 Jurchsetzttng innerhalb der landlichen I'.ezirke Kurhessens. Arch. Rassenb.. 1935, 29: 73-82.—Fenichel, O. P.-vchoanalvsis of untisemitism. Am. Imago, 1939-40, 1: No. 2, 24-39— Freeman, E. Ethno- centrism. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 173-8.—Friedrich, C. J. Anti-Semitism; challenge to Christian cultuic Ibid., 1-18.—Glazer, B. B. Christian- Jewish relations in the I'nited States, with particular reference to movements and efforts for good will and better under- standing. Abstr. Theses Univ. Pittsburgh, 1938, 14: 97-104.— Grossdeutschland. 1 >as .ludenproblem wird gelost. Aerztebl. Hessen, 1939, 7: 51.- Harlan, H. H. Some factors affecting attitude toward Jews. Am. Sociol. Rev., 1942, 7: 816-27.— Hertzler, J. O. The sociology of anti-Semitism through history. In .lews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt. S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 02-100.------■ Jews as a nationality and the problems of assimilation. Ibid., 83-6. ------ Crises and the Jew as a scapegoat. Ibid.,'94-8. ------& Parsons, T. The history and sociology of anti-Semitism. Ibid., 61-122.—Horkheinier, M. The Jews and Europe. Am. J. Sociol., 1940-41, 46: 638 (Abstr.)— Ichheiser, G. Jews in a Gentile World; the Problem of Anti-Semitism, edited bv Isaque Graeber and Steuart Henderson Britt, N. Y., 1942. Ibid., 1942-43, 48: 129-32.— Kaminski, H. E. Antisemhismo como odio sexual. In his Nazismo, B. Air., 1040, 72-5. ------ Salisfaccion de la crueldad por el antisemitisnio. Ibid., 141-0.—Kennedy, R. The position and future of the Jews in America. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., A: Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 418- 32.—Lestchinsky, J. The position of the Jews in the economic life of America. Ibid., 402-10.—Levinger, E. Zur Psychopathologie des Rassenhasses. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1930, 129: 398-403.—Mayer, C. Religious and political aspects of anti-Judaism. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, L, & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 311-2S.—Ochsenius, K. In eigener Sache. Mschr. Kinderh., 1934. 60: 229.— Parsons, T. The sociology of modern anti-Semitism. In Jews in a Cent. World (Graeber, L, & Britt, S. IL.) N. Y., 1942, 101-22. ------ The phenomenon of anti-Semitism. Ibid., 114-8.—Pearson, K. On Jewish-Gentile relationships. Biometrika, Cambr., 1936, 28: 32.—Rankin, J. E. Stirring race trouble. Congressional Record, 1943, 89: A1583-7 (clipping).—Research project on anti-Semitism. Stud. Philos. & Social Sc, 1941, 9: 124-43.—Rugg-Gunn, M. A. Jewish group settlements in Palestine. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1938, 24: 56-9.—Russell, C. E. The Gentiles and the revived jungle. Bull. Centr. M. Counc Brooklyn, 1935, 1, 1: 8 — Savitz. H. A. Jewish physicians in the Zionist movement. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 36-46.—Weizmann, C. Palestine's role in the solution of the Jewish problem. Foreign Affairs, 1941-42, 20: 324-38. ---- Psychology. Melamed, S. M. Psychologie des judischen Geistes; zur Volker-und Kulturpsychologie. 2. Aufl. 222p. 4? Berl., 1921. Beard, M. The myth of Shylock. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, 376-85. ------ Huguenot, Quaker, and Jew as internationalists. Ibid., 385-91.—Brown, F. A note on the stability and maturity of Jewish and non-Jewish boys. J. Social Psychol., 1940, 12: 171-5.—Deneke, T. Berufswahl und Volkscharakter der Juden. Arch. Rassenb., 1935-36, 29: 437-58.—Draper, J. W. The psychology of Shylock. Bull. Hist, M., 1940, 8: 643-50.— Garrido Quintana, F. El judaismo psico-hiologico en la vida y en los libros. Actual, med., Granada, 1940, 16: 149-77.— Hanauer. Zur Soziologie und Psychologie der judischen Ehen. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1926-27, 13: 175-81.—Hertzler, J. O. The radicalism of the Jews. In Jews in a Gent. World (.Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y„ 1942, 93.—Meyer, H. Nationalism and Jewish selLhatred. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1940, 3: 108-18.— Offner, M. Die seelischen Note des ostjudischen Kindes; ein Beitrag zur Psychologie der judischen Nervositiit. Internat. Zsehr. Individpsychol., 1932, 10: 136-46.—Rosenthal, H. Die Musikalitiit der Juden. Ibid., 1931, 9: 122-31.—Rosen- zweig, E. M. Some notes, historical and psychoanalytical on the people of Israel and the land of Israel with special references to Deuteronomy. Am. Imago, 1930 40, 1: No. 4, 50 04.— Sachs, H. The man Moses and the man Freud. Psychoanal. Rev., 1941, 28: 156-02.—Shuey, A. M. The intelligence of Jewish college freshmen as related to parental occupation. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 059-68. ------ Differences in performance of Jewish and non-Jewish students on the Ameri- can Council Psychological Examination. .1. Social Psychol., 1942, 15: 221—13.—Sperling, A. P. A comparison between Jews and non-Jews with respect to several traits of personality. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 82S 40.- Sward. K., & Friedmun, M. 1$. Jewish temperament. J. Appl. Psychol., 1935, 19: 70-81.—Wolberg-Sobolevic, 1). Contribution a l'<5tude de la psychologic differentiellc des juifs. Progr. med., Par., 1931, 1584-600. ---- Religion, magic and ritual. See also such headings as Amulets; Cabbala; Demonology, etc. Levin, S. I., & Boyden, E. A. The kosher code of the orthodox Jew. 243p. 23J4cm. Minneap. [1940] Bamberger. Die Hvgiene der Beschneidung. In Hvg. d. Juden (Grunwald, M.) Dresd., 1911, 103-12.—Baneth, B. Das jiidische Ritualgesetz in hygienischer Beleuchtung. Ibid., 43-103.—Budge, E. A. W. Hebrew amulets. In his Amulets & SuperstiL, Lond., 1930, 212-38.- Clemen, C. Die Anwi ndung del Psychoanalyse auf die Erklarungdcr israelitisch- judischen Heligion. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1930, 77: 1-14.— L4cm. X. Y., 1939. Bloom, L. The Jews of Buna. In Jews in a Cent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y., 1942, ISO 99.- Haase, H. Die Wohlfahrtspflege bei den Juden. In Hyg. d. Juden <( Grun- wald, M.) Dresd., 1911, p.l, 44.—Koenig, S. The socio- economic structure of an American Jewish community. In Jews in a Gent. World (Graeber, I., & Britt, S. H.) N. Y. 1942, 200-42. ------ Social life of the community. Ibid., 216-26.------ Jews as members of the community at large. Ibid., 233-42.—Mayer, J. The workers medical organization. Med. Leaves, Chic, 1942, 4: 203-8.—Medical aid for Jewish refugees in Poland. Am. M. Ass. News, 1938, Dec. 22, 4.— Wirth, L. The ghetto. Am. J. Sociol., 1927, 33: 57-71. JEWEL [incl. lithotherapy] See also Jewelry industry; also in 3. ser. Stone, precious. Gero, J. *Les pierres precieuses en thera- peutique. 42p. 8° Par., 1933. Baudouin, M., & Lacouloumere, G. Les bijoux en forme d'organes humains: le cceur vend^en. Gaz. m<>d. Paris, 1903, 12. ser., 3: 261; 277; 285; 293; 301.—Bliss, A. R., jr. The medicinal uses of gems and precious stones. Messenger, Menasha, 1936, 33: 249.—Budge, E. A. W. Stones and their prophylactic and therapeutic qualities. In his Amulets & Superstit., Lond., 1930, 306-25.—Gille, M. Lea proprietes magiqurs et therapeutiques des pnires pn'eieuses. Rev. prat, biol., Par., 1935, 28: 40-6.—Goldman, L. The old charm of the mad stone with special reference io tin famous stone of Cleves. Ohio M. J., 1940, 36: 1100-2.—Grutterink, A. Litho- therapie. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1913, 1: 907-10.—Knoche, W. Der heilige Stein von Lonquimay. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1914, 46: 639.—Medicinal (The) virtues of stones. Brit. M. J., 1911, 2: 939.—Morgan, E. L. Snakestones and madstones in the treatment of lyssa and other poisons. Med. Era, S. Louis, JEWEL 655 JEZEQUEL 1912, 21: 92-100.—Rorie, D. The stone in Scottish folk- medicine. Caledon. M. J., 1909-11, 8: 410-5; pl.—TUrkel, S. Luminiszenz- und Absorptionserscheinungen als Unter- scheidungsmerkmale der Edelsteine und ihrer Surrogate. Arch. Krim., 1926, 79: 143-50. JEWELL, Norman Parsons [M. D., 1911, Dublin] & KAUNTZE, W. H. Handbook of tropical fevers, xii, 485p. 8? Lond., Bailliere, Tindal & Cox, 1932. JEZEQUEL, Marcel, 1911- *Contribu- tion k I'etude du traitement de l'acne 57p 24cm. Par., Jouve, 1939. JEZEQUEL, Michel, *La choree du chien [Alfort] 74p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1932. JEZEWSKI, Eberhard, 1908- *Ueber orthodontische Fixation [Leipzig] 30p. 8° Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1932. JEZIERNICKI, Abraham, 1911- *Les urticaires non digestives et l'etat de l'estomac. 67p. 8? Par., Picart, 1936. JEZIERNICKI, Tojba Sznajder, 1913- *L'ulceration spontanee des hemangiomes; evolu- tion et traitement. 35p. 24cm. Par., V Degrange, 1938. JEZLER, Adolf. *Versuche iiber Jodbindung an aromatische Korper [Basel] 18p. 8? Berl., Springer, 1925. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1925, 46: 486-99. JHIN-JHINIA. See also Neurosis. Chopra, R. N., & Chaudhuri, R. N. The so-called mystery disease of Calcutta (jhin-jhinia or thartharia) Ind. M. Gaz., 1936, 71: 205-9.—Jhin-jhinia, or neuromimesis? Ibid., 91. JIANO, Jean, 1880- Dartigues, L. [Biography] In Fasc. script. (Dartigues, L.) Par., 1932, 3: 722-6. JICHLINSKI, Celine [M. D., 1936, Geneve] "^Contribution a I'etude de Taction pharmaco- dynamique de l'acedicone (dihydro-demethylo- acetyl-thebaine) 64p. 8? Geneve, P. Richter, 1936. JIGGER. See under Tungidae. JIMENES-GRULLON, Juan I., 1903- *Plan d'organisation de la lutte antipaludeenne. 67p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1929. JIMENEZ, Alfonso, 1907- *Les septi- cemics a pneumocoque chez le nourrisson; k propos d'un cas de septicemic pneumococcique avec ictere et foyers suppures multiples chez un nourrisson. 76p. 24cm. Par., Le Francois, 1939 JIMENEZ, Miguel F. Valle, R. H. Miguel F. Jimenez. In his Cirug. mex. siglo XIX, Mix., 1942, xxxiv-xxxvii. JIMENEZ de Asua, Felipe, DIOS, Roberto L. [et al.] Studien zur Tristezafrage (Piroplas- mose und Anaplasmose der Rinder) 34p. 3 pl. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1927. Forms Beihft. 5, 31: Arch. Schiffs Tropenhyg.. JIMENEZ de Asua, Luis. Psicoan&lisis criminal. 3. ed. 300p. 31cm. B. Air., Losada [1942] JIMENEZ de Cisneros, Francisco, 1436- 1517. Coloma, R. Cisneros en Oran. Ejercito, Madr., 1941, No. 23, 28-35. Portrait. In Spanish Infl. Progr. Med. Sc. (Wellcome Res. Inst.) Lond., 1935, 46. JIMENEZ Diaz, Carlos. El asma y otras enfermedades alergicas. xvii, 945p. illust. pl. 8? Madr., Editorial Espana, 1932. ---- Lecciones de patologia medica. 3. ed. 2v. 1085; 1294p. illust. diagr. 25cm. Madr., Ed. Cienc. Med., 1940. ---- & CANIZO, A. del. Enfermedades del rin6n (nefritis) 259p. illust. 8? Madr., Ruiz, 1934. JIMENEZ Galliano, Manuel Enrique, 1910- *Le virage de la reaction de Casoni apres intradermos rep^tees. 53p. 24cm. Par., L. Cario, 1938. JEWELRY industry. See also Jewel. Wtjraftic, J., & Hickey, C. V. A survey of industrial hygiene conditions in the jewelry industry of Rhode Island. 37p. 23cm. Provi- dence, i938. Haas, L. J. Conservation bracelets. Occup. Ther. Rehabil., 1943, 22: 44-8.—Holtzman. Die Hygiene der Schmuckwaren- industrie. Zbl. Gewerbehyg., 1926, n. F., 3: 97-100. JEWESBURY, Eric C. O. The life and works of Charles Barrett Lockwood (1856-1914) 103p. illust. portr. 8? Lond., H. K. Lewis & co., 1936. JEWESBURY, Reginald Charles, 1878- Mothercraft, antenatal and postnatal, ix, 178p. illust. pl. diagr. 8? Lond., J. & A. Churchill, 1932. Also 2. ed. ix, 188p. 1937. See also Holland, E., Jewesbury, R. C, & Sheldon, W. A doctor to a mother [etc.] 96p. 8? Lond. [1933] JEWETT, Alice L., 1886- See Williamson, C. C, & Jewett, A. L., ed. Who's who in library service. 2. ed. 612p. 26cm. N. Y., 1943. JEWETT, Charles, 1842-1910. Manual of childbed nursing. 23p. 12? Brooklyn, E. R. Pelton, 1889. Also another edition. 40p. 1891. ---- The same. Lecture notes in obstetrics, for the use of students in the Long Island College Hospital. 162p. 8? Brooklyn, N. Y., E. A. Day, 1890. The same. Outline of obstetrics; a synopsis of lectures delivered at the Long Island College Hospital. 177p. 8? N. Y., Fairchild & co., 1892. ---- The same. Outline of obstetrics; a syllabus of lectures delivered at the Long Island College Hospital. 264p. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders, 1894. ---- Practice of obstetrics. 768p. 8? N. Y., Lea bros & co., 1899. Also 2. ed. 786p. 1901. ---- Syllabus of gynecology. 132p. 8? Brooklyn, N. Y., New Era print, co., 1900. Also another ed. 170p. 1904. Also another ed. 178p. 1907. See also Dickinson, R. I. Charles Jewett, teacher of teachers with some remarks on portraits of great men in medicine. Med. Times, N. Y., 1934, 62: 146-59, portr. For portrait see Collection in Library. JEWETT, Frances Gulick, 1854- Good health. Book one. viii, 172p. 12? Bost., Ginn & co., 1906. JEWETT, Theodore Herman, 1815-78. President's address to the Maine Medical Association at its annual meeting in Portland, June 11, 1878. 20p. 8? Portland, Me., S. Berry, 1878. JEWISH (The) deaf. N. York, v.6-10, 1920- 24. Incomplete. JEWKES, Tomas Guillermo. *Osteomielitis del maxilar inferior y su tratamiento [Dent.] 35p. 26>£cm. B. Air., Impr. Frascoli y Bindi, 1937 JEZEQUEL, Alain Bastien Nicolas, 1910- *La Pinguecula. 50p. 25cm. Bord., J. Cledes, 1934. JIMENEZ G56 JOACHIM JIMENEZ Jaramillo, Nepomuceno, -1934. A la memoria del Doctor Nepomuceno Jimdnez Jaramillo, Profesor de Clinica Obst6trica en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia. An. Acad. med. Medellin, 1934, 2: 1027. portr. JIMENEZ Jimenez, Brunilda [M. D., 1936, Chile] *Luxaciones patologicas de la cadera [Chile] 40p. 26Kcni. Santiago, Talleres Gr&ficos La Xaei6n, 1939. JIMENEZ de Pedro, J. Rapport sur les indications and applications therapeutiques des eaux minerales azotees d'Urberuaga de Ubilla (Biscaye, Espagne) 31p. 20,4cm. Bayonne, A. Lamaignfere, 1886. ---- Establecimiento termal de Urberuaga de Ubilla Marquina (Vizcaya) aguas nitrogenadas bicarbonatadas. 127p. 20} icm. Madr., L. Polo, 1887. JIMENEZ Pinochet, Oscar [M. D., 1940, Chile] *Influencia de las hormonas sexuales sobre la sensibilidad de la libra lisa intestinal ante los estimulos quimico-fisioldgicos [Chile] 24p. 25lkm. Santiago, Instituto Geogrdfico Mil., 1940. JIMENEZ-RIVERO, Miguel. Dermosifilo- graffa venezolana. 187p. illust. tab. diagr. 24cm. Caracas, Ed. Elite, 1936. JIMENEZ Sierra, Julio. For portrait see Bol. As. mid. nac, Panamd, 1941-42, 3: 11. JIMENEZ Zamorano, Luzmira [M. D., 1938, Chile] *Iridencleisis de Holth; trata- miento quiriirgico del glaucoma [Chile] 88p. 3 tab. 264cm. Xufioa, Impr. Jeneral Diaz, 1938. JINOT, Maurice, 1904- *Recherehes sur l'hyposulfite de magnesium. 118p. 8? 4 ch. Lyon, L. Sezanne, 1932. JIRASEK, Arnold, 1887- [Fiftieth anniversary of Prof. Arnold Jir&sek] Cas. 16k. ce-k. 1937, 76: 1049-55, portr.—Henner, K. [Prof. Jirdsek— neurosurgeon] Ibid., 1055-7.—Nikolaevich, S. [Fiftieth anniversary] Voj. san. glasnik, 1937, 8: 349-51, portr. JIRKA, Frank Joseph, 1886- American doctors of destiny; a collection of historical narratives of the lives of great American phy- sicians and surgeons whose service to the nation and to the world has transcended the scope of their professions, xix, 361p. 20 portr. 234cm. Chic, Normandie house [1940] For biography see Phi Chi Quart., Menasha, 1934, 31: 421. Portrait. In his Am. Doctors of Destiny, Chic, 1940, opp. p. 349. JIROU, Fernande [nee Roth] 1910- *Contribution a I'etude des greffes pSdiculees de l'ovaire dans 1'uterus. 59p. 8? Lyon, E. Vitte, 1937. JITTA, Nicholaas Marinus Josephus, 1858- 1940. Aldershoff. Dr. N. M. Josephus Jitta. Tschr. socia'e hyg., 1928, 30: 161, portr.—Wilde, P. A. de. Gouden artsjubileum Dr N. AI. J. Jitta. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1934, 78: 4598-600. See also Loghem, J. J. van [Obituary] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 2216-8, portr.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., 1940, 2: 615. Also Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 574. JIVKOFF, Michail, 1894- *Ueber Aetio- logie und Behandlung der Pyelitis. lOp. 8? Lpz., E. Lehmann, 1926. JIWKOWA, Ljuba, 1903- *Ein Fall von Friedreichscher Ataxie mit Lues cerebro- ppinalis. 27p. 8° Berl., E. Ebering, 1929. JOACHIM, Heinrich, 1860- Der Arzt im Einkommensteuergesetz. viii, 80p. 8? Jena, G. Fischer 1933. JOACHIM, Henry, 1883-1941. Practical bedside diagnosis and treatment. 834p 26cm. Springf., 111., C. C Thomas [1940] I'or obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1032.—Tenney, C. F. [Obituary] Ann. Int. M., 1941-42, 15: 779. JOACHIM, Johannes Maior. De aureo perdito [or] Querela nummi perditi. 8 1. 16? [n. p.] 1."),")."). JOACHIM [Joseph Otto] Wolfgang, 1906 ♦Multiple Sklerose und Unfall [Gottingen] 40p. 8° Hamb., A. Brunnler [1932] JOACHIM, Kurt, 1909- Teber den Einfluss von Glukose auf die ('offeinwirkung (Dehvdrierungen) [Miinster] 17p. 21cm. Len- gerich i. W., Lengericher Handelsdr., 1936. JOACHIM, Otto, 1863-1941. For obituary see Laryngoscope, 1941, 51: 1064. JOACHIM, Werner, 1908- *Beitrag zur Diagnose und Differentialdiagnose atvpischer Caudaaffektionen [Miinster] 27p. 8? Quaken- briick, R. Kleinert, 1935. JOACHIMI, Heinz, 1910- *Die Zie- genmilchanamie junger, wachsender Ratten als Testmethode fiir Leberextraktpraparate [Got- tingen] 16p. 22cm. Diisseld., G. H. Nolte, 1937. JOACHIMOVITZ, Robert, 1892- Gonor- rhoe der weiblichen Genitalorgane; ein Grund- riss ihrer Pathologie, Klinik und Therapie. viii, 231p. illust. 6 pl. 8? Wien, W. Maudrich, 1933. JOACHIMSEN, Heinz, 1910- *Wachs- tumsbeeinflussung von Bohnenkeimlingen durch kurze elektrische Wellen. 19p. 23cm. Kiel, [n. p.] 1934. JOACH1MSOHN, Paul. Editor of, Schedel, H. Briefwechsel (1452-78) 218p. 23Hcm. Tub., 1893. ' JOANIN, Albert, 1867- Aconitine et aconits. 99p. 8? Par., Boulanger-Dausse & cie [19 . . 1 JOANISSIAN, Marguerite [M. D., 1933, Geneve] *Des dangers de l'emploi therapeuti- que du chlorhydrate de diamino-methyl-acridi- nium (trypaflavine) et sp^cialement de l'azotemie provoquee par ce medicament. 32p. 8? Geneve, Imp. Commerce, 1933. JOANNES, Roger, 1914- *Quelques notes sur les troubles oculaires au cours de la grossesse. 45p. 24cm. Par., L. Pe4amourgue, 1939. JOANNES Actuarius. See Actuarius, Joannes. JOANNIDES, Constantin T., 1907- *Le cycle genital de la femme dans la pratique gynecologique. 47p. 8? Par., M. Vigne", 1932. JOANNIDES, Minas, 1895- For biography see Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 217. JOANNON, Pierre, 1894- See Debr§, R., & Joannon, P. La rougeole. 288p. 8°. Par., 1926. ------ & Cremieu-Alcan, M. T. La mortalite infantile et la mortinalit£. 464p. 8? Par., 1933. JOANNOU, Jean, *Thrombo-phlebite obli- terante du sinus caverneux d'origine amyg- dalienne ou bucco-pharyngee. 48p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1927. JOANNOVIC, Georg, 1871-1932. Kimla [Obituary] Cas. lek. desk., 1932, 71: 257.— M., R. [Biography] Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1934, 27: 323-5. JOAS, Fritz, 1914- *Ueber den Lungen- befund bei der Sauerstoffvergiftung [Heidelberg] lip. 21cm. Ludwigshafen a. Rh., J. Wald- kirch & cie, 1938. JOB, patriarch. Brim, C. J. Job's illness, pellagra. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic., 1942, 45: 371-6.-—Lannois, M., & Lacassagne, J. Quelques representations sculpturales du saint homme Job. Auiculape, Par., 1938, 28: 32-46.—Mayer, C. F. Morbus Jobi; Job Patriarch, the patron saint of syphilis. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1936, 40: 296-9.—Saint Job; drawing by Mr. Andrew Komfiromi-Kacz [Illust.] Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1936, 9. Congr., 4: 65. JOB 657 JOCHMANN JOB, of Edessa [Ayyub ar-Ruhawi] Encyclo- paedia of philosophical and natural sciences as taught in Baghdad about A. D. 817; or, Book of treasures; ed. and transl. by A. Mingana. xlviii, 470p. 8? Cambr., W. Heffer & sons, 1935. JOB, Andre, 1871-1928. Urbain, G. Necrologie. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1929, 4. s6r., 45:-46: 185-94. JOB, Leonard Bliss, 1891- *Business management of institutional homes for children. xi, 205p. 8? N. Y., Teach. Coll. Columbia Univ., 1926. JOB, Thestle Theodore, 1885- Lecture and laboratory outlines for anatomy. 2. ed. v. p. 8? Ann Arbor, Edwards bros, 1931. Lithographed. JOBIN, Georges, 1903- *La vie et I'oeuvre de Maillot, 1804-94. 50p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1932. JOBLING, James Wesley, 1876- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 101; 1942, 31: 87. JOBST [Anna Luise] Kate, 1906- *Ueber die medizinische Bedeutung der Birke. 18p. 8? Wurzb., G. Grasser, 1931. JOBST, Otto, 1908- *Die Rontgen- diagnostik in der Gynakoloeie, dargestellt nach dem Schrifttum 1900-32 [Wurzburg] 68p. 8? Gutersloh-Westf., Thiele, 1933. JOCASTA complex. JOCHMANN, Erich, 1899- *Histo- hamo-renale Verteilungsstudien mit Jod-oxy- chinolin-sulfosaure (Yatren) p.255-76. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1926. Also Zsehr. klin. Med., 1926, 104: JOCHMANN, Felix, 1902- *Einfluss der Rasse auf Geburt und gynakologische Erschei- nungen [Wurzburg] 40p. 8? Munch. [F. P. Datterer & cie] 1926. JOCHUM, Gunther, 1910- *Getarnte Schusswaffen. 14p. ch. 224cm. Heidelb., Evangelischer Verl., 1936. JOCHUMS [Heinrich] Wilhelm, 1907- *Wirtschaftskrise und Depressionszustande. 36p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1933. JOCKEL, Albert, 1907- *Ueber die Uterusaustastung nach friih- und rechtzeitigen Geburten. 24p. 8? Giessen, Nitschkowski, 1933. JOCKEL, Wilhelm, 1903- *Zur Kennt- nis der sekundaren miliaren Lungencarcinose [Freiburg i. B.] 23p. 8? [Darmstadt, H. Hohmann] 1928. JOCKISCH, Gunther, 1902- *Tropho- neurotische Storungen an der Haut nach endolum- balen Injektionen. 17p. 8? Bresl., K. Vater, 1926. JOCKS, Herbert [Karl Johannes Selpert] 1906- *Beitrag zur Frage des Einflusses der Ernahrung auf den Chlor- und Milchzucker- gehalt der Milch und die Galterkrankung. 39p. 8? Lpz., H. Poppinghaus, 1934. JOCKUSCH, Walter, 1908- *Klinische und histologische Beobachtungen an 21 Granu- losa-Zelltumoren des Eierstocks. 40p. 23cm. Berl., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1939. JODIN, Raymond, 1904- Considera- tions statistiques sur la grossesse gemellaire; a propos de 249 cas (Clinique Tarnier 1922-30) 50p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1930. JODL, Erwin, 1907- *Steht die Wismut- Salvarsankur in ihrer Wirkung auf die Wasser- mann'sche Reaktion der Quecksilber-Salvar- sankur nach? 23p. 8? Miinch., Bayer. Dr., 1931. JODSSEWEIT, Georg Walter, 1908- *Untersuchungen iiber Tiranal. 31p. 8? Ko- nigsb., Memelland. Rundschau, 1935. JOECK, Johannes, 1905- *Welche Be- deutung hat die Minusvariante Hultens fiir die Entstehung der Lunatummalacie? 42p. 23cm. Berl, R. Pfau, 1936. JOECKEL, Carleton Bruns, 1886- ed. Current issues in library administration; papers presented before the Library Institute at the University of Chicago, August 1-12, 1938. [2. impression] xii, 392p. incl. tab. diagr. 234cm. Chic, Univ. Chicago press [1940] JOECKEL, Helmut, 1908- *Ueber Arte- fakte und Dermatitis symmetrica dysmenorrho- ica [Marburg] 29p. 22cm. Bochum, F. W. Fretloh, 1934. JOEHR, Albert C, 1907- *Reduktions- erscheinungen an den oberen seitlichen Schnei- dezahnen dominant gehauft in einem Schwyzer Bergdorf. p.73-131. ch. 8? Zurich, O. Fussli, 1934. Also Arch. Julius Klaus Stift., 1934, 9: JOEHREN, Helmut, 1909- *Ueber die Erweiterung und Formgestaltung der Wur- zelkanale auf chemischem und instrumentellem Weg [Wurzburg] 17p. 21cm. Wertheim a. M., E. Bechstein, 1936. See under Complex. JOCCOTTON, Roger, 1905- Contribu- tions k I'etude de l'administration des hormones pancreatiques par la voie enterale. 45p. 8? Par., M. Viene\ 1932. JOCH, Willy, 1905- *Zur Frage der schwarzen Hautschrift (Dermographismus niger) [Erlangen] 22p. 8? Niirnb., E. Kreller, 1931. JOCHAM, Ludwig, 1911- *Desinfek- tionsversuche mit Trichlorathylen in alkoholisch- wassrigen Losungen an Keimtragern [Wurzburg] 25p. 22cm. Miinch., H. Jocham, 1935. JOCHELSON, Waldemar, 1856- Archae- ological investigations in Kamchatka, viii, 88p. pl. 4? Wash., Carnegie Inst., 1928. ---- Peoples of Asiatic Russia. 277p. pl. maps. N. Y., Am. Mus. Natur. Hist., 1928. ---- The Yakut, p.33-225. map. 244cm. N. Y., 1931. Forms Anthrop. Papers Am. Mus. Natur. Hist., 33: History, ethnology and anthropology of the Aleut, v, 91p. illust. 4? Wash., Carne gie Inst. 1933. JOCHEM, Alfred [M. D., 1926, Munchen] *Haut und Psyche [Munchen] 82p. 8? Trier, A. Sonnenburg [1927] JOCHEM, Bruno, 1912- *Geruchsinn und Diagnose. 32p. 204cm. Bonn, A. Brand, 1938. ^ „ JOCHIMOWICZ, Leib [M. D., 1934, Basel] *Die Beeinflussung der Geburt durch den Stand des Kopfes im Geburtsbeginn bei Primiparen mit normalem Becken. 19p. 8? Basel, Philogr. Verl 1934 JOCHIMOWICZ-TRYLNIK, Debora [M. D., 1936 Basel] *Ueber einen Fall von Kleinhirn- tumor mit rudimentarer Symptomatologie [Basel] 19p 8° L6d2, I. Landau, 1936. JOCHIMS, Hans Heinrich, 1905- *Ueber akute Todesursachen beim Morbus Addisoni rKiell 19P- ^° Nordseebad Biisum, W. Clausen, 1928. 320157__vol. 8, 4th series----42 JOEL 658 JOERG JOEL, Ernst. Das kolloide Gold in Biologie und Medizin; die Goldsohraktion im Liquor cerebrcspinalis. 115p. 8? Lpz., Akadem. Verl., 1925. Forms Bd 2 of Kolloidforsch. i. Einzeldarst (R. Zbigmondy) JOEL, Ernst. Die Behandlung der Gift- suchten, Alkoholismus, Morphinismus, Ko- kainismus. . . mit einem Anhang: die gesetzliche Behandlung der Giftsuchten. 118p. 8? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1928. ----& FRAENKEL, F. Der Cocainismus; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Psychopathologie der Rauschgifte. lllp. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1924. JOEL, Franciscus, 1508-79. SNrhcirifcId, W. Franciscus Joel, ein Greifswalder Professor der Medium, Stadtphvsikus und Apotheker; sein Leben und eeine Weike. Derm. Wschr., 1929, 89: 1265-75. JOEL, Gunther, 1S09- * Weitere Unter- suchungen iiber das Verhalten des E. K. G. bei Lungensilikose. 18p. 21cm. Bonn, Gebr. Scheur, 1938. JOEL, Karl [M. D., 1934, Basel] *Ein malignes Haemangioendotheliom der Pleura diaphragma- tica. 21 p. 8? Basel, Philogr. Verl. 1934. JOEL, Werner, 1900- *Ueber Hemi- atrophia faciei progressiva (unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Untersuchungsbefundes an 4 Fallen mit dem Adrenalinsondenversuch und farbiger Darstellung der Schweiss-sekretion) 17p. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1932. JOELLENBECK, Gustav Adolf, 1910- *Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss von Glyko- koll auf den Blutzucker [Kiel] 15p. 8? Guters- loh, Thiele, 1936. JOELLENBECK, Heinrich, 1914- *Ex- perimentelle Darstellung der kompensatorischen Pause am Skelettmuskel [Marburg] p.347-51. 25cm. Miinch., J. F. Lehmann, 1937. Also Zsehr. Biol., 1937, 98: JOELSAS, Mejeris [M. D., 1940, Basel] *Die Beziehung der Malaria zum Nervensystem. 18p. 224cm. Basel, B. Schwabe & co., 1940. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1940, 70: JOENS, Wolfgang, 1907- *Die Diagnose der Appendicitis [Kiel] 14p. 8? Bad Segeberg i. Holstcin, C. H. Waser, 1933. J0NSBERG, Ragnvald, 1852-90. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 617. JOENSSON, Birger. Zur Epidemiologie der Kinderlahmung. 193p. 8? Stockh., Mercators Tryckeri, 1938. Forms Suppl. 98, v.98, Acta med. scand. JOENSSON, Gunnar. Malignant tumors of the skeletal muscles, fasciae, joint capsules, tendon sheaths and serous bursae. 304p. 10 pl. 8? Stockh., P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1938. Forms Suppl. 36, Acta radiol. JOERG, Erich, 1912- *Beobachtungen iiber Einwirkungen des Tonstaubes in Ton- betrieben auf die Arbeiter, insbesondere auf die Mundverhaltnisse derselben [Bonn] 31p. 21cm. Waldbrol, C. Haupt, 1936. JOERG, Heinrich, 1907- *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eigenreflexe der quergestreiften Muskeln beim gesunden Menschen; der Patellar- und Achillesreflex bei willkiirlicher Hyper- ventilation der Lungen [Wurzburg] p. 150-8. 8? Miinch., J. F. Lehmann [1933] Also Zsehr. Biol., 1933, 94: JOERG, Miguel Eduardo [M. D., 1941, B. Aires] *La hepatosis aguda letal; atrofia amarilla y roja aguda genuina de Rokitansky, 1842. 129p. 264cm. B. Air., A. Frascoli, 1941. See also Mazza, S., Gajardo Tobar, R., & Jorg, M. E. Mepraia novum genus de Triatomidae. 30p. 27cm. B. Air., 1940. Also Mazza, S., & Jorg, M. E. Reproducci6n experi- mental de n6dulos. 18p. 27cm. B. Air., 1940. ------ Variabilidad del diseflo somdtico de Triatoma infestans Klug. 22p. 27cm. B. Air., 1940 ALoMazza, S. Jorg.M. E. [et al.] Investigaciones sobre hemopatias. 42p. 27cm. B. Air., 1942. Also Mazza, S., Jorg, M. E., A Canal Feijoo. E. J. Investiga- ciones sobre la enfermedad de C'bapas: Primer caso cr6nico mortal de forma cardfaca. 75p. 27cm. B. Air., 1938. Also Mazza, S., Jiirg. M. E., & Gajardo Tobar, R. Debatida posi- cion sistennitica de un triatomideo chileno. 34p. 27cm. B. Air., 1941. Also Mazza, S., Talice. R. V., & Jorg, M. E. In- vestigaciones sobre Triatominae. 52p. 26Hcm. B. Air., 1942. JOERGENS, Dora, 1913- *Ueber die Berufsgefahrdung der Arbeiter einer Keksfabrik und den Zustand ihrer Zahne [Munchen] 35p. 8? Lengerich-W., Lengericher Handelsdr., 1937. J0RGENSEN, Alfred [Peter Carlslund] 1848- Micro-organisms and fermentation. 6. ed., rev. & largely rewritten by Albert Hansen, and Aage Lund, with the assistance of C. Ainsworth Mitchell. xii, 416p. illust. 23cm. Lond., C. Griffin & co., 1939. J0RGENSEN, Axel, 1870-1935. Wulff, F. [Obituary] Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 130. J0RGENSEN, Gunner. Ueber die Bestim- mung der Phosphorsaure als Magnesiumam- moniumphosphat und als Ammoniumphospho- molybdat. p.141-238. 27cm. Kbh., A. F. H0st & s0n, 1905. Forms No. 4, T. 2 of Mim. Acad. sc. Danemark. J0RGENSEN, Jens Christian, 1867-1939. Salomonsen, K. E. [Obituary] Militaerlaegen, 1940, 46: 34-6. J0RGENSEN, J0rgen Olaf, 1875- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 618. J0RGENSEN, Otto Juul, 1894- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 179. J0RGENSEN, Rene Raymond, 1899- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 180. J0RGENSEN, S. M., 1837- Om'iltens opdagelse. p.205-46. 27cm. Kbh., A. F. H0st & s0n, 1907. Forms No. 3, T. 4 of M£m. Acad. sc. Danemark. J0RGENSEN, Sofus Andreas, 1873- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 618. JOERISSEN, Hermann, 1901- *Kritische Untersuchungen iiber das akute Hydramnion. 31p. 4 tab. 8? Bonn, L. Neuendorff, 1929. JOERN, Carl, 1909- *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Beeinflussung psy- chischer Leistungen durch artefizielle Blut- druckanderung [Bonn] 22p. 8? Stuttg., Christl. Verlagshaus, 1934. -—— *Ueber Erschiitterungsschaden der Gelenke. 27p. 8? Bonn, A. Brand, 1935. JOERREN, Ernst, 1898- *Zur Kasuistik der Trachealtumoren (ein Fall von Chondro- Osteo-Myxo-Sarkom der Trachea) 27p. 8? Gott. [n. p.] 1927. JOEST, Ernst, 1873-1926. Cohrs, P. Nekrolog. Zbl. allg. Path., 1926. 38: 193-5.— Gerlach. Nekrolog. Seuchenbekiimpfung, Wien, 1926, 3: 277.—Hobmaier, M. Nekrolog. Miinch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1926, 77: 393.—Nieberle. Nekrolog. Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1927, 22: 316. JOEST, Ernst Otto Walter, 1910- *Der Krebs an der Papilla Vateri mit Mitteilung eines Falles von Gallertkrebs. 16p. 8? Giessen, Deut. Dr., 1935. JOEST-DEGEN body. See under Encephalomyelitis, Borna type: Virus. JOESTER, Helmut, 1901- *Ueberem- pfindlichkeit gegen zahnarztlich verwendete Mate- rialien. lip. 8? [Minister i. W., n. p., 1929] JOET 659 JOHANNES JOET, Edmond, 1912- Contribution k I'etude des mucines, la mucine proprement gastrique. 155p. 254cm. Lyon, A. Rey, 1938. JOETTEN, Karl Wilhelm, 1886- & ARNOLDI, Wilhelm Friedrich. Gewerbestaub und Lungentuberkulose (Stahl-, Porzellan-, Koh- le-, Kalkstaub und Russ) eine literarische und experimentelle Studie. 256p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1927. JOETTEN, Karl Wilhelm, PFANNENSTIEL, W. [et al.] Die tierexperimentellen Grundlagen zur Behandlung von Typhus- und Paratyphus- bazillenausscheidern. vi, 102p. 8? Jena, G. Fischer, 1931. JOETTEN, Karl Wilhelm, & WEBER, Hein- rich. Lehrbuch der Gesundheitsfursorge. 352p. 8? Berl., R. Hobbing, 1932. JOFFARD, Raymond. *Etude d'un asper- gillus nouveau: Aspergillus gingivalis n. sp. [Strasbourg; Pharm.] 87p. 24cm. Par., Libr. Picart, 1936. JOFFE, Joseph, 1909- *The nuclear spin of sodium. 38p. 8? N. Y., Internat. Pr., 1933. JOFFE, Natalie F. The Fox of Iowa, p.259- 332. 23cm. N. Y., D. Appleton-Century co.,, 1940. In Accult. 7 Am. Indian tribes (Linton, R.) JOFFRE, Jean, 1911- *Gommes syphi- litiques de la cornee avec hypopyon. 51p. pl. 25cm. Lyon, Impr. I. L., 1933. JOFFRE, Joseph Jacques Cesaire, 1852-1931. Hanotaux, G. Nos grands chefs: Le Marshal Joffre. 51p. 25^cm. [Par., 1920] JOFFROY, Alice, 1906- *Idiotie avec amaurose par cataracte congenitale chez deux freres. 38p. pl. 24cm. Par., Jouve & cie, 1938. ': ' , JOFFROY, Pierre, 1895- *Recherches sur le fonctionnement respiratoire des adenoi- diens apres l'ablation des vegetations. 164p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1926. JOGERST, Arthur, 1908- *Die Organisa- tion der Kariesbekampfung bei den Schulkindern der Schweiz. 52p. map. 8? Freiburg i. B., K. Henn, 1932. JOHAE, Wolfgang, 1909- *Prophylaxe und Therapie der Mastitis puerperalis [Berlin] 16p. 21cm. Lengerich i. W., Lengerich. Handelsdr., 1938. JOHAENTGES, Adolphe [M. D., 1934, Strasbourg] *L'alimentation en eau potable du canton de Villersexel (Haute-Saone) 138p. map. pl. 8? Strasb., Soc. Ed. Bosse-Alsace, 1934. JOHAN, Bela, 1889- Rural health work in Hungary. 230p. illust. tab. 234cm. Budap., State hygienic institute of Hungary, 1939. Forms No. 9, Pub. State Hyg. Inst. Hungary. JOHANN, Nepomuk Salvator, Erzherzog [Orth] 1852-1891. Einblicke in den Spiritismus. 3. Aufl. 102p. 19cm. Linz, H. Korb, 1930. JOHANN, Werner, 1909- *Ueber einen mit Strahlen behandelten und geheilten Fall eines Mundbodenkarzinoms [Munchen] 19p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1937. JOHANNES, of Alexandria, fl. 7. century. Temkin O. Johannes Alexandrinus in der griechischen Tradition.' Jaiius, Leiden, 1932, 36: 217. JOHANNES, de Garlandia, fl. 11. cent. Commentaire sus la table d'Hermes [transl. by Jacques Girard de Tournus] p.39-56. 32? LyinnBaco! R7' Le Miroir d'alq., Lyon, 1557,1. pt. JOHANNES, de Sancto Amando. See Jean, of Saint-Amand. JOHANNES, de Saxonia. See al-Qabisi. JOHANNES, of Toledo [Hispanus] See Juan ben David [Avendaut] of Toledo [Hispanus] JOHANNES, Franz, 1908- *Klinische und tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Wirkung der Dinitrokorper auf den Stoff- wechsel [Wurzburg] 37p. 21cm. Wertheim a. M., E. Bechstein, 1937. JOHANNES, Rudolf Alexander, 1900- *Ueber eine Familie mit erblicher Hyper- daktylie (Syndaktylie, Hyperphalangie) 29p. 8? Munch., V. Honing, 1927. JOHANNES Angelicus. See Gaddesden, Johannes [Anglicus] de JOHANNES Hispalensis. See Juan ben David [Avendaut] of Toledo [Hispanus] JOANNES Mercurius, of Correggio. See Mercurius, Johannes. JOHANNESBURG, S. Transv. Central Min- ing—Rand Mines Group. Health Department. Report. Johannesb. (1934) 1935- JOHANNESBURG, S. Transv. Medical Officer of Health. Report on the public health and sanitary circumstances of Johannesburg. Johannesb., 1902- JOHANNESBURG, S. Transv. South African Institute for Medical Research. The South African Institute for Medical Research. 4p. illust. 214cm. Johannesb., W. E. Hortor & co., 1918. ---- Annual report. Johannesb. (1934) 1935- JOHANNESBURG, S. Transv. Witwaters- rand Medical Library. Catalogue of the serial publications in the Witwatersrand Medical Library, x, 48p. 8? Johannesb., Witwaters- rand Univ. pr., 1938. JOHANNESBURG, S. Transv. Manifesto by the group of General Surgeons of the Johan- nesburg General Hospital. S. Afr. M. J., 1942, 16: 327.— Porter, C. Public health work in Johannesburg. World's Health, Geneve, 1926, 7: 360-8. JOHANNESEN, Fritz Arnold, 1885- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 174. JOHANNESSEN, Arne. *Kliniske studier over urinvejsinfektioner hos born. 350p. 8. Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, 1926. JOHANNESSEN, Axel Theodor, 1849- De forskjellige d0dsaarsagers indflydelse paa spaedbarnsd0deligheden i Norge. 27p. 4 diag. 8? Christiania, J. Dybwad, 1908. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 605, JOHANNESSEN, Christen Georg, 1882- Portrait. In Norges, laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 175. JOHANNESSEN, Ingvald Christian, 1876- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 609. JOHANNESSOHN, Fritz, 1888- Kinine in de geneeskundige practijk aan de hand van de gegevens der pharmacologic 210p. 8? Amst., Bur. Bevord. Kinine-Gebruik, 1930. ----' The same. Chinin in der Allgemein- praxis unter Beriicksichtigung pharmakologi- scher Befunde. 232p. 2 pl. 8? Amst., 1930. ----The same. Ein Nachtrag zu der 1930 erschienenen Ausgabe. 176p. 8? Amst., 1932. ---- Chinin-Formeln. 3. ed. 46p. 18? Amst., Bur. Bevord. Kinine-Gebruik, 1933. JOHANNESWERTH, Friedrich, 1903- *Ueber die primaren Ergebnisse der Hasen- JOHANNESWERTH 660 JOHN scharten-Operat ionen. 18p. 8? Wiirzb. [n. p.] 1932. JOHANNI, Johann Ulrich [M. D., 1903, Basel] *LTeber einen Amyloidtumor des Kehl- kopfs und der Trachea [Basel] 19p. 2 pl. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1903. Also Arch. Lar. RhinoL, Berl., 1903, 14: JOHANNIS, Wilhelm, 1900- *Ueber eine Beobachtung von essentieller Thrombo- zytopenie. 19p. 8? Griinberg, W. Siebert, 1937. JOHANNISTAL, Germany. Riihl. Neubau eines Krankenhauses in der Rheinischen Provinzial-Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt Johannistal bei Siichteln. Zsehr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1933, 247-9. JOHANNSEN, Erik W. Nogle studier over de menneskelige isohaemagglutininer med saer- ligt henblik paa forholdene hos patienter med kraeft. 103p. tab. 254cm. Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, 1926. JOHANNSEN, Oskar, 1913- *Tier- experimentelle Versuche iiber die Einwirkung von Apfel-Dicksaft, Apfel-Vollsaft und Apfel- Kurwasser auf den Vitamin-C-Haushalt sowie die KatahiM- und den Hamoglobin-Gehalt des Blutes. 2,")']). 22cm. Marb., H. Bauer, 1937. JOHANNSEN, Oskar Augustus, 1870- See Kingsbury, B. F., & Johannsen, O. A. Histological technique. 142p. 8? N. Y., 1935. Also Riley, W. A., & Johannsen, O. A. Medical entomology, xi, 476p. 8? N. Y., 1932. JOHANNSEN, Rudolf, 1904- *Differen- zierung von 50 Fallen von Hypertension. 29p. 8? [Tubingen, n. p., 1930] JOHANNSEN, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1857-1927. Federley, H. [Obituary] Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1927, 69: 977-92.—Pratje, A. Nekrolog. Deut. med. Wschr., 1928, 54: 666.—Thomsen, O. Nekrolog. Hospitalstidende, 1927, 70: 1081-9, portr.—Wettstein, F. von. Nekrolog. Natur- wissenschaften, 1928, 16: 350-2. JOHANNSON, Lisa, 1910- *Beitrage zur Statistik der Kieferbriiche an Hand der in den Jahren 1924-1933 an der Mtinchener Uni- versitats-Zahnklinik behandelten Falle. 18p. 8? Miinch., Bayer. Dr. [1933] JOHANSEN, Anders. Sudhedsstyrelsens Aarsberetning for 1920. xiv, 439p. 12? Kbh., H. Hagerup, 1921. JOHANSEN, J., 1823- Moldenhawer, J. [Psychiatrist] Nyt tskr. abnormvaes., Kbh., 1901, 3: 253-5, portr. JOHANSSON, Ernst. Zur Therapie der Embolie der Zentralarterie der Retina. 86p. 8? Berl., S. Karger, 1937. Forms H. 24, Abh. Augenh. ---- Die Augenkrankheiten und ihre Behand- lung bei Johannes Colerus. 53p. 8? Stuttg., F. Enke, 1939. Forms Beih. 5, KUn. Mbl. Augenh. JOHANNSON, John Erik, 1862-1938. Santesson, C. G. [Obituary] Hygiea, Stockh., 1938, 100: 225-35, portr. For portrait see also Collection in Library. JOHANNSON, Rut, 1907- *Versuche iiber kunstliche Karies. 12p. 8? Wiirzb., K. Triltsch, 1931. JOHANSSON, Sonja, 1909- *Ist auf dem Wege der nebenamtlichen Versorgung eines Landkreises eine Schulzahnpflege durchfiihrbar? [Berlin] 35p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1934. JOHANSSON, Sven, 1880- The opera- tive treatment of collum femoris fractures. 148p. illust. 8? Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, 1934. JOHLIN, Jacob Martin, 1884- Introduc- tion to phvsical biochemistry. 231p. illust. tab. diagr/ 24cm. X. Y., P. B. Hoeber [1941] JOHN XXI [Petrus Hispanus] Pope, -1277. [Thesaurus pauperum] Tesoro de poveri. 60f. sm. 4? Venezia, Giovanni Aluisio de Varesi, 1490. Capparoni, P. Di una rara traduzione italiana del secolo XIV del Thesaurus pauperum di Pietro Ispano. Riv. storia sc. med. 1928, 19: 55-02.—D'Amico, D. Un oculista divenuto Papa Giovanni XXI. Arch, ottalm., 1931, 38: 564-72.— Sudhoff, K. Petrus Hispanus, richtiger Lusitanus, Professor der Medizin und Philosophie, schliesslich Papst Johannes XXL Med. Welt, 1934, 8: 857-9. JOHN XXII, Pope, 1249-1334. Esposito, A. II coltello-antidoto di Giovanni XXII. Rass. clin. ter., 1938, 37: Suppl., 141-6. JOHN, of Gaunt, 1340-99. Richardson, H. G. John of Gaunt and the parliamentarv representation of Lancashire. 50p. 264cm. Manchester, Engl., 1938. JOHN, of Gmiinden [Gamundia] See Schindel, Johan. JOHN, Alfons, 1909- *Ueber das Gefass- system der unterfrankischen Neugeborenen- schilddriise. 12p. 8? Wiirzb., K. Roll, 1932. JOHN, Bruno, 1903- * Ueber Kropf- rezidive nach Radikaloperation. 26p. 8? Wiirzb., C. J. Becker, 1926. JOHN, Carl [Johannes Werner] 1902- *Ueber akzessorische Milchdriisen und Warzen, insbesondere iiber milchdrusenahnliche Bildungen in der Achselhohle [Breslau] p.691-708. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1927. Also Arch. Gyn., Berl., 1927, 126: JOHN, Ernst, 1890- *Die Beteiligung der Hornhaut bei der Tuberkulose des Auges mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung der Perforation. 36p. 8? Rostock, Adlers Erben, 1919. JOHN, Helmut, 1903- *Die neue Miin- chener Kleinsiedlung "Am Hart" [Munchen] 24p. plan. 21cm. Pfaffenhofen, Umgau-Dr., 1936. JOHN, Henry Jerry, 1885- Technique in the management of diabetic patients. 62p. pl. 8? Cleveland, W. Feather co., 1927. ---- Diabetic manual for patients. 202p. 8? S. Louis, C. V. Mosby co., 1928. Also 2. ed. 232p. illust. pl. 1934. JOHN, Johannes, 1909- *Atmung und Kniebeugen. lip. 8? Bresl., E. Jakubik, 1936. JOHN, Johannes Martin, 1905- *Wie- viele Armamputierte tragen ihre Prothese? [Leipzig] 15p. 8? Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1935. JOHN, Karl, 1907- *Autophthalmosko- pie [Breslau] 18p. 8? Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1934. JOHN, Manfred, 1904- *Beitrag zum Studium der kongenitalen Choledochuszysten. 31p. 8? Bresl., A. Schreiber, 1931. JOHN, Max, 1911- *Wurzelbehand- lungsmethoden und Wurzelfullmaterialien und deren Schwierigkeit am Foramen apicale [Miin- ster] 31p. 8? Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1935. JOHN, Otto, 1908- *Die haptische Erfassung der Raumrichtungen [Jena] 37p. 8? Zeulenroda, B. Sporn, 1935. JOHN, Werner, 1902- *Die an der Chirurgischen Universitatsklinik zu Breslau von Ende 1919 bis Juni 1925 beobachteten Falle von Wirbelsaulenverletzungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Wirbelsaulenfrakturen. 29p. 8? Bresl. [n. p.] 1927. JOHN, Wolfgang, 1908- *Zur Kenntnis spontaner Aneurysmen grosser herznaher Gefasse [Rostockl 14p. 21cm. Seestadt Wismar, Eberhardt, 1936. JOHN B. Pierce Foundation. See New Haven. John B. Pierce Laboratory of Hygiene. JOHNE 661 JOHNS JOHNE [Heinrich] Albert, 1839-1910. Johnes Trichinenschauer; Leitfaden fiir den Unterricht in der Trichinenschau. 13. Aufl.- bearb. v. Richard Edelmann. vii, 112p. illust. diagr. 8? Berl., P. Parey, 1933. JOHNEN, Berndt R., 1908- *Das weisse Blutbild bei der Pockenimpfung. 16p. 8? Wiirzb., G. Grasser, 1933. JOHNEN, Karl, 1906- *Zur operativen Behandlung des Invaginationsileus beim Erwach- senen. 17p. 8? Freib. i. B., E. Beckstein, 1931. JOHNEN, Richard, 1900- *Zur Frage der Psychosen bei Metencephalitis. 32p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1928. JOHNE'S disease. See Paratuberculosis. JOHN Gabriel, Sister, 1874- Principles of teaching in schools of nursing, x, 128p. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1928. ---- Practical methods of study; a textbook for student nurses, viii, 125p. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1930. ---- Professional problems; a text-book for nurses. 158p. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1932. Also 2. ed. 224p. 1937. ---- Through the patient's eyes; hospitals, doctors, nurses. 264p. 8? Phila., J. B. Lippin- cott co. [1935] JOHN ROCKEFELLER McCORMICK Memo- rial Institute for Infectious Diseases. See under Chicago, 111. JOHN Rylands library. See under Manchester, Engl. JOHNS, C. K. The washing and sterilization of farm dairy utensils. 4p. 8? Ottawa, 1928. Forms No. 64, Circ. Canada Dep. Agr. JOHNS, Foster Matthew, 1890- See Bass, C. C, & Johns, F. M. Practical clinical labora- tory diagnosis. 187p. 8? Bait., 1929. Dr Foster M. Johns elected president of American Society of Clinical Pathologists. Messenger, Menasha, Wise, 1934, 31: 201-3. JOHNS, Lillian G. See Allen, G. M., & Johns, L. G. Mother and child, lllp. 19cm. Lond., 1939. JOHNSEN, Debora Dorkas. [Winner of Dr W. J. Denno's Award of Merit 1942] Med. Bull. (Standard Oil Co.) N. Y., 1941-43, 5: 406, portr. JOHNSEN, Frederik Alfred, 1887-1930. Baastrup, C. I. Nekrolog. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1930, 11: 452. Also Fortschr. Rontgenstrahl., 1930, 42: 667. JOHNSEN, Jakob Funnemark, 1868- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 610. JOHNSEN, Joseph Frantz Oscar, 1838-1905. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 611. JOHNSEN, Julia Emily. Socialization of med- icine. 335p. 8? N. Y., H. W. Wilson co., 1935. Also Supplement 47p. 1935. JOHNSEN, Julius, 1856-1900. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist.. 1915, 1: 611. JOHNSEN, Peder Otilius, 1895- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 176. JOHNSEN, Trude, 1872- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 612. JOHNS Hopkins Hospital. See under Baltimore, Md. JOHNS Hopkins Medical Society. Prnreedincs of a meeting of the Johns Hopkins Medical Society held in tie Hurd Memorial Hall. April 8 1940. Bull. Inbn, Hnnkins Hosp., 1940, 66: 404-8.—Proceedings of the Johns Hopkins aosp., Medical Society; held in the HufdnMetorialJHalf, November 10. 1941. Ibid., 1942, 70: 92-4. JOHNS Hopkins University [An appeal for funds] 16p. 8? [n. p., 1936?] ----Studies in education. Bait., No. 24, 1936. Commemoration day. Johns Hopkins Alumni Mag., 1934 22: 297-318.—Wolf, S. G. The development of an American institution (Johns Hopkins) Phi Chi Q„ Menasha, 1937, 34: 139-49, portr. JOHNS Hopkins University. College for Teachers. Catalogue, summer session. Bait., 1943- JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Business Economics. Catalogue number. Bait., 1942- JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Engineering. Catalogue. Bait., 1943- JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Hygiene and Public Health. De Lamar lectures. Bait., 1925/26- ---- Report of the activities. Bait., 1928/29- ---- Collected papers. Bait., 11. (1929/30) 1930- ---- Directory of the graduates. 119p. 23cm. [Bait.] Johns Hopkins Univ., 1938. ---- Report of the dean of the medical faculty to the president of the university. Bait., 1940- See also TJlmann, D. A book of portraits of the faculty of the Medical Department of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. 36 portr. fol. Bait., 1922. Also Argil, G. La Escuela de medicina de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. Medicina, Mix., 1943, 23: Suppl., 111-7.— Bernal Flandes, F. Datos sobre la Universidad de Johns Hop- kins. Rev. med. Veracruz., 1940, 20: 3224-7.—Illustration (The beginning, the Old Pathological; air view today) In William Henry Welch (Flexner, S.) N. Y., 1941, opp. p. 127.— MacCallum, W. G. Historical essays in the course in pathology at the Johns Hopkins University. Meth. M. Educ, 1932, 20. ser., 81-3.—Meyer, A. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; outline of the first-year course. Proc. Conf. Psychiat. Educ. (1936) 1938, 4. Conf., 10-2.—Muncie, W. S. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; the second-year course. Ibid., 13.—Rennie, T. A. C. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity School of Medicine; the fourth-year course. Ibid., 21-8.—Kichards, E. L. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; the third-year course and utilization of the dispen- sary material. Ibid., 15-21.—Weed, L. H. Department of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University. Meth. M. Educ, 1930, 17. ser., 223-6. JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Medicine. Army Neuro-Surgical Laboratory. Collected papers, v. p. 8? Bait., 1917-19. JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Medicine. Department of Gynecology. Col- lected papers. Bait., 1922- JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Medicine. Institute of the History of Medicine. Publications. Bait., 1934-37. CONTENTS 3. ser. Vol. 1. Renaissance of medicine in Italy. A. Castiglioni. Vol 2 Medical man and the witch during the Renaissance. G. Zilboorg. 1935. ^ Vol. 3. Early medieval medicine. L. C. MacKinney. 1937. ' 4. ser. Vol. 1. Brief rule to guide the common people of New England how to order themselves and theirs in the small pocks, or measles, 1677. Thomas Thacher. 1937. Vol 2. Discourse upon the institution of medical schools in America, 1765. John Morgan 1937. Vol. 3. Adaptation in pathological processes, 1937. Wil- See also Activities (Medico-historical) in the United States; report of the activities of the Institute of the History of Medi- cine of the Johns Hopkins University during the academic year 1937-38. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., 1938, 6: 858-81, portr.—Flexner, S & Flexner, J. T. History of medicine. In their William Henry Welch, N. Y., 1941, 416-43. JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Medicine. William H. Welch Medical Library. . . . An account of its origin and development, JOHNS 662 JOHNSON together with a description of the building . . . vii, 153p. illust. plan, portr. 27cm. [Bait., Williams & Wilkins co., 1930] ■--- Bulletin. Bait., No. 1, 1943- JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Medicine. Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute. Collected reprints. Bait., 1925- ----Studies in phvsiological optics; ed. by C. E. Ferree. 2 vols. 8? Bait., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1928. ---- Dedication of the Wilmer Institute. October 15 and 16, 1929. 88p. pl. 8? Bait. [Waverly pr., 1929] — Monographs. Bait., No. 2, 1934- Dedication of the Wilmer Institute. Johns Hopkins Alumni Mag., 1930, 18: 133.—Dedication of the Wilmer Institute; programme. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1930, 47: 44-54.— Wilmer. W. H. The Wilmer Institute of the Johns Hopkins Medical School and Hospital. Am. J. Ophth., 1927, 3. ser., 10: 346-9. JOHNS Hopkins University. School of Nursing. List of graduates. Bait., 1939- McCardell, L. Johns Hopkins takes air-raid precautions. Johns Hopkins Nurs. Alumnae Mag., 1942, 41: 68-71.— McElderry, B. The spirit of Hopkins! Trained Nurse, 1939, 103: 17-9.—Miss Lawlor to retire from Johns Hopkins. Ibid., 1940, 104: 440, portr. JOHN Simon Guggenheim Memorial Founda- tion. See Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York. JOHNSON, Alexander, 1847-1941. For obituary see Current Biogr., N. Y., 1941, 2: 439. JOHNSON, Allen, 1890-1941. For obituary see Texas J. M., 1941-42, 37: 574, portr. JOHNSON, Alvin Saunders, 1874- For biography see Current Biogr., N. Y., 1942, 3: No. 8, 25-7, portr. JOHNSON, Andrew, 1860- Biography. In Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 127. For his signature on certificate given to E. S. Erving see Collection in Library. JOHNSON, Anton Gisle, 1893- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 176. JOHNSON, Ava L. Manual for physiology laboratory, Des Moines Still College of Osteop- athy. 43p. 8? Ann. Arb., Edwards bros., 1931. ---- Study manual for blood, respiratory, muscle physiology. 55p. 8? Ann Arb., Edwards bros., 1931. JOHNSON, Alfred Forbes. A catalogue of engraved and etched English title-pages down to the death of William Faithorne, 1691. xi, 109p. 93 facsims. 4? Oxford Univ. pr., 1934. See also Halkett, S., & Laing, J. Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous English literature. New ed. 6 vols. 8? Edinb., 1926-1932. JOHNSON, Bascom, 1878- , comp. Digest of laws and regulations relating to the prevention and control of syphilis and gonorrhea in the forty-eight states and the District of Columbia, viii, 438p. 23^cm. N. Y., Am. Social Hyg. Ass. [1940] Also 1942 Supplement. Rev. by George Gould, vi, 179p. map, tab. 23cm. X. Y., Am. Social Hyg. Ass. [1942] P., J. B. [Biography] J. Social Hyg., 1942, 28: 149-5L portr. JOHNSON, Charles Beneulyn, 1843- For portrait see Collection in Library. JOHNSON, Charles Lawson, 1886- Dr Johnson's latest collection of notes. 56p. 18? Memphis, C. L. Johnson, 1932. JOHNSON, Charles Nelson, 1860- Principles and practice of filling teeth. 2. ed. 299p. illust. 8? Phila., S. S. White Mfg. co., 1902. ---- Operative dentistry. 276p. pl. diagr. 21cm. N. Y., Xat. Medical book co. [1938] JOHNSON, Charles Spurgeon, 1893- The Negro in American civilization; a study of Negro life and race relations in the light of social research, xiv, 538p. 8? N. Y., H. Holt & co. [1930] ----A preface to racial understanding, ix, 206p. 8? N. Y., Friendship pr. [1936] ---- Growing up in the black belt; Xegro youth in the rural South. Prepared for the American Youth Commission. xxiii, 360p. incl. tab. pl. 23}£cm. Wash., Am. Council on Educ, 1941. JOHNSON, Clarence T. For biography see Hosp. Topics, 1937, 15: No. 3, 11. JOHNSON, Clarence W. See Johnson, L. A., A Johnson, C. W. How to build and maintain a practice. 1 17p. 8? Denver, 1928. JOHNSON, Clarence Walton. The history of the 321 infantry with a brief historical sketch of the 81 division. xv, 201p. pl. map. 8? Columbia, S. C, R. L. Brvan co., 1919. JOHNSON, Daniel Philip, 1905- Con- tribution a I'etude de la lutte antituberculeuse; les caracteristiques de cette lutte aux Etats-Unis d'Am^rique et en Suisse. 48p. 24cm. Lausanne, Held, 1937. JOHNSON, Donald M. Confidence and speed in the two-categorv judgment. 52p. incl. tab. diagr. 23cm. N. Y., 1939. Forms No. 241, Arch. Psychol., N. Y. JOHNSON, Sir Edward, 1785-1862. Consti- pation, not a disease of the bowels; its true nature and cause discovered, and a safe and effectual remedy recommended. 30p. 32? R. Lond., Hall & co., 1850. JOHNSON, Edwin Peter, 1895- Fowl leukosis—manifestations, transmission, and etiological relationship of various forms. 21p. pl. tab. 23cm. Blacksb., Va., Virginia Poly- technic Inst., 1941. JOHNSON, Elizabeth A. A selected list of the publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics; 1938 ed. iv, 30p. 23cm. Wash., 1939, Also 1940 ed. iv, 48p. 1941. JOHNSON, Elizabeth S. Welfare of families of sugar-beet laborers; a study of child labor and its relation to family work, income, and living conditions in 1935 [2. Rep.] v, lOOp. pl. 23cm. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1939. JOHNSON, Emma. See Goodspeed, H. C, & Johnson, E. Care and guidance of children. 309p. 20cm. Chic, 1938. JOHNSON, Francis. Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English, iv, 1420p. 32cm. Lond., W. H. Allen & co., 1852. JOHNSON, Francis Rarick, 1901- The influence of Thomas Digges on the progress of modern astronomy in sixteenth-century England. p.390-410. illust. 8? Bruges, S. Catherine press, 1936. In Osiris, Bruges, 1936, 1: JOHNSON, Frank Willard, 1902- For portrait see Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 443. JOHNSON, Franklin Paradise, 1888-1943. Urogenital svstem. p.1421-88. 28cm. Phila., Blakiston co.", 1942. In Human Anat. (Morris, H.) 10. ed. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 1173. JOHNSON, Fred Gordon, 1872- For portrait see Wisconsin M. J., 1942, 41: 704. JOHNSON, Frederic Mortimer 1874-1942. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 580. Also Rev. Gastroenter, 1942, 9: 250.—Tenney, C. F. [Obituary] Ann. Int. M., 1942, 17: 171. JOHNSON 663 JOHNSON JOHNSON, Frederick Murray Godschall, 1882-1941. Shaw, A. N. [Obituary] Tr. R. Soc Canada, 1941, 35: 121-5, portr. JOHNSON, George Edwin, 1889- Con- trol of mammals injurious to agriculture in Kansas. lOp. 8? Topeka, 1940. Forms Circ. 198, Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta. JOHNSON, George Lindsay, 1853- Con- tributions to the comparative anatomy of the reptilian and the amphibian eye, chiefly based on ophthalmological examination, p.315-53. 6 pl. 29cm. Lond., Harrison & sons, 1927. In Philos. Tr. R. Soc. London, 1927, ser. B, 215: JOHNSON, Gisle, 1822-94. Portrait. In Festskr. K. Frederiks Univ., Kristiania, 1911, 2* 23 JOHNSON, Gisle Kristian, 1889- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 177. JOHNSON, Glenn Herbert, 1899- Relief and health problems of a selected group of non- family men. xiii, 81p. illust. 8? Chic, Univ. Chicago pr. [1937] For biography see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1938, 35: 636 portr. JOHNSON, Gunnar, 1895- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 177. JOHNSON, Guy, 1740-88. Gibb, H. L. Colonel Guy Johnson, superintendent general of Indian affairs, 1774-82. Papers Michigan Acad. Sc. (1941) 1942, 27: 595-613. JOHNSON, Harry Dash, 1877-1936. For obituary see Health Notes, Jacksonville, 1936, 28: 35. JOHNSON, Harvey Louis. Perfect health; its attainment and preservation. 55p. 8? [Denver, Author, 1932] ---- Sex-love and knowledge. 52p. 8? Denver, Author [1932] JOHNSON, Henry Porter, 1855-1943. For obituary see Minnesota M., 1943, 26: 459. JOHNSON, Herman Frank, 1897- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 229; 1942, 31: 258. JOHNSON, Herman M., 1874-1936. Benson, E. A. [Biography] Minnesota M., 1938, 21: 684-8. JOHNSON, Hosmer Allen, 1822-91. For portrait see Q. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1943, 17: 83. JOHNSON, Howard Wilfred, 1901- See Miller, W. T., & Johnson, H. W. Differential staining of sections of unpreserved bovine udder tissue affected with mastitis. 4p. 8? pl., Wash., 1939. JOHNSON, Hugh S., 1882-1942. Eyewash from the General. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 716. JOHNSON, Humphrey John Thewlis, 1890- Anthropology and the fall; with pref. by C. C. Martindale. xv, 93p. 12? Oxf., B. Blackwell, 1923. JOHNSON, Isaac, D., 1827- Thera- peutic key; or, Practical guide for the homeo- pathic treatment of acute diseases, vi, 179p. 18° Phila., F. E. Boericke, 1872. Also 10. ed. vi, 347p. 16? 1881. Also 16. ed. 400p. 1889. JOHNSON, I. D. Counsel to parents, and how to save the baby, 224p. 12? Kenneth Square, Pa., Author, 1889. JOHNSON, James, 1778-1845. Change of air- or The pursuit of health; an autumnal excursion through France, Switzerland and Italy, in the 1829; with observations and reflections on the moral, physical, and medicinal influence of travelling-exercise, change of scene, foreign skies and voluntary expatriation. iv, 294p. 8? Lond., S. Highley, T. & G. Underwood, 1831. JOHNSON, James Francis, 1882- Prac- tical shop mechanics and mathematics. ix, 130p. diagr. 8? N. Y., J. Wiley & sons, 1916. JOHNSON, John F., 1841-1924. Biography. In Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 443, portr. JOHNSON, John Raven, 1900- Modern electronic concepts of valence. p. 1595-1711. 231/2cm. N. Y., J. Wiley & sons, 1938. In Organic chem. (Gilman, H.) 1938, 2: JOHNSON, Joseph Taber, 1845-1921. For portrait see Collection in Library. JOHNSON, L. A., & MORROW, K. S. The safety bull pen. 8p. 8? Durham, 1940. Forms 228, N. Hampshire Exten. Circ. JOHNSON, L. E. Medical adviser and guide to health, for the use of families; comprising over one hundred prescriptions, xvi, 104p. 8? Bait,, King bros, 1888. JOHNSON, Lawrence A., & JOHNSON, C. W. How to build and maintain a practice. xiii, 147p. 8? Denver [1928] JOHNSON, Leighton Foster, 1891- For portrait see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1939, 36: 428. JOHNSON, Lester J., 1899- For portrait see J. Michigan M. Soc, 1941, 40: 892. JOHNSON, Lewis Jerome, 1867- See Gorgas, W. C, & Johnson, L. J. Two papers on public sanitation and the single tax. 2. print. 23p. 22}^cm. Cincin., 1915. JOHNSON, Loren Bascom Taber, 1875-1941. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 118: 244. Also Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1942, 11: 39, portr. JOHNSON, Lucius Warren, 1882- Capt. Lucius W. Johnson receives first Modern Hospital gold medal award. Mod. Hosp., 1941, 57: No. 4, 69, portr. JOHNSON, Nathan Clarke, 1882- See Hool, G. A.. & Johnson, N. C. Concrete engineers' handbook. 885p. 8? N. Y., 1918. JOHNSON, Nils G. *Effect of chemical combination on X-ray emission spectrum; an experimental study of the Kau 2-doublet of the elements 11 Na-16 S. 72p. 3 pl. 23^cm. Lund, P. Lindstedt, 1939. JOHNSON, Obed Simon, 1881- A study of Chinese alchemy. xi, 156p. 8? Shanghai, Commercial press, 1928. JOHNSON, Peter Christian Espolin, 1860- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 612. JOHNSON, PMlip H., -1933. For obituary see Decen. Suppl. First Century (Philadel- phia Coll. Pharm.) Phila., 1934, 1. Suppl., 58, portr. JOHNSON, Raymond, & MAZZOLA, Joseph. A toxicological study dealing with the effects of causalin on rabbits. [3]p. tab. 8? Brooklyn, Long Island Coll. Med. [1938?] JOHNSON, Richard Espolin, 1869- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 613. JOHNSON, Robert T. The doctor asks about accident and health insurance. 60p. 23cm. [N. Y., Reflector press, 1941] JOHNSON, Robert Wilkinson, 1854-1930. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 95: 1850. Also Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1933. 51: 520. JOHNSON, Roy William, 1896- For portrait see California West. M., 1943, 58: 159. JOHNSON, Samuel, 1709-84. A dictionary of the English language; in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed, a history of the language, and an English grammar. n. p. portr. 44cm. Lond., Harrison & co., Brain W R. The medical and mental history of Dr Samuel Johnson. Brit. M. J., 1934, 2: 480.—Case (The) of Samuel Johnlom Canad. J. M. & S., 1927, 62: 57-6I.-East, T. JOHNSON 664 JOHNSSON Dr Samuel Johnson; his medical historv as recorded by James Boswell. Brit. Heart J., 1942, 4: 43-8.--Hazen, A. T. Samuel Johnson and Dr Robert James. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., Bait., 1936, 4: 455-65.— Ladell. R. M. The neurosis of Dr Samuel Johnson. Brit. J. M. Psychol., 1929, 9: 314-24.—Rolleston. H. Samuel Johnson's medical experiences. Ann. M. Hist., 1929, n. ser., 1: 540-52. JOHNSON, Scott, 1898- For portrait see Collection in Library. JOHNSON, Sydney Evans, 1889- ROGERS, James Boyles, & COLE, Archie Evans. A guide for regional dissections of the human body. 4. ed. 189p. 23J;;cm. [Louis- ville] Dep. Anatomy Univ. Louisville, 1939. Also 5. ed. 1941. JOHNSON, Thomas, 1597-1644. Power, D. Botanist and barber surgeon. Glasgow M. J., 1940, 133: 201-5. JOHNSON, Thomas Ross, 1880-1942. For obituary see Nova Scotia M. Bull., 1942, 21: 140. JOHNSON, Treat Baldwin, 1875- The chemistry of pvrimidines, purines, and nucleic acids, p.948-1017. 23>4cm. X. Y., J. Wiley & sons, 1938. In Organic chem. (Gilman, H.) 1938, 2: JOHNSON, Victor Einar, 1901- Sec Carlson, Anton J., & Johnson, V. IN. The machinery of th<^ body. 580p. 8? Chic. [1937] Also Katz, L. N., & Johnson, V. E. Elements of electrocardiographic interpreta- tion. 38p. 8? Chicago [1932] JOHNSON, Vincent Clifton, 1902- Hodges, F. J. Doctor Johnson resigns. Univ. Hosp. Bull., Ann Arb., 1942, 8: 56, portr. JOHNSON, W. Scott. See Bloomfield, J. J., Johnson, W., Scott, and Sayers, R. R. The potential problems of industrial hygiene in a typical industrial area in the United States. 35p. 8? Wash., 1934. JOHNSON, Wendell, 1906- Because I stutter. With introd. by L. E. Travis, xv, 126p. 8? N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1930. ---- The influence of stuttering on the personalitv. 140p. illust. tab. 23j4cm. Iowa City, Univ. Iowa, 1932. Forms No. 5, v.5, Univ. Iowa Stud. Child Welf. JOHNSON, William Arthur. See (Iwyn, N. B. The letters of a devoted father to an unre- sponsive son, student of medicine at McGill and London; being the letters of Osier's great inspiration, W. A. Johnson to his son James. Bull. Inst. Hist. M., Bait., 1939, 7: 335- 51, portr. JOHNSON, Wingate Memory, 1885- The true physician; the modern doctor of the old school, xvi, 157p. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1936. See also Carpenter, C. C. Professor Wiagate M. Johnson. North Carolina M. J., 1941, 2: 149. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, New Brunswick, N. J. When the medical profession of New- York paid homage to The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. 134p. pl. 8? N. Brunswick, 1927. ---- Operative procedure [Collection of plates] 2. ed. 52p. 8? N. Brunswick [1934] ---- Physicians' suspensory guide. 8 1. illust. 81cm. N. Brunswick [1939?] ---- Factories can be beautiful. [8]p. illust. 32 cm. N. Brunswick, 1942. JOHNSSON, Gunnar [M. D., 1932, Helsinki] *Om sjukdom^oi-akerna enligt Israel Hwasser, en medicinhistorisk studie [Helsinki] 164p. 23cm. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1932. Also Upsala lak. foren. forh., 1932, 38: JOHNSSON, John William Schibbye, 1868- 1929. L'anatomie mandchoue et les figures de Th. Bartholin; etude d'iconographie compared. 42p. 8? Kbh. A. F. Host & s0n, 1928. Hult, O. T. [Obituary] Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1929, 91: 113-5.—Liitzhoft, F. [Obituary] Hospitalstidende, 1929, 72: 184-6.—Van Andel, A. [Obituary] Janus, Leiden, 1929, 33:49-51, portr. JOHNSSON, Julius Victor, 1858-1935. For obituary see Fin. lak. siill. hand., 1935, 77: 816. JOHNSTON, Bertie Rozel, 1895- [A tribute] J. S. Carolina M. Ass., 1943, 39: 133. JOHNSTON, Charles James, 1773-1856. Portrait. In Chronicle Crichton Royal (Easterbrook, C. C.) Dumfries, 1940, opp. p. 12. JOHNSTON, Earl Steinford, 1889- Aerial fertilization of wheat plants with carbon- dioxide gas. 9p. pl. 8? Wash., 1935. Forms No. 15, v.94, Smithson. Misc. Collect. ---- Phototropic response and COa assimila- tion of plants in polarized light. 7p. 8? Wash., D. C, 1937. Forms No. 3, v.96, Smithson. Misc. Collect. ---- Growth of A vena coleoptile and first internode in different -wave-length bands of the visible spectrum. 19p. 8? Wash., D. C, 1937. Forms No. 6, v.96, Smithson. Misc. Collect. ---- Plant growth in relation to wave- length balance. 18p. pl. 8? Wash., D. C, 1938. Forms No. 2, v.97, Smithson. Misc. Collect. --- & WEINTRAUB, Robert L. The deter- mination of small amounts of chlorophyll- apparatus and method. 5p. pl. 8? Wash., D. C, 1939. Forms v.98, No. 19, Smithson. Misc. Collect. JOHNSTON, Franklin Davis, 1900- Dr Johnston receives Russel award. Univ. Hosp. Bull., Ann Arb., 1938, 4: 47, portr. For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 17. JOHNSTON, George Ben, 1853-1916. Hutcheson, J. M. George Ben Johnston. Ann. M. Hist., 1938, n. ser., 10: 15-22, 2 portr. JOHNSTON, George Jameson, 1866-1926. For obituary see Irish J. M. Sc, 1926, 6. ser., 643. JOHNSTON, George W., 1851- Biography. In Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 87. JOHNSTON, J. H., & SIMPSON, R. H. The principles of practical bacteriology for scientific workers. viii, HOp. 12? Lond., J. & A. Churchill, 1927. JOHNSTON, James Ambrose, 1860-1941. Tucker, D. A., jr, Lyle, D. J., & Mitchell, E. W. [Obituary] J. Med., Cincin., 1941-42, 22: 469. JOHNSTON, James Irvin, 1861-1930. McCready, E. B. [Obituary] Tr. Am. Ther. Soc., 1930 (1931) 30: 13. JOHNSTON, Jan. See McCord, C. P., Holden, F. R., & Johnston, J. Basophilic aggregation test for lead absorption. 15 1. 8? Cincin., 1935, JOHNSTON, John Black, 1868-1939. Rasmussen, A. T., Herrick, C. J., & Larsell, O. Obituary. Anat. Rec, 1940, 76: Suppl., 18-21. JOHNSTON, J. Andrew, 1897- For biography see J. Omaha Clin. Soc, 1941, 2: 110, portr. JOHNSTON, Margaret Newell Woodwell, 1897- See Newburgh, L. H., & Johnston, M. W. The exchange of energy between man and the environment. 118p. 8? Springf., 1930. JOHNSTON, Oscar Joe Tanner, 1883- For portrait see J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1937-8, 34: front. JOHNSTON, Philip W. The relation of certain anomalies of vision and lateral dominance to reading disability. 154p. tab. diagr. 23Hem. Wash., Nat. Res. Counc, 1942. Forms No. 2, v.7, Soc Reg. Child Develop. Nat. Rea. Counc. U. S. JOHNSTON, Ralph Sherwin, 1887- Ralph Sherwin Johnston, M. D., President-eieet, the Colorado State Medical Society. Rocky Mountain M. J., 1941, 38: 805, portr. JOHNSTON, Raymond Charles, 1914- *Orthopedic, gynecologic and urologie aspects of JOHNSTON 665 JOHNSTON diagr. 20^cm. Phila., Lea A manual of surgical low back pain [S. Francis Hosp.] 31p. 28cm. Peoria, 111. 1940. Typewritten. JOHNSTON, Robert McKenzie, 1856-1930. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1930, 1: 1113. Also Lancet, Lond., 1930, 1: 1376. JOHNSTON, Samuel, 1848-1925. For portrait see Bull. Acad. M. Toronto, 1942-43, 16: opp. p. L JOHNSTON, Sydney William, 1879-1941. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 134. JOHNSTON, Thomas Baillie, 1883- A synopsis of regional anatomy. 2. ed. viii, 456p. 8? Lond., J. & A. Churchill, 1928. Also 3. ed. xxiii, 460p. illust. 1934. Also 4. ed. xxi, 462p & Febiger, 1939. See also Beesly, L., & Johnston, T. B anatomy. 3. ed. 12? Lond., 1927. Editor of Gray, H. Anatomy. 26. ed. 1516p. roy. 8 Lond., 1935. JOHNSTON, Thomas James William Abra ham, 1871-1942. For obituary see S. Afr. M. J., 1942, 16: 149. JOHNSTON, Thomas Lee, 1902- *The effects of carbon dioxide as a respiratory stimulant in cases of asphyxia pallida neonatorum [St Elizabeth's Hospital] 14 1. 4? Appleton, Wise, 1929. Typewritten. JOHNSTON, William. Portrait. In Chronicle Crichton Royal (Easterbrook, C. C.) Dumfries, 1940, opp. p. 172. JOHNSTON, William A., 1860-1943. For obituary see Illinois Dent. J., 1943, 12: 225. JOHNSTON, Wirt, 1845-1900. Underwood, F. J., & Whitefield, R. N. [Biography] In their Pub Health Mississippi, Jackson, 1938, 107, portr. JOHNSTON, Zebulon Vance, 1884- For portrait see J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1943, 32: 121. JOHNSTONE, James. The essentials of biology, xv, 328p. 8? Lond., E. Arnold & co., 1932. JOHNSTONE, John Carlyle, 1855-1927. For obituary see Lancet, Lond., 1927, 2: 1157. JOHNSTONE, Mary M. S., 1870-1940. For obituary see Women in Med., 1941, No. 71, 21. JOHNSTONE, Sir Robert James, 1872-1938. Lowery, C. G. Obituary. J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Empire, 1939, 46- 319-22, portr.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 969-71, portr • 1235. Also Lancet, Lond., 1938, 2: 1087, portr. Also Ulster M. J., 1939, 8: 48-50. JOHNSTONE, Robert William. A text-book of midwifery for students and practitioners. 6 ed xxiv, 447p. illust. 8? Lond., A. & C. Black, 1932. Also 8. ed. xvii, 471 p. 1936 Also 10. ed. xv, 491p. 1939. Also 11. ed. xvi, 524p. 1942. See also Kerr. J. M. M., Johnstone, R. W. [et al.] eds. Combined textbook of obstetrics and gynaecology. 6. ed. 1192p. 25}^cm. Edinb., 1939. JOHNSTONE, Rutherford Thompson, 1894- Occupational diseases; diagnosis, medi- colegal aspects and treatment. xiii, 558p. illust. tab. form. 24cm. Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1941. JOHNSTONE-DOUGLAS, Arthur Henry. Portrait. In Chronicle Crichton Royal (Easterbrook, C. C.) Dumfries, 1940, opp. p. 284. JOHNSTONIA. See Raillietina. JOHNSTON-LAVIS, Henry James, 1856- On the effects of volcanic action in the produc- tion of epidemic diseases in the animal and in the vegetable creation, and in the production of hurricanes and abnormal atmospherical vicissi- tudes, xii, 67p. 12? Lond., J. Bale, sons & Danielsson, 1914. JOHNSTON-SMITH, Charles, 1881-1943. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1943, 1: 205. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Conemaugh Valley Me- morial Hospital. Report. 1896-1900. West, R. M. Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital, Johnstown. In her Hist. Nurs. Pennsylvania, 1939, 319-21. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. West, R. M. Cambria Hospital, Johnstown. In her Hist. Nurs. Pennsylvania, 1939, 263. ------ Mercy Hospital, Johnstown. Ibid., 486. JOHONNOT, James, 1823-88, & BOUTON, Eugene. How we live; or, The human body, and how to take care of it; an elementary course in anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. 162p. 12? N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1884. Another ed. 174p. 1885. Another ed. 178p. 1886. JOHORE. General Adviser. Annual report on the social and economic progress of the people of Johore. Johore Bahru, 1913- JOHOW, Arnulfo [M. D., 1938, Chile] *Labio leporino y fisura palatina; tratamiento quirurgico y sus resultados [Chile] 59p. 25>2cm. Santiago, Impr. Artes y Letras, 1938. JOIE, Stephen, 1912- *Resection endo- scopique de la prostate; soins preoperatoires; conditions de benignite et de succes. 59p. 25Kcm. Lyon, Bosc freres, 1939. JOINT. See also Bone and Joint; Cartilage; Extremity; Ligament; Locomotor system; Synovia; Synovial membrane; also specific names of joints as Knee joint, etc. New York City. Hospital for Joint Diseases. Annual report. N. Y., v.4, 1910- ---Bulletin. N. Y., v.l, 1940- Terry, R. J. The articulations, p.266-376. 28cm. Phila., 1942. Hippocrates. On the articulations. Med. Classics, 1938-39, 3: 210-77. ------ Mochlicus. Ibid., 278-98.—Wood, J. K. Joints of the lower extremities with special consideration of their syndesmology; ossification of the bones of the lower extremity. Clin. J. Chiropody, 1934-35, 7: 329-32; 1936, 8: 43-6. ---- Abnormity. See also subheading Deformity; also specific names of abnormities as Chondro-osteodys- trophy, etc. Schick, H. ^Eine Perthes-ahnliche Deformitat beider Hiiftgelenke im Verbindung mit Aplasien der Fingergelenke. 27p. 21cm. Tub., 1938. Bignami, G.. & Runco, A. Iconografia radiologica di anomalie di sviluppo degli arti; quadri da fusione e difetto. Arch, radiol., Nap., 1939, 15: 191-214.—Boyd, H. B. Congen- ital pseudarthrosis; treatment by dual bone grafts. J. Bone Surg., 1941, 23: 497-515.—Brdiczka, G. Vererbbare und angeborene multiple Synostosen an zahlreichen Gelenken der oberen und unteren Extremitat. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1938 58: 228-33.—Cipek, J. [Symmetrical, congenital con- tracture of all the joints] Cas. lek. desk., 1930, 69: 856-60 — Cuilleret, F. T). Raideurs articulaires cong^nitales. In Traits chir. orthop. (Ombredanne) Par., 1937, 1: 543-9.—Diachenko, V A. [Multiple hypoplasia of the joints] Vest, rentg., 1934, 13- 434-8.—Johnson, R. W., jr, & Van Derwerker, E. E. Congenital deformities. In Textb. Surg. (Christopher, F.) 3 ed , Phila., 1942, 513-8.—Rochlin, D. G. [Hereditary sym- metrical hypoplasia of the joints] Vest, rentg., 1927, 5. 35-43------Ueber die hereditare symmetrische Gelenkhyp'oplasie. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 2. Abt., 1927-28, 13: 654-63.—Runco, A. Iconografia radiologica di anomalie di sviluppo degli arti; quadri da eccesso; quadri di difetto. Arch. radiol., Nap., 1939, 15: 268-317.—Sever, J. W. Hereditary arthrodvsplasia associated with dystrophy of the nails; report of a case N. England J. M., 1938, 219: 87-9.-Shear, M. M. Kongenitale Ankylosen. Ausz. Inaugur. Diss. Med. Fak. Univ. Bern (1935-37) 1938, No. 144, 1.—Turner, J. W. An hereditary arthrodysplasia associated with hereditary dystrophy JOINT 666 JOINT of the nails. J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 100: 8S2-4.— Wilmoth, C. L. Hereditarv joint abnormalities; case report. South. M. J., 1930, 23: 1001. ---- Actinomycosis. Baroni, B. Actinomicosi nrti<•okire (iirerche sperimentali) Ann. ital. chir., 1928, 7: 684-72'i.—Beitzke. H. Aktinomykose der Gelenke. In Handb. spcz. p:tth. Anat. (Lubarsch&Henke) 1934, 9: pt 2, 563-7. ---- Adhesion. See subheadings (Ankylosis; Contracture; Injury; Surgery) ---- Angioma. Bennett, G. E., & Cobey, M. C. Hemangioma of joints; report of 5 cases. Arch. Surg.. 1939, 38: 487-500, pl.—Cobey, M. C. Hemangioma of joints. Ibid., 1943, 46: 465-8. ---- Ankylosis. See also subheading Contracture. Guyot, L. Goniometrie articulaire; contri- bution k revaluation des ankyloses et des raideurs articulaires par les mensurations gonio- metriques. 101 p. 8? Par., 1933. Payr, E. Gelenksteifen und Gelenkplastik. Bd 1. 880p. 8? Berl. 1934. Harvey, J. L. Ankylosis of joints; case report. Radiology, 192S, 10: 510.—Jones, R. W. Adhedons of joints and injury. Brit. M. J., 1936, 1: 925-9.—LiUle, N. Adhesions in and around joints. Med. J. Australia. 1938, 1: 891--3.—Mac- Ausland, W. R. Ankylosis of joints. Internat. J. M. A S., 1935, 48: 93-105.—Rabl, C. R. H. Die Entstehung, Ver- hutung und Behandlung der Gelenksteifen. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1936) 1937, 31: 288-311. Also Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 483.—Strong, P. M. Synarthrosis vellosi case. Charlotte M. J., 1905, 26: 390. ---- Ankylosis: Etiology. See also subheadings (Abnormity; Immobiliza- tion; Injury) also under primary conditions as Arthritis; Dislocation; Fracture; Osteoarthritis; Scleroderma; Syphilis, etc. Wannemacher, A. *Ist die Gelenkverstei- fung bei der Ruhigstellung in Gips eine Folge des Gipsverbandes? [Munchen] 22p. 8? Dillingen, 1930. Engel, H. Strumpellsche Erkrankung der Wirbelsaule mit volliger Verknocherung fast aller Korpergelenke. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 752.— Kalikhman, E. Y. [Ankylosing poly- arthritis] Ortop. travmat., 1934, 8: 28-32.—Kienbock, R. Ueber die Inaktivitatssynostose der Gelenke. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1933, 60: 4-9.—Lamb, H. W. The causes of limitation of motion and ankylosis, after fractures in and about joints. J. Maine M. Ass., 1927, 18: 74-9.—Makarenko, A. I., & Mayat, V. S. [Ankylosing polyarthritis] Russ. klin., 1930, 13: 586-605.—Pan, F. Y. Die Zerstorung des Lexerschen Bolzens im Gelenkspalt. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926. 139: 191-7 — Rocher, H. L., Dubourg, E., & Pouyanne, L. Polyarthrite ankylosante; redressement; r^sultat. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 435.—Sonnenberg, K. Experimentelle Erzeugung von Arthritis ankylopoetica. Virchows Arch., 1934, 293: 724-37.— Stiven, H. A case of ankylosing arthritis. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1937, 20: 614-6. ---- Ankylosis: Pathology. Koch. E. *Die Funktionsiibernahme ver- steifter Gelenke durch benachbarte Gelenke bei Versteifungen der unteren Extremitaten. 24p. 8? Freib. i. B. [1935] Thiele, W. *Ueber Wachstumsstorungen bei Ankylosen [Leipzig] 29p. 8? [Zeulenroda i. Thur.] 1929. Ossificazione rapida dei tessuti fibro-cartilaginosi, o anchilosi semplice generale. Filiatre sebezio, Nap., 1831, 3: 69-73.— Rahson, S. M. Ueber Anpassungsvorgange des Knorpel- und Knocheii^ewel'e.i im versteiften Gelenk. Virchows Arch., 1933. 291: 024-42.—Risak, E. Zur Pathologie und Klinik der Ankylosen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1928, 152: 133-6 [Discus- sion] 144-56. Also Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1928, 211: 86-115 — Rosi, A. L. Knorpelbiologische Studie an der Hand einer Gelenkankylose beim Kind. Virchows Arch., 1932, 284: 256-94.—Sarcevic, M. Artriture ed artritosi; uno schema della classificazione delle cosi dette contratture ed anchilosi. Chir. org. movim., 1922, 6: 421-4.—Siegel, L., & Zschau, H. Untersuchungen uber die Entstehung knocherner Ankylosen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933, 239: 205-28.—Thomsen, W. Die statischen und mechanischen Auswirkungen von Gelenk- versteifungen an den unteren Extremitaten. Arch. klin. Chir., 1938, 193: 633-43 [Discussion] 92. ---- Ankylosis, therapeutic. See subheading Surgery: Methods: Arthrod- esis. ---- Ankylosis: Treatment [and prevention] See also subheading Immobilization. Abrahamsen, H. [Treatment of joint ankyloses] Ugeskr. lseger, 1929, 91: 231-6.-—Adao, L. Contribuicao para o trata- mento de alguns tipos de anquilose. Med. contemp., I isl>., 1934, 52: 213-6.—Ameline, A. Sur un cas de polyarthrite ankylosante traits par la parathvroidectomie. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 761 70.--Boiling, L. A. Limitation of joint function in long bones; prophylaxis and correction; demonstration of a subject with apparatus. Internat. J. Surg. 1928, 41: 123.—Bross, W., & Hilarowicz, H. Kunstliche Azidose als Heilverfahren bei paraartikularen Ossifikationen und postoperaliven Gelenkversteifungen. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2855-62.—Calonge, S. D. Treatment of fibrous ankylosis of knee and elbow joints. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 89: 1427.— Church, F. H. Forcible extension in an ankylosed joint. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1931, 28: 914— Comisso, E. Diffusa epidermoid bullosa dopo artrolisi incruenta. Arch, ortop., Milano, ]92(i, 42: 138-41.—De Munter. Traitement des ank\doses articulaires graves par la mobilisation douce com- binee. Arch. fr. bei?. chir., 1923, 26: 578-82.------Mobi- lisation iorciv et donee combinge dans les ankyloses graves. Ann. med. phys., Anvers, 1926-27, 19: 101-4.—Likenbary, C. F. The problem of ankylosed or partially ankyiosed joints. Northwest M„ 1928, 27: 575-7.—Fischer. R. Traitement curatif et priventii A di glicero- fosfato di sodio nelle artropatie croniche. Boll. Accad. med. Roma, 1937, 63: 216-9.—Maliwa, E. Ueber Erganzungs- behandlung chronischer Gelenkserkrankungen mit Vitaminen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1937, 87: 996-8.—Marwedel, G. Die JOINT 671 JOINT chirurgische Behandlung chronischer Gelenkerkrankungen. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1926-27, 1: 354-8—Mezo, B. [New treatment of chronic joint diseases] Orv. hetil., 1941, 85: 241-4.—Pavlik, A. [Jodantox in treatment of chronic arthrop- athies] Cas. iek. desk., 1934, 73: 1306-10.—Plate, E. Zur Therapie der chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen. Ther. Gegen- wart, 1926, 67: 11; 56.—Robecchi, A. Sulla zolfoterapia delle malattie articolari croniche. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1935, 98: pt 2, 159-62.—Rohrig, E. Beitrag zur Behandlung der chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen mit Diffundol. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1937, 84: 652.—Sartori, A. II glicerofosfato di sodio nelle 8rtropatie croniche; azione sulla leucocitosi, sulla formula leucocitaria e sulla velocitii di sedimentazione. Rass. fisiopat., 1938, 10: 728-62.—Sauerwald, H. Zur Lipoid- therapie chronischer Gelenkerkrankungen. Fortsch. Med., 1934, 52: 620-2.—Spiro, P. Zur unspecifischen Reizkorper- therapie chronischer Gelenkerkrankungen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 914.—Spitzy, H. Physikalisch-mechanische und operative Behandlung der chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1927) 1928, 22. Kongr., 73-89.— Springer, C. Orthopadische Therapie der chronischen Gelenker- krankungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 1295-9.—Strasser, A. Die balneologische und hydrotherapeutische Behandlung der chronischen Gelenkskrankheiten. Ibid., 1247-9. Die Leistungen und Grenzen der physikalischen Therapie bei chronischen Gelenkkrankheiten. Deut. med. Wschr., 1927, 53: 2162-4.—Supino, L., & Volpe, F. Le proteine del sangue nelle artropatie croniche e loro modificazioni nei corso della fangoterapia. Riv. idroclim., 1938, 49: 109; 129.—Vulpius. Die physikalisch-mechanische und operative Behandlung der chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1927) 1928, 22. Kongr., 66-72.—Wehner, E. Die chirurgische Behandlung der chronischen (nichtspezifischen) Gelenkerkrankungen. Erg. Chir. Orthop., 1926, 19: 33-97 — Weicksel. LTeber die Anwendung des Sufrogels bei chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Blutbildes und des Schwefelgehaltes der roten Blutkorperchen. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1926, 103: 794-9.—Weil, A. J. Therapie chronischer Gelenkkrankheiten. Med. Welt., 1933, 7: 458-60.— Weil, V. S., & Sarilova, E, P. [Treatment of chronic joint diseases bv parenteral introduction of sulphur] Pediatria, Moskva, 1926, 10: 267-73.—Z., P. Nuovi orientamenti nella cura delle artropatie croniche. Athena, Roma, 1937, 6: 129-31.—Zachariae, G. Die Behandlung chronischer Gelenk- erkrankungen mit Sanarthrit Heilner. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1928, 75: 514. ------ Die biologische Behandlung chroni- scher Gelenkleiden vom Standpunkt des Internisten. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1830-3—Zhmuroya-Obakevich, V. I. [Char- acteristics and therapy of chronic diseases of the joints] Russ. khn., 1928, 10: 625-41. ---- Disease: Classification. Assmann, H. Wesen und Einteilung der chronischen Gelenkserkrankungen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1930, 80: 197-201.—Benczur, G. [Classification of joint affections and some remarks on their etiology] Orv. hetil., 1927, 71: 1191-4. ------ Eine logische Einteilung der Gelenkerkrankungen. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk.. 1927-28, 2: 1013-6.—Bromberg, W. The classification, pathologv and treatment of the chronic arthropathies. Med. Times, N. Y., 1926, 54: 223-7.—Freund, E. Einteilung der Gelenkerkrankungen. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1928-29, 3: 639-45.—Hauchman, S. L. [Classification of diseases of the joints] Ter. arkh., 1936, 14: 105-12.—Kienbock, R. Klassifikation chronischer Gelenkkrankheiten. Wien. med. Wschr., 1929, 79: 1639-41.—Kimmerle, A. Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit des Herrn A. A. Lemberg: Rontgendiagnostik chronischer Gelenkerkrankungen und ihre Klassifikation. Fortschr. Rontgenstrahl., 1929, 39: 136.—Lemberg, A. A. Rontgendiagnostik chronischer Gelenkerkrankungen und ihre Klassifikation. Ibid., 1928, 38: 818-33. _----—jC*™™s(*e Gelenkerkrankungen und ihre Klassifikation. Ibid., 1929, 39: 339-41.—Maliwa, E. Zur Klassifizierung der Gelenkserkran- kungen. Men1. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 750—Munk, F. Zur Pathologie und Einteilung der chronischen Gelenkerkran- kungen. Ibid., 1926, 22: 571-3. ——— Die verschiedenen Formen der Gelenkerkrankungen. Zsehr. Rheumaforsch., 1939, 2: 361-75.—Neumann, W. Ueber die Einteilung der Gelenk- erkrankungen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1931, 57: 1019-22. —---- Einteilung und Benennung der Gelenkerkrankungen. Kapp. Congr. internat. rhumat. (1932) 1934 3 Congr., 430-3.- Payr E. Zur Begriffsbestimmung und Sichtung der Betnebs- storungen der Gelenke; Ankylosen, Gelenksperren, Kontrak- turen, Teilregenerat. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1932, 56: 527-41 — Rokhiin, D. G. [Roentgenological classification of chronic affections of the j6ints] Vest, rentg., 1936, 16: 157-73. - - [Critical analvsis of the most known modern classifications ot diseases of the joints ] Ibid., 1938, 21: 268-85.-Strauss, H. Ueber Entstehung und Einteilung der chronischen Geonk- erkrankungen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1926, 52: 1414; 14o7. ______Einteilung der chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen. Med. Wolt 1028 2-717.—Weil, M. P. De la terminologie des mani- testations articulaires Presse med. 1931, 39: 894-Wollen- Kom ^vstematik und Aetiologie der chronischen Gelenkkrank- heiten ^ Deut. orthop. Ges. (1927) 1928, 22, Kongr go _4g'__[Working classification of acute rheumatism and i%ar.rLnk of the joints of various origin] Pediatria, Moskva, ?nlo Mn 2-3 111 .—Zhitnikov, B. A. [Classification of diseases of the joints]| Vrach. gaz., 1930, 34: 1290-5. ---- Disease: Diagnosis and symptomatology. Allison, N., & Ghormley, R. K. Diagnosis in joint disease; a clinical and pathological study of arthritis. 196p. 4? N. Y., 1931. Bote [B] H. J. *Bedeutung der Blutkorper- chen-Senkungsreation fur die Differentialdiagnose entziindlicher und degenerativer Gelenkerkran- kungen. 36p. 23^cm. Berl., 1939. Bustos, F. M. Semiologfa quirurgica y diagn6stico. 406p. 23cm. B. Air., 1940. Kramer, K. F. *Ueber die Bedeutung der Senkungsreaktion und des Leukozytenbildes bei Gelenkerkrankungen [Rostock] 21p. 8? Stern- berg, 1933. Allison, N. The importance of early and accurate diagnosis in joint diseases. Med. J. Australia, 1930, 1: 406-8.—Artemiev, S. Uniform working classification of acute rheumatism and diseases of the joints of various origin. Acta rheumat., Rotter- dam, 1939, 11: H. 40, 3.—Bezancon, F., & Weil, M. P. Les manifestations articulaires de la maladie du serum et les arthropathies proteiniques. Monde med., 1927, 37: 809-15.— Burman, M. S. Selective staining of diseased areas in cartilage by intra-articular injection of dyes; an experimental cadaver studv, with special reference to arthroscopy. Arch. Surg., 1933, 26: 153-9.—Diterich, M. M. [Diseases of cardiac blood vessels in conjunction with diseases of the joints: diagnostic and prognostic significance] Klin, med., Moskva, 1928, 6: 553-66.—Escudero, P., & Landabure, P. B. L'epreuve du gono-yatren dans le diagnostic des arthropathies. Rev. sudamer. med., Par., 1930, 1: 513-23. Also Tr. pub. Clin. Escudero, B. Air., 1930. 4: 238-52.—Freund, E. Differential- diagnose bei Gelenkerkrankungen. Erkrank. Beweg. App., Wien, 1926, 1: 128-32.—Gulbin, O. Klinische Untersuchungen mit dem Guttadiaphot unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gelenkerkrankungen. Zbl. inn. Med., 1935, 56: 978-92.— Herrmann, H., Ruff, G., & Fischer, I. El diagn6stico de las afecciones articulares con especial referencia a la eritro-sedi- mentaci6n y a la reacci6n de Miiller-Oppenheim. Sem. med., B. Air., 1933, 40:402-14.—Holldack, F. Zur Frage der seltenen Knochen-Knorpelwachptumsstorungen. Fortsch. Rontgen- strahl., 1938, 58: 1 -18.—Jansen, H. Zeichensystem bei Beschreibung von Gelenkerkrankungen, besonders von rheu- matischen. Acta med. scand., 1930-31, 74: 353-8.—Keller, H., & Moravek, A. The significance of the presence of acid- fast bacilli in the faeces of patients suffering from joint disease. Yearb. M. Ass. Gr. N. York, 1915, 112-6.—Kienbock, R. Zur Unterscheidung von Gicht und Tuberkulose der Gelenke. Med. Klin., Berl., 1939, 35: 1394-6.—Krebs. Klinisch- diagnostische Abgrenzung der Arthrosen. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1933) 1934, 28. Kongr., 73-80.—Munck, F. Diffe- rentialdiagnose der Gelenkerkrankungen. Beih. Med. Klin., Berl., 1929, 25: 17-9.—Naegeli, O. Differentialdiagnose der fieberhaften Gelenkserkrankungen. In his Differ. Diagn. inn. Med., Lpz., 1936-37, 478-88— Nagell. H., & Gerlach, G. Zur Differentialdiagnose unklarer Gelenkaffektionen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Serologie der Gonorrhoe. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1932-33, 238: 104-8.—Nikolaev, P. N. [Lumbar puncture in diseases of the joints] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1932, 36: 997-1002.— Race, J. The suspension stability of the blood in arthritic diseases (Senkungsreaktion: vitesse de sedimentation) Arch. M. Hydr., Lond., 1927, 5: 283-5.—Reinberg, G. A., & Gabai, A. V. [Diagnostic errors in arthrology] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 10, 131-8.—Rocha Vaz. Sindromes articulares vegetativas. Hora med.. Rio, 1940, No. 23, 7; No. 24, 7; No. 25, 7; No. 26, 9. ------ Sindromes articulares. Ihid., No. 27, 7-14.—Vails, J. Causas de la posici6n adoptada por los miembros en diversos procesos articulares. Sem. med., B. Air., 1925, 32: pt 2, 587.—Weil, M. P., Guillaumin, C. O., & Laurencin, M. L. La reaction de sedimentation globulaire dans des affections articulaires. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1931, 3. ser., 47: 768-79.—Werndorfif, K. R. Symptoms and diagnosis of joint diseases. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1940, 30: 407-9.— Westergren, A. On the clinical import of the red cell sedi- mentation; reaction in diseases of the joints. Acta med. scand., 1926, Suppl., 16: 343-54.—Wohlstein, E. Haut- und Nagel- veranderungen bei Gelenkerkrankungen. Deliber. Congr. derm, internat. (1935) 1935-37, 9. Congr., 1: 678-83. ---- Disease: Etiology. See also under names of primary diseases as Gonorrhea, Arthritis; Infection, focal; Syphilis, Alkalay, E. *Ueber die Beziehungen zwi- schen Erkrankungen der Zahne und Gelenker- krankungen (fokale Infektion) 31p. 8! Freib. i. B., 1934. , , , Schumann, C. A. *Gelenkerkrankungen bei Storungen der Einsonderungsdrusen [Halle- Wittenberg] 24p. 22cm. Diisseld., 1937. JOINT 672 JOINT AmbraziejfltS-Steponaitienfc, G. A. [Study of the causes of rheumatism and arthritis] Medicina, Kaunas, ]'.»->;i, 10: 245; 332.—Baetzner, W. Gelenk und iLiuf. Med. Welt, 1932, 6: 1821; 1861—Benczfir, G. Zur A,•ti-lo-i.- der Ge- lenkserkrankungen und deren allgemeine i atliologiscle Be- deutung. Zsehr. ges. phys. Ther., 1927, 34: 86-91.—Berger, W. Anafilaxia y enfermedades de las articulaciones. Rev. med. Hamburgo, 1928, 9: 121; 160. Also Wien. med. Wschr., 1928, 78: 1543; 1610. Also Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1928-29, 3: 734- 55.— Beyer, R. Endokrin bedingte Gelenkschwellungen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1935. 82: 1902-4.—Bonilla, E. Artri- tismo y endocrinologfa. Med. ibera, 1934, 28: pt 1, 438-41.— Bykhovskaya, A. N., Antokhina, V. A., & Maksimova, M. K. [Pathogenesis of acute and chronic affections of the joints in relation to the terminal blood circulation] Sovet. vrach. gaz., 1934, 38: 515-8.—Dzsinich, A. Urogenitals System und Gelenkserkrankungen. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1938. 182: 311-26. Also Orvoskepzes, 1938, 28: 672-84.—Forti, F. Sulle cosidette artropatie endocrine. Riv. clin. med., 1930, 31: 814; 859.—Frankel, W. K. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Gelenkleiden und Keimdriisen bei Frauen. Fortsch. Ther., 1929, 5: 513-9.—Genner, V. Paratherapeutic articular dis- turbances. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1936, 34: 255-64.— Cording, R. Postanginose Gelenksymptome; Allgemein- phanomene und Krankheitszustande tonsilliiren und dentalen Ursprungs. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1938, 26: 284-91.—Hart, G. H., Goss, H., & Guilbert, H. R. Vitamin A deficiency not the cause of joint lesions in horses. Am. J. Vet. Pes., 19-13, 4: 162- 8.—Heitz-Boyer. Rhumatisme et osteo-aithi ites d'origine intestinale; forme articulaire du svndrome enterorenal. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1930, 56: 1299-314.—Keller, H. Focal infection in relation to joint diseases. Dent. Outlook. 1930, 17: 51-4.—Kerl, W. Gclcnksaffektionen bei venerischen P>kran- kungen. Mitt. Volksgesundhamt., 1933 [Aerztl. Prax.] 84-8.— Lauber, H. J. Ueber das Krankheitsbild der Arthropathia ovaripriva. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 214: 335-8. ------ & Ramm, C. Prognose und Therapie der Arthropathia ovaripriva. Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 89.—Leriche, R. The problem of osteo-art'cular diseases of vasomotor origin; hydrarthrosis and traumatic arthritis; genesis and treatment. J. Bone Surg., 1928, 10: 492-500.—Levinger, E., & Jaffe, M. Zur Frage endokriner Gelenkerkrankungen beim Manne. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 2. Abt., 1928-29, 14: 535-41.—Machin, R. La infecci6n focal uretro-prostato-vesicular en las artritis y mani- festaciones reumdticas. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1929, 34: 870-2.—Muliwa, E. Ueber echt allergische Gelenkerkrankun- gen. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1941, 15: 8-10.—Mesz, N., & Cvtrynik, I). [Study of psoriatic arthropathy] l'ol>ki przegl. radjol., 1934, 8:-9: 77-82, 2 pl.—Morgenstern, J. Arthritis psoriatica und Psoriasis bei Gelenkerkrankungen. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1926, 12: 273-96.—Muller, W. Ueber Gelenkstorungen auf endokriner Basis. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1928, 143: 137-58.—Mueller-Deham, A., & Rabson, S. M. Affections of joints. In their Int. M. Old Age, Bait., 1942, 341-54.—Munk, F. Endokrinologie und Gelenkerkrankungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1935, 31: 1257-60.—Nobl, G., & Remenovsky, F. Die Arthropathia psoriatica im Rontgenbilde. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1926, 34: 98-113, 2 pl.—Paviot, J., Lageze, P., & Naussac, H. Les arthropathies proteiniques. Gaz. hop., 1932, 105: 299-310.—Pineles, F. Endocrinologfa y enfermedades articulares. Rev. med. Hamburgo, 1928, 9: 165-9. Also Zsehr. wiss. Baderk.. 1928-29, 3: 9-16. Also Tungchi med. Mschr., 1929-30, 5: 62-74.—Pirker, H. Ueber Gelenkerkrankungen als Sportschiiden. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1936, 49: 302. Also Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1938, 12: 207 — Platonov, K. [Result of the variable statistical analysis of the relation between affections of the thyroid gland and the joints! Probl. endokr., Moskva, 1940, No. 2, 130-4.—Riebold, G. Ueber endokrine Arthropathien. Munch, med. Wschr., 1930, 77: 90-4.—Schulhof, V. [Articular diseases in old age] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1933, 31: 489-93.—Sonnenschein, H. Ueber einen Fall von psychisch bedingter Gelenkerkrankung. Fortsch. Sexwiss. Psychanal., 1926, 2: 499-503.—Sterling, W., & Stein, W. Les artropathies ovariogenes. Rev. neur., Par., 1936, 43: pt 2, 637.—Tager, I. L. [Etiologv of psoriatic arthropathy] Vest, rentg., 1928, 6: 241-51.—Titz-Kosko, J. [Affections of the joints among the fishermen along the Polish shores] Polskie arch. med. wewn., 1938, 16: 500.—Van Log- hem, J. J., Schade [et al.] The influence of chill in the causation of disease. Arch. M. Hydr., Lond., 1932, 10: 7-14.—Violle, P. L. Arthropathies proteiniques. Medecine, Par., 1929, 10: 514-21.—Vischer, A. Etude palaeo-pathologique de la genEse des arthroses. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1937, 4: 509-19. ------ Ueber Gelenkerkrankungen im Alter. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1933, 63: 1013-7-—Wellisch, E. Beitrag zur Frage der allergischen Komponente bei Gelenkerkrankungen. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 935-8.—Wiesel, J. Gelenker- krankungen und Keimdriisen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1928, 41: 1424-6. Also Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1928-29, 3: 297-302.— Wilensky, A. O. The joint complications of acute osteomye- litis or acute epiphysitis, and the principles underlying their treatment. Ann. Surg., 1927, 86: 737-46.—Yoder, E. H. Focal infection as related to rheumatic and arthritic diseases. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., 1936, 47: 177-9.—Zampa, G. Lo stato anafilattico nella genesi di alcune artropatie. Chir. org. movim., 1933-34, 18: 121-36.—Zellner, E. Beobach- tungen iiber familiar auftretende Gelenkerkrankungen. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1929-30, 19: 477-88. ---- Disease, neurogenic. See also under names of neural diseases as Hemiplegia; Myelitis; Poliomyelitis; Syringo- myelia: Tabes, etc. Gregoire, J. J. D. *Etude des arthropathies des hemiplegiques; r61e des troubles sympa- thiques dans leur pathogenie. 79p. 8? Par., 1931. Kluge, W. [J. A.] *Ein Beitrag zur Patho- genese neuropathischer Arthroscn infolge peri- pherer Nervenlasion. 22p. 8? [Berl.] 1931. Launay, C. ^Contribution a I'etude clinique et biologique de la maladie de Charcot et de ses formes anormales. 233p. 8? Par.. 1931. Alajouanine, T., & Mauric, G. L'evolution des arthro- pathies nerveuses et quelques-uns des leurs aspects particuliers topographiques et evolutifs (arthropathie des petites articula- tions des doigts ou des orteils, forme pseudo-phlegmoneuse des arthropathies) Presse med., 1933, 41: 1537-42- Berg- mann, E. Neuropathische Gelenkerkrankungen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1934, 243: 701-71.—Blencke, A. Arthritis de- formans und neuropathische Arthropathie. Zsehr. orihop. Chir., 1933, 59: 209-24.—Cleveland, M. Surgical fusion of unstable joints due to neuropathic disturbance. Am. J. Surg., 1939, 43: 580-4.—Creutz, W. Arthropathie au^ peripherer Nervenschadigung. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat.g 1932, 138: 140-8.—Etienne & Champy. Lesions cellulaire des comes anterieures de la moelle dans les arthropathies nerveuses. C. rend. Congr. alien, neur. France (1907) 1908, 17. Congr., 331-5.—Froment, J., & Exaltier, P. Caracteres et signification des perturbations sympathiques locales associees aux osteo- arthropathies svringomyeiiques et tabetiques. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1927, 3. ser., 1, 1859-66.—Guyton, J. W. Relation of injury to Charcot's joint. Radiol. Rev., 1928, 50: 259 — Haldeman, K. O., & Soto-Hall. B. Neuropathic joint disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 2043.—Katuki, S. Beitrag zur experimentellen neuropathic lien Arthropathie und zugleich zu deren Pathogenese. Zsehr. klin. Med., 1936, 130: 507-74 — Kuligowski, Z. W. [Affections of the joints of nervous origin and their treatment] Lek. wojsk., 1938, 32: 282-306 — McCauley, J. C, jr. Operative treatment of neurotrophic joints. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1940, 44: 592-4.—Marinesco. Artropatias de origen nervioso. Dfa med., B. Air., 1930-31, 3: 100.—Michalowica, M. Crises neuroarthritiques envisagees comme une entile clinique synthetique. Rev. fr. pediat., 1926, 2: 631-46.—Nozoye, M. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der Arthropathia neuropathica. Gun idan zassi, 1932, No. 223: 1. Also Arch. klin. Chir., 1938, 192: 29-39.—Pannewitz. Die Friihdiagnose der neuropathischen Gelenkerkrankungen. Munch, med. Wschr., 1936, 83: 1032.— Roederer, C. Trois cas d'arthropathie nerveuse meconnue. Paris med., 1935, 95: 573-5. ------ Arthropathies nerveuses interessant la chirurgie orthopedique. In Traite chir. orthop. (Ombredanne) Par., 1937, 1: 729-51.—Riickart, F. Ueber eine bemerkenswerte Form und Lokalisation neurogener Gelenkaffektioneh: Mschr. Unfallh., 1935, 42: 131-5.—Seze, S. de, Guiot, G., & Serane, J. Reflexions preparatives k des recherches experimentales sur le role du sympathique en patho- logie articulaire. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1939, 6: 935-44.------ Reflexions preparatoires k des recherches experimentales sur le role du sympathique en pathologie articulaire. Presse med., 1940, 48: 233.—Soto-Hall, R., & Haldeman, K. O. The diagnosis of neuropathic joint disease (Charcot joint); an analysis of 40 cases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2076-8.— Stern, N. E. [Neurogenic arthropathy (tabes, syringomyelia)] Tr. obsh. nevropat. Saratov, 1927, 1: 111-24.—Thurel.R., & Guillaume, J. Arthropathies nerveuses d'origine cerebrale. Rev. neur., Par., 1938, 69: 56-8.—Zalla, M. I fattori nervosi nelle artropatie. Rass. clin. sc, 1932, 10: 145-9. --- Disease: Pathology. Brodie, B. C. Pathological and surgical observations on the diseases of the joints. 4. ed. 354p. 8? Lond., 1836. Also Am. ed. 343p. 8? Bost., 1842. Sabrazes, J., & Grailly, R. de Le milieu synovial; physiologique et patholoqique (introduc- tion k I'etude de la pathologie articulaire) 205p. 4? Par., 1936. Abercrombie, R. G. The influence of morphological struc- ture on the pathology of joints. Ann. Rheum. Dis., Lond., 1939, 1: 99-108.—Battistini, S., & Robeechi, A. Fosforemia e rapporto calcio; fosforo nelle malattie articolari. Clin. med. ital., 1933, 64: 576-9.—Bauer, W., Bennett, G. A., & Zeller, J. W. The pathology of joint lesions in patients with psoriasis and arthritis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1941, 56: 349-52.— Bennett, G. A., Zeller, J. W., & Bauer, W. The pathology of the joint lesions in patients with psoriasis and chronic arthritis. Am. J. Path., 1941, 17: 599.—Bezancon, F., . Andreev, P. P. [Preliminary dressing and treatment of penetrating wounds of the joints] Sovet. vet., 1940, 17: No. 11, 58-64.—Basset, A. A propos du traitement d'urgence des plaies penetrantes des articulations. Presse med., 1939, 47: 1493.—Bickford, B. J. Local sulphanilamide for penetrating wounds of joints. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 627.—Callejas, A. Heridas articulares [Case] Juven. med. Guatemala, 1927, 23: 311-3.—Campbell, W. A. Whev treatment, in open joint. Vet. J., Lond., 1930, 92: 303; 1937, 31: 74-0.-Cope, V. Z. Wounds of joints. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 648-50. Also Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1913. 42: 21-8.—Delannoy, E. Les plaies des articulations. J. prat., Par., 1940, 54: Suppl., 383-5.— Delorme. Du traitement des plaies articulaires. J. med. vet., Lyon, 1855, 11: 97-112— Dieterichs, M. M. [On wounds of the joints] Vest, khir., 1939, 57: 557-70.—Freudenberg. Die Prognose und Therapie der Gelenkwunden beim Pferde mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Rivanollosung. Zsehr. Veterinark., 1934, 46: 340; 353.—Gianturco, G. Contributo alia sutura primitiva dello ferite articolari. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1929, 10: 1114-30.—Gomez, V. Consideraciones sobre heridas articulares de guerra. Rev. san. mi)., La Paz, 1939, 4: 709-51.—Guibal, A., & Marchand, L. Sur la conten- tion de la flexion forceo dans certaines solutions de continuite -Rey. Des plaies articulaires. .1. med. vet., Lyon, 1854, 10: 241; 289; 348; 427; 497; 547 — Rodriguez, R., & Sackmann Sala, A. La sulfamidoterapia local en las heridas articulares. Prensa med. argent., 1943, 30: 473-5.—Saegesser, M. Die Behandlung der offenen Gelenkwunde und der Gelenkeiterung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1941, 37: 298.—Schiine, G. [Prophylactic surgical therapy of, (joint) wounds at the front] Bull. War M., Lond., 1942-43, 3: 387 (Abstr.)—Surgical procedures in military hospitals in Britain; treatment of wounds of joints. Med. J. Australia, 1940, 2: 483.—Sweetapple, H. A. The treatment of some late results of perforating injuries of joints. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 1: 342-5.—Tschmarke, G. Zur Behandlung der offenen Verletzungen kleiner Gelenke. Chirurg, 1937, 9: 170-4. ---- Injury: Treatment. Curry da Camara Cabral, J. *As feridas articulares e a cirurgta conservadora. 93p. 8° Lisb., 1869. Plogmeier, F. *Ueber die Anwendung von Einspritzungen bei Verletzungen und Erkran- OINT 679 JOINT kungen der Gelenke [Munchen] 17p. 21cm. Werne a. d. Lippe, 1936. Rocca, J. *Etude critique de la valeur des infiltrations anesthesiques dans le traitement des traumatismes articulaires sans fracture. 63p. 25cm. Marseille, 1935. St Clair, F. P. Manipulative treatment of athletic injuries to joints. 88p. 23Kcm. [Holly- wood, 1941] . . Tsoutsos, A. Contribution a 1 etude de la suture primitive precoce des plaies articulaires. 56p. 8? Par., 1934. Anderson, W. S. The treatment of injured joints. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1926-27, 19: 136-8.—Arnulf, G., & Frieh, P. Traitement immediat des traumatismes articulaires sans fracture par les injections intraligamentaires de novocaine. Presse med., 1934, 42: 597-9.—Aureggio, E. Memoire sur le traitement des lesions traumatiques des synoviales articulaires et tendineuses et des plaies, en general par l'emploi de la glycerine. Mem. Soc. centr. med. vet., Par., 1879, 10: No. 4, 1_43,—Bobbio, L. Cura generale delle lesioni articolari traumatiche. Gior. med.mil., 1935, 83: 305-10.—Brentano. Gelenkschusse. In Beitr. Kriegsheilk. Deut. Ver. Rot. Kreuz, Lpz., 1908, 105-10.—Cardi, G. Sui valore terapeutico delle infiltrazioni periarticolari di novocaina, col metodo di Leriche, nelle distorsioni e nelle artriti traumatiche. Policlinico, 1936, 43: sez. prat., 1442-5.—Catterina, A. Gelenkresektionen bei Schussverletzungen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1936, 186: 528-36.— Chuche, C- Traitement physiotherapique des lesions arti- culaires chez les sportifs. C. rend. Congr. internat. med. educ phys. (1934) 1936, 2. Congr., 220-2.—Denslow, J. S. Strictly manipulative; a discussion of joint lesions which frequently complicate the treatment of fractures. J. Osteopathy, 1939, 66: No. 9, 19-22.—Didiee, J. La part de la roentgentherapie dans le traitement des affections articulaires traumatiques. Paris med., 1937, 103: 119-25.—Dowden, J. W. The principle of active movement in relation to injury and disease. Ir. Med. Chir. Soc. Edinburgh, 1923-24, sers. 103, 217-22, 2 pl.— Faldini, G. Ancora sull'infiltrazione metallica delle sinoyiali nelle ferite d'arma da fuoco endo-articolari. Riv. radiol., 1930 2: Suppl., 11-6.—Frangon, F., Levaxelaire, R.. & Robert P La cure thermale d'Aix-les-Bains dans les sequelles de traumatismes. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1937 4: 720-3 —Frankau, C The principles of treatment in gunshot wounds of joints. Brit M J 1939 2: 27.—Franz, C. Die Schussverletzungen der Gelenke. Munch, med. WTschr., 1940, 87: 189 (Abstr.) — Friedland. M. O. [Gunshot wounds of the joints and their treatment Sovet. med., 1942, 6: No. «>, 3-5-Frund Zur Behandlung infizierter Gelenkschusse. Bull. War M., Lond., 1942-43 3: 438-40 (Abstr.)—Gebhardt, K., & Bussem, W. Klinische und rontgenologische Beobachtungen von Gelenk- veranderungen wahrend der Nachbehandlung; nach, Knochen- und Gelenkverletzungen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir 1930, 22S. 172-8.—Glass, E. Praktischer Ratschlag zurVerbandstech- nik von kleineren Wunden an den Gelenken. Zbl. Chir., 1931, <58- 80-2 — Griffiths, H. E. Rehabilitation of joint injuries. Med^ress & Circ.', Lond.. 1943, 209: 166-8-HicksonS Gunshot wounds of joints. Rep. Surg -Cases S. Afr. War (Stevenson, W. F.) Lond 1905, 197-218, 6 P1—Hundemer W. Erfahrungen uber Gelenkschusse. Bull. War M. Lond., 1942-43 3- 268-70 (Abstr.)-Johnson, H. F. Reconstruction Procedures in traumatic lesions of bone and Jomt^ conservative methods fail. Nebraska M. J., 1932, 17. *>*:<■ Kazakov M. M. [Treatment of gun-shot wounds of the ^itemeTllecli^dt traumatismes Articulaires. Ann. Traitement electrique uc —Muzzarelli, G. L'aneste- med phys Anvers 1931. 24.8 *£ ™» ticolari- A itai. S'tf- l0iOTR 17- 881-94 -Northway, W. H. Injuries to joints. Ah\' 11 ;„ Ther 1942, 23: 467-73.-Robert. Encore une Arch. Phys £«*•., J9**! t egyptiac dans le traitement preuve.de 1 efficacyi de l ongu ^ imQ u. 358_62.- des plaies articulaire u J.;*«* ^ o{ the free callus in Royiralta, E. 1 ™Xfdren. J. Bone Surg., 1931, 13: 697-700.- articular trauma of chiidre ye Wundbehandlung an der Schone G. Y£™e"-g , 1940, 36: 703-5.—Serra, A.. Su di Front. A.Ie^;AK1i^a'daKnare in validity con mezzi chirurgici quanto si Puo,;^ri Rass. previd. sociale, 1927, 14: No. 8, nelle lesioni articolari. bm ^ q{ hot wounds 0f the S'Nov!Shi^arS', 1940, 47: 173-6.-Weber, A. J. Value of physical therapy in the treatment of acute trauma to joints. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1927, 8: 246-51.—Wertheimer, P. L'infiltration anesthesique dans le traitement des traumatismes osteoarticulaires recents. Rev. chir., Par., 1937, 75: 654-61.— Willems, C. The end-results of immediate active mobilization in the treatment of joint injuries. Practitioner, Lond., 1927, 118:48-54. - - Documents d'un enquete sur les resultats no. *±o— o*±. ------- UU^UUldl'lS U. un eilLJIieir: ^i*i ie^ icomiaw eioignes de la mobilisation active immediate dans le traitement des lesions articulaires. J. chir., Par., 1928, 31: 1-27. ---- Intraarticular pressure. Hillebrand, E. *Ueber Gelenkbinnendruck- messungen an menschlichen Leichengelenken. 15p. 8? Wurzb., 1936. Himmelseher, K. *TJeber Messungen des Gelenkbinnendruckes am lebenden Tier. 16p. 21cm. Wiirzb., 1936. Miiller, W. Ueber den negativen Luftdruck im Gelenkraum. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 218: 395-401.—Vara Lopez, R. Sobre la presion negativa de las articulaciones. Med. ibera, 1930, 26: pt 1, 69-71. Laxity. See also Dermatolysis, hyperelastic: Ehler- Danlos type. Aurousseau, L. Articulations ballantes congenitales; clownisme congenital. In Traite chir. orthop. (Ombredanne) Par., 1937, 1: 550-4.—Bennett, G. E. The use of fascia for the reenforcement of relaxed joints. Arch. Surg., 1920, 13: 055-66.—Costello, J. A. Injection treatment of hypermobile joints. Clin. Osteopath., 1940, 36: 261-6.—Cozzolino, O. Articolazioni abnormamente mobili in un lattante senza mongolismo e quale stigmata famigliare. Lattante, 1932, 3: 32-5.—Czabanowna, W., & Handzel, J. [Case of congenital multiple flaccidity of jointsun a child of 21 months (Rocher s disease)] Warsz. czas. lek., 1937, 14: 453.—Heiss, F. Straffung von Gelenkkapsel und Sehnengewebe durch Eigenblut- Clauden-Injektion. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1939, 86: 9.—Key, J. A. Hypermobility of joints as a sex linked hereditary char- acteristic J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 88: 1710-2.—Kohl, R. D. Blood injections in hypermobile joints. Chn. Osteopath 1940 36:267-9.—Nikiforova, E. K. [Treatment of loose joints] Nov. khir. arkh., 1936, 35: 501-17.—Rocher, H. L. Une nouvelle dysmorphose articulaire congenitale: laxites arti- culaires congenitales multiples. In Livre. jubil. (Hartmann, H ) Par., 1932, 553-63.—Saxl, A. Das lockere Gelenk. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 677-81. Also Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1933 7- 205-9. Also Mitt. Volks] TJgeskr. laeger. 1934, 9G: 248.— Petrignani, R. Les periartlirites traumatiques. Rev. orthop., Par., 1932, 3. ser., 19: 101-42.—Slocumb, C. H. Differential diagnosis of periarticular fibrositis and arthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis., Lond., 1940, 2: 108-13.— Sternberg, M. Ueber eine eigen- artige periarthritische Erkrankung; Selerodesmia pcriarticularis pigmentosa. Med. Klin., Berl. 1934, 30: 1490.—Umber. Die endokrine Periarthritis. Deut. med. Wschr., 1920, 52: 1631- 3.—Zeitlin, A. A. [Origin of sesamoid ossicles near the artic- ulations] Ortop. travmat., 1934, 8: 49-55. ---- Periarticular tissue: Calcification. Cornejo Saravia, E., & Mulcahy, J. Osificaciones meta- traumaticas paraai ticulares (de la artieulacion del hombro) Bol. Soc cir. B. Aires, 1933, 17: 17-23.—Du four. Contribution k I'etude des ossifications periarticulaires. Bull. Soc radiol. med. France, 1936, 24: 364-6.—Dussman, M. I. [Roentgen diagnosis of periarticular calculus and its role in industrial disc-wo] Oit.op. travmat., 1930, 4: 123-8.—Ferguson, A. B. Calcification in fat pads about the joints. J. Bone Surg., 1934, 16: 418-22. ^Fiillsack, H. Ein Fall von multipler, vorwiegend parai tikularer Knotenbildung mit Kalkablagerungen. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1928, 37: 340-2.—Hitchcock, H. H. Calcium deposits about joints. West. J. Surg., 1937, 45: 353-61.— Niederle, B* [Para-articular ossification after trauma] Cas. lek. cesk.. 1936, 75: 183-8.—Pellegrini, A. Ossificazioni post- traumaliche nnraitieolari, O. P. P. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 53: 5(11-63.—Piulachs, P., & Pelayo, M. Tratamiento de las osificaciones v calcificaciones periarticulares con la infiltracion anestesica. Medicina. Madr., 1943, 11: 190-8.—Stefanini, J. Les ossifications post-traumatiqucs para-articulaires. Rev. chir., Par., 1933, 71: 121-46.—Stegemann. H. Die chirurgische Bedeutung paraartikularer Kalkablagerungen. Arch. klin. Chir.. 1923, 125: 718-38.—Vos, P. A. [Periarthritis traumatica ossificans] Ned. tschr. geneesk.. 1935. 79: 5900-4. ---- Pharmacology. Francillon, M. R. Beitrag zur Gelenkbiologie; iiber die Einwirkung von Acetvlcholin auf ruhiggestellte Gelenke, Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1930, 66: 342.—Freund, E. Ueber die Wirkung des Phenolcamphers (Solutio Chlumskv) auf das normale Gelenk. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 233: 313-28.— Rhinelander, F. W., 2d, Bennett, G. A., & Bauer, W. Exchange of substances in aqueous solution between joints and the vas- cular system. J. Clin. Invest., 1939, 18: 1-13.—Zeller, J. W., Bywaters, E. G. L.. & Bauer, W. The passage of thiocyanate and glucose from the blood stream into the joint spaces. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 132: 150-6. ---- Physiology. See also subheadings (Mechanism; Move- ment) Policard, A. Physiologie generale des arti- culations a l'etat normal et pathologique. 214p. 8? Par., 1936. Bauer, W., Ropes, M. W., & Waine, H. The physiology of articular structures. Physiol, lb v., 1910. 20: 272-312.— Bowie, M. A. The phvsh,l,,v\ ..f i<>iui ii^ue. Med. Clin. N, America, 1910, 24: iiiji :t_\ Ha< kenbroch, M. < Iclenk- physiologie und GeleuKmei haiuk. Munch, med. Wschr., 1941, 88: 283.—Hiibler, ('. Kolloid.•lieiniM-he I'hy.sio logic und Pathologie der Gelenke. ln Med. Kolloidlelu. (I.icht- witz) Dresd., 1935, 357-04. ---- Pseudoarthrosis. Alter, E. *Ueber Pseudarthroscn. 17p. 8? Berl., 1917. Berger, E. *Die Pseudarthrose und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Trager der Reichsunfall- versicherung. 51p. 8? Berl. [1935] Durst, F. Ueber Pseudarthroscn. 30p. 8? Bonn., 1896. Findling, H. *Ueber Pseudarthroscn. 34p. 8? Berl., 1935. Hohmann, G. Die Pseudarthroscn und die durch Knochendefekte entstandenen Schlot- tergelenke. 61p. 8? Stuttg., 1921. Rieder, E. *Ueber Vorkommen, Ursachen und Behandlung der Pseudarthrose (auf Grund eines Materials von 21 Fallen, die in den Jahren 1923-1933, in der Heidelberger chirurgischen Universitiits- Klinik beobachtet oder operiert wurden) [Heidelberg] 30p. 8? Bottrop, 1934. Schlinke, H. M. F. *Ueber Pseudarthroscn in der Vorgeschichte und der Jetztzeit. 30p. 8? Halle, 1934. Schmidt, J. *Ueber Pscudarthrosen und Schlottergelenke (Auszug) [Leipzig] 7p. 8? [Altenburg] 1923. Wirths, E. *Der heutige Stand der Pscud- arthrosen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der operativen Behandlung der Knochenbriiche [Wurzburg] 23p. 21cm. Ochsenfurt, 1936. Bergmann, E. Utber Pseudarthrosen. Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 609-11.—Brandt, G. Beitrag zur Pseudarthrosen- frage. Arch. klin. Chir., 1932, 173: 848-51 [Discussion] 198-200.—Brun, H. Das Problem der Pseudarthrosen. Schweiz. med. Wscbr., 1934, 64: 60.—Cuneo, A. Sulla pseudo- artrosi di Hoffa. Arch, ortop., Milano, 1907, 24: 386-93.— Davidson, W. C. Note on a case of pseudarthrosis. West Afr. M. J., 1933, 7: 94.—Fevre, M., & Judet, J. Etat de la moelle osseuse dans la pseudarthrose congenitale. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1930, 13: 223.—Juzuta, K. Ein Fall von Pseudoarthrosen am Skelet eines Skythen. Klin. Wschr., 1935, 14: 1474.— Krecke, A. Pseudarthrosen an Gliedmassenknocben. In his Beitr. prakt. Chir., Munch., 1934, 580-4.—Lafourcade, J. Cinq observations de pseudarthrose. Arch. prov. chir., Par., 1900, 9: 58.5-95.—Massart, R., & Vidal-Naquet, G. I,es pseudarthroses. In their Prat, orthop., Par., 1938, 733-6.— Mathieu, P. Les pseudarthroses. In Traite chir. orthop. (Ombredanne) Par., 1937, 1: 145-74— Milch, H. Epiphyseal pseudarthrosis. J. Bone Surg., 1942, 24: 653-62—Mitter- stiller, S. Zur Histologic der Pseudarthrose. Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 87: 169-203.—Muller, W. Beobachtungen aus dem Gebietder Pseudarthrosen. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 2051-3.— Pitzen. Die Pseudarthrosen, Ibid., 1941, 68: 20.— Tagliavini, A. Le pseudoartroM «li casa lunghe del cavallo. Clin, vet., Milano, 1935, 58: 528-11.—Vigano, A. In tema di pseudo- artrosi. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1934, 22: 133-50. ---- Pseudoarthrosis: Etiology. See also Fracture, Malunion; Fracture, Non- union. Wengen, H. A. *Zur Frage der Aetiologie der Pseudarthrosenbildung [Zurich] 43p. 23cm. Ziir., 1935. Bernhammer, A. *Ursachen und Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen der langen Rohrenknochen [Giessen] 31p. 22cm. Wiirzb., 1938. Brandt, G. Verzogerte Knochenbruchheilung und Pseudarthrosenbildung; ihre Ursachen und Behandlung. 175p. 8? Lpz., 1937. Gardaz, E. Contribution k I'etude de I'eti- ologie et du traitement des pseudarthroses congenitales [Lausanne] 47p. 8? Fribourg, 1934. Hamann, F. *Zur Aetiologie und Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. 24p. 8? Berl., 1933. JOINT 683 JOINT Ixberg, K. R. *Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage de'r Entstehung von Pseudarthrosen. 133p. 8? Helsin., 1931. Also Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, 1930-31, 13: ser. B. Supfle, H. *Zur Frage der Entstehung, Bedeutung und Behandlung der Pseudoarthrosen. 99p. 8? Lpz., 1935. Waldeck, H. *Ueber angeborene Pseudar- throsen. 24p. 8? Heidelb., 1929. Walter, F. [O. H.] *Ueber Festwcrden von Pseudarthrosen nach Belastung [Berlin] 39p. 21cm. Reichenbach, 1938. Ztjrbruggen, A. *Ueber die Aetiologie der Spontanpseudarthrosen und deren Beziehung zur dissezierenden Korperbildung im epiphy- saren Knorpelknochengewebe [Miinster] 31p. 8? Oelde, 1931. Argiielles, R. El factor mecanico en la genesis y en el tratamiento de la seudartrosis. Medicina, Madr., 1941, 9: 369-79.—Block. Einiges iiber Haufigkeit und Ursachen der Pseudarthrosen. Zbl. Chir., 1941, 68: 21.—Bohler, L. Die Ursachen der Pseudarthrosenbildung und ihre Behandlung. Klin. Wschr., 1928, 7: 1332-4.—Bondarchuk, A. V. [Traumatic pseudoarthrosis] Vest, khir., 1932, 26: 154.—Bonome, A. Intorno alia patogenesi delle pseudartrosi. Arch, sc med., Tor., 1886-87, 10: 367-96.—Buresch, A. Pseudarthrose und Muskel. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 143: 739-62.—Caeiro, J. C, & Mainetti, H.t La circulacion diafisiaria en los huesos largos; su importancia en la etiologia de las seudoartrosis. An. Inst. clin. med., B. Air., 1932, 12: 198.—Compere, E. L. Localized osteitis fibrosa in the new-born and congenital pseudarthrosis. J. Bone Surg., 1936, 18: 513-23. -Daniels, A. Pseudarthrosen- heilung durch Infekt. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 2887-9.—Debrunner. Ueber verzogerte Konsolidation und Pseudarthrose. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1932) 1933, 27. Kongr., 448-52—Elenev- sky, K. F-, & Otchkur, P. P. [Pathogenesis and pathological anatomy of pseudarthroses] Ortop. travmat., 1935, 9: 3-15.— Green, W. T., & Rudo, N. Pseudarthrosis and neurofibro- matosis. Arch. Surg., 1943, 46: 639-51.—Hellstadius, A. A clinical study of the causation of pseudarthrosis of the diaphyses of the long bones of the extremities. Acta chir. scand. 1933, 73: 111-60. ------ Ueber die Ursachen der Dia- phvsenpseudarthrosen an den langen Rohrenknochen der Extremitaten. Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 186-8.—Helminen, H. [Frequency of pseudoarthrosis in the long bones following diaphysary fractures] Duodecim, Helsin., 1938, 54: 713-23.— Jessen, H. Ueber die Bedeutung des Periosts bei der Ent- stehung und Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1925, 137: 289-99— Katzenstein, M. Die wechselseitigen Storungen der Knochenhaut und des Knochenmarks im Knochenaufbau: ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der Pseudarthrose. Ibid., 1927, 145: 461-79.—Konig, F., & Wirth, E. Knochen- bruchbehandlung und Pseudarthrosen in deutschsprachigen Liindern und ihre unfallmedizinische Bedeutung. Arch. orthop. Unfallchir., 1936-37, 37: 448-52.—Krompecher, I. [Mechanism of development and histology of pseudoarthrosis] Oyogyiiszat, 1939, 79: 143.—Kiintscher. Ueber die Bedeutung der mechanischen Ursache der Pseudarthrosen. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 1063-5.—Lexer, E. W. Fehler der Frakturbehand- lungundihre Beziehung der Pseudarthrose. Arch. klin. Chir., 1937, 189: 216-8 [Discussion] 30.—Lorenz, A. Konservatismus bei verzogerter Callusbildung mit Pseudarthrose. Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2662-7.—Maier, O. Zur Frage der Entstehung der Gelenkform (an Hand eines Falles von pseudarthrotischem Kugelgelenke) Anat. Anz., 1930, 70: 278-86.—Massart, R. A propos des pseudarthroses et des troubles de consolidation des fractures. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1930, 22: 497-500.— Meisenbach, R. O. Pseudoarthrosis produced by interposing sheet silk and bayberry wax. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., 1914, 11: 648-55.—Nicod. P. Pseudarthroses congenitples. Helvet. med. acta, 1937, 4: 695-8.—Odelberg-Johnson, G. On defects and pseudarthroses of the bony bridge following paraspinal bone transplantation in growing rabbits. Acta orthop. scand., 1939 10: 160-219.—Oserow, A. Zur Klinik der Rezidive von Pseudarthrosen bei Verletzungen und Erkrankungen der peripheren Nerven. Fol. neuropath, eston., 1925, 34: 188-94.— Pickett, J. C. Delayed union and pseudarthrosis. West Virginia M. J., 1937,' 33: 547-53.—Redwitz, E yon. Der derzeitiae Stand der Pseudarthrosenfrage. Arch. khn. Chir., 1935, 182: 049-84. Also Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2574-83.— Rizvash, S. I. [Splenectomy as a cause of pseudoarthrosis] Orton travmat 1939, 13: No. 3, 57.—Rostock, P. Rezidiv- SdarthroTebeim Kl'einkind. Zbl. Chir.. 1938, 65: 939-43I.- Schmidt, A. Histologische Untersuchungen bei experimentel- len Pseudarthrosen. Beitr khn. Chir., 1926..136: 463-95 — «!inn TT Tl Ueber die Bedeutung der mechanischen Ursachen der Ps"u«laV.hrosen. ZbL Chir., 1937 64: 1 OS^S.-Vasiliev, A A & Epstein. G. J- [Pathogenesis of pseudo-joints] _Arkn. nat anat 'Moskva, 1939, 5: No. 3, 41-53.—Vifias, M.. & Riv'ara L ' T Seudoartrosis congenita. Sem. med., B. Air., 1937 44 • Pt 1 473-88.—Walter. Ursache der Spontanpseud- nrtbr'ose " der Osteochondritis und verwandter Prozesse und fi^l iFWiehung zur Entstehung selbstandiger Knochenkerne. fe. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1934) 1935, 29. Kongr., 78-101. ---- Pseudoarthrosis: Treatment. Billiard, A. *Traitement par le chlorure du zinc des pseudarthroses en general et d'un cas particulier du pseudarthrose consecutif a la resection du genou. G4p. 8? Par., 1897. Bunger, P. [E. F.] *Beitrag zur Behandlung der Pseudarthrose. 33p. 8? Greifswald, 1890. Chutro, P. Tratamiento de la seudoartrosis por los injertos 6seos. 299p. 24cm. B. Air., 1938. Doernhoeffer, H. *Therapie der Pseud- arthrosen in alter und neuer Zeit. 35p. 8° Bonn, 1935. Dyckerhoff, D. *Die Behandlung der schlecht heilenden Frakturen und Pseudarthrosen an der Kieler Universitatsklinik wahrend der letzten 10 Jahre; mit Ausnahme der Schenkel- pseudarthrosen [Kiel] 24p. 23cm. Quaken- briick, 1937. Franke, H. *Operation schwerer Pseudar- throsen [Munchen] 17p. 8? Wurzb., 1936. Frederikse, F. J. *De behandeling van de pseudarthrose en van de vertraagde consolidatie van beenbreuken [Amsterdam] 117p. 8? Nijkerk, 1925. Girndt [J.] L. *Behandlungsmethoden ver- alteter, schlecht geheilter Frakturen und Pseud- arthrosen. 36p. 8? Greifsw., 1930. Herbst, W. *Beitrag zur Klinik und Therapie der Pseudarthrose. 21p. 20^>cm. Konigsb., 1937. Heuler, F. M. *Eeitrag zu der operativen Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. 24p. 8? Miinch., 1882. Hocherl, J. [B. S.] *Ueber die Behandlungs- ergebnisse der autoplastischen Knochentrans- plantation bei Pseudarthrosen an der Wiirz- burger chirurgischen Universitatsklinik von 1935 mit 1937. 24p. 22#cm. Wurzb., 1938. Hoppe, W. *Beitrag zur Behandlung der verzogert heilenden Briiche und Pseudarthrosen [Gottingen] 17p. 8? Lehrte i. Hann., 1931. Kloth, M. A. *Beitrag zur Klinik und Be- handlung der Pseudarthrose. 32p. 23cm. Berl., 1938. Koss, W. *Ueber Pseudarthrosen; ihre Ursachen und ihre Behandlung mittels freier Knochentransplantation [Freiburg i. B.] 25p. 8? Kaaden, 1929. KtlHNEL [F. M.] G. *Ueber Pseudarthrosen und Knochentransplantation [Leipzig] 52p. 8? [Zeulenroda] 1931. Mayr, E. *Ueber Pseudarthrosen und deren Behandlung. 58p. 8? Niirnb., 1919. Pennartz, J. *Ein Beitrag zur Pseudarthro- senbehandlung. 29p. 8? Bonn, 1928. Petrof, T. *Contribution a I'etude du traitement des pseudarthroses. 91p. 8? Lyon, 1897. Rein, R. T. *Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen mit der Bohrung nach Beck. 24p. 8? Konigsb., 1936. Roques, G. *Les pseudarthroses osteomye- Iitiques apres resection; traitement par les greffes osseuses. 99p. 24cm. Toulouse, 1934. Ruprecht, H. *Zur Frage der Pseudarthrosen und ihrer Behandlung [Freiburg] 57p. 22cm. Hamb., 1937. SchirmER, K. H. *Pseudarthrosen und ihre Behandlung wahrend der letzten zwolf Jahre an der Kieler Universitats-Klinik [Kiel] 20p. 8? Giitersloh, 1933-34. JOINT 684 JOINT Wenner, R. *Zur Therapie der Pseudar- throsen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kcsultate mit der Umkehrplastik nach Brun [Ziirich] 29p. 8? Basel, 1936. Albco. I". H. Traumatic pseudarthroses and treatment by automatic machinery. Opera Internat. Congr. Indust. Accid. f Iul'S'i 1929, 5. Congr., 17-22.—Arnaud, L. Les greffes osseuses par enchevillement dans le traitement des pseudarthroses traumatiques des grandes diaphyses. Bruxelles med., 1938-39, 19: 1080-90.—Autnont. Trois cas de pseudarthrose des mem- I ires; greffes osseuses par un procede mixte (greffe libre intra- segmentaire, greffe osteoperiostique) Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 154-6.—Baeyer, H. von, & Horn, C. Neues in der Pseudarthrosenbehandlung. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 721.—Baj, L. L'azione del siero dei fratturati sulle pseudo- artrosi e sui ritardi di con-olida/ione delle fratture. Gior. batt. immun., 1928, 3: 529-39.—Bastos Ansart. Sobre el tratamiento de la pseudoartrosis. Arch, med., Madr., 1936, 39: 171.—Bauer, K. H. Erfahrungen mit dem Kirschnerschen Aufsplitterungsverfahren bei Pseudarthrosen. Chirurg, 1928- 29, 1-. 871-7.------ Das Aufsplitterungsverfahren bei Pseudarthrosen. Ibid., 1931, 3: 993-5.—Berckel, K. C. van. INail plastic in pseudoarthrosis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 4952-4.— Biesin, A. Zur operativen Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen im Kindesalter. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1931) 1932, 26. Kongr., 112-26.—Birt, E. Frakturenbehand- lung und Pseudarthrosen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1938, 191: 327- 46.—Bode, F. FN eber Pseudarthrosenoperationen. Zbl. Chir., 1928. 55: 769-72- Bohm, G. S. [Comparative value of auto- and heterotransplants in treatment of pseudarthroses and delayed union] Ortop. travmat., 1936, 10: 107-13 — Boliarsky, N. N. [Cow's horn as plastic materc I in treating false joints and fraetures] \ est. khir., 1027, No. '20-27, 244.— Bolten, G. C. [Treatment of idiopathic psuudo-arthrosis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1934, 78: 4537-41.—Boppe, M., & Fresnais, J. Le traitement des retards de consolidation et des pseudarthroses par la perforation des fragments (methode de Beck) J. med. Bordeaux, 1937, 114: 577-94—Brandes, M. Ueber altes und neues Bohren der Knochen bei Pseudarthr^s ■ und anderen pathologischen Zustanden. Zbl. Chir., 1932, 59: 1366-71.------Zur Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen und verzogerter Konsolidation nach Frakturen. Ibid., 1938, 65: 2829. Also Zsehr. Orthop., 1939, 70: 99-109.—Brandt. G. Verhutung und Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. Ther. Gegenwart, 1938, 79: 153-7.—Breuer, F. Rippenumhulsung zur operativen Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen der langen Rohrenknochen. Ai h. orthop. Unfallchir., 1931 35, 35: 50. Also Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1934-35, 244: 445-51.- Brun, H. Pseudarthrose und verzogerte Konsolidation. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 540. -—■---■ Typische Pseudarthrosen- Operationen. Ibid., 1931, 61: 1217-220. ------ Leber die Indikation zur Operation der Pseudarthrosen. Helvet. med. acta, 1938, 5: 866-71. Also Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 2511.— Calissano, G. La cura delle pseudoartrosi e dei ritardi di consolidazionc col metodo di Beck. Arch. ital. chir., 1938, 50: 70!• -21. Chlumsky, V. Ein Vorschlag zur operativen Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen und renitcnten Knochen- briiche. Zbl. Chir., 1928, 55: 403-Chutro. P. De trata- miento de la seudoartrosis de los huisos largos por medio del injerto subperiostico. In his Lecc. clin. quir., B. Air., 1938, 4: 7 -57. — Courtillier, I,. Osteotherapie des baches osseuses et cles pseudarthroses par une nouvelle methode. Bull. Soc. med. Paris, 1937, 425-49.—Daniels, A. Beitrag zur Behand- lung der Pseudarthrose. Chirurg, 1936, 8: 251-5.—Debrunner, H., & Frosch, L. Experimentelle und klinische Studien zur Pseudarthrosenfrage. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1925, 23: 10; 1920, 24: 261.—Delahaye, A. Treatment of quiescent tumor albus and pseudarthrosis of tuberculous origin in children. J. Bone Surg., 1936, 18: 51-3.—Delrez, L., Lambert, G., & Blavier, L. Retards de consolidation et pseudarthroses des fractures diaphysaires; frequence et traitement. Liege med., 1934, 27: 273-90.—Dujarier, C. Traitement des pseudarthroses congenitales. Rev. orthop., Par., 1927, 3. ser., 14: 641-700 — Epstein, G. J. [Beck- and Jaboulet-Leriche operation in re- tarded consolidation and pseudoarthrosis] Ortop. travmat., 1935, 9: 67-75. Also J. chir.. Par.. 1936, 48: 34-45. ------ [Beck's operation in delayed union and pseudarthrosis] Vest. khir., 1937, 52: No. 8, 194-9—Erler, F. Beitrag zur Behand- lung von Pseudarthrosen. Z.-chr. orthop. Chir., 1932, 56: 31-44.—Fekete, G. [Prevention and treatment of false joint] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1931, 29: 1201-6. Felsenreich, F. Be- handlung von Pseudarthrosen mittels Trepanbohrung. Wien. med. AVschr., 1934, 84: 245.------Pseudarthrosenbehand- lung durch Trepanbohrung und Trepanzerstorung. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 61: 440-7.—Ferstl. Ergebnisse der Refraktu- rierung bei Pseudarthrosen. Arch. khn. Chir., 1937, 189: 233-9 [Discussion] 30.—Fischer, A. W. Resektion einer Pseudarthrose am Orte einer osteomvelitischen Fraktur. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 950-2.—Fontaine, R. A propos de 8 cas de retard de consolidation et de pseudarthrose, traites par la sympathectomie periarterielle. Rev. chir.. Par., 1926, 64: 95-104.—Frankenthal, L. Die Bedeutung dor Beckschen Bohrung bei verzogerter Konsolidation und Pseudarthrose. Arch. klin. Chir., 1935-36, 184: 30-8.—Gaudier. H. Pseudo- arthroses et osteosyntheses. Mem. Acad, cbir., Par., 1935, 61: 1332.—Heile. Zur Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen mit Kontraktionsschienen. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1930, 28: 240-8.—Helbing, C. Ueber Pseudarthrosen und Nachbe- handlung der Frakturen. Behandl. Kriegsverletz. & Kriegs- krankh. in d. Heimatlazar., .lena., 1915, Teil 1. 87101.-- Ianas, A., & Poppsco. C. Quelques cas de fractures non reduites et. de pseuriai thrnses traitees chirurgicalement. Rev. chir., Bucur., 1940, 43: 531-40, 5 pl.—Imbert, R. I.e traitement des pseudarthroses par les injections de serum de fracture. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 406-15.- Juclet. H. Trois observations de pseudarthroses traitees par l'aviveinont et la reduction k ciel ouvert suivis d'osteosynth6se par le fixateur externe. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1935, 44: 1198-201. Also Presse med.. 1935, 43: 1655.—Khakhutov, S. D. [Treatment of pscialai throsis by transplantations] Vest, khir., 1926, 6: 173 SO.— Kleinschmidt, (). Durch Knochenr.ufsplittorung nach Kirschner operierte und geheilte Pseudarthrose. Zbl. Chir., 192(1, 53: 1041-4.------Die Pseudarthrose und ihre Behandlung. Chirurg, 1936, 8: 313-25—Konig. F. Ueber Verhutung ortlich bedingter Pseudarthrosen: ein Ergebnis der rationellen Osteosynthese. Aieh. klin. Chir., 1930, 162: 720-34 [Discussion] 233-41. Kreut/.mann. Ursachen der Pseudarthrosenbildung an der Hand von 25 Fallen und deren Behandlung im Koppernikusliaus I-'rauenhurg. Zbl. Chir., 1938, 65: 2053.—Kuhle, J. Erfahrungen mit dem Aufsplitte- rungsverfahren nach Kirschner bei Pseudarthrosen und verzo- gerter Oallusbildung. Chirurg, 1932, 4: 487-9— Laffitte. Sept cas de fractures anciennes et de pseudarthroses traitees par la greffe osseuse intra-medullaire. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 11-23.—Le Fort. Traitement des pseudarthroses par l'eiectrolyse. P. verb. Congr. fr. chir., 1888, 3: 580-5.— Levander, G. The operative treatment of some forms of pseudo-arthrosis. Acta chir. scand., 1940, 84: 280.----— Einige Gesichtspunkte zur operativen Pseudoarthrosebe- handlung. Ibid., 1941, 85: 148-04, pl.—Lexer, E. Operation und Erfolge bei veraltetcn, mehrfach operierten Pseudarthrosen. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 913-27.—Lindemann. Zur Behandlung der Pseudarthrose (Aufsplitterung nach Kirschner) Arch. orthop. Unfallchir., 1928, 26: 287-90.—Llambias, A. A prop6sito del astillado en el tratamiento de las seudoartrosis. Prensa med. argent., 1937, 24: 1535-8.—Magnus, G. Wesen und Behandlung der Pseudarthrose. Arch. klin. Chir., 1937, 189: 191-211 [Discussion] 30.—Martin, B. Die Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. Med. Welt, 1937. 11: 420-3.—Matti, H. Ueber die Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen mit Spongiosa- transplantation. Arch, orthop. Lnfallchir., 1933, 31: 218-31. Also Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1933, 63: 930. ;—■---Technik und Resultate meiner Pseudarthrosenoperation. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 1442-54.—May, H. Anzeigestellung zur Behand- lungsart der Pseudarthrosen der langen Rohrenknochen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1933, 239: 184-204.—Mayeda, T. Die Anwendung der Knochenvorpflanzung (Axhausen) zur Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen langer Rohrenknochen. Ibid., 1932, 236: 159-64.—Meyer, O. Zur Pseudarthrosenbehandlung. Ibid., 1931, 232: 436-8.—Minne, J., & Loorius, R. Up cas de pseud- arthrose post-traumatique traitee par la greffe osseuse. Echo med. nord, 1934, 3. ser., 2: 297.—Mommsen, F. Me- ehanisch-biologische Gesichtspunkte fur die unblutige Be- handlung der verzogerten Frakturheilung und Pseudarthrose mit Angabe einer biologischen Behandlungsmethode. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1929, 51: 472-88.—Nitsche, F. Erfahrungen mit der mechanisch-biologischen Pseudarthrosenbehandlung [Discussion] Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1932) 1933, 27. Kongr., 497-502. ------ Zur Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. Zbl. Chir.. 1939, 66: 2618-23.—Nowotelnov, S. A. Belebung der regenerativen Tatigkeit eines 25 Jahre alten Pseudoarthrosen- Transplantats. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1935-36, 36: 188-91.—Osman. Ergebnisse der Pseudarthrosenbehandlung in der Leipziger Chirurgischen Klinik. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 206: 88-118.—Ota no, A. Tratamiento de las seudo- artrosis a cielo abierto. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1934, 18: 953-63.—Paal, E. Beitrage zur Pseudarthrosenbehandlung. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 2380-3.—Palagi, P. Contributo al tratta- mento operativo delle pseudartrosi di guerra. Arch. Soc. ital. chir. (1919) 1921, 26: 80-4.—Pascalis, G. Traitement des pseudarthroses par greffe osseuse. In Prat. chir. illust. (Pauchet, V.) 3„ed„ Par., 1934, 19: 261-81.—Pfab, B. Ueber Pseudar- throsen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1927, 201: 71-83. ------ Erfahrungen iiber eine lOjiihrige Pseudarthrosenbehandlung (1926-35) Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1937, 38: 90-113 — Plisson, L. Traitement des pseudarthroses. Progr. med., Par., 1927, 42: 2066-75.—Regele, H. Zur Arbeit von Matti: Technik und Resultate meiner Pseudarthrosenoperation. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 2308.—Rocher, H. L., Pouyanne, L., & Rocher, C. Pseudarthrose cong6nitale k retardement traitee par greffe osseuse et, consecutivement, par forage et injection d'Ossical; guerison. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 478-81.—Rostock, P. Die Pseudarthrosen der langen Rohrenknochen und ihre Behandlung. Med. Welt, 1941, 15: 502-4, pl.—Rottenstein, G. Resultats eioignes de l'osteo-synthese metallique dans les pseudarthroses, suite de fractures de guerre. P. verb. Cong. fr. chir., 1922, 31: 213-6.—Rykusuev, S. G. [Beck's operation in delaved formation of callus and pseudarthrosis] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 3, 131-7.—Schilling, W. Das Pseudar- throseproblem und seine Beziehungen zur normalen Knochen- regeneration. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1933, 157: 121-53.—Schreiber, A. Zur Verhutung und Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1893, 40: 653; 074.—Schwarz, E. Ueber die operative Verlangerung von Rohrenknochen und die Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen. Chirurg, 1931, 3:793-6— Seeman, H. von. Neues Operationsverfahren bei Pseudar- throsen und Gelenkbandverletzungen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1936, 186: 547-61.-—Sole, R. Nuevo aporte de casos de seudoartrosis tratadas por nuestro metodo a cielo abierto. Bol. Soc. cir. JOINT 685 JOINT B. Aires 1927 11: 9-25. Also Sem. med., B. Air., 1927, 34: pt I, 437-41 —Sommer, G. Unsere Erfahrungen iiber die Pseudarthrosenbildung und ihre operative Behandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1937, 33: 1708-10.—Squirru, C. M. Resultados de los injertos 6seos en la pseudoartrosis. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1937, 36: 741-66.—Sternberg, H. Zur Behandlung der Pseudarthrosen [Discussion] Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1932) 1933, 27. Kongr., 505-13.—Tailhefer, A. Le traitement actuel des pseudarthroses dans les hopitaux de Paris. Vie med., 1926, 7: 2401; 2440.—Tourneux, J. P. Les pseudar- throses. Concours med., 1940, 62: 113-5.------Le traite- ment des pseudarthroses. Ibid., 235-7.—Tremblay, J., Archambault, F., & Sobrino. Interventionss anglantes dans les pseudarthroses. Union med. Canada, 1942, 71: 1130-2 (Abstr.)—Trueta Raspall, J. Tratamiento de la seudoartrosis por el metodo de Beck. Med. ibera, 1934, 29: pt 2, 65 — Vauer, K. H. Zur Aufsplitterung von Pseudarthrosen. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 167: 51.—Verbrugge, J. El rol de la osteo- sintesis metdlica en el tratamiento de las seudartrosis. Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1933, 17: 989-1002—Vezina, C, & Roy, L. P. Traitement des pseudarthroses et des retards de con- solidation par la methode de Beck. Laval med., 1939, 4: 367-72. Also J. chir., Par., 1940. 56: 182.—Vilardell, J. M. Tres casos de injertos osteo-periosticos por pseudoartrosis. An. Hosp. S. Cruz, Barcel., 1928, 2: 120-6.—Weiss, A. Zur Casuistik der operativ behandelten Pseudarthrosen. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1899, 53: 236-63.— Wenzl, O. Kippspanplastik zur Behandlung von Pseudarthrosen. Chirurg, 1937, 9: 292-8.—Zakharzhevsky, V. P. [Operative treatment of pseudarthrosis of traumatic origin] Ortop. travmat., 1939 13: No. 1, 24-6. ---- Radiology. See also subheading Examination. Piombo, F. S. Artro-neumo-radiografia. 92p. 27cm. B. Air., 1939. Alksnis. A. [Roentgen anatomical investigation of normal joints in the horse, dog and cat] Latv. Univ. rak.. 1938, 2: 1-85.—Beisheim, W. Die Bedeutung der Rontgenbildcr in der Diagnostik der Gelenkerkrankungen. Zsehr. wiss. Baderk., 1929-30, 4: 457-67.—Bernstein, A. Rontgenologische Fort- schritte auf dem Gebiete der Gelenkkrankheiten. Ront- genpraxis, 1930, 2: 49-74.—Bircher, E. Pneumoradiographie des Knies und der anderen Gelenke. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1931, 61: 1210, 4 pl.—Bobbio, A., & Picco, A. Ricerche speri- mentali sullo studio delle articolazioni mediante lintioduzione di liquidi opachi. Arch. ital. chir., 1933. 34: 213-21 —Bohm, M. Die Darstellung des Gelenkknorpels und der Kpiphysen im Rontgenbild. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1931) 1932, 26. Kongr., 126-31 [Discussion] 131.—Borak, J., & Gold- hamer, K. Weitere experimentelle Beitrage zur Rontgen- anatomie und -pathologie der Gelenke. Fortsch. Rontgen- strahl 1927 36: 128-32.— Buckart, K. Kontrastdarstellung der Gelenke. Zbl. Chir., 1933, 60: 2185.—Buxton. St J. T>. A radiographic survey of the normal joints. Brit. J. Radiol.. B I R Sect., 1927, 32: 199-213, 6 pl.—Clavel. Visibihte m'eniscale directe. Bull. Soc. eiectroradiol. med. France, 1939 27- 519.—Denier. L'oxyradon comme agent de con- trast^ pour I'etude radiologique des articulations et des tissus mous. Bull. Soc. radiol. med. France, 1933, 21: 727-9 — Didiee J. Sur le concept radiologique de 1 interhgne articu- laire. Gaz. hop., 1931, 104: 1117-20.-Eislcr F. Die Ront- eendia Hansson. C. J., & Axem (Abstr.)- KIo M cSSzioni^u qualche aspetto radiologico.delle SP°comuni artropatie croniche^ Gazz. ^ *£, £38.^7. vortretTi^dir^rklichen Gelenkspalte auf dem Rontgenbilde. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1937, 18: 733-41.—Majer. Zur Arthro- pneumoradiographie. Sitzber. Frankf. med. Ges., 1936, 21.— Mastumaru, H., & Ueda, F. Arthrography with contrast media. Jap. J. M. Sc., 1934-36, 4: Surg., 203.—Meyer- Wildisen, R. Zur Teebnik der Gelenk-Luftfiillungen. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 991.—Nordheim, Y. Eine neue Methode, den Gelenkknorpol, besonders die Kniegelenkmeni- sken, rontgenologisch darzustellen (ohne Zuhilfenahme einge- spritzten Kontrastmittels) Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1938, 57: 479-95.—Oberholzer, J. Die Arthro-Pneumoradiographie. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1933. 158: 113-56.------L'arthro- pneumoradiographie (methode de Bircher) J. radiol. eiectr., 1936, 20: 18-23. 2 pl.------I metodi di contrasto arti- colari in radiografia. Chir. org. movim., 1936-37, 22: 363-72.— Pannewitz, G. von. Neuropathische Gelenkerkrankungen und ihre rontgenologische Friihdiagnose. Med. Klin., Berl., 1936, 32: 1171-4.—Robert, P., & Forestier, J. Le diagnostic radiologique des arthrites et des arthroses. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1936, 3: 768-73.—Roberts, R. E. Radiological aopear- ances in common diseases of bones and joints. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1941, 206: 393-5.—Rubin, E. L. The delineation of articular cartilage by X-ravs without the aid of contrast media. Brit. J. Radiol., 1939, 12: 649-57.—Schoen, H. Zur Technik der Gelenk-Kontrast-Darstellung. Rontgen- praxis, 1940, 12: 363—Schroeder, E. F., & Schnelle, G. B. Veterinarv radiography; the stifle joint. North Am. Vet., 1941, 22: 353-60.—Schiiller. Die Kontrastdarstellung der Gelenke. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1935) 1936, 30. Kongr., 318-34.—Schuster, R. Zwei Demonstrationen; Rontgeno. gramme. Rapp. Congr. internat. rhumat. (1932) 1934, 3- Congr., 477-80.—Shimada, N. Diagnostic and therapeutic value of the pneumoarthrogramm. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 203.—Sievers, R. Rontgenographie der Gelenke mit Jodipin. Fortsch. Rontgenstrahl., 1926, 35: 16-28.—Stehr, L. Die Nachteile der sogenannten axialen Rontgenaufnahmen von Schulter und Hiifte und ihre Vermeidung durch das Stereobild, Zbl. Chir.. 1937, 64: 1521-9.—Widmann, B. P., & Stecher, W. R. Roentgenographic demonstration of the true articular space. Radiology, 1936, 27: 541-4.—Zakharov, I. D. [Tyvo projections in roentgenography of the shoulder- and hip- joints] Nov. khir. arkh., 1936, 37: 118-22. ---- Reflex. See also Extremity, Reflex; Tendon, Reflex; also under names of joints. Leighton, B. *Ueber die Bedeutung der sogenannten Gelenkreflexe (Len'sches Vorder- armzeichen, Mayer'scher Fingergrundreflex) [Basel] 14p. 8? Lorrach-Stetten, 1936. Smyslow, G. G. Das digitoperoneale Phanomen und seine Beziehung zu den tiefen Gelenkreflexen, im speziellen zum Phanomen K. Mayers. Deut. Zsehr. Nervenh., 1930, 112: 124-39.—Stiefler, G. Zur Genese und Klinik des Grundge- lenkreflexes. Ibid., 1928, 102: 13-24.------■ Ueber den Grundgelenkreflex und seine Brauchbarkeit in der allgemeinen Praxis. Mitt. Volksgesundhamt., Wien, 1929, Aerztl. Prax., 355-7.—Tromner, E. Neue (Gelenk-) Reflexe der Beine. Klin. Wschr., 1926, 5: 1464-6. ---- Regeneration and wound healing. See also subheading Injury. Ammenwerth, W. *Versuche iiber rasche und bleibende Ausfullung von Oberflachen- defekten an den freien Knorpelknochenenden der Gelenke [Wurzburg] p.435-47. 8? Berl., 1931. Also Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1931, 30: Fiorini, E- Sulla rigenerazione dei menischi articolari. Chir. org. mov;m., 1932-33, 17: 350-4.—Haldeman, K. O. The healin"- of joint fractures; a clinical and experimental study. J. Bone Surg., 1938, 20: 912-22.—Low-Beer, L. Ueber die Heilung von Gelenksbriichen. Virchows Arch., 1929, 273- 191-249.—Mason, M. L. Ueber den Heilungsvorgang der' Oelenkbruche. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1926, 138: 58-75 — Walter H Funktionelle Neubildung in arthritischen Gelen- ken. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1926-27, 24: 620-32. ---- Rheumatism. See Arthritis, atrophic; Rheumatic fever; Rheumatism. ---- Sensation. See also subheading Nerve supply. Breternitz, W. H. A. *Ueber die Tour- tualsche Tauschung. p.146-65. 8? Jena, 1934. Also Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 2. Abt., 1934, 65: Pauling, K. G. L. *Das Tastmass bei Gelenkbeanspruc'hung. p.189-214. 8? Jena, Also Zsehr. Psychol. Physiol. Sinnesorg., 2. Abt., 1934, 65: JOINT 686 JOINT Renqvist, Y. Ueber die Spannungsempfindung bei Rei- bungsbewegungen. Skand. Arch. Physiol., 1930, 59: 33-52. ---- snapping. Fick, R. Bemerkungen iiber die Schnappgelenke. Morph. Jahrb., 1931, 66: Teil 1, 1-21.—Palmgren, A. Zur Kenntnis der sogenannten Schnappgelenke; die Ursache des Federungs- phanomens nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Fossae nudatae des Ellenbogengelenkes beim Pferde. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1928-29, 88: 710-45. ------ Zur Kenntnis der sogenannten Schnappgelenke; die physiologische Bedeutung des Federungsphunomens. Ibid., 1929, 89: 194-200. -----■ Bemerkungen iiber die Schnappgelenke. Morph. Jahrb., 1932, 69: 380-93. ---- Sprain [Distorsion] See also subheading Injury. Grivel, A. *Contribution au traitement des entorses par l'infiltration anesthesiante, methode du Professeur Leriche. 71p. 24%cm. Par., 1938. Host ax, J. *Du traitement des entorses et arthrites traumatiques par les ondes cburtes [Marseille] 56p. 241/2cm. Alger, 1936. Tanowitz, H. *Zur Behandlung der Distor- sionen mit Lokalanaesthesie. 24p. 23cm. Ziir., 1941. Thomas, M. J. G. *Traitement des entorses et des sequelles des contusions articulaires par les injections locales d'une solution anesthesique sulfo-iodee. 56p. 24cm. Par., 1938. Award to phvsieian for sprain held excessive (Lebrecht v. United Railways Co. (Mo.). 2A7 S. W. R. 112) J. Am. M. Ass , 1922, 79: 401. Axford, M. The treatment of sprains, acute und chronic. X. Zealand M. J., 1937, 36: 11X-29.— Baldwin. H. A., & Worstell, H. P. Sprains of the foot and ankle, with appropriate treatment. Internat. J. M. & S., 1935, 48: 210.—Barba Inclan, A. EI esguince; su concepto moderno. Cir. ortop. traumat., Habana, 1941, 9: 120-8.— Beau, H. Traitement physioth.uapique de l'entorse. Rev. physiother., Par., 1939, 15: 15 8— Bernard. E. Quelques precisions au sujet des infiltrations anesthc'siantes dans les entorses. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1039, 3!: 332 6. —Bonnet. Le traitement des entorses par le mouvement et les injections periarticulaires de novocaine suivant Leriche. Bull. Soc. med mil. fr., 1938, 32: 455-60.—Bristow, W. R. Acute and chronic sprain. Brit. M. J., 1934. 2: 320; 669-72. Brun- schwig, A., A: Jung, A. The importance of the periarticular innervation in the pathological physirflogy of sprained joints. J. Bone Surg., 1932, 14: 273-6.—Biissem, W. Die Wichtigkeit der Rontgenuntersuchung bei Vcrstuuchunjien. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1112, 4 pl.—Buka. A. J. Strains and sprains. Am. J. Surg., 1931, n. ser., 12: 290-3.—Burns, L. The osteopathic pathology of strains and sprains. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1933,32:205-9.—Campbell. W. G. On minor injuries. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1938, 24: 48-55.—Colson, G. Le traitement de l'entorse simple aigue par la faradisation. Prat. med. fr., 1926, 5: 432-5.—Denslow, J. S. A discussion of the pathology commonly found in a joint which is subject to frequent sprains. .1 Osteopathy, 1940, 47: 19-22.—Desjardins, E. L'entorse. LTnion med. Canada, 1941, 70: 175.—Elmslie, R. C. Sprains and allied injuries. Clin. J., Lond., 1936, 65: 395-103. ------ The treatment of joint sprains and strains. Brit. M. J., 1938, 1. 5>7-g —Ksquerdo, A. Tratamiento de las torceduras arti- culares. Arch. ter. med. quir., Barcel., 1883-84, 2: 21-30 — Fitch, R. R. Injections of procaine for sprains and dislocations. J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 102: 148.—Forton & Pauzat. Valeur comparative de la methode anesthesique de l'infiltration alcoolo-cocainiquc ot de l'infiltration anesthesique simple dans I'entor.-e. Bordeaux chir., 1930, 7: 436.—Frankel, W. K. Behandlung fri.-eher Verstauchungen. Med. Welt. 1931, 5: 37.V- Frankel. E. L. Treatment of sprains by injection of procaine. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 597.—Gamgee, L. Sprains and joint injuries. Clin. J., Lond., 1929, 58: 181-7—Hallows. N. Sprains and strains. Practitioner, Lond., 1931, 126: 139-46.—Heald. C. B. Sprains and strains. Practitioner, Lond., 1936, 136: 422-8.—Houot, A. Au sujet des risques encourus dans la mobilisation des entorses san.- novocalnlsa- tion. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1939, 33: 337-40.—Jakob, F. Zur Behandlung der Gelenkdistoisionen. Schweiz. nail Wschr., 1939. 69: 700-2.—Jennings, W. K. The novocaine treatment of simpie sprains. Illinois M. J., 1936, 69: 538-41. ---■--- Sprains. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1936, 16: 171-89 — Kraus, H. Neue Distorsionsbehandlung. Aerztl. Prax., Wien, 1936, 10: 102-4.—Laquerriere, A. Reflexions sur' quelques observations d'entorses traitees par la faradisation. J. radiol. eiectr., 1937, 21: 353-9. —Leriche, R. Quest'ce qu'une entorse? Gaz. hop., 1934, 107: 325-8. —-— & Arnulf, G. Treatment of sprains by intei li'-'amentary injection of novo- caine. Am. J. Surg., 1936, 32: 45-7.—Leriche, R., & Fontaine, R. De la valeur therapeutique des infiltrations periarticulaires k la novocaine dans les entoise» et le.-. arthrites traumatique.-. Presse med., 1932, 40: 280-2.— Linden, P. van der. Periani- kulare Novokainoinsprii/uii'tcn als Behandlung der Verstau- chungen und traumut ischen Ai thritiden. Zsehr. orthop. Chir.. 1934, 61: 119-28.-- Marrhing with a sprain; importance of local procaine infiltration in war. What's New, North Chic, 1943, No. 6, 12.—Mayer, C. Le traitement des entorses par les infiltrations anesthesiques selon la methode de Leriche. Hruvlles med., 1935-3(1, 16: 838-43- Miltnor, L. J., A: Hu, ('. H. Experimental reproduction of joint sprains. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 30: 883.------et Fnng. H. C. The pathology and treatment of joint sprain. Chm. M J.. 1935, 49: 521-8.------ Experimental joint sprain. Arch. Sui"., IH37. 35: 234-40. Mimllie, C. Le traitement aclic I de l'entorse. J. med. Paris, 1935, 55: -106- Moynahan. K. J. Treatment of acute sprains by procaine infiltration (Lenche's method) Brit. M. J., 1939, 1: 071.—Muroya, S. Ueber Trauma, besonders iiber Distorsio articulans. Zsehr. mil. Aerzte, Tokyo, 1911, No. 24, 25.- Ochsner. E. IL The treat- ment of simple sprains. Med. Rec, N. V., 19:!7. 145: 294-8.— Oxford, T. M. Sprains and strains (acute). Instate M. J., 1935-36, 8: 1704. -Papin, E. Les insucces des infiltrations anesthesiques dans le traitement des entorses. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 425.—Parker. W. R. Sprains. Railw. Surg. J., 1917. 23: 151.—Parneix. Le traitement moderne de l'entorse par la methode de Leriche. Arch. med. pharm. nav., Par., 1935, 125: 658-04.—Pasquie. A propos du traitement des entorses par la methode de Leriche. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1937, 31: 479-82.—Passebois, P. Traitement de l'entorse par la methode de Leriche. Montpellier med., 1939, 3. ser., 15: 7.5-8.—Patton, E. F. Treatment of a sprain. California West. M., 1934, 40: 116.—Pena Trevino, R. La anestesia local en las esguinces. Cir. cirujan., Mi'-x., 1935, 3: 167-70.— Piet, P. Les foulures et leur traitement. .1. sc. med. Lille, 1023, 41: pt 2, 105-11.—Plisson, L. Les principes g6neraux du traitement des entorses et des luxations articulaires. Progr. med., Par., 1927, 42: 1007-15.--Porto, F. A infiltracSo novocainica (metodo de Leriche) no tratamento das entorses e artrites traumaticas. Impr. med., Rio, 19-11, 17: No. 333, Til 8. Also Medicina, Paraiba, 1941, 10: 21-7.—Saxl, A. Statis. he Bandzerrung. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1938, 51: 44-8.— Schiile, F. Nachuntersuchungen von Distorsionen grosser (.•■linke mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung • sympathischer Dystrophien. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1937-38, 38: 621-33 — Smart, M. Pathology and treatment of sprains. Brit. M. J.. 1934, 2: 673-5.—Swartout, H. O. First aid for sprains and dislocations. Health, Mount. View, 1943, 10: No. 2, 11.— Treatment of sprain. Brit. M. ,L, 1934, 1: 1038. -Treves, A. Les infiltrations de novocaine dans les entorses. Bull. Soc chir. Paris, 1939, 31: 340-3— Tripodi, M. II metodo Leriche. trattamento delle distorsiohi e delle fratture articolari per infiltrazione novocainica dei legamenti, applicato alia cura dei reumatismi cronici monoarticolari. Policlinico, 1938, 45: sez. prat., 789-95.—Vairel, J. Le traitement des entorses par le mouvement sans injections periarticulaires de novocaine; une autoobservation d'entorse du genou, sans epanchement articulaires, traitee uniquement par le mouvement. Bull. Soc. med. mil. fr., 1939, 33: 60-2.—Vezina, C, Roy, L. P. Le traitement des entorses par la novocaine. Laval med., 1936, 1: 19-23.—Worstell, IL P. Sprains. Proc Postcolleg. Clin. Assembl. Coll. M. Ohio Univ., 1939, 6: 198-200. ---- Stiffness. Beluffi, E. L. Primi risultati nei trattamento con acetilcolina delle rigidity articolari post-traumatiche. Boll. Soc. med. chir., Pavia, 1939, 53: 1075-91.—Benson, S. Relative influence of diathermy and other physical therapy measures on stiffened joints. Res. Q. Am. Phys. Educ. Ass., 1930, 1: 52 -73, 2 pl — Cozen, L. Ethyl chloride spray as a means of mobilizing stiff joints. Physiother. Rev., 1941, 21: 151.—Dueno, F. P. Las rigideces de la artieulacion del hombro como consecuencia de traumatismos. Arch, med., Madr., 1932, 35: 301-10.— Henderson, M. S. Mobilization of stiff joints. Surg. J., 1925-26, 32: 73-9. ------ Physical therapv and the manage- ment of stiff joints. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1936, 17: 562-6.— Henson, E. B. The use of oxygen in the mobilization of stiff joints. South. M. J., 1936, 29: 586.—Hodgson, F. G., & Smith. W. R. Stiff joints. Ibid., 1927, 20: 452.—Jones, R. The problem of the stiff joint delivered at the Liverpool Medical Institution November 19th, 1931. Brit. M. J„ 1931, 2: 1019-26.—Martin, W. Treatment of stiff joints bv vibration. Am. J. Electrother., 1918, 36: 25—Mennell, J. Stiff joints. Lek. wojsk., 1943, 35: 8-14.—Salaghi, M. Della convenienza di applieare in un maggior numero di casi il metodo della mobilizzazione graduate senza narcosi per la cura eli gravi rigidita articolari. Chir. org. movim., 1931-32, 16: 104-10.— Smart, M. Stiff joints. Clin. M. & S., 1939, 46: 289 — Stamm, T. T. Post-traumatic joint stiffness. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1934, 48: 446-8.—Vance, E. B. M. The stiff joint. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 1: 139-15. --- Surgery. Ibanez Benavente, A., & Calvo Vera, A. Cirugia reparadora de las lesiones de las articu- laciones. 115p. 23cm. La Paz, 1939. KrtI, J. [Surgery of the joints] Budapesti orv. ujs., 1926, 24: 1077-82.—Gebhardt, K., & Stumpfegger, L. Wund- heilungsstorungen bei Gelenko) era!ionen. Miinch. med. W'schr., 1941, 88: 569-71.—Klapp. Denionstrationen aus der JOINT 687 JOINT Gelenkchirurgie. Arch. klin. Chir., 1928, 152: 136-43 [Discus- sion] 144-56.—Mouchet, A., & Roederer, C. La chirurgie osteo-articulaire et la chirurgie infantile en 1938. Paris med., 1938, 107: 509-21.—Mumibrd, E. B. Joint surgery. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1931, 24: 1-3.—Payr, E. Entwicklung, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Gelenkchirurgie. Zbl. Chir., 1926, 53: 842-51. ------• Der heutige Stand der Gelenk- chirurgie. Arch. klin. Chir., 1927, 148: 404-521 [Discussion] 134-52. Also Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23 Die kinetische Kette; Tonuspathologie. Acta chir. scand., 1932, 72: 318-30.—Plisson, L. Notions generales concernant la chirurgie orthopedique et reparatrice des lesions articulaires. Progr. med., Par., 1927, 42: 1459-67.------ Notions gene- rates prealables a la chirurgie articulaire. Ibid., 1928, 43: 1469- 79.—Rehn, E. Ueber Fortschritte der Gelenkchirurgie. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 1563-7.—Schone, G. Gelenkchirurgie im Kriege. Ibid., 1938, 65: 1137-49.—Tschmarke, G. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Rolle des Muskeltonus in der Gelenkchirurgie; zur Frage der Entstehung und Beeinflussung lokaler Hypertonien. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929, 156: 43-55. ------ Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Rolle des Muskeltonus in der Gelenkchirurgie; zur Frage der Beziehungen zwischen Muskeltonus und Muskelatrophie. Ibid., 1930, 159: 858-72.—Valdoni, P. Chirurgia delle articolazioni. In Man. chir. (Alessandri, R.) Roma, 1934, 1: 579-86 — Verrall, P. J. Operations on joints. In Mod. Oper. Surg. (Turner, G. G.) Lond., 1934, 1: 82-124. ---- Surgery: Anesthesia. Hayek, W. von. Langerdauernde Anasthesie von Gelenken- Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 499-501.—Rietz. Anesthesie intra- articulaire. P. verb. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1932, 9. Congr.. 3: 870.—Rosenak, S. Bemerkung zur Arbeit: Langdauernde Anasthesie von Gelenken von W. von Heyek. Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 1173. Surgery: Methods. Abbott, L. C, & Gill, G. G. Surgical approaches to the epiphysial cartilages of the knee and ankle joints. Arch. Surg., 1943," 46: 591-7.—Albanepe, A. La causticazione ignea dei capi articolari privi di cartilagine. Arch, ortop., Milano, 1932, 48: 863-94.—Ammenwerth, W. V< rsuche fiber rasche und bleibende Ausfiillung von Oberflach.endefekten an den freien Knorpelknoehenenden der Gelenke. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1931, 30: 435-47.—Forresler-Brown, M. Simpli- fications of technique in some joint operations. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1939-40, 33: Sect. Orthop., 149-57.—Fuchs, J. Die Streifentechnik in der Praxis der Gelenkerkrankungen. Chirurg, 1928-29, 1: 633-43—Kirsch, R. Die Spanem- pflanzung bei chronischen Arthritiden (ausser Tuberkulose! Erg. Chir. Orthop., 1939, 32: 227-60.—Kreiischer, P. H. Incisions for approach to major joints. SuVg. Clm. N. America, 1928, 8: 515-22.—Magnuson, P. B. Joint debridement; surgical treatment of certain types of arthritis. Surgery, 1941 9: 295.—Pacetto, G. Chirurgia delle parti molh degli arti.' In Man. chir. (Alessandri. R.) Roma 1934, 1: 113-42.— Pavr E Schonende Technik bei Gelenkoperationen an Hand einiger Beispiele. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1930, 227: 386-98. ______ Neuere und bewahrte Methoden zur Erschhessung der Gelenke. Zbl. Chir., 1931, 58: 906-12.—Smith-Petersen, M. N., Aufranc, O. E., & Larson, C. B. Useful surgical proce- dures for rheumatoid arthritis involving joints of the upper extremity. Arch. Surg., 1943, 46: 764-70. ---- Surgery: Methods: Arthrodesis and arth- rorisis. Brittain H. A. Architectural principles in arthrodesis.' 132p. 251/2cm. Edinb., 1942 Aberle von Horstenegg, W. Ueber Arthrorises Verh. Verein Orthop. V.'iens (1937) 1938, 35-9 [Discussion] 50-3.— Albee F H. Extra-articular arthrodesis with autogenous bone graft Surg. Gyn. Obst.. 1926, 43: 393-5.-Asb.elev, ON. Operation for arthrodesis in children Ortop. travmat,., 193a, o. 48_« —Raumann. J. Extraartikuliire Spanversteifung. Zbl Chir.', 1939, 66: 738.-BelogorodSky, V. M.. (Arthrodesis of the joints; coupling of the knee and ankle-joints] Vest. khir 1938 55: 195-8 -Bristow, W. R. Arthrodesis Proc. R Soc M Lond., 1927-28, 21: Sect. Orthop., 1-7. Also Brit J Surg 1927-28, 15: 401-13.—Castillo Odena I. Resultado obfenido en una artrodesis de hombro. Rev. As mid argent., 1939, 53: 929>.--DJessl, F. Re uUate der Grgoriev -4. M." IRegimen of economy m arthrodesisand bei der Arthrodese ^ern. bone graft ln 22. Kongr., 384-7. Hatt._K.r* 393-402. Also joint arthrodesis J. B?LHeberling. J. A. Artificial anky- Arch. Surg. 1^3, 46.3b4 « \935_36> 39. 848-52.- Ss^adiusf A. Appa Is for firm apposition of resectional surfaces in intra-articular arthrodesis. Acta orthop. scand., 1940, 11: 190-8.—Lange, F. Zur Arthrodesenfrage. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 232: 4-11.—Marottoli, O. R. Tecnica de la artrornsis posterior; con presentaeion de film. Relat. Congr. argent, cir., 1937, 9. Congr.. 1029-34—Massart, R., & Vidal-Naquet, G. Les arthrodeses par enchevillement trans- articulaire. Rev. gin. clin. th6r., 1933, 47: 385-7— Rcinhard, VV. Unsere Ergebnisse mit der Umdrehungsarthrode.se nach Sehiiller. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1937, 249: 287-96— Robertson Lavalle, C. Tratamiento por injertos de las gonitis, coxalgias y todas las osteoartritis "tuberculosas. Cr6n. mid. quir. Habana, 1926, 52: 117-33.—Rocher, H. L. Arthrodese mixte de la hanche gauche et arthrodese tibio-tarsienne du pied gauche; r£sultat fonctionnel parfait. Bordeaux chir., 1934, 5: 288.—Roeren, L. Die Drebversteifung. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1929, 52: 271-5.—Schrick. Zur Technik der Arthrodesen. Verh. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1935) 1936, 30. Kongr. 313-7 — Seiffert, K. Erfahrungen fiber die Arthrodese. Beitr. khn. Chir., 1931, 152: 495-501.—Topa, P. [Observations on arthrodesis] Romania med., 1937, 15: 298-300.—Toyaru, S., & Condeescu, M. [Accidents in surgical ankylosis in osteo- articular tuberculosis] Rev. chir., Bucur. 1937, 40: 239-04.— Vidal-Naquet, G. Les arthrodeses par enchevillement transar- ticulaire. Bull. Soc. chir. Paris, 1933, 25: 111-20.—Weil, S. Die Arthrodese und Arthrorise. Erg. Chir. Orthop.. 1931, 24: 385-539. ---- Surgery: Methods: Arthrotomy. Silva Bastos, E. Da. *Nova tecnica de artrotomia do Joelho. 105p. 27cm. S. Paulo, 1938. Kiinig, F. Ueber Arthrotomie. Fortsch. Ther., 1927, 3: 781-3.—Meyer-Wildisen, R. Ueber die Nachbehandlung von Arthrotomien und Gelenk-Binnenverletzungen, speziell am Knie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1938, 68: 1297-9— Olsen, A. [Aseptic arthrotomy; mobilization after operation] Hospitals- tidende 1926, 69: [Jydsk med. selsk. forh.] 169-84. ---- Surgery: Methods: Resection. Albrecht, J. *Ueber den Ausgang fungoser Gelenkentzundungen und die Bedeutung der Gelenkresection bei solchen [Zurich] 142p. 8? Lpz., 1883. Beatson, G. T. A case of excision of knee and elbow joints by Lord Lister; condition 40 years after. Brit. M. J., 1927, 1: 662, pl.—Catterina, A., jr. Le resezioni delle articolazioni. Chir. org. movim., 1934, 20: 545-76. ------ Tecnica delle resezioni articolari. Arch. ital. chir., 1935, 39: 892. Also Zbl. Chir., 1935, 62: 2254-69.—Chutro, P. De consideraciones generales sobre resecciones articulares. In his Lecc. clin. quir., B. Air., 1938, 1: 71-82.—Franz, C. Zur Frage der Gelenkresek- tionen. Bull. War M„ Lond., 1942-43, 3: 322-4 (Abstr.)— Haas, S. L. Growth disturbances following resection of joints. Arch. Surg., 1926, 13: 56-63.—Kennedy, D. Some cases of joint excision. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. ser., 79: 319-21.—Tornatore, A. Resezioni articolari post-traumatiche. Arch. Soc. ital. chir. (1920) 1927, 33: 759-63. ---- Surgery: Methods: Synoviectomy. Koch, K. F. [Synovectomy; its purpose and successful execution] Bratisl. lek. listy, 1935, 15: 311-9.—Payr. Zwei Fiille von Synovektomie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1927, 23: 1473 — Swett, P. P. The present status of synovectomy. Am. J. Surg., 1929, n. ser., 6: 807-10. ------ A review of synovec- tomy. J. Bone Surg., 1938, 20: 68-76.—Wolcott, W. E. Regeneration of the synovial membrane following typical synovectomy. Ibid., 1927, 9: 67-78. ---- Surgery, orthopedic. See also Orthopedics. Epstein, G. J., & Garibdzhanian, G. A. [Application of the Gorbunov-Leontiev apparatus for passive, slow movements in the joint] Sovet. khir., 1934, 6: 877- 81.—Gorbunoff. W. P. Das Prinzip gleichmiissig-langsamer Bewegungen kranker Gelenke und ihre Ausfuhrung vermittelst eines Apparates. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 166: 332-44— Hickinson, L. M. Anatomical considerations and technique in using occupations as exercise for orthopedic disabilities; hip, knee and ankle. Occup. Ther. Rehabil., 1934, 13: 30-4.—MacAusland, W. R. The brace of mechanical support in the treatment of bone and joint lesions. J. Health, Ann Arb., 1934, 5: 16.—Pap, K. [Apparatus promoting reformation of joints] Orv. hetil., 1941, 85: 150.—Stotzer, E. Der Kautschukdruckverband bei der Behandlung von Gelenkaffektionen. Schweiz. med. Wschr 1934, 64: 797.—Strohl. Arthromoteur universel. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1935, 61: 62.—Sucha, W. L. New and effective support for joints. Nebraska M. J., 1939, 24: 342-4.—Woodruff, B. C. Apparatus for the treatment of rheumatic and arthritic conditions. U. S. Patent Off., 1938, No. 2, 131,360. Surgery, plastic. See also other subheadings. Voegeli-Arya. *Beitrag zur freien Gelenk- plastik. 24p. 8? Berl., E. 1927. JOINT 688 JOINT Albee. F. H. The principles of arthroplasty. J. Am. M. Ass., 1931.96:245-9. ------ Original features of arthroplastv of the hip and knee. Ibid.. 1933. 101: 1091-9.------The present status of arthroplasty. N. Votk State J. M.. 1939, 39: 2118-25.—Antonioli. G. Contributo elinico sulle plastiche articolari. Minerva med., Tor., 1920, 6: SO -S -Bier, A. Zur (leschiclite der operativen Nearthrosen. Deut. Zsehr. Cbir., 1931, 232: 1-3.—Calissano, G. Cortributo sperimentale alio studio delle neoartrosi. An h. ital. chir., 1929, 23: 221-5.— Campbell. W. C. The physiology of arthroplasty. J. Bore Surg.. 1931. 13: 223-45.- -Carrell, W. B. Arthroplastv of the hip and knee. Texas J. M., 1920-27, 22: 384 -7. Dainelli, M. Artioplastica con lenibi aponevrotici tissati. Chir. org. movim., 1929. 14: 555-72.--Elet7.kv, A. G. [Arthroplastv] Vest, khir., 1920, 8: No. 22, 52-83. Fitte. El injerto 6seo en las artritis cr6nicas. Bol. Acad, argent, cir., 1940. 24: 187.—Fohl. T. Weitere Versuche iiber die Transplantation der Knorpelfuire. Arch. klin. Chir., 1929. 155: 232-43.—Giangrasso, C. Risultati sperimentali di plastiche, con lamine di gomma, prat irate in j lesioni di articolazioni. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 930. ■----■— Plastiche con lamine di gomma in lesioni I articolari sperimentali. Ann. ital. chir., 1940, 19: 289-326.— Grzywa, N. Zur extraartikulaien Arthroplastik bei latenter Infektion. Zbl. Chii.. 1932. 59: 2040-3.—Hass, H. Resultate der Keil- und Jsc.r.-Ijr.-h-nkpla.stik. Verb. Deut. orthop. Ges. (1927) 1928,22. Koulu .. 380--1.------Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Arthroplasty. Ibid. (1925) 1920, 20. Kongr., 251-5 [Discussion] 269 -73. Henderson, M. S. Arthroplasty of the elbow and of the knee; repoi t of cases. Proc. S. Mavo Clin., 1929, 4: 129.—Hey Croves. E. W. Arthroplasty/ Rapp. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1921, 6. Congr., 133-53.—Jaroschy, W., & Spira, E. Erfahrungen mit der Aithroph.stik am Ellbogen- und Kniegelenk. Med. Klin., Berl.. 1937. 33: 265-8.—Kofmann, S. Bemerkungen zu der .Mittoihmg von Privatdozent Dr. Julius Hass: Neue Gesichtspunkte zur Arthroplastik. Zbl. Chir.. 1926, 53: 1125.- Krompechcr. S., & Goerttler, K. Die (Irundlagen einer experimenlelleu ( l> lenk- bildung. Verh. Anat. Ges. (19381 1939, 46: 43 55.- Lehmann, K. Le cofferdam employ^ comme matiere k interposition dans les arthroplasties. Acta orthop. scanel., 1930, 1: 347-55.— Lcnormant, C. L'artroplastica de>di atti. (jazz, osp., 1920, 47: 079-81. Also Presse med., 1920, 31. 073-6.—Leriche, R. Discussion, sur les arthroplasties. Kapp. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1924, 6. Congr., 145-60.—MacAusland, W. It. Address on arthro-plastry. Froc. Med. Surg. Sect. Am. Railw. Ass., 1927, 7. meet.. 42-01. ■—---- The present status of arthro- plasty. Wisconsin M. J., 1935, 34: 95-100— Maselli Cam- pagna, V. La nondrogenesi nelle artroplastiche sperimentali con auto-innesto libero di fascia lata. Clin, chir., Milano, 1938, 41: S31-48.—Massart, R. Reflexions sur les arthroplasties. Bull. Soc. cbir. Paris, 1935, 27: -182-0.—May, H. The regeneration of joint transplants and intracapsular fragments. Ann. Surg., 1942, 116: 297-310.—Meyer, A. \V. Gelenktrans- plantat'on aus der Leiche (14 Monate lang fuuktionell belas- tungsfiihig gebliebenes homoioplastisches Kniegelenktransplan- tat; Deut, Zsehr. Chir., 1931, 232: 473-8.- Payr, E. Plastik an Kugelgelenken. Arch. klin. Chir., 1920, 142: 728-71 [Discussion] 132.—Petrov, A. A. LAutoplasty in excision of joints for malignant tumors] Vest, khir., 1928. 14: 32-43.— Puky, P. [Arthroplasty] Orv. hetil., 1940, 84: mell., 82 — Putti, V. Artroplastiche. Rapp. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1924, 0. Congr., 233-65. ------ Vingt ans d experience d'arthroplastie. Presse med., 1934, 42: 1321-4— Rehn, E. Zur Wiederhjrstellungschirurgie der Gelenke. Arch. klin. Chir., 1934, 180: 395-400.—Samson, J. E. Quelques considera- tions sur 1 artluoplastie. Union mid. Canada, 1934, 63: 637-60.—Santy, P. Lts arthroplasties. Rapt>. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1924. 6. Congr., 107-31—Schoolfield, B. L. The present status of arthroplasty. Texas J. AI., 1920-27, 22: 382-4.—Sitenko, M. I. L'arthroplastie. Acta med. URSS, 1938, 1: 643-56.—Speed, J. S., & Smith, H. Arthroplasty; a review of the past 10 years. Surg. Gvn. Obst., 1940, 70: Suppl., 224-30.—Stamm, T. T. The technique of arthroplasty. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1941-42, 35: 221-4.—Wilmoth, C. L. Tunica vagina'is in arthroplasty of small joints. J. Bone Surg., 1936, 18: 165-8.—Young, F. The use of autogenous ril, cartilage grafts to repair surface defects in dog joints. Surgery. 1940. 7: 254-63. I ---- Synovia. See also Synovia. Jacob, D. *Ueber die Einwirkung der Synovialfltissigkeit auf den Knochen. 12p. 8? Basel. 1936. Achard, C. & Piettre, M. Sur la mucine des liquides articulaire-. C. rend. Acad, sc., 1930, 191: 1412-4.—Cajori, F. A., i Pemberton, R. The chemical composition of synovial fluid in cases of joint effusion. J. Biol. Chem., 1928. 76: 471-SD. -Chesney, A. M., Kemp, J. E., & Baetjer, F. H. An experimental study of the synovial fluid of patients with arthritis and syphilis. J. Clin. Invest., 1926-27, 3: 131-48 — Control', B. I. The synovial fluid. In his Arthritis, Phila., 1910. -IS 55.—Forkner, ('. E. The synovial fluid in health and disease with special reference to arthritis. J. Lab. Clin. M.. 1929-30. 15: 1187-214.------Shands, A. R., & Poston, M. A. Synovial fluid in chronic arthritis; bacteriology anel cytology. Arch. Int. M., 1928, 42: 075-702.—Key, J. A. Cytology of the synovial fluid of normal joints. Anat. Rec, I92S, 40: 193-209, pl.—Nystrom, G. An inquiry into the cvtology of joint effusions as an aid to the diagnosis of diseases of the joints. Acta chit, scand., 1030, 78: 210. Kagan. C, A De Lamater, A. Il\ drolvsi, of hyaluronic acid of human joint fluid in vivo. I'roe. Soc. Exp. Hiol., N. Y.. 1942, 511: 349-51.—Ropes, M. W., Hywaters, E. G. L., A Bauer, VV. The cause of low s\ novial fluid glucose concentrations in joint disease. J. Clin. Invest., 1942, 21: 639.—Serological examina- tion of joint fluids. Month. Bull. Emerg. Pub. Health Lab. Ser., I ..ikI., 19 13, 2: April, 36.- Takemura. K. Weitcrcs uber die Celenkfliissigkeit. Jap. .1. M. Sc. 1925 27. 1: Biochem.. Tr., 153 -9. —Tarantino. C. La, rea/ione attuale dei liquidi articolari in varie forme di artropatie. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1936, 42: 688-97. ---- Synovial membrane. See also Bursa; Synovial membrane. Franceschini, P. Ricerche istologiche sulle articolazioni. Arch. ital. anat., 1929, 27: 76-179, 2 pl.—Loreti, F. II com- portamento alia colora;-ione vitale e la struttura elello strato sinoviale articolare. Monit. zool. ital., 1932-33, 43: Suppl., 134-8. Also Arch. ital. anat., 1933-34, 31: 286-311, 3 pl.— Paitre, Dubau, R.. A Sohier, It. La biopsie synoviale; sa valeur dans le diagnostic des arthropathies bacillaires k debut insidieux et des arthrites traumatiques longuement im mobilises. J. chir., Par., 1939, 54: 433-47.- Sigurdson, L. A. The struc- ture and function of articular synovial membranes. J. Hone Surg., 1930, 12: 003 -39.—Weil, M. P., A Delarue, J. La biopsie de la synoviale; les ensrignemeiils que l'on peut en attendre dans I'etude des affections articulaires. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1933, 10: 745-57. Also Ter. arkh., 1934, 12: 210-22, 6 pl. ---- Synovial membrane: Absorption and per- meability. Adkins. E. W. O., & Davies, D. V. Absorption from the joint cavity. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1940, 30: 147-54.— Efskind, E. Die Aufsaugungsverhaltnisse im Kniecelenk beim Kaninchen. Acta orthop. scand., 1941, 12: 207-308.—Grant, J. C. B. Interarticular synovial folds. Hut. J. Surg., 1930-31, 18: 630-40.—Herrmann, H., A Ruff, G. La inyeccion intra- articular de sulfamida como contrilnicion al estudio del poder reabsorbente de la cavidad articular. Prensa mM. argent., 1943, 30: 371-7.—Kasahara, K. Experimentelle Studien iiber die Resorption und die natiirliche Immunitat des Gelenkes. Fukuoka acta med., 1928, 21: 63-6.—Muller, W.. & Lauber, H. J. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Gelenkresorption unter verschiedenen physikalischen Bedingungen. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1932, 155: 39-50.—Nakasima, S. Experimental and clinical studies in the resorption of colloidal substances from the joint cavity. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 191.— Pacetto, G. La permeability delle pareti articolari (studio clinico e sperimentale) Policlinico, 1929, 36: sez. chir., 20-35.— Rynearson, E. H. Studies on the physiology of joints; the mechanism of absorption of various substances from the synovial cavity. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1928, 3: 171-4.—Serzhanin, A. I. [Permeability of the normal joint] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1938, No. 2, 45-51.-Siber, O. Ueber die Entstehung und Hedeutung der Gelenkzotten. Arch. klin. Chir., 1932, 170: 458-09.—Sinkawa, T. Experimental and clinical studies on absorption from diseased joints with uranin solution. Nagova ,1. M. Sc, 1939, 13: 107-73; 197-261.—Tani, S. Ueber die Resorption und Ausscheidung der Farbstolfe durch die Celenk- hole. Jap. .1. Gastroenter., 1935, 7: 690-701.—Vara Lopez, R. Contribuck'n al estudio de la fisio-patologia articular. Arch. med., Madr., 1930, 33: 353-8. ---- Synovial membrane: Disease and tumor. Trax-Quaxg-De. *Les tumeurs a myeloplaxes des synoviales articulaires. 128p. 8? Par., 1935. Turettes, J. G. R. Contribution k I'etude clinique et therapeutique des synovites a grains risiformes des grandes articulations. 71p. 25cm. Bord., 1938. Baker, W. M. The formation of abnormal synovial cysts in connection with the joints, second communication (1885) Med. Classics, 1940-41, 5: 805-20.—Becker, R. Beitrag zur chronisch ilestruierenden Synovitis. Beitr. klin. Chir.. 1929, 146: 732-7—Bogolyubov, V. K kazuistikle novoobrazovanig snstavnihk kapsul. Russk. chir. arch., 1905, 21: 268-72.—Brodie, B. C. Brodie's disease of joints; further observations on the diseases which af -;ct the synovial membranes of joints; published in Medico-; .. urgical transac- tions, London, 5, 239-54, 1814. Med. CI as ics, 1937-38, 2: 919-28.—Cleghorn, G. Two cases of acute purulent synovitis (knee_ and ankle), treated by incision and washing out with peroxide of hydrogen; no drainage; recovery with perfect joints. Tr. Intercolon. M. Congr. Australas. (1892) 1893, 3: 274.—Coggeshall, H. C, Bennett, G. A. [et al.] Synovial fluid and synovial membrane abnormalities resulting from varying grades of systemic infection and edema. Am. J. M. Sc., 1941, 202: 486-502.—Diez. J. El endotelioma sinovial arti- cular. Prensa med. argent., 1931-32, 18: 487-500.—Hulten, JOINT 689 JOINT-ILL O., & Gellerstedt, N. Ueber Abnutzungsprodukte in Gelenken uiid ihre Resorption unter dem Bilde einer Synovitis detritica. Acta chir. scand., 1940, 84: 1-29, 6 pl— Kofmann.S. Ein Fall von seltener Lokalisation eines Gelenkganglions. Zbl. Chir., 1930, 57: 3040.—Milch, H. -Aspiration of joints in the treat- ment of synovitis; with report of cases. Med. J. & Rec, 1928, 127: 405.—Moulin, F. de. [Separation of the synovial mem- branes] Tschr. diergeneesk., 1927, 54: 803-17.—Pouyanne, L. Les synovites k grains riziformes des articulations. Rev. orthop., Par., 1939, 3. ser., 26: 305-12.—Sabrazes, J., Bideau, J., & Geyer, A. Production experimentale d'arthrophytes d'origine synoviale chez le lapin k la suite d'injections intra- articulars de 1-2 benzopyrene. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 423.—Slocker, y La Rosa. E. Preparacion de las sinoviales articulares. C. rend. Congr. internat. m<5d. (1904) 14. Congr., sect, anat., 154-7.—Talbot, A. Les tumeurs & mydloplaxes primitives des synoviales articulaires. Rev. chir., Par., 1928, 66: 399-419.—Wagner, L. C. Intraarticular endothelial tumors arising from synovial membrane. Ann. Surg., 1930, 92: 421-4. ---- Temperature. Casuccio, C. Temperatura articolare e fattori elimatici. Arch. ital. chir., 1935, 41: 1007-9.------ Variazioni della temperatura articolare in rapporto a fattori ambientali. Chir. org. movim., 1937-38, 23: 525-36.—Putti. V.. & Casuccio, C. Saggi di termometria articolare. Ibid., 1934-35, 19: 417-32. ---- Tumor. See also other subheadings. Braun, E. *Ueber zwei Falle von intra- articularen Tumoren. 29p. 8? Erlangen, 1929^ Elborg, R. *Ueber Gelenktumoren. 34p. 8°. Marb., 1934. Brunschwig, A. Benign and malignant tumors of joints, tendon sheaths, tendons and bursae. In Treat. Cancer (PacK & Livingston) N. Y., 1940, 3: 2343-74.—Chiari, H. Die Ge- schwiilste der Gelenke. In Handb. spez. path. Anat. (Lubarsch & Henke) 1934, 9: pt 2. 75-100.—Comroe, B. I. Tumors of joints and tendon sheaths. In his Arthritis, Phila., 1940, 714-21 —De Santo, D. A. Joint tumors. Internat. Congr. Campaign Cancer. 1939, 3: Congr., 51.—Machado. C. I umores articulares e juxta-articulares. Porto med., 1904, 1 : 330. - Matthaes. Ueber seltene Gelenktumoren. Zbl. Chir., IJ6\), 66: 1013.—Razemon, P., & Bizard, G. Les tumeurs primitives des articulations. Rev. chir.. Par., 1931, 69: 229-66.—Hokhhn, D. G., & Ossinskaya, V. V. [Roentgen diagnosis of benign intra-articular tumors] Vest, rentg 1932. 11: 190-208- Wiess. K. Ueber neoplastische Arthrosen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 454-7.------ Ueber die arthrogenen Neubildungen. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., IU6Z-66, At. 107-29. Joint Committee on Library Research Facil- ities for National Emergency. See Cannon, C. L., ed. Guide to library facilities for national defense. Rev. ed. 448p. 28cm. Chic, 1941. JOINT-ILL. See also Arthritis—in animals; Cattle, Calf: Disease; Horse, Disease, neural; Pyemia; Shi- 3sHr£, iff usss^*. '^s 1° ", —Kernkamp H. C. H. Diseases of the joints of swine. lPt^.H S 1937 32 108-11.—Mancinelli, Q. Un caso ^ onwifleWte'piSmica "aSSvata da ematuria e tetania Nuovo ercolani, 1909.. 14: 214; 231 -Morgan E. Maggots m anindirect^ause o ^ ™0^^ kjAl$£ E^li^ joint-ill. J- Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1924-25, 66. 481 b. ---- equine [Fohlenlahme] Vath T G *Die Fohlenlahme; ihre Ent- stehung', Heilung und Verhutung [Bern] 77p. 8?Ad?efsnen°ver' L^eLehungen Uber die Foh^nlahm. Bossier. H. /uf JJiagrifse u 205.—Colsen, der Praxis. Munch t erarztb VVscnr *■*>•.». 1919 35: L. J. Lahme bei Fallen. Berl.^"^ ^^iW mit ^e73^:^^^; ?14.-S^^ E& Beitrag zur 320157—vol. 8. 4th series-----44 Behandlung der Fohlenlahme. Ibid., 1920, 28: 49-51. ------ Ueber Fohlenlahme. Ibid., 394.—Mitrowitsch, G. Zur Aetiologie der Fohlenlahme. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1908, 649-53.—Reinhardt, R. Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Fohlen- lahme. Mhefte prakt. Tierh., 1921, 32: 154-65.—Schubert, F. Versuche zur Bekampfung der Fohlenlahme mit intra- venosen Trypaflavininjektionen. Wien. tierarztl. Mschr., 1938, 25: 133-43.—Schustereit. Neuere Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Fohlenlahme. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1937, 45: 493-8.—Schwerdtfeger. Infektionsweg und Ursache der Fohlenlahme; Gedanken und Erfahrungen aus einer fast 50jahrigen Praxis. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1941, 52. Thurner, K. Ueber die Bekampfung der Fohlenlahme durch Impfungen. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1924, 32: 614. Also Fortsch. Med., 1924, 42: 676-8—Troitsky, A. V. [Epizootological peculiarities of infectious joint-disease in colts in breeding conditions in the steppes] Sovet. vet., 1940, 17: 16-9.—Wagner, H. Einiges zur Fohlenlahme. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1935, 51: 257-9 — Weichselsdorfer. Die Fohlenlahmebehandlung in der Praxis. Miinch. tierarztl. Wschr., 1930, 87: 329.—Wildsfeuer. Foh- lenlahme und deren Bekampfung. Ibid., 1934, 85: 137-40. JOKA, Theodor, 1906- *Ueber die Wirkung kreislaufwirksamer korpereigener Stoffe auf die Diurese [Miinster] 16p. 8? Werne- Lippe, F. Grube, 1935. JOKAI, Mor, 1825-1904. Stekel, W. Ein Traum von Maurus J6kai. In his Fortsch. & Techn. Traumdeut., Wien, 1935, 291. JOKE. See Humor; Wit. JOKEL, Isaac, 1910- Contribution k I'etude du scorbut sporadique chez l'adulte. 42p. 25cm. Par., J. Gamber, 1938. JOKIVARTIO, Erkki. Ether-soluble plasma phosphatides in schizophrenia. 98p. 24}£cm. Kbh., E. Munksgaard, 1939. Forms Suppl. 21, Acta psychiat. neur. JOKL, Alexander, 1895- *Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Ent- wicklung des Glaskorpers und seiner Inhaltsge- bilde bei Wirbeltieren und beim Menschen. 249p. 44 pl. 4? Upps., Almqvist & Wiksells 1927 JOKL, Ernst, 1907- *Ueber Beeinflus- sung der immunbiologischen Normalstruktur des menschlichen Serums durch Korperarbeit; das Verhalten der hamolytischen Kraft des aktiven Serums sowie des Normalhammelblutambocep- tors im inaktivierten Serum [Breslau] p.460-71. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1930. Also Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1930, 129: ---- The medical aspect of boxing. 251p. illust. pl. diagr. 21}Scm. Pretoria, J. L. Van Schaik, 1941. . . See also Cluver. E. H., & Jokh E. Research in physical education, p. 198-277. 241/2cm. Johannesburg, 1942. ____ CLUVER, E. H. [et al.] Training and efficiency. 188p. tab. pl. diagr. 26}4cm. Johannesb., South African Institute for Medical Research, 1941. JOLAS, Raymond, 1911- Contribution k I'etude de la nevrose obsessionnelle; son evolution. 207p. 25cm. Lyon, Impr. des facultes, 1937. JOLICOEUR, Jean, 1908- Contribution a I'etude des formes hematuriques de la tubercu- lose renale. 116p. 8? Par., Vigot fr 1933. JOLIDON, Henri [M. D., 1932, Strasbourg] *L'alimentation en eau potable dans le pays de Montbeliard [Strasbourg] 142p. 2! pl. ch. 8° Lons-le-Saunier, M. Declume, 1932 JOLIOT, Frederic, 1900- For portrait see Acta Unio internat cancr Par 1939 4: 103 Also Hist. Chem. (Moore, F. J.) 3. ed., N. Y., 1939. 354. JOLIOT-CURIE, Irene, 1897- For portrait see Acta Unio internat. cancr., Par., 1939, 4: 101. „,_ JOLIVET, Marguerite, 1909- *La pre- vention des infections dans les collectivites de JOLIVET nourrissons ct en particulier k l'Hospice des Enfants-assistes. 79p. 8° Par., J. B. Bailliere & fils, 1938. JOLL, Cecil Augustus, 18S5- Diseases of the thyroid gland with special reference to thyrotoxicosis. xviii, 682p. pl. 8? Lond., W. Heinemann, 1932. See also Cunning, J., & Joll, C. A. Aids to surgery. 4. ed. 420p. 16! Lond.. 1919. ---- & LEDLIE, Reginald, C. B. Aids to surgery. 6. ed. x, 612p. illust. 16? Lond., Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1935. Also 7. ed. xi, Ii54p. 161 (in. 1942. JOLLES, Adolf, 1863- Die Nahrungs- und Genussmittcl und ihre Beurteilung. 2. Aufl. xv, 463p. 8? Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1926. JOLLES, Germain, 1884- *Reaction de remplissage; etude d'une reaction thermique sp^ciale de reinsufflation au cours du pneumo- thorax artificiel. 51p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JOLLOS, Victor, 1887-1941. Editor of Prowazek, S. von. Taschenbuch der mikro- skopischen Technik. 3. Aufl. 96p. 12! Lpz., 1922. Brink, R. A. Obituary. Science. 1941, 94: 270-2. JOLLY, Carlos H. [M. D., 1939, B. Aires] Consideraciones sobre patogenia y tratamiento de las epiforas v dacriocistitis. 76p. illust. tab. 27cm. B. Air. [Impr. A. L6pez] 1939. JOLLY, Douglas Waddell [B.S., 1930, N. Zeal.] Field surgery in total war. xiv, 242p. illust. pl. 19cm. Lond., H. Hamilton, 1940. JOLLY, Ellen Ryan. Nuns of the battlefield. ix, 336p. illust. 8? [Providence, Providence visitor pr., 1927] JOLLY, Jean D. Operating room procedures for nurses. 147p. illust. 12? Lond., Faber & Faber, 1936. Also another ed. 153p. 18^cm. 1941. JOLLY, Justin [Marie Jules] 1870- Sang; proprietes generales et morphologie. p. 1-59. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1934. In Traits physiol. norm. path. (Roger & Binet) 2. id., 1934, 7: See also Milian, G. Biographic. Paris mid., 1939, 114: 97, portr. JOLLY, Pierre, 1910- Contribution a I'etude de l'osteopathie hypertrophique (syn- drome de Cadiot et Ball) chez les carnivores do- mestiques (Vet.] 87p. 8? Lyon, Bosc fr., 1937. JOLLY, William A., 1878-1939. For obituarv see Brit. M. J., 1939, 2: 373. Also Nature, Lond., 1939, 144: 143. For portrait see S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1939, 4: front. JOLLY body. See Eryhtrocyte subheadings (Inclusions; Nu- clear remnants) JOLOWICZ, Ernst [M. D., 1907, Leipzig] Suggestion therapy [and] Hypnosis and hypno- therapy by Gustav Heyer; transl. by Arnold Eiloart, 237p. 12? Lond., C. W. Daniel co. [1931] ---- Praktische Psychotheraoie. 242p. 8? Zur., M. Xiehans [1935] JOLTRAIN, Edouard, 1879- Les urti- caires; crises hemoclasiques; avec biographie du prof. Fernand Widal. Iv, 417p. pl. 12? Par., G. Doin & cie, 1930. ---- & BAUFLE, P. L'examen clinique des intestinaux; enteritiques et faux enteritiques; notes de semeiologie pratique. 88p. 12? Par., A. Maloine & fils. 1919. JOLY, Francis. 1911- Contribution a I'etude de la svphilis dans la ville de Rennes [Paris] 57p. 8?" Rennes, Imp. Prov. Quest, 1937. JOLY JOLY', Francois, 1902 - *Les epanche- ments pleuraux des cardiaques. 190p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1935. See also Flandin, C, Bernard, J., & Joly, F. L'intoxication par les somniferes. 116p. 8? Par., 1934. JOLY, Henry, 1905- *La collapso- therapie hypotensive appliquee au traitement medico-chirurgical de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 314p. 8? Par., G. Doin & cie, 1936. JOLY, Jean, 1911- *Traitement des cavernes du lobe inferieur [Paris] 63p. 24em. Tours, Arrault, 1939. JOLY, John Swift IM. D., Dublin, 1902| Stone and calculous disease of the urinary organs. xviii, 568p. 8? 4 pl. Lond., W. Heinemann, 1929. JOLY, Louis, 1911- Contribution a I'etude des kvstes aeriens du poumon chez l'adulte. 108p'. 5 pl. 25cm. Lyon, E. Vitte, 1938. JOLY, Magdeleine. Contribution a I'etude de l'action de l'oxyde de magnesium sur les glucides [Pharm.] 128p. tab. 25cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1936. JOLY, Maurice, 1902- *De l'ouverture spontanee dans la vessie des salpingites suppurees et de son traitement. 75p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. JOLY, Max, 1907- *R6flexions k propos des bandages herniaires et plus particulierement du bandage inguinal. 66p. 5 diag. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1933. JOLY, Paul, 1874-1935. Gardette, V. Necrologie. Presse therm, clim., Par., 1935, 76: 105, portr.—Necrologie. Bull. Soc. mid. Paris, 1936, 16. JOLY, Pierre, 1912- Contribution k I'etude du traitement local des brulures par le tanin. 63p. 24#cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1939. JOLYET, Felix, -1922. Sellier, J. Necrologie, et notice sur les principaux travaux scieniinques de M. le professeur Ffclix Jolyet. Bull. Sta. biol. Arcael.ou., 1923, 20: 5-7. JOMAIN, Jean, 1905- *L'ur6thrographie. 79p. 8? 13 pl. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1936. JOMIER, Francois, 1917- Contribution a I'etude des meningites typhiques aigues micro- biennes [Paris] 24p. 25cm. Vanves, Francisc. Miss., 1939. JOMIER, Monique Marie, 1908- See Hyon, Monique Marie nie Jomier. JOMINI, Edmond Charles F. Contribution k I'etude experimentale du vaccin de Golden- berg dans la pyorrhee alveolaire [Geneve] 22p 8? Ziir., Imp. Berichthaus., 1924. For portrait see M6d. dent. Canton Vaud (O. Lazar) Geneve, 1938, 42. JOMINI, Pierre. For portrait see Corps mid. Vaudois (O. Lazar) Geneve, 1937, 16. JONA, Judah Leon [M. D., 1913, Melbourne] Kidney pain; its causation and treatment. vii, 94p. illust. 8? Lond., J. & A. Churchill, 1937. JONA, Moise, 1830-1926. Giordano, D. Necrologio. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1926, 17: 107. JONARD, Karl, 1902- *De la cure des grandes cystoceles vaginales. 44p. 5 pl. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1933. JONAS, Adoll, 1903- *Ueber zwei Falle von Stenose der Aorta an der Ansatzstelle des Ligamentum Botalli [Greifswald] 29p. 8? Stettin, F. Hessenland [1928] JONAS, Armin, 1909- *Die Aetiologie und Therapie der akuten Osteomvelitis am unteren Femurende. 63p. 8? Kiel, W. Rohrs. 1933. JONAS 691 JONES JONAS, August Frederick, 1858-1934. [Biography] In Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 105, portr.—Long, F. A. Biography. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 66: 937-9, portr. See also Brown, A. J. Memoir. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1936, 54: 428-30, portr. Also Ann. Surg., 1936,103: 478-80, portr — Necrology. P. verb. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1936, 10. Congr., 1: 140.—Obituary. Nebraska M. J., 1934,19: 469. JONAS, Charles. A complete pronouncing dictionary of the English and Bohemian languages for general use. 3. ed. 723p. 16cm. [Chic, F. Pancner, 1941] JONAS, Charlotte [geb. Winckler-Kraemer] 1891- *Dextrosebelastungskurven bei Ver- wandten von Diabetikern. 39p. 3 tab., 4 ch. 21cm. Berl., Xeuland-Dr., 1936. JONAS, Elisabeth, 1906- *Ueber Des- infektion durch physiologische Chlorlosung. lip. 8? Borna-Lpz., R. Noske, 1934. JONAS,. Else, 1909- *Veranderungen des Profilverlaufs und der Gesichtsweichteile nach orthodontischer Behandlung. 49p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1937. JONAS, Ernst, 1872-1934. Goldstein, M. A. [Biography] Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1934, 29: 70.—[Obituary] Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1935, 47: 661, portr. JONAS, Helma. *Quantitative Blutdiastase- bestimmungen bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen. 32p. 8? Bonn, A. Brand, 1935. JONAS, Johannes [Julius Ferdinand] 1901- *Beitrag zur Klinik der Carcinomatose des Zentralnervensystems [Jena] 33p. 5 pl. 8? Borna-Lpz., R. Noske, 1929. JONAS, Josef, 1903- *Koitus-Ver- letzungen und ihre Therapie. 29p. 8? Lpz., E. M. Loffler, 1928. JONAS, Kurt, 1905- *Ueber die Einwir- kung des Nebenschalls auf das Tongehor bei Schalleitungs- und Innenohr-Schwerhorigkeit. 12p. 8? Heidelb., Dr. Kieler Ztg, 1930. JONAS, Leon, 1883- For portrait see Collection in Library. JONAS, Metha Helfritz, 1857-95. For biographv see in Hist. Med. Nebraska (Tyler, A. F.) Omaha, 1928, 182. JONAS, Ottomar, 1885- Zur Diagnose und Therapie der Kieferfrakturen. 52p. 8? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1927. Forms Heft 68, Deut. Zahnh. JONAS, Walter, 1901- *Zur Sympto- matologie der Hebephrenic. 40p. 8? Kiel, J. Asmussen, 1927. JONAS, Walter, 1903- *Die Bedeutung der fokalen Anfalle fiir die Lokaldiagnose im Gehirn. 59p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1930. JONASSEN, Fredrick Julius Hoist, 1866- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 614. JONASSON, Felix. Suomen puolustusvoi- mat. 414p. illust. pl. 4? Porvoo, W. Soder- strom [1930] JONATA, Roberto. Anatomia dello scheletro umano fetale; morfogenesi, morfologia, anatomia radiografica e riferimenti medico-legali. xix, 285p. illust. tab. 27cm. Bologna, L. Cap- pelli [1938] ^ ± . JONCKER, Albert de, 1913- Contri- bution a I'etude des luxations de l'os coxal. 73p. pl. 24cm. Lille, Impr. Douriez-Bataille, 1938 JONCQUIERT, Claude, 1914- *L'hip- nonhaeie" la viande de cheval et son inspection. 70p 25#cm. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1939. JONDEAU, Bernard, 1894- *Du meca- nisme de la syncope adrenalino-chloroformique; etude experimentale et clinique. 83p. 4 ch. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1928. JONES, Alexander. An oration delivered before the Central Medical Society of Georgia, at its annual meeting in Milledgeville, on 2d Dec. 1828 [The history of medicine in the Southern states, with a notice of the causes which have retarded its progress] 22p. 8? Augusta, W. Lawson, 1829. JONES, Allen Arthur, 1864- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 246. JONES, Anita M. Manual for teaching mid- wives, viii, 139p. illust. 25cm. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1941. Forms No. 260, Pub. U. S. Child. Bur. JONES, Anson, 1798-1858. Anson Jones, president of the Republic of Texas. Physi- cians' Times Mag., 1930, 2: 120; 133; 136.- Stuck, W. <;. Dr Anson Jones, last Texas President. South. Surgeon, 1941, 10: 607-11, portr. JONES, Archie, 1890- The electro- chemical status of colloids found in the blood serum. 26p. 8? [Dundee, 111., n. p.] 1930. JONES, Arthur Bassett, 1870-1935. For obituary see Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 238. JONES, Arthur Curtis, 1887- For portrait see Northwest M., 1937, 36: 403. JONES, Austin B., 1891-1941. Griffith, A. C. [Obituary] Ann. Int. M., 1941-42, 15: 941. JONES, Barbara. See Lee, R. I., Jones, L. W., & Jones, B. The fundamentals of good medical care. 308p. 23Hcm. Chic, 1933. JONES, Benjamin Franklin, 1901- , FLINN, Robert H. [et al.] Fatigue and hours of service of interstate truck drivers, xxiii, 286p. 23^cm. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1941. Forms No. 265, Pub. Health Bull., Wash. JONES, Bernard E. How to make and oper- ate moving pictures; a complete practical guide to the taking and projecting of cinematograph pictures, vi, 216p. 8? N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls co., 1917. JONES, Bertrand L., 1878-1926. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 1319. JONES, Calvin, 1775-1846. Treatise on the scarlatina anginosa. vi, 23p. 8? Catskill, M. Croswell & co., 1794. JONES, Charles Hampson, 1858-1932. [Biography] Proc. Conf. Health Author. N. America, 1931, 46: 186.—Unveiling (The) of the memorial portrait of Dr C. Hampson Jones, Baltimore, May 27, 1933. Baltimore Health News, 1933, 10: 51-63, portr. For obituarv see Baltimore Health News, 1932, 9: 34. Also Bull. School M. Univ. Maryland, 1932, 17: 19. JONES, Charles Luther, 1898- See Quinn, E. L., & Jones, C. L. Carbon dioxide. 294p. 8! N. Y., 1936. JONES, Chester Morse, 1891- Digestive tract pain; diagnosis and treatment, experi- mental observations, xi, 152p. illust. pl. 8? N. Y., Macmillan co., 1938. See also White, B. V., Cobb, S„ & Jones, C. M. Mucous colitis. 103p. 26cm. Wash., 1939. For portrait see Med. Rec, Houston, 1942, 36: opp. p. 423. JONES, Clement Russell, 1871- For portrait see in Am. Coll. Physicians (Morgan, W. G.) Phila,, 1940. 40. JONES, Clifford Buckman, 1886- For portrait see in Thirty Years After (Musser, J. H.) N. Orleans, 1938, 37. JONES, Daniel Fiske, 1868-1937. Allen, A. W. Obituary. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1937, 50: 427-9, portr. Also Ann. Surg., 1938, 107: 1037-9, portr.— Gibbon, J. H. Obituary. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1938, 56: 450-61, portr.—Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 109: 1058. Also Tr. N. England Surg. Soc, 1937, 20: 217-20.—Rosser, C. Obituary. Tr. Am. Proct. Soc, 1938, 39: 10, portr. JONES, Daniel Sexton, 1822-93. For biography see in First Century (Philadelphia Coll. Pharm.) Phila., 1922, 377, portr. JONES, David, 1824- On diseases of the bladder and prostate, and obscure affections of 92 JONES JONES the urinaiv organs. 5. ed. 200p. 8? Lond., Simpkin, Mar.-lmll & co., 1883. JONES, David Hughes, 1874- Biography. In Hist. N. York Polyclinic (W. M. Hartshorn) 1942, 195, portr. JONES, De Witt Clinton, 1868-1937. For obituary see Minnesota M., 1938, 21: 203. JONES, Dorsey Dee, 1898- Edwin Chad wick and the early public health movement in England. 160p. 8? Iowa City, Univ. Iowa [1931] JONES, Dudley William Carmalt, 1874- Elementary medicine in terms of physiology; an introduction to clinical work, vii, 364p. 8? Lond., H. K. Lewis & co., 1929. Also editor of Dunedin, N. Zealand. Univ. of Otago Medical School. Proceedings. 2v. 8? Dunedin, N. Z., 1930-36. See also An appreciation. N. Zealand M. J., 1939, 38: 376- 80, portr. JONES, Edith Kathleen, 1868- Hospital libraries, xiii, 208p. illust. diagr. form. pl. 21cm. Chic, Am. Libr. Ass., 1939. JONES, Eli G. Definite medication; con- taining therapeutic facts gleaned from 50 years' practice. 55p. 8? Wash., Author, 1932. JONES, Elmer T. See Painter, R. H., Jones, E. T. [et al.] Transference of Hessian fly resistance and other characteristics of Marquillo spring wheat to winter wheat. 55p. 8? Topeka, 1940. JONES, Ernest, 1879- Therapie der Neurosen. 175p. 8? Lpz., Ges. Graph. Industrie, 1921. ---- On the nightmare. 374p. pl. 8? Lond., Hogarth pr., 1931. For Festschrift see Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1929, 15: Bibliography of the scientific publications of Ernest Jones, M. D. Internat. J. Psychoanal., Lond., 1939, 20: 493-6, portr.—Freud, S. [Biography] Internat. Zsehr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1929, 15: 147. For portrait see in Hist. Med. Psychol. (Zilboorg, G.) N. Y., 1941. opp. 472. JONES, Ernest Lloyd, 1862-1942. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 412. JONES, Everett Foster, 1885-1940. Stuck, W. G. Obituary. South. Surgeon, 1940, 9: 692, portr. JONES, Frederic Wood, 1879- Man's place among the mammals, xi, 372p. 160 illust. 12 pl. 8? N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1929. ---- Measurements and landmarks in physi- cal anthropology. 67p. 8? Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1929. Forms Bull. 63 of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, ---- Life and living, ix, 268p. 22^cm. Lond., K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co. [1939] ---- The principles of anatomy as seen in the hand. 2. ed. x, 418p. illust. 24cm. Bait., Williams & Wilkins co., 1942. —— & PORTEUS, Stanley D, The matrix of the mind, viii, 424p. illust. 8? Lond., E. Arnold & co., 1929. JONES, Frederick Homer, 1889- For biography see Mississippi Doctor, 1941-42, 19: 459, portr. JONES, George, 1860- See Smith, F. J. London Hospital lectures on forensic medicine and toxicology. 3. ed. 460p. 16? Lond., 1929. JONES, George William, BERGER, L. B., & HOLBROOK, W. F. Carbon monoxide hazards from house heaters burning natural gas. 31p. 8? Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1917. Forms No. 337, Tech. Pap. U. S. Bur. Mines. JONES, George William, MILLER, W. E., & CAMPBELL, John. Ventilation of manholes; effect of vertical ducts in combination with openings in manhole covers on the natural ventilation. 7p. ' fig. 4? [Wash., n. p.] 1940. JONES, Glenn Irving, 1883-1912. The value of studies in health and sanitation in war planning. 9 1. 4° [n. p.] 1933. Typewritten. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 221.—Phalen, J. M. [Obituary] Mil. Surgeon, 1942, 91: 372. JONES, Hamilton Polk, 1872-1926. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1926, 87: 2176. JONES, Harold Ellis, 1894- , & CONRAD, H. S. The growth and decline of intelligence: a study of a homogeneous group between the ages of 10 and 60. p.223-98. 8? Worcester, Clark Univ., 1933. Forms No. 3, v.13, Genet. Psychol. Monog. JONES, Harold Oakland, 1885- For biography see Rocky Mountain M. J., 1942, 39: 130, portr. JONES, Harold Spencer, 1890- Life on other worlds, x, 299p. 17 pl. 21cm. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1940. JONES, Harold Wellington, 1877- Cari- catures, especially medical caricatures, p. 108-18. 8? Menasha, Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1943. Repr. from Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Menasha, 1943, 31: ---- Charles Bell and the origin of his en- gravings of the arteries. p.371-80. 12 pl. portr. 8? N. Y., Froben pr., 1937. Forms No. 11 of v.44, Medical Life, Nov. 1937. ---- Central and South American medical literature in the Army Medical Library, p.66- 82. 8? Wash., 1940. Repr. from Proc. Convent. Interamer. Bibliogr. Libr. Ass., 1940, 3. Convention.. -—— A consideration of the future relations of the medical libraries with our National Medical Library, p.36-45. 8? Chic, Libr. Quart., 1941. Repr. from Library Quarterly, Chic, 1941, 11: ---- The days gone by; following rainbows 'round the world. p.76-85; p.172-81. 8? Wash., Mil. Surg., 1932. Repr. from Military Surgeon, 1932, 71: ■—— A doctor chases the Pulajanes. p.297- 316. 8? Wash., Mil. Surg., 1930. Repr. from Military Surgeon, 1930, 67: ----• Green fields and golden apples. 77p. 231/2cm. Bait., J. D. Lucas co. [1942] ■--- A hospital inspector's diary; being an account of the journey of Tobias Watkins, Assistant Surgeon General, U. S. Army, p.210- 35. 8? Bait., Bull. Hist. M., 1939. Repr. from Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1939, 7: ---- Medicine goes to war again, p.583-97. 8? Wash., Mil. Surg., 1943. Repr. from Military Surgeon, 1943, 92: ---- A portrait gallery of physicians, p.517- 32. 4? N. Y., Ann. M. Hist., 1937. Repr. from Annals of Medical History, 1937, 9: ---- Some unpublished letters of Florence Nightingale, p.63-9. 8? Wash., Mil. Surg., 1941. Repr. from Military Surgeon, 1941, 88: ---- Some features in the sanitation of army transports of the United States, p.405-9. 8? Bombay, Med. Congr., 1910. In Tr. Bombay M. Congr. (1909) 1910. ---- The Surgeon General's Library and the romance of the Index-Catalogue, p. 14-21. 4? Chic, Hospitals, 1937. Repr. from Hospitals, Chic, 1937, 11: ---- A syllabus of lectures in orthopedic surgery. 33p. 23^cm. [S. Louis, Saint Louis Univ., 1904] ---- The value of special collections in medical libraries, p.40-55. 8? Menasha, Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1941. JONES 693 JONES Repr. from Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Menasha, 1941, 30: Also editor of Hippke, E., Dowalzig, H. [et al.] Transporta- tion of wounded by airplane, v. p.* 27cm. Wash., 1940. Also editor of International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy: Transactions. 2v. Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1939. Also editor of Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, v.30-31.. No. 2, 1941-43. [Biography] In Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 220, portr. JONES, Harry Clary, 1865- Electrical nature of matter and radioactivity. 2. ed. viii, 210p. 8? N. Y., D. Van Nostrand & co., 1910. JONES, Henry Edward [M. D., 1892, Glas- gow] The life, growth and disintegration of cells, and the decomposition of water and organic material. 86p. illust. 8? Glasgow, J. Smith & son [1935] JONES, Henry Stuart, 1867-1939. Editor of Liddell, H. G., & Scott, R. A Greek-English lexicon. New ed. 2v. 30cm. Oxf., 1925-40. JONES, Henry Wallace, 1888- , & CHAM- BERLAIN, E. Noble. Electrocardiograms; an elementary atlas for students and practitioners. 51 p. illust. pl. 231/2cm. Bristol, J. Wright & sons, 1939. JONES, Herbert, 1858-1929. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 886. Also Lancet, Lond., 1929, 1: 1007. JONES, Herbert Fay Hempstead, 1897- [Biography] Mississippi Doctor, 1941-42, 19: 460, portr.— President of the Mid-South postgraduate medical assembly. Ibid., 1939-40, 17: 501. JONES, Hiram Arthur, 1899- *The administration of health and physical education in New York State. 155p. 8? N. Y., Columbia Univ., 1934. JONES, Horry Matthew, 1885- The cause of goiter. 241p. pl. diagr. 8? Chic, Monograph pub. [1937] JONES, Hugh Edward [M. D., 1886, Roy. Coll. Phys., Lond.] Practical points in eye sur- gery and dressing for nurses, house surgeons and general practitioners. 27p. 3 tab. 12? Lond., J. Bale, sons & Danielsson, 1933. JONES, Isaac Hampshur, 1881- Flying vistas; the human being, as seen through the eyes of the flight surgeon. 252p. pl. portr. 8? Phila., J. B. Lippincott co. [1937] JONES, J. L. See Flinn, R. H., Jones, J. L. [et al.] Soft coal miners— health and working environment. 118p. 23J4cm. Wash., 1941. JONES, John, 1729-91. Plain concise prac- tical remarks on the treatment of wounds and fractures; to which is added a short appendix on camp and military hospitals; principally de- signed for the use of young military surgeons, in North America, viii, 92p. 8? N. Y., John Holt, 1775. Photostatic copy. _ __ „ [Biography] Med. J. & Rec, 1927, 125: 198-201.—Hume, E. E. Surgeon John Jones, U. S. Army, father of American surgery and author of Americas first surgical book Aim J. Surg., 1943, 59: 145-58. Also Bull. Hist. M., 1943, 13: 10-32, portr —Kiser, E. F. Some early American medical authors. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1942, 35: 99, portr.—Lobingier, AS. Master surgeons of America, John Jones, 1729-91. burg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 51: 740-3, portr. JONES, John Paul, 1747-92. Hnllincrswnrth. I. P- P- Review of the autopsy reports on the body of Admiral John Paul Jones. Med. World, 1935, 53: 305. JONES, John Paul, 1897- A physi- ological study of dormancy in vetch seed. 50p. 8° Ithaca, N. Y., 1928. ' Forms No. 120 of Mem. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. TONES, Joseph, jr, 1833-95. KrafkiT J.. Jr. [Biography] J. M. Ass. Georgia, 1942, 31: 353-63, portr. JONES, Lewis Webster. See Lee, R. I., Jones, L. W., & Jones, B. The fundamentals of good medical care. 308p. 23Hcm. Chic, 1933. JONES, Llewellyn Wynn, 1879- An introduction to theory and practice of psychol- ogy, x, 308p. illust. diagr. 8? Lond., Macmillan & co., 1934. JONES, Lloyd Meredith, 1900- *A factorial analysis of ability in fundamental motor skills. lOOp. 8? N. Y., Columbia Univ., 1935. JONES, Lyman Asa, 1865- The need and value of health inspection work. 13p. 23^cm. Bost. [n. pub.] 1908. JONES, Marvin Fisher, 1889- For portrait see Med. Rec, Houston, 1941, 35: No. 10, insert. JONES, Mary Cover, 1896- , & BURKS, Barbara Stoddard. Personality development in childhood; a survey of problems, methods and experimental findings, vii, 205p. tab. diagr. 22/2cm. Wash., Nat. Res. Counc, 1936. Forms No. 4, v.l of Monogr. Soc. Res. Child Develop. JONES, Myrna Frances, 1903- Tape- worms of the genera Rhabdometra and Paruterina found in the quail and yellow-billed cuckoo. 8p. 8? Wash., Gov. Print. Off., 1929. JONES, Neville. The stone age in Rhodesia; with foreword by Sir Arthur Keith, xiv, 120p. pl. 8? Lond., Oxford Univ. pr., 1926. JONES, Noble Wiley, 1876- For portrait see in Am. Coll. Physicians (Morgan, W. G.) Phila., 1940, 153. JONES, Noble Wymberley, 1732-1805. Bassett, V. H. Biography. Bull. Georgia M. Soc, 1935-36, 1: 1;29; 43. JONES, Oliver P. Cytology of pathologic narrow cells with special reference to bone- marrow biopsies, p.2045-101. illust. pl. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1938. In Handb. Hemat. (Downey, H.) N. Y., 1938, 3: JONES, Percy Lancelot, 1875-1941. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1998.—Phalen, J. M. Obituary. Mil. Surgeon, 1941, 89: 842. JONES, Philip Harold, jr, 1896- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 260; 1942, 31: 295. JONES, Raymond Julius. A comparative study of religious cult behavior among Negroes, with special reference to emotional group con- ditioning factors, v, 125p. 23}^cm. Wash., Howard Univ., 1939. Forms No. 2, v.2 of Stud. Social Sc. (Howard Univ.) JONES, Sir Robert, 1858-1933, & LOVETT, Robert, W. Orthopedic surgery. 2. ed. xvi, 807p. 8? N. Y., W. Wood & co., 1929. See also Robert (The) Jones birthday volume. 434p. 8". Lond., 1928. Also Watson, F. The life of Sir Robert Jones. 327p. 8! Lond., 1934. See also Blair-Bell, W. British masters of medicine: Robert Jones. Med. Press & Circ, Dub., 1935, 191: 4-10, portr. Also in Brit. Masters of Med. (Power, D'A.) Bait., 1936, 176-93, portr.—Lynn-Thomas, J. Robert Jones, an apprecia- tion. In Robert Jones Birthday Vol., Oxf., 1928, 423. Bohm, M. Nekrolog. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1933, 33: 175.—Henderson, M. S. [Obituary] Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1933, 57: 120-2, portr.—Holland, C. T. [Obituary] Brit. J. Radiol., 1933, 6: 116.—Janse, M. Nekrolog. Zsehr. orthop. Chir., 1933 59: 337-44.—McMurray, T. P. Sir Robert Jones. Liverpool Med. Chir. J., 1933, 41: 11-7, portr.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., 1933, 1: 170; 286.—Robert Jones. Med. J. Aus- tralia, 1934, 2: 55.—Turner, G. Necrology. P. verb. Congr. Soc internat. chir., 1936, 10. Congr., 1: 177-80. For portrait see Tr. N. England Surg. Soc. 1933. 16: frontispiece. JONES, Robert Randolph, jr, 1902-41. Gardner, C. E., jr. [Obituary] South. M. & S., 1942, 104: 357—Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 2268. JONES, Roy Richard, 1877-1939. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 957. JONES, Sam Houston, 1897- For portrait see N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1942-13, 95: 483. JONES 094 JONESCO-SISESTI JONES, Solomon, 1756-1S22. Pierre, L. Doctor Solomon Jones, United Empire loyalist. Camel. 1 ;meet Pract. 1929, 73: 127-35. ' JONES. Stephen George, 1893- Ii.i 'iograi In sre in Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 221. JONES, Sydney, 1831-1913. For biography see Cat. Portr. R. Coll. Surgeons, Lond., 1930, 39. JONES, T. John Bull and his new doctor. Colored print. London, S. W. Fores, 1829. JONES, Theodore Francis, 1885- New York University, 1832: 1932. xiv, 459p. pl. portr. map. 8? N. Y., New York univ. pr., 1933 JONES, Theresa Dower, 1900- The development of certain motor skills and play activities, in young children; a genetic study of the motor development of preschool children as revealed by their use of wheel play materials. xiv, 180p. tab. diagr. 23Kcm. N. Y., Teachers coll. Columbia univ., 1939. JONES, Thomas David, 1879-1941. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 309. JONES, Thomas Elsa, 1888- *Mountain folk of Japan; a study in method. 132p. 8? N. Y., Columbia Univ., 1926. JONES, Thomas Henry, 1885- Detailing the physician; sales promotion by personal contact with the medical and allied professions. 214p. 22cm. N. Y., Romaine Pierson pub. [1940] JONES, Tom. Four anatomical studies of the digestive tract. 6 1. pl. 23x30j4cm. [Chic] G. D. Searle & co. [1942] Also illustrator of Camp, S. H. 6: 502. JONG, Adrianus de, 1877-1936. Weisfelt, W. A. [Obituary] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 2519, portr. JONG, H. de, & BARUK, H. La catatonic experimentale par la bulbocapnine; etude physi- ologique et clinique. 135p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1930. JONG, I. de. Anatomie pathologique gcneYale de la syphilis, p.185-206. 8? Par., Doin, 1931. In Traite de la syphilis (Jeanselme, E.) 1931, 2: JONG, Jacobus Jan de [M. D., 1924, Leiden] *Dc bepaling van het haemoglobine-gehalte van het bloed en van het volumen der roodc blocd- lichaamjes in verband met de beteekenis van den kleur-index. 82p. tab. 8? Leiden, E. Ijdo, 1924. JONG, Jan Cornells de. *Een nieuwe micro- methode ter bepaling van bromium in organisch material [Amsterdam] lOlp. 8? Purmerend, J. Muusses, 1936. JONG, Jan Hendrik de [M. D., 1925, Amster- dam] *Acute pancreasnecrose. 207p. tab. 8? Amst., Scheltema & Holkema, 1925. JONG, K. de, 1874- Reijs [40. anniversary of K. de Jong] Geneesk. gids, 1938, 16: 650. JONG, Louis de, 1914- Holland fights the Nazis. 138p. pl. 22cm. [Lond.] L. Drummond [1941] JONG, Samuel Israels, 1878-1928. See Precis de pathologie medicale. 2. M. Vol. 3: Maladies de I'appareil respiratoire. 747p. 8? Par., 1931. Bernard, E. [Necrologie] Sem. hop., Par., 1928, 4: 33.— [Necrologie] Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1928, 3. ser., 52: 1834-6. JONGE, Hanna de, 1910- *Zur Diagnose der Lungenaktinomykose [Freiburg] lip. pl. 8? Schramb.. Gatzer & Hahn, 1935. JONGERYCK, Gerard, 1911- *A propos de la methode temporisatrice dans le traitement de l'osteomyelite aigue des os longs. 88p. 23Hcm. Par., VignS, 1938. JONGH, Cornelis Laurens de [M. D.. 1923, Leiden] *De tijdsverhoudingen tusschen electro- en mechano-cardiogram. 77p. pl. 8? Leiden, E. Ijdo, 1923. JONGH, Jan de [M. D., 1921, Amsterdam] *Experimenteel onderzoek naar het moreele oordeel [Amsterdam] 99p. tab. diagr. 22cm. Crefeld, M. Buscher, 1921. JONGH, Samuel Elzevier de. *Bijdrage tot de pharmacologic van kaliumpermanganaat. 82p. tab. 8? [Amst., n. p.] 1929. JONG-MARTIS, Wilhelmina de [M. D., 1937, Batavia] *Congenitale syphilis bij inheemsche en Chineesche zuigelingen te Batavia. 234p. illust. tab. 24cm. Batavia, J. Kappee [1937] JONKHOFF, Andries Roelof [M. D., 1927, Groningen] *De beteekenis van atrophie en regeneratie voor het ontstaan van het experi- menteele carcinoom. 89p. 2 tab. 8? Gronin- gen, Jan Haan, 1927. JONKOFF, Dragia, 1901- *Ueber einen Fall von monoamniotischen Zwillingen mit Insertio velamentosa funiculi umbilicalis [Heidel- berg] 31p. 8? Strasb. [n. p.] 1926. JONKOW, Iwan, 1899- *Ueber das Verhalten der roten Blutkorperchen bei Vital- JONKOW 695 JOOSS farbung (ausgenommen die eigentlichen Blut- krankheiten) 35p. 8? Miinch., C. Wolf & Sohn. 1926. JONKOW, Nestor, 1910- *Dic haufig- sten Lippengeschwiilste aus dem Pathologischen Institut Rostock in den Jahren 1922-33. 19p. 8? Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1933. JONNARD, R. Refractometrie interferen- tielle et structure du serum sanguin. 154p. tab. 24^cm. Par., Libr. Maloine, 1937. JONOWSKI, Dischko Stojanoff, 1900- *Zum Typus inversus des Erythema exsudativum multiforme. 23p. 8? Lpz., H. Arnold, 1934. JONQUIERE, Georg. Testament eines alten Arztes; praktische Anleitung zu sicherer und angenehmer Verlangsamung des Alterns; Makro- biotik. 2. Aufl. 161p. 8? Bern, E. Bircher, 1925. JONQUIERES, Henry. Le clavier neuro- circulatoire a l'etat normal et pathologique. xvi, 108p. illust. 8? Par., G. Doin & cie [1933] JONQUIL. See Narcissus. JONSKE, Erich, 1908- *Die Schwange- renberatung im Freistaat Danzig. 27p. 8? Berl., Dr. Studentenwerk, 1932. JONSSON, Eric [M. D., 1939, Stockholm] *Studien iiber experimentelle Arthritiden und Karditiden; ein Beitrag zur Frage der patho- genetischen Bedeutung endokriner Faktoren bei dem sogenannten Gelenkrheumatismus. 122p. 10 pl. 8? Stockh., Satherlund & Krook, 1939. Also Acta med. scand., 1939, Suppl. 100. JONSTON, Johann, 1603-57. Bilikiewicz, T. Johann Jonston (1603-75) und seme Tatig- keit als Arzt. Sudhoffs Arch., 1930, 23: 357-81. JONTOFSOHN, Kurt, 1904- *Versuche zur Zuchtung von Tuberkelbazillen aus dem Blute bei Tuberkulosen [Berlin] p.35-41. 8? Lpz., A. Barth, 1931. Also Zsehr. Tuberk., 1931, 61: JOOS, Elsa, 1897- *Nachuntersuchun- gen bei vor mehr als 10 Jahren wegen Lues behandelten Patienten; Resultate bei den weib- lichen Patienten, die vom Juni 1916 bis De- zember 1918 in der Zurcher dermatologischen Klinik in Behandlung standen [Zurich] p.639- 44 8? Berl., J. Springer [1929] Also Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1929-30, 159: JOOS, Erich, 1900- *Ueber die Kiefer- aktinomykose unter besonderer Berucksichti- eung der Falle von 1918-33 an der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik [Heidelberg] 30p. 8. Miinch., Salesian. Offizin, 1934. Editor 'of Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften. 2. Aufl. lOv. 8? Jena, 1931-35. JOOS, Gustav, 1902- *Ueber das Ulcus pepticum des Oesophagus [Frankfurt] 39p. 8? Baden, E. Koelblin, 1926. JOOS, Reinhard, 1910- *Ueber Extrak- tionen der Linse in geschlossener Kapsel bei SaractS complicata" (1929-32) [Tubingen] 24p. 8? Ludwigsburg, Ungeheuer & Ulmer. 19JOOSS, Joseph, 1909- *Tabfcs et trau- matisme. 58p. 24cm. Strasb., Impr. Alsa- CieTOOS1S,3Oelaine Melpomene, 1909- *La proteose d'Oriel chez l'enfant dans les accidents seriques et les dermatoses allergiques. 80p. 8. Par E Le Frangois, 1937. TOOSS Theodor, 1908- *Ueber sero- logische Untersuchungen auf Syphilis an den Insassen der Strafanstalten Kaisheim und Ai- chach [Munchen] lip. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1934. JOPKE, Ingeborg, 1909- *Infektiose Krankheiten der Haustiere als Berufskrank- heiten von Tierarzten. 51p. 8? Bresl., Gebr. Kruppke, 1934. JOPPICH, Gerhard, 1903- *Ueber re- trograde Inhaltsverschiebungen im menschlichen Dickdarm [Breslau] 23p. 8? [Ltiben i. Schl., P. Kuhn] 1931. JOPSON, Harry Gorgas Michener, 1911- See Mittleman, M. B., & Jopson, H. G. M. A new sala- mander of the genus Gyrinophilus from the Southern Appala- chians. 5p. pl. 24J^cm. Wash., 1941. JORDAN, Anton, 1907- *Zur Frage der Kummellschen Krankheit. 28p. 8? Erlangen, K. Dores, 1937. JORDAN, Carl Fred, 1890- , & VAUBEL, Ellis K. Human serum for human ills. 15p. 22cm. Des Moines, Iowa, 1940. Forms v.54, No. 1, Iowa Pub. Health Bull. JORDAN, Charles Bernard, 1878- Quali- tative analysis for students of pharmacy and medicine, viii, 169p. 8? N. Y., McGraw- Hill, 1928. Also 2. ed. with DeKay, H. G. xii, 178p. 1938. JORDAN, David Starr, 1851- Dresslar, F. B. Biography. J. Tennessee Acad. Sc, 1930, 5: 150-6, portr. ' For portrait see collection in Library. Also Month. Bull. Bd Health Indiana. 1943, 46: 59. JORDAN, Edwin Oakes, 1866-1936. Report on typhoid fever in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 19p. pl. map. 8? [Winnipeg, Manitoba] City Counc, 1905. ---- Typhoid fever. 19p. 23cm. Helena, State Bd of Health, 1919. Forms Spec. Bull. No. 14, Montana Dep. Health. ---- Epidemic influenza; a survey. 599p. 8? Chic, Am. M. Ass. [1927] ---- A text-book of general bacteriology. 9 ed., rev. 778p. 8? Phila., W. B. Saunders co., 1928. Also 10. ed. 819p. 1931. Also 11. ed. 825p. 1936. Also 12. ed. 808p. 1938. Also [with W. Burrows] 13. ed. xii, 731p. fold., 1941. ■---- Food poisoning and food-borne infection. xi, 286p. 8? Chic, Univ. Chicago pr. [1931] See also Hudson, N. P. Obituary. J. Bact., Bait., 1937, 33: 243-8, portr.—Obituary. J- Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 2051. Also Science, 1936, 84: 411-3. .____& FALK, I. S., ed. The newer knowledge of bacteriology and immunology, by eighty-two contributors. x, 1196p. 16 pl. 8? Chic, Univ. Chicago pr., 1928. JORDAN, Edwin Pratt, 1902- Editor of American Medical Association. Standard nomenclature of disease and Standard nomenclature of opera- tions. 3. ed. 1022p. 19H«n. Chic, 1942. JORDAN, Furneaux, 1830-1911. Barling, G. [Biography] Birmingham M. Rev., 1936, 11: 313-5. JORDAN, Gerhard, 1903- *Beitrag zur Anwendung der Blutgruppenbestimmung in Fallen strittiger Vaterschaft [Jena] 29p. 8? Apolda, H. Blume, 1930. JORDAN, H., MITCHELL, J. P., & HOPKINS, G. H. E. Tropical hygiene and sanitation; a course of study and reference book for sanitary inspectors in the tropics, xiv, 388p illust diagr. 17cm. Lond., Bailliere, lindall & Cox, 1939. JORDAN, H. J., & BECK. Catalogue of the Parisian cabinet of wonders and anatomy. 24p 18cm. N. Y., Barton & son, 1861. JORDAN 696 JORDAN ---- Catalogue of the New York Museum of Anatomy. 28p. 17cm. X. Y., Bloom & Smith [1S()6] JORDAN, Harvey Ernest, 1X78- A text-book of histology, xxviii, S57p. 8? N. Y., D. Appleton & co. [1927] Also 6. ed. xxvii, 738p. illust. diagr. [1934] Also 8. ed. ix, 690p. [1940] ■---- Comparative hematology, p.703-862. illust, pl. 8? N. Y., P. B. Hoeber, 1938. In Handb. Hemat. (Downey, H.) N. Y., 1938, 2: For biography see Sigma Xi Q., 1940, 28: 27, protr. For portrait see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1939, 36: 159. ---- & KINDRED, James Ernest. A text- book of embryology. xiv, 613p. illust. pl. 8? N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1932. Also 3. ed. xiv, 613p. [1937] Also 4. ed. xiv, 613p. [1942] JORDAN, Heinz, 1910- *Biologische Differenzierung der Eiweisstoffe der einzelnen Teile des Weizenkorns mit Hilfe der Meth'odik der Harnquotientenbestimmung. 16p. 22}<>cm. Berl., R. Pfau, 1936. JORDAN [Heinz] Arwed Heinrich Wilhelm, 1909- *Zur Kombination von Presspor- zellanmassen mit Metallstiften und Hohlfacet- ten nach Professor Schroder [Leipzig] 40p. 23cm. Plauen, A. Orbel, 1936. JORDAN, Henry H., 1897- Orthopedic appliances; the principles and practice of brace construction for the use of orthopedic surgeons and braccmakers. xxii, 412p. illust, diagr. 24cm. N. Y., Oxford univ. pr. [1939] ---- Workmen's compensation and the physician; a manual for the use of general practitioners and insurance carriers; with a discussion of traumatic neuroses [by] Paul H. Hoch. xi, 180p. incl. tab. 22cm. N. Y., Oxford univ. pr., 1941. JORDAN, Henry J. [M. D., 1827, S. Barth. Hosp.] Practical treatise on the skin and its complicated diseases, blood poisoning and impurities. 103p. 32? N. Y., Author, 1888. JORDAN, Henryk, 1842-1907. For portrait see Collection in Library- JORDAN, Hermann Jacques, 1877- Ver- gleichende Physiologie wirbelloser Tiere. 1. Bd: Die Ernahrung. xxii, 738p. 4? Jena, G. Fischer, 1913. ---■ Allgemeine vergleichende Physiologie der Tiere. xxvii; 761p. 8? Berl., W. de Gruy- ter & co., 1929. ---- & HIRSCH, G. C. Uebungen aus der vergleichenden Physiologie; Atmung, Verdau- ung, Blut, Stoffwechsel, Kreislauf, Xerven- muskelsvstem. viii, 272p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1927. JORDAN, Hugo, 1909- *Entwicklungs- geschichtliche Studien iiber die Entstehung und Resorption der Zahnleiste [Wurzburg] 32p. 8? Kirchheimbolanden, Thieme, 1935. JORDAN, J. Eugene [M. D., 1888, Hahne- mann Med. Coll.] Histogenetic system; the entire revolution of medicine; the story of its discovery and of its trial; together with an arraign- ment of the so-called medical science of to-day. 2. ed. 189p. 12? Chic, Hanscom print, co., 1888 JORDAN, James W. [M. D., 1936, Buffalo] *Besnier-Boeck's disease—report of two extensive cases [Buffalo] 32 leaves. 4? Buff., X. Y., 1936. Typewritten. JORDAN, J[ohnson] H. Dr Gunn's [First] domestic physician and home book of health. v. p. 8? Chic, W. H. Moore & co., 1885. JORDAN, Joseph, 1910- *Das chronische Magen- und Duodcnalulkus unter topographisch- histologischcn (iesichtspunkten. 26p. 22cm. Erlangen, M. Krahl, 1938. JORDAN, L. The eradication of bovine tuberculosis. 104p. tab. ch. 8? Lond., H. M. Stat. Off., 1933. JORDAN, Manfred, 1886- *Die radi- kularen und follikularen Zvstcn der Milehzahne [Gottingen] 30p. 8? Einbeck, J. Schroedter, 1926. JORDAN, Otto, 1903- *Ueber Aver- tinnarkose (1000 Falle) tip. 8? [Erlangen, n. p., 1929] JORDAN, Rudolf Arthur, 1908- *Einige Falle von Zahnmissbildungen aus der Entwick- lungszeit. 26p. 8? Tub., Tub. Studentenwerk, 1933. JORDAN, Sara Murray, 1884- For portrait see Kansas City M. J., 1941, 17: No. 10, 10. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: opp. 467. JORDAN, Siegfried, 1903- *Zur Malaria- behandlung der tabischen Opticusatrophie. 32p. 8? Marburg, J. Hamel, 1929. JORDAN, Tamas, 1539-85. De aquis medi- catis Moraviae commentariolus. [14] 120p. [3] 8? Frankf. a. M., heirs of Andr. Wechel, 1586. See also Magyary-Kossa, G. Zum Leben von Thomas Jordan, 1539-85. In his Ungar. med. Erinner., Bpest, 1935, 269-75. JORDAN, Werner, 1906- *Die bei stumpfer Gewalteinwirkung auf den Brustkorb beobachteten Verletzungen des Herzbeutels und des Herzens [Munchen] 32p. 8? Wiirzb., G. Grasser, 1936. JORDAN, William George. Self-control, its kingship and majestv. 192p. 8? Buffalo, Corlis co., 1907. JORDANA, Jorge P. Translator of Jagot, P. C. MiStodo cientifico moderno de magnetismo, hipnotismo, sugestion. T. 1-2. 3v. 19cm. B. Air., 1938. JORDANIFORM bacillus. See Aerobacter. JORDAN-NARATH, Heinz [M. D., 1922, Heidelberg] & WOLF, Joseph. Die Tatigkeit des Durchgangsarztes. 13p. 8? Berl., F. C. W. Vogel, 1932. Forms No. 13, Hefte Unfallh. JORDANOFF, Konstantin P., 1904- *Gaumentonsillen und Scharlachinfektion [Frankfurt a. M.] 15p. 8? Miinch., J. F. Lehmann, 1928. JORDANOFF, Michail P., 1903- *Die kombinierte Wurzelfiillung nach Albrecht Som- mer. 23p. 8? Lpz., Helm & Torton, 1927. JORDANS, Josefine, 1896- *Ueber das in die freie Bauchhohle perforierte Magen- und Duodenalulcus und seine Behandlungsresultate. 51p. 8? [Bonn, n. p.] 1926. JORE d'Arces, Pierre Louis, 1905- ♦Con- tribution a I'etude des poudres de viande [Al- fort] 45p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1930. JORES, Arthur, 1901- *I)as Verhalten der Kapillaren des Herzens in Svstole und Diastole [Kiel] 16p. 8? Borna-Lpz., R. Xoske, 1927. ---- Grundziige der inneren Medizin fiir Zahnarzte und Studierende der Zahnheilkunde. 213p. illust. 8? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1935. ---- Klinische Endokrinologie; ein Lehrbuch fiir Aerzte und Studierende. xii, 356p. illust. 25cm. Berl., J. Springer, 1939. JORES 697 JORNAL ----& NOTHMANN, M. Endokrine Storun- gen. vii, 469p. Berl., J. Springer, 1937. Forms Bd 15, Handb. Neur. (Bumke & Foerster) JORES, Gerhard, 1907- *Die Wirkung einiger Anasthetica auf das hyperasthetische Dentin und das Pulpagewebe. 59p. 8? Ziir., Muller, Werder & co., 1932. JORES, Leonhard [Albert] 1866-1935. Ana- tomische Grundlagen wichtiger Krankheiten; ein Lehrbuch fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 2. Aufl. vi, 525p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1926. See also Aschoff, L. Nekrolog. Beitr. path. Anat., 1934-35, 94: Hft 3, front.—Berblinger, W. Leonhard .lores. Zbl. allg. Path., 1935, 62: 321-4.—Magnus-Alsleben, E. Nekrolog. Deut. med. Wschr., 1935, 61: 395.—Staemmler, M. Nekrolog. Verh. Deut. path. Ges., 1935, 28: 354-7. JORGA, Nicolae, 1871-1942. For obituary see Archeion, Santa Fe, 1942, 24: 286. JORGE, Antonio Salvador, 1904- ♦Con- siderations a, propos de 3 cas d'exophtalmos pulsatile. 143p. 3 pl. 8? Par., E. Le Francois, 1930. JORGE, Florez C, 1909- *Recent progres des reactions d'hemolyse et interpreta- tion du B.-W. dans les diverses modalites de la svphilis. 64p. 8? Par., Ed. Vega, 1935. JORGE, Jose M., 1882- For portrait see Libro de oro (B. Air. Fac. cienc. m£d.) B. Air., 1941, 34. JORGE, Ricardo, 1858-1939. Aguiar, A. de. Ricardo Jorge; a actividade cientifica no Porto. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1939, 57: 425-30.—Coelho, E. i[Biographia] Ibid., 405-16.—Lessa, A. Nota sobre o homem aos oitenta anos. Ibid., 422.—Loureiro, J. A. M. de [Bio- graphia] Ibid., 404.—Mac Bride, A. Ricardo Jorge na Medicina contemporanea. Ibid., 421.—Monteiro, A. C. O estilo do Prof. Ricardo Jorge. Ibid., 430-3. ------ Pro- fessor Ricardo Jorge [biograffa] Archeion, Santa Fi, 1941, 23: 185-205, portr.—Peixoto, A. Ricardo Jorge, sabio e artista. Impr. med., Rio, 1939, 15: 1401.—Ramalhao, C. Ricardo Jorge no Porto. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1939, 57: 423-5, portr.—Santos, R. dos [Biographia] Ibid., 398-402, portr. See also Celestino da Costa, A. [Necrologie] Presse m<5d., 1939, 47: 1513.—[Necrologiel Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., Par., 1939, 31: 1357-60, portr.—Neveu. R. Necrologie. Ann. hyg., Par., 1940, n. ser., 18: 67.—Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 2: 455, portr.—P. S., C. E. [Necrologia] Reforma m^d., Lima, 1939, 25: 771, portr. For portrait see Med. contemp., Lisb., 1939, 57: 397; 424. Also Porto med., 1906, 3: 101. • JORGE, Salomon, 1913- *Exploration radiologique des poumons en position couchee avant et pendant le pneumothorax artificiel. 61p. 8° Par., L. Rodstein, L937. JORGENSEN, Christopher. *An analysis of certain psychological tests by the Spearman factor method. 70p. 8? Lond., E. A. Gold & co., 1932. JORGENSEN, Philip Burnell, 1906- *The use of convalescent scarlet fever serum in the treatment of post-abortal and post-partum infections with Streptococcus hemolyticus [Wis- consin] 14p. Wauwatosa, Wise [n. p.] 1937. JORGER, Odile Marie Raymonde Julienne, 1909- *Contribution k I'etude d'un nou- veau derive intra-musculaire de I'arsenobenzol. 96p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1934. JORIS, Pierre, 1907- *Le tetanos post- abortum. 75p. 8? Par., M. Lac, 1934. JORISSEN, Armand, 1853-1920 For biography see Annuaire Acad. Belgique, 1940, 10b. 19-37. JORNAL dos clinicos. Rio, v.15, No. 7, 1934~ . . j a- j- JORNAL dos farmaceuticos; orgao do bmdi- cato nacional dos farmaceuticos. Lisboa, ser. 2, v 1 1940- ' See also Fontoura de Carvalho, S. Jornal dos farmaceuticos. J. farm., Lisboa, 1942, 3. ser., 1-3. _ JORNAL de pediatria; clinica, patologia e hygiene infantil. Rio, v.6, 1939- JORNAL de pharmacia e sciencias medicas da India Portugueza; publicado pelo Primeiro Pharmaceutico do Hospital Militar, Antonio Gomes Roberto. Xova Goa, v.1-2, 1862-63 JORNS, William, 1910- *Storungen beim Durchbruch des ersten Molaren und die Ursachen seiner falschen Einstellung [Munchenl 19p. 8? Wurzb., R. Mayr, 1933. JORPES, Johan Erik, 1894- *Ueber Pentosenucleinsauren im Tierorganismus unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pankreasnu- cleinsauren. vi, p.253-82; p.503-73. 8? Stockh., P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1928. Also Acta med. scand., 1928, 68: ---- Heparin; its chemistry, physiology and application in medicine, xi, 87p. illust. tab. diagr. 22Kcm. Lond., H. Milford, 1939. JORRAND, Louis, 1912- *Essais pneu- mographiques chez le nourrisson debil et premature. 104p. 25cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1939. JORRITSMA, Andreas Johannes, 1873-1940. For obituary see Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1940, 84: 4433, portr. JORROT, Bernard, 1908- *Image radio- logique triangulaire paramediastinal de la base du poumon. 82p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1935. JORTZIG, Aurelius [Karl Friedrich] 1910- ♦Ergebnisse der Myomtherapie an der Leipziger Universitatsfrauenklinik in den Jahren 1929-34 [Leipzig] 31p. 8? Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1935. JORY, Philip John [M. B., 1919, New Zealand] Nose, p.4689-804. 8? N. Y., D. Appleton- Century co., 1937. In Post-Grad. Surg. (Maingot, R.) N. Y., 1937, 3: JOSAM, Hans, 1901- *Ueber den Einfluss der Ovarien auf die Blutbildung [Mar- burg] p.151-61. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1927. Also Zsehr. klin. Med., 1928, 107: JOSCHKO, Rudolf, 1909- *Zur Patho- logie des Corpus luteum: Corpus luteum cystieum und Corpus luteum persistens cysticum [Breslau] 39p. 8? Strehlen, P. Schwarzer, 1934. JOSCHKO, Wilhelm, 1901- *Angeborene Formanomalien des Wurmfortsatzes. 21p. 8? Bresl., Bresl. Genoss.-Buchdr., 1930. JOSE y Flores, M. Francisco, 1901- *La necessity de l'exploration complete de I'appareil urinaire au cours des pyelonephrites rebelles. 120p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JOSEF, Adolf, 1909- *Beitrag zur chemischen und biologischen Trachtigkeits- diagnose beim Rind [Zurich] 46p. 2 pl. 24cm. Wald, W. Hess, 1936. JOSEF, Franz, 1902- *Die Ursachen der Stellungsanomalien der Kiefer und der Zahne; eine Studie an Schadeln. 28p. 8? [Gottingen, n. p.] 1925. JOSEFSBERG, Lazare Joseph, 1906- *R61e hypertenseur et vaso-constricteur de l'hypophyse; deductions therapeutiques. 50p. 8° Par., L. Rodstein, 1935. JOSEFSBERG, Maurice, 1910- *La dilatation a la sonde de Plummer dans le cancer de l'oesophage. 50p. 25cm. Lyon, Paquet, 1938. JOSEFSON, Arnold Robert, 1870- Die Klinik der hypophysaren Storungen. p.203-46. Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1928. In 3 Bd 1 Halfte,'Hirsch. Handb. inn. Sekret. For biography see Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 222. JOSELEVICH, Miguel. See Martini, T., & Joselevich, M. La estenosis dextro- ventricular (sindrome de Bernheim) 127p. 8? B. Air., 1931. JOSELEWKZ 698 JOSEPH JOSKLEWICZ, Moise, 1907- *Sur l'ab- ces de fixation en ophtalmologie. 30p. 8? Par., L. Rodstein, 1935. JOSELIN, Edward Livingstone. Ventilation; a textbook for students and engineers, viii, 238p. illust. ch. 8? Lond., E. Arnold & co., 1934. JOSEPH II, 1741-90. Neuburtzcr, M. Joseph II. und die Medizin; eine historische Skizze. Wien. med. Wschr., 1935, 85: 538-50.—Steiner, J. Kaiser Joseph II. als Reformator des Gesundheitswesens. Ibid., 1941, 91: 250. JOSEPH, Alfred, BURNETT, E. K., & GROSS, Reuben H. Practical podiatry; ed. by Maurice J. Lewi, x, 437p. 8? N. Y., The First Inst, of Podiatry [1918] JOSEPH, Alfred, 1882- See Buschke, A., Joseph, A., & Birkenfeld, W. Leitfaden der Kosmetik [etc.] 224p. 8! Berl., 1932. JOSEPH, Amalie, 19 05-- *Missbildung mit volligem Fehlen des Xabelstranges bei persistentem Bauchstiel [Heidelberg] 13p. 8? I Wertheim a. AL, Bechstein, 1932] JOSEPH, Etienne, 1908- *Resultats eloignes des operations antiglaucomateuses. 130p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1935. JOSEPH, Eugen, 1879- Kystoskopische Technik; ein Lehrbuch der Kystoskopie, des Ureterenkatherismus, der funktionellen Nieren- diagnostik, Pyelographie, intravesikalen Opera- tionen. iv, 221p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1923. ■---- The same. Lehrbuch der diagnostischen und operativen Cystoskopie; Cystoskopie, Urete- renkatheterismus, funktionelle Nierendiagnostik, Pvelographie, intravesicale Operationen. 2. Aufl. vii, 254p. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1929. ----■ Die Harnorgane im Rontgenbild. 58p. [44 1.] pl. 4? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1926. Forms Erganzbd 37, Fortschr. Rontgenstrahl. JOSEPH, Fritz, 1911- *Ueber die Ursachen der Stomatitis aphthosa. 32p. 8? Bonn, A. Brand, 1935. JOSEPH, George William, 1849-1935. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 648. JOSEPH, Georges, 1913- *Contribu- I ion k I'etude du chimisme gastrique par I'epreuve de l'histamine dans les gastropathies et plus sp6cialement les gastropathies fonctionnelles. 118p. 8° Lvon, M. & L. Riou, 1937. JOSEPH, Glenn H. Survey of the world's medical literature showing the development of uses of pectin for intestinal disorders, blood coagulation and wound healing. [1] lip.; lOp. 20cm. Ontario, Calif., California Fruit Growers Exchange, 1939-40. JOSEPH, H. Generalites, hypermetropic, astigmatisme, anisometropie. p. 139-90. 25cm. Par., Masson & cie, 1939. In Traite opht., T. 3. JOSEPH, Hans Fritz Joseph, 1902- *Ueber spezifische Behandlung der Lungen- tuberkulose. 26p. 8? Wiirzb., C. J. Becker, 1925. JOSEPH, Heinz, 1909- *Die in den letzten acht Jahren an der Chirurgischen Universitatsklinik in Jena beobachteten Gesichtsfurunkel und die Ergebnisse der ange- wandten Therapie [Jena] 23p. 8? Borna- Lpz., R. Xoske, 1935. JOSEPH, Henri, 1910- *Diagnostic de la leucose des poules; considerations generales sur les maladies voisines [Alfort; Vet.] 59p 241jcm. Par., Vigot fr., 1935. JOSEPH, Isac, 1910- *De quelques resultats inattendus ou paradoxaux de la cutireaction k la tuberculine. 32p. 8? Par., L. Rodstein, 1936. JOSEPH, Jacques, 1865-1934. Nasenplastik und sonstige Gesichtsplastik nebst einem Anhang iiber Mammaplastik und einige weitere Opera- tionen aus dem (Jebiete der ausseren Korper- plastik; ein Atlas und Lehrbuch. 842p. pl. 8? Lpz., C. Kabitzsch, 1931. See also Coelst. Necrologie. Rev. chir. plast., Brux., 1934- 35, 4: 83, portr. JOSEPH, Leon, 1909- Contribution a I'etude du svndrome du nerf nasal. 38p. 8? Par., M. Vigne\ 1934. JOSEPH, Liselotte, 1910- *Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung des Jodkaliums auf den refraktometrischen Index des Blutserums. 18p. 8? Basel, K. Schahl, 1935. JOSEPH, Max, 1860-1933. Lehrbuch der Hautkrankheiten fiir Aerzte und Studirende. x, 299p. illust. pl. 8? Lpz., G. Thieme, 1892. Also 8. Aufl. x, 477p. 1915. Kosmetik der Haut, der Haare, der Nagel und des Mundes; fiir Aerzte und Studie- rende. 5. Aufl. 80p. 12? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1923. See also Pinkus, F. Nekrolog. Derm. Wschr., Lpz., 1933, 96: 238. JOSEPH, Paul, 1904- *Ueber die Therapie der Gefasslues. 63p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1928. JOSEPH, Raymond, 1905- *La tension arterielle chez le vieillard; renseignements fournis par la methode des tensions comparers aux membres sup£rieurs et aux membres infe- rieurs. 117p. 4pl. 8? Par.. Jouve & cie, 1935. JOSEPH, Rene, 1907- *La diarrhee des nourrissons au sein pendant les 3 premiers mois de la vie. 68p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1936. JOSEPH, Suzanne Marguerite [nee Boutinaud] 1906- Contribution k I'etude de l'oedeme pulmonaire infectieux epidemique du nourrisson; broncho-alveolite spumeuse. 75p. 25^cm. Par., L. Arnette, 1939. JOSEPH, Walter, 1904- *Ueber die Sterilisation Schwangerer durch hohe Corpus- amputation mit Implantation der Adnexe nach Liepmann [Berlin] 27p. 8? Charlottenb., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1929. JOSEPH ben Meir ibn Zabara, fl. 1140. The book of delight; transl. by Moses Hadas, with an introd. by Merriam Sherwood, xi, 203p. 8? N. Y., Columbia Univ. pr., 1932. Forms Vol. 16 of Records of Civilization; ed. by Dep. of Hist. Columbia Univ. JOSEPHS, Alexander F. M., 1910- *Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber neuere Farbeverfahren fur Tuberkelbazillen [Miinster] 20p. 21cm. Gelsenkirchen, H. Kunze, 1936. JOSEPHSON, Bertil August, 1902- *Stu- dien iiber Gallen-Sauren und angehorige Ver- bindungen. 78p. 8? Stockh. [n. p.] 1933. JOSEPHSON, Carl David, 1858-1939. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1146.—Olow, J. [Obituary] Nord. med., 1939, 3: 2107-10, portr. JOSEPHSON, Emanuel M., 1895- Glau- coma and its medical treatment with cortin; myopia, its cause and prevention. iv, 92p. illust. diagr. 8? N. Y., Chedney press [1937] ---- Near-sightedness is preventable. 46p.[2]p. illust. 18cm. N. Y., Chedney press [1939] ---- Your life is their toy; rackets-—social service and medical. 449p. facs. portr. 24cm. N. Y., Chedney press [1940] ----Merchants in medicine. 223p. illust. 23cm. N. Y., Chedney press [1941] JOSEPHSON 699 JOSIPOWICZ JOSEPHSON, O. Jean, 1905- *Les progres recents de l'heliotherapie; la methode du solarium tournant [Paris] 32p. 8 pl. 8? Corbeil, Impr. sc, 1933. JOSEPHTHAL, Fritz, 1905- ♦Verglei- chende Untersuchungen uber Veranderungen des Elektrokardiogramms bei menschlicher Diphthe- rie und bei experimenteller Diphtherietoxin- vergiftung [Frankfurt a. M.] p. 180-99. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1930. Also Zsehr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 74: JOSEPHUS, Flavius [Josef ben Matathias] 37_97[?] De antiquitatibus ac De bello Judaico. 260 1. fol. Venezia, Albertinus Rubeus, Oct. 23, ---- Famous and memorable workes of Josephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Jewes. 812p. 34cm. Lond., J. L. for A. Hebb, 1632. ---- Josephus; with an English translation by H. St J. Thackeray. 4v. 16? Lond., W. Heinemann, 1926-30. See also Spivey, T. S. A brief commentary on Flavius Josephus. In his Revelation, Beverly Hills, 1925, 464-81. JOSEPHY, Hermann, 1887- Normale und pathologische Anatomie der vegetativen Zentren des Zwischenhirns, des Sympathikus und Parasympathikus. p.662-708. Lpz., C. Ka- bitzsch, 1932. In 1. Bd of Handb. inn. Sekret. (Hirsch.) ---- Storungen der Anlage (Missbildungen) des Gehirns. p. 1-13. 8? Berl., J. Springer, In Handb. Neur. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16: ---- Status marmoratus (Vogtsche Krank- heit) plaques fibromyeliniques. p.30-4. 8. Berl , J. Springer, 1936. In Handb. Neur. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16: ---- Tuberose Sklerose. p.273-88. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1936. In Handb. Neur. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16: ____ Familiare amaurotische Idiotie. p.394- 412. 8? Berl., J. Springer 1936. In Handb. Neur. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16. ____ Chorea Huntington. p.729-56. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1936. In Handb. NeuF. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16. Degeneratio hepato-lenticularis (West- nhal-Strumpellsche Pseudosklerose, Wilsonsche Krankheit) p.827-48. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 19In Handb. Neur. (Bumke & Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16: ____ Jakob Creutzfeldtsche Krankheit (spas- tische Pseudosklerose Jakob) p.882-6. 8. BTn1HaJndbSKf SuLS Foerster) Berl., 1936 16: ____ Familiare diffuse Sklerose (Pelizaeus- Merzbachersche Krankheit) p.887-94. 8. Berl., J" SkiifU * Foerster) Berl., 1936, 16: JOSETTI, Joao Adolfo, -1939. iogueira Flares. Necrologio. Arq. no grand, med., 1939, 18: 518, portr. TOSIAH Macy, jr, Foundation. See New York, N. Y. Josiah Macy, Jr, Foundation. JOSIAH Simpson General Hospital. <5ee under Fort Monroe, Virginia. JOSIFOFF, Mois, 1902- *Uterusruptur nach vor^'egangener Verlctzungo des Uteru (Perforation-Kaiserschnitt) 30p. 8. Lpz. Ln. p.j 19TOSIPOVICI, Jancu, 1910- *Contribu- ,. JUI I'Y+ude des meningites aigues lympho- eVTair^sVttnes chez l'enfant. 54p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1935. Par., The xxii, Also Also 1937. 783p. JOSIPOWICZ, Izaak, 1909- *Semeiologie des lesions ungueales. 31p. 24J^cm. J. Peyronnet, 1939. JOSLIN, Charles Loring, 1888- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 217. JOSLIN, Elliott Proctor, 1869- treatment of diabetes mellitus. 4. ed. 998p. 8? Phila., Lea & Febiger, 1928. 5. ed. 620p. illust. tab. diagr. 1935. 6. ed. [with Root, H. F., et al.] 707p. Also 7. ed. [with Root, H. F., et al.] 1940. ---- A diabetic manual for the mutual use of doctor and patient. 4. ed. viii, 248p. 8? Phila., Lea & Febiger, 1929. Also 5. ed. viii, 224p. 1934. Also 6. ed. 219p. 1937. Also 7. ed. 238p. 1941. ---- Diabetes; its control by the individual and the state. 70p. pl. 12? Cambr., Harvard Univ. pr., 1931. See also [The Distinguished Service Award to Dr Joslin] J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 122: 510, portr.—Woodyatt, R. T. Pre- sentation of the Kober medal to E. P. Joslin, M. D. Tr. Ass. Am. Phys., 1932, 47: 8-10. For portrait see Mississippi Doctor, 1933-34, 11: No. 8, 19. Also Proc. Am. Diabetes Ass. (.1941) 1942. 1: front. JOSLYN, Maynard Alexander, 1904- See Tressler, D. K., Joslyn, M. A., & Marsh, C. L. Fruit and vegetable juices. 549p. 21cm. N. Y., 1939. JOSSE, Gabriel Louis Marc, 1905- *Contribution a I'etude de la classification dans les maladies mentales. 48p. 24cm. Par., Jouve & cie, 1937. JOSSE, Raymond, 1901- ^Contribution a I'etude des formes cliniques et du diagnostic des neoplasmes vateriens. 60p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1928. ^ nn JOSSELIN de Jong, Rodolph de, 1868- For biography see Geneesk. gids, 1935, 13: 96, portr. For portrait see Collection in Library. JOSSELOVITZ, Jacob, 1904- *Die An- wendung der Zange an der Universitats- Frauenklinik zu Wurzburg in den Jahren 1920-26. 30p. 8? Wiirzb. [n. p.] 1928 JOSSELYN, Daniel W. Why be tired? 115p. 8° N V., Longmans, Green & co., 1936. JOSSERAN, Pierre Paul, 1906- *Les ulcerations chroniques de la vulve chez les prostituces (Ulcus vulvsp simplex chronicum) 83p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1931. JOSSERAND, Paul, 1906- < ♦Contri- bution a I'etude de la chmatopathologie; les inadaptes urbains. 254p. 8? Lyon, Giraud & Ri voire, 1934. See also Mouriquand, G., & Josserand, P Syndromes met^orologiques et inadaptes urbains. 126p. 8. Par., 196b. JOSSERON, Paul, 1913- *La nephrose lipoidique et sa forme seche. 105p. 251/4cm. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1938. JOSSET, Andre, 1897- *Sphacele des paupieres a la suite de phlegmon streptococcique. 43p 5 pl. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1927. JOSSET, Theophile. Les eaux naturelles; etudes physiologiques et medicales sur les eaux thermo-minerales salees, minerales, douces, bains et boissons, avec 2 tableaux synoptiques indiquant les stations thermales et mantimes les plus renommees en France et a 1 stranger. 72p. 18V4cm Par., J. Rothschild, 1866. JOSSIFOFF, Albert, 1905- *Ueber die Lippen-Furunkel; deren Komplikationen und ihre Behandlung [Leipzig] 39p. 8. [Zeulen- roda, A. Oberreuter] 1928. JOSSIFOW, Gordej Maksimovich. See Iosifov, Gordei Maksimovich. JOSSIMOW JOSSIMOW, Gdaly, 1900 * Ueber Er- fahrungen mit dem neuen Bi'irkerschen Ha- moglobinometer. 23p. 8? Jena [n. p.] 1928. JOSSO, Alain, 1898- ♦Contribution k I'etude du botulisme (a propos de 3 nouveaux cas) SSp. 8? Par., Imp. Vertongen, 1926. JOSSO, Albert, 1910- ♦Hyperfeminisa- tion exp6rimentale par la folliculine cristallisee et amelioration de la ponte [Alfort; Vet.] 62p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1933. JOST, Anton, 1908- *Ueber den Nach- weis der schweisshemmenden Wirkung dor Salbeidroge [Munchen] 25p. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1934. JOST, Arthur Cranswick, 1875- Honorary life membership conferred upon Dr Arthur C. Jost, Delaware. Proc. Conf. Health Author. N. America,' 1940, 55. meet., 139. JOST, Dietrich, 1908- *Untersuchungen iiber die von Hadziemmanuil und Osol angege- benen neueren Verfahren der Farbung von Tuber- kelbakterien im Sputum [Rostock] 19p. 8? Rochlitz, E. Vetter, 1935. JOST, Elfriede, 1902- *Ein Fall von Staphylokokkenmetastase der Iris nach Pneu- monie. 15p. 8? Wurzb"., Werkbund-Dr., 1929. JOST, Hans, 1894- Ueber die Bedeutung des siiureloslichen organischen Blutphosphors [Frankfurt; Hab.-Schr.] p.171-214. 8? Berl., W. de Gruyter & co., 1927. Also Hoppe Seyler Zsehr., 1927, 165: JOST, Hans, 1895- ^Zur Methodik der Bestimmung der Blutkatalase. 21p. ch. 8? Giessen, W. Herr, 1929. JOST, Helmut, 1911- *Ueber die Ferti- litat nach abdominalem Kaiserschnitt. 23p. 21cm. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1937. JOST, Henry Edward. Ueber die beste Art geistig zu arbeiten, Anhang zum ersten Teil, Einige Proben aus Schopenhauers Schrift Ueber den Satz vom Grunde; Zweiter Teil: Einige Regeln bei der rezeptiven Tatigkeit. 6. Aufl. 128p. 24cm. Berl., Modern-Padag. & Psychol. Verlag [18. .] Forms No. 1 of his Schriften. JOST, Karl, 1909- *Ueber den Einfluss von Arsen auf die Starkeverzuckerung durch diastatische Fermente [Miinster] 19p. 8? Werne-Lippe, F. Grube, 1935. JOST, Leonhard. ♦Das Vorkommen von Schwermetallen im Zahnfleisch und in den Speicheldriisen [Basel] p.117-22. 8? Lpz., H. Meusser, 1933. Also Deut. Zahn &c. Heilk., 1934, 1: JOST, Luis Jose [M. D., 1931, B. Aires] ♦Anemia perniciosa y aquilia gdstrica. 77p. 241 >cm. B. Air. [Univ. B. Aires] 1931. JOST, Robert [M. D., 1934, Toulouse] *Les calcifications periarticulaires de l'epaule. 107p. illust. 23J4cm. Toulouse, Lion et fils, 1934. JOST, Walter, 1907- ♦Beurteilung der akzidentell-traumatischen akuten Osteomyelitis adolescentium. 43p. 8? Stetten-Basel, K. Schahl, 1936. JOSTEN, Konstanze, 1910- ♦Erbhy- gienische Untersuchungen an den Kindern der Hilfsschulen in Neuss und Krefeld-Uerdingen [Miinster] 15p. 21cm. • Neuss a. Rh., Ges. Buckdr., 1937. JOSTEN [Wilhelm] Johann, 1905- ♦Ver- lauf und Haufigkeit ascendierender Pyelone- phritis bei Diabetes mellitus [Leipzig] lip. 8? Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1931. JOSURAN, Karl, 1904- *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung langwelliger JOSURAN (nicht penetrierender) ultraroter Strahlen auf Kaninchenaugen [Zurich] p.353-60. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1933. Also Arch. Ophth., Berl., 1933, 129: JOTTINGS; published occasionally by Boe- ricke & Tafel; v.36, Dec. 1939, Whole No. 90. 24p. illust, 16cm. Phila., 1939. JOTTKOWITZ, Paul, 18ISK Ortho- padische Stutzapparate. H8p. pl. 8? Berl., R. Hobbing, 1927. ----Lehrbuch der Unfallheilkunde. xi, 280p. 8? pl. Munch., J. F. Lehmann, 1928. JOUAFFRE, Auguste, 1901- *A propos de 2 epidemies de poliomyelite aigue en Anjou. 64p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1927. JOUAN, Adolphe, 1901- ♦Contribution a I'etude therapeutique des py61onephrites de la gestation et de la puerperalite. 91p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. JOUAN, Frangois, 1913- ♦Etude hygie- nique sur les conserves alimentaires. 43p. 2412cm. Par., J. Haumont, 1939. JOUANNARD, Andre, 1908- ^ ♦Les rup- tures du muscle grand pectoral. 76p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1934. JOUANNEAU, Marcel, 1902- *Faux syndrome abdominal aigu d'allure chirurgicale par intolerance aux ars6no-benzenes. 37p. 8? Par., M. Vign6, 1927. JOUANNEAU, Pierre Etienne, 1909- ♦Etude de certaines interventions portant sur les troncs veineux, comme moyens d'arret du processus infectieux. 116p. 25}£cm. Par., L. Arnette, 1938. JOUANNIN, Michel, 1912- ♦Torsion de l'hydatide de Morgagni dans le sexe f6minin. 76p. 25}£cm. Marseille, Impr. M. Leconte, 1936. JOUARD, Anne. Translator of Laforgue, R. The relativity of reality. 92p. 23J.£cm. N. Y., 1940. JOUBERT, Laurent, 1529-83. Erreurs populaires et propos vulgaires touchant la medecine et le regime de sante. 2 pt in 1. [xvi] 246p.; [viii] 227p. 8? Par., Claude Micard, 1587. See also Astruc. Le vrai visage de Laurent Joubert. Aescu- Iape, Par., 1927, n. ser., 17: 118. JOUBERT, Marcel, 1901- ♦Les occlu- sions mecaniques pr^coces d'origine appendi- culaire et leur traitement. 66p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1926. JOUBERT, Pierre, 1900- ♦Contribu- tion k I'etude de la lepre; lesions dites oto- rhinolaryngologiques. 78p. tab. 8? Par., L. Feu, 1926. JOUBLOT, J. See Canuyt, G., & Joublot, J. L'anesth6sie locale en oto- rhino-laryngologie. 230p. 8? Par., 1930. JOUCK, Hanns, 1908- ♦Degastroentero- stomie und Excision des Ulcus pepticum jejuni nach Gastroenterostomie. 46p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1933. JOUEN, Jean, 1906- ♦Sur un cas de maladie de Ritter (avec lesions des glandes endocrines) 56p. 2 pl. 8? Par., E. Le Fran- gois, 1933. JOUET, Marcel, 1890- *Etude anato- mique et clinique des arterites juveniles des membres. 89p. 8? Paris, Le Francois, 1927. JOUFFREAU, Pierre [M. D., 1933, Toulouse] ♦Le traitement chirurgical du decollement de la ratine. 64p. 24cm. Toulouse. J. Castellvi. 1933. JOUFFROY 701 JOURDAN JOUFFROY, Albert Max, 1907- ♦Con- tribution k I'etude des nevralgies laryngees et de leur traitement. 65p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1935. JOUHANNEAUD, Georges, 1915- ♦Con- tribution k I'etude des compressions lentes de la moelle. 30p. 24cm. Par., Le Francois, 1940. JOUIS, Elphege, 1902- ♦Traitement des hyperchlorhydries par Textrait hydroalcoolo- ethe>6 de jaborandi (Neopancarpine) 80p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1932. JOUKOVSKY, A., 1870-1936. Necrologie. Rev. laryng., Bord., 1936, 57: 615. JOUKOVSKY, V. P., & ROUSSKIKH, V. N. Etude clinique et anatomopathologique sur la tuberculose des centres nerveux chez l'enfant. 65p. 8? Upps., Almqvist & Wiksell, 1933. Forms Suppl. 2, 14: Acta paediat. JOULE, James Prescott, 1818-89. Crowther, J. G. [Biography] In his Brit. Scientists of 19. Cent., Lond., 1935, 129-97, portr. JOURDAN, Walter, 1910- ♦Ueber Brut-he der Fusswurzelknochen. 39p. 8? Miinch., Buchdr. Hohenhaus, 1935. JOURDAN-GAGNEUR, Marthe Madeleine, 1903- ♦Les hemorragies uterines survenant apres la menopause en l'absence de lesions cervicales. 61p. 8? Par., M. Vign6, 1937. JOURDAN-LAFORTE, Jean Rene, 1908- *L'inflammation perifocale; son role et son traite- ment dans la tuberculose pulmonaire. 54p. 24cm. Par., Le Frangois, 1939. JOURDANT, Josef, 1910- ♦Ueber Sto- rungen im Ablauf der zweiten Dentition; friiher und spater Zahnwechsel im Lichte von Konsti- tution und Vererbung. 39p. 8? Bonn, L. Neuendorf!, 1935. JOURDIN, Emile Alfred, 1910- ♦La laine du mouton berrichon du Cher; etude zootechnique [Alfort; Vet.] 63p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1933. JOULE-THOMSON effect. See under Gas. JOULIN, Joseph Desire, 1821-74. Tratado completo de arte de los partos; transl. J. Sdez y Veldzquez, & D. A. Rodriguez Rubi. 3v. illust. 8? Madr., Moya y Plaza, 1874, JOUNIAUX, Robert, 1901- ♦Contribu- tion a I'etude du traitement des tuberculoses chirurgicales par la methode de Finikoff. 46p. 8° Par., Imp. Parisiennes Reunies, 1926. JOUNIAUX, Robert Jules, 1909- ♦Hy- giene et etude serologique d'une epidemie de fievre typhoide [Pharm.] 106p. diagr. 24cm. Lille, Impr. Douriez-Bataille, 1935. JOUON, Hubert, 1910- *Contnbution k I'etude des dSsequilibres graves du caractere chez les adolescents; les problemes pratiques de leurs reactions antisociales. 85p. 23}4cm. Par., Vigot fr., 1939. JOURDAIN, Andre Ernest Robert, 1910- ♦Contribution k I'etude de l'anemie pernicieuse gravidique [Bordeaux] 118p. 24cm. Par., Lahure, 1933. JOURDAIN, Roger, 1914- ♦Le fer en hvdrologie; les boues ferrugineuses des grinons des eaux minerales. 127p. 6 pl. 25cm. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1938. JOURDAN, Alfred Elie, 1907- ^Con- tribution a. I'etude des cellules de Kultschitzky. 59p. 25cm. Montpel., Impr. La Presse, 1934. JOURDAN, Fritz Hans, 1902- *Ueber den zeitlichen Ablauf der Stromstarke der Blut- hewezune 31p. 8? Basel, G. Bohm, 1927. JOURDAN, Georges, 1898- ♦Contribu- tion k I'etude de l'hypersecretion gastrique k propos de quelques aspects radiologiques rares ou peu connus de cette affection. 36p. 8. Par., Legrand, 1927. , JOURDAN, Guy, 1915- *De la presenta- tion du siege; statistiques de la Maison mater- nelle nationale de Saint-Maurice. 35p. 24cm. Par., Jouve, 1939. # JOURDAN, Henry Louis Adolphe, l^fT ♦Contribution k I'etude des indications de 1 hys- terectomie dans les infections puerperales. 60p. 251/2cm. Bord., J. Biere, 1934. JOURDAIN, •• Doctrina y tratamiento hoS^df/feXmedades cr6nicas. 2. ed. 276p. 19V4cm Mix., D. b., I9*r. TOIIRDAN, Pierre, 1903- ♦A propos du traitement chirurgical des pleurisies purulentes ™ t^herculeuses de la grande cavite chez Kdulte%. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1933. JOURNAL ... For journals of corporate bodies see under names of publishing academies, institutes, so- JOURNAL (The) of abnormal and social psychology. Albany, v.20, 1925- Formerly Journal of abnormal psychology, v.1-16, 1906-22; Journal of abnormal psychology and social psychology, v. 17-19, 1922-25. JOURNAL of the aeronautical sciences. N. Y., v.8, 1941- JOURNAL of agricultural research. Wash., v.l, 1913- JOURNAL (The) of allergy. S. Louis, v.l, 1929- JOURNAL (The) of American folk-lore. N. Y., v.l, 1888- JOURNAL of American insurance. Chic, v.18, 1941- JOURNAL of American medical hydrology. Chic, v.l, 1932- JOURNAL of anatomy. Lond., v.51, 1917- JOURNAL of animal science. Menasha, Wise, v.2, 1943- JOURNAL (The) of applied psychology. Athens, Ohio [v. p.] v.l, 1917- JOURNAL (The) of aviation medicine. S. Paul, v.5, 1934- JOURNAL (The) of Ayurveda, or the Hindu system of medicine. Calc, v.l, 1924- JOURNAL of bacteriology. Bait., v.l, 1916- JOURNAL beige de neurologie et de psy- chiatric Brux., v.33, 1933- Formerly Journal de neurologie et de psyehiatrie, v.29-32, 1929-32. JOURNAL (The) of biochemistry. Tokyo, v.l, 1922- JOURNAL (The) of biological chemistry. Bait., v.l, 1905. ____ Index, v.101-125, 1933-1938. Comp. by Isaac Neuwirth. 498p. 22>4cm. New Haven, 1939. ..... _ . JOURNAL (The) of biophysics. Tokyo, v1-2, 1923-27. JOURNAL (The) of bone and joint surgery. Bost., v.4, 1922- Formerly Journal of orthopaedic surgery, vl-3, 1919-21. JOURNAL of calendar reform. N. Y., v.3, No 4, 1933- JOURNAL (The) of cancer. Dubl., v.l, 1924- JOURNAL (The) of cancer research. Lane, v.1-14, 1916-30. ' Changes title with v.15, 1931, to American journal of cancer. JOURNAL of cellular and comparative physi- ology. Phila., v.l, 1932- JOURNAL 702 JOURNAL JOURNAL of chemical education. Easton, Pa., v.ll, Nos 4, 9, 11, 1934. JOURNAL of chemotherapy. Bait., v.4 11, Xo. 1, 1927-35. Beginning with v.ll. No. 2, 1935, changed title to Journal of chemotherapy and advanced therapeutics. JOURNAL of chemotherapy and advanced therapeutics. North Chic, v.ll, No. 2, 1935- Formerly Journal of chemotherapy, v.4-11, No. 1, 1927-35. JOURNAL de chimie medicale, de pharmacie, de toxicologic et revue des nouvelles scientifiques nationales et etrangeres. Par., 4. ser., v. 7-9, 1861-63; 5. ser., v. 13, 1865-67; v.5, 1869. JOURNAL de chimie physique et de physio- chimie biologique. Par., v.8, 1910- 1910-31 title was Journal de chimie physique; 1931-39, litle was Journal de chimie physique et revue generale des rolloides. JOURNAL de chirurgie. Par., v.l, 1908- JOliRNAL de chirurgie et annates de la Soeiete beige de chirurgie. Brux., v.l, 1901- Formerly Annates de la Soeiete beige de chirurgie. JOURNAL (The) of clinical endocrinology. Springf., 111., v.l. 1941- JOURNAL (The) of clinical investigation. Lane, v.l, 1924- ---- Index, v.l 17, 1924-38. JOURNAL (The) ol comparative neurology. Phila., v.l, 1891- JOURNAL (The) of comparative pathology and therapeutics. Lond., v.l, 1888- JOURNAL (The) of comparative psychology. Bait., v.l, 1921- JOURNAL of consulting psychology. Lane, v.l, 1937- JOURNAL (The) of contraception. N. Y., v.l-4,1935-39. Beginning with v.5, 1940, changes title to Human fertility. JOURNAL (The) of criminal law and crim- inology. Chic, v.22, 1931- Formerly Journal of the American institute of criminal law and criminology, v.1-17, 1910-26. JOURNAL of criminal psychopathology. Woodbourne, N. Y., v.l, 1939- JOURNAL du Cycle medical. Kiev, v.l 3, 1931-33. Beginning with v.4, 1934, changed title to Journal medical. JOURNAL of dairy science. Bait., v.8, 1925. JOURNAL (The) of delinquency. Whittier, Calif., v.5-12, No. 2, 1920-28. Beginning with v.12, No. 3, 1928, changed title to Journal (The) of juvenile research. JOURNAL (Le) dentaire beige. Brux., v.26, 1935 JOURNAL (The) of dental research. N. Y., v.l, 1919- Sc" also Merritt, A. H. Endowment fund for the Journal of Dental K<•><■;.rch. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1942, 29: 310. JOURNAL de dietetiqueetde bacteriotherapie; revues generales et etudes d'ensemble d'ordre pratique. Par., v.l, 1910. JOURNAL of documentary reproduction. Chic, v.l, 1938- JOURNAL (The) of drugless physicians. N. Y., v.3. 1942- JOURNAL of economic entomology. Geneva, N. Y., v.l, 1908- JOURNAL (The) of educational psychology. Bait., v.l, 1910- JOURNAL of education and ol science, art, language, and literature. Cincin., v.l, No. 1, 1859. JOURNAL of electronic medicine. S. Franc, v.l, 1916- V.l-7, 1916-26 had title Physico-clinical medicine. JOURNAL (The) of endocrinology. Oxf., v.l, 1939- JOURNAL of exceptional children. Lansing, Mich., v.5, 1938- JOURNAL (The) of experimental biology. Lond., v.7, 1930- V.l-6 had title British journal of experimental biology. JOURNAL (The) of experimental medicine. Bait., v.l, 1896- JOURNAL of experimental podiatry. N. Y., v.l, No. 2, 1940- JOURNAL of experimental psychology. Lane, v.l, 1916- JOURNAL of experimental therapeutics. Tokyo, v.l, 1023. JOURNAL of experimental zoology. Phihi., v.l, 1904 JOURNAL (The) of general physiology. Bait., v.l, 1919- JOURNAL of general psychology. Worcester, Mass., v.l, 1928- JOURNAL of genetic psychology; child behavior, differential and genetic psvchology. Worcester, v.35, 1928- Formerly Pedagogical (The) seminary, v.1-34, 1891-1927. JOURNAL of genetics. Cambr., Engl., v.l, 1910- JOURNAL (The) of health and physical education. Ann Arb., v.l, 1930- JOURNAL of helminthology. Lond., v.6, 1928- JOURNAL (The) of heredity. Bait., v.5, 1914- JOURNAL of home economics. Bait., v.18, 1926- JOURNAL (The) of hygiene. Lond., v.l, 1901- JOURNAL (The) of immunology. Bait., v.l, 1916- JOURNAL of industrial and engineering chemistry. Easton, Pa., v.3-14, 1911-22. Beginning with v.15, 1923, title changes to Industrial and engineering chemistry. JOURNAL (The) of industrial hygiene and toxicology. Bait., v.l, 1919- ---- Cumulative index, v.1-17 incl. Ed. by H. Lawson. 406p. 24^2cm. Bait., The Williams &Wilkins co., 1936. JOURNAL (The) of infectious diseases. Chic, v.l, 1904- JOURNAL international de chirurgie; organe de la Soeiete internationale de chirurgie. Brux., v.l, 1936- JOURNAL of intravenous therapy, N. Y., v.l, No. 2, 1922- JOURNAL of investigative dermatology. Bait., v.l, 1938- JOURNALISM. See also Bibliography; Literature; Periodical. Anderson, W. The relation of the profession to the Im- press. N. Zealand M. J., 1903, 3: 44-51.—[Anthony, L. P.\ Journalistic ethics. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1012, 29: 203-0.— Britt, S. H., & Lowry, R. L. Conformity behavior of labor newspapers with respect to the A. I•'. L.-C. I. O. conflict. .1. Social Psychol., 1941, 14: 375-87. Dawson, L. H. News- papers and magazines. Britan. Bk 1912,480-3.—Fernandez, J. S. La diferencia entre la prensa medica y la profana. Actas Congr. med. nac, Habana, 1911, 2. Congr., 403-0. Gait, H. R. The medical profession and the press. Minnesota M., 1926, 9: 545-8.—Garth, T. R. A statistical study of the contents of newspapers. School & Soc., 1916, 3: 140-4.- Hoffman, F. L. The mutual relations of life insurance and the medical press. Proc. Am. M. Editors Ass., 1910, 41: 135-51. Johnston, D. L. A scientific press bureau. Nature, Lond., 1941, 148: 375.—Pettit. J. W. The relation of the medical profession to the secular press. Illinois M. J., 1909, 15: 023- 32.—Remlinger, P. Quelques reflexions sur le journalisme medical et la publicity autour de.s specialty's. Paris m^d., 1928, 68: annexe, 242-4. JOURNALISM 703 JOURNALISM ---- Abstracts, digests, and translations. See also Bibliography; Index; Translation. Chompret. Creation de revues internationales de medecine. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa mid. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 58-61.—Codina Castellvi. J. Concepto fundamental de los peri6dicos medicos que, publicindose en su pais, estan redactados en idioma extranjero. Ibid., 173.—Einheitliche Abkiirzungen bei Anfiihrung der Namen medizinischer Zeit- schriften und Werke. Berl. klin. Wschr., 1921, 58: 627. Also Deut. med. Wschr., 1921, 47: 687.—Journals abstracted in the current medical literature department. J. Am. M Ass 1937, 108: 2265; 1940, 115: 2319.—List of abbreviations of journals abstracted. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1940, 5: H. 3, Path., 1-3. ---- Censorship, and freedom of thought. Correspondence in regard to the censorship of scientific journals. Science, 1942, 96: 216-21.—Houssay, B. A. Houssay resents censorship of medical periodicals addressed to Argentina J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 122: 132.—Hunter, Q. W. Ament the freedom and liberty of the press. Med. Age, 1900, 24: 128-40.— Josephson, E. M. Censorship of the press. In his Your Life is Their Toy, N. Y., 1940, 261-75.—Mellanby, E. Publication of information likely to be of value to the enemy Mas London School M. Women, 1939-41, 3: 106.—Palmer, W. H. Concerning the need for medical censorship of the lav press. N. York M. J., 1909, 89: 470.—Register, E. C. The freedom of the medical press. J. Am. M. Ass., 1917, 68: 629-34.— Regulamento do Servico de censura e publicidade sanitaria do Departamento estadual de imprensa e propaganda. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1942, 40: 68-70.—Renseignements et com- muniques. Presse med., 1940, 48: 688.—The freedom of the medical press. J. Am. M. Ass., 1917, 68: 637-9. ---- Columns, and sections. Albright, J. D. Medical book reviews. Proc. Am. M. Editors Ass., 1908, 64-73.—Blondel, R. De la place donn6e aux comptes-rendus des societes savantes dans les journaux medicaux. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 97-102.—Flagg, P. J. Scientific discussions. Anesthesiology, 1942, 3: 336.—Nelson, T. Unsigned reviews. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 411.—Witty, P., Smith, E., & Coomer, A. Reading the comics in grades VII and VIII. J. Educ. Psychol., 1942, 33: 173-82. ---- Congresses, expositions, and societies. Berger, H. Plan eines Deutschen Verbandes fiir die medi- zinische Literatur. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1914, 61: 315.— CongrSs (Ve) international de la presse medicale, London, 1913. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1913, 29: 178.—Congreso (4.) de la prensa medica latina. Rev. med. Barcelona, 1936, 25: noticias, 298. Also Reforma med., Lima, 1937, 23: 106-8.—Congreso (7.) de la Prensa Medica Cubana, 16 diciembre 1939. Bol. Liga cdncer, Habana, Ed. cien., 1939, 14: 353-6. Also Rev. tuberc, Habana, 1939, 3: 69^71.—Congresso inter-americano de jornalistas, Caracas, Dec. 1941. Brasil med., 1941, 55: No. 27. 10.—Congress of the medical press, Venice, 1936. J. Am. M. Ass., 1937, 108: 131.—D., A. Congres de la Presse medicale latine, Bruxelles, 28-30 septembre, 1930. J. sc. med. Lille, 1930, 48: pt 2, 308-11.—Federacao da Imprensa medica latina; primeira reuniao, Paris, 28-30 abril, 1927. Rev. gin. obst., Rio, 1927, 21: 281-3.—Federacion de la Prensa medica latina. In Acad. nac. med. (Gonzalez, E.) Caracas, 1929, 253-7.—Homenaje (El) a los reporters de la prensa y al jefe de despacho de la Federaci6n medica de Cuba. Tribuna med., Habana, 1941, 14: 58-63.—Margine (In) del 3. Congresso della stampa medica latina. Riforma med., 1934, 50: 1663-9.— Mukherjee, K. M. K. Presidential address of Kaviraj M. K. Mukherjee, at All-India Ayurvedic Journalists' Conference, Bangalore. J. Ayurveda, 1938-39, 15: 216-33, portr — Paz Soldan, C. E. Un homenaje valioso y esponttineo de la Association de la presse medicale beige. Reforma med., Lima, 1940, 26: 56.—Primera Exposici6n del periodismo guatemal- teco, de 1729 a 1910. Bol. museos, Guatemala, 1941-42, 1: ]97,—Statuts de l'Association internationale de la presse medicale, adoptes par la Conference de Monaco, 7-9 avril 1902, Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 180-5. Cultural and social value. See also such headings as Health education; Research, etc.; also under names of special fields of medicine. Benario, L. Zur Soziologie der Zeitung. Zsehr. Volker- nsvchol 1926 2: 125-42.—Blackman, N. Mental-hospital newspapers. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1942, 26: 610-6.—Brown. I G The press in social disorganization. In his Social Fatn., NV 1042 535-48.—Castaneda. G. Funciones del periodismo medico Bol. cienc. med., Mex., 1913-14, 4: 1-4.—Chasse, C. 1 'humour au front; les journaux medicaux du front britan- niaue Chron. med., Par., 1917, 24: 195-8, 2 fig—Fenton, F. The influence of newspaper presentations upon the growth ot crime and other anti-social activity. Am. J. Sociol., 1910-11, ic Q/19- ^8—Gregory, J. An evaluation of medical peri- odicals Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1936-37, 25: 172-88; 1938-39, 27- 242-47— Kerr, W. A., & Remmers, H. H. Cultural value ?Loep,r^se?^tlve Amencan magazines. J. Social Psvchol., 1942, 15: 347-50.—Kopetzky, S. J. The role of state medical journals in organized medicine. Illinois M J 1940 77- 112-8. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 256-60.—LeSag'e, A*. Influence sociale de la presse medicale au Canada. Union med Canada, 1937, 66: 4-41.—Malo de Poveda Ecija, B. Medicina popular 6 criterio que debe presidir en los trabajos medicos de indole popular, si ellos han de atender a los fines que les son apropiados. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 104-10.—Park, R. E. News and the power of the press. Am. J. Sociol., 1941-42, 47: 1-11.— Passalaqua, P. A imprensa e os suicidios e crimes. Arq. polic. civ. S. Paulo, 1942, 3: 55-68.—Perez Noguera, E. La prensa medica y los progresos de las ciencias militares. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 148-54.—Ravdin, I. S. Cooperative research and priority. Surgery, 1941, 9: 132.—Rohde, A. C. Adverse publicity. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 662 (Abstr.)—Sprigge, S. Medi- cal journalism and scientific progress. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: 1990-3. Also Long Island M. J.-, 1929, 23: 9-15.—Subirana, L. Influencia de la prensa en la cultura profesional. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 175-80.—Troutt, J. M. The value of medical writing. Mil. Surgeon, 1929, 65: 536-40.—Wilkins, W. D. Periodicals in education. Summaries Doct. Diss. Northwestern Univ., 1941, 9: 142-5. ---- dental. See Dentistry, Periodicals. ---- Editing. See Editing. Health service. See also Health education. Bauer, W. W., & Hull, T. G. The newspaper in health education. In their Health Educ, 2. ed., Phila., 1942, 145-65. Newspaper health supplements. Ibid., 154-60. Health magazines. Ibid., 202-4. ------ Health bulletins. Ibid., 204-10.—Dodson, J. M. Obtaining maximum results from a health magazine. Wisconsin M. J., 1925-26, 24: 344-p. xxii.—Health supplements. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 120: 842.—McPhaul, W. A. The press and public health. Health Notes, Jacksonville, 1938, 30: 163-5.—Medicine, in the news. J. Am. M. Ass., 1939, 113: 1047.—Muller, H. C. Een Grieksch geneeskundig tijdschrift. Geneesk. courant, 1909, 63: 309.—Newspaper medicine. Brit. M. J., 1907, 1: 765 — O'Sullivan. J. L. The function of the Catholic press in health services. Hosp. Progr., 1943, 24: 78-80.—Public health and the public press. Week. Bull. Oregon Bd Health, 1942, 20: No. 13, 1-4.—Tribune medical service. Indust. M., 1942, 11: 69. ---- History, and geography. Weekly Roster and Medical Digest. Thirty-fifth anniversary edition, 1905-40. 168p. 26cm. Phila., 1940. Alberti, G. Breve storia di una gazzetta medica. Riforma med., 1939, 55: 425-7.—A nos abonnes et lecteurs. J. med. Bordeaux, 1939, 116: pt 2, 293.—Baloardo, G. En el primer centenario de la prensa medica espanola. Siglo med., 1934, 93: 2-8.—Battaglia, M. I. Llamado a licitaciSn publica para la impresion del Boletin sanitario y sus Suplementos para el afio 1938. Bol. san., B. Air., 1937, 1: No. 11, 786.—Bello, E. Cabos sueltos. Cr6n. m6d., Lima, 1934, 51: 9-13.—Cappel- letti, G. Bullettino chirurgico, ottalmologico e tocologico. Gior. progr. pat., Venez., 1842, ser. 2, 1: 89; 182; 271; 429; 566; 701; 1842, ser. 2, 2: 52; 238; 552; 701; 1847, ser. 2, 11: 121; 351; 590; 1847, ser. 2, 12: 146; 356; 688.—Centenary (The) dinner, January 25, 1939. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1939, 201: 129-37.—Ciechanowski, S. [The past and future of Polish medical journals] Nowiny lek., 1938, 50: 715-8.— Cumpston, J. H. L. The historv of medical journalism in Australia. Med. J. Australia, 1939, 2: 1-5.—Delprat, C. C. [Dutch medical journals from 1680 to 1857] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: 3-116.—Dumas, P. Les medecins de l'Hotel-Dieu et la literature medicale canadienne. J. Hotel- Dieu Montreal, 1942, 11: 479-87.—Eckman, J. Minnesota's oldest medical journal. J. Lancet, 1940, 60: 60-7, 2 portr. Anglo-American hostility in American medical litera- ture of the 19th century. Bull. Hist. M., 1941, 9: 31-71.- Edwards, A. D. An old medical journal [London Medical Repository] Practitioner, Lond., 1911, 87: 396-400.—Esparza, O. Centenario. Villaclara med., S. Clara, 1940, 8: 1-4.— Exposicion de revistas medicas cubanas y libros antiguos editados en Cuba durante un siglo, 1840 a 1940. Vida nueva, Habana, 1940, 45: 54-68.—Farewell! Lancet-Clinic, 1916, 116: 517.—Forgue, N. E. Le journal medical contemporain; le journaliste medical de notre temps. Gaz. med. France, 1931, 623-31.—Fraenkel, A. Vor 50 Jahren. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1937, 50: 1.—G.,H. Con motivo del centenario de la prensa medica de Cuba. Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1939, 11: 715-7, portr.—Gabbi, U. Storia ed evoluzione della Stampa Medica Italiana. Gazz. med. lombarda, 1929, 88: 170-4.— Gardner, F. T. Early California medical journals. Ann. M. Hist., 1939, 3. ser., 1: 325-42.—Gautier, C. Rapport annuel. JOURNALISM 704 JOURNALISM Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 193S, 3. ser., 54 : 1850 9.—Genty, M. La medecine sous la Revolution; le journalisme medical. Progr. med., Par., 1934, Suppl., 33-7.—Grimaud de Caux, G. Avant-propos de la troisieme annee. ('.az. san., Par., 1835, 5: 5- Hailey. M. Books and newspapers in Africa. In his Afr. Survey, Lond., 1939, 1292-6.—Historia de la prensa medica en Cuba. Anuario med. social Cuba, 1937, 1: 53-60.—Horner, N. G. Medical journalism in the British Empire. Lancet, Lond.. 1932, 2: 273.—Inman, S. G. Historical development of the journal in Latin America. Digest Proc. ( Onf. Interamer. Relat. Pub. Libr., 1940, 23-6.—Kirkpatrich. T. P. C. The Dublin medical journals. Irish J. M. Sc, 1932, ser. 6, 243-60, 7 portr.—Krumbhaar, E. B. Early medical journalism in North America. Congr. internat. hist, med., 1932, 66 —Lafont, J. Les debuts du journalisme medical italien. Progr. med., Par., 1926, 41: 1847- Lefanu, W. R. British periodicals of medicine: a chronological list. Bull. Inst. Hist. M Bait 1937, 5: 735-61. ------ British periodicals of medicine, a chronological list, part 2, 1900-38. Ibid., 1938, 6: 614-48.—Levy-Valensi, J. Les origines de la presse medicale francaise. Presse med., 1936, 44: 2124. ------ Histoire de la presse medicale francaise au XVII« sieclc Ibid., 1937, 45: 1503-5; 1938, 46: 1229; 1939, 47: 115-7.—Maragliano, E. Dopo cinquant'anni. Clin. med. ital., 1912, 51: 1-5.—Maria Moors Cabot awards to South American newspapers. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1939, 73: 699-703.—Martinez de la Cruz, F. Unificaci6n de la prensa medica cubana. Bol. Col. med. Camagiiey, 1939-40, 2: 147-9.—Mexican medical journals. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1941-42, 30: 223.—Oliaro, T. Per il progresso della stampa medica; relazione at III Congresso nazionale della stampa tecnica, Milano, 2-5 Giugno 1940-X VIII. Minerva med., Tor., 1940. 31: pt 1, varia, 532-8.—Pascal is. F. Medical Repository. (N. Y.) Observ. sc. med., 1823, 5: 52. - Pazzini, A. Leggendo il primo fascicolo del Giornale dei Letterati, Roma 1008. Athena, Roma, 1939, 8: 183-5.— Pilcher, J. E. Military medical journalism at the beginning of the 20th century. Columbus M. J., 1904, 28: 289-95 — Polish medical journal continues publication in London. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 117: 1371.—R., Z. Deutsches medizinisches Schrifttum vor hundert Jahren. Wien. med. Wschr., 1940, 90: 851-3.—Revistas y peri6dicos que en Venezuela han servido a la divulgaci6n y al progreso de las ciencias medicas. In Acad. nac. med. (Gonzalez, E.) Caracas, 1929, 257-00 — Runge, E. Aus den Anfiingen des deiilsclien medizinischen Zeitschnftenweseris. Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 950; 984; 1019 — Saucier, J. Petite histoire du journalisme medical au Canada francais. Union med. Canada, 1936, 65: 1039-49; 1937, 66: 521-5.—Scandinavian medical journals. Brit. M. J., 1920, 1: 55.—Seventy-five years of progress. Good Health, 1941, 75. 3—Silva Carvalho, A. da. 0 journalismo medico portugues e a medicina contemporanea. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1932, 50: 1-13------Histoire de la presse medicale au Portugal. Ibid., 1930, 54: 299 304.—Twentieth anniversary, 1920-40. Am J Obst. 1040, 40: 545.—Varanini, M. Parma e il gior- nalismo medico. Med. ital., 1934, 15: 811-37.—Wickers- heimer E A propos d'un index chronologique des periodiques medicaux de France de 1679 k 1856. France med., 1908, 55: 377. ---- Legal aspect. See also Copyright. Contributions from members in the services; a reminder. Radiography, Lond., 1941, 7: 103.—Hapgood, N. Criminal newspaper alliances with fraud and poison. Collier's, N. Y., 1905 25: No. 15.—Pulido, A. Rapports entre la presse medicale et le's pouvoirs de l'Etat. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 50-8.—Tesar, O. Leber Pressrecht. Arch. Krim., 1910, 39: 99-110.—Vaca del Pozo, T N EJ periodismo y las leyes de imprenta periodismo siiidical. Rev. Univ. Guayaquil, 1940, 11: 481-657. ---- Literature. See Literature. ---- Management [incl. circulation, distribu- tion, etc.] Bolles, E. T>. Concerning plan to supply medical journals to colleagues in military service. California West. M., 1942, 57: 337.—Franzen, R., & Politz, A. Method for determining num- ber of readers per copy of a magazine circulation. J. Appl. Psychol., 1942, 26: 477-81.—H., C. F. Problems of distribution in periodical dental literature. J. Am. Coll. Dentists, 1942, 9: 263-5—Jenkins, R. L. Cost analysis of medical periodicals. Bull. M. Libr. Ass.. 1934. 22: 115-30.—Report of the Committee on the cost of current medical periodicals. Ibid., 213-9.— Seidell, A. Medical literature to China. Current List M. Liter., 1942, 2: No. 7, 2.—Tree, M. Present discontents. Brit. M. .1., 1941, 2: 92.—Wakeman, S. The costs of medical journals. Science, 1924, n. ser., 60: 590. ---- medical and scientific. Lustexberger, F. *Schweizerische medi- zinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschriften von 1751-1871; ihre Bedeutung und ihre Ziele. 85p. 8? Zur., 1927. Allotments and careers. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 292.- Aronstam, N. E. A plea for the ind<-|iendcnce of medica: journalism. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1912. 155: No. 3, 8.—Arteaga, J. F. Nuestra prensa v las soeiidades nn'dicas. Rev. med. cir. Habana, 1917, 22: 537 10. Haf-.-ler. A. The special medical journal. .1. Am. M. Editors Ass., 1915, 2: 12 4 — Butter, G. F. The medical journal from (he standpoint of an outsider. Proc. Am. M. Editors Ass., 1908, 47-57.—Casey, A. E. Influence of individual North American and British journals on medical progress in the United Mates and Britain. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1941-42, 30: 464-6.— [Certain problems of medical journals] Vrach. delo, 1941, 23: 322. (rile, G. W. Medicine and the press. Cleveland M. J., 1909, 8: 264-7.— Doctor (The) and his state medical journal. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1941, 42: 477.-Efforts to unite the Belgian medical press. .1. Am. M. Ass., 1911, 116: 2881.—Fewer medical journals. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 490— Garrison, F. H. The medical periodical and the scientific society. N. Orleans M. & S. J., 1914.—Grains and scruples. Lancet, Lond., 1936, 2: 1485 7.. - Harding, T. S. The sad estate of scientific publications. Am. J. Sociol., 1941-42, 47: 593-601.-----The problem of inarticulate science. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1942, 155: No. 4, 20.— Hewitt, R. M. Two and two do not make five. Mod. Hosp., 1936, 46: No. 6, 53-6.—Hofmeyr, H. O. Literature for our ambulances. S. Afr. M. J., 1942, 16: 424.—Ide, M. L'ameri- que scientificiue. Rev. med.. Louvain, 1928, 77.—Jewett, F. B., Harrison, R. G., & Eisenhart, L. P. Advisory Committee on Scientific Publications. Science. 1942, 95: 166.—Kollarits, J. Der energetische Imperativ (Ostwald) und die medizinischen Zeitschriften. Wien. klin. Mschr., 1913, 26: 758.—Kosmak, G. W. The functions of a state medical association journal. Bull. Lying-in-Hosp. N. York, 1917, 11: 120-30.--Lake. G. B. The function of the independent medical journal. Clin. M. & S., 1939, 46: 82-4.- Leary. T. Medical investigation and newspaper methods. N. York M. J., 1909. 89: 400.—Mayer, C.F. Medical journals. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1941 42, 30: 181.— Medical journals and medical progress. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 132.—Mellish, M. H. Medical journals from the standpoint of the contributor. J. Lancet, 1917, 37: 568-70.— Mommeneu y Lopez Reynoso, J. La prensa y la cultura medicas. Libro de actas Congr. internac. prensa med. (1903) 1905, 2. Congr., 161-4.—Monro, T. K. Some notes on medical journalism. Glasgow M. J., 1928, 109: 133-7.—Part-time (From a) professor. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 537; 597; 661; 717.—Pini. Organizzazione della stampa medica. Italia san., 1909, 5: 355.—S., F. C. Medical journalism and war. Phila- delphia M., 1942-43, 38: 03.—Santos Fernandez, J. La Prensa, las asociaciones, y los congresos medicos en Cuba. Cron. med. quir. Habana, 1911, 31: 102-5.------Futuras orientaciones de la Prensa Medica respecto del Hispano- americanismo y el Pan-americanismo cientificos. Rev. med. cubana, 1919, 30: 201-9.—Sherwood, K. K. Relative value of medical magazines. Northwest M., 1932, 31: 273 0.— Simmons, G. H. Medical periodical literature. Bull. Soc. M. Hist. Chicago, 1917-22, 2: 343-59.—Skvortsov, V. I. [New phase in the development of medical journalism] Farm. & toks., Moskva, 1941, 4: 3.—Smith, C. A. Development and problems of a state medical journal. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1940-41, 29: 81-5. Also Northwest M., 1941, 40: 21-3 — Sprigge, S. Medical journalism. Glasgow M. J., 1928, 109: 110-9. ■----■— Some forgotten medical journals. In Doctors in Shirt Sleeves (H. Bashford) N. Y., 1940, 191-206.—Vicissi- tudes (The) of war. N. England J. M., 1943, 228: 236. ---- Publishing and printing. See also Printing; Publishing. Barkhorn, H. C. Report of the publication committee J. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1934, 31: 269-72.—Bieser, W. P. The company magazine. Personnel J., 1938-39, 17: 56-9.—C, R. Off the record twins and mice; 2 more publicational ghosts. J. Hered., 1942, 33: 16.—Crozier, W. J. A suggestion as to method of publication of scientific papers. Science, 1922, n. ser., 55: 388.—Emerson, R. A. Topsying the maize ghost. J. Hered., 1942, 33: 92.—New methods of scientific publication and bibliography. J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 357.—Sarton, G. O columns! Isis, Menasha, 1942-43, 34: 3. ---- Reading and collection of journals. See also Literature; Library; Reading. American libraries and foreign periodicals. Science, 1943, 97: 36.—Bradford, W. H. Putting a journal club on a per- manent basis. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin., 1942-43,19:333.— Conservation of scholarly journals. N. England J. M 1942 226: 362. Also Phytopathology, 1942, 32: 266.—Conserva- tion of scientific and technical periodicals. Nature, I ond., 1943, 151: 512.—Flesch, R. F. Estimating the comprehension difficulty of magazine articles. J. Gen. Psychol., 1943, 28: 63-80.—Jenkins, R. L. Periodicals for medical libraries J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 97: 608-10.—Jones, H. W. The National Research Council Committee on procurement of sciintific periodicals. Bull. M. Libr. Ass., 1941-42, 30: 120. Librarians ferret out Axis journals valuable to U. S. wartime research Spec Libr., Newark, 1943, 34: 94- Meyer. D. A. Keeping up with scientific literature. Am. J. M. Techn., 1942, 8: 45-9.—Miller, E. M. Dates of receipt of the Ohio Journal of Science in the Ohio State University Library. Ohio J Sc 1942, 42: 236.—Osier, W. Note on the use of a medical journal' JOURNALISM 705 JOURNAL (MORPH.) West. Canada M. J., 1907, 1: 1-3.—Price, J. P. Medical jour- nals dull reading? Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1943, 12: 76.—Van Vleck, J., jr, ct Wolf, U. Reader-appeal of religious articles. Am. Sociol. Rev., 1942, 7: 828-32. ---- Writing and style. See Writing. JOURNAL.(The) of juvenile research. Clare- mont, Calif., v. 12, No. 3, 1928- Formerly Journal (The) of delinquency, v 5-12, No 2 1920-28. JOURNAL (The) of laboratory and clinical medicine. S. Louis, v.l, 1915- Two periodicals celebrate anniversaries. J. Am. M Ass., 1940, 115: 1638.—Vaughan, W. T. We celebrate our Silver Anniversary. J. Lab. Clin. M., 1940-41, 26: 1-3. JOURNAL (The) lancet. Minneap., v.32, 1912- JOURNAL (The) of laryngology and otology. Lond., v.36, 1921- Formerly Journal of laryngology and rhinology, v.1-5, 1887-91; Journal of laryngology, rhinology, and otology. v.6-35, 1892-1920. JOURNAL of mammalogy. Bait., v.l, 1919- JOURNAL de medicine, annees 1781, 1785-7; traduit de l'Anglois par Marie Gabriel Masuyer. 4v. 20cm. Dijon, E. Bidault, 1785-89. English title London journal of medicine. JOURNAL de medecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest. Bord., v.8, 1878- Formerly Journal de medecine de Bordeaux, v.8-95, No. 17, 1878-1923; beginning with v.95. No. 18, 1923, full title Journal de medecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest. JOURNAL de medecine, chirurgie et phar- macie de Toulouse. Toulouse, 2. ser. v.5, 1855; 3. ser. v.2-3, 1857; 4. se>. v.1-5, 1862-66. JOURNAL de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques. Par., v.l, 1830- Cent ans du Journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques k l'usage des medecins praticiens. J. med. chir., Par., 1930, 101: 725-35.—Chauffard, A. Tradition et progres. Ibid., 742-4. JOURNAL de medecine de Lyon. Lyon, v.1-11, 1841-46; [2. ser.]!v.l, 1864- JOURNAL de medecine de Paris. Par., v.1-15, 1881-88; 2. se>., vl, 1889- JOURNAL de medecine veterinaire. Lyon, v. 1-22, 1845-66. v.4, 1848; v.18-19, 1862-63, missing. JOURNAL medical [Russian text] Kiev, v.4, 1934- * JOURNAL (Le) medical francais. Par., v.l, 1907- JOURNAL (The) of medical practice. Phila., v.l, 1936- JOURNAL of medical reform; for the people and the profession; American journal of medical reform, v.5, Nos. 1-5, May-September 1857. 141p. 8? N. Y., H. M. Sweet, 1857. v.l-4, had title American Journal of medical reform. JOURNAL (The) of medicine. Cincin., v.7, No. 11- v.22, No. 9, 1927-41. Formerly Cincinnati journal of medicine, v.1-7, No. 10, 1920-27. With v.22, No. 10, 1941, title changed again to Cincinnati journal of medicine. JOURNAL medico-biologique. Moskva, v.l, 1925- JOURNAL (The) of mental science. Lond., v.4, 1857- Formerly Asylum (The) journal of mental science, v.2-3, 1855-57. JOURNAL (The) of metabolic research. Morristown, N. J., v.l, 1922- JOURNAL of microbiology. Kiev, v.6, 1939- JOURNAL of morphology. Phila., v.52, v.l-51, 1887-1931, had title Journal of morphology and physiology. 320157—vol. 8, 4th series——45 JOURNAL of morphology and physiology. Phila., v.l-51, 1887-1931. Beginning .with v.52, 1931, title reads Journal of morphology. JOURNAL (The) of nervous and mental diseases. Albany, v.l, 1876- JOURNAL de neurologie et de psychiatric Brux., v.29-32, 1929-32. Formerly Journal de neurologie, v.1-11, 1895-1911. Sub- title varies; with v.33, 1933, changed title to Journal beige de neurologie et de psychiatric JOURNAL of neurology and psychiatry. Lond., n. ser., v.l, 1938- JOURNAL (The) of neurology and psycho- pathology. Lond., v.l, 1920- JOURNAL of neuropathology and experi- mental neurology. Bait., v.l, 1942- JOURNAL of neurophysiology. Springf., 111., v.l, 1938- JOURNAL (The) of nutrition. Phila., v.l, 1928- JOURNAL (The) of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire. Manchester, v.l, 1902- JOURNAL d'obstetrique et de gynecologie pratiques. Par., v.2, 1931- JOURNAL (The) of ophthalmology, otology and laryngology. N. Y., v.l, 1889- Suspended 1904-10. JOURNAL of oral surgery. Chic, v.l, 1943- JOURNAL (The) of organic chemistry. Bait., v.l, 1936- JOURNAL (The) of organotherapy. N. Y, v.5, 1920- JOURNAL (The) of oriental medicine. Dairen, v.2, 1924- JOURNAL (The) of orthopaedic surgery. Lincoln, Neb., v.1-3, 1919-21. Formerly American journal of orthopaedic surgery. Be- ginning with v.4, 1922, title reads Journal (The; of bone and joint surgery. JOURNAL (The) of osteopathy. Kirksville, Mo., v.3, 1896- JOURNAL of the outdoor life. Camden, N. J., v.2, 1905- JOURNAL (The) of parapsychology; a scientific quarterly dealing with extra-sensory perception and related topics. Durham, v.7, 1943- JOURNAL (The) of parasitology. Lane, v.l, 1914- JOURNAL (The) of pathology and bacteri- ology. Lond., v.l, 1892- JOURNAL (The) of pediatrics. S. Louis, v.l, 1932— JOURNAL (The) of periodontology. Birm., Mich., v.2, 1931- • JOURNAL de pharmacie et de chimie. Par., 3. se>., ^.1-46, 1842-64; 4. ser., v.1-30, 1865-79; 5. s6r., v.1-30, 1880-94; 6. se>., v.1-30, 1895- 1909; 7. s&\, v.1-29, 1910-24; 8. ser., v.l, 1925- Formerly Bulletin de pharmacie, 1. ser., 1809-14, and Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires, 2. s6r., v.1-27 1815-41. JOURNAL (The) of pharmacology and experi- mental therapeutics. Bait., v.l, 1909- JOURNAL (The) of philosophy. Lane, v. 18, 1921- v.l-17, 1904-20, had title Journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods. JOURNAL (The) of physical chemistry. Bait., v.23, 1919- JOURNAL of physical education. N. Y., v.25, 1927- Formerly Physical training, v.13-24, 1916-27. JOURNAL de physiologie et de pathologie generale. Par., v.l, 1899- Formerly Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. JOURNAL (PHYS.) JOURNAL (The) of physiology. Lond., v.l, 1S7S- JOURNAL ^The) of physiology of U. S. S. R. Moskva, v.13, 1930- JOURNAL iLe) de physique et le radium. Par., 6. ser., v.l, 1920- JOURNAL des praticiens [at head of tp.: Revue generale de clinique et de therapeutique] Par., v.l, 1887- JOURNAL (The) of preventive medicine. Bait., v.1-6, 1926-32. JOURNAL fiir Psychologie und Neurologie. Lpz., v.l, 1902- JOURNAL de psychologie, de neurologie et de medecine mentale [Russian text] Moskva, v.l, 1922- JOURNAL de psychologie normale et patho- logique. Par., v.l, 1904- JOURNAL of psychology. Provincet., v.l, 1935- JOURNAL de radiologie et d'electrologie. Par., v.l, 1914- JOURNAL (The) of school health. Buffalo, v.7, 1937- JOURNAL of science of labour. Kurasiki, Japan, v.5, 1928- Formerly Studo (La) por la scienco de laboro, v. 1-4, 1924-27. JOURNAL des sciences medicales de Lille. Lille, v.l, 1878- JOURNAL of sexology and psychanalysis. N. Y., v.1-2, 1923-24. JOURNAL of social hygiene. Albany, v.8, 1922- Formerly Social hygiene, v.1-7, 1914-21. JOURNAL (The) of social psychology, political, racial, and differential psvchology. Worcester, v.l, 1930- JOURNAL (The) of speech disorders. Co- lumbus, v.l, 1936- JOURNAL (The) of State medicine. Lond., v.l, 1892- JOURNAL (The) of thoracic surgery. S. Louis, v.l, 1931- JOURNAL de traumatologic et des maladies professionnelles. Brux., v.4, 1940- JOURNAL (The) of tropical medicine and hygiene. Lond., v.l, 1898- Formeily Journal (The) of tropical medicine. Beginning with v.10, 1907, full title is Journal (The) of tropical medicine and hygiene. JOURNAL d'urologie medicale et chirurgicale. Par., v.l, 1912- Formerly Annales des maladies des organes genito-uri- naires. JOURNAL (The) of urology. Bait., v.l, 1917- JOURNE, Ernest Alexandre, 1890- *Les formes benignes ou de moyenne gravite de la fievre aphteuse; contribution a I'etude et au traitement de leurs complications [Alfort] 71p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1928. JOURNE, Henri, 1908- *Etude experi- mentale du paludisme dans la malariatherapie. 78p. 8? Par., C. Serre, 1932. JOURNE, Maurice. Precis de pathologie medicale. 1269p. 4? Par., A. Maloine, 1923. ---- & DESCHAMPS, Pierre Noel. Manuel de pathologie medicale. 3. 6d. 1702p. 8°. Par., Masson & cie, 1935. JOURNE, Paul, 1909- ♦Le prelevement direct intra-bronchique du bacille de Koch; division des crachats, technique et resultats. 39p. 8? Par., Les Presses Modernes, 1937. JOURNEES (Les) medicales de Bruxelles [6. sess., 1925-] For reports see special numbers of Bruxelles medicales. JOURNIAC JOURNIAC, Raoul. 1900- M'onsidera- tions sur la survie. 60p. 8? Par., M. Lac, 1930. JOURNIAUX, Robert Jules, 1909- ♦Hy- giene et etude serologique d'une epidemie de fievre typhoide [Pharm.] 106p. diagr. 21cm. Lille, Impr. Douriez-Bataille, 1935. JOUSSEAUME, Felix, 1S35-1921. Lamy, E. N6crologie. Bull. Soc. zool. France, 1921, 46: 137-40. JOUSSET, Andre, 1867-1940. La, tubercu- lose; 6tude pratique; traitement par l'allergine. 141p. 8? Par., G. Doin, 1937. See also Labey, G. [Necrologie] Presse med., 1940, 48: 876, portr. JOUSSET, Madame Andre, 1896- ♦Etude et traitement de la meningite tubercu- leuse. 154p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1933. JOUSSET, Emile Robert Georges, 1902- ♦Une croisiere d'assistance aux pecheurs de morue k Terre-Neuve et au Groenland; campagne de 1935. 44p. 25cm. , Par., Impr. Spcciale de Banque, 1937. JOUVE, Alphonse Jean, 1909- ♦Les donnees actuelles du probleme heredit ('-conta- gion; l'enquete g6n6alogique moyen d'6tude de la tuberculose infantile et les recherches modernes. 126p. 25cm. Bord., J. Biere, 1934. JOUVE, Andre X. [M. D., 1936, Marseille] Les endocardites malignes prolongees. 356p. illust. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1936. JOUVE, Charles, 1911- *Etude des variations du taux du coefficient de Maillard, du poids, et de la diurese chez les femmes pr6sentant des vomissements graves de la gestation; 20 graphiques correspondant a 20 observations. 42p. 251/2cm. Lyon, M. & L. Riou, 1938. JOUVE, Charles Joseph Antoine, 1902- ♦Contribution k I'etude du pH gastrique. 70p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1928. JOUVE, Marcelle, 1914- ♦Le syndrome d'hyperreflectivite sino-carotidienne. 83p. diagr. 25cm. Marseille, M. Leconte, 1939. JOUVEAUX [Lieutenant] 1872- *Le clavier 6quin dans la lutte contre les affections parasitaires de I'appareil digestif chez le cheval [Alfort] 48p. 8? Le Mans, Impr. Drouin, 1928. JOUX, Lucien Robert Emmanuel, 1910- ♦Accidents dus aux diffe>entes voies d'introduc- tion des serums therapeutiques et leurs con- sequences sur le traitement du tetanus declared 63p. 8° Par., M. Vign6, 1936. JOUY, Henri, 1905- ♦La culture du bacille de Koch sur les milieux k l'oeuf (methode de Loewenstein) 106p. 8? Par., G. Doin & cie, 1934. JOVA y Jova, Andres M. [M. D., 1914, George Washington Univ.] Medical report prepared by Dr A. M. Jova, physician for the Central San Isidro, near Quemado de Guines, Santa Clara Province, Cuba. 33 1. 8? Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1935. Typewritten. JOVANOVIC-BATUT, Milan, 1847-1940. Stampar, A. [Obituary] Lijec. vjes., 1940, 62: 463. JOVICIN, Zivanka, 1902-, ♦Leber De- vitalisation der Zahnpulpa, insbesondere mit dem Praparat Inoid vom Sachsischen Serumwerk. 22p. 8? Lpz., E. M. Loffler, 1927. JOWERS, Reginald Francis, -1937. For obituary see Brit. M. J., 1937, 2: 356, portr. JOY, Harold Henry, 1892- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1942, 31: 115. JOY 707 JUBREAUX JOY. See also Emotion; Gelotherapy; Happiness; Laughter; Pleasure. Argent, H. We must laugh. Health Cult., N. Y., 1941, 47: No. 6, 18; 57.—Austregesilo, A. O cultivo da alegria. Impr. med., Rio, 1941, 17: No. 326, 100.—Benon, R. L'emotion joie; deiire et joie normale. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1925, 83: pt 2, 213-5.—Pascal, G., & Royer, J. L,a joie qui guerit. Hyg. ment., Par., 1935, 30: 157-65.—Podolsky, E. A note on the disastrous effects of excessive joy. Pract. Med. Delhi 1925, 23: 181-3. JOYCE, James Leonard, 1882-1939. For obituary see Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 729; 793. JOYCE, Thomas Athol, 1878-1942. Braunholtz, H. J. [Obituary] Nature, Lond., 1942, 149: 322. JOYCE, Thomas Martin, 1885- For portrait see Nu Sigma Nu Bull., 1940-41, 30: 292; 1942, 31: 335. JOYES, Paul, 1912- ♦Indemnisation des affections rhumatismales en lois de reparation sociale; pensions militaires, accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles. 32p. 24cm. Par., E. Le Frangois, 1939. JOYET-LAVERGNE [Emile Etienne Felix] Philippe, 1884- La physico-chimie de la sexualite. xi, 457p. tab. diagr. 22}^cm. Berl., Gebr. Borntraeger, 1931. ---- La theorie physico-chimique de la sexualite. 102p. 12? Par., G. Doin & cie, 1932. JOYEUSE, Moise Abraham, 1733-1816. Nie], J. G. Eloge. Observ. sc. med., 1823, 6: 81; 129. JOYEUX, Charles, 1881- Precis de medecine coloniale. 831p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1927. Also 2. ed. [with Slice, A.] viii, 1250p. illust. 1937. JOYNT, William Grierson, -1942. Lynch, J. J. [Obituary] S. Afr. M. J., 1942, 16: 149. JOZAT, Rudolf, 1905- ♦Ueber Ver- anderungen des Periodontiums durch Entlastung [Berlin] 21p. 8? Munch., J. F. Lehmann, 1933. JUAN, de Avifion, fl. 14. century. Paoli, H. J. Juan de Avifion medico del secolo XIV. Riv. stor. sc. med., 1939, 30: 1-25. JUAN ben David [Avendaut] of Toledo [Hispanus] fl. 1135-53. Millas, J. L"na obra astronomica desconocida; Johannes Avendaut Hispanus. In Osiris, Bruges, 1936, 1: 451-75. JUARROS y Ortega, Cesar, 1880-1942- Tratamiento de la morfinomania. 157p. 12? Madr., S. Calleja, 1920. For obituary see Actual, med., Granada, 1942, 18: Sec. var., 66. Also Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1942, 7: 481. JUBE, Louis, 1899- ♦La transfusion du sang pur en pratique chirurgicale. 112p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1929. JUBELIN, Andre, 1897- ♦Contribution k I'etude de la syphilis de l'estomac. 65p. 8? Par., E. Le Francois, 1926. JUBIER, Louis Yves, 1910- ♦Sur un procede de fermeture de la paroi apres laparato- mie mediane sus-ombilicale (technique de Wilkie) 35p. 8? Par., Presse univ., 1934. JUBILEE volume. See also Book; Journalism, medical; Periodical. Pratt, J. H. Scientific contributions in honor of Joseph Hersey Pratt on his 65. birthday. 983p. 260mm. [Lancaster] 1937. Bancroft, W. D. [Jubilee volume] J. Phys. Chem., 46: No. 1, 1942.—Borries, G. V. T. Ueber medizinische lest- •sehrift'en- eine medizinalhistorische und bibliotechnische Studie. Acta derm, vener., Stockh., 1937, 18: 377-88.-Osterhou( anniversary volume. J. Gen. Psychol., 1942, 25: No. 2.- Volumi giubileari. Minerva med., Tor., 1941, 32: varia, pt 1, 310. JUBREAUX, Gaston, 1902- ♦La ceinture eutocique dans ses applications pendant a grossesse et pendant le travail. 96p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1929. JUCHET, Pierre Louis Charles Joseph, 1904- *La medication salicylo-soufree. 139p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1930. JUCHLI, August, 1913- ♦Ueber die vorzeitige Losung der normal inserierenden Plazenta. 133p. 23cm. Dornach-Basel, O. F. Knobel, 1939. JUCHLI, Eduard, 1903- ♦Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Choanalatresie [Zurich] 44p. 8? Uznach, K. Oberholzer, 1931. JUCHUM, Martin, 1898- ♦Beitrag zur Biologie der Schwangerschaft; die Neutralisa- tionsvorgange im schwangeren Organismus [Frei- burg] 17p. 8? [n. p.] 1926. JUCKENACK, Adolf, 1870- Bomer, A., & Konig, J. [Biography] Zsehr. Untersueh. Lebensmitt., 1930, 59: 129-31, portr. JUCKER, Ernst, 1903- *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cryptotoxine. 20p. 8? Zurich, A. Markwalder, 1931. JUCKER, Paul [M. D., 1935, Genfeve] *Ueber die Nekrose in der arteriosklerotischen Platte und ihre Beziehung zum Atherom [Geneve] p.301-33. 8? Wiirzb., H. Sturtz, 1935. Also Virchows Arch., 1935, 295: JUD, Karl [M. D., 1893, Zurich] ♦Beitrag zur Lehre von der Lebenstatigkeit unzeitig ge- borener menschlicher Frtichte [Zurich] 59p. 8? Bruggen, J. Hauser, 1893. JUDAISM. See under Jew. JUDD, Aspinwall, 1868-1942. For obituary see J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 302. JUDD, Edward Starr, 1878-1935. Adson, A. W. [Obituary] Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1935, 45: 509-73.—Balfour, D. C. Obituarv. Tr. South. Surg. Ass., 1935, 48: 447-40, portr.—[Biography] Minnesota M., 1930, 19: 62, portr.—Cottam, G. [Obituary] J. Lancet, 1035, 55: 810, portr.—Lewis, D. [Biography] Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1936, 54: 431-3, portr.—Memoir. Ann. Surg., 1936, 104: 798-800, portr.—[Necrology] P. verb. Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1936, 10. Congr., 1: 140-2.—[Obituary] J. Am. M. Ass., 1935, 105: 1930. Also,Pennsylvania M. J., 1935-36, 39: 252.— Wangensteen, O. H. Memorial tribute to Dr E. Starr Judd. J. Lancet, 1936, 56: 570. For portrait see Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1929, 39: front. Also Mississippi Doctor, 1934-35, 12: No. 7, 36; No. 9, 8. JUDD, Gerrit Parmelee, 1828-73. Halford, F. J. [Biography] Ann. M. Hist., 1935, 7: 156-63, portr. JUDD, Harold D., 1888-1939. Ohlsson, G. O. [Obituary] Optic. J., 1939, 76: No. 3, 18. JUDD, Homer, 1820-90. Thorpe, B. L. Homer Judd, a scholarly pioneer leader, organizer, teacher, and editor of St Louis. In his Biogr. Pioneer Am. Dentists, Chic, 1909, 384-91, portr. For portrait see in Hist. Dent. Surg. (Koch, C. R. E.) Chic, 1909, 1: 456. JUDD, James Robert, 1876- [Biography] In Biogr. Encycl. World, 2. ed., N. Y., 1942, 222. JUDD, Richard William, 1910- ♦The Kettering hypertherm in chorea of Sydenham [Milwaukee Co. General Hosp.] 14 I. 28cm. Wauwatosa, 1939. Typewritten. JUDDE, Gabriel, 1902- ♦Contribution a I'etude des accidents observes a la suite de l'injection intra-veineuse de vaccin anti-chan- crelleux de Nicolle. 51p. 8? Par., M. Lac, 1931. JUDE, Andre Victor Georges, 1908- ♦Contribution a I'etude des intoxications chro- niques par le manganese. 118p. 8? Par., M. Vign« 1934 JUDEL 708 JUDGMENT JUDEL, Rene-Francois, 1739-1S2S. Delaunav, P. Un m^decin maire de Chartres sous la Revo- lution: H. no-Francois Judel. Bull. Soc. fr. hist. mid., 1928, 22: 233-54. JUDET, Jean, 1905- ♦Technique, indica- tions et resultats eloignes de la greffe ankylosante du rachis dans le traitement des scolioses. 78p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1935. JUDET, Robert Louis, 1909- ♦Traite- ment chirurgical des pieds bots de l'adulte. 163p. 8? Par., L. Arnette, 1937. JUDGE. See also Judgment, judicial; Jurist. Castellanos, I. La formaci6n cientifica del juez del crimen. Rev. med. forense, Habana, 1941, 1: 81-8.—Delmas, J. A propos de l'article du Professeur Mauriac sur les mauvais juges. Presse med., 1937, 45: 325. JUDGMENT. See also Doubt; Ethics; Logic; Reasoning; Thought. Blumenfeld, W. Urteil und Beurteilung. 623p. 8? Lpz., 1931. Bridges, J. W. An experimental study of decision types and their mental correlates. 72p. 8? Princeton, 1914. Rogers, S. The anchoring of absolute judg- ments. 42p. 25^cm. N. Y., 1941. Stevanovic, B. P. An experimental study of the mental processes involved in judgment. 138p. 8? Cambr., 1927. Brit. J. Psychol., 1927, No. 12, Monogr. Suppl. Vogel, P. ♦Untersuchungen iiber die Denk- beziehungen in den Urteilen des Schulkindes. 65p. 8? Giessen, 1911. Asch, S. E., Block, H., & Hertzman, M. Studies in the principles of judgments and attitudes; 2 basic principles of judgment. J. Psychol., Provincet. 1938, 5: 219-51.—Blumen- feld, W. Las leyes psicol6gicas de la calificacion. An. Inst. psicol. B. Aires, 1938, 2: 267-96.—Boodin, J. E. Truth and agreement. Psychol. Rev., 1909, 21: 55-66.—Boring, E. G. On the computation of the probable correctness of differences, Am. J. Psychol., 1917, 28: 454-9.—Bovet, P. L'6tude experi- mentale du jugement et de la pens6e. Arch, psychol., Geneve, 1908-09, 8: 9-48.—Chen, H. P. Sex differences in simple syllogistical judgment. J. Genet. Psychol., 1937, 50: 3-13.— Claremont, C. A. The psychology of proof. Rep. Brit. Ass. Advance. Sc, 1935, 438.—Cohen, N. E. The relativity of absolute judgments. Am. J. Psychol., 1937, 49: 93-100 — Coover, J. E. The influence of mental habit upon judgment. In his Exp. Psychic. Res., Stanford Univ., 1917, 230-90.— Cummings, J. D. Variability of judgment and steadiness of character. Brit. J. Psychol., 1938-39, 29: 345-69.—Durr, K. 1st es wahr dass 2 X 2=4 ist? eine experimentelle Untersuchung von Fred Bon, Erster Band: Von den Begriffen den Urteilen und der Wahrheit. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1915, 34: 208-34.— Eysenck, H. J. The validity and reliability of group judgments; reply. J. Exp. Psychol., 1941, 29: 427-34.—Farmer, E. Concerning subjective judgment of difficulty. Brit. J. Psychol., 1928, 18: Sect. Gen., 438^2.—Favre, L. Psychologie et nota- tion des jugements en matieres scientifique et autres. Rapp. Congr. internat. psychol. (1909) 1910, 6. Congr., 643-8 — Fernberger, S. W., & Irwin, F. W. Time relations for the different categories of judgment in the absolute method in psychophysics. Am. J. Psychol., 1932, 44: 505-25.—Frank, J. D. A comparison between certain properties of the level of aspiration and random guessing. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1937, 3: 43-62.—Guilford, J. P. The computation of psychological values from judgments in absolute categories. J. Exp. Psvchol., 1938, 22: 32-42. ------& Cotzin, M. Judgment of difficulty of simple tasks. Am. J. Psychol., 1941, 54: 38-52.—Gurnee, H. A comparison of collective and individual judgments of fact. J. Exp. Psychol., 1937, 21: 106-12.—Hertzman, M. Studies in the principles of judgments and attitudes; the functional equivalence of 2 differently structured references. J. Social Psychol., 1940, 2: 3-19.—Hoffding, H. La doctrine des cate- gories. Rev. philos. France, 1924, 97: 321-50.—Hudson, B. B., & Henry, F. An integrator of group judgments. J. Gen. Psychol., 1940, 22: 217.—Hunt, W. A. Anchoring effects in judgment. Am. J. Psychol., 1941, 54: 395-403.—Johnson, D. M. Confidence and speed in the 2-category judgment. Arch. Psychol., N. Y., 1939, No. 241, 7-52.—Lehman, E. P. Is judgment necessarily inarticulate? Surgery, 1938, 3: 427-9.—Lindsay, E. E. Personal judgments. J. Educ. Psychol., 1921, 12: 413-5.—Lobsien, M. Ein Test zur Priifung der Kritikfahigkeit. Zsehr. piidag. Psychol. 1919, 20: 231—4.—Lode, A. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Urteilsfahigkeit und Urteilsbestandigkeit der Schulkinder. Ibid., 1914, 15: 327: 369.—McGehee, W. Judgment and the level of aspiration. J. Gen. Psychol., 1940, 22: 3-15.—Markey, F. V. Variations in judgment. J. Appl. Psychol., 1934, 18: 297-303.—Marzi, A. L'atteggiamento critico nella etk evolu- tiva ed i reattivi di frasi assurde. Riv. psicol., 1936, 32: 77-90.—Naville, A. Du jugement consid6r6 soit comme acte mental, soit comme materiel logique (critique des doctrines recues) Rev. philos. France, 1929, 107: 321-38.—Osgood, C. E. Ease of individual judgment-processes in relation to polarization of attitudes in the culture. J. Social Psychol., 1941, 14: 403-18.—Preston, M. G. Note on the reliability and the validity of the group judgment. J. Exp. Psychol., 1938, 22: 462-71.—Smith, B. B. The validity and reliability of group judgments; discussion. Ibid., 1941, 29: 420-34.— Storring, G. Psvchologie der disjunktiven und hypothetischen Urteile und Sdiliisse. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1926, 54: 23-84 — Volkmann, J., Hunt, W. A., & McGourty, M. Variability of judgment as a function of stimulus-density. Am. .1. Psvchol., 1940, 53: 277-84.—Weber, P. L. Judgment today. Psychol. Rev., 1937, 44: 264-6. ---- Comparison. Freeman, G. L., & Sharp, L. H. Muscular action potentials and the time-error function in lifted weight judgments. J. Exp. Psychol., 1941, 29: 23-36.—Pauli, R. Zahl- und Mengen- auffassung bei kurzdauernder Darbietung. Ber. Deut. Ges. Psychol. (1933) 1934, 13. Kongr., 159-62.—Thurstone, L. L. A law of comparative judgment. Psychol. Rev., 1927, 34: 273-86. ---- Disorder. See also Delusional states. Menninger, K. A. Judgment defect. In his Human Mind, N. Y., 1937, 191.—Peak, H. Time order error in successive judgments and in reflexes. J. Exp. Psychol., 1939, 25: 535-65; 1940, 26: 103-15. ---- evaluating. See also such terms as Beauty; Esthetics; Ethics, etc. Barkley, K. L. Development of the moral judgment of college students. Character & Personality, 1941—42, 10: 199-212.-—Barnhart, E. N. A spaced order of merit for preference judgments. J. Exp. Psychol., 1939, 25: 506-18.— Glaser, E. M. An experiment in the development of critical thinking. Psychol. Bull., 1941, 38: 576.—Gritten, F., & Johnson, D. M. Individual differences in judging multiple- choice questions. J. Educ. Psychol., 1941, 32: 423-30.— Haering, T. jr. Untersuchungen zur Psychologie der Wertung (auf experimenteller Grundlage) mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der methodologischen Fragen. Arch. ges. Psychol., 1913, 26: 269-360. ------ Beitrage zur Wertpsychologie, insbesondere zum Begriff der logischen oder Erkenntnis- wertung. Ibid., 1917-18, 37: 1-73.—Jones, A. H. A method for studying moral judgments; further considerations. Am J Sociol., 1942-43, 48: 492-7.—Peters, H. N. Experimental studies of the judgmental theory of feeling. J. Exp. Psychol. 1938, 23: 1-25; 1939, 24: 111-34. ------ The experimental study of aesthetic judgments. Psychol. Bull., 1942 39: 273-305.—Remmers, H. H., Karslake, R., & Gage, N. L. Reliability of multiple-choice measuring instruments as a function of the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula J Educ Psychol., 1940, 31: 583-90.—Remmers, H. H., & Sageser! H. W. Reliability of multiple-choice measuring instruments as a function of the Spearman-Brown formula. Ibid., 1941, 32: 445-51.—Thibaudet, A. Jugement et gout. Ibid' 1926, 23: 52-67. judicial. See also Evidence; Justice; Jury; Testimony; Witness. Gatjdet, F. J. Individual differences in the sentencing tendencies of judges. 58p. 8? N. Y , 1938. Berger, H. Enttauschende Gerichtsurteile, Fehlurteile' Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg, 1937, 43: 47-51.—Eysenck, H. J. The validity of judgments as a function of the number of judges. J. Exp. Psychol., 1939, 25: 650-4.—Hubner, A. H. Rechtsprechung. Fortsch. Neur. Psychiat., 1934, 6: 41; 76.— Niceforo, A. La instrucci6n judicial en la novela y en la ciencia. Psiquiat. & crim., B. Air., 1941, 6: 265; passim. Abo Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., 1941, 6: 587-96.—Schmitz, W. Zwei reichsgerichtliche Urteile von grundsatzlicher Bedeutung. Med. Welt, 1936, 10: 1705-7.—Schroeder, T. Psychologic review of a judicial decision. Med. Leg. J., N. Y. 1927 44: 8-17. JUDICE Pargana, Luis Firmino Furtado [M. D., 1888, Lisbon] ♦Alguns casos de fracturas tratadas pela massagem. 114p. 8? Lisb Modesto, 1888. JUDIN 709 JUELL JUDIN, Konstantin Aleksandrovich, 1874- 1932. [In memory of Prof. K. A. Judin.] Sovet. vest, oft., 1932, 1: 407.—Malkin, B. [Biography] Khn. Mbl. Augenh., 1934, 93: 685, portr. JUDINE, Serge, 1891- La transfusion du sang de cadavre k l'homme. iv, 114p. 8? Par., Masson & cie, 1933. JUDITH complex. See also Complex. Gumpertz, K. Der Judith-Komplex; Versuch einer Analyse von Hebbels Judith und Flauberts Salammbo. Zsehr. Sexwiss., 1927, 14: 289-301. JUDO. See also in 3. ser. Jiu-Jitsu. Lowell, F. P. Jiu-jitsu. 83p. 24cm. N. Y [1942] JUDOVITS, Nikolaus [M. D., 1937, Basel] *Die Konzentrationsanderungen einer in den Magen injizierten Glucoselosung allein und zusammen mit oberflachenaktiven Stoffen. 16p. 23cm. Basel, J. Neuberger, 1937. JUDSON, Clara Ingram, 1879- Soldier doctor; the story of William Gorgas, with illustrations by Robert Doremus. 151p. illust. 21>^cm. N. Y., C. Scribner's sons, 1942. JUDSON, Helen, 1900- Edith Cavell. xvii, 288p. portr. 21cm. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1941. JUDSON, William Henry, 1854-1933. Todd, F. P. Obituary. Proc. Connecticut M. Soc, 1934, 142: 303. JUDT, Werner, 1911- * Untersuchungen iiber die bakteriologische und chemische Be- schaffenheit verschiedener Heilschlamm-Sorten. 19p. 8? Marb.-Lahn, H. Bauer, 1935. JUDY, William Lewis, 1891- Men and things; 50 essays about human nature, the ways of men and their private and public conduct. 117p. illust. 8? Chic, Judy pub. co., 1927. ---- A soldier's diary; a day-to-day record in the world war. 216p. illust. 8? Chic, Judy pub. co., 1930. JUEDELL, Werner, 1908- *Ueber den Einfluss der Blutabsperrung auf das Versorgungs- gebiet der Arteriae carotides externae [Munchen] 18p. 8? Diisseld., G. H. Nolte, 1933. JUEDT, Gerhard, 1904- *Die Therapie des tuberkulosen Ulcus der Mundschleimhaut. 24p. 8? Freib. i. B. [n. p.] 1931. JUEHLING, Karl Ernst, 1899- Unter- suchungen iiber die Behandlung der Taeniasis des Hundes mit Semen Cucurbitae maximae und Semen Cucurbitae peponis [Leipzig] 16p. 8? Dresd., J. Passler, 1923. JUEL, Edvard Valdemar, 1840-75, Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 615. JUEL, Ivar Albert, 1861-97. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 615. JUELCH, Helmut, 1910- *Ueber einen ungewohnhchen Mischtumor in der Bauchhohle [Munchen] 16p. 8? Diisseld., G. H. Nolte, • JUELICH, Albert, 1908- *Gefahren der Operation von Uterustumoren nach Vorbe- strahlung. 23p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1933 JUELICH, Siegfried, 1900- *Ein Beitrag zur Klinik und Pathologie des primaren Tuben- carcinoms [Minister] 15p. 8? Bochum- Langendr., H. Poppinghaus, 1932 JUELKE, Kathe, 1911- *Die Behandlung dpr Fruhgeburtenanamie mit Bluttransfusionen. 32p. 2 tab. 8? Berl., R. Pfau [1938] JUELL, Hans Lemmich, 1839-99. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 616. JUENEMANN, George Frederick, 1875-1940. For obituary see California West. M., 1941, 54: 44. Also J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 644. JUENEMANN, Karl, 1909- *Untersu- chungen iiber den Einfluss von Silberlosungen auf Fermente, Bakteriengifte, Antigene und Anti- korper und iiber die katalytischen Leistungen derselben Silberlosungen [Leipzig I9p. 8? Zeulenroda-Thur., A. Oberreuter, 1934. JUENGER, Alexander. Kleidung und Umwelt in Afrika; eine anthropogeographische Studie, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage nach den Grund- prinzipien der Tracht. viii, 165p. 4? pl. maps. Lpz., R. Voigtlander, 1926. JUENGER, Gerhard, 1908- *Ueber Sar- kom der langen Rohrenknochen [Kiel] 39p. 8? Koln, Gutenberg-Dr. Verl., 1933. JUENGER, Rudolf, 1907- *Die Fluores- zensfarben von Blutseren [Jena] 46p. 8? Eisfeld-Thur., C. Beck, 1936. JUENGLING,Armin, 1909- *Kasuistische Beitrage iiber mehrfachen Kindsmord mit Be- trachtungen iiber die Psychologie und strafrecht- liche Wiirdigung des Kindsmordes im allge- meinen [Munchen] 56p. 2 tab. 8? Erlangen, M. Krahl, 1935. JUENGLING, Robert, 1910- *Ueber Ei- leiterdurchblasung [Wurzburg] 21p. 21cm. Wertheim a. M., E. Bechstein, 1938. JUENGST, Fritz, 1912- *Haufigkeit, Art Ursache und Dauer der in der Giessener Medi- zinischen Klinik behandelten Herzerkrankungen von 1931-35. 18p. 21cm. Giessen, J. Christ, 1937. JUENGST, Werner, 1904- *Die Leichen- zerstiickelung [Miinster] 43p. 8? Quaken- briick, R. Kleinert, 1932. JUERGENS, Georg, 1870- Grundlagen der Epidemiologie. ix, 165p. 8? Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1936. JUERGENS, Franz Josef, 1903- *Beitrag zur Behandlung des blutenden Magen- und Zwolffingerdarmgeschwure [Miinster] 54p. 8? Quakenbriick, R. Kleinert, 1931. JUERGENS, Friedrich Wilhelm [Eduard Wil- fried] 1909- *Ergebnisse der Lowenstein- schen Salbenmethode bei aktiver Diphtherie- Immunisierung [Wurzburg] 19p. 21cm. Wer- theim a. M., E. Bechstein, 1937. JUERGENS, Hanns Dieter, 1906- *Die chronisch ankylosierenden Spondylarthritiden. 40p. 8? Walldorf-Heidelb., F. Lamade, 1931. JUERGENS [Heinrich] Rudolf [Otto] 1889- *Studien iiber die kurzfristige Erzeugung von Aortenherden und den Mechanismus des Lungen- oedems nach resorptiver Anwendung von Chloramin [Gottingen] 27p. 8° Berl., J. Springer, 1921. Also Zsehr. ges. exp^. Med., 1921, 25: JUERGENS, Heinz, 1905- *Beitrag zur Frage der unspezifischen Diphterie-Resistenz. 16p. 8? Greifswald, E. Panzig & co., 1932. JUERGENS [geb. Lewien] Heinz [John Otto] 1911- *Ueber den Nachweis von Kupfer bei Kleiderschiissen zur Bestimmung der Schuss- entfernung. 15p. 22>4cm. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1937. JUERGENS, Huldreich, 1904- *Ueber Magen-Colonfistel und Duodenum-Colonfistel [Kiel] 20p. 8? Dresd., Risse-Verlag, 1934. JUERGENS, Magdalene, 1909- *Ueber zwei Falle von Amotio retinae, die durch Tuber- JUERGENS 710 JUGEL kulin gehoilt wurdon [Wurzburg] 22p. 8? Berl., R. Pfau, 1935. JUERGENS, Rudolf, 1897- *Blutstillungs- icmilationen unter dem Einfluss von Blutegel- extrakt [Leipzig] p.74-S<). 8? [Berl., J. Springer, 1928] Also Zm hi. jie*. exp. Med., 1928, 63: Editor of Rheumatismus; Sammlung von Einzeldarstellun- gen aus dem (Jesandgebiet der Rheumaerkrankungen. Dresd., v.l, 1938- JUERGENSEN, Johann Jacob, 1909- *Iritis, Iridocyclitis; ITrsachen, Sehstorungen und Lebensdauer (eine Untersuchung von 494 Fallen der Kieler Universitats-Augenklinik aus den Jahren 1907-15. 39p. 8? [Kiel, n. p., 1934] JUERGENSEN, Rudolf, 1909- *Echte Endometritis als Blutungsursache [Kiel] 20p. 23cm. Quakenbriick, R. Kleinert, 1937. JUERGENSOHN, Eva, 1902- *Die Wir- kung von frischem und defibriniertem Blut auf den Meersehweinchendunndarm [Freiburg] 8p. 8? Lpz., Sigall & co. [1931] JUERGENSSEN, Peter, 1821-1907. Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Krist., 1915, 1: 616. JUERGES, Fritz, 1907- *Die Perforation des lebenden Kindes; unter Benutzung des Materials vom 1. 1. 26 bis 1. 1. 33. [Miinchen] 23p. 8? Kallmunz, M. Lassleben, 1934. JUERJENS, Peter [M. D., 1926, Munchen] *Ucber Glossitiden. 46p. 8? Munchen [n. p.] 1927. JUETERBOCK, Hilde, 1909- *Beitrage zur Dosierungsfrage in der Radiumemamitions- und Radiumsalbentherapie. 16p. 23^cm. Berl., Neuland, 1938. JUETHNER, Julius, 1866- Korperkultur im Altertum. 76p. 8? Jena, G. Fischer, 1928. Forms Heft 12 of Jena. med. hist. Beitr., 1928. JUETTE, Hans, 1911- *Ueber die Spater- gebnisse der Lebertherapie bei pernizioser Ana- mie. 52p. 8? [Lpz., n. p.] 1935. JUETTNER, Georg, 1908- *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Auswertung des leukozytaren Blutbildes bei der Knochen- und Gelenktuberku- lose. 24p. 21cm. Berl., Denter & Nicolas, 1938. JUETTNER, Herbert, 1904- *Klinische Erfahrungen iiber manuelle Placentarlosung und Austastung an 600 Fallen. 43p. 8? Tiib., Bolzle, 1938. JUGAL bone. See Zygomatic bone. JUGAND, Jean, 1913- *La transfusion sanguine lente continue, perfusion; resultats cliniques. 84p. 24cm. Par., M. Vigne, 1939. JUGE, Henri. *Les matieres plastiques en prothese dentaire; la Walkerite. 32p. 8? Geneve, L. .lacquard, 1934. JUGE, Jean, 1901- *De l'application de l'huile de chaulmoogra en general et du chaul- morhuate en particulier au traitement des tuberculoses [Paris] 47p. 8? Tourcoing, Impr. G. Frere, 1927. JUGE, Pierre, 1897- *L'h ist amine dans le traitement des rhumatismes et des arthrites. 40p. 24 ^cm. Marseille, Impr. Ant. Ged, 1938. JUGE, Rene, 1899- *De la protection conferee au cheptel indochinois contre la peste bovine par le vaccin avirulent a base de pulpes d'organes. 88p. "8? Lvon, Bosc fr., 1935. JUGEL. Karl [Ernst] 1897- *Ueber Hydrometra und Pyometra nach Radium- hestrahlung [Leipzig] 27p. 8? Waldheim i. S.f R. Tunger, 1928. JUGEL [Rudolf] Gotlhard, 1895- *Die Rontgendiagnostik der Gallenblase und ihre operative Kontrolle [Leipzig] 23p. 8? [Zeulen- roda i. Thur., A. Oberreuter] 1929. JUGELT, Hans Viktor, 1891- *Ueber Resektion der Leber bei Echinokokkus hydati- dosus. 20p. 8° Marb., J. Hamel, 1926. JUGENHEIMER, R. W. Ilvbrid corn in Kansas. 20p. 8? [Topeka] 1939. Forms Circ. 190, Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta. JUGERT, Gerhard [Albert Walter] 1910- *Ueber die erhohte scelische und korperliche Anfalligkeit der Frau zur Zeit der Menstruation. 24p. 221 .cm. Berl., F. Linke, 1938. JUGIAU, Jean, 1910- *Etude des trompes stenosees par rinsufflation tubaire kymographique avec I'appareil du Dr Louis Bonnet [Paris] 79p. 24cm. Tours, Arrault, 1939. JUGLANDACEAE. See also Nul. Bedford, C. I... & Joslyn. M. A. Oat flour and hexane extract of oat Hour as antioxidants for shelled walnuts and walnut oil. rood Res., 1937, 2: 455-69— Borsarelli, F. Sull'azione difensiva dell'estratto di mallo di noce verso le radiazioni luminose e ultiaviolette. Pediat. med. prat., Tor., 1931, 6: 97-105.—Dufrenoy, J. Bacteries anaerobies et gom- mose du noyer. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1921, 84: 132.—Dustman, R. B. The storage of black-walnut kernels. Food Res., 1936, 1: 247 53.- Hennig. K., & Ohske, P. Der Vitamin C-Gehalt der Friiehte und Mliitter von Juglans regia und Juglans nigra. Bioeheni. Zsehr., l'.)40, 306: 16-23. JUGOSLAVIA. See Yugoslavia. JUGUET, Lucien, 1909- Contribution k I'etude du diagnostic du rein en fer k cheval tuberculeux [Bordeaux] 47p. 25cm. Par., Presses modernes, 1933. JUGULAR bulb. See also Jugular vein. Lammerhirt, F. G. *Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber den Bulbuspuls [Greifswald] 32p. 8? Berl., 1931. Gauger, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Genese des hoch- stehenden Bulbus. Arch. Ohr. &c. Heilk., 1938, 145: 430-9.— Grossmann, F. Konstitution und Entwicklung des Bulbus venae jugularis internae. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1937, 71: 1-15.— Hofmann, R. Les affluents du golfe de la jugulaire interne. Ann. otolar., Par., 1939, 362-70.—Mackenzie, G. W. Fibroma arising from the jugular bulb and invading the middle ear and external auditory canal. Laryngoscope, 1928, 38: 232-43.— Slobodnik, M. Pulsation und Durchscheinen des Bulbus venae jugularis durch das intakte Trommelfell mit Beschreibung einiger selbst beobachteter Falle. Zsehr. Hals &c. Heilk., 1927, 19: 240-9. ---- Surgery. Casadesus. F. Ma technique pour aborder le ;i<'lfe de la veine jugulaire. Acta otolar., 1932, 17:292-5.—Kulenkatnpff. D. Zur Indikation und Technik der Unterbindung des BuIIhih jugularis bei eitriger Thrombophlebitis. Miinch. med. Wsclu., 1941, 88: 703.—McCoy, J. The surgical treatment of persistent suppuration of the jugular bulb. Ann. Otol. Bhinol., 1916, 25: [Discussion] 732-4.—Orator, V. Zur Chirurgie des Bulbus venae jugularis. Arch. klin. Chir., 1926, 140: 299-304 — Ramadier, J. A. Technique nouvelle pour atteindre le golfe de la jugulaire. Ann. otolar., Par., 1938, 1141-58. Also Rev. laryng., Bord., 1940, 61: 169.—Von der Hiitten, F. Zur Bulbusoperation nach Tandler. Beitr. Anat. Ohr., 1928, 27: 63-7.—Wagener, O. Zur operativen Freilegung des Bulbus venae jugularis. Zsehr. Hals &c. Heilk., 1928, 21: 609-13. —:— Thrombosis. See also Jugular vein, Thombosis; Lateral sinus, Thrombosis; Otitis media; Mastoiditis; Tonsillitis. David, R. Contribution a I'etude de la thronibophlebite primitive du golfe de la jugulaire et particuliercment son diagnostic. 162p. 8? Par., 1932. JUGULAR BULB 711 JUGULAR BULB Eulenbrlch, W. R. H. J. *Ueber zwei Falle primarer Bulbusthrombose. 15p. 8? Tub., 1927. Scharpenberg, H. *Beitrage zur Symptoma- tologie und Therapie der otitischen Bulbusthrom- bose. 44p. 21cm. Bonn, 1937. Agra, A., & Games, F. Septicopiohemia por tromboflebitis sinusobulbo-yugular; operacion. Rev. As. mid. argent., 1935, 49: 202-4. ------ & Buljevich, L. P. Tromboflebitis sinuso-bulbo-yugular; operacion de Grunert-Tandler. Ibid., 1936, 50: 273-8.—Arkhipov, A. U. K Kazuistikie tromboza poperechnoi pazukhi i vnutrennei varemnoi vent. Med. obozr., 1904, 61: 14-7.—Blumenthal. Zur Behandlung der Thrombose des Bulbus venae jugularis. Berl. klin. Wschr 1913, 50: 1681.—Carco, P. Trombosi del bulbo della giugulare e interventi chirurgici relativi. Otorinolar, ital., 1937, 7: 459-66.—Decker, L. Un cas de thrombose du golfe de la jugulaire. Otorhinolar. internat., Lyon, 1939, 23: 123.— Dei Rossi, A. Sulla trombosi settica del golfo della giugulare. Arch. ital. otol., 1939, 51: 513-9.—Dintenfass, H. Primary jugular bulb thrombosis in the adult. Tr. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia, 1934, 2: 164.—Dixon, O. J. A new technic for the removal of thrombi from the sigmoid sinus and jugular bulb. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1931, 40: 539-41.—Druss, J. Primary jugular bulb thrombosis presenting certain unusual features. Laryngoscope, 1927, 37: 439-41.—Dundas-Grant, J. Thrombo-phlebitis of the bulb of the jugular vein and cere- bellar abscess; ligature of vein, evacuation of sinus and bulb, drainage of cerebellar recoverv. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1933, 26: 563.—Feldstein, G. J., & Slesinger, H. A. Jugular bulb thrombosis: a case with recovery following ligation of the internal jugular vein, metaphen and antistreptococcic serum. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1931, 48: 259-69.—Goldman, I. B. Symposium: thrombophlebitis of jugular bulb; thrombophle- bitis of the jugular bulb and lateral sinus of nonotitic origin; important ear findings; origin and extension from throat infections. Laryngoscope, 1936, 46: 604—9.—Gondelman- Binstok, I. S. [Treatment of thrombophlebitis of bulbus venae jugularis] Odess. med. J., 1929, 4: 320-4.—Gradenigo. Sulla trombosi isolata del bulbo superiore della giugulare. Boll. mal. orecchio, 1898, 16: 150.—Guminski, W. [Thrombosis of the sigmoid sinus and the bulbus of the jugular vein] Pedjat. polska, 1935, 15: 253-8.—Hasselt, E. H. v. [Thrombophlebitis of the transverse sinus, bulbus and jugular vein and cavernous sinus] Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1938, 78: 1099-105 pl.— Henkes, C. [Thrombosis of the bulbus venae jugularis] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1917, 2: 605.—Hofmann, L. Zur Pathologie und Klinik der otogenen Thrombophlebitis des Bulbus Venae jugularis superior. Deut. Zsehr. Chir., 1929, 219: 188-97 — Karelitz, S. Thrombosis of the lateral sinus and jugular bulb of nonotitic origin; a new diagnostic sign. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936, 51: No. 6, 1349-55.—Kerekes, G. [Case of thrombosis of bulbus venae jugularis] Orv. hetil., 1928, 72: 593-5 — Kiprov, I. Trombus na bulb, venae jugularis. Srpski arh. celok. lek., 1911, 17: 564-6.—Krepuska, I. Thrombophlebitis des Bulbus venae jugularis. Verh. ungar. arztl. Ges., 1929, 1: 152. Also Orv. hetil., 1929, 73: 574.------Beitrage zur Klinik und Pathologie der Bulbusthrombose. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1935, 22: 545-56.—McArthur, G. A. D. Otitic venous thrombosis; a case of direct infection of the jugular bulb. Med. J. Australia, 1926, 2: 486.— McDaniel, F. C. Jugular bulb thrombosis, multiple abscesses; recovery. Laryngoscope, 1927 37: 428-30.—McKenzie, D. Thrombo-phlebitis of the jugular bulb. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1928-29, 22: Sect. Otol., 73-9. •------ Thrombo-phlebitis of lateral sinus and jugular bulb; operations on bulb. Ibid., 79.—McKernon, J. F. Primary jugular bulb thrombosis, a further report. Tr. Internat. Otol. Congr., 1912, 9: 317- Malis, S. Primary jugular bulb thrombosis, with metastasis; operation; recovery. Laryngoscope, 1933, 43: 132-8.—Mason, W. B. Report of a case of infective jugular bulb thrombosis; typhoid bacillus infec- tion. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc, 1912, 18: 451-3.— Maybaum, J. L. Primary jugular bulb thrombosis; postopera- tive symptoms of intracranial involvement. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1935-36, 2: 243-5. —---- Symposium: Thrombophlebitis of jugular bulb; thrombophlebitis of the jugular bulb and lateral sinus of nonotitic origin: important ear findings; retrograde extension to the jugular bulb and lateral sinus; diagnosis and management. Laryngoscope, 1936 46: 610-5. ------ & Goldman, I. B. Primary jugular bulb'thrombosis. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1928, 2. ser., 4: 524-31. Also Laryngoscope, 1928, 38: 569-84, ch. ■------ Primary jugular bulb thrombosis; a study of 20 cases. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1933, 17: 70-84.—Melo Filho, G. de. Trombo-flebite primaria do golfo da jugular. Arq. Inst. Penido Burnier, 1939, 5: 302-9.—Pick, J. [Bulbus-thrombosis of jugular vein] Orv. hetil., 1937, 81: 533.—Podesta, R., & Tato J. M. Sobre una nueva observacion de tromboflebitis sinuso-bulbo-yugular. Rev. As. med. argent., 1934, 48: 1219-22.—Prevot. Sur es thrombo-phl6bites smuso-bulbo- jugulaires d'origine otique. Marseille mid., 1927, 64: 647-54.— Rosen. S. Thrombophlebitis of jugular bulb; thrombophlebitis of the jugular bulb and lateral sinus of nonotitic origin; important ear findings; report of 3 cases. Laryngoscope, 1936, 46: 602.— Seal J C Primary jugular bulb thrombosis; report of case. Ibid' 1928, 38: 37-40.—Schlander, E. Zur Therapie der otogenen Bulbusthrombose. Wien. med. Wschr., 1927, 77: I il05r7-~,SoneiT- Bulbusthrombose; Operation; Heilung. Mschr Ohrenh., 1918, 52: 277—Tobl, D. Bulbus thrombosis cured by means of repeated operations. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1939, 27: 441.—Tommasi, I. Tromboflebite del seno laterale,.. del bulbo e della giugulare da otite media purulenta cronica. Atti Congr. Soc. ital. laring. (1911) 1912, 14: pt 2, 317 — Varady-Szabo, M. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bulbusthrom- bose. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1929, 63: 1183-8. Also Orv. hetil., 1930, 74: 233-6.—Wieder, H. S., & Bates, W. Primary jugular bulb thrombosis with numerous metastatic infections; operation; recovery. Laryngoscope, 1927, 37: 48-51.— Williams, H. L. Primary thrombosis of the jugular bulb. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1935, 10: 369-71. JUGULAR foramen. See also Cranium; Occipital bone; Temporal bone. Fay, T., & Wycis, H. Congenital stenosis of the jugular foramens; report of a case. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1941, 45: 1043. JUGULAR glomus. Guild, S. R. A hitherto unrecognized structure, the glomus jugularis, in man. Anat. Rec, 1941, 79: Suppl., No. 2, 28.— New anatomical structure found in head. Diplomate, 1942, 14: 205. JUGULAR vein. See also Jugular bulb. Bhaduri, J. L. Observation on the course of the facial vein and the formation of the external jugular vein in an American bullfrog Rana catesbeiana. Anat. Anz., 1938, 86: 170-2.— Chermj Bey & Ibrahim Bey. Veine jugulaire externe tras- vers6e par un rameau nerveux. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1928, 5: 711.—Dishoeck, H. A. E. van. Nasenplethysmometrie als Mittel zur Diagnose der Durchlassigkeit des Sinus sigmoideus und der Vena jugularis. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1938, 26: 45-52.—Dos Santos, E. M. Quelques variations du systeme de la veine jugulaire externe. Fol. anat. Univ. Conimbr., 1927, 2: No. 9, 1-6.—Fontes, V. Um caso de variacao dos sistemas das veias jugulares interna e externa. Arq. anat., 1936, 17: 23-31.—Gomez, D. M., & Langevin, A. Le pifizographe. Presse mid., 1934, 42: 1732.—Luisada, A. II focolaio di ascoltazione del giugulo nella diagnostica delle malattie dell'a- orta e della polmonare. Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1937, 18: 733; 791.—Ogo, M. On the jugular veins of the Japanese. Jap. J. M. Sc, 1934-36, 4: Surg., 233.—Potain, C. E. P. On the movements and sounds that take place in the jugular veins, transl. by J. F. Wozencraft. In Cardiac Classics (Willius, F. A.) S. Louis, 1941, 533-56.—Rodrigues, L., & Adriao, M. Variation de la veine jugulaire interne; absence de jugulaire externe; rameau nerveux traversant une veine. Fol. anat. Univ. Conimbr., 1931, 6: No. 8, 1-6.—White, P. D., & Cooke, W. T. The recognition and significance of marked and chronic systolic pulsation of the deep jugular veins. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1939, 54: 199-209. ---- Aneurysm and dilatation. See also Carotid, Aneurysm. Fauquet, M. J. *Sur un cas d'anevrisme jugulo-carotidien. 77p. 24cm. Lille, 1937. Hassan-Naga, M. Contribution a I'etude des anevrismes jugulo-carotidiens. 77p. 24%cm. Toulouse, 1934. Maggiorotti, U. Voluminosa flebectasia della giugulare anteriore destra in un ragazzo dodicenne. Valsalva, 1936, 12: 329-31.—Marinelli, M. Gran golfo venoso de la. yugular anterior. Sem. mid., B. Air., 1935, 42: pt 2, 2031 -6. ---- Bloodpressure. Alzona, L. Rapporti fra pressione venosa e flebogramma giugulare raccolto col metodo fotografico. Cuore & circol., 1932, 16: 177-203.—Merwarth, H. R..& Clinco. A. A. Futility of routine jugular pressure readings. Med. Times, N. Y., 1939, 67: 355-60.—Myerson, A., & Loman, J. Internal jugular venous pressure in man, its relationship to cerebrospinal fluid and carotid arterial pressures. Tr. Am. Neur. Ass., 1931, 57: 414-24. Also Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1932, 27: 836-46. ---- Compression [Queckenstedt test] See also Dural sinus, Thromboplebitis: Diag- nosis. Aird, R. B. Prolonged jugular compression; a diagnostic test of neurologic value. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1941, 45: 633-48. ------ & NafTziger. H. C. Prolonged jugular compression; a new diagnostic test of neurological value. Tr. Am. Neur. Ass., 1940, 66: 45-9.—Aubry, M., & Sigwald, J. L'ipreuve de Queckenstedt-Stookey en otologie. Ann. otolar., Par 1935, 911-4.—Aymes, G. Compression des jugulaires et tests semeiologiques. Marseille med., 1941, 78: pt 1, 123- 31 —Bedford, T. H. B, The effect of prolonged occlusion of JUGULAR VEIN 712 JUGULAR VEIN the external jugular veins on the cerebrospinal fluid and the torcular venous pressures of the dog. Brain, Lond.. 1936, 59: pt 3, 324-36. ------ The origin of the fall in the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid after its artificial elevation by jugular occlusion. Ibid., 1938, 61: 62--9.— Canuyt & Klotz, A. Quel- ques considerations sur le signe de Queckenstedt k propos d'un cas de thrombophiebite du sinus lateral ope re et gu6ri. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1929, 7: 513-9.—Collet, F. J. L'epreuve de Queckenstedt en otologie. Ann. otolar., Par., 1935, 471.— Freedman, A., & Melton, G. A suggested modification of the Tobey-Ayer test for lateral sinus thrombosis. J. Lar. Otol., Lond., 1942, 57: 353-65.—Heineken, C. Case of apoplexy from pressure of the internal jugular vein, applied to check hemorrhage from a wound of that vein. Month. J. Foreign Med., 1828, 2: 350.—Hilding, A. False response to the jugular compression (Tobey-Ayer) test due to anomaly of the lateral sinus. Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1937, 26: 143-5.—Kopetzky, S. J. An observation on the diagnosis of lateral sinus thrombosis contradictory to the results of Tobey and Ayer. Ibid., 1928, 7: 532.—Mayoux, R. Valeur semeiologique de l'epreuve de Queckenstedt dans les thromboses du sinus lateral. Lyon med., 1928, 141: 494-6. —— L'epreuve de Queckenstedt en otologie; causes d'erreur; interpretation des resultats. Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds, 1928, 8: 563-8— Muck, O. Ueber den Jugularisdruckversuch und seine klinische Verwei tbarkeit. Zsehr. Hals &c Heilk., 1933-34, 35: 362-5.—Neel, A. W., Tomasson, H., & Jacobsen, O. Ueber SpinalfKissigkeits- veranderungen infolge kurzdauernder Kompression ad modum Queckenstedt. Zsehr. ges. Neur. Psychiat., 1929, 122: 253- 76.—Neri, V. La compressione delle giugulari rivelatrice di sofferenza radicolare. Bull sc. med., Bologna, 1940, 112: 8-15.-—Perwitzschky, R. Die Diagnose der obturierenden oder stenosierenden Prozesse des Sinus sigmoideus, Bulbus und der Jugularvenen durch Lumbalpunktion bei rechts- oder links- seitiger Kompression der Jugularvenen. Arch. Ohr. &c. Heilk., 1926-27, 116: 169-79.—Tobey, G. L. An attempt at the differ- ential diagnosis of lateral sinus infection. Boston M. & S. J., 1926, 194: 53-7.—Weill, G. A. Effets de la compression jugu- laire sur 1'oreille. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1934, 12: 524. ---- Injury. Bellin. Hemorragie de la veine jugulaire ouverte dans I'oreille moyenne au cours d'une otite aigue. Bull. Soc. beige otol., 1908-9, 14: 119-21.—Callewaert, H. Hemipiegie a la suite d'hemorragie jugulaire et de tamponnement de l'espace sous-carotidien. Bruxelles m6d., 1935-36, 16: 812. Also J. beige neur. psychiat., 1936, 36: 235-9.—Leriche. Fistule arterip-veineuse jugulo-carotidienne de la base du crfl,ne. Gaz. hop., 1940, 113: 390. ---- internal. Almeida Prado, J. N. de. Punccao da jugular interna como recurso semiologieo em neuropsiquiatria. Actas Jornad. neuropsiquiatr. panamer. (1939) 1940, 2. reun., 2: 329-31.— Charugin, A. V. [Case of complete absence of the left internal jugular vein with arteriovenous aneurysm of the common carotid artery and right internal jugular vein] Odess. med. J., 1928, 3: 83.—Hoover, W. B. A technic for phlebotomy of the internal jugular vein. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1943, 18: 161-3.— Jianu, I. Resection partielle et suture laterale de la veine jugulaire interne. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Bucarest, 1926, 8: 263.—Mouchet, A., & Noureddine, A. Variations du systeme veineux jugulaire interne. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1934, 11: 638-41.—Okazaki, M. Ueber die Anomalie der V. jugularis interna. Otorhinolaryngologia, Tokyo, 1936, 9: 442.-—Port- mann, G., & Despons, J. L'intervention chirurgicale dans les infections du sinus lateral et de la veine jugulaire interne. Rev. chir., Par., 1927, 65: 244-84.—Vermes, E. Ueber die Haufig- keit der Kollateralen der kranialen Halfte der Vena jugularis interna beim Menschen. Zsehr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1928, 88: 522-5. ---- Ligation and resection. See also Lateral sinus. Thrombosis: Treat- ment; Tonsil, Abscess. Schreiber. E. *Sepsis und Jugularisunter- bindung. 46p. 24cm. Marb., 1936. Azcona Medina, J., & Ferrer, E. A. Consideraciones acerca de 5 casos de tromboflebitis del seno lateral, tratados con liga- dura de la yugular interna. Actas Congr. med. mil. (Spain) 1939, 1. Congr., 33-41.—Barajas, L. Laligadura de la yugular en las tromboflebitis del seno. Libro de actas Congr. espafi. otorinolar., 1910, 3. Congr., 422-9.—Bjork, H. Ueber die intrakranielle venose Stauung bei otogener Sinuetlu ombo.se und nach Jugularisligatur; ein differentialdiagnostisehes Zeichen. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1941, 29: 227-35.—Brown, J. M. Bi- lateral jugular ligation with recovery. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1941, 50: 280-2.—Cheridjian, Z. Trombophiebite du sinus lateral apr£s operation pour mastoidite compliquee; ligature de la veine jugulaire; guerison. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1929, 49: 521-8, pl.—Cheval. Un cas de mastoidite de Bezold avec abcte temporo-cervical, compliquee de thrombo-phl6bite du sinus lateral et de la jugulaire interne; ligature de la veine jugulaire interne; curettage du sinus; gulrison. Bull. Soc beige otol., 1902, 7: 19-23.—Creyssel, J., & Douillet. M. Des accidents encephaliques apr£s ligature ou resection unilaterale de la jugulaire interne. Rev. chir., Par., 1930, 68: 62-74.-— Degtiarev, G. V. [Natural compensation in a case of partial excision of the jugular vein in an army horse] Sovet. vet., 1939, 16: 109.—Dutheillet de Lamothe. Thrombose du sinus lateral 6voluant sans infection generate chez im ancien palu- deen; trepanation du golfe, ligature de la jugulaire; guerison. Ann. otolar., Par., 1933, 972-4.—Ersncr, M. S., & Myers, D. Outstanding signs and symptoms in sinus thrombosis; merits and demerits of internal jugular ligation in the treatment of lateral sinus thrombosis. Pennsylvania M. J., 1935-36, 39: 579-85.—Evans, M. G. Bilateral jugular ligation following bilateral suppurative mastoiditis. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1942, 51: 615-25.—Fernando, A. S., & De Ocampo, G. Ligation of the jugular vein in lateral sinus thrombosis; report of a case. J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1938, 18: 637-43. Georges. Ouverture spontanee du sinus lateral; debut de septicemic; tamponnement du sinus; ligature de la jugulaire; guerison. Ann. otolar., Par., 1933, 354.—Haymann, L. Zur Frage der Jugularisunterbindung und der totalen Thrombektomie. Beitr. Anat. Ohr., 1926, 24: 264-79.—Hubin, E. Thrombo- phiebite du sinus lateral; septicopyohemie; ligature de la veine jugulaire. Ann. Soc. med. chir. Liege, 1936, 64: 69-72. Also Liege med., 1936, 29: 581-6.—Jung, L., Auger, L., & Chavanne, F. Effets de la ligature des jugulaires sur le debit carotidien chez le chien. C. rend. Soc biol., 1930, 104: 202. ------ Action de la ligature de la jugulaire sur la circulation. Oto- rhinolar. internat., Lyon, 1930, 14: 440-2.—Kadowaki, Z. Experimentelle Studien iiber den Einfiuss der Jugularis- unterbindung auf die Sinusthrombose. Okayama igakkai zassi, 1930, 42: 280.—Lemaitre, Remy-N6ris, G., & Van den Bossche, P. Un exempie de thrombo-phiebite et de septicemic d'origine otitique (hemo-culture positive k streptocoques) guerie par resection de la jugulaire interne et par serotherapie de Vincent associ6e k l'immunotransfusion. Ann. otolar., Par., 1934, 171-3.—McCarthy, M. F. Experiences in the surgery of the lateral sinus and internal jugular vein. West Virginia M. J., 1935, 31: 171-6. Also J. Med., Cincin., 1935-36, 16: 614^-20.—Mauret. Trombo-flebitis del seno lateral derecho consecutiva & una otitis media aguda de seis dfas de fecha en un nifio; abertura del seno, ligadura de la yugular, drenaje del extremo superior de 6sta y del seno; curaei6n. Bol. lar. otol., Madr., 1904, 4: 419.—Nicolini, R. C. Resecci6n de la yugular interna de ambos lados. Bol. Inst. clin. quir., B. Air., 1938, 14: 1228. Also Bol. Soc. cir. B. Aires, 1938, 22: 425-8. Also Prensa med. argent., 1938, 25: pt 2, 1750.—Novick, J. N. Ligation of internal jugular vein in lateral sinus thrombosis. Laryngoscope, 1937, 47: 325-44.—Ohnacker, P. Zirkulatorisch bedingte Hirnerscheinungen im Anschluss an Sinus- und Jugularisausschaltung. Arch. Ohr. &c Heilk., 1932, 131: 1-12.—Portmann, G. Resection de la veine jugulaire interne dans un cas de thrombo-phiebite. Gaz. sc. m6d. Bordeaux, 1926, 47: 147-9. ------ La resection de la veine jugulaire interne dans les thrombo-phiebites de ce vaisseau. Presse med., 1926, 34: 1297-9.—PfecechtSI, A. Contribution to the question of disturbances in blood circulation within the cranial cavity in cases of thrombosed sigmoid sinus and of ligatured jugular vein. Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1934, 38: 526-33.— Richards, L. The pros and cons of jugular ligation in lateral sinus thrombosis. Kentucky M. J., 1935, 33: 351-4.—Rott, O. M. Why ligate the jugular vein in cases of lateral sinus thrombosis? Arch. Otolar., Chic, 1931, 14: 272-81.—Traina, S. Tromboflebite del seno laterale in una bambina di un anno, con ascesso perisinusale esteriorizzato in corrispondenza della fontanella asterica; intervento; legatura della giugulare; guarigione. Valsalva, 1927, 3: 116-9.—Turtur, G. Considera- zioni sulfa patogenesi della trombo-flebite del seno laterale; stato attuale della indicazione della legatura della giugulare. Boll. mal. orecchio, 1939, 57: 445-69. ---- Phlebitis. See also subheading Thrombophlebitis. Bucica, I., & Cliza, S. [Surgical treatment of suppurative phlebitis of the jugular vein in a horse] Rev. san. mil., Bucur., 1928, 27: 426-30.—Hinojar Pons, C. Las lesiones secundarias de las fiebitis sinusoyugulares. Med. ibera, 1931, 15: pt 1, 345-9.—Meyer, O. Die latente chronische Entziindung der Jugularvenen. Zbl. inn. Med., 1937, 58: 753-7. ■------ Latente Jugularphlebitis als Ursache von Kopfstauung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 340-2.—Rey. Phiebite suppurative de la jugulaire; anatomie pathologique; traite ment par l'extraction de la veine malade. J. m6d. vet., Lyon, 1855, 11: 241-97.—Tvermoes, V. [Case of sinus and jugularis phlebitis with dilatation of arm veins] Hospitalstidende, 1934 77: (Dansk. otolar. selsk. forh.] 29-31. ---- Thrombophlebitis. See also Lateral sinus, Thrombosis. Hoffmeister, E. *Ueber Sinus- und Jugu- laristhrombosen ohne wirkliche beziehungsweise nur scheinbare Temperaturerhohung [Frank- furt] 27p. 8? Lengerich, 1937. Aubry, M. Application de l'epreuve de Queckenstedt aux thromboses sinuso-jugulaires. Ann. mal. oreille, 1927, 46: 175. ---;— L'hypertension intra-cranienne provoqu6e pour le diagnostic des thrombo-phiebites sinuso-jugulaires Progr. med., Par., 1927, 42: 212-5.—Babcock. J. W. Sympo- JUGULAR VEIN 713 JUGULAR VEIN sium on sinus thrombosis; cases of jugular thrombophlebitis following infections of the face and throat. Laryngoscope, 1934, 44: 360-2.—Beck, A. L. Symposium on otolaryngological problems in sepsis; parapharyngeal infections and internal jugular vein thrombosis: diagnosis and treatment. Ibid., 431-47.—Boisvert, P. L. Lateral sinus and jugular vein thrombosis following ear infection, with recovery. Week. Bull. S. Louis M. Soc, 1935-36, 30: 353-5.—Bucica, L, & Cliza, S. Eitrige Thrombo-Phlebitis der Jugularvene beim Pferde und ihre operative Behandlung. Berl. tierarztl. Wschr., 1929, 45: 469-71.—Caliceti, P. Sui trattamento delle flebiti e tromboflebiti sinuso-giugulari. Otorinolar. ital., 1933, 3: 337-63.—Corrfea, A. P. Tromboflebite do seio lateral e da jugular interna; tratamento e cura. Pub. m6d., S. Paulo, 1941-42, 13: No. 10, 3-8. Also Labor, clin., Rio, 1942, 22: 283-5.—Dishoeck, H. A. E. van [A new therapeutic and diagnostic means in thrombosis of the jugular vein] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1939, 83: 1175-8.—Dixon, O. J., & Helwig, F C. Thrombophlebitis in the internal jugular vein as com- plication of tonsillitis. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1930, 39: 1137-49, 5 pl.—Ferrari, U., & Cirinei, A. Considerazioni sulla legatura bilaterale della giugulare interna e sulle sue applicazioni nella cura delle setticopiemie da tromboflebite otogena bilaterale; contributo clinico. Gior. med. mil., 1940, 88: 725-36.— Flett, R. L. Jugular thrombosis after tonsillitis. Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 223-5.—Gaillard, R., & Mayoux, R. Sur l'epreuve de Queckenstedt dans les thromboses sinuso-jugulaires. Rev. laryng., Par., 1927, 48: 700-5.—Gilmore, G. B. Interna] jugular vein thrombosis secondary to lateral pharyngeal ab- scess: case report. Laryngoscope, 1939, 49: 106-10.—Guiller- min, M. G. Thrombophiebite suppuree sinuso-jugulaire; arthrite suppuree sterno-claviculaire du mtoe c6te. Ann. otolar., Par., 1936, 179-81. ------& Pesme, J. L. Diagnostic et traitement des thrombophiebites sinuso-jugulaires. Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1938, 108: 385-420.—Heller, I. M. A case of primary jugular thrombosis. Ann. Otol. RhinoL, 1912, 21 ■ 380-5.—Hennebert. Thrombo-phiebite sinuso-jugulaire otitique. Bull. Soc. beige otol., 1903, 8: 56-62.—Jents, E. Ein Fall von Jugularisthrombose. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1939, 73: 168.—Krekel, H. Ueber eitrige Thrombose der Vena jugularis interna post partum. Zbl. Gyn., 1930, 54: 2008.—Lailasse & Lesbroc. Un cas de thrombose jugulo-sous-claviere chez un cardiaque. Lyon med., 1926, 137: 14-7.—Leibowitz, P., & Weinstein, S. Post-tonsillitic deep cervical abscess and in- ternal jugular vein thrombophlebitis; a report of 6 cases. Laryngoscope, 1939, 49: 1205-24.—Lillie, H. I., & Williams, H L. Pain as a symptom of thrombosis of the internal jugular vein. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1932, 12: 883.—Lund, R. [Two cases cf tonsillar jugofacial thrombosis (post-tonsillitic sepsis) Hospitalstidende, 1935, 78: [Dansk. otolar. selsk. forh.] 28-31.—MacMillan, W. A case of jugular thrombo- phlebitis extending into the innominate. Laryngoscope, 1931, 41- 422-5—McNamara, F. P. Jugular thrombosis following tonsillar infection. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1935, 25: 262-5 — Menger, L. C. Thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein following acute tonsillitis; report of a case. Laryngoscope, 1936 46: 198-202.—Mounier-Kuhn, P., & Hugonnier, R. Un cas de thrombo-phiebite generalisee des sinus de la dure- mere et des jugulaires jusqu'a la veine cave superieure comprise, d'origine otique. Lyon med., 1940, 164: 104-7.—Mygind, S H [Three cases of operative post-tonsillitic jugular throm- bosis Hospitalstidende, 1935, 78: [Dansk. otolar. selsk. forh ] 31-4.—Pagano, A. Considerazioni su 7 casi di trombo- flebite del seno laterale e della giugulare interna. Arch. ital. otol 1930, 41: 209-24.—Pallestrini, E. Sulla trombosi secon- daria della'giugulare interna di origine otitica. Ibid 1927, 38: 240-56 —Pattee, G. L. Thrombosis of the sigmoid sinus and iueular vein in which blood culture was positive for Pneu- mfcoccus type III. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1931, 6: 225-7.- Pearson. W. Thrombosis of internal jugular vein. Ir K. Acad M. Ireland, 1914, 22: 149.—Pertmann G. Considera- tions sur le traitement de phiebites et thrombo-phiebites sinuso-jugulaires. Rev. laryng., Par. 1931, 52: 523730 — Peters Ueber einen Fall der vollstandigen Thrombosierung und Zerreissung der Vena jugularis. Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1930 38: 807.—Petterino Patriarca, A. Sindrome paralitica associata da lesione peril"erica dei nervi cranici IX-X-X1-A.1I da periflebite del seno laterale, del golfo e del tronco della giugulare. Osp. maggiore Novara 1937, 14: 453-7.-Portmann, G. Traitement chirugical des phiebites et thrombo-phiebites sinuso-jugulaires. J. neur. psychiat., Brux., 1934 34: 211-7.— Ramadier, J. A. Thrombo-phiebite sinuso-jugulaire a forme cerebrate et de siege atypique. Ann otolar.. Par., 1938, 554_7__Rebattu, J., & Bertoin, R. Les septicemics avec thrombo-phiebite de la jugulaire dans les phlegmons Peri- amvgdaliens. J. mid. Lyon, 1938, 19: 451-6,-R.chter, H. Ueber operative Heilung emer fortsd.reitenden und ruck- laufigen otogenen Thrombophlebitis der Halsvenen. Zsehr Laryng , 1934, 25: 336-40.-Romer. Seltener Drusenbefund (branch ogene Zyste) bei Jugularisthrombose. Hals Ac. RIT1939 49:150—Ruttin, E. Vollstiindige Zerstorung des grossten Teiles der Jugularis bei alter Sinus-Jugularis- thrombose Mschr. Ohrenh., 1937 71: . 1129,-Sargnon Talbot & Parlange. Thrombo-phiebite sinuso-jugulaire a ,™l,,rnnhacille de Friedlander: localisations multiples; evolu- SSn £mpte« Ann. otolar., Par., 1937 953-7-Stone. P. E & R»rc£r M D. Retrograde sinus thrombosis complicating nrimarv thrombosis of the jugular vein Arch Otolar., Chic, 1936 24- 141-57.—Tedenat. Thrombose de la jugulaire interne consecutive k une angine. Nouv. Montpellier med., 1898, 7: 420.—Uffenorde. Die auf den Bulbus der V. jugul. int. beschrankte Thrombose. Zsehr. Hals &c. Heilk., 1933, 34: 280-93 [Discussion] 314-6.—Van den Wildenberg, L. La thrombophiebite sinuso-jugulaire. Rev. med., Louvain, 1927, 161-5, pl.—Wasowski, T., & Hurynowicz, J. Die Verande- rungen der Vaguserregbarkeit nach der kiinstlich gesetzten Thrombose der Jugularis, die mit Hilfe der chronaktischen Methode bestimmt werden. Mschr. Ohrenh., 1935, 69: 196- 207.—Wasowski, T., & Samborski, J. Pathologisch-anato- mische Veranderungen im Bereiche des N. vagus, die durch eine kiinstlich gesetzte Thrombose in der Vena jugularis interna hervorgerufen wurden. Ibid., 1244—7.—Worms, G„ & Lacaze. Thrombo-phiebite suppuree sinuso-jugulaire; ouverture du sinus lateral; resection de la jugulaire interne; guerison. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1929, 55: 138-42.—Zollner. Unterbindung der Vena anonyma bei absteigenden Jugularisthrombosen; ein neues Vorgehen. Zsehr. Hals &c. Heilk., 1935, 38: 96-100 [Discussion] 108-21. JUHASZ-SCHAEFFER, Alexander. Le vita- mine nei loro rapporti con l'oftalmologia. p.271- 409. 25Kcm. Ziir., Documenta press, 1938. In Docum. ophth., Ziir., v.l. Also editor of Documenta ophthalmologica. Ziir., 1938- JUHNKE, Alfred [August Albert] 1900- *Zur Kenntnis der Banginfektion beim Men- schen. 48p. 8? Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1931. JUICE. See Digestive juice; Fruit juice; Intestinal juice, etc. JUILLE, Maurice, 1908- *Les lesions spleno-hepatiques au cours de l'endocardite maligne lente. 65p. 8? Par., Maloine, 1936. JUILLERAT, Maurice [M. D., 1930, Basel] *Beitrage zur Harnsaurebestimmung [Basel] 16p. 8? Bern, A. Schmid & cie, 1930. JULLIOT, Charles Louis, -1940. See Des Gouttes, P., & Julliot, C. L. Recueil de documents sur la neutralisation des aeronefs sanitaires. 89p. 24cm. GenSve, 1925. See also Des Cilleuls, J. Necrologie. Bull, internat. Serv. sante, Liege, 1940, 13: 152. JUILLY, George Hippolyte, 1877- Prac- tical surgery of the abdomen; with a foreword by W. Wayne Babcock. 2v. xvii, 1275p. [paged consecutively] 8? Phila., F. A. Davis co., 1928. JUKES, Augustus Louis, 1821-1905. Augustus L. Jukes; a pioneer surgeon. Hist. Bull., Calgary, 1937-38, 2: No. 4. 1-4. JUKIELZON, Samuel, 1910- *Sur l'in- toxication par un produit dit Solvant. 54p. 24cm. Strasb., Horo, 1936. JUKOLA, Martti, 1900- Athletics in Finland. 152p. illust. 8? Helsinki, Soder- strom osakeyhtio porvoo, 1932. JULEP. See under Syrup. JULER, Jes [Johannes Madsen] 1897- *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Afterzitzen des Rindes; ihre Bewertung als Milchzeichen und ihr Ver- halten im Erbgange (auf Grund von Studien am Angler Rinde) 46p. 8? Kiel [n. p.] 1927. JULHIEN, Michel, 1897- *Les troubles digestifs dans l'eventration diaphragmatique; leurs raisons anatomiques. 61p. 8? Par., M. Vigne, 1928. JULIA, Albert, 1904- * Considerations sur l'apoplexie du fibrome dans les suites de couche (necrose aseptique) 67p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1934. JULIA, Carlos Manuel, 1908- traite- ment des hydronephroses bilaterales. 92p. 8? Par., Vigot fr., 1935. JULIAN [Ernst] G unter Wilhelm, 1903- *Ein Beitrag zur angeborenen Duodenalatresie. lip. 8? Berl., E. Ebering, 1929. JULIAN 714 JULLIEN JULIAN, F. Bennett. Psychological casualties in air raids and their first-aid treatment. 23p. 18cm. Lond., Soc. Promot. Christ. Knowledge [1941?] JULIAN, Jean, 1901- Contribution a I'etude de la dextrocardie par attraction [Paris] 4.")]). 8? Kremlin-Bicctre, Boivent, 1934. JULIAN, Otto, 1910- *Principes de l'accouchement me'dical et ses resultats en 1933. 53p. 24cm. Strasb., Horo, 1935. JULIANELLE, Louis Alphonse, 1895- The etiology of trachoma, xv, 248p. pl. diagr. map. 8? X. Y., Commonwealth fund, 1938. JULIANUS, Flavius Claudius [Apostata] 332- 363. 'EiriffTo\al. p.H46-138a. 4? Venez.,1499. See Collect, epist. Graec. Venet., 1499, 114b-138a. JULIA Roses, Don Rafael. Translator of Duval, P. Cirugia del aparato urinario. 205]). 19^cm. Barcel., 1921. JULIEN, Andre, 1901- *L'erethisme pulsatile de l'aorte abdominale; contribution a I'etude des dyspepsies (dyspepsies pulsatiles) 70p. 3 pl. 8° Par., A. Legrand, 1933. JULIEN, Eugene Louis Ernest, Bishop of Arras, 1856-1930. Besson. Necrologie. J. sc. med. Lille, 1930, 48: pt 1, 201. JULIEN, Jacques. Contribution a I'etude du pouvoir rotatoire de quelques alcaloides en fonction du p„; strychnine, brucine, pilocarpine. 118p. 8° Strasb., C. & J. Goeller, 1936. JULIEN, Jean Marie Eugene, 1904- *Le syndrome angine de Vincent. 109p. 8? Par., Le Francois, 1934. JULIEN, Jules, 1901- *De l'influence de l'accouchement sur certains accidents toxi- infectieux au cours de la seconde moitie de la grossesse. 36p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1932. JULIEN, Pierre, 1909- *L'amibiase pulmonaire dans la region de Lyon. 108p. 8? Lvon, Bosc fr., 1934. JULIEN, Pierre, 1910- *Le traitement medical dans la stenose hypertrophic de pylore chez le nourrisson [Strasb.] 73p. 8? Toul, Imp. Touloise, 1936. JULIEN le Parquier, Madeleine, 1903- *Contribution k I'etude des fumees et des gaz nocifs dans la region rouennaise. 66p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JULIENNE, Pierre Arthur Henri, 1906- *La strongylose larvaire chez les poulains; le gros danger qu'elle presente pour l'elevage, notamment du pur sang [Alfort] 86p. 8? Par., Presses modernes, 1929. JULIUSBERG, Fritz, 1872- , & RIECKE, E. Lichen ruber, Pityriasis rubra pilaris, Epi- dermolysis bullosa, Impetigo herpetiformis, Pem- phigus.' vi, 803p. illust, 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1931. Forms Bd 7., Teil 2. of Handb. Haut- u. Geschlechtskr. (Alexander) Berl., 1927-32. JULIUS Rosenwald Fund for the Wellbeing of Mankind. See Rosenwald Fund. JULLER, Ernst, & KOEHLER-WIEDER, Ru- dolf. Tabellen zur Bestimmung der wichtigeren mitteleuropaischen Giftpflanzen in blutenlosen Zustand. vi, 105p. illust. 23}^cm. Jena, G. Fischer, 1938. JULLICH, Lucien Ernest, 1913- *Sur un cas de tuberculose de la glande parotide. 45p. 24cm. Par., Le Francois, 1938. JULLIEN, A., 1891- *Des reactions comparers des coeurs de vertebras et d'invertebres vis-a-vis des electrolvtes et des drogues, Lyon. 205p. 2 pl. 8? Trevoux, G. Patissier, 1936. ---- Travaux pratiques de physiologie et principes d'experimentation. iii, 500p. illust. tab. ch. 8? Par., J. B. Bailliere, 1935. JULLIEN, Claudius, 1910- *Diagnostic des lesions heputiques par les variations du coefficient de Maillard chez le chien. 56p. 8? Lyon, Bosc fr., 1935. JULLIEN, Louis Adolphe, 1850-1913. Beeson, B. B. Two French pioneers in urology and venere- ology; Paul Horteloup, Louis Adolphe Jullien. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1934, 38: 810. JULLIEN, Michel Jean Marie, 1909- *L'anesthesie trans-sacr6e; application k la prostatectomie. 50p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1934. JULLIEN, Robert, 1912- *Le metabol- isme de base du cobaye normal: ses rapports avec la reserve hepatique spontanee en vitamine A. 89p. tab. diagr. 24cm. Marseille, Impr. Ant. Ged, 1938. JULLIEN, Robert Jean, 1901- Con- tribution a I'etude des resultats eloignes du traitement de la luxation recidivante de l'e'paule. 47p. 8? Par., E. Le Frangois, 1934. JULLIEN-VIEROZ, Raymond Jean Paul, 1910- *La transfusion du sang conserve chez l'homme. 94p. 25cm. Bord., Delmas, 1934. JULSRUD, Einer Carsten, 1888- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 178. JULSRUD, Hans Gunnar Adolf, 1896- Portrait. In Norges laeger (Kobro, I.) Oslo, 1927, Suppl., 179. JUMAR. See also Crossing. Zirkle, C. The jumar or cross between the horse and the cow. Isis, Menasha, 1941, 33: 486-506. JUMMEL, Friedrich, 1908- *Beitrage zum Krankheitsbilde des Aneurysma cirsoides an Hand eines Falles von Aneurysma der Arteria subclavia dextra. 21p. 8° Kiel, H. Schmidt, 1933 JUMON, Henri, 1883- L'asthme infantile et les reactions associees; asthme, dermatoses prurigineuses, insuffisance hepatique. 139p. 12? Par., N. Maloine, 1931. JUMP, Henry Draper, 1867- For portrait see Philadelphia M., 1941-42, 37: 1409. JUMPING. See also Sport. Baer, C. *Sportschadigungen beim Kunst- und Turmspringen. 28p. 23cm. Bern, 1940. Krakower, H. Skeletal symmetry and high jumping. Res. Q. Am. Ass. Health, 1941, 12: 218-27.- McCloy, C. H. A study of landing shock in jumping for women. Arbeits- physiologie, 1931-32, 5: 100-11—Mellby. R. E. Rope jump- ing. J. Health, Ann Arb., 1936, 7: 93; 120.—Saltos olimpicos. Educ fis., Rio, 1941, No. 52, 14.—Yeager, W. S. A corrida com barreiras. Ibid., No. 55, 16-9. JUN, Martha, 1904- *Beitrag zur Erb- pathologie des Hydrophthalmus. 23p. 2 pl. 2 ch. 23cm. Berl., R. Pfau, 1938. JUN, Meta, 1905- * Ueber einen P'all von angeborenem Dunndarmverschluss. lOp. pl. 8? Heidelb., E. Beckstein, 1932. JUNCK, Agathe, 1904- *Die Ueher- tragung des Vigantolgefasschadens vom mutter- lichen auf den kindlichen Organismus im Tier- experiment [Leipzig] p.265-81. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1932. Also Virchows Arch., 1932, 283: JUNCK, Harry, 1912- *Die Darstellung der Kieferhohlen im Rontgenschichtverfahren [Berlin] 35p. 3 pl. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1937. JUNCK 715 JUNG JUNCK, Heinz, 1911- *Die Zahne in den deutschen Lehrbiichern der Pathologie von 1830-55. 63p. 23cm. Berl., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1938. JUNCKER, Erich [Louis Hermann] 1900- *Aneurysma verum et spurium des Kopfes und Halses. 15p. 8? Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1932. JUNCKER, Kurt, 1907- ♦Pharmakolo- gische Untersuchungen iiber die kombinierte Wirkung von Chinin und Hypophysen-Hinter- lappenextrakt auf die tiberlebende Gebarmutter. 21p. 8? Erlangen, K. Dores, 1935. JUNDELL, Isak, 1867- Bibliographia Jundelliana. Acta paediat., Upps., 1932, 13: 11-9, portr. JUNDT, Paul, 1906- *Gestation et accouchement chez les primipares agees. 63p. 8? Par., M. Brenner & cie, 1934. JUNDT, Werner, 1910- *Zur Callen- wegs-Chirurgie; Erfahrungen bei 739 Gallen- wegsoperationen. 20p. 8? [Freib. i. B., n. p., 1931] JUNET, Robert Maurice [M. D., 1938, Geneve] *Histopathologie du squelette acro- megalique et ses modifications sous l'influence de l'hyperthyro'idisme; a propos de 3 observa- tions personnelles. 112p. 5pl. 23cm. Geneve, Atar, 1938. JUNET, William [M. D., 1937, Geneve] *Les peritonites biliaires sans perforation; etude pathogenique. 38p. 2 pl. 23cm. Geneve, Atar, 1937. JUNG, Adolf, 1905- * Ueber das primare Lebercarcinom bei Kindern [Frankfurt] 31p. 8? Heidelb., P. Braus, 1932. JUNG, Albert [M. D., 1927, Basel] *Ueber den Einfluss der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration auf die Loslichkeit der Harnsaure [Basel] 26p. 8? Lpz., F. C. W. Vogel, 1927. JUNG, Albert, 1905- *Massage und Sport in Altertum und Gegenwart. 36p. 8? Bonn, P. Kubens, 1930. JUNG, Anton, 1901- *Die entziindlichen Augenerkrankungen der Neugeborenen in der Xachkriegszeit unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Materials in der Frankfurter Universitats- Frauenklinik vom Jahre 1919 bis zum Jahre 1926. 83pp. 8? Frankfurt a. M. [n. p.] 1926. JUNG, Bernhard, 1906- *Klinische Erfahrungen mit der Evipan-Natrium-Narkose. 43p. 21cm. Berl., M. Kisenstaedt, 1936. JUNG, Bruno, 1906- * Ueber intra- medullare Riickenmarks-Tumoren. 32p. 8? Halle a. S., H. John, 1935. JUNG, Carl Gustav, 1875- Der Inhalt der Psychose; akademischer Vortrag gehalten im Rathause der Stadt Zurich am 16. Janner 1908. 2. Aufl. 44p. 8? Lpz., F. Deuticke, 1914. ----Contributions to analytical psychology. Transl. by H. G. and C. F. Baynes. xi, 410p. 8? Lond., K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., 1928. ---- [The same] Essais de psychologie analytique. Traduits de l'allemand par Yves Le Lay. xviii," 198p. 12? Par., Libr. Stock, 1931. ---- Die Beziehungen der Psychotherapie zur Seelsorge. 30p. 8? Ziir., Rascher & cie, 1932. ____La theorie psychanalytique (Versuch einer'Darstellung der psychoanalytischen Theorie) Traduit de l'allemand par Mme Schmid-Guisan. 125p. 8? Pmc, Ed. Montaigne [1932] ---- The psychology of dementia praecox. Transl. by A. A. Brill, ix, 150p. 8? N. Y., Nerv. & Ment. Dis. pub. co., 1936. ---- Psychology and religion. 3p., 131p. 8? N. Haven, Yale Univ. pr., 1938. ---- The integration of the personality. Transl. by Stanley M. Dell. 313p. illust. 23^cm. N. Y., Farrar & Rinehart [1939] ----Modern man in search of a soul. Transl. by W. S. Dell & Cary B. Bavnes. ix, 282p. 22^cm. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & co., 1939. See also Jacobi, J. The psychology of C. G. Jung. 2. ed. 169p. 23cm. Lond. [1943] [Biography] Current Biogr., N. Y., 1943, 4: No. 4, 26, portr.—Curtius, O. Prof. Dr C. G. Jung zum 60. Geburtstag. Zbl. Psychother., 1935, 8: 145, portr.—Fordham, M. Jung's psychology. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 260.—Hankin, C. The Jung psychology. Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1933, 135: 32; 52.— Jung, C. G. Freud and Jung, contrasts. In his Modern Man in Search of a Soul, N. Y., 1939, 132-42.—Long, C. E. Jung's papers on analytical psychology. Brit. M. J., 1916, 2: 439.— Mackenzie, M. Jung's contribution to clinical psychiatry. Proc. R. Soc M., Lond., 1934-35, 28: 1051-64.—Mehlich, R. Os tipos na doutrina psicol6gica de C. G. Jung. Atas Congr. paul. psicol. (1938) 1939, 1. Congr., 189-98. Also Rev. neur. psiquiat. S. Paulo, 1942, 8: 26.—Morawitz-Cadio, A. v. Streiflichter iiber C. G. Jungs Geburts-Horoskop. In Kultur. Bedeut. d. kompl. Psychol., Berl., 1935, 516-23.—Ray, M. B. Doctor Jung. In her Doctors of the Mind, Bost., 1942, 142.— Rittmeister, J. C. G. Jungs Energetik der Seele. Aerztl. Rdsch., 1930, 40: 17-20.—Stephenson, W. Methodological consideration of Jung's typology. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1939, 85: 185-205. For portrait see S. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1936-37, 44: 59. JUNG, Charles Alexandre Alfred, 1902- *Recherches physiologiques sur la creatinurie; influence de variations experimentales de l'equi- libre acide-base sur le rapport entre la creatine et la creatinine. 46p. 8? Par., A. Legrand, 1930. JUNG, Edwin, 1907- *Ueber die Hei- lungstendenz geplatzter Extrauteringraviditaten nach Operation unter Zuriicklassung von fliis- sigem Blut und Coagula in der freien Bauch- hohle [Halle] 16p. tab. 8? Lippstadt- Westf., Thiele [1934] JUNG, Elisabeth Eleonore, 1909- *Ueber eine Sippe mit angeborener Maculadegeneration. 20p. 8? Giessen, E. Seibert, 1937. JUNG, Emil, 1903- *Zur Frage der weiblichen Genitaltuberkulose kombiniert mit Adenomyosis [Zurich] 20p. 8? Aarau, Aargauer Tagbl., 1930. JUNG, Ernst [M. D., 1927, Zurich] *Refrak- tometrische und viscosimetrische Untersuchungen an Hirudinplasma [Zurich] 13p. 8? Winter- thur, Geschw. Ziegler, 1927. JUNG, Ernst, 1909- *Indikation und Konstruktion von Kippmeidern beim partiellen Zahnersatz [Breslau] 31p. 8? Liebau-R., H. Hiltmann, 1934. JUNG, Erwin, 1909- *Ueber die Durch- bruchszeiten der Milchzahne bei Kindern aus dem Kreis Eschwege. 45p. 8? Greifswald, H. Adler, 1938. JUNG, Felix [Heinrich Guido] 1877 *Beitrag zur Lehre von der conjugalen Paralyse. 16p. 8? Kiel, H. Krause, 1907. JUNG, Franz, 1909- *Ueber Entero- und Koprolithen sowie Faecaltumoren. 18p. 22^cm. Berl., F. Linke, 1937. JUNG, Frederic Theodore, 1898- Exercise in the arithmetic of prediction; an introduction to biometry. 40 1. 22}^cm. [Evanston, Author, 1942] For biography see Phi Chi Q., Menasha, 1934, 31: 429. ----BENJAMIN, Anna Ruth, & EARLE, Elizabeth Carpenter. Anatomy and physiology. xxii, 637p. illust. 22cm. Phila., F. A. Davis co., 1939. JUNG JUNG, Fritz, 1901- *Ueber Clavi- cularfrakturen und ihre Behandlung und Erfolge an der Schmieden'schen Klinik in den Jahren 1929-27 [Frankfurt a. M.] 55p. 8? Neu- Isenbum, A. Koch, 1929. JUNG, Fritz, 1903- *Studien uber Einbettungsmassen und ihren Einfluss auf die Oberflachengestaltung von Gussarbeiten [Bres- lau] 21p. 8°. [Berl., H. Pusch] 1926. JUNG, Fritz, 1910- *Die Bluttransfusion und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Zahnarzt [Wurzburg] 20p. 21cm. Bottrop i. W., W. Postberg, 1937. JUNG, Georg, 1908- *Ueber drei in der Marburger medizinischen Klinik beobachtete Falle von Seminom unter besonderer Beriicksich- tigung ihrer Strahlenempfindlichkeit [Marburg] 38p. 21cm. Bochum-Langendr., H. Pop- pinghaus, 1937. JUNG, Guido [M. D., 1931, Basel] *Ueber extrarenal bedingte Harnstoffretention [Basel] p.546-59. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1931. Also Zsehr. klin. Med., 118: JUNG, Hans [Wilhelm Alwin] 1902- *Ueber den Verlauf von 51 an der medizinischen Poliklinik zu Leipzig mit Eigenserum behandelten Lungentuberkulosen [Leipzig] 22p. 8? Oschatz, C. Morgner, 1927. JUNG, Helmut, 1906- *Beitrag zum Problem der Haemolyse; Beeinflussung der Saponinhaemolvse durch bestimmte Pharmaka. 42p. 8? Marb., H. Kilber, 1933. JUNG, Helmut, 1909- *Ueber die Warmestrahlung der menschlichen Haut bei den verschiedenen Arten von Hvperamie [Miin- chen] 15p. 8? Diisseld., G. H. Xolte, 1934. JUNG, Helmut, 1913- *Die Sauglings- sterblichkeit in Wurzburg in den Jahren 1905-34 [Wurzburg] 32p. 21cm. Ochsenfurt a. M., Fritz & Rappert, 1938. JUNG, Herbert, 1908- *Die operative Behandlung bei Depressionen. 30p. 8? Berl., R. Pfau, 1934. JUNG, Hermann, 1908- *Ueber die Exstirpation retrobulbarer Sarkome mit Erhal- tung der Funktion des Auges [Freiburg] 38p. 8? Koln, H. Zimmermann, 1932. JUNG, Josef [Heinrich Michael] 1909- *Ein Beitrag zur kapillar-mikroskopischen Unter- suchung in der Zahnheilkunde. 14p. 8? Miinch. [n. p.] 1932. JUNG, Joseph, 1908- [of Kempton] *Klinisches und Pathologisch-Anatomisches iiber drei todlich verlaufene Falle von Knollenblatter- schwammvergiftung. 17p. 8? Miinch., Salesian. Off., 1935. JUNG, Joseph, 1908- [of Offenbach] *Untersuchung iiber Geruchsschwellen. 29p. 8? Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1936. JUNG, Karl, 1889- Laboratoriumskunde des Zahnarztes. 2. Aufl. 127p. 12? Berl., F. E. Haag, 1921. JUNG, Karl Georg, 1906- Untersu- chungen iiber Reizspeichel [Frankfurt] 20p. 8? Berl., Berlin. Verl. [1931] JUNG, Marie Antoinette Constance [M. D., 1938, Strasbourg] Contribution a I'etude clinique et endocrinologique de l'obesite pr6- pubertaire. 142p. tab. 24^cm. Strasb., Impr. St Thomas, 1938. JUNG, Moses, 1891- , ed. Modern marriage, xiv, 420p. illust. pl. diagr. 22^cm. X. Y., F. S. Crofts & co., 1940. JUNG, Oskar, 1907- *Ueber Kalte- schadigungsversuche an der Kaninchenleber [Kiel] 27p. 8? Libau, G. D. Meyer, 1930. JUNG JUNG, Otto, 1913- *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der weissen Edelmetallegierungen [Berlin] 15p. 23cm. Lpz., W. Vobach & co., 1937. JUNG, Paul. Guggisberg & Labhardt [Biography] Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1936, 66: 25, portr. JUNG, Peter, 1903- *Die Entwicklung des Schweine-Eierstockes bis zur Geburt [Zurich] p.27-74. 23#cm. Lpz., Akad. Verl., 1937. Also Zsehr. mikr. anat.iForsch., 1937, 41: JUNG, Ralf, 1911- *Zur Pathogenitat des Enterococcus [Heidelberg] 16p. 21cm. Spever a. Rh., Pilger, 1937. JUNG, Rudolf, 1908- *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lungenembolie [Munchen] 15p. 8? Borna-Lpz., R. Noske, 1934. JUNGBAUER, Gustav, 1886- Deutsche Volksmedizin; ein Grundriss. viii, 248p. 23cm. Berl., W. de Gruyter & co., 1934. JUNGBAUER, Josef, 1912- *Die Epulis und ihre Behandlungsverfahren unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Strahlenbehandlung [Miin- chen] 47p. 21cm. Deggendorf, A. Hierl, 1938. JUNGCLAUS, Kurt, 1912- *Zur Be- wertung der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration fiir die Beurteilung des Fleisches notgeschlachteter Rinder und Schweine. 53p. 8? Giessen, H. Bauer, 1938. JUNGE, Werner, 1905- *Aneurysma- bildung auf luischer Grundlage bei einem 19jah- rigen Madchen [Rostock] 18p. 8? Dresd., T. Steinkopff, 1931. JUNGE, Wolfgang, 1899- *Die Diag- nostik Simons und ihre Auswirkung auf die Therapie der Klasse II nach Angle. 23p. 8? Frankf. a. M., Walther & Geitzhaus, 1928. JUNGEBLODT, Fritz, 1895- *Ueber den Wert des Luminals bei der Behandlung von Geisteskranken unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung eines Falles von schwerem Luminalexanthem mit bedrohlichen Allgemeinerscheinungen [Gies- sen] 48p. 8? Miinster i. W., Aschendorf. Verlagsdr., 1927. JUNGEBLOED, Joseph, 1908- *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Resorption wassriger Losungen durch die Saugetierlunge [Leipzig] 25p. 23^cm- Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1937. JUNGERMANN, Ludwig, 1572-1653. Wein, K. Caspar Bauhin an Ludwig Jungermann; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Botanik des 17. Jahrhunderts Sudhoffs Arch., 1937, 30: 152-66. JUNGERMANN, Werner, 1910- *Ueber Keratitis superficialis punctata [Wurzburg] 16p. 21cm. Zeulenroda, B. Sporn, 1936. JUNGFER, Gunther, 1908- *Wahrer und nicht angeborener oesophagealer Bruch des Zwerchfells. p.463-85. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1933. Also Virchows Arch., 1933, 289: JUNGFERMANN, Walter Franz, 1904- *Die internistische und chirurgische Zusammen- arbeit bei der Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus. 38p. 8? Berl. [n. p.] 1932. JUNGFLEISCH, Heinrich, 1909- kom- plikationen nach Elliot'scher Trepanation [Gies- sen] 38p. 8? Homburg-Saar, Kath. Knaben- Erziehungsheim [1935] JUNGFLEISCH, Walter J., 1908- *Ueber das Verhalten der Blutgase im Kohlensaurebad [Frankfurt] lip. 8? S. Ingbert, Westpfalz. Verl., 1937. JUNGHANNS, Herbert [Georg Walter] 1902- *Ueber Dauererfolge der supracondylaren Keilosteotomie des Femur bei Genu valgum, nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Aetiologie und Pathologie dieser Deformitat. 34p. 11 tab 8? Lpz. [A. Pries] 1927. JUNGHANNS 717 JUNGNICKEL ____Die Zottengeschwiilste des Dickdarms und Mastdarms. 208 1. illust. 4? Frankf. [1935?] Typewritten. ---- Die Pathologie der Wirbelsaule. p.216- 429. 25^cm. Berl., J. Springer, 1939. In Handb spez. path. Anat. Histol. (O. Lubarsch, & F< Henke) Bd 9,' T. 4. ---- Der Stiitz- und Bewegungsapparat; Knochengeriist, Gelenke, Muskeln, Sehnen, Seh- nenscheiden und Schleimbeutel. ix, 118p. 24}^cm. Lpz., J. A. Barth, 1939. T. 1, Path.-physiol. Grundl. Chir. JUNGHANS, Erich, 1910- *Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Trauma und Lungen- tuberkulose [Halle-Wittenberg] 24p. 21cm. Wurzb., R. Mayr, 1937. JUNGHANS, Hans, 1908- *Beitrag zu den subcutanen Pankreas-Verletzungen [Frei- burg] 20p. 8? Schramberg (Wurttemb.) Gatzer & Hahn, 1932. JUNGHANS, Helmut, 1910- *Die Fi- guration als unterstiitzendes Verfahren der Strahlenbehandlung der Carcinome mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Collum-Carcinome [Munchen] 16p. 22cm. Diisseld., G. H. Nolte, 1937. JUNGHAUS [Richard Gustav] Erich, 1906- *Ueber 5000 Spiilungen mit dem subaqualen Darmbad. 28p. 8? Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1932. JUNGHERR, Erwin. See Pappenheimer, A. M., & Goettsch, M., & Jungherr, E. Nutritional encephalomalacia in chicks ... 121p. 23cm. Storrs, Conn., 1939. JUNGHOLT, Heinz, 1900- *Ueber das Verhalten der elastischen Fasern in der Zungen- schleimhaut bei fortschreitendem Lebensalter. 46p. 8? Erlangen, Hofer & Limmert, 1932. JUNGIUS, Joachim, fl. 17. century. Liidtke, H. Des Joachimi Jungii Lubecensis handschrift- licher Nachlass. Sudhoffs Arch., 1936-37, 29: 366-405. Materialien iiber die Beziehungen zwischen Jungius und Descartes. Ibid., 409-22. ------& Meyer, A. Zur Aktuali- tat des Joachim Jungius. Ibid., 406-8. JUNGK, Gerhard [Friedrich Waldemar] 1914- *Der Einfluss der Aussentemperatur auf die Verbrennungsgeschwindigkeit des Aethyl- alkohols beim Kaninchen. 24p. 21cm. Berl. [n. p.] 1939. JUNGLE. See also Tropical medicine; Tropics. United States War Department. Basic field manual FM 31-20: Jungle warfare. 87p. Wash. 1941. Carter, H. P. Medical problems in jungle warfare. Mil. Surgeon, 1942, 91: 640-7—Freyd, A. Pathologie d'Amazonie PSruvienne. Rev. mid. hyg. trop., Par., 1930, 22: 145-88 — Jungle (At a) first aid station in Panama. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 121: 1223. JUNGLE yellow fever. See under Yellow fever. JUNGMANN, Alfred, 1910- *Gibt es geheilte Falle von Lymphogranujomatose oder die Moglichkeit bei diesen Leiden Heilung zu erzielen? 51p. 21cm. Berl B Levy, 1936. JUNGMICHEL, Gottfried [M. D., 1927, Greifswald] Alkoholbestimmung im Blut; Me- thodik und forensische Bedeutung. vn, 124p. tab diagr. 8? Berl., C. Heymann, 1933. JUNGNE, Pierre, 1907- *Contribution k I'etude de la loi des assurances sociales; l'assu- rance maladie, l'assurance maternite; leurs fonctionnement, les premiers resultats. 76p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1931. JUNGNICKEL [Otto Emil] Joachim, 1912- *Histochemischer Nachweis von Cadmium im Kieferknochen und Zahnhartgewebe bei experi- menteller Cadmiumfiitterung. 16p. 2234cm. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. JUNGNITZ, Alfred, 1891- *Beitrage zur Frage der operativen Behandlung der Prostata- hypertrophie und des Prostatakarzinoms [Rostock] 23p. 8? Berl., E. Ebering, 1920. JUNGSBLUTH, Anton, 1897- *Beitrage zur Diagnose und Behandlung der arteriellen Embolie. 29p. 8? Tiib., E. Gobel, 1930. JUNG-STILLING, Johann Heinrich, 1740- 1817. Leibbrand, W. Neue Mystik. In his Gottl. Stab d. Aeskulap, Salzb., 1939, 338-44.—Ramsauer, R. Jung-Stilling (1740-1817) als Naturforscher. Sudhoffs Arch., 1937-38, 30: 282-94. JUNIPERUS. See also Coniferae. Vernet, A. M. *Sur les essences de deux Juni- perus: Juniperus sabina L. et Juniperus phoenicea L. 180p. 8? Lyon, 1935. Assay of juniper for volatile oil content. Bull. Nat. For- mulary Com. U. S., 1939-40, 8: 162-4.—Bredemann, G., & K otter, W. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wacholderbeeren (Fructus juniperi) Arch. Pharm., Berl., 1931, 269: 167-75.— Foschi, M. Sull'azione oxitocica della sabina e sulle sue pratiche applicazioni. Clin, vet., Milano, 1938, 61: 474-81.— Guinier, P. Notes biologiques sur un gen6vrier des Alpes francaises (Juniperus thurifera L.) C. rend. Soc. biol., 1929, 100: 1142-4.—Heurre, R. Sur les essais de l'huile de cade. Bull. sc. pharm., 1921, 28: 508-12. ------ A propos de l'essai de l'huile de cade. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1926, 8. ser., 4: 65.—Kagaya, Y. Zur Pharmakologie der Sabina. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1927, 124: 245-7.—Lehman, A. J., & Lynn, E. V. The leaf oils of Washington conifers: Juniperus scopulo- rum. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1930, 19: 1071-5.—Lord, L. W. Oil of cadeberry; a little known drug that is valuable in certain dermatoses. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1933, 28: 29-31 — Lynn, E. V., & Fischer, L. The leaf oils of Washington conifers: Juniperus occidentalis. J. Am. Pharm. Ass. 1935,24:613-5.— Massy, R. Sur l'examen polarimetrique des huiles de cade. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1926, 8. ser., 4: 61-5.—Montuori, S., & Rigoletti, L. Studio comparativo sulla tossicit& dell'essenza di ginepro e dell'essenza di sandalo. Arch. ital. med. sper., 1939, 4: 163-6.—Papavassiliou, M. J. Sur deux cas d'intoxication par la sabine; la permeability placentaire k l'essence de sabine. Ann. med. lig., 1935, 15: 778-81.—Patoir, A., Patoir, G., & Bedrine, H. Action toxique de l'essence de sabine et de 1'armoise sur l'organisme. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 127: 1325.-—Revol, L. Genfrvier k encens Juniperus thurifera L. et son essence. Bull. sc. pharm., Par., 1935, 42: 577-89. L'essence constitute-t-elle 1'unique principe actif des Juniperus de la section sabina? action physiologique d'ex- traits de J. sabina, J. phoenicea, J. thurifera. Ibid., 1936, 43: 139-44.—Walther, K. Biologie und Systematik des Wachol- ders (Juniperus communis L.) Deut. Heilpflanze, 1940, 6: 28-30.-—Wright, E., & Slagg, C. M. Some tentative con- clusions resulting from plot analyses of Phomopsis-blighted juniper seedlings in Great Plains Nurseries during 1941. Phytopathology, 1942, 32: 19.—Zollner. E. Der Wacholder in der deutschen Volkskunde. Deut. Heilpflanze, 1937-38, 4: 197. JUNIUS [pseud.] [Letters] 2v. xxxv, 318p. [paged consecutively] illust. portr. facs. 22cm. Lond., T. Bensley, 1801. JUNIUS, Adrian, 1511-75. Animadverso- rum lib. VI. [28] 432p. 8? Basel, 1556. JUNIUS, Paul, 1871- Die entschadigungs- pflichtigen Berufskrankheiten des Auges. 51p. 8? Stuttg., F. Enke, 1907. Forms Beilh. v.99, Klin. Mbl. Augenh. ---- & KUHNT (Hermann). Die scheiben- formige Entartung der Netzhautmitte (De- eeneratio maculae luteae disciformis) vii, 132p. 8? Berl., S. Karger, 1926. JUNK, Erich, 1906- *Quantitative, vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die krampf- losende Wirkung einiger neuerer Spasmolytika beim experimentell erzeugten myogenen und neurogenen Krampf am isolierten Kaninchen- darm. 23p. 8? Erlangen, K. Dores, 1936. JINK 718 JUPEAU w JUNK, Ernst, 1873- ♦Beitrage zur Genese und Therapie der Aktinomykose des Menschen unter gleichzeitigcr Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Forschungen in der Tiermedizin [Berlin] 44p. 8? Charlottenb., K. & R. Hoff- mann, 1937. JUNK, Wilhelm, 1866- Scientiae naturalis bibliographia. Haag, v.l, 1937- Also editor of Tabulae biologicae. Berl., 1925-29. JINK [incl. junk dealer] See also Refuse; Salvage; Waste. Brill. J. G., & Payne, E. G. Junking. In their Adolesc Court A- Crime Prev., N. Y., 1938, 141-5.—Cabot, P. c! The salvage of rubber and metals. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 119: 181. Codling, J. H. Salvage operations in refuse disposal at Birmingham, J. IL San. Inst., 1937-38, 58: 414-26.—Gair, J. Refuse disposal by separation and salvage. Tr. Internat Conf. San. Engin., 1924, 1. Congr., 325-34.—Peck, A. P. Domestic rubber plantations; scrap rubber, reclaimed, can go far to fill the gap in military and in some civilian needs. Sc American, 1942, 167: 105-7.—W., T. S. Worn rubber goods for national defense. Am. J. Surg., 1941,53: 1. JUNKENITZ, Karl, 1900- Teber das 3. Fragment bei Knochelbriichen. 16p. 8? Wiirzb., F. Staudenraus, 1927. JUNKENITZ, Nikolaus, 1907- *Ueber pathologisch-anatomisehe Organveii'inderungen bei Katzen die mit gechlorten Kohlenwasser- stoffen akut vergiftet wurden (Methodik, Ergebnisse, Literatur) 39p. 8? Wurzb., G. Crasser, 1933. JUNKER, Erika Lisa, 1907- *Das Rhinophyma und seine Behandlung [Leipzig] 22p. 8? Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1933. JUNKER, Fritz Hermann, 1911- ♦Die Diagnostik des Carcinoms durch die Bestim- mung der atoxylresistentcn und Gesamtlipase im Blutserum und durch die Carcinomreaktion nach H. J. Fuchs. 19p. 8? Giessen, W. Heir, 1935. JUNKER, Wilhelm, 1910- ♦Die thera- peutischen Untersuchungen bei der Pneumonic in den letzten 35 Jahren. 27p. 4 tab. 8° Bonn, A. Brand, 1937. JUNKERFEUERBORN, Heinrich, 1913- *Ein Beitrag zur Bedeutung und Notwendigkeit der Schulzahnpflege im Kreise Wiedenbriick- Xord [Miinster] 23p. 8? Lengerich i. W., Lengerich. Handelsdr. [1937] JUNKMANN, K. Thyreotropes Hormon und verwandte Hormone, p.1027-111. 8° Berl., Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1938. In Handb. biol. Arbeitsmeth. (Abderhalden, E.) Berl 1938 5: T. 3. B. 2. Halfte. JUNOD, Edouard, 1870-1927. T. E. [N6croloeie] Rev. med. Suisse rom.. 1927, 47: 113. JUNOLD [Paul] Johannes, 1909- * Ueber das diastatische Ferment im Speichel anurer Amphibien. 30p. 8? Lpz. [n. p.] 1933. JUNOT, Andoche, 1771-1813. Ehlers. [General Junot's mental derangement and dramatic death] Ugeskr. laeger, 1928, 90: 961-3. JUNQUEIRA Franco, Joao, [M. D., 1933, S Paulo] *Do emprego do soro precipitante anti- humano secco na reaccao de Uhlenhuth. 39p 8? S. Paulo, Rev. dos Tribunaes, 1933. JUON, Martin [M. D., 1927, Lausanne] ♦Recherches sur les cutireactions specifiques des infections allergisantes et leurs rapports avec la vitesse de sedimentation [Lausanne] 24p. 8? Basel, Benno Schwabe & co., 1927. JUOZAPAVICIUS, Kazys, 1906- ♦Con- tribution a I'etude de la grippe asphvxique. 65p. 8° Par., L. Rodstein, 1933. JUPE, Franz, 1901- *Beitrag zur Analyse der verkalkten Epitheliome der Haut. 19p. S° Bresl., Quader Dr., 1928. JUPEAU, Michel, 1915- ♦Considerations psychologiqucs sur le reclassement social des tuberculeux sortant dc sanatorium. :L~>p. 24cm. Par., E. Le Francois, 1939. JUPITZ, Otto, 1900 *Ueber die Lage von Profilpmikten an Schi'ideln der Blumen- bach'schen Sa tnmlung des Anatomischen Institute in Gottingen [Wurzburg] 31p. 4 pl. 4 diagr. 8? Erlangen, K. Dores, 1928. JUPITZ, Walter [Erwin] 1908- * Ueber einen Fall von Osteofibrosarkom der Nasen- nebenhohlen (ein Beitrag zur Frage der Xason- nebenhohlentumoren) 36p. 8? Bonn, P Kubens, 1932. JUQUELIER, A. See Porcher, P., & Juquelier, A. Precis de technique radiographique. 332p. 25cm. Par., 1938. JURAIN, Henri, 1914- *Recherches experimentales sur la respiration des globules rouges nuchles; influence de l'adrenaline, de ^acetylcholine, de la thyroxine, de l'iode et des serums humains normaux et pathologiques 115p. 24cm. Lyon, Salut Public, 1939. JURASZ, Antoni Aleksander Tomasz, 1882- Honorary fellowship for Prof. Jurasz. Brit. M. J„ 1942, 1: 277.—Polish professor honored. J. Am. M. Ass 1942' 119:200. JURBLUM, Boruch, 1910- ♦Contribu- tion k I'etude des elimiations urinaires des complexes hormonaux antehypophysaires et de la folliculine. 57p. 8? Par., Jouve & cie, 1935 JURBLUM, Sora Chana [M. D., 1925, Geneve] ♦La reaction de Kahn et sa valeur comparative avec la reaction de Bordet-Wassermann pour le diagnostic de la syphilis. 15p. 8? Geneve, J. Guerrv, 1925. JURBORSKIS, Mejeris L., 1903- ♦Pro- cedes actuels de l'avortement criminel. 31p. 8° Strasb., La Bourse, 1933. JURETSCHKE, Bernhard, 1896- * Ueber Myelome des Schadels mit Beteiligung der Orbita. 30p. 10 pl. 8? Berl., Michel, 1934. JURETSCHKE, Walter, 1904- ♦Foetus mortuusim Rontgenbild. 47p. 22Kcm. Wiirzb R. Mayr, 1938. '' JURETTKO, Paul, 1889- ♦Beitrage zur Toxikologie des Knollenblatterschwammes (Ama- nita phalloides) 34p. 8? Bresl., H. Kramer, 1925. JURGENS, Henry Joseph, 1872-1941. For obituary see Month. Bull. Adams Co. M. Soc 1941 18: 23, portr. '' ' JURGENS, Indrik Karlovich, 1888-1917. Danilov, S. [Obituary] J. Russ. fiz. khim. obshch. khim ch., 1917, 49: 119-22. JURIE, R. [M. D., 1938, Toulouse] ♦Traite- ment curatif du tetanos par l'ethanol en injections endoveineuses associee a la serotherapie. 52p. 24cm. [Toulouse] Impr. Toulousaine, 1938. JURISPRUDENCE. See also Law; also specific legal subjects and terms as Abattoirs, Laws; Abortion; Accidents, Medico-legal ' aspects; Adolescence, Forensic aspects; Adultery; Advertising; Criminal law; Health law, etc. Caracas. Colegio de abogados del distrito federal. Revista. Caracas, v.4, 1940- CURRENT LEGAL THOUGHT. N. Y., V.2, 1935- Doctor (The) and the Law. Wheaton, v.5, Llyoo]— [Annual] index to the nation's legal periodicals. Current Legal Thought, 1940-41, 7: 541 053. -Arthur, W. R. [Legal] glossary. In his Law of Druj-'s. 2. ed., S Paul 1940 p xxv- XX-!f7Bes,S0,' ¥' A-', Neu,e Rechtsinstitute a'], Erkenntnis- mittel und als Auswirkung der bei der Rechtsbildung wirkenden Krafte. In Festschr. H. Zangger, Zur., 1935, l: 504-14.__ JURISPRUDENCE 719 JURNAL Rmwn T G Legal factors in social disorganization. In his KrVaih N Y 1942, 5^34-Canyes, MS. The Pan American Union and comparative law studies m the Americas. Bull. Panamer. Union, 1942, 76: 681-9.— D Ameho, M. Misure di sicurezza nei Codice Civile Arch antrop cran.. Milano, 1938, 58: 1-10—Del Picchia Filho, J. O C6digo do mocesso civil brasileiro e o assistente-tecmco. Kev. Arq. mun., S. Paulo, 1941, 7: No. 75 251-4.—Fleiner.FKausa- litatsprobleme im Verwaltungsrecht. In Festschr. H. Zangger Ziir., 1935, 1: 496-503.—Florian, E. L'insegnamento del diritto e della procedura penale. Scuola posit., 1920, 36: 34_6 —Guzman, P. Apuntaciones sobre el m6todo tradicional de interpretaci6n de las leyes. Rev. Col. abogados, Caracas, 1940 4- No 16, 21-53.—Hartter, G. Das Gottesgericht bei den Ewe. Zsehr. Ethnol., 1937-38, 69: 63-72— Haff, K. Rechtspsychologie; Forschungen zur Individual- und Massen- psvcholoKvpHa*i aKyuiepcxBa h /KeHCKiixt 6ojrhe3Hefi. Leningrad, v.1-44, 1887-1933 Beginning with No. 1, 1937, title reads Akusherstvo i ginekologia. [JURNAL detskikh boleznei] JKypHaji ACTCkhxt. 6ojie3Heu. Leningrad, v.l, Nos 1-3, 1925. ., . , ... ... , [JURNAL eksperimentalnoi biologn 1 mediciny] >KypHaji aKcnepimeHTajiHofi 6uojiorHH h mcah- uhhm. Moskva, No. 1, 1925- [JURNAL epidemiologii i mikrobiologii] '/KvDHaji anHAeaiHOJiorHH h MUKpoSuoJioriiH. Moskva Nos 1-12, 1932-33. BeS'ngwith v.16. 1936, title reads [Jurnal mikrobi- ologii. epidemiologii i immunobiologii] 1JURNAL po izuchenniu rannevo detskovo vozrasta] HCypnaJi no Hay^eHHK) pannero Aexc- Koro BospacTa. Moskva, y.9-11, 1929-31. Beginning with v.12 1932, title reads [Jurnal po ran- npmu detskomu vozrastu] .... TJURNAL mikrobiologn, epidemiologii 1 im- munobiologii] IKypHaji MHKpo6HOJIOrHH, 3UH- AeMiiojioriiH h HMMyHo6uojioruH. Moskva, v.16, 1936- Formerly [Jurnal epidemiologii i mikrobiologii] Nos 1-12, 1932-33, and [Jurnal mikrobiologii i immunobiologii] v.8-9, 1931-33. [JURNAL mikrobiologii i immunobiologii] rKvpHaji MHKpo6HOJIOrHH H HMMVHoSHOJIOrHH. Moskva, v.8-9, 1931-33. Formerly [Jurnal mikrobiologii, patologii i infektsionnykh boleznei] v.2-5, 1925-28; beginning with 1935 title reads pato [Jurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii] [JURNAL mikrobiologii, patologii i infektsion- nykh boleznei] JKypHaji MHKpo6HOJiorHH, naTo- noruii h HH^eKuuoHHbix 6ojie3Heii. Moskva, v.2-5, 1925-28. Title changes in 1930 to [Jurnal mikrobiologii i immuno- biologii] [JURNAL nevropatologii i psikhiatrii] HypHaji HeBponaTOJioriu u ncuxiaTpiu. Moskva, v. 1-24, 1901-31. Beginning with v.2, 1933, title reads [Sovetskaia nevro- patologia, psikhiatria i psikhogigiena] [JURNAL profilakticheskoi, subtropicheskoi i klinicheskoi mediciny] JKypHaji iipo<])HjiaKTH- necKOft, cy6TporuttrecKOii h kjihhhucckoh Me- Ahuhhm. Tashkent, v.4, 1934- [JURNAL po rannemu detskomu vozrastu] /KvpHaji no paHHeMy AeTCKOMy B03pacTy. Moskva, v.12, 1932- Formerly [Jurnal po izuchenniu rannevo detskovo vozrasta] v.9-11, 1929-31. [JURNAL teoreticheskoi i prakticheskoi medi- ciny] /Kypiiaji TeopeTuuecKoft h npaKTHuecKoii MeAHuiiHw. Baku, v.l, 1924- [JURNAL ushnykh, nosovykh i gorlovykh boleznei] VKypHaji vuihbix, hocobbix h ropjio- bbix 5ojie3Heii. Kharkov, v.16, 1939- [JURNAL dlia usovershenstvovania vrachei] /KypHaji ajih ycoBepmeHCTBOBaHHH Bpaieii. Leningrad, v.4, 1926- JURSS, Charles Darwin, 1902- ♦Injec- tion treatment of varicose veins [Marquette] 17p. 4? Wauwatosa, Wis., 1931. Typewritten. JURY [incl. juror] Gorres, K. H. Der Wahrspruch der Geschworenen und seine p.svchologischen Grundlagen. Jurist, psychiat. Grenzfr., 1903 I : H. 2 & 3, 1-96.—Herschmann, H. Schwurgerichts- krise' und forensische Psyehiatrie. Beitr. gerichtl. Med., 1929 9- 56-68—Koch, C. R. E. Exemption of dentists from jury'duty. In his Hist. Dent. Surg., Chic, 1909, 1: 852-4 — Weld, H. P., & Danzig, E. R. A study of the way in which a verdict is reached by a jury. Am. J. Psychol., 1940, 53: 518-36. JURYTKO, Anton, 1908- ♦Die Lumbal- punktion als therapeutischer Eingriff, mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kopfverletzungen. 48p. 8? Berl., Gebr. Hoffmann, 1935. JUSATZ, Helmut Hugo Joachim, 1907- ♦Untersuchungen iiber die Moglichkeit, mensch- liche Colibakterien von tierischen durch die Prazipitation zu unterscheiden, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Serologie des Bacillus coli. p.39-60. 8? Jena, G. Fischer, 1932. Also Zbl. Bakt., 1. Abt., 1932, 124: JUSEK, Hans Georg Albert, 1908- ♦Die Kehlkopftuberkulose in ihrer Beziehung zu den Allergiephasen der Lungentuberkulose [Breslau] 20p. 8? Ochsenfurt a. M., Fritz & Rappert, 1938. JUS primae noctis. See also Marriage; Virginity. Buschan. Die Prostitution in der Volkerkunde; Jus primae noctis. In Handb. Sexwiss. (Moll, A.) 3 Aufl., Lpz. 1926 1: 351 —Jus primae noctis on Malabar Coast. In Untrodd. Fields Anthrop., 1898, 2: 134.—Metzger-Hoesch, O. Jus primae noctis. Arch. Frauenk., 1914, 1: 432-4. JUSSEAUME 720 JUSTICE JUSSEAUM K. Gerard Edmond Jacques, 1907- ♦De l'emploi du bacteriophage de d'Herelle comme traitement des otites moyennes suppurees. 56p. 8° Par., Impr. Yieillemard, 1931. JUSSIEU, Christophe-de, fl. IS. century. Ferran, ('. A propos de la c6r6monie de la confection de la theriaque k l'hotel de ville de Lyon sous Louis XIV. Bull. Soc. fr. hist, med., 1934, 28: 166-73. JUSSIEUA. Bandoni, A. J. Jussieua bonariensis. 71p. 26cm. B. Air., 1940. Jl ST, Ernest Everett, 1883-1941. Basic methods for experiments on eggs of marine animals, x, 89p. 23^cm. Phila., P. Blakiston's son & co. [1939] ---- The biology of the cell surface, xi, 392p. illust. 23}4cm. Phila., P. Blakiston's son & co. [1939] See also Lillie, F. R. [Obituarv] Anat. Rec, 1942, 82: suppl., 17. Also Science, 1942, 95: 10.—[Obituary] J. Wash- ington Acad. Sc, 1942, 32: 124. JUST, Gunther, 1892- Erbpsychologie der Schulbegabung. p.538-91. 25cm. Berl., J. Springer, 1939. In Handb. Erbbiol. Mensch. (G. Just) Bd 5, T. 1. Also editor of Zeitschrift fiir menschliche Vererbungs- und Konstitutionslehre. Berl., 19: 1935- Also editor of Handbuch der Erbbiologie des Menschen. Berl., v.l. 1939- JUST, Kurt, 1905- *Fisteln dentalen Ursprungs [Heidelberg] 23p. 8? Mannheim, A. Hinze & Sonne, 1928. JUST, Otto, 1897- *Der klimatische Bubo in der Reichsmarine auf Grund der von 1924-32 beobachteten Falle (eine zusammen- fassende Uebersicht iiber den augenblicklichen Stand) 36p. 8? Kiel, E. Mittler & Sohn, 1933. JUST, Rudolf. Fasten und Fastcnkuren; Beobachtungen und Ki fahrungen aus langjahriger praktischer Arbeit. 2. Aufl. 113p. 8? Bad Harzburg, Author, 1929. JUST, Theodore Hartmann, 1886-1937. Obituary. S. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1937, 70: 9-14, portr.—Scott, S. R. Obituary. S. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1936-37, 44: 99, portr. JUST, Walter, 1904- *Ueber Pneumo- kokkenmeningitis (in den Jahren 1923 bis August 1928, an der Kieler Medizinischen Klinik beobachteten Falle) 22p. 8? Kiel, Kieler Ztg, 1929 JUST, Werner, 1910- *Tierexperimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung neuer Insuline. 28p. 21&cm. Wiirzb., R. Mayr, 1938. JUSTEN, Ralph Theodore, 1913- *Pseu- do-hemophilia; a review of the literature [Co- lumbia Hosp.] 11 1. 28cm. Milwaukee, 1941. Type written. JUSTER, Emile. Traitement des affections neuro-cutanees (prurits, dermites provoquees ou simulees, dermatoses neuro-humoro-circulatoires, infections neuro-cutanees) preface de M. A. Louste. viii, 126p. 8? Par., Masson et cie, 1929. JUSTER, Jacqueline, 1912- *Contribu- tion k I'etude des erythroblastoses de l'adulte. 91p. 8? Par., Le Francois, 1937. JUSTI, Eduard Wilhelm Leonhard, 1904- Spezifische Warme, Enthalpie, Entropie und Dissociation technischer Gase. vi, 157p. illust. 8? Berl., J. Springer, 1938. JUSTICE. See also Judgment; Jurisprudence; Law; Reward; Punishment. Berglin, C. G. [The public sense of justice fantasy] Sven. lak. tidn., 1938, 35: 1672-6.—Ioteyko, I. Rapport sur le sentiment de la justice; enquete faite dans deux ecoles normales. Rev. psychol., Brux., 1911, 4: 55-69.—Justice in a war-time Army. Mil. Rev., Fort Leavenw., 1942, 22: No. 86, 31-6.- Kelsen. IL Conditions of international justice. In Science A Man (Anshen, R. N.) N. Y 1942, 375-97.- Pekelis. A. IL Administrative discretion and the rule of la\\. Social. Bes., 1943, 10: 22-37.—Schmeing, K. Justiz uml Eidetik. Mschr. Krim. Psychol., 1937, 28: 113-28.—Sumner. F. ('.. & Campbell, A. S. Attitudes toward the administration of justice. J. Psychol., Provincet., 1939, 8: 23 -52. Ueda. T. The psychol- ogy of justice. Pedag. Semin., Worcester, 1912, 19: 297-349.— Williams, F. E. Croup sentiment and primitive justice. Am. Anthrop., 1941, 43: 523-39.—Zilboorg. G. Some primitive trends in civilized justice. J. Crim. Psychopath., 1942-43, 4: 599-604. JUSTIN, Florence, 1895- , & SNYDER. Mary Eunice. Directed observation in child development. x, 165p. diagr. 28cm. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin co. [1938] Jl STLN-BESANCON, Louis Eugene, 1901- See LemiSrre, A., & Justin-Besancon, L. Therapeutiques hydro-climatologique des maladies du rein et des voies urinaires. 137p. 8! Par., 1934. Also Villaret, Maurice, & Justin- Besancon, L. Clinique et therapeutique hydro-climatiques. 254p. 8? Par., 1932. ------ Contribution a I'etude des spasmes vasculaires. 268p. 21Hcm. Par. [1937]? Also Villaret, M., Justin-Besancon, L., & Cachera, R. Recherches experimentales sur quelques esters de la choline. 254p. 8° Par., 1934. See also in 4. ser. Besancpn, Justin Louis Eugene. JUSTITZ, Heinz, 1909- *Melanotische Pracancerose. 30p. 8? Zur., 1935. JUSTO, Juan B., 1865-1928. Gutierrez, A. [Necrologio] Rev. cir., B. Air., 1928, 7: 1-11, portr. JUSTO, Sara, -1941. Necrologia. Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: pt 2, 2030. JUSTO del Carril, Mario. La difteria en la infancia; estudio clinico y terapeiitico. 177p. illust. diagr. 23}4cm. B. Air., A. G. Buffarini, 1931. JUSTUS, frater, fl. 6. cent. Durodie. A propos du moine Justus et de l'institution du Trentain. Bull. Soc. med. chir. Bordeaux, 1917, 68-72. JUTE. See also Textile. Andrade, A. C. de. Podridao das raizes, Rosellinia, em juta indiana. Biologico, S. Paulo, 1942, 8: 217.—Imshenetsky, A. A., & Kokurina, N. A. [Destruction of jute coverings on ships by microorganisms] Microbiology, Moskva, 1941, 10: 739-51.—Jute cultivation in Russia. Current Sc, Bangalore, 1941, 10: 158.—Stevens, F. A., & Jordani, L. Sensitization to jute. J. Allergy, 1937-38, 9: 610-2. JUTTE, Max Ernest, 1875- You must eat meat; fancies, foibles and facts about meat. xi, 164p. illust. diagr. 8? N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1936. JUUL, Jens, 1896-1938. Experimental studies on Roentgen treatment of malignant tumors. 104p. 2 pl. 8? Kbh., Levin & Munksgaard, 1929. Forms Suppl. 9, Acta radiol. Krebs, C. Nekrolog. Acta radiol., Stockh., 1938, 19: 1-3. Also Hospitalstidende, 1938, 81: 173-5, portr. JUUL, Kai Aksel, 1904- *Kaudruck und Zerkleinerungsfahigkeit bei Kindern mit normaler und abnormaler Occlusion. 39p. 4pl. 8? Bonn, H. Trapp, 1932. JUVARA, Ernest, 1870-1933. Christidi [Obituary] Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1933 22- 420-3.—Cosacescu [Obituary] Ibid., 417-9.—Fagarasanu I [Obituary] Spitalul, 1933, 53: 241-3.—NSerologie. P verb' Congr. Soc. internat. chir., 1936, 10. Congr., 1: 209. JUVENALIS, Decimus Junius, ca 60- ca 140. Cordell, E. F. The medicine and doctors of Juvenal Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1903, 14: 283-7. JUVENILE court. See Court [juvenile] JUVENILISM. See Dwarfism; Infantilism. JUVIN, Max, 1908- *Recherches sur les derives bismuthique et stibie du thio-pro- panolsulfonate de sodium. 84p. 8? Lyon Bosc fr., 1934. ' JUXTAARTICULAR 721 JUXTAARTICULAR JUXTAARTICULAR nodosity. See also Fibrositis; Granuloma; Lipoidosis; Subcutis; also under names of primary diseases as Arthritis, Periarthritis; Rheumatic fever; Rheumatism; Syphilis, etc. Alexander, A. Zur Frage der Lipogranulomatosis sub- cutanea. Klin. Wschr., 1929, 8: 2138.—Alieva, T. K. [Jux- taarticular nodosities] Zbl. Hautkr., 1929, 29: 190 (Abstr.)— Aramaki, Y. Ein Fall von Nodosites juxtaarticulaires beob- achtet bei einem Japaner. Ibid., 829 (Abstr.)—Asencio Camacho. F. Juxta articular nodules. Bol. As. med. Puerto Rico, 1936, 28: 99-102. ------ Subcutaneous nodules of juxta-articular variety. Ibid., 1937, 29: 296-300.—B., R. W. Haygarth's nodosities. N. England J. M., 1941, 224: 568 — Banzi, A. Un caso di nodositi juxta-articolari. Cult. med. mod.. Pal., 1926, 5: 551-4.—Becker, S. W., & Obermayer, M. E. Juxta-articular nodules. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1935, 31: 744.—Bernard, R. Les nodosites des saillies osseuses. Bruxelles med., 1925-26, 6: 212-5; 1926-27, 7: 1083-6. Also Urol. Cut. Rev., 1927, 31: 643-7.—Breijer, H. B. G., Elsbach, E. M., & Hermans, E. H. (Exotic affections in Netherlands; juxta-articular nodes] Acta leiden., 1935-36, 10:-11: 30-43, 2 pl. Also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 1100-6.—Brochet, L. Nodosites juxta-articulaires chez le cheval. Zbl. Hautkr., 1928, 25: 429 (Abstr.)—Burlamaqui Benchimol, N. Molestia de Lutz-Jeanselme. Rev. med. cir. Brasil, 1939, 47: 246-9.— Castronuovo. G. Nodosity iuxta-articolari. Gior. ital. mal. esot., 1929, 2: 351.—Coste, F., Saeuz, A., & Costil, L. Bacilles aeido-resistants dans une nodosite juxta-articulaire. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1933, 49: 3. ser., 1369-73.—Delanoe, P. Un cas de nodosite juxta-articulaires sensibles au-traitement antisyphilitique. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie, 1929, 7: 202.— Del Favero, E. Le nodosita juxtaarticolari. Zbl. Hautkr., 1928, 28: 195 (Abstr.)—Ebert, M. H. Juxta-articular nodes. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic. 1935, 32: 675. -Fabian, A. [Juxta- articular nodes (Jeanselme-Lutz disease)] Cesk. derm., 1936, 16: 63-7—Fenner, F. J. The occurrence of juxtaarticular nodules in Australia. Med. J. Australia, 1938, 2: 412-7, pl — Fontoynont, M., Girard, G., & Woltz, H. Nouvelle conception pathogenique des nodosites juxtaarticulaires des Malgaches, avec les deductions qu'elle comporte. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1931, 24: 209-14.—Franchi, F. Due casi di nodosita juxta-articolori arsenoresistenti in indigeni eritrei. Gior. ital. derm, sif., 1937, 78: No. 1, Suppl., 18-21.—Gadrat, J., & Salvador, Nodosites juxta-articulaires et tuberculose. Bull. Soc. fr. derm, syph., 1934, 41: 669-73.—Gros, H. Nodosites juxta-articulaires chez les indigenes Musulmans de l'Algerie. Bull. med. Algerie, 1907, 18: 145-8.—Hanau.G. Nodosita juxta- articolari. Gazz. osp., 1933, 54: 1305.—Heft, B. B. [Juxta-artic- ular nodules] Vrach gaz., 1929, 33: 2422-4.—Higoumenakis, G. C. Contribution k I'etude des nodosites juxta-articulaires de Lutz- Jeanselme. Ann. mal. vener., 1938, 33: 649-66, 5 pl.—Hirsch [Nodositates iuxtaarticulares] Przegl. derm., Warsz. 1936, 31: 97.—Hoffmann, H. Juxtaartikulare Knoten. p.419-98. 8° Berl., 1932. In Handb. Haut Geschlkr. (Jadassohn, J. et al.) Berl., 1932, Bd XII/L—Hopkins, H. H. Subcutaneous nodules of the juxta-articular type. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1931, 49: 5-16.—Hue, G. Bees, epines, ossifications juxta-articulaires et rhumatisme. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1938, 5: 272-85—Hudson, E. H. Juxta-articular nodules in Eu- phrates Arabs. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1934-35, 28: 511-22, 2 pl.—Izeki, K. A study on nodosites juxta- articulaires, with special reference to their treatment with salvarsan. Acta derm., Kyoto, 1933, 22: 108.—Jeanselme, E. Des nodosites juxta-articulaires observees sur les indigenes de la presqu'Ile indo-chinoise. Rev. med. hyg. trop., Par., 1905, 2: 11-6. ------ Des nodosites juxta-articulaires; leur repartition geographique; leur structure; leur etiologie. Rev. derm, argent., 1925-26, 11: 73-83. —---- & Eliashev, O. Examen histologique de 2 nodosites juxta-articulaires. Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Paris, 1926, 3. ser. 150: 1404-7. ------ Contribution a I'etude de la structure des nodosites juxta- articulaires. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1927, 57: 25-7—Kadaner. Un cas de nodosites juxta-articulaires chez un blanc. Ann. Soc. beige med. trop., 1928, 8: 57.—Lapa, A. Contribuicao para o estudo da etio-patogenia das nodosidades juxta-arti- culares. Lisboa med., 1930, 7: 455-81.—La Terza, C. Nodulos juxta-articulares de Lutz e Jeanselme; um caso. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1930, 28: 35-8.—McCoy, G. W., & Hollmann, H. T. Juxta-articular nodules. Am. J. Trop. Dis. 1915-16, 3: 458, pl.—Margeridon, P. Des nodosites juxta-articulaires, leur repartition en Afrique equatorial. Presse med., 1926, 34: 1579.—Matras. Nodositas juxtaarticularis. Zbl. Haut Geschlkr., 1935-36, 52: 274.—Meer, H. H. van der [Nodosites juxta-articulaires] Ned. tschr. geneesk 1940, 84: 2292 — Memorskij, W. Nodositas juxtaarticularis ohne Syphdis. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1934-35, 171: 610.—Montel, L. R. Nodosites juxta-articulaires chez les Annamites; traitement par le novarsenobenzol. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1920, 13: 554-6. ------ Nodosites juxta-articulaires. Ibid., 1933, 26: 458-61.—Montenegro, J. Nodosidades juxta-articulares de Lutz-Jeanselme. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, S. Paulo, 1941, 1: 447-56, incl. 2 pl.—Mutel & Corret, Tuberculoses juxta- articulaires. Rev. med. Nancy, 1938, 66: 234-7.—Navarro, J. C, & Beretervide, E. Las nudosidades reumdticas. Rev. 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Ueber Nodositas juxta-articularis (nodosite juxtaarticulaire Lutz- Jeanselme) Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1929-30, 159: 541-50 — Wilkens, J. T. [Case of juxta-articular nodosities] Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1927, 71: pt 2, 1079-81.—Wolf, M. Zur Kenntnis der juxta-artikularen Knoten. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 1420-2.—Zakon, S. J., & Allen, H. S. Palmar juxta- articular nodes; a brief review of the literature and a report of a case. Q. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. School, 1940, 14: 270-3. JUXTARESTIFORM body. See under Cerebellum. JWASCHKIEWITSCH - KLEWTSCHINSKY, Marie. See Ivashkievich-Klevchinsky, Marie. JZIKOWITZ, Moise, 1907- *Les tumeurs malignes de la ratine. 72p. 24cm. Par., L. Rodstein, 1937. [END OF VOLUME EIGHT, FOURTH SERIES] ■* V v %W'mmm§mmm